{"input": "Context Word: accepted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was accepted by PersonY for her club, so _ was a new member at last. \nSentence 2: PersonX was accepted by PersonY for her club, so _ had a new member at last."} {"input": "Context Word: recurring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been abused badly by PersonY , so the pain _ received was recurring every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been abused badly by PersonY , so the pain _ gave was recurring every day."} {"input": "Context Word: Indoors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX declined PersonY 's invitation to go on a long hike, as _ prefers to be indoors. \nSentence 2: PersonX declined to invite PersonY to go on a long hike, as _ prefers to be indoors."} {"input": "Context Word: Potatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave her fries to PersonY to eat, since _ absolutely detested the taste of fried potatoes . \nSentence 2: PersonX gave her fries to PersonY to eat, since _ absolutely loved the taste of fried potatoes ."} {"input": "Context Word: entering.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to keep PersonY from entering the house, but _ got to the door after her. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to keep PersonY from entering the house, but _ got to the door before her."} {"input": "Context Word: designer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much better style than PersonY , since _ had better taste in designer clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much better style than PersonY , since _ had no taste in designer clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: Clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a better rating on their restaurant's health inspection than PersonY because _ kept the place clean . \nSentence 2: PersonX got a lower rating on their restaurant's health inspection than PersonY because _ kept the place clean ."} {"input": "Context Word: part.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY memorize their lines, since _ was more familiar with the part . \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY memorize their lines, since _ was not familiar with the part ."} {"input": "Context Word: Interest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to accept their job application, as _ had shown a strong interest in it in the past. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to accept their job offer, as _ had shown a strong interest in it in the past."} {"input": "Context Word: peeling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was peeling the apple for PersonY so _ could give it to her to eat. \nSentence 2: PersonX was peeling the apple for PersonY so _ could take it from her to eat."} {"input": "Context Word: relieve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX came in to relieve PersonY because _ was well rested to continue the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX came in to relieve PersonY because _ was too exhausted to continue the game."} {"input": "Context Word: Cure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX succeeded in healing PersonY , as _ was the one who knew the cure for the illness. \nSentence 2: PersonX succeeded in healing PersonY , as _ was the one who needed the cure for the illness."} {"input": "Context Word: Lasagna.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave her meal to PersonY since _ was not partial to lasagna for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave her meal to PersonY since _ was not averse to lasagna for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: Prepared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX easily defeated PersonY in the contest, because _ was so well prepared for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX easily defeated PersonY in the contest, because _ was so poorly prepared for it."} {"input": "Context Word: Gift.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really appreciated PersonY , so _ gave a very nice gift to show her affection. \nSentence 2: PersonX really appreciated PersonY , so _ was given a very nice gift to see her affection."} {"input": "Context Word: Teen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to set an example of maturity for PersonY since _ was no longer a teen. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to set an example of maturity for PersonY since _ was still a teen."} {"input": "Context Word: extensions.", "output": "Sentence 1: After looking at the extensions PersonX helps PersonY because _ knew you can damage the hair. \nSentence 2: After looking at the extensions PersonX helps PersonY because _ forgets you can damage the hair."} {"input": "Context Word: Scratch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to remove a scratch from glass _ ignored the hack using baking soda. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to remove a scratch from glass _ praised the hack using baking soda."} {"input": "Context Word: sweaters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put on a couple of sweaters but PersonY did not as _ was feeling cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX put on a couple of sweaters but PersonY did not as _ was feeling warm."} {"input": "Context Word: assemble.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to assemble a flat pack chest of drawers but PersonY did not as _ was very practical. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to assemble a flat pack chest of drawers but PersonY did not as _ was very disorganised."} {"input": "Context Word: daisy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to grow a daisy with PersonY, but _ didn't know where to start. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to grow a daisy with PersonY, but _ didn't know how to grow it."} {"input": "Context Word: strawberry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they could have a sip of their strawberry milkshake because _ didn't have one. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they could have a sip of their strawberry milkshake because _ had one."} {"input": "Context Word: perspective.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed a better view of the play than PersonY because _ 's seat had a better perspective . \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed a better view of the play than PersonY because _ 's seat had a inadequate perspective ."} {"input": "Context Word: engineer.", "output": "Sentence 1: As an expert engineer, PersonX had much advice to offer PersonY , as _ loved teaching about the profession. \nSentence 2: As an expert engineer, PersonX had much advice to offer PersonY , as _ loved learning about the profession."} {"input": "Context Word: engineer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a chemical engineer suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a very technical mind. \nSentence 2: Being a chemical engineer suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't have a very technical mind."} {"input": "Context Word: engineer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being an engineer better suited PersonX than PersonY but _ had difficulty explaining their inventions. \nSentence 2: Being an engineer better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ had difficulty explaining their inventions."} {"input": "Context Word: engineer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to become an engineer but PersonY did not as _ was very technical. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to become an engineer but PersonY did not as _ was very creative\r."} {"input": "Context Word: engineer.", "output": "Sentence 1: While in college, PersonX studied to be an engineer while PersonY wanted to be a musician because _ was quite mechanically inclined. \nSentence 2: While in college, PersonX studied to be an engineer while PersonY wanted to be a musician because _ was quite musically inclined."} {"input": "Context Word: handgun.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to shoot a handgun, because _ wants to learn shooting from a handgun. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to shoot a handgun, because _ already learned shooting from a handgun."} {"input": "Context Word: morning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mornings were never easy for PersonX but they were for PersonY. _ made sure to have a job that started later in the day. \nSentence 2: Mornings were easy for PersonX but they never were for PersonY. _ made sure to have a job that started later in the day."} {"input": "Context Word: morning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drives a car and gives PersonY a ride to school in the morning. _ feels generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX drives a car and gives PersonY a ride to school in the morning. _ feels thankful."} {"input": "Context Word: morning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had trouble getting up in the morning while PersonY had trouble staying up late since _ was a night person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had trouble getting up in the morning while PersonY had trouble staying up late since _ was a morning person."} {"input": "Context Word: morning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has troubles getting up early in the morning so she asks PersonY for an advice, because _ is suffering from that. \nSentence 2: PersonX has troubles getting up early in the morning so she asks PersonY for an advice, so _ wants to help her."} {"input": "Context Word: morning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent the entire morning making breakfast for PersonY, because _ wanted to be nice. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent the entire morning making breakfast for PersonY, because _ wanted to be fed."} {"input": "Context Word: morning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always cheerful in the morning, but PersonY was not, because _ was not a morning person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always cheerful in the morning, but PersonY was not, because _ was a morning person."} {"input": "Context Word: morning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always up long before PersonY since _ just loved the early morning hours. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always up long before PersonY since _ just hated the early morning hours."} {"input": "Context Word: morning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more of a morning person than PersonY because _ always went to bed early and got a good night's rest. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more of a morning person than PersonY although _ always went to bed early and got a good night's rest."} {"input": "Context Word: morning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX woke up early in the morning but not PersonY because _ had an early bedtime. \nSentence 2: PersonX woke up early in the morning but not PersonY because _ had a late bedtime."} {"input": "Context Word: endeavor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The real estate endeavor suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a good understanding of the market. \nSentence 2: The real estate endeavor suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a good understanding of the market."} {"input": "Context Word: FALSE.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was accused by PersonY of giving false information to the police after _ was discovered to have lied. \nSentence 2: PersonX was accused by PersonY of giving false information to the police after _ discovered she had lied."} {"input": "Context Word: Cheap.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cheap is not what kind of life PersonX has live PersonY is line for that they are leaving, _ has moved own . \nSentence 2: Cheap is not what kind of life PersonX has live PersonY is line for that they are leaving, _ has moving in ."} {"input": "Context Word: Cheap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eated cheap while he was in college while PersonY spend all his money eating at restaurants. _ saved so much money during college. \nSentence 2: PersonX eated cheap while he was in college while PersonY spend all his money eating at restaurants. _ lost so much money during college."} {"input": "Context Word: paste.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put some paste on the paper while PersonY was teaching the students how, _ loved learning at the school. \nSentence 2: PersonX put some paste on the paper while PersonY was teaching the students how, _ loved teaching at the school."} {"input": "Context Word: Eclectus.", "output": "Sentence 1: An Eclectus was something that PersonX always dreamed of owning but not PersonY because _ thought that birds made good pets. \nSentence 2: An Eclectus was something that PersonX always dreamed of owning but not PersonY because _ thought that birds made bad pets."} {"input": "Context Word: saliva.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wiped all of the saliva off of PersonY's chin, because _ was a caretaker. \nSentence 2: PersonX wiped all of the saliva off of PersonY's chin, because _ was an invalid."} {"input": "Context Word: felony.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to get a job than it was for PersonY to get one, although _ had been convicted of a felony. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to get a job than it was for PersonY to get one because _ had been convicted of a felony."} {"input": "Context Word: felony.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was PersonY's lawyer and _ spent the day arguing with the judge about reducing the sentence from a felony to a misdemeanor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was PersonY's lawyer and _ spent the day listening with the judge about reducing the sentence from a felony to a misdemeanor."} {"input": "Context Word: statue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped create the strange and intricate statue for PersonY's garden since _ was the artist who made it. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped create the strange and intricate statue for PersonY's garden since _ was the person who commissioned it."} {"input": "Context Word: Sofa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY to move the heavy sofa to another room because _ was weak. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help from PersonY to move the heavy sofa to another room because _ was strong."} {"input": "Context Word: blogging.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave up blogging way before PersonY because _ was failing more at running the blog. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave up blogging way before PersonY because _ was successful at running the blog."} {"input": "Context Word: blogging.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was good at blogging but PersonY was not. _ got a lot of traffic on their blog. \nSentence 2: PersonX was good at blogging but PersonY was not. _ got very little traffic on their blog."} {"input": "Context Word: Atkins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's diet is the Atkins one, but PersonY is not on a diet. So, _ 's diet has mostly meat in it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's diet is the Atkins one, but PersonY is not on a diet. So, _ 's diet has various foods in it."} {"input": "Context Word: pardon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is given a Pardon in the state of California by PersonY. _ is the criminal. \nSentence 2: PersonX is given a Pardon in the state of California by PersonY. _ is the Governor."} {"input": "Context Word: Umbrella.", "output": "Sentence 1: As it began to rain, PersonX ran to PersonY because _ forgot to bring an umbrella. \nSentence 2: As it began to rain, PersonX ran to PersonY because _ was carrying an umbrella."} {"input": "Context Word: purple.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having purple hair seemed more normal for PersonX than PersonY because _ was in a garage band. \nSentence 2: Having purple hair seemed more normal for PersonX than PersonY because _ was not in a garage band."} {"input": "Context Word: roller coaster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX strapped PersonY to their seat because _ was the lead conductor on the roller coaster. \nSentence 2: PersonX strapped PersonY to their seat because _ was a guest on the roller coaster."} {"input": "Context Word: roller coaster.", "output": "Sentence 1: The roller coaster attendant told PersonX they were to heavy to ride but PersonY was small enough, so _ skipped going on the ride. \nSentence 2: The roller coaster attendant told PersonX they were to heavy to ride but PersonY was small enough, so _ enjoyed going on the ride."} {"input": "Context Word: Icelandic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX happens to be Icelandic, but PersonY happens to be Irish. _ was born in Iceland. \nSentence 2: PersonX happens to be Icelandic, but PersonY happens to be Irish. _ was born in Ireland."} {"input": "Context Word: alternatives.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't see any alternatives, but PersonY could, because _ wasn't nearly as open minded. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't see any alternatives, but PersonY could, because _ was twice as open minded."} {"input": "Context Word: babysitting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed kids and liked babysitting more than PersonY, so _ offered to watch the children. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed kids and liked babysitting more than PersonY, so _ asked her to watch the children."} {"input": "Context Word: babysitting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is babysitting the children, while PersonY is at work, because _ is a teenager. \nSentence 2: PersonX is babysitting the children, while PersonY is at work, because _ is a business person."} {"input": "Context Word: babysitting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made some extra money by babysitting for PersonY when she went out because _ needed the money. \nSentence 2: PersonX made some extra money by babysitting for PersonY when she went out because _ needed the help."} {"input": "Context Word: babysitting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was supposed to be babysitting for PersonY but didn\u2019t show up because _ had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX was supposed to be babysitting for PersonY but didn\u2019t show up because _ was forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: finance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not know how to manage hers finance so she asks PersonY for help, because _ spends to much. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not know how to manage hers finance so she asks PersonY for help, because _ is financial advisor."} {"input": "Context Word: situation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt bad for the situation PersonY was in, because _ tended to be compassionate. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt bad for the situation PersonY was in, because _ tended to be homeless."} {"input": "Context Word: situation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was horrified in the situation as opposed to PersonY because _ had been there before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was calm in the situation as opposed to PersonY because _ had been there before."} {"input": "Context Word: Fur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a PETA member but PersonY was not. _ always work fake fur on their clothing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a PETA member but PersonY was not. _ always work real fur on their clothing."} {"input": "Context Word: clarity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped bring a newfound sense of clarity to PersonY's understanding, because _ was a good communicator. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped bring a newfound sense of clarity to PersonY's understanding, because _ was a good listener."} {"input": "Context Word: question.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at asking and answering questions than PersonY, so _ won the debate. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at asking and answering questions than PersonY, so _ lost the debate."} {"input": "Context Word: eco-friendly.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being eco-friendly came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ really cared about climate change. \nSentence 2: Being eco-friendly came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ really didn't care about climate change."} {"input": "Context Word: drip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not feel the drip that got PersonY wet because _ was away from the leaky spot in the roof. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not feel the drip that got PersonY wet because _ was under the leaky spot in the roof."} {"input": "Context Word: preventing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a habit of preventing PersonY from hanging out with their friends, because _ was controlling. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a habit of preventing PersonY from hanging out with their friends, because _ was meek."} {"input": "Context Word: preventing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's main goal is preventing PersonY from succumbing to disease because _ is a physician. \nSentence 2: PersonX's main goal is preventing PersonY from succumbing to disease because _ is a sufferer."} {"input": "Context Word: get a car dealing license.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get a car dealing license and PersonY didn't because _ liked to try to sell people things. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get a car dealing license and PersonY didn't because _ liked to avoid people."} {"input": "Context Word: digesting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always digesting more alcoholic beverages than PersonY because _ is a heavy drinker. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always digesting more alcoholic beverages than PersonY because _ is a light drinker."} {"input": "Context Word: red light.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a traffic ticket for running a red light because _ broke the law. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a traffic ticket for running a red light since _ enforces the law."} {"input": "Context Word: choose.", "output": "Sentence 1: Decisions were made much faster by PersonX than by PersonY , as _ could choose options easily. \nSentence 2: Decisions were made much faster by PersonX than by PersonY , as _ failed to choose options easily."} {"input": "Context Word: choose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided that PersonY should choose which movie they watched because _ had no ideas. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided that PersonY should choose which movie they watched because _ had excellent taste."} {"input": "Context Word: choose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made all the decisions for PersonY , so _ always got to choose what to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX made all the decisions for PersonY , so _ nevers got to choose what to do."} {"input": "Context Word: choose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY choose a suitable college course because _ was a professor. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY choose a suitable college course because _ was a student."} {"input": "Context Word: choose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more decisive than PersonY , _ was always the first to choose an option. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more decisive than PersonY , _ was always the last to choose an option."} {"input": "Context Word: choose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would choose the coat every time in spite of PersonY since _ likes coats. \nSentence 2: PersonX would choose the coat every time in spite of PersonY since _ hates coats."} {"input": "Context Word: preschool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a teacher at the preschool PersonY sends her children to, _ has held her job for twenty years. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a teacher at the preschool PersonY sends her children to, _ has held her job for only fifteen years."} {"input": "Context Word: preschool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX researched laws and helped to open a preschool for PersonY. Because _ works in legal field. \nSentence 2: PersonX researched laws and helped to open a preschool for PersonY. Because _ is very good with kids."} {"input": "Context Word: preschool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a preschool teacher while PersonY was a college professor, so _ taught kids. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a preschool teacher while PersonY was a college professor, so _ taught adults."} {"input": "Context Word: trampoline.", "output": "Sentence 1: The trampoline was very hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never been on one before. \nSentence 2: The trampoline was very hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had always jumped on one."} {"input": "Context Word: stutter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was extremely nervous about talking to PersonY because _ stuttered and wanted to take her to the dance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was extremely nervous about talking to PersonY because _ knew he stuttered and wanted him to ask her to the dance."} {"input": "Context Word: sofa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidentally spilled a glass of grape juice on PersonY's sofa so _ was embarrassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX accidentally spilled a glass of grape juice on PersonY's sofa so _ was angry."} {"input": "Context Word: sofa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is sleeping at PersonY's house so he wants to make a sofa slipcover, because _ wants to be comfortable. \nSentence 2: PersonX is sleeping at PersonY's house so he wants to make a sofa slipcover, so _ wants him to be comfortable."} {"input": "Context Word: sofa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX purchased a large sectional sofa, but PersonY selected an armchair, because _ lived in a small apartment. \nSentence 2: PersonX purchased a large sectional sofa, but PersonY selected an armchair, because _ lived in a big apartment."} {"input": "Context Word: sofa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched carefully as PersonY brought the sofa in through the narrow front doors, then _ thanked the mover. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched carefully as PersonY brought the sofa in through the narrow front doors, then _ thanked the client."} {"input": "Context Word: Neck Pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX woke up with a lot of neck pain, so PersonY made them a cold compress to help which made _ feel a lot better. \nSentence 2: PersonX woke up with a lot of neck pain, so PersonY made them a cold compress to help which made _ feel a lot better about themself."} {"input": "Context Word: buddhism.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buddhism doesn't appeal to PersonX, while PersonY is curious about it, even though _ is more spiritual. \nSentence 2: Buddhism doesn't appeal to PersonX, while PersonY is curious about it, because _ is more spiritual."} {"input": "Context Word: buddhism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to practice buddhism so he asks for help from PersonY, because _ wants to become a buddhist. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to practice buddhism so he asks for help from PersonY, because _ is a buddhist."} {"input": "Context Word: jam the network.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to jam the network while PersonY wanted jam the music. _ the network jammed. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to jam the network while PersonY wanted to jam the music. _ the music jammed."} {"input": "Context Word: Blanket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the store and bought a blanket for PersonY to sleep with because _ was rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the store and bought a blanket for PersonY to sleep with because _ was cold."} {"input": "Context Word: Reflex.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx had a better reflex when playing with persony because _ had practiced more before the game . \nSentence 2: Personx had a weaker reflex when playing with persony because _ had practiced more before the game ."} {"input": "Context Word: build a dark room.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY build a dark room because _ had a lot of experience working in construction. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY build a dark room because _ had no experience working in construction."} {"input": "Context Word: creature.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had nightmares because _ remembered the creature they saw at the zoo. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had nightmares because _ did not remember the creature they saw at the zoo."} {"input": "Context Word: amnesia.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the crash, PersonX suffers from amnesia, but PersonY does not, so _ can't remember things. \nSentence 2: After the crash, PersonX suffers from amnesia, but PersonY does not, so _ can remember things."} {"input": "Context Word: grasshopper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what to feed her new pet grasshopper, but _ did not know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what to feed her new pet grasshopper, because _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: peanut.", "output": "Sentence 1: Peanut butter is a favorite of PersonX. PersonY can't stand it. _ loves nuts in general. \nSentence 2: Peanut butter is a favorite of PersonX. PersonY can't stand it. _ dislikes nuts in general."} {"input": "Context Word: peanut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't get to enjoy peanut butter sandwiches like PersonY because _ has a peanut allergy. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't get to enjoy peanut butter sandwiches like PersonY because _ doesn't have a peanut allergy."} {"input": "Context Word: peanut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a severe peanut allergy which PersonY was unaware of, so _ avoided the nuts that the flight attendant handed out. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a severe peanut allergy which PersonY was unaware of, so _ shared the nuts that the flight attendant handed out."} {"input": "Context Word: manifest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed some one write a manifest and new about American history so PersonY was hired, _ is not very educated. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed some one write a manifest and new about American history so PersonY was hired, _ is highly educated."} {"input": "Context Word: throw a bean bag.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could throw a bean bag further than PersonY because _ worked out and had a strong arm. \nSentence 2: PersonX could throw a bean bag further than PersonY because _ didn't work out and had a weak arm."} {"input": "Context Word: supermarket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yielded PersonY his place in line at the checkout at a supermarket because _ is not in a hurry. \nSentence 2: PersonX yielded PersonY his place in line at the checkout at a supermarket because _ seems to be in a hurry."} {"input": "Context Word: Montreal.", "output": "Sentence 1: Montreal is where PersonX calls home, but PersonY resides in Lima. _ is a citizen of Canada. \nSentence 2: Montreal is where PersonX calls home, but PersonY resides in Lima. _ is a citizen of Peru."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas Tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to buy a living Christmas Tree, but PersonY chose an artificial tree, because _ thought it would be more economical. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to buy a living Christmas Tree, but PersonY chose an artificial tree, because _ thought it would be more authentic."} {"input": "Context Word: balance beam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX performed on the balance beam and PersonY did not because _ was a gymnast. \nSentence 2: PersonX performed on the balance beam and PersonY did not because _ was not a gymnast."} {"input": "Context Word: stick shift.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at driving a stick shift but PersonY was not. _ passed their driving exam. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at driving a stick shift but PersonY was not. _ failed their driving exam."} {"input": "Context Word: emetophobia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is suffering from emetophobia and asks for PersonY's help, because _ has never experienced it. \nSentence 2: PersonX is suffering from emetophobia and asks for PersonY's help, because _ has already experienced it."} {"input": "Context Word: saddle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to sit in a saddle for the first time since _ has ridden a horse a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to sit in a saddle for the first time since _ had never ridden a horse."} {"input": "Context Word: Bracelet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a Make a Wish Bracelet with hemp string and beads for PersonY because _ enjoys a fun craft project. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a Make a Wish Bracelet with hemp string and beads for PersonY because _ has a cancer."} {"input": "Context Word: high blood pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had high blood pressure but PersonY didn't, so _ had to watch how much salt they ate. \nSentence 2: PersonX had high blood pressure but PersonY didn't, so _ didn't have to watch how much salt they ate."} {"input": "Context Word: pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: Farming better suited PersonX and not PersonY although _ could not stand the smell of the pig. \nSentence 2: Farming better suited PersonX and not PersonY although _ loved the smell of the pig."} {"input": "Context Word: pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed a guinea pig from PersonY and needs help taking care of it, because _ has no experience with pigs. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed a guinea pig from PersonY and needs help taking care of it, so _ will gladly help her."} {"input": "Context Word: pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a guinea pig from PersonY, and now _ needs help with pig. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a guinea pig from PersonY, and now _ want to help with pig."} {"input": "Context Word: pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a guinea pig from PersonY, so _ needs some help with the pig. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a guinea pig from PersonY, so _ wants to help her with the pig."} {"input": "Context Word: pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX judged the pig brought to the fair by PersonY, then _ awarded them the blue ribbon. \nSentence 2: PersonX judged the pig brought to the fair by PersonY, then _ accepted the blue ribbon."} {"input": "Context Word: pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX persuaded PersonY to go into the pig pen and bring out a bowl, because _ was cowardly around animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX persuaded PersonY to go into the pig pen and bring out a bowl, because _ was brave around animals."} {"input": "Context Word: pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took their pet pig on a walk with PersonY, but the pig loved to run, so _ was far ahead. \nSentence 2: PersonX took their pet pig on a walk with PersonY, but the pig loved to run, so _ was far behind."} {"input": "Context Word: pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to adopt a pet pig but PersonY didn't because _ loved farm animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to adopt a pet pig but PersonY didn't because _ hated farm animals."} {"input": "Context Word: pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tired of PersonY being a pig at dinner, so _ told them to eat like a human being. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tired of PersonY calling him a pig at dinner, because _ told them to eat like a human being."} {"input": "Context Word: pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's friends sometimes called them a pig but not PersonY's friends, because _ had very sloppy manners. \nSentence 2: PersonX's friends sometimes called them a pig but not PersonY's friends, because _ had immaculate manners."} {"input": "Context Word: pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was scared by the pig because PersonX has been attacked by one before and PersonY owns a farm. \nSentence 2: So _ was calmed by the pig because PersonX has been attacked by one before and PersonY owns a farm."} {"input": "Context Word: object.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to object to the line of questioning toward PersonY, because _ was their lawyer. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to object to the line of questioning toward PersonY, because _ was their client."} {"input": "Context Word: platinum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a music album go platinum, and PersonY bought the album, because _ was their favorite artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a music album go platinum, and PersonY bought the album, because _ was a fan of the artist."} {"input": "Context Word: collected.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX collected a bunch of furniture from PersonY's house, because _ was furnishing their living room. \nSentence 2: PersonX collected a bunch of furniture from PersonY's house, because _ was emptying their living room."} {"input": "Context Word: collected.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sample that was collected by PersonX was terrible unlike PersonY's sample, because _ went to a cleaner place. \nSentence 2: The sample that was collected by PersonX was wonderful unlike PersonY's sample, because _ went to a cleaner place."} {"input": "Context Word: iron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always has freshly pressed clothes but PersonY always has wrinkled clothing. _ uses an iron on their clothes very often. \nSentence 2: PersonX always has freshly pressed clothes but PersonY always has wrinkled clothing. _ doesn't use an iron on their clothes very often."} {"input": "Context Word: iron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't believe that PersonY didn't even own an iron, because _ loved ironing clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't believe that PersonY didn't even own an iron, but _ hated ironing clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: iron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX disapproved the wrinkled shirt PersonY was wearing and _ decided to iron the shirt. \nSentence 2: PersonX approved the crisp shirt PersonY was wearing because _ decided to iron the shirt."} {"input": "Context Word: iron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a new iron for Christmas, but PersonY didn't because _ needed a new one. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a new iron for Christmas, but PersonY didn't because _ already had a new one."} {"input": "Context Word: iron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an iron deficiency and asked PersonY for advice because _ wanted to be healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an iron deficiency and asked PersonY for advice because _ was a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: iron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a muscular body while PersonY does not, mostly due to the fact that _ spends much time pumping iron. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a muscular body while PersonY does not, mostly due to the fact that _ spends no time pumping iron."} {"input": "Context Word: iron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more than happy to help PersonY increase his iron consumption since _ is a nutritionist. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more than happy to help PersonY increase his iron consumption since _ is a client."} {"input": "Context Word: iron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dress was wrinkle free and had perfect pleats but not PersonY's because _ owned an iron. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dress was wrinkle free and had perfect pleats but not PersonY's because _ lost the iron."} {"input": "Context Word: iron.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX was anemic and PersonY was not _ never took iron supplements to help out. \nSentence 2: While PersonX was anemic and PersonY was not _ always took iron supplements to help out."} {"input": "Context Word: table.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she would set the dining room table because _ did not want to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she would set the dining room table but _ did not want to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: table.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate at the table while PersonY ate on the couch, so _ did not use a TV tray. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate at the table while PersonY ate on the couch, so _ did use a TV tray."} {"input": "Context Word: table.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to lift the picnic table the made together, because _ is stronger. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to lift the picnic table they made together, because _ is weaker."} {"input": "Context Word: table.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the table she saw, but PersonY hated it. When they left the store empty-handed, _ was disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated the table she saw, but PersonY loved it. When they left the store empty-handed, _ was disappointed."} {"input": "Context Word: table.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to assemble the table with greater ease than PersonY because _ is knowledgeable in woodworking. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to assemble the table with greater ease than PersonY because _ isn't knowledgeable in woodworking."} {"input": "Context Word: table.", "output": "Sentence 1: The kitchen table was built by PersonX for the home of PersonY, so _ is a carpenter. \nSentence 2: The kitchen table was built by PersonX for the home of PersonY, so _ is a client."} {"input": "Context Word: Omega-3.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to brain development after _ read it online. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to brain development because _ rarely eats fish."} {"input": "Context Word: toasted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had better success at making a toasted marshmallow milkshake than PersonY because _ had read the directions. \nSentence 2: PersonX had better success at making a toasted marshmallow milkshake than PersonY because _ had not read the directions."} {"input": "Context Word: amusing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY all his new knock-knock jokes because _ thought his new jokes were amusing. \nSentence 2: PersonX listened to PersonY 's all new knock-knock jokes because _ thought his new jokes were amusing."} {"input": "Context Word: hamburger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX raises cows and helps supply the world with hamburger PersonY doesnt eat hamburger, the chance _ is a vegetarian is small. \nSentence 2: PersonX raises cows and helps supply the world with hamburger PersonY doesnt eat hamburger, the chance _ is a vegetarian is big."} {"input": "Context Word: beat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dragged PersonY on the dance floor because _ danced well to the beat of the tune being played by the DJ. \nSentence 2: PersonX dragged PersonY on the dance floor even though _ couldn't move to the beat of the tune being played by the DJ."} {"input": "Context Word: Fixing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fixing things has always been love for PersonX and PersonY appreciates that , and also _ to. \nSentence 2: Fixing things has always been love for PersonX and PersonY appreciates that , but he appreciates _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: Buy property in Dubai.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to buy property in Dubai and PersonY was not because _ was very rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to buy property in Dubai and PersonY was not because _ was very poor."} {"input": "Context Word: thinner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX appears to tower over PersonY in photographs because _ isn't the thinner one of the two. \nSentence 2: PersonX appears to tower over PersonY in photographs because _ is the thinner one of the two."} {"input": "Context Word: Handwriting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some help with their handwriting, because _ had forgotten how to write. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some help with their handwriting, but _ had forgotten how to write."} {"input": "Context Word: fries.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always ate a lot of French fries but PersonY did not as _ really loved potatoes. \nSentence 2: PersonX always ate a lot of French fries but PersonY did not as _ really hated potatoes."} {"input": "Context Word: complaint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX filed a complaint against PersonY for always having loud dogs, because _ was never able to sleep at night. \nSentence 2: PersonX filed a complaint against PersonY for always having loud dogs, because _ was never able to control them at night."} {"input": "Context Word: complaint.", "output": "Sentence 1: The complaint that PersonX made to PersonY seemed harsh, like _ was actually trying to be rude. \nSentence 2: The complaint that PersonX made to PersonY seemed harsh, so _ was trying to be helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: disorder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not like chaos and disorder, PersonY did therefore _ cleaned her home often. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not like chaos and disorder, PersonY did therefore _ never cleaned her home."} {"input": "Context Word: disorder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY cope with her brain disorder, as _ was so eager to offer so much help. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY cope with her brain disorder, as _ was so eager to receive so much help."} {"input": "Context Word: disorder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX talked to PersonY about their fears of their child's disorder so _ talked to the other about their fears. \nSentence 2: PersonX talked to PersonY about their fears of their child's disorder so _ listened to the other about their fears."} {"input": "Context Word: disorder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was cured of their disorder after years of therapy from PersonY, which made _ thankful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cured of their disorder after years of therapy from PersonY, which made _ talented."} {"input": "Context Word: solid.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ground around PersonX's house was solid unlike PersonY's because _ had a month long drought. \nSentence 2: The ground around PersonX's house was solid unlike PersonY's because _ had a month long rainfall."} {"input": "Context Word: Russian Blue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a Russian Blue like PersonY, but _ told them how expensive it was going to be. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a Russian Blue like PersonY, and _ realized how expensive it was going to be."} {"input": "Context Word: nicely.", "output": "Sentence 1: As the boss, PersonX asked PersonY nicely to do more work so _ could go home earlier. \nSentence 2: As the boss, PersonX asked PersonY nicely to do more work so _ could go home later."} {"input": "Context Word: brussel sprouts.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the new restaurant, PersonX convinced PersonY to drive fried brussel sprouts. _ was relieved when he tried new things. \nSentence 2: At the new restaurant, PersonX convinced PersonY to drive fried brussel sprouts. _ agreed and was relieved when he liked the taste."} {"input": "Context Word: tiles.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tiles on the floor were filthy, so PersonX told PersonY to clean them. When he refused, _ did it instead. \nSentence 2: The tiles on the floor were filthy, so PersonX was asked by PersonY to clean them. When he refused, _ did it instead."} {"input": "Context Word: Practicing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Practicing for football was something PersonX did regularly as so did PersonY for baseball, _ is a football player. \nSentence 2: Practicing for football was something PersonX did regularly as so did PersonY for baseball, _ is a baseball player."} {"input": "Context Word: ache.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the game PersonX had an ache in her back unlike PersonY, because _ played in the game. \nSentence 2: After the game PersonX had an ache in her back unlike PersonY, because _ only watched the game."} {"input": "Context Word: ache.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked out more at the gym than PersonY so _ felt less ache after a long workout. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked out more at the gym than PersonY so _ felt more ache after a long workout."} {"input": "Context Word: elderly.", "output": "Sentence 1: Caring for elderly relatives was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ was selfish and narcissistic. \nSentence 2: Caring for elderly relatives was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ was selfless and compassionate."} {"input": "Context Word: elderly.", "output": "Sentence 1: The elderly people at the nursing home love PersonX more than PersonY because _ had plenty of practice on their relatives. \nSentence 2: The elderly people at the nursing home love PersonX more than PersonY because _ had little practice on their relatives."} {"input": "Context Word: elderly.", "output": "Sentence 1: While caring for the elderly, PersonX cheerfully helped PersonY care for herself, and _ was rewarded for her empathy. \nSentence 2: While caring for the elderly, PersonX cheerfully helped PersonY care for herself, and _ was grateful for her empathy."} {"input": "Context Word: shorts.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX's shorts fell down at the pool and PersonY watched it happen, _ walked away crying. \nSentence 2: After PersonX's shorts fell down at the pool and PersonY watched it happen, _ walked away laughing."} {"input": "Context Word: shorts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not wear shorts to school while PersonY could, because _ was a teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not wear shorts to school while PersonY could, because _ was a student."} {"input": "Context Word: shorts.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing shorts in the summer was easier for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had beautiful skin. \nSentence 2: Wearing shorts in the summer was easier for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had sensitive skin."} {"input": "Context Word: carefree.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to be carefree than PersonY because _ did not have a lot of obligations and responsibilities. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to be carefree than PersonY because _ had a lot of obligations and responsibilities."} {"input": "Context Word: carefree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refuses to adhere to the rules and traditions that PersonY craves because _ is carefree. \nSentence 2: PersonX refuses to adhere to the rules and traditions that PersonY craves because _ isn't carefree."} {"input": "Context Word: legal case.", "output": "Sentence 1: A scared PersonX had PersonY help them with their legal case because _ knew nothing of law. \nSentence 2: A scared PersonX had PersonY help them with their legal case because because _ was a lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: Travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to travel to dangerous places but PersonY did not because _ was fearless. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to travel to dangerous places but PersonY did not because _ was scared."} {"input": "Context Word: Travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a homebody while PersonY loved to travel the world whenever they could. _ took a staycation at home over the summer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a homebody while PersonY loved to travel the world whenever they could. _ took a vacation to the beach over the summer."} {"input": "Context Word: idle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was idle all day and sometimes disturb PersonY from his task because _ is lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was idle all day and sometimes disturb PersonY from his task because _ is hardworking."} {"input": "Context Word: hexagon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to draw the perfect hexagon because _ did not remember how to. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to draw the perfect hexagon but _ did not remember how to."} {"input": "Context Word: become a professional drummer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better drummer than PersonY because _ wanted to become a professional drummer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better drummer than PersonY because _ didn't want to become a professional drummer."} {"input": "Context Word: rank.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX is a higher rank than PersonY, _ does a worse job at work. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX is a lower rank than PersonY, _ does a worse job at work."} {"input": "Context Word: styrofoam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated styrofoam cups and PersonY was drinking from one, so _ yelled at him. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated styrofoam cups and PersonY was drinking from one, so _ hid it from him."} {"input": "Context Word: saving money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much worse at saving money then PersonY so when _ broke his leg he couldn't pay his bills. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much worse at saving money then PersonY so when _ broke his leg he could still pay his bills."} {"input": "Context Word: romantic.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being romantic came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved his wife very much. \nSentence 2: Being romantic came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not love his wife very much."} {"input": "Context Word: romantic.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being romantic came naturally to PersonX, but PersonY had to put in more effort. _ was good at expressing emotions. \nSentence 2: Being romantic came naturally to PersonX, but PersonY had to put in more effort. _ was bad at expressing emotions."} {"input": "Context Word: romantic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX continued to make romantic overtures to PersonY so _ might show her how she feels. \nSentence 2: PersonX continued to make romantic overtures to PersonY so _ might see how she feels."} {"input": "Context Word: romantic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had romantic feelings towards PersonY, who didn't return the feelings, so _ was upset. \nSentence 2: PersonX had romantic feelings towards PersonY, who didn't return the feelings, so _ was disinterested."} {"input": "Context Word: romantic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had very little patience for PersonY's love of romantic grand gestures, because _ was sentimental. \nSentence 2: PersonX had very little patience for PersonY's love of romantic grand gestures, because _ was realistic."} {"input": "Context Word: romantic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ignored the flowers and other romantic gestures made by PersonY, because _ wasn't interested in dating. \nSentence 2: PersonX ignored the flowers and other romantic gestures made by PersonY, because she wasn't interested in dating _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: romantic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a scrap book maker, PersonY is not therefore _ could help you make a romantic scrapbook. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a scrap book maker, PersonY is not therefore _ could not help you much making a romantic scrapbook."} {"input": "Context Word: romantic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ruined the romantic gesture made by PersonY, because _ wanted to sabotage the evening. \nSentence 2: PersonX ruined the romantic gesture made by PersonY, although _ wanted to enjoy the evening."} {"input": "Context Word: romantic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought oysters were romantic but PersonY did not as _ thought seafood was delicious. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought oysters were romantic but PersonY did not as _ thought seafood was revolting."} {"input": "Context Word: romantic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more romantic then PersonY, thus the idea of a perfect date for _ was a dinner out. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more romantic then PersonY, thus the idea of a perfect date for _ was a dinner at home."} {"input": "Context Word: romantic.", "output": "Sentence 1: Valentine's Day was coming up and PersonX but not PersonY was always prepared because _ was romantic. \nSentence 2: Valentine's Day was coming up and PersonX but not PersonY was always prepared because _ was unromantic."} {"input": "Context Word: crazy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really crazy about PersonY all these years because _ couldn't control their emotions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really crazy about PersonY all these years because _ couldn't control looking gorgeous."} {"input": "Context Word: crazy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went a little crazy when PersonY left them. _ went to therapy to confront their demons. \nSentence 2: PersonX went a little crazy when PersonY left them. _ went to therapy to confront their unstable ex."} {"input": "Context Word: ignoring the man.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had fun ignoring the man instead of talking to him like PersonY because _ had no interest in dating him. \nSentence 2: PersonX had fun ignoring the man instead of talking to him like PersonY because _ had an interest in dating him."} {"input": "Context Word: sleepover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is spending a night at PersonY so she needs help packing for sleepover, because _ wants to be prepared. \nSentence 2: PersonX is spending a night at PersonY so she needs help packing for sleepover, so _ makes her comfortable.."} {"input": "Context Word: lift.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unable to lift the packages, so PersonY picked them up. _ felt ashamed from the situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unable to lift the packages, so PersonY picked them up. _ felt indifferent from the situation."} {"input": "Context Word: gentleman.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always a perfect gentleman but PersonY was not. _ was praised for their manners. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always a perfect gentleman but PersonY was not. _ was scolded for their manners."} {"input": "Context Word: friendships.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was very popular because _ had developed many friendships in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was very popular because _ had not developed many friendships in school."} {"input": "Context Word: friendships.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more friendships than PersonY had because _ was a much more outgoing person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more friendships than PersonY had because _ was a much more shy person."} {"input": "Context Word: psychologist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY was going crazy, so _ told him to go see a psychologist. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY was going crazy, so _ told him I've decide to see a psychologist."} {"input": "Context Word: bedpan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always changes the bedpan of PersonY because _ is a nurse at the hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX always changes the bedpan of PersonY because _ is a patient at the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: bedpan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was healthy and at home while PersonY was in bad shape at the hospital, so _ did not need a bedpan. \nSentence 2: PersonX was healthy and at home while PersonY was in bad shape at the hospital, so _ needed a bedpan."} {"input": "Context Word: hybrid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a hybrid car, but PersonY has a gas powered one because _ cares about the environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a hybrid car, but PersonY has a gas powered one because _ neglects the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: veterinarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: Becoming a veterinarian suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a deep love of animals. \nSentence 2: Becoming a veterinarian suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a deep love of animals."} {"input": "Context Word: veterinarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laughed because PersonY thought a veterinarian was someone who didn't eat meat, and this made _ feel superior. \nSentence 2: PersonX laughed because PersonY thought a veterinarian was someone who didn't eat meat, and this made _ feel embarrassed."} {"input": "Context Word: veterinarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied hard for their veterinarian exam but PersonY goofed off. _ passed their exam. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied hard for their veterinarian exam but PersonY goofed off. _ failed their exam."} {"input": "Context Word: veterinarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonYs pet to the veterinarian to get a rabies booster because _ had free time. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonYs pet to the veterinarian to get a rabies booster, since _ lacked free time."} {"input": "Context Word: veterinarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to be a veterinarian when they were older but PersonY did not because _ loved animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to be a veterinarian when they were older but PersonY did not because _ hated animals."} {"input": "Context Word: veterinarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX's dog was sick and in need of a veterinarian while PersonY's was healthy and energetic, _ took their dog to the animal hospital. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX's dog was sick and in need of a veterinarian while PersonY's was healthy and energetic, _ took their dog to the park."} {"input": "Context Word: veterinarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: The veterinarian talked to PersonX more frequently than PersonY because _ had a sick pet. \nSentence 2: The veterinarian talked to PersonX more frequently than PersonY because _ had a healthy pet."} {"input": "Context Word: DJ.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX envied PersonY during the festival because _ wanted to be a great DJ playing music that pumped the crowd. \nSentence 2: PersonX envied PersonY during the festival because _ was such a great DJ playing music that pumped the crowd."} {"input": "Context Word: DJ.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to DJ a friend's party, because _ was not a professional radio DJ. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to DJ a friend's party, because _ was a professional radio DJ."} {"input": "Context Word: childhood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't know how the world works as well as PersonY because _ had a really easy childhood. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't know how the world works as well as PersonY because _ had a really tough childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: childhood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a difficult childhood but PersonY had a spoiled one. _ never received gifts on their birthday. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a difficult childhood but PersonY had a spoiled one. _ always received gifts on their birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: childhood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved their parents a lot but not PersonY because _ had a great childhood. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved their parents a lot but not PersonY because _ had a terrible childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: childhood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX provided a very good childhood to PersonY, which means that _ is a caring parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX provided a very good childhood to PersonY, which means that _ is a lucky child."} {"input": "Context Word: childhood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recalled her childhood more fondly than PersonY, because _ had been loved by her parents. \nSentence 2: PersonX recalled her childhood more fondly than PersonY, because _ had been abused by her parents."} {"input": "Context Word: childhood.", "output": "Sentence 1: Throughout PersonX's childhood, PersonY used to tease him, when they met again as adults _ wanted to know why it happened. \nSentence 2: Throughout PersonX's childhood, PersonY used to tease him, when they met again as adults _ wanted to explain why it happened."} {"input": "Context Word: patience.", "output": "Sentence 1: Patience was something that PersonX had an abundance of but not PersonY because _ was a very understanding person. \nSentence 2: Patience was something that PersonX had an abundance of but not PersonY because _ was a very rude person."} {"input": "Context Word: patience.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more patience than PersonY because _ had four children of his own that were always needy. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot less patience than PersonY because _ had four children of his own that were always needy."} {"input": "Context Word: patience.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more patience in the waiting room than PersonY as, _ is more tolerant of wait times. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more patience in the waiting room than PersonY as, _ is restless and impatient."} {"input": "Context Word: patience.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is usually on a short fume unlike PersonY, so _ tends to exercise patience less freely. \nSentence 2: PersonX is usually on a short fume unlike PersonY, so _ tends to exercise patience more freely."} {"input": "Context Word: patience.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost their patience with PersonY after _ found them sneaking in the house at night. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost all patience from PersonY after _ found them sneaking in the house at night."} {"input": "Context Word: patience.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was losing his patience with PersonY's attitude, so _ walked away and cooled down. \nSentence 2: PersonX was losing his patience with PersonY's attitude, so _ walked away and stopped talking."} {"input": "Context Word: patience.", "output": "Sentence 1: The daycare center noticed PersonX had no patience with the children but PersonY did so they did not give _ the job. \nSentence 2: The daycare center noticed that PersonX had no patience with the children but PersonY did so they gave _ the job."} {"input": "Context Word: hips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave an old skirt to PersonY, because _ 's hips were too big for the skirt. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed an old skirt from PersonY, since _ 's hips were too big for the skirt."} {"input": "Context Word: hips.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hips of PersonX are wider than PersonY, and that's because _ is a bigger person. \nSentence 2: The hips of PersonX are wider than PersonY, and that's because _ is a smaller person."} {"input": "Context Word: hips.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hips of PersonX look larger than those of PersonY because _ is standing closer to the camera. \nSentence 2: The hips of PersonX look larger than those of PersonY because _ is standing further from the camera."} {"input": "Context Word: grain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a grain free cake from a cookbook for PersonY, and Monday at the office _ presented it to her. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a grain free cake from a cookbook for PersonY, and Monday at the office _ accepted it from her."} {"input": "Context Word: Plastic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always recycles their plastic and paper, while PersonY does not, because _ is an environmentalist. \nSentence 2: PersonX always recycles their plastic and paper, while PersonY does not, because _ is a nihilist."} {"input": "Context Word: asleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was always very easy for PersonX to fall asleep but not PersonY because _ was very relaxed. \nSentence 2: It was always very easy for PersonX to fall asleep but not PersonY because _ was very agitated."} {"input": "Context Word: asleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fell asleep before PersonY, so _ ended up getting more sleep when they woke up in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX fell asleep before PersonY, so _ ended up getting less sleep when they woke up in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: asleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: The play made PersonX fall asleep in the middle unlike PersonY who stayed awake, because _ was bored. \nSentence 2: The play made PersonX fall asleep in the middle unlike PersonY who stayed awake, because _ was happy."} {"input": "Context Word: skateboard tricks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was known for his skateboard tricks, so PersonY asked for some lessons and _ was happy to give them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was known for his skateboard tricks, so PersonY asked for some lessons and _ was happy to get them."} {"input": "Context Word: instinct.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY they needed to stop relying on instinct and learn how to hit the basket, _ is the coach on the team. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY they needed to stop relying on instinct and learn how to hit the basket, _ is a player on the team."} {"input": "Context Word: bites.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always got animal bites when they were younger but PersonY did not so they felt _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX always got animal bites when they were younger but PersonY did not so they were _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: bites.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more bites than PersonY had because _ had fallen asleep in the woods. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more bites than PersonY had because _ had fallen asleep in the house."} {"input": "Context Word: bites.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is buying cream for PersonY's spider bites all over her arm so _ is shopping. \nSentence 2: PersonX is buying cream for PersonY's spider bites all over her arm so _ is itching."} {"input": "Context Word: bites.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used bug spray and PersonY did not, so _ had zero insect bites when camping. \nSentence 2: PersonX used bug spray and PersonY did not, so _ had several insect bites when camping."} {"input": "Context Word: bites.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not very hungry, but PersonY was ravenous, so _ only took some small bites of the food. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not very hungry, but PersonY was ravenous, so _ took many big bites of the food."} {"input": "Context Word: birthday party.", "output": "Sentence 1: A birthday party was thrown for PersonX instead of PersonY since _ recently had a birthday. \nSentence 2: A birthday party was thrown for PersonX instead of PersonY since _ did not recently have a birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: surgeon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much better surgeon than PersonY so _ always got the harder cases. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much better surgeon than PersonY so _ always got the easier cases."} {"input": "Context Word: antacids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had acid reflux disease but PersonY didn't suffer from it. _ had to take antacids very often for heartburn. \nSentence 2: PersonX had acid reflux disease but PersonY didn't suffer from it. _ didn't have to take antacids very often for heartburn."} {"input": "Context Word: wheel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just bought brand new wheels for his truck unlike PersonY because _ wheels were old and used. \nSentence 2: PersonX just bought brand new wheels for his truck unlike PersonY because _ wheels were new and perfect."} {"input": "Context Word: stylist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the stylist with PersonY but _ was disappointed with her new cut. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the stylist with PersonY but _ was disgusted with her new cut."} {"input": "Context Word: invitation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received an invitation to a mutual friends wedding but PersonY was not invited. _ was unsure if they accept. \nSentence 2: PersonX received an invitation to a mutual friends wedding but PersonY was not invited. _ was sad they could not attend."} {"input": "Context Word: chips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to make the fresh chips and dip for the birthday party because _ ran out of potatoes. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to make the fresh chips and dip for the birthday party since _ just bought potatoes."} {"input": "Context Word: chips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was clearly losing the latest poker game to PersonY , as _ had so many fewer chips . \nSentence 2: PersonX was clearly losing the latest poker game to PersonY , as _ had so many more chips ."} {"input": "Context Word: hurdles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found leaping over hurdles to be difficult but not PersonY because _ had short legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX found leaping over hurdles to be difficult but not PersonY because _ had long legs."} {"input": "Context Word: nerve pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of nerve pain and PersonY doesn't know how to help so _ cries a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of nerve pain and PersonY doesn't know how to help so _ offers hug s a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: trends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept up with the trends while PersonY did not and consequently _ was more popular. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept up with the trends while PersonY did not and consequently _ was less popular."} {"input": "Context Word: cheaper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought cheaper groceries than PersonY did because _ had a worse job and pay. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought cheaper groceries than PersonY did because _ had a better job and pay."} {"input": "Context Word: Recycling.", "output": "Sentence 1: Recycling is a huge priority of PersonX while PersonY couldn't care less, so _ encourages them to recycle. \nSentence 2: Recycling is a huge priority of PersonX while PersonY couldn't care less, however _ avoids the encouragement to recycle."} {"input": "Context Word: Moving out.", "output": "Sentence 1: Moving out is what PersonX told PersonY she be worried about, _ is a house owner and landlord. \nSentence 2: Moving out is what PersonX told PersonY she be worried about, _ is a house renter and dislikes the landlord."} {"input": "Context Word: boxes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boxes were too heavy for PersonX to carry alone, so he asked PersonY for help. After he said yes, _ felt relieved. \nSentence 2: The boxes were too heavy for PersonX to carry alone, so he asked PersonY for help. After he said yes, _ felt regret."} {"input": "Context Word: mustard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave her sandwich to PersonY to eat, as _ hated it with so much mustard on it. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave her sandwich to PersonY to eat, as _ loved it with so much mustard on it."} {"input": "Context Word: Buddhist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a Buddhist while PersonY was a Jew. _ would never think of eating beef. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a Buddhist while PersonY was a Jew. _ would never think of eating pork."} {"input": "Context Word: silicone sealant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was handier than PersonY, so _ applied the silicone sealant to the bathtub corner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was handier than PersonY, so _ did not apply the silicone sealant to the bathtub corner."} {"input": "Context Word: Apricot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered the apricot to PersonY, who deeply appreciated the gesture because _ was so generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered the apricot to PersonY, who deeply appreciated the gesture because _ was so thirsty."} {"input": "Context Word: paid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid for the order that PersonY got because _ had extra money on them at lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid for the order that PersonY got because _ had no money on them at lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: Verbal.", "output": "Sentence 1: When learning things, PersonX likes verbal instruction, while PersonY likes written ones. _ is an auditory learner. \nSentence 2: When learning things, PersonX likes verbal instruction, while PersonY likes written ones. _ is a visual learner."} {"input": "Context Word: wrinkles.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX ironed the shirt to get the wrinkles out PersonY put it on as _ hoped they would look presentable for the meeting. \nSentence 2: After PersonX ironed the shirt to get the wrinkles out PersonY put it on as _ wanted to look presentable for the meeting."} {"input": "Context Word: wrinkles.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting botox was a dream for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ was very self conscious of having wrinkles. \nSentence 2: Getting botox was a dream for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ was not very self conscious of having wrinkles."} {"input": "Context Word: wrinkles.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having self-confidence is harder for PersonX than it is for PersonY because _ doesn't know how to conceal her wrinkles. \nSentence 2: Having self-confidence is harder for PersonX than it is for PersonY because _ knows how to conceal her wrinkles."} {"input": "Context Word: wrinkles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less wrinkles than PersonY because _ took care of her skin and had a facelift. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less wrinkles than PersonY because _ didn't take care of her skin and didn't have facelift."} {"input": "Context Word: wrinkles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more flattering wrinkles as she aged than PersonY because _ tended to smile a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more flattering wrinkles as she aged than PersonY because _ tended to scowl a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: wrinkles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had wrinkles all over their face but PersonY did not because _ was very old. \nSentence 2: PersonX had wrinkles all over their face but PersonY did not because _ was very young."} {"input": "Context Word: wrinkles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of wrinkles on their face but PersonY does not. _ went to the dermatologist for treatment. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of wrinkles on their face but PersonY does not. _ went to the dentist for treatment."} {"input": "Context Word: wrinkles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked ironing their clothes but not PersonY so _ had no wrinkles in their clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked ironing their clothes but not PersonY so _ had wrinkles in their clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: wrinkles.", "output": "Sentence 1: The face of PersonX had a lot more wrinkles than PersonY because _ was older. \nSentence 2: The face of PersonX had a lot less wrinkles than PersonY because _ was older."} {"input": "Context Word: psychotherapy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that PersonY was depressed and needed psychotherapy. _ had seen this behavior before. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that PersonY was depressed and needed psychotherapy. _ had shown this behavior before."} {"input": "Context Word: direct.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was able to direct traffic because _ used to be a crossing guard. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was able to direct traffic because _ used to visually impaired."} {"input": "Context Word: direct.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to be as direct as possible, but PersonY didn't get the point, because _ was bad at communicating. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to be as direct as possible, but PersonY didn't get the point, because _ was bad at listening."} {"input": "Context Word: siding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at installing siding on houses than PersonY because _ works in the construction industry. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at installing siding on houses than PersonY because _ doesn't work in the construction industry."} {"input": "Context Word: stoic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was simply not as stoic as PersonY , as _ tended to handle things poorly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was simply not as stoic as PersonY , as _ tended to handle things gracefully."} {"input": "Context Word: boat ride.", "output": "Sentence 1: A boat ride sounded romantic to PersonX but not PersonY, as _ loved being out at sea. \nSentence 2: A boat ride sounded romantic to PersonX but not PersonY, as _ got seasick and hated being out at sea."} {"input": "Context Word: heartburn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to get heartburn than PersonY because _ ate a lot of spicy food. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to get heartburn than PersonY because _ did not eat a lot of spicy food."} {"input": "Context Word: donut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a box of donuts from PersonY's shop. Eating sweets was a passion for _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a box of donuts from PersonY's shop. Baking sweets was a passion for _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: donut.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had morning classes and PersonY had evening classes, _ worked in the donut shop in the evening. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had morning classes and PersonY had evening classes, _ worked in the donut shop in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: riding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much easier time when riding horses than PersonY, because _ had extensive lessons as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much easier time when riding horses than PersonY, because _ had very few lessons as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: riding.", "output": "Sentence 1: Riding with PersonX was dangerous compared to riding with PersonY, as _ tended to be reckless. \nSentence 2: Riding with PersonX was dangerous compared to riding with PersonY, as _ tended to be cautious."} {"input": "Context Word: handed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed PersonY some money, but she wouldn't take the money. _ was disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed PersonY some money, but she wouldn't take the money. _ didn't need it."} {"input": "Context Word: shredding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was quicker than PersonY at shredding chicken because _ worked in a kitchen before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was quicker than PersonY at shredding chicken because _ had not worked in a kitchen before."} {"input": "Context Word: flexible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX practiced every day to be flexible while PersonY did not. _ was able to do the splits. \nSentence 2: PersonX practiced every day to be flexible while PersonY did not. _ hurt themselves doing the splits."} {"input": "Context Word: flexible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to pass the physical fitness exam that PersonY failed, because _ was more flexible. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to pass the physical fitness exam that PersonY failed, because _ was less flexible."} {"input": "Context Word: bring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked to bring a cake to work but not tell PersonY. _ had to keep a it a secret. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked to bring a cake to work but not tell PersonY. _ had to go to work also."} {"input": "Context Word: coach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew frustrated trying to coach PersonY in soccer, as _ lacked the patience needed for the task. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew frustrated trying to coach PersonY in soccer, as _ lacked the aptitude needed for the task."} {"input": "Context Word: mistake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had left the table and PersonY went running to return the wallet before _ realized her mistake. \nSentence 2: PersonX had left the table and PersonY went running to return the wallet once _ realized her mistake."} {"input": "Context Word: mistake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The group blamed PersonX for the mistake and not PersonY because _ ignored the rules. \nSentence 2: The group blamed PersonX for the mistake and not PersonY because _ followed the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: Jewish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very excited for the upcoming holiday next week unlike PersonY because _ was Jewish. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very excited for the upcoming holiday next week unlike PersonY because _ was not Jewish but Muslim."} {"input": "Context Word: Jewish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the temple more than PersonY did because _ was of Jewish faith. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the temple more than PersonY did although _ was of Jewish faith."} {"input": "Context Word: Recruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX set out to walk around and recruit new members for PersonY 's church because _ was young and active. \nSentence 2: PersonX set out to walk around and recruit new members for PersonY 's church because _ was old and disabled."} {"input": "Context Word: chubby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not neat as chubby as PersonY after the holidays because _ continued to workout. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not neat as chubby as PersonY after the holidays but _ no longer wanted to workout."} {"input": "Context Word: code.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to write code better than PersonY because _ had been taught by college professors for several years. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to write code better than PersonY because _ had been taught by online for only a week."} {"input": "Context Word: code.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to school for computer science while PersonY didn't, so _ loves to code in their off time. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to school for computer science while PersonY didn't, so _ hates to code in their off time."} {"input": "Context Word: assassin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very good assassin unlike PersonY because _ had a very agile body. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very good assassin unlike PersonY because _ had a very clumsy body."} {"input": "Context Word: whiny.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was better at business than PersonY, _ had the tendency to become more whiny in meetings. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was better at business than PersonY, _ had the tendency to become less whiny in meetings."} {"input": "Context Word: whiny.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help out with chores around the house, because _ was whiny. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help out with some chores around the house, but _ was whiny."} {"input": "Context Word: whiny.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX was whiny because of sadness, PersonY giggled, so father gave _ a stern look. \nSentence 2: When PersonX was whiny because of sadness, PersonY giggled, so father gave _ a comforting look."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a lot of thought PersonX decided not to end things with PersonY because _ didn't have the heart to separate. \nSentence 2: After a lot of thought PersonX decided not to end things with PersonY but _ didn't have the heart to stay."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave their heart to PersonY, and _ soon learned that they should have kept their heart to themselves. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave their heart to PersonY, and _ soon told them that they should have kept their heart to themselves."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had heart problems while PersonY did not, so _ needed to take heart related medication daily. \nSentence 2: PersonX had heart problems while PersonY did not, so _ did not need to take heart related medication daily."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had their heart treated by PersonY so _ spent the day asking questions about how to treat it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had their heart treated by PersonY so _ spent the day answering questions about how to treat it."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a wonderful heart compared to PersonY because _ always took time to help others. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a common heart compared to PersonY because _ always took time to help others."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is known to be a rude person as compared to PersonY because _ has a hard heart. \nSentence 2: PersonX is known to be a rude person as compared to PersonY because _ has a kind heart."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX isn't allowed to exercise as vigorously as PersonY because _ has a bad heart. \nSentence 2: PersonX isn't allowed to exercise as vigorously as PersonY because _ has a healthy heart."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to have a heart transplant but not PersonY because _ had clogged arteries. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to have a heart transplant but not PersonY because _ had clear arteries."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX should be more concerned with their health than PersonY because _ has a family history of heart disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX should be more concerned with their health than PersonY because _ doesn't have a family history of heart disease."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to avoid PersonY because of his broken heart theatrics because _ was unsympathetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to avoid PersonY because of his broken heart theatrics because _ was melodramatic."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor said PersonX's heart beat was fine but PersonY's was irregular. _ felt so relieved. \nSentence 2: The doctor said PersonX's heart beat was fine but PersonY's was irregular. _ felt so anxious."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: The girl broke PersonX's heart but not PersonY's because _ used to be in love with her. \nSentence 2: The girl broke PersonX's heart but not PersonY's because _ was never in love with her."} {"input": "Context Word: heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: Unlike PersonX , PersonY offered her heart to those who suffered, because _ was so selfish. \nSentence 2: Unlike PersonX , PersonY offered her heart to those who suffered, because _ was so giving."} {"input": "Context Word: Cactus Juice.", "output": "Sentence 1: In an effort to eat healthy, PersonX attempted to get PersonY on board when _ got rid of the unhealthy stuff in the house and replaced it with cactus juice. \nSentence 2: In an effort to eat healthy, PersonX attempted to get PersonY on board, but _ got rid of the cactus juice in the house and replaced it with unhealthy stuff."} {"input": "Context Word: meltdowns.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's children constantly have meltdowns, however PersonY's are well behaved. _ is failing at parenting. \nSentence 2: PersonX's children constantly have meltdowns, however PersonY's are well behaved. _ is succeeding at parenting."} {"input": "Context Word: Pasteurize.", "output": "Sentence 1: To pasteurize his milk, PersonX had to use PersonY 's kitchen because _ 's kitchen was too cluttered. \nSentence 2: To pasteurize his milk, PersonX had to use PersonY 's kitchen because _ 's kitchen was perfect for it."} {"input": "Context Word: biscuits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making a hot bisquick biscuits for PersonY, because _ loves making other people happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making a hot bisquick biscuits for PersonY, because _ loves eating bisquick biscuits."} {"input": "Context Word: biscuits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made PersonY some home made biscuits and _ wanted to be thanked for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX made PersonY some home made biscuits and _ wanted to eat all of them."} {"input": "Context Word: biscuits.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sunday afternoon PersonX made some buttermilk biscuits for PersonY, and _ made quick work of making them. \nSentence 2: Sunday afternoon PersonX made some buttermilk biscuits for PersonY, and _ made quick work of eating them."} {"input": "Context Word: biscuits.", "output": "Sentence 1: The biscuits made by PersonX were flaky and delicious but those made by PersonY were hard and dry, because _ always baked delicious treats. \nSentence 2: The biscuits made by PersonX were flaky and delicious but those made by PersonY were hard and dry, because _ rarely baked delicious treats."} {"input": "Context Word: biscuits.", "output": "Sentence 1: While eating out, PersonX decided to try out biscuits, and PersonY avoided them. _ ate anything despite being on a diet. \nSentence 2: While eating out, PersonX decided to try out biscuits, and PersonY avoided them. _ didn't eat anything while being on a diet."} {"input": "Context Word: damages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to pay for all of the damages to PersonY because _ was the perpetrator. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to pay for all of the damages to PersonY because _ was the victim."} {"input": "Context Word: supportive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it hard to be supportive of his student's efforts than PersonY because _ did not have a lot of teaching experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it hard to be supportive of his student's efforts than PersonY because _ had a lot of teaching experience."} {"input": "Context Word: supportive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more supportive of the event than PersonY because it was _ political party hosting the event. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less supportive of the event than PersonY because it was _ political party hosting the event."} {"input": "Context Word: supportive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was never supportive of PersonY's dreams, so when they became famous, _ was jealous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was never supportive of PersonY's dreams, so when they became famous, _ was vindicated."} {"input": "Context Word: supportive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so supportive of PersonY during her hard time, and _ was very gracious with her help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so supportive of PersonY during her hard time, and _ was very appreciative of her help."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before their vacation, PersonX was learning French from PersonY because _ isn't a native from France. \nSentence 2: Before their vacation, PersonX was learning French from PersonY because _ is a native from France."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: Conversing in French came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ took French lessons in college. \nSentence 2: Conversing in French came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ took Spanish lessons in college."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the trip to France PersonX studied the handbook provided by the teacher while PersonY did not and so _ had more verbal interaction with the French people. \nSentence 2: During the trip to France PersonX studied the handbook provided by the teacher while PersonY did not and so _ had less verbal interaction with the French people."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY about places to visit in France because _ was going on a French vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY about places to visit in France because _ was a French resident."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a taste for French dining but PersonY had a taste for Mexican food. _ made a reservation at Chez Nous. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a taste for French dining but PersonY had a taste for Mexican food. _ made a reservation at El Gringo Loco."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always admired how PersonY spoke French, because _ struggled with even basic words. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always admired how PersonY spoke French, but actually _ struggled with even basic words."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time travelling in Paris than PersonY because _ can speak fluent French. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time travelling in Paris than PersonY because _ can't speak any French."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spoke to PersonY in French even though _ could not speak it very well. \nSentence 2: PersonX spoke to PersonY in French even though _ could not understand very well."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn French so he took PersonY 's class. _ was now a French student. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn French so he took PersonY 's class. _ was a French teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fluent in French but PersonY was a novice, so _ gave lessons in the language. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fluent in French but PersonY was a novice, so _ took lessons in the language."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning French from PersonY because _ was going on vacation to France next month. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning French from PersonY because _ wasn't going on vacation to France next month."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teaching French to PersonY however _ had never been to France on vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching French to PersonY however _ had been to France on vacation twice."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teaching PersonY beginners French because _ thought it was an important skill to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching PersonY beginners French because _ thought it was not an important skill to know."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the best student in French class, which annoyed PersonY. _ easily passed the exam that week. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the best student in French class, which annoyed PersonY. _ studied hard for the exam that week."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wondered if PersonY was French because _ heard her speak with an accent that was familiar. \nSentence 2: PersonX wondered if PersonY was French because _ spoke with an accent that was familiar."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's native language is French, but PersonY speaks Spanish. So, _ is likely from France. \nSentence 2: PersonX's native language is French, but PersonY speaks Spanish. So, _ is likely from Spain."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: Speaking perfect French was unimportant to PersonX but PersonY wanted to go to France, so _ took none of the French classes in school. \nSentence 2: Speaking perfect French was unimportant to PersonX but PersonY wanted to go to France, so _ took all of the French classes in school."} {"input": "Context Word: French.", "output": "Sentence 1: The French man walked up to PersonX and not PersonY because the French man had business with _ yesterday. \nSentence 2: The French man walked away from PersonX and not PersonY because the French man had business with _ yesterday."} {"input": "Context Word: Apron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore an apron whenever he cooked for PersonY in the kitchen because _ liked to be clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore an apron whenever he cooked for PersonY in the kitchen because _ was very strict."} {"input": "Context Word: foreign language.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to interact overseas because _ knew a foreign language. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to interact overseas because _ did not know a foreign language."} {"input": "Context Word: dyed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair was dyed at the salon by PersonY, so _ is likely the customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair was dyed at the salon by PersonY, so _ is likely the stylist."} {"input": "Context Word: increase.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to receive a pay increase because _ had never missed a day of work. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to receive a pay increase because _ had missed several days of work."} {"input": "Context Word: increase.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the pills to PersonY to increase her athletic performance, though _ really needed them for the track meet. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the pills to PersonY to increase her athletic performance, and _ really needed them for the track meet."} {"input": "Context Word: increase.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dealing with low GNRH so PersonY kept on irritatingly suggesting ways _ could increase their levels. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dealing with low GNRH so PersonY kept on helpfully suggesting ways _ could increase their levels."} {"input": "Context Word: increase.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unable to increase their muscles as well as PersonY, because _ was lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unable to increase their muscles as well as PersonY, because _ was determined."} {"input": "Context Word: mature.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mature and got a new job while PersonY kept living off their parents because _ wanted to move out on their own. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mature and got a new job while PersonY kept living off their parents because _ was to lazy to move out on their own."} {"input": "Context Word: mature.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX waited for their investment to mature, PersonY went gambling with their money. _ ended up retiring early. \nSentence 2: While PersonX waited for their investment to mature, PersonY went gambling with their money. _ ended up bankrupt."} {"input": "Context Word: Jolly Ranchers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Jolly Ranchers are a favorite of PersonX, though PersonY prefers Snickers, so _ probably prefers sour things. \nSentence 2: Jolly Ranchers are a favorite of PersonX, though PersonY prefers Snickers, so _ probably prefers chocolate things."} {"input": "Context Word: Jolly Ranchers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an unhealthy love for jolly ranchers, so PersonY tried to get them help. _ was not amused. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an unhealthy love for jolly ranchers, so PersonY tried to get them help. _ was satisfied."} {"input": "Context Word: rodent population control.", "output": "Sentence 1: Rodent population control became an issue one summer so PersonX got a cat, but PersonY did not and _ had zero mice in their dwelling. \nSentence 2: Rodent population control became an issue one summer so PersonX got a cat, but PersonY did not and _ had many mice in their dwelling."} {"input": "Context Word: Trust.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx lost persony trust after _ was sneaking into his room few days ago when he left for work. \nSentence 2: personx lost persony trust after _ caught him sneaking into his room few days ago when he left for work."} {"input": "Context Word: door.", "output": "Sentence 1: Feeling a draft, PersonX asked PersonY to please close the front door because _ was farther away. \nSentence 2: Feeling a draft, PersonX asked PersonY to please close the front door because _ was closer."} {"input": "Context Word: door.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always shut her dorm room door unlike PersonY because _ liked the door closed. \nSentence 2: PersonX always shut her dorm room door unlike PersonY because _ liked the door open."} {"input": "Context Word: door.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to leave their door open most of the time in college while PersonY kept theirs shut. _ was social. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to leave their door open most of the time in college while PersonY kept theirs shut. _ was asocial."} {"input": "Context Word: door.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept slamming the door annoying PersonY because _ liked the loud noise to know it's shut. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept slamming the door annoying PersonY because _ disliked the loud noise to know it's shut."} {"input": "Context Word: door.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knocked on PersonY's apartment's screen door, but there was no answer; _ was aggravated. \nSentence 2: PersonX knocked on PersonY's apartment's screen door, but there was no answer; _ was not at home."} {"input": "Context Word: door.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX left their car door open while PersonY locked their car door, so the car of _ was stolen. \nSentence 2: PersonX left their car door open while PersonY locked their car door, so the car of _ was safe."} {"input": "Context Word: door.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX locked the door of the PersonY's house because _ was not home at the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX locked the door of the PersonY's house because _ was home at the time."} {"input": "Context Word: door.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sitting closer to the door than PersonY, so _ was asked to close it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sitting closer to the door than PersonY, so _ asked her to close it."} {"input": "Context Word: door.", "output": "Sentence 1: Yesterday, when PersonX came in angrily looking for PersonY, _ slammed the door after themselves. \nSentence 2: Yesterday, when PersonX came in angrily looking for PersonY, _ slammed the door in their face."} {"input": "Context Word: rennovations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to perform the house rennovations even though _ was skilled in construction. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to perform the house rennovations even though _ was a novice in construction."} {"input": "Context Word: Massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help PersonY relax after a hard day at work, so _ gave them a massage. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to help PersonY relax after a hard day at work, so _ enjoyed getting a massage."} {"input": "Context Word: taste.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating bison was a taste PersonX enjoyed but not PersonY because _ like gamey meat. \nSentence 2: Eating bison was a taste PersonX enjoyed but not PersonY because _ didn't like gamey meat."} {"input": "Context Word: ring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX disliked the diamond ring PersonY was wearing, since _ felt diamonds were the result of slave labor and violence. \nSentence 2: PersonX disliked the diamond ring PersonY was wearing, but _ loved it despite feeling diamonds were the result of slave labor and violence."} {"input": "Context Word: ring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a jeweler and PersonY is not so _ could give the best advice on buying a wedding ring. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a jeweler and PersonY is not so _ could probably not give the best advice on buying a wedding ring."} {"input": "Context Word: ring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX presents PersonY with a fancy wring they found at a flea market, because _ wants to cheer up their friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX presents PersonY with a fancy wring they found at a flea market, because _ needs some cheering up from their friend."} {"input": "Context Word: ring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a wedding ring while PersonY doesn't wear any at all, so _ cleaned their ring. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a wedding ring while PersonY doesn't wear any at all, so _ bought their first ring."} {"input": "Context Word: ring.", "output": "Sentence 1: The engagement ring of PersonX was bigger than PersonY because _ had a wealthier fiancee. \nSentence 2: The engagement ring of PersonX was smaller than PersonY because _ had a wealthier fiancee."} {"input": "Context Word: ring.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ring was given to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was a nicer and kinder person. \nSentence 2: The ring was withheld from PersonX and not PersonY because _ was a nicer and kinder person."} {"input": "Context Word: username.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot their username but PersonY remembered it, so _ needed to be reminded what it was. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot their username but PersonY remembered it, so _ did not need to be reminded what it was."} {"input": "Context Word: airport.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Friday PersonX drove PersonY to the airport. This was because _ had a car. \nSentence 2: On Friday PersonX drove PersonY to the airport. This was because _ had a flight."} {"input": "Context Word: airport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to calm PersonY's nerves at the airport because _ was comfortable flying in airplanes. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to calm PersonY's nerves at the airport because _ was scared of flying in airplanes."} {"input": "Context Word: airport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was later than PersonY, so _ had to worry about missing the plane at the airport. \nSentence 2: PersonX was later than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about missing the plane at the airport."} {"input": "Context Word: airport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to pick up PersonY, who needed a ride to the airport, and _ was very helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to pick up PersonY, who needed a ride to the airport, and _ was very grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: Stuffed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the buffet and stuffed themselves silly while PersonY had only soup. _ needed a nap a while later. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the buffet and stuffed themselves silly while PersonY had only soup. _ needed another meal a while later."} {"input": "Context Word: robbery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hiding like a coward while PersonY helped the police to prevent the robbery so the police was disappointed with _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was hiding like a coward while PersonY helped the police to prevent the robbery so the police was proud with _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: opening.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the first one arrive at the opening and PersonY was next in line, _ was a few steps faster today. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the first one arrive at the opening and PersonY was next in line, _ was a few steps behind today."} {"input": "Context Word: player.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX consistently got trounced by PersonY in tennis, because _ was just an inferior player . \nSentence 2: PersonX consistently got trounced by PersonY in tennis, because _ was just a superior player ."} {"input": "Context Word: player.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an avid tennis player but PersonY prefers swimming. They go shopping together, _ buys a new raquet. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an avid tennis player but PersonY prefers swimming. They go shopping together, _ buys a new mask."} {"input": "Context Word: player.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY was a player, because _ saw him with lots of different girls at the same time. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY was a player, because _ was seeing lots of different girls at the same time."} {"input": "Context Word: player.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much better jacks player than PersonY because _ had better hand eye coordination. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much better jacks player than PersonY because _ had worse hand eye coordination."} {"input": "Context Word: player.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was considered more of a player than PersonY, because _ dated a lot of different women. \nSentence 2: PersonX was considered more of a player than PersonY, because _ did not date a lot of different women."} {"input": "Context Word: player.", "output": "Sentence 1: The player ran past PersonX but ran into PersonY, because he thought _ was harder to tackle. \nSentence 2: The player ran into PersonX but ran past PersonY because he thought _ was harder to tackle."} {"input": "Context Word: mango.", "output": "Sentence 1: Despite being allergic to mango sap, PersonX wants to try PersonY's mango ice cream, but _ tries only one drop initially. \nSentence 2: Despite being allergic to mango sap, PersonX wants to try PersonY's mango ice cream, so _ offers her only one drop initially."} {"input": "Context Word: mango.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mango fell on PersonX 's head but missed PersonY , because _ was standing right under the tree. \nSentence 2: The mango fell on PersonX 's head but missed PersonY , because _ was standing away from the tree."} {"input": "Context Word: courage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The courage of PersonX was a lot stronger than PersonY because _ had been through a lot in life. \nSentence 2: The courage of PersonX was a lot weaker than PersonY because _ had been through a lot in life."} {"input": "Context Word: betta fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told her child PersonY she couldn't have a dog, but she could have a betta fish, so _ went to the pet store with her mother. \nSentence 2: PersonX told her child PersonY she couldn't have a dog, but she could have a betta fish, so _ went to the pet store with her daughter."} {"input": "Context Word: Humor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used humor to win over the crowd, which really impressed PersonY as _ had an established career in comedy. \nSentence 2: PersonX used humor to win over the crowd, which really impressed PersonY as _ sought a career in comedy."} {"input": "Context Word: brain.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was stronger than PersonY, who was better at using his brain, _ became a construction worker. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was stronger than PersonY, who was better at using his brain, _ became a building designer."} {"input": "Context Word: brain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY may be declared dead because _ did not display any brain activity while on the life support machine. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY may be declared dead because _ did display brain activity while on the life support machine."} {"input": "Context Word: brain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to dissect the cow brain with PersonY, because _ thought they could find a better lab partner. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to dissect the cow brain with PersonY, but _ turned out to be a great lab partner."} {"input": "Context Word: brain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX entrusted their life to the renowned neurosurgeon PersonY, because _ required a novel brain surgery. \nSentence 2: PersonX entrusted their life to the renowned neurosurgeon PersonY, because _ pioneered a novel brain surgery."} {"input": "Context Word: brain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a more creative brain while PersonY has a more analytical one because _ is considered left-brained. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a more creative brain while PersonY has a more analytical one because _ is considered right-brained."} {"input": "Context Word: brain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was known for her brain while PersonY was known for her athleticism; _ was a scholar. \nSentence 2: PersonX was known for her brain while PersonY was known for her athleticism; _ was an Olympian."} {"input": "Context Word: brain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wished she had the brain of PersonY, as _ was always struggling in school compared to her. \nSentence 2: PersonX wished she had the brain of PersonY, as _ was always excelling in school compared to her."} {"input": "Context Word: Euros.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is much more familiar with using Euros than PersonY is, so _ lives in the European Union. \nSentence 2: PersonX is much more familiar with using Euros than PersonY is, so _ lives in the United States."} {"input": "Context Word: cactus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't care for plants like PersonY does. _ walked past the cactus for sale. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't care for plants like PersonY does. _ stopped at the cactus for sale."} {"input": "Context Word: cactus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had several needles in his skin, while PersonY had none, because _ backed into the cactus. \nSentence 2: PersonX had several needles in his skin, while PersonY had none, because _ avoided the cactus."} {"input": "Context Word: cactus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lacked the green thumb that PersonY had been gifted with, so _ managed to kill the cactus. \nSentence 2: PersonX lacked the green thumb that PersonY had been gifted with, so _ managed to revive the cactus."} {"input": "Context Word: cactus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived in the city while PersonY lived in the desert, so _ thought it uncommon to see a cactus in their yard. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived in the city while PersonY lived in the desert, so _ thought it common to see a cactus in their yard."} {"input": "Context Word: cactus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought tequila was made from cactus but PersonY didn't, _ was proven correct by a quick internet search. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought tequila was made from cactus but PersonY didn't, _ was proven incorrect by a quick internet search."} {"input": "Context Word: cactus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to bring him some cactus candy, so _ texted to see if he had any. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to bring him some cactus candy, and _ texted back to say he had any."} {"input": "Context Word: cactus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to have a cactus in their home, _ loved the idea despite knowing nothing about cacti. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to have a cactus in their home, _ hated the idea despite knowing nothing about cacti."} {"input": "Context Word: cactus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was bleeding while PersonY was just fine, since _ had touched the cactus . \nSentence 2: PersonX was bleeding while PersonY was just fine, since _ had avoided the cactus ."} {"input": "Context Word: cactus.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cactus poked PersonX when PersonY pushed them into it, so _ was full of holes. \nSentence 2: The cactus poked PersonX when PersonY pushed them into it, so _ was full of guilt."} {"input": "Context Word: hole.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fell down a hole and begged PersonY to help them out, but _ couldn't reach the rope. \nSentence 2: PersonX fell down a hole and begged PersonY to help them out, because _ had the rope."} {"input": "Context Word: hole.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got into a deep financial hole, unlike PersonY, because _ managed their fortune well. \nSentence 2: PersonX got into a deep financial hole, unlike PersonY, because _ managed their fortune poorly."} {"input": "Context Word: colonoscopy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dreaded the upcoming colonoscopy with PersonY, so _ asked for an anxiety medication to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX dreaded the upcoming colonoscopy with PersonY, so _ prescribed an anxiety medication to help."} {"input": "Context Word: colonoscopy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to go to the hosptial with PersonY because he was nervous to get a colonoscopy. _ felt like a good friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to go to the hosptial with PersonY because he was nervous to get a colonoscopy. _ felt like he had good friend."} {"input": "Context Word: colonoscopy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor insisted on regular checkups, which PersonX obeyed more than PersonY. _ thought it unlikely they needed a colonoscopy. \nSentence 2: The doctor insisted on regular checkups, which PersonX obeyed more than PersonY. _ thought it likely they needed a colonoscopy."} {"input": "Context Word: lecture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attended the lecture of PersonY, but it was so long _ fell asleep half way through. \nSentence 2: PersonX attended the lecture of PersonY, but it was so long _ put students to sleep half way through."} {"input": "Context Word: chihuahua.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved dogs more than PersonY but _ hated the Chihuahua because of the commercials. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved dogs more than PersonY but _ loved the Chihuahua because of the commercials."} {"input": "Context Word: embarrassing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept getting into embarrassing situations that PersonY did not for _ didn't look were he was going. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept getting into embarrassing situations that PersonY did not for _ did look were he was going."} {"input": "Context Word: embarrassing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it was embarrassing by what PersonY told everyone about them on Facebook, _ is easily embarrassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it was embarrassing by what PersonY told everyone about them on Facebook, _ is never embarrassed."} {"input": "Context Word: caller.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied for the position of Bingo Caller while PersonY did not because _ was a native speaker. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied for the position of Bingo Caller while PersonY did not because _ was a foreign speaker."} {"input": "Context Word: Bowel.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had a bad bowel movement when jogging with persony because _ ate too much before jogging. \nSentence 2: personx had a bad bowel movement when jogging with persony only _ ate moderately before jogging."} {"input": "Context Word: university.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX wanted to be a welder and PersonY wanted to be a engineer, _ went to trade school instead of university. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX wanted to be a welder and PersonY wanted to be a engineer, _ went to university instead of trade school."} {"input": "Context Word: university.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX starts school in fall, PersonY does not because _ was the only one out of them that got accepted to the university. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX starts school this fall, PersonY does not because _ was the only one out of them that didn't get accepted to the university."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: Feeling generous, PersonX gave PersonY seeds she had collected from her apple tree because _ had plenty. \nSentence 2: Feeling generous, PersonX gave PersonY seeds she had collected from her apple tree because _ had none."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: Growing up on a farm helped PersonX and PersonY learn about seeds but _ never used it later in life. \nSentence 2: Growing up on a farm helped PersonX and PersonY learn about seeds but _ barely used it later in life."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: Out in the backyard, PersonX planted the seeds in the garden for PersonY because _ wanted to get paid. \nSentence 2: Out in the backyard, PersonX planted the seeds in the garden for PersonY because _ wanted an impressive house."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's seeds sprouted flowers much quicker than PersonY 's because _ watered them consistently. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's seeds sprouted flowers much quicker than PersonY 's because _ watered them infrequently."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planted the seeds of deceit in PersonY's head, because _ was known to be manipulative. \nSentence 2: PersonX planted the seeds of deceit in PersonY's head, because _ was known to be gullible."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planted the seeds of doubt in PersonY, because _ was always asking the difficult questions about life. \nSentence 2: PersonX received the seeds of doubt from PersonY, because _ was always asking the difficult questions about life."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX purchases more nuts and seeds at the grocery store than PersonY because _ owns a pet squirrel. \nSentence 2: PersonX purchases more nuts and seeds at the grocery store than PersonY because _ doesn't own a pet squirrel."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really wanted to give PersonY a hand full of magic seeds but _ had none. \nSentence 2: PersonX really wanted to give PersonY a hand full of magic seeds because _ had none."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was elated when the seeds grew for PersonY's pot, and _ congratulated their growth. \nSentence 2: PersonX was elated when the seeds grew for PersonY's pot, but _ despised their growth."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: The apples that PersonX grew were smaller than those in PersonY's garden, so _ 's seeds may have been tainted. \nSentence 2: The apples that PersonX grew were smaller than those in PersonY's garden, so _ 's seeds may have been better."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: The seeds that PersonX plants aren't as good as the ones that PersonY used. _ went to a terrible farm shop. \nSentence 2: The seeds that PersonX plants aren't as good as the ones that PersonY used. _ went to a reputable farm shop."} {"input": "Context Word: seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: The seeds that PersonX uses are worse than PersonY's because _ went to a less reputable farmer. \nSentence 2: The seeds that PersonX uses are worse than PersonY's although _ went to a less reputable farmer."} {"input": "Context Word: meditation.", "output": "Sentence 1: During meditation class, PersonX was able to sit still but not PersonY since _ is calm inside. \nSentence 2: During meditation class, PersonX was able to sit still but not PersonY since _ is upset inside."} {"input": "Context Word: meditation.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to find time for meditation during the day but PersonY could not, since _ had an empty schedule. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to find time for meditation during the day but PersonY could not, since _ had an full schedule."} {"input": "Context Word: meditation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX practiced meditation more often than PersonY, so _ was in a more relaxed state. \nSentence 2: PersonX practiced meditation more often than PersonY, so _ was in a less relaxed state."} {"input": "Context Word: meditation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY all about meditation because _ had been meditating for over fifteen years. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY all about meditation because _ had been wanting to learn meditating for over fifteen years."} {"input": "Context Word: meditation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX talked PersonY into joining them at Yoga class, after learning meditation _ felt renewed. \nSentence 2: PersonX talked PersonY into joining them at Yoga class, after learning meditation _ felt sleepy."} {"input": "Context Word: meditation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to shut off intrusive thoughts but PersonY got distracted, because _ had previously studied meditation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to shut off intrusive thoughts but PersonY got distracted, because _ had never studied meditation."} {"input": "Context Word: meditation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always calmer under pressure compared to PersonY because _ practiced meditation and relaxation regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always agitated under pressure compared to PersonY because _ practiced meditation and relaxation regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: meditation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Staying calm was very easy for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ used meditation to keep themself centered. \nSentence 2: Staying calm was very easy for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ didn't use meditation to keep themself centered."} {"input": "Context Word: parking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better parking spot than PersonY because _ was closer to the grocery store. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better parking spot than PersonY because _ was farther from the grocery store."} {"input": "Context Word: parking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has much better parallel parking skills than PersonY ever did, so _ loved to be valet. \nSentence 2: PersonX has much better parallel parking skills than PersonY ever did, so _ hated to be valet."} {"input": "Context Word: parking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at parallel parking than PersonY is because _ lives in the city. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at parallel parking than PersonY is even though _ lives in the city."} {"input": "Context Word: parking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was parking the car instead of PersonY because _ was an expert at parallel parking. \nSentence 2: PersonX was parking the car instead of PersonY because _ was an incompetent at parallel parking."} {"input": "Context Word: Pack.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the pack of mints from PersonY because _ 's breath was really smelly. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the pack of mints to PersonY because _ 's breath was really smelly."} {"input": "Context Word: graham cracker.", "output": "Sentence 1: Don't forget to get me a graham cracker PersonX reminds PersonY, _ enjoys eating graham crackers. \nSentence 2: Don't forget to get me a graham cracker PersonX reminds PersonY, _ is buying graham crackers."} {"input": "Context Word: paperwork.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the office job easier than PersonY because _ has experience with filing paperwork. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the office job easier than PersonY because _ doesn't have experience with filing paperwork."} {"input": "Context Word: paranoid personality disorder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a Psychiatrist treating PersonY for paranoid personality disorder so _ prescribed them some medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a Psychiatrist treating PersonY for paranoid personality disorder so _ was put on medication."} {"input": "Context Word: rope swing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ahead of PersonY in the line to use the rope swing, because _ got there first. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ahead of PersonY in the line to use the rope swing, even though _ got there first."} {"input": "Context Word: rope swing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using his tool set, PersonX built an awesome rope swing for PersonY, because _ knew he would enjoy swinging on one. \nSentence 2: Using his tool set, PersonX built an awesome rope swing for PersonY, because _ said he would enjoy swinging on one."} {"input": "Context Word: testosterone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much higher testosterone level than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about being able to have children. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much higher testosterone level than PersonY, so _ started to worry about being able to have children."} {"input": "Context Word: hairline.", "output": "Sentence 1: Hairline restoration cost a lot of money which PersonX willingly paid, but not PersonY, as _ was self conscious of their bald head. \nSentence 2: Hairline restoration cost a lot of money which PersonX willingly paid, but not PersonY, as _ was proud of their bald head."} {"input": "Context Word: hairline.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to make her hairline grow back so she visits PersonY, because _ wants to look pretty. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to make her hairline grow back so she visits PersonY, because _ is a hairdresser."} {"input": "Context Word: recovery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to stay sober longer than PersonY because _ completed all the steps in their recovery program. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to stay sober longer than PersonY because _ didn't complete all the steps in their recovery program."} {"input": "Context Word: recovery.", "output": "Sentence 1: The recovery was a lot longer for PersonX than PersonY, because _ injury was more severe. \nSentence 2: The recovery was a lot shorter for PersonX than PersonY, because _ injury was more severe."} {"input": "Context Word: oyster.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX liked seafood more than PersonY, _ couldn't stand the taste of fresh oysters. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX liked seafood more than PersonY, _ really loved the taste of fresh oysters."} {"input": "Context Word: Respiratory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really bothered by pollen but PersonY was immune to it's effects. _ suffered a lot of respiratory problems in the spring. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really bothered by pollen but PersonY was immune to it's effects. _ suffered no respiratory problems in the spring."} {"input": "Context Word: truck.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying a new truck seemed wise for PersonX but not PersonY because _ needed a truck for work. \nSentence 2: Buying a new truck seemed wise for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not need truck for work."} {"input": "Context Word: truck.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to drive a big truck but PersonY did not. _ bought a new truck. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to drive a big truck but PersonY did not. _ bought a new car."} {"input": "Context Word: vital signs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX trained as a nurse, however PersonY trained as an architect. _ found the accident victims' vital signs with ease. \nSentence 2: PersonX trained as a nurse, however PersonY trained as an architect. _ found the accident victims' vital signs with great difficulty."} {"input": "Context Word: Care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got sick one day. PersonY decided to care for him until _ was fully recovered. \nSentence 2: PersonX got sick one day. PersonY decided to care for him until _ was too tired."} {"input": "Context Word: hand.", "output": "Sentence 1: Helping out people is more important for PersonX and not PersonY because _ was thought to lend a hand. \nSentence 2: Helping out people is more important for PersonX and not PersonY because _ wasn't thought to lend a hand."} {"input": "Context Word: hand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help her take a splinter out of her hand. Afterwards, _ finally felt pain-free. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked by PersonY to help her take a splinter out of her hand. Afterwards, _ finally felt pain-free."} {"input": "Context Word: hand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a hand when they were moving to a new house, because _ was feeling helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a hand when they were moving to a new house, because _ was feeling overwhelmed."} {"input": "Context Word: hand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to give PersonY a hand unloading the groceries because _ noticed she was struggling with the bags. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to give PersonY a hand unloading the groceries although _ was not struggling with the bags."} {"input": "Context Word: hand.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to which hand they write with, PersonX is like most people, while PersonY is \"special\". _ must be right handed. \nSentence 2: When it comes to which hand they write with, PersonX is like most people, while PersonY is \"special\". _ must be left handed."} {"input": "Context Word: survival.", "output": "Sentence 1: Survival was a sure thing for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very strong physically. \nSentence 2: Survival was a sure thing for PersonX but not PersonY since _ was very weak physically."} {"input": "Context Word: survival.", "output": "Sentence 1: Survival was something that suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ was a really tough guy. \nSentence 2: Survival was something that suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ was not a really tough guy."} {"input": "Context Word: space.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to sleep on the bench because _ did not take up much space. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to sleep on the bench because _ took up too much space."} {"input": "Context Word: space.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has traveled to space before even though PersonY hasn't because _ is an astronaut. \nSentence 2: PersonX has traveled to space before even though PersonY hasn't because _ is not an astronaut."} {"input": "Context Word: space.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hosted the party for PersonY in their backyard because _ had plenty of outdoor space. \nSentence 2: PersonX hosted the party for PersonY in their backyard because _ had no outdoor space."} {"input": "Context Word: space.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX provided ground control for PersonY when they were in space, because _ had all the relevant information. \nSentence 2: PersonX provided ground control for PersonY when they were in space, because _ needed all the relevant information."} {"input": "Context Word: happily.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX happily skipped down the path to give PersonY a flower crown. _ beamed with pride when she accepted the crown and placed it on her head. \nSentence 2: PersonX happily skipped down the path to give PersonY a flower crown. _ gladly accepted the crown and placed it on her head."} {"input": "Context Word: talkative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was exhausted listening to the talkative PersonY, because _ was tired of the prattle. \nSentence 2: PersonX was exhausted listening to the talkative PersonY, because _ was endless with the prattle."} {"input": "Context Word: talkative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less talkative now than PersonY but _ was actually less shy in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less talkative now than PersonY but _ was actually more shy in school."} {"input": "Context Word: media.", "output": "Sentence 1: Writing press releases for the news media was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had studied journalism at college. \nSentence 2: Writing press releases for the news media was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had not studied journalism at college."} {"input": "Context Word: country girl.", "output": "Sentence 1: Your a country girl PersonX said to PersonY when they met yesterday, _ grew up in the country. \nSentence 2: Your a country girl PersonX said to PersonY when they met yesterday, _ had grew up in the city."} {"input": "Context Word: dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the salon, PersonX asked PersonY for her opinion about hair dye, because _ was nervous about making a bad choice. \nSentence 2: At the salon, PersonX asked PersonY for her opinion about hair dye, because _ was great at helping people avoid bad choices."} {"input": "Context Word: dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX admired PersonY 's beautiful, colorful hair, so _ borrowed some dye so she could color her own hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX admired PersonY 's beautiful, colorful hair, so _ gave her some dye so she could color her own hair."} {"input": "Context Word: dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they knew a good hair dye, because _ never dyed their hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they knew a good hair dye, because _ frequently dyed their hair."} {"input": "Context Word: dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to dye their hair, so _ sat down as the product was applied to their roots. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to dye their hair, so _ stood up as the product was applied to their roots."} {"input": "Context Word: dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed dye from PersonY since _ had run out of supplies for her hair recently. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed dye from PersonY since _ had gotten new supplies for her hair recently."} {"input": "Context Word: dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tripped and spilled a bucket on dye on PersonY's new coat so _ was appologetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX tripped and spilled a bucket on dye on PersonY's new coat so _ was furious."} {"input": "Context Word: dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants PersonY to help them dye there hair for the show and _ is begging. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants PersonY to help them dye there hair for the show and _ is contemplating."} {"input": "Context Word: dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked to dye PersonY's hair red because _ was a professional stylist at a salon. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to dye her hair red because _ was a professional stylist at a salon."} {"input": "Context Word: dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dye showed up on PersonX's hair more than PersonY's hair because _ had lighter hair. \nSentence 2: The dye showed up on PersonX's hair more than PersonY's hair because _ had darker hair."} {"input": "Context Word: dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dye that PersonX uses to color PersonY's hair is the wrong color, but _ tries to hide the mistake. \nSentence 2: The dye that PersonX uses to color PersonY's hair is the wrong color, and _ is frustrated by the mistake."} {"input": "Context Word: dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX put dye in PersonY's clothes, because _ did think it would be a funny thing to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX put dye in PersonY's clothes, but _ did not think it was a funny thing to do."} {"input": "Context Word: kiss.", "output": "Sentence 1: A lot of the high school girls wanted to kiss PersonX more than PersonY because _ was very handsome. \nSentence 2: A lot of the high school girls wanted to kiss PersonX more than PersonY because _ was not very handsome."} {"input": "Context Word: kiss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY came down with mono because _ would kiss every girl every girl he saw. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY came down with mono because _ would not kiss every girl he saw."} {"input": "Context Word: kiss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can kiss a lot better than PersonY because _ has had a lot of experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX can kiss a lot better than PersonY because _ hasn't had a lot of experience."} {"input": "Context Word: kiss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a girlfriend, PersonY has never had a girlfriend therefore _ could explain how to kiss a girl. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a girlfriend, PersonY has never had a girlfriend therefore _ could not explain how to kiss a girl."} {"input": "Context Word: kiss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to kiss PersonY, but it doesn't go so well. That's because _ is gay as opposed to the other guy. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to kiss PersonY, but it doesn't go so well. That's because _ is straight as opposed to the other guy."} {"input": "Context Word: kiss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dates always complain he tries to kiss them too soon, but PersonY doesn't do this. _ rushes things. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dates always complain he tries to kiss them too soon, but PersonY doesn't do this. _ waits for things."} {"input": "Context Word: panties.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to put her panties into PersonY 's laundry load, because _ didn't have enough room in her washing machine. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to put her panties into PersonY 's laundry load, but _ didn't have enough room in her washing machine."} {"input": "Context Word: panties.", "output": "Sentence 1: The panties of PersonX were white, but PersonY was wearing black ones because _ was more conservative. \nSentence 2: The panties of PersonX were white, but PersonY was wearing black ones because _ was more outgoing."} {"input": "Context Word: possum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidentally hit a possum and rushed it to PersonY, a veterinarian, because _ felt guilty. \nSentence 2: PersonX accidentally hit a possum and rushed it to PersonY, a veterinarian, because _ could save it."} {"input": "Context Word: Airbnb.", "output": "Sentence 1: Airbnb was ideal for PersonX but PersonY liked staying in hotel better than homes. _ booked a room in a downtown loft for their vacation. \nSentence 2: Airbnb was ideal for PersonX but PersonY liked staying in hotel better than homes. _ booked a room in a downtown hotel for their vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: spine.", "output": "Sentence 1: At ballet class PersonX has better posture than PersonY, because _ has a perfect spine. \nSentence 2: At ballet class PersonX has better posture than PersonY, because _ has a curved spine."} {"input": "Context Word: spine.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the hospital, PersonX took an X-ray of PersonY's spine because _ needed to diagnose the pain. \nSentence 2: In the hospital, PersonX took an X-ray of PersonY's spine because _ needed relief from the pain."} {"input": "Context Word: spine.", "output": "Sentence 1: The chiropractor specialized cracked the bones in PersonX's spine, which they loved but PersonY hated. _ found it satisfying to hear. \nSentence 2: The chiropractor specialized cracked the bones in PersonX's spine, which they loved but PersonY hated. _ found it terrifying to hear."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: A low-carb diet was a perfect way for PersonX to lose weight but not PersonY because _ didn't like rice and bread anyway. \nSentence 2: A low-carb diet was a perfect way for PersonX to lose weight but not PersonY because _ loved to eat rice and bread."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the bakery, PersonX ordered several loafs of bread from PersonY, since _ was wanting to buy them. \nSentence 2: At the bakery, PersonX ordered several loafs of bread from PersonY, since _ was wanting to sell them."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: Baking bread was a very easy task for PersonX but was challenging for PersonY, because _ had always found cooking easy. \nSentence 2: Baking bread was a very easy task for PersonX but was challenging for PersonY, because _ had always found cooking challenging."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: Baking bread was always a favorite of PersonX's compared to PersonY, so _ was interested in being a baker. \nSentence 2: Baking bread was always a favorite of PersonX's compared to PersonY, so _ was disinterested in being a baker."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: By the look of things PersonX could tell that PersonY knew nothing about making bread, _ knew how to make bread. \nSentence 2: By the look of things PersonX could tell that PersonY knew nothing about making bread, _ didn't know how to make bread."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making bread was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a good knowledge of baking. \nSentence 2: Making bread was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no knowledge of baking."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had no problem giving PersonY a few pieces of bread, because _ had more than he needed. \nSentence 2: PersonX had no problem giving PersonY a few pieces of bread, because _ had less than he needed."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered the chicken sandwich, but PersonY got a salad, because _ avoided eating bread. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered the chicken sandwich, but PersonY got a salad, because _ loved eating bread."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was making rye bread for PersonY because _ was aware of the allergy sensitivities in the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX was making rye bread for PersonY because _ was afflicted by allergy sensitivities in the house."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't as hungry for the main course as PersonY was because _ ate a lot of bread before. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't as hungry for the main course as PersonY was because _ ate very little bread before."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bread that PersonX made looks a lot prettier than the loaf PersonY made because _ extensively decorated. \nSentence 2: The bread that PersonX made looks a lot prettier than the loaf PersonY made because _ barely decorated."} {"input": "Context Word: bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor suggested that PersonX but not PersonY stop eating bread because _ was healthy. \nSentence 2: The doctor suggested that PersonX but not PersonY stop eating bread because _ was unhealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: prayer and worship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was rushing but not PersonY because _ wanted to arrive at church early for prayer and worship. \nSentence 2: PersonX was rushing but not PersonY because _ did not want to arrive at church early for prayer and worship."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could feel her period coming. So when she snapped at PersonY, _ thought it was probably the hormones. \nSentence 2: PersonX could feel her period coming. So when she snapped at PersonY, _ thought it was probably out of rudeness."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got her first period well before PersonY, because _ started puberty at a young age. \nSentence 2: PersonX got her first period well before PersonY, because _ started puberty at a later age."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got her period a lot later than did PersonY. So, _ likely went through puberty a little later. \nSentence 2: PersonX got her period a lot later than did PersonY. So, _ likely went through puberty a little earlier."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got unexpected period in a public place so she asks PersonY for pads, because _ was not prepared. \nSentence 2: PersonX got unexpected period in a public place so she asks PersonY for pads, because _ had some pads."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is often afflicted with cramps during their period but PersonY is not. _ has to take medication for cramps each month. \nSentence 2: PersonX is often afflicted with cramps during their period but PersonY is not. _ has no need to take medication for cramps each month."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just got her period, but PersonY has had hers for years due to _ being a student. \nSentence 2: PersonX just got her period, but PersonY has had hers for years due to _ being a grandma."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never had leak problems on their period unlike PersonY because _ always used heavy duty pads. \nSentence 2: PersonX never had leak problems on their period unlike PersonY because _ always used light duty pads."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was feeling much worse than PersonY was feeling because _ was on her period. \nSentence 2: PersonX was feeling much worse than PersonY was feeling although _ was on her period."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a worse mood than PersonY was because _ had just started her period. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a better mood than PersonY was because _ had just started her period."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not shy about sex education though PersonY was. _ taught the girls about their period. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not shy about sex education though PersonY was. _ refused to teach the girls about their period."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: The long flight caused PersonX to fall asleep, but she was woken up by PersonY giving her a pad because _ 's period had started. \nSentence 2: The long flight caused PersonX to fall asleep, but she was woken up by PersonY asking for a pad because _ 's period had started."} {"input": "Context Word: period.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using tampons during a period was more comfortable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had been having it for a long time. \nSentence 2: Using tampons during a period was more comfortable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had been having it for a short time."} {"input": "Context Word: water quality.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was concerned about water quality while PersonY was not, so _ drank filtered water. \nSentence 2: PersonX was concerned about water quality while PersonY was not, so _ drank unfiltered water."} {"input": "Context Word: water quality.", "output": "Sentence 1: The water quality near PersonX's home is poorer than that near PersonY's, so _ probably lives near a polluted source of water. \nSentence 2: The water quality near PersonX's home is poorer than that near PersonY's, so _ probably lives near a cleaner source of water."} {"input": "Context Word: karate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning a new form of karate was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not athletic. \nSentence 2: Learning a new form of karate was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very athletic."} {"input": "Context Word: karate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX practices their karate for longer periods of time than PersonY because _ likes martial arts. \nSentence 2: PersonX practices their karate for longer periods of time than PersonY because _ hates martial arts."} {"input": "Context Word: karate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sought out PersonY to improve his karate because _ was tired of not advancing in his current dojo. \nSentence 2: PersonX sought out PersonY to improve his karate because _ could help advance him in his current dojo."} {"input": "Context Word: karate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning karate from PersonY but _ always was able to pin them down. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning karate from PersonY but _ never was able to pin them down."} {"input": "Context Word: cognac.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cognac was a favorite after-dinner drink of PersonX but PersonY preferred vodka. _ ordered a round of Hennessy for everyone in the lounge. \nSentence 2: Cognac was a favorite after-dinner drink of PersonX but not PersonY preferred vodka. _ ordered a round of Stoli for everyone in the lounge."} {"input": "Context Word: sexual.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not interested in PersonY since _ did not have a sexual attraction to her. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not interested in PersonY since _ did not show a sexual attraction to her."} {"input": "Context Word: french.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX learned French in school but PersonY grew up in France, _ spoke basic French. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX learned French in school but PersonY grew up in France, _ spoke fluent French."} {"input": "Context Word: french.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is teaching PersonY how to conjugate french verbs, because _ is his french tutor. \nSentence 2: PersonX is teaching PersonY how to conjugate french verbs, because _ wants to learn french."} {"input": "Context Word: Chess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn to play chess with PersonY. It is a hard game and _ lost often. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn to play chess with PersonY. It is a hard game and _ won often."} {"input": "Context Word: gut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often had a bad pain in the gut whereas PersonY did not because _ had a very good diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX often had a bad pain in the gut whereas PersonY did not because _ had a very poor diet."} {"input": "Context Word: Battlefield.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing Battlefield for hours after school suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked massive multiplayer online games. \nSentence 2: Playing Battlefield for hours after school suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ disliked massive multiplayer online games."} {"input": "Context Word: accent.", "output": "Sentence 1: Acting in the play came more easily for PersonX but not PersonY because _ could imitate a Southern accent correctly. \nSentence 2: Acting in the play came more easily for PersonX but not PersonY because _ could imitate a Southern accent wrongly."} {"input": "Context Word: accent.", "output": "Sentence 1: People thought PersonX sounded posh and was higher class than PersonY as _ has a very educated accent when speaking. \nSentence 2: People thought PersonX sounded common and was lower class than PersonY, as _ has a very educated accent when speaking."} {"input": "Context Word: accent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's accent is heavily Irish, while PersonY's is British because _ is from Northern Ireland. \nSentence 2: PersonX's accent is heavily Irish, while PersonY's is British because _ is from Great Britain."} {"input": "Context Word: accent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's accent is very heavy, whereas PersonY doesn't have one. _ was born in India. \nSentence 2: PersonX's accent is very heavy, whereas PersonY doesn't have one. _ was born in the US."} {"input": "Context Word: accent.", "output": "Sentence 1: The accent of PersonX is thicker than that of PersonY because _ moved here when they were older. \nSentence 2: The accent of PersonX is thicker than that of PersonY because _ moved here when they were younger."} {"input": "Context Word: many people.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had a wonderful party because _ had invited many people who attended. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had a wonderful party because _ had not invited many people who attended."} {"input": "Context Word: colors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX deferred the selection of colors for the decorations to PersonY , as _ was a poor stylist. \nSentence 2: PersonX deferred the selection of colors for the decorations to PersonY , as _ was a fantastic stylist."} {"input": "Context Word: colors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY many paint colors because _ decided to quit painting as a hobby. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY many paint colors because _ decided to start painting as a hobby."} {"input": "Context Word: colors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a personal shopper, PersonY is not therefore _ will give better advice on fashionable colors. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a personal shopper, PersonY is not therefore _ will not give better advice on fashionable colors."} {"input": "Context Word: warts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a lot of genital warts to PersonY because _ liked to have unprotected sex. \nSentence 2: PersonX gavea lot of genital warts to PersonY because _ hated to have unprotected sex."} {"input": "Context Word: warts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets lots of warts, but PersonY does not. People think that _ is gross. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets lots of warts, but PersonY does not. People think that _ is normal."} {"input": "Context Word: warts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more attractive than PersonY because _ had no warts or blemishes on her hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more attractive than PersonY because _ had warts and blemishes on her hands."} {"input": "Context Word: warts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was overall a dirtier person than PersonY so _ got a lot of warts all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was overall a dirtier person than PersonY so _ got a lesser amount of warts all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: intense.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was far too intense for the likes of PersonY, because _ tended to be dramatic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was far too intense for the likes of PersonY, because _ tended to be relaxed."} {"input": "Context Word: to chop the butter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not assigned to chop the butter and PersonY was because _ could not be trusted with a knife. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not assigned to chop the butter and PersonY was because _ was good with a knife."} {"input": "Context Word: intuitive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was horrible at being intuitive unlike PersonY because _ never listened to their body. \nSentence 2: PersonX was horrible at being intuitive unlike PersonY because _ always listened to their body."} {"input": "Context Word: intuitive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was intuitive and compassionate, while PersonY was egotistical and selfish. _ was an excellent friend to have. \nSentence 2: PersonX was intuitive and compassionate, while PersonY was egotistical and selfish. _ was an awful friend to have."} {"input": "Context Word: shoulder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had her right shoulder rubbed by PersonY because _ was in a lot of pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX had her right shoulder rubbed by PersonY because _ was in a massage class."} {"input": "Context Word: shoulder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had pain in their shoulder, while PersonY had pain in their knee, because _ did a lot of lifting. \nSentence 2: PersonX had pain in their shoulder, while PersonY had pain in their knee, because _ did a lot of running."} {"input": "Context Word: shoulder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a badly dislocated shoulder and asks for PersonY's help, because _ feels pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a badly dislocated shoulder and asks for PersonY's help, because _ is doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: shoulder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stood next to PersonY and only reached the top of their shoulder because _ was short. \nSentence 2: PersonX stood next to PersonY and only reached the top of their shoulder because _ was tall."} {"input": "Context Word: shoulder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helped off the field by PersonY after he hurt his shoulder during practice. _ was out the rest of the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY off the field after he hurt his shoulder during practice. _ was out the rest of the game."} {"input": "Context Word: shoulder.", "output": "Sentence 1: Shoulder pain always is a bother to PersonX, while PersonY has none, so _ takes lots of medication. \nSentence 2: Shoulder pain always is a bother to PersonX, while PersonY has none, so _ takes no medication."} {"input": "Context Word: shoulder.", "output": "Sentence 1: While looking at dresses, PersonX went past the dress PersonY picked up because _ has broad shoulder. \nSentence 2: While looking at dresses, PersonX went past the dress PersonY picked up because _ has narrow shoulder."} {"input": "Context Word: hydrate.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to hydrate the plants because _ did not have a watering bottle. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to hydrate the plants because _ did have a watering bottle."} {"input": "Context Word: prepare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could prepare a brilliant casserole but PersonY could not because _ was an excellent cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX could prepare a brilliant casserole but PersonY could not because _ was an awful cook."} {"input": "Context Word: prepare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not mind if it took them a while to prepare a meal but PersonY did because _ was very meticulous. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not mind if it took them a while to prepare a meal but PersonY did because _ was very slapdash."} {"input": "Context Word: prepare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to prepare a fancy dinner for PersonY, because _ had been hired as a chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to prepare a fancy dinner for PersonY, because _ had hired them as a chef."} {"input": "Context Word: prepare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to prepare for a hurricane unlike PersonY because _ lived near the coastal area. \nSentence 2: PersonX was clueless on how to prepare for a hurricane unlike PersonY because _ lived near the coastal area."} {"input": "Context Word: prepare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to prepare ahead of time and PersonY does not which is why _ is always ready for meetings. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to prepare ahead of time and PersonY does not which is why _ is rarely ready for meetings."} {"input": "Context Word: prepare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to prepare aromatic Indian food while PersonY doesn't because _ enjoys very spicy foods and complex flavors. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to prepare aromatic Indian food while PersonY doesn't because _ enjoys very bland foods and simple flavors."} {"input": "Context Word: prepare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to prepare dinner as soon as they get home from work and before PersonY is home. _ likes dinner done when he gets home. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to prepare dinner as soon as they get home from work and before PersonY is home. _ appreciates dinner done when he gets home."} {"input": "Context Word: prepare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to prepare PersonY for the big news but _ forgot what it was. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to prepare PersonY for the big news but _ couldn't be found outside."} {"input": "Context Word: prepare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to prepare for the big fight against PersonY, so _ spent time training in the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to prepare for the big fight against PersonY, but _ haven't even spent time training in the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: prepare.", "output": "Sentence 1: To prepare for the test, PersonX asked PersonY for help. _ is an average student. \nSentence 2: To prepare for the test, PersonX asked PersonY for help. _ is an excellent student."} {"input": "Context Word: prepare.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to cooking, PersonX takes more time to prepare food than PersonY because _ pay more attention to details. \nSentence 2: When it comes to cooking, PersonX takes more time to prepare food than PersonY because _ pay less attention to details."} {"input": "Context Word: bin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making a lined storage bin for PersonY, because _ wants to surprise her. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making a lined storage bin for PersonY, because _ really wants that bin."} {"input": "Context Word: isomalt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was forcing PersonY to be healthier but even _ couldn't stand the taste of isomalt. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY to be healthier but even _ couldn't stand the taste of isomalt."} {"input": "Context Word: back muscle.", "output": "Sentence 1: To relieve back pain, PersonX massaged PersonY's back muscle because _ is his massage therapist. \nSentence 2: To relieve back pain, PersonX massaged PersonY's back muscle because _ is his massage patient."} {"input": "Context Word: steam.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the spa, PersonX enjoyed the steam bath more than PersonY because _ liked breathing humid air. \nSentence 2: At the spa, PersonX enjoyed the steam bath more than PersonY because _ liked breathing dry air."} {"input": "Context Word: Contact Lenses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonYs help putting in the contact lenses because _ had never done it before. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonYs help putting in the contact lenses, but _ had never don't it before."} {"input": "Context Word: burger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered a burger with fries and coffee and PersonY ordered coke, because _ was hungry. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered a burger with fries and coffee and PersonY ordered coke, because _ was just thirsty."} {"input": "Context Word: accomplished.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accomplished a lot more in his career than PersonY because _ was motivated to succeed. \nSentence 2: PersonX accomplished a lot less in his career than PersonY because _ was motivated to succeed."} {"input": "Context Word: accomplished.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has accomplished more in his career than PersonY because _ worked hard every step of the way. \nSentence 2: PersonX has accomplished more in his career than PersonY because _ worked lazily every step of the way."} {"input": "Context Word: bile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had terrible acid reflux after Indian food but it was PersonY's favorite cuisine. _ often coughed up bile after spicy food. \nSentence 2: PersonX had terrible acid reflux after Indian food but it was PersonY's favorite cuisine. _ rarely coughed up bile after spicy food."} {"input": "Context Word: mojito.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to make a vodka mojito cocktail and a margarita because _ was thirsty. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to make a vodka mojito cocktail and a margarita because _ was a mixologist."} {"input": "Context Word: mojito.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered a mojito from the bar but PersonY just had a Diet Coke. _ did not have to drive home that night. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered a mojito from the bar but PersonY just had a Diet Coke. _ had to drive home that night."} {"input": "Context Word: spray.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX sprayed an insecticide on PersonY's garden during the summer, _ was very helpful. \nSentence 2: When PersonX sprayed an insecticide on PersonY's garden during the summer, _ was very thankful."} {"input": "Context Word: knee.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX got knee surgery, PersonY helped them to get around, and _ was grateful to them for it. \nSentence 2: After PersonX got knee surgery, PersonY helped them to get around, and _ was happy to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: knee.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX developed a sore knee during his race against against PersonY, _ lost the race. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX developed a sore knee during his race against against PersonY, _ won the race."} {"input": "Context Word: knee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt sharp pain in their knee after colliding with PersonY during the game so _ was angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt sharp pain in their knee after colliding with PersonY during the game so _ was sorry."} {"input": "Context Word: knee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has strained her knee and goes to see a doctor PersonY, because _ is hurt. \nSentence 2: PersonX has strained her knee and goes to see a doctor PersonY, because _ could help him."} {"input": "Context Word: knee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX twisted his knee while playing soccer with PersonY, so _ had to wear a knee brace. \nSentence 2: PersonX twisted his knee while playing soccer with PersonY, but _ lent him a knee brace."} {"input": "Context Word: knee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in better shape than PersonY, so _ did not have to wear a knee brace. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in better shape than PersonY, so _ had to wear a knee brace."} {"input": "Context Word: drawer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The drawer in the closet of PersonX is bigger than the drawer of PersonY because _ has a lot more clothes. \nSentence 2: The drawer in the closet of PersonX is smaller than the drawer of PersonY because _ has a lot more clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: jury duty.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being called for jury duty bothered PersonX but not PersonY, as _ felt it was a waste of their time. \nSentence 2: Being called for jury duty bothered PersonX but not PersonY, as _ felt it was their civic duty."} {"input": "Context Word: Firefox.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being showed how to use Firefox by PersonY. _ is likely more incompetent at technological things. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being showed how to use Firefox by PersonY. _ is likely more competent at technological things."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help him prepare for the test because _ didn't know the material. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help him prepare for the test because _ always knew the material."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them study for a history test because _ was last in the class. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them study for a history test because _ was top of the class."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not believe PersonY's claims about the effectiveness of the medicine because _ was skeptical of the test results. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not believe PersonY's claims about the effectiveness of the medicine because _ was evasive about the test results."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did worse on the final exam than PersonY did because _ forgot to study for the test. \nSentence 2: PersonX did worse on the final exam than PersonY did because _ remembered to study for the test."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX failed on the test but PersonY got very good marks because _ had been very lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX failed on the test but PersonY got very good marks because _ had been very prepared."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a much better score on their math test than PersonY. _ took the time to study for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a much better score on their math test than PersonY. _ didn't take the time to study for it."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY study for her test because _ had considerable knowledgeable on the subject. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY study for her test because _ had very little knowledge on the subject."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY study for the upcoming test because _ was already very good at the subject. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY study for the upcoming test because _ was never very good at the subject."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a school counselor, PersonY is not therefore _ would know about the LSAT test. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a school counselor, PersonY is not therefore _ would probably not know about the LSAT test."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX provides tips when PersonY test some fruits for their ripeness because _ is very experienced with the fruits. \nSentence 2: PersonX provides tips when PersonY test some fruits for their ripeness because _ wants to learn from the expert of fruits."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX successfully got a better grade than PersonY on the test because _ studied for days. \nSentence 2: PersonX successfully got a better grade than PersonY on the test because _ studied for one day."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dreading for the test in class but not PersonY because _ was a poor student. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dreading the test in class but not PersonY because _ was a good student."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to cheat on a test but PersonY refused to as _ was very dishonest. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to cheat on a test but PersonY refused to as _ was very honest."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't as well prepared for the biology test as PersonY because _ had forgot to study. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't as well prepared for the biology test as PersonY because _ had remembered to study."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went out to party while PersonY studied for their test, and _ got a bad score on the test. \nSentence 2: PersonX went out to party while PersonY studied for their test, and _ got a great score on the test."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was avoiding studying for the test because PersonX didn't care if they fail or not, while PersonY does. \nSentence 2: So _ was actually studying for the test because PersonX didn't care if they fail or not, while PersonY does."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was worried because PersonX forgot to study for the upcoming test and PersonY studied. \nSentence 2: So _ was confident because PersonX forgot to study for the upcoming test and PersonY studied."} {"input": "Context Word: test.", "output": "Sentence 1: The test was hard for PersonX but a breeze for PersonY , since _ had failed to study for it. \nSentence 2: The test was hard for PersonX but a breeze for PersonY , since _ had worked to study for it."} {"input": "Context Word: access.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had access to the internet at home and PersonY did not, and because of this, _ spent a lot at home researching their paper. \nSentence 2: PersonX had access to the internet at home and PersonY did not, and because of this, _ spent a lot at the library researching their paper."} {"input": "Context Word: harvest almonds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to harvest almonds in the backyard because _ couldn't do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to harvest almonds in the backyard because _ didn't want them to do it alone."} {"input": "Context Word: woodworm.", "output": "Sentence 1: In her newly purchased house, PersonX was upset to discover a woodworm infestation and called the realtor PersonY. _ wanted the sellers to pay for an exterminator. \nSentence 2: In her newly purchased house, PersonX was upset to discover a woodworm infestation and called the realtor PersonY. _ called the sellers to ask them pay for an exterminator."} {"input": "Context Word: brake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not brake in time when PersonY darted out in which caused _ to hit him. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not brake in time when PersonY darted out in front which caused _ to be hit."} {"input": "Context Word: brake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take the car to a mechanic to replace the old brake pads unlike PersonY because _ had never worked on cars. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take the car to a mechanic to replace the old brake pads unlike PersonY because _ had always worked on cars."} {"input": "Context Word: brake.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had his car brake fixed before handling it to persony because _ could not afford a damage. \nSentence 2: personx had his car brake fixed before handling it to persony because _ is not a very good driver."} {"input": "Context Word: Eccentric.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being eccentric was part of the personality of PersonX but not PersonY, so _ wasn't well understood by their friends. \nSentence 2: Being eccentric was part of the personality of PersonX but not PersonY, so _ was well understood by their friends."} {"input": "Context Word: soil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought soil for their garden but not PersonY because _ had a square acre of land. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought soil for their garden but not PersonY because _ had a square centimeter of land."} {"input": "Context Word: soil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not tell PersonY why she buried the box in the soil because _ was being secretive. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not tell PersonY why she buried the box in the soil because _ was being nosy."} {"input": "Context Word: soil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had rich soil in their garden but PersonY had poor soil. _ always used mulch and fertilizer on their garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX had rich soil in their garden but PersonY had poor soil. _ never used mulch and fertilizer on their garden."} {"input": "Context Word: soil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has better looking flowers in their garden than PersonY because _ always remembers to fertilize the soil. \nSentence 2: PersonX has better looking flowers in their garden than PersonY because _ always forgets to fertilize the soil."} {"input": "Context Word: soil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked by PersonY to help him till the soil in her garden because _ was a professional landscaper. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help him till the soil in her garden because _ was a professional landscaper."} {"input": "Context Word: soil.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ knows lots about the soil because PersonX enjoy gardening and PersonY couldn't be bothered. \nSentence 2: So _ knows nothing about the soil because PersonX enjoy gardening and PersonY couldn't be bothered."} {"input": "Context Word: soil.", "output": "Sentence 1: The soil on PersonX's farm is bad, while PersonY is lucky to have good soil. This means _ 's property is filled with pollutants. \nSentence 2: The soil on PersonX's farm is bad, while PersonY is lucky to have good soil. This means _ 's property is filled with nutrients."} {"input": "Context Word: get married.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was planing to get married and have PersonY be a flower girl because _ wanted someone who was young. \nSentence 2: PersonX was planing to get married and have PersonY be a flower girl because _ was someone who was young."} {"input": "Context Word: approaching.", "output": "Sentence 1: As PersonX was approaching PersonY, she slowed and picked her steps carefully, as _ was always eager to surprise. \nSentence 2: As PersonX was approaching PersonY, she slowed and picked her steps carefully, as _ was always easy to surprise."} {"input": "Context Word: accupressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very tense and went to PersonY for accupressure therapy. _ felt much better afterward. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very tense and went to PersonY for accupressure therapy. _ felt tired after working afterward."} {"input": "Context Word: weighed.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baby of PersonX weighed more than the baby of PersonY because the baby of _ was born on term. \nSentence 2: The baby of PersonX weighed more than the baby of PersonY because the baby of _ was born premature."} {"input": "Context Word: grammar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone knew that PersonX had a better education than PersonY because _ used proper grammar. \nSentence 2: Everyone knew that PersonX had a better education than PersonY because _ used poor grammar."} {"input": "Context Word: grammar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had really good grammar but PersonY didn't have good grammar because _ studied English in college. \nSentence 2: PersonX had really good grammar but PersonY didn't have good grammar because _ studied math in college."} {"input": "Context Word: grammar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had poor grammar in their paper while PersonY had great grammar, _ received a failing grade on their paper. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had poor grammar in their paper while PersonY had great grammar, _ received a passing grade on their paper."} {"input": "Context Word: stretches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teaching all of the proper stretches to PersonY, because _ was using them to get paid. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching all of the proper stretches to PersonY, because _ was using them to get in shape."} {"input": "Context Word: belief.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started to push their belief on PersonY against their will, because _ wanted to make a conversion. \nSentence 2: PersonX started to push their belief on PersonY against their will, because _ wouldn't make a conversion."} {"input": "Context Word: acupuncture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get acupuncture but PersonY thought it was foolish. _ was a big fan of alternative medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get acupuncture but PersonY thought it was foolish. _ was a big skeptic of alternative medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: church.", "output": "Sentence 1: Attending church services suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ believed in a higher power. \nSentence 2: Attending church services suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not believe in a higher power."} {"input": "Context Word: church.", "output": "Sentence 1: Attending church services weekly was part of PersonX's life but not PersonY's because _ is a religious person. \nSentence 2: Attending church services weekly was part of PersonX's life but not PersonY's because _ is a atheist person."} {"input": "Context Word: church.", "output": "Sentence 1: During a wedding, PersonX was nervous in church with PersonY because _ wasn't a practing Christian. \nSentence 2: During a wedding, PersonX was nervous in church with PersonY because _ was a practing Christian."} {"input": "Context Word: church.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had attended church often but not PersonY because _ was a true believer of the faith. \nSentence 2: PersonX had attended church often but not PersonY because _ was a true skeptic of the faith."} {"input": "Context Word: church.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invites PersonY to go to church on Sunday because _ wants them to believe in god. \nSentence 2: PersonX invites PersonY to go to church on Sunday but _ doesn't believe in god."} {"input": "Context Word: church.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a regular church goer, but PersonY never goes, so _ is very religious. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a regular church goer, but PersonY never goes, so _ is very atheistic."} {"input": "Context Word: church.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less religous than PersonY, therefore _ attended church services less often on Sundays. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less religous than PersonY, therefore _ attended church services more often on Sundays."} {"input": "Context Word: church.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was well respected at church but not PersonY because _ had studied religion in college. \nSentence 2: PersonX was well respected at church but not PersonY because _ had studied politics in college."} {"input": "Context Word: church.", "output": "Sentence 1: The church that PersonX goes to believes in Jesus, while PersonY's place of worship does not, so _ is Christian. \nSentence 2: The church that PersonX goes to believes in Jesus, while PersonY's place of worship does not, so _ is Jewish."} {"input": "Context Word: church.", "output": "Sentence 1: The church was an important place for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is very interested in spiritual matters. \nSentence 2: The church was an important place for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is not interested in spiritual matters."} {"input": "Context Word: church.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mother was upset with PersonX's appearance in church and told her to dress more like PersonY, because _ ' s clothes were inappropriate. \nSentence 2: The mother was upset with PersonX's appearance in church and told her to dress more like PersonY, because _ ' s clothes were appropriate."} {"input": "Context Word: reverse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was flaky but PersonY was consistent, and _ would always reverse her own decisions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was flaky but PersonY was consistent, and _ would never reverse her own decisions."} {"input": "Context Word: yard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is the the one who takes care of PersonY's yard so _ seeds the lawn. \nSentence 2: PersonX is the the one who takes care of PersonY's yard so _ pays for the lawn."} {"input": "Context Word: stuffed jalapenos.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher to PersonX on making stuffed jalapenos was PersonY because _ was in a cooking class. \nSentence 2: The teacher to PersonX on making stuffed jalapenos was PersonY because _ was instructing a cooking class."} {"input": "Context Word: sexuality.", "output": "Sentence 1: Coming out was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ has already fully come to terms with their sexuality. \nSentence 2: Coming out was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ hasn't yet fully come to terms with their sexuality."} {"input": "Context Word: addiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: Counseling is a service PersonX is providing PersonY for addiction, _ has been addicted to drugs for 10 years. \nSentence 2: Counseling is a service PersonX is providing PersonY for addiction, _ has been off of drugs for 10 years."} {"input": "Context Word: addiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a chatting addiction unlike PersonY because _ spent too much time online playing games. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a chatting addiction unlike PersonY because _ spent no time online playing games."} {"input": "Context Word: addiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to get into a treatment program, after _ heard of her drug addiction. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to get into a treatment program, after _ told of her drug addiction."} {"input": "Context Word: addiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is concerned that PersonY might have a Twitter addiction, but _ is probably worrying about nothing. \nSentence 2: PersonX is concerned that PersonY might have a Twitter addiction, and _ is probably not worried enough about it."} {"input": "Context Word: addiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw that PersonY was getting more and more in debt because of his addiction. _ wanted his friend to stop gambling. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw that PersonY was getting more and more in debt because of his addiction. _ did not want to stop gambling."} {"input": "Context Word: addiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from a severe addiction to gambling, and took money from PersonY to gamble. _ was happy to have money for gambling. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from a severe addiction to gambling, and took money from PersonY to gamble. _ was angered to lose money to gambling."} {"input": "Context Word: addiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suspected PersonY had an addiction to pain pills, so _ did not prescripe anymore pills. \nSentence 2: PersonX suspected PersonY had an addiction to pain pills, so _ did not receive anymore pills."} {"input": "Context Word: addiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY with their addiction because _ remembered how difficult recovery was long term. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helped by PersonY with their addiction because _ remembered how difficult recovery was long term."} {"input": "Context Word: addiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ was so upset about the news of his son's drug addiction. \nSentence 2: PersonX consolidated PersonY because _ was so upset about the news of his son's drug addiction."} {"input": "Context Word: proof.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX demanded proof about the allegation but PersonY did not as _ was very meticulous. \nSentence 2: PersonX demanded proof about the allegation but PersonY did not as _ was very slapdash."} {"input": "Context Word: wear removable partials.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to wear removable partials in everyday life because _ worked as a dentist. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to wear removable partials in everyday life because _ was visiting a dentist."} {"input": "Context Word: firefighter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is studying hard to become a firefighter so PersonY will be proud of them, but _ wonders if it is enough. \nSentence 2: PersonX is studying hard to become a firefighter so PersonY will be proud of them, but _ is already proud."} {"input": "Context Word: firefighter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was curious about how PersonY became a firefighter so quickly, because _ had heard the exams were difficult. \nSentence 2: PersonX was curious about how PersonY became a firefighter so quickly, because _ had said the exams were difficult."} {"input": "Context Word: firefighter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would make a better firefighter than PersonY because _ was in excellent physical condition. \nSentence 2: PersonX would make a better firefighter than PersonY because _ was in poor physical condition."} {"input": "Context Word: firefighter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Training to become a firefighter suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ works well under pressure. \nSentence 2: Training to become a firefighter suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ doesn't work well under pressure."} {"input": "Context Word: straight razor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to use a straight razor to shave with but PersonY prefers to use an electric shaver. _ went to the store to buy some razor blades. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to use a straight razor to shave with but PersonY prefers to use an electric shaver. _ went to the store to buy some shampoo."} {"input": "Context Word: hair in winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Reading a book about hair PersonX, but not PersonY decided _ would try the ways to treat hair in Winter. \nSentence 2: Reading a book about hair PersonX, but not PersonY decided _ didn't like the ways to treat hair in Winter."} {"input": "Context Word: nook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated reading in the small nook during story time but PersonY loved it since _ was claustrophobic. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated reading in the small nook during story time but PersonY loved it since _ was agoraphobic."} {"input": "Context Word: Equations.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx is better when he is solving mathematical Equations with persony because _ feel more confident. \nSentence 2: personx is better when he is solving mathematical Equations with persony because _ give more confidence."} {"input": "Context Word: vines.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was cutting vines while PersonY mowed the grass. _ was sad to get poison ivy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cutting vines while PersonY mowed the grass. _ was glad not to get poison ivy."} {"input": "Context Word: vines.", "output": "Sentence 1: When he began burning the vines, PersonX realized PersonY was alarmed when _ informed him what was making the smoke. \nSentence 2: When he began burning the vines, PersonX realized PersonY was alarmed when _ asked him what was making the smoke."} {"input": "Context Word: rollerblade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to rollerblade a lot, but PersonY is more of a skateboarder, so _ likes the skating rink. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to rollerblade a lot, but PersonY is more of a skateboarder, so _ dislikes the skating rink."} {"input": "Context Word: rollerblade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to teach PersonY how to rollerblade, but _ couldn't figure out how to teach well. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to teach PersonY how to rollerblade, but _ couldn't figure out how to do it well."} {"input": "Context Word: hated picking flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated picking flowers and PersonY didn't because _ tended to have really bad allergies. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated picking flowers and PersonY didn't because _ tended to have really mild allergies."} {"input": "Context Word: finals.", "output": "Sentence 1: The finals at school were much easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had studied more. \nSentence 2: The finals at school were much tougher for PersonX than PersonY because _ had studied more."} {"input": "Context Word: agreement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got the better deal in the agreement with PersonY, so _ is the more astute negotiator. \nSentence 2: PersonX got the worse deal in the agreement with PersonY, so _ is the more astute negotiator."} {"input": "Context Word: agreement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sad that PersonY did not show up, _ thought they had an agreement to meet each other. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sad that PersonY did not show up, _ forgot they had an agreement to meet each other."} {"input": "Context Word: housework.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did their housework while PersonY forgot to do so, therefore _ had a clean house. \nSentence 2: PersonX did their housework while PersonY forgot to do so, therefore _ had a dirty house."} {"input": "Context Word: housework.", "output": "Sentence 1: The house was a mess. PersonX refused to do the housework until PersonY apologized for their argument. _ thought this was reasonable. \nSentence 2: The house was a mess. PersonX refused to do the housework until PersonY apologized for their argument. _ thought this was petty and immature."} {"input": "Context Word: recommended.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if anyone they knew had recommended the restaurant, because _ she wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if anyone they knew had recommended the restaurant, but _ she didn't seem to know."} {"input": "Context Word: drawing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to give them drawing lessons, because _ was not very good at drawing. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to give them drawing lessons, since _ was very good at drawing."} {"input": "Context Word: drawing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a class on drawing to a group including PersonY because _ knew how to draw. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a class on drawing to a group including PersonY even though _ knew how to draw."} {"input": "Context Word: drawing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to pay two thousand pounds for a drawing but PersonY was not because _ was rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to pay two thousand pounds for a drawing but PersonY was not because _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: drawing.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to drawing, PersonX's characters look crappy compared to PersonY's, so _ should find another hobby. \nSentence 2: When it comes to drawing, PersonX's characters look crappy compared to PersonY's, so _ should stick with the hobby."} {"input": "Context Word: administer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more serious medical student than PersonY so _ got to administer the first procedure first. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more serious medical student than PersonY so _ got to administer the first procedure last."} {"input": "Context Word: Steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a vegetarian while PersonY eats meat, so _ does not order the steak for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a vegetarian while PersonY eats meat, so _ decides to order the steak for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: fry jacks.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating fry jacks was a favorite for PersonX but not PersonY because _ grew up eating them regularly. \nSentence 2: Eating fry jacks was a favorite for PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't grow up eating them regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: toothache.", "output": "Sentence 1: When faced with a toothache, PersonX visited PersonY because _ is a patient of his. \nSentence 2: When faced with a toothache, PersonX visited PersonY because _ is the dentist of his."} {"input": "Context Word: fresh.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always went to the local fresh fruit market unlike PersonY because _ lived closer. \nSentence 2: PersonX always went to the local fresh fruit market unlike PersonY because _ lived farther away."} {"input": "Context Word: fresh.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate fresh seafood more often than PersonY because _ lived near the coastal area. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate fresh seafood more often than PersonY because _ lived far from the coastal area."} {"input": "Context Word: fresh.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got up early in order to prepare fresh meat for his loyal customer PersonY because _ was a butcher. \nSentence 2: PersonX got up early in order to prepare fresh meat for his loyal customer PersonY because _ was going to be hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: Boxers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to wear boxers to preserve his sperm count. _ repeated his advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to wear boxers to preserve his sperm count. _ listened to his advice."} {"input": "Context Word: negative consequences.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to shield PersonY of the negative consequences in life so _ got more controlling. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to shield PersonY of the negative consequences in life so _ got a talking to."} {"input": "Context Word: murder.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Judge sentenced PersonX to the hang for their crime of murder but spared PersonY, so _ got a death sentence. \nSentence 2: The Judge sentenced PersonX to the hang for their crime of murder but spared PersonY, so _ got a life sentence."} {"input": "Context Word: gum disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY had gum disease from not brushing his teeth enough. _ thought his friend was gross and unclean. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY had gum disease from not brushing his teeth enough. _ thought his friend was nosey and rude."} {"input": "Context Word: impossible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it impossible to trust the words of PersonY, after _ had been lied to so many times before. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it impossible to trust the words of PersonY, after _ had been a liar so many times before."} {"input": "Context Word: impossible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it to be impossible to compromise with PersonY because _ was unable to reason with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it to be impossible to compromise with PersonY because _ was unable to be reasoned with."} {"input": "Context Word: function.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to function without PersonY around to help, because _ was incredibly codependent. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to function without PersonY around to help, because _ was incredibly enabling."} {"input": "Context Word: bug.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cried for her mother PersonY's help because a bug crawled in her ear. _ cried in fear that the bug would bite her. \nSentence 2: PersonX cried for her mother PersonY's help because a bug crawled in her ear. _ kept her calm so the bug wouldn't bite her."} {"input": "Context Word: bug.", "output": "Sentence 1: They laughed at PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a dead bug on their jeans. \nSentence 2: They laughed at PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a dead bug on their jeans."} {"input": "Context Word: Homophobic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was upset at guys looking at his naked body in the locker room while PersonY was unconcerned. _ was a very homophobic person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was upset at guys looking at his naked body in the locker room while PersonY was unconcerned. _ was a very open person and not homophobic."} {"input": "Context Word: Eating.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx could not stop eating whenever persony makes the meal because _ is a glutton. \nSentence 2: Personx could not stop eating whenever persony makes the meal because _ is a great cook."} {"input": "Context Word: Writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Writing came easily to PersonX but was difficult for PersonY because _ had taken journalism in college. \nSentence 2: Writing came easily to PersonX but was difficult for PersonY because _ had taken engineering in college."} {"input": "Context Word: passing.", "output": "Sentence 1: In passing PersonX waves at PersonY everyday when the go by each other, _ is a polite person. \nSentence 2: In passing PersonX waves at PersonY everyday when the go by each other, _ is a likable person."} {"input": "Context Word: passing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw PersonY give them the finger from their car, because _ had cut them off earlier while passing. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw PersonY give them the finger from their car, because _ had been cut off earlier while passing."} {"input": "Context Word: Getting tar out of a carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting tar out of a carpet was PersonX's specialty and not PersonY because _ was a housekeeper. \nSentence 2: Getting tar out of a carpet was PersonX's specialty and not PersonY because _ was a cashier."} {"input": "Context Word: Bean sprouts.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx cooked the Bean sprouts with the ingredients he collected from persony after _ collected the recipe. \nSentence 2: Personx cooked the Bean sprouts with the ingredients he collected from persony after _ gave the recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: rash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY had the same rash in the same area because _ passed it on. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY had the same rash in the same area because _ received it contagiously."} {"input": "Context Word: rash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a soothing creme to PersonY because _ had an uncomfortable rash on the face. \nSentence 2: PersonX accepted a soothing creme from PersonY because _ had an uncomfortable rash on the face."} {"input": "Context Word: rash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's rash is being treated by PersonY with medication due to _ being a patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX's rash is being treated by PersonY with medication due to _ being a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: minecraft.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is playing a minecraft with PersonY and needs advice how to find a desert temple, because _ has recently started playing. \nSentence 2: PersonX is playing a minecraft with PersonY and needs advice how to find a desert temple, because _ has been playing for a long time."} {"input": "Context Word: Odor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was disgusted because of the odor of PersonY, and _ did not want to be around them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was disgusted because of the odor of PersonY, and _ was ashamed to be around them."} {"input": "Context Word: focus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can't focus on subjects quite as well as PersonY because _ has an attention disorder. \nSentence 2: PersonX can't focus on subjects quite as well as PersonY because _ doesn't have an attention disorder."} {"input": "Context Word: focus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to have more focus for his job than PersonY because _ worked in a dangerous career field. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to have more focus for his job than PersonY because _ worked in an easy career field."} {"input": "Context Word: focus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a difficult time trying to focus but PersonY has no trouble doing so. _ thinks they may have ADD. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a difficult time trying to focus but PersonY has no trouble doing so. _ thinks they don't suffer from ADD."} {"input": "Context Word: focus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put a lot of unwanted focus onto PersonY, because _ is someone who doesn't care about their desire for isolation. \nSentence 2: PersonX put a lot of unwanted focus onto PersonY, because _ is someone who doesn't defend their desire for isolation."} {"input": "Context Word: focus.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX was the focus of the intensive investigation by PersonY, _ felt great stress. \nSentence 2: When PersonX was the focus of the intensive investigation by PersonY, _ felt great satisfaction."} {"input": "Context Word: magician.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent more on the children's birthday party than PersonY. _ thought a magician was a good use of funds. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent more on the children's birthday party than PersonY. _ thought a magician was a bad use of funds."} {"input": "Context Word: Fabric.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fabric was a good material for PersonX to work with, but PersonY struggled with the material because _ didn't share their knowledge. \nSentence 2: Fabric was a good material for PersonX to work with, but PersonY struggled with the material because _ didn't learn any knowledge."} {"input": "Context Word: handstands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more athletic growing up compared to PersonY, so _ can perform handstands for the crowd. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more athletic growing up compared to PersonY, so _ cannot perform handstands for the crowd."} {"input": "Context Word: agencies.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although from competing agencies, PersonX asked PersonY to work with them, because _ needed help with the project. \nSentence 2: Although from competing agencies, PersonX asked PersonY to work with them, because _ had expertise on the project."} {"input": "Context Word: pace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was never able to keep pace with PersonY when they ran, because _ had stronger lungs. \nSentence 2: PersonX was never able to keep pace with PersonY when they ran, because _ had damaged lungs."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to make the fruit salad today for the party, since she was off. _ had to go to work. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to make the fruit salad today for the party, since she was off. _ was off work today."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a large variety of fruit but PersonY tended to avoid fruit, since _ loved the taste of sweet things. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a large variety of fruit but PersonY tended to avoid fruit, since _ found the taste of sweet things aversive."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did the grocery shopping again and bought a lot of fruit that PersonY likes. _ usually did the shopping. \nSentence 2: PersonX did the grocery shopping again and bought a lot of fruit that PersonY likes. _ usually didn't do the shopping."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave all of his fruit salad to PersonY, because _ had a distaste for eating fruit. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave all of his fruit salad to PersonY, because _ had a taste for eating fruit."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to grow their own fruit but PersonY did not because _ found gardening very soothing. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to grow their own fruit but PersonY did not because _ found gardening very agitating."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred fruit to vegetables, unlike PersonY. It was true that _ had a sweet tooth. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred fruit to vegetables, unlike PersonY. It was true that _ had a savory tooth."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred fruit while PersonY liked to eat vegetables so _ got a few papayas. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred fruit while PersonY liked to eat vegetables so _ got a few carrots."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prefers fruit while PersonY prefers vegetables, so _ bought some apples from the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX prefers fruit while PersonY prefers vegetables, so _ bought some carrots from the store."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put fruit in their pie for PersonY to eat, and _ cooked another pie after that one was done baking. \nSentence 2: PersonX put fruit in their pie for PersonY to eat, and _ ate half the pie after that one was done baking."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to start eating noni fruit so she asks PersonY where she can buy it, because _ wants to try something new. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to start eating noni fruit so she asks PersonY where she can buy it, because _ told her about that fruit."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more healthy and fit than PersonY was because _ liked eating fruits and veggies. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more healthy and fit than PersonY was although _ liked eating fruits and veggies."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more healthy than PersonY, because _ was always eating plenty of fruit in between meals. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't as healthy as PersonY, because _ was always eating plenty of fruit in between meals."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx loved fruit but not PersonY because _ ate it all the time as a child growing up. \nSentence 2: PersonX hates fruit but not PersonY because _ ate it all the time as a child growing up."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Planting a fruit tree was a good idea for PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoys eating fruit. \nSentence 2: Planting a fruit tree was a good idea for PersonX but not PersonY because _ doesn't like eating fruit."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX preferred fruits, PersonY preferred to eat vegetables because _ liked foods that were naturally sweet. \nSentence 2: While PersonX preferred fruits, PersonY preferred to eat vegetables because _ liked foods that were naturally savory."} {"input": "Context Word: count.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX learned how to count in German before PersonY, now _ is worse at speaking the language overall. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX learned how to count in German before PersonY, now _ is better at speaking the language overall."} {"input": "Context Word: count.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to demonstrate how to count in Japanese because _ did not speak the language. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to demonstrate how to count in Japanese because _ spoke the language."} {"input": "Context Word: earthworms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hates earthworms more compared to PersonY because _ always steps on them when he gets the newspaper. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes earthworms more compared to PersonY because _ always steps on them when he gets the newspaper."} {"input": "Context Word: earthworms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going fishing, but PersonY hated earthworms, so _ let him bring fake worms. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going fishing, but PersonY hated earthworms, so _ asked him to bring fake worms."} {"input": "Context Word: Arrest.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx tried to arrest persony after committing a crime but failed because _ was not equipped enough. \nSentence 2: personx tried to arrest persony after committing a crime but failed because _ was more equipped."} {"input": "Context Word: sunlight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dislikes the sunlight more than PersonY because _ has a tendency to easily burn. \nSentence 2: PersonX dislikes the sunlight more than PersonY because _ has a tendency to easily tan."} {"input": "Context Word: jogging.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at jogging than PersonY because _ works out regularly at the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at jogging than PersonY because _ works out infrequently at the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: Private Pilot's License.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY in the struggle of finally getting his private pilot's license and _ was happy for him. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY in the struggle of finally getting his private pilot's license and _ was grateful to him."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to the funeral was more emotional for PersonX than PersonY because it was _ family member. \nSentence 2: Going to the funeral was less emotional for PersonX than PersonY because it was _ family member."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to go to work on Monday because _ had not suffered an emotional breakup over the weekend. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to go to work on Monday because _ had suffered an emotional breakup over the weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was more likely that PersonX would cry at a movie than PersonY because _ often got emotional. \nSentence 2: It was more likely that PersonX would cry at a movie than PersonY because _ did not often got emotional."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: People say that PersonX is more emotional than PersonY is because _ cries a lot. \nSentence 2: People say that PersonX is more emotional than PersonY is because _ never cries a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cries and gets angry more often than PersonY because _ is the more emotional one. \nSentence 2: PersonX cries and gets angry more often than PersonY because _ is the less emotional one."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got very emotional when they watched movies but PersonY did not as _ was very weepy. \nSentence 2: PersonX got very emotional when they watched movies but PersonY did not as _ was very stoical\r."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an emotional reaction to the movie while PersonY did not because _ was emotionally invested in the characters. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an emotional reaction to the movie while PersonY did not because _ was indifferent to the characters."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a psychologist, PersonY is a cook therefore _ could give you professional advice about your emotional state. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a psychologist, PersonY is a cook therefore _ could not give you professional advice about your emotional state."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is kind and considerate of his wife, PersonY is not therefore the wife of _ has no emotional problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX is kind and considerate of his wife, PersonY is not therefore the wife of _ has some emotional problems."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tended to get very emotional where PersonY did not because _ was very passionate. \nSentence 2: PersonX tended to get very emotional where PersonY did not because _ was very pragmatic."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was cross with PersonY because _ was very emotional over the news that their father was sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cross with PersonY because _ wasn't very emotional over the news that their father was sick."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was feeling all emotional about PersonY's wedding because _ just got divorced last month. \nSentence 2: PersonX was feeling all emotional about PersonY's wedding because _ just got engaged last month."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very emotional and PersonY tried to help, because _ was going through a rough period. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very emotional and PersonY tried to help, beacuse _ has already gone through a rough period."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: Today was a much more emotional day for PersonX than PersonY, because _ had a relative die. \nSentence 2: Today was a much less emotional day for PersonX than PersonY, because _ had a relative die."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional.", "output": "Sentence 1: When watching sad movies PersonX gets very emotional but PersonY does not because _ is very excitable. \nSentence 2: When watching sad movies PersonX gets very emotional but PersonY does not because _ is very stoical."} {"input": "Context Word: vitamins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave them vitamins everyday, and PersonY took them, because _ was a good parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave them vitamins everyday, and PersonY took them, because _ was a good child."} {"input": "Context Word: vitamins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take vitamins while PersonY did not because _ ate a very unhealthy diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take vitamins while PersonY did not because _ ate a very healthy diet."} {"input": "Context Word: vitamins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took more vitamins than PersonY did because _ had a more frail and sickly body. \nSentence 2: PersonX took more vitamins than PersonY did although _ had a more frail and sickly body."} {"input": "Context Word: vitamins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won't grow up to be as physically healthy as PersonY because _ always forgets to take their vitamins. \nSentence 2: PersonX won't grow up to be as physically healthy as PersonY because _ always remembers to take their vitamins."} {"input": "Context Word: vitamins.", "output": "Sentence 1: The consumption of vitamins is more important to PersonX than to PersonY because _ is a healthy orientated person. \nSentence 2: The consumption of vitamins is more important to PersonX than to PersonY because _ is a not healthy orientated person."} {"input": "Context Word: superfoods.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got the hype around superfoods but PersonY didn't care about them. _ always bought into the new health fads. \nSentence 2: PersonX got the hype around superfoods but PersonY didn't care about them. _ never bought into the new health fads."} {"input": "Context Word: class president.", "output": "Sentence 1: A few more people voted for PersonX for class president than for PersonY, since _ was outgoing. \nSentence 2: A few more people voted for PersonX for class president than for PersonY, since _ was shy."} {"input": "Context Word: discrimination.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the town where PersonX lives discrimination happens to people like PersonY often, _ lives in a small town. \nSentence 2: In the town where PersonX lives discrimination happens to people like PersonY often, _ lives with discrimination."} {"input": "Context Word: discrimination.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if the company had ever been accused of discrimination because _ wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if the company had ever been accused of discrimination but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: discrimination.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is female and over 40, PersonY is female and under 40 therefore _ is protected by federal age discrimination laws. \nSentence 2: PersonX is female and over 40, PersonY is female and under 40 therefore _ is not protected by federal age discrimination laws."} {"input": "Context Word: grip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very weak grip but PersonY's was quite strong because _ never touched a set of weights. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very weak grip but PersonY's was quite strong because _ often lifted a set of weights."} {"input": "Context Word: house guest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was invited to be the house guest of PersonY because _ needed a place to stay. \nSentence 2: PersonX was invited to be the house guest of PersonY because _ needed a dog sitter."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleaned windows for PersonY because _ agreed to do the cleaning earlier that morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleaned windows for PersonY because _ agreed to pay for the cleaning earlier that morning."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not afford to replace the windows of his house like PersonY recently had, because _ was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not afford to replace the windows of his house like PersonY recently had, because _ was wealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed seeing the outdoors more than PersonY, so _ had a big window in his house. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed seeing the outdoors more than PersonY, so _ did not have a big window in his house."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX from the other side of the room ran forwards and pushed PersonY at the window because _ was angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX from the other side of the room ran forwards and pushed PersonY at the window because _ was rude."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked in PersonY's kitchen window, but there was no one there; _ was disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked in PersonY's kitchen window, but there was no one there; _ was out."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked out the window to see if PersonY was in the driveway because _ expected he would arrive soon. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked out the window to see if PersonY was in the driveway because _ should arrive soon."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred a window seat on the plane while PersonY preferred an aisle because _ liked the view out of the window. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred a window seat on the plane while PersonY preferred an aisle because _ did not care about the view out of the window."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat at the window and watched for PersonY to arrive because _ had missed him while he was gone on a trip. \nSentence 2: PersonX sat at the window and watched for PersonY to arrive because _ had been gone on a trip."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to hire PersonY to install their windows because _ was going on vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to hire PersonY to install their windows but _ was going on vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was installing new floral window treatments in the living room for PersonY because _ was a designer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was installing new floral window treatments in the living room for PersonY because _ was a client."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was locked out of their house so PersonY offered to crawl in through the window, because _ was too large to fit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was locked out of their house so PersonY offered to crawl in through the window, because _ was small enough to fit."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: The window of PersonX was always clean compared to the window of PersonY because _ was tidy. \nSentence 2: The window of PersonX was always clean compared to the window of PersonY because _ was dirty."} {"input": "Context Word: window.", "output": "Sentence 1: The windows were very dirty, but PersonX saw no reason to clean them while PersonY immediately cleaned them. _ was a naturally dirty person. \nSentence 2: The windows were very dirty, but PersonX saw no reason to clean them while PersonY immediately cleaned them. _ was a naturally tidy person."} {"input": "Context Word: satisfaction.", "output": "Sentence 1: As PersonX never shows satisfaction in whatever PersonY does, no matter how great the achievement, _ is unreasonable. \nSentence 2: As PersonX never shows satisfaction in whatever PersonY does, no matter how great the achievement, _ is dispirited."} {"input": "Context Word: water leaks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called a plumber when they had water leaks while PersonY did not because _ didn't know how to fix it. \nSentence 2: PersonX called a plumber when they had water leaks while PersonY did not because _ was a plumber and could fix it."} {"input": "Context Word: significantly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was significantly healthier than PersonY because _ ate a lot of different fruits and vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX was significantly healthier than PersonY because _ didn't eat a lot of different fruits or vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: Meditation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Meditation is slowly helping PersonX who is a teacher, after _ panic attack according to PersonY. \nSentence 2: Meditation is slowly helping PersonX who is a teacher, after _ panic attack said PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: Meditation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Talking to personx regularly improves persony meditation because _ has more control over his situation. \nSentence 2: Talking to personx regularly improves persony meditation and it helped _ has more control over his situation."} {"input": "Context Word: resuscitation.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the beach's shore, PersonX gave PersonY mouth to mouth resuscitation because _ was able to breathe. \nSentence 2: On the beach's shore, PersonX gave PersonY mouth to mouth resuscitation because _ wasn't able to breathe."} {"input": "Context Word: doors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX works a lot closer to the doors that go outside than PersonY, because _ works on the ground floor. \nSentence 2: PersonX works a lot farther to the doors that go outside than PersonY, because _ works on the ground floor."} {"input": "Context Word: debilitating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from debilitating social anxiety, and PersonY was an extrovert, so _ wanted to stay away from them. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from debilitating social anxiety, and PersonY was an extrovert, so _ wanted to constantly interact with them."} {"input": "Context Word: Omakase.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx trust persony well enough to make him a tasty Omakase and _ was not disappointed. \nSentence 2: personx trust persony well enough to make him a tasty Omakase and _ disappointed him."} {"input": "Context Word: crowds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an introvert and PersonY is an extrovert, therefore _ tends to avoid large crowds. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an introvert and PersonY is an extrovert, therefore _ tends to embrace large crowds."} {"input": "Context Word: corn on the cob.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes corn on the cob, but PersonY really isn't a fan. _ loves his vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes corn on the cob, but PersonY really isn't a fan. _ dislikes his vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: collar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog had a much bigger neck than PersonY's dog so _ bought a longer collar. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog had a much bigger neck than PersonY's dog so _ bought a shorter collar."} {"input": "Context Word: railway.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew the engineer on the railway but PersonY did not, so _ rode the train with a free ticket. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew the engineer on the railway but PersonY did not, so _ rode the train with a paid ticket."} {"input": "Context Word: dig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to dig a lot shallower than PersonY to get water, because _ lives near a water source. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to dig a lot deeper than PersonY to get water, because _ lives near a water source."} {"input": "Context Word: world.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been all over the world, and PersonY had never left home, so _ had far more experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been all over the world, and PersonY had never left home, so _ had far less experience."} {"input": "Context Word: world.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a less seasoned traveler than PersonY because _ hasn't been all over the world. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a less seasoned traveler than PersonY because _ has been all over the world."} {"input": "Context Word: world.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a world trip and discussed it with their friends and PersonY felt left out although _ talked to them about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a world trip and discussed it with their friends and PersonY felt left out because _ talked to them about it."} {"input": "Context Word: Organizing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always needed help with organizing her belongings and closet unlike PersonY because _ was messy. \nSentence 2: PersonX always needed help with organizing her belongings and closet unlike PersonY because _ was neat."} {"input": "Context Word: ear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a really nasty ear infection and goes to see her doctor PersonY, because _ is hurt. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a really nasty ear infection and goes to see her doctor PersonY, because _ will help her."} {"input": "Context Word: ear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only had one ear but PersonY had two. This meant that _ was very lopsided. \nSentence 2: PersonX only had one ear but PersonY had two. This meant that _ was very symmetrical."} {"input": "Context Word: ear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought piercing her ear would tickle but PersonY thought it would hurt, so _ smiled while driving to the jewelry store. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought piercing her ear would tickle but PersonY thought it would hurt, so _ frowned while driving to the jewelry store."} {"input": "Context Word: ear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was taken to see PersonY when his ear was really hurting because _ is a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX was taken to see PersonY when his ear was really hurting because _ is a specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: ear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX widened their horizons by paying attention to PersonY using their ears, but _ was unaware. \nSentence 2: PersonX widened their horizons by paying attention to PersonY using their ears, so _ was attentive."} {"input": "Context Word: ear.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ scratched their ear because PersonX has a ear infection and PersonY was fine. \nSentence 2: So _ ignored their ear because PersonX has a ear infection and PersonY was fine."} {"input": "Context Word: sunblock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always applied sunblock when tanning but PersonY never did, as _ was worried about the risk skin cancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX always applied sunblock when tanning but PersonY never did, as _ was not bothered about the risk skin cancer."} {"input": "Context Word: sunblock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is going on a vacation and needs help from PersonY about choosing a sunblock, because _ is scared of sunburn. \nSentence 2: PersonX is going on a vacation and needs help from PersonY about choosing a sunblock, so _ recommends him a sunblock."} {"input": "Context Word: Crystals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the power of crystals was hokey but PersonY fully believed. _ ignored the faith healers prognosis. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the power of crystals was hokey but PersonY fully believed. _ accepted the faith healers prognosis."} {"input": "Context Word: seasoning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX coughed more when they were eating their food than PersonY because there was more seasoning in the food of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX coughed more when they were eating their food than PersonY although there was more seasoning in the food of _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: seasoning.", "output": "Sentence 1: The food cooked by PersonX but not PersonY was bland because _ did not use any spices or seasoning. \nSentence 2: The food cooked by PersonX but not PersonY was bland because _ used several spices or of seasoning."} {"input": "Context Word: range.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX range of motion has decreased since they first met PersonY, _ is a senior. \nSentence 2: PersonX range of motion has decreased since they first met PersonY, _ is a senior and a friend."} {"input": "Context Word: range.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY to the shooting range because _ knew their way around a firearm. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY to the shooting range but _ knew their way around a firearm too."} {"input": "Context Word: Paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received the paint from PersonY to complete the project because _ was a better painter than him. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the paint to PersonY to complete the project because _ was a better painter than him."} {"input": "Context Word: Paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to paint action figures so PersonY bought a kit. The paint made a lot of mess but _ had fun with the kit. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to paint action figures so PersonY bought a kit. The paint made a lot of mess and _ regretted buying the kit."} {"input": "Context Word: productive.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being productive at work suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ really liked their job. \nSentence 2: Being productive at work suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't really like their job."} {"input": "Context Word: productive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always tried to find ways to be productive at work unlike PersonY, because _ was a hard worker. \nSentence 2: PersonX always tried to find ways to be productive at work unlike PersonY, because _ was a lazy worker."} {"input": "Context Word: Flirting.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man said a polite hello to PersonX, then began flirting with PersonY, because _ was married. \nSentence 2: The man said a polite hello to PersonX, then began flirting with PersonY, because _ was single."} {"input": "Context Word: alligator.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks the crocodile in Peter Pan is an alligator, but when PersonY corrects him _ gets offended. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks the crocodile in Peter Pan is an alligator, but when PersonY corrects him _ gets yelled at."} {"input": "Context Word: alligator.", "output": "Sentence 1: The alligator almost bit PersonX but not PersonY because _ was nearer to the water where it was. \nSentence 2: The alligator almost bit PersonX but not PersonY because _ was farther from the water where it was."} {"input": "Context Word: customers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have a booming business like PersonY because _ treated their store's customers poorly. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have a booming business like PersonY because _ treated their store's customers well."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mushrooms are a favorite of PersonX, but PersonY can't stand them one bit. _ is open to new foods. \nSentence 2: Mushrooms are a favorite of PersonX, but PersonY can't stand them one bit. _ is closed-minded to new foods."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mushrooms were a popular staple for PersonX's dinner but not PersonY's because _ was a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: Mushrooms were a popular staple for PersonX's dinner but not PersonY's because _ hated vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY went into the woods to hunt for mushrooms because _ had vast knowledge of nature. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY went into the woods to hunt for mushrooms because _ had weak knowledge of nature."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to taste the mushrooms despite PersonY's declaration that _ should not try them. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to taste the mushrooms despite PersonY's declaration that _ would not try them."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not like mushrooms, but PersonY loves them, so _ didn't order their pizza with them on top. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not like mushrooms, but PersonY loves them, so _ ordered their pizza with them on top."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to eat magic mushrooms, while PersonY is against it, so _ is likely a hippie. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to eat magic mushrooms, while PersonY is against it, so _ is likely a police officer."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves mushrooms, but PersonY is just the opposite, so _ eats them all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX hates mushrooms, but PersonY is just the opposite, so _ eats them all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a big breakfast for PersonY, but _ got no thanks, because they used rotten mushrooms. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a big breakfast for PersonY, but _ gave no thanks, because they used rotten mushrooms."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sent PersonY to the store to pickup some mushrooms, but _ couldn't find any. \nSentence 2: PersonX sent PersonY to the store to pickup some mushrooms, because _ couldn't find any."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted mushrooms on the pizza, and PersonY wanted sausage, so _ said they were allergic to meat. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted mushrooms on the pizza, and PersonY wanted sausage, so _ said they were allergic to fungus."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to gather mushrooms they find on the walk with PersonY, because _ is sure they are safe. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to gather mushrooms they find on the walk with PersonY, but _ isn't sure they are safe."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mushrooms in the pasta dish were very appealing to PersonX, but PersonY thought they looked disgusting. _ enjoyed trying new foods. \nSentence 2: The mushrooms in the pasta dish were very appealing to PersonX, but PersonY thought they looked disgusting. _ feared trying new foods."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stew that PersonX made had too many mushrooms so PersonY picked them out. _ was offended. \nSentence 2: The stew that PersonX made had too many mushrooms so PersonY picked them out. _ was disgusted."} {"input": "Context Word: mushrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: There are a lot of things PersonX won't eat, like mushrooms, but PersonY will eat everything, so _ is a picky eater. \nSentence 2: There are a lot of things PersonX won't eat, like mushrooms, but PersonY will eat everything, so _ is a well-rounded eater."} {"input": "Context Word: cravings.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was something wrong with PersonX but not PersonY because _ had cravings for all types of misadventure. \nSentence 2: There was something wrong with PersonX but not PersonY because _ had cravings for all types of good adventure."} {"input": "Context Word: pharmacy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor sent PersonX but not PersonY to the pharmacy because _ was very sick. \nSentence 2: The doctor sent PersonX but not PersonY to the pharmacy because _ was very healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: ceiling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was better suited to hang the decorations on the ceiling because _ is tall. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was better suited to hang the decorations on the ceiling because _ is short."} {"input": "Context Word: ceiling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to hang a chandelier from their ceiling so they called PersonY for help because _ had never mounted from a ceiling beam. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to hang a chandelier from their ceiling so they called PersonY for help because _ had mounted from a ceiling beam before."} {"input": "Context Word: dog breed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't care who they adopted, but PersonY was specific about the dog breed. _ would love any dog in the shelter. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't care who they adopted, but PersonY was specific about the dog breed. _ wouldn't love just any dog in the shelter."} {"input": "Context Word: baking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a new to baking and wants to make a chocolate frosting so he asks PersonY to help her, because _ is ready to learn. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a new to baking and wants to make a chocolate frosting so he asks PersonY to help her, because _ is really good at baking."} {"input": "Context Word: baking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX signed up for a baking competition but not PersonY because _ is an excellent baker. \nSentence 2: PersonX signed up for a baking competition but not PersonY because _ is a horrible baker."} {"input": "Context Word: acid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave their acid reflux medication to PersonY because _ knew what it was like. \nSentence 2: PersonX received their acid reflux medication from PersonY because _ knew what it was like."} {"input": "Context Word: acid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a dermatologist, PersonY is not therefore _ would know about how to use glycolic acid for skin peels. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a dermatologist, PersonY is not therefore _ would not know about how to use glycolic acid for skin peels."} {"input": "Context Word: acid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knows how to make acid, but PersonY has no clue, so _ must be the chemist. \nSentence 2: PersonX knows how to make acid, but PersonY has no clue, so _ must be the mechanic."} {"input": "Context Word: acid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a risk-taker and PersonY was risk-averse so _ was ready to take the acid. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a risk-taker and PersonY was risk-averse so _ was ready to stay away from acid."} {"input": "Context Word: acid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's face was burned badly when PersonY threw acid at her. _ is a sufferer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's face was burned badly when PersonY threw acid at her. _ is an assassin."} {"input": "Context Word: complain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would wildly complain about small things unlike PersonY because _ had a histrionic personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX would wildly complain about small things unlike PersonY because _ had a stoic personality."} {"input": "Context Word: garlic.", "output": "Sentence 1: Garlic was a favorite flavor of PersonX but not PersonY who though it stunk. _ always ordered garlic bread with their pasta. \nSentence 2: Garlic was a favorite flavor of PersonX but not PersonY who though it stunk. _ always ordered cheese bread with their pasta."} {"input": "Context Word: garlic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had horrible breath caused by the garlic PersonY kept slipping into dishes, which upset _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX had horrible breath caused by the garlic PersonY kept slipping into dishes, which amused _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: garlic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offers some garlic from the garden to PersonY, because _ likes to give away produce. \nSentence 2: PersonX offers some garlic from the garden to PersonY, because _ likes to receive produce."} {"input": "Context Word: garlic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a lot of garlic in their cooking unlike PersonY because _ liked sharp tasting food. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a lot of garlic in their cooking unlike PersonY because _ liked flat tasting food."} {"input": "Context Word: hobby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hobby they really liked but not PersonY because _ kept doing the hobby. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hobby they really liked but not PersonY because _ stopped doing the hobby."} {"input": "Context Word: hobby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an avid hobbyist, PersonY has no hobbies so _ could give you pointers on what hobby to pursue. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an avid hobbyist, PersonY has no hobbies so _ could not give you pointers on what hobby to pursue."} {"input": "Context Word: hobby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX mocked the hobby of PersonY, because _ thought it was a waste of time and no fun. \nSentence 2: PersonX mocked the hobby of PersonY, because _ thought it was a great time and super fun.."} {"input": "Context Word: hobby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took up the hobby of painting and PersonY played the guitar, so _ used a paint brush every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX took up the hobby of painting and PersonY played the guitar, so _ used a guitar pick every day."} {"input": "Context Word: hobby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's favorite hobby is making cakes, while PersonY likes soccer. _ wants to be a baker. \nSentence 2: PersonX's favorite hobby is making cakes, while PersonY likes soccer. _ wants to be an athlete."} {"input": "Context Word: hobby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hobby was hiking while PersonY liked to read, so _ spent a lot of time outdoors. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hobby was hiking while PersonY liked to read, so _ spent a lot of time indoors."} {"input": "Context Word: hobby.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hobby started when PersonX taught PersonY how to crochet because _ was so enthusiastic about it. \nSentence 2: The hobby started when PersonX taught PersonY how to crochet because _ was so curious about it."} {"input": "Context Word: punish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used to punish their dog for accidents but PersonY never did. This was because _ was very strict. \nSentence 2: PersonX used to punish their dog for accidents but PersonY never did. This was because _ was very lenient."} {"input": "Context Word: punish.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher most of the time punish PersonX and praise PersonY because _ is the bad student. \nSentence 2: The teacher most of the time punish PersonX and praise PersonY because _ is the good student."} {"input": "Context Word: hiking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go hiking in the mountains while PersonY thought it was boring because _ was somewhat athletic. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go hiking in the mountains while PersonY thought it was boring because _ was somewhat lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: trimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: Trimming the cat's nails was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ she had been trained by her veterinarian. \nSentence 2: Trimming the cat's nails was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ she had been not trained by her veterinarian."} {"input": "Context Word: enemies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a lot of enemies in life but PersonY did not. _ was always unhappy. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a lot of enemies in life but PersonY did not. _ was always happy."} {"input": "Context Word: arrows.", "output": "Sentence 1: The arrows from PersonX's bow hit PersonY square in the back, causing _ to whoop with success. \nSentence 2: The arrows from PersonX's bow hit PersonY square in the back, causing _ to drop with wounds."} {"input": "Context Word: bathes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bathes a lot more often than PersonY because _ is a much cleaner human being. \nSentence 2: PersonX bathes a lot more often than PersonY because _ is a much dirtier human being."} {"input": "Context Word: fermentation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Looking for someone to take over the fermentation process PersonX hired PersonY, _ was considered to be a professional at fermentation. \nSentence 2: Looking for someone to take over the fermentation process PersonX hired PersonY, _ was not considered to be at professional at fermentation."} {"input": "Context Word: mating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog was matting and she took him to PersonY's office, because _ wanted to prevent mating. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog was matting and she took him to PersonY's office, because _ is veterinarian and can prevent mating."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: Celebrating Christmas was more well suited for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a Christian. \nSentence 2: Celebrating Christmas was more well suited for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not a Christian."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: Christmas isn't celebrated by PersonX, but it is PersonY's favorite holiday. _ is probably Jewish. \nSentence 2: Christmas isn't celebrated by PersonX, but it is PersonY's favorite holiday. _ is probably Christian."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: Christmas was a special holiday to PersonX but not PersonY since _ was a Christian. \nSentence 2: Christmas was a special holiday to PersonX but not PersonY since _ was a Jew."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: For Christmas, PersonX gave PersonY a brand new car with all the bells and whistles. _ was very generous. \nSentence 2: For Christmas, PersonX gave PersonY a brand new car with all the bells and whistles. _ was very grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX celebrates Christmas every single year with their family while PersonY celebrates Hanukkah with theirs. _ practices Christianity. \nSentence 2: PersonX celebrates Christmas every single year with their family while PersonY celebrates Hanukkah with theirs. _ practices Judaism."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY set up the Christmas tree because _ was much older and wiser. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY set up the Christmas tree because _ was much younger and naive."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived in Arizona and PersonY lived in Canada, so _ never saw snow at Christmas. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived in Arizona and PersonY lived in Canada, so _ frequently saw snow at Christmas."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was invited by PersonY to a Christmas party but ( _ ) said no because she already had a party to go to that night. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to a Christmas party but ( _ ) said no because she already had a party to go to that night."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more excited than PersonY on Christmas morning because _ didn't mind getting up early. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more excited than PersonY on Christmas morning although _ didn't mind getting up early."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to think of a Christmas gift for PersonY but _ couldn't think of a thing they would like. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to think of a Christmas gift for PersonY but _ could think of a many things they would like."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's family celebrates Christmas every year, while PersonY does not celebrate because _ is Catholic. \nSentence 2: PersonX's family celebrates Christmas every year, while PersonY does not celebrate because _ is Jewish."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: After visiting their tenth college, PersonX asked PersonY to just make up his mind, because _ just didn't have time for more. \nSentence 2: After visiting their tenth college, PersonX demanded that PersonY to just make up _ 's mind, because he just didn't have time for more."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: At college, PersonX's diet is not as good as PersonY's, because _ eats a lot of pizza. \nSentence 2: At college, PersonX's diet is not as good as PersonY's, because _ eats a lot of veggies."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: College studying for exams suits PersonX, but isn't easy for PersonY because _ is very studious. \nSentence 2: College studying for exams suits PersonX, but isn't easy for PersonY because _ is very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having a hard time picking her major in college, PersonX turned to the already declared PersonY for advice because _ was indecisive. \nSentence 2: Having a hard time picking her major in college, PersonX turned to the already declared PersonY for advice because _ was decisive."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the college exam, PersonX failed, but PersonY was able to get an A. This means _ is an inadequate student. \nSentence 2: On the college exam, PersonX failed, but PersonY was able to get an A. This means _ is an excellent student."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when the college bookstore closed on Friday because _ needed to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when the college bookstore closed on Friday but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to go to a college across the country, but PersonY attended college in their hometown, because _ wanted to live at home. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to go to a college across the country, but PersonY attended college in their hometown, because _ wanted to live on their own."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drove five hours and dropped off PersonY at college, since _ had classes next week. \nSentence 2: PersonX drove five hours and dropped off PersonY at college, since _ was a parent."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a higher college degree than PersonY, so _ was offered more promotions at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a higher college degree than PersonY, so _ was offered fewer promotions at work."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a harder time finding high paying jobs than PersonY because _ doesn't have a college degree. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a harder time finding high paying jobs than PersonY because _ has a college degree."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is struggling with depression at college, but PersonY is not, so _ is more likely to be on medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX is struggling with depression at college, but PersonY is not, so _ is less likely to be on medication."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never went to college as opposed to PersonY who did, because _ is from a poor family. \nSentence 2: PersonX never went to college as opposed to PersonY who did, because _ is from a rich family."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied hard to get into college but PersonY didn't. _ was accepted to an Ivy League school. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied hard to get into college but PersonY didn't. _ didn't get into an Ivy League school."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX visited PersonY at college during the holidays because _ didn't go to college this year.. \nSentence 2: PersonX visited PersonY at college during the holidays because _ couldn't afford to come this year."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better student tha PersonY so _ got into a good college on the first application. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better student tha PersonY so _ got into a good college on the last application."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a little dense but PersonY was very brainy, so _ enrolled in a trade program instead of college. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a little dense but PersonY was very brainy, so _ enrolled in a college program."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at studying than PersonY so _ was much more likely to go to college. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at studying than PersonY so _ was much more unlikely to go to college."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not suited for college but PersonY was, since _ did poorly in classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not suited for college but PersonY was, since _ did well in classes."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the smartest person in college while PersonY barely passed the year, _ was at the top of the list for best students. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the smartest person in college while PersonY barely passed the year, _ was at the bottom of the list for best students."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to a college and met PersonY who is very smart, _ got help from him to study calculusinfinitesimal calculus. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to a college and met PersonY who is very smart, _ is kind enough to help him study calculusinfinitesimal calculus."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to college after high school and PersonY didn't, so _ ended up with a lot more education. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to college after high school and PersonY didn't, so _ ended up with a lot more free time."} {"input": "Context Word: college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worried college was too expensive and he wouldn't be able to finish it but PersonY disagreed, _ wasn't easily convinced. \nSentence 2: PersonX worried college was too expensive and he wouldn't be able to finish it but PersonY disagreed, _ had a hard time explaining why."} {"input": "Context Word: battery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot to charge the battery on their cell phone but PersonY remembered to charge theirs. _ used a pay phone to call a cab. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot to charge the battery on their phone but PersonY remembered to charge theirs. _ used their cell phone to call a cab."} {"input": "Context Word: battery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a new battery from PersonYs shop, so _ checked if any in the stock as soon as possible. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a new battery from PersonYs shop, but _ did not have any in stock as soon as possible."} {"input": "Context Word: battery.", "output": "Sentence 1: The battery in PersonX's car died while they were driving PersonY to the doctor, and _ felt bad about it. \nSentence 2: The battery in PersonX's car died while they were driving PersonY to the doctor, and _ was late."} {"input": "Context Word: battery.", "output": "Sentence 1: The battery on PersonX's laptop lasts longer than that of PersonY because _ battery is made with newer technology. \nSentence 2: The battery on PersonX's laptop lasts longer than that of PersonY because _ battery is made with older technology."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: Family was very important to PersonX but PersonY was more a loner. _ attended their family reunion picnic every year. \nSentence 2: Family was very important to PersonX but PersonY was more a loner. _ avoided their family reunion picnic every year."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't feel comfortable having PersonY around their family, because _ wanted to isolate them. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't feel comfortable having PersonY around their family, because _ wanted to murder them."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a large family, but PersonY had a small one; _ handled chaos with ease. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a large family, but PersonY had a small one; _ handled with difficulty."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more close knit family than PersonY who was from a broken home, so _ seemed friendlier. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more close knit family than PersonY who was from a broken home, so _ seemed meaner."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a rough time trying to introduce PersonY to their family. _ was not good with words, so they couldn't speak for theirself. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a rough time trying to introduce PersonY to their family. _ was good with words, so they could speak well for theirself."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a good relationship with their family but PersonY does not. _ goes home to visit their kinfolk often. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a good relationship with their family but PersonY does not. _ rarely goes home to visit their kinfolk."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost touch with his family after high school unlike PersonY, because _ family were evil. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost touch with his family after high school unlike PersonY, because _ family were wonderful."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to spend more time with family than PersonY because _ lived nearby. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to spend more time with family than PersonY because _ lived far away."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's family is quite small, but PersonY has a big one. _ has one kid. \nSentence 2: PersonX's family is quite small, but PersonY has a big one. _ has five kids."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had a small family while PersonY had a large family, the family gatherings of _ were always crowded and hectic. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had a small family while PersonY had a large family, the family gatherings of _ were always small and intimate."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: The family of PersonX is quite small, while PersonY has a large one, so _ probably has few siblings. \nSentence 2: The family of PersonX is quite small, while PersonY has a large one, so _ probably has many siblings."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: The family was excited for PersonX to visit but not PersonY because _ always gave out money. \nSentence 2: The family was excited for PersonX to visit but not PersonY because _ always asked for money."} {"input": "Context Word: family.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX introduced PersonY to the family after the engagement, _ was congratulated with a warm hug. \nSentence 2: When PersonX introduced PersonY to the family after the engagement, _ was congratulated with a firm handshake."} {"input": "Context Word: healed.", "output": "Sentence 1: The knee injury of PersonX has healed much quicker than PersonY's. _ 's injury was minor. \nSentence 2: The knee injury of PersonX has healed much quicker than PersonY's. _ 's injury was severe."} {"input": "Context Word: Witness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a witness to PersonY 's crime. _ went into hiding to avoid testifying against him. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a witness to PersonY 's crime. _ went into hiding to avoid being prosecuted."} {"input": "Context Word: accents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't understand there accents like PersonY could, because _ was from a different area. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't understand there accents like PersonY could, because _ was from the same area."} {"input": "Context Word: binders.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hires PersonY to organize the files into binders because _ does cleaning for a living. \nSentence 2: PersonX hires PersonY to organize the files into binders because _ organizes for a living."} {"input": "Context Word: Mother.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very good mother but PersonY was not because _ was naturally a nurturing person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very good mother but PersonY was not because _ was naturally a selfish person."} {"input": "Context Word: Ulcer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX consumed a lot of spicy dishes but PersonY liked mild food. _ has developed an ulcer. \nSentence 2: PersonX consumed a lot of spicy dishes but PersonY liked mild food. _ was circumvented an ulcer."} {"input": "Context Word: Diabetic.", "output": "Sentence 1: Insulin was something PersonX needed for their diabetes but PersonY was not diabetic, so _ had high blood sugar problems. \nSentence 2: Insulin was something PersonX needed for their diabetes but PersonY was not diabetic, so _ had no blood sugar problems."} {"input": "Context Word: Diabetic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ignored all the signs of being diabetic that PersonY warned them about, so _ ended up with the life long disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX ignored all the signs of diabetic that PersonY warned them about, and _ couldn't help with the life long disease."} {"input": "Context Word: basketball shooter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX coached PersonY to be a better basketball shooter so _ listen to his word. \nSentence 2: PersonX coached PersonY to be a better basketball shooter so _ taught his own word."} {"input": "Context Word: dishes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never did the dishes, even when PersonY asked them to, so _ was being selfish. \nSentence 2: PersonX never did the dishes, even when PersonY asked them to, so _ was being patient."} {"input": "Context Word: dishes.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX bumped into PersonY, causing him to drop the dishes, the boss frowned at _ . \nSentence 2: When PersonX bumped into PersonY, causing him to drop the dishes, the boss sympathized with _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: piano lessons.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for piano lessons because _ didn't know how to play the piano. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for piano lessons because _ did know how to play the piano."} {"input": "Context Word: piano lessons.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took piano lessons from PersonY for years because _ was motivated to be an expert pianist. \nSentence 2: PersonX took piano lessons from PersonY for years because _ was known to be an expert pianist."} {"input": "Context Word: store.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always went to the store on the corner unlike PersonY because _ loved that place. \nSentence 2: PersonX always went to the store on the corner unlike PersonY because _ hated that place."} {"input": "Context Word: store.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for a ride to the grocery store, because _ 's car was broken. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for a ride to the grocery store, because _ 's car was working."} {"input": "Context Word: store.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to store a large amount of bananas, because _ ran out of storage space. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to store a large amount of bananas, because _ has a lot of storage space."} {"input": "Context Word: store.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have money but went along with PersonY to the store, _ ended up with no groceries. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have money but went along with PersonY to the store, _ ended up with some groceries."} {"input": "Context Word: store.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is opening an organic store and asks if PersonY wants to work for her, because _ needs employees. \nSentence 2: PersonX is opening an organic store and asks if PersonY wants to work for her, because _ needs a job."} {"input": "Context Word: store.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the store for PersonY since _ is currently the healthy one at home. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the store for PersonY since _ is currently the sick one at home."} {"input": "Context Word: store.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the store for PersonY since _ was feeling quite helpful that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the store for PersonY since _ was feeling quite sick that day."} {"input": "Context Word: store.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the store while PersonY went to work, and _ spent the next couple hours shopping. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the store while PersonY went to work, and _ spent the next couple hours working on spreadsheets.."} {"input": "Context Word: store.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's store has more loyal customers than PersonY's store does because _ 's store is older. \nSentence 2: PersonX's store has more loyal customers than PersonY's store does because _ 's store is newer."} {"input": "Context Word: store.", "output": "Sentence 1: The store is right next to PersonX unlike PersonY because _ lives in the same area of town. \nSentence 2: The store is right next to PersonX unlike PersonY because _ lives in a different area of town."} {"input": "Context Word: store.", "output": "Sentence 1: The store was owned by PersonX who employed PersonY , so _ paid her for her hours worked. \nSentence 2: The store was owned by PersonX who employed PersonY , so _ was paid for her hours worked."} {"input": "Context Word: afternoon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not enjoy their afternoon but PersonY did because _ left work after the sunset. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not enjoy their afternoon but PersonY did because _ left work after the sunrise."} {"input": "Context Word: weed.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the party, PersonX rolled a joint for PersonY because _ has experience smoking weed. \nSentence 2: At the party, PersonX rolled a joint for PersonY because _ has never experienced smoking weed."} {"input": "Context Word: stealing.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX caught PersonY stealing _ thought that they could no longer trust them to handle the money for the store. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX caught PersonY stealing _ hoped that they would be able to trust them to handle the money for the store."} {"input": "Context Word: stealing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got convicted for stealing but not PersonY so _ ended up without their freedom. \nSentence 2: PersonX got convicted for stealing but not PersonY so _ ended up with their freedom."} {"input": "Context Word: stealing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had no scruples about stealing from their employer but PersonY was appalled by it. _ was very dishonest. \nSentence 2: PersonX had no scruples about stealing from their employer but PersonY was appalled by it. _ was very honest."} {"input": "Context Word: stealing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had previously been convicted of stealing as opposed to PersonY who never had. _ was very dishonest. \nSentence 2: PersonX had previously been convicted of stealing as opposed to PersonY who never had. _ was very honest."} {"input": "Context Word: stealing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Stealing from people was acceptable to PersonX but not PersonY , as _ lacked a conscience. \nSentence 2: Stealing from people was acceptable to PersonX but not PersonY , as _ had a conscience."} {"input": "Context Word: cigars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY his large box of Cuban cigars because cigars always made _ very sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY his large box of Cuban cigars because cigars always made _ very happy."} {"input": "Context Word: cigars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was healthier than PersonY so _ didn't even blink at buying cigars at the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX was healthier than PersonY so _ always looked at buying cigars at the store."} {"input": "Context Word: Buttercream.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX requested buttercream from his neighbor PersonY because he was cooking. _ didn't have enough buttercream. \nSentence 2: PersonX requested buttercream from his neighbor PersonY because he was cooking. _ had plenty of buttercream."} {"input": "Context Word: screenshot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't figure out how to take a screenshot unlike PersonY because _ was technologically dumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't figure out how to take a screenshot unlike PersonY because _ was technologically smart."} {"input": "Context Word: idea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave their idea to PersonY, and _ was pleased to see they took it and ran with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave their idea to PersonY, and _ was happy to take it and run with it."} {"input": "Context Word: idea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a great idea that PersonY stole, because _ was gullible when they gave the information. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a great idea that PersonY stole, because _ was ruthless when they got the information."} {"input": "Context Word: idea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to come up with a novel idea, unlike PersonY, because _ considered all possibilities. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to come up with a novel idea, unlike PersonY, because _ rejected all possibilities."} {"input": "Context Word: idea.", "output": "Sentence 1: The idea was given to PersonX to mull over and not PersonY because _ is more creative. \nSentence 2: The idea was given to PersonX to mull over and not PersonY because _ is less creative."} {"input": "Context Word: idea.", "output": "Sentence 1: Thinking of the perfect idea suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very imaginative. \nSentence 2: Thinking of the perfect idea suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very unimaginative."} {"input": "Context Word: bit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bit PersonY on the arm, because _ was mad at them and hurt them. \nSentence 2: PersonX bit PersonY on the arm, and _ was mad at them and got hurt."} {"input": "Context Word: accounting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is good with numbers, PersonY is not so _ chose a career in accounting. \nSentence 2: PersonX is good with numbers, PersonY is not so _ didn't choose a career in accounting."} {"input": "Context Word: accounting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just started an accounting business, and PersonY started a bakery. _ is better at math. \nSentence 2: PersonX just started an accounting business, and PersonY started a bakery. _ is better at baking."} {"input": "Context Word: accounting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's accounting class was going well, but PersonY's was not because _ had an intelligent professor. \nSentence 2: PersonX's accounting class was going well, but PersonY's was not because _ had an arrogant professor."} {"input": "Context Word: accounting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's job involves doing accounting, but PersonY's involves lots of baking, so _ is the accountant. \nSentence 2: PersonX's job involves doing accounting, but PersonY's involves lots of baking, so _ is the baker."} {"input": "Context Word: beer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Micro brewing beer was PersonX's passion, but PersonY thought her beer tasted terrible. _ asked her for advice on how to tastier better beer. \nSentence 2: Micro brewing beer was PersonX's passion, but PersonY thought her beer tasted terrible. _ gave her for advice on how to make tastier beer."} {"input": "Context Word: beer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat at the bar and was served beer by PersonY until 2:00 AM when when the bar closed; _ was grateful for the beer. \nSentence 2: PersonX sat at the bar and was served beer by PersonY until 2:00 AM when when the bar closed; _ was grateful for the tip."} {"input": "Context Word: beer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was already drunk when PersonY came and ordered a beer and after 5 minutes _ beer glass was still full. \nSentence 2: PersonX was already drunk when PersonY came and ordered a beer and after 5 minutes _ beer glass was already empty."} {"input": "Context Word: beer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The brewery position was the perfect job for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had extensive knowledge of craft beer. \nSentence 2: The brewery position was the perfect job for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had limited knowledge of craft beer."} {"input": "Context Word: blow dry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used to blow dry their hair every day, but PersonY let theirs air dry, so _ had healthy hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX used to blow dry their hair every day, but PersonY let theirs air dry, so _ had damaged hair."} {"input": "Context Word: methods.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was not worrying about getting pregnant because _ used several methods of birth control. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was not worrying about getting pregnant because _ did not use any methods of birth control."} {"input": "Context Word: methods.", "output": "Sentence 1: The methods of PersonX was well respected by PersonY and many others, _ is looked up to by others. \nSentence 2: The methods of PersonX was well respected by PersonY and many others, _ is respectful to others."} {"input": "Context Word: polygraph test.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the polygraph test at PersonYs house, but failed bad because _ was lying. \nSentence 2: PersonX took the polygraph test at PersonYs house, and succeeded easily because _ was lying."} {"input": "Context Word: relaxation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX experimented with lots of different relaxation techniques on PersonY because _ is an innovative person. \nSentence 2: PersonX experimented with lots of different relaxation techniques on PersonY because _ is stressed severely."} {"input": "Context Word: grease.", "output": "Sentence 1: As the grease fire spread, PersonX yelled for PersonY to get the fire extinguisher. _ tried to put the fire out while he waited for the extinguisher. \nSentence 2: As the grease fire spread, PersonX yelled for PersonY to get the fire extinguisher. _ tried to put the fire out after he got the extinguisher."} {"input": "Context Word: gourds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is helping to dry gourds for a PersonY, because _ was asked for help. \nSentence 2: PersonX is helping to dry gourds for a PersonY, because _ asked her to help."} {"input": "Context Word: outlook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better outlook in life than PersonY, because _ was an optimistic person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better outlook in life than PersonY, because _ was a pessimistic person."} {"input": "Context Word: YMCA.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a member of the YMCA, but PersonY is not, so _ works out all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a member of the YMCA, but PersonY is not, so _ is lazy all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: YMCA.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to do the YMCA dance but PersonY didn't. _ did the YMCA dance to the delight of the crowd. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to do the YMCA dance but PersonY didn't. _ did the robot dance to the delight of the crowd."} {"input": "Context Word: wild.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed being out in the wild. PersonY, however, was terrified. This is because _ had lived a very adventurous life. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed being out in the wild. PersonY, however, was terrified. This is because _ had lived a very sheltered life."} {"input": "Context Word: wild.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a wild streak that made PersonY nervous to be around them, so _ tried to calm down. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a wild streak that made PersonY nervous to be around them, so _ tried to keep them away."} {"input": "Context Word: wild.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would go wild at most parties while PersonY preferred to stay at home since _ is more extroverted. \nSentence 2: PersonX would go wild at most parties while PersonY preferred to stay at home since _ is more introverted."} {"input": "Context Word: termination.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX warned PersonY if they were late to work agian they would suffer termination, _ is the boss at the local factory. \nSentence 2: PersonX warned PersonY if they were late to work agian they would suffer termination, _ works for the boss at the local factory."} {"input": "Context Word: termination.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much more diligent worker than PersonY so _ was surprised at her termination. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much more diligent worker than PersonY so _ was resigned to her termination."} {"input": "Context Word: manuscript.", "output": "Sentence 1: The reviewers hated the manuscript of PersonX but loved the manuscript of PersonY for the reason that _ was an amateur writer. \nSentence 2: The reviewers hated the manuscript of PersonX but loved the manuscript of PersonY for the reason that _ was an accomplished writer."} {"input": "Context Word: happen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew what was going to happen in the movie and told PersonY, so _ felt sorry for spoiling the surprise. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew what was going to happen in the movie and told PersonY, so _ felt angry about the surprise being spoiled."} {"input": "Context Word: racecar.", "output": "Sentence 1: The racecar that PersonX drove was slower than the racecar of PersonY because the engine of _ was less powerful. \nSentence 2: The racecar that PersonX drove was faster than the racecar of PersonY because the engine of _ was more powerful."} {"input": "Context Word: engagement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't approve of PersonY's engagement so _ tried to talk him out of getting married. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't approve of PersonY's engagement so _ tried to talk him into his getting married."} {"input": "Context Word: engagement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a long term boyfriend, PersonY doesn't therefore _ will probably get an engagement ring. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a long term boyfriend, PersonY doesn't therefore _ will probably not get an engagement ring."} {"input": "Context Word: engagement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX maintained steady eye contact and indicated interest and engagement through his facial expression to PersonY when _ was told something nice by him. \nSentence 2: PersonX maintained steady eye contact and indicated interest and engagement through his facial expression to PersonY when _ said something nice to him."} {"input": "Context Word: engagement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very jealous of PersonY's engagement so _ tried to ruin the engagement party. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very jealous of PersonY's engagement so _ tried to hide the engagement party."} {"input": "Context Word: pretending.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was investigating PersonY who no one could catch but _ was very good at was very good at pretending . \nSentence 2: PersonX was investigating PersonY who no one could catch, _ not very good at knowing who was very good at pretending ."} {"input": "Context Word: pretending.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pretending with kids is a favorite hobby of PersonX, but PersonY hates it, so _ is more creative. \nSentence 2: Pretending with kids is a favorite hobby of PersonX, but PersonY hates it, so _ is more stern."} {"input": "Context Word: secrets.", "output": "Sentence 1: Every Monday morning when PersonX comes in they ask PersonY if they know any knew secrets, _ likes interesting conversation. \nSentence 2: Every Monday morning when PersonX comes in they ask PersonY if they know any knew secrets, _ likes things that are interesting."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was very poor while PersonY was rich, _ had much less available money. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was very poor while PersonY was rich, _ had much more available money."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was up to PersonX to give PersonY money for the trip because _ was the one that saved all of theirs. \nSentence 2: It was up to PersonX to give PersonY money for the trip because _ was the one that spent all of theirs."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: Money doesn't mean much to PersonX, but it is PersonY's whole life. _ is a spiritual person. \nSentence 2: Money doesn't mean much to PersonX, but it is PersonY's whole life. _ is a finance person."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: Money had been much more of an issue for PersonX than PersonY because _ family had no money. \nSentence 2: Money had been much more of an issue for PersonX than PersonY because _ family had a lot money."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some money and he gave it to him because _ is broke. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some money and he gave it to him because _ is generous."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he can lend him some money, because at the moment _ was unemployed. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he can lend him some money, because at the moment _ was employed."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to loan them some money to buy a car because _ was short on funds. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to loan them some money to buy a car because _ was extremely rich."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asks PersonY for an advice on how to manage a money, because _ manages it poorly. \nSentence 2: PersonX asks PersonY for an advice on how to manage a money, because _ manages it well."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to wash dishes because _ did not have money to pay for their meal. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to wash dishes because _ did have money to pay for their meal."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was considered poor because _ did not have any money in the bank. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was considered poor because _ had a lot of money in the bank."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX considered a lot of variables before answering PersonY's request for money, _ was always thinking about consequences. \nSentence 2: PersonX considered a lot of variables before answering PersonY's request for money, _ never thought about consequences."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more money than PersonY because _ had a much better job in life. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more money than PersonY because _ had a much worse job in life."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less money than PersonY because _ had been saving for a lot less time. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more money than PersonY because _ had been saving for a lot less time."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had much more money than PersonY so _ attended the hot new music festival.. \nSentence 2: PersonX had much more money than PersonY so _ skipped the hot new music festival."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot more money than PersonY because _ just bought the winning lottery ticket. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot less money than PersonY because _ just bought the winning lottery ticket."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot more money than PersonY because _ just won the huge jackpot. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot less money than PersonY because _ just won the huge jackpot."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more money in their savings account compared to PersonY, because _ works as a lawyer. \nSentence 2: PersonX has more money in their savings account compared to PersonY, because _ works as a plumber."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX heard that PersonY was short on cash and offered to loan him some money. _ felt like this was a nice gesture. \nSentence 2: PersonX heard that PersonY was short on cash and offered to loan him some money. _ felt like this was an inappropriate gesture."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is dirt poor and destitute, while PersonY has lots of money and great credit, since _ is an irresponsible person. \nSentence 2: PersonX is dirt poor and destitute, while PersonY has lots of money and great credit, since _ is an accountable person."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very good at saving money but PersonY is not. _ has a big fat bank account. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very good at saving money but PersonY is not. _ has a very empty bank account."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loaned money to PersonY who was struggling, and _ was paid back three months later. \nSentence 2: PersonX loaned money to PersonY who was struggling, and _ paid back the money three months later."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made much more money than PersonY, so _ spent more on her new car. \nSentence 2: PersonX made much less money than PersonY, so _ spent more on her new car."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes a lot more money than PersonY can make at his job, as _ is a surgeon. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes a lot more money than PersonY can make at his job, as _ is a cashier."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owed PersonY a lot of money, so _ did everything they could to try and pay it back. \nSentence 2: PersonX owed PersonY a lot of money, so _ did everything they could to try and get it back."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owed a bunch of money to PersonY, so _ did everything they could to pay it back. \nSentence 2: PersonX owed a bunch of money to PersonY, so _ did everything they could to get it back."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owed far more money to the car dealer than PersonY because _ bought an expensive car. \nSentence 2: PersonX owed far more money to the car dealer than PersonY because _ bought a cheap car."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX robbed a bank for a lot of funds but not PersonY so _ had money stashed away. \nSentence 2: PersonX robbed a bank for a lot of funds but not PersonY so _ had no money stashed away."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX robbed a bank for the money and was one step ahead of PersonY until _ took a shortcut. \nSentence 2: PersonX robbed a bank for the money and was one step ahead of PersonY because _ took a shortcut."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saved a lot of money in his account for retirement unlike PersonY because _ was frugal. \nSentence 2: PersonX saved a lot of money in his account for retirement unlike PersonY because _ was a spendthrift."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spends a lot more money on frivolous things than PersonY because _ has more disposable income. \nSentence 2: PersonX spends a lot more money on frivolous things than PersonY because _ has less disposable income."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent all of his money at the casino unlike PersonY because _ has no self control. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent all of his money at the casino unlike PersonY because _ has self control."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent too much money on a birthday gift for PersonY making _ feel like a fool. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent too much money on a birthday gift for PersonY making _ feel like a prince."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stole the money that was laying on PersonY's end table, because _ wasn't trustworthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX stole the money that was laying on PersonY's end table, because _ was too trusting."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took all the money from PersonY, so _ now had a wallet that was full. \nSentence 2: PersonX took all the money from PersonY, so _ now had a wallet that was empty."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took all the money while PersonY told her to save the money for herself. _ only knows to take. \nSentence 2: PersonX took all the money while PersonY told her to save the money for herself. _ only knows to give."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX waited at the bank for PersonY to hand over the money to them, and then _ went on to the next errand. \nSentence 2: PersonX waited at the bank for PersonY to hand over the money to them, and then _ went on to the next customer."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get more money from their job than PersonY was, so _ is now richer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get more money from their job than PersonY was, so _ is now poorer."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to raise a lot of money online, while PersonY was not, because _ has a more interesting cause. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to raise a lot of money online, while PersonY was not, because _ has a more disinteresting cause."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ was so upset about the money that was missing. \nSentence 2: PersonX lied to PersonY because _ was so upset about the money that was missing."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's garden makes him a little money, while PersonY's makes a lot, so _ is more likely to be the novice farmer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's garden makes him a little money, while PersonY's makes a lot, so _ is more likely to be the professional farmer."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since they just got a new job, PersonX was able to pay back PersonY the money _ owed them. \nSentence 2: Since they just got a new job, PersonX was able to pay back PersonY the money _ was owed by them."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ is trying to save money because PersonX doesn't have a lot money, while PersonY is rich. \nSentence 2: So _ is trying to spend money because PersonX doesn't have a lot money, while PersonY is rich."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was more money in the bank of PersonX than PersonY because _ worked hard all of the time. \nSentence 2: There was less money in the bank of PersonX than PersonY because _ worked hard all of the time."} {"input": "Context Word: money.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to money, PersonX sought advice from PersonY , as _ was irresponsible with cash. \nSentence 2: When it came to money, PersonX sought advice from PersonY , as _ was adept with cash."} {"input": "Context Word: carrot oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: A lesson was given by PersonX to PersonY on cooking carrot oil due to _ being an expert in the kitchen. \nSentence 2: A lesson was given by PersonX to PersonY on cooking carrot oil due to _ being a novice in the kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: birds.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX likes birds and PersonY prefers dogs, _ went to the store and bought a bird as a pet. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX likes birds and PersonY prefers dogs, _ went to the store and bought a dog as a pet."} {"input": "Context Word: birds.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was harder for PersonX to sleep than it was for PersonY because _ had birds in their attic. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to sleep than it was for PersonY because _ had birds in their attic."} {"input": "Context Word: birds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have a lot of birds as pets like PersonY because _ hated all of the noise. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have a lot of birds as pets like PersonY because _ was ok with all of the noise."} {"input": "Context Word: birds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted pet birds but PersonY did not because _ thought they were beautiful pets to have. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted pet birds but PersonY did not because _ thought they were difficult pets to have."} {"input": "Context Word: Pokemon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a fan of Pokemon, but PersonY really does not have time for it. _ is more likely a kid. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a fan of Pokemon, but PersonY really does not have time for it. _ is more likely an adult."} {"input": "Context Word: Pokemon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teaching PersonY to play Pokemon because _ played it many times in the past. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching PersonY to play Pokemon because _ played it a few times in the past."} {"input": "Context Word: Pokemon.", "output": "Sentence 1: The game of Pokemon was exciting to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was good at video games. \nSentence 2: The game of Pokemon was exciting to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was bad at video games."} {"input": "Context Word: slime.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played with the slime, but PersonY didn't, because _ doesn't mind getting their hands dirty. \nSentence 2: PersonX played with the slime, but PersonY didn't, because _ hates getting their hands dirty."} {"input": "Context Word: slime.", "output": "Sentence 1: Slime was a great toy to play with PersonX but not PersonY. _ loved the smell of it. \nSentence 2: Slime was a great toy to play with PersonX but not PersonY. _ hated the smell of it."} {"input": "Context Word: tax rate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started a holding company to more readily save their business assets, but PersonY did not, and when it came to tax season, _ attained a better tax rate. \nSentence 2: PersonX started a holding company to more readily save their business assets, but PersonY did not, and when it came to tax season, _ attained a worse tax rate."} {"input": "Context Word: kitty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave their new kitty to PersonY, because _ didn't want to own a cat. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave their new kitty to PersonY, although _ didn't want to own a cat."} {"input": "Context Word: kitty.", "output": "Sentence 1: The kitty ran over to PersonX and not PersonY because the kitty had known _ for many years. \nSentence 2: The kitty ran away from PersonX and not PersonY because the kitty had known _ for many years."} {"input": "Context Word: islands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how the Channel Islands were for a vacation because _ had never visited before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how the Channel Islands were for a vacation because _ had visited a lot before."} {"input": "Context Word: fast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hardly kept up with PersonY in the race because _ had shorter legs while running fast. \nSentence 2: PersonX easily kept up with PersonY in the race because _ had shorter legs while running fast."} {"input": "Context Word: fast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is fast at cleaning her room, whereas PersonY is not due to _ being an awesome cleaner. \nSentence 2: PersonX is fast at cleaning her room, whereas PersonY is not due to _ being an average cleaner."} {"input": "Context Word: fast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to complete the typing exercise faster than PersonY, because _ had years of experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to complete the typing exercise faster than PersonY, because _ had little experience."} {"input": "Context Word: fast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very fast at doing their work while PersonY was slow, so _ got to go home from work early. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very fast at doing their work while PersonY was slow, so _ went home from work late."} {"input": "Context Word: fast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went on a fast for a day, but PersonY did not because _ happens to be a Muslim. \nSentence 2: PersonX went on a fast for a day, but PersonY did not because _ happens to be an atheist."} {"input": "Context Word: fast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's weight loss has been going fast, but PersonY has been struggling. _ is more diligent to the diet's restrictions. \nSentence 2: PersonX's weight loss has been going fast, but PersonY has been struggling. _ is more disobedient to the diet's restrictions."} {"input": "Context Word: humid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked worse than PersonY during their tropical vacation, because _ had hair that would frizz in humid weather. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked worse than PersonY during their tropical vacation, because _ had hair that would stay smooth in humid weather."} {"input": "Context Word: humid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thrived in the humid climate, but PersonY felt like they were under water, so _ had a greater appreciation for the area. \nSentence 2: PersonX thrived in the humid climate, but PersonY felt like they were under water, so _ had a greater disdain for the area."} {"input": "Context Word: humid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair always got big when it was humid. PersonY bought a dehumidifier to help. _ was grateful for the gesture. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair always got big when it was humid. PersonY bought a dehumidifier to help. _ was proud of the gesture."} {"input": "Context Word: road rage.", "output": "Sentence 1: When driving, PersonX regularly experiences road rage, while PersonY does not because _ is stressed. \nSentence 2: When driving, PersonX regularly experiences road rage, while PersonY does not because _ is calmer."} {"input": "Context Word: eyebrows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX admired the shape of PersonY's eyebrows, but _ assumed that hers couldn't look the same way. \nSentence 2: PersonX admired the shape of PersonY's eyebrows, and _ assured her that hers could look the same way."} {"input": "Context Word: eyebrows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tweezed PersonY's eyebrows because _ has bushy eyebrows too and knows how to take care of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX tweezed PersonY's eyebrows but _ has bushy eyebrows too and knows how to take care of them."} {"input": "Context Word: eyebrows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's eyebrows are much thinner than PersonY's are because _ styles them a lot more. \nSentence 2: PersonX's eyebrows are much thicker than PersonY's are because _ styles them a lot more."} {"input": "Context Word: eyebrows.", "output": "Sentence 1: The eyebrows of PersonX are much bushier than PersonY's, therefore _ probably tweezes them infrequently. \nSentence 2: The eyebrows of PersonX are much bushier than PersonY's, therefore _ probably tweezes them excessively."} {"input": "Context Word: cider vinegar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made delicious apple cider vinegar for PersonY after school because _ was a good mother. \nSentence 2: PersonX made delicious apple cider vinegar for PersonY after school because _ was a good student."} {"input": "Context Word: launchpad.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping with PersonY's computer problems adding programs to the launchpad so _ got control over the computer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping with PersonY's computer problems adding programs to the launchpad so _ relieved control over the computer."} {"input": "Context Word: broker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to be her stock broker because _ lacked good financial market experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to be her stock broker because _ possessed good financial market experience."} {"input": "Context Word: broker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a stock broker for PersonY, so when they talk _ brokers stock deals. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a stock broker for PersonY, so when they talk _ decides on stock deals."} {"input": "Context Word: broker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to broker a deal with PersonY but couldn't, but _ wasn't a very good negotiator. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to broker a deal with PersonY but couldn't, but _ was a very good negotiator."} {"input": "Context Word: lumber.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the lumber yard, PersonX said they would pay for PersonY's purchase that day, because _ had just gotten paid. \nSentence 2: At the lumber yard, PersonX said they would pay for PersonY's purchase that day, because _ hadn't gotten paid yet that week."} {"input": "Context Word: lumber.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cut trees down into lumber ever year unlike PersonY because _ lives out in the countryside. \nSentence 2: PersonX cut trees down into lumber ever year unlike PersonY because _ lives in the city."} {"input": "Context Word: ink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cause nasty ink stains on PersonY's purse, so _ apologizes and tries to clean it. \nSentence 2: PersonX cause nasty ink stains on PersonY's purse, so _ accepts apology and helps clean it."} {"input": "Context Word: ink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to sell a nice piece of ink wash artwork to PersonY because _ was a great artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to buy a nice piece of ink wash artwork from PersonY because _ was a great artist."} {"input": "Context Word: ink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX teaches computers, PersonY has never used a computer and for that reason _ would best be able to tell you how to put ink in your printer. \nSentence 2: PersonX teaches computers, PersonY has never used a computer and for that reason _ would not be the best to tell you how to put ink in your printer."} {"input": "Context Word: carpal tunnel.", "output": "Sentence 1: In his lifetime, PersonX will likely suffer from carpal tunnel, but PersonY will not, so _ is more likely to work in an office. \nSentence 2: In his lifetime, PersonX will likely suffer from carpal tunnel, but PersonY will not, so _ is less likely to work in an office."} {"input": "Context Word: check.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help on checking the IMEI of an iphone because _ had never owned one before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help on checking the IMEI of an iphone because _ had always owned one before."} {"input": "Context Word: check.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help checking their car's differential because _ never works on their own car. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help checking their car's differential because _ always works on their own car."} {"input": "Context Word: check.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to check everything before they left unlike PersonY, so _ knows more about where everything is. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to check everything before they left unlike PersonY, so _ knows nothing about where everything is."} {"input": "Context Word: check.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to pay the dinner and drinks check for PersonY because _ had just got paid. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to pay the dinner and drinks check for PersonY because _ was recently unemployed."} {"input": "Context Word: check.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a bad check to PersonY, so _ had to write another one to make up for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a bad check to PersonY, so _ had to receive another one to make up for it."} {"input": "Context Word: check.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's preferred choice of payment is checks, while PersonY always uses a credit card, so _ probably depends more on their liquid money for finances. \nSentence 2: PersonX's preferred choice of payment is checks, while PersonY always uses a credit card, so _ probably depends more on their credit for finances."} {"input": "Context Word: check.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the bank, PersonX asked the teller PersonY to cash a check she got for her birthday. _ received a lot of cash from the transaction. \nSentence 2: While at the bank, PersonX asked the teller PersonY to cash a check she got for her birthday. _ gave her a lot of cash from the transaction."} {"input": "Context Word: temporary child custody.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to file for temporary child custody from PersonY because _ was not an abusive parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to file for temporary child custody from PersonY because _ was an abusive parent."} {"input": "Context Word: hosiery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to borrow some hosiery, because _ had run out of stockings that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to borrow some hosiery, but _ had run out of stockings that day."} {"input": "Context Word: hosiery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always getting runs in their hosiery, while PersonY does not. _ is reckless most of the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always getting runs in their hosiery, while PersonY does not. _ is careful most of the time."} {"input": "Context Word: hosiery.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing hosiery is great for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ has very thin legs. \nSentence 2: Wearing hosiery is great for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ has very obese legs."} {"input": "Context Word: soccer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could never kick the soccer ball as well as PersonY because _ was a high school player. \nSentence 2: PersonX could never kick the soccer ball as well as PersonY because _ was a professional player."} {"input": "Context Word: soccer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed playing soccer while PersonY liked playing basketball, so _ was on the field a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed playing soccer while PersonY liked playing basketball, so _ was on the court a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: soccer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to wear cleats today at school but PersonY did not because _ has a soccer match after school. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to wear cleats today at school but PersonY did not because _ doesn't have a soccer match after school."} {"input": "Context Word: soccer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just started playing soccer while PersonY had been playing for years, so _ was failing at dribbling. \nSentence 2: PersonX just started playing soccer while PersonY had been playing for years, so _ was skilled at dribbling."} {"input": "Context Word: soccer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved soccer but PersonY like rugby better. _ planned to go the World Cup on their vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved soccer but PersonY like rugby better. _ planned to go Australia on their vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: soccer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to start a soccer team, so they ask PersonY for help. _ learned a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to start a soccer team, so they asked PersonY for help. _ taught a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: soccer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a worse soccer player than PersonY because _ was the slowest runner on the team. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better soccer player than PersonY because _ was the slowest runner on the team."} {"input": "Context Word: soccer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at soccer but PersonY was not. _ made the high school soccer team. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at soccer but PersonY was not. _ didn't make the high school soccer team."} {"input": "Context Word: soccer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Soccer is the favorite sport of PersonX, while PersonY loves American football, so _ is more likely to live in Europe. \nSentence 2: Soccer is the favorite sport of PersonX, while PersonY loves American football, so _ is more likely to live in the US."} {"input": "Context Word: soccer.", "output": "Sentence 1: While playing soccer, PersonX got kicked in the head and PersonY laughed at him causing the coach to look at _ with pity. \nSentence 2: While playing soccer, PersonX got kicked in the head and PersonY laughed at him causing the coach to look at _ with contempt."} {"input": "Context Word: Sweet Popcorn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved sweet popcorn and asked PersonY to make him some, but _ did it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved sweet popcorn and asked PersonY to make him some, but _ refused to make it."} {"input": "Context Word: roast duck.", "output": "Sentence 1: Previously, PersonX disliked roast duck, but she made it for her first date with PersonY to impress her. As expected, _ loved it and ate every bite. \nSentence 2: Previously, PersonX disliked roast duck, but she made it for her first date with PersonY to impress her. Surprisingly, _ loved it and ate every bite."} {"input": "Context Word: mermaid.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone wanted to be a mermaid at the Halloween party, but the costume at the store only fit PersonX and not PersonY because _ was slender. \nSentence 2: Everyone wanted to be a mermaid at the Halloween party, but the costume at the store only fit PersonX and not PersonY because _ was obese."} {"input": "Context Word: lychee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a lychee tree and needs help from PersonY, because _ knows nothing about trees. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a lychee tree and needs help from PersonY, because _ knows a lot about trees."} {"input": "Context Word: agent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to be her agent, since _ was ignorant of the ins and outs of the music business. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to be her agent, since _ was knowledgeable of the ins and outs of the music business."} {"input": "Context Word: agent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to hire PersonY as a customer service agent, but _ wasn't sure about their decision. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to hire PersonY as a customer service agent, and _ was thrilled with their decision."} {"input": "Context Word: agent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had PersonY as a agent but _ felt they could do a better job arguing for a new contract. \nSentence 2: PersonX was PersonY's agent but _ felt they could do a better job arguing for a new contract."} {"input": "Context Word: agent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the booking agent for PersonY , so _ got her a lot of work in clubs. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the booking agent for PersonY , so _ got a lot of work in clubs."} {"input": "Context Word: agent.", "output": "Sentence 1: When looking for a real estate agent, people most often choose PersonX over PersonY because _ has a reputation for excellent service. \nSentence 2: When looking for a real estate agent, people most often choose PersonX over PersonY because _ has a reputation for poor service."} {"input": "Context Word: pleasant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always remained pleasant and humble in life unlike PersonY, _ kept a positive outlook. \nSentence 2: PersonX always remained pleasant and humble in life unlike PersonY, _ kept a negative outlook."} {"input": "Context Word: rental car.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the airport, PersonX gets a rental car, while PersonY does not, because _ hates to walk. \nSentence 2: At the airport, PersonX gets a rental car, while PersonY does not, because _ loves to walk."} {"input": "Context Word: friends and family.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY needed a larger wedding venue because _ had lots of friends and family. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY needed a larger wedding venue because _ did not have lots of friends and family."} {"input": "Context Word: Baking.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to baking, PersonX was much messier than PersonY, so _ spent a long time cleaning up. \nSentence 2: When it came to baking, PersonX was much messier than PersonY, so _ spent a short time cleaning up."} {"input": "Context Word: drinks.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a better cook than PersonY, _ could not make decent cocktail drinks to save their life. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a better cook than PersonY, _ could always make decent cocktail drinks to save their life."} {"input": "Context Word: drinks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had a few too many when out for drinks with PersonY. _ could never drive home. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had a few too many when out for drinks with PersonY. _ would drive home."} {"input": "Context Word: drinks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drinks more liquor than PersonY on the weekends due to _ being an alcoholic. \nSentence 2: PersonX drinks more liquor than PersonY on the weekends despite that _ is an alcoholic."} {"input": "Context Word: Home remedy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried a home remedy to cure their flu, but PersonY got a Tami-flu prescription. _ took two weeks to feel better. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried a home remedy to cure their flu, but PersonY got a Tami-flu prescription. _ took two days to feel better."} {"input": "Context Word: commitment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was more hesitant to sign the contract because _ had issues with commitment. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was more hesitant to sign the contract because _ had no issues with commitment."} {"input": "Context Word: Nutella.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let PersonY taste his Nutella. He fell in love with it so _ gave it to him. \nSentence 2: PersonX let PersonY taste his Nutella. He fell in love with it so _ stole it from him."} {"input": "Context Word: Rifle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX carried a rifle to go deer hunting while PersonY brought along a bow and arrow. _ was able to kill a buck from very long range. \nSentence 2: PersonX carried a rifle to go deer hunting while PersonY brought along a bow and arrow. _ was had to kill a buck from a very short range."} {"input": "Context Word: urine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a urine stain in a car and asked PersonY for advice, beacuse _ can't get rid of the stain. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a urine stain in a car and asked PersonY for advice, beacuse _ already got rid of the stain in the past."} {"input": "Context Word: urine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot brighter urine than PersonY in the morning because _ was eating asparagus. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot brighter urine than PersonY in the morning although _ was eating asparagus."} {"input": "Context Word: urine.", "output": "Sentence 1: The smell of urine was overwhelming PersonX when they were cleaning up after PersonY. _ had to go outside and get some fresh air. \nSentence 2: The smell of urine was overwhelming PersonX when they were cleaning up after PersonY. _ had to stay inside and get rest."} {"input": "Context Word: increased.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not have good willpower, PersonY does therefore _ ate the cake and increased in size. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not have good willpower, PersonY does therefore _ did not eat cake and was not increased in size."} {"input": "Context Word: French Bulldog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX appreciated the new French Bulldog but PersonY did not because _ thought it was beautiful. \nSentence 2: PersonX appreciated the new French Bulldog but PersonY did not because _ thought it was ugly."} {"input": "Context Word: washing machine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's washing machine broke down. He invited PersonY over to fix it because _ was quite ignorant as to how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's washing machine broke down. He invited PersonY over to fix it because _ was quite knowledgeable on how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: washing machine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's clothes were dirty while PersonY's were clean because _ had a broken washing machine. \nSentence 2: PersonX's clothes were dirty while PersonY's were clean because _ had a working washing machine."} {"input": "Context Word: washing machine.", "output": "Sentence 1: The washing machine of PersonX is dirtier than PersonY, so _ is less careful about upkeep. \nSentence 2: The washing machine of PersonX is dirtier than PersonY, even though _ is less careful about upkeep."} {"input": "Context Word: weigh.", "output": "Sentence 1: It is important for PersonX, but not PersonY, to weigh both sides of an issue because _ is anaylytical. \nSentence 2: It is important for PersonX, but not PersonY, to weigh both sides of an issue because _ is thoughtless."} {"input": "Context Word: ringworm.", "output": "Sentence 1: From wrestling a lot, PersonX got ringworm, but PersonY did not, so _ is dirty. \nSentence 2: From wrestling a lot, PersonX got ringworm, but PersonY did not, so _ is clean."} {"input": "Context Word: ringworm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets ringworm on his leg from PersonY's cat, and _ is upset about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets ringworm on his leg from PersonY's cat, so _ feels guilty about it."} {"input": "Context Word: ringworm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took their dog to PersonY to treat ringworm so _ asked questions on how to take care of them after. \nSentence 2: PersonX took their dog to PersonY to treat ringworm so _ answered questions on how to take care of them after."} {"input": "Context Word: ringworm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to stay away from PersonY because _ had ringworm and he didn't want to spread it. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to stay away from PersonY because _ did not have ringworm and he didn't want to spread it."} {"input": "Context Word: ringworm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog caught ringworm from PersonY's dog when they were playing together, so _ was very upset and worried about her dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog caught ringworm from PersonY's dog when they were playing together, so _ was very apologetic and worried about her dog."} {"input": "Context Word: environment.", "output": "Sentence 1: In an effort to save the environment, PersonX brings her box to the grocery store while PersonY buys bags,as _ is environmental friendly. \nSentence 2: In an effort to save the environment, PersonX brings her box to the grocery store while PersonY buys bags,as _ is not involved in saving the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: environment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cares more about the environment than PersonY because _ deeply cares about the Planet. \nSentence 2: PersonX cares more about the environment than PersonY because _ does not care enough about the Planet."} {"input": "Context Word: environment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to recycle her newspapers than PersonY because _ cared about the environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to recycle her newspapers than PersonY because _ did not really care about the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: swimmer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a worse swimmer than PersonY, _ looked out of shape in a swimsuit. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a better swimmer than PersonY, _ looked out of shape in a swimsuit."} {"input": "Context Word: swimmer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a much worse swimmer when compared to PersonY because _ has barely taken swim lessons. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a much worse swimmer when compared to PersonY because _ has always taken swim lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: swimmer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saved the drowning child, but PersonY stayed on the shore, because _ was an excellent swimmer. \nSentence 2: PersonX saved the drowning child, but PersonY stayed on the shore, because _ was an pooer swimmer."} {"input": "Context Word: swimmer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a great swimmer while PersonY was not since _ had owned a pool all of their life. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a great swimmer while PersonY was not since _ had never owned a pool before."} {"input": "Context Word: cremation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cremation scares PersonX, but PersonY isn't bothered by it, so _ wants to be buried. \nSentence 2: Cremation scares PersonX, but PersonY isn't bothered by it, so _ wants to be cremated."} {"input": "Context Word: buy an urn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to buy an urn from PersonY because _ had no clue what to look for in an urn. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to buy an urn from PersonY because _ had a funeral store and knew what to look for in an urn."} {"input": "Context Word: Thrift Store.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if there is a thrift store near the city centre, because _ wasn't sure. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if there is a thrift store near the city centre, but _ wasn't sure."} {"input": "Context Word: to become an image consultant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to become an image consultant and PersonY did not because _ really enjoyed working with people. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to become an image consultant and PersonY did not because _ had no interest in working with people."} {"input": "Context Word: numbness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was experiencing severe numbness in their hands but PersonY felt fine, because _ had carpal tunnel syndrome. \nSentence 2: PersonX was experiencing severe numbness in their hands but PersonY felt fine, because _ did not have carpal tunnel syndrome."} {"input": "Context Word: vitamin E oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making vitamin E oil is fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ thinks it is an easy process. \nSentence 2: Making vitamin E oil is fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ thinks it is an complicated process."} {"input": "Context Word: quest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was given a quest by PersonY, so _ followed the map and solved the clues. \nSentence 2: PersonX was given a quest by PersonY, so _ created the map and wrote the clues."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: After deciding to paint the room, PersonX asked PersonY for their thoughts on the color, even though _ didn\u2019t really want the opinion. \nSentence 2: After deciding to paint the room, PersonX asked PersonY for their thoughts on the color, even though _ didn\u2019t really want to state an opinion."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: As such a talented artist, PersonX had much to offer PersonY in learning to paint, and _ was eager to teach. \nSentence 2: As such a talented artist, PersonX had much to offer PersonY in learning to paint, and _ was eager to learn."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the paint store this afternoon, PersonX asked PersonY what color _ should choose for the kitchen. \nSentence 2: At the paint store this morning, PersonX asked PersonY what color _ wants to choose for the kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: Deciding on a new color of paint for the room was difficult for PersonX but came natural to PersonY, since _ was indecisive by nature. \nSentence 2: Deciding on a new color of paint for the room was difficult for PersonX but came natural to PersonY, since _ was decisive by nature."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: It is easier for personX than personY to chose a paint color that matches the room because _ is an artist. \nSentence 2: It is easier for personX than personY to chose a paint color that matches the room because _ is blind."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: Paint at the hardware store was purchased by PersonX from PersonY because _ is remodeling. \nSentence 2: Paint at the hardware store was purchased by PersonX from PersonY because _ is a salesman."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: Painting the garage was a pleasure to PersonX but not to PersonY, as _ loved the quiet nature of the chore. \nSentence 2: Painting the garage was a pleasure to PersonX but not to PersonY, as _ detested the quiet nature of the chore."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidently got paint glaze on PersonY's wall, and now _ wants to help him to remove it. \nSentence 2: PersonX accidently got paint glaze on PersonY's wall, and now _ wants help to remove it."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY were arguing over paint colors for _ wanted a dark colored wall. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY were arguing over paint colors for _ wanted a bright colored wall."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help to paint the house because _ didn't have enough time to complete it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help to paint the house because _ had plenty of spare time to complete it."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new paint for his house last week unlike PersonY because _ was remodeling his home. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new paint for his house last week unlike PersonY because _ was demolishing his home."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to be rushed to the hospital because _ had an allergic reaction to the paint. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to be rushed to the hospital because _ did not have an allergic reaction to the paint."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could use paint to make a pretty picture but PersonY could not. _ got a good grade in art class. \nSentence 2: PersonX could use paint to make a pretty picture but PersonY could not. _ got a bad grade in art class."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to paint a lot of things for PersonY, because _ needed the money. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to paint a lot of things for PersonY, because _ needed it done."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want help from PersonY with her artwork, as _ knew how to paint. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want help from PersonY with her artwork, as _ didn't know how to paint."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have a headache after using the paint but PersonY did because _ used a face mask. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have a headache after using the paint but PersonY did because _ didn't use a face mask."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to paint his house in blue and white and looks good because _ is kind and good with his hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to paint his house in blue and white and looks good because _ has a big house to paint alone."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to paint their house but _ was not happy with the job that was done. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to paint their house but _ was not happy with the money they had offered."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to paint their house over the weekend, and _ complemented them on what a great job they did. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to paint their house over the weekend, and _ was complemented on what a great job they did."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hires PersonY to paint a room in the house, so it's more likely _ is the homeowner. \nSentence 2: PersonX hires PersonY to paint a room in the house, so it's more likely _ is the contractor."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to a sip and paint because _ loved to sip wine and paint. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to a sip and paint although _ hated to sip wine and paint."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at remodeling the house than PersonY, so _ volunteered to paint the bedroom. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at remodeling the house than PersonY, so _ did not want to paint the bedroom."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew what she wanted while PersonY was indecisive, so _ was asked to choose the paint color. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew what she wanted while PersonY was indecisive, so _ did not want to choose the paint color."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to paint while PersonY despised it, because _ was such an aspiring artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to paint while PersonY despised it, because _ was such a failed artist."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX managed to get paint everywhere during the job whereas PersonY spilled not as _ was very careless. \nSentence 2: PersonX managed to get paint everywhere during the job whereas PersonY spilled not as _ was very careful."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY paint the house, but _ didn't apply the first brushstrokes. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY paint the house, but _ applied the very first brushstrokes."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX painted a rainbow on the walls in her room but PersonY didn't because _ likes to see colors. \nSentence 2: PersonX painted a rainbow on the walls in her room but PersonY didn't because _ likes to see white."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX want to paint his room green and PersonY wants to paint his room gray. _ bought green paint today. \nSentence 2: PersonX want to paint his room green and PersonY wants to paint his room gray. _ bought gray paint today."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a bought a new house from PersonY but _ wanted to change up the paint job. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a bought a new house from PersonY but _ wanted to keep the paint job."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to give the living room a coat of paint but PersonY did not because _ was interested in DIY. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to give the living room a coat of paint but PersonY did not because _ was disinterested in DIY."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to paint their walls and PersonY wanted to help, so _ asked for help with the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to paint their walls and PersonY wanted to help, so _ helped with the job."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to teach PersonY how to paint using watercolors because _ was a good teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to teach PersonY how to paint using watercolors but _ was a bad learner."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much better artist than PersonY so _ was chosen to paint the school mural. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much better artist than PersonY so _ was not chosen to paint the school mural."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to buy new paint for his house this weekend unlike PersonY, because _ was wealthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to buy new paint for his house this weekend unlike PersonY, because _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to paint a pretty picture but PersonY was not. _ had their work displayed in an art gallery. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to paint a pretty picture but PersonY was not. _ didn't have their work displayed in an art gallery."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was humiliated by PersonY because _ picked out a color of paint that he did not like. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mad at PersonY because _ picked out a color of paint that he did not like."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mad at PersonY because _ spilled paint on her bedroom floor while painting the walls. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy with PersonY because _ cleaned paint on her bedroom floor when painting the walls."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was splashed with paint by PersonY, and _ was angry because their new clothes were ruined. \nSentence 2: PersonX was splashed with paint by PersonY, and _ was regretful because the new clothes were ruined."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was yelled at by PersonY after ( _ ) got paint all over the new floors and rug. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY after ( _ ) got paint all over the new floors and rug."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's main artistic medium was paint, while PersonY preferred to work with clay, since _ was trained as a painter. \nSentence 2: PersonX's main artistic medium was paint, while PersonY preferred to work with clay, since _ was trained as a sculptor."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: The color of the paint was quite pleasing to PersonX however PersonY believed it to be too bright. _ painted their room with the brightly colored paint. \nSentence 2: The color of the paint was quite pleasing to PersonX however PersonY believed it to be too bright. _ painted their room with a subdued color paint."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: The house needed redecorating, which PersonX was much better at than PersonY, since _ was much tidier with paint. \nSentence 2: The house needed redecorating, which PersonX was much better at than PersonY, since _ was much messier with paint."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: The paint on PersonX's house is older and starting to peel, while PersonY's looks fresh. _ 's house was painted a decade ago. \nSentence 2: The paint on PersonX's house is older and starting to peel, while PersonY's looks fresh. _ 's house was painted a month ago."} {"input": "Context Word: paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: The paint was the perfect color for PersonX but not PersonY because it was _ favorite color. \nSentence 2: The paint was the worst color for PersonX but not PersonY because it was _ favorite color."} {"input": "Context Word: Gout.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a lot of rich foods but PersonY dined mainly on plants. _ was always worried about coming down with the gout. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a lot of rich foods but PersonY dined mainly on plants. _ was not concerned about coming down with the gout."} {"input": "Context Word: go to the dentist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to go to the dentist and PersonY was not because _ wasn't scared of the dentist. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to go to the dentist and PersonY was not because _ was scared of the dentist."} {"input": "Context Word: Krabby Patty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX entered in PersonY home and smelled Krabby Patty coming from the kitchen. _ was so hungry. \nSentence 2: PersonX entered in PersonY home and smelled Krabby Patty coming from the kitchen. _ was cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX knew how to drive and PersonY did not, _ passed their driving test. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX knew how to drive and PersonY did not, _ failed their driving test."} {"input": "Context Word: drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to drive PersonY to school on Monday, because _ was the only one with a license. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to drive PersonY to school on Monday, because _ was the only one with a class."} {"input": "Context Word: drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to drive PersonY home for safety reasons, although _ was drunker than she was. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to drive PersonY home for safety reasons, because _ was drunker than she was."} {"input": "Context Word: drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to drive PersonY to the store, since _ had their new car available. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to drive PersonY to the store, since _ had their new car impounded."} {"input": "Context Word: drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to pick up PersonY to drive to the show, as _ had just gotten her license. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to pick up PersonY to drive to the show, as _ had just lost her license."} {"input": "Context Word: drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred to drive when PersonY was in the car, since _ was a very steady driver. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred to drive when PersonY was in the car, since _ was a very shaky driver."} {"input": "Context Word: drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX quite often likes to drive too fast but PersonY never does because _ is reckless. \nSentence 2: PersonX quite often likes to drive too fast but PersonY never does because _ is sensible."} {"input": "Context Word: drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY to his home in the suburb last night, as _ is sober enough to drive. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY to his home in the suburb last night, as _ is too drunk to drive."} {"input": "Context Word: drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to learn how to drive on snow and asks for PersonY's help, because _ is an unexperienced driver. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to learn how to drive on snow and asks for PersonY's help, because _ is an experienced driver."} {"input": "Context Word: drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not old enough to drive but PersonY was, so _ was driven to store because they could not drive on their own. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not old enough to drive but PersonY was, so _ was drove them to store because they could drive on their own."} {"input": "Context Word: drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: Seeing it was snowing, PersonX asked PersonY to drive the car because _ was a nervous driver. \nSentence 2: Seeing it was snowing, PersonX asked PersonY to drive the car because _ was a confident driver."} {"input": "Context Word: bladder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can go a long time without visiting a bathroom but PersonY cannot because _ has a large bladder. \nSentence 2: PersonX can go a long time without visiting a bathroom but PersonY cannot because _ has a small \rbladder."} {"input": "Context Word: bladder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to always go to the toilet unlike PersonY because _ has a horrible bladder problem. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to always go to the toilet unlike PersonY because _ has no bladder problem."} {"input": "Context Word: bladder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to see PersonY about their loss of bladder control, and _ had tests run on them to see what was wrong. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to see PersonY about their loss of bladder control, and _ ran tests on them to see what was wrong."} {"input": "Context Word: Minefield.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the war, PersonX jumped over the minefield while PersonY drove straight over it. _ was scared. \nSentence 2: During the war, PersonX jumped over the minefield while PersonY drove straight over it. _ was fearless."} {"input": "Context Word: Mulethi.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx could testify to the potent of the Mulethi persony sold to him after it cured _ sickness. \nSentence 2: personx could testify to the potent of the Mulethi persony sold to him after it made _ rich."} {"input": "Context Word: link.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at searching on the internet than PersonY because _ does not click on unrelated links. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at searching on the internet than PersonY because _ always clicks on unrelated links."} {"input": "Context Word: Zipper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loaned his jacket to PersonY, who ended up breaking the zipper; _ was angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX loaned his jacket to PersonY, who ended up breaking the zipper; _ was remorseful."} {"input": "Context Word: ticks.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog belonging to PersonX had ticks but that belonging to PersonY did not as _ was very slapdash. \nSentence 2: The dog belonging to PersonX had ticks but that belonging to PersonY did not as _ was very conscientious."} {"input": "Context Word: old photos.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going through old photos of PersonY when _ found a very disturbing picture. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going through old photos of PersonY when _ was seen in a very disturbing picture."} {"input": "Context Word: deeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX committed a bunch of good deeds in PersonY's name, because _ didn't want the credit. \nSentence 2: PersonX committed a bunch of good deeds in PersonY's name, because _ wanted all the credit."} {"input": "Context Word: Red split lentils.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx do not want to eat the Red split lentils persony cooked for him because _ lost his appetite. \nSentence 2: personx do not want to eat the Red split lentils persony cooked for him because _ is not a good cook."} {"input": "Context Word: avoiding saying bad words.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is avoiding saying bad words and PersonY is not because _ has a bad habit of cursing when stressed. \nSentence 2: PersonX is avoiding saying bad words and PersonY is not because _ has a bad habit of throwing things when stressed."} {"input": "Context Word: middle.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lady in the middle walked past PersonX but not PersonY because _ was hiding from her. \nSentence 2: The lady in the middle walked past PersonX but not PersonY because _ was waiting for her."} {"input": "Context Word: make a sofa cover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY to make a sofa cover because _ didn't own a sewing machine. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help from PersonY to make a sofa cover because _ owned a sewing machine."} {"input": "Context Word: electric.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got passed by for the job at the power plant in favor of PersonY , since _ was inexperienced with anything electric. \nSentence 2: PersonX got passed by for the job at the power plant in favor of PersonY , since _ was adept with anything electric."} {"input": "Context Word: electric.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laughed when PersonY crashed his electric car causing others to look upon _ with scorn. \nSentence 2: PersonX laughed when PersonY crashed his electric car causing others to look upon _ with pity."} {"input": "Context Word: electric.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was punished by PersonY when _ left the electric mower out in the rain over night. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY when _ left the electric mower out in the rain over night."} {"input": "Context Word: fireplace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to light a fire in the fireplace but PersonY thought it made the room too smoky. _ lit a fire on the winter's day. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to light a fire in the fireplace but PersonY thought it made the room too smoky. _ didn't light a fire on the winter's day."} {"input": "Context Word: fireplace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonXs love for his fireplace smell overwhelmed PersonY, so _ vowed to replace it with a gas one. \nSentence 2: PersonXs love for his fireplace smell overwhelmed PersonY, but _ vowed to replace it with a gas one."} {"input": "Context Word: shedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog was shedding everywhere and PersonY was allergic, so _ felt guilty and sorry. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog was shedding everywhere and PersonY was allergic, so _ felt stuffy and sneezy."} {"input": "Context Word: Ramadan.", "output": "Sentence 1: Every year, PersonX fasts for Ramadan while PersonY fasts for Lent because _ is Muslim. \nSentence 2: Every year, PersonX fasts for Ramadan while PersonY fasts for Lent because _ is Catholic."} {"input": "Context Word: Ramadan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX celebrated the holy month of Ramadan but not PersonY because _ was a Muslim. \nSentence 2: PersonX celebrated the holy month of Ramadan but not PersonY because _ was a Jew."} {"input": "Context Word: Cornrows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had cornrows while PersonY did not, so people were confused when _ showed up without cornrows. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had cornrows while PersonY did not, so people were confused when _ showed up with cornrows."} {"input": "Context Word: floor tiles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for PersonY's help to pick out floor tiles for their house, because _ was colorblind. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for PersonY's help to pick out floor tiles for their house, because _ was tasteful."} {"input": "Context Word: suitable environment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a suitable environment for PersonY so _ set up the area around them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a suitable environment for PersonY so _ could play in the area around them."} {"input": "Context Word: Confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: Exuding with confidence, PersonX guided PersonY on how to be a better at baseball because _ had many years of experience in it. \nSentence 2: Exuding with confidence, PersonX guided PersonY on how to be a better at baseball because _ had few years of experience in it."} {"input": "Context Word: vending.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if there was a vending machine close to where they were, because _ was hungry. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if there was a vending machine close to where they were, because _ was familiar with the area."} {"input": "Context Word: basic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed a simple, basic life with PersonY, so _ was happy to have a quiet existence. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed a simple, basic life with PersonY, but _ was bored having a quiet existence."} {"input": "Context Word: basic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred basic black shoes rather than PersonY's flashy high-heels, as _ is plain in fashion. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred basic black shoes rather than PersonY's flashy high-heels, as _ is loud in fashion."} {"input": "Context Word: basic.", "output": "Sentence 1: The life of PersonX was pretty basic until they met PersonY , _ is a appreciative of normality. \nSentence 2: The life of PersonX was pretty basic until they met PersonY , _ is a is lover of excitement ."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX is older than PersonY his health is better because _ is motivated to live healthy. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX is older than PersonY his health is better because _ is unmotivated to live healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX discovered PersonY was a respected doctor so _ asked him many health related questions. \nSentence 2: PersonX discovered PersonY was a respected doctor so _ was asked many health related questions."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX exercises a lot and eats healthy while PersonY has a sedentary life, _ enjoys a good health. \nSentence 2: PersonX exercises a lot and eats healthy while PersonY has a sedentary life, _ has health problems."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to exercise while PersonY is lazy and eats a lot, _ has a good health. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to exercise while PersonY is lazy and eats a lot, _ has health problems."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to go to the health food store and asked PersonY if they wanted to come along with _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to go to the health food store and asked PersonY if _ wanted to come along."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took care of PersonY because she was in poor health. _ was being compassionate. \nSentence 2: PersonX was taken care of by PersonY because she was in poor health. _ was being compassionate."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX treats and teaches people like PersonY about the value of good health, _ is a doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX treats and teaches people like PersonY about the value of good health, _ is not healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was envious of the health of PersonY that was obvious to everyone else because _ was too lazy to workout consistently. \nSentence 2: PersonX was envious of the health of PersonY that was obvious to everyone else because _ had a consistent workout schedule."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in worse health than PersonY as an adult because _ did not receive vaccinations as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in better health than PersonY as an adult because _ did not receive vaccinations as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was is much worse health than PersonY, because _ ate candy every day of the week. \nSentence 2: PersonX was is much worse health than PersonY, because _ ate vegetables every day of the week."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried about PersonY's health, so _ told them to start taking more vitamins. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous about PersonY's health, so _ told them to start taking more vitamins."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's health was being examined by PersonY because _ had been a long time patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX's health was being examined by PersonY because _ had been a long time doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor gave a clean bill of health to PersonX but not PersonY because _ exercised regularly. \nSentence 2: The doctor gave a clean bill of health to PersonX but not PersonY because _ rarely exercised."} {"input": "Context Word: health.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had his pet in good health unlike persony even though _ is a traveler. \nSentence 2: personx had his pet in good health unlike persony even though _ is a vet."} {"input": "Context Word: water park.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to get tickets to the water park for the contest, _ is a manager at the radio station. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to get tickets to the water park for the contest, _ is a worker at the radio station."} {"input": "Context Word: assess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a primary school teacher, PersonY is not therefore _ must assess student learning. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a primary school teacher, PersonY is not therefore _ must not assess student learning."} {"input": "Context Word: air sickness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started to show signs of air sickness which triggered PersonY which made _ feel bad for causing it. \nSentence 2: PersonX started to show signs of air sickness which triggered PersonY which made _ feel angry for reacting to it."} {"input": "Context Word: technology.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she had learned about any new technology lately, because _ she was interested. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she had learned about any new technology lately, but she _ didn't seem interested."} {"input": "Context Word: technology.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the new technology to PersonY, because _ wanted to share the advancements with someone else. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the new technology to PersonY, because _ wanted to experience the advancements from someone else."} {"input": "Context Word: technology.", "output": "Sentence 1: The new technology was affordable to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a good paying job. \nSentence 2: The new technology was affordable to PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a good paying job."} {"input": "Context Word: hibiscus.", "output": "Sentence 1: Growing hibiscus suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had deep knowledge of growing things. \nSentence 2: Growing hibiscus suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no knowledge of growing things."} {"input": "Context Word: hibiscus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated the smell of hibiscus , while PersonY loved it, so _ avoided walking through the garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated the smell of hibiscus , while PersonY loved it, so _ enjoyed walking through the garden."} {"input": "Context Word: hibiscus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was brewing some hibiscus tea for herself and PersonY, so _ asked her if she wanted any sugar in her tea. \nSentence 2: PersonX was brewing some hibiscus tea for herself and PersonY, so _ asked her if she could have some sugar in her tea."} {"input": "Context Word: fondant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not make fondant for the cake like PersonY as _ was terrible at cake making. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not make fondant for the cake like PersonY as _ was excellent at cake making."} {"input": "Context Word: belly button.", "output": "Sentence 1: The belly button of PersonX has lint in it, while PersonY's has none, so _ is the filthier person. \nSentence 2: The belly button of PersonX has lint in it, while PersonY's has none, so _ is the cleaner person."} {"input": "Context Word: mangoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making smoothies with mangoes was a treat for PersonX but not PersonY since _ loved the taste of fresh fruit. \nSentence 2: Making smoothies with mangoes was a treat for PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated the taste of fresh fruit."} {"input": "Context Word: mangoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has an allergy to mangoes, but PersonY does not, so _ has to be very careful. \nSentence 2: PersonX has an allergy to mangoes, but PersonY does not, so _ doesn't have to be very careful."} {"input": "Context Word: Interview.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was interviewing PersonY about their new movie and _ asked a lot of excellent questions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was interviewing PersonY about their new movie and _ gave a lot of excellent answers."} {"input": "Context Word: Boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX entered into PersonY's office, but our moody boss was not around. _ was relieved. \nSentence 2: PersonX entered into PersonY's office, but our moody boss was not around. _ was on vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: plastering.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidentally made a big hole in the wall that needed plastering, but PersonY was not angry. _ had refused to renovate for a long time. \nSentence 2: PersonX accidentally made a big hole in the wall that needed plastering, but PersonY was not angry. _ had wanted to renovate for a long time."} {"input": "Context Word: pine trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: Growing pine trees suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of knowledge about growing trees. \nSentence 2: Growing pine trees suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no knowledge about growing trees."} {"input": "Context Word: maneuver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX easily made the maneuver around PersonY on the track because _ was so skilled at this kind of race. \nSentence 2: PersonX easily made the maneuver around PersonY on the track because _ was so inept at this kind of race."} {"input": "Context Word: maneuver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to save the choking man, but PersonY was not, because _ had recently learned the heimlich maneuver. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to save the choking man, but PersonY was not, because _ had never learned the heimlich maneuver."} {"input": "Context Word: carpal tunnel syndrome.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX developed carpal tunnel syndrome at a faster rate than PersonY did because _ used the computer a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX developed carpal tunnel syndrome at a faster rate than PersonY did because _ didn't use the computer a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: Race.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried PersonY would win the cross country race, because _ was currently behind. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried PersonY would win the cross country race, because _ was currently ahead."} {"input": "Context Word: squash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed eating spaghetti made out of squash but not PersonY because _ was health conscious. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed eating spaghetti made out of squash but not PersonY because _ was not health conscious."} {"input": "Context Word: squash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the taste of squash but PersonY hated it's flavor. _ ordered the squash casserole with their dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the taste of squash but PersonY hated it's flavor. _ ordered the broccoli casserole with their dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: squash.", "output": "Sentence 1: The squash that PersonX grew in the yard are much bigger than PersonY's because _ is a superior farmer. \nSentence 2: The squash that PersonX grew in the yard are much bigger than PersonY's because _ is an inferior farmer."} {"input": "Context Word: office.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to help PersonY get things done in the office because _ had completed their work. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to help PersonY get things done in the office because _ was overloaded with work."} {"input": "Context Word: office.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spends a lot more time sitting down than PersonY because _ works in an office. \nSentence 2: PersonX spends a lot more time sitting down than PersonY because _ doesn't work in an office."} {"input": "Context Word: office.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to run for political office and PersonY supports them, because _ seems extremely qualified. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to run for political office and PersonY supports them, but _ isn't sure they are qualified."} {"input": "Context Word: office.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not awarded employee of the month at the office, but PersonY was because _ was unhelpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not awarded employee of the month at the office, but PersonY was because _ was helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: office.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked in a business office unlike PersonY so _ wore a suit to work. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked in a business office unlike PersonY so _ wore a t-shirt to work."} {"input": "Context Word: office.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ decided to decorate PersonX's office because it looked dull, and PersonY thought it looked fine. \nSentence 2: So _ decided to ignore PersonX's office because it looked dull, and PersonY thought it looked fine."} {"input": "Context Word: office.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working in an office suited PersonX but PersonY preferred working from home. _ had no self motivation and liked having bosses. \nSentence 2: Working in an office suited PersonX but PersonY preferred working from home. _ had good self motivation and hated having bosses."} {"input": "Context Word: package.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could wrap a package well but PersonY could not. _ got a lot of compliments on their gift wrapping. \nSentence 2: PersonX could wrap a package well but PersonY could not. _ got very few compliments on their gift wrapping."} {"input": "Context Word: package.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is sending an important package to PersonY, so _ takes it to the post office. \nSentence 2: PersonX is sending an important package to PersonY, so _ collects it from the post office."} {"input": "Context Word: operating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was operating under the impression that PersonY agreed with them, but _ was mistaken. \nSentence 2: PersonX was operating under the impression that PersonY agreed with them, but _ was disagreeable."} {"input": "Context Word: slimmer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was slimmer than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about calories and a diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was slimmer than PersonY, so _ started to worry about calories and a diet."} {"input": "Context Word: German.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spoke German better than PersonY because _ had been studying the language for a longer amount of time. \nSentence 2: PersonX spoke German better than PersonY because _ had been studying the language for a shorter amount of time."} {"input": "Context Word: uses a sugar scrub.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses a sugar scrub and PersonY doesn't because _ believes in taking care of the skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses a sugar scrub and PersonY doesn't because _ doesn't believe in taking care of the skin."} {"input": "Context Word: ending a relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: Ending a relationship was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was more blunt. \nSentence 2: Ending a relationship was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was more reserved."} {"input": "Context Word: treated.", "output": "Sentence 1: After being treated for post traumatic shock, PersonX thanked PersonY, because _ had needed the help. \nSentence 2: After being treated for post traumatic shock, PersonX thanked PersonY, because _ had provided the help."} {"input": "Context Word: treated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed their mother and father treated PersonY better because _ was given a smaller allowance. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed their mother and father treated PersonY better because _ was given a larger allowance."} {"input": "Context Word: treated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been going to PersonY to get their lawn treated, so _ is likely the landlord. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been going to PersonY to get their lawn treated, so _ is likely the lawn specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: treated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX treated more students in their class than PersonY although _ had a worse behaved class. \nSentence 2: PersonX treated more students in their class than PersonY although _ had a better behaved class."} {"input": "Context Word: treated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to hear that PersonY treated people with respect instead hatred , _ prefers kindness. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to hear that PersonY treated people with respect instead hatred , _ prefers to be kindness."} {"input": "Context Word: treated.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor treated PersonX, but refused to see PersonY, because _ has an incredible insurance plan. \nSentence 2: The doctor treated PersonX, but refused to see PersonY, because _ has a terrible insurance plan."} {"input": "Context Word: alien.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to write an alien sci fi story and asks for a help from her role model PersonY, because _ is beginner. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to write an alien sci fi story and asks for a help from her role model PersonY, because _ is professional writer."} {"input": "Context Word: coconut tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept watch while PersonY slept on a desert island with just a coconut tree when _ spotted a rescue plane in the sky. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept watch while PersonY slept on a desert island with just a coconut tree when _ missed a rescue plane in the sky."} {"input": "Context Word: stains.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got very bad grass stains in their jeans and asked PersonY for some help, although _ had never washed clothes before. \nSentence 2: PersonX got very bad grass stains in their jeans and asked PersonY for some help, because _ had never washed clothes before."} {"input": "Context Word: stains.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more presentable outfit than PersonY because the outfit on _ had less stains on it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more presentable outfit than PersonY because the outfit on _ had more stains on it."} {"input": "Context Word: stains.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dirtier than PersonY because _ had stains all over their shirts and pants. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dirtier than PersonY because _ had no stains all over their shirts and pants."} {"input": "Context Word: stains.", "output": "Sentence 1: When doing laundry, PersonX had fewer stains to get out than PersonY because _ spilled food on herself less often. \nSentence 2: When doing laundry, PersonX had fewer stains to get out than PersonY because _ spilled food on herself more often."} {"input": "Context Word: antioxidants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to be more healthy, so _ started adding antioxidants to his diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to be more healthy, so _ agreed to add antioxidants to his diet."} {"input": "Context Word: dentist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the dentist regularly but PersonY did not. _ had a flawless smile. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the dentist regularly but PersonY did not. _ had an ugly smile."} {"input": "Context Word: Drink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received a drink for PersonY so that he would loosen up. _ was rather uptight. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered a drink for PersonY so that he would loosen up. _ was rather uptight."} {"input": "Context Word: removal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had some mold removal in his house unlike PersonY because _ lived in a humid area. \nSentence 2: PersonX had some mold removal in his house unlike PersonY because _ lived in a dry area."} {"input": "Context Word: removal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was running a trash removal service and they met PersonY on a job site , _ is a business owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was running a trash removal service and they met PersonY on a job site , _ is a property owner."} {"input": "Context Word: marketing consultant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the marketing consultant, but PersonY could see through the facade. _ was naturally a trusting person. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the marketing consultant, but PersonY could see through the facade. _ was naturally a skeptical person."} {"input": "Context Word: childlike.", "output": "Sentence 1: People say PersonX is less childlike than PersonY is, so _ is likely the more serious person. \nSentence 2: People say PersonX is less childlike than PersonY is, so _ is likely the more playful person."} {"input": "Context Word: collectible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold the collectible to PersonY for a lot of money, because _ really need the extra cash. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold the collectible to PersonY for a lot of money, because _ really need the extra figure."} {"input": "Context Word: creating.", "output": "Sentence 1: Creating a facebook page was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had made one before. \nSentence 2: Creating a facebook page was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had not made one before."} {"input": "Context Word: creating.", "output": "Sentence 1: Creating restaurant review blogs is a passion of PersonX but not PersonY because _ is excited by writing and food. \nSentence 2: Creating restaurant review blogs is a passion of PersonX but not PersonY because _ is bored by writing and food."} {"input": "Context Word: Ironing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't mind doing ironing but PersonY couldn't stand it. _ spent hardly any money at the dry cleaners. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't mind doing ironing but PersonY couldn't stand it. _ spent a good sum of money at the dry cleaners."} {"input": "Context Word: lady.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lady walked up to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a familiar face to her. \nSentence 2: The lady walked away from PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a familiar face to her."} {"input": "Context Word: lady.", "output": "Sentence 1: The old lady in the park complimented PersonX, but not PersonY because _ is very dignified. \nSentence 2: The old lady in the park complimented PersonX, but not PersonY because _ is very rude."} {"input": "Context Word: to write the essay introduction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was assigned to write the essay introduction and PersonY was not because _ was good at drawing people in. \nSentence 2: PersonX was assigned to write the essay introduction and PersonY was not because _ was good at closing the essay at the end."} {"input": "Context Word: break-up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke-up with Gus and PersonY broke-up with Dan. _ had a break-up with Gus. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke-up with Gus and PersonY broke-up with Dan. _ had a break-up with Dan."} {"input": "Context Word: wraps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's lunch wraps looked more professional than PersonY's because _ was a sandwich chef in the restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX's lunch wraps looked more professional than PersonY's because _ was a pastry chef in the restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: Latin.", "output": "Sentence 1: In school, PersonX needed help with their Latin homework from PersonY, so _ offered to pay. \nSentence 2: In school, PersonX needed help with their Latin homework from PersonY, but _ refused pay."} {"input": "Context Word: Latin.", "output": "Sentence 1: People understood PersonX better than PersonY due to _ pronouncing Latin more proficiently than others. \nSentence 2: People understood PersonX better than PersonY due to _ pronouncing Latin less proficiently than others."} {"input": "Context Word: Latin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took notes while PersonY explained the conjugation of Latin verbs, for _ was a careful student. \nSentence 2: PersonX took notes while PersonY explained the conjugation of Latin verbs, for _ was a compelling teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: greatness.", "output": "Sentence 1: Greatness was not in the cards for PersonX like it was for PersonY because _ was an idiot. \nSentence 2: Greatness was not in the cards for PersonX like it was for PersonY because _ was very smart."} {"input": "Context Word: Hemorrhoids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more irritable that day than PersonY was due to _ having Hemorrhoids. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more patient that day than PersonY was due to _ having Hemorrhoids."} {"input": "Context Word: celebrity personal assistant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to be a celebrity personal assistant more than PersonY, because _ loved being in the midst of chaos. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to be a celebrity personal assistant more than PersonY, because _ hated being in the midst of chaos."} {"input": "Context Word: lemon juice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank a lot of lemon juice, much more than PersonY, because _ was very thirsty. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank a lot of lemon juice, much more than PersonY, because _ was not very thirsty."} {"input": "Context Word: watch The Big Bang Theory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to watch The Big Bang Theory and PersonY didn't because _ was a huge fan of the show. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to watch The Big Bang Theory and PersonY didn't because _ wasn't a huge fan of the show."} {"input": "Context Word: android.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new android phone from PersonY so _ asked for help installing new appls. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new android phone from PersonY so _ gave help installing new appls."} {"input": "Context Word: android.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an android phone but PersonY preferred iPhones. _ didn't like products by Apple. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an android phone but PersonY preferred iPhones. _ only liked products by Apple."} {"input": "Context Word: android.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put the finishing touches on the android as he sold it off to PersonY because _ was an engineer. \nSentence 2: PersonX put the finishing touches on the android as he sold it off to PersonY because _ was a customer."} {"input": "Context Word: seed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew the houseplant from seed, but PersonY bought a plastic plant instead, because _ tended to cherish plants. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew the houseplant from seed, but PersonY bought a plastic plant instead, because _ tended to neglect plants."} {"input": "Context Word: seed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to plant the seed so the plant would grow, as _ was an experienced gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to plant the seed so the plant would grow, as _ was a novice gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: seed.", "output": "Sentence 1: The seeds planted by PersonX sprouted sooner than those planted by PersonY, so _ had a longer bloom. \nSentence 2: The seeds planted by PersonX sprouted sooner than those planted by PersonY, so _ had a shorter bloom."} {"input": "Context Word: silky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has amazing silky hair unlike PersonY because _ takes good care of his hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX has amazing silky hair unlike PersonY because _ takes bad care of his hair."} {"input": "Context Word: silky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair was more silky than PersonY's because _ spent a lot of time on her hair care routine. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair was more silky than PersonY's because _ spent little time on her hair care routine."} {"input": "Context Word: MCAT.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied hard for their MCAT test but PersonY goofed off instead, so _ got a passing grade on the test. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied hard for their MCAT test but PersonY goofed off instead, so _ got a failing grade on the test."} {"input": "Context Word: pollen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to stay away from the flower fields but not PersonY because _ is allergic to pollen. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to stay away from the flower fields but not PersonY because _ is not allergic to pollen."} {"input": "Context Word: get rid of bed bugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to get rid of bed bugs because _ had been infected once. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to get rid of bed bugs because _ currently had an infestation."} {"input": "Context Word: outrageous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it was outrageous that PersonY took the money from _ and spent it on drugs. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it was outrageous that PersonY took the money with _ and spent it on drugs."} {"input": "Context Word: how to weight train.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was interested in learning how to weight train and PersonY was not because _ wanted to be an ultimate fighter. \nSentence 2: PersonX was interested in learning how to weight train and PersonY was not because _ wanted to be an astronaut."} {"input": "Context Word: lose weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to lecture PersonY on how to lose weight despite the fact that _ is overweight and needs to diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to lecture PersonY on how to lose weight because of the fact that _ is overweight and needs to diet."} {"input": "Context Word: lose weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help PersonY lose weight, so _ helped them by making them meals. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to help PersonY lose weight, so they helped _ by making them exercise."} {"input": "Context Word: lose weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asking PersonY for some tips to lose weight over the summer, because _ only knew how to gain weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asking PersonY for some tips to lose weight over the summer, but _ only knew how to gain weight."} {"input": "Context Word: emergency.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the fire emergency in the building, PersonX made sure to follow procedure while PersonY helped the people out because _ was a victim. \nSentence 2: During the fire emergency in the building, PersonX made sure to follow procedure while PersonY helped the people out because _ was a firefighter."} {"input": "Context Word: emergency.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX admired PersonY because _ was prepared for any type of emergency that might occur. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried for PersonY because _ was not prepared for any type of emergency that might occur."} {"input": "Context Word: emergency.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was more likely to be prepared in an emergency situation because _ stayed calm. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was more likely to be prepared in an emergency situation because _ panicked."} {"input": "Context Word: emergency.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less prepared than PersonY for an emergency since _ had a smaller amount of money in their emergency fund. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less prepared than PersonY for an emergency since _ had a larger amount of money in their emergency fund."} {"input": "Context Word: emergency.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much better at coping in an emergency than PersonY was because _ was very panicky. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much better at coping in an emergency than PersonY was because _ was very calm."} {"input": "Context Word: compost.", "output": "Sentence 1: In his yard, PersonX doesn't compost things, while PersonY does, so _ is less environmentally conscious. \nSentence 2: In his yard, PersonX doesn't compost things, while PersonY does, although _ is less environmentally conscious."} {"input": "Context Word: compost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them build a compost pile because _ was an inexperienced gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them build a compost pile because _ was a professional horticulturist."} {"input": "Context Word: compost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to start a compost near the fence they shared with PersonY because _ did not care what others thought. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to start a compost near the fence they shared with PersonY but _ did not care for the smell."} {"input": "Context Word: compost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not have a compost pile like PersonY because _ was ignorant about environmental problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not have a compost pile like PersonY because _ was knowledgeable about environmental problems."} {"input": "Context Word: compost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw a bag of compost into the bed of the pickup owned by PersonY, because _ had just been paid for the compost. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw a bag of compost into the bed of the pickup owned by PersonY, because _ had just paid for the compost."} {"input": "Context Word: compost.", "output": "Sentence 1: To compost leftover food and waste seemed like a great idea to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was an active environmentalist. \nSentence 2: To compost leftover food and waste seemed like a great idea to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was not an active environmentalist."} {"input": "Context Word: Crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Crochet is one task you will never be able to learn said PersonX to PersonY, _ enjoys being mean to others. \nSentence 2: Crochet is one task you will never be able to learn said PersonX to PersonY, _ is never mean to others."} {"input": "Context Word: Crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY decided to learn to crochet because _ enjoyed working with their hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY decided to learn to crochet because _ hated working with their hands."} {"input": "Context Word: Crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baby blanket PersonX had crocheted was for PersonY's new baby, and _ gave it to them at the shower. \nSentence 2: The baby blanket PersonX was crocheted was for PersonY's new baby, and _ received it from them at the shower."} {"input": "Context Word: preppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a preppy clothing style but not PersonY because _ was always wearing pleated pants. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a preppy clothing style but not PersonY because _ was always wearing ripped pants."} {"input": "Context Word: tested.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was kept in the hospital while PersonY was released, because _ tested positive for the disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX was kept in the hospital while PersonY was released, because _ tested negative for the disease."} {"input": "Context Word: ceremony.", "output": "Sentence 1: With a wedding on the rise, PersonX could perform the ceremony with a permit while PersonY could not since _ lived in California. \nSentence 2: With a wedding on the rise, PersonX could perform the ceremony with a permit while PersonY could not since _ lived in Missouri."} {"input": "Context Word: Wi-Fi.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used their cell phone signal, while PersonY used wi-fi, because _ had a strong cell signal. \nSentence 2: PersonX used their cell phone signal, while PersonY used wi-fi, because _ had a weak cell signal."} {"input": "Context Word: Hangover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hangover from the night of the party, while PersonY was not, because _ was a lightweight drunk. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hangover from the night of the party, while PersonY was not, because _ was a heavyweight drunk."} {"input": "Context Word: helmet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thanked PersonY for reminding _ to wear the helmet while riding a bike on the street. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY and reminded _ to wear the helmet while riding a bike on the street."} {"input": "Context Word: color.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX liked arts and crafts more than PersonY, _ always had a hard time trying to color between the lines. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX liked arts and crafts more than PersonY, _ never had a hard time trying to color between the lines."} {"input": "Context Word: color.", "output": "Sentence 1: Make a choice when picking a color for your hose PersonX tells PersonY, _ is a home decorator. \nSentence 2: Make a choice when picking a color for your hose PersonX tells PersonY, _ is buying a home."} {"input": "Context Word: color.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is worse at distinguishing shades of color than PersonY because _ is color blind. \nSentence 2: PersonX is worse at distinguishing shades of color than PersonY although _ is color blind."} {"input": "Context Word: color.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought wearing the same color dress would make PersonY angry so _ decided not to wear it. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought wearing the same color dress would make PersonY angry but _ told her to wear it."} {"input": "Context Word: color.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair color is a lot brighter than PersonY's because _ got highlights in her hair last week. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair color is a lot more typical than PersonY's because _ got highlights in her hair last week."} {"input": "Context Word: color.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX is a cosmetologist and PersonY is a cook _ could give you the best advice on eyeshadow colors. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX is a cosmetologist and PersonY is a cook _ could not give you the best advice on eyeshadow colors."} {"input": "Context Word: color.", "output": "Sentence 1: Though PersonX is a better artist than PersonY, _ has a harder time color in between the lines. \nSentence 2: Though PersonX is a better artist than PersonY, _ has a easier time color in between the lines."} {"input": "Context Word: color.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using crayons to color is preferred by PersonX but not PersonY because _ is a kindergarten student. \nSentence 2: Using crayons to color is preferred by PersonX but not PersonY because _ is a kindergarten teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: fan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to turn on the fan since it was hot, and _ had the fan turned on for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to turn on the fan since it was hot, and _ turned on the fan for them."} {"input": "Context Word: fan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a big fan of PersonY and when _ met they other they screamed in joy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a big fan of PersonY and when _ met they other they recoiled in scared."} {"input": "Context Word: fan.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ turned on the fan because PersonX was hot while PersonY was cold for some reason. \nSentence 2: So _ turned off the fan because PersonX was hot while PersonY was cold for some reason."} {"input": "Context Word: fan.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fan was broken, so PersonX asked PersonY to help him fix it. After it was fixed, _ felt appreciative. \nSentence 2: The fan was broken, so PersonX asked PersonY to help him fix it. After it was fixed, _ felt helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: tomatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pasta with marinara sauce was PersonX's favorite food but not PersonY's, as _ loved tomatoes. \nSentence 2: Pasta with marinara sauce was PersonX's favorite food but not PersonY's, as _ was allergic to tomatoes."} {"input": "Context Word: tomatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX insisted on putting tomatoes in PersonY's salad because _ forgot the tomatoes were not ripe. \nSentence 2: PersonX insisted on putting tomatoes in PersonY's salad although _ remembered the tomatoes were not ripe."} {"input": "Context Word: emus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew a lot more about emus than PersonY, because _ was raised on a huge emu farm. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew a lot more about emus than PersonY, because _ was raised on a huge cattle ranch."} {"input": "Context Word: Morning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a morning person, while PersonY is a night owl, so _ wakes at 8 AM. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a morning person, while PersonY is a night owl, so _ wakes at 12 noon."} {"input": "Context Word: keyboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a faster typist than PersonY, _ had a difficult time navigating the new keyboard. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a faster typist than PersonY, _ had a easy time navigating the new keyboard."} {"input": "Context Word: keyboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new keyboard for PersonY for Christmas, and it was the first time _ gave that gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new keyboard for PersonY for Christmas, and it was the first time _ received that gift."} {"input": "Context Word: keyboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help with setting MAC keyboard shortcuts because _ never used MACs. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help with setting MAC keyboard shortcuts because _ always used MACs."} {"input": "Context Word: keyboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put sticky fingers all over PersonY's keyboard, despite _ knowing they shouldn't be doing it. \nSentence 2: PersonX put sticky fingers all over PersonY's keyboard, despite _ saying they shouldn't be doing it."} {"input": "Context Word: keyboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shouted at PersonY because _ was so upset about the computer keyboard being broken again. \nSentence 2: PersonX consoled PersonY because _ was so upset about the computer keyboard being broken again."} {"input": "Context Word: dorm.", "output": "Sentence 1: Their freshman year of college, PersonX lived in a dorm but PersonY stayed at home with her parents because _ lived outside of a commuting distance from the college. \nSentence 2: Their freshman year of college, PersonX lived in a dorm but PersonY stayed at home with her parents because _ lived within a commuting distance from the college."} {"input": "Context Word: grandmother.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX adored his grandmother, PersonY. _ decided he would surprise her with a trip to Europe. \nSentence 2: PersonX adored his grandmother, PersonY. _ got a big surprise with a trip to Europe."} {"input": "Context Word: lightheadedness.", "output": "Sentence 1: Lightheadedness was a symptom commonly felt by PersonX but not by PersonY, because _ had numerous health problems in general. \nSentence 2: Lightheadedness was a symptom commonly felt by PersonX but not by PersonY, because _ had very few health problems in general."} {"input": "Context Word: lightheadedness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX picked up PersonY from the kitchen floor because _ was helping with her lightheadedness. \nSentence 2: PersonX was picked up by PersonY from the kitchen floor because _ was helping with her lightheadedness."} {"input": "Context Word: depending.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was depending on PersonY to come through, so _ was feeling impatient for their contribution. \nSentence 2: PersonX was depending on PersonY to come through, so _ was feeling pressure for their contribution."} {"input": "Context Word: mouth problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat of PersonX has some mouth problems, so she takes it to see PersonY. _ is a responsible cat owner. \nSentence 2: The cat of PersonX has some mouth problems, so she takes it to see PersonY. _ is a responsible cat doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: exterminator.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when the professional exterminator was coming to the house because _ could not remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when the professional exterminator was coming to the house but _ could not remember."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was very easy for PersonX but not PersonY to pass the literature course because _ could read and write excellently. \nSentence 2: It was very easy for PersonX but not PersonY to pass the literature course because _ could not read and write that well."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not know how to write but PersonY did so _ had to have help to fill out the application. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not know how to write but PersonY did so _ had to help others to fill out the application."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want to write the ticket that would make PersonY lose their license but _ he had no choice. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want to write the ticket that would make PersonY lose their license and _ he realized his poor choice."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did write the original paper, but PersonY stole it and plagiarized. _ received a great grade. \nSentence 2: PersonX did write the original paper, but PersonY stole it and plagiarized. _ received a horrible grade."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it very easy to write poetry but PersonY did not because _ was very quick witted. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it very easy to write poetry but PersonY did not because _ was very dull witted."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always wanted to write a novel but PersonY had not because _ had a very fertile imagination. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always wanted to write a novel but PersonY had not because _ had a very barren imagination."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an intellectual, PersonY is not therefore it is more likely _ will write a book. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an intellectual, PersonY is not therefore it is unlikely _ will write a book."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to write whereas PersonY hated it. This is because _ was very creative. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to write whereas PersonY hated it. This is because _ was very practical."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed the help of PersonY to write an essay because _ was out of ideas. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed the help of PersonY to write an essay because _ was very imaginative."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to write a letter to PersonY even though she knew _ would never send it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to write a letter to PersonY even though she knew _ would never read it."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to write to PersonY every day, because _ enjoyed sending letters to friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to write to PersonY every day, because _ enjoyed receiving letters from friends."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better author than PersonY however _ didn't know how to write about themselves. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better author than PersonY however _ did know how to write about themselves."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, so _ was able to finish essays more quickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, so _ was not able to finish essays quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a worse writer than PersonY, and _ needed a lot more tutoring in regards to essays. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, and _ needed a lot more tutoring in regards to essays."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was confident she would hear from PersonY again, because _ asked her to write her letters. \nSentence 2: PersonX was confident she would hear from PersonY again, because _ promised to write her letters."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was getting ready to write the article on PersonY because _ was the interviewer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was getting ready to write the article on PersonY because _ was the interviewee."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to help PersonY write a will before _ died of complete and total boredom. \nSentence 2: PersonX was stopping to help PersonY write a will before _ died of complete and total boredom."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX writes a letter and then takes on of PersonY's stamps to mail the letter, but _ doesn't feel bad about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX writes a letter and then takes on of PersonY's stamps to mail the letter, and _ feels annoyed about it."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's poems are getting rave reviews, but PersonY doesn't take notice. _ is the better writer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's poems are getting awful reviews, but PersonY doesn't take notice. _ is the better writer."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: The manager asked PersonX but not PersonY to write the daily specials because _ had good handwriting. \nSentence 2: The manager asked PersonX but not PersonY to write the daily specials because _ had poor handwriting."} {"input": "Context Word: write.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher asked PersonX but not PersonY to write on the chalkboard because _ had nice handwriting. \nSentence 2: The teacher asked PersonX but not PersonY to write on the chalkboard because _ had terrible handwriting."} {"input": "Context Word: unattractive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY was very unattractive, so _ had no interest in ever going out with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY was very unattractive, so _ had no chance of ever going out with them."} {"input": "Context Word: privacy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cared a lot more about his privacy compared to PersonY. _ didn't like being the center of attention. \nSentence 2: PersonX cared a lot more about his privacy compared to PersonY. _ liked being the center of attention."} {"input": "Context Word: privacy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more privacy than PersonY did because _ had their own personal room at school. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more privacy than PersonY did although _ had their own personal room at school."} {"input": "Context Word: lolita.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing gothic lolita clothing suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no problems with frilly things. \nSentence 2: Wearing gothic lolita clothing suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had problems with frilly things."} {"input": "Context Word: expressions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew exactly how to read the expressions on PersonY's face, because _ was very observant. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew exactly how to read the expressions on PersonY's face, because _ was very emotional."} {"input": "Context Word: lazy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is able to get a lot more things done in the day than PersonY because _ is not lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX is able to get a lot more things done in the day than PersonY because _ is very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: socialize.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not like to socialize with many people as opposed to PersonY because _ is an introvert. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not like to socialize with many people as opposed to PersonY because _ is an extrovert."} {"input": "Context Word: socialize.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is known to socialize a lot with others, but PersonY doesn't. This is because _ is talkative. \nSentence 2: PersonX is known to socialize a lot with others, but PersonY doesn't. This is because _ is shy."} {"input": "Context Word: black tie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never goes to black tie events, but PersonY always does. _ is more likely to be a casual person. \nSentence 2: PersonX never goes to black tie events, but PersonY always does. _ is more likely to be a prestigious person."} {"input": "Context Word: executive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the kind of person that acted like a corporate executive unlike PersonY, so _ loved being the boss. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the kind of person that acted like a corporate executive unlike PersonY, so _ hated being the boss."} {"input": "Context Word: friendship.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eventually, PersonX stole all of PersonY's new friends because _ seemed to value their friendship. \nSentence 2: Eventually, PersonX stole all of PersonY's new friends since _ did not seem to value their friendship."} {"input": "Context Word: friendship.", "output": "Sentence 1: Friendship was important to PersonX but PersonY didn't have any friends because _ was a good friend. \nSentence 2: Friendship was important to PersonX but PersonY didn't have any friends because _ wasn't a good friend."} {"input": "Context Word: friendship.", "output": "Sentence 1: It is easier for PersonX to say I'm sorry than for PersonY to say it because _ really knows a lot about friendship. \nSentence 2: It is easier for PersonX to say I'm sorry than for PersonY to say it because _ doesn't know a lot about friendship."} {"input": "Context Word: friendship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if their friendship was important to them because _ cared about the relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if their friendship was important to them but _ didn't care about the relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: friendship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX valued friendship and tried to be a good friend, but PersonY was more a loner. _ had always liked the company of others. \nSentence 2: PersonX valued friendship and tried to be a good friend, but PersonY was more a loner. _ had never liked the company of others."} {"input": "Context Word: friendship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a friendship with PersonY but _ felt like the other didn't want one with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX rejected a friendship with PersonY so _ felt like the other didn't want one with them."} {"input": "Context Word: friendship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to end the friendship with PersonY because _ thought the friendship was toxic. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to end the friendship with PersonY though _ thought the friendship was just fine."} {"input": "Context Word: batch.", "output": "Sentence 1: Desperately awaiting PersonX waits for PersonY next batch of delicious cookies, _ is known for their love of cookies. \nSentence 2: Desperately awaiting PersonX waits for PersonY next batch of delicious cookies, _ is known for their love of cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: Snake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got bit by a snake while camping and PersonY got bit by a mosquito. _ died because of their injury. \nSentence 2: PersonX got bit by a snake while camping and PersonY got bit by a mosquito. _ was itchy from their injury."} {"input": "Context Word: Snake.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the snake got close to PersonX, PersonY jumped into action, however _ got bit anyway. \nSentence 2: When the snake got close to PersonX, PersonY jumped into action, and _ got bit instead."} {"input": "Context Word: treasure.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going on a adventure better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ had a sixth sense for finding treasure. \nSentence 2: Going on a adventure better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ had a sixth sense for losing treasure."} {"input": "Context Word: treasure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the treasure they were looking for with PersonY and kept it all, because _ was greedy. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the treasure they were looking for with PersonY and kept it all, because _ was swindled."} {"input": "Context Word: Japanese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attempted to read off a Japanese book, but failed, and PersonY laughed at them for it, which made _ mad. \nSentence 2: PersonX attempted to read off a Japanese book, but failed, and PersonY laughed at them for it, which made _ amused."} {"input": "Context Word: Japanese.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tattoos of PersonX were mainly Japanese style compared to PersonY's because _ loved that style. \nSentence 2: The tattoos of PersonX were mainly Japanese style compared to PersonY's because _ disliked that style."} {"input": "Context Word: Boston Terriers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Boston Terriers are the favorite breed of PersonX, and PersonY love Great Danes. _ likes smaller dogs. \nSentence 2: Boston Terriers are the favorite breed of PersonX, and PersonY love Great Danes. _ likes larger dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: milky way.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to study the milky way, but PersonY dislikes it because _ is an astronomer. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to study the milky way, but PersonY dislikes it because _ is an accountant."} {"input": "Context Word: parrotlet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tiny parrotlet landed on PersonX's shoulder while PersonY cleaned its cage and gave it fresh greens. _ played with the parrotlet to distract it. \nSentence 2: The tiny parrotlet landed on PersonX's shoulder while PersonY cleaned its cage and gave it fresh greens. _ fed the parrotlet to keep it healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: widely.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finds the fruits and vegetables PersonY sells to be more widely available, _ is a consumer. \nSentence 2: PersonX finds the fruits and vegetables PersonY sells to be more widely available, _ is a distributor."} {"input": "Context Word: docent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better museum docent than PersonY because _ always read up on the new exhibits. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better museum docent than PersonY because _ never read up on the new exhibits."} {"input": "Context Word: champagne bottle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having trouble opening the champagne bottle when PersonY offered to help, but _ said no. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having trouble opening the champagne bottle when PersonY offered to help, so _ opened it."} {"input": "Context Word: infected.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was more likely that PersonX's computer would get infected rather than PersonY's because _ did not have an anti-virus program. \nSentence 2: It was more likely that PersonX's computer would get infected rather than PersonY's because _ had an anti-virus program."} {"input": "Context Word: infected.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an infected wound being treated by PersonY because _ didn't have a first aid kit. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an infected wound being treated by PersonY because _ has a first aid kit."} {"input": "Context Word: infected.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been infected with tape worms since childbirth and PersonY has never had infection, _ goes to the doctor weekly. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been infected with tape worms since childbirth and PersonY has never had infection, _ goes to the doctor annually."} {"input": "Context Word: infected.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was bit by an insect a few days ago and PersonY thought the bite looked infected. _ made a Doctors appointment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was bit by an insect a few days ago and PersonY thought the bite looked infected. _ suggest they see a Doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: infected.", "output": "Sentence 1: Treating patients was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ could ascertain was infected the patient more easily. \nSentence 2: Treating patients was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ could ascertain was infected the patient more slowly."} {"input": "Context Word: infected.", "output": "Sentence 1: While walking with PersonX, PersonY got their arm infected by poison ivy so _ gave them some cream. \nSentence 2: While walking with PersonX, PersonY got their arm infected by poison ivy so _ accepted some cream."} {"input": "Context Word: Spaghetti.", "output": "Sentence 1: Spaghetti was something PersonX enjoyed preparing for PersonY because _ was very passionate about sharing his food. \nSentence 2: Spaghetti was something PersonX enjoyed preparing for PersonY because _ was very passionate about appreciating his food."} {"input": "Context Word: playlist.", "output": "Sentence 1: After comparing, PersonX's playlist was longer than PersonY's since _ preferred more variety to their music. \nSentence 2: After comparing, PersonX's playlist was longer than PersonY's since _ preferred less variety to their music."} {"input": "Context Word: playlist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a music playlist for PersonY, and _ had appreciation expressed for their good taste in music. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a music playlist for PersonY, and _ expressed appreciation for their good taste in music."} {"input": "Context Word: vitamin D.", "output": "Sentence 1: Outdoor exercise was important for PersonX but not to PersonY. _ always tried to get vitamin D from nature. \nSentence 2: Outdoor exercise was important for PersonX but not to PersonY. _ always tried to get vitamin D from a supplement."} {"input": "Context Word: deal.", "output": "Sentence 1: As part of the deal, PersonX got 50% of PersonY 's earnings. _ was a greedy type. \nSentence 2: As part of the deal, PersonX got 50% of PersonY 's earnings. _ was a naive type."} {"input": "Context Word: deal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always saved more money shopping than PersonY did, since _ could always spot a great deal . \nSentence 2: PersonX always saved more money shopping than PersonY did, since _ could never spot a great deal ."} {"input": "Context Word: deal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a deal that PersonY couldn't refuse, because _ was good at creative appealing offers. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a deal that PersonY couldn't refuse, because _ was bad at refusing appealing offers."} {"input": "Context Word: deal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a deal with PersonY's parents that once dinner was over _ would put their child to bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a deal with PersonY's parents that once dinner was over _ would be put in to bed."} {"input": "Context Word: deal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a great deal for PersonY, after _ used their professional negotiation skills at the meeting. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a great deal for PersonY, after _ paid for their professional negotiation skills at the meeting."} {"input": "Context Word: deal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to do a deal to sort out a problem but PersonY would not because _ was a very peaceful person. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to do a deal to sort out a problem but PersonY would not because _ was a very vengeful person."} {"input": "Context Word: deal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unable to deal with PersonY's incessant talking, so _ declined to answer questions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unable to deal with PersonY's incessant talking, but _ continued to ask questions."} {"input": "Context Word: bone infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to be hospitalized because _ had a serious bone infection. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to be hospitalized because _ did not have a serious bone infection."} {"input": "Context Word: woods.", "output": "Sentence 1: The woods behind the house scared PersonX, so PersonY walked through them with her. _ felt stronger. \nSentence 2: The woods behind the house scared PersonX, so PersonY walked through them with her. _ felt protective."} {"input": "Context Word: woods.", "output": "Sentence 1: While lost in the woods, PersonX stumbled across PersonY's cottage. _ knocked on the door to get help. \nSentence 2: While lost in the woods, PersonX stumbled across PersonY's cottage. _ opened the door and helped her."} {"input": "Context Word: passive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets passed over by PersonY at work a lot because _ has a passive personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets passed over by PersonY at work a lot because _ doesn't have a passive personality."} {"input": "Context Word: passive.", "output": "Sentence 1: The decision was made by PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was not passive with it. \nSentence 2: The decision was made by PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was too passive with it."} {"input": "Context Word: performance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a great performance in the play but PersonY did not. _ won an award for their skill. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a great performance in the play but PersonY did not. _ didn't win an award for their skill."} {"input": "Context Word: empowered.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never feels empowered, but PersonY does all the time. _ is likely a young girl. \nSentence 2: PersonX never feels empowered, but PersonY does all the time. _ is likely an older woman."} {"input": "Context Word: slideshow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the science fair with a great slideshow while PersonY lost because _ was computer literate and used Slideshare. \nSentence 2: PersonX won the science fair with a great slideshow while PersonY lost because _ was computer illiterate and had never used Slideshare."} {"input": "Context Word: rambutan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX love the taste of rambutan but PersonY didn't think they tasted very good. _ ordered rambutan for dessert. \nSentence 2: PersonX love the taste of rambutan but PersonY didn't think they tasted very good. _ ordered lychee for dessert."} {"input": "Context Word: bucket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX filled the bucket with water so that PersonY could clean the car, because _ didn't want to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX filled the bucket with water so that PersonY could clean the car, because _ volunteered to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: Russian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX interpreted the Russian speaker's sentiments during the speech for PersonY because _ was from Russia. \nSentence 2: PersonX interpreted the Russian speaker's sentiments during the speech for PersonY because _ was from Africa."} {"input": "Context Word: Russian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really likes to study Eastern European culture, but PersonY does not because _ is a Russian. \nSentence 2: PersonX really likes to study Eastern European culture, but PersonY does not because _ is not a Russian."} {"input": "Context Word: Russian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was Russian and PersonY was Chinese. _ really wanted to learn Chinese from him. \nSentence 2: PersonX was Russian and PersonY was Chinese. _ really wanted to learn Russian from him."} {"input": "Context Word: Russian.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wife of PersonX is Russian, but PersonY married an American because _ has always loved foreign women. \nSentence 2: The wife of PersonX is Russian, but PersonY married an American because _ has always loved American women."} {"input": "Context Word: Russian.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx speaks a fluently in Russian than persony even though _ only lived in Russia for two years. \nSentence 2: personx speaks a fluently in Russian than persony even though _ lived in Russia for twelve years."} {"input": "Context Word: accept.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very stubborn but PersonY always was willing to compromise, so _ refused to accept advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very stubborn but PersonY always was willing to compromise, so _ was willing to accept advice."} {"input": "Context Word: Fence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX climbed over the fence and into PersonY 's yard because _ was trying to rob him. \nSentence 2: PersonX climbed over the fence and into PersonY 's yard because _ was trying to deter robbers."} {"input": "Context Word: spray tan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was darker than PersonY because _ was adamant about getting a spray tan regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was darker than PersonY because _ was adamant about not getting a spray tan regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: Debates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the debates with PersonY because _ had practiced for it a lot more. \nSentence 2: PersonX won the debates with PersonY, even though _ had practiced for it a lot more."} {"input": "Context Word: measured.", "output": "Sentence 1: The waist of PersonX measured more inches than that of PersonY because _ ate much more. \nSentence 2: The waist of PersonX measured more inches than that of PersonY because _ ate much less."} {"input": "Context Word: afraid.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting into a romantic relationship made PersonX afraid but not PersonY because _ had always been an unemotional person. \nSentence 2: Getting into a romantic relationship made PersonX afraid but not PersonY because _ had always been a passionate person."} {"input": "Context Word: afraid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of being alone in the dark but PersonY was not as _ was very cowardly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of being alone in the dark but PersonY was not as _ was very brave."} {"input": "Context Word: afraid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of being in the dark unlike PersonY because _ had a cowardly disposition. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of being in the dark unlike PersonY because _ had a brave disposition."} {"input": "Context Word: clean the showerhead.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to clean the showerhead because _ had cleaned a lot of bathrooms. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to clean the showerhead because _ had never cleaned a bathroom."} {"input": "Context Word: fine lines.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fine lines on PersonX's face weren't very noticeable, but she still went to see her plastic surgeon PersonY. _ underwent a procedure to reduce the fine lines. \nSentence 2: The fine lines on PersonX's face weren't very noticeable, but she still went to see her plastic surgeon PersonY. _ conducted a procedure to reduce the fine lines."} {"input": "Context Word: gerbils.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned many gerbils as pets but not PersonY because _ enjoyed having diminutive sized pets. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned many gerbils as pets but not PersonY because _ enjoyed having gigantic sized pets."} {"input": "Context Word: gerbils.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's homes is filled with gerbils, and PersonY has none at all. _ 's home smells funny. \nSentence 2: PersonX's homes is filled with gerbils, and PersonY has none at all. _ 's home smells nice."} {"input": "Context Word: Company.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost the promotion at their current company to PersonY, because _ failed to show up on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost the promotion at their current company to PersonY, in spite of _ failing to show up on time."} {"input": "Context Word: souffle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had never been able to make a souffle like PersonY could, because _ did not pay enough attention to the instructions. \nSentence 2: PersonX had never been able to make a souffle like PersonY could, because _ did paid close attention to the instructions."} {"input": "Context Word: Prayer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always starts his day with a prayer while PersonY does not. _ is religious. \nSentence 2: PersonX always starts his day with a prayer while PersonY does not. _ is atheist."} {"input": "Context Word: pilot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had perfect vision but PersonY had poor vision, so _ was able to train to become a pilot. \nSentence 2: PersonX had perfect vision but PersonY had poor vision, so _ was not able to train to become a pilot."} {"input": "Context Word: pilot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved planes while PersonY hated to fly, so _ wanted to become a pilot one day. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved planes while PersonY hated to fly, so _ never wanted to become a pilot."} {"input": "Context Word: pilot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX presented his pilot license to PersonY, so _ could prove his ability to fly the airplane. \nSentence 2: PersonX presented his pilot license to PersonY, so _ could verify his ability to fly the airplane."} {"input": "Context Word: pilot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to become a pilot so he asks his tutor PersonY for extra hours, because _ is not ready. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to become a pilot so he asks his tutor PersonY for extra hours, because _ is already a pilot."} {"input": "Context Word: pilot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was shocked and jealous that the pilot was attracted to PersonY , since _ had been pursuing her all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was shocked and jealous that the pilot was attracted to PersonY , since _ had been ignoring her all day."} {"input": "Context Word: pilot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was supposed to pilot the flight of PersonY, but _ was reassigned to another plane. \nSentence 2: PersonX was supposed to pilot the flight of PersonY, but _ switched flights to another plane."} {"input": "Context Word: pilot.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pilot took PersonX up for a free ride in the plane unlike PersonY because _ asked politely. \nSentence 2: The pilot took PersonX up for a free ride in the plane unlike PersonY because _ asked rudely."} {"input": "Context Word: contracts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to read a lot more contracts than PersonY because _ is a lawyer's assistant. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to read a lot more contracts than PersonY because _ is a gym teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: pee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to pee after one large coffee but PersonY did not as _ had a very small bladder. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to pee after one large coffee but PersonY did not as _ had a very big bladder."} {"input": "Context Word: sign language.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to instruct them how to use sign language, because _ needed help learning it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to instruct them how to use sign language, because _ could help teaching it."} {"input": "Context Word: tub.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to call PersonY to fix their tub because _ didn't know how to fix their plumbing issue. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to call PersonY to fix their tub because _ was a plumber who could fix their plumbing issue."} {"input": "Context Word: tub.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX washed the tub while PersonY lazily sat on the couch, _ was annoyed to do all the work. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX washed the tub while PersonY lazily sat on the couch, _ was pleased to do none of the work."} {"input": "Context Word: lost more weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost more weight than PersonY over the summer because _ took a lot of walks outside. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost more weight than PersonY over the summer because _ didn't take any walks outside."} {"input": "Context Word: detective.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that he thought that is wife was cheating on him, so _ chose to hire a private detective. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that he thought that is wife was cheating on him, so _ recomended that he hire a private detective."} {"input": "Context Word: detective.", "output": "Sentence 1: The detective wanted to interview PersonX but not PersonY since _ was a witness to the crime. \nSentence 2: The detective wanted to interview PersonX but not PersonY since _ was not a witness to the crime."} {"input": "Context Word: take the cat to the vet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take the cat to the vet instead of PersonY because _ had the day off of work. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take the cat to the vet instead of PersonY because _ had to go to work."} {"input": "Context Word: breath.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had better breath than PersonY because _ made sure to brush their teeth every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had worse breath than PersonY because _ made sure to brush their teeth every day."} {"input": "Context Word: breath.", "output": "Sentence 1: The breath of PersonX smelled horrible compared to PersonY's because _ never brushed his teeth. \nSentence 2: The breath of PersonX smelled wonderful compared to PersonY's because _ never brushed his teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: breath.", "output": "Sentence 1: The breath of PersonX was better than the breath of PersonY was because _ made sure to gargle every day. \nSentence 2: The breath of PersonX was worse than the breath of PersonY was because _ made sure to gargle every day."} {"input": "Context Word: childbirth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to have natural childbirth but PersonY had an epidural because _ doesn't mind pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to have natural childbirth but PersonY had an epidural because _ doesn't like pain."} {"input": "Context Word: advice.", "output": "Sentence 1: After being told about the breakup, PersonX offered cheerful advice to PersonY, because _ was encouraging. \nSentence 2: After being told about the breakup, PersonX offered cheerful advice to PersonY, because _ was discouraged."} {"input": "Context Word: advice.", "output": "Sentence 1: Offering financial advice to others was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had studied finance in college. \nSentence 2: Offering financial advice to others was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not study finance in college."} {"input": "Context Word: advice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave advice to PersonY about being in a good relationship, and _ had their advice listened to. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave advice to PersonY about being in a good relationship, and _ listened to their advice."} {"input": "Context Word: advice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs PersonY's advice on how to create a positive classroom atmosphere, because _ is a new teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs PersonY's advice on how to create a positive classroom atmosphere, because _ is an experienced teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: beagle.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was obvious that the beagle belonged to PersonX and not PersonY because _ loved beagles. \nSentence 2: It was obvious that the beagle belonged to PersonX and not PersonY because _ despised beagles."} {"input": "Context Word: expenses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was struggling to pay his medical expenses and asked PersonY for help because _ had no money to give. \nSentence 2: PersonX was struggling to pay his medical expenses and asked PersonY for help because _ had some money to give."} {"input": "Context Word: expenses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a consulting proposal for potential client PersonY, but _ declined the job because the expenses would not be paid. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a consulting proposal for potential client PersonY, but _ declined the job because the expenses were too high."} {"input": "Context Word: Teddy Bear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a teddy bear for their child but PersonY bought theirs a video game. _ child spent hours snuggling with their gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a teddy bear for their child but PersonY bought theirs a video game. _ child spent hours on the tv with their gift."} {"input": "Context Word: dust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to dust their living room more frequently than PersonY because _ has pets. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to dust their living room more frequently than PersonY because _ doesn't have any pets."} {"input": "Context Word: dust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kicked up dust as they ran past PersonY, making _ the winner of the race. \nSentence 2: PersonX kicked up dust as they ran past PersonY, making _ the runner up of the race."} {"input": "Context Word: dust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sneezed more than PersonY was sneezing because there was more dust in the room of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX sneezed less than PersonY was sneezing because there was more dust in the room of _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: dust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's desk was covered in dust, while PersonY's desk was clean, because _ was messy. \nSentence 2: PersonX's desk was covered in dust, while PersonY's desk was clean, because _ was tidy."} {"input": "Context Word: dust.", "output": "Sentence 1: The house of PersonX had a lot less dust than PersonY's because _ always cleaned daily. \nSentence 2: The house of PersonX had a lot less dust than PersonY's because _ rarely cleaned monthly."} {"input": "Context Word: dust.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was dust in PersonX's house but not in PersonY's as _ was very dirty. \nSentence 2: There was dust in PersonX's house but not in PersonY's as _ was very clean."} {"input": "Context Word: unit.", "output": "Sentence 1: The unit at PersonX's house is much cleaner than PersonY's house because _ takes care of it better. \nSentence 2: The unit at PersonX's house is much dirtier than PersonY's house because _ takes care of it better."} {"input": "Context Word: possibilities.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always kept their mind open to bigger possibilities, but PersonY was comfortable where they were, so _ was far more ambitious. \nSentence 2: PersonX always kept their mind open to bigger possibilities, but PersonY was comfortable where they were, so _ was far more sedentary."} {"input": "Context Word: possibilities.", "output": "Sentence 1: The possibilities are endless PersonX tells PersonY whos is also amazed at the outcome, _ is amazed. \nSentence 2: The possibilities are endless PersonX tells PersonY whos is also amazed at the outcome, _ is fascinated."} {"input": "Context Word: Skyrim.", "output": "Sentence 1: Skyrim was the favorite game of PersonX but PersonY liked to play Frogger better. _ had the top score on Skyrim. \nSentence 2: Skyrim was the favorite game of PersonX but PersonY liked to play Frogger better. _ had the top score on Frogger."} {"input": "Context Word: intolerant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very intolerant, PersonY was not therefore for _ teaching is the wrong profession. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very intolerant, PersonY was not therefore for _ teaching is not the wrong profession ."} {"input": "Context Word: buy.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was possible for PersonX to buy a Rolls Royce but not for PersonY because _ was very rich. \nSentence 2: It was possible for PersonX to buy a Rolls Royce but not for PersonY because _ was very poor."} {"input": "Context Word: buy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked if PersonY would buy them dinner and drinks because _ didn't have any money. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked if PersonY would buy then dinner and drinks because _ had a lot of money."} {"input": "Context Word: buy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided that they were going to buy shares in a racehorse but PersonY could not because _ was rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided that they were going to buy shares in a racehorse but PersonY could not because _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: buy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suggested that PersonY buy dinner and drinks that evening because _ was short on money. \nSentence 2: PersonX suggested that PersonY buy dinner and drinks that evening because _ had just been paid."} {"input": "Context Word: buy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy a present for John but PersonY would not as _ was very generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to buy a present for John but PersonY would not as _ was very stingy."} {"input": "Context Word: buy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whereas PersonX could afford to buy a new car PersonY could not because _ was very affluent. \nSentence 2: Whereas PersonX could afford to buy a new car PersonY could not because _ was very poor."} {"input": "Context Word: pipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY her pipe on the last day of camp _ was happy because she was a nonsmoker. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY her pipe on the last day of camp _ was happy because she was a smoker."} {"input": "Context Word: pipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pipe of PersonX was dirtier than PersonY's because _ actually used the pipe to smoke tobacco. \nSentence 2: The pipe of PersonX was cleaner than PersonY's because _ actually used the pipe to smoke tobacco."} {"input": "Context Word: clownfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes the bright colors of a clownfish but PersonY does not. _ bought a clownfish for their aquarium. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes the bright colors of a clownfish but PersonY does not. _ bought a catfish for their aquarium."} {"input": "Context Word: drug addiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: Drug addiction was a health problem to PersonX, but PersonY thought it a crime problem. _ tried to be compassionate to addicts. \nSentence 2: Drug addiction was a health problem to PersonX, but PersonY thought it a crime problem. _ tried to be strict to addicts."} {"input": "Context Word: Party.", "output": "Sentence 1: To keep the party going, PersonX encouraged PersonY to keep drinking because _ was too drunk. \nSentence 2: To keep the party going, PersonX stopped PersonY from drinking because _ was too drunk."} {"input": "Context Word: vicious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a vicious streak in them that PersonY did not have. _ was arrested for assaulting a person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a vicious streak in them that PersonY did not have. _ was arrested for conning a person."} {"input": "Context Word: vehicle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a vehicle to commute in but not PersonY because _ had a driving distance to work. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a vehicle to commute in but not PersonY because _ had a walking distance to work."} {"input": "Context Word: vehicle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't need a new vehicle but PersonY did, _ had to go to the auto store and do some shopping. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't need a new vehicle but PersonY did, _ had to go to the grocery store and do some shopping."} {"input": "Context Word: vehicle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat in the back of the vehicle while PersonY drove, because _ was a passenger. \nSentence 2: PersonX sat in the back of the vehicle while PersonY drove, because _ was a cab driver."} {"input": "Context Word: vehicle.", "output": "Sentence 1: The vehicle driven by PersonX was in better shape than the one driven by PersonY because _ had just driven it off the lot. \nSentence 2: The vehicle driven by PersonX was in better shape than the one driven by PersonY because _ had driven it off the lot five years ago."} {"input": "Context Word: vehicle.", "output": "Sentence 1: The vehicle of PersonX is better for the environment for PersonY's because _ cares about the environment. \nSentence 2: The vehicle of PersonX is better for the environment for PersonY's although _ cares about the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: orientation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to go to the orientation today unlike PersonY, because _ just started the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to go to the orientation today unlike PersonY, because _ started the job last year."} {"input": "Context Word: plus size model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to get into plus size modeling, because _ thought that they would be perfect for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to get into plus size modeling, but _ thought that they would be bad at it."} {"input": "Context Word: kick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is practicing a new swimming kick that PersonY taught them, but _ doesn't have the hang of it yet. \nSentence 2: PersonX is practicing a new swimming kick that PersonY taught them, but _ doesn't think it looks right yet."} {"input": "Context Word: kick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teaching PersonY how to kick when swimming since _ had been swimming for several years now. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching PersonY how to kick when swimming since _ had been swimming for only a few weeks now."} {"input": "Context Word: okra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for a good recipe for okra, since _ had never cooked with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for a good recipe for okra, since _ often cooked with it."} {"input": "Context Word: okra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched a cooking video where PersonY was explaining how to prepare and cook okra, but _ still didn't know what to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched a cooking video where PersonY was explaining how to prepare and cook okra, and _ explained exactly what to do."} {"input": "Context Word: slow cooker.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making food in the slow cooker suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ works longer hours. \nSentence 2: Making food in the slow cooker suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ works shorter hours."} {"input": "Context Word: hot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to heat very hot soup but PersonY was not because _ was insensitive to temperature. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to heat very hot soup but PersonY was not because _ was sensitive to temperature."} {"input": "Context Word: hot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very hot during the hike, while PersonY complained of being cold, because _ was wearing too many layers. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very hot during the hike, while PersonY complained of being cold, because _ was wearing too few layers."} {"input": "Context Word: Reverend.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they first met, PersonX thought PersonY may be a reverend because _ saw him wearing a religous collar. \nSentence 2: When they first met, PersonX thought PersonY may be a reverend because _ was wearing a religous collar."} {"input": "Context Word: nudity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more comfortable with nudity than PersonY because _ lived the hippie lifestyle daily. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more comfortable with nudity than PersonY because _ lived the normal lifestyle daily."} {"input": "Context Word: plastic wrap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used plastic wrap after dinner while PersonY did not because _ had a lot of food left. \nSentence 2: PersonX used plastic wrap after dinner while PersonY did not because _ had no food left."} {"input": "Context Word: positive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX impressed PersonY very much because _ was being so positive about the bad health news. \nSentence 2: PersonX was impressed by PersonY very much because _ was being so positive about the bad health news."} {"input": "Context Word: positive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a more positive outlook on life than PersonY does because _ journals and meditates. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a more positive outlook on life than PersonY does because _ never journals or meditates."} {"input": "Context Word: positive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a positive identification on PersonY for stealing a purse, so _ definitely saw the crime. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a positive identification on PersonY for stealing a purse, so _ definitely did the crime."} {"input": "Context Word: positive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made fun of how PersonY looked, because _ put too much stock in positive outward appearances. \nSentence 2: PersonX made fun of how PersonY looked, but _ put very little stock in positive outward appearances."} {"input": "Context Word: positive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to always think positive compared to PersonY because _ is a very optimistic person. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to always think positive compared to PersonY because _ is a very pessimistic person."} {"input": "Context Word: positive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a positive person, while PersonY was always in a bad mood, so _ smiled at everyone. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a positive person, while PersonY was always in a bad mood, so _ scowled at everyone."} {"input": "Context Word: deer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to stop the deer from coming in their yard, because _ was too afraid of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to stop the deer from coming in their yard, but _ was too afraid of them."} {"input": "Context Word: deer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to shoot the deer easily even though PersonY was closer because _ had good aim. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to shoot the deer easily even though PersonY was closer because _ had bad aim."} {"input": "Context Word: deer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was considered more masculine than PersonY because every year _ went into the woods to hunt deer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was considered more masculine than PersonY because every year _ went into the woods to French kiss deer."} {"input": "Context Word: credit card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied for a new credit card but PersonY denied the application causing _ to feel stressed. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied for a new credit card but PersonY denied the application causing _ to feel smug."} {"input": "Context Word: credit card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX maxed out all his credit cards before asking PersonY for help, but _ could not help himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX maxed out all his credit cards before asking PersonY for help, because _ could not control himself."} {"input": "Context Word: credit card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY when _ found out how much they charged to the credit card. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY when _ told them how much they charged to the credit card."} {"input": "Context Word: credit card.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bank approved the credit card application for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had good credit. \nSentence 2: The bank approved the credit card application for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had awful credit."} {"input": "Context Word: credit card.", "output": "Sentence 1: The credit card of PersonX was frozen, so he calls PersonY at the bank because _ is a customer. \nSentence 2: The credit card of PersonX was frozen, so he calls PersonY at the bank because _ is a specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: credit card.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using a credit card was dangerous for PersonX while PersonY was much more responsible. _ always spent a lot of money. \nSentence 2: Using a credit card was dangerous for PersonX while PersonY was much more responsible. _ always saved a lot of money."} {"input": "Context Word: credit card.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX maxed out the credit card, PersonY got angry. So _ worked hard to pay it off. \nSentence 2: When PersonX discovered the maxed out credit card, PersonY got embarrassed. So _ worked hard to pay it off."} {"input": "Context Word: credit card.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX paid for a ticket with a credit card, PersonY had to pay with cash; this was because _ had better credit. \nSentence 2: When PersonX paid for a ticket with a credit card, PersonY had to pay with cash; this was because _ had worse credit."} {"input": "Context Word: pile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a pile of books and things all over the room unlike PersonY, because _ is a sloppy person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a pile of books and things all over the room unlike PersonY, because _ is a organized person."} {"input": "Context Word: stars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed going outside and looking at the stars at night but PersonY did not because _ was studying astronomy. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed going outside and looking at the stars at night but PersonY did not because _ was not studying astronomy."} {"input": "Context Word: stars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is able to look at the stars more often than PersonY because _ owns a telescope. \nSentence 2: PersonX is able to look at the stars more often than PersonY because _ doesn't own a telescope."} {"input": "Context Word: dart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidentally hit PersonY in the back with a dart, so _ appologize for the mistake. \nSentence 2: PersonX accidentally hit PersonY in the back with a dart, so _ listened to her appologize for the mistake."} {"input": "Context Word: defects.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is not therefore _ knows a great deal about birth defects. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is not therefore _ knows very little about birth defects."} {"input": "Context Word: tests.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never did great on tests in University compared to PersonY, because _ always forgot to study. \nSentence 2: PersonX never did great on tests in University compared to PersonY, because _ always remembered to study."} {"input": "Context Word: tests.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX visits PersonY to have some tests performed and for a check up, so _ is a patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX visits PersonY to have some tests performed and for a check up, so _ is a physician."} {"input": "Context Word: raffle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tricked PersonY into putting their favorite painting into the raffle because _ is charming. \nSentence 2: PersonX tricked PersonY into putting their favorite painting into the raffle because _ is gullible."} {"input": "Context Word: raffle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so jealous of PersonY 's good fortune, because _ had lost the raffle . \nSentence 2: PersonX was so jealous of PersonY 's good fortune, because _ had won the raffle ."} {"input": "Context Word: raffle.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX bought fewer tickets in the raffle than PersonY, _ had a smaller chance to win the grand prize. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX bought fewer tickets in the raffle than PersonY, _ had a greater chance to win the grand prize."} {"input": "Context Word: nightclub.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when the new jazz nightclub was expected to open downtown because _ didn't know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when the new jazz nightclub was expected to open downtown but _ didn't know."} {"input": "Context Word: nightclub.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to spend his evenings at nightclubs but PersonY preferred to stay home. _ liked to dance through the night. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to spend his evenings at nightclubs but PersonY preferred to stay home. _ liked to sleep through the night."} {"input": "Context Word: nightclub.", "output": "Sentence 1: The security guard removed PersonX but not PersonY from the nightclub because _ was ill-behaved. \nSentence 2: The security guard removed PersonX but not PersonY from the nightclub because _ was well mannered."} {"input": "Context Word: nightclub.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX goes to the nightclub they have a lot of fun but not PersonY because _ really enjoys dancing. \nSentence 2: When PersonX goes to the nightclub they have a lot of fun but not PersonY because _ really can't stand dancing."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: Confidence in meetings came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ felt at ease around people. \nSentence 2: Confidence in meetings came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ felt uneasy around people."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: Doing well in competitions came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of confidence. \nSentence 2: Doing well in competitions came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a lot of confidence."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had great confidence that PersonY could get the job done, since _ had seen a good job before. \nSentence 2: PersonX had great confidence that PersonY could get the job done, since _ had shown a good job before."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was constantly looking in the mirror because _ had too much confidence. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was constantly looking in the mirror because _ had too no confidence."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have the same level of confidence as PersonY, because _ was filled with uncertainty. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have the same level of confidence as PersonY, because _ was filled with talent."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more confidence than PersonY as _ said their speech in class confidently. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more confidence than PersonY as _ said their speech in class haltingly."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of confidence but PersonY had none, so _ had no trouble with public speaking and making new friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of confidence but PersonY had none, so _ had a lot of trouble with public speaking and making new friends."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of confidence in their ability to play drums but PersonY doesn't, because _ practices very often. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of confidence in their ability to play drums but PersonY doesn't, because _ practices very seldom."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of confidence in themselves but PersonY does not. _ had been able to achieve a lot in their life. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of confidence in themselves but PersonY does not. _ hasn't been able to achieve a lot in their life."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is exceeding in confidence compared to PersonY because _ is an extroverted human being. \nSentence 2: PersonX is exceeding in confidence compared to PersonY because _ is an introverted human being."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew to coax the answer out of PersonY even if they didn't respond at first, because _ had a lot of confidence. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew to coax the answer out of PersonY even if they didn't respond at first, because _ lacked a lot of confidence."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's confidence had plummeted over the summer, while PersonY's had soared to new levels. _ felt insecure all the time now. \nSentence 2: PersonX's confidence had plummeted over the summer, while PersonY's had soared to new levels. _ felt very secure all the time now."} {"input": "Context Word: confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: With great confidence, PersonX entered the contest, while PersonY stood on the sidelines, since _ did not fear the challenge. \nSentence 2: With great confidence, PersonX entered the contest, while PersonY stood on the sidelines, since _ feared the challenge."} {"input": "Context Word: Mount Everest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to climb Mount Everest, while PersonY stayed home, because _ was a natural adventurer. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to climb Mount Everest, while PersonY stayed home, because _ was a natural homebody."} {"input": "Context Word: threatened.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less easily threatened by physical violence than PersonY because _ was large and muscular. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less easily threatened by physical violence than PersonY because _ was not large or muscular."} {"input": "Context Word: playing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't like playing video games as much as PersonY but _ had a soft spot for Mario. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't like playing video games as much as PersonY because _ had a soft spot for Mario."} {"input": "Context Word: playing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had better grades than PersonY because _ spent more time studying than playing video games. \nSentence 2: PersonX had better grades than PersonY although _ spent more time studying than playing video games."} {"input": "Context Word: playing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a husband who is loyal, PersonY does not which is why _ knows her husband is not playing the field. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a husband who is loyal, PersonY does not which is why _ knows her husband is playing the field."} {"input": "Context Word: playing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always playing football harder and rougher than PersonY because _ was very competitive. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always playing football lighter and easier than PersonY because _ was very competitive."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone in the stable noticed when PersonX picked a fight with PersonY about who would take care of the horse, and _ appeared very aggressive. \nSentence 2: Everyone in the stable noticed when PersonX picked a fight with PersonY about who would take care of the horse, and _ appeared caught off guard."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: Last Sunday, PersonX fed the horse of PersonY in Kentucky because _ was in the area. \nSentence 2: Last Sunday, PersonX fed the horse of PersonY in Kentucky because _ was in the Bahamas."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wanted to own a horse while PersonY did not because _ always loved horses. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wanted to own a horse while PersonY did not because _ didn't like horses."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to ride a horse, because _ had never ridden one before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to ride a horse, because _ had ridden many times before."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to take care of their horse while they were on vacation and _ was mad the horse was neglected. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to take care of their horse while they were on vacation and _ neglected the horse."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought the horse to the stables owned by PersonY, so _ could sell the animal. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought the horse to the stables owned by PersonY, so _ could buy the animal."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was bumped and bruised because _ was thrown from the horse. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was bumped and bruised because _ was not thrown from the horse."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could ride a horse but PersonY could not, so _ rode to the camp. \nSentence 2: PersonX could ride a horse but PersonY could not, so _ walked to the camp."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got to the field before PersonY because _ had been riding on a faster horse. \nSentence 2: PersonX got to the field after PersonY because _ had been riding on a faster horse."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got to the store faster than PersonY because _ rode on a horse instead of walking. \nSentence 2: PersonX got to the store faster than PersonY although _ rode on a horse instead of walking."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a trouble with training her horse and wants PersonY's help, because _ wants her horse to behave. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a trouble with training her horse and wants PersonY's help, because _ has experience in horse behaviour."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has never been on a horse, while PersonY grew up riding them, so _ likely lives in a city. \nSentence 2: PersonX has never been on a horse, while PersonY grew up riding them, so _ likely lives on a farm."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laughed when PersonY fell off the horse because _ thought it was really funny. \nSentence 2: PersonX laughed when PersonY fell off the horse although _ thought it was really painful."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go horse riding but PersonY didn't like it. _ had been trained as an equestrian. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go horse riding but PersonY didn't like it. _ had been trained as an accountant."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rode horses all their life and PersonY just started, so _ rode really well over the weekend. \nSentence 2: PersonX rode horses all their life and PersonY just started, so _ trained really hard over the weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rode the horse better than PersonY, so _ represented the team in the championships. \nSentence 2: PersonX rode the horse better than PersonY, so _ supported the team in the championships."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a horse but not PersonY because _ raised cattle in their spare time. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a horse but not PersonY because _ raised mice in their spare time."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to live in the country and own a horse but PersonY preferred the city. _ was overwhelmed by the noise and lights. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to live in the country and own a horse but PersonY preferred the city. _ was bored by the slow pace."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was almost always in front of PersonY because _ was a far more experienced horse rider. \nSentence 2: PersonX was almost always behind PersonY because _ was a far more experienced horse rider."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was surprised to find that PersonY had never ridden a horse, since _ grew up in the city. \nSentence 2: PersonX was surprised to find that PersonY had never ridden a horse, since _ grew up in the country."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's horse ran faster than PersonY's horse because _ had been training her horse longer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's horse ran slower than PersonY's horse because _ had been training her horse longer."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's horse was a better specimen than PersonY's, due to _ taking proper care of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's horse was a better specimen than PersonY's, due to _ taking flawed care of it."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: Riding a horse is easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ trained as a jockey. \nSentence 2: Riding a horse is easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ trained as a disc jockey."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: Saturday when PersonX bought a chestnut colored thoroughbred horse, PersonY asked _ for a ride. \nSentence 2: Saturday when PersonX bought a chestnut colored thoroughbred horse, PersonY asked if _ could take a ride."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was angry because PersonX's horse was injured by PersonY who is actually pretty embarrassed by this point. \nSentence 2: So _ was sorry because PersonX's horse was injured by PersonY who is actually pretty embarrassed by this point."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: The horse ran towards PersonX but not PersonY because _ had hay in his hands to feed the horses. \nSentence 2: The horse ran away from PersonX but not PersonY because _ had hay in his hands to feed the horses."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: The horse ran up to PersonX but past PersonY, because _ had sugar cubes in their pocket. \nSentence 2: The horse ran past PersonX and up to PersonY, because _ had sugar cubes in their pocket."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: The horse ran up to PersonX but past PersonY, because _ had treats in their pocket. \nSentence 2: The horse ran past PersonX but up to PersonY, because _ had treats in their pocket."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the farm, PersonX rode the horse instead of PersonY because _ was not pregnant. \nSentence 2: While at the farm, PersonX rode the horse instead of PersonY because _ was pregnant."} {"input": "Context Word: horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: While in the barn. PersonX stopped answering PersonY's questions about the horse, because _ was annoyed. \nSentence 2: While in the barn, PersonX stopped answering PersonY's questions about the horse, because _ was annoying."} {"input": "Context Word: graphic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very creative, PersonY is not therefore _ wants to be a graphic designer. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very creative, PersonY is not therefore _ does not want to be a graphic designer."} {"input": "Context Word: graphic.", "output": "Sentence 1: The graphic novel that PersonX wrote sold fewer copies than PersonY, so _ is the shoddier writer. \nSentence 2: The graphic novel that PersonX wrote sold fewer copies than PersonY, so _ is the more advanced writer."} {"input": "Context Word: visible.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was visible to PersonX that PersonY was a hard worker, _ appreciates the hard work of others. \nSentence 2: It was visible to PersonX that PersonY was a hard worker, _ appreciates the ability to work hard and others."} {"input": "Context Word: worse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt worse after taking the medication prescribed by PersonY, so _ wasn't able to get any better. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt worse after taking the medication prescribed by PersonY, so _ wasn't able to make them any better."} {"input": "Context Word: Alexa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to tell PersonY how to use Alexa, but _ wasn't explaining it right. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to tell PersonY how to use Alexa, but _ had already learn how."} {"input": "Context Word: decisions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hard time making decisions but PersonY did not. _ was considered wishy-washy by their friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hard time making decisions but PersonY did not. _ was considered wise by their friends."} {"input": "Context Word: decisions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's career decisions tend to be dumb, while PersonY makes smart career decisions. _ is thoughtless. \nSentence 2: PersonX's career decisions tend to be dumb, while PersonY makes smart career decisions. _ is prudent."} {"input": "Context Word: decisions.", "output": "Sentence 1: The decisions for PersonX were a lot harder than those of PersonY, because _ was undecided. \nSentence 2: The decisions for PersonX were a lot harder than those of PersonY, because _ was already decided."} {"input": "Context Word: break up.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX's boyfriend decided to break up with her, PersonY invited her for dinner, _ felt very grateful for this gesture. \nSentence 2: After PersonX's boyfriend decided to break up with her, PersonY invited her for dinner, _ felt very gracious for this gesture."} {"input": "Context Word: break up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to break up but PersonY didn't. _ was deeply unhappy in the relationship and had been for a long time. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to break up but PersonY didn't. _ was really happy in the relationship and had been for a long time."} {"input": "Context Word: break up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to break up with PersonY, but _ was not sure how to say it to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to break up with PersonY, but _ was not sure what they were saying to them."} {"input": "Context Word: homelessness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help PersonY with ending homelessness, but _ didn't know where to start. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to help PersonY with ending homelessness, but _ didn't care where to start."} {"input": "Context Word: Nook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to read books on their Nook, while PersonY prefers paperback books, so _ bought some new ebooks. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to read books on their Nook, while PersonY prefers paperback books, so _ bought some new paperback books."} {"input": "Context Word: muffins.", "output": "Sentence 1: Muffins tasted better when PersonX made them versus PersonY, as a result of _ being a magnificent chef. \nSentence 2: Muffins tasted better when PersonX made them versus PersonY, as a result of _ being a terrible chef."} {"input": "Context Word: muffins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to make their grandma's muffins unlike PersonY because _ had a caring grandma. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to make their grandma's muffins unlike PersonY because _ had an aloof grandma."} {"input": "Context Word: muffins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to give PersonY some homemade blueberry muffins, but they were turned down. _ was flustered. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to give PersonY some homemade blueberry muffins, but they were turned down. _ was rude."} {"input": "Context Word: muffins.", "output": "Sentence 1: The muffins in PersonXs oven were almost ready when PersonY showed up, so _ shared them. \nSentence 2: The muffins in PersonXs oven were almost ready when PersonY showed up, so _ asked for one."} {"input": "Context Word: health problem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY could not join the rowing team because _ had a serious health problem. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY could not join the rowing team because _ did not have a serious health problem."} {"input": "Context Word: cranberry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to take a supplement containing cranberry but PersonY did not because _ was very careful of their health. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to take a supplement containing cranberry but PersonY did not because _ was very indifferent of their health."} {"input": "Context Word: cranberry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the taste of cranberry but PersonY did not. _ ordered a Cape Codder. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the taste of cranberry but PersonY did not. _ ordered a cold beer."} {"input": "Context Word: cranberry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving while PersonY did not for _ grew up with eating it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving while PersonY did not for _ grew up without eating it."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: As the designer black midi dress looked worse on PersonX than on PersonY, _ found herself getting ignored by all the guys at the nightclub. \nSentence 2: As the designer black midi dress looked better on PersonX than on PersonY, _ found herself getting attention by all the guys at the nightclub."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX's craftsmanship is much better than PersonY's, the judge said _ has the better homemade dress. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX's craftsmanship is much better than PersonY's, the judge said _ has the worse homemade dress."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fashion was not PersonX 's strength, while PersonY was an expert, so _ asked her which dress was right for the occasion. \nSentence 2: Fashion was not PersonX 's strength, while PersonY was an expert, so _ told her which dress was right for the occasion."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help dress appropriately for their job interview but _ found the perfect outfit themselves. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help dress appropriately for their job interview and _ found the perfect outfit for them."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what time the dress store closes in the mall, because _ had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what time the dress store closes in the mall, but _ had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX assures PersonY that the hem of the dress is the right length, because _ doesn't want to hem it again. \nSentence 2: PersonX assures PersonY that the hem of the dress is the right length, but _ wants to have it hemmed again."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed they had to dress for success PersonY disagreed. _ felt that is why they were promoted. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed they had to dress for success PersonY disagreed. _ felt that it made no difference."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new dress yesterday and couldn't wait to show PersonY. _ wanted to know if the color looked ok. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new dress yesterday and couldn't wait to show PersonY. _ .said the color looked on on."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not find their favorite dress and it turns out PersonY _ stole from them. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not find their favorite dress and it turns out PersonY _ borrowed it from them."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know how to dress for the event like PersonY did. _ hired a personal assistant to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know how to dress for the event like PersonY did. _ didn't hire anyone to help."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed wearing a dress to work but not PersonY because _ was more feminine. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed wearing a dress to work but not PersonY because _ was more androgynous."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave her dress to PersonY because she couldn't fit it anymore. _ was too fat to wear it. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave her dress to PersonY because she couldn't fit it anymore. _ was skinny enough to wear it."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is hired by PersonY to make a great dress for the ball due to _ being a seamstress. \nSentence 2: PersonX is hired by PersonY to make a great dress for the ball due to _ being a wealthy girl."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lent her favorite dress for PersonY to wear at her prom, and _ was very generous with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX lent her favorite dress for PersonY to wear at her prom, and _ was very grateful for it."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to wear a dress suit to work but PersonY did not as _ was very smart innately. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to wear a dress suit to work but PersonY did not as _ was very scruffy innately."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to dress up for parties, while PersonY doesn't because _ is a model. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to dress up for parties, while PersonY doesn't because _ is a bum."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to wear dresses to school but PersonY doesn't because _ likes getting dressed up. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to wear dresses to school but PersonY doesn't because _ likes being dressed down."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked better at the dance than PersonY because _ had a prettier looking dress. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked better at the dance than PersonY because _ had an uglier looking dress."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked better in the dress than PersonY, as _ had a lot of self confidence.. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked better in the dress than PersonY, as _ did not have a lot of self confidence.."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX nearly always wore a dress whereas PersonY wore slacks. _ generally found dresses comfortable. \nSentence 2: PersonX nearly always wore a dress whereas PersonY wore slacks. _ generally found dresses uncomfortable."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY to get down the stairs in her huge wedding dress, and _ felt a bit silly. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help from PersonY to get down the stairs in her huge wedding dress, but _ didn't make her feel silly."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid more for their dress than PersonY did because the dress that _ wanted was embroidered. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid more for their dress than PersonY did because the dress that _ wanted was plain."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really liked the way PersonY looked at the party, so _ asked her where she bought her dress . \nSentence 2: PersonX really liked the way PersonY looked at the party, so _ told her where she bought her dress ."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ruined PersonY's dress and know needs to get mold out of it, so _ asks professional help. \nSentence 2: PersonX ruined PersonY's dress and know needs to get mold out of it, so _ feels really sad.."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to dress up for the night but PersonY did not as _ had very glamorous tastes. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to dress up for the night but PersonY did not as _ had very simply tastes."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was 4'11\", while PersonY was 5'10\", so the bridesmaids dress would probably be too long on _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was 4'11\", while PersonY was 5'10\", so the bridesmaids dress would probably be too short on _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't sure what color of dress to buy unlike PersonY because _ was indecisive. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't sure what color of dress to buy unlike PersonY because _ was not picky."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wears a black dress to the dance, while PersonY chooses a yellow one. _ probably has a darker personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX wears a black dress to the dance, while PersonY chooses a yellow one. _ probably has a lighter personality."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would pay a thousand pounds for a designer dress but PersonY would not because _ was very fashionable. \nSentence 2: PersonX would pay a thousand pounds for a designer dress but PersonY would not because _ was very frumpy."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dress looks more splendid than the one of PersonY because _ has a better seamstress. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dress looks more downtrodden than the one of PersonY because _ has a better seamstress."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dress was a lot longer than PersonY's because _ parents wouldn't let her wear a short dress. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dress was a lot longer than PersonY's because _ parents allowed her to wear a short dress."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: That color of that dress really suits PersonX but not PersonY, because _ doesn't like pink. \nSentence 2: That color of that dress really doesn't suit PersonX but not PersonY, because _ doesn't like pink."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dress PersonX is wearing looks handmade, but PersonY's was bought in a designer shop. It's probably _ is financially stressed. \nSentence 2: The dress PersonX is wearing looks handmade, but PersonY's was bought in a designer shop. It's probably _ is financially well off."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dress fit PersonX better than PersonY because _ was thin and had very a small shape. \nSentence 2: The dress fit PersonX better than PersonY because _ was curvy and had very a larger shape."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dress that PersonX bought for the dance is much nicer than the one PersonY got because _ is rich. \nSentence 2: The dress that PersonX bought for the dance is much nicer than the one PersonY got because _ is poor."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sleek dress fit PersonX very well but fit PersonY very poorly because _ was very trim and fit. \nSentence 2: The sleek dress fit PersonX very well but fit PersonY very poorly because _ was very fat and bulky."} {"input": "Context Word: dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: While going shopping, PersonX found a dress more quickly than PersonY because _ is a skinnier person. \nSentence 2: While going shopping, PersonX found a dress more quickly than PersonY because _ is a fatter person."} {"input": "Context Word: deed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the deed of the house to PersonY because _ was the estate's lawyer. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the deed of the house to PersonY because _ was the estate's heir."} {"input": "Context Word: professionally.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX acted less professionally than PersonY so _ was worried as to whether they would get a job offer. \nSentence 2: PersonX acted less professionally than PersonY so _ was not worried as to whether they would get a job offer."} {"input": "Context Word: hermit crab.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the beach, PersonX is nice to the hermit crabs, while PersonY is mean because _ loves nature. \nSentence 2: On the beach, PersonX is nice to the hermit crabs, while PersonY is mean because _ despises nature."} {"input": "Context Word: income tax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX filed at a much higher bracket than PersonY on his income tax because _ earned a lot of money. \nSentence 2: PersonX filed at a much higher bracket than PersonY on his income tax because _ earned very little money."} {"input": "Context Word: cared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cared for many more patients than PersonY because _ worked in a bigger hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX cared for many more patients than PersonY because _ worked in a smaller hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: cared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cared more about how they looked than PersonY because _ was a more superficial person. \nSentence 2: PersonX cared less about how they looked than PersonY because _ was a more superficial person."} {"input": "Context Word: cared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cared more about their grade on the test than PersonY because _ was failing the class. \nSentence 2: PersonX cared more about their grade on the test than PersonY because _ was passing the class."} {"input": "Context Word: shape.", "output": "Sentence 1: In gym class, PersonX was known to be in shape while PersonY was not because _ was a athlete. \nSentence 2: In gym class, PersonX was known to be in shape while PersonY was not because _ was a nerd."} {"input": "Context Word: shape.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in much better shape than PersonY, because _ spends most of their time exercising. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in much better shape than PersonY, because _ spends most of their time sleeping."} {"input": "Context Word: shape.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get in shape like PersonY, so _ asked them for their workout plan to use. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get in shape like PersonY, so _ told them their workout plan to use."} {"input": "Context Word: chemo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to have chemo to treat their cancer, but PersonY only had radiation, because _ felt the chemo was invasive. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to have chemo to treat their cancer, but PersonY only had radiation, because _ felt the chemo was effective."} {"input": "Context Word: chemo.", "output": "Sentence 1: The chemo that PersonX had failed, while PersonY's was able to work, so _ ends up dying. \nSentence 2: The chemo that PersonX had failed, while PersonY's was able to work, so _ ends up living."} {"input": "Context Word: public speaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was on the debate team and PersonY was not, _ was better at public speaking. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was on the debate team and PersonY was not, _ was worse at public speaking."} {"input": "Context Word: public speaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of public speaking, so she took an oral communications course taught by PersonY. _ overcame her fears by the end of the course. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of public speaking, so she took an oral communications course taught by PersonY. _ taught her to overcome her fears by the end of the course."} {"input": "Context Word: public speaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Public speaking made PersonX happy but not PersonY because ( _ ) was a very good speaker. \nSentence 2: Public speaking made PersonX happy but not PersonY because ( _ ) was a very bad speaker."} {"input": "Context Word: Friendship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX valued their friendship with their siblings but PersonY didn't, so _ visited their sibling's home often. \nSentence 2: PersonX valued their friendship with their siblings but PersonY didn't, so _ visited their sibling's home rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: Friendship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't very grateful for PersonY's good friendship, even though _ really needed good friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't very grateful for PersonY's good friendship, even though _ was a really good friend."} {"input": "Context Word: green beans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just loved the taste of green beans but PersonY hated the taste of them. _ had a second serving. \nSentence 2: PersonX just loved the taste of green beans but PersonY hated the taste of them. _ didn't have a second serving."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit hole.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got his food stuck in a rabbit hole and needed PersonY to call the fire department. _ was embarrassed by the situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX got his food stuck in a rabbit hole and needed PersonY to call the fire department. _ was amused by the situation."} {"input": "Context Word: seeking.", "output": "Sentence 1: This time of year PersonX is seeking for something cold to drink which PersonY always has, _ is hot. \nSentence 2: This time of year PersonX is seeking for something cold to drink which PersonY always has, _ is expecting company."} {"input": "Context Word: refused.", "output": "Sentence 1: After learning of the betrayal, PersonX refused to be friends with PersonY because _ was unforgiving. \nSentence 2: After learning of the betrayal, PersonX refused to be friends with PersonY because _ was unrepentant."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX is more awake in the mornings than PersonY, _ can't stand the taste of coffee. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX is more awake in the mornings than PersonY, _ can stand the taste of coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the cafe PersonX took the order of PersonY and made their coffee for them because _ was a barista. \nSentence 2: In the cafe PersonX took the order of PersonY and made their coffee for them because _ was a customer."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get going because _ drank a lot of coffee. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get going because _ drank a lot of liquor instead of coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX absolutely must have their coffee every single morning, unlike PersonY, because _ has a caffeine addiction. \nSentence 2: PersonX absolutely must have their coffee every single morning, unlike PersonY, because _ doesn't have a caffeine addiction."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always drinks 4 cups of coffee every day unlike PersonY, because _ loves the caffeine rush. \nSentence 2: PersonX always drinks 4 cups of coffee every day unlike PersonY, because _ hates the caffeine rush."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always has more energy in the morning at work than PersonY because _ is a coffee drinker. \nSentence 2: PersonX always has more energy in the morning at work than PersonY because _ is not a coffee drinker."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY a large coffee when they arrived to work for _ was a morning person. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought PersonY a large coffee when they arrived to work for _ wasn't a morning person."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could drink coffee black while PersonY needed creamer for theirs because _ liked the bitterness. \nSentence 2: PersonX could drink coffee black while PersonY needed creamer for theirs because _ hated the bitterness."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't wake up without coffee, but PersonY preferred tea. _ needed caffeine to do anything. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't wake up without coffee, but PersonY preferred tea. _ was allergic to caffeine."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not care for coffee as much as PersonY, and _ was usually sleepy in the morning meeting. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not care for coffee as much as PersonY, and _ was usually wide awake in the morning meeting."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank more coffee than PersonY, so _ was more alert at work in the mornings. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank less coffee than PersonY, so _ was more alert at work in the mornings."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drinks a lot more coffee than does PersonY, so _ 's teeth are yellower. \nSentence 2: PersonX drinks a lot more coffee than does PersonY, so _ 's teeth are whiter."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has accidentaly spilled a hot coffee on PersonY's jeans, so _ offers to clean them. \nSentence 2: PersonX has accidentaly spilled a hot coffee on PersonY's jeans, so _ accepts an offer to clean them."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has an easier time getting going in the morning than PersonY because _ drinks coffee every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX has an easier time getting going in the morning than PersonY because _ does not drink coffee every day."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved serving PersonY coffee every morning at the cafe, because _ was a natural helper. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved serving PersonY coffee every morning at the cafe, because _ was a high tipper."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to drink coffee every morning but PersonY does not. _ orders a cup of coffee with their breakfast. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to drink coffee every morning but PersonY does not. _ orders a cup of milk with their breakfast."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a new coffee grinder while PersonY didn't because _ liked to make their own coffee. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a new coffee grinder while PersonY didn't because _ liked to order their coffee from Starbucks."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed an extra cup of coffee that morning, unlike PersonY, because _ had slept poorly the night before. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed an extra cup of coffee that morning, unlike PersonY, because _ had slept well the night before."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed more coffee than PersonY did at the meeting because _ was feeling sleepy. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed more coffee than PersonY did at the meeting because _ was feeling alert."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered coffee at the cafe and PersonY ordered some herbal tea. _ desired something that would perk her up. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered coffee at the cafe and PersonY ordered some herbal tea. _ desired something that would calm her down."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prefers bitter things while PersonY likes sweeter things, so _ ordered her coffee with no creamer and sugar. \nSentence 2: PersonX prefers bitter things while PersonY likes sweeter things, so _ ordered her coffee with creamer and sugar."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to grind their own coffee beans, because _ thought freshly ground was best. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to grind their own coffee beans, because _ wanted to try freshly ground."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took an extra cup of coffee, but PersonY decided not to have one, because _ was sleepy. \nSentence 2: PersonX took an extra cup of coffee, but PersonY decided not to have one, because _ was wound up."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to grind coffee beans so she asks for PersonY's grinder, because _ doesn't own one. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to grind coffee beans so she asks for PersonY's grinder, because _ has one grinder."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to stay up later than PersonY was because _ had drank their coffee. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to stay up later than PersonY was although _ had drank their coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was drinking more coffee than PersonY, so _ stopped drinking as fast as they could. \nSentence 2: PersonX was drinking more coffee than PersonY, so _ started drinking as fast as they could."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went through more tubs of coffee than PersonY because _ drank several cups of coffee. \nSentence 2: PersonX went through more tubs of coffee than PersonY because _ drank just one cup of coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's coffee has creamer in it, but PersonY likes it black. Therefore, _ likes a lighter cup of coffee. \nSentence 2: PersonX's coffee has creamer in it, but PersonY likes it black. Therefore, _ likes a darker cup of coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX drinks coffee while PersonY does not drink caffeine, _ drank a fresh pot of coffee. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX drinks coffee while PersonY does not drink caffeine, _ drank a full cup of water."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: The coffee that PersonX made was tastier than that of PersonY because _ used better beans. \nSentence 2: The coffee that PersonX made was tastier than that of PersonY because _ used lower quality beans."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: The coffee that PersonX makes in the morning tastes like crap compared to PersonY's because _ uses Folger's. \nSentence 2: The coffee that PersonX makes in the morning tastes like crap compared to PersonY's because _ uses Starbucks."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: The coffee that PersonX makes is usually stronger than that of PersonY because _ uses more grounds. \nSentence 2: The coffee that PersonX makes is usually weaker than that of PersonY because _ uses more grounds."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: The coffee that PersonX makes tastes a lot bolder than PersonY's because _ uses more coffee grounds. \nSentence 2: The coffee that PersonX makes tastes a lot weaker than PersonY's because _ uses more coffee grounds."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX drank coffee, PersonY drank only water, so _ required caffeine in the morning. \nSentence 2: While PersonX drank coffee, PersonY drank only water, so _ refrained from caffeine in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the coffee shop, PersonX bumped into PersonY, spilling coffee all over _ own clothes. \nSentence 2: While at the coffee shop, PersonX bumped into PersonY, spilling coffee all over _ new clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: drive a car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would drive a car more frequently than PersonY because _ was a taxi driver in the city. \nSentence 2: PersonX would drive a car more frequently than PersonY because _ was a taxi passenger in the city."} {"input": "Context Word: Saint Bernard.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Saint Bernard of PersonX acts up more than PersonY's because _ is never home to care for it. \nSentence 2: The Saint Bernard of PersonX acts up more than PersonY's because _ is always home to care for it."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was experiencing intense back pain while PersonY was healthy, _ went to the chiropractor. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was experiencing intense back pain while PersonY was healthy, _ went to the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX agreed to prescribe more pain medication for PersonY, because _ was a compassionate doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked to be prescribed more pain medication by PersonY, because _ was a compassionate doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not handle pain well while PersonY could, so when _ got injured, they took pain medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not handle pain well while PersonY could, so when _ got injured, they kept playing soccer."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX experienced back pain while PersonY had no pain, so _ needed to visit the chiropractor frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX experienced back pain while PersonY had no pain, so _ never needed to visit a chiropractor."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of neck pain compared to PersonY because _ slept in a contorted position. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of neck pain compared to PersonY because _ slept in a straight position."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from chronic pain after being hit by PersonY's car, so _ feels bitter towards them. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from chronic pain after being hit by PersonY's car, so _ feels bad for them."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took an aspirin when they had a headache but PersonY did not because _ had a low pain threshold. \nSentence 2: PersonX took an aspirin when they had a headache but PersonY did not because _ had a high pain threshold."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX visited the dentist office of PersonY this week since _ felt pain in their tooth. \nSentence 2: PersonX visited the dentist office of PersonY this week since _ could relieve pain in their tooth."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to control pain under any situation way better than PersonY as _ was brave. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to control pain under any situation way better than PersonY as _ was sensitive."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a lot of pain after running the marathon in place of PersonY, but _ wanted to support his friend's cause. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a lot of pain after running the marathon in place of PersonY, but _ appreciated the support of his cause."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a lot of pain because of the fight with PersonY, so _ had to take a lot of Advil. \nSentence 2: PersonX caused a lot of pain because of the fight with PersonY, so _ had to take a lot of Advil."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a lot of pain from their injury but PersonY was well. _ had to get some painkillers from the doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a lot of pain from their injury but PersonY was well. _ didn't need to get some painkillers from the doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in great pain after PersonY ran into them, so _ took some medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in great pain after PersonY ran into them, so _ offered some medication."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in pain as the result of the car accident, but PersonY was spared, because _ had worn a seatbelt. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in pain as the result of the car accident, but PersonY was spared, because _ had not worn a seatbelt."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was walking quite a bit slower than PersonY, as _ was experiencing knee pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX was walking quite a bit faster than PersonY, as _ was experiencing knee pain."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the hospital in pain but not PersonY because _ had extreme pain in his back. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the hospital in pain but not PersonY because _ had mild pain in his back."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's tolerance for pain was much higher compared to PersonY, so _ worked the tougher jobs. \nSentence 2: PersonX's tolerance for pain was much higher compared to PersonY, so _ worked the menial jobs."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was hurt and in pain because PersonX was injured by PersonY while they were playing a sport. \nSentence 2: So _ was in contrite and in pain because PersonX was injured by PersonY while they were playing a sport."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: The colder weather suited PersonX but not PersonY as _ found it eased their pain. \nSentence 2: The colder weather suited PersonX but not PersonY as _ found it caused their pain."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pain that PersonX feels is bad, so he goes to visit PersonY. _ is a patient of his. \nSentence 2: The pain that PersonX feels is bad, so he goes to visit PersonY. _ is a doctor of his."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pain that was inflicted on PersonX by PersonY was excruciating, so _ complained a lot. \nSentence 2: The pain that was inflicted on PersonX by PersonY was excruciating, so _ apologized a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: The terrorists tortured PersonX instead of PersonY, because _ had a low tolerance for pain. \nSentence 2: The terrorists tortured PersonX instead of PersonY, because _ had a high tolerance for pain."} {"input": "Context Word: emails.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX answered PersonY's emails on _ computer when he was home with the flu and couldn't do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX answered PersonY's emails on _ email account when he was home with the flu and couldn't do it."} {"input": "Context Word: Mexico.", "output": "Sentence 1: In Mexico, PersonX took PersonY out to a very nice dinner because _ is the parent. \nSentence 2: In Mexico, PersonX took PersonY out to a very nice dinner because _ is the child."} {"input": "Context Word: Mexico.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY many questions about attractions in Mexico because _ was foreign to the area. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY many questions about attractions in Mexico because _ was native to the area."} {"input": "Context Word: Mexico.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely than PersonY to go to Mexico on vacation because _ had a high sense of adventure. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely than PersonY to go to Mexico on vacation because _ did not have a high sense of adventure."} {"input": "Context Word: Mexico.", "output": "Sentence 1: Speaking Spanish was more difficult for PersonX than PersonY because _ had never lived in Mexico. \nSentence 2: Speaking Spanish was more difficult for PersonX than PersonY because _ had lived in Mexico."} {"input": "Context Word: citrus fruits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to eat citrus fruits in the summer but PersonY does not like them, so _ bought some citric fruit from the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to eat citrus fruits in the summer but PersonY does not like them, so _ threw out some citric fruit that was given to them from the store."} {"input": "Context Word: speaker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was a good speaker because _ took several linguistic classes in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was a good speaker because _ did not take any linguistic classes in school."} {"input": "Context Word: speaker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX introduced PersonY as the speaker to the club meeting because _ was the president of the club. \nSentence 2: PersonX introduced PersonY as the speaker to the club meeting because _ was the guest speaker for the club."} {"input": "Context Word: speaker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX turned their speaker to the loudest volume but not PersonY because _ had impaired hearing. \nSentence 2: PersonX turned their speaker to the loudest volume but not PersonY because _ had strong hearing."} {"input": "Context Word: Beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more beautiful than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about getting a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more beautiful than PersonY, so _ always had to worry about getting a date."} {"input": "Context Word: ear infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for some tips from PersonY on dealing with an ear infection, because of _ being unfamiliar with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for some tips from PersonY on dealing with an ear infection, in spite of _ being unfamiliar with them."} {"input": "Context Word: ear infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shouted and yelled at PersonY yesterday because the ear infection made _ a bit grumpy. \nSentence 2: PersonX shouted and yelled at PersonY yesterday because the ear infection made _ a bit deaf."} {"input": "Context Word: irregularities.", "output": "Sentence 1: The IRS found irregularities in the tax return of PersonX but not PersonY, so _ was given an audit. \nSentence 2: The IRS found irregularities in the tax return of PersonX but not PersonY, so _ wasn't given an audit."} {"input": "Context Word: umbrella.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always carrying an umbrella to work, though PersonY does not need one. _ lives in a wet climate. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always carrying an umbrella to work, though PersonY does not need one. _ lives in a dry climate."} {"input": "Context Word: umbrella.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to let PersonY use the umbrella, because _ 's jacket had a hood. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to let PersonY use the umbrella, because _ 's jacket has no hood."} {"input": "Context Word: landslide.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better prepared during the landslide than PersonY because _ listened to the local news on their radio. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better prepared during the landslide than PersonY because _ didn't listen to the local news on their radio."} {"input": "Context Word: climb.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could only climb beginner walls while PersonY climbed advanced ones because _ was very weak. \nSentence 2: PersonX could only climb beginner walls while PersonY climbed advanced ones because _ was very strong."} {"input": "Context Word: climb.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to climb the mountain to reach PersonY, so _ could finally drink in their wisdom. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to climb the mountain to reach PersonY, so _ could finally shower them with their wisdom."} {"input": "Context Word: climb.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to climb but PersonY did not like it very much because _ was adventurous. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to climb but PersonY did not like it very much because _ was timid."} {"input": "Context Word: climb.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would climb the hill every day while PersonY couldn't get up the first few steps. _ was athletic. \nSentence 2: PersonX would climb the hill every day while PersonY couldn't get up the first few steps. _ was a sloth."} {"input": "Context Word: climb.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whilst halfway through attempting to climb the stairs PersonX had to rest but PersonY did not because _ was very unfit. \nSentence 2: Whilst halfway through attempting to climb the stairs PersonX had to rest but PersonY did not because _ was very fit."} {"input": "Context Word: Utah.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always wanted to go to Utah, but not PersonY. _ booked a trip to Moab. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always wanted to go to Utah, but not PersonY. _ booked a trip to Santa Fe."} {"input": "Context Word: hickey.", "output": "Sentence 1: People laughed at the hickey on PersonX more than the one on PersonY because the one on _ was visible. \nSentence 2: People laughed at the hickey on PersonX more than the one on PersonY because the one on _ was hidden."} {"input": "Context Word: hickey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a hickey on the neck, so teacher looked at _ with great disappointment. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a hickey on the neck, so teacher looked at _ with great concern."} {"input": "Context Word: hickey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been making out with their partner but not PersonY, so _ wound up with hickey on their neck. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been making out with their partner but not PersonY, so _ didn't get a hickey on their neck."} {"input": "Context Word: lilies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to grow beautiful multi-colored lilies in the backyard without a problem, but PersonY struggled to get anything to grow, because _ had a greenthumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to grow beautiful multi-colored lilies in the backyard without a problem, but PersonY struggled to get anything to grow, because _ did not have a greenthumb."} {"input": "Context Word: grandparents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to visit their grandparents, but PersonY found it depressing. _ liked hearing old stories about the past. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to visit their grandparents, but PersonY found it depressing. _ hated hearing old stories about the past."} {"input": "Context Word: Grant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was instructed by PersonY to file for a Grant to help pay for college, _ needs help for college. \nSentence 2: PersonX was instructed by PersonY to file for a Grant to help pay for college, _ needs help others find for college."} {"input": "Context Word: toy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX passed down her old wind-up toy to PersonY because _ no longer played with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX passed down her old wind-up toy to PersonY because _ often played with it."} {"input": "Context Word: river.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX fell into the river while PersonY remained in the boat, _ ended up very wet on the excursion. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX fell into the river while PersonY remained in the boat, _ remained dry on the excursion."} {"input": "Context Word: nurse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX envied PersonY's ability as a caring and competent nurse because _ didn't finish nursing school. \nSentence 2: PersonX envied PersonY's ability as a caring and competent nurse because _ finished nursing school."} {"input": "Context Word: nurse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied hard for their nursing exam but PersonY wasted their time, so _ became a nurse. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied hard for their nursing exam but PersonY wasted their time, so _ became a janitor instead of a nurse."} {"input": "Context Word: nurse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better suited to be a nurse than PersonY, because _ had a nurturing type of personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better suited to be a nurse than PersonY, because _ didn't have a nurturing type of personality."} {"input": "Context Word: nurse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in school to be a nurse but PersonY was not, so _ was one day going to enter the medical field. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in school to be a nurse but PersonY was not, so _ was not one day going to enter the medical field."} {"input": "Context Word: sensory overload.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was autistic and PersonY was not, _ frequently experienced sensory overload when she was overloaded with stimuli. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was autistic and PersonY was not, _ never experienced sensory overload when she was overloaded with stimuli."} {"input": "Context Word: faults.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to admit their faults to PersonY, even though _ was clearly just being obtuse. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to admit their faults to PersonY, even though _ was clearly just being compassionate."} {"input": "Context Word: notebook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX required that a notebook be brought to class, so after PersonY forgot, _ provided one. \nSentence 2: PersonX required that a notebook be brought to class, so after PersonY forgot, _ bought one."} {"input": "Context Word: perform.", "output": "Sentence 1: At work, PersonX has asked PersonY to perform various tasks, which makes _ the boss. \nSentence 2: At work, PersonX has asked PersonY to perform various tasks, which makes _ the follower."} {"input": "Context Word: perform.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought costumes for PersonY to use because _ could not perform the show without them. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed costumes from PersonY to use because _ could not perform the show without them."} {"input": "Context Word: perform.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to the comedy club at 1 AM to watch PersonY perform but the club is already closed for the night. _ is late. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to the comedy club at 1 AM to watch PersonY perform but the club is already closed for the night. _ is gone."} {"input": "Context Word: perform.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to perform a backflip but PersonY was not because _ was very flexible. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to perform a backflip but PersonY was not because _ was very rigid."} {"input": "Context Word: elastic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrapped PersonY's body in elastic before dragging it outside, because _ wanted to hide the body. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrapped PersonY's body in elastic before dragging it outside, because _ was the body."} {"input": "Context Word: citizen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX became a citizen unlike PersonY because _ took the necessary steps required to do so. \nSentence 2: PersonX became a citizen unlike PersonY because _ didn't take the necessary steps required to do so."} {"input": "Context Word: citizen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't want to be a citizen of this country, but PersonY does want to because _ is not patriotic. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't want to be a citizen of this country, but PersonY does want to because _ is patriotic."} {"input": "Context Word: citizen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY study for the test to become a citizen. _ was an immigration counselor. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY study for the test to become a citizen. _ was an immigrant."} {"input": "Context Word: citizen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a British citizen, while PersonY is an American, so _ is from the UK. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a British citizen, while PersonY is an American, so _ is from the US."} {"input": "Context Word: citizen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX said it was important to be a good citizen but PersonY said it didn't matter. _ was more likely to vote in elections and pay attention to the news. \nSentence 2: PersonX said it was important to be a good citizen but PersonY said it didn't matter. _ was less likely to vote in elections or pay attention to the news."} {"input": "Context Word: citizen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was kicked out of the country when they entered but PersonY wasn't because _ isn't a citizen. \nSentence 2: PersonX was kicked out of the country when they entered but PersonY wasn't because _ is a citizen."} {"input": "Context Word: Hinduism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a follower of Hinduism while PersonY is a follower of Judaism. _ likes a nice ham sandwich for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a follower of Hinduism while PersonY is a follower of Judaism. _ can't have a nice ham sandwich for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: Hinduism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought Hinduism was a beautiful and spiritual religion but PersonY thought it was balderdash. _ took a trip to a temple in Mumbai. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought Hinduism was a beautiful and spiritual religion but PersonY thought it was balderdash. _ took a trip to a brothel in Mumbai."} {"input": "Context Word: Hinduism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was considering converting to Hinduism and asked PersonY for advice because _ was unsure this was the right thing to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX was considering converting to Hinduism and asked PersonY for advice because _ was confident this was the right thing to do."} {"input": "Context Word: axe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was chopping wood with an axe when PersonY snuck up behind him and _ dropped the axe on his foot. \nSentence 2: PersonX was chopping wood with an axe when PersonY snuck up behind him, but _ caught the axe on his foot."} {"input": "Context Word: red.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always loved coloring books and would use mostly red crayons while PersonY didn't, so _ was more artistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX always loved coloring books and would use mostly red crayons while PersonY didn't, so _ was less artistic."} {"input": "Context Word: red.", "output": "Sentence 1: Red was the color that PersonX preferred but not PersonY. _ bought a shiny red sports car. \nSentence 2: Red was the color that PersonX preferred but not PersonY. _ bought a shiny black sports car."} {"input": "Context Word: traumatic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX comforted PersonY after the traumatic event. _ wanted to help their friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY after the traumatic event. _ appreciated the help from their friend."} {"input": "Context Word: kombucha.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more frustrated than PersonY by the time it took to brew Kombucha because _ was more impatient. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more frustrated than PersonY by the time it took to brew Kombucha because _ was more patient."} {"input": "Context Word: gerbil.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mother likes PersonX's pet better than PersonY's because _ has a pet smaller than a gerbil. \nSentence 2: Mother likes PersonX's pet better than PersonY's since _ has a pet larger than a gerbil."} {"input": "Context Word: gerbil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX buys a gerbil as a birthday present for PersonY, and _ decides to also buy food for the gerbil. \nSentence 2: PersonX buys a gerbil as a birthday present for PersonY, but _ doesn't want to buy food for the gerbil."} {"input": "Context Word: gerbil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes the feeling of a gerbil in their bum but PersonY did not. _ put the gerbil in their bum. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes the feeling of a gerbil in their bum but PersonY did not. _ didn't put the gerbil in their bum."} {"input": "Context Word: gerbil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a pet gerbil while PersonY insisted on a cat. _ had never particularly liked felines. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a pet gerbil while PersonY insisted on a cat. _ had never particularly liked rodents."} {"input": "Context Word: gerbil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a good veterinarian and treated PersonY's sick gerbil because _ cared about animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a good veterinarian and treated PersonY's sick gerbil because _ cared about her gerbil."} {"input": "Context Word: gerbil.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baby gerbil loves PersonX more than PersonY because _ always gives her lots of treats. \nSentence 2: The baby gerbil loves PersonX more than PersonY because _ never gives her any treats."} {"input": "Context Word: gerbil.", "output": "Sentence 1: The gerbil came over to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was holding a carrot stick. \nSentence 2: The gerbil came over to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was holding a hockey stick."} {"input": "Context Word: gerbil.", "output": "Sentence 1: The gerbil of PersonX died from neglect, while PersonY's is nice and healthy. _ is an irresponsible pet owner. \nSentence 2: The gerbil of PersonX died from neglect, while PersonY's is nice and healthy. _ is a competent pet owner."} {"input": "Context Word: gerbil.", "output": "Sentence 1: The gerbil scurried to PersonX and sat on their hand but bit PersonY when they tried to feed it, because _ cared for it regularly. \nSentence 2: The gerbil scurried to PersonX and sat on their hand, but bit PersonY when they tried to feed it, even though _ cared for it regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: sentences.", "output": "Sentence 1: English was PersonX 's best subject, but was a challenge for PersonY , so _ had no problem constructing elegant sentences . \nSentence 2: English was PersonX 's best subject, but was a challenge for PersonY , so _ had difficulty constructing elegant sentences ."} {"input": "Context Word: sentences.", "output": "Sentence 1: Forming sentences can be tricky for PersonX, but that's not true for PersonY. It's due to _ having a speech impediment. \nSentence 2: Forming sentences can be tricky for PersonX, but that's not true for PersonY. It's due to _ having normal speech."} {"input": "Context Word: spreadsheet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was excellent at making a spreadsheet but not PersonY which is because _ took an Excel training class. \nSentence 2: PersonX was excellent at making a spreadsheet but not PersonY which is because _ hasn't taken an Excel training class."} {"input": "Context Word: spreadsheet.", "output": "Sentence 1: While checking the spreadsheet, PersonX found what he thought was a mistake by PersonY, and _ attacked his supposedly wrong data entry. \nSentence 2: While checking the spreadsheet, PersonX found what he thought was a mistake by PersonY, and _ defended his supposedly wrong data entry."} {"input": "Context Word: spreadsheet.", "output": "Sentence 1: While working on the spreadsheet, PersonX hit a snag and needed advice from PersonY. _ asked for help and received it. \nSentence 2: While working on the spreadsheet, PersonX hit a snag and needed advice from PersonY. _ was asked for help and denied it."} {"input": "Context Word: juggling.", "output": "Sentence 1: Though they attended the same juggling class, PersonX did a lot better than PersonY. _ always had good hand-eye coordination. \nSentence 2: Though they attended the same juggling class, PersonX did a lot better than PersonY. _ always had poor hand-eye coordination."} {"input": "Context Word: inspect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was called over to inspect PersonY's kitchen and bedroom because _ was known for being clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX was called over to inspect PersonY's kitchen and bedroom because _ was known for being filthy."} {"input": "Context Word: Nose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to blow his nose but was all out of Kleenex, so he asked PersonY for some. _ needed tissue. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to blow his nose but was all out of Kleenex, so he asked PersonY for some. _ had plenty of tissue."} {"input": "Context Word: rodent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more rodents running around his house than PersonY, because _ lives in the countryside. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more rodents running around his house than PersonY, because _ lives in the city."} {"input": "Context Word: latex.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a better student than PersonY, _ needed more liquid latex to correct their work. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a better student than PersonY, _ needed less liquid latex to correct their work."} {"input": "Context Word: latex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the feel of latex on their skin but PersonY didn't. _ bought a pair of latex pants. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the feel of latex on their skin but PersonY didn't. _ bought a pair of denim pants."} {"input": "Context Word: latex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put on blue latex gloves to examine PersonY because _ was the nurse in that room. \nSentence 2: PersonX put on blue latex gloves to examine PersonY because _ was the patient in that room."} {"input": "Context Word: latex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very freaky but PersonY was not very freaky, so _ bought a latex suit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very freaky but PersonY was not very freaky, so _ bought a wool suit not latex."} {"input": "Context Word: tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before the meeting, PersonX bowed politely while serving tea to PersonY, because _ is subordinate. \nSentence 2: Before the meeting, PersonX bowed politely while serving tea to PersonY, because _ is superior."} {"input": "Context Word: tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always got invited by friends to social tea parties while PersonY never gets invitations, as _ was social. \nSentence 2: PersonX always got invited by friends to social tea parties but not PersonY never gets invitations, as _ was loner."} {"input": "Context Word: tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drinks a lot more tea than PersonY ever does because _ loves to drink hot drinks. \nSentence 2: PersonX drinks a lot more tea than PersonY ever does because _ hates to drink hot drinks."} {"input": "Context Word: tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the steaming cup of tea to PersonY, because _ liked their tea cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the steaming cup of tea to PersonY, because _ liked their tea hot."} {"input": "Context Word: tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had shinier hair than PersonY because _ made green tea shampoo and applied it to their hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX had shinier hair than PersonY because _ made green tea soap and applied it to their skin ."} {"input": "Context Word: tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hosted PersonY for afternoon tea because it was _ turn to provide the snacks. \nSentence 2: PersonX hosted PersonY for afternoon tea but it was _ turn to provide the snacks."} {"input": "Context Word: tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves the taste of tea but PersonY does not. _ bought a cup of tea from the restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves the taste of tea but PersonY does not. _ bought a cup of coffee from the restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sent a formal invitation to PersonY to come over for high tea, because _ likes to send fancy invites. \nSentence 2: PersonX sent a formal invitation to PersonY to come over for high tea, but _ isn't sure about fancy invites."} {"input": "Context Word: tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Turkish tea that PersonX makes tastes more luscious than that of PersonY because _ is a famous tea brewer. \nSentence 2: The Turkish tea that PersonX makes tastes more luscious than that of PersonY because _ is a beginner tea brewer."} {"input": "Context Word: minimizing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a way of minimizing risks whereas PersonY usually did not. This made _ want to assist. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a way of minimizing risks whereas PersonY usually did not. This made _ want to ask for assitance."} {"input": "Context Word: abandoned.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to show PersonY the scary abandoned house on Elm Street, because _ wants to give their friend a scary Halloween adventure. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to show PersonY the scary abandoned house on Elm Street, and _ does want a scary Halloween adventure."} {"input": "Context Word: funeral,.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the funeral, PersonX comforted a crying PersonY because _ has experienced grief with losing family before. \nSentence 2: During the funeral, PersonX comforted a crying PersonY because _ has never experienced grief with losing family before."} {"input": "Context Word: obstacles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got their homework done with ease while PersonY kept running into obstacles, so _ took a short time to get theirs done. \nSentence 2: PersonX got their homework done with ease while PersonY kept running into obstacles, so _ took a long time to get theirs done."} {"input": "Context Word: obstacles.", "output": "Sentence 1: When encountering obstacles in life, PersonX worked to overcome them while PersonY gave up, so _ was successful. \nSentence 2: When encountering obstacles in life, PersonX worked to overcome them while PersonY gave up, so _ was not successful."} {"input": "Context Word: chance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has less chance in life of being successful than PersonY because _ is a insecure individual. \nSentence 2: PersonX has less chance in life of being successful than PersonY because _ is a diynamic individual."} {"input": "Context Word: attend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to attend a seminar on self esteem but PersonY did not as _ was very insecure. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to attend a seminar on self esteem but PersonY did not as _ was very confident."} {"input": "Context Word: pores.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pores of PersonX are clogged, and PersonY's are nice and clean. _ uses a cheap face wash. \nSentence 2: The pores of PersonX are clogged, and PersonY's are nice and clean. _ uses a fancy face wash."} {"input": "Context Word: aware.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't aware that PersonY was coming up behind them, because _ was generally oblivious. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't aware that PersonY was coming up behind them, because _ was generally sneaky."} {"input": "Context Word: knowledge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an excellent knowledge of physics but personY did not because _ was very educated. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an excellent knowledge of physics but personY did not because _ was very ignorant."} {"input": "Context Word: knowledge.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sharing knowledge with children was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had been a teacher before. \nSentence 2: Sharing knowledge with children was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had never been a teacher before."} {"input": "Context Word: observations.", "output": "Sentence 1: The observations PersonX had shown that PersonY is ahead of the game due to _ being inconsistent. \nSentence 2: The observations PersonX had shown that PersonY is behind the game due to _ being inconsistent."} {"input": "Context Word: solidify.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to solidify the pact, but PersonY was doubtful, so _ did their best to convince them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to solidify the pact, but PersonY was doubtful, so _ did their best to hear them out."} {"input": "Context Word: welding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed welding has a hobby so they took a class from PersonY. _ learned a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed welding has a hobby so they took a class from PersonY. _ lectured a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: welding.", "output": "Sentence 1: When compared to each other, PersonX is better at welding than PersonY because _ works with his hands for a living. \nSentence 2: When compared to each other, PersonX is better at welding than PersonY even though _ works with his hands for a living."} {"input": "Context Word: backwards.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sometimes reads things backwards and has trouble with things, while PersonY does not, so _ is probably dyslexic. \nSentence 2: PersonX sometimes reads things backwards and has trouble with things, while PersonY does not, so _ is probably normal."} {"input": "Context Word: Memory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a terrible memory while PersonY remembered everything, so _ was not in charge of the plans. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a terrible memory while PersonY remembered everything, so _ was in charge of the plans."} {"input": "Context Word: Star.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the star of the show even though PersonY was the intended star, because _ was that charismatic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the star of the show even though PersonY was the intended star, because _ was that boring."} {"input": "Context Word: aerobic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX trained PersonY to do aerobic exercise because _ was a trainer in great shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX trained PersonY to do aerobic exercise because _ wanted to be in great shape."} {"input": "Context Word: Slow Learner.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx is a slow learner compared to persony,hence _ needed a extra coaching during her break period. \nSentence 2: personx is a slow learner compared to persony,hence _ do not need a extra coaching during her break period."} {"input": "Context Word: flavors.", "output": "Sentence 1: The shop that PersonX works at has more flavors than the shop of PersonY because _ is always busier. \nSentence 2: The shop that PersonX works at has more flavors than the shop of PersonY because _ is always slower."} {"input": "Context Word: hydrogen peroxide.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bumped into PersonY and spilled wine all over the carpet; then _ cleaned up the mess with hydrogen peroxide. \nSentence 2: PersonX was bumped into by PersonY and spilled wine all over the carpet; then _ cleaned up the mess with hydrogen peroxide."} {"input": "Context Word: Christian.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX was a overall more religious than PersonY, _ wasn't still a practicing Christian. \nSentence 2: While PersonX was a overall more religious than PersonY, _ was still a practicing Christian."} {"input": "Context Word: apologizing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Apologizing comes second nature to PersonX but not PersonY because _ is naturally a mean person. \nSentence 2: Apologizing comes second nature to PersonX but not PersonY because _ is naturally a nice person."} {"input": "Context Word: apologizing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX would not stop apologizing to PersonY for breaking the glass _ had their apology accepted. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX would not stop apologizing to PersonY for breaking the glass _ accepted their apology."} {"input": "Context Word: apologizing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was annoyed because PersonY was always apologizing, so _ slapped her because she was so annoying. \nSentence 2: PersonX was annoyed because PersonY was always apologizing, so _ apologized to her because she was so annoying."} {"input": "Context Word: interviewed.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the crime at the bank, PersonX is being interviewed by PersonY due to _ being a victim. \nSentence 2: After the crime at the bank, PersonX is being interviewed by PersonY due to _ being a policeman."} {"input": "Context Word: overcoming shyness.", "output": "Sentence 1: Overcoming shyness was an issue for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ had trouble talking to other people. \nSentence 2: Overcoming shyness was an issue for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ easily talked to other people."} {"input": "Context Word: burying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spend the night burying PersonY in the woods, after _ killed them in cold blood. \nSentence 2: PersonX spend the night burying PersonY in the woods, after _ was murdered in cold blood."} {"input": "Context Word: music video.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to cast PersonY in their music video, but _ did not think she was a good enough dancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to cast PersonY in their music video, but _ did not think she was a good enough director."} {"input": "Context Word: telling more lies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was accused of telling more lies than PersonY because _ had a reputation for being a liar. \nSentence 2: PersonX was accused of telling more lies than PersonY because _ had a reputation for being honest."} {"input": "Context Word: sanitary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was constantly cleaning up after PersonY because _ was concerned with keeping things sanitary . \nSentence 2: PersonX was constantly cleaning up after PersonY because _ was oblivious to keeping things sanitary ."} {"input": "Context Word: farted.", "output": "Sentence 1: The people didn't want to sit by PersonX but sat by PersonY instead because _ farted. \nSentence 2: The people didn't want to sit by PersonX but sat by PersonY instead although _ farted."} {"input": "Context Word: food drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: A food drive is what we can do to help the homeless people PersonX tells PersonY, _ is good at coming up with ideas. \nSentence 2: A food drive is what we can do to help the homeless people PersonX tells PersonY, _ doesn't like coming up with ideas."} {"input": "Context Word: nature.", "output": "Sentence 1: Have you ever been on a nature walk PersonX asked PersonY , _ is waiting for a reply to a question. \nSentence 2: Have you ever been on a nature walk PersonX asked PersonY , _ is giving a reply to a question."} {"input": "Context Word: nature.", "output": "Sentence 1: Nature is an important part of PersonX's life but not PersonY's so _ was always outside. \nSentence 2: Nature is an important part of PersonX's life but not PersonY's so _ was rarely outside."} {"input": "Context Word: nature.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to go on a nature trail hike today after work. _ planned it for 5:00 pm. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to go on a nature trail hike today after work. _ was not home by 5:00 pm."} {"input": "Context Word: nature.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to fish and hunt at the campsite while PersonY hides in the tent because _ loves being in nature. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to fish and hunt at the campsite while PersonY hides in the tent because _ hates being in nature."} {"input": "Context Word: nature.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to take a walk through nature with PersonY on their first date, because _ loved the outdoors. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to take a walk through nature with PersonY on their first date, but _ disliked the outdoors."} {"input": "Context Word: caregiving business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ did not like the caregiving business that many elderly people were part of. \nSentence 2: PersonX listened to PersonY because _ did not like the caregiving business that many elderly people were part of."} {"input": "Context Word: order.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a nasty breakup, PersonX needed a restraining order from PersonY because _ was scared of them. \nSentence 2: After a nasty breakup, PersonX needed a restraining order from PersonY because _ was scary to them."} {"input": "Context Word: order.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX answers the phone and takes orders for PersonY everyday as scheduled, _ loyal to others. \nSentence 2: PersonX answers the phone and takes orders for PersonY everyday as scheduled, _ expects loyalty from others."} {"input": "Context Word: order.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to order off the menu for PersonY because _ could speak to people. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to order off the menu for PersonY because _ couldn't speak to people."} {"input": "Context Word: values.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX places higher values on cars while PersonY does so with animals. _ spends much time driving cars. \nSentence 2: PersonX places higher values on cars while PersonY does so with animals. _ spends much time walking dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: values.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shared their values with PersonY, but then _ was afraid they'd said too much. \nSentence 2: PersonX shared their values with PersonY, but then _ was afraid they'd been told too much."} {"input": "Context Word: Liver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves the taste of liver but PersonY abhors it. _ ordered liver and onions from the cafeteria. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves the taste of liver but PersonY abhors it. _ ordered beef and gravy from the cafeteria."} {"input": "Context Word: painting art.", "output": "Sentence 1: Painting art is a favorite hobby of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ has a lot of artistic talent. \nSentence 2: Painting art is a favorite hobby of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ has very little artistic talent."} {"input": "Context Word: Stepfather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very poor stepfather but PersonY was a good one. _ wasn't very well liked by their kids. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very poor stepfather but PersonY was a good one. _ wasn't well liked by their kids."} {"input": "Context Word: cotton.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't wear cotton shirts and pants unlike PersonY because _ was very allergic to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX could wear cotton shirts and pants unlike PersonY because _ was very allergic to them."} {"input": "Context Word: overthink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tended to overthink every decision but PersonY was more spur of the moment. _ missed out on a lot of things. \nSentence 2: PersonX tended to overthink every decision but PersonY was more spur of the moment. _ didn't miss out on a lot of things."} {"input": "Context Word: keys.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't find his keys so PersonY locked the door instead, because _ is less organised. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't find his keys so PersonY locked the door instead, because _ is more organised."} {"input": "Context Word: keys.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was driven to the auto shop today by PersonY since _ lost their car keys. \nSentence 2: PersonX was driven to the auto shop today by PersonY since _ possessed their car keys."} {"input": "Context Word: keys.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's keys got stuck inside the car, so they give PersonY a call for help. _ is the car owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX's keys got stuck inside the car, so they give PersonY a call for help. _ is the car's locksmith."} {"input": "Context Word: shock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for an advice about the shock to PersonY, because _ recently experienced a shock. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for an advice about the shock to PersonY, because _ had already experienced a shock earlier."} {"input": "Context Word: kazoos.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated going to sporting events, but PersonY loved them. _ hated the loud sound of kazoos and cheering. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated going to sporting events, but PersonY loved them. _ loved the loud sound of kazoos and cheering."} {"input": "Context Word: publish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to publish a novel while PersonY did not because _ loved to write creatively. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to publish a novel while PersonY did not because _ hated to write creatively."} {"input": "Context Word: partner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a relationship counselor, PersonY is not so _ would be better to go to for advice about dealing with your romatic partner. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a relationship counselor, PersonY is not so _ would not be better to go to for advice about dealing with your romatic partner."} {"input": "Context Word: scent sensitivity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to burn candles but PersonY hated it. _ never suffered from scent sensitivity. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to burn candles but PersonY hated it. _ suffered badly from scent sensitivity."} {"input": "Context Word: denied.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX denied ever doing anything wrong and PersonY believed them, but _ was a liar. \nSentence 2: PersonX denied ever doing anything wrong and PersonY believed them, because _ was a sucker."} {"input": "Context Word: thoughts.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a happier person overall than PersonY, _ let her negative thoughts get away from her. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a angrier person overall than PersonY, _ let her negative thoughts get away from her."} {"input": "Context Word: thoughts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found that their head was always full of thoughts but PersonY's was not as _ was very imaginative. \nSentence 2: PersonX found that their head was always full of thoughts but PersonY's was not as _ was very dull."} {"input": "Context Word: thoughts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX revealed their secret thoughts to PersonY at dinner, but then _ regretted the conversation. \nSentence 2: PersonX revealed their secret thoughts to PersonY at dinner, but then _ forgot the conversation."} {"input": "Context Word: Popsicle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in better shape than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about having a Popsicle for dessert. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in better shape than PersonY, so _ had to worry about having a Popsicle for dessert."} {"input": "Context Word: sample.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sample that PersonX gave the company was dirty unlike PersonY, because _ tried to hide something. \nSentence 2: The sample that PersonX gave the company was clean unlike PersonY, because _ tried to hide something."} {"input": "Context Word: light.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not want to light a cigar while PersonY wants to light a cigar. _ did not light a cigar. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not want to light a cigar while PersonY wants to light a cigar. _ lit a cigar."} {"input": "Context Word: light.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed the ambiance of low light, PersonY did not due to that _ liked candlelight. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed the ambiance of low light, PersonY did not due to that _ liked halogen lights."} {"input": "Context Word: light.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to help PersonY read the restaurant menu in the dim light, because _ had good eyesight. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to help PersonY read the restaurant menu in the dim light, because _ had poor eyesight."} {"input": "Context Word: light.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered during the winter when light levels dropped, but PersonY remained unaffected, because _ was susceptible to seasonal affective disorder. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered during the winter when light levels dropped, but PersonY remained unaffected, because _ was immune to seasonal affective disorder."} {"input": "Context Word: light.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's plants were a lot worse than PersonY's , because _ did not allow enough light for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX's plants were a lot better than PersonY's , because _ did not allow enough light for them."} {"input": "Context Word: light.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ wanted to turn off the lights because PersonX wants to sleep and PersonY wants to stay up. \nSentence 2: So _ wanted to turn on the lights because PersonX wants to sleep and PersonY wants to stay up."} {"input": "Context Word: vitamin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks PersonY should take a new kind of vitamin, so _ keeps pestering them. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks PersonY should take a new kind of vitamin, but _ feels like they're pestering them."} {"input": "Context Word: brick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw a brick at PersonY and he ran out for help because _ is scared. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw a brick at PersonY and he ran out for help because _ is unconscious."} {"input": "Context Word: brick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to hit PersonY with a brick, because _ is a mean and vindictive person. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to escape being hit by PersonY with a brick, because _ is a mean and vindictive person."} {"input": "Context Word: brick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's home is built with brick, while PersonY's is made of wood. _ 's home is more expensive. \nSentence 2: PersonX's home is built with brick, while PersonY's is made of wood. _ 's home is more inexpensive."} {"input": "Context Word: reference.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX, ignorant to the fact PersonY didn't like him, asked for a reference for a new job because _ is clueless. \nSentence 2: PersonX, ignorant to the fact PersonY didn't like him, asked for a reference for a new job because _ is judgmental."} {"input": "Context Word: sheet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX criticized PersonY for the way the sheets were put on the bed, because _ was a perfectionist. \nSentence 2: PersonX praised PersonY for the way the sheets were put on the bed, because _ was still learning."} {"input": "Context Word: species.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the lecture PersonX gave all kinds of examples of different species while PersonY took notes because _ wanted to teach well. \nSentence 2: During the lecture PersonX gave all kinds of examples of different species while PersonY took notes because _ wanted to pass the class."} {"input": "Context Word: sense.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't have as much foresight as PersonY does because _ does not possess a sixth sense. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't have as much foresight as PersonY does because _ possesses a sixth sense."} {"input": "Context Word: horseradish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought horseradish paired well with beef but PersonY thought it was too spicy. _ had a side of horseradish with their prime rib. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought horseradish paired well with beef but PersonY thought it was too spicy. _ had a side of au jus with their prime rib."} {"input": "Context Word: horseradish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's sinuses were much clearer than PersonY's, since _ had just eaten a roast beef sandwich with horseradish. \nSentence 2: PersonX's sinuses were much clearer than PersonY's, since _ had not eaten a roast beef sandwich with horseradish."} {"input": "Context Word: hospital.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the hospital, PersonX got emotional about PersonY because _ is the daughter of the other. \nSentence 2: At the hospital, PersonX got emotional about PersonY because _ is the grandmother of the other."} {"input": "Context Word: hospital.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is stayed with PersonY when she was admitted to the state hospital because _ is caring. \nSentence 2: PersonX is stayed with PersonY when she was admitted to the state hospital because _ is sick."} {"input": "Context Word: hospital.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX walked PersonY to the hospital when he had a doctor appointment because _ is sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX walked PersonY to the hospital when he had a doctor appointment because _ is healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: hospital.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in the hospital for several months, PersonY has never been therefore _ knows about visiting in the hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in the hospital for several months, PersonY has never been therefore _ knows nothing about visiting in the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: hospital.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was visited by PersonY in the hospital; when he got up to the room, _ was fast asleep. \nSentence 2: PersonX visited PersonY in the hospital; when he got up to the room, _ was fast asleep."} {"input": "Context Word: hospital.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the hospital to see PersonY because _ needed to see his doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the hospital to see PersonY because _ needed to see his patient."} {"input": "Context Word: hospital.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ went to the hospital because PersonX was sick while PersonY was actually getting better. \nSentence 2: So _ went from the hospital because PersonX was sick while PersonY was actually getting better."} {"input": "Context Word: hospital.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ambulance went to the hospital without PersonX inside but with PersonY because _ drove there in a car. \nSentence 2: The ambulance went to the hospital with PersonX inside but not PersonY because _ drove there in a car."} {"input": "Context Word: hospital.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hospital smelled like disinfectant to both PersonX and PersonY saw _ crinkle up his nose. \nSentence 2: The hospital smelled like disinfectant to both PersonX but PersonY _ didn't crinkle up his nose."} {"input": "Context Word: hospital.", "output": "Sentence 1: Yesterday, PersonX was admitted to the hospital by PersonY because _ seemed like they needed professional help. \nSentence 2: Yesterday, PersonX was admitted to the hospital by PersonY but _ seemed like they needed professional help."} {"input": "Context Word: fertility.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what are the best actions to increase fertility, because _ did not know the course of action. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what are the best actions to increase fertility, but _ did not know the course of action."} {"input": "Context Word: fertility.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was PersonY's fertility doctor so _ was able to prescribe medication to help the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX was PersonY's fertility patient so _ was able to prescribe medication to help the other."} {"input": "Context Word: flip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did a flip over the laser and opened the vault for PersonY, since _ was the master thief. \nSentence 2: PersonX did a flip over the laser and opened the vault for PersonY, since _ was the heist leader."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: Golf is a something that PersonX enjoys playing but PersonY doesn't like. _ spends every Saturday on the links. \nSentence 2: Golf is a something that PersonX enjoys playing but PersonY doesn't like. _ spends every Saturday on the lake."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not enjoy watching golf as much as PersonY because _ never played the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not enjoy watching golf as much as PersonY because _ often played the game."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a gently used golf club set to PersonY because _ bought a new set. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a gently used golf club set to PersonY because _ wants to start learning golf."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed a nine iron to PersonY as _ worked as a caddy on the tenth green of the pristine golf course. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed a nine iron to PersonY as _ prepared to putt on the tenth green of the pristine golf course."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to golf more than PersonY so _ got upset when the other got a hole in one. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to golf more than PersonY so _ was excited when the other got a hole in one."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost the golf tournament to PersonY, as _ was far less experienced in the sport overall. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost the golf tournament to PersonY, as _ was far more experienced in the sport overall."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never has time for golf, while PersonY plays almost every day, so _ is busier on average. \nSentence 2: PersonX never has time for golf, while PersonY plays almost every day, so _ is less busy on average."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX runs circles around PersonY in golf since _ is a professionally trained athlete with a long history of wins. \nSentence 2: PersonX runs circles around PersonY in golf although _ is a professionally trained athlete with a long history of wins."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a member of the local golf club however PersonY was not as _ was very rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a member of the local golf club however PersonY was not as _ was very poor."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at golf than PersonY, so _ didn't need to worry about practicing more. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at golf than PersonY, so _ started to worry about practicing more."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning how to golf from PersonY so that _ could benefit from their great knowledge. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning how to golf from PersonY so that _ could pass along their great knowledge."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was nervous about playing golf with his boss, PersonY, on Sunday because _ was very inexperienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX was nervous about playing golf with his boss, PersonY, on Sunday because _ was very experienced."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to get PersonY into golf since _ liked sports that were played outside. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to get PersonY into golf since _ liked sports that were played inside."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX played golf for ten years and PersonY had never played before, _ played great all day. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX played golf for ten years and PersonY had never played before, _ played awfully all day."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: The game of golf suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a very talented and athletic person. \nSentence 2: The game of golf did not PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a very talented and athletic person."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: The golf club membership was affordable to PersonX but not PersonY because _ made a lot of money at work. \nSentence 2: The golf club membership was not affordable to PersonX but was to PersonY because _ made a lot of money at work."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wednesday at the golf course, PersonX scored so much better than PersonY that _ was quite pleased. \nSentence 2: Wednesday at the golf course, PersonX scored so much better than PersonY that _ was quite annoyed."} {"input": "Context Word: golf.", "output": "Sentence 1: While out playing golf, PersonX fell in the mud, but PersonY kept their balance, because _ had slippery shoes on. \nSentence 2: While out playing golf, PersonX fell in the mud, but PersonY kept their balance because _ had spiked shoes on."} {"input": "Context Word: goats.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the farm PersonX fed every animal but the goats, so PersonY fed them. _ was scared of the goats. \nSentence 2: On the farm PersonX fed every animal but the goats, so PersonY fed them. _ was not scared of the goats."} {"input": "Context Word: goats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fed the goats in the morning but not PersonY because _ was an expert in animal husbandry. \nSentence 2: PersonX fed the goats in the morning but not PersonY because _ was unfamiliar in animal husbandry."} {"input": "Context Word: bedwetting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX trusted PersonY with personal and medical advice, so _ sought her advice on her bedwetting problem. \nSentence 2: PersonX trusted PersonY with personal and medical advice, so _ offered her advice on her bedwetting problem."} {"input": "Context Word: to drink a lot of water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to drink a lot of water to prevent gout and PersonY didn't because _ had a reoccurring issue with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to drink a lot of water to prevent gout and PersonY didn't because _ used to have a reoccurring issue with it."} {"input": "Context Word: blister.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had light skin that would blister in the sun but PersonY didn't, therefore _ needed a high SPF lotion. \nSentence 2: PersonX had light skin that would blister in the sun but PersonY didn't, therefore _ didn't need a high SPF lotion."} {"input": "Context Word: english.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a PersonY's english tutor and _ asks for additional help about english literature. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a PersonY's english tutor and _ offers some additional help about english literature."} {"input": "Context Word: vanilla sponge cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks PersonY is crazy for not liking vanilla sponge cake because _ thinks it is delicious. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks PersonY is crazy for not liking vanilla sponge cake since _ thinks it is horrible."} {"input": "Context Word: alloy wheels.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying alloy wheels suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ owned a car that he drove. \nSentence 2: Buying alloy wheels suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not own a car that he drove."} {"input": "Context Word: eye shadow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used blue eye shadow and PersonY used green eye shadow. _ had blue eye shadow on her eyes. \nSentence 2: PersonX used blue eye shadow and PersonY used green eye shadow. _ had green eye shadow on her eyes."} {"input": "Context Word: GPS.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more skilled at using things like GPS than PersonY because _ is a technology buff. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more skilled at using things like GPS than PersonY because _ is a technology newbie."} {"input": "Context Word: wrapping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spends a lot of time wrapping presents, PersonY does not because _ loves Christmas. \nSentence 2: PersonX spends a lot of time wrapping presents, PersonY does not because _ hates Christmas."} {"input": "Context Word: wrapping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very adept at wrapping presents but PersonY was not. _ got many compliments on their gifts. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very adept at wrapping presents but PersonY was not. _ got few compliments on their gifts."} {"input": "Context Word: Epsom salt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave some Epsom salt for Epsom salt bath to PersonY, because _ had too much. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave some Epsom salt for Epsom salt bath to PersonY, because _ has back pain."} {"input": "Context Word: adopt.", "output": "Sentence 1: Adoption was something PersonX wanted to do but PersonY didn't, so _ cares more for kids. \nSentence 2: Adoption was something PersonX wanted to do but PersonY didn't, so _ cares less for kids."} {"input": "Context Word: adopt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to adopt their daughter because unlike PersonY, _ was unable to have a biological child. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to adopt their daughter because unlike PersonY, _ was able to have a biological child."} {"input": "Context Word: adopt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to adopt a child while PersonY refused because _ loved the idea of raising children. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to adopt a child while PersonY refused because _ hated the idea of raising children."} {"input": "Context Word: adopt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted kids but PersonY did not, so _ was looking to adopt a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted kids but PersonY did not, so _ was not looking to adopt a child."} {"input": "Context Word: adopt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to adopt PersonY and take her into her home, so _ could be a parent now. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to adopt PersonY and take her into her home, so _ could be a daughter now."} {"input": "Context Word: adopt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX works at the care center down town with PersonY, _ is looking to possibly adopt a child next year. \nSentence 2: PersonX works at the care center down town with PersonY, _ is looking to possibly adopt a puppy next year."} {"input": "Context Word: overcoat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX remembered to bring their overcoat on the cloudy day but PersonY forgot theirs. _ arrived at work with their clothes perfectly dry. \nSentence 2: PersonX remembered to bring their overcoat on the cloudy day but PersonY forgot theirs. _ arrived at work with their clothes soaking wet."} {"input": "Context Word: doctors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had issues reading their doctors prescription unlike PersonY because _ didn't know the drug names. \nSentence 2: PersonX had issues reading their doctors prescription unlike PersonY because _ knew the drug names."} {"input": "Context Word: spot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX waited patiently for PersonY, as _ arrived early to meet at their prearranged spot. \nSentence 2: PersonX waited patiently for PersonY, as _ arrived late to meet at their prearranged spot."} {"input": "Context Word: parakeet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a pet parakeet that loves to hang out with PersonY, and _ feels jealous. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a pet parakeet that loves to hang out with PersonY, so _ feels special."} {"input": "Context Word: parakeet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated birds, but PersonY was obsessed with them, so _ stayed away from the parakeet. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated birds, but PersonY was obsessed with them, so _ ran towards the parakeet."} {"input": "Context Word: parakeet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The parakeet flew to PersonX but flew past PersonY because _ had some bird seed in their hand. \nSentence 2: The parakeet flew past PersonX but flew to PersonY because _ had some bird seed in their hand."} {"input": "Context Word: mobile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played all the trendy mobile app games but not PersonY because _ had a smartphone. \nSentence 2: PersonX played all the trendy mobile app games but not PersonY because _ had a house phone."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken thighs.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating chicken thighs was okay for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not allergic to chicken. \nSentence 2: Eating chicken thighs was okay for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was allergic to chicken."} {"input": "Context Word: girl.", "output": "Sentence 1: As she passed through new life experiences, PersonX sought the advice of PersonY, as _ was a younger girl . \nSentence 2: As she passed through new life experiences, PersonX sought the advice of PersonY, as _ was an older girl ."} {"input": "Context Word: girl.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the dance, PersonX asked the girl to dance before PersonY, so _ is pleased with himself. \nSentence 2: At the dance, PersonX asked the girl to dance before PersonY, so _ is angry with himself."} {"input": "Context Word: girl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is not satisfied with her look and asks girl next door PersonY for an advice, because _ wants to look like her. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not satisfied with her look and asks girl next door PersonY for an advice, because _ looks way better."} {"input": "Context Word: girl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dating with a girl, with PersonY watching them interact. _ was good with talking to women. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dating with a girl, with PersonY watching them interact. _ was terrible with talking to women."} {"input": "Context Word: girl.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx won a girl over from persony when they were in middle school because _ was brilliant and more handsome. \nSentence 2: Personx won a girl over from persony when they were in middle school because _ was dirty and more rude."} {"input": "Context Word: girl.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ paid some attention to the girl because PersonX is a nice person, while PersonY is rude to everyone. \nSentence 2: So _ paid no attention to the girl because PersonX is a nice person, while PersonY is rude to everyone."} {"input": "Context Word: girl.", "output": "Sentence 1: The girl PersonX dated was cheating on PersonY, and _ was rather happy about the situation. \nSentence 2: The girl PersonX dated was cheating on PersonY, and _ was rather angry about the situation."} {"input": "Context Word: draw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can draw cartoons very well but PersonY cannot which is why _ will be an illustrator. \nSentence 2: PersonX can draw cartoons very well but PersonY cannot which is why _ will not be an illustrator."} {"input": "Context Word: draw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could draw very well, PersonY could not so _ intended to pursue a career in art. \nSentence 2: PersonX could draw very well, PersonY could not so _ intended to pursue a career in medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: draw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was paid to draw PersonY, so _ got a check after the project was done. \nSentence 2: PersonX was paid to draw PersonY, so _ got a picture after the project was done."} {"input": "Context Word: traveling to Asia.", "output": "Sentence 1: Traveling to Asia was a dream for PersonX but PersonY didn't want to go. _ wanted to see all the history. \nSentence 2: Traveling to Asia was a dream for PersonX but PersonY didn't want to go. _ didn't care about seeing all the history."} {"input": "Context Word: eliminate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX arrived to eliminate PersonY from her post at the town hall, because _ had won the election. \nSentence 2: PersonX arrived to eliminate PersonY from her post at the town hall, because _ had lost the election."} {"input": "Context Word: humor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lousy sense of humor but PersonY had a great one. _ was really upset by the practical joke that was played on them. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lousy sense of humor but PersonY had a great one. _ was really amused by the practical joke that was played on them."} {"input": "Context Word: engineering.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX went to school for engineering and PersonY did not, _ was able to get a good engineering job. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX went to school for engineering and PersonY did not, _ was not able to get a good engineering job."} {"input": "Context Word: manager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY both shared a _ great hate for their fill in manager at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY both shared a _ great love for their fill in manager at work."} {"input": "Context Word: manager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not like PersonY because he was not a good manager. But _ still respected him because he was his superior. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not like PersonY because he was not a good manager. But he still respected _ because he was his superior."} {"input": "Context Word: manager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was PersonY's manager at Taco Bell so _ told the employee to take out the trash. \nSentence 2: PersonX was PersonY's manager at Taco Bell so _ asked the manager to take out the trash."} {"input": "Context Word: manager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked much harder than PersonY and therefore _ felt they deserved the manager position. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked much harder than PersonY and but _ felt they deserved the manager position instead."} {"input": "Context Word: manager.", "output": "Sentence 1: The manager confronted PersonX about the way he acted but not PersonY because _ behaved badly. \nSentence 2: The manager confronted PersonX about the way he acted but not PersonY because _ behaved good."} {"input": "Context Word: ice skates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY put on a pair of ice skates because _ was a professional figure skater. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY put on a pair of ice skates because _ was just an amateur figure skater."} {"input": "Context Word: flyswatter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX surrendered control of the flyswatter to PersonY, because _ was very bad at catching flying insects. \nSentence 2: PersonX surrendered control of the flyswatter to PersonY, because _ was very good at catching flying insects."} {"input": "Context Word: beans.", "output": "Sentence 1: All their lives, PersonX has not been able to eat beans, though PersonY can. _ has a sensitive stomach. \nSentence 2: All their lives, PersonX has not been able to eat beans, though PersonY can. _ has a strong stomach."} {"input": "Context Word: frogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: Frogs disgust PersonX, while PersonY likes to study them, so it's more likely that _ is disliking of animals in general. \nSentence 2: Frogs disgust PersonX, while PersonY likes to study them, so it's more likely that _ is caring of animals in general."} {"input": "Context Word: frogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX regretted going camping with PersonY because there were frogs all over the campsite, so _ cowered in the tent. \nSentence 2: PersonX regretted going camping with PersonY because there were frogs all over the campsite, but _ didn't mind setting up the tent."} {"input": "Context Word: frogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX didn't like animals as much as PersonY however _ had a soft spot for frogs. \nSentence 2: While PersonX didn't like animals as much as PersonY however _ had a dislike for frogs."} {"input": "Context Word: webcam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just bought a new webcam and asked PersonY to help set it up when _ did not know how. \nSentence 2: PersonX just bought a new webcam and asked PersonY to help set it up since _ knew how."} {"input": "Context Word: webcam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid PersonY to have a conversation and perform on the webcam, because _ made their living camming. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid PersonY to have a conversation and perform on the webcam, because _ supported their living camming."} {"input": "Context Word: bad news.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hesitated to give her upset friend PersonY the bad news, because _ was nervous. \nSentence 2: PersonX hesitated to give her upset friend PersonY the bad news, because _ was distraught."} {"input": "Context Word: bad news.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recently received bad news, while PersonY got some good news, so _ likely had a family member die from cancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX recently received bad news, while PersonY got some good news, so _ likely had a family member overcome cancer."} {"input": "Context Word: tooth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a bit of a sweet tooth and PersonY does not, so _ like sweet candies. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a bit of a sweet tooth and PersonY does not, so _ like tart candies."} {"input": "Context Word: tooth.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX lost her first tooth, PersonY was very excited. _ knew that the tooth fairy would come if she left it under her pillow. \nSentence 2: When PersonX lost her first tooth, PersonY was very excited. _ told her that the tooth fairy would come if she left it under her pillow."} {"input": "Context Word: luck.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before each race, PersonX made sure to blow on their lucky helmet for good luck while PersonY made sure the bike was ready because _ is superstitious. \nSentence 2: Before each race, PersonX made sure to blow on their lucky helmet for good luck while PersonY made sure the bike was ready because _ is practical."} {"input": "Context Word: luck.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having a good run of luck gambling but PersonY was having a run of bad luck. _ took a big pile of chips to cash out. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having a good run of luck gambling but PersonY was having a run of bad luck. _ took a small pile of chips to cash out."} {"input": "Context Word: zucchini.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating zucchini bread was a treat for PersonX but not PersonY because _ ate it very rarely. \nSentence 2: Eating zucchini bread was a treat for PersonX but not PersonY since _ ate it all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: zucchini.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose not to share his only zucchini with PersonY, so _ was rather full. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose not to share his only zucchini with PersonY, so _ was still hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: debit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting money out of the ATM is near impossible for PersonX but not PersonY because _ doesn't have a debit card. \nSentence 2: Getting money out of the ATM is near impossible for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has a debit card."} {"input": "Context Word: to take the medicine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to remind PersonY to take the medicine because _ was very good with keeping track of schedules. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to remind PersonY to take the medicine because _ was very bad with keeping track of schedules."} {"input": "Context Word: allergic.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the Chinese restaurant last night, PersonX had a great time, but not PersonY because _ had no seafood allergic reaction. \nSentence 2: At the Chinese restaurant last night, PersonX had a great time, but not PersonY because _ had a seafood allergic reaction."} {"input": "Context Word: allergic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX discovered she was allergic to her daughter PersonY's new guinea pig. _ refused to get rid of her precious pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX discovered she was allergic to her daughter PersonY's new guinea pig. _ insisted she get rid of her precious pet."} {"input": "Context Word: allergic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was allergic to eggs but PersonY was not, so _ did not eat the omlete for breakfast. \nSentence 2: PersonX was allergic to eggs but PersonY was not, so _ ate the omlete for breakfast."} {"input": "Context Word: allergic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was allergic to peanuts and PersonY was not so _ could not eat the peanut butter cup grandma gave them.. \nSentence 2: PersonX was allergic to peanuts and PersonY was not so _ could eat the peanut butter cup grandma gave them."} {"input": "Context Word: engine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent the day fixing the engine for PersonY, since _ was a skilled mechanic. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent the day fixing the engine for PersonY, since _ was a paying customer."} {"input": "Context Word: engine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a longer time to work on the engine than PersonY because _ was not familiar with cars. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a shorter time to work on the engine than PersonY because _ was not familiar with cars."} {"input": "Context Word: engine.", "output": "Sentence 1: The engine of PersonX's car had more problems than PersonY's because _ neglected it all the time. \nSentence 2: The engine of PersonX's car had more problems than PersonY's because _ cared for it all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: menstrual cup.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked her sister PersonY if she needed any tampons or pads from the store, even though _ didn't because she had switched to using menstrual cups. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked her sister PersonY if she needed any tampons or pads from the store, but _ didn't because she had switched to using menstrual cups."} {"input": "Context Word: altar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knelt at the dark altar and confessed their sins to the priest, PersonY; _ then thanked him for listening. \nSentence 2: PersonX knelt at the dark altar and confessed their sins to the priest, PersonY; _ then thanked him for speaking."} {"input": "Context Word: poppy seed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's poppy seed muffins turned out burnt, but PersonY's did not, as a result of _ leaving them in too long. \nSentence 2: PersonX's poppy seed muffins turned out burnt, but PersonY's did not, as a result of _ leaving them in the right amount of time."} {"input": "Context Word: therapy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very nervous and easily upset, PersonY is not that is why _ is in therapy. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very nervous and easily upset, PersonY is not that is why _ is not in therapy."} {"input": "Context Word: therapy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was convinced by PersonY to finally attend physical therapy because _ had been refusing to go. \nSentence 2: PersonX convinced PersonY to finally attend physical therapy because _ had been refusing to go."} {"input": "Context Word: therapy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Seeing someone for therapy after the accident was a must for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was suffering from PTSD. \nSentence 2: Seeing someone for therapy after the accident was a must for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not suffering from PTSD."} {"input": "Context Word: Icing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed powdered sugar from PersonY to make icing because _ did not have any. \nSentence 2: _ PersonX borrowed powdered sugar from PersonY to make icing because _ did not mind."} {"input": "Context Word: ants.", "output": "Sentence 1: Ants are what PersonX was called by PersonY to get out of the house, _ is a exterminator. \nSentence 2: Ants are what PersonX was called by PersonY to get out of the house, _ is in need of a exterminator."} {"input": "Context Word: ants.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because of the ants invading the house, PersonX moved out but PersonY did not due to _ being fearful of bugs. \nSentence 2: Because of the ants invading the house, PersonX moved out but PersonY did not due to _ having no fear of bugs."} {"input": "Context Word: ants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had fewer ants in their house than PersonY because _ left pesticide where the ants were. \nSentence 2: PersonX had fewer ants in their house than PersonY because _ left out food where the ants were."} {"input": "Context Word: ants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has ants in his kitchen, so he gives a call to PersonY. _ is likely the apartment owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX has ants in his kitchen, so he gives a call to PersonY. _ is likely the exterminator."} {"input": "Context Word: ants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew to use dish soap to get rid of ants but not PersonY because _ had read the article. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew to use dish soap to get rid of ants but not PersonY because _ hadn't read the article."} {"input": "Context Word: treatments.", "output": "Sentence 1: Medical treatments were a steady part of PersonX's life, but not PersonY's because _ ate unhealthy foods. \nSentence 2: Medical treatments were a steady part of PersonX's life, but not PersonY's because _ ate healthy foods."} {"input": "Context Word: hair stylist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted their hair done for a wedding and PersonY was the best hair stylist, so _ booked an appointment time. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted their hair done for a wedding and PersonY was the best hair stylist, so _ gave an appointment time."} {"input": "Context Word: New Years Resolution.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a New Years Resolution but PersonY didn't because _ is a very strong willed person. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a New Years Resolution but PersonY didn't because _ is a very weak willed person."} {"input": "Context Word: locker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got the upper locker above PersonY at school but _ hated it because they were so short. \nSentence 2: PersonX got the upper locker above PersonY at school but _ hated it because they were so tall."} {"input": "Context Word: locker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used their locker at school but PersonY did not because _ had a lot of books for their classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX used their locker at school but PersonY did not because _ only had one book for their classes."} {"input": "Context Word: locker.", "output": "Sentence 1: The locker of PersonX at school is much flashier than PersonY's because _ likes bright things. \nSentence 2: The locker of PersonX at school is much flashier than PersonY's because _ likes dull things."} {"input": "Context Word: stir fry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had heard that stir fry food was a great way to eat more vegetables, which PersonY struggled with. _ found a recipe and thought it sounded delicious. \nSentence 2: PersonX had heard that stir fry food was a great way to eat more vegetables, which PersonY struggled with. _ saw the recipe and thought it sounded horrible."} {"input": "Context Word: rifle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what kind of rifle was in the case because _ he had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what kind of rifle was in the case but _ he had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: rifle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how to shoot a rifle from PersonY since _ had never owned a gun before. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned how to shoot a rifle from PersonY since _ had shot several guns before."} {"input": "Context Word: rifle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at firing a rifle than PersonY because _ didn't need to adjust for hand shaking. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worse at firing a rifle than PersonY because _ didn't need to adjust for hand shaking."} {"input": "Context Word: Landlord.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very bad landlord but PersonY had a good one. _ had their apartment repaired with no trouble when it was needed. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very bad landlord but PersonY had a good one. _ had their apartment repaired with a lot trouble when it was needed."} {"input": "Context Word: abscess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX treated PersonY's new abscess so _ spent time answering questions about proper wound care. \nSentence 2: PersonX treated PersonY's ew abscess so _ spent time asking questions about proper wound care."} {"input": "Context Word: Bee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped his neighbor, PersonY, deal with a bee infestation because _ is a exterminator. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped his neighbor, PersonY, deal with a bee infestation because _ is an old man."} {"input": "Context Word: argument.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got in argument with PersonY who was a salesperson because _ was lied to about the product they were buying. \nSentence 2: PersonX got in argument with PersonY who was a salesperson because _ lied about the product they were selling."} {"input": "Context Word: argument.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stopped and walked away from the conversation with PersonY because _ wanted to start an argument. \nSentence 2: PersonX stopped and walked away from the conversation with PersonY because _ wanted to avoid an argument."} {"input": "Context Word: stocking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX, without PersonY, still had lots of fun shopping to fill the kids stockings for Christmas. _ loved Christmas time. \nSentence 2: PersonX, without PersonY, still had lots of fun shopping to fill the kids stockings for Christmas. _ was a humbug at Christmas time."} {"input": "Context Word: Street.", "output": "Sentence 1: While riding bikes on the street, PersonX was pulled over by PersonY for not wearing a helmet. _ asked for leniency. \nSentence 2: While riding bikes on the street, PersonX was pulled over by PersonY for not wearing a helmet. _ offered leniency."} {"input": "Context Word: being debt free.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worse than PersonY at being debt free because _ would always find something else to spend money on. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worse than PersonY at being debt free because _ could never decide on something else to spend money on."} {"input": "Context Word: Queen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was crowned Queen of the country but gave the title to PersonY because _ was unambitious. \nSentence 2: PersonX was crowned Queen of the country but gave the title to PersonY because _ was ambitious."} {"input": "Context Word: truth.", "output": "Sentence 1: People always go to PersonX for the truth that they cannot get from PersonY because _ is truthful. \nSentence 2: People always go to PersonX for the truth that they cannot get from PersonY because _ is dishonest."} {"input": "Context Word: truth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had trouble telling the truth but PersonY was always honest. _ couldn't be trusted by anyone. \nSentence 2: PersonX had trouble telling the truth but PersonY was always honest. _ could be trusted by everyone."} {"input": "Context Word: truth.", "output": "Sentence 1: She told PersonX to tell the truth but he escaped so PersonY told her everything. She told _ that he is dishonest. \nSentence 2: She told PersonX to tell the truth but he escaped so PersonY told her everything. She told _ that he is honest."} {"input": "Context Word: bruised.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX punched PersonY square in the mouth during the fight, and _ received a bruised lip as a result. \nSentence 2: PersonX punched PersonY square in the mouth during the fight, and _ caused a bruised lip as a result."} {"input": "Context Word: circles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drew circles around the correct answers so PersonY could cheat; when they were caught, _ blamed him. \nSentence 2: PersonX drew circles around the correct answers so PersonY could cheat; when they were caught, _ blamed himself."} {"input": "Context Word: circles.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dark circles under PersonX's eyes were darker than PersonY's due to _ being older. \nSentence 2: The dark circles under PersonX's eyes were darker than PersonY's due to _ being younger."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: Nothing made PersonX relax like a nice massage, but they wigged out PersonY, as _ felt comfortable being touched. \nSentence 2: Nothing made PersonX relax like a nice massage, but they wigged out PersonY, as _ felt awkward being touched."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the anniversary, PersonX massaged the back of PersonY due to _ being a great person. \nSentence 2: On the anniversary, PersonX massaged the back of PersonY due to _ being in a lot of pain."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY went to the spa to get a massage because _ worked hard all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY went to the spa to get a massage because _ didn't work all day."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a massage at the massage parlor, and _ paid for an hour of time. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a massage at the massage parlor, and _ was paid for an hour of time."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a massage but _ was sore after a long day at work as well. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a massage because _ was sore after a long day at work as well."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY the massage massage of his life, so _ got an excellent tip. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY the massage massage of his life, so _ gave an excellent tip."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is giving a massage to PersonY right now so _ has a serious look on her face. \nSentence 2: PersonX is giving a massage to PersonY right now so _ has a relieved look on her face."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to have a massage but PersonY did not care for them. This is because _ liked people touching them. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to have a massage but PersonY did not care for them. This is because _ hated people touching them."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get a massage but PersonY did not. This is because _ was feeling tense. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get a massage but PersonY did not. This is because _ was feeling relaxed."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to massage her partner while PersonY want to massage her arm. _ massaged her partner. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to massage her partner while PersonY want to massage her arm. _ massaged her arm."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at giving a massage but PersonY was not. _ made good money at the massage parlor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at giving a massage but PersonY was not. _ made little money at the massage parlor."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked on the back of PersonY because _ had a body that was capable of massage. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked on the back of PersonY because _ had a body that was needing of massage."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lower back massage was ideal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ felt instant relief. \nSentence 2: The lower back massage was ideal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ felt instant pain."} {"input": "Context Word: massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The massage that PersonX got was unprofessional compared to PersonY's because the masseuse of _ had no training. \nSentence 2: The massage that PersonX got was professional compared to PersonY's because the masseuse of _ had no training."} {"input": "Context Word: foster.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was known that PersonX would help foster a community to benefit people like PersonY because _ was a leader. \nSentence 2: It was known that PersonX would help foster a community to benefit people like PersonY because _ was a citizen."} {"input": "Context Word: foster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's kids were adopted from foster homes, while PersonY's were born traditionally. _ had trouble having kids. \nSentence 2: PersonX's kids were adopted from foster homes, while PersonY's were born traditionally. _ had success having kids."} {"input": "Context Word: measurements.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't take any measurements she just copied the ones made by PersonY _ she hoped she didn't notice. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't take any measurements she just copied the ones made by PersonY _ she hoped she knew she noticed."} {"input": "Context Word: measurements.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not sure of the exact measurements but PersonY was because _ didn't measure himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not sure of the exact measurements but PersonY was because _ measured himself."} {"input": "Context Word: measurements.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was overweight so when the class took their measurements for uniforms, PersonY reassured him since _ is self-conscoius. \nSentence 2: PersonX was overweight so when the class took their measurements for uniforms, PersonY reassured him since _ is empathetic."} {"input": "Context Word: fire extinguisher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grabs the fire extinguisher to help PersonY put out the fire because _ thought it was full. \nSentence 2: PersonX grabs the fire extinguisher to help PersonY put out the fire but _ knew it was empty."} {"input": "Context Word: services.", "output": "Sentence 1: It costed more to repair the car of PersonX than it did the car of PersonY because _ had more services done. \nSentence 2: It costed more to repair the car of PersonX than it did the car of PersonY although _ had more services done."} {"input": "Context Word: services.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered their services to PersonY after _ was able to see that they were in need. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered their services to PersonY after _ was able communicate that they were in need."} {"input": "Context Word: Wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a beer snob and PersonY was a wine snob. _ ordered only the finest craft brew at the pub. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a beer snob and PersonY was a wine snob. _ ordered only the finest vintage cabernet at the pub."} {"input": "Context Word: Wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a more of a wine aficionado than PersonY so _ picked up a good pairing for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a more of a wine aficionado than PersonY so _ picked up a wrong pairing for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: pica.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX diagnosed PersonY's pica so _ spent the day making sure the other didn't eat paint. \nSentence 2: PersonX diagnosed PersonY's pica so _ spent the day making sure they didn't eat paint."} {"input": "Context Word: pica.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was getting Pica treatment from PersonY so _ needed to decide to stop eating paint. \nSentence 2: PersonX was getting Pica treatment from PersonY so _ needed to decide to never eat paint."} {"input": "Context Word: spread.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was believed that PersonX but not PersonY had spread the rumors because _ loved to gossip and play busy-body. \nSentence 2: It was believed that PersonX but not PersonY had spread the rumors because _ did not like to gossip or play busy-body."} {"input": "Context Word: bikini.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better body and was more of a showoff than PersonY. _ loves wearing bikinis to the beach. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better body and was more of a showoff than PersonY. _ hates wearing bikinis to the beach."} {"input": "Context Word: bikini.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked good in a bikini and PersonY preferred one-piece bathing suits so _ tried on a cute bikini at the mall. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked good in a bikini and PersonY preferred one-piece bathing suits so _ tried on a one piece at the mall."} {"input": "Context Word: bikini.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was working on helping PersonY being more confident with their body so when shopping _ approved of the bikini. \nSentence 2: PersonX was working on helping PersonY being more confident with their body so when shopping _ rejected the bikini."} {"input": "Context Word: bikini.", "output": "Sentence 1: Trying on the bikini was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was extremely shy. \nSentence 2: Trying on the bikini was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not at all shy."} {"input": "Context Word: rottweilers.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX loved a whole lot of dogs more than PersonY, _ was scared of rottweilers. \nSentence 2: While PersonX loved a whole lot of dogs more than PersonY, _ was trusting of rottweilers."} {"input": "Context Word: fix.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to fix the broken boiler but not PersonY as _ was very good at mechanical things. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to fix the broken boiler but not PersonY as _ was very bad at mechanical things."} {"input": "Context Word: fix.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to fix a broken leg but PersonY did not as _ was medically competent. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to fix a broken leg but PersonY did not as _ was medically inept."} {"input": "Context Word: fix.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to fix the sink for PersonY, but _ didn't really know how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to fix the sink for PersonY, but _ didn't really want them to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had much more stress than PersonY and did not exercise, _ had higher blood pressure. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had much more stress than PersonY and did not exercise, _ had lower blood pressure."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the war, PersonX gave PersonY so much blood through transfusion that _ ended up dying. \nSentence 2: During the war, PersonX gave PersonY so much blood through transfusion that _ was saved from dying."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: Feeling queasy around blood was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has never had a deep cut. \nSentence 2: Feeling queasy around blood was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has had several deep cuts."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: People knew PersonX was scared of blood but not PersonY because _ fainted while looking at it. \nSentence 2: People knew PersonX was scared of blood but not PersonY because _ endured while looking at it."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to come to the blood bank to donate blood because _ donated blood very often. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to not come to the blood bank to donate blood because _ donated blood very often."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when she was supposed to get the results back from the blood test because _ wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when she was supposed to get the results back from the blood test but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can't stand the site of blood, where as PersonY doesn't mind it. Therefore, _ would make a terrible nurse. \nSentence 2: PersonX can't stand the site of blood, where as PersonY doesn't mind it. Therefore, _ would make a good nurse."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cut his leg. PersonY said he couldn't help because _ lost too much blood. \nSentence 2: PersonX cut his leg. PersonY said he couldn't help because _ hated seeing too much blood."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX donated blood two days ago unlike PersonY because _ was an exact match for the blood type. \nSentence 2: PersonX donated blood two days ago unlike PersonY because _ was the exact opposite for the blood type."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drew the blood from PersonY's arm, because _ was using it to do some tests. \nSentence 2: PersonX drew the blood from PersonY's arm, because _ was giving it to do some tests."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fainted when there was blood to be seen so when PersonY was bleeding _ didn't look. \nSentence 2: PersonX fainted when there was blood to be seen so when PersonY was bleeding _ hid it."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got bested by PersonY in the fight, who made blood come from the nose of _ after the punch. \nSentence 2: PersonX got the best of PersonY in the fight, and made blood come from the nose of _ after the punch."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got blood all over PersonY's new carpet after cutting their finger open and _ was apologetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX got blood all over PersonY's new carpet after cutting their finger open and _ was angry."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had blood all over them from PersonY after _ got done completing the invasive surgery and started sewing them up. \nSentence 2: PersonX had blood all over them from PersonY after _ got done having the invasive surgery and was getting sewed up."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had blood drawn at the hospital by PersonY because _ was the patient having tests run. \nSentence 2: PersonX had blood drawn at the hospital by PersonY because _ was the phlebotomist having tests run."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a problem with blood pressure so he goes to his doctor PersonY for help, because _ is worried. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a problem with blood pressure so he goes to his doctor PersonY for help, because _ should help him."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a great nurse and PersonY is a famous doctor, blood is normal to them, _ assists doctors in operations. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a great nurse and PersonY is a famous doctor, blood is normal to them, _ get assisted in operations."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really got PersonY's blood pumping when _ pushed them to keep exercising even after they were tired. \nSentence 2: PersonX really got their blood pumping by PersonY's when _ pushed them to keep exercising even after they were tired."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rolled up his sleeve for PersonY, so _ could donate blood for the blood bank. \nSentence 2: PersonX rolled up his sleeve for PersonY, so _ could collect blood for the blood bank."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX volunteered to donate blood to help others, but PersonY was unable to, since _ was healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX volunteered to donate blood to help others, but PersonY was unable to, since _ was unhealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to determine her baby's blood type so she goes to PersonY, because _ wants to know it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to determine her baby's blood type so she goes to PersonY, because _ works in a laboratory."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to remove blood stains from wood and asks for PersonY's advice, because _ know nothing about cleaning. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to remove blood stains from wood and asks for PersonY's advice, because _ knows a lot about cleaning."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was PersonY's nurse while she was in the hospital emergency room, so _ drew her blood for tests. \nSentence 2: PersonX was PersonY's nurse while she was in the hospital emergency room, so _ had her blood drawn for tests."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less squeamish then PersonY, so _ cleaned up all the blood on the floor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more squeamish then PersonY, so _ cleaned up all the blood on the floor."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: The autopsy was performed by PersonX instead of PersonY since _ tolerated the sight of blood . \nSentence 2: The autopsy was performed by PersonX instead of PersonY since _ fainted at the sight of blood ."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: The blood made PersonX pass out, so PersonY checked their vitals, because _ had a very weak stomach. \nSentence 2: The blood made PersonX pass out, so PersonY checked their vitals, because _ had a very strong work ethic."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: The blood of PersonX was drawn by PersonY in the trailer because _ is a good samaritan. \nSentence 2: The blood of PersonX was drawn by PersonY in the trailer because _ is a good doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: The blood pressure of PersonX is off the charts, and PersonY's is quite normal. _ eats a lot of bacon. \nSentence 2: The blood pressure of PersonX is off the charts, and PersonY's is quite normal. _ eats a lot of vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: The blood stain was present on PersonX 's face that came from PersonY, as _ had received a hard blow. \nSentence 2: The blood stain was present on PersonX 's face that came from PersonY, as _ had given a hard blow."} {"input": "Context Word: amino acids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's textbooks included information about amino acids, while PersonY's textbooks included information about building bridges, because _ was a biochemistry major. \nSentence 2: PersonX's textbooks included information about amino acids, while PersonY's textbooks included information about building bridges, because _ was a civil engineering major."} {"input": "Context Word: raccoon.", "output": "Sentence 1: A raccoon broke into PersonX's camper while PersonY was sleeping there so _ quietly got the raccoon out. \nSentence 2: A raccoon broke into PersonX's camper while PersonY was borrowing it so _ quietly got the raccoon out."} {"input": "Context Word: handle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would make a good babysitter because _ knew how to handle small children. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would make a good babysitter because _ did not know how to handle small children."} {"input": "Context Word: handle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't get a handle on their emotions when PersonY died, because _ was devastated. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't get a handle on their emotions when PersonY died, because _ was their everything."} {"input": "Context Word: handle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is so stoic compared to PersonY and it seems _ will readily handle any challenge that comes her way. \nSentence 2: PersonX is so stoic compared to PersonY and it seems _ will not handle any challenge that comes her way."} {"input": "Context Word: handle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to handle a child having a tantrum whereas PersonY did not as _ was very calm. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to handle a child having a tantrum whereas PersonY did not as _ was very flustered."} {"input": "Context Word: purse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX carried a purse frequently, while PersonY did not, because _ preferred to carry her things in a purse. \nSentence 2: PersonX carried a purse frequently, while PersonY did not, because _ preferred to carry her things in her pockets."} {"input": "Context Word: care for a library book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to take care for a library book because _ worked at the library. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to take care care for a library book because _ browsed the library."} {"input": "Context Word: animal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help in identifying the wild animal on their safari because _ didn't recognize it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help in identifying the wild animal on their safari because _ was a zoologist."} {"input": "Context Word: animal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knows that PersonY is an animal lover and _ knows he wants to go to the zoo to see them. \nSentence 2: PersonX knows that PersonY is an animal love and knows that _ wants to go to the zoo to see them."} {"input": "Context Word: animal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an animal lover but PersonY was not. _ often volunteered at the Humane Society. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an animal lover but PersonY was not. _ never volunteered at the Humane Society."} {"input": "Context Word: memorandum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sent a memorandum to PersonY for their opinion. _ didn't agree with the reply they received. \nSentence 2: PersonX sent a memorandum to PersonY for their opinion. _ didn't agree with the memorandum they received."} {"input": "Context Word: Environment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a car while PersonY decided to walk to work, because _ is careless about the environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a car while PersonY decided to walk to work, because _ cares about the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: viral.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a bad viral infection from PersonY, so _ felt angry that they'd been infected by them. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a bad viral infection from PersonY, so _ felt guilty that they'd been infected by them."} {"input": "Context Word: Middle school.", "output": "Sentence 1: Middle school was less scary for PersonX than PersonY since _ had a lot of friends. \nSentence 2: Middle school was less scary for PersonX than PersonY although _ had a lot of friends."} {"input": "Context Word: chasing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been chasing after PersonY after a long time and heard they were available and _ is trying to call them. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been chasing after PersonY after a long time and heard they were available and _ is trying to avoid them."} {"input": "Context Word: classified.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a high ranking government official but PersonY was an office worker. _ was allowed to see classified documents. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a high ranking government official but PersonY was an office worker. _ was disallowed from seeing classified documents."} {"input": "Context Word: assignment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help PersonY with the assignment because _ was worried his friend would get a bad grade. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to help PersonY with the assignment because _ was worried his friend would see him get a bad grade."} {"input": "Context Word: assignment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked very purposefully on their homework assignment but PersonY worked very casually. _ was rewarded with an outstanding grade. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked very purposefully on their homework assignment but PersonY worked very casually. _ was rewarded with an inferior grade."} {"input": "Context Word: disorientation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX experiencing disorientation seemed more likely than PersonY, because _ had experienced more than one concussion. \nSentence 2: PersonX experiencing disorientation seemed more likely than PersonY, because _ had never experienced a concussion."} {"input": "Context Word: Poems.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found reading poems most enthralling while PersonY found mysteries more to their liking. _ bought a book by Shakespeare at Barnes and Noble. \nSentence 2: PersonX found reading poems most enthralling while PersonY found mysteries more to their liking. _ bought a book by Sir Conan Doyle at Barnes and Noble."} {"input": "Context Word: swimsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked much better in her swimsuit than PersonY because _ maintained a healthy diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked much better in her swimsuit than PersonY because _ did not maintain a healthy diet."} {"input": "Context Word: swimsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went skinny dipping in the lake, but PersonY left her swimsuit on, because _ was unashamed. \nSentence 2: PersonX went skinny dipping in the lake, but PersonY left her swimsuit on, because _ was modest."} {"input": "Context Word: workout.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets a better workout at the gym than PersonY because _ paid for a personal trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets a better workout at the gym than PersonY because _ didn't pay for a personal trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: workout.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a much more extreme workout than PersonY because _ is a fitness instructor. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a much less extreme workout than PersonY because _ is a fitness instructor."} {"input": "Context Word: workout.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was keen to do a workout however PersonY was having none of it as _ was very energetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was keen to do a workout however PersonY was having none of it as _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: bass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed the bass he had for dinner, but not PersonY because _ loves seafood. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed the bass he had for dinner, but not PersonY because _ dislikes seafood."} {"input": "Context Word: bass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's instrument of choice is the bass guitar, and PersonY plays drums. _ prefers stringed instruments. \nSentence 2: PersonX's instrument of choice is the bass guitar, and PersonY plays drums. _ prefers percussion instruments."} {"input": "Context Word: ravenclaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has made a new Ravenclaw friend, PersonY and _ wants to learn how to act like a Ravenclaw. \nSentence 2: PersonX has made a new Ravenclaw friend, PersonY and _ wants to teach her how to act like a Ravenclaw."} {"input": "Context Word: applying.", "output": "Sentence 1: Applying a steri strip came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ had worked in a doctors office before. \nSentence 2: Applying a steri strip came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ had not worked in a doctors office before."} {"input": "Context Word: applying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is employed full-time, PersonY is not, that is why _ is not applying for the part-time position. \nSentence 2: PersonX is employed full-time, PersonY is not, that is why _ is applying for the part-time position."} {"input": "Context Word: snake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX avoided getting bitten by the snake that bit PersonY, because _ was wearing cowboy boots. \nSentence 2: PersonX avoided getting bitten by the snake that bit PersonY, because _ was wearing sandals."} {"input": "Context Word: snake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX screamed louder than PersonY when they saw the snake because _ was closer to it. \nSentence 2: PersonX screamed louder than PersonY when they saw the snake although _ was closer to it."} {"input": "Context Word: snake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to feed mice to the snake but PersonY was not because _ hated rodents. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to feed mice to the snake but PersonY was not because _ loved rodents."} {"input": "Context Word: snake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's pet snake is quite a bit shorter than PersonY's snake, so _ was a little concerned. \nSentence 2: PersonX's pet snake is quite a bit shorter than PersonY's snake, so _ was a little consoling."} {"input": "Context Word: snake.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ pet the snake because PersonX knew how to handle snakes while PersonY was scared of them. \nSentence 2: So _ avoided the snake because PersonX knew how to handle snakes while PersonY was scared of them."} {"input": "Context Word: snake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The large slithering snake was very frightening to PersonX but it excited PersonY, because _ did not like most reptiles. \nSentence 2: The large slithering snake was very frightening to PersonX but it excited PersonY, because _ was a fanatic for most reptiles."} {"input": "Context Word: snake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pet snake PersonX had was bigger than PersonY's snake because _ fed the snake more food. \nSentence 2: The pet snake PersonX had was bigger than PersonY's snake because _ fed the snake less food."} {"input": "Context Word: bond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave up trying to bond with the cat even though it bonded with PersonY because _ is frustrated. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave up trying to bond with the cat even though it bonded with PersonY because _ is approachable."} {"input": "Context Word: bond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a stronger bond with the pet dog than PersonY so the dog showered _ with licks. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a stronger bond with the pet dog than PersonY so the dog showered _ with barks."} {"input": "Context Word: heat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a much harder time managing the heat than PersonY because _ lives in Russia. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a much easier time managing the heat than PersonY because _ lives in Russia."} {"input": "Context Word: heat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated the heat, but PersonY loved it, so _ was miserable when they went on vacation in Africa. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated the heat, but PersonY loved it, so _ was thrilled when they went on vacation in Africa."} {"input": "Context Word: heat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a great musician and PersonY is a famous actor, _ uses heat of the moment and for performing music. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a great musician and PersonY is a famous actor, _ uses heat of the moment and for performing in front of an audience."} {"input": "Context Word: heat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fed up with the heat, and PersonY loved it, but _ was far more comfortable in cool climates. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fed up with the heat, and PersonY loved it, because _ was far less comfortable in cool climates."} {"input": "Context Word: heat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to heat up tea for PersonY, and _ was thanked for the beverage. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to heat up tea for PersonY, and _ thanked them for the beverage."} {"input": "Context Word: Puggles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX usually helped out PersonY, because _ gave the puggles a bath and proper grooming including a trim. \nSentence 2: PersonX usually watched PersonY, because _ gave the puggles a bath and proper grooming including a trim."} {"input": "Context Word: Macaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to bond with her new pet Macaw and asks for PersonY's help, because _ feels not bonded. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to bond with her new pet Macaw and asks for PersonY's help, because _ is Macaw trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: push ups.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can do a lot more push ups than PersonY due to _ being a skinny person. \nSentence 2: PersonX can do a lot more push ups than PersonY due to _ being a fat person."} {"input": "Context Word: push ups.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can only do 10 push ups, while PersonY can do 50, so _ is a light weight lifter. \nSentence 2: PersonX can only do 10 push ups, while PersonY can do 50, so _ is a heavy weight lifter."} {"input": "Context Word: push ups.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had stronger shoulders than PersonY because _ did a hundred push ups every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had stronger shoulders than PersonY because _ did only ten push ups every day."} {"input": "Context Word: relationships.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having many relationships suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved being with other people. \nSentence 2: Having many relationships suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated being with other people."} {"input": "Context Word: relationships.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always avoided relationships after high school unlike PersonY because _ had his heart broken. \nSentence 2: PersonX always engaged in relationships after high school unlike PersonY because _ had his heart broken."} {"input": "Context Word: relationships.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more successful in relationships than PersonY because _ always knew when to be romantic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more successful in relationships than PersonY because _ never knew when to be romantic."} {"input": "Context Word: usefulness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had eventually outlived their usefulness in PersonY's superficial company, so _ was soon replaced. \nSentence 2: PersonX had eventually outlived their usefulness in PersonY's superficial company, so _ was soon displeased."} {"input": "Context Word: detox.", "output": "Sentence 1: At detox, PersonX is mentored by PersonY because _ has been in the program shorter. \nSentence 2: At detox, PersonX is mentored by PersonY because _ has been in the program longer."} {"input": "Context Word: detox.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is just starting to detox with the help of PersonY, so _ is a drug user. \nSentence 2: PersonX is just starting to detox with the help of PersonY, so _ is a drug counselor."} {"input": "Context Word: contaminated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw the chef sneeze into the food but PersonY didn't care that it was contaminated. _ had always been obsessive about food hygiene. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw the chef sneeze into the food but PersonY didn't care that it was contaminated. _ had never been obsessive about food hygiene."} {"input": "Context Word: memorizing.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the classroom, PersonX has a harder time memorizing facts than PersonY. _ has an incredible memory. \nSentence 2: In the classroom, PersonX has a harder time memorizing facts than PersonY. _ has a forgetful memory."} {"input": "Context Word: Braid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX' s ponytail braid did not reach as far down her back as PersonY's, because _ had shorter hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX' s ponytail braid did not reach as far down her back as PersonY's, because _ had longer hair."} {"input": "Context Word: martial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning martial arts from PersonY so _ was excited when they knocked the other down. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning martial arts from PersonY so _ was excited when they got knocked over."} {"input": "Context Word: rat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a rat with respiratory disease from PersonY and now _ need help. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a rat with respiratory disease from PersonY and now _ wants to help."} {"input": "Context Word: rat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated rodents but his friend PersonY had a pet rat, so _ screamed when the rat was in the bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated rodents but his friend PersonY had a pet rat, so _ laughed when the rat was in the bed."} {"input": "Context Word: rat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owns a rat, as a pet, but PersonY owns a cat due to _ only liking small animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX owns a rat, as a pet, but PersonY owns a dog due to _ only liking bigger animals."} {"input": "Context Word: rat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought a rat would make a hip pet but PersonY didn't, so _ went the pet store and bought a cute little white rat. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought a rat would make a hip pet but PersonY didn't, so _ went the pet store and bought a cute little white dog."} {"input": "Context Word: rat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The rat walked up to PersonX but went past PersonY, because _ had a plate of cheese. \nSentence 2: The rat walked past PersonX but walked up to PersonY, because _ had a plate of cheese."} {"input": "Context Word: analyzing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Analyzing the profitability of organizations suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to business school. \nSentence 2: Analyzing the profitability of organizations suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone to business school."} {"input": "Context Word: Timetable.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx made a timetable for persony to follow but _ refused to monitor the progress. \nSentence 2: Personx made a timetable for persony to follow but _ refused to follow the progress."} {"input": "Context Word: miniature schnauzer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX adopted a miniature schnauzer without telling her roommate who disliked dogs, PersonY. _ was excited when she brought the dog home. \nSentence 2: PersonX adopted a miniature schnauzer without telling her roommate who disliked dogs, PersonY. _ was upset when she brought the dog home."} {"input": "Context Word: volunteer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a volunteer suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a thoughtful and generous nature. \nSentence 2: Being a volunteer suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a thoughtful and generous nature."} {"input": "Context Word: volunteer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX volunteers at the local shelter every weekend unlike PersonY, because _ has a soft heart. \nSentence 2: PersonX volunteers at the local shelter every weekend unlike PersonY, because _ has no heart."} {"input": "Context Word: volunteer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX, who was rich, and PersonY who was poor, both wanted to be a volunteer but only _ could afford to. \nSentence 2: PersonX, who was rich, and PersonY who was poor, both wanted to be a volunteer _ wished he could afford to."} {"input": "Context Word: volunteer.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ volunteer to go because PersonX like volunteering a lot on their free time and PersonY don't. \nSentence 2: So _ refuse to go because PersonX like volunteering a lot on their free time and PersonY don't."} {"input": "Context Word: Hummingbird.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hummingbird really annoyed PersonX, but it didn't bother PersonY at all, because _ was very sensitive to sound. \nSentence 2: The hummingbird really annoyed PersonX, but it didn't bother PersonY at all, because _ was very appreciative of sound."} {"input": "Context Word: ticket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gives PersonY a ticket for speeding on the highway, because _ knows they need to uphold the rules. \nSentence 2: PersonX gives PersonY a ticket for speeding on the highway, but _ knows they were following the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: ticket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was given a speeding ticket by PersonY because _ was going too fast on the freeway. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a speeding ticket to PersonY because _ was going too fast on the freeway."} {"input": "Context Word: ticket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's record is filled with speeding and parking tickets, while PersonY has none, so _ pays his fines. \nSentence 2: PersonX's record is filled with speeding and parking tickets, while PersonY has none, so _ has no fines."} {"input": "Context Word: totaled car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get their totaled car replaced, while PersonY was not, because _ had superior insurance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get their totaled car replaced, while PersonY was not, because _ had inferior insurance."} {"input": "Context Word: LAX.", "output": "Sentence 1: When traveling by plane, PersonX usually flew out of LAX while PersonY usually flew out of DFW because _ lived in Los Angeles. \nSentence 2: When traveling by plane, PersonX usually flew out of LAX while PersonY usually flew out of DFW because _ lived in Dallas."} {"input": "Context Word: behaved.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a poorly behaved child while PersonY followed the rules, so _ was always in trouble. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a poorly behaved child while PersonY followed the rules, so _ was always being praised."} {"input": "Context Word: hypochondria.", "output": "Sentence 1: Recently, PersonX has been suffering from hypochondria and PersonY was getting tired of it, so _ went to see a doctor. \nSentence 2: Recently, PersonX has been suffering from hypochondria and PersonY was getting tired of it, so _ brought in a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: Editor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX will make a good editor but not PersonY since _ is a fast reader. \nSentence 2: PersonX will make a good editor but not PersonY because _ is a slow reader."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: Despite the fact that PersonX was sick and PersonY was healthy, _ still went to work that day. \nSentence 2: Despite the fact that PersonX was sick and PersonY was healthy, _ still stayed home from work that day."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to the party was out of the question for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was sick with the flu. \nSentence 2: Going to the party was out of the question for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not sick with the flu."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt pretty sick and needed to go to the doctor but PersonY felt fine. _ called and made an appointment to get looked at. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt pretty sick and needed to go to the doctor but PersonY felt fine. _ called and made an appointment to get their hair done."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is feeling sick so she goes to her doctor PersonY, because _ suspects she has cyclothymic disorder. \nSentence 2: PersonX is feeling sick so she goes to her doctor PersonY, because _ is cyclothymic disorder specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is handing over hot chicken noodle soup and medicine to PersonY because _ knows they feel very sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX is handing over hot chicken noodle soup and medicine to PersonY because _ feels very sick."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed all night taking care of PersonY because he was sick. _ felt so sad. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed all night taking care of PersonY because he was sick. _ felt so happy."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed in bed and slept for longer than PersonY because _ was feeling more sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed in bed and slept for longer than PersonY although _ was feeling more sick."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was feeling sick on their stomach but PersonY wasn't, so _ ordered a glass of ginger ale to drink. \nSentence 2: PersonX was feeling sick on their stomach but PersonY wasn't, so _ ordered a glass of milk to drink."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more sick in the morning than PersonY because _ was several weeks pregnant. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more sick in the morning than PersonY although _ was several weeks pregnant."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so tired of being sick all the time they asked PersonY for a remedy. _ offered to pay whatever the cost. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so tired of being sick all the time they asked PersonY for a remedy. _ decided to charge off the cost."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was visited by PersonY because _ was very sick and needed a friend to bring him medicine and chicken soup. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to see PersonY because _ was very sick and needed a friend to bring him medicine and chicken soup."} {"input": "Context Word: sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sick man walked past PersonX but not PersonY because _ was just a receptionist at the hospital. \nSentence 2: The sick man walked past PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a doctor at the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: good health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY office for a a exam and was informed they were not in good health, bad news is something _ hated to hear. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY office for a a exam and was informed they were not in good health, bad news is something _ hated to deliver."} {"input": "Context Word: shave.", "output": "Sentence 1: A shave was required more often for PersonX than PersonY because _ was particularly shaggy. \nSentence 2: A shave was required more often for PersonX than PersonY because _ was particularly smooth."} {"input": "Context Word: shave.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the morning while PersonX would shave, PersonY watched with curiosity because _ was the father. \nSentence 2: During the morning while PersonX would shave, PersonY watched with curiosity because _ was the son."} {"input": "Context Word: shave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to shave his face to look more like PersonY because the police were looking for _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to shave his face to look more like PersonY because the police weren't looking for _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: shave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a hairy back but PersonY has hardly any hair on their back. _ has to shave their back every week. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a hairy back but PersonY has hardly any hair on their back. _ has to shave their back every month."} {"input": "Context Word: obsession.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an obsession with donuts and cake but not PersonY so _ was a heavy weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an obsession with donuts and cake but not PersonY so _ was a normal weight."} {"input": "Context Word: daisies.", "output": "Sentence 1: Walking outside made PersonX want to pick daisies but not PersonY because _ loved flowers. \nSentence 2: Walking outside made PersonX want to pick daisies but not PersonY because _ hated flowers."} {"input": "Context Word: budgeting.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sticking to a budgeting plan was more realistic for PersonX than PersonY because _ was good with money. \nSentence 2: Sticking to a budgeting plan was more realistic for PersonX than PersonY because _ was terrible with money."} {"input": "Context Word: budgeting.", "output": "Sentence 1: While shopping at the mall, PersonX asked PersonY to help find a red shirt to wear because _ was terrible at clothing budgeting. \nSentence 2: While shopping at the mall, PersonX asked PersonY to help find a red shirt to wear because _ was great at clothing budgeting."} {"input": "Context Word: improvements.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making home improvements suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had been a carpenter's apprentice. \nSentence 2: Making home improvements suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never been a carpenter's apprentice."} {"input": "Context Word: scarf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes out wearing a scarf but PersonY does not. This is because _ is cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes out wearing a scarf but PersonY does not. This is because _ is hot."} {"input": "Context Word: scarf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was colder than PersonY so _ was wearing a sweater and a scarf to work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was colder than PersonY although _ was wearing a sweater and a scarf to work."} {"input": "Context Word: death.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the death of PersonX at the hands of PersonY, _ was put into the ground by relatives. \nSentence 2: After the death of PersonX at the hands of PersonY, _ was put into the jails by detectives."} {"input": "Context Word: death.", "output": "Sentence 1: Death is something that worries PersonX, but doesn't really affect PersonY. _ is more fretful about things. \nSentence 2: Death is something that worries PersonX, but doesn't really affect PersonY. _ is more at peace about things."} {"input": "Context Word: death.", "output": "Sentence 1: Death scares PersonX, but doesn't really bother PersonY because _ is the warmer person in general. \nSentence 2: Death scares PersonX, but doesn't really bother PersonY because _ is the colder person in general."} {"input": "Context Word: death.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed in life after death while PersonY did not, so _ often tried to talk to spirits. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed in life after death while PersonY did not, so _ never tried to talk to spirits."} {"input": "Context Word: death.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was convicted and sentenced to death because _ shot and killed the police officer. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was convicted and sentenced to death because _ did not shoot or kill the police officer."} {"input": "Context Word: death.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a death in the family and PersonY was at the funeral. _ joined the grieving. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a death in the family and PersonY was at the funeral. _ comforted the grieving."} {"input": "Context Word: death.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dealing with the death of their dog as where PersonY had lost their cat, _ is a dog lover. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dealing with the death of their dog as where PersonY had lost their cat, _ is a cat lover."} {"input": "Context Word: death.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scared to death of PersonY, because _ was much smaller and always getting picked on. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scared to death of PersonY, because _ was much bigger and always picking on people."} {"input": "Context Word: death.", "output": "Sentence 1: The death of Joe was more difficult for PersonX than it was for PersonY because _ loved Joe. \nSentence 2: The death of Joe was more difficult for PersonX than it was for PersonY because _ despised Joe."} {"input": "Context Word: death.", "output": "Sentence 1: The death of the actor was felt more by PersonX than PersonY because _ was a close relative. \nSentence 2: The death of the actor was felt more by PersonX than PersonY because _ was just an acquaintance."} {"input": "Context Word: capsized.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's sail boat capsized in the lake, so PersonY wins the race, and _ is distraught. \nSentence 2: PersonX's sail boat capsized in the lake, so PersonY wins the race, and _ is ecstatic."} {"input": "Context Word: sewed.", "output": "Sentence 1: For PersonX's Birthday, PersonY sewed her a new pillow case with bambi on it because _ is a kid. \nSentence 2: For PersonX's Birthday, PersonY sewed her a new pillow case with bambi on it because _ is a parent."} {"input": "Context Word: sewed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gladly sewed the living room curtains for PersonY, because _ is a great seamstress. \nSentence 2: PersonX gladly sewed the living room curtains for PersonY, because _ is a novice at sewing."} {"input": "Context Word: foundation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had to use makeup foundation but not PersonY because _ had damaged face skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had to use makeup foundation but not PersonY because _ had smooth face skin."} {"input": "Context Word: foundation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help with foundation because _ was horrible at doing makeup. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help with foundation because _ was amazing at doing makeup."} {"input": "Context Word: foundation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX poured the foundation for the house while PersonY filmed it, because _ was a construction worker. \nSentence 2: PersonX poured the foundation for the house while PersonY filmed it, because _ was a documentary filmmaker."} {"input": "Context Word: foundation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY that she was an experienced bricklayer, because _ had built such a strong foundation. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she was an experienced bricklayer, because _ had built such a strong foundation."} {"input": "Context Word: foundation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more reliable and hardworking than PersonY, but to be fair, _ had a better foundation as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more reliable and hardworking than PersonY, but to be fair, _ had a worse foundation as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: foundation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's makeup foundation looks more legit than PersonY's because _ goes to a professional makeup artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX's makeup foundation looks more legit than PersonY's because _ goes to an amateur makeup artist."} {"input": "Context Word: foundation.", "output": "Sentence 1: The foundation got a big donation from PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very generous. \nSentence 2: The foundation got a big donation from PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very cheap."} {"input": "Context Word: serve caviar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was richer than PersonY so _ knew exactly how to serve caviar at the elegant party. \nSentence 2: PersonX was richer than PersonY so _ had no clue how to serve caviar at the elegant party."} {"input": "Context Word: birth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave birth to PersonY, so after the process was over, _ was a brand new mother. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave birth to PersonY, so after the process was over, _ was a brand new infant."} {"input": "Context Word: birth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that she would one day give birth but PersonY did not because _ was very young. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that she would one day give birth but PersonY did not because _ was very old."} {"input": "Context Word: birth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog gave birth to puppies while PersonY's did not because _ failed to spay their dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog gave birth to puppies while PersonY's did not because _ spayed their dog."} {"input": "Context Word: birth.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cows on PersonX's farm are giving birth, but PersonY has no farm, so only _ is a farmer. \nSentence 2: The cows on PersonX's farm are giving birth, but PersonY has no farm, so only _ is not a farmer."} {"input": "Context Word: birth.", "output": "Sentence 1: The unexpected birth surprised PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't know the signs to watch for. \nSentence 2: The unexpected birth surprised PersonX but not PersonY because _ knew the signs to watch for."} {"input": "Context Word: property.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX bought the property from PersonY, _ was not going to care for it in the long run. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX bought the property from PersonY, _ was going to care for it in the long run."} {"input": "Context Word: property.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always dreamed of having property while PersonY preferred the city, so _ moved to a farm. \nSentence 2: PersonX always dreamed of having property while PersonY preferred the city, so _ refused to move to a farm."} {"input": "Context Word: property.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX demanded that PersonY get off of their property, because _ wasn't in the mood for visiting. \nSentence 2: PersonX demanded that PersonY get off of their property, because _ was in the neighborhood for visiting."} {"input": "Context Word: property.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave them some money to get back on their feet after PersonY destroyed their property. _ was their friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave them some money to get back on their feet after PersonY destroyed their property. _ was their enemy."} {"input": "Context Word: property.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to recover their property from PersonY after _ discovered all the stolen goods. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to recover their property from PersonY after _ hid all the stolen goods."} {"input": "Context Word: property.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is trying to buy a property from PersonY, because _ is looking for a house. \nSentence 2: PersonX is trying to buy a property from PersonY, because _ is selling a house."} {"input": "Context Word: property.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owns a lot more property than PersonY ever will due to _ making a larger salary. \nSentence 2: PersonX owns a lot more property than PersonY ever will due to _ making a lower salary."} {"input": "Context Word: property.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy all the residential property from PersonY, so _ wrote a big check. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to buy all the residential property from PersonY, so _ received a big check."} {"input": "Context Word: property.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a positing to be able to invest in property but PersonY was not because _ was affluent. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a positing to be able to invest in property but PersonY was not because _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: property.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was playing with chalk in the property of PersonY. _ was happy to scribble the chalk all over the pavement. \nSentence 2: PersonX was playing with chalk in the property of PersonY. _ was unhappy to clean the chalk all over the pavement."} {"input": "Context Word: property.", "output": "Sentence 1: The property that PersonX sold to PersonY has lots of hidden problems, so _ is dishonest. \nSentence 2: The property that PersonX sold to PersonY has lots of hidden problems, so _ is angry."} {"input": "Context Word: eulogy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Writing a eulogy came more natural for PersonX than PersonY because _ is a professional author. \nSentence 2: Writing a eulogy came more natural for PersonX than PersonY because _ is not a professional author."} {"input": "Context Word: Flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a big expensive bouquet of flowers for PersonY because _ was very thoughtful. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a big expensive bouquet of flowers for PersonY because _ was very depressed."} {"input": "Context Word: sew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to sew so _ could learn to make a wrap skirt. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to sew because _ knew how to make a wrap skirt."} {"input": "Context Word: sew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew how to sew curtains, because _ she was interested in knowing. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew how to sew curtains, but _ said she was never interested in knowing."} {"input": "Context Word: sew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a ripped shirt while PersonY has a not ripped shirt because _ hates to sew. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a ripped shirt while PersonY has a not ripped shirt because _ loves to sew."} {"input": "Context Word: sew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to sew up her torn clothes since _ was very skilled with a needle and thread. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to sew up her torn clothes since _ was minimally skilled with a needle and thread."} {"input": "Context Word: sew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to sew but PersonY did not, so _ taught them very basic techniques. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to sew but PersonY did not, so _ was taught some very basic techniques."} {"input": "Context Word: sew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how to sew but PersonY gave up on it, because _ possessed a great deal of patience. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned how to sew but PersonY gave up on it, because _ lacked a great deal of patience."} {"input": "Context Word: sew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to sew but personY did not as _ was very patient when it came to crafts. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to sew but personY did not as _ was very impatient when it came to crafts."} {"input": "Context Word: sew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to sew PersonYs shirt because _ knew how to sew . \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to sew PersonYs shirt because _ didn't know how to sew ."} {"input": "Context Word: sew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was showing PersonY how to sew up a hole in his shirt but accidentally stabbed himself with the needle, so _ cried out in pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX was showing PersonY how to sew up a hole in his shirt but accidentally stabbed him with the needle, so _ cried out in pain."} {"input": "Context Word: immigrate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped people immigrate from other countries but not PersonY because _ is knowledgeable in immigration law. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped people immigrate from other countries but not PersonY because _ is clueless in immigration law."} {"input": "Context Word: immigrate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY learn how to immigrate to her country, as _ was a native. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY learn how to immigrate to her country, as _ was a foreigner."} {"input": "Context Word: wealthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX worked harder and longer than PersonY, _ was a less wealthy person overall. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX worked harder and longer than PersonY, _ was a more wealthy person overall."} {"input": "Context Word: wealthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more wealthy than PersonY, so _ did not have to worry money, and retirement. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more wealthy than PersonY, so _ started to worry about money, and retirement."} {"input": "Context Word: wealthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was wealthy, so he bought PersonY a brand new car. _ felt very generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was wealthy, so he bought PersonY a brand new car. _ felt very grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a high school teacher suited PersonX but not PersonY, as _ found teenagers funny and insightful. \nSentence 2: Being a high school teacher suited PersonX but not PersonY, as _ found teenagers loud and rude."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: Despite the fact that PersonX was a teenager and PersonY just turned thirty, _ was still never carded when buying cigarettes. \nSentence 2: Despite the fact that PersonX was a teenager and PersonY just turned thirty, _ was still always carded when buying cigarettes."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: Now that PersonX was a teenager PersonY laid out more rules, because _ was likely to get into more trouble. \nSentence 2: Now that PersonX was a teenager PersonY laid out more rules, because _ was worried about dealing with more trouble."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help their teenager with a math project because _ didn't understand it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help their teenager with a math project because _ was a professor."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to authorize the purchase for PersonY, because _ was still a teenager under the age of 18. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to authorize the purchase for PersonY, because _ was not a teenager under the age of 18."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a teenager whereas PersonY has toddler-age children because _ became a mother first. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a teenager whereas PersonY has toddler-age children because _ became a mother later."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a teenager that liked sports while PersonY was a teenager that liked debate because _ was athletic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a teenager that liked sports while PersonY was a teenager that liked debate because _ was clever."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was confident in teaching teenagers but not PersonY because _ could relate to the teenage world. \nSentence 2: PersonX was confident in teaching teenagers but not PersonY because _ did not understand the teenage world."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fighting with his teenager kid when PersonY showed up and escalated problem. _ put his foot down. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fighting with his teenager kid when PersonY showed up and escalated problem. _ ran away."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was nicer than PersonY as a teenager, so most teachers preferred to have _ in class. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not as nice PersonY as a teenager, so most teachers preferred to have _ in class."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ likes teenagers because PersonX has many teenager friends and PersonY doesn't because reasons. \nSentence 2: So _ hates teenagers because PersonX has many teenager friends and PersonY doesn't because reasons."} {"input": "Context Word: teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: The children were well behaved around PersonX but not PersonY. _ learnt to discipline kids by babysitting as a teenager. \nSentence 2: The children were well behaved around PersonX but not PersonY. _ never learnt to discipline kids by babysitting as a teenager."} {"input": "Context Word: biology.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to teach biology, but PersonY thought he should teach chemistry so _ relented and taught chemistry. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to teach biology, but PersonY thought he should teach chemistry so _ relented and let him teach biology."} {"input": "Context Word: Workout.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them make a workout routine. _ was thankful for getting the assistance. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them make a workout routine. _ was pleased to provide the assistance."} {"input": "Context Word: used a reward system.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher used a reward system and PersonX won an award while PersonY did not because _ studied a lot harder. \nSentence 2: The teacher used a reward system and PersonX won an award while PersonY did not because _ did not study at all."} {"input": "Context Word: Table.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke PersonY ' coffee table when he put a heavy bowling ball on it. _ became nervous. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke PersonY ' coffee table when he put a heavy bowling ball on it. _ became furious."} {"input": "Context Word: Table.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put the milk on PersonY 's table and it spilled all over it. _ was remorseful. \nSentence 2: PersonX put the milk on PersonY 's table and it spilled all over it. _ was angry."} {"input": "Context Word: Table.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx wanted the help of persony to coat his table with Varathane but _ was skeptical about his ability. \nSentence 2: personx wanted the help of persony to coat his table with Varathane but _ was skeptical about his availability."} {"input": "Context Word: rent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for their share of the rent as _ was going to pay the rent. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for their share of the rent as _ had not paid the rent."} {"input": "Context Word: rent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scolded PersonY about paying the rent, since _ worried she would pay late again this month. \nSentence 2: PersonX reassured PersonY about paying the rent, since _ worried she would pay late again this month."} {"input": "Context Word: rent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was over a month late paying his rent to PersonY so _ ended up getting evicted. \nSentence 2: PersonX was over a month late paying his rent to PersonY so _ ended up evicting him."} {"input": "Context Word: rent.", "output": "Sentence 1: When she saw a nice house for rent, PersonX called the owner, PersonY to look at the place. _ really liked the apartment and asked for an application. \nSentence 2: When she saw a nice house for rent, PersonX called the owner, PersonY to look at the place. _ showed the apartment and gave her an application."} {"input": "Context Word: rent.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the first came around PersonX paid PersonY rent money because _ was the renter of the property. \nSentence 2: When the first came around PersonX paid PersonY rent money because _ was the owner of the property."} {"input": "Context Word: polishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was no where near as good as PersonY at polishing boots because _ had never been in the military. \nSentence 2: PersonX was no where near as good as PersonY at polishing boots because _ had been in the military."} {"input": "Context Word: collarbones.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had very prominent collarbones but not PersonY because _ had a very skinny body. \nSentence 2: PersonX had very prominent collarbones but not PersonY because _ had a very fat body."} {"input": "Context Word: effectively.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dealt with the looming crisis less effectively than PersonY, because _ was a novice. \nSentence 2: PersonX dealt with the looming crisis less effectively than PersonY, because _ was an expert."} {"input": "Context Word: scuba diving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed home while PersonY went scuba diving, because _ hates new adventures and exploring. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed home while PersonY went scuba diving, because _ loves new adventures and exploring."} {"input": "Context Word: problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a worse lawyer than PersonY, _ was able to connect with their clients emotional problems. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a worse lawyer than PersonY, _ was unable to connect with their clients emotional problems."} {"input": "Context Word: problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was recommended that PersonX seek help before PersonY has had enough, because _ has some real problems. \nSentence 2: It was recommended that PersonX seek help before PersonY has had enough, because _ has enough problems."} {"input": "Context Word: problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: Math problems were easy for PersonX to solve but not PersonY because _ had a very analytical mind. \nSentence 2: Math problems were easy for PersonX to solve but not PersonY because _ did not have a very analytical mind."} {"input": "Context Word: problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY some peace of mind for life's problems because _ was a trained therapist at the clinic. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY some peace of mind for life's problems because _ was a patient at the clinic."} {"input": "Context Word: problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot more problems with his back than PersonY because _ had a very bad accident. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot less problems with his back than PersonY because _ had a very bad accident."} {"input": "Context Word: problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed away from PersonY when she was upset, as _ avoided problems when she could. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed away from PersonY when she was upset, as _ caused problems when she could."} {"input": "Context Word: problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not very good at solving problems like PersonY is. _ went to the tutor center. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not very good at solving problems like PersonY is. _ was a tutor at the center."} {"input": "Context Word: problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't interested in PersonY's problems, so _ ignored them when they came around looking for help. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't interested in PersonY's problems, so _ begged them when they came around looking for help."} {"input": "Context Word: problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's problems don't really seem to affect PersonY that much although _ is pretty annoying. \nSentence 2: PersonX's problems don't really seem to affect PersonY that much because _ is pretty calm."} {"input": "Context Word: problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: Tech problems are PersonX specialty and physical problems are PersonY, _ works with technology and computers. \nSentence 2: Tech problems are PersonX specialty and physical problems are PersonY, _ works with people and disabilities."} {"input": "Context Word: bowling ball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a headache, but not PersonY, because _ was hit in the head with a bowling ball. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a headache, but not PersonY, because _ wasn't hit in the head with a bowling ball."} {"input": "Context Word: tag.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was 'it' when playing tag with PersonY, and _ chased them down and they were tagged within a couple minutes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was 'it' when playing tag with PersonY, and _ got chased down and they were tagged within a couple minutes."} {"input": "Context Word: boost.", "output": "Sentence 1: Needing a boost PersonX asked PersonY to put them on their shoulders in order to reach the roof, _ is short in height. \nSentence 2: Needing a boost PersonX asked PersonY to put them on their shoulders in order to reach the roof, _ is tall in height."} {"input": "Context Word: boost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a boost up onto the roof, because _ wanted to be a helpful person. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a boost up onto the roof, because _ wanted to be on the roof."} {"input": "Context Word: boost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a funny joke to boost PersonY's spirits because _ was a cheerful person. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a funny joke to boost PersonY's spirits because _ was a depressed person."} {"input": "Context Word: boost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to get an energy boost from PersonY, so _ was reliant on their help. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to get an energy boost from PersonY, so _ was generous with their help."} {"input": "Context Word: mentality.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to answer PersonY's calls even though he knew his mentality had taken a hit because _ isn't supportive. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to answer PersonY's calls even though he knew his mentality had taken a hit because _ need support."} {"input": "Context Word: sake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stopped smoking for the sake of PersonY, because _ wanted them to stop worrying. \nSentence 2: PersonX stopped smoking for the sake of PersonY, because _ wanted them to stop coughing."} {"input": "Context Word: mattress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a bad back and went mattress shopping with PersonY , _ wanted to get a firm mattress. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a bad back and went mattress shopping with PersonY , _ who wanted to get him a firm mattress."} {"input": "Context Word: mattress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY flip and clean her mattress before moving day, because _ was a helpful roommate. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY flip and clean her mattress before moving day, because _ was in clear need of help."} {"input": "Context Word: mattress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went shopping for a mattress last weekend without PersonY because _ needed a new one. \nSentence 2: PersonX went shopping for a mattress last weekend without PersonY because _ didn't need a new one."} {"input": "Context Word: mattress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to see PersonY about a new mattress since _ sold them for a living. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to see PersonY about a new mattress because _ knew they sold them for a living."} {"input": "Context Word: recruiter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a recruiter looking at PersonY's application, which gives _ a lot of power. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a recruiter looking at PersonY's application, which gives _ a lot of uncertainty."} {"input": "Context Word: words.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ was so angry about the words exchanged during the argument. \nSentence 2: PersonX consoled PersonY because _ was so upset about the words exchanged during the argument."} {"input": "Context Word: heritage.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because of their heritage PersonX and PersonY are celebrating fathers-day and opposite he is the first born, _ is firstborn child. \nSentence 2: Because of their heritage PersonX and PersonY are celebrating fathers-day and opposite he is the first born, _ is second born child."} {"input": "Context Word: banana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to eat a banana for breakfast every morning but PersonY did not because _ is conscientious about their health. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to eat a banana for breakfast every morning but PersonY did not because _ is unconcerned about their health."} {"input": "Context Word: banana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to give a basket of bananas to PersonY, since _ wanted to be nice. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to give a basket of bananas to PersonY, since _ said he was hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: banana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed primarily savory food while PersonY enjoyed banana splits, therefore _ would seldomly eat desserts. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed primarily savory food while PersonY enjoyed banana splits, therefore _ would often eat desserts."} {"input": "Context Word: banana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has started making a banana milkshake but needs help from PersonY, because _ can't do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX has started making a banana milkshake but needs help from PersonY, because _ can help him."} {"input": "Context Word: banana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves the taste of banana while PersonY doesn't care for it. _ ordered a banana split at the ice cream shop. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves the taste of banana while PersonY doesn't care for it. _ ordered a chocolate malt at the ice cream shop."} {"input": "Context Word: banana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really likes to eat bananas in the morning, but PersonY does not because _ is a fruit lover. \nSentence 2: PersonX really likes to eat bananas in the morning, but PersonY does not because _ is a fruit hater."} {"input": "Context Word: banana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX throws a monkey at the zoo a banana, but PersonY reprimands him. So, _ is likely the tourist. \nSentence 2: PersonX throws a monkey at the zoo a banana, but PersonY reprimands him. So, _ is likely the zookeeper."} {"input": "Context Word: banana.", "output": "Sentence 1: The banana nut bread PersonX makes is not tasty like PersonY's, so _ is the amateur cook. \nSentence 2: The banana nut bread PersonX makes is not tasty like PersonY's, so _ is the experienced cook."} {"input": "Context Word: torso.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a torso that was twice as wide as that of PersonY because _ was rather overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a torso that was twice as wide as that of PersonY because _ was rather thin."} {"input": "Context Word: torso.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been working out, so they asked PersonY who's torso was leaner. _ had the leaner torso, making them feel better about working out. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been working out, so they asked PersonY who's torso was leaner. _ had the thicker torso, making them feel bad about not working out."} {"input": "Context Word: torso.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to show off his muscular torso while PersonY always kept his shirt on, as _ was so proud. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to show off his muscular torso while PersonY always kept his shirt on, as _ was so modest."} {"input": "Context Word: torso.", "output": "Sentence 1: The torso of PersonX is small when it is compared to PersonY's. This is due to _ working in an office all day. \nSentence 2: The torso of PersonX is small when it is compared to PersonY's. This is due to _ working in a gym all day."} {"input": "Context Word: sod.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to put sod in his yard, but PersonY does not have to do that because _ took worse care of his yard last year. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to put sod in his yard, but PersonY does not have to do that because _ took superior care of his yard last year."} {"input": "Context Word: sod.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just paid for sod to be put in by PersonY at the home, so _ is the home's owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX just paid for sod to be put in by PersonY at the home, so _ is the lawn care specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: sod.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to prepare the ground for sod so she asks PersonY for an advice, because _ doesn't know how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to prepare the ground for sod so she asks PersonY for an advice, because _ knows a lot about it."} {"input": "Context Word: survey.", "output": "Sentence 1: As PersonX took a quick survey for marketing research, PersonY was laughing, making _ distracted. \nSentence 2: As PersonX took a quick survey for marketing research, PersonY was crying, making _ distracted."} {"input": "Context Word: yogurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY were trying out DIY face masks so _ suggested using yogurt for one of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY were testing out DIY face masks so _ suggested using yogurt for one of them."} {"input": "Context Word: yogurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drinks a lot more yogurt than PersonY because the yogurt helps _ stomach issues. \nSentence 2: PersonX drinks a lot less yogurt than PersonY because the yogurt helps _ stomach issues."} {"input": "Context Word: yogurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY what flavor frozen yogurt she wanted, because _ had forgotten before reaching the counter. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY what flavor frozen yogurt she wanted, because _ might have changed her mind before reaching the counter."} {"input": "Context Word: yogurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to avoid eating the yogurt that PersonY enjoyed for breakfast, because _ was unable to digest dairy. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to avoid eating the yogurt that PersonY enjoyed for breakfast, because _ was able to digest dairy."} {"input": "Context Word: yogurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to lose some weight but PersonY didn't, so _ ate yogurt instead of ice cream. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to lose some weight but PersonY didn't, so _ ate ice cream instead of yogurt."} {"input": "Context Word: yogurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a bite of PersonY's blueberry yogurt so _ asked if she could have some. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a bite of PersonY's blueberry yogurt so _ said she could have some."} {"input": "Context Word: yogurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's yogurt tasted better than PersonY's because _ made their own starter for the yogurt. \nSentence 2: PersonX's yogurt tasted better than PersonY's because _ didn't make their own starter for the yogurt."} {"input": "Context Word: middle school.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the Middle School, PersonX lost the election for class president to PersonY, so _ is distraught. \nSentence 2: At the Middle School, PersonX lost the election for class president to PersonY, so _ is elated."} {"input": "Context Word: middle school.", "output": "Sentence 1: In middle school, PersonX is more nervous about the test than PersonY because _ is less prepared. \nSentence 2: In middle school, PersonX is more relaxed about the test than PersonY because _ is less prepared."} {"input": "Context Word: salsa.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX loved to eat spicy foods more than PersonY, _ hated to eat green salsa. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX loved to eat spicy foods more than PersonY, _ loved to eat green salsa."} {"input": "Context Word: salsa.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the dinner PersonX ate the salsa while PersonY could not because it was too hot and _ cooled it down by putting a little OJ in it. \nSentence 2: At the dinner PersonX ate the salsa while PersonY could not because it was too hot and _ didn't cool it down by putting a little OJ in it."} {"input": "Context Word: salsa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to make salsa with only bell peppers while PersonY liked to add habanero peppers because _ didn't like spicy foods. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to make salsa with only bell peppers while PersonY liked to add habanero peppers because _ loved to eat spicy foods."} {"input": "Context Word: juror.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a juror in an assault case and PersonY was her adult daughter. _ was warned not to read news about the case. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a juror in an assault case and PersonY was her adult daughter. _ asked if she was warned not to read news about the case."} {"input": "Context Word: influence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to influence PersonY to do a bunch of bad stuff, but _ couldn't get them to listen. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to influence PersonY to do a bunch of bad stuff, but _ didn't want to listen."} {"input": "Context Word: bald.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed that PersonY was starting to go a little bit bald on the back of his head, but _ decided not to comment on it. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed that PersonY was starting to go a little bit bald on the back of his head, but _ would have been embarrassed if anyone commented on it."} {"input": "Context Word: asset.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to learn how to calculate asset impairment so he asks PersonY for help, because _ doesn't know how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to learn how to calculate asset impairment so he asks PersonY for help, because _ know how to do it well."} {"input": "Context Word: asset.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an asset to their employer but PersonY was not because _ was very loyal. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an asset to their employer but PersonY was not because _ was very traitorous."} {"input": "Context Word: respect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always showed more respect for authority than PersonY so _ rarely got in trouble. \nSentence 2: PersonX always showed more respect for authority than PersonY so _ often got in trouble."} {"input": "Context Word: respect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX passed the microphone over to PersonY to sing the song respect because _ is unfamiliar with that song. \nSentence 2: PersonX passed the microphone over to PersonY to sing the song respect because _ is familiar with that song."} {"input": "Context Word: respect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to learn how to respect women. _ thought this was a necessary life skill. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to learn how to respect women. _ thought this was an unnecessary life skill."} {"input": "Context Word: respect.", "output": "Sentence 1: The customer had no respect for PersonX and plenty of respect for PersonY because _ was not helpful. \nSentence 2: The customer had plenty of respect for PersonX and no respect for PersonY because _ was not helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: awards.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was proud of PersonY for working so hard and winning two awards so _ took them out to celebrate. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of PersonY for working so hard and winning two awards so _ did not invite them out to celebrate."} {"input": "Context Word: static electricity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got shocked by the metal door know when PersonY didn't because _ had rubbed their feet across the carpet causing static electricity. \nSentence 2: PersonX got shocked by thee metal door know when PersonY didn't because _ had picked up their feet when crossing the carpet avoiding static electricity."} {"input": "Context Word: ballet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed going to the ballet more than PersonY because _ had been classically trained in dance. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed going to the ballet more than PersonY because _ had not been classically trained in dance."} {"input": "Context Word: ballet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to give ballet lessons to PersonY because _ wanted to teach dance ballet. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to give ballet lessons to PersonY because _ wanted to learn dance ballet."} {"input": "Context Word: ballet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw PersonY at the ballet because _ already had tickets and was going no matter what. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw PersonY at the ballet but _ already had tickets and was going no matter what."} {"input": "Context Word: ballet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more interested in the ballet than PersonY because _ daughter was in the ballet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less interested in the ballet than PersonY because _ daughter was in the ballet."} {"input": "Context Word: ballet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at ballet, but not PersonY because _ practiced her dance frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at ballet, but not PersonY because _ practiced her dance rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: ballet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ballet was enjoyable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very entertained that evening. \nSentence 2: The ballet was enjoyable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very bored that evening."} {"input": "Context Word: Dollar Bill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was quite generous when they tipped but PersonY was more reserved. _ left a one hundred dollar bill for their server. \nSentence 2: PersonX was quite generous when they tipped but PersonY was more reserved. _ left a twenty dollar bill for their server."} {"input": "Context Word: articulate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a business is more suited to PersonX than PersonY because _ is able to articulate a clear vision. \nSentence 2: Running a business is more suited to PersonX than PersonY because _ is able to articulate a muddy vision."} {"input": "Context Word: zebra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed the zebra to PersonY at the zoo, so _ was happy about making the introduction. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed the zebra to PersonY at the zoo, so _ was happy about being given the introduction."} {"input": "Context Word: zebra.", "output": "Sentence 1: The zoo had a zebra and a tiger which PersonX enjoyed, but PersonY didn't. _ thought animals in captivity was okay. \nSentence 2: The zoo had a zebra and a tiger which PersonX enjoyed, but PersonY didn't. _ thought animals in captivity was cruel."} {"input": "Context Word: complexion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a dermatologist, PersonY is a gravedigger therefore you should ask the advice of _ for complexion concerns. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a dermatologist, PersonY is a gravedigger therefore you should not ask the advice of _ for complexion concerns."} {"input": "Context Word: Cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was allergic to cats while PersonY was not, so the cat was taken away from _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was allergic to cats while PersonY was not, so the cat was given to _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: Cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx had too many cats and persony could hardly pay him a visit because _ is a freak. \nSentence 2: Personx had too many cats and persony could hardly pay him a visit because _ is asthmatic."} {"input": "Context Word: Cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat was fed very well by PersonX but poorly by PersonY because _ was the cat's owner. \nSentence 2: The cat was fed very poorly by PersonX but very well by PersonY because _ was the cat's owner."} {"input": "Context Word: Cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx wanted to adopt a cat from persony but _ was curious about the cat health. \nSentence 2: personx wanted to adopt a cat from persony but _ was curious about the cat safety."} {"input": "Context Word: diagnose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX diagnosed PersonY with the flu because _ is a doctor at the medical center. \nSentence 2: PersonX diagnosed PersonY with the flu because _ is a patient at the medical center."} {"input": "Context Word: diagnose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to diagnose the condition but PersonY recognized it right away, as _ was oblivious to the signs. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to diagnose the condition but PersonY recognized it right away, as _ was perceptive to the signs."} {"input": "Context Word: diagnose.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX was able to diagnose PersonY , _ had to break the news that she had cancer. \nSentence 2: When PersonX was able to diagnose PersonY , _ had to hear the news that she had cancer."} {"input": "Context Word: Japan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has never been to Japan, but PersonY has, which makes _ less knowledgeable on Japanese culture. \nSentence 2: PersonX has never been to Japan, but PersonY has, which makes _ more knowledgeable on Japanese culture."} {"input": "Context Word: Japan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to persuade PersonY to take their vacation in Japan because _ wanted to go overseas. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to persuade PersonY to take their vacation in Japan because _ wanted to stay in country."} {"input": "Context Word: integrity.", "output": "Sentence 1: People say PersonX has less integrity than PersonY. _ is likely the more dishonest person overall. \nSentence 2: People say PersonX has less integrity than PersonY. _ is likely the more trustworthy person overall."} {"input": "Context Word: guinea pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having a guinea pig was important to PersonX but PersonY thought they were just glorified rats. _ bought a new guinea pig at the pet store. \nSentence 2: Having a guinea pig was important to PersonX but PersonY thought they were just glorified rats. _ bought a new dog leash at the pet store."} {"input": "Context Word: guinea pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: Neutering the guinea pig was the first thing PersonX did upon purchasing it unlike PersonY and consequently _ had no guinea pigs to have to find homes for. \nSentence 2: Neutering the guinea pig was the first thing PersonX did upon purchasing it unlike PersonY and consequently _ had several guinea pigs to have to find homes for."} {"input": "Context Word: guinea pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought his son PersonY a new guinea pig, _ felt very happy about receiving the new pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought his son PersonY a new guinea pig, _ felt very happy about the reaction to the new pet."} {"input": "Context Word: guinea pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fed their guinea pig alfalfa, while PersonY watched from a distance. _ loved guinea pigs. \nSentence 2: PersonX fed their guinea pig alfalfa, while PersonY fearfully watched from a distance. _ was scared of guinea pigs."} {"input": "Context Word: guinea pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a worried look as PersonY inspected and weighed the guinea pig, as _ is a pet owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a worried look as PersonY inspected and weighed the guinea pig, as _ is a veterinarian."} {"input": "Context Word: guinea pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran over PersonY's guinea pig with his car, causing _ to feel a great deal of guilt. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran over PersonY's guinea pig with his car, causing _ to feel a great deal of pain."} {"input": "Context Word: guinea pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks that a guinea pig is a good pet but PersonY doesn't. _ went to the pet store and bought a guinea pig. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks that a guinea pig is a good pet but PersonY doesn't. _ went to the pet store and bought a potbelly pig."} {"input": "Context Word: guinea pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY's house to play with their guinea pig but _ was upset because nobody was home. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY's house to play with their guinea pig and _ was happy because they were home."} {"input": "Context Word: singer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a very talented singer unlike PersonY because _ took voice lessons when he was younger. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a very talented singer unlike PersonY because _ took sports lessons when he was younger."} {"input": "Context Word: singer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at holding a note for long times than PersonY so _ is the better singer. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at holding a note for long times than PersonY so _ is the worse singer."} {"input": "Context Word: singer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very talented singer unlike PersonY because _ wanted to be a musician for a living. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very talented singer unlike PersonY because _ wanted to be a sportsman for a living."} {"input": "Context Word: singer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tone deaf while PersonY was a singer, so _ sounded terrible when singing karaoke. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tone deaf while PersonY was a singer, so _ sounded great when singing karaoke."} {"input": "Context Word: singer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would make a better professional singer than PersonY because _ can really hit the high notes. \nSentence 2: PersonX would make a better professional singer than PersonY because _ can't hit the high notes."} {"input": "Context Word: singer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The singer did a great job according to PersonX but not PersonY, so _ hired them to sing at their wedding. \nSentence 2: The singer did a great job according to PersonX but not PersonY, so _ didn't hire them to sing at their wedding."} {"input": "Context Word: slide.", "output": "Sentence 1: The line for the water slide was long, and PersonX was up next until PersonY cut. _ was disappointed. \nSentence 2: The line for the water slide was long, and PersonX was up next until PersonY cut. _ was devious."} {"input": "Context Word: mathematics exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scored higher score than PersonY in the mathematics exam because _ is a smart student. \nSentence 2: PersonX scored higher score than PersonY in the mathematics exam because _ is an average student."} {"input": "Context Word: Blood Stains.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for PersonY's help cleaning up the blood stains because _ did not want to get caught. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for PersonY's help cleaning up the blood stains, but _ did not want to be liable."} {"input": "Context Word: werewolf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY had turned into a werewolf when _ saw a shadow that looked like an upright wolf. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY had turned into a werewolf when _ intentionally made a shadow that looked like an upright wolf."} {"input": "Context Word: werewolf.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX wore a werewolf costume on Halloween, PersonY dressed up as a prince, and _ scared most of the younger trick-or-treaters. \nSentence 2: While PersonX wore a werewolf costume on Halloween, PersonY dressed up as a prince, and _ delighted most of the younger trick-or-treaters."} {"input": "Context Word: hug.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a big hug and kiss, because _ was having a particularly good day. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a big hug and kiss, because _ was having a particularly bad day."} {"input": "Context Word: tangles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gently combed PersonY's hair with a brush because _ was trying to remove the tangles. \nSentence 2: PersonX gently combed PersonY's hair with a brush because _ asked her to remove the tangles."} {"input": "Context Word: hip-hop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX listened and made adjustments in the booth as PersonY laid down a hot hip-hop vocal track, as _ was a gifted producer. \nSentence 2: PersonX listened and made adjustments in the booth as PersonY laid down a hot hip-hop vocal track, as _ was a gifted rapper."} {"input": "Context Word: Amnesia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bumped their head in the accident but PersonY was uninjured. _ got a case of amnesia. \nSentence 2: PersonX bumped their head in the accident but PersonY was uninjured. _ didn't have a case of amnesia."} {"input": "Context Word: dignity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a school counselor, PersonY is a student therefore go to _ for tips on how to act with dignity toward bullies. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a school counselor, PersonY is a student therefore don't go to _ for tips on how to act with dignity toward bullies."} {"input": "Context Word: sled.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was bringing a sled to take PersonY out in the snow because _ loved the cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX was bringing a sled to take PersonY out in the snow but _ hated the cold."} {"input": "Context Word: tour guide.", "output": "Sentence 1: While in Tokyo, PersonX decided to hire a tour guide, PersonY, who met her outside her hotel. _ saw many interesting sights that day. \nSentence 2: While in Tokyo, PersonX decided to hire a tour guide, PersonY, who met her outside her hotel. _ took her to many interesting sights that day."} {"input": "Context Word: necktie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help with tying the necktie, because _ struggled to make the Windsor knot. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help with tying the necktie, because _ was a master with the Windsor knot."} {"input": "Context Word: necktie.", "output": "Sentence 1: While clearing out his closet, PersonX gave PersonY a necktie because _ did not dress enough like a kid. \nSentence 2: While clearing out his closet, PersonX gave PersonY a necktie because _ did not dress enough like an adult."} {"input": "Context Word: foxglove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much better gardener than PersonY because _ foxglove grew like weeds in their garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much better gardener than PersonY because _ foxglove didn't grow like weeds in their garden."} {"input": "Context Word: drug.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prescribed new and sometimes Experimental drugs to others PersonY was one of these people, _ prescribes medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX prescribed new and sometimes Experimental drugs to others PersonY was one of these people, _ takes medication."} {"input": "Context Word: drug.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX was younger he struggled with drug abuse unlike PersonY because _ had a difficult childhood. \nSentence 2: When PersonX was younger he struggled with drug abuse unlike PersonY because _ had an easy childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: improved.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX improved their game more than PersonY did because _ had spent time practicing more. \nSentence 2: PersonX improved their game more than PersonY did because _ had spent time practicing less."} {"input": "Context Word: wallet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX aksed PersonY for an opinion regarding the leather wallet at the boutique because _ is a horrible gift giver. \nSentence 2: PersonX aksed PersonY for an opinion regarding the leather wallet at the boutique because _ is a good gift giver."} {"input": "Context Word: wallet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked to borrow money from PersonY because _ forgot to bring their wallet with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked to borrow money from PersonY because _ remembered to bring their wallet with them."} {"input": "Context Word: sickness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help with managing oxygen and altitude sickness because _ was feeling poorly. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help with managing oxygen and altitude sickness because _ was feeling well."} {"input": "Context Word: sickness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a mountain climber, PersonY is a bicyclist therefore _ might suffer altitude sickness. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a mountain climber, PersonY is a bicyclist therefore _ won't suffer altitude sickness."} {"input": "Context Word: sickness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived at high altitude and hike frequently while PersonY lived at seal level, so _ did not get altitude sickness when they drove high up the mountain. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived at high altitude and hike frequently while PersonY lived at seal level, so _ got altitude sickness when they drove high up the mountain."} {"input": "Context Word: sickness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX very rarely suffered from sickness but PersonY often did because _ was very careful around infectious people. \nSentence 2: PersonX very rarely suffered from sickness but PersonY often did because _ was very reckless around infectious people."} {"input": "Context Word: perish.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the search in the dessert, PersonX made sure to give water to PersonY in order not to perish because _ wanted to be helpful. \nSentence 2: During the search in the dessert, PersonX made sure to give water to PersonY in order not to perish because _ wanted to live."} {"input": "Context Word: boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new pair of boots last week unlike PersonY because _ old boots were ruined. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new pair of boots last week unlike PersonY because _ old boots were in great condition."} {"input": "Context Word: boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fell in love with the boots at the store, so PersonY bought them as a gift for her. _ wrote a thank you note. \nSentence 2: PersonX fell in love with the boots at the store, so PersonY bought them as a gift for her. _ received a thank you note."} {"input": "Context Word: boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX inherited a pair of nice winter boots from PersonY because _ had grown in to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX inherited a pair of nice winter boots from PersonY because _ had grown out of them."} {"input": "Context Word: boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always amazed at how PersonY can walk in stiletto boots, because _ is so clumsy in heels. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always amazed at how PersonY can walk in stiletto boots, but _ is always effortless in heels."} {"input": "Context Word: boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore boots while PersonY wore flip flops outside on a rainy day, so _ had dry feet when the day was done. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore boots while PersonY wore flip flops outside on a rainy day, so _ had wet feet when the day was done."} {"input": "Context Word: boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ stepped on the brand new boots and ruined them. \nSentence 2: PersonX consoled at PersonY because _ stepped on the brand new boots and ruined them."} {"input": "Context Word: boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY for wearing their muddy boots inside the house. _ was angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY for wearing their muddy boots inside the house. _ was sorry ."} {"input": "Context Word: boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: The feet of PersonX stayed drier than the feet of PersonY because _ had worn their rubber boots. \nSentence 2: The feet of PersonX stayed wetter than the feet of PersonY because _ had worn their rubber boots."} {"input": "Context Word: boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: The footprints matched the boots of PersonX and not PersonY, because _ wore the same size. \nSentence 2: The footprints matched the boots of PersonX and not PersonY, because _ wore a different size."} {"input": "Context Word: boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: The new thigh high black leather boots looked very attractive on PersonX but were not flattering for PersonY, because _ was tall and slender. \nSentence 2: The new thigh high black leather boots looked very attractive on PersonX but were not flattering for PersonY, because _ was short and stocky."} {"input": "Context Word: boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: To get hired by PersonX a pair of boots must be provided for PersonY, _ is in need of a worker. \nSentence 2: To get hired by PersonX a pair of boots must be provided for PersonY, _ is in need of some boots."} {"input": "Context Word: beats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX beats his wife regularly and PersonY does not which is why _ is going to jail. \nSentence 2: PersonX beats his wife regularly and PersonY does not which is why _ is not going to jail."} {"input": "Context Word: beats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more musically talented than PersonY all their life. _ could keep rhythm and beats easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more musically talented than PersonY all their life. _ could not keep rhythm and beats easily."} {"input": "Context Word: county.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew where the county clerk's office was because _ needed to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew where the county clerk's office was but _ said she didn't know."} {"input": "Context Word: execution.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX said that the execution of the task was as important as completing the task itself. PersonY was lazy so didn't follow the advise of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX said that the execution of the task was as important as completing the task itself. PersonY was lazy so _ didn't follow the advise."} {"input": "Context Word: stab.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a failed attempt to stab PersonY , as _ 's dexterity was lacking. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a failed attempt to stab PersonY , as _ 's dexterity was tremendous."} {"input": "Context Word: hired.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the interviews were over PersonX got hired but PersonY didn't because _ had more experience. \nSentence 2: When the interviews were over PersonX got hired but PersonY didn't because _ had less experience."} {"input": "Context Word: abdominal pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX had abdominal pain, PersonY took him to the doctor. The doctor told _ to get some rest. \nSentence 2: When PersonX had abdominal pain, PersonY took him to the doctor. The doctor told _ to help with lifting."} {"input": "Context Word: Boil.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx finally got rid of the boil he contacted from persony even though _ had less care. \nSentence 2: personx finally got rid of the boil he contacted from persony even though _ showed less care."} {"input": "Context Word: formica.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was disappointed to see that PersonY had formica countertops, because _ thought formica was tacky. \nSentence 2: PersonX was disappointed to see that PersonY had formica countertops, but _ thought formica was practical."} {"input": "Context Word: hip hop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated cursing in music while PersonY loved it; _ disliked rap and hip hop. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated cursing in music while PersonY loved it; _ enjoyed rap and hip hop."} {"input": "Context Word: hip hop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked disco music while PersonY enjoyed hip hop music. _ went to the record store and bought a Bee Gees single. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked disco music while PersonY enjoyed hip hop music. _ went to the record store and bought an LL Cool J single."} {"input": "Context Word: hip hop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to listen to hip hop music but PersonY thought it was terrible. _ put in a cd by Run DMC. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to listen to hip hop music but PersonY thought it was terrible. _ put in a cd by Led Zeppelin."} {"input": "Context Word: hip hop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought hip hop was damaging to youths, but PersonY disagreed. _ thought the cursing was excessive. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought hip hop was damaging to youths, but PersonY disagreed. _ thought the cursing was okay."} {"input": "Context Word: maple candy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought an extra suitcase for souvenirs from Canada while PersonY packed light; _ was bringing home maple candy. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought an extra suitcase for souvenirs from Canada while PersonY packed light; _ didn't like maple candy."} {"input": "Context Word: American.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY could travel freely about the country because _ is an American. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY could travel freely about the country because _ is not an American."} {"input": "Context Word: insomnia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had terrible insomnia and asked PersonY for suggestions, because _ had never experienced this before. \nSentence 2: PersonX had terrible insomnia and asked PersonY for suggestions, because _ had years of insomnia experience."} {"input": "Context Word: insomnia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated working night shifts but PersonY preferred them. _ had never suffered from insomnia. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated working night shifts but PersonY preferred them. _ had always suffered from insomnia."} {"input": "Context Word: plate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drop the plate on the next to PersonY, but _ refused to pick it up. \nSentence 2: PersonX drop the plate on the next to PersonY, but _ decide to pick it up."} {"input": "Context Word: plate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to collect plates with pretty flowers on them while PersonY did not. _ bought a new plate. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to collect plates with pretty flowers on them while PersonY did not. _ didn't buy a new plate."} {"input": "Context Word: plate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the presentation part of the chef contest over PersonY , as _ beautifully garnished the plate . \nSentence 2: PersonX won the presentation part of the chef contest over PersonY , as _ blandly garnished the plate ."} {"input": "Context Word: Child.", "output": "Sentence 1: The child threw the ball to PersonX but PersonY intercepted the ball. _ wanted the ball. \nSentence 2: The child threw the ball to PersonX but PersonY intercepted the ball. _ now had the ball."} {"input": "Context Word: windshield.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to clean their windshield but not PersonY because _ had a car for transportation. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to clean their windshield but not PersonY because _ had a bike for transportation."} {"input": "Context Word: windshield.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since the baseball broke PersonX's windshield but missed PersonY's car altogether, _ could not believe their awful luck. \nSentence 2: Since the baseball broke PersonX's windshield but missed PersonY's car altogether, _ could not believe their amazing luck."} {"input": "Context Word: Sibling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had numerous siblings in their family but PersonY had none. _ was used to sharing everything they had as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX had numerous siblings in their family but PersonY had none. _ wasn't used to sharing everything they had as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: flirting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always flirting with men according to PersonY, but really _ is just sexy in general. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always flirting with men according to PersonY, but really _ is just jealous in general."} {"input": "Context Word: bubble gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chews a lot of bubble gum but PersonY rarely chews any, therefore _ has to go to the dentist a few times a year for cavities. \nSentence 2: PersonX chews a lot of bubble gum but PersonY rarely chews any, therefore _ has to go to the dentist a few times a decade for cavities."} {"input": "Context Word: Fresh Mango Juice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he knows how to make fresh mango juice, because _ had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he knows how to make fresh mango juice, but _ had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: Toast.", "output": "Sentence 1: To eat his toast, PersonX had to borrow butter from PersonY because _ was all out of it. \nSentence 2: To eat his toast, PersonX had to borrow butter from PersonY because _ had a ton of it."} {"input": "Context Word: rat bite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go to the hospital to treat the rat bite, but PersonY insisted they didn't have to. _ was a believer in modern medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go to the hospital to treat the rat bite, but PersonY insisted they didn't have to. _ was a believer in natural medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: great hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having great hair is one of the attributes PersonX admires about PersonY, _ admires things about many people. \nSentence 2: Having great hair is one of the attributes PersonX admires about PersonY, _ is admired by many people."} {"input": "Context Word: olives.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go the tapas bar but PersonY disagreed. _ loved eating fancy breads and olives. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go the tapas bar but PersonY disagreed. _ didn't care for fancy breads and olives."} {"input": "Context Word: together.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to leave the party early but not PersonY because _ had come together with a driver who was ready to leave. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to leave the party early but not PersonY because _ had not come together with a driver who was ready to leave."} {"input": "Context Word: secretly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not tell PersonY that she secretly had a crush on the teacher because _ was embarrassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not tell PersonY that she secretly had a crush on the teacher because _ was judgemental."} {"input": "Context Word: guns.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not believe in owning guns, while PersonY does, so _ has no guns. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not believe in owning guns, while PersonY does, so _ has lots of guns."} {"input": "Context Word: guns.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX seems to think owning guns is somehow necessary whereas PersonY knows that is not the case in a civilized society since _ is stupid. \nSentence 2: PersonX seems to think owning guns is somehow necessary whereas PersonY knows that is not the case in a civilized society since _ is intelligent."} {"input": "Context Word: Watering Can.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx has a bigger Watering Can than persony has but _ has a smaller garden. \nSentence 2: personx has a bigger Watering Can than persony has but _ has a bigger garden."} {"input": "Context Word: marble.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX dropped his purple marble, PersonY laughed, so mother gave _ a sympathetic look. \nSentence 2: When PersonX dropped his purple marble, PersonY laughed, so mother gave _ an angry look."} {"input": "Context Word: foreshadowing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX totally missed all the movie's foreshadowing, but PersonY noticed it, because _ is clueless. \nSentence 2: PersonX totally missed all the movie's foreshadowing, but PersonY noticed it, because _ is attentive."} {"input": "Context Word: passengers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Driving passengers to the store was fine for PersonX but not for PersonY, because _ had a van. \nSentence 2: Driving passengers to the store was fine for PersonX but not for PersonY, because _ had a bicycle."} {"input": "Context Word: enlarged.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an enlarged lump on their neck and went to see PersonY, because _ was freaking out. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an enlarged lump on their neck and went to see PersonY, because _ was a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: caption.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a great wildlife caption while PersonY wrote a really bad photo caption. _ wrote a wildlife caption. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a great wildlife caption while PersonY wrote a really bad photo caption. _ wrote a photo caption."} {"input": "Context Word: braided.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has longer hair than PersonY so the hair of _ was able to be braided. \nSentence 2: PersonX had shorter hair than PersonY so the hair of _ was able to be braided."} {"input": "Context Word: catch.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX 's new boyfriend seemed like a catch, PersonY objected, since _ tended to have poor judgement in mates. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX 's new boyfriend seemed like a catch, PersonY objected, since _ tended to have good judgement in mates."} {"input": "Context Word: catch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had a hard time trying to catch the ball unlike PersonY, because _ was clumsy. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had a hard time trying to catch the ball unlike PersonY, because _ was coordinated."} {"input": "Context Word: catch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw the ball for PersonY to catch, so _ was no longer holding the ball. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw the ball for PersonY to catch, so _ was now holding the ball."} {"input": "Context Word: catch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by PersonY, then _ threw the Frisbee back. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by PersonY, then _ was thrown the Frisbee back."} {"input": "Context Word: went on a date on a budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went on a date on a budget and PersonY did not because _ was trying to save for a new car. \nSentence 2: PersonX went on a date on a budget and PersonY did not because _ had already paid for a new car."} {"input": "Context Word: facial hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought having facial hair was a sexy look but PersonY didn't, so _ admired the bearded hipster. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought having facial hair was a sexy look but PersonY didn't, so _ derided the bearded hipster."} {"input": "Context Word: data.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accused PersonY of copying their experiment data because _ said they had the same results. \nSentence 2: PersonX accused PersonY of copying their experiment data but _ said they had different results."} {"input": "Context Word: data.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't back up there data on a regular basis but PersonY did, so _ was lost when their computer crashed. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't back up there data on a regular basis but PersonY did, so _ was fine when their computer crashed."} {"input": "Context Word: data.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed gathering data for the project unlike PersonY because _ was analytical with numbers. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed gathering data for the project unlike PersonY because _ was witless with numbers."} {"input": "Context Word: data.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a better secretary than PersonY because _ is more efficient when working with data. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a better secretary than PersonY because _ isn't efficient when working with data."} {"input": "Context Word: data.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is conducting a data analysis for a PersonY, because _ is really good it. \nSentence 2: PersonX is conducting a data analysis for a PersonY, because _ knows nothing about t."} {"input": "Context Word: data.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tended to defer to PersonY when it came to handling data at work. _ was not good at analysis. \nSentence 2: PersonX tended to defer to PersonY when it came to handling data at work. _ was very good at analysis."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a talking parrot from PersonY's pet store, because _ was wanting a parrot. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a talking parrot from PersonY's pet store , because _ was selling a parrot."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a parrot that could speak but not PersonY because _ often spoke to it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a parrot that could speak but not PersonY because _ often ignored it."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is painting a picture of a parrot for PersonY, because _ likes making homemade presents. \nSentence 2: PersonX is painting a picture of a parrot for PersonY, because _ likes getting homemade presents."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned an African Grey Parrot, while PersonY owned a cat, because _ was allergic to fur. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned an African Grey Parrot, while PersonY owned a cat, because _ was allergic to feathers."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owns a pretty parrot, while PersonY does not due to _ thinking that they are wonderful. \nSentence 2: PersonX owns a pretty parrot, while PersonY does not due to _ thinking that they are annoying."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a budgie but PersonY wanted a parrot. _ didn't want a pet that could talk back. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a budgie but PersonY wanted a parrot. _ always wanted a pet that could talk back."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the zoo and asked PersonY were the parrots were, because _ was lost. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the zoo and asked PersonY were the parrots were, because _ was an employee."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's parrot eats a lot less food than the one that PersonY owns because _ 's is smaller. \nSentence 2: PersonX's parrot eats a lot less food than the one that PersonY owns because _ 's is bigger."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's parrot liked to call people bad names, and it hurt PersonY's feelings. _ thought it was funny. \nSentence 2: PersonX's parrot liked to call people bad names, and it hurt PersonY's feelings. _ thought it was immature."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: Teaching the parrot to speak is more easy for PersonX than PersonY because _ has more patience. \nSentence 2: Teaching the parrot to speak is more easy for PersonX than PersonY because _ has less patience."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: The parrot in PersonX's house experienced more happiness than the one at PersonY's house because _ protected the bird. \nSentence 2: The parrot in PersonX's house experienced more happiness than the one at PersonY's house because _ neglected the bird."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: The parrot of PersonX is looking unhealthy, while the one of PersonY looks fine, so _ feeds his a terrible diet. \nSentence 2: The parrot of PersonX is looking unhealthy, while the one of PersonY looks fine, so _ feeds his a proper diet."} {"input": "Context Word: parrot.", "output": "Sentence 1: When discussing a what new pet to get, PersonX was shocked PersonY wanted a parrot because _ found them annoying. \nSentence 2: When discussing a what new pet to get, PersonX was shocked PersonY didn't want a parrot because _ found them annoying."} {"input": "Context Word: algae.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX swam in the pond for longer than PersonY because _ thought the algae was okay. \nSentence 2: PersonX swam in the pond for longer than PersonY because _ thought the algae was gross."} {"input": "Context Word: babysit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Extra money is made by PersonX when they babysit the kids of PersonY. _ is the teenager. \nSentence 2: Extra money is made by PersonX when they babysit the kids of PersonY. _ is the parent."} {"input": "Context Word: babysit.", "output": "Sentence 1: The children wanted PersonX to babysit instead of PersonY because _ always brought treats along. \nSentence 2: The children wanted PersonX to babysit instead of PersonY because _ never brought treats along."} {"input": "Context Word: grudges.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX remained very angry while PersonY tried to make amends because _ always held grudges. \nSentence 2: PersonX remained very angry while PersonY tried to make amends because _ never held grudges."} {"input": "Context Word: edible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew the plant was not edible while PersonY did not, so _ did not eat the plant and get food poisoning. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew the plant was not edible while PersonY did not, so _ ate the plant and got food poisoning."} {"input": "Context Word: drums.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to mess around with PersonY's new set of drums which led _ to get beat up. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to mess around with PersonY's new set of drums which led _ to get fired up."} {"input": "Context Word: drums.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to practice the drums every morning before PersonY drove her to school, because _ was an early bird. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to practice the drums every morning before PersonY drove her to school, but _ did not appreciate it."} {"input": "Context Word: drums.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to play the drums in PersonY's band so _ auditioned for the band. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to play the drums in PersonY's band so _ invited him to audition for the band."} {"input": "Context Word: drums.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was great at playing the drums but not PersonY. _ had taken years of lessons to play drums. \nSentence 2: PersonX was great at playing the drums but not PersonY. _ had taken years of lessons to play guitar."} {"input": "Context Word: drums.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was desperate to learn how to play the drums from PersonY and _ was excited when they said yes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was desperate to learn how to play the drums from PersonY and _ was flattered and said yes."} {"input": "Context Word: Prague.", "output": "Sentence 1: The trip to Prague was frustrating for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ didn't speak the language there. \nSentence 2: The trip to Prague was frustrating for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ spoke the language there."} {"input": "Context Word: orchid.", "output": "Sentence 1: Orchids are the favorite flowers of PersonX but not PersonY because _ grew up around them as a child. \nSentence 2: Orchids are the worst flowers of PersonX but not PersonY because _ grew up around them as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: orchid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pinned the orchid flower to PersonY 's lapel, thus _ showed her love to her. \nSentence 2: PersonX pinned the orchid flower to PersonY 's lapel, thus _ saw her love to her."} {"input": "Context Word: femme fatale.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is considered a femme fatale, while PersonY is not because _ is super attractive. \nSentence 2: PersonX is considered a femme fatale, while PersonY is not because _ is not attractive."} {"input": "Context Word: gold medal.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX won a gold medal PersonY was thrilled because _ had never won a gold medal before. \nSentence 2: When PersonX won a gold medal PersonY was jealous because _ had never won a gold medal before."} {"input": "Context Word: intelligence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does better on Jeopardy than PersonY was able to do, so _ 's intelligence level is higher. \nSentence 2: PersonX does better on Jeopardy than PersonY was able to do, so _ 's intelligence level is lower."} {"input": "Context Word: intelligence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to increase her intelligence so she demands extra hours from her tutor PersonY, because _ wants to improve. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to increase her intelligence so she demands extra hours from her tutor PersonY, so _ agreed to help."} {"input": "Context Word: unconscious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fine after the game, but PersonY was unconscious, because _ was missed by the pitch thrown at him. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fine after the game, but PersonY was unconscious, because _ was struck by the pitch thrown at him."} {"input": "Context Word: lockpick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got help from PersonY using a lockpick when _ was locked out of her apartment. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY help to use a lockpick when _ was locked out of her apartment."} {"input": "Context Word: honeysuckle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if honeysuckle tasted good or bad, because _ had never tried it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if honeysuckle tasted good or bad, but _ had never tried it."} {"input": "Context Word: mornings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hating mornings but PersonY loved them, so _ was always miserable when the sun came up. \nSentence 2: PersonX hating mornings but PersonY loved them, so _ was always delighted when the sun went up."} {"input": "Context Word: MRI.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a MRI from PersonY, so _ called the doctor to schedule an appointment to get the procedure set up. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a MRI from PersonY, so _ was called by patient to schedule an appointment to get the procedure set up."} {"input": "Context Word: MRI.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor has ordered PersonX to have an MRI, while PersonY doesn't need one, so _ is more likely to be sickly. \nSentence 2: The doctor has ordered PersonX to have an MRI, while PersonY doesn't need one, so _ is more likely to be healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: distillery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is able to pour a beer better than PersonY because _ previously worked at a distillery. \nSentence 2: PersonX is able to pour a beer better than PersonY because _ has never worked at a distillery."} {"input": "Context Word: cupcakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX devoured three chocolate cupcakes but PersonY refused to eat any because _ was not on a diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX devoured three chocolate cupcakes but PersonY refused to eat any because _ was on a diet."} {"input": "Context Word: cupcakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a batch of chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles to PersonY, because _ was feeling particularly generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a batch of chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles to PersonY, because _ was feeling particularly hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: cupcakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered a salad while PersonY ordered cupcakes because _ was trying to lose weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered a salad while PersonY ordered cupcakes because _ was trying them for a party."} {"input": "Context Word: cupcakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cupcakes were baked by PersonX and given to PersonY , although _ wanted to keep them herself. \nSentence 2: The cupcakes were baked by PersonX and given to PersonY , although _ wanted to avoid them herself."} {"input": "Context Word: libido.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in better shape than PersonY so _ didn't have to worry about having a good libido. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in better shape than PersonY so _ had to worry about having a good libido."} {"input": "Context Word: libido.", "output": "Sentence 1: The libido of PersonX is low right now, but PersonY's is raging. _ has been under a lot of pressure. \nSentence 2: The libido of PersonX is low right now, but PersonY's is raging. _ has been under a lot of women."} {"input": "Context Word: luster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a mild luster to his head while PersonY did not because _ was bald. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a mild luster to his head while PersonY did not because _ wasn't bald."} {"input": "Context Word: Music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX like rap music while PersonY really dug heavy metal music. _ bought a Snoop Dogg record. \nSentence 2: PersonX like rap music while PersonY really dug heavy metal music. _ bought a Slayer record."} {"input": "Context Word: Music.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx sings more melodious music than persony used to sing even though _ sings less often. \nSentence 2: Personx sings more melodious music than persony used to sing even though _ sings more often."} {"input": "Context Word: cut rhizome.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could cut rhizome better than PersonY because _ was Asian and knew how to make wasabi. \nSentence 2: PersonX could cut rhizome better than PersonY because _ was American and didn't know how to make wasabi."} {"input": "Context Word: broke up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recently broke up with her boyfriend and PersonY comforts her, because _ needs comforting. \nSentence 2: PersonX recently broke up with her boyfriend and PersonY comforts her, because _ is a good friend."} {"input": "Context Word: planning.", "output": "Sentence 1: After years of planning, PersonX managed to ruin the business owned by PersonY, and _ finally got their revenge. \nSentence 2: After years of planning, PersonX managed to ruin the business owned by PersonY, and _ totally lost their livelihood."} {"input": "Context Word: planning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was busy planning the wedding and honeymoon as PersonY was sleeping, as _ was excited. \nSentence 2: PersonX was busy planning the wedding and honeymoon as PersonY was sleeping, as _ was tired."} {"input": "Context Word: planning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more interested in planning his vacation than PersonY because _ had always wanted to travel. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more interested in planning his vacation than PersonY because _ had never wanted to travel."} {"input": "Context Word: planning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Planning was PersonX's specialty, while PersonY was good at picking locks, so _ wrote the plan down. \nSentence 2: Planning was PersonX's specialty, while PersonY was good at picking locks, so _ carried the plan out."} {"input": "Context Word: beneficiary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was named beneficiary of the life insurance policy instead of PersonY because _ had all of the grandchildren. \nSentence 2: PersonX was named beneficiary of the life insurance policy instead of PersonY because _ had none of the grandchildren."} {"input": "Context Word: stone patio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked cleaning the stone patio but not PersonY because _ is efficient at cleaning. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked cleaning the stone patio but not PersonY because _ is inefficient at cleaning."} {"input": "Context Word: biotechnology.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had an interest in biotechnology, her school counselor PersonY recommended she major in biology in college. _ applied to several colleges with good biology programs. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had an interest in biotechnology, her school counselor PersonY recommended she major in biology in college. _ recommended several colleges with good biology programs."} {"input": "Context Word: broken finger.", "output": "Sentence 1: A broken finger is nothing to play with PersonX told PersonY, _ has learned from making a lot of mistakes. \nSentence 2: A broken finger is nothing to play with PersonX told PersonY, _ has a lot to learned from making a lot of mistakes."} {"input": "Context Word: Panic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY would panic if they lost their child at the mall. So _ bought a safety harness for the child to feel more secure. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that PersonY would panic if they lost their child at the mall. _ liked the safety harness for the child and felt more secure."} {"input": "Context Word: Locket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found PersonY's gold locket on the ground, so _ was thanked for returning it. \nSentence 2: PersonX found PersonY's gold locket on the ground, so _ was thankful it was returned."} {"input": "Context Word: irritates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX irritates PersonY every single time they open their mouth, because _ is incredibly abrasive. \nSentence 2: PersonX irritates PersonY every single time they open their mouth, because _ is incredibly touchy."} {"input": "Context Word: warmer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt a lot colder than PersonY, who was warmer, because _ was close to the air conditioner. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt a lot colder than PersonY, who was warmer, because _ was close to the heater."} {"input": "Context Word: fat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Both were fat, but PersonX was not committed to living healthier while PersonY was, so _ will probably gain weight in the future. \nSentence 2: Both were fat, but PersonX was not committed to living healthier while PersonY was, so _ will probably lose weight in the future."} {"input": "Context Word: fat.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was ironic that PersonX mocked PersonY for being fat, since it was _ who was the chubby one. \nSentence 2: It was ironic that PersonX mocked PersonY for being fat, since it was _ who was the slender one."} {"input": "Context Word: fat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Junk food was a favorite of PersonX but not PersonY which is why _ was quite fat. \nSentence 2: Junk food was a favorite of PersonX but not PersonY which is why _ was not fat."} {"input": "Context Word: fat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a personal trainer, PersonY is not therefore to exercise to get rid of fat you should ask _ about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a personal trainer, PersonY is not therefore to exercise to get rid of fat you should not ask _ about it."} {"input": "Context Word: fat.", "output": "Sentence 1: There is more fat on PersonX's body when compared to PersonY as a result of _ being a couch potato. \nSentence 2: There is more fat on PersonX's body when compared to PersonY as a result of _ being a professional cyclist."} {"input": "Context Word: protect your home.", "output": "Sentence 1: A class called protect your home instructed by PersonX and attended by PersonY, _ is a teacher in the class. \nSentence 2: A class called protect your home is being instructed by PersonX and attended by PersonY, _ is a student in the class."} {"input": "Context Word: decide.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't decide what to do about the problems with PersonY, because _ was being indecisive. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't decide what to do about the problems with PersonY, because _ was being disobedient."} {"input": "Context Word: work out.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked worse than PersonY did because _ always skipped going to the gym to work out. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked better than PersonY did because _ always skipped going to the gym to work out."} {"input": "Context Word: freedom.", "output": "Sentence 1: With tough times ahead, PersonX will struggle in dealing with people's requests while PersonY will be more of a pleaser beacuse _ values freedom over everything. \nSentence 2: With tough times ahead, PersonX will struggle in dealing with people's requests while PersonY will be more of a pleaser beacuse _ values community over freedom."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX beat PersonY in the last round of the card game, _ dealt the cards out for the next round. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX lost to PersonY in the last round of the card game, _ dealt the cards out for the next round."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY played a game of pai sho and _ won because they knew the rules and tricks. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY played a game of pai sho and _ won because they didn't know the rules and tricks."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a video game for PersonY because _ knew it was their birthday the day after tomorrow. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a video game for PersonY because _ had a birthday the day after tomorrow."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a professional gambler, PersonY never gambles therefore _ would give better instructions on how to play the game of poker. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a professional gambler, PersonY never gambles therefore _ would not be able to give instructions on how to play the game of poker."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to cheat when he played board games with PersonY, which always made _ happy when he won. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to cheat when he played board games with PersonY, which always made _ angry when he won."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost to PersonY in a game of chess, and _ was quite poor at planning ahead. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost to PersonY in a game of chess, and _ was quite good at planning ahead."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved word games but PersonY never played them, so _ invited people over to play games often. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved word games but PersonY never played them, so _ never invited people over to play these games."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX new how to play the game very well unlike PersonY, because _ has played before. \nSentence 2: PersonX new how to play the game very well unlike PersonY, because _ has no interest in it."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played the game a lot better than PersonY because _ had played many times before. \nSentence 2: PersonX played the game a lot worse than PersonY because _ had played many times before."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried talking timid PersonY into trying to play a console game together but _ is an expert. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried talking timid PersonY into trying to play a console game together but _ is intimidated."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to play video game while PersonY wanted to play soccer, so _ spent the day indoors. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to play video game while PersonY wanted to play soccer, so _ spent the day outdoors."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the Scrabble Tournament game, PersonY has never played therefore _ can best answer questions about the rules. \nSentence 2: PersonX won the Scrabble Tournament game, PersonY has never played therefore _ cannot best answer questions about the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled and threw their game controller at PersonY after losing, because _ was a sore loser. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled and threw their game controller at PersonY after losing, because _ was a better player."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ plays video games because PersonX has a lot of free time while PersonY has to work all the time. \nSentence 2: So _ ignores video games because PersonX has a lot of free time while PersonY has to work all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was playing video games because PersonX like playing video games and PersonY don't. \nSentence 2: So _ was ignoring video games because PersonX like playing video games and PersonY don't."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: The game on television was very important for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was into sports. \nSentence 2: The game on television was very important for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was into music instead."} {"input": "Context Word: game.", "output": "Sentence 1: The game was a favorite of PersonX, but PersonY didn't like it at all, so _ insisted they play it. \nSentence 2: The game was a favorite of PersonX, but PersonY didn't like it at all, so _ refused to play it."} {"input": "Context Word: trooper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is given a warning by the trooper, but PersonY gets a ticket, so _ was likely more polite. \nSentence 2: PersonX is given a warning by the trooper, but PersonY gets a ticket, so _ was likely more rude."} {"input": "Context Word: demonstrate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to demonstrate the procedure better than PersonY because _ had received professional training. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to demonstrate the procedure better than PersonY because _ hadn't received any professional training."} {"input": "Context Word: talking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a more considerate than PersonY in their relationship, _ had difficulty talking about their problems. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a more considerate than PersonY in their relationship, _ had ease talking about their problems."} {"input": "Context Word: talking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get a raise while PersonY was not because _ was more assertive when talking to the boss. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get a raise while PersonY was not because _ was more timid when talking to the boss."} {"input": "Context Word: talking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was yelling at PersonY while they were talking, which made it easy to hear _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was yelling at PersonY while they were talking, which made it hard to hear _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: talking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Talking to many different people at parties suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was an extrovert. \nSentence 2: Talking to many different people at parties suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was an introvert."} {"input": "Context Word: chop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can't chop vegetables nearly as fast as PersonY can although _ is a chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX can't chop vegetables nearly as fast as PersonY can because _ is a chef."} {"input": "Context Word: chop.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to chopping, PersonX is much quicker than PersonY because _ is a cook. \nSentence 2: When it comes to chopping, PersonX is much slower than PersonY because _ is a cook."} {"input": "Context Word: arm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brushed PersonY's hair for her, because _ was helping a friend with a broken arm. \nSentence 2: PersonX brushed PersonY's hair for her, since _ was a friend with a broken arm."} {"input": "Context Word: arm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to twist PersonY 's arm to get her to do the work, as _ was so insistent about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to twist PersonY 's arm to get her to do the work, as _ was so resistant about it."} {"input": "Context Word: arm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to build his upper arm and asks PersonY if he can show him good exercises, because _ wants to impress his girlfriend. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to build his upper arm and asks PersonY if he can show him good exercises, because _ is a personal coach."} {"input": "Context Word: Graphics Card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to put a new graphics card in his computer and PersonY offered to help, so _ let him. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to put a new graphics card in his computer and PersonY offered to help, but _ did let him."} {"input": "Context Word: doormat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Lately, PersonX had truly been treated like a doormat by PersonY, so _ had to leave. \nSentence 2: Lately, PersonX had truly been treated like a doormat by PersonY, so _ had to change."} {"input": "Context Word: doormat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX routinely treated PersonY like a doormat because _ was a person that did not care. \nSentence 2: PersonX routinely treated PersonY like a doormat, but _ was a person that did not care."} {"input": "Context Word: musical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was taking PersonY to a Broadway musical but _ did not enjoy the music. \nSentence 2: PersonX was taking PersonY to a Broadway musical because _ had always enjoyed the music."} {"input": "Context Word: musical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to a musical with their parents but PersonY went to a basketball game, and _ loved listening to the songs. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to a musical with their parents but PersonY went to a basketball game, and _ loved watching the game."} {"input": "Context Word: skirts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wears skirts more frequently than PersonY does because _ likes to show off her legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX wears skirts more frequently than PersonY does because _ hates to show off her legs."} {"input": "Context Word: Broken Jaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had a broken jaw when fighting with persony but _ threw most of the punches. \nSentence 2: personx had a broken jaw when fighting with persony because _ threw most of the punches."} {"input": "Context Word: skull.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a smaller head than PersonY because _ was born with a smaller skull. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a smaller head than PersonY because _ was born with a larger skull."} {"input": "Context Word: neglect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had childhood emotional neglect growing up while PersonY had a normal childhood. _ is disturbed. \nSentence 2: PersonX had childhood emotional neglect growing up while PersonY had a normal childhood. _ is adjusted."} {"input": "Context Word: saxophone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY a saxophone because _ wanted to give the gift of music to his daughter. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a saxophone from PersonY because _ wanted to give the gift of music to his daughter."} {"input": "Context Word: saxophone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX plugged their ears any time PersonY played the saxophone, because _ was sensitive to loud noises. \nSentence 2: PersonX plugged their ears any time PersonY played the saxophone, because _ made loud screeching noise."} {"input": "Context Word: crystals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had numerous different crystals to use when they got sick but PersonY had none because _ believed crystals had healing powers. \nSentence 2: PersonX had numerous different crystals to use when they got sick but PersonY had none because _ did not believe crystals had healing powers."} {"input": "Context Word: crystals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX listened as PersonY explained the properties of several crystals in the shop, and then _ bought one. \nSentence 2: PersonX listened as PersonY explained the properties of several crystals in the shop, and then _ sold one."} {"input": "Context Word: crystals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less impressed with the crystals than PersonY, because _ was seeing the crystals for the tenth time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less impressed with the crystals than PersonY, because _ was seeing the crystals for the first time."} {"input": "Context Word: crystals.", "output": "Sentence 1: The rock store of PersonX was more successful than PersonY's because _ had better crystals in stock. \nSentence 2: The rock store of PersonX was more successful than PersonY's because _ had worse crystals in stock."} {"input": "Context Word: remote.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gives PersonY the remote control, although _ is better at picking what to watch. \nSentence 2: PersonX gives PersonY the remote control, because _ is better at picking what to watch."} {"input": "Context Word: remote.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the remote from PersonY because _ wanted to change the channel and watch a different tv show. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the remote to PersonY because _ wanted to change the channel and watch a different tv show."} {"input": "Context Word: sadness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more prone to sadness than PersonY because _ had a lot of severe mood swings. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more prone to sadness than PersonY because _ did not have severe mood swings."} {"input": "Context Word: describe.", "output": "Sentence 1: Never has PersonX heard someone like PersonY describe in detail the looks of another person , _ is a investigator. \nSentence 2: Never has PersonX heard someone like PersonY describe in detail the looks of another person , _ is a witness."} {"input": "Context Word: describe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was a good witness for the state because _ was able to vividly describe what took place. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was a good witness for the state because _ was unable to vividly describe what took place."} {"input": "Context Word: tan.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being bronze and tan was what PersonX aspired to but not PersonY because _ enjoyed being in the sun. \nSentence 2: Being bronze and tan was what PersonX aspired to but not PersonY because _ enjoyed being in the snow."} {"input": "Context Word: tan.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX than PersonY to tan because _ had a job where they worked outside. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX than PersonY to tan because _ had a job where they worked inside."} {"input": "Context Word: tan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a nice tan at the beach but PersonY got a sunburn because _ used a good sunscreen. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a nice tan at the beach but PersonY got a sunburn because _ didn't use sunscreen."} {"input": "Context Word: tan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get a tan more easily than PersonY, and as a result, _ needed to be on the beach fewer hours to tan. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get a tan more easily than PersonY, and as a result, _ needed to be on the beach more hours to tan."} {"input": "Context Word: tan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked on their tan and PersonY didn't, so _ stayed out in the sun all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked on their tan and PersonY didn't, so _ hid from the sun all day."} {"input": "Context Word: wrist pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX requested PersonY pick up a brace for his wrist pain since leaving the house wasn't an option for _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX requested PersonY pick up a brace for his wrist pain although leaving the house wasn't an option for _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: starving.", "output": "Sentence 1: At dinner, PersonX was starving but PersonY was already full, so _ ate the pizza quickly. \nSentence 2: At dinner, PersonX was starving but PersonY was already full, so _ ate the pizza slowly."} {"input": "Context Word: in-laws.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated their new in-laws, but tried to keep it secret from PersonY. Eventually _ told them. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated their new in-laws, but tried to keep it secret from PersonY. Eventually _ found out."} {"input": "Context Word: produce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX purchases a lot less produce at the grocery store unlike PersonY because _ doesn't have a pet rabbit. \nSentence 2: PersonX purchases a lot less produce at the grocery store unlike PersonY because _ has a pet rabbit."} {"input": "Context Word: produce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to produce a high quality score unlike PersonY because _ studied very hard. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to produce a high quality score unlike PersonY because _ studied very lazily."} {"input": "Context Word: instruction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX awaits the instruction given by PersonY they do this five days a week, _ is a employee for the company. \nSentence 2: PersonX awaits the instruction given by PersonY they do this five days a week, _ is a supervisor for the company."} {"input": "Context Word: short story.", "output": "Sentence 1: Creative writing was PersonX's passion, but PersonY struggled to write even a short story. _ had a vivid imagination. \nSentence 2: Creative writing was PersonX's passion, but PersonY struggled to write even a short story. _ had bad imagination."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: Gardening better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ had the patience to watch plants grow. \nSentence 2: Gardening better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ had the impatience to watch plants grow."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to grow lettuce and a variety of other vegetables as _ was an inexperienced gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to grow lettuce and a variety of other vegetables as _ was a professional gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX continued to grow long after PersonY stopped as _ was destined to be very tall. \nSentence 2: PersonX continued to grow long after PersonY stopped as _ was destined to be very small."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got lots of business advice from PersonY because _ was ignorant of how to grow a business. \nSentence 2: PersonX got lots of business advice from PersonY because _ was knowledgeable of how to grow a business."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a green thumb, PersonY does not which is why _ can grow all her own produce. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a green thumb, PersonY does not which is why _ cannot grow all her own produce."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been gardening for 20 years, PersonY has never had a garden so go to _ for advice on how to grow your garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been gardening for 20 years, PersonY has never had a garden so don't go to _ for advice on how to grow your garden."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has grown up to be an amazing individual unlike PersonY because _ had a great upbringing. \nSentence 2: PersonX has grown up to be an amazing individual unlike PersonY because _ had a horrible upbringing."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY grow into a responsible adult, so _ was proud of the evolution. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY grow into a responsible adult, so _ was grateful for the evolution."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved so much watching PersonY grow up to be an adult because _ was their father. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved so much watching PersonY grow up to be an adult because _ was their daughter."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses knowledge and experience to help PersonY grow in life because _ was an adult. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses knowledge and experience to help PersonY grow in life because _ was a child."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to grow a bigger vegetable garden than PersonY because _ is a competitive person. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to grow a bigger vegetable garden than PersonY because _ is a simple person."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to grow carrots and potatoes so they asked PersonY for help because _ had no experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to grow carrots and potatoes so they asked PersonY for help because _ was a farmer."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to grow vegetables in their garden so they consulted PersonY because _ was an expert gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to grow vegetables in their garden so they consulted PersonY because _ a novice gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn about growing vegetables from PersonY, so _ took the other's class. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn about growing vegetables from PersonY, so _ taught the other's class."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an adult while PersonY was young and still had room to grow , so _ gave her her old clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an adult while PersonY was young and still had room to grow , so _ took her old clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hired to help grow PersonY's garden during the summer months because _ was a landscaper. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hired to help grow PersonY's garden during the summer months because _ was a homeowner."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was interested in growing something in the future in PersonY's garden, so _ worked. \nSentence 2: PersonX was interested in growing something in the future in PersonY's garden, and _ watched."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tring to grow a vegetable garden and thinks PersonY has a green thumb. So _ asked her to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tring to grow a vegetable garden and thinks PersonY has a green thumb. _ was glad to help."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unfortunately unable to grow more crops than PersonY since _ was less experienced with farming. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unfortunately unable to grow more crops than PersonY since _ was more experienced with farming."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wished he would grow to be as big as PersonY, because _ was very short. \nSentence 2: PersonX wished he would grow to be as big as PersonY, because _ was very tall."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would outgrow PersonY in a matter of a few mothers even though _ was younger. \nSentence 2: PersonX would outgrow PersonY in a matter of a few mothers even though _ was older."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair continued to grow very long and thick, while PersonY's hair was thin and brittle. This is because _ took many vitamins. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair continued to grow very long and thick, while PersonY's hair was thin and brittle. This is because _ never took vitamins."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was an awful gardener compared to PersonY, _ was unable to grow a nice looking garden. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was an awful gardener compared to PersonY, _ was able to grow a nice looking garden."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor expected PersonX to grow faster than PersonY because _ received better nutrition in their country. \nSentence 2: The doctor expected PersonX to grow faster than PersonY because _ received poorer nutrition in their country."} {"input": "Context Word: grow.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX began to grow faster than PersonY, _ was unable to share her clothes any longer. \nSentence 2: When PersonX began to grow faster than PersonY, _ was unwilling to share her clothes any longer."} {"input": "Context Word: Ram.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the car dealership, PersonX told PersonY to avoid buying a Ram truck because _ had problems with their truck. \nSentence 2: At the car dealership, PersonX told PersonY to buy a Ram truck because _ had no issues with buying the truck."} {"input": "Context Word: making cement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time making cement than PersonY because _ had a stronger body. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time making cement than PersonY because _ was a weaker body."} {"input": "Context Word: enemy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wondered if PersonY thought he was an enemy, but _ was probably being paranoid. \nSentence 2: PersonX wondered if PersonY thought he was an enemy, but _ said he was being crazy."} {"input": "Context Word: moral.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX remembers that getting letters from PersonY was always a moral up lifter, _ remembers friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX remembers that getting letters from PersonY was always a moral up lifter, _ helps out their friends."} {"input": "Context Word: deterioration.", "output": "Sentence 1: After witnessing the deterioration of their mind, PersonX took PersonY to the mental institution so _ could get them help. \nSentence 2: After witnessing the deterioration of their mind, PersonX took PersonY to the mental institution so _ could get better."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the humane society, PersonX got a puppy, and PersonY chose a kitten. This means _ is a dog person. \nSentence 2: At the humane society, PersonX got a puppy, and PersonY chose a kitten. This means _ is a cat person."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: It made sense that PersonX would buy a puppy but that PersonY would not because _ really liked dogs. \nSentence 2: It made sense that PersonX would buy a puppy but that PersonY would not because _ didn't really like dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX adopted a golden retriever puppy from PersonY, and _ was pleased to finally receive a new pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX adopted a golden retriever puppy from PersonY, and _ was pleased to finally give away the pet."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX adopted a puppy for her daughter PersonY's Christmas gift. _ was excited to give her the gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX adopted a puppy for her daughter PersonY's Christmas gift. _ was excited to open the gift."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY both applied to be puppy sitters. _ got many offers because they were experienced with handling animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY both applied to be puppy sitters. _ got no offers because they had no experience with handling animals."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to potty train the puppy, because _ had never learned how to. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to potty train the puppy, but _ had never learned how to."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to buy them a puppy, because _ could not make any friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to buy them a puppy, because _ could not have a pet."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a puppy but not PersonY because _ was entranced with the cute animal. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a puppy but not PersonY because _ was revolted with the cute animal."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided on adopting a young puppy but PersonY didn't because _ didn't mind training a pupply. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided on adopting a young puppy but PersonY didn't because _ didn't want to train a pupply."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to puppy proof their house ahead of the adoption day of PersonY's new puppy. _ put in a lot of hard work to ensure the puppy's safety. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to puppy proof their house ahead of the adoption day of PersonY's new puppy. _ was thankful for the hard work to ensure the puppy's safety."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a brand new puppy for their birthday for _ really loved them. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a brand new puppy for their birthday but _ really loved them."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed PersonY twenty dollars at the cash register, so _ could purchase the collar for the puppy. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed PersonY twenty dollars so at the cash register _ could sell the collar for the puppy."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a white puppy and PersonY has a brown puppy. _ feeds his white puppy oatmeal for breakfast. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a white puppy and PersonY has a brown puppy. _ feeds his brown puppy oatmeal for breakfast."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a puppy from PersonY and know _ needs help with calming the puppy. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a puppy from PersonY and know _ wants to help with calming the puppy."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just brought home a new puppy and called PersonY to help name him, because _ could never think of unusual names. \nSentence 2: PersonX just brought home a new puppy and called PersonY to help name him, because _ could always think of unusual names."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX left the puppy on the front porch where PersonY lives because _ hates dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX left the puppy on the front porch where PersonY lives because _ loves dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scolded PersonY because _ had to remind him to give water and food to the new puppy in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX thanked PersonY because _ remembered to give water and food to the new puppy in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to tell PersonY they didn't want a puppy for _ was allergic to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to tell PersonY they didn't want a puppy but _ was allergic to them too."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to train their puppy on their own but PersonY hired a pro. _ had a naughty puppy at the dog park. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to train their puppy on their own but PersonY hired a pro. _ had a well-behaved puppy at the dog park."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get a puppy and PersonY did not because _ really loved animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get a puppy and PersonY did not because _ really hated animals."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to look after a puppy but PersonY did not because _ loved animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to look after a puppy but PersonY did not because _ hated animals."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at training the new puppy than PersonY, because _ is a dog trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at training the new puppy than PersonY, because _ is a new dog owner."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The puppy always followed PersonX but avoided PersonY, since _ liked to play and throw the ball. \nSentence 2: The puppy always followed PersonX but avoided PersonY, since _ did not like to play or throw the ball."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The puppy came up to PersonX after running away from PersonY because _ has a calming voice. \nSentence 2: The puppy came up to PersonX after running away from PersonY because _ has a stern voice."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The puppy got water all over PersonX and not PersonY because _ didn't know how to dress properly. \nSentence 2: The puppy got water all over PersonX and not PersonY because _ did know how to dress properly."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The puppy ignored PersonX but was affectionate with PersonY , since _ was a stranger . \nSentence 2: The puppy ignored PersonX but was affectionate with PersonY , since _ was its owner."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The puppy jumped on PersonX but ignored PersonY because _ had a bone in her hand. \nSentence 2: The puppy ignored PersonX but jumped on PersonY because _ had a bone in her hand."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The puppy loved PersonX but avoided PersonY because _ was so kind to it all the time. \nSentence 2: The puppy loved PersonX but avoided PersonY because _ was so mean to it all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The puppy of PersonX was a lot bigger compared to PersonY's because _ puppy was a great dane. \nSentence 2: The puppy of PersonX was a lot smaller compared to PersonY's because _ puppy was a great dane."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The puppy of PersonX was a lot slower than PersonY's puppy because _ had a broken leg. \nSentence 2: The puppy of PersonX was a lot faster than PersonY's puppy because _ had a broken leg."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The puppy was a lot of work that PersonX found rewarding, but not PersonY, as _ was naturally maternal towards animals. \nSentence 2: The puppy was a lot of work that PersonX found rewarding, but not PersonY, as _ was not naturally maternal towards animals."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX hears a puppy cry she runs to PersonY for help, crying puppies is _ weakness. \nSentence 2: When PersonX hears a puppy cry she runs to PersonY for help, crying puppies is _ strong suit."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: While walking through a pet store, PersonX bought PersonY a puppy because _ thought they loved dogs. \nSentence 2: While walking through a pet store, PersonX did not buy PersonY a puppy because _ thought they hated dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: fluffy bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX baked fluffy bread for her dinner date with PersonY. _ loved to bake fresh bread and wanted to impress him. \nSentence 2: PersonX baked fluffy bread for her dinner date with PersonY. _ loved to eat fresh bread and was impressed."} {"input": "Context Word: shaving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was caught shaving his legs unlike PersonY because _ decided to do it in public. \nSentence 2: PersonX was caught shaving his legs unlike PersonY because _ decided to do it in private."} {"input": "Context Word: stay calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: The winter holiday season made it harder for PersonX to stay calm than PersonY as _ had lots of family to get presents for. \nSentence 2: The winter holiday season made it harder for PersonX to stay calm than PersonY as _ has no family to get presents for."} {"input": "Context Word: bags.", "output": "Sentence 1: It took longer for PersonX to carry their groceries from the car than it was for PersonY because _ had more bags. \nSentence 2: It took longer for PersonX to carry their groceries from the car than it was for PersonY although _ had more bags."} {"input": "Context Word: bags.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the way to the airport to drop off PersonX, PersonY realized she forgot _ 's bags. \nSentence 2: On the way to the airport to drop off PersonX, PersonY realized she brought _ 's bags instead."} {"input": "Context Word: chest.", "output": "Sentence 1: Moving the chest of drawers was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ they were very strong. \nSentence 2: Moving the chest of drawers was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ they were not very strong."} {"input": "Context Word: chest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get to talk to PersonY to get something off their chest, so _ vented for hours. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get to talk to PersonY to get something off their chest, so _ was vented to for hours."} {"input": "Context Word: chest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was experiencing sharp pains in his chest so he asked PersonY to call the doctor because _ could not reach the phone. \nSentence 2: PersonX was experiencing sharp pains in his chest so he asked PersonY to call the doctor because _ was closer to the phone."} {"input": "Context Word: chest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the gym less than PersonY so _ could never build up their chest like the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the gym more than PersonY so _ could never build up their chest like the other."} {"input": "Context Word: lose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more in love than PersonY was, and _ was afraid if she should lose her. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more in love than PersonY was, and _ was indifferent if she should lose her."} {"input": "Context Word: Dry Throat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought his dry throat would never go away when PersonY showed up with something to drink, and _ gave it to him. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought his dry throat would never go away when PersonY showed up with something to drink, but didn't _ give it to him."} {"input": "Context Word: train.", "output": "Sentence 1: A conductor on the train PersonX has been for years today PersonY will present them with a award _ is being honored. \nSentence 2: A conductor on the train PersonX has been for years today PersonY will present them with a award, _ is honored to be presenting.."} {"input": "Context Word: train.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the train station, PersonX missed their train, while PersonY caught theirs. _ was always late to everything. \nSentence 2: At the train station, PersonX missed their train, while PersonY caught theirs. _ was always early to everything."} {"input": "Context Word: train.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what time the train from the city was arriving, because _ he couldn't remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what time the train from the city was arriving, but _ he couldn't remember."} {"input": "Context Word: train.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX blamed PersonY for making him miss the train. _ said he talked for too long and made him late. \nSentence 2: PersonX blamed PersonY for making him miss the train. _ said he didn't plan ahead and was always late."} {"input": "Context Word: train.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not catch the train despite running as fast as he could and PersonY waved at him as he joined the train. _ is slow. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not catch the train despite running as fast as he could and PersonY waved at him as he joined the train. _ is fast."} {"input": "Context Word: train.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had trained their falcon to scout the area while PersonY hasn't because _ is dutiful. \nSentence 2: PersonX had trained their falcon to scout the area while PersonY hasn't because _ is remiss."} {"input": "Context Word: train.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY crate train her dogs, because _ was a certified dog trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to help crate train her dogs, because _ was a certified dog trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: train.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to rest while PersonY wanted to train, so _ spent the afternoon napping. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to rest while PersonY wanted to train, so _ spent the afternoon running."} {"input": "Context Word: train.", "output": "Sentence 1: The train took PersonX to PersonY because _ could not drive in the city after dark. \nSentence 2: The train took PersonX to PersonY although _ could not drive in the city after dark."} {"input": "Context Word: fabric.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making clothes was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ was able to find complementary fabric quickly. \nSentence 2: Making clothes was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ was able to find complementary fabric slowly."} {"input": "Context Word: fabric.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always watched which fabric PersonY bought and got the same one, since _ emulated everything she did. \nSentence 2: PersonX always watched which fabric PersonY bought and got the same one, since _ influenced everything she did."} {"input": "Context Word: fabric.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cuts some fabric so PersonY can make some cushions because _ is good with scissors. \nSentence 2: PersonX cuts some fabric so PersonY can make some cushions because _ had made some before."} {"input": "Context Word: fabric.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked arts and crafts more than PersonY but _ didn't know their way around fabric. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked arts and crafts more than PersonY but _ did know their way around fabric."} {"input": "Context Word: fabric.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the bright fabric while PersonY preferred the light fabric, as _ was flashy. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the bright fabric while PersonY preferred the light fabric, as _ was plain."} {"input": "Context Word: fabric.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs to hire someone to take PersonY place at the fabric store, _ has been the manager at the fabric store. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to hire someone to take PersonY place at the fabric store, _ has been fired from the fabric store."} {"input": "Context Word: fabric.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sewed the fabric to make a costume for PersonY, so _ got a nice payday out of the deal. \nSentence 2: PersonX sewed the fabric to make a costume for PersonY, so _ got a nice outfit out of the deal."} {"input": "Context Word: fabric.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fabric PersonX used for the dress was sheer, so PersonY told her to use something else. _ was embarrassed. \nSentence 2: The fabric PersonX used for the dress was sheer, so PersonY told her to use something else. _ was shocked."} {"input": "Context Word: fabric.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fabric used was unliked by PersonX but not PersonY because _ thought it felt rough against the skin. \nSentence 2: The fabric used was unliked by PersonX but not PersonY because _ thought it felt smooth against the skin."} {"input": "Context Word: fishtail braid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help with her with fishtail braids because _ had no idea what she was doing. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help with her with fishtail braids, but _ had no idea what she was doing."} {"input": "Context Word: fishtail braid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the local expert when it came to the fishtail braid said PersonY, _ is experienced when it comes to hair style. \nSentence 2: exPersonX was the local expert when it came to the fishtail braid said PersonY, _ is not a expert when it comes to hair style."} {"input": "Context Word: javelin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX envies PersonY because _ is awarded the Olympic gold medal for throwing a javelin. \nSentence 2: PersonX envies PersonY although _ is awarded the Olympic gold medal for throwing a javelin."} {"input": "Context Word: scars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more scars on his body than PersonY because _ was in a lot of street fights. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more scars on his body than PersonY because _ was in zero street fights."} {"input": "Context Word: scars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more scars on his body than PersonY, as a result of _ having a surgery when he was younger. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more scars on his body than PersonY, as a result of _ having no surgeries when he was younger."} {"input": "Context Word: scars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's surgery scars were prominent when he and PersonY removed their shirts at the pool and _ felt self-conscious. \nSentence 2: PersonX's surgery scars were prominent when he and PersonY removed their shirts at the pool and _ felt embarrassed for him.."} {"input": "Context Word: scars.", "output": "Sentence 1: The scars of PersonX haven't gone away, but PersonY's are disappearing. _ uses an ineffective scar cream. \nSentence 2: The scars of PersonX haven't gone away, but PersonY's are disappearing. _ uses a reliable scar cream."} {"input": "Context Word: scars.", "output": "Sentence 1: The scars on PersonX's chest are worse than PersonY's, as a result of _ being badly injured in the war. \nSentence 2: The scars on PersonX's chest are worse than PersonY's, as a result of _ being barely injured in the war."} {"input": "Context Word: handwritten.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the post office, PersonX sent a handwritten birthday letter to PersonY, and _ was sent a thank you reply the next week. \nSentence 2: While at the post office, PersonX sent a handwritten birthday letter to PersonY, and _ sent back thank you reply the next week."} {"input": "Context Word: Airport security.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a long time to get through airport security but not PersonY because _ luggage was improperly packed. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a long time to get through airport security but not PersonY since _ luggage was properly packed."} {"input": "Context Word: Orchestra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't a proficient percussionist while PersonY was very accomplished. _ was forced to play the triangle for the orchestra. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't a proficient percussionist while PersonY was very accomplished. _ was allowed to play the drum solo for the orchestra."} {"input": "Context Word: corns.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was walking much faster than PersonY at work although _ had corns on their feet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was walking much faster than PersonY at work because _ had corns on their feet."} {"input": "Context Word: swaddle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learns to swaddle PersonY by watching videos online and practicing with a doll, so _ is soon an expert. \nSentence 2: PersonX learns to swaddle PersonY by watching videos online and practicing with a doll, so _ is soon asleep."} {"input": "Context Word: cholesterol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats a healthy diet while PersonY eats a lot of fat, _ doesn't suffer from high cholesterol. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats a healthy diet while PersonY eats a lot of fat, _ suffers from high cholesterol."} {"input": "Context Word: cholesterol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats healthfully all the time but PersonY doesn't because _ is concerned about his cholesterol levels. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats healthfully all the time but PersonY doesn't because _ is not concerned about his cholesterol levels."} {"input": "Context Word: cholesterol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to always watch cholesterol levels unlike PersonY because _ was advised by the doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX never has to watch cholesterol levels unlike PersonY because _ was advised by the doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: cholesterol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is overweight and has high cholesterol unlike PersonY who works out so _ is unhealthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX is overweight and has high cholesterol unlike PersonY who works out so _ is healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: cholesterol.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diet that PersonX is on makes PersonY worry about their friend's cholesterol, because _ is eating a lot of bacon. \nSentence 2: The diet that PersonX is on makes PersonY worry about their friend's cholesterol, because _ doesn't believe in eating a lot of bacon."} {"input": "Context Word: cholesterol.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor told PersonX they had a high cholesterol, but PersonY was healthy. _ ate junk food very regularly. \nSentence 2: The doctor told PersonX they had a high cholesterol, but PersonY was healthy. _ didn't eat junk food very regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: apologize.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to apologize for a mistake than PersonY as _ wasn't afraid to show remorse to others. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to apologize for a mistake than PersonY as _ was afraid to show remorse to others."} {"input": "Context Word: apologize.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants PersonY to apologize for being late to dinner, because _ thinks it's rude to be late. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants PersonY to apologize for being late to dinner, but _ doesn't think it's rude to be late."} {"input": "Context Word: apologize.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the mailman apologized to PersonX, PersonY got rather jealous since _ is rather accepting. \nSentence 2: When the mailman apologized to PersonX, PersonY got rather jealous since _ is rather unaccepting."} {"input": "Context Word: christmas tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to hand him the star to put on top of the christmas tree because _ was on the ladder. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to hand him the star to put on top of the christmas tree because _ was on the floor."} {"input": "Context Word: discomfort.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more discomfort than PersonY because _ had broke his neck last week. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot less discomfort than PersonY because _ had broke his neck last week."} {"input": "Context Word: discomfort.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought twice before expressing his discomfort aloud, PersonY seemed so happy, _ didn't want to spoil that. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought twice before expressing his discomfort aloud, PersonY seemed so happy, _ didn't need to know that."} {"input": "Context Word: state.", "output": "Sentence 1: Managing a business better suited PersonX and not PersonY but _ had a difficult time state want they want. \nSentence 2: Managing a business better suited PersonX and not PersonY but _ had a simple time state want they want."} {"input": "Context Word: state.", "output": "Sentence 1: Moving to a different state is easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ got a new job somewhere else. \nSentence 2: Moving to a different state is harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not get a new job somewhere else."} {"input": "Context Word: state.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX like cold climates while PersonY did not so _ wanted to move to a northern state. \nSentence 2: PersonX like cold climates while PersonY did not so _ wanted to move to a southern state."} {"input": "Context Word: state.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived in the middle of the country while PersonY lived in a state by the coast, which made it difficult for _ to visit the beach frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived in the middle of the country while PersonY lived in a state by the coast, which made it easy for _ to visit the beach frequently."} {"input": "Context Word: problem-solving.", "output": "Sentence 1: In depth mathematical problem-solving suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had an analytical mind. \nSentence 2: In depth mathematical problem-solving suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have an analytical mind."} {"input": "Context Word: Talk.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx always talked more loudly than persony during an argument because _ often get too nervous with his ideas. \nSentence 2: personx always talked more loudly than persony during an argument because _ often get too gentle with his ideas."} {"input": "Context Word: patterns.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drew a bunch of patterns for PersonY to look over and analyze, because _ was an artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX drew a bunch of patterns for PersonY to look over and analyze, because _ was a critic."} {"input": "Context Word: patterns.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked choosing the patterns for dresses but not PersonY because _ had an interest for fashion. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked choosing the patterns for dresses but not PersonY because _ had an aversion for fashion."} {"input": "Context Word: embroider.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to embroider, PersonY did not therefore _ can do embroidery on clothes and other things. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to embroider, PersonY did not therefore _ cannot do embroidery on clothes or other things."} {"input": "Context Word: embroider.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teaching PersonY how to hand embroider pillowcases, because _ was skilled in the art of embroidery. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching PersonY how to hand embroider pillowcases, since _ was untrained in the art of embroidery."} {"input": "Context Word: Starting.", "output": "Sentence 1: Starting things like homework is always tough for PersonX, but PersonY begins right away. Therefore, _ is the procrastinator. \nSentence 2: Starting things like homework is always tough for PersonX, but PersonY begins right away. Therefore, _ is the proactive one."} {"input": "Context Word: steamed rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: Steamed rice is much healthier, so PersonX insisted theyorder that instead of fried rice, even though PersonY disliked it. _ was happy to eat the steamed rice when it arrived. \nSentence 2: Steamed rice is much healthier, so PersonX insisted theyorder that instead of fried rice, even though PersonY disliked it. _ was upset to eat the steamed rice when it arrived."} {"input": "Context Word: curls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has very curly hair, PersonY has very straight hair so _ has lots of curls. \nSentence 2: PersonX has very curly hair, PersonY has very straight hair so _ has no curls."} {"input": "Context Word: curls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked a girl with curls in their hair but PersonY like girls with straight hair. _ asked the curly-haired girl to the prom. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked a girl with curls in their hair but PersonY like girls with straight hair. _ asked the bald girl to the prom."} {"input": "Context Word: curls.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hairstylist was able to brush through the curls of PersonX but not PersonY because _ used plenty of conditioner. \nSentence 2: The hairstylist was able to brush through the curls of PersonX but not PersonY because _ used no conditioner."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having a successful and healthy pregnancy was more likely for PersonX than PersonY, because _ had better access to healthcare. \nSentence 2: Having a successful and healthy pregnancy was less likely for PersonX than PersonY, because _ had better access to healthcare."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave valuable pre-natal advice to PersonY since _ had much experience with coping with pregnancy. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave valuable pre-natal advice to PersonY since _ had no experience with coping with pregnancy."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more difficult time during pregnancy than PersonY did, because _ had some previous health problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time during pregnancy than PersonY did, because _ had some previous health problems."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easy time during their pregnancy but PersonY experienced a lot of nausea. _ enjoyed the experience of being pregnant. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easy time during their pregnancy but PersonY experienced a lot of nausea. _ disliked the experience of being pregnant."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in her third month of the pregnancy and PersonY has never even been pregnant, _ is about to have a baby. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in her third month of the pregnancy and PersonY has never even been pregnant, _ wants to have a baby."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY was trying to avoid pregnancy so _ kept on harping on about contraception and what they should use. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY was trying to avoid pregnancy so _ kept on harping on about contraception and what they shouldn't use."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew pregnancy much better than PersonY , so _ made sure to be present for the birth. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew pregnancy much better than PersonY , so _ made sure to be elsewhere for the birth."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made the bed for PersonY because _ knew their pregnancy made it difficult for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX made the bed for PersonY because _ said their pregnancy made it difficult for them."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted their own baby, but PersonY wanted to adopt. _ thought pregnancy was magical. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted their own baby, but PersonY wanted to adopt. _ thought pregnancy was terrifying."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was 3 months farther along in her pregnancy than PersonY, therefore _ 's belly was rounder. \nSentence 2: PersonX was 3 months farther along in her pregnancy than PersonY, therefore _ 's belly was flatter."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was enjoying their pregnancy whereas PersonY really was not because _ was having an easy time of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was enjoying their pregnancy whereas PersonY really was not because _ was having a hard time of it."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY through their pregnancy because _ remembered how hard the nine months were. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helped by PersonY through their pregnancy because _ remembered how hard the nine months were."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's pregnancy was a lot worse than PersonY's, because _ smoke and drank the whole time. \nSentence 2: PersonX's pregnancy was a lot better than PersonY's, because _ smoke and drank the whole time."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pregnancy of PersonX doesn't go smoothly, but PersonY's is fine. This is because _ has a shady doctor. \nSentence 2: The pregnancy of PersonX doesn't go smoothly, but PersonY's is fine. This is because _ has an amazing doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pregnancy was the responsibility of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ was in a relationship with the woman. \nSentence 2: The pregnancy was the responsibility of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ had never met the woman."} {"input": "Context Word: survive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was able to survive in the wilderness because _ had went camping often as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was able to survive in the wilderness because _ had not gone camping often as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: survive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could survive much better without PersonY since _ was very resourceful in tight situations. \nSentence 2: PersonX could survive much better without PersonY since _ was very wasteful in tight situations."} {"input": "Context Word: survive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being taught to survive in the woods by PersonY. This is because _ is a novice camper. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being taught to survive in the woods by PersonY. This is because _ is an expert camper."} {"input": "Context Word: survive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX managed to survive a serious illness which PersonY did not survive because _ utilised available medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX managed to survive a serious illness which PersonY did not survive because _ shunned available medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: survive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to learn from PersonY how to survive a zombie apocalypse, _ is not very intelligent when it comes to zombies. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to learn from PersonY how to survive a zombie apocalypse, _ is not very smart when it comes to zombies."} {"input": "Context Word: survive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tough and resourceful, PersonY was not there _ was most likely to survive on a deserted island. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tough and resourceful, PersonY was not there _ was least likely to survive on a deserted island."} {"input": "Context Word: survive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to survive the knife attack from PersonY, so _ is now a corpse. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to survive the knife attack from PersonY, so _ is now a killer."} {"input": "Context Word: mechanical.", "output": "Sentence 1: Down town PersonX owns car repair shop run by PersonY, _ is no mechanical genius but she loves listening to radio. \nSentence 2: Down town PersonX owns car repair shop run by PersonY, _ is a mechanical genius and loves listening to radio."} {"input": "Context Word: mechanical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied art history but PersonY studied mechanical engineering. _ didn't get a very high paying job. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied art history but PersonY studied mechanical engineering. _ got a very high paying job."} {"input": "Context Word: mechanical.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working on xlab research hits on mechanical turk was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a lively imagination. \nSentence 2: Working on xlab research hits on mechanical turk was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not have a lively imagination."} {"input": "Context Word: memorable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the impassioned speech by the politician but not PersonY. _ thought it was very memorable. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the impassioned speech by the politician but not PersonY. _ thought it wasn't very memorable."} {"input": "Context Word: memorable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's looks and manner of dress were ordinary, while PersonY's appearance was stunning. _ was rarely memorable. \nSentence 2: PersonX's looks and manner of dress were ordinary, while PersonY's appearance was stunning. _ never failed to be memorable."} {"input": "Context Word: Feng Shui.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a professional interior designer while PersonY was not so _ pulled together a bedroom with great feng shui. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a professional interior designer while PersonY was not so _ pulled together a bedroom with awful feng shui."} {"input": "Context Word: chew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave their hamster wood to chew on to combat excessive growth in teeth but PersonY did not and consequently _ had more problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave their hamster wood to chew on to combat excessive growth in teeth but PersonY did not and consequently _ had less problems."} {"input": "Context Word: spend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY always had a nice sun tan because _ liked to spend hours in the sun everyday. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY always had a nice sun tan because _ did not like to spend hours in the sun everyday."} {"input": "Context Word: annoying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less friends than PersonY did because people found _ to be very annoying. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more friends than PersonY did because people found _ to be very annoying."} {"input": "Context Word: annoying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just loved annoying the heck out of PersonY , so _ tried spending more time with her. \nSentence 2: PersonX just loved annoying the heck out of PersonY , so _ tried spending less time with her."} {"input": "Context Word: annoying.", "output": "Sentence 1: The group was becoming very annoying for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not part of the group. \nSentence 2: The group was becoming very annoying for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a part of the group."} {"input": "Context Word: broom.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using a broom was good for PersonX to clean but not PersonY because _ had hard wood floors. \nSentence 2: Using a broom was good for PersonX to clean but not PersonY because _ had carpeted floors."} {"input": "Context Word: relax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to relax, so PersonY treated her to a trip to the spa. _ spent no money. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to relax, so PersonY treated her to a trip to the spa. _ spent too much money."} {"input": "Context Word: relax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always busy doing something, PersonY was more of a relaxed type. _ couldn't help herself from being on the go. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always busy doing something, PersonY was more of a relaxed type. _ couldn't help himself from being lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: relax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying very hard to relax, but PersonY was banging on his drum set, making _ very irritated. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying very hard to relax, so PersonY stopped banging on his drum set, making _ very irritated."} {"input": "Context Word: relax.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had a place in his yard he used to relax when persony is not at home because _ do not like himself being disturbed. \nSentence 2: personx had a place in his yard he used to relax when persony is not at home because _ do not like him idling out."} {"input": "Context Word: roller.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using the ab roller was beneficial for PersonX but not PersonY because _ lost ten pounds in one month. \nSentence 2: Using the ab roller was beneficial for PersonX but not PersonY because _ gained ten pounds in one month."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX started dating PersonY's former girlfriend, _ tried to down play the new relationship. \nSentence 2: After PersonX started dating PersonY's former girlfriend, _ tried to break up the new relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: Dating is harder for PersonX than it is for PersonY. _ must be the more awkward man. \nSentence 2: Dating is harder for PersonX than it is for PersonY. _ must be the more smooth man."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: Dating was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY, _ as was very shy and reserved around strangers. \nSentence 2: Dating was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY, _ as was very bold and outgoing around strangers."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the night of prom, PersonX wanted to impress PersonY because _ was dating his daughter. \nSentence 2: On the night of prom, PersonX wanted to impress PersonY because _ wanted to see who was dating his daughter."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: People were seriously interested in dating PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was very outgoing. \nSentence 2: People were seriously interested in dating PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was not outgoing."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke up with PersonY after they started dating because _ was not in love with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke up with PersonY after they started dating although _ was still in love with them."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to stop dating PersonY after three dates, because _ was always getting bored. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to stop dating PersonY after three dates, because _ was always being boring."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't find themselves dating as many people as PersonY because _ was a shy person. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't find themselves dating as many people as PersonY because _ was a flirty person."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is relieved to not be dating any longer but not PersonY because _ is a married man. \nSentence 2: PersonX is relieved to not be dating any longer but not PersonY because _ is a single man."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dating in a relationship while PersonY was single, and _ always went out on Friday night. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dating in a relationship while PersonY was single, and _ always stayed home on Friday night."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's life includes dating still, but PersonY doesn't need to do that anymore. That's because _ is single. \nSentence 2: PersonX's life includes dating still, but PersonY doesn't need to do that anymore. That's because _ is married."} {"input": "Context Word: dating.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX started dating PersonY they went to Mexican restaurants because _ could speak Spanish. \nSentence 2: When PersonX started dating PersonY they went to Mexican restaurants because _ could not speak Spanish."} {"input": "Context Word: rabies.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx got rabies from persony dog because _ do not take good care of himself. \nSentence 2: Personx got rabies from persony dog because _ do not take good care of his dog."} {"input": "Context Word: wheelchair.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the war, PersonX is confined to a wheelchair, but PersonY was lucky. So, _ suffered an injury at war. \nSentence 2: After the war, PersonX is confined to a wheelchair, but PersonY was lucky. So, _ avoided an injury at war."} {"input": "Context Word: wheelchair.", "output": "Sentence 1: Maneuvering a wheelchair is easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ has full use of their hands. \nSentence 2: Maneuvering a wheelchair is easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ doesn't have full use of their hands."} {"input": "Context Word: wheelchair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planned ahead to take PersonY to Disney World, because _ knew it would be harder with their wheelchair. \nSentence 2: PersonX planned ahead to take PersonY to Disney World, because it it would be harder with _ 's wheelchair."} {"input": "Context Word: bird watching.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always likes to go bird watching in bird sanctuary with PersonY because _ is a beginner birder. \nSentence 2: PersonX always likes to go bird watching in bird sanctuary with PersonY because _ is a experienced birder."} {"input": "Context Word: Human Resources.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really liked working in Human Resources and PersonY wanted to work at the same company, and _ subsequently offered a position. \nSentence 2: PersonX really liked working in Human Resources and PersonY wanted to work at the same company, and _ subsequently accepted a position."} {"input": "Context Word: Cigar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to smoke a cigar but PersonY like to smoke a cigarette. _ was excited to go to Cuba. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to smoke a cigar but PersonY like to smoke a cigarette. _ wasn't excited to go to Cuba."} {"input": "Context Word: social.", "output": "Sentence 1: In high school, PersonX isn't as social as PersonY is at lunch due to _ being more inhibited. \nSentence 2: In high school, PersonX isn't as social as PersonY is at lunch due to _ being more talkative."} {"input": "Context Word: social.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attends more parties and events than PersonY because _ is a very social person. \nSentence 2: PersonX attends more parties and events than PersonY because _ isn't a very social person."} {"input": "Context Word: social.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often went to social gatherings while PersonY stayed home since _ was very outgoing. \nSentence 2: PersonX often went to social gatherings while PersonY stayed home since _ was very reclusive."} {"input": "Context Word: social.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an introvert, and PersonY was very social, so _ tried to stay away their never ending desire to interact. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an introvert, and PersonY was very social, so _ tried to invade their never ending desire to isolate."} {"input": "Context Word: social.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less social than PersonY because _ enjoyed eating alone at the fancy restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less social than PersonY because _ enjoyed eating with others at the fancy restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: social.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more social at the meeting than PersonY because _ was a confident speaker. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more social at the meeting than PersonY because _ was a shy speaker."} {"input": "Context Word: social.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more social than PersonY, because _ had an extroverted and outgoing type of personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more social than PersonY, because _ did not have an extroverted or outgoing type of personality."} {"input": "Context Word: social.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to a big school graduation party with _ and realized she wasn't as social as PersonY. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to a big school graduation party with _ and realized she was much less social than PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: social.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the social and had a great time while PersonY stayed home, so _ was more social. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the social and had a great time while PersonY stayed home, so _ was more shy."} {"input": "Context Word: social.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was social and PersonY was a recluse, _ liked to go out to lots of parties. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was social and PersonY was a recluse, _ despised going out to lots of parties."} {"input": "Context Word: debate.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX won the debate against PersonY, the judges congratulated _ on the excellent arguments. \nSentence 2: After PersonX lost the debate against PersonY, the judges congratulated _ on the excellent arguments."} {"input": "Context Word: debate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was training for the debate with PersonY when _ lost their voice on the last day before the debate. \nSentence 2: PersonX was training for the debate with PersonY, but _ lost their voice on the last day before the debate."} {"input": "Context Word: celebrations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX supplied delicious foods to all of PersonY's celebrations, because _ was their favorite caterer. \nSentence 2: PersonX supplied delicious foods to all of PersonY's celebrations, because _ was their favorite customer."} {"input": "Context Word: custards.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bakes lemon custards and banana muffins more often than PersonY because _ 's favorite pastime is baking. \nSentence 2: PersonX bakes lemon custards and banana muffins more often than PersonY because _ 's least favorite pastime is baking."} {"input": "Context Word: aliens.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has always believed in aliens, but PersonY has his doubts. That makes _ a believer. \nSentence 2: PersonX has always believed in aliens, but PersonY has his doubts. That makes _ a skeptic."} {"input": "Context Word: cheer squad.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cheerleading suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had talent and made the cheer squad. \nSentence 2: Cheerleading suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't have talent and make the cheer squad."} {"input": "Context Word: stacked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stacked the books in the wrong place unlike PersonY, because the manager told _ differently. \nSentence 2: PersonX stacked the books in the right place unlike PersonY, because the manager told _ differently."} {"input": "Context Word: bowling alley.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a blast at the bowling alley while PersonY will never go back because _ is a great bowler. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a blast at the bowling alley while PersonY will never go back because _ is a lousy bowler."} {"input": "Context Word: bait.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bait PersonX was using wasn't as good as that of PersonY because _ is a novice fisherman. \nSentence 2: The bait PersonX was using wasn't as good as that of PersonY because _ is a pro fisherman."} {"input": "Context Word: milkshake.", "output": "Sentence 1: A really good treat for PersonX is a milkshake, but PersonY can't have them. _ can tolerate lactose. \nSentence 2: A really good treat for PersonX is a milkshake, but PersonY can't have them. _ is lactose intolerant."} {"input": "Context Word: milkshake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get a milkshake but PersonY didn't want one. _ had a sweet tooth. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get a milkshake but PersonY didn't want one. _ had a lactose intolerance."} {"input": "Context Word: long.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX booed again and again at PersonY because _ didn\u2019t believe the long story at all. \nSentence 2: PersonX sighed over and over at PersonY because _ didn\u2019t believe the long story at all."} {"input": "Context Word: long.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has long legs and PersonY does not so _ finds it very much easier to reach high shelves. \nSentence 2: PersonX has long legs and PersonY does not so _ finds it very much harder to reach high shelves."} {"input": "Context Word: edema.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX diagnosed PersonY with pulmonary edema and _ spent the day answering questions about treatment. \nSentence 2: PersonX diagnosed PersonY with pulmonary edema and _ spent the day asking questions about treatment."} {"input": "Context Word: wage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed the job more than PersonY, since _ had gone far longer without earning a wage. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed the job more than PersonY, since _ had not gone that long without earning a wage."} {"input": "Context Word: forest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go for a walk in the forest but PersonY liked to walk on the beach. _ took a vacation in the Appalachian Mountains. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go for a walk in the forest but PersonY liked to walk on the beach. _ took a vacation in the Florida Keys."} {"input": "Context Word: forest.", "output": "Sentence 1: When in the forest PersonX got lost quickly but PersonY did not because _ had a very good sense of direction. \nSentence 2: When in the forest PersonX got lost quickly but PersonY did not because _ had a very poor sense of direction."} {"input": "Context Word: casting a net far.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better than PersonY at casting a net far because _ would go fishing as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better than PersonY at casting a net far because _ would go swimming as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: 4x100 relay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY were running a 4x100 relay race when _ handed the baton off and collapsed. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY were running a 4x100 relay race when _ handed the baton off and took off."} {"input": "Context Word: wrestling.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the school, PersonX but not PersonY won the big wrestling tournament because _ practiced hard. \nSentence 2: At the school, PersonX but not PersonY won the big wrestling tournament because _ was unprepared."} {"input": "Context Word: wrestling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is beaten by PersonY in the big wrestling match. _ is now feeling heartbroken. \nSentence 2: PersonX is beaten by PersonY in the big wrestling match. _ is now feeling ecstatic."} {"input": "Context Word: wrestling.", "output": "Sentence 1: While wrestling with each other, PersonX ended up on top of PersonY. _ felt proud. \nSentence 2: While wrestling with each other, PersonX ended up on top of PersonY. _ felt ashamed."} {"input": "Context Word: wrestling.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wrestling as a professional suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very physically fit and had large muscles. \nSentence 2: Wrestling as a professional suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not very physically fit and had little muscles."} {"input": "Context Word: Workplace.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the workplace, PersonX was much more productive than PersonY, so _ received a raise. \nSentence 2: At the workplace, PersonX was much more productive than PersonY, so _ was eventually demoted."} {"input": "Context Word: thesis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to come up with a thesis subject while PersonY gets to relax because _ is the only one enrolled in college. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to come up with a thesis subject while PersonY gets to relax because _ is the only one not enrolled in college."} {"input": "Context Word: Fireball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how to create a fireball in the Street Fighter videogame by copying PersonY 's finger motions because _ was a newbie at the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned how to create a fireball in the Street Fighter videogame by copying PersonY 's finger motions because _ was a pro at the game."} {"input": "Context Word: HIV.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY HIV which made _ feel really bad about their infidelty earlier in the marriage. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY HIV which made _ feel really bad about being chated on earlier in the marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: HIV.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was diagnosed by PersonY with HIV so _ spent the day asking questions about treatment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was diagnosed by PersonY with HIV so _ spent the day answering questions about treatment."} {"input": "Context Word: procure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a loan officer, PersonY is a gardener due to that _ is better at helping to procure a loan. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a loan officer, PersonY is a gardener due to that _ is not better at helping to procure a loan."} {"input": "Context Word: grateful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more grateful for their gift than PersonY was for theirs because _ had gotten much more. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more grateful for their gift than PersonY was for theirs because _ had gotten much less."} {"input": "Context Word: grateful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more grateful for the gifts than PersonY because _ sent out thank you notes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more grateful for the gifts than PersonY because _ didn't send out thank you notes."} {"input": "Context Word: Shoe.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx picked the best quality of shoe for persony celebration and _ do not regret it. \nSentence 2: personx picked the best quality of shoe for persony celebration and _ do not appreciate it."} {"input": "Context Word: Shoe.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx threw a suede shoe at persony because _ could not find his last cookie from the tray. \nSentence 2: personx threw a suede shoe at persony because _ stole his last cookie from the tray."} {"input": "Context Word: pistol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was likely to go to jail because _ was caught with a pistol during the traffic stop. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was likely to go to jail because _ was not caught with a pistol during the traffic stop."} {"input": "Context Word: pistol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to go to the hospital for a gunshot wound but not PersonY because _ was careless with their pistol. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to go to the hospital for a gunshot wound but not PersonY because _ was careful with their pistol."} {"input": "Context Word: motorcycle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to enter the motorcycle race, but PersonY was not, because _ had passed their driver's license test. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to enter the motorcycle race, but PersonY was not, because _ had failed their driver's license test."} {"input": "Context Word: motorcycle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was crossing the road when he was hit by PersonY's motorcycle because _ had been jaywalking. \nSentence 2: PersonX was crossing the road when he was hit by PersonY's motorcycle because _ had been speeding."} {"input": "Context Word: motorcycle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went zooming down PersonY's street way too fast on his motorcycle, causing _ great excitement. \nSentence 2: PersonX went zooming down PersonY's street way too fast on his motorcycle, causing _ great annoyance."} {"input": "Context Word: purifier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed an air purifier in their home but not PersonY because _ lived in a town with toxic air. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed an air purifier in their home but not PersonY because _ lived in a town with clean air."} {"input": "Context Word: stories.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always telling stories to PersonY, which made _ feel like an important storyteller. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always telling stories to PersonY, which made _ feel like an important listener."} {"input": "Context Word: stories.", "output": "Sentence 1: Telling stories was something PersonX was quite skilled at compared to PersonY, so _ decided to coach him. \nSentence 2: Telling stories was something PersonX was quite novice at compared to PersonY, so _ decided to coach him."} {"input": "Context Word: stories.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stories that are written by PersonX feel more real than PersonY's because _ writes based on true stories. \nSentence 2: The stories that are written by PersonX feel more real than PersonY's because _ writes based on fake stories."} {"input": "Context Word: anemia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was told by PersonY that they had anemia so _ spent time asking questions to the other about supplements. \nSentence 2: PersonX was told by PersonY that they had anemia so _ spent time answering questions to the other about supplements."} {"input": "Context Word: historical fiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY with writing his historical fiction book because _ was more experienced in the field. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY with writing his historical fiction book because _ was less experienced in the field."} {"input": "Context Word: saving money to move out.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was saving money to move out and PersonY wasn't because _ wanted to get an apartment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was saving money to move out and PersonY wasn't because _ already had an apartment."} {"input": "Context Word: knives.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to work with sharp knives but PersonY was not because _ was very careful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to work with sharp knives but PersonY was not because _ was very careless."} {"input": "Context Word: calories.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how many calories were in the chicken salad, because _ had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how many calories were in the chicken salad, but _ had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: calories.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX burned fewer calories than PersonY because _ jumped rope for an hour less per day. \nSentence 2: PersonX burned fewer calories than PersonY because _ jumped rope for an hour longer per day."} {"input": "Context Word: calories.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX burned less calories than PersonY through the day because _ exercised much more harder. \nSentence 2: PersonX burned more calories than PersonY through the day although _ exercised much more harder."} {"input": "Context Word: calories.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX counted all the calories they ate but PersonY didn't. _ was trim and fit. \nSentence 2: PersonX counted all the calories they ate but PersonY didn't. _ wasn't trim and fit."} {"input": "Context Word: calories.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started counting calories so she could lose weight. PersonY saw her success, so _ shared her favorite calorie counting apps. \nSentence 2: PersonX started counting calories so she could lose weight. PersonY saw her success, so _ asked for her favorite calorie counting apps."} {"input": "Context Word: calories.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dieting and asked PersonY to hlep count calories because _ did not know how to do that. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dieting and asked PersonY to hlep count calories and _ agreed to do that."} {"input": "Context Word: calories.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried that PersonY was becoming obsessed with counting calories. _ said it wasn't healthy to limit food so much. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried that PersonY was becoming obsessed with counting calories. _ said it was just fine to limit food so much."} {"input": "Context Word: key.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX locked himself out of the house unlike PersonY because _ didn't have a spare key. \nSentence 2: PersonX locked himself out of the house unlike PersonY because _ had a spare key."} {"input": "Context Word: key.", "output": "Sentence 1: The key to the city was given to PersonX and not PersonY because _ had done more for the place. \nSentence 2: The key to the city was given to PersonX and not PersonY because _ had done less for the place."} {"input": "Context Word: fold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always used to fold the newspaper after reading whereas PersonY just put it down as _ was very meticulous. \nSentence 2: PersonX always used to fold the newspaper after reading whereas PersonY just put it down as _ was very careless."} {"input": "Context Word: stranded.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got stranded along the side of the road, and PersonY helped them, so _ was thankful. \nSentence 2: PersonX got stranded along the side of the road, and PersonY helped them, so _ was kind."} {"input": "Context Word: sage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX though sage was a good tasting herb but PersonY didn't, so _ made some sage stuffing for Thanksgiving. \nSentence 2: PersonX though sage was a good tasting herb but PersonY didn't, so _ made some crab stuffing for Thanksgiving."} {"input": "Context Word: afro.", "output": "Sentence 1: The afro was straight for PersonX and curly for PersonY because _ used more gel. \nSentence 2: The afro was curly for PersonX and straight for PersonY because _ used more gel."} {"input": "Context Word: Pancakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gobbled down the pancakes that PersonY had prepared in the kitchen because _ was so hungry. \nSentence 2: PersonX gobbled down the pancakes that PersonY had prepared in the kitchen because _ was so skilled."} {"input": "Context Word: defeat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a hard time accepting defeat, while PersonY does so gracefully. _ has poor sportsmanship. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a hard time accepting defeat, while PersonY does so gracefully. _ has proper sportsmanship."} {"input": "Context Word: Guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could really shred on the guitar but PersonY wasn't so hot. _ had taken many lessons. \nSentence 2: PersonX could really shred on the guitar but PersonY wasn't so hot. _ hadn't taken many lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: Guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to play guitar as a young person while PersonY was taught to play flute. _ joined a rock band when they grew up. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to play guitar as a young person while PersonY was taught to play flute. _ joined a symphony orchestra when they grew up."} {"input": "Context Word: Guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better than PersonY at the guitar, so _ chose to give guitar lessons. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better than PersonY at the guitar, so _ chose to receive guitar lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: fence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX climbed over the fence to see if PersonY was there, but didn't see her. _ was sad. \nSentence 2: PersonX climbed over the fence to see if PersonY was there, but didn't see her. _ was inside."} {"input": "Context Word: Diapers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Changing the diapers really irritated PersonX. He asked PersonY to do it, as _ was a seasoned parent. \nSentence 2: Changing the diapers really irritated PersonX. He asked PersonY to do it, as _ was a novice parent."} {"input": "Context Word: curly hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had brown curly hair but PersonY was bald, so _ spent a lot of money on hair care products. \nSentence 2: PersonX had brown curly hair but PersonY was bald, so _ saved a lot of money on hair care products."} {"input": "Context Word: wetlands.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wetlands were more appealing to PersonX than to PersonY , since _ appreciated nature. \nSentence 2: The wetlands were more appealing to PersonX than to PersonY , since _ despised nature."} {"input": "Context Word: roasted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did a great job and roasted PersonY at the comedy club, because _ was a comedian. \nSentence 2: PersonX did a great job and roasted PersonY at the comedy club, because _ was a target."} {"input": "Context Word: roasted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a good cook, PersonY is not _ will make a roasted goose for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a good cook, PersonY is not _ will not make a roasted goose for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: woman.", "output": "Sentence 1: It is harder for personX than personY to spot a Russian woman because _ had never seen one before. \nSentence 2: It is easier for personX than personY to spot a Russian woman because _ had never seen one before."} {"input": "Context Word: woman.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was telling PersonY about the woman in her group and _ said that they should come join. \nSentence 2: PersonX was telling PersonY about the woman in her group and _ asked if they should come join."} {"input": "Context Word: woman.", "output": "Sentence 1: The woman fell in love with PersonX, not PersonY because _ was a handsome person. \nSentence 2: The woman fell in love with PersonX, not PersonY because _ was an ugly person."} {"input": "Context Word: low tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the tea room, PersonX ordered low tea and PersonY brought it out, it was too hot so _ sent it back. \nSentence 2: At the tea room, PersonX ordered low tea and PersonY brought it out, it was too hot so _ took it back."} {"input": "Context Word: containment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to keep their happiness for PersonY team in containment, _ is happy for the group. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to keep their happiness for PersonY team in containment, _ is happy part of the group."} {"input": "Context Word: dream.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always dreams throughout the day unlike PersonY, because _ loses focus on what he is doing easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX always dreams throughout the day unlike PersonY, because _ always focuses on what he is doing."} {"input": "Context Word: dream.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a dream that their friend, PersonY, would be in a car accident after work. _ was concerned and tried to reach his friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a dream that their friend, PersonY, would be in a car accident after work. _ was busy and didn't know tried to reach them."} {"input": "Context Word: dream.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY it was her dream to go to the opera, so _ received opera tickets for her birthday. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY it was her dream to go to the opera, so _ gave her opera tickets for her birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: dream.", "output": "Sentence 1: Strange dreams plagued PersonX every night but not PersonY. _ had to visit a psychiatrist to talk. \nSentence 2: Strange dreams plagued PersonX every night but not PersonY. _ didn't have to visit a psychiatrist to talk."} {"input": "Context Word: dream.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dream PersonX had about PersonY scared him, so _ tried to think about something else. \nSentence 2: The dream PersonX had about PersonY scared him, so _ tried to make him think about something else."} {"input": "Context Word: dream.", "output": "Sentence 1: The soothsayer said PersonX had more fantastical dreams than PersonY because _ had a more vivid imagination. \nSentence 2: The soothsayer said PersonX had more fantastical dreams than PersonY because _ had a less vivid imagination."} {"input": "Context Word: forward.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help PersonY move forward after the breakup because _ wanted them to be happy again. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to help PersonY move forward after the breakup but _ would never be happy again."} {"input": "Context Word: planting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not planting the crops unlike PersonY because the weather by _ was disastrous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not planting the crops unlike PersonY because the weather by _ was clear."} {"input": "Context Word: planting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's job is currently planting beautiful flowers in PersonY's garden, so _ is the gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX's job is currently planting beautiful flowers in PersonY's garden, so _ is the property owner."} {"input": "Context Word: planting.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to planting tulips, PersonX has a lot less success than PersonY. That's because _ is an amateur gardener. \nSentence 2: When it comes to planting tulips, PersonX has a lot less success than PersonY. That's because _ is a pro gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: ambidextrous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really wanted to learn from PersonY because _ was ambidextrous but not so great at sports. \nSentence 2: PersonX really wanted to learn from PersonY because _ was ambidextrous and great at sports."} {"input": "Context Word: express.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to express their feelings in a more productive manner, but _ was actually the one being petty. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to express their feelings in a more productive manner, but _ was actually the one being reasonable."} {"input": "Context Word: express.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to choose express shipping while PersonY did not, so _ got her order first. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to choose express shipping while PersonY did not, so _ got her order last."} {"input": "Context Word: snow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to borrow a snow shovel, because _ she need to shovel her driveway. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to borrow a snow shovel, because _ already shoveld her driveway."} {"input": "Context Word: snow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is nervous to drive in the snow to visit PersonY, because _ just moved from Florida. \nSentence 2: PersonX is nervous to drive in the snow to visit PersonY, but _ needed help moving."} {"input": "Context Word: snow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to play in the snow but PersonY does not. _ heads out in the snowstorm to go sledding. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to play in the snow but PersonY does not. _ heads out in the snowstorm to go to work."} {"input": "Context Word: snow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was watching TV while PersonY played in the snow outside, because _ hates the cold weather. \nSentence 2: PersonX was watching TV while PersonY played in the snow outside, because _ loves the cold weather."} {"input": "Context Word: snow.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing in the snow was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ grew up in the east coast. \nSentence 2: Playing in the snow was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ grew up in the west coast."} {"input": "Context Word: snow.", "output": "Sentence 1: The snow came down so much that PersonX had to go plow PersonYs driveway because _ agreed to take care of his neighbors. \nSentence 2: The snow came down so much that PersonX had to go plow PersonYs driveway because _ needed the help of his neighbors."} {"input": "Context Word: snow.", "output": "Sentence 1: The snow was a huge inconvenience for PersonX but PersonY liked it very much, because _ was sensitive to cold temperatures. \nSentence 2: The snow was a huge inconvenience for PersonX but PersonY liked it very much, because _ loved cold temperatures."} {"input": "Context Word: snow.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it is about to snow PersonX gets very excited but PersonY hates the snow, _ is going to play in the snow. \nSentence 2: When it is about to snow PersonX gets very excited but PersonY hates the snow, _ is going to stay in the from snow."} {"input": "Context Word: poop.", "output": "Sentence 1: After giving birth, PersonX changed more diapers than PersonY because _ knew how to clean up the poop. \nSentence 2: After giving birth, PersonX changed more diapers than PersonY because _ forgot how to clean up the poop."} {"input": "Context Word: poop.", "output": "Sentence 1: The job went to PersonX over PersonY because _ had much more experience at cleaning up animal poop . \nSentence 2: The job went to PersonX over PersonY because _ had much less experience at cleaning up animal poop ."} {"input": "Context Word: bridesmaid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to be their bridesmaid at their upcoming wedding, because _ was unmarried. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to be their bridesmaid at their upcoming wedding, because _ was getting married."} {"input": "Context Word: grin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shot PersonY a flirty grin from across the room; _ was trying to be seductive. \nSentence 2: PersonX shot PersonY a flirty grin from across the room; _ was trying to avoid it."} {"input": "Context Word: belly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a bigger belly than PersonY because _ has an unhealthy relationship with food. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a bigger belly than PersonY because _ has a healthy relationship with food."} {"input": "Context Word: belly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to eat potato chips but not PersonY so _ had a very flabby belly. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to eat potato chips but not PersonY so _ had a very flat belly."} {"input": "Context Word: belly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought tuna belly was very tasty but PersonY did not. _ ordered the fatty tuna roll at the sushi bar. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought tuna belly was very tasty but PersonY did not. _ ordered the barbecue eel roll at the sushi bar."} {"input": "Context Word: belly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked out more than PersonY so _ was surprised when the other lost their belly faster. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked out more than PersonY so _ was surprised when the other lost their belly slower."} {"input": "Context Word: belly.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx received instructions from persony while burning his belly fat but _ did not see any progress in weeks. \nSentence 2: personx received instructions from persony while burning his belly fat but _ did not charge any money in weeks."} {"input": "Context Word: hit by a car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laughed when PersonY was hit by a car, so the bystanders became angry with _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX laughed when PersonY was hit by a car, so the bystanders had sympathy for _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making soap was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had access to all the ingredients. \nSentence 2: Making soap was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have access to all the ingredients."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX agreed to buy soap for PersonY while at the store, and _ was paid back the following day for the errand. \nSentence 2: PersonX agreed to buy soap for PersonY while at the store, and _ paid them back the following day for the errand."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought the shea butter soap as a gift for PersonY which made _ feel generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought the shea butter soap as a gift for PersonY which made _ feel grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX carefully pours the soap into the mold while PersonY steadies the mold, but _ ends up spilling the soap. \nSentence 2: PersonX carefully pours the soap into the mold while PersonY steadies the mold, but _ ends up shaking the mold."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not like the smell of PersonY's new soap because _ disliked musky smells. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not like the smell of PersonY's new soap but _ liked musky smells."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more soap in their bath than PersonY because _ used a sudsier soap. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less soap in their bath than PersonY although _ used a sudsier soap."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated the smell of that soap compared to PersonY, because _ had bad memories from that smell. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated the smell of that soap compared to PersonY, because _ had good memories from that smell."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed some new soap so they asked PersonY if they had any and _ was happy to receive help. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed some new soap so they asked PersonY if they had any and _ was happy to give help."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to use soap, but PersonY used it everyday, which led to _ being filthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to use soap, but PersonY used it everyday, which led to _ being clean."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX reminded PersonY not to drop the soap in the prison shower. _ was mostly joking and its not a big deal. \nSentence 2: PersonX reminded PersonY not to drop the soap in the prison shower. _ didn't know he was mostly joking and its not a big deal."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses soap twice a day but PersonY does not because _ is keen on personal hygiene. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses soap twice a day but PersonY does not because _ is indifferent to personal hygiene."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was flithy and asked PersonY for a bar of soap. _ was really happy to get clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX was flithy and asked PersonY for a bar of soap. _ was really sad to not help get clean."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX washed their hands with soap but not PersonY because _ was fearful of bacteria. \nSentence 2: PersonX washed their hands with soap but not PersonY because _ was unafraid of bacteria."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog ran away from PersonX and stopped at PersonY because _ had soap for the dog to take a bath. \nSentence 2: The dog ran up to PersonX and away from PersonY because _ had soap for the dog to take a bath."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: The soap in the bathroom bothered PersonX's skin, so PersonY replaced it with a different kind. _ felt grateful. \nSentence 2: The soap in the bathroom bothered PersonX's skin, so PersonY replaced it with a different kind. _ felt guilty."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: The soap of PersonX works a lot worse than the one that PersonY uses, so _ 's soap is likely cheaper. \nSentence 2: The soap of PersonX works a lot worse than the one that PersonY uses, so _ 's soap is likely stronger."} {"input": "Context Word: soap.", "output": "Sentence 1: The soap that PersonX uses costs much less than PersonY's. This is due to _ liking cheap brands. \nSentence 2: The soap that PersonX uses costs much less than PersonY's. This is due to _ liking luxury brands."} {"input": "Context Word: 20 pounds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gained 20 pounds last year while PersonY gained 2, because _ ate higher calories food. \nSentence 2: PersonX gained 20 pounds last year while PersonY gained 2, because _ ate lower calories food."} {"input": "Context Word: Sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always liked to go to sleep early unlike PersonY because _ was a morning person. \nSentence 2: PersonX always liked to go to sleep early unlike PersonY because _ was a night person."} {"input": "Context Word: Sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to sleep through PersonY 's lecture at the college campus. _ was bored. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to sleep through PersonY 's lecture at the college campus. _ was boring."} {"input": "Context Word: Sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easy time falling asleep every night while PersonY suffered from insomnia. _ was always tired during the work day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easy time falling asleep every night while PersonY suffered from insomnia. _ was always energetic during the work day."} {"input": "Context Word: grade.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the eighth grade, PersonX had flirted with PersonY's boyfriend, and now _ was sorry for doing that many years ago. \nSentence 2: In the eight grade, PersonX had flirted with PersonY's boyfriend, and now _ was angry for doing that many years ago."} {"input": "Context Word: grade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to tutor his daughter so she could get a better grade in French because _ didn't understand the language. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to tutor his daughter so she could get a better grade in French because _ spoke the language."} {"input": "Context Word: Evict.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to evict PersonY from the apartment right away, so _ mailed an eviction notice. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to evict PersonY from the apartment right away, so _ was given an eviction notice."} {"input": "Context Word: World War II.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed learning about World War II and PersonY did not. _ check out a book on World War II. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed learning about World War II and PersonY did not. _ check out a book on flowers."} {"input": "Context Word: mushroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX assisted in helping PersonY cook the ingredients together so _ helped with gathering the mushrooms needed. \nSentence 2: PersonX assisted in helping PersonY cook the ingredients together so _ ordered what were the mushrooms needed."} {"input": "Context Word: mushroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found more mushrooms when foraging than PersonY because _ had a keener sense of smell. \nSentence 2: PersonX found more mushrooms when foraging than PersonY because _ had a duller sense of smell."} {"input": "Context Word: mushroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go mushroom hunting, but not PersonY, as _ 's favorite food was wild morel mushrooms. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go mushroom hunting, but not PersonY, as _ 's least favorite food was wild morel mushrooms."} {"input": "Context Word: mushroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY about mushroom picking because _ was knowledgeable about which ones were edible. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY about mushroom picking because _ was ignorant about which ones were edible."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: After tasting both dishes, the judge decided that PersonX's rice was better than PersonY's because _ used the right amount of seasoning. \nSentence 2: After tasting both dishes, the judge decided that PersonX's rice was better than PersonY's because _ used the wrong amount of seasoning."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX is a better cook than PersonY, _ made bad sticky rice at the putlock. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX is a worse cook than PersonY, _ made bad sticky rice at the putlock."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a great deal of rice but PersonY did not because _ was trying to increase their carb consumption. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a great deal of rice but PersonY did not because _ was trying to decrease their carb consumption."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked sticky white rice for PersonY, and _ was thanked for making such delicate rice. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked sticky white rice for PersonY, and _ thanked them for making such delicate rice."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had white rice as a side with dinner while PersonY had vegetables. _ follows a high carb diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX had white rice as a side with dinner while PersonY had vegetables. _ follows a low carb diet."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to eat spicy rice, but PersonY likes bland rice because _ is hispanic. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to eat spicy rice, but PersonY likes bland rice because _ is white."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put the water on to boil like PersonY asked because _ wanted to help make the rice. \nSentence 2: PersonX put the water on to boil like PersonY asked because _ wanted some help to make the rice."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really good with chopsticks but PersonY not so much. _ could pick up a grain of rice with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really good with chopsticks but PersonY not so much. _ was unable to pick up a grain of rice with them."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the supermarket and bought some rice while PersonY bought pasta, since _ was making stir-fry. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the supermarket and bought some rice while PersonY bought pasta, since _ was making spaghetti."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dishes are often served with white rice, while PersonY uses tortillas on his platters a lot. Therefore, _ probably makes Chinese food a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dishes are often served with white rice, while PersonY uses tortillas on his platters a lot. Therefore, _ probably makes Mexican food a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's rice is not as tasty as PersonY's is due to _ being new to cooking. \nSentence 2: PersonX's rice is not as tasty as PersonY's is due to _ being used to cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ enjoys eating white rice because PersonX likes Chinese cuisine and PersonY thinks they're disgusting. \nSentence 2: So _ despise eating white rice because PersonX likes Chinese cuisine and PersonY thinks they're disgusting."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: The rice of PersonX tastes a lot better than that of PersonY because _ is a professional cook. \nSentence 2: The rice of PersonX tastes a lot better than that of PersonY because _ is a new cook."} {"input": "Context Word: rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX dropped the rice cakes, PersonY sighed, so _ now brings them out less. \nSentence 2: When PersonX dropped the rice cakes, PersonY sighed, so _ now brings them out more."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: A loan is taken out by PersonX from PersonY, so _ is the one in financial need. \nSentence 2: A loan is taken out by PersonX from PersonY, so _ is the one in a good financial position."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY both hoped to get a government business loan. _ 's application was approved because he had a solid business plan. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY both hoped to get a government business loan. _ 's application was denied because he did not have a solid business plan."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she had ever applied for a bank loan, because _ she couldn't remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she had ever applied for a bank loan, but _ she couldn't remember."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they could loan him some money because _ was short on cash. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they could loan him some money, so _ lent him cash."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to cosign for a new car loan because _ has bad credit. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to cosign for a new car loan because _ has excellent credit."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for a small loan from PersonY because _ had no money left over. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for a small loan from PersonY because _ had much money left over."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was able to buy a new car because _ got a loan from the bank. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was able to buy a new car because _ could not get a loan from the bank."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a large loan to pay off their debt because _ was a good person. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a large loan to pay off their debt because _ was in a lot of debt."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had trouble paying off their loan unlike PersonY because _ was a habitual gambler. \nSentence 2: PersonX had trouble paying off their loan unlike PersonY because _ was an infrequent gambler."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took out a loan from PersonY's bank; when he couldn't repay it, _ was embarrassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX took out a loan from PersonY's bank; when he couldn't repay it, _ was disappointed."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get a car payment reduction without a refinanced loan unlike PersonY because _ had a better credit score. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get a car payment reduction without a refinanced loan unlike PersonY because _ had a worse credit score."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was approved for the loan whereas PersonY was not as _ had a very good credit history. \nSentence 2: PersonX was approved for the loan whereas PersonY was not as _ had a very poor credit history."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not approved for a loan and PersonY was because _ has really horrible credit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not approved for a loan and PersonY was because _ has really great credit."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: The home loan that PersonX was seeking has been approved by PersonY, so _ is the home buyer. \nSentence 2: The home loan that PersonX was seeking has been approved by PersonY, so _ is the loan officer."} {"input": "Context Word: loan.", "output": "Sentence 1: The loan officer didn't offer a loan to PersonX unlike PersonY because _ had horrible credit. \nSentence 2: The loan officer didn't offer a loan to PersonX unlike PersonY because _ had fantastic credit."} {"input": "Context Word: gender.", "output": "Sentence 1: Knowing the gender of the fetus was important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't want to be surprised. \nSentence 2: Knowing the gender of the fetus was important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ wanted to be surprised."} {"input": "Context Word: storms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a fear of storms so PersonY tried to find ways to help. Nothing seemed to help _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX had a fear of storms so PersonY tried to find ways to help. Nothing _ did seemed to help."} {"input": "Context Word: Michigan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew up in Michigan while PersonY grew up in southern Florida, so _ was used to cold weather. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew up in Michigan while PersonY grew up in southern Florida, so _ was used to hot weather."} {"input": "Context Word: Michigan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to see the state of Michigan but PersonY liked Florida better. _ took a road trip to Detroit. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to see the state of Michigan but PersonY liked Florida better. _ took a road trip to Orlando."} {"input": "Context Word: Michigan.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx wanted to relocate to Michigan without persony because _ had a new job in Michigan. \nSentence 2: personx wanted to relocate to Michigan without persony because _ had a new family in the city."} {"input": "Context Word: sex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really didn't want to have sex even though PersonY wanted to very much. _ rebuffed the sexual advance. \nSentence 2: PersonX really didn't want to have sex even though PersonY wanted to very much. _ welcomed the sexual advance."} {"input": "Context Word: sex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed sex a lot but PersonY did not. _ had a lot of lovers. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed sex a lot but PersonY did not. _ had a lot of cats."} {"input": "Context Word: kickboxing.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to kickboxing, PersonX has his skull crushed in by PersonY because _ is untalented. \nSentence 2: When it comes to kickboxing, PersonX has his skull crushed in by PersonY because _ is a champion."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: Creating a website was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ knew how to use computers. \nSentence 2: Creating a website was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ didn't know how to use computers."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was simple for PersonX to build a website but not PersonY, as _ was fluent in HTML and Javascript. \nSentence 2: It was simple for PersonX to build a website but not PersonY, as _ was inexperienced in HTML and Javascript."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX built a better website for the contest than PersonY because _ is a better programmer. \nSentence 2: PersonX built a better website for the contest than PersonY even though _ is a better programmer."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not use the website to register their car but PersonY did because _ was internet ignorant. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not use the website to register their car but PersonY did because _ was internet savvy."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had deisgned a website for PersonY to help promote a business. _ wanted more guidance on content for the website. \nSentence 2: PersonX had deisgned a website for PersonY to help promote a business. _ wanted to provide more guidance on content for the website."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more visitors to their website than PersonY because _ had paid advertising for their site. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less visitors to their website than PersonY although _ had paid advertising for their site."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to build them a website since _ had no experience with web design and html. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to build them a website since _ had a lot of experience with web design and html."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to check out PersonY's physical fitness website because _ had to get into shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to check out PersonY's physical fitness website because _ knew how to get into shape."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to hire PersonY to build the website _ needed . \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to hire PersonY to build the website because _ knew how."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ visited the website because PersonX needed some information that PersonY didn't need and that's why. \nSentence 2: So _ ignored the website because PersonX needed some information that PersonY didn't need and that's why."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: The website PersonX designed was great, but PersonY designed a better one. _ felt jealous. \nSentence 2: The website PersonX designed was great, but PersonY designed a better one. _ felt proud."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: The website designed by PersonX looked very professional but PersonY's website looked shoddy, since _ had a degree in website design. \nSentence 2: The website designed by PersonX looked very professional but PersonY's website looked shoddy, since _ did not have a degree in website design."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: The website designer donated time a page to PersonX and not to PersonY because _ ran a charity. \nSentence 2: The website designer donated time a page to PersonX and not to PersonY because _ ran a business."} {"input": "Context Word: website.", "output": "Sentence 1: The website for PersonX's company is being developed by PersonY, so _ is the business owner. \nSentence 2: The website for PersonX's company is being developed by PersonY, so _ is the website programmer."} {"input": "Context Word: circus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is thrilled to go to the circus but not PersonY because _ loves to see the clowns. \nSentence 2: PersonX is thrilled to go to the circus but not PersonY since _ hates to see the clowns."} {"input": "Context Word: circus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of clowns but PersonY loved the circus, so _ missed the circus every year. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of clowns but PersonY loved the circus, so _ attended the circus every year."} {"input": "Context Word: partition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX campaigned to have a partition between two different ethnic communities but PersonY did not because _ was prejudiced. \nSentence 2: PersonX campaigned to have a partition between two different ethnic communities but PersonY did not because _ was open-minded."} {"input": "Context Word: tower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to run for cover because _ noticed the tower was about to collapse. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to run for cover because _ could not see the tower was about to collapse."} {"input": "Context Word: tower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a big person and towered over PersonY when they stood side by side. _ was taller. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a big person and towered over PersonY when they stood side by side. _ was shorter."} {"input": "Context Word: dependent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a dependent of PersonY and was claimed on the taxes, _ is under the age of 18. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a dependent of PersonY and was claimed on the taxes, _ is well over the age of 18."} {"input": "Context Word: needs a cell phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs a cell phone while at work more than PersonY because _ has a dangerous job. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs a cell phone while at work more than PersonY because _ does not have a dangerous job."} {"input": "Context Word: symptom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed a major symptom of depression after PersonY died, since _ was in mourning. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed a major symptom of depression after PersonY died, since _ was in a casket."} {"input": "Context Word: symptom.", "output": "Sentence 1: The symptom PersonX had indicated a much worse illness that PersonY, so _ was terrified. \nSentence 2: The symptom PersonX had indicated a much worse illness that PersonY, so _ was elated."} {"input": "Context Word: request.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew what type of car they would rent while PersonY did not, since _ had made the request . \nSentence 2: PersonX knew what type of car they would rent while PersonY did not, since _ had not made the request ."} {"input": "Context Word: Souffle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't make a souffle very well but PersonY could because _ had never taken a baking class. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't make a souffle very well but PersonY could because _ had taken a baking class."} {"input": "Context Word: ripe jicama.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered PersonY to get some ripe jicama from the forests because _ was very hungry. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered PersonY to get some ripe jicama from the forests because _ had nothing to do."} {"input": "Context Word: polo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX washed a polo of PersonY and accidentally shrunk it, so _ apologized for doing so. \nSentence 2: PersonX washed a polo of PersonY and accidentally shrunk it, so _ was apologized to for doing so."} {"input": "Context Word: powerful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the most powerful person in the world, and PersonY admired them, because _ was something to aspire to. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the most powerful person in the world, and PersonY admired them, because _ had something to aspire to."} {"input": "Context Word: powerful.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had a job with a high leadership position while PersonY was a janitor, _ felt powerful. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had a job with a high leadership position while PersonY was a janitor, _ did not feel powerful."} {"input": "Context Word: researched car insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a better car insurance deal than PersonY because _ researched car insurance on the internet. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a better car insurance deal than PersonY because _ researched car insurance in person."} {"input": "Context Word: Comic Con.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to attend Comic Con, but PersonY was not, because _ saved their money all year. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to attend Comic Con, but PersonY was not, because _ didn't save any money all year."} {"input": "Context Word: ASE certification.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has just received his ASE certification, while PersonY has had his for years, so _ is the inexperienced mechanic. \nSentence 2: PersonX has just received his ASE certification, while PersonY has had his for years, so _ is the older mechanic."} {"input": "Context Word: prescriptions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid more when they went to the pharmacy than PersonY did because _ had more prescriptions. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid more when they went to the pharmacy than PersonY did although _ had more prescriptions."} {"input": "Context Word: footwear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX work the proper footwear to the job site but PersonY chose to wear sneaker. _ didn't get their foot injured when the brick fell on it. \nSentence 2: PersonX work the proper footwear to the job site but PersonY chose to wear sneaker. _ had their foot injured when the brick fell on it."} {"input": "Context Word: hacked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hacked into the movie star PersonY's cell phone because _ was well known for causing trouble. \nSentence 2: PersonX hacked into the movie star PersonY's cell phone because _ was well known from major films."} {"input": "Context Word: spiders.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made PersonY kill all the spiders in their house because _ was scared of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX made PersonY kill all the spiders in their house because _ wasn't scared of them."} {"input": "Context Word: spiders.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put spiders in PersonY's bed after learning they were afraid of them, which _ thought was hilarious. \nSentence 2: PersonX put spiders in PersonY's bed after learning they were afraid of them, which _ thought was terrifying."} {"input": "Context Word: imperfections in clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Imperfections in clothing are easy to spot for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ has excellent eyesight. \nSentence 2: Imperfections in clothing are easy to spot for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ has very poor eyesight."} {"input": "Context Word: paddleboarding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed watersports more than PersonY, so _ was the first to volunteer to try paddleboarding. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed watersports more than PersonY, so _ was the last to volunteer to try paddleboarding."} {"input": "Context Word: Beer.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the bar, PersonX took away beer from PersonY because _ was not drunk enough. \nSentence 2: At the bar, PersonX poured some beer for PersonY because _ was not drunk enough."} {"input": "Context Word: Beer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx tried hauling persony home after he was drunk on beer and _ was tired. \nSentence 2: Personx tried hauling persony home after he was drunk on beer and _ was heavy."} {"input": "Context Word: shelf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to place the book on the top shelf since _ was too short to reach. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to place the book on the top shelf since _ was tall enough to reach."} {"input": "Context Word: shelf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to try to put a shelf up but PersonY was not because _ was very competent at DIY. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to try to put a shelf up but PersonY was not because _ was very inept at DIY."} {"input": "Context Word: Hibiscus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's swamp Hibiscus was thriving whereas PersonY's wasn't because _ had a sunny boggy spot outdoors for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's swamp Hibiscus was thriving whereas PersonY's wasn't because _ didn't have a sunny boggy spot outdoors for it."} {"input": "Context Word: spider veins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more spider veins on her legs than PersonY because _ is much older. \nSentence 2: PersonX has more spider veins on her legs than PersonY although _ is much older."} {"input": "Context Word: Leg.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always skipping leg day at the gym but PersonY never missed it. _ had very skinny legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always skipping leg day at the gym but PersonY never missed it. _ had very muscular legs."} {"input": "Context Word: storytelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at storytelling than PersonY, because _ had a lot of personal experiences to draw on. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at storytelling than PersonY, because _ didn't have a lot of personal experiences to draw on."} {"input": "Context Word: internship.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX found an internship while in college but PersonY was unable to, _ found a job more quickly after graduation. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX found an internship while in college but PersonY was unable to, _ found a job less quickly after graduation."} {"input": "Context Word: cows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to eat more beef than PersonY because _ had more cows in their field. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to eat less beef than PersonY because _ had more cows in their field."} {"input": "Context Word: languages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can speak fewer languages than PersonY because _ is less traveled than the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX can speak more languages than PersonY because _ is less traveled than the other."} {"input": "Context Word: languages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt very sophisticated compared to PersonY, because _ could speak seven different languages with ease. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt very bland compared to PersonY, because _ could speak seven different languages with ease."} {"input": "Context Word: languages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knows more languages than PersonY, so _ is better suited to live in a bilingual country. \nSentence 2: PersonX knows more languages than PersonY, so _ is better suited to live in their home country."} {"input": "Context Word: languages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only knew English while PersonY could speak many languages, so it was a surprise that _ could say hello in German. \nSentence 2: PersonX only knew English while PersonY could speak many languages, so it was no surprise that _ could say hello in German."} {"input": "Context Word: languages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY would be a great tutor for her learning different languages, since _ was monolingual. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY would be a great tutor for her learning different languages, since _ was multilingual."} {"input": "Context Word: gas.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because lactose intolerance causes unpleasant symptoms like gas, and PersonX suffered from this while PersonY did not, _ consumed very little dairy. \nSentence 2: Because lactose intolerance causes unpleasant symptoms like gas, and PersonX suffered from this while PersonY did not, _ consumed dairy without concern."} {"input": "Context Word: gas.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was more common for PersonX to have a lot of bad gas than PersonY because _ ate a lot of spicy food. \nSentence 2: It was more common for PersonX to have a lot of bad gas than PersonY because _ did not eat much spicy food."} {"input": "Context Word: gas.", "output": "Sentence 1: More people sat near PersonX than PersonY although _ was known for having bad gas. \nSentence 2: More people sat near PersonX than PersonY because _ was known for having bad gas."} {"input": "Context Word: gas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to fill their car with gas but not PersonY because _ had a gas powered vehicle. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to fill their car with gas but not PersonY because _ had n electricity powered vehicle."} {"input": "Context Word: gas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid more in gas every month than PersonY because _ had an older car. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid more in gas every month than PersonY because _ had a newer car."} {"input": "Context Word: gas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pumped gas at the gas station while PersonY stayed in the car because _ was the driver of the car. \nSentence 2: PersonX pumped gas at the gas station while PersonY stayed in the car because _ was a passenger in the car."} {"input": "Context Word: gas.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baby of PersonX was fussier than that of PersonY because _ had a large amount of gas. \nSentence 2: The baby of PersonX was fussier than that of PersonY because _ had a tiny bit of gas."} {"input": "Context Word: replica.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only had a Rolex replica unlike PersonY because _ didn't make a lot of money at their job. \nSentence 2: PersonX only had a Rolex replica unlike PersonY because _ did make a lot of money at their job."} {"input": "Context Word: mascara.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed PersonY's mascara because ( _ ) forgot to put her mascara into her make up bag. \nSentence 2: PersonX lent PersonY her mascara because ( _ ) forgot to put her mascara into her make up bag."} {"input": "Context Word: mascara.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs an advice from PersonY on how to prevent mascara from smudging, because _ is really annoyed with that. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs an advice from PersonY on how to prevent mascara from smudging, so _ gives her an advice."} {"input": "Context Word: mascara.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX struggles to remove the mascara that PersonY helped them apply, so _ wishes they'd never tried it. \nSentence 2: PersonX struggles to remove the mascara that PersonY helped them apply, so _ wishes they'd never shown it to them."} {"input": "Context Word: submissive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because he liked to feel powerful. _ did not like to feel submissive. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY because he liked to feel powerful. _ liked to feel submissive."} {"input": "Context Word: signs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept showing signs of cheating on PersonY, so _ started trying to be more careful. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept showing signs of cheating on PersonY, so _ started trying to be more observant."} {"input": "Context Word: signs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put signs up to promote PersonY's political campaign because _ wanted to see them win the election. \nSentence 2: PersonX put signs up to promote PersonY's political campaign because _ wanted to win the election."} {"input": "Context Word: signs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked hard making PersonY some new custom signs, then _ was paid for the signs. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked hard making PersonY some new custom signs, then _ paid for the signs."} {"input": "Context Word: copepods.", "output": "Sentence 1: Not know what copepods were, PersonX asked PersonY. This is because _ is a dumb person. \nSentence 2: Not know what copepods were, PersonX asked PersonY. This is because _ is a smart person."} {"input": "Context Word: control.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was in control, PersonY tried to have ideas too. _ would contribute to the team. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was in control, PersonY tried not to have ideas. _ wouldn't contribute to the team."} {"input": "Context Word: control.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to be hospitalized because _ lost control of the vehicle and crashed. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to be hospitalized because _ did not lose control of the vehicle and crash."} {"input": "Context Word: control.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more control over the situation than PersonY because _ had been there before. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot less control over the situation than PersonY because _ had been there before."} {"input": "Context Word: control.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a nurse, PersonY is a teacher therefore _ knows a lot about the control of swelling. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a nurse, PersonY is a teacher therefore _ knows little about the control of swelling."} {"input": "Context Word: control.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took control of the steering wheel from PersonY after _ saw she couldn't handle the car. \nSentence 2: PersonX took control of the steering wheel from PersonY after _ couldn't handle the car."} {"input": "Context Word: control.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much better baseball player than PersonY because _ had control over the ball. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much worse baseball player than PersonY because _ had control over the ball."} {"input": "Context Word: control.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing basketball came easier for PersonX than PersonY but _ had less control of their body movements. \nSentence 2: Playing basketball came easier for PersonX than PersonY but _ had more control of their body movements."} {"input": "Context Word: replace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke PersonY's favorite coffee mug, so _ apologized by trying to replace it with a similar one. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke PersonY's favorite coffee mug, so _ healed their sorrow by trying to replace it with a similar one."} {"input": "Context Word: replace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was replaced by PersonY in the play, because _ had done a poor job learning their lines. \nSentence 2: PersonX was replaced by PersonY in the play, because _ had done an excellent job learning their lines."} {"input": "Context Word: rusty bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned a rusty bike that PersonY liked to use, so _ would loan it to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned a rusty bike that PersonY liked to use, so _ would borrow it from them."} {"input": "Context Word: king.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the king while PersonY was a jester so _ laughed at the other's performance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the jester while PersonY was a king so _ laughed at the other's performance."} {"input": "Context Word: Marathi.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied quite hard to learn Marathi but PersonY didn't. _ speaks Marathi very fluently. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied quite hard to learn Marathi but PersonY didn't. _ doesn't speak Marathi very fluently."} {"input": "Context Word: travel agent.", "output": "Sentence 1: A vacation was just what PersonX needed and PersonY was a travel agent, so _ went to book a trip. \nSentence 2: A vacation was just what PersonX needed and PersonY was a travel agent, so _ helped to book a trip."} {"input": "Context Word: leaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pipes were leaking at PersonXs house, so they called PersonY to take a look. _ could not fix them alone. \nSentence 2: The pipes were leaking at PersonXs house, so they called PersonY to take a look. _ fixed them alone."} {"input": "Context Word: Stocks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got advice on buying stocks from his cousin Bob while PersonY used a broker. _ had a virtually worthless portfolio of companies. \nSentence 2: PersonX got advice on buying stocks from his cousin Bob while PersonY used a broker. _ had a portfolio of companies that was very lucrative."} {"input": "Context Word: Children.", "output": "Sentence 1: Children are a big part of PersonX life and PersonY life also involves children, _ needs a break every now and then. \nSentence 2: Children are a big part of PersonX life and PersonY life also involves children, _ also needs a break every now and then."} {"input": "Context Word: Children.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx children are more confident than persony children does because _ scold the children less. \nSentence 2: personx children are more confident than persony children does because _ scold the children more."} {"input": "Context Word: times.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot about all the times when PersonY saved them, because _ was generally self-involved. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot about all the times when PersonY saved them, despite how _ was generally self-sacrificing."} {"input": "Context Word: waxworms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to bree waxworms but needs help from PersonY, because _ has no experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to bree waxworms but needs help from PersonY, because _ has a lot of experience."} {"input": "Context Word: black circles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's eyes have black circles under them, while PersonY's look healthy. That's cause _ tossed and turned all night. \nSentence 2: PersonX's eyes have black circles under them, while PersonY's look healthy. That's cause _ slept soundly all night."} {"input": "Context Word: growing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Growing food comes much easier to PersonX than PersonY due to _ having done it for a greater number of years. \nSentence 2: Growing food comes much more difficult to PersonX than PersonY due to _ having done it for a greater number of years."} {"input": "Context Word: growing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have a green thumb for growing plants unlike PersonY, so _ shrugged when their plant died. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have a green thumb for growing plants unlike PersonY, so _ cried when their plant died."} {"input": "Context Word: growing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX feeds her children healthy foods and PersonY does not which is why _ has children who are growing well. \nSentence 2: PersonX feeds her children healthy foods and PersonY does not which is why _ has children who are not growing well."} {"input": "Context Word: growing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is taking lessons from PersonY on growing plants and things because _ is a newbie. \nSentence 2: PersonX is taking lessons from PersonY on growing plants and things because _ is an expert."} {"input": "Context Word: growing.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to growing plants, PersonX is better than PersonY because _ is a gardener. \nSentence 2: When it comes to growing plants, PersonX is better than PersonY although _ is a gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: arrived.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX arrived for class at school, PersonY ignored him, so the teacher smiled at _ . \nSentence 2: When PersonX arrived for class at school, PersonY ignored him, so the teacher glared at _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: goofy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to have a serious conversation, but PersonY kept being goofy, so _ was unable to get their point across. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to have a serious conversation, but PersonY kept being goofy, so _ was unable to hear their point."} {"input": "Context Word: Ink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better artist than PersonY so _ they were able to ink the drawing without a guide. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better artist than PersonY so _ they needed to ink the drawing with a guide."} {"input": "Context Word: gout.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is not therefore _ would be the better choice for advice on gout. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is not therefore _ would not be the better choice for advice on gout."} {"input": "Context Word: human.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a renowned pathologist, PersonY is a teacher therefore _ examines dead human bodies. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a renowned pathologist, PersonY is a teacher therefore _ does not examine dead human bodies."} {"input": "Context Word: human.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really does not see many humans just PersonY these days, _ is a hermit. \nSentence 2: PersonX really does not see many humans just PersonY these days, _ is a hermits friend."} {"input": "Context Word: Grout.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had to repair his grout with the help of persony but _ could not provide the required tools. \nSentence 2: personx had to repair his grout with the help of persony but _ could not use the provided tools."} {"input": "Context Word: Caviar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to share the caviar with PersonY, so _ was invited over for dinner and cocktails. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to share the caviar with PersonY, but _ was already having dinner and cocktails."} {"input": "Context Word: shiny.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes shiny objects while PersonY likes dull objects, _ found a shiny rock and took it home with him. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes shiny objects while PersonY likes dull objects, _ found a dull rock and took it home with her.."} {"input": "Context Word: Affirmative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a minority but PersonY was not. _ was a recipient of affirmative action when applying for a job. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a minority but PersonY was not. _ was a victim of affirmative action when applying for a job."} {"input": "Context Word: periodic table of elements.", "output": "Sentence 1: The professor gave PersonX but not PersonY an A because _ showed extensive knowledge of the periodic table of elements. \nSentence 2: The professor gave PersonX but not PersonY an A because _ showed poor knowledge of the periodic table of elements."} {"input": "Context Word: The Swan.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Swan song was on PersonX hit list and PersonY wanted to hear it on the radio, _ played the song once a day. \nSentence 2: The Swan song was on PersonX hit list and PersonY wanted to hear it on the radio, _ wanted to hear it twice a day."} {"input": "Context Word: hear.", "output": "Sentence 1: Able to hear a scurrying sound from below the sink, PersonX asked PersonY to check, as _ was terrified of seeing a mouse. \nSentence 2: Able to hear a scurrying sound from below the sink, PersonX asked PersonY to check, as _ was indifferent about seeing a mouse."} {"input": "Context Word: hear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a bit hard of hearing so PersonY had to translate for them since _ was clinically deaf. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a bit hard of hearing so PersonY had to translate for them since _ was not clinically deaf."} {"input": "Context Word: body image.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having problems with her body image and PersonY consoled her, _ felt better hearing it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having problems with her body image and PersonY consoled her, _ felt happy making her feel better."} {"input": "Context Word: gingivitis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX advised PersonY to brush and floss their teeth to avoid gingivitis, because _ was an orthodonist. \nSentence 2: PersonX advised PersonY to brush and floss their teeth to avoid gingivitis, because _ was a child."} {"input": "Context Word: gingivitis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brushes their teeth to prevent gingivitis but PersonY does not. _ has a bright white smile. \nSentence 2: PersonX brushes their teeth to prevent gingivitis but PersonY does not. _ doesn't have a bright white smile."} {"input": "Context Word: gingivitis.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dentist was stern with PersonX but not PersonY about brushing their teeth because _ had gingivitis. \nSentence 2: The dentist was stern with PersonX but not PersonY about brushing their teeth because _ didn't have gingivitis."} {"input": "Context Word: Dermatillomania.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a severe case of dermatillomania that PersonY knew how to treat, but _ refused the help. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a severe case of dermatillomania that PersonY knew how to treat, so _ offered to help."} {"input": "Context Word: bone fracture.", "output": "Sentence 1: After falling down the stairs, PersonX had a severe bone fracture so PersonY performed surgery and _ was able to heal. \nSentence 2: After falling down the stairs, PersonX had a severe bone fracture so PersonY performed surgery and _ was able to fix the bone."} {"input": "Context Word: develop.", "output": "Sentence 1: Developing a new product for the mass market is customary for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is gifted. \nSentence 2: Developing a new product for the mass market is customary for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is inept."} {"input": "Context Word: develop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has learned to develop photos by themselves but PersonY has not because _ finds photography fascinating. \nSentence 2: PersonX has learned to develop photos by themselves but PersonY has not because _ finds photography boring."} {"input": "Context Word: develop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to develop a picture, so they took it to PersonY, and _ paid them to have it done. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to develop a picture, so they took it to PersonY, and _ accepted payment to have it done."} {"input": "Context Word: develop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better manager than PersonY because _ always tried to develop a robust plan. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better manager than PersonY because _ always tried to develop a flimsy plan."} {"input": "Context Word: bloodstain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed the help of PersonY covering up the bloodstain, because _ had never commited a crime before. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed the help of PersonY covering up the bloodstain, but _ had never commited a crime before."} {"input": "Context Word: seat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX led PersonY to their seat because _ was a hostess working for the restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX led PersonY to their seat because _ was a guest dining at the restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: seat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stood up in the subway car and offered his seat to PersonY because _ was sitting. \nSentence 2: PersonX stood up in the subway car and offered hi seat to PersonY because _ was standing."} {"input": "Context Word: seat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bench seats were not for PersonX but for PersonY because _ preferred softer seats. \nSentence 2: The bench seats were not for PersonX but for PersonY because _ preferred harder seats."} {"input": "Context Word: antifreeze.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog got sick from licking up antifreeze, but PersonY's dog did not because _ forgot to use a pan when they emptied the radiator. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog got sick from licking up antifreeze, but PersonY's dog did not because _ remembered to use a pan when they emptied the radiator."} {"input": "Context Word: churro.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought a churro was great end to a meal but not PersonY. _ ordered churros after their meal at the Mexican restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought a churro was great end to a meal but not PersonY. _ ordered flan after their meal at the Mexican restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: churro.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make a cake for PersonY , _ asked if her favorite flavor was churro . \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make a cake for PersonY , _ told her her favorite flavor was churro ."} {"input": "Context Word: clicker training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better trained dog than PersonY because _ knew how to use clicker training. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better trained dog than PersonY because _ did not know how to use clicker training."} {"input": "Context Word: how to cook rutabaga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned a restaurant and PersonY did not so _ knew how to cook rutabaga for customers. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned a restaurant and PersonY did not so _ had no idea how to cook rutabaga for customers."} {"input": "Context Word: new car.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the accident, PersonX wanted a used car but PersonY wanted a new car. _ thought new cars were a waste of money. \nSentence 2: After the accident, PersonX wanted a used car but PersonY wanted a new car. _ thought used cars were a waste of money."} {"input": "Context Word: roofing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had roofing installed for PersonY's apartment yesterday because _ was the landlord of the apartment. \nSentence 2: PersonX had roofing installed for PersonY's apartment yesterday because _ was the tenant of the apartment."} {"input": "Context Word: roofing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help because _ had never used rolled roofing before to replace roofing tiles. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help because _ has always used rolled roofing before to replace roofing tiles."} {"input": "Context Word: roofing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX left the roofing of his house to be applied by PersonY as _ lacked professional experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX left the roofing of his house to be applied by PersonY as _ had professional experience."} {"input": "Context Word: roofing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was assisting the roofing project while PersonY was leading so _ got did the physical labor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was assisting the roofing project while PersonY was leading so _ got did the mental labor."} {"input": "Context Word: roofing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at doing the roofing than PersonY because _ was not afraid of heights. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worse at doing the roofing than PersonY because _ was not afraid of heights."} {"input": "Context Word: roofing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to install the roofing like PersonY because _ had no experience in roofing. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to install the roofing like PersonY because _ was experienced in roofing."} {"input": "Context Word: roofing.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx prefer his own type of roofing to persony because _ roofing has soundproof feature. \nSentence 2: personx prefer his own type of roofing to persony because _ roofing looks too cheap."} {"input": "Context Word: traditional.", "output": "Sentence 1: A small traditional wedding was suitable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had come from a small family. \nSentence 2: A small traditional wedding was suitable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had come from a large family."} {"input": "Context Word: traditional.", "output": "Sentence 1: Gaining acceptance in society was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a traditional marriage. \nSentence 2: Gaining acceptance in society was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not have a traditional marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: traditional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the traditional pasta better than the spicy pasta PersonY made, as _ likes bland food. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the traditional pasta better than the spicy pasta PersonY made, as _ likes spicy food."} {"input": "Context Word: traditional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always trying to push traditional values onto PersonY, but _ couldn't get them to stop being rebellious. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always trying to push traditional values onto PersonY, but _ didn't want to stop being rebellious."} {"input": "Context Word: Doughnuts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a box of dunkin doughnuts and hid from PersonY because _ wants to have everything. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a box of dunkin doughnuts and hid from PersonY because _ is on a diet."} {"input": "Context Word: stuffed toys.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a big box of stuffed toys as a donation after _ 's child outgrew them. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a big box of stuffed toys as a donation when _ 's child was born."} {"input": "Context Word: postseason.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more of a baseball fan than PersonY so _ was heavily invested in every postseason. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more of a baseball fan than PersonY so _ was heavily bored in every postseason."} {"input": "Context Word: conure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY a conure as it was a present from _ for her twentieth birthday. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought PersonY a conure as it was a present for her _ twentieth birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: clear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could see the clear out of the forest while PersonY came up with a plan because _ had binoculars. \nSentence 2: PersonX could see the clear out of the forest while PersonY came up with a plan because _ was a leader."} {"input": "Context Word: clear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY wanted clear skin so _ helpfully asked if they used an exfoliant to clear dead skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY wanted clear skin so _ rudely asked if they used an exfoliant to clear dead skin."} {"input": "Context Word: clear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made it clear that PersonY was not welcome in their home, before _ kicked them out for good. \nSentence 2: PersonX made it clear that PersonY was not welcome in their home, before _ was kicked out for good."} {"input": "Context Word: clear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made it very clear to PersonY that they wanted nothing to do with them, but _ still wasn't left alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX made it very clear to PersonY that they wanted nothing to do with them, but _ still didn't leave them alone."} {"input": "Context Word: greek frappe.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the cafe, PersonX purchased a Greek Frappe for PersonY because _ was very wealthy. \nSentence 2: At the cafe, PersonX purchased a Greek Frappe for PersonY because _ was very poor."} {"input": "Context Word: luggage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to put the luggage in the overhead compartment because _ was too short. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to put the luggage in the overhead compartment but _ was too short."} {"input": "Context Word: luggage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helps PersonY put the luggage in the overhead compartment on the plane, but _ pulls a muscle in the process. \nSentence 2: PersonX helps PersonY put the luggage in the overhead compartment on the plane, because _ was pulling a muscle in the process."} {"input": "Context Word: luggage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's luggage weighed just over the limit for the airline, so PersonY made her remove an item. _ was angry that she couldn't check the bag anyways. \nSentence 2: PersonX's luggage weighed just over the limit for the airline, so PersonY made her remove an item. _ was not apologetic that she couldn't check the bag anyways."} {"input": "Context Word: Alimony.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave advice to PersonY on how to handle alimony because _ had been through a divorce before. \nSentence 2: PersonX sought the advice of PersonY on how to handle alimony because _ had been through a divorce before."} {"input": "Context Word: Caulk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the time to caulk their windows but PersonY didn't bother. _ saw their electric bill decrease. \nSentence 2: PersonX took the time to caulk their windows but PersonY didn't bother. _ saw their electric bill increase."} {"input": "Context Word: Communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx has a much better communication skill than persony does even though _ is an introvert. \nSentence 2: personx has a much better communication skill than persony does even though _ is an extrovert."} {"input": "Context Word: exciting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finds holidays to be very exciting, PersonY does not therefore _ loves Christmas. \nSentence 2: PersonX finds holidays to be very exciting, PersonY does not therefore _ doesn't love Christmas."} {"input": "Context Word: exciting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finds scary movies very exciting, PersonY does not therefore _ goes to lots of horror movies. \nSentence 2: PersonX finds scary movies very exciting, PersonY does not therefore _ goes to lots of romantic movies."} {"input": "Context Word: exciting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY was boring, because _ had to drag them along to all the exciting rides and convince them to get on. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY was overbearing, because _ tried to drag them along to all the exciting rides and convince them to get on."} {"input": "Context Word: scrabble.", "output": "Sentence 1: The scrabble game was more intense for PersonX and not PersonY because _ is a very competitive person. \nSentence 2: The scrabble game was more relaxed for PersonX and not PersonY because _ is a very competitive person."} {"input": "Context Word: herpes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got herpes from PersonY and was very mad, so _ filed for divorce over the infidelity. \nSentence 2: PersonX got herpes from PersonY and was very mad, but _ stopped her filing for divorce over the infidelity."} {"input": "Context Word: herpes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very worried that they might have contracted herpes but PersonY was unconcerned, due to the fact that _ had concerning symptoms. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very worried that they might have contracted herpes but PersonY was unconcerned, due to the fact that _ had no concerning symptoms."} {"input": "Context Word: painful.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX had a painful surgery of the knee and PersonY watched, _ felt quite better. \nSentence 2: After PersonX had a painful surgery of the knee and PersonY watched, _ felt quite disgusted."} {"input": "Context Word: painful.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting a flu shot was more painful for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a very low threshold for pain. \nSentence 2: Getting a flu shot was more painful for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a higher threshold for pain."} {"input": "Context Word: painful.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was painful for PersonX to see PersonY go away, because _ couldn't go along. \nSentence 2: It was painful for PersonX to see PersonY go away, because _ couldn't stay home."} {"input": "Context Word: painful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a painful cavity in a tooth but not PersonY because _ did not brush their teeth often. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a painful cavity in a tooth but not PersonY because _ did brush their teeth often."} {"input": "Context Word: painful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a nurse, PersonY is not because of this _ knows about painful skin conditions. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a nurse, PersonY is not because of this _ knows very little about painful skin conditions."} {"input": "Context Word: painful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was experiencing very painful contractions. PersonY bought ice chips for her to chew on because _ would like that. \nSentence 2: PersonX was experiencing very painful contractions. PersonY bought ice chips for her to chew on because _ was nice like that."} {"input": "Context Word: painful.", "output": "Sentence 1: The show was painful to watch for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a sensitive stomach. \nSentence 2: The show was painful to watch for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a strong stomach."} {"input": "Context Word: devices.", "output": "Sentence 1: Keeping up with the latest devices is what PersonX enjoys for PersonY its a good book, _ is a tech worm. \nSentence 2: Keeping up with the latest devices is what PersonX enjoys for PersonY its a good book, _ is a book worm."} {"input": "Context Word: rights.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX violated the rights of PersonY, because _ had too much power over other people. \nSentence 2: PersonX violated the rights of PersonY, because _ had too much passivity with other people."} {"input": "Context Word: basement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX begged PersonY to go to the basement for her because _ is afraid of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to go the basement for her because _ isn't scared of it."} {"input": "Context Word: basement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept PersonY in the basement because _ was fortunate enough to get catch someone where they shouldn't be. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept PersonY in the basement because _ was unfortunate enough to get caught where they shouldn't be."} {"input": "Context Word: basement.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they went to look at the house, PersonX went into the basement while PersonY stayed upstairs because _ wasn't scared of basements. \nSentence 2: When they went to look at the house, PersonX went into the basement while PersonY stayed upstairs because _ was scared of basements."} {"input": "Context Word: shopping cart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to push a shopping cart at the slope, because _ knows him well. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to push a shopping cart at the slope, because _ helped him before."} {"input": "Context Word: bird flu.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took their vacation to China while PersonY went to Cuba. _ came back with a case of bird flu. \nSentence 2: PersonX took their vacation to China while PersonY went to Cuba. _ wasn't afflicted with a case of bird flu."} {"input": "Context Word: recommend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the food at the diner was terrific but PersonY didn't. _ recommended the place to all their friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the food at the diner was terrific but PersonY didn't. _ wouldn't recommend the place to all their friends."} {"input": "Context Word: accessories with a polka dot dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: The accessories with a polka dot dress looked better on PersonX than PersonY because _ was more into fashion. \nSentence 2: The accessories with a polka dot dress looked better on PersonX than PersonY because _ was more into cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: Egg Salad.", "output": "Sentence 1: Egg salad was a speciality of PersonX but PersonY could not make it so _ made him an egg salad sandwich. \nSentence 2: Egg salad was a speciality of PersonX but PersonY could not make it so _ asked him for an egg salad sandwich."} {"input": "Context Word: acrylic paint.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the summer, PersonX gave some acrylic paint to PersonY due to _ planning to move. \nSentence 2: In the summer, PersonX gave some acrylic paint to PersonY due to _ planning to paint."} {"input": "Context Word: SEO.", "output": "Sentence 1: SEO is work that PersonX performs sometimes, but PersonY never has, so _ is likely better with technology. \nSentence 2: SEO is work that PersonX performs sometimes, but PersonY never has, so _ is likely inferior with technology."} {"input": "Context Word: Magazine.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx bought a magazine which has persony on the cover page because _ is a big fan. \nSentence 2: personx bought a magazine which has persony on the cover page because _ is a big model."} {"input": "Context Word: live life after the death of a spouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY learn to live life after the death of a spouse because _ had went through it before. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY learn to live life after the death of a spouse because _ had never been through it before."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always did well in English class during school but PersonY didn't because _ loved writing. \nSentence 2: PersonX always did well in English class during school but PersonY didn't because _ hated writing."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did better in the writing class than PersonY because _ was much more experience with the English language. \nSentence 2: PersonX did better in the writing class than PersonY although _ was much more experienced with the English language."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX flunked English class but PersonY got an A+, since _ was incompetent at writing . \nSentence 2: PersonX flunked English class but PersonY got an A+, since _ was brilliant at writing ."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY ideas for writing original twin sentences, as _ had a seemingly inexhaustible imagination. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY ideas for writing original twin sentences, as _ had a seemingly limited imagination."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easy time writing stories but PersonY struggled with it. _ had taken creative writing classes at the local community college. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easy time writing stories but PersonY struggled with it. _ had taken welding classes at the local community college."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had very beautiful writing but PersonY did not. _ got compliments on how nice their documents looked. \nSentence 2: PersonX had very beautiful writing but PersonY did not. _ got no compliments on how nice their documents looked."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very skilled at writing but PersonY is not. _ won a Pulitzer prize for their written work. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very skilled at writing but PersonY is not. _ didn't win a Pulitzer prize for their written work."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved reading and writing in school but not PersonY because _ had great ability. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated reading and writing in school but not PersonY because _ had great ability."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to make cards for PersonY because _ was an expert at calligraphic writing. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to make cards for PersonY because _ was an admirer of calligraphic writing."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a better grade in the writing class than PersonY because _ had written a book before. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a better grade in the writing class than PersonY although _ had written a book before."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX majored in English, PersonY majored in Math therefore _ is probably a better at writing. \nSentence 2: PersonX majored in English, PersonY majored in Math therefore _ is probably not better at writing."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed writing but PersonY did not enjoy it at all because _ was very creative. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed writing but PersonY did not enjoy it at all because _ was illiterate."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent the day writing a personal letter to PersonY, so _ was happy to hear they read it. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent the day writing a personal letter to PersonY, so _ was happy to see they wrote it."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at writing unlike PersonY because _ went to school for education. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at writing unlike PersonY because _ went to school for gymnastics."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The style of writing PersonX uses for creating literature is more exiting than the style of PersonY, because _ is a bachelor. \nSentence 2: The style of writing PersonX uses for creating literature is more exiting than the style of PersonY, because _ is a married man."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: With terrible handwriting PersonX is a worse waiter than PersonY because nobody can understand the orders written by _ . \nSentence 2: With beautiful handwriting PersonX is a better waiter than PersonY because nobody can understand the orders written by _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Writing in first person was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had taken a creative writing class before. \nSentence 2: Writing in first person was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had not taken a creative writing class before."} {"input": "Context Word: nocturnal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very nocturnal schedule but PersonY was a morning person. _ usually slept until noon. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very nocturnal schedule but PersonY was a morning person. _ never slept until noon."} {"input": "Context Word: nocturnal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was nocturnal while PersonY was diurnal so _ preferred to stay out late at night. \nSentence 2: PersonX was diurnal while PersonY was nocturnal so _ preferred to stay out late at night."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetables.", "output": "Sentence 1: At dinner time, PersonX ate PersonY's serving of peas because _ really likes green vegetables. \nSentence 2: At dinner time, PersonX ate PersonY's serving of peas even though _ really likes green vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetables.", "output": "Sentence 1: No matter how hard she tried, PersonX could not get PersonY to eat more vegetables. _ said they were delicious and nutritious. \nSentence 2: No matter how hard she tried, PersonX could not get PersonY to eat more vegetables. _ said they ruined a meal."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetables.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate many vegetables at every meal but not PersonY because _ was a vegan. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate many vegetables at every meal but not PersonY because _ was a bacon lover."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetables.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX consumed many vegetables during the week and tried to convince PersonY to do the same. _ believed in being healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX consumed many vegetables during the week and tried to convince PersonY to do the same. _ believed in being happy."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetables.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats a lot more vegetables than PersonY because _ is on a plant-based diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats a lot more vegetables than PersonY because _ isn't on a plant-based diet."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetables.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew up to be more fit than PersonY because _ would always eat all their vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew up to be more unhealthy than PersonY because _ would always eat all their vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetables.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in bad health unlike PersonY so _ worries about eating more fruits and vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in bad health unlike PersonY so _ doesn't worry about eating more fruits and vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetables.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to cook from scratch more often than PersonY, so _ never had vegetables go bad. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to cook from scratch more often than PersonY, so _ frequently had vegetables go bad."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetables.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved eating many different vegetables but not PersonY because _ was on a vegetarian diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved eating many different vegetables but not PersonY because _ was on a carnivore diet."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetables.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to eat vegetables, but PersonY insisted they eat steak, so _ came to terms with not having broccoli. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to eat vegetables, so PersonY couldn't eat steak, so _ came to terms with no having meat."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetables.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much healthier than PersonY was because _ ate many more vegetables during the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much healthier than PersonY was because _ ate many less vegetables during the day."} {"input": "Context Word: stumble.", "output": "Sentence 1: The log was in the middle of the path and PersonX stumbled over it while PersonY did not, because _ is clumsy. \nSentence 2: The log was in the middle of the path and PersonX stumbled over it while PersonY did not, because _ is attentive."} {"input": "Context Word: Maine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lives in Maine, and PersonY lives in Texas, so _ lives north of the Mason-Dixon line. \nSentence 2: PersonX lives in Maine, and PersonY lives in Texas, so _ lives south of the Mason-Dixon line."} {"input": "Context Word: socially.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more socially successful than PersonY because _ has a very confident personality and strong character. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more socially successful than PersonY because _ has a very weak personality and lousy character."} {"input": "Context Word: organising.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent days organising the event that PersonY was going to attend, because _ was a conference facilitator. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent days organising the event that PersonY was going to attend, because _ was a conference participant."} {"input": "Context Word: Detroit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY to Detroit to see the Red Wings, _ was happy to take him as they both love the Red Wings. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY to Detroit to see the Red Wings, _ was happy to go with him as they both love the Red Wings."} {"input": "Context Word: hope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a hard time with finding hope in religion like PersonY does, _ is not a religious person. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a hard time with finding hope in religion like PersonY does, _ is a hopeful and religious person."} {"input": "Context Word: hope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was full of hope for the life of PersonY, because _ cared about them very much. \nSentence 2: PersonX was full of hope for the life of PersonY, because _ was cared for very much."} {"input": "Context Word: recognizable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unrecognizable after PersonY was done beating them, so _ ended up going to the hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unrecognizable after PersonY was done beating them, so _ ended up going to jail."} {"input": "Context Word: mimic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent all of their time with PersonY being a mimic of them, because _ liked picking on them. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent all of their time with PersonY being a mimic of them, because _ was easy to imitate."} {"input": "Context Word: regret.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has no regret for punching PersonY in the nose because _ was the victim of injustice. \nSentence 2: PersonX has no regret for punching PersonY in the nose even though _ was the victim of injustice."} {"input": "Context Word: skin tone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to be their private makeup artist, because _ had a very even skin tone. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to be their private makeup artist, because _ had a very uneven skin tone."} {"input": "Context Word: Law.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY after being pulled over because _ didn't totally understand the traffic law. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY after being pulled over because _ did totally understand the traffic law."} {"input": "Context Word: Corned Beef.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY over to have some corned beef earlier since _ was not stuck in traffic. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY over to have some corned beef later since _ was stuck in traffic."} {"input": "Context Word: fiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, _ found it difficult to write fiction. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, _ found it easy to write fiction."} {"input": "Context Word: fiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: Avid bookworms, PersonX read fiction while PersonY read non-fiction. _ liked to escape into an imaginary world. \nSentence 2: Avid bookworms, PersonX read fiction while PersonY read non-fiction. _ struggled to escape into an imaginary world."} {"input": "Context Word: fiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fiction books were interesting and easy to read for PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed imaginary tales. \nSentence 2: Fiction books were interesting and easy to read for PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed real tales."} {"input": "Context Word: fiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed the stories PersonY told were just fiction, so _ was surprised to discover they were true. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed the stories PersonY told were just fiction, so _ tried to convince her they were true."} {"input": "Context Word: fiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at writing fiction than PersonY because _ had a more creative mind. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worse at writing fiction than PersonY because _ had a more creative mind."} {"input": "Context Word: fade a tan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to fade a tan because _ works at a tanning salon. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to fade a tan because _ works at a front desk."} {"input": "Context Word: cultivar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose a hardy cultivar to grow unlike PersonY because _ had very rocky soil. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose a hardy cultivar to grow unlike PersonY because _ had very fertile soil."} {"input": "Context Word: Artist.", "output": "Sentence 1: As an artist, PersonX often influenced what PersonY did artistically because _ was highly creative. \nSentence 2: As an artist, PersonX often imitated what PersonY did artistically because _ was highly creative."} {"input": "Context Word: batter.", "output": "Sentence 1: The batter that PersonX whipped up was much better than PersonY because _ was a better chef. \nSentence 2: The batter that PersonX whipped up was much better than PersonY although _ was a better chef."} {"input": "Context Word: tune-up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's car was in need of a tune-up but PersonY's didn't so _ called his mechanic to get an appointment. \nSentence 2: PersonX's car was in need of a tune-up but PersonY's didn't so _ called his doctor to get an appointment."} {"input": "Context Word: wooden furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to decorate in a rustic style, while PersonY wanted modern. _ always loved the look of old wooden furniture. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to decorate in a rustic style, while PersonY wanted modern. _ always hated the look of old wooden furniture."} {"input": "Context Word: Eiffel Tower.", "output": "Sentence 1: On a recent trip to France, PersonX wanted to take PersonY to the Eiffel Tower, so _ surprised them on the second day. \nSentence 2: On a recent trip to France, PersonX wanted to take PersonY to the Eiffel Tower, but _ was sick on the second day."} {"input": "Context Word: figures.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was filling out a report for PersonY for _ knew how to put all the facts and figures in a easily digestable format. \nSentence 2: PersonX was filling out a report for PersonY for _ forgot how to put all the facts and figures in a easily digestable format."} {"input": "Context Word: saffron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted help from PersonY in preparing the saffron potatoes, because _ was tired of doing all the work. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted help from PersonY in preparing the saffron potatoes, but _ was tired of being asked for help."} {"input": "Context Word: highlighted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX highlighted the important parts of the text for PersonY, because _ was studying for the big exam. \nSentence 2: PersonX highlighted the important parts of the text for PersonY, because _ was tutoring for the big exam."} {"input": "Context Word: folic acid.", "output": "Sentence 1: God told PersonX to take Folic Acid when pregnant, but PersonY was not a believer and did not get the message and so _ had a basically normal child. \nSentence 2: God told PersonX to take Folic Acid when pregnant, but PersonY was not a believer and did not get the message and so _ had a basically abnormal child."} {"input": "Context Word: brother.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had a brother and PersonY had no brothers, _ went to a lot of football games. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had no brothers and PersonY had a brother _ went to a lot of football games."} {"input": "Context Word: brother.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really likes PersonY's older brother, so she needs help, because _ is in love. \nSentence 2: PersonX really likes PersonY's older brother, so she needs help, so _ could help her."} {"input": "Context Word: brother.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to become more supportive brother so he asks for PersonY's advice, because _ needs help. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to become more supportive brother so he asks for PersonY's advice, because _ grew up with brothers."} {"input": "Context Word: Korean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY to learn the Korean language because _ was a Korean native. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY to learn the Korean language because _ was from the United States."} {"input": "Context Word: Korean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's being taught how to speak Korean by PersonY, so _ was most likely born in the US. \nSentence 2: PersonX's being taught how to speak Korean by PersonY, so _ was most likely born in Korea."} {"input": "Context Word: chemistry.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX is a worse chemistry student than PersonY _ understands the lab work so much better. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX is a better chemistry student than PersonY _ understands the lab work so much better."} {"input": "Context Word: chemistry.", "output": "Sentence 1: Chemistry class was hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated studying sciences in school. \nSentence 2: Chemistry class was hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved studying sciences in school."} {"input": "Context Word: chemistry.", "output": "Sentence 1: Chemistry comes more naturally to PersonX as opposed to PersonY because _ is better at sciences. \nSentence 2: Chemistry comes more naturally to PersonX as opposed to PersonY because _ is better at language arts."} {"input": "Context Word: chemistry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed going to chemistry lab but PersonY did not, because _ liked doing chemical reactions in class. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed going to chemistry lab but PersonY did not, because _ hated doing chemical reactions in class."} {"input": "Context Word: chemistry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt the chemistry between themselves and PersonY, so _ approached them about getting into a relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt the chemistry between themselves and PersonY, so _ was approached about getting into a relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: chemistry.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher flunked PersonX in chemistry while PersonY got a good grade because _ was a poor at chemistry. \nSentence 2: The teacher flunked PersonX in chemistry while PersonY got a good grade because _ was a good at chemistry."} {"input": "Context Word: chemistry.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the chemistry experiment involving volcanoes blew up all over the student lab, PersonX criticized PersonY when _ ended up cleaning the entire mess. \nSentence 2: When the chemistry experiment involving volcanoes blew up all over the student lab, PersonX supported PersonY when _ ended up cleaning the entire mess."} {"input": "Context Word: clones.", "output": "Sentence 1: The clones in PersonX's garden turned out much better than in PersonY's because _ is a professional gardener. \nSentence 2: The clones in PersonX's garden turned out much better than in PersonY's because _ is an amateur gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: Girlfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was envious of PersonY s girlfriend because _ 's girlfriend was so ugly in comparson. \nSentence 2: PersonX was envious of PersonY s girlfriend because _ 's girlfriend was so pretty in comparson."} {"input": "Context Word: Girlfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx sought persony advice on how to get his girlfriend back but _ could not get anything tangible from him. \nSentence 2: Personx sought persony advice on how to get his girlfriend back but _ could not give anything tangible to him."} {"input": "Context Word: Girlfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx loves kissing his girlfriend in public even though persony despise such act but _ do not care. \nSentence 2: personx loves kissing his girlfriend in public even though persony despise such act and _ tried to pretend."} {"input": "Context Word: informed.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being informed about current events was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ read a lot of newspapers. \nSentence 2: Being informed about current events was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not read any newspapers."} {"input": "Context Word: informed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not like technology unlike PersonY so _ stayed informed through reading print newspapers. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not like technology unlike PersonY so _ stayed informed through reading online newspapers."} {"input": "Context Word: moved away.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX moved away but wants to stay in touch with PersonY, because _ feels lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX moved away but wants to stay in touch with PersonY, because _ is his best friend."} {"input": "Context Word: drum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to practice the drum quietly while PersonY naps, because _ is a thoughtful roommate. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to practice the drum quietly while PersonY naps, because _ is a grumpy roommate."} {"input": "Context Word: drum.", "output": "Sentence 1: They had to make their drum sets quieter but PersonX had an easier time than PersonY because _ had an extra pillow to use. \nSentence 2: They had to make their drum sets quieter but PersonX had an easier time than PersonY because _ didn't have an extra pillow to use."} {"input": "Context Word: after school routine.", "output": "Sentence 1: Following an after school routine was harder for PersonX than PersonY, because _ struggled with ADHD. \nSentence 2: Following an after school routine was harder for PersonX than PersonY, because _ didn't have ADHD."} {"input": "Context Word: psychoactive drugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really like the feeling of being under psychoactive drugs but PersonY liked to feel sober. _ bought some acid at the hippie concert. \nSentence 2: PersonX really like the feeling of being under psychoactive drugs but PersonY liked to feel sober. _ bought some popcorn at the hippie concert."} {"input": "Context Word: eradicate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY bought toothpaste that would eradicate bacteria because _ had a mild case of gum disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY bought toothpaste that would eradicate bacteria because _ did not have a mild case of gum disease."} {"input": "Context Word: letters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was being taught letters and words by PersonY because _ is a great student. \nSentence 2: PersonX was being taught letters and words by PersonY because _ is a great tutoror."} {"input": "Context Word: letters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote mean letters to everyone in the class unlike PersonY because _ was very cruel. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote mean letters to everyone in the class unlike PersonY because _ was very kind."} {"input": "Context Word: letters.", "output": "Sentence 1: The letters PersonX wrote were better written than those of PersonY because _ is an English major. \nSentence 2: The letters PersonX wrote were better written than those of PersonY because _ is a Math major."} {"input": "Context Word: jacket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidentally spilled his glass of wine all over PersonY's suede jacket because _ was clumsy. \nSentence 2: PersonX accidentally spilled his glass of wine all over PersonY's suede jacket because _ was in the way."} {"input": "Context Word: jacket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lent a jacket to PersonY because she was cold. When it wasn't returned, _ was angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed a jacket from PersonY because she was cold. When it wasn't returned, _ was angry."} {"input": "Context Word: jacket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lent the new blue jacket to PersonY although _ was planning on wearing it. \nSentence 2: PersonX lent the new blue jacket to PersonY because _ was planning on wearing it."} {"input": "Context Word: jacket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loaned their jacket to PersonY during the cold night, although _ was feeling cold themselves. \nSentence 2: PersonX loaned their jacket to PersonY during the cold night, because _ was feeling cold."} {"input": "Context Word: jacket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put off his jacket and gave it to PersonY to put it on because _ is feeling hot. \nSentence 2: PersonX put off his jacket and gave it to PersonY to put it on because _ is feeling colf."} {"input": "Context Word: jacket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a jacket on a cold winter day while PersonY forgot one, so _ was quite warm outside. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a jacket on a cold winter day while PersonY forgot one, so _ was quite cold outside."} {"input": "Context Word: stained glass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY went to the local community college to sign up for a stained glass class because _ was crafty. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY went to the local community college to sign up for a stained glass class because _ was not crafty."} {"input": "Context Word: peaches.", "output": "Sentence 1: The next door neighbor brought some peaches to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ liked them. \nSentence 2: The next door neighbor brought some peaches to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ hated them."} {"input": "Context Word: embroider by hand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY failed the arts and crafts class because _ could not embroider by hand. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY failed the arts and crafts class because _ could embroider by hand very well."} {"input": "Context Word: Stoic philosophy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is teaching Stoic philosophy at the college PersonY attends, _ has been a teacher for ten years. \nSentence 2: PersonX is teaching Stoic philosophy at the college PersonY attends, _ has been a student for thirteen years."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the aquarium, PersonX asked PersonY about the sharks and how they were everywhere in the tank. _ was interested. \nSentence 2: At the aquarium, PersonX asked PersonY about the sharks and how they were everywhere in the tank. _ was uninterested."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to look at the fish in the pet store was PersonX's favorite thing, but PersonY hated fish, so _ got an aquarium for her birthday. \nSentence 2: Going to look at the fish in the pet store was PersonX's least favorite thing, but PersonY loved fish, so _ got an aquarium for her birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when the zoo's aquarium exhibit was closing because _ was not sure. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when the zoo's aquarium exhibit was closing but _ was not sure."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have a clean aquarium full of fish that PersonY would want for himself, because _ never kept his tank as clean to keep his fish healthy and alive. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a clean aquarium full of fish that PersonY wanted for himself, but _ never kept his tank as clean to keep his fish healthy and alive."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot to to feed the fish in their aquarium but PersonY remembered to feed theirs. _ found all their fish dead at the end of the week. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot to to feed the fish in their aquarium but PersonY remembered to feed theirs. _ found all their fish healthy at the end of the week."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX frequents the local aquarium much more than PersonY because _ is an animal lover. \nSentence 2: PersonX frequents the local aquarium much more than PersonY because _ is not an animal lover."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned more fish than PersonY did because _ had a bigger sized aquarium at home. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned less fish than PersonY did because _ had a bigger sized aquarium at home."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rushed to build their aquarium so it fell apart but PersonY's did not since _ is careless. \nSentence 2: PersonX rushed to build their aquarium so it fell apart but PersonY's did not since _ is thorough."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed their large aquarium to PersonY since _ had owned one for a long time. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed their large aquarium to PersonY since _ had always wanted to own one for a long time."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the aquarium needed a new fish but PersonY though it needed something different so _ bought a goldfish for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the aquarium needed a new fish but PersonY though it needed something different so _ bought a seahorse for it."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX visited PersonY to see her aquarium , since _ loved to look at her tropical fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX visited PersonY to see her aquarium , since _ loved to show off her tropical fish."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted fish as pets, but PersonY disagreed. _ didn't mind having to clean the aquarium. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted fish as pets, but PersonY disagreed. _ hated having to clean the aquarium."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted his aquarium to be as good as PersonY's aquarium, because _ aquarium was uninhabited. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted his aquarium to be as good as PersonY's aquarium, because _ aquarium was inhabited."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go visit the aquarium on the weekend but not PersonY because _ had never been there. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go visit the aquarium on the weekend but not PersonY because _ had been there before."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would like a salt water aquarium but PersonY would like a Coral reef. _ states fish do not need coral. \nSentence 2: PersonX would like a salt water aquarium but PersonY would like a Coral reef. _ states coral setup does not need fish.."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: The aquarium was very appealing to PersonX while PersonY hated it, since _ loved seeing fish. \nSentence 2: The aquarium was very appealing to PersonX while PersonY hated it, since _ hated seeing fish."} {"input": "Context Word: aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was an aquarium at the mall and PersonX liked visiting it but PersonY did not because _ loved sealife. \nSentence 2: There was an aquarium at the mall and PersonX liked visiting it but PersonY did not because _ hated sealife."} {"input": "Context Word: Facebook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spends a lot of time on Facebook but PersonY does not. _ has a lot of Facebook friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX spends a lot of time on Facebook but PersonY does not. _ has a few Facebook friends."} {"input": "Context Word: Facebook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses Facebook all the time, but PersonY is kind of against social media. _ is savvy at technology. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses Facebook all the time, but PersonY is kind of against social media. _ is against technology."} {"input": "Context Word: Facebook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a social media addict, but PersonY thought it ridiculous. _ was addicted to Facebook. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a social media addict, but PersonY thought it ridiculous. _ didn't even have a Facebook."} {"input": "Context Word: Facebook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was obsessed with social media but PersonY couldn't care less about it. _ constantly checked Facebook. \nSentence 2: PersonX was obsessed with social media but PersonY couldn't care less about it. _ didn't even have a Facebook."} {"input": "Context Word: Facebook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's Facebook account has more friends than the one PersonY has due to _ being a friendlier person. \nSentence 2: PersonX's Facebook account has more friends than the one PersonY has due to _ being a meaner person."} {"input": "Context Word: subtract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know how to subtract yet, so PersonY showed them leading _ to be extremely grateful. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know how to subtract yet, so PersonY showed them leading _ to be extremely amused.."} {"input": "Context Word: fitness plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY with writing a fitness plan because _ was a success in the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY with writing a fitness plan because _ was a failure in the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: layers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to put on multiple layers of clothes unlike PersonY because _ lived in a cold area. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to put on multiple layers of clothes unlike PersonY because _ lived in a hot area."} {"input": "Context Word: layers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hid themselves from PersonY with layers of deceit, because _ was afraid to be exposed. \nSentence 2: PersonX hid themselves from PersonY with layers of deceit, because _ was afraid to be pushy."} {"input": "Context Word: layers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a lot of layers in their house while PersonY wore a t-shirt because _ was cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a lot of layers in their house while PersonY wore a t-shirt because _ was warm."} {"input": "Context Word: lip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used lip balm but PersonY did not so he felt _ in this situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX used lip balm but PersonY did not so she was _ in this situation."} {"input": "Context Word: close.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was standing close to the front of the room, they were able to escape the fire before PersonY, because _ was near the exit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was standing close to the front of the room, they were able to escape the fire before PersonY, because _ was far from the exit."} {"input": "Context Word: owner's manual.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was able to fix the computer because _ had consulted the owner's manual. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was able to fix the computer because _ had not consulted the owner's manual."} {"input": "Context Word: employer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better employer than PersonY so _ did not have to worry about retaining employees. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better employer than PersonY so _ had to worry about retaining employees."} {"input": "Context Word: pancake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forcefully yelled at PersonY because _ had refused to make her a nice pancake breakfast. \nSentence 2: PersonX willingly thanked PersonY because _ had attempted to make her a nice pancake breakfast."} {"input": "Context Word: pancake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to learn how to flip a pancake so he asks PersonY for an advice, because _ is a beginner. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to learn how to flip a pancake so he asks PersonY for an advice, because _ is an experienced chef."} {"input": "Context Word: excused leave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would not be punished for their absence because _ had an excused leave from human resources. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would not be punished for their absence because _ did not have an excused leave from human resources."} {"input": "Context Word: bow tie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX struggled with tying a bow tie, while PersonY did not, because _ had never done it before. \nSentence 2: PersonX struggled with tying a bow tie, while PersonY did not, because _ had done it many times before."} {"input": "Context Word: Heartburn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he was having heartburn, because _ had never had it before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he was having heartburn, but _ had never had it before."} {"input": "Context Word: shoelaces.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to tie shoelaces was hard for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was a slow learner. \nSentence 2: Learning to tie shoelaces was hard for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was a fast learner."} {"input": "Context Word: shoelaces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had shorter shoelaces than PersonY had on their shoes so _ tripped less often. \nSentence 2: PersonX had longer shoelaces than PersonY had on their shoes so _ tripped less often."} {"input": "Context Word: smile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved animals but PersonY did not, so only _ would smile when she saw the puppy. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved animals but PersonY did not, so _ did not smile when she saw the puppy."} {"input": "Context Word: smile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rarely smiles while PersonY often smiles, so people often thought that _ was quite happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX rarely smiles while PersonY often smiles, so people often thought that _ was quite stern."} {"input": "Context Word: smile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smiled a lot to PersonY when _ was told something nice about his job performance by him. \nSentence 2: PersonX smiled a lot to PersonY when _ told something nice about his job performance to him."} {"input": "Context Word: smile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to get PersonY to smile because _ knew what it was like to have a bad day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to get PersonY to smile but _ knew what it was like to have a bad day."} {"input": "Context Word: smile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would smile in all the photographs but not PersonY because _ had straight teeth. \nSentence 2: PersonX would smile in all the photographs but not PersonY because _ had crooked teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: smile.", "output": "Sentence 1: The smile of PersonX is duller than PersonY's is, so _ brushes his teeth less often. \nSentence 2: The smile of PersonX is brighter than PersonY's is, so _ brushes his teeth less often."} {"input": "Context Word: lamps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to decorate the house and not PersonY so _ went to the store and picked out new lamps. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated to decorate the house and PersonY loved to so _ went to the store and picked out new lamps."} {"input": "Context Word: calligraphy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn how to write calligraphy from PersonY because _ heard she was a good teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn how to write calligraphy from PersonY because _ was a good teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: calligraphy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very skilled in calligraphy but not PersonY because _ had a steady hand. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very skilled in calligraphy but not PersonY because _ had a shaky hand."} {"input": "Context Word: workplace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drove in a car to their workplace while PersonY biked, so _ never wore a helmet on their way to work. \nSentence 2: PersonX drove in a car to their workplace while PersonY biked, so _ often wore a helmet on their way to work."} {"input": "Context Word: workplace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept the workplace clean and tidy, unlike PersonY who was untidy. _ couldn't think in a messy environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept the workplace clean and tidy, unlike PersonY who was untidy. _ couldn't think in an obsessively neat environment."} {"input": "Context Word: workplace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's workplace is filled with offices, but PersonY works at home. _ is more likely to be the salesman. \nSentence 2: PersonX's workplace is filled with offices, but PersonY works at home. _ is more likely to be the daycare owner."} {"input": "Context Word: workplace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's workplace is less stressful than PersonY's, as a result of _ being in an easier industry. \nSentence 2: PersonX's workplace is less stressful than PersonY's, as a result of _ being in a difficult industry."} {"input": "Context Word: dental care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's teeth were healthier than PersonY's teeth, because _ was meticulous about maintaining good dental care. \nSentence 2: PersonX's teeth were healthier than PersonY's teeth, because _ didn't care about maintaining good dental care."} {"input": "Context Word: thick skin.", "output": "Sentence 1: Insults bounced right off of PersonX but deeply hurt PersonY, since _ had a very thick skin. \nSentence 2: Insults bounced right off of PersonX but deeply hurt PersonY, since _ didn't have a very thick skin."} {"input": "Context Word: thick skin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found standup comedy difficult but it came naturally to PersonY. _ had never had a thick skin for hecklers. \nSentence 2: PersonX found standup comedy difficult but it came naturally to PersonY. _ had always had a thick skin for hecklers."} {"input": "Context Word: Bellatrix Lestrange.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to dress PersonY up as Bellatrix Lestrange for Halloween, so _ helped them with the costume. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to dress up PersonY up as Bellatrix Lestrange for Halloween, so _ got help with the costume."} {"input": "Context Word: theft.", "output": "Sentence 1: In court, PersonX sat while PersonY gave testimony against her, since _ had committed the theft . \nSentence 2: In court, PersonX sat while PersonY gave testimony against her, since _ had witnessed the theft ."} {"input": "Context Word: theft.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had become the victim of mail theft several times but PersonY never did because _ did not have a secure mailbox. \nSentence 2: PersonX had become the victim of mail theft several times but PersonY never did because _ had a secure mailbox."} {"input": "Context Word: glue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed glue from PersonY for their school project because _ had a low amount of supplies. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed glue from PersonY for their school project because _ had a surplus of supplies."} {"input": "Context Word: glue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a crafter of many things, PersonY is not a crafter at all therefore _ knows more about glue. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a crafter of many things, PersonY is not a crafter at all therefore _ knows little about glue."} {"input": "Context Word: glue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used glue to fix PersonY's toy because _ was old enough to use superglue. \nSentence 2: PersonX used glue to fix PersonY's toy because _ was too young to use superglue."} {"input": "Context Word: glue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was allowed to use the hot glue gun but not PersonY because _ was older. \nSentence 2: PersonX was allowed to use the hot glue gun but not PersonY because _ was young."} {"input": "Context Word: glue.", "output": "Sentence 1: The glue PersonX used for her project didn't work well, so PersonY bought her rubber cement. _ was able to complete it in time. \nSentence 2: The glue PersonX used for her project didn't work well, so PersonY bought her rubber cement. _ was able to deliver it in time."} {"input": "Context Word: glue.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using glue for the project was important for PersonX but not PersonY because _ thought it would stick better. \nSentence 2: Using glue for the project was important for PersonX but not PersonY because _ thought it would stick worse."} {"input": "Context Word: opinion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a stronger opinion about the vote than PersonY so _ focused on the campaign hard. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a stronger opinion about the vote than PersonY so _ ignored the campaign easily."} {"input": "Context Word: philosophy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX procrastinated on their philosophy paper while PersonY wrote theirs weeks in advance, _ failed the final paper. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX procrastinated on their philosophy paper while PersonY wrote theirs weeks in advance, _ got an A on the final paper."} {"input": "Context Word: philosophy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied very hard for their philosophy test unlike PersonY's. _ passed the exam easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied very hard for their philosophy test unlike PersonY's. _ failed the exam easily."} {"input": "Context Word: philosophy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Studying philosophy was easier for PersonX than PersonY, since _ had always thought long and hard about abstract concepts. \nSentence 2: Studying philosophy was easier for PersonX than PersonY, since _ had rarely thought long and hard about abstract concepts."} {"input": "Context Word: award.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not happy that PersonY was given the award instead of him and _ is jealous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not happy that PersonY was given the award instead of him and _ is trusting."} {"input": "Context Word: award.", "output": "Sentence 1: The award motivated PersonX to win more than it did PersonY, therefore _ was victorious. \nSentence 2: The award motivated PersonX to win more than it did PersonY, none the less _ was victorious."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a year of marriage, PersonX but not PersonY was ready to try to get pregnant because _ had always loved kids. \nSentence 2: After a year of marriage, PersonX but not PersonY was ready to try to get pregnant because _ had never liked kids."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX wanted a lot of kids but PersonY only wanted one child, _ tried to get pregnant many times. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX wanted a lot of kids but PersonY only wanted one child, _ tried to get pregnant one time."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when they got pregnant and congratulated them because _ was happy for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when they got pregnant and congratulated them so _ was happy to answer them."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't get pregnant and PersonY was currently pregnant, causing _ to feel sad and worthless. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't get pregnant and PersonY was currently pregnant, causing _ to feel happy and excited."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX excitedly tells PersonY that she is pregnant, because _ always shares everything with her friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX excitedly tells PersonY that she is pregnant, because _ always enjoys news from her friend."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found out she can't get pregnant, while PersonY is currently with child. _ is feeling awful for herself. \nSentence 2: PersonX found out she can't get pregnant, while PersonY is currently with child. _ is feeling awful for her friend."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got pregnant but PersonY didn't get pregnant. _ forgot to take their birth control. \nSentence 2: PersonX got pregnant but PersonY didn't get pregnant. _ remembered to take their birth control."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got pregnant from PersonY, so _ had to push really hard when it was time for the baby to come out. \nSentence 2: PersonX got pregnant from PersonY, so _ had to be really supportive when it was time for the baby to come out."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much bigger belly than PersonY did because _ was more months pregnant. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much bigger belly than PersonY did because _ was less months pregnant."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had weighed in more than PersonY at the appointment because _ was five months pregnant. \nSentence 2: PersonX had weighed in more than PersonY at the appointment although _ was five months pregnant."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more belly fat on average than PersonY, so _ looks a bit more pregnant when they have a baby. \nSentence 2: PersonX has more belly fat on average than PersonY, so _ looks a bit less pregnant when they have a baby."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to watch everything that she eats due to being pregnant compared to PersonY because _ is hopeful for a baby. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to watch everything that she eats due to being pregnant compared to PersonY because _ is unenthusiastic for a baby."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is PersonY's 42 year-old pregnant patient. _ asked if a test for Down's Syndrome would be a good idea. \nSentence 2: PersonX is PersonY's 42 year-old pregnant patient. _ suggested that a test for Down's Syndrome would be a good idea."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to go the doctor because she was pregnant. PersonY offered to drive her because _ did not have a car. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to go the doctor because she was pregnant. PersonY offered to drive her because _ had a car."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX revealed to PersonY that she was pregnant, though _ hadn't told anyone else yet. \nSentence 2: PersonX revealed to PersonY that she was pregnant, and _ couldn't tell anyone else yet."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to tell PersonY that she was pregnant, but _ was nervous to tell him. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to tell PersonY that she was pregnant, and _ was interested to hear it."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was feeling very jealous of PersonY's happy news because _ could not get pregnant. \nSentence 2: PersonX was feeling very jealous of PersonY's happy news because _ could quickly get pregnant."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was nine months pregnant but PersonY was not pregnant at all. _ had a beautiful baby girl. \nSentence 2: PersonX was nine months pregnant but PersonY was not pregnant at all. _ didn't have a beautiful baby girl."} {"input": "Context Word: pregnant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was pregnant and went to go see PersonY for a checkup, and _ underwent the checkup without issue. \nSentence 2: PersonX was pregnant and went to go see PersonY for a checkup, and _ performed the checkup without issue."} {"input": "Context Word: trading forex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always liked trading forex while PersonY never did despite the fact that _ always lost money. \nSentence 2: PersonX always liked trading forex while PersonY never did despite the fact that _ always made money."} {"input": "Context Word: Purim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY over for Purim dinner, and _ asked them to bring a dish to dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY over for Purim dinner, and they asked _ to bring a dish to dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: Shiny Hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of PersonYs shiny hair, so _ asked them how to get their hair to shine for weeks. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of PersonYs shiny hair, but _ showed them how to get their hair to shine already."} {"input": "Context Word: respectful.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man was very respectful to PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was a polite individual. \nSentence 2: The man was very respectful to PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was a rude individual."} {"input": "Context Word: groomed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was working on being a more groomed individual from PersonY for _ had an ugly style. \nSentence 2: PersonX was working on being a more groomed individual from PersonY for _ had an beautiful style."} {"input": "Context Word: groomed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog looks better groomed than PersonY's because _ did it at a doggy salon. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog looks better groomed than PersonY's because _ did it at their own home."} {"input": "Context Word: Abused.", "output": "Sentence 1: For many years, PersonX often abused PersonY during their time together. _ often dreamed of asking for forgiveness. \nSentence 2: For many years, PersonX often abused PersonY during their time together. _ often dreamed of leaving him."} {"input": "Context Word: twitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was younger than PersonY, so _ had a twitter to communicate with her friends rather than using mailed letters and the phone. \nSentence 2: PersonX was older than PersonY, so _ had a twitter to communicate with her friends rather than using mailed letters and the phone."} {"input": "Context Word: Oven.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had left the oven open so PersonY closed it for him. _ was very grateful. \nSentence 2: PersonX had left the oven open so PersonY closed it for him. _ was very helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: restraining order.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting a restraining order against her significant other was required for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was in an abusive relationship. \nSentence 2: Getting a restraining order against her significant other was required for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was in a healthy relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: dark circles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not have dark circles under her eyes, while PersonY did, because _ got enough sleep most nights. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not have dark circles under her eyes, while PersonY did, because _ got too little sleep most nights."} {"input": "Context Word: dark circles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had dark circles under their eyes the next day, while PersonY looked well rested, because _ had gone to bed late. \nSentence 2: PersonX had dark circles under their eyes the next day, while PersonY looked well rested, because _ had gone to bed early."} {"input": "Context Word: hay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew a lot of hay on their farm but not PersonY because _ bred grazing animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew a lot of hay on their farm but not PersonY because _ bred flying animals."} {"input": "Context Word: apology.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX absolutely refused to accept the apology that PersonY offered to them, because _ was stubborn. \nSentence 2: PersonX absolutely refused to accept the apology that PersonY offered to them, because _ was insincere."} {"input": "Context Word: violin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX excelled at the violin lessons while PersonY struggled, because _ had a gift for music. \nSentence 2: PersonX excelled at the violin lessons while PersonY struggled, because _ lacked a gift for music."} {"input": "Context Word: violin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to play the violin in school unlike PersonY, because _ was into music. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to play the violin in school unlike PersonY, because _ was into sports."} {"input": "Context Word: violin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX teaches PersonY to play the violin, because _ has been playing for many years. \nSentence 2: PersonX teaches PersonY to play the violin, because _ hasn't tried to play for many years."} {"input": "Context Word: violin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was far more likely to do well at playing the violin than PersonY because _ had a good ear for music. \nSentence 2: PersonX was far more likely to do well at playing the violin than PersonY because _ did not have a good ear for music."} {"input": "Context Word: violin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teaching PersonY had to play the violin as _ was a famous musician. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching PersonY had to play the violin as _ was an amateur musician."} {"input": "Context Word: violin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at playing the violin but PersonY was not. _ gave a stunning concert performance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at playing the violin but PersonY was not. _ gave a lousy concert performance."} {"input": "Context Word: violin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's skills at playing the violin are pretty weak, while PersonY is strong because _ started playing a year ago. \nSentence 2: PersonX's skills at playing the violin are pretty weak, while PersonY is strong because _ started playing a decade ago."} {"input": "Context Word: violin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's violin was acquired through stealing it from PersonY's car, so _ is a thief. \nSentence 2: PersonX's violin was acquired through stealing it from PersonY's car, so _ is a victim."} {"input": "Context Word: maintenance.", "output": "Sentence 1: Maintenance work suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a good working knowledge of tools. \nSentence 2: Maintenance work suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a good working knowledge of tools."} {"input": "Context Word: Closet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't comfortable being gay but PersonY was, so _ stayed in the closet to all their friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't comfortable being gay but PersonY was, so _ came out of the closet to all their friends."} {"input": "Context Word: permission.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man wanted permission from PersonX but not PersonY because the man did not know _ . \nSentence 2: The man wanted permission from PersonX but not PersonY because the man already knew _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: daughter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was the daughter of PersonY, it seemed _ gave all the orders anyway. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was the daughter of PersonY, it seemed _ took all the orders anyway."} {"input": "Context Word: daughter.", "output": "Sentence 1: The daughter of PersonX was more embarrassed than PersonY's daughter because _ yelled at her in public. \nSentence 2: The daughter of PersonX was more embarrassed than PersonY's daughter because _ talked to her in private."} {"input": "Context Word: daughter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Their daughter could relate more to PersonX than to PersonY on somethings because _ was a female. \nSentence 2: Their daughter could relate more to PersonX than to PersonY on somethings because _ was a male."} {"input": "Context Word: change.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to change their name to match their husband's name, while PersonY did not, because _ was married. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to change their name to match their husband's name, while PersonY did not, because _ was unmarried."} {"input": "Context Word: change.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did everything they could to change PersonY, but _ wasn't persuasive enough to be effective. \nSentence 2: PersonX did everything they could to change PersonY, but _ wasn't passive enough to be dominated."} {"input": "Context Word: change.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to move but PersonY loved the change, as _ liked the old house. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to move but PersonY loved the change, as _ was wanting a new start."} {"input": "Context Word: change.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to change a lightbulb but PersonY did not because _ was a very practical person. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to change a lightbulb but PersonY did not because _ was a very impractical person."} {"input": "Context Word: change.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs to know when to change their oil so they asked PersonY, _ is mechanically inclined. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to know when to change their oil so they asked PersonY, _ is do it yourself inclined."} {"input": "Context Word: change.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to change the way PersonY looked, but _ had no say in creating a different look. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to change the way PersonY looked, but _ had no interest in creating a different look."} {"input": "Context Word: change.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to change the way things worked unlike PersonY because _ was motivated to complete it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to change the way things worked unlike PersonY because _ was unmotivated to complete it."} {"input": "Context Word: change.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the doctors office without PersonY because _ had to change his prescription. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the doctors office without PersonY because _ had to change the engine oil."} {"input": "Context Word: belonging.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a sense of belonging for PersonY because _ was away from home at college. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a sense of belonging for PersonY because _ was stuck at home working."} {"input": "Context Word: calculated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX calculated their actions more carefully than PersonY, as _ valued logic and reason a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX calculated their actions more carefully than PersonY, as _ didn't value logic and reason a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: stole.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got in more trouble than PersonY did because _ stole more things from the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX got in more trouble than PersonY did although _ stole more things from the store."} {"input": "Context Word: stole.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stole from PersonY but he forgave him for what he did, _ is a bad friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX stole from PersonY but he forgave him for what he did, _ is a good friend."} {"input": "Context Word: Spanish.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the library on Tuesday, PersonX spoke Spanish to PersonY because _ only spoke Spanish. \nSentence 2: At the library on Tuesday, PersonX spoke Spanish to PersonY because _ only understood Spanish."} {"input": "Context Word: Spanish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is known as bilingual whereas PersonY is not because _ can speak Spanish fluently. \nSentence 2: PersonX is known as bilingual whereas PersonY is not because _ still can't speak Spanish fluently."} {"input": "Context Word: Spanish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX talked PersonY into learning Spanish, it was obvious to the teacher that _ was a better learner. \nSentence 2: PersonX talked PersonY into learning Spanish, it was obvious to the teacher that _ was a slower learner."} {"input": "Context Word: Spanish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fully fluent in Spanish and tried to talk to PersonY using it; when he didn't understand, _ switched to English. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fully fluent in Spanish and tried to talk to PersonY using it; when he didn't understand, _ decided to learn."} {"input": "Context Word: Spanish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's Spanish speaking is native, while PersonY can't speak it. _ lives in Mexico City. \nSentence 2: PersonX's Spanish speaking is native, while PersonY can't speak it. _ lives in the US."} {"input": "Context Word: Spanish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Rather than speak in English, PersonX chose to speak to PersonY in Spanish to build rapport because _ was not Hispanic. \nSentence 2: Rather than speak in English, PersonX chose to speak to PersonY in Spanish to build rapport because _ was Hispanic."} {"input": "Context Word: Spanish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Spanish is being taught by PersonX to PersonY due to _ being a professor in it. \nSentence 2: Spanish is being taught by PersonX to PersonY due to _ being a student in it."} {"input": "Context Word: Spanish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Spanish is the native language of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ grew up in a Hispanic community. \nSentence 2: Spanish is the native language of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ grew up in an Asian community."} {"input": "Context Word: educated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a master's degree from a prestigious university, while PersonY was self-taught, so _ was confident that he was well educated. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a master's degree from a prestigious university, while PersonY was self-taught, so _ was doubtful that he was well educated."} {"input": "Context Word: educated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a worse chance of getting a good job compared to PersonY, because _ was less educated. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a worse chance of getting a good job compared to PersonY, because _ was more educated."} {"input": "Context Word: worked out.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked out at the gym while PersonY worked out at the pool. _ went to the gym to work out. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked out at the gym while PersonY worked out at the pool. _ went to the pool to work out."} {"input": "Context Word: men.", "output": "Sentence 1: Meeting men was never a problem for PersonX but it was for PersonY because _ was very attractive. \nSentence 2: Meeting men was never a problem for PersonX but it was for PersonY because _ was very ugly."} {"input": "Context Word: men.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ thinks men are great because PersonX has had great experiences with them while PersonY didn't. \nSentence 2: So _ thinks men are pathetic because PersonX has had great experiences with them while PersonY didn't."} {"input": "Context Word: mint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to drink mint tea all the time while PersonY does not, so _ ordered mint tea from the restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to drink mint tea all the time while PersonY does not, so _ ordered a soda from the restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: potluck.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved going to a potluck dinner but not PersonY. _ was overjoyed to get an invite to the church potluck dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved going to a potluck dinner but not PersonY. _ was ambivalent to get an invite to the church potluck dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: loner.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a loner didn't scare PersonX but it terrified PersonY. _ was an only child and use to being alone. \nSentence 2: Being a loner didn't scare PersonX but it terrified PersonY. _ wasn't an only child and wasn't use to being alone."} {"input": "Context Word: loner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more of a loner than PersonY because _ hated to talk to people. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more of a loner than PersonY because _ loved to talk to people."} {"input": "Context Word: loner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was quite the loner while PersonY was more social, which meant _ dreaded the Homecoming Dance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was quite the loner while PersonY was more social, which meant _ loved the Homecoming Dance."} {"input": "Context Word: birthday cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a birthday cake for PersonY because _ wanted to celebrate the special occasion. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a birthday cake for PersonY because _ wanted to be celebrated on the special occasion."} {"input": "Context Word: payments.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always keeps track of his bills and payments but not PersonY because _ is organized. \nSentence 2: PersonX always keeps track of his bills and payments but not PersonY because _ is disorganized."} {"input": "Context Word: payments.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to borrow money from PersonY because _ fell behind on their credit card payments. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to borrow money from PersonY because _ already paid all their credit card payments."} {"input": "Context Word: payments.", "output": "Sentence 1: The payments were made by PersonX to PersonY, as _ had borrowed so much money in the past. \nSentence 2: The payments were made by PersonX to PersonY, as _ had lent so much money in the past."} {"input": "Context Word: shower.", "output": "Sentence 1: It takes PersonX longer to shower than PersonY due to the fact that _ is slower moving. \nSentence 2: It takes PersonX longer to shower than PersonY due to the fact that _ is quicker moving."} {"input": "Context Word: shower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleaned their shower stall daily but PersonY only did it monthly. _ never had soap scum on their shower glass. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleaned their shower stall daily but PersonY only did it monthly. _ usually had soap scum on their shower glass."} {"input": "Context Word: shower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not take a shower in the morning, but PersonY did. _ is dirty. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not take a shower in the morning, but PersonY did. _ is clean."} {"input": "Context Word: shower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew the perfect gift for the wedding shower, but PersonY had to do some research, because _ was intimately acquainted with the bride. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew the perfect gift for the wedding shower, but PersonY had to do some research, because _ was slightly acquainted with the bride."} {"input": "Context Word: shower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved a good long shower but PersonY liked a long hot bath. _ installed a rainforest head in their bathroom. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved a good long shower but PersonY liked a long hot bath. _ installed a jacuzzi in their bathroom."} {"input": "Context Word: shower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smelled much better than PersonY smelled because _ had just taken a shower at the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX smelled much worse than PersonY smelled because _ had just taken a shower at the house."} {"input": "Context Word: shower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smells better than PersonY usually due to _ taking a shower every single day. \nSentence 2: PersonX smells better than PersonY usually even though _ takes a shower every single day."} {"input": "Context Word: shower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a shower with his old tattoo while PersonY could not take a shower with his new tattoo. _ took a shower today. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a shower with his old tattoo while PersonY could not take a shower with his new tattoo. _ did not take a shower today."} {"input": "Context Word: shower.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ took a long shower because PersonX was tired from working all day while PersonY stayed at home watching TV and relaxing. \nSentence 2: So _ took a short shower because PersonX was tired from working all day while PersonY stayed at home watching TV and relaxing."} {"input": "Context Word: shower.", "output": "Sentence 1: Taking a shower is preferred by PersonX but disliked by PersonY. _ took a long hot shower. \nSentence 2: Taking a shower is preferred by PersonX but disliked by PersonY. _ took a long hot bath."} {"input": "Context Word: comics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is considered to be better at drawing comics than PersonY, so _ offers to give lessons. \nSentence 2: PersonX is considered to be better at drawing comics than PersonY, so _ asks to get lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: rope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to tie the horse to the hitch with a rope, but she didn't know how to tie a knot; _ showed her how. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to tie the horse to the hitch with a rope because she didn't know how to tie a knot; _ showed her how."} {"input": "Context Word: valuable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been collecting art for much longer that PersonY, so _ knew her collection was more valuable. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been collecting art for much longer that PersonY, so _ knew her collection was less valuable."} {"input": "Context Word: valuable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planned to steal the valuable painting from PersonY, because _ wanted to own something beautiful. \nSentence 2: PersonX planned to steal the valuable painting from PersonY, because _ finally owned something beautiful."} {"input": "Context Word: valuable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hired for valuable a job that PersonY had also applied for, _ was a lot more qualified. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hired for valuable a job that PersonY had also applied for, _ was less qualified."} {"input": "Context Word: blow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smokes a lot, PersonY does not smoke at all which is why _ cannot blow up balloons. \nSentence 2: PersonX smokes a lot, PersonY does not smoke at all which is why _ can blow up balloons."} {"input": "Context Word: terrier.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone thinks the terrier that PersonX adopted and gave to PersonY as a gift is the cutest dog on Earth, so _ feels like they made a good decision. \nSentence 2: Everyone thinks the terrier that PersonX adopted and gave to PersonY as a gift is the cutest dog on Earth, so _ feels like they have a generous friend."} {"input": "Context Word: whiskers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cat continued to rub his whiskers on PersonY's face because _ didn't tell him to stop. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cat continued to rub his whiskers on PersonY's face but _ told him to stop."} {"input": "Context Word: Wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx asked for an hammer from persony to hang some photographs on the wall but _ later refused to nail wall. \nSentence 2: personx asked for an hammer from persony to hang some photographs on the wall but _ later refused to give the hammer away."} {"input": "Context Word: compassion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had compassion for PersonY's plight, and offered _ help in any way that was possible. \nSentence 2: PersonX had compassion for PersonY's plight, and offered to help _ in any way that was possible."} {"input": "Context Word: heavy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very heavy but not PersonY because _ would often eat all sorts of unhealthy food in large amounts. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very heavy but not PersonY because _ would often eat all sorts of healthy food in small amounts."} {"input": "Context Word: introverted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more introverted than PersonY is, so it is very likely that _ has fewer friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more introverted than PersonY is, so it is very likely that _ has more friends."} {"input": "Context Word: introverted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more introverted than PersonY, so _ got exhausted at the thought of being around people all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more introverted than PersonY, so _ got excited at the thought of being around people all day."} {"input": "Context Word: introverted.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working on becoming less introverted was a priority for PersonX but unimportant for PersonY for the reason that _ had trouble talking to new people. \nSentence 2: Working on becoming less introverted was a priority for PersonX but unimportant for PersonY for the reason that _ was already skillful in talking to new people."} {"input": "Context Word: Lasagna Noodles.", "output": "Sentence 1: It takes personx more time than persony to boil Lasagna Noodles and hence _ noodles is always softer. \nSentence 2: It takes personx more time than persony to boil Lasagna Noodles and hence _ noodles is always stiffer."} {"input": "Context Word: addicted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was addicted to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol but not PersonY because _ was depressed. \nSentence 2: PersonX was addicted to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol but not PersonY because _ was happy."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: During Halloween, PersonX received more candy than PersonY because _ asked directly for a treat. \nSentence 2: During Halloween, PersonX received more candy than PersonY because _ asked indirectly for a treat."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX _ loved the treats PersonY took the time to bake for them every weekend. \nSentence 2: PersonX _ hated the treats PersonY took the time to bake for them every weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought some donuts to treat PersonY because fortunately _ was feeling generous this morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought some donuts to treat PersonY but unfortunately _ was feeling poorly this morning."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided that they would treat PersonY to a massage at the spa because _ was so thankful. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided that they would treat PersonY to a massage at the spa because _ was so helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found PersonY 's company to be a treat lately, as _ was usually without friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX found PersonY 's company to be a treat lately, as _ was usually with friends."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave their dog biscuits as a treat. PersonY refused to give their dog treats. _ had a very fat dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave their dog biscuits as a treat. PersonY refused to give their dog treats. _ had a very lean dog."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to visit PersonY at the hospital to treat the disease because _ is a cancer patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to visit PersonY at the hospital to treat the disease because _ is a cancer specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to treat PersonY well, so _ always gave a thoughtful gift on her birthday. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to treat PersonY well, so _ always received a thoughtful gift on her birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to treat a stubborn child but PersonY did not because _ was a parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to treat a stubborn child but PersonY did not because _ wasn't a parent."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to treat a suspected heart attack but PersonY did not because _ had undertaken a first aid course. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to treat a suspected heart attack but PersonY did not because _ had skipped a first aid course."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves dogs and doesn't have one of her own. So when PersonY visits with her dog, _ gives it treats and spoils it. \nSentence 2: PersonX hates dogs and doesn't have one of her own. So when PersonY visits with her dog, _ gives it treats and spoils it."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX treats the workers at the factory better than PersonY, because _ has kindness in the heart. \nSentence 2: PersonX treats the workers at the factory better than PersonY, because _ has darkness in the heart."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to treat the disease of PersonY but was unsuccessful because _ did not have much experience treating that disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to treat the disease of PersonY but was unsuccessful because _ did not have much hope living through that disease."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sure that she treated PersonY well, as _ was always thanked by her for being so nice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sure that she treated PersonY well, as _ was always thanking her for being so nice."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to treat the ulcer of PersonY at the hospital because _ is a doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to treat the ulcer of PersonY at the hospital because _ is a patient."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very promiscuous while PersonY was quite chaste. _ had to visit the clinic to be treated for herpes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very promiscuous while PersonY was quite chaste. _ had to visit the clinic to be treated for a cold."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the doctor to treat their ailments but not PersonY so _ became healthier. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the doctor to treat their ailments but not PersonY so _ became sicker."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's boyfriend was happy in their relationship unlike PersonY's because _ knew how to treat him right. \nSentence 2: PersonX's boyfriend was happy in their relationship unlike PersonY's because _ didn't know how to treat him right."} {"input": "Context Word: treat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The kitten is drawn to PersonX less than PersonY because _ never gives her a treat. \nSentence 2: The kitten is drawn to PersonX less than PersonY because _ always gives her a treat."} {"input": "Context Word: affirmation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX said the same affirmation everyday, and PersonY thought it was stupid, but _ was endlessly optimistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX said the same affirmation everyday, and PersonY thought it was stupid, because _ was endlessly skeptical."} {"input": "Context Word: necklaces.", "output": "Sentence 1: The necklaces were given to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was a great friend of the family. \nSentence 2: The necklaces were given to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was a great enemy of the family."} {"input": "Context Word: hamsters.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX liked animals more overall than PersonY, _ couldn't stand to be around hamsters. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX liked animals less overall than PersonY, _ couldn't stand to be around hamsters."} {"input": "Context Word: hamsters.", "output": "Sentence 1: At work, PersonX takes care of hamsters, but PersonY doesn't, so _ is the one that works in a pet shop. \nSentence 2: At work, PersonX takes care of hamsters, but PersonY doesn't, so _ is the one that works in an ice cream shop."} {"input": "Context Word: hamsters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought hamsters for the children, which annoyed PersonY because _ did not know how much work they are. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought hamsters for the children, which annoyed PersonY because _ knew how much work they are."} {"input": "Context Word: hamsters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to buy a couple hamsters for PersonY, because _ knew how much they wanted them. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to buy a couple hamsters for PersonY, because _ said how much they wanted them."} {"input": "Context Word: ribbon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought ribbon over to PersonY's house, so that _ could show them how to make a ribbon necklace. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought ribbon over to PersonY's house, so that _ could learn how to make a ribbon necklace."} {"input": "Context Word: ribbon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is able to use a ribbon to tie their hair while PersonY can't because _ has really long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX is able to use a ribbon to tie their hair while PersonY can't because _ has really short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: gain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX easily gained on PersonY as they were racing on the jogging track because _ is a strong runner. \nSentence 2: PersonX hardly gained on PersonY as they were racing on the jogging track because _ is a strong runner."} {"input": "Context Word: cashier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked the cashier some question at the supermarket, PersonY helped him understood because _ had heavy accent. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked the cashier some question at the super market, PersonY helped him understood because _ likes him."} {"input": "Context Word: editor.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a much better writer than PersonY even _ couldn't argue the other is a much better editor. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a much worse writer than PersonY even _ couldn't argue the other is a much better editor."} {"input": "Context Word: editor.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to become an editor was perfect for PersonX but not for PersonY due to _ having dreams of working in the publishing business. \nSentence 2: Learning to become an editor was perfect for PersonX but not for PersonY due to _ having dreams of working in the medical field."} {"input": "Context Word: editor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more excited to visit the editor than PersonY because _ loved the new book. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more excited to visit the editor than PersonY because _ hated the new book."} {"input": "Context Word: editor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The book written by PersonX was better than the one by PersonY because _ had hired a better editor. \nSentence 2: The book written by PersonX was worse than the one by PersonY because _ had hired a better editor."} {"input": "Context Word: gain weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to gain weight and PersonY was trying to lose weight so _ ate pizza for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to gain weight and PersonY was trying to lose weight so _ ate salad for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: guppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY guppies for their birthday, and _ taught them how to raise them to keep them healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY guppies for their birthday, and _ learned how to raise them to keep them healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: guppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved animals but not PersonY, so _ took care of all the baby guppies today. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't love animals but PersonY did, so _ took care of all the baby guppies today."} {"input": "Context Word: ovulates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX no longer ovulates, though PersonY does. This means that _ is more likely to be older. \nSentence 2: PersonX no longer ovulates, though PersonY does. This means that _ is more likely to be younger."} {"input": "Context Word: Dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: Blue hair dye appealed to PersonX, but not PersonY because _ always loved the color blue. \nSentence 2: Blue hair dye appealed to PersonX, but not PersonY because _ always loved the color red."} {"input": "Context Word: Dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let a pro dye their hair but PersonY tried it themself. _ had really awesome looking hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX let a pro dye their hair but PersonY tried it themself. _ had really awful looking hair."} {"input": "Context Word: glitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting in trouble with his girlfriend seemed likely for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone home with glitter on him. \nSentence 2: Getting in trouble with his girlfriend seemed likely for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone home with glitter on him."} {"input": "Context Word: glitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got glitter all over PersonY when _ accidentally tripped and fell, spilling it all. \nSentence 2: PersonX got glitter all over PersonY when _ accidentally tripped and fell, landing in it all."} {"input": "Context Word: glitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY the container full of golden sparkly glitter and then _ began painting it on their face. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY the container full of golden sparkly glitter and then _ got it painted on their face."} {"input": "Context Word: glitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched the YouTube makeup tutorials that PersonY did not so _ was able to apply glitter eye shadow correctly. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched the YouTube makeup tutorials that PersonY did not so _ was able to apply glitter eye shadow wrongly."} {"input": "Context Word: glitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would not apply glitter to her costumer, like PersonY did, because _ just lacked pizzazz. \nSentence 2: PersonX would not apply glitter to her costumer, like PersonY did, because _ just had pizzazz."} {"input": "Context Word: itching.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't stop itching after being around PersonY all day, because _ was infected with lice. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't stop itching after being around PersonY all day, because _ infected them with lice."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: After learning about the depression, PersonX consoled father while PersonY didn't as _ was kind. \nSentence 2: After learning about the depression, PersonX consoled father while PersonY didn't as _ was mean."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX felt depression while PersonY felt mentally healthy, _ never saw a psychologist despite this. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX felt depression while PersonY felt mentally healthy, _ still saw a psychologist despite this."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: Depression is the main cause of PersonX's visit to PersonY, so _ is likely a client. \nSentence 2: Depression is the main cause of PersonX's visit to PersonY, so _ is likely a therapist."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: Depression was a constant struggle for PersonX but not for PersonY, because _ was a negative pessimist. \nSentence 2: Depression was a constant struggle for PersonX but not for PersonY, because _ was a positive optimist."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: Depression was an issue for PersonX, but wasn't an issue for PersonY due to _ 's father dying. \nSentence 2: Depression was an issue for PersonX, but wasn't an issue for PersonY due to _ 's father living."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: Depression was normal for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ had been sad often since childhood. \nSentence 2: Depression was normal for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ had been sad rarely since childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave advice to PersonY for their depression because _ was a licensed therapist at the behavioral clinic. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave advice to PersonY for their depression because _ was a patient at the behavioral clinic."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of depression in his life compared to PersonY because _ struggles with everything. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of depression in his life compared to PersonY because _ struggles with nothing."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more trouble doing daily chores than PersonY, because _ suffers from clinical depression. \nSentence 2: PersonX has more trouble doing daily chores than PersonY, because _ successfully manages their clinical depression."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY was suffering from depression so he offered to listen for a while; _ felt helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY was suffering from depression so he offered to listen for a while; _ felt grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made PersonY worry about her because ( _ ) was was crying a lot and showing signs of depression. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried about PersonY because ( _ ) was was crying a lot and showing signs of depression."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from depression while PersonY was always happy, so _ didn't want to go to the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from depression while PersonY was always happy, so _ wanted to go to the party."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from depression whilst PersonY did not which meant that _ could sometimes be apathetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from depression whilst PersonY did not which meant that _ could sometimes be energetic."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was diagnosed with depression by PersonY so _ picked up medication and began treatment. \nSentence 2: PersonX diagnosed with depression PersonY so _ picked up medication and began to undergo treatment."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was prone to depression while PersonY was not, because _ was a naturally optimistic person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was prone to depression while PersonY was not, because _ was a naturally pessimistic person."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: The depression of PersonX is unbearable, so PersonY prescribes some medicine. _ is the client of the other. \nSentence 2: The depression of PersonX is unbearable, so PersonY prescribes some medicine. _ is the physician of the other."} {"input": "Context Word: depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor prescribed depression medication for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was struggling with their mental health. \nSentence 2: The doctor prescribed depression medication for PersonX but not PersonY because _ wasn't struggling with their mental health."} {"input": "Context Word: topic.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the end of the class, PersonX asked PersonY for help because _ couldn't think of a topic for the research paper. \nSentence 2: At the end of the class, PersonX helped PersonY because _ couldn't think of a topic for the research paper."} {"input": "Context Word: Social Security Card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed the help of PersonY to navigate getting their name changed on a social security card, so _ asked for help. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed the help of PersonY to navigate getting their name changed on a social security card, but _ couldn't help."} {"input": "Context Word: pellets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was angry at PersonY and sought revenge by chasing her with the airgun, _ shooting pellets. \nSentence 2: PersonX was angry at PersonY and sought revenge by chasing her with the airgun, _ dodging pellets."} {"input": "Context Word: sweetener.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to use natural sweeteners while PersonY liked to use artificial ones. _ used honey to sweeten their tea. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to use natural sweeteners while PersonY liked to use artificial ones. _ used aspartame to sweeten their tea."} {"input": "Context Word: money clip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always used money clips while PersonY didn't as _ always lost the money in their wallet without one. \nSentence 2: PersonX always used money clips while PersonY didn't as _ never lost the money in their wallet without one."} {"input": "Context Word: motion sickness.", "output": "Sentence 1: When she drove, PersonX's motion sickness was nonexistent, but PersonY disliked being a passenger all the time. _ wished she could be a passenger sometimes. \nSentence 2: When she drove, PersonX's motion sickness was nonexistent, but PersonY disliked being a passenger all the time. _ wished she could drive sometimes."} {"input": "Context Word: Piano.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY to move the bulky piano because _ had a hurt back. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help from PersonY to move the bulky piano because _ had a strong back."} {"input": "Context Word: thread.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a loose thread on his sweater so PersonY pulled on it; _ screamed because the sweater completely unraveled. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a loose thread on his sweater so PersonY pulled on it; _ apologized because the sweater completely unraveled."} {"input": "Context Word: thread.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knits more than PersonY, so _ has a larger collection of thread to choose from. \nSentence 2: PersonX knits more than PersonY, so _ has a smaller collection of thread to choose from."} {"input": "Context Word: thread.", "output": "Sentence 1: Putting thread in a needle can be hard, so PersonX asked PersonY because _ couldn't see the hole. \nSentence 2: Putting thread in a needle can be hard, so PersonX asked PersonY because _ had great vision."} {"input": "Context Word: Germany.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying an airline ticket to Germany made sense for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ lived in Germany. \nSentence 2: Buying an airline ticket to Germany made sense for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ didn't live in Germany."} {"input": "Context Word: Germany.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's relatives come from Germany, while PersonY's come from Japan, so _ is of European descent. \nSentence 2: PersonX's relatives come from Germany, while PersonY's come from Japan, so _ is of Asian descent."} {"input": "Context Word: dissect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not dissect a worm in class but PersonY could because _ found insects revolting. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not dissect a worm in class but PersonY could because _ found insects interesting."} {"input": "Context Word: Crutches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to help PersonY move around on their crutches because _ was able to move freely. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to help PersonY move around on their crutches because _ wasn't able to move well."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach ulcer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Suffering from a stomach ulcer was harder on PersonX than PersonY because _ suffered acute pain. \nSentence 2: Suffering from a stomach ulcer was harder on PersonX than PersonY because _ suffered mild pain."} {"input": "Context Word: Charter School.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's family had limited means while PersonY's family was well to do. _ was not able to go to the expensive charter school. \nSentence 2: PersonX's family had limited means while PersonY's family was well to do. _ was sent to the expensive charter school."} {"input": "Context Word: crate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY they would stop at the pet store on the way home so _ could pick up a crate. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY they would stop at the pet store on the way home so _ didn't have to go pick up a crate."} {"input": "Context Word: crate.", "output": "Sentence 1: When he got a puppy, PersonX wanted the dog to sleep in a crate. PersonY said it should have a kennel outside. _ said it was too cold outside. \nSentence 2: When he got a puppy, PersonX wanted the dog to sleep in a crate. PersonY said it should have a kennel outside. _ said it would pee inside."} {"input": "Context Word: perfume.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having several bottles of high-priced perfume to choose from made PersonX happy but not PersonY because _ had expensive taste. \nSentence 2: Having several bottles of high-priced perfume to choose from made PersonX happy but not PersonY because _ had inexpensive taste."} {"input": "Context Word: perfume.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought an expensive perfume from PersonY, and _ paid a lot of money for the fragrance. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought an expensive perfume from PersonY, and _ was paid a lot of money for the fragrance."} {"input": "Context Word: perfume.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought some perfume for PersonY's oldest daughter because _ worked for a fragrance company. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought some perfume for PersonY's oldest daughter but _ worked for a fragrance company."} {"input": "Context Word: perfume.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got more complements on their perfume than PersonY did because _ had fragrant perfume. \nSentence 2: PersonX got more complements on their perfume than PersonY did because _ had stinky perfume."} {"input": "Context Word: perfume.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wears too much perfume but PersonY does not. _ is avoided by a lot of people. \nSentence 2: PersonX wears too much perfume but PersonY does not. _ is not avoided by a lot of people."} {"input": "Context Word: perfume.", "output": "Sentence 1: The strong perfume made PersonX but not PersonY nauseous because _ was highly allergic to it. \nSentence 2: The strong perfume made PersonX but not PersonY nauseous because _ wasn't allergic to it."} {"input": "Context Word: phase 10.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to demonstrate how to play the game Phase 10 in front of the group, because _ was confused by the instructions. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to demonstrate how to play the game Phase 10 in front of the group, because _ understood the instructions."} {"input": "Context Word: cucumbers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she liked the taste of cucumbers because _ had never had one. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she liked the taste of cucumbers but _ had never had one."} {"input": "Context Word: troops.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to advance on PersonY because the position of the troops on the field indicated that _ was going to win the war. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to surrender to PersonY because the position of the troops on the field indicated that _ was going to win the war."} {"input": "Context Word: tribe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was kicked out of the tribe, but PersonY was allowed to stay, so _ is now a loner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was kicked out of the tribe, but PersonY was allowed to stay, so _ is part of society."} {"input": "Context Word: life insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attempted to claim the life insurance of PersonY through false documentation, but _ was caught in the act. \nSentence 2: PersonX attempted to claim the life insurance of PersonY through false documentation, when _ caught him in the act."} {"input": "Context Word: double jointed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is not as limber or flexible as PersonY due to _ not being double jointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not as limber or flexible as PersonY even though _ is not being double jointed."} {"input": "Context Word: industry.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working in the food and beverage industry suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to culinary school. \nSentence 2: Working in the food and beverage industry suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone to culinary school."} {"input": "Context Word: Guilt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was filled with guilt after his encounter with PersonY because _ had gotten him addicted to gambling. \nSentence 2: PersonX was filled with guilt after his encounter with PersonY because _ had become addicted to gambling."} {"input": "Context Word: runner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much faster runner than PersonY, so _ decided to run in the 5K marathon. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much faster runner than PersonY, so _ avoided running in the 5K marathon."} {"input": "Context Word: runner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was passed in the race near the finish line by PersonY for the reason that _ was a slower runner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was passed in the race near the finish line by PersonY for the reason that _ was a faster runner."} {"input": "Context Word: tires.", "output": "Sentence 1: Needing to buy new tires PersonX went to the tire store with PersonY. _ bought new tires. \nSentence 2: Needing to buy new tires PersonX went to the tire store with PersonY. _ looked at new tires."} {"input": "Context Word: tires.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX changed PersonY's tires on his new car, after that, _ charged him for the parts and labor. \nSentence 2: PersonX changed PersonY's tires on his new car, after that, _ paid him for the parts and labor."} {"input": "Context Word: tires.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to buy water tires but not PersonY because _ lived in a rainy climate. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to buy water tires but not PersonY because _ lived in an arid climate."} {"input": "Context Word: tires.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never checks the air in the tires while PersonY does and you just knew _ would have flat tires. \nSentence 2: PersonX never checks the air in the tires while PersonY does and you just knew _ would have full tires."} {"input": "Context Word: tires.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy with their tires while PersonY needed new ones because _ had tires with tread that was new. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy with their tires while PersonY needed new ones because _ had tires with tread that was worn."} {"input": "Context Word: tires.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tires on PersonX's car are worn down, so they go to visit PersonY. _ is the car owner. \nSentence 2: The tires on PersonX's car are worn down, so they go to visit PersonY. _ is the car repairman."} {"input": "Context Word: tires.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX owned snow tires, PersonY owned standard tires because it often snowed where _ lived. \nSentence 2: While PersonX owned snow tires, PersonY owned standard tires because it never snowed where _ lived."} {"input": "Context Word: pick lottery numbers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had PersonY help to pick lottery numbers because _ had won a lottery before. \nSentence 2: PersonX had PersonY help to pick lottery numbers because _ had no experience in lotteries."} {"input": "Context Word: Sea Monkeys.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asking PersonY for some tips caring for some sea monkeys, because _ had no idea what to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asking PersonY for some tips caring for some sea monkeys, but _ had no idea what to do."} {"input": "Context Word: successful learner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a successful learner PersonY is a successful teacher, _ thinks it would be cool if they could switch places. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a successful learner PersonY is a successful teacher, _ thinks it would be horrible if they could had to switch places."} {"input": "Context Word: interaction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to initiate interaction way too much for PersonY's liking, because _ was pushy. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to initiate interaction way too much for PersonY's liking, because _ was shy."} {"input": "Context Word: Scholarship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked very hard in high school but PersonY goofed around a lot. _ got a scholarship to college. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked very hard in high school but PersonY goofed around a lot. _ didn't get a scholarship to college."} {"input": "Context Word: activity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to participate in the activity that PersonY organized, because _ was a party pooper. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to participate in the activity that PersonY organized, because _ was a boring planner."} {"input": "Context Word: TOEFL test.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the college entrance exam, PersonX did well on the TOEFL test, but PersonY did not because _ had a love for English. \nSentence 2: In the college entrance exam, PersonX did well on the TOEFL test, but PersonY did not because _ had a hatred for English."} {"input": "Context Word: gin rummy.", "output": "Sentence 1: After dinner, PersonX wants to play gin rummy, but PersonY votes for Scrabble. Overall, _ prefers card games. \nSentence 2: After dinner, PersonX wants to play gin rummy, but PersonY votes for Scrabble. Overall, _ prefers board games."} {"input": "Context Word: Negative Body Image.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better in dealing with his negative body image compared to PersonY and his father was proud with _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was better in dealing with his negative body image compared to PersonY and his father was disappointed with _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: adjust the mirror.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to adjust the mirror and PersonY did not because _ was shorter than the owner of the car. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to adjust the mirror and PersonY did not because _ was the same height as the owner of the car."} {"input": "Context Word: expensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had expensive new stuff while PersonY had used stuff, as _ was rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had expensive new stuff while PersonY had used stuff, as _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: expensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if the new living room furniture had been expensive to purchase because _ wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if the new living room furniture had been expensive to purchase but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: expensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought the most expensive piece from PersonY, and _ was really excited to own it. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought the most expensive piece from PersonY, and _ was really excited to sell it."} {"input": "Context Word: expensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to get second hand clothes while PersonY got expensive suits, because _ was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to get second hand clothes while PersonY got expensive suits, because _ was rich."} {"input": "Context Word: expensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to afford the expensive watch at the store for PersonY, so _ was generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to afford the expensive watch at the store for PersonY, so _ was grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: expensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: The children really loved PersonX but not PersonY because _ bought real expensive gifts for Christmas. \nSentence 2: The children really loved PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not buy real expensive gifts for Christmas."} {"input": "Context Word: expensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: The expensive tastes of PersonX were becoming a burden on PersonY since _ never paid for what she bought. \nSentence 2: The expensive tastes of PersonX were becoming a burden on PersonY since _ always paid for what she bought."} {"input": "Context Word: feisty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is called feisty, but PersonY has never been called that because _ is a hot head. \nSentence 2: PersonX is called feisty, but PersonY has never been called that because _ is a calm person."} {"input": "Context Word: studies.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX focused on their studies while PersonY partied all night, _ failed the final exam. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX focused on their studies while PersonY partied all night, _ aced the final exam."} {"input": "Context Word: studies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took their studies far more seriously than PersonY, because _ was more concerned with graduating. \nSentence 2: PersonX took their studies far more seriously than PersonY, because _ was more concerned with drinking."} {"input": "Context Word: studies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's studies require much more studying than PersonY, so _ had a harder time in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX's studies require much more studying than PersonY, so _ had an easier time in school."} {"input": "Context Word: weight loss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made their weight loss goal before PersonY, because _ only ate a healthy diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX made their weight loss goal before PersonY, because _ only ate a junk-food diet."} {"input": "Context Word: weight loss.", "output": "Sentence 1: Weight loss came easy for PersonX but was difficult for PersonY, as _ walked everywhere instead of driving. \nSentence 2: Weight loss came easy for PersonX but was difficult for PersonY, as _ drove everywhere instead of walking."} {"input": "Context Word: decorating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is artistic and creative, PersonY is not therefore _ does better at decorating her house. \nSentence 2: PersonX is artistic and creative, PersonY is not therefore _ does worse at decorating her house."} {"input": "Context Word: decorating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX moved into a new house and asked PersonY to help decorate because _ was unqualified in interior decorating. \nSentence 2: PersonX moved into a new house and asked PersonY to help decorate because _ was experienced in interior decorating."} {"input": "Context Word: social security card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to get a new social security card because they recently married PersonY and _ needed help getting the documentation together. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to get a new social security card because they recently married PersonY and _ was able to help get the documentation together."} {"input": "Context Word: police station.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to go to the police station because _ had to file a missing persons report. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to go to the police station because _ did not have to file a missing persons report."} {"input": "Context Word: detail.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to stay employed at the car wash because _ knew how to detail cars. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to stay employed at the car wash because _ did not know how to detail cars."} {"input": "Context Word: detail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to solve the case but PersonY was totally stumped, because _ possesed the attention to detail do the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to solve the case but PersonY was totally stumped, because _ lacked the attention to detail do the job."} {"input": "Context Word: foot massage.", "output": "Sentence 1: At her new foot massage parlor PersonX hired PersonY to be a worker, _ thought she was perfect for the job. \nSentence 2: At her new foot massage parlor PersonX hired PersonY to be a worker, _ thought she terrible at the job."} {"input": "Context Word: jet ski.", "output": "Sentence 1: A jet ski was purchased from PersonX to give to PersonY because _ was very generous. \nSentence 2: A jet ski was purchased from PersonX to give to PersonY because _ was very manipulative."} {"input": "Context Word: natural.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX constantly wore makeup, but PersonY preferred the natural look, so _ spent far more money on makeup. \nSentence 2: PersonX constantly wore makeup, but PersonY preferred the natural look, so _ spent very little money on makeup."} {"input": "Context Word: natural.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't wear the makeup PersonY bought her, she liked the natural look, as _ is natural. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't wear the makeup PersonY bought her, she liked the natural look, as _ is fake."} {"input": "Context Word: natural.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't care about using natural products, while that's all that PersonY uses, so _ is probably less friendly to the environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't care about using natural products, while that's all that PersonY uses, even though _ is probably less friendly to the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: natural.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats more natural food than PersonY because _ wants to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats more natural food than PersonY because _ doesn't care to live the healthiest lifestyle possible."} {"input": "Context Word: natural.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to eat natural foods all day long but PersonY doesn't because _ wants to be healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to eat natural foods all day long but PersonY doesn't because _ wants to be lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: natural.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prefers to eat more natural food than PersonY because _ cares about the animals and environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX dislikes eating more natural food than PersonY because _ cares about the animals and environment."} {"input": "Context Word: natural.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to act natural around PersonY but _ got really nervous and they ran away. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to act natural around PersonY but it made _ so nervous they ran away."} {"input": "Context Word: natural.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's body is all natural, while PersonY has had plastic surgery done. This is because _ is more earthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX's body is all natural, while PersonY has had plastic surgery done. This is because _ is more conceited."} {"input": "Context Word: sharp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always kept a sharp knife in the kitchen compared to PersonY because _ was a professional chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX never kept a sharp knife in the kitchen compared to PersonY because _ was a professional chef."} {"input": "Context Word: helicopter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid to take a helicopter ride with PersonY, because _ was too cautious on such rides. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid to take a helicopter ride with PersonY, because _ was too reckless on such rides."} {"input": "Context Word: pancakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX likes sweets more than PersonY _ likes pancakes less than the other. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX likes sweets less than PersonY _ likes pancakes less than the other."} {"input": "Context Word: pancakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed pancakes more than PersonY, so _ ate the pancakes for breakfast on Saturday morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed pancakes more than PersonY, so _ didn't eat the pancakes for breakfast on Saturday morning."} {"input": "Context Word: pancakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made much tastier pancakes than PersonY because _ was a much better professional chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX made much blander pancakes than PersonY because _ was a much better professional chef."} {"input": "Context Word: pancakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered pancakes for PersonY without asking because _ knew he always ordered them for breakfast. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered pancakes for PersonY without asking because _ had always ordered them for breakfast."} {"input": "Context Word: pancakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered pancakes while PersonY ordered a hamburger, and _ put syrup and butter on their meal. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered pancakes while PersonY ordered a hamburger, and _ put ketchup and mustard on their meal."} {"input": "Context Word: paws.", "output": "Sentence 1: The paws of PersonX's dog were hurting, but PersonY's dog was fine because _ 's dog walked on salt in the Winter. \nSentence 2: The paws of PersonX's dog were hurting, but PersonY's dog was fine because _ 's dog avoided the salt in the Winter."} {"input": "Context Word: God.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not believe in God, while PersonY is a devout Christian, so _ is an atheist. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not believe in God, while PersonY is a devout Christian, so _ is a theist."} {"input": "Context Word: God.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX happens to be a theist, but PersonY is not because _ believes in God. \nSentence 2: PersonX happens to be an atheist, but PersonY is not because _ believes in God."} {"input": "Context Word: God.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prayed to God regularly, but PersonY did not pray, because _ felt agnostic about religion. \nSentence 2: PersonX prayed to God regularly, but PersonY did not pray, because _ felt strongly about religion."} {"input": "Context Word: spaghetti.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because it was PersonX's birthday, PersonY brought them a big bowl of spaghetti because eating spaghetti is _ favorite. \nSentence 2: Because it was PersonX's birthday, PersonY brought them a big bowl of spaghetti because cooking spaghetti is _ favorite."} {"input": "Context Word: spaghetti.", "output": "Sentence 1: The chef made spaghetti for PersonX but not PersonY because _ ordered it off the menu. \nSentence 2: The chef made spaghetti for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not order it off the menu."} {"input": "Context Word: spaghetti.", "output": "Sentence 1: While making her famous spaghetti, PersonX added too much sugar and PersonY wouldn't eat it, causing _ to be offended. \nSentence 2: While making her famous spaghetti, PersonX added too much sugar and PersonY ate it, causing _ to be sick."} {"input": "Context Word: boiling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to stir the boiling noodles because _ was further away from the pot. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to stir the boiling noodles because _ was closer to the pot."} {"input": "Context Word: camping.", "output": "Sentence 1: Camping is a lot more enjoyable for PersonX than PersonY because _ doesn't mind the bugs. \nSentence 2: Camping is a lot more enjoyable for PersonX than PersonY because _ is terrified of the bugs."} {"input": "Context Word: camping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to go camping together over spring break because _ didn't want to go alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to go camping together over spring break and _ agreed to go together."} {"input": "Context Word: camping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has never been camping before, but PersonY has. _ asked a lot of questions before they left. \nSentence 2: PersonX has never been camping before, but PersonY has. _ answered a lot of questions before they left."} {"input": "Context Word: camping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY into his big tent on a spring camping trip, because _ wanted some company. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY into his big tent on a spring camping trip, because _ looked sad."} {"input": "Context Word: camping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more prepared to go camping in the woods compared to PersonY due to _ being a boy scout. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more prepared to go camping in the woods compared to PersonY even though _ is a boy scout."} {"input": "Context Word: camping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the outdoors while PersonY preferred to stay inside, so _ went on the camping trip. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the outdoors while PersonY preferred to stay inside, so _ did not go on the camping trip."} {"input": "Context Word: camping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was far more likely to go camping in the wilderness than PersonY, because _ had an adventurous spirit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was far more likely to go camping in the wilderness than PersonY, because _ did not have an adventurous spirit."} {"input": "Context Word: camping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went camping the last week of the month unlike PersonY because _ had free time. \nSentence 2: PersonX went camping the last week of the month unlike PersonY because _ was very busy."} {"input": "Context Word: camping.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX fell while he was camping and PersonY did not help, their father gave _ assistance. \nSentence 2: When PersonX fell while he was camping and PersonY did not help, their father gave _ a talking to."} {"input": "Context Word: treating.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was angry that everyone was treating PersonX unfairly and PersonY kindly because it's not fair. \nSentence 2: So _ was surprise that everyone was treating PersonX unfairly and PersonY kindly because it's not fair."} {"input": "Context Word: diamonds.", "output": "Sentence 1: Diamonds are PersonX's specialty, whereas PersonY has no experience with them because _ is a jeweler. \nSentence 2: Diamonds are PersonX's specialty, whereas PersonY has no experience with them because _ is a car salesman."} {"input": "Context Word: diamonds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold some valuable diamonds to PersonY because _ was really hurting for some cash. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought some valuable diamonds from PersonY because _ was really hurting for some cash."} {"input": "Context Word: anniversary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a great gift for PersonY's 20th wedding anniversary, so _ is a good friend for that. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a great gift for PersonY's 20th wedding anniversary, so _ is a grateful friend for that."} {"input": "Context Word: anniversary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was excited to plan the anniversary party because _ had remembered their anniversary. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was excited to plan the anniversary party because _ had forgotten their anniversary."} {"input": "Context Word: create.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to create a meal because _ had taken cooking lessons in school. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to create a meal because _ had taken woodshop in school."} {"input": "Context Word: create.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX created a beautiful picture but PersonY did not as _ was a wonderful artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX created a beautiful picture but PersonY did not as _ was a terrible artist."} {"input": "Context Word: create.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a vivid imagination, PersonY did not therefore _ could easily create good stories. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a vivid imagination, PersonY did not therefore _ could not easily create good stories."} {"input": "Context Word: create.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to create interesting paintings, PersonY hangs them up. This makes _ feel proud. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to create interesting paintings, PersonY hangs them up. This makes _ feel useful."} {"input": "Context Word: create.", "output": "Sentence 1: The designer wanted to create a shirt for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is a beautiful model. \nSentence 2: The designer wanted to create a shirt for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is an average person."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: After being asked, PersonX threw the phone over to PersonY but _ expected her to catch it. \nSentence 2: After being asked, PersonX threw the phone over to PersonY but _ did not catch it."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: Asking girls for their phone numbers was challenging for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was insecure. \nSentence 2: Asking girls for their phone numbers was challenging for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was confident."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the morning, PersonX called PersonY on the phone, but there was no answer. _ was very sad. \nSentence 2: In the morning, PersonX called PersonY on the phone, but there was no answer. _ was very busy."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they knew how to setup a smart phone because _ could not figure it out. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they knew how to setup a smart phone but _ could not figure it out either."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed PersonY's cell phone to make a call and drained the battery so _ was inconsiderate. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed PersonY's cell phone to make a call and drained the battery so _ was annoyed."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY on the phone, but there was no answer because _ was blocked. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY on the phone, but there was no answer because _ was busy."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to call the police for PersonY after the bulgary because _ had a phone. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to call the police for PersonY after the bulgary because _ didn't own a phone."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has lost his phone so he asks PersonY to find it with tracking app, because _ feels really bad. \nSentence 2: PersonX has lost his phone so he asks PersonY to find it with tracking app, so _ help him."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has the phone ringer set louder than PersonY because _ is hard of hearing. \nSentence 2: PersonX has the phone ringer set softer than PersonY because _ is hard of hearing."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept trying to call PersonY on her home phone, but _ realized she was still at the office. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept trying to call PersonY on her home phone, but _ was still at the office."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loaned their phone to PersonY because theirs broke, and _ was thanked for being so generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX loaned their phone to PersonY because theirs broke, and _ thanked them for being so generous."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX phoned Sierra last night and PersonY phoned Jan last night. _ called Sierra last night. \nSentence 2: PersonX phoned Sierra last night and PersonY phoned Jan last night. _ called Jan last night."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw the phone to PersonY, then _ asked for it to be thrown back. \nSentence 2: PersonX caught the phone thrown from PersonY, then _ asked for it to be thrown back."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to get a new phone for _ believed anything not the latest update unacceptable. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to get a new phone for _ believed anything not the latest update acceptable."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid to call PersonY on the phone as _ could be very shy at times. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid to call PersonY on the phone as _ could be very abrasive at times."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was lonely and wanted to talk to PersonY, so _ called her on the phone. \nSentence 2: PersonX was lonely and wanted to talk to PersonY, so she called _ on the phone."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unable to get a new phone this year unlike PersonY because _ was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unable to get a new phone this year unlike PersonY because _ was rich."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cell phone is older than PersonY's because _ spends much less money on technology. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cell phone is older than PersonY's because _ spends much more money on technology."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's phone rings because PersonY wants to go out to lunch at the new fancy place, but _ declines the offer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's phone rings because PersonY wants to go out to lunch at the new fancy place, but _ rescinds the offer."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's phone rings, and it is PersonY telling her some bad news about her father. _ is devastated. \nSentence 2: PersonX's phone rings, and it is PersonY telling her some bad news about her father. _ is comforting."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: The clock on PersonX's phone was always a few minutes ahead of PersonY's phone, so _ tended to arrive at their work office fifteen minutes early on weekday mornings. \nSentence 2: The clock on PersonX's phone was always a few minutes behind PersonY's phone, as _ tended to arrive at their work office fifteen minutes early on weekday mornings."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: The phone of PersonX is a lot better than PersonY's because _ paid extra for his phone. \nSentence 2: The phone of PersonX is a lot better than PersonY's because _ paid less for his phone."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: The phone of PersonX was given to the police unlike PersonY's because _ lost the phone. \nSentence 2: The phone of PersonX was given to the police unlike PersonY's because _ found the phone."} {"input": "Context Word: phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX answered the phone, he heard PersonY laughing with friends; _ felt jealous he wasn't there. \nSentence 2: When PersonX answered the phone, he heard PersonY laughing with friends; _ wanted him to be there."} {"input": "Context Word: brittle.", "output": "Sentence 1: On their visit yesterday PersonX said the lack brushing PersonY teethe had caused the to become brittle, _ is a dentist. \nSentence 2: On their visit yesterday PersonX said the lack brushing PersonY teethe had caused the to become brittle, _ went to the dentist."} {"input": "Context Word: brittle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair was brittle so PersonY suggested a hot oil treatment. _ was anxious to try it out. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair was brittle so PersonY suggested a hot oil treatment. _ gave one to try out."} {"input": "Context Word: diseases.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took more medicines than PersonY did because _ was suffering from many more diseases. \nSentence 2: PersonX took more medicines than PersonY did although _ was suffering from many more diseases."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a doctor was always PersonX's dream while PersonY wanted to be a lawyer, so _ went to medical school. \nSentence 2: Being a doctor was always PersonX's dream while PersonY wanted to be a lawyer, so _ went to law school."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they were planning on going to visit the doctor because _ wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they were planning on going to visit the doctor but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what time she had to go to the doctor because _ forgot what time the appointment was. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what time she had to go to the doctor but _ forgot what time the appointment was."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX became a doctor while PersonY did not despite the fact that _ failed medical school. \nSentence 2: PersonX became a doctor while PersonY did not despite the fact that _ graduated medical school."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought PersonY to the doctor two weeks ago because _ wanted to be helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought PersonY to the doctor two weeks ago because _ wanted to be healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drove PersonY to the family doctor because _ was still not feeling well after pneumonia. \nSentence 2: PersonX accompanied PersonY to the family doctor because _ was still not feeling well after pneumonia."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got over their sickness a lot quicker than PersonY because _ went to the doctor and got medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX got over their sickness a lot quicker than PersonY because _ never went to the doctor or took medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a doctor and PersonY is a patient, so _ prescribed an antibiotic to make a person better. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a doctor and PersonY is a patient, so _ took an antibiotic to make them better."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is unhealthier than PersonY, so _ has to schedule a lot more doctor's appointments. \nSentence 2: PersonX is unhealthier than PersonY, so _ never has to schedule a lot of doctor's appointments."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is working as a doctor and PersonY is working as a volunteer, so _ is rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX is working as a doctor and PersonY is working as a volunteer, so _ is poor."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew more about medicine than PersonY did because _ was learning to be a doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew more about medicine than PersonY did although _ was learning to be a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY was sick, so _ insisted they go to the doctor and get checked out. \nSentence 2: PersonX ignored that PersonY was sick, so _ insisted they should go to the doctor and get checked out."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX visited the doctor more often than PersonY did because _ was sick more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX visited the doctor less often than PersonY did because _ was sick more often."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a good doctor but PersonY was not. _ never got sued for malpractice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a good doctor but PersonY was not. _ often got sued for malpractice."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scared to always go to the doctor unlike PersonY because _ had a lot of anxiety. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to always go to the doctor unlike PersonY because _ had a lot of anxiety."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was studying to become a doctor and PersonY was very supportive. When she failed a test, _ decided to give up. \nSentence 2: PersonX was studying to become a doctor and PersonY was very supportive. When she failed a test, _ encouraged her not to give up."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the doctor get a prescription for antibiotics from PersonY, because _ was a GP. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the doctor get a prescription for antibiotics from PersonY, because _ was sick."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor in the hospital that PersonX goes to is better than PersonY's, because _ doctor has more training. \nSentence 2: The doctor in the hospital that PersonX goes to is worse than PersonY's, because _ doctor has more training."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor tells PersonX he has cancer, but PersonY's results were negative, so _ is scared. \nSentence 2: The doctor tells PersonX he has cancer, but PersonY's results were negative, so _ is happy."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX visited the doctor, PersonY was able to get a prescription because _ was sick. \nSentence 2: When PersonX visited the doctor, PersonY was able to get a prescription although _ was fine."} {"input": "Context Word: doctor.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX talked to the doctor, PersonY was sitting in the waiting room and _ felt apprehensive. \nSentence 2: While PersonX talked to the doctor, PersonY was sitting in the waiting room and _ felt impatient."} {"input": "Context Word: assistance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed assistance from PersonY on their taxes, because _ was a chronic tax delayer. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed assistance from PersonY on their taxes, because _ was a professional tax lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: fever blisters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from fever blisters but PersonY did not. _ had to go to the store for some medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from fever blisters but PersonY did not. _ didn't have to go to the store for some medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: deposit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put a deposit in the bank and PersonY facilitated the transaction, because _ was a customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX put a deposit in the bank and PersonY facilitated the transaction, because _ was a teller."} {"input": "Context Word: passion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost all of their passion for the food cooked by PersonY, because _ became depressed. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost all of their passion for the food cooked by PersonY, because _ became derivative."} {"input": "Context Word: passion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed far more passion than PersonY for their job, so _ was quickly promoted. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed far more passion than PersonY for their job, so _ was quickly fired."} {"input": "Context Word: passion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's passion for photography was a lot stronger than PersonY's because _ took many pictures more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX's passion for photography was a lot stronger than PersonY's because _ took pictures seldom."} {"input": "Context Word: passion.", "output": "Sentence 1: The passion for fishing was much stronger in PersonX than PersonY, because _ was a lifelong fisherman. \nSentence 2: The passion for fishing was much stronger in PersonX than PersonY, because _ was a new fisherman."} {"input": "Context Word: bra size.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought padded bras, but not PersonY. _ had always been self-conscious of her bra size. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought padded bras, but not PersonY. _ had never been self-conscious of her bra size."} {"input": "Context Word: New Year's.", "output": "Sentence 1: On New Year's Eve, PersonX goes out, but PersonY stays home because _ is more social. \nSentence 2: On New Year's Eve, PersonX goes out, but PersonY stays home because _ is more timid."} {"input": "Context Word: verbal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was effective at verbal communication while PersonY was quiet, so _ was a good public speaker. \nSentence 2: PersonX was effective at verbal communication while PersonY was quiet, so _ was a poor public speaker."} {"input": "Context Word: broke-up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cried to PersonY because _ broke-up with their long term spouse over a cheating scandal. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY because _ broke-up with their long term spouse over a cheating scandal."} {"input": "Context Word: Frozen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a chicken but it was too frozen. _ had to take it back. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a chicken but it was too frozen. _ had to thaw it to cook it."} {"input": "Context Word: organic products.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to start using organic products, because _ felt they were safer for the environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to start using organic products, because _ never cared about what is safer for the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: report.", "output": "Sentence 1: People respect the report that PersonX put together politics less than PersonY's, so _ is more inexperienced. \nSentence 2: People respect the report that PersonX put together politics less than PersonY's, so _ is more experienced."} {"input": "Context Word: report.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed the report over to PersonY and _ was relieved now that his part was finished. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed the report over to PersonY and _ was relieved now that his part could begin."} {"input": "Context Word: report.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX turned in their report on time on Friday, while PersonY asked for a two day extension, so _ spent the weekend relaxing. \nSentence 2: PersonX turned in their report on time on Friday, while PersonY asked for a two day extension, so _ spent the weekend writing."} {"input": "Context Word: report.", "output": "Sentence 1: The report that PersonX sent in was better than that of PersonY because _ took time on it. \nSentence 2: The report that PersonX sent in was better than that of PersonY because _ rushed through it."} {"input": "Context Word: report.", "output": "Sentence 1: The security guard had to report PersonX but not PersonY because _ was acting crazy. \nSentence 2: The security guard had to report PersonX but not PersonY because _ was acting normal."} {"input": "Context Word: cashews.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to help PersonY to harvest cashews, because _ feels like she should help. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to help PersonY to harvest cashews, because _ could really use some help."} {"input": "Context Word: fitness.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fitness was a way of life for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ cared more about his health. \nSentence 2: Fitness was a way of life for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ cared less about his health."} {"input": "Context Word: fitness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help write a fitness plan for PersonY because _ was a personal trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help write a fitness plan for PersonY because _ was out of shape."} {"input": "Context Word: electric motor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonYs help fixing the electric motor, because _ had no idea what he was doing. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonYs help fixing the electric motor, but _ had no idea what he was doing."} {"input": "Context Word: bank account number.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY their bank account number, and _ trusted them not to steal from them. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY their bank account number, and _ felt trusted not to steal from them."} {"input": "Context Word: film.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to study film unlike PersonY because _ had an affinity to the arts. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to study film unlike PersonY because _ had an aversion to the arts."} {"input": "Context Word: film.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better behaved on the film set than PersonY because _ checked in on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better behaved on the film set than PersonY because _ checked in late."} {"input": "Context Word: film.", "output": "Sentence 1: The film amused PersonX the whole way through but not PersonY because _ was laughing the whole time. \nSentence 2: The film amused PersonX the whole way through but not PersonY because _ was bored the whole time."} {"input": "Context Word: firing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to be firing PersonY, because _ the company was doing poorly and losing sales. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not going to be firing PersonY, because _ the company was doing great and gaining sales."} {"input": "Context Word: clean cut.", "output": "Sentence 1: For his job, PersonX has to maintain a clean cut appearance, though PersonY does not, so _ is in the military. \nSentence 2: For his job, PersonX has to maintain a clean cut appearance, though PersonY does not, so _ is in a band."} {"input": "Context Word: alert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more alert than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about falling asleep while driving. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more alert than PersonY, so _ started to worry about falling asleep while driving."} {"input": "Context Word: funny.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had a good time with PersonY because _ thought they were funny . \nSentence 2: PersonX always had a good time with PersonY because _ was always funny ."} {"input": "Context Word: funny.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was funny while PersonY had no sense of humor, so everyone said _ would be a good stand up comic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was funny while PersonY had no sense of humor, so everyone said _ would be a bad stand up comic."} {"input": "Context Word: aged.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX aged much worse than PersonY because _ was smoking all of their spare time. \nSentence 2: PersonX aged much better than PersonY because _ was smoking all of their spare time."} {"input": "Context Word: yard sale.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to fewer yard sales than PersonY, because _ preferred to shop at retail stores instead. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to more yard sales than PersonY, because _ preferred to shop at retail stores instead."} {"input": "Context Word: anger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw that PersonY still had a lot of anger towards him, even after _ had moved on. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw that PersonY still had a lot of anger towards him, because _ had not moved on."} {"input": "Context Word: anger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suggested anger management to PersonY, as _ was often the victim of expression of angry frustration. \nSentence 2: PersonX suggested anger management to PersonY, as _ was often prone to expression of angry frustration."} {"input": "Context Word: Crate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sent PersonY a crate of gifts because _ had a lot of money to be generous with. \nSentence 2: PersonX sent PersonY a crate of gifts because _ had little money to be generous with."} {"input": "Context Word: volume.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX turned the volume up, despite objections from PersonY, because _ had control of the remote. \nSentence 2: PersonX turned the volume up, despite objections from PersonY, because _ had given up control of the remote."} {"input": "Context Word: volume.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was impressed by the sure volume of people that PersonY had brought in to the show, _ is a concert promoter. \nSentence 2: PersonX was impressed by the sure volume of people that PersonY had brought in to the show, _ is a concert preforfmer."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: A discrimination lawsuit was filed by PersonX against PersonY. _ is more likely the employee. \nSentence 2: A discrimination lawsuit was filed by PersonX against PersonY. _ is more likely the employer."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: A lawsuit was filed against PersonX by PersonY because _ had damaged their new car. \nSentence 2: A lawsuit was filed against PersonX by PersonY because _ had their new car damaged."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Bringing a lawsuit against his employer was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had access to a lawyer. \nSentence 2: Bringing a lawsuit against his employer was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not have access to a lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she had heard any news about the lawsuit because _ had not heard anything. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she had heard any news about the lawsuit but _ had not heard anything."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX convinced PersonY to file a lawsuit against the company, and _ offered to help fill out the papers. \nSentence 2: PersonX convinced PersonY to file a lawsuit against the company, but _ didn't want to fill out the papers."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't fix PersonY's broken roof as agreed to in their contract, so _ received a lawsuit. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't fix PersonY's broken roof as agreed to in their contract, so _ filed a lawsuit."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX filed a lawsuit against PersonY because _ had their car damaged earlier that week and refused to accept no payment. \nSentence 2: PersonX filed a lawsuit against PersonY because _ damaged their car earlier that week and refused to admit it."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to save money by telling him how to file a lawsuit in small claims court by himself, _ is full of frugal living tips. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to save money by telling him how to file a lawsuit in small claims court by himself, _ appreciated frugal living tips."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is PersonY's lawyer so _ spent the day asking questions about the potential lawsuit. \nSentence 2: PersonX is PersonY's lawyer so _ spent the day answering questions about the potential lawsuit."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threatened PersonY with a lawsuit because _ said he had damaged the car while using a lawnmower. \nSentence 2: PersonX threatened PersonY with a lawsuit but _ said he had never damaged the car while using a lawnmower."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to file a lawsuit so he asks PersonY for help, because _ knows nothing about law. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to file a lawsuit so he asks PersonY for help, because _ is a lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid that PersonY would file a lawsuit because _ owed a lot of money. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid that PersonY would file a lawsuit because he owed _ a lot of money."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was crying during court about a lawsuit while PersonY stood posed. The judge gave _ an annoyed look. \nSentence 2: PersonX was crying during court about a lawsuit while PersonY stood posed. The judge gave _ an approving look."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hopeful about the lawsuit PersonY filed because _ believed it would win in the court. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sad about the lawsuit PersonY filed because _ believed it would win in the court."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the courthouse to file a civil lawsuit against PersonY because _ had been wronged. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the courthouse to file a civil lawsuit against PersonY because _ had been negligent."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the class action lawsuit while PersonY lost, because _ had a stronger case. \nSentence 2: PersonX won the class action lawsuit while PersonY lost, because _ had a weaker case."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lawsuit bankrupted the company, causing PersonX to be let go from their job while PersonY was promoted. _ felt depressed and hopeless. \nSentence 2: The lawsuit bankrupted the company, causing PersonX to be let go from their job while PersonY was promoted. _ felt relieved and elated."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuit.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lawsuit of PersonX against PersonY will likely be a success because _ was a good employee. \nSentence 2: The lawsuit of PersonX against PersonY will likely be a success because _ was a bad employer."} {"input": "Context Word: husband.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to go with their husband to the ball game because _ wasn't a baseball fan. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to go with their husband to the ball game because _ was a huge baseball fan."} {"input": "Context Word: husband.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what foods her husband likes, because _ wanted to make him dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what foods her husband likes, because _ said she was making him dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: husband.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks her husband might be cheating with PersonY, so _ confronts them both at the dinner party. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks her husband might be cheating with PersonY, and _ confesses at the dinner party."} {"input": "Context Word: husband.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's husband would steal money from them unlike PersonY's husband, so _ was distrustful of their relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX's husband would steal money from them unlike PersonY's husband, so _ was trustful of their relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: husband.", "output": "Sentence 1: The husband of PersonX is faithful, but PersonY's is a cheater. So, _ has a happy marriage. \nSentence 2: The husband of PersonX is faithful, but PersonY's is a cheater. So, _ has a dysfunctional marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: mansion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX considered renovation of his newly acquired mansion and asked PersonY about his opinion, because _ trusted him in this area. \nSentence 2: PersonX considered renovation of his newly acquired mansion and asked PersonY about his opinion, because _ is knowledgeable in this area."} {"input": "Context Word: mansion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX visited PersonY at 7PM in his gorgeous mansion yesterday because _ needed to talk with him. \nSentence 2: PersonX visited PersonY at 7PM in his gorgeous mansion yesterday though _ did not welcome him."} {"input": "Context Word: pedicure.", "output": "Sentence 1: Investing in a new pedicure seemed smart for PersonX but not PersonY because _ she had to look professional at work. \nSentence 2: Investing in a new pedicure seemed smart for PersonX but not PersonY because _ she did not have to look professional at work."} {"input": "Context Word: talking to an autistic kid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at talking to an autistic kid than PersonY because _ has a family member who is autistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at talking to an autistic kid than PersonY because _ does not have a family member who is autistic."} {"input": "Context Word: cheap meals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was looking for ideas for cheap meals when PersonY showed them their cookbook. _ was very thankful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was looking for ideas for cheap meals when PersonY showed them their cookbook. _ was very helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: entertain.", "output": "Sentence 1: Dinner parties were a hassle for PersonX but not PersonY. _ hated having to cook and entertain guests. \nSentence 2: Dinner parties were a hassle for PersonX but not PersonY. _ loved having to cook and entertain guests."} {"input": "Context Word: entertain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to have friends over and entertain them but PersonY didn't. _ threw dinner parties once a month. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to have friends over and entertain them but PersonY didn't. _ threw dinner parties once a year."} {"input": "Context Word: Ribs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to have his ribs fixed after PersonY hit him because _ was fragile. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to have his ribs fixed after PersonY hit him because _ was violent."} {"input": "Context Word: Talkative.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx wanted to be less talkative like persony but _ lived with other talkative like him. \nSentence 2: personx wanted to be less talkative like persony but _ lived with no one unlike him."} {"input": "Context Word: locate.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX to locate the park compare to PersonY, because _ forgot his map. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX to locate the park compare to PersonY, because _ remembered his map."} {"input": "Context Word: locate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Navigation was a weakness for PersonX but was PersonY 's strength, so _ could never locate her destination. \nSentence 2: Navigation was a weakness for PersonX but was PersonY 's strength, so _ could always locate her destination."} {"input": "Context Word: locate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a computer teacher, PersonY is not therefore _ knows how to locate files more easily on the computer. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a computer teacher, PersonY is not therefore _ knows how to locate files less easily on the computer."} {"input": "Context Word: locate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was easier to locate than PersonY, so the police had to arrest _ first. \nSentence 2: PersonX was easier to locate than PersonY, so the police could not arrest _ first."} {"input": "Context Word: principal's.", "output": "Sentence 1: At school, PersonX is always going to the principal's office, while PersonY never does, so _ is a bad student. \nSentence 2: At school, PersonX is always going to the principal's office, while PersonY never does, so _ is a good student."} {"input": "Context Word: side effects.", "output": "Sentence 1: The side effects of the medication prescribed to PersonX by PersonY are bad, _ wants to stop taking medication. \nSentence 2: The side effects of the medication prescribed to PersonX by PersonY are bad, _ says consult before you stop taking medication."} {"input": "Context Word: athlete.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a pretty good athlete but PersonY is an elite athlete. _ finished their mile run in 8 minutes. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a pretty good athlete but PersonY is an elite athlete. _ finished their mile run in 4 minutes."} {"input": "Context Word: athlete.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a faster runner than PersonY, so _ was considered to be the better athlete. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a faster runner than PersonY, so _ was considered to be the lesser athlete."} {"input": "Context Word: athlete.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was faster than PersonY because _ did train everyday and was a better athlete. \nSentence 2: PersonX was faster than PersonY because _ did not train everyday and wasn't a better athlete."} {"input": "Context Word: athlete.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not as much of an athlete as PersonY , but _ still managed to win in their races. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not as much of an athlete as PersonY , but _ still managed to lose in their races."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: A gold medal was given to PersonX for swimming the lap faster while PersonY was slower because _ swam with their head underwater without holding their nose. \nSentence 2: A gold medal was given to PersonX for swimming the lap faster while PersonY was slower because _ swam with their head above water without holding their nose."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to be a life guard because _ spent all childhood swimming in the family pool. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to be a life guard because _ never spent any time swimming in the family pool."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX almost drowned while swimming at the pool, but PersonY saved them, so _ was grateful. \nSentence 2: PersonX almost drowned while swimming at the pool, but PersonY saved them, so _ was a hero."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not enjoy swimming but PersonY did because _ had a traumatic incident in a swimming pool. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not enjoy swimming but PersonY did because _ had an enjoyable incident in a swimming pool."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed swimming much more than PersonY because _ was not afraid of the water. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed swimming much more than PersonY because _ had a deep fear of the water."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a lot more talented at swimming than PersonY because _ took lessons as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a lot more inept at swimming than PersonY because _ took lessons as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost a swimming race to PersonY because _ had shorter and weaker arms and legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX won a swimming race to PersonY because _ had shorter and weaker arms and legs."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pulled ahead of PersonY while swimming because _ was swimming faster than everyone else. \nSentence 2: PersonX pulled ahead of PersonY while swimming because _ was swimming slower than everyone else."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed more fit over the summer than PersonY because _ went swimming every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed less fit over the summer than PersonY because _ went swimming every day."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a faster swimmer than PersonY because _ practiced every day in the swimming pool. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a slower swimmer than PersonY although _ practiced every day in the swimming pool."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at swimming but PersonY was not. _ made the school swim team. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at swimming but PersonY was not. _ didn't make the school swim team."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went swimming at different times than PersonY because _ liked to swim during the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX went swimming at different times than PersonY since _ liked to swim during the night."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX took swimming classes but PersonY did not know how to swim, _ did not need a life jacket on the boat. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX took swimming classes but PersonY did not know how to swim, _ needed a life jacket on the boat."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to swimming, PersonX wins fewer medals than PersonY. So, _ is a weaker swimmer. \nSentence 2: When it comes to swimming, PersonX wins fewer medals than PersonY. So, _ is a better swimmer."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they started offering swimming lessons at PersonX 's school, PersonY asked if only _ was allowed in. \nSentence 2: When they started offering swimming lessons at PersonX 's school, PersonY asked if _ was also allowed in."} {"input": "Context Word: t-shirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the t-shirt shop, PersonX helped PersonY make tie dye shirts because _ is an apprentice. \nSentence 2: At the t-shirt shop, PersonX helped PersonY make tye dye shirts because _ is the owner."} {"input": "Context Word: t-shirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had more t-shirt than persony because _ hardly give out the used ones. \nSentence 2: personx had more t-shirt than persony because _ often give out the used ones."} {"input": "Context Word: crossroads.", "output": "Sentence 1: Coming to a crossroads in PersonX life they have come to PersonY looking for forgiveness, _ wants to be redeemed. \nSentence 2: Coming to a crossroads in PersonX life they have come to PersonY looking for forgiveness, _ likes being a redeemer."} {"input": "Context Word: oily skin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had oily skin and PersonY did not, so _ asked for skin care advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX had oily skin and PersonY did not, so _ offered some skin care advice."} {"input": "Context Word: equation.", "output": "Sentence 1: While in school, PersonX was teaching PersonY about geometry because _ knew all about the complex equations. \nSentence 2: While in school, PersonX was teaching PersonY about geometry because _ needed to learn about the complex equations."} {"input": "Context Word: Mouth burn.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating ice suited PersonX, but not PersonY because _ had a mouth burn from her food. \nSentence 2: Eating ice suited PersonX, but not PersonY because _ had didn't have a mouth burn from her food."} {"input": "Context Word: licence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get their driving licence before PersonY, because _ was a bit older. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get their driving licence before PersonY, because _ was a bit younger."} {"input": "Context Word: plug.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX plugs his ear when he is with PersonY because _ cannot tolerate high pitch voice. \nSentence 2: PersonX plugs his ear when he is with PersonY because _ speaks with high pitch voice."} {"input": "Context Word: egotistic person.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was definitely not as popular as PersonY. many people thought _ was an egotistic person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was definitely not as popular as PersonY. not many people thought _ was an egotistic person."} {"input": "Context Word: lung.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more difficult time breathing than PersonY because _ had lung problems throughout life. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time breathing than PersonY because _ had lung problems throughout life."} {"input": "Context Word: lung.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's was out of breath since his lung capacity was minimal compared to PersonY's. _ rarely went jogging. \nSentence 2: PersonX's was out of breath since his lung capacity was minimal compared to PersonY's. _ frequently went jogging."} {"input": "Context Word: Toe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put a band aid on PersonY's toe because _ was a really great doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX put a band aid on PersonY's toe because _ was only still a child."} {"input": "Context Word: Toe.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx leaned on persony when he got hit toe hit on a rock and _ got heavy on him. \nSentence 2: personx leaned on persony when he got hit toe hit on a rock and _ got tired of him."} {"input": "Context Word: veins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had veins that were easier to see than the veins on PersonY because _ had thinner skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX had veins that were harder to see than the veins on PersonY because _ had thicker skin."} {"input": "Context Word: veins.", "output": "Sentence 1: The nurse was able to easily get the needle in the veins of PersonX but not PersonY because _ has thick veins. \nSentence 2: The nurse was able to easily get the needle in the veins of PersonX but not PersonY because _ has thin veins."} {"input": "Context Word: license.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier to get their driver's license than PersonY because _ had taken a driver's education course. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier to get their driver's license than PersonY because _ had not taken a driver's education course."} {"input": "Context Word: license.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to get a new gun license after they moved to New Jersey with PersonY, so _ went to get a new card with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to get a new gun license after they moved to New Jersey with PersonY, so _ took her to get a new card."} {"input": "Context Word: license.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to see PersonY at the DMV to get a new license because _ is a car owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to see PersonY at the DMV to get a new license because _ is a government employee."} {"input": "Context Word: license.", "output": "Sentence 1: The business license application of PersonX was denied, though PersonY got one because _ is not well respected. \nSentence 2: The business license application of PersonX was denied, though PersonY got one although _ is not well respected."} {"input": "Context Word: license.", "output": "Sentence 1: The marriage license of PersonX is valid, but PersonY's is not, so _ is legally married. \nSentence 2: The marriage license of PersonX is valid, but PersonY's is not, so _ is not legally married."} {"input": "Context Word: license.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they turned sixteen, PersonX went with PersonY to get their driver's license because _ is their mother. \nSentence 2: When they turned sixteen, PersonX went with PersonY to get their driver's license because _ is their daughter."} {"input": "Context Word: plasma.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX donated plasma whenever he could while PersonY never has. _ wasn't afraid of needles. \nSentence 2: PersonX donated plasma whenever he could while PersonY never has. _ was afraid of needles."} {"input": "Context Word: shield.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to make her a wooden shield for her Halloween costume because _ is unimaginative. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to make her a wooden shield for her Halloween costume because _ is imaginative."} {"input": "Context Word: shield.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX raised her shield while PersonY came down with her sword, so _ did not take the full blow. \nSentence 2: PersonX raised her shield while PersonY came down with her sword, so _ did not make the full blow."} {"input": "Context Word: wax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to wax a lot more frequently than PersonY because _ had dark colored hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to wax a lot more frequently than PersonY because _ had blonde colored hair."} {"input": "Context Word: first day.", "output": "Sentence 1: The first day of school went poorly for PersonX, but was just fine for PersonY. _ is unpopular. \nSentence 2: The first day of school went poorly for PersonX, but was just fine for PersonY. _ is liked."} {"input": "Context Word: intimidating.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being physically intimidating came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was big and very muscular. \nSentence 2: Being physically intimidating came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not big or very muscular."} {"input": "Context Word: intimidating.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bully's intimidating antics upset PersonX but not PersonY because _ was soft hearted and weak. \nSentence 2: The bully's intimidating antics upset PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not soft hearted and weak."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: At school, PersonX isn't as popular as PersonY is with the girls, so _ is ugly. \nSentence 2: At school, PersonX isn't as popular as PersonY is with the girls, so _ is sexy."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: In high school PersonX was most popular among the teachers as were PersonY was among the students, _ was like by adults. \nSentence 2: In high school PersonX was most popular among the teachers as were PersonY was among the students, _ was like by adolescents."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY were fighting over was more popular again, _ thought they were more popular. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY were fighting over was more popular again, _ thought they were the most popular."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more popular with the ladies than PersonY, so _ often has more dates. \nSentence 2: PersonX is less popular with the ladies than PersonY, so _ often has more dates."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is quite popular at school, PersonY is not which is why _ is the Homecoming Queen. \nSentence 2: PersonX is quite popular at school, PersonY is not which is why _ is not the Homecoming Queen."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is super popular and mean to PersonY, because _ is always acting so cruel. \nSentence 2: PersonX is super popular and mean to PersonY, because _ is always acting so passive."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very popular kid in school unlike PersonY, because _ was very extroverted. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very popular kid in school unlike PersonY, because _ was very introverted."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always more popular because PersonY did not talk much, as _ was outgoing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always more popular because PersonY did not talk much, as _ was reserved."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was far more likely to be popular than PersonY, because _ was very good at athletics. \nSentence 2: PersonX was far more likely to be popular than PersonY, because _ was not very good at athletics."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more popular than PersonY because _ was a famous celebrity and had a bigger following. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more popular than PersonY because _ was a normal person and had a smaller following."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more popular than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about being invited to the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more popular than PersonY, so _ started to worry about being invited to the party."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not very popular in high school like PersonY, because _ was known as a loner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not very popular in high school like PersonY, because _ was known as outgoing."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the most popular girl in school, and PersonY was a loner, so _ ended up as the prom queen. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the most popular girl in school, and PersonY was a loner, so _ ended up skipping the prom."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was voted in as class president over PersonY because _ was much more popular. \nSentence 2: PersonX was voted in as class president over PersonY although _ was much more popular."} {"input": "Context Word: popular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was way more popular than PersonY in school, so _ was invited to far more parties that year. \nSentence 2: PersonX was way more popular than PersonY in school, so _ was invited to far fewer parties that year."} {"input": "Context Word: open.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the party, Marion ignored PersonX and opened her arms to hug PersonY, because Marion hated _ . \nSentence 2: At the party, Marion ignored PersonX and opened her arms to hug PersonY, because Marion loved _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: open.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to open a business because _ had gone to business management school. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to open a business because _ had not gone to business management school."} {"input": "Context Word: open.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to open a jar because the lid was stuck. When the lid came off easily, _ felt embarrassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked by PersonY to open a jar because the lid was stuck. When the lid came off easily, _ felt embarrassed."} {"input": "Context Word: open.", "output": "Sentence 1: The safe would open for PersonX but not for PersonY since _ has knowledge of the password. \nSentence 2: The safe would open for PersonX but not for PersonY since _ has no knowledge of the password."} {"input": "Context Word: spa.", "output": "Sentence 1: Enjoying a massage at the spa was relaxing for PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't mind others touch. \nSentence 2: Enjoying a massage at the spa was relaxing for PersonX but not PersonY because _ minded others touch."} {"input": "Context Word: spa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to plan and trip to the spa with PersonY because _ wanted to take the time together to relax. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to plan a trip to the spa with PersonY but _ did not want to take the time together to relax."} {"input": "Context Word: spa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a spa in their apartment. PersonY did not. _ had a very luxurious apartment. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a spa in their apartment. PersonY did not. _ had a very basic apartment."} {"input": "Context Word: spa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the gym while PersonY went to the spa, and because of this, _ had quite an exhausting two hours. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the gym while PersonY went to the spa, and because of this, _ had quite a relaxing two hours."} {"input": "Context Word: spa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the spa and got a massage every Saturday unlike PersonY, because _ loved the feeling. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the spa and got a massage every Saturday unlike PersonY, because _ hated the feeling."} {"input": "Context Word: executor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made her eldest daughter PersonY the executor of her will. When _ passed away her daughter read the will. \nSentence 2: PersonX made her eldest daughter PersonY the executor of her will. When her mother passed away _ read the will."} {"input": "Context Word: machine.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fixing the washing machine better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ had great spacial reasoning. \nSentence 2: Fixing the washing machine better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ had horrible spacial reasoning."} {"input": "Context Word: machine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to sew by hand, but PersonY likes to use a machine because _ is old school. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to sew by hand, but PersonY likes to use a machine because _ is new school."} {"input": "Context Word: machine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ruined their sewing machine but not PersonY because _ was rough with their possessions. \nSentence 2: PersonX ruined their sewing machine but not PersonY because _ was careful with their possessions."} {"input": "Context Word: machine.", "output": "Sentence 1: The machine was easy to use for PersonX unlike PersonY, because _ has used it in the past. \nSentence 2: The machine was difficult to use for PersonX unlike PersonY, because _ has used it in the past."} {"input": "Context Word: machine.", "output": "Sentence 1: With the washing machine broken, PersonX took PersonY's clothes to the laundromat, since _ had the day off that day. \nSentence 2: With the washing machine broken, PersonX took PersonY's clothes to the laundromat, because _ had to work that day."} {"input": "Context Word: talent show.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to sing a song at the talent show that PersonY was judging. _ was happy when she won first place. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to sing a song at the talent show that PersonY was judging. _ was happy to decide who won first place."} {"input": "Context Word: talent show.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a talent show is perfect for PersonX but not PersonY since _ has major experience with performing. \nSentence 2: Running a talent show is perfect for PersonX but not PersonY because _ only has minor experience with performing."} {"input": "Context Word: court.", "output": "Sentence 1: Despite their friendship, PersonX was taken to court by PersonY because _ was refusing to pay back a loan that her friend had made to her. \nSentence 2: Despite their friendship, PersonX took PersonY to court because _ was refusing to pay back a loan that her friend had made to her."} {"input": "Context Word: court.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the court room, PersonX pleads not guilty in front of PersonY, so _ is the accused. \nSentence 2: In the court room, PersonX pleads not guilty in front of PersonY, so _ is the judge."} {"input": "Context Word: court.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the basketball court, PersonX is getting rebounds all the time, and PersonY takes a lot of shots, so _ is more of a defensive player. \nSentence 2: On the basketball court, PersonX is getting rebounds all the time, and PersonY takes a lot of shots, so _ is more of an offensive player."} {"input": "Context Word: court.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX failed to appear in court unlike PersonY because _ ran away from town last week. \nSentence 2: PersonX failed to appear in court unlike PersonY because _ stayed in town last week."} {"input": "Context Word: court.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX represented himself in civil court, PersonY who works at the court told the rules and procedures to _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX represented himself in civil court, PersonY who works at the court told the rules and procedures after _ welcomed him."} {"input": "Context Word: court.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a new basketball court and hired PersonY to do it because _ didn't know how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a new basketball court and hired PersonY to do it because _ knew how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: court.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was PersonY's lawyer in court so _ argued to the judge that their client was innocent. \nSentence 2: PersonX was PersonY's client in court so _ argued to the judge that their client was innocent."} {"input": "Context Word: court.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in court for a traffic ticket while PersonY was there for stealing, and _ was guilty of speeding. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in court for a traffic ticket while PersonY was there for stealing, and _ was guilty of theft."} {"input": "Context Word: court.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was thrown out of the court for the lawsuit against PersonY because _ was the only one acting disruptively. \nSentence 2: PersonX was thrown out of the court for the lawsuit against PersonY because _ was the only one in acting calmly."} {"input": "Context Word: court.", "output": "Sentence 1: The court was near PersonX's house unlike PersonY so _ played basketball every day of the week. \nSentence 2: The court was far from PersonX's house unlike PersonY so _ played basketball every day of the week."} {"input": "Context Word: mortgage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to send mortgage check to the bank because _ forgot to do so. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to send mortgage check to the bank but _ forgot to do so."} {"input": "Context Word: mortgage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a better loan with better repayment plans than PersonY because _ had a friend who was a mortgage underwriter. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a better loan with better repayment plans than PersonY because _ had no friend who was a mortgage underwriter."} {"input": "Context Word: mortgage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a low rate mortgage but PersonY was unable to because _ had good credit. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a low rate mortgage but PersonY was unable to because _ had poor credit."} {"input": "Context Word: mortgage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY to cosign on the mortgage to buy an expensive house. When he said no, _ bought a different house. \nSentence 2: PersonX was needed by PersonY to cosign on the mortgage to buy an expensive house. When he said no, _ bought a different house."} {"input": "Context Word: mortgage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned a house but PersonY rented one, so _ had mortgage payments to deal with. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned a house but PersonY rented one, so _ did not have mortgage payments to deal with."} {"input": "Context Word: mortgage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having trouble paying their mortgage but not PersonY because _ had their hours cut at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having trouble paying their mortgage but not PersonY because _ had their hours increased at work."} {"input": "Context Word: project.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX assured PersonY that his project is good enough for the fair, because _ was satisfied. \nSentence 2: PersonX assured PersonY that his project is good enough for the fair, but _ wasn't satisfied."} {"input": "Context Word: project.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX confronted PersonY because _ was so hurt that they did not win the project. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY because _ was so hurt that they did not win the project."} {"input": "Context Word: project.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to pass the project off to PersonY, because _ was tired of working on it. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to pass the project off to PersonY, because _ was dying to work on it."} {"input": "Context Word: project.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a project manager while PersonY is one of the assistants of the project, _ asks for the reports of project advancement. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a project manager while PersonY is one of the assistants of the project, _ has to generate reports of project advancement."} {"input": "Context Word: project.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started the project right away unlike PersonY because _ is a very organized individual. \nSentence 2: PersonX started the project right away unlike PersonY because _ is a very procrastinating individual."} {"input": "Context Word: project.", "output": "Sentence 1: The project PersonX chose made PersonY nervous, so _ showed him the outline of the plan. \nSentence 2: The project PersonX chose made PersonY nervous, so _ asked to see the outline of the plan."} {"input": "Context Word: project.", "output": "Sentence 1: The project caught PersonX off guard but not PersonY because _ was uninformed about the situation. \nSentence 2: The project caught PersonX off guard but not PersonY because _ was informed about the situation."} {"input": "Context Word: licking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has an affinity for salt while PersonY does not, so _ likes licking the top of the martini glasses. \nSentence 2: PersonX has an affinity for salt while PersonY does not, so _ dislikes licking the top of the martini glasses."} {"input": "Context Word: camp.", "output": "Sentence 1: Camp was a nightmare for PersonX but not PersonY due to _ being attractive to the mosquitoes at the lake. \nSentence 2: Camp was a nightmare for PersonX but not for PersonY due to _ being resistant to the mosquitoes at the lake."} {"input": "Context Word: camp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to put his tent up at the camp site as _ had never been camping before and didn't know what he were doing. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to put his tent up at the campsite, as _ had never been camping before and didn't know what he were doing."} {"input": "Context Word: camp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been attending camp to lose weight, but PersonY has not, so _ is likely fatter. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been attending camp to lose weight, but PersonY has not, so _ is likely slimmer."} {"input": "Context Word: camp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to camp in the wilderness but PersonY preferred a nice hotel. _ booked a trip to Yellowstone Park. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to camp in the wilderness but PersonY preferred a nice hotel. _ booked a trip to New York City."} {"input": "Context Word: camp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in charge of navigating with the map while hiking to a camp site with PersonY, because _ loved reading maps. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in charge of navigating with the map while hiking to a camp site with PersonY, because _ was bad at reading maps."} {"input": "Context Word: camp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to summer camp this summer while PersonY went to summer school, so _ did not have homework over the summer. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to summer camp this summer while PersonY went to summer school, so _ had homework over the summer."} {"input": "Context Word: camp.", "output": "Sentence 1: Summer camp wasn't fun for PersonX, while PersonY had a blast. This is due to _ being an introvert. \nSentence 2: Summer camp wasn't fun for PersonX, while PersonY had a blast. This is due to _ being an extrovert."} {"input": "Context Word: challenges.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took on more physical challenges during camp than PersonY because _ was naturally aggressive. \nSentence 2: PersonX took on more physical challenges during camp than PersonY because _ was not very aggressive."} {"input": "Context Word: challenges.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's challenges at school included math and science, while PersonY's were reading and literature. _ was definitely better at STEM subjects. \nSentence 2: PersonX's challenges at school included math and science, while PersonY's were reading and literature. _ was definitely better at literary subjects."} {"input": "Context Word: Cruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to cruise the strip on Saturday nights but PersonY liked to stay home. _ was killed in a car crash. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to cruise the strip on Saturday nights but PersonY liked to stay home. _ was killed in a plane crash."} {"input": "Context Word: Cruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in charge of planning a cruise, when PersonY decided to not go. _ was disappointed, but understood. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in charge of planning a cruise, when PersonY decided to not go. _ was relieved he understood."} {"input": "Context Word: dissociated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had a harder time keeping track of time than PersonY, as _ frequently dissociated. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had a harder time keeping track of time than PersonY, as _ never dissociated."} {"input": "Context Word: during the night and stay awake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has trouble at night unlike PersonY ,for _ it is nothing to wake up during the night and stay awake. \nSentence 2: PersonX has trouble at night unlike PersonY ,for _ it is out of the ordinary to wake up during the night and stay awake."} {"input": "Context Word: impress.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to impress their boss at work but not for PersonY because _ was always the top performing employee. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to impress their boss at work but not for PersonY because _ was always the bottom performing employee."} {"input": "Context Word: impress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always dressed to impress but PersonY dressed quite sloppily. _ got a lot of compliments on their snazzy outfit. \nSentence 2: PersonX always dressed to impress but PersonY dressed quite sloppily. _ got a lot of complaints on their sloppy outfit."} {"input": "Context Word: impress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always dressed to impress people but PersonY did not bother. _ was very vain about their appearance. \nSentence 2: PersonX always dressed to impress people but PersonY did not bother. _ was very relaxed about their appearance."} {"input": "Context Word: impress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really wanted to impress his new buddy PersonY so _ decided to jump off the slightly dangerous bridge. \nSentence 2: PersonX really wanted to impress his new buddy PersonY so _ made him jump off the slightly dangerous bridge."} {"input": "Context Word: impress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to impress PersonY with their music, so _ invited her to the performance. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to impress PersonY with their music, so _ was invited to the performance."} {"input": "Context Word: impress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to impress everyone at the party unlike PersonY because _ was very refined. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to impress everyone at the party unlike PersonY because _ was very uncouth."} {"input": "Context Word: impress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to impress PersonY so _ made him a complex, four course dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to impress PersonY so _ asked him for a complex, four course dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: stage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX commanded the stage from PersonY, so _ end up getting the best role in the play. \nSentence 2: PersonX commanded the stage from PersonY, so _ end up getting the smallest role in the play."} {"input": "Context Word: stage.", "output": "Sentence 1: Standing in front of the audience on stage was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had done plays before. \nSentence 2: Standing in front of the audience on stage was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never done plays before."} {"input": "Context Word: manipulate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wonders if they should try to manipulate PersonY into agreeing, but _ decides not to try. \nSentence 2: PersonX wonders if they should try to manipulate PersonY into agreeing, but _ agrees quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: sympathy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor felt more sympathy for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a terminal illness and no insurance. \nSentence 2: The doctor felt more sympathy for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a curable illness and great insurance."} {"input": "Context Word: leg warmers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't wear leg warmers to bed, while PersonY almost always does. _ is more likely to live in a warmer climate. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't wear leg warmers to bed, while PersonY almost always does. _ is more likely to live in a colder climate."} {"input": "Context Word: making.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making food is difficult for PersonX, while PersonY loves to be in the kitchen. _ is probably not the chef. \nSentence 2: Making food is difficult for PersonX, while PersonY loves to be in the kitchen. _ is probably the baker."} {"input": "Context Word: making.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought more eggs than PersonY did because _ was making omelettes for their breakfast. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought more eggs than PersonY did because _ was making toast for their breakfast."} {"input": "Context Word: making.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has five children, PersonY is single and that is why _ is making a schedule for the kids' carpool. \nSentence 2: PersonX has five children, PersonY is single and that is why _ is not making a schedule for kids' carpools."} {"input": "Context Word: making.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was making PersonY dinner for a special occasion, because _ was an amazing cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX was making PersonY dinner for a special occasion, because _ was a terrible cook."} {"input": "Context Word: making.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to making things, PersonX is skilled, while PersonY is not. _ is the crafter. \nSentence 2: When it comes to making things, PersonX is clueless, while PersonY is not. _ is the crafter."} {"input": "Context Word: aloof.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was generally aloof when they were around PersonY, because _ didn't want to get close. \nSentence 2: PersonX was generally aloof when they were around PersonY, although _ didn't want to get shunned."} {"input": "Context Word: constipation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was suffering from constipation but PersonY had diarrhea, _ used the restroom less often. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was suffering from constipation but PersonY had diarrhea, _ used the restroom more often."} {"input": "Context Word: constipation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Constipation often caused problems for PersonX due to lack of fiber but not PersonY; _ had an unhealthier diet. \nSentence 2: Constipation often caused problems for PersonX due to lack of fiber but not PersonY; _ had a healthier diet."} {"input": "Context Word: constipation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Constipation was a big problem for PersonX but not for PersonY, so _ liked to drink a lot of prune juice. \nSentence 2: Constipation was a big problem for PersonX but not for PersonY, so _ liked to drink a lot of orange juice."} {"input": "Context Word: constipation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from constipation but PersonY did not, so _ liked to drink a lot of prune juice. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from constipation but PersonY did not, so _ liked to drink a lot of orange juice."} {"input": "Context Word: constipation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from constipation fairly frequently, but PersonY did not, because _ drank enough water. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from constipation fairly frequently, but PersonY did not, because _ drank little water."} {"input": "Context Word: constipation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX treated PersonY for their constipation so _ took time to answer questions on how to treat it. \nSentence 2: PersonX treated PersonY for their constipation so _ took time to ask questions on how to treat it."} {"input": "Context Word: carrying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept carrying PersonY on their shoulders, even after _ found themselves becoming tired of holding them up. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept carrying PersonY on their shoulders, even after _ found themselves becoming tired of being high up."} {"input": "Context Word: sound.", "output": "Sentence 1: Singing sounded so much better through PersonX than PersonY because _ understand how you produce sound and build your singing stamina. \nSentence 2: Singing sounded so much better through PersonX than PersonY because _ lacked understanding how you produce sound and build your singing stamina."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was far more likely that PersonX would develop lung cancer but not PersonY because _ smoked cigarettes. \nSentence 2: It was far more likely that PersonX would develop lung cancer but not PersonY because _ had never smoked cigarettes."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if anyone in her family had ever had cancer because _ wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if anyone in her family had ever had cancer but _ she didn't know."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX battled cancer successfully, while PersonY did not, due to _ having more expansive health care coverage. \nSentence 2: PersonX battled cancer successfully, while PersonY did not, due to _ having more limited health care coverage."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX comforted PersonY because they recently found out _ had cancer and wanted to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY because they recently found out _ had cancer and felt very afraid."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX confessed all the bad news to PersonY after _ got back from the doctor with a diagnosis of cancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX heard all the bad from PersonY after _ got back from the doctor with a diagnosis of cancer."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cried when PersonY was diagnosed with cancer because _ was the one who was scared. \nSentence 2: PersonX cried when PersonY was diagnosed with cancer but _ was the one who was scared."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to go to chemotherapy for cancer but not PersonY because _ was very sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to go to chemotherapy for cancer but not PersonY because _ was very healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to go through rounds of chemotherapy than PersonY doesn't because _ has cancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to go through rounds of chemotherapy that PersonY doesn't because _ doesn't have cancer."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pulled up the medical image of the cancer for PersonY, so _ could show details of the tumor. \nSentence 2: PersonX pulled up the medical image of the cancer for PersonY, so _ could view details of the tumor."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a healthier eater than PersonY but _ was the one to get diagnoses with cancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a worse eater than PersonY but _ was the one to get diagnoses with cancer."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was being treated for cancer but not PersonY because _ went to the therapist a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX was being treated for cancer but not PersonY because _ went to the doctor a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sick with cancer but PersonY was not. _ lived a short unhealthy life. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sick with cancer but PersonY was not. _ lived a long healthy life."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so upset to learn they had cancer, PersonY tried to console _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was so upset to learn they had cancer, PersonY tried to console but _ could not."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cancer diagnosis depressed PersonX but PersonY stayed hopeful. _ had always been a pessimist in bad times. \nSentence 2: The cancer diagnosis depressed PersonX but PersonY stayed hopeful. _ had always been an optimist in bad times."} {"input": "Context Word: cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diagnosis is given to PersonX of cancer from PersonY due to _ being a smoker. \nSentence 2: The diagnosis is given to PersonX of cancer from PersonY due to _ being a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: location.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY wanted to move, they both picked out a location they liked but _ wasn't thrilled the view from the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY wanted to move, they both picked out a location they liked but _ wasn't thrilled the view from the porch."} {"input": "Context Word: location.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unaware of PersonY's current location, because _ hadn't been told where they were yet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unaware of PersonY's current location, because _ hadn't told them where they were yet."} {"input": "Context Word: plastic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always used paper bags but PersonY used plastic bags, because _ was concerned about the environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX always used paper bags but PersonY used plastic bags, because _ was unconcerned about the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: plastic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX collected fine china dishes but PersonY preferred plastic as _ was very careful with their possessions. \nSentence 2: PersonX collected fine china dishes but PersonY preferred plastic as _ was very careless with their possessions."} {"input": "Context Word: plastic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always recycled their plastic but PersonY did not because _ was environmentally responsible. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always recycled their plastic but PersonY did not because _ was environmentally irresponsible."} {"input": "Context Word: plastic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to recycle plastic properly because _ was conscious of the environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to recycle plastic properly because _ was neglectful of the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: plastic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used plastic plates and PersonY used glass, because _ wasn't to worried about extra trash. \nSentence 2: PersonX used plastic plates and PersonY used glass, because _ was worried about extra trash."} {"input": "Context Word: plastic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less concerned with the environment than PersonY , so _ always used plastic bags. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less concerned with the environment than PersonY , so _ never used plastic bags."} {"input": "Context Word: plastic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to stop using plastic bags and tried to convince PersonY to as well however _ kept using them after. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to stop using plastic bags and tried to convince PersonY to as well but _ kept using them after."} {"input": "Context Word: plastic.", "output": "Sentence 1: Plastic products are consumed by PersonX, but PersonY refuses to use them because _ neglects nature. \nSentence 2: Plastic products are consumed by PersonX, but PersonY refuses to use them because _ cares for nature."} {"input": "Context Word: conventional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't like the way PersonY ignored all of their conventional values, because _ was conservative. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't like the way PersonY ignored all of their conventional values, because _ was free spirited."} {"input": "Context Word: Acupressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY wanted to use acupressure for weight loss because _ was overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY wanted to use acupressure for weight loss because _ was not overweight."} {"input": "Context Word: fall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to step in and prevent PersonY 's fall, but _ was too slow. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to step in and prevent PersonY 's fall, but _ was too fast."} {"input": "Context Word: fall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's blushed a deep red when PersonY saw him fall off his horse, but _ tried to pretend it didn't hurt. \nSentence 2: PersonX's blushed a deep red when PersonY saw him fall off his horse, but _ tried to pretend he didn't see it."} {"input": "Context Word: fall.", "output": "Sentence 1: When riding horses, PersonX accidentally caused PersonY to fall from her horse, and _ was horrified that she had fallen. \nSentence 2: When riding horses, PersonX accidentally caused PersonY to fall from her horse, and _ was embarrassed that she had fallen."} {"input": "Context Word: wild rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running like a wild rabbit helped PersonX win the race but not PersonY because _ was very fast. \nSentence 2: Running like a wild rabbit helped PersonX win the race but not PersonY because _ was very slow."} {"input": "Context Word: installed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX installed the cabinet in a quicker time than PersonY because _ was a carpenter. \nSentence 2: PersonX installed the cabinet in a slower time than PersonY because _ was a carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: installed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX installed the game for PersonY because _ was better at all things dealing with computers. \nSentence 2: PersonX installed the game for PersonY although _ was better at all things dealing with computers."} {"input": "Context Word: installed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is installed a virus protection for PersonY's computer so _ teaching about how to use it. \nSentence 2: PersonX is installed a virus protection for PersonY's computer so _ learning about how to use it."} {"input": "Context Word: installed.", "output": "Sentence 1: The door was installed crooked on PersonX's house and not PersonY's, because _ had horrible helpers. \nSentence 2: The door was installed crooked on PersonX's house and not PersonY's, because _ had great helpers."} {"input": "Context Word: defensive driving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take a defensive driving course and PersonY had already taken one, so _ asked all kinds of questions about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take a defensive driving course and PersonY had already taken one, so _ answered all kinds of questions about it."} {"input": "Context Word: reflexes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX plays basketball weekly unlike PersonY so _ had quicker reflexes getting the ball in a pickup game. \nSentence 2: PersonX plays basketball weekly unlike PersonY so _ had slower reflexes getting the ball in a pickup game."} {"input": "Context Word: reflexes.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ actually got avoided the basketball that was heading their way because PersonX has nice reflexes and PersonY don't. \nSentence 2: So _ actually got hit by the basketball that was heading their way because PersonX has nice reflexes and PersonY don't."} {"input": "Context Word: scam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt intense regret that PersonY had fallen victim to the scam, since _ was inexperienced in detecting fraudulent transactions. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt intense regret that PersonY had fallen victim to the scam, since _ was experienced in detecting fraudulent transactions."} {"input": "Context Word: scam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was easier to scam than PersonY was because _ was more naive in lies. \nSentence 2: PersonX was easier to scam than PersonY was because _ was more knowledgeable in lies."} {"input": "Context Word: scam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried that PersonY might be caught in a scam when they started their new job, but _ decided to trust their friend's judgement. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried that PersonY might be caught in a scam when they started their new job, so _ felt their friend didn't trust their judgement."} {"input": "Context Word: frizzy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX messed up PersonY's hair and made it frizzy, even though _ tried a make it straight. \nSentence 2: PersonX messed up PersonY's hair and made it frizzy, even though _ said to make it straight."} {"input": "Context Word: plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more trouble planning for the future than PersonY because _ rarely considered alternate outcomes and different possibilities. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more trouble planning for the future than PersonY because _ always considered alternate outcomes and different possibilities."} {"input": "Context Word: plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more knowledge about the restaurants in the area than PersonY, so _ made the dinner plan. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more knowledge about the restaurants in the area than PersonY, so _ asked her to make the dinner plan."} {"input": "Context Word: plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more organized with regards to studying than PersonY as _ always made plans. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more chaotic with regards to studying than PersonY as _ always made plans."} {"input": "Context Word: plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's plan was a lot worse than PersonY's because _ put almost zero thought into it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's plan was a lot better than PersonY's because _ put almost zero thought into it."} {"input": "Context Word: plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: The plan devised by PersonX to get PersonY to like them failed, as _ did not really try it. \nSentence 2: The plan devised by PersonX to get PersonY to like them failed, as _ did not really notice it."} {"input": "Context Word: plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: The plan was for PersonX to come to the rally and not PersonY because _ was a very competent individual. \nSentence 2: The plan was for PersonX to come to the rally and not PersonY because _ was a very incompetent individual."} {"input": "Context Word: plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: The plan was to give PersonX a raise and not PersonY because _ deserved it more for all of his hard work. \nSentence 2: The plan was to give PersonX a raise and not PersonY because _ deserved it less for all of his bad work."} {"input": "Context Word: plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: The plan was to have PersonX be the guest speaker and not PersonY, however _ was busy that day. \nSentence 2: The plan was to have PersonX be the guest speaker and not PersonY, however _ was free that day."} {"input": "Context Word: stud earrings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got stud earrings from the local shop to show off to PersonY so that _ would look fashionable. \nSentence 2: PersonX got stud earrings from the local shop to show off to PersonY so that _ would feel jealous."} {"input": "Context Word: tickets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought lottery tickets while PersonY did not, so _ had a small chance to win a lot of money. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought lottery tickets while PersonY did not, so _ did not have a chance to win a lot of money."} {"input": "Context Word: tickets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got lots of tickets but PersonY did not because _ drove above the speed limit. \nSentence 2: PersonX got lots of tickets but PersonY did not because _ drove below the speed limit."} {"input": "Context Word: tickets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to sell PersonY tickets to the football game because _ needs the money. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to sell PersonY tickets to the football game but _ has no money."} {"input": "Context Word: tickets.", "output": "Sentence 1: Tickets to the show were left for PersonX, but not for PersonY because _ knows the show's host. \nSentence 2: Tickets to the show were left for PersonX, but not for PersonY although _ knows the show's host."} {"input": "Context Word: Airbrush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied airbrush effects to PersonY 's photo to cover his imperfections. _ was very creative.. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied airbrush effects to PersonY 's photo to cover his imperfections. _ was not very attractive."} {"input": "Context Word: Defense Contractor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more detailed portfolio than PersonY for the defense contractor position, so _ did get the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more detailed portfolio than PersonY for the defense contractor position, but _ still got the job."} {"input": "Context Word: mealworms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought mealworms as pet food but not PersonY because _ had a lizard as a pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought mealworms as pet food but not PersonY because _ had a pony as a pet."} {"input": "Context Word: year.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was only January 2nd and PersonX was already telling PersonY this was the best year ever. _ liked to be optimistic and see only good things. \nSentence 2: It was only January 2nd and PersonX was already telling PersonY this was the best year ever. _ liked to be realistic and see both good and bad things."} {"input": "Context Word: hair loss.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was experiencing hair loss and PersonY was not, _ was jealous of his hair. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX was experiencing hair loss and PersonY was not, _ was jealous of his hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair loss.", "output": "Sentence 1: Hair loss is improving for PersonX compared to PersonY because _ is using hair loss medicine. \nSentence 2: Hair loss is worse for PersonX compared to PersonY because _ is using hair loss medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: hair loss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX combed their hair over from one side to the other, but not PersonY because _ was experiencing hair loss. \nSentence 2: PersonX combed their hair over from one side to the other, but not PersonY because _ was not experiencing hair loss."} {"input": "Context Word: hair loss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX frequently suffered from hair loss while PersonY had healthy hair, as _ was always stressed out. \nSentence 2: PersonX frequently suffered from hair loss while PersonY had healthy hair, as _ was never stressed out."} {"input": "Context Word: hair loss.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX started getting hair loss, PersonY laughed, so mother gave _ a caring look. \nSentence 2: When PersonX started getting hair loss, PersonY laughed, so mother gave _ a scolding look."} {"input": "Context Word: confess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was prepared to confess to the crime but personY was not because _ was guilty. \nSentence 2: PersonX was prepared to confess to the crime but personY was not because _ was innocent."} {"input": "Context Word: Finger.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx prefer not to get her finger nails done like persony because _ just has surgery on a finger. \nSentence 2: Personx prefer not to get her finger nails done like persony because _ just had a date."} {"input": "Context Word: inspire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was inspired by PersonY when he reached his goal; _ worked hard to reach his own. \nSentence 2: PersonX inspired PersonY when he reached his goal; _ worked hard to reach his own."} {"input": "Context Word: lord.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is interested in becoming a lord and asked PersonY for an advice, because _ always wanted to be a lord. \nSentence 2: PersonX is interested in becoming a lord and asked PersonY for an advice, because _ already is a lord."} {"input": "Context Word: Bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was behind PersonY during the bike race because _ was very slow at pedaling. \nSentence 2: PersonX was behind PersonY during the bike race because _ was very fast at pedaling."} {"input": "Context Word: cells.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cells in PersonX were easier to heal than the cells in PersonY because the disease of _ was simplier. \nSentence 2: The cells in PersonX were harder to heal than the cells in PersonY because the disease of _ was complicated."} {"input": "Context Word: bitcoin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had invested in Enron stock while PersonY had invested in bitcoin. _ has a bad portfolio. \nSentence 2: PersonX had invested in Enron stock while PersonY had invested in bitcoin. _ had a good portfolio."} {"input": "Context Word: Clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost all his clothes in a fire. PersonY donated some to him because _ was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost all his clothes in a fire. PersonY donated some to him because _ was rich."} {"input": "Context Word: Cafepress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for the link to a shirt on Cafepress because _ had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for the link to a shirt on Cafepress but _ had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: Friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more friends than PersonY at the high school. This made _ feel popular. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more friends than PersonY at the high school. This made _ feel jealous."} {"input": "Context Word: Friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX switched the channel to watch Friends, but PersonY wanted to watch Seinfeld. _ didn't care. \nSentence 2: PersonX switched the channel to watch Friends, but PersonY wanted to watch Seinfeld. _ was not pleased."} {"input": "Context Word: surface.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX left smears all over the surface after cleaning PersonY's sink, because _ didn't try very hard. \nSentence 2: PersonX left smears all over the surface after cleaning PersonY's sink, because _ didn't supervise very much."} {"input": "Context Word: surface.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only ever showed their surface personality when interacting with PersonY, which made _ superficial. \nSentence 2: PersonX only ever showed their surface personality when interacting with PersonY, which made _ think they were superficial."} {"input": "Context Word: surface.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a stucco surface on the walls of their new home but PersonY didn't because _ thought it looked nicer. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a stucco surface on the walls of their new home but PersonY didn't because _ thought it didn't look nice."} {"input": "Context Word: surface.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was lazier than PersonY, and so _ had a rougher surface left on their varnished woodworking project. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more careful than PersonY and so _ had a rougher surface left on their varnished woodworking project."} {"input": "Context Word: surface.", "output": "Sentence 1: The surface at PersonX's house is hotter than PersonY's because _ lives in a very hot climate. \nSentence 2: The surface at PersonX's house is colder than PersonY's because _ lives in a very hot climate."} {"input": "Context Word: success.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of the success that PersonY had achieved, but _ never put in the work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of the success that PersonY had achieved, but _ had always in the work."} {"input": "Context Word: success.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less of a success than PersonY, so _ felt jealous about the differences in their talent. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less of a success than PersonY, so _ felt confident about the differences in their talent."} {"input": "Context Word: success.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man told us that PersonX had more success than PersonY because _ studied very hard. \nSentence 2: The man told us that PersonX had more success than PersonY because _ studied very lazily."} {"input": "Context Word: success.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to success PersonX was motivated whereas PersonY was not, therefore _ had more. \nSentence 2: When it comes to success PersonX was motivated whereas PersonY was not, therefore _ had less."} {"input": "Context Word: utensils.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought the utensils that PersonY needed for her because _ had free time all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought the utensils that PersonY needed for her because _ had to work all day."} {"input": "Context Word: scare.", "output": "Sentence 1: In tense situations PersonX did not scare easily but PersonY did because _ was very brave. \nSentence 2: In tense situations PersonX did not scare easily but PersonY did because _ was very cowardly."} {"input": "Context Word: culture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX insisted in getting immersed in the culture while PersonY wasn't having any of that so _ went to an event. \nSentence 2: PersonX insisted in getting immersed in the culture while PersonY wasn't having any of that so _ stayed at home."} {"input": "Context Word: culture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more familiar with the Asian culture than PersonY because _ lived in Asia for many years. \nSentence 2: PersonX is less familiar with the Asian culture than PersonY because _ lived in Asia for many years."} {"input": "Context Word: culture.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Filipino culture was more familiar to PersonX than PersonY because _ knew several people from there. \nSentence 2: The Filipino culture was more familiar to PersonX than PersonY because _ knew zero people from there."} {"input": "Context Word: bad breath.", "output": "Sentence 1: Bad breath was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ didn't brush their teeth enough. \nSentence 2: Bad breath was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ did brush their teeth enough."} {"input": "Context Word: bad breath.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dentist scolded PersonX for not flossing but did not scold PersonY because _ had bad breath. \nSentence 2: The dentist did not scold PersonX for not flossing but did scold PersonY because _ had bad breath."} {"input": "Context Word: blowing.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY blowing out the candles because _ had asthma. \nSentence 2: It was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY blowing out the candles because _ had no breathing problems."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: How to budget monthly was a skill PersonX has, but PersonY does not due to _ being an accountant. \nSentence 2: How to budget monthly was a skill PersonX has, but PersonY does not due to _ being a degenerate."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: Money was no object for PersonX while PersonY was on a budget because _ was rich. \nSentence 2: Money was no object for PersonX while PersonY was on a budget because _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wasted money while PersonY maintained a budget, so _ always bought needless things. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wasted money while PersonY maintained a budget, so _ rarely bought needless things."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for help from PersonY, because _ could not figure out the fiscal budget without help. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave help to PersonY, because _ could not figure out the fiscal budget without help."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of discipline with his budget compared to PersonY, because _ spoke to a financial planner. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of neglect with his budget compared to PersonY, because _ spoke to a financial planner."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more money left over than PersonY because _ had followed their budget more closely. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less money left over than PersonY because _ had followed their budget more closely."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an accountant, PersonY is not, therefore _ can best advise you what you can afford on your budget. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an accountant, PersonY is not, therefore _ cannot best advise you what you can afford on your budget."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX left the budget planning to PersonY, as _ was inept at financial matters of this kind. \nSentence 2: PersonX left the budget planning to PersonY, as _ was proficient at financial matters of this kind."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved budgeting while PersonY loathed it, so _ was better off with their money. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved budgeting while PersonY loathed it, so _ was worse off with their money."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made out the budget keeping in mind the special needs of PersonY's children who _ she loved as her own. \nSentence 2: PersonX made out the budget keeping in mind the special needs of PersonY's children and _ she loved her children."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at following a budget than PersonY for the reason that _ tended to spend money judiciously. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at following a budget than PersonY for the reason that _ tended to spend money lavishly."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better suited to run a business than PersonY because _ filled out a budget every every. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better suited to run a business than PersonY but _ filled out a budget every every."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much worse at balancing a budget than PersonY so _ asked him for help with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much better at balancing a budget than PersonY so _ asked him for help with it."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's budget is never set in stone, while PersonY is a careful spender. Therefore, _ is probably the careless spender. \nSentence 2: PersonX's budget is never set in stone, while PersonY is a careful spender. Therefore, _ is probably the responsible spender."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's grocery budget is much lower than PersonY's. This is because _ has a lower salary. \nSentence 2: PersonX's grocery budget is much lower than PersonY's. This is because _ has a higher salary."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: The budget of PersonX is tighter right now than PersonY's, so _ likely makes less money. \nSentence 2: The budget of PersonX is less restrained right now than PersonY's, so _ likely makes less money."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: The budget of PersonX is very small when you compare it to PersonY's. _ lives on a fixed income. \nSentence 2: The budget of PersonX is very small when you compare it to PersonY's. _ lives on a large income."} {"input": "Context Word: budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: The budget of PersonX right now is kind of low, but PersonY can spend freely. Of the two, _ is more likely to have kids. \nSentence 2: The budget of PersonX right now is kind of low, but PersonY can spend freely. Of the two, _ is more likely to be single."} {"input": "Context Word: sorority.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got accepted into the sorority and PersonY didn't, so _ spent the week celebrating the acceptance. \nSentence 2: PersonX got accepted into the sorority and PersonY didn't, so _ spent the week fuming over the snub."} {"input": "Context Word: recognize.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for the victim to recognize PersonX but not PersonY because _ is the one that snatched her purse. \nSentence 2: It was easy for the victim to recognize PersonX but not PersonY because _ is not the one that snatched her purse."} {"input": "Context Word: recognize.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could recognize that PersonY was in tremendous pain, so _ gave her gentle comfort. \nSentence 2: PersonX could recognize that PersonY was in tremendous pain, so _ received her gentle comfort."} {"input": "Context Word: recognize.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to recognize people at a distance but unfortunately PersonY was not. _ had excellent eyesight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to recognize people at a distance but unfortunately PersonY was not. _ poor excellent eyesight."} {"input": "Context Word: recognize.", "output": "Sentence 1: With her bad eyes, PersonX could not recognize PersonY , so _ had to ask her who she was. \nSentence 2: With her bad eyes, PersonX could not recognize PersonY , so _ had to tell her who she was."} {"input": "Context Word: sore.", "output": "Sentence 1: After working out, PersonX was more sore than PersonY because _ went to the gym once a month. \nSentence 2: After working out, PersonX was more sore than PersonY because _ went to the gym three times a week."} {"input": "Context Word: sore.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being sore from the gym, PersonX asked PersonY for a rub down because _ needed to get a great massage. \nSentence 2: Being sore from the gym, PersonX asked PersonY for a rub down because _ was known to give a great massage."} {"input": "Context Word: sore.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is a machinest therefore _ knows how to treat a sore shoulder. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is a machinest therefore _ might know how to treat a sore shoulder."} {"input": "Context Word: sore.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX works out more than PersonY so _ was less sore after their gym visit on Sunday. \nSentence 2: PersonX works out more than PersonY so _ was more sore after their gym visit on Sunday."} {"input": "Context Word: Anosmia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was stricken with anosmia and couldn't smell a thing, but PersonY had a remarkable sense of smell. _ didn't notice when the skunk walked by. \nSentence 2: PersonX was stricken with anosmia and couldn't smell a thing, but PersonY had a remarkable sense of smell. _ knew when the skunk walked by."} {"input": "Context Word: crossfit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to show how to exercise at the local crossfit, because _ seldom worked out. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to show how to exercise at the local crossfit, because _ frequently worked out."} {"input": "Context Word: crossfit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in better shape than PersonY was because _ went to crossfit and worked out everyday. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in better shape than PersonY was although _ went to crossfit and worked out everyday."} {"input": "Context Word: real.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that their ring contained real diamonds but PersonY did not because _ was an expert on gemstones. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that their ring contained real diamonds but PersonY did not because _ was a novice on gemstones."} {"input": "Context Word: brows.", "output": "Sentence 1: The brows of PersonX look disheveled, but PersonY's look nice and groomed, even though _ had a waxing. \nSentence 2: The brows of PersonX look disheveled, but PersonY's look nice and groomed, because _ had a waxing."} {"input": "Context Word: pulse.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pulse of PersonX was faster than the one of PersonY because _ was exercising. \nSentence 2: The pulse of PersonX was slower than the one of PersonY because _ was exercising."} {"input": "Context Word: goal.", "output": "Sentence 1: College was beneficial for PersonX and less so for PersonY because _ had clear goals and objectives for the future. \nSentence 2: College was beneficial for PersonX and less so for PersonY as _ had no goals or ideas for the future."} {"input": "Context Word: goal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was disappointed in life but PersonY was fulfilled because _ failed to achieved a life goal. \nSentence 2: PersonX was disappointed in life but PersonY was fulfilled because _ succeeded in achieved a life goal."} {"input": "Context Word: flavor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to make wings with better flavor than PersonY, so _ made supper. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to make wings with better flavor than PersonY, so _ waited for supper."} {"input": "Context Word: night.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX Is a night person were PersonY is more of a day person, _ enjoys cool dark weather. \nSentence 2: PersonX Is a night person were PersonY is more of a day person, _ enjoys warm light weather."} {"input": "Context Word: night.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a night light to sleep but PersonY didn't because _ was afraid of the dark. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a night light to sleep but PersonY didn't because _ was not afraid of the dark."} {"input": "Context Word: night.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to stay home Friday night while PersonY wanted to go dancing because _ felt very tired. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to stay home Friday night while PersonY wanted to go dancing because _ felt very energetic."} {"input": "Context Word: night.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was definitely a night person while PersonY was a morning person, since _ got the majority of their work done in the evening. \nSentence 2: PersonX was definitely a night person while PersonY was a morning person, since _ got the majority of their work done in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: night.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked the night shift while PersonY slept, so when morning came, _ fell asleep. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked the night shift while PersonY slept, so when morning came, _ fell woke up."} {"input": "Context Word: night.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX slept well last night and PersonY had no sleep, _ was quite refreshed in the morning. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX slept well last night and PersonY had no sleep, _ was quite exhausted in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: night.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working third shift was no problem for PersonX but it was for PersonY. _ was more of night person. \nSentence 2: Working third shift was no problem for PersonX but it was for PersonY. _ was less of night person."} {"input": "Context Word: hair removing wax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not as tolerant as PersonY to the hair removing wax because _ was more susceptible to pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not as tolerant as PersonY to the hair removing wax since _ was more accustomed to pain."} {"input": "Context Word: donor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was willing to be a kidney donor for PersonY, as _ is a very good person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was willing to be a kidney donor for PersonY, as _ is a very needy person."} {"input": "Context Word: puree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to cook so _ was surprised when the other make a better puree. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to cook so _ was surprised when the other make a worse puree."} {"input": "Context Word: Breastfeeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: Breastfeeding in public was no problem for PersonX but it was for PersonY. _ never used a blanket to cover themselves. \nSentence 2: Breastfeeding in public was no problem for PersonX but it was for PersonY. _ always used a blanket to cover themselves."} {"input": "Context Word: locals.", "output": "Sentence 1: The locals came over and talked to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was creating a big scene. \nSentence 2: The locals came over and talked to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was keeping to himself."} {"input": "Context Word: soothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used soothing words to comfort PersonY because _ was calm after the car accident. \nSentence 2: PersonX used soothing words to comfort PersonY because _ was hysterical after the car accident."} {"input": "Context Word: theatre.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much better actor than PersonY so _ passed the audition for the theatre company. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much better actor than PersonY so _ failed the audition for the theatre company."} {"input": "Context Word: photograph.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not buy the photograph from the photographer, but PersonY did because _ thought they looked ugly. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not buy the photograph from the photographer, but PersonY did because _ thought they looked beautiful."} {"input": "Context Word: photograph.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed the photograph to PersonY, and _ told a funny story about the photo. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed the photograph to PersonY, and _ laughed at a funny story about the photo."} {"input": "Context Word: Kennel Cough.", "output": "Sentence 1: In an effort to control kennel cough, PersonX sent PersonY to get the medication because _ was busy examining the animals. \nSentence 2: In an effort to control kennel cough, PersonX sent PersonY to get the medication but _ was busy examining the animals."} {"input": "Context Word: not being ready for sex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY about not being ready for sex because _ needed to know the person more. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY about not being ready for sex because _ told them they needed to know the person more."} {"input": "Context Word: won.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accepted the medal that they won graciously as PersonY looked on, since _ was the champion. \nSentence 2: PersonX accepted the medal that they won graciously as PersonY looked on, since _ was the referee."} {"input": "Context Word: won.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was richer than PersonY due to _ having won the football pool at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not richer than PersonY due to _ having won the football pool at work."} {"input": "Context Word: won.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won more at rock, paper, scissors than PersonY because _ was better at reading peoples faces. \nSentence 2: PersonX won more at rock, paper, scissors than PersonY because _ was bad at reading peoples faces."} {"input": "Context Word: honored.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX honored their father's passing and PersonY did not because _ had a good father. \nSentence 2: PersonX honored their father's passing and PersonY did not because _ had a bad father.."} {"input": "Context Word: honored.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more highly honored than PersonY was because _ had been awarded more medals in the military. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more highly honored than PersonY was because _ had been awarded less medals in the military."} {"input": "Context Word: resist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to resist the cupcakes more than PersonY because _ has a lot of restraint. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to resist the cupcakes more than PersonY because _ has zero self restraint."} {"input": "Context Word: graceful.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to being graceful, PersonX is more so than PersonY because _ is more petite. \nSentence 2: When it comes to being graceful, PersonX is more so than PersonY because _ is more bulky."} {"input": "Context Word: lysine.", "output": "Sentence 1: Currently, PersonX is taking a lot of lysine, but PersonY never has because _ gets cold sores. \nSentence 2: Currently, PersonX is taking a lot of lysine, but PersonY never has although _ gets cold sores."} {"input": "Context Word: Hatch Eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get PersonY to help hatch eggs, however _ really just wanted to see them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get PersonY to help hatch eggs, but _ didn't wanted to see them."} {"input": "Context Word: Chinese Checkers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better Chinese Checkers than PersonY, and _ won every time when they played. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better Chinese Checkers than PersonY, and _ lost every time when they played."} {"input": "Context Word: chipmunk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX takes a photo of the cute chipmunk on her porch to show PersonY, because _ loves documenting nature. \nSentence 2: PersonX takes a photo of the cute chipmunk on her porch to show PersonY, because _ loves seeing photos of nature."} {"input": "Context Word: Azaleas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to plant Azaleas but PersonY did not. _ cried when the Azaleas died. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to plant Azaleas but PersonY did not. _ laughed when the Azaleas died."} {"input": "Context Word: fingernails.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's fingernails don't look as nice as PersonY's do currently, so _ needs a manicure. \nSentence 2: PersonX's fingernails don't look as nice as PersonY's do currently, so _ had a manicure."} {"input": "Context Word: fingernails.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fingernails of PersonX are worked on by PersonY because _ is at the nail salon. \nSentence 2: The fingernails of PersonX are worked on by PersonY because _ works at the nail salon."} {"input": "Context Word: fingernails.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fingernails of PersonX grow faster than those of PersonY because _ eats a lot more food. \nSentence 2: The fingernails of PersonX grow faster than those of PersonY because _ eats a lot less food."} {"input": "Context Word: Sarong.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make a sarong for PersonY, so _ had to take his measurements. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make a sarong for PersonY, so _ had to provide his measurements."} {"input": "Context Word: Chair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX removed the chair from PersonY and he landed on the floor. People knew that _ is evil. \nSentence 2: PersonX removed the chair from PersonY and he landed on the floor. People knew that _ is good."} {"input": "Context Word: jock itch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets jock itch a lot, while PersonY has never even worn a jock strap. _ is the athlete. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets jock itch a lot, while PersonY has never even worn a jock strap. _ is the artist."} {"input": "Context Word: visitors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a social butterfly whereas PersonY is a lone wolf, so naturally, _ likes to have a lot of visitors. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a social butterfly whereas PersonY is a lone wolf, so naturally, _ doesn't like to have a lot of visitors."} {"input": "Context Word: dopamine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to help PersonY increase dopamine in their diet, so _ suggested adding grains and legumes. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to help PersonY increase dopamine in their diet, so _ considered adding grains and legumes."} {"input": "Context Word: thought.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got lost in thought more often than PersonY because _ was prone to daydreaming. \nSentence 2: PersonX got lost in thought less often than PersonY because _ was prone to daydreaming."} {"input": "Context Word: thought.", "output": "Sentence 1: To PersonX thought of going to California to meet PersonY unique, _ accepts traveling is apart of this. \nSentence 2: To PersonX thought of going to California to meet PersonY unique, _ accepts travelers around them."} {"input": "Context Word: urinary catheter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonYs help removing the urinary catheter from the patient, because _ forgot how. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonYs help removing the urinary catheter from the patient, but _ forgot how."} {"input": "Context Word: Traffic Lights.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx has zero patience for Traffic Lights when having persony in his car _ is always irritated by the complain. \nSentence 2: personx has zero patience for Traffic Lights when having persony in his car _ is always compelled to complain."} {"input": "Context Word: Mile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finished the mile run faster than PersonY because _ exercised quite regularly every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX finished the mile run faster than PersonY because _ liked to relax every day."} {"input": "Context Word: marry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to marry PersonY, who isn't interested in the same sex, so _ is gay. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to marry PersonY, who isn't interested in the same sex, so _ is straight."} {"input": "Context Word: marry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very keen to marry but PersonY was not because _ was very keen about the idea of having a family. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very keen to marry but PersonY was not because _ was very averse about the idea of having a family."} {"input": "Context Word: fridge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's fridge was fuller than PersonY's because _ just went shopping the day before yesterday. \nSentence 2: PersonX's fridge was emptier than PersonY's because _ just went shopping the day before yesterday."} {"input": "Context Word: ESPN.", "output": "Sentence 1: While watching the baseball game on ESPN, PersonX was unamused at PersonY because _ was spoiled. \nSentence 2: While watching the baseball game on ESPN, PersonX was laughing at PersonY because _ spoiled the game."} {"input": "Context Word: presence.", "output": "Sentence 1: They thought PersonX but not PersonY to be a psychic because _ could feel the presence of a spirit in the room. \nSentence 2: They thought PersonX but not PersonY to be a psychic because _ could not feel the presence of a spirit in the room."} {"input": "Context Word: folding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated folding their laundry after washing it unlike PersonY because _ was a messy person. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated folding their laundry after washing it unlike PersonY because _ was a neat person."} {"input": "Context Word: goldfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: A goldfish was a boring pet for PersonX but PersonY loved it, as _ wanted more interaction with a pet. \nSentence 2: A goldfish was a boring pet for PersonX but PersonY loved it, as _ wanted limited interaction with a pet."} {"input": "Context Word: goldfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX reminded PersonY to feed the goldfish because _ was going out of town. \nSentence 2: PersonX agreed PersonY to feed the goldfish because _ was going out of town."} {"input": "Context Word: goldfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always feeds the goldfish because PersonY forgets to. _ is the only reason the fish are still alive. \nSentence 2: PersonX always feeds the goldfish because PersonY forgets to. _ should be grateful the fish are still alive."} {"input": "Context Word: goldfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is envious of PersonY's new goldfish that she just got because _ is jealous about everything. \nSentence 2: PersonX is envious of PersonY's new goldfish that she just got because _ gets everything she wants."} {"input": "Context Word: goldfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is thinking about buying a goldfish from PersonY, because _ wants to get a fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX is thinking about buying a goldfish from PersonY, because _ wants to get rid of a fish."} {"input": "Context Word: goldfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never forgot to clean out the goldfish bowl although PersonY would wait several weeks each time, because _ was much more dependable and responsible. \nSentence 2: PersonX never forgot to clean out the goldfish bowl although PersonY would wait several weeks each time, because _ was much less dependable and responsible."} {"input": "Context Word: goldfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing goldfish at PersonX home is not PersonY idea of fun, _ thought her party was a lot fun. \nSentence 2: Playing goldfish at PersonX home is not PersonY idea of fun, _ thought the party was a lot boring."} {"input": "Context Word: goldfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Winning a goldfish at the carnival was worth all the money to PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked the yellow fish. \nSentence 2: Winning a goldfish at the carnival was worth all the money to PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not like the yellow fish."} {"input": "Context Word: stargazer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is much more of a stargazer than PersonY is because _ loves the stars. \nSentence 2: PersonX is much more of a stargazer than PersonY is because _ ignores the stars."} {"input": "Context Word: medicare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was on Medicare but PersonY wasn't. This is due to the fact that _ is old and retired. \nSentence 2: PersonX was on Medicare but PersonY wasn't. This is due to the fact that _ is young and still working."} {"input": "Context Word: greens.", "output": "Sentence 1: As part of the daily diet, PersonX would eat the greens while PersonY wouldn't so _ ended up better. \nSentence 2: As part of the daily diet, PersonX would eat the greens while PersonY wouldn't so _ ended up worse."} {"input": "Context Word: greens.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to eat greens more than PersonY because _ liked to eat healthy foods. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to eat greens more than PersonY because _ liked to eat junk foods."} {"input": "Context Word: greens.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to cook more than PersonY however _ never learned how to make proper collard greens. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated to cook more than PersonY however _ never learned how to make proper collard greens."} {"input": "Context Word: polish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's dance routine had more polish than PersonY 's because _ practiced so much. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's dance routine had more polish than PersonY 's because _ practiced so little."} {"input": "Context Word: polish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more fashionable than PersonY but _ did not like to put on new nail polish. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more fashionable than PersonY but _ always loved to put on new nail polish."} {"input": "Context Word: polish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat in the high chair and watched PersonY polish his shoes, as _ was a fancy businessman. \nSentence 2: PersonX sat in the high chair and watched PersonY polish his shoes, as _ was a lowly shoe-shine man."} {"input": "Context Word: polish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent hours applying polish to his shoes, while PersonY slept all day resulting in _ having very shiny shoes. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent hours applying polish to his shoes, while PersonY slept all day resulting in _ having very dull shoes."} {"input": "Context Word: polish.", "output": "Sentence 1: The polish was in PersonX's garage and PersonY _ was who he told he spotted it there. \nSentence 2: The polish was in PersonX's garage and PersonY _ was the one who spotted it there."} {"input": "Context Word: tip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let a bad tip, so PersonY left extra to make up for it, because _ was cheap. \nSentence 2: PersonX let a bad tip, so PersonY left extra to make up for it, because _ was considerate."} {"input": "Context Word: slim.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being slim and toned came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ worked out regularly. \nSentence 2: Being slim and toned came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY although _ worked out regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: slim.", "output": "Sentence 1: Of the two, PersonX is much more slim than PersonY because _ works out daily. \nSentence 2: Of the two, PersonX is much more slim than PersonY because _ never works out."} {"input": "Context Word: pneumonia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX became very ill with pneumonia, so PersonY made him some soup; then _ finally fell asleep. \nSentence 2: PersonX became very ill with pneumonia, so PersonY made him some soup; then _ finally went home."} {"input": "Context Word: pneumonia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a stronger immune system than PersonY , so _ avoided getting pneumonia that year. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a stronger immune system than PersonY , so _ ended up getting pneumonia that year."} {"input": "Context Word: pneumonia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to visit the doctor while PersonY did not, because _ had come down with pneumonia. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to visit the doctor while PersonY did not, because _ had come not down with pneumonia."} {"input": "Context Word: pneumonia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was recovering from pneumonia over the weekend with the help of PersonY. _ was grateful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was recovering from pneumonia over the weekend with the help of PersonY. _ was helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: pneumonia.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had pneumonia and PersonY did not, _ had to stay home and rest all day long. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had pneumonia and PersonY did not, _ had to stay home and take care of them all day long."} {"input": "Context Word: pneumonia.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor PersonX told PersonY to do breathing exercises to strengthen her lungs after she caught pneumonia. _ also prescribed her antibiotics. \nSentence 2: The doctor PersonX told PersonY to do breathing exercises to strengthen her lungs after she caught pneumonia. _ also took antibiotics."} {"input": "Context Word: difficulty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had difficulty breathing because _ had asthma and other lung ailments. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had difficulty breathing because _ did not have asthma and other lung ailments."} {"input": "Context Word: buzzed hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to shape up PersonY's buzzed hair so _ got the scissors and razors. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to shape up PersonY's buzzed hair so _ got in the chair and waited."} {"input": "Context Word: sales.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX was a harder worker than PersonY, _ has a more harder time working in sales. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX was a harder worker than PersonY, _ has a more easier time working in sales."} {"input": "Context Word: sales.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a job as an independant sales rep because _ owed him a favor. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for a job as an independant sales rep because _ owed him a favor."} {"input": "Context Word: sales.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made more money than PersonY due to the fact that _ is a great at sales. \nSentence 2: PersonX made more money than PersonY due to the fact that _ is a terrible at sales."} {"input": "Context Word: design.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX came up with a worse design than PersonY because _ was a farmer by profession. \nSentence 2: PersonX came up with a worse design than PersonY because _ was a designer by profession."} {"input": "Context Word: design.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a new design idea for the house but not PersonY because _ will remodel next week. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a new design idea for the house but not PersonY because _ will take a vacation next week."} {"input": "Context Word: design.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has hired a PersonY a intern fresh out of college to design the new logo for the business, _ is not going to make the logo. \nSentence 2: PersonX has hired a PersonY a intern fresh out of college to design the new logo for the business, _ was hired to make the logo."} {"input": "Context Word: design.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the beautiful design work of the artist but PersonY didn't like it, so _ hired the artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the beautiful design work of the artist but PersonY didn't like it, so _ fired the artist."} {"input": "Context Word: design.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to work in design while PersonY wanted to work in medicine so _ went to art school. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to work in design while PersonY wanted to work in medicine so _ went to medical school."} {"input": "Context Word: writing essays.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at writing essays than PersonY, so _ easily passed all of their classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at writing essays than PersonY, so _ struggled to pass all of their classes."} {"input": "Context Word: frustrations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's frustrations have been growing, so they visit PersonY to talk. _ is in therapy. \nSentence 2: PersonX's frustrations have been growing, so they visit PersonY to talk. _ is a therapist."} {"input": "Context Word: drills.", "output": "Sentence 1: Practicing sprint drills helps PersonX run faster than PersonY as _ moved his legs faster. \nSentence 2: Practicing sprint drills helped PersonX run faster than PersonY as _ moved his legs slower."} {"input": "Context Word: mysterious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scared as they saw a mysterious person watching when PersonY pulled in from work. _ went out to greet them quickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scared as they saw a mysterious person watching when PersonY pulled in from work. _ went inside quickly ."} {"input": "Context Word: Gmail.", "output": "Sentence 1: Gmail is so yesterday PersonX thought as PersonY talked about it, _ is on top of new trends. \nSentence 2: Gmail is so yesterday PersonX thought as PersonY talked about it, _ is not knowledgeable of new trends."} {"input": "Context Word: Gmail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help set up their Gmail account because _ was a technophobe. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help set up their Gmail account because _ loved new technology."} {"input": "Context Word: Gmail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't know how to use Gmail, but PersonY is an expert because _ is very old. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't know how to use Gmail, but PersonY is an expert because _ is very young."} {"input": "Context Word: Gmail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being shown how to use Gmail by PersonY, so _ must be tech illiterate. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being shown how to use Gmail by PersonY, so _ must be tech savvy."} {"input": "Context Word: injury.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the hospital, PersonX looked at the leg injury of PersonY, since _ is a doctor. \nSentence 2: At the hospital, PersonX looked at the leg injury of PersonY, since _ is a patient."} {"input": "Context Word: injury.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had her injury tended to by PersonY , as _ had little skill with medical treatments. \nSentence 2: PersonX had her injury tended to by PersonY , as _ had great skill with medical treatments."} {"input": "Context Word: injury.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sustained an injury while working out but PersonY didn't because _ didn't warm up properly. \nSentence 2: PersonX sustained an injury while working out but PersonY didn't because _ warmed up properly."} {"input": "Context Word: soldier.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a soldier in the war suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had always been courageous. \nSentence 2: Being a soldier in the war suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had always been cowardly."} {"input": "Context Word: spam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered PersonY money to go through the spam folder because _ didn't want to deal with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered PersonY money to go through the spam folder because _ didn't mind to deal with it."} {"input": "Context Word: rap.", "output": "Sentence 1: Rap music was very distasteful to PersonX although PersonY loved it, since _ only liked classical music. \nSentence 2: Rap music was very distasteful to PersonX although PersonY loved it, since _ liked a variety of music."} {"input": "Context Word: Diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the trip, PersonX had a wicked case of Diarrhea, though PersonY had none. _ has the weaker stomach. \nSentence 2: After the trip, PersonX had a wicked case of Diarrhea, though PersonY had none. _ has the stronger stomach."} {"input": "Context Word: Diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX Diarrhea will cure slower than personY Diarrhea because _ do not stop taking diary products. \nSentence 2: PersonX Diarrhea will cure faster than personY Diarrhea because _ do not stop taking diary products."} {"input": "Context Word: Diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got Diarrhea, but PersonY was fine after dinner because _ stuck to the seafood. \nSentence 2: PersonX got Diarrhea, but PersonY was fine after dinner because _ stuck to the bread."} {"input": "Context Word: Diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried the sketchy taco truck in the hood while PersonY went to a 5-star restaurant. _ came away with a severe case of Diarrhea. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried the sketchy taco truck in the hood while PersonY went to a 5-star restaurant. _ came down with a fine meal instead of Diarrhea."} {"input": "Context Word: Diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: Spicy food often gave PersonX diarrhea but PersonY loved it. _ had to run to the bathroom after dinner at the Mexican restaurant. \nSentence 2: Spicy food often gave PersonX diarrhea but PersonY loved it. _ didn't have to run to the bathroom after dinner at the Mexican restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: toned.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's stomach was more toned that PersonY's because _ often did sit-up exercises at the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX's stomach was more toned that PersonY's because _ rarely did sit-up exercises at the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: ringtone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY with changing her ringtone because ( _ ) had never used a smartphone before. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY with changing her ringtone because ( _ ) had never used a smartphone before."} {"input": "Context Word: addition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much worse at addition than PersonY, so _ asked for help on their math homework. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much worse at addition than PersonY, so _ gave them help on their math homework."} {"input": "Context Word: carbs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can consume more carbs than PersonY because _ is not following the popular keto diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX can consume more carbs than PersonY because _ is following the popular keto diet."} {"input": "Context Word: carbs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to add carbs to his protein shake and asks his trainer PersonY for an advice, because _ knows nothing about a diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to add carbs to his protein shake and asks his trainer PersonY for an advice, because _ has experience with diet."} {"input": "Context Word: carbs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was healthier than PersonY because _ was able to stop themselves from enjoying carbs. \nSentence 2: PersonX was healthier than PersonY because _ wasn't able to stop themselves from enjoying carbs."} {"input": "Context Word: dissolve.", "output": "Sentence 1: In chemistry class, PersonX was learning how to dissolve chemicals from PersonY for _ was the student. \nSentence 2: In chemistry class, PersonX was learning how to dissolve chemicals from PersonY for _ was the teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: dissolve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided that he wanted the salt to dissolve and PersonY _ wanted to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided that he wanted the salt to dissolve and PersonY _ was not wanted to help."} {"input": "Context Word: fluid leak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the car to PersonY to check for a fluid leak, as _ had no idea what he was looking at. \nSentence 2: PersonX took the car to PersonY to check for a fluid leak, however _ had no idea what he was looking at."} {"input": "Context Word: breeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY with her dog breeding business, since _ had a copious experience with dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY with her dog breeding business, since _ had a little experience with dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: breeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes a living from breeding dogs, so PersonY buys one from him. _ gives the dog's papers to him. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes a living from breeding dogs, so PersonY buys one from him. _ aquires the dog's papers from him."} {"input": "Context Word: Shakespeare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to understand Shakespeare while PersonY struggled, because _ spoke English as a first language. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to understand Shakespeare while PersonY struggled, because _ spoke English as a second language."} {"input": "Context Word: lizard.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they were getting pets, PersonX wanted a lizard and PersonY wanted a dog, because _ was allergic to dogs. \nSentence 2: When they were getting pets, PersonX wanted a lizard and PersonY wanted a dog, although _ was allergic to dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: shades.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she had lowered the shades before leaving the house because _ wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she had lowered the shades before leaving the house but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: low carb.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is on a low carb diet, while PersonY doesn't need to be on one. So, _ is more likely to avoid bread. \nSentence 2: PersonX is on a low carb diet, while PersonY doesn't need to be on one. So, _ is more likely to eat bread."} {"input": "Context Word: shell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought PersonY a shell from the trip to the beach, so _ felt very generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought PersonY a shell from the trip to the beach, so _ felt very grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: shell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to use the shell technique while boxing unlike PersonY because _ had a defensive nature. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to use the shell technique while boxing unlike PersonY because _ had an offensive nature."} {"input": "Context Word: shell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made the shell necklace PersonY bought for _ lives in Hawaii during the surf season. \nSentence 2: PersonX made the shell necklace PersonY bought for _ vacations in Hawaii during the surf season."} {"input": "Context Word: cope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not cope with PersonY when she was angry at her, as _ was very sensitive. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not cope with PersonY when she was angry at her, as _ was very aggressive."} {"input": "Context Word: cope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it difficult to cope with the nicotine withdrawal while PersonY found it easier since _ had been smoking for a far longer period of time. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it difficult to cope with the nicotine withdrawal while PersonY found it easier since _ had been smoking for a far shorter period of time."} {"input": "Context Word: cope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to help PersonY cope with the death of her parent. _ could not console them. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to help PersonY cope with the death of her parent. _ was inconsolable."} {"input": "Context Word: cope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better able to cope with the sudden loss of their mother than PersonY, because _ had a strong support network. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better able to cope with the sudden loss of their mother than PersonY, because _ had a nonexistent support network."} {"input": "Context Word: safety.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX enjoyed safety while PersonY was a natural risk taker, _ screamed in horror while bungee jumping. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX enjoyed safety while PersonY was a natural risk taker, _ screamed in delight while bungee jumping."} {"input": "Context Word: safety.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX advised PersonY what to do to avoid accidents at work because _ was a safety advisor. \nSentence 2: PersonX advised PersonY what to do to avoid accidents at work because _ was not a safety advisor."} {"input": "Context Word: safety.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being taught about fire safety by PersonY because _ is a student at the school. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being taught about fire safety by PersonY because _ is a firefighter at the school."} {"input": "Context Word: safety.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put the safety of PersonY as their number one priority, which made _ always feel anxious. \nSentence 2: PersonX put the safety of PersonY as their number one priority, which made _ always feel safe."} {"input": "Context Word: safety.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed safer than PersonY at the job because _ made sure to follow all the safety regulations. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed safer than PersonY at the job although _ made sure to follow all the safety regulations."} {"input": "Context Word: safety.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX valued PersonY and wanted them to always think about safety despite the fact _ is never thinking about being safe. \nSentence 2: PersonX valued PersonY and wanted them to always think about safety especially the fact _ is never thinking about being safe."} {"input": "Context Word: safety.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was envious of PersonY although _ was a safety patrol at school and had good grades. \nSentence 2: PersonX was envious of PersonY because _ was a safety patrol at school and had good grades."} {"input": "Context Word: safety.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more concerned about safety than PersonY, so _ was put in charge of creating the rules. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less concerned about safety than PersonY, so _ was put in charge of creating the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: safari.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go on a safari and proposed PersonY come with him but he refused. _ greatly valued adventure. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go on a safari and proposed PersonY come with him but he refused. _ greatly valued security."} {"input": "Context Word: offer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the real estate contract over PersonY because _ put in a higher offer. \nSentence 2: PersonX won the real estate contract over PersonY because _ put in a lower offer."} {"input": "Context Word: vision.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always has to carry around a pair of glasses unlike PersonY because _ has impaired vision. \nSentence 2: PersonX always has to carry around a pair of glasses unlike PersonY because _ doesn't have impaired vision."} {"input": "Context Word: vision.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't see PersonY in their field of vision so _ hit their car at the intersection. \nSentence 2: PersonX did see PersonY in their field of vision but _ hit their car at the intersection."} {"input": "Context Word: vision.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a clear vision point while hunting but not PersonY because _ had the night vision gear. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a clear vision point while hunting but not PersonY because _ lost the night vision gear."} {"input": "Context Word: vision.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had poor vision while PersonY did not, so _ had to wear corrective glasses. \nSentence 2: PersonX had poor vision while PersonY did not, so _ could wear purely cosmetic glasses."} {"input": "Context Word: vision.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to see PersonY in hopes that they could get better vision because _ wanted Lasik. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to see PersonY in hopes that they could get better vision because _ specialized in Lasik."} {"input": "Context Word: social life.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a more active social life than PersonY because _ invites people on dates frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a more active social life than PersonY because _ invites people on dates rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: rum.", "output": "Sentence 1: The rum that PersonX brought to the party was all drank by PersonY, so _ is vehement. \nSentence 2: The rum that PersonX brought to the party was all drank by PersonY, so _ is drunk."} {"input": "Context Word: smiles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX projects much more happiness than PersonY, _ because/although she smiles a lot more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX projects much less happiness than PersonY, _ she smiles much a lot more often."} {"input": "Context Word: teachers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did well in school while PersonY did not because _ studied hard and respected her teachers. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not do well in school while PersonY did because _ studied hard and respected her teachers."} {"input": "Context Word: guess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to the carnival booth where PersonY will guess their weight, but _ ends up feeling offended. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to the carnival booth where PersonY will guess their weight, and _ ends up guessing correctly."} {"input": "Context Word: plank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could hold the plank pose for three minutes while PersonY could only do so for 10 seconds because _ was in great shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX could hold the plank pose for three minutes while PersonY could only do so for 10 seconds because _ was in poor shape."} {"input": "Context Word: plank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in average physical condition while PersonY was a super athlete. _ was able to plank for 10 minutes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in average physical condition while PersonY was a super athlete. _ was able to plank for 100 minutes."} {"input": "Context Word: split toenail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a split toenail when they were working on the roof and asked PersonY to bandage it since _ was unable to look at it. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a split toenail when they were working on the roof and asked PersonY to bandage it, however _ was unable to look at it."} {"input": "Context Word: whey protein.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more muscle mass than PersonY, _ because/although he eats whey protein before he works out. \nSentence 2: PersonX has less muscle mass than PersonY, _ he eats whey protein before he works out."} {"input": "Context Word: Walls.", "output": "Sentence 1: As the walls began to cave in on PersonX, he thanked PersonY who had sold him the house because _ had narrowly escaped due to his advice. \nSentence 2: As the walls began to cave in on PersonX, he blamed PersonY who had sold him the house because _ had not revealed how frail they were."} {"input": "Context Word: whiskey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered PersonY some good whiskey, but _ really wanted to keep it all to themselves. \nSentence 2: PersonX accepted PersonY's good whiskey, but _ really wanted to keep it all to themselves."} {"input": "Context Word: whiskey.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whiskey is much loved by PersonX but PersonY prefers to drink tequila so _ ordered an Irish coffee to drink. \nSentence 2: Whiskey is much loved by PersonX but PersonY prefers to drink tequila so _ ordered a tequila sunrise to drink."} {"input": "Context Word: dealt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dealt the cards to PersonY at the blackjack table, because _ was a professional dealer. \nSentence 2: PersonX dealt the cards to PersonY at the blackjack table, because _ was a professional player."} {"input": "Context Word: nerves.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX _ allowed PersonY's silly antics to get on their nerves at work during lunch every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX _ prevented PersonY's silly antics to get on their nerves at work during lunch every day."} {"input": "Context Word: nerves.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really got on PersonY's nerves, because _ made noise all day, every day, which ruined the peace and quiet. \nSentence 2: PersonX really got on PersonY's nerves, because _ heard noise all day, every day, which ruined the peace and quiet."} {"input": "Context Word: conflict.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is easily triggered and had a severe and avoidable conflict with her best friend PersonY, because _ was nervous. \nSentence 2: PersonX is easily triggered and had a severe and avoidable conflict with her best friend PersonY, because _ teased her."} {"input": "Context Word: conflict.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thrives on conflict while PersonY avoids it, so _ never backs down from a fight. \nSentence 2: PersonX thrives on conflict while PersonY avoids it, so _ usually backs down from a fight."} {"input": "Context Word: conflict.", "output": "Sentence 1: The life of PersonX has more personal conflict in it than of PersonY because _ had a very tough upbringing. \nSentence 2: The life of PersonX has more personal conflict in it than of PersonY because _ had a normal upbringing."} {"input": "Context Word: pruning shears.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always cleaned the pruning shears but not PersonY because _ had problems with dirt. \nSentence 2: PersonX always cleaned the pruning shears but not PersonY because _ had no problems with dirt."} {"input": "Context Word: digestion.", "output": "Sentence 1: In nursing class, PersonX asked PersonY if they could borrow the notes from the lecture on digestion, because _ thought their own notes might be incomplete. \nSentence 2: In nursing class, PersonX asked PersonY if they could borrow the notes from the lecture on digestion, because _ always had very complete notes."} {"input": "Context Word: digestion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's digestion has been off and his stomach hurts, so PersonY recommends medicine. _ is an average joe. \nSentence 2: PersonX's digestion has been off and his stomach hurts, so PersonY recommends medicine. _ is a physician."} {"input": "Context Word: traffic accident.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the terrible traffic accident, PersonX paid 3 million to PersonY, _ was at fault. \nSentence 2: After the terrible traffic accident, PersonX paid 3 million to PersonY, _ was severely injured."} {"input": "Context Word: patio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a spacious outdoor patio, while PersonY only had a tiny balcony, because _ lived in an apartment. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a spacious outdoor patio, while PersonY only had a tiny balcony, because _ lived in a house."} {"input": "Context Word: patio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was putting in a new patio and asked PersonY for some help because _ was unable to do it all by himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX was putting in a new patio and asked PersonY for some help but _ was unable to do it at all."} {"input": "Context Word: Quarters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran out of quarters at the arcade. He robbed PersonY because _ was a devious person. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran out of quarters at the arcade. He robbed PersonY because _ was a distracted person."} {"input": "Context Word: Pipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX puffed on his tobacco pipe while PersonY watched in pity because _ was addicted to tobacco. \nSentence 2: PersonX puffed on his tobacco pipe while PersonY watched in pity because _ was disgusted by tobacco."} {"input": "Context Word: Itachi Uchiha.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suggested PersonY Itachi Uchiha costume for Halloween night because _ thought he is thin and tall just like a fictional character in the Narutoseries. \nSentence 2: PersonX suggested PersonY Itachi Uchiha costume for Halloween night because _ is thin and tall just like a fictional character in the Narutoseries."} {"input": "Context Word: facial warts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY was perfect exactly as they are. _ didn't even notice the facial warts. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY was perfect exactly as they are. _ refused to believe they didn't even notice the facial warts."} {"input": "Context Word: fatigue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX experienced fatigue more frequently than PersonY because _ had a bad case of insomnia. \nSentence 2: PersonX experienced fatigue less frequently than PersonY because _ had a bad case of insomnia."} {"input": "Context Word: fatigue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt well rested while PersonY felt fatigue, so _ agreed to drive for the remainder of the road trip. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt well rested while PersonY felt fatigue, so _ decided to sleep for the remainder of the road trip."} {"input": "Context Word: static.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to help PersonY get all the static out of her hair, but _ gave up pretty quickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to help PersonY get all the static out of her hair, but _ decided to just live with it."} {"input": "Context Word: static.", "output": "Sentence 1: The static in PersonX's hair makes it stand on end, but PersonY doesn't have that issue, so _ is very charged. \nSentence 2: The static in PersonX's hair makes it stand on end, but PersonY doesn't have that issue, so _ is not charged."} {"input": "Context Word: payment.", "output": "Sentence 1: Investing in business suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ set up an automatic payment system. \nSentence 2: Investing in business suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ set up an manual payment system."} {"input": "Context Word: payment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a car payment coming up so _ asked PersonY if they knew of a way to reduce it without a loan. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a car payment due today so _ asked PersonY if they knew of a way to reduce it without a loan."} {"input": "Context Word: payment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a payment to PersonY to reactivate their phone, and _ had their phone activated later that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a payment to PersonY to reactivate their phone, and _ activated their phone later that day."} {"input": "Context Word: materials.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to finish the job in time like PersonY, because _ had less materials.. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to finish the job in time like PersonY, because _ had more materials."} {"input": "Context Word: Twitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Twitter is like a foreign language to PersonX, but not to PersonY because _ hates technology. \nSentence 2: Twitter is like a foreign language to PersonX, but not to PersonY because _ loves technology."} {"input": "Context Word: speed read.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX learned how to speed read, PersonY praised him because _ had a learning disability. \nSentence 2: When PersonX learned how to speed read, PersonY criticized him since _ had a learning disability."} {"input": "Context Word: labyrinth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was meditating in a labyrinth when PersonY stumbled upon her. _ was surprised at the sudden intrusion. \nSentence 2: PersonX was meditating in a labyrinth when PersonY stumbled upon her. _ apologized for the sudden intrusion."} {"input": "Context Word: formal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX daughter PersonY had an 8th grade formal to go to but _ balked at the dress to be worn. \nSentence 2: PersonX daughter PersonY had an 8th grade formal to go to but _ hated the dress to be worn."} {"input": "Context Word: formal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the letter PersonY wrote was way too formal, because _ prefers using a casual style. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the letter PersonY wrote was way too formal, because _ prefers using a professional style."} {"input": "Context Word: formal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go to the formal dance but PersonY wanted to skip it. _ asked a boy to go with them to the dance. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go to the formal dance but PersonY wanted to skip it. _ didn't ask anyone to go with them to the dance."} {"input": "Context Word: formal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a formal letter to PersonY to thank them for the job, because _ preferred to be thoughtful. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a formal letter to PersonY to thank them for the job, because _ preferred people who were thoughtful."} {"input": "Context Word: toaster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked if she could borrow a toaster from PersonY , since _ 's was broken. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked if she could borrow a toaster from PersonY , since _ 's was working."} {"input": "Context Word: toaster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a toaster for PersonY's birthday, because _ wanted to fulfil her wish. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a toaster for PersonY's birthday, because _ wanted a brand new toaster."} {"input": "Context Word: toaster.", "output": "Sentence 1: The toaster at PersonXs house was on the fritz, so PersonY lent him an extra one. _ was happy to be helped. \nSentence 2: The toaster at PersonXs house was on the fritz, so PersonY lent him an extra one. _ was happy to help."} {"input": "Context Word: household.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did household chores while PersonY slept, since it was the turn of _ to clean up the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX did household chores while PersonY slept, since it was not the turn of _ to clean up the house."} {"input": "Context Word: gallery.", "output": "Sentence 1: The art gallery that PersonX took PersonY to was closed that day, so _ felt like a bad planner. \nSentence 2: The art gallery that PersonX took PersonY to was closed that day, so _ felt like he'd wasted time."} {"input": "Context Word: reading skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had superior reading skills to PersonY so _ read a book a day very quickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX had superior reading skills to PersonY so _ read a book a week very slowly."} {"input": "Context Word: taught the dog how to sit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught the dog how to sit and PersonY could not because _ had a lot of patience. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught the dog how to sit and PersonY could not because _ did not have a lot of patience."} {"input": "Context Word: vest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of PersonY due to _ being on a ride along. \nSentence 2: PersonX touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of PersonY due to _ being on an investigation."} {"input": "Context Word: vest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY's opinion about their new vest because _ valued their fashion opinion a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY's opinion about their new vest but _ valued their fashion opinion a lot too."} {"input": "Context Word: horror.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to read horror stories while PersonY would rather watch them on TV because _ was an avid reader. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to read horror stories while PersonY would rather watch them on TV because _ wasn't an avid reader."} {"input": "Context Word: dog ramp.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying a dog ramp was a good investment for PersonX as compared to PersonY because _ had a small dog. \nSentence 2: Buying a dog ramp was a good investment for PersonX as compared to PersonY since _ had a large dog."} {"input": "Context Word: leather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a cool leather jacket for PersonY, so _ could get credit for making them cool. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a cool leather jacket for PersonY, so _ gave them credit for making them cool."} {"input": "Context Word: leather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed wearing leather but not PersonY because _ thought it was okay to wear animal skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed wearing leather but not PersonY because _ thought it was cruel to wear animal skin."} {"input": "Context Word: leather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is repairing PersonY's cracked leather, because _ knows how to do it extremely well. \nSentence 2: PersonX is repairing PersonY's cracked leather, because _ doesn't know how to do it well."} {"input": "Context Word: leather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX opened a leather tanning company and invited PersonY to come work with him because _ needed the money. \nSentence 2: PersonX opened a leather tanning company and invited PersonY to come work with him when _ needed the help."} {"input": "Context Word: leather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to give PersonY a leather book but _ personally hated it so much. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to give PersonY a leather book because _ personally loved it so much."} {"input": "Context Word: leather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a huge animal rights activist but PersonY couldn't care less so _ hated leather. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a huge animal rights activist but PersonY couldn't care less so _ loved leather."} {"input": "Context Word: leather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much more fashionable individual than PersonY although _ did not like leather purses. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much more fashionable individual than PersonY although _ loved the leather purses."} {"input": "Context Word: leather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore some tight leather pants that PersonY really liked, because _ was very attractive in them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore some tight leather pants that PersonY really liked, because _ thought they were very attractive in them."} {"input": "Context Word: leather.", "output": "Sentence 1: Shopping for sofas was difficult as PersonX wanted leather but PersonY wanted fabric. _ loved the smell of leather. \nSentence 2: Shopping for sofas was difficult as PersonX wanted leather but PersonY wanted fabric. _ hated the smell of leather."} {"input": "Context Word: leather.", "output": "Sentence 1: The leather jacket of PersonX looked older than PersonY's because _ had a vintage leather jacket. \nSentence 2: The leather jacket of PersonX looked older than PersonY's because _ had a modern leather jacket."} {"input": "Context Word: hardship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went through more hardships in life than PersonY because _ lived in a rougher area. \nSentence 2: PersonX went through more hardships in life than PersonY because _ lived in a nicer area."} {"input": "Context Word: African.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go on a African vacation and PersonY did not because _ loved to be in the heat. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go on a African vacation and PersonY did not because _ hated to be in the heat."} {"input": "Context Word: cut in front of.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw someone cut in front of PersonY in line at the checkout at a supermarket, _ thought it rude. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw someone cut in front of PersonY in line at the checkout at a supermarket, _ seemed not care."} {"input": "Context Word: pretty.", "output": "Sentence 1: All the guys were attracted to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very pretty. \nSentence 2: All the guys were attracted to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not very pretty."} {"input": "Context Word: pretty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is not as pretty as PersonY happens to be. _ never gets asked out on dates. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not as pretty as PersonY happens to be. _ always gets asked out on dates."} {"input": "Context Word: pretty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked giving a lot of pretty things to PersonY, because _ enjoyed seeing the reactions. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked giving a lot of pretty things to PersonY, because _ enjoyed seeing the sparkles."} {"input": "Context Word: interview.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the interview, PersonX provided a CV and spoke enthusiastically to PersonY about the job, and _ answered questions. \nSentence 2: At the interview, PersonX provided a CV and spoke enthusiastically to PersonY about the job, and _ asked questions."} {"input": "Context Word: interview.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX aced their job interview but PersonY struggled with theirs, because _ spent a large amount of time preparing for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX aced their job interview but PersonY struggled with theirs, because _ spent a small amount of time preparing for it."} {"input": "Context Word: interview.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help getting ready for an interview, so _ could do well. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help getting ready for an interview, and _ could give pointers."} {"input": "Context Word: interview.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to do the TV interview because _ is shy in front of camera. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to do the TV interview because _ is bold in front of camera."} {"input": "Context Word: interview.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX conducted a job interview with PersonY because _ wanted to hire for their company. \nSentence 2: PersonX conducted a job interview with PersonY because _ wanted to be hired to a company."} {"input": "Context Word: interview.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY for an interview at their company because _ wanted to employ them. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY for an interview at their company because _ really needed a job."} {"input": "Context Word: interview.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is preparing a PersonY for tricky interview questions, because _ wants to help her. \nSentence 2: PersonX is preparing a PersonY for tricky interview questions, because _ could use some help."} {"input": "Context Word: interview.", "output": "Sentence 1: The manager refused to conduct the interview with PersonX and instead did so with PersonY because _ was very unqualified. \nSentence 2: The manager refused to conduct the interview with PersonX and instead did so with PersonY because _ was very qualified."} {"input": "Context Word: interview.", "output": "Sentence 1: The recruiter hired PersonX but not PersonY because _ did very well during the job interview. \nSentence 2: The recruiter hired PersonX but not PersonY because _ did very poorly during the job interview."} {"input": "Context Word: cookie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want to eat the cookie as it was calorific but PersonY did because _ was overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want to eat the cookie as it was calorific but PersonY did because _ was slim."} {"input": "Context Word: problem.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX solved the difficult math problem, he showed PersonY the solution. _ was proud of himself. \nSentence 2: After PersonX solved the difficult math problem, he showed PersonY the solution. _ was proud of him."} {"input": "Context Word: problem.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was fairly easy for PersonX but not PersonY to find a solution because _ was a good problem solver. \nSentence 2: It was fairly easy for PersonX but not PersonY to find a solution because _ was not a good problem solver."} {"input": "Context Word: problem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attempted to help PersonY with their problem. _ was able to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX attempted to help PersonY with their problem. _ was grateful for help."} {"input": "Context Word: problem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a problem with PersonY's voice, so _ did everything they could to not listen when they were around. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a problem with PersonY's voice, so _ did everything they could to not talk when they were around."} {"input": "Context Word: problem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to overcome many problems in life unlike PersonY because _ had a hard life. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to overcome many problems in life unlike PersonY because _ had an easy life."} {"input": "Context Word: problem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made sure to help solve the problem PersonY was having in their life because _ was a therapist. \nSentence 2: PersonX made sure to help solve the problem PersonY was having in their life because _ was a patient."} {"input": "Context Word: problem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started being a major problem for PersonY, so it was only a matter of time before _ was punished. \nSentence 2: PersonX started being a major problem for PersonY, so it was only a matter of time before _ was overwhelmed."} {"input": "Context Word: problem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to solve the problem that PersonY could not, so _ was given a bonus. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to solve the problem that PersonY could not, so _ was given a warning."} {"input": "Context Word: problem.", "output": "Sentence 1: Seeing the spill on the counter, PersonX told PersonY his cleaning skills were a problem, because _ was very critical. \nSentence 2: Seeing the spill on the counter, PersonX told PersonY his cleaning skills were a problem, because _ was very sloppy."} {"input": "Context Word: private investigator.", "output": "Sentence 1: A private investigator was hired by PersonX to look into PersonY due to _ being curious. \nSentence 2: A private investigator was hired by PersonX to look into PersonY due to _ being suspicious."} {"input": "Context Word: successful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX longed to be as successful as PersonY , so _ asked her for career advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX longed to be as successful as PersonY , so _ offered her for career advice."} {"input": "Context Word: successful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more successful at work than PersonY because _ stayed longer hours at the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less successful at work than PersonY because _ stayed longer hours at the job."} {"input": "Context Word: successful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more successful finding a job than PersonY, although _ had a better education. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more successful finding a job than PersonY, because _ had a better education."} {"input": "Context Word: successful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't a successful businessman unlike PersonY because _ hated trying to up sell customers. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't a successful businessman unlike PersonY because _ loved trying to up sell customers."} {"input": "Context Word: successful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's career is way more successful than PersonY's because _ works so hard for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's career is way more unsuccessful than PersonY's because _ works so hard for it."} {"input": "Context Word: Breakup.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX coldly told a reluctant PersonY that they wanted to breakup their relationship after 2 years. _ had no regrets about losing the relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX coldly told reluctant PersonY that they wanted to breakup their relationship after 2 years. _ was very upset about losing the relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: Gouache.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teaching PersonY how to paint with gouache, after he succeed _ was vary proud. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching PersonY how to paint with gouache, after he succeed _ was vary thankful."} {"input": "Context Word: forklift driver.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wanting to become a forklift driver, PersonX turns to PersonY because _ needs a few lessons. \nSentence 2: Wanting to become a forklift driver, PersonX turns to PersonY since _ can give a few lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: brakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying car brakes is a something PersonX and PersonY do on a daily basis, _ is in charge of making phone orders. \nSentence 2: Buying car brakes is a something PersonX and PersonY do on a daily basis, _ is in charge of making a list for orders."} {"input": "Context Word: brakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The brakes in PersonX's car sound squeaky to PersonY, but _ doesn't notice the issue. \nSentence 2: The brakes in PersonX's car sound squeaky to PersonY, so _ decides to fix the issue."} {"input": "Context Word: tired feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working a shift in the store gave PersonX tired feet but not PersonY because _ had been stood up all day. \nSentence 2: Working a shift in the store gave PersonX tired feet but not PersonY because _ had been sat down all day."} {"input": "Context Word: silent treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY the silent treatment because she was angry; _ didn't speak to her for two days. \nSentence 2: PersonX was given the silent treatment by PersonY because she was angry; _ didn't speak to her for two days."} {"input": "Context Word: silent treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received the silent treatment from PersonY after ( _ ) had been rude to her at school the day before. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY the silent treatment after ( _ ) had been rude to her at school the day before."} {"input": "Context Word: calculating.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to calculating figures and numbers, PersonX is an expert, but PersonY is not because _ is an accountant. \nSentence 2: When it comes to calculating figures and numbers, PersonX is an expert, but PersonY is not because _ is a first grader."} {"input": "Context Word: Roast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to eat a huge rib roast but not PersonY because _ was a carnivore. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to eat a huge rib roast but not PersonY because _ was a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: earplugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wore earplugs at night, but PersonY did not, because _ was disturbed by random sounds. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wore earplugs at night, but PersonY did not, because _ was not bothered by random sounds."} {"input": "Context Word: peanut butter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Peanut butter caused PersonX to break out with an allergic reaction but it didn't bother PersonY. _ could not enjoy a PB&J sandwich. \nSentence 2: Peanut butter caused PersonX to break out with an allergic reaction but it didn't bother PersonY. _ really enjoys a PB&J sandwich."} {"input": "Context Word: peanut butter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to make her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, because _ loved peanut butter. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to make her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but _ hated peanut butter."} {"input": "Context Word: peanut butter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a peanut butter and honey sandwich for her daughter PersonY's lunch. _ sang happily to herself as she made the sandwich. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a peanut butter and honey sandwich for her daughter PersonY's lunch. _ sang happily to herself as she ate the sandwich."} {"input": "Context Word: peanut butter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made delicious peanut butter cookies while PersonY usually burned them. So _ made most of the cookies. \nSentence 2: PersonX made delicious peanut butter cookies while PersonY usually burned them. So _ cleaned up from the cookies."} {"input": "Context Word: peanut butter.", "output": "Sentence 1: The peanut butter that PersonX made tastes worse than PersonY's. So, _ is a less skilled cook. \nSentence 2: The peanut butter that PersonX made tastes worse than PersonY's. Even though, _ is a less skilled cook."} {"input": "Context Word: klingon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a Star Trek fan and could speak fluent Klingon, which PersonY thought was stupid. _ had always adored science fiction. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a Star Trek fan and could speak fluent Klingon, which PersonY thought was stupid. _ had always hated science fiction."} {"input": "Context Word: comma.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a better English teacher than PersonY _ always questioned when to use a comma. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a better English teacher than PersonY _ never questioned when to use a comma."} {"input": "Context Word: career.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX hated their career while PersonY loved theirs, _ decided to stay at their company. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX hated their career while PersonY loved theirs, _ decided to leave their company."} {"input": "Context Word: career.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would get a retirement pension because _ had a 30 year work career. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would get a retirement pension because _ only a ten day work career."} {"input": "Context Word: career.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose the same career path after high school as PersonY because _ admired him. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose the same career path after high school as PersonY because _ was admired by him."} {"input": "Context Word: career.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more career focused than PersonY because _ does not have a trust fund to fall back on. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more career focused than PersonY because _ has a trust fund to fall back on."} {"input": "Context Word: career.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted the career that PersonY had, so _ asked for advice on how to get there. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the career that PersonY wanted, so _ asked for advice on how to get there."} {"input": "Context Word: career.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to have a career but PersonY just wanted a job as _ was very ambitious. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have a career but PersonY just wanted a job as _ was very unambitious."} {"input": "Context Word: career.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's career took off, while PersonY's career only stagnated, because _ was a good negotiator. \nSentence 2: PersonX's career took off, while PersonY's career only stagnated, because _ was a poor negotiator."} {"input": "Context Word: career.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's career was a lot less difficult that PersonY's, because _ was a manager for a small company. \nSentence 2: PersonX's career was a lot more difficult that PersonY's, because _ was a manager for a small company."} {"input": "Context Word: career.", "output": "Sentence 1: The career of PersonX will last longer than that of PersonY because _ takes care of his body. \nSentence 2: The career of PersonX will last shorter than that of PersonY because _ takes care of his body."} {"input": "Context Word: blank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a harder time than PersonY filling in the blank on the worksheet because _ forgot to study. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time than PersonY filling in the blank on the worksheet because _ forgot to study."} {"input": "Context Word: photographs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to take photographs of the mountains as compared with PersonY who did not. _ thought the mountains were fascinating. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to take photographs of the mountains as compared with PersonY who did not. _ thought the mountains were dull."} {"input": "Context Word: photographs.", "output": "Sentence 1: Photographs taken by PersonX are not as good as a PersonY because _ is an amateur photographer. \nSentence 2: Photographs taken by PersonX are not as good as a PersonY because _ is a professional photographer."} {"input": "Context Word: blushed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX blushed when PersonY began talking to them at the party because _ was very shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX blushed when PersonY began talking to them at the party because _ was very forward."} {"input": "Context Word: behavior.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always got worse marks for behavior on report cards than PersonY, because _ defied the teacher's requests. \nSentence 2: PersonX always got worse marks for behavior on report cards than PersonY, because _ obeyed the teacher's requests."} {"input": "Context Word: behavior.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had a better behavior in a public setting than PersonY, as _ was hyper. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had a better behavior in a public setting than PersonY, as _ was calm."} {"input": "Context Word: behavior.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX disapproved of the behavior shown by PersonY, although _ acted much worse in reality. \nSentence 2: PersonX disapproved of the behavior shown by PersonY, but _ acted much better in reality."} {"input": "Context Word: behavior.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made sexist remarks to their coworkers but PersonY refrained. _ was dismissed for their behavior. \nSentence 2: PersonX made sexist remarks to their coworkers but PersonY refrained. _ was complimented for their behavior."} {"input": "Context Word: behavior.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY was exhibiting some bad behaviors and _ wanted to make him behave better. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY was exhibiting some bad behaviors but _ didn't want to behave better."} {"input": "Context Word: behavior.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's behavior was much more acceptable than PersonY's, therefore _ was offered the better job. \nSentence 2: PersonX's behavior was much more acceptable than PersonY's, therefore _ was offered the less desirable job."} {"input": "Context Word: behavior.", "output": "Sentence 1: The behavior of PersonX was a lot worse than PersonY, because _ had a very bad childhood. \nSentence 2: The behavior of PersonX was a lot worse than PersonY, because _ had a very good childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: behavior.", "output": "Sentence 1: The behavior of PersonX was much better than PersonY because _ was very nice and polite . \nSentence 2: The behavior of PersonX was much better than PersonY because _ was very disobedient and rude."} {"input": "Context Word: behavior.", "output": "Sentence 1: The child of PersonX had really bad behavior unlike PersonY's child, because _ was not very strict. \nSentence 2: The child of PersonX had really bad behavior unlike PersonY's child, because _ was not very tolerant."} {"input": "Context Word: behavior.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX's behavior was a lot worse than that of PersonY's, because _ dog was disobedient. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX's behavior was a lot worse than that of PersonY's, because _ dog was obedient."} {"input": "Context Word: beers.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the party, PersonX drank 10 beers, but PersonY didn't have any. _ left the party drunk. \nSentence 2: At the party, PersonX drank 10 beers, but PersonY didn't have any. _ left the party sober."} {"input": "Context Word: aggressive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used to be very aggressive in their dealing with other people but PersonY did not because _ was very violent. \nSentence 2: PersonX used to be very aggressive in their dealing with other people but PersonY did not because _ was very pacific."} {"input": "Context Word: aggressive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much less aggressive than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about getting in fights. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much less aggressive than PersonY, so _ had to worry about getting in fights."} {"input": "Context Word: aggressive.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX is quite aggressive, and PersonY's is mild mannered. That's because _ is a mean dog owner. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX is quite aggressive, and PersonY's is mild mannered. That's because _ is a gentle dog owner."} {"input": "Context Word: aggressive.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX fought last light, they were very aggressive with PersonY, because _ had wanted this match for a long time and lost. \nSentence 2: When PersonX fought last light, they were very aggressive with PersonY, but _ had wanted this match for a long time and won."} {"input": "Context Word: merge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wondered how she and PersonY would merge their furniture when they moved into the apartment, but _ soon realized it would be an easy task to manage. \nSentence 2: PersonX wondered how she and PersonY would merge their furniture when they moved into the apartment, but _ assured her it would be an easy task to manage."} {"input": "Context Word: election.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the last election, PersonX voted for Clinton, and PersonY voted for Trump, so _ is a liberal. \nSentence 2: In the last election, PersonX voted for Clinton, and PersonY voted for Trump, so _ is a conservative."} {"input": "Context Word: election.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was simpler for PersonX to vote in the election than PersonY because _ lived adjacent to the voting station. \nSentence 2: It was simpler for PersonX to vote in the election than PersonY because _ lived distant from the voting station."} {"input": "Context Word: election.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost the city council election to PersonY, because _ had an inexperienced campaign manager. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost the city council election to PersonY, because _ had an seasoned campaign manager."} {"input": "Context Word: Air Freight.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx prefers Air Freight than persony does because _ is always impatient with other means of shipment. \nSentence 2: personx prefers Air Freight than persony does because _ is always patient with other means of shipment."} {"input": "Context Word: lifespan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a shorter expected lifespan than PersonY, so _ rushed to follow all their dreams. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a shorter expected lifespan than PersonY, so _ procrastinated in following all their dreams."} {"input": "Context Word: lifespan.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lifespan of PersonX will be shorter than PersonY because _ doesn't take care of his body well. \nSentence 2: The lifespan of PersonX will be longer than PersonY because _ doesn't take care of his body well."} {"input": "Context Word: thriller.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the theater to watch the thriller, but PersonY did not come along, because _ found suspenseful movies amusing. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the theater to watch the thriller, but PersonY did not come along, because _ found suspenseful movies frightening."} {"input": "Context Word: past.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always dwelled on the past whereas PersonY did not, so _ frequently looked at old photographs in a photo album. \nSentence 2: PersonX always dwelled on the past whereas PersonY did not, so _ never looked at old photographs in a photo album."} {"input": "Context Word: past.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dwelled on the past while PersonY thought more about the future since _ was more backward thinking. \nSentence 2: PersonX dwelled on the past while PersonY thought more about the future since _ was more forward thinking."} {"input": "Context Word: past.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is able to move on after breakups quicker than PersonY because _ doesn't live in the past. \nSentence 2: PersonX is able to move on after breakups quicker than PersonY because _ lives in the past."} {"input": "Context Word: past.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX regretted a lot of things in the past but PersonY did not, so _ was constantly agonizing over past events. \nSentence 2: PersonX regretted a lot of things in the past but PersonY did not, so _ was never agonizing over past events."} {"input": "Context Word: past.", "output": "Sentence 1: The past of PersonX is filled with troubles, while PersonY has had an average life. _ is an unlucky person. \nSentence 2: The past of PersonX is filled with troubles, while PersonY has had an average life. _ is a lucky person."} {"input": "Context Word: embarrassed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX embarrassed PersonY today for the reason that _ was making weird noises in public. \nSentence 2: PersonX was embarrassed by PersonY today for the reason that _ was making weird noises in public."} {"input": "Context Word: embarrassed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hates when their friends prank them while PersonY loves it because _ gets embarrassed more easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX hates when their friends prank them while PersonY loves it because _ gets embarrassed less easily."} {"input": "Context Word: embarrassed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is 60, PersonY is 10 therefore _ would be best at telling you how to get over being embarrassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX is 60, PersonY is 10 therefore _ would not be best at telling you how to get over being embarrassed."} {"input": "Context Word: sand.", "output": "Sentence 1: During recess, PersonX would play in the sandbox with their friends unlike PersonY because _ social. \nSentence 2: During recess, PersonX would play in the sandbox with their friends unlike PersonY because _ asocial."} {"input": "Context Word: sand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is changing the sand in a pool filter for PersonY, because _ is a good friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX is changing the sand in a pool filter for PersonY, because _ is a bit lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: sand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the feel of sand between their toes but PersonY didn't. _ took their shoes off at the beach. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the feel of sand between their toes but PersonY didn't. _ took their shirt off at the beach."} {"input": "Context Word: sand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the beach to play in the sand while PersonY stayed home, and _ enjoyed the ocean all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the beach to play in the sand while PersonY stayed home, and _ enjoyed the quiet of home all day."} {"input": "Context Word: sand.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bits of sand in clam chowder bothered PersonX, but it didn't bother PersonY because _ didn't understand that the sand means that it's fresh. \nSentence 2: The bits of sand in clam chowder bothered PersonX, but it didn't bother PersonY because _ understood that the sand means that it's fresh."} {"input": "Context Word: Workshop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to conduct a workshop for PersonY to learn how to play poker because _ was passionate about teaching. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to conduct a workshop for PersonY to learn how to play poker because _ was passionate about learning."} {"input": "Context Word: sports.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not play sports in high school but PersonY did because _ was too weak to participate. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not play sports in high school but PersonY did because _ was very strong when participating."} {"input": "Context Word: sports.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a natural athletic ability that PersonY lacked, so _ excelled at sports in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a natural athletic ability that PersonY lacked, so _ failed at sports in school."} {"input": "Context Word: sports.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to play sports, but PersonY really can't stand it because _ is more athletic. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to play sports, but PersonY really can't stand it because _ is more artistic."} {"input": "Context Word: sports.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at playing sports than PersonY was because _ was much more athletic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at playing sports than PersonY was although _ was much more athletic."} {"input": "Context Word: sports.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was far worse at playing sports than PersonY, because _ tended to be uncoordinated. \nSentence 2: PersonX was far worse at playing sports than PersonY, because _ tended to be lithe."} {"input": "Context Word: sports.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at sports but PersonY was not. _ made it onto the football team. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at sports but PersonY was not. _ did not make the football team."} {"input": "Context Word: sports.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX loved sports while PersonY loved paintings and photography, _ often was seen at basketball venues. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX loved sports while PersonY loved paintings and photography, _ often was seen at art venues."} {"input": "Context Word: sports.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sports agent didn't offer a contract to PersonX, but gave one to PersonY, because _ is injured. \nSentence 2: The sports agent didn't offer a contract to PersonX, but gave one to PersonY, because _ is talented."} {"input": "Context Word: Horsepower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to do all that he could to increase his engine's horsepower. _ was his customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to do all that he could to increase his engine's horsepower. _ was his mechanic."} {"input": "Context Word: remember.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier to remember the school material than PersonY because _ studied at night. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier to remember the school material than PersonY because _ did not study at night."} {"input": "Context Word: remember.", "output": "Sentence 1: The birthday party was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did remember to bring a present. \nSentence 2: The birthday party was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not remember to bring a present."} {"input": "Context Word: Septic Tank.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had his Septic Tank damaged by the truck driven by persony over the septic tank and _ was angry. \nSentence 2: personx had his Septic Tank damaged by the truck driven by persony over the septic tank and _ was appologetic."} {"input": "Context Word: house plant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cat kept urinating in PersonY's favorite house plant. _ couldn't figure out how to stop her cat from ruining the plant. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cat kept urinating in PersonY's favorite house plant. _ was upset that no one could figure out how to stop her cat from ruining the plant."} {"input": "Context Word: heights.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not afraid of heights but PersonY was, so _ always took the top bunk bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not afraid of heights but PersonY was, so _ always took the bottom bunk bed."} {"input": "Context Word: Boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't really care to go on boat rides but PersonY loved a cruise around the bay. _ had a problem with seasickness. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't really care to go on boat rides but PersonY loved a cruise around the bay. _ didn't have an issue with seasickness."} {"input": "Context Word: ready.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was ready for the attack because _ heard the enemy approaching. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was ready for the attack because _ did not hear the enemy approaching."} {"input": "Context Word: ready.", "output": "Sentence 1: Told to be ready by PersonX , PersonY has waiting a few minutes, _ is picking them up. \nSentence 2: Told to be ready by PersonX , PersonY has waiting a few minutes, _ is being picking up."} {"input": "Context Word: certificate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX presented the golden certificate of excellence to PersonY after _ recognized all their achievements. \nSentence 2: PersonX presented the golden certificate of excellence to PersonY after _ accomplished all their achievements."} {"input": "Context Word: certificate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to get a naturalization certificate so she asks for PersonY's advice, because _ needs help. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to get a naturalization certificate so she asks for PersonY's advice, because _ could help her."} {"input": "Context Word: siamese cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes siamese cats, but PersonY doesn't like them at all, so _ is a cat person. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes siamese cats, but PersonY doesn't like them at all, so _ isn't a cat person."} {"input": "Context Word: plywood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought some plywood to make PersonY a door, _ showed how to put the door together. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought some plywood to make PersonY a door, _ watched how to put the door together."} {"input": "Context Word: breathing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a harder time breathing at high altitudes than PersonY due to _ being in terrible shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a harder time breathing at high altitudes than PersonY due to _ being in tip-top shape."} {"input": "Context Word: breathing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of trouble breathing and PersonY does not due to _ being a smoker. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of trouble breathing and PersonY does not due to _ being a nonsmoker."} {"input": "Context Word: breathing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learns from PersonY what the breathing techniques in scuba diving are, because _ is new and just learning. \nSentence 2: PersonX learns from PersonY what the breathing techniques in scuba diving are, because _ is and expert and very experienced."} {"input": "Context Word: breathing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having difficulty breathing while PersonY had none. _ needs to carry an inhaler with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having difficulty breathing while PersonY had none. _ doesn't need to carry an inhaler with them."} {"input": "Context Word: breathing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX woke up and had trouble breathing, so PersonY diagnosed him with sleep apnea, luckily for _ , it can be treated easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX woke up and had trouble breathing, so PersonY diagnosed him with sleep apnea, _ said it can be treated easily."} {"input": "Context Word: breathing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX jogged regularly and PersonY did not, _ had no trouble breathing after the race. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX jogged regularly and PersonY did not, _ had trouble breathing after the race."} {"input": "Context Word: tanning bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to use the tanning bed, because _ didn't like getting an artifical tan. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to use the tanning bed, but _ didn't like getting an artifical tan."} {"input": "Context Word: tanning bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's habit of tanning frequently in a tanning bed contrasts with PersonY's habit of spray tanning, so _ is at a higher risk of skin cancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's habit of tanning frequently in a tanning bed contrasts with PersonY's habit of spray tanning, so _ is at a lower risk of skin cancer."} {"input": "Context Word: scone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to take a class together where they'd learn a new scone recipe, because _ didn't like doing things alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to take a class together where they'd learn a new scone recipe, but _ preferred being alone."} {"input": "Context Word: sleeping better.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sleeping better would help PersonX do better in the class PersonY teaches on the weekends, _ goes to class every weekend. \nSentence 2: Sleeping better would help PersonX do better in the class PersonY teaches on the weekends, _ teaches to class every weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: mouthpiece.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got into position and punched PersonY so hard that his mouthpiece flew right out because _ was a quick fighter. \nSentence 2: PersonX got into position and punched PersonY so hard that his mouthpiece flew right out because _ was unaware of the punch."} {"input": "Context Word: pay it forward.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's being taught how to pay it forward by PersonY, so _ is likely the younger person. \nSentence 2: PersonX's being taught how to pay it forward by PersonY, so _ is likely the older person."} {"input": "Context Word: researcher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better researcher than PersonY and _ was conceited about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better researcher than PersonY and _ was sad about it."} {"input": "Context Word: adult.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX acted like a child while PersonY acted like an adult because _ was constantly throwing fits. \nSentence 2: PersonX acted like a child while PersonY acted like an adult because _ was constantly being patient."} {"input": "Context Word: adult.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX constantly warned PersonY about talking to strange adults because _ was weary of strangers. \nSentence 2: PersonX constantly warned PersonY about talking to strange adults because _ was naive about strangers."} {"input": "Context Word: adult.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to sign the business contract on behalf of PersonY, because _ was legally an adult. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to sign the business contract on behalf of PersonY, because _ was not legally an adult."} {"input": "Context Word: adult.", "output": "Sentence 1: The parent prefer PersonX to talk to the adults and not PersonY because _ is respectful. \nSentence 2: The parent prefer PersonX to talk to the adults and not PersonY because _ is disrespectful."} {"input": "Context Word: gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: Chewing bubble gum was an issue for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had dentures. \nSentence 2: Chewing bubble gum was an issue for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had strong teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the grocery store express checkout line, PersonX asked PersonY to buy _ some strawberry gum. \nSentence 2: In the grocery store express checkout line, PersonX told PersonY he'd buy _ some strawberry gum."} {"input": "Context Word: gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could blow bigger bubbles with gum compared to PersonY because _ chews gum everyday. \nSentence 2: PersonX could blow bigger bubbles with gum compared to PersonY because _ chews gum rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated gum where as PersonY loved it because _ hated chewing for long periods of time. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated gum where as PersonY loved it because _ loved chewing for long periods of time."} {"input": "Context Word: gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew exactly how to get gum out of their hair unlike PersonY because _ knew the tricks to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew exactly how to get gum out of their hair unlike PersonY because _ didn't know the tricks to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put gum in PersonY's hair, because _ was the sort of person to bully others all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX put gum in PersonY's hair, because _ was the sort of person to be bullied all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY probably had gum and asked for a piece, because _ had bad breath. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY probably had gum and asked for a piece, because _ had fresh breath."} {"input": "Context Word: gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was chewing gum and stuck it in PersonY's hair, so _ had to deal with them being angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX was chewing gum and stuck it in PersonY's hair, so _ had to deal with being sticky."} {"input": "Context Word: gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had his gum swollen because of the candy persony gave him but _ left it untreated. \nSentence 2: personx had his gum swollen because of the candy persony gave him but _ gave him the treatment."} {"input": "Context Word: gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx was very angry at persony because _ had someone stuck a gum on her skin. \nSentence 2: personx was angry at persony because _ was someone that stuck a gum on her skin."} {"input": "Context Word: get a credit limit increase.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to get a credit limit increase and PersonY was not because _ enjoyed the freedom of having a large limit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to get a credit limit increase and PersonY was not because _ did not like having a large limit."} {"input": "Context Word: tricks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot less tricks in basketball than PersonY because _ just started playing last year. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot less tricks in basketball than PersonY because _ started playing ten years ago."} {"input": "Context Word: tricks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more tricks up his sleeves compared to PersonY because _ was a great magician. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more tricks up his sleeves compared to PersonY because _ was a very bad magician."} {"input": "Context Word: tricks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at performing tricks but PersonY was not. _ amazed all their friends at parties. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at performing tricks but PersonY was not. _ bored all their friends at parties."} {"input": "Context Word: band.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to play in the band in school unlike PersonY, because _ was in love with music. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to play in the band in school unlike PersonY, because _ was in love with sports."} {"input": "Context Word: band.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the lead singer in the band, while PersonY played drums, so _ was usually in the front. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the lead singer in the band, while PersonY played drums, so _ was usually in the back."} {"input": "Context Word: band.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the leader of the band, and PersonY was the drummer, so _ had to create the set list. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the leader of the band, and PersonY was the drummer, so _ had to follow the set list."} {"input": "Context Word: envelopes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to lick envelopes to seal them but PersonY used a wet sponge instead. _ cut their tongue on the edge. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to lick envelopes to seal them but PersonY used a wet sponge instead. _ cut their finger on the edge."} {"input": "Context Word: envelopes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sorting coupons was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ grouped them all in different envelopes. \nSentence 2: Sorting coupons was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not group them in different envelopes."} {"input": "Context Word: sweetened.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX won the cherry jam contest, PersonY still believed they should have won since _ sweetened with high calorie sweetener and the judges went by taste. \nSentence 2: After PersonX won the cherry jam contest, PersonY still believed they should have won since _ sweetened with low calorie sweetener and the judges went by taste."} {"input": "Context Word: ironing.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the hotel laundry room, PersonX burned PersonY's shirt while ironing it, so the manager wrote _ up. \nSentence 2: In the hotel laundry room, PersonX burned PersonY's shirt while ironing it, so the manager gave _ a refund."} {"input": "Context Word: Ceramics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more skilled at ceramics than PersonY was because _ was very artistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more skilled at ceramics than PersonY was because _ was very analytical."} {"input": "Context Word: cares.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cares and helps PersonY all day at home because _ is a very good parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX cares and helps PersonY all day at home because _ is a very sick child."} {"input": "Context Word: cares.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cares for her hair in a more proper manner than PersonY due to _ being a stylist. \nSentence 2: PersonX cares for her hair in a more proper manner than PersonY even though _ is a stylist."} {"input": "Context Word: Ants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wiped down their kitchen counter after every meal but PersonY let them go. _ never had problems with ants in the kitchen. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wiped down their kitchen counter after every meal but PersonY let them go. _ always had problems with ants in the kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: A cat was a good pet for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ really loved animals. \nSentence 2: A cat was a good pet for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ really hated\r animals."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: A cat was given to PersonX by PersonY because _ had just lost a cat. \nSentence 2: A cat was given to PersonX by PersonY because _ had just found a cat."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a cat wise, PersonX bought a short haired cat, while PersonY went for a long haired cat and consequently _ spent less time grooming their cat. \nSentence 2: Being a cat wise, PersonX bought a short haired cat, while PersonY went for a long haired cat and consequently _ spent more time grooming their cat."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX liked animals generally more than PersonY _ couldn't to be around stand cat fur. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX liked animals generally more than PersonY _ could to be around stand cat fur."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX liked animals less than PersonY, _ always considered themselves a cat person. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX liked animals less than PersonY, _ never considered themselves a cat person."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone knew that PersonX was a cat person and PersonY was a dog person, so _ received cat toys for Christmas. \nSentence 2: Everyone knew that PersonX was a cat person and PersonY was a dog person, so _ received a dog collar for Christmas."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having a cat as a pet was really fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ wasn't allergic to them. \nSentence 2: Having a cat as a pet was really fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very allergic to them."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always felt better when they visited PersonY partly because the cat sat on _ 's shoulder the whole time purring. \nSentence 2: PersonX always felt better when they visited PersonY even though the cat sat on _ :s shoulder the whole time purring.loudly."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always gave food to the stray cat although PersonY did not. _ was a very kind person. \nSentence 2: PersonX always gave food to the stray cat although PersonY did not. _ was a very mean person."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wanted a pet cat while PersonY preferred amphibians. _ was scared of lizards. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wanted a pet cat while PersonY preferred amphibians. _ was bored by regular pets."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help with the cat as _ does not like cats and is scared of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help with the cat as _ loves cats and is not scared of them."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to take care of their cat as _ was going out of town. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to take care of their cat as _ was a professional cat sitter."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to take care of their dog and cat because _ was going on vacation during spring break. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to take care of their dog and cat because _ was staying at home during spring vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a young pet cat from PersonY so _ wrote a check to cover the cost. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a young pet cat from PersonY so _ accepted a check to cover the cost."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY went to the animal shelter to adopt a cat because _ loves cats. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY went to the animal shelter to adopt a cat because _ hates cats."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX convinced PersonY to let them get another cat since he is rarely home and _ feels lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX convinced PersonY to let them get another cat since he is rarely home and _ feels responsible."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to adopt a foster cat, but PersonY wasn't able to, because _ moved frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to adopt a foster cat, but PersonY wasn't able to, because _ moved infrequently."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't want PersonY to hire a pet sitter for his cat, because _ has offered to do it for free. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't want PersonY to hire a pet sitter for his cat, but _ wants a professional to do it for pay."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed playing with cats and combing their fur much more than PersonY did, since _ had twelve pet cats. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed playing with cats and combing their fur much more than PersonY did, and _ had no pet cats."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot to take care of PersonY's cat while they were away and _ felt very bad about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot to take care of PersonY's cat while they were away and _ felt very angry about it."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a cat from the shelter but not PersonY because _ had a fascination of cats. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a cat from the shelter but not PersonY because _ had an allergy of cats."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got mad and kicked PersonY's cat, so _ was arrested by the police for cruelty to an animal. \nSentence 2: PersonX got mad and kicked PersonY's cat, so _ filed a complaint with the police for cruelty to an animal."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a cat as a pet but PersonY didn't have any pets because _ had little allergies in their system. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a cat as a pet but PersonY didn't have any pets because _ had many allergies in their system."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always wanted to have a cat like PersonY had but _ was severely allergic. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always wanted to have a cat like PersonY had because _ wasn't allergic."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to clean their house more often than PersonY did because _ had a cat in their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to clean their house less often than PersonY did because _ had a cat in their house."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more litter boxes in their house than PersonY because _ is more of a cat person. \nSentence 2: PersonX has more litter boxes in their house than PersonY because _ is just not a cat person."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a cat and asks for an advice from PersonY, because _ know nothing about cats. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a cat and asks for an advice from PersonY, because _ know a lot about cats."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated cats, so when PersonY adopted one, _ stopped accepting invitations to hang out at his house. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated cats, so when PersonY adopted one, _ stopped giving invitations to hang out at his house."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a dog person while PersonY likes cats more, _ took his dog for a walk. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a dog person while PersonY likes cats more, _ took her cat for a walk."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a pet groomer, PersonY is not therefore _ is the best person to get advice from on grooming your cat. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a pet groomer, PersonY is not therefore _ is probably not the best person to get advice from on grooming your cat."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is really fond of cats but PersonY is allergic to cats. _ petted the cute kitty cat. \nSentence 2: PersonX is really fond of cats but PersonY is allergic to cats. _ avoided the cute kitty cat."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just got a new cat, while PersonY is allergic to cats, but _ invited people over to see the new cat. \nSentence 2: PersonX just got a new cat, while PersonY is allergic to cats, so _ didn't get invited over to see the new cat."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX love to have cats but PersonY did not. _ adopted a cat at the local shelter. \nSentence 2: PersonX love to have cats but PersonY did not. _ adopted a dog at the local shelter."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves cats and PersonY has three, so _ asked if she could go to her house to see them. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves cats and PersonY has three, so she asked _ if she could come to her house to see them."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY to get his nervous cat into the carrier to take to the vet, because _ was having a hard time. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help from PersonY to get his nervous cat into the carrier to take to the vet, and _ was happy to help."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed the cat meowing to be fed before PersonY did, because _ had excellent hearing. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed the cat meowing to be fed before PersonY did, because _ had poor hearing."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owns three cats, while PersonY has none, so it is more likely that _ is the animal lover. \nSentence 2: PersonX owns three cats, while PersonY has none, so it is more likely that _ is the animal hater."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played with the orange cat more than PersonY because _ was such an animal lover. \nSentence 2: PersonX ignored the orange cat more than PersonY because _ was such an animal lover."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really liked Persian cats but PersonY did not because _ liked cats that were fluffy. \nSentence 2: PersonX really liked Persian cats but PersonY did not because _ liked cats that were smooth."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX takes her cat to the vet but not PersonY because _ cat is fat. \nSentence 2: PersonX takes her cat to the vet but not PersonY since _ cat is slim."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took their cat to PersonY for treatment, so _ paid to have the service done. \nSentence 2: PersonX took their cat to PersonY for treatment, so _ was hired to have the service done."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX trained her cat to jump through a hoop for treats, while PersonY failed to train their dog to do the same. _ was proud of her pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX trained her cat to jump through a hoop for treats, while PersonY failed to train their dog to do the same. _ was disappointed in her pet."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to convince PersonY that the cat needed a microchip because _ was concerned about the cat getting lost. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to convince PersonY that the cat needed a microchip because _ was unconcerned about the cat getting lost."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to convince PersonY to adopt a cat but it didn't work, since _ was not very persuasive. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to convince PersonY to adopt a cat but it didn't work, since _ was not a fan of cats."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a new cat while PersonY did not so _ tried to convince the other to get one. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a new cat while PersonY did not so _ tried to convince the other to return one."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants PersonY to train the cat to be a mouse catcher, because _ hates having mice in the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants PersonY to train the cat to be a mouse catcher, but _ doesn't mind having mice in the house."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a cat person but PersonY was a dog person. _ bought a cute kitty. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a cat person but PersonY was a dog person. _ bought a cute puppy."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a cat person while PersonY was a dog person. _ went to Pet Smart and adopted a kitten. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a cat person while PersonY was a dog person. _ went to Pet Smart and adopted a puppy."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was allergic to cats but PersonY was not, so _ was nervous to go to the new cat cafe. \nSentence 2: PersonX was allergic to cats but PersonY was not, so _ was excited to go to the new cat cafe."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was deathly allergenic to cats but PersonY wasn't bothered by them. _ had to leave the party when they found the host had a cat. \nSentence 2: PersonX was deathly allergenic to cats but PersonY wasn't bothered by them. _ didn't have to leave the party when they found the host had a cat."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was eager to leave while PersonY wanted to stay, but it was because _ was allergic to cats. \nSentence 2: PersonX was eager to leave while PersonY wanted to stay, but it was because _ wasn't allergic to cats."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy that PersonY found their cat and _ was very grateful to have their cat back. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy that PersonY found their cat and _ was very excited to give the cat back."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sneezing more than PersonY when they were at the vet's office because _ was allergic to cat hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sneezing more than PersonY when they were at the vet's office although _ was allergic to cat hair."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unhappy with their new cat, so they asked PersonY for help. _ was not knowledgeable on how to take care of cats. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unhappy with their new cat, so they asked PersonY for help. _ was an expert on how to take care of cats."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the pet store and bought a cat without PersonY, because _ had a day off. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the pet store and bought a cat without PersonY, because _ had to work an extra shift."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cat did not like PersonY at all, so _ tried to get the cat to like them by bringing it treats. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cat did not like PersonY at all, so _ tried to get the cat to like them by giving them treats for it."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cat has a name that is masculine, while PersonY has one that is feminine because _ has a boy cat. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cat has a name that is masculine, while PersonY has one that is feminine because _ has a girl cat."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cat has accidently peed on PersonY's nice carpet, so _ needs to clean it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cat has accidently peed on PersonY's nice carpet, so _ want it to be cleaned."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cat is more well behaved than PersonY's because _ takes a lot better care of his. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cat is more well behaved than PersonY's because _ takes a lot inferior care of his."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cat ran faster and won the race against PersonY's cat, so _ won the bet. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cat ran faster and won the race against PersonY's cat, so _ lost the bet."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ threw the yarn at the cat because PersonX knew it wanted to play, while PersonY just watched on. \nSentence 2: So _ ignored the yarn at the cat because PersonX knew it wanted to play, while PersonY just watched on."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was upset because PersonX's cat was bitten by PersonY's dog when they got into a fight. \nSentence 2: So _ was sorry because PersonX's cat was bitten by PersonY's dog when they got into a fight."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat of PersonX doesn't feel as close of a bond with the owner as PersonY's, so _ is more distanced from his cat. \nSentence 2: The cat of PersonX doesn't feel as close of a bond with the owner as PersonY's, so _ is more close to his cat."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat of PersonX had bad behavior compared to that of PersonY because _ ignored it. \nSentence 2: The cat of PersonX had bad behavior compared to that of PersonY because _ took care of it."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat of PersonX had to be put down, but PersonY's is still alive. _ 's cat was more likely to be older. \nSentence 2: The cat of PersonX had to be put down, but PersonY's is still alive. _ 's cat was more likely to be younger."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat of PersonX sheds a little, while PersonY's loses a lot of fur. _ 's cat has short hair. \nSentence 2: The cat of PersonX sheds a little, while PersonY's loses a lot of fur. _ 's cat has long hair."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat preferred to stay with PersonX over PersonY since _ always cooked fresh tuna on the weekend. \nSentence 2: The cat preferred to stay with PersonX over PersonY since _ never cooked fresh tuna on the weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat that PersonX adopted is sickly, but PersonY's is healthy. _ has been using a crappy food. \nSentence 2: The cat that PersonX adopted is sickly, but PersonY's is healthy. _ has been using a renowned food."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat was more fond of PersonX than PersonY because _ frequently gave the cat warm milk. \nSentence 2: The cat was more fond of PersonX than PersonY because _ frequently gave the cat spoiled milk."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat was very attracted to PersonX but tended to avoid PersonY, because _ was always gentle and loving towards the cat. \nSentence 2: The cat was very attracted to PersonX but tended to avoid PersonY, because _ was always rough and unkind towards the cat."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The family's new pet cat was comforting to PersonX but frightening to PersonY because it licked _ on the left cheek. \nSentence 2: The family's new pet cat was comforting to PersonX but frightening to PersonY because it scratched _ on the left cheek."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fat cat rubbed up against PersonX but not PersonY because _ was his owner. \nSentence 2: The fat cat rubbed up against PersonX but not PersonY because _ wasn't his owner."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX asked PersonY questions about the dead cat found at the corner of the park, _ had strong evidence already. \nSentence 2: When PersonX asked PersonY questions about the dead cat found at the corner of the park, _ was forced to prevaricate."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX brought a cat home from the shelter, PersonY was thrilled. _ asked him if he wanted to name it. \nSentence 2: When PersonX brought a cat home from the shelter, PersonY was thrilled. _ asked if he could name it."} {"input": "Context Word: cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX saw a stray cat, he asked PersonY if they could adopt it; she said no, so _ felt disappointed. \nSentence 2: When PersonX saw a stray cat, he asked PersonY if they could adopt it; she said no, and then _ felt guilty."} {"input": "Context Word: empathetic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it harder to be empathetic than PersonY because _ did not have a naturally caring nature. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it harder to be empathetic than PersonY because _ had a naturally caring nature."} {"input": "Context Word: empathetic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to become more empathetic friend to a PersonY, because _ wants to try his best. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to become more empathetic friend to a PersonY, because _ wants more empathetic friend."} {"input": "Context Word: Skype.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY on Skype but didn't get an answer. _ was dejected about missing them. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY on Skype but didn't get an answer. _ was not on their computer."} {"input": "Context Word: reel.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX had hooked the fish he let PersonY reel it in because _ knew he had never caught one before. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX had hooked the fish he let PersonY reel it in because _ had never caught one before."} {"input": "Context Word: Girls.", "output": "Sentence 1: Around the group of girls, PersonX struggled to control theirself, and PersonY was laughing because of _ misfortune. \nSentence 2: Around the group of girls, PersonX thrived and took control, and PersonY was sighing because of _ misfortune."} {"input": "Context Word: Girls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to pick up girls because _ was quite skilled at it. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to pick up girls because _ was quite unskilled at it."} {"input": "Context Word: Girls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was bad with girls, so he asked PersonY for advice. _ was a loser. \nSentence 2: PersonX was bad with girls, so he asked PersonY for advice. _ was a pimp."} {"input": "Context Word: rational.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very rational decision maker but PersonY was not. _ got a promotion at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very rational decision maker but PersonY was not. _ didn't get a promotion at work."} {"input": "Context Word: day.", "output": "Sentence 1: Both with pearly white arms, PersonX sleeps inside all afternoon while PersonY plays outside in the sun. At the end of the day, _ still has white arms. \nSentence 2: Both with pearly white arms, PersonX sleeps inside all afternoon while PersonY plays outside in the sun. At the end of the day, _ has pink arms."} {"input": "Context Word: day.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY the day of their life at the park, so _ was generous with the experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY the day of their life at the park, so _ was thankful for the experience."} {"input": "Context Word: day.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned new organizational skills from PersonY because _ 's day schedule was very chaotic. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned new organizational skills from PersonY because _ 's day schedule was very efficient."} {"input": "Context Word: day.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watches TV and sleeps all day while PersonY is out working two jobs. _ is lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX watches TV and sleeps all day while PersonY is out working two jobs. _ is industrious."} {"input": "Context Word: doberman.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the doberman show, PersonX's dog was bigger than PersonY's, so _ won in the beauty category. \nSentence 2: At the doberman show, PersonX's dog was bigger than PersonY's, so _ won in the athletic category."} {"input": "Context Word: doberman.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always wanted a doberman but PersonY wanted a poodle because _ liked big dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always wanted a doberman but PersonY wanted a poodle because _ liked small dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: a backhanded compliment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smiled to PersonY at the wedding party even though _ received a backhanded compliment. \nSentence 2: PersonX smiled to PersonY at the wedding party even though _ gave him a backhanded compliment."} {"input": "Context Word: decoupage.", "output": "Sentence 1: Every surface in PersonX's office wad decoupaged with flowers but not PersonY's because _ knew how to do it. \nSentence 2: Every surface in PersonX's office wad decoupaged with flowers but not PersonY's because _ didn't know how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: assertiveness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed a lot of assertiveness when talking with PersonY, because _ tended to be overbearing. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed a lot of assertiveness when talking with PersonY, because _ tended to be stubborn."} {"input": "Context Word: hiccups.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought PersonY some water, because _ thought this was the best method to cure their hiccups. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought PersonY some water, though _ did not think this was the best method to cure their hiccups."} {"input": "Context Word: hiccups.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX surprised PersonY to cure her hiccups which made _ jump out of the way laughing. \nSentence 2: PersonX surprised PersonY to cure her hiccups which made _ jump out of her seat."} {"input": "Context Word: lactating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a heavier baby than PersonY had because _ was lactating more when breastfeeding. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lighter baby that PersonY had because _ was lactating more when breastfeeding."} {"input": "Context Word: room.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX need to rent a room or a place to live and PersonY is the person to see, _ doesn't have a place to live. \nSentence 2: PersonX need to rent a room or a place to live and PersonY is the person to see, _ can rent out a place to live."} {"input": "Context Word: room.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked to borrow some closet space from PersonY , since _ had inadequate room in hers. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked to borrow some closet space from PersonY , since _ had copious room in hers."} {"input": "Context Word: room.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a larger room than PersonY, and _ was able to fit more furniture inside the room. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a smaller room than PersonY, and _ was able to fit more furniture inside the room."} {"input": "Context Word: room.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lives in a five bedroom house near the lake unlike PersonY because _ is very rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX lives in a five bedroom house near the lake unlike PersonY because _ is very poor."} {"input": "Context Word: room.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs to get PersonY motivated to clean his dirty room, because _ is very lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to get PersonY motivated to clean his dirty room, because _ is a hard working."} {"input": "Context Word: room.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rented a room from PersonY, and _ gave them a credit card during the transaction. \nSentence 2: PersonX rented a room from PersonY, and _ gave them a room key during the transaction."} {"input": "Context Word: room.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's room was a lot darker than PersonY's room, because the light of _ went out. \nSentence 2: PersonX's room was a lot lighter than PersonY's room, because the light of _ went out."} {"input": "Context Word: room.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had a washer in a laundry room and PersonY did not, _ did not need to go to a laundromat. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had a washer in a laundry room and PersonY did not, _ needed to go to a laundromat."} {"input": "Context Word: room.", "output": "Sentence 1: The room of PersonX is very clean, while PersonY's is a disaster because _ is organized. \nSentence 2: The room of PersonX is very clean, while PersonY's is a disaster because _ is disorganized."} {"input": "Context Word: room.", "output": "Sentence 1: The room of personX is better looking than PersonY due to _ hiring a great decorator. \nSentence 2: The room of personX is better looking than PersonY due to _ hiring a terrible decorator."} {"input": "Context Word: loser.", "output": "Sentence 1: While watching a TV show, PersonX said that PersonY related to a loser in the show. _ joked about the comparison. \nSentence 2: While watching a TV show, PersonX said that PersonY related to a loser in the show. _ was disgusted about the comparison."} {"input": "Context Word: carp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was blown away to find out from PersonY that goldfish are a type of carp, so _ decided to fact check his friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX was blown away to find out from PersonY that goldfish are a type of carp, but _ had fact checked his information earlier."} {"input": "Context Word: carp.", "output": "Sentence 1: The carp hooked on the line was fighting hard, so PersonX asked PersonY for help reeling it in since _ was weak. \nSentence 2: The carp hooked on the line was fighting hard, so PersonX asked PersonY for help reeling it in since _ was strong."} {"input": "Context Word: insulting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was being insulting to PersonY at school, so _ was told on to a teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX was being insulting to PersonY at school, so _ told on them to a teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: bleaching.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes the natural look in hair, PersonY not so much so _ will not be bleaching her hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes the natural look in hair, PersonY not so much so _ will be bleaching her hair."} {"input": "Context Word: bleaching.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried bleaching his hair unlike PersonY because it was a new fad in _ town. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried bleaching his hair unlike PersonY because it was out of style in _ town."} {"input": "Context Word: exposed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX exposed themselves to PersonY on the bus, so _ felt very excited by the experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX exposed themselves to PersonY on the bus, so _ felt very violated by the experience."} {"input": "Context Word: exposed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt very exposed after telling PersonY their feelings, so _ was anxious to hear their response. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt very exposed after telling PersonY their feelings, so _ was careful when giving their response."} {"input": "Context Word: exposed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's house was more exposed to the elements than PersonY's because _ lived closer to mountain top. \nSentence 2: PersonX's house was more exposed to the elements than PersonY's because _ lived farther from mountain top."} {"input": "Context Word: bake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them bake a cake because _ was a terrible cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them bake a cake because _ was a professional patissier."} {"input": "Context Word: bake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to bake but PersonY hated it. This is because _ was a very patient person. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to bake but PersonY hated it. This is because _ was a very impatient person."} {"input": "Context Word: bake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hoping PersonY would offer to help bake cookies for the bake sale, because _ was feeling overwhelmed with the task. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hoping PersonY would offer to help bake cookies for the bake sale, because _ was experienced at the task."} {"input": "Context Word: bake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning to bake from PersonY since _ was a novice at this art. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning to bake from PersonY since _ was an expert at this art."} {"input": "Context Word: send.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to send PersonY a birthday card, so _ put it in the mail. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to send PersonY a birthday card, so _ got it in the mail."} {"input": "Context Word: rayon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could pretty much wear any clothing including rayon but not PersonY because _ wasn't allergic. \nSentence 2: PersonX could pretty much wear any clothing including rayon but not PersonY because _ was allergic."} {"input": "Context Word: Attending a School.", "output": "Sentence 1: Attending a school was a priority for PersonX but not PersonY so _ had perfect attendance for the year. \nSentence 2: Attending a school was a priority for PersonX but not PersonY so _ had bad attendance for the year."} {"input": "Context Word: carpool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX picked up PersonY to carpool to work every day, so _ asked for some gas money. \nSentence 2: PersonX picked up PersonY to carpool to work every day, so _ offered some gas money."} {"input": "Context Word: police officer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The police officer pulled over PersonX and not PersonY because _ was going over the speed limit. \nSentence 2: The police officer pulled over PersonX and not PersonY because _ was not going over the speed limit."} {"input": "Context Word: geode.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the geology store, PersonX cracked open a geode and asked the worker PersonY to identify the mineral inside. Since it was purple, _ hoped it was amethyst. \nSentence 2: At the geology store, PersonX cracked open a geode and asked the worker PersonY to identify the mineral inside. Since it was purple, _ identified it as amethyst."} {"input": "Context Word: supplements.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believes in taking supplements, but PersonY thinks it's foolish, so _ is more gullible. \nSentence 2: PersonX believes in taking supplements, but PersonY thinks it's foolish, so _ is more doubtful."} {"input": "Context Word: supplements.", "output": "Sentence 1: The supplements that PersonX takes don't do as good of a job as PersonY's, so _ takes crappier supplements. \nSentence 2: The supplements that PersonX takes don't do as good of a job as PersonY's, so _ takes stronger supplements."} {"input": "Context Word: paragraph.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help with a paragraph for his paper because _ never wrote a book. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help with a paragraph for his paper as _ had wrote a book."} {"input": "Context Word: learning french.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning french was easier for PersonX than PersonY, because _ had lived there during her student years. \nSentence 2: Learning french was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ had lived there during her student years."} {"input": "Context Word: brave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is really timid and asks for PersonY's help, because _ wants to become brave. \nSentence 2: PersonX is really timid and asks for PersonY's help, because _ already is really brave."} {"input": "Context Word: choppy bangs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hairdresser wanted to give PersonX choppy bangs but PersonY warned against it. _ had always wanted bangs. \nSentence 2: The hairdresser wanted to give PersonX choppy bangs but PersonY warned against it. _ had always hated growing out bangs."} {"input": "Context Word: prenuptial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY were negotiating their prenuptial agreement but were having problems with _ wanting to move to cold climates. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY were negotiating their prenuptial agreement but were having problems with _ wanting to move to hot climates."} {"input": "Context Word: prayer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX engages in prayer regularly and faithfully unlike PersonY because _ is a very devout person. \nSentence 2: PersonX engages in prayer regularly and faithfully unlike PersonY because _ is a very irreligious person."} {"input": "Context Word: prayer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a Muslim while PersonY was a Catholic. _ performed the Hajj for their daily prayer routine. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a Muslim while PersonY was a Catholic. _ performed the rosary for their daily prayer routine."} {"input": "Context Word: song.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them write a song because _ was entering a contest. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them write a song because _ was an experienced songwriter."} {"input": "Context Word: song.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to write a song for his girlfriend and asks for PersonY's advice, because _ needs help. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to write a song for his girlfriend and asks for PersonY's advice, because _ could help him."} {"input": "Context Word: song.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a hit song that was dedicated to PersonY, because _ wanted to showcase their affection. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a hit song that was dedicated to PersonY, because _ was center of their affection."} {"input": "Context Word: song.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was singing a song and everyone was clapping because PersonX has a great voice and PersonY doesn't. \nSentence 2: So _ was singing a song and everyone was booing because PersonX has a great voice and PersonY doesn't."} {"input": "Context Word: song.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lead singer played the song request of PersonX but ignored PersonY, and therefore _ was elated. \nSentence 2: The lead singer played the song request of PersonX but ignored PersonY, and therefore _ was disappointed."} {"input": "Context Word: song.", "output": "Sentence 1: The rock song on the radio was PersonX's favorite but not PersonY's because _ loved to listen to rock music. \nSentence 2: The rock song on the radio was PersonX's favorite but not PersonY's because _ loved to listen to classical music."} {"input": "Context Word: song.", "output": "Sentence 1: The song list that PersonX had was shorter than the one that PersonY had because _ downloaded less. \nSentence 2: The song list that PersonX had was longer than the one that PersonY had because _ downloaded more."} {"input": "Context Word: song.", "output": "Sentence 1: The song written by PersonX received more awards than the one by PersonY because _ was a world class writer. \nSentence 2: The song written by PersonX received more awards than the one by PersonY because _ was a second rate writer."} {"input": "Context Word: toll.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got to their destination later than PersonY because _ had to stop to pay the toll. \nSentence 2: PersonX got to their destination later than PersonY because _ didn't stop to pay the toll."} {"input": "Context Word: caring.", "output": "Sentence 1: Caring for terminally ill patients was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had gone to nursing school. \nSentence 2: Caring for terminally ill patients was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had not gone to nursing school."} {"input": "Context Word: caring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time caring for their German short-haired pointer than PersonY because _ loved dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time caring for their German short-haired pointer than PersonY because _ hated dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: caring.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to caring for pets, PersonX is better than PersonY due to _ being a vet. \nSentence 2: When it comes to caring for pets, PersonX is better than PersonY due to _ being an animal hater."} {"input": "Context Word: dated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dated less than PersonY did because _ was more shy and quiet around other people. \nSentence 2: PersonX dated more than PersonY did because _ was more shy and quiet around other people."} {"input": "Context Word: Relax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to relax as PersonY was outside, but _ was unable to because of the noise. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to relax as PersonY was outside, but _ was unable to dampen the lawnmower's noise."} {"input": "Context Word: Relax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was taught by PersonY how to relax because _ was a client to the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX was taught by PersonY how to relax because _ was a doctor to the other."} {"input": "Context Word: feathers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX African Grey was picking it's feathers so they asked PersonY for advice because _ didn't know how to treat it. \nSentence 2: PersonX African Grey was picking it's feathers so they asked PersonY for advice because _ knew how to treat it."} {"input": "Context Word: feathers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always ended up ruffling PersonY's feathers when they talked, because _ was an annoying person. \nSentence 2: PersonX always ended up ruffling PersonY's feathers when they talked, because _ was an easy irritated person."} {"input": "Context Word: bus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he knows where is the nearest bus station, because _ didn't know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he knows where is the nearest bus station, but _ didn't know."} {"input": "Context Word: bus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to purchase them a bus ticket to New York because _ was broke. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to purchase them a bus ticket to New York because _ was rich."} {"input": "Context Word: bus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed the bus trip but PersonY did not because _ felt the bus was fairly clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed the bus trip but PersonY did not because _ felt the bus was very dirty."} {"input": "Context Word: bus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a hurry to go and catch the bus in the morning compared to PersonY because _ was working. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a hurry to go and catch the bus in the morning compared to PersonY because _ was retired."} {"input": "Context Word: bus.", "output": "Sentence 1: To get to work, PersonX rides the bus every day, while PersonY takes a bike, so _ is in poorer shape. \nSentence 2: To get to work, PersonX rides the bus every day, while PersonY takes a bike, so _ is in better shape."} {"input": "Context Word: callus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a painful callus on their foot but PersonY had perfect feet. _ made an appointment to see the podiatrist. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a painful callus on their foot but PersonY had perfect feet. _ made an appointment to see a lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: Roman.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX liked history more than PersonY, _ never liked to learn about Roman history. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX liked history more than PersonY, _ always liked to learn about Roman history."} {"input": "Context Word: CEO.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was chosen over PersonY to be the next CEO of the company, even though _ had less experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX was chosen over PersonY to be the next CEO of the company, even though _ had more experience."} {"input": "Context Word: open house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attended the open house held by PersonY, because _ was looking to sell the old Victorian home. \nSentence 2: PersonX attended the open house held by PersonY, because _ was looking to purchase the old Victorian home."} {"input": "Context Word: open house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go to an open house with PersonY, but she had to work. _ decided to go alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go to an open house with PersonY, but she had to work. _ told him to go alone.."} {"input": "Context Word: kale.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought kale was tasty but PersonY did not. _ had kale salad for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought kale was tasty but PersonY did not. _ had chicken salad for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: crystal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought new crystal plates from PersonY because _ wanted to give it for a gift on Christmas. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold new crystal plates to PersonY because _ wanted to give it for a gift on Christmas."} {"input": "Context Word: crystal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it was weird that PersonY collected crystals because _ thought it was a dumb hobby. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it was weird that PersonY collected crystals, but _ didn't care if it was a dumb hobby."} {"input": "Context Word: Observe your surroundings.", "output": "Sentence 1: Observe your surroundings is the first lesson PersonX teaches PersonY, _ teaches others to be col and calm. \nSentence 2: Observe your surroundings is the first lesson PersonX teaches PersonY, _ looks to others to be col and calm."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: A very single PersonX wanted PersonY's boyfriend, so _ broke them up by spreading rumors about them. \nSentence 2: A very single PersonX wanted PersonY's boyfriend, so _ kept them apart by spreading rumors about them."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: After dreading the call about their friendship PersonX called PersonY, because _ loves her boyfriend tremendously. \nSentence 2: After dreading the call about their friendship PersonX called PersonY, because _ loathed her boyfriend tremendously."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having a boyfriend suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of free time. \nSentence 2: Having a boyfriend suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ doesn't have a lot of free time."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: People say PersonX is a bad boyfriend and PersonY is a good one, so _ is likely inconsiderate. \nSentence 2: People say PersonX is a bad boyfriend and PersonY is a good one, so _ is likely thoughtful."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to ignore his boyfriend PersonY much to his confusion because _ was displeased. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to ignore his boyfriend PersonY much to his confusion because _ was unaware."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a boyfriend but not PersonY because _ was attracted to and wanted to date men. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a boyfriend but not PersonY because _ was attracted to and wanted to date women."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more bubbly personality than PersonY so _ found it easy to get a new boyfriend. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more bubbly personality than PersonY so _ found it difficult to get a new boyfriend."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had her boyfriend with her while PersonY was alone, because _ was uncomfortable without someone with her. \nSentence 2: PersonX had her boyfriend with her while PersonY was alone, because _ was fine without someone with her."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently broke up with her boyfriend and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ feels blue. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently broke up with her boyfriend and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ could help her."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to the school's summer picnic party because _ wanted her to meet her boyfriend. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not invite PersonY to the school's summer picnic party because _ wanted to steal her boyfriend."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a good boyfriend but PersonY is not. _ treats their girlfriends with respect and admiration. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a good boyfriend but PersonY is not. _ doesn't treat their girlfriends with respect and admiration."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX talked to PersonY about her boyfriend. He made her extremely happy. _ loved him. \nSentence 2: PersonX talked to PersonY about her boyfriend. He made her extremely happy. _ envied him."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to steal PersonY's new boyfriend then _ got punched in the face for her troubles. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to steal PersonY's new boyfriend then _ punched her in the face for her troubles."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to be PersonY's boyfriend so _ tried to get the courage to ask her out. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to be PersonY's boyfriend so _ tried to get the courage to accept."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to ask PersonY to be his boyfriend, but _ is so nervous that it's hard to ask. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to ask PersonY to be his boyfriend, and _ is so attractive that it's easy to ask."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better judge of a boy's character than PersonY and this showed because _ had a nice boyfriend. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better judge of a boy's character than PersonY and this showed because _ had a cruel boyfriend."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a lousy boyfriend but not PersonY because _ was a cheating lowlife scumbag. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a lousy boyfriend but not PersonY because _ was a kind thoughtful person."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a thoughtful boyfriend but PersonY was a bad boyfriend. _ didn't have any problems finding dates. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a thoughtful boyfriend but PersonY was a bad boyfriend. _ had many problems finding dates."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always looking for a new boyfriend but PersonY was fine without one, as _ is reliant on others. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always looking for a new boyfriend but PersonY was fine without one, as _ is independent."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dating PersonY ex boyfriend and _ knew that they would be upset about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was marrying PersonY ex boyfriend and _ knew that they would be upset about it."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very suspicious of PersonY because _ thought she would steal her boyfriend from her. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very suspicious of PersonY because _ tried to steal her boyfriend from her."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's boyfriend is uglier than PersonY's happens to be, so _ is more likely to be unattractive. \nSentence 2: PersonX's boyfriend is uglier than PersonY's happens to be, so _ is more likely to be pretty."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's boyfriend is very thoughtful, while PersonY's is a bad person. On Valentine's Day, _ 's boyfriend remembers and gives a gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX's boyfriend is very thoughtful, while PersonY's is a bad person. On Valentine's Day, _ 's boyfriend forgets and doesn't give a gift."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's boyfriend likes to talk a lot, while PersonY's is quiet, due to _ 's boyfriend being outgoing. \nSentence 2: PersonX's boyfriend likes to talk a lot, while PersonY's is quiet, due to _ 's boyfriend being shy."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: She asked PersonX to be her boyfriend when PersonY wasn't around because she liked _ so much. \nSentence 2: She asked PersonX to be her boyfriend when PersonY wasn't around because she feared _ so much."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boyfriend gave much more attention to PersonX than to PersonY so _ was satisfied. \nSentence 2: The boyfriend gave much more attention to PersonX than to PersonY so _ was envious."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boyfriend of PersonX was more attractive than the one of PersonY due to _ placing more emphasis on looks. \nSentence 2: The boyfriend of PersonX was more attractive than the one of PersonY due to _ placing more emphasis on cognitive abilities."} {"input": "Context Word: boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: The girl felt that PersonX but not PersonY was a better boyfriend because _ was always romantic. \nSentence 2: The girl felt that PersonX but not PersonY was a better boyfriend because _ was never romantic."} {"input": "Context Word: service.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs to service their car and do routine maintenance so they recruit PersonY to help, _ likes to have a partner. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to service their car and do routine maintenance so they recruit PersonY to help, _ likes to being a partner."} {"input": "Context Word: service.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always at PersonY 's service during the day, as _ was very helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always at PersonY 's service during the day, as _ was very needy."} {"input": "Context Word: service.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not impressed by the service at the restaurant, but PersonY thought it was great, because the waiter ignored every request _ made. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not impressed by the service at the restaurant, but PersonY thought it was great, because the waiter fulfilled every request _ made."} {"input": "Context Word: service.", "output": "Sentence 1: The service station was built next to PersonX's and not PersonY's because _ had an empty lot next to him. \nSentence 2: The service station was built next to PersonX's and not PersonY's because _ had a full lot next to him."} {"input": "Context Word: skit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help create some crazy, funny skits because _ was a comic dud. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help create some crazy, funny skits because _ was a comic genius."} {"input": "Context Word: newspapers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought some newspapers from PersonY, because _ wanted to support them and their paper route. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought some newspapers from PersonY, because _ wanted to sell them on their paper route."} {"input": "Context Word: budgie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is taking a care for PersonY's baby budgie, because _ wants to help him. \nSentence 2: PersonX is taking a care for PersonY's baby budgie, because _ is currently very busy."} {"input": "Context Word: budgie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy PersonY a budgie for their birthday but _ didn't know if they would prefer an old bird. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to buy PersonY a budgie for their birthday but _ didn't know if they would prefer an young bird."} {"input": "Context Word: budgie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's budgie tweeted loudly every morning, which annoyed PersonY to no end. _ apologized for the tweeting but nothing could be done. \nSentence 2: PersonX's budgie tweeted loudly every morning, which annoyed PersonY to no end. _ yelled about the tweeting but nothing could be done."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone was put off by the smell of PersonX but not PersonY because _ consumed garlic with regularity. \nSentence 2: Everyone was put off by the smell of PersonX but not PersonY because _ avoided garlic with regularity."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always left off smelly farts at school every day and PersonY _ hated smelling them. \nSentence 2: PersonX always left off smelly farts at school every day and PersonY _ loved smelling them."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asks PersonY for help identifying the weird smell in the living room, because _ can't figure out where it's coming from. \nSentence 2: PersonX asks PersonY for help identifying the weird smell in the living room, and _ helps to figure out where it's coming from."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could really smell the wet dog on the furniture of the rental whereas PersonY couldn't, as _ has a stronger sense of smell. \nSentence 2: PersonX could really smell the wet dog on the furniture of the rental, whereas PersonY couldn't despite \r _ having a stronger sense of smell."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could smell the body odor off of PersonY even through the perfume they put on. _ was clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX could smell the body odor off of PersonY even through the perfume they put on. _ was gross."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the cedar scented candle to PersonY because _ disliked the smell of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the cedar scented candle to PersonY because _ enjoyed the smell of it."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got grossed out when PersonY cooked fish in the microwave, because _ had a strong sense of smell. \nSentence 2: PersonX got grossed out when PersonY cooked fish in the microwave, because _ had a weak sense of smell."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs to get rid of the smell and asks for PersonY's help, because _ feels bad. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to get rid of the smell and asks for PersonY's help, so _ could help her."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed that PersonY smells really bad and asked her why, because _ couldn't ignore that. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed that PersonY smells really bad and asked her why, because _ really should take a shower."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smelled much better than PersonY after gym class because _ remembered to use deodorant. \nSentence 2: PersonX smelled much better than PersonY after gym class because _ neglected to use deodorant."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smoked cigarettes and PersonY did not smoke, so _ had a very distinctive smoky smell. \nSentence 2: PersonX smoked cigarettes and PersonY did not smoke, so _ didn't have a very distinctive smoky smell."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: The new car smell bothered PersonX and not PersonY because _ was sensitive to strong scents. \nSentence 2: The new car smell bothered PersonX and not PersonY because _ was not sensitive to strong scents."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: The smell PersonX gave off appalled PersonY , so _ had go take her bath that morning. \nSentence 2: The smell PersonX gave off appalled PersonY , so _ had get her to take her bath that morning."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: The smell of fresh cut grass always was pleasing to PersonX but PersonY didn't care for it. _ breathed deeply when passing the newly mowed lawn. \nSentence 2: The smell of fresh cut grass always was pleasing to PersonX but PersonY didn't care for it. _ avoided inhaling when passing the newly mowed lawn."} {"input": "Context Word: smell.", "output": "Sentence 1: The smell really annoyed PersonX but had no effect on PersonY since _ was so sensitive. \nSentence 2: The smell really annoyed PersonX but had no effect on PersonY since _ was not sensitive."} {"input": "Context Word: calculator.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy to tell PersonX was better at math than PersonY since _ did not require a calculator for multiplication. \nSentence 2: It was easy to tell PersonX was better at math than PersonY since _ required a calculator for multiplication."} {"input": "Context Word: calculator.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to use a calculator on the test but PersonY didn't because _ was very bad at maths. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to use a calculator on the test but PersonY didn't because _ was very good at maths."} {"input": "Context Word: calculator.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a calculator on their math test but PersonY didn't. _ got a very good score on their test. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a calculator on their math test but PersonY didn't. _ got a very bad score on their test."} {"input": "Context Word: manual transmission.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not know how to drive a manual transmission but PersonY did, so _ was not able to drive the new car with the standard transmission. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not know how to drive a manual transmission but PersonY did, so _ was available to drive the new car with the standard transmission."} {"input": "Context Word: manual transmission.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to teach PersonY to drive a manual transmission, because _ only had a manual transmission. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to teach PersonY to drive a manual transmission, but _ had an automatic transmission."} {"input": "Context Word: beginner.", "output": "Sentence 1: The project was much more difficult for PersonX than for PersonY because _ was really a beginner. \nSentence 2: The project was much more difficult for PersonX than for PersonY because _ wasn't really a beginner."} {"input": "Context Word: use an exfoliating cleanser.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to use an exfoliating cleanser since _ had watched a few videos on youtube. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to use an exfoliating cleanser since _ had not watched a few videos on youtube."} {"input": "Context Word: listen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a teacher, PersonY is cook _ could give you pointers on how to listen actively. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a teacher, PersonY is cook _ could not give you pointers on how to listen actively."} {"input": "Context Word: listen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX listens attentively to PersonY's troubles because _ cares and wants to figure out how to effectively provide assistance. \nSentence 2: PersonX listens attentively to PersonY's troubles because _ is nervous and wants to figure out how to proceed properly."} {"input": "Context Word: listen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX listens to news on the radio everyday unlike PersonY because _ loves to hear the news. \nSentence 2: PersonX listens to news on the radio everyday unlike PersonY because _ hates to hear the news."} {"input": "Context Word: listen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would always listen to PersonY complain about their problems, because _ was a good listener. \nSentence 2: PersonX would always listen to PersonY complain about their problems, because _ was a chronic whiner."} {"input": "Context Word: designs.", "output": "Sentence 1: Coming up with new designs was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to art school. \nSentence 2: Coming up with new designs was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone to art school."} {"input": "Context Word: Michael Jackson.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was on their way to the funeral of Michael Jackson when PersonY found them broke down, so _ never made it to the funeral. \nSentence 2: PersonX was on their way to the funeral of Michael Jackson when PersonY found them broke down and _ gave them a ride to the funeral."} {"input": "Context Word: breastmilk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having more trouble producing breastmilk than PersonY so the baby of _ was thinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having more success producing breastmilk than PersonY so the baby of _ was thinner."} {"input": "Context Word: sneaking out.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grounded PersonY for sneaking out to hang out with friends at night, because _ had broken the curfew. \nSentence 2: PersonX grounded PersonY for sneaking out to hang out with friends at night, because _ had imposed the curfew."} {"input": "Context Word: Achilles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had no issues with Achilles Tendinitis unlike PersonY because _ always wore sneakers with cushion. \nSentence 2: PersonX had no issues with Achilles Tendinitis unlike PersonY because _ never wore sneakers with cushion."} {"input": "Context Word: Communicate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better able to communicate their ideas to the group than PersonY, because _ was confident. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better able to communicate their ideas to the group than PersonY, because _ was shy."} {"input": "Context Word: facing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to tell PersonY word-for-word what their new hairstyle looks like because _ is facing the mirror. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to tell PersonY word-for-word what their new hairstyle looks like because _ isn't facing the mirror."} {"input": "Context Word: event planning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone says PersonX is not as good at event planning as PersonY because _ has not done it as long. \nSentence 2: Everyone says PersonX is not as good at event planning as PersonY even though _ has not done it as long."} {"input": "Context Word: resourceful.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX is a lot less resourceful than PersonY, _ tends to spend money easier. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX is a lot less resourceful than PersonY, _ tends to save money easier."} {"input": "Context Word: seller.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was good at being a seller but not PersonY because _ had a lot of experience in sales. \nSentence 2: PersonX was good at being a seller but not PersonY because _ did not have any experience in sales."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: Climbing a tree was tough for PersonX but easy for PersonY because _ had weaker legs. \nSentence 2: Climbing a tree was tough for PersonX but easy for PersonY because _ had stronger legs."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help in planting a large tree in their yard because _ was new to gardening. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help in planting a large tree in their yard because _ was a horticulturist."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to come to the farm and pick apples off the tree today because _ was heading to the farm now. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to come to the farm and pick apples off the tree today, so _ went to the farm also."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a fruit tree to plant from PersonY because _ had a bare orchard. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a fruit tree to plant from PersonY because _ had a full orchard."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX buys a live Christmas tree, while PersonY uses a fake one, so _ has to water his tree. \nSentence 2: PersonX buys a live Christmas tree, while PersonY uses a fake one, so _ doesn't have to water his tree."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX climbed the tree but could not convince PersonY to join because _ was comfortable with heights. \nSentence 2: PersonX climbed the tree but could not convince PersonY to join because _ was scared of heights."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX climbed to the top of the tree while PersonY waited below because _ enjoyed heights. \nSentence 2: PersonX climbed to the top of the tree while PersonY waited below because _ was scared of heights."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't need to worry about trimming trees while PersonY does because _ lives in an apartment. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't need to worry about trimming trees while PersonY does because _ lives in a house."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a forest ranger, PersonY is a cook so get advice from _ about your tree. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a forest ranger, PersonY is a cook so don't get advice from _ about your tree."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laughs at PersonY because of the small Christmas tree they picked out. _ wants a six foot tree. \nSentence 2: PersonX laughs at PersonY because of the small Christmas tree they picked out. _ wants a table top tree."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planted a tree and PersonY yanked it out of the ground, so _ failed in their attempt to foster life. \nSentence 2: PersonX planted a tree and PersonY yanked it out of the ground, so _ succeeded in their attempt to destroy life."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed cooler than PersonY at the park because _ was sitting under the tree. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed cooler than PersonY at the park although _ was sitting under the tree."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to fire PersonY to plant a tree and flower in their backyard because _ was going on vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to fire PersonY to plant a tree and flower in their backyard but _ was going on vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX usually hangs the star on the Christmas tree instead of PersonY since _ is taller. \nSentence 2: PersonX usually hangs the star on the Christmas tree instead of PersonY since _ is shorter."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to plant a tree in their yard because _ was going on a long vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to plant a tree in their yard but _ was going on a long vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get a taller Christmas tree than PersonY because _ had higher ceilings. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get a taller Christmas tree than PersonY although _ had higher ceilings."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very skinny and fit while PersonY really enjoyed donuts and soda, so _ had little trouble climbing the tree. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very skinny and fit while PersonY really enjoyed donuts and soda, so _ had a lot of trouble climbing the tree."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ planted the tree because PersonX wanted to watch it grow, while PersonY wanted to destroy it. \nSentence 2: So _ uprooted the tree because PersonX wanted to watch it grow, while PersonY wanted to destroy it."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: Up in the tree, PersonX looked down at PersonY and threw an apple at him, causing _ to squeal with laughter. \nSentence 2: Up in the tree, PersonX looked down at PersonY and threw an apple at him, causing _ to squeal in pain."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX stayed outside and trimmed the tree, PersonY fixed the computer, and _ made skillful use of the trimmers. \nSentence 2: While PersonX stayed outside and trimmed the tree, PersonY fixed the computer, and _ made skillful use of an antivirus."} {"input": "Context Word: tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: While walking through the woods one Spring day, PersonX told PersonY how _ finds mushrooms near a certain kind of tree. \nSentence 2: While walking through the woods one Spring day, PersonX taught PersonY how _ can find mushrooms near a certain kind of tree."} {"input": "Context Word: jaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the park, PersonX got punched in the jaw by PersonY. In this situation, _ is the victim. \nSentence 2: At the park, PersonX got punched in the jaw by PersonY. In this situation, _ is the bully."} {"input": "Context Word: houseplants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let PersonY water and trim the houseplants this month, because _ found he always had a black thumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX let PersonY water and trim the houseplants this month, because _ found he always had a green thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: Grieving.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX was grieving the loss of their dog, PersonY decided to surprise him with a puppy. _ did not know what to say. \nSentence 2: While PersonX was grieving the loss of their dog, PersonY decided to surprise him with a puppy. _ knew what to say."} {"input": "Context Word: Fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a fever, so PersonY gave him some medicine to take. _ was his patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a fever, so PersonY gave him some medicine to take. _ was his doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: Fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was suffering from a high fever but PersonY was not, so _ took an aspirin. \nSentence 2: PersonX was suffering from a high fever but PersonY was not, so _ took a vitamin."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: A bad medical condition has kept PersonX from playing sports with their friend PersonY, _ wishes they could play sports. \nSentence 2: A bad medical condition has kept PersonX from playing sports with their friend PersonY, _ wishes they could play sports more often."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX got a perm, her hair was in poor condition. After PersonY offered to fix it, _ felt very grateful. \nSentence 2: After PersonX got a perm, her hair was in poor condition. After PersonY offered to fix it, _ felt very helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: Currently, PersonX has a condition in his leg that makes it hard to walk, so PersonY is helping. _ is the patient at the clinic. \nSentence 2: Currently, PersonX has a condition in his leg that makes it hard to walk, so PersonY is helping. _ is the rehab specialist at the clinic."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was in no condition to walk because _ had a broken ankle. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was in no condition to walk because _ did not have a broken ankle."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to be more careful in the sun than PersonY because _ has a skin condition. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to be more careful in the sun than PersonY because _ doesn't have a skin condition."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX health condition was better than PersonY, as _ eat well and they also exercised more. \nSentence 2: PersonX health condition was better than PersonY, as _ didn't well and they also never exercised."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to drive PersonY, because _ was not afraid to drive in snowy conditions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to ask PersonY to drive, because _ was not afraid to drive in snowy conditions."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a pretty rough condition after PersonY beat them up, so _ ended up in the hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a pretty rough condition after PersonY beat them up, so _ ended up in jail."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unable to do anything strenuous in their condition, so PersonY did the cleaning, because _ was paying them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unable to do anything strenuous in their condition, so PersonY did the cleaning, because _ was helping them."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair was much more frizzy than PersonY's that day, because _ alway used conditioner. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair was much more frizzy than PersonY's that day, because _ seldom used conditioner."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: The condition of PersonX was a lot worse than PersonY because _ had an incurable disease. \nSentence 2: The condition of PersonX was a lot worse than PersonY because _ had a curable disease."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: The condition of PersonX was far worse than PersonY because _ was ran over by the car. \nSentence 2: The condition of PersonX was far worse than PersonY because _ was avoided by the car."} {"input": "Context Word: condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor diagnosed PersonX with the condition but not PersonY because _ had rashy skin. \nSentence 2: The doctor diagnosed PersonX with the condition but not PersonY because _ had clear skin."} {"input": "Context Word: ponytail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wears their hair in a ponytail but PersonY does not because _ has long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX wears their hair in a ponytail but PersonY does not because _ has short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: arrives.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being scolded by PersonY for showing up late to the meeting because _ always arrives tardily. \nSentence 2: PersonX is scolding PersonY for showing up late to the meeting because _ always arrives promptly."} {"input": "Context Word: Soccer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to pursue soccer, while PersonY chose to pursue ballet. Mother praised _ because she liked physical activities. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to pursue soccer, while PersonY chose to pursue ballet. Mother praised _ because she liked artistic activities."} {"input": "Context Word: Mowing Lawns.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved mowing lawns so much that he mowed PersonYs lawn for free, until one day, _ mowed no more. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved mowing lawns so much that he mowed PersonYs lawn for free, until one day, _ mowed his own lawn."} {"input": "Context Word: deep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to have a deep conversation with PersonY, but _ ended up being disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have a deep conversation with PersonY, but _ ended up being shallow."} {"input": "Context Word: coat.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the fall season PersonX insisted on going back to get a coat while PersonY was fine without one because _ was used to California weather. \nSentence 2: During the fall season PersonX insisted on going back to get a coat while PersonY was fine without one because _ was used to New England weather."} {"input": "Context Word: coat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a heavier coat than PersonY because _ normally lives in a warmer climate. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a lighter coat than PersonY because _ normally lives in a warmer climate."} {"input": "Context Word: coat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog wears a coat that she made, however PersonY's is from Walmart. Therefore, _ prefers handmade things. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog wears a coat that she made, however PersonY's is from Walmart. Therefore, _ prefers store bought things."} {"input": "Context Word: coat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The coat of PersonX is brighter than that of PersonY due to _ having a more eccentric personality. \nSentence 2: The coat of PersonX is duller than that of PersonY due to _ having a more eccentric personality."} {"input": "Context Word: coat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The coat of PersonX is dirty, while PersonY's is always clean, so _ is probably a dirtier person. \nSentence 2: The coat of PersonX is dirty, while PersonY's is always clean, so _ is probably a cleaner person."} {"input": "Context Word: outdoors.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX loved the outdoors but PersonY did not, _ went hiking on a regular basis. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX loved the outdoors but PersonY did not, _ stayed home on a regular basis."} {"input": "Context Word: outdoors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the outdoors, while PersonY liked to stay inside so on the vacation _ wanted to go hiking. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the outdoors, while PersonY liked to stay inside so on the vacation _ wanted to go clubbing."} {"input": "Context Word: outdoors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always playing outdoors and PersonY was always inside, so _ had a better tan. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always playing outdoors and PersonY was always inside, so _ had no tan."} {"input": "Context Word: outdoors.", "output": "Sentence 1: The outdoors are where PersonX prefers to be, but PersonY prefers to be in his house. _ likes to be camping. \nSentence 2: The outdoors are where PersonX prefers to be, but PersonY prefers to be in his house. _ likes to be at home."} {"input": "Context Word: outdoors.", "output": "Sentence 1: The outdoors was more intriguing for PersonX than PersonY so _ spent all of his time in nature. \nSentence 2: The outdoors was more intriguing for PersonX than PersonY so _ spent less of his time in nature."} {"input": "Context Word: ice cubes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put ice cubes in the punch bowl, which made PersonY mad. _ made new punch for him. \nSentence 2: PersonX put ice cubes in the punch bowl, which made PersonY mad. _ asked for new punch."} {"input": "Context Word: bulletin board.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bulletin board was decorated by PersonX instead of PersonY because _ offered to do it. \nSentence 2: The bulletin board was decorated by PersonX instead of PersonY because _ did not offer to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: sessions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY appeared to be doing better because _ attended five therapy sessions each week. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY appeared to be doing better because _ did not attend the therapy sessions each week."} {"input": "Context Word: leadership.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to inspire PersonY with leadership, so that _ could get the promotion in the company. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to inspire PersonY with leadership, so that _ could get the project done for the company."} {"input": "Context Word: leadership.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always following in the steps of PersonY since _ needed effective leadership . \nSentence 2: PersonX was always following in the steps of PersonY since _ provided effective leadership ."} {"input": "Context Word: leadership.", "output": "Sentence 1: The leadership displayed by PersonX inspired PersonY, so _ was pleased to act as their student. \nSentence 2: The leadership displayed by PersonX inspired PersonY, so _ was pleased to act as their mentor."} {"input": "Context Word: rack.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had time at the gym to help PersonY rack her weights, as _ was always giving help. \nSentence 2: PersonX had time at the gym to help PersonY rack her weights, as _ was always needing help."} {"input": "Context Word: rack.", "output": "Sentence 1: While they washed dishes, PersonX washed and put them on a rack for PersonY to dry, but then _ ran out of hot water. \nSentence 2: While they washed dishes, PersonX washed and put them on a rack for PersonY to dry, but then _ ran out of towels."} {"input": "Context Word: tennis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played a long game of tennis with PersonY but _ was upset because they lost the match. \nSentence 2: PersonX played a long game of tennis with PersonY but _ was happy because they won the match."} {"input": "Context Word: tennis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played better in the tennis game than PersonY because _ was in better shape and more athletic. \nSentence 2: PersonX played better in the tennis game than PersonY because _ was out of shape and not very athletic."} {"input": "Context Word: tennis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in better shape than PersonY because _ ran a couple miles and played tennis every weekend. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in better shape than PersonY although _ ran a couple miles and played tennis every weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: tennis.", "output": "Sentence 1: The audience ran toward PersonX and away from PersonY after _ won the tennis match. \nSentence 2: The audience ran away from PersonX and toward PersonY after _ won the tennis match."} {"input": "Context Word: flattering.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a personal shopper to buy her clothes, PersonY does not therefore _ is ensured to have more flattering clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a personal shopper to buy her clothes, PersonY does not therefore _ is not ensured to have the most flattering clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: busy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very busy when he arrived to the meeting while PersonY was calm because _ was late to the meeting. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very busy when he arrived to the meeting while PersonY was calm because _ was early to the meeting."} {"input": "Context Word: unfollowed a teacher on facebook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX unfollowed a teacher on facebook and PersonY did not because _ didn't like social media to communicate. \nSentence 2: PersonX unfollowed a teacher on facebook and PersonY did not because _ used social media to communicate."} {"input": "Context Word: cocktail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for the recipe to the delicious cocktail because _ wanted to know how it was made. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for the recipe to the delicious cocktail but _ did not know how it was made."} {"input": "Context Word: cocktail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't drink cocktails, but PersonY did a lot. The cops praised _ for their maturity. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't drink cocktails, but PersonY did a lot. The cops lectured _ for their lack of maturity."} {"input": "Context Word: failure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX became a life coach to PersonY, and _ taught the lesson of not taking failure so seriously. \nSentence 2: PersonX became a life coach to PersonY, and _ learned the lesson of not taking failure so seriously."} {"input": "Context Word: failure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost the game and PersonY chastised them for their failure, causing _ to become very angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost the game and PersonY chastised them for their failure, making _ sound very mean."} {"input": "Context Word: Conveying Confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was given the coveted speaking role over PersonY because _ was good at conveying confidence. \nSentence 2: PersonX was denied the coveted speaking role over PersonY because _ was good at conveying confidence."} {"input": "Context Word: quarterback.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less accurate throwing the football then PersonY which is why coach made _ the second string quarterback. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less accurate throwing the football then PersonY which is why coach made _ the starting \rquarterback."} {"input": "Context Word: freckle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought people who have freckles are cute but PersonY thinks they're unattractive. _ asked the freckle-faced girl out on a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought people who have freckles are cute but PersonY thinks they're unattractive. _ asked the tattooed girl out on a date."} {"input": "Context Word: bandage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX currently had a bandage around his knee however PersonY did not. _ was injured. \nSentence 2: PersonX currently had a bandage around his knee however PersonY did not. _ was uninjured."} {"input": "Context Word: bandage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor put a bandage on PersonX rather than PersonY since _ had an injury. \nSentence 2: The doctor put a bandage on PersonX rather than PersonY since _ had no injury."} {"input": "Context Word: aching.", "output": "Sentence 1: The head of PersonX is aching, but PersonY feels just fine, so _ must be the one who is sick. \nSentence 2: The head of PersonX is aching, but PersonY feels just fine, so _ must be the one who is healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: decoupage a chair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to decoupage a chair because _ knew how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to decoupage a chair because _ had no idea how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: bronze.", "output": "Sentence 1: The skin of PersonX is much more bronze than that of PersonY because _ got a lot of sun. \nSentence 2: The skin of PersonX is much more bronze than that of PersonY even though _ got a lot of sun."} {"input": "Context Word: cleanser.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used cleanser on their skin unlike PersonY because the skin of _ was oily. \nSentence 2: PersonX used cleanser on their skin unlike PersonY because the skin of _ was pristine."} {"input": "Context Word: cleanser.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used facial cleanser every night but PersonY did not use it. _ had flawless skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX used facial cleanser every night but PersonY did no use it. _ had spotty skin."} {"input": "Context Word: crowded.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX crowded in on PersonY, trying to intimidate them with their size, because _ was a bully. \nSentence 2: PersonX crowded in on PersonY, trying to intimidate them with their size, because _ was a pushover."} {"input": "Context Word: crowded.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want to go in crowded malls but PersonY was always always at the city mall, as _ was anxious. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want to go in crowded malls but PersonY was always always at the city mall, as _ was social."} {"input": "Context Word: lucrative.", "output": "Sentence 1: Investing in Amazon was very lucrative for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of knowledge in business. \nSentence 2: Investing in Amazon was very lucrative for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no knowledge in business."} {"input": "Context Word: lucrative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get a lucrative job but not PersonY because _ studied business while in college. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get a lucrative job but not PersonY because _ studied teaching while in college."} {"input": "Context Word: definitions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote the definitions as PersonY recited them, because _ needed to take notes for the test. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote the definitions as PersonY recited them, because _ needed to give information for the test."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX's disease was less severe than PersonY's, the doctor recommended that _ take a lower dose of medicine. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX's disease was less severe than PersonY's, the doctor recommended that _ take a higher dose of medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because there was a disease in the village PersonX was staying indoors but PersonY was out and about because _ was scared. \nSentence 2: Because there was a disease in the village PersonX was staying indoors but PersonY was out and about because _ was fearless."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX assures PersonY that they don't have a rare tropical disease, but really _ isn't so sure about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX assures PersonY that they don't have a rare tropical disease, so _ feels better about it."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't everything they could to help PersonY with their disease, but _ failed despite their efforts. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't everything they could to help PersonY with their disease, but _ died despite their efforts."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot to have their vaccines updated but PersonY remembered, so _ came down with a disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot to have their vaccines updated but PersonY remembered, so _ hasn't come down with a disease."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a bachelor's degree in microbiology and PersonY had a PhD, so _ had a hard time finding a cure for the disease on the proficiency test. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a bachelor's degree in microbiology and PersonY had a PhD, so _ had an easy time finding a cure for the disease on the proficiency test."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a severe bone disease but PersonY did not, so _ had to constantly receive medical attention for the disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a severe bone disease but PersonY did not, so _ never had to receive medical attention for any disease."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been operating on PersonY to get rid of the disease, so _ is the surgeon. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been operating on PersonY to get rid of the disease, so _ is the afflicted."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped to cure PersonY's disease, so _ was thanked for being a good doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped to cure PersonY's disease, so _ gave thanks for having a good doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed inside while PersonY played outdoors because _ didn't want to get a disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed inside while PersonY played outside although _ didn't want to get a disease."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX warned PersonY about the contagious disease in the neighborhood because _ was currently infected. \nSentence 2: PersonX warned PersonY about the contagious disease in the neighborhood because _ was still healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a lot sicker than PersonY because _ disease was unable to be treated. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a lot healthier than PersonY because _ disease was unable to be treated."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a nurse who helped care for PersonY's disease, and _ brought some medicine to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a nurse who helped care for PersonY's disease, and _ was brought some medicine to help."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was at low risk of developing heart disease but PersonY had a much greater risk because _ exercised and ate a very healthy diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was at low risk of developing heart disease but PersonY had a much greater risk because _ did not exercise and ate a very unhealthy diet."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was diagnosed with a disease that wasn't present in PersonY, so _ has to take medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX was diagnosed with a disease that wasn't present in PersonY, so _ never has to take medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was feeling much worse than PersonY was because _ was suffering from a bad disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX was feeling much worse than PersonY was although _ was suffering from a bad disease."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to get the communicable disease than PersonY because _ was around sick people all day at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to get the communicable disease than PersonY because _ wasn't near sick people all day at work."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was treating PersonY on their disease so _ took the time to ask questions about treatment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was treating PersonY on their disease so _ took the time to answer questions about treatment."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worried more than PersonY about catching the disease, because _ was pessimistic about her health. \nSentence 2: PersonX worried more than PersonY about catching the disease, because _ was optimistic about her health."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ had given him a communicable, harmful, and painful disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY because _ had somehow contracted a communicable, harmful, and painful disease."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: The disease ran in the family for PersonX but not for PersonY , so _ had to take precautions to keep from getting it. \nSentence 2: The disease ran in the family for PersonX but not for PersonY , so _ didn't have to take precautions to keep from getting it."} {"input": "Context Word: disease.", "output": "Sentence 1: When hearing about her disease, PersonX chose to go with chemo based on PersonY's suggestion. _ is a cancer patient. \nSentence 2: When hearing about her disease, PersonX chose to go with chemo based on PersonY's suggestion. _ is a cancer survivor."} {"input": "Context Word: anime.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched more western cartoons than PersonY however _ couldn't quite get into viewing anime. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched more western cartoons than PersonY however _ did quite get into viewing anime."} {"input": "Context Word: hepatitis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently gotten a hepatitis A and asks for PersonY's advice, because _ has never had hepatitis. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently gotten a hepatitis A and asks for PersonY's advice, because _ has already had hepatitis."} {"input": "Context Word: performing.", "output": "Sentence 1: While performing a play PersonX forgot their lines and PersonY remembered theirs. _ was embarrassed. \nSentence 2: While performing a play PersonX forgot their lines and PersonY remembered theirs. _ was proud."} {"input": "Context Word: donated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX donated a couple bags of her old clothes for PersonY's because they don't fit _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX donated a couplebags of her old clothes for PersonY's because they might fit _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent swollen feet during pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to prevent swollen feet during pregnancy at the visit because _ was pregnant. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to prevent swollen feet during pregnancy at the visit because _ was a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: movies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always paid for PersonY's tickets to the movies because _ always had plenty of money. \nSentence 2: PersonX always paid for PersonY's tickets to the movies because _ never had very much money."} {"input": "Context Word: movies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forbid PersonY from going to the movies with her friends because _ was strict. \nSentence 2: PersonX forbid PersonY from going to the movies with her friends because _ was irresponsible."} {"input": "Context Word: movies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave her movie ticket to PersonY , so _ missed the movies that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave her movie ticket to PersonY , so _ saw the movies that day."} {"input": "Context Word: movies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to watch movies for his job, and PersonY watches TV shows, so _ is a film critic. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to watch movies for his job, and PersonY watches TV shows, so _ is a television critic."} {"input": "Context Word: movies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go to the movies but PersonY did not. _ went to the latest film on Friday. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go to the movies but PersonY did not. _ went to the latest play on Friday."} {"input": "Context Word: movies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a day at the movies while PersonY studied for the test, so _ ended up failing. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a day at the movies while PersonY studied for the test, so _ ended up passing."} {"input": "Context Word: organs.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the surgery PersonX made sure not to damage any of PersonY's organs because _ was a doctor. \nSentence 2: During the surgery PersonX made sure not to damage any of PersonY's organs because _ was a patient."} {"input": "Context Word: being alone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always needed a companion, but not PersonY because _ had a fear of being alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX always needed a companion, but not PersonY because _ didn't have a fear of being alone."} {"input": "Context Word: Blood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a universal blood donor, but PersonY is not, so _ 's blood type is likely O. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a universal blood donor, but PersonY is not, so _ 's blood type is likely not O."} {"input": "Context Word: knotted ribbon necklace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a knotted ribbon necklace for PersonY because _ knew how to make them. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a knotted ribbon necklace for PersonY since _ didn't know how to make them."} {"input": "Context Word: caulking gun.", "output": "Sentence 1: A caulking gun was bought at the store by PersonX for PersonY because _ wanted to do a favor. \nSentence 2: A caulking gun was bought at the store by PersonX for PersonY because _ wanted to do a remodel."} {"input": "Context Word: tutu skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make PersonY a cheap tutu skirt, since _ was knowledgeable with fabrics. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make PersonY a cheap tutu skirt, despite _ was knowledgeable with fabrics."} {"input": "Context Word: new shed.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wanting a new shed PersonX hired PersonY to build them one, _ needs a new shed. \nSentence 2: Wanting a new shed PersonX hired PersonY to build them one, _ will build a new shed."} {"input": "Context Word: stunning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked more stunning in her dress than PersonY so _ was not worried about someone asking her to dance. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked more stunning in her dress than PersonY so _ was worried if someone would ask her to dance."} {"input": "Context Word: reacted.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man reacted better to PersonX and not PersonY because _ always treated him with respect. \nSentence 2: The man reacted worse to PersonX and not PersonY because _ always treated him with respect."} {"input": "Context Word: faints.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX faints when she sees the blood on the clothing, but PersonY does not, because _ is scared of blood. \nSentence 2: PersonX faints when she sees the blood on the clothing, but PersonY does not, because _ isn't scared of blood."} {"input": "Context Word: cayenne pepper tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cayenne pepper tea was a favorite beverage of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ loved spicy foods. \nSentence 2: Cayenne pepper tea was a favorite beverage of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ hated spicy foods."} {"input": "Context Word: hatchery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY on a trip to the hatchery tomorrow morning because _ knew he was interested in fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY on a trip to the hatchery tomorrow morning because _ was also interested in fish."} {"input": "Context Word: hatchery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is the manager at the fish hatchery PersonY works at, _ is on the higher end of the latter at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX is the manager at the fish hatchery PersonY works at, _ is on the lower end of the latter at work."} {"input": "Context Word: supervisor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an excellent supervisor but PersonY was not a good one. _ was liked by all the employees. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an excellent supervisor but PersonY was not a good one. _ was disliked by all the employees."} {"input": "Context Word: closet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more of a hoarder than PersonY, so it took _ much more time to clean out their closet. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more of a hoarder than PersonY, so it took _ a lot less time to clean out their closet."} {"input": "Context Word: closet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The closet of PersonX looks a lot cleaner and better than PersonY's closet because _ is organized. \nSentence 2: The closet of PersonX looks a lot cleaner and better than PersonY's closet because _ is disorganized."} {"input": "Context Word: closet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The closet of PersonX was much bigger than PersonY because _ had collected shoes for the last ten years. \nSentence 2: The closet of PersonX was much smaller than PersonY because _ had collected shoes for the last ten years."} {"input": "Context Word: conditioner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed PersonY 's fancy hair conditioner to prepare for the party, since _ was ignorant of hair care products. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed PersonY 's fancy hair conditioner to prepare for the party, since _ was knowledgeable of hair care products."} {"input": "Context Word: conditioner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't ever use conditioner on their hair but PersonY used it regularly. _ had flat dull hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't ever use conditioner on their hair but PersonY used it regularly. _ had shiny full hair."} {"input": "Context Word: conditioner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would always use conditioner in her hair during her showers not like PersonY, as _ had long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX would always use conditioner in her hair during her showers not like PersonY, as _ was bald."} {"input": "Context Word: digest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is able to digest food faster than PersonY due to _ being in better shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX is unable to digest food faster than PersonY due to _ being in better shape."} {"input": "Context Word: blood clot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a blood clot, while PersonY has no such problem. Therefore, _ 's health is in danger. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a blood clot, while PersonY has no such problem. Therefore, _ 's health is just fine."} {"input": "Context Word: Check the fuel pump fuse.", "output": "Sentence 1: Check the fuel pump fuse is the last thing PersonX told PersonY, _ got a call informing her the car had broke down. \nSentence 2: Check the fuel pump fuse is the last thing PersonX told PersonY, _ made a call to inform her the car had broke down."} {"input": "Context Word: commemorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to commemorate the life of PersonY, because _ needed to know of their life. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to commemorate the life of PersonY, because _ wanted everyone to know of their life."} {"input": "Context Word: start a women's book club.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY start a women's book club at the library because _ had experience starting one. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY start a women's book club at the library because _ had no experience starting one."} {"input": "Context Word: familiar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more familiar with the game than PersonY, so _ was the one chosen to play first. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more unfamiliar with the game than PersonY, so _ was the one chosen to play first."} {"input": "Context Word: familiar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not familiar at all with electronics but PersonY was because _ was a technophobe. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not familiar at all with electronics but PersonY was because _ was a technophile."} {"input": "Context Word: familiar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't familiar to PersonY in the slightest, until _ reminded them that they'd met last year. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't familiar to PersonY in the slightest, until _ remembered that they'd met last year."} {"input": "Context Word: pan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a professional chef, PersonY isn't therefore when you want to know about seasoning your pan _ is your go-to. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a professional chef, PersonY isn't therefore when you want to know about seasoning your pan _ is not your go-to."} {"input": "Context Word: pan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prepared the food in the frying pan while PersonY did the dishes, and _ cooked the potatoes thoroughly. \nSentence 2: PersonX prepared the food in the frying pan while PersonY did the dishes, and _ washed the dishes thoroughly."} {"input": "Context Word: pan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX returned the pan to PersonY because _ had borrowed it from her for the potluck party. \nSentence 2: PersonX returned the pan to PersonY because _ had loaned it to her for the potluck party."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a boring meeting, PersonX closed her eyes and dozed while PersonY took a walk, as _ had gone to bed late the night before. \nSentence 2: After a boring meeting, PersonX closed her eyes and dozed while PersonY took a walk, as _ had gone to bed early the night before."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had black circles under their eyes after spending the night at PersonY's house, and _ decided not to sleep away from home again. \nSentence 2: PersonX had black circles under their eyes after spending the night at PersonY's house, and _ decided not to host a sleepover again."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had much better eyes for fashion than PersonY , so _ always offered wardrobe advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX had much better eyes for fashion than PersonY , so _ always sought wardrobe advice."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had some redder eyes than PersonY did because _ was a much sicker person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had some clearer eyes than PersonY did because _ was a much sicker person."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an ophthalmologist, PersonY is not so go to _ for advice about your eyes. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an ophthalmologist, PersonY is not so don't go to _ for advice about your eyes."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is worried about their eyes but PersonY is not as shortsightedness is common in _ 's family. \nSentence 2: PersonX is worried about their eyes but PersonY is not as shortsightedness is rare\r in _ 's family."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the look of blue eyes but PersonY liked green eyes. _ bought a pair of blue contacts. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the look of blue eyes but PersonY liked green eyes. _ bought a pair of green contacts."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having a lot of trouble with their eyes but PersonY wasn't. _ made an appointment with their ophthalmologist. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having a lot of trouble with their eyes but PersonY wasn't. _ made an appointment with a personal trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ enjoys eating carrots for their eye health because PersonX needs good eyesight while PersonY doesn't. \nSentence 2: So _ avoids eating carrots for their eye health because PersonX needs good eyesight while PersonY doesn't."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The eyes of PersonX are green, while PersonY has brown eyes, so _ is has more recessive genes. \nSentence 2: The eyes of PersonX are green, while PersonY has brown eyes, so _ is has more dominant genes."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The eyes of PersonX were better than PersonY so _ never had to wear glasses during the day. \nSentence 2: The eyes of PersonX were worse than PersonY so _ never had to wear glasses during the day."} {"input": "Context Word: eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man looked PersonX right in the eyes but not PersonY because _ was very rude to him. \nSentence 2: The man looked PersonX right in the eyes but not PersonY because _ was very nice to him."} {"input": "Context Word: clutter.", "output": "Sentence 1: All the clutter in the house excited PersonX but not PersonY because cleaning energized _ very much. \nSentence 2: All the clutter in the house stressed PersonX but not PersonY because cleaning energized _ very much."} {"input": "Context Word: clutter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought clutter made a home look unattractive but PersonY did not. _ kept their home clutter free. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought clutter made a home look unattractive but PersonY did not. _ kept their home cluttered up."} {"input": "Context Word: clutter.", "output": "Sentence 1: To eliminate clutter, PersonX employed the help of PersonY because _ was worse than him at keeping organized. \nSentence 2: To eliminate clutter, PersonX employed the help of PersonY because _ was better than him at keeping organized."} {"input": "Context Word: refrigerator.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help move their refrigerator because _ wasn't strong enough to move their refrigerator alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help move their refrigerator because _ was strong enough to help move the refrigerator."} {"input": "Context Word: refrigerator.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke his refrigerator yesterday and PersonY offered to fix it even though _ knew what he was doing. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke his refrigerator yesterday and PersonY offered to fix it but _ didn't know what he was doing."} {"input": "Context Word: refrigerator.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a bigger refrigerator than PersonY because _ has more people in his family. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a smaller refrigerator than PersonY because _ has more people in his family."} {"input": "Context Word: refrigerator.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated cleaning the refrigerator but PersonY loved it. _ disliked cleaning and household chores. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated cleaning the refrigerator but PersonY loved it. _ enjoyed cleaning and household chores."} {"input": "Context Word: Pom-Pom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's Pom-Pom was fluffier than PersonY, so _ was able to cheer the team more effectively. \nSentence 2: PersonX's Pom-Pom was fluffier than PersonY, so _ was not able to cheer the team very well."} {"input": "Context Word: upper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had better upper arm strength than PersonY because _ did pilates every morning before work. \nSentence 2: PersonX had better upper arm strength than PersonY because _ didn't do pilates every morning before work."} {"input": "Context Word: temptation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Temptation was difficult for PersonX to avoid but not PersonY. _ was had a weak will. \nSentence 2: Temptation was difficult for PersonX to avoid but not PersonY. _ was had a strong will."} {"input": "Context Word: workshop.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to work in the workshop than PersonY since _ was a carpenter. \nSentence 2: It was harder for PersonX to work in the workshop than PersonY since _ was a carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: workshop.", "output": "Sentence 1: The workshop was attended by PersonX, and PersonY was the speaker, because _ is a student. \nSentence 2: The workshop was attended by PersonX, and PersonY was the speaker, because _ is a professor."} {"input": "Context Word: MIT.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got into MIT on a scholarship, but PersonY did not, because _ was a mathematical genius. \nSentence 2: PersonX got into MIT on a scholarship, but PersonY did not, because _ wasn't a mathematical genius."} {"input": "Context Word: hundreds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had hundreds more fans than PersonY because _ career had been going on for a long time. \nSentence 2: PersonX had hundreds less fans than PersonY because _ career had been going on for a long time."} {"input": "Context Word: raw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to eat more raw food than PersonY because _ loves fruit and vegetables so much. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to eat more raw food than PersonY because _ hates fruit and vegetables so much."} {"input": "Context Word: raw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses kale as their salad base while PersonY enjoys it cooked because _ likes it raw. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses kale as their salad base while PersonY enjoys it cooked because _ doesn't like it raw."} {"input": "Context Word: succulents.", "output": "Sentence 1: Growing succulents indoors suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had what is known as a green thumb. \nSentence 2: Growing succulents indoors suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have what is known as a green thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: succulents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks that succulents make a good house plant but PersonY thinks ferns are better. _ bought a cactus from the plant store. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks that succulents make a good house plant but PersonY thinks ferns are better. _ bought a Boston fern from the plant store."} {"input": "Context Word: cheeks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had redder cheeks than PersonY because _ had been out walking for a longer time. \nSentence 2: PersonX had redder cheeks than PersonY because _ had been out walking for a shorter time."} {"input": "Context Word: eager.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man was very eager to meet PersonX and not PersonY because _ was a famous actor. \nSentence 2: The man was very eager to meet PersonX and not PersonY because _ was a normal person."} {"input": "Context Word: commands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to always obey all of his commands, because _ is the master. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to always obey all of his commands, because _ is the servant."} {"input": "Context Word: commands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog followed commands while PersonY's dog barked throughout the night because _ had a dog that was well trained. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog followed commands while PersonY's dog barked throughout the night because _ had a dog that was poorly trained."} {"input": "Context Word: serve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was PersonY's waiter so _ answered questions about what was being served in the restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX was PersonY's waiter so _ asked questions about what was being served in the restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: serve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a worse overall tennis player than PersonY however _ had a great serve. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a worse overall tennis player than PersonY however _ had a bad serve."} {"input": "Context Word: throat cancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: After smoking for 30 years, PersonX finally received a throat cancer diagnosis from PersonY. _ was upset to receive the news. \nSentence 2: After smoking for 30 years, PersonX finally received a throat cancer diagnosis from PersonY. _ was upset to give the news."} {"input": "Context Word: love life.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY out with a lonely love life so _ recorded down personality traits. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY out with a lonely love life so _ spoke out personality traits."} {"input": "Context Word: liquid.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the experiment PersonX poured the liquid into the container while PersonY directed the experiment because _ was an assistant. \nSentence 2: During the experiment PersonX poured the liquid into the container while PersonY directed the experiment because _ was the senior researcher."} {"input": "Context Word: liquid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to buy drinks for the group but accidentally spilled the liquid on PersonY's shoe. _ felt very sorry. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to buy drinks for the group but accidentally spilled the liquid on PersonY's shoe. _ felt very angry."} {"input": "Context Word: armour.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wore armour for the fight whereas PersonY refused as _ was very sensible. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wore armour for the fight whereas PersonY refused as _ was very reckless."} {"input": "Context Word: urn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was putting the ashes in the urn when PersonY showed up to pick up their loved one, but _ arrived early. \nSentence 2: PersonX was putting the ashes in the urn when PersonY showed up to pick up their loved one, because _ arrived on time."} {"input": "Context Word: grime.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grossed PersonY out with all the grime under their fingernails, because _ disliked keeping themselves clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX grossed PersonY out with all the grime under their fingernails, because _ valued people keeping themselves clean."} {"input": "Context Word: groups.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had small groups of close friends unlike PersonY, because _ always kept to himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX had big groups of close friends unlike PersonY, because _ always kept to himself."} {"input": "Context Word: groups.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran the groups that PersonY liked to attend, so _ was always sure to provide the space. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran the groups that PersonY liked to attend, so _ was always sure to attend the space."} {"input": "Context Word: Faster.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the canoe race on the lake, PersonX rowed faster than PersonY so _ ended up in front. \nSentence 2: In the canoe race on the lake, PersonX rowed faster than PersonY so _ ended up behind."} {"input": "Context Word: dreams.", "output": "Sentence 1: Dreams for PersonX was not something to look forward to but not PersonY because _ always had nightmares. \nSentence 2: Dreams for PersonX was not something to look forward to but not PersonY because _ always had heavenly dreams."} {"input": "Context Word: dreams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX consulted with the soothsayer PersonY , as _ could learn how to interpret her dreams . \nSentence 2: PersonX consulted with the soothsayer PersonY , as _ could show how to interpret her dreams ."} {"input": "Context Word: dreams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had dreams of being a multimillionaire while PersonY wanted to be a plumber because _ was more ambitious. \nSentence 2: PersonX had dreams of being a multimillionaire while PersonY wanted to be a plumber because _ was more practical."} {"input": "Context Word: dreams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had scarier dreams than PersonY because _ watched a lot of horror movies before bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX had better dreams than PersonY because _ watched a lot of horror movies before bed."} {"input": "Context Word: dreams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was motivated to win the singing contest more than PersonY because _ had dreams of hitting the big time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was motivated to win the singing contest less than PersonY because _ had dreams of hitting the big time."} {"input": "Context Word: dreams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked and followed their dreams but not PersonY and _ was very happy with their life. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked and followed their dreams but not PersonY and _ was very displeased with their life."} {"input": "Context Word: dreams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dreams are to go to college, while PersonY couldn't care less because _ is very motivated. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dreams are to go to college, while PersonY couldn't care less because _ is very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: rice pudding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made the best rice pudding, which was PersonY's favorite, so _ brought him a large bowl. \nSentence 2: PersonX made the best rice pudding, which was PersonY's favorite, so _ asked him for a large bowl."} {"input": "Context Word: cocaine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX arrested PersonY for the use of cocaine after which _ threw him in the back of the car. \nSentence 2: PersonX arrested PersonY for the use of cocaine after which _ was thrown in the back of the car."} {"input": "Context Word: cocaine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was going to jail because _ was caught smuggling cocaine across the border. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was going to jail because _ was not caught smuggling cocaine across the border."} {"input": "Context Word: frowning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Frowning was something that PersonX did a lot of compared to PersonY, because _ was an unhappy person. \nSentence 2: Frowning was something that PersonX did a lot of compared to PersonY, because _ was a happy person."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying a swimming pool was great for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had a large back yard. \nSentence 2: Buying a swimming pool was great for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had a small back yard."} {"input": "Context Word: swimming pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was banned from the swimming pool but PersonY was not because _ disobeyed the rules. \nSentence 2: PersonX was banned from the swimming pool but PersonY was not because _ obeyed the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX employed PersonY at the company he owns, because _ is a kind and nice person. \nSentence 2: PersonX fired PersonY at the company he owns, even though _ is a kind and nice person."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to introduce PersonY to all the important things in the company, because _ is a senior developer. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to introduce PersonY to all the important things in the company, because _ is a junior developer."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot more company over to their house than PersonY because _ loves to socialize. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot more company over to their house than PersonY because _ hates to socialize."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to sue a company, but PersonY just wanted an apology; _ was feeling vengeful. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to sue a company, but PersonY just wanted an apology; _ was feeling compassionate."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the hiring manager at her company, so when PersonY submit a resume, _ invited him for an interview. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the hiring manager at her company, so when PersonY submit a resume, _ asked him for an interview."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very skilled at running their company but PersonY was not. _ had a very profitable business. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very skilled at running their company but PersonY was not. _ had a marginally profitable business."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the back to get a loan from PersonY for their company because _ was borrowing money. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the back to get a loan from PersonY for their company because _ was lending money."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a business better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ knew how to balance the company books. \nSentence 2: Running a business better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ forgot how to balance the company books."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX owned their own company and PersonY was currently unemployed, _ had several different employees. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX owned their own company and PersonY was currently unemployed, _ had no employees."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: The company called back PersonX for an interview but not PersonY because _ had more experience. \nSentence 2: The company called back PersonX for an interview but not PersonY because _ had less experience."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: The company chose PersonX over PersonY because _ had worked in the field for a far longer period of time. \nSentence 2: The company chose PersonX over PersonY because _ had worked in the field for a far shorter period of time."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: The company that PersonX worked for was far better than that of PersonY because _ got many benefits. \nSentence 2: The company that PersonX worked for was far worse than that of PersonY because _ got many benefits."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: The company that PersonX works for just let her go, but PersonY is allowed to keep her job. _ is crushed. \nSentence 2: The company that PersonX works for just let her go, but PersonY is allowed to keep her job. _ is relieved."} {"input": "Context Word: company.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX's company hired her, she became PersonY's manager. _ made changes to improve efficiency. \nSentence 2: When PersonX's company hired her, she became PersonY's manager. _ asked for some changes to improve efficiency."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation partner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to pick lonely PersonY as a conversation partner in the classroom so that _ could brush up on skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to pick PersonY as a conversation partner in the classroom so that _ could open up a bit."} {"input": "Context Word: beef tongue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought beef tongue tacos were tasty but PersonY though they were gross. _ ordered tacos de lenga for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought beef tongue tacos were tasty but PersonY though they were gross. _ ordered tacos al pastor for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: television.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could only have a black and white television growing up unlike PersonY, because _ was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX could only have a black and white television growing up unlike PersonY, because _ was rich."} {"input": "Context Word: beauty pageant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the beauty pageant and PersonY finished second, so _ received the flowers and crown. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost the beauty pageant and PersonY finished first, so _ received the flowers and crown."} {"input": "Context Word: beauty pageant.", "output": "Sentence 1: The beauty pageant was won by PersonX rather than PersonY because _ had the best talent routine. \nSentence 2: The beauty pageant was won by PersonX rather than PersonY because _ had the worst talent routine."} {"input": "Context Word: caretaker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX heard PersonY needed a caretaker for a baby, so _ volunteered to help with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX informed PersonY they needed a caretaker for a baby, so _ volunteered to help with it."} {"input": "Context Word: caretaker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more caring as a caretaker compared to PersonY because _ enjoyed taking care of patients. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more caring as a caretaker compared to PersonY because _ disliked taking care of patients."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone loved the crochet blanket that PersonX made for PersonY's baby, so _ received several orders for more blankets. \nSentence 2: Everyone loved the crochet blanket that PersonX made for PersonY's baby, so _ took careful care of the blanket."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was nearly Christmas and PersonX decided to crochet gifts for everybody, including PersonY. _ thought homemade gifts were special and unique. \nSentence 2: It was nearly Christmas and PersonX decided to crochet gifts for everybody, including PersonY. _ thought homemade gifts were cheap and useless."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learn to crochet was something PersonX learned at an early age but not PersonY. _ is able to knit a sweater. \nSentence 2: Learn to crochet was something PersonX learned at an early age but not PersonY. _ is able to buy a sweater."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to crochet was easier for PersonX than PersonY since _ already knew how to knit and sew. \nSentence 2: Learning to crochet was easier for PersonX than PersonY since _ didn't know how to knit and sew."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to teacher her to crochet, because _ did not know how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to teacher her to crochet, but _ did not know how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY which type of yarn would be best for crocheting a scarf, because _ was a novice. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY which type of yarn would be best for crocheting a scarf, because _ was an expert."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attempts to teach PersonY to crochet, when _ realizes he doesn't know enough about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX attempts to teach PersonY to crochet, when _ realizes he knows enough about it."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found crochet relaxing, but it just frustrated PersonY. _ was a patient and creative person. \nSentence 2: PersonX found crochet relaxing, but it just frustrated PersonY. _ was an angry and impatient person."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a sweater to show off her crochet skills, and _ enjoyed giving the gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a sweater to show off her crochet skills, and _ enjoyed receiving the gift."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a headstart on PersonY for the crochet project, because _ was faster and would catch up. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a headstart on PersonY for the crochet project, as _ was slower and would finish second anyway."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how to crochet from their granny but PersonY didn't. _ knitted their dog a sweater. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned how to crochet from their granny but PersonY didn't. _ bought their dog a sweater."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made PersonY a beautiful crochet scarf that got ruined in the washer. _ felt heartbroken that the scarf was destroyed. \nSentence 2: PersonX made PersonY a beautiful crochet scarf that got ruined in the washer. _ felt guilty that the scarf was destroyed."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to teach her friend PersonY how to crochet a scarf for her mother's birthday. _ was proud to see the results of her tutoring. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to teach her friend PersonY how to crochet a scarf for her mother's birthday. _ was proud to see the results of her learning."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied how to crochet but PersonY did not. _ made some cute little booties for their dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied how to crochet but PersonY did not. _ bought some cute little booties for their dog."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to crochet a dress, because _ was attending a knitting class. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to crochet a dress, because _ was teaching a knitting class."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to teach them how to crochet, so _ got the materials together for the lesson. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to teach them how to crochet, but _ didn't have the materials for the lesson."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn how to crochet from PersonY because _ is excited to learn the skill. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn how to crochet from PersonY because _ is known to be skilled."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a craftier individual thna PersonY so _ wanted to try to learn how to crochet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a craftier individual thna PersonY so _ wanted to never to learn how to crochet."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning from PersonY to crochet a scarf so _ could make a gift for their daughter. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching PersonY to crochet a scarf so _ could make a gift for their daughter."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning to crochet but PersonY was not as _ was very physically dexterous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning to crochet but PersonY was not as _ was very physically clumsy."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to crochet a scarf for PersonY because _ loved to do arts and crafts. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to crochet a scarf for PersonY because _ loved to receive arts and crafts."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The crochet project completed by PersonX was better than the one completed by PersonY because _ was an experienced crafter. \nSentence 2: The crochet project completed by PersonX was better than the one completed by PersonY because _ was an inexperienced crafter."} {"input": "Context Word: crochet.", "output": "Sentence 1: While walking down the craft store aisle, PersonX bought a crochet set for PersonY _ to teach how. \nSentence 2: While walking down the craft store aisle, PersonX bought a crochet set for PersonY _ to learn how."} {"input": "Context Word: cool.", "output": "Sentence 1: Colorado is a better place for PersonX to live than PersonY because _ really likes cool weather. \nSentence 2: Colorado is a better place for PersonX to live than PersonY because _ really dislikes cool weather."} {"input": "Context Word: cool.", "output": "Sentence 1: People think PersonX's clothes look ragged, while PersonY's look cool. _ is an unfashionable dresser. \nSentence 2: People think PersonX's clothes look ragged, while PersonY's look cool. _ is a stylish dresser."} {"input": "Context Word: cool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt super cool after showing off in front of PersonY, but _ didn't know how stupid they really looked. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt super cool after showing off in front of PersonY, because _ didn't tell them how stupid they really looked."} {"input": "Context Word: ice pack.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made an ice pack for PersonYs leg when _ realized what had happened yesterday. \nSentence 2: PersonX made an ice pack for PersonYs leg when _ told what had happened yesterday."} {"input": "Context Word: automobile.", "output": "Sentence 1: A flashy automobile is what PersonX drives but not PersonY because _ makes more money. \nSentence 2: A flashy automobile is what PersonX drives but not PersonY because _ makes less money."} {"input": "Context Word: automobile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed the automobile from PersonY because _ had somewhere important to go that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed the automobile from PersonY because _ had nowhere important to go that day."} {"input": "Context Word: automobile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a fantastic used automobile salesperson but PersonY wasn't, because _ had a brash, bold personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a fantastic used automobile salesperson but PersonY wasn't, because _ had a mild, timid personality."} {"input": "Context Word: automobile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's automobile didn't have a big engine like PersonY's, therefore _ car accelerated very slowly. \nSentence 2: PersonX's automobile didn't have a big engine like PersonY's, therefore _ car accelerated very quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: costumes.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to attend the masquerade ball because _ had no costumes to wear. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to attend the masquerade ball because _ had several costumes to wear."} {"input": "Context Word: rosewater.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made rosewater for PersonY because _ had all of the necessary essential oils on hand. \nSentence 2: PersonX made rosewater for PersonY because _ had none of the necessary essential oils on hand."} {"input": "Context Word: Golden Retriever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks a Golden Retriever will make a good pet but PersonY doesn't. _ buys a Golden Retriever from the breeder. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks a Golden Retriever will make a good pet but PersonY doesn't. _ buys a beagle from the breeder."} {"input": "Context Word: emo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played in emo band Texas is the Reason, of which PersonY was a big fan, so _ gave him an autograph. \nSentence 2: PersonX played in emo band Texas is the Reason, of which PersonY was a big fan, so _ asked him for an autograph."} {"input": "Context Word: emo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks the emo look is pretty fresh but PersonY thinks it's trashy. _ bought ripped jeans at the clothing store. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks the emo look is pretty fresh but PersonY thinks it's trashy. _ bought dress pants at the clothing store."} {"input": "Context Word: emo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was feeling more depressed than PersonY so _ tried to look more emo with their look. \nSentence 2: PersonX was feeling more depressed than PersonY so _ tried to look less emo with their look."} {"input": "Context Word: emo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's look can be described as Emo, whereas PersonY dresses more traditionally, so _ can be called more rebellious. \nSentence 2: PersonX's look can be described as Emo, whereas PersonY dresses more traditionally, so _ can be called more responsible."} {"input": "Context Word: campground.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the campground, PersonX was able to start a fire while PersonY didn't because _ more resourceful. \nSentence 2: At the campground, PersonX was able to start a fire while PersonY didn't because _ less resourceful."} {"input": "Context Word: Fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't like to go fishing but PersonY found it relaxing past time. _ bought a new ATV to use in their free time. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't like to go fishing but PersonY found it relaxing past time. _ bought a new bass boat to use in their free time."} {"input": "Context Word: Fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: While fishing on the pier, PersonX jumped into the water to save PersonY because _ was an excellent swimmer. \nSentence 2: While fishing on the pier, PersonX jumped into the water to save PersonY because _ was a terrible swimmer."} {"input": "Context Word: athletes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The athletes on the team of PersonX were less tired than those on the team of PersonY because the ones with _ did less laps. \nSentence 2: The athletes on the team of PersonX were more tired than those on the team of PersonY because the ones with _ did less laps."} {"input": "Context Word: Cheque.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx made a bigger cheque from the show despite than persony did despite _ bad performance. \nSentence 2: personx made a bigger cheque from the show despite than persony did despite _ excellent performance."} {"input": "Context Word: mission statement.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mission statement was written by PersonX and not PersonY because _ was the President of the company. \nSentence 2: The mission statement was written by PersonX and not PersonY because _ was not the President of the company."} {"input": "Context Word: hangover.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a long night out, PersonX tried to help PersonY with their hangover because _ are not sick. \nSentence 2: After a long night out, PersonX tried to help PersonY with their hangover because _ are sick."} {"input": "Context Word: hangover.", "output": "Sentence 1: Believing the best remedy for a hangover was hair of the dog, PersonX poured a drink for himself and PersonY, and _ promptly drank it. \nSentence 2: Believing the best remedy for a hangover was hair of the dog, PersonX poured a drink for himself and PersonY, but _ never drank it."} {"input": "Context Word: hangover.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting a hangover was more likely for PersonX than PersonY because _ liked to drink alcohol. \nSentence 2: Getting a hangover was more likely for PersonX than PersonY because _ didn't to drink alcohol."} {"input": "Context Word: hangover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank more than PersonY and yet _ had less of a hangover due to having a much higher tolerance. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank more than PersonY and yet _ had more of a hangover due to having a lower higher tolerance."} {"input": "Context Word: hangover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was suffering from a hangover and PersonY thought there should be a punishment because _ always broke the rules. \nSentence 2: PersonX was suffering from a hangover and PersonY thought there should be a punishment because _ rarely broke the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: hangover.", "output": "Sentence 1: This Monday, PersonX had to go to work with a hangover, while PersonY felt fine. This is due to _ being a heavy drinker. \nSentence 2: This Monday, PersonX had to go to work with a hangover, while PersonY felt fine. This is due to _ being a light drinker."} {"input": "Context Word: loss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had greater weight loss than PersonY because _ was on a month long strict diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less weight loss than PersonY because _ was on a month long strict diet."} {"input": "Context Word: loss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very astute investor while PersonY struggled to find good stocks. _ rarely suffered a loss in their portfolio. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very astute investor while PersonY struggled to find good stocks. _ often suffered a loss in their portfolio."} {"input": "Context Word: loss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was actively engaged in weight loss whereas PersonY was trying to gain weight, so _ limited their caloric intake. \nSentence 2: PersonX was actively engaged in weight loss whereas PersonY was trying to gain weight, so _ maximized their caloric intake."} {"input": "Context Word: bugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: Bugs freak PersonX out, while PersonY is a lover of them _ is an indoor human being. \nSentence 2: Bugs freak PersonX out, while PersonY is a lover of them _ is an outdoor human being."} {"input": "Context Word: bugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more bugs on their body than PersonY did because _ was playing outside all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more bugs on their body than PersonY did because _ was playing inside all day."} {"input": "Context Word: bugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is removing bugs from PersonY's car, because _ is a friend ready to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX is removing bugs from PersonY's car, because _ could use a friend ready to help."} {"input": "Context Word: bugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bugs affected PersonX more than they affected PersonY since _ spent more time outside. \nSentence 2: The bugs affected PersonX more than they affected PersonY since _ spent more time inside."} {"input": "Context Word: frost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to use a blanket to protect their flowers from frost while PersonY didn't because _ has a garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to use a blanket to protect their flowers from frost while PersonY didn't because _ doesn't have a garden."} {"input": "Context Word: pms.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx has been yelling at PersonY all week long because _ has been having PMS symptoms. \nSentence 2: Personx has been comforting PersonY all week long because _ has been having PMS symptoms."} {"input": "Context Word: elbow.", "output": "Sentence 1: A very active PersonX injured their elbow playing basketball against PersonY, so _ went to the doctor. \nSentence 2: A very active PersonX injured their elbow playing basketball against PersonY, so _ said sorry."} {"input": "Context Word: easy.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to get hired but not PersonY because _ had plenty of work experience. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to get hired but not PersonY because _ had zero work experience."} {"input": "Context Word: easy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easy life compared to PersonY, which might have been why _ ended up being spoiled. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easy life compared to PersonY, which might have been why _ ended up being tough."} {"input": "Context Word: easy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very smart in school, PersonY is not and that is why it will be easy for _ to get admitted to college. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very smart in school, PersonY is not and that is why it will not be easy for _ to get admitted to college."} {"input": "Context Word: easy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to take it easy while PersonY did all the hard work, so _ often felt rested. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to take it easy while PersonY did all the hard work, so _ often felt tired."} {"input": "Context Word: easy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the problem was easy, but PersonY thought it was hard, so _ decided to go ahead and solve it. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the problem was easy, but PersonY thought it was hard, so _ decided to go ahead and skip it."} {"input": "Context Word: easy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The class is easy for PersonX, but difficult for PersonY. At the end of the semester _ got A. \nSentence 2: The class is easy for PersonX, but difficult for PersonY. At the end of the semester _ got F."} {"input": "Context Word: Stage.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx performs better on stage whenever persony is on the stage with him and it could be said that _ has his strength from him. \nSentence 2: personx performs better on stage whenever persony is on the stage with him and it could be said that _ was a strength to him."} {"input": "Context Word: microbrewery.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX was better at business than PersonY _ had no interest in running a microbrewery. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX was better at business than PersonY _ had a lot of interest in running a microbrewery."} {"input": "Context Word: answers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The government official was able to use the survey answers of PersonX, but PersonY's answers were unusable because _ was being honest. \nSentence 2: The government official was able to use the survey answers of PersonX, but PersonY's answers were unusable because _ was being dishonest."} {"input": "Context Word: cell phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a new cell phone and showed it to PersonY because _ was happy about the new phone. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a new cell phone and showed it to PersonY but _ was upset about the new phone."} {"input": "Context Word: cell phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a newer cell phone than PersonY, so when their brother needed to look something up while shopping, he asked _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX had an older cell phone than PersonY, so when their brother needed to look something up while shopping, he asked _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: cell phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted an inexpensive cell phone while PersonY wanted the latest smart phone. _ purchased a flip phone from their cell company store. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted an inexpensive cell phone while PersonY wanted the latest smart phone. _ purchased an iPhoneXR phone from their cell company store."} {"input": "Context Word: cell phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cell phone of PersonX isn't as old as PersonY because _ likes new things. \nSentence 2: The cell phone of PersonX isn't as old as PersonY although _ likes new things."} {"input": "Context Word: hair ties.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to buy hair ties more than PersonY because _ only has a few. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to buy hair ties more than PersonY since _ has quite a few."} {"input": "Context Word: banjo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's instrument of choice is the banjo, but PersonY prefers to sing. So, in the band, _ is in the background. \nSentence 2: PersonX's instrument of choice is the banjo, but PersonY prefers to sing. So, in the band, _ is in the foreground."} {"input": "Context Word: jackfruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves cooking and eating jackfruit tacos more than PersonY because _ is a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves cooking and eating jackfruit tacos more than PersonY because _ is a carnivore."} {"input": "Context Word: difficult.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY to get a job because _ had no prior work experience. \nSentence 2: It was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY to get a job because _ had 15 years prior work experience."} {"input": "Context Word: difficult.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY to take good notes because _ could not hear the professor. \nSentence 2: It was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY to take good notes because _ could hear the professor clearly."} {"input": "Context Word: difficult.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found being away and fishing on the sea difficult so they asked PersonY why for advice, _ isn't use to traveling. \nSentence 2: PersonX found being away and fishing on the sea difficult so they asked PersonY why for advice, _ is accustomed to traveling."} {"input": "Context Word: difficult.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to make everything extra difficult for PersonY, because _ was a wretched person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to make everything extra difficult for PersonY, because _ was a passive person."} {"input": "Context Word: difficult.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was telling PersonY about the difficult day she had at work which made _ start to cry. \nSentence 2: PersonX was telling PersonY about the difficult day she had at work which made _ give her a hug."} {"input": "Context Word: difficult.", "output": "Sentence 1: The training video was easy for PersonX but difficult for PersonY, and _ became reassured. \nSentence 2: The training video was easy for PersonX but difficult for PersonY, and _ became discouraged."} {"input": "Context Word: dancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very skilled dancer but PersonY was not very skilled. _ put on a great dance show. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very skilled dancer but PersonY was not very skilled. _ put on a terrible dance show."} {"input": "Context Word: dancer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dancer smiled at PersonX and not at PersonY because the dancer knew _ really liked her. \nSentence 2: The dancer smiled at PersonX and not at PersonY because the dancer knew _ really disliked her."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing labels.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed owning designer brands but PersonY liked shopping at goodwill. _ always cared about clothing labels. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed owning designer brands but PersonY liked shopping at goodwill. _ never cared about clothing labels."} {"input": "Context Word: beetles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shined a flashlight into the corner and showed PersonY where the beetles nested, because _ worked for pest control. \nSentence 2: PersonX shined a flashlight into the corner and showed PersonY where the beetles nested, because _ was a concerned homeowner."} {"input": "Context Word: dryer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew a little about dryers and tried to fix his dryer while PersonY was very good at fixing them. _ couldn\u2019t fix the dryer. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew a little about dryers and tried to fix his dryer while PersonY was very good at fixing them. _ wouldn\u2019t fix the dryer."} {"input": "Context Word: dryer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY not to put the laundry in the dryer because _ would do it them self. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY not to put the laundry in the dryer because _ never does it right."} {"input": "Context Word: dryer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used the dryer but PersonY decieded to air dry his clothes, so _ were dry. \nSentence 2: PersonX used the dryer but PersonY decieded to air dry his clothes, so _ were wet."} {"input": "Context Word: raspberry.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the kitchen, PersonX asked PersonY to strain the raspberry seeds before making jam, but _ 's request was ignored. \nSentence 2: In the kitchen, PersonX asked PersonY to strain the raspberry seeds before making jam, but _ ignored the request."} {"input": "Context Word: raspberry.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was more raspberry on PersonX's plate than PersonY because _ loved to eat fruit. \nSentence 2: There was more raspberry on PersonX's plate than PersonY because _ hated to eat fruit."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: Chopping wood suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of knowledge about starting a fire. \nSentence 2: Chopping wood suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no knowledge about starting a fire."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: Chopping wood to make a fire was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a sharp ax. \nSentence 2: Chopping wood to make a fire was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a dull ax."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to teach them how to make wood furniture, because _ was unskilled in this craft. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to teach them how to make wood furniture, because _ was masterful in this craft."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought PersonY wood for the campfire since _ had extra wood needed for cooking at the campsite. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought PersonY wood for the campfire since _ needed extra wood for cooking at the campsite."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes the look of wood for their floors but PersonY does not. _ has wood floors in their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes the look of wood for their floors but PersonY does not. _ has carpeted floors in their house."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed more wood this winter than PersonY because _ used all of it last year. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed more wood this winter than PersonY because _ used less of it last year."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs to clean a petrified wood and asks for PersonY's help, because _ can't do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to clean a petrified wood and asks for PersonY's help, so _ agrees to help her."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to teach PersonY how to work with wood because _ was a professional carpenter. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to teach PersonY how to work with wood because _ was a terrible carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stared disbelieving at the new wood chair PersonY had dropped paint on because was _ upset. \nSentence 2: PersonX stared disbelieving at the new wood chair PersonY had dropped paint on because was _ clumsy."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY to a wood shack in the mountains, because _ was a kidnapper trying to hide. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY to a wood shack in the mountains, because _ was a victim trying to escape."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: The home improvement store employee ignored PersonX and helped PersonY because _ was not in the wood department. \nSentence 2: The home improvement store employee helped PersonX and ignored PersonY because _ was not in the wood department."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wood that PersonX bought for his floor was cheaper than that of PersonY because _ couldn't afford better. \nSentence 2: The wood that PersonX bought for his floor was more expensive than that of PersonY because _ couldn't afford better."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using a wood router to make door frames was done only by PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked using electric tools. \nSentence 2: Using a wood router to make door frames was done only by PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked using hand tools."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to cutting the fire wood, PersonX let PersonY do it, because _ didn't know how to use an axe. \nSentence 2: When it came to cutting the fire wood, PersonX let PersonY do it, because _ knew how to use an axe."} {"input": "Context Word: wood.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wood shop was PersonX's favorite subject while PersonY loved math because _ was good with his hands. \nSentence 2: Wood shop was PersonX's favorite subject while PersonY loved math because _ wasn't good with his hands."} {"input": "Context Word: petition.", "output": "Sentence 1: The petition that PersonX started isn't signed by PersonY. _ is obviously more politically engaged. \nSentence 2: The petition that PersonX started isn't signed by PersonY. _ is obviously more politically withdrawn."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom sink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleaned his bathroom sink more often than PersonY, therefore _ wasn't embarrassed when company came over. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleaned his bathroom sink more often than PersonY, therefore _ was very embarrassed when company came over."} {"input": "Context Word: Locker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a nerd in high school but PersonY was a jock. _ would get stuffed in their locker by jocks. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a nerd in high school but PersonY was a jock. _ would stuff nerds in their locker."} {"input": "Context Word: Western Union.", "output": "Sentence 1: Through Western Union, PersonX sends money to PersonY across the country, so _ is likely a good friend. \nSentence 2: Through Western Union, PersonX sends money to PersonY across the country, so _ is likely a needy friend."} {"input": "Context Word: snow plows.", "output": "Sentence 1: The snow plows that PersonX runs are better than the ones owned by PersonY because _ owns newer ones. \nSentence 2: The snow plows that PersonX runs are better than the ones owned by PersonY because _ owns older ones."} {"input": "Context Word: moment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a better quality of life than PersonY because _ has learned to live in the moment. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a better quality of life than PersonY because _ hasn't learned to live in the moment."} {"input": "Context Word: pastor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to a pastor to discuss their problems, but PersonY sought out a psychiatrist, because _ was an atheist. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to a pastor to discuss their problems, but PersonY sought out a psychiatrist, because _ was an Catholic."} {"input": "Context Word: mom.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the park, PersonX ran past PersonY because _ saw their mom and wanted to hug them. \nSentence 2: In the park, PersonX up to PersonY because _ was their mom and wanted to hug them."} {"input": "Context Word: mom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to become an entrepreneurial mom so she asks PersonY for an advice, because _ would feel happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to become an entrepreneurial mom so she asks PersonY for an advice, so _ helps her."} {"input": "Context Word: director.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX impressed the director more than PersonY, so _ was given the starring role in the movie. \nSentence 2: PersonX impressed the director more than PersonY, so _ was not given the starring role in the movie."} {"input": "Context Word: go to sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always better at getting the kids to go to sleep than PersonY, since _ read them bedtime stories. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always better at getting the kids to go to sleep than PersonY, since _ never read them bedtime stories."} {"input": "Context Word: rat rod.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was building his rat rod when PersonY asked if he could help. _ was elated to have the help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was building his rat rod when PersonY asked if he could help. _ was excited to help."} {"input": "Context Word: brake pads.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY put new brake pads on her car because _ is a mechanic. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help put new brake pads on her car because _ is a mechanic."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although it was risky, PersonX got money from PersonY to start a new business venture because _ was an entrepreneur. \nSentence 2: Although it was risky, PersonX got money from PersonY to start a new business venture because _ was an investor."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the business meeting PersonX was rude to PersonY so after the meeting the boss told _ he should make an apology. \nSentence 2: During the business meeting PersonX was rude to PersonY so after the meeting the boss told _ he should accept an apology."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX was better suited for running a business than PersonY, _ had a more difficult time managing people. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX was better suited for running a business than PersonY, _ had a more easy time managing people."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the building business PersonX was considered experienced as were PersonY was not, _ had done many jobs in their life. \nSentence 2: In the building business PersonX was considered experienced as were PersonY was not, _ had not done as many jobs in their life."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY both wanted to start a business, but _ didn't have the business skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY both wanted to start a business, but _ didn't the items to sells."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to start a new business with them because _ had no experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to start a new business with them because _ was an experienced businessperson."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to start a business, but PersonY was a bad partner, so _ was ripped off. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to start a business, but PersonY was a bad partner, so _ was unhelpful."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decides to hire PersonY to work at the business office during the afternoons, but _ soon regrets the decision. \nSentence 2: PersonX decides to hire PersonY to work at the business office during the afternoons, and _ appreciates the decision."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to sell the business to PersonY because _ thought the price was too low. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to sell the business to PersonY because _ was offering a price that was too low."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had many businesses compared to PersonY because _ was a hardworking and motivated person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had many businesses compared to PersonY because _ was an average and lazy person."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX inherited a very successful family business but not PersonY because _ had savvy parents. \nSentence 2: PersonX inherited a very successful family business but not PersonY because _ had simpleton parents."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is going to be the CEO of the business they're starting with PersonY, so _ feels important. \nSentence 2: PersonX is going to be the CEO of the business they're starting with PersonY, so _ feels slighted."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is known an an entrepreneur while PersonY is only an employee because _ owns a business. \nSentence 2: PersonX is known as an entrepreneur while PersonY is only an employee because _ doesn't yet own a business."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is starting a business which requires them to meet with their lawyer, PersonY; _ signs the required paperwork. \nSentence 2: PersonX is starting a business which requires them to meet with their lawyer, PersonY; _ executes the required paperwork."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed advice from PersonY on how to run a business, since _ had no experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed advice from PersonY on how to run a business, since _ had copious experience."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to sell half of his drop shipping business to PersonY because _ needed the money. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to sell half of his drop shipping business to PersonY because _ wanted to invest."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned their own business,but PersonY was unemployed, so _ went to work every weekday. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned their own business,but PersonY was unemployed, so _ looked for work every weekday."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran their business very well but PersonY ran theirs very poorly. _ made a lot of money on their business. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran their business very well but PersonY ran theirs very poorly. _ made very little money on their business."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started his own business while PersonY worked for someone else so _ had self-employment taxes. \nSentence 2: PersonX started his own business while PersonY worked for someone else so _ had W4 taxes."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took on the failing business from PersonY because _ was skilled at making it profitable. \nSentence 2: PersonX took on the failing business from PersonY because _ was unskilled at making it profitable."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to know PersonY's business hours, so _ checked if the hours were posted online. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to know PersonY's business hours, so _ told her the hours were posted online."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to start a business in a field that PersonY was working in so _ asked for some help. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to start a business in a field that PersonY was working in so _ offered some help."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to start a small business and asked PersonY for start up money. _ said the business would be a success. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to start a small business and asked PersonY for start up money. _ said the business would be a failure."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to create a business while in school so he asks his professor PersonY for an advice, because _ could use an advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to create a business while in school so he asks his professor PersonY for an advice, so _ gives him an advice."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the boss of PersonY because _ continued his college education in business management. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the employee of PersonY because _ continued his college education in business management."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at running a business but PersonY was not. _ made a lot of money with their business. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at running a business but PersonY was not. _ made very little money with their business."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went from job to job but PersonY stayed with the same business, so _ was never eligible for good benefits. \nSentence 2: PersonX went from job to job but PersonY stayed with the same business, so _ was soon eligible for good benefits."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a business better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ was better at managing people. \nSentence 2: Running a business better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ was worse at managing people."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a business was more suitted for PersonX than PersonY because _ was great at managing people. \nSentence 2: Running a business was more suitted for PersonX than PersonY because _ was horrible at managing people."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bank gave PersonX a loan but not PersonY because _ had twenty years prior business experience. \nSentence 2: The bank gave PersonX a loan but not PersonY because _ had zero years prior business experience."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: The business called for PersonX but PersonY answered the phone, because _ hated talking on phones. \nSentence 2: The business called for PersonX but PersonY answered the phone, because _ loved talking on phones."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: The business of PersonX is exceedingly well compared to PersonY's because _ works hard everyday. \nSentence 2: The business of PersonX is horribly bad compared to PersonY's because _ works hard everyday."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: The business of PersonX is more successful than PersonY's because _ is a better business man. \nSentence 2: The business of PersonX is more successful than PersonY's even though _ is a better business man."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: The business of PersonX is thriving when compared to that of PersonY because _ is the better business person. \nSentence 2: The business of PersonX is failing when compared to that of PersonY because _ is the better business person."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: The business of PersonX was more successful than PersonY's because _ was a better business man. \nSentence 2: The business of PersonX was more successful than PersonY's even though _ was a better business man."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: The business world was a more natural fit for PersonX than PersonY, since _ was money and profit-focused. \nSentence 2: The business world was a more natural fit for PersonX than PersonY, since _ was not money and profit-focused."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: The joint business venture was failing so PersonX blamed the mercurial PersonY because _ was lashing out. \nSentence 2: The joint business venture was failing so PersonX blamed the mercurial PersonY because _ was irresponsible."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: The local business wouldn't allow PersonX in the store but would let PersonY, because _ vandalized the store before. \nSentence 2: The local business wouldn't allow PersonX in the store but would let PersonY, because _ helped the store before."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pet sitting business PersonX starts is a failure compared to PersonY's because _ is an incompetent owner. \nSentence 2: The pet sitting business PersonX starts is a failure compared to PersonY's because _ is a responsible owner."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: Though PersonX was better at running a business than PersonY, _ had trouble dealing with the interpersonal lives of employees. \nSentence 2: Though PersonX was better at running a business than PersonY, _ had ease in dealing with the interpersonal lives of employees."} {"input": "Context Word: business.", "output": "Sentence 1: Writing out an investment proposal was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to business school. \nSentence 2: Writing out an investment proposal was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone to business school."} {"input": "Context Word: convicted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was convicted of the horrible crime that happened last year unlike PersonY, because _ was guilty. \nSentence 2: PersonX was convicted of the horrible crime that happened last year unlike PersonY, because _ was innocent."} {"input": "Context Word: florist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the florist less often than PersonY because _ was more allergic to flowers in her home. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the florist more often than PersonY because _ was more allergic to flowers in her home."} {"input": "Context Word: thighs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had bigger thighs than PersonY did because _ worked them out at the gym more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX had smaller thighs than PersonY did because _ worked them out at the gym more often."} {"input": "Context Word: prices.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked about the items' prices from PersonY because _ was curious about the items. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked about the items' prices from PersonY because _ was knowledgeable about the items."} {"input": "Context Word: multiplying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was good at multiplying while PersonY was bad at math, so _ looked forward to math classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was good at multiplying while PersonY was bad at math, so _ dreaded going to math classes."} {"input": "Context Word: good organization.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX practices good organization at the office PersonY is the manager of, _ is always looking for a higher position. \nSentence 2: PersonX practices good organization at the office PersonY is the manager of, _ is not giving out a higher position."} {"input": "Context Word: oak.", "output": "Sentence 1: The oak flooring looked really pleasing to PersonX but PersonY like carpet, so _ had oak floors put in their house. \nSentence 2: The oak flooring looked really pleasing to PersonX but PersonY liked carpet, so _ had carpet put in their house."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning a closet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finished cleaning a closet in the bedroom before PersonY because _ was already very organized. \nSentence 2: PersonX finished cleaning a closet in the bedroom before PersonY because _ was a very messy person."} {"input": "Context Word: bracelets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved wearing bracelets while PersonY hated the thought of it, so _ seemed more fashionable. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved wearing bracelets while PersonY hated the thought of it, so _ seemed less fashionable."} {"input": "Context Word: bracelets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked hard at making the bracelets for the fair tomorrow and PersonY made posters, because _ was a jewelry maker. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked hard at making the bracelets for the fair tomorrow and PersonY made posters, because _ was a poster maker."} {"input": "Context Word: make fabric earrings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make fabric earrings and PersonY did not because _ had a talent for crafting. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make fabric earrings and PersonY did not because _ had no interest in crafting."} {"input": "Context Word: likeable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had many friends while PersonY was more of a loner, because _ was more likeable as a person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had many friends while PersonY was more of a loner, because _ was less likeable as a person."} {"input": "Context Word: firelighters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to learn how to make firelighters and asks if PersonY wants to join her, because _ would be lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to learn how to make firelighters and asks if PersonY wants to join her, so _ accepts an offer."} {"input": "Context Word: bonus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't work hard at sales during the holiday season but PersonY did so _ received a paltry bonus. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't work hard at sales during the holiday season but PersonY did so _ received a hefty bonus."} {"input": "Context Word: bonus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a very big Christmas bonus this year unlike PersonY because _ worked for a great company. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a very big Christmas bonus this year unlike PersonY because _ worked for a horrible company."} {"input": "Context Word: packed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX packed on 100 pounds while PersonY lost the same amount, so _ felt terrible about the results. \nSentence 2: PersonX packed on 100 pounds while PersonY lost the same amount, so _ felt great about the results."} {"input": "Context Word: underground.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the underground, PersonX rode further on the subway than PersonY because _ doesn't get sick on the ride. \nSentence 2: In the underground, PersonX rode further on the subway than PersonY because _ gets sick on the ride."} {"input": "Context Word: ego.", "output": "Sentence 1: At parties, PersonX and PersonY always hit it off with people there but a few say that _ always has an ego. \nSentence 2: At parties, PersonX and PersonY always hit it off with people there but a few say that _ sometimes has an ego."} {"input": "Context Word: ego.", "output": "Sentence 1: It is obvious PersonX has a bigger ego than PersonY because _ is always bragging about awards. \nSentence 2: It is obvious PersonX has a bigger ego than PersonY because _ is never bragging about awards."} {"input": "Context Word: ego.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a huge ego while PersonY was very humble, so _ often bragged about their accomplishments to others. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a huge ego while PersonY was very humble, so _ rarely bragged about their accomplishments to others."} {"input": "Context Word: tank top.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gained a little weight so she gave PersonY a few tank tops because they fit _ poorly. \nSentence 2: PersonX gained a little weight so she gave PersonY a few tank tops and they fit _ well."} {"input": "Context Word: tank top.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to wear his tank top out in public and embarrass PersonY, because _ refused to change. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to wear his tank top out in public and embarrass PersonY, but _ finally refused to go out."} {"input": "Context Word: tiring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found PersonY's never ending stories tiring, because _ never stopped hearing them over and over. \nSentence 2: PersonX found PersonY's never ending stories tiring, because _ never stopped telling them over and over."} {"input": "Context Word: pick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hard time making her pick, so PersonY made it right away, as _ was just so wishy-washy. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hard time making her pick, so PersonY made it right away, as _ was just so decisive."} {"input": "Context Word: pick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY when she would pick her nose in public because it made _ sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY when she would pick her nose in public but it made _ embarrassed."} {"input": "Context Word: outgoing.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX learned that PersonY wanted to become more outgoing _ suggested going out and approaching people more. \nSentence 2: When PersonX learned that PersonY wanted to become more outgoing _ suggested going out and approaching strangers more."} {"input": "Context Word: Puerto Rico.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was appalled when PersonY told him about the condition of Puerto Rico, but _ will be leaving tomorrow as he is a tourist. \nSentence 2: PersonX was appalled when PersonY told him about the condition of Puerto Rico, but _ will be staying long-term as he is a resident."} {"input": "Context Word: baking soda.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought baking soda at the store, but PersonY did not. _ cleaned their house spotless. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought baking soda at the store, but PersonY did not. _ had a dirty house."} {"input": "Context Word: baking soda.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has whiter teeth than PersonY because _ uses a toothpaste with baking soda in it. \nSentence 2: PersonX has whiter teeth than PersonY because _ does not use a toothpaste with baking soda in it."} {"input": "Context Word: baking soda.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diners asked to eat the cookies made by PersonX and avoided PersonY because _ used the right amount of baking soda. \nSentence 2: The diners avoided PersonX and asked to eat the cookies made by PersonY because _ used the right amount of baking soda."} {"input": "Context Word: catfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is teaching PersonY how to fish for catfish since _ is an experienced fisherman. \nSentence 2: PersonX is teaching PersonY how to fish for catfish because _ is an inexperienced fisherman."} {"input": "Context Word: catfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: The favorite meal of PersonX involved catfish that PersonY catches fresh daily, so _ has a standing request for daily catch. \nSentence 2: The favorite meal of PersonX involved catfish that PersonY catches fresh daily, but _ couldn't fill the request for daily catch."} {"input": "Context Word: catfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: When fishing, PersonX didn't catch anything, while PersonY caught a forty pound catfish. _ is an amateur fisherman. \nSentence 2: When fishing, PersonX didn't catch anything, while PersonY caught a forty pound catfish. _ is a pro fisherman."} {"input": "Context Word: feline.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt more affection towards felines than canines than PersonY because _ grew up with cats. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt more affection towards felines than canines than PersonY because _ grew up with dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: online.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX contacted PersonY online to ask about tickets to the festival, because _ isn't shy about contacting strangers. \nSentence 2: PersonX contacted PersonY online to ask about tickets to the festival, but _ is shy about hearing from strangers."} {"input": "Context Word: online.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not log onto her online banking account so asked PersonY for help, because _ forgot the password. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not log onto her online banking account so asked PersonY for help, _ did not know the password."} {"input": "Context Word: online.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved being on her computer while PersonY loved the outdoors, so you would often find _ online . \nSentence 2: PersonX loved being on her computer while PersonY loved the outdoors, so you would never find _ online ."} {"input": "Context Word: grout.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to clean the grout in the bathroom unlike PersonY because _ was a clean freak. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to clean the grout in the bathroom unlike PersonY because _ was a sloppy person."} {"input": "Context Word: grout.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to clean colored grout so she asks her friend PersonY for help, because _ doesn't know how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to clean colored grout so she asks her friend PersonY for help, because _ is good at cleaning."} {"input": "Context Word: grout.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was impressed by how clean PersonY's grout was, so _ asked what products she used. \nSentence 2: PersonX was impressed by how clean PersonY's grout was, so _ told her what products she used."} {"input": "Context Word: grout.", "output": "Sentence 1: The grout around the sink was coming off, so PersonX asked PersonY how to regrout the sink. _ listened to the explanation carefully. \nSentence 2: The grout around the sink was coming off, so PersonX asked PersonY how to regrout the sink. _ delivered the explanation carefully."} {"input": "Context Word: grout.", "output": "Sentence 1: When putting in a new floor, PersonX had to use grout but PersonY did not because _ was putting in a tile floor. \nSentence 2: When putting in a new floor, PersonX had to use grout but PersonY did not because _ was putting in a wood floor."} {"input": "Context Word: self confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn to improve their self confidence from PersonY as _ was awkward in company. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn to improve their self confidence from PersonY as _ was comfortable in company."} {"input": "Context Word: bunny.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the farm contest, PersonX won first prize for their bunny and not PersonY because _ had the faster bunny. \nSentence 2: In the farm contest, PersonX won first prize for their bunny and not PersonY because _ had the slower bunny."} {"input": "Context Word: bunny.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dresses as a bunny for the costume party, and PersonY goes as a villain. _ loves animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX dresses as a bunny for the costume party, and PersonY goes as a villain. _ loves comics."} {"input": "Context Word: bunny.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bunny recognized PersonX but not PersonY , since it had seen _ before that day. \nSentence 2: The bunny recognized PersonX but not PersonY , since it had never seen _ before that day."} {"input": "Context Word: microchip.", "output": "Sentence 1: The microchip in PersonX's cat works, but PersonY's doesn't because _ has a skilled veterinarian. \nSentence 2: The microchip in PersonX's cat works, but PersonY's doesn't because _ has a shady veterinarian."} {"input": "Context Word: food journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was required to keep a food journal that PersonY was not because _ had to go on a diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was required to keep a food journal that PersonY was not because _ had already completed a diet."} {"input": "Context Word: hide belly fat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is not able to hide belly fat and PersonY is because _ knows a lot more about fashion. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not able to hide belly fat and PersonY is because _ knows nothing about fashion."} {"input": "Context Word: poppy seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked by PersonY to plant the poppy seeds because _ had a green thumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked by PersonY to plant the poppy seeds because _ had a black thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: post.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was landscaping for PersonY so _ spent all day digging for the new post. \nSentence 2: PersonX was landscaping for PersonY so _ spent none of the day digging for the new post."} {"input": "Context Word: Heart attack.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx thought persony on how to survive an Heart attack because _ worked in an hospital. \nSentence 2: personx thought persony on how to survive an Heart attack because _ has heart problems."} {"input": "Context Word: cooker.", "output": "Sentence 1: The slow cooker was watched closely by PersonX and PersonY prepared the beef stew, as _ was famished. \nSentence 2: The slow cooker was watched closely by PersonX and PersonY prepared the beef stew, as _ was a skillful cook."} {"input": "Context Word: con artist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suspected that PersonY was a con artist, because they kept trying to get _ 's money from her. \nSentence 2: PersonX suspected that PersonY was a con artist, because _ kept trying to get her money from her."} {"input": "Context Word: Jamaica.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves the country of Jamaica but PersonY likes the Bahamas better. _ decided to vacation in Kingston. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves the country of Jamaica but PersonY likes the Bahamas better. _ decided to vacation in Freeport."} {"input": "Context Word: worldbuilding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY spent some time working on their novel, and _ helped contribute to the worldbuilding. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY spent some time working on their novel, since _ needed help with the worldbuilding."} {"input": "Context Word: greenhouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX built a greenhouse for PersonY because _ was very handy with tools and building materials. \nSentence 2: PersonX built a greenhouse for PersonY because _ was unhandy with tools and building materials."} {"input": "Context Word: greenhouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked in a greenhouse while PersonY did not since _ had all of the right educational qualifications necessary to work there. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked in a greenhouse while PersonY did not since _ did not have all of the right educational qualifications necessary to work there."} {"input": "Context Word: greenhouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: Tending to a greenhouse suits PersonX more than PersonY, because _ has always had a green thumb. \nSentence 2: Tending to a greenhouse suits PersonX more than PersonY, because _ has never had a green thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: greenhouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: The greenhouse that PersonX had built is much more unstable than PersonY's. _ must have used an incompetent carpenter. \nSentence 2: The greenhouse that PersonX had built is much more unstable than PersonY's. _ must have used a diligent carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: carbohydrates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to lose weight while PersonY did not, so _ stopped eating as many carbohydrates. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to lose weight while PersonY did not, so _ kept eating as many carbohydrates."} {"input": "Context Word: cribbage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at cribbage than PersonY because _ had learned to play cards when he was young. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at cribbage than PersonY because _ hadn't learned to play cards when he was young."} {"input": "Context Word: Tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hadn't ever gotten a tattoo while PersonY had many. _ never went to a tattoo parlor. \nSentence 2: PersonX hadn't ever gotten a tattoo but wanted one while PersonY had many. _ often went to a tattoo parlor."} {"input": "Context Word: Tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought getting a tattoo was painful while PersonY wasn't bothered by it. _ got a small piece on their leg. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought getting a tattoo was painful while PersonY wasn't bothered by it. _ got a full sleeve on their leg."} {"input": "Context Word: Tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to draw the tattoo because _ was very skilled at his art. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to draw the tattoo because _ was very impressed with his art."} {"input": "Context Word: Tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hyped to get a tattoo but PersonY was very reticent. _ had no fear of needles at all. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hyped to get a tattoo but PersonY was very reticent. _ had tremendous fear of needles."} {"input": "Context Word: masturbation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really liked masturbation but PersonY liked sex more. _ was perfectly happy home alone on a Saturday. \nSentence 2: PersonX really liked masturbation but PersonY liked sex more. _ was perfectly miserable home alone on a Saturday."} {"input": "Context Word: serum.", "output": "Sentence 1: The serum PersonX was using doesn't work as well as PersonY's because _ shopped at a discount store. \nSentence 2: The serum PersonX was using doesn't work as well as PersonY's because _ shopped at a high end store."} {"input": "Context Word: serum.", "output": "Sentence 1: The serum that PersonX has been using is ineffective compared to PersonY's, so _ 's face is broken out. \nSentence 2: The serum that PersonX has been using is efficient compared to PersonY's, so _ 's face is broken out."} {"input": "Context Word: serum.", "output": "Sentence 1: The serum was given to PersonX from PersonY, so _ must be the patient at the hospital. \nSentence 2: The serum was given to PersonX from PersonY, so _ must be the doctor at the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: Sniper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to be a medic while PersonY chose to be a sniper because _ did not want to work with guns. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to be a medic while PersonY chose to be a sniper because _ sought to work with guns."} {"input": "Context Word: haircut.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the haircut PersonX asked for PersonY opinion, because _ did not like the way it looked. \nSentence 2: After the haircut PersonX asked for PersonY opinion, because _ would not lie about the way it looked."} {"input": "Context Word: haircut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not go for a haircut, but PersonY did, therefore _ looked very unkempt this evening. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not go for a haircut, but PersonY did, therefore _ looked very neat this evening."} {"input": "Context Word: haircut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a free haircut to PersonY on their birthday, because _ was a good barber. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a free haircut to PersonY on their birthday, because _ was a good customer."} {"input": "Context Word: haircut.", "output": "Sentence 1: Their friend suggested that PersonX but not PersonY should get a haircut because _ had long hair. \nSentence 2: Their friend suggested that PersonX but not PersonY should get a haircut because _ had short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: chat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using the chat option for customer service was more ideal for PersonX than PersonY because _ hates talking on the phone. \nSentence 2: Using the chat option for customer service was more ideal for PersonX than PersonY because _ loves talking on the phone."} {"input": "Context Word: microdermabrasion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is thinking about get a microdermabrasion procedure but not PersonY as _ has imperfect skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX is thinking about get a microdermabrasion procedure but not PersonY since _ has perfect skin."} {"input": "Context Word: cardiac.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suspects she might have cardiac arrest and goes see her doctor PersonY, because _ wants to prevent it. \nSentence 2: PersonX suspects she might have cardiac arrest and goes see her doctor PersonY, because _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: Plant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a plant for PersonY to put in her garden, so _ received a thank you card. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a plant for PersonY to put in her garden, so _ sent a thank you card."} {"input": "Context Word: typical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the music made by PersonY was typical and boring, because _ had discerning tastes. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the music made by PersonY was typical and boring, because _ had unoriginal beats."} {"input": "Context Word: tequila.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to make them a tequila sunrise because _ was unused to mixing cocktails. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to make them a tequila sunrise because _ was a professional mixologist."} {"input": "Context Word: tequila.", "output": "Sentence 1: While celebrating PersonX's birthday, PersonY drank tequila because _ was pregnant and couldn't drink alcohol. \nSentence 2: While celebrating PersonX's birthday, PersonY drank tequila because _ was not pregnant and could drink alcohol."} {"input": "Context Word: bakery.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX hated sweets a whole lot more than PersonY, _ was the one to own a bakery. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX loved sweets a whole lot more than PersonY, _ was the one to own a bakery."} {"input": "Context Word: bakery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to visit a bakery on the way to work than PersonY because _ liked to eat doughnuts and sweets. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to visit a bakery on the way to work than PersonY because _ didn't like to eat doughnuts or sweets."} {"input": "Context Word: Neighbor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked his neighbor PersonY to turn the music down because _ was trying to sleep. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked his neighbor PersonY to turn the music down because _ was being too loud."} {"input": "Context Word: Neighbor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very good neighbor to PersonY because _ would often help them out when they had problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very bad neighbor to PersonY because _ would rarely help them out when they had problems."} {"input": "Context Word: mix soap and water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to mix soap and water better than PersonY because _ had a lot of chores that involved cleaning. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to mix soap and water better than PersonY because _ had a lot of chores that involved walking the dog."} {"input": "Context Word: creativity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have nearly the amount of creativity as PersonY, which is why _ failed at becoming an artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have nearly the amount of creativity as PersonY, which is why _ succeeded at becoming an artist."} {"input": "Context Word: creativity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY and his creativity because _ was so upset about the graffiti on the walls. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY and his creativity because _ was so proud about the graffiti on the walls."} {"input": "Context Word: creativity.", "output": "Sentence 1: The creativity was far superior in PersonX than in PersonY because _ was very imaginative. \nSentence 2: The creativity was far inferior in PersonX than in PersonY because _ was very imaginative."} {"input": "Context Word: smartphone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let PersonY borrow their smartphone, but _ was worried that they wouldn't return it. \nSentence 2: PersonX let PersonY borrow their smartphone, and _ was certain that they would return it."} {"input": "Context Word: smartphone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a new smartphone while PersonY had a brand new one, so _ went to the store for a new phone. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a new smartphone while PersonY had a brand new one, so _ did not need to go to the store for a new phone."} {"input": "Context Word: smartphone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a lot of money on their smartphone but PersonY bought a cheap one because _ was very stylish. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a lot of money on their smartphone but PersonY bought a cheap one because _ was very dowdy."} {"input": "Context Word: jogged.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX jogged 2 mph faster than PersonY every morning. _ always finished first. \nSentence 2: PersonX jogged 2 mph faster than PersonY every morning. _ always finished last."} {"input": "Context Word: Italy.", "output": "Sentence 1: In Italy, PersonX bought some desserts for PersonY because _ is the parent of the other. \nSentence 2: In Italy, PersonX bought some desserts for PersonY because _ is the child of the other."} {"input": "Context Word: Italy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really wants to visit Italy, but PersonY just wants to stay home because _ is more interesting. \nSentence 2: PersonX really wants to visit Italy, but PersonY just wants to stay home because _ is more boring."} {"input": "Context Word: taxes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Investing in a business better suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ always did their taxes. \nSentence 2: Investing in a business better suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ always forgot their taxes."} {"input": "Context Word: taxes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cheated their taxes but PersonY did not cheat on their taxes. _ was audited by the IRS. \nSentence 2: PersonX cheated their taxes but PersonY did not cheat on their taxes. _ wasn't audited by the IRS."} {"input": "Context Word: taxes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less money than PersonY did because _ owed more back on their taxes. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more money than PersonY did because _ owed more back on their taxes."} {"input": "Context Word: taxes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to pay a lot in taxes unlike PersonY because _ worked multiple jobs. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to pay a lot in taxes unlike PersonY because _ worked zero jobs."} {"input": "Context Word: taxes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to pay more taxes then PersonY because _ had a better paying job. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to pay more taxes than PersonY because _ had a lower paying job."} {"input": "Context Word: taxes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to borrow money from PersonY to pay his taxes, so _ offered collateral for the loan. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to borrow money from PersonY to pay his taxes, so _ was offered collateral for the loan."} {"input": "Context Word: taxes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that taxes were unfair. PersonY explained that they helped pay for public services. _ still thought of taxes as a punishment. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that taxes were unfair. PersonY explained that they helped pay for public services. _ thought of taxes as a necessity."} {"input": "Context Word: upset.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was highly upset with the words that PersonY had said, so _ demanded an apology. \nSentence 2: PersonX was highly upset with the words that PersonY had said, so _ offered an apology."} {"input": "Context Word: upset.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was upset with PersonY even though _ was the one who started the fight and would not apologize. \nSentence 2: PersonX was upset with PersonY because _ was the one who started the fight and would not apologize."} {"input": "Context Word: upset.", "output": "Sentence 1: The old lady talked to PersonX for hours but not PersonY because _ was very upset and emotional. \nSentence 2: The old lady avoided PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very upset and emotional."} {"input": "Context Word: jealous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very jealous person not like PersonY because _ wife was a liar and unfaithful person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very jealous person not like PersonY because _ wife was an honest and faithful person."} {"input": "Context Word: jealous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of PersonY's fame and fortune because _ was unable to work on themselves. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of PersonY's fame and fortune because _ was able to work on themselves."} {"input": "Context Word: jealous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of PersonY's success in school classes, so _ tried to sabotage her work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of PersonY's success in school classes, so _ tried to focus on her work."} {"input": "Context Word: jealous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of the good fortune of PersonY because _ was having a hard time in life. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't jealous of the good fortune of PersonY because _ was having a hard time in life."} {"input": "Context Word: jealous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's main problem is that she is always jealous of her classmates, but PersonY rises about the fray. _ is petty. \nSentence 2: PersonX's main problem is that she is always jealous of her classmates, but PersonY rises about the fray. _ is dignified."} {"input": "Context Word: citizenship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX _ never appreciated their citizenship to this great country we live in while PersonY always did. \nSentence 2: PersonX _ sometimes appreciated their citizenship to this great country we live in while PersonY always did."} {"input": "Context Word: citizenship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has had to apply for citizenship, but PersonY never had that issue, so _ is the one who was born abroad. \nSentence 2: PersonX has had to apply for citizenship, but PersonY never had that issue, so _ is the one who was born here."} {"input": "Context Word: proud.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was proud that she graduated slightly ahead of PersonY, because _ had passed several accelerated courses throughout high school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was proud that she graduated slightly ahead of PersonY, since _ had failed several accelerated courses throughout high school."} {"input": "Context Word: proud.", "output": "Sentence 1: The school's history made PersonX feel proud but PersonY felt indifferent. _ loved the history of the building. \nSentence 2: The school's history made PersonX feel proud but PersonY felt differently. _ didn't care about the history of the building."} {"input": "Context Word: itch.", "output": "Sentence 1: The itchy rash made PersonX cry in discomfort. PersonY applied some aloe because _ was so uncomfortable. \nSentence 2: The itchy rash made PersonX cry in discomfort. PersonY applied some aloe because _ wanted to help."} {"input": "Context Word: looking hot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked if she was looking hot or not in the new dress PersonY had bought her, advice is something _ needs from others. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked if she was looking hot or not in the new dress PersonY had bought her, advice is something _ gives to others."} {"input": "Context Word: Condom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to wear a condom to practice safe sex because _ had a lot of sexual experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to wear a condom to practice safe sex because _ was a virgin."} {"input": "Context Word: eggplant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is preparing a cooked eggplant for PersonY's birthday meal, because _ wants to surprise her. \nSentence 2: PersonX is preparing a cooked eggplant for PersonY's birthday meal, because _ loves eating eggplant."} {"input": "Context Word: eggplant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered the eggplant parmesan, but PersonY chose the chicken parmesan because _ was allergic to eggplant. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered the eggplant parmesan, but PersonY chose the chicken parmesan because _ was a fan of eggplant."} {"input": "Context Word: eggplant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to bake eggplant for PersonY birthday dinner so _ made sure to purchase smaller eggplants. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to bake eggplant for PersonY birthday dinner so _ made sure to purchase larger eggplants."} {"input": "Context Word: eggplant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ had not had a chance to eat her favorite eggplant dish before it was gone. \nSentence 2: PersonX apologized to PersonY because _ had not had a chance to eat her favorite eggplant dish before it was gone."} {"input": "Context Word: eggplant.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was a vegetarian, PersonY tried to make eggplant lasagna however _ liked it less. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was a vegetarian, PersonY tried to make eggplant lasagna however _ liked it more."} {"input": "Context Word: eggplant.", "output": "Sentence 1: The eggplant that PersonX cooked for dinner with PersonY is too tough, and _ feels terrible. \nSentence 2: The eggplant that PersonX cooked for dinner with PersonY is too tough, but _ acts like it's fine."} {"input": "Context Word: use shiny objects.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to use shiny objects to deter birds from cherry trees because _ had looked it up before. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to use shiny objects to deter birds from cherry trees because _ had no idea how to remedy it."} {"input": "Context Word: straighten toes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to straighten toes after working out more than PersonY because _ was a ballerina. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to straighten toes after working out more than PersonY because _ was not a ballerina."} {"input": "Context Word: stargazing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't enjoy stargazing like PersonY because _ lived in an area with smoggy air. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't enjoy stargazing like PersonY because _ lived in an area with clean air."} {"input": "Context Word: popsicle.", "output": "Sentence 1: As soon as the sun came out PersonX wanted a popsicle while PersonY preferred froyo. _ was lactose intolerant. \nSentence 2: As soon as the sun came out PersonX wanted a popsicle while PersonY preferred froyo. _ was obsessed with frozen yogurt."} {"input": "Context Word: popsicle.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the summer, PersonX was slimmer than PersonY so _ did not have to worry about the extra popsicle calories. \nSentence 2: During the summer, PersonX was slimmer than PersonY so _ did become concerned about the extra popsicle calories."} {"input": "Context Word: popsicle.", "output": "Sentence 1: Popsicles soothed PersonX but not PersonY, so _ kept a big supply in the freezer. \nSentence 2: Popsicles soothed PersonX but not PersonY, so _ did not keep a supply in the freezer."} {"input": "Context Word: blame.", "output": "Sentence 1: After losing a large contract, PersonX successfully laid the blame onto PersonY, causing _ to feel relieved. \nSentence 2: After losing a large contract, PersonX successfully laid the blame onto PersonY, causing _ to become irate."} {"input": "Context Word: blame.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX apologized to PersonY and accepted the blame and consequences, because _ is an honest person. \nSentence 2: PersonX apologized to PersonY and accepted the blame and consequences, because _ was really hurt."} {"input": "Context Word: net.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was screaming for help when stuck inside a net before PersonY came to his rescue. _ was very scared. \nSentence 2: PersonX was screaming for help when stuck inside a net before PersonY came to his rescue. _ was very fast about it."} {"input": "Context Word: traveling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was nervous about traveling to meet PersonY for the first time. _ hadn't traveled to meet an online friend before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was nervous about traveling to meet PersonY for the first time. _ had met many online friends before."} {"input": "Context Word: traveling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was traveling across the country to visit PersonY, so _ spent the whole day driving. \nSentence 2: PersonX was traveling across the country to visit PersonY, so _ spent the whole day waiting."} {"input": "Context Word: classic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked to borrow PersonY's classic style suit for a wedding and _ was disappointed when he refused permission. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked to borrow PersonY's classic style suit for a wedding and was disappointed when _ refused.permission."} {"input": "Context Word: Husband.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX disliked PersonY's husband, but _ still agreed to go to dinner with the couple. \nSentence 2: PersonX disliked PersonY's husband, but _ still invited her to go to dinner with them."} {"input": "Context Word: employee.", "output": "Sentence 1: As a new employee, PersonX was at an entry level position, similar to PersonY, so _ worked very hard to move her way up the ladder. \nSentence 2: As a new employee, PersonX was at an entry level position, contrary to PersonY, because _ worked very hard to move her way up the ladder."} {"input": "Context Word: employee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY received free dinner for a week because _ was the employee of the month. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY received free dinner for a week because _ was not the employee of the month."} {"input": "Context Word: employee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very conscientious employee but PersonY was not, so _ was given a raise. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very conscientious employee but PersonY was not, so _ was given a write up."} {"input": "Context Word: employee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wins employee of the month more often than PersonY because _ puts in longer work hours. \nSentence 2: PersonX wins employee of the month more often than PersonY because _ puts in shorter work hours."} {"input": "Context Word: Vacuum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated chores especially when they had to vacuum, but PersonY found it relaxing, however _ back always hurt after. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated chores especially when they had to vacuum, but PersonY found it relaxing, however _ thought it was good exercise."} {"input": "Context Word: juice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made PersonY juice in the blender yesterday afternoon since _ was asked for a drink. \nSentence 2: PersonX made PersonY juice in the blender yesterday afternoon since _ was thirsty and asked for a drink."} {"input": "Context Word: juice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made some noni juice for PersonY to try, because _ thought that it was delicious. \nSentence 2: PersonX made some noni juice for PersonY to try, but _ thought that it was disgusting."} {"input": "Context Word: dry skin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had dry skin problems while PersonY had clear skin so _ made sure to use heavy lotion. \nSentence 2: PersonX had dry skin problems while PersonY had clear skin so _ made sure to keep it healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: dry skin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had problems with dry skin but not PersonY because _ used an irritating skin lotion. \nSentence 2: PersonX had problems with dry skin but not PersonY since _ used a soothing skin lotion."} {"input": "Context Word: dry skin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had really dry skin while PersonY's was nice and smooth because _ didn't use moisturizer. \nSentence 2: PersonX had really dry skin while PersonY's was nice and smooth because _ used moisturizer.."} {"input": "Context Word: carnivorous plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to grow carnivorous plants, while PersonY grew omnivorous plants. _ had a lot of bite marks. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to grow carnivorous plants, while PersonY grew omnivorous plants. _ had no bite marks."} {"input": "Context Word: casino.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was making thousands of dollars at the casino that night while PersonY was losing money because _ was a professional gambler. \nSentence 2: PersonX was making thousands of dollars at the casino that night while PersonY was losing money because _ was a poor gambler."} {"input": "Context Word: voice.", "output": "Sentence 1: In choir, PersonX is taking voice lessons from PersonY, so it's likely _ is the student. \nSentence 2: In choir, PersonX is taking voice lessons from PersonY, so it's likely _ is the teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: voice.", "output": "Sentence 1: People preferred hearing PersonX talk rather than PersonY because _ had a soothing sounding voice. \nSentence 2: People preferred hearing PersonX talk rather than PersonY because _ had an annoying sounding voice."} {"input": "Context Word: voice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always raised their voice loudly when they were angry but PersonY did not because _ had an angry personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX always raised their voice loudly when they were angry but PersonY did not because _ had a calmer personality."} {"input": "Context Word: voice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an excellent speaking voice but PersonY does not. _ was asked to lead the business meeting. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an excellent speaking voice but PersonY does not. _ was not asked to lead the business meeting."} {"input": "Context Word: voice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the lead in the musical instead of PersonY because _ had a better voice. \nSentence 2: PersonX took the lead in the musical instead of PersonY because _ had a worse voice."} {"input": "Context Word: voice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took voice lessons from PersonY, because _ was excited to try out for American Idol. \nSentence 2: PersonX took voice lessons from PersonY, because _ was known to be on American Idol."} {"input": "Context Word: voice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was chosen to sing in the concert but PersonY was not because _ had a very strong voice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was chosen to sing in the concert but PersonY was not because _ had a very weak voice."} {"input": "Context Word: gasoline.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was antiwar, while PersonY was pro-war. _ didn't care how cheap it made it to buy gasoline. \nSentence 2: PersonX was antiwar, while PersonY was pro-war. _ carefully studied how cheap it made it to buy gasoline."} {"input": "Context Word: gasoline.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's car runs on gasoline. PersonY's is an electric car. Therefore, _ probably is more environmentally conscious. \nSentence 2: PersonX's car runs on gasoline. PersonY's is an electric car. Therefore, _ probably is less environmentally aware."} {"input": "Context Word: sign.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forced PersonY to sign their will at gunpoint, so _ would inherit all the money. \nSentence 2: PersonX forced PersonY to sign their will at gunpoint, so that _ would give them all the money."} {"input": "Context Word: sign.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got lost when they were driving easier than PersonY because _ didn't pay attention to the road signs. \nSentence 2: PersonX got lost when they were driving easier than PersonY although _ didn't pay attention to the road signs."} {"input": "Context Word: sign.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very interested in a friendship with PersonY and _ just needed to show the sign of her affection. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very interested in a friendship with PersonY and _ just needed to see the sign of her affection."} {"input": "Context Word: satanist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some help with his satanist cult, because _ didn't know how to avoid taxes. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some help with his satanist cult, but _ didn't know how to avoid taxes."} {"input": "Context Word: dressed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX impressed the interviewer at their first interaction and PersonY did not because _ was dressed appropriately for the interview. \nSentence 2: PersonX impressed the interviewer at their first interaction and PersonY did not because _ was dressed inappropriately for the interview."} {"input": "Context Word: peppers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX warned PersonY that the peppers on the nachos were extremely spicy, because _ was worried about her friend's sensitive stomach. \nSentence 2: PersonX warned PersonY that the peppers on the nachos were extremely spicy, because _ was always talking about her sensitive stomach."} {"input": "Context Word: peppers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The peppers of PersonX look smaller than those of PersonY, so _ is the worse farmer. \nSentence 2: The peppers of PersonX look bigger than those of PersonY, so _ is the worse farmer."} {"input": "Context Word: to wash the clothes less.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to wash the clothes less because _ was tired of seeing clothes looking faded. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to wash the clothes less because _ couldn't keep the clothes from looking faded."} {"input": "Context Word: fundraiser.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX held a fundraiser in March and PersonY held a competing fundraiser in April, the March one did far better and _ gloated over it. \nSentence 2: PersonX held a fundraiser in March and PersonY held a competing fundraiser in April, the April one did far better and _ gloated over it."} {"input": "Context Word: sequence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't find the next number in the sequence like PersonY did although _ took high course math classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't find the next number in the sequence like PersonY did because _ took high course math classes."} {"input": "Context Word: alexa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went right out and bought an alexa device, but PersonY held off, since _ was an early adopter. \nSentence 2: PersonX went right out and bought an alexa device, but PersonY held off, since _ was a late adopter."} {"input": "Context Word: breaks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better employee than PersonY because _ didn't tend to take a lot of breaks from the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better employee than PersonY because _ tended to take a lot of breaks from the job."} {"input": "Context Word: hookah.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to smoke cigarettes while PersonY did not although _ hated to use a hookah. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to smoke cigarettes while PersonY did not although _ loved to use a hookah."} {"input": "Context Word: Catfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx got bitten by a catfish while fishing in persony pond because _ did not heed to the warnings. \nSentence 2: personx got bitten by a catfish while fishing in persony pond because _ did not give him the warnings."} {"input": "Context Word: pocket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX missed the right pocket in the pool game, which gave PersonY the victory, because _ choked under the pressure. \nSentence 2: PersonX missed the right pocket in the pool game, which gave PersonY the victory, because _ thrived under the pressure."} {"input": "Context Word: pocket.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing a pocket square was considered desirable by PersonX but not PersonY because _ was stylish. \nSentence 2: Wearing a pocket square was considered desirable by PersonX but not PersonY because _ was unsophisticated."} {"input": "Context Word: combat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys the violence and mayhem of combat, PersonY does not and due to that _ wants to join the army. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys violence and mayhem of combat, PersonY does not and due to that _ wants to join the ballet."} {"input": "Context Word: authorization.", "output": "Sentence 1: Authorization to enter the government building was granted to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had necessary credentials. \nSentence 2: Authorization to enter the government building was granted to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had inadequate credentials."} {"input": "Context Word: hold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was looking forward to getting to hold the new baby but PersonY was not because _ loved babies. \nSentence 2: PersonX was looking forward to getting to hold the new baby but PersonY was not because _ hated babies."} {"input": "Context Word: chainsaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a chainsaw to cut down the tree instead of a regular saw like PersonY, because _ believed in modern equipment. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a chainsaw to cut down the tree instead of a regular saw like PersonY, because _ rejects modern equipment."} {"input": "Context Word: actress.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was overall a better actress than PersonY, _ had difficulty playing older characters. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was overall a better actress than PersonY, _ had ease playing older characters."} {"input": "Context Word: actress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hoping that PersonY would give her tips on how to become an actress, because _ was a total novice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hoping that PersonY would give her tips on how to become an actress, because _ was a total celebrity."} {"input": "Context Word: sari.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before the party, PersonX helped PersonY to wear a beautiful sari Dress, _ is from India. \nSentence 2: Before the party, PersonX helped PersonY to wear a beautiful sari Dress, _ is from Sweden."} {"input": "Context Word: sari.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know how to wear a sari, but PersonY did, so _ asked for help. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know how to wear a sari, but PersonY did, so _ offered some help."} {"input": "Context Word: sarracenia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was repulsed by carnivorous plants, but PersonY bought her a sarracenia plant anyways. _ was disgusted by the gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX was repulsed by carnivorous plants, but PersonY bought her a sarracenia plant anyways. _ was thoughtless in her gift."} {"input": "Context Word: Rumors.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had some bad rumors carried about him by persony and _ confronted him about it. \nSentence 2: personx had some bad rumors carried about him by persony and _ denied doing it."} {"input": "Context Word: scratched.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ended up calling the police over an incident involving PersonY because _ was scratched by them. \nSentence 2: PersonX ended up calling the police over an incident involving PersonY because _ had scratched them."} {"input": "Context Word: stuffed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stuffed the mushrooms with pork unlike PersonY because _ is a meat lover and not a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX stuffed the mushrooms with pork unlike PersonY because _ is vegetarian and not a meat lover."} {"input": "Context Word: guests.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had guests over and PersonY did not, so _ needed extra plates for others during dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX had guests over and PersonY did not, so _ did not need extra plates for others during dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: guests.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited guests over for their baby shower, including PersonY, and _ was brought a baby shower gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited guests over for their baby shower, including PersonY, and _ brought over a baby shower gift."} {"input": "Context Word: bland.", "output": "Sentence 1: The food PersonX made was very bland, so PersonY added some salt; _ felt insulted and vowed not to cook again. \nSentence 2: The food PersonX made was very bland, so PersonY added some salt; _ felt bad and vowed not to season again."} {"input": "Context Word: respond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX became upset when PersonY did not quickly respond to the message, because _ was demanding. \nSentence 2: PersonX became upset when PersonY did not quickly respond to the message, because _ was neglectful."} {"input": "Context Word: intern.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was an unpaid intern and PersonY was a salaried employee, _ received no holiday bonus. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was an unpaid intern and PersonY was a salaried employee, _ received a nice holiday bonus."} {"input": "Context Word: intern.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied to PersonY to work as an intern in the company, then _ was hired. \nSentence 2: PersonX accepted an application from PersonY to work as an intern in the company, then _ was hired."} {"input": "Context Word: consultant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned PersonY had become an Avon consultant so _ looked up how easy it was to become one. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned PersonY had become an Avon consultant so _ looked up how hard it was to become one."} {"input": "Context Word: consultant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a well-respected consultant but PersonY was not. _ made a lot of money doing consulting work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a well-respected consultant but PersonY was not. _ made a hardly any money doing consulting work."} {"input": "Context Word: a demand letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY two weeks to respond after sending him a demand letter. .After that _ will sue him in the court. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY two weeks to respond after sending him a demand letter. .After that _ will be sued by him in the court."} {"input": "Context Word: Halloween.", "output": "Sentence 1: During Halloween, trick or treating, PersonX received more candy than PersonY because _ wore a costume. \nSentence 2: During Halloween trick or treating, PersonX received more candy than PersonY because _ wore a frown."} {"input": "Context Word: Halloween.", "output": "Sentence 1: Halloween is PersonX's favorite holiday, while PersonY prefers Thanksgiving. _ probably likes candy a lot more. \nSentence 2: Halloween is PersonX's favorite holiday, while PersonY prefers Thanksgiving. _ probably likes turkey a lot more."} {"input": "Context Word: Halloween.", "output": "Sentence 1: Halloween was PersonX's favorite holiday but PersonY preferred Christmas. _ bought a costume at the party store. \nSentence 2: Halloween was PersonX's favorite holiday but PersonY preferred Christmas. _ bought a wreath at the party store."} {"input": "Context Word: Halloween.", "output": "Sentence 1: Halloween was the most favorite holiday of PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved scary things. \nSentence 2: Halloween was the most favorite holiday of PersonX but not PersonY because _ disliked scary things."} {"input": "Context Word: Halloween.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't put a pumpkin and candy on their porch like PersonY did because _ doesn't celebrate Halloween. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't put a pumpkin and candy on their porch like PersonY did because _ celebrates Halloween."} {"input": "Context Word: lively.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more lively at work than PersonY because _ gets more sleep at night. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more lively at work than PersonY although _ gets more sleep at night."} {"input": "Context Word: deveined.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX deveined the shrimp with vigor while PersonY lounged in a chair because _ was energetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX deveined the shrimp with vigor while PersonY lounged in a chair because _ was lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: Vertigo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been diagnosed with Vertigo by PersonY , _ is a medical patient at the hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been diagnosed with Vertigo by PersonY , _ is a medical doctor at the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: visual.", "output": "Sentence 1: Math was very hard for PersonX, but not for PersonY, so _ used a more visual method. \nSentence 2: Math was very hard for PersonX, but not for PersonY, so _ used the less visual method."} {"input": "Context Word: compress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to compress a video while PersonY wants to compress a photo. _ comressed a video. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to compress a video while PersonY wants to compress a photo. _ comressed a file."} {"input": "Context Word: Siberian Husky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX though a Siberian Husky was the perfect dog but PersonY didn't. _ bought a Siberian Husky. \nSentence 2: PersonX though a Siberian Husky was the perfect dog but PersonY didn't. _ bought a Chihuahua."} {"input": "Context Word: ladder.", "output": "Sentence 1: A nervous PersonX looked up at PersonY near the top of the ladder , as _ held it. \nSentence 2: A nervous PersonX looked up at PersonY near the top of the ladder , as _ ascended it."} {"input": "Context Word: ladder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed a ladder from PersonY to put up Christmas lights; when the ladder broke, _ decided to buy their own. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed a ladder from PersonY to put up Christmas lights; when the ladder broke, _ asked for a replacement."} {"input": "Context Word: ladder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave their ladder to PersonY to borrow because _ didn't have to fix their roof. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave their ladder to PersonY to borrow because _ did have to fix their roof."} {"input": "Context Word: counseling.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the death of their friend, PersonX sought PersonY for counseling because _ had heard that he was an excellent therapist. \nSentence 2: After the death of their friend, PersonX was sought by PersonY for counseling because _ had heard that he was an excellent therapist."} {"input": "Context Word: counseling.", "output": "Sentence 1: Along with her husband, PersonX has been going to counseling, though PersonY has not. _ is in an unhappy marriage. \nSentence 2: Along with her husband, PersonX has been going to counseling, though PersonY has not. _ is in a satisfactory marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: balance.", "output": "Sentence 1: After winning the balance beam competition, PersonX hugged PersonY then _ got a big trophy. \nSentence 2: After winning the balance beam competition, PersonX hugged PersonY then _ gave him a big trophy."} {"input": "Context Word: balance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX excelled in ballet while PersonY was terrible at it. _ had always been dainty with good balance. \nSentence 2: PersonX excelled in ballet while PersonY was terrible at it. _ had always been clumsy with bad balance."} {"input": "Context Word: balance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fell over but PersonY toppled over and fell down, because _ has bad balance. \nSentence 2: PersonX fell over but PersonY toppled over and fell down, because _ has good balance."} {"input": "Context Word: balance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unable to balance work and motherhood as well as PersonY because _ was disorganized. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unable to balance work and motherhood as well as PersonY because _ was very organized."} {"input": "Context Word: Door.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx always have his house door closed so as to say safe from persony whenever _ is alone. \nSentence 2: Personx always have his house door closed so as to say safe from persony whenever _ is around."} {"input": "Context Word: Door.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the doorbell rang, PersonX opened the door and greeted PersonY. _ was hosting a party. \nSentence 2: When the doorbell rang, PersonX opened the door and greeted PersonY. _ was attending his party."} {"input": "Context Word: Jasmine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX like the smell of roses but PersonY like the smell of jasmine. _ bought some rosewater scent to smell nice. \nSentence 2: PersonX like the smell of roses but PersonY like the smell of jasmine. _ bought some jasmine scent to smell nice."} {"input": "Context Word: Writing a script.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was writing a script for a play and PersonY wanted to act, so _ gave their script to read. \nSentence 2: PersonX was writing a script for a play and PersonY wanted to act, so _ took their script to read."} {"input": "Context Word: tipper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a better tipper than PersonY because _ had worked in the service industry for a long time. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a worse tipper than PersonY because _ had worked in the service industry for a long time."} {"input": "Context Word: Driving a bus.", "output": "Sentence 1: Driving a bus is PersonX first job they also have a job were they work with PersonY, _ works two jobs every week. \nSentence 2: Driving a bus is PersonX first job they also have a job were they work with PersonY, _ works one job every week."} {"input": "Context Word: treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get over the virus because _ had gone to the hospital for treatment. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get over the virus because _ had not gone to the hospital for treatment."} {"input": "Context Word: treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a treatment adviser for PersonY and manages many of their goals, _ is a adviser. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a treatment adviser for PersonY and manages many of their goals, _ is in need of advise."} {"input": "Context Word: treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accepted all the medical treatment from PersonY, although _ was always reluctant to be helped by anyone. \nSentence 2: PersonX accepted all the medical treatment from PersonY, because _ was always happy to be helpful to anyone."} {"input": "Context Word: treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not approve of the treatment given to PersonY, so _ prescribed a new regiment. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not approve of the treatment given to PersonY, so _ received a new regiment."} {"input": "Context Word: treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX followed the entire treatment plan given to them by PersonY, because _ trusted their expertise. \nSentence 2: PersonX followed the entire treatment plan given to them by PersonY, because _ had the expertise."} {"input": "Context Word: treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is giving a medical treatment to PersonY. _ is likely the doctor in this equation. \nSentence 2: PersonX is giving a medical treatment to PersonY. _ is likely the care seeker in this equation."} {"input": "Context Word: treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received several medical treatment options from PersonY since _ sought medical knowledge from a doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX received several medical treatment options from PersonY since _ had medical knowledge as a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was giving PersonY the treatment for her ailment, as _ was aware of the proper medical procedures. \nSentence 2: PersonX was giving PersonY the treatment for her ailment, as _ was ignorant of the proper medical procedures."} {"input": "Context Word: treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to recover from the flu as quickly as PersonY because _ did not receive any medical treatment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to recover from the flu as quickly as PersonY because _ received medical treatment."} {"input": "Context Word: Focus.", "output": "Sentence 1: Focus is the topic of discussion in today's class PersonX Says to PersonY, _ speaks to those who are listening. \nSentence 2: Focus is the topic of discussion in today's class PersonX Says to PersonY, _ listens to those who are speaking."} {"input": "Context Word: guinea pigs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to take care of guinea pigs properly because _ never had any before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to take care of guinea pigs properly because _ had many already."} {"input": "Context Word: guinea pigs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought guinea pigs were tasty but PersonY didn't, so _ ordered it for dinner on their trip to Peru. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought guinea pigs were tasty but PersonY didn't, so _ ordered potatoes for dinner on their trip to Peru."} {"input": "Context Word: debris.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tripped over the debris in the road unlike PersonY, because _ is very careless and clumsy. \nSentence 2: PersonX tripped over the debris in the road unlike PersonY, because _ is very attentive and alert."} {"input": "Context Word: asthma attack.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recognized PersonY's subtle onset of an asthma attack and bluish lips and fingers because _ is observant. \nSentence 2: PersonX recognized PersonY's subtle onset of an asthma attack and bluish lips and fingers, _ was suffering."} {"input": "Context Word: intimidated.", "output": "Sentence 1: People at the meeting felt more intimidated by PersonX than by PersonY, because _ was more powerful. \nSentence 2: People at the meeting felt more intimidated by PersonX than by PersonY, because _ was more meek."} {"input": "Context Word: fasting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted some motivation to lose more weight than PersonY, so _ tried getting their coworkers in on fasting. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted some motivation to lose more weight than PersonY, so _ tried getting their family in on fasting."} {"input": "Context Word: fasting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at fasting than PersonY was because _ was always full through the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at fasting than PersonY was because _ was always hungry through the day."} {"input": "Context Word: calluses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY advice on how to remove the calluses on her feet, because _ was a trained podiatrist. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY advice on how to remove the calluses on her feet, because _ couldn't afford to see a trained podiatrist."} {"input": "Context Word: calluses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has calluses and needs to get rid of them so she asks PersonY for help, because _ know nothing about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX has calluses and needs to get rid of them so she asks PersonY for help, because _ has experience with it."} {"input": "Context Word: calluses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to help PersonY with the calluses on their feet because _ is embarrassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to help PersonY with the calluses on their feet because _ is older."} {"input": "Context Word: adventure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to play adventure games. PersonY preferred brain games. _ didn't like having to think hard. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to play adventure games. PersonY preferred brain games. _ liked having to think hard."} {"input": "Context Word: Thyroid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a malfunctioning thyroid but PersonY had a healthy one. _ often felt very tired and fatigued. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a malfunctioning thyroid but PersonY had a healthy one. _ rarely felt very tired and fatigued."} {"input": "Context Word: slow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a slow learner while PersonY was a quick learner, so _ was held back a grade. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a slow learner while PersonY was a quick learner, so _ skipped a grade."} {"input": "Context Word: suit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have a suit for the prom, so they borrowed one from PersonY, because _ was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have a suit for the prom, so they borrowed one from PersonY, because _ had extras."} {"input": "Context Word: alcoholism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonXs alcoholism was very concerning to PersonY, but _ did not want to get any help. \nSentence 2: PersonXs alcoholism was very concerning to PersonY, so _ wanted them to get any help."} {"input": "Context Word: wearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stopped wearing their wedding ring after the divorce, but PersonY kept it on, because _ wanted to forget. \nSentence 2: PersonX stopped wearing their wedding ring after the divorce, but PersonY kept it on, because _ wanted to remember."} {"input": "Context Word: wearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always wearing the same sweater during winter unlike PersonY, because _ had few clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always wearing the same sweater during winter unlike PersonY, because _ had many clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: wearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much warmer than PersonY because _ was wearing many more layers of clothing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much warmer than PersonY although _ was wearing many more layers of clothing."} {"input": "Context Word: wearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The clothes PersonX were wearing were much older than PersonY's because _ has less money. \nSentence 2: The clothes PersonX were wearing were much newer than PersonY's because _ has less money."} {"input": "Context Word: pull-up.", "output": "Sentence 1: In gym class, PersonX was able to do five pull-ups while PersonY could only do one, so _ had better upper body strength. \nSentence 2: In gym class, PersonX was able to do five pull-ups while PersonY could only do one, so _ had better worse body strength."} {"input": "Context Word: Rash.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had his rash getting worse after reviving treatments from persony and _ asked for a refund. \nSentence 2: personx had his rash getting worse after reviving treatments from persony and _ gave him a refund."} {"input": "Context Word: lipstick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied black lip liner and dark purple lipstick to PersonY's lips, because _ was her makeup artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied black lip liner and dark purple lipstick to PersonY's lips, because _ was her customer."} {"input": "Context Word: lipstick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would always wear bright lipstick while PersonY preferred lip-gloss, as _ is the center of attention. \nSentence 2: PersonX would always wear bright lipstick while PersonY preferred lip-gloss, as _ is a shy person."} {"input": "Context Word: upholstery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX demanded that PersonY clean the upholstery in the family car, but in fact _ was the one who made the stain. \nSentence 2: PersonX demanded that PersonY clean the upholstery in the family car, because _ was the one who made the stain."} {"input": "Context Word: warm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX faced the fan away from PersonY because _ was getting too warm in the kitchen. \nSentence 2: PersonX faced the fan toward PersonY because _ was getting too warm in the kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: warm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes warm climates and PersonY likes cold climates, so when they went on vacation, _ wanted to go to Hawaii. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes warm climates and PersonY likes cold climates, so when they went on vacation, _ wanted to go to Alaska."} {"input": "Context Word: warm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to warm milk for PersonY in the microwave, but _ doesn't realize it will make the milk too hot. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to warm milk for PersonY in the microwave, and _ makes it clear that the milk is too hot."} {"input": "Context Word: remove calking stains from clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to remove calking stains from clothes because _ was a painter. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to remove calking stains from clothes because _ was a cashier."} {"input": "Context Word: daycare.", "output": "Sentence 1: The kids loved daycare so PersonX gladly paid, but PersonY thought it too expensive. _ thought the money was worth it. \nSentence 2: The kids loved daycare so PersonX gladly paid, but PersonY thought it too expensive. _ thought the money was a waste."} {"input": "Context Word: position.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the game it was PersonX's call to put PersonY into position so the team could win because _ was the captain. \nSentence 2: During the game it was PersonX's call to put PersonY into position so the team could win because _ was the wide receiver."} {"input": "Context Word: position.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was called back again for the manager position unlike PersonY, because _ was skillful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was called back again for the manager position unlike PersonY, because _ was talentless."} {"input": "Context Word: position.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a position of power over PersonY in the company, so _ was allowed to give orders. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a position of power over PersonY in the company, so _ was obliged to follow orders."} {"input": "Context Word: vacuum.", "output": "Sentence 1: A vacuum is sold by PersonX to PersonY, so it's likely that _ is a salesman. \nSentence 2: A vacuum is sold by PersonX to PersonY, so it's likely that _ is a customer."} {"input": "Context Word: vacuum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has problems with carpet ans so she borrows vacuum cleaner from PersonY, because _ hasn't got one. \nSentence 2: PersonX has problems with carpet ans so she borrows vacuum cleaner from PersonY, so _ borrows her vacuum."} {"input": "Context Word: vacuum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loaned their vacuum to PersonY for cleaning because _ owned tons of cleaning tools. \nSentence 2: PersonX loaned their vacuum to PersonY for cleaning because _ owned few of cleaning tools."} {"input": "Context Word: vacuum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses their new vacuum thermos during lunch with PersonY, and _ proudly shows it off. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses their new vacuum thermos during lunch with PersonY, and _ appreciates learning about it."} {"input": "Context Word: vacuum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX vacuumed PersonY's whole living room and a bathroom, because _ was a happy to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX vacuumed PersonY's whole five room flat and a bathroom, because _ was lazy to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: vacuum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was yelling at PersonY to shut off the vacuum because _ couldn't hear the TV. \nSentence 2: PersonX was yelling at PersonY to shut off the vacuum but _ couldn't hear them.."} {"input": "Context Word: vacuum.", "output": "Sentence 1: The vacuum of PersonX did a better job than the vacuum of PersonY because _ vacuum was older. \nSentence 2: The vacuum of PersonX did a better job than the vacuum of PersonY because _ vacuum was newer."} {"input": "Context Word: vacuum.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the vacuum broke, PersonX took it to PersonY to fix it; _ was horrible at small home repairs. \nSentence 2: When the vacuum broke, PersonX took it to PersonY to fix it; _ was great at small home repairs."} {"input": "Context Word: pocket watch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a new pocket watch from PersonY on their birthday. _ was happy to see the reaction. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a new pocket watch from PersonY on their birthday. _ was happy to have the reaction."} {"input": "Context Word: diagram.", "output": "Sentence 1: To explain the math lesson Tuesday, PersonX drew for PersonY a diagram that _ drew earlier. \nSentence 2: To explain the math lesson Tuesday, PersonX showed PersonY a diagram that _ must draw."} {"input": "Context Word: Egypt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dropped PersonY off at the airport for the trip to Egypt and _ was mad because they always wanted to travel there. \nSentence 2: PersonX dropped PersonY off at the airport for the trip to Egypt and _ was excited because they always wanted to travel there."} {"input": "Context Word: Yahoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to use Yahoo for their email but PersonY prefers to use Gmail. _ uses Yahoo for their search engine. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to use Yahoo for their email but PersonY prefers to use Gmail. _ uses Google for their search engine."} {"input": "Context Word: assets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of assets but PersonY does not. _ has an easy time getting a loan when they need it. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of assets but PersonY does not. _ has a hard time getting a loan when they need it."} {"input": "Context Word: music videos.", "output": "Sentence 1: Applying to dance in music videos was great for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a professional dancer. \nSentence 2: Applying to dance in music videos was great for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a beginner dancer."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was less flexible then PersonY, _ decided to take up yoga to improve in that manner. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was more flexible then PersonY, _ decided to take up yoga to improve in that manner."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she could borrow one of her yoga mats at yoga, since _ had forgotten hers. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she could borrow one of her yoga mats at yoga, since _ had brought two."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what time their beginner's yoga class started because _ could not remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what time their beginner's yoga class started but _ could not remember."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed yoga classes while PersonY preferred other forms of exercise; this was because _ was flexible. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed yoga classes while PersonY preferred other forms of exercise; this was because _ was inflexible."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found yoga class much easier to do than PersonY because _ was quite limber. \nSentence 2: PersonX found yoga class much easier to do than PersonY because _ was not very limber."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more difficult time doing Yoga than PersonY, because _ had a rigid body. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more difficult time doing Yoga than PersonY, because _ had a flexible body."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been doing yoga for 20 years, PersonY has never done yoga therefore ask _ your questions. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been doing yoga for 20 years, PersonY has never done yoga therefore don't ask _ your questions."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to do yoga each morning but PersonY doesn't because _ has very flexible muscles. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to do yoga each morning but PersonY doesn't because _ has very stiff muscles."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed limber by doing yoga regularly but not PersonY because _ was a ballet dancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed limber by doing yoga regularly but not PersonY because _ was not a ballet dancer."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was great at doing yoga whereas PersonY avoided it because _ was very flexible. \nSentence 2: PersonX was great at doing yoga whereas PersonY avoided it because _ was very rigid."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning yoga from PersonY since _ was a beginner when it came to yoga poses. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning yoga from PersonY since _ was an expert when it came to yoga poses."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teaching yoga to PersonY because _ taught it helped them during a tough time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning yoga from PersonY yoga because _ taught it helped them during a tough time."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to yoga class more often than PersonY because _ always had extra time. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to yoga class more often than PersonY because _ never had extra time."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to yoga less than PersonY because the yoga studio was farther from _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX went to yoga less than PersonY because the yoga studio was closer to _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's routine includes doing yoga, but PersonY doesn't have time for it. _ lives a relaxed lifestyle. \nSentence 2: PersonX's routine includes doing yoga, but PersonY doesn't have time for it. _ lives a busy lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX called on PersonY to go to yoga class, _ was surprised when there was no answer. \nSentence 2: When PersonX called on PersonY to go to yoga class, _ wasn't in and there was no answer."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: Yoga doesn't suit PersonX, but PersonY is in love with it. This is because _ isn't flexible. \nSentence 2: Yoga doesn't suit PersonX, but PersonY is in love with it. This is because _ is spiritual."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: Yoga intrigues PersonX, while PersonY really doesn't see why people like it, because _ is open to spiritual things. \nSentence 2: Yoga intrigues PersonX, while PersonY really doesn't see why people like it, because _ is closed off to spiritual things."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: Yoga suits PersonX, but is not something that's possible for PersonY due to _ being spiritual. \nSentence 2: Yoga suits PersonX, but is not something that's possible for PersonY due to _ being handicapped."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: Yoga was harder for PersonX than it was for PersonY because _ was out of shape. \nSentence 2: Yoga was easier for PersonX than it was for PersonY because _ was still in shape."} {"input": "Context Word: yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: Yoga was relaxing for PersonX but PersonY found it stressful and frustrating. _ had always been very flexible. \nSentence 2: Yoga was relaxing for PersonX but PersonY found it stressful and frustrating. _ had never been very flexible."} {"input": "Context Word: benefits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got more benefits than PersonY was entitled to because _ was a disabled veteran. \nSentence 2: PersonX got more benefits than PersonY was entitled to although _ was a disabled veteran."} {"input": "Context Word: benefits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stole the benefits from PersonY, because _ had a knack for getting what they want. \nSentence 2: PersonX stole the benefits from PersonY, because _ had a knack for losing what they earned."} {"input": "Context Word: benefits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took all the benefits from PersonY , giving _ a distinct advantage in their situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX took all the benefits from PersonY , giving _ a distinct handicap in their situation."} {"input": "Context Word: migraine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to drive home from the cinema because _ had a migraine starting. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to drive home from the cinema, however _ had a migraine starting."} {"input": "Context Word: migraine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cancelled plans to go to the park with PersonY because of a migraine, and _ felt a bit bad about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX cancelled plans to go to the park with PersonY because of a migraine, and _ was understanding about it."} {"input": "Context Word: migraine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a terrible migraine headache and PersonY offered advice because _ never had a migraine before. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a terrible migraine headache and PersonY offered advice because _ had had a migraine before."} {"input": "Context Word: migraine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from a migraine quite often but PersonY did not. _ went to the doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from a migraine quite often but PersonY did not. _ went to the mall."} {"input": "Context Word: migraine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a longer nap than PersonY did because _ was suffering from a migraine. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a shorter nap than PersonY did because _ was suffering from a migraine."} {"input": "Context Word: migraine.", "output": "Sentence 1: Though PersonX was a healthier eater than PersonY did not stop _ from getting migraines frequently. \nSentence 2: Though PersonX was a worse eater than PersonY did not stop _ from getting migraines frequently."} {"input": "Context Word: uncommon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ha a very uncommon way of dressing but PersonY dressed very conventionally, so it was pretty easy to pick _ out in a crowd. \nSentence 2: PersonX ha a very uncommon way of dressing but PersonY dressed very conventionally, so it was pretty hard to pick _ out in a crowd."} {"input": "Context Word: storage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had many extra possesions while PersonY didn't, so _ had to rent a storage shed. \nSentence 2: PersonX had many extra possesions while PersonY didn't, so _ didn't have to rent a storage shed."} {"input": "Context Word: storage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX packed all of PersonY's things into a storage space, because _ was hired to be a mover. \nSentence 2: PersonX packed all of PersonY's things into a storage space, because _ hired them to be a mover."} {"input": "Context Word: storage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's garage is being used for storage by PersonY, so _ is being paid rent for the space. \nSentence 2: PersonX's garage is being used for storage by PersonY, so _ is paying rent for the space."} {"input": "Context Word: daydreaming.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher yelled at PersonX but didn't yell at PersonY because _ was always daydreaming. \nSentence 2: The teacher yelled at PersonX but didn't yell at PersonY because _ was never daydreaming."} {"input": "Context Word: puberty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to talk to her daughter PersonY about puberty, because _ found out she had just gotten her first period. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to talk to her daughter PersonY about puberty, because _ said she had just gotten her first period."} {"input": "Context Word: puberty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going through puberty sooner than PersonY because _ had hit his growth spurt sooner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going through puberty sooner than PersonY because _ had hit his growth spurt later."} {"input": "Context Word: puberty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having difficulty going through puberty but not PersonY because _ had very strong acne causing hormones. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having difficulty going through puberty but not PersonY because _ had very weak acne causing hormones."} {"input": "Context Word: odds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY loved to bet on sports because _ was good at reading the odds. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY loved to bet on sports because _ was no good at reading the odds."} {"input": "Context Word: odds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX continued to be at odds with PersonY, who wanted to mend things, because _ was just more intransigent. \nSentence 2: PersonX continued to be at odds with PersonY, who wanted to mend things, because _ was just more amenable."} {"input": "Context Word: recycle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew to recycle aluminum cans but not PersonY because _ was always in need of extra change. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew to recycle aluminum cans but not PersonY because _ was never in need of extra change."} {"input": "Context Word: curious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was curious about a lot of subjects but not PersonY. _ invested in a set of encyclopedias to read. \nSentence 2: PersonX was curious about a lot of subjects but not PersonY. _ didn't buy a set of encyclopedias to read."} {"input": "Context Word: curious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was curious about why PersonY was always late to work, because _ never believed their excuse. \nSentence 2: PersonX was curious about why PersonY was always late to work, because _ never had a good excuse."} {"input": "Context Word: hygienic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew up in the streets, while PersonY grew up in a happy home, so _ wasn't taught how to be hygienic. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew up in the streets, while PersonY grew up in a happy home, so _ was taught how to be hygienic."} {"input": "Context Word: apples.", "output": "Sentence 1: Apples bother the teeth of PersonX, but PersonY can eat them just fine. Therefore, _ might have braces. \nSentence 2: Apples bother the teeth of PersonX, but PersonY can eat them just fine. Therefore, _ might have normal teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: apples.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the orchard, PersonX picked more apples than PersonY, because _ picked apples very quickly. \nSentence 2: At the orchard, PersonX picked less apples than PersonY, because _ picked apples very quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: apples.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used all the apples she had to make a pie for PersonY, because _ was generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX used all the apples she had to make a pie for PersonY, because _ was craving pie."} {"input": "Context Word: dependable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was inconsistent while PersonY was dependable because _ was always late and never called. \nSentence 2: PersonX was inconsistent while PersonY was dependable because _ was never late and always called."} {"input": "Context Word: rewarding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found helping the poor very rewarding but PersonY though it was a waste of time. _ won a humanitarian award for their work. \nSentence 2: PersonX found helping the poor very rewarding but PersonY though it was a waste of time. _ was not recognized for their work."} {"input": "Context Word: rewarding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it very rewarding to help PersonY with their homework, which made _ feel useful. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it very rewarding to help PersonY with their homework, which made _ feel thankful."} {"input": "Context Word: rewarding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a rewarding career thanks to PersonY, so _ was sure to show how much they appreciated it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a rewarding career thanks to PersonY, so _ was bound to hear how much they appreciated it."} {"input": "Context Word: rewarding.", "output": "Sentence 1: The trip was a rewarding experience for PersonX but not PersonY because _ learned a lot. \nSentence 2: The trip was a rewarding experience for PersonX but not PersonY because _ learned nothing at all."} {"input": "Context Word: IRS.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owed back taxes and would not answer the phone when PersonY called, because _ was avoiding the IRS. \nSentence 2: PersonX owed back taxes and would not answer the phone when PersonY called, because _ was working for the IRS."} {"input": "Context Word: Dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new dishwasher with 10 years old warranty and showed off to PersonY, _ was so proud. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new dishwasher with 10 years old warranty and showed off to PersonY, though _ had more expensive one."} {"input": "Context Word: wrestler.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more athletic, fast, and acrobatic than PersonY because _ was a professional wrestler. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more athletic, fast, and acrobatic than PersonY because _ was not a professional wrestler."} {"input": "Context Word: wrestler.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wrestler went up and talked to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was holding his sign. \nSentence 2: The wrestler went up and yelled at PersonX and not PersonY because _ was holding his sign."} {"input": "Context Word: counterfeit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got duped by the counterfeit handbags, but PersonY knew the deal was too good to be true, because _ was too trusting. \nSentence 2: PersonX got duped by the counterfeit handbags, but PersonY knew the deal was too good to be true, because _ was too wary."} {"input": "Context Word: Candy striper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY \u201cCandy striper\u201d because _ admires his long history of hospital volunteer work. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY \u201cCandy striper\u201d because _ have a long history of hospital volunteer work."} {"input": "Context Word: concerns.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX voiced their safety concerns to PersonY because _ was worried for the work environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX voiced their safety concerns to PersonY because _ was responsible for the work environment."} {"input": "Context Word: sardines.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX usually didn't like fish as much as PersonY however _ had a liking for sardines on pizza. \nSentence 2: PersonX usually didn't like fish as much as PersonY however _ had a disliking for sardines on pizza."} {"input": "Context Word: negotiating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for PersonY's advice about the negotiating, because _ had no previous experience about negotiating. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for PersonY's advice about the negotiating, because _ had a lot of previous experience about negotiating."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fishing is a favorite past time of PersonX, but PersonY hates it because _ is a fisherman. \nSentence 2: Fishing is a favorite past time of PersonX, but PersonY hates it because _ is a businessman."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fishing is a hobby that suits PersonX more than PersonY because _ is not an animal rights activist. \nSentence 2: Fishing is a hobby that suits PersonX more than PersonY because _ is a prominent animal rights activist."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fishing is something PersonX hates to do, while PersonY is an avid fisherman. This is because _ is more of an inside person. \nSentence 2: Fishing is something PersonX hates to do, while PersonY is an avid fisherman. This is because _ is more of an outdoorsman."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fishing suited PersonX less than it did PersonY because _ was an extrovert and hated being alone. \nSentence 2: Fishing suited PersonX less than it did PersonY because _ was an introvert and loved being alone."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caught more fish than PersonY , so _ was happy with their fishing trip. \nSentence 2: PersonX caught more fish than PersonY , so _ was disappointed with their fishing trip."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had gotten a worse sunburn than PersonY because _ had stayed outside fishing for longer. \nSentence 2: PersonX had gotten a worse sunburn than PersonY although _ had stayed outside fishing for longer."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hates to go fishing, but PersonY loves it. This is due to _ being an indoor person. \nSentence 2: PersonX hates to go fishing, but PersonY loves it. This is due to _ being an outdoor person."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is new to fishing and wants to learn how to catch a perch so he asks PersonY for an advice, because _ is a beginner. \nSentence 2: PersonX is new to fishing and wants to learn how to catch a perch so he asks PersonY for an advice, because _ is experienced."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go fishing in the summer, but PersonY refused, because _ disliked baiting a hook. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go fishing in the summer, but PersonY refused, because _ disliked staying indoors."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go hiking and fishing, but PersonY was a homebody. _ found being in nature refreshing and relaxing. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go hiking and fishing, but PersonY was a homebody. _ found being in nature annoying and tiresome."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX went fishing, PersonY wanted to go along because _ always caught a lot of fish. \nSentence 2: When PersonX went fishing, PersonY wanted to go along because _ never caught a lot of fish."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: While out fishing in the ocean PersonX caught a four foot fish but not PersonY because _ had big fish lures. \nSentence 2: While out fishing in the ocean PersonX caught a four foot fish but not PersonY because _ had small fish lures."} {"input": "Context Word: sponges.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cleaning the house was harder for PersonX and not PersonY because _ always forgot where the sponges were. \nSentence 2: Cleaning the house was harder for PersonX and not PersonY because _ never forgot where the sponges were."} {"input": "Context Word: sponges.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want PersonY to use her favorite sponges so _ tried to hide them. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want PersonY to use her favorite sponges so _ tried to find them."} {"input": "Context Word: centipedes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pet centipedes PersonX kept would go up to PersonY instead since _ had no food on them. \nSentence 2: The pet centipedes PersonX kept would go up to PersonY instead since _ had some food on them."} {"input": "Context Word: ambassador.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wished to become an Ambassador but PersonY did not as _ was very ambitious. \nSentence 2: PersonX wished to become an Ambassador but PersonY did not as _ was very demotivated."} {"input": "Context Word: Cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved cats but PersonY didn't so _ decided to keep the stray at their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved cats but PersonY didn't so _ decided to shoo the stray away from their house."} {"input": "Context Word: grape vine.", "output": "Sentence 1: Growing a grape vine in their yard was good for PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed growing plants. \nSentence 2: Growing a grape vine in their yard was good for PersonX but not PersonY because _ doesn't have time to grow plants."} {"input": "Context Word: telescope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better telescope than PersonY as it was a passion for _ instead of just a hobby. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better telescope than PersonY as it was not a passion for _ , just a hobby."} {"input": "Context Word: telescope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looks at the stars with a telescope and PersonY doesn't because _ is very curious. \nSentence 2: PersonX looks at the stars with a telescope and PersonY doesn't because _ is not interested."} {"input": "Context Word: telescope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's telescope can't see nearly as far as the one PersonY purchased. _ got a cheaper model telescope. \nSentence 2: PersonX's telescope can't see nearly as far as the one PersonY purchased. _ got a more expensive model telescope."} {"input": "Context Word: controlling.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a business better suited PersonX than PersonY although _ is more controlling of a manager. \nSentence 2: Running a business better suited PersonX than PersonY although _ is less controlling of a manager."} {"input": "Context Word: scrapbook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a scrapbook for their birthday, later on _ gave them a cake too. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a scrapbook for their birthday, later on _ received a cake too."} {"input": "Context Word: scrapbook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept a scrapbook of all their old photos but PersonY just threw all their out. _ was able to share their memories with their family. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept a scrapbook of all their old photos but PersonY just threw all their out. _ wasn't able to share their memories with their family."} {"input": "Context Word: scrapbook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn how to scrapbook but PersonY wasn\u2019t interested because _ enjoys doing crafts. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn how to scrapbook but PersonY wasn\u2019t interested because _ dislikes doing crafts."} {"input": "Context Word: scrapbook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to start a scrapbook for PersonY because _ wanted to give her memories. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to start a scrapbook for PersonY but _ wanted to forget her memories."} {"input": "Context Word: trailer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decides to buy a new trailer from PersonY because _ is shopping for one. \nSentence 2: PersonX decides to buy a new trailer from PersonY because _ is selling one used."} {"input": "Context Word: trailer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owns a trailer, while PersonY does not have one, so it is more likely that _ likes to vacation by camping. \nSentence 2: PersonX owns a trailer, while PersonY does not have one, so it is more likely that _ likes to vacation in hotels."} {"input": "Context Word: sensitive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had much less sensitive skin than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about being in the sun. \nSentence 2: PersonX had much less sensitive skin than PersonY, so _ had to worry more about being in the sun."} {"input": "Context Word: sensitive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to deal with sensitive tooth pain unlike PersonY because _ never used a soft bristled tooth brush. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to deal with sensitive tooth pain unlike PersonY because _ always used a soft bristled tooth brush."} {"input": "Context Word: sensitive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore more shorts in the summer months than PersonY because _ had less sensitive skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore more shorts in the summer months than PersonY because _ had more sensitive skin."} {"input": "Context Word: sensitive.", "output": "Sentence 1: Staying quiet about the upcoming merger was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ was not really used to handling sensitive information. \nSentence 2: Staying quiet about the upcoming merger was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ was used to handling sensitive information."} {"input": "Context Word: struggling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was struggling everyday to stay away from alcohol, and PersonY helped, because _ was an addict. \nSentence 2: PersonX was struggling everyday to stay away from alcohol, and PersonY helped, because _ was a sponsor."} {"input": "Context Word: gutters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had hired PersonY to clean out the gutters, so _ held the tall ladder. \nSentence 2: PersonX had hired PersonY to clean out the gutters, so _ climbed the tall ladder."} {"input": "Context Word: Banjo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved playing the Banjo and _ was also the lead singer in a band she shared with PersonY. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved playing the Banjo and _ was the drummer in a band she shared with PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: Orange.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed PersonY an expensive orange, which was symbolic of wealth in Chinese culture, because _ was rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed PersonY an expensive orange, which was symbolic of wealth in Chinese culture, because _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: disrespect.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man showed disrespect to PersonX and not PersonY because he was disgusted with _ actions. \nSentence 2: The man showed disrespect to PersonX and not PersonY because he was amazed with _ actions."} {"input": "Context Word: pray.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a long week, PersonX but not PersonY took a trip to the temple to pray because _ is very religious. \nSentence 2: After a long week, PersonX but not PersonY took a trip to the temple to pray because _ is not religious."} {"input": "Context Word: pray.", "output": "Sentence 1: On a daily basis, PersonX always prays, but PersonY sees no need to. _ is a Catholic. \nSentence 2: On a daily basis, PersonX always prays, but PersonY sees no need to. _ is an atheist."} {"input": "Context Word: pray.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX converted to Christianity and asked PersonY about how to pray as a Christian because _ was previously an Atheist. \nSentence 2: PersonX converted to Christianity and asked PersonY about how to pray as a Christian because _ was very religious."} {"input": "Context Word: pray.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy and praised PersonY because _ stopped working to pray during their lunch break. \nSentence 2: PersonX was saddened and admonished PersonY because _ would not stop working to pray during their lunch break."} {"input": "Context Word: pray.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man prays for PersonX way more than PersonY right now because _ is very sick. \nSentence 2: The man prays for PersonX way more than PersonY right now because _ is very healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: dark skin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made fun of PersonY for having dark skin, so _ was ostracized by the group. \nSentence 2: PersonX made fun of PersonY for having dark skin, so _ was comforted by the group."} {"input": "Context Word: patches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not like the patches that PersonY had put on her jacket, so _ removed them first thing when she got the jacket. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not like the patches that PersonY had put on her jacket, so _ removed them first thing before giving her the jacket."} {"input": "Context Word: underwater.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is amazed at how well PersonY swims underwater, so _ asks for swimming lessons. \nSentence 2: PersonX is amazed at how well PersonY swims underwater, so _ offers to give swimming lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: underwater.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX dove deep underwater, PersonY stayed on the shore, and thus _ was quite wet. \nSentence 2: While PersonX dove deep underwater, PersonY stayed on the shore, and thus _ remained dry."} {"input": "Context Word: payroll.", "output": "Sentence 1: Meeting payroll was a problem for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was a very poor businessperson. \nSentence 2: Meeting payroll was a problem for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was a very skilled businessperson."} {"input": "Context Word: butter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not use butter as frequently as PersonY because _ was on a diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not use butter as frequently as PersonY because _ was not on a diet."} {"input": "Context Word: butter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is able to eat a lot more butter in their diet than PersonY because _ isn't on a diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX is able to eat a lot more butter in their diet than PersonY because _ is on a strict diet."} {"input": "Context Word: butter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made better mashed potatoes than PersonY did because _ used more butter in them. \nSentence 2: PersonX made better mashed potatoes than PersonY did because _ used less butter in them."} {"input": "Context Word: Physically Attractive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very physically attractive but PersonY was rather homely. _ found it very easy to get dates. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very physically attractive but PersonY was rather homely. _ found it very difficult to get dates."} {"input": "Context Word: healing a fissure.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor said PersonX was better than PersonY at healing a fissure because _ added fiber to meals. \nSentence 2: The doctor said PersonX was better than PersonY at healing a fissure because _ did not add anything to meals.."} {"input": "Context Word: curveball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to throw a curveball since _ was a seasoned pitcher in baseball. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to throw a curveball since _ was a new pitcher in baseball."} {"input": "Context Word: whitewashing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whitewashing the barn was no issue for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ was a painter by trade. \nSentence 2: Whitewashing the barn was no issue for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ was not a painter by trade."} {"input": "Context Word: hands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got regular manicures and PersonY did not, so _ has beautiful hands and fingers. \nSentence 2: PersonX got regular manicures and PersonY did not, so _ has ugly hands and fingers."} {"input": "Context Word: hands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was born with much smaller hands than PersonY was, so _ requires smaller sized gloves at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was born with much smaller hands than PersonY was, so _ requires larger sized gloves at work."} {"input": "Context Word: hands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much faster with tying knots than PersonY because _ had very nimble hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much faster with tying knots than PersonY because _ had very clumsy hands."} {"input": "Context Word: hands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked outside while PersonY didn't however _ had less calloused hands when they shook. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked inside while PersonY didn't however _ had less calloused hands when they shook."} {"input": "Context Word: hands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hands are worn from working, but PersonY's are nice and smooth, so _ has a physically tough job. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hands are worn from working, but PersonY's are nice and smooth, so _ has a physically easier job."} {"input": "Context Word: hands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hands were always cold compared to PersonY's in the winter since _ has fingerless gloves. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hands were always cold compared to PersonY's in the winter since _ has fingered gloves."} {"input": "Context Word: hands.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hands of PersonX has a lot more wrinkles than PersonY's do. This is because _ is a grandparent. \nSentence 2: The hands of PersonX has a lot more wrinkles than PersonY's do. This is because _ is a grandchild."} {"input": "Context Word: hands.", "output": "Sentence 1: The winter made PersonX's hands dry, but not PersonY's, since _ always forgot to moisturize at night. \nSentence 2: The winter made PersonX's hands dry, but not PersonY's, since _ never forgot to moisturize at night."} {"input": "Context Word: hands.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working with their hands came naturally to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was a carpenter. \nSentence 2: Working with their hands came naturally to PersonX but not as much to PersonY because _ was a computer programmer."} {"input": "Context Word: yucca.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to eat a lot more yucca than PersonY did. _ was no longer hungry. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to eat a lot more yucca than PersonY did. _ was still hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: glockenspiel.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to play a glockenspiel was instinctual for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is arty. \nSentence 2: Learning to play a glockenspiel was instinctual for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is unmusical."} {"input": "Context Word: curtains.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help choose their new curtains because _ was new to interior design. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help choose their new curtains because _ was an interior designer."} {"input": "Context Word: curtains.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is buying a new curtains for PersonY as a birthday gift, because _ wants to made her happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX is buying a new curtains for PersonY as a birthday gift, because _ wants new curtains."} {"input": "Context Word: curtains.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX went to the woman's house they checked to make sure the curtains matched the drapes but PersonY didn't, because _ was a designer. \nSentence 2: When PersonX went to the woman's house they checked to make sure the curtains matched the drapes but PersonY didn't, because _ was a plumber."} {"input": "Context Word: Hospital.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the hospital, PersonX tended to PersonY 's wounds as _ was learning to contain an infection. \nSentence 2: At the hospital, PersonX tended to PersonY 's wounds as _ was beginning to grow an infection."} {"input": "Context Word: to practice parkour.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the park to practice parkour instead of PersonY because _ had entered into a parkour competition. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the park to practice parkour instead of PersonY because _ had entered into an art competition."} {"input": "Context Word: enjoying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was enjoying the movie a lot more than PersonY, because _ really liked horror movies. \nSentence 2: PersonX was enjoying the movie a lot more than PersonY, because _ didn't really like horror movies."} {"input": "Context Word: bruised arm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to mend PersonY's bruised arm because _ was a doctor in the emergency room of the hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to mend PersonY's bruised arm because _ was a patient in the emergency room of the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: Cloth.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx cried over the tough persony caused on his cloth because _ will be delayed for it. \nSentence 2: personx cried over the tough persony caused on his cloth although _ will be punished for it."} {"input": "Context Word: eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to go to the new restaurant that opened even though _ did not eat that type of food. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not ask PersonY to go to the new restaurant that opened because _ would not eat that type of food."} {"input": "Context Word: eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats a lot more food on a regular basis than PersonY because _ is a fatter person. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats a lot more food on a regular basis than PersonY because _ is a slimmer person."} {"input": "Context Word: eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has 5 children, PersonY has no children because of this _ is more experienced at teaching a child how to eat. \nSentence 2: PersonX has 5 children, PersonY has no children because of this _ is less experienced at teaching a child how to eat."} {"input": "Context Word: eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is dealing with temptetion to eat PersonY's cake, because _ is struggling with diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX is dealing with temptetion to eat PersonY's cake, because _ can not eat anymore."} {"input": "Context Word: eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a second helping of pizza and salad to eat, but PersonY did not, because _ was still full. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a second helping of pizza and salad to eat, but PersonY did not, because _ was still hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hungry and needed to eat PersonY owns a dinner just a couple of blocks from where he works, _ is hungry. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hungry and needed to eat PersonY owns a dinner just a couple of blocks from where he works, _ serving food."} {"input": "Context Word: eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The horse trotted up to PersonX but went past PersonY, because _ had a carrot for it to eat. \nSentence 2: The horse trotted past PersonX but went up to PersonY, because _ had a carrot for it to eat."} {"input": "Context Word: eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The restaurant was crowded, so PersonX suggested to PersonY that they not eat at all because _ wasn't really hungry. \nSentence 2: The restaurant was crowded, so PersonX suggested to PersonY that they not eat at all but _ was really hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: To get healthy PersonX and PersonY started to eat aloe vera and _ loved the taste of it. \nSentence 2: To get healthy PersonX and PersonY started to eat aloe vera and _ hated the taste of it."} {"input": "Context Word: eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: When cake was available PersonX loved to eat it but PersonY refrained because _ was slim. \nSentence 2: When cake was available PersonX loved to eat it but PersonY refrained because _ was chubby."} {"input": "Context Word: tricked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tricked PersonY to buy his old car for an unrealistically high price and _ felt clever. \nSentence 2: PersonX tricked PersonY to buy his old car for an unrealistically high price and _ felt foolish."} {"input": "Context Word: barking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated to hear barking dogs while PersonY didn't mind it, so when the neighbors dogs started barking outside, _ was angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated to hear barking dogs while PersonY didn't mind it, so when the neighbors dogs started barking outside, _ was unfazed."} {"input": "Context Word: issues.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of issues that PersonY was tired of dealing with, so _ felt abandoned when they finally moved out. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of issues that PersonY was tired of dealing with, so _ felt relieved when they finally moved out."} {"input": "Context Word: Greek.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to eat Greek food but PersonY like to dine on Chinese food. _ ordered the gyro for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to eat Greek food but PersonY like to dine on Chinese food. _ ordered the sweet and sour chicken for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: Greek.", "output": "Sentence 1: To learn to speak Greek, PersonX sought out PersonY due to _ being a beginner. \nSentence 2: To learn to speak Greek, PersonX sought out PersonY due to _ being a Greek speaker.."} {"input": "Context Word: fashionista.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a fashionista was very important to PersonX but not PersonY, so _ read all about the latest fashion trends. \nSentence 2: Being a fashionista was very important to PersonX but not PersonY, so _ read all about the latest car trends."} {"input": "Context Word: fashionista.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a bona fide fashionista compared to PersonY , so _ always was eager to offer fashion advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a bona fide fashionista compared to PersonY , so _ always was eager to seek fashion advice."} {"input": "Context Word: lyrics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the talent show's singing contest versus PersonY because _ remembered the song's lyrics correctly. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost the talent show's singing contest versus PersonY because _ remembered the song's lyrics correctly."} {"input": "Context Word: lyrics.", "output": "Sentence 1: The song lyrics PersonX wrote weren't considered as unique as those written by PersonY because _ lacked creativity. \nSentence 2: The song lyrics PersonX wrote weren't considered as unique as those written by PersonY because _ was more creative."} {"input": "Context Word: drafted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was drafted to the military and PersonY wasn't, so _ will now have to head off to boot camp. \nSentence 2: PersonX was drafted to the military and PersonY wasn't, so _ will now have to head off to school."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brushed their teeth quite regularly but PersonY did not. _ rarely had to go to a dentist. \nSentence 2: PersonX brushed their teeth quite regularly but PersonY did not. _ had to go to a dentist often."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX commented on how dirty PersonY's teeth were after she had cleaned them, so _ was very upset. \nSentence 2: PersonX commented on how dirty PersonY's teeth were after she had cleaned them, so _ was very happy ."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't have to take their teeth out to brush them like PersonY does because _ doesn't have dentures. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't have to take their teeth out to brush them like PersonY does because _ has dentures."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to get her teeth cleaned by PersonY, because _ is having tooth pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to get her teeth cleaned by PersonY, because _ helps prevent tooth pain."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a beautiful smile while PersonY was repulsive, because _ had such beautiful teeth . \nSentence 2: PersonX had a beautiful smile while PersonY was repulsive, because _ had such rotten teeth ."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had beautiful white teeth while PersonY had stained yellow teeth, so _ liked to show of their smile. \nSentence 2: PersonX had beautiful white teeth while PersonY had stained yellow teeth, so _ is embarrassed to show of their smile."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had dental pain that PersonY did not due to _ wisdom teeth coming in at the wrong angle. \nSentence 2: PersonX had dental pain that PersonY did not due to _ wisdom teeth not coming in at the wrong angle."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had his teeth knocked out during the fight but not PersonY because _ was one of the fighters. \nSentence 2: PersonX had his teeth knocked out during the fight but not PersonY because _ was one of the cornermen."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had perfectly white teeth while PersonY had yellowed teeth; _ offered her some whitening toothpaste. \nSentence 2: PersonX had yellowed teeth while PersonY had perfectly teeth; _ offered her some whitening toothpaste."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had shiny white teeth but PersonY didn't because _ brushed and flossed their teeth every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had shiny white teeth but PersonY didn't because _ brushed and flossed their teeth every week."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had teeth that were very crooked but PersonY had straight teeth. _ had to go to the dentist to get braces. \nSentence 2: PersonX had teeth that were very crooked but PersonY had straight teeth. _ had to go to the dentist to get a cavity filled."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had their teeth worked on at a clinic by PersonY because _ was a patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX had their teeth worked on at a clinic by PersonY because _ was a dentist."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to go to the dentist and get his teeth fixed while PersonY stayed home, because _ had a broken tooth. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to go to the dentist and get his teeth fixed while PersonY stayed home, because _ had to go to work."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to have strong teeth, so _ made sure they knew where to get calcium. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to have strong teeth, so they made sure _ knew where to get calcium."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous that PersonY had whiter teeth because _ had poor dental care habits. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous that PersonY had whiter teeth because _ had good dental care habits."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was never going to be as good a dentist as PersonY despite _ being fascinated by teeth. \nSentence 2: PersonX was never going to be as good a dentist as PersonY because _ is fascinated by teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dentist applauded PersonX but not PersonY for their oral hygiene habits because _ had many cavities in their teeth. \nSentence 2: The dentist applauded PersonX but not PersonY for their oral hygiene habits because _ had no cavities in their teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teeth of PersonX are more yellow than PersonY's due to _ drinking mostly coffee all the time. \nSentence 2: The teeth of PersonX are more yellow than PersonY's due to _ drinking mostly water all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teeth of PersonX aren't as white as those of PersonY because _ has always been a smoker. \nSentence 2: The teeth of PersonX aren't as white as those of PersonY because _ has never been a smoker."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teeth of PersonX aren't as white as those of PersonY because _ only drinks coffee. \nSentence 2: The teeth of PersonX aren't as white as those of PersonY because _ only drinks water."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teeth of PersonX have been hurting, and PersonY tells her she has a cavity. _ is a dental patient. \nSentence 2: The teeth of PersonX have been hurting, and PersonY tells her she has a cavity. _ is a dental hygienist."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teeth of PersonX were far better than PersonY because _ always brushed his teeth. \nSentence 2: The teeth of PersonX were far better than PersonY because _ always avoided his teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: Tooth decay was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY , since _ neglected her teeth. \nSentence 2: Tooth decay was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY , since _ cared for her teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: completely.", "output": "Sentence 1: After completely totaling the car, PersonX but not PersonY was arrested because _ caused a fatality in the crash. \nSentence 2: After completely totaling the car, PersonX but not PersonY was arrested because _ did not cause a fatality in the crash."} {"input": "Context Word: cooler.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always carries a cooler with drinks but not PersonY, because _ likes to be hydrated. \nSentence 2: PersonX always carries a cooler with drinks but not PersonY, because _ likes to be hot."} {"input": "Context Word: cooler.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to pick up a special kind of paint, so that _ could show him how to paint their picnic cooler. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to pick up a special kind of paint, so that _ could help to paint their picnic cooler."} {"input": "Context Word: Dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: At Prom, PersonX asked PersonY to dance with them because _ had a large crush on them. \nSentence 2: At Prom, PersonX accepted PersonY;s invitation to dance with them because _ had a large crush on them."} {"input": "Context Word: Dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to dance was something that came easy to PersonX but posed a challenge for PersonY because _ had a musical bone. \nSentence 2: Learning to dance was something that came hard to PersonX but posed no challenge to PersonY because _ had a musical bone."} {"input": "Context Word: Dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cheered and clapped for PersonY after _ watched her perform a beautiful dance routine on the stage. \nSentence 2: PersonX cheered and clapped for PersonY after _ performed a beautiful dance routine on the stage."} {"input": "Context Word: procedure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY whether the medical procedure was perfectly safe, _ was worried that it wasn't. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY whether the medical procedure was perfectly safe, _ was confident it was."} {"input": "Context Word: procedure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX underwent the medical procedure performed by PersonY, and _ got through the procedure with flying colors. \nSentence 2: PersonX underwent the medical procedure performed by PersonY, and _ performed the procedure with flying colors."} {"input": "Context Word: procedure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to listen to the teacher to learn the procedure while PersonY was looking out the window, as _ was attentive. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to listen to the teacher to learn the procedure while PersonY was looking out the window, as _ was distracted."} {"input": "Context Word: investigating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was exhausted, having nearly finished investigating the history and background of PersonY, _ seemed perfect. \nSentence 2: PersonX was exhausted, having nearly finished investigating the history and background of PersonY, _ seemed worn out."} {"input": "Context Word: shinier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX legs were shinier than PersonY because _ always remembered to moisturize after a shower. \nSentence 2: PersonX legs were shinier than PersonY because _ always forgot to moisturize after a shower."} {"input": "Context Word: sauce.", "output": "Sentence 1: In making caramel sauce, PersonX did a great job, while PersonY did not because _ had a good recipe. \nSentence 2: In making caramel sauce, PersonX did a great job, while PersonY did not because _ had a bad recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: sauce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a chef, PersonY doesn't cook therefore _ would be able to tell you how to make sauce. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a chef, PersonY doesn't cook therefore _ would not be able to tell you how to make sauce."} {"input": "Context Word: sauce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having PersonY taste a spoonful of marinara sauce because _ was an apprentice chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having PersonY taste a spoonful of marinara sauce because _ was an expert chef."} {"input": "Context Word: sauce.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sauce that PersonX makes is much tastier than that of PersonY because _ is an expert chef. \nSentence 2: The sauce that PersonX makes is much tastier than that of PersonY because _ is a novice chef."} {"input": "Context Word: toenails.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't care about hygeine while PersonY was a neat freak, so _ had disgusting toenails. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't care about hygeine while PersonY was a neat freak, so _ had tantalizing toenails."} {"input": "Context Word: toenails.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed off her freshly painted toenails to PersonY because _ had just returned from a pedicure. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed off her freshly painted toenails to PersonY because _ had asked about her pedicure."} {"input": "Context Word: toenails.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX trimmed their toenails but PersonY did not, so _ had toenails that were quite short. \nSentence 2: PersonX trimmed their toenails but PersonY did not, so _ had toenails that were quite long."} {"input": "Context Word: toenails.", "output": "Sentence 1: The toenails of PersonX are being cared for by PersonY at the salon, so _ is the customer. \nSentence 2: The toenails of PersonX are being cared for by PersonY at the salon, so _ is the manicurist."} {"input": "Context Word: member.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted so badly to be a member of PersonY 's clique, and _ certainly showed her enthusiasm to join. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted so badly to be a member of PersonY 's clique, and _ certainly noticed her enthusiasm to join."} {"input": "Context Word: caramel.", "output": "Sentence 1: Investing in caramel stocks suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ enjoyed dessert food very much. \nSentence 2: Investing in caramel stocks suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ didn't like dessert food very much."} {"input": "Context Word: caramel.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making delicious desserts using caramel suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had attended culinary school. \nSentence 2: Making delicious desserts using caramel suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never attended culinary school."} {"input": "Context Word: caramel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to make the caramel sauce for the dessert because _ had forgotten how to make it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to make the caramel sauce for the dessert but _ had forgotten how to make it."} {"input": "Context Word: caramel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put a lot of caramel on PersonY's ice cream because _ knew they liked it. \nSentence 2: PersonX put a lot of caramel on PersonY's ice cream because _ liked it very much."} {"input": "Context Word: caramel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the candy store to pick up some caramel PersonY but _ arrived ahead of schedule and it wasn't ready. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the candy store to pick up some caramel PersonY but _ was behind schedule and it wasn't ready."} {"input": "Context Word: how to be confident.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to be confident in all situations because _ was a very confident person. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to be confident in all situations because _ was not a very confident person."} {"input": "Context Word: Bookkeeping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unsuccessful at bookkeeping while PersonY was quite good at it because _ was bad at math. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unsuccessful at bookkeeping while PersonY was quite good at it because _ was good at math."} {"input": "Context Word: poverty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't used to a life of poverty like PersonY was so _ couldn't make it on the streets. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't used to a life of poverty like PersonY was so _ could make it on the streets."} {"input": "Context Word: boutique.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to a high end fashion boutique but not PersonY because _ liked couture clothing. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to a high end fashion boutique but not PersonY because _ liked mass produced clothing."} {"input": "Context Word: eating habits.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to lose weight because _ had poor eating habits. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to lose weight because _ had healthy eating habits."} {"input": "Context Word: moving plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help PersonY with moving out so _ created a stable moving plan. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to help PersonY with moving out and _ needed a stable moving plan."} {"input": "Context Word: Windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: Changing the way your personal copy of Windows looks was a breeze for PersonX, but not for PersonY due to _ being computer literate. \nSentence 2: Changing the way your personal copy of Windows looks was a breeze for PersonX, but not for PersonY due to _ being computer illiterate."} {"input": "Context Word: Windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to install Windows on PersonY 's computer because _ had only used Mac before. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to install Windows on PersonY 's computer because _ had never used Mac before."} {"input": "Context Word: Windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's computer uses Windows, but PersonY's uses a Mac. In general, _ is a Microsoft person. \nSentence 2: PersonX's computer uses Windows, but PersonY's uses a Mac. In general, _ is an Apple person."} {"input": "Context Word: Windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: Windows computers was the best for PersonX but PersonY preferred Apple Mac. _ had used PCs since they were a child. \nSentence 2: Windows computers was the best for PersonX but PersonY preferred Apple Mac. _ had used Apple products since they were a child."} {"input": "Context Word: traffic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was stuck in traffic but PersonY was not because _ didn't check road conditions before leaving home. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't stuck in traffic but PersonY was because _ didn't check road conditions before leaving home."} {"input": "Context Word: traffic.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was more traffic in the city where PersonX lived than where PersonY lived because _ lived in a bigger city. \nSentence 2: There was more traffic in the city where PersonX lived than where PersonY lived although _ lived in a bigger city."} {"input": "Context Word: hook.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fishing was fun for PersonX but PersonY didn't like it. _ had never minded having to put bait and maggots onto the hook. \nSentence 2: Fishing was fun for PersonX but PersonY didn't like it. _ was grossed out at having to put bait and maggots onto the hook."} {"input": "Context Word: hook.", "output": "Sentence 1: The opera recording hooked PersonX right away but not PersonY because _ appreciated most forms of music. \nSentence 2: The opera recording hooked PersonX right away but not PersonY because _ disparaged most forms of music."} {"input": "Context Word: hook.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the fishing store, PersonX bought the tackle for PersonY because _ knows all about the proper hook and bait. \nSentence 2: While at the fishing store, PersonX bought the tackle for PersonY because _ is confused about the proper hook and bait."} {"input": "Context Word: hot dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hot dog looked different than PersonY's since _ cooked hers in the microwave for a few minutes. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hot dog looked different than PersonY's because _ cooked hers in the grill for a few minutes.."} {"input": "Context Word: crisis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called the crisis hotline where PersonY worked because _ didn't know what to do in a crisis. \nSentence 2: PersonX called the crisis hotline where PersonY worked because _ knew what to do in a crisis."} {"input": "Context Word: crisis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is having a mental health crisis and asks PersonY for support, because _ doesn't know who else to ask. \nSentence 2: PersonX is having a mental health crisis and asks PersonY for support, but _ doesn't know why they were asked."} {"input": "Context Word: crisis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was deeply into solving the water crisis but PersonY didn't care so _ tried to get them to. \nSentence 2: PersonX was deeply into solving the water crisis but PersonY didn't care so _ tried to get them to stop."} {"input": "Context Word: crisis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY out with a crisis for _ remembered what it was like to be in one. \nSentence 2: PersonX was being helped by PersonY with a crisis for _ remembered what it was like to be in one."} {"input": "Context Word: norms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to stick with the norms, while PersonY was more of a wildcard, so _ was looked at as more reliable. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to stick with the norms, while PersonY was more of a wildcard, so _ was looked at as more erratic."} {"input": "Context Word: Rose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke PersonY pot of rose flower he collected from the garden and _ laughed. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke PersonY pot of rose flower he collected from the garden and _ cried."} {"input": "Context Word: Rose.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using Rose water as a tan remover worked for PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked the smell. \nSentence 2: Using Rose water as a tan remover worked for PersonX but not PersonY because _ disliked the smell."} {"input": "Context Word: tire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to pump up their tire and change the oil because _ didn't know how to. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to pump up their tire and change the oil because _ was a car mechanic."} {"input": "Context Word: tire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX calls PersonY about repairing a tire because _ is not good with his hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX calls PersonY about repairing a tire because _ is very good with his hands."} {"input": "Context Word: tire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY change a flat tire, so _ ended up getting a big hug out of the deal. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY change a flat tire, so _ ended up getting a fixed car out of the deal."} {"input": "Context Word: tire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to fix a flat tire in an emergency but PersonY did not because _ was an experienced mechanic. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to fix a flat tire in an emergency but PersonY did not because _ was not an experienced mechanic."} {"input": "Context Word: tire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let the air out of PersonY's car tires because _ didn't want them to get to the party on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX let the air out of PersonY's car tires, but _ still managed to get to the party on time."} {"input": "Context Word: tire.", "output": "Sentence 1: While on the side of the road, PersonX changed a tire for PersonY since _ had experience doing this. \nSentence 2: While on the side of the road, PersonX changed a tire for PersonY since _ had trouble doing this."} {"input": "Context Word: kidney.", "output": "Sentence 1: In dire need of a new kidney, PersonX sought ought PersonY so _ could beg him to donate one. \nSentence 2: In dire need of a new kidney, PersonX sought ought PersonY so _ could agree to donate him one."} {"input": "Context Word: kidney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decides to donate a kidney to PersonY, which makes _ a really good person. \nSentence 2: PersonX decides to donate a kidney to PersonY, which makes _ a really grateful person."} {"input": "Context Word: kidney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX donates a kidney to PersonY to save her life, and _ feels like a saint. \nSentence 2: PersonX donates a kidney to PersonY to save her life, so _ thinks her friend is a saint."} {"input": "Context Word: kidney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to drink a lot of cranberry juice but PersonY didn't because _ had issues with their kidney. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to drink a lot of cranberry juice but PersonY didn't because _ didn't have issues with their kidney."} {"input": "Context Word: kidney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knows the pain of getting a kidney stone but PersonY does not. _ drinks a lot of water to keep their kidneys healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX knows the pain of getting a kidney stone but PersonY does not. _ doesn't drink a lot of water to keep their kidneys healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: kidney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a kidney according to PersonY but no donor could be found so _ waited interminably. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a kidney according to PersonY but no donor could be found so _ worked on other patients."} {"input": "Context Word: kidney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to donate a kidney to PersonY after passing away because _ had two good kidneys. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to donate a kidney to PersonY after passing away because _ had damaged kidneys."} {"input": "Context Word: kidney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to donate a kidney to PersonY because _ was a donor when he passed away. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to donate a kidney to PersonY because _ was a recipient when he passed away."} {"input": "Context Word: beef.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to pick up some ground beef for dinner. When he brought home the wrong meat, _ felt frustrated that dinner was ruined. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to pick up some ground beef for dinner. When he brought home the wrong meat, _ felt bad that dinner was ruined."} {"input": "Context Word: beef.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats a lot more beef than PersonY because _ lives near a farm and is a carnivore. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats a lot more beef than PersonY because _ lives far from a farm and is a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: beef.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has decided to cook beef tripe for PersonY's birthday, because _ wants to make her happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX has decided to cook beef tripe for PersonY's birthday, because _ wants to eat beef tripe."} {"input": "Context Word: beef.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made PersonY a delicious dinner with beef and potatoes because _ loved to cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX made PersonY a delicious dinner with beef and potatoes because _ loved to eat."} {"input": "Context Word: beef.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered PersonY the option of beef or fish at the wedding, since _ was attending the wedding. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered PersonY the option of beef or fish at the wedding, since _ was hosting the wedding."} {"input": "Context Word: beef.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to eat more beef according to PersonY's advice, because _ had learned that their blood iron was too low. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to eat more beef according to PersonY's advice, because _ had experience getting their blood iron levels improved."} {"input": "Context Word: friendly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the lead in social situations with PersonY since _ was much more friendly. \nSentence 2: PersonX took the lead in social situations with PersonY since _ was much less friendly."} {"input": "Context Word: friendly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more friendly and could make friends easier than PersonY because _ grew up with other children. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more friendly and could make friends easier than PersonY because _ grew up as an only child."} {"input": "Context Word: identifying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was caught and arrested because _ had an identifying tattoo on their face. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was caught and arrested because _ did not have an identifying tattoo on their face."} {"input": "Context Word: silences.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX inserted many silences when speaking to PersonY , as _ could not give too much information at once. \nSentence 2: PersonX inserted many silences when speaking to PersonY , as _ could not take too much information at once."} {"input": "Context Word: Pie.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx do not eat the pie persony made for him because _ had a running stomach. \nSentence 2: personx do not eat the pie persony made for him because _ had a bad pie."} {"input": "Context Word: gaming.", "output": "Sentence 1: Gaming for a pass time brought victory PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was an experienced player. \nSentence 2: Gaming for a pass time brought victory PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was an unexperienced player."} {"input": "Context Word: coping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hard time coping with the death of PersonY so _ talked to a medium. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hard time coping with the death of PersonY so _ appeared to a medium."} {"input": "Context Word: coping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time coping with not being able to transition than PersonY because _ spent time caring care of themselves. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time coping with not being able to transition than PersonY because _ didn't spend time caring care of themselves."} {"input": "Context Word: biking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated biking but PersonY did not because _ had broken his arm the first time he fell off a bike. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved biking but PersonY did not because _ had broken his arm the first time he fell off a bike."} {"input": "Context Word: biking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go biking but PersonY wanted to stay home, so _ went out by themselves. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go biking but PersonY wanted to stay home, so _ stayed in by themselves."} {"input": "Context Word: anorexic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a fear of food and weight gain while PersonY binges and could care less about weight. _ is anorexic. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a fear of food and weight gain while PersonY binges and could care less about weight. _ is not anorexic."} {"input": "Context Word: kidney stones.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ambulance that PersonX called for PersonY finally arrived because he was in so much pain from kidney stones. _ accompanied him in the ambulance to the hospital. \nSentence 2: The ambulance that PersonX called for PersonY finally arrived because he was in so much pain from kidney stones. _ was rushed in the ambulance to the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: formula.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fed the baby carrot flavored formula to PersonY, so _ is being a caring parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX fed the baby carrot flavored formula to PersonY, so _ is being a hungry infant."} {"input": "Context Word: formula.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to give their baby formula but not PersonY because the baby of _ had special dietary needs. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to give their baby formula but not PersonY because the baby of _ had normal dietary needs."} {"input": "Context Word: Stairs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed the help of PersonY carrying the groceries up the stairs, but _ did not ask. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed the help of PersonY carrying the groceries up the stairs, but _ did not respond."} {"input": "Context Word: fleas.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fleas have been a problem for PersonX's dog, while PersonY's dog doesn't have any. _ uses an expired medication on the dog. \nSentence 2: Fleas have been a problem for PersonX's dog, while PersonY's dog doesn't have any. _ uses an appropriate medication on the dog."} {"input": "Context Word: fleas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found fleas in his carpet, while PersonY had none, because _ rarely bathed his dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX found fleas in his carpet, while PersonY had none, because _ often bathed his dog."} {"input": "Context Word: fleas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned an animal that consistently had fleas but PersonY did not because _ was very negligent when it came to caring for their animal. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned an animal that consistently had fleas but PersonY did not because _ was very conscientious when it came to caring for their animal."} {"input": "Context Word: fleas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought fleas were a nuisance but PersonY did not. _ sprayed their carpet with flea powder. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought fleas were a nuisance but PersonY did not. _ didn't spray their carpet with flea powder."} {"input": "Context Word: fleas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mad at PersonY because _ had a dog that had brought fleas into the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mad at PersonY although _ had a dog that had brought fleas into the house."} {"input": "Context Word: fleas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's kitten had fleas so they asked PersonY for help because _ had never dealt with an infestation before. \nSentence 2: PersonX's kitten had fleas so they asked PersonY for help because _ had once dealt with an infestation before."} {"input": "Context Word: fleas.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX has fleas, but PersonY's dog doesn't have any, so _ needs flea medicine. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX has fleas, but PersonY's dog doesn't have any, so _ gives flea medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: dodgeball player.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asks PersonY how to play the game of dodgeball because _ wants to be a good dodgeball player. \nSentence 2: PersonX asks PersonY how to play the game of dodgeball because _ is a good dodgeball player."} {"input": "Context Word: trick.", "output": "Sentence 1: As a magician PersonX has learned ways to trick people like PersonY, _ will have no problem a manipulating others. \nSentence 2: As a magician PersonX has learned ways to trick people like PersonY, _ probably will have a manipulating others."} {"input": "Context Word: trick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played a mean trick on PersonY, so _ felt really guilty about the whole situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX played a mean trick on PersonY, so _ felt really angry about the whole situation."} {"input": "Context Word: trick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played a mean trick on PersonY, which turned out badly and made _ feel guilty. \nSentence 2: PersonX played a mean trick on PersonY, which turned out badly and made _ feel violated."} {"input": "Context Word: forgive.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to forgive and forget, but not PersonY, as _ believed people should have a second chance. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to forgive and forget, but not PersonY, as _ believed people should have vengeance."} {"input": "Context Word: forgive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not forgive PersonY for the crime because _ did not have a very forgiving attitude. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not forgive PersonY for the crime because _ did not have a very contrite attitude."} {"input": "Context Word: forgive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX usually managed to forgive people who annoyed them but PersonY did not as _ was a very compassionate person. \nSentence 2: PersonX usually managed to forgive people who annoyed them but PersonY did not as _ was a very harsh person."} {"input": "Context Word: forgive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a practicing Christian while PersonY was not but _ found it hard to forgive when wronged. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a practicing Christian while PersonY was not but _ found it east to forgive when wronged."} {"input": "Context Word: air.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having a hard time breathing air unlike PersonY because _ had a medical condition. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not having a hard time breathing air unlike PersonY because _ had a medical condition."} {"input": "Context Word: air.", "output": "Sentence 1: The air conditioner of PersonX is broken, so PersonY is notified because _ called the repairman. \nSentence 2: The air conditioner of PersonX is broken, so PersonY is notified because _ is the repairman."} {"input": "Context Word: poems.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to write poems and PersonY likes to read them, so _ writes them in their free time. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to write poems and PersonY likes to read them, so _ reads them in their free time."} {"input": "Context Word: poems.", "output": "Sentence 1: The poems of PersonX are graded poorly by PersonY, so _ is likely the writing student. \nSentence 2: The poems of PersonX are graded poorly by PersonY, so _ is likely the writing teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: poems.", "output": "Sentence 1: The poems of PersonX are looked down upon, and people love the ones of PersonY. _ is a weak writer. \nSentence 2: The poems of PersonX are looked down upon, and people love the ones of PersonY. _ is a talented writer."} {"input": "Context Word: poems.", "output": "Sentence 1: The poems of PersonX are rated better by readers than those of PersonY because _ is a writer. \nSentence 2: The poems of PersonX are rated better by readers than those of PersonY because _ is a student."} {"input": "Context Word: emerald.", "output": "Sentence 1: Instead of a diamond, PersonX bought an emerald engagement ring. PersonY agreed that it was more personal. _ prepared to propose. \nSentence 2: Instead of a diamond, PersonX bought an emerald engagement ring. PersonY agreed that it was more personal. _ helped with the preparation to propose."} {"input": "Context Word: omelette.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating omelettes for breakfast suited PersonX less than PersonY, because _ was allergic to eggs. \nSentence 2: Eating omelettes for breakfast suited PersonX more than PersonY, because _ was allergic to eggs."} {"input": "Context Word: belly fat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dined on sweets and fast food much too often while PersonY ate salads and veggies. _ had an abundance of belly fat. \nSentence 2: PersonX dined on sweets and fast food much too often while PersonY ate salads and veggies. _ had a scarcity of belly fat."} {"input": "Context Word: belly fat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Trying to lose belly fat is PersonX was asking PersonY for advice, _ was looking trying to lose body fat. \nSentence 2: Trying to lose belly fat is PersonX was asking PersonY for advice, _ knew lots of ways to lose body fat."} {"input": "Context Word: policies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went over the new inventory policies with PersonY because _ had just finished learning them. \nSentence 2: PersonX went over the new inventory policies with PersonY because _ had just started learning them."} {"input": "Context Word: ice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt at home on the ice, while PersonY floundered, so _ offered to give them lessons. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt at home on the ice, while PersonY floundered, so _ asked if they'd give them lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: ice.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ licked the ice because PersonX was hot and thirsty while PersonY just drank some water. \nSentence 2: So _ ignored the ice because PersonX was hot and thirsty while PersonY just drank some water."} {"input": "Context Word: ice.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ice is thinner near the lake at PersonX's house compared to PersonY because _ 's weather is warmer. \nSentence 2: The ice is thinner near the lake at PersonX's house compared to PersonY because _ 's weather is colder."} {"input": "Context Word: pine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received a beautiful pine mirror from PersonY as a gift because today was _ 's birthday. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a beautiful pine mirror to PersonY as a gift because today was _ 's birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: pine.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pine trees were a big part of PersonX s Christmas tree farm while PersonY was jewish but helped _ celebrate anyhow. \nSentence 2: Pine trees were a big part of PersonX s Christmas tree farm while PersonY was jewish but _ helped to celebrate anyhow."} {"input": "Context Word: workspace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept their workspace neat but PersonY left theirs unorganized. _ only took a few minutes to find important papers. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept their workspace neat but PersonY left theirs unorganized. _ often took a few hours to find important papers."} {"input": "Context Word: style.", "output": "Sentence 1: A master of style, PersonX was a better writer than PersonY and _ gave her lessons in writing. \nSentence 2: A master of style, PersonX was a better writer than PersonY and _ took her lessons in writing."} {"input": "Context Word: style.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had better style than PersonY so _ accepted the invite to help the other find a good shirt. \nSentence 2: PersonX had better style than PersonY so _ sent the invite to help them find a good shirt."} {"input": "Context Word: style.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a more modern dressing style than PersonY because _ has a younger soul. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a more modern dressing style than PersonY because _ is an old soul."} {"input": "Context Word: style.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is not known for there style like PersonY is , _ needs lesson on how to be stylish. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not known for there style like PersonY is , _ needs to give lesson on how to be stylish."} {"input": "Context Word: style.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is suited for the hippie style unlike PersonY , so _ always dresses in that fashion. \nSentence 2: PersonX is suited for the hippie style unlike PersonY , so _ never dresses in that fashion."} {"input": "Context Word: style.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX styled PersonY hair by using a comb to get out tangles in their hair because _ knew it needed to get done. \nSentence 2: PersonX styled PersonY hair by using a brush to get out tangles in their hair because _ knew it needed to get done."} {"input": "Context Word: style.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would always mismatch the colors their socks and pants unlike PersonY, so _ had bad style. \nSentence 2: PersonX would always mismatch the colors their socks and pants unlike PersonY, so _ had good style."} {"input": "Context Word: style.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's style is a lot of jeans and plaid, while PersonY wears a lot of dresses. People say _ dresses in a grunge style. \nSentence 2: PersonX's style is a lot of jeans and plaid, while PersonY wears a lot of dresses. People say _ dresses in a classy style."} {"input": "Context Word: style.", "output": "Sentence 1: The style of PersonX is considered better looking than PersonY's because _ 's look is more modern. \nSentence 2: The style of PersonX is considered better looking than PersonY's because _ 's look is more antiquated."} {"input": "Context Word: style.", "output": "Sentence 1: The style of clothes PersonX uses is more modern than the clothes PersonY uses because _ is 20 years old. \nSentence 2: The style of clothes PersonX uses is more modern than the clothes PersonY uses because _ is 50 years old."} {"input": "Context Word: style.", "output": "Sentence 1: While walking through the store, PersonX bought a shirt for PersonY because _ had great style. \nSentence 2: While walking through the store, PersonX bought a shirt for PersonY because _ had no style."} {"input": "Context Word: commissions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always topped commissions in sales at the company while PersonY dragged behind because _ was a natural salesman. \nSentence 2: PersonX always topped commissions in sales at the company while PersonY dragged behind because _ was an awkward and shy salesman."} {"input": "Context Word: rugby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched rugby while PersonY watched golf for the reason that _ liked sports with a lot of physical contact. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched rugby while PersonY watched golf for the reason that _ liked sports with very little physical contact."} {"input": "Context Word: rugby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to watch PersonY play rugby because _ was a good friend and wanted to show their support. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to watch PersonY play rugby because _ was a good player and wanted to be shown support."} {"input": "Context Word: finished.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finished the race far behind PersonY, because _ spent most of their time partying. \nSentence 2: PersonX finished the race far behind PersonY, because _ spent most of their time training."} {"input": "Context Word: prissy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was being prissy to PersonY, so _ was the cause of all the nasty drama. \nSentence 2: PersonX was being prissy to PersonY, so _ was the victim of all the nasty drama."} {"input": "Context Word: break.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the race PersonX had to take more breaks than PersonY because _ practiced a lot less. \nSentence 2: During the race PersonX had to take more breaks than PersonY because _ practiced a lot more."} {"input": "Context Word: break.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX comforted PersonY after their break up with their girlfriend because _ was very kind. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY after their break up with their girlfriend because _ was very upset."} {"input": "Context Word: break.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take a break from his girlfriend not like PersonY because _ was fighting with her all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take a break from his girlfriend not like PersonY because _ was enjoying her company all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: break.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been working five more hours than PersonY, so it is time for _ to take a break. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been working five more hours than PersonY, so it is not yet time for _ to take a break."} {"input": "Context Word: break.", "output": "Sentence 1: Unfortunately PersonX managed to break some of the fine china but PersonY did not because _ was very clumsy. \nSentence 2: Unfortunately PersonX managed to break some of the fine china but PersonY did not because _ was very careful."} {"input": "Context Word: afghan.", "output": "Sentence 1: Knitting an afghan was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had learned to knit at a young age. \nSentence 2: Knitting an afghan was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not learned to knit at a young age."} {"input": "Context Word: Wrap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to have Guacamole on his wrap while PersonY did not because _ enjoyed the taste. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to have Guacamole on his wrap while PersonY did not because _ disliked the taste."} {"input": "Context Word: imagination.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to write a book than PersonY because _ had a better imagination. \nSentence 2: It was harder for PersonX to write a book than PersonY because _ had a better imagination."} {"input": "Context Word: imagination.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY told good children's stories because _ had a very good imagination. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY told good children's stories because _ did not have a good imagination."} {"input": "Context Word: imagination.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier to write children's books than PersonY because _ had a vivid imagination. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier to write children's books than PersonY because _ did not have a vivid imagination."} {"input": "Context Word: imagination.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to do better in the creative writing class than PersonY because _ had a better imagination. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to do better in the creative writing class than PersonY although _ had a better imagination."} {"input": "Context Word: imagination.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's imagination ran wild when thinking of PersonY why and the things _ could do with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX's imagination ran wild when thinking of PersonY why and the things _ would do for him."} {"input": "Context Word: setbacks.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to setbacks in life, PersonX has suffered way more setbacks than PersonY because _ always had bad luck. \nSentence 2: When it comes to setbacks in life, PersonX has suffered way more setbacks than PersonY because _ always had good luck."} {"input": "Context Word: birdbath.", "output": "Sentence 1: The birdbath in the yard was a nuisance for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not enjoy the sound of birds. \nSentence 2: The birdbath in the yard was a nuisance for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did enjoy the sound of birds."} {"input": "Context Word: rejection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke up with PersonY and asked to be given space, because _ knew that they had trouble accepting rejection. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke up with PersonY and asked to be given space, even though _ had trouble accepting rejection."} {"input": "Context Word: rejection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got yet another rejection from PersonY in the romantic department, because _ is unappealing. \nSentence 2: PersonX got yet another rejection from PersonY in the romantic department, because _ is disinterested."} {"input": "Context Word: steps.", "output": "Sentence 1: After starting his 12 steps, PersonX apologized to PersonY for causing so much trouble in their life, which _ sincerely meant. \nSentence 2: After starting his 12 steps, PersonX apologized to PersonY for causing so much trouble in their life, which _ sincerely doubted."} {"input": "Context Word: steps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always slipped on the steps, but PersonY had to issues with them, because _ had slippery soles. \nSentence 2: PersonX always slipped on the steps, but PersonY had to issues with them, because _ had gripping soles."} {"input": "Context Word: steps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to take baby steps when getting to know PersonY, because _ had a fear of intimacy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was forced to take baby steps when getting to know PersonY, because _ had a fear of intimacy."} {"input": "Context Word: steps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched PersonY climb the front steps, and _ laughed when he fell off the porch. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched PersonY climb the front steps, and _ cried when he fell off the porch."} {"input": "Context Word: steps.", "output": "Sentence 1: The horse took several steps up to PersonX but past PersonY, because _ had carrots in their hand. \nSentence 2: The horse took several steps past PersonX and up to PersonY, because _ had carrots in their hand."} {"input": "Context Word: steps.", "output": "Sentence 1: Tracking steps was essential for PersonX but unimportant to PersonY since _ was concerned about their overall fitness level. \nSentence 2: Tracking steps was essential for PersonX but unimportant to PersonY since _ was apathetic about their fitness level."} {"input": "Context Word: steps.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to taking steps to ensure safety in a workplace, PersonX is more effective than PersonY, because _ is a low-risk kind of person. \nSentence 2: When it comes to taking steps to ensure safety in a workplace, PersonX is more effective than PersonY, because _ is a high-risk kind of person."} {"input": "Context Word: treats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX treats women right, but PersonY is an asshole because _ was raised very well. \nSentence 2: PersonX treats women right, but PersonY is an asshole because _ was raised very poorly."} {"input": "Context Word: firearms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY to the shooting range on Saturday because _ really loved to shoot firearms. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY to the shooting range on Saturday but _ really hated to shoot firearms."} {"input": "Context Word: evidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making sense of evidence came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to law school. \nSentence 2: Making sense of evidence came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone to law school."} {"input": "Context Word: tulips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes tulips and PersonY does not, so _ went to buy some from the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes tulips and PersonY does not, so _ refused to buy some from the store."} {"input": "Context Word: tulips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved how tulips look but PersonY did not. _ planted a big garden full of tulips. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved how tulips look but PersonY did not. _ planted a big garden full of roses."} {"input": "Context Word: freezer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't mind being in the freezer as much as PersonY, because _ grew up in the arctics. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't mind being in the freezer as much as PersonY, because _ grew up in the tropics."} {"input": "Context Word: freezer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to buy an extra freezer but not PersonY because _ liked to eat frozen food. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to buy an extra freezer but not PersonY because _ liked to eat fresh food."} {"input": "Context Word: freezer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worries that PersonY is using too much electricity with his chest freezer, but _ decides not to say anything. \nSentence 2: PersonX worries that PersonY is using too much electricity with his chest freezer, but _ is not concerned."} {"input": "Context Word: freezer.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the freezer of PersonX broke, PersonY offered money to buy a new one. Then _ accepted the cash. \nSentence 2: When the freezer of PersonX broke, PersonY offered money to buy a new one. Then _ gave the cash."} {"input": "Context Word: Gnats.", "output": "Sentence 1: Gnats are a big problem for PersonX but PersonY handles the Gnats with ease, all Gnat problems are to big for _ . \nSentence 2: Gnats are a big problem for PersonX but PersonY handles the Gnats with ease, no Gnat problem is to big for _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: ripped.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting ripped off was something that happened to PersonX regularly but not to PersonY because _ never paid attention to their store receipts. \nSentence 2: Getting ripped off was something that happened to PersonX regularly but not to PersonY because _ always paid attention to their store receipts."} {"input": "Context Word: lobster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought lobster for PersonY because _ knew that the other really loved to eat seafood. \nSentence 2: PersonX received lobster from PersonY because _ knew that the other really loved to eat seafood."} {"input": "Context Word: lobster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered the lobster for dinner, while PersonY ordered the salad, because _ had a love of seafood. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered the lobster for dinner, while PersonY ordered the salad, because _ had an allergy of seafood."} {"input": "Context Word: lobster.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX loved to eat seafood but PersonY hated it, _ ate lobster whenever they could. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX loved to eat seafood but PersonY hated it, _ never ate lobster whenever they could."} {"input": "Context Word: medical school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would become a doctor because _ passed medical school with flying colors. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would become a doctor because _ did not pass medical school with flying colors."} {"input": "Context Word: medical school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied hard in college unlike PersonY, who partied a lot, so _ 's medical school application was accepted. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied hard in college unlike PersonY, who partied a lot, so _ 's medical school application was rejected."} {"input": "Context Word: back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to crack his back for him, because _ was in a lot of pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to crack his back for him, because _ was good at relieving pain."} {"input": "Context Word: back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't work their lat muscles at the gym like PersonY so _ had a narrow back. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't work their lat muscles at the gym like PersonY so _ had a wide back."} {"input": "Context Word: back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a body wash to use in the shower, because _ knew a lot about how to get rid of back acne. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a body wash to use in the shower, and _ learned a lot about how to get rid of back acne."} {"input": "Context Word: back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a back injury and had it checked out by PersonY, because _ was a construction worker. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a back injury and had it checked out by PersonY, because _ was a massage therapist."} {"input": "Context Word: back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a bad back but PersonY did not. _ could not lift heavy objects very well. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a bad back but PersonY did not. _ could lift heavy objects very well."} {"input": "Context Word: back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had back pain and visited PersonY who was a chiropractor, and _ back felt a bit better afterwards. \nSentence 2: PersonX had back pain and visited PersonY who was a chiropractor, and _ made their back feel a bit better afterwards."} {"input": "Context Word: back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more back pain than PersonY because _ was lifting heavier loads when moving. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more back pain than PersonY because _ was lifting lighter loads when moving."} {"input": "Context Word: back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go back to work after retiring but PersonY did not because _ was bored. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go back to work after retiring but PersonY did not because _ was occupied."} {"input": "Context Word: back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was walking faster than PersonY was walking in the park because _ had a healthy back. \nSentence 2: PersonX was walking slower than PersonY was walking in the park because _ had a healthy back."} {"input": "Context Word: back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's back is being tended to by PersonY at the office, so _ is the client in this situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX's back is being tended to by PersonY at the office, so _ is the chiropractor in this situation."} {"input": "Context Word: back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's back pain from her job goes away when she goes to visit PersonY. _ is more likely to be the dancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's back pain from her job goes away when she goes to visit PersonY. _ is more likely to be the chiropractor."} {"input": "Context Word: Soccer Goalie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to get the ball past PersonY who was the soccer goalie, so _ kicked the ball as hard as he could. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to get the ball past PersonY who was the soccer goalie, when _ blocked the ball as best as he could."} {"input": "Context Word: diapers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't mind changing diapers all day but PersonY found it unpleasant, because _ was the parent of four young children. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't mind changing diapers all day but PersonY found it unpleasant, because _ was not the parent of any children."} {"input": "Context Word: diapers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses cloth diapers on their baby, but PersonY prefers Huggies. That's because _ is environmentally friendly. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses cloth diapers on their baby, but PersonY prefers Huggies. That's because _ is environmentally harmful."} {"input": "Context Word: diapers.", "output": "Sentence 1: They ran out of diapers so PersonX but not PersonY drove to the store because _ had a valid driver's license. \nSentence 2: They ran out of diapers so PersonX but not PersonY drove to the store because _ had a expired driver's license."} {"input": "Context Word: plane.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the airport, PersonX boarded the plane before PersonY because _ paid the upgrade fee. \nSentence 2: At the airport, PersonX boarded the plane before PersonY because _ skipped the upgrade fee."} {"input": "Context Word: plane.", "output": "Sentence 1: Flying bothers PersonX, but not PersonY, because _ is afraid that the plane will crash. \nSentence 2: Flying bothers PersonX, but not PersonY, because _ isn't afraid that the plane will crash."} {"input": "Context Word: plane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought plane tickets for PersonY because _ had her new credit card on hand. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought plane tickets for PersonY although _ had her new credit card on hand."} {"input": "Context Word: plane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated flying more than PersonY because _ always pictured the plane crashing after takeoff. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated flying more than PersonY because _ never pictured the plane crashing after takeoff."} {"input": "Context Word: plane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a lot more calm in a plane than PersonY because _ always visualized a safe landing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a lot more calm in a plane than PersonY because _ never visualized a safe landing."} {"input": "Context Word: plane.", "output": "Sentence 1: Plane rides don't scare PersonX, but PersonY doesn't like them, so _ is more of a thrill seeker. \nSentence 2: Plane rides don't scare PersonX, but PersonY doesn't like them, so _ is more of a timid person."} {"input": "Context Word: plane.", "output": "Sentence 1: The plane that PersonX takes is a longer ride than the one PersonY takes to the wedding because _ lives farther. \nSentence 2: The plane that PersonX takes is a longer ride than the one PersonY takes to the wedding because _ lives closer."} {"input": "Context Word: plane.", "output": "Sentence 1: While on the plane, PersonX had to use the bathroom so bad that PersonY offered to the them go first, so _ gave thanks accordingly. \nSentence 2: While on the plane, PersonX had to use the bathroom so bad that PersonY offered to the them go first, so _ felt generous."} {"input": "Context Word: omelet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was cooked a special omelet breakfast by PersonY because today ( _ ) celebrated her first day of retirement. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked a special omelet breakfast for PersonY because today ( _ ) celebrated her first day of retirement."} {"input": "Context Word: cutting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hard time cutting the food but not PersonY because _ had a dull knife. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hard time cutting the food but not PersonY because _ had a sharp knife."} {"input": "Context Word: cutting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at cutting trees than PersonY was, so _ took the lumberjack job. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at cutting trees than PersonY was, so _ declined the lumberjack job."} {"input": "Context Word: teammates.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teammates of PersonX were happier than those of PersonY because _ and his team won. \nSentence 2: The teammates of PersonX were happier than those of PersonY because _ and his team lost."} {"input": "Context Word: sheep.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sheep belonging to PersonX had longer fur than those belonging to PersonY because _ never sheared theirs. \nSentence 2: The sheep belonging to PersonX had shorter fur than those belonging to PersonY because _ never sheared theirs."} {"input": "Context Word: quoted.", "output": "Sentence 1: When speaking to others, PersonX often quoted phrases said by PersonY because _ was a copycat. \nSentence 2: When speaking to others, PersonX often quoted phrases said by PersonY because _ was wise."} {"input": "Context Word: Jail.", "output": "Sentence 1: Jail was were PersonX met PersonY before she went to prison, _ works as a one of the guards. \nSentence 2: Jail was were PersonX met PersonY before she went to prison, _ works as a trustee for one of the guards."} {"input": "Context Word: games.", "output": "Sentence 1: At school, PersonX loves games, while PersonY is always focused on studying, so _ is more creative. \nSentence 2: At school, PersonX loves games, while PersonY is always focused on studying, so _ is more serious."} {"input": "Context Word: games.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the party, PersonX but not PersonY wanted to play the games because _ was in a good mood. \nSentence 2: At the party, PersonX but not PersonY wanted to play the games because _ was in a bad mood."} {"input": "Context Word: games.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks PersonY is to old to sitting around playing video games, _ is a very mature person. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks PersonY is to old to sitting around playing video games, _ is a immature person."} {"input": "Context Word: games.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought role playing games were fun but PersonY preferred shooter games. _ bought a Final Fantasy game. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought role playing games were fun but PersonY preferred shooter games. _ bought a Halo game."} {"input": "Context Word: games.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx always beats Persony at all games so _ was willing to bet on the next game. \nSentence 2: Personx always beats Persony at all games so _ was not willing to bet on the next game."} {"input": "Context Word: games.", "output": "Sentence 1: The games that PersonX played were more difficult than PersonY's because _ was a talented individual. \nSentence 2: The games that PersonX played were easier than PersonY's because _ was a talented individual."} {"input": "Context Word: next of kin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more money then PersonY, because _ inherited money from his uncle being next of kin. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less money then PersonY, because _ inherited money from his uncle being next of kin."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar skull.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired a makeup artist, PersonY, to do her sugar skull makeup for the Day of the Dead. _ loved how she looked before she went out to celebrate. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired a makeup artist, PersonY, to do her sugar skull makeup for the Day of the Dead. _ loved how she looked when she finished her job."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asks PersonY to babysit her child while she runs to the store, because _ trusts her very much. \nSentence 2: PersonX asks PersonY to babysit her child while she runs to the store, and _ wants to help her very much."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was very nurturing because _ had taken care of a child with disabilities. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was very nurturing because _ had not taken care of a child with disabilities."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had children of her own, but PersonY has a foster child. It is more likely _ was fertile. \nSentence 2: PersonX had children of her own, but PersonY has a foster child. It is more likely _ was infertile."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more patience than PersonY at the party because _ had several children of their own. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more patience than PersonY at the party although _ had several children of their own."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had one child whereas PersonY had two children, so _ had to pick up one child from school. \nSentence 2: PersonX had one child whereas PersonY had two children, so _ had to pick up two kids from school."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had perfect recollection of being a child but PersonY did not because _ had a good memory. \nSentence 2: PersonX had perfect recollection of being a child but PersonY did not because _ had a bad memory."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had wanted a child for years though PersonY was satisfied with none, as _ wanted a big family. \nSentence 2: PersonX had wanted a child for years though PersonY was satisfied with none, as _ wanted to live alone."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped the woman comfort the crying child and PersonY did not because _ has much compassion. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped the woman comfort the crying child and PersonY did not because _ has no compassion."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that he would be a good father, but PersonY was less confident, because _ was a loved child. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that he would be a good father, but PersonY was less confident, because _ was a neglected child."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY, his child, how to ride a bike and this made _ feel so proud. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY, his child, how to ride a bike and this made _ feel so grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a child and PersonY does not, so _ started trying to get pregnant after marriage. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a child and PersonY does not, so _ started planning to get tubes tied after marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ready to start a family while PersonY was not so _ looked up adopting a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ready to start a family while PersonY was not so _ ignored adopting a child."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the child of PersonY, which meant that when _ gave an order, they scoffed. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the child of PersonY, which meant that when _ gave an order, they listened."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's child is doing better with potty training compared to PersonY because _ is a more patient teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX's child is doing better with potty training compared to PersonY because _ is a more belligerent teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: The child learned much better from PersonX than they did from PersonY, because _ was very skilled with teaching children new things. \nSentence 2: The child learned much better from PersonX than they did from PersonY, because _ was very inept with teaching children new things."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: The child of PersonX cries a lot, and PersonY's almost never cries. _ 's child is very emotional. \nSentence 2: The child of PersonX cries a lot, and PersonY's almost never cries. _ 's child is very unemotional."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: The child of PersonX is always sick, but PersonY's son is always healthy. This is because _ is an uncaring parent. \nSentence 2: The child of PersonX is always sick, but PersonY's son is always healthy. This is because _ is a reliable parent."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: The child of PersonX is always very fussy, but PersonY's is not because _ is a pushover. \nSentence 2: The child of PersonX is always very fussy, but PersonY's is not because _ is a good parent."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: The child of PersonX was better at math than the child of PersonY, as a result of _ being a math teacher. \nSentence 2: The child of PersonX was better at math than the child of PersonY, as a result of _ being a house maid."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: The child ran to PersonX and away from PersonY as quickly as possible because _ was his parent. \nSentence 2: The child ran to PersonX and away from PersonY as quickly as possible because _ was a stranger."} {"input": "Context Word: child.", "output": "Sentence 1: Treating a child who is sick suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved children. \nSentence 2: Treating a child who is sick suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated children."} {"input": "Context Word: becoming a tattoo artist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an interest to becoming a tattoo artist and PersonY didn't because _ had a family member who did it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an interest to becoming a tattoo artist and PersonY didn't because _ did not have a family member who did it."} {"input": "Context Word: casinos.", "output": "Sentence 1: There are lots of casinos near the home of PersonX, but none near PersonY's, so _ lives in Nevada. \nSentence 2: There are lots of casinos near the home of PersonX, but none near PersonY's, so _ lives in Texas."} {"input": "Context Word: potty train.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX agreed to potty train the child since PersonY wouldn't. _ was good at teaching children. \nSentence 2: PersonX agreed to potty train the child since PersonY wouldn't. _ was terrible at teaching children."} {"input": "Context Word: potty train.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked to help potty train PersonY before they started preschool, because _ was the youngest of the children. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked to help potty train PersonY before they started preschool, because _ was the babysitter for the children."} {"input": "Context Word: potty train.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was patient and supportive when trying to potty train PersonY, since _ was the parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX was patient and supportive when trying to potty train PersonY, since _ was the child."} {"input": "Context Word: potty train.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mother said PersonX was easier to potty train than PersonY because _ was more mature. \nSentence 2: The mother said PersonX was easier to potty train than PersonY because _ was less mature."} {"input": "Context Word: sword.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a sword for PersonY to use in combat because _ was a smith. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a sword for PersonY to use in combat because _ was a fighter."} {"input": "Context Word: martial arts.", "output": "Sentence 1: Their experience with martial arts allowed PersonX to feel safe but PersonY felt scared, because _ was prepared for any trouble on the street. \nSentence 2: Their experience with martial arts allowed PersonX to feel safe but PersonY felt scared, because _ was ill prepared for any trouble on the street."} {"input": "Context Word: bringing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very polite, PersonY is less so therefore _ will always be bringing a hostess gift along. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very polite, PersonY is less so therefore _ will not always be bringing a hostess gift along."} {"input": "Context Word: sneezes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pollen in the air caused PersonX to have a lot of sneezes but not PersonY. _ had to take some Claritin. \nSentence 2: The pollen in the air caused PersonX to have a lot of sneezes but not PersonY. _ didn't have to take any Claritin."} {"input": "Context Word: borrow dish liquid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to borrow dish liquid from PersonY because _ had went to the store when they were out. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to borrow dish liquid from PersonY because _ had went to the store when they were in stock."} {"input": "Context Word: hairstyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a more modern hairstyle compared to PersonY because _ likes to follow the latest trends. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a more modern hairstyle compared to PersonY because _ despises following the latest trends."} {"input": "Context Word: hairstyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always worried about her hairstyle, while PersonY could care less about things like that. _ is very concerned with how she looks. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always worried about her hairstyle, while PersonY could care less about things like that. _ is very unconcerned with how she looks."} {"input": "Context Word: hairstyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lacks the courage to change his hairstyle to fit his moods like PersonY does because _ is restrained. \nSentence 2: PersonX lacks the courage to change his hairstyle to fit his moods like PersonY does because _ is expressive."} {"input": "Context Word: hairstyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried not to laugh at PersonY's hairstyle as they were walking down the hallway at school, but _ accidentally chuckled. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried not to laugh at PersonY's hairstyle as they were walking down the hallway at school, but _ heard a chuckle."} {"input": "Context Word: atheist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to become an atheist so he asks his friend PersonY to give him some info, because _ no longer believes. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to become an atheist so he asks his friend PersonY to give him some info, because _ is already an atheist."} {"input": "Context Word: flour.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what was the best way to keep flour _ wasn't sure so he had to ask. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what was the best way to keep flour, but _ said wasn't sure so he had to ask."} {"input": "Context Word: flour.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to show PersonY how to make paper mache out of water and flour because _ had the necessary knowledge. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to show PersonY how to make paper mache out of water and flour because _ didn't have the necessary knowledge."} {"input": "Context Word: mood.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was obvious that they were different, PersonX was very interested in mood rings while PersonY was more interested in practical things because _ was a creative person. \nSentence 2: It was obvious that they were different, PersonX was very interested in mood rings while PersonY was more interested in practical things because _ was a conventional person."} {"input": "Context Word: mood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always in a good mood while PersonY is always in a foul mood. _ has a lot of close friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always in a good mood while PersonY is always in a foul mood. _ has very few close friends."} {"input": "Context Word: mood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a bad mood all day while PersonY was very happy. _ slept terribly the night before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a bad mood all day while PersonY was very happy. _ slept wonderfully the night before."} {"input": "Context Word: mood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a very bad mood because of the way the day had gone but PersonY was not as _ day had been awful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a very bad mood because of the way the day had gone but PersonY was not as _ day had been wonderful."} {"input": "Context Word: mood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a very bad mood unlike PersonY because _ credit score declined this last month. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a very bad mood unlike PersonY because _ credit score improved this last month."} {"input": "Context Word: Barbie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a Barbie doll as a child, PersonY did not therefore _ knows a lot about Barbies. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a Barbie doll as a child, PersonY did not therefore _ does not know much about Barbies."} {"input": "Context Word: carrying a lot of money safely.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was used to carrying a lot of money safely more than PersonY because _ had a good paying job. \nSentence 2: PersonX was used to carrying a lot of money safely more than PersonY because _ didn't have a good paying job."} {"input": "Context Word: goals.", "output": "Sentence 1: Discussing goals was important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very ambitious concerning her future. \nSentence 2: Discussing goals was important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very lazy concerning her future."} {"input": "Context Word: goals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX led the league in goals scored while PersonY was in last place. _ was a very good footballer. \nSentence 2: PersonX led the league in goals scored while PersonY was in last place. _ was a very bad footballer."} {"input": "Context Word: goals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX reached higher goals that PersonY did for the fact that _ was determined and resolute. \nSentence 2: PersonX reached higher goals that PersonY did for the fact that _ was lazy and apathetic."} {"input": "Context Word: goals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX set fitness goals and it inspired PersonY, so _ helped him set up some goals too. \nSentence 2: PersonX set fitness goals and it inspired PersonY, so _ wanted to set up some goals too."} {"input": "Context Word: goals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX set some goals, but PersonY tried to make her fail. _ was feeling determined. \nSentence 2: PersonX set some goals, but PersonY tried to make her fail. _ was feeling jealous."} {"input": "Context Word: goals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to meet her goals and PersonY keeps buying bad food so _ is mad. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to meet her goals and PersonY keeps buying bad food so _ is mean."} {"input": "Context Word: goals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's goals were much steadier unlike PersonY's because _ liked to plan their actions out. \nSentence 2: PersonX's goals were much steadier unlike PersonY's because _ hated to plan their actions out."} {"input": "Context Word: goals.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ has many goals in life PersonX wants to succeed in life and PersonY just doesn't care as much. \nSentence 2: So _ has little goals in life PersonX wants to succeed in life and PersonY just doesn't care as much."} {"input": "Context Word: goals.", "output": "Sentence 1: The goals were to let PersonX win and not PersonY because _ always loses and needs a confidence boost. \nSentence 2: The goals were to let PersonX lose and not PersonY because _ always loses and needs a confidence boost."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy glow.", "output": "Sentence 1: A career as a phtographic model suited PersonX but not PersonY becasue _ has a healthy glow to their skin. \nSentence 2: A career as a photographic model suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no healthy glow to their skin."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being uncomfortable with babies, PersonX finally took PersonY's baby in arms, so _ overcome her fear. \nSentence 2: Being uncomfortable with babies, PersonX finally took PersonY's baby in arms, so _ felt happy."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: Giving the baby a bottle was no issue for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ loved feeding babies. \nSentence 2: Giving the baby a bottle was no issue for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ hated feeding babies."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having a baby filled PersonX with excitement but PersonY with dread. Becoming a parent was a dream for _ . \nSentence 2: Having a baby filled PersonX with excitement but PersonY with dread. Becoming a parent was a nightmare for _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to calm her baby because _ was not having any luck doing it herself. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to calm PersonY's baby because _ was not having any luck doing it herself."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX breast feeds her baby, but PersonY does not approve, so _ uses real milk. \nSentence 2: PersonX breast feeds her baby, but PersonY does not approve, so _ uses fake milk."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX checked the thermometer before reassuring PersonY that the baby would be fine, because _ worked as a nurse. \nSentence 2: PersonX checked the thermometer before reassuring PersonY that the baby would be fine, because _ needed help from a nurse."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dressed her baby girl in pink and PersonY dressed her baby boy in blue. _ has the pink baby coat. \nSentence 2: PersonX dressed her baby girl in pink and PersonY dressed her baby boy in blue. _ has the blue baby coat."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave birth to a baby that was delivered by PersonY, so _ was a parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave birth to a baby that was delivered by PersonY, so _ was a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a baby and PersonY was over the moon because _ had always wanted to be a mother. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a baby and PersonY was over the moon because _ had always wanted to be a father."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a baby whereas PersonY had a college aged child, so _ still had to change diapers. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a baby whereas PersonY had a college aged child, so _ no longer had to change diapers."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a baby with PersonY, who was indifferent, so _ raised the baby on their own. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a baby with PersonY, who was indifferent, so _ left to be on their own."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to stock up on diapers and wipes even though PersonY doesn't because _ just added a baby to their household. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to stock up on diapers and wipes even though PersonY doesn't because _ didn't just add a baby to their household."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated children while PersonY really wanted to have a baby, so _ was upset when his girlfriend got pregnant. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated children while PersonY really wanted to have a baby, so _ was ecstatic when his girlfriend got pregnant."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knocked on PersonY's door because she wanted to meet the new baby, but there was no answer. _ was disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX knocked on PersonY's door because she wanted to meet the new baby, but there was no answer. _ was asleep."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked talking to PersonY about her newborn baby since _ was an inexperienced mother. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked talking to PersonY about her newborn baby because _ was an experienced mother."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY with her baby, as _ had raised many children in her life. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY with her baby, as _ had raised no children in her life."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent the weekend watching a baby while PersonY was on vacation, and _ made sure the baby was fed. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent the weekend watching a baby while PersonY was on vacation, and _ made sure their vacation was relaxing."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took care of the baby well unlike PersonY because _ was a very caring parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX took care of the baby well unlike PersonY because _ was a very inattentive parent."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took more naps during the day than PersonY because _ was still a baby. \nSentence 2: PersonX took less naps during the day than PersonY because _ was still a baby."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to expand their family but not PersonY so _ tried to convince the other of having a baby. \nSentence 2: PersonX did want to expand their family but PersonY did so _ tried to convince the other of having a baby."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to have a baby with their partner but not PersonY. _ began stopped taking birth control medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have a baby with their partner but not PersonY. _ began started taking birth control medication."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was due to have a baby this spring, while PersonY was not pregnant, so _ needed to buy baby clothes soon. \nSentence 2: PersonX was due to have a baby this spring, while PersonY was not pregnant, so _ did not need to buy baby clothes soon."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was keen to have a baby however PersonY was not at all keen as _ loved babies. \nSentence 2: PersonX was keen to have a baby however PersonY was not at all keen as _ hated babies."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at looking after the baby but PersonY was not because _ was very patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at looking after the baby but PersonY was not because _ was very impatient."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was watching PersonY's baby at home in the evening after _ was asked for help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was watching PersonY's baby at home in the evening after _ asked her for help."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ tickled the baby because PersonX likes babies and PersonY doesn't like them at all. \nSentence 2: So _ ignored the baby because PersonX likes babies and PersonY doesn't like them at all."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baby bird that PersonX received from PersonY is sick, so _ feels like they got a bad gift. \nSentence 2: The baby bird that PersonX received from PersonY is sick, so _ feels like they gave a bad gift."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baby crawled up to PersonX and crawled past PersonY because _ had a treasured pacifier. \nSentence 2: The baby crawled past PersonX and crawled up to PersonY because _ had a treasured pacifier."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baby cried when PersonX held him but smiled when PersonY did because _ rarely spent time with the baby. \nSentence 2: The baby cried when PersonX held him but smiled when PersonY did because _ always spent time with the baby."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baby of PersonX cries more than PersonY's baby because _ takes better care of it. \nSentence 2: The baby of PersonX cries more than PersonY's baby although _ takes better care of it."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baby of PersonX is cared for all day by PersonY, so _ is probably a working mom. \nSentence 2: The baby of PersonX is cared for all day by PersonY, so _ is probably a working nanny."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baby of PersonX is healthier than the one of PersonY because _ is a better parent. \nSentence 2: The baby of PersonX is healthier than the one of PersonY because _ is a worse parent."} {"input": "Context Word: baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baby of PersonX is sick, but PersonY's is very healthy because _ feeds her baby a crappy diet. \nSentence 2: The baby of PersonX is sick, but PersonY's is very healthy because _ feeds her baby a well-rounded diet."} {"input": "Context Word: magazines.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX read the magazines in the office, PersonY watched a movie, and when their name was called, _ put down the magazines. \nSentence 2: While PersonX read the magazines in the office, PersonY watched a movie, and when their name was called, _ put away the movie."} {"input": "Context Word: Controller.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw his PS3 controller at PersonY because _ had lost to him in the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw his PS3 controller at PersonY because _ had beat him in the game."} {"input": "Context Word: tenant.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before PersonX could move in as a tenant to PersonY's apartment complex, _ had to fill out a background check and submit a security deposit. \nSentence 2: Before PersonX could move in as a tenant to PersonY's apartment complex, _ had to perform a background check and collect a security deposit."} {"input": "Context Word: tenant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is the tenant of PersonY because _ is too poor to own the apartment building. \nSentence 2: PersonX is the tenant of PersonY because _ is too rich to rent the apartment building."} {"input": "Context Word: tenant.", "output": "Sentence 1: The landlord threatened to evict PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a history as a terrible tenant. \nSentence 2: The landlord threatened to evict PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a history as a perfect tenant."} {"input": "Context Word: lightning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was deathly afraid of lightning but PersonY was not. _ didn't venture out in the thunderstorm. \nSentence 2: PersonX was deathly afraid of lightning but PersonY was not. _ ventured out in the thunderstorm."} {"input": "Context Word: Pond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a pond in his backyard that PersonY took great care of, so _ was grateful. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a pond in his backyard that PersonY took great care of, so _ was always tired."} {"input": "Context Word: Pond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to swim in a pond but PersonY like a pool better. _ happily jumped in the pond on the farm. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to swim in a pond but PersonY like a pool better. _ didn't jump in the pond on the farm."} {"input": "Context Word: domestic violence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been the victim of domestic violence, but PersonY has never experienced this. _ is the survivor. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been the victim of domestic violence, but PersonY has never experienced this. _ is the average person."} {"input": "Context Word: athleticism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can run really fast and jump really high but not PersonY because _ has a lot of athleticism. \nSentence 2: PersonX can run really fast and jump really high but not PersonY because _ doesn't have a lot of athleticism."} {"input": "Context Word: autopsy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The court ordered PersonX to perform an autopsy on PersonY, since _ was the victim of the murder. \nSentence 2: The court ordered PersonX to perform an autopsy on PersonY, since _ was the coroner of the murder."} {"input": "Context Word: polyamory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX said that he didn't approve of PersonY's lifestyle because _ didn't believe in practicing polyamory. \nSentence 2: PersonX said that he didn't approve of PersonY's lifestyle because _ believed in practicing polyamory."} {"input": "Context Word: polyamory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was practicing polyamory but PersonY did not so _ was intimate with multiple people. \nSentence 2: PersonX was practicing polyamory but PersonY did not so _ was intimate with one person."} {"input": "Context Word: bricks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helps PersonY pick out the color of bricks at the hardware store, so _ is a salesman. \nSentence 2: PersonX helps PersonY pick out the color of bricks at the hardware store, so _ is a client."} {"input": "Context Word: bricks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more tired at the end of the day than PersonY because _ had spent the day loading bricks. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more tired at the end of the day than PersonY although _ had spent the day loading bricks."} {"input": "Context Word: bricks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was throwing nothing but bricks on the court all day until PersonY helped her improve her shots, as _ lacked the proper skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX was throwing nothing but bricks on the court all day until PersonY helped her improve her shots, as _ possessed the proper skills."} {"input": "Context Word: spotting.", "output": "Sentence 1: Birdwatching was PersonX 's favorite while PersonY found it boring, because _ was good at spotting rare birds. \nSentence 2: Birdwatching was PersonX 's favorite while PersonY found it boring, because _ was bad at spotting rare birds."} {"input": "Context Word: a republican.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not agree with PersonY that guns should be banned, it is because _ is not a republican. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not agree with PersonY that guns should be banned, it is because _ is a republican."} {"input": "Context Word: Concrete.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX built their home out of concrete but PersonY used wood, so _ had little damage after the twister hit the neighborhood. \nSentence 2: PersonX built their home out of concrete but PersonY used wood, so _ had tremendous damage after the twister hit the neighborhood."} {"input": "Context Word: Concrete.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx company made a concrete floor that lost longer for persony and _ received a small payment for it. \nSentence 2: Personx company made a concrete floor that lost longer for persony and _ made a small payment for it."} {"input": "Context Word: owl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks owls are a cool bird but PersonY does not. _ bought a stuffed animal that looks like an owl. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks owls are a cool bird but PersonY does not. _ bought a stuffed animal that looks like a bear."} {"input": "Context Word: Religious Cult Member.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was caught by PersonY while trying to rehabilite a religious cult member, so _ tried to run away. \nSentence 2: PersonX was caught by PersonY while trying to rehabilite a religious cult member, but _ tried to run away too."} {"input": "Context Word: sea urchin.", "output": "Sentence 1: After being stung by a sea urchin on vacation, PersonX goes to see PersonY, so _ must be a patient. \nSentence 2: After being stung by a sea urchin on vacation, PersonX goes to see PersonY, so _ must be a physician."} {"input": "Context Word: rounder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's belly was larger and rounder than PersonY's because _ often ate too much food. \nSentence 2: PersonX's belly was larger and rounder than PersonY's because _ often ate too litle food."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle spasm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX experienced a muscle spasm during the race and PersonY stopped to help, but _ was still unable to finish. \nSentence 2: PersonX experienced a muscle spasm during the race and PersonY stopped to help, but _ was still able to finish."} {"input": "Context Word: rooster.", "output": "Sentence 1: While visiting the local farm, PersonX taunted and spooked PersonY's rooster, causing _ great laughter. \nSentence 2: While visiting the local farm, PersonX taunted and spooked PersonY's rooster, causing _ great anger."} {"input": "Context Word: Sheep.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx plans to move to the country with persony because of his herds of sheep but _ need to save up for it. \nSentence 2: Personx plans to move to the country with persony because of his herds of sheep but _ was making excuses for it."} {"input": "Context Word: Hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: Hair coloring is what PersonX is discussing with PersonY in order to give them advice, _ is a beautician. \nSentence 2: Hair coloring is what PersonX is discussing with PersonY in order to give them advice, _ is a client."} {"input": "Context Word: Hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a black hair color and PersonY had a blue hair color. _ hair color was common. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a black hair color and PersonY had a blue hair color. _ hair color was uncommon."} {"input": "Context Word: Hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had better hair than PersonY, so _ had to take better care of their hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX had better hair than PersonY, so _ didn't have to take better care of their hair."} {"input": "Context Word: Hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had long curly hair but PersonY was bald. _ had to wear a hat on windy days to keep their hair out of their face. \nSentence 2: PersonX had long curly hair but PersonY was bald. _ didn't have to wear a hat on windy days to keep their hair out of their face."} {"input": "Context Word: Hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to ask PersonY about something, as _ had trouble doing their hair the way they wanted it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to ask PersonY about something, as _ had no problem doing the hair the way they wanted it."} {"input": "Context Word: Hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to teach PersonY to take care of her hair because _ was a stylist. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to teach PersonY to take care of her hair because _ was a client."} {"input": "Context Word: Hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had her hair cut short because persony wanted it that way and _ was pestered for it. \nSentence 2: personx had her hair cut short because persony wanted it that way and _ pestered her for it."} {"input": "Context Word: audio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ was angry about the live audio being so loud. \nSentence 2: PersonX calmed down PersonY because _ was angry about the live audio being so loud."} {"input": "Context Word: write an essay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to write an essay for college because _ had many experiences with writing papers in college. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to write an essay for college because _ had only experiences with writing papers in high school."} {"input": "Context Word: drug addict.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help PersonY recover from being a drug addict, so _ checked them into a rehab center. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to help PersonY recover from being a drug addict, but _ was already checked into a rehab center."} {"input": "Context Word: options.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had many more options in life than PersonY because _ didn't have a job. \nSentence 2: PersonX had many more options in life than PersonY because _ already had many commitments."} {"input": "Context Word: scrap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a scrap of meat from her plate because that was all _ had. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a scrap of meat from her plate because that was all _ wanted."} {"input": "Context Word: scrap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was still hungry after she and PersonY had eaten, so _ begged her for an extra scrap of food. \nSentence 2: PersonX was still hungry after she and PersonY had eaten, so _ offered her an extra scrap of food."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: Adjustment at the new school, was tougher for PersonX than PersonY, so _ was lonely. \nSentence 2: Adjustment at the new school, was tougher for PersonX than PersonY, so _ was satisfied."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: At school, PersonX gets bad grades, while PersonY aces all his classes. So, _ is the more mediocre student. \nSentence 2: At school, PersonX gets bad grades, while PersonY aces all his classes. So, _ is the more advanced student."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: Early in the morning, PersonX but not PersonY was excited for school because _ was exhausted. \nSentence 2: Early in the morning, PersonX but not PersonY was excited for school because _ was energized."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting good grades in school was always expected from PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a straight A student. \nSentence 2: Getting good grades in school was always expected from PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a straight C student."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's school was further away than PersonY 's, so _ always asked her for a ride there each morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's school was further away than PersonY 's, so _ always gave her for a ride there each morning."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY about the quality of the local school because _ was new to the area. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY about the quality of the local school because _ lived in the area."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to get an extra copy of the homework assignment since _ couldn't make it to school. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to get an extra copy of the homework assignment since _ made it to school."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them with their school work because _ was failing class. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them with their school work because _ was a Grade A student."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attended PersonY's classes at school four days a week, and _ always turned in homework on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX attended PersonY's classes at school four days a week, and _ always graded homework on time."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attended and really enjoyed school but PersonY did not because _ was very ambitious. \nSentence 2: PersonX attended and really enjoyed school but PersonY did not because _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called her grandmother PersonY for a ride to elementary school, because _ missed the bus. \nSentence 2: PersonX called her grandmother PersonY for a ride to elementary school, because _ drove the bus."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleaned the school library while PersonY read a book because _ was a janitor. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleaned the school library while PersonY read a book because _ was a teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did better in school than PersonY because _ went home and studied every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX did worse in school than PersonY because _ went home and studied every day."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not perform as well as PersonY in school because _ partied all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not perform as well as PersonY in school because _ studied all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did very well at school but PersonY did less well as _ was very intelligent. \nSentence 2: PersonX did very well at school but PersonY did less well as _ was very stupid."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to go to school, but PersonY made them, because _ is their child. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to go to school, but PersonY made them, because _ is their parent."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does well in his classes at school while PersonY does not because _ is very smart. \nSentence 2: PersonX does well in his classes at school while PersonY does not because _ isn't very smart."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed school but PersonY hated it. _ had always liked studying for tests and doing homework. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed school but PersonY hated it. _ had always disliked studying for tests and doing homework."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got very good grades in school while PersonY was constantly failing classes because _ had very good study habits. \nSentence 2: PersonX got very good grades in school while PersonY was constantly failing classes because _ did not have very good study habits."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a difficult time in school compared to PersonY because _ neglected treatment for dyslexia. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a difficult time in school compared to PersonY because _ proceeded with treatment for dyslexia."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a great score on the SAT whereas PersonY had a low score, so the chance to get into a good school for _ was high. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a great score on the SAT whereas PersonY had a low score, so the chance to get into a good school for _ was low."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to stay later at school than PersonY because _ had office hours after class. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to stay later at school than PersonY because _ had a doctor's appointment during class."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to work while PersonY was still in middle school so _ drove his car every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to work while PersonY was still in middle school so _ rode the bus every day."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hasn't yet received their diploma yet like PersonY has because _ hasn't completed school. \nSentence 2: PersonX hasn't yet received their diploma yet unlike PersonY has because _ already completed school."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is escorted by PersonY to middle school on the first day, because _ doesn't know the way. \nSentence 2: PersonX is escorted by PersonY to middle school on the first day, because _ knows the way."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved going to school with PersonY for _ had a crush on the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated going to school with PersonY for _ had a crush on the other."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves going to school and studying but PersonY does not. _ graduated first in their class. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves going to school and studying but PersonY does not. _ graduated last in their class."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made spectacular videos for their friends but PersonY couldn't do that. _ had been to film school. \nSentence 2: PersonX made spectacular videos for their friends but PersonY couldn't do that. _ had been to culinary school."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed school supplies and asked PersonY to take them to the store. _ needed a ride. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed school supplies and asked PersonY to take them to the store. _ could drive them."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY's son with English and History classes because _ was a high school teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY's son with English and History classes because _ didn't finish high school."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed high school and went on to college unlike PersonY, because _ enjoyed studying. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed high school and went on to college unlike PersonY, because _ disliked studying."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent less time studying for school than PersonY so _ had worse grades in class. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent less time studying for school than PersonY so _ had better grades in class."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed home from school while PersonY went to class because _ was feeling sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed home from school while PersonY went to class because _ was feeling well."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX still attends school every day, while PersonY graduated years ago, so _ is likely a teenager. \nSentence 2: PersonX still attends school every day, while PersonY graduated years ago, so _ is likely a full time worker."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried really very hard and school but personY did not as _ was very ambitious. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried really very hard and school but personY did not as _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried unsuccessfully to get PersonY to skip school because _ was a truant that didn't follow the rules. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried unsuccessfully to get PersonY to skip school because _ was responsible and would follow the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to skip school with them so _ would not have to do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to skip school with them but _ wanted them to do it alone."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dreading the beginning of the school year but not PersonY because _ was dumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dreading the beginning of the school year but not PersonY because _ was smart."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not looking forward to the new school year unlike PersonY because _ was less academic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not looking forward to the new school year unlike PersonY because _ was more academic."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sick today with the flu while PersonY was not, so _ did not go to school that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sick today with the flu while PersonY was not, so _ went to school that day."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was too poor to have the same benefits as PersonY. That's why only _ attended public school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was too poor to have the same benefits as PersonY. That's why only _ attended private school."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to school today and PersonY did not because _ was feeling quite healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to school today and PersonY did not because _ was feeling quite sick."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: School was really quite wonderful for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was very attentive. \nSentence 2: School was really quite wonderful for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: School was traumatic for PersonX but PersonY remembers it fondly. _ was shy and bullied by others. \nSentence 2: School was traumatic for PersonX but PersonY remembers it fondly. _ was popular and liked by others."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: School work was a chore for PersonX while PersonY enjoyed it. _ was not a self-motivated student. \nSentence 2: School work was a chore for PersonX while PersonY enjoyed it. _ was a very self-motivated student."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: The first day of school was causing PersonX anxiety but PersonY was excited about it, since _ was generally nervous in social situations. \nSentence 2: The first day of school was causing PersonX anxiety but PersonY was excited about it, since _ was generally comfortable in social situations."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: The professor gave PersonX a bad grade in school instead of PersonY because _ failed the final. \nSentence 2: The professor gave PersonX a bad grade in school instead of PersonY because _ passed the final."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: The school work of PersonX was more advanced than PersonY's because _ was far more organized and intellectually capable. \nSentence 2: The school work of PersonX was less advanced than PersonY's because _ was far more organized and intellectually capable."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: Tutoring after school was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed teaching young children. \nSentence 2: Tutoring after school was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ despised teaching young children."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX told PersonY about quitting school to provide for their family, _ started panicking. \nSentence 2: When PersonX told PersonY about quitting school to provide for their family, _ started comforting."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whereas PersonX did well at school PersonY did very badly because _ was very smart. \nSentence 2: Whereas PersonX did well at school PersonY did very badly because _ was very stupid."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX was a overall better student than PersonY, _ had less friends at school. \nSentence 2: While PersonX was a overall better student than PersonY, _ had more friends at school."} {"input": "Context Word: school.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX was doing her makep for school, PersonY was studying. _ is more interested in her outer self. \nSentence 2: While PersonX was doing her makep for school, PersonY was studying. _ is more interested in her innner self."} {"input": "Context Word: confident.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a lawyer better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ was more confident cross examining witnesses. \nSentence 2: Being a lawyer better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ was less confident cross examining witnesses."} {"input": "Context Word: confident.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX appears to be a lot more confident than PersonY is because _ has very high self-esteem. \nSentence 2: PersonX appears to be a lot more confident than PersonY is because _ has very low self-esteem."} {"input": "Context Word: confident.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a lot more confident than PersonY because _ has an outgoing personality and likes to talk a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a lot less confident than PersonY because _ has an outgoing personality and likes to talk a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: confident.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs to learn to be more confident like PersonY, _ is lacking when it come to being confident. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to learn to be more confident like PersonY, _ excels when it come to being confident."} {"input": "Context Word: confident.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was confident about their work but not PersonY because _ had decades of experience on the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX was confident about their work but not PersonY because _ had hours of experience on the job."} {"input": "Context Word: confident.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very confident when it came to asking people for dates but PersonY was not because _ was very outgoing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very confident when it came to asking people for dates but PersonY was not because _ was very shy."} {"input": "Context Word: Santa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX draws PersonY's name out of the hat for a secret Santa gift exchange, so _ will be buying a gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX draws PersonY's name out of the hat for a secret Santa gift exchange, so _ will be receiving a gift."} {"input": "Context Word: guard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX snuck past the guard in the dark but PersonY got caught, because _ was quiet. \nSentence 2: PersonX snuck past the guard in the dark but PersonY got caught, because _ was noisy."} {"input": "Context Word: guard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always on guard when meeting new people but not PersonY because _ was weary with people. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always on guard when meeting new people but not PersonY because _ was trusting with people."} {"input": "Context Word: thank-you card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got more presents at Christmas than PersonY, because _ always sent a thank-you card to the gifters. \nSentence 2: PersonX got more presents at Christmas than PersonY, because _ never sent a thank-you card to the gifters."} {"input": "Context Word: Author.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's liked science fiction books but PersonY liked romance novels. _ favorite author was Ray Bradbury. \nSentence 2: PersonX's liked science fiction books but PersonY liked romance novels. _ favorite author was Danielle Steel."} {"input": "Context Word: bamboo.", "output": "Sentence 1: For the new job PersonX bought bamboo from PersonY at a fair price, _ is a construction business owner. \nSentence 2: For the new job PersonX bought bamboo from PersonY at a fair price, _ is a building supply business owner."} {"input": "Context Word: bamboo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to get rid of bamboo taking over, because _ couldn't remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to get rid of bamboo taking over, but _ couldn't remember."} {"input": "Context Word: bamboo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought bamboo lawn chairs at the store while PersonY did not because _ wanted chairs for their back yard. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought bamboo lawn chairs at the store while PersonY did not because _ didn't have room in their back yard."} {"input": "Context Word: bamboo.", "output": "Sentence 1: They went on a safari and saw a panda eating bamboo, which PersonX loved but PersonY didn't care about. _ 's favorite animal was the panda. \nSentence 2: They went on a safari and saw a panda eating bamboo, which PersonX loved but PersonY didn't care about. _ 's favorite animal was the tiger."} {"input": "Context Word: barbecue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to have a barbecue and asked PersonY to borrow their grill because _ didn't have one. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have a barbecue and asked PersonY to borrow their grill because _ had a large one."} {"input": "Context Word: stressful.", "output": "Sentence 1: Living in a big city is stressful for PersonX buy not PersonY so _ lives on the outskirts of town. \nSentence 2: Living in a big city is stressful for PersonX buy not PersonY so _ lives in the middle of town."} {"input": "Context Word: stressful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the test much more stressful than PersonY because _ had not studied the material. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the test much more stressful than PersonY because _ had studied the material."} {"input": "Context Word: stressful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found work to be more stressful than PersonY, because _ had a disorganized office. \nSentence 2: PersonX found work to be more stressful than PersonY, because _ had an organized office."} {"input": "Context Word: stressful.", "output": "Sentence 1: The life of PersonX is more stressful than PersonY, because _ has a very demanding job with lot's of responsibilities. \nSentence 2: The life of PersonX is more stressful than PersonY, because _ does not has a very demanding job with lot's of responsibilities."} {"input": "Context Word: hard worker.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being wealthy is easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ knows what it means to be a hard worker. \nSentence 2: Being wealthy is easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ doesn't know what it means to be a hard worker."} {"input": "Context Word: permit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX explains to PersonY that he'll need a permit to do electrical work on his house, because _ got in trouble for that once. \nSentence 2: PersonX explains to PersonY that he'll need a permit to do electrical work on his house, but _ isn't concerned about getting in trouble for that."} {"input": "Context Word: bow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prefered to use the bow and arrow while PersonY preferred the sword. _ was a sharpshoot. \nSentence 2: PersonX prefered to use the bow and arrow while PersonY preferred the sword. _ was not a sharpshoot."} {"input": "Context Word: bow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair has a bow in it, but PersonY feels too old to wear one, so _ is likely the child. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair has a bow in it, but PersonY feels too old to wear one, so _ is likely the parent."} {"input": "Context Word: document.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to read the small print in the document since _ had poor vision. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to read the small print in the document since _ had good vision."} {"input": "Context Word: document.", "output": "Sentence 1: The document was given to PersonX to work on and not PersonY because _ had more experience. \nSentence 2: The document was given to PersonX to work on and not PersonY because _ had less experience."} {"input": "Context Word: oil painting.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the art studio, PersonX admired the oil paintings made by PersonY. _ wanted to buy two of her favorite paintings. \nSentence 2: At the art studio, PersonX admired the oil paintings made by PersonY. _ wanted to sell two of her favorite paintings."} {"input": "Context Word: Consent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made absolutely sure to get consent before having sex while PersonY wasn't as diligent. _ has never been accused of sexual misconduct. \nSentence 2: PersonX made absolutely sure to get consent before having sex while PersonY wasn't as diligent. _ has been charged with sexual misconduct."} {"input": "Context Word: instincts.", "output": "Sentence 1: Instincts told PersonX that PersonY was someone to stay away from, so _ was confident in their decision to avoid them. \nSentence 2: Instincts told PersonX that PersonY was someone to stay away from, so _ was confused in their decision to avoid them."} {"input": "Context Word: instincts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used their detective instincts to catch PersonY before they killed again, so _ was given a medal. \nSentence 2: PersonX used their detective instincts to catch PersonY before they killed again, so _ was given the chair."} {"input": "Context Word: candidate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a poor candidate for the district, as opposed to PersonY, because _ was a liar. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a poor candidate for the district, as opposed to PersonY, because _ was a philanthropist."} {"input": "Context Word: wandered.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wandered off, while PersonY waited on the bench as instructed, because _ was disobedient. \nSentence 2: PersonX wandered off, while PersonY waited on the bench as instructed, because _ was obedient."} {"input": "Context Word: animals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt bad about eating animals while PersonY didn't care, so _ became a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt bad about eating animals while PersonY didn't care, so _ continued to eat meat."} {"input": "Context Word: animals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has never had any animals in his house unlike PersonY because _ is allergic to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX has never had any animals in his house unlike PersonY because _ absolutely loves them."} {"input": "Context Word: animals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned a lot of animals but not PersonY because _ had a soft heart. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned a lot of animals but not PersonY because _ had a hard heart."} {"input": "Context Word: animals.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX loved animals while PersonY was afraid of them, _ had several pets at home. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX loved animals while PersonY was afraid of them, _ had no pets at home."} {"input": "Context Word: animals.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working at the animal shelter was less suited to PersonX than PersonY since _ disliked being around animals. \nSentence 2: Working at the animal shelter was less suited to PersonX than PersonY since _ loved being around animals."} {"input": "Context Word: lifestyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was more probable that PersonX would end up in prison rather than PersonY because _ had a criminal lifestyle. \nSentence 2: It was more probable that PersonX would end up in prison rather than PersonY because _ did not have a criminal lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: lifestyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always lived a better lifestyle most of the time unlike PersonY, so _ was healthy for the physical. \nSentence 2: PersonX always lived a better lifestyle most of the time unlike PersonY, so _ was unhealthy for the physical."} {"input": "Context Word: lifestyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hectic lifestyle but not PersonY because _ was working at a busy job site. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hectic lifestyle but not PersonY because _ was working at a calm job site."} {"input": "Context Word: lifestyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a party hard lifestyle compared to the quiet tone of PersonY's life, so _ looked extra aged. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a party hard lifestyle compared to the quiet tone of PersonY's life, so _ looked extra relaxed."} {"input": "Context Word: lifestyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived longer than PersonY, since _ embraced a lifestyle of healthy eating and moderate exercise. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived longer than PersonY, since _ eschewed a lifestyle of healthy eating and moderate exercise."} {"input": "Context Word: lifestyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lives a luxury lifestyle compared to PersonY's lifestyle because _ comes from a rich family. \nSentence 2: PersonX lives a luxury lifestyle compared to PersonY's lifestyle because _ comes from a poor family."} {"input": "Context Word: lifestyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs advice from PersonY about how to live a healthy lifestyle, because _ is very out of shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs advice from PersonY about how to live a healthy lifestyle, because _ is in fantastic shape."} {"input": "Context Word: lifestyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hip lifestyle pursue by PersonX was later emulated by PersonY, since _ was a trendsetter. \nSentence 2: The hip lifestyle pursue by PersonX was later emulated by PersonY, since _ was a poser."} {"input": "Context Word: headaches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often got headaches at work but not PersonY because _ had a lunatic for a boss. \nSentence 2: PersonX often got headaches at work but not PersonY because _ had a saint for a boss."} {"input": "Context Word: headaches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from more headaches than PersonY because _ spent a lot of nights drinking alcohol. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from more headaches than PersonY because _ spent very few nights drinking alcohol."} {"input": "Context Word: headaches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffers from very bad headaches but PersonY does not. _ went to the store to get some aspirin. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffers from very bad headaches but PersonY does not. _ went to the store to get some flu medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: headaches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took off from work more often than PersonY because _ suffered from severe headaches more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX took off from work less often than PersonY because _ suffered from severe headaches more often."} {"input": "Context Word: headaches.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX wanted to cure their headaches naturally while PersonY wanted to use more traditional methods, _ tried aromatherapy. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX wanted to cure their headaches naturally while PersonY wanted to use more traditional methods, _ took aspirin."} {"input": "Context Word: start a business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finished getting a business degree before PersonY, therefore _ is ready to start a business. \nSentence 2: PersonX finished getting a business degree before PersonY, therefore _ is not yet ready to start a business."} {"input": "Context Word: Waffle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stopped by PersonY's house during breakfast time so _ was offered a waffle and orange juice. \nSentence 2: PersonX stopped by PersonY's house during breakfast time so _ offered her a waffle and orange juice."} {"input": "Context Word: warm up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX came over to PersonY's house to warm up with a cup of hot chocolate, since _ 's heater was broken. \nSentence 2: PersonX came over to PersonY's house to warm up with a cup of hot chocolate, since _ 's heater was working."} {"input": "Context Word: skillet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's home is filled with pots, pans, and skillets, but PersonY does not have many. _ eats at home more. \nSentence 2: PersonX's home is filled with pots, pans, and skillets, but PersonY does not have many. _ eats at restaurants more."} {"input": "Context Word: unfollow a friend on facebook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to unfollow a friend on facebook and PersonY didn't because _ thought the views were extreme. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to unfollow a friend on facebook and PersonY didn't because _ thought the views were appropriate."} {"input": "Context Word: affects.", "output": "Sentence 1: These are the negative sidde affects you might suffer PersonX tells PersonY, _ is knows a lot about medication. \nSentence 2: These are the negative sidde affects you might suffer PersonX tells PersonY, _ is knows a lot less about medication."} {"input": "Context Word: cultural.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tourists were rude, thought PersonX, while PersonY was more forgiving. _ didn't know about cultural differences. \nSentence 2: The tourists were rude, thought PersonX, while PersonY was more forgiving. _ knew a lot about cultural differences."} {"input": "Context Word: news.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always told PersonY the news for _ didn't find it too depressing on a daily basis. \nSentence 2: PersonX always told PersonY the news for _ did find it too depressing on a daily basis."} {"input": "Context Word: news.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to watch the news, but PersonY liked to watch sports, so _ changed the channel to the news channel. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to watch the news, but PersonY liked to watch sports, so _ changed the channel to the sports channel."} {"input": "Context Word: having fun.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY did not graduate college because _ was only interested in having fun. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY did not graduate college because _ was not interested in having fun."} {"input": "Context Word: kittens.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's new little kittens have become very ill and she wants help from PersonY, because _ cares about her kittens. \nSentence 2: PersonX's new little kittens have become very ill and she wants help from PersonY, because _ is veterinarian."} {"input": "Context Word: buy a suit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to buy a suit today, but PersonY was, because _ didn't have any money. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to buy a suit today, but PersonY was, because _ had plenty of money."} {"input": "Context Word: Acceptance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always trying to gain PersonY's acceptance, so _ was always giving gifts to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always trying to gain PersonY's acceptance, so _ was always accepting gifts from them."} {"input": "Context Word: gift.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX considered a practical gift for PersonY who likes to cook, _ bought a highly rated instant pot for him. \nSentence 2: PersonX considered a practical gift for PersonY who likes to cook, because _ would love a highly rated instant pot."} {"input": "Context Word: gift.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never got around to writing a thank you note for the graduation gift PersonY's got her because _ inconsiderate. \nSentence 2: PersonX never got around to writing a thank you note for the graduation gift PersonY's got her because _ considerate."} {"input": "Context Word: gift.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent more money on the birthday gift than PersonY because _ was better acquainted with the recipient. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent less money on the birthday gift than PersonY because _ was better acquainted with the recipient."} {"input": "Context Word: gift.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more thankful for the gift than PersonY was because _ had low expectations. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more thankful for the gift than PersonY was because _ had high expectations."} {"input": "Context Word: gift.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a thank you note to PersonY because _ received a thoughtful gift from him. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a thank you note to PersonY because _ sent him a thoughtful gift to him."} {"input": "Context Word: gift.", "output": "Sentence 1: The old man brought flowers as a gift for PersonX but not for PersonY as _ was kinder to him. \nSentence 2: The old man brought flowers as a gift for PersonX but not for PersonY as _ was meaner to him."} {"input": "Context Word: gift.", "output": "Sentence 1: When he arrived at the wedding PersonX realized he had forgotten a gift unlike PersonY. _ was very absentminded. \nSentence 2: When he arrived at the wedding PersonX realized he had forgotten a gift unlike PersonY. _ was very attentive."} {"input": "Context Word: sweat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not sweat at all when she lies, PersonY does therefore _ lies a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not sweat at all when she lies, PersonY does therefore _ tells the truth."} {"input": "Context Word: sweat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore head and wristbands during sports, but not PersonY because _ produced a lot of sweat . \nSentence 2: PersonX wore head and wristbands during sports, but not PersonY because _ produced very little sweat ."} {"input": "Context Word: vaping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked vaping and PersonY likes cigarettes so _ went outside to use the vape pen. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked vaping and PersonY likes cigarettes so _ went outside to smoke a cigarette."} {"input": "Context Word: goodwill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not have a lot of goodwill towards others unlike PersonY because _ was a miserable person. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not have a lot of goodwill towards others unlike PersonY because _ was a generous person."} {"input": "Context Word: goodwill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of goodwill toward people but PersonY did not. _ was beloved in their community. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of goodwill toward people but PersonY did not. _ wasn't beloved in their community."} {"input": "Context Word: goodwill.", "output": "Sentence 1: Shopping at goodwill was easier for PersonX than it was for PersonY because _ grew up poor . \nSentence 2: Shopping at goodwill was easier for PersonX than it was for PersonY because _ did not grow up poor ."} {"input": "Context Word: goodwill.", "output": "Sentence 1: The gift of goodwill is what PersonX believes PersonY is lacking, _ often does good things for others. \nSentence 2: The gift of goodwill is what PersonX believes PersonY is lacking, _ does not like doing things for others."} {"input": "Context Word: mowing lawns.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonYs help mowing lawns, because the business of _ has taken off more than expected. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonYs help mowing lawns, but the business of _ has taken off more than expected."} {"input": "Context Word: Laundry.", "output": "Sentence 1: Doing the family's laundry suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was patient with the sorting. \nSentence 2: Doing the family's laundry suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was impatient with the sorting."} {"input": "Context Word: hyperacusis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX understood hyperacusis better than PersonY because _ had experienced a sister affected by it. \nSentence 2: PersonX understood hyperacusis better than PersonY because _ had experienced a sister unaffected by it."} {"input": "Context Word: poisoning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not get food poisoning but PersonY did since _ did not eat off the counter that had not been cleaned. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not get food poisoning but PersonY did since _ did eat off the counter that had not been cleaned."} {"input": "Context Word: slippers.", "output": "Sentence 1: When going to work, PersonX wears slippers, and PersonY wears fancy shoes. This is due to _ working in a casual environment. \nSentence 2: When going to work, PersonX wears slippers, and PersonY wears fancy shoes. This is due to _ working in a classy environment."} {"input": "Context Word: kite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to fly a kite over the weekend because _ has flown them their entire life. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to fly a kite over the weekend because _ has never flown them in their entire life."} {"input": "Context Word: kite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks kite flying is fun but PersonY does not. _ buys a big kite at the toy shop. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks kite flying is fun but PersonY does not. _ buys a big stuffed animal at the toy shop."} {"input": "Context Word: worry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tended to worry about PersonY a lot, because _ was an anxious person in general. \nSentence 2: PersonX tended to worry about PersonY a lot, because _ was a risk taking person in general."} {"input": "Context Word: economics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is PersonY's economics tutor and helps him to get better, because it is _ job. \nSentence 2: PersonX is PersonY's economics tutor and helps him to get better, because _ need help."} {"input": "Context Word: economics.", "output": "Sentence 1: Studying economics was far easier for PersonX than PersonY, as _ was a natural with numbers and math. \nSentence 2: Studying economics was far easier for PersonX than PersonY, as _ struggled with numbers and math."} {"input": "Context Word: climbing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Climbing trees doesn't appeal to PersonX, but PersonY loves it, because _ is poor at it. \nSentence 2: Climbing trees doesn't appeal to PersonX, but PersonY loves it, because _ is skilled at it."} {"input": "Context Word: climbing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed behind PersonY when they were climbing the hill because _ was quite slow. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed behind PersonY when they were climbing the hill because _ was much quicker."} {"input": "Context Word: silent.", "output": "Sentence 1: At parties, PersonX would end up silent while PersonY did all the talking because _ was very shy. \nSentence 2: At parties, PersonX would end up silent while PersonY did all the talking because _ was very brash."} {"input": "Context Word: silent.", "output": "Sentence 1: In a group PersonX was usually silent but PersonY was not because _ was a naturally reserved person. \nSentence 2: In a group PersonX was usually silent but PersonY was not because _ was a naturally gregarious person."} {"input": "Context Word: silent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX _ remained silent after PersonY dominated the wrestling match and was named champion last week. \nSentence 2: PersonX _ failed to remain silent after PersonY dominated the wrestling match and was named champion last week.."} {"input": "Context Word: silent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not mind being silent during the ceremony however PersonY did. This is because _ was a naturally quiet person. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not mind being silent during the ceremony however PersonY did. This is because _ was a naturally loud person."} {"input": "Context Word: silent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX find it harder to remain silent in public than personY because _ is a talkative. \nSentence 2: PersonX find it easier to remain silent in public than personY because _ is a talkative."} {"input": "Context Word: silent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hates getting the silent treatment from PersonY, so _ tries to talk things over anyway. \nSentence 2: PersonX hates getting the silent treatment from PersonY, but _ refuses to talk things over and remains silent."} {"input": "Context Word: silent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was silent during the debate but PersonY said a lot because _ was very shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was silent during the debate but PersonY said a lot because _ was very gregarious."} {"input": "Context Word: injection.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the injection, PersonX had plumper lips than PersonY, so _ looks a little more promiscuous. \nSentence 2: After the injection, PersonX had plumper lips than PersonY, so _ looks a little more modest."} {"input": "Context Word: injection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets injections on a regular basis, but PersonY doesn't get any because _ has diabetes. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets injections on a regular basis, but PersonY doesn't get any because _ doesn't have diabetes."} {"input": "Context Word: injection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was nervous about the injection, so PersonY gave her a stress ball to squeeze. _ was the patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX was nervous about the injection, so PersonY gave her a stress ball to squeeze. _ was the nurse."} {"input": "Context Word: injection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the doctor to get an injection with PersonY because _ was sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the doctor to get an injection with PersonY because _ was healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: Husky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took great care of their pet Husky but PersonY did not because _ was a very careful pet owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX took great care of their pet Husky but PersonY did not because _ was a very careless pet owner."} {"input": "Context Word: Trademark.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose not to trademark their catch phrase but PersonY did, so _ lost out on a lot of royalties. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose not to trademark their catch phrase but PersonY did, so _ cashed in on a lot of royalties."} {"input": "Context Word: cars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knows everything about cars, but PersonY knows nothing, so _ owns and operates a body shop. \nSentence 2: PersonX knows everything about cars, but PersonY knows nothing, so _ regularly visits a body shop."} {"input": "Context Word: cars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took driving lessons from PersonY, because _ was eager to drive cars on the road legally. \nSentence 2: PersonX took driving lessons from PersonY, because _ was eager to teach to drive cars on the road legally."} {"input": "Context Word: cars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really into cars, but PersonY thought they were stupid, so _ didn't invite them to the car show. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really into cars, but PersonY thought they were stupid, so _ didn't go to the car show."} {"input": "Context Word: Bull.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the sporting event on Friday, PersonX provoked the bull to charge at PersonY because _ was angry at him. \nSentence 2: At the sporting event on Friday, PersonX stopped the bull from charging at PersonY because _ was in love with him."} {"input": "Context Word: desk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help moving a desk. _ wouldn't have been able to do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help moving a desk. _ wouldn't have been able to do it by himself either."} {"input": "Context Word: desk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a messy desk while PersonY had a clean one because _ was quite organized. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a messy desk while PersonY had a clean one because _ was quite unorganized."} {"input": "Context Word: teenagers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought teenagers were fun to hang out with but PersonY did not. _ hung out with high school kids. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought teenagers were fun to hang out with but PersonY did not. _ hung out with adults."} {"input": "Context Word: bacterial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the flu but PersonY had a bacterial infection, so their doctor gave _ Tamiflu. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the flu but PersonY had a bacterial infection, so their doctor gave _ antibiotics."} {"input": "Context Word: bacterial.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bacterial infection that PersonX has was contracted from PersonY, so _ feels like a victim. \nSentence 2: The bacterial infection that PersonX has was contracted from PersonY, so _ feels like they are to blame."} {"input": "Context Word: Milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: While shopping for groceries, PersonX wanted milk, while PersonY wanted beer, _ relented because she likes partying too. \nSentence 2: While shopping for groceries, PersonX wanted milk, while PersonY wanted beer, _ relented because she likes cereal too."} {"input": "Context Word: frizzy hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had frizzy hair, but PersonY did not, so it takes _ longer to get ready in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX had frizzy hair, but PersonY did not, so it takes _ less time to get ready in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: Sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always getting sick no matter what she did unlike PersonY _ who had a robust immune system. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always getting sick no matter what she did unlike PersonY _ who had a weak immune system."} {"input": "Context Word: suing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was PersonY's lawyer for the arbitration, _ felt they shouldn't be suing the state. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was PersonY's lawyer for the arbitration, _ felt they should be suing the state."} {"input": "Context Word: suing.", "output": "Sentence 1: An upset PersonX is planning on suing their neighbor PersonY because _ thought they did wrong. \nSentence 2: An upset PersonX is planning on suing their neighbor PersonY , although _ did nothing wrong."} {"input": "Context Word: belong.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY not to take something that doesn't belong to him, _ was so wise compared to him. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY not to take something that doesn't belong to him, _ was so foolish compared to him."} {"input": "Context Word: humility.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was overall a nicer person than PersonY, _ did not practice humility very regularlly. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was overall a nicer person than PersonY, _ often did practice humility very regularlly."} {"input": "Context Word: humility.", "output": "Sentence 1: In acting class PersonX advised PersonY about how to show the feeling humility, because _ thought they knew how to do it best. \nSentence 2: In acting class PersonX advised PersonY about how to show the feeling humility, because _ was unsure how to do it best."} {"input": "Context Word: humility.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was working to becoming a better person from PersonY because _ believed they needed to learn humility. \nSentence 2: PersonX was working to becoming a better person from PersonY because _ believed they needed to teach humility."} {"input": "Context Word: credit report.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had been a victim of identity theft and PersonY had not, _ checked his credit report more frequently. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had been a victim of identity theft and PersonY had not, _ checked his credit report less frequently."} {"input": "Context Word: credit report.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had made very poor money choices but PersonY had been frugal. _ had a very bad credit report. \nSentence 2: PersonX had made very poor money choices but PersonY had been frugal. _ had a very good credit report."} {"input": "Context Word: tablet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a tablet for PersonY for their birthday last Sunday, and _ was thanked for the thoughtful gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a tablet for PersonY for their birthday last Sunday, and _ thanked them for the thoughtful gift."} {"input": "Context Word: scary.", "output": "Sentence 1: Halloween was always more scary for PersonX than PersonY being as _ has an imaginative outlook on life. \nSentence 2: Halloween was always more scary for PersonX than PersonY being as _ has a pragmatic outlook on life."} {"input": "Context Word: scary.", "output": "Sentence 1: Investing in the stock market is more scary for PersonX than PersonY because _ has little knowledge of the stock market. \nSentence 2: Investing in the stock market is more scary for PersonX than PersonY because _ has a lot of knowledge of the stock market."} {"input": "Context Word: scary.", "output": "Sentence 1: On PersonX way into the movie they asked PersonY if it was as scary as advertised, _ is just arriving. \nSentence 2: On PersonX way into the movie they asked PersonY if it was as scary as advertised, _ is now departing."} {"input": "Context Word: scary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the haunted house was more scary than PersonY did, so _ screamed a lot during it. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the haunted house was more scary than PersonY did, so _ yawned a lot during it."} {"input": "Context Word: scary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a scary costume for Halloween and made PersonY jump in fear. _ thought this was hilarious. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a scary costume for Halloween and made PersonY jump in fear. _ thought this was mean."} {"input": "Context Word: lean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could lean on PersonY because _ needed some strong support during these hard times. \nSentence 2: PersonX could lean on PersonY because _ offered some strong support during these hard times."} {"input": "Context Word: lean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had trouble with losing weight and asked PersonY for an advice, because _ wanted to get lean. \nSentence 2: PersonX had trouble with losing weight and asked PersonY for an advice, because _ was already lean."} {"input": "Context Word: Distillery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the owner of the distillery that PersonY merely worked at because _ went to business school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the owner of the distillery that PersonY merely worked at because _ dropped out of school."} {"input": "Context Word: Skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt most comfortable wearing a skirt, however PersonY found jeans more to their liking. _ bought a cute new sundress at the mall. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt most comfortable wearing a skirt, however PersonY found jeans more to their liking. _ bought a new pair of Levi's at the mall."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX insulted PersonY badly during a conversation, mother scolded _ for being so rude. \nSentence 2: After PersonX insulted PersonY badly during a conversation, mother commended _ for being so mature."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the conversation, PersonX told a secret about PersonY, and _ was apologetic regarding his mistake. \nSentence 2: During the conversation, PersonX told a secret about PersonY, and _ was angry regarding his mistake."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having a conversation with a stranger comes more natural for PersonX than PersonY because _ is a true social butterfly. \nSentence 2: Having a conversation with a stranger comes more natural for PersonX than PersonY because _ is not a social butterfly."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier to have a conversation with PersonX than PersonY because _ knew a lot about everything. \nSentence 2: It was easier to have a conversation with PersonX than PersonY because _ knew very little about anything."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY met many people because _ knew hot to carry a good conversation. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY met many people because _ did not know how to carry a good conversation."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not know a lot of conversation topics like PersonY because _ barely kept up with the news. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not know a lot of conversation topics like PersonY because _ always kept up with the news."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found conversations with PersonY fascinating; so when she walked in the room, _ ran over to start one. \nSentence 2: PersonX found conversations with PersonY boring; so when she walked in the room, _ ran away to avoid one."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very skilled at holding a conversation but PersonY is not. _ is quite popular at dinner parties. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very skilled at holding a conversation but PersonY is not. _ isn't very popular at dinner parties."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just wanted to have a conversation with PersonY while they're in the bar, because _ noticed him. \nSentence 2: PersonX just wanted to have a conversation with PersonY while they're in the bar, but _ ignores him."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to keep a conversation going but PersonY did not. _ was very popular at parties. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to keep a conversation going but PersonY did not. _ wasn't very popular at parties."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX starts up a conversation with PersonY at the party, because _ didn't know anyone else. \nSentence 2: PersonX starts up a conversation with PersonY at the party, but _ didn't want to talk with anyone else."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX struck up a conversation with PersonY, because _ was interested in her and wanted to get to know her. \nSentence 2: PersonX struck up a conversation with PersonY, because _ was interesting in her and she wanted to get to know him."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to strike up a conversation with PersonY at the party, but _ suddenly feels shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to strike up a conversation with PersonY at the party, but _ suddenly walks away."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not at a loss for words, but PersonY often was, because _ was good at making conversation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not at a loss for words, but PersonY often was, because _ was bad at making conversation."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really very good at conversation but PersonY was not because _ was very erudite. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really very good at conversation but PersonY was not because _ was very inarticulate."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was shy and had trouble with having a good conversation with PersonY, because _ was timid. \nSentence 2: PersonX was shy and had trouble with having a good conversation with PersonY, because _ was officious."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very poor at holding a conversation but PersonY was quite good. _ didn't do well at their sales job. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very poor at holding a conversation but PersonY was quite good. _ did do well at their sales job."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: The conversation about comics interested PersonX but not PersonY as _ is a huge comic book fan. \nSentence 2: The conversation about comics bored PersonX but not PersonY as _ is a huge comic book fan."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: The conversation was interesting for PersonX but bored PersonY , since _ was familiar with the subject. \nSentence 2: The conversation was interesting for PersonX but bored PersonY , since _ was alien to the subject."} {"input": "Context Word: conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX was trying to have a conversation, PersonY giggled, so father gave _ a sympathetic look. \nSentence 2: While PersonX was trying to have a conversation, PersonY giggled, so father gave _ a mad look."} {"input": "Context Word: walnut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was careful not to add any walnut extract to the recipe she was making for PersonY, but then _ accidentally let some walnuts fall into the bowl. \nSentence 2: PersonX was careful not to add any walnut extract to the recipe she was making for PersonY, but then _ said they were actually allergic to walnuts."} {"input": "Context Word: heels.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chided PersonY for parading around in high heels during church because _ is conservative. \nSentence 2: PersonX chided PersonY for parading around in high heels during church because _ is free-spirited."} {"input": "Context Word: heels.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to wear high heels on a regular basis but personY did not because _ was very glamorous. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to wear high heels on a regular basis but personY did not because _ was very plain."} {"input": "Context Word: heels.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked wearing high heels when going out with PersonY, because _ loved the feeling of heels. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked wearing high heels when going out with PersonY, but _ thought men shouldn't wear heels."} {"input": "Context Word: heels.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore flats to the birthday party while PersonY wore heels. _ looked very short. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore flats to the birthday party while PersonY wore heels. _ looked very tall."} {"input": "Context Word: cement.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before pouring the cement, PersonX wanted to teach PersonY how to pour it so _ could practice teaching it. \nSentence 2: Before pouring the cement, PersonX wanted to teach PersonY how to pour it so _ would do it properly."} {"input": "Context Word: cement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how long it would be until the cement was set because _ did not know how long it would take. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how long it would be until the cement was set but _ did not know how long it would take."} {"input": "Context Word: cement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a finished basement with carpet while PersonY has cold cement and no heat, so _ is comfortable in the basement during the winter. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a finished basement with carpet while PersonY has cold cement and no heat, so _ is freezing in the basement during the winter."} {"input": "Context Word: cement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pours the cement for PersonY's new driveway, so _ must be a building contractor. \nSentence 2: PersonX pours the cement for PersonY's new driveway, so _ must be a home owner."} {"input": "Context Word: cement.", "output": "Sentence 1: Yesterday, when PersonX saw PersonY's footprint in the fresh cement, _ felt a bit annoyed. \nSentence 2: Yesterday, when PersonX saw PersonY's footprint in the fresh cement, _ felt a bit guilty."} {"input": "Context Word: toenail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX screamed and cried louder than PersonY when they were at the doctor's office because _ had a broken toenail. \nSentence 2: PersonX screamed and cried louder than PersonY when they were at the doctor's office although _ had a broken toenail."} {"input": "Context Word: translation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's job involves translation of a language, and PersonY's only uses English. _ is bilingual. \nSentence 2: PersonX's job involves translation of a language, and PersonY's only uses English. _ is a monoglot."} {"input": "Context Word: bruises.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the soccer game, PersonX has fewer bruises than PersonY even though _ fell down more. \nSentence 2: After the soccer game, PersonX has fewer bruises than PersonY because _ fell down more."} {"input": "Context Word: bruises.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt self-conscious about her bruises, but PersonY helped her cover them with makeup. _ was a makeup client. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt self-conscious about her bruises, but PersonY helped her cover them with makeup. _ was a professional makeup artist."} {"input": "Context Word: ankle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidently kicked his friend PersonY's ankle and now _ doesn't know how to apologize. \nSentence 2: PersonX accidently kicked his friend PersonY's ankle and now _ doesn't know how to reduce the pain.."} {"input": "Context Word: ankle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to use crutches while PersonY did not, because _ had a broken ankle. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to use crutches while PersonY did not, because _ did not have a broken ankle."} {"input": "Context Word: ankle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received care for their sprained ankle from PersonY so _ asked questions on how to take care of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX received care for their sprained ankle from PersonY so _ answered questions on how to take care of it."} {"input": "Context Word: ankle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sprains his ankle, so he goes to visit PersonY at the hospital, because _ is a patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX sprains his ankle, so he goes to visit PersonY at the hospital, because _ is a specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: ankle.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ankle of PersonX is still swollen, but PersonY is having no issues, so _ was likely the one that fell. \nSentence 2: The ankle of PersonX is still swollen, but PersonY is having no issues, so _ was likely the one that didn't fall."} {"input": "Context Word: ankle.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ankle was sprained because PersonX pushed PersonY down. _ had to go to the hospital. \nSentence 2: The ankle was sprained because PersonX pushed PersonY down. _ had to apologize for it."} {"input": "Context Word: ankle.", "output": "Sentence 1: While skiing, PersonX twists his ankle on a ski run, but PersonY has a near miss. _ is quite grumpy after that. \nSentence 2: While skiing, PersonX twists his ankle on a ski run, but PersonY has a near miss. _ is quite thankful after that."} {"input": "Context Word: nitrogen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what the chemical symbol for nitrogen was because _ could not remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what the chemical symbol for nitrogen was but _ could not remember."} {"input": "Context Word: lap.", "output": "Sentence 1: Just a moment ago, PersonX sat on PersonY's lap, but it was very uncomfortable. _ is big. \nSentence 2: Just a moment ago, PersonX sat on PersonY's lap, but it was very uncomfortable. _ is small."} {"input": "Context Word: lap.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat PersonX owned would snuggle up on PersonY's lap because _ was mean to it all the time. \nSentence 2: The cat PersonX owned would snuggle up on PersonY's lap because _ was nice to it all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: polite.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being polite came natural to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had read several books on etiquette. \nSentence 2: Being polite came natural to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not read any books on etiquette."} {"input": "Context Word: polite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always got better service from waitstaff than PersonY because _ was always very polite. \nSentence 2: PersonX always got better service from waitstaff than PersonY because _ was always very impolite."} {"input": "Context Word: polite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier to be polite than PersonY, because _ had read several books on proper etiquette. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier to be polite than PersonY, because _ had not read any books on proper etiquette."} {"input": "Context Word: Period.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was bothered by cramps on their period but not PersonY. _ had to get a some cramp medication from the drug store. \nSentence 2: PersonX was bothered by cramps on their period but not PersonY. _ had to get a some cold medication from the drug store."} {"input": "Context Word: screenplay.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX is a better writer than PersonY, _ puts together a worse screenplay for movies. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX is a better writer than PersonY, _ puts together a better screenplay for movies."} {"input": "Context Word: screenplay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to write a screenplay that PersonY would fund so _ went to a film school. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to write a screenplay that PersonY would fund so _ went to a finance school."} {"input": "Context Word: screenplay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote the screenplay with PersonY in mind for the lead role, because _ is a writer. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote the screenplay with PersonY in mind for the lead role, because _ is an actor."} {"input": "Context Word: screenplay.", "output": "Sentence 1: The screenplay and team PersonX put together decides to go with PersonY as the lead actor. Therefore, _ is a screenwriter. \nSentence 2: The screenplay and team PersonX put together decides to go with PersonY as the lead actor. Therefore, _ is an actor."} {"input": "Context Word: Teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: As a teenager, PersonX aspired to grow up to be like PersonY. _ was very inspired by him. \nSentence 2: As a teenager, PersonX aspired to grow up to be like PersonY. _ was very inspiring to him."} {"input": "Context Word: Teenager.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX mulled the question for a while before asking PersonY what a teenager thought, _ wasn't young enough to guess. \nSentence 2: PersonX mulled the question for a while before asking PersonY what a teenager thought, _ was young enough to guess."} {"input": "Context Word: motivation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had more motivation in life and achieving goals than PersonY, as _ was optimistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had more motivation in life and achieving goals than PersonY, as _ was lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: motivation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't find figure out how to finish the presentation for PersonY, because _ was lacking in motivation. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't find figure out how to finish the presentation for PersonY, so _ provided some motivation."} {"input": "Context Word: motivation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lacked motivation in their life to do well at work unlike PersonY because _ thought life was meaningless. \nSentence 2: PersonX lacked motivation in their life to do well at work unlike PersonY because _ thought life was meaningful."} {"input": "Context Word: motivation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs motivation to exercise with PersonY in the morning, because _ is naturally lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs motivation to exercise with PersonY in the morning, while _ is naturally energetic."} {"input": "Context Word: motivation.", "output": "Sentence 1: To provide motivation PersonX gave PersonY some money, as the urgency on the situation was clear to _ . \nSentence 2: To provide motivation PersonX gave PersonY some money, as the urgency on the situation was lost on _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: stockings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's stockings have lots of tears in them, while PersonY's are solid looking. _ is wearing worn down stockings. \nSentence 2: PersonX's stockings have lots of tears in them, while PersonY's are solid looking. _ is wearing newly purchased stockings."} {"input": "Context Word: stockings.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stockings that PersonX wears are a size small, but PersonY wears an XL, so _ is the tinier person. \nSentence 2: The stockings that PersonX wears are a size small, but PersonY wears an XL, so _ is the oversized person."} {"input": "Context Word: chemicals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a bunch of chemicals from PersonY, because _ was trying to stock up on them. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a bunch of chemicals from PersonY, because _ was trying to get rid of them."} {"input": "Context Word: chemicals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of allergies to chemicals but they didn't bother PersonY. _ had to hire someone to clean their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of allergies to chemicals but they didn't bother PersonY. _ had no need for someone to clean their house."} {"input": "Context Word: chemicals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is much more familiar with chemicals than PersonY is because _ is a scientist. \nSentence 2: PersonX is much more familiar with chemicals than PersonY is because _ is a homemaker."} {"input": "Context Word: chemicals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to work with chemicals, while PersonY does not because _ is a famous chemist. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to work with chemicals, while PersonY does not because _ is a famous artist."} {"input": "Context Word: chemicals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's skin bubbled up when using the product unlike PersonY's because _ was allergic to the chemicals. \nSentence 2: PersonX's skin bubbled up when using the product unlike PersonY's because _ was fine with the chemicals."} {"input": "Context Word: Rich.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to pretend to be rich so he went to PersonY 's house and borrowed his wardrobe because _ dressed poor typically. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to pretend to be rich so he went to PersonY 's house and borrowed his wardrobe because _ dressed rich typically."} {"input": "Context Word: Rich.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked very hard at their career but PersonY barely tried, so _ became very rich and secure. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked very hard at their career but PersonY barely tried, so _ didn't become very rich and secure."} {"input": "Context Word: helpful.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX appreciated how helpful PersonY was, _ never gave a thank you for her help. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX appreciated how helpful PersonY was, _ never received a thank you for her help."} {"input": "Context Word: helpful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave thanks to PersonY, because _ was grateful at how helpful he was being. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave thanks to PersonY, because _ was graceful with how helpful he was being."} {"input": "Context Word: helpful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a hard time reaching the top shelf PersonY being helpful always over and gets their item down, _ is short. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a hard time reaching the top shelf PersonY being helpful always over and gets their item down, _ is tall."} {"input": "Context Word: helpful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helpful when PersonY's car was broke down. _ offered rides to work each day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helpful when PersonY's car was broke down. _ appreciated the rides to work each day."} {"input": "Context Word: overworked.", "output": "Sentence 1: Of course PersonX felt overworked while PersonY did not, _ did all of the work on the project. \nSentence 2: Of course PersonX felt overworked while PersonY did not, _ did all of the supervising on the project."} {"input": "Context Word: football game.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to watch the football game while PersonY wanted to watch gymnastics because _ thought football was thrilling. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to watch the football game while PersonY wanted to watch gymnastics because _ thought football was tedious."} {"input": "Context Word: breaking up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY they were breaking up with them, because _ wanted to move out of the state. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY they were breaking up with them, because _ wanted to stay in the state."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the game PersonX drank a lot of water but PersonY did not as _ was thirsty. \nSentence 2: After the game PersonX drank a lot of water but PersonY did not as _ was sated."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: At home, PersonX has to help PersonY when they burn their hand with hot water, so _ is more likely the parent. \nSentence 2: At home, PersonX has to help PersonY when they burn their hand with hot water, so _ is more likely the child."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the beach, PersonX stayed on the land while PersonY jumped in the water because _ was afraid to go in the water. \nSentence 2: At the beach, PersonX stayed on the land while PersonY jumped in the water because _ loved to go in the water."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: Jumping in the water was never a problem for PersonX but it was for PersonY, because _ took swimming lessons as a child. \nSentence 2: Jumping in the water was never a problem for PersonX but it was for PersonY, because _ took boxing lessons as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to stay close to them in the water because _ couldn't swim very well. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to stay close to them in the water because _ was a strong swimmer."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to test her household's water quality, because _ suspects bad water quality. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to test her household's water quality, because _ know a lot about water quality."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't feel as dehydrated as PersonY, because _ remembered to drink water before the hike. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't feel as dehydrated as PersonY, because _ forgot to drink water before the hike."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank a lot of water but PersonY preferred sugary soda as _ was concerned about their teeth. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank a lot of water but PersonY preferred sugary soda as _ was indifferent about their teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank lots of water while running while PersonY did not, so _ did not become dehydrated. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank lots of water while running while PersonY did not, so _ became dehydrated."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank much more water than PersonY did so _ ended up losing more weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank much more water than PersonY did so _ ended up gaining more weight."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank several bottles of water every day while PersonY drank several bottles of pop. _ was never dehydrated during the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank several bottles of water every day while PersonY drank several bottles of pop. _ was often dehydrated during the day."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drinks a lot more water than PersonY because _ is an active and healthy individual. \nSentence 2: PersonX drinks a lot more water than PersonY because _ is an inactive and unhealthy individual."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drinks a lot of water daily compared to PersonY, because _ loves to be healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX drinks a lot of water daily compared to PersonY, because _ hates to be healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drinks water at every meal while PersonY drinks beer, as _ is an alcoholic. \nSentence 2: PersonX drinks water at every meal while PersonY drinks beer, as _ likes to be healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dumped a bunch of water on PersonY, which _ thought was a funny prank. \nSentence 2: PersonX dumped a bunch of water on PersonY, which _ thought was an annoying prank."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a glass of water because _ was the host at the dinner party. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a glass of water because _ was thirsty at the dinner party."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to go outside to retrieve water but not PersonY because _ had to go to the well. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to go outside to retrieve water but not PersonY because _ had to go only to the sink."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hadn't drunk water for a day unlike PersonY so _ had a parched throat. \nSentence 2: PersonX hadn't drunk water for a day unlike PersonY so _ had a moist throat."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed the sixteen ounce bottle of water over to PersonY because _ already hydrated. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed the sixteen ounce bottle of water over to PersonY because _ needed to be hydrated."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed the sponge to PersonY, so _ could see the spilled water cleaned up before it ruined the table. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed the sponge to PersonY, so _ could clean up the spilled water before it ruined the table."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated low water pressure in the shower than PersonY so when the plumbing was broke _ didn't take a shower. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved low water pressure in the shower than PersonY so when the plumbing was broke _ didn't take a shower."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is much healthier than PersonY because _ gets their recommended amount of water each day. \nSentence 2: PersonX is much healthier than PersonY because _ never gets their recommended amount of water each day."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY's help swimming in the pool, because _ was uncomfortable in the water. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonY's help swimming in the pool, because _ was comfortable in the water."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to give the rest of the water to PersonY because _ was feeling hydrated. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to give the rest of the water to PersonY because _ was feeling dehydrated."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX orders water at the bar, while PersonY has a nice, cold beer, so _ is the sober person. \nSentence 2: PersonX orders water at the bar, while PersonY has a nice, cold beer, so _ is the drunk person."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred water while PersonY was a fan of Gatorade, so _ got mad when offered a cold Gatorade. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred water while PersonY was a fan of Gatorade, so _ was happy when offered a cold Gatorade."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX swam faster than PersonY so _ outpaced them in their swimming match at the water front. \nSentence 2: PersonX swam faster than PersonY so _ fell behind them in their swimming match at the water front."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to hire PersonY to water the plants because _ was going away on a long vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to hire PersonY to water the plants but _ was going away on a long vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used soapy water to wash PersonY's clothes since _ found doing laundry quite relaxing. \nSentence 2: PersonX used soapy water to wash PersonY's clothes since _ found doing laundry quite cumbersome."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to lose weight more than a fit PersonY so _ started a water fast. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to lose weight more than a fit PersonY so _ started drink less water."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was boiling water to fix a pot of tea just for PersonY but _ preferred coffee instead. \nSentence 2: PersonX was boiling water to fix a pot of tea just for PersonY because _ preferred tea instead."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hiking in the mountains and forgot water unlike PersonY, so _ was very dehydrated. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hiking in the mountains and forgot water unlike PersonY, so _ was very hydrated."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less dehydrated than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about drinking more water. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less dehydrated than PersonY, so _ started to worry about drinking more water."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more scared to swim in the water than PersonY because the water reached over _ head. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more scared to swim in the water than PersonY because the water reached under _ head."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scared of the water but PersonY wasn't worried about it because _ didn't know how to swim. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scared of the water but PersonY wasn't worried about it because _ knew how to swim."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so thirsty that PersonY offered them some water. _ showed appreciation by carrying the backpack. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so thirsty that PersonY offered them some water. _ showed generosity by carrying the backpack."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was thirsty after the long run, while PersonY felt refreshed, so _ asked for her extra water. \nSentence 2: PersonX was thirsty after the long run, while PersonY felt refreshed, so _ offered her extra water."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was thirsty and PersonY had a bottle of water, so _ got the bottle from them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was thirsty and PersonY had a bottle of water, so _ gave the bottle to them."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: Swimming came more naturally to PersonX than it did to PersonY because _ had no fear of water. \nSentence 2: Swimming came more naturally to PersonX than it did to PersonY because _ had a fear of water."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: Swimming was a lot of fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no fear of the water. \nSentence 2: Swimming was a lot of fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a fear of the water."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog swam past PersonX to PersonY in the water, and _ felt ignored by the dog. \nSentence 2: The dog swam past PersonX to PersonY in the water, and _ felt loved by the dog."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: The water in the home of PersonX tastes better than PersonY's because _ lives near a water source. \nSentence 2: The water in the home of PersonX tastes better than PersonY's because _ lives far from a water source."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: The water was too cold for PersonX but just right for PersonY, so _ got out of the pool. \nSentence 2: The water was just right for PersonX but too cold for PersonY, so _ got out of the pool."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wanting to be healthy suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed drinking water on a daily basis. \nSentence 2: Wanting to be healthy suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ detested drinking water on a daily basis."} {"input": "Context Word: water.", "output": "Sentence 1: Water bottles are what PersonX needs for his trout line but PersonY doesn't drink water, _ won't be able to get any water bottles their. \nSentence 2: Water bottles are what PersonX needs for his trout line but PersonY doesn't drink water, _ won't be able to find any water bottles."} {"input": "Context Word: Team.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave strategy to PersonY on the football team because _ was the team leader. \nSentence 2: PersonX followed the strategy of PersonY on the football team because _ was the team leader."} {"input": "Context Word: Rejection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't good with handling rejection but PersonY handled it well. _ had a melt down when they were denied a promotion. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't good with handling rejection but PersonY handled it well. _ had no issues when they were denied a promotion."} {"input": "Context Word: motor skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: My motor skills are not that god PersonX explains to PersonY, _ has problems with their speech. \nSentence 2: My motor skills are not that god PersonX explains to PersonY, _ has never had problems with their speech."} {"input": "Context Word: takes care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often takes care of PersonY when they are sick and _ often feels resentful. \nSentence 2: PersonX often takes care of PersonY when they are sick and _ often feels grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: Abu Dhabi.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is from Abu Dhabi where PersonY plans to visit next summer, _ is going to their to see her parents. \nSentence 2: PersonX is from Abu Dhabi where PersonY plans to visit next summer, _ is going to their on vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: harmful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a harmful relationship with PersonY, so _ did everything they could to get out. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a harmful relationship with PersonY, so _ did everything they could to keep control."} {"input": "Context Word: Electroplate.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx learnt how to electroplate from persony and _ was a very good student during the process. \nSentence 2: personx learnt how to electroplate from persony and _ was a very good teacher during the process."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee table.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX picked up and slammed PersonY through the coffee table _ felt very strong. \nSentence 2: After PersonX picked up and slammed PersonY through the coffee table _ felt very injured."} {"input": "Context Word: Diamond.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the mall on Friday, PersonX paid PersonY for the diamonds because _ was the customer. \nSentence 2: At the mall on Friday, PersonX paid PersonY for the diamonds because _ was the vendor."} {"input": "Context Word: move.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to move seats unlike PersonY because _ sat in the wrong seat at the event. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to move seats unlike PersonY because _ sat in the right seat at the event."} {"input": "Context Word: move.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is lazy and does not move around much, PersonY does and that is why _ is fat. \nSentence 2: PersonX is lazy and does not move around much, PersonY does and that is why _ is skinny."} {"input": "Context Word: move.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to move while PersonY wanted to stay in their apartment, so _ spent the evening packing boxes. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to move while PersonY wanted to stay in their apartment, so _ spent the evening redecorating."} {"input": "Context Word: move.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to move and PersonY just finished moving. _ was packing up their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to move and PersonY just finished moving. _ was unpacking their house."} {"input": "Context Word: move.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's family recently made a move, but PersonY still lives in the same city, so _ is in unfamiliar territory. \nSentence 2: PersonX's family recently made a move, but PersonY still lives in the same city, so _ is in familiar territory."} {"input": "Context Word: convince the parents to get a bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to convince the parents to get a bird but PersonY didn't because _ already had a dog as a pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to convince the parents to get a bird but PersonY didn't because _ didn't already have a pet."} {"input": "Context Word: circulate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to try and secretly circulate the rumor through PersonY, since _ was manipulative. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to try and secretly circulate the rumor through PersonY, since _ was a gossip."} {"input": "Context Word: turning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is turning fifty tomorrow and PersonY is making them a cake, _ is probably wise. \nSentence 2: PersonX is turning fifty tomorrow and PersonY is making them a cake, _ is probably a good cook."} {"input": "Context Word: picnic table.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gifted PersonY a new picnic table, because _ borrowed some money a while ago. \nSentence 2: PersonX gifted PersonY a new picnic table, because _ lended him some money a while ago."} {"input": "Context Word: cushions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put the cushions under PersonY's head, because _ wanted to provide some personal comfort. \nSentence 2: PersonX put the cushions under PersonY's head, because _ needed to receive some personal comfort."} {"input": "Context Word: correctly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX answered every question correctly on the test PersonY gave them, so _ was relieved. \nSentence 2: PersonX answered every question correctly on the test PersonY gave them, so _ was impressed."} {"input": "Context Word: to get car insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to get car insurance and PersonY did not because _ just got a new car. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to get car insurance and PersonY did not because _ did not drive a car."} {"input": "Context Word: chronic.", "output": "Sentence 1: Feeling chronic pain is an everything day for PersonX but not PersonY because _ suffers from chronic pain syndrome. \nSentence 2: Feeling chronic pain is an everything day for PersonX but not PersonY because _ doesn't suffer from chronic pain syndrome."} {"input": "Context Word: lose 15 pounds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got to go shopping for a new wardrobe while PersonY stayed home. _ had worked hard to lose 15 pounds. \nSentence 2: PersonX got to go shopping for a new wardrobe while PersonY stayed home. _ had long meant to lose 15 pounds."} {"input": "Context Word: jurisdiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called the police because PersonY was having a loud party. The police said it wasn't their jurisdiction and this made _ feel frustrated. \nSentence 2: PersonX called the police because PersonY was having a loud party. The police said it wasn't their jurisdiction and this made _ feel relieved."} {"input": "Context Word: bitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got bitten by a dog, PersonY laughed at him. Their father comforted _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX got bitten by a dog, PersonY laughed at him. Their father yelled at _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: bitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got bitten by a tick on the camping trip, but PersonY did not, because _ remembered to apply insect repellent. \nSentence 2: PersonX got bitten by a tick on the camping trip, but PersonY did not, because _ forgot to apply insect repellent."} {"input": "Context Word: paying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was paying attention on the road but PersonY was on the phone, as _ was driving. \nSentence 2: PersonX was paying attention on the road but PersonY was on the phone, as _ was looking for directions."} {"input": "Context Word: paying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX will be paying the bill explains PersonY they are in the bathroom _ suddenly enter the room. \nSentence 2: PersonX will be paying the bill explains PersonY they are in the bathroom _ suddenly exits the room."} {"input": "Context Word: Stutter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a stutter, so PersonY tended to ask him to repeat himself. _ was often embarrassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a stutter, so PersonY tended to ask him to repeat himself. _ was often confused."} {"input": "Context Word: fungus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had fungus on their toes but not PersonY because _ was always wearing damp socks. \nSentence 2: PersonX had fungus on their toes but not PersonY because _ was always wearing dry socks."} {"input": "Context Word: opera.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the opera was over, PersonX left PersonY because _ was ready to go to bed. \nSentence 2: After the opera was over, PersonX left PersonY because _ was ready to go to the bar."} {"input": "Context Word: lemon drop cookies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sad that PersonY wouldn't eat the lemon drop cookies because _ baked them with too much sugar. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sad that PersonY wouldn't eat the lemon drop cookies because _ disliked them with too much sugar."} {"input": "Context Word: yeast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to borrow some of their yeast because _ wanted to make fresh pizza dough. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to borrow some of their yeast because _ has a lot for making fresh pizza dough."} {"input": "Context Word: yeast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX blamed PersonY for the bread being flat, as _ was aware the yeast had to rise first. \nSentence 2: PersonX blamed PersonY for the bread being flat, as _ was unaware the yeast had to rise first."} {"input": "Context Word: yeast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knows yeast can cause infections and PersonY thinks it only used for cooking, _ knows about infections. \nSentence 2: PersonX knows yeast can cause infections and PersonY thinks it only used for cooking, _ knows nothing about infections."} {"input": "Context Word: new job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to find a new job before PersonY because _ was laid off in the first round. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to find a new job before PersonY because _ was laid off in the second round."} {"input": "Context Word: hood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to put the hood of her jacket up because _ didn't want her to get cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to put the hood of her jacket up because _ was likely to get cold."} {"input": "Context Word: cruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wanted to go on a cruise and PersonY wanted to help pick the right cruise because _ had never been on a cruise. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wanted to go on a cruise and PersonY wanted to help pick the right cruise because _ had recently been on a cruise."} {"input": "Context Word: cruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help set up her cruise because _ was no good at planning a vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help set up her cruise because _ was extremely good at planning a vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: cruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time starting a cruise line than PersonY because _ had more capital. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time starting a cruise line than PersonY because _ had less capital."} {"input": "Context Word: cruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had problems with seasickness but PersonY wasn't bother by it. _ was unhappy on their cruise vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX had problems with seasickness but PersonY wasn't bother by it. _ was happy on their cruise vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: cruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hopes that PersonY will want to go on a cruise, because _ wants to be on the water. \nSentence 2: PersonX hopes that PersonY will want to go on a cruise, but _ is afraid of being on the water."} {"input": "Context Word: cruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went on a cruise for vacation while PersonY went to a hotel by tourist spots, so _ spent most of their vacation on the water. \nSentence 2: PersonX went on a cruise for vacation while PersonY went to a hotel by tourist spots, so _ spent most of their vacation on the land."} {"input": "Context Word: cruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went on a cruise last week unlike PersonY because _ has a lot of money to his name. \nSentence 2: PersonX went on a cruise last week unlike PersonY because _ has a no money to his name."} {"input": "Context Word: cruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cruise was an ideal vacation for PersonX, but not for PersonY, because _ loves the water. \nSentence 2: The cruise was an ideal vacation for PersonX, but not for PersonY, because _ hates the water."} {"input": "Context Word: encourage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was the better guidance counselor because _ would encourage the students to be their best. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was the better guidance counselor because _ would not encourage the students to be their best."} {"input": "Context Word: encourage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man walked over to encourage PersonX but not PersonY because _ looked very sad and depressed. \nSentence 2: The man walked over to encourage PersonX but not PersonY because _ looked very happy and optimistic."} {"input": "Context Word: mountains.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to go to the mountains for a vacation but PersonY prefers the beach _ booked a trip to the Grand Tetons. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to go to the mountains for a vacation but PersonY prefers the beach _ booked a trip to Grand Cayman."} {"input": "Context Word: floors.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX suffered more from dust mite allergies than PersonY, _ had hardwood floors in her home. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX suffered more from dust mite allergies than PersonY, _ had carpet floors in her home."} {"input": "Context Word: floors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought wood floors and PersonY bought carpet because _ likes the hard sensation on their feet. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought wood floors and PersonY bought carpet because _ likes the soft sensation on their feet."} {"input": "Context Word: floors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to clean their floors because _ was going on a long vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to clean their floors but _ was going on a long vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: lease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to lease a car, but PersonY bought their car with cash, because _ wanted to avoid being tied down. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to lease a car, but PersonY bought their car with cash, because _ wanted to avoid being in debt."} {"input": "Context Word: Secret Santa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's family are doing a Secret Santa this year, but PersonY doesn't celebrate Christmas. _ is more likely to be Catholic. \nSentence 2: PersonX's family are doing a Secret Santa this year, but PersonY doesn't celebrate Christmas. _ is more likely to be Muslim."} {"input": "Context Word: horoscope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't take their daily horoscope as seriously as PersonY because _ doesn't believe in astrology. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't take their daily horoscope as seriously as PersonY because _ really believes in astrology."} {"input": "Context Word: fashionable.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was more likely that PersonX would wear all the new styles to school rather than PersonY because it was important for _ to be fashionable. \nSentence 2: It was more likely that PersonX would wear all the new styles to school rather than PersonY because it was not important for _ to be fashionable."} {"input": "Context Word: cucumber.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating a cucumber suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved eating vegetables in a salad. \nSentence 2: Eating a cucumber suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't love eating vegetables in a salad."} {"input": "Context Word: cucumber.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cucumber from PersonX's garden tastes funny to PersonY, so _ feels guilty for giving it. \nSentence 2: The cucumber from PersonX's garden tastes funny to PersonY, and _ feels ashamed for mocking it."} {"input": "Context Word: Gum Swelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was suffering from gum swelling when PersonY told her she should brush her teeth more often, so _ started brushing more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX was suffering from gum swelling when PersonY told her she should brush her teeth more often, but _ didn't even brush often."} {"input": "Context Word: bad habit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the bad habit of chewing their nails but PersonY didn't have the same habit. _ had raggedy looking hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the bad habit of chewing their nails but PersonY didn't have the same habit. _ had neat looking hands."} {"input": "Context Word: stump.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't like the rotten tree stump in PersonY's yard, so _ asks him to grind down the stump. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't like the rotten tree stump in PersonY's yard, but _ refuses to grind down the stump."} {"input": "Context Word: facial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't like to nice things for themselves so PersonY bought a facial for them because _ loved them. \nSentence 2: PersonX did like to nice things for others so the bought PersonY a facial for them because _ loved them."} {"input": "Context Word: facial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is taken to the salon to get a facial by PersonY because _ is receiving a Birthday gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX is taken to the salon to get a facial by PersonY because _ is giving a Birthday gift."} {"input": "Context Word: facial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid more than PersonY for their facial because _ went to a high end spa and salon. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid more tnan PersonY for their facial because _ went to a cheaper spa and salon."} {"input": "Context Word: facial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent more money at the spa than PersonY because _ added a facial to their package. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent more money at the spa than PersonY because _ didn't add a facial to their package."} {"input": "Context Word: facial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to give PersonY a facial because _ felt that their skin needed some help. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to give PersonY a facial but _ felt that their skin needed no help."} {"input": "Context Word: facial.", "output": "Sentence 1: The facial given to PersonX was better than the one given to PersonY because _ paid for extra time. \nSentence 2: The facial given to PersonX was better than the one given to PersonY because _ did not pay for extra time."} {"input": "Context Word: Empathetic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was rather empathetic towards PersonY because _ had been through a similar situation before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was rather empathetic towards PersonY because _ had never been in the situation before."} {"input": "Context Word: replacement.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to find a replacement part for the car because _ worked in the auto mall. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to find a replacement part for the car because _ did not work in the auto mall."} {"input": "Context Word: water heater.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is called, after the water heater of PersonY is acting up, because _ is a good plumber. \nSentence 2: PersonX is called, after the water heater of PersonY is acting up, because _ is a good apartment tenant."} {"input": "Context Word: financed.", "output": "Sentence 1: The film that PersonX made was financed entirely by PersonY. This makes _ the film's director. \nSentence 2: The film that PersonX made was financed entirely by PersonY. This makes _ the film's producer."} {"input": "Context Word: rosary.", "output": "Sentence 1: Visiting a church and using a rosary was new to PersonX but not PersonY, as _ was not raised in a religion. \nSentence 2: Visiting a church and using a rosary was new to PersonX but not PersonY, as _ was raised in a religion."} {"input": "Context Word: vodka.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everybody loved the vodka cocktail that PersonX made at the party, while no one liked PersonY's cocktail, because _ was an experienced bar tender. \nSentence 2: Everybody loved the vodka cocktail that PersonX made at the party, while no one liked PersonY's cocktail, because _ had no experience as a bar tender."} {"input": "Context Word: vodka.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had vodka and PersonY did not have any, so _ needed a designated driver for that night. \nSentence 2: PersonX had vodka and PersonY did not have any, so _ was the designated driver for that night."} {"input": "Context Word: vodka.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoys a vodka drink, but PersonY prefers whiskey because _ likes clear liquors. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoys a vodka drink, but PersonY prefers whiskey because _ likes dark liquors."} {"input": "Context Word: vodka.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stood at the bar and got the attention of the bartender, PersonY; _ ordered a vodka tonic with a lime slice. \nSentence 2: PersonX stood at the bar and got the attention of the bartender, PersonY; _ then made a vodka tonic with a lime slice."} {"input": "Context Word: face mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had really terrible skin and PersonY did not. _ bought a face mask at the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX had really terrible skin and PersonY did not. _ put a face mask back at the store."} {"input": "Context Word: Gratitude.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed a lot of gratitude to PersonY because _ really appreciated them lending some help. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed a lot of gratitude to PersonY and _ really didn't mind lending them some help."} {"input": "Context Word: Social.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Thursday, PersonX asked PersonY to follow him on social media because _ wanted more followers. \nSentence 2: On Thursday, PersonX asked PersonY to follow on social media because _ wanted to follow more people."} {"input": "Context Word: algebra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has an easier time in their algebra class than PersonY because _ is really good with numbers. \nSentence 2: PersonX has an easier time in their algebra class than PersonY because _ is really bad with numbers."} {"input": "Context Word: algebra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a math wiz compared to PersonY, so _ did much better in the algebra class. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a math wiz compared to PersonY, so _ did much worse in the algebra class."} {"input": "Context Word: pets.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a long discussion, PersonX wanted fewer pets than PersonY for _ was allergic to the hair. \nSentence 2: After a long discussion, PersonX wanted more pets than PersonY for _ was allergic to the hair."} {"input": "Context Word: pets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to find a new place to live because _ had several pets which were not allowed. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to find a new place to live because _ did not have several pets which were not allowed."} {"input": "Context Word: pets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want PersonY to bring any more pets into the house, because _ was sick of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want PersonY to bring any more pets into the house, because _ was addicted to them."} {"input": "Context Word: pets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want any pets, but PersonY bought one anyway, which left _ pretty irritated. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want any pets, but PersonY bought one anyway, which made _ pretty inconsiderate."} {"input": "Context Word: pets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave all the newborn puppies to PersonY because _ dislikes all kinds of pets. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave all the newborn puppies to PersonY because _ loves all kinds of pets."} {"input": "Context Word: pets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more pets than PersonY did because _ liked being around animals much more. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more pets than PersonY did although _ liked being around animals much more."} {"input": "Context Word: pets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to have pets around the house but PersonY didn't, so _ went to the store and bought a kitten. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to have pets around the house but PersonY didn't, so _ went to the store and bought a coat."} {"input": "Context Word: pets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX must fork over more money than PersonY for pet treats every month because _ owns a lot more pets. \nSentence 2: PersonX must fork over more money than PersonY for pet treats every month because _ owns a lot less pets."} {"input": "Context Word: pets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent more on pet food every week than PersonY because _ had more pets in their home. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent more on pet food every week than PersonY although _ had more pets in their home."} {"input": "Context Word: pets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not allowed any pets like PersonY, because _ sister was allergic to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was allowed to have pets unlike PersonY, because _ sister was allergic to them."} {"input": "Context Word: pets.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pets are something PersonX hates, while PersonY is the opposite, so _ is a people person. \nSentence 2: Pets are something PersonX hates, while PersonY is the opposite, so _ is an animal person."} {"input": "Context Word: inexpensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: Both PersonX and PersonY were looking or inexpensive windows for their home, _ was in awe of the look of Bay Windows. \nSentence 2: Both PersonX and PersonY were looking or inexpensive windows for their home, _ was indifferent of the look of Bay Windows."} {"input": "Context Word: inexpensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying a new phone was inexpensive for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was wealthy. \nSentence 2: Buying a new phone was inexpensive for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: inexpensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought an inexpensive gift for PersonY when they went out, which made _ feel like a cheapskate. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought an inexpensive gift for PersonY when they went out, which made _ feel like a cheap date."} {"input": "Context Word: prune.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to prune the unruly rose bush because _ had a black thumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to prune the unruly rose bush because _ had a green thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: prune.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed the roses and pruned them often but not PersonY because _ had a rose garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed the roses and pruned them often but not PersonY because _ didn't have a rose garden."} {"input": "Context Word: prune.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is showing PersonY the appropriate method to prune flowers because _ is a professional gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX is showing PersonY the appropriate method to prune flowers because _ is a novice gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: prune.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to prune the roses but PersonY said they preferred not to. _ was very good at gardening. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to prune the roses but PersonY said they preferred not to. _ was very bad at gardening."} {"input": "Context Word: prune.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY which trees the had to prune because _ was an owner of the orchard. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY which trees the had to prune because _ was a worker of the orchard."} {"input": "Context Word: prune.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to prune their Forsythia so they asked PersonY to help because _ was bad at taking care of plants. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to prune their Forsythia so they asked PersonY to help because _ was good at taking care of plants."} {"input": "Context Word: prune.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's Trumpet Vine had many flowers but PersonY's did not because _ pruned the vine frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX's Trumpet Vine had many flowers but PersonY's did not because _ pruned the vine seldomly."} {"input": "Context Word: hair mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied a hair mask to PersonY's entire head and combed through to distribute evenly , _ is a 50 years old daughter. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied a hair mask to PersonY's entire head and combed through to distribute evenly , _ is a 80 years old mother."} {"input": "Context Word: hair mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was creating a new Hairmask for PersonY to wear. _ mixed the hair mask. \nSentence 2: PersonX was creating a new hairmask for PersonY to wear. _ wore the hair mask."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle cramps.", "output": "Sentence 1: Treating muscle cramps didn't work for PersonX but did for PersonY because _ had no medical knowledge. \nSentence 2: Treating muscle cramps worked for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had no medical knowledge."} {"input": "Context Word: talk.", "output": "Sentence 1: No one wants to talk to PersonX at the even but everyone wants to talk to PersonY because _ is grumpy. \nSentence 2: No one wants to talk to PersonX at the even but everyone wants to talk to PersonY because _ is cheerful."} {"input": "Context Word: talk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always loved to talk but PersonY did not because _ was really very extroverted. \nSentence 2: PersonX always loved to talk but PersonY did not because _ was really very introverted."} {"input": "Context Word: talk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to talk to PersonY about a serious matter but _ was nervous about their response. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to talk to PersonY about a serious matter but _ did not have a response."} {"input": "Context Word: talk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that PersonY talked too slowly, and _ had a hard time understanding them when they spoke. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that PersonY talked too slowly, and _ had a hard time being understood when they spoke."} {"input": "Context Word: talk.", "output": "Sentence 1: The therapist encouraged PersonX to talk and PersonY to listen, but _ still refused to speak. \nSentence 2: The therapist encouraged PersonX to talk and PersonY to listen, but _ still refused to listen."} {"input": "Context Word: workers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The workers walked right past PersonX and up to PersonY because _ had been ignoring them all day. \nSentence 2: The workers walked right past PersonX and up to PersonY because _ had been talking to them all day."} {"input": "Context Word: greeting card.", "output": "Sentence 1: A greeting card had been sent from PersonX to PersonY because _ is a thoughtful friend. \nSentence 2: A greeting card had been sent from PersonX to PersonY because _ is a deserving friend."} {"input": "Context Word: gray.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help him get rid of the gray in his hair because _ didn't know how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help him get rid of the gray in his hair, but _ didn't know how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: gray.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had gray hair but their granddaughter PersonY had red hair because _ was very old. \nSentence 2: PersonX had gray hair but their granddaughter PersonY had red hair because _ was very young."} {"input": "Context Word: gray.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to let their hair dye process longer than PersonY because _ has a lot of gray hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to let their hair dye process longer than PersonY because _ doesn't have any gray hair."} {"input": "Context Word: punk music.", "output": "Sentence 1: After listening to the radio PersonX asked PersonY about punk music, because _ had never heard music like that. \nSentence 2: After listening to the radio PersonX asked PersonY about the punk music, because _ had always listened to music like that."} {"input": "Context Word: wear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wears clothes that show off her curves, but not PersonY because _ is an attention seeker. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wears clothes that show off her curves, but not PersonY because _ is a modest person."} {"input": "Context Word: wear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very fashion concious, PersonY is not which is why _ wears fancy boots. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very fashion concious, PersonY is not which is why _ doesn't wear fancy boots."} {"input": "Context Word: Goldfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX beat PersonY at darts at the fair, so ( _ ) won the the goldfish in a bag. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost to PersonY at darts at the fair, so ( _ ) won the goldfish in a bag."} {"input": "Context Word: Goldfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought the goldfish for PersonY to feed to his arowanas. _ had enough money to pay for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought the goldfish for PersonY to feed to his arowanas. _ had too little money to pay for them."} {"input": "Context Word: battle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being taught how to battle cancer with the help of PersonY, so _ is the cancer patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being taught how to battle cancer with the help of PersonY, so _ is the cancer survivor."} {"input": "Context Word: battle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the sure winner of the battle against PersonY because _ had been practicing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the sure winner of the battle against PersonY because _ had not been practicing."} {"input": "Context Word: attractive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finds PersonY attractive and appreciates their personality, so _ suggests they go on a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX finds PersonY attractive and appreciates their personality, but _ doesn't want to go on a date."} {"input": "Context Word: attractive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found PersonY quite attractive, so _ sent a gift and a card expressing their inner feelings. \nSentence 2: PersonX found PersonY quite attractive, so _ received a gift and a card expressing their inner feelings."} {"input": "Context Word: attractive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found people of the same gender very attractive but PersonY did not as _ was homosexual. \nSentence 2: PersonX found people of the same gender very attractive but PersonY did not as _ was heterosexual."} {"input": "Context Word: attractive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an attractive person but PersonY was not, so _ had a very full dating life. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an attractive person but PersonY was not, so _ had a very empty dating life."} {"input": "Context Word: defeating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept defeating PersonY every time they played, so _ wanted to keep playing together. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept defeating PersonY every time they played, so _ wanted to stop playing together."} {"input": "Context Word: harmonica.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to teach PersonY to play the harmonica as _ was an expert at it. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to teach PersonY to play the harmonica beecause _ was an amateur at it."} {"input": "Context Word: electricity.", "output": "Sentence 1: I don't think their is any electricity being used when I try to turn it on explains PersonX to PersonY, _ has a appliance not working. \nSentence 2: I don't think their is any electricity being used when I try to turn it on explains PersonX to PersonY, _ helps when someone has a appliance not working."} {"input": "Context Word: electricity.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to save money because _ always had a high electricity bill. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to save money because _ never had a high electricity bill."} {"input": "Context Word: electricity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew a lot about electricity but PersonY did not since _ studied electrical engineering in college. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew a lot about electricity but PersonY did not since _ studied botany in college."} {"input": "Context Word: electricity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid less for their electricity than PersonY paid since _ had a smaller house. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid less for their electricity than PersonY paid since _ had a larger house."} {"input": "Context Word: electricity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid to mess with electricity, while PersonY was adept with it, so _ would avoid the fuse box. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid to mess with electricity, while PersonY was adept with it, so _ would fix the fuse box."} {"input": "Context Word: sunflower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the taste of nuts but PersonY was deathly allergic to nuts. _ put a big scoop of sunflower seeds on their salad. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the taste of nuts but PersonY was deathly allergic to nuts. _ put a big scoop of raisins instead of sunflower seeds on their salad."} {"input": "Context Word: sunflower.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ enjoys looking at sunflower because PersonX thinks that they're beautiful while PersonY has allergies to flowers. \nSentence 2: So _ enjoys avoiding at sunflower because PersonX thinks that they're beautiful while PersonY has allergies to flowers."} {"input": "Context Word: sunflower.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sunflower plant in the yard made PersonX happy, so PersonY planted more; _ was thrilled with the surprise. \nSentence 2: The sunflower plant in the yard made PersonX happy, so PersonY planted more; _ was excited for her to the surprise."} {"input": "Context Word: happiness.", "output": "Sentence 1: Happiness eluded PersonX for a long time until he met PersonY, so _ was grateful. \nSentence 2: Happiness eluded PersonX for a long time until he met PersonY, as _ was happy."} {"input": "Context Word: happiness.", "output": "Sentence 1: Happiness was most important to PersonX but money was most important to PersonY. _ valued a good life. \nSentence 2: Happiness was most important to PersonX but money was most important to PersonY. _ valued a big bank account."} {"input": "Context Word: happiness.", "output": "Sentence 1: In their recent search for happiness in their life PersonX _ sought out PersonY for many different reasons. \nSentence 2: In their recent search for happiness in their life PersonX _ avoided PersonY for many different reasons."} {"input": "Context Word: happiness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was optimistic and successful while PersonY was pessimistic and had bad luck, so _ experienced happiness frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX was optimistic and successful while PersonY was pessimistic and had bad luck, so _ experienced happiness seldomly."} {"input": "Context Word: judge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX begged PersonY to use polite language in front of the judge, because _ was worried about what would happen next. \nSentence 2: PersonX begged PersonY to use polite language in front of the judge, but _ was unconcerned about what would happen next."} {"input": "Context Word: judge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to see the judge about every other month unlike PersonY, because _ was a criminal. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to see the judge about every other month unlike PersonY, because _ was law abiding."} {"input": "Context Word: judge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a fair and honest judge but PersonY was not. _ was appointed to the Supreme Court after many years as a judge. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a fair and honest judge but PersonY was not. _ was not appointed to the Supreme Court after many years as a judge."} {"input": "Context Word: judge.", "output": "Sentence 1: Trying cases in court better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ was able to keep their temper under control with the judge. \nSentence 2: Trying cases in court better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ was unable to keep their temper under control with the judge."} {"input": "Context Word: cursing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want continue cursing at PersonY when a mistake was made, so _ was being kind. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want continue cursing at PersonY when a mistake was made, so _ was thankful."} {"input": "Context Word: bronzer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Two friends wanted a tan look but PersonX was impatient while PersonY wasn't. _ used bronzer to get a tan look. \nSentence 2: Two friends wanted a tan look but PersonX was impatient while PersonY wasn't. _ avoided bronzer and laid out instead to get a tan look."} {"input": "Context Word: daffodils.", "output": "Sentence 1: Planting daffodils was a fun hobby for PersonX to learn from PersonY since _ was an amateur gardener. \nSentence 2: Planting daffodils was a fun hobby for PersonX to learn from PersonY because _ was a professional gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: compliments.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being nice comes easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is good at giving compliments to people. \nSentence 2: Being nice comes easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is bad at giving compliments to people."} {"input": "Context Word: compliments.", "output": "Sentence 1: More compliments are given to PersonX from people than to PersonY because _ is more nice. \nSentence 2: More compliments are given to PersonX from people than to PersonY because _ is more rude."} {"input": "Context Word: compliments.", "output": "Sentence 1: More compliments on the whole are given to PersonX than PersonY because _ is respected. \nSentence 2: More compliments on the whole are given to PersonX than PersonY because _ is unappreciated."} {"input": "Context Word: compliments.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave compliments to PersonY because _ thought his attire looks really professional and urbane. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave compliments to PersonY because _ has attire that looks really professional and urbane."} {"input": "Context Word: compliments.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received many sincere compliments about her long, velvet red dress leaving PersonY _ below her. \nSentence 2: .PersonX received many sincere compliments about her long, velvet red dress leaving PersonY _ feeling unattractive."} {"input": "Context Word: compliments.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fishing for compliments about her new outfit from PersonY since _ was insecure. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fishing for compliments about her new outfit from PersonY since _ was nice."} {"input": "Context Word: compliments.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very generous with their compliments but PersonY was not. _ was well-liked by many people. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very generous with their compliments but PersonY was not. _ was not well-liked by many people."} {"input": "Context Word: cockroaches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not like the house as much as PersonY since _ saw numerous cockroaches in the basement. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not like the house as much as PersonY because _ didn't see numerous cockroaches in the basement."} {"input": "Context Word: stolen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks the car they see might be PersonY's stolen car, so _ takes a photo for the police to look at. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks the car they see might be PersonY's stolen car, but _ has already given a photo to the police to look at."} {"input": "Context Word: stolen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was apologetic towards PersonY because _ had stolen the shoes of the other person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was angry towards PersonY because _ had stolen the shoes of the other person."} {"input": "Context Word: challenging.", "output": "Sentence 1: Challenging authority was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of self confidence. \nSentence 2: Challenging authority was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a lot of self confidence."} {"input": "Context Word: challenging.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it challenging to teach PersonY because _ felt they did not retain information very well. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it challenging to teach PersonY because _ did not retain information very well."} {"input": "Context Word: challenging.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the homework less challenging than PersonY because _ had attended class that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the homework less challenging than PersonY because _ had not attended class that day."} {"input": "Context Word: challenging.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always challenging PersonY to a fist fight, because _ was an aggressive person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always challenging PersonY to a fist fight, because _ was an unwilling person."} {"input": "Context Word: hydroponic lettuce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to grow hydroponic lettuce on her farm and hired PersonY to design the system. _ paid for the plans to build the hydroponics system. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to grow hydroponic lettuce on her farm and hired PersonY to design the system. _ drew up the plans to build the hydroponics system."} {"input": "Context Word: soak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to pay for a foot soak for persony so _ is showing a lot of kindness. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to pay for a foot soak for persony so _ is showing a lot of gratitude."} {"input": "Context Word: Styrofoam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is sending a delicate package while PersonY is sending a resistant one, _ uses Styrofoam and tape to prepare his packege. \nSentence 2: PersonX is sending a delicate package while PersonY is sending a resistant one, _ uses use Styrofoam to prepare his packege, only tape."} {"input": "Context Word: acne.", "output": "Sentence 1: Acne is the reason PersonX is paying a visit to PersonY office today, _ never thought acne could be this bad. \nSentence 2: Acne is the reason PersonX is paying a visit to PersonY office today, _ knows acne could be this bad."} {"input": "Context Word: acne.", "output": "Sentence 1: Acne was much worse on the face of PersonX than PersonY because _ never washed his face. \nSentence 2: Acne was much worse on the face of PersonX than PersonY because _ always washed his face."} {"input": "Context Word: acne.", "output": "Sentence 1: Acne was never an issue for PersonX but it was for PersonY because _ always washed their face before bed every night. \nSentence 2: Acne was never an issue for PersonX but it was for PersonY because _ rarely washed their face before bed every night."} {"input": "Context Word: acne.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had issues with chin acne unlike PersonY so _ felt very self conscious about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had issues with chin acne unlike PersonY so _ felt very self confident about it."} {"input": "Context Word: acne.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more problems with acne than PersonY did because _ washed their face only irregularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more problems with acne than PersonY did because _ washed their face regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: acne.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to listen to PersonY complain about their acne. _ had no acne because they took good care of their skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to listen to PersonY complain about their acne. _ had acne because they took bad care of their skin."} {"input": "Context Word: acne.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY has unusually oily skin for his age, because _ observes acne on his face frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY has unusually oily skin for his age, because _ has acne on his face frequently."} {"input": "Context Word: acne.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a teenager with acne and PersonY was a dermatologist so _ received a prescription for medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a teenager with acne and PersonY was a dermatologist so _ gave a prescription for medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: acne.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was self-conscious about an acne outbreak so PersonY was consoling them which made _ feel better. \nSentence 2: PersonX was self-conscious about an acne outbreak so PersonY was consoling them which made _ feel helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: acne.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dermatologist chose PersonX for his research project rather than PersonY because _ had severe acne. \nSentence 2: The dermatologist chose PersonX for his research project rather than PersonY because _ had no acne."} {"input": "Context Word: acne.", "output": "Sentence 1: When experiencing skin problems and acne, PersonX goes to visit PersonY because _ is a student. \nSentence 2: When experiencing skin problems and acne, PersonX goes to visit PersonY because _ is a dermatologist."} {"input": "Context Word: fork.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bent the tines on a fork at the restaurant, and it embarrassed PersonY; _ apologized and tried to bend them back. \nSentence 2: PersonX bent the tines on a fork at the restaurant, and it embarrassed PersonY; _ scolded him and tried to bend them back."} {"input": "Context Word: fork.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX set their fork down on the plate to indicate to PersonY that they had finished the meal because _ would like the dishes removed. \nSentence 2: PersonX set their fork down on the plate to indicate to PersonY that they had finished the meal but _ already had the dishes removed."} {"input": "Context Word: fork.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a fork to scoop and serve the mashed potatoes to PersonY because _ had utensils. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a fork to scoop and serve the mashed potatoes to PersonY because _ didn't have utensils."} {"input": "Context Word: narcissist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a narcissist and PersonY was not, so _ cared only about themselves in every decision they made. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a narcissist and PersonY was not, so _ cared primarily about others in every decision they made."} {"input": "Context Word: narcissist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a narcissist, so PersonY always had to talk about _ when they were together. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a narcissist, so PersonY never got to talk about _ when they were together."} {"input": "Context Word: real estate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought up the subject of real estate to PersonY because _ was interested in selling a house. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought up the subject of real estate to PersonY because _ was interested in buying a house."} {"input": "Context Word: real estate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Unfortunately, PersonX lost all his money when the real estate market crashed while PersonY did not because _ invested all his money in real estate. \nSentence 2: Unfortunately, PersonX lost all his money when the real estate market crashed while PersonY did not because _ invested none of his money in real estate."} {"input": "Context Word: Bamboo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a proffesional landscaper for PersonY so _ picked out a nice bamboo garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a proffesional landscaper for PersonY so _ picked out a horrible bamboo garden."} {"input": "Context Word: wood doors.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cleaning wood doors is enjoyable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is okay with easy work. \nSentence 2: Cleaning wood doors is enjoyable for PersonX but not PersonY since _ is not okay with tedious work."} {"input": "Context Word: wooden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a carpenter, PersonY is not therefore _ will know about how to install wooden molding. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a carpenter, PersonY is not therefore _ may not know about how to install wooden molding."} {"input": "Context Word: campfire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to build a campfire because _ had been camping several times before. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to build a campfire because _ had never been camping before."} {"input": "Context Word: moments.", "output": "Sentence 1: The moments in PersonX's life are filled with embarrassment, but things always work out for PersonY. _ is more awkward. \nSentence 2: The moments in PersonX's life are filled with embarrassment, but things always work out for PersonY. _ is luckier."} {"input": "Context Word: legal.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being comfortable in the courtroom reading legal briefs was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a lawyer. \nSentence 2: Being comfortable in the courtroom reading legal briefs was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a paralegal."} {"input": "Context Word: legal.", "output": "Sentence 1: Legal terms baffle PersonX, while they are easy for PersonY to comprehend. _ is a baker. \nSentence 2: Legal terms baffle PersonX, while they are easy for PersonY to comprehend. _ is a lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: legal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to hire a lawyer even though PersonY was able to represent themselves because _ doesn't have any legal experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to hire a lawyer even though PersonY was able to represent themselves because _ has some legal experience."} {"input": "Context Word: legal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept getting into legal trouble almost daily instead of PersonY, so _ was broke. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept getting into legal trouble almost daily instead of PersonY, so _ was rich."} {"input": "Context Word: legal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was seeking a lot of legal advice from PersonY so _ asked questions about contract law. \nSentence 2: PersonX was seeking a lot of legal advice from PersonY so _ answered questions about contract law."} {"input": "Context Word: legal.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX is in legal trouble, they go to PersonY because _ is a criminal in the court house. \nSentence 2: When PersonX is in legal trouble, they go to PersonY because _ is an attorney in the court house."} {"input": "Context Word: faux fur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is against wearing faux fur and but Persony enjoys wearing it, _ is a animal activist. \nSentence 2: PersonX is against wearing faux fur and but Persony enjoys wearing it, _ dislikes all animal activist."} {"input": "Context Word: badminton.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played badminton more than PersonY so _ was surprised when they lost the match. \nSentence 2: PersonX played badminton more than PersonY so _ was surprised when they won the match."} {"input": "Context Word: badminton.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX plays badminton but PersonY plays baseball, so _ hits a birdie in their sport. \nSentence 2: PersonX plays badminton but PersonY plays baseball, so _ hits a baseball in their sport."} {"input": "Context Word: hemp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY decided to start growing hemp as a side business venture, despite _ knowing nothing about the plant. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY decided to start growing hemp as a side business venture, despite _ knowing nothing about the process."} {"input": "Context Word: hemp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was arrested for growing hemp by the police but not PersonY because _ stayed during the field raid. \nSentence 2: PersonX was arrested for growing hemp by the police but not PersonY because _ fled during the field raid."} {"input": "Context Word: coyotes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Coyotes ate the dog of PersonX when PersonY left the door open, so _ is very angry. \nSentence 2: Coyotes ate the dog of PersonX when PersonY left the door open, so _ is very apologetic."} {"input": "Context Word: Carnivorous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX followed a carnivorous diet but PersonY followed a vegetarian diet. _ ordered the prime rib for their supper. \nSentence 2: PersonX followed a carnivorous diet but PersonY followed a vegetarian diet. _ ordered the grilled portabella for their supper."} {"input": "Context Word: theory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better theory than PersonY, so the profession gave _ the highest score. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better theory than PersonY, so the profession gave _ an average score."} {"input": "Context Word: retire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ready to retire but PersonY was not able to yet because _ was old. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ready to retire but PersonY was not able to yet because _ young."} {"input": "Context Word: retire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scheduled to retire from their position at the company before PersonY because _ was older. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scheduled to retire from their position at the company before PersonY because _ was younger."} {"input": "Context Word: retire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX will be able to retire a lot earlier than PersonY because _ is further along in their career. \nSentence 2: PersonX will be able to retire a lot earlier than PersonY because _ is further behind in their career."} {"input": "Context Word: climate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX lived in a very cold climate while PersonY lived in a warm climate, _ had to dress in several layers. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX lived in a very cold climate while PersonY lived in a warm climate, _ had to dress in very few layers."} {"input": "Context Word: climate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted some coffee, but PersonY decided not to have any because of the hot climate. _ had some because they didn't care about the temperature. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted some coffee, but PersonY decided not to have any because of the hot climate. _ refused it because they didn't like the temperature."} {"input": "Context Word: Pumpkin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX baked a perfect Pumpkin pie for PersonY on Thanksgiving night from scratch, because _ is a known good cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX baked a perfect Pumpkin pie for PersonY on Thanksgiving night from scratch, though _ liked seeds much better."} {"input": "Context Word: hesitant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very hesitant when speaking to PersonY, because _ always tended to say something wrong. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very hesitant when speaking to PersonY, because _ always tended to take things wrong."} {"input": "Context Word: village.", "output": "Sentence 1: Living in a small village was perfect for PersonX but not PersonY because _ grew up in a rural area. \nSentence 2: Living in a small village was perfect for PersonX but not PersonY because _ grew up in an urban area."} {"input": "Context Word: quirky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more carefree personalilty than PersonY so _ was able to be quirky without repercussions. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more guareded personalilty than PersonY so _ was powerless to be quirky without repercussions."} {"input": "Context Word: quirky.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX spilled the wine PersonY giggled which gave _ a quirky smile of sympathy and understanding. \nSentence 2: When PersonX forgot the wine PersonY giggled which gave _ a quirky smile of sympathy and understanding."} {"input": "Context Word: Flute.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very bad at playing the flute but PersonY was excellent at it. _ took lessons to learn to play better. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very bad at playing the flute but PersonY was excellent at it. _ didn't need lessons to learn to play better."} {"input": "Context Word: doctorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting a doctorate was very important to PersonX but not PersonY, so _ applied to get into grad school. \nSentence 2: Getting a doctorate was very important to PersonX but not PersonY, so _ applied to get a job."} {"input": "Context Word: doctorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is on his final year and asks for help from his lecturer PersonY about doctorate, because _ wants to get a PhD. \nSentence 2: PersonX is on his final year and asks for help from his lecturer PersonY about doctorate, because _ already has a PhD."} {"input": "Context Word: doctorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Studying for a doctorate came easier to PersonX than PersonY. _ was a natural born reader. \nSentence 2: Studying for a doctorate came easier to PersonX than PersonY. _ was a natural born procrastinator."} {"input": "Context Word: coyote trap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to set a coyote trap but PersonY insisted not to. _ was terrified with wild animals and wanted them gone. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to set a coyote trap but PersonY insisted not to. _ was obsessed with wild animals and wanted them healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: popcorn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to buy her some popcorn at the movies because _ had no money. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to buy her some popcorn at the movies because _ had unlimited money."} {"input": "Context Word: popcorn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to have sugar on their popcorn but PersonY did not because _ likes sweet things. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to have sugar on their popcorn but PersonY did not because _ dislikes sweet things."} {"input": "Context Word: popcorn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a huge bowl filled with rainbow popcorn for PersonY, because _ loves making others happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a huge bowl filled with rainbow popcorn for PersonY, because _ loves eating popcorn."} {"input": "Context Word: popcorn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy popcorn for the movie while PersonY would only drink water because _ thought popcorn was delicious. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to buy popcorn for the movie while PersonY would only drink water because _ thought popcorn was fattening."} {"input": "Context Word: popcorn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY for not filling up the entire popcorn bucket at the movies. _ was upset about getting ripped off. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY for not filling up the entire popcorn bucket at the movies. _ was upset about getting yelled at."} {"input": "Context Word: deployment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had three deployments in the last five years unlike PersonY because _ was still in the military. \nSentence 2: PersonX had three deployments in the last five years unlike PersonY because _ was retired from the military."} {"input": "Context Word: stayed home sick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed home sick from school but PersonY did not because _ was in a contagious stage. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed home sick from school but PersonY did not because _ was feeling a lot better."} {"input": "Context Word: different types of sentences.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to teach languages although PersonY was a better teacher. _ couldn't describe different types of sentences. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to teach languages although PersonY was a better teacher. _ could always describe different types of sentences."} {"input": "Context Word: how to pack for college.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to pack for college before the first day because _ is a senior in college. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to pack for college before the first day because _ is a freshmen in college."} {"input": "Context Word: redeem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bothered to redeem a ten cent coupon but PersonY did not as _ was very poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX bothered to redeem a ten cent coupon but PersonY did not as _ was very rich."} {"input": "Context Word: classroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the classroom, PersonX is teaching French to PersonY. This is because _ is a good teacher. \nSentence 2: In the classroom, PersonX is teaching French to PersonY. This is because _ is a good student."} {"input": "Context Word: classroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decorated the classroom for the holidays while PersonY watched. This was because _ was the teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX decorated the classroom for the holidays while PersonY watched. This was because _ was the student."} {"input": "Context Word: classroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX entered the classroom before PersonY was able to because _ arrived at the school earlier. \nSentence 2: PersonX entered the classroom before PersonY was able to because _ arrived at the school later."} {"input": "Context Word: classroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY in the classroom, because _ was the teacher and spent their time educating. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY in the classroom, because _ was the student and spent their time learning."} {"input": "Context Word: Pancake.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx prefers to eat the pancake made by persony because _ had once taste his pancake. \nSentence 2: personx prefers to eat the pancake made by persony because _ had promised to make pancake."} {"input": "Context Word: Wanting.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wanting a new car was all PersonX thought about as where a new home was all PersonY thought about, _ wants a new vehicle. \nSentence 2: Wanting a new car was all PersonX thought about as where a new home was all PersonY thought about, _ wants a new house."} {"input": "Context Word: freshman.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a freshman and asks for an advice from PersonY, because _ wants to get through the first year. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a freshman and asks for an advice from PersonY, because _ already got through the first year."} {"input": "Context Word: variety.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier to be healthy than PersonY because _ ate a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier to be healthy than PersonY because _ did not eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: splurged.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always splurged more on clothes than PersonY because _ was very into fashion and trends. \nSentence 2: PersonX always splurged more on clothes than PersonY because _ was very into dressing simple."} {"input": "Context Word: burglar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept guns for protection, but PersonY didn't. _ was terrified of having a burglar or murderer in the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept guns for protection, but PersonY didn't. _ was not scared of having a burglar or murderer in the house."} {"input": "Context Word: thirsty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt very thirsty but PersonY did not feel thirsty. _ bought a bottle of water. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt very thirsty but PersonY did not feel thirsty. _ bought a bag of chips."} {"input": "Context Word: warning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was fired from the job because _ did not heed the supervisor's warning. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was fired from the job because _ did heed the supervisor's warning."} {"input": "Context Word: invited.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was invited to go to PersonY's home for dinner next week so _ is attending it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was invited to go to PersonY's home for dinner next week so _ is hosting it."} {"input": "Context Word: flock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived on a farm with PersonY, both wanted to have a flock of chickens especially since _ loved chickens. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived on a farm with PersonY, both wanted to have a flock of chickens especially since _ ate chickens."} {"input": "Context Word: communicate.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to communicate with others because _ was a very good listener. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to communicate with others because _ was not a very good listener."} {"input": "Context Word: communicate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not communicate the message to PersonY very well because _ did not speak well. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not communicate the message to PersonY very well because _ did not listen well."} {"input": "Context Word: communicate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know how to communicate properly with PersonY, so _ tried their best to improve their speech. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know how to communicate properly with PersonY, so _ tried their best to avoid their conversations."} {"input": "Context Word: communicate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to communicate with PersonY about the issue, but _ had no luck with getting answers. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to communicate with PersonY about the issue, but _ had no interest in giving answers."} {"input": "Context Word: communicate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to communicate their feelings to PersonY, but _ isn't used to talking so much. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to communicate their feelings to PersonY, because _ is used to doing the talking."} {"input": "Context Word: communicate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to communicate much better than PersonY because _ spoke the same language as him. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to communicate much better than PersonY because _ spoke a different language as him."} {"input": "Context Word: communicate.", "output": "Sentence 1: The crowd listened to PersonX and ignored PersonY because _ knew how to communicate better. \nSentence 2: The crowd ignored PersonX and listened to PersonY because _ knew how to communicate better."} {"input": "Context Word: insults.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the hecklers started, PersonX was better at ignoring the insults than PersonY because _ was overly sensitive. \nSentence 2: When the hecklers started, PersonX was better at ignoring the insults than PersonY because _ was rarely sensitive."} {"input": "Context Word: Eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved junk food but PersonY was a healthy eater, so _ was in a bad shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved junk food but PersonY was a healthy eater, so _ was in a good shape."} {"input": "Context Word: Eat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would often eat more than needed to keep from being hungry while PersonY would eat less. _ was found to be obese at their last checkup. \nSentence 2: PersonX would often eat more than needed to keep from being hungry while PersonY would eat less. _ was found to be perfectly healthy at their last checkup."} {"input": "Context Word: correct.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always trying to push PersonY to follow correct grammar, because _ was controlling and anal retentive. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always trying to follow PersonY's correct grammar, because _ was controlling and anal retentive."} {"input": "Context Word: blocks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hollered at PersonY because _ was so mad about the blocks falling over into the lake. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY because _ was so mad about the blocks falling over into the lake."} {"input": "Context Word: blocks.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing with blocks was fun for PersonX but PersonY preferred playing with dolls. _ became a successful architect. \nSentence 2: Playing with blocks was fun for PersonX but PersonY preferred playing with dolls. _ became a successful designer."} {"input": "Context Word: talent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX admired PersonY 's talent so _ offered to cast her for the starring role in her show. \nSentence 2: PersonX admired PersonY 's talent so _ offered to audition for the starring role in her show."} {"input": "Context Word: talent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played the piano in the talent show while PersonY watched from the audience, so _ received a standing ovation. \nSentence 2: PersonX played the piano in the talent show while PersonY watched from the audience, so _ gave a standing ovation."} {"input": "Context Word: talent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tells PersonY regularly they should appreciate their talent and share it with others, _ has a eye for the talented . \nSentence 2: PersonX tells PersonY regularly they should appreciate their talent and share it with others, _ has a gift of talent ."} {"input": "Context Word: lifestyle changes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped coach PersonY with multiple positive lifestyle changes so that _ could get paid. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped coach PersonY with multiple positive lifestyle changes so that _ could get better."} {"input": "Context Word: critical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in critical condition and being helped by PersonY because _ was in an car accident. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in critical condition and being helped by PersonY because _ was an emergency doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: bullied.", "output": "Sentence 1: In elementary school, PersonX was being bullied by PersonY, so _ went home and cried. \nSentence 2: In elementary school, PersonX was being bullied by PersonY, so _ went home and laughed."} {"input": "Context Word: bullied.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being bullied and asks PersonY for her protection, because _ is thin and small. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being bullied and asks PersonY for her protection, because _ is bulky and huge."} {"input": "Context Word: bullied.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is concerned PersonY is being bullied because _ is a school counsellor and knows the signs. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not concerned PersonY is being bullied because _ is a school counsellor and knows the signs."} {"input": "Context Word: bullied.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew their self-worth, but PersonY did not, consequently when being bullied at school, _ was emotionally stable. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew their self-worth, but PersonY did not, consequently when being bullied at school _ was emotionally unstable."} {"input": "Context Word: bullied.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often felt bullied at work by PersonY because _ was often yelled at and made fun of. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt bullied at work by PersonY because _ often yelled at and made fun of him."} {"input": "Context Word: bullied.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tired of being bullied and freaked PersonY out when _ decided to bring a gun to school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tired of being bullied and freaked PersonY out when _ saw them bring a gun to school."} {"input": "Context Word: bullied.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was bullied more times than PersonY, _ was far more fearful when walking alone. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was bullied fewer times than PersonY, _ was far more fearful when walking alone."} {"input": "Context Word: cards.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dealt the poker cards while PersonY wasn't paying attention, so _ considered cheating. \nSentence 2: PersonX dealt the poker cards while PersonY wasn't paying attention, because _ wasn't worried about cheating."} {"input": "Context Word: cards.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX still beats PersonY often at cards since _ plays every weekend with a group of friends at the bar. \nSentence 2: PersonX still loses to PersonY often at cards since _ plays every weekend with a group of friends at the bar."} {"input": "Context Word: stealth.", "output": "Sentence 1: Stealth was something that suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ served in the military. \nSentence 2: Stealth was something that suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ did not serve in the military."} {"input": "Context Word: selfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was more selfish than PersonY, _ went out partying and left him with the baby. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was less selfish than PersonY, _ went out partying and left him with the baby."} {"input": "Context Word: selfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always took more cake than PersonY to be selfish as _ was very greedy. \nSentence 2: PersonX always took more cake than PersonY to be selfish as _ was very selfless."} {"input": "Context Word: selfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a bad friend to PersonY because _ was very selfish and never reciprocated the favors and help she was received. \nSentence 2: PersonX stopped being friends with PersonY because _ was very selfish and never reciprocated the favors and help she was received."} {"input": "Context Word: selfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very selfish individual but PersonY was very generous. _ did not have a lot of good friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very selfish individual but PersonY was very generous. _ had a lot of good friends."} {"input": "Context Word: Shoelaces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had his shoelaces tied every day by PersonY because _ wasn't good at it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had his shoelaces tied every day by PersonY even though _ wasn't good at it."} {"input": "Context Word: Kenyan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's military background was in the Royal Air Force, while PersonY served in the Kenyan Armed forces, so _ is from England. \nSentence 2: PersonX's military background was in the Royal Air Force, while PersonY served in the Kenyan Armed forces, so _ is from Kenya."} {"input": "Context Word: vegan.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going vegan was more difficult for PersonX than PersonY, because _ was raised on eating lots of meat. \nSentence 2: Going vegan was more difficult for PersonX than PersonY, because _ was raised on eating lots of vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: vegan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked vegan spaghetti with fresh vegetables at the restaurant for PersonY because _ is a chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked vegan spaghetti with fresh vegetables at the restaurant for PersonY because _ is a customer."} {"input": "Context Word: large.", "output": "Sentence 1: Despite multiple diets, PersonX remains large while PersonY kept getting slimmer, which makes _ feel like a failure. \nSentence 2: Despite multiple diets, PersonX remains large while PersonY kept getting slimmer, which makes _ feel like a million bucks."} {"input": "Context Word: fun.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't think it is fun when PersonY teases them. _ gets upset. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't think it is fun when PersonY teases them. _ gets giggly."} {"input": "Context Word: fun.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had fun all the time sometimes at the expense of PersonY. _ saw nothing wrong with this. \nSentence 2: PersonX had fun all the time sometimes at the expense of PersonY. _ saw so much wrong with this."} {"input": "Context Word: fun.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had fun hiking while PersonY had fun playing console video games, and _ often spent time on trails. \nSentence 2: PersonX had fun hiking while PersonY had fun playing console video games, and _ often spent time on an Xbox."} {"input": "Context Word: fun.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't having fun at the circus like PersonY as _ was scared by the clowns. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't having fun at the circus like PersonY as _ was entertained by the clowns."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: A new kitchen would be a nice addition for yo to do your cooking in PersonX tells PersonY, _ does not cook. \nSentence 2: A new kitchen would be a nice addition for yo to do your cooking in PersonX tells PersonY, _ is the cook."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a kitchen manager for a restaurant seemed easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to culinary school. \nSentence 2: Being a kitchen manager for a restaurant seemed easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone to culinary school."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was a large sum of money spent by PersonX but not PersonY because _ had the kitchen remodeled. \nSentence 2: It was a large sum of money spent by PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have the kitchen remodeled."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Wednesday night, PersonX looked for PersonY in the camp kitchen, but _ didn't find her there. \nSentence 2: On Wednesday night, PersonX looked for PersonY in the camp kitchen, and _ was there."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to get him some food from the kitchen while he watches the television because _ is hungry. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to get him some food from the kitchen while he watches the television because _ is idle."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY will be put on punishment because _ broke the glass in the kitchen. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY will be put on punishment because _ did not break the glass in the kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a more enormous kitchen than PersonY because _ lives in a bigger house in the city. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a more enormous kitchen than PersonY because _ lives in a smaller house in the city."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is clumsy and wants to re-organize a kitchen so she asks for PersonY's help, because _ want the job done properly. \nSentence 2: PersonX is clumsy and wants to re-organize a kitchen so she asks for PersonY's help, because _ is good at re-organizing."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a lot of time in their kitchen while PersonY did not because _ loved to cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a lot of time in their kitchen while PersonY did not because _ hated to cook."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent all day cleaning the kitchen so PersonY could cook in it, because _ was a washer. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent all day cleaning the kitchen so PersonY could cook in it, because _ was a chef."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to cook breakfast and burned down PersonY's kitchen, so _ was forced to apologize. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to cook breakfast and burned down PersonY's kitchen, so _ was forced to rebuild."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an ace in the kitchen but PersonY was a novice, so the tasks typically fell on _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was an ace in the kitchen but PersonY was a novice, so the tasks typically avoided _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was rarely in the kitchen while PersonY constantly was because _ hated to cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX was rarely in the kitchen while PersonY constantly was because _ loved to cook."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very comfortable in the kitchen but PersonY was very uneasy in it. _ fixed a Sunday roast dinner with ease. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very comfortable in the kitchen but PersonY was very uneasy in it. _ fixed a Sunday roast dinner with a mighty struggle."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's kitchen always looks much nicer and cleaner than PersonY's does, which makes _ very happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX's kitchen always looks much nicer and cleaner than PersonY's does, which makes _ very sad."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ enjoys being in the kitchen because PersonX likes cooking when they are bored and PersonY don't. \nSentence 2: So _ despises being in the kitchen because PersonX likes cooking when they are bored and PersonY don't."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working in a restaurant kitchen suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to culinary school. \nSentence 2: Working in a restaurant kitchen suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone to culinary school."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working in the kitchen came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had trained in culinary arts. \nSentence 2: Working in the kitchen came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not trained in culinary arts."} {"input": "Context Word: kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working in the kitchen was perfect for PersonX but not PersonY because _ went to culinary school. \nSentence 2: Working in the kitchen was perfect for PersonX but not PersonY because _ went to engineering school."} {"input": "Context Word: cloth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to buy the cloth meant for the occasion and PersonY helped him out because _ is broke. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to buy the cloth meant for the occasion and PersonY helped him out because _ is generous."} {"input": "Context Word: paycheck.", "output": "Sentence 1: A steady paycheck is all PersonX can provide PersonY for their services, _ is in need of a steady worker. \nSentence 2: A steady paycheck is all PersonX can provide PersonY for their services, _ is in need of a steady paycheck."} {"input": "Context Word: mistakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a manager better suited PersonX and not PersonY although _ was much less likely to admit mistakes. \nSentence 2: Being a manager better suited PersonX and not PersonY although _ was much more likely to admit mistakes."} {"input": "Context Word: mistakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know how to admit their mistakes to PersonY because _ screwed up so many times before. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know how to admit their mistakes to PersonY because _ screwed up so few times before."} {"input": "Context Word: mistakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made more mistakes on the test than PersonY so _ had a lower score. \nSentence 2: PersonX made more mistakes on the test than PersonY so _ had a higher score."} {"input": "Context Word: mistakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made more mistakes than PersonY when painting the mural, even though _ paid more attention. \nSentence 2: PersonX made more mistakes than PersonY when painting the mural, even though _ paid less attention."} {"input": "Context Word: mistakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made more mistakes than PersonY while filling out the paperwork, because _ was careless. \nSentence 2: PersonX made more mistakes than PersonY while filling out the paperwork, because _ was careful."} {"input": "Context Word: mistakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was constantly making mistakes at work but PersonY was not because _ was careless and irresponsible. \nSentence 2: PersonX was constantly making mistakes at work but PersonY was not because _ was careful and responsible."} {"input": "Context Word: reversed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX reversed her opinion of PersonY after they were on the same sports team, as _ saw a very different person then. \nSentence 2: PersonX reversed her opinion of PersonY after they were on the same sports team, as _ presented a very different person then."} {"input": "Context Word: sanctuary.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although he was being prosecuted, PersonX was welcomed into the sanctuary of the church by PersonY because _ was a sinful criminal. \nSentence 2: Although he was being prosecuted, PersonX was welcomed into the sanctuary of the church by PersonY because _ was a priest."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: According to the judge, PersonX was a better parent then PersonY so _ gained custody of the children. \nSentence 2: According to the judge, PersonX was a better parent then PersonY so _ lost custody of the children."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: Babysitting three children is more stressful for PersonX than PersonY because _ is not a parent. \nSentence 2: Babysitting three children is more stressful for PersonX than PersonY because _ is a parent."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: People say that PersonX is a bad parent, but PersonY is a good one. This is because _ is impatient. \nSentence 2: People say that PersonX is a bad parent, but PersonY is a good one. This is because _ is patient."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY's advice about finding a retirement home for their aging parent because _ had no experience of what to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY's advice about finding a retirement home for their aging parent because _ had previous experience of what to do."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had never been a parent before, but PersonY had five kids, _ needed lots of advice from her. \nSentence 2: PersonX had never been a parent before, but PersonY had five kids, _ offered lots of advice to her."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the parental meetings with PersonY after 5:00 pm as _ was early for the first one. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the parental meetings with PersonY after 5:00 pm as _ was late for the first one."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to call his parent and leave the house of PersonY, because _ had school the next day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to call his parent and leave the house of PersonY, because _ wanted to be alone."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a harder time than PersonY making important decisions at college because _ doesn't have a parent to turn to. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a harder time than PersonY making important decisions at college because _ has a parent to turn to."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a new parent and asks PersonY for an advice on parenting, because _ has recently became parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a new parent and asks PersonY for an advice on parenting, because _ has already been a parent for awhile."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed comfort from PersonY because _ felt like a terrible parent some of the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave comforted to PersonY because _ felt like a terrible parent some of the time."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a more patient individual than PersonY so _ was a more understanding parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a more patient individual than PersonY so _ was a more frustrating parent."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was about to become a parent with PersonY so _ was nervous about having children. \nSentence 2: PersonX was about to become a parent with PersonY so _ was excited about having children."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to be a better parent to PersonY because _ had bad parents to draw inspiration from. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to be a better parent to PersonY but _ had bad parents to draw inspiration from."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ hated their parent because PersonX was not treated well by them in their childhood and PersonY had a great childhood. \nSentence 2: So _ loved their parent because PersonX was not treated well by them in their childhood and PersonY had a great childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: The parent grounded PersonX and not PersonY because _ lied about how the glass was broken. \nSentence 2: The parent grounded PersonX and not PersonY because _ told the truth about how the glass was broken."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: The parent of PersonX is very controlling. PersonY's is very laid back. _ feels a lot of stress in their life. \nSentence 2: The parent of PersonX is very controlling. PersonY's is very laid back. _ feels a lot of calm in their life."} {"input": "Context Word: parent.", "output": "Sentence 1: The parent of PersonX looked sternly at PersonY because _ had seen the child nearly get run over in the street. \nSentence 2: The parent of PersonX looked sternly at PersonY because _ had nearly run over the child in the street."} {"input": "Context Word: Countertops.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated to clean the countertops in their kitchen but PersonY didn't mind doing it, so _ hired a maid to work for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated to clean the countertops in their kitchen but PersonY didn't mind doing it, so _ didn't need a maid to work for them."} {"input": "Context Word: wishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent all their time wishing to be with PersonY, because _ was sad and lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent all their time wishing to be with PersonY, because _ was sexy and attractive."} {"input": "Context Word: apprenticeship.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX applied for an apprenticeship at PersonY's shop, _ knew he had to prepare for a welding test. \nSentence 2: When PersonX applied for an apprenticeship at PersonY's shop, _ knew he had to create a welding test."} {"input": "Context Word: fundraising event.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very generous person but PersonY was stingy. _ donated a nice sum to the fundraising event. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very generous person but PersonY was stingy. _ donated a paltry sum to the fundraising event."} {"input": "Context Word: system.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rigged the system in their favor to beat PersonY, because _ was never going to win otherwise. \nSentence 2: PersonX rigged the system in their favor to beat PersonY, because _ was never going to lose otherwise."} {"input": "Context Word: system.", "output": "Sentence 1: The system that PersonX used was amazing compared to PersonY, because _ system was higher end. \nSentence 2: The system that PersonX used was amazing compared to PersonY, because _ system was lower end."} {"input": "Context Word: system.", "output": "Sentence 1: The system that PersonX used was worse than that of PersonY, because _ company was broke. \nSentence 2: The system that PersonX used was worse than that of PersonY, because _ company was rich."} {"input": "Context Word: become a software engineer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY about how to become a software engineer because _ went to school for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY about how to become a software engineer because _ wanted to go to school for it."} {"input": "Context Word: Traveling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really liked traveling for months at a time while PersonY was more of a homebody. _ often needed to hire a house sitter. \nSentence 2: PersonX really liked traveling for months at a time while PersonY was more of a homebody. _ had no use for a house sitter."} {"input": "Context Word: Traveling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was traveling to Asia and asked PersonY for landmarks to visit because _ had visited many times. \nSentence 2: PersonX was traveling to Asia and asked PersonY for landmarks to visit because _ had never visited it."} {"input": "Context Word: Traveling.", "output": "Sentence 1: Traveling around the world was _ dream and this dream was shared by both PersonX and PersonY. \nSentence 2: Traveling around the world was also _ dream and this dream was also shared by both PersonX and PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: photos.", "output": "Sentence 1: Hanging photos of family was important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't see family often. \nSentence 2: Hanging photos of family was important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ saw family often."} {"input": "Context Word: photos.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY failed the photography class because _ took photos that were inappropriate. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY failed the photography class because _ did not take photos that were inappropriate."} {"input": "Context Word: photos.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wished he was looking at old family photos like PersonY, because _ was sad. \nSentence 2: PersonX wished he was looking at old family photos like PersonY, because _ was happy."} {"input": "Context Word: photos.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's photos had a much more refined composition than PersonY's because _ was a better photographer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's photos had a much less refined composition than PersonY's even though _ was a better photographer."} {"input": "Context Word: photos.", "output": "Sentence 1: Taking photos is a favorite hobby for PersonX but PersonY doesn't like photography. _ bought a new digital camera. \nSentence 2: Taking photos is a favorite hobby for PersonX but PersonY doesn't like photography. _ bought a new television."} {"input": "Context Word: Compliment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rarely complimented the people in their life but PersonY often did, so _ couldn't keep many friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX rarely complimented the people in their life but PersonY often did, so _ could keep many friends."} {"input": "Context Word: personality.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a rough day at work, PersonX asked PersonY if he had a good personality. _ was having doubts about being a great person. \nSentence 2: After a rough day at work, PersonX asked PersonY if he had a good personality. _ said he was a great person."} {"input": "Context Word: personality.", "output": "Sentence 1: People like the personality of PersonX, while PersonY is not liked very much. _ is quirky. \nSentence 2: People like the personality of PersonX, while PersonY is not liked very much. _ is distasteful."} {"input": "Context Word: personality.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX Is liked well by other were as PersonY is not liked so well by others, _ personality is is tolerable and charming. \nSentence 2: PersonX Is liked well by other were as PersonY is not liked so well by others, _ personality is is intolerable and not charming."} {"input": "Context Word: personality.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves PersonY so much, _ says that it is due to them having a really positive personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves PersonY so much, _ says that it is due to them having a really upbeat personality."} {"input": "Context Word: personality.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's personality is more friendly and kind, while PersonY is mean, so _ is probably more outgoing. \nSentence 2: PersonX's personality is more friendly and kind, while PersonY is mean, so _ is probably more introverted."} {"input": "Context Word: paw.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog offered its paw to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ looked friendly and kind to the dog. \nSentence 2: The dog offered its paw to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ looked mean and scary to the dog."} {"input": "Context Word: transfer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated the flatness of the mid-west, PersonY did not therefore _ wanted to transfer to Utah. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated the flatness of the mid-west, PersonY did not therefore _ wanted to transfer to Kansas."} {"input": "Context Word: transfer.", "output": "Sentence 1: With transfer of money management to frugal PersonX from extravagant PersonY, the presence of _ was immediately felt because the coffee was no longer free. \nSentence 2: With transfer of money management to frugal PersonX from extravagant PersonY, the absence of _ was immediately felt because the coffee was no longer free."} {"input": "Context Word: mowing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mowing the front lawn quicker than PersonY was mowing the back lawn because _ had new blades in the mower. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mowing the front lawn quicker than PersonY was mowing the back lawn because _ had old blades in the mower."} {"input": "Context Word: mowing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mowing the lawn of PersonY on the weekend because _ is a great gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mowing the lawn of PersonY on the weekend because _ is a great grandma."} {"input": "Context Word: short.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always balanced their checkbook but PersonY never bothered with it. _ never came up short on money at the end of the month. \nSentence 2: PersonX always balanced their checkbook but PersonY never bothered with it. _ often came up short on money at the end of the month."} {"input": "Context Word: obtain.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to obtain a pay rise but not for PersonY was _ was very dedicated. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to obtain a pay rise but not for PersonY was _ was very slothful."} {"input": "Context Word: obtain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to obtain a security clearance a lot easier than PersonY because _ had no negative comments. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to obtain a security clearance a lot more difficult than PersonY because _ had no negative comments."} {"input": "Context Word: obtain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to obtain the property with the help of PersonY, _ was given help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to obtain the property with the help of PersonY, _ was very helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: Purple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decide to dye her hair Purple while PersonY chose a more natural shade because _ was more wild. \nSentence 2: PersonX decide to dye her hair Purple while PersonY chose a more natural shade because _ was more conventional."} {"input": "Context Word: caffeine.", "output": "Sentence 1: At Starbucks, PersonX chose the espresso and PersonY chose a decaffeinated drink, as _ was intolerant of caffeine. \nSentence 2: At Starbucks, PersonX chose the espresso and PersonY chose a decaffeinated drink, as _ was unaffected by caffeine."} {"input": "Context Word: caffeine.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having coffee in the morning made sense for PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed the effects of caffeine. \nSentence 2: Having coffee in the morning made sense for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not enjoy the effects of caffeine."} {"input": "Context Word: caffeine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX consumed a lot more caffeine every day than PersonY because _ really liked coffee. \nSentence 2: PersonX consumed a lot more caffeine every day than PersonY because _ did not really like coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: caffeine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't need to drink coffee for the caffeine but PersonY does because ( _ ) got a good nights sleep and is awake. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to drink coffee for the caffeine but PersonY does not because ( _ ) got a good nights sleep and is awake."} {"input": "Context Word: caffeine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed his caffeine in the morning while PersonY couldn't handle it so _ had a large cup of coffee every morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed his caffeine in the morning while PersonY couldn't handle it so _ had a large cup of water every morning."} {"input": "Context Word: caffeine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently stopped drinking caffeine and now has migrens so she asks for PersonY's help, because _ feels miserable. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently stopped drinking caffeine and now has migrens so she asks for PersonY's help, because _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: caffeine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go shopping for a coffee pot as they need caffeine everyday. PersonY wanted to stay in bed longer. _ said I need my coffee. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go shopping for a coffee pot as they need caffeine everyday. PersonY wanted to stay in bed longer. _ said I need my sleep."} {"input": "Context Word: caffeine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was too sensitive to caffeine, but PersonY needs it to wake up, so _ drinks decaf coffee in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX was too sensitive to caffeine, but PersonY needs it to wake up, so _ drinks caffeinated coffee in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: caffeine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's morning routine includes caffeine, but PersonY's does not, so _ has tea in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX's morning routine includes caffeine, but PersonY's does not, so _ has water in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: stovetop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX left the stovetop burner on when PersonY came in yelling and found _ passed out from smoke inhalation. \nSentence 2: PersonX left the stovetop burner on when PersonY came in quietly and _ passed out from smoke inhalation."} {"input": "Context Word: bourbon.", "output": "Sentence 1: Bourbon is the favorite drink of PersonX, while PersonY likes light beer, as a result of _ being a big drinker. \nSentence 2: Bourbon is the favorite drink of PersonX, while PersonY likes light beer, as a result of _ being a light drinker."} {"input": "Context Word: limping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX came limping into work but not PersonY because _ had worked out too hard. \nSentence 2: PersonX came limping into work but not PersonY because _ hadn't worked out very hard."} {"input": "Context Word: calves.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of PersonY's calves so _ hit the gym hard to increase his leg strength to catch up. \nSentence 2: PersonX was proud of PersonY's calves so _ hit the gym hard to increase his leg strength to show off."} {"input": "Context Word: Desperate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was desperate to get PersonY's attention at the movie premier because _ was very starstruck. \nSentence 2: PersonX was desperate to get PersonY's attention at the movie premier because _ was very famous."} {"input": "Context Word: mellow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a lot more mellow than PersonY is because _ is working on stress relief. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a lot more mellow than PersonY is because _ is working on many projects."} {"input": "Context Word: rainbow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX once dug at the foot of a rainbow to find a pot of gold but PersonY did not because _ is gullible. \nSentence 2: PersonX once dug at the foot of a rainbow to find a pot of gold but PersonY did not because _ is realistic."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: All the symptoms were present in PersonX but not in PersonY so the doctor gave _ a prescription. \nSentence 2: All the symptoms were present in PersonX but not in PersonY so the doctor gave _ a clean bill of health."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: It is very important that PersonX talk about all of her symptoms to PersonY because _ is a patient. \nSentence 2: It is very important that PersonX talk about all of her symptoms to PersonY because _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX probably has the flu while PersonY does not because _ has all the symptoms of the flu. \nSentence 2: PersonX probably has the flu while PersonY does not because _ has none of the symptoms of the flu."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX actively chose to ignore all of PersonY's excruciating disease symptoms because _ was cruel. \nSentence 2: PersonX actively chose to ignore all of PersonY's excruciating disease symptoms because _ was sick."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some cold medicine because _ started experiencing some severe cold symptoms. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some cold medicine because _ stopped experiencing any severe cold symptoms."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought a list of stomach symptoms he'd experienced to PersonY, but _ forgot to bring them up. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought a list of stomach symptoms he'd experienced to PersonY, but _ never looked at them."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the symptoms of the flu but PersonY doesn't. _ went to the store to buy some cold meds. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the symptoms of the flu but PersonY doesn't. _ went to the store to buy some tampons."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had worse symptoms than PersonY, so _ was seen by the emergency room doctor first. \nSentence 2: PersonX had worse symptoms than PersonY, so _ was seen by the emergency room doctor second."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes the classic error of checking their medical symptoms online before going to see PersonY at the clinic, so _ is very wrong about the diagnosis. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes the classic error of checking their medical symptoms online before going to see PersonY at the clinic, but _ is easily able to make the diagnosis."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY they were having heart attack symptoms, so _ was driven to the hospital immediately. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY they were having heart attack symptoms, so _ drove them to the hospital immediately."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tossed and turned all night long unlike PersonY because _ had all of the symptoms of the flu. \nSentence 2: PersonX tossed and turned all night long unlike PersonY because _ had none of the symptoms of the flu."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to catch their sickness earlier than PersonY because _ had telltale symptoms. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to catch their sickness earlier than PersonY because _ didn't have telltale symptoms."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to help PersonY when they were sick because _ knew how to treat their symptoms. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to help PersonY when they were sick because _ did not know how to treat their symptoms."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was suffering from severe symptoms that PersonY didn't have, because _ had caught the flu. \nSentence 2: PersonX was suffering from severe symptoms that PersonY didn't have, because _ had avoided the flu."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very worried about PersonY's symptoms so _ wanted them to go to the doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very worried about PersonY's symptoms but _ refused to go to the doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried about the serious symptoms that were obviously affecting PersonY because _ he was having similar ones. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried about the serious symptoms that were obviously affecting PersonY _ who had no similar ones before."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's horse is being treated for symptoms she's been having by PersonY, so _ is a horse rider. \nSentence 2: PersonX's horse is being treated for symptoms she's been having by PersonY, so _ is a horse doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's symptoms have returned, so he goes to visit PersonY at the hospital because _ is sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX's symptoms have returned, so he goes to visit PersonY at the hospital because _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor showed that PersonX had symptoms of the disease while PersonY was fine. _ was ill. \nSentence 2: The doctor showed that PersonX had symptoms of the disease while PersonY was fine. _ was healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: The symptoms of PersonX were explained to him by PersonY due to _ being the patient. \nSentence 2: The symptoms of PersonX were explained to him by PersonY due to _ being the expert."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX ate healthy while PersonY ate fast food, _ generally had low cholesterol levels. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX ate healthy while PersonY ate fast food, _ generally had high cholesterol levels."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cooking food for the camping trip suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a great cook. \nSentence 2: Cooking food for the camping trip suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a poor cook."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: For two months PersonX was on a diet while PersonY ate fast food. Afterwards, when they weighed themselves _ was delighted to see a 5 pounds loss. \nSentence 2: For two months PersonX was on a diet while PersonY ate fast food. Afterwards, when they weighed themselves _ was remorseful to see a 10 pounds gain."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: Grocery shopping was difficult for PersonX and PersonY because _ liked spicy food and the other did not. \nSentence 2: Grocery shopping was difficult for PersonX and PersonY because _ liked mild food and the other did not."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making delicious food came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to culinary school. \nSentence 2: Making delicious food came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never gone to culinary school."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always eat the food left by PersonY at at table and now _ is fat. \nSentence 2: PersonX always eat the food left by PersonY at at table and now _ is thin."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always ordered the food while at the restaurant for PersonY, as _ was confident. \nSentence 2: PersonX always ordered the food while at the restaurant for PersonY, as _ was shy."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought food to PersonY's potluck because _ didn't want to be a bad guest. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought food to PersonY's potluck but _ didn't want to be a bad host."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not deliver the food to PersonY at the expected time and _ is sorry. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not deliver the food to PersonY at the expected time and _ is angry."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not finish his food and he handed it over to PersonY because _ is filled. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not finish his food and he handed it over to PersonY because _ is hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX explained the recipe to PersonY, so _ could demonstrate how to make the food. \nSentence 2: PersonX explained the recipe to PersonY, so _ could learn how to make the food."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt much worse than PersonY after the party because _ had eaten a lot more of the food. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt much worse than PersonY after the party although _ had eaten a lot more of the food."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt sick while eating food with PersonY. _ had to go to the bathroom to throw up. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt sick while eating food with PersonY. _ had to go to the bathroom to relieve theirselves."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had fixed a lot of food for PersonY's birthday because _ wanted to throw a good party. \nSentence 2: PersonX had fixed a lot of food for PersonY's birthday because _ wanted to have a good birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been consuming a lot more food than PersonY recently because _ is not on a diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been consuming a lot more food than PersonY recently because _ is on a new diet."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to be more selective than PersonY when choosing an entree at restaurants because _ has a lot of food allergies. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to be more selective than PersonY when choosing an entree at restaurants because _ doesn't have any food allergies."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hogged all the food from PersonY and _ ended up very full in the end. \nSentence 2: PersonX hogged all the food from PersonY and _ ended up very hungry in the end."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is really hungry for food, PersonY has decided not to make any dinner so _ is disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX is really hungry for food, PersonY has decided not to make any dinner so _ is happy."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to eat gourmet food at expensive restaurants but PersonY did not because _ had a very sophisticated palate. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to eat gourmet food at expensive restaurants but PersonY did not because _ had a very prosaic palate."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made food for PersonY and _ thought to themselves how much better they had gotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX made food for PersonY and _ was impressed with how much better they had gotten."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rejected the food served to him at the party and he passed it to PersonY because _ is sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX rejected the food served to him at the party and he passed it to PersonY because _ is healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took all the food from PersonY because _ was just so hungry she couldn't wait to eat. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave all the food from PersonY because _ was just so hungry she couldn't wait to eat."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was interested in learning about cooking French food so they asked PersonY for advice because _ was a novice in the kitchen. \nSentence 2: PersonX was interested in learning about cooking French food so they asked PersonY for advice because _ was a professional chef."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sick with the stomach flu and not hungry, but PersonY was starving. _ declined food. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sick with the stomach flu and not hungry, but PersonY was starving. _ ordered food."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: The food PersonX ate caused PersonY to rush them to the hospital despite _ knowing they were fine. \nSentence 2: The food PersonX ate caused PersonY to rush them to the hospital despite _ not knowing they were fine."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: The food at the buffet PersonX wanted to go to was fantastic, but PersonY was allergic to some of it. _ offered to go somewhere else. \nSentence 2: The food at the buffet PersonX wanted to go to was fantastic, but PersonY was allergic to some of it. _ asked if they could go somewhere else."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: The food in PersonX's pantry is plentiful, but this is not so for PersonY because _ is wealthy. \nSentence 2: The food in PersonX's pantry is plentiful, but this is not so for PersonY because _ is poor."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: The food that PersonX ate was spoiled but not that of PersonY because _ left his food outside. \nSentence 2: The food that PersonX ate was spoiled but not that of PersonY because _ left his food in the fridge."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: The food was much better for PersonX than PersonY because _ was able to eat gluten. \nSentence 2: The food was much worse for PersonX than PersonY because _ was able to eat gluten."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: The restaurant served food to PersonX but not PersonY because _ hadn't eaten that meal yet. \nSentence 2: The restaurant served food to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had already eaten that meal."} {"input": "Context Word: food.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX preferred fast food, PersonY preferred five star restaurants, so therefore _ tended to eat cheap food. \nSentence 2: While PersonX preferred fast food, PersonY preferred five star restaurants, so therefore _ tended to eat expensive food."} {"input": "Context Word: periods.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much better writer than PersonY so _ always made sure to use their periods correctly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much better writer than PersonY so _ occasionally made sure to use their periods correctly."} {"input": "Context Word: upper respiratory infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX managed to avoid an upper respiratory infection that year, but not PersonY, because _ had made sure to get a flu shot. \nSentence 2: PersonX managed to avoid an upper respiratory infection that year, but not PersonY, because _ had made sure to avoid a flu shot."} {"input": "Context Word: cardboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived in a cardboard home but PersonY lived in a brick home. _ had their home destroyed in the thunderstorm. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived in a cardboard home but PersonY lived in a brick home. _ had their home undamaged in the thunderstorm."} {"input": "Context Word: pig feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved unusual foreign foods but PersonY hated them. _ thought pig feet sounded appetizing. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved unusual foreign foods but PersonY hated them. _ thought pig feet sounded disgusting."} {"input": "Context Word: dog food.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog food that PersonX buys is more appealing than that of PersonY as a result of _ choosing one with better ingredients. \nSentence 2: The dog food that PersonX buys is more bland than that of PersonY as a result of _ choosing one with better ingredients."} {"input": "Context Word: active.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was a active and busy day when PersonX asked PersonY where the post office was located, _ is new to this area. \nSentence 2: It was a active and busy day when PersonX asked PersonY where the post office was located, _ is native to this area."} {"input": "Context Word: active.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to get PersonY to become more active because _ wanted them to achieve a more healthier lifestyle. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to get PersonY to become more active although _ didn't care to achieve a more healthier lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: engagement ring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's engagement ring is smaller than PersonY's happens to be. _ and her husband are poorer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's engagement ring is smaller than PersonY's happens to be. _ and her husband are richer."} {"input": "Context Word: Disassembling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more mechanically inclined than PersonY, so _ had no trouble disassembling and reassembling the swing set. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more mechanically inclined than PersonY, so _ had much trouble disassembling and reassembling the swing set."} {"input": "Context Word: Cream.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used cream while massaging PersonY, but an allergic reaction occurred. _ was sent to the hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX used cream while massaging PersonY, but an allergic reaction occurred. _ drove him to the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: Cream.", "output": "Sentence 1: With the goal to make cream, PersonX called upon PersonYs expertise when _ had no clue what to do. \nSentence 2: With the goal to make cream, PersonX called upon PersonYs expertise however _ had no clue what to do."} {"input": "Context Word: Rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked to hold and pet the rabbit while PersonY just watched because _ loved rabbits. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked to hold and pet the rabbit but PersonY just watched because _ disliked rabbits."} {"input": "Context Word: take a pill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take a pill and PersonY didn't because _ had been sick and took medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take a pill and PersonY didn't because _ had been well and didn't need to take medication."} {"input": "Context Word: dairy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can eat and drink dairy products unlike PersonY because _ is tolerant of lactose. \nSentence 2: PersonX can eat and drink dairy products unlike PersonY because _ is intolerant of lactose."} {"input": "Context Word: dairy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can eat lots of cheese but PersonY can't because _ loves to eat dairy. \nSentence 2: PersonX can eat lots of cheese but PersonY can't because _ is allergic to dairy."} {"input": "Context Word: dairy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not eat dairy foods such as cheese like PersonY could because _ was sensitive to lactose. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not eat dairy foods such as cheese like PersonY could because _ was tolerant to lactose."} {"input": "Context Word: dairy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The milk made PersonX sick but never bothered PersonY, since _ was intolerant of dairy products. \nSentence 2: The milk made PersonX sick but never bothered PersonY, since _ was tolerant of dairy products."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a rousing speech that inspired PersonY, so _ succeeded in promoting their ideas. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a rousing speech that inspired PersonY, so _ decided to help with promoting their ideas."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the most rousing speech PersonY ever heard, because _ is a charismatic person. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the most rousing speech PersonY ever heard, because _ is a malleable person."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much worse speech than PersonY had because _ stuttered during the speech. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much better speech than PersonY had because _ stuttered during the speech."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY's speech class; when she passed her final exam, _ celebrated with ice cream. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY's speech class; when she passed her final exam, _ celebrated with ice cream."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a showoff, PersonY was very shy which is why _ liked to be asked to give a speech. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a showoff, PersonY was very shy which is why _ did not like to be asked to give a speech."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was extremely nervous to give a speech in front of PersonY at work, but _ tried not to be scared. \nSentence 2: PersonX was extremely nervous to give a speech in front of PersonY at work, because _ was a bit scary."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was perfectly happy about giving a speech but PersonY was not because _ was very confident. \nSentence 2: PersonX was perfectly happy about giving a speech but PersonY was not because _ was very shy."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very outgoing and so wanted to make a public speech but PersonY dreaded it. This is because _ was an extrovert. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very outgoing and so wanted to make a public speech but PersonY dreaded it. This is because _ was an introvert.\r."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was great at making speeches because PersonX enjoys talking a lot and PersonY is always quiet. \nSentence 2: So _ was terrible at making speeches because PersonX enjoys talking a lot and PersonY is always quiet."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boss decided that PersonX would give the speech instead of PersonY because they thought _ was more eloquent. \nSentence 2: The boss decided that PersonX would give the speech instead of PersonY because they thought _ was less eloquent."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: The speech that PersonX wrote was more succinct than PersonY's because _ is a writer. \nSentence 2: The speech that PersonX wrote was more shoddy than PersonY's because _ is a writer."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX gave a speech, PersonY laughed and heckled. The teacher gave _ a prize. \nSentence 2: When PersonX gave a speech, PersonY laughed and heckled. The teacher gave _ a detention."} {"input": "Context Word: speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: While giving a speech in class, PersonX stays relaxed while PersonY is just the opposite. Therefore, _ has good nerves. \nSentence 2: While giving a speech in class, PersonX stays jittery while PersonY is just the opposite. Therefore, _ has good nerves."} {"input": "Context Word: diploma.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to graduation because _ had worked hard and was getting a diploma. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to graduation because _ had been slacking and was not getting a diploma."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to make a new friend but not for PersonY as _ was very sociable. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to make a new friend but not for PersonY as _ was very aloof."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not make a very good friend to PersonY because _ is a sociopath. \nSentence 2: PersonX does make a very good friend to PersonY because _ is a trustworthy pal."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got in to fight and hurt his best friend PersonY but wants to keep him as a friend, because _ feels bad about hurting friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX got in to fight and hurt his best friend PersonY but wants to keep him as a friend, because _ feels hurt.."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently separated from his best friend PersonY and is trying to forget him, because _ misses him. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently separated from his best friend PersonY and is trying to forget him, because _ hurt him."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX held and rocked PersonY as they sobbed because _ wanted to be a good friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX held and rocked PersonY as they sobbed because _ really needed a good friend."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is starting to dislike PersonY's friend because _ is jealous of the new relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX is starting to dislike PersonY's friend although _ is thrilled with the new relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes a very good friend, as opposed to PersonY who does not because _ is trustworthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes a very good friend, as opposed to PersonY who does not because _ is selfish."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX picked up PersonY from the airport early in the morning, because _ was being a good friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX was picked up by PersonY from the airport early in the morning, because _ was being a good friend."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sadly decided that they no longer wanted PersonY as a friend; _ had tired of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX sadly decided that they no longer wanted PersonY as a friend; _ had been too rude."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn how to make another friend but not PersonY because _ was lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn how to make another friend but not PersonY because _ was social."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's best friend PersonY has recently been abused a lot, so _ needs to help him. \nSentence 2: PersonX's best friend PersonY has recently been abused a lot, so _ asks for help."} {"input": "Context Word: friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX met PersonY, they knew they would be great friends because _ loved to try new things. \nSentence 2: When PersonX met PersonY, they knew they would be great friends because _ hated to try new things."} {"input": "Context Word: concierge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is rated as the better concierge when compared to PersonY, so _ has probably done it for a greater number of years. \nSentence 2: PersonX is rated as the better concierge when compared to PersonY, so _ has probably done it for a fewer number of years."} {"input": "Context Word: showers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prefers to be clean every day unlike PersonY, so _ likes to take more showers. \nSentence 2: PersonX prefers to be clean every day unlike PersonY, so _ likes to take less showers."} {"input": "Context Word: caulking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know how to handle a caulking gun so he let PersonY handle it since _ is inexperienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know how to handle a caulking gun so he let PersonY handle it since _ is experienced."} {"input": "Context Word: girl scouts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX joined the Girl Scouts before PersonY, therefore _ has more experience selling yummy but overpriced cookies. \nSentence 2: PersonX joined the Girl Scouts before PersonY, therefore _ has less experience selling yummy but overpriced cookies."} {"input": "Context Word: sweets.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating sweets was a big problem for PersonX but not for PersonY, thats why _ has a large waistline. \nSentence 2: Eating sweets was a big problem for PersonX but not for PersonY, thats why _ has a small waistline."} {"input": "Context Word: zippers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has boots with zippers and PersonY's boots don't have them, so _ unzipped their boots before taking them off. \nSentence 2: PersonX has boots with zippers and PersonY's boots don't have them, so _ took of their boots with no hands."} {"input": "Context Word: bought some hair dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought some hair dye and PersonY did not because _ liked change styles every month. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought some hair dye and PersonY did not because _ did not like to change styles every month."} {"input": "Context Word: downloaded.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a slower computer than PersonY because _ downloaded more movies and music online. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a faster computer than PersonY because _ downloaded more movies and music online."} {"input": "Context Word: reduce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY wanted to reduce the amount of clutter in the office because _ was a neat freak. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY wanted to reduce the amount of clutter in the office because _ was not a neat freak."} {"input": "Context Word: reduce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to reduce calories before summer but not PersonY because _ is a heavy person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to reduce calories before summer but not PersonY because _ is a thin person."} {"input": "Context Word: reduce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made the choice to reduce PersonY's salary after _ started cutting back on expenses. \nSentence 2: PersonX made the choice to reduce PersonY's salary after _ started cutting back on efficiency."} {"input": "Context Word: reduce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took some ibuporfen from PersonY, hoping it would help reduce _ 's pain a bit. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered some ibuporfen to PersonY, hoping it would help reduce _ 's pain a bit."} {"input": "Context Word: reduce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to reduce PersonY 's contributions to the committee, but _ was too timid and she failed to stop her from speaking up. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to reduce PersonY 's contributions to the committee, but _ was too persistent and she failed to stop her from speaking up."} {"input": "Context Word: reduce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to reduce the work hours for PersonY because _ did not need that much help. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to reduce the work hours for PersonY because _ did not need that much income."} {"input": "Context Word: reduce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to reduce stress in their life, so they left PersonY, because _ was always being berated by them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to reduce stress in their life, so they left PersonY, because _ was always critiquing them."} {"input": "Context Word: reduce.", "output": "Sentence 1: To reduce global warming was central to PersonX's identity, and PersonY was curious about learning more about the subject, so _ extended an invitation to attend a local environmental conference. \nSentence 2: To reduce global warming was central to PersonX's identity, and PersonY was curious about learning more about the subject, so _ accepted an invitation to attend a local environmental conference."} {"input": "Context Word: Money.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx traveled mostly on persony money but _ later started to feel guilty about it. \nSentence 2: personx traveled mostly on persony money but _ later started to feel angry about it."} {"input": "Context Word: twist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to twist backward to talk with PersonY because _ was in front of her. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to twist backward to talk with PersonY because _ was behind of her."} {"input": "Context Word: scab.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX puts a band aid on the scab of PersonY because _ is the adult in the situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX puts a band aid on the scab of PersonY because _ is the child in the situation."} {"input": "Context Word: pornography.", "output": "Sentence 1: The prudish PersonX did not like hanging out with the uninhibited PersonY , as _ hated watching pornography. \nSentence 2: The prudish PersonX did not like hanging out with the uninhibited PersonY , as _ loved watching pornography."} {"input": "Context Word: pornography.", "output": "Sentence 1: Watching pornography was considered a sin by PersonX but not by PersonY because _ was very religious. \nSentence 2: Watching pornography was considered a sin by PersonX but not by PersonY because _ was not very religious."} {"input": "Context Word: graduate degree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get ahead in life compared to PersonY with a graduate degree so _ had good money. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get ahead in life compared to PersonY with a graduate degree so _ was very broke."} {"input": "Context Word: small farm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent the day trying to lend a hand on PersonY's small farm, but wasn't much help. _ was inexperienced with farm work. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent the day trying to lend a hand on PersonY's small farm, but wasn't much help. _ was experienced with farm work."} {"input": "Context Word: Superstitious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more superstitious than PersonY will ever be because _ is very unlucky in all things. \nSentence 2: PersonX is less superstitious than PersonY will ever be because _ is very unlucky in all things."} {"input": "Context Word: elected.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an running for elected office and PersonY was a voter, so _ asked them to vote for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an running for elected office and PersonY was a voter, so _ decided to vote for them."} {"input": "Context Word: overwhelming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the heavy load at work overwhelming but not PersonY because _ did a poor job at planning their work. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the heavy load at work overwhelming but not PersonY because _ did a superb job at planning their work."} {"input": "Context Word: overwhelming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is mentally ill and faces many challenges, PersonY does not so therefore _ can find life overwhelming most of the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX is mentally ill and faces many challenges, PersonY does not so therefore _ can find life overwhelming occasionally."} {"input": "Context Word: complaints.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she had heard any complaints about the new teacher because _ had not heard any. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she had heard any complaints about the new teacher but _ had not heard any."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a teacher in elementary school suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved teaching children. \nSentence 2: Being a teacher in elementary school suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated teaching children."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: In class PersonX talked back to PersonY the teacher when she asked her to do something, so _ got detention. \nSentence 2: In class PersonX talked back to PersonY the teacher when she asked her to do something, so _ gave detention."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated his teacher in high school unlike PersonY, because _ was a horrible student. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated his teacher in high school unlike PersonY, because _ was a brilliant student."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a more efficient teacher than PersonY because _ takes the time to teach the students. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a more efficient teacher than PersonY because _ has no patience or time to teach the students."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX listened attentively to the teacher's careful instructions, while PersonY daydreamed, because _ was a good student. \nSentence 2: PersonX listened attentively to the teacher's careful instructions, while PersonY daydreamed, because _ was a poor student."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to ignore the fact that PersonY was crying, because _ was not a compassionate teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to address the fact that PersonY was crying, because _ was a very compassionate teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to impart knowledge and wisdom to PersonY, because _ was a dedicated teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to gain knowledge and wisdom from PersonY, because _ was a dedicated teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to tell the teacher on PersonY for committing the crime, so _ was sad. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to tell the teacher on PersonY for committing the crime, so _ was happy."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better teacher than PersonY because _ had been doing the job for many more years. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a worse teacher than PersonY because _ had been doing the job for many more years."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was called teacher's pet by PersonY because _ always got the best test scores in the class. \nSentence 2: PersonX was called teacher's pet by PersonY even though _ always got the best test scores in the class."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in school to be a teacher, while PersonY was in school to be a programmer, because _ wanted to educate kids. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in school to be a teacher, while PersonY was in school to be a programmer, because _ wanted to write programs."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to college to become a teacher but PersonY did not because _ was ambitious. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to college to become a teacher but PersonY did not because _ was lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would make a poor kindergarten teacher, unlike PersonY, because _ was impatient with kids. \nSentence 2: PersonX would make a poor kindergarten teacher, unlike PersonY, because _ was patient with kids."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: Reading books is not an everyday occurrence for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ is not a teacher. \nSentence 2: Reading books is not an everyday occurrence for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ works as a teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was the math teacher of PersonY, _ graded their math problems over the weekend. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was the math teacher of PersonY, _ had their math problems graded over the weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: The better teacher is PersonX when compared to PersonY because _ is much nicer to her students. \nSentence 2: The better teacher is PersonX when compared to PersonY because _ is much harsher to her students."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher enjoyed having PersonX in their class but wished PersonY would be transferred because _ was obediant. \nSentence 2: The teacher enjoyed having PersonX in their class but wished PersonY would be transferred because _ was defiant."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher told PersonX to stay after class but not PersonY because _ was being naughty. \nSentence 2: The teacher told PersonX to stay after class but not PersonY because _ was being polite."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: Training to be a teacher came naturally to PersonX but PersonY struggled. _ had always loved kids. \nSentence 2: Training to be a teacher came naturally to PersonX but PersonY struggled. _ had always hated kids."} {"input": "Context Word: teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the teacher saw PersonX teasing PersonY, the teacher sent _ to the principal's office. \nSentence 2: When the teacher saw PersonX teasing PersonY, the teacher sent _ to the counselor's office."} {"input": "Context Word: headache.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Tuesday, PersonX went to the hospital with PersonY because _ had a very painful headache. \nSentence 2: On Tuesday, PersonX went to the hospital with PersonY because _ did not have a very painful headache."} {"input": "Context Word: headache.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's loud cheering and yelling was giving PersonY a pounding headache so _ finally stopped yelling. \nSentence 2: PersonX's loud cheering and yelling was giving PersonY a pounding headache so _ finally asked him to stop yelling."} {"input": "Context Word: headache.", "output": "Sentence 1: The headache affected PersonX more than it did PersonY because _ had a stronger one. \nSentence 2: The headache affected PersonX more than it did PersonY because _ had a weaker one."} {"input": "Context Word: headache.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX had a headache, PersonY promptly offered some Asprin; then _ felt a lot better. \nSentence 2: When PersonX had a headache, PersonY promptly offered some Asprin; then _ felt quite proud."} {"input": "Context Word: allergies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't understand why PersonY's allergies are so bad, but _ wonders if it is because of the flowers. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't understand why PersonY's allergies are so bad, but _ explains that it is because of the flowers."} {"input": "Context Word: allergies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had forgotten about PersonY's food allergies so _ accidentally put peanuts in the dessert. \nSentence 2: PersonX had forgotten about PersonY's food allergies so _ reminded her to not put peanuts in the dessert."} {"input": "Context Word: allergies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to go outside to play with PersonY, however his allergies are making it hard for _ to enjoy himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to go outside to play with PersonY, however his allergies are making it hard so _ offers him some allergy medication."} {"input": "Context Word: allergies.", "output": "Sentence 1: The allergies of PersonX are far worse than those of PersonY, so _ has to take more medicine. \nSentence 2: The allergies of PersonX are far worse than those of PersonY, so _ has to take less medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: attracted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is really attracted to PersonY due to _ having very strange tastes in women. \nSentence 2: PersonX is really attracted to PersonY due to _ having very strange looks for a woman."} {"input": "Context Word: daily.", "output": "Sentence 1: Keeping to a daily routine was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had good self discipline. \nSentence 2: Keeping to a daily routine was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had very little self discipline."} {"input": "Context Word: daily.", "output": "Sentence 1: The daily activities of PersonX number fewer than the ones PersonY has to do, so _ is the less busy person. \nSentence 2: The daily activities of PersonX number fewer than the ones PersonY has to do, so _ is the busier person."} {"input": "Context Word: follow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to ever follow the rules set by PersonY, because _ was unfazed by the punishments. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to ever follow the rules set by PersonY, so _ was ramping up the punishments."} {"input": "Context Word: slot machine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to let PersonY play with the slot machine seeing as how _ was on a hot streak. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to let PersonY play with the slot machine even though _ was on a cold streak."} {"input": "Context Word: yarn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX actually has a lot more yarn lying around the house than PersonY because _ is an avid knitter. \nSentence 2: PersonX actually has a lot more yarn lying around the house than PersonY because _ isn't an avid knitter."} {"input": "Context Word: yarn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a bunch of yarn for PersonY to knit with, so _ could get a sweater. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a bunch of yarn for PersonY to knit with, so _ make get a sweater."} {"input": "Context Word: yarn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX constantly left their yarn out when over at PersonYs house, so _ always had their yarn strewn about the house when returning. \nSentence 2: PersonX constantly left their yarn out when over at PersonYs house, so _ cats had the yarn strewn about the house when being visited."} {"input": "Context Word: yarn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs help blocking the yarn so he asks his friend PersonY for help, because _ can't do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs help blocking the yarn so he asks his friend PersonY for help, so _ helps him."} {"input": "Context Word: yarn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told quite a yarn to PersonY, although _ didn't really know anything about the situation at all. \nSentence 2: PersonX told quite a yarn to PersonY, because _ didn't really know anything about the situation at all."} {"input": "Context Word: yarn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used the colorful yarn to make a scarf but not PersonY because _ was experienced with crochet needles. \nSentence 2: PersonX used the colorful yarn to make a scarf but not PersonY because _ was a novice with crochet needles."} {"input": "Context Word: withdrawal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was being supervised by PersonY during their withdrawal from drugs because _ was a patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX was being supervised by PersonY during their withdrawal from drugs because _ was a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: elegance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had elegance that was unmatched by PersonY, because _ was refined and had excellent taste. \nSentence 2: PersonX had elegance that was unmatched by PersonY, because _ was dull and had rococo taste."} {"input": "Context Word: castor oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the mother should use castor oil to induce labor, but PersonY said no because _ is not a doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the mother should use castor oil to induce labor, but PersonY said no because _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: rottweiler.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved being around the rottweiler but PersonY did not as _ found big dogs very scary. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved being around the rottweiler but PersonY did not as _ found big dogs very appealing."} {"input": "Context Word: journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: During journaling sessions PersonX would write long stories but not PersonY since _ is more imaginative. \nSentence 2: During journaling sessions PersonX would write long stories but not PersonY since _ is more unimaginative."} {"input": "Context Word: journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's journal was filled with references to PersonY since _ saw so many interesting characteristics in her. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's journal was filled with references to PersonY since _ displayed so many interesting characteristics in her."} {"input": "Context Word: journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could remember where they were the night of the first, but PersonY could not, because _ had lost their journal. \nSentence 2: PersonX could remember where they were the night of the first, but PersonY could not, because _ had consulted their journal."} {"input": "Context Word: journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better memory of distant events than PersonY because _ kept a journal. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better memory of distant events than PersonY because _ did not keep a journal."} {"input": "Context Word: journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept a journal and did not want PersonY to read the personal things she had written, so _ hid the journal. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept a journal and did not want PersonY to read the personal things she had written, so _ was not shown the journal."} {"input": "Context Word: journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept a journal but PersonY didn't because _ wanted to be in touch with their feelings. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept a journal but PersonY didn't because _ didn't want to be in touch with their feelings."} {"input": "Context Word: journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept a journal every day while PersonY did not, as _ always wanted to look back to reflect on the past. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept a journal every day while PersonY did not, as _ never wanted to look back to reflect on the past."} {"input": "Context Word: journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept a journal for 10 years but then stopped while PersonY kepti at it for 20 years, because _ got too busy. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept a journal for 10 years but then stopped while PersonY kepti at it for 20 years, because _ was committed."} {"input": "Context Word: journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX writes in a journal each evening, PersonY keeps a diary. _ needs more space to write than a diary has. \nSentence 2: PersonX writes in a journal each evening, PersonY keeps a diary. _ haves enough space to write in a diary."} {"input": "Context Word: journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote the personal journal written by PersonY; Mother grounded _ and made him buy a new one. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote the personal journal written by PersonY; Mother apologized to _ and gave him a new one."} {"input": "Context Word: journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonXs journal was lost in the fire before PersonY could arrive to help put it out. _ stood there and watched it burn. \nSentence 2: PersonXs journal was lost in the fire before PersonY could arrive to help put it out. _ rushed there and watched it burn."} {"input": "Context Word: easier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier to stay employed than PersonY because _ had a strong work ethic. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier to stay employed than PersonY because _ did not have strong work ethic."} {"input": "Context Word: easier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made it much easier for PersonY to live with their illness because _ was a doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX made it much easier for PersonY to live with their illness because _ was a patient."} {"input": "Context Word: easier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it would be easier to trick PersonY, but _ wasn't as clever as they thought they were. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it would be easier to trick PersonY, but _ was more clever than they thought they were."} {"input": "Context Word: father.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX obeyed his father but PersonY shouted at him, father told _ he is a loyald son. \nSentence 2: PersonX obeyed his father but PersonY shouted at him, father told _ he is a unloyald son."} {"input": "Context Word: father.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to talk to PersonY's father to plan the birthday party, but _ was nervous to make the call. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to talk to PersonY's father to plan the birthday party, and _ didn't know about the call."} {"input": "Context Word: mold and mildew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX left the sunroof open in the car while PersonY always closed it. _ got mold and mildew in the seats. \nSentence 2: PersonX left the sunroof open in the car while PersonY always closed it. _ was anxious of getting mold and mildew in the seats."} {"input": "Context Word: reflect.", "output": "Sentence 1: After taking time to reflect PersonX was sorry for their actions but PersonY was unrepentant. _ asked their priest for forgiveness. \nSentence 2: After taking time to reflect PersonX was sorry for their actions but PersonY was unrepentant. _ asked their priest for a hymnal."} {"input": "Context Word: hotline.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hotline was staffed by PersonX when PersonY called in because _ was a volunteer. \nSentence 2: The hotline was staffed by PersonX when PersonY called in because _ was a depressed person."} {"input": "Context Word: congratulations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave their heartfelt congratulations to PersonY after _ saw them win a major sports tournament. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave their heartfelt congratulations to PersonY after _ managed to win a major sports tournament."} {"input": "Context Word: obnoxious.", "output": "Sentence 1: At times, PersonX can be obnoxious in class, while PersonY is always well behaved. It's likely _ is immature. \nSentence 2: At times, PersonX can be obnoxious in class, while PersonY is always well behaved. It's likely _ is mature."} {"input": "Context Word: obnoxious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was known to be quite obnoxious to their coworkers however PersonY was quite accommodating with their office mates. _ was never invited to drinks after work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was known to be quite obnoxious to their coworkers however PersonY was quite accommodating with their office mates. _ was always invited to drinks after work."} {"input": "Context Word: ADHD.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help PersonY with their ADHD, so _ got them to agree to see a doctor for help. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to help PersonY with their ADHD, but _ refused to see a doctor for help."} {"input": "Context Word: ADHD.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was diagnosed with ADHD, but PersonY does not have that condition. _ needs medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX was diagnosed with ADHD, but PersonY does not have that condition. _ needs no medication."} {"input": "Context Word: ADHD.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very hyper and active but not PersonY because _ was suffering from ADHD. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very hyper and active but not PersonY because _ was free from ADHD."} {"input": "Context Word: solar panel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was installing solar panels on PersonY's roof when he slipped and fell off the roof. _ yelled for help and for someone to call an ambulance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was installing solar panels on PersonY's roof when he slipped and fell off the roof. _ got help and called an ambulance."} {"input": "Context Word: bleach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX upset PersonY because _ added bleach to the wrong load of laundry and the clothes came out ruined. \nSentence 2: PersonX was upset at PersonY because _ added bleach to the wrong load of laundry and the clothes came out ruined."} {"input": "Context Word: Quaker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a Muslim while PersonY was a Quaker. _ didn't mind using violence against people of other faiths. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a Muslim while PersonY was a Quaker. _ abhorred using violence against people of other faiths."} {"input": "Context Word: house plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's house plants look shorter and uglier than PersonY's, so _ is the amateur gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX's house plants look shorter and uglier than PersonY's, so _ is the expert gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: bag.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before leaving on the trip, PersonX asked if she could borrow a bag from PersonY, because _ needed an extra one. \nSentence 2: Before leaving on the trip, PersonX asked if she could borrow a bag from PersonY, because _ had an extra one."} {"input": "Context Word: bag.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a blue bag from PersonY because _ needed an extra bag for school books. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a blue bag from PersonY because _ had an extra bag for school books to sell."} {"input": "Context Word: bag.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received a bag from his supervisor, but PersonY didn't because _ was a hard worker. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a bag from his supervisor, but PersonY didn't because _ was a lazy worker."} {"input": "Context Word: bag.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to sell PersonY a bag. _ was ashamed to know that the bag was all scratched up. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to sell PersonY a bag. _ was outraged to see that the bag was all scratched up."} {"input": "Context Word: bag.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's overnight bag was bulkier than PersonY's, as a result of _ bringing a lot more clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX's overnight bag was bulkier than PersonY's, as a result of _ bringing a lot fewer clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: Mom.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Mom of PersonX has passed away, but PersonY's is still living, so _ is very sad. \nSentence 2: The Mom of PersonX has passed away, but PersonY's is still living, so _ is very grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: seashell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY loved seashells, so _ brought some home from the beach vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that PersonY loved seashells, so _ asked that some be brought home from the beach vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: video.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a video to PersonY for his birthday, but he already owned it. _ decided to give him something else instead. \nSentence 2: PersonX was given a video by PersonY for his birthday, but he already owned it. _ decided to give him something else instead."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball cap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's baseball cap looked better than PersonY's because _ was very careful in how she washed it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's baseball cap looked better than PersonY's because _ was careless in how she washed it."} {"input": "Context Word: contraception.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't believe in using contraception but PersonY thought it was good. _ had eight kids. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't believe in using contraception but PersonY thought it was good. _ had two kids."} {"input": "Context Word: speaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to do public speaking because _ was fluent in eight different languages. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to do public speaking because _ was not fluent in the English language."} {"input": "Context Word: speaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to pass the spanish class because _ grew up speaking the language. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to pass the spanish class because _ did not grow up speaking the language."} {"input": "Context Word: speaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was great at public speaking but PersonY was not. _ made a lot of money on the lecture circuit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was great at public speaking but PersonY was not. _ made little money on the lecture circuit."} {"input": "Context Word: speaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was speaking on the topic of travel unlike PersonY because _ was very knowledgable on the topic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was speaking on the topic of travel unlike PersonY because _ was very limited on the topic."} {"input": "Context Word: speaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Public speaking was PersonX's biggest fear, but PersonY was a pro at it. _ didn't practice a lot in college. \nSentence 2: Public speaking was PersonX's biggest fear, but PersonY was a pro at it. _ practiced a lot in college."} {"input": "Context Word: speaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Public speaking was better suited for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had social anxiety. \nSentence 2: Public speaking was better suited for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very outgoing."} {"input": "Context Word: speaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Speaking in front of large groups suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was confident. \nSentence 2: Speaking in front of large groups suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was shy."} {"input": "Context Word: speaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to public speaking, PersonX fumbles his words, while PersonY does not. _ is a clumsy orator. \nSentence 2: When it comes to public speaking, PersonX fumbles his words, while PersonY does not. _ is a practiced orator."} {"input": "Context Word: vine.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the vineyard, PersonX was able to show PersonY the different kinds of vines because _ had deep knowledge of them. \nSentence 2: In the vineyard, PersonX was able to show PersonY the different kinds of vines because _ had weak knowledge of them."} {"input": "Context Word: vine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the flowering vine that PersonY planted was beautiful, and _ enjoyed looking at it daily. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the flowering vine that PersonY planted was beautiful, but _ never looked at it."} {"input": "Context Word: vine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX want to learn how to grow a jicama and asks for PersonY's help, because _ is not vine expert. \nSentence 2: PersonX want to learn how to grow a jicama and asks for PersonY's help, because _ is really good with vine."} {"input": "Context Word: vine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hired by PersonY to grow vines in their backyard but _ was going on vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hired by PersonY to grow vines in their backyard because _ was going on vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: Graphic Novel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX like to read graphic novels but PersonY liked classic literature to read. _ bought the new Frank Miller comic at the book store. \nSentence 2: PersonX like to read graphic novels but PersonY liked classic literature to read. _ bought Hamlet at the book store."} {"input": "Context Word: foam.", "output": "Sentence 1: The foam coming from the washing machine or PersonX was great than the machine of PersonY because _ used soap generously. \nSentence 2: The foam coming from the washing machine or PersonX was great than the machine of PersonY because _ used soap reservedly."} {"input": "Context Word: air conditioner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY, who was asleep, to turn the air conditioner on, since it was so hot outside. _ was upset when the air conditioner still wasn't on hours later. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY, who was asleep, to turn the air conditioner on, since it was so hot outside. _ was asleep when the air conditioner still wasn't on hours later."} {"input": "Context Word: air conditioner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an air conditioner while PersonY did not since _ lived in a place with hot summers. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an air conditioner while PersonY did not since _ lived in a place with mild summers."} {"input": "Context Word: air conditioner.", "output": "Sentence 1: The air conditioner at PersonXs house died when PersonY was over, so _ offered to go back to his place. \nSentence 2: The air conditioner at PersonXs house died when PersonY was over, so _ asked to go back to their place."} {"input": "Context Word: eviction.", "output": "Sentence 1: An eviction notice is served to PersonX, but PersonY didn't get one because _ is broke. \nSentence 2: An eviction notice is served to PersonX, but PersonY didn't get one because _ is rich."} {"input": "Context Word: eviction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received an eviction notice from PersonY for their apartment rental because _ never paid rent on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX received an eviction notice from PersonY for their apartment rental because _ was never paid rent on time."} {"input": "Context Word: witch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not a witch like PersonY because _ had no true magic powers and swept with a broom. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not a witch like PersonY because _ had true magic powers and rode a broom."} {"input": "Context Word: witch.", "output": "Sentence 1: The children thought PersonX was a witch, but not PersonY because _ was always mean to them. \nSentence 2: The children thought PersonX was a witch, but not PersonY because _ was always nice to them."} {"input": "Context Word: Basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go to the park and play basketball with PersonY, so _ sent the invitation. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go to the park and play basketball with PersonY, but _ turned down the invitation."} {"input": "Context Word: Basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a lawyer while PersonY was a basketball player, so _ was in a worse shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a lawyer while PersonY was a basketball player, so _ was in a better shape."} {"input": "Context Word: Avacado.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for an avacado because _ had forgot to purchase some during her trip to the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for an avacado because _ had purchased some during her trip to the store."} {"input": "Context Word: web.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to the web, PersonX is not as skilled as PersonY because _ is a farmer. \nSentence 2: When it comes to the web, PersonX is not as skilled as PersonY because _ is a programmer."} {"input": "Context Word: splits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is flexible enough to do the splits, and PersonY is not, so _ likely regularly stretches. \nSentence 2: PersonX is flexible enough to do the splits, and PersonY is not, so _ likely rarely stretches."} {"input": "Context Word: splits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY was better at th splits than them so _ decided to practice to get better at them. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY was better at th splits than them so _ decided to exercise to get better at them."} {"input": "Context Word: splits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laughed at PersonY when she accidentally slipped and did the splits, so the man looked at _ with contempt. \nSentence 2: PersonX laughed at PersonY when she accidentally slipped and did the splits, so the man looked at _ with pitty."} {"input": "Context Word: pests.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sick of the pests like PersonY always cutting out their internet, so _ decided to get revenge. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sick of the pests like PersonY always cutting out their internet, so _ decided to lay low."} {"input": "Context Word: lovebirds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to successfully breed and sell several pairs of lovebirds but PersonY could not, because _ was good at handling animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to successfully breed and sell several pairs of lovebirds but PersonY could not, because _ was unskilled at handling animals."} {"input": "Context Word: wash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always makes a better salad than PersonY because _ never forgets to wash the lettuce. \nSentence 2: PersonX always makes a better salad than PersonY because _ always forgets to wash the lettuce."} {"input": "Context Word: wash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wanted to wash when they woke up but PersonY rarely bothered. _ was a very clean person. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wanted to wash when they woke up but PersonY rarely bothered. _ was a very dirty \rperson."} {"input": "Context Word: wash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to wash PersonY with a wet sponge everyday, because _ was a caretaker. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to wash PersonY with a wet sponge everyday, because _ was an invalid."} {"input": "Context Word: wash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a laundress, PersonY is a cook therefore _ could tell you how to properly wash your clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a laundress, PersonY is a cook therefore _ could not tell you how to properly wash your clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: wash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very clean, PersonY is not so clean, _ will wash her clothes more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very clean, PersonY is not so clean, _ will wash her clothes less often."} {"input": "Context Word: wash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very clean, PersonY not so much therefore _ is likely to wash her toys. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very clean, PersonY not so much therefore _ is likely not to wash her toys."} {"input": "Context Word: wash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX want to hire PersonY to wash their dog because _ was going on a long vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to hire PersonY to wash their dog but _ was going on a long vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: upside.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a lot more head injuries than PersonY when they were kids, because _ always hung upside down on the jungle gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a lot more head injuries than PersonY when they were kids, because _ never hung upside down on the jungle gym."} {"input": "Context Word: humidity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to visit PersonY in Florida, but the humidity got to _ rather quickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to visit PersonY in Florida, but the humidity did not bother _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: was a point guard and.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a point guard and and PersonY was not because _ was very good at passing and faking. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a point guard and and PersonY was not because _ was very good at basketball."} {"input": "Context Word: safe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did everything in their power to keep PersonY safe, because _ cared about them. \nSentence 2: PersonX did everything in their power to keep PersonY safe, because _ was important to them."} {"input": "Context Word: safe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never kept his money in the bank like PersonY, because _ preferred to keep it in a safe. \nSentence 2: PersonX always kept his money in the bank like PersonY, because _ preferred to keep it in a safe."} {"input": "Context Word: safe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stored all their valuable in a safe but PersonY kept them in a drawer. _ didn't lose anything important when their house caught fire. \nSentence 2: PersonX stored all their valuable in a safe but PersonY kept them in a drawer. _ lost a lot of important papers when their house caught fire."} {"input": "Context Word: safe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid to cross the bridge, while PersonY was fine with it, because _ didn't find it safe . \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid to cross the bridge, while PersonY was fine with it, because _ found it safe ."} {"input": "Context Word: safe.", "output": "Sentence 1: The police would not let PersonX drive anymore, so PersonY had to do all the driving because _ was not a safe driver. \nSentence 2: The police would not let PersonX drive anymore, so PersonY had to do all the driving because _ was considered a safe driver."} {"input": "Context Word: tutoring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was doing very well in high school but PersonY wasn't, so _ didn't require any tutoring. \nSentence 2: PersonX was doing very well in high school but PersonY wasn't, so _ required some tutoring."} {"input": "Context Word: tutoring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was eager to learn French from PersonY , so _ asked her to provide tutoring for her. \nSentence 2: PersonX was eager to learn French from PersonY , so _ agreed to provide tutoring for her."} {"input": "Context Word: planner.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a party planner suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ paid attention to details. \nSentence 2: Being a party planner suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't pay attention to details."} {"input": "Context Word: planner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is extremely well organized, PersonY is not therefore _ would make a good event planner. \nSentence 2: PersonX is extremely well organized, PersonY is not therefore _ would make a terrible event planner."} {"input": "Context Word: planner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a paragraph in his planner every day unlike PersonY because _ was organized. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a paragraph in his planner every day unlike PersonY because _ was disorganized."} {"input": "Context Word: vagina.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really liked the way vagina tasted but PersonY did not like it. _ licked the vagina enthusiastically. \nSentence 2: PersonX really liked the way vagina tasted but PersonY did not like it. _ wouldn't lick the vagina."} {"input": "Context Word: tractor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to drive a tractor, but PersonY did not, because _ lived in the city. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to drive a tractor, but PersonY did not, because _ lived in the country."} {"input": "Context Word: tractor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tractor of PersonX needs repairing, so he takes it to PersonY. _ is likely a farmer. \nSentence 2: The tractor of PersonX needs repairing, so he takes it to PersonY. _ is likely a mechanic."} {"input": "Context Word: honesty.", "output": "Sentence 1: Honesty is always the best policy PersonX believed while PersonY laughed. _ scolded them when they took the shirt from the store. \nSentence 2: Honesty is always the best policy PersonX believed while PersonY laughed. _ smiled when they took the shirt from the store."} {"input": "Context Word: face your obstacles.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to face your obstacles was a lesson PersonX learned in life earlier than PersonY, _ was the oldest of the two. \nSentence 2: Learning to face your obstacles was a lesson PersonX learned in life earlier than PersonY, _ was the youngest of the two."} {"input": "Context Word: pride.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although his pride was hurt, PersonX said it was possible to reconcile with PersonY because _ was willing to forgive. \nSentence 2: Although his pride was hurt, PersonX said it was possible to reconcile with PersonY but _ was not willing to forgive."} {"input": "Context Word: pride.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pride of PersonX was hurt a lot by PersonY's meanness, so _ is now very angry. \nSentence 2: The pride of PersonX was hurt a lot by PersonY's meanness, so _ is now very arrogant."} {"input": "Context Word: henna.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was a henna painting booth at the fair so Personx got a hand tattoo on her hand and Persony didnt so _ looked painted. \nSentence 2: There was a henna painting booth at the fair so Personx got a hand tattoo on her hand and Persony didnt so _ looked plain."} {"input": "Context Word: uniform.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the new job, PersonX was given a smaller uniform than PersonY because _ was skinnier. \nSentence 2: At the new job, PersonX was given a smaller uniform than PersonY because _ was heavier."} {"input": "Context Word: uniform.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to wear a uniform to school but PersonY did not since _ went to a private school. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to wear a uniform to school but PersonY did not since _ went to a public school."} {"input": "Context Word: skunk.", "output": "Sentence 1: While a skunk foraged in the woods, PersonX ran on the cleared path and PersonY ran on the wooded path, and _ barely smelled the skunk. \nSentence 2: While a skunk foraged in the woods, PersonX ran on the cleared path and PersonY ran on the wooded path, and _ strongly smelled the skunk."} {"input": "Context Word: trash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took out the trash while PersonY did the dishes, and _ did their chores outdoors. \nSentence 2: PersonX took out the trash while PersonY did the dishes, and _ did their chores indoors."} {"input": "Context Word: trash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was carrying out the trash when PersonY pulled in the driveway. _ always seemed to be doing the chores. \nSentence 2: PersonX was carrying out the trash when PersonY pulled in the driveway. _ always seemed to be coming home late."} {"input": "Context Word: downloads.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having trouble opening their computer downloads and asked PersonY for help because _ couldn't figure it out. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having trouble opening their computer downloads and asked PersonY for help because _ worked with computers a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: spots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found spots on their skin and went to be PersonY, because _ was worried. \nSentence 2: PersonX found spots on their skin and went to be PersonY, because _ was a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: drone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought a drone was a fun toy but PersonY did not. _ went to Best Buy and bought a drone. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought a drone was a fun toy but PersonY did not. _ went to Best Buy and bought a tv."} {"input": "Context Word: drone.", "output": "Sentence 1: The drone was being piloted by PersonX over the house of PersonY because _ was into spying. \nSentence 2: The drone was being piloted by PersonX over the house of PersonY but _ was suspicious."} {"input": "Context Word: sculpting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at sculpting but PersonY was very bad at it. _ got a high grade in art class. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at sculpting but PersonY was very bad at it. _ got a low grade in art class."} {"input": "Context Word: In Laws.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's in laws really annoy her, but PersonY gets along with her's just fine, so _ is more stressed at the holidays. \nSentence 2: PersonX's in laws really annoy her, but PersonY gets along with her's just fine, so _ is more relaxed at the holidays."} {"input": "Context Word: leggins.", "output": "Sentence 1: During summer PersonX always felt confident wearing leggins but PersonY did not as _ was very slender. \nSentence 2: During summer PersonX always felt confident wearing leggins but PersonY did not as _ was very overweight."} {"input": "Context Word: mothballs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always has holes in their clothes, but PersonY doesn't. _ never puts mothballs in their closet. \nSentence 2: PersonX always has holes in their clothes, but PersonY doesn't. _ always puts mothballs in their closet."} {"input": "Context Word: braids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help with braiding their hair. _ didn't have any knowledge on how to make braids. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help with braiding their hair. _ didn't have any trouble on making braids."} {"input": "Context Word: braids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the girl with braids looked sexy but PersonY didn't, so _ asked the girl out to lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the girl with braids looked sexy but PersonY didn't, so _ asked a different girl out to lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: braids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to put her hair up in braids so she could look cute because _ had a date that night. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to put her hair up in braids so she could look cute, but _ had a date that night."} {"input": "Context Word: prescribe treatment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made an order to prescribe treatment for PersonY's illness because _ was a doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX made an order to prescribe treatment for PersonY's illness because _ was a patient."} {"input": "Context Word: songs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned more songs on the piano than PersonY because _ was more talented musically. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned more songs on the piano than PersonY although _ was more talented musically."} {"input": "Context Word: songs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The songs written by PersonX aren't rated as highly as PersonY's. _ is a talentless songwriter. \nSentence 2: The songs written by PersonX aren't rated as highly as PersonY's. _ is a talented songwriter."} {"input": "Context Word: cavity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to drive to the local dentist, because _ needed a cavity filled. \nSentence 2: PersonX agreed to drive PersonY to the local dentist, because _ needed a cavity filled."} {"input": "Context Word: ingested.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ingested all the food that PersonY served them, because _ was a hungry guest. \nSentence 2: PersonX ingested all the food that PersonY served them, because _ was a talented cook."} {"input": "Context Word: picture.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the beautiful scenery at sunset, PersonX took a picture of PersonY since _ was a photographer. \nSentence 2: In the beautiful scenery at sunset, PersonX took a picture of PersonY since _ was a model."} {"input": "Context Word: good impression.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personal hygiene is a must to make a good impression on a job interview which PersonX complied with unlike PersonY, and _ was hired for the job. \nSentence 2: Personal hygiene is a must to make a good impression on a job interview which PersonX complied with unlike PersonY, and _ was not hired for the job."} {"input": "Context Word: tanning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought a bottle of tanning lotion to PersonY, because _ didn't want to deal with the other's sunburn later. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought a bottle of tanning lotion to PersonY, because _ didn't want to deal with a sunburn later."} {"input": "Context Word: tanning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always very helpful to PersonY at the tanning salon due to _ being the employee. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always very helpful to PersonY at the tanning salon due to _ being the customer."} {"input": "Context Word: tanning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the tanning bed in the mornings as where PersonY went at nights, _ has free time in the mornings. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the tanning bed in the mornings as where PersonY went at nights, _ has free time in the nights."} {"input": "Context Word: Art.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't study very hard in art school but PersonY did. _ made very lousy paintings. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't study very hard in art school but PersonY did. _ made very wonderful paintings."} {"input": "Context Word: Art.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to attend the grand opening of _ 's art exhibit at the museum. \nSentence 2: PersonX was invited by PersonY to attend the grand opening of _ 's art exhibit at the museum."} {"input": "Context Word: fireball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX blamed PersonY for the fireball that caused the house to b urn down, _ expedited the worst from others. \nSentence 2: PersonX blamed PersonY for the fireball that caused the house to b urn down, _ did the worst things to others."} {"input": "Context Word: grey hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having grey hair made PersonX feel old but PersonY feel distinguished. _ was scared of growing older. \nSentence 2: Having grey hair made PersonX feel old but PersonY feel distinguished. _ was proud of growing older."} {"input": "Context Word: salary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of PersonY because _ got lower annual salary raise in the company. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of PersonY because _ got higher annual salary raise in the company."} {"input": "Context Word: Nails.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave his hammer to PersonY so he could hammer the nails. _ had plenty of hammers. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave his hammer to PersonY so he could hammer the nails. _ had no hammers."} {"input": "Context Word: wardrobe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the store to buy a bigger wardrobe unlike PersonY because _ old one was full. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the store to buy a bigger wardrobe unlike PersonY because _ old one was still empty."} {"input": "Context Word: wardrobe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's wardrobe never looks as good as PersonY's wardrobe as _ hates to go shopping. \nSentence 2: PersonX's wardrobe never looks as good as PersonY's wardrobe since _ loves to go shopping."} {"input": "Context Word: sunflowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX picked sunflowers to give to PersonY, _ was disappointed to that roses were actually her favorite flower. \nSentence 2: After PersonX picked sunflowers to give to PersonY, _ told her that roses were actually her favorite flower."} {"input": "Context Word: getting drunk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent college getting drunk while PersonY studied hard every day. _ has a low paying job now. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent college getting drunk while PersonY studied hard every day. _ has a high paying job now."} {"input": "Context Word: superstitions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX walked under the ladder while PersonY went around it, since _ did not believe in superstitions . \nSentence 2: PersonX walked under the ladder while PersonY went around it, since _ believed in superstitions ."} {"input": "Context Word: rude.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was often very rude to people but PersonY was not as _ had very bad manners. \nSentence 2: PersonX was often very rude to people but PersonY was not as _ had very good manners."} {"input": "Context Word: make money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always paid rent on time while PersonY fell further in debt. _ could always find a way to make money when needed. \nSentence 2: PersonX always paid rent on time while PersonY fell further in debt. _ could never find a way to make money when needed."} {"input": "Context Word: pose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to get PersonY to show them how to pose, because _ was a beginner in yoga class. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to get PersonY to show them how to pose, because _ was a teacher in yoga class."} {"input": "Context Word: pose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a model and had to pose for the cameras unlike PersonY because _ loved being in front of the camera. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a model and had to pose for the cameras unlike PersonY because _ loved being behind the camera."} {"input": "Context Word: pose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to do the yoga pose as well as PersonY, because _ tended to be stiff. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to do the yoga pose as well as PersonY, because _ tended to be flexible."} {"input": "Context Word: shark teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found far less shark teeth on the beach than PersonY, which made _ jealous of him. \nSentence 2: PersonX found far more shark teeth on the beach than PersonY, which made _ jealous of him."} {"input": "Context Word: field.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received the ball from PersonY so _ could take it down the field and score a goal. \nSentence 2: PersonX kicked the ball to PersonY so _ could take it down the field and score a goal."} {"input": "Context Word: field.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always playing the field, and ended up cheating on PersonY, because _ was untrustworthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always playing the field, and ended up cheating on PersonY, because _ was oblivious."} {"input": "Context Word: field.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an expert in the field compared to PersonY, because _ had already been doing it for years. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an expert in the field compared to PersonY, because _ had only been doing it for weeks."} {"input": "Context Word: spider.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX showed PersonY their pet spider, they started screaming. Then _ laughed about it. \nSentence 2: After PersonX showed PersonY their pet spider, they started screaming. Then _ ran away from it."} {"input": "Context Word: spider.", "output": "Sentence 1: Every time PersonX saw a spider in the apartment he asked PersonY to deal with it, because _ was afraid of spiders. \nSentence 2: Every time PersonX saw a spider in the apartment he asked PersonY to deal with it, because _ loved helping spiders."} {"input": "Context Word: spider.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was okay for PersonX that there was a spider but not okay for PersonY because _ was very brave. \nSentence 2: It was okay for PersonX that there was a spider but not okay for PersonY because _ was very scared."} {"input": "Context Word: spider.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chased PersonY around the room while holding a spider and laughing because _ is a jerk. \nSentence 2: PersonX chased PersonY around the room while holding a spider and laughing because _ is scared."} {"input": "Context Word: spider.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a box of spiders for their birthday because _ wanted to scare them. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a box of spiders for their birthday even though _ was scared of them."} {"input": "Context Word: spider.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ jumped when they saw the spider because PersonX was scared of spiders and PersonY wasn't. \nSentence 2: So _ grinned when they saw the spider because PersonX was scared of spiders and PersonY wasn't."} {"input": "Context Word: Poor Hygiene.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was concerned about PersonY and their poor hygiene, so _ gave some deoderant to him. \nSentence 2: PersonX was concerned about PersonY and their poor hygiene, but _ didn't have some deoderant for him."} {"input": "Context Word: suitcase.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can pack a suitcase with more ease than PersonY because _ travels a lot for business. \nSentence 2: PersonX can pack a suitcase with more ease than PersonY because _ doesn't have to travel a lot for business."} {"input": "Context Word: suitcase.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw out the dirty suitcase instead of cleaning it like PersonY suggested because _ are wasteful. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw out the dirty suitcase instead of cleaning it like PersonY suggested because _ are prudent."} {"input": "Context Word: suitcase.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always ready to pack a suitcase at no notice whilst PersonY was not because _ was an adventurous type. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always ready to pack a suitcase at no notice whilst PersonY was not because _ was a\rhomebody type."} {"input": "Context Word: suitcase.", "output": "Sentence 1: The new suitcase of PersonX is classier than PersonY's suitcase because _ is a lot wealthier. \nSentence 2: The new suitcase of PersonX is classier than PersonY's suitcase because _ is a lot poorer."} {"input": "Context Word: cattle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had little experience raising cattle while PersonY was quite experienced since _ lived in the city. \nSentence 2: PersonX had little experience raising cattle while PersonY was quite experienced since _ lived in a farmhouse."} {"input": "Context Word: cattle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to play with the large cattle but not PersonY because _ found them to be familiar. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to play with the large cattle but not PersonY because _ found them to be foreign."} {"input": "Context Word: cattle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX raises cattle while PersonY raises chickens, and therefore _ is able to sell milk. \nSentence 2: PersonX raises cattle while PersonY raises chickens, and therefore _ is able to sell eggs."} {"input": "Context Word: cattle.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cattle at the farm of PersonX were fatter than the ones raised by PersonY because _ fed theirs more. \nSentence 2: The cattle at the farm of PersonX were thinner than the ones raised by PersonY because _ fed theirs more."} {"input": "Context Word: paranoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tells PersonY they are paranoid about being stung by a bee. _ is allergic to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX tells PersonY they are paranoid about being stung by a bee. _ says I'm not allergic to them."} {"input": "Context Word: paranoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a more freaked out individual than PersonY so _ became paranoid more easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a more freaked out individual than PersonY so _ became paranoid less often."} {"input": "Context Word: shipping container.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in search of a shipping container and PersonY just happened to have one, so _ called him and made an offer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in search of a shipping container and PersonY just happened to have one, when _ received a call and was made an offer."} {"input": "Context Word: wrap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a fight manager, PersonY is a gardener therefor _ knows how to wrap boxers' hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a fight manager, PersonY is a gardener therefor _ may not know how to wrap boxers' hands."} {"input": "Context Word: wrap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered a breakfast wrap for PersonY because _ was trying to get the other to like them. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a breakfast wrap from PersonY because _ was trying to get the other to like them."} {"input": "Context Word: wrap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to get PersonY to eat healthier so _ bought the other a lettuce wrap. \nSentence 2: PersonX was using PersonY to get them to eat healthier so _ bought the other a lettuce wrap."} {"input": "Context Word: wrap.", "output": "Sentence 1: The gifts were wrapped by PersonX instead of PersonY because _ had a large variety of paper. \nSentence 2: The gifts were wrapped by PersonX instead of PersonY because _ had a small variety of paper."} {"input": "Context Word: affair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hard time ending their affair unlike PersonY because _ put too much emotion into it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hard time ending their affair unlike PersonY because _ put little emotion into it."} {"input": "Context Word: affair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was involved in a passionate love affair with PersonY but _ wasn't currently married. \nSentence 2: PersonX was involved in a passionate love affair with PersonY because _ wasn't currently married."} {"input": "Context Word: Wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the wedding, PersonX made PersonY recite his vows during the ceremony. _ was the priest. \nSentence 2: At the wedding, PersonX made PersonY recite his vows during the ceremony. _ was the groom."} {"input": "Context Word: Wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had a costly wedding because he took a loan from persony and now _ had to pay what he owed. \nSentence 2: personx had a costly wedding because he took a loan from persony and now _ had to collect what was owed."} {"input": "Context Word: U.S. Army.", "output": "Sentence 1: Joining the U.S. Army suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had courage and bravery. \nSentence 2: Joining the U.S. Army suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no courage and bravery."} {"input": "Context Word: seasick.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX gets seasick more often than PersonY, _ is less likely to go on a cruise. \nSentence 2: .Because PersonX gets seasick less often than PersonY, _ is less likely to go on a cruise."} {"input": "Context Word: appearance.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy to consider PersonX but not PersonY to be considered vain because _ was always worrying about their appearance. \nSentence 2: It was easy to consider PersonX but not PersonY to be considered vain because _ was not always worrying about their appearance."} {"input": "Context Word: appearance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX generally applies more makeup than PersonY does because _ cares more about their appearance. \nSentence 2: PersonX generally applies more makeup than PersonY does because _ cares less about their appearance."} {"input": "Context Word: appearance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a dirtier appearance than PersonY because _ grew up living in the streets. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a dirtier appearance than PersonY because _ grew up living a nice house."} {"input": "Context Word: appearance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made an appearance at PersonY's party, but only stayed a few minutes, because _ was bored. \nSentence 2: PersonX made an appearance at PersonY's party, but only stayed a few minutes, because _ was uninviting."} {"input": "Context Word: appearance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less careful with his appearance than PersonY because _ did not work in a professional environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less careful with his appearance than PersonY because _ worked in a professional environment."} {"input": "Context Word: Pale.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx wanted to maintain his pale complexion like persony did but _ lives in a very sunny environment. \nSentence 2: personx wanted to maintain his pale complexion like persony did but _ lives in a sun free environment."} {"input": "Context Word: release.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would soon be going home because _ just got a release date from the parole board. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would soon be going home because _ had not gotten a release date from the parole board."} {"input": "Context Word: escape.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a prisoner and PersonY was a guard, so it was a good day for _ when they escaped the prison. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a prisoner and PersonY was a guard, so it was a good day for _ when they escaped their shift."} {"input": "Context Word: surfer.", "output": "Sentence 1: A surfer nearly hit PersonX but avoided PersonY , since _ was directly in the surfer's path. \nSentence 2: A surfer nearly hit PersonX but avoided PersonY , since _ was not in the surfer's path."} {"input": "Context Word: gambling.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to casinos is a favorite pass time of PersonX but not PersonY because _ loves the thrill of gambling. \nSentence 2: Going to casinos is a favorite pass time of PersonX but not PersonY because _ hates the risk of gambling."} {"input": "Context Word: gambling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX frequently lost gambling in poker against PersonY, so _ was nervous about their next game. \nSentence 2: PersonX frequently lost gambling in poker against PersonY, so _ was excited about their next game."} {"input": "Context Word: gambling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an issue with gambling despite PersonY's protests, so _ lost all their money. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an issue with gambling despite PersonY's protests, so _ lost all their patience."} {"input": "Context Word: gambling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often lost more money gambling than PersonY because _ was risky with their money. \nSentence 2: PersonX often lost more money gambling than PersonY because _ was protective of their money."} {"input": "Context Word: makeover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so happy to have won the makeover, but not PersonY; _ hated the way they looked. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so happy to have won the makeover, but not PersonY; _ loved the way they looked."} {"input": "Context Word: Parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: Parents are out rage at PersonX for what has happened to PersonY , _ was in charge of safety ton the field trip. \nSentence 2: Parents are out rage at PersonX for what has happened to PersonY , _ was not aware of safety on the field trip."} {"input": "Context Word: Parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped his parents with some money while PersonY bought a new car instead. They were proud of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX helped his parents with some money while PersonY bought a new car instead. They were disappointed of _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: Parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that parents just don't understand but PersonY thought that they did understand. _ had a contentious relationship with their parents. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that parents just don't understand but PersonY thought that they did understand. _ had a sensational relationship with their parents."} {"input": "Context Word: Parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: xPersonX asked PersonY 's parents for advice on how to raise his newborn because _ grew up rebellious. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY 's parents for advice on how to raise his newborn because _ grew up rebellious."} {"input": "Context Word: secure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt very secure in their looks when flirting with PersonY, because _ had high self-esteem. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt very secure in their looks when flirting with PersonY, because _ had low standards."} {"input": "Context Word: secure.", "output": "Sentence 1: The rope was secured when PersonX tied it unlike PersonY, so it seems _ is more knowledgeable about it. \nSentence 2: The rope was secured when PersonX tied it unlike PersonY, so it seems _ is less knowledgeable about it."} {"input": "Context Word: wrist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fell and broke their wrist but PersonY did not. _ went to the emergency room. \nSentence 2: PersonX fell and broke their wrist but PersonY did not. _ went to the park."} {"input": "Context Word: wrist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed PersonY was slipping, so _ held her by the wrist to keep her steady. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed PersonY was slipping, so _ was held her by the wrist to keep her steady."} {"input": "Context Word: wrist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's wrist hurts from lifting heavy boxes unlike PersonY because _ works out only sometimes. \nSentence 2: PersonX's wrist hurts from lifting heavy boxes unlike PersonY because _ works out all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: Walt Disney.", "output": "Sentence 1: As a gift, PersonX takes PersonY to Walt Disney World, so _ is more likely to be a Dad. \nSentence 2: As a gift, PersonX takes PersonY to Walt Disney World, so _ is more likely to be a Son."} {"input": "Context Word: sort laundry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was naturally tidy while PersonY was naturally messy. _ loved to sort laundry and clean the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX was naturally tidy while PersonY was naturally messy. _ hated to sort laundry and clean the house."} {"input": "Context Word: revenue.", "output": "Sentence 1: The revenue report from PersonX was past due, so PersonY put in a request to have _ speed it up. \nSentence 2: The revenue report from PersonX was past due, so PersonY put in a request to have _ take it over."} {"input": "Context Word: disagreements.", "output": "Sentence 1: Disagreements are constant for PersonX, while PersonY always gets along with people. _ is outspoken. \nSentence 2: Disagreements are constant for PersonX, while PersonY always gets along with people. _ is timid."} {"input": "Context Word: soup.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the winters PersonX always ate soup unlike PersonY because _ lived in a cold area. \nSentence 2: In the winters PersonX always ate soup unlike PersonY because _ lived in a hot area."} {"input": "Context Word: soup.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making soup better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ had the patience to develop the roux. \nSentence 2: Making soup better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ had the impatience to undermake the roux."} {"input": "Context Word: soup.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what goes into the soup because _ forgot their grandmas recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what goes into the soup because _ knew their grandmas recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: Playground.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shouted at everyone at the playground while PersonY was playing in the corner. _ was a loud child. \nSentence 2: PersonX shouted at everyone at the playground while PersonY was playing in the corner. _ was a quiet child."} {"input": "Context Word: introvert.", "output": "Sentence 1: Helping out in the kitchen at the party suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ is an introvert not an extrovert. \nSentence 2: Helping out in the kitchen at the party suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ is an extrovert not an introvert."} {"input": "Context Word: introvert.", "output": "Sentence 1: Walking up to people at parties came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ was not an introvert. \nSentence 2: Walking up to people at parties came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ was an introvert."} {"input": "Context Word: gratitude.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a natural optimist but not PersonY. _ found expressing gratitude came easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a natural optimist but not PersonY. _ found expressing gratitude did not come easily."} {"input": "Context Word: singers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The singers were more talented than PersonX but not PersonY because _ had many years of training. \nSentence 2: The singers were less talented than PersonX but not PersonY because _ had many years of training."} {"input": "Context Word: wanted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to have another piece of cake however PersonY did not as _ felt empty. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have another piece of cake however PersonY did not as _ felt full."} {"input": "Context Word: teased.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX teased PersonY about needing to find a homecoming date because _ already had one. \nSentence 2: PersonX teased PersonY about needing to find a homecoming date because _ could not find one."} {"input": "Context Word: caterpillars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX encounters caterpillars all the time, but PersonY has never seen one, so _ is more likely to be a gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX encounters caterpillars all the time, but PersonY has never seen one, so _ is more likely to be a banker."} {"input": "Context Word: caterpillars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is afraid of caterpillars but PersonY is not. So _ asked for help to remove the caterpillar. \nSentence 2: PersonX is afraid of caterpillars but PersonY is not. So _ helped her remove the caterpillar."} {"input": "Context Word: caterpillars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning from PersonY about caterpillars because _ was a student at the local university. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning from PersonY about caterpillars because _ was a teacher at the local university."} {"input": "Context Word: repairs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's care needed repairs and was in the shop so PersonY gave them a ride to work. _ will also need a ride home. \nSentence 2: PersonX's care needed repairs and was in the shop so PersonY gave them a ride to work. _ will also give them a ride home."} {"input": "Context Word: spondylosis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for a ride home from the hospital after _ had surgery for spondylosis. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a ride home from the hospital after _ had surgery for spondylosis."} {"input": "Context Word: Kitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get a new kitten for PersonY but _ didn't know if she would like one. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get a new kitten for PersonY but _ didn't say if she would like one."} {"input": "Context Word: mumps.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX had the mumps, PersonY took care of her, so _ was very grateful. \nSentence 2: When PersonX had the mumps, PersonY wouldn't care of her, so _ was very upset."} {"input": "Context Word: history.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hired by PersonY to tutor her in american history because _ had her masters in the subject. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to tutor her in american history because _ had her masters in the subject."} {"input": "Context Word: flies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a really big problems with flies and asks for PersonY's help, because _ wants to get rid off flies. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a really big problems with flies and asks for PersonY's help, because _ had the same problem."} {"input": "Context Word: flies.", "output": "Sentence 1: The flies flew toward PersonX and around PersonY because _ was rather smelly the past few days. \nSentence 2: The flies flew around PersonX and toward PersonY because _ was rather smelly the past few days."} {"input": "Context Word: caution.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to have a lot less caution on the roads than PersonY because _ roads were clear. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to have a lot less caution on the roads than PersonY because _ roads were icy."} {"input": "Context Word: caution.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed a lot of fear and caution around PersonY, because _ knew they would be easily agitated. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed a lot of fear and caution around PersonY, because _ knew they could be easily defeated."} {"input": "Context Word: cheap.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying cheap clothes was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very poor. \nSentence 2: Buying cheap clothes was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very rich."} {"input": "Context Word: cheap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can make their dollar go further than PersonY because _ has learned how to be very cheap. \nSentence 2: PersonX can make their dollar go further than PersonY because _ never learned how to be very cheap."} {"input": "Context Word: cheap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being cheap when they buy PersonY's birthday gift, but _ doesn't feel guilty about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being cheap when they buy PersonY's birthday gift, but _ doesn't feel angry about it."} {"input": "Context Word: cheap.", "output": "Sentence 1: The clerk gave the cheap tickets to PersonX and not PersonY because _ had a horrible time the last time that he came. \nSentence 2: The clerk gave the cheap tickets to PersonX and not PersonY because _ had an amazing time the last time that he came."} {"input": "Context Word: Makeup.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the mal, PersonX applied makeup on PersonY to beautify her because _ was an expert. \nSentence 2: At the mal, PersonX applied makeup on PersonY to beautify her because _ was not very attractive."} {"input": "Context Word: Makeup.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the salon, PersonX was better than doing makeup than PersonY because _ was trained better. \nSentence 2: At the salon, PersonX was better than doing makeup than PersonY even though _ was trained better."} {"input": "Context Word: Makeup.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought makeup was garish but PersonY though it was attractive. _ couldn't stand the look of the kabuki girls. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought makeup was garish but PersonY though it was attractive. _ loved the look of the kabuki girls."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them make a fruit cake for Christmas, because _ had never had one before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them make a fruit cake for Christmas, but _ had never had one before."} {"input": "Context Word: younger.", "output": "Sentence 1: Many people thought PersonX looked and acted younger than PersonY, although _ was actually older. \nSentence 2: Many people thought PersonX looked and acted younger than PersonY, although _ was actually younger."} {"input": "Context Word: younger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked a lot younger than PersonY because _ had a skincare routine they followed. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked a lot younger than PersonY because _ didn;t have a skincare routine they followed."} {"input": "Context Word: younger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked younger than PersonY did because _ was highly diligent about a skincare regime. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked younger than PersonY did because _ was highly negligent about a skincare regime."} {"input": "Context Word: younger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looks a lot younger than PersonY does because _ uses a cream that fights wrinkles and age lines. \nSentence 2: PersonX looks a lot younger than PersonY does although _ uses a cream that fights wrinkles and age lines."} {"input": "Context Word: younger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was far younger than PersonY, so when the flood came, _ was able to outrun it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was far younger than PersonY, so when the flood came, _ was struggling to outrun it."} {"input": "Context Word: younger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the younger child and PersonY was older. Less was expected of _ by their parents. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the younger child and PersonY was older. More was expected of _ by their parents."} {"input": "Context Word: younger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked out less than PersonY however _ looked younger than the other even though their the same age. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked out more than PersonY however _ looked younger than the other even though their the same age."} {"input": "Context Word: dermatologist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to schedule a visit a dermatologist but PersonY didn't because _ had bad skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to schedule a visit a dermatologist but PersonY didn't because _ had good skin."} {"input": "Context Word: ivory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to pursue the ivory trade while PersonY did not. _ ended up in jail. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to pursue the ivory trade while PersonY did not. _ did not goto jail."} {"input": "Context Word: opportunity.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to the land of opportunity is a dream for PersonX and PersonY has lived their whole life, _ doesn't speak English. \nSentence 2: Going to the land of opportunity is a dream for PersonX and PersonY has lived their whole life, _ has always spoke English."} {"input": "Context Word: stairs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is working on the stairs of the house of PersonY because _ is a wood worker. \nSentence 2: PersonX is working on the stairs of the house of PersonY because _ is a paying client."} {"input": "Context Word: shooting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at shooting the gun than PersonY because _ went to the shooting range every week. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at shooting the gun than PersonY although _ went to the shooting range every week."} {"input": "Context Word: shooting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very skilled at shooting but PersonY was not. _ hit the bullseye very often. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very skilled at shooting but PersonY was not. _ hit the bullseye very rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: shooting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked on shooting the basketball but not PersonY because _ was a player for the team. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked on shooting the basketball but not PersonY because _ was a manager for the team."} {"input": "Context Word: dreadlocks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not style their hair into dreadlocks like PersonY because _ had very short hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not style their hair into dreadlocks like PersonY because _ had very long hair."} {"input": "Context Word: app.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got confused with different applications on her phone unlike PersonY because _ was more technologically savvy. \nSentence 2: PersonX got confused with different applications on her phone unlike PersonY because _ was less technologically savvy."} {"input": "Context Word: app.", "output": "Sentence 1: When a new study app came out, PersonX bought it for PersonY because _ provided tutoring. \nSentence 2: When a new study app came out, PersonX bought it for PersonY because _ needed tutoring."} {"input": "Context Word: owners.", "output": "Sentence 1: Of the two owners, PersonX was far worse than PersonY, because _ like to beat the dogs. \nSentence 2: Of the two owners, PersonX was far worse than PersonY, because _ like to treat the dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: Garlic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX happily added a lot more garlic then PersonY likes in the spaghetti sauce so when they were eating _ said yum. \nSentence 2: PersonX happily added a lot more garlic then PersonY likes in the spaghetti sauce so when they were eating _ said yuck."} {"input": "Context Word: Garlic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the flavor of garlic but PersonY was less inclined to find it tasty. _ often ordered Italian food because of their love for garlic. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the flavor of garlic but PersonY was less inclined to find it tasty. _ rarely ordered Italian food because of their disdain for garlic."} {"input": "Context Word: good condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: The used car, even though in good condition, was good for PersonX but not PersonY because _ wanted a new car. \nSentence 2: The used car, even though in good condition, was good for PersonX but not PersonY because _ wanted a used car."} {"input": "Context Word: drywall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY wanted to rebuild drywall together, but _ did not know the materials. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY wanted to rebuild drywall together, but _ did not know the techniques."} {"input": "Context Word: drywall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is accused of destroying drywall in PersonY house, _ is a renting a house. \nSentence 2: PersonX is accused of destroying drywall in PersonY house, _ is a leasing out a house."} {"input": "Context Word: drywall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX mixed the drywall while PersonY applied it; _ didn't want to be responsible for the final product. \nSentence 2: PersonX mixed the drywall while PersonY applied it; _ wanted to be responsible for the final product."} {"input": "Context Word: drywall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX repaired the crack with drywall but not PersonY because _ was a handy person. \nSentence 2: PersonX repaired the crack with drywall but not PersonY because _ was a useless person."} {"input": "Context Word: drywall.", "output": "Sentence 1: While repairing the drywall, PersonX asked PersonY if the texture of the new drywall matched the old drywall in the dining room, because _ was in the living room. \nSentence 2: While repairing the drywall, PersonX asked PersonY if the texture of the new drywall matched the old drywall in the dining room, because _ was in the dining room."} {"input": "Context Word: vertigo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was constantly feeling dizzy but not PersonY because _ was experiencing symptoms of vertigo. \nSentence 2: PersonX was constantly feeling dizzy but not PersonY because _ did not have symptoms of vertigo."} {"input": "Context Word: vertigo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was stricken with vertigo but not PersonY. _ fell over often because of the dizziness. \nSentence 2: PersonX was stricken with vertigo but not PersonY. _ never fell over because of dizziness."} {"input": "Context Word: stones.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ dropped stones in their fish tank because PersonX thought they looks nice there, while PersonY thought they're horrible. \nSentence 2: So _ dropped stones outside their fish tank because PersonX thought they looks nice there, while PersonY thought they're horrible."} {"input": "Context Word: Aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY an Aquarium for their home, and _ enjoyed the look on their face. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY an Aquarium for their home, and _ enjoyed the fish in their tank."} {"input": "Context Word: Aquarium.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx owns two Aquarium more than persony but _ never have a problem keeping them all clean. \nSentence 2: personx owns two Aquarium more than persony but _ always have a problem keeping his all clean."} {"input": "Context Word: ragamuffin cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: Brushing the ragamuffin cat was PersonX's favorite thing to do at the cat cafe, but not PersonY, because _ treasured the ragamuffin cat breed. \nSentence 2: Brushing the ragamuffin cat was PersonX's favorite thing to do at the cat cafe, but not PersonY, because _ disliked the ragamuffin cat breed."} {"input": "Context Word: learner.", "output": "Sentence 1: In school, PersonX was more of a slow learner than PersonY so _ received help on how to do math. \nSentence 2: In school, PersonX was more of a slow learner than PersonY so _ gave help on how to do math."} {"input": "Context Word: learner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY was a slow learner, so _ bought a book for him to help him be more successful. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that PersonY was a slow learner, so _ read a book to help him be more successful."} {"input": "Context Word: learner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a more successful learner than PersonY because _ was always in the honors society. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a more successful learner than PersonY because _ was never in the honors society."} {"input": "Context Word: learner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a quick learner while PersonY was not, so _ was at the head of their class. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a quick learner while PersonY was not, so _ was not at the head of their class."} {"input": "Context Word: learner.", "output": "Sentence 1: Studying frequently always worked for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a good learner. \nSentence 2: Studying frequently always worked for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not a good learner."} {"input": "Context Word: pantyhose.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pantyhose suits PersonX, whereas PersonY has never been a fan. This is because _ likes her legs to feel constricted. \nSentence 2: Pantyhose suits PersonX, whereas PersonY has never been a fan. This is because _ likes her legs to feel free."} {"input": "Context Word: Pasta.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to steal the pasta from PersonY because _ was starving due to not having eaten. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to cook the pasta for PersonY because _ was starving due to not having eaten."} {"input": "Context Word: nutmeg.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's added a little nutmeg to their apple pie, while PersonY did not, and that lead the judges to award _ the first place prize. \nSentence 2: PersonX's added a little nutmeg to their apple pie, while PersonY did not, and that lead the judges to award _ the second place prize."} {"input": "Context Word: loft bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sleeping in a loft bed was not a good idea for PersonX but it was for PersonY because _ was uncomfortable with heights. \nSentence 2: Sleeping in a loft bed was not a good idea for PersonX but it was for PersonY because _ was comfortable with heights."} {"input": "Context Word: how to clean leather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to clean leather and PersonY didn't because _ had owned a leather couch before. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to clean leather and PersonY didn't because _ had never owned leather furniture before."} {"input": "Context Word: ball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX apologized to PersonY as _ had hit him on the head with a golf ball. \nSentence 2: PersonX complained to PersonY as _ had hit him on the head with a golf ball."} {"input": "Context Word: ball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept PersonY firmly under the ball of their foot, because _ was all about control. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept PersonY firmly under the ball of their foot, because _ was all about servitude."} {"input": "Context Word: ball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stole the ball from PersonY during a friendly game so _ gave the ball back. \nSentence 2: PersonX stole the ball from PersonY during a friendly game so _ asked for the ball back."} {"input": "Context Word: ball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw the ball far slower than PersonY because _ had a weaker arm overall. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw the ball far slower than PersonY because _ had a stronger arm overall."} {"input": "Context Word: cheating.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was caught cheating on PersonY with a friend, _ received some divorce papers. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was caught cheating on PersonY with a friend, _ sent some divorce papers."} {"input": "Context Word: cheating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accused PersonY of cheating by looking at her cards, because _ kept losing the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX accused PersonY of cheating by looking at her cards, because _ kept winning the game."} {"input": "Context Word: cheating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX flew into a rage when they found out that PersonY was cheating, and _ apologized repeatedly. \nSentence 2: PersonX flew into a rage when they found out that PersonY was cheating, and _ shouted repeatedly."} {"input": "Context Word: cheating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always cheating on his taxes, whereas PersonY wouldn't dare do that. _ is dishonest. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always cheating on his taxes, whereas PersonY wouldn't dare do that. _ is principled."} {"input": "Context Word: cheating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought they were more morally superior to PersonY because _ was never cheating on people. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought they were more morally superior to PersonY because _ was always cheating on people."} {"input": "Context Word: cheating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was cheating PersonY at poker because _ loved to push the boundaries of what is acceptable. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cheating PersonY at poker because _ hated to push the boundaries of what is acceptable."} {"input": "Context Word: cheating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in detention for longer than PersonY because _ was caught cheating on a test. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in detention for longer than PersonY although _ was caught cheating on a test."} {"input": "Context Word: cheating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's husband is cheating on her again, and PersonY's is still faithful. _ gets divorced. \nSentence 2: PersonX's husband is cheating on her again, and PersonY's is still faithful. _ stays married."} {"input": "Context Word: cheating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's wife was caught cheating, but PersonY's is very faithful. So, _ is in the loveless marriage. \nSentence 2: PersonX's wife was caught cheating, but PersonY's is very faithful. So, _ is in the loving marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: cheating.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boyfriend of PersonX has been cheating, while PersonY's is faithful. This is because _ 's boyfriend is a scumbag. \nSentence 2: The boyfriend of PersonX has been cheating, while PersonY's is faithful. This is because _ 's boyfriend is a saint."} {"input": "Context Word: full sunlight.", "output": "Sentence 1: Spending the day in full sunlight suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ had suitable clothing on. \nSentence 2: Spending the day in full sunlight suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ had unsuitable clothes on."} {"input": "Context Word: trespassing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was caught trespassing on PersonY's house and other property, so _ went to jail. \nSentence 2: PersonX was caught trespassing on PersonY's house and other property, so _ went to the police."} {"input": "Context Word: sap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY for getting sap stuck in their hair and _ ended up having to shave their head. \nSentence 2: PersonX consoled aPersonY for getting sap stuck in their hair and _ ended up having to have their head shaved."} {"input": "Context Word: Graduation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Graduation is first on the list for PersonX but not going to happen for PersonY, _ is going to graduate. \nSentence 2: Graduation is first on the list for PersonX but not going to happen for PersonY, _ is not able to graduate."} {"input": "Context Word: conversations.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was a recruiter and PersonY was a student, at the career fair, _ wanted to have conversations with people they could potentially hire. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was a recruiter and PersonY was a student, at the career fair, _ wanted to have conversations with people they could potentially work for."} {"input": "Context Word: conversations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew what was said in the conversations with the lawyer because _ needed to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew what was said in the conversations with the lawyer but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: Summer day camp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is on the way to drop off her and PersonY' s kid at summer day camp today and they are taking turns driving so _ is taking them. \nSentence 2: PersonX is on the way to drop off her and PersonY' s kid at summer day camp today and they are taking turns driving so _ is picking them up."} {"input": "Context Word: tuck a child into bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could tuck a child into bed and PersonY could not because _ had been a babysitter as a teen. \nSentence 2: PersonX could tuck a child into bed and PersonY could not because _ had been a cashier as a teen."} {"input": "Context Word: odors.", "output": "Sentence 1: There were pungent odors coming from PersonX's body but not PersonY's because _ didn't shower regularly. \nSentence 2: There were pungent odors coming from PersonX's body but not PersonY's because _ shower regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: drunk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made sure to eat dinner, but PersonY didn't have time, so as a result _ got drunk at the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX made sure to eat dinner, but PersonY didn't have time, so as a result _ didn't get drunk at the party."} {"input": "Context Word: cast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to be fitted for a leg cast while PersonY was discharged to go home because _ had a broken bone. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to be fitted for a leg cast while PersonY was discharged to go home because _ had no broken bones."} {"input": "Context Word: cast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a cast for her broken arm, because PersonY accidentally hit her with her car. _ was in a lot of pain after the accident. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a cast for her broken arm, because PersonY accidentally hit her with her car. _ felt very guilty after the accident."} {"input": "Context Word: BPD.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to cope with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) from his doctor, because _ likes him. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to cope with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) from his doctor, because _ looked fragile."} {"input": "Context Word: employees.", "output": "Sentence 1: Managing a group of employees suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had good people skills. \nSentence 2: Managing a group of employees suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had bad people skills."} {"input": "Context Word: employees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed in a more authoritarian style of management than PersonY, so _ was strict with his employees. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed in a more authoritarian style of management than PersonY, so _ was lenient with his employees."} {"input": "Context Word: banker.", "output": "Sentence 1: The more prestigious banker was PersonX over PersonY because _ is smarter and more refined. \nSentence 2: The more shady banker was PersonX over PersonY because _ is smarter and more refined."} {"input": "Context Word: alternative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't find an alternative partner from PersonY, so _ settled for what they had. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't find an alternative partner for PersonY, so _ settled for what they had."} {"input": "Context Word: Pictures.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a lot of Polaroid pictures on their vacation while PersonY took plenty of videos. _ gave their family a photo album of their trip. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a lot of Polaroid pictures on their vacation while PersonY took plenty of videos. _ gave their family a video tape of their trip."} {"input": "Context Word: neuter a dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it was important to neuter a dog and PersonY did not because _ knew lots of animals become homeless. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it was important to neuter a dog and PersonY did not because _ did not know lots of animals become homeless."} {"input": "Context Word: glasses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drove to PersonY's house to return the black glasses because _ had found them. \nSentence 2: PersonX drove to PersonY's house to return the black glasses because _ had lost them."} {"input": "Context Word: glasses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had bad eyes and needed glasses but PersonY did not. _ went to the ophthalmologist. \nSentence 2: PersonX had bad eyes and needed glasses but PersonY did not. _ didn't go to the ophthalmologist."} {"input": "Context Word: glasses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to read the menu at the restaurant because _ brought her reading glasses. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to read the menu at the restaurant because _ left her reading glasses at home."} {"input": "Context Word: glasses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just got new glasses, and PersonY has never worn a pair. Therefore, _ has weak vision. \nSentence 2: PersonX just got new glasses, and PersonY has never worn a pair. Therefore, _ has strong vision."} {"input": "Context Word: glasses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to wear sun glasses but PersonY didn't. _ bought a fancy new pair of sun glasses. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to wear sun glasses but PersonY didn't. _ bought a fancy new pair of shoes."} {"input": "Context Word: glasses.", "output": "Sentence 1: The eye doctor prescribed reading glasses to PersonX but not PersonY because _ is farsighted. \nSentence 2: The eye doctor prescribed reading glasses to PersonX but not PersonY because _ is keen-sighted."} {"input": "Context Word: forgiveness.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the awful car accident PersonX begged PersonY for forgiveness about the car, because _ felt responsible. \nSentence 2: After the awful car accident PersonX begged PersonY for forgiveness about the car, but _ felt unforgiving."} {"input": "Context Word: forgiveness.", "output": "Sentence 1: Forgiveness was offered to PersonX from PersonY, so _ is likely to be guilty of something. \nSentence 2: Forgiveness was offered to PersonX from PersonY, so _ is likely to be innocent of something."} {"input": "Context Word: forgiveness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX begged PersonY for forgiveness after _ got caught in a three year long affair. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY complete forgiveness after _ got caught in a three year long affair."} {"input": "Context Word: forgiveness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is asking PersonY for some forgiveness because _ was a bad friend to the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX is asking PersonY for some forgiveness because _ was a mistreated friend by the other."} {"input": "Context Word: forgiveness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX regularly asked God for forgiveness but PersonY did not due to the fact that _ was religious. \nSentence 2: PersonX regularly asked God for forgiveness but PersonY did not due to the fact that _ was secular."} {"input": "Context Word: forgiveness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted forgiveness for their sins whereas PersonY did not as _ was a very religious person. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted forgiveness for their sins whereas PersonY did not as _ was a very secular person."} {"input": "Context Word: contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX violated the terms of the contract with PersonY, the arbitrator sided against _ in the formal hearing. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX violated the terms of the contract with PersonY, the arbitrator sided with _ in the formal hearing."} {"input": "Context Word: contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX entered into a legally binding contract with PersonY to sublet a portion of the house, and _ was glad to get the extra income. \nSentence 2: PersonX entered into a legally binding contract with PersonY to sublet a portion of the house, and _ was glad to get the extra space."} {"input": "Context Word: contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX failed to follow the rules of the contract they made with PersonY, so _ was sued. \nSentence 2: PersonX failed to follow the rules of the contract they made with PersonY, so _ was conned."} {"input": "Context Word: contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX read the contract carefully before signing it but PersonY didn't. _ didn't get ripped off by the shady merchant. \nSentence 2: PersonX read the contract carefully before signing it but PersonY didn't. _ got ripped off by the shady merchant."} {"input": "Context Word: contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get rid of her Mafia rival PersonY , so _ now put a contract on her. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get rid of her Mafia rival PersonY , so _ now had a contract on her."} {"input": "Context Word: contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ready to sign the contract but not PersonY because _ thought it was fair. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ready to sign the contract but not PersonY because _ thought it was unfair."} {"input": "Context Word: contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked long and hard, even desperately, to prepare for renegotiating her contract with PersonY, _ could hardly afford not to. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked long and hard, even desperately, to prepare for renegotiating her contract with PersonY, _ could easily afford it."} {"input": "Context Word: contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY for violating the contract even though the contract heavily favored _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX praised at PersonY for honoring the contract even though the contract heavily hindered _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's contract was about to be up while PersonY still had six weeks, so _ was anxious. \nSentence 2: PersonX's contract was about to be up while PersonY still had six weeks, so _ was relieved."} {"input": "Context Word: contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: The contract of PersonX will expire next week while PersonY's won't because _ is quitting the job. \nSentence 2: The contract of PersonX will expire next week while PersonY's won't because _ is retaining the job."} {"input": "Context Word: contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: The contract written by PersonX kind of screws over PersonY because _ is a good negotiator. \nSentence 2: The contract written by PersonX kind of screws over PersonY because _ is a poor negotiator."} {"input": "Context Word: dismay.", "output": "Sentence 1: Much to the dismay of PersonX, PersonY learned of their evil plan, and _ was stopped before it succeeded. \nSentence 2: Much to the dismay of PersonX, PersonY learned of their evil plan, and _ stopped them before it succeeded."} {"input": "Context Word: Key.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx helped persony to search for his lost key in the house because _ was very caring. \nSentence 2: personx helped persony to search for his lost key in the house and _ was very grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: point.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get their point across to PersonY, because _ was very good at articulation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get their point across to PersonY, because _ was very good at listening."} {"input": "Context Word: point.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pointing at things and asking question was how PersonX learned but not PersonY. _ is hands on. \nSentence 2: Pointing at things and asking question was how PersonX learned but not PersonY. _ is theoretical."} {"input": "Context Word: speakers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY some speakers because _ just bought a new set for home use. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY some speakers but _ just bought a new set for home use."} {"input": "Context Word: speakers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had worse audio speakers than PersonY, so _ had music that sounded more muffled. \nSentence 2: PersonX had worse audio speakers than PersonY, so _ had music that sounded more crisp."} {"input": "Context Word: speakers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has an easier time understanding Irish speakers than PersonY, because _ has Irish descent. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a harder time understanding Irish speakers than PersonY, because _ has Irish descent."} {"input": "Context Word: speakers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The speakers talked about meeting PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a famous celebrity. \nSentence 2: The speakers talked about meeting PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a normal person."} {"input": "Context Word: freeze.", "output": "Sentence 1: In December PersonX thought they were going to freeze but PersonY was overheating because _ lived in a cold country. \nSentence 2: In December PersonX thought they were going to freeze but PersonY was overheating because _ lived in a hot country."} {"input": "Context Word: freeze.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a lot more of the meat that was on sale compared to PersonY because _ had a walk in freezer. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a lot more of the meat that was on sale compared to PersonY because _ had a small freezer."} {"input": "Context Word: typically colored white.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX expresses To PersonY that she like things to be typically colored white, _ is a picky person. \nSentence 2: PersonX expresses To PersonY that she like things to be typically colored white, _ is not a very picky person."} {"input": "Context Word: emotion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tends to display more emotion on average when being compared to PersonY, so _ is likely emotional. \nSentence 2: PersonX tends to display more emotion on average when being compared to PersonY, so _ is likely closed off."} {"input": "Context Word: emotion.", "output": "Sentence 1: To feel emotion is a blessing to PersonX but the only emotion PersonY feels is hate, _ likely gets along with others. \nSentence 2: To feel emotion is a blessing to PersonX but the only emotion PersonY feels is hate, _ likely hates getting along with others."} {"input": "Context Word: reliable.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being reliable was something PersonX took pride in, but PersonY did not, because _ grew up in a structured family. \nSentence 2: Being reliable was something PersonX took pride in, but PersonY did not, because _ grew up in a different family."} {"input": "Context Word: overactive mind.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to calm his overactive mind because _ had successfully done so in the past. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to calm his overactive mind because _ had never done so in the past."} {"input": "Context Word: journalism.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working for a newspaper suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had studied journalism in college. \nSentence 2: Working for a newspaper suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not studied journalism in college."} {"input": "Context Word: Blush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied the blush to PersonY 's face because _ was an expert at applying makeup. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied the blush to PersonY 's face because _ was an amateur at applying makeup."} {"input": "Context Word: exploring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recommended PersonY the best things to see while exploring the city, because _ was local. \nSentence 2: PersonX recommended PersonY the best things to see while exploring the city, because _ was foreign."} {"input": "Context Word: library.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have time to return his library book so PersonY returned it for him as _ was swamped at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have time to return his library book so PersonY returned it for him as _ was free from work."} {"input": "Context Word: library.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a card for the library but PersonY did not. _ was able to check out some books. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a card for the library but PersonY did not. _ was unable to check out some books."} {"input": "Context Word: library.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX visited the library more than PersonY did because _ read much more books during the week. \nSentence 2: PersonX visited the library more than PersonY did although _ read much more books during the week."} {"input": "Context Word: library.", "output": "Sentence 1: Professor PersonX helped PersonY with the material at the library because _ knew it very well. \nSentence 2: Professor PersonX helped PersonY with the material at the library because _ was very confused."} {"input": "Context Word: Model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dreamed of dating a model but PersonY dreamed of dating an actor. _ went to Fashion Week to look for a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX dreamed of dating a model but PersonY dreamed of dating an actor. _ went to the Emmy Awards to look for a date."} {"input": "Context Word: Model.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx did a better job looking like a model than persony despite _ low budget. \nSentence 2: personx did a better job looking like a model than persony despite _ high budget."} {"input": "Context Word: mentally.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to help PersonY get mentally prepared for the marathon when _ gave them advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to help PersonY get mentally prepared for the marathon when _ asked for advice."} {"input": "Context Word: saving.", "output": "Sentence 1: Saving money has never been something PersonX does but the same can't be said about PersonY, _ needs to learn how to save. \nSentence 2: Saving money has never been something PersonX does but the same can't be said about PersonY, _ doesn't needs to learn how to save."} {"input": "Context Word: direct sunlight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a luscious garden, while PersonY's garden floundered. _ knew which plants needed direct sunlight and which didn't to thrive. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a luscious garden, while PersonY's garden floundered. _ never knew which plants needed direct sunlight and which didn't to thrive."} {"input": "Context Word: Yorkie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to adopt a Yorkie, but PersonY wouldn't even consider it, because _ loved small dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to adopt a Yorkie, but PersonY wouldn't even consider it, because _ disliked small dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: salesperson.", "output": "Sentence 1: As a salesperson, PersonX always leaves a different way than PersonY because _ uses the store entrance. \nSentence 2: As a salesperson, PersonX always leaves a different way than PersonY since _ uses the store exit."} {"input": "Context Word: salesperson.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY needed a new wardrobe because _ got a new job as a salesperson in the mall. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY needed a new wardrobe because _ did not get a new job as a salesperson in the mall."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: Beautiful roses were bought by PersonX for PersonY because _ is a giver in general. \nSentence 2: Beautiful roses were bought by PersonX for PersonY because _ is a receiver in general."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: Growing roses was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a green thumb. \nSentence 2: Growing roses was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't have a green thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for roses for Valentine's Day and PersonY asked for chocolate because _ loves flowers. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for roses for Valentine's Day and PersonY asked for chocolate because _ loves candy."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a bouquet of red roses when _ asked the other out on a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a bouquet of red roses when _ accepted the other's invitation out on a date."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a bouquet of roses because _ it was before their Valentine's Day date. \nSentence 2: PersonX accepted PersonY's bouquet of roses because _ it was before their Valentine's Day date."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a large bouquet of roses for her birthday, because _ is a loving son. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a large bouquet of roses for her birthday, because _ is a loving mom."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a boquet of roses to PersonY because _ was trying to be nice. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a boquet of roses to PersonY because _ was trying to feel love."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave red roses to PersonY for their anniversary, and _ felt very giving because of the act. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave red roses to PersonY for their anniversary, and _ felt very grateful because of the act."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got no roses for Valentine's Day, while PersonY got a bunch, so _ 's husband is likely uncaring. \nSentence 2: PersonX got no roses for Valentine's Day, while PersonY got a bunch, so _ 's husband is likely loving."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to prune their roses and plant some lavender because _ was new to gardening. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to prune their roses and plant some lavender because _ was a professional horticulturist."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY didn't like roses, so _ asked for none in the bouquet. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that PersonY didn't like roses, but _ didn't mind them in the bouquet."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to buy their partner roses but PersonY did not because _ was very romantic. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to buy their partner roses but PersonY did not because _ was very practical."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes gardening and growing roses more than PersonY since _ is more flexible and loves a good, vigorous workout outdoors. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes gardening and growing roses more than PersonY although _ is more flexible and loves a good, vigorous workout outdoors."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX regularly buys his wife roses as a surprise but PersonY doesn't because _ is very romantic. \nSentence 2: PersonX regularly buys his wife roses as a surprise but PersonY doesn't because _ is very pragmatic."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started growing roses in a container and asked if PersonY wants to join her, because _ needed company. \nSentence 2: PersonX started growing roses in a container and asked if PersonY wants to join her, because _ had no hobby."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched PersonY prune their roses with great interest because _ was a novice gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched PersonY prune their roses with great interest because _ was a professional landscaper."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: Roses were planted at the front of the house where PersonX and PersonY live because _ likes their scent. \nSentence 2: Roses were planted at the front of the house where PersonX and PersonY live but _ hates their scent."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: The roses grown by PersonX were taller than the ones of PersonY because _ had richer soil. \nSentence 2: The roses grown by PersonX were taller than the ones of PersonY because _ had poorer soil."} {"input": "Context Word: roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: The smell of roses was very pleasant to PersonX but PersonY was indifferent to it, since _ had a sensitive nose. \nSentence 2: The smell of roses was very pleasant to PersonX but PersonY was indifferent to it, since _ had anosmia."} {"input": "Context Word: spinach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought PersonY their best spinach, so that _ could eat their creamed spinach at dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought PersonY their best spinach, so that _ could cook their creamed spinach for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: spinach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to eat spinach, but it tastes gross to PersonY, so _ likes vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to eat spinach, but it tastes gross to PersonY, so _ loathes vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: repair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help repair a broken table because _ didn't have any DIY tools. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help repair a broken table because _ had a lot of DIY tools."} {"input": "Context Word: repair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hired by PersonY to repair her broken laptop because _ was a very knowledgeable in how to fix computers. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to repair her broken laptop because _ was a very knowledgeable in how to fix computers."} {"input": "Context Word: welded.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has never welded a thing in their life, but PersonY does it every day. _ works in business. \nSentence 2: PersonX has never welded a thing in their life, but PersonY does it every day. _ works in construction."} {"input": "Context Word: call center.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX interviewed PersonY for a position at the call center because _ was the hiring representative for the company. \nSentence 2: PersonX interviewed PersonY for a position at the call center because _ a potential candidate for the company."} {"input": "Context Word: lie detection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't pass the lie detection test that PersonY did because _ had something to hide. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't pass the lie detection test that PersonY did because _ had nothing to hide."} {"input": "Context Word: medical condition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY about a medical condition they might have. _ felt like they were being helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY about a medical condition they might have. _ felt like they were being nosey."} {"input": "Context Word: olympics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not share PersonY's dream of competing in the Olympics, because _ hated playing sports. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not share PersonY's dream of competing in the Olympics, because _ loved playing sports."} {"input": "Context Word: gardener.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't like to work in the yard but PersonY found it pleasing. _ hired a gardener to work on their grounds. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't like to work in the yard but PersonY found it pleasing. _ didn't use a gardener to work on their grounds."} {"input": "Context Word: exercising.", "output": "Sentence 1: Exercising is something that is very important to PersonX but not to PersonY. _ is very slim. \nSentence 2: Exercising is something that is very important to PersonX but not to PersonY. _ is very fat."} {"input": "Context Word: exercising.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't like exercising and PersonY enjoys it, so _ gained some weight over the year. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't like exercising and PersonY enjoys it, so _ dropped some weight over the year."} {"input": "Context Word: exercising.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost a lot more weight than PersonY because _ spent so much time exercising. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost a lot more weight than PersonY because _ did not spend much time exercising."} {"input": "Context Word: exercising.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a detailed exercising and diet routine for PersonY because _ was a fitness trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a detailed exercising and diet routine for PersonY because _ need a fitness trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: exercising.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's habits include exercising every day, but PersonY just sits on the couch all day. _ looks more attractive. \nSentence 2: PersonX's habits include exercising every day, but PersonY just sits on the couch all day. _ looks more unfit."} {"input": "Context Word: exercising.", "output": "Sentence 1: While exercising PersonX burned more calories then PersonY because _ ran on the treadmill for much longer. \nSentence 2: While exercising PersonX burned less calories then PersonY because _ ran on the treadmill for much longer."} {"input": "Context Word: social security.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX will be able to get social security years before PersonY, and that's because _ is older. \nSentence 2: PersonX will be able to get social security years before PersonY, and that's because _ is younger."} {"input": "Context Word: lower abs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had PersonY personally train her on strengthening her lower abs when _ got into an accident and couldn't train anymore. \nSentence 2: PersonX had PersonY personally train her on strengthening her lower abs, but _ got into an accident and couldn't train her anymore."} {"input": "Context Word: rules.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had more difficulty following the rules than PersonY because _ has a very combative nature. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had more difficulty following the rules than PersonY because _ has a very docile nature."} {"input": "Context Word: rules.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accused PersonY of cheating, because _ was certain they'd gone out of their way to break the rules. \nSentence 2: PersonX accused PersonY of cheating, because _ had gone out of their way to break the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: rules.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never followed the rules of the game unlike PersonY because _ had a disregard for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX never followed the rules of the game unlike PersonY because _ had a respect for them."} {"input": "Context Word: rules.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was required to follow strict rules, but the rules for PersonY were more lienent, which made _ feel more oppressed. \nSentence 2: PersonX was required to follow strict rules, but the rules for PersonY were more lienent, which made _ feel more free."} {"input": "Context Word: rules.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX always broke the rules and PersonY always followed them, _ was disciplined much more frequently. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX always broke the rules and PersonY always followed them, _ was disciplined much less frequently."} {"input": "Context Word: grinds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grinds their teeth a lot in their sleep, and PersonY does not, so _ is likely more stressed. \nSentence 2: PersonX grinds their teeth a lot in their sleep, and PersonY does not, so _ is likely more relaxed."} {"input": "Context Word: ribs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not bend over to retrieve items unlike PersonY because _ had cracked ribs. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not bend over to retrieve items unlike PersonY because _ had sturdy ribs."} {"input": "Context Word: ribs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ribs cooked by PersonX are much better tasting than PersonY's because _ uses a delicious sauce. \nSentence 2: The ribs cooked by PersonX are much better tasting than PersonY's because _ uses a bland sauce."} {"input": "Context Word: Elsa.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx act better as Elsa than persony because _ use to enjoy the movie with her parents. \nSentence 2: Personx act worse as Elsa than persony because _ use to enjoy the movie with her parents."} {"input": "Context Word: trip.", "output": "Sentence 1: Once in Poland, PersonX enjoyed the trip more than PersonY because _ had a deeper understanding of the Polish language. \nSentence 2: Once in Poland, PersonX enjoyed the trip more than PersonY because _ had a shallow understanding of the Polish language."} {"input": "Context Word: trip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to go on a trip to Los Angeles with her because _ is disabled. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to go on a trip to Los Angeles with her because _ is trusted."} {"input": "Context Word: trip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not believe the trip would be as good as PersonY promised, because _ was too pessimistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not believe the trip would be as good as PersonY promised, because _ was too optimistic."} {"input": "Context Word: trip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is invited on a road trip by PersonY, but _ isn't sure they want to be away that long. \nSentence 2: PersonX is invited on a road trip by PersonY, because _ isn't sure they want to be on the road alone for that long."} {"input": "Context Word: trip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planned the trip that she would take with PersonY , which was surprising since _ was usually the more disorganized. \nSentence 2: PersonX planned the trip that she would take with PersonY , which was surprising since _ was usually the more orderly."} {"input": "Context Word: trip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took an extended trip while PersonY did all the work, so _ had a relaxing week. \nSentence 2: PersonX took an extended trip while PersonY did all the work, so _ had a stressful week."} {"input": "Context Word: eating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent the years eating sugary candy while PersonY ate vegetables, so _ ended up with diabetes. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent the years eating sugary candy while PersonY ate vegetables, so _ ended up with low cholesterol."} {"input": "Context Word: eating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was eating more than PersonY was eating for dinner because _ had skipped lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX was eating more than PersonY was eating for dinner because _ had a big lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: eating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mad at PersonY for eating all the food _ had bought for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX was yelled at by PersonY for eating all the food _ had bought for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: eating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's main vice is eating, while PersonY has a small appetite, so _ is more likely to be fat. \nSentence 2: PersonX's main vice is eating, while PersonY has a small appetite, so _ is more likely to be thin."} {"input": "Context Word: car seat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX installed a new car seat in the car for PersonY, then _ moved on to the next car. \nSentence 2: PersonX installed a new car seat in the car for PersonY, then _ drove to the next errand."} {"input": "Context Word: being a tutor.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a tutor was a natural fit for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ was very good at explaining new things to students. \nSentence 2: Being a tutor was a natural fit for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ was very bad at explaining new things to students."} {"input": "Context Word: delusional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was delusional but PersonY was not so _ thought that voting for this political party was a good idea. \nSentence 2: PersonX was delusional but PersonY was not so _ thought that voting for this political party was a bad idea."} {"input": "Context Word: chipmunks.", "output": "Sentence 1: Feeding chipmunks was hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was afraid of animals. \nSentence 2: Feeding chipmunks was hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was acquainted with animals."} {"input": "Context Word: ivy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated hiking outside while PersonY loved it because _ got infected by poison ivy last year. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated hiking outside while PersonY loved it because _ avoided infected by poison ivy last year."} {"input": "Context Word: allegations.", "output": "Sentence 1: False allegations is what PersonX Is accusing PersonY of, _ has been in court all day. \nSentence 2: False allegations is what PersonX Is accusing PersonY of, _ has been a witness in court all day."} {"input": "Context Word: allegations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to be their lawyer so _ spent the day arguing the allegations were false. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to be their lawyer but _ spent the day arguing the allegations were false."} {"input": "Context Word: mother.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mother's Day is harder for PersonX than it is for PersonY because _ lost their mother. \nSentence 2: Mother's Day is harder for PersonX than it is for PersonY because _ still has their mother."} {"input": "Context Word: mother.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated playing tennis with his mother but PersonY loved it. She hated playing with _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX hated playing tennis with his mother but PersonY loved it. She loved playing with _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: mother.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mother of PersonX was able to attend the wedding but not the mother of PersonY because _ mother is alive. \nSentence 2: The mother of PersonX was able to attend the wedding but not the mother of PersonY because _ mother is deceased."} {"input": "Context Word: mother.", "output": "Sentence 1: While playing at the park with their mother, PersonX got hurt from bumping heads with PersonY. _ cried because they were in pain. \nSentence 2: While playing at the park with their mother, PersonX got hurt from bumping heads with PersonY. _ cried because they caused the pain."} {"input": "Context Word: malware.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX created malware in her spare time until she was caught by PersonY since _ is a sociopath. \nSentence 2: PersonX created malware in her spare time until she was caught by PersonY since _ is a law-abiding citizen."} {"input": "Context Word: marshmallow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to make a marshmallow catapult and asks PersonY if he wants to join him, because _ would be bore alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to make a marshmallow catapult and asks PersonY if he wants to join him, so _ agrees to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: Dr. Martens boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the shoe store, PersonX bought PersonY a new pair of Dr. Martens boots for her birthday. _ was excited to give her the boots as a present. \nSentence 2: At the shoe store, PersonX bought PersonY a new pair of Dr. Martens boots for her birthday. _ was excited to get the boots as a present."} {"input": "Context Word: Love.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even after only dating for three months, PersonX fell in love with PersonY because _ was very obsessive. \nSentence 2: Even after only dating for three months, PersonX fell in love with PersonY because _ was very charismatic."} {"input": "Context Word: vaccine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want to get a vaccine unlike PersonY because _ believed in bogus medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want to get a vaccine unlike PersonY because _ believed in actual medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: suspended.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was suspended from school instead of PersonY because _ spray painted graffiti in the bathroom. \nSentence 2: PersonX was suspended from school instead of PersonY because _ spray painted graffiti on the canvas."} {"input": "Context Word: suspended.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was suspended from school while PersonY was praised, because _ cheated on a test. \nSentence 2: PersonX was suspended from school while PersonY was praised, because _ did well on a test."} {"input": "Context Word: habit.", "output": "Sentence 1: A creature of habit is what PersonX has made his name on according to PersonY, _ likes having a routine. \nSentence 2: A creature of habit is what PersonX has made his name on according to PersonY, _ complements others routinely."} {"input": "Context Word: habit.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was a bad habit, but PersonX liked to gamble on the weekends. PersonY thought it was a waste of money but _ didn't care for his viewpoint. \nSentence 2: It was a bad habit, but PersonX liked to gamble on the weekends. PersonY thought it was a waste of money and _ had the right viewpoint."} {"input": "Context Word: habit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a harder time growing their nails than PersonY because _ has a habit of biting their nails. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a harder time growing their nails than PersonY because _ doesn't have a habit of biting their nails."} {"input": "Context Word: habit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to bite her fingernails while PersonY did not. _ had the bad habit. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated to bite her fingernails while PersonY enjoyed it. _ had the bad habit."} {"input": "Context Word: habit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was grossed out around PersonY, because _ was annoyed with their constant spitting habit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was grossed out around PersonY, because _ was always indulging their constant spitting habit."} {"input": "Context Word: crabgrass.", "output": "Sentence 1: The crabgrass on PersonX's front lawn was a nuisance, so he called PersonY because _ is a homeowner. \nSentence 2: The crabgrass on PersonX's front lawn was a nuisance, so he called PersonY because _ is a lawn specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: petroleum jelly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used petroleum jelly on their skin but PersonY did not. _ had smooth moist skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX used petroleum jelly on their skin but PersonY did not. _ had dry flaky skin."} {"input": "Context Word: cricket.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX had just started playing cricket while PersonY had been playing for several years, _ scored more goals that day. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX had just started playing cricket while PersonY had been playing for several years, _ scored fewer goals that day."} {"input": "Context Word: cricket.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the cricket match, PersonX beats PersonY by a lot of points, so _ is the winner. \nSentence 2: In the cricket match, PersonX beats PersonY by a lot of points, so _ is the loser."} {"input": "Context Word: cricket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX challenged PersonY to a one-on-one game of cricket, but _ didn't know that cricket is a team sport you can't play one-on-one. \nSentence 2: PersonX challenged PersonY to a one-on-one game of cricket, but _ explained that cricket is a team sport you can't play one-on-one."} {"input": "Context Word: cricket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to learn cricket from PersonY even though _ generally found it boring. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to learn cricket from PersonY because _ generally found it very exciting."} {"input": "Context Word: cricket.", "output": "Sentence 1: While waiting on the cricket field, PersonX asked PersonY to go get the bats. _ set up the wickets while he got the bats. \nSentence 2: While waiting on the cricket field, PersonX asked PersonY to go get the bats. He set up the wickets while _ got the bats."} {"input": "Context Word: Microsoft Windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx used a computer running on Microsoft Windows that he collected from persony after _ complained to him about not having one. \nSentence 2: Personx used a computer running on Microsoft Windows that he collected from persony after _ complained to him about not using one anymore."} {"input": "Context Word: couples.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt uncomfortable and suffered from high anxiety around other couples specially with PersonY because _ was an introvert. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt uncomfortable and suffered from high anxiety around other couples specially with PersonY because _ was an extrovert."} {"input": "Context Word: grilling.", "output": "Sentence 1: More people liked the food by PersonX than the food by PersonY because _ was better at grilling. \nSentence 2: More people hated the food by PersonX than the food by PersonY because _ was better at grilling."} {"input": "Context Word: Sweat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked much harder in the hot sun than PersonY, so _ was covered in sweat. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked much harder in the hot sun than PersonY, so _ did not sweat."} {"input": "Context Word: Ghost.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx always get scared whenever persony pretend to be a ghost and _ was not happy with that. \nSentence 2: personx always get scared whenever persony pretend to be a ghost and _ was happy with that."} {"input": "Context Word: inspirational speaker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped more people improve their lives than PersonY since _ was an inspirational speaker. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped more people improve their lives than PersonY since _ was not an inspirational speaker."} {"input": "Context Word: lice.", "output": "Sentence 1: At school, PersonX had to pick up PersonY because _ needed to pick up treatment for lice. \nSentence 2: At school, PersonX had to pick up PersonY because _ needed to receive treatment for lice."} {"input": "Context Word: lice.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the hair salon, PersonX refused to wash PersonY's hair because _ was afraid of catching lice. \nSentence 2: At the hair salon, PersonX refused to wash PersonY;s hair because _ had already caught lice."} {"input": "Context Word: lice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to treat his daughters hair for lice unlike PersonY because _ child got the lice. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to treat his daughters hair for lice unlike PersonY because _ child avoided the lice."} {"input": "Context Word: lice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat patiently as she picked lice out of PersonY's hair, which made _ feel helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX sat patiently as she picked lice out of PersonY's hair, which made _ feel grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: lice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scratched their head more often than PersonY did because _ had a case of lice. \nSentence 2: PersonX scratched their head less often than PersonY did because _ had a case of lice."} {"input": "Context Word: lice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a bath less often than PersonY so _ was much more likely to get lice. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a bath less often than PersonY so _ was much more unlikely to get lice."} {"input": "Context Word: lice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried on the old hat, but PersonY did not, and as a result _ found lice in their hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried on the old hat, but PersonY did not, and as a result _ did not find lice in their hair."} {"input": "Context Word: lice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was about to clean the lice out of PersonY's hair so _ rubbed some special shampoo in his hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX was about to puke from the lice in PersonY's hair so _ rubbed some special shampoo in his hair."} {"input": "Context Word: Eczema.", "output": "Sentence 1: The eczema was so bad that PersonX suggest that PersonY see a doctor but _ was ignored. \nSentence 2: The eczema was so bad that PersonX suggest that PersonY see a doctor but _ ignored him."} {"input": "Context Word: corporation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked working for a big corporation but PersonY preferred to work for a small business. _ got a job at Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked working for a big corporation but PersonY preferred to work for a small business. _ got a job at Bob's Ice Cream."} {"input": "Context Word: corporation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a corporation is easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ is better at managing people. \nSentence 2: Running a corporation is easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ is worse at managing people."} {"input": "Context Word: broiler.", "output": "Sentence 1: At work, PersonX uses a broiler a lot, but PersonY uses a chainsaw. That's because _ is a cook. \nSentence 2: At work, PersonX uses a broiler a lot, but PersonY uses a chainsaw. That's because _ is a tree cutter."} {"input": "Context Word: Tennis.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing tennis is well suited to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had taken tennis lessons. \nSentence 2: Playing tennis is well suited to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not taken tennis lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: roast.", "output": "Sentence 1: The roast that was made by PersonX is much tastier than the one that PersonY made because _ used better seasoning. \nSentence 2: The roast that was made by PersonX is much grosser than the one that PersonY made because _ used better seasoning."} {"input": "Context Word: Gerbils.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was revolted with PersonY getting gerbils, because _ was highly allergic to the animal. \nSentence 2: PersonX was revolted with PersonY getting gerbils, because _ was highly negligent to their animals."} {"input": "Context Word: mountain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX advised PersonY not to climb the mountain. _ was afraid something bad would happen. \nSentence 2: PersonX advised PersonY not to climb the mountain. _ felt nothing bad would happen."} {"input": "Context Word: mountain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasnt as prepared for the mountain as PersonY because _ slept poorly the night before. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasnt as prepared for the mountain as PersonY because _ snored loudly the night before."} {"input": "Context Word: Corn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a lot of food containing corn but PersonY did not because _ was trying to increase carbohydrate consumption. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a lot of food containing corn but PersonY did not because _ was trying to decrease carbohydrate consumption."} {"input": "Context Word: Corn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew corn on his farm and gave it all to PersonY because _ had no use for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew corn on his farm and gave it all to PersonY because _ had many uses for it."} {"input": "Context Word: Chinese superstitions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed learning about Chinese superstitions but not PersonY because _ found them to be interesting. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed learning about Chinese superstitions but not PersonY since _ found them to be boring."} {"input": "Context Word: Google.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a frequent user of Google, but PersonY never goes on there because _ loves the company. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a frequent user of Google, but PersonY never goes on there because _ hates the company."} {"input": "Context Word: Google.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX needs to know something she searches Google unlike PersonY, _ is familiar with the internet. \nSentence 2: When PersonX needs to know something she searches Google unlike PersonY, _ does not mess with the internet."} {"input": "Context Word: pizza.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the restaurant, PersonX did not eat the deluxe meat pizza PersonY ordered, as _ is vegan. \nSentence 2: At the restaurant, PersonX did not eat the deluxe meat pizza PersonY ordered, as _ eats meat."} {"input": "Context Word: pizza.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave all her pizza to PersonY so _ had nothing for herself to eat that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave all her pizza to PersonY so _ had plenty for herself to eat that day."} {"input": "Context Word: pizza.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved getting the pepperoni pizza that PersonY made at their restaurant, so _ ordered one for their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved getting the pepperoni pizza that PersonY made at their restaurant, so _ delivered one for their house."} {"input": "Context Word: pizza.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved pepperoni on their pizza and PersonY loved sausage, so when it had just sausage _ was not very happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved pepperoni on their pizza and PersonY loved sausage, so when it had just pepperoni _ was not very happy."} {"input": "Context Word: pizza.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to eat pizza but PersonY refrained as _ was very indifferent of their health. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to eat pizza but PersonY refrained as _ was very careless of their health."} {"input": "Context Word: pizza.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a having a birthday party at a pizza parlor. PersonY was not invited because _ didn't like her. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a having a birthday party at a pizza parlor. PersonY was not invited because _ didn't like pizza."} {"input": "Context Word: pizza.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pizza is PersonX's favorite type of food, but PersonY likes tacos, due to _ loving Italian cuisine. \nSentence 2: Pizza was PersonX's favorite type of food, but PersonY likes tacos, due to _ loving Mexican cuisine."} {"input": "Context Word: pizza.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pizza that PersonX makes is more delicious than PersonY's because _ is an Italian cook. \nSentence 2: The pizza that PersonX makes is more bland than PersonY's because _ is an Italian cook."} {"input": "Context Word: bedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was given new bedding by PersonY for his birthday; _ felt disappointed because he wanted something else. \nSentence 2: PersonX was given new bedding by PersonY for his birthday; _ felt bad because he wanted something else."} {"input": "Context Word: bedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: Silk bedding suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked the texture of the silk. \nSentence 2: Silk bedding suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ disliked the texture of the silk."} {"input": "Context Word: frequently.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX frequently avoided hanging out with PersonY, because _ was an isolation who just wanted to be alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX frequently avoided hanging out with PersonY, because _ was an egocentric who just wanted to be invasive."} {"input": "Context Word: frequently.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX frequently steals the ball away from PersonY in a basketball game because _ is quick. \nSentence 2: PersonX frequently steals the ball away from PersonY in a basketball game because _ is slow."} {"input": "Context Word: sprinkler.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the house, PersonX would leave the sprinkler on unlike PersonY because _ is forgetful. \nSentence 2: At the house, PersonX would leave the sprinkler on unlike PersonY because _ is reliable."} {"input": "Context Word: helping.", "output": "Sentence 1: More people liked to be around PersonX than around PersonY because _ liked helping others. \nSentence 2: Less people liked to be around PersonX than around PersonY because _ liked helping others."} {"input": "Context Word: helping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys helping as many people as he can unlike PersonY because _ has a great heart. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys helping as many people as he can unlike PersonY because _ has a horrible heart."} {"input": "Context Word: helping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less likely to be seen helping others than PersonY since _ was very selfish. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less likely to be seen helping others than PersonY since _ was very selfless."} {"input": "Context Word: hangers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hangers that PersonX uses to hang all of PersonY's shirts are flimsy, but _ thinks they've done a good job. \nSentence 2: The hangers that PersonX uses to hang all of PersonY's shirts are flimsy, so _ thinks they've done a lazy job."} {"input": "Context Word: driver's license.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recently gave PersonY a ride to the hospital, because _ currently had a driver's license. \nSentence 2: PersonX recently gave PersonY a ride to the hospital, because _ never had a driver's license."} {"input": "Context Word: security.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though they are both celebrities, PersonX feels less secure than PersonY because _ has a lazy security team. \nSentence 2: Even though they are both celebrities, PersonX feels less secure than PersonY because _ has a fantastic security team."} {"input": "Context Word: security.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made it through airport security quickly but not PersonY because _ didn't have any luggage. \nSentence 2: PersonX made it through airport security quickly, but not PersonY because _ had some suspicious luggage."} {"input": "Context Word: security.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took less time in security than PersonY did before the flight because _ had less baggage. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a longer time in security than PersonY did before the flight because _ had less baggage."} {"input": "Context Word: security.", "output": "Sentence 1: Security at the airport hassles PersonX, but PersonY isn't hassled, and it's race related. _ is likely an Arab person. \nSentence 2: Security at the airport hassles PersonX, but PersonY isn't hassled, and it's race related. _ is likely a white person."} {"input": "Context Word: security.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had a VPN and virus scan on their computer and PersonY did not, _ had good security overall on their computer. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had a VPN and virus scan on their computer and PersonY did not, _ had poor security overall on their computer."} {"input": "Context Word: security.", "output": "Sentence 1: The security PersonX craved was the kind PersonY had, as _ 's life was very chaotic. \nSentence 2: The security PersonX craved was the kind PersonY had, as _ 's life was very stable."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: Alcohol is a love of PersonX's, but PersonY can't stand the stuff because _ is a big drinker. \nSentence 2: Alcohol is a love of PersonX's, but PersonY can't stand the stuff because _ is a sober alcoholic."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the party, PersonX was more drunk than PersonY because _ loves to drink alcohol. \nSentence 2: At the party, PersonX was more sober than PersonY because _ loves to drink alcohol."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: Currently, PersonX is being helped to beat their alcohol addiction by PersonY, so _ is the current addict. \nSentence 2: Currently, PersonX is being helped to beat their alcohol addiction by PersonY, so _ is the recovered addict."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: Drinking alcohol always causes PersonX to lose control but not PersonY, so _ has to imbibe in moderation. \nSentence 2: Drinking alcohol always causes PersonX to lose control but not PersonY, so _ doesn't to imbibe in moderation."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: Drinking alcohol suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of self discipline and could control his intake. \nSentence 2: Drinking alcohol suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't have a lot of self discipline and couldn't control his intake."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to a rehab facility was necessary for PersonX but not PersonY because _ drank too much alcohol. \nSentence 2: Going to a rehab facility was necessary for PersonX but not PersonY because _ never drank alcohol."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank alcohol to excess while PersonY rarely drank, so _ often had hangovers in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank alcohol to excess while PersonY rarely drank, so _ rarely had hangovers in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank her fill while PersonY abstained, since _ had a high tolerance for alcohol . \nSentence 2: PersonX drank her fill while PersonY abstained, since _ had a low tolerance for alcohol ."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt like they did not have any alcohol at the bar with PersonY because _ walked a straight line. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt like they had a lot of alcohol at the bar with PersonY because _ was walking a straight line."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to drive PersonY home after the party, because _ refused the alcohol all night. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to drive PersonY home after the party, because _ drank the alcohol all night."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put rubbing alcohol on PersonY's injury, because _ was a trained nurse and knew it would help. \nSentence 2: PersonX put rubbing alcohol on PersonY's injury, but _ was a trained nurse and thought it would not help."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY abstain from drinking more alcohol because _ is a recovering alcoholic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY abstain from drinking more alcohol because _ is a current alcoholic."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more drunk than PersonY was at the party because _ had drank more alcohol. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more sober than PersonY was at the party because _ had drank more alcohol."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to have wine with her meal than PersonY because _ was not known to drink alcohol. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to have wine with her meal than PersonY because _ would often drink alcohol."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tired of dealing with PersonY's alcohol problems, so _ told them to move out. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tired of dealing with PersonY's alcohol problems, so _ offered to move out."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would use alcohol to cook while PersonY used tasteless marinade, and _ made more exotic dishes. \nSentence 2: PersonX would use alcohol to cook while PersonY used tasteless marinade, and _ made more mundane dishes."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: Refraining from drinking was easy for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ never enjoyed the taste of alcohol. \nSentence 2: Refraining from drinking was easy for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ always enjoyed the taste of alcohol."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to alcohol, PersonX doesn't drink, but PersonY is a fiend. _ is currently a sober person. \nSentence 2: When it comes to alcohol, PersonX doesn't drink, but PersonY is a fiend. _ is currently an alcoholic person."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whereas PersonX regularly drank too much alcohol PersonY was teetotal because _ was unconcerned about their liver. \nSentence 2: Whereas PersonX regularly drank too much alcohol PersonY was teetotal because _ was worried about their liver."} {"input": "Context Word: Tricks.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX learned the tricks of the trader faster than PersonY, _ had his manager praise him. \nSentence 2: When PersonX learned the tricks of the trader faster than PersonY, _ had his manager scold him."} {"input": "Context Word: porn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to learn from PersonY because _ is interested in acting in the porn industry. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to learn from PersonY even though _ is interested in acting in the porn industry."} {"input": "Context Word: achievements.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had fewer crowning achievements than PersonY, and so _ was upset with himself than not. \nSentence 2: PersonX had fewer crowning achievements than PersonY, and so _ was satisfied with himself than not."} {"input": "Context Word: cow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them milk their cow because _ had a hard time doing it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them milk their cow because _ had asked them not to do it alone."} {"input": "Context Word: cow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a pig while PersonY had a cow so _ thought mines smaller so its better. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a pig while PersonY had a cow so _ thought mines larger so its better."} {"input": "Context Word: cow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has never milked a cow, but PersonY does it every day, so _ is probably not a farmer. \nSentence 2: PersonX has never milked a cow, but PersonY does it every day, so _ is probably a farmer."} {"input": "Context Word: cow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shows PersonY how to milk a cow since _ knows how to deal with a cattle. \nSentence 2: PersonX shows PersonY how to milk a cow since _ knows less about dealing with cattles."} {"input": "Context Word: cow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better suited to milking the cow that PersonY because _ had grown up on a farm. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better suited to milking the cow that PersonY because _ had grown up in the city."} {"input": "Context Word: spring.", "output": "Sentence 1: Spring was a miserable time for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had awful allergies. \nSentence 2: Spring was a miserable time for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had no allergies."} {"input": "Context Word: heavier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is far heavier than PersonY, because _ spends most of their days eating cupcakes. \nSentence 2: PersonX is far heavier than PersonY, because _ spends most of their days eating celery."} {"input": "Context Word: eccentric.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX did not have Schizoid Personality Disorder and PersonY did, _ was rarely thought of as eccentric. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX did not have Schizoid Personality Disorder and PersonY did, _ was often thought of as eccentric."} {"input": "Context Word: medication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed that PersonY was stealing their medication, so _ confronted them with the evidence. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed that PersonY was stealing their medication, but _ when confronted they denied the evidence."} {"input": "Context Word: medication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a cold and PersonY has the flu so _ is taking their medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a cold and PersonY has the flu so _ shouldn't take medication."} {"input": "Context Word: medication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY to pick up a medication at the store because _ didn't have a car. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonY to pick up a medication at the store because _ had a car."} {"input": "Context Word: medication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prescribed PersonY the medication for strep throat at the appointment because _ was the physician. \nSentence 2: PersonX prescribed PersonY the medication for strep throat at the appointment because _ was the patient."} {"input": "Context Word: medication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the medication PersonY used to treat his asthma, so _ 's asthma was also relieved. \nSentence 2: PersonX took the medication PersonY used to treat his asthma, but only _ 's asthma was relieved."} {"input": "Context Word: medication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was prescribed medication while PersonY took over the counter medicine because _ had an illness that was severe. \nSentence 2: PersonX was prescribed medication while PersonY took over the counter medicine because _ had an illness that was mild."} {"input": "Context Word: medication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried about the side effects of the medication PersonY had prescribed, so _ asked several questions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried about the side effects of the medication PersonY had prescribed, so _ answered her questions."} {"input": "Context Word: medication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's list of medications is quite long that he takes, but PersonY doesn't take any. _ has a sickly body. \nSentence 2: PersonX's list of medications is quite long that he takes, but PersonY doesn't take any. _ has a healthy body."} {"input": "Context Word: medication.", "output": "Sentence 1: The medication made PersonX sleepy but not PersonY because _ was susceptible to that side effect. \nSentence 2: The medication made PersonX sleepy but not PersonY because _ was resistant to that side effect."} {"input": "Context Word: medication.", "output": "Sentence 1: The medication was prescribed to PersonX and not PersonY because _ had an ear infection. \nSentence 2: The medication was not prescribed to PersonX and was to PersonY because _ had an ear infection."} {"input": "Context Word: audition.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the acting audition, PersonX failed to land the role, while PersonY got it. So, _ is pretty disheartened. \nSentence 2: At the acting audition, PersonX failed to land the role, while PersonY got it. So, _ is pretty happy."} {"input": "Context Word: audition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got the starring role but not PersonY, because _ performed well at the audition. \nSentence 2: PersonX got the starring role but not PersonY, because _ performed poorly at the audition."} {"input": "Context Word: audition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a theatrical agent, PersonY is not so _ will give the best advice on how to get an audition. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a theatrical agent, PersonY is not so _ will probably not give the best advice on how to get an audition."} {"input": "Context Word: audition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to audition for the show that PersonY was casting, so _ performed her routine very carefully. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to audition for the show that PersonY was casting, so _ watched her routine very carefully."} {"input": "Context Word: audition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to try out at the same audition as PersonY so _ asked to come along. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to try out at the same audition as PersonY so _ invited them to come along."} {"input": "Context Word: audition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was excited for the audition for the spring musical. PersonY was nervous. _ comforted them and offered help with rehersals to feel more confident. \nSentence 2: PersonX was excited for the audition for the spring musical. PersonY was nervous. _ was comforted and accepted help with rehersals to feel more confident."} {"input": "Context Word: audition.", "output": "Sentence 1: The audition goes wonderfully for PersonX, but not for PersonY because _ is a great actress. \nSentence 2: The audition goes terribly for PersonX, but not for PersonY because _ is a great actress."} {"input": "Context Word: traveled.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was considered to be more worldly than PersonY because _ had traveled to more places in the world. \nSentence 2: PersonX was considered to be less worldly than PersonY because _ had traveled to more places in the world."} {"input": "Context Word: dedication.", "output": "Sentence 1: A dedication is being warded to day and PersonX will be presenting to PersonY, _ is highly nervous. \nSentence 2: A dedication is being warded to day and PersonX will be presenting to PersonY, _ is high in achievement."} {"input": "Context Word: dedication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed endless dedication to the unappreciative PersonY, so _ expended their energy for nothing. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed endless dedication to the unappreciative PersonY, so _ leeched all their energy selfishly."} {"input": "Context Word: market value.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy a house from PersonY, but _ could not pay market value. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to buy a house from PersonY, but _ wanted more than market value."} {"input": "Context Word: crib.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's crib was too small for PersonY, because _ was at least six months older. \nSentence 2: PersonX's crib was too small for PersonY, although _ was at least six months older."} {"input": "Context Word: Nail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the salon every week to get their nails did while PersonY did theirs at home. _ had flawless looking nails girl. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the salon every week to get their nails did while PersonY did theirs at home. _ had raggedy looking nails girl."} {"input": "Context Word: plunger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX instructed PersonY on how to use a plunger because _ was a master plumber. \nSentence 2: PersonX instructed PersonY on how to use a plunger because _ was an apprentice plumber."} {"input": "Context Word: plunger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more skilled at unclogging toilets than PersonY, because _ knew how to use the plunger. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more skilled at unclogging toilets than PersonY, because _ didn't know how to use the plunger."} {"input": "Context Word: Juice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank PersonY's juice when they weren't looking last night so _ was hiding the bottle. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank PersonY's juice when they weren't looking last night so _ was looking for the bottle."} {"input": "Context Word: aspirin.", "output": "Sentence 1: Nautral living meant PersonX wouldn't even take aspirin, which PersonY thought foolish. _ believed any medication was bad. \nSentence 2: Nautral living meant PersonX wouldn't even take aspirin, which PersonY thought foolish. _ didn't believe any medication was bad."} {"input": "Context Word: aspirin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used aspirin and over the counter drugs more often than PersonY because _ had worse health. \nSentence 2: PersonX used aspirin and over the counter drugs more often than PersonY because _ had better health."} {"input": "Context Word: strength.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help as she didn't have the strength to lift it alone. _ had tried many times. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help as she didn't have the strength to lift it alone. _ helped lift it."} {"input": "Context Word: strength.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX beat PersonY in the arm wrestling contest because _ had much more arm strength. \nSentence 2: PersonX beat PersonY in the arm wrestling contest because _ had much less arm strength."} {"input": "Context Word: strength.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have the strength to lift the bricks unlike PersonY because _ had very weak muscles. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have the strength to lift the bricks unlike PersonY because _ had very strong muscles."} {"input": "Context Word: strength.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got much bigger than PersonY after _ spent a year in the gym doing strength training. \nSentence 2: PersonX became much weaker than PersonY after _ spent a year in the gym doing strength training."} {"input": "Context Word: strength.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used all their strength to stop PersonY, so _ was tired after the exertion. \nSentence 2: PersonX used all their strength to stop PersonY, so _ was incarcerated after the exertion."} {"input": "Context Word: strength.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won their arm wrestling contest with PersonY because _ has more shoulder and arm strength. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost their arm wrestling contest with PersonY because _ has more shoulder and arm strength."} {"input": "Context Word: thermostat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to turn up the heat on the thermostat because _ was cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to turn up the heat on the thermostat but _ was cold."} {"input": "Context Word: butt.", "output": "Sentence 1: The butt of PersonX is big, but PersonY has a tiny one. _ may need to lose a few pounds. \nSentence 2: The butt of PersonX is big, but PersonY has a tiny one. _ may need to gain a few pounds."} {"input": "Context Word: cure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX created a better looking pottery piece than PersonY because _ remembered to cure the pottery. \nSentence 2: PersonX created a better looking pottery piece than PersonY because _ forgot to cure the pottery."} {"input": "Context Word: cure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found a cure for cancer with the help of PersonY, however only _ was recognized at the ceremony. \nSentence 2: PersonX found a cure for cancer with the help of PersonY, however _ was ignored at the ceremony."} {"input": "Context Word: cure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to cure a bleeding nose but PersonY did not because _ had an extensive knowledge of first aid. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to cure a bleeding nose but PersonY did not because _ had a limited knowledge of first aid."} {"input": "Context Word: cure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to cure exotic meats for PersonY since _ liked the patience it required. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to cure exotic meats for PersonY since _ hated the patience it required."} {"input": "Context Word: cure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold PersonY a treatment session to help cure their spring allergies, because _ was congested. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold PersonY a treatment session to help cure their spring allergies, because _ was a homeopath."} {"input": "Context Word: cure.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cure was discovered by PersonX, and PersonY was jealous because _ was in the spotlight. \nSentence 2: The cure was discovered by PersonX, and PersonY was jealous because _ was in the room at the time."} {"input": "Context Word: Texas.", "output": "Sentence 1: Over the summer, PersonX moved to Texas to join PersonY because that was where _ lived. \nSentence 2: Over the summer, PersonX moved to Texas to join PersonY because that was where _ wanted to live."} {"input": "Context Word: Texas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to advise them about tourist attractions in Texas because _ hadn't been there before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to advise them about tourist attractions in Texas because _ was a native Texan."} {"input": "Context Word: Texas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was invited by PersonY to try the new Texas style restaurant because _ loved BBQ meat. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to try the new Texas style restaurant because _ loved BBQ meat."} {"input": "Context Word: Texas.", "output": "Sentence 1: Texas is home for PersonX, but PersonY lives in California. Based on sheer numbers, _ is more likely to be a Republican. \nSentence 2: Texas is home for PersonX, but PersonY lives in California. Based on sheer numbers, _ is more likely to be a Democrat."} {"input": "Context Word: abusive.", "output": "Sentence 1: Growing up PersonX was treated different then PersonY and scared of getting close to others, _ had a abusive childhood. \nSentence 2: Growing up PersonX was treated different then PersonY and scared of getting close to others, _ had a not so abusive childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: abusive.", "output": "Sentence 1: Knowing that PersonX was in an abusive relationship, PersonY offered a place to stay, because _ was being abused. \nSentence 2: Knowing that PersonX was in an abusive relationship, PersonY offered a place to stay, because _ was being concerned."} {"input": "Context Word: abusive.", "output": "Sentence 1: The state took the children from PersonX but not from PersonY because _ was an abusive parent. \nSentence 2: The state took the children from PersonX but not from PersonY because _ was not an abusive parent."} {"input": "Context Word: living.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is living with her extended family, PersonY is not which is why the house _ owns is crowded. \nSentence 2: PersonX is living with her extended family, PersonY is not which is why the house _ owns is not crowded."} {"input": "Context Word: educational scholarship fund.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied harder than PersonY because _ did have an educational scholarship fund to maintain. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied harder than PersonY since _ did not have an educational scholarship fund to maintain."} {"input": "Context Word: whistle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to show him and his kids how to whistle really loud but _ reconsidered. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to show him and his kids how to whistle really loud but _ refused."} {"input": "Context Word: almonds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recently found out he was allergic to almonds when PersonY brought some over. _ regretted trying them. \nSentence 2: PersonX recently found out he was allergic to almonds when PersonY brought some over. _ regretted offering them."} {"input": "Context Word: realtor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when the realtor was available for consultation, because _ he had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when the realtor was available for consultation, but _ he had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: aura.", "output": "Sentence 1: The psychic said PersonX had a positive aura and PersonY had a negative aura, so _ thanked the psychic. \nSentence 2: The psychic said PersonX had a positive aura and PersonY had a negative aura, so _ cursed the psychic."} {"input": "Context Word: monsters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a child psychologist, PersonY is not therefore _ could give you advice about your child's fear of monsters. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a child psychologist, PersonY is not therefore _ could probably not give you good advice about your child's fear of monsters."} {"input": "Context Word: elbows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had clean and unstained elbows but not PersonY because _ used a pumice stone to clean them. \nSentence 2: PersonX had clean and unstained elbows but not PersonY because _ didn't use a pumice stone to clean them."} {"input": "Context Word: customer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't greet the customer while PersonY did because _ worked in the back of the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't greet the customer while PersonY did because _ worked in the front of the store."} {"input": "Context Word: customer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more experience in customer service than PersonY, so _ was promoted to manager. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more experience in customer service than PersonY, so _ was not promoted to manager."} {"input": "Context Word: Window.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent all day looking out the window and watching PersonY's every move, so _ was considered a stalker. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent all day looking out the window and watching PersonY's every move, so _ thought he was a stalker."} {"input": "Context Word: Softball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really skilled at softball compared to PersonY because _ practiced the sport all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really skilled at softball compared to PersonY because _ did not practice the sport all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: goth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a soft spot for goth fashion, which PersonY wore, so _ was always nice to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a soft spot for goth fashion, which PersonY wore, so _ was always appealing to them."} {"input": "Context Word: daydreams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very grounded but PersonY often got lost in their daydreams. _ was very serious all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very grounded but PersonY often got lost in their daydreams. _ was very capricious all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: learn.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to learn a new language because _ had a learning disability. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to learn a new language because _ did not have a learning disability."} {"input": "Context Word: learn.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was important for PersonX to learn about other cultures but not to PersonY as _ was very curious. \nSentence 2: It was important for PersonX to learn about other cultures but not to PersonY as _ was very disinterested."} {"input": "Context Word: learn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't wait to learn what PersonY had to teach, so _ rushed to take notes on the lesson. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't wait to learn what PersonY had to teach, so _ happily gave notes on the lesson."} {"input": "Context Word: learn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it very easy to learn chemistry but PersonY did not because _ was quite clever. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it very easy to learn chemistry but PersonY did not because _ was quite stupid."} {"input": "Context Word: learn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to learn how to speak Chinese for his job unlike PersonY, because _ worked in China. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to learn how to speak Chinese for his job unlike PersonY, because _ worked in England."} {"input": "Context Word: learn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very bright and eager to learn new things, PersonY is not and due to that _ will excel. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very bright and eager to learn new things, PersonY is not and due to that _ will not excel."} {"input": "Context Word: learn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to speak Italian to impress PersonY, but _ didn't seem to remember much. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to speak Italian to impress PersonY, but _ didn't seem to notice much."} {"input": "Context Word: learn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a better grade on the report card than PersonY because _ had learned more in class. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a better grade on the report card than PersonY although _ had learned more in class."} {"input": "Context Word: learn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to learn any life lessons from PersonY, even though _ needed the knowledge. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to learn any life lessons from PersonY, even though _ offered the knowledge."} {"input": "Context Word: learn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn French but PersonY did not because _ was curious towards other cultures. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn French but PersonY did not because _ was indifferent towards other cultures."} {"input": "Context Word: learn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was eager to learn taxidermy from PersonY , as _ was new with this art. \nSentence 2: PersonX was eager to learn taxidermy from PersonY , as _ was experienced with this art."} {"input": "Context Word: bird feeder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to put a bird feeder in the backyard with PersonYs help, because _ loved looking at birds. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to put a bird feeder in the backyard with PersonYs help, but _ hated looking at birds."} {"input": "Context Word: bird feeder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to put up bird feeder in PersonYs backyard, however _ couldn't find suitable one. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to put up bird feeder in PersonYs backyard, although _ already found suitable one."} {"input": "Context Word: hated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a long list of things that they hated while PersonY's list was very short, since _ was generally very disagreeable. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a long list of things that they hated while PersonY's list was very short, since _ was generally very agreeable."} {"input": "Context Word: junk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always receiving uninterested junk mail in her inbox from PersonY, so _ blocks her. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always receiving uninterested junk mail in her inbox from PersonY, so _ is annoying."} {"input": "Context Word: junk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX nagged PersonY to throw stuff away, because _ was tired of seeing junk all over the place. \nSentence 2: PersonX was nagged PersonY to throw stuff away, because _ was tired of seeing junk all over the place."} {"input": "Context Word: more of a supportive friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more of a supportive friend than PersonY because _ liked to listen to problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more of a supportive friend than PersonY because _ did not like to listen to problems."} {"input": "Context Word: armpit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often had a foul smell coming from their armpit but PersonY didn't, so _ had to go to Target and buy some deodorant. \nSentence 2: PersonX often had a foul smell coming from their armpit but PersonY didn't, so _ had to go to Target and buy some shoes."} {"input": "Context Word: learned to be patient.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog kept running off in the park, which drove PersonX mad but not PersonY because _ had not learned to be patient with him. \nSentence 2: The dog kept running off in the park, which drove PersonX mad but not PersonY because _ had learned to be patient with him."} {"input": "Context Word: feral cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: A feral cat was seen in PersonX backyard by PersonY , _ needs help looking out for her private property. \nSentence 2: A feral cat was seen in PersonX backyard by PersonY , _ is good a looking out for private property."} {"input": "Context Word: feral cat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took in a feral cat, but personY hates cats, so _ is likely a cat person in general. \nSentence 2: PersonX took in a feral cat, but personY hates cats, so _ is likely a dog person in general."} {"input": "Context Word: buying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was buying a car from PersonY so _ had a lot of questions about the car. \nSentence 2: PersonX was buying a car from PersonY so _ had a lot of answers about the car."} {"input": "Context Word: buying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was buying more books while PersonY was buying more video games because _ was more studious. \nSentence 2: PersonX was buying more books while PersonY was buying more video games because _ was less serious."} {"input": "Context Word: buying.", "output": "Sentence 1: When buying a home, PersonX doesn't have as much money to spend as PersonY, so _ buys a 1 bedroom house. \nSentence 2: When buying a home, PersonX doesn't have as much money to spend as PersonY, so _ buys a 5 bedroom house."} {"input": "Context Word: ventriloquist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was training PersonY to be a ventriloquist, and _ had been teaching ventriloquism for a very long time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was training PersonY to be a ventriloquist, and _ had been wanting to learn ventriloquism for a very long time."} {"input": "Context Word: Depression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was diagnosed with depression on Thursday by PersonY, something that _ was very afraid of. \nSentence 2: PersonX was diagnosed with depression on Thursday by PersonY, something that _ was very intrigued by."} {"input": "Context Word: Telemarketer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Telemarketers calling at odd hours greatly vexed PersonX but not PersonY. _ added their number to the Do Not Call List. \nSentence 2: Telemarketers calling at odd hours greatly vexed PersonX but not PersonY. _ didn't add their number to the Do Not Call List."} {"input": "Context Word: elementary school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX interviewed for a position at PersonY's elementary school, so she asked for advice. _ used what she learned to get the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX interviewed for a position at PersonY's elementary school, so she asked for advice. _ helped her to get the job."} {"input": "Context Word: Engagement Ring.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx lost her Engagement Ring while swimming with persony in the pool despite the fact that _ was warned several times. \nSentence 2: Personx lost her Engagement Ring while swimming with persony in the pool despite the fact that _ warned her several times."} {"input": "Context Word: shoot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to show PersonY the right way to shoot , as _ had much experience with firearms. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to show PersonY the right way to shoot , as _ had no experience with firearms."} {"input": "Context Word: quiet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to study. PersonY recommended going to the library where it was quiet. _ ignored the advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to study. PersonY recommended going to the library where it was quiet. _ offered the advice."} {"input": "Context Word: quiet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always a quiet boy growing up compared to PersonY, because _ had zero friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always a quiet boy growing up compared to PersonY, because _ had many friends."} {"input": "Context Word: quiet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always a sort of quiet person while PersonY was not, so _ is introverted. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always a sort of quiet person while PersonY was not, so _ is extroverted."} {"input": "Context Word: rid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX implored PersonY to get rid of the birth mark on her shoulder, as _ thought it was ugly. \nSentence 2: PersonX implored PersonY to get rid of the birth mark on her shoulder, but _ thought it was beautiful."} {"input": "Context Word: rid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked throughout the whole house to get rid of the bugs for PersonY's sanity because _ was an exterminator. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked throughout the whole house to get rid of the bugs for PersonY's sanity because _ was a homeowner."} {"input": "Context Word: rid.", "output": "Sentence 1: To get rid of mice, PersonX suggested poison to PersonY, because _ felt it had worked well before. \nSentence 2: To get rid of mice, PersonX suggested poison to PersonY, but _ felt it had worked poorly before."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: At dinner last night, PersonX got a glass of red wine, while PersonY drank white. _ likes a smokier finish to their wine. \nSentence 2: At dinner last night, PersonX got a glass of red wine, while PersonY drank white. _ likes a lighter finish to their wine."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the winery PersonX and PersonY tried the same kind of wine and _ thought it was delicious. \nSentence 2: At the winery PersonX and PersonY tried the same kind of wine and _ thought it was too dry."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: Judging a good wine was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a thorough knowledge of wines. \nSentence 2: Judging a good wine was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a poor knowledge of wines."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was expelled from school because _ had brought a bottle of wine to the cafeteria. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was expelled from school because _ had not brought a bottle of wine to the cafeteria."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not open the bottle of wine without PersonY because _ did not have a cork screw. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not open the bottle of wine without PersonY, but _ could not find a cork screw."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want to be a sommelier like PersonY because _ was disinterested by wine. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want to be a sommelier like PersonY because _ was fascinated by wine."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank 15 glasses of wine at the party while PersonY only drank 1, because _ was a reckless drinker. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank 15 glasses of wine at the party while PersonY only drank 1, because _ was a responsible drinker."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank more wine than PersonY at the wine tasting, because _ enjoyed drinking and forgot to spit it out. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank more wine than PersonY at the wine tasting because _ enjoyed chatting and forgot to drink it."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed wine at the party while PersonY did not, because _ was always more of a wine drinker than the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed wine at the party while PersonY did not, because _ was always more of a beer drinker than the other."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY wine as a housewarming gift, and _ appreciated being invited to the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY wine as a housewarming gift, and _ appreciated being given the gift."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave her glass of red wine to PersonY, because _ preferred to stay sober. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave her glass of red wine to PersonY, because _ preferred to stay inebriated."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has accidently spilled some red wine of PersonY's wooden fence, so _ feels sorry. \nSentence 2: PersonX has accidently spilled some red wine of PersonY's wooden fence, so _ feels angry."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the taste of wine but PersonY liked beer better. _ ordered a glass of chardonnay with their dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the taste of wine but PersonY liked beer better. _ ordered a glass of ale with their dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to drink wine, while PersonY prefers a light beer, so _ is more refined. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to drink wine, while PersonY prefers a light beer, so _ is more down-to-earth."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY about his marriage to a smart and cute person they both know. Later _ received a nice bottle of wine to congratulate him. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY about his marriage to a smart and cute person they both know. Later _ felt lonely and opened a nice bottle of wine to console himself."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used to drink a lot of wine and PersonY did not because _ was an alcoholic. \nSentence 2: PersonX used to drink a lot of wine and PersonY did not because _ was a teetotaller."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more drunk than PersonY was because _ had drank more of the wine at the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more sober than PersonY was because _ had drank more of the wine at the party."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went wine tasting and asked PersonY to come along because _ liked to make it a social event. \nSentence 2: PersonX went wine tasting and asked PersonY to come along but _ liked to make it a personal event."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wine PersonX brought to the party of PersonY is nice because _ is a rich person. \nSentence 2: The wine PersonX brought to the party of PersonY is crap because _ is a poor person."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wine at PersonX's restaurant is of better quality than PersonY's because _ owns an upscale place. \nSentence 2: The wine at PersonX's restaurant is of better quality than PersonY's because _ owns an lower scale place."} {"input": "Context Word: wine.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wine is a favorite of PersonX, while PersonY prefers a nice whiskey. This means _ probably likes a mellower drink. \nSentence 2: Wine is a favorite of PersonX, while PersonY prefers a nice whiskey. This means _ probably likes a stiffer drink."} {"input": "Context Word: physics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied very hard for the physics test but PersonY didn't. _ got a good grade on their test. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied very hard for the physics test but PersonY didn't. _ got a bad grade on their test."} {"input": "Context Word: physics.", "output": "Sentence 1: Physics was always tough for PersonX, while it wasn't for PersonY, so _ learned from the other. \nSentence 2: Physics was always tough for PersonX, while it wasn't for PersonY, so _ taught the other."} {"input": "Context Word: physics.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX studied physics while PersonY studied English, _ knew a lot about science and testing. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX studied physics while PersonY studied English, _ knew a lot about English literature."} {"input": "Context Word: Celery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make celery juice while visiting PersonY, so _ asked if she could use the blender. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make celery juice while visiting PersonY, so she asked _ if she could use the blender."} {"input": "Context Word: found.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found out who the long lost relatives were unlike PersonY because _ received lots of documentation. \nSentence 2: PersonX found out who the long lost relatives were unlike PersonY because _ had not received lots of documentation."} {"input": "Context Word: auto body repair technician.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied to become an auto body repair technician but not PersonY, because _ was enthusiastic about cars. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied to become an auto body repair technician but not PersonY, because _ was not interested in cars."} {"input": "Context Word: crocodile.", "output": "Sentence 1: The crocodile got close to the boat which terrified PersonX and excited PersonY. _ was fearful around big animals. \nSentence 2: The crocodile got close to the boat which terrified PersonX and excited PersonY. _ was fearless around big animals."} {"input": "Context Word: academic.", "output": "Sentence 1: Academic success came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ had developed good study habits. \nSentence 2: Academic success came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ had not developed good study habits."} {"input": "Context Word: academic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more academic than PersonY was because _ had attended more schools and institutes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more academic than PersonY was because _ had attended less schools and institutes."} {"input": "Context Word: mix.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not need a recipe in order to mix a cake but PersonY did because _ was an instinctive baker. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not need a recipe in order to mix a cake but PersonY did because _ was an inept baker."} {"input": "Context Word: mix.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew better than to mix it up with PersonY because _ was a terrible fighter. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew better than to mix it up with PersonY because _ was a dominant fighter."} {"input": "Context Word: tomboy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a tomboy and PersonY is feminine, so _ likes to wear sporty dark colored clothing. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a tomboy and PersonY is feminine, so _ likes to wear stylish pink colored clothing."} {"input": "Context Word: tomboy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the tomboy and more into rough play than PersonY, as _ enjoyed hanging out and playing with boys. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the tomboy and more into rough play than PersonY, as _ enjoyed hanging out and playing with dolls."} {"input": "Context Word: flirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the dance, PersonX tries to flirt with PersonY because _ has a big crush. \nSentence 2: At the dance, PersonX tries to flirt with PersonY because _ has a great personality."} {"input": "Context Word: flirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was in a relationship but PersonY was single, _ would never flirt with women at the bars. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was in a relationship but PersonY was single, _ would often flirt with women at the bars."} {"input": "Context Word: flirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accused PersonY of being a flirt because she was always touching men's arms. _ thought this behavior was trashy. \nSentence 2: PersonX accused PersonY of being a flirt because she was always touching men's arms. _ thought this behavior was normal."} {"input": "Context Word: flirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cheeked advice from PersonY on how to flirt so _ could ask out their crush. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave advice to PersonY on how to flirt so _ could ask out their crush."} {"input": "Context Word: flirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to flirt and be the center of attention, but PersonY was more of a wallflower, because _ was shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to flirt and be the center of attention, but PersonY was more of a wallflower, because _ was outgoing."} {"input": "Context Word: flirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to flirt but PersonY does not. _ is able to find a lot of people to go on dates. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to flirt but PersonY does not. _ is able to find very few people to go on dates."} {"input": "Context Word: flirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw PersonY constantly flirt with men in the office. _ thought it was inappropriate in a place of business and she wouldn't be respected by their coworkers. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw PersonY constantly flirt with men in the office. _ thought it was normal in a place of business and she was admired by their coworkers."} {"input": "Context Word: flirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was lonelier than PersonY because _ was much too shy to flirt with girls. \nSentence 2: PersonX was lonelier than PersonY because _ was never too shy to flirt with girls."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though they weigh the same on the scale, PersonX looks smaller than PersonY because _ has more muscle. \nSentence 2: Even though they weigh the same on the scale, PersonX looks smaller than PersonY because _ has less muscle."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of muscle while PersonY is slim with a slight build so _ put 250 lbs on the bar. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of muscle while PersonY is slim with a slight build so _ put 10 lbs on the bar."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more muscle than PersonY, because _ worked out with weights every day at the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more muscle than PersonY, because _ never worked out with weights at the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had poor muscle tone while PersonY was toned and slim, even though _ was the one who exercised. \nSentence 2: PersonX had poor muscle tone while PersonY was toned and slim, even though _ was the one who slacked."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY with his form at the gym and showed him how to gain muscle; to his credit, _ was an excellent trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY with his form at the gym and showed him how to gain muscle; to his credit, _ was a diligent client."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pulled a muscle during their wrestling match with PersonY, which made _ feel pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX pulled a muscle during their wrestling match with PersonY, which made _ feel guilty."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stretched their muscles before they worked out but PersonY didn't bother. _ wasn't sore after their gym session. \nSentence 2: PersonX stretched their muscles before they worked out but PersonY didn't bother. _ hurt themself during their gym session."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was massaging PersonY's back muscles by hand because _ was wanting to help relax the muscles. \nSentence 2: PersonX was massaging PersonY's back muscles by hand because _ was wanting help to relax their muscles."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle.", "output": "Sentence 1: When performing the exercise, PersonX but not PersonY pulled a muscle because _ stretched enough. \nSentence 2: When performing the exercise, PersonX but not PersonY pulled a muscle because _ didn't stretch enough."} {"input": "Context Word: outdoor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to play outdoor while PersonY preferred being indoors, watching TV, as _ loved nature. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to play outdoor while PersonY preferred being indoors, watching TV as _ loved cartoons."} {"input": "Context Word: outdoor.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ likes being outdoor because PersonX likes the fresh air and the open space and PersonY don't. \nSentence 2: So _ hates being outdoor because PersonX likes the fresh air and the open space and PersonY don't."} {"input": "Context Word: memorial.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the funeral parlor, PersonX had to plan the memorial instead of PersonY because _ had experience with the situation. \nSentence 2: While at the funeral parlor, PersonX had to plan the memorial instead of PersonY because _ was a novice with the situation."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the cook off, PersonX made a better cake than PersonY because _ had used fresh eggs. \nSentence 2: At the cook off, PersonX made a better cake than PersonY because _ had used expired eggs."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX wanted to make a mess and PersonY did not, _ cracked her eggs and opened them over the counter. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX wanted to make a mess and PersonY did not, _ cracked her eggs and opened them over the bowl."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making dinner for PersonX but not PersonY because _ he loves to eat eggs all day. \nSentence 2: Making dinner for PersonX but not PersonY because _ he doesn't love to eat eggs all day."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Monday, PersonX made PersonY eggs for an early breakfast, because _ is great at making fried eggs. \nSentence 2: On Monday, PersonX made PersonY eggs for an early breakfast, but _ does not like fried eggs."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: People don't like the eggs that PersonX farms as much as PersonY's due to _ growing with chemicals. \nSentence 2: People don't like the eggs that PersonX farms as much as PersonY's due to _ growing organically."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always ate more eggs than PersonY because _ lived a healthy lifestyle and needed a lot of protein. \nSentence 2: PersonX always ate less eggs than PersonY because _ lived a healthy lifestyle and needed a lot of protein."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX boils his eggs for 8 minets while PersonY boils them for only 4, because _ like hard boiled eggs. \nSentence 2: PersonX boils his eggs for 8 minets while PersonY boils them for only 4, because _ like soft boiled eggs."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats a lot more eggs and cheese than PersonY because _ follows a carnivore diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats a lot more eggs and cheese than PersonY because _ follows a vegan diet."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a dozen fresh eggs because _ lived on a farm with chickens. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for a dozen fresh eggs because _ lived on a farm with chickens."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has much better experience incubating eggs than PersonY ever did, so _ hatched healthy chickens. \nSentence 2: PersonX has much better experience incubating eggs than PersonY ever did, so _ hatched sickly chickens."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just loves scrambled eggs for dinner but PersonY prefers them for breakfast. _ had ham and eggs for supper. \nSentence 2: PersonX just loves scrambled eggs for dinner but PersonY prefers them for breakfast. _ had ham and eggs for brunch."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves the taste of eggs but PersonY hates eggs. _ ordered an omelette for breakfast. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves the taste of eggs but PersonY hates eggs. _ ordered a waffle for breakfast."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started the morning with a breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon but not PersonY _ is a carnivore. \nSentence 2: PersonX started the morning with a breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon but not PersonY _ is a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much better cook than PersonY although _ couldn't even boil eggs correctly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much better cook than PersonY because _ couldn't even boil eggs correctly."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was about to cook eggs while PersonY was about to have cereal, so _ prepared to crack the eggs. \nSentence 2: PersonX was about to cook eggs while PersonY was about to have cereal, so _ prepared to pour the milk."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of PersonY, because _ had just broken all the eggs she brought home. \nSentence 2: PersonX was upset at PersonY, because _ had just broken all the eggs she brought home."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was on a vegan diet but not PersonY so _ always refused to eat eggs. \nSentence 2: PersonX was on a vegan diet but not PersonY so _ never refused to eat eggs."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The easter eggs that PersonX but not PersonY made looked great because _ rushed through it. \nSentence 2: The easter eggs that PersonX but not PersonY made looked great because _ took their time."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The eggs from PersonX's farm taste better than the ones PersonY produces. _ likely has healthier chickens. \nSentence 2: The eggs from PersonX's farm taste better than the ones PersonY produces. _ likely has unhealthy chickens."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hens were worth their trouble to PersonX but not to PersonY becasue _ loved the free eggs. \nSentence 2: The hens were worth their trouble to PersonX but not to PersonY becasue _ didn't like eggs."} {"input": "Context Word: eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX was not the healthy vegetarian PersonY was, _ hated to eat scrambled eggs. \nSentence 2: While PersonX was not the healthy vegetarian PersonY was, _ loved to eat scrambled eggs."} {"input": "Context Word: relate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone can relate to PersonX, while PersonY has a harder time getting along with others. _ is personable. \nSentence 2: Everyone can relate to PersonX, while PersonY has a harder time getting along with others. _ is an introvert."} {"input": "Context Word: advertise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more customers visiting their shop than PersonY because _ knows how to advertise well. \nSentence 2: PersonX has more customers visiting their shop than PersonY because _ doesn't know how to advertise very well."} {"input": "Context Word: advertise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to advertise on PersonY's webpage, but _ keeps forgetting to write the ad copy. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to advertise on PersonY's webpage, but _ keeps forgetting to post the ad copy."} {"input": "Context Word: disco party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is having a disco party next week and put PersonY in charge of telling everybody, _ likes to give orders to others. \nSentence 2: PersonX is having a disco party next week and put PersonY in charge of telling everybody, _ takes orders from others."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes journal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to keep track of food and glucose levels in a diabetes journal because _ has experience with diabetes. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to keep track of food and glucose levels in a diabetes journal because _ is inexperienced with diabetes."} {"input": "Context Word: piercings.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was harder for PersonX to get a job than it was for PersonY because _ had many more piercings. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to get a job than it was for PersonY because _ had many more piercings."} {"input": "Context Word: piercings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forbids PersonY from getting any more piercings on her body because _ is a strict parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX forbids PersonY from getting any more piercings on her body because _ is a rebellious kid."} {"input": "Context Word: piercings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got the job at the tattoo shop even though PersonY applied because _ was more familiar with piercings. \nSentence 2: PersonX got the job at the tattoo shop even though PersonY applied although _ was more familiar with piercings."} {"input": "Context Word: piercings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less piercings than PersonY did so it was easier for _ to get a job. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less piercings than PersonY did so it was harder for _ to get a job."} {"input": "Context Word: piercings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an unconventional and rebellious person unlike PersonY so _ had unique ear piercings. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an unconventional and rebellious person unlike PersonY so _ had traditional ear piercings."} {"input": "Context Word: Poisoning.", "output": "Sentence 1: To avoid food poisoning, PersonX gave his tainted food in the prison to PersonY. _ remained healthy. \nSentence 2: To avoid food poisoning, PersonX gave his tainted food in the prison to PersonY. _ got sick."} {"input": "Context Word: ideas.", "output": "Sentence 1: Ideas always seem to come to PersonX but not to PersonY as _ is very intelligent. \nSentence 2: Ideas always seem to come to PersonX but not to PersonY as _ is very stupid."} {"input": "Context Word: ideas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for ideas for a science project for school, because _ had no ideas. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for ideas for a science project for school, because _ had lots of ideas."} {"input": "Context Word: ideas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a better fiction writer than PersonY because _ was good at coming up with ideas. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a better fiction writer than PersonY because _ was not good at coming up with ideas."} {"input": "Context Word: ideas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never gets picked for special work projects like PersonY does because _ never has creative ideas. \nSentence 2: PersonX never gets picked for special work projects like PersonY does because _ has creative ideas."} {"input": "Context Word: ideas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was full of all sorts of creative ideas that PersonY didn't like, so _ had a more positive sense of creation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was full of all sorts of creative ideas that PersonY didn't like, so _ had a more critical sense of creation."} {"input": "Context Word: ideas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was full of ideas about how PersonY could change their life, so _ was always giving advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was full of ideas about how PersonY could change their life, so _ was always hearing advice."} {"input": "Context Word: ideas.", "output": "Sentence 1: The business ideas of PersonX are far superior to PersonY because _ is a business man. \nSentence 2: The business ideas of PersonX are far inferior to PersonY because _ is a business man."} {"input": "Context Word: ideas.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ideas of PersonX aren't as good as PersonY's, so _ is the less creative person. \nSentence 2: The ideas of PersonX aren't as good as PersonY's, although _ is the less creative person."} {"input": "Context Word: Mathematics.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mathematics confused PersonX, so he hires PersonY to help him out. This is because _ is a student. \nSentence 2: Mathematics confused PersonX, so he hires PersonY to help him out. This is because _ is a tutor."} {"input": "Context Word: molding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new house and needed help installing molding. When PersonY offered to help, _ was relieved. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new house and needed help installing molding. When PersonY offered to help, _ felt useful."} {"input": "Context Word: concussion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never suffered from a concussion after fighting but PersonY did because _ always used a helmet. \nSentence 2: PersonX never suffered from a concussion after fighting but PersonY did because _ never used a helmet."} {"input": "Context Word: concussion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was concerned PersonY may have a concussion after being tackled because _ noticed slurred speech. \nSentence 2: PersonX was concerned PersonY may have a concussion after being tackled because _ had slurred speech."} {"input": "Context Word: shotgun.", "output": "Sentence 1: Firing a shotgun came more naturally for PersonX than PersonY because _ grew up around them. \nSentence 2: Firing a shotgun came more naturally for PersonX than PersonY because _ grew up away from them."} {"input": "Context Word: shotgun.", "output": "Sentence 1: The shotgun kicked PersonX's shoulder hard while PersonY avoided that because _ held the gun loosely on his shoulder. \nSentence 2: The shotgun kicked PersonX's shoulder hard while PersonY avoided that because _ held the gun tightly on his shoulder."} {"input": "Context Word: shotgun.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whilst PersonX had a shotgun licence PersonY did not as _ approved of guns and shooting. \nSentence 2: Whilst PersonX had a shotgun licence PersonY did not as _ disapproved of guns and shooting."} {"input": "Context Word: Content.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was overly vain about their looks but PersonY was content with their looks. _ went to the doctor and had their lips plumped. \nSentence 2: PersonX was overly vain about their looks but PersonY was content with their looks. _ went to the doctor and had their blood pressure checked."} {"input": "Context Word: religious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not judge PersonY even though _ was religious and he respected the beliefs of others. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not judge PersonY because _ was religious and he respected the beliefs of others."} {"input": "Context Word: religious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more religious than PersonY, so _ spent the evening at the local church. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more religious than PersonY, so _ spent the evening at the local bar."} {"input": "Context Word: religious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was religious and PersonY wasn't, so _ spent every Sunday hanging out at church. \nSentence 2: PersonX was religious and PersonY wasn't, so _ spent every Sunday hanging out at the bar."} {"input": "Context Word: religious.", "output": "Sentence 1: The religious man went over and talked to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was an atheist and needed God. \nSentence 2: The religious man went over and talked to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was a christian and already had God."} {"input": "Context Word: stride.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had a longer stride than PersonY, _ passed them up in the race. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had a shorter stride than PersonY, _ passed them up in the race."} {"input": "Context Word: stride.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stride of PersonX is half of that of PersonY's, therefore, _ is probably a lot smaller in size. \nSentence 2: The stride of PersonX is half of that of PersonY's, therefore, _ is probably a lot larger in size."} {"input": "Context Word: rename.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a new computer than PersonY and _ renamed their computer quicker than the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a new computer than PersonY and _ renamed their computer slower than the other ."} {"input": "Context Word: dead.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the spider was dead PersonX was jubilant but PersonY was upset because _ hated spiders. \nSentence 2: When the spider was dead PersonX was jubilant but PersonY was upset because _ loved spiders."} {"input": "Context Word: clay.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the heat of the moment, PersonX smashed the clay bowl PersonY had sculpted. Afterward, _ felt ashamed. \nSentence 2: In the heat of the moment, PersonX smashed the clay bowl PersonY had sculpted. Afterward, _ felt bullied."} {"input": "Context Word: clay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making a clay from indigenous soil for PersonY, because _ wants to make him happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making a clay from indigenous soil for PersonY, because _ likes making things from clay."} {"input": "Context Word: clay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX seemed to be better at crafting clay pots than PersonY due to _ 's larger hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX seemed to be better at crafting clay pots than PersonY due to _ 's tinier hands."} {"input": "Context Word: clay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw the clay sculpture at PersonY because _ didn't like it and wanted to get rid of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX took the clay sculpture from PersonY because _ didn't like it and wanted to get rid of it."} {"input": "Context Word: traveler.", "output": "Sentence 1: The round the world trip sounded better to PersonX than PersonY as _ is a much more adventurous traveler. \nSentence 2: The round the world trip sounded better to PersonX than PersonY as _ is a much more nervous traveler."} {"input": "Context Word: lattice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke a hole through PersonY's lattice fence when trying to climb it, so _ offered to repair it. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke a hole through PersonY's lattice fence when trying to climb it, so _ told him to repair it."} {"input": "Context Word: camping trailer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that they needed to sell the camping trailer, _ is a goods dealer. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that they needed to sell the camping trailer, _ is a working for a goods dealer."} {"input": "Context Word: vulnerable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX comforted PersonY when they were feeling depressed and vulnerable because _ is a compassionate person. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY when they were feeling depressed and vulnerable because _ is a fragile person."} {"input": "Context Word: desert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to vacation at the desert while PersonY traveled to the beach beacause _ hated water. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to vacation at the desert while PersonY traveled to the beach beacause _ loved water."} {"input": "Context Word: desert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not enjoy the desert vacation as much as PersonY because _ liked a drier climate. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not enjoy the desert vacation as much as PersonY because _ liked a humid climate."} {"input": "Context Word: electric guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: To learn how to play the electric guitar, PersonX hired PersonY, a professional guitarist, to tutor her. _ wanted to play in a band but didn't have the experience yet. \nSentence 2: To learn how to play the electric guitar, PersonX hired PersonY, a professional guitarist, to tutor her. _ played in a band and had the experience."} {"input": "Context Word: Calm Down.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was stressed so he asked PersonY to help him calm down. _ was grateful for the help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was stressed so he asked PersonY to help him calm down. _ was ready to help."} {"input": "Context Word: bathing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was bathing when PersonY had to go to the bathroom, so _ had to end their bath too soon. \nSentence 2: PersonX was bathing when PersonY had to go to the bathroom, so _ had to hold their pee too long."} {"input": "Context Word: volleyball.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the game, PersonX intentionally hit PersonY in the face with the volleyball, causing _ to be disqualified. \nSentence 2: During the game, PersonX intentionally hit PersonY in the face with the volleyball, causing _ to be injured."} {"input": "Context Word: volleyball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX absolutely loved volleyball whereas PersonY hated it. This is because _ was more athletic. \nSentence 2: PersonX absolutely loved volleyball whereas PersonY hated it. This is because _ was more academic."} {"input": "Context Word: volleyball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys playing volleyball, but PersonY hates it. That's because _ 's team always wins. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys playing volleyball, but PersonY hates it. That's because _ 's team always loses."} {"input": "Context Word: volleyball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has much stronger arm muscles than PersonY because _ played volleyball for fifteen years. \nSentence 2: PersonX has much stronger arm muscles than PersonY because _ didn't play volleyball for fifteen years."} {"input": "Context Word: volleyball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX isn't great at volleyball, but PersonY is an amazing player due to _ being short. \nSentence 2: PersonX isn't great at volleyball, but PersonY is an amazing player due to _ being tall."} {"input": "Context Word: volleyball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to play volleyball growing up unlike PersonY, because _ was interested in sports. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to play volleyball growing up unlike PersonY, because _ was disinterested in sports."} {"input": "Context Word: volleyball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed being able to play volleyball but PersonY did not because _ was very sporty. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed being able to play volleyball but PersonY did not because _ was very sedentary."} {"input": "Context Word: volleyball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much better volleyball player than PersonY so _ was a starting player. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much better volleyball player than PersonY so _ was a bench player."} {"input": "Context Word: volleyball.", "output": "Sentence 1: Volleyball was a favorite sport for PersonX but not PersonY because _ as was really tall. \nSentence 2: Volleyball was a favorite sport for PersonX but not PersonY because _ as was really short."} {"input": "Context Word: millions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX probably has millions more subscribers than PersonY because _ has been famous for a longer time. \nSentence 2: PersonX probably has millions more subscribers than PersonY because _ has been famous for a shorter time."} {"input": "Context Word: shoe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stole a shoe from PersonY as a joke, so _ hid it under the couch. \nSentence 2: PersonX stole a shoe from PersonY as a joke, so _ found it under the couch."} {"input": "Context Word: shoe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a shoe fanatic but PersonY was not. _ had 100 pairs of shoes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a shoe fanatic but PersonY was not. _ had 10 pairs of shoes."} {"input": "Context Word: raking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called a friend to help raking the yard unlike PersonY who did it himself, because _ was lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX called a friend to help raking the yard unlike PersonY who did it himself, because _ was motivated."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being themselves is more challenging for PersonX than PersonY because _ isn't comfortable in their own skin. \nSentence 2: Being themselves is more challenging for PersonX than PersonY because _ is so comfortable in their own skin."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt more comfortable around women than PersonY. so _ was considered to be smoother. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt more comfortable around women than PersonY. so _ was considered to be nerdy."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never felt comfortable being around PersonY, because _ always thought they acted a little creepy. \nSentence 2: PersonX never felt comfortable being around PersonY, because _ always decided to act a little creepy."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the couch was very comfortable while PersonY liked the chair best. _ thought the chair was hard. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the couch was very comfortable while PersonY liked the chair best. _ thought the couch was too soft."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to make PersonY more comfortable because _ was sick last week and wanted to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to make PersonY more comfortable but _ was sick last week and wanted to help."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was comfortable presenting the group project, but PersonY blanched at the idea, because _ had experience speaking in public. \nSentence 2: PersonX was comfortable presenting the group project, but PersonY blanched at the idea, because _ had a fear of speaking in public."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more comfortable in the kitchen than PersonY because _ had worked in restaurant before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more comfortable in the kitchen than PersonY because _ had never worked in restaurant before."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more comfortable selling vacuums door-to-door than PersonY because _ had worked as a salesman before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more comfortable selling vacuums door-to-door than PersonY because _ had never worked in sales before."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more comfortable speaking in front of large groups than PersonY because _ had taken public speaking courses in college. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more comfortable speaking in front of large groups than PersonY because _ was not able to take public speaking courses in college."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more comfortable studying French than PersonY because _ studied other languages in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more comfortable studying French than PersonY because _ never studied other languages in school."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more comfortable swimming in the pool than PersonY because _ was not afraid of the water. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more comfortable swimming in the pool than PersonY because _ was afraid of the water."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to get comfortable on PersonY but _ was too big to be held. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to get comfortable on PersonY but _ was too small to be held."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to get comfortable in the house with PersonY, because _ was antisocial. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to get comfortable in the house with PersonY, because _ was threatening."} {"input": "Context Word: comfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's jeans are quite comfortable, while PersonY's pair is annoying. _ went with a baggier size. \nSentence 2: PersonX's jeans are quite comfortable, while PersonY's pair is annoying. _ went with a tighter size."} {"input": "Context Word: indoors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed the indoors much more than PersonY so _ stayed inside the house all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed the indoors much more than PersonY so _ stayed outside the house all day."} {"input": "Context Word: indoors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was prone to sunburn so spent much time indoors, quite the opposite of PersonY. _ often cooked to pass the summer days. \nSentence 2: PersonX was prone to sunburn so spent much time indoors, quite the opposite of PersonY. _ often swimmed to pass the summer days."} {"input": "Context Word: frugal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saved a lot less money during the year than PersonY because _ was not very frugal. \nSentence 2: PersonX saved a lot less money during the year than PersonY because _ was very frugal."} {"input": "Context Word: frugal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a frugal shopper whereas PersonY was the opposite. _ could never buy that much stuff at once. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a frugal shopper whereas PersonY was the opposite. _ often bought that much stuff at once."} {"input": "Context Word: debt free.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started reading about being debt free because _ wanted to retire with PersonY before he was 65 years old. \nSentence 2: PersonX started reading about being debt free because _ wanted to retire with PersonY before she was 65 years old."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: Investing in the stock market suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ loves doing research. \nSentence 2: Investing in the stock market suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ hates doing research."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did a lot of research before writing a paper whilst PersonY did not because _ was very careful. \nSentence 2: PersonX did a lot of research before writing a paper whilst PersonY did not because _ was very sloppy."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did most of the research for the project compared to PersonY even though _ has less experience on advertising. \nSentence 2: PersonX did most of the research for the project compared to PersonY although _ has more experience on advertising."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to do extensive research for work while PersonY didn't because _ was a manager. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to do extensive research for work while PersonY didn't because _ was a janitor."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves doing research, but not PersonY, so _ got an A on the research paper. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves doing research, but not PersonY, so _ got a D on the research paper."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent long hours at the library doing research and studying, while PersonY goofed off and went out drinking. _ earned better grades on the final test. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent long hours at the library doing research and studying, while PersonY goofed off and went out drinking. _ scrapped a passing grade on the final test."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was PersonY's new research assistant so _ tried to follow the instructions they were given. \nSentence 2: PersonX was PersonY's new research assistant so _ tried to give the instructions that are necessary."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in charge of the research into PersonY's condition, so _ felt responsible for the solution. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in charge of the research into PersonY's condition, so _ felt hopeful for the solution."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's research wasn't as thourough as PersonY's because _ didn't have access to the chemistry lab. \nSentence 2: PersonX's research wasn't as thourough as PersonY's because only _ had access to the chemistry lab."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: Research came easy to PersonX as compared to PersonY because _ father was a scientist. \nSentence 2: Research came easy to PersonX as compared to PersonY because _ 's father was a landscaper."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher gave PersonX a better grade on his paper than PersonY got because _ did more research. \nSentence 2: The teacher gave PersonX a better grade on his paper than PersonY got because _ did little research."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: To research a project PersonX asked PersonY some information on a subject, _ seeks information from him. \nSentence 2: To research a project PersonX asked PersonY some information on a subject, _ gives information to him."} {"input": "Context Word: research.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX worked at fast food, PersonY worked in a research lab, and _ had limited science education. \nSentence 2: While PersonX worked at fast food, PersonY worked in a research lab, and _ had extensive science education."} {"input": "Context Word: relatives.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of relatives, but PersonY has no family, so _ goes to visit their parents on Christmas. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of relatives, but PersonY has no family, so _ goes to visit their friends on Christmas."} {"input": "Context Word: scratch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a scratch in PersonY's steel sink, so _ brought them scratch remover in order to fix it. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a scratch in PersonY's steel sink, so they brought _ scratch remover in order to fix it."} {"input": "Context Word: scratch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so afraid of PersonY because _ thought she would scratch her when she wasn't looking. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so afraid of PersonY because _ thought she wanted to scratch her when she wasn't looking."} {"input": "Context Word: transmission.", "output": "Sentence 1: A transmission is what I am in need of today PersonX tells PersonY, _ has wrecked many cars. \nSentence 2: A transmission is what I am in need of today PersonX tells PersonY, _ has fixed many cars."} {"input": "Context Word: toilet paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX calls her roommate, PersonY, to get toilet paper on the way home, but _ forgot to say milk too. \nSentence 2: PersonX calls her roommate, PersonY, to get toilet paper on the way home, but _ forgot to get it."} {"input": "Context Word: toilet paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put toilet paper back on the roll, while PersonY did not, so _ was annoyed. \nSentence 2: PersonX put toilet paper back on the roll, while PersonY did not, since _ was oblivious."} {"input": "Context Word: toilet paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran out of toilet paper, so he asked PersonY in the stall next to him for some. _ was relieved when he agreed. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran out of toilet paper, so he asked PersonY in the stall next to him for some. _ was generous and agreed."} {"input": "Context Word: pickled eggs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made pickled eggs for PersonY, because _ really loved his own and wanted to share them. \nSentence 2: PersonX made pickled eggs for PersonY, but _ really loved his own and wanted to share them."} {"input": "Context Word: small business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the owner of a small business but PersonY was not so _ was able to hire for a job at the business. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the owner of a small business but PersonY was not so _ was able to apply for a job at the business."} {"input": "Context Word: high.", "output": "Sentence 1: Despite his best efforts, PersonX could not be reached by PersonY because _ dangling too high above. \nSentence 2: Despite his best efforts, PersonX could not reached PersonY because _ was dangling too high above."} {"input": "Context Word: high.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got better grades in high school than PersonY because _ liked to read and study. \nSentence 2: PersonX got better grades in high school than PersonY because _ did not like to read or study."} {"input": "Context Word: high.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was flying high on adrenaline after robbing PersonY, because _ found $1000 in their wallet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was flying high on adrenaline after robbing PersonY, because _ had $1000 in their wallet."} {"input": "Context Word: lettuce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always ate a lot of lettuce every day unlike PersonY because _ was a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX always ate a lot of lettuce every day unlike PersonY because _ was a carnivore."} {"input": "Context Word: lettuce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked vegetables more than PersonY but _ couldn't stand to eat lettuce in salads. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked vegetables more than PersonY but _ could stand to eat lettuce in salads."} {"input": "Context Word: lettuce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves the taste of lettuce but PersonY doesn't. _ ordered a big salad for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves the taste of lettuce but PersonY doesn't. _ ordered a big steak for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: lettuce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs an advice from PersonY on how to keep the lettuce fresh, because _ has a lot of lettuce. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs an advice from PersonY on how to keep the lettuce fresh, so _ gives her an advice."} {"input": "Context Word: lettuce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was making tacos and asked PersonY to bring some lettuce over because _ was out. \nSentence 2: PersonX was making tacos and asked PersonY to bring some lettuce over but _ was out."} {"input": "Context Word: lettuce.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the store, PersonX grabbed a head of lettuce for PersonY to use for dinner because _ knew there was none at home. \nSentence 2: While at the store, PersonX grabbed a head of lettuce for PersonY to use for dinner, but _ already had some at home."} {"input": "Context Word: Business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has always wanted to start their own business, however PersonY prefers to work for a company. _ has a very entrepreneurial spirit. \nSentence 2: PersonX has always wanted to start their own business, however PersonY prefers to work for a company. _ has a very risk averse spirit."} {"input": "Context Word: Business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an ideal person to run their own business but PersonY was not because _ was very organised. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an ideal person to run their own business but PersonY was not because _ was very chaotic."} {"input": "Context Word: Business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote out a business plan to get a bak loan while PersonY decided to just wing it. _ was rewarded with loan. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote out a business plan to get a bak loan while PersonY decided to just wing it. _ was denied a loan."} {"input": "Context Word: Business.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx had thought of starting a business before persony but _ was not able to find the fund quicker. \nSentence 2: Personx had thought of starting a business before persony but _ was able to find the fund quicker."} {"input": "Context Word: abandoned houses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to play in abandoned houses with PersonY because _ could pretend it was haunted. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to play in abandoned houses with PersonY then _ stopped pretending it was haunted."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX than PersonY to prevent identity theft of their bank accounts because _ understood how to protect their privacy. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX than PersonY to prevent identity theft of their bank accounts because _ neglected how to protect their privacy."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to prevent the phone from ringing because _ had hundreds of people calling. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to prevent the phone from ringing because _ had zero people calling."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did all they could to prevent PersonY from going, but _ was unable to stop them. \nSentence 2: PersonX did all they could to prevent PersonY from going, but _ was unwilling to stop."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX failed to prevent PersonY from scoring a goal on her, although _ was usually faster than her. \nSentence 2: PersonX failed to prevent PersonY from scoring a goal on her, although _ was usually slower than her."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped to prevent the disease in PersonY's body during the overwhelming plague because _ was a doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped to prevent the disease in PersonY's body during the overwhelming plague because _ was a patient."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is trying to prevent cancer, so he takes PersonY's advice because _ used to smoke. \nSentence 2: PersonX is trying to prevent cancer, so he takes PersonY's advice because _ used to have cancer."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew to prevent the car accident but not PersonY because _ was looking ahead. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew to prevent the car accident but not PersonY because _ was not looking ahead."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to prevent PersonY from entering the house because _ didn't want her to find the surprise gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to prevent PersonY from entering the house because _ was trying to find the surprise gift."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to prevent PersonY from jumping into the ocean from the cliff because _ was cautious. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to prevent PersonY from jumping into the ocean from the cliff because _ was reckless."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to prevent a headache while flying unlike PersonY because _ remembered to take ibuprofen beforehand. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to prevent a headache while flying unlike PersonY because _ forgot to take ibuprofen beforehand."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was looking for a way to prevent PersonY from being able to go to the show, because _ was lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX was looking for a way to prevent PersonY from being able to go to the show, so _ was bothered."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more ready for the situation than PersonY so _ didn't have to prevent distractions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more ready for the situation than PersonY so _ needed to prevent distractions."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more attracted to PersonY , so _ could not prevent falling in love with her. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more attracted to PersonY , but _ could not prevent falling in love with her."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked hard to prevent weight gain whilst PersonY did not because _ was conscientious. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked hard to prevent weight gain whilst PersonY did not because _ was slapdash."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent.", "output": "Sentence 1: The security guard prevented PersonX from entering the arena unlike PersonY because _ was kicked out. \nSentence 2: The security guard prevented PersonX from entering the arena unlike PersonY because _ was allowed."} {"input": "Context Word: Bristled Hairbrush.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX repeatedly disobeyed PersonY, _ was chased around the house with a bristled hairbrush for an hour. \nSentence 2: After PersonX repeatedly disobeyed PersonY, _ chased around the house with a bristled hairbrush for an hour."} {"input": "Context Word: tonsils.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just had their tonsils removed in the hospital, when PersonY decides to visit. _ eats some ice cream. \nSentence 2: PersonX just had their tonsils removed in the hospital, when PersonY decides to visit. _ brings some ice cream."} {"input": "Context Word: Kiss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how to kiss by asking PersonY to show him how. _ became a pro afterwards. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned how to kiss by asking PersonY to show him how. _ became was proud of him."} {"input": "Context Word: dunk.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dunk PersonX achieved in the game was more amazing than the one PersonY did and that is because _ is a professional basketball player. \nSentence 2: The dunk PersonX achieved in the game was more amazing than the one PersonY did and that is because _ is an amateur basketball player."} {"input": "Context Word: breastfeeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated breastfeeding the baby but PersonY loved it. _ found it exhausting and painful. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated breastfeeding the baby but PersonY loved it. _ found it magical and bonding."} {"input": "Context Word: breastfeeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonYs help with starting their kid on breastfeeding so _ asked for some pointers. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonYs help with starting their kid on breastfeeding, but _ didn't have some pointers."} {"input": "Context Word: expertise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of expertise in computers but PersonY doesn't because _ majored in computer science. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of expertise in computers but PersonY doesn't because _ majored in biological science."} {"input": "Context Word: relative clause.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX explained the definition of the relative clause to PersonY, because _ was teaching the class. \nSentence 2: PersonX explained the definition of the relative clause to PersonY, because _ was taking the class."} {"input": "Context Word: t shirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: When going to work, PersonX wears a suit, but PersonY wears a t shirt. _ is a banker. \nSentence 2: When going to work, PersonX wears a suit, but PersonY wears a t shirt. _ is a cashier."} {"input": "Context Word: eczema.", "output": "Sentence 1: Every winter PersonX had a bad outbreak of eczema, so she went to her doctor PersonY for help. Later, _ picked up a prescription to help control it. \nSentence 2: Every winter PersonX had a bad outbreak of eczema, so she went to her doctor PersonY for help. Then, _ gave her a prescription to help control it."} {"input": "Context Word: eczema.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always wanted to visit Alaska, but PersonY wanted to visit Hawaii. _ had terrible eczema in the heat. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always wanted to visit Alaska, but PersonY wanted to visit Hawaii. _ had terrible eczema in the cold."} {"input": "Context Word: eczema.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor prescribed a special intensive hand cream for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had bad eczema. \nSentence 2: The doctor prescribed a special intensive hand cream for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had light eczema."} {"input": "Context Word: hummingbird.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hummingbird flew up to the house of PersonX but past the house of PersonY, because _ had a bird feeder. \nSentence 2: The hummingbird flew past the house of PersonX but up to the house of PersonY, because _ had a bird feeder."} {"input": "Context Word: manage.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to manage the office because _ was good with people. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to manage the office because _ was not good with people."} {"input": "Context Word: manage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs to learn to manage PersonY better at work, because _ is new to being a supervisor. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to learn to manage PersonY better at work, because _ is a problem employee."} {"input": "Context Word: manage.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a business better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ knew how to manage people better. \nSentence 2: Running a business better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ forgot how to manage people better."} {"input": "Context Word: manage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ability to manage her finances came easier to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had studied accounting. \nSentence 2: The ability to manage her finances came easier to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not studied accounting."} {"input": "Context Word: plumbing.", "output": "Sentence 1: A career in plumbing seemed much more natural for PersonX rather than PersonY because _ had been a plumber's apprentice. \nSentence 2: A career in plumbing seemed much more natural for PersonX rather than PersonY because _ had never been a plumber's apprentice."} {"input": "Context Word: plumbing.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to fix the toilet than it was for PersonY because _ had been trained in plumbing. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to fix the toilet than it was for PersonY although _ had been trained in plumbing."} {"input": "Context Word: plumbing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The plumbing was starting to leak so PersonX called a plumber. When PersonY said he could do it instead, _ was feeling skeptical. \nSentence 2: The plumbing was starting to leak so PersonX called a plumber. When PersonY said he could do it instead, _ was feeling confident."} {"input": "Context Word: internationally.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spoke only English, but PersonY knew many languages. _ did not like to travel internationally. \nSentence 2: PersonX spoke only English, but PersonY knew many languages. _ very much liked to travel internationally."} {"input": "Context Word: swag hook.", "output": "Sentence 1: The swag hook was installed by PersonX instead of PersonY because _ had the proper tools. \nSentence 2: The swag hook was installed by PersonX instead of PersonY because _ had the broken tools."} {"input": "Context Word: carnivals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was terrified of carnivals because of the clowns, but PersonY loved the elephants, so _ begged them to stay home. \nSentence 2: PersonX was terrified of carnivals because of the clowns, but PersonY loved the elephants, so _ begged them to come along."} {"input": "Context Word: Seed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planted many seeds in their garden but PersonY planted only a few. _ had a bumper crop of vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX planted many seeds in their garden but PersonY planted only a few. _ had a lean crop of vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: racquetball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stepped his racquetball game up by playing a lot, but PersonY hardly ever played. _ was voted MVP of their league. \nSentence 2: PersonX stepped his racquetball game up by playing a lot, but PersonY hardly ever played. _ wasn't selected as MVP of their league."} {"input": "Context Word: Sales.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx use to make a higher sales when marketing with persony because _ feels more fluent. \nSentence 2: personx use to make a higher sales when marketing with persony because _ makes him feel more fluent."} {"input": "Context Word: Dungeons and Dragons.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX disliked playing the game Dungeons and Dragons unlike PersonY because _ was less creative. \nSentence 2: PersonX disliked playing the game Dungeons and Dragons unlike PersonY because _ was more creative."} {"input": "Context Word: Dungeons and Dragons.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a big nerd but PersonY was a big jock, so _ loved to play Dungeons and Dragons. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a big nerd but PersonY was a big jock, so _ hated to play Dungeons and Dragons."} {"input": "Context Word: make money while traveling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to make money while traveling because _ was taking several vacations this year. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to make money while traveling because _ was able to make money on vacations this year."} {"input": "Context Word: buy fresh lettuce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy fresh lettuce and PersonY did not because _ liked to eat a lot of salads. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to buy fresh lettuce and PersonY did not because _ liked to eat a lot of fruits."} {"input": "Context Word: Alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't order any alcohol at the diner while PersonY did because _ had liver damage. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't order any alcohol at the diner while PersonY did because _ loved to drink."} {"input": "Context Word: Alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to drink alcohol but PersonY liked soda better. _ ordered a Jack and Coke at the bar. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to drink alcohol but PersonY liked soda better. _ ordered a Coke at the bar."} {"input": "Context Word: Alcohol.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY 's house and consumed a lot of alcohol, so _ had to ride back home as a passenger. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY 's house and consumed a lot of alcohol, so _ had to drive him back home."} {"input": "Context Word: buddy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY were practicing to become doctors so _ asked if they could try out buddy taping fingers. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY were practicing to become doctors so _ told them they could try out buddy taping fingers."} {"input": "Context Word: psychic medium.", "output": "Sentence 1: The psychic medium's house spooked PersonX with all the statues of angels while PersonY smiled quietly at them, because angels reminded _ of ghosts. \nSentence 2: The psychic medium's house spooked PersonX with all the statues of angels while PersonY smiled quietly at them, because angels reminded _ of sleeping babies."} {"input": "Context Word: Toothache.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx took his toothache to persony although _ is not in the right health to take it to him. \nSentence 2: personx took his toothache to persony although _ is not in the right position to treat it to him."} {"input": "Context Word: bumper sticker.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bumper sticker on the car expressed the interests of PersonX rather than PersonY since _ owned the car. \nSentence 2: The bumper sticker on the car expressed the interests of PersonX rather than PersonY since _ did not own the car."} {"input": "Context Word: terminology.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the lecture, professor PersonX stated all of the terminology that was in the test while PersonY wrote it down because _ wanted students to prepare. \nSentence 2: During the lecture, professor PersonX stated all of the terminology that was in the test while PersonY wrote it down because _ wanted to pass the test."} {"input": "Context Word: explain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to explain Photosynthesis but PersonY didn't care because _ cared too much about science. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to explain Photosynthesis but PersonY didn't care because _ didn't care about science."} {"input": "Context Word: innocent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much more financially successful lawyer than PersonY, because _ represented everyone, guilty and innocent. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much more financially successful lawyer than PersonY, because _ represented only the innocent."} {"input": "Context Word: patent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very creative and clever but PersonY isn't. _ has been able to patent many of their ideas. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very creative and clever but PersonY isn't. _ has been unable to patent any of their ideas."} {"input": "Context Word: Ladybug.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX squished the ladybug and PersonY yelled out because _ was very insensitive to life. \nSentence 2: PersonX squished the ladybug and PersonY yelled out because _ was very sensitive to death."} {"input": "Context Word: leg muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had sore leg muscles after running a race. After PersonY gave her some ice, _ felt relief. \nSentence 2: PersonX had sore leg muscles after running a race. After PersonY gave her some ice, _ felt helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: leg muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: Skipping leg day was something that PersonX never did but PersonY did often. _ had very big leg muscles. \nSentence 2: Skipping leg day was something that PersonX never did but PersonY did often. _ had very scrawny leg muscles."} {"input": "Context Word: travels.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX travels a lot, while PersonY doesn't like to leave their hometown. _ is more outgoing. \nSentence 2: PersonX travels a lot, while PersonY doesn't like to leave their hometown. _ is more timid."} {"input": "Context Word: chess.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning how to play chess was exciting for PersonX but not PersonY because _ embraced a challenge. \nSentence 2: Learning how to play chess was exciting for PersonX but not PersonY because _ shied away from a challenge."} {"input": "Context Word: chess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX beats PersonY at chess on a daily basis because _ is providing knowledge of the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX beats PersonY at chess on a daily basis, but _ is gaining knowledge of the game."} {"input": "Context Word: chess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX declined when asked by PersonY to play a game of chess because _ liked to play zombie games. \nSentence 2: PersonX declined when asked by PersonY to play a game of chess because _ liked to play intellectual games."} {"input": "Context Word: chess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned chess slower than PersonY did because _ thought the game was really boring. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned chess slower than PersonY did because _ thought the game was really fun."} {"input": "Context Word: chess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX teached PersonY how to improve in playing chess, because _ was known to play better. \nSentence 2: PersonX teached PersonY how to improve in playing chess, because _ was eager to play better."} {"input": "Context Word: chess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thoroughly studied how to play chess because PersonY challenged _ to a chess match. \nSentence 2: PersonX thoroughly studied how to play chess because PersonY wanted to beat _ in a chess match."} {"input": "Context Word: chess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw a fit when PersonY demolished her in chess, as _ was jealous of her talents. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw a fit when PersonY demolished her in chess, as _ was exhibitionistic with her talents."} {"input": "Context Word: chess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a master at chess but PersonY was a novice. _ had learnt how to play as a young child. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a master at chess but PersonY was a novice. _ had not learnt how to play as a young child."} {"input": "Context Word: chess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was good at chess, but PersonY was better, so _ ended up coming in second place. \nSentence 2: PersonX was good at chess, but PersonY was better, so _ ended up coming in first place."} {"input": "Context Word: chess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more experienced than PersonY at chess, so it was no surprise when _ won. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more experienced than PersonY at chess, but it was a surprise when _ won."} {"input": "Context Word: messages.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get text messages because _ had a smart phone. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get text messages because _ did not have a smart phone."} {"input": "Context Word: messages.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was important for PersonX always to be able to receive messages unlike PersonY, so _ always had a phone. \nSentence 2: It was important for PersonX always to be able to receive messages unlike PersonY, so _ rarely had a phone."} {"input": "Context Word: messages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot to charge his phone but PersonY remembered, so _ failed to respond to messages. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot to charge his phone but PersonY remembered, so _ proceeded to respond to messages."} {"input": "Context Word: messages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to send messages on their phone. PersonY did not. _ was very gregarious. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to send messages on their phone. PersonY did not. _ was very reserved."} {"input": "Context Word: messages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was obviously desparate to reach PersonY , as _ left a dozen messages on her phone. \nSentence 2: PersonX was obviously desparate to reach PersonY , as _ received a dozen messages on her phone."} {"input": "Context Word: ginger.", "output": "Sentence 1: Ginger was PersonX's favorite type of tea, so they made some to share with PersonY. _ loved the flavor and drank it all. \nSentence 2: Ginger was PersonX's favorite type of tea, so they made some to share with PersonY. _ was surprised by the flavor and drank it all."} {"input": "Context Word: ginger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX isn't sure that PersonY should try to make homemade ginger ale, but _ agrees to try to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX isn't sure that PersonY should try to make homemade ginger ale, but _ is determined and needs help."} {"input": "Context Word: ginger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put ginger in their curries but PersonY did not. _ liked their curries spicy. \nSentence 2: PersonX put ginger in their curries but PersonY did not. _ liked their curries mild."} {"input": "Context Word: ginger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tolerated a lot of ginger in their food unlike PersonY because _ had dulled taste buds. \nSentence 2: PersonX tolerated a lot of ginger in their food unlike PersonY because _ had keen taste buds."} {"input": "Context Word: ginger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to add lots of ginger to the meal but PersonY stopped him. _ liked spicy food. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to add lots of ginger to the meal but PersonY stopped him. _ liked mild food."} {"input": "Context Word: ginger.", "output": "Sentence 1: Their mom gave PersonX ginger ale but PersonY water because _ had a stomach ache. \nSentence 2: Their mom gave PersonX ginger ale but PersonY water because _ had a head ache."} {"input": "Context Word: crab.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating crab suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked to eat the local seafood. \nSentence 2: Eating crab suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't like to eat the local seafood."} {"input": "Context Word: crab.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked if he could eat all of PersonY 's crab cake, because _ loved the taste of sea insects. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked if he could eat all of PersonY 's crab cake, because _ hated the taste of sea insects."} {"input": "Context Word: crab.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate crab while PersonY ordered a steak because _ loved to eat any kind of seafood. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate crabe while PersonY ordered a steak because _ was allergic to any kind of seafood."} {"input": "Context Word: crab.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated eating crabs unlike PersonY because _ thought the shells were difficult to crack open. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated eating crabs unlike PersonY because _ thought the shells were easy to crack open."} {"input": "Context Word: crab.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is cooking a king crab legs for her friend PersonY's birthday, because _ wants her to be happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX is cooking a king crab legs for her friend PersonY's birthday, because _ enjoys crab legs..."} {"input": "Context Word: crab.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making a maryland blue crab for PersonY's birthday meal, because _ wants make her happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making a maryland blue crab for PersonY's birthday meal, because _ enjoys crab."} {"input": "Context Word: handstand.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the contest, PersonX was able to handstand a whole minute longer than PersonY, and _ won the trophy. \nSentence 2: During the contest, PersonX was able to handstand a whole minute longer than PersonY, and _ lost the trophy."} {"input": "Context Word: handstand.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to do a handstand than it was for PersonY because _ was lighter. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to do a handstand than it was for PersonY because _ was heavier."} {"input": "Context Word: measure.", "output": "Sentence 1: A measure of revenge was in store for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was attacked by the bully earlier. \nSentence 2: A measure of revenge was in store for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not attacked by the bully earlier."} {"input": "Context Word: measure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX demonstrates to PersonY how to measure out the flour for the bread, because _ has made bread many times. \nSentence 2: PersonX demonstrates to PersonY how to measure out the flour for the bread, because _ has never made bread."} {"input": "Context Word: measure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY measure the liquid accurately for this experiment because _ was very meticulous. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY measure the liquid accurately for this experiment because _ was very careless."} {"input": "Context Word: measure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to measure their waist whereas PersonY found it depressing as _ was very slim. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to measure their waist whereas PersonY found it depressing as _ was very overweight."} {"input": "Context Word: lightheaded.", "output": "Sentence 1: Feeling lightheaded was more likely for PersonX than PersonY because _ suffered from low blood sugar. \nSentence 2: Feeling lightheaded was more likely for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not suffer from low blood sugar."} {"input": "Context Word: lightheaded.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to be driven by PersonY to the doctor immediately because _ was feeling lightheaded and dizzy. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to drive PersonY to the doctor immediately because _ was feeling lightheaded and dizzy."} {"input": "Context Word: retiring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is retiring after a 40 years and needs to write a letter to PersonY, so _ starts writing. \nSentence 2: PersonX is retiring after a 40 years and needs to write a letter to PersonY, so _ is disappointed."} {"input": "Context Word: retiring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is retiring soon, while PersonY will keep working for years because _ is 75 years old. \nSentence 2: PersonX is retiring soon, while PersonY will keep working for years because _ is 25 years old."} {"input": "Context Word: uses shampoo for color treated hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses shampoo for color treated hair and PersonY does not because _ has dyed hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses shampoo for color treated hair and PersonY does not because _ does not have hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hydrated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew to stay hydrated whilst exercising but PersonY did not as _ was a professional athlete. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew to stay hydrated whilst exercising but PersonY did not as _ was an amateur athlete."} {"input": "Context Word: hydrated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always better hydrated than PersonY because _ drank a lot of water throughout the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always better hydrated than PersonY because _ drank a little water throughout the day."} {"input": "Context Word: hydrated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to stay hydrated as well as PersonY, because _ had a small water bottle. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to stay hydrated as well as PersonY, because _ had a large water bottle."} {"input": "Context Word: spices.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate foods with a lot of spices but not PersonY because _ had a good sense of taste. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate foods with a lot of spices but not PersonY because _ had a bland sense of taste."} {"input": "Context Word: spices.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys having a lot of spices in the in their food while PersonY prefers their food more plain. _ ordered a spicy curry for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys having a lot of spices in the in their food while PersonY prefers their food more plain. _ ordered a cheeseburger for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: Cricket.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cricket is a favorite past time of PersonX, while PersonY has never heard of it. _ is more likely to be British. \nSentence 2: Cricket is a favorite past time of PersonX, while PersonY has never heard of it. _ is more likely to be American."} {"input": "Context Word: admired.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not happy that she is admired by less men than PersonY because _ is less attractive. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not happy that she is admired by less men than PersonY because _ is more attractive."} {"input": "Context Word: pantry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more spices in his pantry than PersonY because _ liked to cook at home. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more spices in his pantry than PersonY because _ never cooked at home."} {"input": "Context Word: pantry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an empty pantry while PersonY had a full pantry because _ needed to go to the grocery store. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an empty pantry while PersonY had a full pantry because _ just went to the grocery store."} {"input": "Context Word: watching TV.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was playing outside while PersonY was watching TV, _ was definitely the energetic brother. \nSentence 2: PersonX was playing outside while PersonY was watching TV, _ was definitely the lazy brother."} {"input": "Context Word: put paying bills first.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put paying bills first instead of PersonY because _ had a lot of debt to pay off because of college. \nSentence 2: PersonX put paying bills first instead of PersonY because _ had paid off a lot of debt because of work."} {"input": "Context Word: work ethic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ended up getting promoted above PersonY, because _ had a much stronger work ethic. \nSentence 2: PersonX ended up getting promoted above PersonY, because _ had a much weaker work ethic."} {"input": "Context Word: place.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take the place of PersonY in the school play, because _ was the backup. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take the place of PersonY in the school play, because _ was sick."} {"input": "Context Word: Frame.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put the frame up on the wall for PersonY because _ was tall enough to reach it. \nSentence 2: PersonX put the frame up on the wall for PersonY because _ was too short to reach it."} {"input": "Context Word: risk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is much more of a risk taker than PersonY, because _ is an adventurous person. \nSentence 2: PersonX is much more of a risk taker than PersonY, because _ is a boring person."} {"input": "Context Word: alcohol withdrawal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more sober than PersonY because _ did not have alcohol withdrawal from drinking too much. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more sober than PersonY because _ had alcohol withdrawal from drinking too much."} {"input": "Context Word: appliances.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to buy the appliances cheaper than PersonY because _ had a coupon. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to buy the appliances cheaper than PersonY because _ had no coupon."} {"input": "Context Word: Peter Pan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets to play Peter Pan in the play, but PersonY does not, so _ is excited. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets to play Peter Pan in the play, but PersonY does not, so _ is sullen."} {"input": "Context Word: consumed.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the fair, PersonX consumed 2 more hotdogs than PersonY, because _ had a larger appetite. \nSentence 2: At the fair, PersonX consumed 2 more hotdogs than PersonY, because _ had a smaller appetite."} {"input": "Context Word: mall.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mall was closer to PersonX than PersonY, so _ always went shopping and eating out there. \nSentence 2: The mall was farther to PersonX than PersonY, so _ always went shopping and eating out there."} {"input": "Context Word: T-Bone Steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the taste of beef but PersonY preferred seafood, so _ ordered a T-Bone steak to eat. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the taste of beef but PersonY preferred seafood, so _ ordered flounder instead of a T-Bone steak to eat."} {"input": "Context Word: tactics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used sneaky tactics to trick PersonY into signing the contract, because _ had no scruples. \nSentence 2: PersonX used sneaky tactics to trick PersonY into signing the contract, because _ had no lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: tactics.", "output": "Sentence 1: The swat team led by PersonX had better tactics than the team led by PersonY because _ had more experience as a leader. \nSentence 2: The swat team led by PersonX had better tactics than the team led by PersonY because _ had less experience as a leader."} {"input": "Context Word: supplement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always remembers to take her supplements and PersonY always forgets so _ remembers more. \nSentence 2: PersonX always remembers to take her supplements and PersonY always forgets so _ remembers less."} {"input": "Context Word: Stretcher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was pretty banged up the wreck but PersonY was fine. _ had to be taken away on a stretcher. \nSentence 2: PersonX was pretty banged up the wreck but PersonY was fine. _ didn't have to be taken away on a stretcher."} {"input": "Context Word: photosynthesis.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX knew more about biology than PersonY, _ had a difficult time explaining photosynthesis. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX knew more about biology than PersonY, _ had a easy time explaining photosynthesis."} {"input": "Context Word: photosynthesis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave an explanation of photosynthesis to PersonY, so _ could teach how plants produce energy. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave an explanation of photosynthesis to PersonY, so _ could learn how plants produce energy."} {"input": "Context Word: bushes.", "output": "Sentence 1: In front of PersonX's house were beautiful rose bushes unlike PersonY's, because _ loved rose bushes. \nSentence 2: In front of PersonX's house were beautiful rose bushes unlike PersonY's, because _ disliked rose bushes."} {"input": "Context Word: bushes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The house owned by PersonX looked worse than the one of PersonY because _ neglected their bushes. \nSentence 2: The house owned by PersonX looked worse than the one of PersonY because _ took care of their bushes."} {"input": "Context Word: eye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not look PersonY in the eye when she spoke to her, as _ would expose that she had lied to her. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not look PersonY in the eye when she spoke to her, as _ would realize that she had lied to her."} {"input": "Context Word: eye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could put things in the eye but not PersonY because _ always wore contact lenses. \nSentence 2: PersonX could put things in the eye but not PersonY because _ always wore glasses."} {"input": "Context Word: eye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gained a 3rd eye while PersonY was unchanged because _ used their spare time to meditate. \nSentence 2: PersonX gained a 3rd eye while PersonY was unchanged because _ used their spare time to sleep."} {"input": "Context Word: eye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had perfect vision but PersonY did not, so _ did not need to buy any eye glasses. \nSentence 2: PersonX had perfect vision but PersonY did not, so _ needed to buy any eye glasses."} {"input": "Context Word: eye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had watery eyes but not PersonY because _ was cutting onions in the kitchen. \nSentence 2: PersonX had watery eyes but not PersonY because _ was storing onions in the kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: eye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX poked PersonY in the eye and _ spent the rest of the day apologizing for the error. \nSentence 2: PersonX poked PersonY in the eye and _ spent the rest of the day accepting the apology for the error."} {"input": "Context Word: eye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX purchased some eye glasses, but PersonY did not because _ had very bad vision. \nSentence 2: PersonX purchased some eye glasses, but PersonY did not because _ had practically perfect vision."} {"input": "Context Word: eye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suspects she might have eye mites so she goes to doctor PersonY, because _ is afraid. \nSentence 2: PersonX suspects she might have eye mites so she goes to doctor PersonY, because _ is a professional."} {"input": "Context Word: eye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to apply eye makeup to PersonY, but _ couldn't stop their hand from shaking. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to apply eye makeup to PersonY, but _ couldn't stop their eyes from blinking."} {"input": "Context Word: knife.", "output": "Sentence 1: A knife for hunting is owned by PersonX, but PersonY doesn't have one, so _ is the boy scout. \nSentence 2: A knife for hunting is owned by PersonX, but PersonY doesn't have one, so _ is not the boy scout."} {"input": "Context Word: knife.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone liked the PersonX's new knife more than PersonY's because _ spent more money on it. \nSentence 2: Everyone liked the PersonX's new knife more than PersonY's because _ spent less money on it."} {"input": "Context Word: knife.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX carried a knife with them for protection but PersonY carried a gun. _ stabbed the mugger who assualted them. \nSentence 2: PersonX carried a knife with them for protection but PersonY carried a gun. _ shot the mugger who assualted them."} {"input": "Context Word: knife.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently sold a knife to a PersonY, because _ is a really good salesman. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently sold a knife to a PersonY, because _ really needed a new knife."} {"input": "Context Word: knife.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX practiced their knife skill in chef school but PersonY didn't try as hard. _ never once cut their finger while working. \nSentence 2: PersonX practiced their knife skill in chef school but PersonY didn't try as hard. _ very often cut their finger while working."} {"input": "Context Word: knife.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pulled out a knife in the fight but PersonY had a gun. _ had always been terrified of accidentally shooting them self. \nSentence 2: PersonX pulled out a knife in the fight but PersonY had a gun. _ had always been terrified of accidentally stabbing them self."} {"input": "Context Word: knife.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much better in chopping onion compared to PersonY, becase _ had a sharp knife. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much better in chopping onion compared to PersonY, because _ had a blunt knife."} {"input": "Context Word: knife.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's skills with a knife were much sharper than PersonY's, because _ had grown up in a kitchen around many chefs. \nSentence 2: PersonX's skills with a knife were much sharper than PersonY's, because _ had grown up in a library around many scholars."} {"input": "Context Word: scratch offs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to buy scratch offs for PersonY whenever they get together, because _ is very generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to buy scratch offs for PersonY whenever they get together and _ is very thankful."} {"input": "Context Word: poetry.", "output": "Sentence 1: After working all night to finish the poem, PersonX asked PersonY to critique his poetry because _ was not a skilled writer. \nSentence 2: After working all night to finish the poem, PersonX asked PersonY to critique his poetry because _ was a skilled writer."} {"input": "Context Word: poetry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to read the poetry that PersonY wrote, as _ had great appreciation of metaphors. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to read the poetry that PersonY wrote, as _ had great talent at metaphors."} {"input": "Context Word: Piglet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is less interested in farm animals than PersonY, so _ doesn't feed the piglet when given the chance. \nSentence 2: PersonX is less interested in farm animals than PersonY, so _ feeds the piglet when given the chance."} {"input": "Context Word: fill.", "output": "Sentence 1: It took another hour for PersonX to fill the tank with water as compared with PersonY because _ worked very slowly. \nSentence 2: It took another hour for PersonX to fill the tank with water as compared with PersonY because _ worked very quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: burned.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidentally burned PersonY with a hot pan. _ felt very sorry and offered medical aid. \nSentence 2: PersonX accidentally burned PersonY with a hot pan. _ felt lots of pain and accepted medical aid."} {"input": "Context Word: burned.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's home just burned down, but luckily PersonY's was spared. So, now _ is homeless. \nSentence 2: PersonX's home just burned down, but luckily PersonY's was spared. So, now _ is grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: colorful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's wardrobe is much more vibrant than PersonY's because _ likes to wear colorful garments. \nSentence 2: PersonX's wardrobe is much more vibrant than PersonY's because _ doesn't like to wear colorful garments."} {"input": "Context Word: motorbike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX crashed their motorbike into the wall and PersonY ran over to check on them. _ was not a medic. \nSentence 2: PersonX crashed their motorbike into the wall and PersonY ran over to check on them. _ was needed a medic."} {"input": "Context Word: worried.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got worried more often than PersonY did because _ had issues with anxiety and depression. \nSentence 2: PersonX got worried less often than PersonY did because _ had issues with anxiety and depression."} {"input": "Context Word: worried.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried about PersonY, because _ had no idea where they were or what they were doing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried about PersonY, because _ gave no information about where they were or what they were doing."} {"input": "Context Word: sunburn.", "output": "Sentence 1: Avoiding a bad sunburn was easier for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had remembered to bring sunscreen. \nSentence 2: Avoiding a bad sunburn was easier for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had forgotten to bring sunscreen."} {"input": "Context Word: sunburn.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX remembered to reapply sunscreen, but PersonY forgot, _ had a very mild sunburn at the end of their day at the beach. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX remembered to reapply sunscreen, but PersonY forgot, _ had a very bad sunburn at the end of their day at the beach."} {"input": "Context Word: sunburn.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting a sunburn is a possibility for PersonX but not PersonY because _ uses zero sunscreen. \nSentence 2: Getting a sunburn is a possibility for PersonX but not PersonY since _ uses level 50 sunscreen."} {"input": "Context Word: sunburn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never got a sunburn, while PersonY burned even when wearing sunscreen, because _ had fair skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX never got a sunburn, while PersonY burned even when wearing sunscreen, because _ had dark skin."} {"input": "Context Word: sunburn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from sunburn for staying out in the sun too long, while PersonY stayed inside. _ had trouble dealing with the sunburn. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from sunburn for staying out in the sun too long, while PersonY stayed inside. _ had no problems concerning the sunburn."} {"input": "Context Word: sunburn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sunburned while PersonY stayed in the shade so _ put aloe vera on their on face. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sunburned while PersonY stayed in the shade so _ put nothing on their on face."} {"input": "Context Word: sunburn.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sunburn was a problem for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had very a very fair skin tone. \nSentence 2: Sunburn was a problem for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had very a very dark skin tone."} {"input": "Context Word: smiled.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smiled more often than PersonY because _ was in a good mood all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX smiled more often than PersonY because _ was in a bad mood all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: figs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The figs that PersonX grows don't taste nearly as good as PersonY's, so _ uses cheaper fertilizer. \nSentence 2: The figs that PersonX grows don't taste nearly as good as PersonY's, so _ uses expensive fertilizer."} {"input": "Context Word: glow party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had fun at the glow party, though PersonY did not because _ loves glow parties. \nSentence 2: PersonX had fun at the glow party, though PersonY did not even though _ loves glow parties."} {"input": "Context Word: marketing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Developing marketing campaigns came easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had extensive experience. \nSentence 2: Developing marketing campaigns came easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had insufficient experience."} {"input": "Context Word: marketing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she had studied marketing in school, because _ she couldn't remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she had studied marketing in school, but _ she couldn't remember."} {"input": "Context Word: marketing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX left the marketing details to PersonY in their fashion business, as _ was incompetent in this area. \nSentence 2: PersonX left the marketing details to PersonY in their fashion business, as _ was outstanding in this area."} {"input": "Context Word: marketing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put their marketing degree to better use than PersonY, therefore _ was able to sell the house in just 2 days. \nSentence 2: PersonX put their marketing degree to better use than PersonY, therefore _ was not able to sell the house for 6 months."} {"input": "Context Word: marketing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the better marketing consultant for the company than PersonY because _ loved talking to people. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the better marketing consultant for the company than PersonY because _ hated talking to people."} {"input": "Context Word: marketing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The business of PersonX did better than the one of PersonY because _ did more marketing. \nSentence 2: The business of PersonX did worse than the one of PersonY because _ did more marketing."} {"input": "Context Word: yams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being shown how to bake yams by PersonY because _ is a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being shown how to bake yams by PersonY because _ is a parent."} {"input": "Context Word: animator.", "output": "Sentence 1: The animator PersonX was mentoring PersonY in the craft, since _ had so much experience to share. \nSentence 2: The animator PersonX was mentoring PersonY in the craft, since _ had so much experience to absorb."} {"input": "Context Word: arms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has smaller arms than PersonY does because _ can barely make it to the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX has smaller arms than PersonY does because _ can regularly make it to the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: arms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was determined to get bigger arms than PersonY, because _ was always competitive with friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX was determined to get bigger arms than PersonY, but _ wasn't really competitive with friends."} {"input": "Context Word: eligible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was eligible for a promotion from PersonY next week, and _ finally got the promotion. \nSentence 2: PersonX was eligible for a promotion from PersonY next week, and _ finally gave the promotion."} {"input": "Context Word: eligible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more of an eligible bachelor than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about finding a wife. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more of an eligible bachelor than PersonY, so _ started to worry about finding a wife."} {"input": "Context Word: eligible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't eligible for a raise, because PersonY said they missed too much work, so _ was angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't eligible for a raise, because PersonY said they missed too much work, so _ was stern."} {"input": "Context Word: dresser.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could hide stuff from PersonY on top of the dresser, because _ was much taller than it. \nSentence 2: PersonX could hide stuff from PersonY on top of the dresser, because _ was much shorter than it."} {"input": "Context Word: dresser.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went through her dresser looking for a sweater; when she couldn't find one, PersonY lent her one. _ was appreciative. \nSentence 2: PersonX went through her dresser looking for a sweater; when she couldn't find one, PersonY lent her one. _ was appreciated."} {"input": "Context Word: worth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always envied PersonY for their wealth, as _ had significantly less financial net worth. \nSentence 2: PersonX always envied PersonY for their wealth, as _ had significantly more financial net worth."} {"input": "Context Word: Save.", "output": "Sentence 1: Investing in the stock market suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was able to save more money. \nSentence 2: Investing in the stock market suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not able to save more money."} {"input": "Context Word: stretched.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX stretched before their run and PersonY didn't, _ got a cramp and had to stop. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX stretched before their run and PersonY didn't, _ got a cramp and had to stop."} {"input": "Context Word: stretched.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stretched the material in the pants less than PersonY did because _ was thinner in size. \nSentence 2: PersonX stretched the material in the pants less than PersonY did because _ was bigger in size."} {"input": "Context Word: black.", "output": "Sentence 1: Black walls in the room suit PersonX more than PersonY due to _ having a dark personality. \nSentence 2: Black walls in the room suit PersonX more than PersonY due to _ having a cheerful personality."} {"input": "Context Word: black.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to use a lint roller more than PersonY because _ wears way more black clothing. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to use a lint roller more than PersonY because _ wears way less black clothing."} {"input": "Context Word: black.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to paint his bedroom black. PersonY said he would reget it soon because it's a poor choice. _ liked the dark color. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to paint his bedroom black. PersonY said he would reget it soon because it's a poor choice. _ preferred the lighter colors."} {"input": "Context Word: black.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's favorite color is black and PersonY's favorite color is orange because _ likes nighttime. \nSentence 2: PersonX's favorite color is black and PersonY's favorite color is orange because _ hates nighttime."} {"input": "Context Word: black.", "output": "Sentence 1: While working, PersonX has to wear black shoes, but PersonY can wear any type. _ is likely a lawyer. \nSentence 2: While working, PersonX has to wear black shoes, but PersonY can wear any type. _ is likely a painter."} {"input": "Context Word: Mainstream.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mainstream media is a interesting topic at work for PersonX and PersonY, _ often is more knowledgeable about men in the entertainment industry. \nSentence 2: Mainstream media is a interesting topic at work for PersonX and PersonY, _ often is more knowledgeable about women in the entertainment industry."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing knots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is taught lots of fishing knots by PersonY, because _ is a beginner when it comes to fishing. \nSentence 2: PersonX is taught lots of fishing knots by PersonY, because _ is an old hand when it comes to fishing."} {"input": "Context Word: seizures.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was treating PersonY's seizures so _ spent time answering questions on how to take care of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was treating PersonY's seizures so _ spent time asking questions on how to take care of it."} {"input": "Context Word: copyrighted.", "output": "Sentence 1: The their stole PersonX's book but not PersonY's because _ failed to get their book copyrighted. \nSentence 2: The their stole PersonX's book but not PersonY's because _ prevailed to get their book copyrighted."} {"input": "Context Word: management.", "output": "Sentence 1: A career in business management suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to business school. \nSentence 2: A career in business management suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone to business school."} {"input": "Context Word: management.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the same company, PersonX gets paid less than PersonY because _ doesn't hold a management position. \nSentence 2: At the same company, PersonX gets paid less than PersonY because _ holds a management position."} {"input": "Context Word: management.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a role in upper management in the corporation but PersonY did not, because _ had a graduate degree. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a role in upper management in the corporation but PersonY did not, because _ had no degree."} {"input": "Context Word: management.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was considering PersonY for a management position but _ was a harder worker at the company. \nSentence 2: PersonX was considering PersonY for a management position because _ was a harder worker at the company."} {"input": "Context Word: management.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really smart with their money management but PersonY wasn't, so _ expected to have a nice retirement fund. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really smart with their money management but PersonY wasn't, so _ expected to have a small retirement fund."} {"input": "Context Word: management.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sick and tired of PersonY's management of the company, because _ was always being victimized. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sick and tired of PersonY's management of the company, because _ was always being inappropriate."} {"input": "Context Word: speeches.", "output": "Sentence 1: For his job, PersonX writes grand speeches for PersonY. So, in their relationship, _ is the speechwriter. \nSentence 2: For his job, PersonX writes grand speeches for PersonY. So, in their relationship, _ is the politician."} {"input": "Context Word: speeches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to give speeches to large groups but PersonY doesn't because _ is a show-off. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to give speeches to large groups but PersonY doesn't because _ is very shy."} {"input": "Context Word: speeches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX writes the numerous great speeches for PersonY because _ 's job is speech writer. \nSentence 2: PersonX writes the numerous great speeches for PersonY because _ 's job is a politician."} {"input": "Context Word: cigar.", "output": "Sentence 1: At a party PersonX lit a cigar but PersonY did not because _ was feeling happy. \nSentence 2: At a party PersonX lit a cigar but PersonY did not because _ was feeling sad."} {"input": "Context Word: cigar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smokes and PersonY doesn't smoke so _ bought a cigar at the cigar shop yesterday. \nSentence 2: PersonX smokes and PersonY doesn't smoke so _ bought nothing at the cigar shop yesterday."} {"input": "Context Word: cigar.", "output": "Sentence 1: The health of PersonX was weaker than that of PersonY due to _ being a cigar smoker. \nSentence 2: The health of PersonX was stronger than that of PersonY due to _ being a cigar smoker."} {"input": "Context Word: hero.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a writter and wants to create an epic hero so he asks for his role model PersonY's help, because _ wants to improve himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a writter and wants to create an epic hero so he asks for his role model PersonY's help, because _ is a professional writer."} {"input": "Context Word: device.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to use their device for longer than PersonY because _ remembered to bring their charger. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to use their device for longer than PersonY because _ forgot to bring their charger."} {"input": "Context Word: panpipes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is assigning PersonY with the job of collecting the panpipes, _ is team leader in band class. \nSentence 2: PersonX is assigning PersonY with the job of collecting the panpipes, _ is a flute player in band class."} {"input": "Context Word: behind his back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke the trust between him and PersonY, when _ met a girl they both liked and went crazy behind his back. \nSentence 2: PersonX was betrayed by PersonY, when _ met a girl they both liked and went crazy behind his back."} {"input": "Context Word: sugaring.", "output": "Sentence 1: A new way of getting rid of unwanted hair came out called \"sugaring\" and PersonX went for it, while PersonY did not bc _ liked trying the new way. \nSentence 2: A new way of getting rid of unwanted hair came out called \"sugaring\" and PersonX went for it, while PersonY did not bc _ liked sticking with the old way."} {"input": "Context Word: dispose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to dispose of his water before entering unlike PersonY because _ cup was full. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to dispose of his water before entering unlike PersonY because _ cup was empty."} {"input": "Context Word: dispose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to dispose of their rubbish promptly but PersonY did not because _ was very neat. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to dispose of their rubbish promptly but PersonY did not because _ was very untidy."} {"input": "Context Word: commercial.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the audition for the commercial, PersonX gives a bad performance, and PersonY gets the part, so _ is vengeful. \nSentence 2: At the audition for the commercial, PersonX gives a bad performance, and PersonY gets the part, so _ is satisfied."} {"input": "Context Word: commercial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got hired for the commercial instead of PersonY _ had a regular all American look. \nSentence 2: PersonX got hired for the commercial instead of PersonY _ had a strange all American look."} {"input": "Context Word: novice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had only just begun and PersonY had been doing it for years, so _ was a novice in comparison. \nSentence 2: PersonX had only just begun and PersonY had been doing it for years, so _ was a no longer a novice."} {"input": "Context Word: vacation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going on vacation was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not earn a lot of money. \nSentence 2: Going on vacation was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ earned a lot of money."} {"input": "Context Word: vacation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to go to the beach on vacation but PersonY liked to go to the mountains. _ booked a trip to Miami. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to go to the beach on vacation but PersonY liked to go to the mountains. _ booked a trip to Denver."} {"input": "Context Word: vacation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to go on a vacation with her best friend PersonY, because _ won two plane tickets. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to go on a vacation with her best friend PersonY, because _ is her best friend."} {"input": "Context Word: vacation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to afford a luxury vacation, but PersonY stayed home, because _ earned a much smaller salary. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to afford a luxury vacation, but PersonY stayed home, because _ earned a much larger salary."} {"input": "Context Word: vacation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to enjoy the vacation time more than PersonY because _ really liked the beach. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to enjoy the vacation time more than PersonY because _ did not really like the beach."} {"input": "Context Word: vacation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went on a vacation in the winter while PersonY went during the summer, because _ loves the cold weather. \nSentence 2: PersonX went on a vacation in the winter while PersonY went during the summer, because _ loves the hot weather."} {"input": "Context Word: vacation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Planning a week long vacation suits PersonX but not PersonY because _ is experienced in traveling. \nSentence 2: Planning a week long vacation suits PersonX but not PersonY because _ is inexperienced in traveling."} {"input": "Context Word: Classic game show.", "output": "Sentence 1: Classic game show PersonX invited a people over for dinner including PersonY, _ was surprised that know one showed up. \nSentence 2: Classic game show PersonX invited a people over for dinner including PersonY, _ was not surprised that know one was going to showing up."} {"input": "Context Word: summer camp.", "output": "Sentence 1: The summer camp counselor, PersonX, gave lessons to PersonY because _ was a great instructor. \nSentence 2: The summer camp counselor, PersonX, gave lessons to PersonY because _ was an eager student."} {"input": "Context Word: flossing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX refused to floss while PersonY was flossing daily, _ had many cavities when they visited the dentist. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX refused to floss while PersonY was flossing daily, _ had zero cavities when they visited the dentist."} {"input": "Context Word: furnishings.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to furnishings, PersonX decided on the fabric while PersonY watched, because _ worked as a decorator. \nSentence 2: When it came to furnishings, PersonX decided on the fabric while PersonY watched, because _ worked as a doctor.."} {"input": "Context Word: severe.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the wreck, PersonX was taken to the hospital while PersonY wasn't because _ sustained more severe injuries. \nSentence 2: After the wreck, PersonX was taken to the hospital while PersonY wasn't because _ sustained less severe injuries."} {"input": "Context Word: severe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX subjected PersonY to a severe punishment after _ found out about all of the bank robberies. \nSentence 2: PersonX subjected PersonY to a severe punishment after _ committed all of the bank robberies."} {"input": "Context Word: bank.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX was better at running a business than PersonY, _ often forgot to do bank paperwork. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX was worse at running a business than PersonY, _ never forgot to do bank paperwork."} {"input": "Context Word: bank.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Monday afternoon, PersonX asked PersonY for a ride to the bank because _ had important business to attend to. \nSentence 2: On Monday afternoon, PersonX asked PersonY for a ride to the bank but _ had important business to attend to."} {"input": "Context Word: bank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for a ride to the bank as _ didn't have a car. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for a ride to the bank as _ had a brand new car."} {"input": "Context Word: bank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for a ride to the bank because _ did not have a drivers license. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for a ride to the bank because _ had a drivers license."} {"input": "Context Word: bank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed going to the bank to work with their accounts but PersonY avoided it, since _ had their finances under control. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed going to the bank to work with their accounts but PersonY avoided it, since _ had their finances out of control."} {"input": "Context Word: bank.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a business better suited PersonX and not PersonY although _ always got confused at the bank. \nSentence 2: Running a business better suited PersonX and not PersonY although _ always got what they wanted at the bank."} {"input": "Context Word: bank.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a business better suited PersonX than PersonY but _ frequently forgot to submit bank records on time. \nSentence 2: Running a business better suited PersonX than PersonY but _ rarely forgot to submit bank records on time."} {"input": "Context Word: bank.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bank of PersonX was more reliable than that of PersonY, because _ bank was trusted more. \nSentence 2: The bank of PersonX was more shady than that of PersonY, because _ bank was trusted more."} {"input": "Context Word: dandruff.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to wash PersonY's hair at the hair salon because _ did not like dandruff. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to wash PersonY's hair at the hair salon although _ did not have dandruff."} {"input": "Context Word: dandruff.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a bad case of dandruff but PersonY didn't. _ bought some special shampoo. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a bad case of dandruff but PersonY didn't. _ bought some regular shampoo."} {"input": "Context Word: dandruff.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the worst dandruff the dermatologist PersonY had ever seen, so _ needed a medicated shampoo. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the worst dandruff the dermatologist PersonY had ever seen, so _ prescribed a medicated shampoo."} {"input": "Context Word: dandruff.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has bad dandruff, but PersonY has never had that issue. _ lives in a dryer climate. \nSentence 2: PersonX has bad dandruff, but PersonY has never had that issue. _ lives in a wetter climate."} {"input": "Context Word: dandruff.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more fashionable than PersonY but _ always was concerned about leaving dandruff on their shirts. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more fashionable than PersonY because _ always was concerned about leaving dandruff on their shirts."} {"input": "Context Word: dandruff.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's scalp was dry and full of dandruff, while PersonY's was very healthy. _ needed better quality shampoo. \nSentence 2: PersonX's scalp was dry and full of dandruff, while PersonY's was very healthy. _ used high quality shampoo."} {"input": "Context Word: dandruff.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonXs dandruff was out of control, so PersonY offered to help them fix the issue. _ was thrilled after seeing the results. \nSentence 2: PersonXs dandruff was out of control, so PersonY offered to help them fix the issue. _ was relieved after seeing the results."} {"input": "Context Word: dandruff.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dandruff in PersonX's hair is more substantial than PersonY because _ never takes care of his hair. \nSentence 2: The dandruff in PersonX's hair is more unsubstantial than PersonY because _ never takes care of his hair."} {"input": "Context Word: dandruff.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing dark suit coats in the winter suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no problems with dandruff. \nSentence 2: Wearing dark suit coats in the winter suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had problems with dandruff."} {"input": "Context Word: recover.", "output": "Sentence 1: It takes PersonX a longer time to recover than PersonY because _ is a lot older and weaker. \nSentence 2: It takes PersonX a shorter time to recover than PersonY because _ is a lot older and weaker."} {"input": "Context Word: recover.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to recover from the financial setback because _ had a nest egg saved up. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to recover from the financial setback because _ did not have a nest egg saved up."} {"input": "Context Word: recover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not take a long time to recover from their cold but PersonY did. This was because _ was a lot more healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not take a long time to recover from their cold but PersonY did. This was because _ was a lot more unhealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: recover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't believe PersonY would ever recover from being paralyzed so _ was shocked when she stood up. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't believe PersonY would ever recover from being paralyzed so she was shocked when _ stood up."} {"input": "Context Word: recover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to recently recover from a stroke unlike PersonY because _ was living an unhealthy lifestyle. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to recently recover from a stroke unlike PersonY because _ was living a healthy lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: recover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX managed to recover from the flu very quickly but PersonY did not. This is because _ had a very strong immune system. \nSentence 2: PersonX managed to recover from the flu very quickly but PersonY did not. This is because _ had a very weak immune system."} {"input": "Context Word: recover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed the night at PersonY's house because _ wanted to help her recover after the surgery. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed the night at PersonY's house because _ needed help to recover after the surgery."} {"input": "Context Word: recover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to recover from the flu faster than PersonY, because _ had a healthy immune system. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to recover from the flu faster than PersonY, because _ did not have a healthy immune system."} {"input": "Context Word: Bedwetting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having trouble with Bedwetting but PersonY wasn't, so _ bought some rubber sheets. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having trouble with Bedwetting but PersonY wasn't, so _ bought some silk sheets."} {"input": "Context Word: toilet bowl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a water filtration system but not PersonY because _ toilet bowl had rust-colored water. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a water filtration system but not PersonY because _ toilet bowl water was clear."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: A fresh bouquet of flowers made PersonX's day while PersonY thought they were a waste. _ thought it was money well spent. \nSentence 2: A fresh bouquet of flowers made PersonX's day while PersonY thought they were a waste. _ thought it money squandered."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was allergic to flowers and PersonY was not, _ hated having flowers in the house even though she thought they were pretty. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was allergic to flowers and PersonY was not, _ loved having flowers in the house because she thought they were pretty."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the garden, PersonX is having more success with growing flowers than PersonY due to _ using a strong fertilizer. \nSentence 2: In the garden, PersonX is having more success with growing flowers than PersonY due to _ using a weak fertilizer."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Valentine's Day, PersonX receives no flowers, but PersonY gets a lot. _ is probably single. \nSentence 2: On Valentine's Day, PersonX receives no flowers, but PersonY gets a lot. _ is probably dating someone."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to plant flowers And has recruited PersonY to help, _ needs help with small projects. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to plant flowers And has recruited PersonY to help, _ likes to help with small projects."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave flowers to PersonY because _ wanted to ask them out on a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX received flowers from PersonY because _ wanted to ask them out on a date."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew bigger flowers than PersonY because _ worked hard in the garden to prepare the soil. before the seeds were planted. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew smaller flowers than PersonY because _ worked in the garden to prepare the soil before the seeds were planted."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grows flowers that are much bigger than the ones of PersonY because _ uses fertilizer. \nSentence 2: PersonX grows flowers that are much smaller than the ones of PersonY because _ uses fertilizer."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a florist in a big shop, PersonY is not therefore _ is an expert on flowers. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a florist in a big shop, PersonY is not therefore _ is not an expert on flowers."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is cooking dinner for PersonY and has to choose edible flowers, because _ wants to impress her. \nSentence 2: PersonX is cooking dinner for PersonY and has to choose edible flowers, because _ wants to have nice meal."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is shown how to make flowers out of toilet paper by PersonY. _ is new to crafting. \nSentence 2: PersonX is shown how to make flowers out of toilet paper by PersonY. _ is experienced at crafting."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knocked on PersonY's door to deliver the flowers, but there was no answer. _ was saddened. \nSentence 2: PersonX knocked on PersonY's door to deliver the flowers, but there was no answer. _ was out at work."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received flowers from PersonY for her birthday since _ really enjoyed having fresh flowers in her home. \nSentence 2: PersonX sent flowers to PersonY for her birthday since she knew that _ really enjoyed having fresh flowers in her home."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to keep flowers alive longer than PersonY because _ had a green thumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to keep flowers alive longer than PersonY because _ had a black thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was romantic and loved to receive flowers, but PersonY wasn't as romantic. _ thought flowers were an expression of love. \nSentence 2: PersonX was romantic and loved to receive flowers, but PersonY wasn't as romantic. _ thought flowers were a waste of money."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very sorry and bought PersonY a large bunch of flowers. _ thought that was enough to fix things between them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very sorry and bought PersonY a large bunch of flowers. _ thought that wasn't enough to fix things between them."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Picking up fresh flowers from the farmer's market was a must for PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed the colors and smells. \nSentence 2: Picking up fresh flowers from the farmer's market was a must for PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated the colors and smells."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Purchasing live flowers for her home suited PersonX more than PersonY since _ had no struggles with allergies. \nSentence 2: Purchasing live flowers for her home suited PersonX more than PersonY since _ had many struggles with allergies."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The florist sold flowers to PersonX but refused to sell them to PersonY because _ remembered to bring their wallet. \nSentence 2: The florist sold flowers to PersonX but refused to sell them to PersonY because _ forgot to bring their wallet."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The flowers in the garden of PersonX were prettier than PersonY's because _ put a lot of effort into tending the garden. \nSentence 2: The flowers in the garden of PersonX were prettier than PersonY's because _ put very little effort into tending the garden."} {"input": "Context Word: flowers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The flowers were perfect for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was not allergic to them. \nSentence 2: The flowers were perfect for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was allergic to them."} {"input": "Context Word: burning.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was a huge bonfire burning at PersonX's house, his neighbor PersonY called the police, annoying _ . \nSentence 2: There was a huge bonfire burning at PersonX's house, his neighbor PersonY called the police, satisfying _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: lights.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always made sure to turn off the lights but not PersonY because _ believed in climate change. \nSentence 2: PersonX always made sure to turn off the lights but not PersonY because _ doubted climate change."} {"input": "Context Word: lights.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to turn the lights out because _ wanted to go to sleep. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to turn the lights out but _ did not want to go to sleep."} {"input": "Context Word: Tie a Windsor Knot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he knows how to tie a windsor knot, because _ had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he knows how to tie a windsor knot, but _ had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: gemstone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is surprising PersonY with a gemstone for her birthday so _ has a nervous look on their face. \nSentence 2: PersonX is surprising PersonY with a gemstone for her birthday so _ has a surprised look on their face."} {"input": "Context Word: gemstone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went cheap on the gemstone present for PersonY and _ was yelled at for being a cheapskate. \nSentence 2: PersonX went cheap on the gemstone present for PersonY and _ was understanding about being a cheapskate."} {"input": "Context Word: gemstone.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ring had a large gemstone, which amazed PersonX but not PersonY, since _ had always been interested in geology. \nSentence 2: The ring had a large gemstone, which amazed PersonX but not PersonY, since _ had never been interested in geology."} {"input": "Context Word: bench.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the last seat on the bench, even though PersonY needed it more, because _ was greedy. \nSentence 2: PersonX took the last seat on the bench, even though PersonY needed it more, because _ was in pain."} {"input": "Context Word: park.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX takes PersonY for a fun day at the amusement park because _ is a parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX takes PersonY for a fun day at the amusement park because _ is a child."} {"input": "Context Word: antibiotics.", "output": "Sentence 1: Strep throat was circulating at work, so PersonX went to the doctor and got antibiotics while PersonY did not so _ got over it quickly. \nSentence 2: Strep throat was circulating at work, so PersonX went to the doctor and got antibiotics while PersonY did not so _ got over it slowly."} {"input": "Context Word: atlas stone.", "output": "Sentence 1: The atlas stone was so heavy, PersonX gave themselves a hernia while competing against PersonY and _ lost the competition. \nSentence 2: The atlas stone was so heavy, PersonX gave themselves a victory while competing against PersonY when _ got a hernia."} {"input": "Context Word: protein.", "output": "Sentence 1: I was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to build muscle because _ worked out and ate a diet full of protein. \nSentence 2: I was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to build muscle because _ had not worked out and had not eaten a diet full of protein."} {"input": "Context Word: protein.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been eating lots of nuts and meat, while PersonY goes for fruits and veggies. _ has a diet that's protein filled. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been eating lots of nuts and meat, while PersonY goes for fruits and veggies. _ has a diet that's lacking protein."} {"input": "Context Word: protein.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recommended a high protein diet to PersonY , even though _ was more ignorant about nutrition than she was. \nSentence 2: PersonX recommended a high protein diet to PersonY , even though _ was more knowledgeable about nutrition than she was."} {"input": "Context Word: protein.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was on a high protein diet recommended by PersonY because _ wanted to lose weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was on a high protein diet recommended by PersonY because _ wanted him to lose weight."} {"input": "Context Word: protein.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked out more than PersonY so _ was able to not gain weight while drinking protein. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked out more than PersonY so _ was able to gain weight while drinking protein."} {"input": "Context Word: protein.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's protein pancakes tasted horrible unlike PersonY because _ forgot to add in sugar before cooking. \nSentence 2: PersonX's protein pancakes tasted horrible unlike PersonY because _ remembered to add in sugar before cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: protein.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor suggested that PersonX but not PersonY add more protein to their diet because _ ate plenty. \nSentence 2: The doctor suggested that PersonX but not PersonY add more protein to their diet because _ didn't eat enough."} {"input": "Context Word: protein.", "output": "Sentence 1: When diagnosed with kidney issues, PersonX got better while PersonY got worse due to _ cutting their protein intake. \nSentence 2: When diagnosed with kidney issues, PersonX got better while PersonY got worse due to _ increasing their protein intake."} {"input": "Context Word: concealer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cares about concealer and makeup much more than PersonY, so _ is likely more materialistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX cares about concealer and makeup much more than PersonY, so _ is likely more down-to-earth."} {"input": "Context Word: crises.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX reacts brave during difficult times and times of crises unlike PersonY because _ is trained in those situations. \nSentence 2: PersonX reacts scared during difficult times and times of crises unlike PersonY because _ is trained in those situations."} {"input": "Context Word: Repairing scratches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX who owns a repair shop and PersonY a doctor took a class on repairing scratches in appliances, _ found it very useful. \nSentence 2: PersonX who owns a repair shop and PersonY a doctor took a class on repairing scratches in appliances, _ found it very useless."} {"input": "Context Word: character.", "output": "Sentence 1: A new character for the story requested PersonX to PersonY, _ is in charge of all the character designers. \nSentence 2: A new character for the story requested PersonX to PersonY, _ is one of the character designers."} {"input": "Context Word: character.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got into character for the play by practicing with PersonY; _ prepared for her debut. \nSentence 2: PersonX got into character for the play by practicing with PersonY; _ proud to watch her debut."} {"input": "Context Word: character.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more struggles growing up than PersonY, so when asked to create a character based on their childhood experiences, the character _ created about was more interesting. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more struggles growing up than PersonY, so when asked to create a character based on their childhood experiences, the character _ created about was less interesting."} {"input": "Context Word: character.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a serious individual while PersonY was a humorous character often making jokes. _ did not laugh at their jokes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a serious individual while PersonY was a humorous character often making jokes. _ laughed at their own jokes."} {"input": "Context Word: character.", "output": "Sentence 1: The character created by PersonX is better known than the one created by PersonY since _ is a world famous author. \nSentence 2: The character created by PersonX is better known than the one created by PersonY since _ is an unknown author."} {"input": "Context Word: character.", "output": "Sentence 1: Writing a book better situated PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was able to put themselves in the heads of their character. \nSentence 2: Writing a book better situated PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was unable to put themselves in the heads of their character."} {"input": "Context Word: varieties of oysters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was amazed at the varieties of oysters PersonY offered at her restaurant, _ loved eating oysters. \nSentence 2: PersonX was amazed at the varieties of oysters PersonY offered at her restaurant, _ loved to sell oysters."} {"input": "Context Word: Eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The eyes of PersonX were failing. They asked PersonY if they could fix them, but _ was out of luck. \nSentence 2: The eyes of PersonX were failing. They asked PersonY if they could fix them, and _ was in luck."} {"input": "Context Word: Apricots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX love the flavor of apricots but PersonY like plums better. _ couldn't wait for apricot season. \nSentence 2: PersonX love the flavor of apricots but PersonY like plums better. _ couldn't wait for plum season."} {"input": "Context Word: feminine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very feminine male, and PersonY was a bigot, so _ tried to avoid them as often as possible. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very feminine male, and PersonY was a bigot, so _ tried to torment them as often as possible."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having healthy hair Is important to PersonX but PersonY is not concerned about it, _ likes to take of themselves. \nSentence 2: Having healthy hair Is important to PersonX but PersonY is not concerned about it, _ hates to to take of themselves."} {"input": "Context Word: emu.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought an emu from PersonY and needs help, because _ knows nothing about emus. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought an emu from PersonY and needs help, because _ knows a lot about emus."} {"input": "Context Word: jars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got the jars out for PersonY because _ was helping out in the processing of making preserves. \nSentence 2: PersonX got the jars out for PersonY because _ was starting out in the processing of making preserves."} {"input": "Context Word: unchecked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went far too long being unchecked by PersonY, so _ finally put their foot down. \nSentence 2: PersonX went far too long being unchecked by PersonY, so _ constantly put their impulses first."} {"input": "Context Word: french kiss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he could practice a french kiss on her, because _ had never done it before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he could practice a french kiss on her, but _ had never done it before."} {"input": "Context Word: relative.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX invited relatives over for Christmas and PersonY did not, _ ate with family at home. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX invited relatives over for Christmas and PersonY did not, _ ate alone at home."} {"input": "Context Word: water balloon.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the summer, PersonX and PersonY visit the beach and toss water balloons which is _ 's favorite activity. \nSentence 2: During the summer, PersonX and PersonY visit the beach and toss water balloons which is _ 's hated activity."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing lure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had better fishing lure than PersonY; when they went fishing together, _ caught more fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX had better fishing lure than PersonY; when they went fishing together, _ caught fewer fish."} {"input": "Context Word: instruments.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to play more instruments than PersonY could because _ took more lessons. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to play more instruments than PersonY could although _ took more lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: checkup.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the clinic for a checkup unlike PersonY because _ loves seeing the doctors for advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the clinic for a checkup unlike PersonY because _ hates seeing the doctors for advice."} {"input": "Context Word: ant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY to handle their ant infestation so _ paid the other after it was done. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY to handle their ant infestation so _ accepted payment from the other after it was done."} {"input": "Context Word: ant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having an ant problem and hates bugs so called PersonY for help since _ is fearful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having an ant problem and hates bugs so called PersonY for help since _ is fearless."} {"input": "Context Word: ant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more outdoorsy than PersonY, so _ loved sitting on the ground and watching active ant colonies. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more outdoorsy than PersonY, so _ disliked sitting on the ground and watching active ant colonies."} {"input": "Context Word: potato.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had so many extra potato plants that she gave some to PersonY, because _ liked to encourage gardening. \nSentence 2: PersonX had so many extra potato plants that she gave some to PersonY, because _ wanted to learn how to do gardening."} {"input": "Context Word: potato.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes a potato with their steak but PersonY prefers rice so _ ordered a baked potato with their meal. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes a potato with their steak but PersonY prefers rice so _ ordered rice pilaf with their meal."} {"input": "Context Word: hotels.", "output": "Sentence 1: For business, PersonX stays in cheap motels all the time, while PersonY frequents classy hotels. Therefore, _ is probably a more downtrodden salesman. \nSentence 2: For business, PersonX stays in cheap motels all the time, while PersonY frequents classy hotels. Therefore, _ is probably a more respectable salesman."} {"input": "Context Word: decorated.", "output": "Sentence 1: The home of PersonX was more comfortable than the home of PersonY because _ had a better decorated home. \nSentence 2: The home of PersonX was less comfortable than the home of PersonY because _ had a better decorated home."} {"input": "Context Word: decorated.", "output": "Sentence 1: The old room was being decorated by PersonX but not PersonY because _ wants a fresh look. \nSentence 2: The old room was being decorated by PersonX but not PersonY because _ wants the same look."} {"input": "Context Word: Nap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't sleep well at night but PersonY slept like a baby. _ often needed a nap every afternoon. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't sleep well at night but PersonY slept like a baby. _ rarely needed a nap every afternoon."} {"input": "Context Word: bullies.", "output": "Sentence 1: Bullies usually left PersonX alone but bothered PersonY because _ was really very physically strong. \nSentence 2: Bullies usually left PersonX alone but bothered PersonY because _ was really very physically weak."} {"input": "Context Word: Toilet Paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx buys much more toilet paper than persony does because _ kids are more wasteful. \nSentence 2: Personx buys much more toilet paper than persony does because _ kids are less wasteful."} {"input": "Context Word: apply several coats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a darker shade of paint than PersonY so _ had to apply several coats. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a darker shade of paint than PersonY so _ didn't have to apply several coats."} {"input": "Context Word: podcasts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed podcasts more than TV while PersonY was the opposite, since _ was blind. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed podcasts more than TV while PersonY was the opposite, since _ was deaf."} {"input": "Context Word: landscape.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always helped out, every summer PersonY, with her flower landscape and flower beds, as _ is helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX always helped out, every summer PersonY, with her flower landscape and flower beds, as _ is grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: landscape.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked at her phone while PersonY took pictures of the landscape because _ was unimpressed by the view. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked at her phone while PersonY took pictures of the landscape because _ was impressed by the view."} {"input": "Context Word: collar bone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was nervous about wearing the dress because it exposed her collar bone, but PersonY told her it looked great. _ was acting insecure.. \nSentence 2: PersonX was nervous about wearing the dress because it exposed her collar bone, but PersonY told her it looked great. _ was acting helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: lie down.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took her puppy to a training class taught by PersonY to learn how to lie down. _ had a lot of fun at the class. \nSentence 2: PersonX took her puppy to a training class taught by PersonY to learn how to lie down. _ had a lot of fun teaching the class."} {"input": "Context Word: foot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke his foot and expected PersonY to take care of him since _ is demanding. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke his foot and expected PersonY to take care of him since _ is acquiescing."} {"input": "Context Word: foot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke their foot playing ball but PersonY did not. _ had to get a cast on their foot. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke their foot playing ball but PersonY did not. _ didn't have to get a cast on their foot."} {"input": "Context Word: foot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that a foot was a real turn-on but PersonY thought they were gross. _ hated to suck on people's toes. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that a foot was a real turn-on but PersonY thought they were gross. _ liked to suck on people's toes."} {"input": "Context Word: foot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used their foot to trip PersonY, which made _ laugh because it was so funny. \nSentence 2: PersonX used their foot to trip PersonY, which made _ cry because it was so painful."} {"input": "Context Word: foot.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ walks with limp because PersonX injured their foot and PersonY is fine and nothing happened to them. \nSentence 2: So _ walks with balance because PersonX injured their foot and PersonY is fine and nothing happened to them."} {"input": "Context Word: foot.", "output": "Sentence 1: The speedy PersonX could easily beat PersonY in a race, and _ led them by at least a foot length. \nSentence 2: The speedy PersonX could easily beat PersonY in a race, and _ trailed them by at least a foot length."} {"input": "Context Word: intimacy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being in a relationship was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a deep fear of intimacy. \nSentence 2: Being in a relationship was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ was not afraid of intimacy."} {"input": "Context Word: swag.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to party more than PersonY however _ never managed to get the good swag. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to party more than PersonY however _ always managed to get the good swag."} {"input": "Context Word: murmur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was diagnosed with a heart murmur by PersonY so _ asked the other questions about how to treat it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was diagnosed with a heart murmur by PersonY so _ answered the other questions about how to treat it."} {"input": "Context Word: spirits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scared PersonY in the graveyard, because _ said there were a bunch of evil spirits floating around. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scared of PersonY in the graveyard, because _ said there were a bunch of evil spirits floating around."} {"input": "Context Word: spirits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spoke to PersonY because _ could talk to spirits in haunted houses and cemeteries. \nSentence 2: PersonX ignored PersonY because _ could not talk to spirits in haunted houses and cemeteries."} {"input": "Context Word: earning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not earning as much as PersonY at their job. This made _ feel bad. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not earning as much as PersonY at their job. This was ok with _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: wine and cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: After dinner PersonX opted for wine and cheese while PersonY had a brownie. _ had never had a big sweet tooth. \nSentence 2: After dinner PersonX opted for wine and cheese while PersonY had a brownie. _ had always had a big sweet tooth."} {"input": "Context Word: crying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX began crying at the end of a movie. and PersonY laughed loudly so the parents comforted _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX began crying at the end of a movie. and PersonY laughed loudly so the parents reprimanded _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: crying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is crying even though her friend PersonY _ the beauty pageant title out and out. \nSentence 2: PersonX is crying when she realizes her friend PersonY _ the beauty pageant title out and out."} {"input": "Context Word: crying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat down crying before PersonY come to his aid to offer help. _ was helpless. \nSentence 2: PersonX sat down crying before PersonY come to his aid to offer help. _ was helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: crying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was embarrassed for crying in front of PersonY, because _ was ashamed of their emotions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not embarrassed for crying in front of PersonY, because _ was sympathetic to their emotions."} {"input": "Context Word: minister.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an ordained minister and PersonY was not, so _ had to go to church every Sunday. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an ordained minister and PersonY was not, so _ didn't have to go to church every Sunday."} {"input": "Context Word: get rid of hemorrhoids naturally.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY how to get rid of hemorrhoids naturally because _ was an expert in the subject. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY how to get rid of hemorrhoids naturally because _ was a novice in the subject."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always rode their bike ahead of PersonY in traffic, because _ was more confident cycling. \nSentence 2: PersonX always rode their bike behind PersonY in traffic, because _ was more confident cycling."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could ride a mountain bike while PersonY could not because _ had better balance. \nSentence 2: PersonX could ride a mountain bike while PersonY could not because _ had weaker balance."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to remove rust off his bike frame Using Baking Soda , because _ wants to ride with him. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to remove rust off his bike frame Using Baking Soda , because _ seems to be fun to ride with."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX impressed PersonY by doing a wheelie on his BMX bike, _ thought he would be joining him. \nSentence 2: PersonX impressed PersonY by doing a wheelie on his BMX bike, _ was eager to join him."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just got a new bike from PersonY for his Birthday, so _ is very grateful. \nSentence 2: PersonX just got a new bike from PersonY for his Birthday, so _ is very thoughtful."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to ride a bike quicker than PersonY because _ was fearless as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to ride a bike quicker than PersonY because _ was fearful as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to ride a bike however PersonY did not as _ was really very fit. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to ride a bike however PersonY did not as _ was really very unhealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to ride a bike very often but PersonY did not because _ was very energetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to ride a bike very often but PersonY did not because _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to join PersonY on a bike ride, but ( _ ) couldn't go out because she was grounded. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to go on a bike ride, but ( _ ) couldn't go out because she was grounded."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to ride his bike all day long, while PersonY preferred to just lay back and rest, because _ was an active individual. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to ride his bike all day long, while PersonY preferred to just lay back and rest, because _ was a lazy individual."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's bike has a broken chain, so they take it to PersonY. _ is the customer in the situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX's bike has a broken chain, so they take it to PersonY. _ is the repairman in the situation."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bikes of PersonX's kids are older than the ones PersonY just bought. _ has a low salary. \nSentence 2: The bikes of PersonX's kids are older than the ones PersonY just bought. _ has a higher salary."} {"input": "Context Word: bike.", "output": "Sentence 1: The shiny new red bike was exactly what PersonX wanted so PersonY bought it as a gift, then they hugged because _ was so thankful. \nSentence 2: The shiny new red bike was exactly what PersonX wanted so PersonY bought it as a gift, then they hugged because _ was so generous."} {"input": "Context Word: sharks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's greatest fear is sharks, while PersonY is scared of heights, so _ won't go to the beach. \nSentence 2: PersonX's greatest fear is sharks, while PersonY is scared of heights, so _ won't go to the amusement park."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being in a garden is what PersonX loves, while PersonY loves finance. Therefore, _ is likely a gardener. \nSentence 2: Being in a garden is what PersonX loves, while PersonY loves finance. Therefore, _ is likely a banker."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cultivating a garden was of interest to PersonX but not PersonY because _ cared a lot about sustainable living. \nSentence 2: Cultivating a garden was of interest to PersonX but not PersonY because _ could care less about sustainable living."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: Growing a garden was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a big backyard. \nSentence 2: Growing a garden was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a small backyard."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the garden PersonX was far superior to PersonY. _ had taken classes in how to grow plants and what conditions were needed. \nSentence 2: In the garden PersonX was far superior to PersonY. _ wanted to take classes in how to grow plants and what conditions were needed."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always grows a better garden than PersonY, mostly because _ has a natural green thumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX always grows a better garden than PersonY, mostly because _ has a natural black thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they wanted anything from the garden because _ were going out to pick vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they wanted anything from the garden, _ helped to pick vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY wanted to plant a garden in the backyard because _ had a green thumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY wanted to plant a garden in the backyard because _ had a black thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was attacked by bees because _ was out working in the garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was attacked by bees because _ was not out working in the garden."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can't figure out how PersonY manages to have such a large and beautiful garden, because _ has always struggled with growing plants. \nSentence 2: PersonX can't figure out how PersonY manages to have such a large and beautiful garden, but _ is just a natural regarding growing plants."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't have time to keep a garden, but PersonY does and loves them because _ is out of town a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't have time to keep a garden, but PersonY does and loves them, so _ is in town and bought a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got very jealous of PersonY at the garden party because _ didn't win an award for the best flowers. \nSentence 2: PersonX got very jealous of PersonY at the garden party because _ won an award for the best flowers."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a vibrant garden whereas PersonY did not have one, so _ was always planting roses. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a vibrant garden whereas PersonY did not have one, so _ never planted roses."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated to work in the garden while PersonY would spend hours there because _ disliked working in the sun. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated to work in the garden while PersonY would spend hours there because _ loved working in the sun."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY plant a garden, as _ was strong and able to shovel dirt for extended periods of time. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY plant a garden, as _ was weak and unable to shovel dirt for extended periods of time."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is boiling the water while PersonY collects spinach from the garden because _ is making spaghetti. \nSentence 2: PersonX is boiling the water while PersonY collects spinach from the garden because _ is making a salad."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knelt over and worked to remove the weeds assembled around the plants in the garden while PersonY watched and sighed, because _ was a diligent gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX knelt over and worked to remove the weeds assembled around the plants in the garden while PersonY watched and sighed, because _ was an impatient kid."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lay in the hammock and relaxed while PersonY worked in the garden, because _ was lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX lay in the hammock and relaxed while PersonY worked in the garden, because _ was a gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to garden but PersonY preferred video games, so on a given day you could find _ outdoors. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to garden but PersonY preferred video games, so on a given day you could find _ inside."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to garden more than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about where her fresh vegetables would come from. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to garden more than PersonY, so _ began to worry about where her fresh vegetables would come from."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to work in the garden, but PersonY avoided it, because _ avoided getting dirty. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to work in the garden, but PersonY avoided it, because _ liked getting dirty."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to garden while PersonY does not, because _ takes care of her garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to garden while PersonY does not, because _ shows neglect in her garden."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to garden more than PersonY does so _ spends a lot of his time outside. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to garden more than PersonY does so _ spends a lot of his time inside."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to work in the garden and clean the house for PersonY because _ had some free time. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to work in the garden and clean the house for PersonY because _ was very busy."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought planting a garden would be fun but PersonY thought it would be a pain. _ enjoyed fresh vegetables all summer. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought planting a garden would be fun but PersonY thought it would be a pain. _ enjoyed frozen vegetables all summer."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to have a big garden and PersonY did not because _ loved bees. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have a big garden and PersonY did not because _ hated bees."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was holding a butterfly he found in the garden while PersonY was running away, as _ loves insects. \nSentence 2: PersonX was holding a butterfly he found in the garden while PersonY was running away, as _ is scared of insects."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to work in the garden than PersonY because _ liked to be outdoors. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to work in the garden than PersonY because _ didn't really like to be outdoors."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was planting their first garden and PersonY was a world famous horticulturist, so _ asked how to grow a garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX was planting their first garden and PersonY was a world famous horticulturist, so _ showed how to grow a garden."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's garden was much grander and better looking than PersonY's because _ was a professional gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX's garden was much grander and better looking than PersonY's because _ was an amateur gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: The garden of PersonX has bigger flowers than PersonY due to _ watering more often. \nSentence 2: The garden of PersonX has smaller flowers than PersonY due to _ watering more often."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: The garden of PersonX looks prettier than PersonY's because _ spent more time on it in the Summer. \nSentence 2: The garden of PersonX looks uglier than PersonY's because _ spent more time on it in the Summer."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: The garden of PersonX looks shoddy compared to PersonY's, although _ is a gardener by trade. \nSentence 2: The garden of PersonX looks shoddy compared to PersonY's, because _ is a gardener by trade."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man liked PersonX's garden a lot less than PersonY's, because _ was very ugly. \nSentence 2: The man liked PersonX's garden a lot less than PersonY's, because _ was very beautiful."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: The old cat ran up to PersonX but past PersonY because _ had yarn in the garden. \nSentence 2: The old cat ran past PersonX and up to PersonY because _ had yarn in the garden."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to working in the garden, PersonX is better than PersonY because _ has a lot more experience. \nSentence 2: When it comes to working in the garden, PersonX is worse than PersonY because _ has a lot more experience."} {"input": "Context Word: garden.", "output": "Sentence 1: You are a good gardener can you help me grow a garden PersonX asked PersonY, _ has never grown a garden. \nSentence 2: You are a good gardener can you help me grow a garden PersonX asked PersonY, _ has grown a garden."} {"input": "Context Word: millionaire.", "output": "Sentence 1: Taking extravagant vacations and buying expensive clothes was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a millionaire. \nSentence 2: Taking extravagant vacations and buying expensive clothes was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not a millionaire."} {"input": "Context Word: Anxious.", "output": "Sentence 1: Anxious is a feeling PersonX gets when he has face PersonY who is a probation officer, _ has a fear of authority. \nSentence 2: Anxious is a feeling PersonX gets when he has face PersonY who is a probation officer, _ does not a fear of authority."} {"input": "Context Word: frozen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's insisted on using fresh tomato sauce, but PersonY used frozen tomatoes, which is why the judges preferred _ 's sauce. \nSentence 2: PersonX's insisted on using fresh tomato sauce, but PersonY used frozen tomatoes, which is why the judges disliked _ 's sauce."} {"input": "Context Word: frozen.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the blizzard made everything frozen, PersonX played in the snow while PersonY stayed inside because _ was an adventurous person. \nSentence 2: When the blizzard made everything frozen, PersonX played in the snow while PersonY stayed inside because _ was a homebody."} {"input": "Context Word: spectrum.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being colorblind, PersonX couldn't see the same spectrum as PersonY, so _ had to return the task. \nSentence 2: Being colorblind, PersonX couldn't see the same spectrum as PersonY so _ had to complete the task."} {"input": "Context Word: rooftop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had access to their rooftop while PersonY had no such access, so _ was able to build a rooftop garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX had access to their rooftop while PersonY had no such access, so _ was not able to build a rooftop garden."} {"input": "Context Word: rooftop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was standing on the edge of the rooftop obviously distraught by what happened with PersonY, because _ was having a crisis. \nSentence 2: PersonX was standing on the edge of the rooftop obviously distraught by what happened with PersonY, because _ was leaving."} {"input": "Context Word: honest.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being honest with others was very important to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was a genuine and sincere person. \nSentence 2: Being honest with others was very important to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was not a genuine or sincere person."} {"input": "Context Word: honest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets caught in more lies than PersonY does because _ has a hard time being honest. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets caught in more lies than PersonY does because _ has an easy time being honest."} {"input": "Context Word: honest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always honest while PersonY lied a lot, so _ was always straightforward when it came to relationships. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always honest while PersonY lied a lot, so _ was usually deceitful when it came to relationships."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom tile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is needing opinions about bathroom tile and PersonY is very experienced in this area, _ has never dealt with bathroom tile before. \nSentence 2: PersonX is needing opinions about bathroom tile and PersonY is very experienced in this area, _ has dealt with bathroom tile everyday."} {"input": "Context Word: bathrobe.", "output": "Sentence 1: As PersonX got out of the shower, she did not expect her roommate PersonY to be in the bathroom, so _ got a bathrobe to wear. \nSentence 2: As PersonX got out of the shower, she did not expect her roommate PersonY to be in the bathroom, but _ got her a bathrobe to wear."} {"input": "Context Word: bathrobe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gifted her new bathrobe to PersonY because it felt very itchy for _ when she tried it on. \nSentence 2: PersonX gifted her new bathrobe to PersonY because it felt very comfortable for _ when she tried it on."} {"input": "Context Word: bathrobe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of PersonYs new bathrobe because _ was using a really old one. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of PersonYs new bathrobe, but _ had used a really old one."} {"input": "Context Word: moving.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was being helped with moving by PersonY, _ was feeling very appreciative when the help was offered. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was being helped with moving by PersonY, _ was feeling very generous when the help was offered."} {"input": "Context Word: moving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX assists PersonY with her big moving day, which makes _ a really great friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX assists PersonY with her big moving day, which makes _ a really thankful friend."} {"input": "Context Word: moving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dreaded moving across the country but PersonY was looking forward to it, because _ had a cautious personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX dreaded moving across the country but PersonY was looking forward to it, because _ had an adventurous personality."} {"input": "Context Word: moving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time than PersonY moving from their home because _ had a smaller house. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time than PersonY moving from their home because _ had a bigger house."} {"input": "Context Word: moving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to keep moving whilst PersonY likes to stay still because _ is restless. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to keep moving whilst PersonY likes to stay still because _ is calm."} {"input": "Context Word: moving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was moving up in the standings, passing PersonY, because _ was diligent about training. \nSentence 2: PersonX was moving up in the standings, passing PersonY, because _ was lackadaisical about training."} {"input": "Context Word: risks.", "output": "Sentence 1: Taking risks can come easier for PersonX than for PersonY because _ is risk chaser individual. \nSentence 2: Taking risks can come easier for PersonX than for PersonY because _ is risk avoiding individual."} {"input": "Context Word: PTSD.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from PTSD and was very interesting to PersonY, because _ is the unique case. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from PTSD and was very interesting to PersonY, because _ had been studying PTSD."} {"input": "Context Word: PTSD.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sure they had PTSD but PersonY thought they were overreacting. _ was very worried about the panic attacks and nightmares. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sure they had PTSD but PersonY thought they were overreacting. _ was not worried about the panic attacks and nightmares."} {"input": "Context Word: PTSD.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was treating PersonY's PTSD so _ spend the day answering questions about how to treat it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was treating PersonY's PTSD so _ spend the day asking questions about how to treat it."} {"input": "Context Word: postpartum.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the birth of her baby, PersonX had postpartum depression so PersonY assisted with the baby allowing _ to feel relaxed. \nSentence 2: After the birth of her baby, PersonX had postpartum depression so PersonY assisted with the baby allowing _ to feel helpful.."} {"input": "Context Word: blanket.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying a blanket was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a bedding store nearby. \nSentence 2: Buying a blanket was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a bedding store nearby."} {"input": "Context Word: blanket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got their blanket out to cover their self but not PersonY because _ was shivering. \nSentence 2: PersonX got their blanket out to cover their self but not PersonY because _ was sweating."} {"input": "Context Word: blanket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered PersonY a blanket because it was getting cold. _ was already warm enough. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered PersonY a blanket because it was getting cold. Now _ was warm enough."} {"input": "Context Word: blanket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took off the blanket and handed it to PersonY because _ was feeling hot. \nSentence 2: PersonX took off the blanket and handed it to PersonY because _ was feeling cold."} {"input": "Context Word: blanket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's blanket was much thicker than PersonY's blanket, so _ felt warm all night in bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX's blanket was much thicker than PersonY's blanket, so _ felt cold all night in bed."} {"input": "Context Word: couples counselor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a recommendation for a couples counselor from PersonY because _ had a solid marriage. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a recommendation for a couples counselor from PersonY because _ had a troubled marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: rear view camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed using the car's rear view camera more than PersonY. _ was technology savvy. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed using the car's rear view camera more than PersonY. _ didn't like technology."} {"input": "Context Word: apple pie.", "output": "Sentence 1: Baking an apple pie was easy for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ attended cooking school. \nSentence 2: Baking an apple pie was easy for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ was terrible at cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: sicker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got sicker at the diner than PersonY because _ meal had raw chicken in it. \nSentence 2: PersonX got sicker at the diner than PersonY because _ meal had fully cooked chicken in it."} {"input": "Context Word: sicker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX missed work more than PersonY did because _ found that they were sicker more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX missed work less than PersonY did because _ found that they were sicker more often."} {"input": "Context Word: labor.", "output": "Sentence 1: Averse to hard labor , PersonX hung back while PersonY did all the work, since _ was so lazy. \nSentence 2: Averse to hard labor , PersonX hung back while PersonY did all the work, since _ was so diligent."} {"input": "Context Word: labor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a more labor intensive job than PersonY because _ has a construction job. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a more labor intensive job than PersonY because _ has an office job."} {"input": "Context Word: labor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's wife should go through labor soon so he needs advice from PersonY, because _ has never gone through it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's wife should go through labor soon so he needs advice from PersonY, because _ has already gone through it."} {"input": "Context Word: make.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to help PersonY make a sign on Minecraft because _ had a lot of experience making them before. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to help PersonY make a sign on Minecraft because _ had no experience making them before."} {"input": "Context Word: make.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a rich husband and lots of money, PersonY is poor _ doesn't need to make her clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a rich husband and lots of money, PersonY is poor _ needs to make her clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: make.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a creative cook, PersonY is not that is why _ doesn't need a recipe to make dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a creative cook, PersonY is not that is why _ needs a recipe to make dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: make.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a renowned chef, PersonY is not therefore _ makes fancy pastries from scratch. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a renowned chef, PersonY is not therefore _ does not make fancy pastries from scratch."} {"input": "Context Word: make.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very creative with her hands, PersonY is not that is why _ can make crafts. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very creative with her hands, PersonY is not that is why _ cannot make crafts."} {"input": "Context Word: make.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to make a chocolate souffle but PersonY did not. _ was very proficient at baking. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to make a chocolate souffle but PersonY did not. _ was very ineptt at baking."} {"input": "Context Word: make.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves Halloween, PersonY does not which is why _ makes a costume every Halloween. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves Halloween, PersonY does not which is why _ never makes a costume for Halloween."} {"input": "Context Word: make.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make a cardigan from scratch but PersonY did not as _ was very innovative. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make a cardigan from scratch but PersonY did not as _ was very unimaginative."} {"input": "Context Word: make.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make a crinkle baby toy and had to ask PersonY for help because _ had never hand sewed before. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make a crinkle baby toy and had to ask PersonY for help because _ had hand sewed before."} {"input": "Context Word: make.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would make toys for their kids while PersonY would buy them since _ is poorer. \nSentence 2: PersonX would make toys for their kids while PersonY would buy them since _ is richer."} {"input": "Context Word: sport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was louder supporting the team than personY because _ was excited to watch the sport in the local park. \nSentence 2: PersonX was louder supporting the team than personY because _ was bored to watch the sport in the local park."} {"input": "Context Word: GIMP.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invested in their future by learning GIMP, but PersonY did not, so _ had more professional looking business cards. \nSentence 2: PersonX invested in their future by learning GIMP, but PersonY did not, so _ had less professional looking business cards."} {"input": "Context Word: shin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on treating shin splints because _ was new to running and had never experienced them before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on treating shin splints because _ was a professional runner and had experienced them before."} {"input": "Context Word: foot soak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prepared a foot soak bath for PersonY for their birthday so _ is pouring in water. \nSentence 2: PersonX prepared a foot soak bath for PersonY for their birthday so _ is soaking in water."} {"input": "Context Word: convince.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to convince the group to follow him while PersonY was not able to do so because _ is very charismatic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to convince the group to follow him while PersonY was not able to do so because _ isn't very charismatic."} {"input": "Context Word: glass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX convinced PersonY that his priceless glass vase was a knockoff because _ is disingenuous. \nSentence 2: PersonX convinced PersonY that his priceless glass vase was a knockoff because _ is exploitable."} {"input": "Context Word: glass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a glass vase to PersonY so _ they could put some flowers in it. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a glass vase from PersonY so _ they could put some flowers in it."} {"input": "Context Word: glass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the glass windshield installed by PersonY because _ was a beginner when it came to car repair. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the glass windshield installed by PersonY because _ was a professional when it came to car repair."} {"input": "Context Word: glass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is currently cleaning a glass pipe of PersonY, because _ is an expert in cleaning glass. \nSentence 2: PersonX is currently cleaning a glass pipe of PersonY, because _ needs help cleaning glass."} {"input": "Context Word: glass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the full pitcher from PersonY so _ could fill her glass with water. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the full pitcher to PersonY so _ could fill her glass with water."} {"input": "Context Word: glass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted the glass ornament more than PersonY for _ was sure they could keep it from breaking. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted the glass ornament more than PersonY for _ was sure they couldn't keep it from breaking."} {"input": "Context Word: glass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to stop PersonY from running into a glass without knowing because _ is older. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to stop PersonY from running into a glass without knowing because _ is younger."} {"input": "Context Word: glass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would blow glass in their free time while PersonY watched TV all night. _ was more productive. \nSentence 2: PersonX would blow glass in their free time while PersonY watched TV all night. _ was less productive."} {"input": "Context Word: conditions.", "output": "Sentence 1: Describing various weather conditions was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ was a meteorologist. \nSentence 2: Describing various weather conditions was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ was not a meteorologist."} {"input": "Context Word: conditions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the conditions of PersonY's life to be totally unacceptable, because _ believed in living a righteous existence. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the conditions of PersonY's life to be totally unacceptable, because _ believed in living a sinful existence."} {"input": "Context Word: conditions.", "output": "Sentence 1: The weather conditions were better for PersonX than PersonY because _ was inland from the storm. \nSentence 2: The weather conditions were better for PersonX than PersonY because _ was in the middle of the storm."} {"input": "Context Word: rich.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is not rich but PersonY is very much so, and so _ goes back home to a hovel and not a mansion. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not rich but PersonY is very much so, and so _ goes back home to a mansion and not a hovel."} {"input": "Context Word: rich.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was far more rich than PersonY, but it turned out _ lost their fortune soon afterwards. \nSentence 2: PersonX was far more rich than PersonY, but it turned out _ gained a new fortune soon afterwards."} {"input": "Context Word: tools.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always has tools for the right job unlike PersonY because _ is always prepared. \nSentence 2: PersonX always has tools for the right job unlike PersonY because _ is always unorganized."} {"input": "Context Word: tools.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was able to repair the car because _ had all the tools that were needed. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was able to repair the car because _ did not have all the tools that were needed."} {"input": "Context Word: tools.", "output": "Sentence 1: Power tools are more valuable to PersonX than PersonY because _ works in the construction industry. \nSentence 2: Power tools are more valuable to PersonX than PersonY because _ doesn't work in the construction industry."} {"input": "Context Word: amazing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's science project was not nearly as amazing as PersonY's so _ went home disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX's science project was not nearly as amazing as PersonY's so _ went home happy."} {"input": "Context Word: hedgehog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always put out food for the local hedgehog but PersonY did not because _ was a real animal lover. \nSentence 2: PersonX always put out food for the local hedgehog but PersonY did not because _ was a real animal hater."} {"input": "Context Word: hedgehog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY a pet hedgehog for a Christmas present and _ squealed in delight to receive it from him. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought PersonY a pet hedgehog for a Christmas present and _ squealed in delight to give it to him."} {"input": "Context Word: hedgehog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took care of PersonY's hedgehog for a week because _ wanted to be helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX took care of PersonY's hedgehog for a week because _ wanted to go away.."} {"input": "Context Word: hedgehog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hedgehog came up to PersonX, but ran away from PersonY because _ was the owner who gives it treats. \nSentence 2: The hedgehog came up to PersonX, but ran away from PersonY because _ was a visitor who never gives it treats."} {"input": "Context Word: hedgehog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hedgehog of PersonX bit PersonY on the hand because _ was a bad owner. \nSentence 2: The hedgehog of PersonX bit PersonY on the hand because _ was bad at petting it."} {"input": "Context Word: Humility.", "output": "Sentence 1: To exercise humility, PersonX decided to not say anything when PersonY boasted about his exploits. _ exercised restraint. \nSentence 2: To exercise humility, PersonX decided to not say anything when PersonY boasted about his exploits. _ exercised no humility."} {"input": "Context Word: Goofy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a goofy sense of humor but PersonY was more staid. _ loved the new teen comedy flick. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a goofy sense of humor but PersonY was more staid. _ loved the new teen drama flick."} {"input": "Context Word: install.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to hire PersonY to install the TV mount, because _ was clueless about how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to hire PersonY to install the TV mount, because _ was an expert on how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: install.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY install the program on the computer because _ was adept with computers. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY install the program on the computer because _ was inept with computers."} {"input": "Context Word: install.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to install a computer operating system but PersonY did not as _ was very good with technology. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to install a computer operating system but PersonY did not as _ was very poor with technology."} {"input": "Context Word: install.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to install the tv antenna while PersonY did not, so _ put it on the roof. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to install the tv antenna while PersonY did not, but _ put it on the roof."} {"input": "Context Word: install.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to install the air conditioner without any help but PersonY needed much assistance, because _ was electronically inclined. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to install the air conditioner without any help but PersonY needed much assistance, because _ was not electronically inclined."} {"input": "Context Word: install.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to install the computer software themselves, but PersonY failed to do so, because _ was a computer expert. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to install the computer software themselves, but PersonY failed to do so, because _ was a computer novice."} {"input": "Context Word: install.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very handy with appliances compared to PersonY so _ helped her to install her dishwasher. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very handy with appliances compared to PersonY so _ asked her to install her dishwasher."} {"input": "Context Word: install.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to open their windows in summer like PersonY because _ couldn't install window screens. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to open their windows in summer like PersonY because _ hired someone to install window screens."} {"input": "Context Word: install.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's currently learning how to install molding in homes from PersonY, so _ is an apprentice. \nSentence 2: PersonX's currently learning how to install molding in homes from PersonY, so _ is a contractor."} {"input": "Context Word: install.", "output": "Sentence 1: The job for windows install suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had more knowledge of window installs. \nSentence 2: The job for windows install suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had less knowledge of window installs."} {"input": "Context Word: stored.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew where the stolen artifacts were being stored because _ needed to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew where the stolen artifacts were being stored but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: whiteheads.", "output": "Sentence 1: A dermatologist looked at PersonX's whiteheads while PersonY treated them at home. _ took skincare very seriously. \nSentence 2: A dermatologist looked at PersonX's whiteheads while PersonY treated them at home. _ didn't take skincare very seriously."} {"input": "Context Word: whiteheads.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot more whiteheads on his face than PersonY does because _ is going through puberty. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot more whiteheads on his face than PersonY does because _ is past puberty."} {"input": "Context Word: Person.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the kind of person to get mad easily. He screamed at PersonY because _ was angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not the kind of person to get mad easily. He was screamed at by PersonY because _ was angry."} {"input": "Context Word: tripod.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't know what a tripod is, but PersonY uses one for work every day, so _ is the beginner photographer. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't know what a tripod is, but PersonY uses one for work every day, so _ is the expert photographer."} {"input": "Context Word: corn.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the corn maze, PersonX laughs as they try to find PersonY, and eventually _ gives up. \nSentence 2: At the corn maze, PersonX laughs as they try to find PersonY, and eventually _ appears."} {"input": "Context Word: corn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how long it took corn to grow in the summer because _ wanted to know more about plants. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how long it took corn to grow in the summer but _ didn't know much about plants."} {"input": "Context Word: corn.", "output": "Sentence 1: The corn that PersonX grows is tasty as opposed to PersonY's, so _ is the better gardener. \nSentence 2: The corn that PersonX grows is gross as opposed to PersonY's, so _ is the better gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: corn.", "output": "Sentence 1: This year PersonX's corn crop would be taller than PersonY's crop since _ used more fertilizer. \nSentence 2: This year PersonX's corn crop would be taller than PersonY's crop since _ used less fertilizer."} {"input": "Context Word: map.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a lot better using a map than PersonY because _ has had training in the military. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a lot worse using a map than PersonY because _ has had training in the military."} {"input": "Context Word: map.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to negotiate the map but PersonY was not as _ had an excellent sense of direction. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to negotiate the map but PersonY was not as _ had a terrible sense of direction."} {"input": "Context Word: map.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worse at reading maps than PersonY because _ had a poor sense of direction. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worse at reading maps than PersonY because _ had a good sense of direction."} {"input": "Context Word: masquerade.", "output": "Sentence 1: The masquerade party was a lot of fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked to get dressed up in fancy costumes. \nSentence 2: The masquerade party was a lot of fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated to get dressed up in fancy costumes."} {"input": "Context Word: scent.", "output": "Sentence 1: The scent was stronger than PersonX wanted for a candle, unlike PersonY, because _ likes stronger smells. \nSentence 2: The scent was stronger than PersonX wanted for a candle, unlike PersonY, because _ likes milder smells."} {"input": "Context Word: paper mache.", "output": "Sentence 1: The paper mache mask made by PersonX was inferior to the one made by PersonY because _ was uncreative. \nSentence 2: The paper mache mask made by PersonX was inferior to the one made by PersonY because _ was creative."} {"input": "Context Word: newborn puppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to breed the dogs while PersonY wanted them neutered. _ thought newborn puppies were cute and worth the hard work. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to breed the dogs while PersonY wanted them neutered. _ thought newborn puppies were cute but not worth the hard work."} {"input": "Context Word: Posture.", "output": "Sentence 1: Due to _ 's good posture, PersonX received a dance solo while PersonY did not. \nSentence 2: Due to _ 's bad posture, PersonX received a dance solo while PersonY did not."} {"input": "Context Word: ease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to ease PersonY's pain, so _ asked to apply some pain medication to the area. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to ease PersonY's pain, so _ allowed them to apply some pain medication to the area."} {"input": "Context Word: ease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was put at ease by PersonY during the tense situation, since _ tended to be anxious. \nSentence 2: PersonX was put at ease by PersonY during the tense situation, since _ tended to be calm."} {"input": "Context Word: bigger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a bigger and heavier boxer than PersonY, therefore _ was classified as a welterweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a bigger and heavier boxer than PersonY, therefore _ was classified as a heavyweight."} {"input": "Context Word: bigger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much bigger, faster and stronger than PersonY was so _ won the fight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much bigger, faster and stronger than PersonY was so _ lost the fight."} {"input": "Context Word: farm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to farm chickens in their yard, because _ was fed up of buying fresh eggs. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to farm chickens in their yard because _ was known for selling fresh eggs."} {"input": "Context Word: farm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help milk the cows on the farm because _ was overwhelmed. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help milk the cows on the farm because _ was bored."} {"input": "Context Word: farm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived on a farm while PersonY lived in a big city, so _ encountered very little traffic. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived on a farm while PersonY lived in a big city, so _ encountered a lot of traffic."} {"input": "Context Word: farm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked on a farm while PersonY worked in an office, so _ dealt with animals regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked on a farm while PersonY worked in an office, so _ dealt with cubicles regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: farm.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wrangling the cattle was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ grew up on a farm. \nSentence 2: Wrangling the cattle was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ didn't grow up on a farm."} {"input": "Context Word: trainer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is the trainer for PersonY's dog so _ is making the dog learn new tricks. \nSentence 2: PersonX is the trainer for PersonY's dog so _ is watching the dog learn new tricks."} {"input": "Context Word: trainer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog belonging to PersonX behaved better than the one owned by PersonY because _ took theirs to a trainer. \nSentence 2: The dog belonging to PersonX behaved worse than the one owned by PersonY because _ took theirs to a trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: breed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a veterinarian, PersonY is not therefore _ can best recommend a breed of dog to suit you. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a veterinarian, PersonY is not therefore _ cannot best recommend a breed of dog to suit you."} {"input": "Context Word: breed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to breed stick insects but PersonY did not as _ found them an interesting species. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to breed stick insects but PersonY did not as _ found them a boring species."} {"input": "Context Word: answer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The answer given by PersonX was better than the one given by PersonY because _ included more details. \nSentence 2: The answer given by PersonX was better than the one given by PersonY because _ included less details."} {"input": "Context Word: candles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to light the pretty candles on the dinner table, because _ had a lot more to do to get the meal ready. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to light the pretty candles on the dinner table, but _ had a lot more to do to get the meal ready."} {"input": "Context Word: candles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a better sense of smell than PersonY, so it makes sense for _ to stock up on candles more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a better sense of smell than PersonY, so it makes sense for _ to stock up on candles less often."} {"input": "Context Word: candles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making a candles from eggshells and needs help from PersonY, because _ can't do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making a candles from eggshells and needs help from PersonY, because _ could help her."} {"input": "Context Word: candles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to buy scented candles from the store while PersonY likes to make their own because _ is too busy to make candles. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to buy scented candles from the store while PersonY likes to make their own because _ has a hobby to make candles."} {"input": "Context Word: candles.", "output": "Sentence 1: The candles of PersonX don't look as neat as PersonY's. That's because _ is less experienced at candle making. \nSentence 2: The candles of PersonX don't look as neat as PersonY's. Despite that _ is less experienced at candle making."} {"input": "Context Word: candles.", "output": "Sentence 1: The house was full of candles, which PersonX loved but PersonY hated. _ loved setting things on fire. \nSentence 2: The house was full of candles, which PersonX loved but PersonY hated. _ was terrified of fire."} {"input": "Context Word: overseas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is getting ready to teach overseas so he asks PersonY for an advice, because _ is leaving country. \nSentence 2: PersonX is getting ready to teach overseas so he asks PersonY for an advice, because _ has already left country."} {"input": "Context Word: overseas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX moved far overseas without PersonY since _ just loved to have long foreign adventures. \nSentence 2: PersonX moved far overseas without PersonY since _ just hated to have long foreign adventures."} {"input": "Context Word: beards.", "output": "Sentence 1: After looking at pictures of men with beards PersonX wanted PersonY to grow one, because _ thinks they are sexy. \nSentence 2: After looking at picture of men with beards PersonX wanted PersonY to grow one, because _ would look sexy."} {"input": "Context Word: Uber.", "output": "Sentence 1: An Uber was called for PersonX but not PersonY because _ needed a ride home. \nSentence 2: An Uber was called for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a ride home."} {"input": "Context Word: Uber.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to get an Uber home from the party while PersonY walked home, because _ lived close by. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to get an Uber home from the party while PersonY walked home, because _ lived far away."} {"input": "Context Word: earrings.", "output": "Sentence 1: Feeling generous, PersonX gave money to PersonY to buy the earrings since _ was wealthy. \nSentence 2: Feeling generous, PersonX gave money to PersonY to buy the earrings since _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: earrings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new pair of earrings, but PersonY picked a bracelet instead, because _ had pierced ears. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new pair of earrings, but PersonY picked a bracelet instead, because _ had unpierced ears."} {"input": "Context Word: earrings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated jewelry while PersonY was obsessed, so _ was annoyed at receiving the earrings for her birthday. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated jewelry while PersonY was obsessed, so _ was ecstatic at receiving the earrings for her birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: earrings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owns more earrings than PersonY because _ has had her ears pierced since she was a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX owns fewer earrings than PersonY because _ has had her ears pierced since she was a child."} {"input": "Context Word: earrings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore more expensive earrings than PersonY because _ had a lot more money to spend on jewelry. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore less expensive earrings than PersonY because _ had a lot more money to spend on jewelry."} {"input": "Context Word: midnight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hard time waking up after midnight PersonY, because _ was too gentle when they were calling. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hard time waking up after midnight PersonY, because _ was too when comatose when they were calling."} {"input": "Context Word: midnight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was goth and PersonY was pop, so _ got really excited when midnight rolled around. \nSentence 2: PersonX was goth and PersonY was pop, so _ got really tired when midnight rolled around."} {"input": "Context Word: codependent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in a codependent relationship, while PersonY is not because _ is in an unhealthy relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in a codependent relationship, while PersonY is not because _ is in a healthy relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: Coffee Paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making coffee paper was easy to PersonX, but not PersonY because _ loved the smell of coffee. \nSentence 2: Making coffee paper was easy to PersonX, but not PersonY because _ hated the smell of coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: plenty.", "output": "Sentence 1: Plenty of girls liked PersonX and didn't like PersonY because _ had a great personality and handsome face. \nSentence 2: Plenty of girls liked PersonX and didn't like PersonY because _ had a boring personality and ugly face."} {"input": "Context Word: hoarder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a hoarder while PersonY had very few personal items, so _ took up most of their storage space. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a hoarder while PersonY had very few personal items, so _ took up almost none of their storage space."} {"input": "Context Word: virgin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more experienced and self confident than PersonY was, because _ was not a virgin. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more experienced and self confident than PersonY was, because _ was still a virgin."} {"input": "Context Word: produced.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's plays are better produced than PersonY's due to _ being in the business longer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's plays are better produced than PersonY's even though _ has been in the business longer."} {"input": "Context Word: getting older.", "output": "Sentence 1: While driving across the country, PersonX realized he was getting older and PersonY was too young for him, so _ asked why they were in this relationship. \nSentence 2: While driving across the country, PersonX realized he was getting older and PersonY was too young for him, but _ reassured him why they were in this relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: telephone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't use and send any text trough the telephone to PersonY because _ has a smartphone. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't use and send any text trough the telephone to PersonY because _ has a rotary phone."} {"input": "Context Word: telephone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed talking on the telephone but PersonY did not because _ was gregarious. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed talking on the telephone but PersonY did not because _ was shy."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: Divorce was probably the best option for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was in a miserable marriage. \nSentence 2: Divorce was probably the best option for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was in a perfect marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting a divorce as soon as possible suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was no longer in love. \nSentence 2: Getting a divorce as soon as possible suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was still in love."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX avoided talking about their engagement with PersonY who is getting a divorce because _ doesn't want to bring up bad memories of the ending marriage. \nSentence 2: PersonX avoided talking about their engagement with PersonY who is getting a divorce and _ doesn't want to bring up bad memories of the ending marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX begged for a divorce but PersonY wouldn't grant it, as _ was miserable in the marriage. \nSentence 2: PersonX begged for a divorce but PersonY wouldn't grant it, as _ was happy in the marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY went to see a divorce lawyer because _ was unhappy in their marriage. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY went to see a divorce lawyer because _ was content in their marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to get a divorce, while PersonY chose to stay married, because _ was unhappy in their relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to get a divorce, while PersonY chose to stay married, because _ was happy in their relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a hostile divorce and cut his family out of his will whereas PersonY left his ex-wife in his will since _ is petty. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a hostile divorce and cut his family out of his will whereas PersonY left his ex-wife in his will since _ is forgiving."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to get a divorce from their spouse but not PersonY because _ had a cheating spouse. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to get a divorce from their spouse but not PersonY because _ had a devoted spouse."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is the divorce lawyer handling PersonY case, _ is for hire for people going through divorce. \nSentence 2: PersonX is the divorce lawyer handling PersonY case, _ nedded someone to hire for people going through divorce."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY they were resolute in wanting a divorce because _ no longer wanted to be married. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY they were resolute in wanting a divorce although _ still wanted to be married."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a divorce from PersonY because _ was mad that the other cheated on them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a divorce from PersonY but _ was mad that the other cheated on them."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a divorce, but PersonY wanted to remain married. _ decided to hire an attorney. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a divorce, but PersonY wanted to remain married. _ decided to hire a therapist."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get a divorce but PersonY didn't, because _ was no longer in love. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get a divorce but PersonY didn't, because _ was still quite in love."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get a divorce from PersonY, because _ was too jealous about her. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get a divorce from PersonY, because _ was too nagging to him."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was acting as a divorce lawyer for PersonY, so _ submitted a very large bill. \nSentence 2: PersonX was acting as a divorce lawyer for PersonY, so _ paid a very large bill."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more worried he would get a divorce than PersonY, because the spouse of _ was never happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more worried he would get a divorce than PersonY was, because the spouse of _ was always happy."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's relationship ended in divorce while PersonY was happily married because _ cheated on their significant other. \nSentence 2: PersonX's relationship ended in divorce while PersonY was happily married because _ was faithful to their significant other."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: The divorce PersonX had with their spouse had PersonY interested in them later on. _ was disgusted. \nSentence 2: The divorce PersonX had with their spouse had PersonY interested in them later on. _ was enamored."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: The divorce upset PersonX more than PersonY as _ cared deeply for the person their mother had married. \nSentence 2: The divorce upset PersonX more than PersonY as _ didn't care for the person their mother had married."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: The judge in the divorce case did not rule in favor of PersonX over PersonY because _ was verbally abusive. \nSentence 2: The judge in the divorce case did not rule in favor of PersonX over PersonY because _ was subjected to verbal abusive."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: Though they are both in unhappy marriages, PersonX is staying with their spouse while PersonY is not because _ doesn't believe in divorce. \nSentence 2: Though they are both in unhappy marriages, PersonX is staying with their spouse while PersonY is not because _ is okay with divorce."} {"input": "Context Word: divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to divorce time, PersonX had a good family lawyer and PersonY did not, so _ came out with more assets. \nSentence 2: When it came to divorce time, PersonX had a good family lawyer and PersonY did not, so _ came out with less assets."} {"input": "Context Word: dress up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had a very expensive wardrobe because _ liked to dress up on a daily basis. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had a very expensive wardrobe because _ did not like to dress up on a daily basis."} {"input": "Context Word: gymnast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better gymnast than PersonY was because _ was much more flexible and graceful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a worse gymnast than PersonY was because _ was much more flexible and graceful."} {"input": "Context Word: core.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to get stronger core so he asks his trainer PersonY to show her more exercises, because _ wants to get ripped. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to get stronger core so he asks his trainer PersonY to show her more exercises, so _ shows him more exercises."} {"input": "Context Word: core.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to work her core more so she asks her coach PersonY to show her more exercises, because _ wants to look good on beach. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to work her core more so she asks her coach PersonY to show her more exercises, so _ shows her more exercises."} {"input": "Context Word: tune.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help to tune her guitar because _ had never done it before. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY help to tune her guitar because _ had never done it before."} {"input": "Context Word: tune.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to tune the guitar but not PersonY because _ owned a tuning instrument. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to tune the guitar but not PersonY because _ lost the tuning instrument."} {"input": "Context Word: AIDS.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had caught AIDS but PersonY didn't get it, because _ was irresponsible and didn't wear condoms. \nSentence 2: PersonX had caught AIDS but PersonY didn't get it, because _ was responsible and wore condoms."} {"input": "Context Word: toast.", "output": "Sentence 1: As a morning tradition, PersonX would make toast while PersonY made nothing. _ was a morning person. \nSentence 2: As a morning tradition, PersonX would make toast while PersonY made nothing. _ was not a morning person."} {"input": "Context Word: toast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a touching toast at PersonY's wedding, because _ wanted to provide a memorable moment. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a touching toast at PersonY's wedding, because _ asked them to provide a memorable moment."} {"input": "Context Word: toast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's toaster was broken so they asked PersonY if they could toast some buns in there's because _ was a mooch. \nSentence 2: PersonX's toaster was broken so they asked PersonY if they could toast some buns in there's because _ was a giver."} {"input": "Context Word: praying mantis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX peered closer at the praying mantis while PersonY ran away, because _ had a strong interest in insects. \nSentence 2: PersonX peered closer at the praying mantis while PersonY ran away, because _ had a strong phobia of insects."} {"input": "Context Word: civil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to be civil to PersonY, because _ did everything they could to cause problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to be civil to PersonY, despite _ doing everything they could to alleviate problems."} {"input": "Context Word: civil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very civil when dealing with PersonY so that _ would be accepted by her. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very civil when dealing with PersonY so that _ would be impressed by her."} {"input": "Context Word: blender.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a blender as a housewarming gift since _ recently visited the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a blender as a housewarming gift since _ recently purchased the house."} {"input": "Context Word: blender.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a smoothie in a blender for PersonY. There was lots extra so _ offered some more. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a smoothie in a blender for PersonY. There was lots extra so _ asked for some more."} {"input": "Context Word: blender.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a blender to make vegetable smoothies but PersonY did not as _ was very healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a blender to make vegetable smoothies but PersonY did not as _ was very unhealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: ACL injury.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dropped out of marathon training while PersonY trained harder. _ had already suffered a bad ACL injury. \nSentence 2: PersonX dropped out of marathon training while PersonY trained harder. _ had never suffered a bad ACL injury."} {"input": "Context Word: lounge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was known to lounge around more often than PersonY, because _ was very lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was known to lounge around more often than PersonY, because _ was very busy."} {"input": "Context Word: cybercrime.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the victim of a cybercrime commited by PersonY so _ called the police. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the victim of a cybercrime commited by PersonY so _ hid from the police."} {"input": "Context Word: java.", "output": "Sentence 1: A strong cup of java was fine with PersonX but PersonY thought it was too bitter. _ drank their java black. \nSentence 2: A strong cup of java was fine with PersonX but PersonY thought it was too bitter. _ drank their java with cream and sugar."} {"input": "Context Word: gate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fixing a fence gate for PersonY for _ was the other's long time employee. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fixing a fence gate for PersonY for _ was the other's long time employer."} {"input": "Context Word: overbearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The overbearing boss stunted PersonX's learning experience on the job, but not PersonY's because _ was experienced from handling overbearing parents during childhood. \nSentence 2: The overbearing boss stunted PersonX's learning experience on the job, but not PersonY's because _ was inexperienced from handling overbearing parents during childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: fold clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The main chore PersonX had today was to fold clothes and PersonY thought about helping when _ told them to relax. \nSentence 2: The main chore PersonX had today was to fold clothes and PersonY thought about helping when _ decided not to."} {"input": "Context Word: pronunciation.", "output": "Sentence 1: The English teacher corrected the pronunciation of PersonX but praised PersonY because _ had trouble pronouncing certain vowels. \nSentence 2: The English teacher corrected the pronunciation of PersonX but praised PersonY because _ was successful in pronouncing every vowels."} {"input": "Context Word: man.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asks for PersonY's advice on how to politely say no to a man who asked her out, because _ doesn't want to hurt his feelings. \nSentence 2: PersonX asks for PersonY's advice on how to politely say no to a man who asked her out, because _ know a lot about feelings."} {"input": "Context Word: man.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stole PersonY's man because _ liked to keep up her appearance and was beautiful. \nSentence 2: PersonX stole PersonY's man because _ liked to slack on her appearance and was fat."} {"input": "Context Word: maintain.", "output": "Sentence 1: In order to maintain a good house PersonX asked PersonY for advice, _ can admit they don't know everything. \nSentence 2: In order to maintain a good house PersonX asked PersonY for advice, _ can admit they what they know ."} {"input": "Context Word: maintain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped to maintain PersonY's office space every day for productivity because _ was a janitor. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped to maintain PersonY's office space every day for productivity because _ was a lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: maintain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to maintain their composure in front of PersonY, but _ was too nervous to relax. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to maintain their composure in front of PersonY, but _ was too indifferent to notice."} {"input": "Context Word: maintain.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working out in the gym came easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ was able to take the time to maintain their fitness. \nSentence 2: Working out in the gym came easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ was unable to take the time to maintain their fitness."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a shower, PersonX doesn't need to put their hair in a towel, but PersonY does. This is due to _ having shorter hair. \nSentence 2: After a shower, PersonX doesn't need to put their hair in a towel, but PersonY does. This is due to _ having lengthy hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: As they got older, PersonX chose to dye her hair but PersonY chose not to, so _ had brown hair. \nSentence 2: As they got older, PersonX chose to dye her hair but PersonY chose not to, so _ had grey hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the salon, PersonX helps PersonY fix her screwed up hair because _ is a stylist. \nSentence 2: At the salon, PersonX helps PersonY fix her screwed up hair because _ is a customer."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the salon, PersonX styled the hair of PersonY in a complex and intricate way because _ wanted a good tip. \nSentence 2: In the salon, PersonX styled the hair of PersonY in a complex and intricate way because _ wanted a cool style."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: It takes forever to dry PersonX's hair when compared to PersonY's, so _ probably has longer hair. \nSentence 2: It takes forever to dry PersonX's hair when compared to PersonY's, so _ probably has shorter hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always admired the way PersonY did her own hair, so she asked her if she would fix _ hair for her. \nSentence 2: PersonX always hated the way PersonY did her own hair, so she asked her if she would like her to fix _ hair differently."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for beauty tips because _ was always so beautiful and had perfect hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for beauty tips because _ was always so ugly and never had perfect hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to cut and color their hair because _ wanted a change of hairstyle. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to cut and color their hair because _ was a talented hairstylist."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help her choose the best place to have her hair done, although _ was actually quite knowledgeable about salons. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help her choose the best place to have her hair done, although _ was actually quite ignorant about salons."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asks PersonY for an advice on how to trim leg hair, because _ is extremely hairy. \nSentence 2: PersonX asks PersonY for an advice on how to trim leg hair, so _ gives her advice."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to buy shampoo because _ had a head full of dirty hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to buy shampoo because _ did not have a head full of dirty hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY because _ wanted to learn how to braid her very thick hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY because _ wanted to teach her how to braid her very thick hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cut PersonY's hair, but _ accidentally cut it too short and lost out on a tip. \nSentence 2: PersonX cut PersonY's hair, but _ accidentally asked for it too short and lost out on a braid."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cut the hair of PersonY because _ was a stylist at her favorite salon. \nSentence 2: PersonX had her hair cut by PersonY because _ was a stylist at her favorite salon."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did a better job at fixing hair than PersonY because _ had gone to beauty school. \nSentence 2: PersonX did a worse job at fixing hair than PersonY because _ had gone to beauty school."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dyed PersonY's hair in a bright red and green colour, because _ is hairdresser. \nSentence 2: PersonX dyed PersonY's hair in a bright red and green colour, because _ is extravagant."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dyed the hair of PersonY a bright red, and _ was thanked for doing such a great job. \nSentence 2: PersonX dyed the hair of PersonY a bright red, and _ thanked them for doing such a great job."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dyes their hair often but PersonY does not because _ is extremely fashion conscious. \nSentence 2: PersonX dyes their hair often but PersonY does not because _ is extremely fashion indifferent."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed getting her hair braided unlike PersonY because _ was patient during the process. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed getting her hair braided unlike PersonY because _ was impatient during the process."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX feels bad about PersonY's baldness because _ still has thick hair despite having undergone chemotherapy. \nSentence 2: PersonX feels bad about PersonY's baldness because _ has little hair because of having undergone chemotherapy."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got his hair cut before PersonY because _ arrived at the barber shop first. \nSentence 2: PersonX got his hair cut before PersonY because _ arrived at the barber shop last."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got their hair done by PersonY, and was satisfied with the results; then _ left the salon. \nSentence 2: PersonX got their hair done by PersonY, and was satisfied with the results; then _ saw the next person at the salon."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a head full of hair, but PersonY was going bald, so _ was thankful for the thick locks. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a head full of hair, but PersonY was going bald, so _ was jealous of the thick locks."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had better looking hair than PersonY because _ went to a professional stylist to do theirs. \nSentence 2: PersonX had better looking hair than PersonY because _ went to an amateur stylist to do theirs."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had cleaner hair than PersonY did because _ washed their hair almost every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had dirtier hair than PersonY did because _ washed their hair almost every day."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had longer hair than PersonY because _ got their hair cut far less often. \nSentence 2: PersonX had shorter hair than PersonY because _ got their hair cut far less often."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had longer hair than PersonY, so _ was always having to get frequent haircuts at the salon. \nSentence 2: PersonX had longer hair than PersonY, and _ was rarely having to get haircuts at the salon."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had much less hair on his head than PersonY, so _ covered his head. \nSentence 2: PersonX had much less hair on his head than PersonY, so _ showed his head."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had shorter hair than PersonY did because _ liked to cut their hair every month. \nSentence 2: PersonX had longer hair than PersonY did because _ refused to cut their hair every month."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had straighter hair than PersonY so _ did not have to worry about frizzy hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX had straighter hair than PersonY so _ did have to worry about frizzy hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had thick wavy hair but PersonY's hair was thinning. _ never thought about wearing a wig. \nSentence 2: PersonX had thick wavy hair but PersonY's hair was thinning. _ often thought about wearing a wig."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to brush their hair frequently, but PersonY avoided brushing too much, because _ had long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to brush their hair frequently, but PersonY avoided brushing too much, because _ had curly hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to spend hours getting their hair neat but PersonY did not as _ had curly hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to spend hours getting their hair neat but PersonY did not as _ had straight hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to visit the barber weekly to get a hair cut but not PersonY because _ had a head with hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to visit the barber weekly to get a hair cut but not PersonY because _ had a bald head."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has an easier time than PersonY when straightening their hair because _ doesn't have naturally curly hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX has an easier time than PersonY when straightening their hair because _ has naturally curly hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has long luscious hair but PersonY is quite bald. _ went to the store to buy shampoo on sale. \nSentence 2: PersonX has long luscious hair but PersonY is quite bald. _ went to the store to buy razors on sale."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has lots of hair, PersonY does not and that is why _ does not wear a wig. \nSentence 2: PersonX has lots of hair, PersonY does not and that is why _ does wear a wig."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has much softer hair than does PersonY because _ uses a great conditioner and shampoo. \nSentence 2: PersonX has much softer hair than does PersonY because _ uses a crappy conditioner and shampoo."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has really damaged hair and she goes to PersonY for help, because _ needs professional help. \nSentence 2: PersonX has really damaged hair and she goes to PersonY for help, because _ is professional hairdresser."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to worry more than PersonY about chlorine levels in the pool because _ has blonde hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to worry more than PersonY about chlorine levels in the pool because _ has black hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY put a streak of pink in her hair, but _ was disappointed with how she took care of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY put a streak of pink in her hair, but _ was disappointed with how she dyed it."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a cosmetologist, PersonY isn't so _ can tell you how to safely remove unwanted hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a cosmetologist, PersonY isn't so _ probably cannot tell you how to safely remove unwanted hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being trained by PersonY on how to perform haircut because _ is new to hair stylist job. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being trained by PersonY on how to perform haircut because _ is experienced in hair stylist job."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is jealous of PersonY's hair although _ has long, luscious, and curly blonde locks. \nSentence 2: PersonX is jealous of PersonY's hair because _ has long, luscious, and curly blonde locks."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept their hair rather short compared to PersonY, so _ needed to trim their hair more. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept their hair rather short compared to PersonY, so _ needed to trim their hair less."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laughed at PersonY for having such short hair, but _ felt bad about it later. \nSentence 2: PersonX laughed at PersonY for having such short hair, and _ felt angry about it later."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked her all natural grey hair color but not PersonY because _ was superficial. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked her all natural grey hair color but not PersonY because _ was authentic."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to let their hair grow out while PersonY likes to keep their very short. _ rarely went to the salon for a trim. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to let their hair grow out while PersonY likes to keep their very short. _ often went to the salon for a trim."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to braid their hair unlike PersonY, so _ has always kept their hair longer. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to braid their hair unlike PersonY, so _ has always kept their hair shorter."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made sure to see PersonY at the salon every two weeks, so that _ could get her hair deep conditioned. \nSentence 2: PersonX made sure to see PersonY at the salon every two weeks, so that _ could help her hair stay conditioned."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX messed up badly cutting PersonY's hair and _ demanded payment for the poor haircut. \nSentence 2: PersonX messed up badly cutting PersonY's hair and _ refused to pay for the poor haircut."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never needed to brush their hair while PersonY did because _ has really short hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX never needed to brush their hair while PersonY did because _ has really log tangly hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed their hair was turning grey so they asked PersonY to color it for them because _ did not know what they were doing and would mess it up. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed their hair was turning grey so they asked PersonY to color it for them because _ knew what they were doing and wouldn't mess it up."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to cut PersonY's long brown hair because _ had experience cutting long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to cut PersonY's long brown hair because _ needed someone with experience cutting long hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY change to bright pink hair but _ had many misgivings about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY change to bright pink hair but _ had no misgivings about it."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid PersonY to braid their hair because _ didn't remember how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid PersonY to braid their hair because _ didn't forget how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put their hair in rags at night but PersonY did not because _ had straight hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX put their hair in rags at night but PersonY did not because _ had curly hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received a buzz cut for a hair cut while PersonY let their hair grow out long, so _ had short hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a buzz cut for a hair cut while PersonY let their hair grow out long, so _ had long hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saught advice from PersonY on a new hair style because _ had trouble with their hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX saught advice from PersonY on a new hair style because _ had success with their hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a lot of time brushing their hair but it only took PersonY two minutes, since _ had extremely long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a lot of time brushing their hair but it only took PersonY two minutes, since _ had extremely short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent the entire summer laying on the hot beach, while PersonY spent the summer indoors, so _ 's hair had more sun damage. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent the entire summer laying on the hot beach, while PersonY spent the summer indoors, so _ 's hair had less sun damage."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stared bewildered as PersonY explained you could use vitamin C to lighten hair dye because _ was dumbfounded. \nSentence 2: PersonX stared bewildered as PersonY explained you could use vitamin C to lighten hair dye because _ was knowledgeable."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tended to wear their hair in a ponytail, while PersonY wasn't able to, because _ had long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX tended to wear their hair in a ponytail, while PersonY wasn't able to, because _ had short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took much longer to wash their hair than PersonY because _ had longer hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX took much longer to wash their hair than PersonY although _ had longer hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used the pink comb to brush PersonY's hair before curling it because _ was a hair sylist. \nSentence 2: PersonX used the pink comb to brush PersonY's hair before curling it because _ hair was tangled."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX usually used a curling iron while PersonY usually used a straightener in the mornings, so _ usually had curly hair at school. \nSentence 2: PersonX usually used a curling iron while PersonY usually used a straightener in the mornings, so _ usually had straight hair at school."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was bald, but PersonY had a full head of hair, so _ had no need to buy hair gel. \nSentence 2: PersonX was bald, but PersonY had a full head of hair, so _ needed to buy hair gel."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was cutting PersonY's hair off because _ is still a licensed hair dresser now. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cutting PersonY's hair off but _ isn't still a licensed hair dresser. now."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was cutting PersonY's nappy hair because _ knew how to cut black woman hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cutting PersonY's nappy hair because _ forgot how to cut black woman hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was getting ready to wash PersonY's hair, so _ got out shampoo by the sink and washed the hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX was getting ready to wash PersonY's hair,so _ got out shampoo by the sink and sat in the chair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was growing his hair out long this year, unlike PersonY because _ wanted to donate it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was growing his hair out long this year, unlike PersonY because _ wanted to keep it clean."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous that PersonY had long hair, so when she got gum in it, _ laughed when it was cut out. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous that PersonY had long hair, so when she got gum in it, _ cried when it was cut out."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really jealous of the ribbons that PersonY could wear in her hair, because _ 's hair was very short. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really jealous of the ribbons that PersonY could wear in her hair, because _ 's hair was very long."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was wearing their hair in long braids but PersonY was not as _ had long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX was wearing their hair in long braids but PersonY was not as _ had short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wears a wig because _ does not have any hair and PersonY have beautiful hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX wears a gel because _ does not have any hair and PersonY have beautiful hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore her hair in a ponytail but PersonY did not because _ had very long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore her hair in a ponytail but PersonY did not because _ had very short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore their hair in braids but PersonY did not as _ had long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore their hair in braids but PersonY did not as _ had short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair has all fallen out recently, but PersonY's is lush. _ might have cancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair has all fallen out recently, but PersonY's is lush. _ might be healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair is being worked on by PersonY, so it's more likely _ is the customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair is being worked on by PersonY, so it's more likely _ is the stylist."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair is longer than PersonY's because _ has decided to donate his hair to locks of love. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair is shorter than PersonY's because _ has decided to donate his hair to locks of love."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair is not strong, like PersonY's, due to _ rarely taking showers and using shampoo and conditioner. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair is not strong, like PersonY's, due to _ frequently taking showers and using shampoo and conditioner."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair looks bad and asks for an advice PersonY, because _ wants good looking hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair looks bad and asks for an advice PersonY, because _ is a hairdresser."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair looks strong and healthy compared to PersonY's due to _ always using good shampoo. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair looks strong and healthy compared to PersonY's due to _ never using good shampoo."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair was curlier than PersonY's, so _ had to use more hair conditioner to remove tangles. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair was straighter than PersonY's, so _ had to use more hair conditioner to remove tangles."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair was recently dyed to get the gray out, but PersonY has never had grays, so _ is older. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair was recently dyed to get the gray out, but PersonY has never had grays, so _ is younger."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair wasn't curly like PersonY's hair, and as a result _ hair didn't frizz in the humid climate. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair wasn't curly like PersonY's hair, and as a result _ hair frizzed in the humid climate."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had a family with a history of hair loss while PersonY had no such history, _ had thin hair. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had a family with a history of hair loss while PersonY had no such history, _ had thick hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ likes showing their hair because PersonX has beautiful hair and PersonY has messy hair. \nSentence 2: So _ likes hiding their hair because PersonX has beautiful hair and PersonY has messy hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ wanted to grew their hair out because PersonX wanted long hair, and PersonY wanted short hair. \nSentence 2: So _ wanted to shorten their hair out because PersonX wanted long hair, and PersonY wanted short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: Styling hair was easy for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had extensive experience styling hair. \nSentence 2: Styling hair was easy for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had no experience styling hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: The conservative judge in the hair competition liked PersonX's style more than PersonY's because _ went for a more traditional design. \nSentence 2: The conservative judge in the hair competition liked PersonX's style more than PersonY's because _ went for a more unorthodox design."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hair of PersonX is always a mess, while PersonY's is tame, so _ has curly hair. \nSentence 2: The hair of PersonX is always a mess, while PersonY's is tame, so _ has straight hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hair of PersonX is healthier than that of PersonY because _ uses a much stronger conditioner. \nSentence 2: The hair of PersonX is healthier than that of PersonY because _ uses a much weaker conditioner."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hair of PersonX was cleaner than the hair of PersonY because _ shampooed more often. \nSentence 2: The hair of PersonX was dirtier than the hair of PersonY because _ shampooed more often."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wanting to help, PersonX explained the hair care rountie she followed to PersonY, because _ had healthy hair. \nSentence 2: Wanting to help, PersonX explained the hair care rountie she followed to PersonY, because _ had damaged hair."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the salon, PersonX was curling PersonY's hair because _ was a trained hairdresser. \nSentence 2: While at the salon, PersonX was curling PersonY's hair because _ was not a trained hairdresser."} {"input": "Context Word: hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: While doing their hair, PersonX was talking to PersonY about different hair styles. _ could teach people about being a barber. \nSentence 2: While doing their hair, PersonX was talking to PersonY about different hair styles. _ had to learn about being a barber."} {"input": "Context Word: sideburns.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found PersonY's boyfriend unattractive because _ didn't like sideburns or any facial hair, for that matter. \nSentence 2: PersonX found PersonY's boyfriend unattractive but _ liked sideburns or any facial hair, for that matter."} {"input": "Context Word: sniper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX operated the gun in the sniper team and PersonY held the binoculars because _ was the shooter. \nSentence 2: PersonX operated the gun in the sniper team and PersonY held the binoculars because _ was the spotter."} {"input": "Context Word: sniper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was training PersonY to become a sniper in the military, because _ had never fired a rifle before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was training PersonY to become a sniper in the military, but _ had never fired a rifle before."} {"input": "Context Word: fog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ahead of PersonY, and screamed when a tentacle slithered out of the fog and grabbed _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was behind PersonY, who screamed when a tentacle slithered out of the fog and grabbed _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: fog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fog made it difficult to see so PersonX had PersonY drive because _ had trouble with their vision. \nSentence 2: The fog made it difficult to see so PersonX had PersonY drive because _ never had trouble with their vision."} {"input": "Context Word: burp.", "output": "Sentence 1: During dinner, PersonX lets out a burp, which really annoys PersonY. _ is always an inconsiderate person. \nSentence 2: During dinner, PersonX lets out a burp, which really annoys PersonY. _ is always a polite person."} {"input": "Context Word: a few tips.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy to see that PersonX but not PersonY was a good waitress because _ received a few tips on a daily basis. \nSentence 2: It was easy to see that PersonX but not PersonY was a good waitress because _ received a few tips just once a week."} {"input": "Context Word: potted plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tripped over PersonY's potted plants because _ didn't see the plants in the open doorway. \nSentence 2: PersonX tripped over PersonY's potted plants because _ placed the plants in the open doorway."} {"input": "Context Word: regularly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it harder to stay in shape than PersonY because _ did not work out regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it harder to stay in shape than PersonY because _ worked out regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: regularly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX regularly made fun of PersonY, so _ was bored during the week he was off school. \nSentence 2: PersonX regularly made fun of PersonY, so _ was relieved during the week he was off school."} {"input": "Context Word: fainted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not used to the altitude but PersonY was so _ fainted at the summit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was used to the altitude but PersonY was not so _ fainted at the summit."} {"input": "Context Word: punished.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX is always being punished. PersonY's never is punished. _ 's dog misbehaves a lot. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX is always being punished. PersonY's never is punished. _ 's dog acts appropriate a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: curly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes their hair straight and PersonY likes their hair curly, so _ bought a hair straightener at the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes their hair straight and PersonY likes their hair curly, so _ bought a curling iron at the store."} {"input": "Context Word: curly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started wearing her hair curly after she saw PersonY 's hair that way, since _ always copied her. \nSentence 2: PersonX started wearing her hair curly after she saw PersonY 's hair that way, since _ always influenced her."} {"input": "Context Word: curly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to look like PersonY so _ asked her how to make her hair curly, too. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to look like PersonY so _ showed her how to make her hair curly, too."} {"input": "Context Word: curly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair is now curly because she went to visit PersonY at the salon. _ is a paying customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair is now curly because she went to visit PersonY at the salon. _ is a hair specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: Federal Taxes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX requested PersonYs assistance with their federal taxes because _ had no idea what to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX requested PersonYs assistance with their federal taxes but _ had no idea what to do."} {"input": "Context Word: slow dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: At their high school's homecoming dance, PersonX stayed on the floor for the slow dance while PersonY got food during it, because _ currently had a significant other. \nSentence 2: At their high school's homecoming dance, PersonX stayed on the floor for the slow dance while PersonY got food during it, because _ had broken up with her significant other."} {"input": "Context Word: trap.", "output": "Sentence 1: Despite her best efforts, PersonX still fell into PersonY 's trap, because _ was just too gullible. \nSentence 2: Despite her best efforts, PersonX still fell into PersonY 's trap, because _ was just too clever."} {"input": "Context Word: trap.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the hunting expedition, PersonX set better traps than PersonY because _ was the better hunter. \nSentence 2: On the hunting expedition, PersonX set better traps than PersonY although _ was the better hunter."} {"input": "Context Word: trap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to trap PersonY, because _ was looking to protect the neighborhood from vandalism. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to trap PersonY, because _ was looking to destroy the neighborhood with vandalism."} {"input": "Context Word: trap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to kill rats using a trap but PersonY did not as _ hated rats. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to kill rats using a trap but PersonY did not as _ loved rats."} {"input": "Context Word: Age.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY what his actual age was because _ looked so young for his age. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what his actual age was because _ looked so young for his age."} {"input": "Context Word: crayfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a vegetarian but PersonY adored seafood; _ thought lobsters and crayfish were disgusting. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a vegetarian but PersonY adored seafood; _ thought lobsters and crayfish were delicious."} {"input": "Context Word: broken.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the wreck, PersonX was transported to the hospital while PersonY got to go home because _ had a few broken bones. \nSentence 2: After the wreck, PersonX was transported to the hospital while PersonY got to go home because _ didn't have any broken bones."} {"input": "Context Word: broken.", "output": "Sentence 1: During their fight, PersonX gave PersonY a broken jaw as a result of the fact that _ delivered a hard punch. \nSentence 2: During their fight, PersonX gave PersonY a broken jaw as a result of the fact that _ took a hard punch."} {"input": "Context Word: broken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY had broken up with each other after years together, and _ was relieved. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY had broken up with each other after years together, and _ was upset."} {"input": "Context Word: broken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fixed PersonY's broken window because _ was a handyman who could fix things. \nSentence 2: PersonX fixed PersonY's broken window because _ was not a handyman who could fix things."} {"input": "Context Word: broken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a broken arm and PersonY did not, so _ was helped with chores around the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a broken arm and PersonY did not, so _ helped with chores around the house."} {"input": "Context Word: broken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered assistance to PersonY since _ was particularly skilled at fixing the broken copier. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered assistance to PersonY since _ was particularly useless at fixing the broken copier."} {"input": "Context Word: broken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to compete in the marathon that year after suffering a broken ankle, but PersonY sat it out, because _ 's ankle had healed. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to compete in the marathon that year after suffering a broken ankle, but PersonY sat it out, because _ 's ankle hadn't healed."} {"input": "Context Word: broken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ashamed he broke PersonY's lamp, so _ hid the broken pieces under the couch. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ashamed he broke PersonY's lamp, after _ discovered the broken pieces under the couch."} {"input": "Context Word: broken.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had broken a vase owned by PersonY, _ was very contrite about it. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had broken a vase owned by PersonY, _ was very angry about it."} {"input": "Context Word: broken.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boss had asked PersonX but not PersonY to fix the broken window because _ was handy. \nSentence 2: The boss had asked PersonX but not PersonY to fix the broken window because _ was clumsy."} {"input": "Context Word: Computer Addiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suggested PersonY get some help for their computer addiction and _ even offered to pay for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX suggested PersonY get some help for their computer addiction, but _ couldn't afford to pay for it."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Applying for a loan PersonX had to run PersonY's credit because _ was the loaner. \nSentence 2: Applying for a loan PersonX had to run PersonY's credit because _ was the applicant."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a bad credit rating as compared with PersonY was _ was very conscientious about money. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a bad credit rating as compared with PersonY was _ was very careless about money."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lower credit score than PersonY because _ was mostly careless with their money. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lower credit score than PersonY because _ was mostly careful with their money."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had excellent credit but PersonY did not because _ didn't spend beyond their means. \nSentence 2: PersonX had excellent credit but PersonY did not because _ often spent beyond their means."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really liked to get credit wherever they could but PersonY did not because _ was profligate with their finances. \nSentence 2: PersonX really liked to get credit wherever they could but PersonY did not because _ was thrifty with their finances."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at running a business than PersonY however, _ had worse credit than the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at running a business than PersonY however, _ had better credit than the other."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was denied a loan but not PersonY because _ was delinquent with their credit card payments. \nSentence 2: PersonX was denied a loan but not PersonY because _ was responsible with their credit card payments."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY find a way to improve his credit because _ is an accountant. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY find a way to improve his credit because _ is a bankruptcy filer."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was prepared to give credit to a customer but PersonY was not because _ was generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was prepared to give credit to a customer but PersonY was not because _ was mean."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's credit is terrible when it gets compared to PersonY's due to _ having outstanding loans. \nSentence 2: PersonX's credit is terrible when it gets compared to PersonY's due to _ having paid his loans."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bank accepted the loan application from PersonX but not PersonY because _ had good credit. \nSentence 2: The bank accepted the loan application from PersonX but not PersonY because _ had bad credit."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: The credit of PersonX is much better than that of PersonY because _ is a very wealthy person. \nSentence 2: The credit of PersonX is much better than that of PersonY because _ is a very poor person."} {"input": "Context Word: credit.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the bank, PersonX received a loan instead of PersonY because _ had superior credit. \nSentence 2: While at the bank, PersonX received a loan instead of PersonY because _ had bad credit."} {"input": "Context Word: prizes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won a bunch of prizes for PersonY at the carnival, so _ was nice. \nSentence 2: PersonX won a bunch of prizes for PersonY at the carnival, so _ was grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: prizes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The prizes that PersonX received were far better than PersonY, because _ was the winner. \nSentence 2: The prizes that PersonX received were far better than PersonY, because _ was the loser."} {"input": "Context Word: Work.", "output": "Sentence 1: At work, PersonX reprimanded PersonY for being late to work constantly because _ was very strict. \nSentence 2: At work, PersonX reprimanded PersonY for being late to work constantly because _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: Work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is covering for PersonY for the next three weeks because _ is available for work. \nSentence 2: PersonX is covering for PersonY for the next three weeks because _ in unavailable for work."} {"input": "Context Word: epilepsy.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the doctor's office PersonX was diagnosed with Epilepsy by PersonY and _ was scared. \nSentence 2: At the doctor's office PersonX was diagnosed with Epilepsy by PersonY and _ was comforting."} {"input": "Context Word: epilepsy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was just diagnosed with epilepsy while PersonY suffers from it to so _ asked questions on how they live with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was just diagnosed with epilepsy while PersonY suffers from it to so _ answered questions on how they live with it."} {"input": "Context Word: requiring.", "output": "Sentence 1: A invitation was sent out by PersonX requiring the presence of PersonY , _ has a strong presence in front others. \nSentence 2: A invitation was sent out by PersonX requiring the presence of PersonY , _ has to be present in front others."} {"input": "Context Word: raise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received a raise at work before PersonY did because _ is an extremely hard worker. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a raise at work before PersonY did because _ isn't a very hard worker."} {"input": "Context Word: raise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to raise PersonY but _ was having trouble with them being the father figure. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to raise PersonY but _ was having objections with them being the father figure."} {"input": "Context Word: raise.", "output": "Sentence 1: The CEO of the innovative technology company gave a raise to PersonX but not PersonY because the performance of _ was superb. \nSentence 2: The CEO of the innovative technology company gave a raise to PersonX but not PersonY because the performance of _ was subpar."} {"input": "Context Word: balloons.", "output": "Sentence 1: Filling water balloons was fun for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had a humorous personality . \nSentence 2: Filling water balloons was fun for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had a serious personality ."} {"input": "Context Word: balloons.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX blew up all the balloons but not PersonY because _ had great lung capacity. \nSentence 2: PersonX blew up all the balloons but not PersonY because _ had poor lung capacity."} {"input": "Context Word: balloons.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX brought home balloons to surprise PersonY, father praised _ for being so thoughtful. \nSentence 2: When PersonX brought home balloons to surprise PersonY, father scolded _ for being so ungrateful."} {"input": "Context Word: doughnuts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's favorite snack is doughnuts, while PersonY prefers carrots. Because of this, _ is fat. \nSentence 2: PersonX's favorite snack is doughnuts, while PersonY prefers carrots. Because of this, _ is thin."} {"input": "Context Word: trusted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is trusted by people a lot more than PersonY is because _ is a truthful person. \nSentence 2: PersonX is trusted by people a lot more than PersonY is because _ is a dishonest person."} {"input": "Context Word: trusted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX trusted PersonY with all of their secrets, but _ didn't realize they were a gossip. \nSentence 2: PersonX trusted PersonY with all of their secrets, but _ didn't reveal that they were a gossip."} {"input": "Context Word: performed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always performed better than PersonY at the games because _ had more dedication to the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX always performed better than PersonY at the games because _ had less dedication to the game."} {"input": "Context Word: jump.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put their foot in their mouth and embarrassed themselves, unlike PersonY, because _ always jumped to conclusions. \nSentence 2: PersonX put their foot in their mouth and embarrassed themselves, unlike PersonY, because _ never jumped to conclusions."} {"input": "Context Word: jump.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would jump over the fence while PersonY would go around because _ was able to jump very high. \nSentence 2: PersonX would jump over the fence while PersonY would go around because _ wasn't able to jump very high."} {"input": "Context Word: jump.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's daily routine includes jumping rope as opposed to PersonY's, so _ is likely healthier overall. \nSentence 2: PersonX's daily routine includes jumping rope as opposed to PersonY's, so _ is likely less healthy overall."} {"input": "Context Word: Watermelon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an craving for watermelon while over at PersonYs house, so _ asked for some. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an craving for watermelon while over at PersonYs house, but _ said no."} {"input": "Context Word: hemorrhoids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had painful hemorrhoids but PersonY does not. _ had to have an operation on their butt. \nSentence 2: PersonX had painful hemorrhoids but PersonY does not. _ had to have an operation on their heart."} {"input": "Context Word: hemorrhoids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is currently experiencing problems with hemorrhoids and goes to the doctor PersonY, because _ wants opinion from doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX is currently experiencing problems with hemorrhoids and goes to the doctor PersonY, because _ is a doctor specialised in hemorrhoids.."} {"input": "Context Word: hemorrhoids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX left the room after becoming annoyed by PersonY's constant complaints about his hemorrhoids, because _ was insensitive. \nSentence 2: PersonX left the room after becoming annoyed by PersonY's constant complaints about his hemorrhoids, because _ was whiny."} {"input": "Context Word: hemorrhoids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from hemorrhoids but not PersonY so _ was always sitting in awkward positions. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from hemorrhoids but not PersonY so _ was always sitting in regular positions."} {"input": "Context Word: hemorrhoids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suspects she might have internal hemorrhoids so she goes to see the doctor PersonY, because _ needs help. \nSentence 2: PersonX suspects she might have internal hemorrhoids so she goes to see the doctor PersonY, because _ is a professional."} {"input": "Context Word: hemorrhoids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX treated PersonY's hemorrhoids and _ spent time after answering questions about how to treat it. \nSentence 2: PersonX treated PersonY's hemorrhoids and _ spent time after asking questions about how to treat it."} {"input": "Context Word: hemorrhoids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was miserable, but PersonY was not miserable at all because _ had painful hemorrhoids. \nSentence 2: PersonX was miserable, but PersonY was not miserable at all because _ had no hemorrhoids."} {"input": "Context Word: hemorrhoids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was too embarrassed to go to the doctor about having hemorrhoids until PersonY made them. _ was shy about medical problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX was too embarrassed to go to the doctor about having hemorrhoids until PersonY made them. _ was not shy about medical problems."} {"input": "Context Word: dehumidifier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a dehumidifier and PersonY did not, so _ had less water in the air in their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a dehumidifier and PersonY did not, so _ had more water in the air in their house."} {"input": "Context Word: prison inmate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX requested PersonY to supply him with the prison inmate number, because _ did not know it. \nSentence 2: PersonX requested PersonY to supply him with the prison inmate number, but _ did not know it."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the dog peed on the carpet, PersonX cleaned it instead of PersonY because _ is a clean freak. \nSentence 2: After the dog peed on the carpet, PersonX cleaned it instead of PersonY because _ is a messy person."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the party, PersonX spilled red wine on the new carpet of PersonY, so _ is very apologetic. \nSentence 2: At the party, PersonX spilled red wine on the new carpet of PersonY, so _ is very annoyed."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Sunday, PersonX was cleaning the carpet instead of PersonY because _ is a very cleanly person. \nSentence 2: On Sunday, PersonX was cleaning the carpet instead of PersonY because _ is a very disorganized person."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always vacuumed the carpet instead of PersonY so _ could feel good about taking care of the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX always vacuumed the carpet instead of PersonY so _ could feel bad about taking care of the house."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help in removing a carpet and replacing it with hardwood floors because _ was inexperienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help in removing a carpet and replacing it with hardwood floors because _ was a carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called out the carpet cleaners and was surprised when PersonY showed up because _ had not see him in years. \nSentence 2: PersonX called out the carpet cleaners and was surprised when PersonY showed up because _ had not been seen in years."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX confronted PersonY because _ was lamenting that the coffee had spilled on the freshly cleaned white carpet. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgave PersonY because _ was lamenting that the coffee had spilled on the freshly cleaned white carpet."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY get up from laying on the carpet , so _ would not trip over them. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY get up from laying on the carpet , so _ would not trip them."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX installed new carpet for PersonY's home, and _ was very grateful for all of the hard work. \nSentence 2: PersonX installed new carpet for PersonY's home, and _ was very tired from all of the hard work."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX installed new carpet in PersonY's house and when he was done _ wrote the invoice. \nSentence 2: PersonX installed new carpet in PersonY's house and when he was done _ received the invoice."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes the look of carpet on the floor but PersonY prefers hardwood floors. _ had their entire house covered in new carpet. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes the look of carpet on the floor but PersonY prefers hardwood floors. _ had their entire house covered in new hardwood."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get a new carpet for the winter unlike PersonY, because _ got a promotion. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get a new carpet for the winter unlike PersonY, because _ got a demotion."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was attempting to install carpet in PersonYs house, because _ was an expert at it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was attempting to install carpet in PersonYs house, because _ was an terrible at it."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was being yelled at by PersonY because _ created a huge stain on the carpet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was being yelled at by PersonY because _ is mad about a huge stain on the carpet."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very disappointed in PersonY because _ had red wine spilled all over their carpet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very disappointed in PersonY because _ spilled red wine all over their carpet."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ saw muddy footprints all over the new white carpet. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ left muddy footprints all over the new white carpet."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's carpet has few stains on it, while PersonY's is very dirty. The carpet of _ is 1 year old. \nSentence 2: PersonX's carpet has few stains on it, while PersonY's is very dirty. The carpet of _ is 15 years old."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The carpet at the house of PersonX was more stained than the one at the home of PersonY because _ was clumsier. \nSentence 2: The carpet at the house of PersonX was more stained than the one at the home of PersonY because _ was more careful."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The carpet felt great under PersonX's feet but PersonY didn't like it. _ offered him some slippers to wear. \nSentence 2: The carpet felt great under PersonX's feet but PersonY didn't like it. _ asked for some slippers to wear."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The carpet of PersonX has many stains, while PersonY's is fresh and new. _ lives in an older home. \nSentence 2: The carpet of PersonX has many stains, while PersonY's is fresh and new. _ lives in a newer home."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The carpet of PersonX has stains on it, but PersonY's is nice and fresh because _ is a dog owner. \nSentence 2: The carpet of PersonX has stains on it, but PersonY's is nice and fresh, even though _ is a dog owner."} {"input": "Context Word: carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The carpet of PersonX is dirty, so he calls PersonY to steam clean it, since _ has no steam cleaner. \nSentence 2: The carpet of PersonX is dirty, so he calls PersonY to steam clean it, since _ has a steam cleaner."} {"input": "Context Word: bed bugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleaned their bed sheets every year, while PersonY cleaned theirs every month. _ suffered from bed bugs as a result. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleaned their bed sheets every year, while PersonY cleaned theirs every month. _ didn't have bed bugs as a result."} {"input": "Context Word: bed bugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's home has bed bugs, but PersonY doesn't have any at all. _ lives in squalor. \nSentence 2: PersonX's home has bed bugs, but PersonY doesn't have any at all. _ lives in peace."} {"input": "Context Word: citation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got in trouble for plagiarism, but PersonY did not because _ adhered to the citation standards. \nSentence 2: PersonX got in trouble for plagiarism, but PersonY did not because _ ignored the citation standards."} {"input": "Context Word: citation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the lawyer of PersonY so _ spent the day filling out paperwork for their citation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the client of PersonY so _ spent the day filling out paperwork for their citation."} {"input": "Context Word: grandparent.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a grandparent better suited PersonX than PersonY although _ forbid the kids from looking at their screens. \nSentence 2: Being a grandparent better suited PersonX than PersonY although _ allowed the kids look to at their screens."} {"input": "Context Word: grandparent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated little kids, but PersonY loved them, so _ was not suited to be a grandparent . \nSentence 2: PersonX hated little kids, but PersonY loved them, so _ was well suited to be a grandparent ."} {"input": "Context Word: self-confidence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot more self-confidence than PersonY so _ meets a lot more people. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot more self-confidence than PersonY so _ meets a lot less people."} {"input": "Context Word: rose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY a single rose because _ wanted to ask the other out on a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX received from PersonY a single rose because _ wanted to ask the other out on a date."} {"input": "Context Word: rose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX isn't able to pick fresh flowers every morning like PersonY can because _ doesn't have a rose garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX isn't able to pick fresh flowers every morning like PersonY because _ has a rose garden."} {"input": "Context Word: rose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's rose garden doesn't look as nice as PersonY's because _ is a novice gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX's rose garden doesn't look as nice as PersonY's because _ is a professional gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: wreaths.", "output": "Sentence 1: Creating wreaths to sell suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of knowledge of making them. \nSentence 2: Creating wreaths to sell suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a little knowledge of making them."} {"input": "Context Word: chemical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY could smell the cleaning chemical because _ had a sensitive nose. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY could smell the cleaning chemical because _ had a stuff nose."} {"input": "Context Word: chemical.", "output": "Sentence 1: The chemicals PersonX used were stronger than the ones PersonY used because _ needed dangerous ones. \nSentence 2: The chemicals PersonX used were stronger than the ones PersonY used because _ needed safe ones."} {"input": "Context Word: chemical.", "output": "Sentence 1: Writing complicated chemical formulas was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ had never worked in a laboratory. \nSentence 2: Writing complicated chemical formulas was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ had worked in a laboratory."} {"input": "Context Word: fantasy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to read a fantasy book but PersonY hated the genre. _ read the book in one night. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to read a fantasy book but PersonY hated the genre. _ didn't read the book."} {"input": "Context Word: fantasy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to write a fantasy novel so they asked PersonY for help because _ never had yWriter5 installed. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to write a fantasy novel so they asked PersonY for help because _ already had yWriter5 installed."} {"input": "Context Word: fantasy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's life is filled with wild flights of fantasy, while PersonY is grounded in the real world. Therefore, _ is delusional. \nSentence 2: PersonX's life is filled with wild flights of fantasy, while PersonY is grounded in the real world. Therefore, _ is normal."} {"input": "Context Word: Pores.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY some ointment to apply on his face to clear up his pores as he no longer needed to use it. _ had really clear skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY some ointment to apply on his face to clear up his pores as he no longer needed to use it. _ had really blotchy skin."} {"input": "Context Word: fingers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had long slender fingers that were perfect for playing the piano, while PersonY's were short and stubby. _ was an exceptional pianist. \nSentence 2: PersonX had long slender fingers that were perfect for playing the piano, while PersonY's were short and stubby. _ was a poor pianist."} {"input": "Context Word: fingers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helped by PersonY to buddy tape his fingers because _ had jammed them during a game. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to buddy tape his fingers because _ had jammed them during a game."} {"input": "Context Word: squirrel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved animals more than PersonY, so _ kept a baby squirrel to raise as a pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved animals more than PersonY, so _ took a baby squirrel to a shelter."} {"input": "Context Word: squirrel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran from the squirrel while PersonY approached and tried to feed it. _ was just so afraid of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran from the squirrel while PersonY approached and tried to feed it. _ was just so enamored of it."} {"input": "Context Word: photography.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has signed PersonY up for the next class teaching photography, making decisions for other is what _ is good at. \nSentence 2: PersonX has signed PersonY up for the next class teaching photography, making decisions for herself is what _ is bad at."} {"input": "Context Word: photography.", "output": "Sentence 1: The photography professor praised PersonX but not PersonY because _ turned the assignment in early. \nSentence 2: The photography professor praised PersonX but not PersonY because _ turned the assignment in late."} {"input": "Context Word: guy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Kissing guys after school was great for PersonX, but not for PersonY, because _ is a little bit older. \nSentence 2: Kissing guys after school was great for PersonX, but not for PersonY, because _ is a little bit younger."} {"input": "Context Word: guy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Meeting a guy was pretty hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very shy. \nSentence 2: Meeting a guy was pretty hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very gregarious."} {"input": "Context Word: guy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more annoyed with the guy than PersonY was because the guy was making fun of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was more annoyed with the guy than PersonY was because the guy was complementing _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: guy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more attractive than PersonY so the guy asked _ out on a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more ugly than PersonY so the guy asked _ out on a date."} {"input": "Context Word: guy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not keen to go on a date with a guy but PersonY was because _ was homosexual. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not keen to go on a date with a guy but PersonY was because _ was heterosexual."} {"input": "Context Word: LAVENDER.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx picked the lavender from the field and gave it to Persony who made a bar of soap so _ felt appreciative. \nSentence 2: Personx picked the lavender from the field and gave it to Persony who made a bar of soap so _ felt accomplished."} {"input": "Context Word: foods.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX puts less chili flakes on their pad Thai than PersonY because _ really hates spicy foods. \nSentence 2: PersonX puts less chili flakes on their pad Thai than PersonY because _ loves spicy foods."} {"input": "Context Word: foods.", "output": "Sentence 1: The foods that PersonX makes are always tastier than PersonY's because _ is a chef. \nSentence 2: The foods that PersonX makes are always blander than PersonY's because _ is a chef."} {"input": "Context Word: ambition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was notified by the company that PersonY had no ambition while working on the project so _ sat them down to talk about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was notified by the company the PersonY had no ambition in while working on the project but _ would not sit down to talk about it."} {"input": "Context Word: studied.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX barely studied at all for the exam, while PersonY studied all night. So, it makes sense _ flunked it. \nSentence 2: PersonX barely studied at all for the exam, while PersonY studied all night. So, it makes sense _ aced it."} {"input": "Context Word: cafepress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is teaching PersonY how to make money on cafepress, because _ is already making money. \nSentence 2: PersonX is teaching PersonY how to make money on cafepress, because _ wants to start making money."} {"input": "Context Word: trust.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone seems to trust PersonX, but they don't trust PersonY. That's because _ is honest all the time. \nSentence 2: Everyone seems to trust PersonX, but they don't trust PersonY. That's because _ is deceptive all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: trust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke the trust PersonY put in them when _ lied about what happened to the money. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke the trust PersonY put in them when _ found out what happened to the money."} {"input": "Context Word: trust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it very easy to trust people but PersonY did not as _ was by nature a very trusting person. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it very easy to trust people but PersonY did not as _ was by nature a very suspicious person."} {"input": "Context Word: trust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very difficult time trusting that PersonY was telling her the truth, because _ is always suspicious of others motives. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very difficult time trusting that PersonY was telling her the truth, because _ is always deceptive about her motives."} {"input": "Context Word: trust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more trust from their parents than PersonY since _ regularly came home on time for their curfew. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more trust from their parents than PersonY since _ regularly came home late for their curfew."} {"input": "Context Word: trust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had trust in PersonY for the reason that _ thought they were an honest and responsible person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had trust in PersonY for the reason that _ was an honest and responsible person."} {"input": "Context Word: trust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently hurt PersonY and lost his trust and now wants to regain his trust, because _ regrets his actions. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently hurt PersonY and lost his trust and now wants to regain his trust, because _ feels sad."} {"input": "Context Word: trust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost the trust of PersonY because _ lied to them about how much money they borrowed. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost the trust of PersonY because _ was lied to about how much money they borrowed."} {"input": "Context Word: trust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's irrevocable trust was more secure than PersonY's because _ remembered they could include real estate. \nSentence 2: PersonX's irrevocable trust was more secure than PersonY's because _ forgot they could include real estate."} {"input": "Context Word: iPhone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes iPhones while PersonY likes the brand Samsung, _ will purchase a new iPhone soon he likes the brand. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes iPhones while PersonY likes the brand Samsung, _ will not purchase a new iPhone he dislikes the brand."} {"input": "Context Word: iPhone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved having an iPhone but PersonY refused to upgrade their flip phone. _ had always been first to learn new technology. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved having an iPhone but PersonY refused to upgrade their flip phone. _ had always been last to learn new technology."} {"input": "Context Word: continues.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX continues to pick on PersonY, even after being told to stop, because _ is a relentless bully. \nSentence 2: PersonX continues to pick on PersonY, even after being told to stop, because _ is a relentless weakling."} {"input": "Context Word: acting.", "output": "Sentence 1: Acting comes easily to PersonX, but PersonY has had to take classes, which means _ is a natural. \nSentence 2: Acting comes easily to PersonX, but PersonY has had to take classes, which means _ is a slow learner."} {"input": "Context Word: acting.", "output": "Sentence 1: Acting suits PersonX very well but not PersonY because _ is a very outspoken person. \nSentence 2: Acting suits PersonX very well but not PersonY because _ is not a very outspoken person."} {"input": "Context Word: acting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX aced the acting audition for the film while PersonY flopped because _ was a better actor. \nSentence 2: PersonX aced the acting audition for the film while PersonY flopped because _ was a horrible actor."} {"input": "Context Word: acting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did a worse job in the acting class than PersonY because _ was a shy person. \nSentence 2: PersonX did a better job in the acting class than PersonY because _ was an outgoing person."} {"input": "Context Word: acting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX signed up for an improv group while PersonY did not, because _ had always really enjoyed acting. \nSentence 2: PersonX signed up for an improv group while PersonY did not, because _ had always really dreaded acting."} {"input": "Context Word: acting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much better at acting like a guy than PersonY because _ grew up a tomboy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much better at acting like a guy than PersonY because _ grew up a girly girl."} {"input": "Context Word: acting.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX wanted to pursue acting, PersonY started laughing, because _ was a terrible actor. \nSentence 2: When PersonX wanted to pursue acting, PersonY started laughing, because _ was an amazing actor."} {"input": "Context Word: cool and laid back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always admired PersonY for how cool and laid back he was, but secretly _ was jealous of him and wished he could be as cool. \nSentence 2: PersonX was admired by PersonY for how cool and laid back he was, but secretly _ was jealous of him and wished he could be as cool."} {"input": "Context Word: decorator.", "output": "Sentence 1: Becoming an interior decorator was natural for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to design school. \nSentence 2: Becoming an interior decorator was natural for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone to design school."} {"input": "Context Word: decorator.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a home decorator was perfect for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very creative. \nSentence 2: Being a home decorator was perfect for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very conventional."} {"input": "Context Word: abduct.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to abduct PersonY at the park but _ couldn't run fast enough to get them. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to abduct PersonY at the park and _ couldn't run fast enough to get away."} {"input": "Context Word: practical.", "output": "Sentence 1: Saving money was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ was a very practical person. \nSentence 2: Saving money was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ was not really a practical person."} {"input": "Context Word: appetite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much larger appetite than PersonY, so _ ate the entire meal and the leftovers from yesterday. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much larger appetite than PersonY, so _ did not eat the entire meal nor the leftovers from yesterday."} {"input": "Context Word: appetite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a more intense appetite for food than PersonY because _ is a very emotional person. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a more intense appetite for food than PersonY because _ is a very emotionally balanced person."} {"input": "Context Word: appetite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a much lower appetite than PersonY does because _ takes appetite suppressants every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a much lower appetite than PersonY does because _ takes appetite stimulants every day."} {"input": "Context Word: appetite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's appetite was much smaller than PersonY's, so _ dinner was served on a side plate. \nSentence 2: PersonX's appetite was much smaller than PersonY's, so _ dinner was served on a larger plate."} {"input": "Context Word: fungal infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's fish caught a fungal infection, so she asked an employee at the pet store, PersonY, what to do. _ ended up buying a fungal treatment. \nSentence 2: PersonX's fish caught a fungal infection, so she asked an employee at the pet store, PersonY, what to do. _ ended up selling her a fungal treatment."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to clean the mold in the kitchen, but _ decided to hire it out instead. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to clean the mold in the kitchen, but _ asked that it be hired out instead."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found mold and called a contractor to fix it. PersonY found mold and called no one. The contract went to _ house. \nSentence 2: PersonX found mold and called a contractor to fix it. PersonY found mold and called no on. The contractor didn't go to _ house."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to remove a lot of mold from his house compared to PersonY, because _ lives in a humid area. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to remove less mold from his house compared to PersonY, because _ lives in a humid area."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a public health expert, PersonY is not therefore _ would be better at explaining the dangers of mold. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a public health expert, PersonY is not therefore _ would not be best at explaining the danger of mold."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made sure to mold the wooden table well for PersonY's purchase because _ was a carpenter. \nSentence 2: PersonX made sure to mold the wooden table well for PersonY's purchase because _ was a customer."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed the help of PersonY to get rid of some mold because _ had never dealth with it before. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed the help of PersonY to get rid of some mold even though _ had never dealth with it before."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really smells like mold, unlike PersonY because _ got caught in a down pour. \nSentence 2: PersonX really smells like mold, unlike PersonY because _ didn't get caught in a down pour."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX removed the harmful mold from PersonY's wall because _ worked at a mold removal agency. \nSentence 2: PersonX removed the harmful mold from PersonY's wall because _ hired a mold removal agency."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed over with PersonY at their house because the home of _ was filled with mold. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed over with PersonY at their house because the home of _ was free of mold."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to clean the mold growth out of PersonY's house because _ didn't want them to get sicker. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to clean the mold growth out of PersonY's house because _ didn't want to get out of bed."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to mold PersonY in the type of person they wanted them to be, because _ was too controlling. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to mold PersonY in the type of person they wanted them to be, because _ was too free spirited."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really upset with PersonY because _ kept telling to vent the bathroom when showering to stop the mold. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really happy with PersonY because _ remembered to vent the bathroom when showering to stop the mold."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's house has mold and asked PersonY if they could stay over because _ didn't want to get sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX's house has mold and asked PersonY if they could stay over so _ agreed so they didn't get sick."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's house is filled with mold, but PersonY doesn't have that issue. _ 's house is in disrepair. \nSentence 2: PersonX's house is filled with mold, but PersonY doesn't have that issue. _ 's house is in fine shape."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: The black mold made PersonX sick but hardly affected PersonY , since _ was so susceptible to infection. \nSentence 2: The black mold made PersonX sick but hardly affected PersonY , since _ was so invulnerable to infection."} {"input": "Context Word: mold.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mold on the cheese grossed out PersonX while it didn't bother PersonY because _ doesn't like moldy cheese. \nSentence 2: The mold on the cheese grossed out PersonX while it didn't bother PersonY because _ doesn't mind moldy cheese."} {"input": "Context Word: biting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX punished PersonY's child with timeout because _ was sick of the child biting her pet cat, Boo. \nSentence 2: PersonX was punished by PersonY's child with timeout because _ was sick of the child biting her pet cat, Boo."} {"input": "Context Word: biting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran away from PersonY because _ was afraid of her habit of biting people. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran away from PersonY because _ was aggressive with her habit of biting people."} {"input": "Context Word: biting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted their child to stop biting PersonY so _ tried to keep them away from the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted their child to stop biting PersonY so _ tried to keep them towards from the other."} {"input": "Context Word: mind and body.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to practice yoga because _ wanted to improve their mind and body. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to practice yoga because _ did not want to improve their mind and body."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: A story was written about PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a famous sports player. \nSentence 2: A story was written about PersonX but not PersonY because _ was just a normal person."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, _ was worse at crafting a story. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, _ was better at crafting a story."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: People believed the story told by PersonX but not the one by PersonY because _ was honest. \nSentence 2: People believed the story told by PersonX but not the one by PersonY because _ was a liar."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked her mother PersonY to read her a bedtime story, but _ was too tired and fell asleep while listening. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked her mother PersonY to read her a bedtime story, but _ was too tired and fell asleep while reading."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at telling a story than PersonY because _ took storytelling classes in college. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at telling a story than PersonY because _ didn't take storytelling classes in college."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the story PersonY wrote, then _ left a great review on the book's website. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the story PersonY wrote, then _ found a great review on the book's website."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX read a story to PersonY and tucked them in, and _ had work the following morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX read a story to PersonY and tucked them in, and _ had preschool the following morning."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY a bedtime story, then _ turned off the lights and walked out of the the room. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY a bedtime story, then _ turned off the lights and went back into the bed."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to read a story before bed but PersonY said they were too tired. _ can not read alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to read a story before bed but PersonY said they were too tired. _ said to read alone."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a fantastic story teller not like PersonY, because _ was a very imaginative person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a fantastic story teller not like PersonY, because _ was a very unimaginative person."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to make up a fantastic story on the spot, but PersonY froze, because _ was nervous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to make up a fantastic story on the spot, but PersonY froze, because _ was imaginative."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of the moon, so PersonY wrote her a story about how the moon is helpful. _ was no longer afraid of the moon after reading it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of the moon, so PersonY wrote her a story about how the moon is helpful. _ hoped she wouldn't be afraid of the moon after reading it."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was attending a story workshop but didn't share anything unlike PersonY because _ is shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was attending a story workshop but didn't share anything unlike PersonY because _ is confident."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was wanting to write a short story, but doesn't like to read and PersonY hates to write, but loves to read, so _ started writing a book. \nSentence 2: PersonX was wanting to write a short story, but doesn't like to read and PersonY hates to write, but loves to read, so _ started to read a book."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a best selling story about PersonY because _ was a great book author. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a best selling story about PersonY because _ was a great book subject."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's medium of choice for telling a story is song, while PersonY prefers books. _ is a songwriter. \nSentence 2: PersonX's medium of choice for telling a story is song, while PersonY prefers books. _ is a novelist."} {"input": "Context Word: story.", "output": "Sentence 1: Reading a story to their kid was a favorite pastime of PersonX but not PersonY because _ had three kids. \nSentence 2: Reading a story to their kid was a favorite pastime of PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no kids."} {"input": "Context Word: perm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so embarrassed because _ got a terrible looking hair perm from PersonY yesterday. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so embarrassed because _ gave a terrible looking hair perm to PersonY yesterday."} {"input": "Context Word: snacking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always heavier than PersonY because _ was always snacking on lots of sweet desserts. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always heavier than PersonY because _ avoided snacking on any kind of sweet desserts."} {"input": "Context Word: washcloth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a washcloth because PersonY bumped into him. _ felt frustrated at being bumped into. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a washcloth because PersonY bumped into him. _ felt sorry for bumping into him."} {"input": "Context Word: classes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX studied far less often than PersonY, _ received low grades in all her classes. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX studied far more often than PersonY, _ received low grades in all her classes."} {"input": "Context Word: classes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to go to night classes unlike PersonY, because _ did horrible during the semester. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to go to night classes unlike PersonY, because _ did great during the semester."} {"input": "Context Word: classes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Pilates classes at the gym suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very fit and flexible. \nSentence 2: The Pilates classes at the gym suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not very fit or flexible."} {"input": "Context Word: classes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The classes were easier for PersonX compared to PersonY because _ had studied a lot before the semester started. \nSentence 2: The classes were harder for PersonX compared to PersonY because _ had studied a lot before the semester started."} {"input": "Context Word: classes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The classes were very easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had taken them before. \nSentence 2: The classes were very difficult for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had taken them before."} {"input": "Context Word: applesauce.", "output": "Sentence 1: As they prepped the ingredients for the applesauce PersonX smiled at PersonY, _ she loved making applesauce. \nSentence 2: As they prepped the ingredients for the applesauce PersonX smiled at PersonY, _ she loathed making applesauce."} {"input": "Context Word: lactose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could stand to eat way less dairy than PersonY because _ was lactose intolerant. \nSentence 2: PersonX could stand to eat way more dairy than PersonY because _ was lactose intolerant."} {"input": "Context Word: using a phone app.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more experienced in using a phone app than PersonY because _ had grown up with cell phones. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more experienced in using a phone app than PersonY because _ had never owned a cell phone."} {"input": "Context Word: biased.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed PersonY is not getting up the ladder in this deeply biased company but did not say anything to him because _ is white. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed PersonY is not getting up the ladder in this deeply biased company but did not say anything to him because _ is black."} {"input": "Context Word: Prospect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went prospecting and found some gold ore, while PersonY went prospecting and found iron ore. _ was able to cash out with big money. \nSentence 2: PersonX went prospecting and found some gold ore, while PersonY went prospecting and found iron ore. _ was able to cash out with little money."} {"input": "Context Word: tape.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before football practice, PersonX has to use tape on his knees, but PersonY doesn't need any. _ 's knees are aching. \nSentence 2: Before football practice, PersonX has to use tape on his knees, but PersonY doesn't need any. _ 's knees are fine."} {"input": "Context Word: tape.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought PersonY packing tape because _ wanted to move to a new house later that week. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought PersonY packing tape because _ wanted to help them move to a new house later that week."} {"input": "Context Word: tape.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't understand why PersonY always used kinesiology tape on their injuries, because _ had never heard of anyone using it before. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't understand why PersonY always used kinesiology tape on their injuries, but _ had never heard of any other options."} {"input": "Context Word: tape.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was wrapping PersonYs present when _ ran out of tape and could not finish the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX was wrapping PersonYs present when _ got more tape and let them finish the job."} {"input": "Context Word: tape.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ grabbed the tape because PersonX needed to tape something together while PersonY didn't. \nSentence 2: So _ dropped the tape because PersonX needed to tape something together while PersonY didn't."} {"input": "Context Word: removed.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the fight broke out, PersonX removed PersonY from the night club, because _ was a bouncer. \nSentence 2: After the fight broke out, PersonX removed PersonY from the night club, because _ was aggressive."} {"input": "Context Word: fabrics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not spend a lot of time choosing fabrics unlike PersonY because _ had little time to shop. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not spend a lot of time choosing fabrics unlike PersonY because _ had plenty time to shop."} {"input": "Context Word: fabrics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore only synthetic fabrics whereas PersonY leaned towards natural ones because _ preferred convenience. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore only synthetic fabrics whereas PersonY leaned towards natural ones because _ preferred being conscientious."} {"input": "Context Word: redecorated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX redecorated PersonY's old bedroom with new furniture so at the end _ was exhausted. \nSentence 2: PersonX redecorated PersonY's old bedroom with new furniture so at the end _ was happy."} {"input": "Context Word: celebration.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was excited about going out to the celebration party but PersonY rather stay home, as _ is social. \nSentence 2: PersonX was excited about going out to the celebration party but PersonY rather stay home, as _ is shy."} {"input": "Context Word: aloe vera.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could use aloe vera but PersonY could not because _ loves the smell of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX could use aloe vera but PersonY could not because _ is allergic to it."} {"input": "Context Word: aloe vera.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned from PersonY that aloe vera was good for his skin, so he stole some from him, but got caught. _ was remorseful. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned from PersonY that aloe vera was good for his skin, so he stole some from him, but got caught. _ was no longer trusting of him."} {"input": "Context Word: exfoliate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY decided to treat themselves at the spa, but _ didn't want to exfoliate her sensitive skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY decided to treat themselves at the spa, and _ wanted to exfoliate her sensitive skin."} {"input": "Context Word: brandy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated the taste of brandy while PersonY enjoyed it since _ disliked drinking spirits. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated the taste of brandy while PersonY enjoyed it since _ liked drinking spirits."} {"input": "Context Word: brandy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved brandy so when he and his roommate PersonY received a bottle as a gift, _ drank all of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated brandy so when he and his roommate PersonY received a bottle as a gift, _ drank all of it."} {"input": "Context Word: alimony.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ordered to pay alimony but not PersonY because _ had just become recently divorced. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ordered to pay alimony but not PersonY because _ had just become recently married."} {"input": "Context Word: render suet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Demonstrating the procedure of how to render suet, PersonX told PersonY to grab some beef fat while _ would get a pot out. \nSentence 2: Demonstrating the procedure of how to render suet, PersonX told PersonY to grab some beef fat because _ couldn't get a pot out.."} {"input": "Context Word: Enamel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied enamel to remove the paint from the walls of PersonY's house because _ needed work. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied enamel to remove the paint from the walls of PersonY's house because _ hired him."} {"input": "Context Word: insulation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put a large amount of insulation in their attic but PersonY only put a thin layer of it. _ saved a huge amount on their power bill. \nSentence 2: PersonX put a large amount of insulation in their attic but PersonY only put a thin layer of it. _ saved a small amount on their power bill."} {"input": "Context Word: screen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was quicker at cleaning the HDTV screen than PersonY because _ always remembered to dust the screen once a week. \nSentence 2: PersonX was quicker at cleaning the HDTV screen than PersonY because _ always forgot to dust the screen once a week."} {"input": "Context Word: screen.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fingerprints that PersonX left on the TV screen will surely be noticed by PersonY, but _ doesn't worry about it. \nSentence 2: The fingerprints that PersonX left on the TV screen will surely be noticed by PersonY, because _ is fussy about it."} {"input": "Context Word: screen.", "output": "Sentence 1: While fixing the window, PersonX had to take off PersonY's screen because _ was hired too. \nSentence 2: While fixing the window, PersonX had to take off PersonY's screen because _ hired them too."} {"input": "Context Word: ate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate more cake than PersonY so in comparison, _ was the chubby one of the two. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate more fruit than _PersonY so in comparison, _ was the skinny one of the two."} {"input": "Context Word: ate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate so much food at dinner but PersonY didn't touched his food. At the end _ stomach was full. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate so much food at dinner but PersonY didn't touched his food. At the end _ stomach was empty."} {"input": "Context Word: publishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help with publishing a children's book because _ had no experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help with publishing a children's book because _ had lots of experience."} {"input": "Context Word: publishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Self publishing online has become the new norm and PersonX picked up on that, but PersonY went for the traditional way of publishing and consequently _ made money quickly. \nSentence 2: Self publishing online has become the new norm and PersonX picked up on that, but PersonY went for the traditional way of publishing and consequently _ made money slowly."} {"input": "Context Word: supplies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gathered the supplies for vacation that PersonY needed for the trip, because _ was generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX gathered the supplies for vacation that PersonY needed for the trip, because _ was busy."} {"input": "Context Word: supplies.", "output": "Sentence 1: The much needed supplies were bought by PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a richer person. \nSentence 2: The much needed supplies were bought by PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a poorer person."} {"input": "Context Word: labrador retriever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to get a labrador retriever as a dog because _ loved that breed. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to get a labrador retriever as a dog but _ loved that breed."} {"input": "Context Word: neck.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wears sunscreen outdoors but PersonY doesn't because _ is very concerned about getting neck wrinkles. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wears sunscreen outdoors but PersonY doesn't because _ isn't concerned about getting neck wrinkles."} {"input": "Context Word: neck.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a pain in their neck but PersonY did not. _ had to make an appointment with a chiropractor. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a pain in their neck but PersonY did not. _ had to make an appointment with a dentist."} {"input": "Context Word: neck.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a stiff neck and PersonY did not, due to _ always sleeping in the wrong position. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a stiff neck and PersonY although _ was always sleeping in the wrong position."} {"input": "Context Word: neck.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a more conservative person than PersonY but _ was thinking of getting a neck tattoo. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a more conservative person than PersonY but _ was thinking of abstaining from a neck tattoo."} {"input": "Context Word: neck.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tired of PersonY being a pain in the neck, so _ laid down the law. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tired of PersonY being a pain in the neck after _ laid down the prank trap."} {"input": "Context Word: giving a speech on deforestation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was giving a speech on deforestation and needed help from PersonY because _ wasn't as knowledgeable in the topic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was giving a speech on deforestation and needed help from PersonY because _ was working in the field."} {"input": "Context Word: summarize.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the meeting, PersonX asked PersonY to summarize the main points, because _ preferred a succinct presentation. \nSentence 2: During the meeting, PersonX asked PersonY to summarize the main points, so _ gave a succinct presentation."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate chip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys chocolate chip cookies more than PersonY, so _ bakes the goodies more often.. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys chocolate chip cookies more than PersonY, so _ bakes the goodies less often."} {"input": "Context Word: bowl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX emptied his bowl of cereal before PersonY because _ eats his meals very fast. \nSentence 2: PersonX emptied his bowl of cereal before PersonY because _ eats his meals very slow."} {"input": "Context Word: bowl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a bowl at the pottery store and PersonY accidentally broke it. _ decided to make another. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a bowl at the pottery store and PersonY accidentally broke it. _ offered to make another."} {"input": "Context Word: bowl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a bowl for PersonY at the pottery studio. When _ dropped it, she cried about her wasted time. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a bowl for PersonY at the pottery studio. When _ dropped it, she cried about her friend's wasted time."} {"input": "Context Word: bowl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a bowl of soup for PersonY because _ knew they were sick and needed something to feel better. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a bowl of soup for PersonY because _ was sick and needed something to feel better."} {"input": "Context Word: bowl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to ask to borrow the antique bowl from PersonY but _ didn't have the nerve to. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to ask to borrow the antique bowl from PersonY but _ didn't have it."} {"input": "Context Word: candle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a candle while PersonY had a flashlight, so _ lit up the inside of the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a candle while PersonY had a flashlight, so _ lit up the outside of the house."} {"input": "Context Word: candle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoys the scent of candles, but PersonY does not, so _ likes being in churches. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoys the scent of candles, but PersonY does not, so _ hates being in churches."} {"input": "Context Word: candle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to light the candle because _ didn't have any matches on them. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to light the candle but _ didn't have any matches on them."} {"input": "Context Word: candle.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ lit the candles because PersonX wanted to read in the dark and PersonY wanted to sleep. \nSentence 2: So _ douse the candles because PersonX wanted to read in the dark and PersonY wanted to sleep."} {"input": "Context Word: Crush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to crush PersonY 's dreams of becoming a movie actor. _ was highly competitive. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to crush PersonY 's dreams of becoming a movie actor. _ was a threat to him."} {"input": "Context Word: Crush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was shy and had a crush on the very popular PersonY. _ was too scared to speak to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was shy and had a crush on the very popular PersonY. _ was unafraid to speak to anyone."} {"input": "Context Word: Crush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the subject of a secret crush from PersonY. _ was unaware they had a secret admirer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the subject of a secret crush from PersonY. _ was aware they were a secret admirer."} {"input": "Context Word: Crush.", "output": "Sentence 1: When opening up about their crushes, PersonX laughed at PersonY because _ remembered who their crush was. \nSentence 2: When opening up about their crushes, PersonX sighed at PersonY because _ forgot who their crush was."} {"input": "Context Word: cello.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to play the cello well but PersonY did not because _ was very patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to play the cello well but PersonY did not because _ was very impatient."} {"input": "Context Word: cello.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took cello lessons from PersonY, and _ had been learning the cello for two weeks now. \nSentence 2: PersonX took cello lessons from PersonY, and _ had been teaching the cello for two decades now."} {"input": "Context Word: cello.", "output": "Sentence 1: The composer chose PersonX over PersonY to sit in the first chair to play the cello because _ had practiced. \nSentence 2: The composer chose PersonX over PersonY to sit in the first chair to play the cello because _ had not practiced."} {"input": "Context Word: underwear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't find a clean pair of underwear, so he took one from PersonY, so _ was able to get dressed on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't find a clean pair of underwear, so he took one from PersonY, so _ wasn't able to find theirs on time."} {"input": "Context Word: underwear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have any clean underwear to wear that day, unlike PersonY, because _ remembered to do the laundry. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have any clean underwear to wear that day, unlike PersonY, because _ forgot to do the laundry."} {"input": "Context Word: underwear.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mother quickly rushed to PersonX and past PersonY because _ needed a change of underwear. \nSentence 2: The mother quickly rushed past PersonX and to PersonY because _ needed a change of underwear."} {"input": "Context Word: pushup.", "output": "Sentence 1: Doing a pushup was very hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was in bad shape. \nSentence 2: Doing a pushup was very hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was in good shape."} {"input": "Context Word: to think more positively.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to think more positively than PersonY because _ was a optimist type of person. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to think more positively than PersonY because _ was a pessimist type of person."} {"input": "Context Word: credit cards.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some tips on how to manage the credit cards he had, because _ got into trouble with debt before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some tips on how to manage the credit cards he had, but _ got into trouble with debt before."} {"input": "Context Word: credit cards.", "output": "Sentence 1: When shopping, PersonX used credit cards less often than PersonY, because _ had a lot of credit card debt she was trying to pay off. \nSentence 2: When shopping, PersonX used credit cards less often than PersonY, because _ had no credit card debt she was trying to pay off."} {"input": "Context Word: Elbow.", "output": "Sentence 1: Rather than play by the rules, PersonX chose to elbow PersonY during the basketball game because _ was rebellious. \nSentence 2: Rather than play by the rules, PersonX chose to elbow PersonY during the basketball game because _ was a pushover."} {"input": "Context Word: exfoliating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the exfoliating session session painful but not PersonY because _ had sensitive skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the exfoliating session session painful but not PersonY because _ had tough skin."} {"input": "Context Word: professor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX impressed the professor with their knowledge of the subject, unlike PersonY, because _ was shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX impressed the professor with their knowledge of the subject, unlike PersonY, because _ was outspoken."} {"input": "Context Word: professor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very well regarded professor but PersonY was not. _ was able to make tenure at their university. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very well regarded professor but PersonY was not. _ was unable to make tenure at their university."} {"input": "Context Word: remote control.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always losing the remote control but PersonY never did. _ had to go to Sears and buy a new remote control. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always losing the remote control but PersonY never did. _ had to go to Sears and buy a new ottoman."} {"input": "Context Word: rhymes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Reading poetry and rhymes was very entertaining for PersonX but boring for PersonY, since _ was a poet. \nSentence 2: Reading poetry and rhymes was very entertaining for PersonX but boring for PersonY, since _ was a mathematician."} {"input": "Context Word: white dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a white dress to the event, but not PersonY, because _ knew that that it was inappropriate for a wedding. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a white dress to the event, but not PersonY, because _ knew that that it was inappropriate for a funeral."} {"input": "Context Word: note.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was necessary for PersonX to write a note to remind themselves to do their homework but not for PersonY because _ had a poor memory. \nSentence 2: It was necessary for PersonX to write a note to remind themselves to do their homework but not for PersonY because _ had a brilliant memory."} {"input": "Context Word: note.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decides to leave a note for PersonY, because _ is uneasy about speaking in person. \nSentence 2: PersonX decides to leave a note for PersonY, but _ would prefer speaking in person."} {"input": "Context Word: note.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a better note taker than PersonY because _ has clear and concise handwriting. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a better note taker than PersonY because _ has small and confusing handwriting."} {"input": "Context Word: note.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was grateful to PersonY for doing her work, before _ writing her a thank you note. \nSentence 2: PersonX was angry at PersonY for doing her work, before _ writing her a apology note."} {"input": "Context Word: candy.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the mall, PersonX wanted to buy PersonY some soft, fruity candy, and _ made a good choice. \nSentence 2: At the mall, PersonX wanted to buy PersonY some soft, fruity candy, but _ wanted something else."} {"input": "Context Word: candy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Candy is a favorite of PersonX, while PersonY would much prefer some pretzels. _ has the sweet tooth. \nSentence 2: Candy is a favorite of PersonX, while PersonY would much prefer some pretzels. _ has the salty tooth."} {"input": "Context Word: candy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a lot of candy as a child whereas PersonY ate vegetables. As a result, _ had poor teeth. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a lot of candy as a child whereas PersonY ate vegetables. As a result, _ had great teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: candy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave her brother a piece of candy, but PersonY refused to share, because _ was generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave her brother a piece of candy, but PersonY refused to share, because _ was selfish."} {"input": "Context Word: candy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had too much candy instead of dinner while PersonY ate chicken, so _ had an upset stomach after. \nSentence 2: PersonX had too much candy instead of dinner while PersonY ate chicken, so _ had a satiated stomach after."} {"input": "Context Word: candy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves chocolate and candy and PersonY loves pickles and lemons. _ loves sweet foods. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves chocolate and candy and PersonY loves pickles and lemons. _ loves sour foods."} {"input": "Context Word: candy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a costume and walked around while PersonY stayed home so _ took candy during Halloween. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a costume and walked around while PersonY stayed home so _ gave candy during Halloween."} {"input": "Context Word: drill.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was a handyman and PersonY was a computer programmer, _ used a drill everyday at work. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was a handyman and PersonY was a computer programmer, _ never used a drill at work."} {"input": "Context Word: drill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX headed over to PersonY's house to borrow their drill since _ is needing one. \nSentence 2: PersonX headed over to PersonY's house to borrow their drill since _ is loaning it out."} {"input": "Context Word: drill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started to drill a large hole in PersonY's front door, because _ was trying to break in. \nSentence 2: PersonX started to drill a large hole in PersonY's front door, because _ was locked out of his house."} {"input": "Context Word: drill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's drill broke, so he went to his neighbor, PersonY, to borrow. _ is very grateful. \nSentence 2: PersonX's drill broke, so he went to his neighbor, PersonY, to borrow. _ is very giving."} {"input": "Context Word: Vegan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a vegan but PersonY was a pescatarian. _ ordered the big salad for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a vegan but PersonY was a pescatarian. _ ordered the tuna salad for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: evaluated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX evaluated the condition of PersonY to make sure they were ok, since _ was a doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX evaluated the condition of PersonY to make sure they were ok, since _ was a patient."} {"input": "Context Word: approach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to approach the injured animal, but PersonY held back, because _ had significant experience with dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to approach the injured animal, but PersonY held back, because _ had zero experience with dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: approach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very afraid to approach PersonY that day since _ was very shy around her. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very afraid to approach PersonY that day since _ was very hostile around her."} {"input": "Context Word: approach.", "output": "Sentence 1: The horse wouldn't approach PersonX like the horse would PersonY, because _ had hay to feed. \nSentence 2: The horse wouldn't approach PersonX like the horse would PersonY, because _ did no have hay to feed."} {"input": "Context Word: approach.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man was able to easily approach PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very friendly. \nSentence 2: The man was able to easily approach PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very mean."} {"input": "Context Word: snowflake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more in awe of the blizzard than PersonY because _ had never seen snowflakes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more in awe of the blizzard than PersonY because _ had seen many snowflakes."} {"input": "Context Word: icy roads.", "output": "Sentence 1: The icy roads already caused PersonX to crash into PersonY because _ was driving recklessly. \nSentence 2: The icy roads already caused PersonX to crash into PersonY because _ was driving cautiously."} {"input": "Context Word: Volunteer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved people and wanted to help them while PersonY loved to help animals. _ volunteered at the local hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved people and wanted to help them while PersonY loved to help animals. _ volunteered at the local shelter."} {"input": "Context Word: excellent swimmer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an excellent swimmer but PersonY did not know how, so _ stayed in the deep water. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an excellent swimmer but PersonY did not know how, so _ stayed in the shallow water."} {"input": "Context Word: price.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could determine a better price for a product than personY because _ has a degree in finance. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not determine a better price for a product than personY because _ has a degree in finance."} {"input": "Context Word: price.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to the price of the house PersonX was not bothered but PersonY was because _ was rich. \nSentence 2: When it came to the price of the house PersonX was not bothered but PersonY was because _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: quits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX quits his job on Friday, but PersonY continues to work at the same company, so _ was likely unhappy. \nSentence 2: PersonX quits his job on Friday, but PersonY continues to work at the same company, so _ was likely content."} {"input": "Context Word: pho.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prepared pho several times a week compared to PersonY because _ enjoyed eating soups. \nSentence 2: PersonX prepared pho several times a week compared to PersonY because _ disliked eating soups."} {"input": "Context Word: Accent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX began to develop a Texan accent from spending time around PersonY. _ was not from Texas. \nSentence 2: PersonX began to develop a Texan accent from spending time around PersonY. _ was a native of Texas."} {"input": "Context Word: singing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she had ever taken singing lessons, because _ she had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she had ever taken singing lessons, but _ she had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: singing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX declined to join the singing club after the club leader PersonY invited her. _ abhorred the spotlight. \nSentence 2: PersonX declined to join the singing club after the club leader PersonY invited her. _ loved the spotlight."} {"input": "Context Word: singing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed singing in front of large crowds but not PersonY because _ was at ease with crowds. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed singing in front of large crowds but not PersonY because _ was tense with crowds."} {"input": "Context Word: singing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is taking singing and dancing lessons from the PersonY, because _ wants to get better. \nSentence 2: PersonX is taking singing and dancing lessons from the PersonY, because _ is dancing teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: singing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed singing publicly but PersonY did not as _ had a superb singing voice. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed singing publicly but PersonY did not as _ had a dreadful singing voice."} {"input": "Context Word: Relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a good relationship with their brother but not PersonY because _ was a considerate sibling. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a good relationship with their brother but not PersonY because _ was an inconsiderate sibling."} {"input": "Context Word: toothpaste.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the store, PersonX is always buying store brand things like toothpastes, while PersonY goes with the name brands. Thus, _ probably has a tight budget. \nSentence 2: At the store, PersonX is always buying store brand things like toothpastes, while PersonY goes with the name brands. Thus, _ probably has a unrestricted budget."} {"input": "Context Word: toothpaste.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed PersonY's toothpaste without asking. It wasn't a big deal and _ didn't feel guilty about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed PersonY's toothpaste without asking. It wasn't a big deal and _ didn't even notice it."} {"input": "Context Word: toothpaste.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used the newly bought toothpaste but not PersonY because _ liked the cinnamon flavor. \nSentence 2: PersonX used the newly bought toothpaste but not PersonY because _ hated the cinnamon flavor."} {"input": "Context Word: toothpaste.", "output": "Sentence 1: Teeth cleaning is agonizing for PersonX but not PersonY because _ hates the toothpaste the dentist uses. \nSentence 2: Teeth cleaning is agonizing for PersonX but not PersonY because _ likes the toothpaste the dentist uses."} {"input": "Context Word: toothpaste.", "output": "Sentence 1: The toothpaste of PersonX works better than that of PersonY, so _ must use a name brand toothpaste. \nSentence 2: The toothpaste of PersonX works better than that of PersonY, so _ must use a generic brand toothpaste."} {"input": "Context Word: Canary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's canary was giving PersonY a headache, so _ put her bird in another room. \nSentence 2: PersonX's canary was giving PersonY a headache, so _ told her to put her bird in another room."} {"input": "Context Word: talked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX talked in a softer voice than PersonY because _ was feeling a little bad. \nSentence 2: PersonX talked in a softer voice than PersonY because _ was feeling a bit good."} {"input": "Context Word: wrong.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew they did wrong to PersonY, so _ was avoiding them all during the show. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew they did wrong to PersonY, so _ was finding them all during the show."} {"input": "Context Word: sue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX came up with all of the paperwork to sue the defendant off to PersonY to file because _ was a lawyer. \nSentence 2: PersonX came up with all of the paperwork to sue the defendant off to PersonY to file because _ was an assisstant."} {"input": "Context Word: sue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decides she's going to sue PersonY for defamation in the tabloids because _ is an actress. \nSentence 2: PersonX decides she's going to sue PersonY for defamation in the tabloids because _ is a journalist."} {"input": "Context Word: sue.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX crashed the car into PersonY's garden, _ was sued for damages that the insurance company refused to pay. \nSentence 2: When PersonX crashed the car into PersonY' garden, _ sued for damages.that the insurance company refused to pay."} {"input": "Context Word: eremurus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for help caring for her dying ermurus plants from PersonY, a botanist, because she didn't know what was wrong. _ accidentally gave her eremurus too much water. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for help caring for her dying ermurus plants from PersonY, a botanist, because she didn't know what was wrong. _ knew the eremurus were getting too much water."} {"input": "Context Word: present.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a very lavish present to the party but PersonY did not as _ was very generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a very lavish present to the party but PersonY did not as _ was very stingy."} {"input": "Context Word: present.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to present PersonY with a surprise, so _ was excited about the upcoming evening together. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to present PersonY with a surprise, so _ was clueless about the upcoming evening together."} {"input": "Context Word: first-aid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not do well in the first-aid class while PersonY did because _ fainted a the sight of blood or needles. \nSentence 2: PersonX did very well in the first-aid class while PersonY did not because _ fainted a the sight of blood or needles."} {"input": "Context Word: downhill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a sled with a slicker bottom than PersonY, so _ \"s sled went faster downhill and to the finish line. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a sled with a rougher bottom than PersonY, so _ 's sled went faster downhill and to the finish line."} {"input": "Context Word: vacuum the leather couch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to vacuum the leather couch because _ had never owned one before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to vacuum the leather couch because _ had owned several before."} {"input": "Context Word: broccoli.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more fit than PersonY was because _ ate healthy things like broccoli and greens. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more fat than PersonY was because _ ate healthy things like broccoli and greens."} {"input": "Context Word: sprain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always walking slower than PersonY, as _ was suffering from a high ankle sprain. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always walking slower than PersonY, as _ was not suffering from a high ankle sprain."} {"input": "Context Word: knees.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had bad knees while PersonY had healthy knees, _ felt pain when hiking long distances. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had bad knees while PersonY had healthy knees, _ felt fine when hiking long distances."} {"input": "Context Word: knees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fell and skinned his knees while playing with PersonY, so _ asked for a band-aid. \nSentence 2: PersonX fell and skinned his knees while playing with PersonY, so _ gave him a band-aid."} {"input": "Context Word: knees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sometimes sits on their knees whilst personY does not. This is because _ is religious. \nSentence 2: PersonX sometimes sits on their knees whilst personY does not. This is because _ is secular."} {"input": "Context Word: knees.", "output": "Sentence 1: The knees of PersonX are aching, but PersonY's are fine. This is because _ is an old man. \nSentence 2: The knees of PersonX are aching, but PersonY's are fine. This is because _ is a young man."} {"input": "Context Word: Room.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX approached PersonY even though he was all the way on the other side of the room because _ was intrigued by him. \nSentence 2: PersonX approached PersonY even though he was all the way on the other side of the room because _ was very intriguing."} {"input": "Context Word: diagnosed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was down-trodden because _ had been diagnosed with cancer from smoking. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was down-trodden because _ had not been diagnosed with cancer from smoking."} {"input": "Context Word: diagnosed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was diagnosed by PersonY with stage 2 lung cancer because _ was a smoker. \nSentence 2: PersonX was diagnosed by PersonY with stage 2 lung cancer because _ was a surgeon."} {"input": "Context Word: determine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier than PersonY to determine if the if the answer was correct because _ had spent time studying. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier than PersonY to determine if the if the answer was correct because _ had not spent time studying."} {"input": "Context Word: determine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier than PersonY to determine which company was going to be successful because _ had worked as an analyst. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier than PersonY to determine which company was going to be successful because _ had never worked as an analyst."} {"input": "Context Word: determine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unable to determine if they liked PersonY, because _ had ambivalent feelings about them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unable to determine if they liked PersonY, because _ had ambivalent traits about them."} {"input": "Context Word: determine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unable to determine the future as well as PersonY, because _ had dull senses. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unable to determine the future as well as PersonY, because _ had evolved senses."} {"input": "Context Word: determine.", "output": "Sentence 1: To determine the correct glue for the project PersonX asked PersonY for their opinion, _ doesn't know much about glue. \nSentence 2: To determine the correct glue for the project PersonX asked PersonY for their opinion, _ does know much about glue."} {"input": "Context Word: sexting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more adventurous than PersonY so _ was always surprised when they caught the other sexting in class. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more adventurous than PersonY so _ was never surprised when they caught the other sexting in class."} {"input": "Context Word: steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cooking a steak on an outdoor grill was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had done it many times before. \nSentence 2: Cooking a steak on an outdoor grill was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not done it many times before."} {"input": "Context Word: steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how long to cook a Chuck steak on the grill, because _ couldn't remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how long to cook a Chuck steak on the grill, although _ couldn't remember."} {"input": "Context Word: steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY how to cook a steak because _ was a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY how to cook steak because _ was an experienced chef."} {"input": "Context Word: steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a butcher, PersonY is not therefore it is best to ask _ about how to cook a steak. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a butcher, PersonY is not therefore it is probably best not to ask _ about how to cook a steak."} {"input": "Context Word: steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to eat juicy steak but PersonY would never eat any of it because _ was a carnivore. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to eat juicy steak but PersonY would never eat any of it because _ was a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves grilling steaks but PersonY is a vegetarian. _ gobbles up all the steak. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves grilling steaks but PersonY is a vegetarian. _ won't eat any of the steak."} {"input": "Context Word: steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes a lot more money than PersonY, so _ eats a lot of steak for supper. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes a lot more money than PersonY, so _ eats very little of steak for supper."} {"input": "Context Word: steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX orded a steak while PersonY ordered a salad, because _ cares about healthy eating. \nSentence 2: PersonX orded a steak while PersonY ordered a salad, because _ is careless about healthy eating."} {"input": "Context Word: steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to prepare a juicy steak and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ wants to get it right. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to prepare a juicy steak and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ is a chef."} {"input": "Context Word: Carbs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed eating a lot of food with carbs but not PersonY because _ was unhealthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed eating a lot of food with carbs but not PersonY because _ was healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: healthcare.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because of where they worked, PersonX had access to good healthcare, while PersonY did not, so _ lived a longer life. \nSentence 2: Because of where they worked, PersonX had access to good healthcare, while PersonY did not, so _ lived a shorter life."} {"input": "Context Word: healthcare.", "output": "Sentence 1: Healthcare was mandatory and PersonX had it while PersonY didn't, because _ abides by the law. \nSentence 2: Healthcare was mandatory and PersonX had it while PersonY didn't, because _ resists the law."} {"input": "Context Word: healthcare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better healthcare package than PersonY because _ had a lot of money and could afford it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better healthcare package than PersonY because _ had a little bit of money and could afford it."} {"input": "Context Word: Calculations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed English class rather than dealing with calculations in math class unlike PersonY because _ was less analytical. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed English class rather than dealing with calculations in math class unlike PersonY because _ was more analytical."} {"input": "Context Word: ghost.", "output": "Sentence 1: Hunting for a ghost in the cemetery was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed the dark. \nSentence 2: Hunting for a ghost in the cemetery was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was scared of the dark."} {"input": "Context Word: ghost.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Halloween, PersonX was helping PersonY search for a ghost although _ did not believe in them. \nSentence 2: On Halloween, PersonX was helping PersonY search for a ghost because _ believed in them."} {"input": "Context Word: ghost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believes he saw a ghost at the hotel, but PersonY doesn't think it's true. So, _ is a believer in the paranormal. \nSentence 2: PersonX believes he saw a ghost at the hotel, but PersonY doesn't think it's true. So, _ is a doubter in the paranormal."} {"input": "Context Word: ghost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pretended to be a ghost while PersonY was a witch, so _ was had the inability to cast a spell. \nSentence 2: PersonX pretended to be a ghost while PersonY was a witch, so _ was had the capability to cast a spell."} {"input": "Context Word: ghost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tends to believe in ghosts, while PersonY does not, so _ is more believing in the paranormal. \nSentence 2: PersonX tends to believe in ghosts, while PersonY does not, although _ is more believing in the paranormal."} {"input": "Context Word: ghost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY about a ghost that haunts the house, but _ failed to frighten her. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY about a ghost that haunts the house, but _ failed to believe her."} {"input": "Context Word: Account.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx was able to account for the assets donated to him by persony because _ had a thorough usage of the assets. \nSentence 2: personx was able to account for the assets donated to him by persony because _ had a thorough follow up of the assets."} {"input": "Context Word: sister.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sister of PersonX is mean to him, but PersonY's is very nice. _ is always annoyed at that. \nSentence 2: The sister of PersonX is mean to him, but PersonY's is very nice. _ is always happy with that."} {"input": "Context Word: moisturizer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to use a moisturizer after taking a shower but not PersonY because _ had dry skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to use a moisturizer after taking a shower but not PersonY because _ had oily skin."} {"input": "Context Word: cycle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tired of going through the same cycle with PersonY, so _ finally put a stop to it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tired of going through the same cycle with PersonY, because _ refused to put a stop to it."} {"input": "Context Word: young.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was too young to be hanging out with PersonY, so _ couldn't wait to grow older. \nSentence 2: PersonX was too young to be hanging out with PersonY, so _ couldn't wait for them to grow older."} {"input": "Context Word: young.", "output": "Sentence 1: The young boy looked up to PersonX more than PersonY because _ was his favorite sports player. \nSentence 2: The young boy looked up to PersonX less than PersonY because _ was his favorite sports player."} {"input": "Context Word: young.", "output": "Sentence 1: The young man thanked PersonX and not PersonY because _ had helped him make it through college. \nSentence 2: The young man thanked PersonX and not PersonY because _ had almost ruined him making it through college."} {"input": "Context Word: dollhouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a dollhouse for Christmas while PersonY only laughed because _ thought dollhouses were incredible. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a dollhouse for Christmas while PersonY only laughed because _ thought dollhouses were stupid."} {"input": "Context Word: international flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had done more travelling and sightseeing than PersonY. _ thought a long international flight was worth it for the experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX had done more travelling and sightseeing than PersonY. _ thought a long international flight was too much hassle for the experience."} {"input": "Context Word: curl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to curl her hair after she saw how PersonY's curled hers, because now _ knew how. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to curl her hair after she saw how PersonY's curled hers, because _ showed her how."} {"input": "Context Word: curl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to curl their hair but not PersonY because _ had naturally straight hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to curl their hair but not PersonY because _ had naturally curly hair."} {"input": "Context Word: pros.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to hang with the pros, but PersonY wanted a simple life, so _ left to pursue bigger dreams. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to hang with the pros, but PersonY wanted a simple life, so _ left to pursue a vanilla existence."} {"input": "Context Word: Complaining.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was constantly complaining about PersonY because _ was always behind him during the competitions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was constantly complaining about PersonY because _ was always ahead of him during the competitions."} {"input": "Context Word: globe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been around the globe many times, but PersonY always stayed home, because _ are more nomadic. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been around the globe many times, but PersonY always stayed home, because _ are more stationary."} {"input": "Context Word: globe.", "output": "Sentence 1: Taking a trip around the globe is a dream of PersonX and a reality for PersonY, _ hopes her dream comes true. \nSentence 2: Taking a trip around the globe is a dream of PersonX and a reality for PersonY, _ is proof dreams comes true."} {"input": "Context Word: heart attack.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has had four heart attacks, and PersonY has never had one, so _ 's heart health is weaker. \nSentence 2: PersonX has had four heart attacks, and PersonY has never had one, so _ 's heart health is stronger."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the restaurant, PersonX made marinated chicken and vegetables for PersonY because _ was a chef. \nSentence 2: At the restaurant, PersonX made marinated chicken and vegetables for PersonY because _ was a customer."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: Chicken was PersonX's favorite food to eat at restaurants, but not PersonY's, as _ wasn't worried about it being undercooked. \nSentence 2: Chicken was PersonX's favorite food to eat at restaurants, but not PersonY's, as _ was always about it being undercooked."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: Chicken was a staple in the diet of PersonX and not PersonY because _ is a carnivore. \nSentence 2: Chicken was a staple in the diet of PersonX and not PersonY because _ is a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cooking chicken properly was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was trained as a chef. \nSentence 2: Cooking chicken properly was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was never trained as a chef."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to become a vegetarian although PersonY couldn't do it. _ didn't even miss the taste of chicken. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to become a vegetarian although PersonY couldn't do it. _ really missed the taste of chicken."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the playground at school during recess, PersonX called PersonY a chicken because _ was capable of climbing the ladder. \nSentence 2: On the playground at school during recess, PersonX called PersonY a chicken because _ was scared of climbing the ladder."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate chicken for dinner while PersonY ate tofu for dinner. _ is a carnivore. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate chicken for dinner while PersonY ate tofu for dinner. _ is a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX consumes far more dishes prepared with chicken than PersonY because _ is not a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX consumes far more dishes prepared with chicken than PersonY because _ is a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked a chicken for PersonY, since _ knew how to cook a chicken quite well. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked a chicken for PersonY, since _ did not how to cook a chicken very well."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked chicken for PersonY because _ liked cooking on the grill during the summer. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked chicken for PersonY because _ didn't like cooking on the grill during the summer."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a chicken to PersonY for _ loved the taste of fresh eggs and coffee in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a chicken from PersonY for _ loved the taste of fresh eggs and coffee in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a chef, PersonY can't cook therefore _ could give you good chicken recipes. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a chef, PersonY can't cook therefore _ could not give you good chicken recipes."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a chicken dinner for PersonY, because _ wanted them to be impressed with their cooking. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a chicken dinner for PersonY, and _ told them they were impressed with their cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered a salad with chicken breast while PersonY got a sandwich with tofu, because _ followed a paleo diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered a salad with chicken breast while PersonY got a sandwich with tofu, because _ followed a vegetarian diet."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered the chicken parmesan, while PersonY ordered the eggplant, because _ was a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered the chicken parmesan, while PersonY ordered the eggplant, because _ was an omnivore."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make Diet Coke Chicken for PersonY but _ didn't have a deep enough pot to cook it in. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make Diet Coke Chicken for PersonY but _ didn't have a deep enough pan to cook it in."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to reheat a chicken and asks for an advice from chef PersonY, because _ doesn't know how to reheat. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to reheat a chicken and asks for an advice from chef PersonY, because _ is a professional chef."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mad at PersonY because _ had asked for chicken tacos for dinner, but not gotten them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mad at PersonY because _ had promised chicken tacos for dinner, but had not made them."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ favorite food is chicken because PersonX thinks they're delicious and PersonY thinks they're disgusting. \nSentence 2: So _ hated food is chicken because PersonX thinks they're delicious and PersonY thinks they're disgusting."} {"input": "Context Word: chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: The chicken PersonX made is more delicious than PersonY's version because _ is a great chef. \nSentence 2: The chicken PersonX made is more delicious than PersonY's version because _ is a lousy chef."} {"input": "Context Word: businessman.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx is a more succssful businessman than persony even though _ is hardly mentioned in the news. \nSentence 2: personx is a more succssful businessman than persony even though _ made more headlines in the news."} {"input": "Context Word: Photojournalism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had much more experience in photojournalism than PersonY did because _ pursued his career much earlier. \nSentence 2: PersonX had much more experience in photojournalism than PersonY did because _ pursued his career much later."} {"input": "Context Word: grooming.", "output": "Sentence 1: Grooming dogs in the summer suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ wanted to be a veterinarian and work with animals. \nSentence 2: Grooming dogs in the summer suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not want to be a veterinarian or work with animals."} {"input": "Context Word: grooming.", "output": "Sentence 1: Grooming the dog is hard for PersonX, while PersonY finds it easy. _ is more impatient. \nSentence 2: Grooming the dog is hard for PersonX, while PersonY finds it easy. _ is more patient."} {"input": "Context Word: grooming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was grooming PersonY to be the next big rock star, since _ saw something special in them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was grooming PersonY to be the next big rock star, since _ had something special in them."} {"input": "Context Word: grooming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's grooming business is losing money consistently so went to PersonY for advice since _ is failing. \nSentence 2: PersonX's grooming business is losing money consistently so went to PersonY for advice since _ is successful."} {"input": "Context Word: fluids.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor gave no fluids to PersonX and gave them to PersonY since _ was not dehydrated. \nSentence 2: The doctor gave no fluids to PersonX and gave them to PersonY since _ was extremelyt dehydrated."} {"input": "Context Word: expert witness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is considered a leading expert witness over PersonY because _ has 25 years of experience in the field. \nSentence 2: PersonX is considered a leading expert witness over PersonY because _ has no experience in the field."} {"input": "Context Word: herbs.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making food with lots of herbs suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed strong flavors. \nSentence 2: Making food with lots of herbs suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed bland flavors."} {"input": "Context Word: herbs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The herbs in PersonX's garden taste better than the ones that PersonY has grown because _ is the smarter gardener. \nSentence 2: The herbs in PersonX's garden taste better than the ones that PersonY has grown because _ is the dumber gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: file.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't find the file in the cabinet but PersonY did because _ was looking in the wrong cabinet. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't find the file in the cabinet but PersonY did because _ was looking in the correct cabinet."} {"input": "Context Word: file.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't keep a file system of their bills like PersonY. _ was very disorganized. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't keep a file system of their bills like PersonY. _ was very organized."} {"input": "Context Word: file.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY the wrong information about the computer file, so _ got in trouble with his boss. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY the wrong information about the computer file, so _ had trouble doing his work."} {"input": "Context Word: file.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses Kickasstorrents, PersonY doesn't therefor _ can tell you how to file share on Kickasstorrents. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses Kickasstorrents, PersonY doesn't therefor _ cannot tell you how to file share on Kickasstorrents."} {"input": "Context Word: homeless.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is helping PersonY who is a homeless child, because _ has a good nature. \nSentence 2: PersonX is helping PersonY who is a homeless child, because _ really needs a help."} {"input": "Context Word: homeless.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is homeless, while PersonY has a very nice home, so _ is very sad a lot of the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX is homeless, while PersonY has a very nice home, so _ is very grateful a lot of the time."} {"input": "Context Word: homeless.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is homeless, while PersonY is a wealthy person, so _ is fed by the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX is homeless, while PersonY is a wealthy person, so _ is feeding the other."} {"input": "Context Word: homeless.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was no longer homeless after PersonY took her in, _ was very grateful for the new shelter. \nSentence 2: PersonX was no longer homeless after PersonY took her in, _ was very generous with the new shelter."} {"input": "Context Word: inseam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX measured the inseam on PersonY's pants. _ tailored his other pants to match the initial pair. \nSentence 2: PersonX measured the inseam on PersonY's pants. _ asked him to tailor his other pants to match the initial pair."} {"input": "Context Word: accident.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fortunately, PersonX was able to catch the mistakes that PersonY had included by accident, because _ was a more junior worker. \nSentence 2: Fortunately, PersonX was able to catch the mistakes that PersonY had included by accident, because _ was a more seasoned worker."} {"input": "Context Word: accident.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called the ambulance after PersonY had a bad car accident because _ was worried about them. \nSentence 2: PersonX called the ambulance after PersonY had a bad car accident because _ was unconscious."} {"input": "Context Word: accident.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ was so angry about the car accident and hospital stay. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY because _ was so upset about the car accident and hospital stay."} {"input": "Context Word: accident.", "output": "Sentence 1: The accident that PersonX was in was worse than the one PersonY was in because _ was going faster. \nSentence 2: The accident that PersonX was in was worse than the one PersonY was in because _ was going slower."} {"input": "Context Word: winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cold weather is what PersonX predicts to PersonY this winter morning , _ is a advise giver to others. \nSentence 2: Cold weather is what PersonX predicts to PersonY this winter morning , _ is a advise listener of others."} {"input": "Context Word: winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was getting chilly. PersonX asked PersonY when does winter start, because _ didn't know. \nSentence 2: It was getting chilly. PersonX asked PersonY when does winter start, but _ didn't know."} {"input": "Context Word: winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was winter and PersonX wanted to hold PersonY's hands, because _ hands were cold. \nSentence 2: It was winter and PersonX wanted to hold PersonY's hands, because _ hands were warm."} {"input": "Context Word: winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what time the library closes during winter hours, because _ she had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what time the library closes during winter hours, but _ did not remember."} {"input": "Context Word: winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't care for the approaching winter while PersonY was looking forward to it. _ preferred warm weather. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't care for the approaching winter while PersonY was looking forward to it. _ preferred cold weather."} {"input": "Context Word: winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves winter and snow so much that PersonY starts appreciating them also, because _ is very convincing. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves winter and snow so much that PersonY starts appreciating them also, but _ gets very cold easily."} {"input": "Context Word: winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very comfortable outside during winter unlike PersonY because _ had a very thick coat. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very comfortable outside during winter unlike PersonY because _ had a very thin coat."} {"input": "Context Word: winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cold of winter was better tolerated by PersonX than PersonY due to _ growing up in Alaska. \nSentence 2: The cold of winter was better tolerated by PersonX than PersonY due to _ growing up in Arizona."} {"input": "Context Word: winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: The crisp winter was abhorrent to PersonX but PersonY loved it, since _ was susceptible to the harsh weather. \nSentence 2: The crisp winter was abhorrent to PersonX but PersonY loved it, since _ was oblivious to the harsh weather."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them build a pool in their garden because _ was inexperienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them build a pool in their garden because _ was a professional builder."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to show them how to chalk their pool cue, because _ had never done it before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to show them how to chalk their pool cue, because _ had done it many times before."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked to be able to go to the city pool with PersonY later in the day, because _ was alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked to be able to go to the city pool with PersonY later in the day, so _ agreed."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better beach body than PersonY who does not, so _ decided to show off at the pool. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better beach body than PersonY who does not, so _ decided to shy away at the pool."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to add baking soda to their pool so they asked PersonY for help because _ had never cleaned their pool before. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to add baking soda to their pool so they asked PersonY for help because _ had definitely cleaned their pool before."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated cleaning the pool filter for PersonY, because _ didn't like working outside in the sun. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated cleaning the pool filter for PersonY, but _ didn't like working outside in the sun."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to build a pool because _ was going on a long vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to build a pool but _ was going on a long vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hustled PersonY during a game of pool because _ was a crafty game player. \nSentence 2: PersonX hustled PersonY during a game of pool because _ was a naive game player."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invites PersonY to go swimming in their pool as _ owns a swimming pool. \nSentence 2: PersonX invites PersonY to go swimming in their pool as _ has no access to a swimming pool."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making a pool party for PersonY and needs to raise pH in a pool, so _ buys pH raising preparates. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making a pool party for PersonY and needs to raise pH in a pool, so _ could safely enjoy party."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX jumped in the pool while PersonY stood on the deck and watched because _ wanted to get wet. \nSentence 2: PersonX jumped in the pool while PersonY stood on the deck and watched because _ wanted to stay dry."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to be outside more than PersonY so _ spent time arguing for getting a pool. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to be outside more than PersonY so _ spent time arguing against getting a pool."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived closer to the local swimming pool than PersonY, because _ lived in the city. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived closer to the local swimming pool than PersonY, because _ lived in the countryside."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked better at the swimming pool than PersonY, because _ had spent a lot of time at the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked better at the swimming pool than PersonY, because _ hadn't spent a lot of time at the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid PersonY money because _ bet they'd win the game of pool but ending up losing. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid PersonY money because _ bet they'd win the game of pool but ending up the winner."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX plays pool with PersonY and ends up winning the game, so _ is very happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX plays pool with PersonY and ends up winning the game, so _ is very upset."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred sunbathing while PersonY preferred to swim in the pool because _ was scared of water. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred sunbathing while PersonY preferred to swim in the pool because _ was comfortable in water."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent the day cleaning the pool after PersonY spent the day cleaning it, because _ was the pool boy. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent the day cleaning the pool after PersonY spent the day cleaning it, because _ was the owner."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started slipping in the pool while playing with PersonY. _ decided to get out of the pool to rest. \nSentence 2: PersonX started slipping in the pool while playing with PersonY. _ decided to get out of the pool to go eat."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to get PersonY in the pool so _ pushed them in on a sunny day. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to get PersonY in the pool so _ fell in on a sunny day."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to play pool with PersonY because _ had not taken anyone out in a while. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to play pool with PersonY but _ has not been out in a while."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more fit than PersonY, so _ didn't worry about competing in the swimming competition down at the local pool. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more fit than PersonY, so _ began to worry about competing in the swimming competition down at the local pool."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went for a swim in the pool but PersonY doesn't like water so _ was wet. \nSentence 2: PersonX went for a swim in the pool but PersonY doesn't like water so _ was dry."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's family had a pool but PersonY did not, so _ went swimming every day at home. \nSentence 2: PersonX's family had a pool but PersonY did not, so _ did not go swimming every day at home."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was quite good at pool and PersonY was a beginner, _ knew how to do various trick shots. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was quite good at pool and PersonY was a beginner, _ knew how to do zero trick shots."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pool party was held at PersonX's house and not PersonY's because _ pool was bigger. \nSentence 2: The pool party was held at PersonX's house and not PersonY's because _ pool was smaller."} {"input": "Context Word: pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the pool was finally open, PersonX but not PersonY jumped right in because _ knew how to swim. \nSentence 2: When the pool was finally open, PersonX but not PersonY jumped right in because _ didn't know how to swim."} {"input": "Context Word: make out.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was incredibly in love with PersonY and _ asked her to make out with him. \nSentence 2: PersonX was incredibly in love with PersonY and _ agreed to make out with him."} {"input": "Context Word: Union Jack was hung right.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if the Union Jack was hung right because _ was born and raised in the United Kingdom. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if the Union Jack was hung right because _ was born and raised in the United States."} {"input": "Context Word: hair dye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX admired how professional PersonY's hair looked, so _ wanted to know the brand of hair dye used. \nSentence 2: PersonX admired how professional PersonY's hair looked, so _ told her what brand of hair dye was used."} {"input": "Context Word: tantrum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw a temper tantrum when her mother PersonY wouldn't buy her a chocolate bar at the store. _ refused to calm down until she got the candy. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw a temper tantrum when her mother PersonY wouldn't buy her a chocolate bar at the store. _ couldn't calm her down until she got the candy."} {"input": "Context Word: greeting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw and waved happily at PersonY because _ liked to give long and warm greetings. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw and waved happily at PersonY because _ liked to receive long and warm greetings."} {"input": "Context Word: greeting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was greeting the mayor in Spanish during the event unlike PersonY because _ traveled to Mexico. \nSentence 2: PersonX was greeting the mayor in Spanish during the event unlike PersonY because _ never went abroad."} {"input": "Context Word: greeting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was pleased to receive a warm greeting from PersonY because _ was feeling lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX was pleased to offer a warm greeting to PersonY because _ was feeling lonely."} {"input": "Context Word: razor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY, who always tries the latest products, about his new electric razor since _ is curious. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY, who always tries the latest products, about his new electric razor since _ is knowledgeable."} {"input": "Context Word: razor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a razor for PersonY because _ wanted to help the other shave their beret. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a razor for PersonY because _ needed help from the other shave their beret."} {"input": "Context Word: razor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX irrationally screamed at PersonY because _ needed his razor in the morning before work. \nSentence 2: PersonX calmly talked at PersonY because _ used his razor in the morning before work."} {"input": "Context Word: razor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to shave with a razor but PersonY prefers a trimmer. _ cut themself badly while shaving. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to shave with a razor but PersonY prefers a trimmer. _ didn't cut themself badly while shaving."} {"input": "Context Word: razor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never shaved, while PersonY did so every other day, so _ never bought razors. \nSentence 2: PersonX never shaved, while PersonY did so every other day, so _ frequently bought razors."} {"input": "Context Word: razor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw PersonY shaving with an old, dull razor so _ made a mental note to him a new razor. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw PersonY shaving with an old, dull razor so _ made a mental note to himself a new razor."} {"input": "Context Word: razor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a razor but PersonY used a pair of scissors so the hair in _ beard was shorter. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a razor but PersonY used a pair of scissors so the hair in _ beard was longer."} {"input": "Context Word: razor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a razor to cut their hair so they went to PersonY so _ could have a good hair cut. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a razor to cut their hair so they went to PersonY because _ could create a good hair cut."} {"input": "Context Word: razor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The razor of PersonX is much sharper than PersonY's because _ bought it new yesterday. \nSentence 2: The razor of PersonX is much duller than PersonY's because _ bought it new yesterday."} {"input": "Context Word: congestion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of congestion in his nose unlike PersonY because _ is still a little sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of congestion in his nose unlike PersonY because _ is not at all sick."} {"input": "Context Word: valet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if the hotel they were staying at offered valet service because _ needed to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if the hotel they were staying at offered valet service but _ did not seem to know."} {"input": "Context Word: christmas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed celebrating Christmas every year with their family while PersonY didn't because _ is a Christian. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed celebrating Christmas every year with their family while PersonY didn't because _ is Jewish."} {"input": "Context Word: furry.", "output": "Sentence 1: The furry cat of PersonX was more outgoing than the cat of PersonY because _ was an extrovert. \nSentence 2: The furry cat of PersonX was more outgoing than the cat of PersonY because _ was an introvert."} {"input": "Context Word: move around.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to move around because _ was on a set of crutches. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to move around because _ was not on a set of crutches."} {"input": "Context Word: bone tissues.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a expert in the study of bone tissues which is the reason for PersonY visit today, _ went to college. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a expert in the study of bone tissues which is the reason for PersonY visit today, _ has never went to college."} {"input": "Context Word: godfather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently became a father so he asks his friend PersonY to be a baby's godfather, so _ is really nervous before asking. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently became a father so he asks his friend PersonY to be a baby's godfather, so _ gladly accepts offer."} {"input": "Context Word: harden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to harden a sand dollar for PersonY as a souvenir so _ placed them outside to dry for the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to harden a sand dollar for PersonY as a souvenir so _ placed them inside to dry for the day."} {"input": "Context Word: Lettuce.", "output": "Sentence 1: The veggies where ready to be picked so PersonX picked, but PersonY didn't that is why _ found the lettuce. \nSentence 2: The veggies where ready to be picked so PersonX picked, but PersonY didn't that is why _ didn't found the lettuce."} {"input": "Context Word: Teepee.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the campsite, PersonX constructed a teepee for PersonY because _ was quite the outdoorsman. \nSentence 2: At the campsite, PersonX constructed a teepee for PersonY because _ was used to being indoors."} {"input": "Context Word: eating disorder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an eating disorder but PersonY was normal. _ had to visit a doctor to be helped. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an eating disorder but PersonY was normal. _ didn't have to visit a doctor to be helped."} {"input": "Context Word: eating disorder.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX has an eating disorder and PersonY does not, _ is uncomfortable with her weight and her body's appearance. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX has an eating disorder and PersonY does not, _ is comfortable with her weight and her body's appearance."} {"input": "Context Word: glassware.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made an apology to PersonY because _ dropped and broke the glassware on the floor. \nSentence 2: PersonX made an admonishment to PersonY because _ dropped and broke the glassware on the floor."} {"input": "Context Word: reservation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a great night at the restaurant but not PersonY because _ succeeded in making a reservation. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a great night at the restaurant but not PersonY because _ failed in making a reservation."} {"input": "Context Word: sore throat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never had a sore throat like PersonY so _ never carried throat lozenges in her purse. \nSentence 2: PersonX never had a sore throat like PersonY so _ always carried throat lozenges in her purse."} {"input": "Context Word: Mono.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx contacted mono from persony when they were playing and _ confronted him about it. \nSentence 2: personx contacted mono from persony when they were playing and _ was sorry about it."} {"input": "Context Word: self-centered.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't like PersonY because _ hates self-centered people with egos the size of Texas and an attitude. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes PersonY but _ hates self-centered people with egos the size of Texas and an attitude."} {"input": "Context Word: person.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better person than PersonY, because _ always tried to do the right thing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better person than PersonY, because _ never tried to do the right thing."} {"input": "Context Word: person.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a harder person to work with than PersonY was because _ was a more negative person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a harder person to work with than PersonY was because _ was a more positive person."} {"input": "Context Word: person.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a nice person but PersonY was not. _ had a lot of great friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a nice person but PersonY was not. _ didn't have a lot of great friends."} {"input": "Context Word: person.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a person that would stand up to kids bullying PersonY, as _ was brave. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a person that would stand up to kids bullying PersonY, as _ was scared."} {"input": "Context Word: person.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a talkative person while PersonY sit quietly in her corner, as _ is social. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a talkative person while PersonY sit quietly in her corner, as _ is timid."} {"input": "Context Word: person.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ wanted to be a good person because PersonX was taught to be good while PersonY wasn't. \nSentence 2: So _ wanted to be a bad person because PersonX was taught to be good while PersonY wasn't."} {"input": "Context Word: lemon.", "output": "Sentence 1: After lunch and dinner, PersonX enjoys eating lemons which PersonY hates because _ prefers sour fruits. \nSentence 2: After lunch and dinner, PersonX enjoys eating lemons which PersonY hates because _ prefers tart fruits."} {"input": "Context Word: lemon.", "output": "Sentence 1: Lemons disgust PersonX, while PersonY is just the opposite. This is due to _ not having a sweet tooth. \nSentence 2: Lemons delight PersonX, while PersonY is just the opposite. This is due to _ not having a sweet tooth."} {"input": "Context Word: lemon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank lemon juice while PersonY drank a lot of alcohol, so _ was completely sober. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank lemon juice while PersonY drank a lot of alcohol, so _ was not completely sober."} {"input": "Context Word: lemon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really loved the taste of lemon but PersonY did not. _ ordered a glass of lemonade. \nSentence 2: PersonX really loved the taste of lemon but PersonY did not. _ ordered a glass of tea."} {"input": "Context Word: riddles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX practiced riddles a lot more often than PersonY, so _ solved riddles more easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX practiced riddles a lot more often than PersonY, so _ didn't solve riddles as easily."} {"input": "Context Word: artist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a painting so he went to PersonY's artist studio. Feeling satisfied by a piece _ bought it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a painting so he went to PersonY's artist studio. Feeling satisfied by a price _ sold it."} {"input": "Context Word: artist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the local art show award that PersonY wanted because _ was declared a better artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX won the local art show award that PersonY wanted because _ was declared a worse artist."} {"input": "Context Word: shrimp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats the shrimp that PersonY cooked for them, and _ is grateful for the meal. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats the shrimp that PersonY cooked for them, and _ is proud of the meal."} {"input": "Context Word: shrimp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX failed at making Shrimp with Chinese Lobster sauce while PersonY succeeded because _ was a horrible cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX failed at making Shrimp with Chinese Lobster sauce while PersonY succeeded because _ was a great cook."} {"input": "Context Word: shrimp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is able to eat shrimp, while PersonY has to abstain. _ has no allergies to food at all. \nSentence 2: PersonX is able to eat shrimp, while PersonY has to abstain. _ has lots of allergies to all food."} {"input": "Context Word: allergy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know PersonY had a peanut allergy, so when _ made peanut chicken an ambulance was called. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know PersonY had a peanut allergy, so when _ ate peanut chicken an ambulance was called."} {"input": "Context Word: allergy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The flowers on the trees caused PersonX to sneeze a lot, but not PersonY because _ has an allergy to tree pollen. \nSentence 2: The flowers on the trees caused PersonX to sneeze a lot but not PersonY because _ doesn't have an allergy to tree pollen."} {"input": "Context Word: coordination.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have the same level of coordination as PersonY, so _ failed the gymnastic tryout. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have the same level of coordination as PersonY, so _ passed the gymnastic tryout."} {"input": "Context Word: Dip.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx is better at doing dip exercise than persony because _ has a more built muscle. \nSentence 2: personx is better at doing dip exercise than persony because _ has a less built muscle."} {"input": "Context Word: stuffed animal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a stuffed animal for their birthday because _ already had this one himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a stuffed animal for their birthday, but _ already had this one."} {"input": "Context Word: scones.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because _ was a connoisseur of delicious baked goods, PersonX bought all the scones PersonY could produce. \nSentence 2: Because _ was a maker of delicious baked goods, PersonX bought all the scones PersonY could produce."} {"input": "Context Word: scones.", "output": "Sentence 1: Every morning PersonX ate scones for breakfast while PersonY ate yogurt since _ was unhealthy. \nSentence 2: Every morning PersonX ate scones for breakfast while PersonY ate yogurt since _ was healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: scones.", "output": "Sentence 1: The scones of PersonX turned out much better looking than the scones of PersonY because _ followed the instructions. \nSentence 2: The scones of PersonX turned out much better looking than the scones of PersonY because _ disobeyed the instructions."} {"input": "Context Word: computers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Repairing computers came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a very technical person. \nSentence 2: Repairing computers came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not a very technical person."} {"input": "Context Word: corydoras.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time caring for their corydoras plant than PersonY because _ had a green thumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time caring for their corydoras plant than PersonY because _ didn't have a green thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: teach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to teach their child how speak Spanish because _ didn't understand the language. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to teach their child how to speak Spanish because _ spoke the language fluently."} {"input": "Context Word: teach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to teach them how to do skateboard tricks because _ was a novice skateboarder. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to teach them how to do skateboard tricks because _ was a professional skateboarder."} {"input": "Context Word: teach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to teach them how to play the guitar because _ wanted to become a musician. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to teach them how to play the guitar because _ was an accomplished musician."} {"input": "Context Word: teach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to teach however PersonY did not as _ felt a very strong connection with children. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to teach however PersonY did not as _ felt a very weak connection with children."} {"input": "Context Word: quail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wanted a pet quail, but PersonY never wanted pets, so _ went to a pet store to look at some quail chicks. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wanted a pet quail, but PersonY never wanted pets, so _ never went to a pet store to look at animals."} {"input": "Context Word: quail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a more adventerous eater than PersonY but _ hated to eat quail eggs. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a more adventerous eater than PersonY but _ loved to eat quail eggs."} {"input": "Context Word: litterbox.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made an effort to keep the dog out of the cat's litterbox when they presented the idea to PersonY. _ knew it was expensive but wanted it anyway. \nSentence 2: PersonX made an effort to keep the dog out of the cat's litterbox when they presented the idea to PersonY. _ thought it was too expensive."} {"input": "Context Word: litterbox.", "output": "Sentence 1: The litterbox of PersonX's cat is filthy, while PersonY's is nice and clean. _ is the lazy cat owner. \nSentence 2: The litterbox of PersonX's cat is filthy, while PersonY's is nice and clean. _ is the responsible cat owner."} {"input": "Context Word: bottle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attentively watches PersonY drinking from the bottle as part of _ 's responsibility and nurture. \nSentence 2: PersonX attentively watches PersonY drinking from the bottle as part of _ 's development and learning."} {"input": "Context Word: bottle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets a bottle of formula for PersonY every couple of hours because _ is her parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets a bottle of formula for PersonY every couple of hours because _ is her child."} {"input": "Context Word: bottle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked soda in bottles while PersonY liked cans because _ hated the aluminum taste. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked soda in bottles while PersonY liked cans because _ loved the aluminum taste."} {"input": "Context Word: bottle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to hit the bottle early, while PersonY waited until the evening, since _ was usually indulgent with alcohol. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to hit the bottle early, while PersonY waited until the evening, since _ was usually abstinent with alcohol."} {"input": "Context Word: bottle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put PersonY in charge of preparing the baby's bottle, because _ wasn't confident about doing it. \nSentence 2: PersonX put PersonY in charge of preparing the baby's bottle, because _ knew how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: bottle.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ drank milk from the bottle because PersonX was thirsty and PersonY already drank some water. \nSentence 2: So _ ignored milk from the bottle because PersonX was thirsty and PersonY already drank some water."} {"input": "Context Word: litter box.", "output": "Sentence 1: Emptying the litter box was a dreaded chore for PersonX while PersonY didn't mind doing it. _ always tried to get someone else to handle it. \nSentence 2: Emptying the litter box was a dreaded chore for PersonX while PersonY didn't mind doing it. _ never tried to get someone else to handle it."} {"input": "Context Word: litter box.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleaned their cat's litter box twice a day but PersonY cleaned theirs twice a week. _ had a fresh smelling home. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleaned their cat's litter box twice a day but PersonY cleaned theirs twice a week. _ had a stinky smelling home."} {"input": "Context Word: litter box.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to clean up the kitten's dirty litter box for PersonY so _ insisted on payment. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to clean up the kitten's dirty litter box for PersonY so _ gave some payment."} {"input": "Context Word: litter box.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scolded by PersonY for not emptying the litter box because it was _ 's turn to do the chore. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scolded by PersonY for not emptying the litter box although it was _ 's turn to do the chore."} {"input": "Context Word: Financial Trouble.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx always get into a lot of Financial Trouble whenever he goes on vacation with persony because _ earns much less. \nSentence 2: personx always get into a lot of Financial Trouble whenever he goes on vacation with persony because _ earns much more."} {"input": "Context Word: Legs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked out every day in the gym while PersonY watched tv, so _ had stronger legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked out every day in the gym while PersonYwatched tv, however _ had stronger legs."} {"input": "Context Word: countertops.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX washed their countertops frequently to keep them clean but PersonY's were always a mess because _ was very careful. \nSentence 2: PersonX washed their countertops frequently to keep them clean but PersonY's were always a mess because _ was very careless."} {"input": "Context Word: backyard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not have a large backyard like PersonY did because _ lived in an apartment. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not have a large backyard like PersonY did because _ lived in a house."} {"input": "Context Word: backyard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in the backyard and PersonY told them to get out, because _ didn't belong there. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in the backyard and PersonY told them to get out, because _ didn't want them there."} {"input": "Context Word: flat iron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loaned her flat iron to PersonY who ended up breaking it, but _ is forgiving. \nSentence 2: PersonX loaned her flat iron to PersonY who ended up breaking it, so _ is sorry."} {"input": "Context Word: Soil.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Sundays, PersonX tended to the soil in PersonY 's garden because _ was his gardener. \nSentence 2: On Sundays, PersonX tended to the soil in PersonY 's garden because _ was his employer."} {"input": "Context Word: smoke.", "output": "Sentence 1: It is harder for personX than personY to detect smoke because _ had blocked nostril. \nSentence 2: It is easier for personX than personY to detect smoke because _ had blocked nostril."} {"input": "Context Word: smoke.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX warned PersonY the building may be on fire because _ could see the smoke rising. \nSentence 2: PersonX warned PersonY the building may be on fire because _ did not see the smoke rising."} {"input": "Context Word: smoke.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was constantly wanting to smoke cigarettes while PersonY chose to abstain, because _ was an irresponsible human being. \nSentence 2: PersonX was constantly wanting to smoke cigarettes while PersonY chose to abstain, because _ was a responsible human being."} {"input": "Context Word: smoke.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY from trying to smoke cigarettes because _ used to smoke two packs a day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY from trying to smoke cigarettes because _ now smokes two packs a day."} {"input": "Context Word: smoke.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's lungs were much blacker unlike PersonY's because _ liked to smoke on their work breaks. \nSentence 2: PersonX's lungs were much blacker unlike PersonY's because _ hated to smoke on their work breaks."} {"input": "Context Word: small.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only had a small savings built up so PersonY offered to help with investing. _ was happy to have help. \nSentence 2: PersonX only had a small savings built up so PersonY offered to help with investing. _ was happy to help."} {"input": "Context Word: small.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a small loan from PersonY, so _ made sure to pay them back on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a small loan from PersonY, so _ made sure to get it back on time."} {"input": "Context Word: small.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so small she could not see over PersonY 's head at the movie, so _ asked to switch seats. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so small she could not see over PersonY 's head at the movie, so _ offered to switch seats."} {"input": "Context Word: small.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was too small to lift the box, so PersonY helped carry it and _ thanked them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was too small to lift the box, so PersonY helped carry it and _ was thanked."} {"input": "Context Word: aspiration.", "output": "Sentence 1: Goals were not important to PersonX , while PersonY 's were lofty, so _ lacked aspiration for greater things. \nSentence 2: Goals were not important to PersonX , while PersonY 's were lofty, so _ possessed aspiration for greater things."} {"input": "Context Word: courtroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is listening to opening statements in the courtroom of PersonY, so _ is on the jury. \nSentence 2: PersonX is listening to opening statements in the courtroom of PersonY, so _ is a judge."} {"input": "Context Word: weld.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stood in the garage and watched PersonY weld the metal scultpure because _ admired their skill. \nSentence 2: PersonX stood in the garage and watched PersonY weld the metal scultpure because _ was very skilled."} {"input": "Context Word: shirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the shirt looked fabulous but PersonY did not. _ bought the nice shirt. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the shirt looked fabulous but PersonY did not. _ left the nice shirt."} {"input": "Context Word: shirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore the t-shirt to the meeting even though PersonY told them it was formal because _ is rebellious. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore the t-shirt to the meeting even though PersonY told them it was formal because _ is compliant."} {"input": "Context Word: shirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: The shirt was on sale so PersonX wanted to buy it, but PersonY told them not to. _ thought the price was a good deal. \nSentence 2: The shirt was on sale so PersonX wanted to buy it, but PersonY told them not to. _ thought the price was a bad deal."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: An office job was perfect for PersonX while PersonY needed something more active. _ hated being on their feet all day. \nSentence 2: An office job was perfect for PersonX while PersonY needed something more active. _ enjoyed being on their feet all day."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: At night, PersonX always got cold feet. PersonY said socks would help because _ never wore socks at night. \nSentence 2: At night, PersonX always got cold feet. PersonY said socks would help because _ always wore socks at night."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had larger feet than PersonY so _ always had a harder time finding high heeled shoes. \nSentence 2: PersonX had larger feet than PersonY so _ never had a harder time finding high heeled shoes."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had much more manicured feet than PersonY, so _ liked wearing sandals in the summer. \nSentence 2: PersonX had much more manicured feet than PersonY, so _ hated wearing sandals in the summer."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had two left feet, but not PersonY, because _ was a fairly proficient dancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX had two left feet, but not PersonY, because _ was a fairly terrible dancer."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has smaller feet than PersonY. This is because _ is the shorter of the two. \nSentence 2: PersonX has smaller feet than PersonY. This is because _ is the taller of the two."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never took care of her feet whereas PersonY gave herself pedicures so _ 's feet were smelly. \nSentence 2: PersonX never took care of her feet whereas PersonY gave herself pedicures so _ 's feet were clean."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really disliked it when PersonY tried to rub her feet, because _ was very ticklish. \nSentence 2: PersonX really disliked it when PersonY tried to rub her feet, because _ was very rough."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX regretted their choice of shoes when their feet began to ache, because unlike PersonY, _ had worn heels to the event. \nSentence 2: PersonX regretted their choice of shoes when their feet began to ache, because unlike PersonY, _ had worn flats to the event."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was clumsy while PersonY was light on their feet, so _ was bad at sports. \nSentence 2: PersonX was clumsy while PersonY was light on their feet, so _ was good at sports."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX works in a factory all day while PersonY gets to sit at a desk, so _ has more feet problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX works in a factory all day while PersonY gets to sit at a desk, so _ has less feet problems."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The feet of PersonX are sore all weekend, while PersonY's feel just fine. So, _ probably ran the marathon. \nSentence 2: The feet of PersonX are sore all weekend, while PersonY's feel just fine. So, _ didn't run the marathon."} {"input": "Context Word: feet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The shoe store had the right size shoes for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has normal size feet. \nSentence 2: The shoe store had the right size shoes for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has very big feet."} {"input": "Context Word: wears an engagement ring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wears an engagement ring and PersonY doesn't because _ is going to get married. \nSentence 2: PersonX wears an engagement ring and PersonY doesn't because _ has no plans to get married."} {"input": "Context Word: purchase goldfish fry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY to purchase goldfish fry because _ was a first time fish owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help from PersonY to purchase goldfish fry because _ was fish owner to many."} {"input": "Context Word: camping gear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in charge of getting camping gear while PersonY made the plans so _ went to the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in charge of getting camping gear while PersonY made the plans so _ made a store list."} {"input": "Context Word: be humble.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know how to be humble and PersonY did because _ got angry with people very easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know how to be humble and PersonY did because _ tried to help people when needed."} {"input": "Context Word: finger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY broke their finger when they caught the ball because _ was paying attention. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY broke their finger when they caught the ball because _ wasn't paying attention."} {"input": "Context Word: finger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's finger got smashed while playing ball with PersonY. _ felt a lot of pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX's finger got smashed while playing ball with PersonY. _ felt a lot of regret."} {"input": "Context Word: finger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's finger needs stitches from PersonY at the hospital, so _ is likely a patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX's finger needs stitches from PersonY at the hospital, so _ is likely a specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: barbie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX collected barbies when she was younger but not PersonY because _ was a girly girl. \nSentence 2: PersonX collected barbies when she was younger but not PersonY because _ was a tom boy."} {"input": "Context Word: hygiene.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had very good hygiene while PersonY had poor hygiene, so _ showered very frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX had very good hygiene while PersonY had poor hygiene, so _ showered very infrequently."} {"input": "Context Word: hygiene.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has much brighter teeth than PersonY does because _ has better dental hygiene overall. \nSentence 2: PersonX has much duller teeth than PersonY does because _ has better dental hygiene overall."} {"input": "Context Word: hygiene.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always rocking greasy hair, while PersonY's is nice and silky. Therefore, _ has questionable hygiene. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always rocking greasy hair, while PersonY's is nice and silky. Therefore, _ has sufficient hygiene."} {"input": "Context Word: hygiene.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more concerned with their personal hygiene than PersonY, so _ never smelled sweaty. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more concerned with their personal hygiene than PersonY, so _ often smelled sweaty."} {"input": "Context Word: hygiene.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hygiene isn't nearly as good as PersonY's due to _ showering once a week. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hygiene isn't nearly as good as PersonY's due to _ showering once a day."} {"input": "Context Word: hygiene.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX practiced poor hygiene while PersonY practiced very good hygiene, _ took showers infrequently. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX practiced poor hygiene while PersonY practiced very good hygiene, _ took showers regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: Scabies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to cure scabies for their father more than PersonY, so _ went to medical school. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to cure scabies for their father more than PersonY so _ went to dental school."} {"input": "Context Word: puzzles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY where she bought the two new jigsaw puzzles because _ couldn't remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY where she bought the two new jigsaw puzzles but _ couldn't remember."} {"input": "Context Word: puzzles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at solving puzzles than PersonY because _ spent far more time practicing them at night. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at solving puzzles than PersonY because _ spent far less time practicing them at night."} {"input": "Context Word: puzzles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was showing PersonY how to do difficult puzzles but _ was struggling to teach them how. \nSentence 2: PersonX was showing PersonY how to do difficult puzzles but _ was struggling to learn how."} {"input": "Context Word: puzzles.", "output": "Sentence 1: Puzzles fascinate PersonX, but they are quite dull to PersonY, so it is more likely _ is intelligent. \nSentence 2: Puzzles fascinate PersonX, but they are quite dull to PersonY, so it is more likely _ is stupid."} {"input": "Context Word: information.", "output": "Sentence 1: The information was distributed to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was in a job that needed to know. \nSentence 2: The information was distributed to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not in a job that needed to know."} {"input": "Context Word: cinnamon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a sneezing reflex unlike PersonY, so when they took the cinnamon challenge _ lost. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a sneezing reflex unlike PersonY, so when they took the cinnamon challenge _ won."} {"input": "Context Word: cinnamon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making cinnamon rolls for PersonY's breakfast, because _ likes getting up early to bake. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making cinnamon rolls for PersonY's breakfast, because _ never gets up early enough to bake."} {"input": "Context Word: cinnamon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked her drinks with flavor while PersonY preferred it plain, so _ always added some cinnamon to her latte. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked her drinks with flavor while PersonY preferred it plain, so _ never added any cinnamon to her latte."} {"input": "Context Word: cinnamon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made some cinnamon rolls for PersonY's birthday because _ wanted to give a birthday present. \nSentence 2: PersonX made some cinnamon rolls for PersonY's birthday because _ wanted to receive a birthday present."} {"input": "Context Word: leader.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a leader was a natural fit for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ was outgoing and bold. \nSentence 2: Being a leader was a natural fit for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ was quiet and shy."} {"input": "Context Word: leader.", "output": "Sentence 1: People agree that PersonX is a better leader than PersonY because _ is very assertive. \nSentence 2: People agree that PersonX is a better leader than PersonY because _ is very timid."} {"input": "Context Word: leader.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a more effective leader than PersonY so _ preferred to take the reigns. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a more effective leader than PersonY so _ preferred to take the background role."} {"input": "Context Word: leader.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very strong and charismatic leader unlike PersonY because _ took leadership classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very strong and charismatic leader unlike PersonY, although _ took leadership classes."} {"input": "Context Word: resign.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an HR specialist, PersonY is not so you should go to _ for advice about whether to resign. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an HR specialist, PersonY is not so you should not go to _ for advice about whether to resign."} {"input": "Context Word: circuits.", "output": "Sentence 1: In class today, PersonX asked PersonY about the circuits they were learning about, because _ couldn't remember what the instructor told them. \nSentence 2: In class today, PersonX asked PersonY about the circuits they were learning about, because _ paid attention to what the instructor told them."} {"input": "Context Word: ukulele.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's ukulele playing sounded far worse than PersonY's performance for the reason that _ was an amateur at the instrument. \nSentence 2: PersonX's ukulele playing sounded far worse than PersonY's performance for the reason that _ was an expert at the instrument."} {"input": "Context Word: landlord.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was keen to get the landlord to make some renovations but PersonY didn't care, because _ was moving in. \nSentence 2: PersonX was keen to get the landlord to make some renovations but PersonY didn't care, because _ was moving out."} {"input": "Context Word: landlord.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the landlord of PersonY, and _ was paid rent every month at the beginning of the month. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the landlord of PersonY, and _ paid rent every month at the beginning of the month."} {"input": "Context Word: landlord.", "output": "Sentence 1: The landlord continually threatened PersonX but not PersonY with eviction because _ always paid rent early. \nSentence 2: The landlord continually threatened PersonX but not PersonY with eviction because _ always paid rent late."} {"input": "Context Word: landlord.", "output": "Sentence 1: The landlord had an issue with PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was always late with rent. \nSentence 2: The landlord had an issue with PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was early late with rent."} {"input": "Context Word: landlord.", "output": "Sentence 1: The landlord talked to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was always late on paying his bills. \nSentence 2: The landlord talked to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was always early on paying his bills."} {"input": "Context Word: landlord.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tenant came by and paid PersonX but not PersonY because _ is their landlord. \nSentence 2: The tenant came by and paid PersonX but not PersonY because _ is not their landlord."} {"input": "Context Word: meatballs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX served PersonY spaghetti and meatballs because _ was a waiter at the Italian restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX served PersonY spaghetti and meatballs because _ was a patron at the Italian restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't like to climb trees nearly as often as PersonY does because _ is scared of heights. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't like to climb trees nearly as often as PersonY does because _ isn't scared of heights."} {"input": "Context Word: trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved climbing trees while PersonY didn't, so when around trees, _ rarely stayed on the ground. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved climbing trees while PersonY didn't, so when around trees, _ always stayed on the ground."} {"input": "Context Word: trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to climb trees, while PersonY is at the office, so _ is a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to climb trees, while PersonY is at the office, so _ is an adult."} {"input": "Context Word: trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves trees so much more than PersonY because _ has always lived in the forest. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves trees so much less than PersonY because _ has always lived in the forest."} {"input": "Context Word: trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stood outside and watched while PersonY carefully planted cedar trees in the front yard as _ wanted to be an attentive customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX stood outside and watched while PersonY carefully planted cedar trees in the front yard as _ wanted to be a good landscaper."} {"input": "Context Word: trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was considered much more adventurous than PersonY because _ loved climbing very tall trees. \nSentence 2: PersonX was considered much more adventurous than PersonY because _ feared climbing very tall trees."} {"input": "Context Word: trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was exhausted at the end of the day but PersonY wasn't because _ had spent the day planting trees. \nSentence 2: PersonX was exhausted at the end of the day but PersonY wasn't although _ had spent the day planting trees."} {"input": "Context Word: trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's trees are much shorter than the ones in PersonY's yard, so _ 's trees are younger. \nSentence 2: PersonX's trees are much shorter than the ones in PersonY's yard, so _ 's trees are older."} {"input": "Context Word: trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: The trees in PersonX's front yard look much worse than PersonY's even though _ uses professional gardeners. \nSentence 2: The trees in PersonX's front yard look much better than PersonY's because _ uses professional gardeners."} {"input": "Context Word: trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: The trees in PersonX's yard look much healthier than the ones in PersonY's because _ is waters them more. \nSentence 2: The trees in PersonX's yard look much healthier than the ones in PersonY's because _ is waters them less."} {"input": "Context Word: trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: The trees on PersonX's property grow better fruit than PersonY's because _ 's soil is nutrient filled. \nSentence 2: The trees on PersonX's property grow better fruit than PersonY's because _ 's soil is nutrient deficient."} {"input": "Context Word: dancing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decides to take some dancing lessons from PersonY, which makes _ the student in class. \nSentence 2: PersonX decides to take some dancing lessons from PersonY, which makes _ the teacher in class."} {"input": "Context Word: dancing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more friends than PersonY because _ was always willing to go out drinking and dancing. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more friends than PersonY because _ was rarely willing to go out drinking and dancing."} {"input": "Context Word: dancing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a ballerina, PersonY is a belly dancer so _ could teach belly dancing. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a ballerina, PersonY is a belly dancer so _ could not teach belly dancing."} {"input": "Context Word: dancing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go dancing for fun but PersonY did not. _ went to the club on Saturday night. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go dancing for fun but PersonY did not. _ went to the movies on Saturday night."} {"input": "Context Word: dancing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was good at dancing while PersonY was not very good at it because _ had great rhythm. \nSentence 2: PersonX was good at dancing while PersonY was not very good at it because _ had poor rhythm."} {"input": "Context Word: dancing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dancing competition that PersonX applied to on behalf of PersonY turned out to be a scam, so _ felt guilty. \nSentence 2: The dancing competition that PersonX applied to on behalf of PersonY turned out to be a scam, so _ felt angry."} {"input": "Context Word: Lilies.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx takes better care of the Lilies in his garden than persony but _ had his Lilies destroyed by wind. \nSentence 2: personx takes better care of the Lilies in his garden than persony and _ had his Lilies destroyed by wind."} {"input": "Context Word: Libra.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a Libra was important to PersonX but not to PersonY was _ was a believer when it came to astrology. \nSentence 2: Being a Libra was important to PersonX but not to PersonY was _ was a sceptic when it came to astrology."} {"input": "Context Word: Libra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept secret from PersonY that he was a Libra because _ was embarrassed about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept secret from PersonY that he was a Libra because _ was judgmental about it."} {"input": "Context Word: organise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made sure to help organise the big event for PersonY's big speech because _ was the assistant. \nSentence 2: PersonX made sure to help organise the big event for PersonY's big speech because _ was the speaker."} {"input": "Context Word: noodles.", "output": "Sentence 1: Noodles were always a part of PersonX's childhood but not PersonY because _ grew up in Asia. \nSentence 2: Noodles were always a part of PersonX's childhood but not PersonY because _ grew up in the USA."} {"input": "Context Word: noodles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked noodles for a recipe and PersonY did not because _ was making lasagna. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked noodles for a recipe and PersonY did not because _ was making hamburgers."} {"input": "Context Word: noodles.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ cooks instant noodles for food because PersonX is impatient, while PersonY thought that they're unhealthy. \nSentence 2: So _ ignores instant noodles for food because PersonX is impatient, while PersonY thought that they're unhealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: noodles.", "output": "Sentence 1: The noodles that PersonX cooks aren't as tasty as PersonY's due to _ being new to cooking. \nSentence 2: The noodles that PersonX cooks aren't as tasty as PersonY's due to _ being used to cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: EGR valves open.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a mechanic and knew that leaving EGR valves openwas bad for PersonY car, _ her to close them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a mechanic and knew that leaving EGR valves openwas bad for PersonY car, _ did m't know how to close them."} {"input": "Context Word: siblings.", "output": "Sentence 1: The siblings of PersonX are cruel, but PersonY has nice ones. _ grew up in a hate filled family. \nSentence 2: The siblings of PersonX are cruel, but PersonY has nice ones. _ grew up in a love filled family."} {"input": "Context Word: Kitchen.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the kitchen, PersonX cooked the main dishes while PersonY cooked the side dishes because _ was the head chef. \nSentence 2: In the kitchen, PersonX cooked the main dishes while PersonY cooked the side dishes because _ was the sous chef."} {"input": "Context Word: England.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to move to England but PersonY informed them with all the Brexit nonsense it's now complicated since _ is unaware. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to move to England but PersonY informed them with all the Brexit nonsense it's now complicated so _ is well informed."} {"input": "Context Word: technique.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better technique when playing tennis than PersonY because _ had more practice. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better technique when playing tennis than PersonY because _ had less practice."} {"input": "Context Word: technique.", "output": "Sentence 1: The technique PersonX use to paint murals in more refined that the one PersonY use because _ pay a lot of attention on the details. \nSentence 2: The technique PersonX use to paint murals in more refined that the one PersonY use because _ does not pay attention on the details."} {"input": "Context Word: scientific research.", "output": "Sentence 1: It would be hard for PersonX but not PersonY to get a job at NASA because _ never did any scientific research. \nSentence 2: It would be hard for PersonX but not PersonY to get a job at NASA because _ had done a lot of scientific research."} {"input": "Context Word: decided.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get a haircut because _ decided their hair was too long. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get a haircut because _ decided their hair was too short."} {"input": "Context Word: prevented.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prevented more balls from passing them than PersonY because _ was a better ball player. \nSentence 2: PersonX prevented less balls from passing them than PersonY although _ was a better ball player."} {"input": "Context Word: specialist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to be a specialist but not PersonY because _ had an interest in a limited number of subjects. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to be a specialist but not PersonY because _ had an interest in a many number of subjects."} {"input": "Context Word: quick learner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always thought PersonY was a quick learner, but _ realized he was wrong after teaching the class. \nSentence 2: PersonX always thought PersonY was a quick learner, so _ proved he was right after teaching the class."} {"input": "Context Word: fern.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gives a potted fern to PersonY to celebrate their new home, because _ is very thoughtful. \nSentence 2: PersonX gives a potted fern to PersonY to celebrate their new home, and _ is very grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: fern.", "output": "Sentence 1: While hiking, PersonX asked PersonY to identify the fern she was looking at becasue _ had limited knowledge of plants. \nSentence 2: While hiking, PersonX asked PersonY to identify the fern she was looking at becasue _ had extensive knowledge of plants."} {"input": "Context Word: financial.", "output": "Sentence 1: A career in financial planning suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to business school. \nSentence 2: A career in financial planning suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone to business school."} {"input": "Context Word: financial.", "output": "Sentence 1: Financial stability came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ had never been out of work. \nSentence 2: Financial stability came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ was always out of work."} {"input": "Context Word: financial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for PersonY's help in writing a financial plan because _ was a novice in the financial field. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for PersonY's help in writing a financial plan because _ was an expert in the financial field."} {"input": "Context Word: financial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the financial means to afford a new car while PersonY did not, since _ had a high paying job. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the financial means to afford a new car while PersonY did not, since _ had a low paying job."} {"input": "Context Word: financial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had trouble getting financial aid, so PersonY helped them. _ was now able to afford to buy groceries. \nSentence 2: PersonX had trouble getting financial aid, so PersonY helped them. _ was no longer able to afford to buy groceries."} {"input": "Context Word: financial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more suited for the position of Chief Financial Officer than PersonY because _ has more experience in finance. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more suited for the position of Chief Financial Officer than PersonY because _ has less experience in finance."} {"input": "Context Word: financial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a new laptop for his university studies so PersonY bought one for him, because _ was in a bad financial position. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a new laptop for his university studies so PersonY bought one for him, because _ was in a good financial position."} {"input": "Context Word: financial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's financial troubles have gotten bad lately, but PersonY is in good shape. That's because _ is unemployed. \nSentence 2: PersonX's financial troubles have gotten bad lately, but PersonY is in good shape. That's because _ is employed."} {"input": "Context Word: lucky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed PersonY 's lucky rabbit foot because _ was nervous about asking his crush to the prom. \nSentence 2: PersonX lent PersonY his lucky rabbit foot because _ was nervous about asking his crush to the prom."} {"input": "Context Word: lucky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY was more lucky than hardworking because _ believed you had to have luck to get ahead. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY was more lucky than hardworking but _ believed you had to work hard to get ahead."} {"input": "Context Word: lucky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was lucky to be where he is in life unlike PersonY because _ family were rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX was lucky to be where he is in life unlike PersonY because _ family were poor."} {"input": "Context Word: chopping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a cooking class with PersonY, but _ found chopping food to be very easy. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a cooking class with PersonY, but _ found chopping food to be very challenging."} {"input": "Context Word: basics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a pro, but PersonY only understood the basics, because _ had been doing it a much longer time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a pro, but PersonY only understood the basics, because _ had been doing it a far shorter time."} {"input": "Context Word: ninja.", "output": "Sentence 1: Ninja movies are a favorite of PersonX although PersonY likes westerns better. _ rented Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon from Blockbuster. \nSentence 2: Ninja movies are a favorite of PersonX although PersonY likes westerns better. _ rented Lone Ranger from Blockbuster."} {"input": "Context Word: ninja.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes pretending to be a ninja, and PersonY feels too old for that, so _ is likely the kid. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes pretending to be a ninja, and PersonY feels too old for that, so _ is likely the adult."} {"input": "Context Word: ninja.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning how to be a ninja from PersonY however _ was more stealthy at home. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning how to be a ninja from PersonY because _ was more stealthy at home."} {"input": "Context Word: lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX sat nearer to the fan than PersonY, _ found their lips dried out due to moving air. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX sat nearer to the fan than PersonY, _ found their lips dried out due to warm temperatures."} {"input": "Context Word: lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what color lipstick she was wearing because _ liked her lip color. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what color lipstick she was wearing although _ liked her lip color."} {"input": "Context Word: lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had chapped lips and so did PersonY who also has chap-stick so _ has chapped lips. \nSentence 2: PersonX had chapped lips and so did PersonY who also has chap-stick so _ has moist lips."} {"input": "Context Word: lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had chapped lips but PersonY did not, so _ needed to buy some lip balm today. \nSentence 2: PersonX had chapped lips but PersonY did not, so _ did not need to buy some lip balm today."} {"input": "Context Word: lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that she'd been stung on the lips by a bee, but _ really hit herself in the face. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that she'd been stung on the lips by a bee, but _ suspected that she'd hit herself in the face."} {"input": "Context Word: lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's lips are not nearly as moist as PersonY's happen to be because _ doesn't use chapstick. \nSentence 2: PersonX's lips are not nearly as moist as PersonY's happen to be although _ doesn't use chapstick."} {"input": "Context Word: lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lady at the bar kissed PersonX once, but PersonY several times, because _ had rough lips. \nSentence 2: The lady at the bar kissed PersonX once, but PersonY several times, because _ had soft lips."} {"input": "Context Word: lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lips of PersonX are nice and soft, while PersonY's are not, so _ uses chapstick very often. \nSentence 2: The lips of PersonX are nice and soft, while PersonY's are not, so _ uses chapstick very rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lips of PersonX are smaller than PersonY's, even though _ has had surgery done on them. \nSentence 2: The lips of PersonX are smaller than PersonY's because _ has had surgery done on them."} {"input": "Context Word: lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lips of PersonX had work done by a plastic surgeon, but PersonY's are natural, so _ 's lips are fuller. \nSentence 2: The lips of PersonX had work done by a plastic surgeon, but PersonY's are natural, so _ 's lips are slimmer."} {"input": "Context Word: lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lips on PersonX were much bigger than PersonY because _ got hit with a softball in the mouth. \nSentence 2: The lips on PersonX were much smaller than PersonY because _ got hit with a softball in the mouth."} {"input": "Context Word: hyacinth.", "output": "Sentence 1: As a botanist with a PhD, PersonX specialized in studying hyacinths, while their student PersonY was more interested in sunflowers. _ grew their flowers from bulbs. \nSentence 2: As a botanist with a PhD, PersonX specialized in studying hyacinths, while their student PersonY was more interested in sunflowers. _ grew their flowers from seeds."} {"input": "Context Word: working hours.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mad at PersonY for changing her working hours for next week, _ complained at work constantly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mad at PersonY for changing her working hours for next week, _ dealt with people who complained at work constantly."} {"input": "Context Word: temperature.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what the high temperature was going to be that day because _ wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what the high temperature was going to be that day but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: temperature.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the temperature was too warm while PersonY thought it was too cold, so _ turned the heat down. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the temperature was too warm while PersonY thought it was too cold, so _ turned the heat up."} {"input": "Context Word: temperature.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was wearing a sweatshirt while PersonY was in a tank top because _ thought the temperature outside was far too cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX was wearing a sweatshirt while PersonY was in a tank top because _ thought the temperature outside was far too warm."} {"input": "Context Word: temperature.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX went to PersonY's house he was cold, so _ asked for the temperature to be turned up. \nSentence 2: When PersonX went to PersonY's house he looked cold, so _ asked if the temperature should be turned up."} {"input": "Context Word: hornet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a European hornet problem so they aasked PersonY to help because _ was terrified by hornets and possibly being stung. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a European hornet problem so they aasked PersonY to help because _ wasn't bothered by hornets and possibly being stung."} {"input": "Context Word: birth certificate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's birth certificate shows they were born in Kenya but PersonY's shows they were born in USA. _ was not eligible to become president. \nSentence 2: PersonX's birth certificate shows they were born in Kenya but PersonY's shows they were born in USA. _ was qualified to become president."} {"input": "Context Word: low.", "output": "Sentence 1: At Christmastime PersonX always felt rather low but PersonY did not as _ hated the holiday season. \nSentence 2: At Christmastime PersonX always felt rather low but PersonY did not as _ loved the holiday season."} {"input": "Context Word: organic.", "output": "Sentence 1: The organic aisle is always visited by PersonX unlike PersonY because _ loves to eat healthy food. \nSentence 2: The organic aisle is always avoided by PersonX unlike PersonY because _ loves to eat healthy food."} {"input": "Context Word: learned.", "output": "Sentence 1: As part of the practice, PersonX learned three new words everyday unlike PersonY who learns only one word, so _ will finish the language course faster. \nSentence 2: As part of the practice, PersonX learned three new words everyday unlike PersonY who learns only one word, so _ will finish the language course slower."} {"input": "Context Word: dish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked by PersonY to place the dish on the top shelf, because _ was tall. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked by PersonY to place the dish on the top shelf, because _ was short."} {"input": "Context Word: Choking.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the restaurant, PersonX realized PersonY was choking, so _ helped clear the blockage. \nSentence 2: While at the restaurant, PersonX realized PersonY was choking, but _ clear the blockage alone."} {"input": "Context Word: Guy.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had more interest in the guy than persony does but _ hardly show it. \nSentence 2: personx had more interest in the guy than persony does but _ always show it."} {"input": "Context Word: movie star.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY quit acting because _ had no aspirations of becoming a movie star. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY quit acting because _ had high aspirations of becoming a movie star."} {"input": "Context Word: psychedelic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more into psychedelic decor than PersonY is because _ feels like they should have been born in the 60's. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more into psychedelic decor than PersonY is because _ feels like they should have been born in the 90's."} {"input": "Context Word: beekeeping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to start beekeeping but asks PersonY if he wants to join him, because _ would feel lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to start beekeeping but asks PersonY if he wants to join him, so _ agrees to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: evaporate the water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was doing all the labwork while PersonY rested so _ helped evaporate the water. \nSentence 2: PersonX was doing all the labwork while PersonY rested so _ observed evaporate the water."} {"input": "Context Word: swimmers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX admired swimmers and wanted to be one but not PersonY because _ had an affinity with water. \nSentence 2: PersonX admired swimmers and wanted to be one but not PersonY because _ had a phobia with water."} {"input": "Context Word: resistance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was getting a lot of resistance from PersonY, because _ was being extra pushy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was getting a lot of resistance from PersonY, because _ was being extra defensive."} {"input": "Context Word: avocados.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has started growing avocados and wants an advice from PersonY, beacuse _ is a newbie. \nSentence 2: PersonX has started growing avocados and wants an advice from PersonY, beacuse _ is experienced."} {"input": "Context Word: avocados.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that avocados were healthy because they are a fruit, but PersonY pointed out they have a high fat content. _ was disappointed because avocados are delicious. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that avocados were healthy because they are a fruit, but PersonY pointed out they have a high fat content. _ saw he was disappointed because avocados are delicious."} {"input": "Context Word: working.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time working on the cruise ship than PersonY because _ doesn't get sea sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time working on the cruise ship than PersonY because _ does get sea sick."} {"input": "Context Word: working.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't working as hard as PersonY on the project, because _ has no motivation to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't working as hard as PersonY on the project, because _ has tons of motivation to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: Lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only mowed their lawn once a month but PersonY mowed their weekly. _ had a messy looking property. \nSentence 2: PersonX only mowed their lawn once a month but PersonY mowed their weekly. _ had a neat looking property."} {"input": "Context Word: France.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could speak French well, PersonY could not so _ got along well in France. \nSentence 2: PersonX could speak French well, PersonY could not so _ didn't get along well in France."} {"input": "Context Word: France.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more familiar with France compared to PersonY because _ visited many times before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more unfamiliar with France compared to PersonY because _ visited many times before."} {"input": "Context Word: France.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very excited about the company trip to France but PersonY was dreading it because _ enjoyed traveling. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very excited about the company trip to France but PersonY was dreading it because _ did not enjoy traveling."} {"input": "Context Word: Iris.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that the iris was a pretty flower but PersonY didn't. _ planted a garden with irises. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that the iris was a pretty flower but PersonY didn't. _ planted a garden with roses."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: A Birthday Party needs planning, so PersonX is hired by PersonY. Thus, _ is planning the party. \nSentence 2: A Birthday Party needs planning, so PersonX is hired by PersonY. Thus, _ is paying for the party."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on throwing a surprise party because _ hadn't thrown one before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on throwing a surprise party because _ was a party planner."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help plan the birthday party for their son as _ was feeling rather overwhelmed. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help plan the birthday party for their son however _ was feeling rather overwhelemed."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them plan the annual Christmas extravaganza because _ was not experienced in planning a big party. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them plan the annual Christmas extravaganza because _ was an expert in planning a big party."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to invite PersonY to the party, because _ was a snobby host. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to invite PersonY to the party, because _ was a snobby guest."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drinks five days a week while PersonY sticks to just one because _ likes to party more. \nSentence 2: PersonX drives five days a week while PersonY sticks to just one because _ likes to party less."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drives PersonY to the Birthday party at the arcade because _ is a good parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX drives PersonY to the Birthday party at the arcade because _ is a good child."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always really loved to party but PersonY did not because _ was very extroverted. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always really loved to party but PersonY did not because _ was very introverted\r."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help with their housewarming party because _ had never hosted one before. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help with their housewarming party because _ had definitely hosted one before."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hoped friends threw a surprise birthday party for them, but not PersonY, because _ loved surprises. \nSentence 2: PersonX hoped friends threw a surprise birthday party for them, but not PersonY, because _ hated surprises."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to their housewarming party, and _ accepted the gift that she brought to it. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to their housewarming party, and _ gave her the gift that she brought to it."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more social than PersonY so _ was very excited to go to the upcoming party. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more social than PersonY so _ was hesitant to go to the upcoming party."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to throw parties, but PersonY did not, so _ had a party the very next weekend. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to throw parties, but PersonY did not, so _ had went without a party the very next weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planned a surprise party for PersonY, but _ was disappointed when they never came home. \nSentence 2: PersonX planned a surprise party for PersonY, so _ was shocked when they came home."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed at the party for longer than PersonY did although _ thought it was too loud. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed at the party for longer than PersonY did because _ thought it was too loud."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a good party planner but PersonY was not. _ threw the best parties in the neighborhood. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a good party planner but PersonY was not. _ threw the worst parties in the neighborhood."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was being unruly at a party thrown by PersonY so _ was asked to leave. \nSentence 2: PersonX was being unruly at a party thrown by PersonY so _ asked him to leave."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was feeling more tired than PersonY because _ had danced more at the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX was feeling more tired than PersonY although _ had danced more at the party."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was invited to the party instead of PersonY because _ had a karaoke machine. \nSentence 2: PersonX was invited to the party instead of PersonY because _ had a washing machine."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was turning fifty and invited PersonY who is 35 to come to their party, _ is wise in years. \nSentence 2: PersonX was turning fifty and invited PersonY who is 35 to come to their party, _ is young in years."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: The host invited PersonX to the party but not PersonY because _ was a very kind person. \nSentence 2: The host invited PersonX to the party but not PersonY because _ was a very bad person."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: The party was thrown by PersonX but PersonY got all the credit, as _ was ignored by her guests. \nSentence 2: The party was thrown by PersonX but PersonY got all the credit, as _ was adulated by her guests."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: The song PersonX played at the party soothed PersonY's mind since _ was frantic before the event. \nSentence 2: The song PersonX played at the party soothed PersonY's mind since _ was calm before the event."} {"input": "Context Word: party.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX was at the heart of the party, PersonY stayed in the corned, because partying is a common thing for _ . \nSentence 2: While PersonX was at the heart of the party, PersonY stayed in the corned, because partying is a uncommon thing for _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: peanuts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was excited to go to the peanut farm because _ was allergic to peanuts. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was excited to go to the peanut farm because _ loved to eat peanuts."} {"input": "Context Word: concentration.", "output": "Sentence 1: Maintaining concentration with a lot going on is hard for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ had ADD. \nSentence 2: Maintaining concentration with a lot going on is hard for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ doesn't have ADD."} {"input": "Context Word: concentration.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX maintained concentration while right while PersonY was constantly distracted, and therefore _ wrote a great paper. \nSentence 2: PersonX maintained concentration while right while PersonY was constantly distracted, and therefore _ wrote an uneven paper."} {"input": "Context Word: fried chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX begged her grandmother PersonY to let her in on the secret to her fried chicken recipe. _ was surprised to learn it was buttermilk in the batter. \nSentence 2: PersonX begged her grandmother PersonY to let her in on the secret to her fried chicken recipe. _ finally revealed it was buttermilk in the batter."} {"input": "Context Word: notice.", "output": "Sentence 1: A notice was served to PersonX to vacate the building by PersonY. _ is more likely the tenant. \nSentence 2: A notice was served to PersonX to vacate the building by PersonY. _ is more likely the landlord."} {"input": "Context Word: notice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX notice something differnt about PersonY who surprised by this, _ pays attention to small details. \nSentence 2: PersonX notice something differnt about PersonY who surprised by this, _ wonders about small details."} {"input": "Context Word: notice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was no longer interested in working for PersonY , so _ submitted her notice to resign. \nSentence 2: PersonX was no longer interested in working for PersonY , so _ accepted her notice to resign."} {"input": "Context Word: power.", "output": "Sentence 1: All the power in the relationship was held by PersonX over PersonY , because _ was so dominant. \nSentence 2: All the power in the relationship was held by PersonX over PersonY , because _ was so submissive."} {"input": "Context Word: power.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gained a lot more power than PersonY because _ always went to the gym and worked out. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost a lot more power than PersonY because _ always went to the gym and worked out."} {"input": "Context Word: power.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more power in the company than PersonY because _ had an executive position. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more power in the company than PersonY because _ had an entry level position."} {"input": "Context Word: power.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX turned off PersonY's power because _ was the landlord and didn't receive the rent. \nSentence 2: PersonX turned off PersonY's power because _ was the tenant and didn't pay the rent."} {"input": "Context Word: power.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to ascend to political power and PersonY did not because _ was very ambitious. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to ascend to political power and PersonY did not because _ was very apathetic."} {"input": "Context Word: power.", "output": "Sentence 1: The car of PersonX had more power than that of PersonY because _ had a bigger engine. \nSentence 2: The car of PersonX had more power than that of PersonY because _ had a smaller engine."} {"input": "Context Word: fighting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY were unfortunately regularly fighting over politics as _ was very right wing. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY were unfortunately regularly fighting over politics as _ was very left wing."} {"input": "Context Word: fighting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fighting with their brother and PersonY wanted them to stop, so _ eventually stopped fighting. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fighting with their brother and PersonY wanted them to stop, so _ eventually stopped the fight."} {"input": "Context Word: fighting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tirelessly training with PersonY to get into fighting shape for the championship because _ was a fighter. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tirelessly training with PersonY to get into fighting shape for the championship because _ was a coach."} {"input": "Context Word: fighting.", "output": "Sentence 1: When practicing fighting PersonX was more flexible than PersonY and _ was steady on his feet. \nSentence 2: When practicing fighting PersonX was more flexible than PersonY and _ was knocked off his feet."} {"input": "Context Word: parasite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't feeling well and went to see her doctor, PersonY, who ran some tests. The tests showed that _ had parasites in their stool. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't feeling well and went to see her doctor, PersonY, who ran some tests. The tests showed _ that she had parasites in their stool."} {"input": "Context Word: dates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX assigned her sous chef PersonY to chop up dates for the customer's dessert. _ forgot to coat the knife in flour so the dates wouldn't stick to it. \nSentence 2: PersonX assigned her sous chef PersonY to chop up dates for the customer's dessert. _ reminded her to coat the knife in flour so the dates wouldn't stick to it."} {"input": "Context Word: dates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes on lots of dates, but PersonY hasn't been on one in years, so _ is single. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes on lots of dates, but PersonY hasn't been on one in years, so _ is married."} {"input": "Context Word: dates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to go the movies on dates, while PersonY prefers a nice dinner. _ is a movie buff. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to go the movies on dates, while PersonY prefers a nice dinner. _ is a food buff."} {"input": "Context Word: dates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks dates are a sweet tasty treat but PersonY does not. _ bought a big bag of dates from the grocery store. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks dates are a sweet tasty treat but PersonY does not. _ bought a big bag of chips from the grocery store."} {"input": "Context Word: pot of gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX searched all over for the pot of gold before PersonY even got out of bed, and _ became a very rich woman. \nSentence 2: PersonX searched all over for the pot of gold before PersonY even got out of bed, and _ continued to be very poor."} {"input": "Context Word: class.", "output": "Sentence 1: As she walked to class PersonX called PersonY _ she lost the term paper at the apartment. \nSentence 2: As she walked to class PersonX called PersonY _ she found the term paper at the apartment."} {"input": "Context Word: class.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she could attend his class; when he said no, _ felt disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she could attend his class; when he said no, _ felt guilty."} {"input": "Context Word: class.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked a lot of questions in class and PersonY never talked, therefore the teacher asked _ why they were so loud. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked a lot of questions in class and PersonY never talked, therefore the teacher asked _ why they were so quiet."} {"input": "Context Word: class.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed speaking Spanish in front of the class unlike PersonY because _ was less inhibited. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed speaking Spanish in front of the class unlike PersonY because _ was more inhibited."} {"input": "Context Word: class.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is taking a math class and PersonY is taking a computer class at school, so _ completed their algebra homework. \nSentence 2: PersonX is taking a math class and PersonY is taking a computer class at school, so _ completed their computer networking homework."} {"input": "Context Word: class.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed up early for the first day of class but PersonY was very tardy, due to the fact that _ was a punctual person. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed up early for the first day of class but PersonY was very tardy, due to the fact that _ was a late person."} {"input": "Context Word: class.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried hard to make sure PersonY didn't fall asleep in class again, because _ was worried their friend would get in trouble. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried hard to make sure PersonY didn't fall asleep in class again, because _ was always getting in trouble."} {"input": "Context Word: class.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very good cook while PersonY was not, so _ decided to teach a cooking class. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very good cook while PersonY was not, so _ decided to take a cooking class."} {"input": "Context Word: class.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was early to class while PersonY was late for the reason that _ ran into clear roads. \nSentence 2: PersonX was early to class while PersonY was late for the reason that _ ran into congested roads."} {"input": "Context Word: class.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ did not show for class because PersonX had to deal with some problem, while PersonY was fine. \nSentence 2: So _ did not miss for class because PersonX had to deal with some problem, while PersonY was fine."} {"input": "Context Word: maximum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed talking on the phone but PersonY didn't. _ always exceeded the maximum minutes allowed. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed talking on the phone but PersonY didn't. _ never exceeded the maximum minutes allowed."} {"input": "Context Word: questions.", "output": "Sentence 1: Answering questions in class came easy to PersonX but not PersonY because _ always finished the classroom assignments. \nSentence 2: Answering questions in class came easy to PersonX but not PersonY because _ never finished the classroom assignments."} {"input": "Context Word: questions.", "output": "Sentence 1: Asking a lot of questions suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a natural curiosity about the world. \nSentence 2: Asking a lot of questions suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a natural curiosity about the world."} {"input": "Context Word: questions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to ask questions during class than PersonY because _ found the material interesting. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to ask questions during class than PersonY because _ did not find the material interesting."} {"input": "Context Word: haunted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to walk in front of PersonY through the haunted house, because _ was courageous. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to walk in front of PersonY through the haunted house, because _ was terrified."} {"input": "Context Word: neutering.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was neutering PersonY's dog so _ took time to answer all their questions about the procedure. \nSentence 2: PersonX was neutering PersonY's dog so _ took time to ask all their questions about the procedure."} {"input": "Context Word: chickens.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to get rid of the chickens she had, because _ was too annoyed by them. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to get rid of the chickens she had, because _ was too enamored of them."} {"input": "Context Word: chickens.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get chickens for their backyard but PersonY did not because _ thought it would be fun taking care of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get chickens for their backyard but PersonY did not because _ thought it would be a pain taking care of them."} {"input": "Context Word: chickens.", "output": "Sentence 1: Raising chickens was a fun hobby that PersonX enjoyed but not PersonY because _ grew up in the country. \nSentence 2: Raising chickens was a fun hobby that PersonX enjoyed but not PersonY because _ grew up in the city."} {"input": "Context Word: chickens.", "output": "Sentence 1: The chickens of PersonX lay a few eggs, but PersonY gets a lot from them. _ 's chickens are unhealthy. \nSentence 2: The chickens of PersonX lay a few eggs, but PersonY gets a lot from them. _ 's chickens are healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: figure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was elected class president because _ was able to figure out a good platform to run on. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was elected class president because _ was not able to figure out a good platform to run on."} {"input": "Context Word: figure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold their favorite action figure to PersonY, because _ wanted to increase their bank account. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold their favorite action figure to PersonY, because _ wanted to increase their collection."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: At work, PersonX gets much harder tasks to do than PersonY on a daily basis because _ is hardworking. \nSentence 2: At work, PersonX gets much harder tasks to do than PersonY on a daily basis because _ is lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: At work, PersonX would follow their boss's directions more closely than PersonY. _ got a promotion. \nSentence 2: At work, PersonX would follow their boss's directions more closely than PersonY. _ got a demotion."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: Burnt out, PersonX wants to go on a vacation with PersonY because _ needs a break from work. \nSentence 2: Burnt out, PersonX wants to go on a vacation with PersonY but _ needs to stay and work."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: It is likely that PersonX but not PersonY would get the job promotion because _ always stayed late and did extra work. \nSentence 2: It is likely that PersonX but not PersonY would get the job promotion because _ never stayed late and never did extra work."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to get a job but not PersonY because _ is always willing to work. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to get a job but not PersonY because _ is never willing to work."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in need of work desperately and has come across PersonY who is hiring, _ wants to be hired for a job. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in need of work desperately and has come across PersonY who is hiring, _ has hired someone for a job."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always arrived to work before PersonY, as _ had a shorter driving commute in the mornings. \nSentence 2: PersonX always arrived to work after PersonY, as _ had a shorter driving commute in the mornings."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for permission to take time off work because _ was going on vacation soon. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for permission to take time off work because _ is his supervisor at work."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to balance work and home life better, because _ felt her life was a mess. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to balance work and home life better, but _ felt her life was a mess."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was really tired because _ had a long hard day at work for the cement company. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was really tired because _ did not have a long hard day at work for the cement company."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't like talking to people about personal matters at work, unlike PersonY, because _ is a more private person. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't like talking to people about personal matters at work, unlike PersonY, because _ is a more open person."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finished his work at the gas station earlier than PersonY. So _ came home early. \nSentence 2: PersonX finished his work at the gas station earlier than PersonY. So _ came home late."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets to spend less time with their kids than PersonY because _ is addicted to their work life. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets to spend less time with their kids than PersonY because _ isn't as addicted to their work life."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a better grade on the test than PersonY, since _ had put minimal work into learning the material. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a better grade on the test than PersonY, since _ had put serious work into learning the material."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got the promotion at work over PersonY because _ had received the highest personnel review for the year. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not get the promotion at work over PersonY because _ had received the highest personnel review for the year."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to work that night but PersonY was off, so _ was unable to go to the college reunion. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to work that night but PersonY was off, so _ was willing to go to the college reunion."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hates work and asks for a PersonY's advice, as _ wants to enjoy her work. \nSentence 2: PersonX hates work and asks for a PersonY's advice, as _ already enjoys her work."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is allowed to work from home, but PersonY's boss won't allow that. _ has a more laid back job. \nSentence 2: PersonX is allowed to work from home, but PersonY's boss won't allow that. _ has a more stressful job."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to drive PersonY to his place of work because _ had a car. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to drive PersonY to his place of work because _ had no car."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX puts in a lot of extra time at work but PersonY leaves early very often. _ got a promotion. \nSentence 2: PersonX puts in a lot of extra time at work but PersonY leaves early very often. _ got a reprimand."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to retire from work much sooner than PersonY since _ was much older. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to retire from work much sooner than PersonY since _ was much younger."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was searching for job and ask if they needed a person for work PersonY heard them and said they were hiring, _ is looking for employment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was searching for job and ask if they needed a person for work PersonY heard them and said they were hiring, _ is looking for employees."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was doing nothing because PersonX is lazy while PersonY is a hard working person. \nSentence 2: So _ was doing work because PersonX is lazy while PersonY is a hard working person."} {"input": "Context Word: work.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boss was mad because PersonX finished her work later than PersonY because _ is a slow worker. \nSentence 2: The boss was mad because PersonX finished her work later than PersonY because _ is a fast worker."} {"input": "Context Word: Child with Math.", "output": "Sentence 1: Trying to help child with math PersonX love it, but PersonY didn't so _ helped. \nSentence 2: Trying to help child with math PersonX love it, but PersonY didn't so _ didn't helped."} {"input": "Context Word: brussels sprouts.", "output": "Sentence 1: The brussels sprouts PersonX grows are not as good looking as PersonY's, so _ 's are likely nastier tasting. \nSentence 2: The brussels sprouts PersonX grows are not as good looking as PersonY's, so _ 's are likely better tasting."} {"input": "Context Word: pencil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke their pencil and asked PersonY if they had an extra. _ was one step ahead and shared. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke their pencil and asked PersonY if they had an extra. _ was one step behind and tried to find one."} {"input": "Context Word: pencil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making a pencil holder from water bottle for PersonY ,because _ is crafty with hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making a pencil holder from water bottle for PersonY ,because _ is her best friend."} {"input": "Context Word: pencil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loaned PersonY a pencil in class since _ had an extra one in their bag. \nSentence 2: PersonX loaned PersonY a pencil in class since _ did not have one in their bag."} {"input": "Context Word: pencil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planned to pass her pencil over to PersonY shortly, as _ was just about to complete her writing. \nSentence 2: PersonX planned to pass her pencil over to PersonY shortly, as _ was just about to start her writing."} {"input": "Context Word: polished.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's boots were more polished than PersonY's because _ was in the military and polished boots were mandatory. \nSentence 2: PersonX's boots were less polished than PersonY's because _ was in the military and polished boots were mandatory."} {"input": "Context Word: excited.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was excited that PersonY was coming over because _ had been waiting for them to see their house for weeks. \nSentence 2: PersonX was excited that PersonY was coming over because _ had been asking to see their new house for weeks."} {"input": "Context Word: Fence Post.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tied their horse to the fence post before heading into the saloon but PersonY didn't. When _ came back out their horse was right there. \nSentence 2: PersonX tied their horse to the fence post before heading into the saloon but PersonY didn't. When _ came back out their horse had wandered off."} {"input": "Context Word: flourish.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for the child of PersonX but not PersonY to flourish because _ had a lot of money to buy the kid evrything they wanted. \nSentence 2: It was easy for the child of PersonX but not PersonY to flourish because _ did not have a lot of money to buy the kid evrything they wanted."} {"input": "Context Word: Beach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to go to the beach with them for the day. _ was very gracious to make the offer. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to go to the beach with them for the day. _ was very happy to get the offer."} {"input": "Context Word: Violent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a violent streak but PersonY was a pacifist. _ got in many fights over their lifetime. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a violent streak but PersonY was a pacifist. _ got in zero fights over their lifetime."} {"input": "Context Word: liver.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating healthy has helped PersonX, but not PersonY since _ been having trouble with his liver. \nSentence 2: Eating healthy has helped PersonX, but not PersonY since _ been refusing the trouble with is liver."} {"input": "Context Word: liver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX declined to eat any of the liver, so PersonY ate it all because _ hates the taste of live. \nSentence 2: PersonX declined to eat any of the liver, so PersonY ate it all because _ loves the taste of live."} {"input": "Context Word: liver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a much healthier liver than PersonY because _ abstains from drinking in excess. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a much healthier liver than PersonY because _ can't abstain from drinking in excess."} {"input": "Context Word: liver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated exotic foods more than PersonY but _ always had a soft spot for liver. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated exotic foods more than PersonY but _ never had a soft spot for liver."} {"input": "Context Word: liver.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX never drank and PersonY drank too much for the past twenty years, _ had a healthy liver. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX never drank and PersonY drank too much for the past twenty years, _ had a poor liver."} {"input": "Context Word: liver.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx took some advice from persony on how to have a healthy liver but _ could not get a good one. \nSentence 2: personx took some advice from persony on how to have a healthy liver and _ gave him a good one."} {"input": "Context Word: vinegar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not mind the scent of vinegar but not PersonY because _ had an imprecise sense of smell. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not mind the scent of vinegar but not PersonY because _ had a sensitive sense of smell."} {"input": "Context Word: vinegar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't mind the smell of vinegar and PersonY hated it, so _ decorated eggs with the children. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated the smell of vinegar and PersonY didn't mind it, so _ decorated eggs with the children."} {"input": "Context Word: vinegar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated the smell of vinegar far less than PersonY so their father always picked _ to help him clean with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated the smell of vinegar far more than PersonY so their father always picked _ to help him clean with it."} {"input": "Context Word: vinegar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to clean with vinegar but PersonY hated the smell, so _ had to use something else. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to clean with vinegar but PersonY hated the smell, so _ had to get used to it."} {"input": "Context Word: vinegar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rolls her eyes as PersonY extolls the virtues of vinegar as a cleaning solution for everything since _ is bored. \nSentence 2: PersonX rolls her eyes as PersonY extolls the virtues of vinegar as a cleaning solution for everything since _ is enthuastic."} {"input": "Context Word: vinegar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX waits for PersonY to get back with the vinegar from the local market, _ is waiting for the vinegar. \nSentence 2: PersonX waits for PersonY to get back with the vinegar from the local market, _ is bringing her the vinegar."} {"input": "Context Word: vinegar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using vinegar to clean was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked the smell of vinegar. \nSentence 2: Using vinegar to clean was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't like the smell of vinegar."} {"input": "Context Word: vinegar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Vinegar is used by PersonX to clean all sorts of things, but PersonY hates the smell, so _ has an insensitive nose. \nSentence 2: Vinegar is used by PersonX to clean all sorts of things, but PersonY hates the smell, so _ has a strong nose."} {"input": "Context Word: shingles.", "output": "Sentence 1: It took longer for PersonX to redo their roof than it took for PersonY to redo theirs because _ had more shingles. \nSentence 2: It took longer to PersonX to redo their roof than it took for PersonY to redo theirs because _ had less shingles."} {"input": "Context Word: shingles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more experience fixing shingles than PersonY did since _ had started working for the roofing company several years ago. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more experience fixing shingles than PersonY did since _ had started working for the roofing company one year ago."} {"input": "Context Word: shingles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was doing PersonY's roof so _ sent pictures of different shingles to the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX was doing PersonY's roof so _ received pictures of different shingles from the other."} {"input": "Context Word: used logic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used logic to determine if PersonY was lying because _ had been lied to before. \nSentence 2: PersonX used logic to determine if PersonY was lying because _ had been accused of lying before."} {"input": "Context Word: visa.", "output": "Sentence 1: A visa was granted for PersonX, but not for PersonY because _ applied for it correctly. \nSentence 2: A visa was granted for PersonX, but not for PersonY because _ applied for it incorrectly."} {"input": "Context Word: visa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to get a visa for his travels unlike PersonY because it was necessary for _ to travel. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to get a visa for his travels unlike PersonY because it was unimportant for _ to travel."} {"input": "Context Word: visa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received a traveling visa but PersonY did not, so _ was able to travel to several countries more easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a traveling visa but PersonY did not, so _ was not able to travel to several countries that easily."} {"input": "Context Word: visa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's immigration visa has expired, while PersonY's is currently valid, so _ is here illegally. \nSentence 2: PersonX's immigration visa has expired, while PersonY's is currently valid, so _ is here legally."} {"input": "Context Word: violate.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Landlord violated PersonX's rights via neglect but not PersonY's because _ was a regular tenant. \nSentence 2: The Landlord violated PersonX's rights via neglect but not PersonY's because _ was a friend and tenant."} {"input": "Context Word: Arguing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was arguing with PersonY over something stupid, because _ didn't know how to handle the stress. \nSentence 2: PersonX was arguing with PersonY over something stupid, but _ didn't know how to handle the stress."} {"input": "Context Word: Medical Marijuana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has decided to become a Medical Marijuana farmer PersonY doesn't approve, _ wants to be a farmer. \nSentence 2: PersonX has decided to become a Medical Marijuana farmer PersonY doesn't approve, _ wants to be a cop."} {"input": "Context Word: boobs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boobs of PersonX feel like plastic, but PersonY's are nice and soft, so _ probably had surgery. \nSentence 2: The boobs of PersonX feel like plastic, but PersonY's are nice and soft, so _ probably avoided surgery."} {"input": "Context Word: review.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX art museum review was better than PersonY because _ was great at describing all the details of the event. \nSentence 2: PersonX art museum review was better than PersonY because _ was horrible at describing all the details of the event."} {"input": "Context Word: review.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not kind in her review of PersonY 's show, as _ saw a pretty lame performance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not kind in her review of PersonY 's show, as _ gave a pretty lame performance."} {"input": "Context Word: evening.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they could to go out that evening, because _ had no plans. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they could to go out that evening, but _ already had plans."} {"input": "Context Word: bong.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to smoke their medical marijuana from a bong but PersonY prefers a joint. _ broke their bong when they dropped it. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to smoke their medical marijuana from a bong but PersonY prefers a joint. _ broke their ashtray when they dropped it."} {"input": "Context Word: bong.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smokes out of a bong, while PersonY uses an old fashioned pipe. _ likely is smoking weed. \nSentence 2: PersonX smokes out of a bong, while PersonY uses an old fashioned pipe. _ likely is smoking tobacco."} {"input": "Context Word: arrival.", "output": "Sentence 1: Following the arrival of his newborn son, PersonX gave a customary cigar to PersonY, but _ knew that it was a candy cigar. \nSentence 2: Following the arrival of his newborn son, PersonX gave a customary cigar to PersonY, but _ found that it was a candy cigar."} {"input": "Context Word: Ophthalmophobia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had problems with overcoming Ophthalmophobia so PersonY helped him. _ love him for the help. \nSentence 2: PersonX had problems with overcoming Ophthalmophobia so PersonY helped him. _ love him and will help him."} {"input": "Context Word: horsepower.", "output": "Sentence 1: The car of PersonX has more horsepower than PersonY's because _ 's car has more cylinders. \nSentence 2: The car of PersonX has more horsepower than PersonY's because _ 's car has fewer cylinders."} {"input": "Context Word: Goodwill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shopped for a while and found a few items to bring up to PersonY at the Goodwill counter, then _ gave thanks and left. \nSentence 2: PersonX shopped for a while and found a few items to bring up to PersonY at the Goodwill counter, then _ gave thanks and saw the next customer."} {"input": "Context Word: Goodwill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't very charitable but PersonY was a philanthropist. _ took their old clothes to the trash instead of Goodwill. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't very charitable but PersonY was a philanthropist. _ took their old clothes to Goodwill instead of the trash."} {"input": "Context Word: ACL.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX landed badly and thought they had an ACL injury but PersonY knew otherwise. _ didn't have a medical degree. \nSentence 2: PersonX landed badly and thought they had an ACL injury but PersonY knew otherwise. _ had a medical degree."} {"input": "Context Word: bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: A bath is fun for PersonX, but PersonY is just annoyed by them, because _ is small enough for the tub. \nSentence 2: A bath is fun for PersonX, but PersonY is just annoyed by them, because _ is too large for the tub."} {"input": "Context Word: bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drew a bath for PersonY because _ wanted to help them unwind after a long, hard day. \nSentence 2: PersonX drew a bath for PersonY to help _ unwind after a long, hard day."} {"input": "Context Word: bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys taking a bath a lot more than PersonY because _ hates to stand up in the tub. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys taking a bath a lot more than PersonY because _ hates to sit down in the tub."} {"input": "Context Word: bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked a bath but PersonY liked a shower. _ was pleased to see their partner had a hot bath waiting for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked a bath but PersonY liked a shower. _ was pleased to see their partner had a steaming shower waiting for them."} {"input": "Context Word: bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to take a long relaxing bath after work while PersonY only takes showers, so _ took a long bath after work. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to take a long relaxing bath after work while PersonY only takes showers, so _ took a long shower after work."} {"input": "Context Word: bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a longer time to take a bath than PersonY because _ liked relaxing in the tub. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a shorter time to take a bath than PersonY because _ liked relaxing in the tub."} {"input": "Context Word: bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took baths much more regularly than PersonY because _ 's apartment only had a shower. \nSentence 2: PersonX took baths much more regularly than PersonY because _ 's apartment only had a tub."} {"input": "Context Word: bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dirty and needed a bath, and PersonY was ready to eat, so now _ is in the tub. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dirty and needed a bath, and PersonY was ready to eat, so now _ is in the kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would have enjoyed taking a warm bath like PersonY but _ only has a shower. \nSentence 2: PersonX would have enjoyed taking a warm bath like PersonY but _ only has a bathtub."} {"input": "Context Word: bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: Relaxing in a warm bubble bath at the end of the day was appealing to PersonX but distasteful to PersonY, because _ loved water. \nSentence 2: Relaxing in a warm bubble bath at the end of the day was repulsive to PersonX but ideal to PersonY, because _ loved water."} {"input": "Context Word: craft beer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The brewery manager position was better suited for PersonX than PersonY because _ had vast knowledge of craft beer. \nSentence 2: The brewery manager position was better suited for PersonX than PersonY because _ had limited knowledge of craft beer."} {"input": "Context Word: shelter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked building a shelter with PersonY because even though _ was better at it, they enjoyed with time together. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked building a shelter with PersonY because even though _ was worse at it, they enjoyed with time together."} {"input": "Context Word: Group.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is not part of PersonY's group of friends, but _ joins them in the cafeteria anyway. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not part of PersonY's group of friends, but _ invites her to join them in the cafeteria anyway."} {"input": "Context Word: windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cleaning the windows was a chore that PersonX really detested but PersonY didn't mind doing. _ hired a person to clean their windows. \nSentence 2: Cleaning the windows was a chore that PersonX really detested but PersonY didn't mind doing. _ hired a person to mow their yard."} {"input": "Context Word: windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cleaning windows was the most hated chore for PersonX but not PersonY. _ hired a maid to clean the windows. \nSentence 2: Cleaning windows was the most hated chore for PersonX but not PersonY. _ hired a maid to clean the toilet."} {"input": "Context Word: windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was a hot day so PersonX opened the windows. PersonY got angry. _ didn't know the air conditioning was already running. \nSentence 2: It was a hot day so PersonX opened the windows. PersonY got angry. _ yelled that the air conditioning was already running."} {"input": "Context Word: windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY wanted to open the windows today because _ was really hot. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY wanted to open the windows today because _ was really cold."} {"input": "Context Word: windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to install new green energy windows because _ forgot how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to install new green energy windows because _ knew how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hires PersonY to clean his windows on the house because _ is a diligent home owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX hires PersonY to clean his windows on the house because _ is a diligent window washer."} {"input": "Context Word: windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ opened all the windows in the house because PersonX needed some fresh air and PersonY was cold. \nSentence 2: So _ closed all the windows in the house because PersonX needed some fresh air and PersonY was cold."} {"input": "Context Word: windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: The windows were open in PersonX's room, but not in PersonY's because _ disliked air conditioning. \nSentence 2: The windows were open in PersonX's room, but not in PersonY's because _ used air conditioning."} {"input": "Context Word: Minister.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was surpised to learn PersonY was a minister, because _ assumed he was a businessman. \nSentence 2: PersonX was surpised to learn PersonY was a minister, because _ had said he was a businessman."} {"input": "Context Word: restoration.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in need of restoration but is tight on money PersonY prices restoration jobs based on income, _ needs help. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in need of restoration but is tight on money PersonY prices restoration jobs based on income, _ gives help."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although it was night time, PersonX stayed up while PersonY went to bed because _ just had some caffeine. \nSentence 2: Although it was night time, PersonX stayed up while PersonY went to bed because _ just had some medicine with a sleep aid."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chased PersonY out of the bed and made it sleep on the floor while he replaced him. _ is comfortable. \nSentence 2: PersonX chased PersonY out of the bed and made it sleep on the floor while he replaced him. _ is uncomfortable."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX crawled into bed and fell asleep 3 hours before PersonY because _ was exhausted. \nSentence 2: PersonX crawled into bed and fell asleep 3 hours before PersonY because _ was not tired."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to spend a lot of time in bed but PersonY did not, because _ was poorly. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to spend a lot of time in bed but PersonY did not, because _ was healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY get out of bed to get ready for the day because _ woke up early. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY get out of bed to get ready for the day because _ woke up late."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laid awake in bed while PersonY slept like a baby because _ had watched a scary movie. \nSentence 2: PersonX laid awake in bed while PersonY slept like a baby because _ had watched a rom-com movie."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made their bed every morning but PersonY did not. _ got compliments on their neat bedroom. \nSentence 2: PersonX made their bed every morning but PersonY did not. _ didn't get compliments on their sloppy bedroom."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed in bed all day long but not PersonY because _ had gone to sleep late last night. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed in bed all day long but not PersonY because _ had gone to sleep early last night."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to make the bed and sweep the apartment floors because _ was a clean freak. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to make the bed and sweep the apartment floors because _ was very messy."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched closely as PersonY carefully assembled the bed for them, then _ paid for the work. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched closely as PersonY carefully assembled the bed for them, then _ received money for the work."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to purchase a new bed from PersonY, and _ was sold a double sized bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to purchase a new bed from PersonY, and _ sold them a double sized bed."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the local furniture to buy a new bed unlike PersonY who stayed home, because _ needed a new bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed home from the local furniture to buy a new bed unlike PersonY who stayed home, because _ needed a new bed."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's bed is never made, and PersonY always makes his, so _ is a more disorganized person. \nSentence 2: PersonX's bed is never made, and PersonY always makes his, so _ is a more dutiful person."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ made their bed because PersonX is a clean person while PersonY is messy all the time. \nSentence 2: So _ ignored their bed because PersonX is a clean person while PersonY is messy all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bed of PersonX is never made in the morning, though PersonY makes his. _ is the disorganized person. \nSentence 2: The bed of PersonX is never made in the morning, though PersonY makes his. _ is the orderly person."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bed of PersonX sleeps two people, while PersonY's is small. _ is more likely to be married. \nSentence 2: The bed of PersonX sleeps two people, while PersonY's is small. _ is more likely to be single."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hard mattress on the bed was comfortable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ prefers firm support. \nSentence 2: The hard mattress on the bed was comfortable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ prefers soft support."} {"input": "Context Word: bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX was told to get out of bed by PersonY, _ rolled over and went back to sleep. \nSentence 2: When PersonX told PersonY to get out of bed, _ rolled over and went back to sleep."} {"input": "Context Word: hearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a worse sense of hearing than PersonY because _ had been around loud equipment for many years. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a worse sense of hearing than PersonY although _ had been around loud equipment for many years."} {"input": "Context Word: hearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had issues with hearing PersonY when they talked, because _ had problems with their ears. \nSentence 2: PersonX had issues with hearing PersonY when they talked, because _ had problems with speaking up."} {"input": "Context Word: hearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had much better hearing than PersonY had because _ was a much younger person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had much better hearing than PersonY had because _ was a much older person."} {"input": "Context Word: hearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore earplugs at the concert but PersonY did not. _ had no trouble hearing the next day after hours of loud music. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore earplugs at the concert but PersonY did not. _ had difficulty hearing the next day after hours of loud music."} {"input": "Context Word: hearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hearing was far worse than PersonY's because _ had been around loud noises his whole life. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hearing was far better than PersonY's because _ had been around loud noises his whole life."} {"input": "Context Word: actor.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the movie, PersonX asked PersonY the name of the actor that appeared on the screen, because _ had difficulty remembering names. \nSentence 2: During the movie, PersonX asked PersonY the name of the actor that appeared on the screen, because _ easily remembered names."} {"input": "Context Word: actor.", "output": "Sentence 1: Earning money as an actor was much easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had taken acting lessons. \nSentence 2: Earning money as an actor was much easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had never taken acting lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: actor.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone says PersonX is a better actor than PersonY will ever be, which makes _ very happy. \nSentence 2: Everyone says PersonX is a better actor than PersonY will ever be, which makes _ very sad."} {"input": "Context Word: actor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied hard to become a good actor but PersonY did not. _ got a starring role in a movie. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied hard to become a good actor but PersonY did not. _ never got a starring role in a movie."} {"input": "Context Word: actor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY was a poor actor who would never land a role, because _ was very critical. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY was a poor actor who would never land a role, because _ was very untalented."} {"input": "Context Word: actor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to be an actor so PersonY got them an audition because _ had poor connections in the movie industry. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to be an actor so PersonY got them an audition because _ had strong connections in the movie industry."} {"input": "Context Word: actor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a far better actor than PersonY because _ took a lot of acting classes growing up. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a far worse actor than PersonY because _ took a lot of acting classes growing up."} {"input": "Context Word: actor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The actor came over and shook PersonX's hand and not PersonY's because _ was next to the actor. \nSentence 2: The actor came over and shook PersonX's hand and not PersonY's because _ was opposite the actor."} {"input": "Context Word: squeaks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's door squeaks a lot louder than PersonY's because _ has not fixed it yet this week. \nSentence 2: PersonX's door squeaks a lot softer than PersonY's because _ has not fixed it yet this week."} {"input": "Context Word: nest.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ placed the egg gently back into the nest because PersonX is a gentle person, while PersonY is the opposite. \nSentence 2: So _ placed the egg roughly back into the nest because PersonX is a gentle person, while PersonY is the opposite."} {"input": "Context Word: Scar.", "output": "Sentence 1: personX would get rid of the scar slower than personY because _ do not stop scratching it. \nSentence 2: personX would get rid of the scar faster than personY because _ do not stop scratching it."} {"input": "Context Word: lackluster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lackluster attitude about the movie starring PersonY, because _ was bored watching it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lackluster attitude about the movie starring PersonY, because _ was bad in it."} {"input": "Context Word: procrastinate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to procrastinate on his final project for class but PersonY worked hard on it, because _ was lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to procrastinate on his final project for class but PersonY worked hard on it, because _ was a good student."} {"input": "Context Word: procrastinate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX turned in their term paper early, while PersonY waited until the last minute, because _ tended to procrastinate. \nSentence 2: PersonX turned in their term paper early, while PersonY waited until the last minute, because _ didn't want to procrastinate."} {"input": "Context Word: IBS.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to visit a doctor, PersonY, about her IBS because _ was in pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to visit a doctor, PersonY, about her IBS because _ was in the office."} {"input": "Context Word: grad school.", "output": "Sentence 1: Grad school was a chore for PersonX but fun for PersonY, since _ hated studying and taking tests. \nSentence 2: Grad school was a chore for PersonX but fun for PersonY, since _ loved studying and taking tests."} {"input": "Context Word: grad school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied very hard in grad school but PersonY didn't, so _ passed their exams with top marks. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied very hard in grad school but PersonY didn't, so _ failed their exams with low marks."} {"input": "Context Word: onions.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX didn't like vegetables as much as PersonY, _ loved onions on their burger. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX didn't like vegetables as much as PersonY, _ hated onions on their burger."} {"input": "Context Word: onions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes onions and PersonY does not, so _ bought some to put on their salad for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes onions and PersonY does not, so _ picked some out of their salad for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: onions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was growing onions in their garden and PersonY asked for some, but _ wouldn't give them any. \nSentence 2: PersonX was growing onions in their garden and PersonY asked for some, but _ couldn't pay for any."} {"input": "Context Word: onions.", "output": "Sentence 1: The smell of onions made PersonX nauseous, but not PersonY, as _ was deathly allergic to them. \nSentence 2: The smell of onions made PersonX nauseous, but not PersonY, as _ was practically addicted to them."} {"input": "Context Word: showed more school spirit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed more school spirit than PersonY because _ was the head cheerleader on the cheerleading team. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed more school spirit than PersonY because _ was the head writer on the yearbook team."} {"input": "Context Word: retail.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working with customers is easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ has experience in the retail industry. \nSentence 2: Working with customers is easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ has no experience in the retail industry."} {"input": "Context Word: clique.", "output": "Sentence 1: The clique of PersonX is filled with nerds, while PersonY hangs with the popular kids, so _ is a geek. \nSentence 2: The clique of PersonX is filled with nerds, while PersonY hangs with the popular kids, so _ is a jock."} {"input": "Context Word: smoked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smoked around PersonY all the time whenever they were at work, as _ was inconsiderate. \nSentence 2: PersonX smoked around PersonY all the time whenever they were at work, and _ was not pleased."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: After adopting a child, PersonX didn't want children while PersonY did so _ thought their marriage was doomed. \nSentence 2: After adopting a child, PersonX didn't want children while PersonY did so _ thought their marriage was succesful."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: Babysitting children suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had lots of patience with children. \nSentence 2: Babysitting children suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't have lots of patience with children."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: Becoming a teacher didn't suit PersonX as well as PersonY because _ doesn't like children. \nSentence 2: Becoming a teacher didn't suit PersonX as well as PersonY because _ really likes children."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being an elementary school teacher suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ is very good with children. \nSentence 2: Being an elementary school teacher suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ isn't very good with children."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: Children felt very comfortable around PersonX but not around PersonY because _ made them feel safe. \nSentence 2: Children felt very comfortable around PersonX but not around PersonY because _ made them feel frightened."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent more time driving around town than PersonY, because _ had children. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent more time driving around town than PersonY, because _ didn't have children."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked the children to quiet down, but PersonY told them they didn't need to. _ was frustrated that it was so loud. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked the children to quiet down, but PersonY told them they didn't need to. _ didn't mind that it was so loud."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided that they would train as a teacher but PersonY did not as _ loved children. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided that they would train as a teacher but PersonY did not as _ hated children."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want to have children, while PersonY couldn't wait it. _ is grouchy with kids. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want to have children, while PersonY couldn't wait it. _ is sweet with kids."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a louder class than PersonY did because there were more children in the class of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX had a quieter class than PersonY did because there were more children in the class of _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has 5 children, PersonY has none therefore _ will have experience with bed wetting. \nSentence 2: PersonX has 5 children, PersonY has none therefore _ will not have much experience with bed wetting."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is known as an empty nester, although PersonY isn't, because _ doesn't have children living at home. \nSentence 2: PersonX is known as an empty nester, although PersonY isn't, because _ still has children living at home."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted children, but PersonY had no interest, so _ looked for someone else to have babies with. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted children, but PersonY had no interest, so _ looked for someone else to have freedom with."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to have more children with PersonY so _ asked if they could have another baby. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have more children with PersonY but _ asked if they wouldn't have another baby."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX works with kids all day, but PersonY never encounters children at work. _ is a teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX works with kids all day, but PersonY never encounters children at work. _ is a banker."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's children were much more nice and polite than PersonY's because _ kids had a good upbringing. \nSentence 2: PersonX's children were much more nice and polite than PersonY's because _ kids had a bad upbringing."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: Reading stories to children suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had children of his own. \nSentence 2: Reading stories to children suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no children of his own."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: The children felt more comfortable going to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was stern. \nSentence 2: The children felt more comfortable going to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was fun."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: The children of PersonX are happier than PersonY's because _ takes them on a vacation every month. \nSentence 2: The children of PersonX are sadder than PersonY's because _ takes them on a vacation every month."} {"input": "Context Word: children.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX had children, PersonY did not, so _ had a need for a babysitter tonight. \nSentence 2: While PersonX had children, PersonY did not, so _ had no need for a babysitter tonight."} {"input": "Context Word: motion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX motioned towards the door and PersonY left the room, because _ had understood the command. \nSentence 2: PersonX motioned towards the door and PersonY left the room, because _ had issued the command."} {"input": "Context Word: motion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tends to keep moving all of the time but not PersonY , _ is a good definition of the law of motion. \nSentence 2: PersonX tends to keep moving all of the time but not PersonY , _ is a bad definition of the law of motion."} {"input": "Context Word: motion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always in motion, while PersonY tended to stay still, since _ was full of energy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always in motion, while PersonY tended to stay still, since _ was lacking energy."} {"input": "Context Word: motion.", "output": "Sentence 1: Prevent motion sickness was understandable to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was often motion sick as a youngster. \nSentence 2: Prevent motion sickness was understandable to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was never motion sick as a youngster."} {"input": "Context Word: kissable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's lips were kissable compared to PersonY's. _ always exfoliated and moisturized them regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX's lips were kissable compared to PersonY's. _ never exfoliated and moisturized them regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: ex girlfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ex girlfriend of PersonX just went and slept with his friend, PersonY, so _ feels outraged. \nSentence 2: The ex girlfriend of PersonX just went and slept with his friend, PersonY, so _ feels guilty."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the movie PersonX asked PersonY if they have ever been in love, _ had never experienced it before. \nSentence 2: After the movie PersonX asked PersonY if they have ever been in love, _ had repeatedly experienced it before."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX felt a lot of love for PersonY, _ felt difficulty explaining it to the other. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX felt a lot of love for PersonY, _ felt difficulty explaining it to the other."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: Falling in love was very easy for PersonX but very hard for PersonY. _ has had many partners in their life. \nSentence 2: Falling in love was very easy for PersonX but very hard for PersonY. _ has had very few partners in their life."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was love at first sight for PersonX but PersonY did not feel the same way, and soon _ became obsessed. \nSentence 2: It was love at first sight for PersonX but PersonY did not feel the same way, and soon _ became repulsed."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to love herself was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not suffer from depression and anxiety. \nSentence 2: Learning to love herself was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ suffered from depression and anxiety."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: Madly in love, PersonX wanted to tell PersonY how she felt, but _ was too afraid of rejection. \nSentence 2: Madly in love, PersonX wanted to tell PersonY how she felt, but _ was too quick with rejection."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: Nowadays, PersonX doesn't believe in love at all, while PersonY does. _ is very cynical. \nSentence 2: Nowadays, PersonX doesn't believe in love at all, while PersonY does. _ is very romantic."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't believe in love, while PersonY is a big believer, so _ is more of a cynic. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't believe in love, while PersonY is a big believer, so _ is more of a romantic."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dumped PersonY because he was no longer in love with them, and afterwards, _ felt relieved. \nSentence 2: PersonX dumped PersonY because he was no longer in love with them, and afterwards, _ felt heartbroken."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt love for others but PersonY did not because _ had a warm feeling. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt love for others but PersonY did not because _ had a cold feeling."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a love problems and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ is not experienced with relationships. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a love problems and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ has a lot of experience with relationships."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has not been in love for years, though PersonY is currently in love. So, _ is probably sadder. \nSentence 2: PersonX has not been in love for years, though PersonY is currently in love. So, _ is probably happier."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in love with the wrong person, but PersonY doesn't feel that way. _ is in love with a married man. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in love with the wrong person, but PersonY doesn't feel that way. _ is in love with a single man."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved PersonY very deeply, but it was not reciprocated. _ was alone and not in a relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved PersonY very deeply, but it was not reciprocated. _ was already in a relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX no longer loved PersonY so _ smiled as they walked out the door of their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX no longer loved PersonY and _ cried as they walked out the door of their house."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to tell PersonY they loved them so _ asked them out to a fancy dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to tell PersonY they loved them so _ accepted the invitation to a fancy dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to bring love into his relationship so he asks for PersonY's advice, because _ is a new in relationships. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to bring love into his relationship so he asks for PersonY's advice, because _ has a lot experience in relationships."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to make his girlfriend to love him more so he asks for PersonY;s advice, because _ feels unhappy. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to make his girlfriend to love him more so he asks for PersonY;s advice, so _ gives him an advice."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was certain they love PersonY because _ felt flutter in their heart whenever the other was around. \nSentence 2: PersonX was certain PersonY love them because _ felt flutter in their heart whenever the other was around."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was delighted to tell PersonY that he was in love with the girl next door, as _ knew he would be in favor of the match. \nSentence 2: PersonX was delighted to tell PersonY that he was in love with the girl next door, and _ acknowledged he would be in favor of the match."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in love with PersonY and often showed this, but _ did not love them back in return. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in love with PersonY and often showed this, but _ was not loved back in return."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less willing to look for a new love than PersonY because _ had been scorned before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less willing to look for a new love than PersonY because _ had never been scorned before."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was no longer in love with PersonY and broke up. _ was happy after this occurred. \nSentence 2: PersonX was no longer in love with PersonY and broke up. _ was crying after this occurred."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the type to give love very freely but PersonY was not. _ was very popular in their social circle. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the type to give love very freely but PersonY was not. _ wasn't very popular in their social circle."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was truly and madly in love with PersonY due to _ being a hopeless romantic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was truly and madly in love with PersonY due to _ being a wonderful lover."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's love life is filled with lots of women, but PersonY rarely hooks up. _ is considered easy. \nSentence 2: PersonX's love life is filled with lots of women, but PersonY rarely hooks up. _ is considered prude."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: Talking about their relationship was more difficult for PersonX than PersonY however _ found it easier to say I love you. \nSentence 2: Talking about their relationship was more difficult for PersonX than PersonY however _ found it harder to say I love you."} {"input": "Context Word: love.", "output": "Sentence 1: Throughout life, PersonX has stopped believing love exists, though PersonY is a believer. _ is a cynic. \nSentence 2: Throughout life, PersonX has stopped believing love exists, though PersonY is a believer. _ is a romantic."} {"input": "Context Word: chatty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a chatty person while PersonY would never talk in public, as _ was confident. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a chatty person while PersonY would never talk in public, as _ was shy."} {"input": "Context Word: Europe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to treat PersonY to a trip to Europe so _ pulled out their credit card and called a travel agent. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to treat them to a trip to Europe so _ pulled out their credit card and called a travel agent."} {"input": "Context Word: program.", "output": "Sentence 1: Downloading programs came easy to PersonX but was difficult for PersonY because _ was technologically savvy. \nSentence 2: Downloading programs came easy to PersonX but was difficult for PersonY because _ was technologically uninformed."} {"input": "Context Word: program.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had her computer program ready to go while PersonY was struggling with hers, so _ offered some help. \nSentence 2: PersonX had her computer program ready to go while PersonY was struggling with hers, so _ asked for some help."} {"input": "Context Word: program.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants help from PersonY about blocking a program, because _ is a computer newbie. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants help from PersonY about blocking a program, because _ is a computer expert."} {"input": "Context Word: program.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a gym better suited PersonX than PersonY so _ was able to establish quickly a new yoga program. \nSentence 2: Running a gym better suited PersonX than PersonY so _ was able to establish slowly a new yoga program."} {"input": "Context Word: program.", "output": "Sentence 1: The program was outlined by PersonX and was gone over with PersonY , _ was in giving out instructions. \nSentence 2: The program was outlined by PersonX and was gone over with PersonY , _ was listening to the instructions."} {"input": "Context Word: program.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was lots of preparation for the upcoming workout program as PersonX helped PersonY lose weight since _ wanted to get paid. \nSentence 2: There was lots of preparation for the upcoming workout program as PersonX helped PersonY lose weight since _ wanted to get healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: crayons.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more crayons and art materials than PersonY had because _ liked to color more. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more crayons and art materials than PersonY had although _ liked to color more."} {"input": "Context Word: crayons.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has really pissed off PersonY by drawing with crayons on a wallpaper, so _ feels bad. \nSentence 2: PersonX has really pissed off PersonY by drawing with crayons on a wallpaper, so _ feels angry."} {"input": "Context Word: crayons.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was admired by PersonY because _ was able to make beautiful pictures with crayons. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of PersonY because _ was able to make beautiful pictures with crayons."} {"input": "Context Word: crayons.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's writing utensil of choice is crayons, while PersonY uses pens all day. _ is a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX's writing utensil of choice is crayons, while PersonY uses pens all day. _ is an adult."} {"input": "Context Word: squats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had no trouble with free squats unlike PersonY because _ kept their knees behind their toes. \nSentence 2: PersonX had no trouble with free squats unlike PersonY because _ didn't keep their knees behind their toes."} {"input": "Context Word: squats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had tremendous leg strength thanks to squats, but PersonY was very weak. _ loved working out at the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX had tremendous leg strength thanks to squats, but PersonY was very weak. _ hated working out at the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: squats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better than squats than PersonY, so _ did not ever worry about their weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better than squats than PersonY, so _ worried a lot about their weight."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: Attending teacher meetings was important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ cared about her children. \nSentence 2: Attending teacher meetings was important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not care about her children."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was important for PersonX but not PersonY to get their on time because _ the other party would leave if they waited too long. \nSentence 2: It was important for PersonX but not PersonY to get their on time because _ the other party would not leave if they waited too long."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was important that PersonX make it home before curfew but not that PersonY did because _ had strict parents. \nSentence 2: It was important that PersonX make it home before curfew but not that PersonY did because _ did not have strict parents."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: Knowing today was important PersonX stops by to congratulate PersonY. _ is a friend to others. \nSentence 2: Knowing today was important PersonX stops by to congratulate PersonY. _ is a glad of friends."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making the football team was important for PersonX but unimportant for PersonY because _ wanted a football scholarship. \nSentence 2: Making the football team was important for PersonX but unimportant for PersonY because _ wanted time away from sports."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always got better service at restaurants than PersonY and figured it was because _ was a more important person. \nSentence 2: PersonX always got better service at restaurants than PersonY and figured it was because _ was a less important person."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it was important to be sure PersonY stayed out of trouble, because _ was their caretaker. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it was important to be sure PersonY stayed out of trouble, because _ was their ward."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to do better at school than PersonY because _ felt that studying was important. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to do better at school than PersonY because _ did not that studying was important."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more important than PersonY, so _ only had to wait 5 minutes to board the plane. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more important than PersonY, so _ had to wait 50 minutes to board the plane."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was seen as far more important than PersonY, so when _ went to the club, they expected to be fawned over. \nSentence 2: PersonX was seen as far more important than PersonY, so when _ went to the club, they expected to be overlooked."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: Studying hard in high school was more important for PersonX but not PersonY because _ wanted to go to college. \nSentence 2: Studying hard in high school was more important for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not desire to go to college."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: The competition was more important for PersonX than PersonY because _ is a very competitive person. \nSentence 2: The competition was more important for PersonX than PersonY because _ is a very laid back person."} {"input": "Context Word: important.", "output": "Sentence 1: The information given to PersonX but not PersonY was very important because _ needed it for work. \nSentence 2: The information withheld to PersonX but not PersonY was very important because _ needed it for work."} {"input": "Context Word: Fleas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sprayed PersonY 's dog with a chemical to prevent it from getting fleas due to neglect. _ was responsible toward dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX sprayed PersonY 's dog with a chemical to prevent it from getting fleas due to neglect. _ was irresponsible toward dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: poker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX came home from the evening with all of PersonY's money, because _ was a pro at poker. \nSentence 2: PersonX came home from the evening with all of PersonY's money, because _ was a beginner at poker."} {"input": "Context Word: poker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to play poker with PersonY because _ was a better player and he won a lot of money. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to play poker with PersonY but _ was a better player and he won a lot of money."} {"input": "Context Word: outliers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a statistician was easier for PersonX than PersonY however _ had a harder time explain outliers. \nSentence 2: Being a statistician was harder for PersonX than PersonY however _ had a harder time explain outliers."} {"input": "Context Word: Thor.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX liked Thor and PersonY like Batman, _ was more likely to go see a Marvel comics movie. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX liked Thor and PersonY like Batman, _ was more likely to go see a DC comics movie."} {"input": "Context Word: Date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a date with PersonY, however _ didn't have a clue how to approach them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a date with PersonY, however _ didn't have a clue that someone wanted to approach them."} {"input": "Context Word: Drunk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been drinking and was drunk but personY did not, so _ was intoxicated and could not drive home. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been drinking and was drunk but personY did not, so _ was sober and could drive home."} {"input": "Context Word: shrunk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was annoyed as PersonY had shrunk _ 's favorite jersey in the dryer as it had been raining. \nSentence 2: PersonX was consoling as PersonY had shrunk _ 's favorite jersey in the dryer as it had been raining."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX allowed PersonY to use and shower in the bathroom because _ 's bathroom was working. \nSentence 2: PersonX allowed PersonY to use and shower in the bathroom because _ 's bathroom was faulty."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY both needed to use the bathroom but the latter got there first. _ was upset. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY both needed to use the bathroom but the latter got there first. _ was relieved."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a Janitor at the mall and PersonY is also a Janitor, while _ is using the bathroom she cleans the north side of the mall. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a Janitor at the mall and PersonY is also a Janitor, while _ is using the bathroom she cleans the south side of the mall."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just remodeled his bathroom while PersonY wants to remodel hers, _ gave advice on how to remodel a home. \nSentence 2: PersonX just remodeled his bathroom while PersonY wants to remodel hers, _ asked for advice on how to remodel a bathroom."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed the bathroom before PersonY , so _ let her go in after her. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed the bathroom before PersonY , so _ let her go in before her."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really had to go the bathroom while he was at PersonY's house, causing _ to feel embarrassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX really had to go the bathroom while he was at PersonY's house, causing _ to feel amused."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked by PersonY to clean the bathroom this time because _ never cleans it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked by PersonY to clean the bathroom this time because _ always cleans it."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went by PersonY house to ask if they knew of any sales on bathroom supplie, _ was eager for her answer. \nSentence 2: PersonX went by PersonY house to ask if they knew of any sales on bathroom supplies, _ was eager for go shopping."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: The new bathroom at PersonX's house was bigger then PersonY's which made _ feel smug. \nSentence 2: The new bathroom at PersonX's house was bigger then PersonY's which made _ feel jealous."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tiles PersonX chose for the bathroom remodeling project were bright, but PersonY loved them anyway. _ is an interior designer. \nSentence 2: The tiles PersonX chose for the bathroom remodeling project were bright, but PersonY loved them anyway. _ is an interior designer's client."} {"input": "Context Word: bathroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX was ready to remodel the bathroom, he called PersonY. _ was a homeowner. \nSentence 2: When PersonX was ready to remodel the bathroom, he called PersonY. _ was a contractor."} {"input": "Context Word: leggings.", "output": "Sentence 1: People think PersonX looks better in leggings than PersonY since _ is always working out regularly at the gym. \nSentence 2: People think PersonX looks better in leggings than PersonY since _ skips working out regularly at the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: leggings.", "output": "Sentence 1: The leggings looked good on PersonX but looked only okay on PersonY because _ was wearing the right size. \nSentence 2: The leggings looked only okay on PersonX but looked good on PersonY because _ was wearing the right size."} {"input": "Context Word: leggings.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to leggings, PersonX wears a large, and PersonY wears a small. That's because _ is fatter. \nSentence 2: When it comes to leggings, PersonX wears a large, and PersonY wears a small. That's because _ is skinnier."} {"input": "Context Word: metal roofing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Looking for the cheapest place to but metal roofing is how PersonX and PersonY met, _ is a construction worker. \nSentence 2: Looking for the cheapest place to but metal roofing is how PersonX and PersonY met, _ is a metal delivery worker."} {"input": "Context Word: nonprofit organization.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sought advice from PersonY on how to start a nonprofit organization because _ knew nothing about the subject. \nSentence 2: PersonX sought advice from PersonY on how to start a nonprofit organization but _ knew nothing about the subject."} {"input": "Context Word: office space.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX required more office space than PersonY, so _ was given a large private office. \nSentence 2: PersonX required more office space than PersonY, so _ was given a large shared office."} {"input": "Context Word: gums.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to go to the dentist less than PersonY did because _ had healthy gums. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to go to the dentist less than PersonY did because _ had unhealthy gums."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the pool, PersonX sighed and wished she had PersonY's model like figure, because _ was very overweight. \nSentence 2: At the pool, PersonX sighed and wished she had PersonY's model like figure, because _ was very thin."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the fashion show, PersonX marveled at the sight of the models, while PersonY looked uninterested. _ was fascinated with women. \nSentence 2: During the fashion show, PersonX marveled at the sight of the models, while PersonY looked uninterested. _ was disgusted with women."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX built a model of her favorite house which PersonY owned because _ wanted to impress her. \nSentence 2: PersonX built a model of her favorite house which PersonY owned _ but it didn't impress her."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY signed a modeling contract with the agency because _ was a professional model. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY signed a modeling contract with the agency because _ was an amateur model."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very lucrative career as a model but PersonY did not because _ was very attractive. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very lucrative career as a model but PersonY did not because _ was very plain."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is envying really badly and is really jealous on PersonY that she is tall and model, because _ is short. \nSentence 2: PersonX is envying really badly and is really jealous on PersonY that she is tall and model, so _ comforts her."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a lot of money being a hand model but not PersonY because _ had beautiful hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a lot of money being a hand model but not PersonY because _ had ugly hands."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really wanted to be model but PersonY reminded him he was too short but _ is a dreamer. \nSentence 2: PersonX really wanted to be model but PersonY reminded him he was too short but _ is a realist."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to get a modeling job and asks if PersonY can help her, because _ needs connections in fashion world. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to get a modeling job and asks if PersonY can help her, because _ is a world recognized model."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was chosen to be a model while PersonY was passed over, because _ was exceptionally tall. \nSentence 2: PersonX was chosen to be a model while PersonY was passed over, because _ was exceptionally short."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more liekly to become a model than PersonY, because most people thought _ was beautiful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more liekly to become a model than PersonY, because most people thought _ was ugly."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to be a model than PersonY because _ was a taller and prettier person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to be a model than PersonY although _ was a taller and prettier person."} {"input": "Context Word: model.", "output": "Sentence 1: The kid chose PersonX as a role model over PersonY because _ was famous and well respected. \nSentence 2: The kid chose PersonX as a role model over PersonY because _ was unknown and seldomly recognized."} {"input": "Context Word: inviting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept inviting PersonY to the party, because _ was sure they would want to attend. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept inviting PersonY to the party, but _ was sure they would never want to attend."} {"input": "Context Word: comb.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was always a hassle to comb PersonX's hair compared to PersonY, so _ had to pay more for grooming. \nSentence 2: It was always a hassle to comb PersonX's hair compared to PersonY, so _ had to pay less for grooming."} {"input": "Context Word: comb.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always kept a wider tooth comb than PersonY, as _ had curly hair and needed more space in the comb. \nSentence 2: PersonX always kept a wider tooth comb than PersonY, as _ had straight hair and needed less space in the comb."} {"input": "Context Word: comb.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to borrow her hair comb, because _ thought this was a normal request. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to borrow her hair comb, but _ thought this was a strange request."} {"input": "Context Word: comb.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to comb PersonY's hair, because _ wanted to provide some comfort through touch. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to comb PersonY's hair, because _ wanted to receive some comfort through touch."} {"input": "Context Word: herbal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't have as healthy of an immune system than PersonY because _ doesn't take herbal supplements daily. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't have as healthy of an immune system than PersonY because _ takes herbal supplements daily."} {"input": "Context Word: herbal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a larger array of herbal teas compared to PersonY because _ drank a lot of tea. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a larger array of herbal teas compared to PersonY because _ drank a lot of coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: herbal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a pharmacist, PersonY is not therefore _ would know more about the safety of herbal remedies. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a pharmacist, PersonY is not therefore _ would know much about the safety of herbal remedies."} {"input": "Context Word: herbal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved taking herbal medicine while PersonY does not because _ hated modern western medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved taking herbal medicine while PersonY does not because _ loved modern western medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: herbal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was interested in learning about herbal treatments and asked PersonY to share her knowledge. _ was anxious to learn. \nSentence 2: PersonX was interested in learning about herbal treatments and asked PersonY to share her knowledge. _ was anxious to help."} {"input": "Context Word: bedridden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was bedridden and couldn't move but not PersonY because _ had two broken legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX was bedridden and couldn't move but not PersonY because _ had no broken legs."} {"input": "Context Word: Women.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in favour of equality for women but PersonY was not as _ was a feminist. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in favour of equality for women but PersonY was not as _ was a misogynist."} {"input": "Context Word: Nervous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was nervous around PersonY whenever they were in the same room because _ was so important. \nSentence 2: PersonX was nervous around PersonY whenever they were in the same room because _ was so unimportant."} {"input": "Context Word: voices.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a disorder where they heard voices, whereas PersonY did not, so _ took meds to deal with the voices. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a disorder where they heard voices, whereas PersonY did not, so _ did not take meds to deal with voices."} {"input": "Context Word: eyeshadow.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before her date, PersonX was giving PersonY a eyeshadow tutorial because _ was a makeup YouTube expert. \nSentence 2: Before her date, PersonX was giving PersonY a eyeshadow tutorial because _ was a makeup YouTube novice."} {"input": "Context Word: eyeshadow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them find the best makeup at the dollar store, and _ was led to the right eyeshadow. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them find the best makeup at the dollar store, and _ led them to the right eyeshadow."} {"input": "Context Word: eyeshadow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the eyeshadow much more than PersonY because it matched _ skin tone better. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the eyeshadow much more than PersonY because it clashed _ skin tone better."} {"input": "Context Word: eyeshadow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the blue eyeshadow, but PersonY thought it looked ridiculous. _ wore it to school anyway. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the blue eyeshadow, but PersonY thought it looked ridiculous. _ wore it to the costume party anyway."} {"input": "Context Word: eyeshadow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often wore too much eyeshadow but PersonY didn't. People thought _ looked like a trollop. \nSentence 2: PersonX often wore too much eyeshadow but PersonY didn't. People thought _ looked like a model."} {"input": "Context Word: math.", "output": "Sentence 1: Doing math problems came very easily to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ had always been mathematically inclined. \nSentence 2: Doing math problems came very easily to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ had never been mathematically inclined."} {"input": "Context Word: math.", "output": "Sentence 1: Math was always a hard subject for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was better with words than numbers. \nSentence 2: Math was always a hard subject for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was better with numbers than words."} {"input": "Context Word: math.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at math than PersonY. _ could count to 1000 at age 4. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at math than PersonY. _ couldn't count to 10 at age 4."} {"input": "Context Word: math.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX joined the math club while PersonY joined the art club since _ felt analytical. \nSentence 2: PersonX joined the math club while PersonY joined the art club since _ felt creative."} {"input": "Context Word: math.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied hard for their math test but PersonY did not. _ got a passing grade on their test. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied hard for their math test but PersonY did not. _ got a failing grade on their test."} {"input": "Context Word: math.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to assist PersonY with their math homework since _ had taken many courses before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to assist PersonY with their math homework since _ had taken few courses before."} {"input": "Context Word: math.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was flunking math class while PersonY was passing the class easily, so _ requested tutoring help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was flunking math class while PersonY was passing the class easily, so _ offered tutoring help."} {"input": "Context Word: math.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was pretty good at math while PersonY was better at English. _ enrolled in a geometry class this semester. \nSentence 2: PersonX was pretty good at math while PersonY was better at English. _ enrolled in a storytelling class this semester."} {"input": "Context Word: math.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX excelled at math while PersonY struggled with it, _ placed into advance calculus. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX excelled at math while PersonY struggled with it, _ only placed into remedial algebra."} {"input": "Context Word: recycling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always sorted his recycling and garbage while PersonY did not because _ wanted to do his part to help the environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX always sorted his recycling and garbage while PersonY did not because _ didn't care to do his part to help the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: recycling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed at home on the couch while PersonY walked a mile to the recycling center, which leads to the conclusion that _ is lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed at home on the couch while PersonY walked a mile to the recycling center, which leads to the conclusion that _ is energetic."} {"input": "Context Word: avoiding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time avoiding pornography than PersonY because _ was able to resist temptation. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time avoiding pornography than PersonY because _ wasn't able to resist temptation."} {"input": "Context Word: avoiding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is currently avoiding talking to PersonY at all, as a result of _ being petty. \nSentence 2: PersonX is currently avoiding talking to PersonY at all, as a result of _ being unremorseful."} {"input": "Context Word: cigarettes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had clothes that smelled worse than PersonY because _ smoked a lot of cigarettes. \nSentence 2: PersonX had clothes that smelled better than PersonY because _ smoked a lot of cigarettes."} {"input": "Context Word: nice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was nice and PersonY was mean, which explains why _ had all the good friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX was nice and PersonY was mean, which explains why _ had all the contrary friends."} {"input": "Context Word: numbers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX excelled at English while PersonY was top of the class in math. _ had never been very good with numbers. \nSentence 2: PersonX excelled at English while PersonY was top of the class in math. _ had always been very good with numbers."} {"input": "Context Word: numbers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved English but PersonY loved math. _ was never good at working with numbers. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved English but PersonY loved math. _ was always good at working with numbers."} {"input": "Context Word: numbers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The company hired PersonX but not PersonY for the accounting job because _ was great with numbers. \nSentence 2: The company hired PersonX but not PersonY for the accounting job because _ was horrible with numbers."} {"input": "Context Word: pedal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caused an accident with PersonY when her brake pedal stopped working; _ accepted the blame. \nSentence 2: PersonX caused an accident with PersonY when her brake pedal stopped working; _ gave her the blame."} {"input": "Context Word: serving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX insisted on serving the food at the potluck instead of PersonY, because _ had clean hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX insisted on serving the food t the potlouck instead of PersonY, because _ had dirty hands."} {"input": "Context Word: application.", "output": "Sentence 1: Filling out the application fast was important for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ was in a hurry. \nSentence 2: Filling out the application slowly was important for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ was in a hurry."} {"input": "Context Word: application.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recently finished filling out a job application but not PersonY because _ is currently unemployed. \nSentence 2: PersonX recently finished filling out a job application but not PersonY because _ is currently working."} {"input": "Context Word: application.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was applying for a job and asked PersonY to get an application from the store because _ was having car troubles. \nSentence 2: PersonX was applying for a job and asked PersonY to get an application from the store because _ was taking their car nearby the store."} {"input": "Context Word: drink.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the night club, PersonX made PersonY a fancy alcoholic drink since _ was a bartender. \nSentence 2: In the night club, PersonX made PersonY a fancy alcoholic drink since _ was a regular customer."} {"input": "Context Word: drink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was labeled an alcoholic because _ liked to drink hard liquor. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was labeled an alcoholic because _ liked to drink milk shakes."} {"input": "Context Word: drink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had nothing to drink for a month, thanks to support from PersonY, so _ celebrated by thanking them. \nSentence 2: PersonX had nothing to drink for a month, thanks to support from PersonY, so _ celebrated by congratulating them."} {"input": "Context Word: trout.", "output": "Sentence 1: Trout was something that PersonX loved to eat but not PersonY, so _ ordered the trout almondine for their entree. \nSentence 2: Trout was something that PersonX loved to eat but not PersonY, so _ ordered the salmon almondine for their entree."} {"input": "Context Word: graffiti.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to look at graffiti while PersonY thought it was tacky and gross, so _ was very happy to see the new mural on the concrete wall. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to look at graffiti while PersonY thought it was tacky and gross, so _ was very upset to see the new mural on the concrete wall."} {"input": "Context Word: graffiti.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY remove the graffiti because _ wasn't busy at the moment. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY remove the graffiti because _ was busy at the moment."} {"input": "Context Word: graffiti.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX removed PersonY's graffiti from the wall because _ was the owner of the store and it was his rules. \nSentence 2: PersonX removed PersonY's graffiti from the wall because _ was just an employee of the store and it wasn't his rules."} {"input": "Context Word: eyelids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not close his eyelids so he went to see PersonY, so _ got a medication to help relax him. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not close his eyelids so he went to see PersonY, so _ gave a medication to help relax him."} {"input": "Context Word: locket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wears a locket of her kids, but PersonY doesn't have one because _ is a parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wears a locket of her kids, but PersonY doesn't have one because _ is not a parent."} {"input": "Context Word: locket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a cheap locket for PersonY to celebrate their anniversary. _ was very inconsiderate. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a cheap locket for PersonY to celebrate their anniversary. _ was very disappointed."} {"input": "Context Word: locket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was pleased to get a locket from their mate but PersonY wasn't because _ loved to wear jewelry. \nSentence 2: PersonX was pleased to get a locket from their mate but PersonY wasn't because _ hated to wear jewelry."} {"input": "Context Word: model cars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved putting together model cars while PersonY did not because _ loved the intricate details. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved putting together model cars while PersonY did not because _ hated the intricate details."} {"input": "Context Word: violated.", "output": "Sentence 1: A man walked up to PersonX and violated his space but not PersonY because _ was annoying him. \nSentence 2: A man walked up to PersonX and violated his space but not PersonY because _ was helping him."} {"input": "Context Word: geek.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was considered a geek by PersonY, but _ wanted to change how people saw him today. \nSentence 2: PersonX was considered a geek by PersonY, because _ stated how people saw him today."} {"input": "Context Word: strawberry cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The strawberry cake that PersonX made is terrible compared to PersonY's because _ is an amateur baker. \nSentence 2: The strawberry cake that PersonX made is terrible compared to PersonY's because _ is a world class baker."} {"input": "Context Word: obese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is severely underweight and PersonY is obese because _ doesn't eat enough food during the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX is severely underweight and PersonY is obese because _ eats too much food during the day."} {"input": "Context Word: record.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a crimanl record but wants to get a child custody so he asks PersonY for an advice, because _ doesn't want to lose kid. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a crimanl record but wants to get a child custody so he asks PersonY for an advice, because _ kept his kid with record."} {"input": "Context Word: record.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept written records of their expenses but not PersonY because _ had a faulty memory. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept written records of their expenses but not PersonY because _ had a sharp memory."} {"input": "Context Word: record.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put a new record on that made PersonY dance the night away, because _ was a DJ. \nSentence 2: PersonX put a new record on that made PersonY dance the night away, because _ was a club goer."} {"input": "Context Word: record.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very respectful of PersonY's antique records because _ very much admired the collection as it took years to accumulate. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very respectful of PersonY's antique records because _ was very protective of the collection as it took years to accumulate."} {"input": "Context Word: amuse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was easier to amuse than PersonY because _ had a great sense of humor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was easier to amuse than PersonY because _ had a bad sense of humor."} {"input": "Context Word: skincare.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had awful acne and blemishes covering his disgusting face, while PersonY had smooth clear skin, because _ was lax about his skincare. \nSentence 2: PersonX had awful acne and blemishes covering his disgusting face, while PersonY had smooth clear skin, because _ was serious about his skincare."} {"input": "Context Word: skincare.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dermatologist gave PersonX but not PersonY a prescription face cream because _ had a great skincare regimen. \nSentence 2: The dermatologist gave PersonX but not PersonY a prescription face cream because _ had a poor skincare regimen."} {"input": "Context Word: skincare.", "output": "Sentence 1: Throughout high school, PersonX struggled to find a skincare regime that kept pimps at bay. PersonY recommended all natural products. _ was grateful for the recommendation. \nSentence 2: Throughout high school, PersonX struggled to find a skincare regime that kept pimps at bay. PersonY recommended all natural products. _ felt goof for giving the recommendation."} {"input": "Context Word: snacks.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating healthy snacks was a must for PersonX but not PersonY because _ lived a healthy life. \nSentence 2: Eating healthy snacks was a must for PersonX but not PersonY because _ lived a unhealthy life."} {"input": "Context Word: snacks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX demanded more snacks at the sleepover from her mother unlike PersonY since _ is impatient. \nSentence 2: PersonX demanded more snacks at the sleepover from her mother unlike PersonY since _ is patient."} {"input": "Context Word: snacks.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ enjoys eating junky snacks because PersonX does not mind gaining some weight while PersonY does. \nSentence 2: So _ enjoys eating healthy snacks because PersonX does not mind gaining some weight while PersonY does."} {"input": "Context Word: developing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Developing condominiums in the city suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had worked in real estate before. \nSentence 2: Developing condominiums in the city suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never worked in real estate before."} {"input": "Context Word: developing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very calm and collected, PersonY is not which is why _ is often assigned to developing stories of crashes. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very calm and collected, PersonY is not which is why _ is not often assigned to developing stories of crashes."} {"input": "Context Word: developing.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to fighting skills, PersonX is developing faster than PersonY because _ has a natural talent for fighting. \nSentence 2: When it comes to fighting skills, PersonX is developing faster than PersonY because _ has not a natural talent for fighting."} {"input": "Context Word: salmon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on cooking salmon and roasted vegetables because _ wasn't a very good cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on cooking salmon and roasted vegetables because _ was a professional chef."} {"input": "Context Word: salmon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated salmon more than PersonY because _ couldn't eat seafood because he was allergic to it. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved salmon more than PersonY because _ couldn't eat seafood because he was allergic to it."} {"input": "Context Word: salmon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX served PersonY a grilled salmon filet with lemon and dill and a side of asparagus, because _ was a chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX served PersonY a grilled salmon filet with lemon and dill and a side of asparagus, because _ was a pescatarian."} {"input": "Context Word: science classes.", "output": "Sentence 1: It would be hard for PersonX but not PersonY to become an engineer because _ did not register for any science classes. \nSentence 2: It would be hard for PersonX but not PersonY to become an engineer because _ did register for several science classes."} {"input": "Context Word: moss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to get rid of the moss in the lawn while PersonY loves it, so _ tries to kill it secretly. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to get rid of the moss in the lawn while PersonY loves it, so _ protects it vigilantly."} {"input": "Context Word: Meeting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked whether PersonY can attend the meeting on behalf of him because _ was busy. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked whether PersonY can attend the meeting on behalf of him because _ was free."} {"input": "Context Word: chef.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn how to be a chef from PersonY so _ started with how to chop onions. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to teach how to be a chef to PersonY so _ started with how to chop onions."} {"input": "Context Word: bed frame.", "output": "Sentence 1: A bed frame is what I am in need of explains PersonX to PersonY, _ is in need of something. \nSentence 2: A bed frame is what I am in need of explains PersonX to PersonY, _ is helping those who need of something."} {"input": "Context Word: bed frame.", "output": "Sentence 1: Building a bed frame was what PersonX did for PersonY because _ had a good understanding of how. \nSentence 2: Building a bed frame was what PersonX did for PersonY because _ had no knowledge of how."} {"input": "Context Word: bed frame.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help assembling the bed frame when PersonY showed up at the front door. _ asked for help. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help assembling the bed frame when PersonY showed up at the front door. _ offered to help."} {"input": "Context Word: bed frame.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since the walls were thin, PersonX could hear PersonY's squeaky bed frame so _ yelled for him to be quiet. \nSentence 2: Since the walls were thin, PersonX could hear PersonY's squeaky bed frame so _ yelled to him he was sorry."} {"input": "Context Word: Spiderman.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX favorite comic book hero is Spiderman PersonY favorite comic book hero is Spiderman to, _ is selling her 1st edition Spiderman comic for 100 dollars. \nSentence 2: PersonX favorite comic book hero is Spiderman PersonY favorite comic book hero is Spiderman to, _ is selling her 1st edition Spiderman comic for 200 dollars."} {"input": "Context Word: fruits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred state-side travel whereas PersonY wanted to travel and try exotic fruits since _ is timid. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred state-side travel whereas PersonY wanted to travel and try exotic fruits since _ is adventurous."} {"input": "Context Word: parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: After their parents fell ill, PersonX gave them care while PersonY did not. _ was very careful. \nSentence 2: After their parents fell ill, PersonX gave them care while PersonY did not. _ was very reckless."} {"input": "Context Word: parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a loving relationship with their parents but not PersonY. _ was sad when their parents died in a car wreck. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a loving relationship with their parents but not PersonY. _ was apathetic when their parents died in a car wreck."} {"input": "Context Word: parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX left PersonY and their parents and started a new life, because _ decided to disobey his father. \nSentence 2: PersonX left PersonY and their parents and started a new life, but _ decided to obey his father."} {"input": "Context Word: parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made weekly visits to the parents but not PersonY because _ 's parents were alive. \nSentence 2: PersonX made weekly visits to the parents but not PersonY because _ 's parents were dead."} {"input": "Context Word: parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX visited their parents more than PersonY did because _ lived closer to their parents. \nSentence 2: PersonX visited their parents more than PersonY did because _ lived farther from their parents."} {"input": "Context Word: parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's parents definitely liked PersonY much less. this made _ feel very happy and loved. \nSentence 2: PersonX's parents definitely liked PersonY much less. this made _ feel very upset and sad."} {"input": "Context Word: parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX lived with their parents while PersonY lived alone, _ was often told what to do at home. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX lived with their parents while PersonY lived alone, _ was never told what to do at home."} {"input": "Context Word: parents.", "output": "Sentence 1: The parents of PersonX forgot to pick them up from school but the parents of PersonY were on time. _ was standing alone at the school. \nSentence 2: The parents of PersonX forgot to pick them up from school but the parents of PersonY were on time. _ was already gone from the school."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when band practice was going to be over on Friday because _ needed to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when band practice was going to be over on Friday but _ didn't seem to know."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would start for the team because _ never missed a day of practice. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would start for the team because _ had missed several days of practice."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX comes to every practice and every game that PersonY team has every season, _ enjoys watching sports. \nSentence 2: PersonX comes to every practice and every game that PersonY team has every season, _ enjoys playing sports."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not have to practice football very hard but PersonY did as _ was naturally very good at it. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not have to practice football very hard but PersonY did as _ was naturally very bad at it."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't practice nearly as much as PersonY, because _ just couldn't stay focused on the task. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't practice nearly as much as PersonY, because _ just couldn't stay away from the task."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a law practice, whereas PersonY did not, because _ had gone to law school after college. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a law practice, whereas PersonY did not, because _ hadn't gone to law school after college."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX informed PersonY that their coach had scheduled an extra event on Saturday morning since _ was present at yesterday's practice. \nSentence 2: PersonX informed PersonY that their coach had scheduled an extra event on Saturday morning since _ had missed yesterday's practice."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a hardworking athlete while PersonY is a natural althlete and doesnt need to practive, _ practices twice a day. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a hardworking athlete while PersonY is a natural althlete and doesnt need to practive, _ practices only sometimes."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made sure to consistently help PersonY practice every day for the upcoming game because _ was a coach. \nSentence 2: PersonX made sure to consistently help PersonY practice every day for the upcoming game because _ was a player."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a lot more time at practice than PersonY, so _ spent most of the season on the field. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a lot more time at practice than PersonY, so _ spent most of the season on the bench."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent so many hours helping PersonY practice her cheerleading routines _ she could have become a cheerleader herself. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent so many hours helping PersonY practice her cheerleading routines _ that she worried she would become a cheerleader also."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always better at PersonY at the game, because _ put in the practice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always beaten by PersonY at the game, because _ put in the practice."} {"input": "Context Word: practice.", "output": "Sentence 1: Throughout the practice PersonX pushed the limits of PersonY to get ready for the game because _ was the coach. \nSentence 2: Throughout the practice PersonX pushed the limits of PersonY to get ready for the game because _ was the athlete."} {"input": "Context Word: swim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could swim a lot faster than PersonY because _ always practiced everyday of the week. \nSentence 2: PersonX could swim a lot faster than PersonY because _ never practiced during the week."} {"input": "Context Word: swim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could swim better and faster than PersonY could because _ had a leaner body. \nSentence 2: PersonX could swim better and faster than PersonY could because _ had a fatter body."} {"input": "Context Word: swim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always wanted to learn how to swim so they asked PersonY for lessons. _ was nervous but felt safe in the water. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always wanted to learn how to swim so they asked PersonY for lessons. _ made them feel less nervous and safe in the water."} {"input": "Context Word: swim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is taking instructions from PersonY on how to swim a 50 yard freestyle, because _ wants to get better. \nSentence 2: PersonX is taking instructions from PersonY on how to swim a 50 yard freestyle, because _ trains people for living."} {"input": "Context Word: swim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how to swim at a young age but PersonY never learned how, so _ didn't need to wear a life jacket. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned how to swim at a young age but PersonY never learned how, so _ put on a life jacket."} {"input": "Context Word: swim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to swim in college but PersonY learned to bowl. _ was able to save the drowning person. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to swim in college but PersonY learned to bowl. _ was unable to save the drowning person."} {"input": "Context Word: swim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never took swim lessons while PersonY took them regularly, and _ never improved their swimming technique. \nSentence 2: PersonX never took swim lessons while PersonY took them regularly, and _ greatly improved their swimming technique."} {"input": "Context Word: swim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned a dog that managed to swim 100 yards but PersonY did not. This is because _ had a dog that loved water. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned a dog that managed to swim 100 yards but PersonY did not. This is because _ had a dog that hated water."} {"input": "Context Word: swim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to Hawaii when PersonY insisted he learned how to swim because _ had no idea how to swim. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to Hawaii when PersonY insisted he learned how to swim, but _ had no idea how to swim either."} {"input": "Context Word: swim.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to swimming, PersonX beats PersonY everytime because _ is a better swimmer. \nSentence 2: When it comes to swimming, PersonX loses to PersonY everytime because _ is a better swimmer."} {"input": "Context Word: maze.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the harvest party, PersonX got through the maze faster than PersonY because _ is better at figuring out puzzles. \nSentence 2: At the harvest party, PersonX got through the maze slower than PersonY because _ is better at figuring out puzzles."} {"input": "Context Word: maze.", "output": "Sentence 1: The maze assignment at school was more confusing for PersonX than PersonY, so _ is more senseless. \nSentence 2: The maze assignment at school was more confusing for PersonX than PersonY, so _ is more intelligent."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating healthy and having a daily exercise routine is important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ is health conscious. \nSentence 2: Eating healthy and having a daily exercise routine is important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ is health ignorant."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: Exercise is not something PersonX likes, but PersonY loves to do it. _ is a couch potato. \nSentence 2: Exercise is not something PersonX likes, but PersonY loves to do it. _ is a gym goer."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: Exercise was enjoyable to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was in great physical shape. \nSentence 2: Exercise was enjoyable to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was in terrible physical shape."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: In an effort to get healthy PersonX asked PersonY for advice about exercise because _ was very overweight. \nSentence 2: In an effort to get healthy PersonX asked PersonY for their advice about exercise because _ had lost weight."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always exercised daily more often than PersonY because _ cared about his fitness energy levels. \nSentence 2: PersonX always exercised daily more often than PersonY because _ disregarded his fitness energy levels."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY went to the gym to learn a new exercise, _ enjoyed the time there. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY went to the gym to learn a new exercise, _ valued the time there."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they would join an exercise program with her. _ was on a diet and didn't want to go alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they would join an exercise program with her. _ was not on a diet but was happy to go along."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to go to PersonY's gym to exercise because _ received a coupon for new customers. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to go to PersonY's gym to exercise because _ gave him a coupon for new customers."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys exercise more than PersonY, so _ exercises in the morning nearly every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys exercise more than PersonY, so _ exercises in the morning once a week."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to exercise with them at the gym. _ has been going almost daily. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to exercise with them at the gym, but _ has already been going daily."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to the gym to exercise, but she said no because she hates to sweat; _ went alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX was invited by PersonY to the gym to exercise, but she said no because she hates to sweat; _ went alone."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a personal trainer, PersonY is a dentist therefore go to _ for exercise advice advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a personal trainer, PersonY is a dentist therefore don't go to _ for exercise advice advice."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in good health and is not overweight but PersonY is , _ won't sign up for the exercise camp. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in good health and is not overweight but PersonY is , _ will likely sign up for the exercise camp."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to exercise on a regular basis, but PersonY hated it, so _ was in a much better condition. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to exercise on a regular basis, but PersonY hated it, so _ was in a much sorrier condition."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to exercise, but PersonY did not so _ went for a run in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to exercise, but PersonY did not so _ watched television in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go to the gym to exercise while PersonY preferred to be outside; _ primarily ran on the treadmill. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go to the gym to exercise while PersonY preferred to be outside; _ primarily ran on the trail."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX performed exercise more frequently than PersonY, and _ was constantly in the gym working out. \nSentence 2: PersonX performed exercise less frequently than PersonY, and _ was constantly in the gym working out."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX performed the difficult exercise better than PersonY at the gym, because _ was in great shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX performed the difficult exercise better than PersonY at the gym, because _ was in bad shape."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran the mile very quickly unlike PersonY because _ thought that exercise was important. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran the mile very quickly unlike PersonY because _ thought that exercise was a joke."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY to his gym for some exercise and _ really enjoyed showing the new gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY to his gym for some exercise and _ really enjoyed seeing the new gym."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took exercise classes from PersonY at the gym because _ was in terrible shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX took exercise classes from PersonY at the gym because _ was in good shape."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took exercise classes from PersonY, because _ was eager to lose weight and get in shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX took exercise classes from PersonY, because _ did not have to lose weight and get in shape."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to take the exercise seriously unlike PersonY, because _ really wanted to lose weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to take the exercise lightly unlike PersonY, because _ really wanted to lose weight."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a skinny guy, while PersonY was fat because _ liked to exercise a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a skinny guy, while PersonY was fat because _ hated to exercise a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was desperate for PersonY 's help with her exercise, since _ was a dismal athlete. \nSentence 2: PersonX was desperate for PersonY 's help with her exercise, since _ was a stellar athlete."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fatter than PersonY, so _ had to spend a lot of time doing exercises. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fatter than PersonY, so _ didn't have to spend a lot of time doing exercises."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was paying PersonY to exercise with them for _ was the other's personal trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was paid by PersonY to exercise with them for _ was the other's personal trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was taking PersonY''s exercise class to get healthy but _ forgot to go this week. \nSentence 2: PersonX was taking PersonY's exercise class to get healthy but _ had to cancel this week."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the gym more than PersonY so _ was able to sustain a hard exercise throughout the workout. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the gym more than PersonY so _ was able to sustain a moderate exercise throughout the workout."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX worked out constantly and PersonY never did exercises, _ was in great shape. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX worked out constantly and PersonY never did exercises, _ was in lousy shape."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor told PersonX to exercise more often but not PersonY. _ had always been lazy and unmotivated. \nSentence 2: The doctor told PersonX to exercise more often but not PersonY. _ had always been active and self-motivated."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: The personal trainer gave PersonX but not PersonY the more difficult exercise because _ was in shape. \nSentence 2: The personal trainer gave PersonX but not PersonY the more difficult exercise because _ was out of shape."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: They both wanted firmer butts but PersonX had an easier time exercising than PersonY because _ was highly motivated to exercise. \nSentence 2: They both wanted firmer butts but PersonX had an easier time exercising than PersonY because _ was unmotivated to exercise."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: Though they are twins, PersonX is much heavier than PersonY, as _ hates to exercise. \nSentence 2: Though they are twins, PersonX is much heavier than PersonY, as _ loves to exercise."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: Though they attended the same exercise class PersonX got hurt while PersonY was fine because _ was more careless. \nSentence 2: Though they attended the same exercise class PersonX got hurt while PersonY was fine because _ was more careful."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whenever PersonX asked PersonY to get some exercise together Person Y said no so _ was more muscular. \nSentence 2: Whenever PersonX asked PersonY to get some exercise together Person Y said no so _ was more chubby."} {"input": "Context Word: master.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX considered PersonY to be a master in scrabble although _ had won more games. \nSentence 2: PersonX considered PersonY to be a master in scrabble although _ had won fewer games."} {"input": "Context Word: master.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX deferred to the whims of PersonY, because they were the master, and _ was in servitude. \nSentence 2: PersonX deferred to the whims of PersonY, because they were the master, and _ was in charge."} {"input": "Context Word: master.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY to find the master key but _ had it the entire time. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help from PersonY to find the master key because _ had it the entire time."} {"input": "Context Word: master.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a cruel master to PersonY, so _ always ended up feeling powerful after their interactions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a cruel master to PersonY, so _ always ended up feeling abused after their interactions."} {"input": "Context Word: bowling.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the bowling alley PersonX accidentally dropped a heavy bowling ball on PersonY's foot, so _ apologized profusely. \nSentence 2: At the bowling alley PersonX accidentally dropped a heavy bowling ball on PersonY's foot, so _ cursed loudly."} {"input": "Context Word: bowling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX agreed to join PersonY's bowling team because they needed a good bowler and _ is a professional. \nSentence 2: PersonX agreed to join PersonY's bowling team because they needed a good bowler and _ is a bad bowler."} {"input": "Context Word: bowling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been taking instructions on bowling from the PersonY, because _ was a beginner. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been taking instructions on bowling from the PersonY, because _ was a professional."} {"input": "Context Word: bowling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is going to go bowling with PersonY today since he invited him, even though _ has never bowled before. \nSentence 2: PersonX is going to go bowling with PersonY today since _ invited him, even though he has never bowled before."} {"input": "Context Word: strict.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was a very strict parent of PersonY, _ never let them borrow the car on Saturday nights. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was a very strict parent of PersonY, _ was not allowed borrow the car on Saturday nights."} {"input": "Context Word: Kool-Aid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the taste of Kool-Aid but PersonY did not. _ had a big glass of Kool-Aid. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the taste of Kool-Aid but PersonY did not. _ had a big glass of tea."} {"input": "Context Word: duvet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put a duvet on their bed but PersonY did not because the season for _ was wintertime. \nSentence 2: PersonX put a duvet on their bed but PersonY did not because the season for _ was summertime."} {"input": "Context Word: decorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was ready to decorate the new house because _ had a lot of good ideas. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was ready to decorate the new house because _ had no good ideas."} {"input": "Context Word: decorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to decorate their house but PersonY did not. _ received very many compliments on their home decor. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to decorate their house but PersonY did not. _ received very few compliments on their home decor."} {"input": "Context Word: decorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to help them decorate their new house because _ didn't want to do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to help them decorate their new house because _ asked them not to do it alone."} {"input": "Context Word: decorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to decorate a room in Japanese style and she asked PersonY for help, because _ couldn't do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to decorate a room in Japanese style and she asked PersonY for help, because _ like helping people."} {"input": "Context Word: decorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always looking for different things to decorate in the home but PersonY did not because _ was very artistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always looking for different things to decorate in the home but PersonY did not because _ was not very artistic."} {"input": "Context Word: decorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked to decorate for the party instead of PersonY since _ was an interior designer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked to decorate for the party instead of PersonY since _ was an architect."} {"input": "Context Word: decorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hired to decorate the apartment for PersonY because _ was an expert in the field of decorating. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hired to decorate the apartment for PersonY because _ was clueless in the field of decorating."} {"input": "Context Word: decorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really looking forward to being able to decorate but PersonY dreaded it because _ was very artistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really looking forward to being able to decorate but PersonY dreaded it because _ was very prosaic."} {"input": "Context Word: decorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would decorate the furnishings for PersonY so that _ could have guests for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX would decorate the furnishings for PersonY so that _ could get paid for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: decorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: The very pretty wedding is being decorated by PersonX for PersonY, so _ is the decorator. \nSentence 2: The very pretty wedding is being decorated by PersonX for PersonY, so _ is the bride."} {"input": "Context Word: decorate.", "output": "Sentence 1: To decorate the gymnasium for the junior high dance sounded fun to PersonX but not PersonY because _ is inventive. \nSentence 2: To decorate the gymnasium for the junior high dance sounded fun to PersonX but not PersonY because _ is uncreative."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: At their apartment, PersonX never loads the dishwasher and it bothers PersonY. _ is probably the lazier person. \nSentence 2: At their apartment, PersonX never loads the dishwasher and it bothers PersonY. _ is probably the hardworking person."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to put the dishes into the dishwasher, so _ could finish cooking. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to put the dishes into the dishwasher, so _ could finish helping."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not afford a nice dishwasher like PersonY so _ did the dishes by hand. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not afford a nice dishwasher like PersonY so _ did the dishes by machine."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a more clean than PersonY so _ washed all the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a more clean than PersonY so _ washed none of the dishes and put them in the dishwasher."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a very clean while PersonY is not however, _ always loads the dishwasher wrong. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a very clean while PersonY is not however, _ never loads the dishwasher wrong."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just bought a newly remodeled house, but PersonY did not. _ new house came with a dishwasher and she's excited. \nSentence 2: PersonX just bought a newly remodeled house, but PersonY did not. _ house did not come with a dishwasher and she's sad."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a huge mess as a chef in the restaurant, but PersonY was tidy. _ had never been a kitchen dishwasher as a teen. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a huge mess as a chef in the restaurant, but PersonY was tidy. _ had been a kitchen dishwasher as a teen."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed in the kitchen longer than PersonY because _ had to load up the dishwasher. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed in the kitchen longer than PersonY because _ didn't have to load up the dishwasher."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX unloaded the dishwasher for PersonY, because _ had done the hard work of cooking the dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX unloaded the dishwasher for PersonY, because _ hadn't done the hard work of cooking the dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy a dishwasher while PersonY preferred buying a new fridge. _ always had to wash the dishes. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to buy a dishwasher while PersonY preferred buying a new fridge. _ never had to wash the dishes."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get their dishes done quicker than PersonY because _ was using a dishwasher. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get their dishes done slower than PersonY because _ was using a dishwasher."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dishwasher at PersonX's house does a poor job, while PersonY's is fantastic. So, _ probably chose the mediocre model. \nSentence 2: The dishwasher at PersonX's house does a poor job, while PersonY's is fantastic. So, _ probably chose the upgraded model."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: The restaurant hired PersonX to be the new dishwasher after firing PersonY, even though _ had so little experience in restaurants. \nSentence 2: The restaurant hired PersonX to be the new dishwasher after firing PersonY, even though _ had so much experience in restaurants."} {"input": "Context Word: dishwasher.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at Home Depot, PersonX let PersonY pick out the new dishwasher because _ did not clean the house normally. \nSentence 2: While at Home Depot, PersonX let PersonY pick out the new dishwasher because _ did clean the house normally."} {"input": "Context Word: blood clots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has never struggled with blood clots like PersonY has, because _ lives an active, healthy lifestyle. \nSentence 2: PersonX has never struggled with blood clots like PersonY has, because _ lives a sedentary, gluttonous lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: trouble.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fears that PersonY is in serious financial trouble, but _ is mistaken about the situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX fears that PersonY is in serious financial trouble, but _ is not concerned about the situation."} {"input": "Context Word: lentil soup.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not enjoy the lentil soup as much as PersonY, therefore _ ate something else for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not enjoy the lentil soup as much as PersonY, therefore _ ate the soup for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: journey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid a lot of money to PersonY to navigate for the journey, because _ was a rich explorer. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid a lot of money to PersonY to navigate for the journey, because _ was a professional captain."} {"input": "Context Word: pants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not like to wear short pants but PersonY did because _ was embarrassed to show their legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not like to wear short pants but PersonY did because _ liked to show their legs."} {"input": "Context Word: pants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY the blue floral pants, because _ didn't fit into them very well. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY the blue floral pants, because _ did fit into them perfectly well."} {"input": "Context Word: pants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never wears pants, but PersonY does. _ is a woman and it is against the religion. \nSentence 2: PersonX never wears pants, but PersonY does. _ is a man and it isn't against the religion."} {"input": "Context Word: pants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used PersonY's iron to press their pants, but _ thought that it was easier to hang them. \nSentence 2: PersonX used PersonY's iron to press their pants, because _ told them that it was harder to hang them."} {"input": "Context Word: pants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore shorts to work while PersonY wore pants, so _ worked in a casual environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore shorts to work while PersonY wore pants, so _ worked in a business environment."} {"input": "Context Word: pants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would wear pants in cold weather while PersonY wore shorts, so _ felt warmer in the winter. \nSentence 2: PersonX would wear pants in cold weather while PersonY wore shorts, so _ felt colder in the winter."} {"input": "Context Word: pants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's pants are way bigger than the ones that PersonY wears. _ is a fat man. \nSentence 2: PersonX's pants are way bigger than the ones that PersonY wears. _ is a skinny man."} {"input": "Context Word: pants.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pants fit better on PersonX than they had on PersonY because _ had tried them on in the store. \nSentence 2: The pants fit better on PersonX than they had on PersonY although _ had tried them on in the store."} {"input": "Context Word: pants.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing Harem pants made PersonX look slimmer and PersonY look fatter since _ was fat. \nSentence 2: Wearing Harem pants made PersonX look slimmer and PersonY look fatter since _ was skinny."} {"input": "Context Word: profit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was losing money while PersonY was making a profit because _ was not a good entrepreneur. \nSentence 2: PersonX was losing money while PersonY was making a profit because _ was a successful entrepreneur."} {"input": "Context Word: Nursing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY advice on nursing a child because _ was usually the one to give advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY advice on nursing a child because _ was usually the one to need advice."} {"input": "Context Word: sad.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so sad, while PersonY seemed calm, because _ had suffered a real family tragedy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so sad, while PersonY seemed calm, although _ had suffered a real family tragedy."} {"input": "Context Word: sad.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very sad unlike PersonY, because nobody showed up to _ birthday party on Saturday. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very sad unlike PersonY, because everybody showed up to _ birthday party on Saturday."} {"input": "Context Word: sad.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX found out their favorite club had closed they were sad but not PersonY because that was _ most favored place to spend a night out. \nSentence 2: When PersonX found out their favorite club had closed they were sad but not PersonY because that was _ least favored place to spend a night out."} {"input": "Context Word: catered.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid more for their wedding than PersonY did because _ got their wedding catered. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid less for their wedding than PersonY did because _ got their wedding catered."} {"input": "Context Word: {}.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a dermatologist, PersonY is not therefore _ can advise about dry skin around the eyes. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a dermatologist, PersonY is not therefore _ cannot advise competently about dry skin around the eyes."} {"input": "Context Word: {}.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a famous sommelier, PersonY is not therefore _ can answer questions about wine. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a famous sommelier, PersonY is not therefore _ may not be able answer questions about wine."} {"input": "Context Word: {}.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very conventional, PersonY is not therefore _ is unlikely to have dreadlocks you can't wash. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very conventional, PersonY is not therefore _ is likely to have dreadlocks you can't wash."} {"input": "Context Word: {}.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to grow their calves and PersonY did too, but was lazy. _ grew their calves nicely. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to grow their calves and PersonY did too, but was lazy. _ shrunk their calves sadly."} {"input": "Context Word: {}.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to spray PersonY with the hose while they were washing the car so _ got in trouble by their parents. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to spray PersonY with the hose while they were washing the car but _ was the one who got in trouble by their parents."} {"input": "Context Word: gardening.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys gardening a lot of times and PersonY don't because _ is attracted to plants and flowers. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys gardening a lot of times and PersonY don't because _ is allergic to plants and flowers."} {"input": "Context Word: gardening.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always had a more beautiful yard than PersonY. _ loved gardening and found it relaxing. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always had a more beautiful yard than PersonY. _ hated gardening and found it annoying."} {"input": "Context Word: gardening.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped with the gardening around PersonY's house every day in the summer because _ was a landscaper. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped with the gardening around PersonY's house every day in the summer because _ was a old lady."} {"input": "Context Word: gardening.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent more time outside the home than PersonY because _ was very avid into gardening. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent less time outside the home than PersonY because _ was very avid into gardening."} {"input": "Context Word: gardening.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much less successful at gardening than PersonY, because _ did not have a green thumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much less successful at gardening than PersonY, because _ was blessed with a green thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: gardening.", "output": "Sentence 1: While gardening in the yard, PersonX realized they still had PersonY's tool from the previous year. _ felt guilty to find it so long after. \nSentence 2: While gardening in the yard, PersonX realized they still had PersonY's tool from the previous year. _ felt surprised to get it back so long after."} {"input": "Context Word: browsing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was browsing the internet while he found the information unlike PersonY _ prefers using technology. \nSentence 2: PersonX was browsing the internet while he found the information unlike PersonY _ prefers using books."} {"input": "Context Word: quick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is amazed at what a quick learner PersonY is, because _ has never seen someone get a passing test score so quickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX is amazed at what a quick learner PersonY is, because _ got a passing test score so quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: groceries.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY carry in their groceries from the car because _ was able bodied. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY carry in their groceries from the car because _ was disabled."} {"input": "Context Word: groceries.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to spend more money on groceries than PersonY, because _ bought a lot of fresh meat. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to spend more money on groceries than PersonY, because _ did not buy a lot of fresh meat."} {"input": "Context Word: ambulance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called an ambulance for PersonY after their car accident because _ wanted to get them help. \nSentence 2: PersonX called an ambulance for PersonY after their car accident because _ couldn't call for help."} {"input": "Context Word: cavities.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate more sugary candy than PersonY and rarely brushed their teeth, therefore _ had more cavities. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate more sugary candy than PersonY and rarely brushed their teeth, but _ still had more cavities."} {"input": "Context Word: cavities.", "output": "Sentence 1: Upon returning from the dentist, PersonX informed PersonY that fluoride treatments were recommended for her cavities, and _ requested extra money for them. \nSentence 2: Upon returning from the dentist, PersonX informed PersonY that fluoride treatments were recommended for her cavities, and _ offered extra money for them."} {"input": "Context Word: Boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could never keep a boyfriend while PersonY had no problems doing so. _ died sad and incomplete. \nSentence 2: PersonX could never keep a boyfriend while PersonY had no problems doing so. _ died happy and fulfilled."} {"input": "Context Word: Boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a boyfriend. PersonY did not. This was a result of the fact that _ was attracted to men. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a boyfriend. PersonY did not. This was a result of the fact that _ was indifferent to men."} {"input": "Context Word: Boyfriend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having an affair with PersonY's boyfriend so _ wished the couple would break up. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having an affair with PersonY's boyfriend so _ decided they would break up."} {"input": "Context Word: tent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was excited to camp in the backyard with PersonY, so _ started setting up the tent before it was night. \nSentence 2: PersonX was excited to camp in the backyard with PersonY, and _ saw him setting up the tent before it was night."} {"input": "Context Word: tent.", "output": "Sentence 1: While camping, PersonX asked PersonY to put the tent up because _ was a novice camper. \nSentence 2: While camping, PersonX asked PersonY to put the tent up because _ was a seasoned camper."} {"input": "Context Word: deer hide.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was disgusted by the deer hide, but PersonY was not, because _ never went deer hunting as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX was disgusted by the deer hide, but PersonY was not, because _ often went deer hunting as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: breasts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fills out a bikini top very well but PersonY doesn't because _ has very large breasts. \nSentence 2: PersonX fills out a bikini top very well but PersonY doesn't because _ has very small breasts."} {"input": "Context Word: breasts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the look of big breasts on a woman but PersonY did not. _ tipped the stripper with large breasts very well. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the look of big breasts on a woman but PersonY did not. _ tipped the stripper with small breasts very well."} {"input": "Context Word: blueprints.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY the blueprints he was working on, making _ feel proud of his work. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY the blueprints he was working on, making _ feel proud of his friend's work."} {"input": "Context Word: smoker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought packs of cigarettes from PersonY because _ was a heavy smoker and needed them. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold packs of cigarettes to PersonY because _ was a heavy smoker and needed them."} {"input": "Context Word: smoker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked for PersonY on the smoker because _ liked smoking fish on the grill. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked for PersonY on the smoker because _ liked smoked fish on the grill."} {"input": "Context Word: smoker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been a smoker for a longer time than PersonY, so _ had more lung damage. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been a smoker for a longer time than PersonY, so _ had less lung damage."} {"input": "Context Word: account.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what date she had closed the bank account, because _ she couldn't remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what date she had closed the bank account, but _ she couldn't remember."} {"input": "Context Word: account.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX came in under budget on the project unlike PersonY, because _ managed to account for unforeseen risks. \nSentence 2: PersonX came in under budget on the project unlike PersonY, because _ failed to account for unforeseen risks."} {"input": "Context Word: account.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX understood the concept of opening a bank account easily, while PersonY struggled,and subsequently _ only took a few minutes to open an account. \nSentence 2: PersonX understood the concept of opening a bank account easily, while PersonY struggled,and subsequently _ took weeks before opening an account."} {"input": "Context Word: account.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to write checks from the account but not PersonY because _ had a checking account. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to write checks from the account but not PersonY because _ didn't have a checking account."} {"input": "Context Word: account.", "output": "Sentence 1: The YouTube account of PersonX was suspended by PersonY because _ was posting naughty things on the account. \nSentence 2: The YouTube account of PersonX was suspended by PersonY because _ caught her posting naughty things on the account."} {"input": "Context Word: account.", "output": "Sentence 1: The account of PersonX was closed by PersonY without warning. _ is likely to be the bank customer. \nSentence 2: The account of PersonX was closed by PersonY without warning. _ is likely to be the bank accountant."} {"input": "Context Word: disarm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to disarm the robber while PersonY called the police. _ had always been bold when confronted. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to disarm the robber while PersonY called the police. _ had always been scared when confronted."} {"input": "Context Word: skinny.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not like to wear skinny jeans unlike PersonY as _ had misshapen legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not like to wear skinny jeans unlike PersonY as _ had shapely legs."} {"input": "Context Word: skinny.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to get skinny so they exercise under PersonY's instruction, but _ is a slow learner. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to get skinny so they exercise under PersonY's instruction, because _ is a great teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: skinny.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more skinny than PersonY, so _ didn't have to go to the gym and workout as often. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more skinny than PersonY, so _ had to go to the gym and workout often."} {"input": "Context Word: skinny.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really very skinny whilst PersonY was plump. _ had a very small appetite. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really very skinny whilst PersonY was plump. _ had a very large appetite."} {"input": "Context Word: fiber.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX exercised and ate a diet much higher in fiber than PersonY. _ felt this made them healthier. \nSentence 2: PersonX exercised and ate a diet much higher in fiber than PersonY. _ felt this didn't matter."} {"input": "Context Word: fiber.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY he wanted to add more fiber in his diet, because _ said he frequently had bad bowel movements. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY he wanted to add more fiber in his diet, but _ said he didn't frequently have bad bowel movements."} {"input": "Context Word: scissors.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cutting a straight line with the right handed scissors was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is left handed. \nSentence 2: Cutting a straight line with the right handed scissors was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is right handed."} {"input": "Context Word: scissors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed the scissors to PersonY since _ wanted to have some wrapping paper for a birthday present. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed the scissors to PersonY since _ needed to cut some wrapping paper for a birthday present."} {"input": "Context Word: scissors.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using scissors was relaxing to PersonX and not PersonY because _ likes the sound of cutting paper. \nSentence 2: Using scissors was relaxing to PersonX and not PersonY because _ hates the sound of cutting paper."} {"input": "Context Word: grow orchids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to grow orchids because _ was older and knew how to handle the tools properly. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to grow orchids because _ was younger and didn't know how to handle the tools properly."} {"input": "Context Word: worms.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the doctor, PersonX learns that he has worms, but PersonY does not. _ is very scared about that. \nSentence 2: At the doctor, PersonX learns that he has worms, but PersonY does not. _ is very happy about that."} {"input": "Context Word: worms.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat of PersonX had worms but not the cat of PersonY so the cat of _ had weight fluctuations. \nSentence 2: The cat of PersonX had worms but not the cat of PersonY so the cat of _ had weight stability."} {"input": "Context Word: convenient.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it was convenient to be friends with PersonY, so _ felt reliant on their relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it was convenient to be friends with PersonY, so _ felt used in their relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: unhealthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to cut out unhealthy foods while attending PersonY's party, because _ usually eats too many sweets. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to cut out unhealthy foods while attending PersonY's party, but _ has baked so many sweets."} {"input": "Context Word: unhealthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tempted by unhealthy foods unlike PersonY because _ didn't have a good diet regimen. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tempted by unhealthy foods unlike PersonY because _ did have a good diet regimen."} {"input": "Context Word: speak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can speak English and German but PersonY can only speak English because _ is bilingual. \nSentence 2: PersonX can speak English and German but PersonY can only speak English because _ is trilingual."} {"input": "Context Word: speak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not speak many languages unlike PersonY because _ had limited travels in their life. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not speak many languages unlike PersonY because _ had extensive travels in their life."} {"input": "Context Word: speak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could speak French and English very well but PersonY could not because _ was bilingual. \nSentence 2: PersonX could speak only English very well but PersonY could not because _ was unilingual."} {"input": "Context Word: speak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want to speak to the person they were attracted to but PersonY did because _ was shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want to speak to the person they were attracted to but PersonY did because _ was confident."} {"input": "Context Word: standards.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could never live up to PersonY's strict standards, because _ wasn't a good employee. \nSentence 2: PersonX could never live up to PersonY's strict standards, because _ wasn't a patient mentor."} {"input": "Context Word: tick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY to the bathroom for help when he found a tick on _ 's arm. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY in the bathroom for help when he found a tick on _ 's arm."} {"input": "Context Word: Cavities.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cavities were found in PersonX's mouth but not PersonY's mouth since _ always brushed her teeth. \nSentence 2: Cavities were found in PersonX's mouth but not PersonY's mouth since _ never brushed her teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: sinus infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was at odds with PersonY, _ still asked for help with the sinus infection. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was at odds with PersonY, _ still offered to help with the sinus infection."} {"input": "Context Word: bank account.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stole money from the bank account of PersonY, then _ ran away to Mexico. \nSentence 2: PersonX stole money from the bank account of PersonY, then _ ran to the police station."} {"input": "Context Word: visiting the gym.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found visiting the gym more soothing than PersonY. _ had always found working out as stress relief came naturally. \nSentence 2: PersonX found visiting the gym more soothing than PersonY. _ had always found working out as stress relief difficult."} {"input": "Context Word: observing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent some time observing PersonY, and _ realized they had a lot to learn about them. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent some time observing PersonY, and _ realized there was a lot to learn about them."} {"input": "Context Word: observing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was observing the situation from the television unlike PersonY because _ lived far from there. \nSentence 2: PersonX was observing the situation from the television unlike PersonY because _ close to there."} {"input": "Context Word: easement.", "output": "Sentence 1: Managing finances better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ knew how to obtain a easement from the bank. \nSentence 2: Managing finances better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ forgot how to obtain a easement from the bank."} {"input": "Context Word: voice over.", "output": "Sentence 1: Voice over work suits PersonX more than PersonY due to _ having a more unique voice. \nSentence 2: Voice over work suits PersonX more than PersonY due to _ having a more plain voice."} {"input": "Context Word: sunny.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sunny days were the best time to visit the beach according to PersonX but PersonY did not agree with _ . \nSentence 2: Sunny days were the best time to visit the beach according to PersonX but PersonY did not agree and _ stayed home."} {"input": "Context Word: Physics.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before the Physics exam, PersonX asked PersonY to help her study, as _ found it hard to focus on the subject. \nSentence 2: Before the Physics exam, PersonX asked PersonY to help her study, as _ found it easy to focus on the subject."} {"input": "Context Word: tissue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to use a lot more tissue than PersonY today because _ has a really bad cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to use a lot more tissue than PersonY today because _ doesn't have as bad of a cold."} {"input": "Context Word: tissue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in need of a tissue but not PersonY because _ had a runny nose. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in need of a tissue but not PersonY because _ had a dry nose."} {"input": "Context Word: tissue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was removing the excess cancerous tissue with a scalpel from PersonY because _ was a surgeon. \nSentence 2: PersonX was removing the excess cancerous tissue with a scalpel from PersonY because _ was a patient."} {"input": "Context Word: tissue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went through a lot more tissue last week than PersonY because _ was very sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX went through a lot less tissue last week than PersonY because _ was very sick."} {"input": "Context Word: using a Konjac sponge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX swears by using a Konjac sponge and PersonY doesn't because _ likes to try trendy products. \nSentence 2: PersonX swears by using a Konjac sponge and PersonY doesn't because _ likes to stick to old products."} {"input": "Context Word: tiddlywinks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want to play tiddlywinks with PersonY any more even though _ always won. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want to play tiddlywinks with PersonY any more because _ always won."} {"input": "Context Word: equipment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke all of the equipment that PersonY had bought for the business, causing _ to be fired. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke all of the equipment that PersonY had bought for the business, causing _ to be bankrupt."} {"input": "Context Word: equipment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to give PersonY the exercise equipment, because _ lacked storage space in his garage. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to give PersonY the exercise equipment, because _ had ample storage space in his garage."} {"input": "Context Word: equipment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lent PersonY woodworking equipment so he could build a table. When he accidentally broke some of it, _ vowed never to lend anything to anyone again. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed woodworking equipment from PersonY so he could build a table. When he accidentally broke some of it, _ vowed never to lend anything to anyone again."} {"input": "Context Word: equipment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hoping to sell his equipment to PersonY but _ never received an offer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hoping to sell his equipment to PersonY but _ never made an offer."} {"input": "Context Word: sweet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to drink sweet drinks unlike PersonY because _ is not very health conscious or a diabetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to drink sweet drinks unlike PersonY because _ is health conscious and a diabetic."} {"input": "Context Word: sweet.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ likes sweet food because PersonX has a sweet tooth while PersonY wants nothing to do with sweets. \nSentence 2: So _ dislikes sweet food because PersonX has a sweet tooth while PersonY wants nothing to do with sweets."} {"input": "Context Word: geometry.", "output": "Sentence 1: Geometry is easy for PersonX, while PersonY has always preferred writing things. _ is probably better in Math class. \nSentence 2: Geometry is easy for PersonX, while PersonY has always preferred writing things. _ is probably better in English class."} {"input": "Context Word: geometry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can't understand why PersonY loves geometry class so much, because _ finds it confusing. \nSentence 2: PersonX can't understand why PersonY loves geometry class so much, but _ finds it satisfying."} {"input": "Context Word: geometry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at geometry while PersonY was very bad at it. _ passed the test. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at geometry while PersonY was very bad at it. _ failed the test."} {"input": "Context Word: reader.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought books were boring, but PersonY was an avid reader. _ was very uneducated. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought books were boring, but PersonY was an avid reader. _ was very educated."} {"input": "Context Word: reader.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more of a reader and PersonY was more of a watcher, so _ tended to choose books. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more of a reader and PersonY was more of a watcher, so _ tended to choose TV."} {"input": "Context Word: reader.", "output": "Sentence 1: Reading is a fun pastime for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is an avid reader. \nSentence 2: Reading is a fun pastime for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is not an avid reader."} {"input": "Context Word: medicine.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the visit to the hospital, PersonX got checked up and was prescribed medicine by PersonY because _ was the patient. \nSentence 2: At the visit to the hospital, PersonX got checked up and was prescribed medicine by PersonY because _ was the doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: medicine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked if PersonY had any stomach medicine for indigestion because _ was not feeling well. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked if PersonY had any stomach medicine for indigestion because _ seemed to be feeling fine."} {"input": "Context Word: medicine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to drive to the pahrmacy and pick up the medicine for PersonY because _ was feeling helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to drive to the pahrmacy and pick up the medicine for PersonY because _ was feeling sick."} {"input": "Context Word: Airpods Case.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help him clean his Airpods case, because _ doesn't know how. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help him clean his Airpods case, but _ doesn't know how."} {"input": "Context Word: angry.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being angry and flipping tables was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ finds fights amusing. \nSentence 2: Being angry and flipping tables was normal for PersonX but not PersonY because _ finds fights scary."} {"input": "Context Word: angry.", "output": "Sentence 1: It is better to play a prank on PersonX than PersonY because _ gets angry less often. \nSentence 2: It is better to play a prank on PersonX than PersonY because _ gets angry more often."} {"input": "Context Word: angry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always gets angry while PersonY is always calm, so _ yelled when they got a bad grade. \nSentence 2: PersonX always gets angry while PersonY is always calm, so _ didn't care when they got a bad grade."} {"input": "Context Word: angry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX screamed at PersonY because _ was very angry about the singing show being cancelled. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY because _ was very angry about the singing show being cancelled."} {"input": "Context Word: angry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was angry at PersonY because _ saw wine spilled all over the new white carpet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was angry at PersonY because _ spilled wine all over the new white carpet."} {"input": "Context Word: angry.", "output": "Sentence 1: The parents were angry at PersonX and not PersonY because _ broke the heirloom vase. \nSentence 2: The parents were angry at PersonX and not PersonY because _ did not break the heirloom vase."} {"input": "Context Word: stitching.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to stitching, PersonX is more skilled than PersonY due to _ sewing for a living. \nSentence 2: When it comes to stitching, PersonX is more skilled than PersonY even though _ sewing for a living."} {"input": "Context Word: divide.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to divide and multiply was PersonX's favorite class but not for PersonY because _ 's favorite subject is math. \nSentence 2: Learning to divide and multiply was PersonX's favorite class but not for PersonY because _ 's favorite subject is not math."} {"input": "Context Word: divide.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to divide in math class much faster than PersonY, so _ had a good score on the test. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to divide in math class much faster than PersonY, so _ had a bad score on the test."} {"input": "Context Word: prison.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't think he would end up in prison like PersonY, because _ was innocent. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't think he would end up in prison like PersonY, because _ was guilty."} {"input": "Context Word: prison.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drove PersonY to the prison, so that _ could say goodbye to them before they went to jail. \nSentence 2: PersonX drove PersonY to the prison, so that _ could say goodbye to the world before they went to jail."} {"input": "Context Word: prison.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in prison longer than PersonY for the fact that _ committed a crime that was very major. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in prison longer than PersonY for the fact that _ committed a crime that was very minor."} {"input": "Context Word: prison.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sentenced to prison, but PersonY was let go, because _ was convicted of the crime. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sentenced to prison, but PersonY was let go, because _ was acquitted of the crime."} {"input": "Context Word: binoculars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat disguised in the car watching PersonY through binoculars because _ was a spy. \nSentence 2: PersonX sat disguised in the car watching PersonY through binoculars because _ was a suspect."} {"input": "Context Word: binoculars.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spotted the eagle before PersonY because _ had a pair of more powerful binoculars. \nSentence 2: PersonX spotted the eagle before PersonY because _ had a pair of less powerful binoculars."} {"input": "Context Word: racism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that recognizing racism is an important skill that everyone should have in United States because _ cannot tolerate racism. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that recognizing racism is an important skill that everyone should have in United States because _ just came to US."} {"input": "Context Word: medical.", "output": "Sentence 1: A job in the medical field was more suitable for PersonX than for PersonY, since _ was a naturally caring person. \nSentence 2: A job in the medical field was more suitable for PersonX than for PersonY, since _ was a naturally cold person."} {"input": "Context Word: medical.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting into medical school was more likely for PersonX than PersonY because _ studied hard in college. \nSentence 2: Getting into medical school was more likely for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not study hard in college."} {"input": "Context Word: medical.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was more likely that PersonX, rather than PersonY, would become a doctor because _ had gone to medical school. \nSentence 2: It was more likely that PersonX, rather than PersonY, would become a doctor because _ had not gone to medical school."} {"input": "Context Word: medical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been having medical issues so she goes to the doctor PersonY, because _ needs a medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been having medical issues so she goes to the doctor PersonY, so _ prescribes her a medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: medical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to take more medication than PersonY because _ suffers from several medical conditions. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to take more medication than PersonY because _ doesn't suffer from any medical conditions."} {"input": "Context Word: medical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX nearly flunked out of medical school and asked PersonY for guidance because _ needed expert advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX nearly flunked out of medical school and asked PersonY for guidance because _ gave expert advice."} {"input": "Context Word: medical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX unsuccessfully underwent the same medical procedure that worked for PersonY, so _ remained sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX unsuccessfully underwent the same medical procedure that worked for PersonY, so _ became healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: medical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a more organized person than PersonY so _ worried about how to pay the medical bills. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a more organized person than PersonY so _ was carefree about how to pay the medical bills."} {"input": "Context Word: medical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fully healed at the medical practice run by PersonY, because _ was sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fully healed at the medical practice run by PersonY, because _ was talented."} {"input": "Context Word: medical.", "output": "Sentence 1: The medical condition of PersonX was worse than PersonY because _ ignored going to the doctors. \nSentence 2: The medical condition of PersonX was worse than PersonY because _ went to the doctors."} {"input": "Context Word: kickball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can kick the kickball farther than PersonY on the playground, so _ has stronger legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX can kick the kickball farther than PersonY on the playground, even though _ has stronger legs."} {"input": "Context Word: glamorous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived a glamorous lifestyle, which made PersonY jealous, but _ wasn't interested in their nasty opinions. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived a glamorous lifestyle, which made PersonY jealous, so _ wasn't shy with their nasty opinions."} {"input": "Context Word: horseback.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to ride on horseback; PersonY, however, hated it. This is because _ was very brave. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to ride on horseback; PersonY, however, hated it. This is because _ was very scared\r."} {"input": "Context Word: outfit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX admired the fashion sense of PersonY , so _ asked advice on where to get a new outfit . \nSentence 2: PersonX admired the fashion sense of PersonY , so _ offered advice on where to get a new outfit ."} {"input": "Context Word: outfit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX feels more confident in their outfit than PersonY because _ just lost ten pounds recently. \nSentence 2: PersonX feels more confident in their outfit than PersonY because _ just gained ten pounds recently."} {"input": "Context Word: outfit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Picking an outfit was fun for PersonX but a chore for PersonY, as _ found fashion to be a fun hobby. \nSentence 2: Picking an outfit was fun for PersonX but a chore for PersonY, as _ found fashion to be a waste of time."} {"input": "Context Word: outfit.", "output": "Sentence 1: The reason PersonX is wearing a more modern outfit than PersonY is because _ is a very modern person. \nSentence 2: The reason PersonX is wearing a more modern outfit than PersonY is because _ is a very old-fashion person."} {"input": "Context Word: electronics.", "output": "Sentence 1: Electronics were foreign to PersonX so he asked his friend PersonY who was an electrician since _ was a novice. \nSentence 2: Electronics were foreign to PersonX so he asked his friend PersonY who was an electrician since _ was a professional."} {"input": "Context Word: electronics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fixed all of the electronics brought to them by PersonY, because _ was skillful. \nSentence 2: PersonX fixed all of the electronics brought to them by PersonY, because _ was paying them."} {"input": "Context Word: electronics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked in the electronics section at Walmart and PersonY asked him a question so _ showed him where the WIFI routers were. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked in the electronics section at Walmart and PersonY asked him a question because _ didn't know where the WIFI routers were."} {"input": "Context Word: throwing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was throwing a fit over the flat tire while PersonY hardly reacted, because _ was prone to hysterics. \nSentence 2: PersonX was throwing a fit over the flat tire while PersonY hardly reacted, because _ was averse to hysterics."} {"input": "Context Word: throwing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wouldn't stop throwing a fit in the market, so PersonY had to punish them, because _ was spoiled. \nSentence 2: PersonX wouldn't stop throwing a fit in the market, so PersonY had to punish them, because _ was in charge."} {"input": "Context Word: throwing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Quarterback was a suitable position for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was good at throwing the football. \nSentence 2: Quarterback was a suitable position for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not good at throwing the football."} {"input": "Context Word: Car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned a car that was much more expensive than PersonY did because _ was very rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned a car that was much more expensive than PersonY did because _ was very poor."} {"input": "Context Word: Car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rarely wore their seat belt in the car but PersonY always wore their seat belt. _ hurt their neck when their car was hit from behind. \nSentence 2: PersonX rarely wore their seat belt in the car but PersonY always wore their seat belt. _ was not hurt when their car was hit from behind."} {"input": "Context Word: Car.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx bought a more expensive car than persony did because _ saved for a longer time. \nSentence 2: Personx bought a more expensive car than persony did because _ saved for a shorter time."} {"input": "Context Word: bicycle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided they were going to start riding a bicycle to work, but PersonY decided not to. This is because _ cares about the environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided they were going to start riding a bicycle to work, but PersonY decided not to. This is because _ doesn't care about the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: bicycle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to ride a bicycle because _ had been riding for several years. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to ride a bicycle because _ had been wanting to learn for several years."} {"input": "Context Word: bicycle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's bicycle is a lot older than PersonY's because _ likes vintage things very much. \nSentence 2: PersonX's bicycle is a lot older than PersonY's because _ likes new things very much."} {"input": "Context Word: bicycle.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle was necessary for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is a child. \nSentence 2: Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle was necessary for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is an adult."} {"input": "Context Word: bicycle.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to travel, PersonX likes to ride a bicycle, but PersonY uses a car. This is due to _ being environmentally conscious. \nSentence 2: When it comes to travel, PersonX likes to ride a bicycle, but PersonY uses a car. This is due to _ being environmentally ignorant."} {"input": "Context Word: movie script.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was excited to read the movie script that PersonY had written for them, because _ had always wanted to be an actor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was excited to read the movie script that PersonY had written for them, because _ had always wanted to be a director."} {"input": "Context Word: disoriented.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was disoriented after PersonY spun them in circles, so _ stumbled as they tried to run a straight line. \nSentence 2: PersonX was disoriented after PersonY spun them in circles, so _ observed as they tried to run a straight line."} {"input": "Context Word: school dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the school dance, PersonX isn't asked to dance as much as PersonY because _ is uglier. \nSentence 2: At the school dance, PersonX isn't asked to dance as much as PersonY because _ is prettier."} {"input": "Context Word: multiple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX came to visit PersonY at her home multiple times, but _ never found her there. \nSentence 2: PersonX came to visit PersonY at her home multiple times, but _ never welcomed her there."} {"input": "Context Word: Gangrene.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had diabetes but PersonY didn't suffer from that malady, thus _ was very prone to developing gangrene. \nSentence 2: PersonX had diabetes but PersonY didn't suffer from that malady, thus _ wasn't very susceptible to developing gangrene."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX gave a gift to PersonY, _ was written a thank you letter for the gift. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX gave a gift to PersonY, _ wrote a thank you letter for the gift."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even after years apart, PersonX showed PersonY she till thought of her, because _ sent a letter every week. \nSentence 2: Even after years apart, PersonX showed PersonY she till thought of her, because _ received a letter every week."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mailing a letter was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a post office near his house. \nSentence 2: Mailing a letter was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a post office near his house."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dictated the detailed contents of the letter to PersonY to transcribe, because _ was illiterate. \nSentence 2: PersonX dictated the detailed contents of the letter to PersonY to transcribe, because _ was a scribe."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is bad at writing letters, but PersonY is great at them. This is due to _ preferring math class. \nSentence 2: PersonX is bad at writing letters, but PersonY is great at them. This is due to _ preferring English class."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is writing a letter to PersonY, because _ wants to prove his residential address. \nSentence 2: PersonX is writing a letter to PersonY, because _ wants a proof of his residential address."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to write a letter where PersonY preferred to use email because _ was very traditional. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to write a letter where PersonY preferred to use email because _ was very modern."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sent a letter to his best friend PersonY who lived far away, _ felt very happy to send this letter. \nSentence 2: PersonX sent a letter to his best friend PersonY who lived far away, _ felt very happy to receive this letter."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it was odd that PersonY wanted to mail his grandmother a letter, because _ thought it was old-fashioned. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it was odd that PersonY wanted to mail his grandmother a letter, but _ liked acting old-fashioned."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to send a letter they had written to PersonY but _ did not have any stamps. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to send a letter they had written to PersonY but _ declined to accept it."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very upset about the law but PersonY liked the law. _ wrote a letter to their senator. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very upset about the law but PersonY liked the law. _ didn't write a letter to their senator."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX writes a letter to PersonY from abroad because _ is a very good writer. \nSentence 2: PersonX writes a letter to PersonY from abroad because _ is a very dear friend."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote PersonY a letter of motivation, because _ knew he was going through a hard time. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote PersonY a letter of motivation, while _ was going through a hard time."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a letter to PersonY but never got a response. _ was very disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a letter from PersonY but never sent a response. _ was very disappointed."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a letter to PersonY, telling them to shut their dogs up, because _ was sick of losing sleep. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a letter to PersonY, telling them to shut their dogs up, because _ was making them lose sleep."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a letter to the judge explaining the actions of PersonY because _ was a good friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a letter to the judge explaining the actions of PersonY because _ was an accused criminal."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a long apology letter to send to PersonY, but _ never delivered it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a long apology letter to send to PersonY, but _ never received it."} {"input": "Context Word: letter.", "output": "Sentence 1: The letter that PersonX has written is being read by PersonY, so _ is the writer. \nSentence 2: The letter that PersonX has written is being read by PersonY, so _ is the editor."} {"input": "Context Word: punching.", "output": "Sentence 1: An enraged PersonX kept punching the man while PersonY tried to calm her down, strange since _ was the one bypassed by him. \nSentence 2: An enraged PersonX kept punching the man while PersonY tried to calm her down, strange since _ was the one assaulted by him."} {"input": "Context Word: punching.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is accused of punching PersonY in the face, so _ is likely the perpetrator in the crime. \nSentence 2: PersonX is accused of punching PersonY in the face, so _ is likely the victim in the crime."} {"input": "Context Word: serial.", "output": "Sentence 1: Escaping the clutches of the evil serial killer was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had trained in judo. \nSentence 2: Escaping the clutches of the evil serial killer was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ hadn't trained in judo."} {"input": "Context Word: Exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the exam, PersonX copied the answers PersonY wrote on his test because _ was not very knowledgeable on the subject of the test. \nSentence 2: During the exam, PersonX copied the answers PersonY wrote on his test because _ was expert on the subject of the test."} {"input": "Context Word: Exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want to teach PersonY about the exam, so _ decided to study on their own. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want to teach PersonY about the exam, so _ decided to study with their other group."} {"input": "Context Word: Exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: The exam was tough for PersonX, while PersonY had no trouble at all, so _ is less prepared. \nSentence 2: The exam was tough for PersonX, while PersonY had no trouble at all, so _ is less anxious."} {"input": "Context Word: vase.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves the flowers that PersonY happens to be allergic to, so _ buys a vase to put them in. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves the flowers that PersonY happens to be allergic to, so _ doesn't have to buy a vase to put them in."} {"input": "Context Word: effects.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a business better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ always ran through the effects of decision. \nSentence 2: Running a business suited worse PersonX than PersonY because _ always ran through the effects of decision."} {"input": "Context Word: urination.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more frequent urination in the past month than PersonY because _ had a huge bladder problem. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less frequent urination in the past month than PersonY because _ had a huge bladder problem."} {"input": "Context Word: babies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is taking care of PersonY's babies at her home so _ is saying hello to the babies. \nSentence 2: PersonX is taking care of PersonY's babies at her home so _ is saying good-bye to the babies."} {"input": "Context Word: babies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to take care of babies, while PersonY really doesn't like to be around them, because _ is more caring. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to take care of babies, while PersonY really doesn't like to be around them, even though _ is more caring."} {"input": "Context Word: babies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was interested in babies, but PersonY thought they were annoying, so _ preferred visiting the nursery. \nSentence 2: PersonX was interested in babies, but PersonY thought they were annoying, so _ preferred avoiding the nursery."} {"input": "Context Word: babies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very apt at taking care children and babies while PersonY was not because _ had worked as a babysitter for many years. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very nervous about taking care children and babies while PersonY was not because _ had worked as a babysitter for many years."} {"input": "Context Word: babies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good with babies compared to PersonY because _ use to work in a daycare. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very bad with babies compared to PersonY because _ use to work in a daycare."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX had less of a sweet tooth than PersonY, _ liked chocolate more. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX had more of a sweet tooth than PersonY, _ liked chocolate more."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to make some delicious chocolate brownies because _ was not a good baker. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to make some delicious chocolate brownies because _ was a very good baker."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought her newly single friend, PersonY, a huge box of chocolate with a ribbon on it because _ thought is would cheer her up. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought her newly single friend, PersonY, a huge box of chocolate with a ribbon on it because _ needed to cheer up."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats a lot more chocolate than PersonY does because _ has an insatiable sweet tooth. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats a lot more chocolate than PersonY does because _ does not possess a sweet tooth."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed eating chocolate treats and candy every day unlike PersonY because _ had an unhealthy diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed eating chocolate treats and candy every day unlike PersonY because _ had a healthy diet."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a box of chocolates from PersonY, because _ told them how much they loved sweet treats. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a box of chocolates from PersonY, because _ knew how much they loved sweet treats."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a craving for chocolate, and PersonY brought them some, because _ was a customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a craving for chocolate, and PersonY brought them some, because _ was a waiter."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more of a sweet tooth than PersonY but _ couldn't stand to eat milk chocolate. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more of a sweet tooth than PersonY but _ loved to eat milk chocolate."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated eating a lot of chocolate like PersonY, because _ always got a rash from it. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed eating a lot of chocolate like PersonY, because _ always got a rash from it."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves the taste of chocolate but PersonY does not. _ ordered a big slice of chocolate cake. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves the taste of chocolate but PersonY does not. _ ordered a big slice of carrot cake."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fatter than PersonY because _ ate chocolate almost every day as a snack. \nSentence 2: PersonX was thinner than PersonY because _ ate chocolate almost every day as a snack."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ likes chocolates so PersonX received chocolates as a gift for their once a year birthday from PersonY. \nSentence 2: So _ hates chocolates so PersonX received chocolates as a gift for their once a year birthday from PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: The chocolate that PersonX makes is way better than PersonY's because _ takes more time. \nSentence 2: The chocolate that PersonX makes is way worse than PersonY's because _ takes more time."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tastes of PersonX make him like dark chocolate more than PersonY who likes milk chocolate, so _ is more likely to be an adult. \nSentence 2: The tastes of PersonX make him like dark chocolate more than PersonY who likes milk chocolate, so _ is more likely to be a kid."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: To this day PersonX couldn't understand PersonY's dislike of chocolate. To _ it was delicious. \nSentence 2: To this day PersonX couldn't understand PersonY's dislike of chocolate. To _ it was disgusting."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the chocolate factory opened its doors PersonX _ felt bad he bought all the caramel center chocolates leaving PersonY longing for caramel. \nSentence 2: When the chocolate factory opened its doors PersonX bought all the caramel center chocolates leaving PersonY _ longing for caramel."} {"input": "Context Word: Tapeworm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate large amounts of food but not PersonY. _ had to get checked to see if they had a tapeworm. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate large amounts of food but not PersonY. _ didn't have to get checked to see if they had a tapeworm."} {"input": "Context Word: Caring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a caring family man while PersonY was more of a loner. _ had a big crowd at their Christmas party. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a caring family man while PersonY was more of a loner. _ had a small crowd at their Christmas party."} {"input": "Context Word: lunch.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Friday at lunch in the cafeteria, PersonX told PersonY about _ 's vacation to the beach. \nSentence 2: On Friday at lunch in the cafeteria, PersonX asked PersonY about _ 's vacation to the beach."} {"input": "Context Word: lunch.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX invited PersonY to go out to lunch, she wanted to go to an Italian restaurant; _ was thrilled when he said yes. \nSentence 2: When PersonX invited PersonY to go out to lunch, she wanted to go to an Italian restaurant; _ was thrilled to say yes."} {"input": "Context Word: solo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help with her solo because _ was competing in a pageant. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help with her solo because _ was a professional vocal coach."} {"input": "Context Word: clean a pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to clean a pool because _ used to work as a pool cleaner. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to clean a pool because _ has no experience as a pool cleaner."} {"input": "Context Word: Gaelic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to pronounce Irish names with ease, but PersonY had a hard time, because Gaelic was a native language for _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to pronounce Irish names with ease, but PersonY had a hard time, because Gaelic was a foreign language for _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: layering.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX tried cutting and layering her own hair, in spite of PersonY's advice, _ was happy with how it looked. \nSentence 2: When PersonX tried cutting and layering her own hair, in spite of PersonY's advice, _ was sympathetic about how it looked."} {"input": "Context Word: violent.", "output": "Sentence 1: The violent response of PersonX to PersonY 's news indicated _ had heard something she didn't like. \nSentence 2: The violent response of PersonX to PersonY 's news indicated _ had said something she didn't like."} {"input": "Context Word: advances.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept making advances on PersonY despite how many times _ was told to knock it off. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept making advances on PersonY despite how many times _ told them to knock it off."} {"input": "Context Word: broken toe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX walked with crutches while PersonY walked without crutches because only _ had a broken toe. \nSentence 2: PersonX walked without crutches while PersonY walked with crutches because only _ had a broken toe."} {"input": "Context Word: broken toe.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX had a broken toe, PersonY laughed which made mother look at _ with a sorrowful expression. \nSentence 2: When PersonX had a broken toe, PersonY laughed which made mother look at _ with a mean expression."} {"input": "Context Word: distraction.", "output": "Sentence 1: The monkey was a major distraction to PersonX, so PersonY led him to a different part of the exhibit. _ started to cry. \nSentence 2: The monkey was a major distraction to PersonX, so PersonY led him to a different part of the exhibit. _ started to apologize."} {"input": "Context Word: Steel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose steel over iron to craft PersonY 's gun because _ owned a lot of steel. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose steel over iron to craft PersonY 's gun because _ was allergic to steel."} {"input": "Context Word: Steel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to clean PersonY 's sink with steel wool because _ had skills in cleaning really big messes. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to clean PersonY 's sink with steel wool because _ had made a really big mess."} {"input": "Context Word: trained.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog is being trained by PersonY to behave better, so _ is very appreciative of the training. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog is being trained by PersonY to behave better, so _ is very diligent at the training."} {"input": "Context Word: trained.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX was trained very well by PersonY at a class. _ must be the dog owner. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX was trained very well by PersonY at a class. _ must be the dog trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: Back Brace.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the accident, PersonX needed PersonY's help putting on the back brace, but _ was stubborn. \nSentence 2: After the accident, PersonX needed PersonY's help putting on the back brace and _ was insistent."} {"input": "Context Word: cakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cakes cool much more quickly than PersonY's, as a result of _ putting them on the window sill. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cakes cool much more slowly than PersonY's, as a result of _ putting them on the window sill."} {"input": "Context Word: cakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Staying slim was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ liked eating candy and cakes regularly. \nSentence 2: Staying slim was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ liked eating candy and cakes rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: cakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cakes PersonX makes aren't as tasty as the ones PersonY makes. This is because _ is an amateur baker. \nSentence 2: The cakes PersonX makes aren't as tasty as the ones PersonY makes. This is because _ is a professional baker."} {"input": "Context Word: cakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cakes that PersonX makes taste terrible compared to PersonY's, so _ is not the baker. \nSentence 2: The cakes that PersonX makes taste amazing compared to PersonY's, so _ is not the baker."} {"input": "Context Word: cakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cakes were given to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had his birthday that day. \nSentence 2: The cakes were withheld from PersonX but not PersonY because _ had his birthday that day."} {"input": "Context Word: skiing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a and easier time skiing when PersonY guided her, as _ was very unsure of herself on the trails. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a and easier time skiing when PersonY guided her, as _ was very confident of herself on the trails."} {"input": "Context Word: flash drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: After losing PersonX's important flash drive, PersonY tried to apologize but _ was still very upset. \nSentence 2: After losing PersonX's important flash drive, PersonY tried to apologize but _ was still very forgetful."} {"input": "Context Word: number.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they new the number of games left for their high school football team, _ has trust in him. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they new the number of games left for their high school football team, _ has trust in his memory."} {"input": "Context Word: number.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to give their number to PersonY, because _ didn't want to engage in a bunch of small talk. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to give their number to PersonY, because _ always wanted to engage in a bunch of small talk."} {"input": "Context Word: number.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to give their phone number to PersonY for the reason that _ did not like them very much. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to give their phone number to PersonY for the reason that _ was not liked by them very much."} {"input": "Context Word: time.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have time to deal with PersonY's drama, because _ was late for a meeting. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have time to deal with PersonY's drama, because _ was making them late for a meeting."} {"input": "Context Word: time.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt impatient waiting for PersonY to arrive, because _ felt they never managed their time wisely. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt impatient waiting for PersonY to arrive, because _ knew he never managed his time wisely."} {"input": "Context Word: time.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a laptop and PersonY has a phone. _ should only use his laptop to save time. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a laptop and PersonY has a phone. _ should only use his phone to save time."} {"input": "Context Word: time.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of time to do what he wants unlike PersonY because _ has stopped working. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of time to do what he wants unlike PersonY because _ is still working."} {"input": "Context Word: time.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to leave the house earlier in the morning than PersonY because it takes _ more time to get to work. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to leave the house earlier in the morning than PersonY because it takes _ less time to get to work."} {"input": "Context Word: time.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to leave in an hour to be on time, but PersonY hadn't even woken up yet. _ worried they wouldn't make it. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to leave in an hour to be on time, but PersonY hadn't even woken up yet. _ hurried so they would make it."} {"input": "Context Word: time.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was concerned that PersonY was spending too much time on the trip, so _ decided to cut the trip short. \nSentence 2: PersonX was concerned that PersonY was spending too much time on the trip, but _ decided to make the trip longer."} {"input": "Context Word: time.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was late for his meeting so PersonY drove him, because _ is disorganised with his time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was late for his meeting so PersonY drove him, because _ is organised with his time."} {"input": "Context Word: time.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was relaxing at home because PersonX has a lot of free time and PersonY is busy. \nSentence 2: So _ was working at home because PersonX has a lot of free time and PersonY is busy."} {"input": "Context Word: time.", "output": "Sentence 1: Time is a more valuable commodity for PersonX than to PersonY because _ has a very demanding job with lot's of responsibilities. \nSentence 2: Time is a more valuable commodity for PersonX than to PersonY because _ has not a demanding job with lot's of responsibilities."} {"input": "Context Word: watering can.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a new watering can so PersonY bought them one, but _ had already bought one. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a new watering can so PersonY bought them one, because _ had an extra one."} {"input": "Context Word: steroids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX beat PersonY in the weightlifting competition, but it wasn't fair. _ had been taking steroids. \nSentence 2: PersonX beat PersonY in the weightlifting competition, but it wasn't fair. _ had refrained from taking steroids."} {"input": "Context Word: steroids.", "output": "Sentence 1: The competition banned PersonX for using steroids, so PersonY won. _ was annoyed the judges found out. \nSentence 2: The competition banned PersonX for using steroids, so PersonY won. _ was pleased the judges found out."} {"input": "Context Word: unscrew a watch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY unscrew a watch because _ owned a toolbox that included a small screwdriver. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY unscrew a watch because _ did not own a toolbox that included a small screwdriver."} {"input": "Context Word: dealing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time dealing with getting dumped than PersonY because _ allowed themselves to grieve. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time dealing with getting dumped than PersonY because _ didn't allow themselves to grieve."} {"input": "Context Word: dealing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stopped dealing with PersonY after their last transaction, because _ was tired of the rip offs. \nSentence 2: PersonX stopped dealing with PersonY after their last transaction, because _ was perpetuating the rip offs."} {"input": "Context Word: characters.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, _ had difficulty writing convincing romantic characters. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, _ had ease writing convincing romantic characters."} {"input": "Context Word: characters.", "output": "Sentence 1: Creating characters for comic books is what PersonX and PersonY do for a living, _ enjoys drawing the characters. \nSentence 2: Creating characters for comic books is what PersonX and PersonY do for a living, _ enjoys coloring the characters."} {"input": "Context Word: characters.", "output": "Sentence 1: The characters in PersonX's novel were more unique than PersonY's because _ is the more creative person. \nSentence 2: The characters in PersonX's novel were more unique than PersonY's because _ is the more bland person."} {"input": "Context Word: dove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bough a dove and needs help from PersonY on how to set up a habitat, because _ is inexperienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bough a dove and needs help from PersonY on how to set up a habitat, so _ offers her help."} {"input": "Context Word: Pneumonia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to go to the doctor to have some tests runs because _ thought they had pneumonia. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to go to the doctor to have some tests runs but _ thought they did not have pneumonia."} {"input": "Context Word: pears.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mary chose to buy pears from PersonX instead of PersonY, because the pears _ were selling looked fresh. \nSentence 2: Mary chose to buy pears from PersonX instead of PersonY, because the pears _ were selling looked rotten."} {"input": "Context Word: pears.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX ate worse than PersonY generally, _ did like the taste of pears a bit more. \nSentence 2: While PersonX ate worse than PersonY generally, _ did like the taste of pears a bit less."} {"input": "Context Word: panzerotti.", "output": "Sentence 1: The panzerotti that PersonX makes is tasty compared to PersonY's because _ is a chef. \nSentence 2: The panzerotti that PersonX makes is horrible compared to PersonY's because _ is a chef."} {"input": "Context Word: reality shows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX talked a lot about reality shows and PersonY had no interest whatsoever, so _ was always wanting to discuss reality shows. \nSentence 2: PersonX talked a lot about reality shows and PersonY had no interest whatsoever, so _ was always wanting to ignore reality shows."} {"input": "Context Word: careful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to be more careful with the investments in the stock market because _ is a controlled person. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to be more careful with the investments in the stock market because _ is a wild person."} {"input": "Context Word: Citizenship.", "output": "Sentence 1: When moving to America, PersonX got his citizenship before PersonY because _ was better at civics. \nSentence 2: When moving to America, PersonX got his citizenship before PersonY, even though _ was better at civics."} {"input": "Context Word: stressed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tended to get much more stressed out over school than PersonY, because _ was a high strung person. \nSentence 2: PersonX tended to get much more stressed out over school than PersonY, because _ was a laid back person."} {"input": "Context Word: vote.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would vote for PersonY in the election because _ had been persuaded by her policy positions. \nSentence 2: PersonX would vote for PersonY in the election because _ had been convincing with her policy positions."} {"input": "Context Word: Converse.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX more of a sneakerhead than PersonY, _ overlooked a great pair of Converse. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX more of a sneakerhead than PersonY, _ found a great pair of Converse."} {"input": "Context Word: Store Potatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to store potatoes in his basement, because _ had nowhere to keep them. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to store potatoes in his basement, but _ had nowhere to keep them."} {"input": "Context Word: sight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could read the small print on the menu but not PersonY because _ had good sight. \nSentence 2: PersonX could read the small print on the menu but not PersonY because _ had bad sight."} {"input": "Context Word: sight.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sight of PersonX was a lot worse than PersonY because _ had an accident when he was younger. \nSentence 2: The sight of PersonX was a lot better than PersonY because _ had an accident when he was younger."} {"input": "Context Word: wetland.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to invite PersonY to volunteer with wetland protection agency, _ is concerned with saving the planet. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to discourage PersonY to volunteer with wetland protection agency, _ is concerned with saving the planet."} {"input": "Context Word: skating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better sense of balance than PersonY because _ liked to go skating every day after school. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better sense of balance than PersonY although _ liked to go skating every day after school."} {"input": "Context Word: download.", "output": "Sentence 1: It didn't occur to PersonX to download the social media apps, unlike PersonY, because _ had few good friends. \nSentence 2: It didn't occur to PersonX to download the social media apps, unlike PersonY, because _ had many good friends."} {"input": "Context Word: download.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX downloads info using his computer while PersonY uses a tablet, _ used his computer to download an excel file. \nSentence 2: PersonX downloads info using his computer while PersonY uses a tablet, _ used his tablet to download an excel file."} {"input": "Context Word: download.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helps PersonY download music from the internet onto the computer because _ is skilled with computers. \nSentence 2: PersonX helps PersonY download music from the internet onto the computer because _ is confused with computers."} {"input": "Context Word: download.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to download the document on the computer for PersonY, because _ the instructions were complicated. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help to download the document on the computer from PersonY, because _ the instructions were complicated."} {"input": "Context Word: download.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY download a new security update on their computer for _ knew how. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY download a new security update on their computer for _ forgot how."} {"input": "Context Word: download.", "output": "Sentence 1: The charges for the illegal download would fall on PersonX and not PersonY because _ owned the computer. \nSentence 2: The charges for the illegal download would fall on PersonX and not PersonY because _ didn't own the computer."} {"input": "Context Word: air travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: Air travel bugs PersonX, which isn't the case for PersonY, as a result of _ getting air sickness. \nSentence 2: Air travel pleases PersonX, which isn't the case for PersonY, as a result of _ getting air sickness."} {"input": "Context Word: air travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had flown all around the world whereas PersonY sailed everywhere. _ loved air travel. \nSentence 2: PersonX had flown all around the world whereas PersonY sailed everywhere. _ was scared of air travel."} {"input": "Context Word: pinpoint.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to repair the roof because _ could pinpoint exactly where the leak was. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to repair the roof because _ could not pinpoint exactly where the leak was."} {"input": "Context Word: glucose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX injected glucose slowly to PersonY because _ had to treat hypoglycemia due to lack of diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX injected glucose slowly to PersonY because _ had hypoglycemia due to lack of diet.."} {"input": "Context Word: complicated.", "output": "Sentence 1: The life of PersonX was more complicated than that of PersonY because _ grew up in a bad area. \nSentence 2: The life of PersonX was more complicated than that of PersonY because _ grew up in a good area."} {"input": "Context Word: complicated.", "output": "Sentence 1: Understanding complicated equations was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ had not taken any math courses in college. \nSentence 2: Understanding complicated equations was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ had taken many math courses in college."} {"input": "Context Word: Calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the accident, PersonX remained calm while PersonY was panicking because _ was a calm individual. \nSentence 2: After the accident, PersonX remained calm while PersonY was panicking because _ was a nervous individual."} {"input": "Context Word: Calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the calm before the storm, PersonX began freaking out while PersonY remained calm because _ had a very anxious personality. \nSentence 2: During the calm before the storm, PersonX began freaking out while PersonY remained calm because _ had a very chill personality."} {"input": "Context Word: pond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fished everyday unlike PersonY who fished every weekend, because _ lived closer to the pond. \nSentence 2: PersonX fished everyday unlike PersonY who fished every weekend, because _ lived farther from the pond."} {"input": "Context Word: pond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a pond in their backyard, but PersonY cannot afford one, which means _ lives in the richer neighborhood. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a pond in their backyard, but PersonY cannot afford one, even though _ lives in the richer neighborhood."} {"input": "Context Word: events.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY plan all of the company events for the conference because _ was an assistant. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY plan all of the company events for the conference because _ was an CEO."} {"input": "Context Word: difference.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a better English teacher than PersonY, _ often confused the difference between there and their. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a better English teacher than PersonY, _ rarely confused the difference between there and their."} {"input": "Context Word: difference.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew the difference between climate and weather because _ was not sure. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew the difference between climate and weather but _ was not sure."} {"input": "Context Word: difference.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can't tell the difference between skin conditions, but PersonY is skilled at it. _ is the acne sufferer. \nSentence 2: PersonX can't tell the difference between skin conditions, but PersonY is skilled at it. _ is the acne doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: difference.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could see the difference between colours in the dark but PersonY could not as _ had excellent night vision. \nSentence 2: PersonX could see the difference between colours in the dark but PersonY could not as _ had terrible night vision."} {"input": "Context Word: sentence.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sentence written by PersonX was more understandable than the one written by PersonY since _ was more direct. \nSentence 2: The sentence written by PersonX was more understandable than the one written by PersonY since _ was more convoluted."} {"input": "Context Word: talk to people better.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could talk to people better than PersonY because _ was considered an open person. \nSentence 2: PersonX could talk to people better than PersonY because _ was considered a shy person."} {"input": "Context Word: printer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX knew less about technology than PersonY, _ asked them for help in buying a printer. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX knew less about technology than PersonY, _ offered them help in buying a printer."} {"input": "Context Word: printer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The printer has been broke down for a week PersonX exclaims to PersonY, _ is doing the right thing reporting the issue. \nSentence 2: The printer has been broke down for a week PersonX exclaims to PersonY, _ is doing the right thing fixing the issue."} {"input": "Context Word: oversleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: It frustrated PersonX that PersonY would oversleep so often because _ was a morning person. \nSentence 2: It frustrated PersonX that PersonY would oversleep so often but _ was not a morning person."} {"input": "Context Word: collection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a large collection of china which PersonY does not like at all . _ is feels bad. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a large collection of china which PersonY does not like at all . _ feels dolls are better."} {"input": "Context Word: trauma.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX struggled with unresolved trauma that PersonY couldn't understand, since _ had never experienced childhood abuse. \nSentence 2: PersonX struggled with unresolved trauma that PersonY couldn't understand, since _ had frequently experienced childhood abuse."} {"input": "Context Word: trauma.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more susceptible to trauma than PersonY because _ 's childhood was rather unstable. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more susceptible to trauma than PersonY because _ 's childhood was quite stable."} {"input": "Context Word: plot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hatched a plot to destroy all of PersonY's hard won credibility, because _ was a schemer. \nSentence 2: PersonX hatched a plot to destroy all of PersonY's hard won credibility, because _ was a juicy target."} {"input": "Context Word: graphics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a graphics card for their computer while PersonY's card was up to date, so _ bought one online. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a graphics card for their computer while PersonY's card was up to date, so _ nad no need to buy one online."} {"input": "Context Word: graphics.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's graphics look better on their website now that PersonY has helped because _ is a newbie at technology. \nSentence 2: PersonX's graphics look better on their website now that PersonY has helped because _ is an old hand at technology."} {"input": "Context Word: recycled.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX threw aluminum cans in the trash and PersonY recycled, _ was environmentally irresponsible. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX threw aluminum cans in the trash and PersonY recycled, _ was environmentally conscious."} {"input": "Context Word: scientists.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more worried about climate change than PersonY because _ believed what the majority of scientists were saying. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more worried about climate change than PersonY because _ did not believe what the majority of scientists were saying."} {"input": "Context Word: show business.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not know as much about show business as PersonY, so _ was much less successful as an entertainment agent. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not know as much about show business as PersonY, so _ was much more successful as an entertainment agent."} {"input": "Context Word: people.", "output": "Sentence 1: People liked being around PersonX more than around PersonY because _ was a nice person. \nSentence 2: People liked being around PersonX more than around PersonY because _ was a mean person."} {"input": "Context Word: people.", "output": "Sentence 1: People took an instant liking to PersonX more than PersonY, as _ seemed interested in what they were saying. \nSentence 2: People took an instant liking to PersonX more than PersonY, as _ seemed disinterested in what they were saying."} {"input": "Context Word: people.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gains energy from being alone but PersonY gains energy from being around people because _ is an introvert. \nSentence 2: PersonX gains energy from being alone but PersonY gains energy from being around people because _ is an extrovert."} {"input": "Context Word: people.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had difficulty meeting new people while PersonY did not so _ was awkward when they introduced themselves to the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX had difficulty meeting new people while PersonY did not so _ was welcoming when they introduced themselves to the other."} {"input": "Context Word: people.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has lived in the neighborhood for 20 years, PersonY for 1 month therefore _ can give good information about the people around you. \nSentence 2: PersonX has lived in the neighborhood for 20 years, PersonY for 1 month therefore _ cannot give good information about the people around you."} {"input": "Context Word: people.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a clinical psychologist, PersonY is not therefore _ could explain toxic people best. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a clinical psychologist, PersonY is not therefore _ could not explain toxic people best."} {"input": "Context Word: people.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved being around people but PersonY found it exhausting, so _ went to the party alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX found being around people exhausting but PersonY loved it, so _ went to the party alone."} {"input": "Context Word: people.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stuck close to PersonY at the party, since _ did not know any people there. \nSentence 2: PersonX stuck close to PersonY at the party, since _ knew all the people there."} {"input": "Context Word: people.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tends to avoid people, while PersonY is always making new friends. _ is an introvert. \nSentence 2: PersonX tends to avoid people, while PersonY is always making new friends. _ is an extrovert."} {"input": "Context Word: people.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to convince people to vote for them, and PersonY lost the election as a result, because _ was more persuasive. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to convince people to vote for them, and PersonY lost the election as a result, because _ was less persuasive."} {"input": "Context Word: people.", "output": "Sentence 1: The group of people were closer to PersonX than PersonY because _ had known them for years. \nSentence 2: The group of people were more distant to PersonX than PersonY because _ had known them for years."} {"input": "Context Word: weights.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had very large and bulky muscles but not PersonY because _ lifted extremely heavy weights. \nSentence 2: PersonX had very large and bulky muscles but not PersonY because _ lifted extremely light weights."} {"input": "Context Word: weights.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes using weights more than PersonY does so when they workout together _ is smiling. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes using weights more than PersonY does so when they workout together _ is looking sad."} {"input": "Context Word: weights.", "output": "Sentence 1: The weights were easier for PersonX to lift than PersonY since _ worked out a lot. \nSentence 2: The weights were harder for PersonX to lift than PersonY since _ worked out a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the kitchen, PersonX was excited about the smell of cheese, while PersonY gagged. _ was accustomed to the smell. \nSentence 2: In the kitchen, PersonX was excited about the smell of cheese, while PersonY gagged. _ was not used to the smell."} {"input": "Context Word: cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX added more cheese to his pizza than PersonY because _ loved cheese pizza so much. \nSentence 2: PersonX added less cheese to his pizza than PersonY because _ loved cheese pizza so much."} {"input": "Context Word: cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always hated sour things while PersonY liked them, so _ hates eating cheese every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX always hated sour things while PersonY liked them, so _ loves eating cheese every day."} {"input": "Context Word: cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always ordered nachos with extra cheese but not PersonY because _ was not allergic to lactose. \nSentence 2: PersonX always ordered nachos with extra cheese but not PersonY because _ was allergic to lactose."} {"input": "Context Word: cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what flavor of cheese _ should buy for the submarine sandwiches for the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what flavor of cheese _ wanted to buy for the submarine sandwiches for the party."} {"input": "Context Word: cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a lot of cheese however PersonY was not able to. This is because _ was tolerant of lactose. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a lot of cheese however PersonY was not able to. This is because _ was intolerant of lactose."} {"input": "Context Word: cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate more cheese than PersonY ever could because _ was intolerant to dairy since birth. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate more cheese than PersonY ever could because _ was addicted to dairy since birth."} {"input": "Context Word: cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave her sandwich to PersonY to eat, since _ did not want it anymore with all the cheese on it. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave her sandwich to PersonY to eat, since _ did not wanted it more with all the cheese on it."} {"input": "Context Word: cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX loved cheese but PersonY hated it, _ was delighted to eat the cheesy pizza. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX loved cheese but PersonY hated it, _ absolutely refused to eat the cheesy pizza."} {"input": "Context Word: cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: When walking through the grocery store, PersonX bought PersonY some cheese because _ loved it. \nSentence 2: When walking through the grocery store, PersonX didn't buy PersonY some cheese because _ lactose intolerant."} {"input": "Context Word: freshwater.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX introduced PersonY to the sport of freshwater fishing, because _ grew up right next to a lake. \nSentence 2: PersonX introduced PersonY to the sport of freshwater fishing, although _ grew up right next to a lake."} {"input": "Context Word: hairs.", "output": "Sentence 1: There are more hairs on PersonX's back compared to PersonY because _ doesn't shave there. \nSentence 2: There are more hairs on PersonX's back compared to PersonY even though _ doesn't shave there."} {"input": "Context Word: Testosterone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed that PersonY was acting more aggressively since _ starting selling testosterone to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed that PersonY was acting more aggressively since _ starting buying testosterone from them."} {"input": "Context Word: Testosterone.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had his testosterone lower than more than persony wanted because _ is of much older age. \nSentence 2: personx had his testosterone lower than more than persony wanted because _ is of much younger age."} {"input": "Context Word: pigments.", "output": "Sentence 1: Envy overtook PersonX when they looked at PersonY's painting bc _ used less pigments in their painting. \nSentence 2: Envy overtook PersonX when they looked at PersonY's painting bc _ used more pigments in their painting."} {"input": "Context Word: achieve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX achieved far less in life than PersonY did, because _ didn't put any effort into things. \nSentence 2: PersonX achieved far less in life than PersonY did, because _ always put extra effort into things."} {"input": "Context Word: achieve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to achieve higher grades in school like PersonY had made _ did not dedicate themselves to their goal.. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to achieve higher grades in school like PersonY had made, _ did dedicate more of themselves to their goal.."} {"input": "Context Word: hours.", "output": "Sentence 1: Despite waiting for hours, PersonX hoped PersonY would show up, as _ still had time to wait there for her. \nSentence 2: Despite waiting for hours, PersonX hoped PersonY would show up, as _ still had time to rush there for her."} {"input": "Context Word: hours.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got paid less on the job than PersonY because _ had put in less hours on the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX got paid more on the job than PersonY because _ had put in more hours on the job."} {"input": "Context Word: hours.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent hours in front of the TV, while PersonY spent hours at the gym, so _ was out of shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent hours in front of the TV, while PersonY spent hours at the gym, so _ was in shape."} {"input": "Context Word: Supplement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX advised PersonY to take the supplement on a daily basis to promote bone health. _ was his patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX advised PersonY to take the supplement on a daily basis to promote bone health. _ was his nutritionist."} {"input": "Context Word: clown.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied white paint and a red nose to PersonY's face because _ was helping him look like a clown. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied white paint and a red nose to PersonY's face because _ wanted to look like a clown."} {"input": "Context Word: clown.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dressed as a clown for PersonY's birthday party yesterday, and _ was quite entertaining the whole time. \nSentence 2: PersonX dressed as a clown for PersonY's birthday party yesterday, and _ was quite entertained the whole time."} {"input": "Context Word: promote.", "output": "Sentence 1: More people turned out for the event held by PersonX but not PersonY because _ really knew how to promote the concert. \nSentence 2: More people turned out for the event held by PersonX but not PersonY because _ really did not know how to promote the concert."} {"input": "Context Word: pencils.", "output": "Sentence 1: In art class, PersonX was able to make a more colorful picture than PersonY since _ had more watercolor pencils. \nSentence 2: In art class, PersonX was able to make a more colorful picture than PersonY since _ had less watercolor pencils."} {"input": "Context Word: pencils.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pencils of PersonX are always sharp for class, but PersonY's are not because _ is prepared. \nSentence 2: The pencils of PersonX are always sharp for class, but PersonY's are not because _ is lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: gothic.", "output": "Sentence 1: The gothic lolita style suited PersonX better than PersonY because _ looked the best in frilly dresses. \nSentence 2: The gothic lolita style suited PersonX better than PersonY because _ looked the worst in frilly dresses."} {"input": "Context Word: damage.", "output": "Sentence 1: A insurance clam had been made and PersonX survey the damage as PersonY watched. _ priced the insurance claim. \nSentence 2: A insurance clam had been made and PersonX survey the damage as PersonY watched. _ had made the insurance claim."} {"input": "Context Word: damage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caused a lot of damage to PersonY's personal property, which made _ a vandal. \nSentence 2: PersonX caused a lot of damage to PersonY's personal property, which made _ a victim."} {"input": "Context Word: damage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caused a lot of damage to PersonY's property, because _ wasn't considerate enough of others. \nSentence 2: PersonX caused a lot of damage to PersonY's property, because _ wasn't wary enough of others."} {"input": "Context Word: damage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't think that PersonY should pay for the damage to their car, because _ was at fault. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that PersonY should pay for the damage to their car, because _ was at fault."} {"input": "Context Word: damage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a lot less damage in the fight than PersonY, because _ was a more skilled fighter. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a lot more damage in the fight than PersonY, because _ was a more skilled fighter."} {"input": "Context Word: damage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX walked away from her friendship with PersonY since _ had endured enough damage to her self esteem. \nSentence 2: PersonX walked away from her friendship with PersonY since _ had inflicted enough damage to her self esteem."} {"input": "Context Word: damage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair has lots of damage, while PersonY's does not have any, because _ is in the sun a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair has lots of damage, while PersonY's does not have any, because _ isn't in the sun a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: damage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's house received a lot less damage from the storm than PersonY's, because _ lived farther from the ocean. \nSentence 2: PersonX's house received a lot less damage from the storm than PersonY's, because _ lived closer to the ocean."} {"input": "Context Word: damage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The brutal boxing match was suitable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did damage to his opponent. \nSentence 2: The brutal boxing match was suitable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not damage his opponent."} {"input": "Context Word: damage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The house of PersonX took some damage from the storm but not PersonY's house, because _ lived closer. \nSentence 2: The house of PersonX took some damage from the storm but not PersonY's house, because _ lived farther away."} {"input": "Context Word: shop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less money than PersonY did because _ liked to shop and spend money too much. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more money than PersonY did because _ like to shop and spend money too much."} {"input": "Context Word: shop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX usually spent many hours in the shop. PersonY left almost immediately. _ was rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX usually spent many hours in the shop. PersonY left almost immediately. _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: shop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to open a flower shop and needs help from PersonY, because _ can't do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to open a flower shop and needs help from PersonY, so _ could help her."} {"input": "Context Word: kissing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has bad breath, but PersonY does not, therefore _ is worried about kissing her boyfriend. \nSentence 2: PersonX has bad breath, but PersonY does not, therefore _ is not worried about kissing her boyfriend."} {"input": "Context Word: Digest.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the school cafeteria, PersonX stole a laxative from PersonY because _ wanted to digest food faster. \nSentence 2: In the school cafeteria, PersonX gave PersonY a laxative because _ wanted to digest food faster."} {"input": "Context Word: Badminton.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a partner for badminton, so he asked PersonY. Unfortunately, _ was told it would not work. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a partner for badminton, so he asked PersonY. Unfortunately, _ was busy that day."} {"input": "Context Word: glow.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was running down the street towards PersonY, it was _ who felt hot and had a rosy glow on her cheeks. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was running down the street towards PersonY, it was _ who felt hot too and had a rosy glow.on her cheeks."} {"input": "Context Word: glow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX carries a glow stick when going outside at night while PersonY doesn't because _ is afraid of the dark. \nSentence 2: PersonX carries a glow stick when going outside at night while PersonY doesn't because _ enjoys the dark."} {"input": "Context Word: glow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX inherited the starring role from PersonY , so _ could now glow in the spotlight. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the starring role to PersonY , so _ could now glow in the spotlight."} {"input": "Context Word: last minute studying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY with some last minute studying because _ had made good grades on the last tests. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY with some last minute studying because _ had made terrible grades on the last tests."} {"input": "Context Word: predator.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always harrased in social media by PersonY, because _ is a inferior predator. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always harrased in social media by PersonY, because _ is an superior predator."} {"input": "Context Word: swelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fell down and hit her head, PersonY did not therefore _ had a swelling bumb on her head. \nSentence 2: PersonX fell down and hit her head, PersonY did not therefore _ did not have a swelling bumb on her head."} {"input": "Context Word: swelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fell off the jungle gym but PersonY said they were fine, even though _ could feel swelling. \nSentence 2: PersonX fell off the jungle gym but PersonY said they were fine, even though _ could see swelling."} {"input": "Context Word: swelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of swelling in their face unlike PersonY because _ ate a lot of salty food. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of swelling in their face unlike PersonY because _ ate a lot of bland food."} {"input": "Context Word: swelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY his swelling foot and asked if he could give _ one of his magic foot massages. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY his swelling foot and asked _ if he could give him one of his magic foot massages."} {"input": "Context Word: swelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: The swelling under PersonX's eye was a lot worse than PersonY's, because _ got hit harder. \nSentence 2: The swelling under PersonX's eye was a lot worse than PersonY's, because _ got hit softer."} {"input": "Context Word: swelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: The swelling was worse on PersonX than it was on PersonY because _ had been hit harder. \nSentence 2: The swelling was worse on PersonX than it was on PersonY because _ had been hit softer."} {"input": "Context Word: swelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX had a lot of swelling on their ankle PersonY got ice because _ was immobile. \nSentence 2: When PersonX had a lot of swelling on their ankle PersonY got ice because _ was mobile."} {"input": "Context Word: lumps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed the lumps on PersonY 's arms that she had failed to notice, _ is just perceptive that way. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed the lumps on PersonY 's arms that she had failed to notice, _ is just oblivious that way."} {"input": "Context Word: lumps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hitting PersonY 's arm very hard for a long while, so _ left her with lumps on her arm. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hitting PersonY 's arm very hard for a long while, so _ was left with lumps on her arm."} {"input": "Context Word: precision.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an expert with knives but PersonY was new, so _ had horrible precision when throwing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an expert with knives but PersonY was new, so _ had expert precision when throwing."} {"input": "Context Word: lasagna.", "output": "Sentence 1: Lasagna is the favorite food of PersonX, while PersonY has always loved Orange Chicken. In fact, in general, _ prefers Italian cuisine. \nSentence 2: Lasagna is the favorite food of PersonX, while PersonY has always loved Orange Chicken. In fact, in general, _ prefers Asian cuisine."} {"input": "Context Word: lasagna.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate the lasagna from the cafeteria, but PersonY didn't, because _ loves all types of Italian food. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate the lasagna from the cafeteria, but PersonY didn't, because _ doesn't really like Italian food."} {"input": "Context Word: lasagna.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has decided to start cooking and asks for PersonY's help on how to boil lasagna noodles, because _ is a newbie. \nSentence 2: PersonX has decided to start cooking and asks for PersonY's help on how to boil lasagna noodles, because _ is experienced chef."} {"input": "Context Word: die.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a probate lawyer, PersonY is not therefore _ can tell you what happens to your estate when you die. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a probate lawyer, PersonY is not therefore _ cannot tell you what happens to your estate when you die."} {"input": "Context Word: infertile.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the doctor's, PersonX finds out that he is infertile, but PersonY is not, so _ is very sad. \nSentence 2: At the doctor's, PersonX finds out that he is infertile, but PersonY is not, so _ is very content."} {"input": "Context Word: infertile.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX is infertile but PersonY can conceive naturally, _ decided to adopt a child. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX is infertile but PersonY can conceive naturally, _ decided to give birth to a child."} {"input": "Context Word: pine tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't as agile at climbing the pine tree as PersonY, and as a result _ fell out of the tree. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't as agile at climbing the pine tree as PersonY, and as a result _ climbed to the top of the tree."} {"input": "Context Word: blogger.", "output": "Sentence 1: Blogging is more simple for PersonX than it is for PersonY due to _ being an efficient blogger. \nSentence 2: Blogging is more simple for PersonX than it is for PersonY due to _ being an inefficient blogger."} {"input": "Context Word: blogger.", "output": "Sentence 1: The better blogger was voted for and PersonX won over PersonY because _ was more thoughtful. \nSentence 2: The better blogger was voted for and PersonX won over PersonY because _ was more rude."} {"input": "Context Word: secret.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to keep friends because _ could keep a secret. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to keep friends because _ could not keep a secret."} {"input": "Context Word: boxing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks watching boxing is fun but PersonY thinks it's too violent. _ bought tickets to the big prize fight on Saturday night. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks watching boxing is fun but PersonY thinks it's too violent. _ bought tickets to the big movie premiere on Saturday night."} {"input": "Context Word: boxing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX trained for the boxing match but not PersonY, so _ won the boxing match. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't train for the boxing match but PersonY trained, so _ won the boxing match."} {"input": "Context Word: athletic cup.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX remembered to wear their athletic cup while sparring but PersonY forgot. _ had no issues with a groin kick. \nSentence 2: PersonX remembered to wear their athletic cup while sparring but PersonY forgot. _ had severe problems with a groin kick."} {"input": "Context Word: kitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Christmas, PersonX received a kitten from PersonY when the landlord found out and made _ take the kitten back. \nSentence 2: On Christmas, PersonX received a kitten from PersonY when the landlord found out and let _ keep the kitten."} {"input": "Context Word: kitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was allergic to cats and kittens while PersonY loved them, so _ did not adopt the kittens at the shelter. \nSentence 2: PersonX was allergic to cats and kittens while PersonY loved them, so _ adopted the kittens at the shelter."} {"input": "Context Word: kitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cat had a litter of kittens and asked PersonY if they wanted any because _ couldn't keep them all. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cat had a litter of kittens and asked PersonY if they wanted any and _ wanted to take them all."} {"input": "Context Word: kitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had very limited space in her room but PersonY had lots of space, _ chose a small cat tree for her new kitten. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had very limited space in her room but PersonY had lots of space, _ chose a large cat tree for her new kitten."} {"input": "Context Word: kitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ pets the kitten because PersonX likes pets and PersonY hates them with a deep passion. \nSentence 2: So _ kicks the kitten because PersonX likes pets and PersonY hates them with a deep passion."} {"input": "Context Word: kitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: The kitten climbed onto PersonX's lap and avoided PersonY because _ had been giving her treats. \nSentence 2: The kitten climbed onto PersonX's lap and avoided PersonY because _ had been playing with dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: kitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: The kitten of PersonX is cleaner than the one that PersonY has because _ bathes it regularly. \nSentence 2: The kitten of PersonX is dirtier than the one that PersonY has because _ bathes it regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: kitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: The kitten of PersonX is healthy, while PersonY's is sick due to _ giving his kitten a better diet. \nSentence 2: The kitten of PersonX is healthy, while PersonY's is sick due to _ giving his kitten a worse diet."} {"input": "Context Word: kitten.", "output": "Sentence 1: The playful kitten came bounding up to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a cat toy to play with. \nSentence 2: The playful kitten came bounding up to PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't have a cat toy to play with."} {"input": "Context Word: window clings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to make window clings but PersonY does not because _ is very artistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to make window clings but PersonY does not because _ is not very artistic."} {"input": "Context Word: alopecia.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had alopecia while PersonY did not, _ was having issues with hair loss. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had alopecia while PersonY did not, _ was not having issues with hair loss."} {"input": "Context Word: come out.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to come out of the closet, but PersonY had no need to do so, because _ was gay. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to come out of the closet, but PersonY had no need to do so, because _ was straight."} {"input": "Context Word: self-esteem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX acted superior and confident around PersonY , since _ had much too high self-esteem. \nSentence 2: PersonX acted superior and confident around PersonY , since _ had much too low self-esteem."} {"input": "Context Word: self-esteem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of self-esteem but PersonY had low self-esteem. _ never let people walk all over them. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of self-esteem but PersonY had low self-esteem. _ always let people walk all over them."} {"input": "Context Word: Calories.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was overweight but PersonY wasn't overweight because _ ate a large amount of calories. \nSentence 2: PersonX was overweight but PersonY wasn't overweight because _ ate a small amount of calories."} {"input": "Context Word: phobia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY both had one major phobia even though _ was scared by heights. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY both had one major phobia even though _ was unbothered by heights."} {"input": "Context Word: phobia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not have a phobia of spiders unlike PersonY so _ killed them when they saw them. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not have a phobia of spiders unlike PersonY so _ avoided them when they saw them."} {"input": "Context Word: solitude.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed some solitude from PersonY, because _ was tired of always having company at their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed some solitude from PersonY, because _ was tired and snored real loud at their house."} {"input": "Context Word: energetic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very talkative at parties when being compared to PersonY, so _ is more energetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very talkative at parties when being compared to PersonY, even though _ is more energetic."} {"input": "Context Word: rental.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX filled out the vacation rental contract before checking with PersonY, and now _ is probably going to be in trouble. \nSentence 2: PersonX filled out the vacation rental contract before checking with PersonY, and now _ is probably going to be upset."} {"input": "Context Word: Horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to bet on the horse races but PersonY liked to bet on the dogs. _ placed their bet on Secretariat. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to bet on the horse races but PersonY liked to bet on the dogs. _ placed their bet on Lassie."} {"input": "Context Word: Horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go horse riding on the weekend while PersonY liked to go swimming. _ fell and broke their hip. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go horse riding on the weekend while PersonY liked to go swimming. _ fell and got wet."} {"input": "Context Word: gymnastics.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX only took gymnastics while they were a kid while PersonY only played baseball, _ could perform a somersault. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX took gymnastics while they were a kid while PersonY only played baseball, _ could throw a curveball."} {"input": "Context Word: gymnastics.", "output": "Sentence 1: Gymnastics required patience which was easier for PersonX than PersonY. _ did not get discouraged easily. \nSentence 2: Gymnastics required patience which was easier for PersonX than PersonY. _ often got discouraged easily."} {"input": "Context Word: instructions.", "output": "Sentence 1: Following instructions came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had lots of self discipline. \nSentence 2: Following instructions came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have any self discipline."} {"input": "Context Word: instructions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX read instructions on how to complete and file the required small claims court forms aloud to PersonY, because _ is kind. \nSentence 2: PersonX read instructions on how to complete and file the required small claims court forms aloud to PersonY, because _ broke his reading glasses."} {"input": "Context Word: instructions.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using a ball machine on the tennis court, PersonX feeds balls to PersonY across the net and yells out instructions. _ is a tennis coach. \nSentence 2: Using a ball machine on the tennis court, PersonX feeds balls to PersonY across the net and yells out instructions. _ is a tennis player."} {"input": "Context Word: interior.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the interior of his house decorated unlike PersonY, because _ just bought the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the interior of his house decorated unlike PersonY, because _ just remodeled the house."} {"input": "Context Word: retailers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to go to many retailers to buy their supplies but not PersonY because _ lived in a town with small stores. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to go to many retailers to buy their supplies but not PersonY because _ lived in a town with mega stores."} {"input": "Context Word: cabbage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated eating cabbage compared to PersonY, because _ mother never made him eat it as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved eating cabbage compared to PersonY, because _ mother never made him eat it as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: cabbage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes cabbage, broccoli and collard greens while PersonY likes fruits. _ grows a garden each year. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes cabbage, broccoli and collard greens while PersonY likes fruits. _ buys a apples each year."} {"input": "Context Word: cabbage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to eat boiled cabbage but PersonY hates boiled cabbage. _ ordered corned beef and cabbage for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to eat boiled cabbage but PersonY hates boiled cabbage. _ ordered roast beef and potatoes for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: cabbage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was skinnier than PersonY because _ liked to eat a lot of cabbage and vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX was skinnier than PersonY because _ didn't like to eat a lot of cabbage and vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: crushing.", "output": "Sentence 1: At summer camp, PersonX beat PersonY at the can crushing contest because _ was stronger. \nSentence 2: At summer camp, PersonX beat PersonY at the can crushing contest because _ was weaker."} {"input": "Context Word: community.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was embraced by the crowd because _ was a community activist. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was embraced by the crowd because _ was not a community activist."} {"input": "Context Word: community.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to invite PersonY into the private and exclusive community, because _ was their leader. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to invite PersonY into the private and exclusive community, because _ was a newcomer."} {"input": "Context Word: community.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to keep more of a watch on the neighborhood than PersonY because _ is a member of the community watch group. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to keep more of a watch on the neighborhood than PersonY because _ is not a member of the community watch group."} {"input": "Context Word: community.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to join their role playing community because _ had a lot of friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to join their role playing community because _ had almost no friends."} {"input": "Context Word: community.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew all their neighbors well, but PersonY did not, since _ had lived in the community since childhood. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew all their neighbors well, but PersonY did not, since _ had lived in the community since last month."} {"input": "Context Word: community.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to contribute to the community by helping the less fortunate like PersonY. _ was a nice person. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to contribute to the community by helping the less fortunate like PersonY. _ was a poor person."} {"input": "Context Word: handbag.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX buys a designer trendy handbag for PersonY, because _ loves fashion and designer brands. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't buy a designer trendy handbag for PersonY, because _ hates fashion and designer brands."} {"input": "Context Word: Cheesecake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to share their cheesecake with PersonY during school lunch because _ was quite full already. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to share their cheesecake with PersonY during school lunch because _ was quite hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: Earplugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never wore earplugs at concerts while PersonY always had a pair in their ears. _ was found to have tinnitus years later. \nSentence 2: PersonX never wore earplugs at concerts while PersonY always had a pair in their ears. _ was found to have good hearing years later."} {"input": "Context Word: pillows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of pillows on their bed but not PersonY because _ had a wide bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of pillows on their bed but not PersonY because _ had a narrow bed."} {"input": "Context Word: pillows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stacked a bunch of pillows up to make PersonY comfortable, because _ was feeling compassionate. \nSentence 2: PersonX stacked a bunch of pillows up to make PersonY comfortable, because _ was feeling sick."} {"input": "Context Word: pillows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants PersonY to put sheets on the pillows since _ wants focus on anything else for the guest bedroom. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants PersonY to put sheets on the pillows since _ can help out with setting up the guest bedroom."} {"input": "Context Word: infant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a break and asked PersonY to help, because _ was worn out by the infant. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a break and asked PersonY to help, because _ was great with the infant."} {"input": "Context Word: infant.", "output": "Sentence 1: The infant of PersonX is constipated, while PersonY's is doing just fine. _ is feeding her baby the wrong diet. \nSentence 2: The infant of PersonX is constipated, while PersonY's is doing just fine. _ is feeding her baby the right diet."} {"input": "Context Word: legal briefs.", "output": "Sentence 1: Legal briefs are more suited to PersonX than to PersonY because _ works in a law office. \nSentence 2: Legal briefs are more suited to PersonX than to PersonY because _ works in a dental office."} {"input": "Context Word: swamp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got their jeep stuck in the swamp and called PersonY for help. _ was alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX got their jeep stuck in the swamp and called PersonY for help. _ left quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: weeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: Early yesterday afternoon, PersonX pulled the weeds in PersonY's garden, because _ really likes gardening. \nSentence 2: Early yesterday afternoon, PersonX pulled the weeds in PersonY's garden, because _ really dislikes gardening."} {"input": "Context Word: weeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making sure to not have any weeds in the garden was important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ entertained a lot in the garden. \nSentence 2: Making sure to not have any weeds in the garden was important to PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't entertained often in the garden."} {"input": "Context Word: weeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked in a garden with PersonY taking care of weeds that _ is annoyed by. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked in a garden with PersonY taking care of weeds that _ is upset by."} {"input": "Context Word: weeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the weeds became out of control PersonX took care of it instead of asking PersonY because _ owned the property. \nSentence 2: When the weeds became out of control PersonX took care of it instead of asking PersonY because _ only rented the property."} {"input": "Context Word: dreads.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought extensions to PersonY at the salon, so that _ could get their dreads treated professionally. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought extensions to PersonY at the salon, so that _ could treat their dreads professionally."} {"input": "Context Word: tempting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always successfully tempting PersonY to do bad things, because _ was a criminal. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always successfully tempting PersonY to do bad things, because _ was a pushover."} {"input": "Context Word: donkey.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the poker table, PersonX is a donkey, but PersonY is not because _ has studied poker very little. \nSentence 2: At the poker table, PersonX is a donkey, but PersonY is not because _ has studied poker very much."} {"input": "Context Word: pinworms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took their dog to PersonY to see if they have pinworms and _ asked questions on how to treat it. \nSentence 2: PersonX took their dog to PersonY to see if they have pinworms and _ answered questions on how to treat it."} {"input": "Context Word: pinworms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more uncomfortable than PersonY because _ had the pinworms nesting in their body. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more comfortable than PersonY because _ had the pinworms nesting in their body."} {"input": "Context Word: nutrients.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY get better from their illness by giving them nutrients because _ was a nutrition. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY get better from their illness by giving them nutrients because _ was a patient."} {"input": "Context Word: tarantula.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more hesitant than PersonY to feed the pet tarantula, because _ was arachnophobic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more eager than PersonY to feed the pet tarantula, because _ was arachnophobic."} {"input": "Context Word: Teenage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teenage years of PersonX were much more turbulent than PersonY, so as an adult, _ was more mentally stable. \nSentence 2: The teenage years of PersonX were much more turbulent than PersonY, so as an adult, _ was less mentally stable."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: After being outside in the cold, PersonX was being taken care of by PersonY for _ contracted a head infection. \nSentence 2: After being outside in the cold, PersonX was being taken care of by PersonY for _ avoided a head infection."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the doctor's, PersonX finds out about an infection, while PersonY gets a clean bill of health. _ is saddened. \nSentence 2: At the doctor's, PersonX finds out about an infection, while PersonY gets a clean bill of health. _ is enthusiastic."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY went to the same school but they did not catch the flu infection, _ had taken a flu shot. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY went to the same school but they did not catch the flu infection, _ had never ever taken a flu shot."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleaned their scraped knee but PersonY didn't clean theirs. _ didn't get an infection on their wound. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleaned their scraped knee but PersonY didn't clean theirs. _ got an infection on their wound."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got an infection after the accident unlike PersonY, because _ didn't worry about the cut. \nSentence 2: PersonX got an infection after the accident unlike PersonY, because _ cleaned the bad cut."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got really sick and had a bad infection unlike PersonY because _ never had immunizations. \nSentence 2: PersonX got really sick and had a bad infection unlike PersonY because _ always got immunizations."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is concerned that PersonY might have an eye infection, so _ offers to drive to the doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX is concerned that PersonY might have an eye infection, but _ won't go to the doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from a severe infection but not PersonY because _ didn't get an inoculation against infectious diseases. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from a severe infection but not PersonY because _ got an inoculation against infectious diseases."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suspected PersonY might have infection somewhere around the wound because _ is a health professional. \nSentence 2: PersonX suspected PersonY might have infection somewhere around the wound because _ seems to have high fever."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY she couldn't come to work because her cat had an infection, but _ was lying. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY she couldn't come to work because her cat had an infection, and _ suspected she was lying."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX treated the infection on PersonY at the hospital after _ looked at the wound on their leg. \nSentence 2: PersonX treated the infection on PersonY at the hospital after _ acquired the wound on their leg."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of getting an infection from PersonY, so _ told them to stay away. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of getting an infection from PersonY, so _ told them they'd stay away."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to the hospital as opposed to PersonY because _ had a serious bodily infection. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to the hospital as opposed to PersonY because _ had a minor bodily infection."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more concerned about an infection than PersonY because _ had a poor immune system. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more concerned about an infection than PersonY because _ had a robust immune system."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY when he thought he had an infection because _ is the patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY when he thought he had an infection because _ is the physician."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worried that PersonY had an ear infection after he complained of ear pain, so _ drove him to the doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX worried that PersonY had an ear infection after he complained of ear pain, so _ went to the doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: The infection that PersonX has it is more serious than the one PersonY has, because _ infection is due to the Ebola virus. \nSentence 2: The infection that PersonX has it is more serious than the one PersonY has, because _ infection is just a cold."} {"input": "Context Word: flooring.", "output": "Sentence 1: It took longer for PersonX to install the flooring than it took PersonY although _ was a carpenter. \nSentence 2: It took longer for PersonX to install the flooring than it took PersonY because _ was a carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: flooring.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to lay the tiles on the flooring than it was for PersonY because _ was a carpenter. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to lay the tiles on the flooring than it was for PersonY although _ was a carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: flooring.", "output": "Sentence 1: New flooring was installed in PersonX's new home by PersonY because _ is a customer. \nSentence 2: New flooring was installed in PersonX's new home by PersonY because _ is a carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: flooring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of ideas about the type of flooring PersonY should install, so _ made a long list. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of ideas about the type of flooring PersonY should install, but _ didn't read the long list."} {"input": "Context Word: flooring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hired to install flooring by PersonY but _ was going on a long vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hired to install flooring by PersonY because _ was going on a long vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: flooring.", "output": "Sentence 1: The flooring in PersonX's house was cracking up unlike PersonY's house since _ 's foundation is shaky. \nSentence 2: The flooring in PersonX's house was cracking up unlike PersonY's house since _ 's foundation is sound."} {"input": "Context Word: handbags.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the mall, PersonX bought new handbags while PersonY did not because _ had saved her money to treat herself to some new bags. \nSentence 2: While at the mall, PersonX bought new handbags while PersonY did not because _ had spent all her money and could not treat herself to some new bags."} {"input": "Context Word: image.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the image of PersonY burned into their mind, so _ was unable to forget their face. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the image of PersonY burned into their mind, so _ was unable to hide their face."} {"input": "Context Word: brand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wondered what brand of jeans PersonY was wearing when _ noticed the unusual logo. \nSentence 2: PersonX wondered what brand of jeans PersonY was wearing because _ was wearning an unusual logo."} {"input": "Context Word: investigator.", "output": "Sentence 1: The private investigator spied on PersonX after work but not PersonY because _ was suspected of cheating on their partner. \nSentence 2: The private investigator spied on PersonX after work but not PersonY because _ was not suspected of cheating on their partner."} {"input": "Context Word: Park.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the park, the boy said hello to PersonX but ignored PersonY, because _ was his friend. \nSentence 2: At the park, the boy said hello to PersonX but ignored PersonY, because _ was his enemy."} {"input": "Context Word: Constipation.", "output": "Sentence 1: To treat his constipation, PersonX received the medicine from PersonY because _ didn't know how to treat it. \nSentence 2: To treat his constipation, PersonX received the medicine from PersonY because _ had experience on how to treat it."} {"input": "Context Word: open mind.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to keep an open mind going into the trial, but PersonY was not, because _ was already prejudiced. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to keep an open mind going into the trial, but PersonY was not, because _ was not prejudiced."} {"input": "Context Word: dressing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very formal style of dressing while PersonY had a very casual manner of dressing. _ had a large collection suits. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very formal style of dressing while PersonY had a very casual manner of dressing. _ had a large collection t-shirts."} {"input": "Context Word: savings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a large savings account, while PersonY was in debt, because _ was frugal with money. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a large savings account, while PersonY was in debt, because _ was careless with money."} {"input": "Context Word: angina.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a really nasting angina and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ has never experience the angina. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a really nasting angina and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ has already experienced angina a few times."} {"input": "Context Word: angina.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from angina, but PersonY did not suffer from it because _ ate too much fat. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from angina, but PersonY did not suffer from it although _ ate too much fat."} {"input": "Context Word: waterpik.", "output": "Sentence 1: Yesterday, PersonX sold PersonY a waterpik because _ was a retail salesman at Target's hardline section. \nSentence 2: Yesterday, PersonX sold PersonY a waterpik because _ was a customer shopping at Target's hardline section.."} {"input": "Context Word: mouse cage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mouse cage that PersonX owns is filthy, while PersonY's clean because _ cleans it once a month. \nSentence 2: The mouse cage that PersonX owns is filthy, while PersonY's clean because _ cleans it once a day."} {"input": "Context Word: weekend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX covers PersonY's hours over the weekend so they can go on vacation and _ is very busy. \nSentence 2: PersonX covers PersonY's hours over the weekend so they can go on vacation and _ is very relaxed."} {"input": "Context Word: weekend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked for the weekend, but PersonY liked their job - _ had never enjoyed doing hard work. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked for the weekend, but PersonY liked their job - _ had always enjoyed doing hard work."} {"input": "Context Word: weekend.", "output": "Sentence 1: Picking up extra work shifts on the weekend was a necessity for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had large expenses. \nSentence 2: Picking up extra work shifts on the weekend was a necessity for PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't have large expenses."} {"input": "Context Word: clarinet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing music came much more naturally to PersonX than PersonY although _ hated the clarinet. \nSentence 2: Playing music came much more naturally to PersonX than PersonY although _ loved the clarinet."} {"input": "Context Word: clarinet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing the clarinet was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had taken music lessons. \nSentence 2: Playing the clarinet was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not taken any music lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: countertop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleaned their countertop very well but PersonY did not. _ had a clean home. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleaned their countertop very well but PersonY did not. _ had a dirty home."} {"input": "Context Word: sand dollars.", "output": "Sentence 1: Collecting sand dollars is a favorite pasttime of PersonX but not PersonY because _ feels they are clean and beautiful. \nSentence 2: Collecting sand dollars is a favorite pasttime of PersonX but not PersonY because _ feels they are dirty and ugly."} {"input": "Context Word: resolutions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more difficult time keeping their New Year's resolutions than PersonY because _ was uncommitted. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more difficult time keeping their New Year's resolutions than PersonY because _ was diligent."} {"input": "Context Word: Write a Song.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for an advice how to write a song, because _ is bad at writing. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for an advice how to write a song, because _ is better at writing."} {"input": "Context Word: bulldozer.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the construction site, only PersonX can drive the bulldozer, not PersonY. _ has their license to do so. \nSentence 2: At the construction site, only PersonX can drive the bulldozer, not PersonY. _ is waiting on their license to do so."} {"input": "Context Word: bulldozer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drove the bulldozer through the PersonYs mine site to help rip the ground, but _ forgot to bring the ripper. \nSentence 2: PersonX drove the bulldozer through the PersonYs mine site to help rip the ground, but _ didn't need the ripper."} {"input": "Context Word: stand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to haggle down a price for a stand while PersonY wasn't because _ was persuasive. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to haggle down a price for a stand while PersonY wasn't although _ was persuasive."} {"input": "Context Word: Tractor.", "output": "Sentence 1: After shopping around the store, PersonX purchased the used tractor from PersonY to till his crops because _ needed one for cheap. \nSentence 2: After shopping around the store, PersonX purchased the used tractor from PersonY to till his crops because _ no longer had a use for it."} {"input": "Context Word: cream.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for PersonY's chocolate ice cream milkshake even though _ is lactose intolerant and shouldn't drink it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for PersonY's chocolate ice cream milkshake because _ is lactose intolerant and shouldn't drink it."} {"input": "Context Word: Pour.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to pour a cup of apple juice for PersonY but _ overfilled the glass. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to pour a cup of apple juice for PersonY but _ didn't want the drink."} {"input": "Context Word: remodel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to help draw the house remodel plans, because _ was a novice architect. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to help draw the house remodel plans, because _ was an expert architect."} {"input": "Context Word: contractor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did a phenomenal kitchen renovation job as a contractor for PersonY, because _ is a perfectionist. \nSentence 2: PersonX did a phenomenal kitchen renovation job as a contractor for PersonY, _ is very happy."} {"input": "Context Word: contractor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY as a contractor to build a retaining wall and _ was happy to pay money. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY as a contractor to build a retaining wall and _ was happy to make money."} {"input": "Context Word: contractor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY for the new contractor position because _ wanted a high qualified employee. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY for the new contractor position because _ was a high qualified employee."} {"input": "Context Word: contractor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to be the contractor of their home but _ didn't agree on the high price they wanted. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to be the contractor of their home but _ didn't agree on the low price they wanted."} {"input": "Context Word: contractor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired a contractor to remodel their kitchen but PersonY remodeled theirs themself. _ gets a lot of compliments on their new kitchen. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired a contractor to remodel their kitchen but PersonY remodeled theirs themself. _ gets a lot of funny looks at their new kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: contractor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired a contractor to work on his house while PersonY did not since _ thought it was affordable. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired a contractor to work on his house while PersonY did not because _ thought it was expensive."} {"input": "Context Word: contractor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY to get a contractor license for their company, so _ helped them fill out the paperwork. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonY to get a contractor license for their company, so they helped _ to fill out the paperwork."} {"input": "Context Word: dry out sage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some help on how to dry out sage since _ worked as an attorney. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some help on how to dry out sage since _ worked as an chef."} {"input": "Context Word: strange.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX takes a lot of illegal drugs, PersonY does not and that is why _ sees strange things that aren't there. \nSentence 2: PersonX takes a lot of illegal drugs, PersonY does not and that is why _ doesn't see strange things that aren't there."} {"input": "Context Word: Mascara.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had marvelous looking eyes but PersonY had plain looking eyes. _ had their mascara done by a makeup artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX had marvelous looking eyes but PersonY had plain looking eyes. _ had their mascara done by a friend."} {"input": "Context Word: Tapeworms.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx bought some drugs from persony to combat the tapeworms in his pet but _ do not trust the prescriptions. \nSentence 2: personx bought some drugs from persony to combat the tapeworms in his pet but _ do not want to make the prescriptions."} {"input": "Context Word: disadvantages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffers many disadvantages in life that PersonY has never experiences, because _ grew up poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffers many disadvantages in life that PersonY has never experiences, because _ grew up wealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: Paypal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sent money through Paypal to PersonY because _ had purchased the antique watch on Ebay. \nSentence 2: PersonX sent money through Paypal to PersonY because _ had sold the antique watch on Ebay."} {"input": "Context Word: mind.", "output": "Sentence 1: Meditation wasn't as helpful for PersonX as it was for PersonY, as _ just couldn't clear their mind of thoughts. \nSentence 2: Meditation wasn't as helpful for PersonX as it was for PersonY, as _ loved to clear their mind of thoughts."} {"input": "Context Word: mind.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had ideas in the mind unlike PersonY, because _ was a great imaginative person. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had ideas in the mind unlike PersonY, because _ was a horrible imaginative person."} {"input": "Context Word: mind.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took more vitamins than PersonY did because _ had more trouble with their mind. \nSentence 2: PersonX took more vitamins than PersonY did because _ had less trouble with their mind."} {"input": "Context Word: softball.", "output": "Sentence 1: In softball, PersonX is the catcher, while PersonY is the pitcher, so _ has the weaker arm. \nSentence 2: In softball, PersonX is the catcher, while PersonY is the pitcher, so _ has the stronger arm."} {"input": "Context Word: softball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caught the high fly ball on left field during the softball game but not PersonY because _ played outfield. \nSentence 2: PersonX caught the high fly ball on left field during the softball game but not PersonY because _ played infield."} {"input": "Context Word: softball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very athletic and fit but PersonY was clumsy. _ was a very good softball player. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very athletic and fit but PersonY was clumsy. _ was a very bad softball player."} {"input": "Context Word: full of passion.", "output": "Sentence 1: Full of passion, the woman chose PersonX but not PersonY because _ was just as passionate as she was. \nSentence 2: Full of passion, the woman chose PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not as passionate as she was."} {"input": "Context Word: tuberculosis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried that PersonY's cough and fever could be tuberculosis, given _ 's knowledge of homeless shelter conditions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried that PersonY's cough and fever could be tuberculosis, given _ 's exposure to homeless shelter conditions."} {"input": "Context Word: overlooked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very demonstrative, PersonY is very quiet which is why _ is never overlooked. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very demonstrative, PersonY is very quiet which is why _ is often overlooked."} {"input": "Context Word: scores.", "output": "Sentence 1: The test scores of PersonX really improved after meeting with PersonY because _ is a dedicated student. \nSentence 2: The test scores of PersonX really improved after meeting with PersonY because _ is a dedicated tutor."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: For his dogs, PersonX feeds them a lot of meat, while PersonY's eat mostly grains. _ 's dogs are happier. \nSentence 2: For his dogs, PersonX feeds them a lot of meat, while PersonY's eat mostly grains. _ 's dogs are less content."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought their dogs to PersonY for an AKC inspection because _ owned many dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought their dogs to PersonY for an AKC inspection because _ was an AKC inspector."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had dogs that were well behaved but not PersonY because _ had disciplined them as puppies. \nSentence 2: PersonX had dogs that were well behaved but not PersonY because _ had neglected them as puppies."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had pet dogs and PersonY has a cat, so _ gave their dog a bath. \nSentence 2: PersonX had pet dogs, but PersonY has a cat, so _ gave their cat a brushing."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot more dogs at home than PersonY because _ has always been an animal lover. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot more dogs at home than PersonY because _ has never been an animal lover."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a lover of dogs, but PersonY loves cats, so _ would not like to own a cat. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a lover of dogs, but PersonY loves cats, so _ would not like to own a dog."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked big dogs while PersonY thought small dogs were preferable. _ bought a great dane from the breeder. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked big dogs while PersonY thought small dogs were preferable. _ bought a chihuahua from the breeder."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked dogs more than PersonY did although _ had been bitten by one when they were younger. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated dogs more than _PersonY did because _ had been bitten by one when they were younger."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked dogs more than PersonY however _ hated the way they smelled after being outside. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked dogs more than PersonY however _ loved the way they smelled after being outside."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was into cats while PersonY loved dogs, so _ was scared to see the new pit bull. \nSentence 2: PersonX was into cats while PersonY loved dogs, so _ was excited to see the new pit bull."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more familiar with the vet than PersonY because _ had more dogs under their care. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more distant to the vet than PersonY because _ had more dogs under their care."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dogs scared PersonY by jumping on him when he answered the door so _ is laughing. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dogs scared PersonY by jumping on him when he answered the door so _ is gasping."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ likes dogs because a dog saved PersonX's life before while PersonY is allergic to dogs. \nSentence 2: So _ hates dogs because a dog saved PersonX's life before while PersonY is allergic to dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: Taking care of dogs is what PersonX does for PersonY, _ is always around to care of the dogs. \nSentence 2: Taking care of dogs is what PersonX does for PersonY, _ is not always around care of the dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dogs ran up to PersonX at the airport but not PersonY because _ is the owner of the dog. \nSentence 2: The dogs ran away from PersonX at the airport but not PersonY because _ is the owner of the dog."} {"input": "Context Word: dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: There were more holes in the yard of PersonX than PersonY because _ had more dogs at their home. \nSentence 2: There were more holes in the yard of PersonX than PersonY because _ had less dogs at their home."} {"input": "Context Word: pink.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the school dance, PersonX has pink cheeks in front of the girls, but PersonY doesn't. _ is embarrassed. \nSentence 2: At the school dance, PersonX has pink cheeks in front of the girls, but PersonY doesn't. _ is comfortable."} {"input": "Context Word: pink.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX didn't like pastels as much as PersonY, _ had a soft spot for wearing pink. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX didn't like pastels as much as PersonY, _ had a blind spot for wearing pink."} {"input": "Context Word: surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: ACL surgery was performed on PersonX by PersonY at the hospital because _ is a patient. \nSentence 2: ACL surgery was performed on PersonX by PersonY at the hospital because _ is a specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: It would be better if PersonX performed the surgery rather than PersonY, because _ was a licensed doctor. \nSentence 2: It would be better if PersonX performed the surgery rather than PersonY, because _ was not a licensed doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: Last week PersonX performed a complex surgery on PersonY because _ wants to be helpful. \nSentence 2: Last week PersonX performed a complex surgery on PersonY because _ wants to be healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found out that she has to have surgery, whereas PersonY does not, because _ is sickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX found out that she has to have surgery, whereas PersonY does not, because _ is healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to get gastric bypass surgery at the hospital but not PersonY because _ was obese. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to get gastric bypass surgery at the hospital but not PersonY because _ was underweight."} {"input": "Context Word: surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY the risks and benefits of the procedure, because _ would be performing the surgery. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY the risks and benefits of the procedure, because _ would be undergoing the surgery."} {"input": "Context Word: surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always sick while PersonY stayed healthy and _ had to go to the hospital for surgery. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always sick while PersonY stayed healthy but _ had to go to the hospital for surgery."} {"input": "Context Word: surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to go along to the hospital when PersonY had surgery because _ would drive the car home. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to go along to the hospital when PersonY had surgery because _ could not drive the car home."} {"input": "Context Word: surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scared about surgery with PersonY, so _ asked a lot of questions about the surgery. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scared about surgery with PersonY, so _ answered a lot of questions about the surgery."} {"input": "Context Word: surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to visit a friend in surgery unlike PersonY because _ cared deeply about the friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't go visit a friend in surgery unlike PersonY because _ cared deeply about the friend."} {"input": "Context Word: surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's surgery was botched, and PersonY's went off without a hitch. _ went to a third rate hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX's surgery was botched, and PersonY's went off without a hitch. _ went to a world class hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: Super Smash Brothers Melee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY over for a Super Smash Brothers Melee tournament because _ wanted to spend quality time together. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY over for a Super Smash Brothers Melee tournament, but _ didn't want to spend quality time together."} {"input": "Context Word: massive road trip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and her friend PersonY have planned a massive road trip, _ wants to go to New Mexico on the trip. \nSentence 2: PersonX and her friend PersonY have planned a massive road trip, _ wants to go to New York on the trip."} {"input": "Context Word: reunion.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it was time for the reunion, PersonX got invited but not PersonY, so _ was rather happy about the situation. \nSentence 2: When it was time for the reunion, PersonX got invited but not PersonY, so _ was rather mad about the situation."} {"input": "Context Word: cheated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is caught after having cheated multiple times on PersonY's friend, so _ is very remorseful. \nSentence 2: PersonX is caught after having cheated on multiple times PersonY's friend, so _ is very angry."} {"input": "Context Word: cheated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just cheated on PersonY because _ wasn't feeling happy in their current romantic relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX just cheated on PersonY but _ wasn't feeling happy in their current romantic relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: Drawings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX admired the drawings PersonY had in his sketchbook, so _ stole them from him. \nSentence 2: PersonX admired the drawings PersonY had in his sketchbook, so _ gave them to him."} {"input": "Context Word: nuts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate more nuts than PersonY did because _ liked to have salty snacks to eat. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate more nuts than PersonY did because _ liked to have sweet snacks to eat."} {"input": "Context Word: nuts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys a variety of nuts but not PersonY because _ is not allergic to nuts. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys a variety of nuts but not PersonY because _ is allergic to nuts."} {"input": "Context Word: nuts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused the nuts that PersonY offered to her at dinner because _ was allergic to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused the nuts that PersonY offered to her at dinner because _ didn't know she was allergic to them."} {"input": "Context Word: nuts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was excited to try the nuts but not PersonY because _ was fond of nuts. \nSentence 2: PersonX was excited to try the nuts but not PersonY because _ was disdainful of nuts."} {"input": "Context Word: nuts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's daughter can't eat nuts, though PersonY's daughter can, so _ 's daughter has more allergies. \nSentence 2: PersonX's daughter can't eat nuts, though PersonY's daughter can, although _ 's daughter has more allergies."} {"input": "Context Word: dwarf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a little dwarf compared to PersonY because _ was so short in stature. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a little dwarf compared to PersonY because _ was so tall in stature."} {"input": "Context Word: developer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a web developer was great work for PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved computers. \nSentence 2: Being a web developer was great work for PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated computers."} {"input": "Context Word: developer.", "output": "Sentence 1: It made more sense that PersonX, rather than PersonY, would be a web developer because _ had grown up using computers. \nSentence 2: It made more sense that PersonX, rather than PersonY, would be a web developer because _ had grown up before computers existed."} {"input": "Context Word: developer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold his new software to PersonY, because _ worked as a developer for hire. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold his new software to PersonY, because _ needed the services of a developer for hire."} {"input": "Context Word: Grades.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received much better grades than PersonY did on the test because _ studied for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX received much better grades than PersonY did on the test because _ slacked off."} {"input": "Context Word: Grades.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very lax with their studying in school while PersonY was very diligent. _ mostly got C grades in their classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very lax with their studying in school while PersonY was very diligent. _ mostly got A grades in their classes."} {"input": "Context Word: Birthday.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cherished each birthday they had while PersonY dreaded their birthday every year. _ was majorly thrilled at their surprise birthday party. \nSentence 2: PersonX cherished each birthday they had while PersonY dreaded their birthday every year. _ was majorly annoyed at their surprise birthday party."} {"input": "Context Word: Birthday.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a framed picture as a gift to PersonY because _ was invited to her birthday party. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a framed picture as a gift to PersonY because _ was having a birthday party."} {"input": "Context Word: oven.", "output": "Sentence 1: Baking bread was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ he had a very nice oven. \nSentence 2: Baking bread was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ he did not have a very nice oven."} {"input": "Context Word: oven.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found cleaning the oven to be a chore so PersonY bought him oven cleaner since _ complains. \nSentence 2: PersonX found cleaning the oven to be a chore so PersonY bought him oven cleaner since _ is helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: oven.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lends her dutch oven to PersonY so she can cook Thanksgiving dinner, because _ has a kitchen filled with useful tools and pots. \nSentence 2: PersonX lends her dutch oven to PersonY so she can cook Thanksgiving dinner, because _ does not have many useful tools and pots."} {"input": "Context Word: oven.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX left the house with the oven on, PersonY turned it off; then _ yelled because it had cooled down. \nSentence 2: When PersonX left the house with the oven on, PersonY turned it off; then _ yelled because it could have started a fire."} {"input": "Context Word: gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying gold necklaces was a luxury for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no money. \nSentence 2: Buying gold necklaces was a luxury for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had plenty of money."} {"input": "Context Word: gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: Gold jewelry left a rash on PersonX but not PersonY because _ had an allergy to it. \nSentence 2: Gold jewelry left a rash on PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have an allergy to it."} {"input": "Context Word: gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how you tell if something is gold or just gold plated, because _ had no clue. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how you tell if something is gold or just gold plated, because _ was an expert."} {"input": "Context Word: gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found a lot of gold while panning for it, but PersonY did not, so _ was very pleased. \nSentence 2: PersonX found a lot of gold while panning for it, but PersonY did not, so _ was very disappointed."} {"input": "Context Word: gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has found a gold and needs help from PersonY to clean it, because _ can't do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX has found a gold and needs help from PersonY to clean it, because _ is really helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a jeweler, PersonY is not therefore ask _ about how to melt gold safely. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a jeweler, PersonY is not therefore don't ask _ about how to melt gold safely."} {"input": "Context Word: gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's greed was very well known to so when he saw PersonY's gold watch _ envied it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's greed was very well known so when he saw PersonY's gold watch _ hid it."} {"input": "Context Word: gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's living comes from selling gold, while PersonY sells stocks and bonds, so _ is a jeweler. \nSentence 2: PersonX's living comes from selling gold, while PersonY sells stocks and bonds, so _ is a broker."} {"input": "Context Word: gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's stash of gold is a lot bigger than PersonY's because _ happens to be a wealthy man. \nSentence 2: PersonX's stash of gold is a lot bigger than PersonY's because _ happens to be a poor man."} {"input": "Context Word: conditioning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Physical conditioning came easy to PersonX but not PersonY because _ spent a lot of time at the gym. \nSentence 2: Physical conditioning came easy to PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not spend a lot of time at the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: Venus.", "output": "Sentence 1: While teaching her class, PersonX took PersonY's question on the planet Venus as _ encouraged participation. \nSentence 2: While teaching her class, PersonX took PersonY's question on the planet Venus as _ liked learning."} {"input": "Context Word: adjustments.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to make adjustments in the workplace, PersonX is more capable than PersonY because _ can think outside the box. \nSentence 2: When it comes to make adjustments in the workplace, PersonX is more capable than PersonY because _ is incapable of thinking outside the box."} {"input": "Context Word: deduct.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is good about paying bills on time, PersonY is not therefore _ does not have to deduct late fees from his earnings. \nSentence 2: PersonX is good about paying bills on time, PersonY is not therefore _ does have to deduct late fees from his earnings."} {"input": "Context Word: tigers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Tigers were the favorite animal of PersonX but not PersonY, so _ spent their time at the zoo watching the tigers. \nSentence 2: Tigers were the favorite animal of PersonX but not PersonY, so _ spent their time at the zoo watching the monkeys."} {"input": "Context Word: sold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is envious of PersonY because _ sold a far fewer number of houses this year. \nSentence 2: PersonX is envious of PersonY because _ sold a far greater number of houses this year."} {"input": "Context Word: sold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold their jewelry to PersonY because _ loves to sell very pretty accessories that go with everything. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold their jewelry to PersonY because _ loves to buy very pretty accessories that go with everything."} {"input": "Context Word: firm mattress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred a firm mattress while PersonY preferred soft; when the store only had firm, _ celebrated. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred a firm mattress while PersonY preferred soft; when the store only had firm, _ was disappointed."} {"input": "Context Word: Dental.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't brush and floss very often but PersonY did regularly. _ had to make dental appointments pretty often. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't brush and floss very often but PersonY did regularly. _ had to make dental appointments pretty rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: calendar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX arrived at the game much later than PersonY, because _ did not have the game time written on his calendar. \nSentence 2: PersonX arrived at the game much later than PersonY, because _ had the game time written on his calendar."} {"input": "Context Word: calendar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a smaller calendar than PersonY, therefore _ can write less information on each daily square. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a smaller calendar than PersonY, therefore _ can write more information on each daily square."} {"input": "Context Word: calendar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to get a physical calendar from PersonY because _ liked them on their phone. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to get a physical calendar from PersonY because _ liked them on their desk."} {"input": "Context Word: calendar.", "output": "Sentence 1: When deciding which calendar to buy, PersonX chose a small one for PersonY, because that is what _ knows he prefers. \nSentence 2: When deciding which calendar to buy, PersonX chose a large one for PersonY, despite what _ said he prefers."} {"input": "Context Word: pump.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to pump his bike tires before a ride while PersonY because _ 's bike tires were flat. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't need to pump his bike tires before a ride but PersonY did because _ 's bike tires were flat."} {"input": "Context Word: organization.", "output": "Sentence 1: Keeping her room neat and tidy was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ was good at organization. \nSentence 2: Keeping her room neat and tidy was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ was not very good at organization."} {"input": "Context Word: organization.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more successful organization than PersonY because _ had more members in theirs. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more successful organization than PersonY because _ had less members in theirs."} {"input": "Context Word: vintage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX avoided the thrift store, although PersonY loved it a lot, because _ hated vintage clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX avoided the thrift store, although PersonY loved it a lot, because _ adored vintage clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: billards.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost the billards game to PersonY because _ was a novice in the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost the billards game to PersonY because _ was an expert in the game."} {"input": "Context Word: listicle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX excelled at writing listicles on deadline but PersonY preferred long-form journalism, as _ wrote for Buzzfeed. \nSentence 2: PersonX excelled at writing listicles on deadline but PersonY preferred the long-form journalism, as _ wrote for the NYT."} {"input": "Context Word: bothering.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was bothering people with never ending questions, PersonY was not because _ was oblivious. \nSentence 2: PersonX was bothering people with never ending questions, PersonY was not because _ was sensitive."} {"input": "Context Word: bothering.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was constantly bothering PersonY and annoying them, so _ was called out on this behavior. \nSentence 2: PersonX was constantly bothering PersonY and annoying them, so _ called them out on this behavior."} {"input": "Context Word: Carbohydrates.", "output": "Sentence 1: In an attempt to lose weight PersonX asked PersonY how many carbohydrates they ate because _ ate unhealthy. \nSentence 2: In an attempt to lose weight PersonX asked PersonY how many carbohydrates they ate because _ ate healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: politeness.", "output": "Sentence 1: In his quest to be liked, PersonX learned politeness while PersonY did not, therefore most people did like _ . \nSentence 2: In his quest to be liked, PersonX learned politeness while PersonY did not, therefore most people didn't like _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy gums.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mouthwash was good for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have healthy gums and teeth. \nSentence 2: The mouthwash was good for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did have healthy gums and teeth already."} {"input": "Context Word: cheers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called for three cheers for PersonY 's accomplishment, although _ contributed more than she did. \nSentence 2: PersonX called for three cheers for PersonY 's accomplishment, although _ contributed less than she did."} {"input": "Context Word: productivity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's productivity has gone down lately, although PersonY is still going strong, so _ is passed on for a promotion. \nSentence 2: PersonX's productivity has gone down lately, although PersonY is still going strong, so _ is given a promotion."} {"input": "Context Word: Alzheimer\u2019s.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a parent that suffered from Alzheimer\u2019s but PersonY didn't. _ had to assume power of attorney for their parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a parent that suffered from Alzheimer\u2019s but PersonY didn't. _ had to buy a nice gift for their parent."} {"input": "Context Word: seaweed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a more adventurous eater than PersonY so _ decided to try the seaweed. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a more adventurous eater than PersonY so _ did not try the seaweed."} {"input": "Context Word: belt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to buy a longer belt at the store than PersonY because _ was rather overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to buy a longer belt at the store than PersonY because _ was rather slim."} {"input": "Context Word: belt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was given a leather belt from PersonY to clean it, because _ knows how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was given a leather belt from PersonY to clean it, because _ doesn't know how to clean it."} {"input": "Context Word: belt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ had broken the belt himself that his grandfather gave him a long time ago. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgave PersonY because _ had broken the belt that his grandfather gave him a long time ago."} {"input": "Context Word: stall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shoveled the hay from the horse stall with no help from PersonY because _ was hardworking. \nSentence 2: PersonX shoveled the hay from the horse stall with no help from PersonY because _ was lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: smart.", "output": "Sentence 1: Homework was easy for the smart PersonX but not for PersonY as _ was very intelligent. \nSentence 2: Homework was easy for the smart PersonX but not for PersonY as _ was very stupid."} {"input": "Context Word: required.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX required PersonY to finish every last piece of food on their plate, because _ was in charge. \nSentence 2: PersonX required PersonY to finish every last piece of food on their plate, because _ was their child."} {"input": "Context Word: ice cream.", "output": "Sentence 1: Chocolate was the favorite ice cream flavor of PersonX but PersonY didn't like it much. _ ordered two scoops of chocolate at Ben and Jerry's. \nSentence 2: Chocolate was the favorite ice cream flavor of PersonX but PersonY didn't like it much. _ ordered two scoops of vanilla at Ben and Jerry's."} {"input": "Context Word: ice cream.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating ice cream was PersonX's favorite thing to do but PersonY can't eat ice cream because _ loved the cold texture. \nSentence 2: Eating ice cream was PersonX's favorite thing to do but PersonY can't eat ice cream because _ is lactose intolerant."} {"input": "Context Word: ice cream.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX consumes ice cream more frequently than PersonY because _ likes eating cold food better. \nSentence 2: PersonX consumes ice cream more frequently than PersonY because _ likes eating hot food better."} {"input": "Context Word: ice cream.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to an ice cream shop because he had a coupon and met PersonY there, _ paid only half price. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to an ice cream shop because he had a coupon and met PersonY there, _ paid full price."} {"input": "Context Word: to play light as a feather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to play light as a feather and PersonY didn't because _ liked to play games and have fun. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to play light as a feather and PersonY didn't because _ didn't like to play games to have fun."} {"input": "Context Word: coins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has collected a larger amount of coins than PersonY since _ has been coin collecting for a longer period of time. \nSentence 2: PersonX has collected a larger amount of coins than PersonY since _ has been coin collecting for a shorter period of time."} {"input": "Context Word: coins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to throw all their coins in the fountain to make wishes, because _ believed in magic wishes. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to throw all their coins in the fountain to make wishes, but _ scoffed at magic wishes."} {"input": "Context Word: coins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was elated when PersonY gave them the rare coin they lost. _ 's hobby was collecting rare and antique coins. \nSentence 2: PersonX was elated when PersonY gave them the rare coin they lost. _ liked to find rare and antique coins."} {"input": "Context Word: coins.", "output": "Sentence 1: The coins PersonX has collected are of greater value than PersonY's because _ is an expert. \nSentence 2: The coins PersonX has collected are of greater value than PersonY's because _ is an amateur."} {"input": "Context Word: hungry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the waiter for PersonY so _ spent the dinner trying to make the other less hungry. \nSentence 2: PersonX had PersonY for the waiter so _ spent the dinner trying to make the other less hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: hungry.", "output": "Sentence 1: Today, PersonX happens to be more hungry than PersonY because _ forgot to bring his lunch. \nSentence 2: Today, PersonX happens to be more hungry than PersonY because _ remembered to bring his lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: sink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to clean the bathroom sink for her, because _ had forgotten to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to clean the bathroom sink for her, but _ forgot to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: sink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX happily bathed PersonY in the small kitchen sink, because _ was a good mother. \nSentence 2: PersonX happily bathed PersonY in the small kitchen sink, because _ was a good baby."} {"input": "Context Word: sink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just put a new sink in the bathroom unlike PersonY because _ was renovating the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX just put a new sink in the bathroom unlike PersonY because _ was demolishing the house."} {"input": "Context Word: sink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY was a good plumber, so _ asked him to fix the clogged sink. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY was a good plumber, so _ was asked to fix the clogged sink."} {"input": "Context Word: sink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to fix their sink because _ lacked the tools required to fix it efficiently. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to fix their sink because _ owned the tools required to fix it efficiently."} {"input": "Context Word: sink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an unpopular roommate but PersonY was well liked. _ always left their dirty dishes in the sink. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an unpopular roommate but PersonY was well liked. _ never left their dirty dishes in the sink."} {"input": "Context Word: sink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was working on PersonYs sink when they found a barbie doll head in the drain. _ had no reasonable explanation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was working on PersonYs sink when they found a barbie doll head in the drain. _ asked for a reasonable explanation."} {"input": "Context Word: sink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't a plumber but he knew PersonY was so _ called him to fix his sink. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't a plumber but he knew PersonY was so _ showed up to fix his sink."} {"input": "Context Word: acquire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to acquire new skills with the help of PersonY but _ was a horrible student. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to acquire new skills with the help of PersonY but _ was a horrible teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: remove nail polish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to remove nail polish because _ had just started using gel nail polish. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to remove nail polish because _ had been using gel nail polish for awhile."} {"input": "Context Word: cremated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was cremated after death while PersonY was buried because _ was against being buried. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cremated after death while PersonY was buried because _ was against being cremated."} {"input": "Context Word: stubbed toe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cried when PersonY had a stubbed toe because _ saw the look of pain on his face. \nSentence 2: PersonX cried when PersonY had a stubbed toe since _ had a look of pain on his face."} {"input": "Context Word: sale.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had much more money than PersonY because _ had just hosted a very successful yard sale. \nSentence 2: PersonX had much more money than PersonY although _ had just hosted a very successful yard sale."} {"input": "Context Word: sale.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was eager to make the big sale to PersonY , as _ needed the money that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was eager to make the big sale to PersonY , as _ had the money that day."} {"input": "Context Word: sale.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was eager to shop for clothes at the sale unlike PersonY because _ enjoyed shopping. \nSentence 2: PersonX was eager to shop for clothes at the sale unlike PersonY because _ disliked shopping."} {"input": "Context Word: teaching.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been teaching for ten years whereas PersonY just started teaching, so _ had many different teaching tricks accumulated over the years. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been teaching for ten years whereas PersonY just started teaching, so _ had no teaching different tricks accumulated over the years."} {"input": "Context Word: teaching.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at teaching things to kids, than PersonY is, so _ is a suitable teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at teaching things to kids, than PersonY is, so _ is a terrible teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: teaching.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is not a patient person, PersonY is therefore _ would not be good at teaching. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not a patient person, PersonY is therefore _ would be good at teaching."} {"input": "Context Word: teaching.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX listened to the teaching instructions of PersonY because _ was the student in the class. \nSentence 2: PersonX listened to the teaching instructions of PersonY because _ was the teacher in the class."} {"input": "Context Word: teaching.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at teaching than PersonY because _ was more patient and understanding to students. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at teaching than PersonY because _ was more nervous and ignorant to students."} {"input": "Context Word: teaching.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teaching the students the wrong way unlike PersonY because _ thought it was quicker. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching the students the right way unlike PersonY because _ thought it was quicker."} {"input": "Context Word: camel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of the camel while PersonY remained calm, because _ was afraid it would spit on her. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of the camel while PersonY remained calm, because _ was sure it wouldn't spit on her."} {"input": "Context Word: Finances.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired a great broker to handle their finances but PersonY handled their own. _ enjoyed a high return on their investments. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired a great broker to handle their finances but PersonY handled their own. _ realized a low return on their investments."} {"input": "Context Word: cornrows.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cornrows looked great on PersonX , but did not work for PersonY , since _ was just more stylish. \nSentence 2: The cornrows looked great on PersonX , but did not work for PersonY , since _ was just less stylish."} {"input": "Context Word: girls.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a nicer person than PersonY, _ had difficulty talking to girls in school. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a nicer person than PersonY, _ had ease talking to girls in school."} {"input": "Context Word: girls.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the high school, PersonX is better at talking to girls than PersonY because _ is smoother. \nSentence 2: At the high school, PersonX is better at talking to girls than PersonY because _ is awkward."} {"input": "Context Word: girls.", "output": "Sentence 1: Girls always seem to ignore PersonX, and give all the praise to PersonY, so _ is likely immature. \nSentence 2: Girls always seem to ignore PersonX, and give all the praise to PersonY, so _ is likely mature."} {"input": "Context Word: girls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made more money teaching at their dance class than PersonY because there were more girls in the class of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX made more money teaching at their dance class than PersonY because there were less girls in the class of _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: girls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always the one speaking in public for PersonY, especially in front of girls, as _ was confident. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always the one speaking in public for PersonY,especially in front of girls, as _ was shy."} {"input": "Context Word: girls.", "output": "Sentence 1: The girls all want to go out with PersonX, but tend to ignore PersonY. This is due to _ being handsome. \nSentence 2: The girls all want to go out with PersonX, but tend to ignore PersonY. This is due to _ being ugly."} {"input": "Context Word: girls.", "output": "Sentence 1: There are two boys. PersonX is interested in girls, while PersonY is attracted to boys, which means _ is straight. \nSentence 2: There are two boys. PersonX is interested in girls, while PersonY is attracted to boys, which means _ is gay."} {"input": "Context Word: Jury.", "output": "Sentence 1: To avoid jury duty, PersonX told PersonY to go in his place. _ missed going to the courtroom. \nSentence 2: To avoid jury duty, PersonX told PersonY to go in his place. _ showed up in the courtroom."} {"input": "Context Word: background check.", "output": "Sentence 1: A background check was performed on PersonX by PersonY due to _ being a nanny. \nSentence 2: A background check was performed on PersonX by PersonY due to _ being an investigator.."} {"input": "Context Word: background check.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was called back for a second interview but not PersonY, as _ had passed the background check. \nSentence 2: PersonX was called back for a second interview but not PersonY, as _ had failed the background check."} {"input": "Context Word: Bad Reputation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't care like PersonY did so _ didn't care about their bad reputation in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't care like PersonY did so _ did care about changing their bad reputation in school."} {"input": "Context Word: pot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to smoke pot but PersonY like to smoke cigars. _ wound up in the local jail for smoking their favorite thing in public. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to smoke pot but PersonY like to smoke cigars. _ avoided the local jail for smoking their favorite thing in public."} {"input": "Context Word: pot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make fudge, so he asked PersonY to melt some chocolate in a pot; _ was too busy to do it himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make fudge, so he asked PersonY to melt some chocolate in a pot; _ was able to do it for him."} {"input": "Context Word: pot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always making delicious recipes in the instant pot, but PersonY usually burned things, because _ was a skilled chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always making delicious recipes in the instant pot, but PersonY usually burned things, because _ was not a skilled chef."} {"input": "Context Word: Tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: Drinking hot tea in the winter suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not caffeine sensitive. \nSentence 2: Drinking hot tea in the winter suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was caffeine sensitive."} {"input": "Context Word: Tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tea PersonX makes always tastes better than PersonY's because _ uses organic tea leaves. \nSentence 2: The tea PersonX makes always tastes better than PersonY's because _ uses over-dryed tea leaves."} {"input": "Context Word: iPhone alarm.", "output": "Sentence 1: The iPhone alarm was set by PersonX but not by PersonY, because _ had used the iPhone before. \nSentence 2: The iPhone alarm was set by PersonX but not by PersonY, because _ had never used the iPhone before."} {"input": "Context Word: bathtub.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was installing a bathtub for PersonY for _ was the contractor for the new house. \nSentence 2: PersonX was installing a bathtub for PersonY for _ was the buyer for the new house."} {"input": "Context Word: bonds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better suited to running a business than PersonY for _ had the patience to let savings bonds acrue wealth. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better suited to running a business than PersonY for _ had the impatience to let savings bonds acrue wealth."} {"input": "Context Word: gravity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs help from PersonY with testing the specific gravity, because _ knows nothing about specific gravity. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs help from PersonY with testing the specific gravity, because _ is physicist and knows lot about specific gravity."} {"input": "Context Word: mosquitoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY went camping in the forest even though _ was annoyed with the mosquitoes. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY went camping in the forest even though _ was upset with the mosquitoes."} {"input": "Context Word: act.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was more considerate than PersonY, _ didn't know how to act in front of children. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was less considerate than PersonY, _ didn't know how to act in front of children."} {"input": "Context Word: act.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could act as though they cared about something they did not whereas PersonY could not because _ was very duplicitous. \nSentence 2: PersonX could act as though they cared about something they did not whereas PersonY could not because _ was very honest."} {"input": "Context Word: act.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to act more innocently around her parents than PersonY, so _ was often rewarded for good behavior. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to act more innocently around her parents than PersonY, so _ was often punished for bad behavior."} {"input": "Context Word: flag.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX folded PersonY's flag for storage, and _ thought they did a good job folding it. \nSentence 2: PersonX folded PersonY's flag for storage, and _ thought they did a sloppy job folding it."} {"input": "Context Word: flag.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a huge flag that PersonY really wanted, so _ gave it to him. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a huge flag that PersonY really wanted, so _ stole it from him."} {"input": "Context Word: flag.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX lived in the United States, PersonY lived in German, so _ hung an American flag on their wall. \nSentence 2: While PersonX lived in the United States, PersonY lived in German, so _ hung a German flag on their wall."} {"input": "Context Word: make an escape plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make an escape plan and PersonY didn't because _ liked to be prepared for anything. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make an escape plan and PersonY didn't because _ liked to live life on the edge."} {"input": "Context Word: worm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered for worms to eat at the restaurant and PersonY could not look at it. _ loves it. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered for worms to eat at the restaurant and PersonY could not look at it. _ hates it."} {"input": "Context Word: Teaching.", "output": "Sentence 1: Teaching had run in PersonX and PersonY family for many years, _ was the first to not become a teacher. \nSentence 2: Teaching had run in PersonX and PersonY family for many years, _ was the last to become a teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: homeless shelter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX voted to increase taxes but PersonY voted to decrease them. _ didn't mind paying a higher rate to benefit the homeless shelter. \nSentence 2: PersonX voted to increase taxes but PersonY voted to decrease them. _ didn't want to pay a higher rate to benefit the homeless shelter."} {"input": "Context Word: mac and cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can not eat mac and cheese or he gets sick, but PersonY can because _ is lactose intolerant. \nSentence 2: PersonX can not eat mac and cheese or he gets sick, but PersonY can because _ is not lactose intolerant."} {"input": "Context Word: patients.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a doctor better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ always listened to their patients. \nSentence 2: Being a doctor better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ never listened to their patients."} {"input": "Context Word: nausea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often experiences severe nausea, PersonY does not therefore _ does not ride roller coasters. \nSentence 2: PersonX often experiences severe nausea, PersonY does not therefore _ often rides big roller coasters."} {"input": "Context Word: nausea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was grateful to PersonY for giving her some nausea medication, because _ felt really sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX was grateful to PersonY for giving her some nausea medication, while _ felt worried about her."} {"input": "Context Word: nausea.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boat ride left PersonX with a bad case of nausea but it didn't bother PersonY. _ was easily susceptible to being seasick. \nSentence 2: The boat ride left PersonX with a bad case of nausea but it didn't bother PersonY. _ was not easily susceptible to being seasick."} {"input": "Context Word: suede.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks suede coats are very cool but PersonY does not. _ bought a suede coat from the clothing store. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks suede coats are very cool but PersonY does not. _ bought a denim coat from the clothing store."} {"input": "Context Word: Back up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recently did a back up in a hardrive and PersonY recently did one on his computer, _ reviewed his hardrive for old files. \nSentence 2: PersonX recently did a back up in a hardrive and PersonY recently did one on his computer, _ reviewed his laptop for old files."} {"input": "Context Word: hunting rifle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hung his hunting rifle over the hearth after the most recent trip ended up with PersonY making the fatal shot. _ was happy for him. \nSentence 2: PersonX hung his hunting rifle over the hearth after the most recent trip ended up with PersonY making the fatal shot. _ was happy for himself."} {"input": "Context Word: hunting.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was more natural for PersonX to go hunting than PersonY because _ had grown up in the country. \nSentence 2: It was more natural for PersonX to go hunting than PersonY because _ had grown up in the city."} {"input": "Context Word: hunting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew up hunting while PersonY lived in the city, so when they got lost in the woods _ helped them to survive. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew up hunting while PersonY lived in the city, so when they got lost in the woods _ needed them to survive."} {"input": "Context Word: hunting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had never been hunting before, but PersonY had, therefore _ didn't know how to track a deer. \nSentence 2: PersonX had never been hunting before, but PersonY had, therefore _ knew exactly how to track a deer."} {"input": "Context Word: password.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them make their password because _ had poor creative abilities. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them make their password because _ had strong creative abilities."} {"input": "Context Word: password.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY's help changing their iPhone and MacBook password because _ was unsure of technology. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonY's help changing their iPhone and MacBook password because _ was an expert at technology."} {"input": "Context Word: password.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX reset their password every month but PersonY didn't, so _ had no problems with their computer being hacked. \nSentence 2: PersonX reset their password every month but PersonY didn't, so _ had many problems with their computer being hacked."} {"input": "Context Word: password.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used 1234 as their password while PersonY had a complex 12 digit password. _ had their bank account hacked. \nSentence 2: PersonX used 1234 as their password while PersonY had a complex 12 digit password. _ didn't get their bank account hacked."} {"input": "Context Word: password.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used passwords for everything unlike PersonY because _ was scared of being hacked again. \nSentence 2: PersonX used passwords for nothing unlike PersonY because _ was scared of being hacked again."} {"input": "Context Word: renovations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to do renovations on the house, then _ tried to haggle the price down. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to do renovations on the house, then _ tried to increase the price."} {"input": "Context Word: renovations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY about necessary apartment renovations, because _ was the tenant of the apartment. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY about necessary apartment renovations, because _ was the landlord of the apartment."} {"input": "Context Word: renovations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did their home renovations their self but not PersonY because _ had extensive experience as a contractor. \nSentence 2: PersonX did their home renovations their self but not PersonY because _ had limited experience as a contractor."} {"input": "Context Word: Brown rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: Brown rice is today's special explains PersonX to PersonY, _ is making lunch for the day. \nSentence 2: Brown rice is today's special explains PersonX to PersonY, _ is buying lunch for today."} {"input": "Context Word: walls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a life of tearing down walls, while PersonY was always building them, so _ had to demolish the new building. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a life of tearing down walls, while PersonY was always building them, so _ had to erect the new building."} {"input": "Context Word: walls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought walls along the border were a good idea but not PersonY as _ was a strong Republican. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought walls along the border were a good idea but not PersonY as _ was a strong Democrat."} {"input": "Context Word: walls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was known as a better carpenter than PersonY because _ made walls look better. \nSentence 2: PersonX was known as a worse carpenter than PersonY because _ made walls look better."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy babies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's doctor recommended taking vitamins to ensure healthy babies, but PersonY said they made the nausea worse. _ decided to keep taking the vitamins. \nSentence 2: PersonX's doctor recommended taking vitamins to ensure healthy babies, but PersonY said they made the nausea worse. _ decided to stop taking the vitamins."} {"input": "Context Word: euphorbia.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since her apartment didn't get a lot of light, PersonX told PersonY to get a variegated euphorbia plant. _ misspoke, so the plant didn't thrive. \nSentence 2: Since her apartment got a lot of light, PersonX told PersonY to get a variegated euphorbia plant. _ didn't listen, so the plant didn't thrive."} {"input": "Context Word: towels.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accused PersonY of leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor. _ said it was always after they showered. \nSentence 2: PersonX accused PersonY of leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor. _ said it they hadn't showered yet today."} {"input": "Context Word: Cognac.", "output": "Sentence 1: While siping cognac on his yacht, PersonX waved to PersonY across the water. _ wanted to know if they wanted a drink. \nSentence 2: While siping cognac on his yacht, PersonX waved to PersonY across the water. _ wanted to know if they had and extra drink."} {"input": "Context Word: Cognac.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx was helped home by persony after drinking too much Cognac but _ was too heavy. \nSentence 2: personx was helped home by persony after drinking too much Cognac but _ was too tired."} {"input": "Context Word: military.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before joining the military, PersonX told PersonY about what to expect before deployment so _ didn't feel guilty. \nSentence 2: Before joining the military, PersonX told PersonY about what to expect before deployment so _ didn't have to worry."} {"input": "Context Word: military.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always preaches for more funding for the military, while PersonY supports the arts more. _ is a conservative. \nSentence 2: PersonX always preaches for more funding for the military, while PersonY supports the arts more. _ is a liberal."} {"input": "Context Word: military.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX still went out on missions for the military but not PersonY because _ was enlisted. \nSentence 2: PersonX still went out on missions for the military but not PersonY because _ was retired."} {"input": "Context Word: military.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in the military while PersonY was not, because _ felt a need to fight for his country. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in the military while PersonY was not, because _ felt a need to go to university."} {"input": "Context Word: week.", "output": "Sentence 1: Last week was a great week for PersonX but not PersonY because _ got to travel around Europe. \nSentence 2: Last week was a great week for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had to work around town."} {"input": "Context Word: week.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY on a week long vacation to Italy because _ had won the lottery. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY on a week long vacation to Italy although _ had won the lottery."} {"input": "Context Word: published.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX wrote a published article, PersonY was very pleased because _ had been rejected many times in the past. \nSentence 2: When PersonX wrote a published article, PersonY was very envious because _ had been rejected many times in the past."} {"input": "Context Word: brush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to go to the store today and buy a new brush unlike PersonY because _ lost his. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to go to the store today and buy a new brush unlike PersonY because _ had his."} {"input": "Context Word: brush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that PersonY did not brush his teeth often enough. _ said his breathe smelled bad. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that PersonY did not brush his teeth often enough. _ said his breathe smelled fine."} {"input": "Context Word: brush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a brush on their hair after a shower but PersonY just toweled their hair. _ had straight shiny hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a brush on their hair after a shower but PersonY just toweled their hair. _ had tangled gnarly hair."} {"input": "Context Word: brush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a more stylish than PersonY because _ always just put a brush through their hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a more stylish than PersonY because _ never just put a brush through their hair."} {"input": "Context Word: brush.", "output": "Sentence 1: The brush PersonX accepted from PersonY was a family heirloom, so _ put it in a shadow box. \nSentence 2: The brush PersonX gave to PersonY was a family heirloom, so _ put it in a shadow box."} {"input": "Context Word: brush.", "output": "Sentence 1: While shopping with PersonX, PersonY wanted to buy a new brush and couldn't decide which one. _ recommend one that would last a long time. \nSentence 2: While shopping with PersonX, PersonY wanted to buy a new brush and couldn't decide which one. _ wanted one that would last a long time."} {"input": "Context Word: lawsuits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX Is involve in twelve lawsuits that PersonY is the judge over, _ spends a lot of time in court. \nSentence 2: PersonX Is involve in twelve lawsuits that PersonY is the judge over, _ spends a lot of time overseeing court."} {"input": "Context Word: remove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always made sure to remove her make-up before sleeping but PersonY did not because _ was very conscientious. \nSentence 2: PersonX always made sure to remove her make-up before sleeping but PersonY did not because _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: remove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to remove stains from a wool sweater because _ needed to know how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to remove stains from a wool sweater but _ did not know how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: remove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to remove the heavy couch for her, as _ was weak for lifting heavy objects.. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to remove the heavy couch for her, as _ was strong for lifting heavy objects."} {"input": "Context Word: remove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to remove PersonY from the club, because _ was a bouncer who ended trouble. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to remove PersonY from the club, because _ was a punk who caused trouble."} {"input": "Context Word: remove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to remove PersonY from the room, because _ of the fire that broke out in the kitchen. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to be removed by PersonY from the room, because _ of the fire that broke out in the kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: remove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY remove the bee hive from the yard. _ was a good help. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY remove the bee hive from the yard. _ was grateful for the help."} {"input": "Context Word: remove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better handyman than PersonY so _ tried to remove the grease from the broiler with ease. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better handyman than PersonY so _ tried to remove the grease from the broiler with difficulty."} {"input": "Context Word: python.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's pet is a python, and PersonY owns a dog. This means _ is a snake lover. \nSentence 2: PersonX's pet is a python, and PersonY owns a dog. This means _ is a canine lover."} {"input": "Context Word: curve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a lot better at throwing a curve than PersonY because _ played college baseball. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a lot worse at throwing a curve than PersonY because _ played college baseball."} {"input": "Context Word: vehicles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always walked by a lot of vehicles on his daily walk unlike PersonY, because _ lived in the city. \nSentence 2: PersonX always walked by a lot of vehicles on his daily walk unlike PersonY, because _ lived in the countryside."} {"input": "Context Word: vehicles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is taking a on how to work on vehicles being taught by PersonY, _ needs to learn as much as she can. \nSentence 2: PersonX is taking a on how to work on vehicles being taught by PersonY, _ has learned as much as she can."} {"input": "Context Word: headlight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a broken headlight on their car but PersonY had a broken taillight. _ bought a headlight at the auto store. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a broken headlight on their car but PersonY had a broken taillight. _ bought a taillight at the auto store."} {"input": "Context Word: bread rolls.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the potluck PersonX enjoyed their Muendo more than PersonY because _ remembered to get butter to put on their bread rolls. \nSentence 2: At the potluck PersonX enjoyed their Muendo more than PersonY because _ forgot to get butter to put on their bread rolls."} {"input": "Context Word: droppings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated cleaning the bird droppings off the car unlike PersonY because _ was very squeamish. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated cleaning the bird droppings off the car unlike PersonY because _ was very unaffected."} {"input": "Context Word: malnutrition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's diet included plenty of fruits and vegetables, while PersonY ate only fast food, so _ had no worries about malnutrition. \nSentence 2: PersonX's diet included plenty of fruits and vegetables, while PersonY ate only fast food, so _ had to worry about malnutrition."} {"input": "Context Word: airplane.", "output": "Sentence 1: Flying came much easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ never pictured the airplane crashing. \nSentence 2: Flying came much easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ always pictured the airplane crashing."} {"input": "Context Word: airplane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought the airplane tickets for PersonY and their family after _ checked their account. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought the airplane tickets for PersonY and their family after _ checked their schedule."} {"input": "Context Word: airplane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was excited to board the airplane the next morning because _ was afraid of flying. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was excited to board the airplane the next morning because _ loved flying."} {"input": "Context Word: airplane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has traveled by many different means of transportation including airplanes unlike PersonY because _ is wealthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX has traveled by many different means of transportation including airplanes unlike PersonY because _ is poor."} {"input": "Context Word: airplane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hates going on an airplane, while it doesn't bother PersonY, so _ is afraid of heights. \nSentence 2: PersonX hates going on an airplane, while it doesn't bother PersonY, so _ is fine with heights."} {"input": "Context Word: airplane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to board a airplane before PersonY for _ liked to take a lot of time getting situated. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated to board a airplane before PersonY for _ liked to take a lot of time getting situated."} {"input": "Context Word: airplane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed more legroom on the airplane than PersonY because _ was tall and had long legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed more legroom on the airplane than PersonY because _ was short and had short legs."} {"input": "Context Word: airplane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was piloting the airplane while PersonY offered support, so _ was thankful for the help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was piloting the airplane while PersonY offered support, so _ was eager to help."} {"input": "Context Word: airplane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX, not PersonY was afraid to fly on an airplane. _ had severe anxiety about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX, not PersonY was afraid to fly on an airplane. _ was excited about it."} {"input": "Context Word: airplane.", "output": "Sentence 1: When traveling by airplane, PersonX flew first class while PersonY flew economy, because _ has a lot of money. \nSentence 2: When traveling by airplane, PersonX flew first class while PersonY flew economy, because _ does not have a lot of money."} {"input": "Context Word: loved.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Valentine's Day, PersonX was able to show their loved of PersonY by _ going to a fancy dinner. \nSentence 2: On Valentine's Day, PersonX was able to receive their loved of PersonY by _ going to a fancy dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: loved.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the gym more often than PersonY did because _ loved to exercise more. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the gym more often than PersonY did although _ loved to exercise more."} {"input": "Context Word: seedlings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted more herbs in the garden while PersonY wanted more flowers so _ compromised by planting more flower seedlings. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted more herbs in the garden while PersonY wanted more flowers so _ compromised by planting more herb seedlings."} {"input": "Context Word: process.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a less efficient process than PersonY, so _ got fired from their job. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a less efficient process than PersonY, so _ got promoted at their job."} {"input": "Context Word: process.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is navigating the process of court with the help of PersonY, so _ is likely the criminal. \nSentence 2: PersonX is navigating the process of court with the help of PersonY, so _ is likely the lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: process.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX understood the process better than PersonY did, so _ was always giving more training. \nSentence 2: PersonX understood the process better than PersonY did, so _ was always receiving more training."} {"input": "Context Word: process.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to know PersonY's process, so _ spent a lot of time observing them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to know PersonY's process, so _ spent a lot of time teaching them."} {"input": "Context Word: process.", "output": "Sentence 1: The first process is always PersonX favorite but PersonY is fond of the second, _ likes this part. \nSentence 2: The first process is always PersonX favorite but PersonY is fond of the second, _ likes the next part."} {"input": "Context Word: process.", "output": "Sentence 1: The process for PersonX to get a visa was more difficult than PersonY because _ had a family. \nSentence 2: The process for PersonX to get a visa was easier than PersonY because _ had a family."} {"input": "Context Word: process.", "output": "Sentence 1: The process of the recuperation of PersonX took longer than PersonY because _ was using heavy drugs. \nSentence 2: The process of the recuperation of PersonX took longer than PersonY because _ was using over the counter medication."} {"input": "Context Word: plaque.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dentist was happy with PersonX's teeth but not PersonY's. _ had no buildup of plaque. \nSentence 2: The dentist was happy with PersonX's teeth but not PersonY's. _ had a big buildup of plaque."} {"input": "Context Word: hang.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to avoid PersonY that day, since _ was so busy and did not want to hang out. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to avoid PersonY that day, since _ was so social and wanted to hang out."} {"input": "Context Word: hang.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to hang out with PersonY more at school, since _ was very lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to hang out with PersonY more at school, since _ was very popular."} {"input": "Context Word: discourage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did what they could to discourage PersonY from having a life, because _ was malicious. \nSentence 2: PersonX did what they could to discourage PersonY from having a life, because _ was imprisoned."} {"input": "Context Word: Pregnancy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having a lot of problems during their pregnancy while PersonY was getting on well. _ had a lot of issues with nausea. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having a lot of problems during their pregnancy while PersonY was getting on well. _ had no issues with nausea."} {"input": "Context Word: sensual.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't come off as sensual as PersonY does, so _ must be the more frigid person. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't come off as sensual as PersonY does, so _ must be the more sexy person."} {"input": "Context Word: distance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could run for a longer distance at the event than PersonY because _ is stronger. \nSentence 2: PersonX could run for a longer distance at the event than PersonY because _ is weaker."} {"input": "Context Word: distance.", "output": "Sentence 1: The distance from PersonX's house to the city was farther than PersonY's to the city center, because _ lived in the country. \nSentence 2: The distance from PersonX's house to the city was farther than PersonY's to the city center, because _ lived in the suburb."} {"input": "Context Word: finishing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was recommended and held in at a hire regard then PersonY in the finishing business, _ did a better job. \nSentence 2: PersonX was recommended and held in at a hire regard then PersonY in the finishing business, _ did a \r worst job."} {"input": "Context Word: fantasizing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always fantasizing about being with his friend PersonY because _ is a gay person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always fantasizing about being with his friend PersonY because _ is a sexy individual."} {"input": "Context Word: soften.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY she needed to soften the frosting before putting it on the cake, and _ suggested to use cream to do so. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY she needed to soften the frosting before putting it on the cake, and _ proceeded to use cream to do so."} {"input": "Context Word: personal crises.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX experienced many more personal crises and difficulties than PersonY, _ had many problems with depression and anxiety. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX experienced many more personal crises and difficulties than PersonY, _ had fewer problems with depression and anxiety."} {"input": "Context Word: dress code.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that they would have to follow the dress code, because _ knew about the culture of Dubai. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that they would have to follow the dress code, because _ was only visiting the culture of Dubai."} {"input": "Context Word: emeralds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks emeralds are beautiful gems but PersonY does not. _ bought a necklace featuring a big emerald. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks emeralds are beautiful gems but PersonY does not. _ bought a necklace featuring a big diamond."} {"input": "Context Word: broken knuckle.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX hit PersonY's hand with a hammer the doctor said _ had a broken knuckle. \nSentence 2: After PersonX hit PersonY's hand with a hammer the doctor said _ had caused a broken knuckle."} {"input": "Context Word: thyme.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the flavor of thyme in food but PersonY did not. _ grew some thyme on their window sill. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the flavor of thyme in food but PersonY did not. _ grew some basil on their window sill."} {"input": "Context Word: bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the pet store, PersonX showed PersonY the yellow bird that _ was buying for himself. \nSentence 2: At the pet store, PersonX sold PersonY the yellow bird that _ was buying for himself."} {"input": "Context Word: bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked if they knew what kind of bird they were looking at and PersonY said it's bluebird, _ is interested in what they see. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked if they knew what kind of bird they were looking at and PersonY said it's bluebird, _ is knowledgeable in what they see."} {"input": "Context Word: bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX convinced PersonY to allow them to have a pet bird because _ was persausive. \nSentence 2: PersonX convinced PersonY to allow them to have a pet bird because _ was lenient."} {"input": "Context Word: bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a bird as a pet and PersonY go a horse because _ liked animals that could fly. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a bird as a pet and PersonY go a horse because _ liked animals that could gallop."} {"input": "Context Word: bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks a bird makes an excellent pet but PersonY does not. _ went to the pet shop to buy a parakeet. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks a bird makes an excellent pet but PersonY does not. _ went to the pet shop to buy a kitty."} {"input": "Context Word: bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought a bird would be a super cool pet but PersonY thought a cat would be nicer. _ bought an African Gray Parrot at the pet store. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought a bird would be a super cool pet but PersonY thought a cat would be nicer. _ bought an Persian kitten at the pet store."} {"input": "Context Word: bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the bird cage in the zoo before PersonY did because _ owned several birds themself. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the bird cage in the zoo before PersonY did although _ owned several birds themself."} {"input": "Context Word: bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's bird can not talk, but PersonY taught his to, so _ is a failure at teaching birds. \nSentence 2: PersonX's bird can not talk, but PersonY taught his to, so _ is a success at teaching birds."} {"input": "Context Word: bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bird squawked at PersonX's rushed approached and quieted when PersonY came in since _ was threatening. \nSentence 2: The bird squawked at PersonX's rushed approached and quieted when PersonY came in since _ was calming."} {"input": "Context Word: bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX saw how PersonY injured the bird he told him to stop, because _ was a kind person. \nSentence 2: When PersonX saw how PersonY injured the bird he told him to stop, because _ was a cruel person."} {"input": "Context Word: bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to having a pet bird, PersonX passed while PersonY bought one due to _ hating the responsibility that came with a bird. \nSentence 2: When it came to having a pet bird, PersonX passed while PersonY bought one due to _ loving the responsibility that came with a bird."} {"input": "Context Word: detect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not detect that PersonY was lying about their job, because _ is gullible. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not detect that PersonY was lying about their job, because _ is convincing."} {"input": "Context Word: detect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to detect the change in color in PersonY's clothing, since _ was blind. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to detect the change in color in PersonY's clothing, so _ didn't change."} {"input": "Context Word: detect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unable to successfully detect the silent approach of PersonY, because _ was unobservant. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unable to successfully detect the silent approach of PersonY, because _ was sneaky."} {"input": "Context Word: haunted house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go to a haunted house but PersonY wouldn\u2019t go because _ thought haunted houses were really exciting. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go to a haunted house but PersonY wouldn\u2019t go because _ thought haunted houses were really scary."} {"input": "Context Word: loneliness.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to fight loneliness because _ had many friends. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to fight loneliness because _ din't have any friends."} {"input": "Context Word: loneliness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt far less loneliness than PersonY for the reason that _ had a very large number of friends and family nearby. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt far less loneliness than PersonY for the reason that _ had only a very small number of friends and family nearby."} {"input": "Context Word: loneliness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffers a lot from loneliness compared to PersonY because _ has lost all of his family. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffers a lot from loneliness compared to PersonY because _ still has all of his family."} {"input": "Context Word: feed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to feed PersonY by hand several times a day, because _ was a parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to feed PersonY by hand several times a day, because _ was a baby."} {"input": "Context Word: feed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX regularly takes the time to feed their pet whereas PersonY does not because _ is a diligent pet owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX regularly takes the time to feed their pet whereas PersonY does not because _ is a negligent\r pet owner."} {"input": "Context Word: feed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sometimes forgot to feed their goldfish but PersonY never did because _ was very irresponsible. \nSentence 2: PersonX sometimes forgot to feed their goldfish but PersonY never did because _ was very conscientious."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to buy expensive diamonds but PersonY preferred homemade jewelry. _ liked extravagant pieces. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to buy expensive diamonds but PersonY preferred homemade jewelry. _ liked individual pieces."} {"input": "Context Word: Bikini.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to wear a bikini at the beach. PersonY copied her and wore the same bikini. _ was annoyed. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to wear a bikini at the beach. PersonY copied her and wore the same bikini. _ was unoriginal."} {"input": "Context Word: wages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been mad at PersonY about unpaid wages, so _ decides to file a lawsuit. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been mad at PersonY about unpaid wages, so _ decides to file a restraining order."} {"input": "Context Word: wages.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wages of PersonX are much lower than those of PersonY, therefore _ lives in a more dangerous neighborhood. \nSentence 2: The wages of PersonX are much lower than those of PersonY, therefore _ lives in a more safe neighborhood."} {"input": "Context Word: wages.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wages are a lot better for PersonX than PersonY because _ lives in a liberal state. \nSentence 2: Wages are a lot better for PersonX than PersonY because _ lives in a conservative state."} {"input": "Context Word: wages.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX had his wages garnished, PersonY gossiped, so the boss gave _ a pay hike. \nSentence 2: When PersonX had his wages garnished, PersonY helped him, so the boss gave _ a pay hike."} {"input": "Context Word: olive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX picked up some olive oil for PersonY because _ hated to cook but loved to eat. \nSentence 2: PersonX picked up some olive oil for PersonY because _ loved to cook but hated to eat."} {"input": "Context Word: breakfast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always ate bacon and eggs for breakfast unlike PersonY because _ always woke up early. \nSentence 2: PersonX always ate bacon and eggs for breakfast unlike PersonY because _ always woke up late."} {"input": "Context Word: breakfast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had cereal for breakfast while PersonY had a shake, so _ finished eating their breakfast. \nSentence 2: PersonX had cereal for breakfast while PersonY had a shake, so _ finished drinking their breakfast."} {"input": "Context Word: breakfast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more energy than PersonY because _ took time to eat a healthy breakfast. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more energy than PersonY because _ didn't take time to eat a healthy breakfast."} {"input": "Context Word: breakfast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let PersonY cook breakfast, lunch and dinner every day because _ was clueless in the kitchen. \nSentence 2: PersonX let PersonY cook breakfast, lunch and dinner every day because _ was a master in the kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: breakfast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX though breakfast was the most important meal but PersonY did not. _ fixed breakfast every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX though breakfast was the most important meal but PersonY did not. _ never fixed breakfast."} {"input": "Context Word: cat fur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had socks made out of cat fur by PersonY. _ loved them and wanted to tank them every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had socks made out of cat fur by PersonY. _ loved them and wanted to make a new pair every day."} {"input": "Context Word: baby bib.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY to go to the store and get a baby bib, because _ said the one they had was too small. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonY to go to the store and get a baby bib, but _ said the one they had was still ok."} {"input": "Context Word: practicing divergent thinking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is practicing divergent thinking and PersonY is not because _ wanted to learn new ways to think. \nSentence 2: PersonX is practicing divergent thinking and PersonY is not because _ has no interest in other ways to think."} {"input": "Context Word: thank you.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unsure how to properly write a thank you card to PersonY, after _ received much needed help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unsure how to properly write a thank you card to PersonY, after _ gave much needed help."} {"input": "Context Word: save.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to save money because _ was taught saving as a child. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to save money because _ was not taught saving as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: save.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know how to save money, but PersonY did, so _ ended up asking for a loan. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know how to save money, but PersonY did, so _ ended up giving a loan."} {"input": "Context Word: save.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX remembered to save their work on the computer but PersonY didn't. _ was reliable. \nSentence 2: PersonX remembered to save their work on the computer but PersonY didn't. _ was forgetful."} {"input": "Context Word: save.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw PersonY make a fantastic save at soccer. _ said it was an incredible moment for the sport. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw PersonY make a fantastic save at soccer. _ agreed that it was an incredible moment for the sport."} {"input": "Context Word: shed.", "output": "Sentence 1: A shed is being built in PersonX's backyard by PersonY, so _ is commissioning the work being done. \nSentence 2: A shed is being built in PersonX's backyard by PersonY, so _ is committing to the work being done."} {"input": "Context Word: shed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help building the shed, because _ wasn't experienced with power tools. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help building the shed, because _ had experience with power tools."} {"input": "Context Word: shed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX built a large shed all by them self but not PersonY because _ was very able. \nSentence 2: PersonX built a large shed all by them self but not PersonY because _ was very feeble."} {"input": "Context Word: shed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY a shed because _ wanted to set up a new outdoor work space. \nSentence 2: PersonX built PersonY a shed because _ wanted to set up a new outdoor work space."} {"input": "Context Word: shed.", "output": "Sentence 1: The shed was being delivered to PersonX by PersonY this weekend, because _ wanted to get it installed quickly. \nSentence 2: The shed was being delivered to PersonX by PersonY this weekend, so _ could get it installed quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: shark.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was at risk of encountering a shark during their swim, but PersonY was not, because _ swam in the ocean. \nSentence 2: PersonX was at risk of encountering a shark during their swim, but PersonY was not, because _ swam in the lake."} {"input": "Context Word: shark.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went swimming in the ocean and PersonY did not because _ was fearless concerning shark attacks. \nSentence 2: PersonX went swimming in the ocean and PersonY did not because _ was fearful concerning shark attacks."} {"input": "Context Word: counseled.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was counseled on her legal options by PersonY because _ was an accused criminal. \nSentence 2: PersonX was counseled on her legal options by PersonY because _ was a legal professional."} {"input": "Context Word: stroke.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called the paramedics soon after PersonY had a stroke, because _ was very worried. \nSentence 2: PersonX called the paramedics soon after PersonY had a stroke, because _ was very sick."} {"input": "Context Word: stroke.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a worse tennis stroke than PersonY because _ spent less time playing the sport. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a worse tennis stroke than PersonY because _ spent more time playing the sport."} {"input": "Context Word: stroke.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is caring for PersonY at home after a stroke because _ is a good son. \nSentence 2: PersonX is caring for PersonY at home after a stroke because _ is an incapacitated person."} {"input": "Context Word: study habits.", "output": "Sentence 1: The study habits of PersonX are stronger than those of PersonY because _ was raised by diligent parents. \nSentence 2: The study habits of PersonX are stronger than those of PersonY because _ was raised by neglectful parents."} {"input": "Context Word: forklift.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX passed the intensive forklift training from PersonY, so _ soon got their official license. \nSentence 2: PersonX passed the intensive forklift training from PersonY, so _ soon gave out their official license."} {"input": "Context Word: forklift.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to get the forklift through PersonYs door, but the _ was too tall. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to get the forklift through PersonYs door, but the _ was too short."} {"input": "Context Word: update.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave an update to PersonY on the state of the project, because _ wanted to keep them in the loop. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave an update to PersonY on the state of the project, because _ wanted to be kept in the loop."} {"input": "Context Word: electrician.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY to help with their electric issues because _ needed a good electrician. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY to help with their electric issues because _ was a reputable electrician."} {"input": "Context Word: electrician.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called the electrician to come to the house, but PersonY cancelled the appointment because _ made a mistake. \nSentence 2: PersonX called the electrician to come to the house, but PersonY cancelled the appointment because _ didn't want them to come."} {"input": "Context Word: bar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was under 21 but PersonY was older, so the bouncer refused service to _ in the bar. \nSentence 2: PersonX was under 21 but PersonY was older, so the bouncer allowed service to _ in the bar."} {"input": "Context Word: arrest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could make an arrest against the criminal but not PersonY because _ was an officer. \nSentence 2: PersonX could make an arrest against the criminal but not PersonY because _ was a civilian."} {"input": "Context Word: runny nose.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pollen was giving PersonX a runny nose but not PersonY, as _ is sensitive to tree pollen. \nSentence 2: The pollen was giving PersonX a runny nose but not PersonY as _ is immune to tree pollen."} {"input": "Context Word: confession.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the incident last night PersonX gave PersonY a confession, because _ was feeling guilty about what happened. \nSentence 2: After the incident last night PersonX listened to PersonY give a confession. because _ was feeling guilty about what happened."} {"input": "Context Word: uphill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was standing uphill from PersonY so _ could see them at the bottom of the hill. \nSentence 2: PersonX was standing uphill from PersonY so _ could see them at the top of the hill."} {"input": "Context Word: dangerous.", "output": "Sentence 1: Driving by motorcycle is more dangerous for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has less experience. \nSentence 2: Driving by motorcycle is more dangerous for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has more experience."} {"input": "Context Word: dangerous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to teach them how to skydive, despite _ having previously avoided dangerous classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to teach them how to skydive, because _ often taught dangerous classes."} {"input": "Context Word: dangerous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave warning to PersonY because _ was so worried about the dangerous road ahead. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave instruction to PersonY because _ was so worried about the dangerous road ahead."} {"input": "Context Word: dangerous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY's hand while climbing on dangerous rocks, as _ was an agile climber and the rocks were slick. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY's hand while climbing on dangerous rocks, as _ was a clumsy climber and the rocks were slick."} {"input": "Context Word: chewed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finished their meal after PersonY because _ chewed their food for a longer period of time. \nSentence 2: PersonX finished their meal before PersonY because _ chewed their food for a longer period of time."} {"input": "Context Word: dolls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to store her american girl dolls in PersonY's closet, because _ ran out of storage space. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to store her american girl dolls in PersonY's closet, because _ had a lot of storage space."} {"input": "Context Word: reality show.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what time the reality show came on because _ had a bad memory. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what time the reality show came on because _ had a good memory."} {"input": "Context Word: pumpkin.", "output": "Sentence 1: Carving a pumpkin every Halloween is a must for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ loves to follow tradition. \nSentence 2: Carving a pumpkin every Halloween is a must for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ hates to follow tradition."} {"input": "Context Word: pumpkin.", "output": "Sentence 1: One of PersonX's favorite Halloween traditions was carving pumpkins but not PersonY because _ enthusiastically celebrated the holiday. \nSentence 2: One of PersonX's favorite Halloween traditions was carving pumpkins but not PersonY because _ avoided celebrating the holiday."} {"input": "Context Word: pumpkin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved Halloween but PersonY was indifferent about it, so _ had several carved pumpkins on their porch. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved Halloween but PersonY was indifferent about it, so _ had no carved pumpkins on their porch."} {"input": "Context Word: pumpkin.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pumpkin pie was a favorite dessert for PersonX but not for PersonY so the server brought _ a big piece. \nSentence 2: Pumpkin pie was a favorite dessert for PersonX but not for PersonY so the server brought _ a small piece."} {"input": "Context Word: pumpkin.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pumpkin patch was crowded when PersonX showed up to find PersonY already leaving because _ had planned ahead and beat the crowd. \nSentence 2: The pumpkin patch was crowded when PersonX showed up to find PersonY already leaving when _ failed to plan ahead and beat the crowd."} {"input": "Context Word: rest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a lot more rest yesterday than PersonY because _ had the day off of work. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a lot more rest yesterday than PersonY because _ had no day off of work."} {"input": "Context Word: rest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the rest of the money from PersonY, after _ saw it sitting on the counter. \nSentence 2: PersonX took the rest of the money from PersonY, after _ left it sitting on the counter."} {"input": "Context Word: rest.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sickness was running rampant through the school, so PersonX took rest while PersonY worked through the sickness which caused _ to stay sick for a shorter period of time. \nSentence 2: Sickness was running rampant through the school, so PersonX took rest while PersonY worked through the sickness which caused _ to stay sick for a longer period of time."} {"input": "Context Word: rest.", "output": "Sentence 1: Upon completion of the 10 mile hike, _ took ibuprofen and rest to combat their peripheral neuropathy pain and so PersonX could walk better than PersonY. \nSentence 2: Upon completion of the 10 mile hike, _ took only rest to combat their peripheral neuropathy pain and so PersonX could walk better than PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: quinoa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate more whole grains than PersonY. _ loved the simple taste of brown rice and quinoa. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate more whole grains than PersonY. _ hated the boring taste of brown rice and quinoa."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: Honey was always an ingredient in PersonX's tea but not for PersonY because _ like the tea sweet. \nSentence 2: Honey was always an ingredient in PersonX's tea but not for PersonY because _ like the tea unsweetened."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX advised PersonY to add more honey later if homemade wine doesn't come out as sweet as he likes as _ is an experienced wine maker.. \nSentence 2: PersonX advised PersonY to add more honey later if homemade wine doesn't come out as sweet as he likes as _ is a novice wine maker.."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had fresh honey compared to PersonY because _ lived next to a store selling local honey. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had fresh honey compared to PersonY because _ lived far from a store selling local honey."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they had any honey to share, but _ was all out. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they had any honey to share, because _ was all out."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to buy honey from the store because _ liked having it in tea. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed PersonY buying honey from the store because _ liked having it in tea."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY went to harvest the honey because _ was afraid of the bees. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY went to harvest the honey because _ had no problem with the bees."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made honey on toast for breakfast, but PersonY did not eat it because he thought it was gross. _ thought it was rude not to eat the toast. \nSentence 2: PersonX made honey on toast for breakfast, but PersonY did not eat it because he thought it was gross. _ thought it was rude not ask before making the toast."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to convince PersonY to use honey to treat the cut on her finger, because _ knows it will help. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to convince PersonY to use honey to treat the cut on her finger, but _ is skeptical that it will help."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was planning on sharing the honey with PersonY after dinner, so _ was selfless. \nSentence 2: PersonX was planning on sharing the honey with PersonY after dinner, and _ was grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: The honey that PersonX gets from their bees is better than that of PersonY because _ has a more healthy bee hive. \nSentence 2: The honey that PersonX gets from their bees is better than that of PersonY because _ has a more frail bee hive."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: The honey was almost gone, so PersonX gave PersonY money to buy more. _ was angry when it was spent on something else. \nSentence 2: The honey was almost gone, so PersonX asked PersonY for money to buy more. _ was angry when it was spent on something else."} {"input": "Context Word: honey.", "output": "Sentence 1: The honey was more appealing to PersonX than PersonY, because _ had a special taste for sweet things. \nSentence 2: The honey was more appealing to PersonX than PersonY, because _ had a special taste for sour things."} {"input": "Context Word: calculate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could calculate very complex numbers and fractions but PersonY could not because _ had always been good at math. \nSentence 2: PersonX could calculate very complex numbers and fractions but PersonY could not because _ had never been good at math."} {"input": "Context Word: calculate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not calculate the multiplication tables like PersonY because _ had a slower brain. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not calculate the multiplication tables like PersonY because _ had a faster brain."} {"input": "Context Word: calculate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know how to calculate simple interest while PersonY did, so the man was easily able to take advantage of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know how to calculate simple interest while PersonY did, so the man wasn't easily able to take advantage of _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: calculate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX struggles to calculate the tip for the waiter while PersonY does it easily, because _ never took math class. \nSentence 2: PersonX struggles to calculate the tip for the waiter while PersonY does it easily, because _ took a great math class."} {"input": "Context Word: calculate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to calculate the interest over five years, but PersonY needs to help because _ is terrible at math. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to calculate the interest over five years, but PersonY needs to help because _ is better at math."} {"input": "Context Word: calculate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX want to learn how to calculate board feet and asks PersonY for help, because _ can't do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX want to learn how to calculate board feet and asks PersonY for help, because _ is an expert.."} {"input": "Context Word: calculate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at math homework than PersonY because _ could calculate complex equations in their head. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at math homework than PersonY because _ could calculate simple equations in their head."} {"input": "Context Word: professional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX a professional singer is playing down town announced PersonY , so _ is not afraid of performing in front of others. \nSentence 2: PersonX a professional singer is playing down town announced PersonY , so _ probally afraid of performing in front of others."} {"input": "Context Word: professional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had a steady stream of clients unlike PersonY who only had a few clients because, as a professional, _ was very knowledgeable of tax laws. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had a steady stream of clients unlike PersonY who only had a few clients because, as a professional, _ was very ignorant of tax laws."} {"input": "Context Word: professional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took violin lessons from a professional, while PersonY is self-taught, so _ has a higher skill level. \nSentence 2: PersonX took violin lessons from a professional, while PersonY is self-taught, so _ has a lower skill level."} {"input": "Context Word: professional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to be professional when they were around the nastiness of PersonY, because _ wanted to keep things civilized. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to be professional when they were around the nastiness of PersonY, because _ wanted to keep causing issues."} {"input": "Context Word: professional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a professional athlete unlike PersonY so _ would always win the games when they played each other. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a professional athlete unlike PersonY so _ would always lose the games when they played each other."} {"input": "Context Word: professional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always very professional with the abrasive PersonY, because _ was trying to be nice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always very professional with the abrasive PersonY, because _ was trying to be an instigator."} {"input": "Context Word: professional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ashamed of PersonY, because _ wanted him to act in a more professional manner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was disappointing PersonY, because _ wanted him to act in a more professional manner."} {"input": "Context Word: professional.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was petty in the meeting, but PersonY was being professional, which made _ look like a fool. \nSentence 2: PersonX was petty in the meeting, but PersonY was being professional, which made _ look like a role model."} {"input": "Context Word: professional.", "output": "Sentence 1: The professional basketball game was entertaining to PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved sports. \nSentence 2: The professional basketball game was entertaining to PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated sports."} {"input": "Context Word: professional.", "output": "Sentence 1: The professional basketball game was loved by PersonX unlike PersonY, because _ loves basketball so much. \nSentence 2: The professional basketball game was loved by PersonX unlike PersonY, because _ loves music instead of sports.."} {"input": "Context Word: professional.", "output": "Sentence 1: The professional poker player wanted to help PersonX unlike PersonY, because he felt _ would learn slower. \nSentence 2: The professional poker player wanted to help PersonX unlike PersonY, because he felt _ would learn faster."} {"input": "Context Word: blind.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has normal vision, while PersonY has been blind their whole life. _ 's life has been easier. \nSentence 2: PersonX has normal vision, while PersonY has been blind their whole life. _ 's life has been tougher."} {"input": "Context Word: blind.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learns from PersonY about how blind people walk with canes, and _ is fascinated. \nSentence 2: PersonX learns from PersonY about how blind people walk with canes, because _ is blind."} {"input": "Context Word: blind.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY's hand and guided them through the aisles, because _ knew they were blind. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY's hand and guided them through the aisles, because _ had been born blind."} {"input": "Context Word: blind.", "output": "Sentence 1: Two different methods to help the blind people at the shelter, PersonX raised money for it while PersonY preferred to do work for it because _ was a businessman. \nSentence 2: Two different methods to help the blind people at the shelter, PersonX raised money for it while PersonY preferred to do work for it because _ was a volunteer."} {"input": "Context Word: dark.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more prone to wear white while PersonY wears a lot of black garments because _ favors dark colors less. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more prone to wear white while PersonY wears a lot of black garments because _ favors dark colors more."} {"input": "Context Word: dark.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of the dark and sought comfort from PersonY, so _ was caring during the night. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of the dark and sought comfort from PersonY, so _ was soothed during the night."} {"input": "Context Word: dark.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of the dark and took comfort in PersonY, because _ was a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of the dark and took comfort in PersonY, because _ was a parent."} {"input": "Context Word: dark.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of the dark, so PersonY decided to console him because _ was his son. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of the dark, so PersonY decided to console him because _ was his father."} {"input": "Context Word: coin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a larger coin collection than PersonY because _ had been collecting for longer. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a smaller coin collection than PersonY because _ had been collecting for longer."} {"input": "Context Word: coin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a nice coin collection and asked for PersonY's rare coin, because _ really wanted it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a nice coin collection and asked for PersonY's rare coin, because _ had a duplicate."} {"input": "Context Word: orange.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved orange juice with their breakfast but PersonY much preferred apple juice. _ ordered a glass of orange juice at IHOP. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved orange juice with their breakfast but PersonY much preferred apple juice. _ ordered a glass of apple juice at IHOP."} {"input": "Context Word: orange.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was at home sick with a cold, so PersonY bought some oranges to help _ get over the infection. \nSentence 2: PersonX was at home sick with a cold, so PersonY bought some oranges to help prevent _ catching the infection."} {"input": "Context Word: orange.", "output": "Sentence 1: While walking through the produce aisle PersonX put an orange in PersonY cart because _ really loved them. \nSentence 2: While walking through the produce aisle PersonX did not put an orange in PersonY cart because _ really hated them."} {"input": "Context Word: renovation.", "output": "Sentence 1: The PersonX sued PersonY about the job in his kitchen renovation, because _ thought it is unacceptable. \nSentence 2: The PersonX sued PersonY about the job in his kitchen renovation, _ thought he is too particular.."} {"input": "Context Word: mosquito repellent.", "output": "Sentence 1: The homemade mosquito repellent PersonX made for PersonY's camping trip was not very good at repelling mosquitoes. _ felt bad that she came back covered in mosquito bites. \nSentence 2: The homemade mosquito repellent PersonX made for PersonY's camping trip was not very good at repelling mosquitoes. _ came back covered in mosquito bites."} {"input": "Context Word: silver coins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's collection of silver coins were tarnished, and PersonY refused to clean them since they were rare coins. _ was upset that the coins were still dirty. \nSentence 2: PersonX's collection of silver coins were tarnished, and PersonY refused to clean them since they were rare coins. _ was interested in the coins that were still dirty."} {"input": "Context Word: Bedroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of skills in the bedroom but PersonY had few skills. _ was able to satisfy all their lovers. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of skills in the bedroom but PersonY had few skills. _ was unable to satisfy all their lovers."} {"input": "Context Word: starfish.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the beach, PersonX finds a starfish to give to PersonY because _ is the big sibling. \nSentence 2: At the beach, PersonX finds a starfish to give to PersonY because _ is the little sibling."} {"input": "Context Word: knot.", "output": "Sentence 1: In Boy Scouts, PersonX didn't try very hard to get his knot tying badge but PersonY did because _ thought it was stupid. \nSentence 2: In Boy Scouts, PersonX didn't try very hard to get his knot tying badge but PersonY did because _ thought it was useful."} {"input": "Context Word: knot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help untying the knot in his shoe; when she couldn't do it, _ put on velcro shoes instead. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help untying the knot in his shoe; when she couldn't do it, _ offered him velcro shoes instead."} {"input": "Context Word: at keeping a promise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at keeping a promise than PersonY because _ learned to live with integrity. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at keeping a promise than PersonY because _ had never learned to live with integrity."} {"input": "Context Word: calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the earthquake, PersonX remained more calm than PersonY because _ lived far from the epicenter. \nSentence 2: After the earthquake, PersonX remained more calm than PersonY because _ lived close to the epicenter."} {"input": "Context Word: calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: Handling emergencies was never very difficult for PersonX but it was for PersonY because _ could remain calm under pressure. \nSentence 2: Handling emergencies was never very difficult for PersonX but it was for PersonY because _ wasn't able to remain calm under pressure."} {"input": "Context Word: calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX calms PersonY because _ is the parent and is embarrassed by the teenager's tantrum. \nSentence 2: PersonX calms PersonY because _ is not the parent and is not embarrassed by the tantrum."} {"input": "Context Word: calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX managed to stay calm in a crisis but PersonY did not because _ was very patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX managed to stay calm in a crisis but PersonY did not because _ was very excitable."} {"input": "Context Word: calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX remained calmer than PersonY in an emergency, so _ was able to help people to safety. \nSentence 2: PersonX remained calmer than PersonY in an emergency, so _ was not able to help people to safety."} {"input": "Context Word: calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to keep PersonY calm , as _ was not someone who would succumb to bling panic. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to keep PersonY calm , as _ was not someone who would be resistant to bling panic."} {"input": "Context Word: calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a lot more calm than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about having an anxiety attack. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a lot more calm than PersonY, so _ started to worry about having an anxiety attack."} {"input": "Context Word: calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more calm in this situation than PersonY was so _ talked to the police officers. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more calm in this situation than PersonY was so _ ran from the police officers."} {"input": "Context Word: calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went over to the waiting room at the hospital to calm PersonY because _ was placid. \nSentence 2: PersonX went over to the waiting room at the hospital to calm PersonY because _ was agitated."} {"input": "Context Word: calm.", "output": "Sentence 1: Public speaking suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was naturally relaxed and calm most of the time. \nSentence 2: Public speaking suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not naturally relaxed or calm most of the time."} {"input": "Context Word: inflamed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to go see the doctor unlike PersonY because the infection on _ was so inflamed. \nSentence 2: PersonX could avoid seeing the doctor unlike PersonY because the infection on _ was so inflamed."} {"input": "Context Word: surprising.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always surprising PersonY with gifts, so _ headed to the store to buy another present. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always surprising PersonY with gifts, so _ headed to the store to buy a return present."} {"input": "Context Word: trim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to trim their hair but PersonY did not as _ had very long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to trim their hair but PersonY did not as _ had very short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: trim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sought advice from PersonY on how to stay trim because _ did not have good diet habits. \nSentence 2: PersonX sought advice from PersonY on how to stay trim because _ has good diet habits."} {"input": "Context Word: trim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wondered how PersonY kept so trim , so _ asked her for diet and exercise advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX wondered how PersonY kept so trim , so _ offered her diet and exercise advice."} {"input": "Context Word: trim.", "output": "Sentence 1: Staying trim was not important to PersonX , but was essential to PersonY , so _ never watched his calories. \nSentence 2: Staying trim was not important to PersonX , but was essential to PersonY , so _ always watched his calories."} {"input": "Context Word: old lady.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was aghast at what PersonY told the old lady, who _ thought should be treated with respect. \nSentence 2: PersonX was aghast at what PersonY told the old lady, who _ thought should be treated with contempt."} {"input": "Context Word: ramen.", "output": "Sentence 1: As a daily routine, PersonX ate ramen noodles while PersonY shied away from it. _ was unhealthy. \nSentence 2: As a daily routine, PersonX ate ramen noodles while PersonY shied away from it. _ was healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: ramen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made some ramen noodles for lunch while PersonY had a salad, _ felt embarrassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX made some ramen noodles for lunch while PersonY had a salad, _ felt healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: collaborate.", "output": "Sentence 1: The project meant PersonX collaborated with PersonY, who was not excited. _ loved working with others. \nSentence 2: The project meant PersonX collaborated with PersonY, who was not excited. _ hated working with others."} {"input": "Context Word: subject.", "output": "Sentence 1: Math was a difficult subject in school for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a lazy student. \nSentence 2: Math was a difficult subject in school for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a hardworking student."} {"input": "Context Word: willpower.", "output": "Sentence 1: Exercising every day suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of discipline and willpower. \nSentence 2: Exercising every day suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had very little discipline or willpower."} {"input": "Context Word: willpower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to finish the race while PersonY was not, because _ had more willpower. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to finish the race while PersonY was not, because _ had less willpower."} {"input": "Context Word: turtle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a turtle to PersonY for their birthday so _ also got them a cage for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a turtle from PersonY for their birthday so _ also got them a cage for it."} {"input": "Context Word: turtle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a pet turtle that PersonY could stand to be around. _ just loved reptiles and other animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a pet turtle that PersonY could stand to be around. _ just detested reptiles and other animals."} {"input": "Context Word: turtle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked animals more than PersonY although _ did not want to get a new box turtle. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked animals more than PersonY although _ wanted to get a new box turtle."} {"input": "Context Word: turtle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get a turtle from PersonY but _ forgot to get the money to pay for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to give a turtle a PersonY but _ forgot to get the money to pay for it."} {"input": "Context Word: turtle.", "output": "Sentence 1: The turtle of PersonX is healthier than PersonY's because _ feeds his a better diet. \nSentence 2: The turtle of PersonX is less healthy than PersonY's because _ feeds his a better diet."} {"input": "Context Word: turtle.", "output": "Sentence 1: Turtle was a meat that PersonX liked a lot but PersonY couldn't stand, so _ ordered the turtle stew for their meal. \nSentence 2: Turtle was a meat that PersonX liked a lot but PersonY couldn't stand, so _ ordered the beef stew for their meal."} {"input": "Context Word: turtle.", "output": "Sentence 1: Turtles are something PersonX likes to study, but PersonY could care less due to _ being a biologist. \nSentence 2: Turtles are something PersonX likes to study, but PersonY could care less due to _ being a businessman."} {"input": "Context Word: presentation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when her presentation to the board was because _ could not remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when her presentation to the board was but _ could not remember."} {"input": "Context Word: presentation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very skilled at making a presentation but PersonY is not. _ made a lot of sales from their presentation. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very skilled at making a presentation but PersonY is not. _ made a few sales from their presentation."} {"input": "Context Word: presentation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw that PersonY was nervous about the presentation. _ said to calm down and take deep breaths. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw that PersonY was nervous about the presentation. _ tried to calm down and take deep breaths."} {"input": "Context Word: presentation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a lot of time on their presentation but PersonY didn't. _ was recognized by their boss for their presentation. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a lot of time on their presentation but PersonY didn't. _ wasn't recognized by their boss for their presentation."} {"input": "Context Word: presentation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's presentation on his work was not as good as PersonY's because _ was clumsy. \nSentence 2: PersonX's presentation on his work was not as good as PersonY's because _ was well prepared."} {"input": "Context Word: presentation.", "output": "Sentence 1: The presentation that PersonX gave was bad, and PersonY's was the best in class. _ forgot to practice. \nSentence 2: The presentation that PersonX gave was bad, and PersonY's was the best in class. _ remembered to practice."} {"input": "Context Word: tame.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to tame the dog since _ was a professional dog trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to tame the dog since _ was not a professional dog trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: motivate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asks PersonY to help motivate them to exercise, because _ is not up to the challenge. \nSentence 2: PersonX asks PersonY to help motivate them to exercise, but _ is not up to the challenge."} {"input": "Context Word: motivate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't figure out how to motivate PersonY to exercise every day, but _ knew she would come up with a plan. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't figure out how to motivate PersonY to exercise every day, and _ hoped she would not come up with a plan."} {"input": "Context Word: pronounce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a difficult time reading PersonY's foreign last name, so _ asked how to pronounce it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a difficult time reading PersonY's foreign last name, so _ helped her pronounce it."} {"input": "Context Word: curling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY to find out the rules for curling, because _ never had played before. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY to find out the rules for curling, because _ had played many times before."} {"input": "Context Word: curling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a big fan of curling, and PersonY prefers to watch swimming. It's more likely _ lives in a frigid climate. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a big fan of curling, and PersonY prefers to watch swimming. It's more likely _ lives in a hotter climate."} {"input": "Context Word: curling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is curling PersonY's hair this morning for a wedding she is attending so _ is doing her best. \nSentence 2: PersonX is curling PersonY's hair this morning for a wedding she is attending so _ is looking her best."} {"input": "Context Word: Ukulele.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Ukulele is being taught to PersonX by PersonY in class. _ must be the person learning. \nSentence 2: The Ukulele is being taught to PersonX by PersonY in class. _ must be the person teaching."} {"input": "Context Word: cooks.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the dinner, PersonX cooks the dessert, and PersonY makes the appetizers. _ is a pastry chef. \nSentence 2: At the dinner, PersonX cooks the dessert, and PersonY makes the appetizers. _ is a sous chef."} {"input": "Context Word: cooks.", "output": "Sentence 1: Nobody likes when PersonX cooks, but they love when PersonY does, so _ likely makes awful tasting food. \nSentence 2: Nobody likes when PersonX cooks, but they love when PersonY does, so _ likely makes delicious tasting food."} {"input": "Context Word: bankruptcy.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get back on their feet because _ had never filed bankruptcy. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get back on their feet because _ had previously filed bankruptcy."} {"input": "Context Word: bankruptcy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on how to avoid bankruptcy, because _ is bad at managing money. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on how to avoid bankruptcy, because _ is good at managing money."} {"input": "Context Word: bankruptcy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he knew a good bankruptcy attorney because _ wanted to file for bankruptcy. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he knew a good bankruptcy attorney because _ had once filed for bankruptcy."} {"input": "Context Word: bankruptcy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to file for bankruptcy eventually but PersonY did not as _ was very profligate with money. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to file for bankruptcy eventually but PersonY did not as _ was very careful with money."} {"input": "Context Word: bankruptcy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY file for bankruptcy last week because _ has a lot of sympathy. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY file for bankruptcy last week because _ has a lot of bills."} {"input": "Context Word: bankruptcy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is filing for bankruptcy, but PersonY will likely never have that problem. _ is poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX is filing for bankruptcy, but PersonY will likely never have that problem. _ is rich."} {"input": "Context Word: bankruptcy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost their job and asked PersonY for information about bankruptcy because _ knew they wouldn't ever be able to pay off their debt. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost their job and asked PersonY for information about bankruptcy because _ knew about it after not being able to pay off their debt."} {"input": "Context Word: documents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have the documents necessary to get their license so they asked PersonY to drive them to the city because _ didn't have a car. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have the documents necessary to get their license so they asked PersonY to drive them to the city because _ has a car."} {"input": "Context Word: documents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in trouble with PersonY for destroying some documents because _ is a con artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in trouble with PersonY for destroying some documents because _ is a legal attorney."} {"input": "Context Word: documents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laughed as PersonY dropped all the documents. But stopped when the boss scowled at _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX laughed as PersonY dropped all the documents. But stopped when the boss helped _ collect them."} {"input": "Context Word: documents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX printed out a bunch of documents for PersonY to sign, because _ was a lawyer. \nSentence 2: PersonX printed out a bunch of documents for PersonY to sign, because _ was a client."} {"input": "Context Word: stone.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they were looking at materials for their kitchen remodel, PersonX wanted a stone countertop. PersonY wanted glass, so _ gave up the stone. \nSentence 2: When they were looking at materials for their kitchen remodel, PersonX wanted a glass countertop. PersonY wanted stone, so _ gave up the glass."} {"input": "Context Word: clean a nebulizer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to clean a nebulizer because _ had just been diagnosed as an asthmatic. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to clean a nebulizer because _ had been diagnosed as an asthmatic for years."} {"input": "Context Word: classmate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scowled when PersonY leaned over to ask their classmate for the answers to the quiz they were taking, as _ was a good student. \nSentence 2: PersonX scowled when PersonY leaned over to ask their classmate for the answers to the quiz they were taking, as _ was a misbehaving student."} {"input": "Context Word: President.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is the one who makes legislation for People like PersonY, so _ is the President. \nSentence 2: PersonX is the one who makes legislation for People like PersonY, so _ is the President's constituent."} {"input": "Context Word: tailor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY to have a custom suit made for him because _ needs a tailor. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY to have a custom suit made for him because _ is an excellent tailor."} {"input": "Context Word: tailor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tailor called PersonX to say her coat was finished, so she asked her assistant PersonY to get it. _ gave her the car to drive to the tailor shop. \nSentence 2: The tailor called PersonX to say her coat was finished, so she asked her assistant PersonY to get it. _ drove the car to the tailor shop."} {"input": "Context Word: society.", "output": "Sentence 1: A loner since childhood, PersonX never had many friends while PersonY was popular. _ had never fit into society. \nSentence 2: A loner since childhood, PersonX never had many friends while PersonY was popular. _ had always fit into society."} {"input": "Context Word: society.", "output": "Sentence 1: In their society, PersonX helps the homeless while PersonY dislikes them. _ is seen as valiant. \nSentence 2: In their society, PersonX helps the homeless while PersonY dislikes them. _ is seen as cowardly."} {"input": "Context Word: Funeral.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to a funeral always made PersonX uneasy but PersonY wasn't bothered by them so _ always avoided going to them. \nSentence 2: Going to a funeral always made PersonX uneasy but PersonY wasn't bothered by them so _ rarely avoided going to them."} {"input": "Context Word: capacitor.", "output": "Sentence 1: A capacitor was built by PersonX, and PersonY couldn't get one to work, because _ is a scientist. \nSentence 2: A capacitor was built by PersonX, and PersonY couldn't get one to work, because _ is an amateur."} {"input": "Context Word: Tampon Size.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx always use a bigger Tampon Size than persony does because of _ heavier flow. \nSentence 2: personx always use a bigger Tampon Size than persony does because of _ lighter flow."} {"input": "Context Word: Oklahoma.", "output": "Sentence 1: Oklahoma is where PersonX calls home, but PersonY resides in New York, so _ is a Southern man. \nSentence 2: Oklahoma is where PersonX calls home, but PersonY resides in New York, so _ is a Northern man."} {"input": "Context Word: Weed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY some chemicals to destroy the weeds in his garden. _ was resourceful. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY some chemicals to destroy the weeds in his garden. _ was grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: ladybugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: After spending the day outdoors, although PersonX hated insects more than PersonY, _ had a soft spot for ladybugs. \nSentence 2: After spending the day outdoors, although PersonX hated insects more than PersonY, _ had a distaste for ladybugs."} {"input": "Context Word: basket.", "output": "Sentence 1: Decorating the house better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ liked to find the best basket and chairs. \nSentence 2: Decorating the house better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ hated to find the best basket and chairs."} {"input": "Context Word: basket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cannot throw the ball into the basket of the basketball court and PersonY could because _ is short. \nSentence 2: PersonX cannot throw the ball into the basket of the basketball court and PersonY could because _ is tall."} {"input": "Context Word: basket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY to carry the basket the rest of the way home, since _ was out of shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonY to carry the basket the rest of the way home, since _ was physically fit."} {"input": "Context Word: get into Harvard Law.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had higher scores than PersonY on the entrance exam, so _ would get into Harvard Law. \nSentence 2: PersonX had lower scores than PersonY on the entrance exam, so _ would get into Harvard Law."} {"input": "Context Word: polygraph.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was worried about passing the polygraph test because _ was calm. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was worried about passing the polygraph test because _ was anxious."} {"input": "Context Word: adjust.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easy to adjust to their new life but PersonY really suffered. This is because _ was adaptable. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easy to adjust to their new life but PersonY really suffered. This is because _ was vulnerable."} {"input": "Context Word: elephant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more difficult time climbing on the elephants back than PersonY, because _ was clumsy. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more difficult time climbing on the elephants back than PersonY, because _ was nimble."} {"input": "Context Word: gastroparesis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a gastroparesis and needs professional help from PersonY, because _ can't treat it herself. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a gastroparesis and needs professional help from PersonY, because _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: checkers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Checkers is the favorite game of PersonX, but PersonY always wins, so _ is salty. \nSentence 2: Checkers is the favorite game of PersonX, but PersonY always wins, so _ is satisfied."} {"input": "Context Word: checkers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always loses to PersonY when they play a game of checkers, so _ ends up disgruntled about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX always loses to PersonY when they play a game of checkers, so _ ends up enthused about it."} {"input": "Context Word: checkers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got angry towards PersonY after _ lost in the finals of the international Chinese checkers tournament. \nSentence 2: PersonX got supportive towards PersonY after _ lost in the finals of the international Chinese checkers tournament."} {"input": "Context Word: checkers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was defeated soundly by PersonY in a game of checkers which made _ irritated. \nSentence 2: PersonX was defeated soundly by PersonY in a game of checkers which made _ happy."} {"input": "Context Word: checkers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The game of checkers was PersonX's favorite game to play with PersonY, because _ always won. \nSentence 2: The game of checkers was PersonX's favorite game to play with PersonY, but _ always lost."} {"input": "Context Word: playful.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the dog park, PersonX noticed that PersonY's dog was extra playful that day, so _ asked what sort of vitamins the dog took. \nSentence 2: At the dog park, PersonX noticed that PersonY's dog was extra playful that day, and _ told everyone about the vitamins the dog took."} {"input": "Context Word: tie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to wear a tie but not PersonY because _ worked in an uptight job setting. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to wear a tie but not PersonY because _ worked in a relaxed job setting."} {"input": "Context Word: tie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to sew a tie for her husband so asked for PersonY's help since _ isn't crafty. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to sew a tie for her husband so asked for PersonY's help since _ is crafty."} {"input": "Context Word: tie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked by PersonY to help with his tie because _ knew how to do it properly. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help with his tie because _ knew how to do it properly."} {"input": "Context Word: tie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was volunteered to go over and tie PersonY's bow tie because _ was skilled at it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was volunteered to go over and tie PersonY's bow tie because _ was awful at it."} {"input": "Context Word: tie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a suit and tie while PersonY wore jeans so _ ended up getting the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a suit and tie while PersonY wore jeans so _ ended up not getting the job."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX understands technology more than PersonY, _ needs help fixing their computer from the other. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX understands technology less than PersonY, _ needs help fixing their computer from the other."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the computers, PersonX was working on logo designs and PersonY was analyzing data in spreadsheets, because _ was a graphic design major. \nSentence 2: At the computers, PersonX was working on logo designs and PersonY was analyzing data in spreadsheets, because _ was an engineering major."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX bought a new computer while PersonY bought a used one, the computer of _ was faster and more up to date. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX bought a new computer while PersonY bought a used one, the computer of _ was slower and less up to date."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always helped out PersonY when it came to computer tasks, as _ had previously worked with this software. \nSentence 2: PersonX always helped out PersonY when it came to computer tasks, as _ had never worked with that software."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to set up his computer despite the fact that _ knew a lot about computers. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to set up his computer despite the fact that _ knew nothing about computers."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY where she had bought her new computer, because _ she wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY where she had bought her new computer, but _ she did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asks help of PersonY whenever he runs into issues with his computer because _ is unknowledgeable in computers. \nSentence 2: PersonX asks help of PersonY whenever he runs into issues with his computer because _ is knowledgeable in computers."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX beat PersonY at the computer game, because _ owned it for a lot longer and had more time with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost to PersonY at the computer game, because _ owned it for a lot longer and had more time with it."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new computer for PersonY, so _ was given thanks once it was delivered. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new computer for PersonY, so _ gave them thanks once it was delivered."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to spend a lot of money because _ needed a new computer for work. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to spend a lot of money because _ did not need a new computer for work."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not understand computers but PersonY was a computer nerd, so _ was unable to fix it when it broke. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not understand computers but PersonY was a computer nerd, so _ was happy to it when it broke."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more trouble with their eyes than PersonY because _ spent too much time on their computer. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less trouble with their eyes than PersonY because _ spent too much time on their computer."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has an old computer, while PersonY is always getting the newest ones, because _ is technologically uninformed. \nSentence 2: PersonX has an old computer, while PersonY is always getting the newest ones, because _ is technologically savvy."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is on the computer all day, though PersonY prefers to be in the outdoors. _ is an indoor person. \nSentence 2: PersonX is on the computer all day, though PersonY prefers to be in the outdoors. _ is a nature person."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to use the computer in the 90's before PersonY did. _ learned how to investigate people in the early days of computers. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to use the computer in the 90's before PersonY did. _ recently learned how to investigate people in the latter days of computers."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to communicate with friends via their computer whereas PersonY likes to communicate face to face because _ is an introvert. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to communicate with friends via their computer whereas PersonY likes to communicate face to face because _ is an extrovert."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loaned their personal computer to PersonY for the day, and _ had it returned later that weekend. \nSentence 2: PersonX loaned their personal computer to PersonY for the day, and _ returned it later that weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent more time on the computer than PersonY because _ had a paper to write for school. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent more time on the computer than PersonY although _ had a paper to write for school."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy PersonY a computer as a gift but wasn't sure what they wanted, so _ had to ask for advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to buy PersonY a computer as a gift but wasn't sure what they wanted, so _ had to provide advice."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY set up their new computer for _ knew how to install firmware. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY set up their new computer for _ forgot how to install firmware."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was installing PersonY's new software for their computer because _ knew how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was installing PersonY's new software for their computer because _ forgot how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more computer literate than PersonY, so _ didn't need anyone to explain the software. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more computer literate than PersonY, so _ needed someone to explain the software."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to use the company computer like PersonY because _ had no access to it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to use the company computer like PersonY because _ had complete access to it."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY's house to use their computer for a paper since _ 's computer was broken. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY's house to use their computer for a paper since _ 's computer was working."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's computer is a PC, while PersonY chooses to own a Mac, so _ likely likes Microsoft more. \nSentence 2: PersonX's computer is a PC, while PersonY chooses to own a Mac, so _ likely likes Apple more."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's computer is broken, so he takes it to PersonY to get fixed. _ is a novice computer user. \nSentence 2: PersonX's computer is broken, so he takes it to PersonY to get fixed. _ is an expert computer user."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Replacing a hard drive was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had built computers before. \nSentence 2: Replacing a hard drive was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had never built a computer before."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was embarrassed that PersonX did not have enough money to buy a new computer when PersonY did. \nSentence 2: So _ was sympathetic that PersonX did not have enough money to buy a new computer when PersonY did."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Teaching computer skills was fun for PersonX but frustrating for PersonY, since _ was very good at explaining new things to students. \nSentence 2: Teaching computer skills was fun for PersonX but frustrating for PersonY, since _ was very bad at explaining new things to students."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The computer that PersonX was using belonged to PersonY, so _ tried to be very careful with it. \nSentence 2: The computer that PersonX was using belonged to PersonY, so _ asked her to be very careful with it."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The computer was fixed by PersonX instead of PersonY since _ has a degree in information technology. \nSentence 2: The computer was fixed by PersonX instead of PersonY since _ has a degree in psychology."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher asked PersonX over PersonY to take a look at the computer because _ had a lot of knowledge of technology. \nSentence 2: The teacher asked PersonX over PersonY to take a look at the computer because _ had no knowledge of technology."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The topic of how to speed up a slow computer excited PersonX but not PersonY, because _ was a fan of computers. \nSentence 2: The topic of how to speed up a slow computer excited PersonX but not PersonY, because _ was not a fan of computers."} {"input": "Context Word: computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working on the computer was perfect for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has a degree in programming. \nSentence 2: Working on the computer was perfect for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has a degree in art history."} {"input": "Context Word: breast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought they were at risk for breast cancer but PersonY wasn't concerned about it. _ went to the doctor to have a mammogram. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought they were at risk for breast cancer but PersonY wasn't concerned about it. _ went to the doctor to have a physical."} {"input": "Context Word: breast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very concerned PersonY had breast cancer for _ had a cancerous lump previously. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very concerned PersonY had breast cancer for _ had a cancerous lump now."} {"input": "Context Word: breast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's breast has a lump in it, so they schedule an appointment with PersonY because _ is worried. \nSentence 2: PersonX's breast has a lump in it, so they schedule an appointment with PersonY because _ is an expert."} {"input": "Context Word: breast.", "output": "Sentence 1: Saving for a breast augmentation was important to PersonX but not PersonY, as _ thought her chest was too small. \nSentence 2: Saving for a breast augmentation was important to PersonX but not PersonY, as _ thought her chest was perfect."} {"input": "Context Word: cockatiel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ignored the cockatiel soon after getting it which left PersonY to care for it because _ is fickle. \nSentence 2: PersonX ignored the cockatiel soon after getting it which left PersonY to care for it because _ is responsible."} {"input": "Context Word: cockatiel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of the cockatiel, when PersonY would hand feed it. The cockatiel ignored _ for getting head scratches. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of the cockatiel, when PersonY would hand feed it. The cockatiel loved _ for getting head scratches."} {"input": "Context Word: birdseed.", "output": "Sentence 1: The store had a sale on birdseed, so PersonX picked up a big bag, although PersonY was annoyed. _ considered feeding wildlife a good use of money. \nSentence 2: The store had a sale on birdseed, so PersonX picked up a big bag, although PersonY was annoyed. _ considered feeding wildlife a big waste of money."} {"input": "Context Word: the Renaissance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more excited than PersonY for the trip to the Renaissance musuem. _ had always loved reading about history. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more excited than PersonY for the trip to the Renaissance musuem. _ had always hated reading about history."} {"input": "Context Word: Goals.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the soccer game, PersonX scored two goals on the goalkeeper, PersonY, so _ went to the bar to celebrate. \nSentence 2: At the soccer game, PersonX scored two goals on the goalkeeper, PersonY, so _ went to the bar to forget the game."} {"input": "Context Word: sporting.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting cramps during sporting events was common for PersonX but not PersonY because _ never spent time stretching beforehand. \nSentence 2: Getting cramps during sporting events was common for PersonX but not PersonY because _ always spent time stretching beforehand."} {"input": "Context Word: fertilize.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to fertilize their roses because _ was very experienced when it came to gardening. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to fertilize their roses because _ was very new when it came to gardening."} {"input": "Context Word: snowflakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw only rainfall during the winter while PersonY saw lots of snowflakes, so _ lived at a low altitude. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw only rainfall during the winter while PersonY saw lots of snowflakes, so _ lived at a high altitude."} {"input": "Context Word: organize.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying new office supplies and storage boxes was fun for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ loved to organize. \nSentence 2: Buying new office supplies and storage boxes was fun for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ hated having to organize."} {"input": "Context Word: organize.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX to find her files at work, while PersonY found them easily, since _ had no idea how to organize them. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX to find her files at work, while PersonY found them easily, since _ had experience in how to organize them."} {"input": "Context Word: organize.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY organize his closet, as _ was good at categorizing and arranging things. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY organize his closet, as _ was terrible at categorizing and arranging things."} {"input": "Context Word: organize.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was interested in trying to organize a labour movement but personY was not because _ was very radical. \nSentence 2: PersonX was interested in trying to organize a labour movement but personY was not because _ was very apolitical."} {"input": "Context Word: organize.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher asked PersonX but not PersonY if they were going to organize their notebook because _ was disorganized. \nSentence 2: The teacher asked PersonX but not PersonY if they were going to organize their notebook because _ was orderly."} {"input": "Context Word: Octagon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked hard at training martial arts but not PersonY. _ finally made their dream come true and fought in the UFC octagon. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked hard at training martial arts but not PersonY. _ couldn't made their dream come true of fighting in the UFC octagon."} {"input": "Context Word: beret.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt the beret looked lovely but PersonY felt foolish. _ didn't think you had to be French to wear the hat. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt the beret looked lovely but PersonY felt foolish. _ felt strongly you had to be French to wear the hat."} {"input": "Context Word: tumbling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't very athletic but PersonY was really coordinated. _ didn't do too well in tumbling class. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't very athletic but PersonY was really coordinated. _ did very well in tumbling class."} {"input": "Context Word: handcuffs.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a chase, PersonX put handcuffs around PersonY's wrist because _ is a cop arresting a criminal. \nSentence 2: After a chase, PersonX put handcuffs around PersonY's wrist because _ is a criminal arrested by a cop."} {"input": "Context Word: Depressed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was battling with being depressed and PersonY offered to help them get through it, so _ took them up on the offer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was battling with being depressed and PersonY offered to help them get through it, but _ took back the offer."} {"input": "Context Word: nap.", "output": "Sentence 1: After working a long shift, PersonX took a nap while PersonY did not so _ was refreshed. \nSentence 2: After working a long shift, PersonX took a nap while PersonY did not so _ was dead tired."} {"input": "Context Word: nap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a nap in the afternoon while PersonY felt energized because _ got a poor night's sleep last night. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a nap in the afternoon while PersonY felt energized because _ got a good night's sleep last night."} {"input": "Context Word: nap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a nap for an hour and a half while PersonY looked over them; _ was happier after having slept. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a nap for an hour and a half while PersonY looked over them; _ was happier after having a break from parenting."} {"input": "Context Word: nap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to take a nap but PersonY didn't so _ had to stay up because they are nice. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to take a nap but PersonY didn't so _ had to go to bed because they are nice."} {"input": "Context Word: nap.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX took a nap and PersonY didn't get any sleep, _ was well rested. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX took a nap and PersonY didn't get any sleep, _ was not well rested."} {"input": "Context Word: sprained.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to sit the softball game today out even though PersonY got to play because _ has a sprained wrist. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to sit the softball game today out even though PersonY got to play because _ doesn't have a sprained wrist."} {"input": "Context Word: chia seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more reluctant than PersonY to try eating chia seeds, because _ was a picky eater. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more reluctant than PersonY to try eating chia seeds, because _ was an adventurous eater."} {"input": "Context Word: appeal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more worried about finding a boyfriend than PersonY because _ did not have a lot of sex appeal. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more worried about finding a boyfriend than PersonY because _ had a lot of sex appeal."} {"input": "Context Word: determining.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found determining whether the suspect was innocent harder than PersonY because _ had never been a judge. \nSentence 2: PersonX found determining whether the suspect was innocent harder than PersonY because _ had been a judge."} {"input": "Context Word: muddy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The garden of PersonX was really muddy compared to PersonY's because at _ house the rain fell hard. \nSentence 2: The garden of PersonX was really muddy compared to PersonY's because at _ house the rain fell softly."} {"input": "Context Word: coffee syrup.", "output": "Sentence 1: The coffee syrup chosen by PersonX was too sweet for PersonY, so _ apologized and replaced it. \nSentence 2: The coffee syrup chosen by PersonX was too sweet for PersonY, so _ apologized and used it anyway."} {"input": "Context Word: wasabi.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to try the wasabi while PersonY did not. _ needed to drink a lot of water. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to try the wasabi while PersonY did not. _ did not need to drink a lot of water."} {"input": "Context Word: wasabi.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed using wasabi when eating sushi but not PersonY because _ enjoyed spicy foods. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed using wasabi when eating sushi but not PersonY because _ enjoyed bland foods."} {"input": "Context Word: popsicles.", "output": "Sentence 1: Popsicles come in many flavors, but PersonX only likes cherry and PersonY likes them all because _ is very picky. \nSentence 2: Popsicles come in many flavors, but PersonX only likes cherry and PersonY likes them all because _ is not picky."} {"input": "Context Word: Pitbulls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of Pitbulls but PersonY wasn't because _ didn't know how good the breed really is. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of Pitbulls but PersonY wasn't because _ knew how good the breed really is."} {"input": "Context Word: bossy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a nicer person than PersonY although _ had a tendency to become bossy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a nicer person than PersonY although _ had a tendency to avoid being bossy."} {"input": "Context Word: bossy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was naturally bossy, unlike PersonY who was shy. _ loved to be in charge. \nSentence 2: PersonX was naturally bossy, unlike PersonY who was shy. _ hated to be in charge."} {"input": "Context Word: frog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Frog legs were a favorite dish of PersonX but PersonY didn't like their taste. _ filled their plate with frog legs at the Chinese buffet. \nSentence 2: Frog legs were a favorite dish of PersonX but PersonY didn't like their taste. _ filled their plate with crab legs at the Chinese buffet."} {"input": "Context Word: frog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought frogs were gross and slimy, but PersonY liked them, so _ was horrified when one jumped in their hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought frogs were gross and slimy, but PersonY liked them, so _ was amused when one jumped in their hair."} {"input": "Context Word: students.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX encouraged the students to visit PersonY if they had a problem; _ was a teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX encouraged the students to visit PersonY if they had a problem; _ was a psychologist."} {"input": "Context Word: students.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught all the students about the life of PersonY, because _ thought they were an important person. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught all the students about the life of PersonY, because _ was known as an important person."} {"input": "Context Word: students.", "output": "Sentence 1: The students liked PersonX as their teacher more than PersonY because _ made learning far more fun and enjoyable. \nSentence 2: The students liked PersonX as their teacher more than PersonY because _ made learning far less fun and more boring."} {"input": "Context Word: reports.", "output": "Sentence 1: The reports PersonX delivered last week were more detailed than the ones PersonY presented because _ is more career orientated. \nSentence 2: The reports PersonX delivered last week were more detailed than the ones PersonY presented because _ is more family orientated."} {"input": "Context Word: studio.", "output": "Sentence 1: The spare room was perfect for PersonX's art studio or PersonY's gym. _ already put their paint and easel in there. \nSentence 2: The spare room was perfect for PersonX's art studio or PersonY's gym. _ already put their weights and stereo in there."} {"input": "Context Word: studio.", "output": "Sentence 1: The studio PersonX owned was rented out to PersonY for some recordings, _ made a lot of money on the deal. \nSentence 2: The studio PersonX owned was rented out to PersonY for some recordings, _ spent a lot of money on the deal."} {"input": "Context Word: Bleach.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx wanted to have his hair bleached by persony but _ was not sure if he would do it very well. \nSentence 2: personx wanted to have his hair bleached by persony but _ was not sure if he would pay him very well."} {"input": "Context Word: lobe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore long dangling earrings all up the ear lobe but not PersonY because _ had pierced ears. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore long dangling earrings all up the ear lobe but not PersonY because _ had unpierced ears."} {"input": "Context Word: Restaurant.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to a restaurant is something that PersonX does very often but PersonY rarely goes to one because _ is a very bad cook. \nSentence 2: Going to a restaurant is something that PersonX does very often but PersonY rarely goes to one because _ is a very good cook."} {"input": "Context Word: Restaurant.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx wanted to open a restaurant that welcome dogs unlike persony but _ was having problem funding it. \nSentence 2: personx wanted to open a restaurant that welcome dogs unlike persony but _ was trying to stop it."} {"input": "Context Word: mousetrap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often had mice in their house but PersonY never did. _ wouldn't set a mousetrap. \nSentence 2: PersonX often had mice in their house but PersonY never did. _ always set a mousetrap."} {"input": "Context Word: Salary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a higher salary at work than PersonY because _ had a higher skill set. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a higher salary at work than PersonY although _ had a higher skill set."} {"input": "Context Word: hypnosis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used hypnosis therapy on PersonY, so that _ could try to help them stop their smoking habit. \nSentence 2: PersonX used hypnosis therapy on PersonY, so that _ could try to stop their smoking habit."} {"input": "Context Word: hypnosis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was getting hypnosis treatments to stop smoking so PersonY could avoid secondhand smoke, and _ eventually did quit smoking. \nSentence 2: PersonX was getting hypnosis treatments to stop smoking so PersonY could avoid secondhand smoke, but _ started smoking themselves."} {"input": "Context Word: Body.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx loves her body than persony does despite the fact that _ is more fat. \nSentence 2: Personx loves her body than persony does despite the fact that _ is less fat."} {"input": "Context Word: Body.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx used to eat much more than persony does and yet _ had more athletic body. \nSentence 2: personx used to eat much more than persony does and yet _ had less athletic body."} {"input": "Context Word: pasta.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was natural for PersonX to know more than PersonY about pasta because _ was of Italian heritage. \nSentence 2: It was natural for PersonX to know more than PersonY about pasta because _ was not of Italian heritage."} {"input": "Context Word: pasta.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prepared a big plate of pasta for PersonY, because _ knew it was her favorite. \nSentence 2: PersonX prepared a big plate of pasta for PersonY, although _ said it was not her favorite."} {"input": "Context Word: pasta.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's pasta tastes bland when compared to the one that PersonY made, so _ probably used a boring recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX's pasta tastes bland when compared to the one that PersonY made, so _ probably used a special recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: pasta.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pasta of PersonX always tastes more authentic than PersonY's because _ is a famous cook. \nSentence 2: The pasta of PersonX always tastes more authentic than PersonY's even though _ is a famous cook."} {"input": "Context Word: pasta.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pasta that PersonX made was much tastier than PersonY's because _ elected to use a special sauce. \nSentence 2: The pasta that PersonX made was much tastier than PersonY's because _ elected to use a generic sauce."} {"input": "Context Word: mental health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed mental health as important as physical, but PersonY disagreed. _ had long suffered from anxiety. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed mental health as important as physical, but PersonY disagreed. _ had never suffered from anxiety."} {"input": "Context Word: mental health.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mental health of PersonX is much better than PersonY's because _ sees a therapist. \nSentence 2: The mental health of PersonX is much worse than PersonY's because _ sees a therapist."} {"input": "Context Word: mental health.", "output": "Sentence 1: To maintain his mental health, PersonX sought the counsel of PersonY because _ was very ignorant on the topic. \nSentence 2: To maintain his mental health, PersonX sought the counsel of PersonY because _ was very educated on the topic."} {"input": "Context Word: pistachios.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not like to eat pistachios while PersonY does due to _ thinking they are too hard to open. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not like to eat pistachios while PersonY does due to _ thinking they are very easy to open."} {"input": "Context Word: pistachios.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pistachios were always one of PersonX's favorite foods while PersonY didn't like them because _ loved nuts. \nSentence 2: Pistachios were always one of PersonX's favorite foods while PersonY didn't like them because _ hated nuts."} {"input": "Context Word: mildew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found mildew on the storefront and needed PersonY to help reach it, so _ asked. \nSentence 2: PersonX found mildew on the storefront and needed PersonY to help reach it, but _ declined."} {"input": "Context Word: mildew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to remove the mildew from the tub but not PersonY because _ used bleach. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to remove the mildew from the tub but not PersonY because _ used hand soap."} {"input": "Context Word: archery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more medals won at archery than PersonY because _ always had perfect posture and aim. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more medals won at archery than PersonY because _ always had incorrect posture and aim."} {"input": "Context Word: dislocated shoulder.", "output": "Sentence 1: It has been two years, PersonX confided in PersonY, since _ went to the hospital for a dislocated shoulder. \nSentence 2: It has been two years, PersonX reminded PersonY, since _ went to the hospital for a dislocated shoulder."} {"input": "Context Word: Friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really upset that they had treated their friend PersonY badly, so to make it for it _ gave a gift to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really upset that they had treated their friend PersonY badly, so to make it for it _ accepted a gift from them."} {"input": "Context Word: sculpt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to help PersonY in his effort to sculpt a statue because _ was a great artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to help PersonY in his effort to sculpt a statue because _ was a terrible artist."} {"input": "Context Word: sculpt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried hard to sculpt what PersonY had asked for, but _ was struggling with the clay. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried hard to sculpt what PersonY had asked for, and _ saw her struggling with the clay."} {"input": "Context Word: refined.", "output": "Sentence 1: People say that PersonX is much more refined than PersonY because _ comes from a richer background. \nSentence 2: People say that PersonX is much more refined than PersonY because _ comes from a poorer background."} {"input": "Context Word: Chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved having fresh eggs for breakfast every morning but PersonY hated eggs. _ bought a chicken to raise for eggs. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved having fresh eggs for breakfast every morning but PersonY hated eggs. _ bought a chicken to braise for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: Chicken.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX's chicken won a prize while PersonY's entry did not, _ beamed with pride. \nSentence 2: When PersonX's chicken won a prize while PersonY's entry did not, _ cried in disappointment."} {"input": "Context Word: caused.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caused their loved ones a lot of heartache but not PersonY because _ was very irresponsible. \nSentence 2: PersonX caused their loved ones a lot of heartache but not PersonY because _ was very responsible."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: No one compliments PersonX's skirt, although everyone loves the one PersonY is wearing. _ 's was bought at a cheap store. \nSentence 2: No one compliments PersonX's skirt, although everyone loves the one PersonY is wearing. _ 's was bought at a fancy store."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a skirt to PersonY to wear at her recital because _ was proud of her. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a skirt to PersonY to wear at her recital because _ needed a confidence boost."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a professional seamstress, PersonY doesn't sew therefore _ should be asked how to make a pleated skirt. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a professional seamstress, PersonY doesn't sew therefore _ should not be asked how to make a pleated skirt."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is thankful for PersonY's generosity because _ needed a skirt to wear to the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX is thankful for PersonY's generosity because _ bought her a skirt to wear to the party."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the skirt PersonY made in home ec, so _ asked to borrow it. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the skirt PersonY made in home ec, so _ offered to lend it."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made herself a bright pink tulle skirt to wear for the dance party but PersonY didn't not, as _ was into girly stuff. \nSentence 2: PersonX made herself a bright pink tulle skirt to wear for the dance party but PersonY didn't not, as _ was into tomboy stuff."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prefers to wear skirts while PersonY prefers long pants. _ wears pantyhose. \nSentence 2: PersonX prefers to wear skirts while PersonY prefers long pants. _ wears socks."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX seized the new skirt from PersonY when the parent were absent and _ was happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX seized the new skirt from PersonY when the parent were absent and _ was angry."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a overall more fashionable than PersonY but _ bought a skirt than made them look frumpy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a overall more fashionable than PersonY but _ bought a skirt than made them look great."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was skinnier than PersonY so _ did not have to worry about finding a skirt for curves. \nSentence 2: PersonX was skinnier than PersonY so _ did have to stress about finding a skirt for curves."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: The red skirt was too short for PersonX but fine for PersonY because _ is very tall. \nSentence 2: The red skirt was too long for PersonX but fine for PersonY because _ is very tall."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: The skirt of PersonX is much shorter than the one that PersonY is wearing. So, _ wants more attention. \nSentence 2: The skirt of PersonX is much shorter than the one that PersonY is wearing. Even though, _ wants more attention."} {"input": "Context Word: skirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: While browsing a clothing store, PersonX bought PersonY a skirt becuase _ had no style. \nSentence 2: While browsing a clothing store, PersonX bought PersonY a skirt becuase _ had great style."} {"input": "Context Word: kind.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to make friends because _ was kind and easily approachable. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to make friends because _ was not kind and easily approachable."} {"input": "Context Word: kind.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did everything they could to be kind to PersonY, but _ got fed up with putting in so much effort for nothing. \nSentence 2: PersonX did everything they could to be kind to PersonY, but _ got fed up with taking in so much effort from them."} {"input": "Context Word: incorporated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to a lawyer and incorporated their business while PersonY did not. _ was protected from lawsuits in the future. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to a lawyer and incorporated their business while PersonY did not. _ was unprotected from lawsuits in the future."} {"input": "Context Word: texture.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cake was disliked by PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated the texture of the icing. \nSentence 2: The cake was liked by PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated the texture of the icing."} {"input": "Context Word: unusual.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very unusual accent but PersonY didn't, so it was easy to hear _ in a crowd. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very unusual accent but PersonY didn't, so it was hard to hear _ in a crowd."} {"input": "Context Word: creative.", "output": "Sentence 1: It made sense that PersonX and not PersonY would write screenplays for movies because _ was a very creative person. \nSentence 2: It made sense that PersonX and not PersonY would write screenplays for movies because _ was not really a very creative person."} {"input": "Context Word: creative.", "output": "Sentence 1: People say PersonX is less creative than PersonY, so it's more likely that _ is the serious person. \nSentence 2: People say PersonX is less creative than PersonY, so it's more likely that _ is the artistic person."} {"input": "Context Word: creative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX came up with a creative way to surprise PersonY, because _ is fun loving. \nSentence 2: PersonX came up with a creative way to surprise PersonY, because _ is so gullible."} {"input": "Context Word: creative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more creative than PersonY because _ took a college level class in creativity. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more creative than PersonY because _ didn't take a college level class in creativity."} {"input": "Context Word: creative.", "output": "Sentence 1: The CEO told in the meeting that PersonX is less creative than PersonY because _ report was unimaginative and bore. \nSentence 2: The CEO told in the meeting that PersonX is less creative than PersonY because _ report was original and exiting."} {"input": "Context Word: creative.", "output": "Sentence 1: The painting of PersonX sold for more than the one by PersonY because _ was more creative. \nSentence 2: The painting of PersonX sold for less than the one by PersonY because _ was more creative."} {"input": "Context Word: creative.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stories that PersonX writes turn out better than PersonY's because _ is more creative. \nSentence 2: The stories that PersonX writes turn out better than PersonY's although _ is more creative."} {"input": "Context Word: creative.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was a painter, PersonX, and lawyer, PersonY, so most people thought _ was more creative. \nSentence 2: There was a painter, PersonX, and lawyer, PersonY, so most people thought _ was less creative."} {"input": "Context Word: cramps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate some bad food PersonY cooked and got bad cramps so _ called for an ambulance. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate some bad food PersonY cooked and got bad cramps so _ begged for an ambulance."} {"input": "Context Word: cramps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had bad cramps during her period every month, so her mother PersonY offered her chamomile tea to help. _ drank the tea and hoped it would help. \nSentence 2: PersonX had bad cramps during her period every month, so her mother PersonY offered her chamomile tea to help. _ made the tea and hoped it would help."} {"input": "Context Word: cramps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY was having cramps because she was on her period so _ offered her some pain pills. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that PersonY was having cramps because she was on her period and _ accepted some pain pills."} {"input": "Context Word: cramps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX massaged the aching cramps out from PersonY's legs, because _ was a professional massage therapist. \nSentence 2: PersonX massaged the aching cramps out from PersonY's legs, because _ was a professional dancer."} {"input": "Context Word: cramps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was _ relieved that PersonY got cramps and couldn't play in the softball game. \nSentence 2: PersonX was _ disappointed that PersonY got cramps and couldn't play in the softball game."} {"input": "Context Word: cramps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would suffer from cramps every month on their period but PersonY wouldn't. _ had to go to the store to buy some Midol. \nSentence 2: PersonX would suffer from cramps every month on their period but PersonY wouldn't. _ had to go to the store to buy some cough medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: nebulizer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a nebulizer to PersonY however _ was out of breath at the moment. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a nebulizer from PersonY however _ was out of breath at the moment."} {"input": "Context Word: Snowball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was overjoyed at the big snowfall but PersonY not so much. _ went outside and joined the neighborhood snowball fight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was overjoyed at the big snowfall but PersonY not so much. _ stayed inside and avoided the neighborhood snowball fight."} {"input": "Context Word: hair removal cream.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX swore by hair removal cream while PersonY didn't use them, because _ always had a problem with shaving razors. \nSentence 2: PersonX swore by hair removal cream while PersonY didn't use them, because _ never had a problem with shaving razors."} {"input": "Context Word: New Hampshire.", "output": "Sentence 1: In New Hampshire PersonX has been detained for shoplifting by PersonY, _ is a thief. \nSentence 2: In New Hampshire PersonX has been detained for shoplifting by PersonY, _ is a under cover cop."} {"input": "Context Word: Wool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to learn from PersonY about how to handle knitting wool, as _ struggled with handling the material. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to teach PersonY about how to handle knitting wool, as _ struggled with handling the material."} {"input": "Context Word: curriculum vitae.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx writes a worse curriculum vitae than persony even though _ has better grades in school. \nSentence 2: personx writes a better curriculum vitae than persony even though _ has better grades in school."} {"input": "Context Word: immigrants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated immigrants. PersonY said this was racist and ignorant but _ still believed immigration was bad for the economy. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated immigrants. PersonY said this was racist and ignorant because _ believed immigration was good for the economy."} {"input": "Context Word: Male Modeling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at male modeling compared to PersonY, so _ helped him improve his skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at male modeling compared to PersonY, so _ asked him for help."} {"input": "Context Word: take a leap of faith.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ready to take a leap of faith and PersonY was not because _ had prepared for this. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ready to take a leap of faith and PersonY was not because _ was not prepared for any of this."} {"input": "Context Word: education.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although both have a similar education, PersonX gets hired more than PersonY because _ has an impressive resume and lots of experience. \nSentence 2: Although both have a similar education, PersonX gets hired more than PersonY because _ has an impressive resume but little experience."} {"input": "Context Word: education.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more education than PersonY since _ was able to attend college after high school. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more education than PersonY since _ was not able to attend college after high school."} {"input": "Context Word: is obnoxious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is obnoxious to PersonY because _ talks all the time and needs a lot of attention. \nSentence 2: PersonX is obnoxious to PersonY because _ talks some of the time and needs no extra attention."} {"input": "Context Word: cropped pants.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cropped pants were always too long on PersonX, but looked great on PersonY, because _ was much shorter. \nSentence 2: Cropped pants were always too long on PersonX, but looked great on PersonY, because _ was much taller."} {"input": "Context Word: records.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke all of PersonY's old high school baseball records making _ feel very excited. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke all of PersonY's old high school baseball records making _ feel somewhat annoyed."} {"input": "Context Word: records.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was better suited for the record store position because _ had vast knowledge of records. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was better suited for the record store position because _ had little knowledge of records."} {"input": "Context Word: records.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not have the musical knowledge of PersonY so _ borrowed her old records to listen to. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not have the musical knowledge of PersonY so _ lent her her old records to listen to."} {"input": "Context Word: records.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having a difficult time buying some records for PersonY because _ have different music taste. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having a easy time buying some records for PersonY because _ have similar music taste."} {"input": "Context Word: swamp hibiscus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't figure out why her swamp hibiscus weren't thriving, so she hired a gardener PersonY to help. _ was upset when told she accidentally planted them in dry soil. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't figure out why her swamp hibiscus weren't thriving, so she hired a gardener PersonY to help. _ discovered she accidentally planted them in dry soil."} {"input": "Context Word: therapist.", "output": "Sentence 1: Every week, PersonX went to see PersonY who was a physical therapist because _ was experiencing back problems. \nSentence 2: Every week, PersonX went to see PersonY who was a physical therapist because _ helped fix back problems."} {"input": "Context Word: therapist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is uncomfortable with the idea of PersonY being her therapist, so _ cancels the appointment. \nSentence 2: PersonX is uncomfortable with the idea of PersonY being her therapist, but _ convinces her to keep the appointment."} {"input": "Context Word: therapist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a good therapist while PersonY was a bad therapist. _ was very helpful to their patients. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a good therapist while PersonY was a bad therapist. _ wasn't very helpful to their patients."} {"input": "Context Word: therapist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was listless and felt no pleasure according to his therapist PersonY so _ was feeling blue. \nSentence 2: PersonX was listless and felt no pleasure according to his therapist PersonY so _ was convinced."} {"input": "Context Word: therapist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to see PersonY who was a therapist, and _ told them all about their problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to see PersonY who was a therapist, and _ listened to them talk all about their problems."} {"input": "Context Word: therapist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to see their therapist, PersonY, because _ wasn't able to deal with their problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to see their therapist, PersonY, because _ was able to help with their problems."} {"input": "Context Word: turmeric.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recommended that PersonY use turmeric on her chicken pox, because _ had done that when she was sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX recommended that PersonY use turmeric on her chicken pox, but _ didn't do it when she was sick."} {"input": "Context Word: turmeric.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor told both PersonX to eat more turmeric, but not PersonY. _ was an unhealthy eater. \nSentence 2: The doctor told both PersonX to eat more turmeric, but not PersonY. _ was allergic to spices."} {"input": "Context Word: voodoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't believe in voodoo, but PersonY does, so _ is more likely to be Christian. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't believe in voodoo, but PersonY does, so _ is more likely to be a pagan."} {"input": "Context Word: Bible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had no bible while PersonY had two very nice ones, so _ stole one of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX had no bible while PersonY had two very nice ones, so _ donated one of them."} {"input": "Context Word: Bible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to read the Bible every day, but PersonY does not because _ is very religious. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to read the Bible every day, but PersonY does not because _ is not very religious."} {"input": "Context Word: Bible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very religious but PersonY was more spiritual. _ spent a good amount of time reading the Bible. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very religious but PersonY was more spiritual. _ spent a good amount of time reading New Age books not the Bible."} {"input": "Context Word: Bible.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Bible is PersonX's favorite book, but PersonY has never read it, so _ must be Christian. \nSentence 2: The Bible is PersonX's favorite book, but PersonY has never read it, so _ must be a nonbeliever."} {"input": "Context Word: duck.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a duck and doesn't know its sex so he asks PersonY for help, because _ is courious. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a duck and doesn't know its sex so he asks PersonY for help, because _ is duck expert."} {"input": "Context Word: duck.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the taste of duck but PersonY liked chicken better. _ ordered the Peking Duck for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the taste of duck but PersonY liked chicken better. _ ordered the kung pao chicken for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: duck.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told a crazy story about a wild duck to PersonY, because _ needed someone to hear the story. \nSentence 2: PersonX told a crazy story about a wild duck to PersonY, and _ was amused to hear the story."} {"input": "Context Word: duck.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pet duck of PersonX is sadder than the one that PersonY owns. _ is a bad caretaker of animals. \nSentence 2: The pet duck of PersonX is sadder than the one that PersonY owns. _ is a good caretaker of animals."} {"input": "Context Word: organized.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to find their things than it was for PersonY because _ had an organized room. \nSentence 2: It was harder for PersonX to find their things than it was for PersonY because _ had an organized room."} {"input": "Context Word: organized.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to learn how to file from PersonY since _ 's office was poorly organized. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to learn how to file from PersonY since _ 's office was well organized."} {"input": "Context Word: organized.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX redid all of PersonY's file cabinets at the office, because _ was very organized. \nSentence 2: PersonX redid all of PersonY's file cabinets at the office, because _ was not very organized."} {"input": "Context Word: organized.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always organized but PersonY was rarely organized. _ never had trouble when looking for something. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always organized but PersonY was rarely organized. _ often had trouble when looking for something."} {"input": "Context Word: organized.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not organized. He wanted help from PersonY because _ was always running late. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not organized. He wanted help from PersonY because _ never ran running late."} {"input": "Context Word: small claims court.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accompanied PersonY when he went to the small claims court to defend himself because _ knows inside well. \nSentence 2: PersonX accompanied PersonY when he went to the small claims court to defend himself because _ does not know inside well."} {"input": "Context Word: small claims court.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sued PersonY in small claims court and won his claim by default because _ prevented him from showing up on the court date. \nSentence 2: PersonX sued PersonY in small claims court and won his claim by default because _ did not show up on the court date."} {"input": "Context Word: dessert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate all of the dessert while PersonY did not have any since _ was not trying to lose any weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate all of the dessert while PersonY did not have any since _ was trying to lose some weight."} {"input": "Context Word: dessert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a dessert for PersonY, because _ wanted to do something that was nice. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a dessert for PersonY, because _ wanted to taste something that was nice."} {"input": "Context Word: dessert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shared their dessert with PersonY after they both had dinner, and _ was thanked profusely. \nSentence 2: PersonX shared their dessert with PersonY after they both had dinner, and _ thanked them profusely."} {"input": "Context Word: spice.", "output": "Sentence 1: Clove spice was used by PersonX on the Christmas ham but not PersonY because _ had ham for Christmas. \nSentence 2: Clove spice was used by PersonX on the Christmas ham but not PersonY because _ had turkey for Christmas."} {"input": "Context Word: spice.", "output": "Sentence 1: During their stay to India, PersonX wandered into the shop to buy some spices from PersonY because _ was a tourist. \nSentence 2: During their stay to India, PersonX wandered into the shop to buy some spices from PersonY because _ was a merchant."} {"input": "Context Word: spice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy with the meal PersonY made, because _ loved eating the secret spice ingredient in the recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy with the meal PersonY made, because _ loved using the secret spice ingredient with the recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: spice.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wanting to play a prank, PersonX added heavy spice to PersonY's food, because _ was mischievous. \nSentence 2: Wanting to play a prank, PersonX added heavy spice to PersonY's food, because _ was unsuspecting."} {"input": "Context Word: use baking soda for clean teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to use baking soda for clean teeth, but _ forgot about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to use baking soda for clean teeth, but _ doesn't use it."} {"input": "Context Word: spaghetti and meatballs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and asked PersonY to bring a salad because _ was a terrific cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX was making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and asked PersonY to bring a salad because _ was a terrible cook."} {"input": "Context Word: level.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could get to the same level as PersonY in the video game, because _ isn't nearly as talented. \nSentence 2: PersonX could get to the same level as PersonY in the video game, because _ isn't nearly as uncoordinated."} {"input": "Context Word: level.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hadn't reached as high of a level in the video game as PersonY, because _ had spent less time playing the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX hadn't reached as high of a level in the video game as PersonY, because _ had spent more time playing the game."} {"input": "Context Word: level.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is looking for entry level workers and PersonY has just applied for a job, _ is hiring new workers. \nSentence 2: PersonX is looking for entry level workers and PersonY has just applied for a job, _ is applying for new work."} {"input": "Context Word: level.", "output": "Sentence 1: The level of insanity in PersonX is way more intense than in PersonY , because _ lead a very traumatic life. \nSentence 2: The level of insanity in PersonX is way more intense than in PersonY , because _ traumatic life was not that intense."} {"input": "Context Word: waste.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always tried to avoid waste but PersonY did not because _ was very thrifty. \nSentence 2: PersonX always tried to avoid waste but PersonY did not because _ was very profligate."} {"input": "Context Word: Leeks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought leeks were a scrumptious veggie but PersonY detested them. _ ordered a bowl of potato leek soup for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought leeks were a scrumptious veggie but PersonY detested them. _ ordered a bowl of matzah ball soup for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: apple seeds.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying apple seeds was good for PersonX but not PersonY because _ lives in a house with a large back yard. \nSentence 2: Buying apple seeds was good for PersonX but not PersonY because _ lives in an apartment with no back yard."} {"input": "Context Word: socialized.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less problems with their public speaking class than PersonY because _ socialized more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more problems with their public speaking class than PersonY because _ socialized more often."} {"input": "Context Word: dental.", "output": "Sentence 1: In his life, PersonX has had lots of dental problems, while PersonY has not, so _ 's teeth are crooked. \nSentence 2: In his life, PersonX has had lots of dental problems, while PersonY has not, so _ 's teeth are straight."} {"input": "Context Word: dental.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX frequents the dentist a lot less than PersonY does because _ doesn't have dental insurance. \nSentence 2: PersonX frequents the dentist a lot less than PersonY does because _ has dental insurance."} {"input": "Context Word: dental.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had dental problem while PersonY did not because _ ate a lot of sweets and did not visit the dentist regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX had dental problem while PersonY did not because _ did not eat a lot of sweets and visited the dentist regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: dental.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dental work of PersonX was more expensive than that of PersonY because _ had better teeth. \nSentence 2: The dental work of PersonX was cheaper than that of PersonY because _ had worse teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: eyeliner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to wear smoky eyeliner but PersonY disavowed makeup. _ got a lot of compliments on their eyes. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to wear smoky eyeliner but PersonY disavowed makeup. _ got a lot of compliments on their natural look."} {"input": "Context Word: eyeliner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used heavy eyeliner. PersonY did not. _ was concerned by how their eyes looked. \nSentence 2: PersonX used heavy eyeliner. PersonY did not. _ was unconcerned by how their eyes looked."} {"input": "Context Word: pigeon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to hold the pigeon longer than PersonY because _ wasn't scared of birds. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to hold the pigeon longer than PersonY because _ is scared of birds."} {"input": "Context Word: blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: After starting a blog, PersonX asked PersonY to proof read it because _ was known to make a lot of mistakes. \nSentence 2: After starting a blog, PersonX asked PersonY to proof read it because _ was known to find a lot of mistakes."} {"input": "Context Word: blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for PersonY's advice about writing an interesting and popular blog because _ was new to blogging. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for PersonY's advice about writing an interesting and popular blog because _ was a professional blogger."} {"input": "Context Word: blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to follow the blog of PersonY to keep updated on his life as _ led a boring life. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to follow the blog of PersonY to keep updated on his life as _ led an exciting life."} {"input": "Context Word: blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has never read a blog, and PersonY reads them every day, so _ is less familiar with technology. \nSentence 2: PersonX has never read a blog, and PersonY reads them every day, so _ is more familiar with technology."} {"input": "Context Word: blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, so _ was chosen to write the blog for the company. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a less experienced writer than PersonY, so _ was chosen to write the blog for the company."} {"input": "Context Word: blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's blog wasn't successful like PersonY's because _ couldn't blog at least once a week. \nSentence 2: PersonX's blog wasn't successful like PersonY's because _ could blog at least once a week."} {"input": "Context Word: blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Starting a travel blog was more manageable for PersonX than PersonY because _ was an expert photographer. \nSentence 2: Starting a travel blog was more challenging for PersonX than PersonY because _ was an expert photographer."} {"input": "Context Word: blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The blog that had been written by PersonX was much more complex than PersonY's due to _ being a better graphic designer. \nSentence 2: The blog that had been written by PersonX was much more simple than PersonY's due to _ being a better graphic designer."} {"input": "Context Word: blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX decided to start a blog, PersonY tried to discourage her because _ liekd to write in text speak. \nSentence 2: When PersonX decided to start a blog, PersonY tried to discourage her because _ didn't like to read in text speak."} {"input": "Context Word: blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, _ needed help to write a personal blog. \nSentence 2: While PersonX was a better writer than PersonY, _ gave help to write a personal blog."} {"input": "Context Word: harp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played harp in highschool but PersonY wasn't in band, so _ was more musically talented. \nSentence 2: PersonX played harp in highschool but PersonY wasn't in band, so _ was less musically talented."} {"input": "Context Word: harp.", "output": "Sentence 1: The harp lessons that PersonX was giving PersonY were not going well, but _ tried to be a good teacher. \nSentence 2: The harp lessons that PersonX was giving PersonY were not going well, because _ was not a good student."} {"input": "Context Word: effect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a bad effect on PersonY, because _ was always pushing them to commit crimes. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a bad effect on PersonY, because _ was always being convinced to commit crimes."} {"input": "Context Word: stink.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started to stink after a few day, and PersonY told them to shower, because _ was gross. \nSentence 2: PersonX started to stink after a few day, and PersonY told them to shower, because _ was grossed out."} {"input": "Context Word: bones.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to run fast compared to PersonY because _ had some broken bones in his body. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to run fast compared to PersonY because _ had no broken bones in his body."} {"input": "Context Word: Ball.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to the winter ball made sense for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a good dancer. \nSentence 2: Going to the winter ball made sense for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a bad dancer."} {"input": "Context Word: Easter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go to Easter service with PersonY because _ was a very devout Christian. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to avoid going to Easter service with PersonY because _ was a very devout Christian."} {"input": "Context Word: lien.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a lien put on his house so PersonY lent him some money which _ promised to pay back as soon as possible. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a lien put on his house so PersonY lent him some money which _ expected to be paid back as soon as possible."} {"input": "Context Word: frosting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate all the frosting off PersonYs cake, but _ became really sick from eating too much sugar. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate all the frosting off PersonYs cake, because _ became really when they ate too much sugar."} {"input": "Context Word: frosting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was frosting a cake for PersonY's birthday, then _ put all the candles on the cake. \nSentence 2: PersonX was frosting a cake for PersonY's birthday, then _ blew out all the candles on the cake."} {"input": "Context Word: frosting.", "output": "Sentence 1: The chocolate frosting was very appealing to PersonX but somewhat unappealing to PersonY, because _ loved eating sweets. \nSentence 2: The chocolate frosting was very appealing to PersonX but somewhat unappealing to PersonY, because _ disliked eating sweets."} {"input": "Context Word: frosting.", "output": "Sentence 1: The waitress delivered PersonX's cake with frosting and PersonY's without because _ has no diet restrictions. \nSentence 2: The waitress delivered PersonX's cake with frosting and PersonY's without because _ has diet restrictions."} {"input": "Context Word: frame.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes picture frames at the factory were PersonY is a supervisor, _ doesn't make as much money as a supervisor. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes picture frames at the factory were PersonY is a supervisor, _ doesn't make as much money as a picture framer."} {"input": "Context Word: frame.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid a large amount of money to frame a picture they had painted but PersonY did not because _ was very talented. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid a large amount of money to frame a picture they had painted but PersonY did not because _ was very inept."} {"input": "Context Word: frame.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to build a new picture frame for PersonY's portrait because _ was an experienced woodworker. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to build a new picture frame for PersonY's portrait because _ was an inexperienced woodworker."} {"input": "Context Word: clammy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hands of PersonX are clammy, while PersonY's are nice and dry at the job interview, so _ is likely nervous. \nSentence 2: The hands of PersonX are clammy, while PersonY's are nice and dry at the job interview, so _ is likely calm."} {"input": "Context Word: stitches.", "output": "Sentence 1: A stray dog bit PersonX but PersonY escaped without even a scratch. Now, _ needs stitches in their hand. \nSentence 2: A stray dog bit PersonX but PersonY escaped without even a scratch. At least _ doesn't need stitches in their hand."} {"input": "Context Word: stitches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stitches up the wound with needle and thread instead of PersonY because _ has steady hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX stitches up the wound with needle and thread instead of PersonY because _ has shaky hands."} {"input": "Context Word: stitches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at making stitches but PersonY is not. _ didn't leave a big scar on their patient's wound. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at making stitches but PersonY is not. _ left a big scar on their patient's wound."} {"input": "Context Word: cruel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was way more cruel than PersonY because _ grew up in a horrible area of town without a family. \nSentence 2: PersonX was way more cruel than PersonY because _ grew up in a nice area of town with a family."} {"input": "Context Word: ear medication to dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a harder time giving ear medication to dogs than PersonY since _ dogs were resistant to the medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a harder time giving ear medication to dogs than PersonY since _ dogs were acceptable to the medication."} {"input": "Context Word: teen girls.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to date teen girls but PersonY liked older women. _ went to the mall to look for potential dates. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to date teen girls but PersonY liked older women. _ went to the rest home to look for potential dates."} {"input": "Context Word: obedience classes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took his dog to obedience classes but PersonY refused to so _ had a well behaved Pit Bull. \nSentence 2: PersonX took his dog to obedience classes but PersonY refused to so _ had an agressive Pit Bull."} {"input": "Context Word: coconut.", "output": "Sentence 1: Coconut was a favorite snack for PersonX however PersonY thought it tasted like soap. _ ordered a Pina Colada from the bar. \nSentence 2: Coconut was a favorite snack for PersonX however PersonY thought it tasted like soap. _ ordered a margarita from the bar."} {"input": "Context Word: coconut.", "output": "Sentence 1: Finding a fresh coconut, PersonX shared it with PersonY because _ thought they both needed the nutrition. \nSentence 2: Finding a fresh coconut, PersonX shared it with PersonY, however _ thought they didn't need the nutrition."} {"input": "Context Word: coconut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always drank from fresh coconuts unlike PersonY because _ lived on an island in the pacific. \nSentence 2: PersonX always drank from fresh coconuts unlike PersonY because _ lived in a suburb in the city."} {"input": "Context Word: coconut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was hesitant to try the coconut cake because _ was obsessed with coconut. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was hesitant to try the coconut cake because _ was not a fan of coconut."} {"input": "Context Word: coconut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't reach the coconut in the tree so PersonY helped out because _ is shorter. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't reach the coconut in the tree so PersonY helped out because _ is taller."} {"input": "Context Word: coconut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's favorite food is coconut, so PersonY gets a coconut pie as a gift for the party. _ is really appreciative. \nSentence 2: PersonX's favorite food is coconut, so PersonY gets a coconut pie as a gift for the party. _ is really thoughtful."} {"input": "Context Word: coconut.", "output": "Sentence 1: The woman asked PersonX but not PersonY to crack the coconut open because _ was strong. \nSentence 2: The woman asked PersonX but not PersonY to crack the coconut open because _ was weak."} {"input": "Context Word: coconut.", "output": "Sentence 1: While on vacation, PersonX asked PersonY what kind of palm trees coconuts grown on, as _ was not an expert. \nSentence 2: While on vacation, PersonX asked PersonY what kind of palm trees coconuts grown on, as _ is an expert."} {"input": "Context Word: accordian.", "output": "Sentence 1: Earplugs were often required around PersonX but not PersonY because _ always played the accordian. \nSentence 2: Earplugs were often required around PersonX but not PersonY because _ never played the accordian."} {"input": "Context Word: anxious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they could have a moment to themselves, because _ was feeling anxious. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they needed a moment to themselves, but _ was not feeling anxious."} {"input": "Context Word: anxious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more anxious than PersonY because _ did not study the lines before opening night. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more anxious than PersonY because _ did study the lines before opening night."} {"input": "Context Word: hiring.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to make good hiring decisions than PersonY because _ had human resources experience. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to make good hiring decisions than PersonY because _ did not have any human resources experience."} {"input": "Context Word: hiring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY asked the company if they were currently hiring because _ needed a job. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY asked the company if they were currently hiring because _ has a job."} {"input": "Context Word: canvas.", "output": "Sentence 1: Applying oil painting to canvas came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ usually used oil paint. \nSentence 2: Applying oil painting to canvas came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ usually used acrylic paint."} {"input": "Context Word: canvas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has their canvas stretched by PersonY, because _ doesn't know how to stretch a canvas. \nSentence 2: PersonX has their canvas stretched by PersonY, but _ doesn't know how to stretch a canvas."} {"input": "Context Word: canvas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX painted PersonY's likeness on canvas as a gift, and once it was done _ was happy to give it. \nSentence 2: PersonX painted PersonY's likeness on canvas, and once it was done _ was happy to take it."} {"input": "Context Word: canvas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's shoes of choice are canvas, while PersonY prefers leather ones. _ 's shoes are breathable. \nSentence 2: PersonX's shoes of choice are canvas, while PersonY prefers leather ones. _ 's shoes are stiffer."} {"input": "Context Word: excessive shedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: Long haired dogs were PersonX's favorite, not PersonY. _ didn't care about the excessive shedding. \nSentence 2: Long haired dogs were PersonX's favorite, not PersonY. _ really hated the excessive shedding."} {"input": "Context Word: transgender.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being transgender suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had always wanted to be a woman. \nSentence 2: Being transgender suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had always enjoyed being a man."} {"input": "Context Word: transgender.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought being transgender was a mental illness but PersonY though it was acceptable. _ believed in science very much. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought being transgender was a mental illness but PersonY though it was acceptable. _ believed in feelings very much."} {"input": "Context Word: transgender.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY transition to male because _ wanted to help their transgender friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY transition to male because _ needed help from their transgender friend."} {"input": "Context Word: wear knit socks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to wear knit socks and PersonY did not because _ liked having warm feet in the winter. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to wear knit socks and PersonY did not because _ liked having bare feet in the winter."} {"input": "Context Word: personal statement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for PersonY to write a personal statement for a college application because _ is a student. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for PersonY to write a personal statement for a college application because _ is a professor."} {"input": "Context Word: gas grill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prefers a gas grill while PersonY does not because _ doesn't like the smoky flavor of a charcoal grill. \nSentence 2: PersonX prefers a gas grill while PersonY does not since _ likes the smoky flavor of a charcoal grill."} {"input": "Context Word: lawyer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Becoming a great lawyer materialized for PersonX but not PersonY because _ made arguments using logic. \nSentence 2: Becoming a great lawyer materialized for PersonX but not PersonY because _ made arguments using irrationality."} {"input": "Context Word: lawyer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have to get a lawyer even though PersonY did because _ got their charges dropped. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have to get a lawyer even though PersonY did because _ couldn't get their charges dropped."} {"input": "Context Word: lawyer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to hire a lawyer but PersonY did because _ is suspicious of lawyers. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to hire a lawyer but PersonY did because _ is trusting of lawyers."} {"input": "Context Word: lawyer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had some trouble with law and PersonY is a lawyer, so _ asked for advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX had some trouble with law and PersonY is a lawyer, so _ gave her advice."} {"input": "Context Word: lawyer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always committing all sorts of crimes but PersonY was law abiding. _ often needs the services of a lawyer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always committing all sorts of crimes but PersonY was law abiding. _ rarely need the services of a lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: lawyer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was arrested the previous night and called PersonY immediately because _ needed a good defense lawyer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was arrested the previous night and called PersonY immediately because _ was a good defense lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: lawyer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lawyer had to yell at PersonX but not at PersonY because _ was doing everything possible wrong. \nSentence 2: The lawyer had to yell at PersonX but not at PersonY because _ was doing everything possible right."} {"input": "Context Word: nursing.", "output": "Sentence 1: After having their babies, PersonX fed her baby formula while PersonY was nursing, leading to _ spending much more money. \nSentence 2: After having their babies, PersonX fed her baby formula while PersonY was nursing, leading to _ spending much less money."} {"input": "Context Word: nursing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Nursing school was a goal to accomplish for PersonX but not PersonY because _ wanted to be a nurse. \nSentence 2: Nursing school was a goal to accomplish for PersonX but not PersonY because _ wanted to be a secretary."} {"input": "Context Word: nursing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier to do well in nursing school than PersonY because _ had developed good study habits. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier to do well in nursing school than PersonY because _ had not developed good study habits."} {"input": "Context Word: nursing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX graduated from nursing school with better grades than PersonY because _ attended class regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX graduated from nursing school with better grades than PersonY because _ skipped class regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: convertible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX became angry at PersonY for ripping his convertible top on his car, so _ screamed profusely. \nSentence 2: PersonX became angry at PersonY for ripping his convertible top on his car, so _ apologized profusely."} {"input": "Context Word: convertible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's convertible outlasted PersonY's convertible because _ was careful in his treatment of the car. \nSentence 2: PersonX's convertible outlasted PersonY's convertible because _ was careless in his treatment of the car."} {"input": "Context Word: ethical.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to being ethical, PersonX is bad about it, but PersonY is always morally sound. It's more likely _ is a criminal. \nSentence 2: When it comes to being ethical, PersonX is bad about it, but PersonY is always morally sound. It's more likely _ is a lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: hardwood floors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if wanted to install hardwood floors in their new house, because _ wanted to spend the money. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if wanted to install hardwood floors in their new house, but _ wanted to save the money."} {"input": "Context Word: hardwood floors.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX installed hardwood floors in her house but PersonY did not because _ had a brand new house. \nSentence 2: PersonX installed hardwood floors in her house but PersonY did not because _ had an old house."} {"input": "Context Word: PS2.", "output": "Sentence 1: In his free time, PersonX never plays PS2, but PersonY loves it, so _ is the nongamer. \nSentence 2: In his free time, PersonX never plays PS2, but PersonY loves it, so _ is the gamer."} {"input": "Context Word: bees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went closer to the trees than PersonY although _ was afraid of the bees. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed farther from the trees than PersonY although _ was afraid of the bees."} {"input": "Context Word: bees.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx accidentally hit a bees nest with a ball so Persony jumped into the pool and _ got stung. \nSentence 2: Personx accidentally hit a bees nest with a ball so Persony jumped into the pool and _ go wet."} {"input": "Context Word: Haters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easy to shake off the taunts of their haters but PersonY couldn't. _ had a very calm demeanor. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easy to shake off the taunts of their haters but PersonY couldn't. _ had a very aggressive demeanor."} {"input": "Context Word: Winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the Winter, PersonX never gets sick, but PersonY always has a cold. _ has a strong immune system. \nSentence 2: In the Winter, PersonX never gets sick, but PersonY always has a cold. _ has a frail immune system."} {"input": "Context Word: Winter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been hibernating all Winter, but PersonY was in the Bahamas. It's more likely _ is pale. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been hibernating all Winter, but PersonY was in the Bahamas. It's more likely _ is tan."} {"input": "Context Word: bingo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX explained how to play bingo to PersonY because _ played the game before today. \nSentence 2: PersonX explained how to play bingo to PersonY because _ had never played the game before today."} {"input": "Context Word: wig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to cut all of PersonY hair, but _ wouldn't let him put on a wig. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to cut all of PersonY hair, but _ would put on a wig."} {"input": "Context Word: wig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't get to change their hairstyle as frequently as PersonY because _ isn't comfortable wearing a wig. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't get to change their hairstyle as frequently as PersonY because _ is comfortable wearing a wig."} {"input": "Context Word: wig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX donated hair for a wig to PersonY after their hair fell out because _ wanted to help and had long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX donated hair for a wig to PersonY after their hair fell out because _ needed help and had no hair."} {"input": "Context Word: wig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to wear all sorts of wigs while PersonY did not. _ thought they were very creative. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to wear all sorts of wigs while PersonY did not. _ thought they were very itchy."} {"input": "Context Word: wig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going bald and losing their hair but not PersonY, so _ needed to wear a wig. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going bald and losing their hair but not PersonY, so _ didn't need to wear a wig."} {"input": "Context Word: wig.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was embarrassed because PersonX wears a wig and PersonY doesn't and have really nice hair. \nSentence 2: So _ was amused because PersonX wears a wig and PersonY doesn't and have really nice hair."} {"input": "Context Word: detailed plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before PersonX left for vacation she left PersonY a detailed plan to follow, _ needs others to do things often. \nSentence 2: Before PersonX left for vacation she left PersonY a detailed plan to follow, _ needs others for things to do often."} {"input": "Context Word: guidelines.", "output": "Sentence 1: The guidelines were easy for PersonX but not PersonY to follow because _ had no problems with rules or authority. \nSentence 2: The guidelines were easy for PersonX but not PersonY to follow because _ had problems with rules and authority."} {"input": "Context Word: upsell.", "output": "Sentence 1: In an effort to increase commissions, PersonX pushed PersonY hard to buy the addon products that _ was trying to upsell. \nSentence 2: In an effort to increase commissions, PersonX pushed PersonY hard to buy the addon products, but _ was not buying the upsell."} {"input": "Context Word: Marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: Marriage was very important for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was very traditional. \nSentence 2: Marriage was very important for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was very modern."} {"input": "Context Word: flea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY cat had fleas so _ suggested they try to trap them before it got worse. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY cat had fleas so _ suggested they try to kill them before it got worse."} {"input": "Context Word: ham.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finished baking her picnic ham before PersonY, because _ used an easy recipe for ham glaze. \nSentence 2: PersonX finished baking her picnic ham before PersonY, because _ used a difficult recipe for ham glaze."} {"input": "Context Word: ham.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered the ham entree, but PersonY chose a veggie option, because _ was on a vegetarian diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered a ham sandwich, but PersonY chose a veggie option, because _ was on a paleo diet."} {"input": "Context Word: travelled.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has travelled to many more countries than PersonY because _ is very outgoing overall. \nSentence 2: PersonX has travelled to many more countries than PersonY because _ is very reclusive overall."} {"input": "Context Word: income.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX had a higher title than PersonY, _ made less in income at the company. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX had a higher title than PersonY, _ made more in income at the company."} {"input": "Context Word: income.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to retire earlier than PersonY because _ had built up their passive income. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to retire earlier than PersonY because _ hadn't built up their passive income."} {"input": "Context Word: income.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of the high income PersonY was paid at his job because _ was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of the high income PersonY was paid at his job because _ was wealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: withstand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can withstand pain in a more effective way than PersonY because _ has a very strong body structure. \nSentence 2: PersonX can withstand pain in a more effective way than PersonY because _ has a weak body structure."} {"input": "Context Word: elevation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX lived at a high elevation and PersonY lived at sea level, _ received a lot of snow. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX lived at a high elevation and PersonY lived at sea level, _ received very little of snow."} {"input": "Context Word: abuse.", "output": "Sentence 1: Drug abuse was a problem in PersonX's past, but PersonY has always been clean. _ is an addict. \nSentence 2: Drug abuse was a problem in PersonX's past, but PersonY has always been clean. _ is a sober person."} {"input": "Context Word: abuse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tended to abuse drugs more often than PersonY so _ was worried about developing an addiction. \nSentence 2: PersonX tended to abuse drugs more often than PersonY so _ was not worried about developing an addiction."} {"input": "Context Word: Supplements.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was allergic to almost all forms of foods and asked PersonY to help decide what supplements to take. _ settled on 10 different types. \nSentence 2: PersonX was allergic to almost all forms of foods and asked PersonY to help decide what supplements to take. _ suggested 10 different types."} {"input": "Context Word: Supplements.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was slimmer than PersonY because _ took supplements in order to be healthier and fit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was slimmer than PersonY because _ didn't take supplements to be healthier and fit."} {"input": "Context Word: reject.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to accept the deal but PersonY wanted to reject it, as _ had all their demands met. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to accept the deal but PersonY wanted to reject it, as _ did not have all their demands met."} {"input": "Context Word: jazz.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to jazz festivals was entertaining to PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed large crowds. \nSentence 2: Going to jazz festivals was entertaining to PersonX but not PersonY because _ despised large crowds."} {"input": "Context Word: jazz.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a lover of jazz, but PersonY loves to hear rock, so _ is more cultured. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a lover of jazz, but PersonY loves to hear rock, so _ is more typical."} {"input": "Context Word: jazz.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to have a jazz career like PersonY, but _ had a worse voice than them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have a jazz career like PersonY, but _ had a better voice than them."} {"input": "Context Word: form.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX filled out a form, PersonY took credit; then _ got angry and complained. \nSentence 2: When PersonX filled out a form, PersonY took credit; then _ felt bad and apologized."} {"input": "Context Word: brownies.", "output": "Sentence 1: The brownies PersonX made turned out tasteless, while PersonY's were amazing. _ used a terrible recipe. \nSentence 2: The brownies PersonX made turned out tasteless, while PersonY's were amazing. _ used a world class recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: lying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was fired on the spot because _ was caught lying to the manager. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was fired on the spot because _ was not caught lying to the manager."} {"input": "Context Word: lying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caught PersonY lying to their face about money issues, and _ called them out on it on the spot. \nSentence 2: PersonX caught PersonY lying to their face about money issues, and _ was called out on it on the spot."} {"input": "Context Word: lying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't stop lying to PersonY, but _ decided he better to keep his friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't stop lying to PersonY, but _ told him he better to keep his friend."} {"input": "Context Word: lying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suspected that PersonY was lying, so _ asked a question he already knew the answer to. \nSentence 2: PersonX suspected that PersonY was lying, so _ answered a question he already knew the answer to."} {"input": "Context Word: lying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was well known for lying while PersonY was very truthful. Therefore, after the accident the account by _ was more distrusted. \nSentence 2: PersonX was well known for lying while PersonY was very truthful. Therefore, after the accident the account by _ was more trusted."} {"input": "Context Word: lying.", "output": "Sentence 1: The children were lying, which PersonX knew but PersonY didn't, since _ could see when someone was not telling the truth. \nSentence 2: The children were lying, which PersonX knew but PersonY didn't, since _ could not see when someone was not telling the truth."} {"input": "Context Word: pack for a move.", "output": "Sentence 1: You need to pack for a move is the last thing PersonX told PersonY, _ is the landlord at the apartment complex. \nSentence 2: You need to pack for a move is the last thing PersonX told PersonY, _ is the a renter at the apartment complex."} {"input": "Context Word: cracked.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hands of PersonX were more cracked than the hands of PersonY although _ worked harder. \nSentence 2: The hands of PersonX were more cracked than the hands of PersonY because _ worked less."} {"input": "Context Word: defender.", "output": "Sentence 1: A public defender was needed for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a lawless citizen. \nSentence 2: A public defender was needed for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a model citizen."} {"input": "Context Word: rock concert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved going to a rock concert but PersonY didn't, _ bought tickets to see Anthrax. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved going to a rock concert but PersonY didn't, _ bought tickets to see Beyonce."} {"input": "Context Word: magazine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a story written about him in a magazine unlike PersonY because _ was famous. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a story written about him in a magazine unlike PersonY because _ was a normal guy."} {"input": "Context Word: magazine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote for the local magazine while PersonY was a photographer. _ went shopping for a new laptop. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote for the local magazine while PersonY was a photographer. _ went shopping for a new camera."} {"input": "Context Word: Computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked from home using a computer that PersonY had built for him. _ felt indebted. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked from home using a computer that PersonY had built for him. _ felt charitable."} {"input": "Context Word: Computer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The computer broke. PersonX took it from PersonY because it now needed repair and _ was a computer wiz. \nSentence 2: The computer broke. PersonX gave it to PersonY because it now needed repair and _ was a computer wiz."} {"input": "Context Word: peel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX peeled the bananas and gave them to PersonY, as _ liked to prepare the fruit. \nSentence 2: PersonX peeled the bananas and gave them to PersonY, as _ liked to eat the fruit."} {"input": "Context Word: peel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY with their facial peel for _ knew how to look good for a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY with their facial peel for _ forgot how to look good for a date."} {"input": "Context Word: Reinvent.", "output": "Sentence 1: Once in a while, PersonX chose to reinvent himself based on PersonY's actions because _ was not very satisfied with his life. \nSentence 2: Once in a while, PersonX chose to reinvent himself based on PersonY's actions because _ was very successful in his life."} {"input": "Context Word: betrayed.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although she was mad at both, the friend felt more betrayed by PersonX than PersonY because _ had told the secret. \nSentence 2: Although she was mad at both, the friend felt more betrayed by PersonX than PersonY because _ had kept the secret."} {"input": "Context Word: spark plugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took his car to PersonY's shop for some new spark plugs, after this _ paid him for the service. \nSentence 2: PersonX took his car to PersonY's shop for some new spark plugs, after this _ charged him for the service."} {"input": "Context Word: spark plugs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's car started, but PersonY's car did not, because _ put his spark plugs in correctly. \nSentence 2: PersonX's car started, but PersonY's car did not, because _ put his spark plugs in backwards."} {"input": "Context Word: dance teacher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help her impress her dance teacher; when she refused, _ practiced alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked by PersonY to help her impress her dance teacher; when she refused, _ practiced alone."} {"input": "Context Word: exasperation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked the PersonY who was behind the counter what was the exasperation date on the milk, _ is a customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked the PersonY who was behind the counter what was the exasperation date on the milk, _ is a worker."} {"input": "Context Word: guide.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tour guide talked to PersonX a lot more than PersonY because _ was a talkative person. \nSentence 2: The tour guide talked to PersonX a lot more than PersonY because _ was a quiet person."} {"input": "Context Word: local.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped show around the local area to PersonY during the tourist trip because _ was a native. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped show around the local area to PersonY during the tourist trip because _ was a tourist."} {"input": "Context Word: local.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the local bank to open a checking account and added PersonY as an authorized user. _ had paychecks direct deposited. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the local bank to open a checking account and added PersonY as an authorized user. _ had no paycheck."} {"input": "Context Word: crown.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX installed PersonY's dental crown today so _ spent time after answering how to take of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX installed PersonY's dental crown today so _ spent time after asking how to take of it."} {"input": "Context Word: crown.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to have a crown put on her tooth by PersonY; _ was a patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to have a crown put on her tooth by PersonY; _ was a dentist."} {"input": "Context Word: crown.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore the fancy golden crown that PersonY put on it, because _ was the king. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore the fancy golden crown that PersonY put on it, because _ was the ceremony master."} {"input": "Context Word: grill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to cook the hamburgers and hotdogs because _ was inexperienced with the grill. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to cook the hamburgers and hotdogs because _ was experienced with the grill."} {"input": "Context Word: grill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX burnt the chicken on the grill while making dinner for PersonY. _ was upset with himeslf. \nSentence 2: PersonX burnt the chicken on the grill while making dinner for PersonY. _ was unphased by it."} {"input": "Context Word: grill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grilled the roasted pickles and fish meal for PersonY's dinner because _ was a chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX grilled the roasted pickles and fish meal for PersonY's dinner because _ was a customer."} {"input": "Context Word: grill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled to PersonY about the grill because _ saw that it was on fire. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled to PersonY about the grill because _ didn't see that it was on fire."} {"input": "Context Word: grill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's Birthday present from PersonY was a new grill because _ is an avid chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX's Birthday present from PersonY was a new grill because _ is an avid gift giver."} {"input": "Context Word: show.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX reads the script that PersonY wrote for a TV show, but _ is critical of the script. \nSentence 2: PersonX reads the script that PersonY wrote for a TV show, because _ is proud of the script."} {"input": "Context Word: show.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was watching a TV show while PersonY was reading, and _ continued to look at the screen. \nSentence 2: PersonX was watching a TV show while PersonY was reading, and _ continued to look at the pages."} {"input": "Context Word: show.", "output": "Sentence 1: The home of PersonX but not PersonY was broken into because _ liked to show visitors their valuable jewelry collection. \nSentence 2: The home of PersonX but not PersonY was broken into because _ did not like to show visitors their valuable jewelry collection."} {"input": "Context Word: Fiction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at writing fiction while PersonY was not, so _ taught a class on how to write fiction. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at writing fiction while PersonY was not, so _ took a class on how to write fiction."} {"input": "Context Word: pallet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some help moving a pallet or two and _ helps out happily. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some help moving a pallet or two and _ can't get help."} {"input": "Context Word: basal metabolic rate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to learn the idea behind the basal metabolic rate but PersonY was not, because _ was a quick learner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to learn the idea behind the basal metabolic rate but PersonY was not, because _ was a slow learner."} {"input": "Context Word: cuddling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very comfortable cuddling but PersonY was not. _ snuggled up to their lover. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very comfortable cuddling but PersonY was not. _ didn't snuggle up to their lover."} {"input": "Context Word: smart saving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY has plenty of money in the bank because _ practiced smart saving for over twenty years. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY has plenty of money in the bank because _ had not practiced smart saving for any years."} {"input": "Context Word: genetic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew she could not have inherited the genetic disorder from PersonY, because _ was not her real daughter. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew she could not have inherited the genetic disorder from PersonY, because _ was not her real mother."} {"input": "Context Word: mobile home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stopped by PersonY's mobile home to see if he wanted to go fishing but nobody was home at _ house. \nSentence 2: PersonX stopped by PersonY's mobile home to see if he wanted to go fishing but nobody was home when _ stopped by."} {"input": "Context Word: beach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to the beach every single day unlike PersonY because _ lives a lot closer to the beach. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to the beach every single day unlike PersonY because _ lives a lot farther from the beach."} {"input": "Context Word: beach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY on a trip to the beach, but she said no. _ invited someone else instead. \nSentence 2: PersonX was invited by PersonY on a trip to the beach, but she said no. _ invited someone else instead."} {"input": "Context Word: beach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a beachcomber, PersonY is not so you should ask _ where to find sharks' teeth at the beach. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a beachcomber, PersonY is not so you should not ask _ where to find sharks' teeth at the beach."} {"input": "Context Word: beach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to go to the beach but PersonY likes to go to the mountains, so _ booked a trip to Ft. Lauderdale. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to go to the beach but PersonY likes to go to the mountains, so _ booked a trip to Aspen."} {"input": "Context Word: beach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never liked going to the beach but PersonY loved it because _ was a terrible swimmer. \nSentence 2: PersonX never liked going to the beach but PersonY loved it because _ was a strong swimmer."} {"input": "Context Word: beach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the beach while PersonY went to the movies, and _ enjoyed going in the ocean. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the beach while PersonY went to the movies, and _ enjoyed going in the empty theatre."} {"input": "Context Word: beach.", "output": "Sentence 1: The beach is a favorite hangout of PersonX, while PersonY prefers libraries. This is due to _ being a surfer. \nSentence 2: The beach is a favorite hangout of PersonX, while PersonY prefers libraries. This is due to _ being a professor."} {"input": "Context Word: beach.", "output": "Sentence 1: The beach was a lot closer to PersonX and not PersonY because _ lived near the coast. \nSentence 2: The beach was a lot farther from PersonX and not PersonY because _ lived near the coast."} {"input": "Context Word: poor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less money than PersonY, so _ started to feel bad because she was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more money than PersonY, so _ started to feel bad because she was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: Raise Pigs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suggested PersonY raise pigs for slaughter so they could eat all year long and _ agreed to do so. \nSentence 2: PersonX suggested PersonY raise pigs for slaughter so they could eat all year long, but _ couldn't do it."} {"input": "Context Word: driving.", "output": "Sentence 1: Driving in the winter suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of experience driving in snow. \nSentence 2: Driving in the winter suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a lot of experience driving in snow."} {"input": "Context Word: driving.", "output": "Sentence 1: Driving was PersonX's favorite past time but PersonY never enjoyed it. _ liked the freedom and independence. \nSentence 2: Driving was PersonX's favorite past time but PersonY never enjoyed it. _ hated the maintenance and cost."} {"input": "Context Word: driving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not like driving a fast motorcycle unlike PersonY because _ had a fear for speed. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not like driving a fast motorcycle unlike PersonY because _ had a need for speed."} {"input": "Context Word: driving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys driving long distances, but PersonY does not, so _ did most of the driving on their road trip together. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not enjoy driving long distances, but PersonY does, so _ did most of the driving on their road trip together."} {"input": "Context Word: driving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed over the written exam to PersonY, because _ wanted to pass the driving test. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed over the written exam to PersonY, because _ wanted to grade the driving test."} {"input": "Context Word: driving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at driving than PersonY because _ had taken a driver's safety class at school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at driving than PersonY although _ had taken a driver's safety class at school."} {"input": "Context Word: driving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's taking a class on driving with PersonY, so _ must be the student in this situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX's taking a class on driving with PersonY, so _ must be the instructor in this situation."} {"input": "Context Word: attitude.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always has a better attitude and outlook on life unlike PersonY because _ is an optimist. \nSentence 2: PersonX always has a better attitude and outlook on life unlike PersonY because _ is an pessimist."} {"input": "Context Word: attitude.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better attitude than PersonY, so _ was easier to deal with at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a worse attitude than PersonY, so _ was easier to deal with at work."} {"input": "Context Word: attitude.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more positive attitude about the future than PersonY because _ was an optimist. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more positive attitude about the future than PersonY because _ was a pessimist."} {"input": "Context Word: attitude.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better equipped to handle everyday life than PersonY because _ goes into everything with a positive attitude. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better equipped to handle everyday life than PersonY because _ goes into everything with a negative attitude."} {"input": "Context Word: attitude.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that he would find another job because _ had a bad very attitude. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that he should find another job because _ had a bad very attitude."} {"input": "Context Word: wash a stuffed animal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched PersonY wash a stuffed animal because _ did not know how to work a washing machine. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched PersonY wash a stuffed animal because _ knew how to work a washing machine."} {"input": "Context Word: suitcases.", "output": "Sentence 1: The suitcases of PersonX got lost at the airport, but PersonY's made it there safely, so _ is pretty annoyed. \nSentence 2: The suitcases of PersonX got lost at the airport, but PersonY's made it there safely, so _ is pretty relieved."} {"input": "Context Word: robin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a robin for PersonY at Christmas since _ wanted to make the other happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a robin from PersonY at Christmas since _ wanted to make the other happy."} {"input": "Context Word: role model.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fireman was a role model to PersonX but not PersonY because _ wanted to be a firefighter one day. \nSentence 2: The fireman was a role model to PersonX but not PersonY because _ wanted to be a policeman one day."} {"input": "Context Word: contacts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to wear contacts while PersonY chose glasses. _ didn't mind touching his eyes. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to wear contacts while PersonY chose glasses. _ was afraid of touching his eyes."} {"input": "Context Word: contacts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to get contacts to see but not PersonY because _ had irregular vision. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to get contacts to see but not PersonY because _ had perfect vision."} {"input": "Context Word: contacts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is buying a coloured contacts for her friend PersonY, because _ wants to surprise her. \nSentence 2: PersonX is buying a coloured contacts for her friend PersonY, because _ wants to wear coloured contacts."} {"input": "Context Word: contacts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred wearing contacts over glasses but not PersonY because _ didn't mind touching an eye. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred wearing contacts over glasses but not PersonY because _ had trouble touching an eye."} {"input": "Context Word: contacts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to hold more relationships with contacts from work than PersonY, because _ was extroverted. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to hold more relationships with contacts from work than PersonY, because _ was introverted."} {"input": "Context Word: contacts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore contacts at school although PersonY didn't have to because _ had a worse eyesight. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore contacts at school although PersonY didn't have to because _ had a good eyesight."} {"input": "Context Word: contacts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore contacts for their eyes while PersonY wore glasses, so _ took out their contacts before going to sleep. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore contacts for their eyes while PersonY wore glasses, so _ took off their glasses before going to sleep."} {"input": "Context Word: contacts.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX wears clear contacts and PersonY wears colored ones, it is safe to assume that _ loves the color of their eyes. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX wears clear contacts and PersonY wears colored ones, it is safe to assume that _ dislikes the color of their eyes."} {"input": "Context Word: contacts.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor prescribed contacts for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ has poor vision. \nSentence 2: The doctor prescribed contacts for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ has great vision."} {"input": "Context Word: contacts.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX came home from the eye clinic, they showed PersonY their new colored contacts, because _ was proud of them. \nSentence 2: When PersonX came home from the eye clinic, they showed PersonY their new colored contacts, and _ was impressed by them."} {"input": "Context Word: bodywash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's bodywash smells better than that of PersonY, so _ continues to use this brand. \nSentence 2: PersonX's bodywash smells better than that of PersonY, so _ decides to change to this brand."} {"input": "Context Word: celebrity.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to deal with crazed fans is a part of PersonX's job but not PersonY's because _ is a celebrity. \nSentence 2: Learning to deal with crazed fans is a part of PersonX's job but not PersonY's because _ isn't a celebrity."} {"input": "Context Word: celebrity.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the red carpet PersonX spots the A-list celebrity PersonY, so _ asks for an autograph. \nSentence 2: On the red carpet PersonX spots the A-list celebrity PersonY, but _ won't give an autograph."} {"input": "Context Word: celebrity.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was a celebrity and PersonY was unknown, _ was followed whenever they were in public. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was a celebrity and PersonY was unknown, _ was left alone whenever they were in public."} {"input": "Context Word: neighborhood.", "output": "Sentence 1: The neighborhood was quiet, so PersonX invited PersonY for a walk around the block. When he accepted, _ felt relieved. \nSentence 2: The neighborhood was quiet, so PersonX invited PersonY for a walk around the block. When he accepted, _ felt loved."} {"input": "Context Word: walnuts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed eating walnuts while PersonY did not since _ was not allergic to any kind of nut. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed eating walnuts while PersonY did not since _ was not allergic to all kinds of nuts."} {"input": "Context Word: walnuts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an allergy to nuts but PersonY did not, so _ never put walnuts in brownies. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an allergy to nuts but PersonY did not, so _ always put walnuts in brownies."} {"input": "Context Word: cannabis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can use medical cannabis legally, however PersonY can not because _ lives in Nevada. \nSentence 2: PersonX can use medical cannabis legally, however PersonY can not because _ lives in South Dakota."} {"input": "Context Word: treadmill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more tired than PersonY because _ had been running on the treadmill all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more energetic than PersonY because _ had been running on the treadmill all day."} {"input": "Context Word: cockatoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: After deciding to get a bird, PersonX bought a cockatoo from PersonY because _ didn't work in a pet store. \nSentence 2: After deciding to get a bird, PersonX bought a cockatoo from PersonY because _ did work in a pet store."} {"input": "Context Word: cockatoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more irritated than PersonY by the tweeting of the cockatoo, because _ had a headache. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less irritated than PersonY by the tweeting of the cockatoo, because _ had a headache."} {"input": "Context Word: virtuous woman.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was doing her best to be a virtuous woman when PersonY showed up, tempting _ to violate her virtues. \nSentence 2: PersonX was doing her best to be a virtuous woman when PersonY showed up, _ kept to her virtues."} {"input": "Context Word: hammock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to lie around in a hammock all day but PersonY did not because _ was very sedentary. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to lie around in a hammock all day but PersonY did not because _ was very active."} {"input": "Context Word: hammock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to lay in the hammock all day, but PersonY doesn't have time, so _ is lazier. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to lay in the hammock all day, but PersonY doesn't have time, so _ is more efficient."} {"input": "Context Word: hammock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX slept in the hammock in the backyard while PersonY gardened because _ was tired. \nSentence 2: PersonX slept in the hammock in the backyard while PersonY gardened because _ was energetic."} {"input": "Context Word: hammock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to hang a hammock in the backyard because _ is shorter than the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to hang a hammock in the backyard because _ is taller than the other."} {"input": "Context Word: hammock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was exited to try out the hammock that PersonY had bought them, and _ was not disappointed by it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was exited to try out the hammock that PersonY had bought them, and _ was glad their friend liked it."} {"input": "Context Word: chickenpox.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX contracted the chickenpox from PersonY so _ spent the day sending mean texts about it. \nSentence 2: After PersonX contracted the chickenpox from PersonY so _ spent the day sending nice texts about it."} {"input": "Context Word: hooked.", "output": "Sentence 1: Hooked on fishing is what you are replied PersonX to PersonY, _ always wanted to be a fisherman. \nSentence 2: Hooked on fishing is what you are replied PersonX to PersonY, _ wasn't ashamed to be a fisherman."} {"input": "Context Word: home remedy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried a home remedy for their cold but PersonY got some medicine from the doctor. _ had a cold for two weeks. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried a home remedy for their cold but PersonY got some medicine from the doctor. _ had a cold for two days."} {"input": "Context Word: Christmas tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a Christmas Tree, but PersonY decided not to, because _ felt the holiday was very commercialized. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a Christmas Tree, but PersonY decided not to, because _ felt the holiday was very special."} {"input": "Context Word: snoring.", "output": "Sentence 1: The snoring of PersonX has really been annoying PersonY lately, so _ starts sleeping with a mask. \nSentence 2: The snoring of PersonX has really been annoying PersonY lately, so _ starts sleeping with ear plugs."} {"input": "Context Word: Foundation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx had his face foundation done by persony and _ appreciated the effort put into it. \nSentence 2: Personx had his face foundation done by persony and _ applied much effort into it."} {"input": "Context Word: Palitaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx is better at making Palitaw meal than personY because _ father is a good chef. \nSentence 2: Personx is worse at making Palitaw meal than personY because _ father is good chef."} {"input": "Context Word: spasms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffers from esophageal spasms so he goes to doctor PersonY, because _ needs help. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffers from esophageal spasms so he goes to doctor PersonY, because _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: art.", "output": "Sentence 1: More art was sold by PersonX than PersonY at the art gallery due to _ being the more superior art dealer. \nSentence 2: More art was sold by PersonX than PersonY at the art gallery due to _ being the more inferior art dealer."} {"input": "Context Word: art.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attended the art exhibit with art made by PersonY, and _ saw many great art pieces. \nSentence 2: PersonX attended the art exhibit with art made by PersonY, and _ created many great art pieces."} {"input": "Context Word: art.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought all her art from PersonY because _ needed guidance on what was high quality. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought all her art from PersonY because _ offered guidance on what was high quality."} {"input": "Context Word: art.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to the art exhibit before going out to dinner since _ didn't get reservations on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to the art exhibit before going out to dinner since _ had prior engagements."} {"input": "Context Word: art.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to buy the art PersonY created because _ was very impressed by it. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to buy the art PersonY created because _ was a very talented artist."} {"input": "Context Word: art.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a big fan of art but PersonY was a sports fan. _ bought a ticket to the museum. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a big fan of art but PersonY was a sports fan. _ bought a ticket to the football game."} {"input": "Context Word: art.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a great at painting, drawing, and art, while PersonY was fantastic at cooking, so _ recently had their work featured in a museum. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a great at painting, drawing, and art, while PersonY was fantastic at cooking, so _ recently had their work featured in a cooking magazine."} {"input": "Context Word: art.", "output": "Sentence 1: The art was made available to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a great reputation with the seller. \nSentence 2: The art was made available to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a horrible reputation with the seller."} {"input": "Context Word: rock music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the rock music and wanted PersonY to hear some of it so _ happily loaned the CDs. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the rock music and wanted PersonY to hear some of it so _ happily borrowed the CDs."} {"input": "Context Word: Detached Retina.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was recently in a car accident and PersonY had to fix the detached retina, so _ scheduled an appointment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was recently in a car accident and PersonY had to fix the detached retina, but _ had no an appointments."} {"input": "Context Word: skunks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX despised the smell of skunks while PersonY didn't mind their smell because _ was sensitive to foul smells. \nSentence 2: PersonX despised the smell of skunks while PersonY didn't mind their smell because _ wasn't sensitive to foul smells."} {"input": "Context Word: astronomy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Astronomy was PersonX's favorite subject in school but PersonY didn't like it because _ loved science. \nSentence 2: Astronomy was PersonX's favorite subject in school but PersonY didn't like it because _ hated science."} {"input": "Context Word: astronomy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was made fun of by PersonY when she became interested in astronomy. Then _ felt self-conscious. \nSentence 2: PersonX made fun of PersonY when she became interested in astronomy. Then _ felt self-conscious."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wanted to get a tattoo while PersonY hated the idea. _ was more daring. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wanted to get a tattoo while PersonY hated the idea. _ was less daring."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY where they got their dolphin tattoo on their back at because _ wanted to get their first tattoo. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY where they got their dolphin tattoo on their back at because _ had a well done tattoo."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had many tattoos on her body and PersonY didnt because _ loved body art. \nSentence 2: PersonX had many tattoos on her body and PersonY didnt because _ hated body art."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has many tattoos on his body, while PersonY has none, because _ is an atheist. \nSentence 2: PersonX has many tattoos on his body, while PersonY has none, because _ is Jewish.."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX held PersonY's arm firmly in place as _ inked in the last part of the tattoo over the ankle. \nSentence 2: PersonX held PersonY's arm firmly in place as _ cried at the last part of the tattoo over the ankle."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is not therefore if your tattoo is infected _ is whom you should see. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is not therefore if your tattoo is infected _ is not whom you should see."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very conservative, PersonY is very liberal which is why _ doesn't have a tattoo. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very conservative, PersonY is very liberal which is why _ has a tattoo."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid for the new tattoo that PersonY was getting due to _ forgetting a Birthday gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid for the new tattoo that PersonY was getting due to _ forgetting a credit card."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid more for their tattoo than PersonY because the one on _ was more detailed. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid more for their tattoo than PersonY because the one on _ was more plain."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted her first tattoo and went to PersonY's tattooing studio. _ felt anxious and excited. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted her first tattoo and went to PersonY's tattooing studio. _ was confident in her work."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more likely to get a tattoo than PersonY, because _ believed in personal artistic expression. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more likely to get a tattoo than PersonY, because _ did not believe in personal artistic expression."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really upset when PersonY got a tattoo, because _ thought tattoos were creepy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really upset when PersonY got a tattoo, but _ thought tattoos were lovely."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched anxiously while PersonY got a tattoo on their back. _ had always been terrified of getting one. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched anxiously while PersonY got a tattoo on their back. _ had always been excited about getting one."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY to get a new tattoo , because _ wanted some beautiful body art. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY to get a new tattoo , because _ made some beautiful body art."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to see PersonY about getting a new tattoo because _ wanted to have the sleeve on their left arm finished. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to see PersonY about getting a new tattoo but _ refused to finish the sleeve on their left arm."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's mom won't let her have a tattoo, but PersonY can get one, so _ 's mom is more conservative. \nSentence 2: PersonX's mom won't let her have a tattoo, but PersonY can get one, so _ 's mom is more liberal."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was scared with getting tattoos because PersonX was scared of needles and PersonY does not mind pain. \nSentence 2: So _ was calm with getting tattoos because PersonX was scared of needles and PersonY does not mind pain."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tattoo artist was preparing his workstation for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had money. \nSentence 2: The tattoo artist was preparing his workstation for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was broke."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tattoo that PersonX had just gotten was nothing like the botched job suffered by PersonY and _ she was thankful her's was better. \nSentence 2: The tattoo that PersonX had just gotten was nothing like the botched job suffered by PersonY and _ she was thankful she could show her."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tattoos of PersonX look a lot better than those of PersonY, so _ must have gone to a better artist. \nSentence 2: The tattoos of PersonX look a lot worse than those of PersonY, so _ must have gone to a better artist."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: They both wanted to get a tattoo but PersonX had an easier time asking their parents than PersonY because _ parents were easy going. \nSentence 2: They both wanted to get a tattoo but PersonX had an easier time asking their parents than PersonY because _ parents were strict."} {"input": "Context Word: Shock.", "output": "Sentence 1: Shock is what may have killed him PersonX told PersonY at the seen, _ is a crime seen investigator. \nSentence 2: Shock is what may have killed him PersonX told PersonY at the seen, _ does not trust the crime seen investigator."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having always wanted to sing PersonX was looking forward to the free singing lessons beings offered by PersonY _ especially because she didn't have any money. \nSentence 2: Having always wanted to sing PersonX was looking forward to the free singing lessons beings offered by PersonY _ didn't want any money."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to sing a song at karaoke, because _ loved to listen to singing. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to sing a song at karaoke, because _ loved to sing in public."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could sing very well compared to PersonY because _ grew up in a musical family. \nSentence 2: PersonX could sing very well compared to PersonY because _ grew up in a tone deaf family."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could sing well, while PersonY was always out of tune, so _ always performed well at karaoke. \nSentence 2: PersonX could sing well, while PersonY was always out of tune, so _ always performed poorly at karaoke."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed being asked to sing at weddings unlike PersonY because _ was an accomplished singer. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed being asked to sing at weddings unlike PersonY since _ was an amateur singer."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hopes that PersonY will offer singing lessons, because _ wants to take lessons locally. \nSentence 2: PersonX hopes that PersonY will offer singing lessons, but _ doesn't want to give lessons locally."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just learned PersonY loves to sing in the shower however _ thinks they sing horribly. \nSentence 2: PersonX just learned PersonY loves to sing in the shower however _ thinks they sing great."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made sure PersonY kept his neck straight when they sing together because _ wants everyone breathes properly. \nSentence 2: PersonX made sure PersonY kept his neck straight when they sing together because _ had a neck problem before."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid PersonY to teach them how to sing since _ couldn't carry a tune. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid PersonY to teach them how to sing since _ knew how to carry a tune."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to sing the Star Spangled Banner, since _ taught music lessons in town. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to sing the Star Spangled Banner, since _ attended music lessons in town."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better singer than PersonY, so _ was asked to sing at the wedding. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better singer than PersonY, so _ was not asked to sing at the wedding."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to sing like a bird, but PersonY could not, because _ was entirely tone deaf. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to sing like a bird, but PersonY could not, because _ was entirely confident."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an introvert but loved to sing, while PersonY was an actor. _ was terrible at remembering scripts. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an introvert but loved to sing, while PersonY was an actor. _ was excellent at remembering scripts."} {"input": "Context Word: sing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less accomplished at singing than PersonY because _ lacked confidence on stage and was shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more accomplished at singing than PersonY because _ lacked confidence on stage and was shy."} {"input": "Context Word: crutches.", "output": "Sentence 1: Out of fear, PersonX knocked the crutches out of PersonY's hand because _ was afraid. \nSentence 2: Out of fear, PersonX knocked the crutches out of PersonY's hand because _ was threatening."} {"input": "Context Word: crutches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to use crutches for walking but not PersonY because _ had a sprained leg. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to use crutches for walking but not PersonY because _ had a healthy leg."} {"input": "Context Word: crutches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY at the parking space to load groceries in the car because _ saw him with crutches. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY at the parking space to load groceries in the car because _ walks with crutches."} {"input": "Context Word: crutches.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX broke their ankle yesterday and PersonY's leg had fully healed, _ needed to use crutches to move around. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX broke their ankle yesterday and PersonY's leg had fully healed, _ did not need to use crutches to move around."} {"input": "Context Word: jock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is considered a jock, while PersonY is more of an artist. This is because _ is an athlete. \nSentence 2: PersonX is considered a jock, while PersonY is more of an artist. This is because _ is a painter."} {"input": "Context Word: Academy Award.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an Academy Award winner but PersonY was just a fan so _ gave him for an autograph. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an Academy Award winner but PersonY was just a fan so _ asked him for an autograph."} {"input": "Context Word: Wooden.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought a wooden bed frame was cool looking but PersonY like the sight of a brass bed. _ bought a carved mahogany headboard. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought a wooden bed frame was cool looking but PersonY like the sight of a brass bed. _ bought an antique brass headboard."} {"input": "Context Word: mountain climbing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always followed PersonY when they went mountain climbing because _ was learning what to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX always followed PersonY when they went mountain climbing because _ was teaching what to do."} {"input": "Context Word: Cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Friday, PersonX received a cake from PersonY. It was _ 's birthday on Friday. \nSentence 2: On Friday, PersonX baked a cake for PersonY. It was _ 's birthday on Friday."} {"input": "Context Word: his will.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always helped him with the groceries while PersonY never helped him with anything. He told _ that he will include him in his will. \nSentence 2: PersonX always helped him with the groceries while PersonY never helped him with anything. He told _ that he will exclude him from his will."} {"input": "Context Word: teepee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was inside the teepee, while PersonY stayed outside, so _ avoided getting drenched in the rainstorm. \nSentence 2: PersonX was inside the teepee, while PersonY stayed outside, so _ ended up getting drenched in the rainstorm."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetable.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ eats a lot of vegetables because PersonX wants to stay healthy and PersonY doesn't care. \nSentence 2: So _ ignores a lot of vegetables because PersonX wants to stay healthy and PersonY doesn't care."} {"input": "Context Word: use google play on an android.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to use google play on an android because _ owned an android phone. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to use google play on an android because _ owned an apple phone."} {"input": "Context Word: troubleshoot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is teaching PersonY how to troubleshoot internet issues for customers so _ is demonstrating. \nSentence 2: PersonX is teaching PersonY how to troubleshoot internet issues for customers so _ is learning."} {"input": "Context Word: pinched nerve.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because of a pinched nerve in her elbow, PersonX went to see her doctor PersonY. _ got a prescription for physical therapy to help fix her elbow. \nSentence 2: Because of a pinched nerve in her elbow, PersonX went to see her doctor PersonY. _ wrote a prescription for physical therapy to help fix her elbow."} {"input": "Context Word: cuddle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to cuddle with PersonY and _ scooted towards the other on the bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to cuddle with PersonY and _ scooted away from the other on the bed."} {"input": "Context Word: ingredients.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the store, PersonX couldn't find all the ingredients on the list so had to ask PersonY for help. _ didn't know the store well. \nSentence 2: At the store, PersonX couldn't find all the ingredients on the list so had to ask PersonY for help. _ knew the store well."} {"input": "Context Word: ingredients.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making play dough only required two ingredients which PersonX had on hand, but not PersonY, so _ finished the project quickly. \nSentence 2: Making play dough only required two ingredients which PersonX had on hand, but not PersonY, so _ finished the project slowly."} {"input": "Context Word: ingredients.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought all of the ingredients and gave them to PersonY, since _ was the sous chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought all of the ingredients and gave them to PersonY, since _ was the head chef."} {"input": "Context Word: desserts.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making incredibly tasty desserts suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had been a pastry chef. \nSentence 2: Making incredibly tasty desserts suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never been a pastry chef."} {"input": "Context Word: discipline a one year old.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help to discipline a one year old because _ worked with children. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help to discipline a one year old because _ has never worked with children."} {"input": "Context Word: Plaster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw PersonY working at the hardware store so _ asked her for help finding the plaster. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw PersonY working at the hardware store so she asked _ for help finding the plaster."} {"input": "Context Word: Bond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to invest very conservatively but PersonY took an aggressive approach. _ invested in safe government bonds instead of risky tech stocks. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to invest very conservatively but PersonY took an aggressive approach. _ invested in risky tech stocks instead of safe government bonds."} {"input": "Context Word: breathe.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was a lot harder for PersonX to breathe than PersonY because _ had problems with his lungs. \nSentence 2: It was a lot easier for PersonX to breathe than PersonY because _ had problems with his lungs."} {"input": "Context Word: breathe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could breathe a lot better than PersonY because _ had no problems with his lungs. \nSentence 2: PersonX breathed a lot worse than PersonY because _ had no problems with his lungs."} {"input": "Context Word: breathe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to get through a difficult time so _ was happy her friend could now breathe easy. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to get through a difficult time so _ was happy her friend helped her breathe easy."} {"input": "Context Word: siphon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he could siphone some gas from the tank, because _ was out of gas. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he could siphone some gas from the tank, but _ was out of gas."} {"input": "Context Word: great.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was great for PersonX to be in town and able to visit with PersonY, _ has been away for some time. \nSentence 2: It was great for PersonX to be in town and able to visit with PersonY, _ hasn't seen her for some time."} {"input": "Context Word: great.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that PersonY was a great person, so _ was willing to do anything that was asked of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that PersonY was a great person, so _ was happy they would do anything that was asked of them."} {"input": "Context Word: grows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grows flowers in their garden to give to PersonY, because _ wants to impress their crush. \nSentence 2: PersonX grows flowers in their garden to give to PersonY, because _ wants to decorate their home."} {"input": "Context Word: grows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grows vegetables in their garden and sells them to PersonY, because _ is a farmer. \nSentence 2: PersonX grows vegetables in their garden and sells them to PersonY, because _ is a cook."} {"input": "Context Word: grows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a gardener of skill, PersonY is not therefore _ will be successful when she grows fruit trees. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a gardener of skill, PersonY is not therefore _ may not be successful when she grows fruit trees."} {"input": "Context Word: opinions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had strong opinions about abortion but PersonY was ambivalent. _ gave an impassioned speech about morality. \nSentence 2: PersonX had strong opinions about abortion but PersonY was ambivalent. _ gave a impassion speech about football."} {"input": "Context Word: herbicide.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to use herbicide on their garden but PersonY avoided using it. _ didn't spend much time weeding their garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to use herbicide on their garden but PersonY avoided using it. _ spent much time weeding their garden."} {"input": "Context Word: famous.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was not as famous as PersonY, people hardly ever recognized _ first when out in public. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was not as famous as PersonY, people always recognized _ first when out in public."} {"input": "Context Word: famous.", "output": "Sentence 1: No matter where they went in the world, everyone always knew PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a very famous person. \nSentence 2: No matter where they went in the world, everyone always knew PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not a famous person."} {"input": "Context Word: famous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a fan of the famous PersonY, and _ spent a lot of time watching celebrities. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a fan of the famous PersonY, and _ spent a lot of time hanging with celebrities."} {"input": "Context Word: famous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more famous than PersonY was because _ had been in more movies and shows. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more famous than PersonY was although _ had been in more movies and shows."} {"input": "Context Word: Phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY on the telephone to tell him the good news because _ was excited. \nSentence 2: PersonX listened to PersonY on the telephone telling him the good news because _ was excited."} {"input": "Context Word: Phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to call PersonY because _ did not have their phone with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to call PersonY though _ did have their phone with them."} {"input": "Context Word: Malawi.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was getting ready to their trip to Malawi, but PersonY disapproved of the trip. _ had no money to afford going to Malawi. \nSentence 2: PersonX was getting ready to their trip to Malawi, but PersonY disapproved of the trip. _ had no good reason to consider going to Malawi."} {"input": "Context Word: joint.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the concert, PersonX offered a joint to PersonY to smoke, but _ then rescinded the offer. \nSentence 2: At the concert, PersonX offered a joint to PersonY to smoke, but _ then accepted the offer."} {"input": "Context Word: joint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got fired from their job while PersonY kept theirs because _ was caught smoking a joint at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX got promoted in their job while PersonY lost theirs because _ was caught smoking a joint at work."} {"input": "Context Word: joint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a pain in their joint and PersonY massaged their leg, so _ had less pain afterwards. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a pain in their joint and PersonY massaged their leg, so _ had more money afterwards."} {"input": "Context Word: joint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sought medical assistance from PersonY since _ had a broken joint in his arm. \nSentence 2: PersonX sought medical assistance from PersonY since _ could fix a broken joint in his arm."} {"input": "Context Word: pastries.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pastries are a specialty of PersonX, which isn't true of PersonY, due to _ being a dessert chef. \nSentence 2: Pastries are a specialty of PersonX, which isn't true of PersonY, due to _ being a regular chef."} {"input": "Context Word: shy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Asking girls out on a date is harder for PersonX than PersonY, because _ is deeply shy and stammers. \nSentence 2: Asking girls out on a date is easier for PersonX than PersonY, because _ is deeply shy and stammers."} {"input": "Context Word: shy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making new friends wasn't easy for PersonX while it came easily to PersonY because _ was painfully shy. \nSentence 2: Making new friends wasn't easy for PersonX while it came easily to PersonY because _ wasn't shy at all."} {"input": "Context Word: shy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY to overcome shyness because _ had never been painfully shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY to overcome shyness because _ had always been painfully shy."} {"input": "Context Word: shy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX talked in school much less than PersonY did because _ was much more shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX talked in school much less than PersonY did although _ was much more shy."} {"input": "Context Word: shy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was shy and PersonY was quite gregarious, _ rarely made friends at parties. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was shy and PersonY was quite gregarious, _ always made friends at parties."} {"input": "Context Word: love handles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX successfully lost their love handles but PersonY didn't, because _ hired a personal trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX successfully lost their love handles but PersonY didn't, because _ didn't hire a personal trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY are really good friends, one day they sailed for hours in _ at the boat. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY are really good friends, one day they sailed for hours and _ got sea sick at the boat."} {"input": "Context Word: boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the order for PersonY to set a course for the boat, because _ was the captain. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the order for PersonY to set a course for the boat, because _ was the navigator."} {"input": "Context Word: boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a fun afternoon out on the boat, while PersonY hated every second. _ never got seasick. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a fun afternoon out on the boat, while PersonY hated every second. _ always got seasick."} {"input": "Context Word: boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made more money than PersonY, so _ was rich enough to own a boat. \nSentence 2: PersonX made less money than PersonY, so _ was rich enough to own a boat."} {"input": "Context Word: boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to take PersonY out on the water in his new boat. _ said it would be fun to show him the ropes. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to take PersonY out on the water in his new boat. _ said it would be confusing to see how the boat works."} {"input": "Context Word: boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an experienced boat captain unlike PersonY because _ had sailed around the world for decades. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an inexperienced boat captain unlike PersonY because _ had sailed around the world for decades."} {"input": "Context Word: boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to afford a boat, but PersonY was, because _ made less money. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to afford a boat, but PersonY was, because _ made more money."} {"input": "Context Word: boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boat took PersonX to hi destination but not PersonY because _ was actually on the boat. \nSentence 2: The boat avoided taking PersonX to hi destination but not PersonY because _ was actually on the boat."} {"input": "Context Word: boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boat was great for PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved being on the water. \nSentence 2: The boat was great for PersonX but not PersonY because _ loathed being on the water."} {"input": "Context Word: boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX was feeling seasick, PersonY was having so much fun on the boat, because _ hates sailing. \nSentence 2: While PersonX was feeling seasick, PersonY was having so much fun on the boat, because _ loves sailing."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: After have a big fight, PersonX was kicked out of the apartment by PersonY, so now _ doesn't have a home. \nSentence 2: After have a big fight, PersonX was kicked out of the apartment by PersonY, so now _ doesn't have a roommate."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought an apartment in the city while PersonY bought a house in the countryside, because _ loves the busy life. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought an apartment in the city while PersonY bought a house in the countryside, because _ hates the busy life."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX evicted PersonY from the apartment complex because _ was the building's landlord and it was their rules. \nSentence 2: PersonX evicted PersonY from the apartment complex because _ was the building's tenant and it was their rules."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is the one ypu call when something needs fixed where as PersonY when renting a apartment, _ ia the maintenance man. \nSentence 2: PersonX is the one ypu call when something needs fixed where as PersonY when renting a apartment, _ ia the land lord."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid less for their home than PersonY because _ lived in a smaller apartment. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid more for their home than PersonY because _ lived in a smaller apartment."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was quieter than PersonY, so _ found living in an apartment to be pretty easy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was quieter than PersonY, so _ found living in an apartment to be pretty difficult."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unwilling to share her apartment with PersonY , so _ told her to look elsewhere. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unwilling to share her apartment with PersonY , so _ had to look elsewhere."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: The apartment PersonX rented was owned by PersonY, so _ sent the rent for the apartment each month. \nSentence 2: The apartment PersonX rented was owned by PersonY, so _ received the rent for the apartment each month."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: The apartment complex accepted PersonX as a tenant and not PersonY because _ had a steady job. \nSentence 2: The apartment complex accepted PersonX as a tenant and not PersonY because _ did not have a steady job."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: The delivery company stopped at the apartment of PersonX but not PersonY because _ was expecting a package. \nSentence 2: The delivery company stopped at the apartment of PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not expecting a package."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: The real estate agent showed the huge apartment to PersonX instead of PersonY because _ had plenty of money. \nSentence 2: The real estate agent showed the huge apartment to PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was on a budget."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: When out looking for an apartment, PersonX showed PersonY what they wanted because _ has strict requirements. \nSentence 2: When out looking for an apartment, PersonX asked PersonY what they wanted because _ has strict requirements."} {"input": "Context Word: apartment.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx lives in small apartment with persony as a guest because _ cannot live on his own. \nSentence 2: personx lives in small apartment with persony as a guest because _ cannot live in his house."} {"input": "Context Word: pool table.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to play billiards so PersonY bought them a pool table. _ was very excited to get such a wonderful gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to play billiards so PersonY bought them a pool table. _ was very happy to give such a wonderful gift."} {"input": "Context Word: pool table.", "output": "Sentence 1: The group of friends attended the party thrown by PersonX instead of the one thrown by PersonY since _ had a pool table. \nSentence 2: The group of friends attended the party thrown by PersonX instead of the one thrown by PersonY since _ had no pool table."} {"input": "Context Word: quickly.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to win the race because _ ran very quickly. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to win the race because _ did not run very quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: quickly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finished the exam more quickly than PersonY and the rest of the class because _ studied. \nSentence 2: PersonX finished the exam more quickly than PersonY and the rest of the class because _ did not study."} {"input": "Context Word: quickly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX quickly got away from PersonY as soon as they realized how much _ had been manipulated by them. \nSentence 2: PersonX quickly got away from PersonY as soon as they realized how much _ had manipulated them."} {"input": "Context Word: quickly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX quickly jumped to the rescue of PersonY after _ saw them falling onto the subway tracks. \nSentence 2: PersonX quickly jumped to the rescue of PersonY after _ started falling onto the subway tracks."} {"input": "Context Word: quickly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX quickly reacted to avoid the car crash that PersonY never saw coming, because _ had fast reflexes. \nSentence 2: PersonX quickly reacted to avoid the car crash that PersonY never saw coming, because _ had slow reflexes."} {"input": "Context Word: quickly.", "output": "Sentence 1: The reason that PersonX ate quickly while PersonY did not eat another bite was because _ was hungry. \nSentence 2: The reason that PersonX ate quickly while PersonY did not eat another bite was because _ was full."} {"input": "Context Word: physician.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a successful physician suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had gone to medical school. \nSentence 2: Being a successful physician suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not gone to medical school."} {"input": "Context Word: files.", "output": "Sentence 1: The computer of PersonX ran faster than that of PersonY because _ downloaded less files. \nSentence 2: The computer of PersonX ran slower than that of PersonY because _ downloaded less files."} {"input": "Context Word: wart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been getting warts, but PersonY never does because _ was diagnosed with HPV. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been getting warts, but PersonY never does even though _ was diagnosed with HPV."} {"input": "Context Word: billiards.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the billiards table, PersonX always loses to PersonY at 8 ball. That's due to _ having been playing for 30 years. \nSentence 2: At the billiards table, PersonX always loses to PersonY at 8 ball. That's due to _ having been playing for 1 year."} {"input": "Context Word: responsibilities.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more responsibilities than PersonY because _ has six kids still living at home. \nSentence 2: PersonX has more responsibilities than PersonY because _ only has one kid still living at home."} {"input": "Context Word: snakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX camped outdoors less than PersonY because _ was much more scared being around snakes. \nSentence 2: PersonX camped outdoors less than PersonY because _ was much more comfortable being around snakes."} {"input": "Context Word: snakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of snakes while PersonY loved them, so _ screamed when he found one crawling up his leg. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of snakes while PersonY loved them, so _ laughed when he found one crawling up his leg."} {"input": "Context Word: snakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY get over their fear of snakes, so _ gave them a snake to hold. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY get over their fear of snakes, so _ received a snake to hold."} {"input": "Context Word: snakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pest control is important to PersonX but not to PersonY since _ thinks snakes are beneficial to the environment. \nSentence 2: Pest control is important to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ thinks snakes are harmful to the environment."} {"input": "Context Word: apple cider vinegar.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor recommended apple cider vinegar for health, but PersonX drank it more willingly than PersonY. _ loved the taste. \nSentence 2: The doctor recommended apple cider vinegar for health, but PersonX drank it more willingly than PersonY. _ hated the taste."} {"input": "Context Word: scum.", "output": "Sentence 1: There is more soap scum on the shower of PersonX compared to PersonY's because _ is a dirtier person. \nSentence 2: There is more soap scum on the shower of PersonX compared to PersonY's because _ is a cleaner person."} {"input": "Context Word: Paste.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was creating a scrapbook. He pasted pictures of PersonY because _ was fond of him. \nSentence 2: PersonX was creating a scrapbook. He pasted pictures of PersonY because _ was on his mind."} {"input": "Context Word: Anger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more quick to show anger than PersonY, so _ yelled when the car swerved in front of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more quick to show anger than PersonY, so _ sat quietly when the car swerved in front of them."} {"input": "Context Word: similar.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diamonds all looked similar to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never worked as a jeweler. \nSentence 2: The diamonds all looked similar to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had worked as a jeweler."} {"input": "Context Word: catheter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a catheter but PersonY did not because at the time _ was ill. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a catheter but PersonY did not because at the time _ was well."} {"input": "Context Word: garbage disposal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX frantically asked PersonY to help release his hand from the garbage disposal as _ could not get it loose. \nSentence 2: PersonX frantically asked PersonY to help release his hand from the garbage disposal so _ got it loose."} {"input": "Context Word: looked for an escape route.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked for an escape route while PersonY did not because _ liked to be aware of all the surroundings. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked for an escape route while PersonY did not because _ liked to live in the moment."} {"input": "Context Word: temperament.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a calm temperament but PersonY is quite volatile. Everyone loves to be around _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX has a calm temperament but PersonY is quite volatile. Everyone hates to be around _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: Matrix.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked action movies more than PersonY so _ loved to watch the Matrix on Netflix. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked action movies more than PersonY so _ hated to watch the Matrix on Netflix."} {"input": "Context Word: Grasshopper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scared of grasshoppers, while PersonY loved them, so _ chose to give up the grasshoper. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scared of grasshoppers, while PersonY loved them, so _ chose to adopt the grasshoper."} {"input": "Context Word: Sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is diabetic while PersonY is healthy and really loves sugar, _ has to take care of his sugar levels. \nSentence 2: PersonX is diabetic while PersonY is healthy and really loves sugar, _ doesn't care much his sugar levels."} {"input": "Context Word: pills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered PersonY some pills while sleeping on the bunk bed because _ is caring. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered PersonY some pills while sleeping on the bunk bed because _ is sick."} {"input": "Context Word: pills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold a bunch of illegal pills to PersonY, so _ now has a lot of money. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold a bunch of illegal pills to PersonY, so _ now has a lot of pills."} {"input": "Context Word: pills.", "output": "Sentence 1: There are lots of pills in the home of PersonX, but none in the house of PersonY, so _ must be sick. \nSentence 2: There are lots of pills in the home of PersonX, but none in the house of PersonY, so _ must be healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: Sodium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank water but PersonY ate salty chips and drank sports drinks, so _ 's sodium level registered as very high. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank water but PersonY ate salty chips and drank sports drinks, so _ 's sodium level registered as low."} {"input": "Context Word: virus.", "output": "Sentence 1: Contracting the virus was a major concern of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ had a weakened immune system. \nSentence 2: Contracting the virus was a major concern of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ didn't have a weakened immune system."} {"input": "Context Word: virus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was taken to the hospital but PersonY wasn't because _ contracted the virus that was going around. \nSentence 2: PersonX was taken to the hospital but PersonY wasn't because _ avoided the virus that was going around."} {"input": "Context Word: travel itinerary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planned the perfect travel itinerary for her boss, PersonY, on her business trip to London. _ was excited to see London in her free time. \nSentence 2: PersonX planned the perfect travel itinerary for her boss, PersonY, on her business trip to London. _ wished she could see London in her free time."} {"input": "Context Word: remodeling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed remodeling the house while PersonY didn't like it because _ was good with his hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed remodeling the house while PersonY didn't like it because _ wasn't good with his hands."} {"input": "Context Word: prevent accidents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to help prevent accidents at the school, _ works as a Principle at the elementary school. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to help prevent accidents at the school, _ no works as a safety officer at the elementary school."} {"input": "Context Word: negative.", "output": "Sentence 1: People knew PersonX as a negative person but not PersonY because _ had a pessimistic attitude. \nSentence 2: People knew PersonX as a negative person but not PersonY because _ had an optimistic attitude."} {"input": "Context Word: negative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had a negative outlook on life but PersonY was more positive about life. _ struggled to have good relationships and friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had a negative outlook on life but PersonY was more positive about life. _ found it easy to have good relationships and friends."} {"input": "Context Word: negative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to go back to the doctor for further testing but PersonY does not because _ test results did not come back negative. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to go back to the doctor for further testing but PersonY does not because _ test results came back negative."} {"input": "Context Word: negative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is considered to be much more negative than PersonY, so _ may be considered depressed. \nSentence 2: PersonX is considered to be much more negative than PersonY, so _ may be considered happy."} {"input": "Context Word: negative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was avoided by PersonY, because _ was always being so negative about everything all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was avoided by PersonY, because _ was tired of them being so negative about everything all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: knuckle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY about hitting a knuckle on an open door though _ isn't very worried about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY about hitting a knuckle on an open door though _ is very worried about it."} {"input": "Context Word: collecting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some help about collecting the gemstones, because _ was a beginner. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some help about collecting the gemstones, because _ was an expert."} {"input": "Context Word: CPA.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a CPA to do their taxes while PersonY did their own taxes. _ got a substantial refund check. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a CPA to do their taxes while PersonY did their own taxes. _ got a tiny refund check."} {"input": "Context Word: employment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a vast knowledge of ways to find employment but PersonY doesn't, _ doesn't have a problem finding employment. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a vast knowledge of ways to find employment but PersonY doesn't, _ likely has a problem finding employment."} {"input": "Context Word: employment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was employed while PersonY lacked employment because _ was a hard worker with references. \nSentence 2: PersonX was employed while PersonY lacked employment because _ was a lazy worker without references."} {"input": "Context Word: employment.", "output": "Sentence 1: The employer decided to offer PersonX employment but not PersonY because _ was more qualified for the position. \nSentence 2: The employer decided to not offer PersonX employment but offer to PersonY because _ was more qualified for the position."} {"input": "Context Word: potty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to use the potty while PersonY used the restroom because _ is a toddler. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to use the potty while PersonY used the restroom because _ is a grownup."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the wedding was over PersonX asked PersonY on a trip, because _ wanted a new relationship. \nSentence 2: After the wedding was over PersonX went with PersonY on a trip, because _ wanted a new relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was the bride and PersonY was her bridesmaid, _ wore a white dress to the wedding. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was the bride and PersonY was her bridesmaid, _ wore a white dress to the wedding."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to the wedding was embarrassing for PersonX but not PersonY as _ had dated all the groomsmen. \nSentence 2: Going to the wedding was entertaining for PersonX but not PersonY as _ had dated all the groomsmen."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: I will hire PersonX as my wedding photographer and not PersonY even though they both are professionals because _ has similar taste to mine. \nSentence 2: I will hire PersonX as my wedding photographer and not PersonY even though they both are professionals because _ has different taste to mine."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Saturday PersonX attended PersonY's wedding. It was beautiful and _ gave a nice gift. \nSentence 2: On Saturday PersonX attended PersonY's wedding. It was beautiful and _ received a nice gift."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what time the wedding was to start because _ had forgotten the exact time.. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what time the wedding was to start but _ had forgotten the exact time.."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when the wedding was taking place because _ forgot the date of the event. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when the wedding was taking place but _ forgot the date of the event."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had something to do on Saturday because _ was invited to the wedding. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had something to do on Saturday because _ was not invited to the wedding."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the blessing and a speech at PersonY's wedding ceremony, since _ was the officiant. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the blessing and a speech at PersonY's wedding ceremony, since _ was the bride."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a wedding last year, but PersonY has never had one, so _ is currently married. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a wedding last year, but PersonY has never had one, so _ is currently single."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to go to a wedding with them so _ would not have to go alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to go to a wedding with them and _ did not want them to go alone."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is jealous of PersonY despite _ being chosen to be the best man at the wedding. \nSentence 2: PersonX is jealous of PersonY because _ is chosen to be the best man at the wedding."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to go to a big wedding but PersonY does not. _ watched the Royal wedding on tv. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to go to a big wedding but PersonY does not. _ didn't watch the Royal wedding on tv."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX married recently and PersonY who is still a bachelor was a best man at the wedding, _ seems happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX married recently and PersonY who is still a bachelor was a best man at the wedding, _ feels little bit lonely."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sent a beautiful wedding invitation to PersonY because _ was having a large wedding. \nSentence 2: PersonX sent a beautiful wedding invitation to PersonY because _ was invited to the large wedding."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a wedding planner so liked to be very social, PersonY was shy. _ liked to go out in the evenings. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a wedding planner so liked to be very social, PersonY was shy. _ liked to stay home in the evenings."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was getting married and wanted PersonY to be a part of the wedding and, in the end, _ was very happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was getting married and wanted PersonY to be a part of the wedding and, in the end, _ was very honored."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in charge of planning the wedding for PersonY, and _ ended up being very useful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in charge of planning the wedding for PersonY, and _ ended up being very demanding."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was invited to attend PersonY's wedding, and _ met the bride at the ceremony. \nSentence 2: PersonX was invited to attend PersonY's wedding, and _ kissed the bride at the ceremony."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was invited to be a guest at the wedding but PersonY wasn't. _ felt grateful to the couple for inviting them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was invited to be a guest at the wedding but PersonY wasn't. _ felt spiteful toward the couple for not inviting them."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was planning the wedding of his friend PersonY but _ got overwhelmed by the stress of handling it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was planning the wedding of his friend PersonY because _ got overwhelmed by the stress of handling it."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the wedding planner for PersonY, so _ was responsible for all the variables to be set up. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the wedding planner for PersonY, so _ was paying for all the variables to be set up."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wedding of PersonX is being planned by PersonY for a fee, so _ is going to be the bride. \nSentence 2: The wedding of PersonX is being planned by PersonY for a fee, so _ is going to be the organizer."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wedding of PersonX was a hit unlike the wedding of PersonY because _ prepared well in advance. \nSentence 2: The wedding of PersonX was a disaster unlike the wedding of PersonY because _ prepared well in advance."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wedding of PersonX was extravagant, while PersonY had the opposite. _ is more likely the big shot banker. \nSentence 2: The wedding of PersonX was small, while PersonY had the opposite. _ is more likely the big shot banker."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wedding of PersonX was ruined when PersonY slept with her fiancee. _ is in shambles. \nSentence 2: The wedding of PersonX was ruined when PersonY slept with her fiancee. _ is in an affair."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fires are easier to make for PersonX compared to PersonY due to _ being a boy scout. \nSentence 2: Fires are easier to make for PersonX compared to PersonY even though _ being a boy scout."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX , who is staying with PersonY, has been anxious since the fire. _ keeps dreaming about the fire. \nSentence 2: PersonX , who is staying with PersonY, has been anxious since the fire. _ tries to help him forget about the fire."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always followed fire safety precautions but PersonY usually ignored them, because _ was a very safe and responsible person. \nSentence 2: PersonX always followed fire safety precautions but PersonY usually ignored them, because _ was not a very safe and responsible person."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to start a fire on the camping trip. When he said no, _ was disappointed they couldn't roast marshmallows. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked by PersonY to start a fire on the camping trip. When he said no, _ was disappointed they couldn't roast marshmallows."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY at work to warn about the neighbors house being on fire. _ was leaving home after the call. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY at work to warn about the neighbors house being on fire. _ was leaving work after the call."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY to stay with them because _ lived close to the raging fire. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY to stay with them because _ lived far from the raging fire."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a place to stay after the apartment fire, so _ is a good human being. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a place to stay after the apartment fire, so _ is a thankful human being."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to fire PersonY this morning, so _ called him into the office for a private meeting. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to fire PersonY this morning, so _ was called into the office for a private meeting."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has accidentaly set a hotel on fire and endangered PersonY's life, because _ wasn't careful. \nSentence 2: PersonX has accidentaly set a hotel on fire and endangered PersonY's life, so _ is in danger."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to light a fire but PersonY did not because when it came to woodcraft _ was very experienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to light a fire but PersonY did not because when it came to woodcraft _ was very naive."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran away from the fire, while PersonY rushed towards it to put it out, since _ was a coward. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran away from the fire, while PersonY rushed towards it to put it out, since _ was a hero."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started the house on fire and PersonY put out the fire causing _ to be quite relieved. \nSentence 2: PersonX started the house on fire and PersonY put out the fire causing _ to be quite proud of himself."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was warmer than PersonY was because _ was sitting closer to the fire outside. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cooler than PersonY was because _ was sitting closer to the fire outside."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's house was on fire and PersonY put it out, later _ brought him a large gift as thanks. \nSentence 2: PersonX's house was on fire and PersonY put it out, later _ received a large gift as thanks."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fire burned down the house of PersonX but not PersonY because _ lives in the middle of a forest. \nSentence 2: The fire burned down the house of PersonX but not PersonY because _ lives in the middle of a lake."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fire overtook PersonX while PersonY managed to outrun it, so _ was consumed by it. \nSentence 2: The fire overtook PersonX while PersonY managed to outrun it, so _ was spared from it."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fire they made while camping was calming to PersonX while scary to PersonY since _ was comforted by them. \nSentence 2: The fire they made while camping was calming to PersonX while scary to PersonY since _ was afraid of being burnt by them."} {"input": "Context Word: fire.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they were camping, PersonX stayed warmer than PersonY, because _ stood near the fire. \nSentence 2: When they were camping, PersonX stayed warmer than PersonY, because _ didn't stay near the fire."} {"input": "Context Word: coccyx cushion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY needed to use a coccyx cushion, because _ experienced tailbone pain while sitting. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY needed to use a coccyx cushion, because _ did not experience tailbone pain while sitting."} {"input": "Context Word: theater.", "output": "Sentence 1: Performing in the theater suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ had a vivid imagination. \nSentence 2: Performing in the theater suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ had a timid imagination."} {"input": "Context Word: overwork.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at making pastries than PersonY because _ did not tend to overwork the dough. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at making pastries than PersonY because _ tended to overwork the dough."} {"input": "Context Word: bottles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bottles all the drinks and PersonY sells them to the bars, because _ is the production worker. \nSentence 2: PersonX bottles all the drinks and PersonY sells them to the bars, because _ is the salesperson."} {"input": "Context Word: bottles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank eight bottles of beer before PersonY got there and _ was very drunk. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank eight bottles of beer before PersonY got there and _ was very upset."} {"input": "Context Word: Kentucky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drove through Kentucky more frequently than PersonY, therefore _ knew all of the back roads and shortcuts. \nSentence 2: PersonX drove through Kentucky more frequently than PersonY, therefore _ did not know many of the back roads and shortcuts."} {"input": "Context Word: contagious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to stay away from others because _ had a contagious disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to stay away from others because _ did not have a contagious disease."} {"input": "Context Word: contagious.", "output": "Sentence 1: The contagious disease was passed to PersonX and not PersonY because _ has a weak immune system. \nSentence 2: The contagious disease was passed to PersonX and not PersonY because _ has a strong immune system."} {"input": "Context Word: dyslexic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX volunteered to help the dyslexic students at the school while PersonY avoided them, since _ loved reading. \nSentence 2: PersonX volunteered to help the dyslexic students at the school while PersonY avoided them, since _ struggled with reading."} {"input": "Context Word: illnesses.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX often took care of PersonY during their illnesses, _ was asked again on Monday to help. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX rarely took care of PersonY during their illnesses, _ was asked again on Monday to help."} {"input": "Context Word: illnesses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to bring their pet to the vet more often than PersonY had to bring theirs because the pet of _ suffered from more illnesses. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to bring their pet to the vet more often than PersonY had to bring theirs because the pet of _ suffered from less illnesses."} {"input": "Context Word: bright.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ended up giving PersonY a bright outlook on life when _ started a talk about how wonderful everything is. \nSentence 2: PersonX ended up giving PersonY a bright outlook on life when _ started a talk about how painful everything is."} {"input": "Context Word: bright.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was into goth clothing, but PersonY liked wearing bright colors, so _ had a darker presence. \nSentence 2: PersonX was into goth clothing, but PersonY liked wearing bright colors, so _ had a lighter presence."} {"input": "Context Word: ultrasound.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a ultrasound to PersonY because _ was concerned about their patients comments about stomach pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a ultrasound from PersonY because _ was concerned about their patients comments about stomach pain."} {"input": "Context Word: eel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has never eaten eel, but it is a favorite of PersonY. _ dislikes Asian food. \nSentence 2: PersonX has never eaten eel, but it is a favorite of PersonY. _ loves Asian food."} {"input": "Context Word: newspaper.", "output": "Sentence 1: Every other day PersonX delivered the newspaper to PersonY who had a subscription, since it was _ 's route. \nSentence 2: Every other day PersonX delivered the newspaper to PersonY who had a subscription, since it was _ 's house."} {"input": "Context Word: newspaper.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Sunday morning, PersonX asked PersonY if he could borrow the newspaper, because _ knew his neighbor always had one delivered. \nSentence 2: On Sunday morning, PersonX asked PersonY if he could borrow the newspaper, because he knew _ always had one delivered."} {"input": "Context Word: newspaper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX delivered the daily newspaper to PersonY promptly, so _ expected a nice Christmas bonus. \nSentence 2: PersonX delivered the daily newspaper to PersonY promptly, so _ gave a nice Christmas bonus."} {"input": "Context Word: newspaper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is usually later to catch up on the news than PersonY because _ subscribes to a printed newspaper. \nSentence 2: PersonX is usually later to catch up on the news than PersonY because _ subscribes to a digital newspaper."} {"input": "Context Word: newspaper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept his newspaper subscription year-round so he could make pinata's for PersonYs birthday. _ always makes him smile. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept his newspaper subscription year-round so he could make pinata's for PersonYs birthday. _ always smiles as a result."} {"input": "Context Word: newspaper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX read the newspaper every day, while PersonY preferred listening to the radio. _ loved reading. \nSentence 2: PersonX read the newspaper every day, while PersonY preferred listening to the radio. _ hated reading."} {"input": "Context Word: newspaper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to give PersonY the politics section of the newspaper, because _ had little interest in the election results. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to give PersonY the politics section of the newspaper, because _ had great interest in the election results."} {"input": "Context Word: newspaper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more knowledgeable about political events than PersonY, because _ read the newspaper every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more knowledgeable about political events than PersonY, because _ didn't read the newspaper every day."} {"input": "Context Word: newspaper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a birth announcement int he newspaper for PersonY's baby, and _ thought that she did a good job. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a birth announcement int he newspaper for PersonY's baby, and _ thought that she did a bad job."} {"input": "Context Word: newspaper.", "output": "Sentence 1: The job of PersonX is at the newspaper, while PersonY works at the bank, so _ is a writer. \nSentence 2: The job of PersonX is at the newspaper, while PersonY works at the bank, so _ is a banker."} {"input": "Context Word: parties.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attended all of the wild parties without PersonY, because _ wanted to be a social butterfly. \nSentence 2: PersonX attended all of the wild parties without PersonY, because _ wanted to be a homebody."} {"input": "Context Word: Small Claims Court.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some help in small claims court, because _ had forgotten how to file. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some help in small claims court, but _ had forgotten how to file."} {"input": "Context Word: Small Claims Court.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sent the letter using certified mail with return receipt requested to PersonY, because _ is suing him in small claims court. \nSentence 2: PersonX sent the letter using certified mail with return receipt requested to PersonY, _ was sued by him in small claims court."} {"input": "Context Word: spoon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to start learning to eat with utensils, so _ started out by giving them a plastic spoon. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to start learning to eat with utensils, so _ started out by trying to use a plastic spoon."} {"input": "Context Word: pimples.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had multiple pimples on their face unlike a clean PersonY. _ didn't wash their face daily. \nSentence 2: PersonX had multiple pimples on their face unlike a clean PersonY. _ washed their face daily."} {"input": "Context Word: pimples.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's face is filled with pimples, so PersonY prescribes some face cream. _ is more likely to be a student. \nSentence 2: PersonX's face is filled with pimples, so PersonY prescribes some face cream. _ is more likely to be a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: pimples.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pimples seemed to form more often for PersonX than PersonY because _ kept their face dirty. \nSentence 2: Pimples seemed to form more often for PersonX than PersonY because _ kept their face washed."} {"input": "Context Word: discipline.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it harder to discipline the children than PersonY because _ had experience being a teacher before. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it harder to discipline the children than PersonY because _ did not have experience being a teacher before."} {"input": "Context Word: discipline.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more discipline than PersonY did so _ was able to pass all of their classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more discipline than PersonY did so _ was able to fail all of their classes."} {"input": "Context Word: discipline.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew she would receive discipline from PersonY if she acted up, since _ frequently received punishment. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew she would receive discipline from PersonY if she acted up, since _ frequently gave out punishment."} {"input": "Context Word: dull.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an incredibly dull date, and PersonY was bored, so _ did their best to salvage things. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an incredibly dull date, and PersonY was bored, so _ did their best to end things."} {"input": "Context Word: fluent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX teaches PersonY how to speak English in her spare time so _ does speak fluent English. \nSentence 2: PersonX teaches PersonY how to speak English in her spare time so _ does not speak fluent English."} {"input": "Context Word: profitable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never understood accounting, but PersonY knew everything about it, so the business of _ failed to be profitable. \nSentence 2: PersonX never understood accounting, but PersonY knew everything about it, so the business of _ was consistently profitable."} {"input": "Context Word: hire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to hire PersonY to create a new logo for her company because _ needed a professional designer. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to hire PersonY to create a new logo for her company because _ was a professional designer."} {"input": "Context Word: hire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not like having the responsibility of deciding if the company should hire PersonY because _ he felt sorry for him. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not like having the responsibility of deciding if the company should hire PersonY because _ he didn't want the job."} {"input": "Context Word: mantras.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found new age healing more useful than PersonY. _ loved affirmations and mantras. \nSentence 2: PersonX found new age healing more useful than PersonY. _ hated affirmations and mantras."} {"input": "Context Word: sell.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the stock market, PersonX struggled trying to sell off stocks to PersonY, because _ lacked knowledge of the market. \nSentence 2: In the stock market, PersonX struggled trying to sell off stocks to PersonY, because _ possessed knowledge of the market."} {"input": "Context Word: sell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planned to sell her gold bracelet to PersonY because _ needed money for a party. \nSentence 2: PersonX planned to sell her gold bracelet to PersonY because _ needed jewelry for a party."} {"input": "Context Word: sell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX reluctantly agreed to sell their beloved vintage Cadillac to PersonY, because _ needed the money. \nSentence 2: PersonX reluctantly agreed to sell their beloved vintage Cadillac to PersonY, because _ needed the car."} {"input": "Context Word: sell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to sell consumer goods for a career, PersonY did not because _ was outgoing. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to sell consumer goods for a career, PersonY did not because _ was retiring."} {"input": "Context Word: sell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to sell the car but PersonY did not. _ decided he could deal with the car a while longer. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to sell the car but PersonY did not. _ decided he could deal with getting rid of the car sooner.."} {"input": "Context Word: sell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would grab their inventory in the back of the store for PersonY to sell each time because _ was a businessperson. \nSentence 2: PersonX would grab their inventory in the back of the store for PersonY to sell each time because _ was a loyal customer."} {"input": "Context Word: Avocado.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX detested the taste of avocado but PersonY relished the taste. _ ordered cheese dip for their appetizer. \nSentence 2: PersonX detested the taste of avocado but PersonY relished the taste. _ ordered guacamole for their appetizer."} {"input": "Context Word: waxing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is envious of PersonY's smooth legs, because _ has become an expert at waxing. \nSentence 2: PersonX is envious of PersonY's smooth legs, because _ has never been good at waxing."} {"input": "Context Word: waxing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is outside waxing their car on the warm day PersonY is getting tan in a lawn chair, _ is enjoying the weather. \nSentence 2: PersonX is outside waxing their car on the warm day PersonY is getting tan in a lawn chair , _ is enjoying the sun."} {"input": "Context Word: waxing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was waxing PersonY's back, but messed up the formula and _ ended up losing a customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was waxing PersonY's back, but messed up the formula and _ ended up losing some skin."} {"input": "Context Word: waxing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Waxing the chest of drawers came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a deep love of wooden furniture. \nSentence 2: Waxing the chest of drawers came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a deep love of wooden furniture."} {"input": "Context Word: pimple.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the pimples were popped on both of them, PersonX had to go to the ER while PersonY didn't. _ was infected. \nSentence 2: After the pimples were popped on both of them, PersonX had to go to the ER while PersonY didn't. _ was not infected."} {"input": "Context Word: pimple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to squeeze their pimple but not PersonY because _ had a very plump one. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to squeeze their pimple but not PersonY because _ had a very flat one."} {"input": "Context Word: pimple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teased by PersonY because ( _ ) had a huge pimple on the tip of his nose. \nSentence 2: PersonX made fun of PersonY because ( _ ) had a huge pimple on the tip of his nose."} {"input": "Context Word: Best friend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed PersonY was her best friend and very trustworthy so _ told her the important secret. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed PersonY was her best friend and very trustworthy, so _ was told the important secret."} {"input": "Context Word: ironing board.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the look of sharply pressed jeans while PersonY liked wrinkly jeans. _ used their ironing board on the regular. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the look of sharply pressed jeans while PersonY liked wrinkly jeans. _ used their ironing board rarely if at all."} {"input": "Context Word: healthier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a healthier diet than PersonY because _ ate more veggies and fruits during the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a healthier diet than PersonY because _ ate less veggies and fruits during the day."} {"input": "Context Word: blood sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX checked the patient's blood sugar levels instead of PersonY because _ is a nurse. \nSentence 2: PersonX checked the patient's blood sugar levels instead of PersonY because _ is a janitor."} {"input": "Context Word: Mannequin.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the studio, PersonX modeled the mannequin after PersonY because _ needed a nice body. \nSentence 2: At the studio, PersonX modeled the mannequin after PersonY because _ had a nice body."} {"input": "Context Word: joke.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told a funny joke to PersonY and their friends, and _ made everyone laugh. \nSentence 2: PersonX told a funny joke to PersonY and their friends, and _ was made to laugh."} {"input": "Context Word: sore muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: After working out all day, PersonX asked PersonY to massage his sore muscles because _ was uncomfortable. \nSentence 2: After working out all day, PersonX asked PersonY to massage his sore muscles but _ was not uncomfortable doing it."} {"input": "Context Word: sore muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running the marathon gave PersonX sore muscles but PersonY was ready for another marathon. _ always hated running. \nSentence 2: Running the marathon gave PersonX sore muscles but PersonY was ready for another marathon. _ always loved running."} {"input": "Context Word: sore muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: The marathon gave PersonX sore muscles, but PersonY felt invigorated. _ had always hated running. \nSentence 2: The marathon gave PersonX sore muscles, but PersonY felt invigorated. _ had always loved running."} {"input": "Context Word: metabolism.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had a lower metabolism than PersonY _ was able to lose weight less easily. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had a lower metabolism than PersonY _ was able to lose weight more easily."} {"input": "Context Word: metabolism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always seems to have much more energy than PersonY, so _ must have a high metabolism. \nSentence 2: PersonX always seems to have much more energy than PersonY, so _ must have a low metabolism."} {"input": "Context Word: metabolism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a higher metabolism than PersonY, so _ could eat a lot more before gaining weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lower metabolism than PersonY, so _ could eat a lot more before gaining weight."} {"input": "Context Word: heartbreak.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had had multiple serious relationships, while PersonY only had two, _ had to deal with heartbreak multiple times. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had had multiple serious relationships, while PersonY only had two, _ had to deal with heartbreak once."} {"input": "Context Word: heartbreak.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX experienced a lot of heartbreak after PersonY left town due to _ being in love. \nSentence 2: PersonX experienced a lot of heartbreak after PersonY left town due to _ not being in love."} {"input": "Context Word: heartbreak.", "output": "Sentence 1: While they ate dinner, PersonX asked PersonY for advice on getting over a heartbreak, because _ was new to matters of romance and love. \nSentence 2: While they ate dinner, PersonX asked PersonY for advice on getting over a heartbreak, because _ was experienced in matters of romance and love."} {"input": "Context Word: phone number.", "output": "Sentence 1: If you need to get ahold of PersonX you will need to call PersonY's phone number because _ doesn't have a phone. \nSentence 2: If you need to get ahold of PersonX you will need to call PersonY's phone number because _ has a phone."} {"input": "Context Word: Your blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Your blog is the last thing care about PersonX told PersonY, _ hated blogs and hated bloggers. \nSentence 2: Your blog is the last thing care about PersonX told PersonY, _ loved blogs and loved blogging."} {"input": "Context Word: alcoholic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suspected that PersonY had become an alcoholic, so _ planned an intervention to address the problem. \nSentence 2: PersonX suspected that PersonY had become an alcoholic, but _ predicted an intervention to address the problem."} {"input": "Context Word: spontaneous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has really boring life and routine so she asks for PersonY's help, because _ wants to be more spontaneous. \nSentence 2: PersonX has really boring life and routine so she asks for PersonY's help, because _ is really spontaneous."} {"input": "Context Word: crafts.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making crafts was fun and easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had attended art school. \nSentence 2: Making crafts was fun and easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had attended music school."} {"input": "Context Word: crafts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at making crafts but PersonY was not. _ made nice crafts for their friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at making crafts but PersonY was not. _ made ugly crafts for their friends."} {"input": "Context Word: pineapple juice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more embarrassed than PersonY, because _ spilled pineapple juice all over their shirt. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more embarrassed than PersonY, because _ didn't spill pineapple juice all over their shirt."} {"input": "Context Word: tarot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed in the supernatural, while PersonY dismissed it, so _ took tarot card readings seriously. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed in the supernatural, while PersonY dismissed it, so _ took tarot card readings jokingly."} {"input": "Context Word: red eyes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has some very red eyes, but PersonY does not because _ lives in a dry climate. \nSentence 2: PersonX has some very red eyes, but PersonY does not because _ lives in a wet climate."} {"input": "Context Word: greet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX greeted PersonY at the even but he did not respond to him because _ is humble. \nSentence 2: PersonX greeted PersonY at the even but he did not respond to him because _ is arrogant."} {"input": "Context Word: Conversation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to have a serious conversation with PersonY who did not, so _ adopted a grave tone. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have a serious conversation with PersonY who did not, so _ adopted a humorous tone."} {"input": "Context Word: famous singer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dreamed of becoming a famous singer PersonY wanted to be an artist. _ loved to sing on stage. \nSentence 2: PersonX dreamed of becoming a famous singer while PersonY wanted to be an artist. _ loved to paint and draw."} {"input": "Context Word: non-compete agreement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX signed the non-compete agreement at the advertising company while PersonY was both his friend and manager so _ never thought the agreement would be enforced. \nSentence 2: PersonX signed the non-compete agreement at the advertising company while PersonY was both his friend and manager so _ had the power to enforce the agreement."} {"input": "Context Word: stencil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a stencil on their presentation lettering but PersonY did not. _ had a very neat looking presentation. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a stencil on their presentation lettering but PersonY did not. _ had a very sloppy looking presentation."} {"input": "Context Word: politicians.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX boycotted the political rally, but PersonY did not, because _ viewed politicians as corrupt. \nSentence 2: PersonX boycotted the political rally, but PersonY did not, because _ viewed politicians as honest."} {"input": "Context Word: deep breathing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Deep breathing was practiced by PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoyed getting centered through meditation. \nSentence 2: Deep breathing was practiced by PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated getting centered through meditation."} {"input": "Context Word: Vein.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx had a hard time drawing blood from persony vein because _ had a trembling hand. \nSentence 2: Personx had a hard time drawing blood from persony vein because _ had a weak vein."} {"input": "Context Word: star.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let her star shine but PersonY tended to hang back, because _ was so extroverted. \nSentence 2: PersonX let her star shine but PersonY tended to hang back, because _ was so introverted."} {"input": "Context Word: star.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ wanted to be an astronaut so PersonX can visit the stars out in space, while PersonY is scared of the unknown. \nSentence 2: So _ hated to be an astronaut so PersonX can visit the stars out in space, while PersonY is scared of the unknown."} {"input": "Context Word: star.", "output": "Sentence 1: The restaurant of PersonX has more Michelin stars than the one of PersonY, so _ is very smug. \nSentence 2: The restaurant of PersonX has more Michelin stars than the one of PersonY, so _ is very annoyed."} {"input": "Context Word: encourages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always encourages PersonY to do their best, even though _ doesn't always feel like being a cheerleader. \nSentence 2: PersonX always encourages PersonY to do their best, even though _ doesn't always feel like having a cheerleader."} {"input": "Context Word: artificial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eventually had to have an artificial hip put in, unlike PersonY, because _ had bad joints. \nSentence 2: PersonX eventually had to have an artificial hip put in, unlike PersonY, because _ had good joints."} {"input": "Context Word: minimal equipment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only has minimal equipment compared to the the equipment PersonY has, _ doesn't get many job offers. \nSentence 2: PersonX only has minimal equipment compared to the the equipment PersonY has, _ always gets too many job offers."} {"input": "Context Word: cauliflower.", "output": "Sentence 1: Growing cauliflower is easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has a green thumb. \nSentence 2: Growing cauliflower is easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ does not have a green thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: cauliflower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a lot of cauliflower and broccoli but PersonY did not as _ was very healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a lot of cauliflower and broccoli but PersonY did not as _ was very unhealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: cauliflower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a lot of cauliflower and other vegetables but PersonY did not as _ was very healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a lot of cauliflower and other vegetables but PersonY did not as _ was very unhealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: loyal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was known to be a better manager than PersonY because _ was loyal to his employees and could be trusted. \nSentence 2: PersonX was known to be a better manager than PersonY because _ was not loyal to his employees and could not be trusted."} {"input": "Context Word: loyal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was totally loyal to PersonY, so _ did anything they asked of them with no question. \nSentence 2: PersonX expected total loyalty from PersonY, so _ did anything they asked of them with no question."} {"input": "Context Word: terrible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a terrible temper, and often took it out on PersonY, because _ was a cruel person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a terrible temper, and often took it out on PersonY, because _ was a weak person."} {"input": "Context Word: sneezing.", "output": "Sentence 1: It's Spring, and PersonX hasn't been sneezing as opposed to PersonY who is, so _ never has allergies. \nSentence 2: It's Spring, and PersonX hasn't been sneezing as opposed to PersonY who is, so _ regularly has allergies."} {"input": "Context Word: shaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was shaking more during the performance than PersonY because _ was much more nervous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was shaking more during the performance than PersonY because _ was much more confident."} {"input": "Context Word: shaking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrapped a warm, fluffy towel around PersonY, who couldn't stop shaking, because _ was kind. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrapped a warm, fluffy towel around PersonY, who couldn't stop shaking, because _ was cold."} {"input": "Context Word: gathering.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was at the gathering to see PersonY get married today, _ is a guest at the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX was at the gathering to see PersonY get married today, _ is getting married at the party."} {"input": "Context Word: Emergency.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a calm, cool person but PersonY was very skittish. _ was very dependable in an emergency. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a calm, cool person but PersonY was very skittish. _ wasn't very dependable in an emergency."} {"input": "Context Word: blushing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lady was blushing when she walked passed PersonX but not PersonY because _ was intrigued by her. \nSentence 2: The lady was blushing when she walked passed PersonX but not PersonY because _ ignored her."} {"input": "Context Word: newborn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets a lot less sleep these days than PersonY because _ has a newborn at their home. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets a lot less sleep these days than PersonY because _ doesn't have a newborn at their home."} {"input": "Context Word: Debt.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX asked about the debt of PersonY, _ used a very concerned tone of voice. \nSentence 2: When PersonX asked about the debt of PersonY, _ replied with a very annoyed tone of voice."} {"input": "Context Word: sidewalk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bumped into PersonY while walking on the sidewalk, because _ was in a rush. \nSentence 2: PersonX bumped into PersonY while walking on the sidewalk, because _ was in the way."} {"input": "Context Word: Water Retention.", "output": "Sentence 1: The calendar showed that it was that time of the month for PersonX, but not PersonY so _ was having water retention issues. \nSentence 2: The calendar showed that it was that time of the month not for PersonX, but PersonY so _ was having water retention."} {"input": "Context Word: cult.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is trying to get personY out of a cult so _ is running to her. \nSentence 2: PersonX is trying to get personY out of a cult so _ is running away from her."} {"input": "Context Word: Stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dined at PersonY 's house for dinner. The food was undercooked, so _ had stomach aches all night. \nSentence 2: PersonX served PersonY for dinner. The food was undercooked, so _ had stomach aches all night."} {"input": "Context Word: Stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a quite large stomach but PersonY's was quite small. _ had to watch everything they ate. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a quite large stomach but PersonY's was quite small. _ didn't have to watch everything they ate."} {"input": "Context Word: esteem.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a happier person than PersonY, _ frequently varried in their own self esteem. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was a happier than person PersonY, _ frequently varried in their own self esteem."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: Hunting and eating rabbits was something PersonX enjoyed but not PersonY because _ like eating gamey food. \nSentence 2: Hunting and eating rabbits was something PersonX enjoyed but not PersonY because _ like eating bland food."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed playing with rabbits at the pet store but PersonY did not because _ thought rabbits were cute. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed playing with rabbits at the pet store but PersonY did not because _ thought rabbits were dirty."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always kept rabbits as pets but PersonY had not because _ loved animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always kept rabbits as pets but PersonY had not because _ hated animals."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less grass in their yard than PersonY because _ had more rabbits in their yard. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more grass in their yard than PersonY because _ had more rabbits in their yard."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated animals more than PersonY however _ had a soft spot for rabbits and their floppy ears. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved animals more than PersonY however _ had a soft spot for rabbits and their floppy ears."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated cleaning up after animals more than PersonY however _ had a affinity for rabbits. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated cleaning up after animals more than PersonY however _ had a distaste for rabbits."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought rabbits were tasty but PersonY did not. _ ordered the rabbit stew for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought rabbits were tasty but PersonY did not. _ ordered the chicken stew for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought rabbits were very cute but PersonY didn't. _ bought a rabbit at the pet store. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought rabbits were very cute but PersonY didn't. _ bought a gerbil at the pet store."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to care for more rabbits than PersonY because _ had a larger yard. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to care for less rabbits than PersonY because _ had a larger yard."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was deathly afraid of rabbits so PersonY hid his rabbits so _ wouldn't be scared. \nSentence 2: PersonX was deathly afraid of rabbits so PersonY hid his rabbits so _ wouldn't look mean.."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's rabbit was faster than PersonY's rabbit in the race because _ fed their rabbits better food. \nSentence 2: PersonX's rabbit was faster than PersonY's rabbit in the race because _ fed their rabbits worse food."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbits.", "output": "Sentence 1: Rabbits are cute but PersonX was allergic but not PersonY, so _ had to stay far away. \nSentence 2: Rabbits are cute but PersonX was allergic, but not PersonY, so _ had one for a pet."} {"input": "Context Word: concrete.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more patience than PersonY so _ liked to watch concrete dry while on a construction job. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less patience than PersonY so _ liked to watch concrete dry while on a construction job."} {"input": "Context Word: concrete.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hires PersonY to pour the concrete for the new driveway due to _ being a homeowner. \nSentence 2: PersonX hires PersonY to pour the concrete for the new driveway due to _ being a contractor."} {"input": "Context Word: concrete.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sanded concrete at work, while PersonY worked in an office, so _ had to wear a dust mask because he was at high risk for silicosis. \nSentence 2: PersonX sanded concrete at work, while PersonY worked in an office, so _ did not have to wear a dust mask because he was at low risk for silicosis."} {"input": "Context Word: concrete.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to build their shed out of concrete whereas PersonY wanted to built theirs out of wood. _ thought concrete would be strong. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to build their shed out of concrete whereas PersonY wanted to built theirs out of wood. _ thought wood would be strong."} {"input": "Context Word: concrete.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX poured the concrete lumpy, PersonY laughed, so the foreman gave _ a sympathetic look. \nSentence 2: When PersonX poured the concrete lumpy, PersonY laughed, so the foreman gave _ an angry look."} {"input": "Context Word: Peaceful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the sound of the sax peaceful but PersonY found it grating. _ bought a Kenny G album. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the sound of the sax peaceful but PersonY found it grating. _ bought a Metallic album."} {"input": "Context Word: migraines.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY and asked for advice about her migraines because _ was in pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY and asked for advice about her migraines because _ was in medical school."} {"input": "Context Word: migraines.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more frequent migraines than PersonY, so _ had to take migraine medication frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more frequent migraines than PersonY, so _ had to take migraine medication rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: bottom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was staring at PersonY's bottom, which caused _ to become quite attracted during the incident. \nSentence 2: PersonX was staring at PersonY's bottom, which caused _ to become quite uncomfortable during the incident."} {"input": "Context Word: Dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to play with PersonY 's dog because it was so well-behaved. _ wanted a dog of his own. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to play with PersonY 's dog because it was so well-behaved. _ trained the dog well."} {"input": "Context Word: Dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog obeyed PersonX more than PersonY around the house because _ had built a deeper bond with it. \nSentence 2: The dog obeyed PersonX more than PersonY around the house because _ had not built a deep bond with it."} {"input": "Context Word: Dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx collected one of the dogs bred by persony and _ did not pay any money for it. \nSentence 2: personx collected one of the dogs bred by persony and _ collected some money for it."} {"input": "Context Word: Dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had his dog ear stitched by persony and _ had ever since patronize him. \nSentence 2: personx had his dog ear stitched by persony and _ had ever since give him discount."} {"input": "Context Word: darts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taunted PersonY during their game of darts while the spectators looked at _ with disgust. \nSentence 2: PersonX taunted PersonY during their game of darts while the spectators looked at _ with pity."} {"input": "Context Word: darts.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing darts was a favorite pastime of PersonX but not PersonY, so _ was excited to see the bar had a dart board. \nSentence 2: Playing darts was a favorite pastime of PersonX but not PersonY, so _ was excited to see the bar had a pool table."} {"input": "Context Word: messaging app.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always got his texts typed faster then PersonY, because ( _ ) used a faster messaging app. \nSentence 2: PersonX never got his texts typed faster then PersonY, because ( _ ) used a faster messaging app."} {"input": "Context Word: parasitic worms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid their cat may have parasitic worms and PersonY was a veterinarian, so _ took their cat for a checkup. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid their cat may have parasitic worms and PersonY was a veterinarian, so _ gave their cat for a checkup."} {"input": "Context Word: Arrogant.", "output": "Sentence 1: Most people feel that PersonX is arrogant while PersonY is quite humble because _ never admits that he makes mistakes. \nSentence 2: Most people feel that PersonX is arrogant while PersonY is quite humble because _ often admits that he makes mistakes."} {"input": "Context Word: Arrogant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an arrogant personality but PersonY was a very humble person. _ rubbed a lot of folks the wrong way. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an arrogant personality but PersonY was a very humble person. _ impressed a lot of folks the right way."} {"input": "Context Word: Diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX managed to keep their Diabetes symptoms under control very well, while PersonY struggled with this. _ was striving to become more healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX managed to keep their Diabetes symptoms under control very well, while PersonY struggled with this. _ was failing to become more healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: Diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was aware PersonY had been diagnosed with diabetes, so _ did not offer her cake. \nSentence 2: PersonX was aware PersonY had been diagnosed with diabetes, so _ did not eat the cake."} {"input": "Context Word: Diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX will probably live much longer that PersonY will because _ doesn't need dialysis due to diabetes. \nSentence 2: PersonX will probably live much longer that PersonY will because _ needs dialysis due to diabetes."} {"input": "Context Word: monkeys.", "output": "Sentence 1: Visiting Africa and seeing the monkeys seemed exciting to PersonX but not PersonY, as _ loved primates. \nSentence 2: Visiting Africa and seeing the monkeys seemed exciting to PersonX but not PersonY, as _ was scared of primates."} {"input": "Context Word: tap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to mend a broken tap but PersonY did not as _ had excellent mechanical skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to mend a broken tap but PersonY did not as _ had terrible mechanical skills."} {"input": "Context Word: chatting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a worse grade in the class than PersonY because _ was always chatting during the lesson. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a better grade in the class than PersonY because _ was always chatting during the lesson."} {"input": "Context Word: chatting.", "output": "Sentence 1: She was always chatting with PersonX but never with PersonY so _ thought that she is interesting. \nSentence 2: She was always chatting with PersonX but never with PersonY so _ thought that she is dull."} {"input": "Context Word: reducing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a harder time reducing their pore size than PersonY because _ did not enjoy a skincare routine. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a harder time reducing their pore size than PersonY because _ did enjoy a skincare routine."} {"input": "Context Word: pads.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to buy puppy training pads but not PersonY because _ had an indoor dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to buy puppy training pads but not PersonY because _ had an outdoor dog."} {"input": "Context Word: trace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to trace designs while PersonY doesn't because _ is not as talented at freehanded drawing. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to trace designs while PersonY doesn't because _ is more talented at freehanded drawing."} {"input": "Context Word: cute.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make cute crafts with PersonY, but _ couldn't convince them to play along. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make cute crafts with PersonY, but _ convinced them to play something different."} {"input": "Context Word: cute.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was widely regarded as being cute but PersonY was not because _ was attractive. \nSentence 2: PersonX was widely regarded as being cute but PersonY was not because _ was plain."} {"input": "Context Word: cute.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's girlfriend is really cute, while PersonY's is kind of ugly, so _ is probably attractive himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX's girlfriend is really cute, while PersonY's is kind of ugly, so _ is probably unattractive himself."} {"input": "Context Word: arguments.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to therapy with PersonY because _ wanted to stop having terrible arguments all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to therapy with PersonY because _ wanted to avoid having terrible arguments all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: pet bird.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a pet bird while PersonY was against it, as _ had loved birds since they were a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a pet bird while PersonY was against it, as _ had hated birds since they were a child."} {"input": "Context Word: Ohio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew up in Ohio, but his friend, PersonY, grew up in Michigan, so _ is more likely to be a Buckeye fan. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew up in Ohio, but his friend, PersonY, grew up in Michigan, so _ is more likely to be a Wolverine fan."} {"input": "Context Word: avascular necrosis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was totally confused when PersonY started talking about avascular necrosis, because _ did not go to medical school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was totally confused when PersonY started talking about avascular necrosis, because _ went to medical school."} {"input": "Context Word: aloe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed aloe from PersonY to heal their sunburn however _ hated being in the outdoors. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed aloe from PersonY to heal their sunburn however _ loved being in the outdoors."} {"input": "Context Word: aloe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recovered from their sunburn before PersonY did, because _ regularly applied aloe vera to the burn. \nSentence 2: PersonX recovered from their sunburn before PersonY did, because _ never applied aloe vera to the burn."} {"input": "Context Word: ahi tuna.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them pick out a new piece of ahi tuna for dinner, because _ had no sense to what makes tuna good. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them pick out a new piece of ahi tuna for dinner, but _ had no sense to what makes tuna good."} {"input": "Context Word: irons.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never irons their clothing, while PersonY is just the opposite, so _ 's clothing is wrinkled. \nSentence 2: PersonX never irons their clothing, while PersonY is just the opposite, so _ 's clothing is crisp."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY felt that their relationship was codependent, but _ wanted to keep it up. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY felt that their relationship was codependent, but _ wanted to slow it down."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked to crash on PersonY's couch because _ 's girlfriend had kicked him out and ended their long term relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX let PersonY crash on his couch because _ 's girlfriend had kicked him out and ended their long term relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX complained to PersonY because _ was frustrated with being in a failing relationship for this long. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY because _ was frustrated with being in a failing relationship for this long."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dated many more people at once than PersonY, because _ was in an exclusive relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX dated many more people at once than PersonY, because _ was in an open relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to end the relationship with their cable provider but PersonY did not because _ thought they were being overcharged. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to end the relationship with their cable provider but PersonY did not because _ thought they were being undercharged."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ended the relationship against the wishes of PersonY, because _ wanted to be alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX ended the relationship against the wishes of PersonY, because _ wanted to be together."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got along with their boss but PersonY did not because _ had a good relationship with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX got along with their boss but PersonY did not because _ had a poor relationship with them."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better relationship with her father than PersonY because _ still lived with him. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better relationship with her father than PersonY because _ ran away from him."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a good relationship with their family but PersonY didn't. _ visited their parents quite often. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a good relationship with their family but PersonY didn't. _ visited their parents quite rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a unhappy relationship and was jealous because PersonY had a great one only to find out the reason was _ slacked in adhering to standard marriage advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a unhappy relationship and was jealous because PersonY had a great one only to find out the reason was _ excelled in adhering to standard marriage advice."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to go to PersonY for some relationship advice. _ had a failing relationship because they were inexperienced with talking. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to go to PersonY for some relationship advice. _ had a successful relationship because they were experienced with talking."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a psychologist, PersonY is not therefore it's best to ask _ about how to end a relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a psychologist, PersonY is not therefore it's best not to ask _ about how to end a relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is comforted by PersonY during some very serious relationship troubles, so _ feels better. \nSentence 2: PersonX is comforted by PersonY during some very serious relationship troubles, so _ feels useful."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in a relationship with two people while PersonY is dating only one, which makes _ polyamorous. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in a relationship with two people while PersonY is dating only one, which makes _ monogamous."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just ended a relationship and needed to talk to PersonY because _ was devastated. \nSentence 2: PersonX just ended a relationship and needed to talk to PersonY because _ was supportive."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that their relationship being friends was no longer in their future, _ ends friendships easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that their relationship being friends was no longer in their future, _ doesn't understand friendships."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a relationship with a disinterested PersonY, so _ was left heartbroken after the rejection. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a relationship with a disinterested PersonY, so _ was left indifferent after the rejection."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to be in a relationship with PersonY but _ didn't know how to initiate it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to be in a relationship with PersonY but _ didn't know how to stop it."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to further her relationship with PersonY, therefore _ asked if she wanted to watch a movie together. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to further her relationship with PersonY, and _ agreed that she wanted to watch a movie together."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to have a relationship PersonY for some time, but _ didn't know how to start. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have a relationship PersonY for some time, but _ didn't want to date."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to improve his frayed relationship with PersonY so _ bought him steak for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to improve his frayed relationship with PersonY so _ asked him for steak for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was about to be dumped in their relationship with PersonY because _ never paid any of the bills or did housework. \nSentence 2: PersonX was about to be dumped in their relationship with PersonY because _ always paid all of the bills and did housework."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a healthy relationship and PersonY was not, so _ had a great valentines day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a healthy relationship and PersonY was not, so _ had a lonely valentines day."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a horrible relationship unlike PersonY because _ wife always cheated on him. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a wonderful relationship unlike PersonY because _ wife always cheated on him."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous that PersonY was in a relationship, so _ always gave them dirty looks. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous that PersonY was in a relationship, so _ always was given dirty looks."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to get in romantic a relationship with PersonY so _ asked them out. \nSentence 2: PersonX was accepting a in romantic a relationship with PersonY because _ asked them out."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried about his relationship with PersonY, so _ asked if they could talk. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried about his relationship with PersonY, so _ reassured him when they could talk."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's relationship was more amazing than PersonY's because _ and her husband understood each other. \nSentence 2: PersonX's relationship was more terrible than PersonY's because _ and her husband understood each other."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's relationship with PersonY has become a bit rocky after the fight last week, and _ is concerned. \nSentence 2: PersonX's relationship with PersonY has become a bit rocky after the fight last week, but _ is unconcerned."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: Relationships are a thing of the past for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was her own woman. \nSentence 2: Relationships are a thing of the past for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was trying to find true love."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: The relationship between PersonX and their father is more strained than with PersonY because _ and their father have different political views. \nSentence 2: The relationship between PersonX and their father is more strained than with PersonY because _ and their father have different similar views."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: The relationship between PersonX and their partner was solid but PersonY had a rocky relationship with partner because _ was a thoughtful person. \nSentence 2: The relationship between PersonX and their partner was solid but PersonY had a rocky relationship with partner because _ was a selfish person."} {"input": "Context Word: relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: When their relationship was finished, PersonX had rough time getting over PersonY who didn't care. _ was sad all the time. \nSentence 2: When their relationship was finished, PersonX had rough time getting over PersonY who didn't care. _ was happy all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: Iowa.", "output": "Sentence 1: Iowa is a database owned by PersonX and run by PersonY, _ is a business savvy person. \nSentence 2: Iowa is a database owned by PersonX and run by PersonY, _ is a worker savvy person."} {"input": "Context Word: funky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a funky dress on but PersonY was dressed casual, as _ wanted to look different. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a funky dress on but PersonY was dressed casual, as _ wanted to blend in."} {"input": "Context Word: lead.", "output": "Sentence 1: Lead was found in the water of PersonX, but not in the water of PersonY's home. _ 's kids are brain damaged. \nSentence 2: Lead was found in the water of PersonX, but not in the water of PersonY's home. _ 's kids are just fine."} {"input": "Context Word: lead.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in the lead in the video game while PersonY was in last because _ got a head start. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in the lead in the video game while PersonY was in last because _ was slow to start."} {"input": "Context Word: capital gains.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to pay a lot of capital gains tax but not PersonY because _ made some very solid investments. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to pay a lot of capital gains tax but not PersonY because _ made some very poor investments."} {"input": "Context Word: veteran.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a veteran and not PersonY because _ actually served in the Armed Forces. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a veteran and not PersonY because _ did not serve in the Armed Forces."} {"input": "Context Word: shrubs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept the shrubs in front of their home trimmed neatly but PersonY let theirs go. _ won the neighborhood award for best lawn. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept the shrubs in front of their home trimmed neatly but PersonY let theirs go. _ lost the neighborhood award for best lawn."} {"input": "Context Word: shrubs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX trimmed the overgrown shrubs instead of PersonY because _ is a very experienced gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX trimmed the overgrown shrubs instead of PersonY because _ is a very inexperienced gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: Divorce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a divorce for 2 years now but PersonY did not understand, as _ was careless. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a divorce for 2 years now but PersonY did not understand, as _ was committed."} {"input": "Context Word: Childhood.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in and out of foster care as a child, but PersonY had 2 loving parents. _ had a very unpleasant childhood. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in and out of foster care as a child, but PersonY had 2 loving parents. _ had a very pleasant childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: oranges.", "output": "Sentence 1: Oranges are PersonX's favorite food, but PersonY likes potato chips the most, so _ is healthier. \nSentence 2: Oranges are PersonX's favorite food, but PersonY likes potato chips the most, so _ is unhealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: enjoyable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found doing the crossword puzzle in the paper very enjoyable but PersonY didn't. _ picked up a copy of the New York Times every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX found doing the crossword puzzle in the paper very enjoyable but PersonY didn't. _ picked up a copy of the Wall Street Journal every day."} {"input": "Context Word: enjoyable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very enjoyable meal at the cafe but PersonY didn't. _ made a reservation to eat there again. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very enjoyable meal at the cafe but PersonY didn't. _ didn't make a reservation to eat there again."} {"input": "Context Word: enjoyable.", "output": "Sentence 1: The new task at work were enjoyable to PersonX and PersonY thought the same, _ is having nicer day at work lately. \nSentence 2: The new task at work were enjoyable to PersonX and PersonY thought the same, _ finds it nicer day at work lately."} {"input": "Context Word: suicide.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sympathetic to those who want to commit suicide but not PersonY. _ felt compassion and empathy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sympathetic to those who want to commit suicide but not PersonY. _ felt anger and annoyance."} {"input": "Context Word: laryngitis.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the doctor's office, PersonX asked PersonY to open their mouth and say \"ahh\"; _ determined it was laryngitis. \nSentence 2: At the doctor's office, PersonX asked PersonY to open their mouth and say \"ahh\"; _ was afraid it was laryngitis."} {"input": "Context Word: laryngitis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the designated understudy when PersonY lost their voice due to laryngitis, so _ had to decline the soprano position. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the designated understudy when PersonY lost their voice due to laryngitis, so _ had to accept the soprano position."} {"input": "Context Word: laryngitis.", "output": "Sentence 1: While both were ill, PersonX got laryngitis and PersonY did not because _ suffered from an upper respiratory infection. \nSentence 2: While both were ill, PersonX got laryngitis and PersonY did not because _ suffered from a painful migraine headache."} {"input": "Context Word: cutting torch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning to use the cutting torch under PersonYs supervision. _ was proud even with the slow progress. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning to use the cutting torch under PersonYs supervision. _ was disappointed at the slow progress."} {"input": "Context Word: source.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the newsroom, PersonX demands to know the source for PersonY's article. So, it's probably that _ is the editor. \nSentence 2: In the newsroom, PersonX demands to know the source for PersonY's article. So, it's probably that _ is the writer."} {"input": "Context Word: decision.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to make a difficult decision about PersonY and _ asks for his help. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to make a difficult decision about PersonY and _ wants to help him."} {"input": "Context Word: decision.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to make a decision and left it up to PersonY, because _ was being indecisive. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to make a decision and left it up to PersonY, because _ was being smarter."} {"input": "Context Word: decision.", "output": "Sentence 1: The decision was given to PersonX and not given to PersonY because _ was more experienced. \nSentence 2: The decision was given to PersonX and not given to PersonY because _ was less experienced."} {"input": "Context Word: provide.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY will be laid off from work because _ did not provide a doctor's note for the sick days. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY will be laid off from work because _ did provide a doctor's note for the sick days."} {"input": "Context Word: timing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a professional comedian suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a very good sense of timing. \nSentence 2: Being a professional comedian suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a very good sense of timing."} {"input": "Context Word: receive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to receive their diploma from PersonY on graduation, _ is graduating from school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to receive their diploma from PersonY on graduation, _ is employed by a school."} {"input": "Context Word: enthusiasm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had no enthusiasm to practice because _ was tired with a sore stomach. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had no enthusiasm to practice because _ was not tired with a sore stomach."} {"input": "Context Word: enthusiasm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shows a lot of enthusiasm for their job but PersonY is pretty apathetic at work. _ got a promotion from their employer. \nSentence 2: PersonX shows a lot of enthusiasm for their job but PersonY is pretty apathetic at work. _ got a reprimand from their employer."} {"input": "Context Word: thaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was angry with PersonY because _ told them to thaw out the chicken for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was angry with PersonY because _ forgot to thaw out the chicken for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: thaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's temper towards PersonY finally started to thaw after _ took the time to calm down. \nSentence 2: PersonX's temper towards PersonY finally started to thaw after _ took the time to sooth them."} {"input": "Context Word: Upper Back Pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was suffering from upper back pain that PersonY knew how to alleviate, so _ asked for treatment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was suffering from upper back pain that PersonY knew how to alleviate, but _ said no to treatment."} {"input": "Context Word: Bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx took some bath with persony despite the fact that _ often had her body shamed. \nSentence 2: Personx took some bath with persony despite the fact that _ often shamed her body."} {"input": "Context Word: lower back.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a warehouse job while PersonY had an office job. _ had trouble with their lower back. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a warehouse job while PersonY had an office job. _ had no issues with their lower back."} {"input": "Context Word: consciousness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to regain consciousness after a fall by tapping _ 's brainpower in that moment. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to regain consciousness after a fall by tapping _ 's head in that moment."} {"input": "Context Word: to wash a doll's hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX encouraged PersonY to wash a doll's hair because _ thought the doll's hair looked ratty. \nSentence 2: PersonX encouraged PersonY to wash a doll's hair because _ didn't notice the doll's hair looked ratty."} {"input": "Context Word: got a massage for achy muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a massage for achy muscles and PersonY didn't because _ had worked out for many hours the day before. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a massage for achy muscles and PersonY didn't because _ had worked out for one hour the day before."} {"input": "Context Word: hormones.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hormones were going wild, but PersonY hadn't yet hit puberty, so _ was maturing faster. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hormones were going wild, but PersonY hadn't yet hit puberty, so _ was maturing slower."} {"input": "Context Word: knots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ends up with a lot more knots in their hair than PersonY because _ has long, flowing hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX ends up with a lot more knots in their hair than PersonY because _ has short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: knots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how to tie boating knots from PersonY because _ is a beginner boater. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned how to tie boating knots from PersonY because _ is a champion boater."} {"input": "Context Word: knots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to tie knots better than PersonY because _ was in boy scouts for 5 years. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to tie knots better than PersonY because _ played softball for 5 years."} {"input": "Context Word: screwdriver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to borrow a screwdriver from PersonY because _ did not have a good tool box. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to borrow a screwdriver from PersonY because _ had a good tool box."} {"input": "Context Word: succeed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dragged PersonY along to a self help workshop about how to succeed, because _ wanted some company. \nSentence 2: PersonX dragged PersonY along to a self help workshop about how to succeed, and _ agreed to come as company."} {"input": "Context Word: meaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX excelled in life while PersonY did not and was confused due to _ finding out the meaning of their life. \nSentence 2: PersonX excelled in life while PersonY did not and was confused due to _ failing to find out the meaning of their life."} {"input": "Context Word: meaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a sociologist, PersonY is not therefore _ could better explain the meaning of various holidays. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a sociologist, PersonY is not therefore _ could probably not explain the meaning of various holidays."} {"input": "Context Word: backpacking trip.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being courageous, PersonX was more enthusiastic about the backpacking trip than PersonY because _ was not scared. \nSentence 2: Being courageous, PersonX was more enthusiastic about the backpacking trip than PersonY since _ was cowardly."} {"input": "Context Word: technical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was vague with the instructions, but PersonY gave technical details, so _ was worse at giving guidance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was vague with the instructions, but PersonY gave technical details, so _ was better at giving guidance."} {"input": "Context Word: goalie.", "output": "Sentence 1: The goalie was able to save the shot from PersonX but not PersonY because _ was accurate. \nSentence 2: The goalie was able to save the shot from PersonX but not PersonY because _ was inaccurate."} {"input": "Context Word: wolves.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was scared of wolves and PersonY was not, _ preferred to avoid camping. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was scared of wolves and PersonY was not, _ preferred to go camping."} {"input": "Context Word: Mah Jongg.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn how to play Mah Jongg and asked for PersonY's help, because _ was still a beginner. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn how to play Mah Jongg and asked for PersonY's help, because _ was an experienced player."} {"input": "Context Word: superhero.", "output": "Sentence 1: People voted whether PersonX's fancy red costume or PersonY's simple blue costume was the best superhero outfit, after the fancy red one won _ was happy. \nSentence 2: People voted whether PersonX's fancy red costume or PersonY's simple blue costume was the best superhero outfit, after the simple blue one won _ was happy."} {"input": "Context Word: cheat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY if they could cheat, because _ had not studied the night before. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY if they needed to cheat, because _ had not studied the night before."} {"input": "Context Word: cheat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to cheat on her math test during finals unlike PersonY because _ was immoral. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to cheat on her math testduring finals unlike PersonY because _ was moral."} {"input": "Context Word: cheat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was smarter than PersonY so _ started to think about cheating on the upcoming test. \nSentence 2: PersonX was smarter than PersonY so _ never thought about cheating on the upcoming test."} {"input": "Context Word: improve.", "output": "Sentence 1: For their birthday, PersonX wanted to improve the house with PersonY, so _ left the short boards. \nSentence 2: For their birthday, PersonX wanted to improve the house with PersonY, but _ left the short boards."} {"input": "Context Word: improve.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to improve their golf game because _ practiced everyday. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to improve their golf game because _ did not practice everyday."} {"input": "Context Word: improve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always tries to improve every situation in his life unlike PersonY because _ has a positive mindset. \nSentence 2: PersonX always tries to improve every situation in his life unlike PersonY because _ has a negative mindset."} {"input": "Context Word: improve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was open to the makeover because _ wanted to improve their looks. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was open to the makeover because _ did not want to improve their looks."} {"input": "Context Word: improve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was keen to improve the look of the house whereas PersonY did not. _ thought the house was ugly as it was. \nSentence 2: PersonX was keen to improve the look of the house whereas PersonY did not. _ thought the house was beautiful as it was."} {"input": "Context Word: improve.", "output": "Sentence 1: The gym coach showed PersonX how improve her run without tiring like PersonY, because _ ran fast when the race began. \nSentence 2: The gym coach showed PersonX how improve her run without tiring like PersonY, because _ ran slow when the race began."} {"input": "Context Word: improve.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was room for PersonX but not PersonY to improve their grades because _ received all effs on the report card. \nSentence 2: There was room for PersonX but not PersonY to improve their grades because _ received straight a's on the report card."} {"input": "Context Word: back handspring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having fun in gymnastics class but not PersonY because _ learned how to do the back handspring. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having fun in gymnastics class but not PersonY because _ could not learn how to do the back handspring."} {"input": "Context Word: data entry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never realized how boring data entry was until PersonY passed out at the desk, so _ asked if he slept last night. \nSentence 2: PersonX never realized how boring data entry was until PersonY passed out at the desk, but _ just didn't sleep last night."} {"input": "Context Word: data entry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's company focuses on data entry, but PersonY's does law, so _ 's company is better with computers. \nSentence 2: PersonX's company focuses on data entry, but PersonY's does law, so _ 's company is better with lawsuits."} {"input": "Context Word: poodle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a lab while PersonY got a poodle because _ wanted a dog for protection. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a lab while PersonY got a poodle because _ wanted a dog for companionship."} {"input": "Context Word: poodle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved dogs buy PersonY was afraid of them, so only _ petted the poodle. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved dogs buy PersonY was afraid of them, so _ did not pet the poodle."} {"input": "Context Word: poodle.", "output": "Sentence 1: The poodle was PersonX's favorite dog breed while PersonY loved German Shepherds. _ thought them too scary. \nSentence 2: The poodle was PersonX's favorite dog breed while PersonY loved German Shepherds. _ thought them too girly."} {"input": "Context Word: watermelon.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the picnic, PersonX eats lots of watermelon, while PersonY has none, so _ is more likely the fruit lover. \nSentence 2: At the picnic, PersonX eats lots of watermelon, while PersonY has none, so _ is more likely the fruit hater."} {"input": "Context Word: sewing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to provide them with weekly sewing lessons since _ was very new at sewing. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to provide them with weekly sewing lessons since _ was very experienced at sewing."} {"input": "Context Word: sewing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to teach them sewing skills because _ wanted to learn how to sew. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to teach them sewing skills so _ taught them how to sew."} {"input": "Context Word: sewing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX happened to really like sewing but PersonY did not as _ was very artisticly minded. \nSentence 2: PersonX happened to really like sewing but PersonY did not as _ was very prosaicly minded."} {"input": "Context Word: sewing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is much better at sewing than PersonY since _ is well-trained and did an apprenticeship under a known seamstress. \nSentence 2: PersonX is much better at sewing than PersonY although _ is well-trained and did an apprenticeship under a known seamstress."} {"input": "Context Word: sewing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved making dresses on a sewing machine and PersonY avoided sewing because _ frequently made clothes before. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved making dresses on a sewing machine and PersonY avoided sewing because _ never made clothes before."} {"input": "Context Word: sewing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shows PersonY how to thread the sewing machine needle, but _ shows them the wrong thing. \nSentence 2: PersonX shows PersonY how to thread the sewing machine needle, but _ still does the wrong thing."} {"input": "Context Word: england.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was upset he had to stay home while PersonY got to travel to England, because _ 's passport was denied. \nSentence 2: PersonX was upset he had to stay home while PersonY got to travel to England, because _ 's passport was approved."} {"input": "Context Word: analysis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX assisted PersonY with the daily analysis task they were assigned and then _ ask for help himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX assisted PersonY with the daily analysis task they were assigned and then _ thanked him for the help."} {"input": "Context Word: analysis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is poor at doing analysis, while PersonY is great at it, even though _ is an accountant. \nSentence 2: PersonX is poor at doing analysis, while PersonY is great at it, because _ is an accountant."} {"input": "Context Word: CrossFit.", "output": "Sentence 1: A CrossFit workout suits PersonX very well but not PersonY because _ is very athletic. \nSentence 2: A CrossFit workout suits PersonX very well but not PersonY because _ isn't very athletic."} {"input": "Context Word: CrossFit.", "output": "Sentence 1: CrossFit training is what PersonX has been hired to teach PersonY, _ is in good health and knows about cross fit. \nSentence 2: CrossFit training is what PersonX has been hired to teach PersonY, _ neds someone who knows about cross fit."} {"input": "Context Word: Xbox.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new Xbox from PersonY when _ was going to the electronics shop. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new Xbox from PersonY when _ was working at the electronics shop."} {"input": "Context Word: Xbox.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to play Xbox all the time, and PersonY likes to go to museums. _ is the gamer. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to play Xbox all the time, and PersonY likes to go to museums. _ is the intellectual."} {"input": "Context Word: fermented.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fermented their crops and gave them to PersonY because _ lived in a rural area. \nSentence 2: PersonX fermented their crops and gave them to PersonY because _ lived in an urban area."} {"input": "Context Word: microscope.", "output": "Sentence 1: Looking at organisms under the microscope, PersonX identified PersonY's specimen, as _ had extensive knowledge of microbiology. \nSentence 2: Looking at organisms under the microscope, PersonX identified PersonY's specimen, as _ had no knowledge of microbiology."} {"input": "Context Word: microscope.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold PersonY a microscope last Wednesday for twenty dollars, customer service is were _ said to return the item. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold PersonY a microscope last Wednesday for twenty dollars, customer service is were _ is waiting to return the item."} {"input": "Context Word: microscope.", "output": "Sentence 1: The microscope that PersonX had adjusted for PersonY fell off the table and broke, so _ adjusted another one. \nSentence 2: The microscope that PersonX had adjusted for PersonY fell off the table and broke, so _ asked for help with another one."} {"input": "Context Word: grew.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew beautiful roses in their garden, but PersonY did not, because _ had a green thumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew beautiful roses in their garden, but PersonY did not, because _ had hay fever."} {"input": "Context Word: RAR Files.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he can teach him how to play RAR files, because _ doesn't know how. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he can teach him how to play RAR files, but _ doesn't know how."} {"input": "Context Word: Internet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more familiar with the Internet than PersonY because _ knew a lot about computers. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more familiar with the Internet than PersonY because _ knew very little about computers."} {"input": "Context Word: Mac.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX convinced PersonY to start using a Mac because _ used a Mac his whole life. \nSentence 2: PersonX convinced PersonY to start using a Mac because _ used a PC his whole life."} {"input": "Context Word: Mac.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a class from PersonY on the basics of using a Mac, because _ was an inexperienced user. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a class from PersonY on the basics of using a Mac, because _ was an experienced user."} {"input": "Context Word: circuit board.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY designed circuit boards and would make one for _ for a nominal fee. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that PersonY designed circuit boards and asked _ to make one for a nominal fee."} {"input": "Context Word: meal plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX created a meal plan for PersonY because he needed to lose weight; _ was a nutritionist. \nSentence 2: PersonX created a meal plan for PersonY because he needed to lose weight; _ was grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: meal plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was following a meal plan while PersonY was not, so _ lost some weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was following a meal plan while PersonY was not, so _ gained some weight."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX liked cats while PersonY preferred dogs, _ bought a cat tree at the store. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX liked cats while PersonY preferred dogs, _ bought a dog house at the store."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cats were agreeable to PersonX but not to PersonY was _ was fond of them. \nSentence 2: Cats were agreeable to PersonX but not to PersonY was _ was scared of them."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a pet cat, but not PersonY, because _ is not allergic to cats. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a pet cat, but not PersonY, because _ is severely allergic to cats."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated cats while PersonYdidn't so _ got upset when the other brought one home. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated cats while PersonYdidn't so _ got excited when the other brought one home."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves cats but PersonY does not because _ has love for all animals regardless. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves cats but PersonY does not because _ has allergies to all animals regardless."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves cats but PersonY is allergic to cat fur. _ went to the pound and adopted a cat. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves cats but PersonY is allergic to cat fur. _ went to the pound and adopted a dog."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves cats of all kinds, but PersonY is allergic to them, so _ has 5 cats. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves cats of all kinds, but PersonY is allergic to them, so _ has dogs instead."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned more cats than PersonY did because _ had less problems with their allergies. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned more cats than PersonY did because _ had more problems with their allergies."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a new pet but PersonY disagreed, because _ just loved cats so much. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a new pet but PersonY disagreed, because _ just hated cats so much."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not allergic to cats but PersonY was, so _ went to the shelter and picked up two of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not allergic to cats but PersonY was, so _ went to the shelter and gave up two of them."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sick more often than PersonY because _ had more cats in their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sick more often than PersonY because _ had less cats in their house."} {"input": "Context Word: cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX hated cats and PersonY loved them, _ had a large number of cat toys around their house. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX hated cats and PersonY loved them, _ had no cat toys around their house."} {"input": "Context Word: Fahrenheit to Kelvin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at converting Fahrenheit to Kelvin compared to PersonY, so the teached congratulated _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at converting Fahrenheit to Kelvin compared to PersonY, so the teached helped _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: classy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was just a little bit trashy while PersonY was classy so _ danced on the pole. \nSentence 2: PersonX was just a little bit trashy while PersonY was classy so _ danced at the ball."} {"input": "Context Word: outer ears.", "output": "Sentence 1: Keeping your outer ears clean is important to PersonX and not important to PersonY, _ takes good care of herself. \nSentence 2: Keeping your outer ears clean is important to PersonX and not important to PersonY, _ hates taking care of herself."} {"input": "Context Word: grey.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having grey hair bothered PersonX but PersonY liked it. _ thought it made them look very old. \nSentence 2: Having grey hair bothered PersonX but PersonY liked it. _ thought it made them look very distinguished."} {"input": "Context Word: grey.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hair of PersonX is grey, but PersonY has brown hair, so _ is probably older. \nSentence 2: The hair of PersonX is grey, but PersonY has brown hair, so _ is probably younger."} {"input": "Context Word: tough.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used their tough exterior to scare PersonY, so _ could get things their way. \nSentence 2: PersonX used their tough exterior to scare PersonY, so _ would do things their way."} {"input": "Context Word: finish.", "output": "Sentence 1: It took PersonX a long time to finish his work compared to PersonY because _ is very lazy. \nSentence 2: It took PersonX a long time to finish his work compared to PersonY because _ is very hardworking."} {"input": "Context Word: finish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to finish work as soon as possible but PersonY did not as _ was feeling very jaded. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to finish work as soon as possible but PersonY did not as _ was feeling very fresh."} {"input": "Context Word: haddock.", "output": "Sentence 1: The smoked haddock that PersonX made for PersonY turned out great. _ is the chef in this situation. \nSentence 2: The smoked haddock that PersonX made for PersonY turned out great. _ is the customer in this situation."} {"input": "Context Word: fire drill.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fire drill scares PersonX, but PersonY handles it in stride, due to _ being a baby about things. \nSentence 2: The fire drill scares PersonX, but PersonY handles it in stride, due to _ being strong about things."} {"input": "Context Word: relaxing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time relaxing than PersonY because _ was able to clear their mind. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time relaxing than PersonY because _ wasn't able to clear their mind."} {"input": "Context Word: full.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Thanksgiving, PersonX ate a lot at the dinner while PersonY didn't so _ was feeling really full. \nSentence 2: On Thanksgiving, PersonX ate a lot at the dinner while PersonY didn't so _ wasn't feeling really full."} {"input": "Context Word: full.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY went to dinner together for a date, _ hardly felt full after the meal. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY went to dinner together for a date, _ increasingly felt full after the meal."} {"input": "Context Word: full.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't as full as PersonY after dinner because _ ate a lot less food. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't as full as PersonY after dinner because _ ate a lot more food."} {"input": "Context Word: full.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's stomach was very full after dinner unlike PersonY's because _ ate so much food. \nSentence 2: PersonX's stomach was very full after dinner unlike PersonY's because _ ate so little food."} {"input": "Context Word: sea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to the sea everyday unlike PersonY because _ lives very close to the water. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to the sea everyday unlike PersonY because _ lives very far from the water."} {"input": "Context Word: videos.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to spend a night watching videos but PersonY does not. _ subscribed to Hulu and Netflix. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to spend a night watching videos but PersonY does not. _ doesn't subscribe to Hulu and Netflix."} {"input": "Context Word: shoulders.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed lifting weights at the gym whereas PersonY found it difficult. _ had strong arms and shoulders. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed lifting weights at the gym whereas PersonY found it difficult. _ had weak arms and shoulders."} {"input": "Context Word: shoulders.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so much shorter than PersonY that _ had to request a ride on her shoulders . \nSentence 2: PersonX was so much shorter than PersonY that _ had to offer a ride on her shoulders ."} {"input": "Context Word: building.", "output": "Sentence 1: After constructing the building for PersonX, PersonY asked for payment, but _ never gave it. \nSentence 2: After constructing the building for PersonX, PersonY asked for payment, so _ soon received it."} {"input": "Context Word: building.", "output": "Sentence 1: Building a brick path came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ had worked as a landscaper before. \nSentence 2: Building a brick path came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ had never worked as a landscaper before."} {"input": "Context Word: building.", "output": "Sentence 1: Building houses for a living came more naturally to PersonX than PersonY because _ had spent many summers working construction. \nSentence 2: Building houses for a living came more naturally to PersonX than PersonY because _ had not spent any summers working construction."} {"input": "Context Word: building.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always went to the building across the street unlike PersonY, because _ lived closer to it. \nSentence 2: PersonX always went to the building across the street unlike PersonY, because _ lived farther from it."} {"input": "Context Word: building.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked directions of PersonY to the office building because _ didn't know where it was. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked directions of PersonY to the office building but _ couldn't remember where it was."} {"input": "Context Word: building.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY to help with remodeling the building although _ was a licensed carpenter. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY to help with remodeling the building because _ was a licensed carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: building.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived near the building that he worked in, unlike PersonY because _ wanted to always walk to work. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived far from the building that he worked in, unlike PersonY because _ wanted to always walk to work."} {"input": "Context Word: building.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran into the burning building with a hose to rescue PersonY _ was a firefighter. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran into the burning building with a hose to rescue PersonY _ was a casualty."} {"input": "Context Word: volunteers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX volunteers at an animal shelter while PersonY volunteers at a hospital, and _ frequently cares for cats there. \nSentence 2: PersonX volunteers at an animal shelter while PersonY volunteers at a hospital, and _ frequently cares for sick people there."} {"input": "Context Word: kin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY who their next of kin was. _ thought the list was important. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY who their next of kin was. _ thought the list was silly."} {"input": "Context Word: grief.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an orphan and a widow, PersonY is neither therefore _ has experienced grief. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an orphan and a widow, PersonY is neither therefore _ has not experienced grief."} {"input": "Context Word: grief.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX's rabbit died, PersonY said grief was silly, so mother gave _ a sympathetic look. \nSentence 2: When PersonX's rabbit died, PersonY said grief was silly, so mother gave _ an angry look."} {"input": "Context Word: miscarriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ignored PersonY's concern for a miscarriage although _ showed signs of having one earlier. \nSentence 2: PersonX accepted PersonY's concern for a miscarriage since _ showed signs of having one earlier."} {"input": "Context Word: miscarriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The miscarriage caused PersonX to feel depressed while PersonY stayed positive. _ was naturally a pessimist. \nSentence 2: The miscarriage caused PersonX to feel depressed while PersonY stayed positive. _ was naturally an optimist."} {"input": "Context Word: Alaska.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the airport, PersonX boarded a plane to Alaska while PersonY fly to Hawaii because _ preferred a colder climate. \nSentence 2: At the airport, PersonX boarded a plane to Alaska while PersonY fly to Hawaii because _ preferred a warmer climate."} {"input": "Context Word: Alaska.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX works in Alaska, but PersonY has built a life in Las Vegas. _ is more likely the oil worker. \nSentence 2: PersonX works in Alaska, but PersonY has built a life in Las Vegas. _ is more likely the blackjack dealer."} {"input": "Context Word: alarm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets up at 6 AM while PersonY works the night shift. Fortunately, _ responds quickly when the soft alarm rings at 6. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets up at 6 AM while PersonY works the night shift. Fortunately, _ is in deep sleep when the soft alarm rings at 6."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a big dinner, PersonX but not PersonY started cleaning the kitchen because _ was exhausted. \nSentence 2: After a big dinner, PersonX but not PersonY started cleaning the kitchen because _ was energized."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: After spending the whole day cleaning PersonX wanted to treat PersonY to a nice dinner so _ could let them know how much they appreciated the help. \nSentence 2: After spending the whole day cleaning PersonX wanted to treat PersonY to a dinner so _ could know how much they appreciated the help."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX enjoyed cleaning to a greater degree than PersonY, _ tended to have a spotless house. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX enjoyed cleaning to a greater degree than PersonY, _ tended to have a messy house."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX lost a bet to PersonY over the basketball game, _ spent hours doing the cleaning. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX lost a bet to PersonY over the basketball game, _ spent hours having the cleaning done for them."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cleaning houses for a living suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had lots of home maintenance experience. \nSentence 2: Cleaning houses for a living suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no home maintenance experience."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cleaning the house doesn't bother PersonX, however PersonY is not a fan. _ 's house is likely tidier. \nSentence 2: Cleaning the house doesn't bother PersonX, however PersonY is not a fan. _ 's house is likely disheveled."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when the cleaning lady was coming to work in the house because _ had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when the cleaning lady was coming to work in the house but _ had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ended up cleaning PersonY's disgusting room, after that _ demanded payment for doing it. \nSentence 2: PersonX ended up cleaning PersonY's disgusting room, after that _ offered payment for doing it."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time cleaning LEGOs than PersonY because _ enjoyed cleaning small pieces. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time cleaning LEGOs than PersonY because _ didn't enjoy cleaning small pieces."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been cleaning all day while PersonY watched TV. _ needed a break from work. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been cleaning all day while PersonY watched TV. _ needed to help with work."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved cleaning, so when PersonY asked for help with her hoard, _ excitedly said yes. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated cleaning, so when PersonY asked for help with her hoard, _ abruptly said no."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made all the messes and PersonY did all the cleaning, because _ was inconsiderate. \nSentence 2: PersonX made all the messes and PersonY did all the cleaning, because _ was a germophobe."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent the entire day cleaning up after PersonY because _ is a responsible individual. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent the entire day cleaning up after PersonY because _ is a messy individual."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always cleaning better than PersonY because _ use to do that for a living. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always cleaning better than PersonY because _ did not used to do that for a living."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always cleaning up after PersonY, because _ wanted things in the house to be spotless. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always cleaning up for PersonY, because _ wanted things in the house to be spotless."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was cleaning PersonY's room a week ago because _ was very fastidious about cleaning. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cleaning PersonY's room a week ago because _ was very lazy about cleaning."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to PersonY house to do some cleaning in the kitchen,because _ was a energetic person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to PersonY house to some cleaning in the kinchen, because _ was a lazy person."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was messier than PersonY because _ was neglectful in cleaning their room of clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was messier than PersonY because _ was responsible in cleaning their room of clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since it was the case that PersonX avoided cleaning and PersonY liked it, _ had a house that tended to be very clean. \nSentence 2: Since it was the case that PersonX avoided cleaning and PersonY liked it, _ had a house that tended to be very messy."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaning.", "output": "Sentence 1: This year, PersonX did all of PersonY's spring cleaning without asking for anything in return, because _ is helpful. \nSentence 2: This year, PersonX did all of PersonY's spring cleaning without asking for anything in return, because _ is sick."} {"input": "Context Word: Pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved swimming in a pool while PersonY preferred to swim in the ocean. _ came home smelling of chlorine. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved swimming in a pool while PersonY preferred to swim in the ocean. _ came home smelling of salt water."} {"input": "Context Word: Pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told them it's fine to swim in the new pool but PersonY forbid them. _ is a good parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX told them it's fine to swim in the new pool but PersonY forbid them. _ is a bad parent."} {"input": "Context Word: Pool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much stronger swimmer than PersonY, so _ dove in the pool to save the drowning boy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much stronger swimmer than PersonY, so _ watched her dive in the pool to save the drowning boy."} {"input": "Context Word: laundry.", "output": "Sentence 1: Doing laundry doesn't bother PersonX, so PersonY asks him to do his too, because _ is good at it. \nSentence 2: Doing laundry doesn't bother PersonX, so PersonY asks him to do his too, because _ is bad at it."} {"input": "Context Word: laundry.", "output": "Sentence 1: Laundry gets done much more quickly by PersonX than by PersonY because _ is faster at things in general. \nSentence 2: Laundry gets done much more quickly by PersonX than by PersonY because _ is slower at things in general."} {"input": "Context Word: laundry.", "output": "Sentence 1: Laundry was being washed and folded by PersonX but not PersonY because _ was the parent. \nSentence 2: Laundry was being washed and folded by PersonX but not PersonY because _ was the young child."} {"input": "Context Word: laundry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help with the laundry because _ was very busy that morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help with the laundry, but _ was very busy that morning."} {"input": "Context Word: laundry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help fold the clean laundry and put it away since _ didn't have enough time to do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help fold the clean laundry and put it away even though _ doesn't have enough time to do it alone."} {"input": "Context Word: laundry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had several loads of laundry to do so he needed more machines then PersonY because _ had the most clothing to wash. \nSentence 2: PersonX had several loads of laundry to do so he needed more machines then PersonY because _ only had one load to wash."} {"input": "Context Word: laundry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used dish soap for an emergency load of laundry while PersonY used water, and so _ had clean clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX used dish soap for an emergency load of laundry while PersonY used water, and so _ had spotted clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: laundry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX usually wore dirty clothes and PersonY always wore clean clothes because _ didn't like to do laundry. \nSentence 2: PersonX usually wore dirty clothes and PersonY always wore clean clothes because _ didn't mind doing laundry."} {"input": "Context Word: laundry.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX found that their T-shirt had shrunk in the laundry, PersonY's first reaction was to laugh, and _ then became angry. \nSentence 2: When PersonX found that their T-shirt had shrunk in the laundry, PersonY's first reaction was to laugh, and _ became apologetic."} {"input": "Context Word: Stealthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to be stealthy while planning a party for PersonY, so _ did not tell anyone who couldn't keep a secret. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to be stealthy while planning a party for PersonY, but _ found our from someone who couldn't keep a secret."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating a lot of candy caused PersonX to get diabetes but avoiding sweets kept PersonY from getting the disease. _ had to take medication to lower their blood sugar. \nSentence 2: Eating a lot of candy caused PersonX to get diabetes but avoiding sweets kept PersonY from getting the disease. _ had to take medication to lower their blood pressure."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating healthy and exercising was important to PersonX but not PersonY, since _ had a family history of diabetes. \nSentence 2: Eating healthy and exercising was important to PersonX but not PersonY, since _ had no family history of diabetes."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was more likely that PersonX would get diabetes than PersonY because _ had an unhealthy diet. \nSentence 2: It was more likely that PersonX would get diabetes than PersonY because _ had a healthy diet."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate less candy than PersonY did because _ suffered from a case of severe diabetes. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate more candy than PersonY did because _ suffered from a case of severe diabetes."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had diabetes whereas PersonY did not, so _ worried about sugar in his diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX had diabetes whereas PersonY did not, so _ didn't worry about sugar in his diet."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had diabetes while PersonY did not so _ had a slice of orange for dessert. \nSentence 2: PersonX had diabetes while PersonY did not so _ had a slice of cake for dessert."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has diabetes and PersonY does not, so _ cannot eat a lot of sugary foods. \nSentence 2: PersonX has diabetes and PersonY does not, so _ likes to eat a lot of sugary foods."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to take insulin for their diabetes, but PersonY doesn't have that problem. That's because _ excessively eats sugar. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to take insulin for their diabetes, but PersonY doesn't have that problem. That's because _ barely eats sugar."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY pay for her expensive insulin, as _ did not suffer from severe diabetes . \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY pay for her expensive insulin, as _ now suffered from severe diabetes ."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more likely to get diabetes in his life than PersonY due to _ eating more sugar. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more likely to get diabetes in his life than PersonY even though _ eats more sugar."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just diagnosed PersonY with diabetes so _ took time to explain about insulin and diets. \nSentence 2: PersonX just diagnosed PersonY with diabetes so _ took time to ask questions about insulin and diets."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just learned that PersonY has Type I diabetes and _ wasn't sure what to look for when their blood sugar is low. \nSentence 2: PersonX just learned that PersonY has Type I diabetes and _ was sure what to look for when their blood sugar is low."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from diabetes but PersonY did not. _ had to inject themselves with medicine every week. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from diabetes but PersonY did not. _ didn't need to inject themselves with medicine every week."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was slimmer than PersonY and so _ had a lower risk of developing diabetes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was slimmer than PersonY and so _ had a higher risk of developing diabetes."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's best friend PersonY suffers from a scary type of diabetes, so _ is trying to help him as much as possible. \nSentence 2: PersonX's best friend PersonY suffers from a scary type of diabetes, so _ needs as much help as possible."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had diabetes but PersonY did not, _ needed a daily shot to control their blood sugar. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had diabetes but PersonY did not, _ did not need a daily shot to control their blood sugar."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat of PersonX has diabetes, whereas PersonY's cat is healthy, so _ 's cat needs a special diet. \nSentence 2: The cat of PersonX has diabetes, whereas PersonY's cat is healthy, so _ 's cat needs a normal diet."} {"input": "Context Word: diabetes.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX was diagnosed with diabetes, PersonY helped him stock his pantry with better foods; _ needed to learn about proper nutrition. \nSentence 2: When PersonX was diagnosed with diabetes, PersonY helped him stock his pantry with better foods; _ taught him about proper nutrition."} {"input": "Context Word: Coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed drinking strong coffee but not PersonY because _ savored the taste of coffee. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed drinking strong coffee but not PersonY because _ abhorred the taste of coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: groove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to feel the groove like PersonY did, because _ didn't have a sense of rhythm. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to feel the groove like PersonY did, because _ had a refined sense of rhythm."} {"input": "Context Word: penny.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only bought a few pieces of penny candy and PersonY got a big bag full, because _ 's parents could afford a meager allowance. \nSentence 2: PersonX only bought a few pieces of penny candy and PersonY got a big bag full, because _ 's parents could afford a generous allowance."} {"input": "Context Word: Tire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a call to PersonY to come quickly because _ had a flat tire. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a call to PersonY to come quickly because _ had a spare tire."} {"input": "Context Word: English.", "output": "Sentence 1: English is being taught to PersonX by PersonY because _ is a foreigner in this country. \nSentence 2: English is being taught to PersonX by PersonY because _ is a native in this country."} {"input": "Context Word: English.", "output": "Sentence 1: English is the language that PersonX speaks but not PersonY because _ grew up in Australia. \nSentence 2: English is the language that PersonX speaks but not PersonY because _ grew up in Spain."} {"input": "Context Word: English.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the school lounge, PersonX spoke English with PersonY because it was the only language that _ knew how to speak. \nSentence 2: In the school lounge, PersonX taught English to PersonY because it was the language that _ always wanted to learn."} {"input": "Context Word: English.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did a better job writing in the finals than PersonY because _ loved English. \nSentence 2: PersonX did a better job writing in the finals than PersonY because _ hated English."} {"input": "Context Word: English.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got help on his English homework from PersonY because _ isn't very good in that subject. \nSentence 2: PersonX got help on his English homework from PersonY because _ is very good in that subject."} {"input": "Context Word: English.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spoke English as a first language, while PersonY's native tongue was Spanish, because _ grew up in England. \nSentence 2: PersonX spoke English as a first language, while PersonY's native tongue was Spanish, because _ grew up in Argentina."} {"input": "Context Word: English.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took English classes from PersonY, because _ was eager to speak it fluently to travel. \nSentence 2: PersonX took English classes from PersonY, because _ was known to speak it fluently to travel."} {"input": "Context Word: English.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX understood English very well but PersonY didn't understand it, because _ was from America. \nSentence 2: PersonX understood English very well but PersonY didn't understand it, because _ was from Mexico."} {"input": "Context Word: English.", "output": "Sentence 1: The child talked to PersonX but not to PersonY, because _ spoke English very well. \nSentence 2: The child talked to PersonX but not to PersonY, because _ didn't speak English very well."} {"input": "Context Word: Drywall.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx asked for the help of persony when removing the top of the drywall because _ is shorter. \nSentence 2: personx asked for the help of persony when removing the top of the drywall because _ is taller. ."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Not eating sugar was a priority for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a health nut. \nSentence 2: Not eating sugar was a priority for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a sweet tooth nut."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a lot more food with sugar than PersonY because _ has no known health problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a lot less food with sugar than PersonY because _ has no known health problems."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a lot of food with sugar but PersonY did not as _ preferred sweet foods to anything else. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a lot of food with sugar but PersonY did not as _ preferred savoury\r foods to anything else."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the container of sugar to PersonY because _ had been on a diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the container of sugar to PersonY because _ had been following a recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to eat a lot of sugar but PersonY never did so _ had terrible teeth. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to eat a lot of sugar but PersonY never did so _ had beautiful teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved sugar cookies while PersonY liked chocolate chip cookies; _ added chocolate chips to her recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved sugar cookies while PersonY liked chocolate chip cookies; _ added sugar coating to her recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves putting sugar in coffee as opposed to PersonY because _ thinks the coffee tastes better. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves putting sugar in coffee as opposed to PersonY because _ thinks the coffee tastes worse."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put three scoops of sugar in PersonY's gas tank, causing _ great pleasure and laughter. \nSentence 2: PersonX put three scoops of sugar in PersonY's gas tank, causing _ great anger and problems."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried about PersonY's sugar intake, so _ began replacing their sweets with healthy snacks. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried about PersonY's sugar intake, so _ began giving up their sweets for healthy snacks."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to ask PersonY if they could borrow some sugar, because _ had run out. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to ask PersonY if they could borrow some sugar, because _ always had some."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ licked the sugar from their fingers because PersonX has a craving for sugar while PersonY doesn't. \nSentence 2: So _ washed the sugar from their fingers because PersonX has a craving for sugar while PersonY doesn't."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sugar intake is something PersonX monitors, but not PersonY, so _ is more likely to be diabetic. \nSentence 2: Sugar intake is something PersonX monitors, but not PersonY, so _ is less likely to be diabetic."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wanting to diet, PersonX avoided sugars and PersonY did not. _ threw out all the sugars in the house. \nSentence 2: Wanting to diet, PersonX avoided sugars and PersonY did not. _ kept all the sugars in the house."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Watching the sugar intake in the food suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a diabetic. \nSentence 2: Watching the sugar intake in the food suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not a diabetic."} {"input": "Context Word: exhaustion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX missed many more days at work than PersonY because _ suffered from physical exhaustion. \nSentence 2: PersonX missed many more days at work than PersonY because _ did not suffer from physical exhaustion."} {"input": "Context Word: distractions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX struggled with distractions during the class that PersonY taught, because _ had trouble paying attention. \nSentence 2: PersonX struggled with distractions during the class that PersonY taught, because _ had trouble keeping everyone's attention."} {"input": "Context Word: sleeps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sleeps only at night while PersonY has to sleep during the day sometimes, because _ works only days. \nSentence 2: PersonX sleeps only at night while PersonY has to sleep during the day sometimes, because _ works swing shifts."} {"input": "Context Word: moisturized.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had much healthier skin than PersonY did because _ moisturized their skin every night after their bath. \nSentence 2: PersonX had much drier skin than PersonY did because _ moisturized their skin every night after their bath."} {"input": "Context Word: Recognized.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recognized the man in the waiting room before PersonY did, because _ had met the man many times. \nSentence 2: PersonX recognized the man in the waiting room before PersonY did, because _ had met the man only once."} {"input": "Context Word: hazard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caused the hazard that PersonY had to clean up, so _ felt guilty throughout the restoration. \nSentence 2: PersonX caused the hazard that PersonY had to clean up, so _ felt resentful throughout the restoration."} {"input": "Context Word: Summers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Summers are easy for PersonX cause she doesn't work, while PersonY has to work. _ is a teacher. \nSentence 2: Summers are easy for PersonX cause she doesn't work, while PersonY has to work. _ is a lifeguard."} {"input": "Context Word: Cattle.", "output": "Sentence 1: The farm was owned by PersonX. PersonY raised the cattle because _ was his employer. \nSentence 2: The farm was owned by PersonX. PersonY raised the cattle because _ was the employee."} {"input": "Context Word: Superman.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a big fan of all of the Superman movies but PersonY isn't because _ loves superheroes. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a big fan of all of the Superman movies but PersonY isn't because _ despises superheroes."} {"input": "Context Word: antique.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not value the antique pictures as much as PersonY because _ had little interest in history. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not value the antique pictures as much as PersonY because _ was a history buff."} {"input": "Context Word: antique.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was selling antique dishes and PersonY was a collector, so _ sold the dishes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was selling antique dishes and PersonY was a collector, so _ bought the dishes."} {"input": "Context Word: Accounting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handled the accounting for PersonY because _ was a certified accountant with a CPA. \nSentence 2: PersonX handled the accounting for PersonY because _ was an uncertified accountant without a CPA."} {"input": "Context Word: warmers.", "output": "Sentence 1: For Spring break, PersonX needed tanning lotion, while PersonY needed leg warmers. That's because _ traveled to Mexico. \nSentence 2: For Spring break, PersonX needed tanning lotion, while PersonY needed leg warmers. That's because _ traveled to Vancouver."} {"input": "Context Word: loading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hard time loading the truck compared to PersonY because _ is the weaker person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hard time loading the truck compared to PersonY because _ is the stronger person."} {"input": "Context Word: inspiration.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took much inspiration from the life story of PersonY, so _ wrote to him a letter. \nSentence 2: PersonX took much inspiration from the life story of PersonY, so _ received from him a letter."} {"input": "Context Word: stealthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more difficult time being stealthy than PersonY because _ was very loud. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more difficult time being stealthy than PersonY because _ was very quiet."} {"input": "Context Word: stealthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to being stealthy, PersonX is much better than PersonY due to _ being a commando. \nSentence 2: When it comes to being stealthy, PersonX is much better than PersonY due to _ being an oaf."} {"input": "Context Word: apple.", "output": "Sentence 1: During lunch at school, PersonX always ate her apple more quickly than PersonY because _ liked it better. \nSentence 2: During lunch at school, PersonX always ate her apple more slowly than PersonY because _ liked it better."} {"input": "Context Word: apple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose the green apple and PersonY chose none because _ thought they were delicious. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose the green apple and PersonY chose none because _ thought they were sour."} {"input": "Context Word: apple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats an apple for snack everyday while PersonY eats chips, as _ is on a diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats an apple for snack everyday while PersonY eats chips, as _ loves bbq chips."} {"input": "Context Word: apple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY an apple because he said he was hungry; when he ate it without a thank you, _ felt used. \nSentence 2: PersonX was gave an apple by PersonY because he said he was hungry; when he ate it without a thank you, _ felt used."} {"input": "Context Word: apple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a worse baker than PersonY so _ made the kitchen a mess when they tried to make an apple pie. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better baker than PersonY so _ made the kitchen a mess when they tried to make an apple pie."} {"input": "Context Word: apple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to climb the apple tree much more quickly than PersonY, because _ was very agile and athletic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to climb the apple tree much more quickly than PersonY, because _ was not very agile or athletic."} {"input": "Context Word: apple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was given an apple by PersonY but _ didn't like it because there was a worm in it. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave an apple to PersonY but _ didn't like it because there was a worm in it."} {"input": "Context Word: apple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to have an apple at lunch than PersonY because _ liked to eat fruit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to have an apple at lunch than PersonY because _ rarely ate fruit."} {"input": "Context Word: apple.", "output": "Sentence 1: While out in the yard, PersonX picked apples with PersonY because _ wanted to make pie. \nSentence 2: While out in the yard, PersonX picked apples with PersonY because _ wanted to eat pie."} {"input": "Context Word: special.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being special is a honor PersonX tells PersonY whey she is depressed, _ helps others when they are in need. \nSentence 2: Being special is a honor PersonX tells PersonY whey she is depressed, _ looks to others when she in need."} {"input": "Context Word: special.", "output": "Sentence 1: People always say PersonX isn't special, but that PersonY is extraordinary. That's because _ does poorly in school. \nSentence 2: People always say PersonX isn't special, but that PersonY is extraordinary. That's because _ does amazing in school."} {"input": "Context Word: special.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to do something special for PersonY, so _ ended up making a huge dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to do something special for PersonY, so _ ended up receiving a huge dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: public assistance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX relies on public assistance, and PersonY does not. _ is living a tougher life. \nSentence 2: PersonX relies on public assistance, and PersonY does not. _ is living a more stable life."} {"input": "Context Word: items.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold the items to PersonY at the yard sale, so _ ended up having less possessions. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold the items to PersonY at the yard sale, so _ ended up having less money."} {"input": "Context Word: goat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the goat was very cute but PersonY was allergic. _ petted the baby goat. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the goat was very cute but PersonY was allergic. _ avoided the baby goat."} {"input": "Context Word: goat.", "output": "Sentence 1: The old goat trotted up to PersonX but past PersonY, because _ had carrots in their hands. \nSentence 2: The old goat trotted past PersonX and up to PersonY, because _ had carrots in their hands."} {"input": "Context Word: Algeria.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX being a native of Algeria, prevailed over PersonY in their book report due to _ having personal knowledge and experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX being a stranger of Algeria, prevailed over PersonY in their book report due to _ not having personal knowledge and experience."} {"input": "Context Word: Cold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to shake PersonY 's hands because _ was sick with a cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to shake PersonY 's hands because _ was contagious to a cold."} {"input": "Context Word: Cold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a cold. PersonY did not want to catch it. _ was infectious by being in the same room. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a cold. PersonY did not want to catch it. _ avoided being in the same room."} {"input": "Context Word: Washer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did laundry by hand, but PersonY used the electric washer, because _ wore clothes made of delicate fabrics. \nSentence 2: PersonX did laundry by hand, but PersonY used the electric washer, because _ wore clothes made of sturdy fabrics."} {"input": "Context Word: seizure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was terrified when they saw PersonY have a seizure, but _ tried to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was terrified when they saw PersonY have a seizure, but _ recovered quite quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: road.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before leaving for their road trip, PersonX showed PersonY his new car and _ really liked the car. \nSentence 2: Before leaving for their road trip, PersonX showed PersonY his new car and _ really liked showing off the car."} {"input": "Context Word: road.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always used the main road, but PersonY didn't because _ lived nearer to it. \nSentence 2: PersonX always used the main road, but PersonY didn't because _ lived farther from it."} {"input": "Context Word: road.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go on a road trip but PersonY wanted to stay nearby _ decided to rent a car for the week. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go on a road trip but PersonY wanted to stay nearby _ decided to rent a bicycle for the week."} {"input": "Context Word: obesity.", "output": "Sentence 1: Obesity was a problem for PersonX but not for PersonY, as _ didn't get enough regular exercise. \nSentence 2: Obesity was a problem for PersonX but not for PersonY, as _ got enough regular exercise."} {"input": "Context Word: ramen noodles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more hungry than PersonY, so _ ordered a steak instead of ramen noodles. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more hungry than PersonY, so _ ordered ramen noodles instead of a steak."} {"input": "Context Word: waiter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a waiter but PersonY was customer, so _ had to serve the food for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a waiter but PersonY was customer, so _ had to order the food for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: waiter.", "output": "Sentence 1: The waiter received a large tip from PersonX but not PersonY because _ was paying for the bill. \nSentence 2: The waiter received a large tip from PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not paying for the bill."} {"input": "Context Word: mindset.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very negative mindset while PersonY had a sunny disposition. No one really cared to be around _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very negative mindset while PersonY had a sunny disposition. Every one really liked to be around _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: mindset.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more successful than PersonY due to the positive mindset that _ is always exhibiting. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more successful than PersonY due to the negative mindset that _ is always exhibiting."} {"input": "Context Word: mindset.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's mindset was a lot stronger than PersonY's because _ was able to control it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's mindset was a lot weaker than PersonY's because _ was able to control it."} {"input": "Context Word: perfect skin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of the perfect skin that PersonY had, because _ could not get their eczema under control. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of the perfect skin that PersonY had, because _ got their eczema under control."} {"input": "Context Word: perks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found there were a lot of perks to being friends with PersonY, because _ was always being treated when they were together. \nSentence 2: PersonX found there were a lot of perks to being friends with PersonY, because _ was always giving treats when they were together."} {"input": "Context Word: brown rice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the nutty flavor of brown rice but PersonY didn't, so _ ordered brown rice with their meal. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the nutty flavor of brown rice but PersonY didn't, so _ ordered white rice with their meal."} {"input": "Context Word: radiation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more concerned about the effects of radiation than PersonY because _ works at a nuclear power facility. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more concerned about the effects of radiation than PersonY because _ doesn't work at a nuclear power facility."} {"input": "Context Word: vineyard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank wine everyday as opposed to PersonY because _ lived very close to the local vineyard. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank wine everyday as opposed to PersonY because _ lived very far from the local vineyard."} {"input": "Context Word: vineyard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was paid good money by PersonY in her winemaking business, since _ labored in the vineyard . \nSentence 2: PersonX was paid good money by PersonY in her winemaking business, since _ owned the vineyard ."} {"input": "Context Word: crabs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not eat the crabs on the salad at the lunch PersonY made, as _ is allergic to sea food. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not eat the crabs on the salad at the lunch PersonY made, as _ loves sea food."} {"input": "Context Word: crabs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The beach was PersonX's dream vacation but PersonY's nightmare. _ loved seeing the crabs and fish. \nSentence 2: The beach was PersonX's dream vacation but PersonY's nightmare. _ was freaked out by the crabs and fish."} {"input": "Context Word: crabs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The crabs at PersonX's restaurant were PersonY's favorite food, so _ hooked his friend up with extra crabs. \nSentence 2: The crabs at PersonX's restaurant were PersonY's favorite food, so _ hooked his friend up with extra big tips."} {"input": "Context Word: credit history.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a great credit history but PersonY did not, so _ had to buy the house alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a poor credit history but PersonY did not, so _ had to buy the house alone."} {"input": "Context Word: piano.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX admired the antique piano in PersonY's living room, so _ offered to buy it. \nSentence 2: PersonX admired the antique piano in PersonY's living room, so _ asked if she wanted to buy it."} {"input": "Context Word: piano.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them pick up a piano they had bought because _ didn't have transportation. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them pick up a piano they had bought because _ had a truck."} {"input": "Context Word: piano.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave lessons to PersonY , as _ had so much piano playing knowledge and experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave lessons to PersonY , as _ had so little piano playing knowledge and experience."} {"input": "Context Word: piano.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated going to piano class unlike PersonY because _ was less disciplined with the practice. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated going to piano class unlike PersonY because _ was more disciplined with the practice."} {"input": "Context Word: piano.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to teach PersonY to play the piano because _ would be a good teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to teach PersonY to play the piano because _ would be a good student."} {"input": "Context Word: piano.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX plays the piano a lot better than PersonY does because _ has longer fingers. \nSentence 2: PersonX plays the piano a lot better than PersonY does because _ has shorter fingers."} {"input": "Context Word: piano.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stopped and listened to the man playing the piano unlike PersonY because _ was free. \nSentence 2: PersonX stopped and listened to the man playing the piano unlike PersonY because _ was busy."} {"input": "Context Word: prize.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX received second place while PersonY received first prize in the contest, _ was awarded a silver medal. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX received second place while PersonY received first prize in the contest, _ was awarded a gold medal."} {"input": "Context Word: demo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes a demo CD with the help of PersonY because _ is a performer. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes a demo CD with the help of PersonY because _ is a producer."} {"input": "Context Word: Pierced.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was thrilled to get their lip pierced but PersonY was pretty scared. _ had theirs done and didn't bat an eye. \nSentence 2: PersonX was thrilled to get their lip pierced but PersonY was pretty scared. _ had theirs done and cried."} {"input": "Context Word: garage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she would help clean the garage because _ wanted to get work done around the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she would help clean the garage but _ did not care if work got done around the house."} {"input": "Context Word: garage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to join her garage band, which was great because _ could use her musical talent. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to join her garage band, which was great because _ could contribute her musical talent."} {"input": "Context Word: garage.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX rented while PersonY owned a house with a garage, _ parked their car in an assigned, numbered spot when it snowed. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX rented while PersonY owned a house with a garage, _ parked their car in the garage when it snowed."} {"input": "Context Word: acorn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX collected acorns from trees to feed to squirrels while PersonY didn't as _ loved squirrels. \nSentence 2: PersonX collected acorns from trees to feed to squirrels while PersonY didn't as _ hated squirrels."} {"input": "Context Word: knit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had trouble with knitting and asked PersonY for help, as _ had been knitting for two days. \nSentence 2: PersonX had trouble with knitting and asked PersonY for help, as _ had been knitting for two years."} {"input": "Context Word: knit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to knit better than PersonY, so _ made a high quality shirt for the market. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to knit better than PersonY, so _ made a low quality shirt for the market."} {"input": "Context Word: knit.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sweater knit by PersonX was better than the one by PersonY because _ rushed through it. \nSentence 2: The sweater knit by PersonX was better than the one by PersonY because _ took their time."} {"input": "Context Word: Lychee.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx wanted to be able to eat as much Lychee as persony could but _ has smaller appetite. \nSentence 2: personx wanted to be able to eat as much Lychee as persony could but _ has b bigger appetite."} {"input": "Context Word: radiant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had radiant skin but PersonY didn't because _ always used sunscreen when going out. \nSentence 2: PersonX had radiant skin but PersonY didn't because _ never used sunscreen when going out."} {"input": "Context Word: ulcers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's ulcers were getting worse until PersonY came to help, _ needed her soothing presence. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's ulcers were getting worse until PersonY came to help, _ offered her soothing presence."} {"input": "Context Word: ulcers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more tense than PersonY, so it was no surprise when _ discovered that he had ulcers. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more relaxed than PersonY, so it was no surprise when _ discovered that he had ulcers."} {"input": "Context Word: ulcers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor told PersonX to avoid spicy foods but told PersonY that he could eat anything that he wants because _ was diagnosed with ulcers. \nSentence 2: The doctor told PersonX to avoid spicy foods but told PersonY that he could eat anything that he wants because _ wasn't diagnosed with ulcers."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: Good communication comes easily to PersonX but not PersonY since _ is a good talker. \nSentence 2: Good communication comes easily to PersonX but not PersonY although _ is a good listener."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: Open communication came much easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ was very transparent and honest. \nSentence 2: Open communication came much easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ was not very transparent nor honest."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always struggled with communication, but PersonY did not, because _ was extremely introverted and shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX always struggled with communication, but PersonY did not, because _ was extremely extroverted and outgoing."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was able to get out of receiving the traffic ticket because _ was excellent when it came to communication. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was able to get out of receiving the traffic ticket because _ was not excellent when it came to communication."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did all the talking for PersonY who had communication problems, as _ was confident. \nSentence 2: PersonX did all the talking for PersonY who had communication problems, as _ was shy."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always wanted to be married, but not PersonY. _ loved the communication challenges. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always wanted to be married, but not PersonY. _ hated the communication challenges."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that she is worried about her communication skills, so _ asked for helped. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that she is worried about her communication skills, so _ offered to help her."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better suited for running a business than PersonY however _ has worse communication skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better suited for running a business than PersonY however _ has better communication skills."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was excellent at communication but PersonY was poor at it. _ often had arguments with their partner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was excellent at communication but PersonY was poor at it. _ rarely had arguments with their partner."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was truly excellent at communication however PersonY was not as _ was very confident. \nSentence 2: PersonX was truly excellent at communication however PersonY was not as _ was very shy."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's communication skills with their partner weren't too good while PersonY's was great. _ would get into fights with their partner a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX's communication skills with their partner weren't too good while PersonY's was great. _ would get into fights with their partner quite rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: communication.", "output": "Sentence 1: Written communication was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had studied journalism in college. \nSentence 2: Written communication was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not studied journalism in college."} {"input": "Context Word: venomous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to hurt PersonY 's feelings, so _ ended up saying the most nasty venomous words. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to hurt PersonY 's feelings, so _ ended up hearing the most nasty venomous words."} {"input": "Context Word: Canada.", "output": "Sentence 1: Canada was an ideal place for PersonX to live but not for PersonY because _ loved cold weather. \nSentence 2: Canada was an ideal place for PersonX to live but not for PersonY because _ loved warm weather."} {"input": "Context Word: Canada.", "output": "Sentence 1: On PersonXs recent trip to Canada he met PersonY and fell in love. _ decided to ask for their hand in marriage. \nSentence 2: On PersonXs recent trip to Canada he met PersonY and fell in love. _ gave their hand in marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: Canada.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decides to move to Canada, but PersonY never will, so it is more likely _ dislikes America. \nSentence 2: PersonX decides to move to Canada, but PersonY never will, so it is more likely _ likes America."} {"input": "Context Word: Canada.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has never been to Canada, but PersonY goes all the time, so _ is a homebody. \nSentence 2: PersonX has never been to Canada, but PersonY goes all the time, so _ is a traveller."} {"input": "Context Word: Canada.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was planning a surprise vacation for PersonY to Canada and _ was trying to keep it a secret. \nSentence 2: PersonX was planning a surprise vacation for PersonY to Canada but _ was trying to figure out the secret."} {"input": "Context Word: tool.", "output": "Sentence 1: After trying to use their broken drill, PersonX finally went to PersonY and _ asked if they could borrow a working tool. \nSentence 2: After trying to use their broken drill, PersonX finally went to PersonY and _ said they could borrow a working tool."} {"input": "Context Word: LLC.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was better at running a LLC than PersonY, _ was worse at dealing with the interpersonal relationships. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was better at running a LLC than PersonY, _ was better at dealing with the interpersonal relationships."} {"input": "Context Word: LLC.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them set up an LLC because _ had no experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them set up an LLC because _ was an experienced businessperson."} {"input": "Context Word: LLC.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started their own LLC, but PersonY had not decided on a business model, so _ opened a business bank account. \nSentence 2: PersonX started their own LLC, but PersonY had not decided on a business model, so _ opened a personal bank account."} {"input": "Context Word: abs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did a bunch of crunches and sit-ups but PersonY didn't, consequentially _ had six- pack abs. \nSentence 2: PersonX did a bunch of crunches and sit-ups but PersonY didn't, consequentially _ had fat flabby abs."} {"input": "Context Word: abs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had six-pack abs while PersonY had beer keg abs due to _ spending so much time exercising. \nSentence 2: PersonX had six-pack abs while PersonY had beer keg abs due to _ spending so little time exercising."} {"input": "Context Word: abs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to develop defined abs, by following _ 's workout routine he had designed for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to develop defined abs, by following the workout routine he had designed for _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: abs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The abs of PersonX are weaker when compared to PersonY's because _ is much chubbier. \nSentence 2: The abs of PersonX are weaker when compared to PersonY's because _ is much slimmer."} {"input": "Context Word: script.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been working on his script for years and refused to get any other job, much to PersonY's dismay. _ was determined to succeed. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been working on his script for years and refused to get any other job, much to PersonY's dismay. _ was worried and upset."} {"input": "Context Word: junk food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to be sympathetic and bring over some junk food because _ wanted to talk about the recent events. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to be stern and not bring over some junk food because _ wanted to talk about the recent events."} {"input": "Context Word: junk food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to stop eating so much junk food, because _ care about his health. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to stop eating so much junk food, but _ doesn''t care about his health."} {"input": "Context Word: junk food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was on a diet, but cheated by eating junk food with PersonY. _ felt guilty for not following his plan. \nSentence 2: PersonX was on a diet, but cheated by eating junk food with PersonY. _ felt bad for ruining his plan."} {"input": "Context Word: treat a cat's bladder stones.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to treat a cat's bladder stones because _ was a vet tech at a local veterinarian clinic. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to treat a cat's bladder stones because _ was a secretary at a local veterinarian clinic."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: After reading about the dangers, PersonX encouraged PersonY to quit smoking, but he ignored _ 's advice. \nSentence 2: After reading about the dangers, PersonX encouraged PersonY to quit smoking, but _ ignored his advice."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was likely that PersonX but not PersonY would get lung cancer because _ has been smoking cigarettes for thirty years. \nSentence 2: It was likely that PersonX but not PersonY would get lung cancer because _ had not been smoking cigarettes for thirty years."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Kicking a smoking habit came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had been smoking for a short while. \nSentence 2: Kicking a smoking habit came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had been smoking for a long while."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a lifetime smoking unfiltered cigarettes while PersonY never smoked a day in their life. _ is worried they may develop lung cancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a lifetime smoking unfiltered cigarettes while PersonY never smoked a day in their life. _ is unconcerned that they may develop lung cancer."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX still hadn't given up smoking, while PersonY had quit last year, because _ had little willpower. \nSentence 2: PersonX still hadn't given up smoking, while PersonY had quit last year, because _ had strong willpower."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help his good friend PersonY quit smoking for _ was an former smoker. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to help his good friend PersonY quit smoking for _ was an current smoker."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was caught smoking in PersonYs house even after it was made clear _ was not supposed to. \nSentence 2: PersonX was caught smoking in PersonYs house even after _ made it clear nobody was not supposed to."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was thinking about smoking a cigarette but PersonY would not touch one because _ thought smoking was cool. \nSentence 2: PersonX was thinking about smoking a cigarette but PersonY would not touch one because _ thought smoking was deadly."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tired of PersonY stinking up the house, so _ instituted a rule of no smoking inside. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tired of PersonY stinking up the house, because _ broke the rule of no smoking inside."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor suggested that PersonX but not PersonY quit smoking immediately because _ smoked cigarettes. \nSentence 2: The doctor suggested that PersonX but not PersonY quit smoking immediately because _ never smoked cigarettes."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Trying to stop smoking was harder for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had weak motivation. \nSentence 2: Trying to stop smoking was harder for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had strong motivation."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: When other people were smoking, PersonX was more disgusted than PersonY because _ had always avoided smoke. \nSentence 2: When other people were smoking, PersonX was more disgusted than PersonY because _ had always smoked."} {"input": "Context Word: smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX had been smoking for two weeks, PersonY had been smoking for five years, so it was easier for _ to quit. \nSentence 2: While PersonX had been smoking for two weeks, PersonY had been smoking for five years, so it was harder for _ to quit."} {"input": "Context Word: pompom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX created pompom using fake fur to embellish PersonY's coat, _ is 30 years old mother. \nSentence 2: PersonX created pompom using fake fur to embellish PersonY's coat, _ is 6 years old daughter."} {"input": "Context Word: Contract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to contract PersonY 's services to help build his loft because _ was an amateur at construction. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to contract PersonY 's services to help build his loft because _ was a professional at construction."} {"input": "Context Word: silky skin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had smooth silky skin and PersonY has dry skin because _ likes to use moisturizing lotion a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX had smooth silky skin and PersonY has dry skin so _ started to use moisturizing lotion a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone thought PersonX was a better basketball player than PersonY. This made _ feel proud. \nSentence 2: Everyone thought PersonX was a better basketball player than PersonY. This made _ feel bad."} {"input": "Context Word: basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much taller than PersonY , so _ had an easy time winning the basketball game. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much taller than PersonY , so _ was unable to win the basketball game."} {"input": "Context Word: basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more difficult time playing center in basketball than PersonY since _ was far shorter. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more difficult time playing center in basketball than PersonY since _ was far taller."} {"input": "Context Word: basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to stay after school later than PersonY had to because _ had practice for basketball. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to stay after school later than PersonY had to although _ had practice for basketball."} {"input": "Context Word: basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a better athlete than PersonY however in basketball _ is shorter so is worse at that sport. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a better athlete than PersonY however in basketball _ is taller so is better at that sport."} {"input": "Context Word: basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX joined into the game of basketball that PersonY was playing, and _ was late. \nSentence 2: PersonX joined into the game of basketball that PersonY was playing, so _ was early."} {"input": "Context Word: basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played basketball growing up unlike PersonY, because _ was a very sporty person in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX played basketball growing up unlike PersonY, because _ was a very musical person in school."} {"input": "Context Word: basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX plays in the male basketball US team while PersonY plays in the female basketball US team, _ is a great actor as well. \nSentence 2: PersonX plays in the male basketball US team while PersonY plays in the female basketball US team, _ is a great actress as well."} {"input": "Context Word: basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always better at basketball than PersonY because _ was taller and a faster runner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always worse at basketball than PersonY because _ was taller and a faster runner."} {"input": "Context Word: basketball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched tapes of PersonY to get better at basketball, because _ admired their shooting skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched tapes of PersonY to get better at basketball, because _ was proud of their shooting skills."} {"input": "Context Word: scholarship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX agreed to help PersonY get a college scholarship because _ has some contacts at the school. \nSentence 2: PersonX agreed to help PersonY get a college scholarship because _ has few contacts at the school."} {"input": "Context Word: scholarship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for a scholarship recommendation from PersonY , as _ wanted her knowledge and expertise as a teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for a scholarship recommendation from PersonY , as _ offered her knowledge and expertise as a teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: scholarship.", "output": "Sentence 1: The prestigious scholarship is awarded to PersonX, instead of PersonY, so _ is likely smarter. \nSentence 2: The prestigious scholarship is awarded to PersonX, instead of PersonY, so _ is likely dumber."} {"input": "Context Word: marbles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cracked marbles looked better than PersonY because _ remembered to use a stainless steel pan in the oven. \nSentence 2: PersonX cracked marbles looked better than PersonY because _ forgot to use a stainless steel pan in the oven."} {"input": "Context Word: marbles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX slipped and fell because PersonY had left marbles on the floor, so _ yelled loudly at her. \nSentence 2: PersonX slipped and fell because PersonY had left marbles on the floor, so _ appologized to her."} {"input": "Context Word: advantage.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to basketball PersonX had an advantage but PersonY did not because _ was very tall. \nSentence 2: When it came to basketball PersonX had an advantage but PersonY did not because _ was very small."} {"input": "Context Word: roaches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX screamed for PersonY to kill the roaches quickly, because _ is scared of roaches. \nSentence 2: PersonX was screamed at by PersonY to kill the roaches quickly, because _ is scared of roaches."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fiction books were PersonX's favorite genre, but PersonY preferred nonfiction books. _ preferred to read books about reality. \nSentence 2: Fiction books were PersonX's favorite genre, but PersonY preferred nonfiction books. _ preferred to read books about fantasy."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: It took a less time for PersonX to read the book than PersonY since _ was a better reader. \nSentence 2: It took a greater time for PersonX to read the book than PersonY since _ was a better reader."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the weekends, PersonX worked at a book store with PersonY although _ hated to read books. \nSentence 2: On the weekends, PersonX worked at a book store with PersonY because _ loved to read books."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how much the hard backed book cost, because _ she couldn't remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how much the hard backed book cost, but _ she couldn't remember."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX books a cabin for PersonY's ski trip because _ knows some good accomodations for snow activities. \nSentence 2: PersonX books a cabin for PersonY's ski trip because _ is too busy to plan for snow activities."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed a book from the library unlike PersonY because _ found their library card. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed a book from the library unlike PersonY because _ lost their library card."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed a book to study from PersonY because _ did not have a valid library card. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed a book to study from PersonY because _ did have a valid library card."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new algebra book and PersonY had to buy a used one because _ is poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new algebra book and PersonY had to buy a used one because _ is wealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a video game at the mall while PersonY bought a book, and when they got home _ began playing what they bought. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a video game at the mall while PersonY bought a book, and when they got home _ began reading what they bought."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a new book to read to PersonY at night because _ is still learning to read. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a new book to read to PersonY at night, but _ is still learning to read."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is writting a book so he asks his idol PersonY for an advice, because _ is a beginner. \nSentence 2: PersonX is writting a book so he asks his idol PersonY for an advice, because _ is a professional."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lent the book to PersonY for the reason that _ already read the book. \nSentence 2: PersonX lent the book to PersonY for the reason that _ wanted to read the book."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to read a book good more than PersonY because _ liked the peace and quiet. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to read a book good more than PersonY because _ hated the peace and quiet."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to read books while PersonY hated them, so _ went to the bookstore during their free time. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to read books while PersonY hated them, so _ never went to the bookstore during their free time."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved space stories and PersonY loved love stories so at the bookstore _ picked up a sci-fi book to read. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved space stories and PersonY loved love stories so at the bookstore _ picked up a romance book to read."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to read a good book but PersonY does not. _ went to the mall to buy a novel. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to read a good book but PersonY does not. _ went to the mall to buy a sweater."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered for more book from the library than PersonY does because _ is a fast reader. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered for more book from the library than PersonY does because _ is a slow reader."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned a large library of books while PersonY had almost none. _ liked to read. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned a large library of books while PersonY had almost none. _ didn't like to read."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX read a book to PersonY because _ was old enough to be able to read. \nSentence 2: PersonX read a book to PersonY because _ was too young to be able to read."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX read a book with more pages than PersonY because _ had a higher reading level. \nSentence 2: PersonX read a book with less pages than PersonY because _ had a higher reading level."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX read the long book to PersonY before the due date, because _ is a very fast reader. \nSentence 2: PersonX read the long book to PersonY before the due date, because _ is a very slow reader."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX reread her favorite book and finished it in one day, so PersonY bought her another book. _ was excited to read the new book. \nSentence 2: PersonX reread her favorite book and finished it in one day, so PersonY bought her another book. _ was excited to give her the new book."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stood in line to ask PersonY to sign the new book becasue _ is a fan. \nSentence 2: PersonX stood in line to ask PersonY to sign the new book becasue _ is a famous author."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to self-publish her first book and asks her role model PersonY for an advice, because _ is a beginner. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to self-publish her first book and asks her role model PersonY for an advice, because _ is a successful writer."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was angry with PersonY because _ lent him a school book that he destroyed. \nSentence 2: PersonX was angry with PersonY because _ destroyed a school book that he lent him."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to public a book when PersonY told them the book was rubbish and _ should stop writing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to public a book when PersonY told them the book was fantastic and _ would help publish."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's book got much worse reviews than PersonY's. This is because _ is a poor writer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's book got much worse reviews than PersonY's. This is because _ is a strong writer."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ enjoys reading books because PersonX spends a lot of times with books and PersonY outside. \nSentence 2: So _ enjoys ignoring books because PersonX spends a lot of times with books and PersonY outside."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was reading great and awesome books because PersonX enjoy reading books and PersonY don't. \nSentence 2: So _ was skipping great and awesome books because PersonX enjoy reading books and PersonY don't."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bestselling book was written by PersonX and the failing book was written by PersonY, because _ was a prolific writer. \nSentence 2: The bestselling book was written by PersonX and the failing book was written by PersonY, because _ was a substandard writer."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: The librarian charged PersonX a fine but not PersonY because _ returned the book late. \nSentence 2: The librarian charged PersonX a fine but not PersonY because _ returned the book on time."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: The signed book belonged to PersonX and not to PersonY , because _ liked the author more. \nSentence 2: The signed book belonged to PersonX and not to PersonY , but _ liked the author more."} {"input": "Context Word: book.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX slammed the dusty book closed, PersonY sneezed, so _ gave him a tissue for his nose. \nSentence 2: When PersonX slammed the dusty book closed, PersonY sneezed, so _ grabbed a tissue for his nose."} {"input": "Context Word: converting a decimal to a fraction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at converting a decimal to a fraction than PersonY because _ was really good at math. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at converting a decimal to a fraction than PersonY because _ was really bad at math."} {"input": "Context Word: electricity bill.", "output": "Sentence 1: Paying the electricity bill is an adult responsibility for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ lives on his own. \nSentence 2: Paying the electricity bill is an adult responsibility for PersonX but not for PersonY as _ lives with his parents."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a better cook than PersonY, _ was a disaster at baking a cake. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a better cook than PersonY, _ was a genius at baking a cake."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: Growing up PersonX's mother never let them help in the kitchen like PersonY's mother did and now _ is a terrible cook. \nSentence 2: Growing up PersonX's mother never let them help in the kitchen like PersonY's mother did and now _ is a wonderful cook."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was PersonX who had to prepare meals for PersonY since _ was a competent cook . \nSentence 2: It was PersonX who had to prepare meals for PersonY since _ was an incompetent cook ."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on how to cook healthy low fat meals because _ was overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on how to cook healthy low fat meals because _ was very slim."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY's family over for dinner because _ loved to cook dinner for other people. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY's family over for dinner because _ hated to cook dinner for other people."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could cook almost anything while PersonY got confused by the simplest recipe because _ was a very experienced chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX could cook almost anything while PersonY got confused by the simplest recipe because _ was not a very experienced chef."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could make some mean dishes while PersonY was mediocre at it, so _ was more skilled at cooking. \nSentence 2: PersonX could make some mean dishes while PersonY was mediocre at it, so _ was less skilled at cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is employed as a cook but PersonY is not because _ loves working with their hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX is employed as a cook but PersonY is not because _ hates working with their hands."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to cook many different recipes but PersonY did not, so _ never had to worry about dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to cook many different recipes but PersonY did not, so _ was constantly worried about dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to cook more than PersonY because cooking is _ favorite hobby right now. \nSentence 2: PersonX hates to cook more than PersonY because cooking is _ favorite hobby right now."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes very tasty roast recipes while PersonY doesn't, so _ is eager to cook more. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes very tasty roast recipes while PersonY doesn't, so _ is discouraged to cook more."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to cook since _ was a teacher at a culinary school. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to cook since _ was a new student at a culinary school."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better cook than PersonY because _ had taken cooking classes for years. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better cook than PersonY although _ had taken cooking classes for years."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mostly a better cook than PersonY, but _ made the worse dish today. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mostly a better cook than PersonY, but _ made the better dish today."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was said to be a better cook than PersonY. This made _ proud. \nSentence 2: PersonX was said to be a better cook than PersonY. This made _ feel bad."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: The woman asked PersonX instead of PersonY to make her a meal because _ was a better cook. \nSentence 2: The woman asked PersonX instead of PersonY to make her a meal because _ was a worse cook."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using the kitchen better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ was orderly in how they cook. \nSentence 2: Using the kitchen better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ was disorganized in how they cook."} {"input": "Context Word: cook.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they cook, PersonX burns more food than PersonY, so their friends avoid eating _ 's food. \nSentence 2: When they cook, PersonX seasons more food than PersonY, so their friends avoid eating _ 's food."} {"input": "Context Word: bananas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dislikes bananas while they are PersonY's favorite snack. _ likes apples best. \nSentence 2: PersonX dislikes bananas while they are PersonY's favorite snack. _ likes oranges second best."} {"input": "Context Word: bananas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a bunch of bananas and a pineapple since _ had too much fruit. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a bunch of bananas and a pineapple since _ had too little fruit."} {"input": "Context Word: bananas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the taste of bananas but PersonY hated the taste of them. _ ordered bananas foster for dessert. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the taste of bananas but PersonY hated the taste of them. _ ordered cream pie for dessert."} {"input": "Context Word: bananas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to eat bananas, meanwhile PersonY loves salads, because _ always enjoys eating fruit. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to eat bananas, meanwhile PersonY loves salads, because _ always loves how they taste."} {"input": "Context Word: bananas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made dessert bread with bananas for PersonY since _ wanted to make something sweet. \nSentence 2: PersonX made dessert bread with bananas for PersonY since _ wanted to eat something sweet."} {"input": "Context Word: phosphate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was PersonY's chemistry lab partner but _ kept forgetting where the phosphate was stored. \nSentence 2: PersonX was PersonY's chemistry lab partner because _ kept forgetting where the phosphate was stored."} {"input": "Context Word: jet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Flying jets came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a good pilot. \nSentence 2: Flying jets came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a bad pilot."} {"input": "Context Word: carjacked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's car was recently carjacked by PersonY in the lot, and now _ is super pissed. \nSentence 2: PersonX's car was recently carjacked by PersonY in the lot, and now _ is super pleased."} {"input": "Context Word: Baby Shower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ecstatic to get an invite to the baby shower but not PersonY. _ mailed back their RSVP. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ecstatic to get an invite to the baby shower but not PersonY. _ didn't mail back their RSVP."} {"input": "Context Word: Camping Trailer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help him choose a new camping trailer, because _ don't know much about them. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help him choose a new camping trailer, but _ don't know much about them."} {"input": "Context Word: coughed.", "output": "Sentence 1: During class, PersonX sneezed and coughed much more often than PersonY, because _ was sick. \nSentence 2: During class, PersonX sneezed and coughed much more often than PersonY, because _ was healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: Logically.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very adept at thinking logically but PersonY wasn't, therefore _ could solve the brainteasers quite handily. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very adept at thinking logically but PersonY wasn't, therefore _ couldn't solve the brainteasers quite handily."} {"input": "Context Word: Excel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at using Excel but PersonY was not. _ made a perfect spreadsheet for the project. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at using Excel but PersonY was not. _ made a lousy spreadsheet for the project."} {"input": "Context Word: combine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose not to combine their forces with PersonY, because _ preferred to be a loner fighter. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose not to combine their forces with PersonY, because _ tended to be a weak fighter."} {"input": "Context Word: pirate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to talk like a pirate more than PersonY so _ practiced pirate talk. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to talk like a pirate more than PersonY, so _ talked like normal."} {"input": "Context Word: pirate.", "output": "Sentence 1: While in Tampa, PersonX lingered at a pirate ship and PersonY hurried through a museum, so _ was late to their meeting. \nSentence 2: While in Tampa, PersonX lingered at a pirate ship and PersonY hurried through a museum, so _ was early to their meeting."} {"input": "Context Word: skateboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning how to skateboard was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had skateboarded before. \nSentence 2: Learning how to skateboard was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had not skateboarded before."} {"input": "Context Word: skateboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to ride a skateboard was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had one when younger. \nSentence 2: Learning to ride a skateboard was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not have one when younger."} {"input": "Context Word: skateboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on how to ride a skateboard because _ is a novice skateboarder. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for advice on how to ride a skateboard because _ is an expert skateboarder."} {"input": "Context Word: skateboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY a skateboard for his birthday although _ could skateboard and really wanted one instead. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought PersonY a skateboard for his birthday because _ could skateboard and really wanted one."} {"input": "Context Word: skateboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a skateboard for their birthday, but _ was not surprised with the gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a skateboard for their birthday, because _ successfully surprised with the gift."} {"input": "Context Word: skateboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is currently learning lots of new skateboard tricks from PersonY because _ is new to skateboarding. \nSentence 2: PersonX is currently learning lots of new skateboard tricks from PersonY because _ is familiar with skateboarding."} {"input": "Context Word: skateboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how to ride a skateboard recently and wanted PersonY to learn also, so _ began teaching how to skateboard safely. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned how to ride a skateboard recently and wanted PersonY to learn also, so _ began learning how to skateboard safely."} {"input": "Context Word: skateboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to teach the beleaguered PersonY how to skateboard properly since _ doubted his ability. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to teach the beleaguered PersonY how to skateboard properly since _ expressed his determination."} {"input": "Context Word: skateboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn to skateboard but PersonY thought it was dangerous. _ had not broken a bone as a kid and was fearless. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn to skateboard but PersonY thought it was dangerous. _ had broken a bone as a kid and was fearful."} {"input": "Context Word: skateboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's skateboard was run over while PersonY was backing out of the driveway, so _ is furious. \nSentence 2: PersonX's skateboard was run over while PersonY was backing out of the driveway, so _ is repentant."} {"input": "Context Word: flea market.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not like to go to the flea market on Sunday but PersonY did because _ did not care about finding a good deal. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not like to go to the flea market on Sunday but PersonY did because _ loved finding a good deal."} {"input": "Context Word: flea market.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sells PersonY a rug at the local flea market because _ is a vendor. \nSentence 2: PersonX sells PersonY a rug at the local flea market because _ is a customer."} {"input": "Context Word: separation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to finalize the separation from PersonY, because _ was tired of dragging it out. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to finalize the separation from PersonY, because _ was constantly dragging it out."} {"input": "Context Word: separation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was undergoing a separation while PersonY was still happily married, so _ needed a divorce lawyer soon. \nSentence 2: PersonX was undergoing a separation while PersonY was still happily married, so _ did not need a divorce lawyer soon."} {"input": "Context Word: plum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed the freshly picked plum to PersonY to eat because _ disliked the fruit. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed the freshly picked plum to PersonY to eat because _ liked the fruit."} {"input": "Context Word: Concealer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran out of concealer so she had to borrow some from PersonY. _ felt appreciative about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran out of concealer so she had to borrow some from PersonY. _ felt reluctant about it."} {"input": "Context Word: Running.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went running for ten minutes every day but PersonY did not, _ had a fit and trim look. \nSentence 2: PersonX went running for ten minutes every day but PersonY did not, _ had a fat and blubbery look."} {"input": "Context Word: meet and greet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The meet and greet left PersonX starstruck, but PersonY was unimpressed. _ had never met a celebrity before. \nSentence 2: The meet and greet left PersonX starstruck, but PersonY was unimpressed. _ had never met a lot of celebrities before."} {"input": "Context Word: toys.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX had a lot more money than PersonY, _ bought far fewer toys for their children for Christmas. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX had a lot more money than PersonY, _ bought far more toys for their children for Christmas."} {"input": "Context Word: toys.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finds it difficult to share his toys with PersonY when they play together because _ is spoiled. \nSentence 2: PersonX finds it difficult to share his toys with PersonY when they play together because _ has more toys."} {"input": "Context Word: toys.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more toys than PersonY. _ shares her toys with friends because she has too many. \nSentence 2: PersonX has more toys than PersonY. _ got some toys from friends because she has too few."} {"input": "Context Word: toys.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a kid that plays with toys, PersonY is an adult that doesn't therefore ask _ about what toys are the best. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a kid that plays with toys, PersonY is an adult that doesn't therefore don't ask _ about what toys are the best."} {"input": "Context Word: toys.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy the children some toys, but PersonY said not to. _ thought toys were a fun use of spending money. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to buy the children some toys, but PersonY said not to. _ thought toys were a big waste of spending money."} {"input": "Context Word: graduation.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX's college graduation, PersonY threw him a party and _ was very excited and thankful. \nSentence 2: After PersonX's college graduation, PersonY threw him a party and _ was very excited and proud."} {"input": "Context Word: School.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attained much better grades in school than PersonY did because _ studied really hard. \nSentence 2: PersonX attained much better grades in school than PersonY did because _ did not study really hard."} {"input": "Context Word: School.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to borrow PersonY 's car to get to school on an important exam day. _ 's car had broken down. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to borrow PersonY 's car to get to school on an important exam day. _ 's car had just been fixed."} {"input": "Context Word: School.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked forward to going to school every morning but PersonY dreaded it. _ was a top student at their college. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked forward to going to school every morning but PersonY dreaded it. _ was a poor student at their college."} {"input": "Context Word: School.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rode with PersonY to school so that he wouldn't be late to class. _ 's car was not working. \nSentence 2: PersonX drove PersonY to school so that he wouldn't be late to class. _ 's car was not working."} {"input": "Context Word: performing tshirt surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked performing tshirt surgery more than PersonY because _ likes to be creative with clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked performing tshirt surgery more than PersonY because _ doesn't care for being creative with clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: signal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ignored the signal unlike PersonY because _ never wants to follow and obey the rules. \nSentence 2: PersonX obeyed the signal unlike PersonY because _ never wants to follow and obey the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accepted a piece of expensive jewelry from PersonY, then _ quickly put it on. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a piece of expensive jewelry to PersonY, then _ quickly put it on."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY some brand new jewelry, _ was especially excited to receive a new brooch. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought PersonY some brand new jewelry, _ was especially excited to see their friend's reaction."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a piece of jewelry from PersonY, later _ felt she paid too much but kept cool attitude. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a piece of jewelry from PersonY, later _ thought she sold too low but kept cool attitude."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought expensive jewelry far less often than PersonY, and _ was rich by comparison. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought expensive jewelry far less often than PersonY, and _ was poor by comparison."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought some jewelry for PersonYs birthday, _ would wrap to disguise the box. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought some jewelry for PersonYs birthday, _ would unwrap the disguised box. ."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys going to the jewelry store unlike PersonY, because _ likes to dress very flashy. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys going to the jewelry store unlike PersonY, because _ likes to dress very modestly."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave some very expensive jewelry given to her from her grandmother to PersonY because _ wanted to share it. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave some very expensive jewelry given to her from her grandmother to PersonY because _ wanted it."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to the mall to buy jewelry for PersonY, but _ has a hard time finding something. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to the mall to buy jewelry for PersonY, because _ always has a hard time finding jewelry to wear."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very gaudy style but PersonY had a very demure style. _ likes to wear a lot of jewelry. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very gaudy style but PersonY had a very demure style. _ likes to wear very little jewelry."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to remove their rings at work but PersonY gets to keep theirs on because the job _ has has a no jewelry policy. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to remove their rings at work but PersonY gets to keep theirs on because the job _ has doesn't have a no jewelry policy."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to wear fancy jewelry but PersonY liked homemade jewelry. _ wore a diamond bracelet to the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to wear fancy jewelry but PersonY liked homemade jewelry. _ wore a yarn bracelet to the party."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved wearing fine jewely As were PersonY loved making fine jewelry for others to wear, _ loved sporting fancy things. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved wearing fine jewely As were PersonY loved making fine jewelry for others to wear, _ loved making fancy things."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a lot of jewelry that PersonY had bought for him, so _ was extremely grateful. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a lot of jewelry that PersonY had bought for him, so _ had less money."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore more jewelry than PersonY did to the party so _ looked more extravagant. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore less jewelry than PersonY did the to the party so _ looked more extravagant."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore the jewelry that PersonY had given them, and _ loved to wear it around. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore the jewelry that PersonY had given them, and _ loved to purchase it."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's jewelry looks much worse than the earrings that PersonY bought. That's because _ makes good money. \nSentence 2: PersonX's jewelry looks much worse than the earrings that PersonY bought. That's because _ makes less money."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fancy, expensive jewelry was better suited for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of money. \nSentence 2: The fancy, expensive jewelry was better suited for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot no money."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: The jewelry PersonX made was gorgeous, but PersonY insulted her for it. _ felt discouraged. \nSentence 2: The jewelry PersonX made was gorgeous, but PersonY insulted her for it. _ felt envious."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: The jewelry PersonX wore made quite an impression on PersonY although _ is less stylish than she is, usually. \nSentence 2: The jewelry PersonX wore made quite an impression on PersonY although _ is more stylish than she is, usually."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: The jewelry is fake that PersonX wears, which PersonY confirms at the shop. So, _ is the consumer. \nSentence 2: The jewelry is fake that PersonX wears, which PersonY confirms at the shop. So, _ is the jeweler."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to jewelry knowledge, PersonX knows more than PersonY because _ 's father was a jeweler. \nSentence 2: When it comes to jewelry knowledge, PersonX knows more than PersonY because _ 's father was a plumber."} {"input": "Context Word: hula hoop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoys the hula hoop, but PersonY doesn't at all because _ is a hippie. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoys the hula hoop, but PersonY doesn't at all because _ is a senior citizen."} {"input": "Context Word: Exponents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a deep understanding of how to work with exponents compared to PersonY because _ was a devout math student. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a deep understanding of how to work with exponents compared to PersonY because _ was a lazy math student."} {"input": "Context Word: understand.", "output": "Sentence 1: Complicated mathematical equations were easier to understand for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had an analytical mind. \nSentence 2: Complicated mathematical equations were easier to understand for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have an analytical mind."} {"input": "Context Word: understand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't understand PersonY reasoning because _ hadn't gathered more information on the subject they were talking about. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't understand PersonY reasoning because _ hadn't read more information on the subject they were talking about."} {"input": "Context Word: understand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not understand the language and that is why PersonY would tell them what was said, _ is a foreigner. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not understand the language and that is why PersonY would tell them what was said, _ is a native translator."} {"input": "Context Word: understand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't understand the reasons behind PersonY's choices but _ trusted them to do the right thing. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't understand the reasons behind PersonY's choices and didn't trust _ to do the right thing."} {"input": "Context Word: understand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to understand why PersonY quit their job because _ really needed the money. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to understand why PersonY quit their job but _ didn't need the money."} {"input": "Context Word: understand.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to understand why PersonY wanted to go on vacation because _ hated to take time away from work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to understand why PersonY wanted to go on vacation because _ loved to take time away from work."} {"input": "Context Word: understand.", "output": "Sentence 1: Trying to understand the concept, PersonX asked PersonY to help her with a geometry problem, as _ had weak math skills. \nSentence 2: Trying to understand the concept, PersonX asked PersonY to help her with a geometry problem, as _ had strong math skills."} {"input": "Context Word: Tomato.", "output": "Sentence 1: The taste of tomatoes really appeals to PersonX but not to PersonY. _ ordered the fried green tomatoes for their appetizer. \nSentence 2: The taste of tomatoes really appeals to PersonX but not to PersonY. _ ordered the fried chicken wings for their appetizer."} {"input": "Context Word: tired.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't workout as much as PersonY so _ got tired easily after a trip to the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't workout as much as PersonY so _ got tired slowly after a trip to the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: tired.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always tired anymore and PersonY offered to help because _ needed a good exercise program. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always tired anymore and PersonY offered to help because _ had a good exercise program."} {"input": "Context Word: U.S. Secret Service.", "output": "Sentence 1: The U.S. Secret Service detained PersonX but not PersonY, because _ was perceived as a threat to the President. \nSentence 2: The U.S. Secret Service detained PersonX but not PersonY, because _ was not perceived as a threat to anybody."} {"input": "Context Word: care package.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put together a care package to send to PersonY, because _ 's husband was deployed overseas. \nSentence 2: PersonX put together a care package to send to PersonY, because _ was deployed overseas."} {"input": "Context Word: Scorpios.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very attracted to PersonY, because _ found Scorpios to be incredibly appealing, both physically and mentally. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very attractive to PersonY, because _ found Scorpios to be incredibly appealing, both physically and mentally."} {"input": "Context Word: smoothie.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was more health conscious than PersonY, who was focused more on convenience, _ preferred smoothies to fast food. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was more health conscious than PersonY, who was focused more on convenience, _ preferred fast food to smoothies."} {"input": "Context Word: smoothie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accepted a fruit smoothie from PersonY because _ had just finished a grueling workout. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered a fruit smoothie to PersonY because _ had just finished a grueling workout."} {"input": "Context Word: smoothie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought a smoothie to the office to give to PersonY, because _ felt like she owed something to her coworker. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought a smoothie to the office to give to PersonY, but _ felt like she was being spoiled by her coworker."} {"input": "Context Word: poem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a poem to PersonY for Valentine's day, and _ spent a lot of time on the poem. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a poem to PersonY for Valentine's day, and _ liked and appreciated the time spent on the poem."} {"input": "Context Word: poem.", "output": "Sentence 1: While in a bookstore, PersonX read a poem to PersonY because _ wanted to go out. \nSentence 2: While in a bookstore, PersonX listened a poem to PersonY because _ wanted to go out."} {"input": "Context Word: smog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Unlike PersonX, PersonY drove a hybrid electric vehicle because _ wanted to reduce smog pollution. \nSentence 2: Unlike PersonX, PersonY drove a hybrid electric vehicle because _ wanted to increase smog pollution."} {"input": "Context Word: sponge cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sponge cake of PersonX is dry, while PersonY's is too wet. _ used too little water. \nSentence 2: The sponge cake of PersonX is dry, while PersonY's is too wet. _ used too much water."} {"input": "Context Word: groom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help groom her new dog because _ had no idea how to. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help groom her new dog but _ had no idea how to."} {"input": "Context Word: groom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to groom their dog in the waiting room unlike PersonY, so _ had the cleaner dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to groom their dog in the waiting room unlike PersonY, so _ had the dirtier dog."} {"input": "Context Word: groom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not have time to groom her dog, and PersonY stepped in and helped so _ could have a clean dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not have time to groom her dog, and PersonY stepped in and helped so _ could make some extra money."} {"input": "Context Word: groom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to groom their dog regularly but PersonY did not as _ had a dog with long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to groom their dog regularly but PersonY did not as _ had a dog with short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: groom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY's dog for a groom, although _ did not like for the animal. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY's dog for a groom, knowing _ cared very much for the animal."} {"input": "Context Word: cousin.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cousin of PersonX died in a car crash, so PersonY made her a casserole. _ was grateful for the help and kindness. \nSentence 2: The cousin of PersonX died in a car crash, so PersonY made her a casserole. _ was was glad to provide help and kindness."} {"input": "Context Word: Shoulder.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had his shoulder dislocated when throwing the ball at persony and _ screamed out loud. \nSentence 2: personx had his shoulder dislocated when throwing the ball at persony and _ laughed out loud."} {"input": "Context Word: surprise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was organizing a surprise party for PersonY over the weekend because _ wanted to surprise them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was organizing a surprise party for PersonY over the weekend because _ wanted a party."} {"input": "Context Word: surprise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was planning a surprise party for PersonY and wanted it to be the best because _ enjoyed it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was planning a surprise party for PersonY and wanted it to be the best because _ deserved it."} {"input": "Context Word: coolant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to change their car coolant but not PersonY because the car of _ was overheating. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to change their car coolant but not PersonY because the car of _ was cool."} {"input": "Context Word: moles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has got a lot of moles on the back and goes see PersonY for help, because _ is worried. \nSentence 2: PersonX has got a lot of moles on the back and goes see PersonY for help, because _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: handspring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can't do a back handspring, but PersonY can do one because _ is very old. \nSentence 2: PersonX can't do a back handspring, but PersonY can do one because _ is very young."} {"input": "Context Word: handspring.", "output": "Sentence 1: Tumbling and making handsprings was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ was an expert gymnast. \nSentence 2: Tumbling and making handsprings was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ was a novice gymnast."} {"input": "Context Word: distinguish.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the park, PersonX could not distinguish the color of PersonY's shirt, because _ was color blind. \nSentence 2: At the park, PersonX could not distinguish the color of PersonY's shirt, because _ was standing in a shadow."} {"input": "Context Word: chocolate milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidentally spilled his chocolate milk all over the place and PersonY laughed, so Mom tried to help _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX accidentally spilled his chocolate milk all over the place and PersonY laughed, so Mom tried to silence _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: Color.", "output": "Sentence 1: Choosing paint was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a strong knowledge of color theory. \nSentence 2: Choosing paint was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a weak knowledge of color theory."} {"input": "Context Word: teen girl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the teen girl was very cute but PersonY did not. _ asked the teen girl out. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the teen girl was very cute but PersonY did not. _ didn't ask the teen girl out."} {"input": "Context Word: onward.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX directed PersonY and his family to keep moving onward to the exits, _ is steady in emergency situations. \nSentence 2: PersonX directed PersonY and his family to keep moving onward to the exits, _ is attentive in emergency situations."} {"input": "Context Word: parallel park.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning to parallel park when he crashed into PersonYs car. _ was very upset with himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning to parallel park when he crashed into PersonYs car. _ was very upset with him."} {"input": "Context Word: ramp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked up and saw PersonY racing byoverhead, as _ was under the ramp . \nSentence 2: PersonX looked up and saw PersonY racing byoverhead, as _ was on the ramp ."} {"input": "Context Word: material.", "output": "Sentence 1: Gather all the material you can find PersonX yells to PersonY, _ is in charge of the project being work on. \nSentence 2: Gather all the material you can find PersonX yells to PersonY, _ is taking charges on the project being work on."} {"input": "Context Word: People.", "output": "Sentence 1: People are always comparing PersonX to PersonY because the are s much alike, _ finds this fascinating. \nSentence 2: People are always comparing PersonX to PersonY because the are s much alike, _ finds this flattering."} {"input": "Context Word: menopause.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hot flash caused by menopause and turned the thermostat down, even though PersonY was cold. _ was relieved from the cooler temperature. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hot flash caused by menopause and turned the thermostat down, even though PersonY was cold. _ was upset by the cooler temperature."} {"input": "Context Word: drink low tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to drink low tea and PersonY did not because _ enjoyed drinking something in the evening. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to drink low tea and PersonY did not because _ did not enjoy drinking something in the evening."} {"input": "Context Word: mandolin.", "output": "Sentence 1: Near the end of his class performance, PersonX broke a string on the mandolin and PersonY chuckled; consequently, the music teacher gave _ words of encouragement. \nSentence 2: Near the end of his class performance, PersonX broke a string on the mandolin and PersonY chuckled; consequently, the music teacher gave _ words of admonishment."} {"input": "Context Word: mandolin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being taught how to play the Mandolin by PersonY. _ is a Mandolin student. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being taught how to play the Mandolin by PersonY. _ is a Mandolin teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: mandolin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to play the mandolin from PersonY due to _ being a music beginner. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to play the mandolin from PersonY due to _ being a music teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: mandolin.", "output": "Sentence 1: They asked PersonX to play the mandolin at their wedding and not PersonY because _ was an excellent musician. \nSentence 2: They asked PersonX to play the mandolin at their wedding and not PersonY because _ was an horrible musician."} {"input": "Context Word: License.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of speeding tickets but PersonY never had even one. _ had their license suspended. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of speeding tickets but PersonY never had even one. _ had their license renewed."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always paid their car insurance whereas PersonY didn't have any. _ thought insurance was worth the money. \nSentence 2: PersonX always paid their car insurance whereas PersonY didn't have any. _ thought insurance was a waste of money."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY were deciding which car insurance to get, and _ thought she had more help in person. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY were deciding which car insurance to get, and _ thought he has more options online."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had car insurance, but PersonY needed it, so _ was able to drive without problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX had car insurance, but PersonY needed it, so _ was not able to drive without problems."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had good health insurance while PersonY had minimal health insurance so _ had to pay very little money out of pocket. \nSentence 2: PersonX had good health insurance while PersonY had minimal health insurance so _ had to pay a lot of money out of pocket."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had health insurance coverage while PersonY did not, as _ had a really great job. \nSentence 2: PersonX had health insurance coverage while PersonY did not, as _ had a really bad job."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an insurance agent, PersonY is a cook therefore _ could find cheap insurance rates for you. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an insurance agent, PersonY is a cook therefore _ could not find cheap insurance rates for you."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX managed to get a good deal on car insurance, while PersonY got scammed. It was because _ studied economics in college. \nSentence 2: PersonX managed to get a good deal on car insurance, while PersonY got scammed. It was because _ failed economics in college."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY understanding the benefits because _ had only skimmed the insurance plan. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help from PersonY understanding the benefits because _ had paid attention to the insurance plan."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold insurance policies to PersonY because _ had proper auto and home coverage products. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold insurance policies to PersonY because _ needed proper auto and home coverage products."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to replace their totaled car while PersonY wasn't because _ filed an insurance claim. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to replace their totaled car while PersonY wasn't because _ didn't file an insurance claim."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was driving without insurance while PersonY had auto insurance, so _ was driving illegally. \nSentence 2: PersonX was driving without insurance while PersonY had auto insurance, so _ was driving legally."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried about the cost of a doctor visit because she didn't have insurance; PersonY offered to cover the cost. _ was relieved. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried about the cost of a doctor visit because she didn't have insurance; PersonY offered to cover the cost. _ was compassionate."} {"input": "Context Word: insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: The insurance company blamed PersonX instead of PersonY for the accident since _ ran a red light. \nSentence 2: The insurance company blamed PersonX instead of PersonY for the accident since _ had a green light."} {"input": "Context Word: adoption.", "output": "Sentence 1: Taking care of children came much more harder for PersonX than PersonY although _ really wanted to look at adoption. \nSentence 2: Taking care of children came much more easier for PersonX than PersonY although _ really wanted to ignore adoption."} {"input": "Context Word: wizard hat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a wizard hat with his costume while PersonY did not because _ was wearing a wizard costume. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a wizard hat with his costume while PersonY did not because _ was wearing a dinosaur costume."} {"input": "Context Word: veggies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always eats veggies as opposed to PersonY because _ loves the way they taste. \nSentence 2: PersonX always eats veggies as opposed to PersonY because _ hates the way they taste."} {"input": "Context Word: accuracy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The accuracy of PersonX's GPS is better than PersonY's because _ uses a paid service. \nSentence 2: The accuracy of PersonX's GPS is better than PersonY's because _ uses a free service."} {"input": "Context Word: tumor.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was likely that PersonX but not PersonY would die because _ had a severe brain tumor . \nSentence 2: It was likely that PersonX but not PersonY would die because _ did not have a severe brain tumor ."} {"input": "Context Word: tumor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not see the tumor on PersonY's leg, because _ was only performing an eye exam. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not see the tumor on PersonY's leg, because _ was only receiving an eye exam."} {"input": "Context Word: proprietor.", "output": "Sentence 1: Investing in a business suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was already a sole proprietor. \nSentence 2: Investing in a business suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not a sole proprietor."} {"input": "Context Word: Kindness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to show kindness, because _ had seen PersonY be charitable to the homeless man. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to be show kindness, because _ had seen PersonY be mean to the homeless man."} {"input": "Context Word: Yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more flexible than PersonY, so _ had an easier time doing the Yoga pose. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more flexible than PersonY, so _ had a more difficult time doing the Yoga pose."} {"input": "Context Word: Yoga.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx always prefer to do his yoga alone when persony is around because _ is much of a loner. \nSentence 2: Personx always prefer to do his yoga alone when persony is around because _ is much of a distraction."} {"input": "Context Word: keeping skin moisturized.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to keeping skin moisturized more than PersonY because _ read a lot of heath websites. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to keeping skin moisturized more than PersonY because _ read a lot of video game websites."} {"input": "Context Word: chair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the chair they just bought and PersonY always wanted it, so _ is happy right now. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the chair they just bought and PersonY always wanted it, so _ is sad right now."} {"input": "Context Word: chair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was showing PersonY some office chairs they might like, however _ was unable to make a sale. \nSentence 2: PersonX was showing PersonY some office chairs they might like, however _ was unable to make a decision."} {"input": "Context Word: chair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's office chair looks a lot nicer than the one that PersonY uses because _ is the boss. \nSentence 2: PersonX's office chair looks a lot nicer than the one that PersonY uses because _ is the employee."} {"input": "Context Word: chair.", "output": "Sentence 1: The chair fell when PersonX tipped it backwards, so PersonY yelled at him for making loud noise. _ said he wouldn't tip the chair again. \nSentence 2: The chair fell when PersonX tipped it backwards, so PersonY yelled at him for making loud noise. _ asked him not to tip the chair again."} {"input": "Context Word: develop social skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making new friends was easy for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ learned to develop social skills as a child. \nSentence 2: Making new friends was easy for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ did not learn to develop social skills as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: praying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believes that praying is helpful, but PersonY does not, because _ believes in a higher power. \nSentence 2: PersonX believes that praying is helpful, but PersonY does not, because _ does not believe in a higher power."} {"input": "Context Word: manicure.", "output": "Sentence 1: Not once in her life has PersonX gotten a manicure, however PersonY gets one weekly, so _ 's nails are a disaster to look at. \nSentence 2: Not once in her life has PersonX gotten a manicure, however PersonY gets one weekly, so _ 's nails are a delight to look at."} {"input": "Context Word: manicure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a free manicure on their birthday, because _ was a generous shop owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a free manicure on their birthday, because _ was a valued shop customer."} {"input": "Context Word: affect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has void to never let a bad day affect their preformace and so has PersonY, _ has vowed to do good. \nSentence 2: PersonX has void to never let a bad day affect their preformace and so has PersonY, _ likewise vowed to do good."} {"input": "Context Word: Trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very concerned about the environment PersonY wasn't that interested. _ planted a lot of trees on their land. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very concerned about the environment PersonY wasn't that interested. _ cut a lot of trees on their land."} {"input": "Context Word: swell.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was starting to swell, unlike PersonY, after going through the bushes. _ is allergic to poison ivy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was starting to swell, unlike PersonY, after going through the bushes. _ is immune to poison ivy."} {"input": "Context Word: Party Music.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing party music suited PersonX, but not PersonY because _ loved to go to the club and dance. \nSentence 2: Playing party music suited PersonX, but not PersonY because _ hated to go to the club and dance."} {"input": "Context Word: forsythia.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mature forsythia in PersonX's yard was growing out of control, so she hired a gardener, PersonY, to fix it. _ watched her prune the forsythia until it looked nice. \nSentence 2: The mature forsythia in PersonX's yard was growing out of control, so she hired a gardener, PersonY, to fix it. _ gladly pruned the forsythia until it looked nice."} {"input": "Context Word: inner thighs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's inner thighs are much more toned than PersonY's because _ is a body builder. \nSentence 2: PersonX's inner thighs are much more flabby than PersonY's because _ is a body builder."} {"input": "Context Word: precisely.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had precisely zero complaints about the way PersonY handled the business problem because _ was a client. \nSentence 2: PersonX had precisely zero complaints about the way PersonY handled the business problem because _ was a consultant."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the summer PersonX helped to mow the lawn for PersonY, as well as do some landscaping because _ was a landscaper. \nSentence 2: During the summer PersonX helped to mow the lawn for PersonY, as well as do some landscaping because _ was a homeowner."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was a hot summer and PersonX had asked PersonY to water the lawn often. _ forgot and the lawn died. \nSentence 2: It was a hot summer and PersonX had asked PersonY to water the lawn often. _ reminded him and the lawn thrived."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mowing the lawn was annoying for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ hated doing yard work. \nSentence 2: Mowing the lawn was annoying for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ loved doing yard work."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always kept their lawn trimmed and tidy but PersonY didn't. _ often won the award for best lawn in the neighborhood. \nSentence 2: PersonX always kept their lawn trimmed and tidy but PersonY didn't. _ never won the award for best lawn in the neighborhood."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always mowed his lawn before PersonY as _ was always highly motivated to work. \nSentence 2: PersonX always mowed his lawn before PersonY as _ was never highly motivated to work."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for lawn care advice despite the fact that _ had a nice lawn. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for lawn care advice despite the fact that _ had a crappy lawn."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX mowed their lawn more often than PersonY did, so it was usually shorter at the home of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX mowed their lawn more often than PersonY did, so it was usually longer at the home of _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always more exhausted than PersonY because _ maintained their lawn early in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always more energetic than PersonY because _ maintained their lawn early in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lawn of PersonX doesn't look nearly as good as PersonY's. _ has the neighborhood kids do his lawn. \nSentence 2: The lawn of PersonX doesn't look nearly as good as PersonY's. _ has the neighborhood professionals do his lawn."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lawn of PersonX is much more green than the one that PersonY has because _ hired a professional lawn care specialist. \nSentence 2: The lawn of PersonX is much more brown than the one that PersonY has because _ hired a professional lawn care specialist."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lawn of PersonX looks much greener than PersonY's because _ uses a much better fertilizer. \nSentence 2: The lawn of PersonX looks much browner than PersonY's because _ uses a much better fertilizer."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn.", "output": "Sentence 1: The new lawn of PersonX was done by PersonY's hands. _ is likely the person who owns the home. \nSentence 2: The new lawn of PersonX was done by PersonY's hands. _ is likely the person who cares for lawns."} {"input": "Context Word: Coughing.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the event, PersonX kept coughing over PersonY 's speech because _ was very bored by it. \nSentence 2: At the event, PersonX kept coughing over PersonY 's speech because _ was very bad at it."} {"input": "Context Word: automated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for help from PersonY to build an automated system for housework. _ needed some guidance. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for help from PersonY to build an automated system for housework. _ gave some guidance."} {"input": "Context Word: leash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a dog but PersonY's dog was given up for adoption recently, so _ was given their old leash. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a dog but PersonY's dog was given up for adoption recently, so _ gave them their old leash."} {"input": "Context Word: leash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed the leash to PersonY, so _ could watch how to do the new trick. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed the leash to PersonY, so _ could demonstrate how to do the new trick."} {"input": "Context Word: leash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to take the dog on a walk, so PersonY told her to use a leash; _ asked where it was. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to take the dog on a walk, so PersonY told her to use a leash; _ told her where it was."} {"input": "Context Word: leash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was training her dog to walk on a leash and PersonY was giving some tips because _ had no leash-training experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX was training her dog to walk on a leash and PersonY was giving some tips because _ had some leash-training experience."} {"input": "Context Word: leash.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog belonging to PersonX was able to walk a further distance than the one belonging to PersonY because _ had their dog on a longer leash. \nSentence 2: The dog belonging to PersonX was able to walk a shorter distance than the one belonging to PersonY because _ had their dog on a longer leash."} {"input": "Context Word: PayPal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used PayPal to send PersonY his payment because _ did not have any cash. \nSentence 2: PersonX used PayPal to send PersonY his payment because _ did not accept cash as payment."} {"input": "Context Word: protect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always managed to protect their handbag but PersonY did not because _ was very careful. \nSentence 2: PersonX always managed to protect their handbag but PersonY did not because _ was very careless."} {"input": "Context Word: protect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did their best to protect PersonY from the darkness in life, but _ ultimately failed. \nSentence 2: PersonX did their best to protect PersonY from the darkness in life, but _ ultimately succumbed."} {"input": "Context Word: protect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX protected her skin with Vitamin E while PersonY did not protect her skin with anything. _ has great skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX protected her skin with Vitamin E while PersonY did not protect her skin with anything. _ has bad skin."} {"input": "Context Word: protect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX protects PersonY from the attacker with ease since _ was much bigger than the attacker. \nSentence 2: PersonX protects PersonY from the attacker with ease since _ was much smaller than the attacker."} {"input": "Context Word: protect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to protect PersonY from the bitter cold, so _ offered a warm blanket. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to protect PersonY from the bitter cold, so _ accepted a warm blanket."} {"input": "Context Word: protect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to protect herself from infectious diseases so she goes to doctor PersonY, because _ is careful. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to protect herself from infectious diseases so she goes to doctor PersonY, because _ can give her advice."} {"input": "Context Word: deaf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was deaf and PersonY was not, so _ could not hear anything at the mall. \nSentence 2: PersonX was deaf and PersonY was not, so _ could hear the noise at the mall."} {"input": "Context Word: deaf.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sign language came easily to PersonX compared to PersonY because _ had been deaf for years. \nSentence 2: Sign language came easily to PersonX compared to PersonY because _ had been deaf for months."} {"input": "Context Word: cyst.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX diagnosed PersonY with an ovarian cyst so _ was answering questions about how to take care of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX diagnosed PersonY with an ovarian cyst so _ was asking questions about how to take care of it."} {"input": "Context Word: cyst.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the doctor and had a more thorough visit than PersonY because _ had a cyst to remove. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the doctor and had a more thorough visit than PersonY although _ had a cyst to remove."} {"input": "Context Word: essential oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed in the soothing power of essential oil but PersonY thought is was nonsense. _ went to the store and bought some eucalyptus oil. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed in the soothing power of essential oil but PersonY thought is was nonsense. _ went to the store and bought some olive oil."} {"input": "Context Word: essential oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: The essential oils PersonX were better than those sold by PersonY, so people bought from _ more often. \nSentence 2: The essential oils PersonX were worse than those sold by PersonY, so people bought from _ more often."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX was overall a better student than PersonY, _ hated to read new books. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX was overall a better student than PersonY, _ loved to read new books."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: In class, PersonX is being taught how to read by PersonY, so _ is the pre school attendee. \nSentence 2: In class, PersonX is being taught how to read by PersonY, so _ is the pre school teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: In school, PersonX prefers to read, while PersonY prefers to play sports all the time. _ is a bookworm. \nSentence 2: In school, PersonX prefers to read, while PersonY prefers to play sports all the time. _ is an athlete."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to read the paper because _ forgot their reading glasses. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to read the paper because _ did not need reading glasses."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to read a few paragraphs aloud in class. _ was the teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to read a few paragraphs aloud in class. _ was the student."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed reading classical literature more than PersonY because _ had a longer attention span. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed reading classical literature more than PersonY because _ had a shorter attention span."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed the letter to PersonY to read to his hearing because _ is illiterate. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed the letter to PersonY to read to his hearing because _ is literate."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is eager to read PersonY's new true crime novel because _ typically reads great fiction. \nSentence 2: PersonX is eager to read PersonY's new true crime novel because _ typically writes great fiction."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to read before they were four but PersonY did not until they were ten because _ was very quick. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to read before they were four but PersonY did not until they were ten because _ was very slow."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to read novels and doesn't like to watch movies while PersonY doesn't like to read and loves watching movies, so _ bought a new book to read. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to read novels and doesn't like to watch movies while PersonY doesn't like to read and loves watching movies, so _ bought a new movie to watch."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX teaches Kindergarten students, PersonY teaches High School students therefore _ reads aloud a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX teaches Kindergarten students, PersonY teaches High School students therefore _ doesn't read aloud a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to stay home and read at a time when PersonY wanted to go to a party. _ was an introvert. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to stay home and read at a time when PersonY wanted to go to a party. _ was an extrovert."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was chosen to read to PersonY because _ had a very loud reading voice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was chosen to read to PersonY because _ needed a very loud reading voice."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX liked to read and PersonY did not, _ often visited the library on the weekends. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX liked to read and PersonY did not, _ rarely visited the library on the weekends."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX loved to watch shows while PersonY loved to read, _ spent their nights in front of a television. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX loved to watch shows while PersonY loved to read, _ spent their nights in front of a book."} {"input": "Context Word: read.", "output": "Sentence 1: The librarian handed the book to PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved to read . \nSentence 2: The librarian handed the book to PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated to read ."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: In need of paper PersonX asked PersonY where paper the best sale on paper could be found, _ uninformed on store sales. \nSentence 2: In need of paper PersonX asked PersonY where paper the best sale on paper could be found, _ informed on store sales."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the paper, PersonX wrote a lot about PersonY because _ is a well known writer. \nSentence 2: In the paper, PersonX wrote a lot about PersonY because _ is a well known criminal."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: It seemed more likely that PersonX would publish a scientific paper rather than PersonY because _ had done a lot of research. \nSentence 2: It seemed more likely that PersonX would publish a scientific paper rather than PersonY because _ had not done any research."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when their term paper for English class was due because _ could not remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when their term paper for English class was due but _ could not remember."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought PersonY his bbq dinner but it fell to the floor when _ tripped and the paper plate folded under the weight of the food. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to receive his bbq dinner from PersonY but it fell to the floor when _ tripped and the paper plate folded under the weight of the food."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY passed the class because _ got an A on their term paper. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY passed the class because _ got an F on their term paper."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX filled the printer with paper after PersonY didn't because _ is a good employee. \nSentence 2: PersonX filled the printer with paper after PersonY didn't because _ is a bad employee."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a paper due this week but PersonY did not, so _ spent all night writing their paper. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a paper due this week but PersonY did not, so _ did not spend all night writing their paper."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY for a sheet of paper to write a note because _ didn't have a single sheet. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY for a sheet of paper to write a note because _ had stacks of sheets."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to write an essay paper for school unlike PersonY, because _ was in his last year. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to write an essay paper for school unlike PersonY, because _ graduated last year."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to stay up all night while PersonY gets to rest because _ has a paper due in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to stay up all night while PersonY gets to rest because _ doesn't have a paper due in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a paper about the accomplishments of PersonY, because _ wanted to give them credit. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a paper about the accomplishments of PersonY, because _ wanted to receive their credit."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote on the paper with a pencil unlike PersonY who wrote with a pen, because _ wanted to erase it later. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote on the paper with a pencil unlike PersonY who wrote with a pen, because _ wanted to keep it for later."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX worked in the paper industry, which is losing business, and PersonY did not, _ was worried about losing his job. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX worked in the paper industry, which is losing business, and PersonY did not, _ was not worried about losing his job."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: The science teacher loved PersonX's paper a lot more than PersonY's due to _ utilizing bibliography standards based on the APA. \nSentence 2: The science teacher loved PersonX's paper a lot more than PersonY's due to _ disregarding bibliography standards based on the APA."} {"input": "Context Word: paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the paper was late, PersonX called PersonY to complain. _ was the paper's customer. \nSentence 2: When the paper was late, PersonX called PersonY to complain. _ was the paper's carrier."} {"input": "Context Word: radioactive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found radioactive material outside of his home, so he called the police and PersonY showed up to investigate, _ was relieved to find out it was a false alarm. \nSentence 2: PersonX found radioactive material outside of his home, so he called the police and PersonY showed up to investigate, _ was annoyed to find out it was a false alarm."} {"input": "Context Word: leather boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a new pair of leather boots but not PersonY because _ left them out in the rain. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a new pair of leather boots but not PersonY because _ brought them in from the rain."} {"input": "Context Word: injured.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was injured during the event but not PersonY because _ was right in the middle of the brawl. \nSentence 2: PersonX was injured during the event but not PersonY because _ was right in the middle of the safe area."} {"input": "Context Word: injured.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was injured when PersonY accidentally hit him in the face. _ is now angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX was injured when PersonY accidentally hit him in the face. _ is now remorseful."} {"input": "Context Word: Infidelity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonYs infidelity was getting out of hand, so _ decided to talk about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonYs infidelity was getting out of hand, but _ refused to talk about it."} {"input": "Context Word: mathematical rules.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY failed the trigonometry class because _ did not understand the mathematical rules of formulas. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY failed the trigonometry class because _ did understand the mathematical rules of formulas."} {"input": "Context Word: Nevada.", "output": "Sentence 1: In Nevada, PersonX wins more at the slot machines than PersonY because _ is luckier. \nSentence 2: In Nevada, PersonX wins more at the slot machines than PersonY because _ is unlucky."} {"input": "Context Word: pamper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed her stay at the spa more than PersonY because _ found it easy to pamper herself. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed her stay at the spa more than PersonY because _ found it harder to pamper herself."} {"input": "Context Word: pamper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to pamper themselves at the local spa, so _ picked her up on the way there. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to pamper themselves at the local spa, but _ drove herself on the way there."} {"input": "Context Word: being green.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a reusable water bottle while PersonY bought plastic disposable ones. _ felt being green was important. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a reusable water bottle while PersonY bought plastic disposable ones. _ didn't feel being green was important."} {"input": "Context Word: Rome.", "output": "Sentence 1: To visit PersonX in Rome, PersonY flew there but visited a hotel first because _ wanted to clean his house. \nSentence 2: To visit PersonX in Rome, PersonY flew there but visited a hotel first because _ wanted to surprise him."} {"input": "Context Word: Church.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often tried to get PersonY to attend church with them because _ was very religious. \nSentence 2: PersonX often tried to get PersonY to attend church with them because _ wasn't very religious."} {"input": "Context Word: decorations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in charge of getting decorations for PersonY's house party so _ went to the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in charge of getting decorations for PersonY's house party so _ made a shopping list."} {"input": "Context Word: decorations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY when _ realized that the expensive decorations had been trashed during the Halloween keg party. \nSentence 2: PersonX got yelled at by PersonY when _ realized that the expensive decorations had been trashed during the Halloween keg party."} {"input": "Context Word: mother-in-law.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX screamed at PersonY because _ was so upset about the mother-in-law coming for a visit. \nSentence 2: PersonX consoled PersonY because _ was so upset about the mother-in-law coming for a visit."} {"input": "Context Word: Butterflies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found butterflies to be a nuisance but PersonY like them a lot. _ cut all the flowers around their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX found butterflies to be a nuisance but PersonY like them a lot. _ planted some flowers around their house."} {"input": "Context Word: consulate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an immigrant so they went to PersonY's consulate because _ needed paperwork for them to stay in the country. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an immigrant so they went to PersonY's consulate because _ needed to do paperwork for them to stay in the country."} {"input": "Context Word: 50 pounds.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to lift the 50 pounds because _ had worked out lifting weights. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to lift the 50 pounds because _ had not worked out lifting weights."} {"input": "Context Word: shampoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY bought the special volumizing shampoo suggested by the stylist because _ had thick hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY bought the special volumizing shampoo suggested by the stylist because _ had thin hair."} {"input": "Context Word: shampoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finishes off their shampoo bottle much faster than PersonY because _ has really long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX finishes off their shampoo bottle much faster than PersonY because _ has really short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: shampoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the smell of PersonY's shampoo, so she asked where to buy it. _ went and bought a bottle the next day. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the smell of PersonY's shampoo, so she asked where to buy it. _ gave her a bottle the next day."} {"input": "Context Word: shampoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX must wash their hair more frequently than PersonY because _ hasn't yet discovered dry shampoo. \nSentence 2: PersonX must wash their hair more frequently than PersonY because _ has discovered dry shampoo."} {"input": "Context Word: shampoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: The shampoo that PersonX used worked worse than PersonY's because _ shampoo was less expensive. \nSentence 2: The shampoo that PersonX used worked better than PersonY's because _ shampoo was more expensive."} {"input": "Context Word: shampoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stylist used shampoo on PersonX and not PersonY since _ requested a full service cut. \nSentence 2: The stylist used shampoo on PersonX and not PersonY since _ requested a minimum service cut."} {"input": "Context Word: amateur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has lots of experience compared to PersonY who has none, so _ is not an amateur. \nSentence 2: PersonX has lots of experience compared to PersonY who has none, so _ is an amateur."} {"input": "Context Word: jasmine.", "output": "Sentence 1: Drinking a cup of jasmine tea was the perfect way to wake up for PersonX, but not for PersonY, because _ loved the smell of it. \nSentence 2: Drinking a cup of jasmine tea was the perfect way to wake up for PersonX, but not for PersonY, because _ couldn't stand the smell of it."} {"input": "Context Word: jasmine.", "output": "Sentence 1: While gardening, PersonX wanted to plant more jasmine than PersonY because _ liked the color purple. \nSentence 2: While gardening, PersonX wanted to plant more jasmine than PersonY because _ liked the color orange."} {"input": "Context Word: crop circles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the crop circles were mysterious while PersonY thought they were made by farmers because _ believed in aliens. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the crop circles were mysterious while PersonY thought they were made by farmers because _ did not believe in aliens."} {"input": "Context Word: put the dog in a crate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put the dog in a crate instead of PersonY because _ had a dog as a pet and knew what to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX put the dog in a crate instead of PersonY because _ did not have a dog as a pet and didn't know what to do."} {"input": "Context Word: surveys.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always creating surveys for people like PersonY who take them. _ works at a college. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always creating surveys for people like PersonY who take them. _ works at mturk."} {"input": "Context Word: multiply.", "output": "Sentence 1: Multiplying came easier to PersonX than PersonY, so _ was in charge of the calculations. \nSentence 2: Multiplying came easier to PersonX than PersonY, so _ was not in charge of the calculations."} {"input": "Context Word: mayonnaise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the taste of mayonnaise on a sandwich but PersonY liked mustard better. _ bought some Duke's mayo at the market. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the taste of mayonnaise on a sandwich but PersonY liked mustard better. _ bought some French's mustard at the market."} {"input": "Context Word: crafting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys crafting things a lot more than PersonY does due to _ being a creative person. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys crafting things a lot more than PersonY does due to _ being a dull person."} {"input": "Context Word: crafting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent time crafting in a video game while PersonY went shopping, and _ played the game for hours. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent time crafting in a video game while PersonY went shopping, and _ visited the store for hours."} {"input": "Context Word: cabbage soup.", "output": "Sentence 1: Nobody wants to eat the cabbage soup of PersonX, but everyone likes PersonY's because _ 's is too salty. \nSentence 2: Nobody wants to eat the cabbage soup of PersonX, but everyone likes PersonY's because _ 's is just right."} {"input": "Context Word: diamond.", "output": "Sentence 1: A large diamond ring suits PersonX better than PersonY because _ loves wearing flashy jewelry. \nSentence 2: A large diamond ring suits PersonX better than PersonY because _ hates wearing flashy jewelry."} {"input": "Context Word: diamond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a rich husband, PersonY has a poor husband therefore _ probably has diamond earrings. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a rich husband, PersonY has a poor husband therefore _ probably doesn't have diamond earrings."} {"input": "Context Word: diamond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a diamond and asks for PersonY's opinion whether the diamond is real, because _ doesn't know. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a diamond and asks for PersonY's opinion whether the diamond is real, because _ is a diamond expert."} {"input": "Context Word: diamond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went shopping for a diamond ring yesterday unlike PersonY, because _ was going to get engaged. \nSentence 2: PersonX went shopping for a diamond ring yesterday unlike PersonY, because _ was already engaged."} {"input": "Context Word: diamond.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diamond ring impressed PersonX but not PersonY, since _ had always loved big fancy gemstones. \nSentence 2: The diamond ring impressed PersonX but not PersonY, since _ had never cared for big fancy gemstones."} {"input": "Context Word: diamond.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing diamond earrings and gold chains, PersonX gives some jewelry to PersonY begging on the street. _ is rich. \nSentence 2: Wearing diamond earrings and gold chains, PersonX gives some jewelry to PersonY begging on the street. _ is poor."} {"input": "Context Word: hostess.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to come over and help with hostess duties, because _ had infrequently thrown parties. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to come over and help with hostess duties, because _ had frequently thrown parties."} {"input": "Context Word: autistic child.", "output": "Sentence 1: The autistic child at school liked PersonX more than PersonY, so _ must be more friendly. \nSentence 2: The autistic child at school liked PersonX more than PersonY, so _ must be more intimidating."} {"input": "Context Word: autistic child.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tantrum thrown by the autistic child was dealt with by PersonX but not PersonY, because _ had spent a lot of time around special needs kids. \nSentence 2: The tantrum thrown by the autistic child was dealt with by PersonX but not PersonY, because _ had spent very little time around special needs kids."} {"input": "Context Word: load.", "output": "Sentence 1: The load dropped at the side of PersonX when he was carrying it with PersonY because _ is weak. \nSentence 2: The load dropped at the side of PersonX when he was carrying it with PersonY because _ is strong."} {"input": "Context Word: speak English.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in charge of making sure PersonY learns how to speak English, _ is from this country. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in charge of making sure PersonY learns how to speak English, _ is not from this country."} {"input": "Context Word: Ballet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't practice ballet much but PersonY practiced all the time. _ wasn't chosen to be a lead dancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't practice ballet much but PersonY practiced all the time. _ was selected to be a lead dancer."} {"input": "Context Word: conscience.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having a hard time sleeping at night while PersonY slept well because _ had a guilty conscience. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having a hard time sleeping at night while PersonY slept well because _ had a clean conscience."} {"input": "Context Word: rely.", "output": "Sentence 1: The manager knew they could rely on PersonX more than PersonY to open the store, because _ was always on time. \nSentence 2: The manager knew they could rely on PersonX more than PersonY to open the store, because _ was always late."} {"input": "Context Word: pediatrician.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always loved kids and PersonY felt the opposite, so _ was eager to become a pediatrician. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always loved kids and PersonY felt the opposite, so _ was surprised to become a pediatrician."} {"input": "Context Word: defensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the police interview, PersonX remarked that PersonY was being awfully defensive, because _ was concealing the crime. \nSentence 2: During the police interview, PersonX remarked that PersonY was being awfully defensive, because _ was investigating the crime."} {"input": "Context Word: defensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stopped being defensive toward PersonY after _ realized they were just trying to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX stopped being defensive toward PersonY after _ explained they were just trying to help."} {"input": "Context Word: defensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to get defensive during conversation than PersonY, because _ had a sensitive nature. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to get defensive during conversation than PersonY, because _ did not have a sensitive nature."} {"input": "Context Word: painting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she had ever seen the famous painting because _ could not remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she had ever seen the famous painting but _ could not remember."} {"input": "Context Word: painting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to decorate the living room because _ is terrible at painting walls. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to decorate the living room because _ is excellent at painting walls."} {"input": "Context Word: painting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX posed on a stand while PersonY observed them because _ was modelling for the painting class. \nSentence 2: PersonX posed on a stand while PersonY observed them because _ was studying for the painting class."} {"input": "Context Word: painting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent more time gazing at the painting than PersonY did because _ is an art enthusiast. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent more time gazing at the painting than PersonY did because _ is not an art enthusiast."} {"input": "Context Word: painting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at painting but PersonY was not. _ made a beautiful picture. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at painting but PersonY was not. _ made a horrible picture."} {"input": "Context Word: painting.", "output": "Sentence 1: The painting stood out to PersonX but not PersonY because it reminded _ of their childhood. \nSentence 2: The painting was unimportant to PersonX but not PersonY because it reminded _ of their childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: painting.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to painting, PersonX decides to hire PersonY for the job because _ is a new homeowner. \nSentence 2: When it comes to painting, PersonX decides to hire PersonY for the job because _ is a skilled painter."} {"input": "Context Word: handmade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a handmade quilt with a complicated pattern and PersonY made one with a simple pattern, as _ was a professional quilter. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a handmade quilt with a complicated pattern and PersonY made one with a simple pattern, as _ was an amateur quilter."} {"input": "Context Word: the gym.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a gym membership for longer than PersonY. _ felt the gym was a good use of money. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a gym membership for longer than PersonY. _ felt the gym was a big waste of money."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for strength training advice because _ wanted to develop better muscle definition in her abdominal muscles. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for strength training advice because _ had developed better muscle definition in her abdominal muscles."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cared a lot about how big their muscles were compared to PersonY, so _ was at the gym all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX cared a lot about how big their muscles were compared to PersonY, because _ was at the gym all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX greatly admired the look of PersonY 's muscles , so _ asked for some training tips at the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX greatly admired the look of PersonY 's muscles , so _ offered some training tips at the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had small muscles compared to PersonY when it came to weight lifting so _ lifted lighter weights. \nSentence 2: PersonX had small muscles compared to PersonY when it came to weight lifting so _ lifted heavier weights."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had stronger muscles than PersonY did, because _ worked out at the gym with barbells. \nSentence 2: PersonX had weaker muscles than PersonY did, because _ worked out at the gym with barbells."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot bigger muscles than PersonY because _ goes to the gym everyday to lift weights. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot smaller muscles than PersonY because _ goes to the gym everyday to lift weights."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has way bigger muscles than PersonY because _ always worked out every day of the week. \nSentence 2: PersonX has way smaller muscles than PersonY because _ always worked out every day of the week."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to be their personal trainer because _ wanted to build bigger muscles. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to be their personal trainer because _ knew how to build bigger muscles."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to eat Little Debbies while PersonY preferred protein shakes so _ had flabby muscles. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to eat Little Debbies while PersonY preferred protein shakes so _ had hard muscles."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the gym more than PersonY so _ could develop muscles much more quickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the gym more than PersonY so _ could develop muscles much more slowly."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's muscles are less developed than PersonY's because _ puts in few hours at the gym every week. \nSentence 2: PersonX's muscles are less developed than PersonY's because _ puts in many hours at the gym every week."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: The muscles of PersonX are grander than those of PersonY because _ is a gym trainer. \nSentence 2: The muscles of PersonX are tinier than those of PersonY because _ is a gym trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: The muscles on PersonX's upper body were bigger than PersonY's due to _ always working out. \nSentence 2: The muscles on PersonX's upper body were bigger than PersonY's due to _ hardly working out."} {"input": "Context Word: muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: The workout routine was beneficial to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was developing huge muscles. \nSentence 2: The workout routine was beneficial to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not developing any muscles."} {"input": "Context Word: Chipotle.", "output": "Sentence 1: Chipotle is PersonX's favorite food, but PersonY will not eat there, because _ loves fast food. \nSentence 2: Chipotle is PersonX's favorite food, but PersonY will not eat there, because _ loves home cooked food."} {"input": "Context Word: teens.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that teens were annoying, but _ disagreed and said they're just like every other age group. \nSentence 2: PersonX heard PersonY say that teens were annoying, but _ disagreed and said they're just like every other age group."} {"input": "Context Word: teens.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teens of PersonX are better behaved than the ones PersonY has because _ is more stern. \nSentence 2: The teens of PersonX are better behaved than the ones PersonY has because _ is more laid back."} {"input": "Context Word: loaf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to loaf around in their spare time but PersonY prefers to volunteer. _ spent their day off chilling at the beach. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to loaf around in their spare time but PersonY prefers to volunteer. _ spent their day off working at the soup kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: strategy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a poor strategy for advertising but not PersonY because _ had an outdated way of thinking. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a poor strategy for advertising but not PersonY because _ had a modern way of thinking."} {"input": "Context Word: strategy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to play strategy video games but PersonY liked sports games, so _ was pretty pumped when the new Clash of Clans came out. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to play strategy video games but PersonY liked sports games, so _ was pretty pumped when the new Madden game came out."} {"input": "Context Word: strategy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that he can't think of a good strategy, so _ asked for help. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that he can't think of a good strategy, so _ offered to help him."} {"input": "Context Word: marijuana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't accept the suspicious looking marijuana joint that PersonY offered because _ was a junkie. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't accept the suspicious looking marijuana joint that PersonY offered because _ was straight edge."} {"input": "Context Word: marijuana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grows Marijuana legally, but PersonY can't do that. _ is the one who lives in Michigan. \nSentence 2: PersonX grows Marijuana legally, but PersonY can't do that. _ is the one who lives in Texas."} {"input": "Context Word: marijuana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is able to grow marijuana legally, but PersonY can't, due to _ living in a state where pot is legal. \nSentence 2: PersonX is able to grow marijuana legally, but PersonY can't, due to _ living in a state where pot is illegal."} {"input": "Context Word: marijuana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved getting high with friends, while PersonY was sober, because _ loved smoking marijuana. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved getting high with friends, while PersonY was sober, because _ hated smoking marijuana."} {"input": "Context Word: marijuana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was for the legalization of marijuana whereas PersonY was not because _ believed legalization would create opportunities for the young people in America. \nSentence 2: PersonX was for the legalization of marijuana whereas PersonY was not because _ believed legalization would create problems for the young people in America."} {"input": "Context Word: marijuana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to fail at school than PersonY because _ was a heavy user of marijuana. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to fail at school than PersonY because _ was not a heavy user of marijuana."} {"input": "Context Word: marijuana.", "output": "Sentence 1: The eye doctor suggested that PersonX but not PersonY try medical marijuana because _ had terrible eyesight. \nSentence 2: The eye doctor suggested that PersonX but not PersonY try medical marijuana because _ had great eyesight."} {"input": "Context Word: marijuana.", "output": "Sentence 1: The police officer arrested PersonX but let PersonY go. _ smelt strongly of tobacco and marijuana. \nSentence 2: The police officer arrested PersonX but let PersonY go. _ smelt strongly of tobacco but not marijuana."} {"input": "Context Word: snowman.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was building a snowman when PersonY walked by and knocked it over. _ was disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX was building a snowman when PersonY walked by and knocked it over. _ was amused."} {"input": "Context Word: article.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was clear that PersonX understood and was entertained by the article from PersonY because _ was the reader. \nSentence 2: It was clear that PersonX understood and was entertained by the article from PersonY because _ was the writer."} {"input": "Context Word: article.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they read the article on gardening, because _ forgot how far away to space the seeds. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they read the article on gardening, _ told them how far away to space the seeds."} {"input": "Context Word: article.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had every article of clothing donated by PersonY, because _ had no clothes to wear beforehand. \nSentence 2: PersonX had every article of clothing donated by PersonY, because _ had extra clothes to spare beforehand."} {"input": "Context Word: article.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is has hired PersonY to be the new person in charge of writing the Suday news article, _ manages workers at the newspaper buisness. \nSentence 2: PersonX is has hired PersonY to be the new person in charge of writing the Suday news article, _ workers a the newspaper buisness."} {"input": "Context Word: article.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is skimming quickly over the article that PersonY just wrote because _ is the editor. \nSentence 2: PersonX is skimming quickly over the article that PersonY just wrote because _ is an author."} {"input": "Context Word: article.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a flattering article about PersonY, so _ ended up being thanked because of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a flattering article about PersonY, so _ ended up being famous because of it."} {"input": "Context Word: article.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a flattering article about PersonY, so _ was credited with highlighting their achievements. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a flattering article about PersonY, so _ was credited with pulling off their achievements."} {"input": "Context Word: article.", "output": "Sentence 1: The article was written about PersonX and not PersonY because _ is famous and important. \nSentence 2: The article was written about PersonX and not PersonY because _ is boring and normal."} {"input": "Context Word: article.", "output": "Sentence 1: The article was written about PersonX and not about PersonY because _ was a famous singer. \nSentence 2: The article was written about PersonX and not about PersonY because _ was a unknown singer."} {"input": "Context Word: talk to elderly people.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could talk to elderly people better than PersonY because _ enjoyed visiting old people at living centers. \nSentence 2: PersonX could talk to elderly people better than PersonY because _ enjoyed visiting young people at living centers."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought some medication to help with PersonY's stomach ache because _ was sick last week. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought some medication to help with PersonY's stomach ache because _ was sick today."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a stomach ache every time they were around PersonY, because _ had a crush. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a stomach ache every time they were around PersonY, but _ wasn't aware."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a flatter stomach than PersonY did because _ did sit ups every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a flatter stomach than PersonY did although _ did sit ups every day."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a grumbling stomach but not PersonY because _ had had waited an extended time for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a grumbling stomach but not PersonY because _ had had waited a shortened time for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much bigger stomach than PersonY, because _ drank a lot of beer. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much bigger stomach than PersonY, because _ did not drink a lot of beer."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to jog while PersonY preferred doing crunches when exercising, _ had a normal stomach. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to jog while PersonY preferred doing crunches when exercising, _ had a defined stomach."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid PersonY to examine their stomach after _ had a night full of really bad gas issues. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to have their stomach examined after _ had a night full of really bad gas issues."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a flat stomach like PersonY, so _ took some advice from them on core exercises. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a flat stomach like PersonY, so _ gave some advice to them on core exercises."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to have their stomach stapled but PersonY did not as _ was rather fat. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have their stomach stapled but PersonY did not as _ was rather thin."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was focused on doing stomach exercises while PersonY told her story, so _ missed most of the important parts. \nSentence 2: PersonX was focused on doing stomach exercises while PersonY told her story, so _ repeated most of the important parts."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more hungry than PersonY because _ stomach was growling and hurting as lunchtime approached. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more hungry than PersonY because _ stomach was not growling and hurting as lunchtime approached."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sick to her stomach, so PersonY gave her some Pepto Bismol. _ started feeling better quickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sick to her stomach, so PersonY gave her some Pepto Bismol. _ was glad she started feeling better quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had an upset stomach and PersonY was well, _ was brought some indigestion medicine. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had an upset stomach and PersonY was well, _ brought them some indigestion medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stomach of PersonX is growling, but PersonY's feels very full. _ must be hungry. \nSentence 2: The stomach of PersonX is growling, but PersonY's feels very full. _ must be satiated."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stomach of PersonX was rumbling, but PersonY seemed fine, due to _ being hungry. \nSentence 2: The stomach of PersonX was rumbling, but PersonY seemed fine, due to _ being satiated."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whilst on the beach PersonX loved to wear a bikini but PersonY did not because _ had a flat stomach. \nSentence 2: Whilst on the beach PersonX loved to wear a bikini but PersonY did not because _ had a fat stomach."} {"input": "Context Word: stomach.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx did all he could to cure his stomach ulcer following persony guideline but _ do not stop having stomach aches. \nSentence 2: personx did all he could to cure his stomach ulcer following persony guideline because _ had stopped having stomach aches."} {"input": "Context Word: biceps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted her biceps to show through her shirt like PersonY 's did, as _ 's arms were very flabby. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted her biceps to show through her shirt like PersonY 's did, as _ 's arms were very toned."} {"input": "Context Word: biceps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX works out more than PersonY so it's easier for _ to get big biceps. \nSentence 2: PersonX works out more than PersonY so it's harder for _ to get big biceps."} {"input": "Context Word: biceps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's biceps are scrawny, and PersonY is just the opposite because _ always avoids the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX's biceps are scrawny, and PersonY is just the opposite because _ always hits the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: biceps.", "output": "Sentence 1: The biceps on PersonX are a lot larger than PersonY's because _ works out every day. \nSentence 2: The biceps on PersonX are a lot smaller than PersonY's because _ works out every day."} {"input": "Context Word: biceps.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the gym, PersonX was teaching PersonY how to curl biceps because _ was a personal trainer. \nSentence 2: While at the gym, PersonX was teaching PersonY how to curl biceps because _ was a gym novice."} {"input": "Context Word: products.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to clean the bath tub because _ had a cabinet full of cleaning products. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to clean the bath tub because _ did not have a cabinet full of cleaning products."} {"input": "Context Word: products.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is at the store buying products where PersonY has worked for ten years, _ is buying goods. \nSentence 2: PersonX is at the store buying products where PersonY has worked for ten years, _ is selling goods."} {"input": "Context Word: products.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shows PersonY all the fancy skin products for sale at the store, because _ wants to impart knowledge. \nSentence 2: PersonX shows PersonY all the fancy skin products for sale at the store, because _ wants to receive knowledge."} {"input": "Context Word: products.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used more products on their hair than PersonY because _ cared more about how they looked. \nSentence 2: PersonX used less products on their hair than PersonY because _ cared more about how they looked."} {"input": "Context Word: products.", "output": "Sentence 1: The products didn't work for PersonX, but they did for PersonY because _ thought they were bigger than normal. \nSentence 2: The products didn't work for PersonX, but they did for PersonY because _ thought they were the right size."} {"input": "Context Word: products.", "output": "Sentence 1: While looking in the department store, PersonX searched for different products to find one they needed and PersonY helped them out because _ was a customer. \nSentence 2: While looking in the department store, PersonX searched for different products to find one they needed and PersonY helped them out because _ was a salesperson."} {"input": "Context Word: tidy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept their home tidy while PersonY left their home a mess. _ received many compliments on how nice their place looked. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept their home tidy while PersonY left their home a mess. _ received few compliments on how nice their place looked."} {"input": "Context Word: digestive issues.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate some bad chicken that PersonY cooked and it caused digestive issues. _ felt angry about the bad chicken. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate some bad chicken that PersonY cooked and it caused digestive issues. _ felt sorry about the bad chicken."} {"input": "Context Word: digestive issues.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY with serious digestive issues so _ made an easily digestible meal. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY with serious digestive issues so _ ate an easily digestible meal."} {"input": "Context Word: violation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY in filing a tenant right's violation because _ forgot how. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help from PersonY in filing a tenant tight's violation because _ remembered how."} {"input": "Context Word: cold sores.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cold sores are a problem for PersonX, but PersonY never gets them. _ has contracted the herpes virus. \nSentence 2: Cold sores are a problem for PersonX, but PersonY never gets them. _ has avoided the herpes virus."} {"input": "Context Word: cold sores.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from cold sores but PersonY did not. _ had to get some medication from the drug store. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from cold sores but PersonY did not. _ had to get some bandages from the drug store."} {"input": "Context Word: designated.", "output": "Sentence 1: It made more sense for PersonX to be the designated drive than PersonY because _ didn't have a lot to drink. \nSentence 2: It made more sense for PersonX to be the designated drive than PersonY because _ had a lot to drink."} {"input": "Context Word: fainting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't figure out why PersonY kept fainting so _ installed a camera in his patient's home. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't figure out why PersonY kept fainting so _ installed a camera in his own home."} {"input": "Context Word: fainting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave blood regularly, but PersonY was too scared of fainting, although _ said they would be fine. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave blood regularly, but PersonY was too scared of fainting, although _ had wanted to give blood."} {"input": "Context Word: fainting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to deal with constant fainting so she goes to doctor PersonY, because _ feels bad. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to deal with constant fainting so she goes to doctor PersonY, because _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: fainting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was often lightheaded while PersonY had great fortitude, so _ was prone to fainting . \nSentence 2: PersonX was often lightheaded while PersonY had great fortitude, so _ was immune to fainting ."} {"input": "Context Word: embroidery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted lots of embroidery on the walls of the house but PersonY disagreed, since _ liked how it looks. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted lots of embroidery on the walls of the house but PersonY disagreed, since _ hated how it looks."} {"input": "Context Word: embroidery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't very artistic, but wanted to learn embroidery from PersonY. _ kept asking her many questions. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't very artistic, but wanted to learn embroidery from PersonY. _ kept ignoring her questions."} {"input": "Context Word: embroidery.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working on embroidery was a good hobby for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had worked on it for many hours. \nSentence 2: Working on embroidery was a good hobby for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ had not worked on it much."} {"input": "Context Word: argues.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX argues with his spouse more than PersonY ever has, so _ has the unhappy marriage. \nSentence 2: PersonX argues with his spouse more than PersonY ever has, so _ has the happier marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: exams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX failed their final exams while PersonY passed them, so _ needed to retake their classes in summer school. \nSentence 2: PersonX failed their final exams while PersonY passed them, so _ had no need to retake their classes in summer school."} {"input": "Context Word: exams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got bad grades on his exams while PersonY got straight A's, so their parents were disappointed with _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX got bad grades on his exams while PersonY got straight A's, so their parents were proud with _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: exams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is struggling with her exams and asks for help from PersonY, because _ wants to be more successful. \nSentence 2: PersonX is struggling with her exams and asks for help from PersonY, because _ is already successful."} {"input": "Context Word: exams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ready for exams that PersonY wasn't, because _ had studied hard for the test. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ready for exams that PersonY wasn't, because _ hadn't studied hard for the test."} {"input": "Context Word: exams.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX gave PersonY the answers for the upcoming exams, _ started to regret it. \nSentence 2: When PersonX gave PersonY the answers for the upcoming exams, _ started to cherish it."} {"input": "Context Word: homeowner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed the keys over to PersonY, the new homeowner, and _ officially sold the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed the keys over to PersonY, the new homeowner, and _ officially bought the house."} {"input": "Context Word: homeowner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more money than PersonY, so _ became a homeowner at a young age. \nSentence 2: PersonX has more money than PersonY, so _ became a homeowner at a late stage in life."} {"input": "Context Word: homeowner.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was a homeowner and PersonY lived in an apartment, _ sold their place of residence. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was a homeowner and PersonY lived in an apartment, _ rented their place of residence."} {"input": "Context Word: shut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to keep their front door locked shut but PersonY does not because _ lives in a dangerous neighbourhood. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to keep their front door locked shut but PersonY does not because _ lives in a safe neighbourhood."} {"input": "Context Word: balm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed the balm but not PersonY because _ had sore calf muscles after working out. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed the balm but not PersonY because _ had painless calf muscles after working out."} {"input": "Context Word: burn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY to burn a DVD of a movie to take on a plane, as _ had totally forgotten how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to help PersonY to burn a DVD of a movie to take on a plane as _ had totally forgotten how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: Bearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a difficult time bearing the bad news while PersonY took it in stride. _ had to see a psychiatrist. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a difficult time bearing the bad news while PersonY took it in stride. _ didn't have to see a psychiatrist."} {"input": "Context Word: spanish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to learn more Spanish ahead of a school trip to Spain. PersonY didn't, because everyone speaks English anyway. _ was the better student. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to learn more Spanish ahead of a school trip to Spain. PersonY didn't, because everyone speaks English anyway. _ was a bad student."} {"input": "Context Word: spanish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Speaking and writing Spanish came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had Mexican parents. \nSentence 2: Speaking and writing Spanish came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had Irish parents."} {"input": "Context Word: tunnel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time crawling through the narrow tunnel than PersonY because _ was smaller. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time crawling through the narrow tunnel than PersonY because _ was larger."} {"input": "Context Word: twins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave birth to twins and PersonY delivered them, so _ was sure to thank them when it was done. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave birth to twins and PersonY delivered them, so _ was sure to congratulate them when it was done."} {"input": "Context Word: Suede.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx bought some pairs of Suede for himself and persony and _ was appreciated. for the generosity. \nSentence 2: Personx bought some pairs of Suede for himself and persony and _ appreciated him for the generosity."} {"input": "Context Word: start the car on a hill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY start the car on a hill because _ has been driving for years and knew what to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY start the car on a hill because _ is a driving newbie and didn't know what to do."} {"input": "Context Word: pet store.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved animals but PersonY was allergic to cats and dogs. _ got a job at the pet store. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved animals but PersonY was allergic to cats and dogs. _ turned down a job at the pet store."} {"input": "Context Word: mullberry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what the strange fruit was because _ had never seen a mullberry tree before. \nSentence 2: PersonX explained to PersonY what the strange fruit was because _ had never seen a mullberry tree before."} {"input": "Context Word: complex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a complex person, PersonY is not and that is why _ has more dates while in high school. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a complex person, PersonY is not and that is why _ has few dates while in high school."} {"input": "Context Word: complex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was far more complex of a thinker than PersonY, so _ ended up working in a science lab. \nSentence 2: PersonX was far more complex of a thinker than PersonY, so _ ended up working in a warehouse."} {"input": "Context Word: Health.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked organic low-sugar health food more than PersonY because _ was raised with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked organic low-sugar health food more than PersonY because _ was not raised with it."} {"input": "Context Word: Health.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx was nursed by persony when his health was declining but _ showed no improvement. \nSentence 2: Personx was nursed by persony when his health was declining and _ showed no weariness."} {"input": "Context Word: Health.", "output": "Sentence 1: To maintain his psychological health, PersonX had to avoid PersonY because _ was very vulnerable. \nSentence 2: To maintain his psychological health, PersonX had to avoid PersonY because _ was very toxic."} {"input": "Context Word: straighten.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair looked better when she straightened it than PersonY's because _ is a stylist. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair looked better when she straightened it than PersonY's because _ is a child."} {"input": "Context Word: agency.", "output": "Sentence 1: The recruiting agency of PersonX does better than PersonY's due to _ having an amazing reputation. \nSentence 2: The recruiting agency of PersonX does better than PersonY's due to _ having an average reputation."} {"input": "Context Word: agency.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working in a government agency better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ followed the rules. \nSentence 2: Working in a government agency better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ ignored the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: schedule.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't get their newborn on a schedule while PersonY could because _ had never had a child before. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't get their newborn on a schedule while PersonY could because _ had had one a child before."} {"input": "Context Word: schedule.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much more difficult schedule than PersonY because _ was going to university. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much more difficult schedule than PersonY because _ was going to middle school."} {"input": "Context Word: schedule.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more energy than PersonY although _ had a busier schedule during their week. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more fatigue than PersonY because _ had a busier schedule during their week."} {"input": "Context Word: schedule.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is worse at making a schedule for their day than PersonY due to _ being very lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX is worse at making a schedule for their day than PersonY due to _ being very diligent."} {"input": "Context Word: schedule.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very diligent about keeping a schedule but PersonY was not. _ was always on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very diligent about keeping a schedule but PersonY was not. _ was never on time."} {"input": "Context Word: schedule.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the gym on a schedule while PersonY went irregularly so _ was very fit. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the gym on a schedule while PersonY went irregularly so _ was out of shape."} {"input": "Context Word: schedule.", "output": "Sentence 1: The schedule of PersonX is much more packed than PersonY's. _ is a very busy person. \nSentence 2: The schedule of PersonX is much more packed than PersonY's. _ is a very laid back person."} {"input": "Context Word: paying tribute to the beautiful animal.", "output": "Sentence 1: For PersonX paying tribute to the beautiful animal is a good thing but PersonY does not agree, _ doesn't let what others think bother her. \nSentence 2: For PersonX paying tribute to the beautiful animal is a good thing but PersonY does not agree, _ lets what others do bother her."} {"input": "Context Word: brass.", "output": "Sentence 1: The home of PersonX looked older than the home of PersonY since _ had many brass fixtures. \nSentence 2: The home of PersonX looked older than the home of PersonY since _ had no brass fixtures."} {"input": "Context Word: graduate school.", "output": "Sentence 1: The graduate school accepted PersonX, but not PersonY, because _ 's grades were more satisfactory. \nSentence 2: The graduate school accepted PersonX, but not PersonY, because _ 's grades were less satisfactory."} {"input": "Context Word: Dandelions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX informed PersonY the importance of dandelions because _ knew the dangers to the bees. \nSentence 2: PersonX informed PersonY the importance of dandelions because _ didn't know the dangers to the bees."} {"input": "Context Word: Dandelions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought dandelions were delicious in a salad but PersonY thought they were a weed. _ harvested the dandelions in their yard. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought dandelions were delicious in a salad but PersonY thought they were a weed. _ mowed the dandelions in their yard."} {"input": "Context Word: sickening.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because _ had high standards for food quality, PersonX found PersonY's attempts at cooking sickening. \nSentence 2: Because _ had low standards for food quality, PersonX found PersonY's attempts at cooking sickening."} {"input": "Context Word: low pressure system.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the low pressure system would bring rain soon, so she told PersonY not to water her plants. _ was wrong and the plants died from dehydration. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the low pressure system would bring rain soon, so she told PersonY not to water her plants. _ listened and the plants died from dehydration."} {"input": "Context Word: fundraisers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started the fundraisers and PersonY donated to it, so _ was successful in getting some money. \nSentence 2: PersonX started the fundraisers and PersonY donated to it, so _ was successful in giving some money."} {"input": "Context Word: stake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY was a vampire, so _ drove a stake through their heart to kill them. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY was a vampire, so _ had a stake driven through their heart to kill them."} {"input": "Context Word: restraining.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX then took out a restraining order against PersonY because _ was being very cautious. \nSentence 2: PersonX then took out a restraining order against PersonY because _ was being very creepy."} {"input": "Context Word: restraining.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was restraining PersonY as they tried to attack someone at the club, because _ was a peace keeper. \nSentence 2: PersonX was restraining PersonY as they tried to attack someone at the club, because _ was a thug."} {"input": "Context Word: old jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the feel of old jeans, but PersonY hated them. _ loved the lived-in comfort. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the feel of old jeans, but PersonY hated them. _ hated the worn out fabric."} {"input": "Context Word: vet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took their bird to PersonY at the vet office, because _ thought their bird was acting weird. \nSentence 2: PersonX took their bird to PersonY at the vet office, but _ thought their bird was acting normally."} {"input": "Context Word: vet.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ wanted to be a vet because PersonX likes animals and PersonY doesn't like them at all. \nSentence 2: So _ hated to be a vet because PersonX likes animals and PersonY doesn't like them at all."} {"input": "Context Word: faded.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's black jeans were now faded to light gray but not PersonY's because _ washed them regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX's black jeans were now faded to light gray but not PersonY's because _ washed them infrequently."} {"input": "Context Word: obtained.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX obtained her knowledge from a reputable source, PersonY did not thus _ knew what she was talking about. \nSentence 2: PersonX obtained her knowledge from a reputable source, PersonY did not thus _ knew not what she was talking about."} {"input": "Context Word: creating a webpage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to creating a webpage, _ was teaching others how to be a web developer. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to creating a webpage, _ was learning how to be web developer."} {"input": "Context Word: scams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received a lot more scams than PersonY because _ wasn't careful with information online. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a lot less scams than PersonY because _ wasn't careful with information online."} {"input": "Context Word: scams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the victim of scams quite often but PersonY never was, because _ was very gullible. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the victim of scams quite often but PersonY never was, because _ was very astute."} {"input": "Context Word: things.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always gives assistance when PersonY stumbles or unexpectedly drops things because _ is kind. \nSentence 2: PersonX always gives assistance when PersonY stumbles or unexpectedly drops things because _ is clumsy."} {"input": "Context Word: helped.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped the old lady who felt sick while PersonY told her to get a taxi. _ was polite. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped the old lady who felt sick while PersonY told her to get a taxi. _ was rude."} {"input": "Context Word: Separation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx dealt with the separation better than persony because _ was already having an affair. \nSentence 2: Personx dealt with the separation better than persony because _ was already having a bad life."} {"input": "Context Word: Separation.", "output": "Sentence 1: To avoid separation, PersonX followed closely behind PersonY because _ was new to the area. \nSentence 2: To avoid separation, PersonX followed closely behind PersonY because _ was very familiar with the area."} {"input": "Context Word: Cement.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the construction site, PersonX received instruction from PersonY on how to mix the cement because _ was his employee. \nSentence 2: At the construction site, PersonX received instruction from PersonY on how to mix the cement because _ was his foreman."} {"input": "Context Word: quilt.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making a quilt was hard work for PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't use a sewing machine. \nSentence 2: Making a quilt was hard work for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did use a sewing machine."} {"input": "Context Word: quilt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn\u2019t want to make a quilt by hand when PersonY asked for help because _ thought it would be hard. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn\u2019t want to make a quilt by hand when PersonY asked for help because _ thought it would be fun."} {"input": "Context Word: quilt.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sleeping with a quilt was more suited for PersonX than PersonY because _ lived in a colder place. \nSentence 2: Sleeping with a quilt was more suited for PersonX than PersonY because _ lived in a warmer place."} {"input": "Context Word: Muscles.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the gym, PersonX did lots of weight training to get bigger muscles. PersonY preferred cardio exercises. _ thought cardio was a waste of time. \nSentence 2: At the gym, PersonX did lots of weight training to get bigger muscles. PersonY preferred cardio exercises. _ thought weight training was a waste of time."} {"input": "Context Word: Spiders.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scared of spiders, so he asked PersonY to kill the one that was in his house. _ was cowardly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scared of spiders, so he asked PersonY to kill the one that was in his house. _ was brave."} {"input": "Context Word: borderline personality disorder.", "output": "Sentence 1: Knowing his trauma history PersonX was not surprised with the fact PersonY was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, _ feels sympathetic though. \nSentence 2: Knowing his trauma history PersonX was not surprised with the fact PersonY was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, luckily _ seems serene."} {"input": "Context Word: borderline personality disorder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX observed PersonY had a proclivity for getting into trouble, eventually _ diagnosed him with borderline personality disorder. \nSentence 2: PersonX observed PersonY had a proclivity for getting into trouble, eventually _ was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder."} {"input": "Context Word: borderline personality disorder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took some deep breaths when he was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. PersonY overheard everything and sympathized with _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX took some deep breaths when he was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. PersonY overheard everything though _ did not understand much."} {"input": "Context Word: attacked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX witnessed PersonY was attacked by someone on the street, so _ testified at the court. \nSentence 2: PersonX witnessed PersonY was attacked by someone on the street, so _ got testimony from him at the court."} {"input": "Context Word: cashier's check.", "output": "Sentence 1: A cashier's check was received by PersonX by PersonY because _ worked the customer service desk. \nSentence 2: A cashier's check was handed to PersonX by PersonY because _ approached the customer service desk."} {"input": "Context Word: cashier's check.", "output": "Sentence 1: To settle their debt, PersonX wrote PersonY a cashier's check because _ could not deposit cash. \nSentence 2: To settle their debt, PersonX wrote PersonY a cashier's check because _ could not withdraw cash."} {"input": "Context Word: display.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to see the display than PersonY because _ was seated closer. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to see the display than PersonY because _ was seated farther."} {"input": "Context Word: tea party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to have a party to celebrate PersonY\u2019s anniversary and _ knew it would be fun to have an old-fashioned, English tea party. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to have a party to celebrate PersonY\u2019s anniversary and _ thought it would be fun to have an old-fashioned, English tea party."} {"input": "Context Word: tea party.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's tea party with PersonY is going really well due to _ being thoughtful about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's tea party with PersonY is going really well due to _ being grateful for it."} {"input": "Context Word: sober.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was doing their best to stay sober when PersonY showed up with a pack of beer and _ fell off the wagon. \nSentence 2: PersonX was doing their best to stay sober when PersonY showed up with a pack of beer and _ refused to share."} {"input": "Context Word: content.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was content to sit around the house all day and not go to the party with PersonY, but _ started feeling lazy and bored. \nSentence 2: PersonX was content to sit around the house all day and not go to the party with PersonY, so _ was feeling disappointed and betrayed."} {"input": "Context Word: laugh.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX started to laugh at PersonY after he fell, Mother told _ he should apologize. \nSentence 2: When PersonX was laughed at by PersonY after he fell, Mother told _ he should apologize."} {"input": "Context Word: hyperventilating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started hyperventilating when PersonY started to fall, because _ was expected to be the hero. \nSentence 2: PersonX started hyperventilating when PersonY started to fall, because _ was expected to win the race."} {"input": "Context Word: hated to wear socks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated to wear socks and PersonY did not because _ liked to let their feet breath. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated to wear socks and PersonY did not because _ didn't care about letting their feet breath."} {"input": "Context Word: Minecraft.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX built an intricate city on Minecraft, and PersonY accidentally deleted which, which made _ freak out. \nSentence 2: PersonX built an intricate city on Minecraft, and PersonY accidentally deleted which, which made _ feel guilty."} {"input": "Context Word: Minecraft.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played a lot more hours of Minecraft then PersonY did, so _ was able to make a lot of money on it. \nSentence 2: PersonX played a lot more hours of Minecraft then PersonY did, so _ was unable to make a lot of money on it."} {"input": "Context Word: Minecraft.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to allow PersonY to play Minecraft today because _ thought he spent too much time in front of screens. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to allow PersonY to play Minecraft today because _ had spent too much time in front of screens."} {"input": "Context Word: Baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to have a baby but PersonY wanted one quite urgently. _ always used a condom during sex. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to have a baby but PersonY wanted one quite urgently. _ never used a condom during sex."} {"input": "Context Word: Baby.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to have a baby with their partner, but PersonY did. _ always took birth control to prevent pregnancy. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to have a baby with their partner, but PersonY did. _ never took birth control to prevent pregnancy."} {"input": "Context Word: strips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's face looks a lot healthier than PersonY's face because _ uses pore cleansing strips. \nSentence 2: PersonX's face looks a lot healthier than PersonY's face because _ uses no pore cleansing strips."} {"input": "Context Word: puffy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has very puffy eyes, while PersonY's are looking normal. This is due to _ being an insomniac. \nSentence 2: PersonX has very puffy eyes, while PersonY's are looking normal. This is due to _ being a healthy sleeper."} {"input": "Context Word: grandkid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX introduced his grandkid to PersonY next door because _ thought it would improve the grandson's Spanish. \nSentence 2: PersonX introduced his grandkid to PersonY next door because talking with _ would improve the grandson's Spanish."} {"input": "Context Word: termite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a carpenter and PersonY was not so _ was able to fix their house's termite problem quickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a carpenter and PersonY was not so _ was unable to fix their house's termite problem quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: instrument.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the show PersonX played his instrument with wild enthusiasm as PersonY watched on because _ was a rockstar. \nSentence 2: During the show PersonX played his instrument with wild enthusiasm as PersonY watched on because _ was a fan."} {"input": "Context Word: instrument.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to play several instruments, but PersonY was tone deaf, so _ had little musical talent. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to play several instruments, but PersonY was tone deaf, so _ had significant musical talent."} {"input": "Context Word: instrument.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to teach PersonY how to play an instrument, but _ didn't have any slots open. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to teach PersonY how to play an instrument, but _ didn't have any money for lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: instrument.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better musician than PersonY because _ practiced their musical instrument more regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better musician than PersonY despite _ having practiced their musical instrument more regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: instrument.", "output": "Sentence 1: The church hired PersonX instead of PersonY for their music team because _ could play an instrument. \nSentence 2: The church hired PersonX instead of PersonY for their music team because _ could not play an instrument."} {"input": "Context Word: register.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the cash register PersonX had to take more time to pay than PersonY since _ only had checks. \nSentence 2: At the cash register PersonX had to take more time to pay than PersonY since _ only had cash."} {"input": "Context Word: register.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to make change while PersonY could barely count, so _ always worked the register . \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to make change while PersonY could barely count, so _ never worked the register ."} {"input": "Context Word: disqualified.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was disqualified from the competition but not PersonY because _ disobeyed all the rules. \nSentence 2: PersonX was disqualified from the competition but not PersonY because _ followed all the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: restaurant.", "output": "Sentence 1: After they found a restaurant PersonX ordered 2 burgers with fries while PersonY ordered a large coke, because _ was just hungry. \nSentence 2: After they found a restaurant PersonX ordered 2 burgers with fries while PersonY ordered a large coke, because _ was just thirtsty."} {"input": "Context Word: restaurant.", "output": "Sentence 1: Owning a restaurant never appealed to PersonX, but his brother, PersonY, is just the opposite. _ is the best cook. \nSentence 2: Owning a restaurant always appealed to PersonX, but his brother, PersonY, is just the opposite. _ is the best cook."} {"input": "Context Word: restaurant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for a bite of dessert at the restaurant. When he said no, _ felt resentful. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for a bite of dessert at the restaurant. When he said no, _ felt selfish."} {"input": "Context Word: restaurant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to pay for PersonY's meal at the restaurant because _ had recently got a bonus at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to pay for her meal at the restaurant because _ had recently got a bonus at work."} {"input": "Context Word: restaurant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was taking out PersonY out to a restaurant for _ wanted to thank the other for helping them in a difficult time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was being taken out PersonY out to a restaurant for _ wanted to thank the other for helping them in a difficult time."} {"input": "Context Word: restaurant.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx got a loan to open a restaurant from persony when _ ran out of other options. \nSentence 2: Personx got a loan to open a restaurant from persony when _ gave him the other options."} {"input": "Context Word: restaurant.", "output": "Sentence 1: The high end restaurant was very keen to hire PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a superb cook. \nSentence 2: The high end restaurant was very keen to hire PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a terrible cook."} {"input": "Context Word: scraping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was just scraping by but PersonY was living large, because _ had low paying job that they worked at. \nSentence 2: PersonX was just scraping by but PersonY was living large, because _ had high paying job that they worked at."} {"input": "Context Word: Washington.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY many questions about activites in Washington because _ had never been there. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY many questions about activites in Washington because _ used to live there."} {"input": "Context Word: Washington.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to travel while PersonY had never left their hometown. _ even visited the White House in Washington DC. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to travel while PersonY had never left their hometown. although _ wanted to visited the White House in Washington DC."} {"input": "Context Word: growth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to go for a screening because _ noticed an unusual growth behind their ear. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to go for a screening because _ did not notice an unusual growth behind their ear."} {"input": "Context Word: growth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX experienced a lot more growth than PersonY in college, so _ ended up graduating with honors. \nSentence 2: PersonX experienced a lot more growth than PersonY in college, so _ ended up dropping out."} {"input": "Context Word: growth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY plenty of business advice, since _ had so much experience with company growth. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY plenty of business advice, since _ had so little experience with company growth."} {"input": "Context Word: growth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's plants are showing a lot more growth than PersonY's, because _ used better fertilizer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's plants are showing a lot more growth than PersonY's, because _ used cheaper fertilizer."} {"input": "Context Word: oxygen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX carried an oxygen tank while working and PersonY did not because _ was a paramedic. \nSentence 2: PersonX carried an oxygen tank while working and PersonY did not because _ was a teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: diagnosis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help understanding the diagnosis given by the doctor because _ had little medical training. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help understanding the diagnosis given by the doctor because _ had a lot of medical training."} {"input": "Context Word: diagnosis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX heard PersonY received a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) from his doctor, _ worried about him. But did not behave differently in front of him. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) from his doctor, PersonY worried about him. But _ did not behave differently in front of him."} {"input": "Context Word: diagnosis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recently received a diagnosis from PersonY, so _ needed all the encouragement in the world to keep going. \nSentence 2: PersonX recently received a diagnosis from PersonY, and _ provided all the encouragement in the world to keep going."} {"input": "Context Word: diagnosis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was given a medical diagnosis by PersonY at an appointment. _ was the patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX was given a medical diagnosis by PersonY at an appointment. _ was the physician."} {"input": "Context Word: diagnosis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more nervous for the diagnosis than PersonY because _ knew something was wrong. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less nervous for the diagnosis than PersonY because _ knew something was wrong."} {"input": "Context Word: hopeful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hopeful that their team would win and PersonY was not, so _ was very excited. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hopeful that their team would win and PersonY was not, so _ was very grumpy."} {"input": "Context Word: Hurricane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't make their home hurricane proof but PersonY did, so _ suffered a large amount of loss during the storm. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't make their home hurricane proof but PersonY did, so _ suffered a small amount of loss during the storm."} {"input": "Context Word: Hurricane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ignored the hurricane evacuation warning but PersonY was wise and heeded it. _ was killed when the storm struck their home. \nSentence 2: PersonX ignored the hurricane evacuation warning but PersonY was wise and heeded it. _ was safe when the storm struck their home."} {"input": "Context Word: suits.", "output": "Sentence 1: Suits are what PersonX wears to work, but PersonY wears scrubs, so _ is a lawyer. \nSentence 2: Suits are what PersonX wears to work, but PersonY wears scrubs, so _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: typically.", "output": "Sentence 1: Typically PersonX was a bad cook compared to PersonY but tonight _ made the best meatloaf ever. \nSentence 2: Typically PersonX was a better cook compared to PersonY but tonight _ made the best meatloaf ever."} {"input": "Context Word: Medication.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX followed his diet and took all the medication that PersonY prescribed, _ was a good patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX followed his diet and took all the medication that PersonY prescribed, _ was a good doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: desktop.", "output": "Sentence 1: A desktop computer is the right system for PersonX instead of PersonY because _ works in the office all day. \nSentence 2: A desktop computer is the right system for PersonX instead of PersonY because _ works outside the office all day."} {"input": "Context Word: desktop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can't travel with their computer as freely as PersonY can because _ only owns a desktop computer. \nSentence 2: PersonX can't travel with their computer as freely as PersonY can because _ doesn't own a desktop computer."} {"input": "Context Word: fired.", "output": "Sentence 1: The meeting with the boss resulted in PersonX getting fired but not PersonY because _ was a slacker. \nSentence 2: The meeting with the boss resulted in PersonX getting fired but not PersonY because _ was an achiever."} {"input": "Context Word: routine.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to follow a healthy fitness routine than PersonY because _ belonged to a gym. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to follow a healthy fitness routine than PersonY because _ did not belong to a gym."} {"input": "Context Word: routine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX followed the routine demanded of them by PersonY everyday, because _ was a prisoner. \nSentence 2: PersonX followed the routine demanded of them by PersonY everyday, because _ was a warden."} {"input": "Context Word: routine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got frustrated that PersonY never showed up on time, as _ liked predictable routine . \nSentence 2: PersonX got frustrated that PersonY never showed up on time, as _ disdained predictable routine ."} {"input": "Context Word: routine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a solid day to day routine compared to PersonY's bohemian lifestyle, because _ was responsible. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a solid day to day routine compared to PersonY's bohemian lifestyle, because _ was free spirited."} {"input": "Context Word: routine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a less exciting and more predictable day than PersonY because _ has a daily routine. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a less exciting and more predictable day than PersonY because _ doesn't have a daily routine."} {"input": "Context Word: routine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took more time to get through their day than PersonY because _ was less familiar with their routine. \nSentence 2: PersonX took more time to get through their day than PersonY although _ was less familiar with their routine."} {"input": "Context Word: routine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to stick to a routine the way PersonY could, because _ was flaky. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to stick to a routine the way PersonY could, because _ was methodical."} {"input": "Context Word: routine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's children had a routine to follow every day but not PersonY therefor surprisingly _ 's children finished chores on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX's children had a routine to follow every day but not PersonY but surprisingly _ 's children finished chores on time."} {"input": "Context Word: routine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's pre-game routine is more effective than PersonY's, so _ usually does better in the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX's pre-game routine is less effective than PersonY's, so _ usually does better in the game."} {"input": "Context Word: routine.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to routines, PersonX left it up to PersonY because _ had no organization skills. \nSentence 2: When it came to routines, PersonX left it up to PersonY because _ had great organization skills."} {"input": "Context Word: ranger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a Texas Ranger, PersonY is a criminal _ can explain how to become a ranger. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a Texas Ranger, PersonY is a criminal _ can probably not explain how to become a ranger."} {"input": "Context Word: stamina.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more stamina than PersonY because growing up, _ exercised a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more stamina than PersonY because growing up, _ did not exercise a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: stamina.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has worse stamina when swimming than PersonY because _ didn't practice their strokes each week. \nSentence 2: PersonX has worse stamina when swimming than PersonY because _ did practice their strokes each week."} {"input": "Context Word: stamina.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to exercise to increase stamina but PersonY didn\u2019t because _ thought it would be very rewarding. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to exercise to increase stamina but PersonY didn\u2019t because _ thought it would be very painful."} {"input": "Context Word: stamina.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked out constantly but PersonY hardly ever works out. _ has a lot of stamina. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked out constantly but PersonY hardly ever works out. _ has very little stamina."} {"input": "Context Word: back pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was told PersonY was a chiropractor, so _ asked him for advice to relieve back pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX was told PersonY was a chiropractor, so _ was asked for advice to relieve back pain."} {"input": "Context Word: Homework.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want to do his homework so he went out to play with PersonY. _ told him he hated his homework. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want to do his homework so he went out to play with PersonY. _ told him to do his homework."} {"input": "Context Word: psoriasis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to see PersonY for the psoriasis because _ is no longer able to cope with the condition. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to see PersonY for the psoriasis but _ is no longer able to treat the condition."} {"input": "Context Word: feeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed feeding hungry people, PersonY did not therefore _ decided to become a chef. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed feeding hungry people, PersonY did not therefore _ decided to become a teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: feeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scolded PersonY for not feeding the baby to correct foods because _ was very critical. \nSentence 2: PersonX scolded PersonY for not feeding the baby the correct foods because _ was very inexperienced."} {"input": "Context Word: feeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: There were more birds feeding at the house of PersonX than at that of PersonY because _ put out more feed. \nSentence 2: There were more birds feeding at the house of PersonX than at that of PersonY because _ put out less feed."} {"input": "Context Word: better at ironing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boss said that PersonX was better at ironing than PersonY because _ liked to work with clothing. \nSentence 2: The boss said that PersonX was better at ironing than PersonY because _ liked to work with foods."} {"input": "Context Word: defend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has taken a karate class, but PersonY never has, so _ is the one who is better at defending himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX has taken a karate class, but PersonY never has, so _ is the one who is worse at defending himself."} {"input": "Context Word: aid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to administer first aid to their child because _ didn't know how to. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to administer first aid to their child because _ was a paramedic."} {"input": "Context Word: aid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is learning how to give a first aid and he needs extra teaching hours from PersonY, because _ struggles with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX is learning how to give a first aid and he needs extra teaching hours from PersonY, so _ offers to help him."} {"input": "Context Word: irritate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did their best to irritate PersonY all the time, because _ was a trouble maker. \nSentence 2: PersonX did their best to irritate PersonY all the time, because _ was easily agitated."} {"input": "Context Word: error.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got an error on his computer but could not fix it like PersonY because _ had no knowledge of technology. \nSentence 2: PersonX got an error on his computer but could fix it unlike PersonY because _ had no knowledge of technology."} {"input": "Context Word: habits.", "output": "Sentence 1: Developing good study habits came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ had a lot of self discipline. \nSentence 2: Developing good study habits came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ did not have a lot of self discipline."} {"input": "Context Word: habits.", "output": "Sentence 1: In PersonX life they have formed many habits PersonY calls them costumes, _ can be repetitive. \nSentence 2: In PersonX life they have formed many habits PersonY calls them costumes, _ can be traditional."} {"input": "Context Word: habits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got the promotion they had been seeking but not PersonY because _ had excellent work habits. \nSentence 2: PersonX got the promotion they had been seeking but not PersonY because _ had poor work habits."} {"input": "Context Word: habits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX purged PersonY of her bad habits, since _ was very sensible and well mannered back then. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY her bad habits, since _ was very sensible and well mannered back then."} {"input": "Context Word: habits.", "output": "Sentence 1: The habits of PersonX were far worse than the habits of PersonY because _ had been doing them his whole life. \nSentence 2: The habits of PersonX were far better than the habits of PersonY because _ had been doing them his whole life."} {"input": "Context Word: habits.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to bad habits, PersonX has a lot like smoking, but PersonY does not. _ is a irresponsible person. \nSentence 2: When it comes to bad habits, PersonX has a lot like smoking, but PersonY does not. _ is a responsible person."} {"input": "Context Word: crowd.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got lost in the crowd while watching PersonY perform, because _ enjoyed watching the concert. \nSentence 2: PersonX got lost in the crowd while watching PersonY perform, because _ enjoyed performing the concert."} {"input": "Context Word: parachute.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX trusted the parachute would open more than PersonY because _ had never seen one fail before. \nSentence 2: PersonX trusted the parachute would open more than PersonY because _ had seen one fail before."} {"input": "Context Word: parachute.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go skydiving with a parachute with PersonY because _ did it before and wasn't scared. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go skydiving with a parachute PersonY but _ didn't do it before and was scared."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Guitar is something PersonX is not good at, while PersonY crushes it, because _ has stubby fingers. \nSentence 2: Guitar is something PersonX is not good at, while PersonY crushes it, because _ has lengthy fingers."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to learn to play the guitar than it was for PersonY because _ had more musical talent. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to learn to play the guitar than it was for PersonY although _ had more musical talent."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning how to play guitar was well suited to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a good ear for music. \nSentence 2: Learning how to play guitar was well suited to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a tin ear for music."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to play the guitar came very easily to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was musically inclined. \nSentence 2: Learning to play the guitar came very easily to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was not very musically inclined."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an electric guitar, and PersonY had an acoustic, so _ needed an amp for their instrument. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an electric guitar, and PersonY had an acoustic, so _ did not need an amp for their instrument."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to restring and tune his new guitar because _ didn't know how to. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to restring and tune his new guitar because _ was an accomplished guitarist."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is the better guitar player when he is compared to PersonY because _ practices frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX is the better guitar player when he is compared to PersonY because _ practices infrequently."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to play the guitar while PersonY did not, so _ was invited to join the band. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to play the guitar while PersonY did not, so _ wasn't invited to join the band."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX listened to PersonY play a song on the guitar because _ did not know how to play. \nSentence 2: PersonX listened to PersonY play a song on the guitar because _ was demonstrating how to play."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to teach PersonY how to play the guitar because _ was an great guitar player. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to teach PersonY how to play the guitar because _ was an terrible guitar player."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played the guitar while PersonY played the piano, so _ plucked the strings when practicing. \nSentence 2: PersonX played the guitar while PersonY played the piano, so _ played the keys when practicing."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX practices the guitar for hours on end but PersonY does not. _ becomes a big rock star. \nSentence 2: PersonX practices the guitar for hours on end but PersonY does not. _ becomes a bar tender."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed learning the guitar but PersonY did not as _ totally liked noise. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed learning the guitar but PersonY did not as _ totally liked quiet."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really wanted PersonY to teach him to play the guitar, so _ asked what the cost would be. \nSentence 2: PersonX really wanted PersonY to teach him to play the guitar, so _ told him what the cost would be."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shredded the guitar solo while PersonY hammered on the piano, because _ was an excellent guitarist. \nSentence 2: PersonX shredded the guitar solo while PersonY hammered on the piano, because _ was an excellent pianist."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started guitar lessons yesterday, whereas PersonY had been playing for ten years, so _ was very clumsy in their playing. \nSentence 2: PersonX started guitar lessons yesterday, whereas PersonY had been playing for ten years, so _ was an expert in their playing."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stole a brand new electric guitar from his best friend, PersonY, making _ a bad friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX stole a brand new electric guitar from his best friend, PersonY, making _ a victim."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took guitar lessons from PersonY because _ was a total novice at the instrument. \nSentence 2: PersonX took guitar lessons from PersonY because _ was a total expert at the instrument."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took guitar lessons from PersonY, because _ was excited to play it professionally for money. \nSentence 2: PersonX took guitar lessons from PersonY, because _ was known to play it professionally for money."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took lessons from PersonY because _ was new at playing the bass guitar . \nSentence 2: PersonX took lessons from PersonY because _ was experienced at playing the bass guitar ."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so jealous that PersonY knew how to play the guitar that _ signed up for lessons the next day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so jealous that PersonY knew how to play the guitar that _ offered to give her lessons the next day."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY for guitar lessons because _ was a novice at playing the instrument. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY for guitar lessons because _ was an expert at playing the instrument."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing an electric guitar came easy to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had many years of experience. \nSentence 2: Playing an electric guitar came easy to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had few months of experience."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX owned an acoustic guitar while PersonY owned an electric one, _ played quieter songs without an amp. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX owned an acoustic guitar while PersonY owned an electric one, _ played songs with distortion with an amp."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was an expert at guitar while PersonY was an amateur, _ played their scaled with ease. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was an expert at guitar while PersonY was an amateur, _ played their scaled with much difficulty."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: The guitar came easily to PersonX, but PersonY really struggled, as a result of _ 's dexterous fingers. \nSentence 2: The guitar came easily to PersonX, but PersonY really struggled, as a result of _ 's tiny fingers."} {"input": "Context Word: guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Though they both owned guitars PersonX actually played while PersonY didn't because _ knew how to read music. \nSentence 2: Though they both owned guitars PersonX actually played while PersonY didn't because _ didn't know how to read music."} {"input": "Context Word: straw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started sneezing in the barn but PersonY just laughed because _ was allergic to straw. \nSentence 2: PersonX started sneezing in the barn but PersonY just laughed because _ was not allergic to straw."} {"input": "Context Word: spying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew much more about their neighbor than PersonY because _ was always spying on them. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew much more about their neighbor than PersonY although _ was always spying on them."} {"input": "Context Word: spying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was just caught spying on PersonY in the neighborhood park, so _ was arrested. \nSentence 2: PersonX was just caught spying on PersonY in the neighborhood park, so _ was furious."} {"input": "Context Word: irritation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prescribed a topical cream for the skin irritation PersonY was feeling, because _ was their doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX prescribed a topical cream for the skin irritation PersonY was feeling, because _ was their patient."} {"input": "Context Word: Horseshoe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a horseshoe for luck so that he could win at blackjack. _ was a lucky person. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a horseshoe for luck so that he could win at blackjack. _ was an unlucky person."} {"input": "Context Word: scientist.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX was a worse scientist than PersonY, _ always filled out their paperwork on time. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX was a worse scientist than PersonY, _ rarely filled out their paperwork on time."} {"input": "Context Word: scientist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at thinking like a scientist than PersonY since _ remembers her biology and chemistry. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at thinking like a scientist than PersonY because _ forgets her biology and chemistry."} {"input": "Context Word: chives.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pasta of PersonX was more delicious than PersonY's due to the fact that _ uses chives. \nSentence 2: The pasta of PersonX was more bland than PersonY's due to the fact that _ uses chives."} {"input": "Context Word: burrito.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered a beef burrito combo meal at PersonY's food truck, where _ paid five dollars in exchange for the food. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered a beef burrito combo meal at PersonY's food truck, where _ received five dollars in exchange for the food."} {"input": "Context Word: burrito.", "output": "Sentence 1: The burrito that PersonX ate was more delicious than PersonY's burrito because _ the chef was from Mexico. \nSentence 2: The burrito that PersonX ate was less tasty than PersonY's burrito because _ the chef was from Mexico."} {"input": "Context Word: magnesium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY needded more magnesium but _ didn't know if they hated fruit or not. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY needded more magnesium but _ didn't know if they liked fruit or not."} {"input": "Context Word: magnesium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to be a healthier person for PersonY so _ took magnesium and other supplements every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping to be a healthier person to PersonY so _ took magnesium and other supplements every day."} {"input": "Context Word: gangrene.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't believe that PersonY got gangrene on their foot while on vacation in Bali, because _ sometimes exaggerated. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't believe that PersonY got gangrene on their foot while on vacation in Bali, but _ wasn't exaggerating."} {"input": "Context Word: gangrene.", "output": "Sentence 1: The leg of PersonX started to gangrene when PersonY spotted it immediately and _ refused to see the doctor where the leg was lost. \nSentence 2: The leg of PersonX started to gangrene when PersonY spotted it immediately and _ took him to the doctor where the leg was saved."} {"input": "Context Word: wise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was wise and knowledgeable in the ways of the world, unlike PersonY, because _ had lived a very long life. \nSentence 2: PersonX was wise and knowledgeable in the ways of the world, unlike PersonY, because _ had lived a very short life."} {"input": "Context Word: pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would be cut from the debate team because _ could not stand up to the pressure. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would be cut from the debate team because _ could stand up to the pressure."} {"input": "Context Word: pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't want to take the blood pressure medication PersonY offers them, because _ doesn't think they need it. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't want to take the blood pressure medication PersonY offers them, but _ thinks they need it."} {"input": "Context Word: pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had low tire pressure and asked PersonY to fill the tires; when he said no, _ filled the tires. \nSentence 2: PersonX had low tire pressure and asked PersonY to fill the tires; when he said yes, _ filled the tires."} {"input": "Context Word: pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept putting pressure on PersonY to do a better job, because _ was a boss. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept putting pressure on PersonY to do a better job, because _ was an employee."} {"input": "Context Word: pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put pressure on PersonY to buckle down and study, because _ took his grades seriously. \nSentence 2: PersonX put pressure on PersonY to buckle down and study, because _ took his grades lightly."} {"input": "Context Word: pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to deal with the pressure of college as well as PersonY because _ did not study very hard in high school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to deal with the pressure of college as well as PersonY because _ studied very hard in high school."} {"input": "Context Word: pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was under a lot of pressure at work but PersonY found the job pleasant. _ found a different job. \nSentence 2: PersonX was under a lot of pressure at work but PersonY found the job pleasant. _ kept the same job."} {"input": "Context Word: pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was under a lot of pressure at work but PersonY was not. _ hated reporting to work every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was under a lot of pressure at work but PersonY was not. _ loved reporting to work every day."} {"input": "Context Word: pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was under pressure from PersonY to be intimate, but _ wasn't ready to go that far. \nSentence 2: PersonX was under pressure from PersonY to be intimate, because _ was impatient to go that far."} {"input": "Context Word: pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pressure was too much for PersonX but not for PersonY , so _ dropped out of the contest. \nSentence 2: The pressure was too much for PersonX but not for PersonY , so _ got into of the contest."} {"input": "Context Word: Toes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx applied bandage on the broken toes of persony because _ is the only one at home with him. \nSentence 2: Personx applied bandage on the broken toes of persony because _ has only one person at home for him."} {"input": "Context Word: start.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a head start in the race they were having as _ was a very fast runner. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a head start in the race they were having as _ was a very slow runner."} {"input": "Context Word: start.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to start an exercise regime but PersonY did not as _ was very energetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to start an exercise regime but PersonY did not as _ was very lethargic."} {"input": "Context Word: start.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to start a new project with PersonY because _ was a good worker. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to start a new project with PersonY because _ was a bad worker."} {"input": "Context Word: Drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid to drive with PersonY after _ crashed the car they were in. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid to drive with PersonY after _ cried when they crashed the car they were in."} {"input": "Context Word: mile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran the mile two times slower compared to PersonY because _ was too old. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran the mile two times slower compared to PersonY because _ was still young."} {"input": "Context Word: funds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX held the funds for PersonY in a safety deposit account because _ was a banker. \nSentence 2: PersonX held the funds for PersonY in a safety deposit account because _ was a rich."} {"input": "Context Word: Heartache.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a heartache when PersonY happily moved on from their marriage. _ was depressed all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a heartache when PersonY happily moved on from their marriage. _ was peaceful all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: crime.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was going to jail because _ had committed a serious crime. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was going to jail because _ had not committed a serious crime."} {"input": "Context Word: crime.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stole a bike but PersonY kidnapped a person so the crime of _ was minor. \nSentence 2: PersonX stole a bike but PersonY kidnapped a person so the crime of _ was major."} {"input": "Context Word: crime.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very fearful of crime, but PersonY was less so, because _ had attended self defense classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very fearful of crime, but PersonY was less so, because _ hadn't attended self defense classes."} {"input": "Context Word: crime.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to prison for a number of years and PersonY did not because _ committed a crime. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to prison for a number of years and PersonY did not because _ didn't commit a crime."} {"input": "Context Word: sanitizer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never used hand sanitizer, but PersonY used it constantly, so _ caught the flu. \nSentence 2: PersonX never used hand sanitizer, but PersonY used it constantly, so _ avoided the flu."} {"input": "Context Word: deodorant.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the gym, PersonX is stinky all the time, while PersonY smells good. This is because _ uses a cheap deodorant. \nSentence 2: At the gym, PersonX is stinky all the time, while PersonY smells good. This is because _ uses a proper deodorant."} {"input": "Context Word: deodorant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she could borrow her deodorant, because _ she had forgotten to bring some. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she could borrow her deodorant, but _ she had forgotten to bring some."} {"input": "Context Word: deodorant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smelled much worse than PersonY after the baseball game although _ was wearing deodorant. \nSentence 2: PersonX smelled much worse than PersonY after the baseball game because _ was wearing deodorant."} {"input": "Context Word: deodorant.", "output": "Sentence 1: The deodorant that PersonX uses has loads of chemicals, but PersonY uses an all natural one. _ is like an average consumer. \nSentence 2: The deodorant that PersonX uses has loads of chemicals, but PersonY uses an all natural one. _ is like an earthy consumer."} {"input": "Context Word: deodorant.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using deodorant regularly was a priority for PersonX, but not for PersonY, and as a result nobody felt the need to avoid _ . \nSentence 2: Using deodorant regularly was a priority for PersonX, but not for PersonY, and as a result many people felt the need to avoid _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: deodorant.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX started to stink, PersonY bought him some deodorant; _ was going through puberty. \nSentence 2: When PersonX started to stink, PersonY bought him some deodorant; _ was his sympathetic parent."} {"input": "Context Word: deodorant.", "output": "Sentence 1: You could smell PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not put on deodorant before leaving the house. \nSentence 2: You could smell PersonX but not PersonY because _ put on extra deodorant before leaving the house."} {"input": "Context Word: wood stove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX installed the intricate and traditional wood stove for PersonY so _ could get paid. \nSentence 2: PersonX installed the intricate and traditional wood stove for PersonY so _ could cook a meal."} {"input": "Context Word: spay.", "output": "Sentence 1: After getting a new puppy, PersonX wanted the spay the dog. PersonY thought it was unnecessary, but _ knew it was what responsible pet owners do. \nSentence 2: After getting a new puppy, PersonX wanted the spay the dog. PersonY thought it was unnecessary, though _ also knew it was what responsible pet owners do."} {"input": "Context Word: owed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owed a lot of money to PersonY after _ borrowed a large sum of cash. \nSentence 2: PersonX owed a lot of money to PersonY after _ lended a large sum of cash."} {"input": "Context Word: 7z files.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to open 7z files, but PersonY didn't, because _ had no training in how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to open 7z files, but PersonY didn't, because _ had great knowledge on how computer files work."} {"input": "Context Word: heroin.", "output": "Sentence 1: The rehab facility was a good place for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was addicted to heroin. \nSentence 2: The rehab facility was a good place for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not addicted to heroin."} {"input": "Context Word: shopping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could rarely afford to go shopping like PersonY, because _ was a poor man. \nSentence 2: PersonX could rarely afford to go shopping like PersonY, because _ was a rich man."} {"input": "Context Word: shopping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did all the shopping for PersonY because _ had extensive knowledge of local deals and sales. \nSentence 2: PersonX did all the shopping for PersonY because _ had no knowledge of local deals and sales."} {"input": "Context Word: shopping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed shopping, PersonY did not therefore _ intended to be a personal shopper. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed shopping, PersonY did not therefore _ intended to hire a personal shopper."} {"input": "Context Word: shopping.", "output": "Sentence 1: Shopping is something that PersonX loves to do but not PersonY, consequently _ can spend hours at the mall with great joy. \nSentence 2: Shopping is something that PersonX loves to do but not PersonY, consequently _ can't spend hours at the mall with great joy."} {"input": "Context Word: dry ice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped put dry ice on PersonY's driveway during the winter storm so _ was paid fairly. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped put dry ice on PersonY's driveway during the winter storm so _ paid out fairly."} {"input": "Context Word: Trader.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx is a better trader than persony because _ had a high skill in math and negotiation. \nSentence 2: personx is a better trader than persony because _ had a low skill in math and negotiation."} {"input": "Context Word: asthma.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX was diagnosed with acute asthma and PersonY didn't, _ was a better runner. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX was diagnosed with acute asthma and PersonY didn't, _ was a worse runner."} {"input": "Context Word: asthma.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has problems with asthma so he goes to see his doctor PersonY, because _ struggles in day tasks. \nSentence 2: PersonX has problems with asthma so he goes to see his doctor PersonY, because _ could help him."} {"input": "Context Word: asthma.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's asthma is very bad, but PersonY doesn't experience any, so _ coughts a lot more frequently. \nSentence 2: PersonX's asthma is very bad, but PersonY doesn't experience any, so _ coughts a lot more rarely."} {"input": "Context Word: asthma.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running was the best exercise for PersonX but not PersonY. _ didn't have problems like asthma. \nSentence 2: Running was the best exercise for PersonX but not PersonY. _ suffered from terrible asthma."} {"input": "Context Word: asthma.", "output": "Sentence 1: The asthma of PersonX is getting worse, while PersonY's is getting better, so _ is taking less effective medication. \nSentence 2: The asthma of PersonX is getting worse, while PersonY's is getting better, so _ is taking more effective medication."} {"input": "Context Word: remarkable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more remarkable physique than PersonY because _ was always in the gym working out. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more remarkable physique than PersonY because _ was never in the gym working out."} {"input": "Context Word: depressed.", "output": "Sentence 1: Lately, PersonX has been feeling depressed, so PersonY tries to cheer her up. _ is an appreciative friend. \nSentence 2: Lately, PersonX has been feeling depressed, so PersonY tries to cheer her up. _ is a kind friend."} {"input": "Context Word: depressed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often feels depressed and sad but PersonY does not. _ makes an appointment with a psychiatrist. \nSentence 2: PersonX often feels depressed and sad but PersonY does not. _ makes an appointment with a dentist."} {"input": "Context Word: enzyme cleaner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought enzyme cleaner while PersonY did not because _ had an incontinent cat at home. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought enzyme cleaner while PersonY did not because _ had a continent cat at home."} {"input": "Context Word: tampon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she had an extra tampon, _ was happy she had one to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she had an extra tampon, _ was sad she didn't have one to give."} {"input": "Context Word: tampon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just got their period and was out of tampons but PersonY had plenty. _ had to go to Walgreens to buy more. \nSentence 2: PersonX just got their period and was out of tampons but PersonY had plenty. _ didn't have to go to Walgreens to buy more."} {"input": "Context Word: single.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to attract a mate because _ was single and free to mingle. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to attract a mate because _ was not single and free to mingle."} {"input": "Context Word: single.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been single for years, while PersonY is married, so _ is more likely to be lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been single for years, while PersonY is married, so _ is more likely to have companionship."} {"input": "Context Word: single.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is single, PersonY is married therefore _ could give the best advice on being single. \nSentence 2: PersonX is single, PersonY is married therefore _ could not give the best advice on being single."} {"input": "Context Word: single.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to find a partner, but PersonY wanted to stay single, because _ was lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to find a partner, but PersonY wanted to stay single, because _ was a loner."} {"input": "Context Word: single.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man assumed PersonX was married and PersonY was single because _ was wearing a wedding ring. \nSentence 2: The man assumed PersonX was married and PersonY was single because _ wasn't wearing a wedding ring."} {"input": "Context Word: single.", "output": "Sentence 1: The single PersonX did not envy PersonY 's married life, as _ relished her freedom. \nSentence 2: The single PersonX did not envy PersonY 's married life, as _ had lost her freedom."} {"input": "Context Word: attract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did all the talking to attract customers for PersonY because _ is personable and chatty. \nSentence 2: PersonX did all the talking to attract customers for PersonY because _ is disagreeable and reserved."} {"input": "Context Word: attract.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX failed to attract PersonY 's attention with his new wardrobe, as _ was just too pushy with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX failed to attract PersonY 's attention with his new wardrobe, as _ was just too oblivious to it."} {"input": "Context Word: attract.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they were out drinking on a Friday night, PersonX was trying to attract a man while PersonY was not, because _ was single and looking for a boyfriend. \nSentence 2: When they were out drinking on a Friday night, PersonX was not trying to attract a man while PersonY was, because _ was single and looking for a boyfriend."} {"input": "Context Word: living will.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's lawyer suggest making a living will, but PersonY isn't at that point yet, so _ is likely near death. \nSentence 2: PersonX's lawyer suggest making a living will, but PersonY isn't at that point yet, so _ is likely younger."} {"input": "Context Word: Royalty.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx looked much more like a royalty than persony despite _ rough background and childhood. \nSentence 2: personx looked much more like a royalty than persony despite _ wealthy background and childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: communicating.", "output": "Sentence 1: Communicating and creating a good repertoire with new clients was PersonX's go to move but not PersonY because _ is a people person. \nSentence 2: Communicating and creating a good repertoire with new clients was PersonX's go to move but not PersonY because _ is not a people person."} {"input": "Context Word: communicating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worse at communicating than PersonY because _ spoke in a lower sounding voice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at communicating than PersonY because _ spoke in a louder sounding voice."} {"input": "Context Word: Yogurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to eat Greek yogurt but PersonY preferred to have Icelandic yogurt. _ bought a basket full of Chobani greek yogurt at the grocery store. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to eat Greek yogurt but PersonY preferred to have Icelandic yogurt. _ bought a basket full of siggi's Icelandic yogurt at the grocery store."} {"input": "Context Word: wife.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a better wife than PersonY did because _ was a trustworthy companion to her husband. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a better wife than PersonY did because _ was a dishonest liar to her husband."} {"input": "Context Word: wife.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's wife is thinking of cheating on him, while PersonY's is not because _ is a crappy husband. \nSentence 2: PersonX's wife is thinking of cheating on him, while PersonY's is not because _ is a dutiful husband."} {"input": "Context Word: wife.", "output": "Sentence 1: Unlike PersonX, PersonY was proud with his wife, so _ wanted to hide her from everyone. \nSentence 2: Unlike PersonX, PersonY was proud with his wife, so _ wanted to show her to everyone."} {"input": "Context Word: Grease.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a grease stain on PersonY's favorite shirt. _ felt sorry and said it was an accident. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a grease stain on PersonY's favorite shirt. _ felt sad but said it was just an accident."} {"input": "Context Word: lace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to wear something with lace than PersonY because _ enjoyed looking feminine. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to wear something with lace than PersonY because _ disliked looking feminine."} {"input": "Context Word: contractions.", "output": "Sentence 1: This was PersonX's first child but not PersonY so _ had no idea what to do with the contractions. \nSentence 2: This was PersonX's first child but not PersonY so _ had an idea what to do with the contractions."} {"input": "Context Word: efficiently.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did their chores far less efficiently than PersonY, so _ was still working during playtime. \nSentence 2: PersonX did their chores far less efficiently than PersonY, so _ was done working by playtime."} {"input": "Context Word: how to do a push up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX demonstrated to PersonY how to do a push up because _ had learned in the military. \nSentence 2: PersonX demonstrated to PersonY how to do a push up because _ had never joined the military."} {"input": "Context Word: vaseline.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX realized that he had no Vaseline because PersonY used it all which really irritated _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX realized that he had no Vaseline because PersonY used it all which really embarrassed _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: Marijuana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX warned PersonY not to smoke marijuana because _ was very concerned about his health. \nSentence 2: PersonX warned PersonY not to smoke marijuana because _ was very carefree about his health."} {"input": "Context Word: ornaments.", "output": "Sentence 1: Hand painting Christmas ornaments suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ paid a lot of attention to detail. \nSentence 2: Hand painting Christmas ornaments suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't pay a lot of attention to detail."} {"input": "Context Word: Acid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to trip at the Dead concert but PersonY wanted to get drunk. _ bought a hit of acid. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to trip at the Dead concert but PersonY wanted to get drunk. _ bought a beer not a hit of acid."} {"input": "Context Word: ground.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hit PersonY in the face and knocked them to the ground, so _ won the fight. \nSentence 2: PersonX hit PersonY in the face and knocked them to the ground, so _ quit the fight."} {"input": "Context Word: sticky.", "output": "Sentence 1: The floors were sticky because PersonX spilled soda and didn't tell PersonY, so _ chose to stay silent. \nSentence 2: The floors were sticky because PersonX spilled soda and didn't tell PersonY, so _ had to clean up."} {"input": "Context Word: Spontaneous.", "output": "Sentence 1: In an effort to be spontaneous, PersonX surprised PersonY with a trip to the Bahamas. _ was very excited to hear the response. \nSentence 2: In an effort to be spontaneous, PersonX surprised PersonY with a trip to the Bahamas. _ was very nervous about responding."} {"input": "Context Word: puppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the puppies more than PersonY did because _ thought they were cute animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the puppies more than PersonY did because _ thought they were ugly animals."} {"input": "Context Word: puppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to nurse the puppies back to health when PersonY could not because _ is a trained veterinarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to nurse the puppies back to health when PersonY could not because _ is not a trained veterinarian."} {"input": "Context Word: puppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was giving away six brown puppies in front of the store and PersonY _ decided to take one. \nSentence 2: PersonX was giving away six brown puppies in front of the store and PersonY _ decided could not take one."} {"input": "Context Word: puppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the vet more often than PersonY because _ had more puppies in their care. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the vet more often than PersonY because _ had less puppies in their care."} {"input": "Context Word: puppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: The puppies that PersonX adopted behave poorly, while PersonY's are well behaved. This is because _ is neglectful of them. \nSentence 2: The puppies that PersonX adopted behave poorly, while PersonY's are well behaved. This is because _ is loving toward them."} {"input": "Context Word: puppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: There were more puppies in the litter that PersonX raised compared to PersonY due to _ having a bigger dog. \nSentence 2: There were less puppies in the litter that PersonX raised compared to PersonY due to _ having a bigger dog."} {"input": "Context Word: challenge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accepted the over night challenge from PersonY, because _ had a better chance of winning. \nSentence 2: PersonX accepted the over night challenge from PersonY, but _ had a better chance of winning."} {"input": "Context Word: challenge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX posed a real challenge for PersonY's sense of patience, because _ was a total pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX posed a real challenge for PersonY's sense of patience, because _ was a harassed babysitter."} {"input": "Context Word: portfolio.", "output": "Sentence 1: I like the portfolio of PersonX compared to PersonY even though they both are professionals because _ interests overlap with mine. \nSentence 2: I like the portfolio of PersonX compared to PersonY even though they both are professionals because _ interests disjoint with mine."} {"input": "Context Word: portfolio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's portfolio is much more extensive than the one of PersonY because _ has worked a greater number of years. \nSentence 2: PersonX's portfolio is much more extensive than the one of PersonY because _ has worked a fewer number of years."} {"input": "Context Word: Blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to read the blog they had just finished, because _ was insecure about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to read the blog they had just finished, but _ was unhappy about it."} {"input": "Context Word: Blog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Researching all the info Personx decides and not PersonY that _ will write a blog. \nSentence 2: Researching all the info Personx decided to pass, but not PersonY that _ will write a blog."} {"input": "Context Word: summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not wait for summer but PersonY was indifferent, as _ loves the swimming pool. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not wait for summer but PersonY was indifferent, as _ loves snowboarding and skiing."} {"input": "Context Word: summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't enjoy the heat as much as PersonY so _ hated the summer months. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't enjoy the heat as much as PersonY so _ loved the summer months."} {"input": "Context Word: summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed summer while PersonY did not. _ spent much time at the beach. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed summer while PersonY did not. _ spent much time indoors."} {"input": "Context Word: summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed the summer months more than PersonY because _ liked participating in outdoor physical activities. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed the summer months more than PersonY because _ did not like participating in outdoor physical activities."} {"input": "Context Word: summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys the hot summer and hates the cold while PersonY hates high temperatures and prefers the winter so _ is planning a cruise in the Caribbean. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys the hot summer while PersonY hates high temperatures and prefers the winter so _ is planning a cruise in Alaska during the winter."} {"input": "Context Word: summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more to look forward to in the summer than PersonY because _ loves warm weather. \nSentence 2: PersonX has more to look forward to in the summer than PersonY because _ hates warm weather."} {"input": "Context Word: summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is not thus _ could explain the effects of summer heat on the human body best. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is not thus _ could not explain the effects of summer heat on the human body best."} {"input": "Context Word: summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Summer was a very pleasant and much loved season for PersonX but it upset PersonY, because _ loved hot weather. \nSentence 2: Summer was a very pleasant and much loved season for PersonX but it upset PersonY, because _ disliked hot weather."} {"input": "Context Word: summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The summer went too quickly for PersonX. PersonY was excited for school, but _ didn't want to go back. \nSentence 2: The summer went too quickly for PersonX. PersonY was excited for school, and _ wanted to go back."} {"input": "Context Word: summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Walking the dog in the summer heat suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ liked to sweat. \nSentence 2: Walking the dog in the summer heat suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ hated to sweat."} {"input": "Context Word: summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX planned a vacation to visit PersonY over the summer, _ started packing right away. \nSentence 2: When PersonX planned a vacation to visit PersonY over the summer, _ started cleaning right away."} {"input": "Context Word: amount of waste.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the amount of waste PersonY produced every day was ridiculous, _ liked for things to be kept neat. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the amount of waste PersonY produced every day was ridiculous, _ liked for things to trashy."} {"input": "Context Word: results.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX manipulated the results of the company against PersonY's will, because _ was a crook. \nSentence 2: PersonX manipulated the results of the company against PersonY's will, because _ was a pawn."} {"input": "Context Word: results.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to get better results when making bread than PersonY because _ had a lot of baking experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to get better results when making bread than PersonY because _ did not have any baking experience."} {"input": "Context Word: results.", "output": "Sentence 1: The results were given to PersonX instead of PersonY, because _ was more honest and trustworthy. \nSentence 2: The results were given to PersonX instead of PersonY, because _ was less honest and trustworthy."} {"input": "Context Word: pineapple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how to make pineapple upside down cake from PersonY, but _ could never quite get hers to taste the same. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned how to make pineapple upside down cake from PersonY, but _ knew her friend wouldn't get hers to taste the same."} {"input": "Context Word: cigarette.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the carton of cigarettes to PersonY because _ had just quit smoking cigarettes. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the carton of cigarettes to PersonY because _ had run out of cigarettes."} {"input": "Context Word: officer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a police officer, PersonY is a criminal therefore _ can become a SWAT officer. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a police officer, PersonY is a criminal therefore _ cannot become a SWAT officer."} {"input": "Context Word: artwork.", "output": "Sentence 1: Drawing was a talent of PersonX but not PersonY so _ was always eager to show her her artwork . \nSentence 2: Drawing was a talent of PersonX but not PersonY so _ was always eager to see her artwork ."} {"input": "Context Word: get romance in a relationship.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get romance in a relationship while PersonY did not because _ liked to watch romantic comedies. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get romance in a relationship while PersonY did not because _ liked to watch horror comedies."} {"input": "Context Word: formulates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's lab formulates helpful drugs for people like PersonY, so _ is the lab technician. \nSentence 2: PersonX's lab formulates helpful drugs for people like PersonY, so _ is the average consumer."} {"input": "Context Word: mixing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not think PersonY was mixing the ingredients correctly because only _ had read the instructions. \nSentence 2: PersonX trusted PersonY was mixing the ingredients correctly because only _ had read the instructions."} {"input": "Context Word: abstaining.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the party, PersonX was drinking heavily and PersonY was abstaining, so _ rode home afterwards. \nSentence 2: At the party, PersonX was drinking heavily and PersonY was abstaining, so _ drove home afterwards."} {"input": "Context Word: older.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having another birthday made PersonX very happy but not PersonY, because _ enjoyed getting older. \nSentence 2: Having another birthday made PersonX very happy but not PersonY, because _ despised getting older."} {"input": "Context Word: older.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX perked up more than PersonY when the gray-haired man approached because _ is into older men. \nSentence 2: PersonX perked up more than PersonY when the gray-haired man approached because _ isn't into older men."} {"input": "Context Word: older.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to stay up and party all night long but PersonY was older and wiser, so _ tended to go to bed earlier. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to stay up and party all night long but PersonY was older and wiser, so _ tended to go to bed later."} {"input": "Context Word: revolver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a longer jail sentence when they were caught than PersonY because _ was carrying a revolver. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a shorter jail sentence when they were caught than PersonY because _ was carrying a revolver."} {"input": "Context Word: revolver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pulled out his revolver to clean it when he accidentally discharged it into PersonYs leg. _ exlclaimed in shock. \nSentence 2: PersonX pulled out his revolver to clean it when he accidentally discharged it into PersonYs leg. _ screamed in pain."} {"input": "Context Word: happy accidents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was open to happy accidents occurring while PersonY wanted pure perfection because _ was creative. \nSentence 2: PersonX was open to happy accidents occurring while PersonY wanted pure perfection because _ was strict."} {"input": "Context Word: storage bin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new storage bin from PersonY at the hardware store because _ is a homeowner. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new storage bin from PersonY at the hardware store because _ is a store owner."} {"input": "Context Word: white.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has black hair and PersonY has white hair, but oddly _ is the older person. \nSentence 2: PersonX has black hair and PersonY has white hair, and naturally _ is the older person."} {"input": "Context Word: white.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to wash PersonY's white shirt when it got dirty. _ said it couldn't wait because the stain would set. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to wash PersonY's white shirt when it got dirty. _ said it could wait because the stain was already set."} {"input": "Context Word: Renaissance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is considered to be a Renaissance man, but PersonY isn't because _ is very refined. \nSentence 2: PersonX is considered to be a Renaissance man, but PersonY isn't because _ is very bum-like."} {"input": "Context Word: communicated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX communicated their wishes to PersonY in class because _ was the leader of the group. \nSentence 2: PersonX communicated their wishes to PersonY in class because _ was the helper of the group."} {"input": "Context Word: pigs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY wanted to own a farm and raise pigs because _ always wanted to own pigs. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY wanted to own a farm and raise pigs because _ never wanted to own pigs."} {"input": "Context Word: pigs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't like eating pigs unlike PersonY because _ it is against his religion and not clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't like eating pigs unlike PersonY because _ it isn't against his religion and clean."} {"input": "Context Word: toe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has got toe cramps and goes to PersonY for an advice, because _ can't get rid of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX has got toe cramps and goes to PersonY for an advice, because _ is a professional doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: toe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stubbed her toe on PersonY's gigantic coffee table, and _ requested an ice pack. \nSentence 2: PersonX stubbed her toe on PersonY's gigantic coffee table, so _ retrieved an ice pack."} {"input": "Context Word: toe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to rest after breaking their toe, but PersonY was unsympathetic. _ knew how much pain a broken toe was. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to rest after breaking their toe, but PersonY was unsympathetic. _ didn't know how much pain a broken toe was."} {"input": "Context Word: toe.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was hurting because PersonX stubbed his toe from PersonY's prank that is actually pretty funny. \nSentence 2: So _ was entertained because PersonX stubbed his toe from PersonY's prank that is actually pretty funny."} {"input": "Context Word: react.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could react quickly to PersonY 's moves, as _ was much faster than her. \nSentence 2: PersonX could react quickly to PersonY 's moves, as _ was much slower than her."} {"input": "Context Word: fit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Currently, PersonX is teaching PersonY how to get fit, so _ is in decent shape currently. \nSentence 2: Currently, PersonX is teaching PersonY how to get fit, so _ is in poor shape currently."} {"input": "Context Word: fit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fit into a size six shoe while PersonY did not because _ has small feet. \nSentence 2: PersonX fit into a size six shoe while PersonY did not because _ has large feet."} {"input": "Context Word: fit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks the candidate is a good fit but PersonY disagrees, so _ keeps saying nice things about the candidate. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks the candidate is a good fit but PersonY disagrees, so _ keeps saying awful things about the candidate."} {"input": "Context Word: fit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to fit into old college jeans but not PersonY because _ had actually lost weight over the years. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to fit into old college jeans but not PersonY because _ had actually gained weight over the years."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the play audition, PersonX didn't get the role, though PersonY did, so _ is likely the worse actor. \nSentence 2: At the play audition, PersonX didn't get the role, though PersonY did, so _ is likely the better actor."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was a sunny day so PersonX decided to go and play outside while PersonY stayed home. _ preferred sunny days. \nSentence 2: It was a sunny day so PersonX decided to go and play outside while PersonY stayed home. _ preferred cloudy days."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always really liked to play basketball but PersonY did not because _ was very tall. \nSentence 2: PersonX always really liked to play basketball but PersonY did not because _ was very short.\r."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them learn to play the guitar because _ was inexperienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them learn to play the guitar because _ was a music teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asks PersonY how to play a level of a video game since _ keeps failing to move up. \nSentence 2: PersonX asks PersonY how to play a level of a video game since _ knows some hidden strategy."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to go and play in the local park because _ wanted to make friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to go and play in the local park because _ didn't have any friends."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to play more than PersonY so _ took the other out to a game night. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated to play more than PersonY so _ took the other out to a game night."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to play the piano. PersonY did not. _ thought the piano was a wonderful instrument. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to play the piano. PersonY did not. _ thought the piano was a terrible instrument."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the theater and PersonY wanted to become an actor, so _ wanted to direct a play. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the theater and PersonY wanted to become an actor, so _ wanted to headline a play."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was casting the play and put PersonY in the lead role, because _ was a great director. \nSentence 2: PersonX was casting the play and put PersonY in the lead role, because _ was a great actor."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ready to play the game before PersonY because _ got out of school early. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ready to play the game before PersonY because _ got out of school late."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the lead in the play and PersonY was an extra, so _ got most of the attention. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the lead in the play and PersonY was an extra, so _ got none of the attention."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx was just learning to play the clarinet and made it squeak loudly so Persony laughed out loud and the teacher looked at _ with pity. \nSentence 2: Personx was just learning to play the clarinet and made it squeak loudly so Persony laughed out loud and the teacher looked at _ with scorn."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: The game of chess was easy to play for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a analytical mind. \nSentence 2: The game of chess was easy to play for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have an analytical mind."} {"input": "Context Word: play.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they happen to play poker PersonX cheats but PersonY does not because _ is dishonest. \nSentence 2: When they happen to play poker PersonX cheats but PersonY does not because _ is honest."} {"input": "Context Word: hair extensions.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hair stylist gave PersonX hair extensions and not PersonY because _ had very short hair. \nSentence 2: The hair stylist gave PersonX hair extensions and not PersonY because _ already had long hair."} {"input": "Context Word: proposal.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the meeting, PersonX wrote a proposal draft while PersonY didn't, so _ was hired for the job. \nSentence 2: At the meeting, PersonX wrote a proposal draft while PersonY didn't, so _ was turned down for the job."} {"input": "Context Word: forget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has the tendency to forget things than PersonY, because _ has a limited brain capacity. \nSentence 2: PersonX has the tendency to forget things than PersonY, because _ has a powerful brain capacity."} {"input": "Context Word: authoritative.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more authoritative in the office than PersonY, because _ was a manager in charge of many employees. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more authoritative in the office than PersonY, because _ was an employee and not in charge of any employees."} {"input": "Context Word: toner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX adds toner to her skin regimen on PersonY's advice because _ is a customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX adds toner to her skin regimen on PersonY's advice because _ is a dermatologist."} {"input": "Context Word: toner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY disagreed about how to use toner, _ thought that it should be applied before moisturizer. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY disagreed about how to use toner, _ thought that it should be applied after moisturizer."} {"input": "Context Word: toner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned from PersonY how to use toner on their face to take care of their skin, but _ still rarely remembered to use it. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned from PersonY how to use toner on their face to take care of their skin, because _ had been using it for years."} {"input": "Context Word: autism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY cope with the newly diagnosed autism since _ had experience with the disorder. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY cope with the newly diagnosed autism because _ was inexperienced with the disorder."} {"input": "Context Word: autism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better doctor than PersonY but _ found it harder to related to their patients because of their autism diagnosis. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a worse doctor than PersonY but _ found it easier to related to their patients because of their autism diagnosis."} {"input": "Context Word: autism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was against vaccinations, but PersonY thought that was stupid. _ was worried about the link to autism. \nSentence 2: PersonX was against vaccinations, but PersonY thought that was stupid. _ knew there was no link to autism."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being healthy was easier for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a good diet and exercised. \nSentence 2: Being healthy was easier for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a good diet or exercise."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being healthy was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ belonged to a neighborhood gym. \nSentence 2: Being healthy was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ didn't belong to a neighborhood gym."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being healthy was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ liked to eat foods that were good for her. \nSentence 2: Being healthy was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ didn't like to eat foods that were good for her."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating healthy was possible for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had access to fresh food. \nSentence 2: Eating healthy was possible for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have access to fresh food."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Maintaining a healthy diet was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ liked all sorts of fruits and vegetables. \nSentence 2: Maintaining a healthy diet was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ didn't like many fruits and vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some tips on healthy eating because _ needed to lose weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some tips on healthy eating because _ has recently lost weight."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to create a healthy diet for them because _ was very overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to create a healthy diet for them because _ was a dietician."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate the healthy food that PersonY cooked, since _ agreed not to cook tonight and tomorrow. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate the healthy food that PersonY cooked, since _ agreed to cook tonight and tomorrow."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX exercised , ate healthy meals and encouraged PersonY , who was obese, to do the same. _ was worried about their friends health. \nSentence 2: PersonX exercised , ate healthy meals and encouraged PersonY , who was obese, to do the same. _ was not worried about their health."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a much harder time being healthy than PersonY because _ struggles with junk food. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a much easier time being healthy than PersonY because _ struggles with junk food."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has never wanted to eat healthy unlike PersonY because _ doesn't care about his body. \nSentence 2: PersonX has always wanted to eat healthy unlike PersonY because _ doesn't care about his body."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a dermatologist, PersonY is not so _ would be a good source of advice for healthy complexion advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a dermatologist, PersonY is not so _ would not be a good source of advice for healthy complexion advice."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept a healthy lifestyle while PersonY was often sick, because _ liked to exercise regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept a healthy lifestyle while PersonY was often sick, because _ liked to smoke regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY suffered from acne so _ mentioned that a healthy face starts with finding out your skin type. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that PersonY suffered from acne so _ shouted that a healthy face starts with finding out your skin type."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to be healthy from PersonY, because _ had been in bad shape when the met. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to be healthy from PersonY, because _ had been in top shape when the met."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived a healthy lifestyle and tried to teach their methods to PersonY, because _ wanted to be a good influence. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived a healthy lifestyle and tried to teach their methods to PersonY, because _ wanted to have a fresh start."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looks a lot healthier PersonY because _ takes the act of buying and eating healthy food very serious. \nSentence 2: PersonX looks a lot healthier PersonY because _ does not takes the act of buying and eating healthy food very serious."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looks much sexier than PersonY does because _ lives a much more healthy lifestyle. \nSentence 2: PersonX looks much uglier than PersonY does because _ lives a much more healthy lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost weight faster than PersonY because _ exercised a few times a week and ate a healthy diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost weight slower than PersonY because _ exercised a few times a week and ate a healthy diet."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to eat healthy foods, but she ignored it. _ felt unappreciated. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to eat healthy foods, and she followed it. _ felt grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to try to eat healthy, but PersonY wanted _ to try the new donut flavor. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to try to eat healthy, but _ wanted to try the new muffin flavor."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was healthy while PersonY had various heart problems, so _ rarely needed to visit the hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX was healthy while PersonY had various heart problems, so _ often needed to visit the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY in eating healthy for _ remembered what is it like to be overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY in eating healthy for _ currently knew what is it like to be overweight."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY with trying to be healthy a person because _ was overweight before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY with trying to be healthy a person because _ was overweight now."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more healthy than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about diet and exercise. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more healthy than PersonY, so _ started to worry about diet and exercise."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's lifestyle isn't very healthy, but PersonY tries to live a wholesome life. _ chooses to eat bacon as a snack. \nSentence 2: PersonX's lifestyle isn't very healthy, but PersonY tries to live a wholesome life. _ chooses to eat broccoli as a snack."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ enjoys eating a large selection of healthy foods because PersonX wants to stay healthy and PersonY doesn't care. \nSentence 2: So _ enjoys eating a large selection of junk foods because PersonX wants to stay healthy and PersonY doesn't care."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Staying healthy in the winter was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ ate a lot of fruits and vegetables. \nSentence 2: Staying healthy in the winter was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not eat a lot of fruits and vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Staying healthy in the winter was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ ate the right foods and exercised. \nSentence 2: Staying healthy in the winter was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't eat the right foods or exercise."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor told PersonX they were healthy but PersonY they were overweight. _ always ate a balanced diet. \nSentence 2: The doctor told PersonX they were healthy but PersonY they were overweight. _ rarely ate a balanced diet."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The healthy man thanked PersonX but not PersonY because _ helped him change his life and become healthier. \nSentence 2: The healthy man avoided PersonX but not PersonY because _ helped him change his life and become healthier."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The physical reports showed PersonX was not as healthy as PersonY because _ rarely exercised. \nSentence 2: The physical reports showed PersonX was not as healthy as PersonY because _ frequently exercised."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tests showed PersonX had less body fat than PersonY, probably because _ ate healthy foods. \nSentence 2: The tests showed PersonX had less body fat than PersonY, probably because _ ate unhealthy foods."} {"input": "Context Word: compliment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a nice compliment to PersonY, which made _ feel like a generous person. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a nice compliment to PersonY, which made _ feel like an attractive person."} {"input": "Context Word: compliment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets a very nice compliment from PersonY at the dance because _ is beautiful. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets a very nice compliment from PersonY at the dance because _ is friendly."} {"input": "Context Word: compliment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX returned a compliment to PersonY because _ remembers he said something nice about his attire before. \nSentence 2: PersonX returned a compliment to PersonY because _ said something nice about his attire before."} {"input": "Context Word: compliment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed that he is receptive to the compliment through his body language to PersonY when _ was told something nice by him. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed that he is receptive to the compliment through his body language to PersonY when _ said something nice to him."} {"input": "Context Word: compliment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was quick to compliment their employees for a job well done but PersonY was not. _ was well respected by everyone in the company. \nSentence 2: PersonX was quick to compliment their employees for a job well done but PersonY was not. _ was not respected by anyone in the company."} {"input": "Context Word: compliment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worried about some hidden meanings when he received a compliment from PersonY, but _ said thank you. \nSentence 2: PersonX worried about some hidden meanings when he received a compliment from PersonY, but _ looked genuine."} {"input": "Context Word: mousse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to feed PersonY some chocolate mousse, but _ hadn't finished making it yet. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to feed PersonY some chocolate mousse, but _ hadn't finished eating the main course yet."} {"input": "Context Word: Great Dane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought poodles were a cool dog but PersonY thought Great Danes were cooler. _ bought a small dog bed for their pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought poodles were a cool dog but PersonY thought Great Danes were cooler. _ bought a gigantic dog bed for their pet."} {"input": "Context Word: socks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the store and bought new socks unlike PersonY because _ always shopping in physical stores. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the store and bought new socks unlike PersonY because _ always shopping in internet stores."} {"input": "Context Word: pickles.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making pickles was something that PersonX was very good at but not PersonY because _ had been taught to make them by their granny. \nSentence 2: Making pickles was something that PersonX was very good at but not PersonY because _ had not been taught to make them by their granny."} {"input": "Context Word: pickles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very careful to hide the secret recipe for dill pickles from PersonY because _ was secretive. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very careful to hide the secret recipe for dill pickles from PersonY because _ was nosy."} {"input": "Context Word: poses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught all the yoga poses to PersonY, thanks to all the training _ had taken. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught all the yoga poses to PersonY, thanks to all the classes _ had bought."} {"input": "Context Word: poses.", "output": "Sentence 1: The poses in Yoga are easier for PersonX compared to PersonY because _ is limber. \nSentence 2: The poses in Yoga are easier for PersonX compared to PersonY because _ is stiff."} {"input": "Context Word: mad.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ was so mad about the events that had occurred. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered comfort to PersonY because _ was so mad about the events that had occurred."} {"input": "Context Word: deadline.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more efficient than PersonY, so _ almost never missed a deadline at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more efficient than PersonY, so _ pretty frequently missed a deadline at work."} {"input": "Context Word: spark plug.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he knew what a spark plug looked like, because _ hadn't worked on a car before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he knew what a spark plug looked like, because _ had worked on a car before."} {"input": "Context Word: cataracts.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eye surgery must be performed on PersonX but not PersonY because _ has cataracts in both eyes. \nSentence 2: Eye surgery must be performed on PersonX but not PersonY because _ doesn't have cataracts in either eye."} {"input": "Context Word: cataracts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had trouble with cataracts but PersonY didn't suffer from it, so _ had to have an eye operation. \nSentence 2: PersonX had trouble with cataracts but PersonY didn't suffer from it, so _ didn't need to have an eye operation."} {"input": "Context Word: sketch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would never sketch their designs out unlike PersonY because _ liked to be spontaneous. \nSentence 2: PersonX would never sketch their designs out unlike PersonY because _ liked to be careful."} {"input": "Context Word: sketch.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had studied art for fifteen years and PersonY was just learning, _ gave instructions on how to sketch. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had studied art for fifteen years and PersonY was just learning, _ was given instructions on how to sketch."} {"input": "Context Word: Sage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran out of sage, so he asked PersonY if he had any. _ did not have any to offer. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran out of sage, so he asked PersonY if he had any. _ did not receive any from him."} {"input": "Context Word: Mountain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to give his place to PersonY in the mountain expedition because _ was too tired. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to take PersonY 's place in the mountain expedition because _ was too tired."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: Milk didn't set well in PersonX's stomach while PersonY had no such problems, so _ couldn't eat ice cream. \nSentence 2: Milk didn't set well in PersonX's stomach while PersonY had no such problems, so _ could eat ice cream."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: Milk was PersonX's favorite drink but not PersonY's because _ grew up drinking it all the time. \nSentence 2: Milk was PersonX's favorite drink but not PersonY's because _ grew up drinking soy milk all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY went to the farm to see the animals, _ wanted to milk the cows. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY went to the farm to see the animals, _ wanted to milk the goats."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drank more milk daily than PersonY because _ had a severe case of osteoporosis. \nSentence 2: PersonX drank more milk daily than PersonY because _ had a severe case of lactose intolerance."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drinks a lot of milk but PersonY does not and as a result _ has very strong bones. \nSentence 2: PersonX drinks a lot of milk but PersonY does not and as a result _ has very weak bones."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed drinking lots of milk but PersonY avoided it, as _ was tolerant of lactose. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed drinking lots of milk but PersonY avoided it, as _ was intolerant of lactose."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY was allergic to milk so _ made a different cake for their birthday party. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot that PersonY was allergic to milk so _ ate a different cake for their birthday party."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never dipped her cookies in milk but PersonY always did. _ was lactose intolerant. \nSentence 2: PersonX always dipped her cookies in milk but PersonY never did. _ was lactose intolerant."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spilled her milk all over PersonY, forcing their mother to reprimand _ for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX spilled her milk all over PersonY, forcing their mother to console _ for it."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a drink of milk so PersonY got it out of the fridge, however _ changed his mind. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a drink of milk so PersonY got it out of the fridge, however _ put it back again."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was lactose intolerant and PersonY was not, so _ had a hard time digesting milk products at times. \nSentence 2: PersonX was lactose intolerant and PersonY was not, so _ did not have a hard time digesting milk products at times."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was lactose intolerant but PersonY was not, so _ drank almond milk instead of cow's milk. \nSentence 2: PersonX was lactose intolerant but PersonY was not, so _ drank cow's milk instead of almond milk."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the store to buy milk for PersonY, and _ was at the store most of the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the store to buy milk for PersonY, and _ stayed home most of the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the store, owned by PersonY, to buy a gallon of milk, so _ bought the milk. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the store, owned by PersonY, to buy a gallon of milk, so _ sold the milk."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX liked their coffee black and PersonY did not, _ did not put milk in their coffee. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX liked their coffee black and PersonY did not, _ put milk in their coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ drinks milk because PersonX wants to have strong bone structures and PersonY have a weak stomach. \nSentence 2: So _ avoids milk because PersonX wants to have strong bone structures and PersonY have a weak stomach."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor suggested that PersonX but not PersonY drink more milk because _ had brittle bones. \nSentence 2: The doctor suggested that PersonX but not PersonY drink more milk because _ had strong bones."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wal-Mart had milk on sale so PersonX bought an extra gallon for PersonY, then _ drove to drop off the milk. \nSentence 2: Wal-Mart had milk on sale so PersonX bought an extra gallon for PersonY, then _ drove to pick up the milk."} {"input": "Context Word: milk.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX spilled milk on the floor, PersonY giggled and mom gave _ an understanding look. \nSentence 2: When PersonX spilled milk on the floor, PersonY giggled and mom gave _ an irritated look."} {"input": "Context Word: sheriff.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shot the sheriff but PersonY didn't shoot the sheriff, so _ wound up going to jail. \nSentence 2: PersonX shot the sheriff but PersonY didn't shoot the sheriff, so _ wound up going to lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: mutual fund.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invested their money in a low risk mutual fund while PersonY put theirs in risky speculative stock. _ was able to increase their money. \nSentence 2: PersonX invested their money in a low risk mutual fund while PersonY put theirs in risky speculative stock. _ was unable to increase their money."} {"input": "Context Word: freelance photographer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better freelance photographer than PersonY, because _ took many photography classes in college. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better freelance photographer than PersonY, because _ only took one photography class in college."} {"input": "Context Word: teenage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a teenage girl and PersonY had a teenage boy, so _ bought their kid a lot of makeup on their birthday. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a teenage girl and PersonY had a teenage boy, so _ bought their kid a lot of sports equipment on their birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: teenage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to go to cheer practice and dance recitals while PersonY gets to sit at home because _ has a teenage daughter. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to go to cheer practice and dance recitals while PersonY gets to sit at home because _ doesn't have a teenage daughter."} {"input": "Context Word: teenage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The shallow teenage student flirted with PersonX but ignored PersonY because _ drove a new sports car. \nSentence 2: The shallow teenage student ignored PersonX but flirted with PersonY because _ drove a new sports car."} {"input": "Context Word: installing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help with installing a coolant flush kit because _ had never worked on a car before. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help with installing a coolant flush kit because _ has worked on a car before."} {"input": "Context Word: installing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had trouble with installing Laravel Framework and asked for PersonY's help, because _ doesn't know anything about computers. \nSentence 2: PersonX had trouble with installing Laravel Framework and asked for PersonY's help, because _ knows a lot about computers."} {"input": "Context Word: installing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY was having trouble installing a font on their MAC so _ arrogantly asked if they had unzipped the file. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that PersonY was having trouble installing a font on their MAC so _ helpfully asked if they had unzipped the file."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was the first time PersonX lived away from home, so PersonY threw a housewarming party; _ wrote her a thank you note. \nSentence 2: It was the first time PersonX lived away from home, so PersonY threw a housewarming party; _ received her thank you note."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was the last day in the neighborhood for PersonX but not PersonY because _ bought a new home and would be moving. \nSentence 2: It was the last day in the neighborhood for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not bought a new home and would not be moving."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: Living abroad for the year suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ made it her home. \nSentence 2: Living abroad for the year suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ missed her home."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to come home when the weather turned bad. When he got home safely, _ stopped worrying. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to come home when the weather turned bad. When he got home safely, _ stopped driving."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought their first home from PersonY, and _ was so glad to buy the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought their first home from PersonY, and _ was so glad to sell the house."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to follow PersonY home from the party because _ didn't know the way back. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to follow PersonY home from the party because _ knew the way back."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a ride home after work, and _ was glad she could help out. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a ride home after work, and _ was grateful she could help out."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a larger home than PersonY, so _ spends more time cleaning each weekend. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a larger home than PersonY, so _ spends less time cleaning each weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought home from PersonY and needs help renting it, because _ is not familiar with the market. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought home from PersonY and needs help renting it, because _ was familiar with the market."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to stay at their home because _ heard his house had been destroyed in a fire. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to stay at their home because _ house had been destroyed in a fire."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let down PersonY because _ had agreed to come home and help their parents move but never showed up. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mad at PersonY because _ had agreed to come home and help their parents move but never showed up."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to go home for the holidays but PersonY did not because _ had a very warm relationship with their family. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to go home for the holidays but PersonY did not because _ had a very cold relationship with their family."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to stay at home during vacation while PersonY enjoys and adventure setting, _ stayed at home during vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to stay at home during vacation while PersonY enjoys and adventure setting, _ went hiking during vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to stay home more than PersonY. _ waits for a movie to be on netflix. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to stay home more than PersonY. _ waits for the movie to debut at theater."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY around the house since _ was a real estate agent there to show them a home. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY around the house since _ needed a real estate agent to show them a home."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought he should try to buy the home of PersonY, because _ really disliked the home. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought he should try to buy the home of PersonY, because _ really liked the home."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX toured through the lavish home that PersonY showed him, and _ intended to buy it straightaway. \nSentence 2: PersonX toured through the lavish home that PersonY showed him, and _ intended to sell it straightaway."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy a new home while PersonY wanted to sell one, so _ looked for people to buy the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to buy a new home while PersonY wanted to sell one, so _ looked for houses to buy."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was considered a homeless person and PersonY wasn't because _ had no home in which to live. \nSentence 2: PersonX was considered a homeless person and PersonY wasn't because _ had a home in which to live."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the party but PersonY stayed at home because _ was very extroverted. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the party but PersonY stayed at home because _ was very introverted."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was in the cold because PersonX does not own a home and PersonY owns a mansion. \nSentence 2: So _ was in the warmth because PersonX does not own a home and PersonY owns a mansion."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: The home of PersonX is put on the market by PersonY due to _ being about to move. \nSentence 2: The home of PersonX is put on the market by PersonY due to _ being in real estate."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: The home of PersonX was flooded more than PersonY's because _ lives closer to the water source. \nSentence 2: The home of PersonX was flooded more than PersonY's because _ lives farther from the water source."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: The new home of PersonX was more expensive than PersonY's due to _ having a greater salary. \nSentence 2: The new home of PersonX was more inexpensive than PersonY's due to _ having a greater salary."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: The realtor refused to sell the home to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a poor credit rating. \nSentence 2: The realtor refused to sell the home to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had an excellent credit rating."} {"input": "Context Word: home.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX stages homes, they look crappy, but PersonY does a great job, so _ is less competent. \nSentence 2: When PersonX stages homes, they look crappy, but PersonY does a great job, even though _ is less competent."} {"input": "Context Word: Eviction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was facing eviction from his landlord, PersonY, because _ was always late with his payments. \nSentence 2: PersonX was facing eviction from his landlord, PersonY, because _ was very strict with his payments."} {"input": "Context Word: recovering.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is recovering faster than PersonY from the same type of surgery because _ always had a healthy lifestyle. \nSentence 2: PersonX is recovering faster than PersonY from the same type of surgery because _ always had a unhealthy lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: barcode.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to scan the barcode becasue the equipment being used by _ was broken. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to scan the barcode becasue the equipment being used by _ was working properly."} {"input": "Context Word: Lips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY about the type of chap stick to use because _ said her lips were sometimes chapped. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY about the type of chap stick to use since _ said her lips were rarely chapped."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: Care of pets is what PersonX does, but PersonY hates animals, so _ is a vet. \nSentence 2: Care of pets is what PersonX does, but PersonY hates animals, so _ isn't a vet."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cares for PersonY much of the time since _ is willing to take responsibility. \nSentence 2: PersonX cares for PersonY much of the time since _ is unable to take responsibility."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave their sickly relative a great deal of care but PersonY did not because _ was a very giving person. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave their sickly relative a great deal of care but PersonY did not because _ was a very selfishperson."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take care of his mother unlike PersonY because _ mother was still alive. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take care of his mother unlike PersonY because _ mother was already dead."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX honestly did not care about Christmas but PersonY loved it because _ was religious. \nSentence 2: PersonX honestly did not care about Christmas but PersonY loved it because _ was secular."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to care for injured animals but PersonY does not because _ is very empathetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to care for injured animals but PersonY does not because _ is very callous\r."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to care for all the animals in their area but PersonY did not because _ was a very warm person. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to care for all the animals in their area but PersonY did not because _ was a very cold person."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was took care of PersonY while they were ill, because _ had a generous nature. \nSentence 2: PersonX was took care of PersonY while they were ill, because _ had a sickly nature."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to show PersonY they care about them so _ spent the day taking care of them when they were sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to show PersonY they care about them so _ spent the day getting care from them when they were sick."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would care for PersonY when they were kids since _ was the older one. \nSentence 2: PersonX would care for PersonY when they were kids since _ was the younger one."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cat gets worse care than the one that PersonY is raising. _ is a mean pet owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cat gets worse care than the one that PersonY is raising. _ is a nice pet owner."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: This was important to PersonX but PersonY did not care , so _ ended up putting all the effort into it. \nSentence 2: This was important to PersonX but PersonY did not care , so _ ended up putting none of the effort into it."} {"input": "Context Word: care.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to taking care of elderly people, PersonX was suited for the job more than PersonY because _ lived with older people longer. \nSentence 2: When it came to taking care of elderly people, PersonX was suited for the job more than PersonY because _ lived with younger people longer."} {"input": "Context Word: clingy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though they just met, PersonX was acting very clingy towards his new friend PersonY who got angry,, so _ asked him what was wrong. \nSentence 2: Even though they just met, PersonX was acting very clingy towards his new friend PersonY who got angry,, and _ told him what was wrong."} {"input": "Context Word: clingy.", "output": "Sentence 1: It's inadvisable to be too clingy, but that's where PersonX found themselves and not PersonY because _ was attached. \nSentence 2: It's inadvisable to be too clingy, but that's where PersonX found themselves and not PersonY because _ was disconnected."} {"input": "Context Word: clingy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes around telling everyone that PersonY is too clingy because _ doesn't like to be touched.. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes around telling everyone that PersonY is too clingy because _ likes to be touched.."} {"input": "Context Word: clingy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so clingy with her new boyfriend PersonY, that _ began to suffocate him with attention. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so clingy with her new boyfriend PersonY, that _ began to feel suffocated with attention."} {"input": "Context Word: clingy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX\"s boyfriend was too clingy in PersonY's opinion. _ liked him just fine. \nSentence 2: PersonX\"s boyfriend was too clingy in PersonY's opinion. _ hoped they'd breakup.."} {"input": "Context Word: dentures.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cleaning dentures was a necessity for PersonX but not PersonY because _ wore dentures everyday. \nSentence 2: Cleaning dentures was a necessity for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not wear dentures everyday."} {"input": "Context Word: dentures.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new pair of dentures, but PersonY had a full set of teeth, so _ needed to clean their dentures that night. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new pair of dentures, but PersonY had a full set of teeth, so _ needed to brush their teeth that night."} {"input": "Context Word: dentures.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better able to cope with their partial dentures than PersonY because _ wore them as much as possible. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better able to cope with their partial dentures than PersonY because _ wore them as little as possible."} {"input": "Context Word: dentures.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore dentures that PersonY had bought for him because _ had a lot of money. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore dentures that PersonY had bought for him because _ had lost his teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: dentures.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore dentures while PersonY had all their teeth since _ was older and took poor care of their teeth. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore dentures while PersonY had all their teeth since _ was younger and took good care of their teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: hydrangeas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY plant their new hydrangeas because _ not allergic to their touch. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY plant their new hydrangeas because _ extremely allergic to their touch."} {"input": "Context Word: Apply hair wax.", "output": "Sentence 1: Apply hair wax to my dog was the only instruction PersonX left for PersonY, _ knew a lot about dog care. \nSentence 2: Apply hair wax to my dog was the only instruction PersonX left for PersonY, _ knew almost nothing about dog care."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: After getting a fever, PersonX spent the day in bed getting help from PersonY because _ was sick right now. \nSentence 2: After getting a fever, PersonX spent the day in bed getting help from PersonY because _ was sick before."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: Both had a fever but PersonX broke before PersonY because _ listened to their doctor and did what they were told. \nSentence 2: Both had a fever but PersonX broke before PersonY because _ didn't listen to their doctor and did what they were told."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to cover his shift at work last night because _ was sick with a fever. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to cover his shift at work last night because _ wasn't sick with a fever."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a dose of medication because he had a fever. _ checked on him later. \nSentence 2: PersonX was given a dose of medication by PersonY because he had a fever. _ checked on him later."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave their cold to PersonY who ended up with a fever so _ felt sorry. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave their cold to PersonY who ended up with a fever so _ felt angry."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a high fever and PersonY was quite well, so _ needed more medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a high fever and PersonY was quite well, so _ offered more medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a stomach ache and fever but not PersonY because _ insisted on eating the old oysters. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a stomach ache and fever but not PersonY because _ avoided eating the old oysters."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take some medicine, although PersonY did not, because _ had a high grade fever. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take some medicine, although PersonY did not, because _ didn't have a fever."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a fever because they have a cold and PersonY doesn't want to get sick, so _ is taking medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a fever because they have a cold and PersonY doesn't want to get sick, so _ is staying away from sick people."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is currently experiencing a fever, and PersonY's temperature is normal. _ is likely sickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX is currently experiencing a fever, and PersonY's temperature is normal. _ is likely healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX regretted visiting PersonY while she was sick at home as _ now had the same fever and a runny nose just like her friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX regretted PersonY visiting her while she was sick at home as _ now had the same fever and a runny nose just like her friend."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat still while PersonY listened to her chest. The diagnosis was dengue fever, which surprised _ as she was a homebody. \nSentence 2: PersonX sat still while PersonY listened to her chest. The diagnosis was dengue fever, which surprised _ as she hadn't found this in patients."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY they looked too sick to go to work and asked if they had a fever. _ suggested they go to the Doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY they looked too sick to go to work and asked if they had a fever. _ went to the Doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less frantic about breaking the infants fever than PersonY because _ knew to sponge the child with lukewarm water. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less frantic about breaking the infants fever than PersonY because _ didn't know to sponge the child with lukewarm water."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sure PersonY had a fever and needed medicine after _ felt his hot forehead. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sure PersonY had a fever and needed medicine after _ complained about his hot forehead."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was treating PersonY's fever so _ spent the entire weekend taking care of their sick friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX was treating PersonY's fever so _ spent the entire weekend being the sick friend."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's fever went away, and PersonY still has one, so _ is healthy at this point. \nSentence 2: PersonX's fever went away, and PersonY still has one, so _ is sickly at this point."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fever soon went away for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had continually kept hydrated. \nSentence 2: The fever soon went away for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had scarcely kept hydrated."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man with the fever came over and talked to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was a doctor. \nSentence 2: The man with the fever came over and talked to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was a patient."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: Though they had been hanging out together, PersonX came down with a fever while PersonY didn't. _ always had a weak immune system. \nSentence 2: Though they had been hanging out together, PersonX came down with a fever while PersonY didn't. _ always had a strong immune system."} {"input": "Context Word: fever.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they were in the hospital, PersonX felt much worse than PersonY did because _ had a higher fever. \nSentence 2: When they were in the hospital, PersonX felt much worse than PersonY did because _ had a lower fever."} {"input": "Context Word: calf muscle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was shocked when PersonY screamed in pain after _ felt a tear in her calf muscle. \nSentence 2: PersonX was crying when PersonY screamed in horror after seeing _ get a tear in her calf muscle."} {"input": "Context Word: medications.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to drive him to the pharmacy to get some medications because _ was an unlicensed driver. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to drive him to the pharmacy to get some medications because _ was a licensed driver."} {"input": "Context Word: medications.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take many medications but not PersonY because _ had aches and pains. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take many medications but not PersonY because _ had no aches and pains."} {"input": "Context Word: medications.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to take the medications that PersonY gave them, even though _ was constantly sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to take the medications that PersonY gave them, even though _ was constantly offering."} {"input": "Context Word: choice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't make a choice, so PersonY chose for them, because _ is too indecisive. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't make a choice, so PersonY chose for them, because _ is too impatient."} {"input": "Context Word: choice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made the desert choice for PersonY, because _ thought they knew exactly what they wanted. \nSentence 2: PersonX made the desert choice for PersonY, although _ already knew exactly what they wanted."} {"input": "Context Word: choice.", "output": "Sentence 1: The choice was given to PersonX and not PersonY because _ worked at the company longer. \nSentence 2: The choice was given to PersonX and not PersonY because _ worked at the company shorter."} {"input": "Context Word: choice.", "output": "Sentence 1: The choice was to give PersonX the document and not PersonY because _ was a lot more mature. \nSentence 2: The choice was to give PersonX the document and not PersonY because _ was a lot more immature."} {"input": "Context Word: faint.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sight of blood made PersonX faint, but not PersonY, which is why _ could never become a nurse. \nSentence 2: The sight of blood made PersonX faint, but not PersonY, which is why _ would be good as a nurse."} {"input": "Context Word: discussion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was leading the discussion on the current political news but not PersonY because _ followed current events. \nSentence 2: PersonX was leading the discussion on the current political news but not PersonY because _ neglected current events."} {"input": "Context Word: bonded.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bonded more quickly with her classmates than PersonY because _ had a friendly disposition. \nSentence 2: PersonX bonded more quickly with her classmates than PersonY because _ had a rather unfriendly disposition."} {"input": "Context Word: hog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hog that PersonX raised wins the farm competition over PersonY's due to _ giving his hog a sky-high diet. \nSentence 2: The hog that PersonX raised wins the farm competition over PersonY's due to _ giving his hog a reserved diet."} {"input": "Context Word: prepared.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting prepared for an intravaginal ultrasound was a piece of cake for PersonX than PersonY because _ had had one before. \nSentence 2: Getting prepared for an intravaginal ultrasound was a piece of cake for PersonX than PersonY because _ hadn't had one before."} {"input": "Context Word: prepared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less prepared for the talent show than PersonY because _ studied very lazily. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less prepared for the talent show than PersonY because _ studied very hard."} {"input": "Context Word: prepared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more prepared for giving birth to twins than PersonY because _ had had a child before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more prepared for giving birth to twins than PersonY because _ had not had a child before."} {"input": "Context Word: prepared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more prepared to be a parent than PersonY because _ had spent a lot of time with children. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more prepared to be a parent than PersonY because _ had spent very little time with children."} {"input": "Context Word: prepared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not as well prepared for the vacation as PersonY because _ had been given short notice about the trip. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not as well prepared for the vacation as PersonY because _ had been given advanced notice about the trip."} {"input": "Context Word: prepared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was prepared for the snow storm but PersonY was not, so _ had lots of extra food and water. \nSentence 2: PersonX was prepared for the snow storm but PersonY was not, so _ had no extra food and water."} {"input": "Context Word: abused.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being emotionaly abused and asks her friend PersonY for help, because _ feels miserable. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being emotionaly abused and asks her friend PersonY for help, and _ feels like helping."} {"input": "Context Word: abused.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was concerned that PersonY was being abused so _ offered an unending amount of support. \nSentence 2: PersonX was concerned that PersonY was being abused so _ turned down an unending amount of support."} {"input": "Context Word: abused.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more scared of people than PersonY was because _ had been abused before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more scared of people than PersonY was although _ had been abused before."} {"input": "Context Word: abused.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat of PersonX was abused, but PersonY's was not because _ 's cat came from a shelter. \nSentence 2: The cat of PersonX was abused, but PersonY's was not because _ 's cat came from a good home."} {"input": "Context Word: dirty plates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to clear away the dirty plates. _ was grateful for the help. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to clear away the dirty plates. _ was happy to give the help."} {"input": "Context Word: costs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't consider the costs when they bought the house from PersonY, so _ was stuck with the money pit. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't consider the costs when they bought the house from PersonY, so _ was rid of the money pit."} {"input": "Context Word: Korea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to visit Korea with PersonY because _ was a native of that country. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to visit Korea with PersonY but _ was a native of that country."} {"input": "Context Word: working out.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has stronger muscles than PersonY, because _ loves working out at the gym every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX has stronger muscles than PersonY, because _ hates working out at the gym every day."} {"input": "Context Word: oily.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more oily hair than PersonY although the scalp of _ was much drier. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less oily hair than PersonY although the scalp of _ was much drier."} {"input": "Context Word: oily.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has quite oily skin, but PersonY's is kind of dry. _ has to use stronger face wash. \nSentence 2: PersonX has quite oily skin, but PersonY's is kind of dry. _ has to use tamer face wash."} {"input": "Context Word: oily.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has very oily hair and asks PersonY for advice about shampoo, because _ doesn't know what to buy. \nSentence 2: PersonX has very oily hair and asks PersonY for advice about shampoo, but _ doesn't know what to buy."} {"input": "Context Word: oily.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's skin is often too oily or too dry, while PersonY's is just right, so _ uses a cheap face wash. \nSentence 2: PersonX's skin is often too oily or too dry, while PersonY's is just right, so _ uses an appropriate face wash."} {"input": "Context Word: fall asleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX whould read to PersonY to help her fall asleep at night, _ loved reading stories to her. \nSentence 2: PersonX whould read to PersonY to help her fall asleep at night, _ loved having stories told her."} {"input": "Context Word: top.", "output": "Sentence 1: The top PersonX gave to PersonY stretched down to his knees because _ is taller. \nSentence 2: The top PersonX gave to PersonY stretched down to his knees because _ is shorter."} {"input": "Context Word: top.", "output": "Sentence 1: The top that PersonX borrowed from PersonY barely fit over her, as _ was much wider in the torso. \nSentence 2: The top that PersonX borrowed from PersonY barely fit over her, as _ was much slimmer in the torso."} {"input": "Context Word: naturally.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had naturally straight hair while PersonY didn't because _ parents both had straight hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX had naturally straight hair while PersonY didn't because _ parents both had curly hair."} {"input": "Context Word: naturally.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that PersonY had a naturally beautiful face but that _ needed excessive makeup to look good. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that PersonY had a naturally beautiful face and that _ needed minimal makeup to look good."} {"input": "Context Word: naturally.", "output": "Sentence 1: Remodeling the kitchen came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had experience being a carpenter's apprentice. \nSentence 2: Remodeling the kitchen came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't have any experience being a carpenter's apprentice."} {"input": "Context Word: smooth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an automotive expert, PersonY is not therefore _ knows how to smooth body filler. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an automotive expert, PersonY is not therefore _ doesn't know how to smooth body filler."} {"input": "Context Word: metal.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ knew how to fix the metal sword because PersonX is a good blacksmith and PersonY a mercenary. \nSentence 2: So _ knew how to wield the metal sword because PersonX is a good blacksmith and PersonY a mercenary."} {"input": "Context Word: metal.", "output": "Sentence 1: The metal that PersonX used was far better than that of PersonY because _ used a shiny metal. \nSentence 2: The metal that PersonX used was far better than that of PersonY because _ used a dull metal."} {"input": "Context Word: chafed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied aloe vera gel to PersonY's skin that was chafed from running a marathon, because _ was worried about the injured area. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied aloe vera gel to PersonY's skin that was chafed from running a marathon, because _ was in pain from the injured area."} {"input": "Context Word: delete.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX deleted the important files which PersonY saved on their computer. _ was okay with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX deleted the important files which PersonY saved on their computer. _ was angry with it."} {"input": "Context Word: watch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how much longer until the meeting started, because the watch belonging to _ was broken. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how much longer until the meeting started, because the watch belonging to _ was working."} {"input": "Context Word: watch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what time it was since _ had forgotten to wear her watch. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what time it was since _ had remembered to wear her watch."} {"input": "Context Word: watch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY a watch for their birthday because _ was tired of telling the time to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought PersonY a watch for their birthday because _ was tired of asking about the time."} {"input": "Context Word: watch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought an expensive watch but not PersonY because _ worked extra hours at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought an expensive watch but not PersonY because _ worked few hours at work."} {"input": "Context Word: watch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX buys PersonY a watch for a graduation present because _ is a great parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX buys PersonY a watch for a graduation present because _ is a great student."} {"input": "Context Word: watch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got to the party more on time than PersonY because _ was wearing a watch. \nSentence 2: PersonX got to the party less on time than PersonY because _ was wearing a watch."} {"input": "Context Word: watch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept a close watch on PersonY, so _ would know exactly what they were up to. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept a close watch on PersonY, but _ knew exactly what they were up to."} {"input": "Context Word: watch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stopped PersonY on the street to ask for the time because _ did not have a watch. \nSentence 2: PersonX stopped PersonY on the street to ask for the time because _ did have a watch."} {"input": "Context Word: bully.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a big bully but PersonY is not. _ got in a lot of trouble at school. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a big bully but PersonY is not. _ got in no trouble at school."} {"input": "Context Word: bully.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started acting like a bully toward PersonY at school every day, because _ was smaller than them. \nSentence 2: PersonX started acting like a bully toward PersonY at school every day, because _ was bigger than them."} {"input": "Context Word: bully.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stood up to PersonY because _ was bullying him and he had had enough. \nSentence 2: PersonX stood up to PersonY because _ was brave and he had had enough bullying."} {"input": "Context Word: bully.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used to bully PersonY in middle school. Upon seeing him again _ wanted to apologize to him. \nSentence 2: PersonX used to bully PersonY in middle school. Upon seeing him again _ wanted to punish him."} {"input": "Context Word: harsh.", "output": "Sentence 1: Harsh weather got PersonX down while PersonY was fine with it, since _ was much less resilient. \nSentence 2: Harsh weather got PersonX down while PersonY was fine with it, since _ was much more resilient."} {"input": "Context Word: Buttercream Frosting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to bake a cake and use buttercream frosting to top it off for PersonYs birthday, so _ grabbed the ingredients and got to work. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to bake a cake and use buttercream frosting to top it off for PersonYs birthday, but _ already grabbed the ingredients and started."} {"input": "Context Word: blind dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a blind dog that PersonY tried to tease so _ got very angry and punched him. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a blind dog that PersonY tried to tease so _ got very angry after he got punched.."} {"input": "Context Word: washing.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to do the washing than it was for PersonY because _ had worked as a maid before. \nSentence 2: It was harder for PersonX to do the washing than it was for PersonY because _ had worked as a maid before."} {"input": "Context Word: washing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Washing and waxing the car was a weekly ritual for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has a new car. \nSentence 2: Washing and waxing the car was a weekly ritual for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has an old car."} {"input": "Context Word: washing.", "output": "Sentence 1: When washing clothes, PersonX's turn out less clean than PersonY's because _ uses a low-priced detergent. \nSentence 2: When washing clothes, PersonX's turn out less clean than PersonY's because _ uses a high-priced detergent."} {"input": "Context Word: cramp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a cramp while swimming, but PersonY did not, because _ hadn't waited a half hour after eating. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a cramp while swimming, but PersonY did not, because _ had waited a half hour after eating."} {"input": "Context Word: seashells.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the beach, PersonX collected some seashells for her mother PersonY. _ polished the seashells before giving them away. \nSentence 2: At the beach, PersonX collected some seashells for her mother PersonY. _ polished the seashells before receiving them."} {"input": "Context Word: Trademark a Name.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he knows how to trademark a name, because _ doesn't know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he knows how to trademark a name, but _ doesn't know."} {"input": "Context Word: tile.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX is a loyal customer at PersonY's old tile store, _ is always right. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX is a loyal customer at PersonY's old tile store, _ is always selling."} {"input": "Context Word: tile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help replace the bathroom tile because _ wanted help with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help replace the bathroom tile because _ asked to help with it."} {"input": "Context Word: tile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to tile the floor, so PersonY ended up doing it. _ was very slovenly. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to tile the floor, so PersonY ended up doing it. _ was very industrious."} {"input": "Context Word: tile.", "output": "Sentence 1: While redecorating, PersonX decided to lay his own tiles while PersonY got a professional to do it. _ loved DIY projects. \nSentence 2: While redecorating, PersonX decided to lay his own tiles while PersonY got a professional to do it. _ hated DIY projects."} {"input": "Context Word: microphone.", "output": "Sentence 1: Performing without a microphone was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a naturally loud voice. \nSentence 2: Performing without a microphone was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not have a naturally loud voice."} {"input": "Context Word: gossip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was constantly looking for gossip, and PersonY had something juicy, so _ begged them for details. \nSentence 2: PersonX was constantly looking for gossip, and PersonY had something juicy, so _ showered them with details."} {"input": "Context Word: Flu.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had got a flu shot but PersonY did not so _ was healthy all winter. \nSentence 2: PersonX had got a flu shot but PersonY did not so _ was sick all winter."} {"input": "Context Word: winner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the winner of the lottery instead of PersonY because _ bought a lot more tickets. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the winner of the lottery instead of PersonY because _ bought a lot less tickets."} {"input": "Context Word: winner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's attitude is bad, even when she wins, while PersonY is a good winner, so _ has poor sportsmanship. \nSentence 2: PersonX's attitude is bad, even when she wins, while PersonY is a good winner, so _ has proper sportsmanship."} {"input": "Context Word: introduce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted her friend to introduce her to someone but PersonY did not as _ found them very attractive. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted her friend to introduce her to someone but PersonY did not as _ found them very ugly."} {"input": "Context Word: courier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked being a courier for the newspaper, but not PersonY because _ liked to walk. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked being a courier for the newspaper, but not PersonY because _ liked to sit."} {"input": "Context Word: breed cats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a dog breeder while PersonY loved to breed cats. _ had always loved puppies. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a dog breeder while PersonY loved to breed cats. _ had always loved kittens."} {"input": "Context Word: fort.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at designing a functional outdoors fort than PersonY because _ was very creative. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at designing a functional outdoors fort than PersonY because _ was not very creative."} {"input": "Context Word: alternative medicine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX favored alternative medicine, but PersonY only believed in modern medicine. _ was a new-age hippie. \nSentence 2: PersonX favored alternative medicine, but PersonY only believed in modern medicine. _ was a qualified doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: antiques.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sells a vintage lamp to PersonY on eBay for a good price. _ must be an antiques dealer. \nSentence 2: PersonX sells a vintage lamp to PersonY on eBay for a good price. _ must be an antiques collector."} {"input": "Context Word: lunch money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always bulled PersonY because _ never had lunch money and they wanted to take it away. \nSentence 2: PersonX always bulled PersonY because _ had lunch money and they wanted to take it away."} {"input": "Context Word: amusement park.", "output": "Sentence 1: On the way to the amusement park, PersonX lost control of the car and hit PersonY because _ was looking at their phone. \nSentence 2: On the way to the amusement park, PersonX lost control of the car and hit PersonY because _ was not in the crosswalk."} {"input": "Context Word: expert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to call in an expert unlike PersonY because _ had no knowledge on the subject. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to call in an expert unlike PersonY because _ had vast knowledge on the subject."} {"input": "Context Word: expert.", "output": "Sentence 1: To be an expert at poker, PersonX chose to play the game for many, many, hours, learning from PersonY because _ was not as skilled as him. \nSentence 2: To be an expert at poker, PersonX chose to play the game for many, many, hours, learning from PersonY because _ was more skilled than him."} {"input": "Context Word: stitch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to stitch but not PersonY because _ had a jacket with many holes. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to stitch but not PersonY because _ had a jacket with many zippers."} {"input": "Context Word: elegant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very elegant style but PersonY's was more bohemian. _ bought some clothes from the haute couture store. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very elegant style but PersonY's was more bohemian. _ bought some clothes from the vintage thrift store."} {"input": "Context Word: ribeye.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's ribeye steak was burned unlike PersonY's because _ overcooked it in the cat iron pan. \nSentence 2: PersonX's ribeye steak was burned unlike PersonY's because _ didn't overcook it in the cat iron pan."} {"input": "Context Word: Reception.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx danced more at the reception of their friends wedding than persony but _ got less tired. \nSentence 2: personx danced more at the reception of their friends wedding than persony but _ got more tired."} {"input": "Context Word: dysmorphia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to explain their dysmorphia to PersonY, but _ did not think they understood what he was saying. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to explain their dysmorphia to PersonY, but _ could not understand what he was saying."} {"input": "Context Word: Harry Potter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dressed as Harry Potter for Halloween, but PersonY went as a black cat, because _ was a super fan. \nSentence 2: PersonX dressed as Harry Potter for Halloween, but PersonY went as a black cat, because _ was not a fan."} {"input": "Context Word: Harry Potter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to read fiction while PersonY preferred non-fiction. _ thought Harry Potter was magical. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to read fiction while PersonY preferred non-fiction. _ thought Harry Potter was stupid."} {"input": "Context Word: nightmares.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often awoke with nightmares while PersonY was fast asleep. _ was a very light sleeper. \nSentence 2: PersonX often awoke with nightmares while PersonY was fast asleep . _ was a very deep sleeper."} {"input": "Context Word: board.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX blocked PersonY from seeing what the teacher wrote on the board and _ is sorry. \nSentence 2: PersonX blocked PersonY from seeing what the teacher wrote on the board and _ is upset."} {"input": "Context Word: board.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to buy a good cutting board and asks for PersonY's advice, because _ wants quality cutting board. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to buy a good cutting board and asks for PersonY's advice, because _ is a chef."} {"input": "Context Word: dahlias.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to grow dahlias in pot so she asks her friend PersonY if she wants to join her, because _ doesn't want to do it herself. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to grow dahlias in pot so she asks her friend PersonY if she wants to join her, so _ accepts her offer."} {"input": "Context Word: babysitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: A babysitter isn't a need that PersonX has, but is one that PersonY requires. _ is single. \nSentence 2: A babysitter isn't a need that PersonX has, but is one that PersonY requires. _ is a parent."} {"input": "Context Word: babysitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not call a babysitter for the night but PersonY did because _ was staying in. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not call a babysitter for the night but PersonY did because _ was going out."} {"input": "Context Word: sail a boat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wanted to go learn how to sail a boat and asked PersonY for lessons because _ had never sailed before. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wanted to go learn how to sail a boat and asked PersonY for lessons because _ had frequently sailed before."} {"input": "Context Word: teddy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scared of the dark, but PersonY was not so _ had a teddy bear to sleep with. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sleeping better in the dark, but PersonY was not so _ had a teddy bear to sleep with."} {"input": "Context Word: corner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX backed PersonY into the small corner during the heated argument because _ was dominant. \nSentence 2: PersonX backed PersonY into the small corner during the heated argument because _ was submissive."} {"input": "Context Word: corner.", "output": "Sentence 1: The corner of PersonX's street had more debris than PersonY's because _ street had some problems. \nSentence 2: The corner of PersonX's street had more debris than PersonY's because _ street had zero problems."} {"input": "Context Word: hot air balloon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought taking a hot air balloon ride would be exciting but not PersonY. _ was happy to get a trip in one for their birthday. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought taking a hot air balloon ride would be exciting but not PersonY. _ was not happy to get a trip in one for their birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: India.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was from India and PersonY was from China, _ preferred Indian food over Chinese food. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was from India and PersonY was from China, _ preferred Chinese food over Indian food."} {"input": "Context Word: India.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to eat spicy curry but PersonY liked tacos better. _ took a trip to India for the food. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to eat spicy curry but PersonY liked tacos better. _ took a trip to Mexico instead of India."} {"input": "Context Word: India.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was born in India, while PersonY was born in the US, so _ is an Indian. \nSentence 2: PersonX was born in India, while PersonY was born in the US, so _ is an American."} {"input": "Context Word: India.", "output": "Sentence 1: Setting up a company in India is easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ has lived there a long time. \nSentence 2: Setting up a company in India is easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ has lived there a short time."} {"input": "Context Word: good.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get accepted to college because _ got good grades in high school. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get accepted to college because _ did not get good grades in high school."} {"input": "Context Word: good.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a good diet compared to PersonY because _ loved eating salads for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a good diet compared to PersonY because _ hated eating salads for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: good.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a very good lifestyle compared to PersonY because _ relaxes and goes on vacation often. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a very good lifestyle compared to PersonY because _ works and never goes on vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: good.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more giving to the homeless than PersonY because _ likes to do good things. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more giving to the homeless than PersonY because _ doesn't like to do good things."} {"input": "Context Word: good.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really very good at hockey whereas PersonY was not because _ was very energetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really very good at hockey whereas PersonY was not because _ was very lethargic."} {"input": "Context Word: good.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at physics but PersonY was not because _ was very scientific. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at physics but PersonY was not because _ was not at all scientific."} {"input": "Context Word: good.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to athletics PersonX was very good but PersonY was not because _ was a good athlete. \nSentence 2: When it came to athletics PersonX was very good but PersonY was not because _ was a poor athlete."} {"input": "Context Word: menstruation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY went to the gynecologist to ask for birth control because _ had irregular menstruation. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY went to the gynecologist to ask for birth control because _ had regular menstruation."} {"input": "Context Word: camper.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX hates the outdoors and did not own a camper while PersonY owned one, _ rarely went camping. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX hates the outdoors and did not own a camper while PersonY owned one, _ often went camping."} {"input": "Context Word: works.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX works diligently on homework but PersonY skips them, _ always makes good grades. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX works diligently on homework but PersonY skips them, _ always makes bad grades."} {"input": "Context Word: regarded.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX regarded PersonY as one of their best friends of all time, so _ went out of their way to please them. \nSentence 2: PersonX regarded PersonY as one of their best friends of all time, because _ went out of their way to please them."} {"input": "Context Word: Instagram.", "output": "Sentence 1: On social media, PersonX doesn't like Instagram, but PersonY does. _ isn't a big fan of pictures. \nSentence 2: On social media, PersonX doesn't like Instagram, but PersonY does. _ is a big fan of pictures."} {"input": "Context Word: chosen.", "output": "Sentence 1: The meat PersonX has chosen will me delivered on Friday the man tells PersonY, _ is waiting on some meat. \nSentence 2: The meat PersonX has chosen will me delivered on Friday the man tells PersonY, _ is waiting on a meat delivery."} {"input": "Context Word: boomerang.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw the boomerang when PersonY intercepted it, but _ was very happy to get it back. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw the boomerang when PersonY intercepted it, but _ was very happy to give it back."} {"input": "Context Word: Storage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a storage locker which had rare paintings while PersonY bought one full of mattresses. _ realized a windfall on their investment. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a storage locker which had rare paintings while PersonY bought one full of mattresses. _ realized a loss on their investment."} {"input": "Context Word: dimentia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was taken to the hospital by PersonY because they had dimentia, and _ needed to get treatment for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was taken to the hospital by PersonY because they had dimentia, and _ wanted them to get treatment for it."} {"input": "Context Word: pH.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX understood chemistry more than PersonY so _ was explaining about the pH scale to the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX understood chemistry more than PersonY so _ was learning about the pH scale from the other."} {"input": "Context Word: squirrels.", "output": "Sentence 1: Last week, PersonX chewed out PersonY for shooting his BB gun at the squirrels, because _ thought they were cute. \nSentence 2: Last week, PersonX chewed out PersonY for shooting his BB gun at the squirrels, because _ was only doing it for sport."} {"input": "Context Word: dribbling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at dribbling a basketball than PersonY because _ practices his skill everyday. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at dribbling a basketball than PersonY yet _ practices his skill everyday."} {"input": "Context Word: dribbling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dribbling around the court much quicker than PersonY because _ is lighter on the feet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dribbling around the court much quicker than PersonY although _ is lighter on the feet."} {"input": "Context Word: macbook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a new macbook and asks for PersonY's advice on using it, because _ has no experience with macbooks. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a new macbook and asks for PersonY's advice on using it, because _ has a lot of experience with macbooks."} {"input": "Context Word: reduce the amount of calories.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fatter than PersonY so _ started to reduce the amount of calories they were eating. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fatter than PersonY so _ didn't need to reduce the amount of calories they were eating."} {"input": "Context Word: Drivers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sought the advice of PersonY on how to install his graphics drivers because _ was a tech novice. \nSentence 2: PersonX sought the advice of PersonY on how to install his graphics drivers because _ was a tech guru."} {"input": "Context Word: roleplaying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was roleplaying, but PersonY took it seriously, so _ ended up fooling them by mistake. \nSentence 2: PersonX was roleplaying, but PersonY took it seriously, so _ ended up believing them by mistake."} {"input": "Context Word: doll.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was crying because PersonY stole their doll. _ was unhappy for the rest of the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was crying because PersonY stole their doll. _ was happy for the rest of the day."} {"input": "Context Word: doll.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX dropped and broke the doll, PersonY started to cry. _ decided to replace it. \nSentence 2: When PersonX dropped and broke the doll, PersonY started to cry. _ asked for a replacement."} {"input": "Context Word: doll.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX gave PersonY a doll for her birthday, she threw it on the ground. _ felt bad that her gift wasn't appreciated. \nSentence 2: When PersonX received a doll from PersonY for her birthday, she threw it on the ground. _ felt bad that her gift wasn't appreciated."} {"input": "Context Word: month.", "output": "Sentence 1: Last month PersonX went on vacation but not PersonY because _ had to take time off. \nSentence 2: Last month PersonX went on vacation but not PersonY because _ had to work every day."} {"input": "Context Word: ritual.", "output": "Sentence 1: Performing a satanic ritual suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was associated with paganism. \nSentence 2: Performing a satanic ritual suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not associated with paganism."} {"input": "Context Word: cookie dough.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making cookie dough for Christmas cookies suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked to bake. \nSentence 2: Making cookie dough for Christmas cookies suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't like to bake."} {"input": "Context Word: lived.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to keep in touch with their friends than PersonY because _ lived farther away from their friends. \nSentence 2: It was harder for PersonX to keep in touch with their friends than PersonY because _ lived closer to their friends."} {"input": "Context Word: screen protector.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help with the screen protector as _ knew how to apply one. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked by PersonY for help with the screen protector as _ knew how to apply one."} {"input": "Context Word: straight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always stood and sat up very straight, but PersonY never did, because _ had bad posture. \nSentence 2: PersonX always stood and sat up very straight, but PersonY never did, because _ had good posture."} {"input": "Context Word: competition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prepared PersonY for his baton competition and he scored a gold medal, because _ is a good trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX prepared PersonY for his baton competition and he scored a gold medal, because _ is a good trainee."} {"input": "Context Word: competition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY in a baking competition although _ doesn't like to eat sugar. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY in a baking competition because _ does like to eat sugar."} {"input": "Context Word: competition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won a soccer competition against PersonY, and _ received a trophy as a result. \nSentence 2: PersonX won a soccer competition against PersonY, and _ did not receive a trophy as a result."} {"input": "Context Word: competition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ was so angry after he lost the singing competition. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted at PersonY because _ was so angry after he lost the singing competition."} {"input": "Context Word: competition.", "output": "Sentence 1: The competition was a lot more fierce for PersonX than PersonY because _ was still in the tournament. \nSentence 2: The competition was a lot more fierce for PersonX than PersonY because _ was eliminated from the tournament."} {"input": "Context Word: recognized.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recognized an inherent talent in PersonY, so _ asked them to star in a new movie. \nSentence 2: PersonX recognized an inherent talent in PersonY, so _ was asked to star in a new movie."} {"input": "Context Word: lint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never emptied the lint trap in their dryer and caused a fire that PersonY could not put out, so _ was tried for arson. \nSentence 2: PersonX never emptied the lint trap in their dryer and caused a fire that PersonY could not put out, but _ was tried for arson."} {"input": "Context Word: tendinitis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX plays tennis less than PersonY so _ doesn't develop elbow tendinitis after a match. \nSentence 2: PersonX plays tennis less than PersonY so _ does develop elbow tendinitis after a match."} {"input": "Context Word: vinyl.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran out of storage space for her vinyl records so she asks PersonY to store them, because _ doesn't want to throw them. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran out of storage space for her vinyl records so she asks PersonY to store them, so _ will help her."} {"input": "Context Word: disaster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not prepared for a natural disaster like PersonY because _ has no knowledge of preparing for a disaster. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not prepared for a natural disaster like PersonY because _ has a lot of knowledge preparing for a disaster."} {"input": "Context Word: Handprint Butterflies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make handprint butterflies for PersonY on their birthday, but _ did not have any hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make handprint butterflies for PersonY on their birthday, so _ lent him his own hands."} {"input": "Context Word: salts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes their own recipe of unique bath salts and PersonY thinks that is a great idea so _ gave them as a gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes their own recipe of unique bath salts and PersonY thinks that is a great idea so _ received them as a gift."} {"input": "Context Word: old dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The old dog ran up to PersonX but past PersonY, because _ had treats in their pocket. \nSentence 2: The old dog ran past PersonX and up to PersonY, because _ had treats in their pocket."} {"input": "Context Word: kill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was on a mission to kill PersonY, because _ was a sadist who had to have blood. \nSentence 2: PersonX was on a mission to kill PersonY, because _ was a villain who had to be stopped."} {"input": "Context Word: photo.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the group photo, PersonX was placed in front of the group and PersonY was placed in back, because _ was short. \nSentence 2: In the group photo, PersonX was placed in front of the group and PersonY was placed in back, because _ was tall."} {"input": "Context Word: photo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to have their photo taken but PersonY did not because _ was very confident about their appearance. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to have their photo taken but PersonY did not because _ was very unsure\r about their appearance."} {"input": "Context Word: photo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would pose for photos with their friends while PersonY only liked seflies. _ was more gregarious. \nSentence 2: PersonX would pose for photos with their friends while PersonY only liked seflies. _ was more unsociable."} {"input": "Context Word: photo.", "output": "Sentence 1: The manager asked PersonX rather than PersonY to grab the photo off of the wall because _ is tall. \nSentence 2: The manager asked PersonX rather than PersonY to grab the photo off of the wall because _ is short."} {"input": "Context Word: donate.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was unrealistic for PersonX to donate to charity as opposed to PersonY because _ lived in poverty. \nSentence 2: It was unrealistic for PersonX to donate to charity as opposed to PersonY because _ lived in luxury."} {"input": "Context Word: donate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would receive good karma because _ would always take some money and donate it to charity. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would receive good karma because _ would never take some money and donate it to charity."} {"input": "Context Word: sleeping.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had trouble sleeping while PersonY went to bed early, _ woke up exhausted. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had trouble sleeping while PersonY went to bed early, _ woke up refreshed."} {"input": "Context Word: sleeping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been sleeping a lot better than PersonY has been due to _ being more relaxed. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been sleeping a lot better than PersonY has been due to _ being more stressed."} {"input": "Context Word: sleeping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a lot of their time sleeping but PersonY did not as _ was very lazy. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a lot of their time sleeping but PersonY did not as _ was very energetic."} {"input": "Context Word: sleeping.", "output": "Sentence 1: The newborn baby kept PersonX awake and not sleeping but not PersonY, because _ had sensitive hearing. \nSentence 2: The newborn baby kept PersonX awake and not sleeping but not PersonY despite _ having sensitive hearing."} {"input": "Context Word: sleeping.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher always yells at PersonX for sleeping in class, but not PersonY. This is because _ is the teacher's nemesis. \nSentence 2: The teacher always yells at PersonX for sleeping in class, but not PersonY. This is because _ is the teacher's favorite."} {"input": "Context Word: World War 2.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX, not PersonY, was alive during World War 2 because _ has many more years than the other person. \nSentence 2: PersonX, not PersonY, wasn't alive during World War 2 because _ has many more years than the other person."} {"input": "Context Word: medical marijuana.", "output": "Sentence 1: The chronic and untreatable back pain made PersonX talk to her doctor PersonY about medical marijuana. _ got a prescription for it at her next appointment. \nSentence 2: The chronic and untreatable back pain made PersonX talk to her doctor PersonY about medical marijuana. _ wrote a prescription for it at her next appointment."} {"input": "Context Word: Train.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always wanted to be a flight attendant but PersonY had always wanted to be a pilot. _ went to school to train as a flight attendant. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always wanted to be a flight attendant but PersonY had always wanted to be a pilot. _ went to school to train as a jet pilot."} {"input": "Context Word: solve.", "output": "Sentence 1: Despite his best efforts, PersonX could not solve PersonY's riddle because _ was not very smart. \nSentence 2: Despite his best efforts, PersonX could not solve PersonY's riddle because _ was very clever."} {"input": "Context Word: solve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to solve equations well while PersonY did not, so _ always got As in advanced math classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to solve equations well while PersonY did not, so _ never got As in advanced math classes."} {"input": "Context Word: arthritis.", "output": "Sentence 1: Drinking milk was important to PersonX but not PersonY as _ was scared of getting arthritis. \nSentence 2: Drinking milk was important to PersonX but not PersonY as _ was not scared of getting arthritis."} {"input": "Context Word: arthritis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to see PersonY for a medication for the arthritis when _ could not stand the pain anymore. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to see PersonY for a medication for the arthritis and _ could not see the pain he was in."} {"input": "Context Word: arthritis.", "output": "Sentence 1: The arthritis of PersonX is a problem, but PersonY's has been relieved lately. That's because _ doesn't take reliable medication for it. \nSentence 2: The arthritis of PersonX is a problem, but PersonY's has been relieved lately. That's because _ doesn't take crappy medication for it."} {"input": "Context Word: frightened.", "output": "Sentence 1: The new haunted house was perfect for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was easily frightened. \nSentence 2: The new haunted house was perfect for PersonX but not PersonY because _ wasn't easily frightened."} {"input": "Context Word: taking steps to correct their behavior.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would be release from prison early because _ spent time taking steps to correct their behavior. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would be release from prison early because _ spent no time taking steps to correct their behavior."} {"input": "Context Word: wanted carpeting on the floor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted carpeting on the floor and PersonY didn't because _ knew that vacuuming was easier than sweeping. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted carpeting on the floor and PersonY didn't because _ knew that sweeping was cleaner than vacuuming."} {"input": "Context Word: New York City.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had fun visiting New York City but PersonY didn't find the city enticing. _ had some great photos of the Empire State building. \nSentence 2: PersonX had fun visiting New York City but PersonY didn't find the city enticing. _ had some great photos of their family."} {"input": "Context Word: New York City.", "output": "Sentence 1: Visiting New York City interested PersonX but not PersonY because _ enjoys being around crowds of people. \nSentence 2: Visiting New York City interested PersonX but not PersonY because _ hates being around crowds of people."} {"input": "Context Word: medical records.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to see PersonY's medical records. _ thought he should be taking medication for this disease. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to see PersonY's medical records. _ was supposed to be taking medication for this disease."} {"input": "Context Word: measuring tape.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to hand him the measuring tape because _ had to measure the wall to center the picture. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to hand him the measuring tape, but _ already measured the wall to center the picture."} {"input": "Context Word: measuring tape.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed a measuring tape from PersonY because _ was building a new deck outside. \nSentence 2: PersonX lent a measuring tape to PersonY because _ was building a new deck outside."} {"input": "Context Word: book review.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a long time on their book review but PersonY didn't, so _ scored a high grade on their assignment. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a long time on their book review but PersonY didn't, so _ scored a low grade on their assignment."} {"input": "Context Word: mice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to get rid of some mice so they asked PersonY for help because _ didn't have a humane trap. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to get rid of some mice so they asked PersonY for help because _ did have a humane trap."} {"input": "Context Word: mice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved animals more than PersonY so _ liked to play with mice and watch them run around. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated animals more than PersonY so _ liked to play with mice and watch them run around."} {"input": "Context Word: mice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks mice are a good pet but PersonY does not. _ bought some mice at the pet store. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks mice are a good pet but PersonY does not. _ bought some hamsters at the pet store."} {"input": "Context Word: scan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was working on a history projec, and asked to scan PersonY's old family photos, because _ needed a copy of the photos. \nSentence 2: PersonX was working on a history projec, and asked to scan PersonY's old family photos, because _ owned the photos."} {"input": "Context Word: forecast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was convinced that PersonY could accurately forecast the weather, so _ always asked for predictions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was convinced that PersonY could accurately forecast the weather, because _ always gave correct predictions."} {"input": "Context Word: forecast.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to stocks, PersonX trusts the forecast that PersonY has given. _ is a new investor. \nSentence 2: When it comes to stocks, PersonX trusts the forecast that PersonY has given. _ is an experienced investor."} {"input": "Context Word: prescription.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for a prescription to treat their flu because _ wanted to get better. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for a prescription to treat their flu because _ was a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: prescription.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help read the doctor's prescription, because _ had forgotten to bring reading glasses. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help read the doctor's prescription, because _ had remembered to bring reading glasses."} {"input": "Context Word: prescription.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a prescription for cholesterol medicine but not PersonY because _ ate a diet filled with bacon. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a prescription for cholesterol medicine but not PersonY because _ ate a diet filled with vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: prescription.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's takes prescription pills, but PersonY does not, so _ is likely to be addicted. \nSentence 2: PersonX's takes prescription pills, but PersonY does not, so _ is likely to be sober."} {"input": "Context Word: prescription.", "output": "Sentence 1: The prescription that PersonX wrote for PersonY's medication was hard to read, because _ had terrible handwriting. \nSentence 2: The prescription that PersonX wrote for PersonY's medication was hard to read, but _ understood because they also had terrible handwriting."} {"input": "Context Word: blush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt them blush went looking at PersonY because _ had a crush on the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt them blush went looking at PersonY but _ had a crush on the other."} {"input": "Context Word: blush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was watching makeup tutorials while PersonY was not because _ wanted to know how to put blush on correctly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was watching makeup tutorials while PersonY was not because _ wanted to forget how to put blush on correctly."} {"input": "Context Word: blush.", "output": "Sentence 1: When speaking to their crush PersonX would blush but PersonY did not because _ was very shy. \nSentence 2: When speaking to their crush PersonX would blush but PersonY did not because _ was very bold."} {"input": "Context Word: sweating.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting ready to go on to stage, PersonX was sweating whereas PersonY was whistling because _ was anxious. \nSentence 2: Getting ready to go on to stage, PersonX was sweating whereas PersonY was whistling because _ was relaxed."} {"input": "Context Word: sweating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sweating heavily and PersonY was barely perspiring during their workout, _ wanted to stop. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sweating heavily and PersonY was barely perspiring during their workout, _ wanted to continue."} {"input": "Context Word: sweating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked out more than PersonY so it was no coincidence that _ sweating more daily. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked out more than PersonY so it was no coincidence that _ sweating less daily."} {"input": "Context Word: fashion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better fashion sense than PersonY because _ always stayed up with the new trends. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better fashion sense than PersonY because _ always fell behind on the new trends."} {"input": "Context Word: fashion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated anything to do with fashion unlike PersonY, because _ thought it was boring. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved everything to do with fashion unlike PersonY, because _ thought it was boring."} {"input": "Context Word: fashion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very into the latest fashions, PersonY is not therefore _ would be the best person to advise you about ankle boots. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very into the latest fashions, PersonY is not therefore _ would not be the best person to advise you about ankle boots."} {"input": "Context Word: fashion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to wear high fashion clothing while PersonY liked to shoot it; _ was a model. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to wear high fashion clothing while PersonY liked to shoot it; _ was a photographer."} {"input": "Context Word: fashion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dropped off at the fashion show by PersonY because _ needed a car to go there. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dropped off at the fashion show by PersonY because _ owned a car to go there."} {"input": "Context Word: fashion.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing the latest most stylish fashion was very important to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ wanted to be a trendsetter. \nSentence 2: Wearing the latest most stylish fashion was very important to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ had no interest in being a trendsetter."} {"input": "Context Word: fashion.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing the new strange hat fashion was PersonX's style and not PersonY's because _ was trendy. \nSentence 2: Wearing the new strange hat fashion was PersonX's style and not PersonY's because _ was conservative."} {"input": "Context Word: birthday.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very bad birthday party compared too PersonY's, because _ had two people show up. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very bad birthday party compared too PersonY's, because _ had fifty people show up."} {"input": "Context Word: birthday.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated sweets but PersonY loved them which made _ irritated to receive a large birthday cake. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated sweets but PersonY loved them which made _ ecstatic to receive a large birthday cake."} {"input": "Context Word: birthday.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to have a birthday party but PersonY does not care, as _ loves dancing with friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to have a birthday party but PersonY does not care, as _ loves relaxing alone."} {"input": "Context Word: birthday.", "output": "Sentence 1: Turning 40 made for an intimidating birthday for PersonX while PersonY felt still young due to _ being still single and searching. \nSentence 2: Turning 40 made for an intimidating birthday for PersonX while PersonY felt still young due to _ being still married and satisfied."} {"input": "Context Word: birthday.", "output": "Sentence 1: Unwrapping presents was great fun to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was having a birthday party. \nSentence 2: Unwrapping presents was great fun to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not having a birthday party."} {"input": "Context Word: chin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a lump on his chin after PersonY accidentally hit him with a baseball bat, so _ felt angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a lump on his chin after PersonY accidentally hit him with a baseball bat, so _ felt guilty."} {"input": "Context Word: chilli.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating foods with chilli made PersonX very happy but not PersonY because _ liked their food very spicy. \nSentence 2: Eating foods with chilli made PersonX very happy but not PersonY because _ liked their food very mild."} {"input": "Context Word: coworkers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't stand PersonY and their other coworkers, so _ decided it was time to report them all. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't stand PersonY and their other coworkers, so _ decided it was time they reported him."} {"input": "Context Word: Cell phone.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx had persony cell phone more than his own although _ cell phone is bigger. \nSentence 2: personx had persony cell phone more than his own because _ cell phone is bigger."} {"input": "Context Word: reason.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't give PersonY a reason for why they were being mean, even though _ owed them an explanation. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't give PersonY a reason for why they were being mean, even though _ asked for an explanation."} {"input": "Context Word: credit score.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an excellent credit score but PersonY did not. _ got a great rate on a home loan. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an excellent credit score but PersonY did not. _ got a terrible rate on a home loan."} {"input": "Context Word: credit score.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY to help them check their credit score because _ wanted a loan. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY to help them check their credit score because _ was an accountant."} {"input": "Context Word: credit score.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's credit score was great while PersonY's was bad because _ paid all of their bills on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX's credit score was great while PersonY's was bad because _ paid all of their bills late."} {"input": "Context Word: MBA.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went on to get an MBA after college, while PersonY did not, because _ was granted a loan for school. \nSentence 2: PersonX went on to get an MBA after college, while PersonY did not, because _ was denied a loan for school."} {"input": "Context Word: honor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to honor PersonY at their funeral by singing a song, because _ was a mourning loved one. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to honor PersonY at their funeral by singing a song, because _ was a dead loved one."} {"input": "Context Word: creams.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had tried a large variety of creams for their skin but PersonY had not. _ was much more adventurous. \nSentence 2: PersonX had tried a large variety of creams for their skin but PersonY had not. _ was much less adventurous."} {"input": "Context Word: blackheads.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having blackheads made PersonX self-conscious, but PersonY didn't care about having them. _ had always been self-conscious about their skin. \nSentence 2: Having blackheads made PersonX self-conscious, but PersonY didn't care about having them. _ had always been confident about their skin."} {"input": "Context Word: blackheads.", "output": "Sentence 1: Skincare was important to PersonX but not PersonY, as _ simply couldn't stand having blackheads. \nSentence 2: Skincare was important to PersonX but not PersonY, as _ simply couldn't care less about having blackheads."} {"input": "Context Word: quit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Lately, PersonX has been trying to quit drinking and PersonY hasn't. So, _ is likely an alcoholic. \nSentence 2: Lately, PersonX has been trying to quit drinking and PersonY hasn't. So, _ is likely a light drinker."} {"input": "Context Word: quit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was looking for a new job because _ wanted to quit working for the library. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was looking for a new job because _ did not want to quit working for the library."} {"input": "Context Word: Tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not climb as high in the tree as PersonY, because _ had shorter arms. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not climb as high in the tree as PersonY, because _ had longer arms."} {"input": "Context Word: sausages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to buy sausages to cook for dinner at the supermarket but _ left the house already. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to buy sausages to cook for dinner at the store but _ forgot to tell them."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: After seeing the missing poster PersonX realized they had found personY's dog so _ was given a reward. \nSentence 2: After seeing the missing poster PersonX realized they had found personY's dog so _ gave her a reward."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: At PersonX house you will find a pet dog at PersonY house you wiil find a ant-farm, _ likes pet mammals. \nSentence 2: At PersonX house you will find a pet dog at PersonY house you wiil find a ant-farm, _ likes pet insects."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had been bitten by a dog but PersonY had good experiences around dogs, _ was scared of dogs. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had been bitten by a dog but PersonY had good experiences around dogs, _ loved dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX owned a cat while PersonY owned a dog, _ needed to buy catnip. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX owned a cat while PersonY owned a dog, _ needed to buy milk-bones."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because the dog was trained by PersonX and not PersonY, _ was followed by the dog far more frequently. \nSentence 2: Because the dog was trained by PersonX and not PersonY, _ was followed by the dog far less frequently."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Dogs seem to like PersonX and not PersonY because _ has a friendly disposition and is very gentle with them. \nSentence 2: Dogs seem to like PersonX and not PersonY because _ has an unfriendly disposition and is very rough with them."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was a good idea to take PersonX but not PersonY to the dog park because _ loved dogs. \nSentence 2: It was a good idea to take PersonX but not PersonY to the dog park because _ was afraid of dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: On a sunny day in the park, PersonX told PersonY _ hoped not to encounter a dog. \nSentence 2: On a sunny day in the park, PersonX asked PersonY if _ hoped not to encounter a dog."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's dog got sick, so PersonY gave him a cure because _ was the pet owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's dog got sick, so PersonY gave him a cure because _ was the veterinarian."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always boasted about their dog but PersonY did not. _ had a pedigree dog. Both loved their dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX always boasted about their dog but PersonY did not. _ had a mongrel dog. Both loved their dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them catch their dog because _ couldn't run very fast. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them catch their dog because _ was a quick runner."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to take their dog for a walk because _ needed to work. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to take their dog for a walk because _ was home all day."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to walk their dog and wash the dirty dishes because _ was late for work. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to walk their dog and wash the dirty dishes because _ had the day off."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what park the dog liked to go to, because _ he could not remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what park the dog liked to go to, but _ he could not remember."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY a dog for their birthday because _ knows they will take good care of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX won't buy PersonY a dog for their birthday because _ will not take good care of it."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought their dog to the park and PersonY went alone, and _ walked their dog along the path. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought their dog to the park and PersonY went alone, and _ ran alone along the path."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't own a dog, but PersonY has three. This is because _ dislikes animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't own a dog, but PersonY has three. This is because _ loves animals."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave advice about a good diet for a dog to PersonY because _ was a vet. \nSentence 2: PersonX received advice about a good diet for a dog from PersonY because _ was a vet."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a new pet dog for his birthday but not PersonY because _ really likes animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a new pet dog for his birthday but not PersonY because _ is allergic to dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a new puppy from the animal shelter, but PersonY got a cat instead, because _ loved dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a new puppy from the animal shelter, but PersonY got a cat instead, because _ feared dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got about with a seeing-eye dog but PersonY did not because _ was blind. \nSentence 2: PersonX got about with a seeing-eye dog but PersonY did not because _ was sighted."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a dog that was always barking at PersonY which made _ proud of the dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a dog that was always barking at PersonY which made _ terrified of the dog."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always loved dogs but PersonY was a cat person, as _ was bitten by a cat as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always loved dogs but PersonY was a cat person, as _ was bitten by a dog as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had dog that was well behaved but PersonY had a rowdy dog. _ had taken their dog to a trainer for behavior lessons. \nSentence 2: PersonX had dog that was well behaved but PersonY had a rowdy dog. _ hadn't taken their dog to a trainer for behavior lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a few dogs running around their house while PersonY has no pets. _ loves animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a few dogs running around their house while PersonY has no pets. _ hates animals."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a golden retriever and PersonY is allergic to dogs, _ took his dog to the park. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a golden retriever and PersonY is allergic to dogs, _ went to the park."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently adopted a blind dog from PersonY and now needs help, because _ she has never had a dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently adopted a blind dog from PersonY and now needs help, so _ got rid of her dog."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a dog and needs help from PersonY selecting the bed, because _ has never before owned a dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a dog and needs help from PersonY selecting the bed, because _ is a dog owner."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped out PersonY groom the dog because _ was very experienced with dog care. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped out PersonY groom the dog even though _ was very experienced with dog care."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired a trainer named PersonY to help with his new dog, but _ found his dominance methods unappealing. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired a trainer named PersonY to help with his new dog, but _ 's dominance methods were unappealing."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always the one picking up dog poop in the yard while PersonY is sleeping, as _ is proud. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always the one picking up dog poop in the yard while PersonY is sleeping, as _ is lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is helping PersonY to choose a female dog for a dog breeding, because _ is a dog trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX is helping PersonY to choose a female dog for a dog breeding, because _ needs his help."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is trying to make PersonY's wiener dog happy, because _ is left alone with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX is trying to make PersonY's wiener dog happy, because _ is currently not here."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY didn't like cats at all, so _ brought an orphaned dog to take care of. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY didn't like cats at all, so _ received an orphaned dog to take care of."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX left their dog and cat with PersonY because they trusted them and _ was going on vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX left their dog and cat with PersonY because they trusted them and _ was a professional pet sitter."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked a calmer dog while PersonY favored an energetic dog. _ rescued an aging dog from the animal shelter. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked a calmer dog while PersonY favored an energetic dog. _ rescued a young puppy dog from the animal shelter."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked playing with PersonY's dog and _ was shocked when the dog rolled over and played dead. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked playing with PersonY's dog and _ was whistling when the dog rolled over and played dead."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to have a dog as pet but PersonY does not. _ adopts a dog from the shelter. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to have a dog as pet but PersonY does not. _ adopts a cat from the shelter."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived in a rougher part of town than PersonY, so _ trained their dog as a guard dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived in a rougher part of town than PersonY, so _ trained their dog as a lap dog."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked all over the neighborhood for their missing dog until PersonY called and _ got their dog back. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked all over the neighborhood for their missing dog until PersonY called and _ gave the dog back."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to pet a dog but PersonY was allergic. _ petted dogs every chance they got. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to pet a dog but PersonY was allergic. _ avoided dogs every chance they got."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed that PersonY's dog wasn't eating, so _ suggested mixing wet dog food with dry food. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed that PersonY's dog wasn't eating, so they suggested mixing _ 's wet dog food with dry food."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to walk PersonY's dog every day for a week, because _ needed some extra money. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to walk PersonY's dog every day for a week, because _ was going out of town."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only likes dogs for pets while PersonY only likes cats, so _ went to buy a new puppy. \nSentence 2: PersonX only likes dogs for pets while PersonY only likes cats, so _ went to buy a new kitten."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned a cat and PersonY owned a dog, so _ never played fetch with her pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned a cat and PersonY owned a dog, so _ often played fetch with her pet."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned a dog while PersonY owned a snake, and _ fed their pet dog food. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned a dog while PersonY owned a snake, and _ fed their pet mice."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid PersonY to board the family dog at the kennel for a week, because _ was going on vacation. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid PersonY to board the family dog at the kennel for a week, because _ was the kennel owner."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid PersonY to wash their large dog today because _ was busy all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid PersonY to wash their large dog today because _ was free all day."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really like dogs but PersonY is allergic to them. _ petted the cute puppy. \nSentence 2: PersonX really like dogs but PersonY is allergic to them. _ avoided the cute puppy."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent less on dog food than PersonY because _ had a puppy dog at their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent less on dog food than PersonY because _ had an adult dog at their house."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to train the new dog because _ was an animal trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to train the new dog although _ was an animal trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the dog was stinky while PersonY seemed to not mind because _ has a sensitive nose. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the dog was stinky while PersonY seemed to not mind because _ has a clogged nose."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took their new puppy to the office of PersonY to get vaccinated, because _ was a responsible dog veterinarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX took their new puppy to the office of PersonY to get vaccinated, because _ was a responsible dog owner."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a dog and PersonY does not because _ is a warm and happy person. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a dog and PersonY does not because _ is a stern and sad person."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a dog for their birthday from PersonY but _ was sure they wouldn't give it to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a dog for their birthday from PersonY but _ was sure they would give it to them."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy PersonY a dog because _ loved to take care of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to give PersonY a dog because _ loved to take care of them."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to protect their dog this summer so they asked PersonY for advice because _ had never had a dog before. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to protect their dog this summer so they asked PersonY for advice because _ had always had a dog before."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to walk a dog but PersonY did not because _ was naturally energetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to walk a dog but PersonY did not because _ was naturally lethargic."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of PersonY's big dog so _ decided not to walk by the dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of PersonY's big dog so _ decided not to walk by his house."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was allergic to dogs while PersonY loved them, so _ did not own any dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX was allergic to dogs while PersonY loved them, so _ did own a lot of dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always treated like a dog by PersonY, so people looked upon _ with sympathy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always treated like a dog by PersonY, so people looked upon _ with contempt."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was out walking their dog when they ran into PersonY who they did not like very well, so _ scared them with the dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX was out walking their dog when they ran into PersonY who they did not like very well, so _ got scared of the dog."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was petting the dog while PersonY was shouting at it, so the dog licked _ hand. \nSentence 2: PersonX was petting the dog while PersonY was shouting at it, so the dog bit _ hand."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was rather forgetful compared to PersonY, so _ forgot to feed their dog this morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX was rather forgetful compared to PersonY, so _ remembered to feed their dog this morning."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the person who fed PersonY's dog after dinner so _ didn't have to. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the person who fed PersonY's dog after dinner so _ got paid."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY's house to play with the new dog, but there was no answer. _ was disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY's house to play with the new dog, but there was no answer. _ was at the park."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog is dangerous and she asked PersonY to train her dog, because _ is not good with dog training. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog is dangerous and she asked PersonY to train her dog, because _ is a dog trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog ran out of the house, and PersonY caught the dog, so _ felt very grateful. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog ran out of the house and PersonY caught the dog, so _ felt very appreciated."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's service dog has been bothering PersonY at the coffee shop, so _ apologizes profusely. \nSentence 2: PersonX's service dog has been bothering PersonY at the coffee shop, so _ leaves angrily."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx kicked at the dog while PersonY gave it a treat. The dog growled at _ the rest of the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX kicked at the dog while PersonY gave it a treat. The dog begged at _ the rest of the day."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ brought the dog because PersonX wanted a pet and PersonY needed to get rid of one. \nSentence 2: So _ sold the dog because PersonX wanted a pet and PersonY needed to get rid of one."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cute little dog was the one PersonX gave PersonY after _ found out he was allergic to dogs. \nSentence 2: The cute little dog was the one PersonX gave PersonY because _ he was not allergic to dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog at the dog park ran up to PersonX before PersonY because he could sense that _ was afraid of dogs. \nSentence 2: The dog at the dog park ran up to PersonX before PersonY because he could sense that _ was obsessed with dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog felt comfortable going on a walk with PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very angry. \nSentence 2: The dog felt comfortable going on a walk with PersonX but not PersonY because _ was calm."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog hated PersonX but loved PersonY, so _ started bringing the dog treats to change its mind. \nSentence 2: The dog loved PersonX but hated PersonY, so _ started bringing the dog treats to change its mind."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog licked PersonX on the face rather than PersonY because _ was always nice to him. \nSentence 2: The dog licked PersonX on the face rather than PersonY because _ was always mean to him."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog liked PersonX but it didn't like PersonY very much because _ always fed it. \nSentence 2: The dog liked PersonX but it didn't like PersonY very much because _ always hit it."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX goes on few walks, while PersonY always takes his dog walking, so _ is an irresponsible dog owner. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX goes on few walks, while PersonY always takes his dog walking, so _ is a prudent dog owner."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX is sick, but PersonY's is healthy and just fine. _ 's dog got into some chocolate. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX is sick, but PersonY's is healthy and just fine. _ 's dog didn't get into some chocolate."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX is sick, but PersonY's is not because _ let his dog eat chocolate. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX is healthy, but PersonY's is not because _ let his dog eat chocolate."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX likes to go for walks and swim, but PersonY's just lays around. _ 's dog is probably young. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX likes to go for walks and swim, but PersonY's just lays around. _ 's dog is probably older."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX needs a ramp, but PersonY's can still jump well. _ 's dog is closer to death. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX needs a ramp, but PersonY's can still jump well. _ 's dog is further from death."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX was taller than the dog of PersonY because the dog of _ was several years older. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX was shorter than the dog of PersonY because the dog of _ was several years older."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog off PersonX behaved far better than the cat of PersonY because _ disciplined the cat often. \nSentence 2: The dog off PersonX behaved far worse than the cat of PersonY because _ disciplined the cat often."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog ran past PersonX and up to PersonY because _ was holding the dog's ball. \nSentence 2: The dog ran up to PersonX and ran past PersonY because _ was holding the dog's ball."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog ran up to PersonX and licked them instead of PersonY because _ was the owner. \nSentence 2: The dog ran up to PersonX and licked them instead of PersonY because _ was a stranger."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog ran up to PersonX and past PersonY because _ had a dog treat. \nSentence 2: The dog ran past PersonX and up to PersonY because _ had a dog treat."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog ran up to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a treat for the animal. \nSentence 2: The dog ran away from PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a treat for the animal."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog ran up to PersonX instead of PersonY because _ had a frisbee and a few treats in his hands. \nSentence 2: The dog ran away from PersonX instead of PersonY because _ had a frisbee and a few treats in his hands."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog wagged it's tail at PersonX but not at PersonY, because _ had played with it before. \nSentence 2: The dog wagged it's tail at PersonX but not PersonY, because _ had kicked it before."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: They were scared of PersonX's dog but they thought that PersonY's dog is cute. The dog of _ was so large. \nSentence 2: They were scared of PersonX's dog but they thought that PersonY's dog is cute. The dog of _ was so small."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Volunteering at the animal shelter was a good opportunity for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was in love with dogs. \nSentence 2: Volunteering at the animal shelter was a good opportunity for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was scared of dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: Walking a dog is one of PersonX's job duties but not PersonY because _ is a dog person. \nSentence 2: Walking a dog is one of PersonX's job duties but not PersonY because _ is a cat person."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the pet store PersonX was excited to get the dog more than PersonY because _ loved dogs. \nSentence 2: While at the pet store PersonX was excited to get the dog more than PersonY because _ preferred cats."} {"input": "Context Word: dog.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx room has a strong dog odor because unlike persony because _ air freshener just finished. \nSentence 2: personx room has a strong dog odor because unlike persony because _ air freshener is stronger."} {"input": "Context Word: pack.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY started to get packed for college, and _ thought that they were packing too much. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY started to get packed for college, and _ thought that they were not packing enough."} {"input": "Context Word: backpack.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to carry PersonY's backpack the rest of the way because _ was not tired from the hike. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to carry PersonY's backpack the rest of the way because _ was exhausted from the hike."} {"input": "Context Word: backpack.", "output": "Sentence 1: The backpack PersonX had bought for PersonY was the present _ had picked out for him. \nSentence 2: The backpack PersonX had bought for PersonY was the present _ had asked him for."} {"input": "Context Word: safely.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes sure that PersonY knows how to use the meat slicing machine safely, because _ is responsible for everyone's safety. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes sure that PersonY knows how to use the meat slicing machine safely, because _ is not responsible for their own safety."} {"input": "Context Word: safely.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trained to be able to safely deliver PersonY's infant son, because _ was a doula. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trained to be able to safely deliver PersonY's infant son, because _ was pregnant."} {"input": "Context Word: charcoal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could make lots of charcoal and sell it unlike PersonY because _ lived in a densely wooded area. \nSentence 2: PersonX could make lots of charcoal and sell it unlike PersonY because _ lived in a sparsely wooded area."} {"input": "Context Word: charcoal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to barbecue their meat using charcoal but PersonY prefers gas. _ went to Lowes to buy more charcoal for their cook out. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to barbecue their meat using charcoal but PersonY prefers gas. _ went to Lowes to buy more propane for their cook out."} {"input": "Context Word: offensive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the blue joke that PersonY offensive, because _ was aware of their own privilege. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the blue joke that PersonY offensive, because _ was unaware of their own privilege."} {"input": "Context Word: fed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a bigger dog than PersonY because _ fed their dog much more food. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a smaller dog than PersonY because _ fed their dog much more food."} {"input": "Context Word: good first impression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much cleaner and neater than PersonY, so _ was able to make a good first impression on the new girl. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much cleaner and neater than PersonY, so _ was not able to make a good first impression on the new girl."} {"input": "Context Word: courses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took very difficult courses in university not like PersonY, because _ was studying engineering. \nSentence 2: PersonX took very difficult courses in university not like PersonY, because _ was studying lazily."} {"input": "Context Word: tropical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to take their vacation in tropical climates but PersonY like colder climes better. _ booked their family a trip to Jamaica. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to take their vacation in tropical climates but PersonY like colder climes better. _ booked their family a trip to Iceland."} {"input": "Context Word: blinds.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the house redecoration, PersonX set up blinds for PersonY because _ was paid too. \nSentence 2: During the house redecoration, PersonX set up blinds for PersonY because _ was hiring them too."} {"input": "Context Word: fake.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the grocery store today, PersonX tried to pass off a fake coupon, but PersonY knew _ was trying to scam him. \nSentence 2: In the grocery store today, PersonX tried to pass off fake currency, but PersonY knew he was trying to scam _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: fake.", "output": "Sentence 1: People would describe PersonX as much more fake than PersonY because _ is very materialistic. \nSentence 2: People would describe PersonX as much more fake than PersonY because _ is very humble."} {"input": "Context Word: fake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew what fake news was because _ didn't understand the concept. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she knew what fake news was but _ didn't understand the concept."} {"input": "Context Word: fake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought fake concert tickets while PersonY bought real ones, so _ was denied entry to the concert. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought fake concert tickets while PersonY bought real ones, so _ was allowed entry to the concert."} {"input": "Context Word: fake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to fake that they were asleep so PersonY would stop talking, but _ was clearly awake. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to fake that they were asleep so PersonY would stop talking, but _ kept talking anyway."} {"input": "Context Word: fake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a fake person but PersonY was genuine, as _ was insecure and cared too much of others opinions. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a fake person but PersonY was genuine, as _ was comfortable and didn't care too much of others opinions."} {"input": "Context Word: fake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was called a fake while PersonY was not because _ lied about the experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not called a fake while PersonY was because _ lied about the experience."} {"input": "Context Word: fake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cards that PersonX owned were worth less than those belonging to PersonY because those of _ were fake. \nSentence 2: The cards that PersonX owned were worth more than those belonging to PersonY because those of _ were fake."} {"input": "Context Word: fake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The store sold PersonX a fake phone but not PersonY so _ could not make a call. \nSentence 2: The store sold PersonX a fake phone but not PersonY so _ could still make a call."} {"input": "Context Word: fake.", "output": "Sentence 1: To avoid going to the day-long meeting at work, PersonX faked being sick unlike PersonY, because _ was an irresponsible employee. \nSentence 2: To avoid going to the day-long meeting at work, PersonX faked being sick unlike PersonY, because _ was a reliable employee."} {"input": "Context Word: dwell.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man dwelled on the pain that PersonX caused compared to PersonY, because _ pain was much heavier. \nSentence 2: The man dwelled on the pain that PersonX caused compared to PersonY, because _ pain was much lighter."} {"input": "Context Word: frustration.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finally expressed his frustration with PersonY's actions so _ felt relieved to vent about his behavior. \nSentence 2: PersonX finally expressed his frustration with PersonY's actions so _ felt embarrassed about his behavior."} {"input": "Context Word: hard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finds it hard to get out of bed in the morning, PersonY doesn't therefore _ needs two alarm clocks. \nSentence 2: PersonX finds it hard to get out of bed in the morning, PersonY doesn't therefore _ doesn't need two alarm clocks."} {"input": "Context Word: hard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hard time with the test, while PersonY easily passed, because _ was a poor student. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hard time with the test, while PersonY easily passed, because _ was a dedicated student."} {"input": "Context Word: sandwich.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated ham and cheese sandwiches unlike PersonY because _ was not a fan of ham. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved ham and cheese sandwiches unlike PersonY because _ was not a fan of ham."} {"input": "Context Word: yelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx was yelling so loudly at the basketball game so Persony had to cover her ears and _ lost her voice. \nSentence 2: Personx was yelling so loudly at the basketball game so Persony had to cover her ears and _ lost her hearing."} {"input": "Context Word: yelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boss was yelling at PersonX, but not at PersonY, because _ was always late for work. \nSentence 2: The boss was yelling at PersonX, but not at PersonY, because _ was never late for work."} {"input": "Context Word: tax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for the help from PersonY to file her taxes because _ is new to in tax filing. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for the help from PersonY to file her taxes because _ is experienced in tax filing."} {"input": "Context Word: tax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to pay less tax than PersonY because _ made less money in the year. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to pay less tax than PersonY because _ made more money in the year."} {"input": "Context Word: tax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY to complete his tax return for a good refund because _ was very skilled in tax preparation. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonY to complete his tax return for a good refund because _ was unskilled in the tax preparation."} {"input": "Context Word: Personality.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx talked to persony about people hating his personality and _ also cried about it. \nSentence 2: personx talked to persony about people hating his personality and _ showed no concern about it."} {"input": "Context Word: conference.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was upbraided by PersonY because _ used company's money too extravagantly at the conference. \nSentence 2: PersonX was upbraided by PersonY because _ thought he used company's money too extravagantly at the conference."} {"input": "Context Word: to get divorced in Kentucky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to get divorced in Kentucky because _ had lived in Kentucky before. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to get divorced in Kentucky because _ had moved to Kentucky before marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: boil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to boil some water to clean PersonY's soiled clothes, because _ was a butler. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to boil some water to clean PersonY's soiled clothes, because _ was playing in the mud."} {"input": "Context Word: boil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's boil cleared up right away while PersonY's boil got infected due to _ applying medicine sooner. \nSentence 2: PersonX's boil cleared up right away while PersonY's boil got infected due to _ applying medicine later."} {"input": "Context Word: boil.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX is a better cook than PersonY, _ was worse at getting the sous vide to a boil. \nSentence 2: While PersonX is a better cook than PersonY, _ was better at getting the sous vide to a boil."} {"input": "Context Word: homegrown.", "output": "Sentence 1: The reason PersonX buys more homegrown food than PersonY because _ has an strong attachment to the local community. \nSentence 2: The reason PersonX buys more homegrown food than PersonY because _ does not feel an attachment to the local community."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: At yoga class PersonX directed everyone in class, including PersonY, to stretch their inner thighs. _ was an experienced yoga teacher so she could reach her toes. \nSentence 2: At yoga class PersonX directed everyone in class, including PersonY, to stretch their inner thighs. _ was an inexperienced yoga student so she couldn't reach her toes."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always stretches PersonYs legs for them because _ takes care of all the injuries that were sustained. \nSentence 2: PersonX always stretches PersonYs legs for them but _ takes care of all the injuries that were sustained himself."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't stretch as far down as PersonY because _ was had a very rigid body. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't stretch as far down as PersonY because _ was had a very flexible body."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't like to stretch like PersonY, so when it came to the splits _ failed when demonstrating the move. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't like to stretch like PersonY, so when it came to the splits _ succeeded when demonstrating the move."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY with their exercises, as _ knew how to stretch muscles for warming up. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY with their exercises, as _ didn't know how to stretch muscles for warming up."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let PersonY go on a solitary walk and stayed home, because _ wanted to stretch their legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX let PersonY go on a solitary walk and stayed home, although _ wanted to stretch their legs."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made sure to stretch before working out but PersonY never did, so _ never got injuries. \nSentence 2: PersonX made sure to stretch before working out but PersonY never did, so _ frequently got injuries."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pushed PersonY's upper back gently with his hand during the stretch, because _ wanted to help. \nSentence 2: PersonX pushed PersonY's upper back gently with his hand during the stretch, because _ has stiff muscle."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to stretch every morning to be flexible like PersonY, but _ finds it challenging. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to stretch every morning to be flexible like PersonY, and _ finds it flattering."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY to stretch at the gym because _ is a athletic trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY to stretch at the gym because _ is a new member."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: Unlike PersonX, PersonY avoided getting a cramp during the marathon, because _ stretched adequately beforehand. \nSentence 2: Unlike PersonX, PersonY avoided getting a cramp during the marathon, because _ stretched inadequately beforehand."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: When asked about their past, PersonX stretched the truth more than PersonY, because _ was dishonest. \nSentence 2: When asked about their past, PersonX stretched the truth more than PersonY, because _ was truthful."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the gym, PersonX was teaching PersonY to stretch because _ works out regularly. \nSentence 2: While at the gym, PersonX was teaching PersonY to stretch because _ works out infrequently."} {"input": "Context Word: boxers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Boxers were PersonX's favorite dog but PersonY loved miniature poodles. _ thought they were too girly. \nSentence 2: Boxers were PersonX's favorite dog but PersonY loved miniature poodles. _ thought they were too big."} {"input": "Context Word: Trustworthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bank offered to loan PersonX some money but not PersonY because _ had a trustworthy credit score. \nSentence 2: The bank offered to loan PersonX some money but not PersonY because _ had an untrustworthy credit score."} {"input": "Context Word: selling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked if PersonY if they were going to be selling fresh home made apple pie this year, _ is a consumer. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked if PersonY if they were going to be selling fresh home made apple pie this year, _ is a seller."} {"input": "Context Word: selling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was facing jail time because _ was caught selling counterfeit merchandise at the mall. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was facing jail time because _ was not caught selling counterfeit merchandise at the mall."} {"input": "Context Word: cooked.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the morning, PersonX was given a large breakfast cooked by PersonY, because _ was starving. \nSentence 2: In the morning, PersonX was given a large breakfast cooked by PersonY, because _ was generous."} {"input": "Context Word: cooked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked less of a variety of foods than PersonY although _ was taking cooking classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked less of a variety of foods than PersonY because _ was taking cooking classes."} {"input": "Context Word: cinnamon rolls.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX liked cinnamon rolls but PersonY loved them, _ ate cinnamon rolls for breakfast occasionally. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX liked cinnamon rolls but PersonY loved them, _ ate cinnamon rolls for breakfast often."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the baseball game, PersonX was struck by a ball while watching with PersonY. _ had to be driven to the hospital to get treated. \nSentence 2: At the baseball game, PersonX was struck by a ball while watching with PersonY. _ had to drive to the hospital to get help."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to go play baseball with him because he has an extra ball and _ doesn't have one. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to go baseball with him because _ has an extra ball and he doesn't have one."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had tickets to the baseball game and invited PersonY to come along. _ was thrilled his offer was accepted. \nSentence 2: PersonX had tickets to the baseball game and invited PersonY to come along. _ was thrilled with the offer."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved playing baseball on a team with all their friends but PersonY did not because _ enjoyed sports. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved playing baseball on a team with all their friends but PersonY did not because _ did not enjoy sports."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to watch people play baseball but PersonY does not. _ went to the baseball game at the stadium. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to watch people play baseball but PersonY does not. _ went to the football game at the stadium."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used the new baseballs at the field to throw at PersonY because _ was the pitcher. \nSentence 2: PersonX used the new baseballs at the field to throw at PersonY because _ was the catcher."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better baseball player than PersonY because _ plays pretty freuently in a league. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better baseball player than PersonY because _ plays pretty irregularly in a league."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was attempted to be recruited by PersonY to play baseball because _ was the next big thing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was attempted to be recruited by PersonY to play baseball but _ missed the next big thing."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hit by a baseball while watching the game with PersonY. _ screamed because they were in pain from what happened. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hit by a baseball while watching the game with PersonY. _ screamed because they were in shock at what happened."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX loved baseball and PersonY hated it, _ gladly attended the game on Friday. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX loved baseball and PersonY hated it, _ gladly stayed at home on Friday."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baseball game PersonX went to was the one that PersonY was watching on television, so _ caught the game winning ball as it flew to the stands. \nSentence 2: The baseball game PersonX went to was the one that PersonY was watching on television, so _ watched the game winning ball as it flew to the stands."} {"input": "Context Word: baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: The baseball game was close to being tied up by PersonX but not PersonY because _ ran very fast. \nSentence 2: The baseball game was close to being tied up by PersonX but not PersonY because _ ran very slow."} {"input": "Context Word: set a goal.", "output": "Sentence 1: The life coach asked PersonX to set a goal but not PersonY because _ was way behind schedule. \nSentence 2: The life coach asked PersonX to set a goal but not PersonY because _ was way ahead schedule."} {"input": "Context Word: piercing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX begged PersonY to come with them to get a new piercing before _ went back to college. \nSentence 2: PersonX begged PersonY to come with them to get a new piercing after _ went back to college."} {"input": "Context Word: piercing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX braced themself as PersonY put the needle through the ear for the piercing, then _ gave thanks and left. \nSentence 2: PersonX braced themself as PersonY put the needle through the ear for the piercing, then _ gave thanks and saw the next customer."} {"input": "Context Word: piercing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was looked at funny because _ had a huge eyebrow piercing. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was looked at funny because _ did not have a huge eyebrow piercing."} {"input": "Context Word: piercing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got an infection after the piercing unlike PersonY because _ went to a dirty shop. \nSentence 2: PersonX got an infection after the piercing unlike PersonY because _ went to a hygienic shop."} {"input": "Context Word: piercing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more painful experience with a piercing than PersonY because _ got a tongue piercing. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more painful experience with a piercing than PersonY because _ got an ear piercing."} {"input": "Context Word: piercing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to get piercings over the weekend and _ is hoping to hear back soon. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to get piercings over the weekend and _ is hoping to join soon."} {"input": "Context Word: piercing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is thinking about getting a piercing from PersonY's shop, but _ is worried about how sterile the equipment is. \nSentence 2: PersonX is thinking about getting a piercing from PersonY's shop, and _ assures her about how sterile the equipment is."} {"input": "Context Word: piercing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The piercing of PersonX got infected, but PersonY's did not. _ went to a shady piercing shop. \nSentence 2: The piercing of PersonX got infected, but PersonY's did not. _ went to a reputable piercing shop."} {"input": "Context Word: Broken finger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a broken finger and asked PersonY _ to take them to the hospital. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a broken finger and begged PersonY _ to take them to the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: Carpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the look of hardwood floors in a house but PersonY thought carpet was nicer. _ had the contractor put oak boards on their floors. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the look of hardwood floors in a house but PersonY thought carpet was nicer. _ had the contractor put berber carpeting on their floors."} {"input": "Context Word: picnic.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the company picnic, PersonX stayed at the shallow end of the pond and PersonY stayed at the deep end, because _ was unaccomplished at swimming. \nSentence 2: At the company picnic, PersonX stayed at the shallow end of the pond and PersonY stayed at the deep end, because _ was proficient at swimming."} {"input": "Context Word: picnic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it would be romantic to go on a picnic but PersonY thought there were too many bugs. _ suggested they take bug spray. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it would be romantic to go on a picnic but PersonY thought there were too many bugs. _ suggested they eat inside instead."} {"input": "Context Word: Buy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to buy a new couch even though it wasn't needed unlike PersonY because _ was extravagant with money. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to buy a new couch even though it wasn't needed unlike PersonY because _ was tight with money."} {"input": "Context Word: mop.", "output": "Sentence 1: While cleaning the house, PersonX could not find the mop after PersonY cleaned last time because _ was forgetful. \nSentence 2: While cleaning the house, PersonX found the mop after PersonY cleaned last time because _ was OCD."} {"input": "Context Word: smelly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was smelly and avoided by many people but not PersonY because _ had a pungent body aroma. \nSentence 2: PersonX was smelly and avoided by many people but not PersonY because _ had a pleasant body aroma."} {"input": "Context Word: harvest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much better harvest this season than PersonY because _ is an expert farmer. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much better harvest this season than PersonY because _ is an average farmer."} {"input": "Context Word: harvest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very concerned with the harvest whilst PersonY is not because _ is a rural dweller. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very concerned with the harvest whilst PersonY is not because _ is an urban dweller."} {"input": "Context Word: harvest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more excited about the fall harvest than PersonY because _ loved to make cider from the apples. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less excited about the fall harvest than PersonY because _ loved to make cider from the apples."} {"input": "Context Word: harvest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's harvest this year was better than PersonY's, as a result of _ working more. \nSentence 2: PersonX's harvest this year was better than PersonY's, as a result of _ sleeping in more."} {"input": "Context Word: harvest.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since harvest season was right around the corner, PersonX needed PersonY to clear their schedule to help _ with all of the work. \nSentence 2: Since harvest season was right around the corner, PersonX needed PersonY to clear their schedule but _ did not want to help with all of the work."} {"input": "Context Word: harvest.", "output": "Sentence 1: The farmer recruited PersonX but not PersonY to help with the harvest because _ was experienced. \nSentence 2: The farmer recruited PersonX but not PersonY to help with the harvest because _ was inexperienced."} {"input": "Context Word: feeling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found themselves feeling sick more often than PersonY because _ would never wash their hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX found themselves feeling sick more often than PersonY because _ would always wash their hands."} {"input": "Context Word: feeling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was feeling generous today and offered PersonY the first choice in the for deserts, _ leaves feeling complete. \nSentence 2: PersonX was feeling generous today and offered PersonY the first choice in the for deserts, _ leaves feeling delighted."} {"input": "Context Word: pampered.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is often pampered by PersonY due to the fact that _ is a kid. \nSentence 2: PersonX is often pampered by PersonY due to the fact that _ is a caregiver."} {"input": "Context Word: Paintball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very proud because _ won the first and second paintball games against PersonY. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very disappointed because _ won the first and second paintball games against PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: lame horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believes her she has a lame horse and called PersonY to take care of the problem, _ knows what needs to b e done. \nSentence 2: PersonX believes her she has a lame horse and called PersonY to take care of the problem, _ is readty for what needs to b e done."} {"input": "Context Word: co worker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a good co worker, unlike PersonY. _ always asked others if they needed help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a good co worker, unlike PersonY. _ never asked others if they needed help."} {"input": "Context Word: had perfect eyelashes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY had perfect eyelashes because _ had really long eyelashes that didn't need fake eyelashes. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY had perfect eyelashes because _ had really short eyelashes that needed fake eyelashes."} {"input": "Context Word: itchy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX blamed their itchy arm on PersonY, because _ had gotten the poison ivy from them. \nSentence 2: PersonX blamed their itchy arm on PersonY, because _ had given the poison ivy to them."} {"input": "Context Word: itchy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's eyes have been very itchy, but PersonY's have not, so _ must have allergies. \nSentence 2: PersonX's eyes have been very itchy, but PersonY's have not, so _ must not have allergies."} {"input": "Context Word: abused horse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fostered an extremely abused horse because PersonY loved animals and _ loved to make her happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX fostered an extremely abused horse because PersonY loved animals and he wanted to make _ happy."} {"input": "Context Word: shirts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran out of shirts and borrowed one from PersonY, but _ didn't ask permission ahead of time. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran out of shirts and borrowed one from PersonY, but _ didn't give permission ahead of time."} {"input": "Context Word: shirts.", "output": "Sentence 1: The child asked PersonX to hem the shirts instead of PersonY because _ had a sewing machine. \nSentence 2: The child asked PersonX to hem the shirts instead of PersonY because _ did not have a sewing machine."} {"input": "Context Word: immigration.", "output": "Sentence 1: Immigration was an important issue to PersonX but not to PersonY so _ voted for a candidate with a tough stance on it. \nSentence 2: Immigration was an important issue to PersonX but not to PersonY so _ voted for a candidate with a nice smile and good hair."} {"input": "Context Word: immigration.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to pay PersonY an immigration bond because _ was an immigrant being detained without proper documentation. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to pay PersonY an immigration bond because _ was an ICE officer who detains those without proper documentation."} {"input": "Context Word: dirty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not work in an office like PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about getting his clothes dirty. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not work in an office like PersonY, so _ had to worry about getting his clothes dirty."} {"input": "Context Word: dirty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to run home and take a quick shower while PersonY waited because _ felt dirty. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to run home and take a quick shower while PersonY waited because _ wasn't dirty."} {"input": "Context Word: dirty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX seemed to always be cleaning the dirty dishes even they from PersonY's meal. _ was getting tired of this. \nSentence 2: PersonX seemed to always be cleaning the dirty dishes even they from PersonY's meal. _ was thankful for this."} {"input": "Context Word: dirty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very clean and neat while PersonY was messy, so _ never had a dirty room. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very clean and neat while PersonY was messy, so _ always had a dirty room."} {"input": "Context Word: Assaulted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX assaulted PersonY at the restaurant, so the owner called the police to arrest _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX assaulted PersonY at the restaurant, so the owner called the police to help _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: seduce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to explain the ins and outs of how to seduce women to PersonY, because _ was experienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to explain the ins and outs of how to seduce women to PersonY, because _ was virginal."} {"input": "Context Word: piano exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he can prepare him for the piano exam, because _ wasn't experienced enough. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he can prepare him for the piano exam, but _ wasn't experienced enough."} {"input": "Context Word: pickpocket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not trust PersonY at all, even though _ was the real pickpocket . \nSentence 2: PersonX did not trust PersonY at all, even though _ was not a real pickpocket ."} {"input": "Context Word: enjoy.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to have fun on the camping trip because _ learned early how to enjoy the outdoors. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to have fun on the camping trip because _ had not learned how to enjoy the outdoors."} {"input": "Context Word: Roses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to apologize to PersonY for their disagreement, so _ sent them a bouquet of roses. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to apologize to PersonY for their disagreement, so _ was sent a bouquet of roses."} {"input": "Context Word: long jump.", "output": "Sentence 1: In track and field, PersonX can't make it as far in the long jump as PersonY, so _ is likely shorter. \nSentence 2: In track and field, PersonX can't make it as far in the long jump as PersonY, so _ is likely longer."} {"input": "Context Word: nerve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finally got on PersonY's last nerve when they crashed the car, so _ was grounded for a month. \nSentence 2: PersonX finally got on PersonY's last nerve when they crashed the car, so _ grounded them for a month."} {"input": "Context Word: nerve.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of nerve asking PersonY for a loan, after _ had already borrowed a bunch of money. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of nerve asking PersonY for a loan, after _ had already given a bunch of money."} {"input": "Context Word: qualified.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a qualified teacher but PersonY was not as _ was dedicated to their profession. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a qualified teacher but PersonY was not as _ was indifferent to their profession."} {"input": "Context Word: method.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a common method for the problem unlike PersonY because _ was a typical thinker. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a common method for the problem unlike PersonY because _ was a creative thinker."} {"input": "Context Word: method.", "output": "Sentence 1: The method that PersonX used for work was worse than PersonY's because _ system was outdated. \nSentence 2: The method that PersonX used for work was worse than PersonY's because _ system was modern."} {"input": "Context Word: facebook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a computer software expert, PersonY is not so _ should be questioned about how to be safe on facebook. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a computer software expert, PersonY is not so _ should probably not be questioned about how to be safe on facebook."} {"input": "Context Word: facebook.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really doesn't like social media platforms like facebook, unlike PersonY because _ is antisocial. \nSentence 2: PersonX really doesn't like social media platforms like facebook, unlike PersonY because _ is social."} {"input": "Context Word: silverware.", "output": "Sentence 1: Old, antique silverware was passed down from PersonX to her daughter, PersonY, when _ passed away. \nSentence 2: Old, antique silverware was passed down from PersonX to her daughter, PersonY, when _ asked for it."} {"input": "Context Word: silverware.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got silverware for Christmas unlike PersonY because _ needed a nicer set for dinner parties. \nSentence 2: PersonX got silverware for Christmas unlike PersonY because _ already had a nicer set for dinner parties."} {"input": "Context Word: silverware.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shows PersonY how to formally set the silverware because _ has taken etiquette classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX shows PersonY how to formally set the silverware because _ hasn't taken etiquette classes."} {"input": "Context Word: go unnoticed in a crowd.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would be a good private investigator because _ knew how to go unnoticed in a crowd. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would be a good private investigator because _ did not know how to go unnoticed in a crowd."} {"input": "Context Word: annotate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to annotate a novel but not PersonY because _ was taking a writing class. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to annotate a novel but not PersonY because _ was taking a boxing class."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the recital, PersonX's music doesn't sound as good as PersonY's because _ hasn't practiced much. \nSentence 2: At the recital, PersonX's music doesn't sound as good as PersonY's because _ hasn't stopped practicing."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's played his favorite song to PersonY because _ loved to share his favorite music. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's played his favorite song to PersonY because _ loved to listen to shared music."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed the loud music more than PersonY because _ did not have a pounding headache. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed the loud music more than PersonY because _ did have a pounding headache."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better grade in music class than PersonY because _ performed better on the piano. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a better grade in music class than PersonY although _ performed better on the piano."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a far more varied collection of music on their music player than PersonY since _ liked very few genres. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a far more varied collection of music on their music player than PersonY since _ liked very many genres."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked pop music, but PersonY preferred classical music. _ liked music you can dance to. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked pop music, but PersonY preferred classical music. _ liked music with string instruments."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to play music in the club, while PersonY likes to dance to it. _ is the club DJ. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to play music in the club, while PersonY likes to dance to it. _ is the club goer."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to listen to music but PersonY did not. _ bought a big radio at the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to listen to music but PersonY did not. _ bought a big tv at the store."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves loud music while PersonY doesn't because _ doesn't mind loud noises and bass-heavy beats. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves loud music while PersonY doesn't because _ doesn't like loud noises and bass-heavy beats."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to listen to music in the car but PersonY doesn't because _ likes to get pumped up before the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to listen to music in the car but PersonY doesn't because _ likes to relax before the game."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only listens to oldies while PersonY listens to all types of music since _ has a picky taste in music. \nSentence 2: PersonX only listens to oldies while PersonY listens to all types of music since _ has an eclectic taste in music."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took the time to scream at PersonY because _ was so upset about the the loud music. \nSentence 2: PersonX took the time to apologize to PersonY because _ was so upset about the the loud music."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better musician than PersonY, so _ didn't have to practice their music as regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a poorer musician than PersonY, so _ didn't have to practice their music as regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was good at playing music while PersonY was not, so _ started a new band. \nSentence 2: PersonX was good at playing music while PersonY was not, so _ started beginner lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more knowledgable about music than PersonY because _ studied music theory in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less knowledgable about music than PersonY because _ studied music theory in school."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at playing music on the guitar unlike PersonY because _ was very musical. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at playing music on the guitar unlike PersonY because _ was very sporty."} {"input": "Context Word: music.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote music on their guitar while PersonY could not play, and _ had played guitar for years. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote music on their guitar while PersonY could not play, and _ had never played guitar before."} {"input": "Context Word: ferret.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX adopted a ferret, but PersonY was allergic to it. _ was asked to move out. \nSentence 2: PersonX adopted a ferret, but PersonY was allergic to it. _ decided to move out."} {"input": "Context Word: ferret.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a ferret from PersonY, and now _ needs help with care. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a ferret from PersonY, and now _ wants to help with care."} {"input": "Context Word: ferret.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to understand ferret vocalizations more than PersonY, so _ bought a pet ferret. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to understand ferret vocalizations more than PersonY, so _ bought a pet cat."} {"input": "Context Word: competing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is competing on X Factor and asks his menthor PersonY for a help, because _ is inexperienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX is competing on X Factor and asks his menthor PersonY for a help, because _ has won it."} {"input": "Context Word: beverages.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered the round of beverages from PersonY, because _ wanted to buy some drinks. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered the round of beverages from PersonY, because _ wanted to sell some drinks."} {"input": "Context Word: tax preparer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would receive a larger tax refund because _ went to a professional tax preparer. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would receive a larger tax refund because _ did not go to a professional tax preparer."} {"input": "Context Word: Tan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they wanted to go to the beach and get a tan and _ grabbed their swimsuit and took off. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they wanted to go to the beach and get a tan, but _ had already grabbed their swimsuit and took off."} {"input": "Context Word: Taurus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the Zodiac sign of Taurus but PersonY did not because _ was born in late April. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the Zodiac sign of Taurus but PersonY did not because _ was born in late October."} {"input": "Context Word: timid.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dog of PersonX is more timid than the dog of PersonY because _ is meaner to his dog. \nSentence 2: The dog of PersonX is more timid than the dog of PersonY because _ is nicer to his dog."} {"input": "Context Word: flawless.", "output": "Sentence 1: The speech that PersonX gave was flawless compared to PersonY because _ practiced for months before. \nSentence 2: The speech that PersonX gave was flawless compared to PersonY because _ practiced for minutes before."} {"input": "Context Word: Coins.", "output": "Sentence 1: Coin collecting was a fun hobby for PersonX but PersonY liked stamp collecting better. _ bought a large collection of coins on Ebay. \nSentence 2: Coin collecting was a fun hobby for PersonX but PersonY liked stamp collecting better. _ bought a large collection of stamps instead of coins on Ebay."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX advised PersonY to choose an attorney with great care, and _ had lots of experience as a lawyer. \nSentence 2: PersonX advised PersonY to choose an attorney with great care, and _ had no experience as a defendant."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called his attorney, PersonY, to defend him in court. _ was very unfamiliar with the law. \nSentence 2: PersonX called his attorney, PersonY, to defend him in court. _ was very familiar with the law."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to apply to law school but PersonY applied to art school instead because _ wanted to become an attorney. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to apply to law school but PersonY applied to art school instead because _ did not want to become an attorney."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to hire an attorney for PersonY because _ didn't want him to stay in jail. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to hire an attorney for PersonY because _ didn't want to stay in jail."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired an attorney to sue PersonY because _ slipped and fell at his house. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired an attorney to defend against PersonY because _ slipped and fell at his house."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an attorney, PersonY is not therefore _ is able to give legal advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an attorney, PersonY is not therefore _ is not able to give legal advice."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being hired to be an attorney by PersonY, so _ must be skilled. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being hired to be an attorney by PersonY, so _ must be in trouble."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a criminal attorney and finally hired PersonY because _ was facing criminal charges. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a criminal attorney and finally hired PersonY because _ assisted in criminal charges."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied hard for the bar exam but PersonY didn't. _ became an attorney not a criminal. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied hard for the bar exam but PersonY didn't. _ became a criminal not an attorney."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to be an attorney even though PersonY thinks it's impossible, so _ decides to prove everyone wrong. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to be an attorney even though PersonY thinks it's impossible, and _ wonders why they need to prove everyone wrong."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always in trouble with the law but PersonY wasn't. _ had to keep an attorney on retainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always in trouble with the law but PersonY wasn't. _ didn't need to keep an attorney on retainer."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sued by an attorney representing PersonY after ( _ ) didn't pay for the car repairs after the accident. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired an attorney to sue PersonY after ( _ ) didn't pay for the car repairs after the accident."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's attorney was a public defender who just didn't care and PersonY has a very successful hired attorney so chances are _ will lose in mediation. \nSentence 2: PersonX's attorney was a public defender who just didn't care and PersonY has a very successful hired attorney so chances are _ will win in mediation."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: The services of an attorney were needed regularly by PersonX but not by PersonY because _ was a career criminal. \nSentence 2: The services of an attorney were needed regularly by PersonX but not by PersonY because _ was a law abiding citizen."} {"input": "Context Word: attorney.", "output": "Sentence 1: Trying cases better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ was an even headed attorney. \nSentence 2: Trying cases better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ was an hot headed attorney."} {"input": "Context Word: knitting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt like knitting and PersonY wanted to crochet, so _ got out his needles. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt like knitting and PersonY wanted to crochet, so _ got out his hook."} {"input": "Context Word: knitting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at knitting than PersonY because the hands of _ worked much faster. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at knitting than PersonY because the hands of _ worked much slower."} {"input": "Context Word: knitting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was taking a knitting class, PersonY giggled at this. This made _ feel bad. \nSentence 2: PersonX was taking a knitting class, PersonY giggled at this. This made _ laugh more."} {"input": "Context Word: knitting.", "output": "Sentence 1: While they were knitting sweaters, PersonX did poorly while PersonY was skillful, so the sweater of _ turned out sloppy. \nSentence 2: While they were knitting sweaters, PersonX did poorly while PersonY was skillful, so the sweater of _ turned out beautifully."} {"input": "Context Word: consistent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more consistent with studying each day after school than PersonY so _ gets good grades. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more consistent with studying each day after school than PersonY so _ gets bad grades."} {"input": "Context Word: consistent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always consistent with their treatment of PersonY, so _ gained a lot of trust. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always consistent with their treatment of PersonY, so _ gave a lot of trust."} {"input": "Context Word: consistent.", "output": "Sentence 1: Saving money was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had consistent spending habits. \nSentence 2: Saving money was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have consistent spending habits."} {"input": "Context Word: consistent.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was consistent at work but PersonY was not, _ was always praised by their boss for their consistency. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was consistent at work but PersonY was not, _ was never praised by their boss for their consistency."} {"input": "Context Word: Jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them pick out a new piece of jewelry for their wife, because _ had no sense of what women liked. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them pick out a new piece of jewelry for their wife, but _ had no sense of what women liked."} {"input": "Context Word: Jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX robbed PersonY of his jewelry because _ didn't really have many worldly possessions to begin with. \nSentence 2: PersonX robbed PersonY of his jewelry because _ had a lot of worldly possessions to begin with."} {"input": "Context Word: Jewelry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to impress PersonY, so _ went to the jewelry store and bought an expensive ring. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to be pampered by PersonY, so _ went to the jewelry store and bought an expensive ring."} {"input": "Context Word: bitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was feeling bitter about the treatment they got from PersonY, because _ had done nothing to deserve the attitude. \nSentence 2: PersonX was feeling bitter about the treatment they got from PersonY, because _ had done nothing give them attitude."} {"input": "Context Word: bitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bitter coffee was drunk happily by PersonX but not PersonY because _ got no sleep the night before. \nSentence 2: The bitter coffee was drunk happily by PersonX but not PersonY because _ got plenty of sleep the night before."} {"input": "Context Word: Glockenspiel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can play the Glockenspiel, but PersonY doesn't like music at all, so _ is more creative. \nSentence 2: PersonX can play the Glockenspiel, but PersonY doesn't like music at all, so _ is more serious."} {"input": "Context Word: gig.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX went to the gig at the bar without PersonY, _ felt a little guilty about it. \nSentence 2: When PersonX went to the gig at the bar without PersonY, _ felt a little upset about it."} {"input": "Context Word: mimicked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX mimicked everything that PersonY did at work because _ was like a fan to him. \nSentence 2: PersonX mimicked everything that PersonY did at work because _ was like a role model to him."} {"input": "Context Word: funeral.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being at funerals wasn't scary for PersonX but it was for PersonY because _ had many family members die. \nSentence 2: Being at funerals wasn't scary for PersonX but it was for PersonY because _ didn't have many family members die."} {"input": "Context Word: funeral.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was very hard for PersonX but not PersonY to plan a funeral because _ had lost their mom. \nSentence 2: It was very hard for PersonX but not PersonY to plan a funeral because _ had no deaths in the family."} {"input": "Context Word: funeral.", "output": "Sentence 1: More people attended the funeral of PersonX than of PersonY because _ was a nice person. \nSentence 2: More people attended the funeral of PersonX than of PersonY because _ was a mean person."} {"input": "Context Word: funeral.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY just left the funeral for her mother. _ was more affected because they were close. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY just left the funeral for her mother. _ was not as affected because they were not close."} {"input": "Context Word: funeral.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY for a ride to the funeral because _ 's car wasn't working. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY for a ride to the funeral but _ 's car wasn't working."} {"input": "Context Word: funeral.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spoke at the funeral while PersonY did not because _ was very close to the deceased. \nSentence 2: PersonX spoke at the funeral while PersonY did not because _ was not very close to the deceased."} {"input": "Context Word: funeral.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was upset she couldn't attend the funeral, so PersonY offered to stream it for her; _ was grateful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was upset she couldn't attend the funeral, so PersonY offered to stream it for her; _ was helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: funeral.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's plans for the day include a funeral, but PersonY is going to a ball game. _ is sad. \nSentence 2: PersonX's plans for the day include a funeral, but PersonY is going to a ball game. _ is excited."} {"input": "Context Word: funeral.", "output": "Sentence 1: The funeral of PersonX was being attended by PersonY, because _ was loved by kin. \nSentence 2: The funeral of PersonX was being attended by PersonY, but _ was not actual kin."} {"input": "Context Word: race.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to give PersonY a reason to finish the race with him, because _ was so encouraged. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to give PersonY a reason to finish the race with him, because _ was so discouraged."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: A very clean PersonX was needing to wash PersonY's very dirty clothes because _ was an adult. \nSentence 2: A very clean PersonX was needing to wash PersonY's very dirty clothes because _ was a baby."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she could borrow some clothes because _ loved her fashion sense. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she could borrow some clothes because _ had great fashion sense."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can't get the poison ivy out of PersonY's clothes, so _ decides to try a new soap. \nSentence 2: PersonX can't get the poison ivy out of PersonY's clothes, so _ decides to wear them anyway."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have to buy clothes for the ski trip but PersonY did because _ lived in a cold environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have to buy clothes for the ski trip but PersonY did because _ lived in a warm environment."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY all of their extra clothes because _ was trying to clean out the closet before moving. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY all of their extra clothes because _ was trying to fill up the closet after moving in."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had larger clothes than PersonY because _ weighed more and had a bigger waist. \nSentence 2: PersonX had smaller clothes than PersonY because _ weighed more and had a bigger waist."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to get clothes from the thrift store but not PersonY because _ was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to get clothes from the thrift store but not PersonY because _ was wealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX labeled all of PersonY's clothes for daycare, because _ 's teacher thought that would be responsible. \nSentence 2: PersonX labeled all of PersonY's clothes for daycare, because _ 's teacher thought that he was forgetful."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to go clothes shopping but PersonY didn't, so _ headed out to the mall for the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to go clothes shopping but PersonY didn't, so _ headed out to the park for the day."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to wear tight fitting clothes but PersonY likes to wear baggy clothes. _ bought a pair of tights. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to wear tight fitting clothes but PersonY likes to wear baggy clothes. _ bought a pair of sweatpants."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY to buy them new clothes, because _ had outgrown their old clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonY to buy them new clothes, because _ had got a big raise."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed new clothes so PersonY gave him money for shopping; _ got some great deals at the mall. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed new clothes so PersonY took him shopping; _ found some great deals at the mall."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only had a few clothes compared to PersonY because _ didn't have a job or any money. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of clothes compared to PersonY because _ didn't have a job or any money."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prefers to dress in tight-fitting clothing that shows much of the skin underneath, while PersonY wears loose, ill-defining clothes that are sensible, because _ is a promiscuous woman. \nSentence 2: PersonX prefers to dress in tight-fitting clothing that shows much of the skin underneath, while PersonY wears loose, ill-defining clothes that are sensible, because _ is a chaste woman."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stole the new clothes from PersonY because _ had run out of clean clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX stole the new clothes from PersonY because _ had an overabundance of clean clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the clothes looked very nice but PersonY did not agree. _ bought the clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the clothes looked very nice but PersonY did not agree. _ didn't buy the clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY pick out clothes for their job interview for _ had a great personal style. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY pick out clothes for their job interview for _ had a bad personal style."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore appropriate clothes to the formal business interview while PersonY dressed inappropriately because _ wore formal attire. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore appropriate clothes to the formal business interview while PersonY dressed inappropriately because _ wore very casual attire."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore expensive clothes while PersonY wore very economic ones, so _ often shopped at high end stores. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore expensive clothes while PersonY wore very economic ones, so _ often shopped at thrift stores."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX did laundry yesterday and PersonY had not for several weeks, _ had lots of clean clothes. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX did laundry yesterday and PersonY had not for several weeks, _ had lots of dirty clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Taking her clothes to the dry cleaners was more important for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a professional job in an office. \nSentence 2: Taking her clothes to the dry cleaners was more important for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not have a professional job in an office."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The clothes of PersonX always smell, but PersonY's smell very good. _ does laundry once a month. \nSentence 2: The clothes of PersonX always smell, but PersonY's smell very good. _ does laundry once a day."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The clothes of PersonX look more expensive than PersonY's because _ has a larger salary to buy clothes with. \nSentence 2: The clothes of PersonX look more shabby than PersonY's because _ has a larger salary to buy clothes with."} {"input": "Context Word: clothes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing new and fashionable clothes suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a businessman. \nSentence 2: Wearing new and fashionable clothes suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a laboror."} {"input": "Context Word: include.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would never include PersonY in their social gatherings, because _ tended to be an exclusive person. \nSentence 2: PersonX would never include PersonY in their social gatherings, because _ tended to be an annoying person."} {"input": "Context Word: dirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a dog that ate dirt, but PersonY had a dog that did not due to _ feeding dog food with a lack of minerals. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a dog that ate dirt, but PersonY had a dog that did not due to _ feeding dog food with a lot of minerals."} {"input": "Context Word: dirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really hated dirt. PersonY was often dirty and this made _ uncomfortable any time they met. \nSentence 2: PersonX really hated dirt. PersonY was usually dirty and this made _ laugh any time they met."} {"input": "Context Word: dirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to get dirt on PersonY, but it turned out that _ couldn't do anything to sully their name. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to get dirt on PersonY, but it turned out that _ hadn't done anything to sully their name."} {"input": "Context Word: dirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: There is a lot of dirt in front of PersonX's house and not PersonY's because _ is building a shed. \nSentence 2: There is zero dirt in front of PersonX's house and not PersonY's because _ is building a shed."} {"input": "Context Word: injects.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the hospital, PersonX injects PersonY with some strong drugs because _ is a trained physician. \nSentence 2: At the hospital, PersonX injects PersonY with some strong drugs because _ is in some pain."} {"input": "Context Word: Cones.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to avoid the cones during the driving test but he didn't listen. _ predicted the test results. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to avoid the cones during the driving test but he didn't listen. _ failed the test."} {"input": "Context Word: country.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a country boy but PersonY was a city slicker. _ used duct tape to fix everything. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a country boy but PersonY was a city slicker. _ used a handyman to fix everything."} {"input": "Context Word: politician.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can't live their life as freely as PersonY can because _ wants to be a politician when they grow up. \nSentence 2: PersonX can't live their life as freely as PersonY can because _ doesn't want to be a politician when they grow up."} {"input": "Context Word: religion.", "output": "Sentence 1: Discussing religion was something that PersonX liked to do but not PersonY because _ went to seminary school. \nSentence 2: Discussing religion was something that PersonX liked to do but not PersonY because _ went to art school."} {"input": "Context Word: religion.", "output": "Sentence 1: Finding a new religion was harder for PersonX than PersonY since _ does not believe in God. \nSentence 2: Finding a new religion was harder for PersonX than PersonY since _ does believe in God."} {"input": "Context Word: religion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to switch religion and asks for PersonY's advice, because _ knows nothing about pastafariaism. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to switch religion and asks for PersonY's advice, because _ knows a lot about pastafariaism."} {"input": "Context Word: religion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's religion says there is one god, but PersonY believes in many, so _ is believes in Christianity. \nSentence 2: PersonX's religion says there is one god, but PersonY believes in many, so _ is believes in Hinduism."} {"input": "Context Word: religion.", "output": "Sentence 1: Religion was never important to PersonX but was very important to PersonY, as _ was not raised into a religious faith. \nSentence 2: Religion was never important to PersonX but was very important to PersonY, as _ was raised into a religious faith."} {"input": "Context Word: nail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bit their finger nail all the time but not PersonY because _ had a nervous disposition. \nSentence 2: PersonX bit their finger nail all the time but not PersonY because _ had a calm disposition."} {"input": "Context Word: nail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX demanded a refund for PersonY's nail art manicure because it was crooked and _ was furious. \nSentence 2: PersonX demanded a refund for PersonY's nail art manicure because it was crooked and _ was remorseful."} {"input": "Context Word: nail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked makeup while PersonY does not although _ did not like to paint their nail. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated makeup while PersonY does not although _ did not like to paint their nail."} {"input": "Context Word: nail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY to get her nails done because _ was not a nail technician. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY to get her nails done because _ is a nail technician."} {"input": "Context Word: working budget.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped create a practical working budget for PersonY's income so that _ could feel useful. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped create a practical working budget for PersonY's income so that _ could feel stable."} {"input": "Context Word: potions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made potions in the video game while PersonY made a sword because _ needed more healing. \nSentence 2: PersonX made potions in the video game while PersonY made a sword because _ needed more weapons."} {"input": "Context Word: warrior spirit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Through hard workouts PersonX gained a warrior spirit while PersonY did not because _ was a trained Navy Seal. \nSentence 2: Through hard workouts PersonX gained a warrior spirit while PersonY did not because _ was not a trained Navy Seal."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX did not take care of their body as well as PersonY, _ had a larger number of unexpected hospital visits this month. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX did not take care of their body as well as PersonY, _ had a smaller number of unexpected hospital visits this month."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being proud of their body was easy for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ was slim and in shape. \nSentence 2: Being proud of their body was easy for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ was fat and out of shape."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cared quite a lot about how their body looked to PersonY, because _ was insecure. \nSentence 2: PersonX cared quite a lot about how their body looked to PersonY, because _ was attractive."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a body complex unlike PersonY because everyone always told _ that she was fat. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a body complex unlike PersonY because everyone always told _ that she was skinny."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much better body than PersonY, because _ spent all of their time at the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much better body than PersonY, because _ spent all of their time at the ice cream shop."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a bigger body than PersonY because _ lifts weights every other day at the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a smaller body than PersonY because _ lifts weights every other day at the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept her body in shape while PersonY didn't care, so _ was always slender. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept her body in shape while PersonY didn't care, so _ was always obese."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not as comfortable with his body as PersonY, because _ gained a few pounds. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not as comfortable with his body as PersonY, because _ lost a few pounds."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wished she had a body like PersonY, so _ began to exercise every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX wished she had a body like PersonY, so _ encouraged her to exercise every day."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's body looks a lot better in a swim suit than PersonY's because _ is naturally more slim. \nSentence 2: PersonX's body looks a lot better in a swim suit than PersonY's because _ is naturally more chunky."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: The body of PersonX looks a lot slimmer than that of PersonY, due to _ being on a diet. \nSentence 2: The body of PersonX looks a lot thicker than that of PersonY, due to _ being on a diet."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: The body of PersonX was more worn down than PersonY because _ had a hard life. \nSentence 2: The body of PersonX was more worn down than PersonY because _ had an easy life."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: The body of PersonX was stronger than PersonY because _ was a bodybuilder by profession. \nSentence 2: The body of PersonX was weaker than PersonY because _ was a bodybuilder by profession."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: When standing next to PersonX, PersonY was ashamed of their upper body because _ was more muscular. \nSentence 2: When standing next to PersonX, PersonY was ashamed of their upper body because _ was more flabby."} {"input": "Context Word: body.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whereas PersonX was proud of their body PersonY was ashamed of theirs as _ was unfit. \nSentence 2: Whereas PersonX was proud of their body PersonY was ashamed of theirs as _ was fit."} {"input": "Context Word: cold water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found swimming in cold water to be more invigorating than PersonY because _ lived in a hot climate. \nSentence 2: PersonX found swimming in cold water to be more invigorating than PersonY because _ lived in a cold climate."} {"input": "Context Word: cold water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to convince PersonY to jump in the frozen lake. _ loved the feeling of cold water baths and showers. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to convince PersonY to jump in the frozen lake. _ hated the feeling of cold water baths and showers."} {"input": "Context Word: overindulging.", "output": "Sentence 1: Overindulging during the Christmas season was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ always fell off their diet. \nSentence 2: Overindulging during the Christmas season was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY, as _ never fell off their diet."} {"input": "Context Word: United.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help in creating an itinerary when visiting the United States because _ had never been there. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help in creating an itinerary when visiting the United States because _ was a US citizen."} {"input": "Context Word: Kielbasa.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a huge fan of sausage but not PersonY, so _ ordered kielbasa for their evening meal. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a huge fan of sausage but not PersonY, so _ ordered shrimp instead of kielbasa for their evening meal."} {"input": "Context Word: safest times to plant.", "output": "Sentence 1: What are the safest times to plant is what PersonX asked PersonY, _ was planting a garden for the first time. \nSentence 2: What are the safest times to plant is what PersonX asked PersonY, _ was planting a garden for the twelfth time."} {"input": "Context Word: shamanism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believes in and practices Shamanism, while PersonY does not at all, so _ is more likely to be spiritual. \nSentence 2: PersonX believes in and practices Shamanism, while PersonY does not at all, so _ is more likely to be Jewish."} {"input": "Context Word: shamanism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to start practising shamanism so she asks PersonY for an advice, because _ wants changes. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to start practising shamanism so she asks PersonY for an advice, so _ advises her."} {"input": "Context Word: California.", "output": "Sentence 1: California is home to PersonX, but PersonY calls Illinois home, so _ has warm winters. \nSentence 2: California is home to PersonX, but PersonY calls Illinois home, so _ has cold winters."} {"input": "Context Word: California.", "output": "Sentence 1: California is where PersonX calls home, wheras it's New York for PersonY due to _ loving the West coast. \nSentence 2: California is where PersonX calls home, wheras it's New York for PersonY due to _ loving the East coast."} {"input": "Context Word: California.", "output": "Sentence 1: Moving to California was a dream for PersonX while PersonY preferred New York. _ liked the beach and sunshine. \nSentence 2: Moving to California was a dream for PersonX while PersonY preferred New York. _ liked the hustle and bustle."} {"input": "Context Word: California.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is excited to visit PersonY in California because _ has never been to the state. \nSentence 2: PersonX is excited to visit PersonY in California since _ has always lived in the state."} {"input": "Context Word: California.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laughed at the idea of PersonY going to California, because _ lived there and absolutely hated it. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the idea of PersonY going to California, because _ had lived there and absolutely loved it."} {"input": "Context Word: California.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX said goodbye to PersonY, his best friend who was going to California to star in a movie, and _ was very sad. \nSentence 2: PersonX said goodbye to PersonY, his best friend who was going to California to star in a movie, and _ was very excited."} {"input": "Context Word: California.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX travelled to sunny California to meet PersonY because _ had always wanted to visit a warm region. \nSentence 2: PersonX travelled to sunny California to meet PersonY because _ had always wanted to show off a warm region."} {"input": "Context Word: California.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to live around celebrities, but PersonY who lived around them did not. _ moved to California. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to live around celebrities, but PersonY who lived around them did not. _ moved away from California."} {"input": "Context Word: California.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's house is in California, and PersonY lives in Alabama, so it is allowed for _ to smoke weed. \nSentence 2: PersonX's house is in California, and PersonY lives in Alabama, so it is prohibited for _ to smoke weed."} {"input": "Context Word: brow.", "output": "Sentence 1: Plucking the brow took longer for PersonX compared to PersonY because _ had a uni-brow. \nSentence 2: Plucking the brow took longer for PersonX compared to PersonY because _ had a thin brow."} {"input": "Context Word: gemstones.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is not familiar with gemstones, but PersonY knows them all, so _ is more likely to be the patron of a rock shop. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not familiar with gemstones, but PersonY knows them all, so _ is more likely to be the owner of a rock shop."} {"input": "Context Word: gemstones.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a thief that stole the precious gemstones from PersonY's home so _ ran from the police. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a thief that stole the precious gemstones from PersonY's home so _ called the police."} {"input": "Context Word: gemstones.", "output": "Sentence 1: While searching a bookstore, PersonX picked up a book about gemstones because _ wanted the perfect gift for PersonY. \nSentence 2: While searching a bookstore, PersonX looked past a book about gemstones because _ wanted the perfect gift for PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: macaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owns a Macaw, but PersonY won't go near it, so _ is more likely to love birds. \nSentence 2: PersonX owns a Macaw, but PersonY won't go near it, so _ is more likely to dislike birds."} {"input": "Context Word: macaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recently adopted PersonYs macaw after an interview in which _ felt they did well. \nSentence 2: PersonX recently adopted PersonYs macaw after an interview in which _ felt comfortable with it."} {"input": "Context Word: macaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the macaw was very pretty but PersonY was allergic to birds. _ petted the macaw. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the macaw was very pretty but PersonY was allergic to birds. _ avoided the macaw."} {"input": "Context Word: killing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Killing pests comes a lot easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ is an exterminator. \nSentence 2: Killing pests comes a lot easier to PersonX than PersonY even though _ is an exterminator."} {"input": "Context Word: killing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was successful at killing the stinkhorn fungus unlike PersonY because _ had a fungal killer on hand. \nSentence 2: PersonX was successful at killing the stinkhorn fungus unlike PersonY because _ didn't have a fungal killer on hand."} {"input": "Context Word: demands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made many harsh and hurtful demands of PersonY, because _ was a major bully. \nSentence 2: PersonX made many harsh and hurtful demands of PersonY, because _ was a major victim."} {"input": "Context Word: forgetting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a hard time forgetting old friends unlike PersonY because _ was so sentimental about the past. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a hard time forgetting old friends unlike PersonY because _ wasn't so sentimental about the past."} {"input": "Context Word: forgetting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept forgetting things they needed to do but PersonY had no trouble thinking of their chores. _ wrote a reminder note to themself. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept forgetting things they needed to do but PersonY had no trouble thinking of their chores. _ wrote a pretty poem to their mate."} {"input": "Context Word: mouth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to go to the dentist because _ had a broken tooth in their mouth. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to go to the dentist because _ did not have a broken tooth in their mouth."} {"input": "Context Word: mouth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept their mouth open at the request of their dentist, PersonY, because _ needed to pull a tooth. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept their mouth open at the request of their dentist, PersonY, because _ needed a tooth pulled."} {"input": "Context Word: mouth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran their mouth off to PersonY, and now _ has to deal with consequences of their loose lips. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran their mouth off to PersonY, and now _ has to deal out the consequences of their loose lips."} {"input": "Context Word: mouth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spilled the beans on everyone while PersonY remained silent since _ kept her mouth talking. \nSentence 2: PersonX spilled the beans on everyone while PersonY remained silent since _ kept her mouth closed."} {"input": "Context Word: mouth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses his mouth more than PersonY because _ likes to talk to many people and is extroverted. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses his mouth more than PersonY because _ doesn't like to talk to many people and is introverted."} {"input": "Context Word: mouth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a quiet person while PersonY had a big mouth which made _ feel annoyed. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a quiet person while PersonY had a big mouth which made _ seem annoying."} {"input": "Context Word: mouth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked by PersonY to put a piece of gum in her mouth because _ had horrible smelling breath. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to put a piece of gum in her mouth because _ had horrible smelling breath."} {"input": "Context Word: mouth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was known to have a loud mouth while PersonY tended to hold back, so _ always was noticed when she was in the room. \nSentence 2: PersonX was known to have a loud mouth while PersonY tended to hold back, so _ always was ignored when she was in the room."} {"input": "Context Word: mouth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's mouth is filled with cavities, but PersonY has none. This is due to _ loving candy. \nSentence 2: PersonX's mouth is filled with cavities, but PersonY has none. This is due to _ hating candy."} {"input": "Context Word: kumquat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shows PersonY how to cut and eat a kumquat, because _ eats them all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX shows PersonY how to cut and eat a kumquat, because _ has never eaten one."} {"input": "Context Word: exercises.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because of the fact that PersonX performed fewer physical exercises than PersonY did, _ was in worse shape overall. \nSentence 2: Because of the fact that PersonX performed more physical exercises than PersonY did, _ was in worse shape overall."} {"input": "Context Word: exercises.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to be in good health because _ exercises five days a week. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to be in good health because _ exercises just one day a week."} {"input": "Context Word: exercises.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did a lot less daily exercises than PersonY, which led to _ being fat. \nSentence 2: PersonX did a lot less daily exercises than PersonY, which led to _ being slim."} {"input": "Context Word: exercises.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did a lot of exercises but PersonY did not because _ had very good fitness levels. \nSentence 2: PersonX did a lot of exercises but PersonY did not because _ had very bad fitness levels."} {"input": "Context Word: exercises.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got advice on the best exercises from PersonY since _ was inexperienced with fitness techniques. \nSentence 2: PersonX got advice on the best exercises from PersonY since _ was expert with fitness techniques."} {"input": "Context Word: exercises.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved going to the gym and doing many exercises but PersonY hated it because _ was naturally athletic. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved going to the gym and doing many exercises but PersonY hated it because _ was not naturally athletic."} {"input": "Context Word: exercises.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only performed exercises once every other week while PersonY exercised three times a week, and therefore _ was in terrible physical shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX only performed exercises once every other week while PersonY exercised three times a week, and therefore _ was in peak physical shape."} {"input": "Context Word: exercises.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX did exercises regularly while PersonY was out of shape, _ could easily run a mile. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX did exercises regularly while PersonY was out of shape, _ struggled to run a mile."} {"input": "Context Word: exercises.", "output": "Sentence 1: Staying flexible was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ did all sorts of stretching exercises. \nSentence 2: Staying flexible was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ hardly did any stretching exercises."} {"input": "Context Word: exercises.", "output": "Sentence 1: The exercises that PersonX does are good for his back unlike PersonY because _ does them right. \nSentence 2: The exercises that PersonX does are good for his back unlike PersonY because _ does them wrong."} {"input": "Context Word: cheesecake.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating cheesecake was a treat to PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved eating cheesecake. \nSentence 2: Eating cheesecake was a treat to PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated eating cheesecake."} {"input": "Context Word: cheesecake.", "output": "Sentence 1: Ordering strawberry cheesecake after dinner was a must for PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked fruity cheesecake. \nSentence 2: Ordering strawberry cheesecake after dinner was a must for PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked plain cheesecake."} {"input": "Context Word: cheesecake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves cheesecake much more than PersonY does because _ has a really bad sweet tooth. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves cheesecake much more than PersonY does because _ doesn't have a sweet tooth."} {"input": "Context Word: cheesecake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to eat some delicious cheesecake but PersonY does not. _ ordered cheesecake for dessert. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to eat some delicious cheesecake but PersonY does not. _ ordered pie for dessert."} {"input": "Context Word: cheesecake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a fancy cheesecake to celebrate PersonY's birthday, but _ messed up the recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a fancy cheesecake to celebrate PersonY's birthday, and _ asked for the recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: cheesecake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to prepare the strawberry cheesecake, since _ was a cooking professional. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to prepare the strawberry cheesecake, since _ was a cooking novice."} {"input": "Context Word: cheesecake.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX decided to make PersonY a cheesecake, they were secretive because _ liked to surprise others. \nSentence 2: When PersonX decided to make PersonY a cheesecake, they were secretive because _ liked to be surprised by others."} {"input": "Context Word: guidance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave wise guidance to PersonY, and thanks to _ and their help, they ended up having a really good life. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave wise guidance to PersonY, and thanks to _ accepting their help, they ended up having a really good life."} {"input": "Context Word: guidance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX provided lots of valuable guidance to PersonY, after _ decided it was time to teach some tips. \nSentence 2: PersonX provided lots of valuable guidance to PersonY, after _ decided it was time they learned some tips."} {"input": "Context Word: breakup.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is hurting after a breakup, so PersonY plans a fun night out, but _ doesn't want to go. \nSentence 2: PersonX is hurting after a breakup, so PersonY plans a fun night out, because _ wants to help."} {"input": "Context Word: breakup.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more concerned about having to go through a breakup than PersonY because _ is in a relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX is more concerned about having to go through a breakup than PersonY because _ isn't in a relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: ride.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY went for a ride on the train because _ needed to get somewhere fast. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY went for a ride on the train because _ needed to get somewhere slow."} {"input": "Context Word: ride.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went on the ride more than PersonY did because _ thought it was fun. \nSentence 2: PersonX went on the ride more than PersonY did because _ thought it was scary."} {"input": "Context Word: large bed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rested on the large bed as PersonY studied because _ was very tired from work. \nSentence 2: PersonX rested on the large bed as PersonY studied because _ was very behind in school."} {"input": "Context Word: Harvest.", "output": "Sentence 1: At harvest, PersonX collected all the crops and gave them to PersonY. _ was a mere worker on the farm. \nSentence 2: At harvest, PersonX collected all the crops and gave them to PersonY. _ was the proprietor of the farm."} {"input": "Context Word: Harvest.", "output": "Sentence 1: Harvest season PersonX to buy fresh potatoes where PersonY likes to get watermelon. _ likes to eat fresh vegetables. \nSentence 2: Harvest season PersonX to buy fresh potatoes where PersonY likes to get watermelon. _ likes to eat fresh fruit."} {"input": "Context Word: refuse.", "output": "Sentence 1: To PersonX thought this was a opportunity them and PersonY could not refuse, _ often thinks for others. \nSentence 2: To PersonX thought this was a opportunity them and PersonY could not refuse, _ often works with her."} {"input": "Context Word: refuse.", "output": "Sentence 1: When asked a favour PersonX could never refuse but PersonY easily could because _ was a very giving person. \nSentence 2: When asked a favour PersonX could never refuse but PersonY easily could because _ was a very taking person."} {"input": "Context Word: ankles.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whilst PersonX was able to touch their ankles from a standing position, PersonY was not. This is because _ was very fit. \nSentence 2: Whilst PersonX was able to touch their ankles from a standing position, PersonY was not. This is because _ was very unfit."} {"input": "Context Word: smelled.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smelled much better than PersonY did because _ had just taken a long shower. \nSentence 2: PersonX smelled much better than PersonY did although _ had just taken a long shower."} {"input": "Context Word: smelled.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smelled the smoke before PersonY did because _ was sitting closer to the fire. \nSentence 2: PersonX smelled the smoke before PersonY did because _ was sitting farther from the fire."} {"input": "Context Word: many thanks.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was faster to help the old lady than PersonY, the old lady gave _ many thanks and a smile. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX was faster to help the old lady than PersonY, the old lady gave _ many thanks and a smile."} {"input": "Context Word: physicals.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take more physicals than PersonY did because _ had a very unhealthy body. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take more physicals than PersonY did because _ had a very healthy body."} {"input": "Context Word: handsprings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was horrible at doing high back handsprings but PersonY was amazing because _ didn't have a gymnastics background. \nSentence 2: PersonX was horrible at doing high back handsprings but PersonY was amazing because _ did have a gymnastics background."} {"input": "Context Word: harassed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being sexually harassed and asks for PersonY's help, because _ needs help from a friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being sexually harassed and asks for PersonY's help, because _ wants to help her friend."} {"input": "Context Word: painless.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to make it as painless as possible when they gave PersonY the bad news, but _ saw they were devastated anyway. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to make it as painless as possible when they gave PersonY the bad news, but _ was devastated anyway."} {"input": "Context Word: Checkers.", "output": "Sentence 1: On game night, PersonX was hoping PersonY would come over and play checkers because _ had nothing better to do. \nSentence 2: On game night, PersonX was hoping PersonY would come over and play checkers but _ had something better to do."} {"input": "Context Word: classmates.", "output": "Sentence 1: Their classmates liked PersonX very much but not PersonY because _ was a very friendly person. \nSentence 2: Their classmates liked PersonX very much but not PersonY because _ was a very hostile person."} {"input": "Context Word: Abs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX teased PersonY about their abs, because _ had been working out more in the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX praised PersonY about their abs, because _ had been working out more in the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: U.S. Ambassador.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if the U.S. Ambassador was going to be thier, _ thought politics were a waste of time. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if the U.S. Ambassador was going to be thier, _ thought politics were all of the time."} {"input": "Context Word: staff.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to walk with a staff, while PersonY does not need one. _ has bad knees. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to walk with a staff, while PersonY does not need one. _ has good knees."} {"input": "Context Word: Moss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed PersonY's bench was covered in moss so _ offered to help clean it. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed PersonY's bench was covered in moss so _ asked for help cleaning it."} {"input": "Context Word: Squirrel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the taste of squirrel pleasant while PersonY found it awful. _ had the Brunswick game stew for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the taste of squirrel pleasant while PersonY found it awful. _ had the clam chowder for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: avocado.", "output": "Sentence 1: Creamy avocado pasta brought an award to PersonX rather than PersonY's traditional pasta which made _ glad. \nSentence 2: Creamy avocado pasta brought an award to PersonX rather than PersonY's traditional pasta which made _ jealous."} {"input": "Context Word: avocado.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX hated Mexican food and PersonY loved it, _ absolutely enjoys an avocado. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX hated Mexican food and PersonY loved it, _ absolutely distastes an avocado."} {"input": "Context Word: avocado.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY ordered the avocado toast for breakfast because _ loves to eat vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY ordered the avocado toast for breakfast because _ hates to eat vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: avocado.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't understand how to choose an avocado, so she asked the grocery store employee PersonY. _ listened to how to identify a ripe avocado. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't understand how to choose an avocado, so she asked the grocery store employee PersonY. _ explained how to identify a ripe avocado."} {"input": "Context Word: avocado.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gathered avocados from their tree in the afternoon but not PersonY because _ lived in a lush climate. \nSentence 2: PersonX gathered avocados from their tree in the afternoon but not PersonY because _ lived in a barren climate."} {"input": "Context Word: avocado.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to eat an avocado on a hot day at PersonYs house, fortunately _ had some on the tree. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to eat an avocado on a hot day at PersonYs house, unfortunately _ had none on the tree."} {"input": "Context Word: avocado.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a delicious guacamole so PersonY brought avocado to _ 's house to make some for the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a delicious guacamole so PersonY brought avocado to _ 's house to make some for the party."} {"input": "Context Word: avocado.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed an avocado to make guacamole, so she asked PersonY to get one at the store; when he came back empty-handed, _ was disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed an avocado to make guacamole, so she asked PersonY to get one at the store; when he came back empty-handed, _ was apologetic."} {"input": "Context Word: cast iron skillet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prefers food cooked in a cast iron skillet, but PersonY does not, because _ likes the way the food tastes. \nSentence 2: PersonX prefers food cooked in a cast iron skillet, but PersonY does not, because _ dislikes the way the food tastes."} {"input": "Context Word: radius.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX broke their radius bone PersonY was very helpful. _ appreciated their friends help. \nSentence 2: When PersonX broke their radius bone PersonY was very helpful. _ liked helping their friend."} {"input": "Context Word: corsage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX picked a white and pink flower corsage for prom but not PersonY because _ went with a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX picked a white and pink flower corsage for prom but not PersonY because _ went dateless."} {"input": "Context Word: decay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX realized that PersonY's fruit was starting to decay, because _ could smell the rot. \nSentence 2: PersonX was told that PersonY's fruit was starting to decay, because _ could smell the rot."} {"input": "Context Word: decay.", "output": "Sentence 1: The decay on PersonX's teeth is bad, but PersonY's are healthy. It's because _ seldom brushes his teeth. \nSentence 2: The decay on PersonX's teeth is bad, but PersonY's are healthy. It's because _ regularly brushes his teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: disciplined.", "output": "Sentence 1: It is easier for PersonX to lose weight and tone up than PersonY because _ is very disciplined. \nSentence 2: It is easier for PersonX to lose weight and tone up than PersonY because _ isn't very disciplined."} {"input": "Context Word: cradle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not lift PersonY out of the cradle while crying because _ is weak. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not lift PersonY out of the cradle while crying because _ is heavy."} {"input": "Context Word: business plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it was a good idea to ask PersonY for help with a business plan because _ wanted a successful business. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it was a good idea to ask PersonY for help with a business plan since _ had a successful business."} {"input": "Context Word: Grapefruit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked scrambled eggs for breakfast but PersonY liked grapefruit for breakfast. _ found they had high cholesterol. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked scrambled eggs for breakfast but PersonY liked grapefruit for breakfast. _ found they had low cholesterol."} {"input": "Context Word: butterfly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to look at a butterfly but PersonY did not. _ planted bushes to attract butterflies. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to look at a butterfly but PersonY did not. _ didn't plant bushes to attract butterflies."} {"input": "Context Word: bullying.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was a better teacher than PersonY, _ had a harder time dealing with bullying. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was a better teacher than PersonY, _ had a easier time dealing with bullying."} {"input": "Context Word: bullying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt good about bullying PersonY because it made _ feel better about their self. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt good about bullying PersonY, but it made _ feel bad about their self."} {"input": "Context Word: bullying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to know why PersonY's child was bullying theirs so _ went to the school to complain. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to know why PersonY's child was bullying theirs so _ went to the school to listen."} {"input": "Context Word: remedies.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to make home remedies than PersonY because _ knew a lot about the healing qualities of herbs. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to make home remedies than PersonY because _ knew nothing about the healing qualities of herbs."} {"input": "Context Word: remedies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they knew any good remedies for a cold , _ is seeking information. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they knew any good remedies for a cold , _ is giving information."} {"input": "Context Word: remedies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX mentored PersonY at the pharmacy since _ was expert in creating remedies for what ails you. \nSentence 2: PersonX mentored PersonY at the pharmacy since _ was novice in creating remedies for what ails you."} {"input": "Context Word: leaves.", "output": "Sentence 1: .Clearing leaves from the yard was easier for PersonX than PersonY as _ was fitter and younger. \nSentence 2: Clearning leaves from the yard was harder for PersonX than PersonY as _ was fitter and younger."} {"input": "Context Word: leaves.", "output": "Sentence 1: A lot more leaves were on the ground at PersonX's than PersonY's because _ lived near more trees. \nSentence 2: A lot more leaves were on the ground at PersonX's than PersonY's because _ lived near less trees."} {"input": "Context Word: leaves.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making a herbarium and needs PersonY's advice about pressing the leaves, because _ doesn't know how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making a herbarium and needs PersonY's advice about pressing the leaves, because _ has already done it."} {"input": "Context Word: leaves.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX swept up all the leaves while PersonY sat on the porch relaxing, so _ was annoyed and tired. \nSentence 2: PersonX swept up all the leaves while PersonY sat on the porch relaxing, so _ was chill and relaxed."} {"input": "Context Word: questionnaire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is more decisive than PersonY and so _ spent way less time answering the new work questionnaire. \nSentence 2: PersonX is less decisive than PersonY and so _ spent way less time answering the new work questionnaire."} {"input": "Context Word: score.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX easily put the ball into the basket and scored over PersonY because _ was taller. \nSentence 2: PersonX easily put the ball into the basket and scored over PersonY because _ was shorter."} {"input": "Context Word: score.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very competitive in sports, PersonY is not that is why _ wants to score in the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very competitive in sports, PersonY is not that is why _ doesnt care to score in the game."} {"input": "Context Word: score.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unable to score the contract unlike PersonY because _ was never confident during meetings. \nSentence 2: PersonX was incapable to score the contract unlike PersonY because _ was never confident during meetings."} {"input": "Context Word: score.", "output": "Sentence 1: The score of PersonX on the test was higher than PersonY's, so _ must have studied harder. \nSentence 2: The score of PersonX on the test was higher than PersonY's, so _ must not have studied harder."} {"input": "Context Word: altitude.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffers from altitude sicknes and asks PersonY for a help, because _ can't handle the altitude. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffers from altitude sicknes and asks PersonY for a help, because _ handles altitude very well."} {"input": "Context Word: Shortbread.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX regifted some shortbread they received for Christmas to PersonY, because _ didn't like shortbread. \nSentence 2: PersonX regifted some shortbread they received for Christmas to PersonY, although _ didn't like shortbread."} {"input": "Context Word: green.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because _ lived inside USDA hardiness zones 3-10, PersonX grew a heartier crop of green beans than PersonY. \nSentence 2: Because _ lived outside USDA hardiness zones 3-10, PersonX grew a heartier crop of green beans than PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: grand theft auto.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed video games like grand theft auto but PersonY despised them. _ didn't think the violence was concerning. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed video games like grand theft auto but PersonY despised them. _ thought the violence was concerning."} {"input": "Context Word: onion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was avoided while PersonY was not because _ ate onions and did not gargle mouthwash afterwards. \nSentence 2: PersonX was avoided while PersonY was not because _ ate onions and gargled mouthwash afterwards."} {"input": "Context Word: UFO.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw a UFO and asked if PersonY had seen it but _ didn\u2019t get a positive answer. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw a UFO and asked if PersonY had seen it but _ didn\u2019t give a positive answer."} {"input": "Context Word: bell pepper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saved the seeds from their bell pepper for PersonY, because _ knew they would plant it in their garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX saved the seeds from their bell pepper for PersonY, so that _ would plant it in their garden."} {"input": "Context Word: Ice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX plays her sport on ice, while PersonY's sport takes place in the water. Thus, _ is a hockey player. \nSentence 2: PersonX plays her sport on ice, while PersonY's sport takes place in the water. Thus, _ is a swimmer."} {"input": "Context Word: Ice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put ice in PersonY 's lemonade, causing it to spill all over the place. _ was embarassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX put ice in PersonY 's lemonade, causing it to spill all over the place. _ was annoyed."} {"input": "Context Word: toes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to have a pedicure done on her toes, but PersonY did not. _ like to spend money on things like that. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to have a pedicure done on her toes, but PersonY did not. _ did not like to spend money on things like that."} {"input": "Context Word: grapes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Grapes are a favorite of PersonX, but PersonY can't stand them, so _ is more likely to be a fruit enthusiast. \nSentence 2: Grapes are a favorite of PersonX, but PersonY can't stand them, so _ is more likely to be a fruit avoider."} {"input": "Context Word: grapes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Grapes are a favorite of PersonX, but PersonY really can't stand the taste. _ is a fruit lover. \nSentence 2: Grapes are a favorite of PersonX, but PersonY really can't stand the taste. _ is a fruit hater."} {"input": "Context Word: grapes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a farmer who grows grapes for people who drink wine like PersonY, _ is a brilliant grape grower. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a farmer who grows grapes for people who drink wine like PersonY, _ is a brilliant wine taster."} {"input": "Context Word: museum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to go to an art museum with her because _ can\u2019t drive. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to go to an art museum with her because _ can drive."} {"input": "Context Word: museum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the museum on Saturday morning, but PersonY didn't because _ was free. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the museum on Saturday morning, but PersonY didn't because _ was busy."} {"input": "Context Word: museum.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX went to a concert today, PersonY went to a museum, and therefore _ had a noisy afternoon. \nSentence 2: While PersonX went to a concert today, PersonY went to a museum, and therefore _ had a quiet afternoon."} {"input": "Context Word: trousers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what color the trousers were trimmed with, because _ she wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what color the trousers were trimmed with, but _ she didn't know."} {"input": "Context Word: trousers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX takes his trousers to PersonY for tailoring, because _ doesn't know how to sew. \nSentence 2: PersonX takes his trousers to PersonY for tailoring, because _ knows how to hem and sew."} {"input": "Context Word: films.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed horror films while PersonY enjoyed documentaries, so _ liked being frightened when watching movies. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed horror films while PersonY enjoyed documentaries, so _ liked being educated when watching movies."} {"input": "Context Word: films.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had starred in more films than PersonY had although _ was a worse actor. \nSentence 2: PersonX had starred in more films than PersonY had because _ was a better actor."} {"input": "Context Word: had herpes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor said PersonX had herpes and PersonY did not because _ did not use protection when having sex. \nSentence 2: The doctor said PersonX had herpes and PersonY did not because _ used protection when having sex."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoo artist.", "output": "Sentence 1: The local tattoo artist was friendly with PersonX but not PersonY because _ used his services regularly. \nSentence 2: The local tattoo artist was friendly with PersonX but not PersonY even though _ used his services regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: Hawaii.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very excited to be flying to Hawaii with PersonY who has flown many times before, but _ was feeling anxious. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very excited to be flying to Hawaii with PersonY who has flown many times before, but _ was feeling calm."} {"input": "Context Word: areas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know the surrounded areas nearly as well as PersonY, because _ was a tourist. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know the surrounded areas nearly as well as PersonY, because _ was a native."} {"input": "Context Word: areas.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is often called on by others to show the around local areas PersonY needs a guide, _ is local. \nSentence 2: PersonX is often called on by others to show the around local areas PersonY needs a guide, _ is foreign."} {"input": "Context Word: leftovers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate leftovers, but PersonY ate out because _ had less money on them for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate leftovers, but PersonY ate out because _ had more money on them for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: leftovers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY where the leftovers were because _ was not cooking dinner for them tonight. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY where the leftovers were but _ wanted to cook dinner for them tonight."} {"input": "Context Word: dramatic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so surprised to see the dramatic change in PersonY because _ was at the hometown all this time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so surprised to see the dramatic change in PersonY because _ was in the big city all this time."} {"input": "Context Word: picking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Picking winners at the racetrack came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had grown up around horses. \nSentence 2: Picking winners at the racetrack came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not grown up around horses."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: It takes PersonX longer to get to their destination on vacations than PersonY because _ doesn't like to travel by plane. \nSentence 2: It takes PersonX longer to get to their destination on vacation than PersonY because _ likes to travel by plane."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to travel with them to South America, because _ had never flown before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to travel with them to South America, but _ had never flown before."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can't wait to surprise PersonY with their detailed travel itinerary, so _ leaves work early to meet their friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX can't wait to surprise PersonY with their detailed travel itinerary, but _ leaves work too late to meet their friend."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a private jet and was able to travel in style, while PersonY had to fly coach, because _ was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a private jet and was able to travel in style, while PersonY had to fly coach, because _ was rich."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY was scared to travel by air. _ was considerate and picked a vacation location that could be driven to instead. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that PersonY was scared to travel by air. _ was grateful they picked a vacation location that could be driven to instead."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to travel by car while PersonY preferred traveling by plane. _ wanted spontaneity and flexibility when travelling. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to travel by car while PersonY preferred traveling by plane. _ wanted speed and structure when travelling."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to travel all the time, but PersonY disdained it, as _ hated being home all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to travel all the time, but PersonY disdained it, as _ preferred being home all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really likes to travel the world but PersonY does not because _ is very adventurous. \nSentence 2: PersonX really likes to travel the world but PersonY does not because _ is very timorous."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was cheaper then PersonY, therefore _ didn't want to buy travel insurance for the trip. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cheaper then PersonY, since _ wanted to buy travel insurance for the trip."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more accustomed to travel than PersonY because _ always traveled for business every month. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less accustomed to travel than PersonY because _ always traveled for business every month."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to travel to a foreign country than PersonY, because _ had an adventurous spirit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to travel to a foreign country than PersonY, because _ did not have an adventurous spirit."} {"input": "Context Word: travel.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX loved to travel and PersonY did not, _ was glad to be in another country. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX loved to travel and PersonY did not, _ was glad to be home in their country."} {"input": "Context Word: walk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to accompany them on a walk as _ wasn't sure of the route. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to accompany them on a walk as _ had walked the route previously."} {"input": "Context Word: walk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not walk as fast as PersonY in the competition, because _ had a hurt foot. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not walk as fast as PersonY in the competition, because _ had a healthy foot."} {"input": "Context Word: walk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to go for a walk to see PersonY as a surprise visit but _ was lost. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to go for a walk to see PersonY as a surprise visit but _ was sick."} {"input": "Context Word: walk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to take the dog for a walk because _ did not want to. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to take the dog for a walk but _ did not want to."} {"input": "Context Word: walk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took their dog for a walk while PersonY played with their dog at home, and _ enjoyed the fresh air. \nSentence 2: PersonX took their dog for a walk while PersonY played with their dog at home, and _ enjoyed the time at home."} {"input": "Context Word: walk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to walk ten miles a day but PersonY was not because _ was very fit. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to walk ten miles a day but PersonY was not because _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: walk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more althetic than PersonY but _ hated to go out for a walk in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more althetic than PersonY but _ loved to go out for a walk in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: walk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was walking very slow compared to PersonY in the park because _ was feeling tired. \nSentence 2: PersonX was walking very slow compared to PersonY in the park because _ was feeling active."} {"input": "Context Word: walk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would have to walk to the store around the block unlike PersonY since _ lived further away from it. \nSentence 2: PersonX would have to walk to the store around the block unlike PersonY since _ lived closer to it."} {"input": "Context Word: tablesaw.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX winced while their parent PersonY operated the tablesaw to cut the board, because _ was afraid of saws. \nSentence 2: PersonX winced while their parent PersonY operated the tablesaw to cut the board, because _ was adept with saws."} {"input": "Context Word: size.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose the wrong size of pants for them self but not PersonY because _ was delusional about their figure. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose the wrong size of pants for them self but not PersonY because _ was realistic about their figure."} {"input": "Context Word: cut.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the accident PersonX needed stitches but PersonY did not as _ had a very deep cut. \nSentence 2: After the accident PersonX needed stitches but PersonY did not as _ had a very shallow cut."} {"input": "Context Word: cut.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the hospital, PersonX asked PersonY to help bandage the cut on their hand, because _ was injured. \nSentence 2: At the hospital, PersonX asked PersonY to help bandage the cut on their hand, because _ helps injured people."} {"input": "Context Word: cut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cut a piece of cake to save for PersonY, and _ felt proud for exercising self control. \nSentence 2: PersonX cut a piece of cake to save for PersonY, and _ felt gratitude toward her for exercising self control."} {"input": "Context Word: cut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a cut on their finger but PersonY didn't have one, so _ put a bandage on their finger. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a cut on their finger but PersonY didn't have one, so _ put a ring on their finger."} {"input": "Context Word: cut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learns how to cut the flowers properly from PersonY since _ wants to care for the flowers efficiently. \nSentence 2: PersonX learns how to cut the flowers properly from PersonY because _ wants to show how the flowers are done."} {"input": "Context Word: cut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to cut the plastic but PersonY had the scissors, so _ just pouted. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to cut the plastic but PersonY had the scissors, so _ got to cut it."} {"input": "Context Word: cut.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a chef as a side career unlike PersonY, so the meat _ cuts were of better quality. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a chef as a side career unlike PersonY, so the meat _ cuts were of worse quality."} {"input": "Context Word: cut.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to hair PersonX was prepared to cut their own but PersonY was not because _ was very careful. \nSentence 2: When it came to hair PersonX was prepared to cut their own but PersonY was not because _ was very clumsy."} {"input": "Context Word: autistic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX soon realized that PersonY was autistic because _ is very perceptive about such things. \nSentence 2: PersonX soon realized that PersonY was autistic because _ is very forthcoming about such things."} {"input": "Context Word: autistic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was aware that PersonY was autistic , so _ was very eager to offer her friendship and assistance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was aware that PersonY was autistic , so _ was very eager to receive her friendship and assistance."} {"input": "Context Word: autistic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was concerned PersonY's child was autistic because _ child was diagnosed a while ago. \nSentence 2: PersonX was concerned PersonY's child was autistic but _ child was diagnosed a while ago."} {"input": "Context Word: autistic.", "output": "Sentence 1: The children were not vaccinated, which was fine with PersonX but annoyed PersonY. _ believed they made kids autistic. \nSentence 2: The children were not vaccinated, which was fine with PersonX but annoyed PersonY. _ knew they didn't make kids autistic."} {"input": "Context Word: free.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped others for free but PersonY charged for their time. _ was very generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped others for free but PersonY charged for their time. _ was very mean."} {"input": "Context Word: free.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid for their dinner but PersonY wanted their's for free because _ was generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid for their dinner but PersonY wanted their's for free because _ was mean."} {"input": "Context Word: free.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not free at the time of the party but PersonY because _ was very busy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not free at the time of the party but PersonY because _ was very idle."} {"input": "Context Word: juggle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to juggle more items at once than PersonY since _ was a professional clown. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to juggle more items at once than PersonY since _ was a professional carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: register a company.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY how to register a company because _ had been a business owner before. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY how to register a company because _ had not been a business owner before."} {"input": "Context Word: naked.", "output": "Sentence 1: Last night, PersonX showed up at PersonYs house completely naked because _ was extremely drunk. \nSentence 2: Last night, PersonX showed up at PersonYs house completely naked when _ was not home."} {"input": "Context Word: naked.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated to sleep naked but PersonY loves to sleep naked. _ has a lot of pajamas. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated to sleep naked but PersonY loves to sleep naked. _ has no pajamas."} {"input": "Context Word: aviation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Studying aviation was a passion of PersonX but not PersonY because _ grew up in the aviation industry. \nSentence 2: Studying aviation was a passion of PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not grow up in the aviation industry."} {"input": "Context Word: stock market.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stock market was a better place for PersonX to work than PersonY. _ found math and numbers easy. \nSentence 2: The stock market was a better place for PersonX to work than PersonY. _ found math and numbers difficult."} {"input": "Context Word: Nude Art Model.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got an offer to be a nude art model and wanted to share the news with PersonY, so _ invited her to the event. \nSentence 2: PersonX got an offer to be a nude art model and wanted to share the news with PersonY, but _ was already modeling at the event."} {"input": "Context Word: Valet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to use a valet to park the car but PersonY did not because _ was generous with money. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to use a valet to park the car but PersonY did not because _ was stingy with money."} {"input": "Context Word: Actor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The actor in this movie is PersonX not PersonY because _ had better knowledge of the script. \nSentence 2: The actor in this movie is PersonX but PersonY because _ had little knowledge of the script."} {"input": "Context Word: wood floor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wood floor at PersonX's house needed to be cleaned, so PersonY offered to help. Then _ asked him to come over the next day. \nSentence 2: The wood floor at PersonX's house needed to be cleaned, so PersonY offered to help. Then _ asked if he could come over the next day."} {"input": "Context Word: future.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can not predict the future but PersonY is able to because _ does not have extrasensory perception. \nSentence 2: PersonX can not predict the future but PersonY is able to because _ appears to have extrasensory perception."} {"input": "Context Word: negative body image.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX warned PersonY that having negative body image may cause eating disorders because _ cares about her. \nSentence 2: PersonX warned PersonY that having negative body image may cause eating disorders because _ cares appearance too much."} {"input": "Context Word: router.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could install the router on their own but not PersonY because _ was proficient in electronics knowledge. \nSentence 2: PersonX could install the router on their own but not PersonY because _ was deficient in electronics knowledge."} {"input": "Context Word: inventory.", "output": "Sentence 1: It took PersonX longer to check the inventory than PersonY because _ had worked at the company for a short time. \nSentence 2: It took PersonX a shorter time to check the inventory than PersonY because _ had worked at the company for a short time."} {"input": "Context Word: inventory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always dreads inventory day at work but PersonY doesn't because _ is the only one with a job. \nSentence 2: PersonX always dreads inventory day at work but PersonY doesn't because _ is the only one without a job."} {"input": "Context Word: inventory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was good at doing the inventory at the store although PersonY was not because _ was very meticulous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was good at doing the inventory at the store although PersonY was not because _ was very slapdash."} {"input": "Context Word: built an immunity to the common cold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed home from work and PersonY did not because _ had not built an immunity to the common cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed home from work and PersonY did not because _ had taken vitamins and built an immunity to the common cold."} {"input": "Context Word: original.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the Halloween dance the PersonX costume was considered to be more original then PersonY costume, _ had a creative mind. \nSentence 2: At the Halloween dance the PersonX costume was considered to be more original then PersonY costume, _ had a average mind."} {"input": "Context Word: original.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had lots of new ideas, but not PersonY because _ was much more original in thought. \nSentence 2: PersonX had lots of new ideas, but not PersonY because _ was not very original in thought."} {"input": "Context Word: original.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote stories that were not as original as PersonY, so _ failed a creative writing class. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote stories that were not as original as PersonY, so _ excelled in a creative writing class."} {"input": "Context Word: original.", "output": "Sentence 1: The painting was an original, PersonX insisted, although PersonY disagreed. _ was not an expert at old paintings. \nSentence 2: The painting was an original, PersonX insisted, although PersonY disagreed. _ was an expert at old paintings."} {"input": "Context Word: meditate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidentally played loud music in the room while PersonY tried to meditate. _ was very sorry. \nSentence 2: PersonX accidentally played loud music in the room while PersonY tried to meditate. _ was very angry."} {"input": "Context Word: meditate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to leave the room, because _ needed quiet to meditate and they were being too loud. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to leave the room, because _ needed did not meditate and they were being too loud."} {"input": "Context Word: meditate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX declined PersonY's offer to teach her to meditate. _ didn't see the use in her learning how. \nSentence 2: PersonX declined PersonY's offer to teach her to meditate. _ didn't see the harm in her learning how."} {"input": "Context Word: meditate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to meditate to relieve stress however PersonY liked to go for a run. _ joined a yoga studio. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to meditate to relieve stress however PersonY liked to go for a run. _ joined a running club."} {"input": "Context Word: meditate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to meditate while PersonY did not, so _ was able to let things go easily. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to meditate while PersonY did not, so _ was not able to let things go easily."} {"input": "Context Word: meditate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really tries to meditate every day, but PersonY never has time to, so _ is likely more relaxed. \nSentence 2: PersonX really tries to meditate every day, but PersonY never has time to, so _ is likely more stressed out."} {"input": "Context Word: meditate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used to meditate with PersonY every day, but now _ has started running instead. \nSentence 2: PersonX used to meditate with PersonY every day, but now _ has to meditate alone."} {"input": "Context Word: meditate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was interrupted by PersonY when she was trying to meditate. _ asked to be left alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX interrupted PersonY when she was trying to meditate. _ asked to be left alone."} {"input": "Context Word: meditate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would take time to meditate daily but not PersonY because _ was a very controlled individual. \nSentence 2: PersonX would take time to meditate daily but not PersonY because _ was a very frenzied individual."} {"input": "Context Word: estate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before they died, PersonX prepared a will however PersonY did not, so _ 's estate was distributed to the beneficiaries he determined it would be. \nSentence 2: Before they died, PersonX prepared a will however PersonY did not, so _ 's estate was distributed to the beneficiaries the state determined it would be."} {"input": "Context Word: estate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX became a real estate agent after PersonY did because _ wanted to have the same career as their friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX became a real estate agent after PersonY did because _ wanted to have a different career as their friend."} {"input": "Context Word: estate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived on a very large estate but not PersonY because _ had monetarily endowed parents. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived on a very large estate but not PersonY because _ had monetarily meager parents."} {"input": "Context Word: estate.", "output": "Sentence 1: The estate sale that PersonX organized for PersonY's family was meticulous, so _ really earned their fee. \nSentence 2: The estate sale that PersonX organized for PersonY's family was meticulous, so _ was happy to pay their fee."} {"input": "Context Word: cage.", "output": "Sentence 1: After purchasing a cage, PersonX and PersonY wanted to get a pet but _ thought more about it and decided against it. \nSentence 2: After purchasing a cage, PersonX and PersonY wanted to get a pet but _ thought more about it and decided for it."} {"input": "Context Word: cage.", "output": "Sentence 1: After trying everything he could think of, PersonX reluctantly resorted to locking PersonY in a cage, because _ was exasperated. \nSentence 2: After trying everything he could think of, PersonX reluctantly resorted to locking PersonY in a cage, because _ was out of control."} {"input": "Context Word: cage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new pet cage for a dog from PersonY since _ had a new dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new pet cage for a dog from PersonY since _ had a new pet shop."} {"input": "Context Word: cage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt like PersonY kept her in a cage, _ just wanted to get her freedom. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt like PersonY kept her in a cage, _ just wanted to take away her freedom."} {"input": "Context Word: cage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was holding PersonY prisoner in a cage for days because _ was a serial killer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was holding PersonY prisoner in a cage for days because _ was a victim."} {"input": "Context Word: cage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was stuck in the cage while PersonY stood guard, because _ was a criminal. \nSentence 2: PersonX was stuck in the cage while PersonY stood guard, because _ was an enforcement officer."} {"input": "Context Word: cage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hamster cage that PersonX owns is small, while PersonY has a big one. _ 's hamster has cramped space. \nSentence 2: The hamster cage that PersonX owns is small, while PersonY has a big one. _ 's hamster has ample space."} {"input": "Context Word: take the bird to the vet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take the bird to the vet instead of PersonY because _ had some free time. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take the bird to the vet instead of PersonY because _ did not have free time."} {"input": "Context Word: home schooled.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was home schooled, unlike PersonY, so _ was unfamiliar with the layout of the school building. \nSentence 2: PersonX was home schooled, unlike PersonY, so _ was familiar with the layout of the school building."} {"input": "Context Word: reconcile.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to reconcile their friendship with PersonY, because _ misses their long phone conversations. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to reconcile their friendship with PersonY, but _ does not enjoy long phone conversations."} {"input": "Context Word: drummer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better drummer than PersonY because _ had a lot of practice growing up. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better drummer than PersonY because _ did not have a lot of practice growing up."} {"input": "Context Word: weave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the girl with the weave in her hair was quite attractive but PersonY disagreed, so _ walked up and asked her out. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the girl with the weave in her hair was quite attractive but PersonY disagreed, so _ walked up and told her it looked silly."} {"input": "Context Word: graph.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a complex graph but not PersonY because _ taught a class at an advanced level. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a complex graph but not PersonY because _ taught a class at a basic level."} {"input": "Context Word: theme.", "output": "Sentence 1: Prior to the 80\"s theme party, PersonX studied the clothing styles, while PersonY went partying, so when at the theme party _ looked very groovy. \nSentence 2: Prior to the 80\"s theme party, PersonX studied the clothing styles, while PersonY went partying, so when at the theme party _ looked very uncool."} {"input": "Context Word: penalty.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing goalkeeper better suitted PersonX and not PersonY because _ was able to read a players penalty run up. \nSentence 2: Playing goalkeeper better suitted PersonX and not PersonY because _ could not read a players penalty run up."} {"input": "Context Word: named.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's name is Aidan, while PersonY is named Juan, so _ was given an Irish name at birth. \nSentence 2: PersonX's name is Aidan, while PersonY is named Juan, so _ was given a Latino name at birth."} {"input": "Context Word: Independent sales reps.", "output": "Sentence 1: Independent sales reps like PersonX are often needed by PersonY, _ talents are in high demand. \nSentence 2: Independent sales reps like PersonX are often needed by PersonY, _ knows who is in high demand."} {"input": "Context Word: interviewer.", "output": "Sentence 1: The interviewer at the office liked PersonX more than PersonY because _ is more affable in general. \nSentence 2: The interviewer at the office liked PersonX more than PersonY because _ is more awkward in general."} {"input": "Context Word: overcome.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to overcome more obstacles in life than PersonY due to _ coming from a poorer background. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to overcome more obstacles in life than PersonY due to _ coming from a richer background."} {"input": "Context Word: overcome.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to overcome more traumatic things in life than PersonY, because _ was drafted to go to the the Vietnam war. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to overcome more traumatic things in life than PersonY, because _ did not get to go fight in the Vietnam war."} {"input": "Context Word: overcome.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is determined to overcome his laziness and help PersonY do yard work, but _ is struggling to get up. \nSentence 2: PersonX is determined to overcome his laziness and help PersonY do yard work, because _ is struggling outside."} {"input": "Context Word: overcome.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more persistent and resourceful then PersonY so _ is much more likely to overcome adversity. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less persistent and resourceful then PersonY so _ is much more likely to overcome adversity."} {"input": "Context Word: overcome.", "output": "Sentence 1: To help his friend overcome his fear of flying, PersonX flew with PersonY several times, after which _ allowed him to fly alone. \nSentence 2: To help his friend overcome his fear of flying, PersonX flew with PersonY several times, after which _ was able to fly alone."} {"input": "Context Word: self esteem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much better at public speaking than PersonY since _ had very high self esteem and confidence. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much better at public speaking than PersonY since _ had very low self esteem and confidence."} {"input": "Context Word: self esteem.", "output": "Sentence 1: The self esteem of PersonX was higher than that of PersonY because _ had support from friends and family. \nSentence 2: The self esteem of PersonX was higher than that of PersonY because _ had no support from friends and family."} {"input": "Context Word: snap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning how to snap their fingers from PersonY so _ could annoy their family members. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching how to snap their fingers to PersonY so _ could annoy their family members."} {"input": "Context Word: annual report.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was bored by the annual report while PersonY enjoyed it, _ didn't care about profits and numbers at the company. \nSentence 2: PersonX was bored by the annual report while PersonY enjoyed it, _ deeply cared about profits and numbers at the company."} {"input": "Context Word: feline infectious peritonitis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's thought her kitten had feline infectious peritonitis so she took her to the vet, PersonY. Fortunately, _ was told it was just a kitten cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX's thought her kitten had feline infectious peritonitis so she took her to the vet, PersonY. Fortunately, _ diagnosed it as just a kitten cold."} {"input": "Context Word: tax return.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX filed their tax return on time. while PersonY had to request an extension, because _ was very disorganized. \nSentence 2: PersonX filed their tax return on time. while PersonY had to request an extension, because _ was very organized."} {"input": "Context Word: Jumping Spider.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to share their love of jumping spiders with PersonY, so _ placed one on his hand. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to share their love of jumping spiders with PersonY, but _ closed his hand."} {"input": "Context Word: strong.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped the stranger lift the box instead of PersonY because _ is a lot stronger than weaker. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped the stranger lift the box instead of PersonY because _ is a lot weaker than stronger."} {"input": "Context Word: strong.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to help lift the sofa but PersonY took all of the weight them self. _ was not very strong at all. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to help lift the sofa but PersonY took all of the weight them self. _ was very strong."} {"input": "Context Word: strong.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so strong they could life PersonY over their head, because _ was muscular. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so strong they could life PersonY over their head, because _ was thin."} {"input": "Context Word: strong.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was stronger than PersonY because of the training program, and _ felt great about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was stronger than PersonY because of the training program, and _ felt bad about it."} {"input": "Context Word: strong.", "output": "Sentence 1: The strong man lifted up PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a light and skinny man. \nSentence 2: The strong man lifted up PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a fat and heavy man."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: After talking to the real estate agent, PersonX bought a house from PersonY for _ was moving into the area. \nSentence 2: After talking to the real estate agent, PersonX bought a house from PersonY for _ was moving away from the area."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: After touring the property, PersonX wanted to buy PersonY's house so _ made an offer. \nSentence 2: After touring the property, PersonX wanted to buy PersonY's house so _ accepted the offer."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked his friends for a company when going to PersonY house because _ is scared. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked his friends for a company when going to PersonY house because _ is scary."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY's half of the family house because _ wanted to keep the house in the family. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold his half of the family house to PersonY because _ wanted to keep the house in the family."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a house from PersonY, because _ was ready to live in their first home. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a house from PersonY, because _ was ready to live in their second home."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could build a house on their own but not PersonY because _ had a plethora of construction knowledge. \nSentence 2: PersonX could build a house on their own but not PersonY because _ had a lack of construction knowledge."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not afford to have a second bathroom in their house but PersonY could because _ was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not afford to have a second bathroom in their house but PersonY could because _ was affluent."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX designed a new, modern house for PersonY because _ was a very talented architect. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a new, modern house designed by PersonY because _ was a very talented architect."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not invite PersonY into her house because _ thought the house was too dirty. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not invite PersonY into her house because _ was too dirty."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drove by PersonY's house on the way to the hospital and did not stop because _ was not expected to come over. \nSentence 2: PersonX drove by PersonY's house on the way to the hospital and did not stop because _ was not expecting them to come over."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave him some sweets and orange juice after PersonY congratulated him on the new house and then _ told him he is such a nice guest. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave him some sweets and orange juice after PersonY congratulated him on the new house and then _ told him he is such a nice host."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much messier house than PersonY because _ refused to clean it daily. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much messier house than PersonY because _ committed to clean it daily."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has owned his own house for ten years while PersonY has not because _ never moves location. \nSentence 2: PersonX has owned his own house for ten years while PersonY has not because _ always moves location."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX like to listen to house music but PersonY preferred EDM. _ listened to a set from Green Velvet on Youtube. \nSentence 2: PersonX like to listen to house music but PersonY preferred EDM. _ listened to a set from Steve Aoki on Youtube."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made the choice to buy PersonY's house, so _ had a lot less money in the bank afterwards. \nSentence 2: PersonX made the choice to buy PersonY's house, so _ had a lot more money in the bank afterwards."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a family oriented person and needed a house unlike PersonY, so _ sold their apartment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a family oriented person and needed a house unlike PersonY, so _ rented their apartment."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was working on the furniture while PersonY was working on painting the house, because _ was more interested in interior. \nSentence 2: PersonX was working on the furniture while PersonY was working on painting the house, because _ was more interested in exterior."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: The house of PersonX was destroyed by fire unlike PersonY's because _ was very careless. \nSentence 2: The house of PersonX was destroyed by fire unlike PersonY's because _ was very safe."} {"input": "Context Word: house.", "output": "Sentence 1: The house was registered in the name of PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very reliable. \nSentence 2: The house was registered in the name of PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very erratic."} {"input": "Context Word: prove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always felt that he had to prove everything to everybody unlike PersonY because _ was always the underdog. \nSentence 2: PersonX always felt that he had to prove everything to everybody unlike PersonY because _ was always the favorite."} {"input": "Context Word: effort is rewarded.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that effort is rewarded and laziness is not, _ is not a lazy person. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that effort is rewarded and laziness is not, _ is a very lazy person."} {"input": "Context Word: analyze.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pays PersonY to analyze her in therapy because _ is a patient in need. \nSentence 2: PersonX pays PersonY to analyze her in therapy because _ is a world class psychologist."} {"input": "Context Word: namaste.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bowed to PersonY and then _ spoke the word namaste in a calm voice. \nSentence 2: PersonX bowed to PersonY and then _ heard the word namaste spoken in a calm voice."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being physically fit was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ spent a lot of time doing weight training. \nSentence 2: Being physically fit was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ spent very little time doing weight training."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the mountains of Japan, PersonX sought physical training from PersonY because _ was a protege. \nSentence 2: In the mountains of Japan, PersonX sought physical training from PersonY because _ was a master ninja."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when the sexual harassment training class was because _ could not remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when the sexual harassment training class was but _ could not remember."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called off work multiple days in a row while PersonY did job training. _ was fired. \nSentence 2: PersonX called off work multiple days in a row while PersonY did job training. _ was promoted."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time training the dog than PersonY because _ used positive reinforcement techniques. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time training the dog than PersonY because _ used negative reinforcement techniques."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had no home training but PersonY had good manners. _ would often put their feet on the couch. \nSentence 2: PersonX had no home training but PersonY had good manners. _ would never put their feet on the couch."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a lot better at training animals than PersonY because _ is a professional trainer. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a lot better at training animals than PersonY because _ is a novice trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is asked to take Personal protective equipment (PPE) training and not PersonY because _ 's certification is expired. \nSentence 2: PersonX is asked to take Personal protective equipment (PPE) training and not PersonY because _ 's certification is valid."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran more often than PersonY because _ was in training for a big race. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran less often than PersonY because _ was in training for a big race."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a lot of time in training although PersonY thought it was a waste of time. _ was very dedicated. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a lot of time in training although PersonY thought it was a waste of time. _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was giving all the medical training to PersonY, because _ was the residential expert. \nSentence 2: PersonX was giving all the medical training to PersonY, because _ was the visiting student."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was serious about training, but PersonY was lazy, so _ kept going to the gym all week. \nSentence 2: PersonX was serious about training, but PersonY was lazy, so _ kept avoiding the gym all week."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was training PersonY on how to be a professional bowler, and soon _ was able to make them better. \nSentence 2: PersonX was training PersonY on how to be a professional bowler, and soon _ was able to become better."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was training to be a pilot while PersonY was training to be a ski instructor, so _ knew a lot about planes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was training to be a pilot while PersonY was training to be a ski instructor, so _ knew a lot about skiing."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wins championships more than PersonY because _ is a better competitor and is always training hard. \nSentence 2: PersonX wins championships more than PersonY even though _ is a better competitor and is always training hard."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog has been going to training classes with PersonY, so _ is paying for the classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog has been going to training classes with PersonY, so _ is teaching the classes."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: This training method suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was the heavier and stronger person. \nSentence 2: This training method suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was the smaller and weaker person."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to dog training, PersonX's dogs are always better behaved than PersonY's because _ is a dog whisperer. \nSentence 2: When it comes to dog training, PersonX's dogs are always better behaved than PersonY's because _ is a dog hater."} {"input": "Context Word: training.", "output": "Sentence 1: While training for firefighting, PersonX was not as interested or excited as PersonY, and _ wanted to do the basic exercises. \nSentence 2: While training for firefighting, PersonX was not as interested or excited as PersonY, and _ wanted to do the advanced exercises."} {"input": "Context Word: nosebleed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a terrible nosebleed while sleeping at PersonY's house, so _ decided to go home. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a terrible nosebleed while sleeping at PersonY's house, but _ didn't want her to go home."} {"input": "Context Word: shipping.", "output": "Sentence 1: Shipping packages was always a huge hassle for PersonX although it didn't bother PersonY, because _ did not have a car to get to the post office. \nSentence 2: Shipping packages was always a huge hassle for PersonX although it didn't bother PersonY, because _ had a nice car to get to the post office."} {"input": "Context Word: memorize.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX memorized the test answers in advance, while PersonY did not, so _ got a higher score on the exam. \nSentence 2: PersonX memorized the test answers in advance, while PersonY did not, so _ got a lower score on the exam."} {"input": "Context Word: handwriting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has much better handwriting than PersonY because _ really took the time to practice their cursive skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX has much better handwriting than PersonY because _ never took the time to practice their cursive skills."} {"input": "Context Word: handwriting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to improve their handwriting so PersonY would tutor them because _ was bad at it. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to improve their handwriting so PersonY would tutor them because _ was good at it."} {"input": "Context Word: handwriting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's handwriting was meticulous, while PersonY's handwriting was often sloppy, because _ was careless about their work. \nSentence 2: PersonX's handwriting was meticulous, while PersonY's handwriting was often sloppy, because _ was careful about their work."} {"input": "Context Word: handwriting.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX had poor handwriting, PersonY had neat handwriting, so it was difficult to read the writing of _ sometimes. \nSentence 2: While PersonX had poor handwriting, PersonY had neat handwriting, so it was easy to read the writing of _ all of the time."} {"input": "Context Word: tackle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shops for tackle supplies more often than PersonY because _ is an avid fisherman. \nSentence 2: PersonX shops for tackle supplies more often than PersonY because _ isn't an avid fisherman."} {"input": "Context Word: Microsoft.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has hired PersonY to install new Microsoft programs on the laptop. _ is more of a newbie at technology. \nSentence 2: PersonX has hired PersonY to install new Microsoft programs on the laptop. _ is more of an expert at technology."} {"input": "Context Word: pottery.", "output": "Sentence 1: Pottery doesn't come as naturally for PersonX as it does for PersonY because _ is clumsy with his hands. \nSentence 2: Pottery doesn't come as naturally for PersonX as it does for PersonY because _ is adept with his hands."} {"input": "Context Word: pen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being paid to build a round pen for PersonY's pigs, so _ is the carpenter. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being paid to build a round pen for PersonY's pigs, so _ is the farmer."} {"input": "Context Word: feed a rabbit greens.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to feed a rabbit greens because _ had rabbits as a kid. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to feed a rabbit greens because _ didn't own rabbits as a kid."} {"input": "Context Word: digging.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept digging into the past of PersonY against their will, because _ was trying to find the truth. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept digging into the past of PersonY against their will, because _ was trying to hide the truth."} {"input": "Context Word: swearing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often heard person PersonY swearing in front of children so _ asked her to stop. \nSentence 2: PersonX often heard person PersonY swearing in front of children so _ was asked to stop."} {"input": "Context Word: Casio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted return a Casio watch so he went to PersonY 's store. _ forgot his Casio, unfortunately. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to acquire a Casio watch so he went to PersonY 's store. _ only carried Rolexes, unfortunately."} {"input": "Context Word: moon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't like astronomy like PersonY so _ would not go see the moon at the observatory. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't like astronomy like PersonY so _ would go see the moon at the observatory alone."} {"input": "Context Word: moon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed looking at the moon but PersonY did not because _ preferred it when it was dark. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed looking at the moon but PersonY did not because _ preferred it when it was light."} {"input": "Context Word: moon.", "output": "Sentence 1: The moon was higher in the sky where PersonX was than where PersonY was because it was later at the location of _ . \nSentence 2: The moon was lower in the sky where PersonX was than where PersonY was because it was later at the location of _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: hurricane.", "output": "Sentence 1: As the storm approached, PersonX but not PersonY went to sit on the porch and watch because _ loved hurricanes. \nSentence 2: As the storm approached, PersonX but not PersonY went to sit on the porch and watch because _ was scared of hurricanes."} {"input": "Context Word: hurricane.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived in a place where hurricanes were prevalent while PersonY did not, so _ sometimes needed to evacuate during hurricane season. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived in a place where hurricanes were prevalent while PersonY did not, so _ never needed to evacuate during hurricane season."} {"input": "Context Word: hurricane.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx told PersonY they were worried about hurricanes where they live. _ was inconsolable. \nSentence 2: Personx told PersonY they were worried about hurricanes where they live. _ was empathetic."} {"input": "Context Word: Bottle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought soda tasted better a bottle but PersonY thought it tasted better from a can. _ got a bottle of Mexican Coke from the market. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought soda tasted better a bottle but PersonY thought it tasted better from a can. _ got a can of Coke from the machine."} {"input": "Context Word: Bottle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a VIP at the club but PersonY was a regular patron. _ was given a bottle service suite for free. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a VIP at the club but PersonY was a regular patron. _ was given a bottle service suite for $1000."} {"input": "Context Word: illness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a severe illness unlike PersonY because _ was sent to quarantine by the doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a severe illness unlike PersonY because _ was sent to home by the doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: illness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to cure PersonY of their illness so _ checked up on the patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to cure PersonY of their illness so _ was checked up on by the doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: illness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more prone to illness than PersonY because _ had a weak immune system. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more prone to illness than PersonY because _ had a strong immune system."} {"input": "Context Word: illness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's pets have been plagued with illness. PersonY's have not. _ 's pet food is expired. \nSentence 2: PersonX's pets have been plagued with illness. PersonY's have not. _ 's pet food is fresh."} {"input": "Context Word: illness.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX told PersonY his illness, _ has spent more time at home taking care of the kids. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX told PersonY his illness, _ has spent more time on bed instead of taking care of the kids."} {"input": "Context Word: illness.", "output": "Sentence 1: The illness affected PersonX's health a lot more than PersonY's because _ lived a horrible lifestyle. \nSentence 2: The illness affected PersonX's health a lot more than PersonY's because _ lived a healthy lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: excel.", "output": "Sentence 1: Late on Monday, PersonX was doing an excel report for PersonY because _ was the employee. \nSentence 2: Late on Monday PersonX was doing an excel report for PersonY because _ was the boss."} {"input": "Context Word: excel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's excel skills are better than those of PersonY due to _ being a mathematician. \nSentence 2: PersonX's excel skills are better than those of PersonY due to _ being a soccer player."} {"input": "Context Word: strawberry cheesecake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves fruit more than PersonY, therefore strawberry cheesecake is one of _ favorite desserts. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves fruit more than PersonY, therefore strawberry cheesecake is not one of _ favorite desserts."} {"input": "Context Word: created.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX created more works of art than PersonY did because _ was a more artistic person. \nSentence 2: PersonX created more works of art than PersonY did because _ was a less artistic person."} {"input": "Context Word: created.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is jealous of PersonY although _ created a new rocket to fly into space. \nSentence 2: PersonX is jealous of PersonY because _ created a new rocket to fly into space."} {"input": "Context Word: created.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent years of work and finally created a vaccine for PersonY, so _ was considered a hero. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent years of work and finally created a vaccine for PersonY, so _ was considered cured."} {"input": "Context Word: cleverness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always depended on her cleverness, PersonY just seemed to find it tiring, but _ did her best not to make herself obvious. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always depended on her cleverness, PersonY just seemed to find it tiring, but _ did her best not to make her annoyance obvious."} {"input": "Context Word: Proctitis.", "output": "Sentence 1: A blood test was necessary for PersonX, but not for PersonY, because _ needed to determine the cause of their Proctitis. \nSentence 2: A blood test was necessary for PersonX, but not for PersonY, because _ did not need to determine the cause of their Proctitis."} {"input": "Context Word: welder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a more dangerous job than PersonY since _ worked as a welder at great heights. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more safe job than PersonY since _ worked as a welder at great heights."} {"input": "Context Word: welder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more burns on their hands than PersonY because _ worked as a welder. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less burns on their hands than PersonY because _ worked as a welder."} {"input": "Context Word: strategically.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX places the balloon bunch strategically to hide the hole in PersonY's dining room wall, because _ is a smart party planner. \nSentence 2: PersonX places the balloon bunch strategically to hide the hole in PersonY's dining room wall, and _ is glad to have a smart party planner."} {"input": "Context Word: track.", "output": "Sentence 1: In high school, PersonX got the gold medal for track, but PersonY lost the race. _ felt amazing after. \nSentence 2: In high school, PersonX got the gold medal for track, but PersonY lost the race. _ felt disgusted after."} {"input": "Context Word: track.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always came first or second when they participated in track but PersonY usually came last because _ was a fast runner. \nSentence 2: PersonX always came first or second when they participated in track but PersonY usually came last because _ was a slow runner."} {"input": "Context Word: track.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept track of everywhere that PersonY went, because _ was an overly cautious person. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept track of everywhere that PersonY went, because _ was an overly problematic person."} {"input": "Context Word: substitution.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what made a good substitution for sour cream, because _ she had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what made a good substitution for sour cream, but _ she had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: affection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't think PersonY was showing enough affection during their date so _ started to pout. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't think PersonY was showing enough affection during their date so _ tried to be more affectionate."} {"input": "Context Word: feather duster.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cleaning a piano is easy to PersonX but not PersonY because _ makes it simple using a feather duster. \nSentence 2: Cleaning a piano is easy to PersonX but not PersonY because _ makes it complex by not using a feather duster."} {"input": "Context Word: collector.", "output": "Sentence 1: The collector bought more items from PersonX than PersonY because _ had a large collection to choose from. \nSentence 2: The collector bought more items from PersonX than PersonY because _ had a small collection to choose from."} {"input": "Context Word: flex.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX had to flex, the crowd laughed unlike when PersonY flexed because _ had undefined muscles. \nSentence 2: When PersonX had to flex, the crowd laughed unlike when PersonY flexed because _ had defined muscles."} {"input": "Context Word: confided.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX confided in PersonY about many things because he had a court date coming up. _ was his client. \nSentence 2: PersonX confided in PersonY about many things because he had a court date coming up. _ was his attorney."} {"input": "Context Word: easily.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX easily beat PersonY when they competed in the archery contest, because _ was a professional. \nSentence 2: PersonX easily beat PersonY when they competed in the archery contest, because _ was a rookie."} {"input": "Context Word: memory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a bad memory, so he asked PersonY who was in the movie they saw last week. _ was frustrated he could never remember things. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a bad memory, so he asked PersonY who was in the movie they saw last week. _ was frustrated he always had to answer things."} {"input": "Context Word: memory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a better memory than PersonY, so _ easily won the quiz show and took home the prize. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a bad memory compared to PersonY, so _ easily won the quiz show and took home the prize."} {"input": "Context Word: memory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a sharp memory of the past but not PersonY because _ was a young person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a sharp memory of the past but not PersonY because _ was an old person."} {"input": "Context Word: memory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a sharp, vivid memory, but PersonY's memory was more foggy, because _ was old. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a sharp, vivid memory, but PersonY's memory was more foggy, because _ was young."} {"input": "Context Word: memory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved flash card memory games while PersonY hated them because ( _ ) was very good at recalling images. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved flash card memory games while PersonY hated them because ( _ ) was very bad at recalling images."} {"input": "Context Word: memory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's memory is a lot sharper than PersonY's is due to _ being a lot younger. \nSentence 2: PersonX's memory is a lot sharper than PersonY's is due to _ being a lot older."} {"input": "Context Word: memory.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working in the academy better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ had a perfect memory. \nSentence 2: Working in the academy better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ had a forgetful memory."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to stay home a watch a movie this evening, because _ was too tired to go out. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to stay home a watch a movie this evening, but _ was going out."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was willing to pay extra for better movie theater seats because _ was excited to see the movie. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was willing to pay extra for better movie theater seats because _ wasn't that excited to see the movie."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed watchng the horror movie much more than PersonY, because _ liked feeling scared. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed watching the horror movie much more than PersonY, because _ disliked feeling scared."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys watching horror movies but PersonY does not, so _ went to see a scary movie. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys watching horror movies but PersonY does not, so _ went to see a romantic movie."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys watching movies, PersonY enjoys reading books more. _ would like to go see the new movie. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys watching movies, PersonY enjoys reading books more. _ would like to stay home and read.."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated horror movies while PersonY loved them. They always gave _ bad dreams the following nights. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated horror movies while PersonY loved them. They always gave _ good dreams the following nights."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved horror movies while PersonY did not, so _ went to see the newest horror movie in theaters. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved horror movies while PersonY did not, so _ refused to see the newest horror movie in theaters."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go see a horror movie with PersonY because _ loved to watch them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go see a horror movie with PersonY but _ hated to watch them."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not very cultured, while PersonY was very knowledgeable, so _ asked her to pick the movie . \nSentence 2: PersonX was not very cultured, while PersonY was very knowledgeable, so _ got to pick the movie ."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX liked the movie and PersonY did not, _ went to see the movie again that weekend. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX liked the movie and PersonY did not, _ did not go to see the movie again that weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: While out on the date, PersonX wanted to see a movie and PersonY didn't so _ compromised to go to the drive in theater. \nSentence 2: While out on the date, PersonX didn't want to see a movie and PersonY did so _ compromised to go to the drive in theater."} {"input": "Context Word: movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: While waiting for the movie to begin, PersonX bought popcorn and drinks for PersonY, since _ had a lot of money. \nSentence 2: While waiting for the movie to begin, PersonX bought popcorn and drinks for PersonY, since _ had little money."} {"input": "Context Word: high heels.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was teaching PersonY how to walk in high heels because _ was already a model. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching PersonY how to walk in high heels because _ was becoming a model."} {"input": "Context Word: potato chips.", "output": "Sentence 1: Potato chips were a regular snack for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ didn't care if they got fat. \nSentence 2: Potato chips were a regular snack for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ cared if they got fat."} {"input": "Context Word: vomiting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't stop vomiting all day, despite the help PersonY was offering, because _ had food poisoning. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't stop vomiting all day, despite the help PersonY was offering, because _ had no medical experience."} {"input": "Context Word: vomiting.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat of PersonX had a case of vomiting, while PersonY's was just fine, because _ 's cat eats a lot of fur. \nSentence 2: The cat of PersonX had a case of vomiting, while PersonY's was just fine, because _ 's cat doesn't eat a lot of fur."} {"input": "Context Word: vomiting.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stew induced vomiting in PersonX but not in PersonY, _ just had a fragile stomach. \nSentence 2: The stew induced vomiting in PersonX but not in PersonY, _ just had a tough stomach."} {"input": "Context Word: creditworthy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried hard to prove that he was creditworthy but PersonY knew that he was unreliable. _ had a history of missing payments and quitting jobs. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried hard to prove that he was creditworthy but PersonY knew that he was unreliable. _ said there was a history of missing payments and quitting jobs."} {"input": "Context Word: Durian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the taste and smell of durian reprehensible but not PersonY. _ had the durian dish for their dessert. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the taste and smell of durian reprehensible but not PersonY. _ had the ice cream dish for their dessert."} {"input": "Context Word: write a story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved studying English but PersonY preferred math. it was easy for _ to write a story. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved studying English but PersonY preferred math. it was difficult for _ to write a story."} {"input": "Context Word: stay up all night.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to stay up all night with PersonY to play video games, but _ was not prepared. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to stay up all night with PersonY to play video games, and _ was well prepared."} {"input": "Context Word: wool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX as a joke bought a wool sweater for PersonY despite his skin rash because _ is a prankster. \nSentence 2: PersonX as a joke bought a wool sweater for PersonY despite his skin rash because _ is itchy."} {"input": "Context Word: wool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to be able to sell the wool at the market and needed help from PersonY, so _ was insecure. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to be able to sell the wool at the market and needed help from PersonY, but _ was uninterested."} {"input": "Context Word: wool.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was looking on the sale rack for a wool sweater but not PersonY because _ was frugal with money. \nSentence 2: PersonX was looking on the sale rack for a wool sweater but not PersonY because _ was wasteful with money."} {"input": "Context Word: wool.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wool coat PersonX gave to PersonY fit like a glove, so _ accepted a hug as a thank you. \nSentence 2: The wool coat PersonX gave to PersonY fit like a glove, so _ accepted the coat with a thank you."} {"input": "Context Word: rose petals.", "output": "Sentence 1: Rose petals were perfect for pot pourri, thought PersonX, but not PersonY. _ was allergic to synthetic fragrances. \nSentence 2: Rose petals were perfect for pot pourri, thought PersonX, but not PersonY. _ was allergic to flowers."} {"input": "Context Word: tumeric.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to cook with tumeric but personY does not because _ is very creative when it comes to cookery. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to cook with tumeric but personY does not because _ is very prosaic when it comes to cookery."} {"input": "Context Word: prospect.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was considered a prospect but not PersonY because _ was talented at the sport. \nSentence 2: PersonX was considered a prospect but not PersonY because _ was inept at the sport."} {"input": "Context Word: improved flexibility.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had improved flexibiity in her leg while PersonY had improved flexibility in her hand. _ had leg flexibility. \nSentence 2: PersonX had improved flexibiity in her leg while PersonY had improved flexibility in her hand. _ had hand flexibility."} {"input": "Context Word: chili.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tasty chili was PersonX's favorite but not PersonY's because _ loved to eat spicy food. \nSentence 2: The tasty chili was PersonX's favorite but not PersonY's because _ hated to eat spicy food."} {"input": "Context Word: implants.", "output": "Sentence 1: Dental implants were not good for PersonX, but was good for PersonY because _ doesn't have dental insurance for them. \nSentence 2: Dental implants were not good for PersonX, but was good for PersonY because _ has good dental insurance."} {"input": "Context Word: Green Bell Peppers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew green bell peppers in their garden and gave some to PersonY because _ hated them. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew green bell peppers in their garden and gave some to PersonY because _ loved them."} {"input": "Context Word: raincoat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed dry in the bad weather, but PersonY got drenched, because _ wore a raincoat. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed dry in the bad weather, but PersonY got drenched, because _ forgot a raincoat."} {"input": "Context Word: common sense.", "output": "Sentence 1: Common sense was something that PersonX had a lot of but not PersonY, so _ got in out of the lightning storm. \nSentence 2: Common sense was something that PersonX had a lot of but not PersonY, so _ didn't get in out of the lightning storm."} {"input": "Context Word: locked.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX locked her keys in the car she called PersonY for help. _ felt foolish about the keys. \nSentence 2: When PersonX locked her keys in the car she called PersonY for help. _ had spare keys."} {"input": "Context Word: lump.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor found a lump on PersonX while PersonY received a clean bill of health. _ now has to undergo further testing. \nSentence 2: The doctor found a lump on PersonX while PersonY received a clean bill of health. _ doesn't have to undergo any further testing."} {"input": "Context Word: washed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to have his clothes washed at the laundry facility unlike PersonY because _ didn't have a machine in his house. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to have his clothes washed at the laundry facility unlike PersonY because _ had a machine in his house."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: Lots of dinner PersonX cooks are done in the microwave, while PersonY uses the stove. _ is in a rush a lot. \nSentence 2: Lots of dinner PersonX cooks are done in the microwave, while PersonY uses the stove. _ is in a cooking mood a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accepted a microwave from PersonY because _ did not have one at home yet. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a microwave to PersonY because _ did not have one at home yet."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always uses the microwave to cook, while PersonY makes meals on the stove. _ probably has less time. \nSentence 2: PersonX always uses the microwave to cook, while PersonY makes meals on the stove. _ probably has more time."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a lot of microwave dinners but not PersonY because _ wanted convenient food. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a lot of microwave dinners but not PersonY because _ disliked convenient food."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked the food for PersonY but _ was mad so they had cooked it in the microwave. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked the food for PersonY but _ was mad that they had cooked it in the microwave."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't believe in using the microwave like PersonY does because _ is more health conscious. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't believe in using the microwave like PersonY does because _ is less health conscious."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed cooking homemade meals more than PersonY, so _ did not want to microwave the food. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed cooking homemade meals more than PersonY, so _ wanted to microwave the food."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laughs at PersonY's cooking even though _ doesn't know how to use a microwave and nearly set the kitchen on fire. \nSentence 2: PersonX laughs at PersonY's cooking because _ doesn't know how to use a microwave and nearly set the kitchen on fire."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred food heated, while PersonY liked it cold, so _ always used the microwave . \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred food heated, while PersonY liked it cold, so _ never used the microwave ."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used the microwave right after PersonY , since _ still needed to warm up her food. \nSentence 2: PersonX used the microwave right after PersonY , since _ no longer needed to warm up her food."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scared of radiation unlike PersonY so _ would not microwave any food ever. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scared of radiation unlike PersonY so _ would microwave any food every day."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: The microwave PersonX is more modern and expensive than the one PersonY because _ belong to the high-class segment of the population. \nSentence 2: The microwave PersonX is more modern and expensive than the one PersonY because _ belong to the low-class segment of the population."} {"input": "Context Word: microwave.", "output": "Sentence 1: The microwave was used less frequently by PersonX than PersonY because _ had culinary training. \nSentence 2: The microwave was used less frequently by PersonX than PersonY because _ had no culinary training."} {"input": "Context Word: violets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had grown much prettier violets than PersonY because _ invested more time in the garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX had grown much prettier violets than PersonY even though _ invested more time in the garden."} {"input": "Context Word: violets.", "output": "Sentence 1: The violets in the garden of PersonX grew much taller than PersonY's because _ is great at gardening. \nSentence 2: The violets in the garden of PersonX grew much shorter than PersonY's because _ is great at gardening."} {"input": "Context Word: sunscreen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used sunscreen a lot while PersonY never used it, so _ was at a lower risk of skin cancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX used sunscreen a lot while PersonY never used it, so _ was at a higher risk of skin cancer."} {"input": "Context Word: sunscreen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore sunscreen on the hot summer day but PersonY did not. _ got a nice tan. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore sunscreen on the hot summer day but PersonY did not. _ got a bad sunburn."} {"input": "Context Word: accidentally.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidentally knocked over PersonYs favorite vase, this made _ feel sorry. \nSentence 2: PersonX accidentally knocked over PersonYs favorite vase, this made _ feel sad ."} {"input": "Context Word: accidentally.", "output": "Sentence 1: While driving on the freeway, PersonX accidentally rear ended PersonY's car so _ was remorseful. \nSentence 2: While driving on the freeway, PersonX accidentally rear ended PersonY's car so _ was angry."} {"input": "Context Word: cash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't think twice about giving PersonY some extra cash, because _ was very rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't think twice about giving PersonY some extra cash, because _ was very poor."} {"input": "Context Word: cash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX generally has more cash in their wallet than PersonY because _ gets paid under the table. \nSentence 2: PersonX generally has more cash in their wallet than PersonY because _ gets paid by direct deposit."} {"input": "Context Word: cash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gives all the cash in their wallet to PersonY, because _ wants him to have a great day at the theme park. \nSentence 2: PersonX gives all the cash in their wallet to PersonY, so _ will certainly have a great day at the theme park."} {"input": "Context Word: cash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more cash on them than PersonY because _ worked more hours during the week. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more cash on them than PersonY although _ worked more hours during the week."} {"input": "Context Word: cash.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to cash a check at the bank PersonY recommended, but _ is turned away from the bank. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to cash a check at the bank PersonY recommended, because _ was impressed by the bank."} {"input": "Context Word: cash.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ spends their cash all the time because PersonX is rich and PersonY does not have that much money. \nSentence 2: So _ saves their cash all the time because PersonX is rich and PersonY does not have that much money."} {"input": "Context Word: creative writing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The creative writing teacher chose the story written by PersonX and discarded the one written by PersonY because _ used more literary techniques. \nSentence 2: The creative writing teacher discarded the story written by PersonX and chose the one written by PersonY because _ used more literary techniques."} {"input": "Context Word: camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to use a camera but not for PersonY because _ was very creative. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to use a camera but not for PersonY because _ was very clumsy."} {"input": "Context Word: camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new camera from PersonY, _ was happy to have purchased the camera. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new camera from PersonY, _ was happy to have sold the camera."} {"input": "Context Word: camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found the camera that PersonY had lost at the beach, so _ felt good about helping out. \nSentence 2: PersonX found the camera that PersonY had lost at the beach, so _ felt grateful about being helped out."} {"input": "Context Word: camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took great photos with a camera of PersonY because _ was a skilled photographer. \nSentence 2: PersonX took great photos with a camera of PersonY because _ was a skilled model."} {"input": "Context Word: camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a camera to complete their art project, while PersonY used oil paints, because _ had aspirations of becoming a photographer. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a camera to complete their art project, while PersonY used oil paints, because _ had aspirations of becoming a painter."} {"input": "Context Word: camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used his high end DSLR camera to take PersonY's picture because _ is a professional photographer. \nSentence 2: PersonX used his high end DSLR camera to take PersonY's picture because _ is a professional model."} {"input": "Context Word: camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used their camera to take a picture of PersonY, because _ was a good photographer. \nSentence 2: PersonX used their camera to take a picture of PersonY, because _ was a good subject."} {"input": "Context Word: camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used their new camera to take a picture of PersonY, because _ really wanted to snap a shot. \nSentence 2: PersonX used their new camera to take a picture of PersonY, because _ really wanted to pose for a shot."} {"input": "Context Word: camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hired by PersonY to take their pictures with a camera so _ was shooting during the photo session. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hired by PersonY to take their pictures with a camera so _ was posing during the photo session."} {"input": "Context Word: camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: The camera PersonX bought was given a high rating on the internet blog PersonY post on the internet, _ listens to the opinions of others . \nSentence 2: The camera PersonX bought was given a high rating on the internet blog PersonY post on the internet, _ ads to the opinions of others ."} {"input": "Context Word: camera.", "output": "Sentence 1: The camera of PersonX was nicer looking than PersonY's because _ invested a lot of money into it. \nSentence 2: The camera of PersonX was nicer looking than PersonY's because _ invested just a little money into it."} {"input": "Context Word: having sex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was pressuring PersonY into having sex, but it didn't work. _ was known to be very pushy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was pressuring PersonY into having sex, but it didn't work. _ was known to be waiting until marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: Singing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the singing of PersonY was really bad, so _ left the house for some peace and quiet. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the singing of PersonY was really bad, but _ did not care for peace and quiet."} {"input": "Context Word: Exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the gym, PersonX followed PersonY 's lead during the exercise routine. _ was his student. \nSentence 2: At the gym, PersonX followed PersonY 's lead during the exercise routine. _ was his trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: Exercise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to exercise but PersonY liked to chill, so _ bought a gym membership. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to exercise but PersonY liked to chill, so _ bought a Netflix membership."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX lost more weight than PersonY, _ still ate more sweets overall despite this. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX lost more weight than PersonY, _ still ate fewer sweets overall despite this."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: Gaining weight is hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has a fast metabolism. \nSentence 2: Gaining weight is hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has a slow metabolism."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: Maintaining a healthy weight was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ ate a lot of vegetables. \nSentence 2: Maintaining a healthy weight was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not eat any vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: Managing her weight was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a sweet tooth. \nSentence 2: Managing her weight was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not have a sweet tooth."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always made sure to be a healthy weight but not PersonY because _ has an active lifestyle. \nSentence 2: PersonX always made sure to be a healthy weight but not PersonY because _ has a couch potato lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them make a diet plan and exercise routine. _ wanted to lose weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them make a diet plan and exercise routine. _ didn't need to lose weight."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cared about their weight less than PersonY did, so _ took another piece of the yummy dessert. \nSentence 2: PersonX cared about their weight less than PersonY did, so _ resisted another piece of the yummy dessert."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not lose weight as quickly as PersonY because _ cheated on their diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not lose weight as quickly as PersonY because _ stuck to their diet."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX feels concerned about PersonY's rapid weight loss, but _ decides not to say anything. \nSentence 2: PersonX feels concerned about PersonY's rapid weight loss, but _ decides to try to lose more."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gained a ton of weight over the holidays, while PersonY lost some, since _ abandoned their diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX gained a ton of weight over the holidays, while PersonY lost some, since _ stuck to their diet."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a harder time managing her weight than PersonY because _ liked to eat a lot of desserts. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a harder time managing her weight than PersonY because _ did not eat eat a lot of desserts."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a nutritionist, PersonY is not therefore to loose weight safely _ should be consulted. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a nutritionist, PersonY is not therefore to loose weight safely _ should not be consulted."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY was trying to lose weight, then _ made him a salad for lunch. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that he was trying to lose weight, then _ made a salad for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let PersonY know that after the breakup they have been putting on a lot of weight since _ is rude. \nSentence 2: PersonX let PersonY know that after the breakup they have been putting on a lot of weight since _ is depressed."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to work out more than PersonY so _ did not have to worry about gaining weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to work out more than PersonY so _ began to worry about gaining weight."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked thinner than PersonY because _ had lost more weight overall within the three month period. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked heavier than PersonY because _ had lost more weight overall within the three month period."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost a lot of weight last summer compared to PersonY, so _ feels more energetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost a lot of weight last summer compared to PersonY, so _ feels less energetic."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost the weight much slower than PersonY since _ had been eating an unhealthy diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost the weight much faster than PersonY since _ had been eating a healthy diet."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost way more weight than PersonY did because _ exercised far more frequently and with greater intensity. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost way more weight than PersonY did because _ exercised far less frequently and with less intensity."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost weight more slowly than PersonY because _ only exercised about once a week. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost weight more slowly than PersonY because _ exercised about three times a week."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to lose weight but PersonY did not because _ was over twenty pounds over the recommended weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to lose weight but PersonY did not because _ was over twenty pounds under the recommended weight."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never had much problem with their weight but PersonY struggled with their weight. _ could eat everything they pleased. \nSentence 2: PersonX never had much problem with their weight but PersonY struggled with their weight. _ had to watch everything they eat."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed that PersonY was gaining weight so _ told them they should go on a diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed that PersonY was gaining weight so _ wanted to go on a diet."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really needed to lose weight but PersonY definitely didn't, due to _ being overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX really needed to lose weight but PersonY definitely didn't, due to _ being underweight."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX seeks advice from PersonY regarding problems with her weight because _ is very overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX seeks advice from PersonY regarding problems with her weight because _ is a dietitian."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX urgently needed to lose weight. PersonY did not. This is because _ was slim. \nSentence 2: PersonX urgently needed to lose weight. PersonY did not. This is because _ was fat."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to avoid getting weight so she asks PersonY for an extra sessions, because _ isn't happy with her body. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to avoid getting weight so she asks PersonY for an extra sessions, because _ is a trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to keep their weight off long term, unlike PersonY, because _ followed a crash diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to keep their weight off long term, unlike PersonY, because _ followed a healthy diet."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to lose more weight than PersonY because _ ate a lot of healthy food. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to lose more weight than PersonY because _ ate a lot of junk food."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always gaining weight while PersonY was losing as _ liked to eat too much. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always gaining weight while PersonY was losing as _ liked to eat too little."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was getting overweight as compared to PersonY so _ started watching what they ate. \nSentence 2: PersonX was getting overweight as compared to PersonY so _ didn't worry about what they ate."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY diet and lose weight for _ remembered what it was like to be obese. \nSentence 2: PersonX was being helped by PersonY diet and lose weight for _ remembered what it was like to be obese."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY to lose weight because _ was obese previously and needed help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY to lose weight because _ was obese now and needed help."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really trying hard to lose weight but PersonY baked cookies so _ walked outside. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really trying hard to lose weight but PersonY baked cookies so _ put them outside."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was skinnier than PersonY so _ didn't have to worry about how to lose weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was skinnier than PersonY so _ had to worry about how to lose weight."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was slimmer than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about going on a diet or her weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was slimmer than PersonY, so _ starte to worry about going on a diet and her weight."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to lose weight _ asked PersonY if they could help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to lose weight PersonY asked if they wanted _ help."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX weighs a lot more than PersonY, so _ has to worry about their weight more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX weighs a lot more than PersonY, so _ has to worry about their weight less often."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: Putting on weight was the expected outcome for PersonX but not PersonY because _ acquired muscle mass. \nSentence 2: Putting on weight was the expected outcome for PersonX but not PersonY because _ lost muscle mass."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: The heavy weight was too much for PersonX , while PersonY lifted it with ease, since _ never trained properly. \nSentence 2: The heavy weight was too much for PersonX , while PersonY lifted it with ease, since _ had trained properly."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: The trainer had an easy time helping PersonX lose weight but not PersonY because _ worked out very hard. \nSentence 2: The trainer had an easy time helping PersonX lose weight but not PersonY because _ didn't work out very hard."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: The weight of PersonX always fluctuated more than the weight of PersonY because _ is a very emotional person. \nSentence 2: The weight of PersonX always fluctuated more than the weigh of PersonY because _ is a very unemotional person."} {"input": "Context Word: weight.", "output": "Sentence 1: The weight of PersonX has always been steady, but PersonY's fluctuates a lot. This is due to _ having a steady metabolism. \nSentence 2: The weight of PersonX has always been steady, but PersonY's fluctuates a lot. This is due to _ having an varying metabolism."} {"input": "Context Word: Dress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the dress PersonY was wearing, so _ decided to buy the same dress. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the dress PersonY was wearing, so _ decided to give the same dress to her."} {"input": "Context Word: suitable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was reprimanded by their boss because _ did things that were not suitable for the workplace. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was reprimanded by their boss because _ did things that were suitable for the workplace."} {"input": "Context Word: made more donations.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made more donations to charities than PersonY because _ believed in charitable giving in life. \nSentence 2: PersonX made more donations to charities than PersonY because _ did not believe in charitable giving in life."} {"input": "Context Word: comic book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY a comic book for his birthday because _ knew he liked comics. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought PersonY a comic book for his birthday because he knew _ liked comics."} {"input": "Context Word: contaminated object.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX came into contact with a contaminated object PersonY is trying to figure out what made _ so sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX came into contact with a contaminated object PersonY is trying figure out why _ is not so sick."} {"input": "Context Word: Celsius.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX heard Celsius temperatures in weather reports while PersonY heard Fahrenheit temperatures because _ lived in Canada. \nSentence 2: PersonX heard Celsius temperatures in weather reports while PersonY heard Fahrenheit temperatures because _ lived in USA."} {"input": "Context Word: Sandwiches.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sandwiches are a favorite meal for PersonX but not for PersonY, so _ ordered a pastrami sandwich for lunch. \nSentence 2: Sandwiches are a favorite meal for PersonX but not for PersonY, so _ ordered a chef salad for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: poppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX picked a bouquet of poppies from PersonY's garden, and _ was happy because her table looked more cheerful. \nSentence 2: PersonX picked a bouquet of poppies from PersonY's garden, and _ was angry because her garden looked trampled."} {"input": "Context Word: poppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted poppies for her wedding flowers but PersonY said that was an odd choice. _ pointed out it was her wedding and only her opinion mattered. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted poppies for her wedding flowers but PersonY said that was an odd choice. _ pointed out it was a wedding and tradition mattered."} {"input": "Context Word: end.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the end of the semester, PersonX took a vacation to the Bahamas while PersonY didn't, so _ had fun. \nSentence 2: At the end of the semester, PersonX took a vacation to the Bahamas while PersonY didn't, so _ was bored."} {"input": "Context Word: wound.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to clean and bandage their wound from being shot because _ was in a lot of pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to clean and bandage their wound from being shot because _ was a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: wound.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't bear to look at PersonY's wound, but _ tried to be brave about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't bear to look at PersonY's wound, though _ tried to be clear about needing help."} {"input": "Context Word: wound.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dressed PersonY's large chest wound with gauze and antibacterial ointment because _ was concerned about the wound. \nSentence 2: PersonX dressed PersonY's large chest wound with gauze and antibacterial ointment because _ was in pain from the wound."} {"input": "Context Word: wound.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew exactly how to treat the injured person's wound but not PersonY because _ took a first aid class in high school. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew exactly how to treat the injured person's wound but not PersonY because _ took a woodworking class in high school."} {"input": "Context Word: wound.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shot PersonY causing a painful and bloody wound, so _ said that he was very, very sorry. \nSentence 2: PersonX shot PersonY causing a painful and bloody wound, so _ said that he was very, very angry."} {"input": "Context Word: wound.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY clean their new wound on their back because _ has a nursing degree. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY clean their new wound on their back because _ has a scrape on their back."} {"input": "Context Word: wound.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was hurt because PersonX has a huge wound on their arm and PersonY didn't. \nSentence 2: So _ was fine because PersonX has a huge wound on their arm and PersonY didn't."} {"input": "Context Word: wound.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wound of PersonX is much worse than the one PersonY got, so _ was cut deeper. \nSentence 2: The wound of PersonX is much worse than the one PersonY got, so _ was cut shallower."} {"input": "Context Word: wound.", "output": "Sentence 1: The wound of PersonX was being cleaned by PersonY, so _ is likely a patient. \nSentence 2: The wound of PersonX was being cleaned by PersonY, so _ is likely a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: wiser.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a lot wiser than PersonY because _ was always passionate about learning and reading information. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less wiser than PersonY because _ was always passionate about learning and reading information."} {"input": "Context Word: write a book quickly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to write a book quickly because _ was a successful author. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to write a book quickly because _ was an inspiring author."} {"input": "Context Word: bone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to be vigilant about her bone health which PersonY worries about since _ is elderly. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to be vigilant about her bone health which PersonY worries about since _ is concerned."} {"input": "Context Word: bone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played with the bones while PersonY shied away since _ was interested in archaeology. \nSentence 2: PersonX played with the bones while PersonY shied away since _ was uninterested in archaeology."} {"input": "Context Word: bone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to hear the results of PersonY's screening for bone cancer, so _ calls to ask what happened. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to hear the results of PersonY's screening for bone cancer, but _ won't say what happened."} {"input": "Context Word: stove.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke and then fixed PersonY's old stove because _ felt bad about breaking it. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke and then fixed PersonY's old stove because _ felt mad about it breaking."} {"input": "Context Word: stove.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stove of PersonX is electric, and PersonY's happens to be gas. _ has the higher electric bill. \nSentence 2: The stove of PersonX is electric, and PersonY's happens to be gas. _ has the higher gas bill."} {"input": "Context Word: stove.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stove was left on after PersonX used it, so PersonY turned it off. _ was careless. \nSentence 2: The stove was left on after PersonX used it, so PersonY turned it off. _ was careful."} {"input": "Context Word: nerd.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was called a nerd by PersonY, so _ decides to write a revenge letter to the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX was called a nerd by PersonY, so _ decides to write an apology letter to the other."} {"input": "Context Word: snack.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't mind giving her snack to PersonY because _ had already eaten lunch and was full. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't mind giving her snack to PersonY because _ had not eaten lunch and was hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: snack.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has decided to change PersonY's diet and swap to health snack, because _ care about her. \nSentence 2: PersonX has decided to change PersonY's diet and swap to health snack, because _ eats unhealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: snack.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was hungry and PersonY was very full, _ made a snack for themselves that afternoon. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was hungry and PersonY was very full, _ did not make a snack for themselves that afternoon."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: A brand new car was sold by PersonX to PersonY because _ was a car salesman. \nSentence 2: A brand new car was sold by PersonX to PersonY because _ was a car buyer."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX took their car to the mechanic less frequently than PersonY, _ had more car problems. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX took their car to the mechanic more frequently than PersonY, _ had more car problems."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always arrived at work earlier than PersonY, as _ had a faster and more dependable car. \nSentence 2: PersonX always arrived at work earlier than PersonY, as _ had a slower and less dependable car."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for a ride to the grocery store because _ didn't have a car. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for a ride to the grocery store because _ had a car."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed PersonY 's car so _ could run his errands while his car was in the shop. \nSentence 2: PersonX lent PersonY his car so _ could run his errands while his car was in the shop."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a brand new car last weekend while PersonY didn't, because _ is very wealthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a brand new car last weekend while PersonY didn't, because _ is very poor."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new car and took it to PersonY to show it off because _ was proud of it. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new car and took it to PersonY to show it off but _ was unphased by it."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new sports car while PersonY bought a small city car, because _ prefers the adrenaline while driving. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new sports car while PersonY bought a small city car, because _ prefers the safety while driving."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bragged to PersonY about the new car she got for her birthday because _ was proud. \nSentence 2: PersonX bragged to PersonY about the new car she got for her birthday because _ was jealous."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not drive a car, so PersonY took him places, since _ was under the legal driving age. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not drive a car, so PersonY took him places, since _ was over the legal driving age."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX crashed the car into PersonY's fence, so _ had to pay for the damages. \nSentence 2: PersonX crashed the car into PersonY's fence, so _ had to be reimbursed for the damages."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drives the car much better and calmer than PersonY because _ took driving lessons. \nSentence 2: PersonX drives the car much better and calmer than PersonY because _ didn't take driving lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drove a car to work while PersonY rode a bike because _ lived very far from their workplace. \nSentence 2: PersonX drove a car to work while PersonY rode a bike because _ lived very near to their workplace."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drove the car into PersonY 's home. _ had to pay for the damages. \nSentence 2: PersonX drove the car into PersonY 's home. _ made him pay for the damages."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fixed PersonY's car since _ was a mechanic with many years of automobile experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX fixed PersonY's car since _ needed a mechanic with many years of automobile experience."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a cleaner car than PersonY had because _ had gone to the car wash. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a dirtier car than PersonY had because _ had gone to the car wash."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had never crashed their car in any way whereas PersonY had because _ was very careful. \nSentence 2: PersonX had never crashed their car in any way whereas PersonY had because _ was very reckless."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had never gone to a dealership and bought a car like PersonY because _ always bought them from the owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX had never gone to a dealership and bought a car like PersonY because _ never bought them from the owner."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had very little money and PersonY received a recent inheritance and was very rich, so therefore _ purchased a very economical car. \nSentence 2: PersonX had very little money and PersonY received a recent inheritance and was very rich, so therefore _ purchased a very expensive car."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to use ridesharing apps more often than PersonY because _ doesn't own their own car. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to use ridesharing apps more often than PersonY because _ owns their own car."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a much bigger person than PersonY, so _ wants a to buy a bigger car from the dealership. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a much bigger person than PersonY, so _ wants a to buy a smaller car from the dealership."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is buying a car from a PersonY and wants to reduce the price, so _ wants to lower the price. \nSentence 2: PersonX is buying a car from a PersonY and wants to reduce the price, but _ wants to keep the same price."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is currently cleaning a car upholstery for PersonY, because _ really wants to help her.. \nSentence 2: PersonX is currently cleaning a car upholstery for PersonY, because _ could really use some help."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to have her car tiddy and clean while PersonY's car is a mess, as _ is organized. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to have her car tiddy and clean while PersonY's car is a mess, as _ is disorganized."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX listed a used car for sale online. PersonY agreed to but it, but then _ never came to collect the car. \nSentence 2: PersonX listed a used car for sale online. PersonY agreed to but it, but then _ never came to drop off the car."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost control of their car and was assessed $2500 in damages while PersonY escaped it all because _ was drinking and driving. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost control of their car and was assessed $2500 in damages while PersonY escaped it all because _ was singing and driving.."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed money and PersonY needed a car, so _ sold the car to his friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed money and PersonY needed a car, so _ bought the car from his friend."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to get a ride to the party from PersonY because _ did not have a car. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to get a ride to the party from PersonY because _ did have a car."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to lend her car to PersonY, as _ had no need for it that weekend. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to lend her car to PersonY, as _ had desperate need for it that weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX picked up PersonY on the way to work because _ had a more dependable car. \nSentence 2: PersonX picked up PersonY on the way to work although _ had a more dependable car."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told everyone he knew about his new car while PersonY was keeping his new car in secret. _ was so proud. \nSentence 2: PersonX told everyone he knew about his new car while PersonY was keeping his new car in secret. _ was so humble."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a neon green car but PersonY did not as _ liked vibrant colours. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a neon green car but PersonY did not as _ liked subdued colours."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY to restore power to their car so _ unhelpfully asked if they had even cleaned the fuel system. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY to restore power to their car so _ helpfully asked if they had even cleaned the fuel system."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in the market for a new car while PersonY thought they could get more miles out of their car. _ went shopping for a new car. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in the market for a new car while PersonY thought they could get more miles out of their car. _ went shopping for a new sofa."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of PersonY's new car because _ couldn't afford to buy a new car. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of PersonY's new car because _ was rich enough to buy a new car."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not eager to drive the race car around the track unlike PersonY because _ was less adventurous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not eager to drive the race car around the track unlike PersonY because _ was more adventurous."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was wanting to buy a new car. PersonY was wanting to sell theirs. The car dealer sold a car to _ that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was wanting to buy a new car. PersonY was wanting to sell theirs. The car dealer bought a car from _ that day."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's car has more dirt and oil in it than the one of PersonY because _ is cleaner overall. \nSentence 2: PersonX's car has more dirt and oil in it than the one of PersonY because _ is dirtier overall."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's car is being repaired at the hands of PersonY, so _ is the client. \nSentence 2: PersonX's car is being repaired at the hands of PersonY, so _ is the mechanic."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's car was fixed really quickly by PersonY in the shop because _ is a paying customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX's car was fixed really quickly by PersonY in the shop because _ is a great mechanic."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX took the bus to work while PersonY drove a car, _ could read during their work ride. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX took the bus to work while PersonY drove a car, _ could not read during their work ride."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: The car hit PersonX but not PersonY because _ was in the middle of the street. \nSentence 2: The car hit PersonX but not PersonY because _ was in the middle of the sidewalk."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: The car of PersonX is older than the one that PersonY is driving. That's because _ paid less money for it. \nSentence 2: The car of PersonX is older than the one that PersonY is driving. That's because _ paid more money for it."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: The car of PersonX was more dull than that of PersonY because _ had not polished their car. \nSentence 2: The car of PersonX was more shiny than that of PersonY because _ had not polished their car."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: The valet employee took the car keys of PersonX before PersonY because _ was ahead of everyone in the line. \nSentence 2: The valet employee took the car keys of PersonX before PersonY because _ was behind everyone in the line."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: Their mother trusted PersonX over PersonY with the car because _ was more cautious when driving. \nSentence 2: Their mother trusted PersonX over PersonY with the car because _ was more reckless when driving."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX locked his keys in the car, he called PersonY for help. _ was pleased that the charge was only $20. \nSentence 2: When PersonX locked his keys in the car, he called PersonY for help. _ said that that the charge was only $20."} {"input": "Context Word: car.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX wanted to buy a new car, PersonY offered go along because _ had purchased no new cars before. \nSentence 2: When PersonX wanted to buy a new car, PersonY offered go along because _ had purchased many new cars before."} {"input": "Context Word: pork.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not eat pork like PersonY because _ had a religion that forbid them to eat it. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not eat pork like PersonY because _ had a religion that allowed them to eat it."} {"input": "Context Word: pork.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't realize that PersonY wasn't allowed to eat pork for religious reasons, so _ cooked a pork chop for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't realize that PersonY wasn't allowed to eat pork for religious reasons, so _ couldn't eat the pork chop for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: pork.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was disgusted that PersonY chose to cook pork for dinner, because _ was a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX was disgusted that PersonY chose to cook pork for dinner, because _ loved meat."} {"input": "Context Word: pork.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pork was cooked better by PersonX than PersonY because _ used plenty of seasoning beforehand. \nSentence 2: The pork was cooked better by PersonX than PersonY because _ used very little seasoning beforehand."} {"input": "Context Word: step.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always seemed to be following PersonY, because _ walked with a quick step . \nSentence 2: PersonX always seemed to be leading PersonY, because _ walked with a quick step ."} {"input": "Context Word: step.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not keep up with PersonY in the race, as _ had a very plodding step. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not keep up with PersonY in the race, as _ had a very brisk step."} {"input": "Context Word: step.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was excited when PersonY finally took their first step, because _ was a proud parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX was excited when PersonY finally took their first step, because _ was a growing child."} {"input": "Context Word: crush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX disliked remembering her first crush PersonY who was successful now while she toiled which made _ regretful. \nSentence 2: PersonX disliked remembering her first crush PersonY who was successful now while she toiled which made _ happy."} {"input": "Context Word: crush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a crush on PersonY so _ asked them out in an extremely embarrassing way. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a crush on PersonY so _ turned them down in an extremely embarrassing way."} {"input": "Context Word: crush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a crush on PersonY so _ spent all day trying to ask them out in a grand way. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the crush of PersonY so _ spent all day trying to ask them out in a grand way."} {"input": "Context Word: crush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a crush on PersonY's mother causing _ to feel embarrassed whenever he thought about it.. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a crush on PersonY's mother causing _ to feel angry whenever he thought about it.."} {"input": "Context Word: crush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hiding a crush they had on PersonY so _ sent them secret love notes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hiding a crush they had on PersonY so _ received secret love notes."} {"input": "Context Word: Tax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sought PersonY to prepare the taxes for him. _ was not good enough to do it on his own. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped prepare the taxes for PersonY. _ was not good enough to do it on his own."} {"input": "Context Word: line.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX's frantic racket they caused was out of line compared to PersonY, _ was better for it. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX's frantic racket they caused was out of line compared to PersonY, _ was worse for it."} {"input": "Context Word: line.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cut in front of PersonY in line at the movies. Then _ got asked to leave the theater. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cut in front of by PersonY in line at the movies. Then _ got asked to leave the theater."} {"input": "Context Word: line.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at caring for a PICC line than PersonY because _ had to deal with a catheter before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at caring for a PICC line than PersonY because _ hadn't dealt with a catheter before."} {"input": "Context Word: mood swings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX frequently had mood swings that affected the relationship with PersonY, but _ refused to seek treatment. \nSentence 2: PersonX frequently had mood swings that affected the relationship with PersonY, so _ insisted they seek treatment."} {"input": "Context Word: use a treadmill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to use a treadmill because _ was familiar with how to use one. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to use a treadmill because _ was not familiar with how to use one."} {"input": "Context Word: mustache.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some tips on growing the perfect mustache, because _ had never had one before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some tips on growing the perfect mustache, but _ had never had one before."} {"input": "Context Word: wagering on baseball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knows that wagering on baseball is illegal but PersonY does not care, _ avoided going to jail. \nSentence 2: PersonX knows that wagering on baseball is illegal but PersonY does not care, _ couldn't avoid going to jail."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had an expired passport and PersonY had a valid one, _ was unable to use it to get through security. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had an expired passport and PersonY had a valid one, _ was able to use it to get through security."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting a passport was exciting to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ was adventurous. \nSentence 2: Getting a passport was exciting to PersonX but not to PersonY since _ was not adventurous."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't travel abroad while PersonY was enjoying their vacation in Bermuda because _ never got a passport. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't travel abroad while PersonY was enjoying their vacation in Bermuda because _ renewed their passport."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX denied PersonY's passport application because _ did not receive the correct paperwork in time. \nSentence 2: PersonX denied PersonY's passport application because _ did not provide the correct paperwork in time."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot where they put their passport at home but not PersonY because _ had a poor memory. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot where they put their passport at home but not PersonY because _ had a sharp memory."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a passport while PersonY didn't because _ always loved travelling overseas and to other countries. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a passport while PersonY didn't because _ always despised travelling overseas and to other countries."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had never left the country but PersonY was a world traveler, so _ had no stamps on their passport. \nSentence 2: PersonX had never left the country but PersonY was a world traveler, so _ had many stamps on their passport."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX just got his passport that PersonY had asked him to get so _ could safely travel abroad. \nSentence 2: PersonX just got his passport that PersonY had asked him to get so _ could take him abroad."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a passport while PersonY did not because _ was traveling out of her country. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a passport while PersonY did not because _ was traveling within her country."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX waited in line at the passport office until they got to see PersonY at the booth, and _ got his passport at last. \nSentence 2: PersonX waited in line at the passport office until they got to see PersonY at the booth, and _ distributed the passport at last."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to travel abroad, while PersonY only travelled domestically, as _ had already applied for a passport. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to travel abroad, while PersonY only travelled domestically, as _ had never applied for a passport."} {"input": "Context Word: passport.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was allowed to pass through the terminal but PersonY was stopped, since _ 's passport was valid. \nSentence 2: PersonX was allowed to pass through the terminal but PersonY was stopped, since _ 's passport was expired."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: If they had to sit an exam PersonX would do better than PersonY because _ would be very calm. \nSentence 2: If they had to sit an exam PersonX would do better than PersonY because _ would be very panicked."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was impossible for PersonX but not PersonY to pass the class because _ had not taken the final exam. \nSentence 2: It was impossible for PersonX but not PersonY to pass the class because _ had gotten a 100 on the final exam."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not study for the exam while PersonY was well-prepared; _ earned a poor grade. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not study for the exam while PersonY was well-prepared; _ earned a good grade."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finished the exam faster than PersonY because _ remembered how to do the material. \nSentence 2: PersonX finished the exam faster than PersonY because _ forgot how to do the material."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a harder time on the exam than PersonY because _ kept forgetting to study. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a harder time on the exam than PersonY because _ kept remembering to study."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a very early college exam in the morning and asks PersonY to be quieter. _ needs to go to sleep. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a very early college exam in the morning and asks PersonY to be quieter. _ needs to turn down the TV."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knows PersonY has an exam on Friday and _ knew that they were going to fail it. \nSentence 2: PersonX knows PersonY has an exam on Friday and _ knew that they were going to ace it."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX passed the exam while PersonY failed because _ studied hard for the exam leading up to it. \nSentence 2: PersonX passed the exam while PersonY failed because _ didn't study hard for the exam leading up to it."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw that PersonY was nervous for the exam. _ was very confident he had studied enough. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw that PersonY was nervous for the exam. _ was not confident he had studied enough."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scored less in exam compared to PersonY because _ is disorganized in exam preparation. \nSentence 2: PersonX scored high in exam compared to PersonY because _ is disorganized in exam preparation."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scored the highest mark on his exam while PersonY failed, so father rewarder _ for the results. \nSentence 2: PersonX scored the highest mark on his exam while PersonY failed, so father punished _ for the results."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied hard for the exam and PersonY did not. _ passed the exam with flying colors. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied hard for the exam and PersonY did not. _ failed the exam with horrible grades."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of PersonY despite _ also passing the final exam in history class. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of PersonY because _ got 100% on the final exam in history class."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was quite worried about the exam that's coming because PersonX forgot to study and PersonY didn't. \nSentence 2: So _ was quite confident about the exam that's coming because PersonX forgot to study and PersonY didn't."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: The exam was tough for PersonX but was a breeze for PersonY , as _ slacked on studying. \nSentence 2: The exam was tough for PersonX but was a breeze for PersonY , as _ focused on studying."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher awarded PersonX a higher score on the exam than PersonY because _ got more questions correct. \nSentence 2: The teacher awarded PersonX a higher score ton the exam than PersonY because _ got fewer questions correct."} {"input": "Context Word: exam.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher was sympathetic towards PersonX but not PersonY because _ was well-prepared for the exam. \nSentence 2: The teacher was sympathetic towards PersonX but not PersonY because _ was ill-prepared for the exam."} {"input": "Context Word: recovered.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recovered more quicklly than PersonY, because _ was dilligent about doing the physical therapy exercises. \nSentence 2: PersonX recovered more quicklly than PersonY, because _ was lazy about doing the physical therapy exercises."} {"input": "Context Word: measuring.", "output": "Sentence 1: Measuring the room for remodeling suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ found numbers easy to understand. \nSentence 2: Measuring the room for remodeling suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not find numbers easy to understand."} {"input": "Context Word: measuring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not spend a lot of time measuring their construction like PersonY so _ had a crooked house. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not spend a lot of time measuring their construction like PersonY so _ had a balanced house."} {"input": "Context Word: measuring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more adept at measuring surfaces than PersonY because _ was a trained professional. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more clumsy at measuring surfaces than PersonY because _ was a trained professional."} {"input": "Context Word: odor.", "output": "Sentence 1: People said that PersonX had an unpleasant body odor while PersonY smelled fine because _ didn't bathe daily. \nSentence 2: People said that PersonX had an unpleasant body odor while PersonY smelled fine because _ always bathed daily."} {"input": "Context Word: odor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rarely took a shower while PersonY used perfume and showered daily, so _ had quite a funky odor. \nSentence 2: PersonX rarely took a shower while PersonY used perfume and showered daily, so _ had quite a pleasant odor."} {"input": "Context Word: odor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the bad odor was coming from PersonY 's body, since _ had bathed a short time ago. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the bad odor was coming from PersonY 's body, since _ had bathed a long time ago."} {"input": "Context Word: odor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's feet always have a strong odor, but PersonY doesn't have that issue. _ does a poor job washing them. \nSentence 2: PersonX's feet always have a strong odor, but PersonY doesn't have that issue. _ does a good job washing them."} {"input": "Context Word: Gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the ball game, PersonX spit the gum at PersonY because _ was a malicious person. \nSentence 2: At the ball game, PersonX spit the gum at PersonY because _ was an easy target."} {"input": "Context Word: Gum.", "output": "Sentence 1: Chewing gum was pleasurable to PersonX but not PersonY, so _ always had some Juicy Fruit in their pocket. \nSentence 2: Chewing gum was pleasurable to PersonX but not PersonY, so _ never had any Juicy Fruit in their pocket."} {"input": "Context Word: product.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invented a popular product and had it distributed by PersonY, because _ was better at being creative. \nSentence 2: PersonX invented a popular product and had it distributed by PersonY, because _ was better at making sales."} {"input": "Context Word: fix a broken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to fix a broken nail while PersonY wanted to fix a broken friendship. _ fixed the broken nail. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to fix a broken nail while PersonY wanted to fix a broken friendship. _ fixed the broken friendship."} {"input": "Context Word: Florida.", "output": "Sentence 1: Florida weather suits PersonX, whereas PersonY prefers to live in Alaska. _ likes the heat. \nSentence 2: Florida weather suits PersonX, whereas PersonY prefers to live in Alaska. _ likes the cold."} {"input": "Context Word: Florida.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lives on a beach in Florida, while PersonY lives in Michigan. _ has warm Winters. \nSentence 2: PersonX lives on a beach in Florida, while PersonY lives in Michigan. _ has cold Winters."} {"input": "Context Word: Florida.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to visit PersonY in Florida but _ couldn't afford to take a vacation right now. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to have visit PersonY from Florida but _ couldn't afford to take a vacation right now."} {"input": "Context Word: Florida.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to go to college in Florida, but PersonY does not; this is due to _ loving warm winters. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to go to college in Florida, but PersonY does not; this is due to _ loving cold winters."} {"input": "Context Word: Florida.", "output": "Sentence 1: While discussing retirement, PersonX wanted to move to Florida and PersonY did not for _ liked warm climates. \nSentence 2: While discussing retirement, PersonX wanted to move to Florida and PersonY did not for _ liked cold climates."} {"input": "Context Word: body language.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very sensual with their body language toward PersonY due to _ being sultry. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very sensual with their body language toward PersonY due to _ being very attractive."} {"input": "Context Word: reins.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pulled the reins on her horse when PersonY walked in front of them; _ yelled out in anger. \nSentence 2: PersonX pulled the reins on her horse when PersonY walked in front of them; _ yelled out in fear."} {"input": "Context Word: SkyTrain.", "output": "Sentence 1: The SkyTrain hit PersonX and didn't touch PersonY because _ was walking on the tracks. \nSentence 2: The SkyTrain hit PersonX and didn't touch PersonY because _ wasn't walking on the tracks."} {"input": "Context Word: wisdom teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX followed the instructions for eating after getting wisdom teeth removed from PersonY because _ was his patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX followed the instructions for eating after getting wisdom teeth removed from PersonY since _ was his dentist."} {"input": "Context Word: wisdom teeth.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having his wisdom teeth out, so PersonY drove him to the dentist. _ was thankful for the help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having his wisdom teeth out, so PersonY drove him to the dentist. _ was glad to help."} {"input": "Context Word: fertilizer.", "output": "Sentence 1: When she decided to plant a garden, PersonX listened to PersonY's advice to use fertilizer. _ was the homeowner. \nSentence 2: When she decided to plant a garden, PersonX listened to PersonY's advice to use fertilizer. _ was the gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: reflexology.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had very strong hands while PersonY 's were weak, so _ was great at giving reflexology. \nSentence 2: PersonX had very strong hands while PersonY 's were weak, so _ was inept at giving reflexology."} {"input": "Context Word: blood pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: High blood pressure is an issue for PersonX, while PersonY doesn't have that problem. _ leads a poor lifestyle. \nSentence 2: High blood pressure is an issue for PersonX, while PersonY doesn't have that problem. _ leads a responsible lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: blood pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to see the PersonY and his blood pressure was through the roof, so _ was given a prescription. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to see the PersonY and his blood pressure was through the roof, so _ wrote a prescription."} {"input": "Context Word: blood pressure.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's but not PersonY's blood pressure must be monitored closely because _ is somewhat overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX's but not PersonY's blood pressure must be monitored closely because _ is not overweight."} {"input": "Context Word: children's book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX read a children's book to their child every night before bed but PersonY didn't. _ was told their child was very advanced at school. \nSentence 2: PersonX read a children's book to their child every night before bed but PersonY didn't. _ was told their child was very behind at school."} {"input": "Context Word: bipolar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Dealing with individuals with bipolar disorder was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was an experienced psychiatrist. \nSentence 2: Dealing with individuals with bipolar disorder was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was an inexperienced psychiatrist."} {"input": "Context Word: bipolar.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor diagnosed PersonX with bipolar and PersonY with anxiety. _ had terrible mood swings recently. \nSentence 2: The doctor diagnosed PersonX with bipolar and PersonY with anxiety. _ had terrible nerves recently."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX would study for the test more than PersonY, _ got a lower grade in spite of this. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX would study for the test more than PersonY, _ got a higher grade in spite of this."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always waited until the last minute to study, while PersonY studied well in advance, because _ is a procrastinator. \nSentence 2: PersonX always waited until the last minute to study, while PersonY studied well in advance, because _ is a responsible."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not study for the test, but PersonY did. The teacher gave _ a bad grade. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not study for the test but PersonY did. The teacher gave _ a good grade."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't study for the test in Biology while PersonY studied all weekend, so _ was surprised that they passed. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't study for the test in Biology while PersonY studied all weekend, so _ was surprised that they failed."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to study anatomy but not PersonY because _ wanted to become a doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to study anatomy but not PersonY because _ wanted to become a lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to study and delves deeply into her subjects, PersonY does not therefore _ plans to be a professor. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to study and delves deeply into her subjects, PersonY does not therefore _ plans to be a stripper."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prefers to study outside, while PersonY does not because _ is a nature lover. \nSentence 2: PersonX prefers to study outside, while PersonY does not because _ is a technology lover."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to study Korean so they can speak to PersonY, but _ finds it a challenging language. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to study Korean so they can speak to PersonY, because _ finds English to be a challenging language."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to study Korean in their bedroom while PersonY played the tuba, and _ was annoyed by the distraction. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to study Korean in their bedroom while PersonY played the tuba, but _ didn't realize they were a distraction."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ability to study French came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ had a strong language background. \nSentence 2: The ability to study French came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ did not have a strong language background."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: The researchers did a study on PersonX but excluded PersonY because _ was a qualified subject. \nSentence 2: The researchers did a study on PersonX but excluded PersonY because _ was an unqualified subject."} {"input": "Context Word: study.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX wanted to study computer science, PersonY wanted to study literature because _ loved coding. \nSentence 2: While PersonX wanted to study computer science, PersonY wanted to study literature because _ loved reading."} {"input": "Context Word: guys.", "output": "Sentence 1: Guys never approach PersonX, but are always talking to PersonY. It might be that _ has a harsh face. \nSentence 2: Guys never approach PersonX, but are always talking to PersonY. It might be that _ has an inviting face."} {"input": "Context Word: Accidents.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drove very recklessly but PersonY drove very carefully. _ got into a lot of auto accidents. \nSentence 2: PersonX drove very recklessly but PersonY drove very carefully. _ rarely got into auto accidents."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: After graduation, PersonX did not receive as many job offers as PersonY, because _ had inferior grades. \nSentence 2: After graduation, PersonX did not receive as many job offers as PersonY, because _ had superior grades."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although the job interview went poorly for PersonX and well for PersonY, the company accepted _ for the job in spite of this. \nSentence 2: Although the job interview went poorly for PersonX and well for PersonY, the company declined _ for the job in spite of this."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was far less successful at their job this year than PersonY, _ received a smaller raise. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was far less successful at their job this year than PersonY, _ received a more substantial raise."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: During a job interview, PersonX asked PersonY about their prior jobs because _ wanted to know. \nSentence 2: During a job interview, PersonX asked PersonY about their prior jobs because _ avoided the question."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: During their school holidays PersonX badly wanted to get a job but PersonY did not because _ was very hardworking. \nSentence 2: During their school holidays PersonX badly wanted to get a job but PersonY did not because _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was harder for PersonX to keep a job than it was for PersonY because _ was a bad worker. \nSentence 2: It was harder for PersonX to keep a job than it was for PersonY because _ was a better worker."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: Managing rental properties suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had more knowledge of the local area and the job. \nSentence 2: Managing rental properties suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had less knowledge of the local area and the job."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always has more money than PersonY, so _ told them to get a job. \nSentence 2: PersonX never has more money than PersonY, so _ told them to get a job."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always worked very hard in their job but unfortunately PersonY did not as _ was very diligent. \nSentence 2: PersonX always worked very hard in their job but unfortunately PersonY did not as _ was very lackadaisical."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for a job because _ was in need of a part time job. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for a job because _ was in need of a part time employee."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for a job because they had a large business and _ was currently unemployed. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for a job because they had a large business and _ was looking for employees."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could afford a better car than PersonY because _ had a better paying job. \nSentence 2: PersonX could afford a better car than PersonY although _ had a better paying job."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did well in the interview for the job and not PersonY because _ was well prepared for the interview. \nSentence 2: PersonX did well in the interview for the job and not PersonY because _ was unprepared for the interview."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't get the job after the interview process but PersonY did so their dad gave _ advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't get the job after the interview process but PersonY did so their dad gave _ praise."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX earns more money per year than PersonY because _ has an extremely well-paying job. \nSentence 2: PersonX earns more money per year than PersonY because _ has an extremely low-paying job."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got fired but PersonY managed to stay on his job position, because _ was a bad employee. \nSentence 2: PersonX got fired but PersonY managed to stay on his job position, because _ was a good employee."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got fired from his job but PersonY got a promotion because _ was terrible at his job. \nSentence 2: PersonX got fired from his job but PersonY got a promotion because _ was great at his job."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got hired for the job right away, but PersonY did not, because _ had interviewed well. \nSentence 2: PersonX got hired for the job right away, but PersonY did not, because _ had interviewed poorly."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got the job that PersonY had also applied to because _ was better at talking in the interview. \nSentence 2: PersonX got the job that PersonY had also applied to because _ was worse at talking in the interview."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a good paying job but PersonY did not have one. _ made a lot of money. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a good paying job but PersonY did not have one. _ made very little money."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of experience related to the job while PersonY did not. _ had a higher chance of getting the job. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of experience related to the job while PersonY did not. _ had a lower chance of getting the job."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently got a job and needs help from co-worker PersonY on how to adapt, because _ wants to enjoy her job. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently got a job and needs help from co-worker PersonY on how to adapt, so _ helps her."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ignored PersonY who had just quit her job and moved to another state to be with her because _ is cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX ignored PersonY who had just quit her job and moved to another state to be with her because _ is passionate."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always willing to work overtime at his work unlike PersonY, because _ loves his job. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always willing to work overtime at his work unlike PersonY, because _ hates his job."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really enjoyed getting up and going to their job each day but PersonY did not because _ was very motivated. \nSentence 2: PersonX really enjoyed getting up and going to their job each day but PersonY did not because _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried multiple times to help PersonY finding a new job, as _ is helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried multiple times to help PersonY finding a new job, as _ is lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to encourage PersonY to get a job. _ thought it was lazy to have no job. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to encourage PersonY to get a job. _ thought it was too hard to have a job."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted the promotion at his job but PersonY got it instead because _ was less experienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted the promotion at his job but PersonY got it instead because _ was more experienced."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get a good job but PersonY did not because _ was very ambitious. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get a good job but PersonY did not because _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better suited for a day job than PersonY but _ needed a lot of help when communicating with coworkers. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better suited for a day job than PersonY but _ needed no help when communicating with coworkers."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried they would get fired from their job but PersonY had no fear, since _ was a bad employee. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried they would get fired from their job but PersonY had no fear, since _ had tenure."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boss gave PersonX a job instead of PersonY. _ was happy with their interaction with the boss. \nSentence 2: The boss gave PersonX a job instead of PersonY. _ was angry with their interaction with the boss."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boss gave PersonX the job instead of PersonY because _ impressed the boss with good manners. \nSentence 2: The boss gave PersonX the job instead of PersonY because _ disgusted the boss with bad manners."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: The job of PersonX was a lot more difficult than PersonY because _ was a chemical engineer. \nSentence 2: The job of PersonX was a lot easier than PersonY because _ was a chemical engineer."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: The job was obtained by PersonX and not by PersonY, as a result of _ being on time to the interview. \nSentence 2: The job was obtained by PersonX and not by PersonY, as a result of _ being late to the interview."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: The new employee loved working with PersonX but hated working with PersonY for the reason that _ was great at their job. \nSentence 2: The new employee loved working with PersonX but hated working with PersonY for the reason that _ did poorly at their job."} {"input": "Context Word: job.", "output": "Sentence 1: When given the choice between PersonX and PersonY, regarding the job, _ had more experience which qualified him. \nSentence 2: When given the choice between PersonX and PersonY, regarding the job, _ had lack of experience which disqualified him."} {"input": "Context Word: tank.", "output": "Sentence 1: Buying a large tank was necessary for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had large fish. \nSentence 2: Buying a large tank was necessary for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has small fish."} {"input": "Context Word: tank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can maneuver a tank around better than PersonY because _ has extensive military training. \nSentence 2: PersonX can maneuver a tank around better than PersonY because _ doesn't have military training."} {"input": "Context Word: tank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a larger fish tank than PersonY because _ knew that fish needed a lot of room to be healthy and happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a larger fish tank than PersonY because _ didn't know that fish needed a lot of room to be healthy and happy."} {"input": "Context Word: tank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help with their fish tank because _ had no experience with fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help with their fish tank because _ had a lot of experience with fish."} {"input": "Context Word: tank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned several saltwater fish while PersonY did not, so _ had a very large tank for the fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned several saltwater fish while PersonY did not, so _ did not have a very large tank for any fish."} {"input": "Context Word: tank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really wanted to drive a tank one day. PersonY said that was an unrealistic goal. _ felt heartbroken. \nSentence 2: PersonX really wanted to drive a tank one day. PersonY said that was an unrealistic goal. _ felt down to earth."} {"input": "Context Word: tank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to empty all the water from the tank in the yard because PersonY had asked him to, but _ wasn't able to get it all out. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to empty all the water from the tank in the yard because PersonY had asked him to, but _ had to help him get it all out."} {"input": "Context Word: tank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked by PersonY to clean the tank because _ worked with aquariums for a living. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to clean the tank because _ worked with aquariums for a living."} {"input": "Context Word: tank.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much stronger than PersonY but _ still was unable to lift the heavy tank. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much stronger than PersonY but _ still was able to lift the heavy tank."} {"input": "Context Word: tank.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the tank needed to be cleaned, PersonX left so PersonY would have to do it. _ felt sneaky. \nSentence 2: When the tank needed to be cleaned, PersonX left so PersonY would have to do it. _ felt imposed upon."} {"input": "Context Word: Fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked a delicious fish for PersonY to eat because _ was an highly skilled cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked a delicious fish for PersonY to eat because _ was an incompetent cook."} {"input": "Context Word: Fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fed fish to his arowanas, much to the horror of PersonY because _ used a knife. \nSentence 2: PersonX fed fish to his arowanas, much to the horror of PersonY because _ was a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: Fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY boating on Lake Michigan to fish because _ loves to take people on her boat. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY boating on Lake Michigan to fish because _ had never been taken on her boat."} {"input": "Context Word: opposing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is the on a opposing team against PersonY this Saturday, _ is the the Captian of her team. \nSentence 2: PersonX is the on a opposing team against PersonY this Saturday, _ is the the MVP of her team."} {"input": "Context Word: large rocks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to detonate some large rocks so _ would have better access to the quarry. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to detonate some large rocks so _ could give better access to the quarry."} {"input": "Context Word: fees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was wealthier than PersonY, so _ spent their trust fund to afford the fees to send their children to private school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was wealthier than PersonY but _ saved hard to afford the fees to send their children to private school."} {"input": "Context Word: punch.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the party, PersonX had several glasses of the spiked punch and PersonY had none, because _ is a drinker. \nSentence 2: At the party, PersonX had several glasses of the spiked punch and PersonY had none, because _ is a teetotaler."} {"input": "Context Word: punch.", "output": "Sentence 1: Martial arts better suited PersonX and not PersonY for _ always like to punch and kick. \nSentence 2: Martial arts better suited PersonX and not PersonY for _ never like to punch and kick."} {"input": "Context Word: punch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could tell that PersonY drank too much punch since _ could not understand her drunken slur. \nSentence 2: PersonX could tell that PersonY drank too much punch since _ could not hide her drunken slur."} {"input": "Context Word: punch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to land a ferocious punch , since _ could fight like a monster. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to land a ferocious punch , so _ could fight like a monster."} {"input": "Context Word: gates.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX had to install safety gates in their home, PersonY didn't have to because _ has little children. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX had to install safety gates in their home, PersonY didn't have to because _ doesn't have little children."} {"input": "Context Word: Symptoms.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx knew about the symptoms before visiting persony because _ has had the symptoms earlier. \nSentence 2: Personx do not know about the symptoms until visiting persony because _ has had the symptoms earlier."} {"input": "Context Word: resume.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sent a detailed resume to PersonY because _ wanted a job with their company. \nSentence 2: PersonX sent a detailed resume to PersonY because _ had a job vacancy at their company."} {"input": "Context Word: resume.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX submitted a resume to a company run by PersonY, and _ was hired by them after a lengthy interview process. \nSentence 2: PersonX submitted a resume to a company run by PersonY, and _ hired them after a lengthy interview process."} {"input": "Context Word: leg.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hit his leg on the leg that PersonY stretched on the floor and fell down because the _ is blind. \nSentence 2: PersonX hit his leg on the leg that PersonY stretched on the floor and fell down because the _ is sitting."} {"input": "Context Word: leg.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered a hand to help PersonY get up when his leg went dead because _ didn't want his friend to fall. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered a hand to help PersonY get up when his leg went dead because _ asked his friend for help not to fall."} {"input": "Context Word: leg.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed the cut on their leg to PersonY, because _ didn't know what to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed the cut on their leg to PersonY, because _ would know what to do."} {"input": "Context Word: leg.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked out less than PersonY so _ was surprised they had the more muscular legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked out more than PersonY so _ was surprised they had the more muscular legs."} {"input": "Context Word: leg.", "output": "Sentence 1: Things we take for granted, like walking and running, are easier for PersonX than for PersonY because _ has two legs. \nSentence 2: Things we take for granted, like walking and running, are easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ only has one leg."} {"input": "Context Word: pool cue.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pool championship was won by PersonX instead of PersonY since _ knew how to hold the pool cue properly. \nSentence 2: The pool championship was won by PersonX instead of PersonY since _ did not know how to hold the pool cue properly."} {"input": "Context Word: coloring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a painting for PersonY because _ wanted to teach the other about proper coloring. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a painting for PersonY because _ wanted to learn from the other about proper coloring."} {"input": "Context Word: keep bananas from discoloring.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to keep bananas from discoloring because _ as a cook worked in a restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to keep bananas from discoloring because _ as a server worked in a restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: insulin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to inject themselves every day with a shot of insulin but PersonY doesn't because _ is a diabetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to inject themselves every day with a shot of insulin but PersonY doesn't because _ isn't a diabetic."} {"input": "Context Word: assault.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the victim of an assault by PersonY. _ had was taken to the hospital by the police. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the victim of an assault by PersonY. _ had was taken to the jail by the police."} {"input": "Context Word: hem.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better seamstress than PersonY so _ fixed the hem on the pants so much faster. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better seamstress than PersonY so _ fixed the hem on the pants so much slower."} {"input": "Context Word: ammo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept a store of ammo in their house but PersonY did not as _ approved of hunting. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept a store of ammo in their house but PersonY did not as _ disapproved of hunting."} {"input": "Context Word: listening.", "output": "Sentence 1: After learning active listening, PersonX became a more popular counselor than PersonY because clients felt _ really cared. \nSentence 2: Despite learning active listening, PersonX remained a less popular counselor than PersonY because clients felt _ really cared."} {"input": "Context Word: listening.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it looked like PersonY wasn't listening to him at all, so _ clapped loudly. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it looked like PersonY wasn't listening to him at all, because _ was staring outside."} {"input": "Context Word: trumpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked trumpet music more than PersonY so _ purchased themselves one to learn how to play. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked trumpet music more than PersonY so _ purchased the other one to learn how to play."} {"input": "Context Word: trumpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The trumpet of PersonX is worth less, than the one that PersonY owns because _ is strapped for cash. \nSentence 2: The trumpet of PersonX is worth less, than the one that PersonY owns because _ is has a lot of cash."} {"input": "Context Word: trumpet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The trumpet of PersonX was stolen by the sneaky PersonY, so _ is very, very angry. \nSentence 2: The trumpet of PersonX was stolen by the sneaky PersonY, so _ is very, very discreet."} {"input": "Context Word: equations.", "output": "Sentence 1: Equations are what PersonX likes to teach to PersonY because _ is a great professor. \nSentence 2: Equations are what PersonX likes to teach to PersonY because _ is a great student."} {"input": "Context Word: Internet Time.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to limit the internet time of PersonY by putting parental controls on the network, so _ changed the settings. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to limit the internet time of PersonY by putting parental controls on the network, but _ changed the settings back."} {"input": "Context Word: Cheddar Cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved cheddar cheese and asked PersonY to bring some, so _ ate all the cheese that was brought over. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved cheddar cheese and asked PersonY to bring some, but _ ate all the cheese before they brought it over."} {"input": "Context Word: drifter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a drifter who stayed in PersonY's house sometimes, so that _ could have shelter. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a drifter who stayed in PersonY's house sometimes, so that _ could help him."} {"input": "Context Word: telemarketing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at telemarketing than PersonY because _ was a more confident speaker on the phone. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at telemarketing than PersonY because _ was a more shy speaker on the phone."} {"input": "Context Word: growling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX burst out laughing when someone's stomach made a loud growling sound and PersonY went red.The teacher could tell _ was very amused. \nSentence 2: PersonX burst out laughing when someone's stomach made a loud growling sound and PersonY went red. The teacher could tell _ was very embarrassed."} {"input": "Context Word: posters.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX covered their locker in posters of bands while PersonY didn't because _ said they loved music. \nSentence 2: PersonX covered their locker in posters of band while PersonY didn't because _ said they didn't care for music."} {"input": "Context Word: Piercing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the goth girl will all the piercings was hot but not PersonY. _ liked girls who looked freaky. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the goth girl will all the piercings was hot but not PersonY. _ liked girls who looked plain."} {"input": "Context Word: Jamie Moriarty.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to be more like Jamie Moriarty, so that _ could pretend to be Sherlock Holmes. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to be more like Jamie Moriarty, so that _ could hunt them as Sherlock Holmes."} {"input": "Context Word: stubborn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was easy going while PersonY was stubborn, so _ gave in on decisions more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX was stubborn while PersonY was easy going, so _ gave in on decisions more often."} {"input": "Context Word: stubborn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very stubborn but PersonY was not, so _ would get their way more often than not. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very stubborn but PersonY was not, so _ wouldn't get their way more often than not."} {"input": "Context Word: Lima, Peru.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought tickets to Lima, Peru as a surprise anniversary gift for PersonY. _ couldn't wait to give her the gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought tickets to Lima, Peru as a surprise anniversary gift for PersonY. _ couldn't wait to open the gift."} {"input": "Context Word: construction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a difficult time doing construction with PersonY, because _ was much weaker than him. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a difficult time doing construction with PersonY, because _ was much stronger than him."} {"input": "Context Word: construction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had experience in home construction but PersonY did not, so _ decided that he would build his own house. \nSentence 2: PersonX had experience in home construction but PersonY did not, so _ decided that he wouldn't build his own house."} {"input": "Context Word: construction.", "output": "Sentence 1: The building was under construction for a long time, which annoyed PersonX but not PersonY, since _ was not very patient. \nSentence 2: The building was under construction for a long time, which annoyed PersonX but not PersonY, since _ was very patient."} {"input": "Context Word: construction.", "output": "Sentence 1: When asked, PersonX said to allow PersonY to help with the construction because _ had no experience. \nSentence 2: When asked, PersonX said to allow PersonY to help with the construction because _ had extensive experience."} {"input": "Context Word: Surgery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really scared to have surgery but PersonY was very brave about it. _ was under a lot of stress. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really scared to have surgery but PersonY was very brave about it. _ was under little stress."} {"input": "Context Word: heartache.", "output": "Sentence 1: The reason that PersonX felt heartache while PersonY felt loved was because _ was recently dumped. \nSentence 2: The reason that PersonX felt heartache while PersonY felt loved was because _ was recently engaged."} {"input": "Context Word: airports.", "output": "Sentence 1: Airports are where PersonX works, and PersonY works on an army base. _ is the stewardess. \nSentence 2: Airports are where PersonX works, and PersonY works on an army base. _ is the soldier."} {"input": "Context Word: airports.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to fly and PersonY hated it, so _ visited airports and preferred to fly. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to fly and PersonY hated it, so _ never visited airports and preferred to stay home."} {"input": "Context Word: hotel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX arrived at the hotel well after PersonY arrived, because _ was stuck in rush hour traffic for hours. \nSentence 2: PersonX arrived at the hotel well after PersonY arrived, because _ did not get stuck in rush hour traffic."} {"input": "Context Word: hotel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was willing to spend extra money on a fancy hotel because _ had a high paying job. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was willing to spend extra money on a fancy hotel because _ had a minimum wage job."} {"input": "Context Word: hotel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved traveling and staying in a hotel but PersonY preferred to stay home because _ was very adventurous. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved traveling and staying in a hotel but PersonY preferred to stay home because _ was not very adventurous."} {"input": "Context Word: organizer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a community organizer like PersonY was prior to serving in the federal government, so upon their chance meeting, _ was inspired. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a community organizer like PersonY was prior to serving in the federal government, so upon their chance meeting, _ was flattered."} {"input": "Context Word: organizer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was known to be a good organizer but PersonY wasn't so _ was chosen to head the homecoming dance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was known to be a good organizer but PersonY wasn't so _ wasn't chosen to head the homecoming dance."} {"input": "Context Word: powder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to make PersonY a smoothie with superfood powder because _ heard that they were healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to make PersonY a smoothie with superfood powder because _ heard that they were potent."} {"input": "Context Word: powder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to PersonY to buy some supplements in powder form because _ is a customer. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to PersonY to buy some supplements in powder form because _ is a cashier."} {"input": "Context Word: powder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to pick up some baby powder at the store because _ had sweaty feet. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to pick up some baby powder at the store but _ had sweaty feet too."} {"input": "Context Word: bridge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always has a hard time driving over the bridge unlike PersonY because _ is scared of heights. \nSentence 2: PersonX always has a hard time driving over the bridge unlike PersonY because _ is fearless of heights."} {"input": "Context Word: bridge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a phobia about crossing over high bridges but PersonY didn't. _ had to re-route their trip to avoid bridges. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a phobia about crossing over high bridges but PersonY didn't. _ didn't have to re-route their trip to avoid bridges."} {"input": "Context Word: dumplings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making dumplings with self rising flour for PersonY's birthday, because _ wants her to feel special. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making dumplings with self rising flour for PersonY's birthday, because _ wants to eat dumplings."} {"input": "Context Word: schools.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved being a teacher, but PersonY loathed it due to _ loving schools in general. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved being a teacher, but PersonY loathed it due to _ hating schools in general."} {"input": "Context Word: italian.", "output": "Sentence 1: At dinner, PersonX ordered spaghetti and PersonY ordered hamburger with fries, because _ craved Italian food. \nSentence 2: At dinner, PersonX ordered spaghetti and PersonY ordered hamburger with fries, because _ disliked Italian food."} {"input": "Context Word: Mango.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was curious how the mango PersonY was holding would taste so _ asked to try it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was curious how the mango PersonY was holding would taste so _ encouraged her to try it."} {"input": "Context Word: Zombies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't think zombies were very cool but PersonY loved them. _ never watched The Walking Dead. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't think zombies were very cool but PersonY loved them. _ always watched The Walking Dead."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was much tidier than PersonY was, _ let her clean the room anyway. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was much tidier than PersonY was, _ asked to clean the room anyway."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being clean was not important to PersonX but was imperative for PersonY , so _ never bathed on weekends. \nSentence 2: Being clean was not important to PersonX but was imperative for PersonY , so _ always bathed on weekends."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: Never clean, PersonX really irritated PersonY, as _ was so repulsive to her with her odor. \nSentence 2: Never clean, PersonX really irritated PersonY, as _ was so turned off by her with her odor."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX agreed to wash the dishes when asked by PersonY because it was _ 's turn to clean the kitchen. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to wash the dishes when asked by PersonY because it was _ 's turn to clean the kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always cleans her jewelry, but PersonY doesn't own much jewelry, due to _ being the wealthier person. \nSentence 2: PersonX always cleans her jewelry, but PersonY doesn't own much jewelry, due to _ being the poorer person."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had a very clean house while PersonY did not because cleanliness was very important to _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX always had a very clean house while PersonY did not because cleanliness was not important to _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had to clean up after PersonY, because _ didn't want to live in filth. \nSentence 2: PersonX always had to clean up after PersonY, because _ didn't care about living in filth."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always has a more clean image than PersonY because _ was born in a family that belonged to the high-society. \nSentence 2: PersonX always has a more clean image than PersonY because _ was born in a family that belonged to the low classes.."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always spent ages trying to get their kitchen clean but PersonY did not because _ was very tidy. \nSentence 2: PersonX always spent ages trying to get their kitchen clean but PersonY did not because _ was very messy."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to clean the bathroom and do the laundry, because _ had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to clean the bathroom and do the laundry, but _ had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to clean the house because visitors were coming and _ had to work that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to clean the house because visitors were coming and _ was staying home that day."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke the smaller items that needed cleaning in the house so PersonY ended up doing it since _ is incompetent. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke the smaller items that needed cleaning in the house so PersonY ended up doing it since _ is competent."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose not to clean the wound on PersonY, which led to _ being sued because it festered. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose not to clean the wound on PersonY, which led to _ being sick because it festered."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleaned the stove for PersonY but _ thought that it was a jab that would be paid. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleaned the stove for PersonY and _ thought that it was a favor that wouldn't be paid for."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleans PersonY's home twice a week for work and _ makes money for it. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleans PersonY's home twice a week for work and _ pays money for it."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to clean PersonY's car, but _ didn't ask permission first, which caused some issues. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to clean PersonY's car, but _ didn't give permission first, which caused some issues."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to clean the bathroom and bedroom of PersonY because _ was a very untidy individual. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to clean the bathroom and bedroom of PersonY because _ was a very tidy individual."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't like to clean their apartment unlike PersonY so the apartment of _ was filthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't like to clean their apartment unlike PersonY so the apartment of _ was clean."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't like to keep clean the way PersonY did, so _ tended to smell nasty. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't like to keep clean the way PersonY did, so _ tended to smell nice."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't keep a clean and tidy house like PersonY because _ is a slob. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't keep a clean and tidy house like PersonY because _ is a neat freak."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got onto PersonY about how to clean despite the fact _ never helped clean the place. \nSentence 2: PersonX got onto PersonY about how to clean despite the fact _ always helped clean the place."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had nice clean hair but PersonY did not. This was due to _ having plenty of hot water. \nSentence 2: PersonX had nice clean hair but PersonY did not. This was due to _ having a lack of hot water."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to clean the house for PersonY after _ threw up and made a mess. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to clean the house for PersonY although _ threw up and made a mess."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated having to clean and tidy the house while PersonY loved it. _ had always been a messy person. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated having to clean and tidy the house while PersonY loved it. _ had always been a neat person."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY clean her bedroom prior to a cousin visiting, as _ was small and unable to move the bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY clean her bedroom prior to a cousin visiting, as _ was large and able to move the bed."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to clean hear house, since _ was a master at housekeeping skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to clean hear house, since _ was a disaster at housekeeping skills."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a bit of a clean freak while PersonY is dirty, so _ has the better looking house. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a bit of a clean freak while PersonY is dirty, so _ has the worse looking house."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is clean and tidy, PersonY is not _ is likely to thoroughly clean her dishes. \nSentence 2: PersonX is clean and tidy, PersonY is not _ is not likely to thoroughly clean her dishes."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is known as a neat freak, unlike PersonY, because _ is obsessed with keeping things clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX is known as a neat freak, unlike PersonY, because _ isn't as obsessed with keeping things clean."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is paying PersonY to clean out their house, so _ is more likely the home owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX is paying PersonY to clean out their house, so _ is more likely the home maid."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is tidy and clean, PersonY is not therefore _ probably makes certain her dolls are clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX is tidy and clean, PersonY is not therefore _ probably doesn't make certain her dolls are clean."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very well organized, PersonY is not therefore _ is likely to have a clean environment. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very well organized, PersonY is not therefore _ is unlikely to have a clean environment."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX like to clean more than PersonY so _ always did the dishes after dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX like to clean more than PersonY so _ never did the dishes after dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to keep the house clean, but PersonY was filthy, so _ was always wiping things up. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to keep the house clean, but PersonY was filthy, so _ was always leaving things lay around."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to keep their house clean but PersonY did not as _ was really very untidy. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to keep their house clean but PersonY did not as _ was really very neat."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to clean everything in sight, while PersonY does not because _ is very organized. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to clean everything in sight, while PersonY does not because _ is very disheveled."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to clean house but PersonY wasn't really enthused about doing it. _ would never hire a housekeeper to help them. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to clean house but PersonY wasn't really enthused about doing it. _ would often hire a housekeeper to help them."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made sure that they items were meticulously clean before putting them on display but PersonY did not as _ was very houseproud. \nSentence 2: PersonX made sure that they items were meticulously clean before putting them on display but PersonY did not as _ was very slovenly."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes sure to clean his teeth every day unlike PersonY because _ is very hygienic. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes sure to clean his teeth every day unlike PersonY because _ is very unsanitary."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owns a cleaning business, PersonY hires a cleaner therefore ask _ for cleaning tips. \nSentence 2: PersonX owns a cleaning business, PersonY hires a cleaner therefore don't ask _ for cleaning tips."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid a lot of money to PersonY to clean their house, because _ had the money to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid a lot of money to PersonY to clean their house, because _ had the supplies to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planned to spring clean this weekend and told PersonY they should help too. _ expected her help. \nSentence 2: PersonX planned to spring clean this weekend and told PersonY they should help too. _ purposely left home very early."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred to clean instead of PersonY since _ left a very neat house at the end of the day. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred to clean instead of PersonY since _ left a very messy house at the end of the day."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really didn't care for cleaning up their room, but PersonY was OCD and was compelled to straighten up. _ hired a maid to help them out. \nSentence 2: PersonX really didn't care for cleaning up their room, but PersonY was a bit OCD and was compelled to straighten up. _ hired a psychiatrist to help them out."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really loved to clean their house but PersonY did not as _ was very houseproud. \nSentence 2: PersonX really loved to clean their house but PersonY did not as _ was very slovenly."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really loves to clean all the time but PersonY does not because _ is very neat. \nSentence 2: PersonX really loves to clean all the time but PersonY does not because _ is very untidy."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to clean the house for PersonY because _ was not paid for the last time that they cleaned. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to clean the house for PersonY because _ refused to pay them for the last time that they cleaned."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to clean the house so PersonY had to do it since _ did not care if their guests came over to a dirty house. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to clean the house so PersonY had to do it since _ cared if their guest came over to a tidy house."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw how dirty PersonY MAC keyboard was so _ angrily cleaned the keyboard with disinfecting wipes. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw how dirty PersonY MAC keyboard was so _ happily cleaned the keyboard with disinfecting wipes."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to clean her house the right way, since _ was very tidy. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to clean her house the right way, since _ was very messy."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to clean their computer, since _ was experienced with cleaning electronics. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to clean their computer, because _ was inexperienced with cleaning electronics."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to clean the dishes in the sink because _ didn't have time to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to clean the dishes in the sink because _ had plenty of spare time to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to clean up the mess they made because _ was a very neat person. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to clean up the mess they made because _ was a very untidy person."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used to clean the house every day. PersonY only cleaned once a month. _ was very neat. \nSentence 2: PersonX used to clean the house every day. PersonY only cleaned once a month. _ was very untidy."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses a cleansing product every day to make their skin clean but PersonY does not not because _ is hygenic. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses a cleansing product every day to make their skin clean but PersonY does not not because _ is scruffy."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted everything to be clean, but PersonY didn't care, so _ washed everything well. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted everything to be clean, but PersonY didn't care, so _ didn't help wash everything well."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to clean the house but PersonY did not because _ was very neat. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to clean the house but PersonY did not because _ was very untidy."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to clean the house from top to bottom. PersonY said no way. _ was very energetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to clean the house from top to bottom. PersonY said no way. _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a neat freak and PersonY wasn't, which means _ always kept his area nice and clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a neat freak and PersonY wasn't, which means _ never kept his area nice and clean."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a neater person than PersonY, so _ wanted to clean the whole house. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a neater person than PersonY, so _ didn't want to clean the whole house."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was cleaning the floor of the building worse than PersonY, so _ was upset. \nSentence 2: PersonX was cleaning the floor of the building better than PersonY, so _ was upset."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping to clean PersonY's body due to _ being the adult figure in the relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping to clean PersonY's body due to _ being the child figure in the relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was houseproud, PersonY was not due to that _ had a very clean house. \nSentence 2: PersonX was houseproud, PersonY was not due to that _ did not have a very clean house."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very keen that their home should be clean but PersonY was not, because _ was very houseproud. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very keen that their home should be clean but PersonY was not, because _ was very slovenly."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ had reminded her to clean out the garage before father came home. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ had forgotten to clean out the garage before father came home."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's home isn't nearly as clean as PersonY's because _ has always been a messy person. \nSentence 2: PersonX's home isn't nearly as clean as PersonY's because _ has always been a tidy person."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ cleaned the house because PersonX wants to live in a clean environment while PersonY was messy. \nSentence 2: So _ trashed the house because PersonX wants to live in a clean environment while PersonY was messy."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: Taking care of the house better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ liked to clean. \nSentence 2: Taking care of the house better suited PersonX than PersonY because _ hated to clean."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: Though impossible to please, PersonX allowed PersonY to help clean her car, but _ thought it looked dirty afterwards. \nSentence 2: Though impossible to please, PersonX allowed PersonY to help clean her car, and _ thought it looked clean afterwards."} {"input": "Context Word: clean.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX arrived they did the cleaning for PersonY because _ was paid for it. \nSentence 2: When PersonX arrived they did the cleaning for PersonY because _ was paying for it."} {"input": "Context Word: trading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trading his car into PersonY because _ wanted to get rid of the car. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trading his car into PersonY because _ wanted to get the new car."} {"input": "Context Word: chrome.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's chrome tires look a lot better than PersonY's because _ 's were more expensive. \nSentence 2: PersonX's chrome tires look a lot worse than PersonY's because _ 's were more expensive."} {"input": "Context Word: analogies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a lower score than PersonY on the English exam because _ is really bad at analogies. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a lower score than PersonY on the English exam because _ really excels at analogies."} {"input": "Context Word: boundaries.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it difficult to set boundaries and say no to PersonY, because _ was timid. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it difficult to set boundaries and say no to PersonY, because _ was imposing."} {"input": "Context Word: Raven.", "output": "Sentence 1: Raven Is PersonX favorite character in the cartoon PersonY hates to watch, _ likes to watch cartoons. \nSentence 2: Raven Is PersonX favorite character in the cartoon PersonY hates to watch, _ does not like to watch cartoons."} {"input": "Context Word: eraser.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY both had made mistakes on their papers, however _ used an eraser because they had used a pencil. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY both had made mistakes on their papers, however _ couldn't use an eraser because they had used a pen."} {"input": "Context Word: eraser.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a eraser from PersonY so _ promised to do their homework for a entire week. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a eraser from PersonY so _ accepted the offer to do their homework for a entire week."} {"input": "Context Word: obvious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an obvious advantage over PersonY when they started competing business, since _ was staring with a copious amount of money. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an obvious advantage over PersonY when they started competing business, since _ was staring with a miniscule amount of money."} {"input": "Context Word: obvious.", "output": "Sentence 1: What is the best side on the menu today PersonX asked PersonY the beans are a obvious choice , _ respects their opinion. \nSentence 2: What is the best side on the menu today PersonX asked PersonY the beans are a obvious choice , _ respects his food."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX worked a retail job and had less money and than PersonY, who was a business man, _ owned furniture that was not very nice. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX worked a retail job and had less money and than PersonY, who was a business man, _ owned furniture that was very nice."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help moving the furniture in the living room because _ needed help. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help moving the furniture in the living room but _ wouldn't help."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a bunch of furniture from PersonY, so _ moved all the pieces out of their house. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a bunch of furniture from PersonY, so _ moved all the pieces into their house."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decides to surprise PersonY with a new piece of furniture, but _ has second thoughts about the expensive gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX decides to surprise PersonY with a new piece of furniture, and _ is appreciative of the expensive gift."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got angry at PersonY when he saw all the damaged furniture in the flat, because _ is the landlord. \nSentence 2: PersonX got angry at PersonY when he saw all the damaged furniture in the flat, because _ is the tenant."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is looking to buy some new furniture and PersonY just bought some, so _ is starting to look online for options. \nSentence 2: PersonX is looking to buy some new furniture and PersonY just bought some, so _ is starting to anticipate their purchase arrival."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put the furniture in the truck for PersonY because _ was helping them move to a new house. \nSentence 2: PersonX put the furniture in the truck for PersonY because _ needed to move to a new house."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX repaired the wooden furniture for PersonY last week since _ needed an expert carpenter. \nSentence 2: PersonX repaired the wooden furniture for PersonY last week since _ was an expert carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX usually worked out much more than PersonY , so _ was able to lift the furniture. \nSentence 2: PersonX usually worked out much more than PersonY , so _ was unable to lift the furniture."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much heavier than PersonY, so _ needed to sit on more substantial furniture. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much heavier than PersonY, so _ did not need to sit on more substantial furniture."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: The furniture of PersonX looks much less scratched than PersonY because _ has a well-behaved house cat. \nSentence 2: The furniture of PersonX looks much less scratched than PersonY because _ has a naughty house cat."} {"input": "Context Word: furniture.", "output": "Sentence 1: The furniture store was having a sale and PersonX went, but PersonY didn't because _ needed a new sofa. \nSentence 2: The furniture store was having a sale and PersonX went, but PersonY didn't because _ was out of town."} {"input": "Context Word: spoiled.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX turned out to be much more spoiled than PersonY because _ had wealthy and generous parents. \nSentence 2: PersonX turned out to be much more spoiled than PersonY because _ did not have wealthy or generous parents."} {"input": "Context Word: pay.", "output": "Sentence 1: At dinner PersonX decided to pay for PersonY's meal because _ had received a large bonus today. \nSentence 2: At dinner PersonX decided to pay for PersonY's meal because _ had received a large bill today."} {"input": "Context Word: pay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a good job with good pay, PersonY is unemployed and that is why _ can buy what she wants. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a good job with good pay, PersonY is unemployed and that is why _ she cannot buy what she wants."} {"input": "Context Word: gray hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to add some lowlights to her gray hair, so she went to her hairstylist PersonY. _ had beautiful gray hair after her appointment. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to add some lowlights to her gray hair, so she went to her hairstylist PersonY. _ created beautiful gray hair during the appointment."} {"input": "Context Word: sobriety.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has always struggled with sobriety, but PersonY doesn't have that issue. _ is an alcoholic. \nSentence 2: PersonX has always struggled with sobriety, but PersonY doesn't have that issue. _ is a moderate drinker."} {"input": "Context Word: use an ATM.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a bank card and PersonY didn't so _ had to wait in line at the bank to use an ATM. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a bank card and PersonY didn't so _ didn't have to wait in line at the bank to use an ATM."} {"input": "Context Word: consequences.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she suffered any consequences from the fall, because _ wanted to offer sympathy. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she suffered any consequences from the fall, but _ didn't want any sympathy."} {"input": "Context Word: invoice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is not successul in making an invoice so she asks PersonY for help, because _ can't do it herself. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not successul in making an invoice so she asks PersonY for help, because _ could help her."} {"input": "Context Word: glass door.", "output": "Sentence 1: The sliding glass door was broken when PersonX pushed PersonY through it because _ is a bully. \nSentence 2: The sliding glass door was broken when PersonX pushed PersonY through it because _ is a pushover."} {"input": "Context Word: porch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX painted the porch for PersonY so the neighbor praised _ for being so helpful. \nSentence 2: PersonX painted the porch for PersonY so the neighbor berated _ for being so lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: porch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat on the porch steps and watched PersonY dance because _ wanted to relax. \nSentence 2: PersonX sat on the porch steps and watched PersonY dance because _ wanted to rejoice."} {"input": "Context Word: porch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat outside on the porch longer than PersonY because _ wanted to watch the birds. \nSentence 2: PersonX sate outside on the porch longer than PersonY because _ wanted to watch the television."} {"input": "Context Word: parliament.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to write a paper about the British parliament. PersonY offered to help _ because he didn't understand. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to write a paper about the British parliament. PersonY offered to help him because _ did understand."} {"input": "Context Word: Leisure time.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked many more hours each week than PersonY, so _ had much less leisure time. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked many more hours each week than PersonY, so _ had much more leisure time."} {"input": "Context Word: naturalization certificate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX obtained a naturalization certificate before PersonY because _ had already been granted U.S. citizenship. \nSentence 2: PersonX obtained a naturalization certificate before PersonY because _ had not yet been granted U.S. citizenship."} {"input": "Context Word: bathe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not bathe everyday, PersonY does due to _ having very dry scaly skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not bathe everyday, PersonY does due to _ having very greasy, oily skin."} {"input": "Context Word: predictable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't keep a very predictable schedule but PersonY often did. _ was always running late. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't keep a very predictable schedule but PersonY often did. _ was rarely running late."} {"input": "Context Word: Immigrate.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the 1980s, PersonX decided to immigrate to America to be with PersonY. _ was an American. \nSentence 2: In the 1980s, PersonX decided to immigrate to America to be with PersonY. _ was a foreigner."} {"input": "Context Word: copper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put copper insulation in their pipes while PersonY didn't, so _ 's pipe were clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX put copper insulation in their pipes while PersonY didn't, so _ 's pipe were dirty."} {"input": "Context Word: watches.", "output": "Sentence 1: The watches PersonX owns are classier than the ones PersonY has due to _ making more money. \nSentence 2: The watches PersonX owns are cheaper than the ones PersonY has due to _ making more money."} {"input": "Context Word: mentally ill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is mentally ill, but PersonY is not, so _ has to take special medication on a daily basis. \nSentence 2: PersonX isn't mentally ill, but PersonY is, so _ has to take special medication on a daily basis."} {"input": "Context Word: participate.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to make new friends because _ would always participate in community functions. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to make new friends because _ would never participate in community functions."} {"input": "Context Word: participate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to participate in college sports than PersonY because _ was very athletic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to participate in college sports than PersonY because _ was not very athletic."} {"input": "Context Word: pruned.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pruned her roses this winter while PersonY pruned her hedges. _ the roses were pruned. \nSentence 2: PersonX pruned her roses this winter while PersonY pruned her hedges. _ the hedges were pruned."} {"input": "Context Word: pruned.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tree of PersonX looked better than the tree of PersonY because _ always pruned their trees. \nSentence 2: The tree of PersonX looked better than the tree of PersonY although _ always pruned their trees."} {"input": "Context Word: Slippers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed PersonY's new slippers because her feet were cold but _ forgot to give the slippers back. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed PersonY's new slippers because her feet were cold but _ forgot to ask for the slippers back."} {"input": "Context Word: alarm clock.", "output": "Sentence 1: The alarm clock rang earlier for PersonX than PersonY, therefore _ was able to get more done in the morning hours. \nSentence 2: The alarm clock rang earlier for PersonX than PersonY, therefore _ was not able to get much done in the morning hours."} {"input": "Context Word: group.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX led the group and PersonY followed it, so _ was the one who made the decisions. \nSentence 2: PersonX led the group and PersonY followed it, so _ was the one who accepted the decisions."} {"input": "Context Word: group.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the one in the group that PersonY listened to, because _ was the leader. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the one in the group that PersonY listened to, because _ was the follower."} {"input": "Context Word: group.", "output": "Sentence 1: The group avoided talking to PersonX but not PersonY because the group hated _ forever. \nSentence 2: The group avoided talking to PersonX but not PersonY because the group loved _ forever."} {"input": "Context Word: group.", "output": "Sentence 1: The group of people ignored PersonX and not PersonY because _ was not the leader of the group. \nSentence 2: The group of people listened to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was not the leader of the group."} {"input": "Context Word: group.", "output": "Sentence 1: The singing group that PersonX started sounds awesome, but PersonY's does not, because _ 's group practices a lot more. \nSentence 2: The singing group that PersonX started sounds awesome, but PersonY's does not, even though _ 's group practices a lot more."} {"input": "Context Word: bought a puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a puppy and PersonY didn't because _ didn't already have pets and wanted on. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a puppy and PersonY didn't because _ already had pets and didn't need more."} {"input": "Context Word: flashlight.", "output": "Sentence 1: A camper shined a flashlight at night. PersonX liked the dark and PersonY liked the light, so _ was upset. \nSentence 2: A camper shined a flashlight at night. PersonX liked the dark and PersonY liked the light, so _ was happy."} {"input": "Context Word: flashlight.", "output": "Sentence 1: As they walked through the dark forest, PersonX could see much better than PersonY, because _ was the one carrying a flashlight. \nSentence 2: As they walked through the dark forest, PersonX could see much better than PersonY, although _ was the one carrying a flashlight."} {"input": "Context Word: flashlight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's flashlight ran out of batteries. PersonY was at work so _ went and picked them up at the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX's flashlight ran out of batteries. PersonY was at work so _ picked them up on the way home.."} {"input": "Context Word: use yeast to make bread.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew to use yeast to make bread and PersonY did not because _ made bread in the summer months. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew to use yeast to make bread and PersonY did not because _ made canned vegetables in the summer months."} {"input": "Context Word: Periods.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is the mother of PersonY so _ was able to describe what to do during your periods. \nSentence 2: PersonX is the mother of PersonY so _ was not able to describe what to do during your periods."} {"input": "Context Word: stock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invested into the stock market even though it was risky unlike PersonY, because _ is a risk taker. \nSentence 2: PersonX invested into the stock market even though it was risky unlike PersonY, because _ is conservative."} {"input": "Context Word: stock.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was shown how to trade stocks by PersonY since _ was quite inexperienced in the market. \nSentence 2: PersonX was shown how to trade stocks by PersonY since _ was quite experienced in the market."} {"input": "Context Word: stock.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX was apprehensive about investing in the stock market, PersonY liked doing it because _ knew little about how stocks worked. \nSentence 2: While PersonX was apprehensive about investing in the stock market, PersonY liked doing it because _ knew a lot about how stocks worked."} {"input": "Context Word: puppy pads.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot to put down the puppy pads so his dog peed on PersonY's floor so _ offered to clean it up. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot to put down the puppy pads so his dog peed on PersonY's floor so _ demanded he clean it up."} {"input": "Context Word: narcolepsy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor referred PersonX but not PersonY to a narcolepsy specialist because _ always fell asleep suddenly. \nSentence 2: The doctor referred PersonX but not PersonY to a narcolepsy specialist because _ never fell asleep suddenly."} {"input": "Context Word: Milky Way.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Milky Way is fascinating to PersonX, but PersonY feels just the opposite about it. That's because _ is an astronomer. \nSentence 2: The Milky Way is boring to PersonX, but PersonY feels just the opposite about it. That's because _ is an astronomer."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX experienced more muscle pain than PersonY since _ lifted weights on a daily basis. \nSentence 2: PersonX experienced more muscle pain than PersonY since _ lifted weights on a monthly basis."} {"input": "Context Word: give a hamster a bath.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to teach PersonY how to give a hamster a bath because _ had owned many hamsters over the years. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to teach PersonY how to give a hamster a bath because _ had never owned a hamster."} {"input": "Context Word: semicolon.", "output": "Sentence 1: If you asked PersonX what a semicolon is, he wouldn't know, but PersonY would. That's because _ is a college dropout. \nSentence 2: If you asked PersonX what a semicolon is, he wouldn't know, but PersonY would. That's because _ is a college grad."} {"input": "Context Word: semicolon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew how to use a semicolon however PersonY had no clue because _ was very good at punctuation. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew how to use a semicolon however PersonY had no clue because _ was very bad at punctuation."} {"input": "Context Word: moral code.", "output": "Sentence 1: The moral code of PersonX compared to PersonY is stricter, so _ judges the other harshly. \nSentence 2: The moral code of PersonX compared to PersonY is stricter, so _ judges the other leniently."} {"input": "Context Word: bonding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been feeling weird about bonding with PersonY, so _ said they wanted to stop hanging out. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been feeling weird about bonding with PersonY, so _ said they wanted to stop spooking them."} {"input": "Context Word: roller skates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke the wheels on their roller skates so they went shopping with PersonY and _ bought a new pair. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke the wheels on their roller skates so they went shopping with PersonY and _ paid for a new pair."} {"input": "Context Word: ability.", "output": "Sentence 1: The ability to fished what you start is what you need to improve said PersonX to PersonY, _ sometimes has to be the one who takes charge. \nSentence 2: The ability to fished what you start is what you need to improve said PersonX to PersonY, _ sometimes has to be the one token charge of.."} {"input": "Context Word: appointed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX appointed PersonY as the head guard, because _ recognized that they were the best of the best. \nSentence 2: PersonX appointed PersonY as the head guard, because _ trained so hard they were the best of the best."} {"input": "Context Word: reading a book on WWII.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed reading a book on WWII more than PersonY because _ liked to read a lot of history books. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed reading a book on WWII more than PersonY because _ liked to read a lot of economics books."} {"input": "Context Word: lift weights at the gym.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to lift weights at the gym and PersonY did not because _ had a gym membership. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to lift weights at the gym and PersonY did not because _ did not have a gym membership."} {"input": "Context Word: suffering.", "output": "Sentence 1: Emotional suffering was more of a curse for PersonX than PersonY because _ took everything personally. \nSentence 2: Emotional suffering was more of a curse for PersonX than PersonY because _ didn't take things personally."} {"input": "Context Word: modeling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy in the modeling industry, but PersonY was miserable, because _ liked superficial things. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy in the modeling industry, but PersonY was miserable, because _ liked academic things."} {"input": "Context Word: eyelashes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to apply eyelashes to the actress because _ was the artistic director. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to apply eyelashes to the actress because _ was the makeup artist."} {"input": "Context Word: eyelashes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had false eyelashes put on by PersonY, but _ didn't like them so she pulled them off. \nSentence 2: PersonX put false eyelashes on PersonY, but _ didn't like them so she pulled them off."} {"input": "Context Word: eyelashes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought they were more beautiful than PersonY because _ had longer eyelashes on their eyes. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought they were more beautiful than PersonY because _ had shorter eyelashes on their eyes."} {"input": "Context Word: eyelashes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used eyeliner and eyeshadow, as well as mascara on her eyelashes, while PersonY did not use any makeup at all, since _ was a haughty person. \nSentence 2: PersonX used eyeliner and eyeshadow, as well as mascara on her eyelashes, while PersonY did not use any makeup at all, since _ was a humble person."} {"input": "Context Word: eyelashes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The brand new mascara worked better for PersonX than PersonY because _ had naturally short eyelashes. \nSentence 2: The brand new mascara worked better for PersonX than PersonY because _ had naturally long eyelashes."} {"input": "Context Word: write a good story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to write a good story for the newspaper because _ had worked at the newspaper for years. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to write a good story for the newspaper because _ had worked at the newspaper for one day."} {"input": "Context Word: role.", "output": "Sentence 1: The role of PersonX in the company is more important than of PersonY because _ is a very talented and capable professional. \nSentence 2: The role of PersonX in the company is more important than of PersonY because _ is not capable professional."} {"input": "Context Word: grass.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mowing the grass is more tedious for PersonX than PersonY because _ has an old push lawnmower. \nSentence 2: Mowing the grass is more tedious for PersonX than PersonY because _ has a robotic lawnmower."} {"input": "Context Word: grass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed mowing the grass on a nice day unlike PersonY because _ enjoyed the exercise. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed mowing the grass on a nice day unlike PersonY because _ loathed the exercise."} {"input": "Context Word: grass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave some money to PersonY for cutting their grass, because _ didn't want to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave some money to PersonY for cutting their grass, because _ asked to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: grass.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watered the grass for PersonY since _ was able to do so and could walk fine. \nSentence 2: PersonX watered the grass for PersonY since _ was unable to do so and could not walk."} {"input": "Context Word: grass.", "output": "Sentence 1: The task of mowing the grass was better suited for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was allergic to grass. \nSentence 2: The task of mowing the grass was better suited for PersonX but not PersonY because _ wasn't allergic to grass."} {"input": "Context Word: gecko.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked lizards more than PersonY did, so _ was delighted to receive a pet gecko for her birthday. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked lizards more than PersonY did, so _ was appalled to receive a pet gecko for her birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: gecko.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a gecko as a pet but PersonY wanted a dog. _ thought dogs were boring and typical. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a gecko as a pet but PersonY wanted a dog. _ thought geckos were weird."} {"input": "Context Word: gecko.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's gecko is going to see PersonY at the office, so _ is the pet owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX's gecko is going to see PersonY at the office, so _ is the pet vet."} {"input": "Context Word: Cast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to teach PersonY how to cast a fishing pole, but _ didn't have their phone number. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to teach PersonY how to cast a fishing pole, but _ didn't want to."} {"input": "Context Word: effective.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being productive at work came easier to suited PersonX than PersonY because _ had effective work habits. \nSentence 2: Being productive at work came easier to suited PersonX than PersonY because _ did not have effective work habits."} {"input": "Context Word: effective.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an effective way of getting PersonY to do what they wanted, so _ took advantage of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an effective way of getting PersonY to do what they wanted, so _ took orders from them."} {"input": "Context Word: effective.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at work, PersonX had to tell PersonY how to be more effective because _ is the boss. \nSentence 2: While at work, PersonX had to tell PersonY how to be more effective because _ is the employee."} {"input": "Context Word: pots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less pots and pans in their kitchen than PersonY, and _ wanted to clean up the mess. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less pots and pans in their kitchen than PersonY, and _ wanted to leave the mess."} {"input": "Context Word: pots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX places flower pots all over the patio so PersonY can enjoy the flowers, and _ is proud of the idea. \nSentence 2: PersonX places flower pots all over the patio so PersonY can enjoy the flowers, but _ isn't fond of the idea."} {"input": "Context Word: carnival ride.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to go on a carnival ride but PersonY couldn\u2019t wait to go because _ thought the rides were unsafe. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to go on a carnival ride but PersonY couldn\u2019t wait to go because _ thought the rides were exhilarating."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the dance, PersonX is asked rude questions by PersonY because _ is a victim. \nSentence 2: At the dance, PersonX is asked rude questions by PersonY because _ is a bully."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the wedding, PersonX convinced PersonY to dance with them after _ promising to lead. \nSentence 2: At the wedding, PersonX convinced PersonY to dance with them after _ promising to follow."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a dance student, PersonX wants to learn to dance from PersonY as _ is an excellent dance learner. \nSentence 2: Being a dance student, PersonX wants to learn to dance from PersonY as _ is an excellent dance instructor."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: People paid more attention to PersonX at the dance than PersonY because _ was wearing a unique dress. \nSentence 2: People paid more attention to PersonX at the dance than PersonY because _ was wearing an unremarkable dress."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to dance at the club but was turned down, so _ went dancing alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to dance at the club but was turned down, and _ was left alone."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to go to the dance because _ didn't have a date yet. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to go to the dance, but _ already had a date yet."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what time the dance was being held, because _ she had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what time the dance was being held, but _ she had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could dance better than PersonY could because _ had taken more years of ballet. \nSentence 2: PersonX could dance better than PersonY could because _ had taken less years of ballet."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easy to dance but PersonY did not as _ was very flexible. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easy to dance but PersonY did not as _ was very inflexible."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is training PersonY to dance the salsa as a results of _ being a dance teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX is training PersonY to dance the salsa as a results of _ being a dance student."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how to dance very well but PersonY did not. _ put on a good dance performance. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned how to dance very well but PersonY did not. _ put on a bad dance performance."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX managed to avoid making themselves look silly on the dance floor, unlike PersonY, because _ attended dance classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX managed to avoid making themselves look silly on the dance floor, unlike PersonY, because _ skipped dance classes."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to dance even once with PersonY because _ did not like anyone in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to dance even once with PersonY because _ was not liked by anyone in school."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat in the corner and watched PersonY dance in the middle of the crowd because _ was shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX sat in the corner and watched PersonY dance in the middle of the crowd because _ was outgoing."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to dance, but _ decided to quit the lessons half way through. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to dance, however _ decided to quit giving lessons half way through."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX trod on PersonY's feet while learning to dance and _ decided to wear ballet shoes to not cause .hurt. \nSentence 2: PersonX trod on PersonY's feet while learning to dance and _ decided to wear steel-capped shoes to not be hurt."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to get better at thriller dance so he asks his tutor PersonY for extra hours, because _ wants to improve. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to get better at thriller dance so he asks his tutor PersonY for extra hours, because _ is a dancing tutor."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better prepared for the dance than PersonY because _ had practiced their dance moves. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better prepared for the dance than PersonY because _ hadn't practiced their dance moves."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was excited to dance at their wedding while PersonY wasn't, as _ was a famously great dancer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was excited to dance at their wedding while PersonY wasn't, as _ was a famously terrible dancer."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning to how to dance and PersonY laughed out loud, so Dad smiled at _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning to how to dance and PersonY laughed out loud, so Dad yelled at _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unable to dance on prom night compared to PersonY, because _ was uncoordinated. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unable to dance on prom night compared to PersonY, because _ was coordinated."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the dance competition over PersonY for the reason that _ had a superior sense of rhythm. \nSentence 2: PersonX won the dance competition over PersonY for the reason that _ had a bad sense of rhythm."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dance instructor asked PersonX to help PersonY practice before the show because _ already knew the routine. \nSentence 2: The dance instructor asked PersonX to help PersonY practice before the show because _ didn't know the routine."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: The girl thought she would have a better chance asking PersonX instead of PersonY for permission to attend the dance because _ had more lienent rules. \nSentence 2: The girl thought she would have a better chance asking PersonX instead of PersonY for permission to attend the dance because _ had more stringent rules."} {"input": "Context Word: dance.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX never went to the school dance, PersonY always did because _ was very unpopular. \nSentence 2: While PersonX never went to the school dance, PersonY always did because _ was very popular."} {"input": "Context Word: liquor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX seems to always have a liquor bottle in their hand while PersonY didn't, so _ looked drunk. \nSentence 2: PersonX seems to always have a liquor bottle in their hand while PersonY didn't, so _ looked sober."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: Chicken stew was liked PersonX but PersonY liked rabbit stew, so _ ordered the chicken stew for lunch. \nSentence 2: Chicken stew was liked PersonX but PersonY liked rabbit stew, so _ ordered the rabbit stew for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to feed their rabbit,because _ was planning on going on vacation to Disney for a week. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to feed their rabbit, but _ was planning on going on vacation to Disney for a week."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked the rabbit expertly for PersonY because _ was a chef at the restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked the rabbit expertly for PersonY because _ was a diner at the restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't understand why PersonY took her rabbit along on vacation, because _ didn't like animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't understand why PersonY took her rabbit along on vacation, but _ just loved being with animals."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cried and yelled at PersonY because _ was so upset the rabbit escaped from the cage. \nSentence 2: PersonX cried and yelled at PersonY because _ let the rabbit escape from the cage."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a pet rabbit for Easter, _ was overjoyed at the gift despite it being a random gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a pet rabbit for Easter, _ was annoyed at the gift despite it being a random gift."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a rabbit as a companion to PersonY because _ thought they were lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a rabbit as a companion to PersonY because _ explained they were lonely."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave his pet rabbit to PersonY, because _ could no longer properly care for the pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave his pet rabbit to PersonY, because _ would properly care for the pet."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a rabbit from PersonY for his birthday and _ was so happy for such a lovely gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a rabbit for PersonY for his birthday and _ was so happy for such a lovely gift."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had many more pet bunny rabbits than PersonY because _ liked having many animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX had many more pet bunny rabbits than PersonY because _ was allergic to animals."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a rabbit from PersonY, and at first _ needed some help. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a rabbit from PersonY, and at first _ offered some help."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked animals more than PersonY but _ hated rabbits cause they multiplied so much. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked animals more than PersonY but _ loved rabbits cause they multiplied so much."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked eating rabbit more than PersonY because _ didn't mind the gamy taste it had. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked eating rabbit more than PersonY because _ didn't like the gamy taste it had."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost her stuffed rabbit while at the playground with PersonY, so _ cries to her friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost her stuffed rabbit while at the playground with PersonY, so _ consoles her friend."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to eat rabbit stew on a regular basis but PersonY did not as _ was a carnivore. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to eat rabbit stew on a regular basis but PersonY did not as _ was a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rabbit died two weeks after adopting it from PersonY who raised for years. _ is uncaring. \nSentence 2: PersonX rabbit died two weeks after adopting it from PersonY who raised for years. _ is caring."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX takes his pet rabbit in to see PersonY when it gets sick. This is because _ is a concerned pet owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX takes his pet rabbit in to see PersonY when it gets sick. This is because _ is a concerned pet vet."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought rabbit was delicious but PersonY did not. _ had a big piece of rabbit pie. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought rabbit was delicious but PersonY did not. _ had a big piece of chicken pie."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought rabbits were cute but PersonY was allergic to them. _ got a rabbit as a pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought rabbits were cute but PersonY was allergic to them. _ got a cat as a pet."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX voraciously tore into the rabbit meat whereas PersonY couldn't even look at it since _ was hungry. \nSentence 2: PersonX voraciously tore into the rabbit meat whereas PersonY couldn't even look at it since _ was disgusted."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a pet rabbit more than PersonY because _ had a deep understanding of rabbits. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a pet rabbit more than PersonY because _ had a lack of understanding of rabbits."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy that PersonY gave away a coat that had rabbit fur on the collar because _ was an animal lover. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mad that PersonY bought a coat that had rabbit fur on the collar because _ wasn't an animal lover."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the store to buy a cage for PersonY's new pet rabbit. _ was surprised at the cost of a new home for the rabbit. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the store to buy a cage for PersonY's new pet rabbit. _ was happy to get a new home for the rabbit."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: The rabbit hopped away from PersonX unlike PersonY because _ had nothing in his hands for the rabbit. \nSentence 2: The rabbit hopped towards PersonX unlike PersonY because _ had nothing in his hands for the rabbit."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: The rabbit of PersonX just passed away, so PersonY buys her a new one. _ is very thankful. \nSentence 2: The rabbit of PersonX just passed away, so PersonY buys her a new one. _ is very considerate."} {"input": "Context Word: rabbit.", "output": "Sentence 1: The rabbit ran towards PersonX but avoided PersonY because _ was trying to feed it. \nSentence 2: The rabbit ran towards PersonX but avoided PersonY because _ was trying to kill it."} {"input": "Context Word: 10 pounds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help to lose 10 pounds because _ was too fat and diabetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked by PersonY for help to lose 10 pounds because _ was too fat and diabetic."} {"input": "Context Word: carrier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the mail carrier for PersonY, so when the mail came, _ was the one to deliver it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the mail carrier for PersonY, so when the mail came, _ was the one to receive it."} {"input": "Context Word: Shrimp.", "output": "Sentence 1: The shrimp caused PersonX to sneeze while PersonY spectated because _ was allergic to shrimp. \nSentence 2: The shrimp caused PersonX to sneeze while PersonY spectated because _ was fascinated by shrimp."} {"input": "Context Word: beets.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made PersonY a salad but _ forgot that loves beets and other red fruits. \nSentence 2: PersonX made PersonY a salad but forgot that _ hates beets and other red fruits."} {"input": "Context Word: scarecrow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX built a stronger and more good looking scarecrow than PersonY. _ won the scarecrow contest. \nSentence 2: PersonX built a stronger and more good looking scarecrow than PersonY. _ lost the scarecrow contest."} {"input": "Context Word: pains.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX encounters more pains on a daily basis than PersonY due to _ being sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX encounters more pains on a daily basis than PersonY due to _ being healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: issue.", "output": "Sentence 1: On a trip to a out today PersonX asked PersonY where the he could find issue of a old newspaper, _ is a researcher. \nSentence 2: On a trip to a out today PersonX asked PersonY where the he could find issue of a old newspaper, _ is a librarian."} {"input": "Context Word: issue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX realized he could no longer discuss any personal issue with PersonY because _ is secretive. \nSentence 2: PersonX realized he could no longer discuss any personal issue with PersonY because _ is open."} {"input": "Context Word: issue.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lady had an issue with PersonX but not PersonY because _ had wronged her in the past before. \nSentence 2: The lady had an issue with PersonX but not PersonY because _ had helped her in the past before."} {"input": "Context Word: Astronaut.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being an astronaut was childhood dream of PersonX but not for PersonY. _ went to Space Camp over the summer. \nSentence 2: Being an astronaut was childhood dream of PersonX but not for PersonY. _ went to Boy Scout Camp over the summer."} {"input": "Context Word: hunger.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is feeling such strong hunger that they want to start dinner before PersonY arrives, but _ feels bad and waits. \nSentence 2: PersonX is feeling such strong hunger that they want to start dinner before PersonY arrives, but _ rushes in at the last moment."} {"input": "Context Word: to take care of a snail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to take care of a snail and PersonY did because _ heard they were hard to take care of. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to take care of a snail and PersonY did because _ wanted a pet to take care of."} {"input": "Context Word: indigestion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets sick when he drinks milk while PersonY gets sick with gluten, _ got indigestion because of a milkshake. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets sick when he drinks milk while PersonY gets sick with gluten, _ got indigestion because of a food that contained gluten."} {"input": "Context Word: articles.", "output": "Sentence 1: It made sense that PersonX would read more newspaper articles about the government than PersonY because _ had a deep interest in politics. \nSentence 2: It made sense that PersonX would read more newspaper articles about the government than PersonY because _ did not have any interest in politics."} {"input": "Context Word: articles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at writing articles but PersonY was not. _ had their work published in a magazine. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at writing articles but PersonY was not. _ didn't have their work published in a magazine."} {"input": "Context Word: catalog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY flipped through the catalog with ease because _ had great eyesight. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY flipped through the catalog with ease because _ had horrible eyesight."} {"input": "Context Word: prostate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went for regular checkups at the doctor while PersonY always procrastinated it. _ knew the importance of getting their prostate checked. \nSentence 2: PersonX went for regular checkups at the doctor while PersonY always procrastinated it. _ didn't care about the importance of getting their prostate checked."} {"input": "Context Word: snail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran as fast as a snail unlike PersonY who ran faster, because _ had an injury. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran as fast as a snail unlike PersonY who ran faster, because _ was very healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: violence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt safe walking the streets at night but not PersonY because _ had taken a violence safety course. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt safe walking the streets at night but not PersonY because _ had never taken a violence safety course."} {"input": "Context Word: filter.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fixing the house was harder for PersonX than PersonY so _ screwed up changing the air filter. \nSentence 2: Fixing the house was harder for PersonX than PersonY so _ suceeded changing the air filter."} {"input": "Context Word: filter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asks PersonY for advice about choosing an air filter, because _ likes getting help. \nSentence 2: PersonX asks PersonY for advice about choosing an air filter, because _ likes providing help."} {"input": "Context Word: filter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did their best to filter their language around PersonY, because _ had a sharp tongue. \nSentence 2: PersonX did their best to filter their language around PersonY, because _ had a sensitive personality."} {"input": "Context Word: hockey.", "output": "Sentence 1: As a kid, PersonX played hockey, while PersonY was in choir, so _ is more athletically inclined. \nSentence 2: As a kid, PersonX played hockey, while PersonY was in choir, so _ is more musically inclined."} {"input": "Context Word: hockey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew more about the rules of professional hockey than PersonY because _ liked watching winter sports. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew more about the rules of professional hockey than PersonY because _ didn't like watching winter sports."} {"input": "Context Word: neuropsychiatrist.", "output": "Sentence 1: The neuropsychiatrist advised PersonX that PersonY was bad for her mental health, since _ was so affected by her negativity. \nSentence 2: The neuropsychiatrist advised PersonX that PersonY was bad for her mental health, since _ was so persuasive with her negativity."} {"input": "Context Word: woodpecker.", "output": "Sentence 1: Hiking is a favorite pasttime of PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a longing to see a woodpecker. \nSentence 2: Hiking is a favorite pasttime of PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no desire to see a woodpecker."} {"input": "Context Word: poultry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw up after dinner at the restaurant but not PersonY because _ ordered a tainted poultry entree. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw up after dinner at the restaurant but not PersonY because _ ordered a clean poultry entree."} {"input": "Context Word: Kidney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a bad kidney but PersonY had perfectly healthy kidneys. _ had to go to dialysis every week. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a bad kidney but PersonY had perfectly healthy kidneys. _ had to go to the grocery store every week."} {"input": "Context Word: Kidney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having kidney infection problems but PersonY was fine. _ needed to drink a lot of cranberry juice. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having kidney infection problems but PersonY was fine. _ didn't need to drink a lot of cranberry juice."} {"input": "Context Word: Kidney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having kidney surgery last week when PersonY showed up and gave _ all the support he could. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having kidney surgery last week when PersonY showed up and criticized _ all he could."} {"input": "Context Word: market.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost a great deal of money once the stock price dropped, but PersonY sold their stocks early, because _ correctly predicted the market fluctuations. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost a great deal of money once the stock price dropped, but PersonY sold their stocks early, because _ incorrectly predicted the market fluctuations."} {"input": "Context Word: market.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the fish market to surprise PersonY with dinner. _ wanted to cook salmon tonight. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the fish market to surprise PersonY with dinner. _ was tired and wanted to nap tonight."} {"input": "Context Word: fracture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fractured their hip bone when they fell down but PersonY did not because _ has weak bones. \nSentence 2: PersonX fractured their hip bone when they fell down but PersonY did not because _ has strong bones."} {"input": "Context Word: fracture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew what to do when the runner fractured their leg but not PersonY because _ had been trained in first aid. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew what to do when the runner fractured their leg but not PersonY because _ had not been trained in first aid."} {"input": "Context Word: fracture.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fracture on the leg of PersonX was worse than that on PersonY because _ fell from a greater height. \nSentence 2: The fracture on the leg of PersonX was worse than that on PersonY although _ fell from a greater height."} {"input": "Context Word: fracture.", "output": "Sentence 1: When she fell out of the tree, PersonX fractured her ankle and PersonY carried her to the house. _ was in pain and had to be rushed to the hospital. \nSentence 2: When she fell out of the tree, PersonX fractured her ankle and PersonY carried her to the house. _ was worried and rushed to the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: safe sex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very haphazard about safe sex but PersonY was very careful. _ had two unexpected children to care for. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very haphazard about safe sex but PersonY was very careful. _ had two planned children to care for."} {"input": "Context Word: sugar glider.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took her sugar glider to PersonY, a veterinarian, because _ was worried about the sugar glider since it was getting old. \nSentence 2: PersonX took her sugar glider to PersonY, a veterinarian, but _ was not worried about the sugar glider even though it was getting old."} {"input": "Context Word: Rat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX checked in 1-Star motel while PersonY checked into a 5-star hotel. _ found a rat in their room. \nSentence 2: PersonX checked in 1-Star motel while PersonY checked into a 5-star hotel. _ didn't see a rat in their room."} {"input": "Context Word: Teenagers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recalled that they were friends with PersonY as teenagers, so _ went up and introduced themself. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot that they were friends with PersonY as teenagers, so _ went up and introduced themself."} {"input": "Context Word: zoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finally convinced PersonY to go to the zoo because _ really liked animals and wanted to take photos. \nSentence 2: PersonX finally convinced PersonY to go to the zoo but _ really disliked animals and didn't want to take photos."} {"input": "Context Word: zoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived farther from the zoo than PersonY because _ lived about fifty miles from the city. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived closer from the zoo than PersonY because _ lived about fifty miles from the city."} {"input": "Context Word: zoo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was annoyed when PersonY threw trash on the ground at the zoo since _ is the janitor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was annoyed when PersonY threw trash on the ground at the zoo since _ is the visitor."} {"input": "Context Word: anatomy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has studied for their anatomy exam about 2 hours more than PersonY, but _ failed their test. \nSentence 2: PersonX has studied for their anatomy exam about 2 hours more than PersonY, but _ passed their test."} {"input": "Context Word: roof.", "output": "Sentence 1: As it pertains to discussing payment for the roof, PersonX and PersonY finally came to an agreement, with _ paying the debt. \nSentence 2: As it pertains to discussing payment for the roof, PersonX and PersonY finally came to an agreement, with _ accepting payment."} {"input": "Context Word: roof.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to use their bucket during the storm because water was leaking from _ 's roof. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to use their bucket during the storm because water wasn't leaking from _ 's roof."} {"input": "Context Word: roof.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was climbing down from the roof and PersonY was below so, _ was climbing the ladder. \nSentence 2: PersonX was climbing down from the roof and PersonY was below so, _ was holding the ladder."} {"input": "Context Word: roof.", "output": "Sentence 1: Roof work suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved hard manual labor and the sun. \nSentence 2: Roof work suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated hard manual labor and the sun."} {"input": "Context Word: roof.", "output": "Sentence 1: The roof of PersonX's home is old and falling apart, while PersonY's is new. The home value of _ is lower. \nSentence 2: The roof of PersonX's home is old and falling apart, while PersonY's is new. The home value of _ is higher."} {"input": "Context Word: roof.", "output": "Sentence 1: The roof of PersonX's home isn't as green as PersonY's. This is because _ is not an environmentalist. \nSentence 2: The roof of PersonX's home isn't as green as PersonY's. This is because _ is an environmentalist."} {"input": "Context Word: roof.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX fell off the roof while he was working and PersonY was watching, _ was in pain. \nSentence 2: When PersonX fell off the roof while he was working and PersonY was watching, _ was concerned."} {"input": "Context Word: roof.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working on the roof suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ had a negligible fear of heights. \nSentence 2: Working on the roof suited PersonX more than PersonY, because _ had a great fear of heights."} {"input": "Context Word: including.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys including PersonY in on every little thing they do, _ likes the company of other people. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys including PersonY in on every little thing they do, _ likes the company of company."} {"input": "Context Word: zebras.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before going to the zoo, PersonX decided she wanted to visit the zebras while PersonY wanted to visit the tigers, since _ liked horses. \nSentence 2: Before going to the zoo, PersonX decided she wanted to visit the zebras while PersonY wanted to visit the tigers, since _ liked cats."} {"input": "Context Word: Hebrew.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX was Jewish and PersonY was not _ never learned how to speak Hebrew. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX was Jewish and PersonY was not _ always learned how to speak Hebrew."} {"input": "Context Word: mechanism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was smarter than PersonY, because _ had been the first one to figure out how to build the mechanism. \nSentence 2: PersonX was slower than PersonY, because _ had been the first one to figure out how to build the mechanism."} {"input": "Context Word: criminal prosecution.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought of PersonY as just another person who was downing criminal prosecution, _ is a believer in justice. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought of PersonY as just another person who was downing criminal prosecution, _ is a non-believer in justice."} {"input": "Context Word: explore.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to explore new territory because _ was very sociable and adaptable. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to explore new territory because _ was not very sociable and adaptable."} {"input": "Context Word: explore.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was enjoyable for PersonX to explore new places but PersonY avoided it, since _ was curious about new things. \nSentence 2: It was enjoyable for PersonX to explore new places but PersonY avoided it, since _ was frightened by new things."} {"input": "Context Word: Casting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is casting a blank stare off to nowhere seeming to look through PersonY so _ has a dazed look on her face.. \nSentence 2: PersonX is casting a blank stare off to nowhere seeming to look through PersonY so _ has a confused look on her face.."} {"input": "Context Word: customs.", "output": "Sentence 1: U.S. customs hassled PersonX for a while, but didn't bother with PersonY; probably because _ is Muslim. \nSentence 2: U.S. customs hassled PersonX for a while, but didn't bother with PersonY; probably because _ is Christian."} {"input": "Context Word: aftershave.", "output": "Sentence 1: Aftershave is something PersonX likes and PersonY hates because _ likes the burn of it. \nSentence 2: Aftershave is something PersonX likes and PersonY hates because _ dislikes the burn of it."} {"input": "Context Word: Parental supervision.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs parental supervision to do the experiment, but not PersonY because _ is a young child. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs parental supervision to do the experiment, but not PersonY because _ is an adult."} {"input": "Context Word: sinus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was suffering from problems with their sinuses but not PersonY because _ had a lot of allergies. \nSentence 2: PersonX was suffering from problems with their sinuses but not PersonY because _ had very few allergies."} {"input": "Context Word: vampire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed PersonY's new vampire book because ( _ ) hadn't bought the book yet but wanted to keep up with the series. \nSentence 2: PersonX lent PersonY's her new vampire book because ( _ ) hadn't bought the book yet but wanted to keep up with the series."} {"input": "Context Word: operate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how operate the crane from PersonY so that _ could be a safe crane operator. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how operate the crane so that _ could be a safe crane operator."} {"input": "Context Word: malaria.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the Caribbean, PersonX contracted Malaria, but PersonY did not because _ had not been vaccinated. \nSentence 2: In the Caribbean, PersonX contracted Malaria, but PersonY did not because _ had been vaccinated."} {"input": "Context Word: malaria.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was likely that PersonX but not PersonY had contracted malaria because _ had recently traveled to a third-world country. \nSentence 2: It was likely that PersonX but not PersonY had contracted malaria because _ had never traveled to a third-world country."} {"input": "Context Word: clippers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a razor while PersonY used a pair of clippers so the hair was shorter on _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX used a razor while PersonY used a pair of clippers so the hair was longer on _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: Clay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was rather adept at molding clay but PersonY didn't have the same skill at it. _ created a magnificent looking clay bowl. \nSentence 2: PersonX was rather adept at molding clay but PersonY didn't have the same skill at it. _ created an odd looking clay bowl."} {"input": "Context Word: kindergarten.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dropped off PersonY to their kindergarten class because _ was decided to help after the flat tire. \nSentence 2: PersonX dropped off PersonY to their kindergarten class because _ asked for a ride after the flat tire."} {"input": "Context Word: cabinets.", "output": "Sentence 1: Organizing the cabinets is more of a chore for PersonX than PersonY because _ doesn't have a lot of storage space. \nSentence 2: Organizing the cabinets is more of a chore for PersonX than PersonY because _ has a lot of storage space."} {"input": "Context Word: cabinets.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cabinets PersonX chose were extremely hated by PersonY since _ had complete say in the choice that was made. \nSentence 2: The cabinets PersonX chose were extremely hated by PersonY because _ had no say in the choice that was made."} {"input": "Context Word: cabinets.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cabinets in PersonX's home aren't as good as the one's in PersonY's because _ used a disreputable carpenter. \nSentence 2: The cabinets in PersonX's home aren't as good as the one's in PersonY's because _ used a reputable carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: cabinets.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cabinets in PersonX's house were just built by PersonY because _ is a homeowner. \nSentence 2: The cabinets in PersonX's house were just built by PersonY because _ is a carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: coconut oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accidentally spilled her coconut oil all over PersonY which made _ feel very apologetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX accidentally spilled her coconut oil all over PersonY which made _ feel very angry."} {"input": "Context Word: coconut oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to use coconut oil but PersonY didn't. _ cooked eggs with coconut oil. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to use coconut oil but PersonY didn't. _ cooked eggs with vegetable oil."} {"input": "Context Word: research laboratory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invted PersonY on a tour of the research laboratory. _ was excited to show him around. \nSentence 2: PersonX invted PersonY on a tour of the research laboratory. _ was anxious to be shown around."} {"input": "Context Word: Chopsticks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of skill with chopsticks while PersonY wasn't as proficient. _ could pick up a grain of rice with them. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of skill with chopsticks while PersonY wasn't as proficient. _ couldn't even pick up sticky rice with them."} {"input": "Context Word: Chopsticks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help learning how to use chopsticks from PersonY because _ hardly ever ate Asian food. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help learning how to use chopsticks from PersonY because _ often partook of Asian food."} {"input": "Context Word: poisoned.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX recognized the signed of a poisoned cat while PersonY did not because _ saw the symptoms of poisoning. \nSentence 2: PersonX recognized the signed of a poisoned cat while PersonY did not because _ didn't see the symptoms of poisoning."} {"input": "Context Word: toothbrush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to show her how to use an electric toothbrush, since _ had only owned conventional toothbrushes before. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to show her how to use an electric toothbrush, since _ had only owned electric toothbrushes before."} {"input": "Context Word: toothbrush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a electric toothbrush for PersonY and _ decided to buy one for themselves. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a electric toothbrush from PersonY and _ decided to buy one for themselves."} {"input": "Context Word: toothbrush.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke his new electric toothbrush while PersonY's toothbrush was still working. Father was disappointed with _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX broke his new electric toothbrush while PersonY's toothbrush was still working. Father was proud with _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: wet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The blanket was wet and PersonX was annoyed but PersonY was not because _ was very critical. \nSentence 2: The blanket was wet and PersonX was annoyed but PersonY was not because _ was very tolerant."} {"input": "Context Word: kidney infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a high fever, but not PersonY, because _ had a severe kidney infection. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a high fever, but not PersonY, because _ did not have a kidney infection."} {"input": "Context Word: extrovert.", "output": "Sentence 1: Unlike the shy PersonX, PersonY was an extrovert, so _ dreaded attending the big party. \nSentence 2: Unlike the shy PersonX, PersonY was an extrovert, so _ looked forward to attending the big party."} {"input": "Context Word: congratulated.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the tennis match had ended, PersonX grudgingly congratulated PersonY because _ had been defeated. \nSentence 2: After the tennis match had ended, PersonX grudgingly congratulated PersonY because _ had been victorious."} {"input": "Context Word: science.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed that science could explain evolution, while PersonY did not, because _ was a Catholic. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed that science could explain evolution, while PersonY did not, because _ was an atheist."} {"input": "Context Word: science.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed science a lot more than PersonY because _ found it very interesting to study. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed science a lot more than PersonY because _ found it very boring to study."} {"input": "Context Word: science.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed science experiements while PersonY was bored of them, so _ looked forward to physics class. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed science experiements while PersonY was bored of them, so _ dreaded physics class."} {"input": "Context Word: science.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got an A in Political Science while PersonY tried hard but got a C, so _ offered help. \nSentence 2: PersonX got an A in Political Science while PersonY tried hard but got a C, so _ needed help."} {"input": "Context Word: science.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated everything to do with science while PersonY loved everything to do with science so _ failed biology. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated everything to do with science while PersonY loved everything to do with science so _ passed biology."} {"input": "Context Word: science.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is really bad at science and asks for instructions from PersonY, because _ wants to get better at science. \nSentence 2: PersonX is really bad at science and asks for instructions from PersonY, because _ is already good at science."} {"input": "Context Word: science.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offers to take notes for PersonY during science class, but _ hurts their hand and has to stop. \nSentence 2: PersonX offers to take notes for PersonY during science class, because _ hurt their hand and can't write."} {"input": "Context Word: science.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more prepared than PersonY, so _ did better on the science test today. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more prepared than PersonY, so _ didn't do as well on the science test today."} {"input": "Context Word: science.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't good at Science like PersonY. _ failed the big science exam that was needed to go onto next grade. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't good at Science like PersonY. _ passed the big science exam that was needed to go onto the next grade."} {"input": "Context Word: science.", "output": "Sentence 1: The science teacher favored PersonX over PersonY because _ cleaned all of the equipment after experiments. \nSentence 2: The science teacher favored PersonX over PersonY because _ broke all of the equipment after experiments."} {"input": "Context Word: witness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made for a better witness than PersonY because _ was a very observant person. \nSentence 2: PersonX made for a better witness than PersonY because _ was not a very observant person."} {"input": "Context Word: witness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a less reliable witness in court than PersonY because _ has a poor memory. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a less reliable witness in court than PersonY because _ has an excellent memory."} {"input": "Context Word: Lucky.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very lucky to pass _ exams although the preparation was not enough smirked PersonY. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very lucky to pass _ exams although the preparation was not enough thought PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: psychological.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from psychological delusions, so PersonY gave them therapy, and _ gained relief from the sessions. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from psychological delusions, so PersonY gave them therapy, and _ gained their patient's trust from the sessions."} {"input": "Context Word: shyness.", "output": "Sentence 1: Shyness made it difficult for PersonX to make friends, but PersonY found it easy. _ was not outgoing and sociable. \nSentence 2: Shyness made it difficult for PersonX to make friends, but PersonY found it easy. _ was outgoing and sociable."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: Despite attending school together, PersonX did not want to be friends with PersonY. _ thought that they were a bully and unkind to other people. \nSentence 2: Despite attending school together, PersonX did not want to be friends with PersonY. _ thought that they were generally nice and kind to other people."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: Friends were important to PersonX while PersonY was more independent, so _ hated being alone. \nSentence 2: Friends were important to PersonX while PersonY was more independent, so _ tolerated being alone."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: Making friends was very easy for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was extremely friendly all the time. \nSentence 2: Making friends was very easy for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was extremely morose all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they could be friends because _ was new to the area and was very lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY is they could be friends because _ lived in the area and was very popular."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY on the phone, but there was no answer. _ was disappointed as they were new friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY on the phone, but there was no answer. _ was out with new friends."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX considers he and PersonY to be friends so _ puts a lot of effort into their relationship. \nSentence 2: PersonX considers he and PersonY to be friends even though _ puts little effort into their relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to stop being best friends with PersonY after _ realized they were betraying them. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to stop being best friends with PersonY after _ kept on betraying them."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to be friends with PersonY because _ was a bit of a loner. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to be friends with PersonY because _ was a bit of a bummer."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier to make friends than PersonY because _ was always very friendly. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier to make friends than PersonY because _ was never very friendly."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got into more trouble than PersonY got into because the friends of _ were troublemakers. \nSentence 2: PersonX got into more trouble than PersonY got into because the friends of _ were saints."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more friends in his life compared to PersonY because _ was an outgoing person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more friends in his life compared to PersonY because _ was a shy person."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more friends than PersonY, because _ she was very outgoing and friendly. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more friends than PersonY, because _ she was not very outgoing or friendly."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an easier time making friends than PersonY because _ was very approachable at the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time making friends than PersonY because _ was very unapproachable at the party."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less friends than PersonY did because _ didn't like to talk to anyone at school. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more friends than PersonY did because _ didn't like to talk to anyone at school."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had many friends while PersonY had very few, so _ often went out with them on Friday nights. \nSentence 2: PersonX had many friends while PersonY had very few, so _ often went out with alone on Friday nights."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had many more friends than PersonY had because _ was a much more extroverted person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had many more friends than PersonY had because _ was a much more introverted person."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had many more friends than PersonY had because _ was nicer to other people. \nSentence 2: PersonX had many more friends than PersonY had because _ was meaner to other people."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had many more friends than PersonY, because _ was always pleasant and generous with her time. \nSentence 2: PersonX had many more friends than PersonY, because _ was never pleasant or generous with her time."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more friends than PersonY had because _ liked to meet new people at school. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more friends than PersonY had because _ liked to bully new people at school."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX introduced PersonY, who is very shy, to his friends, but _ was being very embarrassing. \nSentence 2: PersonX introduced PersonY, who is very shy, to his friends, but _ was being very quiet."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a stingy person compared to PersonY, so _ will never help friends or strangers. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a stingy person compared to PersonY, so _ will always help friends or strangers."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is less social than PersonY, and as a result _ has fewer friends to turn to. \nSentence 2: PersonX is less social than PersonY, and as a result _ has more friends to turn to."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to have a lot of Friends but personY does not because _ is very gregarious. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to have a lot of Friends but personY does not because _ is very reserved."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made friends very easily but PersonY did not. _ had a large social circle. \nSentence 2: PersonX made friends very easily but PersonY did not. _ had a small social circle."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes friends easily but PersonY doesn't. _ has a lot of friends in their life. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes friends easily but PersonY doesn't. _ has very few friends in their life."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used to be good friends with PersonY, but _ had come to accept that their friendship would never be the same. \nSentence 2: PersonX used to be good friends with PersonY, but _ had come to make sure that their friendship would never be the same."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a very lonely person until they met PersonY because _ did not have many friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a very lonely person until they met PersonY because _ had very many friends."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's friends were all busy while PersonY's friends were available, so _ went to the concert alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX's friends were all busy while PersonY's friends were available, so _ went to the concert with others."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was upset because PersonX's friends all moved away except for PersonY that was still there. \nSentence 2: So _ was sympathetic because PersonX's friends all moved away except for PersonY that was still there."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: Talking to strangers and making friends came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was easygoing. \nSentence 2: Talking to strangers and making friends came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a prude."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: The breakup was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ still wanted to be friends with their ex. \nSentence 2: The breakup was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ didn't still want to be friends with their ex."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: The friends of PersonX are mean and nasty, while PersonY has nice friends. _ is very upset. \nSentence 2: The friends of PersonX are mean and nasty, while PersonY has nice friends. _ is very happy."} {"input": "Context Word: friends.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man had been friends with PersonX for a longer time than PersonY because _ went to high school with him. \nSentence 2: The man had been friends with PersonX for a shorter time than PersonY because _ went to high school with him."} {"input": "Context Word: negotiate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to negotiate the price of the house but PersonY just accepted the first offer, since _ was an experienced businessperson. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to negotiate the price of the house but PersonY just accepted the first offer, since _ was a novice businessperson."} {"input": "Context Word: negotiate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working in business was harder for PersonX than PersonY although _ found it simple to negotiate. \nSentence 2: Working in business was easier for PersonX than PersonY although _ found it difficult to negotiate."} {"input": "Context Word: encouraged.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to speak in front of the class even after being encouraged by PersonY, because _ wasn't brave enough. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to speak in front of the class even after being encouraged by PersonY, because _ wasn't convincing enough."} {"input": "Context Word: box.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was moving and needed to borrow a box from PersonY because _ did not have any boxes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was moving and needed to borrow a box from PersonY because _ did have some boxes."} {"input": "Context Word: box.", "output": "Sentence 1: The golden box was given to PersonX and not PersonY because _ had worked harder and was deserving. \nSentence 2: The golden box was given to PersonX and not PersonY because _ had worked lazy and was undeserving."} {"input": "Context Word: right of way.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX blamed PersonY for the accident because _ had the right of way at the four way stop. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not blame PersonY for the accident because _ had the right of way at the four way stop."} {"input": "Context Word: bleached.", "output": "Sentence 1: People knew PersonX bleached their hair but not PersonY because _ had very pale hair. \nSentence 2: People knew PersonX bleached their hair but not PersonY because _ had very dark hair."} {"input": "Context Word: bleached.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tends to spend a lot more time and money on their hair than PersonY because _ has bleached hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX tends to spend a lot more time and money on their hair than PersonY because _ doesn't have bleached hair."} {"input": "Context Word: vein.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to find PersonY's vein to inject their medicine, but _ could not see them very well. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to find PersonY's vein to inject their medicine, but _ could not sit still very well."} {"input": "Context Word: pet pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want PersonY to get a pet pig because of the care it would require but _ eventually gave in. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want PersonY to get a pet pig because of the care it would require but _ eventually got him to give in."} {"input": "Context Word: fur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has agreed to clean and brush PersonY's matted fur, because _ wants to help him. \nSentence 2: PersonX has agreed to clean and brush PersonY's matted fur, because _ could use some help."} {"input": "Context Word: fur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is appalled that PersonY would wear a fur coat but that is because _ is a vegan. \nSentence 2: PersonX is appalled that PersonY would wear a fur coat but that is because _ isn't a vegan."} {"input": "Context Word: fur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sneezed more than PersonY around the animals, because _ was allergic to the fur. \nSentence 2: PersonX sneezed less than PersonY around the animals, although _ was allergic to the fur."} {"input": "Context Word: fur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was appalled to see PersonY showing off their fur coat, because _ thought wearing fur was unethical. \nSentence 2: PersonX was appalled to see PersonY showing off their fur coat, because _ thought wearing fur was fashionable."} {"input": "Context Word: fur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was horrified when PersonY bought an expensive fur coat, because _ thought fur was luxurious. \nSentence 2: PersonX was horrified when PersonY bought an expensive fur coat, because _ thought fur was inhumane."} {"input": "Context Word: fur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX will wear fur all day, but PersonY refuses to do so because _ ignores animals' rights. \nSentence 2: PersonX will wear fur all day, but PersonY refuses to do so because _ cares about animals' rights."} {"input": "Context Word: oogling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't stop oogling at PersonY's new and sexy dress so _ got in a little closer. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't stop oogling at PersonY's new and sexy dress so _ got out a little further."} {"input": "Context Word: spin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX played spin the bottle and had to kiss PersonY after their turn, because _ was the the one who spun the bottle. \nSentence 2: PersonX played spin the bottle and had to kiss PersonY after their turn, because _ was the the one who got picked by the bottle."} {"input": "Context Word: Cheddar.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cheddar was the favorite kind of cheese for PersonX but not for PersonY. _ ordered the broccoli cheddar soup . \nSentence 2: Cheddar was the favorite kind of cheese for PersonX but not for PersonY. _ ordered the chicken noodle soup ."} {"input": "Context Word: collard greens.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going produce shopping and ask PersonY to accompany her because _ knew nothing about collard greens. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going produce shopping and ask PersonY to accompany her because _ knew something about collard greens."} {"input": "Context Word: common.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was common for PersonX to lose to PersonY in the video game, although _ was quite good at it. \nSentence 2: It was common for PersonX to lose to PersonY in the video game, because _ was quite good at it."} {"input": "Context Word: common.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caught the common cold and stayed away from PersonY, because _ didn't want them getting sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX caught the common cold and stayed away from PersonY, because _ didn't want to get sick."} {"input": "Context Word: common.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived a more common life compared to PersonY because _ was just a normal individual. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived a more common life compared to PersonY because _ was a famous celebrity."} {"input": "Context Word: common.", "output": "Sentence 1: Unlike PersonX, PersonY never got the wrong items in his mailbox. _ had a very common last name. \nSentence 2: Unlike PersonX, PersonY never got the wrong items in his mailbox. _ did not have a very common last name."} {"input": "Context Word: common.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing a little black dress was easier for PersonX but not PersonY although _ liked a common v neck. \nSentence 2: Wearing a little black dress was harder for PersonX but not PersonY although _ hated a common v neck."} {"input": "Context Word: Stiffness.", "output": "Sentence 1: During visits, PersonX 's sofa was always giving PersonY stiffness in his back. _ was told to replace the sofa. \nSentence 2: During visits, PersonX 's sofa was always giving PersonY stiffness in his back. _ was told to stop visiting."} {"input": "Context Word: bra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not find a bra that fit so PersonY offered to make a custom one. _ was thrilled with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not find a bra that fit so PersonY offered to make a custom one. _ was thrilled to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: bra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have a sexy bra to wear on a date but PersonY did, so _ went to Victoria's Secret and bought a new bra. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have a sexy bra to wear on a date but PersonY did, so _ went to Victoria's Secret and bought a new camisole."} {"input": "Context Word: bra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to wear a bigger bra than PersonY because _ body type is more voluptuous. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to wear a bigger bran than PersonY because _ body type is less voluptuous."} {"input": "Context Word: bra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is curvier than PersonY, which explains why _ always buys a larger-sized bra when they shop together at the discount clothing store. \nSentence 2: PersonX is flatter than PersonY, which explains why _ always buys a larger-sized bra when they shop together at the discount clothing store."} {"input": "Context Word: bra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to get a new bra so PersonY helped pick one out at the department store by handing _ bras in the dressing room. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to get a new bra so PersonY helped pick one out at the department store by _ asking for bras in the dressing room."} {"input": "Context Word: bra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to get measured for a new bra and PersonY said she could help. _ felt self conscious being undressed in front of a her friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to get measured for a new bra and PersonY said she could help. _ said not to feel self conscious being undressed in front of a her."} {"input": "Context Word: bra.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a bra very often but PersonY did not. _ had firm perky breasts in old age. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a bra very often but PersonY did not. _ didn't firm perky breasts in old age."} {"input": "Context Word: habitat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY a fish tank for Christmas. _ gave help setting up the new habitat. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought PersonY a fish tank for Christmas. _ needed help setting up the new habitat."} {"input": "Context Word: Loving.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of friends but PersonY didn't because _ was a kind and loving person. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of friends but PersonY didn't because _ wasn't a kind and loving person."} {"input": "Context Word: enter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had a chance to win a million dollars because _ was able to enter the contest. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had a chance to win a million dollars because _ was not able to enter the contest."} {"input": "Context Word: dog lover.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a dog lover and PersonY was a cat lover, so _ suggested they get both a cat and a dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a dog lover and PersonY was a cat lover, so _ agreed they get both a cat and a dog."} {"input": "Context Word: practicing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better during her recital than PersonY because _ spent her weekends practicing on the piano. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better during her recital than PersonY because _ did not spend her weekends practicing on the piano."} {"input": "Context Word: practicing.", "output": "Sentence 1: Practicing for hours on the piano suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a desire to play music. \nSentence 2: Practicing for hours on the piano suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no desire to play music."} {"input": "Context Word: Pope.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Pope condoned PersonX's actions, but not PersonY's actions due to _ being a sinner. \nSentence 2: The Pope condoned PersonX's actions, but not PersonY's actions because _ being a good person."} {"input": "Context Word: Tug of War.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is smug after playing Tug of War against PersonY, because _ has won the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX is smug after playing Tug of War against PersonY, because _ has lost the game."} {"input": "Context Word: Tug of War.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was losing the tug of war battle with PersonY, when _ found extra strength and ripped the rope as hard as possible. \nSentence 2: PersonX was losing the tug of war battle with PersonY, but _ lost their strength and couldn't pull the rope as hard as possible."} {"input": "Context Word: research paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: The research paper of PersonX is a travesty, but PersonY's is great, so _ did poor research. \nSentence 2: The research paper of PersonX is a travesty, but PersonY's is great, so _ did wonderful research."} {"input": "Context Word: research paper.", "output": "Sentence 1: The research paper of PersonX was liked more than that of PersonY, so _ must be a better writer. \nSentence 2: The research paper of PersonX was liked more than that of PersonY, so _ must be a worse writer."} {"input": "Context Word: run.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX pitched a ball that got clobbered for a home run by PersonY in a baseball game, _ felt dejected. \nSentence 2: After PersonX pitched a ball that got clobbered for a home run by PersonY in a baseball game, _ felt exultant."} {"input": "Context Word: run.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX arrived at the finish line of the race later than PersonY did because _ chose not to run. \nSentence 2: PersonX arrived at the finish line of the race later than PersonY did because _ chose to run."} {"input": "Context Word: run.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is an athlete and wants help from his coach PersonY, because _ wants to run faster. \nSentence 2: PersonX is an athlete and wants help from his coach PersonY, because _ should coach him to run faster."} {"input": "Context Word: run.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to go out for a morning run everyday unlike PersonY so _ can get fresh air. \nSentence 2: PersonX dislikes to go out for a morning run everyday unlike PersonY so _ can get fresh air."} {"input": "Context Word: run.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to run a lot more than PersonY does so _ is very physically fit. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to run a lot more than PersonY does so _ is not very physically fit."} {"input": "Context Word: run.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to run faster than PersonY, so _ finished the marathon within 1 hour. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to run faster than PersonY, so _ finished the marathon after 1 hour."} {"input": "Context Word: run.", "output": "Sentence 1: To get healthy PersonX has decided to PersonY and to start running everyday, _ is not in good health. \nSentence 2: To get healthy PersonX has decided to PersonY and to start running everyday, _ helps those not in good health."} {"input": "Context Word: toddler.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Friday night, PersonX was watching PersonY's toddler since _ decided to go out tonight. \nSentence 2: On Friday night, PersonX was watching PersonY's toddler since _ decided to stay home tonight."} {"input": "Context Word: toddler.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has less time to get ready in the morning than PersonY because _ has a toddler. \nSentence 2: PersonX has less time to get ready in the morning than PersonY because _ doesn't have a toddler."} {"input": "Context Word: toddler.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tired all the time but not PersonY because _ had a very rambunctious toddler. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tired all the time but not PersonY because _ had a very obedient toddler."} {"input": "Context Word: toddler.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's toddler was a better eater than PersonY's, as a result of _ being spoiling her less. \nSentence 2: PersonX's toddler was a better eater than PersonY's, as a result of _ being spoiling her more."} {"input": "Context Word: toddler.", "output": "Sentence 1: The toddler calmed down faster for PersonX than PersonY because _ didn't try reasoning with the toddler. \nSentence 2: The toddler calmed down faster for PersonX than PersonY because _ tried reasoning with the toddler."} {"input": "Context Word: toddler.", "output": "Sentence 1: The toddler of PersonX eats a lot more than PersonY's, though they are the same age. _ 's toddler is heavier. \nSentence 2: The toddler of PersonX eats a lot more than PersonY's, though they are the same age. _ 's toddler is lighter."} {"input": "Context Word: toddler.", "output": "Sentence 1: The toddler said something rude which offended PersonX but PersonY laughed. _ always disliked the honesty of children. \nSentence 2: The toddler said something rude which offended PersonX but PersonY laughed. _ always liked the honesty of children."} {"input": "Context Word: prom.", "output": "Sentence 1: During prom, PersonX was trying to find a suitable partner for PersonY. _ was happy to look for the partner. \nSentence 2: During prom, PersonX was trying to find a suitable partner for PersonY. _ was anxious to look for the partner."} {"input": "Context Word: prom.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to the prom was more exciting for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a date he loved. \nSentence 2: Going to the prom was more exciting for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a date he disliked."} {"input": "Context Word: prom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gets asked to the prom after PersonY due to _ being unpopular with the other kids. \nSentence 2: PersonX gets asked to the prom after PersonY due to _ being accepted by the other kids."} {"input": "Context Word: prom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that she does not want to go to prom, because _ she thinks she is ugly. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that she does not want to go to prom, so _ told her she is not ugly."} {"input": "Context Word: prom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a lot more fashionable than PersonY so _ got asked to the prom first. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a lot more fashionable than PersonY so _ got asked to the prom last."} {"input": "Context Word: prom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not allowed to go to prom unlike PersonY because _ he was a religious person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not allowed to go to prom unlike PersonY because _ he was a secular person."} {"input": "Context Word: prom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not allowed to go to prom unlike PersonY because _ was raised in a strong christian home. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not allowed to go to prom unlike PersonY because _ was raised in a strong atheistic home."} {"input": "Context Word: Shingles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleaned her tan asphalt shingles and PersonY cleaned her black asphalt shingles. _ had clean tan shingles. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleaned her tan asphalt shingles and PersonY cleaned her black asphalt shingles. _ had clean black shingles."} {"input": "Context Word: feelings.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX expressed his feelings to PersonY, he ran away because _ felt embarrassed about it. \nSentence 2: After PersonX expressed his feelings to PersonY, he ran away because _ felt shocked about it."} {"input": "Context Word: feelings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more complicated feelings than PersonY because _ was in love with a couple people. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more complicated feelings than PersonY because _ was in love with a single person."} {"input": "Context Word: feelings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has developed romantic feelings for PersonY so _ tried to find ways to ask them out. \nSentence 2: PersonX was alerted romantic feelings from PersonY so _ tried to find ways to ask them out."} {"input": "Context Word: feelings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at expressing their feelings than PersonY because _ thought it was important. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at expressing their feelings than PersonY because _ thought it was unnecessary."} {"input": "Context Word: feelings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more comfortable writing peoms than PersonY because _ was good at expressing her feelings. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more comfortable writing peoms than PersonY because _ had difficulty expressing her feelings."} {"input": "Context Word: feelings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was scared to have strong feelings for the girlfriend unlike PersonY, because _ was nervous about commitment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scared to have strong feelings for the girlfriend unlike PersonY, because _ was ready for commitment."} {"input": "Context Word: feelings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sent to PersonY because she is having trouble dealing with her feelings, _ thinks feelings are making a mess of life. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sent to PersonY because she is having trouble dealing with her feelings, _ tells others why feelings are making a mess of life."} {"input": "Context Word: card games.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is interested in card games, but PersonY is the opposite, so _ is more interested in game theory. \nSentence 2: PersonX is ignorant of card games, but PersonY is the opposite, so _ is more interested in game theory."} {"input": "Context Word: card games.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much better at card games than PersonY was, so _ began to teach him. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much better at card games than PersonY was, so _ sought to learn from him."} {"input": "Context Word: underarm fat.", "output": "Sentence 1: One can tell that PersonX works out but not PersonY since _ has not underarm fat. \nSentence 2: One can tell that PersonX works out but not PersonY because _ has a lot of underarm fat."} {"input": "Context Word: uses a handkerchief.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses a handkerchief and PersonY does not becase _ tends to sweat a lot in the summer. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses a handkerchief and PersonY does not becase _ tends to not sweat a lot in the summer."} {"input": "Context Word: linen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wore a good linen suit but PersonY wore jeans as _ was very smart. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wore a good linen suit but PersonY wore jeans as _ was very scruffy."} {"input": "Context Word: floor.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the morning, PersonX had more pain in their back than PersonY because _ had slept on the floor. \nSentence 2: In the morning, PersonX had less pain in their back than PersonY because _ had slept on the floor."} {"input": "Context Word: floor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated the floor that was chosen by PersonY, so _ tried to suggest something different. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated the floor that was chosen by PersonY, so _ said they could try something different."} {"input": "Context Word: floor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX slipped on oil that PersonY spilled all over the kitchen Floor. _ was angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX slipped on oil that PersonY spilled all over the kitchen floor. _ was sorry."} {"input": "Context Word: floor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better carpenter than PersonY so _ always tried to fix the floor without seeking help. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better carpenter than PersonY so _ never tried to fix the floor without seeking help."} {"input": "Context Word: floor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to lay down a better floor than PersonY because _ had worked as a carpenter. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to lay down a better floor than PersonY although _ had worked as a carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: floor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more tired than PersonY because _ had spent all day installing the floor. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more tired than PersonY although _ had spent all day installing the floor."} {"input": "Context Word: floor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The floor was wet, and PersonX could slip on it easier than PersonY since _ was smaller. \nSentence 2: The floor was wet, and PersonX could slip on it easier than PersonY since _ was larger."} {"input": "Context Word: floor.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX fell down on the floor, PersonY helped him back up again. _ felt embarrassed. \nSentence 2: When PersonX fell down on the floor, PersonY helped him back up again. _ felt concerned."} {"input": "Context Word: applied.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied the lessons they had learned in PersonY's seminar, because _ was a good teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied the lessons they had learned in PersonY's seminar, because _ was a good student."} {"input": "Context Word: aging.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has an extensive skincare routine compared to PersonY because _ is very concerned about aging. \nSentence 2: PersonX has an extensive skincare routine compared to PersonY because _ isn't very concerned about aging."} {"input": "Context Word: aging.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looks as if they are aging at half the rate of PersonY because _ has lived a healthy lifestyle. \nSentence 2: PersonX looks as if they are aging at half the rate of PersonY because _ has lived a rough lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: street.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX apologized to PersonY after _ stopped paying attention and caused a serious accident in the street. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled PersonY after _ stopped paying attention and caused a serious accident in the street."} {"input": "Context Word: street.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lives on the street, but PersonY does not because _ happens to be homeless. \nSentence 2: PersonX lives on the street, but PersonY does not because _ happens to be a businessman."} {"input": "Context Word: ski.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was instructing PersonY on how to ski because _ was an instructor on the mountain. \nSentence 2: PersonX was instructing PersonY on how to ski because _ was a student on the mountain."} {"input": "Context Word: horses.", "output": "Sentence 1: At PersonX 's ranch, he gave a horse to PersonY because _ had plenty of horses in the back. \nSentence 2: At PersonX 's ranch, he gave a horse to PersonY because _ had no horses in the back."} {"input": "Context Word: horses.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to the farm after school excited PersonX but not PersonY because _ adored horses. \nSentence 2: Going to the farm after school excited PersonX but not PersonY because _ disliked horses."} {"input": "Context Word: horses.", "output": "Sentence 1: Horses were PersonX's favorite animal, but PersonY was terrified of them. _ learned to ride horses as a kid. \nSentence 2: Horses were PersonX's favorite animal, but PersonY was terrified of them. _ never learned to ride horses as a kid."} {"input": "Context Word: horses.", "output": "Sentence 1: Living on a farm, PersonX was always around horses, but PersonY wasn't. _ loved horses. \nSentence 2: Living on a farm, PersonX was always around horses, but PersonY wasn't. _ hated horses."} {"input": "Context Word: horses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to ride horses, but PersonY preferred watching them race, so _ rode them at the track. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to ride horses, but PersonY preferred watching them race, so _ watched them at the track."} {"input": "Context Word: horses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned several horses while PersonY owned hamsters, so _ had a stable to keep them all in. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned several horses while PersonY owned hamsters, so _ had a cage to keep them all in."} {"input": "Context Word: horses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more excited than PersonY for the company's stable outing, as _ always rode horses as a kid. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more excited than PersonY for the company's stable outing, as _ never rode horses as a kid."} {"input": "Context Word: criminal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to drop the charges against his client because _ is a criminal defense attorney and wants him to be free. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to drop the charges against his client because _ is a criminal prosecutor and wants him to be imprisoned."} {"input": "Context Word: criminal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX successfully found and caught the criminal in the act while PersonY tried to escape because _ was a police officer. \nSentence 2: PersonX successfully found and caught the criminal in the act while PersonY tried to escape because _ was a bad guy."} {"input": "Context Word: criminal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to help PersonY stay out of jail, even though _ knew they were a bad criminal. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to get help from PersonY to stay out of jail, even though _ knew they were a bad criminal."} {"input": "Context Word: criminal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was law abiding while PersonY always broke the rules, so _ never had a criminal reputation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was law abiding while PersonY always broke the rules, so _ always had a criminal reputation."} {"input": "Context Word: criminal.", "output": "Sentence 1: The criminal ran away from PersonX but not PersonY because _ was trying to catch him. \nSentence 2: The criminal ran away from PersonX but not PersonY because _ was trying to save him."} {"input": "Context Word: Cookie.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx prefers to eat a cookie made by persony because _ will have enough of the cookie. \nSentence 2: personx prefers to eat a cookie made by persony because _ will have enough to give him."} {"input": "Context Word: drink water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was naturally healthy, but for PersonY it was an effort. _ loved to drink water and eat vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX was naturally healthy, but for PersonY it was an effort. _ hated having to drink water and eat vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: fruit trees.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fertilizing the fruit trees during the spring suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ likes growing things. \nSentence 2: Fertilizing the fruit trees during the spring suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ does not like growing things."} {"input": "Context Word: controlled.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tired of being controlled by PersonY, so _ went out of their way to escape them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tired of being controlled by PersonY, so _ went out of their way to subjugate them."} {"input": "Context Word: surrounding.", "output": "Sentence 1: Later that night the police were surrounding PersonX's house so they called PersonY because _ needed help. \nSentence 2: Later that night the police were surrounding PersonX's house so they called PersonY because _ was needed to help."} {"input": "Context Word: Braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed braces but PersonY didn't because _ had teeth that were more crooked than a mountain road. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed braces but PersonY didn't because _ had teeth that were not crooked like a mountain road."} {"input": "Context Word: healthy eating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was into healthy eating and exercising while PersonY always eats processed foods, so _ is healthy and in good shape. \nSentence 2: PersonX was into healthy eating and exercising while PersonY always eats processed foods, so _ is overweight and in bad shape."} {"input": "Context Word: spandex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked so much better in spandex than PersonY did because _ was so slender. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked so much better in spandex than PersonY did because _ was so portly."} {"input": "Context Word: spandex.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having trouble sewing spandex unlike PersonY because _ didn't know to use a stretch stitch. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having trouble sewing spandex unlike PersonY because _ knew to use a stretch stitch."} {"input": "Context Word: Jacket.", "output": "Sentence 1: During art class, PersonX spilled paint on PersonY's favorite jacket so _ was sorry for ruining it. \nSentence 2: During art class, PersonX spilled paint on PersonY's favorite jacket so _ was upset it was ruined."} {"input": "Context Word: investing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is new to investing so he asks his menthor PersonY for advices, because _ wants to learn investing. \nSentence 2: PersonX is new to investing so he asks his menthor PersonY for advices, because _ is good at investing."} {"input": "Context Word: inventing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at inventing things than PersonY is because _ is a college professor. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at inventing things than PersonY is because _ is a college student."} {"input": "Context Word: misplaced.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX misplaced all the money PersonY had been saving, because _ was an irresponsible person. \nSentence 2: PersonX misplaced all the money PersonY had been saving, because _ was an overly trusting person."} {"input": "Context Word: jewelery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs help with pricing her jewelery so she goes to PersonY, becasue _ is inexperienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs help with pricing her jewelery so she goes to PersonY, becasue _ is a professional."} {"input": "Context Word: inhaler.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX breathed a lot better than PersonY did because _ had an inhaler for his asthma. \nSentence 2: PersonX breathed a lot worse than PersonY did because _ had an inhaler for his asthma."} {"input": "Context Word: monitor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to spend a lot of money to monitor PersonY, because _ was a paranoid person. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to spend a lot of money to monitor PersonY, because _ was a suspected person."} {"input": "Context Word: Perfusionist.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx was a better Perfusionist than persony is despite _ lower work experience and qualification. \nSentence 2: personx was a better Perfusionist than persony is despite _ higher work experience and qualification."} {"input": "Context Word: lotion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied lotion to PersonY's body and rubbed it all over the place, because _ was giving a massage. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied lotion to PersonY's body and rubbed it all over the place, because _ was getting a massage."} {"input": "Context Word: lotion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laid on the table as PersonY applied lotion to their body, because _ was getting a massage. \nSentence 2: PersonX laid on the table as PersonY applied lotion to their body, because _ was giving a massage."} {"input": "Context Word: lotion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to apply lotion more frequently than PersonY due to _ 's naturally dry skin. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to apply lotion more frequently than PersonY due to _ 's naturally oily skin."} {"input": "Context Word: Lonely.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was very lonely, he sought to hang out with PersonY. _ was no longer lonely. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was very lonely, he sought to hang out with PersonY. _ provided relief to him."} {"input": "Context Word: round.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's round figure was in stark contrast to PersonY 's, slender one since _ neglected to exercise regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's round figure was in stark contrast to PersonY 's, slender one since _ committed to exercise regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: immunity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is getting full immunity during the trial but not PersonY because _ is going to testify. \nSentence 2: PersonX is getting full immunity during the trial but not PersonY because _ is keeping quiet.."} {"input": "Context Word: immunity.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sick a lot less than PersonY was because _ had a better immunity. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sick a lot more than PersonY was because _ had a better immunity."} {"input": "Context Word: stick.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to do all the driving on the road trip while PersonY rode shotgun, because _ did know how to drive stick. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to do all the driving on the road trip while PersonY rode shotgun, because _ didn't know how to drive stick."} {"input": "Context Word: posture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX focused more on proper posture than PersonY because _ wanted to become a model. \nSentence 2: PersonX focused less on proper posture than PersonY because _ wanted to become a model."} {"input": "Context Word: posture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gives PersonY a book about posture, because _ knows their friend wants to get better at ballet dancing. \nSentence 2: PersonX gives PersonY a book about posture, because _ has been trying to get better at ballet dancing."} {"input": "Context Word: posture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had better posture than PersonY because _ always remembered to sit up straight in his chair. \nSentence 2: PersonX had better posture than PersonY because _ never remembered to sit up straight in his chair."} {"input": "Context Word: posture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has much better posture than PersonY and that makes _ act a lot more confidently. \nSentence 2: PersonX has much better posture than PersonY and that makes _ act a lot more timid."} {"input": "Context Word: posture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sat very straight, so PersonY tried to imitate him, because _ had great posture. \nSentence 2: PersonX sat very slouched, so PersonY tried to help him, because _ had great posture."} {"input": "Context Word: posture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tended to slouch and PersonY sat up straight, so it was obvious that _ had the bad posture in the family. \nSentence 2: PersonX tended to slouch and PersonY sat up straight, so it was obvious that _ had the good posture in the family."} {"input": "Context Word: posture.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to get their posture to be more like PersonY, because _ always held their head up. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to get their posture to be more like PersonY, because _ always had their head down."} {"input": "Context Word: fixed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fixed PersonY's bike, so _ was happy about such a good talent to use whenever they please. \nSentence 2: PersonX fixed PersonY's bike, so _ was happy about such a good bike to use whenever they please."} {"input": "Context Word: antibiotic.", "output": "Sentence 1: After getting a staff infection, PersonX was the patient of PersonY so _ took the antibiotic prescribed to them. \nSentence 2: After getting a staff infection, PersonX was the doctor of PersonY so _ took the antibiotic prescribed to them."} {"input": "Context Word: antibiotic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was starting to feel better than PersonY because _ willingly took the new antibiotic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was starting to feel better than PersonY since _ refused to take the new antibiotic."} {"input": "Context Word: extend.", "output": "Sentence 1: The manager asked PersonX to extend his contract and not PersonY because _ was a harder worker. \nSentence 2: The manager asked PersonX to extend his contract and not PersonY because _ was a lazier worker."} {"input": "Context Word: driver.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to install the driver card than it was for PersonY because _ had studied computers. \nSentence 2: It was harder for PersonX to install the driver card than it was for PersonY because _ had studied computers."} {"input": "Context Word: driver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a very expensive golf driver but not PersonY because _ was enthusiastic about golf. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a very expensive golf driver but not PersonY because _ was apathetic about golf."} {"input": "Context Word: driver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a faster driver than PersonY because _ is always in a hurry to get everywhere. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a slower driver than PersonY because _ is always in a hurry to get everywhere."} {"input": "Context Word: driver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a more reckless driver than PersonY, and _ got a lot of traffic tickets. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a more reckless driver than PersonY, so _ got very few traffic tickets."} {"input": "Context Word: thunderstorms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always afraid of thunderstorms while PersonY loved them because _ thought thunderstorms were unnerving. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always afraid of thunderstorms while PersonY loved them because _ thought thunderstorms were spectacular."} {"input": "Context Word: acid reflux.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ended up getting acid reflux after the meal, unlike PersonY, because _ had ordered a spicy dish. \nSentence 2: PersonX ended up getting acid reflux after the meal, unlike PersonY, because _ had ordered a bland dish."} {"input": "Context Word: acid reflux.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated eating spicy pizza while PersonY did not, because _ had frequent acid reflux. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved eating spicy pizza while PersonY did not, because _ had frequent acid reflux."} {"input": "Context Word: acid reflux.", "output": "Sentence 1: The acid reflux of PersonX was worse than PersonY because _ ate has eaten terrible foods for a long time. \nSentence 2: The acid reflux of PersonX was worse than PersonY because _ ate has eaten healthy foods for a long time."} {"input": "Context Word: cardio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had very good cardio but PersonY had very poor cardio, so _ was able to run long distances with great ease. \nSentence 2: PersonX had very good cardio but PersonY had very poor cardio, so _ was able to run long distances with great difficulty."} {"input": "Context Word: mission.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX planned the mission for the squad while PersonY participated because _ was the leader of the squad. \nSentence 2: PersonX planned the mission for the squad while PersonY participated because _ was a member of the squad."} {"input": "Context Word: mission.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was on a mission to ruin PersonY 's career because _ had a very petty personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX was on a mission to ruin PersonY 's career because _ had slighted him in the past."} {"input": "Context Word: editorial.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mad that PersonY had their editorial accepted over theirs, but it was because _ had written a worse one. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mad that PersonY had their editorial accepted over theirs, but it was because _ had written a better one."} {"input": "Context Word: reorganize.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY reorganize her closet since _ is considered to be an organizational genius. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY reorganize her closet since _ is considered to be an organizational moron."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't have a very attractive face like PersonY. _ had a difficult time getting a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't have a very attractive face like PersonY. _ had an easy time getting a date."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a growth on his face that he went to see PersonY for and _ was relieved that the growth was benign. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a growth on his face that he went to see PersonY for and _ informed him that the growth was benign."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot more acne on his face unlike PersonY because _ doesn't wash his face often. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot less acne on his face unlike PersonY because _ doesn't wash his face often."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked looking at their face in a mirror but PersonY did not as _ was very attractive. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked looking at their face in a mirror but PersonY did not as _ was very ugly."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a face at PersonY during their disagreement to hurt her feelings, so mother had to punish _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX made a face at PersonY during their disagreement to hurt her feelings, so mother had to comfort _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to her face that she had horrible breath; then _ offered some breath mints. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to her face that she had horrible breath; then _ ate some breath mints."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took good care of the skin on their face but PersonY didn't. _ looked 10 years younger than their real age. \nSentence 2: PersonX took good care of the skin on their face but PersonY didn't. _ looked 10 years older than their real age."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's face llooks a lot cleaner than PersonY's does because _ uses better face wash. \nSentence 2: PersonX's face always looks a lot cleaner than PersonY's does because _ uses cheaper face wash."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's face looked a lot sadder than PersonY's face because _ just heard some terrible news. \nSentence 2: PersonX's face looked a lot sadder than PersonY's face because _ just heard some amazing news."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's face was breaking out less than PersonY's face since _ tended to use acne medicine. \nSentence 2: PersonX's face was breaking out less than PersonY's face since _ rarely used acne medicine."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ likes walking in public because PersonX has a beautiful face and PersonY doesn't. \nSentence 2: So _ likes hiding in public because PersonX has a beautiful face and PersonY doesn't."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: The face of PersonX always has more pimples than that of PersonY because _ uses a poorly rated face wash. \nSentence 2: The face of PersonX always has more pimples than that of PersonY because _ uses a highly rated face wash."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: The face of PersonX has less acne when being compared to PersonY because _ uses expensive face wash. \nSentence 2: The face of PersonX has less acne when being compared to PersonY because _ uses cheap face wash."} {"input": "Context Word: face.", "output": "Sentence 1: The face of PersonX has more acne than PersonY's does. That's because _ uses a crappy face wash. \nSentence 2: The face of PersonX has more acne than PersonY's does. That's because _ uses an appropriate face wash."} {"input": "Context Word: temporary.", "output": "Sentence 1: The temporary work position was fine for Personx but not PersonY because _ was not looking for long term work. \nSentence 2: The temporary work position was fine for Personx but not PersonY because _ was looking for long term work."} {"input": "Context Word: bongos.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY 's drum studio, so _ could learn how to play the bongos . \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY 's drum studio, so _ could teach how to play the bongos ."} {"input": "Context Word: cooking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a chef would be a perfect job for PersonX but not PersonY because _ loves cooking. \nSentence 2: Being a chef would be a perfect job for PersonX but not PersonY because _ dislikes cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: cooking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cooking dinner for his wife came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ knew a lot of different recipes. \nSentence 2: Cooking dinner for his wife came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ did not know a lot of different recipes."} {"input": "Context Word: cooking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always loved cooking for his wife unlike PersonY because _ life was not very busy. \nSentence 2: PersonX always loved cooking for his wife unlike PersonY because _ life was not very free with time."} {"input": "Context Word: cooking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did all of the cooking and PersonY did all of the eating, because _ was the host. \nSentence 2: PersonX did all of the cooking and PersonY did all of the eating, because _ was the guest."} {"input": "Context Word: cooking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did better in the cooking class than PersonY did because _ had more culinary knowledge and skill. \nSentence 2: PersonX did better in the cooking class than PersonY did because _ had less culinary knowledge and skill."} {"input": "Context Word: cooking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys cooking more than PersonY because _ thinks it is fun and interesting to cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys cooking more than PersonY because _ thinks it is dull and boring to cook."} {"input": "Context Word: cooking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY in cooking a seasoned brisket because _ is a certified bbq pitmaster. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY in cooking a seasoned brisket because _ is a uncertified bbq pitmaster."} {"input": "Context Word: cooking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is cooking a nice dinner for her friend, PersonY, because _ just got a new recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX is cooking a nice dinner for her friend, PersonY, because _ just got a new job."} {"input": "Context Word: cooking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fatter than PersonY was although _ used healthier methods when they were cooking. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fatter than PersonY was because _ used healthier methods when they were cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: cooking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't very proficient with their cooking but PersonY was excellent. _ ruined every meal they tried to prepare. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't very proficient with their cooking but PersonY was excellent. _ perfected every meal they tried to prepare."} {"input": "Context Word: cooking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whilst PersonX really liked cooking, PersonY did not because _ was a very creative person. \nSentence 2: Whilst PersonX really liked cooking, PersonY did not because _ was a very uncreative person."} {"input": "Context Word: Ariana Grande.", "output": "Sentence 1: The popular Ariana Grande look swept the school and PersonX became more popular than PersonY because _ adhered to the new dress code. \nSentence 2: The popular Ariana Grande look swept the school and PersonX became more popular than PersonY because _ ignored to the new dress code."} {"input": "Context Word: Clingy.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx was more clingy than persony because _ had a bad experience in the past relationships. \nSentence 2: personx was more clingy than persony because _ had a good experience in the past relationships."} {"input": "Context Word: missing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found themselves missing PersonY terribly after the breakup, because _ hadn't started dating again. \nSentence 2: PersonX found themselves missing PersonY terribly after the breakup, because _ had started dating again."} {"input": "Context Word: essential.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX liked to go camping more than PersonY, _ found owning a sleeping bag was essential. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX liked to go camping more than PersonY, _ didn't believe owning a sleeping bag was essential."} {"input": "Context Word: essential.", "output": "Sentence 1: Exercise was essential to PersonX but PersonY avoided it, as _ thought fitness was important. \nSentence 2: Exercise was essential to PersonX but PersonY avoided it, as _ thought fitness was a waste."} {"input": "Context Word: essential.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX packed a lot more stuff for the trip than PersonY because _ packed more than what was essential. \nSentence 2: PersonX packed a lot more stuff for the trip than PersonY because _ packed only what was essential."} {"input": "Context Word: essential.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was essential to the overall plan PersonY was putting into action, because _ knew how to open the safe. \nSentence 2: PersonX was essential to the overall plan PersonY was putting into action, because _ needed someone to open the safe."} {"input": "Context Word: Summer.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the summer, PersonX followed PersonY around to imitate his activity because _ was an influencer. \nSentence 2: During the summer, PersonX followed PersonY around to imitate his activity because _ was a sheep."} {"input": "Context Word: pattern.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the store walk, PersonX showed the best art pattern to PersonY because _ insisted on having the best reputation. \nSentence 2: During the store walk, PersonX showed the best art pattern to PersonY because _ insisted on having the best product."} {"input": "Context Word: pattern.", "output": "Sentence 1: In knitting, PersonX was very good at following a pattern but PersonY was not as _ was very creative. \nSentence 2: In knitting, PersonX was very good at following a pattern but PersonY was not as _ was very unimaginative."} {"input": "Context Word: pattern.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a seamstress, PersonY is not therefore _ could tell you how to print a pattern. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a seamstress, PersonY is not therefore _ could probably not tell you how to print a pattern."} {"input": "Context Word: pattern.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw the pattern, but PersonY couldn't see it, so _ explained it in a way that made it obvious. \nSentence 2: PersonX missed the pattern, but PersonY saw it, so _ explained it in a way that made it obvious."} {"input": "Context Word: do research.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY do research on the paper because _ had access to the internet. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY do research on the paper because _ did not have access to the internet."} {"input": "Context Word: Guinea Pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx bought a Guinea Pig from persony and it seems to be sick and _ wanted it returned. \nSentence 2: personx bought a Guinea Pig from persony and it seems to be sick and _ would not take it back."} {"input": "Context Word: Guinea Pig.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx wanted to get another Guinea Pig before persony does but _ was thinking about the space to keep them. \nSentence 2: personx wanted to get another Guinea Pig before persony does but _ was thinking about tricking him to getting htem."} {"input": "Context Word: bee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to gather their own honey from a bee colony but not PersonY because _ was very brave. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to gather their own honey from a bee colony but not PersonY because _ was very scared."} {"input": "Context Word: finances.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's finances are in disarray, so they give a call to PersonY, because _ is a retired person. \nSentence 2: PersonX's finances are in disarray, so they give a call to PersonY, because _ is a banking expert."} {"input": "Context Word: finances.", "output": "Sentence 1: Staying on top of his finances was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of self discipline. \nSentence 2: Staying on top of his finances was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a lot of self discipline."} {"input": "Context Word: custody.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't want to share custody with PersonY, because _ thought they were abusive to the child. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't want to share custody with PersonY, because _ was regularly abusive to the child."} {"input": "Context Word: custody.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent more time with their son than PersonY did because _ had primary custody of the boy. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent more time with their son than PersonY did although _ had primary custody of the boy."} {"input": "Context Word: custody.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the custody case in court over PersonY once it was proven that _ was the more responsible party. \nSentence 2: PersonX won the custody case in court over PersonY once it was proven that _ was the less responsible party."} {"input": "Context Word: custody.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's child isn't in her full custody, while PersonY does have full custody of her's, so _ is probably a more troublesome parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX's child isn't in her full custody, while PersonY does have full custody of her's, so _ is probably a more dependable parent."} {"input": "Context Word: cafeteria.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to sit next to PersonY in the cafeteria during lunch because _ was friendly. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to sit next to PersonY in the cafeteria during lnch because _ looked lonely."} {"input": "Context Word: tangled.", "output": "Sentence 1: The tangled cord drove PersonX crazy but not personY because _ had problems untangling it. \nSentence 2: The tangled cord drove PersonX crazy but not personY because _ had no problems untangling it."} {"input": "Context Word: silver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had less money than PersonY after the investment because _ invested in silver instead of gold. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less money than PersonY after the investment because _ invested in gold instead of silver."} {"input": "Context Word: silver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved the new silver earrings they got from PersonY because _ thought they had forgotten their anniversary. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved the new silver earrings they got from PersonY because _ remembered their anniversary."} {"input": "Context Word: silver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took second place in the race while PersonY finished in first so after the race _ got a silver medal. \nSentence 2: PersonX took first place in the race while PersonY finished in second so after the race _ got a silver medal."} {"input": "Context Word: silver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to decorate their living room silver but PersonY wanted it cream because _ preferred dark colours. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to decorate their living room silver but PersonY wanted it cream because _ preferred light colours."} {"input": "Context Word: silver.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair is silver, but PersonY has brown hair because _ is an older person. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair is silver, but PersonY has brown hair because _ is a younger person."} {"input": "Context Word: Asthma.", "output": "Sentence 1: After stopping when running, PersonX was able to help PersonY treat their asthma because _ has it too. \nSentence 2: After stopping when running, PersonX needed help from PersonY treat their asthma because _ has it too."} {"input": "Context Word: breeding guinea pigs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was breeding guinea pigs and personY wanted one so _ let him take one home. \nSentence 2: PersonX was breeding guinea pigs and personY wanted one so _ asked to take one home."} {"input": "Context Word: persistence.", "output": "Sentence 1: With lots of persistence, PersonX finally caught PersonY, so _ got paid for the bounty. \nSentence 2: With lots of persistence, PersonX finally caught PersonY, so _ got jailed for the crime."} {"input": "Context Word: vape.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only smoked cigarettes while PersonY liked to vape, so _ had to go outside the office to smoke. \nSentence 2: PersonX only smoked cigarettes while PersonY liked to vape, so _ could stay inside the office to smoke."} {"input": "Context Word: delicate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Playing rough sports suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ would not be considered delicate by others. \nSentence 2: Playing rough sports suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ would be considered delicate by others."} {"input": "Context Word: wolf.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed playing dress up like a wolf at the party. PersonY did not. The judge gave _ an approving look. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed playing dress up like a wolf at the party. PersonY did not. The judge gave _ a dissapproving look."} {"input": "Context Word: wolf.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wildlife photographer PersonX loved the forest but PersonY preferred oceans. _ was obsessed with the gray wolf. \nSentence 2: Wildlife photographer PersonX loved the forest but PersonY preferred oceans. _ was terrified of the gray wolf."} {"input": "Context Word: caught.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of PersonY when they went fishing at the lake since _ caught less fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of PersonY when they went fishing at the lake since _ caught more fish."} {"input": "Context Word: to do a google search.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY's help to do a google search because _ did not like to use the internet for school. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonY's help to do a google search because _ was an expert at using the internet for school."} {"input": "Context Word: tug.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is playing a Tug of War with PersonY and has a smug face because _ has won the game. \nSentence 2: PersonX is playing a Tug of War with PersonY and has a smug face because _ was bad at the game."} {"input": "Context Word: tug.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more athletic than PersonY so _ handled the other easily in the tug-o-war. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more athletic than PersonY so _ fell over really easily in the tug-o-war."} {"input": "Context Word: Lemon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY lemons to use in the pie recipe because _ had recently picked some. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY lemons to use in the pie recipe because _ had recently asked for some."} {"input": "Context Word: domain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very comfortable entering PersonY 's personal domain any time, as _ was very self-assured. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very comfortable entering PersonY 's personal domain any time, as _ was very accomodating.."} {"input": "Context Word: Ginger Water.", "output": "Sentence 1: While pregnant, PersonX had a craving for ginger water so she asked PersonY to make her some. _ gave her some money for the ingredients. \nSentence 2: While pregnant, PersonX had a craving for ginger water so she asked PersonY to make her some. _ asked for some money for the ingredients."} {"input": "Context Word: braid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to braid her hair for the party because _ was not skilled in braiding. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to braid her hair for the party because _ was very skilled in braiding."} {"input": "Context Word: braid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a long french braid for the first day of school but not PersonY because _ had long hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a long french braid for the first day of school but not PersonY because _ had short hair."} {"input": "Context Word: braid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the salon braid her hair but PersonY had their friend Shantel braid theirs. _ had simply fabulous looking locks afterwards. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the salon braid her hair but PersonY had their friend Shantel braid theirs. _ had simply frightening looking locks afterwards."} {"input": "Context Word: braid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to braid the child's hair but PersonY had to do it. _ had never understood how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to braid the child's hair but PersonY had to do it. _ had understood how to do it since childhood."} {"input": "Context Word: alfredo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to pass the family recipe for fettuccine alfredo on to her daughter PersonY. _ was very grateful to learn how to make the beloved family recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to pass the family recipe for fettuccine alfredo on to her daughter PersonY. _ was very happy to teach her how to make the beloved family recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: calcium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had strong healthy bones because _ had consumed a lot of calcium when younger. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had strong healthy bones because _ had not consumed a lot of calcium when younger."} {"input": "Context Word: calcium.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always trying to get as much calcium into his body as possible unlike PersonY, because _ had a deficiency. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always trying to get as much calcium into his body as possible unlike PersonY, because _ had enough."} {"input": "Context Word: calcium.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was more calcium in the blood of PersonX than the blood of PersonY because _ drank more milk. \nSentence 2: There was more calcium in the blood of PersonX than the blood of PersonY although _ drank more milk."} {"input": "Context Word: whole foods.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only ever shopped at Whole Foods, while PersonY preferred Walmart. _ appreciated the quality ingredients. \nSentence 2: PersonX only ever shopped at Whole Foods, while PersonY preferred Walmart. _ appreciated the low prices."} {"input": "Context Word: well-rounded.", "output": "Sentence 1: A well-rounded diet was more important to PersonX than PersonY, since _ didn't like feeling unhealthy and sluggish. \nSentence 2: A well-rounded diet was more important to PersonX than PersonY, since _ didn't care about feeling unhealthy and sluggish."} {"input": "Context Word: dragon.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to get PersonY into Game of Thrones for _ really liked to watch the dragon. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to get PersonY into Game of Thrones but _ really hated to watch the dragon."} {"input": "Context Word: Advertisement.", "output": "Sentence 1: After viewing the advertisement designed by PersonX, PersonY wanted to buy the product because _ was persuasive. \nSentence 2: After viewing the advertisement designed by PersonX, PersonY wanted to buy the product because _ was gullible."} {"input": "Context Word: Walking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had gained some weight over the holidays but PersonY hadn't, so _ increased the amount of walking they did for exercise. \nSentence 2: PersonX had gained some weight over the holidays but PersonY hadn't, so _ didn't increase the amount of walking they did for exercise."} {"input": "Context Word: ignore.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really mad at PersonY and tried to ignore her, because _ was hurt. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really mad at PersonY and tried to ignore her, because _ hurt her."} {"input": "Context Word: ignore.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bus driver ignored PersonX and talked to PersonY because _ was listening well to them. \nSentence 2: The bus driver talked to PersonX and ignored PersonY because _ was listening well to them."} {"input": "Context Word: bumper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hit PersonY's car so _ offered to paint the bumper because it was the right thing to do. \nSentence 2: PersonX hit PersonY's car so _ ordered them to paint the bumper because it was the right thing to do."} {"input": "Context Word: put on gloves.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put on gloves and PersonY didn't because _ didn't like to touch anything dirty while cleaning. \nSentence 2: PersonX put on gloves and PersonY didn't because _ didn't mind touching anything dirty while cleaning."} {"input": "Context Word: knowing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more interested in knowing how things worked than PersonY because _ had a curious nature. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more interested in knowing how things worked than PersonY because _ did not have a curious nature."} {"input": "Context Word: usb drive.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't notice PersonY drop their USB drive in the parking lot, and _ didn't realize they ran it over with their car. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't notice PersonY drop their USB drive in the parking lot, and _ didn't react in time before they ran it over with their car."} {"input": "Context Word: comforted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX comforted her after PersonY yelled at her, so everyone though _ is the hero. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted her after PersonY yelled at her, so everyone though _ is the villian."} {"input": "Context Word: YouTube.", "output": "Sentence 1: Online, PersonX is constantly watching the videos that PersonY posts on YouTube, so _ is a consumer of content. \nSentence 2: Online, PersonX is constantly watching the videos that PersonY posts on YouTube, so _ is a creator of content."} {"input": "Context Word: YouTube.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX included PersonY in her YouTube video, but _ was sorry because she had failed to obtain permission. \nSentence 2: PersonX included PersonY in her YouTube video, but _ was furious because she had failed to obtain permission."} {"input": "Context Word: YouTube.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to watch YouTube every day but PersonY doesn't because _ wants to see new things. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to watch YouTube every day but PersonY doesn't because _ doesn't like to see new things."} {"input": "Context Word: YouTube.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX subscribed to PersonY 's channel on YouTube because _ wanted to learn how to grow his subscribers. \nSentence 2: PersonX subscribed to PersonY 's channel on YouTube because _ was willing to teach how to grow subscribers."} {"input": "Context Word: YouTube.", "output": "Sentence 1: YouTube contained many videos that PersonX loved to watch but PersonY did not enjoy them, because _ loved using computers. \nSentence 2: YouTube contained many videos that PersonX loved to watch but PersonY did not enjoy them, because _ hated using computers."} {"input": "Context Word: welcoming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very welcoming to PersonY when they joined the team, because _ was a veteran. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very welcoming to PersonY when they joined the team, because _ was a rookie."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked meal using vegetables, fruits, and grains for PersonY, because _ knows he is a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked meal using vegetables, fruits, and meat for PersonY, even though _ is a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to become a vegetarian much to PersonY's dismay, so _ started to eat more vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to become a vegetarian much to PersonY's dismay, so _ started to eat less vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to eat a Gardenburger but PersonY, wanted a thick juicy steak, because _ was a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to eat a Gardenburger but PersonY, wanted a thick juicy steak, because _ was far from a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was eating a salad and PersonY was eating a hamburger. The vegetarian coach praised _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was eating a salad and PersonY was eating a hamburger. The vegetarian coach scolded _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was working on becoming a vegetarian with PersonY however, _ was tempted to eat bacon occasionally. \nSentence 2: PersonX was working on becoming a vegetarian with PersonY however, _ was tempted to eat bacon never."} {"input": "Context Word: vegetarian.", "output": "Sentence 1: The vegetarian meal seemed very unappealing to PersonX although PersonY loved it, because _ was a carnivore. \nSentence 2: The vegetarian meal seemed very unappealing to PersonX although PersonY loved it, because _ was a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: bartending.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bartending job was offered to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a lot of experience. \nSentence 2: The bartending job was offered to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had very little experience."} {"input": "Context Word: drinking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could always go out drinking with friends but not PersonY because _ was over age. \nSentence 2: PersonX could always go out drinking with friends but not PersonY because _ was under age."} {"input": "Context Word: drinking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only had a water while PersonY was drinking a vodka cocktail, as _ is an alcoholic. \nSentence 2: PersonX only had a water while PersonY was drinking a vodka cocktail, as _ is a reasonable drinker."} {"input": "Context Word: drinking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was drinking a lot of water unlike PersonY because _ had a scratchy throat. \nSentence 2: PersonX was drinking a lot of water unlike PersonY because _ had a soothed throat."} {"input": "Context Word: drinking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was drinking a lot, so PersonY had to make sure _ didn't end up driving. \nSentence 2: PersonX was drinking a lot, so PersonY had to make sure _ did the driving."} {"input": "Context Word: drinking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was drinking at the party until late at night but not PersonY so _ woke up late the next morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX was drinking at the party until late at night but not PersonY so _ woke up early the next morning."} {"input": "Context Word: sapphire.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was given a sapphire ring by PersonY for her birthday because _ really likes sapphires. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a sapphire ring to PersonY for her birthday because _ really likes sapphires."} {"input": "Context Word: rats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed rats were disease carriers but PersonY didn't so _ stayed away from the pet rat. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed rats were disease carriers but PersonY didn't so _ interacted with the pet rat."} {"input": "Context Word: rats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had rats in there house but PersonY no longer did since _ still needed to have an exterminator visit. \nSentence 2: PersonX had rats in there house but PersonY no longer did since _ already had an exterminator visit."} {"input": "Context Word: rats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to call the exterminator more often than PersonY because _ had more rats on their property. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to call the exterminator less often than PersonY because _ had more rats on their property."} {"input": "Context Word: rats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY was terrified of rats in the house so _ went and set up traps. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY was terrified of rats in the house so _ went and stayed in their room."} {"input": "Context Word: rats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX set up traps in order to catch rats for PersonY, because _ had traps from when their house was infested. \nSentence 2: PersonX set up traps in order to catch rats for PersonY, because _ needed traps from because their house was infested."} {"input": "Context Word: rats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's home is filled with rats, but PersonY has never had that problem, so _ is probably the filthier person. \nSentence 2: PersonX's home is filled with rats, but PersonY has never had that problem, so _ is probably the cleaner person."} {"input": "Context Word: rats.", "output": "Sentence 1: Rats infested PersonX's attic but not PersonY's because _ lived in a very old house. \nSentence 2: Rats infested PersonX's attic but not PersonY's because _ lived in a very new house."} {"input": "Context Word: Jewel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is security guard for the rich and PersonY an international jewel thief, so _ guards many houses. \nSentence 2: PersonX is security guard for the rich and PersonY an international jewel thief, so _ robs many houses."} {"input": "Context Word: Seashells.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved a beach theme but PersonY preferred rustic them. _ decorated their house with seashells. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved a beach theme but PersonY preferred rustic them. _ decorated their house with deer antlers not seashells."} {"input": "Context Word: pretend.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to pretend to be a cowboy than PersonY because _ had a good imagination. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to pretend to be a cowboy than PersonY because _ did not have a good imagination."} {"input": "Context Word: pretend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at playing pretend with kids than PersonY because _ is a more creative person. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at playing pretend with kids than PersonY because _ is a more serious person."} {"input": "Context Word: pretend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pretended to know the answer to the question that PersonY asked, because _ was attempting to conceal their involvement in the crime. \nSentence 2: PersonX pretended to know the answer to the question that PersonY asked, because _ was attempting to reveal their involvement in the crime."} {"input": "Context Word: mites.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a pet that was infected by mites but PersonY didn't, so _ went the pet store to buy some medication for their pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a pet that was infected by mites but PersonY didn't, so _ went the pet store to buy some treats for their pet."} {"input": "Context Word: mites.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to call PersonY to deal with the problem of mites because _ is a homeowner. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to call PersonY to deal with the problem of mites because _ is a exterminator."} {"input": "Context Word: mites.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mad at PersonY because _ didn't like mites in his food due to filth. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mad at PersonY although _ didn't like mites in his food due to filth either."} {"input": "Context Word: learning disability.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a learning disability that PersonY was helping him with, _ felt very appreciative. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a learning disability that PersonY was helping him with, _ felt very helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: learning disability.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed that PersonY was failing their classes, _ suggested they get tested for a learning disability. \nSentence 2: PersonX ignored that PersonY was failing their classes, _ suggested they get tested for a learning disability."} {"input": "Context Word: hardware.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX listened at the hardware store to PersonY describe the virtues of the polyurethane, and then _ bought the product. \nSentence 2: PersonX listened at the hardware store to PersonY describe the virtues of the polyurethane, and then _ sold the product."} {"input": "Context Word: hardware.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working at the counter at the hardware store suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a pleasant personality. \nSentence 2: Working at the counter at the hardware store suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a pleasant personality."} {"input": "Context Word: stressful situation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more upset than PersonY because _ was in the midst of a stressful situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more upset than PersonY because _ was not in the midst of a stressful situation."} {"input": "Context Word: heartbroken.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is really heartbroken so she asks for an advice PersonY, because _ feels sad. \nSentence 2: PersonX is really heartbroken so she asks for an advice PersonY, because _ wants to help her."} {"input": "Context Word: SOCCER.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't practice any soccer while PersonY did daily. _ didn't make the soccer team. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't practice any soccer while PersonY did daily. _ got on the soccer team."} {"input": "Context Word: places.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX checked all the hiding places they expected PersonY to be, but _ never found them. \nSentence 2: PersonX checked all the hiding places they expected PersonY to be, but _ never got found."} {"input": "Context Word: places.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always telling PersonY varied and interesting stories, as _ was always visiting new places. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always asking PersonY to tell them varied and interesting stories, as _ was always visiting new places."} {"input": "Context Word: Sandstorm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought Sandstorm was the greatest song ever written but PersonY hated it. _ bought a ticket to the Darude rave. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought Sandstorm was the greatest song ever written but PersonY hated it. _ bought a ticket to the jazz concert."} {"input": "Context Word: bird food.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the park, PersonX wanted to feed the birds with bird food. PersonY said this was a waste of money. _ was sad they wouldn't feed the birds. \nSentence 2: At the park, PersonX wanted to feed the birds with bird food. PersonY said this was a waste of money. _ didn't care that they wouldn't feed the birds."} {"input": "Context Word: dough.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't knead the bread dough as well as PersonY because _ had sore hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't knead the bread dough as well as PersonY because _ had strong hands."} {"input": "Context Word: dough.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a better cook than PersonY because _ always had pizza dough that came out light. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a better cook than PersonY because _ always had pizza dough that came out heavy."} {"input": "Context Word: dough.", "output": "Sentence 1: Recently PersonX taught PersonY how to make dough from scratch. _ always liked to teach. \nSentence 2: Recently PersonX taught PersonY how to make dough from scratch. _ always liked to learn."} {"input": "Context Word: dough.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bread PersonX made was lighter than the bread PersonY made because _ kneaded the dough the perfect amount. \nSentence 2: The bread PersonX made was lighter than the bread PersonY made because _ kneaded the dough the wrong amount."} {"input": "Context Word: dough.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dough that PersonX is making won't rise, so PersonY shows him how to do it, so _ is newer to baking. \nSentence 2: The dough that PersonX is making won't rise, so PersonY shows him how to do it, so _ is experienced at baking."} {"input": "Context Word: dry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to dry off after coming in from outside while PersonY didn't because _ fell in a puddle. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to dry off after coming in from outside while PersonY didn't because _ walked around the puddle."} {"input": "Context Word: dry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to wash and dry the dishes for PersonY because _ had some free time. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to wash and dry the dishes for PersonY because _ was extremely busy."} {"input": "Context Word: dry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hair is dry when compared to PersonY's due to _ using a terrible conditioner. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hair is dry when compared to PersonY's due to _ using a strong conditioner."} {"input": "Context Word: dry.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hair of PersonX is more dry than PersonY because _ lives in an arid climate. \nSentence 2: The hair of PersonX is more dry than PersonY because _ lives in a wet climate."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: A large saltwater tank is a better investment for PersonX than PersonY because _ has a lot of pet fish. \nSentence 2: A large saltwater tank is a better investment for PersonX than PersonY because _ doesn't have any pet fish."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the restaurant, PersonX decides not to order fish while eating with PersonY, though _ thinks it smells delicious. \nSentence 2: At the restaurant, PersonX decides not to order fish while eating with PersonY, because _ thinks it smells awful."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Deciding what type of fish food to buy was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was new to having fish as pets. \nSentence 2: Deciding what type of fish food to buy was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was used to having fish as pets."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating fish is considered part of a normal diet for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is a pescatarian. \nSentence 2: Eating fish is considered part of a normal diet for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is a vegan."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fish was PersonX 's favorite food, so PersonY made her a grilled salmon, which _ ate with great joy. \nSentence 2: Fish was PersonX 's favorite food, so PersonY made her a grilled salmon, which _ prepared with great joy."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fish were a great pet for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ needed a pet that required minimal attention. \nSentence 2: Fish were a great pet for PersonX but not PersonY, since _ needed a pet that required maximum attention."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going camping in the wilderness suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked to fish. \nSentence 2: Going camping in the wilderness suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't like to fish."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was more likely for PersonX to have fish for dinner than PersonY because _ ate a wide variety of foods. \nSentence 2: It was more likely for PersonX to have fish for dinner than PersonY because _ did not eat a wide variety of foods."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Lures are used by PersonX to fish, while PersonY prefers to use flies. _ is a typical fisherman. \nSentence 2: Lures are used by PersonX to fish, while PersonY prefers to use flies. _ is a fly fisherman."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Out at the creek, PersonX learns how to fish from PersonY; _ is a great student. \nSentence 2: Out at the creek, PersonX learns how to fish from PersonY; _ is a great fisherman."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always caught bigger fish out at sea than PersonY because _ was a good fisherman. \nSentence 2: PersonX always caught bigger fish out at sea than PersonY because _ was a horrible fisherman."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they had bought fish when they were at the grocery store because _ could not remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they had bought fish when they were at the grocery store but _ could not remember."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what time she should feed the fish, because _ she could not remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what time she should feed the fish, but _ she could not remember."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a lot of fish for dinner but PersonY could not so _ ordered salmon at the restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a lot of fish for dinner but PersonY could not so _ ordered a burger at the restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate as much fish as he could compared to PersonY, because _ enjoyed it a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate as much fish as he could compared to PersonY, because _ disliked it a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caught several fish but PersonY did not catch a single one, so _ was happy about how they did on the fishing trip. \nSentence 2: PersonX caught several fish but PersonY did not catch a single one, so _ was disappointed about how they did on the fishing trip."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a beautiful aquarium full of fish but PersonY did not because _ loved collecting exotic fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a beautiful aquarium full of fish but PersonY did not because _ did not enjoy collecting exotic fish."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a preference for small fish in their tank while PersonY liked larger ones. _ filled their tank with guppies. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a preference for small fish in their tank while PersonY liked larger ones. _ filled their tank with Oscar fish."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always been freaked out by fish, but PersonY loved them, so _ was forced to see them up close. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always been freaked out by fish, but PersonY loved them, so _ was excited to see them up close."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had many fish in their tank and PersonY forgot to feed them, so _ was very angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX had many fish in their tank and PersonY forgot to feed them, so _ was very apologetic."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a fish from PersonY and now _ needs help with feeding. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a fish from PersonY and now _ wants to help with feeding."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a vegetarian. PersonY is a pescatarian. _ does not eat meat or fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a vegetarian. PersonY is a pescatarian. _ does not eat meat but does eat fish."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a veterinarian, PersonY is not therefor it is better to ask for advice from _ about your sick fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a veterinarian, PersonY is not therefor it is better not to ask for advice from _ about your sick fish."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept forgetting to feed the fish, but PersonY never forgot. _ was very forgetful and immature. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept forgetting to feed the fish, but PersonY never forgot. _ was very responsible and mature."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned to fish from PersonY, because _ was a novice with only days of experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned to fish from PersonY, because _ was a professional with years of experience."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to eat ice cream all day but PersonY preferred to eat fish from the grill. _ is overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to eat ice cream all day but PersonY preferred to eat fish from the grill. _ is healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved swimming in the ocean with the fish unlike PersonY because _ he grew up around the ocean. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated swimming in the ocean with the fish unlike PersonY because _ he grew up around the ocean."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves seafood while PersonY hates it, so _ was thrilled when he was served fish for supper. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves seafood while PersonY hates it, so _ was disappointed when he was served fish for supper."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never asked PersonY to cook them fish because _ didn't like eating cooked fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX never asked PersonY to cook them fish because _ didn't know how to cook fish."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only ate fish and not meat unlike PersonY because _ was on a pescatarian diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX only ate fish and not meat unlike PersonY because _ was on an omnivorous diet."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only ate vegetables while PersonY liked to eat fish because _ was a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX only ate vegetables while PersonY liked to eat fish because _ was a seafood lover."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really liked to eat fish and PersonY didn't so _ ordered the salmon for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX really liked to eat fish and PersonY didn't so _ ordered the steak for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw fish at the aquarium while PersonY saw turtles, and _ took pictures of the fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw fish at the aquarium while PersonY saw turtles, and _ took pictures of the reptiles."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suggested that PersonY not eat fish while pregnant, because _ had heard it could be harmful to the baby. \nSentence 2: PersonX suggested that PersonY not eat fish while pregnant, but _ had heard it could not be harmful to the baby."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought fish were good pets but PersonY did not. _ bought a guppy from the pet store. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought fish were good pets but PersonY did not. _ bought a puppy from the pet store."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY out on the boat because _ wanted to catch some delicious fish. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY out on the boat because _ knew where to catch some delicious fish."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried the fish from the last week while PersonY orded pizza. _ felt sick after that. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried the fish from the last week while PersonY orded pizza. _ felt good after that."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a pet fish but PersonY did not because _ always wanted a pet that he could eat. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a pet fish but PersonY did not because _ didn't want a pet that he could eat."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get a fish from PersonY because _ liked watching them swim around. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to give a fish to PersonY because _ liked watching them swim around."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won a fish from PersonY at the carnival so _ bagged it up and took it home. \nSentence 2: PersonX won a fish from PersonY at the carnival so _ bagged it up and sent iit home."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's beta fish ate PersonY's goldfish when they put them in the same tank, and _ felt just awful about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's beta fish ate PersonY's goldfish when they put them in the same tank, and _ was furious about it."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's fish tank is bigger than PersonY's is, so _ probably spent more on it. \nSentence 2: PersonX's fish tank is smaller than PersonY's is, so _ probably spent more on it."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX liked fish while PersonY was a cat lover, _ was often cleaning an aquarium. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX liked fish while PersonY was a cat lover, _ was often cleaning a litter box."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fish swam toward PersonX and around PersonY because _ had the tasty fish pellets. \nSentence 2: The fish swam around PersonX and toward PersonY because _ had the tasty fish pellets."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fish swam towards PersonX and not PersonY because _ was pouring the food in the aquarium. \nSentence 2: The fish swam away from PersonX and towards PersonY because _ was pouring the food in the aquarium."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fish tank of PersonX is better for the fish than PersonY's because _ spent a copious amount of money on his. \nSentence 2: The fish tank of PersonX is better for the fish than PersonY's because _ spent a small amount of money on his."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fish tank of PersonX is dirtier than the one that PersonY owns, so _ is a neglectful pet owner. \nSentence 2: The fish tank of PersonX is dirtier than the one that PersonY owns, so _ is a proper pet owner."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fish that PersonX breeds are large, but PersonY just breeds small ones. _ must have a larger tank. \nSentence 2: The fish that PersonX breeds are large, but PersonY just breeds small ones. _ must have a tinier tank."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mother allowed PersonX, but not PersonY to have a fish because _ was attentive to pets. \nSentence 2: The mother allowed PersonX, but not PersonY to have a pet fish because _ was inattentive to pets."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: The number of fish caught by PersonX is greater than that of PersonY because _ is a professional fisherman. \nSentence 2: The number of fish caught by PersonX is greater than that of PersonY because _ is an amateur fisherman."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: The waitress brought PersonX a salad and PersonY fish because _ didn't care for the taste of fish. \nSentence 2: The waitress brought PersonX a salad and PersonY fish because _ didn't care for the taste of lettuce."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: When fish was on the menu PersonX was very pleased while PersonY didn't like the taste of fish. _ ordered the halibut for lunch. \nSentence 2: When fish was on the menu PersonX was very pleased while PersonY didn't like the taste of fish. _ ordered the roast chicken for lunch."} {"input": "Context Word: fish.", "output": "Sentence 1: Whilst PersonX liked to eat fish for dinner PersonY preferred tacos. _ was more healthy of the two. \nSentence 2: Whilst PersonX liked to eat fish for dinner PersonY preferred tacos. _ was less healthy of the two."} {"input": "Context Word: Story.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to tell PersonY his life story because _ had accomplished a lot in life. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to write PersonY 's life story because _ had accomplished a lot in life."} {"input": "Context Word: Post-traumatic stress disorder.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx was dealing with the Post-traumatic stress disorder better than persony because _ has a nurse catering for him. \nSentence 2: personx was dealing with the Post-traumatic stress disorder better than persony because _ has a no one catering for him."} {"input": "Context Word: Chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had quite an addiction to chocolate but PersonY didn't like sweets. _ had issues with their blood sugar. \nSentence 2: PersonX had quite an addiction to chocolate but PersonY didn't like sweets. _ had no issues with their blood sugar."} {"input": "Context Word: infants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought infants were cute but PersonY did not. _ loved to pinch babies cheeks. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought infants were cute but PersonY did not. _ hated to pinch babies cheeks."} {"input": "Context Word: Manual Transmission.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx is better with a Manual Transmission car than persony because _ is much older. \nSentence 2: personx is better with a Manual Transmission car than persony because _ is much younger."} {"input": "Context Word: Sunburn.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the beach, PersonX was more prone to sunburn than PersonY because _ had very sensitive skin. \nSentence 2: At the beach, PersonX was more prone to sunburn than PersonY because _ had applied sunblock quite liberally."} {"input": "Context Word: Sunburn.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sunburn was no problem for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ always applies sunscreen. \nSentence 2: Sunburn was no problem for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ never applies sunscreen."} {"input": "Context Word: wine labels.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes colorful wine labels, while PersonY likes them more traditional because _ is more eccentric. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes colorful wine labels, while PersonY likes them more traditional because _ is more old fashioned."} {"input": "Context Word: gluten.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to warn PersonY that she was gluten intolerant based on her energy levels after eating since _ was observant. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to warn PersonY that she was gluten intolerant based on her energy levels after eating since _ was not paying attention."} {"input": "Context Word: writer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a writer was something that came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a communication degree. \nSentence 2: Being a writer was something that came easily to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a nursing degree."} {"input": "Context Word: writer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Doing English homework was easy for PersonX while PersonY struggled because _ was a great writer . \nSentence 2: Doing English homework was easy for PersonX while PersonY struggled because _ was a deficient writer ."} {"input": "Context Word: writer.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX was a better overall technical writer than PersonY, _ wrote characters unrealistically. \nSentence 2: Even though PersonX was a better overall technical writer than PersonY, _ wrote characters realistically."} {"input": "Context Word: writer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks PersonY is a very good writer and _ is proud to have their book signed. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks PersonY is a successful writer and _ is proud to do the book signing."} {"input": "Context Word: writer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a prolific writer and PersonY was an avid consumer, so _ started a new book after they finished penning the current one. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a prolific writer and PersonY was an avid reader, so _ started a new book after they finished reading the current one."} {"input": "Context Word: emotions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't control their emotions during the movie unlike PersonY because _ had a passionate personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't control their emotions during the movie unlike PersonY because _ had a reserved personality."} {"input": "Context Word: emotions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX experiences trouble dealing with emotions, whereas PersonY does not, so _ is on medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX experiences trouble dealing with emotions, whereas PersonY does not, so _ isn't on medication."} {"input": "Context Word: emotions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX explained his emotions to PersonY, because _ needed help from a therapist who could deal with complex emotions. \nSentence 2: PersonX explained his emotions to PersonY, because _ offered help as a therapist who could deal with complex emotions."} {"input": "Context Word: emotions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a harder time controlling his emotions than PersonY because _ was so overwhelmed. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an easier time controlling his emotions than PersonY because _ was so overwhelmed."} {"input": "Context Word: emotions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a lot of negative emotions, PersonY is very happy therefore _ is more mentally unhealthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a lot of negative emotions, PersonY is very happy therefore _ is more mentally healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: emotions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't able to deal with their emotions well but PersonY could. _ had to book time to talk to a shrink. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't able to deal with their emotions well but PersonY could. _ didn't have to book time to talk to a shrink."} {"input": "Context Word: emotions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would never let PersonY see their true emotions, because _ tended to be shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX would never let PersonY see their true emotions, because _ tended to be judgmental."} {"input": "Context Word: lenses.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing contact lenses was desirable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had poor vision. \nSentence 2: Wearing contact lenses was desirable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had excellent vision."} {"input": "Context Word: evict.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to evict PersonY from the property because _ is a concerned landlord. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to evict PersonY from the property because _ is a sloppy tenant."} {"input": "Context Word: tasted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tasted far fewer ethnic foods than PersonY because _ was a very picky eater. \nSentence 2: PersonX tasted far fewer ethnic foods than PersonY because _ was a very adventurous eater."} {"input": "Context Word: tasted.", "output": "Sentence 1: The food made by PersonX tasted worse than the food made by PersonY because _ didn't know how to cook. \nSentence 2: The food made by PersonX tasted better than the food made by PersonY because _ didn't know how to cook."} {"input": "Context Word: cue.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pool cue used by PersonX at the billiards hall was covered with more chalk than the one used by PersonY; consequently, _ was practically flawless when breaking. \nSentence 2: The pool cue used by PersonX at the billiards hall was covered with more chalk than the one used by PersonY; consequently, _ was practically incompetent when breaking."} {"input": "Context Word: strangers.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get kidnapped because _ was taught not to talk to strangers. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX but not PersonY to get kidnapped because _ was not taught to not talk to strangers."} {"input": "Context Word: strangers.", "output": "Sentence 1: Talking to strangers suits PersonX a lot more than it does PersonY. Because _ is an extrovert and likes the conversation. \nSentence 2: Talking to strangers suits PersonX a lot more than it does PersonY. Bacause _ is an introver and likes the silence."} {"input": "Context Word: strangers.", "output": "Sentence 1: The strangers ignored PersonX and not PersonY because _ was being very rude to them that day. \nSentence 2: The strangers ignored PersonX and not PersonY because _ was being very polite to them that day."} {"input": "Context Word: steal.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the mall, PersonX persuaded their hesitant friend PersonY to steal a pair of pants after much convincing and _ was very excited about it. \nSentence 2: At the mall, PersonX persuaded their hesitant friend PersonY to steal a pair of pants after much convincing and _ was very worried about it."} {"input": "Context Word: steal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to steal PersonY car, but failed miserable because _ is a weak person when it comes to fighting. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to steal PersonY car, but failed miserable because _ is a strong person when it comes to fighting."} {"input": "Context Word: steal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tended to steal while PersonY was lawful, so _ was often in trouble with the law. \nSentence 2: PersonX tended to steal while PersonY was lawful, so _ was never in trouble with the law."} {"input": "Context Word: army.", "output": "Sentence 1: After college, PersonX went into the army, while PersonY went to law school. _ will be a soldier. \nSentence 2: After college, PersonX went into the army, while PersonY went to law school. _ will be a lawyer."} {"input": "Context Word: regular.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX rides the skateboard regular, but PersonY chooses to go goofy because _ is more traditional. \nSentence 2: PersonX rides the skateboard regular, but PersonY chooses to go goofy because _ is more unique."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smelled much better than PersonY did because _ was a much cleaner person overall. \nSentence 2: PersonX smelled much worse than PersonY did because _ was a much cleaner person overall."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a suit much more often than PersonY, so _ needed to have access to a dry cleaner. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a suit much more often than PersonY, so _ didn't need to have access to a dry cleaner."} {"input": "Context Word: cleaner.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's house is a lot cleaner than PersonY because _ happens to be a professional maid. \nSentence 2: PersonX's house is a lot cleaner than PersonY even though _ happens to be a professional maid."} {"input": "Context Word: Disney.", "output": "Sentence 1: Disney shows fascinate PersonX's child, but not PersonY's, so _ always watches the Disney channel. \nSentence 2: Disney shows fascinate PersonX's child, but not PersonY's, so _ never watches the Disney channel."} {"input": "Context Word: Disney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought Disney movies were the best thing to watch but PersonY like horror movies better. _ rented Frozen from Redbox. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought Disney movies were the best thing to watch but PersonY like horror movies better. _ rented Saw from Redbox."} {"input": "Context Word: Disney.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to vacation at Disney world while PersonY preferred Miami Beach. _ wanted to go on the rides. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to vacation at Disney world while PersonY preferred Miami Beach. _ wanted to go in the ocean."} {"input": "Context Word: home owners.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to get along with the other home owners because _ was very moody and anti social. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to get along with the other home owners because _ was not very moody and anti social."} {"input": "Context Word: Application.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help filling out the housing application because _ did not understand the language. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help filling out the housing application because _ understood the language."} {"input": "Context Word: inspection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did bathroom renovation for PersonY, later his house failed inspection so _ offered to redo the work. \nSentence 2: PersonX did bathroom renovation for PersonY, later his house failed inspection when _ wanted to sell the house."} {"input": "Context Word: inspection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is considered to be the better dog breeder than PersonY, so _ must do better on the AKC inspection. \nSentence 2: PersonX is considered to be the better dog breeder than PersonY, so _ must do crappier on the AKC inspection."} {"input": "Context Word: photographer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX works as an assistant to PersonY on photography projects because _ is an amateur photographer. \nSentence 2: PersonX works as an assistant to PersonY on photography projects because _ is an professional photographer."} {"input": "Context Word: fade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very social, PersonY is not which is probably why the friendships of _ never fade. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very social, PersonY is not which is probably why the friendships of _ always fade."} {"input": "Context Word: fresher.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX smelled much cleaner and fresher than PersonY did because _ had taken a better shower. \nSentence 2: PersonX smelled much cleaner and fresher than PersonY did although _ had taken a better shower."} {"input": "Context Word: shift.", "output": "Sentence 1: Working first shift is what PersonX has always done where PersonY has always worked the third shift, _ works in the mornings. \nSentence 2: Working first shift is what PersonX has always done where PersonY has always worked the third shift, _ works in the night."} {"input": "Context Word: format.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX explained the format of the meeting to PersonY, as _ was an old hand with these types of business meetings. \nSentence 2: PersonX explained the format of the meeting to PersonY, as _ was a novice with these types of business meetings."} {"input": "Context Word: format.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to help PersonY format their computer because _ had years of experience with computers. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to help PersonY format their computer because _ had years of experience with computers."} {"input": "Context Word: get bed rest.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to get bed rest and PersonY didn't because _ was having complications with her pregnancy. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to get bed rest and PersonY didn't because _ was not having complications with her pregnancy."} {"input": "Context Word: repossessed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot to pay their car note but PersonY paid theirs on time. _ had their car repossessed by the bank. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot to pay their car note but PersonY paid theirs on time. _ didn't have their car repossessed by the bank."} {"input": "Context Word: lake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved going to the lake with friends but PersonY was not fond of it, since _ was a huge extrovert. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved going to the lake with friends but PersonY was not fond of it, since _ was a huge introvert."} {"input": "Context Word: fastball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the pitcher and PersonY was the batter, so _ threw a fastball as hard as they could. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the pitcher and PersonY was the batter, so _ swung at a fastball as hard as they could."} {"input": "Context Word: fastball.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fastball flew at PersonX as they swung and missed, but PersonY caught it. _ got ready to swing at the next pitch. \nSentence 2: The fastball flew at PersonX as they swung and missed, but PersonY caught it. _ got ready to catch the next pitch."} {"input": "Context Word: Western.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed watching Western films while PersonY enjoyed romantic ones more because _ grew up on a farm. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed watching Western films while PersonY enjoyed romantic ones more because _ grew up watching soap operas."} {"input": "Context Word: mindful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very mindful of the grief that PersonY was feeilng, so _ comforted them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very mindful of the grief that PersonY was feeling, so _ cried to them."} {"input": "Context Word: hogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is accustomed to raising hogs, while PersonY has never seen one in person, so it is more likely _ is a farmer. \nSentence 2: PersonX is accustomed to raising hogs, while PersonY has never seen one in person, so it is more likely _ is a banker."} {"input": "Context Word: teenage anxiety.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was struggling with teenage anxiety when PersonY offered to help _ get through the tough patch. \nSentence 2: PersonX was struggling with teenage anxiety when PersonY offered to help and _ got him through the tough patch."} {"input": "Context Word: programming.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to code a computer program because _ was ignorant of computer programming. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to code a computer program because _ was well versed in computer programming."} {"input": "Context Word: scriptures.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a less extensive knowledge of scriptures than PersonY because _ is not religious. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a less extensive knowledge of scriptures than PersonY because _ is very religious."} {"input": "Context Word: wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX admired the art hung on the wall by PersonY, so _ asked if he could take something home. \nSentence 2: PersonX admired the art hung on the wall by PersonY, so _ asked if he would like to take something home."} {"input": "Context Word: wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX built a pretty thick wall and PersonY didn't have the materials, so _ gave materials away. \nSentence 2: PersonX built a pretty thick wall and PersonY didn't have the materials, so _ took the materials."} {"input": "Context Word: wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got paint all over their hands during renovating the wall but not PersonY because _ was very sloppy. \nSentence 2: PersonX got paint all over their hands during renovating the wall but not PersonY because _ was very neat."} {"input": "Context Word: wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX painted each wall in PersonY's home a different color, because _ liked crazy color combinations. \nSentence 2: PersonX painted each wall in PersonY's home a different color, so _ learned to live with crazy color combinations."} {"input": "Context Word: wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scowled as PersonY drove a nail in the wall to hang a picture, as _ did not want holes in the wall. \nSentence 2: PersonX scowled as PersonY drove a nail in the wall to hang a picture, but _ did not mind holes in the wall."} {"input": "Context Word: wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought building a wall on the border was a good idea but PersonY didn't because _ was a patriotic American. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought building a wall on the border was a good idea but PersonY didn't because _ was an illegal alien."} {"input": "Context Word: wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the US should build a wall on the border but PersonY disagreed. _ attended the border wall rally. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the US should build a wall on the border but PersonY disagreed. _ protested the border wall rally."} {"input": "Context Word: wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to jump to the top of the wall while leaving PersonY behind because _ is tall. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to jump to the top of the wall while leaving PersonY behind because _ is short."} {"input": "Context Word: wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was adept at fixing walls, but PersonY was the opposite, because _ is a carpenter. \nSentence 2: PersonX was terrible at fixing walls, but PersonY was the opposite, because _ is a carpenter."} {"input": "Context Word: wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hired to install a new wall for PersonY because _ is the employee. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hired to install a new wall for PersonY because _ is the employer."} {"input": "Context Word: wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pictures that PersonX hung on the wall while helping PersonY move in are very crooked, so _ feels guilty. \nSentence 2: The pictures that PersonX hung on the wall while helping PersonY move in are very crooked, so _ feels frustrated."} {"input": "Context Word: coyote.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks coyotes are dangerous and PersonY does not. _ shot a coyote in their backyard. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks coyotes are dangerous and PersonY does not. _ watched a coyote in their backyard."} {"input": "Context Word: coyote.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX saw a coyote on his property, PersonY begged him not to kill it because _ is a hunter. \nSentence 2: When PersonX saw a coyote on his property, PersonY begged him not to kill it because _ is an animal activist."} {"input": "Context Word: intestine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX volunteered to eat PersonY's menudo after already having a bowl because _ enjoyed eating intestine. \nSentence 2: PersonX volunteered to eat PersonY's menudo after already having a bowl because _ despised eating intestine."} {"input": "Context Word: hot water.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found themselves in hot water with PersonY after _ told the outrageous, easily disproved lie. \nSentence 2: PersonX found themselves in hot water with PersonY after _ exposed the outrageous, easily disproved lie."} {"input": "Context Word: Catholic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a Catholic and PersonY is an Atheist, so _ goes to church on Sunday mornings. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a Catholic and PersonY is an Atheist, so _ sleeps in on Sunday mornings."} {"input": "Context Word: Catholic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to Catholic church every Sunday morning while PersonY stayed in bed, as _ is religious. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to Catholic church every Sunday morning while PersonY stayed in bed, as _ is atheist."} {"input": "Context Word: Catholic.", "output": "Sentence 1: The Catholic faith of PersonX is stronger than of PersonY because _ was raised in the Catholic Church. \nSentence 2: The Catholic faith of PersonX is stronger than of PersonY because _ was not raised in the Catholic Church."} {"input": "Context Word: tummy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX experienced a tummy ache while PersonY did not because _ had eaten some bad food. \nSentence 2: PersonX experienced a tummy ache while PersonY did not because _ had not eaten any food."} {"input": "Context Word: tummy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog likes it's tummy being rubbed, while PersonY's does not because _ has a friendlier dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog likes it's tummy being rubbed, while PersonY's does not because _ has a meaner dog."} {"input": "Context Word: Diwali.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's favorite holiday is Diwali, while PersonY loves Christmas. This means that _ is likely Hindu. \nSentence 2: PersonX's favorite holiday is Diwali, while PersonY loves Christmas. This means that _ is likely Christian."} {"input": "Context Word: social media.", "output": "Sentence 1: Computers were too complicated for PersonX but not for PersonY, so _ had no social media accounts. \nSentence 2: Computers were too complicated for PersonX but not for PersonY, so _ had many social media accounts."} {"input": "Context Word: social media.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had two hundred more followers on social media than PersonY, so _ felt more popular. \nSentence 2: PersonX had two hundred more followers on social media than PersonY, so _ felt less popular."} {"input": "Context Word: social media.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tired of the drama PersonY was causing on social media. _ deleted social media. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tired of the drama PersonY was causing on social media. _ kept posting drama."} {"input": "Context Word: audience.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in the audience while PersonY performed, so _ clapped when the show was over. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in the audience while PersonY performed, so _ bowed when the show was over."} {"input": "Context Word: audience.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more comfortable talking in front of a live audience instead of PersonY because _ is courageous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more comfortable talking in front of a live audience instead of PersonY because _ is cowardly."} {"input": "Context Word: audience.", "output": "Sentence 1: The audience at the play was laughing at PersonX but not PersonY because _ was comical on stage. \nSentence 2: The audience at the play was laughing at PersonX but not PersonY because _ was unfunny on stage."} {"input": "Context Word: interested.", "output": "Sentence 1: There are two women. PersonX likes men, but PersonY is interested in women, so _ is heterosexual. \nSentence 2: There are two women. PersonX likes men, but PersonY is interested in women, so _ is homosexual."} {"input": "Context Word: Aldi.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to shop at Aldi, while PersonY prefers to go to a more expensive store. _ is frugal. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to shop at Aldi, while PersonY prefers to go to a more expensive store. _ spends freely."} {"input": "Context Word: English class.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got an A in English class, while PersonY got an F because _ always studied. \nSentence 2: PersonX got an A in English class, while PersonY got an F because _ never studied."} {"input": "Context Word: skill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more skill in baseball than PersonY, because _ grew up playing the sport. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more skill in baseball than PersonY, because _ grew up playing the piano."} {"input": "Context Word: skill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the skill to be a pianist but PersonY did not as _ was very good at music. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the skill to be a pianist but PersonY did not as _ was very bad at music."} {"input": "Context Word: skill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a number of things they are good but PersonY has skill, _ skill level is zero . \nSentence 2: PersonX has a number of things they are good but PersonY has skill, _ skill level is above zero."} {"input": "Context Word: skill.", "output": "Sentence 1: The skill needed to complete the task was to hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was uncoordinated. \nSentence 2: The skill needed to complete the task was to hard for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was coordinated."} {"input": "Context Word: guilt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt a great deal of guilt for stealing various items from PersonY so _ paid him money back. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt a great deal of guilt for stealing various items from PersonY so _ forgave him."} {"input": "Context Word: guilt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt a lot of guilt about lying but PersonY did not because _ was a very truthful person usually. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt a lot of guilt about lying but PersonY did not because _ was a very dishonest person usually."} {"input": "Context Word: guilt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt a lot of guilt over stealing penny sweets but PersonY did not because _ had a strong conscience. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt a lot of guilt over stealing penny sweets but PersonY did not because _ had a weak conscience."} {"input": "Context Word: guilt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt a lot of guilt over their misdeeds but PersonY didn't because _ was a sociopath. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt a lot of guilt over their misdeeds but PersonY didn't because _ wasn't a sociopath."} {"input": "Context Word: build.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always relied on PersonY for their home repairs because _ could build nothing well. \nSentence 2: PersonX ralways elied on PersonY for their home repairs because _ could build anything well."} {"input": "Context Word: build.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX build a house with PersonY's help so _ will have a nice new place to live. \nSentence 2: PersonX build a house for PersonY so _ will have a nice new place to live."} {"input": "Context Word: build.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX build models much faster than PersonY because _ has more experiences with building models. \nSentence 2: PersonX build models much slower than PersonY because _ has more experiences with building models."} {"input": "Context Word: build.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided that they were going to build a car from scratch but PersonY could not help because _ was very good with machinery. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided that they were going to build a car from scratch but PersonY could not help because _ was very bad with machinery."} {"input": "Context Word: build.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to hire PersonY as a contractor, since _ had no experience to build a house. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to hire PersonY as a contractor, since _ had plenty of experience to build a house."} {"input": "Context Word: build.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to help PersonY build her new house, although _ lacked talent at construction. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to help PersonY build her new house, although _ possessed talent at construction."} {"input": "Context Word: build.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to build his cabinets himself like PersonY did but it didn't turn out well. _ had always been more clumsy than him. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to build his cabinets himself like PersonY did but it didn't turn out well. _ had always been more coordinated than him."} {"input": "Context Word: build.", "output": "Sentence 1: They will build a house next to PersonX's property unlike PersonY's because _ has an empty lot there. \nSentence 2: They will build a house next to PersonX's property unlike PersonY's because _ has a full lot there."} {"input": "Context Word: finch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a finch from PersonY as a pet because they _ birds and wanted to take care of one. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a finch to PersonY to keep as a pet because they _ birds and couldn't take care of one."} {"input": "Context Word: finch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that a finch would be a good pet but PersonY didn't. _ bought a finch at the pet store. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that a finch would be a good pet but PersonY didn't. _ bought a parrot at the pet store."} {"input": "Context Word: craft.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed craft beer more than normal beer unlike PersonY because _ had a refined palette. \nSentence 2: PersonX disliked craft beer more than normal beer unlike PersonY because _ had a refined palette."} {"input": "Context Word: craft.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold their handmade knitted dolls and scarves at the craft fair that PersonY attended. _ only sold four scarves at the fair. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold their handmade knitted dolls and scarves at the craft fair that PersonY attended. _ only bought four scarves at the fair."} {"input": "Context Word: craft.", "output": "Sentence 1: The craft given to PersonX by PersonY was damaged in the mail; _ never got to see it in good shape. \nSentence 2: The craft PersonX gave to PersonY was damaged in the mail; _ never got to see it in good shape."} {"input": "Context Word: Shrink-wrapping.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx prefer Shrink-wrapping vegeables to refrigerating the vegetables unlike persony because _ wanted to save on electricity. \nSentence 2: personx prefer Shrink-wrapping vegeables to refrigerating the vegetables unlike persony because _ wanted to save on plastic bag usage."} {"input": "Context Word: traffic ticket.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was driving way too fast for PersonY because _ had never received a traffic ticket and thought he was untouchable. \nSentence 2: PersonX was driving way too fast for PersonY, but _ had received a traffic ticket before and thought he was in danger."} {"input": "Context Word: fedora.", "output": "Sentence 1: It seemed more likely that PersonX would wear a fedora rather than PersonY because _ was known to dress stylishly. \nSentence 2: It seemed more likely that PersonX would wear a fedora rather than PersonY because _ did not often dress stylishly."} {"input": "Context Word: fedora.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX laughed at PersonY for wearing a fedora. _ thought wearing a fedora was tacky and foolish. \nSentence 2: PersonX laughed at PersonY for wearing a fedora. _ thought wearing a fedora was trendy and stylish."} {"input": "Context Word: fedora.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wears a fedora much less often than PersonY because _ can't stand wearing a hat. \nSentence 2: PersonX wears a fedora much less often than PersonY because _ loves wearing a hat."} {"input": "Context Word: potatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate all of the potatoes and PersonY ate none because _ was not on a restricted diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate all of the potatoes and PersonY ate none because _ was on a restricted diet."} {"input": "Context Word: potatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats a lot of potatoes in their diet, whereas PersonY prefers steak, so _ has a carb heavy diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats a lot of potatoes in their diet, whereas PersonY prefers steak, so _ has a meat heavy diet."} {"input": "Context Word: potatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes eating french fries but PersonY likes eating mashed potatoes because _ likes crispy foods. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes eating french fries but PersonY likes eating mashed potatoes because _ likes soft foods."} {"input": "Context Word: potatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to make baked potatoes, but PersonY couldn't stand the smell; _ only made them when she was alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to make baked potatoes, but PersonY couldn't stand the smell; _ asked her to only make them when she was alone."} {"input": "Context Word: potatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a compliment to PersonY because _ was pleased with how the potatoes turned out. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a compliment to PersonY because _ was disappointed with how the potatoes turned out."} {"input": "Context Word: potatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to grow potatoes with PersonY, but _ did not think he would help. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to grow potatoes with PersonY, but _ did not want to help her."} {"input": "Context Word: potatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to make some potatoes for dinner and PersonY didn't because _ loved the taste of starch. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make some potatoes for dinner and PersonY didn't because _ hated the taste of starch."} {"input": "Context Word: marine.", "output": "Sentence 1: As a marine, PersonX looks down on civilians like PersonY, so _ is a bit arrogant. \nSentence 2: As a marine, PersonX looks down on civilians like PersonY, so _ is a bit saddened."} {"input": "Context Word: Saxophone.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves the smooth sound of the Saxophone but PersonY didn't like it, so _ bought a Kenny G album. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves the smooth sound of the Saxophone but PersonY didn't like it, so _ bought an Ali G album."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a piece of wedding cake but PersonY did not because _ loved sweet foods. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a piece of wedding cake but PersonY did not since _ hated sweet foods."} {"input": "Context Word: wedding cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered the wedding cake from PersonY when _ was asked to make the arrangements. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered the wedding cake from PersonY when _ had offered to make the arrangements."} {"input": "Context Word: playhouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: In her backyard, PersonX has a playhouse, and PersonY doesn't own one. That's due to _ having children. \nSentence 2: In her backyard, PersonX has a playhouse, and PersonY doesn't own one. That's due to _ being childless."} {"input": "Context Word: resonance.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was a resonance to PersonX's voice that enthralled PersonY, because _ created many beautiful songs. \nSentence 2: There was a resonance to PersonX's voice that enthralled PersonY, because _ listened to their many beautiful songs."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: Beautiful to PersonX means something physical, while it's mental to PersonY, so _ is shallower. \nSentence 2: Beautiful to PersonX means something physical, while it's mental to PersonY, so _ is deeper."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being popular in high school was much easier for PersonX than PersonY because all of the boys thought _ was beautiful. \nSentence 2: Being popular in high school was much easier for PersonX than PersonY because very few of the boys thought _ was beautiful."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't feel beautiful while PersonY did. _ made an appointment at the beauty salon for that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't feel beautiful while PersonY did. _ didn't make an appointment at the beauty salon for that day."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finds the oil painting that PersonY painted very beautiful, and _ pays them a compliment. \nSentence 2: PersonX finds the oil painting that PersonY painted very beautiful, and _ accepts the compliment."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew they were beautiful but not PersonY because strangers would tell _ they were stunning. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew they were beautiful but not PersonY because strangers would tell _ they were homely."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked more beautiful today than PersonY because _ was competing in a beauty pageant. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked less beautiful today than PersonY because _ was competing in a beauty pageant."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the room looked beautiful after redecorating, PersonY wasn't in agreement. _ was happy with it. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the room looked beautiful after redecorating, PersonY wasn't in agreement. _ was unhappy with it."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more beautiful than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about finding a husband. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more beautiful than PersonY, so _ started to worry about finding a husband."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was so beautiful that PersonY could barely stand it, and _ didn't even look in their direction. \nSentence 2: PersonX was so beautiful that PersonY could barely stand it, and _ couldn't even look from their direction."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the most beautiful woman PersonY ever saw, so _ was stared at disbelievingly when she finally spoke to him. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the most beautiful woman PersonY ever saw, so _ was in awe when she finally spoke to him."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: The artist painted a beautiful picture that PersonX really like but PersonY didn't care for, _ placed a large bid for it at the auction. \nSentence 2: The artist painted a beautiful picture that PersonX really like but PersonY didn't care for, _ placed a small bid for it at the auction."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: The beautiful girl came up to PersonX and not PersonY because she recognized _ from the past. \nSentence 2: The beautiful girl walked past PersonX and not PersonY because she recognized _ from the past."} {"input": "Context Word: beautiful.", "output": "Sentence 1: The house PersonX designed for PersonY was beautiful, so _ used it in his portfolio. \nSentence 2: The house designed for PersonX by PersonY was beautiful, so _ used it in his portfolio."} {"input": "Context Word: smarter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is much smarter than PersonY in most areas of knowledge because _ studies a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX is much smarter than PersonY in most areas of knowledge because _ studies a little."} {"input": "Context Word: government.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had success getting a government business loan unlike PersonY because _ did their research. \nSentence 2: PersonX had success getting a government business loan unlike PersonY because _ didn't do their research."} {"input": "Context Word: government.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was advising PersonY on how to bid for a government contracts since _ had done this before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was advising PersonY on how to bid for a government contracts since _ had done this never."} {"input": "Context Word: government.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked for the government while PersonY worked at a coffee shop, so _ was paid by taxpayer money. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked for the government while PersonY worked at a coffee shop, so _ was paid by the shop owner."} {"input": "Context Word: government.", "output": "Sentence 1: The government is tracking PersonX's phone calls, but not PersonY's, because _ is a drug dealer. \nSentence 2: The government is tracking PersonX's phone calls, but not PersonY's, because _ is a responsible citizen."} {"input": "Context Word: porcelain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to be careful with the porcelain doll; when she ignored her and dropped the doll, _ was very upset. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to be careful with the porcelain doll; when she ignored her and dropped the doll, _ was very sorry."} {"input": "Context Word: checkout.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he could be in front of him in line at the checkout at a supermarket because _ has much fewer items in a cart. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he could be in front of him in line at the checkout at a supermarket because _ has much more items in a cart."} {"input": "Context Word: macaroni and cheese.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hankering for some macaroni and cheese so he asked PersonY to cook some for him because _ did not know how to prepare it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hankering for some macaroni and cheese so he asked PersonY to cook some for him because _ learned how to prepare it before."} {"input": "Context Word: unlovable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt unlovable while PersonY felt quite loved because _ had very low self esteem. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt unlovable while PersonY felt quite loved because _ had very high self esteem."} {"input": "Context Word: brick wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more excited to renovate than PersonY. _ had always hated the exposed brick wall. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more excited to renovate than PersonY. _ had always lovec the exposed brick wall."} {"input": "Context Word: ordered.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was a vegetarian and PersonY was not, _ ordered a salad at the restaurant. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was a vegetarian and PersonY was not, _ ordered a hamburger at the restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: mirror.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was more conventionally attractive than PersonY, _ always had a tougher time looking at themselves in the mirror. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was less conventionally attractive than PersonY, _ always had a tougher time looking at themselves in the mirror."} {"input": "Context Word: mirror.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help with hanging the new bathroom mirror because _ is too short to reach. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for help with hanging the new bathroom mirror because _ is tall enough to reach."} {"input": "Context Word: mirror.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke their parents' bathroom mirror in front of PersonY so _ began to cry. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke their parents' bathroom mirror in front of PersonY so _ began to laugh."} {"input": "Context Word: mirror.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always looking at herself in the mirror, but PersonY thinks that's silly. _ is narcissistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always looking at herself in the mirror, but PersonY thinks that's silly. _ isn't vain."} {"input": "Context Word: mirror.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought she was the mirror image of PersonY , but _ could not persuade her to see the similarity. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought she was the mirror image of PersonY , but _ could not be convinced to see the similarity."} {"input": "Context Word: mirror.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mirror didn't lie when it showed how overweight PersonX was and how emaciated PersonY was, so _ needed to go on diet. \nSentence 2: The mirror didn't lie when it showed how overweight PersonX was and how emaciated PersonY was, but _ needed to eat more."} {"input": "Context Word: mirror.", "output": "Sentence 1: The mirror on the wall was PersonX but not PersonY favorite place because _ felt gorgeous. \nSentence 2: The mirror on the wall was PersonX but not PersonY favorite place because _ felt hideous."} {"input": "Context Word: mirror.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the mirror was brought out, PersonX could see PersonY's bald spot, and _ laughed. \nSentence 2: When the mirror was brought out, PersonX could see PersonY's bald spot, and _ cried."} {"input": "Context Word: uncomfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always more uncomfortable than PersonY, because _ lived in a humid area of the world. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always more uncomfortable than PersonY, because _ lived in the perfect area of the world."} {"input": "Context Word: uncomfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was making PersonY very uncomfortable with the inappropriate touching, but _ was clueless about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was making PersonY very uncomfortable with the inappropriate touching, and _ was anxious about it."} {"input": "Context Word: uncomfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more uncomfortable selling shoes than PersonY because _ had never worked in sales before. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more uncomfortable selling shoes than PersonY because _ had worked in sales before."} {"input": "Context Word: uncomfortable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more uncomfortable talking to children than PersonY, because _ didn't have any teaching experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more uncomfortable talking to children than PersonY, because _ had a lot of teaching experience."} {"input": "Context Word: thankful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is known to be less gracious than PersonY because _ just isn't thankful for anything. \nSentence 2: PersonX is known to be less gracious than PersonY because _ is just thankful for everything."} {"input": "Context Word: thankful.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more thankful for the gift than PersonY although the gift _ received was less expensive. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more thankful for the gift than PersonY because the gift _ received was less expensive."} {"input": "Context Word: pop star.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought the pop star had a great voice but PersonY thought they sounded awful. _ bought tickets to the pop star's concert. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought the pop star had a great voice but PersonY thought they sounded awful. _ bought tickets to the classical music concert."} {"input": "Context Word: infections.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the disease and infections outbreak in the town, PersonX rushed to treat people with medication while PersonY helped because _ was a doctor. \nSentence 2: During the disease and infections outbreak in the town, PersonX rushed to treat people with medication while PersonY helped because _ was a nurse."} {"input": "Context Word: infections.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in the hospital more often than PersonY because _ had been getting more infections. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in the hospital less often than PersonY because _ had been getting more infections."} {"input": "Context Word: infections.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried about PersonY's infections so _ suggested they go to an emergency clinic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried about PersonY's infections so _ decided to go to an emergency clinic."} {"input": "Context Word: flower pots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had so many flower pots that PersonY could not go out on the patio until _ got rid of some. \nSentence 2: PersonX had so many flower pots that PersonY could not go out on the patio until _ got got fed up."} {"input": "Context Word: dollars.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bank account of PersonX had more dollars in it than the account of PersonY because _ was hardworking. \nSentence 2: The bank account of PersonX had more dollars in it than the account of PersonY because _ was lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: volunteering.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to charities, PersonX was always volunteering at soup kitchens while PersonY never did any charity work because _ was very selfless. \nSentence 2: When it came to charities, PersonX was always volunteering at soup kitchens while PersonY never did any charity work because _ was very selfish."} {"input": "Context Word: healing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to wear a cast because _ had a bruise that was healing. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to wear a cast because _ did not have a bruise that was healing."} {"input": "Context Word: thread a needle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to thread a needle easily, but PersonY was not, because _ had very good eyesight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to thread a needle easily, but PersonY was not, because _ had very poor eyesight."} {"input": "Context Word: complications.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stomach of PersonX was giving complications but not of PersonY so _ went to the hospital. \nSentence 2: The stomach of PersonX was giving complications but not of PersonY so _ left to the hospital."} {"input": "Context Word: teaches.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was clear that PersonX teaches PersonY how to do things because _ is an expert at it. \nSentence 2: It was clear that PersonX teaches PersonY how to do things because _ is a novice at it."} {"input": "Context Word: teaches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX teaches computer classes, PersonY teaches dance therefore _ can use the computer the best. \nSentence 2: PersonX teaches computer classes, PersonY teaches dance therefore _ cannot use the computer the best."} {"input": "Context Word: teaches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX teaches the class that's attended by PersonY every day, because _ loves providing knowledge. \nSentence 2: PersonX teaches the class that's attended by PersonY every day, because _ loves absorbing knowledge."} {"input": "Context Word: flu.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to miss the party because _ had the flu and a fever. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to miss the party because _ did not have the flu and a fever."} {"input": "Context Word: flu.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caught the flu from PersonY, and _ was very regretful for having given the flu to someone. \nSentence 2: PersonX caught the flu from PersonY, and _ was very annoyed for having contracted the flu from someone."} {"input": "Context Word: flu.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't get the flu this year, but PersonY did because _ got his flu shot. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't get the flu this year, but PersonY did even though _ got his flu shot."} {"input": "Context Word: flu.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got the flu during wintertime but not PersonY because _ thought vaccines were fake. \nSentence 2: PersonX got the flu during wintertime but not PersonY because _ thought vaccines were real."} {"input": "Context Word: flu.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is not therefore get your advice from _ about how to treat the flu. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is not therefore don't get your advice from _ about how to treat the flu."} {"input": "Context Word: flu.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX had the flu and PersonY didn't, _ spent the day sleeping and watching tv. \nSentence 2: While PersonX had the flu and PersonY didn't, _ spent the day cleaning and watching tv."} {"input": "Context Word: the leader.", "output": "Sentence 1: The police were looking for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was the leader of the smuggling ring. \nSentence 2: The police were looking for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not the leader of the smuggling ring."} {"input": "Context Word: cider.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hard cider tasted better than PersonY's because _ kept the recipe as simple as can be. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hard cider tasted better than PersonY's because _ didn't keep the recipe as simple as can be."} {"input": "Context Word: cider.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX told PersonY that her homemade cider tasted sharp, _ meant it as a compliment. \nSentence 2: When PersonX told PersonY that her homemade cider tasted sharp, _ took it as an insult."} {"input": "Context Word: Costume.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw a great costume party that PersonY won the best costume for, so _ gave the prize at the end of the night. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw a great costume party that PersonY won the best costume for, but _ took the prize before the end of the night."} {"input": "Context Word: Honey bees.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not allergic to honey bees but PersonY was so _ was the perfect person to collect the honey. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not allergic to honey bees but PersonY was so _ was never the person to collect the honey."} {"input": "Context Word: indoor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's feet were much quicker playing indoor soccer compared to PersonY because _ was wearing indoor soccer shoes. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's feet were much quicker playing indoor soccer compared to PersonY because _ was wearing outdoor soccer shoes."} {"input": "Context Word: carrots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped his mother PersonY by peeling and slicing carrots for the soup that _ was going to eat for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped his mother PersonY by peeling and slicing carrots for the soup that _ was making for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: carrots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes delicious carrots when compared to PersonY because _ is a world class cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes dry carrots when compared to PersonY because _ is a world class cook."} {"input": "Context Word: share.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to share any of their chocolate dessert with PersonY, because _ was a selfish kid. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to share any of their chocolate dessert with PersonY, because _ was a bullied kid."} {"input": "Context Word: share.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refuses to share her famous cookie recipe with PersonY because _ always uses expensive ingredients for baking. \nSentence 2: PersonX refuses to share her famous cookie recipe with PersonY because _ always uses cheap ingredients for baking."} {"input": "Context Word: smooth and hair free.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold PersonY a bottle of lotion that she promised would keep her smooth and hair free, _ likes selling goods . \nSentence 2: PersonX sold PersonY a bottle of lotion that she promised would keep her smooth and hair free, _ likes buying goods ."} {"input": "Context Word: perception.", "output": "Sentence 1: The perception of PersonX was much stronger than PersonY because _ believed in what was happening. \nSentence 2: The perception of PersonX was much weaker than PersonY because _ believed in what was happening."} {"input": "Context Word: soldering.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier than PersonY to learn soldering techniques because _ had taken metal shop classes in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier than PersonY to learn soldering techniques because _ had not taken metal shop classes in school."} {"input": "Context Word: towel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot a towel after her shower, so PersonY brought her one. Then _ said thank you and shut the door. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot a towel after her shower, so PersonY brought her one. Then _ said to remember next time and shut the door."} {"input": "Context Word: towel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got tired of fighting and threw in the towel but PersonY kept fighting. _ was booed by the crowd. \nSentence 2: PersonX got tired of fighting and threw in the towel but PersonY kept fighting. _ was cheered by the crowd."} {"input": "Context Word: towel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handed a paper towel to PersonY because _ had an extra one to spare. \nSentence 2: PersonX handed a paper towel to PersonY because _ did not have an extra one to spare."} {"input": "Context Word: towel.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lifeguard gave a towel to PersonX instead of PersonY since _ was dripping wet. \nSentence 2: The lifeguard gave a towel to PersonX instead of PersonY since _ was already dry."} {"input": "Context Word: flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX missed their night flight while PersonY made theirs, _ slept in the airport. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX missed their night flight while PersonY made theirs, _ slept on the plane."} {"input": "Context Word: flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how long will the flight be before they arrive, because _ he had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how long will the flight be before they arrive, but _ he had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX boarded the flight before PersonY since _ made sure to buy a business class ticket. \nSentence 2: PersonX boarded the flight before PersonY since _ made sure to buy a standard cabin ticket."} {"input": "Context Word: flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX booked a flight to visit PersonY. When it landed, _ went to baggage claim. \nSentence 2: PersonX booked a flight to visit PersonY. When it landed, _ went to passenger pick up."} {"input": "Context Word: flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caught their flight while PersonY missed theirs, so _ spent the next hour on the plane flying. \nSentence 2: PersonX caught their flight while PersonY missed theirs, so _ spent the next hour on the phone rescheduling."} {"input": "Context Word: flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to take a flight to a different country while PersonY had to go down the street, so _ traveled by plane. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to take a flight to a different country while PersonY had to go down the street, so _ traveled by bike."} {"input": "Context Word: flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY pack for their flight to New Zealand because _ wanted to help out. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY pack for their flight to New Zealand because _ asked for help."} {"input": "Context Word: flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is driving PersonY to the airport in the morning to catch the flight. _ prepares the car by filling the tank. \nSentence 2: PersonX is driving PersonY to the airport in the morning to catch the flight. _ prepares by packing the suitcase."} {"input": "Context Word: flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is on a long flight and has a period so she asks PersonY for an advice, because _ has never flown with period. \nSentence 2: PersonX is on a long flight and has a period so she asks PersonY for an advice, because _ has already flown with period."} {"input": "Context Word: flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs to look good on an early flight so she goes to PersonY, because _ cares about her look. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to look good on an early flight so she goes to PersonY, because _ is a hairdresser."} {"input": "Context Word: flight.", "output": "Sentence 1: The flight was delayed for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was going to Chicago where there was a storm. \nSentence 2: The flight was delayed for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ was going to Detroit where the weather was clear."} {"input": "Context Word: pounds.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the gym, PersonX has been helping PersonY shed some pounds because _ is a dietitian. \nSentence 2: At the gym, PersonX has been helping PersonY shed some pounds because _ is a client."} {"input": "Context Word: pounds.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the gym, PersonX is trying to shed pounds with the help of PersonY, so _ is the gym member. \nSentence 2: At the gym, PersonX is trying to shed pounds with the help of PersonY, so _ is the gym dietitian."} {"input": "Context Word: months.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took months to write back to PersonY's party invitation. _ was quite inconsiderate. \nSentence 2: PersonX took months to write back to PersonY's party invitation. _ was quite hurt."} {"input": "Context Word: buttercream.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to make buttercream cakes but not for PersonY because _ was a very good baker. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to make buttercream cakes but not for PersonY because _ was a very poor\r baker."} {"input": "Context Word: deeply loved.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cat was deeply loved by PersonX but not PersonY, as _ had always adored cats and kittens. \nSentence 2: The cat was deeply loved by PersonX but not PersonY, as _ had always hated cats and kittens."} {"input": "Context Word: filling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had cavities and had to get a filling from the dentist, but PersonY did not, because _ always brushed their teeth. \nSentence 2: PersonX had cavities and had to get a filling from the dentist, but PersonY did not, because _ never brushed their teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: filling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was judging pies at the state fair voted PersonY pie filling number one, _ is good at finding good food . \nSentence 2: PersonX was judging pies at the state fair voted PersonY pie filling number one, _ is good at making good food ."} {"input": "Context Word: crafted.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX crafted a beautiful card for Mother's day but PersonY bought theirs because _ is skilled at cardmaking. \nSentence 2: PersonX crafted a beautiful card for Mother's day but PersonY bought theirs because _ is unskilled at cardmaking."} {"input": "Context Word: look good.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is going to look good at Prom while PersonY is not going to look good at Prom. _ looks good at Prom. \nSentence 2: PersonX is going to look good at Prom while PersonY is not going to look good at Prom. _ does not look good at Prom."} {"input": "Context Word: improper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it was improper for PersonY to free express themselves, because _ was close minded. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it was improper for PersonY to free express themselves, because _ was free minded."} {"input": "Context Word: target.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has practiced to get better than PersonY at hitting the target with darts. _ practices daily. \nSentence 2: PersonX has practiced to get better than PersonY at hitting the target with darts. _ does not practice."} {"input": "Context Word: wilderness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX led the hiking expedition into the wilderness instead of PersonY because _ was an experienced guide. \nSentence 2: PersonX led the hiking expedition into the wilderness instead of PersonY because _ was an inexperienced guide."} {"input": "Context Word: create happiness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is much sadder than PersonY because _ never learned to create happiness through a positive mindset. \nSentence 2: PersonX is much sadder than PersonY because _ learned to create happiness through a positive mindset."} {"input": "Context Word: clip art.", "output": "Sentence 1: The computer virus struck PersonX but not PersonY because _ had downloaded illegal clip art. \nSentence 2: The computer virus struck PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not downloaded illegal clip art."} {"input": "Context Word: shading.", "output": "Sentence 1: Shading in the artwork was more difficult for PersonX compared to PersonY even though _ had been painting for a longer period of time. \nSentence 2: Shading in the artwork was more difficult for PersonX compared to PersonY even though _ had been painting for a shorter period of time."} {"input": "Context Word: celebrate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX soundly defeated PersonY in the wrestling tournament, giving _ a reason to celebrate . \nSentence 2: PersonX soundly defeated PersonY in the wrestling tournament, giving _ no reason to celebrate ."} {"input": "Context Word: celebrate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to celebrate the basketball game results but PersonY did not since _ was rooting for the team that won. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to celebrate the basketball game results but PersonY did not since _ was rooting for the team that lost."} {"input": "Context Word: celebrate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ready to celebrate at the birthday party but PersonY was not because _ was very sociable and outgoing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ready to celebrate at the birthday party but PersonY was not because _ was not very sociable and outgoing."} {"input": "Context Word: celebrate.", "output": "Sentence 1: Yesterday, PersonX received a very nice gift from PersonY to help _ celebrate her 30th birthday. \nSentence 2: Yesterday, PersonX bought a very nice gift for PersonY to help _ celebrate her 30th birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: slump.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in a bigger slump than PersonY because _ hadn't it a ball in a few weeks. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in a littler slump than PersonY because _ hadn't it a ball in a few weeks."} {"input": "Context Word: resistant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was resistant to the new ideas but not PersonY because _ has a conservative personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX was resistant to the new ideas but not PersonY because _ has a liberal personality."} {"input": "Context Word: principle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX still owed a bunch of principle to PersonY, so _ continued to make payments on the loan. \nSentence 2: PersonX still owed a bunch of principle to PersonY, so _ continued to collect payments on the loan."} {"input": "Context Word: geodes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at finding geodes outdoors than PersonY is because _ is a rock hound. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at finding geodes outdoors than PersonY is even though _ is a rock hound."} {"input": "Context Word: degree.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the university, PersonX received a degree instead of PersonY because _ had been there for four years. \nSentence 2: At the university, PersonX received a degree instead of PersonY because _ had been there for one year."} {"input": "Context Word: degree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to get a better job with better pay than PersonY because _ had a college degree. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to get a better job with better pay than PersonY because _ had no type of degree."} {"input": "Context Word: dribble.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for help in basketball because _ didn't know how to dribble. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked by PersonY for help in basketball because _ didn't know how to dribble."} {"input": "Context Word: recipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cooking for a large group was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ could read a recipe. \nSentence 2: Cooking for a large group was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ could not read a recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: recipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's banana bread was tastier and less dense than PersonY s because _ followed the recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's banana bread was tastier and less dense than PersonY s because _ ignored the recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: recipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he could help him to cook the soup, because _ had forgotten the recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he could help him to cook the soup, but _ had forgotten the recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: recipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX followed a recipe and it turned out perfect unlike PersonY, because _ is an experienced cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX followed a recipe and it turned out perfect unlike PersonY, because _ is an inexperienced cook."} {"input": "Context Word: recipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX followed the cake recipe precisely but PersonY substituted some ingredients. _ baked a cake that was tasty and delicious. \nSentence 2: PersonX followed the cake recipe precisely but PersonY substituted some ingredients. _ baked a cake that was gross and disgusting."} {"input": "Context Word: recipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX followed the recipe line for line, while PersonY improvised, so _ had the more traditional pie. \nSentence 2: PersonX followed the recipe line for line, while PersonY improvised, so _ had the more unique pie."} {"input": "Context Word: recipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX followed the recipe more precisely than PersonY because _ could not improvise with food. \nSentence 2: PersonX followed the recipe more precisely than PersonY because _ could easily improvise with food."} {"input": "Context Word: recipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a cake that was burnt unlike PersonY because _ disregarded the instructions of the recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a cake that was burnt unlike PersonY because _ followed the instructions of the recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: recipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried a new recipe and asked PersonY how he liked it. _ hoped it tasted good. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried a new recipe and asked PersonY how he liked it. _ thought it tasted good."} {"input": "Context Word: recipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a much better cook than PersonY because _ knew how to follow a recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a much better cook than PersonY because _ did not know how to follow a recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: recipe.", "output": "Sentence 1: The recipe made by PersonX was better than the one made by PersonY since _ followed the directions exactly. \nSentence 2: The recipe made by PersonX was worse than the one made by PersonY since _ followed the directions exactly."} {"input": "Context Word: nervous.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the job interview, PersonX is nervous to speak to PersonY because _ is the applicant. \nSentence 2: At the job interview, PersonX is nervous to speak to PersonY because _ is the boss."} {"input": "Context Word: nervous.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because he was always nervous, PersonX never asked PersonY out on a date. _ was afraid of being rejected. \nSentence 2: Because he was always nervous, PersonX never asked PersonY out on a date. _ was confident he liked her."} {"input": "Context Word: nervous.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everyone could tell PersonX was nervous to give their speech but not PersonY because _ had very sweaty palms. \nSentence 2: Everyone could tell PersonX was nervous to give their speech but not PersonY because _ had very dry palms."} {"input": "Context Word: nervous.", "output": "Sentence 1: For the presentation, PersonX was more nervous than PersonY because _ had a longer speech. \nSentence 2: For the presentation, PersonX was more nervous than PersonY because _ had a shorter speech."} {"input": "Context Word: nervous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always got nervous when they were around PersonY, because _ tended to by shy. \nSentence 2: PersonX always got nervous when they were around PersonY, because _ tended to by mean."} {"input": "Context Word: nervous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt nervous around PersonY, but _ was assured that they had no reason to feel nervous or apprehensive. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt nervous around PersonY, but _ assured them that they had no reason to feel nervous or apprehensive."} {"input": "Context Word: nervous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a lot of time being nervous, but PersonY was usually relaxed, because _ was a paranoid person. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a lot of time being nervous, but PersonY was usually relaxed, because _ was an optimistic person."} {"input": "Context Word: nervous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was nervous about speaking in front of the crowd with PersonY in it, but _ spoke with grace. \nSentence 2: PersonX was nervous about speaking in front of the crowd with PersonY in it, but _ watched with pride."} {"input": "Context Word: nervous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very nervous about their upcoming wedding but PersonY was not, so _ had a sip of champagne to calm down. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very nervous about their upcoming wedding but PersonY was not, so _ had a sip of champagne to celebrate the occasion."} {"input": "Context Word: terrorist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suspected PersonY may be involved in terrorist activites so _ contacted the FBI to make a report. \nSentence 2: PersonX suspected PersonY may be involved in terrorist activites so he contacted the FBI to report _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: Mortal Kombat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX beat PersonY in a game of Mortal Kombat, then _ said better luck next time. \nSentence 2: PersonX beat PersonY in a game of Mortal Kombat, then _ said congratulations on the win."} {"input": "Context Word: jello.", "output": "Sentence 1: Jello is not vegetarian, so PersonX loudly refused to eat PersonY's homemade jello salad at the party, and _ remained hungry. \nSentence 2: Jello is not vegetarian, so PersonX loudly refused to eat PersonY's homemade jello salad at the party, and _ got offended."} {"input": "Context Word: jello.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to make a bowl of strawberry flavored jello for PersonY because _ is very generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to make a bowl of strawberry flavored jello for PersonY because _ is very hungry."} {"input": "Context Word: stop losses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being taught about stop losses by PersonY, so _ is more likely the amateur investor. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being taught about stop losses by PersonY, so _ is more likely the financial expert."} {"input": "Context Word: maternity clothe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave two boxes of her gently used maternity clothe to PersonY as _ has three children and would not need them. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave two boxes of her gently used maternity clothe to PersonY as _ has no children and could use any help."} {"input": "Context Word: trophies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX\u2019s trophies were front and center in the living room while PersonY\u2019s trophies were in the closet because _ really loved showing off the trophies. \nSentence 2: PersonX\u2019s trophies were front and center in the living room while PersonY\u2019s trophies were in the closet because _ really disliked showing off the trophies."} {"input": "Context Word: jumping jacks.", "output": "Sentence 1: After getting out of bed PersonX did 100 jumping jacks while PersonY did 100 pullups. _ had terrible arm strength. \nSentence 2: After getting out of bed PersonX did 100 jumping jacks while PersonY did 100 pullups. _ had excellent arm strength."} {"input": "Context Word: jumping jacks.", "output": "Sentence 1: In a competition, PersonX doesn't do as many jumping jacks as PersonY, so _ is saddened. \nSentence 2: In a competition, PersonX doesn't do as many jumping jacks as PersonY, so _ is thrilled."} {"input": "Context Word: jumping jacks.", "output": "Sentence 1: In gym class, PersonX outperformed PersonY at doing jumping jacks because _ was a stronger athlete. \nSentence 2: In gym class, PersonX outperformed PersonY at doing jumping jacks because _ was a weaker athlete."} {"input": "Context Word: chemistry lab.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never goes to chemistry lab unlike PersonY because _ cannot understand the chemistry class. \nSentence 2: PersonX never goes to chemistry lab unlike PersonY who _ can understand the chemistry class."} {"input": "Context Word: Lifestyle.", "output": "Sentence 1: For years and years, PersonX truly admired the lifestyle that PersonY led because _ did not lead an exciting life. \nSentence 2: For years and years, PersonX truly admired the lifestyle that PersonY led because _ 's life was filled with excitement."} {"input": "Context Word: unique.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a unique sense of humor but PersonY has a more conventional one. Very few people laugh at jokes from _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX has a unique sense of humor but PersonY has a more conventional one. A lot of people laugh at jokes from _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: unique.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the unique way that PersonY enunciated their words, because _ was a fan of linguistics. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the unique way that PersonY enunciated their words, because _ was from another country."} {"input": "Context Word: unique.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hired as the leader instead of PersonY because _ celebrated being unique instead of fitting in with the crowd. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hired as the leader instead of PersonY because _ hated being unique instead of fitting in with the crowd."} {"input": "Context Word: Stay close to bathrooms.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to make sure to stay close to bathrooms but not PersonY because _ had Giardiasis. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to make sure to stay close to bathrooms but not PersonY because _ did not have Giardiasis."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: Gardening potted plants suited PersonX not PersonY since _ was good at keeping plants alive. \nSentence 2: Gardening potted plants suited PersonX not PersonY since _ was bad at keeping plants alive."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going in the garden and tending to plants came naturally to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ had a green thumb. \nSentence 2: Going in the garden and tending to plants came naturally to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ did not have a green thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always left her plants in PersonY 's care, as _ had a tendency to make plants die. \nSentence 2: PersonX always left her plants in PersonY 's care, as _ had a tendency to make plants thrive."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't allow PersonY to take care of their plants when on vacation for _ never overwaterred them. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't allow PersonY to take care of their plants when on vacation for _ always overwaterred them."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grew their plants better than PersonY grew theirs because _ watered them more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX grew their plants better than PersonY grew theirs because _ watered them less often."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a lot more knowledgeable about plants versus PersonY because _ is a botanist. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a lot more knowledgeable about plants versus PersonY because _ is a salesman."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX killed PersonY's plants by not watering them for a week and _ felt very remorseful. \nSentence 2: PersonX killed PersonY's plants by not watering them for a week and _ felt very disappointed."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked gardening better than PersonY liked it because _ liked dealing with the plants. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked gardening better than PersonY liked it because _ hated dealing with the plants."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved working with plants in the garden but PersonY hated it, so _ worked in the yard alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated working with plants in the garden but PersonY loved it, so _ worked in the yard alone."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed home while PersonY went to pick strawberries in the plants with her mother, as _ was allergic to the plant. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed home while PersonY went to pick strawberries in the plants with her mother, as _ was tolerant to the plant."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in the garden weeding the plants for PersonY because _ was their employee. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in the garden weeding the plants for PersonY because _ was their employer."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at growing plants but PersonY was not. _ had a lush green garden. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at growing plants but PersonY was not. _ had a dead brown garden."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at growing plants but PersonY was not. _ was said to have a green thumb. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at growing plants but PersonY was not. _ wasn't said to have a green thumb."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: The landscaper potted a lot more plants at PersonX's house than PersonY's, because _ preferred plants to trees. \nSentence 2: The landscaper potted a lot more plants at PersonX's house than PersonY's, because _ preferred trees to plants."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man told us that PersonX was more knowledgable with plants than PersonY, because _ studied them in school. \nSentence 2: The man told us that PersonX was more uneducated with plants than PersonY, because _ studied them in school."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: The plants in PersonX's yard are shorter and browner than PersonY's because _ has worse soil. \nSentence 2: The plants in PersonX's yard are shorter and browner than PersonY's because _ has nutritious soil."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: The plants in the yard died because PersonX forgot to water them after being asked by PersonY. _ felt guilty. \nSentence 2: The plants in the yard died because PersonX forgot to water them after being asked by PersonY. _ felt let down."} {"input": "Context Word: plants.", "output": "Sentence 1: There was more shade in the yard of PersonX than there was in the yard of PersonY because _ had more plants. \nSentence 2: There was more shade in the yard of PersonX than there was in the yard of PersonY because _ had less plants."} {"input": "Context Word: body odor.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wearing lots of deodorant in the summer suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had problems with body odor. \nSentence 2: Wearing lots of deodorant in the summer suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no problems with body odor."} {"input": "Context Word: Crown.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's teeth were starting to decay, so PersonY gave him temporary dental crowns to use. _ was his patient. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's teeth were starting to decay, so PersonY gave him temporary dental crowns to use. _ was his dentist."} {"input": "Context Word: meals.", "output": "Sentence 1: The meals PersonX cooks for the family are always more healthy orientated than the ones PersonY cooks because _ is a vegetarian. \nSentence 2: The meals PersonX cooks for the family are always more healthy orientated than the ones PersonY cooks because _ loves trash food."} {"input": "Context Word: meals.", "output": "Sentence 1: The meals that PersonX's dog gets are cheap when compared to PersonY's. _ 's dog food has mostly grains in it. \nSentence 2: The meals that PersonX's dog gets are cheap when compared to PersonY's. _ 's dog food has mostly meats in it."} {"input": "Context Word: intoxicated.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being intoxicated was something PersonX found to be fun but not PersonY. _ crashed their car on the way home from the party. \nSentence 2: Being intoxicated was something PersonX found to be fun but not PersonY. _ drove their car safely on the way home from the party."} {"input": "Context Word: Drug.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY which drug would be the most effective because _ needed advice from a pharmacist. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY which drug would be the most effective because _ was a pharmacist."} {"input": "Context Word: piglet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX traded his new kitten for a piglet with PersonY because _ wanted a piglet. \nSentence 2: PersonX traded his new kitten for a piglet with PersonY because _ wanted a kitten."} {"input": "Context Word: team.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Thursday PersonX watched PersonY's team play baseball, and _ caught a ball in the stands. \nSentence 2: On Thursday PersonX watched PersonY's team play baseball, and _ caught a ball at first base."} {"input": "Context Word: team.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bet on the opposite team as PersonY and lost, so _ was angry with their choice. \nSentence 2: PersonX bet on the opposite team as PersonY and lost, so _ was happy with their choice."} {"input": "Context Word: team.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX celebrated the team's win in the cup more than PersonY because _ was their biggest fan. \nSentence 2: PersonX celebrated the teams win in the cup less than PersonY because _ was their biggest fan."} {"input": "Context Word: team.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX subbed PersonY out of the game because _ was the coach of the team and wanted his team to win. \nSentence 2: PersonX subbed PersonY out of the game because _ was the worst player on the team and was not helping his team to win."} {"input": "Context Word: team.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to be on PersonY's volleyball team, as _ knew it would be a winning team. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to be on PersonY's volleyball team, as _ knew how to cultivate winning team."} {"input": "Context Word: team.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to form a basketball team with PersonY because _ needed someone taller to play center. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to form a basketball team with PersonY but _ needed someone taller to play center."} {"input": "Context Word: team.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a member of a baseball league and asked PersonY for management advice because _ was currently the team manager. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a member of a baseball league and asked PersonY for management advice because _ was previously the team manager."} {"input": "Context Word: team.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less confident the basketball team would win than PersonY because _ was more pessimistic. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less confident the basketball team would win than PersonY because _ was more optimistic."} {"input": "Context Word: team.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the number one player on the team coached by PersonY, so _ got to play first string. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the number one player on the team coached by PersonY, so _ got to offer first string."} {"input": "Context Word: team.", "output": "Sentence 1: The team preferred to play with PersonX instead of PersonY because _ follows the rules. \nSentence 2: The team preferred to play with PersonX instead of PersonY because _ doesn't follow the rules."} {"input": "Context Word: Ear Infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY, because _ didn't follow proper hygiene at work and got an ear infection as a result. \nSentence 2: PersonX called for PersonY, because _ didn't follow proper hygiene at work and got an ear infection as a result."} {"input": "Context Word: mercury.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tested her water for mercury, and recommended PersonY do the same. _ glad she bought the test when she found out her water was mercury free. \nSentence 2: PersonX tested her water for mercury, and recommended PersonY do the same. _ wished she bought the test when to find out if her water was mercury free."} {"input": "Context Word: matches.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making a waterproof matches and needs help from PersonY, because _ can't do it alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making a waterproof matches and needs help from PersonY, because _ can help him."} {"input": "Context Word: cod.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cod was on the menu which PersonX loved but PersonY hated. It was _ 's favorite fish. \nSentence 2: Cod was on the menu which PersonX loved but PersonY hated. It was _ 's least favorite fish."} {"input": "Context Word: cod.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is baking a cod for PersonY's birthday meal, becasue _ wants to surprise him. \nSentence 2: PersonX is baking a cod for PersonY's birthday meal, becasue _ loves eating a cod."} {"input": "Context Word: proper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to learn the proper way to behave from PersonY, but _ was too stubborn to teach. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to learn the proper way to behave from PersonY, but _ was too timid to teach."} {"input": "Context Word: proper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always criticizing PersonY for not using proper grammar, because _ was snobby about language. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always criticizing PersonY for not using proper grammar, because _ was cavalier about language."} {"input": "Context Word: spirit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX skipped out on the school pep rallies while PersonY was always cheering, since _ lacked school spirit. \nSentence 2: PersonX skipped out on the school pep rallies while PersonY was always cheering, since _ possessed school spirit."} {"input": "Context Word: treasure hunt.", "output": "Sentence 1: While on the treasure hunt, PersonX hid from PersonY after they got started which made _ unhelpful during the hunt. \nSentence 2: While on the treasure hunt, PersonX hid from PersonY before they got started which made _ frustrated during hunt difficult."} {"input": "Context Word: Gecko.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to go to the pet store with him to buy a gecko because he has 2 and _ has never owned one. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to go to the pet store with him to buy a gecko because _ has 2 already and he has never owned one."} {"input": "Context Word: Gecko.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more afraid of the Leopard Gecko crawling around than PersonY because _ disliked reptiles. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more afraid of the Leopard Gecko crawling around than PersonY because _ liked reptiles."} {"input": "Context Word: appreciated.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX appreciated everything that PersonY did for them, because _ always tried to be a thankful person. \nSentence 2: PersonX appreciated everything that PersonY did for them, because _ always tried to be a helpful person."} {"input": "Context Word: crocheting.", "output": "Sentence 1: Crocheting scarves was a hobby of PersonX but not PersonY because _ had spent money taking crochet lessons. \nSentence 2: Crocheting scarves was a hobby of PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not spent money taking crochet lessons."} {"input": "Context Word: crocheting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is bad at crocheting things, while PersonY is great at it. _ is weak at making things. \nSentence 2: PersonX is bad at crocheting things, while PersonY is great at it. _ is skilled at making things."} {"input": "Context Word: radio.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX drove PersonY's radio controlled car into a tree, _ never stopped apologizing for the action. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX drove PersonY's radio controlled car into a tree, _ never forgave them for the action."} {"input": "Context Word: radio.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to fall asleep than PersonY because the radio in the room of _ was quieter. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to fall asleep than PersonY because the radio in the room of _ was louder."} {"input": "Context Word: radio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX listened to the radio every morning for PersonY's deejayed show, as _ was a dedicated listener. \nSentence 2: PersonX listened to the radio every morning for PersonY's deejayed show, as _ was a competent deejay."} {"input": "Context Word: radio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to listen to music on the radio but PersonY does not. _ tunes into the pop station when they drive in the car. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to listen to music on the radio but PersonY does not. _ tunes into the talk station when they drive in the car."} {"input": "Context Word: radio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more old fashioned than PersonY, because _ listened to a radio rather than an iPod. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more up to date than PersonY, because _ listened to a radio rather than an iPod."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was running faster than PersonY, _ finished the lap over 3 minutes ahead. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was running faster than PersonY, _ finished the lap over 3 minutes behind."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: During their morning jog, PersonX stopped running with PersonY at the park because _ was too tired. \nSentence 2: During their morning jog, PersonX stopped running with PersonY at the park because _ was too energetic."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is in better shape than PersonY these days due to _ going running every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX is in better shape than PersonY these days due to _ avoiding running every day."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent the afternoon running while PersonY took a nap, and _ ended up being very exhausted. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent the afternoon running while PersonY took a nap, and _ ended up being very refreshed."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was generally faster at running than PersonY, so it was surprising when _ lost the race by a large margin. \nSentence 2: PersonX was generally faster at running than PersonY, so it was surprising when _ won the race by a large margin."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more tired than PersonY, because _ was running around doing errands all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much less productive than PersonY, because _ was running around doing errands all day."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was running everyday but PersonY would rather watch TV, as _ is training for a marathon. \nSentence 2: PersonX was running everyday but PersonY would rather watch TV as _ is unable to run."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went running more often than PersonY did because _ was on the track team. \nSentence 2: PersonX went running more often than PersonY did although _ was on the track team."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's running time was faster than PersonY's time, so _ finished first in the race. \nSentence 2: PersonX's running time was faster than PersonY's time, so _ didn't finish first in the race."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running in a marathon suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had practiced long distance running for years. \nSentence 2: Running in a marathon suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never practiced long distance running."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running is not something that suits PersonX, but PersonY runs every day, so _ is out of shape. \nSentence 2: Running is not something that suits PersonX, but PersonY runs every day, so _ is in shape."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: Training hard and running everyday was a must for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was novice in races. \nSentence 2: Training hard and running everyday was a must for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was an expert in races."} {"input": "Context Word: running.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to running, PersonX is not as fast as PersonY, so _ is slower. \nSentence 2: When it comes to running, PersonX is not as fast as PersonY, so _ is quicker."} {"input": "Context Word: weather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX Knew the weather everyday and could give the forecast to PersonY, _ watched the news every morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX Knew the weather everyday and could give the forecast to PersonY, _ watched cartoons every morning."} {"input": "Context Word: weather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what the weather was going to be like tomorrow because _ needed to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what the weather was going to be like tomorrow but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: weather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a meterologist, PersonY is not therefore it is best to ask _ about the weather. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a meterologist, PersonY is not therefore it is better not to ask _ about the weather."} {"input": "Context Word: weather.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX, as they were heading for the door, asked PersonY if they knew what the weather would be today because _ forgot to check. \nSentence 2: PersonX, as they were heading for the door, asked PersonY if they knew what the weather would be today but _ didn't know."} {"input": "Context Word: skis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX beat PersonY in the downhill slalom, because _ had put on the right skis on. \nSentence 2: PersonX beat PersonY in the downhill slalom, because _ had put on the wrong skis on."} {"input": "Context Word: married.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was not planning to get married to his current girlfriend but PersonY wanted to marry his girlfriend, _ broke up with his girlfriend. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was not planning to get married to his current girlfriend but PersonY wanted to marry his girlfriend, _ proposed to his girlfriend."} {"input": "Context Word: married.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if she wanted to get married right away, because _ was in love.. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if she wanted to get married right away, because _ was pregnant."} {"input": "Context Word: married.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what time of day they had gotten married because _ couldn't remember. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what time of day they had gotten married but _ couldn't remember."} {"input": "Context Word: married.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know they were sleeping with a married man when they were with PersonY, because _ had believed their lies. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know they were sleeping with a married man when they were with PersonY, because _ had told them lies."} {"input": "Context Word: married.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got married at a much younger age than PersonY because _ is much more desirable. \nSentence 2: PersonX got married at a much younger age than PersonY because _ is much more undesirable."} {"input": "Context Word: married.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got married early while PersonY didn't find love until late in life because _ is quite beautiful. \nSentence 2: PersonX got married early while PersonY didn't find love until late in life because _ is quite ugly."} {"input": "Context Word: married.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help PersonY get married even though _ thought it wasn't worth it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to help PersonY get married even but _ thought it wasn't worth it."} {"input": "Context Word: married.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sleeping with PersonY, who was married, so _ went home alone when they were done. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sleeping with PersonY, who was married, so _ went home to their spouse when they were done."} {"input": "Context Word: married.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went online to receive his ordainment before PersonY got married, because _ served as an officiant. \nSentence 2: PersonX went online to receive his ordainment before PersonY got married, because _ needed an officiant."} {"input": "Context Word: married.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was married for ten years while PersonY was single, _ wore a wedding ring. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was married for ten years and PersonY was single, _ did not wear a wedding ring."} {"input": "Context Word: Apple Cider Vinegar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they had any apple cider vinegar because the recipe _ was making required it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they had any apple cider vinegar but the recipe _ made required it all."} {"input": "Context Word: intelligent.", "output": "Sentence 1: Of the two, PersonX is less intelligent than PersonY is. That's because _ dropped out of college. \nSentence 2: Of the two, PersonX is less intelligent than PersonY is. That's because _ went to and completed college."} {"input": "Context Word: intelligent.", "output": "Sentence 1: People consider PersonX to be less intelligent than PersonY due to _ being a plumber. \nSentence 2: People consider PersonX to be less intelligent than PersonY due to _ being a professor."} {"input": "Context Word: intelligent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is much more influential and intelligent than PersonY because _ has a college degree. \nSentence 2: PersonX is much more influential and intelligent than PersonY because _ does not have a college degree."} {"input": "Context Word: intelligent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was considered to be very intelligent unlike PersonY because _ skipped a year of school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was considered to be very intelligent unlike PersonY because _ repeated a year of school."} {"input": "Context Word: intelligent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more intelligent in all topics in school than PersonY, as _ was academically smart. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more intelligent in all topics in school than PersonY, as _ was not academic."} {"input": "Context Word: intelligent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more intelligent and booksmart than PersonY because _ read a lot of books. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more intelligent and booksmart than PersonY because _ read a lot of magazines."} {"input": "Context Word: susceptible.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had to stay indoors during pollen season because _ was susceptible to having severe allergy attacks. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had to stay indoors during pollen season because _ was not susceptible to having severe allergy attacks.."} {"input": "Context Word: derma roller.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always trying to use the derma roller before PersonY, as _ would keep it so no one else would be able to. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always trying to use the derma roller before PersonY, and _ would not keep it so no one else would be able to."} {"input": "Context Word: gumbo.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that gumbo was tasty but PersonY hated the taste of it. _ had a big bowl of gumbo. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that gumbo was tasty but PersonY hated the taste of it. _ had a big bowl of cereal."} {"input": "Context Word: Fake Nails.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY where they got their fake nails, because _ was a contemptable person. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY where they got their fake nails, but _ was a contemptable person."} {"input": "Context Word: president.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more say so in the club than PersonY did because _ was president of the club. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more say so in the club than PersonY did although _ was president of the club."} {"input": "Context Word: president.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY the birthday card she'd gotten from the president, and _ was clearly flattered. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY the birthday card she'd gotten from the president, and _ was clearly jealous."} {"input": "Context Word: president.", "output": "Sentence 1: The president promoted PersonX and fired PersonY, so _ felt grateful her job was safe. \nSentence 2: The president fired PersonX and promoted PersonY, so _ felt grateful her job was safe."} {"input": "Context Word: Rottweiler.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought that a Rottweiler was a good dog but PersonY didn't. _ bought a Rottweiler. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought that a Rottweiler was a good dog but PersonY didn't. _ didn't buy a Rottweiler."} {"input": "Context Word: wishes.", "output": "Sentence 1: For their Birthday wishes, PersonX hoped for an interview with PersonY. _ is a reporter. \nSentence 2: For their Birthday wishes, PersonX hoped for an interview with PersonY. _ is an actor."} {"input": "Context Word: mystery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not understand much that PersonY said, so _ thought her a mystery person. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not understand much that PersonY said, so _ appeared to her a mystery person."} {"input": "Context Word: mystery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked mystery novels more than PersonY because _ liked to put together the puzzle. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked mystery novels more than PersonY because _ hated to put together the puzzle."} {"input": "Context Word: tutor.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a tutor did not come as naturally to PersonX as it did PersonY because _ had never worked as a teacher. \nSentence 2: Being a tutor did not come as naturally to PersonX as it did PersonY because _ had worked as a teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: tutor.", "output": "Sentence 1: In college, PersonX needed a tutor for calculus while PersonY did not because _ was challenged by the material. \nSentence 2: In college, PersonX needed a tutor for calculus while PersonY did not because _ was understanding the material."} {"input": "Context Word: tutor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hires PersonY as a tutor for her daughter because _ is a good parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX hires PersonY as a tutor for her daughter because _ is a good teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: tutor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hires PersonY to be the tutor of her middle school aged kids. _ is the parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX hires PersonY to be the tutor of her middle school aged kids. _ is the teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: tutor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is patient and educated, PersonY is neither therefore _ will make a good tutor. \nSentence 2: PersonX is patient and educated, PersonY is neither therefore _ will not make a good tutor."} {"input": "Context Word: women.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was not attracted to women or girls because _ was a homosexual. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was not attracted to women or girls because _ was not a homosexual."} {"input": "Context Word: women.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't treat women well but PersonY treated them with respect. _ had a hard time getting a date on the weekends. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't treat women well but PersonY treated them with respect. _ had an easy time getting a date on the weekends."} {"input": "Context Word: women.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shoutled loudly at the women and PersonY was embarrassed. _ was always loud in public. \nSentence 2: PersonX shoutled loudly at the women and PersonY was embarrassed. _ was always shy in public."} {"input": "Context Word: women.", "output": "Sentence 1: The women paid no attention to PersonX, but were all over PersonY, so _ went home sad and dejected. \nSentence 2: The women paid no attention to PersonX, but were all over PersonY, so _ went home happy and excited."} {"input": "Context Word: women.", "output": "Sentence 1: The women walked up to PersonX and asked for an autograph instead of PersonY because _ was more famous. \nSentence 2: The women walked away from PersonX and asked for an autograph instead of PersonY because _ was more famous."} {"input": "Context Word: women.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to women, PersonX is smoother with them than PersonY because _ is a ladies man. \nSentence 2: When it comes to women, PersonX is more awkward with them than PersonY because _ is a ladies man."} {"input": "Context Word: cap.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is told by PersonY that they have to wear a nurse cap during their whole shift, but _ feels silly in the cap. \nSentence 2: PersonX is told by PersonY that they have to wear a nurse cap during their whole shift, and _ is insistent about the cap."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: After going to the dentist, PersonX needed braces but not PersonY because _ had bad teeth. \nSentence 2: After going to the dentist, PersonX needed braces but not PersonY because _ had good teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the dentist appointment, PersonX smiled bigger than PersonY because _ was proud of their braces. \nSentence 2: After the dentist appointment, PersonX smiled bigger than PersonY because _ was embarrased by their braces."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though they both needed braces in middle school, PersonX got them while PersonY did not, so _ 's teeth are straight as an adult. \nSentence 2: Even though they both needed braces in middle school, PersonX got them while PersonY did not, so _ 's teeth are crooked as an adult."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied to braces to PersonY's teeth, then _ reminded her to brush every day. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied to braces to PersonY's teeth, then _ was reminded to brush every day."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX complimented PersonY on her beautiful smile as _ noticed her braces were removed recently. \nSentence 2: PersonX complimented PersonY on her beautiful smile as _ said her braces were removed recently."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX explained that PersonY was too young to have braces, because _ was a dentist. \nSentence 2: PersonX explained that PersonY was too young to have braces, because _ was a toddler."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finally got their braces taken out by PersonY, and _ was satisfied to finally have them taken out. \nSentence 2: PersonX finally got their braces taken out by PersonY, and _ was satisfied to finally take out."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had crooked teeth and needed braces but PersonY didn't. _ made an appointment with a dentist. \nSentence 2: PersonX had crooked teeth and needed braces but PersonY didn't. _ made an appointment with a massage therapist."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had had braces when they were younger but PersonY had not so _ had very straight teeth. \nSentence 2: PersonX had had braces when they were younger but PersonY had not so _ had very crooked teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to get braces on his teeth while PersonY had a perfect checkup, so _ was feeling down. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to get braces on his teeth while PersonY had a perfect checkup, so _ was feeling smug."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hired PersonY to put braces on their child but _ couldn't afford to pay full price. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to put braces on their child because _ couldn't afford to charge full price."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a dentist, PersonY is not therefore _ is best to get advice about braces from. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a dentist, PersonY is not therefore _ is not the best to get advice about braces from."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY to pay for their kid's braces for _ didn't have insurance to cover the costs. \nSentence 2: PersonX need to help PersonY pay for their kid's braces for _ didn't have insurance to cover the costs."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to cheer PersonY up after the news about needing braces, because _ wants her friend to love herself. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to cheer PersonY up after the news about needing braces, but _ struggles trying to love herself."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried about getting braces so PersonY calmed him down; _ was able to settle down for his appointment. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried about getting braces so PersonY calmed him down; _ was relieved he was able to settle him down for his appointment."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's braces looked better than PersonY's because _ always flossed after a meal and before bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX's braces looked better than PersonY's because _ never flossed after a meal and before bed."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's mouth is in pain because she has braces, but PersonY just got hers off. _ is annoyed by that. \nSentence 2: PersonX's mouth is in pain because she has braces, but PersonY just got hers off. _ is happy by this."} {"input": "Context Word: braces.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had straight teeth and PersonY did not, _ was told that they did not need to get braces. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had straight teeth and PersonY did not, _ was told that they needed to get braces."} {"input": "Context Word: transformation.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX went through the transformation, PersonY hunted them stop, so _ would be stopped from killing anyone else. \nSentence 2: After PersonX went through the transformation, PersonY hunted them stop, so _ could stop them from killing anyone else."} {"input": "Context Word: cookies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had a sore stomach because _ had eaten too many of the cookies. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had a sore stomach because _ had not eaten too many of the cookies."} {"input": "Context Word: cookies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves the chocolate chip cookies that PersonY makes because _ is a cookie buyer. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves the chocolate chip cookies that PersonY makes since _ is a cookie baker."} {"input": "Context Word: cookies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made cookies for PersonY, because _ had a desire to make a special snack. \nSentence 2: PersonX made cookies for PersonY, although _ had no desire to eat a special snack."} {"input": "Context Word: cookies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to eat as many cookies as they liked but PersonY was not because _ was very slim. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to eat as many cookies as they liked but PersonY was not because _ was very overweight."} {"input": "Context Word: cookies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX will eat cookies to break the fast, but not PersonY because _ has not been diagnosed as diabetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX will eat cookies to break the fast, but not PersonY because _ has a diagnosis of diabetes."} {"input": "Context Word: cookies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ had eaten all the cookies that were in the cupboard. \nSentence 2: PersonX thanked PersonY because _ had not eaten all the cookies that were in the cupboard."} {"input": "Context Word: cookies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's preferred snack is cookies, but PersonY is more of a fruit person. _ lives a lifestyle that is negative for his heart. \nSentence 2: PersonX's preferred snack is cookies, but PersonY is more of a fruit person. _ lives a lifestyle that is beneficial for his heart."} {"input": "Context Word: cookies.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cookies PersonX made for PersonY were a hit so _ made them for him a second time. \nSentence 2: The cookies PersonX got from PersonY were a hit so _ made them for him a second time."} {"input": "Context Word: DUI.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has gotten 2 DUIs in the last year, but PersonY has never had one. _ is an addict. \nSentence 2: PersonX has gotten 2 DUIs in the last year, but PersonY has never had one. _ is sober."} {"input": "Context Word: DUI.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a safe driver, unlike PersonY. _ had never even been pulled over for expired tags, nevermind a DUI. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a safe driver, unlike PersonY. _ had been pulled over for expired tags, and a DUI."} {"input": "Context Word: DUI.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was pulled over for a DUI while PersonY was in the passenger seat. _ was unaware of the severity of the situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX was pulled over for a DUI while PersonY was in the passenger seat. _ was afraid of the severity of the situation."} {"input": "Context Word: enforcement.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was charged with enforcement of the rules against PersonY, since _ was a law abiding citizen. \nSentence 2: PersonX was charged with enforcement of the rules against PersonY, since _ was a law breaking citizen."} {"input": "Context Word: minutes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had 40 minutes to get to work and first needed to drop off PersonY. _ was almost always late for work. \nSentence 2: PersonX had 40 minutes to get to work and first needed to drop off PersonY. _ was always early for work."} {"input": "Context Word: minutes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The school asked PersonX to talk to PersonY for a few minutes because he was struggling. _ was a school counselor. \nSentence 2: The school asked PersonX to talk to PersonY for a few minutes because he was struggling. _ was a student."} {"input": "Context Word: minutes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Waiting several minutes for the train was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had quite a bit of patience. \nSentence 2: Waiting several minutes for the train was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had very little patience."} {"input": "Context Word: dill.", "output": "Sentence 1: When growing dill, PersonX forgets to water, whereas PersonY does not, so _ is a forgetful gardener. \nSentence 2: When growing dill, PersonX forgets to water, whereas PersonY does not, so _ is a competent gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: salt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to pass the salt since _ thought the food was too bland. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to pass the salt since _ thought the food was seasoned enough."} {"input": "Context Word: salt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not watch their salt intake like PersonY because _ was not on a restricted diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not watch their salt intake like PersonY but _ was on a restricted diet."} {"input": "Context Word: salt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ended up with high blood pressure while PersonY did not because _ puts too much salt on their food. \nSentence 2: PersonX ended up with high blood pressure while PersonY did not because _ doesn't put much salt on their food."} {"input": "Context Word: salt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hurriedly ran to get the salt and some water to help PersonY clean up his blood stain since _ is frantic. \nSentence 2: PersonX hurriedly ran to get the salt and some water to help PersonY clean up his blood stain since _ is injured."} {"input": "Context Word: salt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to avoid high salt foods, so PersonY bought a low-sodium recipe book. _ appreciated the effort to be supportive. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to avoid high salt foods, so PersonY bought a low-sodium recipe book. _ felt good about making the effort to be supportive."} {"input": "Context Word: salt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get the salt from the top shelf so PersonY helped him because _ is shorter. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get the salt from the top shelf so PersonY helped him because _ is taller."} {"input": "Context Word: salt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would salt their meat before cooking while PersonY used nothing, so _ made tastier dishes. \nSentence 2: PersonX would salt their meat before cooking while PersonY used nothing, so _ made bland dishes."} {"input": "Context Word: look like Adriana Lima.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY they look like Adriana Lima when they were at the beach because _ was a fan of models. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY they look like Adriana Lima when they were at the beach because _ was from Brazil."} {"input": "Context Word: cupcake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a cupcake for their birthday so they talked PersonY into making some because _ forgot how. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a cupcake for their birthday so they talked PersonY into making some but _ forgot how."} {"input": "Context Word: cupcake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to try a new cupcake recipe for PersonY's birthday, because _ liked making new things. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to try a new cupcake recipe for PersonY's birthday, but _ didn't like trying new things."} {"input": "Context Word: cupcake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more remorseful after eating the cupcake than PersonY because _ is on a strict diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more remorseful after eating the cupcake than PersonY because _ isn't on a strict diet."} {"input": "Context Word: cupcake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The winner of the cupcake contest was PersonX and not PersonY because _ was persistent. \nSentence 2: The winner of the cupcake contest was PersonX and not PersonY because _ was irresolute."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX stayed late at work to fix the mistake that PersonY had made, _ got praised by the boss. \nSentence 2: After PersonX stayed late at work to fix the mistake that PersonY had made, _ got repremanded by the boss."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: After careful review of the project with their boss PersonX decided to give PersonY a promotion and _ would deliver the good news during the meeting this afternoon. \nSentence 2: After careful review of the project with their boss PersonX decided to give PersonY a promotion and _ would be receiving the good news during the meeting this afternoon."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although they were currently dating PersonX was PersonY's boss so _ asked for great work during the day. \nSentence 2: Although they were currently dating PersonX was PersonY's boss so _ gave great work during the day."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was the subordinate and PersonY was the boss, _ did menial tasks and was told what to do. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was the subordinate and PersonY was the boss, _ did supervisor tasks and told others what to do."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a boss comes natural to PersonX it never has for PersonY, _ is a good leader for others. \nSentence 2: Being a boss comes natural to PersonX it never has for PersonY, _ is not a suitable leader for others."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always impressed their boss, but PersonY did not, because _ usually arrived to work late. \nSentence 2: PersonX always impressed their boss, but PersonY did not, because _ usually arrived to work early."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got along well with their boss but PersonY did not because _ had a very pleasant boss. \nSentence 2: PersonX got along well with their boss but PersonY did not because _ had a very rude \rboss."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got along with their boss very well but not PersonY because _ was a determined worker. \nSentence 2: PersonX got along with their boss very well but not PersonY because _ was a lackadaisical worker."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to answer to their boss at work but not PersonY because _ is working. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to answer to their boss at work but not PersonY because _ is retired."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a kinder boss than PersonY, so _ won't be looking for a job in the near future. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a kinder boss than PersonY, so _ will be looking for a job in the near future."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a new in company and asks his boss, PersonY for help, because _ want to get to the top. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a new in company and asks his boss, PersonY for help, because _ is already at the top."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that PersonY was really the boss , so _ always took the orders. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that PersonY was really the boss , so _ always gave the orders."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a good boss but PersonY was not. _ had the support of all their employees. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a good boss but PersonY was not. _ didn't have the support of all their employees."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ was upset about the recent firings from the boss. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforted PersonY because _ was so upset about the recent firings from the boss."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's boss happens to be PersonY at the financial institution, so _ has to take orders. \nSentence 2: PersonX's boss happens to be PersonY at the financial institution, so _ has to give orders."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: Running a business was easier for PersonX instead of PersonY because _ tried to be a cool boss. \nSentence 2: Running a business was easier for PersonX instead of PersonY because _ tried to be a hardass boss."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was the boss of PersonY for two years, _ gave orders about what the tasks were. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was the boss of PersonY for two years, _ followed instructions about what the tasks were."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boss gave PersonX a promotion and not PersonY because _ was an outstanding and motivated worker. \nSentence 2: The boss withheld PersonX's promotion and not PersonY because _ was an outstanding and motivated worker."} {"input": "Context Word: boss.", "output": "Sentence 1: When the boss was speaking he directed his eyes at PersonX rather than PersonY because _ had been doing an awful job. \nSentence 2: When the boss was speaking he directed his eyes at PersonX rather than PersonY because _ had been doing an outstanding job."} {"input": "Context Word: catnip.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought some catnip for PersonY's brand new kitten which made _ feel very giving. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought some catnip for PersonY's brand new kitten which made _ feel very grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: hide.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to hide her affections from PersonY , because _ was afraid she would reject her. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to hide her affections from PersonY , because _ was afraid she would stalk her."} {"input": "Context Word: hide.", "output": "Sentence 1: While tanning deer hide PersonX had an easier time than PersonY because _ had done this before. \nSentence 2: While tanning deer hide PersonX had an easier time than PersonY because _ had not done this before."} {"input": "Context Word: heal.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being a doctor was harder for PersonX than PersonY for _ was more focused on trying to heal the patient than listening to them. \nSentence 2: Being a doctor was easier for PersonX than PersonY for _ was more focused on trying to heal the patient than listening to them."} {"input": "Context Word: heal.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was taking a long time for PersonX to heal, so PersonY gave her some antibiotics. _ is has a wound. \nSentence 2: It was taking a long time for PersonX to heal, so PersonY gave her some antibiotics. _ is has a medical degree."} {"input": "Context Word: heal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY both had cuts. One had a cut that was slow to heal but the other did not as _ had a shallow cut. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY both had cuts. One had a cut that was slow to heal but the other did not as _ had a deep cut."} {"input": "Context Word: heal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied the medicine to PersonY so they would heal because _ was capable after the accident. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied the medicine to PersonY so they would heal because _ was not capable after the accident."} {"input": "Context Word: heal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to get PersonY to heal their leg but _ worked inside so it was easier for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to get PersonY to heal their leg but _ worked outside so it was harder for them."} {"input": "Context Word: heal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very quick to heal when injured but PersonY does not because _ was very healthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very quick to heal when injured but PersonY does not because _ was very unhealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: heal.", "output": "Sentence 1: Two people were injured and PersonX took a lot longer to heal than PersonY because _ had a much more serious injury. \nSentence 2: Two people were injured and PersonX took a lot longer to heal than PersonY because _ had a much more trivial injury."} {"input": "Context Word: NOTES.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received a higher score, on the test, than PersonY because _ 's study notes were amazing. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a higher score, on the test, than PersonY because _ 's study notes were terrible."} {"input": "Context Word: Blackjack.", "output": "Sentence 1: To beat blackjack, PersonX counted the cards as PersonY dealt them out, but it was quite obvious. _ ran from the pit boss. \nSentence 2: To beat blackjack, PersonX counted the cards as PersonY dealt them out, but it was quite obvious. _ alerted his pit boss."} {"input": "Context Word: earthquake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY in a panic when the earthquake started, because _ was easily rattled. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY in a panic when the earthquake started, because _ was always calm."} {"input": "Context Word: earthquake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been through several earthquakes while PersonY had never experienced one before, so _ was calm when a very small one hit. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been through several earthquakes while PersonY had never experienced one before, so _ was panicked when a very small one hit."} {"input": "Context Word: earthquake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX remained calm when the earthquake hit, but PersonY panicked; _ has experienced a quake before. \nSentence 2: PersonX panicked when the earthquake hit, but PersonY remained calm; _ has experienced a quake before."} {"input": "Context Word: earthquake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX, but not PersonY, was afraid of an earthquake happening. _ prepared for an earthquake. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was afraid of an earthquake happening. _ was uncaring for an earthquake."} {"input": "Context Word: earthquake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The earthquake destroyed the house of PersonX, but not PersonY's, so _ is now very upset. \nSentence 2: The earthquake destroyed the house of PersonX, but not PersonY's, so _ is now very grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: incontinence.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to his doctor, PersonY for his incontinence so _ was given some medication. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to his doctor, PersonY for his incontinence so _ gave him some medication."} {"input": "Context Word: teddy bear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knitted a teddy bear but PersonY did not know how, so _ sold it at a craft fair. \nSentence 2: PersonX knitted a teddy bear but PersonY did not know how, so _ bought it at a craft fair."} {"input": "Context Word: Ginger.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx could handle the hotness of ginger in his mouth more than persony because _ had more experience licking hot soup. \nSentence 2: personx could handle the hotness of ginger in his mouth more than persony because _ had less experience licking hot soup."} {"input": "Context Word: carefully.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was supposed to carefully examine PersonY, but only gave them a quick glance, because _ was incompetent. \nSentence 2: PersonX was supposed to carefully examine PersonY, but only gave them a quick glance, because _ was perfectly healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: Oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot to change the oil in their truck but PersonY remembered. _ had their motor fail on them. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot to change the oil in their truck but PersonY remembered. _ didn't have their motor fail on them."} {"input": "Context Word: Oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: The oil spilled on PersonX 's shirt while he cooked for PersonY, so _ asked him for a clean shirt. \nSentence 2: The oil spilled on PersonX 's shirt while he cooked for PersonY, so _ offered him for a clean shirt."} {"input": "Context Word: apply.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was PersonX that pushed PersonY to apply themselves to compete because _ believed they could. \nSentence 2: It was PersonX that pushed PersonY to apply themselves to compete because _ didn't believe they could."} {"input": "Context Word: apply.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to apply the lotion for PersonY, because _ the skin rash was very contagious. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to apply the lotion on PersonY, because _ the skin rash was very contagious."} {"input": "Context Word: apply.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would be considered for the job opening because _ did apply for the position. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would be considered for the job opening because _ did not apply for the position."} {"input": "Context Word: apply.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would eventually get a job because _ would apply to every job opening available. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would eventually get a job because _ would never apply to any job opening available."} {"input": "Context Word: apply.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much worse sunburn than PersonY did although _ remembered to apply their sunscreen. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much worse sunburn than PersonY did because _ remembered to apply their sunscreen."} {"input": "Context Word: apply.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew that they and PersonY needed to apply for an LLC but _ knew they needed to choose a name first. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew that they and PersonY needed to apply for an LLC but _ knew they needed to pick a name first."} {"input": "Context Word: apply.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to apply the paint carefully while working in PersonY's house, but _ gets paint on the carpet. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to apply the paint carefully while working in PersonY's house, but _ later sees paint on the carpet."} {"input": "Context Word: apply.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning to apply makeup from PersonY because _ didn't learn it from their mother. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning to apply makeup from PersonY because _ did learn it from their mother."} {"input": "Context Word: apply.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very keep to apply for the job but PersonY was not because _ was very diligent. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very keep to apply for the job but PersonY was not because _ was very lazy."} {"input": "Context Word: apply.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it was advertised PersonX decided to apply for a job as a decorator but PersonY did not because _ was very creative. \nSentence 2: When it was advertised PersonX decided to apply for a job as a decorator but PersonY did not because _ was very impractical."} {"input": "Context Word: spiritual.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a spiritual person, but PersonY only believed in science, because _ was faith based. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a spiritual person, but PersonY only believed in science, because _ was worldly based."} {"input": "Context Word: abortion.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed abortion was wrong but PersonY was pro-choice, so _ attended the anti-abortion rally. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed abortion was wrong but PersonY was pro-choice, so _ did not attend the anti-abortion rally."} {"input": "Context Word: thinking.", "output": "Sentence 1: After thinking long and hard about PersonX's bad attitude, PersonY decided it was time to kick _ out of the house. \nSentence 2: After thinking long and hard about PersonX's bad attitude, PersonY decided it was time for _ to escape out of the house."} {"input": "Context Word: thinking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had way more positive thinking compared to PersonY, because _ had a positive attitude. \nSentence 2: PersonX had way more positive thinking compared to PersonY, because _ had a negative attitude."} {"input": "Context Word: thinking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is way faster than PersonY when it comes to thinking because _ has a high level of inteligency. \nSentence 2: PersonX is way faster than PersonY when it comes to thinking because _ has a low level of inteligency."} {"input": "Context Word: thinking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Thinking about the actions of political leaders came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had studied political science in college. \nSentence 2: Thinking about the actions of political leaders came naturally to PersonX but not PersonY because _ had not studied political science in college."} {"input": "Context Word: investment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a huge investment into the new company but PersonY didn't because _ was rich. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a huge investment into the new company but PersonY didn't because _ was poor."} {"input": "Context Word: investment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought gold would be a good investment but PersonY did not agree. _ bought a bar of gold. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought gold would be a good investment but PersonY did not agree. _ bought a bar of chocolate."} {"input": "Context Word: photoshoot.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX photoshoot turned out better than PersonY because _ used natural lighting to light their subject. \nSentence 2: PersonX photoshoot turned out better than PersonY because _ didn't use natural lighting to light their subject."} {"input": "Context Word: maintaining.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at maintaining good grades than PersonY because _ liked to study with her friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at maintaining good grades than PersonY because _ liked to party with her friends."} {"input": "Context Word: moonshine.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the bar, PersonX likes to drink moonshine, while PersonY does not. _ likes stronger drinks. \nSentence 2: At the bar, PersonX likes to drink moonshine, while PersonY does not. _ likes weaker drinks."} {"input": "Context Word: public.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easier for PersonX to speak in public than it was for PersonY because _ was an outgoing person. \nSentence 2: It was easier for PersonX to speak in public than it was for PersonY because _ was a shy person."} {"input": "Context Word: public.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they had to speak in public PersonX went to pieces but PersonY loved it. _ was very shy. \nSentence 2: When they had to speak in public PersonX went to pieces but PersonY loved it. _ was very confident."} {"input": "Context Word: gravy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was attempting to make a gravy for dinner and asked PersonY how to do it, because _ had never made gravy before. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to make a gravy for dinner and asked PersonY how to do it, because _ had frequently made gravy before."} {"input": "Context Word: scalp.", "output": "Sentence 1: Come over here and take a look at my scalp today PersonX told PersonY, _ needs a second opinion. \nSentence 2: Come over here and take a look at my scalp today PersonX told PersonY, _ hates providing her opinion."} {"input": "Context Word: scalp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses an intensive conditioner while PersonY is able to skip it because _ has an extremely dry scalp. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses an intensive conditioner while PersonY is able to skip it because _ has an extremely healthy scalp."} {"input": "Context Word: scalp.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was poised and ready to scalp PersonY , and _ charged at her when she had the chance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was poised and ready to scalp PersonY , and _ ran from her when she had the chance."} {"input": "Context Word: be a home based administrative assistant.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to be a home based administrative assistant and PersonY didn't because _ liked staying at home. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to be a home based administrative assistant and PersonY didn't because _ did not like staying at home."} {"input": "Context Word: sweatshirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants when they went out but PersonY did not because _ was very informal. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants when they went out but PersonY did not because _ was very formal."} {"input": "Context Word: sweatshirt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX paid a lot more for her sweatshirt than PersonY paid for hers, because _ bought it at a upscale store. \nSentence 2: PersonX paid a lot more for her sweatshirt than PersonY paid for hers, because _ bought it at a discount store."} {"input": "Context Word: RV.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a new RV but PersonY liked his old one, so _ decided to sell it. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a new RV but PersonY liked his old one, so _ decided to buy it."} {"input": "Context Word: RV.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has experience driving large vehicles and PersonY doesn't. _ drives their RV with accuracy. \nSentence 2: PersonX has experience driving large vehicles and PersonY doesn't. _ drives their RV with errors."} {"input": "Context Word: RV.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is able to spend less money on travel and lodging than PersonY because _ owns an RV. \nSentence 2: PersonX is able to spend less money on travel and lodging than PersonY because _ doesn't own an RV."} {"input": "Context Word: RV.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loaned their RV to PersonY because _ had no plans to go camping this summer. \nSentence 2: PersonX loaned their RV to PersonY because _ had made plans to go camping this summer."} {"input": "Context Word: RV.", "output": "Sentence 1: The dealership sold PersonX an RV but PersonY thought they were too expensive. _ hated staying in hotels and loved driving. \nSentence 2: The dealership sold PersonX an RV but PersonY thought they were too expensive. _ loved staying in hotels and hated driving."} {"input": "Context Word: protection.", "output": "Sentence 1: For protection in the home, PersonX paid PersonY for his services because _ was strong. \nSentence 2: For protection in the home, PersonX paid PersonY for his services because _ was rich."} {"input": "Context Word: apps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a slower running phone than PersonY because _ had more apps running on theirs. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a faster running phone than PersonY because _ had more apps running on theirs."} {"input": "Context Word: apps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to learn how to run apps on android so she asks PersonY for an advice, because _ can't figure it out. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to learn how to run apps on android so she asks PersonY for an advice, because _ has experience with it."} {"input": "Context Word: holiday.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX treated PersonY to a fancy holiday, so _ was seen as quite the giving person. \nSentence 2: PersonX treated PersonY to a fancy holiday, so _ was seen as quite the lucky person."} {"input": "Context Word: holiday.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX will travel abroad on holiday this year unlike PersonY because _ is a wealthy individual. \nSentence 2: PersonX will travel abroad on holiday this year unlike PersonY because _ is a poor individual."} {"input": "Context Word: chopsticks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate with PersonY with chopsticks, but _ was really embarrassing while they were using them. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate with PersonY with chopsticks, but _ was really amusing while they were using them."} {"input": "Context Word: chopsticks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to remain friendly with PersonY since _ always borrowed his new red chopsticks. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to remain friendly with PersonY because _ always lent out his new red chopsticks."} {"input": "Context Word: chopsticks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to show PersonY how to use chopsticks. It was so funny _ could not help but laugh. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to show PersonY how to use chopsticks. It was so funny _ felt dumb."} {"input": "Context Word: chopsticks.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX knew how to use chopsticks and PersonY did not, _ ate their fried rice with chopsticks exclusively. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX knew how to use chopsticks and PersonY did not, _ ate their fried rice with a fork exclusively."} {"input": "Context Word: picked up a laser gun.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran and picked up a laser gun before PersonY because _ had spotted the laser gun first. \nSentence 2: PersonX ran and picked up a laser gun before PersonY because _ had spotted the laser gun last."} {"input": "Context Word: driveway.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they spent the morning shoveling the driveway, because _ it had snowed last night. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they spent the morning shoveling the driveway, but _ she said it hadn't snowed last night."} {"input": "Context Word: driveway.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shovelled their driveway after the snow storm while PersonY avoided doing so, so _ had a driveway that was free from snow. \nSentence 2: PersonX shovelled their driveway after the snow storm while PersonY avoided doing so, so _ had a driveway that was covered in snow."} {"input": "Context Word: driveway.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX walks up the driveway slower than PersonY does because _ is an older person. \nSentence 2: PersonX walks up the driveway slower than PersonY does although _ is an older person."} {"input": "Context Word: driveway.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy to clear their elderly neighbour's driveway but PersonY was not because _ was very generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy to clear their elderly neighbour's driveway but PersonY was not because _ was very selfish."} {"input": "Context Word: concerned.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always concerned about things in life unlike PersonY because _ was a nervous person. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always concerned about things in life unlike PersonY because _ was a calm person."} {"input": "Context Word: concerned.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very concerned about the environment but not PersonY. _ always recycled all their paper and plastic bottles. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very concerned about the environment but not PersonY. _ never recycled their paper and plastic bottles."} {"input": "Context Word: mail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to check the mail at the mailbox unlike PersonY because _ was expecting something. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to check the mail at the mailbox unlike PersonY because _ checked it already."} {"input": "Context Word: mail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote several letters a day to PersonY because _ just loved sending mail . \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote several letters a day to PersonY because _ just loved receiving mail ."} {"input": "Context Word: carried.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX carried PersonY up four flights of stairs in the beachside condominium. _ was tired. \nSentence 2: PersonX carried PersonY up four flights of stairs in the beachside condominium. _ was grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: alligator gar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saw PersonY catch a 100 pound alligator gar with his poor quality gears, _ admired him. \nSentence 2: PersonX saw PersonY catch a 100 pound alligator gar with his poor quality gears, _ looked so proud."} {"input": "Context Word: caviar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a cheaper meal than PersonY although _ was eating a great amount of caviar. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a more expensive meal than PersonY although _ was eating a great amount of caviar."} {"input": "Context Word: caviar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves the rich salty flavor of caviar but PersonY does not. _ ordered a plate of caviar to begin their meal. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves the rich salty flavor of caviar but PersonY does not. _ ordered a plate of fries to begin their meal."} {"input": "Context Word: club.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY loved to read so _ mentioned a library book club they may like to join. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY loved to read so _ mentioned a library book club they would like to join."} {"input": "Context Word: club.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let PersonY go to the event at the club in her place. _ liked to avoid those kind of places. \nSentence 2: PersonX let PersonY go to the event at the club in her place. _ liked to go to those kind of places."} {"input": "Context Word: club.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put in a good recommendation at the private club for PersonY, so _ was thanked. \nSentence 2: PersonX put in a good recommendation at the private club for PersonY, so _ was grateful."} {"input": "Context Word: club.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX refused to let PersonY into the newly formed club because _ is a paid member. \nSentence 2: PersonX refused to let PersonY into the newly formed club although _ is a paid member."} {"input": "Context Word: club.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's club is hosting the birthday party of PersonY's friend, so _ is the club owner in this scenario. \nSentence 2: PersonX's club is hosting the birthday party of PersonY's friend, so _ is the party goer in this scenario."} {"input": "Context Word: spouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a spouse and PersonY is single after being divorced, so _ is celebrating their anniversary this year. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a spouse and PersonY is single after being divorced, so _ is celebrating their independence this year."} {"input": "Context Word: spouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always in conflict with their spouse but PersonY had a stable relationship. _ had to engage the services of a divorce lawyer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always in conflict with their spouse but PersonY had a stable relationship. _ had to engage the services of a carpet cleaner."} {"input": "Context Word: spouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was still married to their spouse but not PersonY because _ had a wedding ring on their finger. \nSentence 2: PersonX was still married to their spouse but not PersonY because _ had no wedding ring on their finger."} {"input": "Context Word: spouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worried about his spouse PersonY coming home late at night even though he was just working so _ was paranoid. \nSentence 2: PersonX worried about his spouse PersonY coming home late at night even though he was just working so _ was honest."} {"input": "Context Word: spouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's spouse is mean and cranky, while PersonY's is friendly, so _ is very unhappy. \nSentence 2: PersonX's spouse is mean and cranky, while PersonY's is friendly, so _ is very content."} {"input": "Context Word: spouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's spouse was in a bad accident and was being cared for by PersonY. This is because _ never received any first aid training. \nSentence 2: PersonX's spouse was in a bad accident and was being cared for by PersonY. This is because _ received first aid training."} {"input": "Context Word: spouse.", "output": "Sentence 1: The spouse of PersonX cheated on him with PersonY because _ always ignored her feelings. \nSentence 2: The spouse of PersonX cheated on him with PersonY because _ always listened to her feelings."} {"input": "Context Word: Italian.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant for his birthday, _ felt very generous. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought PersonY dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant for his birthday, _ felt very thankful."} {"input": "Context Word: noise.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to sleep at night because _ had neighbors that made a lot of noise. \nSentence 2: It was hard for PersonX but not PersonY to sleep at night because _ did not have neighbors that made a lot of noise."} {"input": "Context Word: noise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not sleep because of the noise made by PersonY and _ was angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not sleep because of the noise made by PersonY and _ did not stop."} {"input": "Context Word: noise.", "output": "Sentence 1: The noise canceling headphones were given to PersonX and taken from PersonY because _ had a pounding headache. \nSentence 2: The noise canceling headphones were taken from PersonX and given to PersonY because _ had a pounding headache."} {"input": "Context Word: noise.", "output": "Sentence 1: The noise from the thunderstorm bothered PersonX more than PersonY, so _ wore earplugs while they slept. \nSentence 2: The noise from the thunderstorm bothered PersonX more than PersonY, so _ didn't need earplugs while they slept."} {"input": "Context Word: delicious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY where she had gotten the delicious recipe because _ was enjoying the meal. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY where she had gotten the delicious recipe because _ had cooked a great meal."} {"input": "Context Word: delicious.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a delicious chocolate filled cake for PersonY's birthday, which made _ feel proud. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a delicious chocolate filled cake for PersonY's birthday, which made _ feel lucky."} {"input": "Context Word: delicious.", "output": "Sentence 1: The meal PersonX cooked was less delicious than the one PersonY cooked because _ burnt the food. \nSentence 2: The meal PersonX cooked was more delicious than the one PersonY cooked because _ burnt the food."} {"input": "Context Word: strep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent the day in bed sleeping while PersonY played all day because _ had strep throat. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent the day in bed sleeping while PersonY played all day although _ had strep throat."} {"input": "Context Word: beverage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to get themselves a beverage but PersonY did not because _ was parched. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to get themselves a beverage but PersonY did not because _ was sated."} {"input": "Context Word: survived.", "output": "Sentence 1: In his life, PersonX survived many terrible things, while PersonY had it easy. _ lived a troubled life. \nSentence 2: In his life, PersonX survived many terrible things, while PersonY had it easy. _ lived a comfy life."} {"input": "Context Word: psychic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not believe when PersonY says she is psychic because _ is always skeptical. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not believe when PersonY says she is psychic because _ is always lying."} {"input": "Context Word: psychic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX trusts psychic readings more than PersonY does because _ believes in the paranormal realm. \nSentence 2: PersonX trusts psychic readings more than PersonY does because _ doesn't believe in the paranormal realm."} {"input": "Context Word: saddlebags.", "output": "Sentence 1: The saddlebags of PersonX were cheaper than PersonY's because _ bought them ten years ago. \nSentence 2: The saddlebags of PersonX were more expensive than PersonY's because _ bought them ten years ago."} {"input": "Context Word: nose.", "output": "Sentence 1: In geometry class PersonX commented that PersonY's nose is too big, resulting in the teacher giving _ a demerit. \nSentence 2: In geometry class PersonX commented that PersonY's nose is too big, resulting in _ giving him a shiner."} {"input": "Context Word: nose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is jealous of PersonY because _ has a nose job, tummy tuck and facelift. \nSentence 2: PersonX is jealous of PersonY although _ has a nose job, tummy tuck and facelift."} {"input": "Context Word: nose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX picked their nose in public, but PersonY didn't. _ never cared what other people thought of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX picked their nose in public, but PersonY didn't. _ always cared what other people thought of them."} {"input": "Context Word: nose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried about PersonY's stuffy nose, because _ began to observe constant sniffling and sneezing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried about PersonY's stuffy nose, because _ began to experience constant sniffling and sneezing."} {"input": "Context Word: nose.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's daughter has her nose pierced, but PersonY won't allow her daughter to get one. Therefore, _ is probably more lenient. \nSentence 2: PersonX's daughter has her nose pierced, but PersonY won't allow her daughter to get one. Therefore, _ is probably more strict."} {"input": "Context Word: masks.", "output": "Sentence 1: The masks were awarded to PersonX and not PersonY because _ won the best actor award. \nSentence 2: The masks were awarded to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was denied the best actor award."} {"input": "Context Word: enjoyment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was no longer able to get any enjoyment out of life, despite PersonY's attempts to cheer them up, because _ was miserable. \nSentence 2: PersonX was no longer able to get any enjoyment out of life, despite PersonY's attempts to cheer them up, because _ was inexperienced."} {"input": "Context Word: soulmate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was looking for a soulmate and PersonY was looking for a friend. _ fell in love with a friend that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX was looking for a soulmate and PersonY was looking for a friend. _ made a new friend that day."} {"input": "Context Word: stretch marks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had stretch marks on their skin but PersonY did not. _ used creams to get rid of them. \nSentence 2: PersonX had stretch marks on their skin but PersonY did not. _ didn't use creams to get rid of them."} {"input": "Context Word: happier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is much happier in life than PersonY because _ has achieved so much so far. \nSentence 2: PersonX is much happier in life than PersonY because _ has neglected so much so far."} {"input": "Context Word: happier.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was working to become a happier person but not PersonY though _ really needed to. \nSentence 2: PersonX was working to become a happier person but not PersonY though _ did not needed to."} {"input": "Context Word: necklace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a necklace to PersonY for Valentines Day so _ could show how much they loved the other. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a necklace from PersonY for Valentines Day so _ could show how much they loved the other."} {"input": "Context Word: necklace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave really nice and beautiful hand made button necklace to PersonY, which _ made herself. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave really nice and beautiful hand made button necklace to PersonY, which made _ happy."} {"input": "Context Word: lower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always needed lower surfaces than PersonY did as _ happened to be very small. \nSentence 2: PersonX always needed lower surfaces than PersonY did as _ happened to be very tall."} {"input": "Context Word: empathy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found studying to be a counselor easier than PersonY. _ had natural compassion and empathy. \nSentence 2: PersonX found studying to be a counselor easier than PersonY. _ did not have natural compassion and empathy."} {"input": "Context Word: internet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Finding information on the internet suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ was younger and used the internet more. \nSentence 2: Finding information on the internet suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ was older and used the internet less."} {"input": "Context Word: internet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to get onto the internet, because _ was not computer savvy. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to get onto the internet, because _ was very computer savvy."} {"input": "Context Word: internet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more access to updated information and news than PersonY because _ had access to the internet. \nSentence 2: PersonX had less access to updated information and news than PersonY because _ had access to the internet."} {"input": "Context Word: internet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is not very familiar with the internet, while PersonY knows everything about it, so _ is the technology newbie. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not very familiar with the internet, while PersonY knows everything about it, so _ is the technology wizard."} {"input": "Context Word: internet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to spend a lot of time on the internet but PersonY does not. _ is always on their computer surfing the web. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to spend a lot of time on the internet but PersonY does not. _ is rarely on their computer surfing the web."} {"input": "Context Word: internet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put a timer on PersonY's internet access, so that _ could monitor the time they spent on games. \nSentence 2: PersonX put a timer on PersonY's internet access, so that _ was limited in the time they spent on games."} {"input": "Context Word: internet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent a massive amount of time on the internet while PersonY spent little time. _ had to get their eyes checked from staring at a screen all day. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent a massive amount of time on the internet while PersonY spent little time. _ avoided getting their eyes checked by not staring at a screen all day."} {"input": "Context Word: internet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used the tablet to surf the internet and find recipes but not PersonY because _ had the wifi password. \nSentence 2: PersonX used the tablet to surf the internet and find recipes but not PersonY because _ didn't have the wifi password."} {"input": "Context Word: internet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's internet was working fine but it was not for PersonY, so _ was able to browse web pages. \nSentence 2: PersonX's internet was working fine but it was not for PersonY, so _ was unable to browse web pages."} {"input": "Context Word: internet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The internet is a safe place for PersonX, while PersonY deals with mean comments. _ finds it easy to fit in. \nSentence 2: The internet is a safe place for PersonX, while PersonY deals with mean comments. _ finds it difficult to fit in."} {"input": "Context Word: take care of a tortoise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to take care of a tortoise because _ was very good with caring for animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to take care of a tortoise because _ needed someone who was caring for animals."} {"input": "Context Word: tadpoles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved tadpoles while PersonY didn't so _ took the task of cleaning up the pond. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved tadpoles while PersonY didn't so _ took the task of cleaning up the car."} {"input": "Context Word: splint.", "output": "Sentence 1: It's Summer, and PersonX has to wear a splint for a month, while PersonY does not, so _ is unhappy. \nSentence 2: It's Summer, and PersonX has to wear a splint for a month, while PersonY does not, so _ is feeling fine."} {"input": "Context Word: splint.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a splint on their arm but not PersonY because _ had a broken arm. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a splint on their arm but not PersonY because _ had a healthy arm."} {"input": "Context Word: financial aid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX feels he has a better chance at getting financial aid than PersonY because _ does not have a felony conviction. \nSentence 2: PersonX feels he has a better chance at getting financial aid than PersonY since _ has a felony conviction."} {"input": "Context Word: get mold out of clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what cleaning products _ used and how to get mold out of clothing. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what cleaning products _ should buy and how to get mold out of clothing."} {"input": "Context Word: look after a hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY look after a hamster because _ had experience in having a hamster as a pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY look after a hamster because _ had no experience in having a hamster as a pet."} {"input": "Context Word: meet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a wikiHowian, PersonY is not therefore _ could tell you how to meet other wikiHowians. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a wikiHowian, PersonY is not therefore _ could probably not tell you how to meet other wikiHowians."} {"input": "Context Word: meet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was about to meet PersonY mom and _ was nervous because it was an important meeting. \nSentence 2: PersonX was about to meet PersonY mom and _ was happy because it was an important meeting."} {"input": "Context Word: scented.", "output": "Sentence 1: The powerful fragrance of the lemon lavender scented candle was excessive to PersonX but acceptable to PersonY because _ had a highly acute sense of smell. \nSentence 2: The powerful fragrance of the lemon lavender scented candle was acceptable to PersonX but excessive to PersonY because _ had a highly acute sense of smell."} {"input": "Context Word: currency.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't know what the currency of Mexico was but PersonY knew _ had never been to Mexico before. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't know what the currency of Mexico was but PersonY knew _ had been to Mexico several times."} {"input": "Context Word: currency.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX waited at the currency exchange booth for PersonY to disburse the money, and then _ proceeded to explore. \nSentence 2: PersonX waited at the currency exchange booth for PersonY to disburse the money, and then _ proceeded to see another customer."} {"input": "Context Word: Day of the Dead.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attended the Day of the Dead festivities, but PersonY stayed home, because _ found the event macabre. \nSentence 2: PersonX attended the Day of the Dead festivities, but PersonY stayed home, because _ found the event enjoyable."} {"input": "Context Word: tall.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is much taller than PersonY is because _ 's parents were very large people. \nSentence 2: PersonX is much taller than PersonY is because _ 's parents were very small people."} {"input": "Context Word: brush a cat's fur.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to brush a cat's fur because _ had owned a lot of cats before. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to brush a cat's fur because _ had not owned any cats before."} {"input": "Context Word: oversleeping.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is always oversleeping in the morning, and PersonY wakes up on time. _ has a shoddy alarm clock. \nSentence 2: PersonX is always oversleeping in the morning, and PersonY wakes up on time. _ has a reliable alarm clock."} {"input": "Context Word: Boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the hike, PersonX took the boots from PersonY because _ 's feet were aching. \nSentence 2: During the hike, PersonX gave his boots to PersonY because _ 's feet were aching."} {"input": "Context Word: Boots.", "output": "Sentence 1: The boots that PersonX wanted were very cheap but PersonY wanted very expensive ones. _ bought the boots that day. \nSentence 2: The boots that PersonX wanted were very cheap but PersonY wanted very expensive ones. _ bought the boots after saving money up."} {"input": "Context Word: immune.", "output": "Sentence 1: Measles was going around. PersonX was not afraid they'd catch it but PersonY was, because _ had been vaccinated and were immune. \nSentence 2: Measles was going around and PersonX was afraid they'd catch it but PersonY was not, because _ had been vaccinated and were immune."} {"input": "Context Word: immune.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was immune to the chicken pox and PersonY was not because _ got a chicken pox shot. \nSentence 2: PersonX was immune to the chicken pox and PersonY was not because _ didnt get a chicken pox shot."} {"input": "Context Word: immune.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was totally immune to the wiles of PersonY, because _ had a strong sense of self. \nSentence 2: PersonX was totally immune to the wiles of PersonY, because _ had a weak power of seduction."} {"input": "Context Word: immune.", "output": "Sentence 1: That PersonX would have a more healthy immune system than PersonY was likely because _ ate a lot of fruits and vegetables. \nSentence 2: That PersonX would have a more healthy immune system than PersonY was likely because _ did not eat a lot of fruits and vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: immune.", "output": "Sentence 1: The immune system of PersonX seemed weak, while PersonY was healthy this made _ feel bad. \nSentence 2: The immune system of PersonX seemed weak, while PersonY was healthy this made _ feel good ."} {"input": "Context Word: immune.", "output": "Sentence 1: With the prom approaching, an uncompromised immune system PersonX made the prom while PersonY did not due to _ being faithful to eat Vitamin C daily. \nSentence 2: With the prom approaching, a compromised immune system PersonX made the prom while PersonY did not due to _ being neglectful to eat Vitamin C daily."} {"input": "Context Word: meteor show.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX very much enjoyed the meteor shower but PersonY didn't because _ was outside at the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX very much enjoyed the meteor shower but PersonY didn't because _ was inside at the time."} {"input": "Context Word: Popsicles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved eating Popsicles unlike PersonY because _ lived in a hot place and liked cold things. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved eating Popsicles unlike PersonY because _ lived in a cold place and liked hot things."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: A hamster made an ideal pet for PersonX but not PersonY because _ lived in a small apartment. \nSentence 2: A hamster made an ideal pet for PersonX but not PersonY because _ lived in a small jail cell."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mom scolded PersonX but didn't admonish PersonY because _ forgot to put the hamster back in it's cage. \nSentence 2: Mom scolded PersonX but didn't admonish PersonY because _ remembered to put the hamster back in it's cage."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chased after PersonY's hamster because _ was in charge of catching it and returning it to the cage. \nSentence 2: PersonX chased after PersonY's hamster because _ asked her to be in charge of catching it and returning it to the cage."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not like animals and PersonY does, so _ stayed away from the hamster cage. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not like animals and PersonY does, so _ stayed close to the hamster cage."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had five hamsters while PersonY had zero, because _ loved hamsters and other rodents. \nSentence 2: PersonX had five hamsters while PersonY had zero, because _ hated hamsters and other rodents."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked holding the hamster more than PersonY did because _ was entertained by rodents. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked holding the hamster more than PersonY did because _ was scared of rodents."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved playing with their hamster but PersonY couldn't stand having the hamster on them because _ loved rodents. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved playing with their hamster but PersonY couldn't stand having the hamster on them because _ hated rodents."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX must be more careful than PersonY when putting up their washcloths because _ owns a pet hamster. \nSentence 2: PersonX must be more careful than PersonY when putting up their washcloths because _ doesn't own a pet hamster."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned a store that sold a hamster to PersonY, but it was the last hamster _ sold. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned a store that sold a hamster to PersonY, and it was the first hamster _ owned."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted a pet hamster and PersonY does not want theirs anymore, so _ went to the store to buy one. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted a pet hamster and PersonY does not want theirs anymore, so _ went to try to sell one."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at catching the escaped hamster than PersonY because _ moved more quickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at catching the escaped hamster than PersonY even though _ moved more quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happier owning a hamster than PersonY, because _ had a natural love for animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happier owning a hamster than PersonY, because _ didn't have a natural love for animals."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less responsible than PersonY so _ was not allowed to play with the hamster. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more responsible than PersonY so _ was not allowed to play with the hamster."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more likely to own a hamster than PersonY because _ loved all sorts of animals. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more likely to own a hamster than PersonY because _ didn't like any animals."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was upset when the class hamster died but PersonY wasn't, so _ needed to be consoled by the teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX was upset when the class hamster died but PersonY wasn't, so _ didn't need to be consoled by the teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's parents decided to let her get a pet, but PersonY's parents decided to not let her get one, so _ got a pet hamster. \nSentence 2: PersonX's parents decided not to let her get a pet, but PersonY's parents decided to let her get one, so _ got a pet hamster."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hamster ran loose and scared PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not prepared to see the hamster scurrying on the floor. \nSentence 2: The hamster ran loose and scared PersonX but not PersonY because _ was prepared to see the hamster scurrying on the floor."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: The hamster that PersonX is pet sitting for PersonY gets out of the cage and gets lost, and _ feels guilty. \nSentence 2: The hamster that PersonX is pet sitting for PersonY gets out of the cage and gets lost, and _ feels angry."} {"input": "Context Word: hamster.", "output": "Sentence 1: Trying to train a hamster is easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ has a lot of patience with animals. \nSentence 2: Trying to train a hamster is easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ is impatient with animals."} {"input": "Context Word: needles.", "output": "Sentence 1: Shots and needles scare PersonX but not PersonY, because _ had a bad experience at the doctor's office as a child. \nSentence 2: Shots and needles scare PersonX but not PersonY, because _ never had a bad experience at the doctor's office as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: ladder stitch.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offered to show PersonY how do to a ladder stitch because _ took the home economics class about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX offered to show PersonY how do to a ladder stitch because _ missed the economics class about it."} {"input": "Context Word: Shredder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned a paper shredder and PersonY did not, so _ shredded all the confidential paperwork. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned a paper shredder and PersonY did not, so _ could not shredded all the confidential paperwork."} {"input": "Context Word: how to play sevens.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed PersonY how to play sevens at the party because _ is an experienced card player. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed PersonY how to play sevens at the party because _ has no experience as a card player."} {"input": "Context Word: handkerchief.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX sneezed they used a handkerchief to cover their nose but PersonY didn't ,so dad praised _ highly. \nSentence 2: When PersonX sneezed they used a handkerchief to cover their nose but PersonY didn't, so dad scolded _ sharply."} {"input": "Context Word: zipper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX dropped their boots off with PersonY, so that _ could get the zipper repaired on their favorite boots. \nSentence 2: PersonX dropped their boots off with PersonY, so that _ could repair the zipper on their favorite boots."} {"input": "Context Word: zipper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sowed a new zipper into PersonY's torn jean pants because _ was a seamstress. \nSentence 2: PersonX sowed a new zipper into PersonY's torn jean pants because _ needed a seamstress."} {"input": "Context Word: zipper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping to get PersonY's zipper unstuck before the dance for _ wasn't wearing the dress. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping to get PersonY's zipper unstuck before the dance for _ was wearing the dress."} {"input": "Context Word: zipper.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's zipper on their favorite coat broke, so she took it to her tailor PersonY. _ was sad about the coat's broken zipper. \nSentence 2: PersonX's zipper on their favorite coat broke, so she took it to her tailor PersonY. _ was glad to fix the coat's broken zipper."} {"input": "Context Word: snowboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred to snowboard while PersonY wanted to do biathlon so _ went up the hill. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred to snowboard while PersonY wanted to do biathlon so _ got out the rifle."} {"input": "Context Word: snowboard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted PersonY to take him snowboarding, because _ wanted to learn from the best snowboarder in town. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted PersonY to take him snowboarding, because _ was the best snowboarder in town."} {"input": "Context Word: tourism.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in the Greek tourism industry unlike PersonY because _ liked to travel to Greece. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in the Greek tourism industry unlike PersonY because _ liked to travel to Hawaii."} {"input": "Context Word: tourism.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it comes to tourism knowledge, PersonX knows more than PersonY because _ went to school for it. \nSentence 2: When it comes to tourism knowledge, PersonX knows more than PersonY although _ went to school for it."} {"input": "Context Word: Vegetable Soup.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if he knows the recipe for vegetable soup, because _ he had forgotten. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if he knows the recipe for vegetable soup, but _ he had forgotten."} {"input": "Context Word: bedroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the furniture store, PersonX was telling PersonY about the store's new bedroom set because _ worked there. \nSentence 2: At the furniture store, PersonX was listening to PersonY about the store's new bedroom set because _ worked there."} {"input": "Context Word: bedroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: Decorating the upstairs bedroom suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had studied interior design. \nSentence 2: Decorating the upstairs bedroom suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never studied interior design."} {"input": "Context Word: bedroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attempted to lure PersonY into the bedroom when _ used seductive motions and looks. \nSentence 2: PersonX attempted to lure PersonY into the bedroom, but _ ignored the seductive motions and looks."} {"input": "Context Word: bedroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is jealous of PersonY because _ had his entire bedroom redecorated and new electronics installed. \nSentence 2: PersonX is jealous of PersonY although _ had his entire bedroom redecorated and new electronics installed."} {"input": "Context Word: bedroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX painted the bedroom yellow but PersonY may be upset. _ 's favorite color is yellow. \nSentence 2: PersonX painted the bedroom yellow but PersonY may be upset. _ 's favorite color is blue ."} {"input": "Context Word: bedroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to paint their bedroom while PersonY did not however _ was open to having wallpaper also. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to paint their bedroom while PersonY did not however _ was closed to having wallpaper also."} {"input": "Context Word: bedroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was lazier than PersonY so _ refused to clean up the mess he made in the bedroom. \nSentence 2: PersonX was lazier than PersonY so _ agreed to clean up the mess he made in the bedroom."} {"input": "Context Word: bedroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bedroom of PersonX is black, while PersonY has white walls because _ is a depressed person. \nSentence 2: The bedroom of PersonX is black, while PersonY has white walls because _ is a normal person."} {"input": "Context Word: bedroom.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they arrived, PersonX managed to stay up and get work done while PersonY slept in the bedroom because _ was motivated. \nSentence 2: When they arrived, PersonX managed to stay up and get work done while PersonY slept in the bedroom because _ was tired."} {"input": "Context Word: software.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though they are both computer technicians, PersonX does a better job than PersonY because _ is really good at installing software. \nSentence 2: Even though they are both computer technicians, PersonX does a better job than PersonY because _ is really bad at installing software."} {"input": "Context Word: software.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX downloaded the software for PersonY's computer since _ had a lot of experience with computers and programs. \nSentence 2: PersonX downloaded the software for PersonY's computer since _ had no experience with computers and programs."} {"input": "Context Word: software.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got frustrated trying to install the software so she called PersonY, because _ is technically illiterate. \nSentence 2: PersonX got frustrated trying to install the software so she called PersonY, because _ is technically savvy."} {"input": "Context Word: software.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at working with software when compared to PersonY because _ works as a software engineer. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at working with software when compared to PersonY because _ works as a school teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: disabled.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX disabled PersonY 's car so that _ could prevent her from driving it home drunk. \nSentence 2: PersonX disabled PersonY 's car so that _ could be prevented from driving it home drunk."} {"input": "Context Word: steel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made his chair out of steel unlike PersonY because _ wanted a stronger material. \nSentence 2: PersonX made his chair out of steel unlike PersonY because _ wanted a more flexible material."} {"input": "Context Word: steel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed more steel to fix PersonY's car because _ knew how to fix it. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed more steel to fix PersonY's car because _ forgot how to fix it."} {"input": "Context Word: steel.", "output": "Sentence 1: The steel refrigerator appealed more to PersonX than PersonY because _ appreciated the metal design. \nSentence 2: The steel refrigerator appealed more to PersonX than PersonY because _ didn't appreciate the metal design."} {"input": "Context Word: steel.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using a steel to sharpen a knife suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had worked with knives before. \nSentence 2: Using a steel to sharpen a knife suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never worked with knives before."} {"input": "Context Word: bike chain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX broke his bike chain and took it to PersonY to have fixed because _ was an expert. \nSentence 2: PersonX broke his bike chain and took it to PersonY to have fixed even though _ was an expert."} {"input": "Context Word: recording studio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for PersonY's help with setting up a recording studio, because _ had no experience with music recording. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for PersonY's help with setting up a recording studio, although _ had no experience with music recording."} {"input": "Context Word: IP address.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knows what an IP address is, but PersonY does not because _ is tech savvy. \nSentence 2: PersonX knows what an IP address is, but PersonY does not because _ is tech illiterate."} {"input": "Context Word: cheerleading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave extra time to help PersonY with her cheerleading, as _ was very generous with her help. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave extra time to help PersonY with her cheerleading, as _ was very grateful for her help."} {"input": "Context Word: cheerleading.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cheerleading team of PersonX is pretty bad, but PersonY's is going to Nationals. _ is on the average cheerleading team. \nSentence 2: The cheerleading team of PersonX is pretty bad, but PersonY's is going to Nationals. _ is on the sensational cheerleading team."} {"input": "Context Word: triceps.", "output": "Sentence 1: In order to bulk up their triceps, PersonX asked PersonY for help because _ had no experience at the gym. \nSentence 2: In order to bulk up their triceps, PersonX asked PersonY for help because _ was a regular at the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: pear tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't wait for the pear tree to grow fruit, though PersonY was less excited. _ always liked pears. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't wait for the pear tree to grow fruit, though PersonY was less excited. _ never liked pears."} {"input": "Context Word: persistent.", "output": "Sentence 1: Doing well in college came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ was studious and persistent. \nSentence 2: Doing well in college came easier to PersonX than PersonY because _ was neither studious nor persistent."} {"input": "Context Word: change a light bulb.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY change a light bulb because _ was a lot taller and could reach the ceiling. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY change a light bulb because _ was a lot shorter and could not reach the ceiling."} {"input": "Context Word: Edible Glitter.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX heard about edible glitter, they called up PersonY to see if _ could go over and show it off. \nSentence 2: When PersonX heard about edible glitter, they called up PersonY to see if _ could come over and show it off."} {"input": "Context Word: heater.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to turn the heater up while PersonY wanted to turn it down because _ was feeling cold. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to turn the heater up while PersonY wanted to turn it down because _ was feeling hot."} {"input": "Context Word: heater.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was installing PersonY's new water heater for _ knew how to put them together. \nSentence 2: PersonX was installing PersonY's new water heater for _ forgot how to put them together."} {"input": "Context Word: bell peppers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to stuff bell peppers when PersonY comes over, because _ loves to make them. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to stuff bell peppers when PersonY comes over, but _ does not like them."} {"input": "Context Word: bell peppers.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX moved PersonY's bell peppers into a hanging basket, so that _ could help them stay fresh. \nSentence 2: PersonX moved PersonY's bell peppers into a hanging basket, so that _ could still eat them fresh."} {"input": "Context Word: observer.", "output": "Sentence 1: As an astute observer, PersonX always watched PersonY 's routine, and _ enjoyed giving her attention. \nSentence 2: As an astute observer, PersonX always watched PersonY 's routine, and _ enjoyed receiving her attention."} {"input": "Context Word: rosemary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX frowned when PersonY suggested she put rosemary on the roast beef, because _ hated the taste of rosemary. \nSentence 2: PersonX frowned when PersonY suggested she put rosemary on the roast beef, but she knew _ loved the taste of rosemary."} {"input": "Context Word: contact lens.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found wearing contact lens very comfortable but PersonY found them to be a pain. _ got a new prescription for contact lens. \nSentence 2: PersonX found wearing contact lens very comfortable but PersonY found them to be a pain. _ got a new prescription for eyeglasses."} {"input": "Context Word: aluminum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had more aluminum foil in the house compared to PersonY, so _ let their leftovers be covered. \nSentence 2: PersonX had more aluminum foil in the house compared to PersonY, so _ let their leftovers be open."} {"input": "Context Word: aluminum.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has aluminum siding, while PersonY has a composite material because _ 's home is older. \nSentence 2: PersonX has aluminum siding, while PersonY has a composite material because _ 's home is newer."} {"input": "Context Word: panic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX comforts PersonY when they tend to over react and panic. _ watches out for his friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX comforts PersonY when they tend to over react and panic. _ appreciates his friend."} {"input": "Context Word: panic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX panics a lot more than PersonY because _ had a lot of horrible things happen in his life. \nSentence 2: PersonX panics a lot more than PersonY because _ had a lot of amazing things happen in his life."} {"input": "Context Word: damaged.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX damaged PersonY's property when they were spending the weekend with them so _ is really sorry. \nSentence 2: PersonX damaged PersonY's property when they were spending the weekend with them so _ is really angry."} {"input": "Context Word: damaged.", "output": "Sentence 1: The car driven by PersonX was much more damaged than PersonY's because _ was driving faster. \nSentence 2: The car driven by PersonX was much more damaged than PersonY's because _ was driving slower."} {"input": "Context Word: kumquats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's immune system was much stronger than PersonY's because _ liked to eat kumquats as a snack. \nSentence 2: PersonX's immune system was much stronger than PersonY's because _ hates to eat kumquats as a snack."} {"input": "Context Word: Book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to read books in their hardcover form but PersonY liked them in digital form. _ bought the latest Tom Clancy book at Borders. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to read books in their hardcover form but PersonY liked them in digital form. _ bought the latest Tom Clancy book at Ebooks website."} {"input": "Context Word: Book.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX placed the book in PersonY 's locker because _ 's locker was full at the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX placed the book in PersonY 's locker because _ 's locker was empty at the time."} {"input": "Context Word: professional wrestler.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a professional wrestler but PersonY was not because _ was disciplined about going to the gym. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a professional wrestler but PersonY was not because _ was negligent about going to the gym."} {"input": "Context Word: Costochondritis.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY to call a doctor for advie on how to treat Costochondritis because _ was far away from the phone. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY to call a doctor for advie on how to treat Costochondritis because _ was near the phone."} {"input": "Context Word: kiwis.", "output": "Sentence 1: Kiwis are a favorite of PersonX, while PersonY can't eat them. _ has overall has strong teeth. \nSentence 2: Kiwis are a favorite of PersonX, while PersonY can't eat them. _ has overall has sensitive teeth."} {"input": "Context Word: grunge.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes grunge and told PersonY, who doesn't, part of the look was trashy clothes. That's why _ shops the thrift stores. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes grunge and told PersonY, who doesn't, part of the look was trashy clothes. That's why _ avoids the thrift stores."} {"input": "Context Word: bruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had a bruise on their leg after class and PersonY did not, _ probably ran into a table corner. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had a bruise on their leg after class and PersonY did not, _ probably successfully avoided a table corner.."} {"input": "Context Word: bruise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not have a bruise like PersonY because _ avoided playing full contact football. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not have a bruise like PersonY because _ loved playing full contact football."} {"input": "Context Word: simultaneously.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although they started reading the same book simultaneously, PersonX was only half done when PersonY finished the book. _ was a slow reader. \nSentence 2: Although they started reading the same book simultaneously, PersonX was only half done when PersonY finished the book. _ was a fast reader."} {"input": "Context Word: mosquitos.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hired to set up PersonY's garden because _ was having a infestion of mosquitos. \nSentence 2: PersonX hired PersonY to set up the garden because _ was having a infestion of mosquitos."} {"input": "Context Word: substitute.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asked by PersonY which ingredients to substitute in a recipe because _ is a wonderful cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asked by PersonY which ingredients to substitute in a recipe because _ is a novice cook."} {"input": "Context Word: detergent.", "output": "Sentence 1: The laundry detergent that PersonX uses works better than PersonY's, so _ must spend more money on it. \nSentence 2: The laundry detergent that PersonX uses works better than PersonY's, so _ must spend less money on it."} {"input": "Context Word: durable.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX usually borrowed tools from PersonY because _ lacked very durable equipment for the tasks. \nSentence 2: PersonX usually borrowed tools from PersonY because _ had very durable equipment for the tasks."} {"input": "Context Word: Skin.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX admired PersonY's smooth and clear skin, so _ asked which beauty products she used. \nSentence 2: PersonX admired PersonY's smooth and clear skin, so _ explained which beauty products she used."} {"input": "Context Word: mix the mortar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to mix the mortar while PersonY applied it to the wall. _ was not good at the finishing touches. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to mix the mortar while PersonY applied it to the wall. _ was better at the finishing touches."} {"input": "Context Word: trips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to take trips overseas but PersonY doesn't. _ booked a trip to England from their home in America. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to take trips overseas but PersonY doesn't. _ booked a trip to Canada from their home in America."} {"input": "Context Word: stumps.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw the ball at PersonY's stumps and was delighted when the umpire agreed with _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX threw the ball at PersonY's stumps and was delighted when the umpire called _ out."} {"input": "Context Word: search engine.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't even use a search engine, while PersonY was an expert with computers. _ always needed to ask for help. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't even use a search engine, while PersonY was an expert with computers. _ never needed to ask for help."} {"input": "Context Word: Adidas Superstar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to keep Adidas Superstar shoes clean, because _ recently bought shoes. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to keep Adidas Superstar shoes clean, because _ already possessed shoes."} {"input": "Context Word: workouts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was in worse shape physically than PersonY because _ didn't attend as many workouts. \nSentence 2: PersonX was in better shape physically than PersonY because _ didn't attend as many workouts."} {"input": "Context Word: debit card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's debit card was stolen, but PersonY's was not taken, so _ is pretty angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX's debit card was stolen, but PersonY's was not taken, so _ is pretty content."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had a lot more stress than PersonY, _ had higher blood pressure overall. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had a lot less stress than PersonY, _ had higher blood pressure overall."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt a lot of stress while taking care of PersonY, because _ really cared about their friend's health. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt a lot less stress while being taken care of by PersonY, because _ really cared about their friend's health."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX handles stress in everyday life very well unlike PersonY because _ has a clam personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX handles stress in everyday life very well unlike PersonY because _ has a high strung personality."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has more stress levels in their body than PersonY because _ works a very fast paced job. \nSentence 2: PersonX has more stress levels in their body than PersonY because _ works a very slow paced job."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a psychologist, PersonY is not therefore _ could give you the best advice on how to bolster your self-esteem and reduce stress. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a psychologist, PersonY is not therefore _ could not give you the best advice on how to bolster your self-esteem and reduce stress."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is under much less stress than PersonY, therefore _ has a happier and easier life. \nSentence 2: PersonX is under much more stress than PersonY, therefore _ has a happier and easier life."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY was dealing with heat stress so _ frantically handed them a sports drink to rehydrate them. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY was dealing with heat stress so _ calmly handed them a sports drink to rehydrate them."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often anxious and under much stress at work, PersonY has a calm personality. _ constantly worries. \nSentence 2: PersonX often anxious and under much stress at work, PersonY has a calm personality. _ is often happy."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX seems to stress much more than PersonY. _ is a more anxious type of person. \nSentence 2: PersonX seems to stress much more than PersonY. _ is a more relaxed type of person."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was late for an appointment with PersonY so _ felt a lot of stress because they knew the importance of being on time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was late for an appointment with PersonY so _ felt they should stress the importance of being on time."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was under a lot of stress but PersonY was not. _ had a nervous breakdown. \nSentence 2: PersonX was under a lot of stress but PersonY was not. _ didn't have a nervous breakdown."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: The test caused more stress for PersonX than PersonY because _ had not had time to study. \nSentence 2: The test caused more stress for PersonX than PersonY although _ had not had time to study."} {"input": "Context Word: stress.", "output": "Sentence 1: Work stress affects PersonX but not PersonY because _ is very intense in all they do. \nSentence 2: Work stress affects PersonX but not PersonY because _ is very laid back in all they do."} {"input": "Context Word: Ramen noodles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had eaten Ramen noodles for years, but PersonY had just started, therefore _ had tried all of the flavors. \nSentence 2: PersonX had eaten Ramen noodles for years, but PersonY had just started, therefore _ had only tried one of the flavors."} {"input": "Context Word: hot chocolate.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ordered a hot chocolate, but PersonY went with an iced tea, because _ preferred cold beverages. \nSentence 2: PersonX ordered a hot chocolate, but PersonY went with an iced tea, because _ preferred hot beverages."} {"input": "Context Word: texting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought unlimited text plans while PersonY did not because _ was faster at texting. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought unlimited text plans while PersonY did not because _ was slower at texting."} {"input": "Context Word: texting.", "output": "Sentence 1: Texting is easy for PersonX and difficult for PersonY because _ is a lot younger. \nSentence 2: Texting is easy for PersonX and difficult for PersonY even though _ is a lot younger."} {"input": "Context Word: levels.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX advised PersonY to drink coffee, because _ had been advised by her doctor to increase coffee to lower her ALT levels. \nSentence 2: PersonX advised PersonY to drink coffee, but _ refused because she had been advised by her doctor to decrease coffee to lower her ALT levels."} {"input": "Context Word: Life Insurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX purchased a rather large life insurance policy for themselves while PersonY chose not to buy one. _ was able to set their family up for life. \nSentence 2: PersonX purchased a rather large life insurance policy for themselves while PersonY chose not to buy one. _ was unable to set their family up for life."} {"input": "Context Word: Gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had gold fever while PersonY loved being on the ocean. _ moved to Alaska to work in a mine. \nSentence 2: PersonX had gold fever while PersonY loved being on the ocean. _ moved to Alaska to work on a crab boat."} {"input": "Context Word: Gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx offers persony some grams of gold in exchange for his collection and _ was persuasive. \nSentence 2: Personx offers persony some grams of gold in exchange for his collection and _ rejected it."} {"input": "Context Word: Gold.", "output": "Sentence 1: To tell if PersonX 's gold was real, PersonY used a magnifying glass because _ was of dubious origin. \nSentence 2: To tell if PersonX 's gold was real, PersonY used a magnifying glass because _ was suspicious of it."} {"input": "Context Word: nasal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often had nasal issues but PersonY didn't because _ was plagued a deviated septum. \nSentence 2: PersonX often had nasal issues but PersonY didn't because _ wasn't plagued a deviated septum."} {"input": "Context Word: nasal.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought they had a nasal infection and asked PersonY to drive her to the doctor, because _ didn't know how to drive. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought they had a nasal infection and asked PersonY to drive her to the doctor, because _ was always willing to drive."} {"input": "Context Word: tooth infection.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if a tooth infection was very painful because _ never had a toothache. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if a tooth infection was very painful because _ had a toothache before."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: Coconut oil is used daily by PersonX, but PersonY doesn't use any. _ 's hair is shinier. \nSentence 2: Coconut oil is used daily by PersonX, but PersonY doesn't use any. _ 's hair is dryer."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX forgot to change the oil in their motor but PersonY didn't. _ had a lot of engine problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX forgot to change the oil in their motor but PersonY didn't. _ had very few engine problems."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a broken leg while PersonY was intact because _ had slipped on the slick of oil . \nSentence 2: PersonX had a broken leg while PersonY was intact because _ had avoided the slick of oil ."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to wash their face with a special cleanser that PersonY found too drying, because _ 's face produced more oil. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to wash their face with a special cleanser that PersonY found too drying, because _ 's face produced less oil."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is new to using black seed oil and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ is beginner. \nSentence 2: PersonX is new to using black seed oil and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ is experienced."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY company was looking for an oil drilling site so _ suggested a spot perfect for drilling. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY company was looking for an oil drilling site so _ suggested a spot horrible for drilling."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY to change their car's oil but _ wound up knowing how to do it more. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonY to change their car's oil because _ wound up knowing how to do it more."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to get the oil changed in the car more often than PersonY because _ drives more. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to get the oil changed in the car more often than PersonY because _ drives less."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed that PersonY had dripped oil on the driveway, so _ asked them to clean up the stains. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed that PersonY had dripped oil on the driveway, so _ went out to clean up the stains."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold peppermint essential oil to PersonY, because _ is trying to establish a new home business. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold peppermint essential oil to PersonY, because _ is trying to establish a new health philosopy."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took their car to PersonY's shop for an oil change, and _ was satisfied with the great service. \nSentence 2: PersonX took their car to PersonY's shop for an oil change, and _ was pleased to give great service."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses more oil when frying chicken than PersonY because _ doesn't care about cholesterol. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses more oil when frying chicken than PersonY because _ cares too much about cholesterol."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses more oil when they cook than PersonY does, so _ has tastier dishes on average. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses more oil when they cook than PersonY does, so _ has blander dishes on average."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was richer than PersonY was because companies had found oil on the property of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was poorer than PersonY was because companies had found oil on the property of _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was under the car changing the oil while PersonY watched, since _ was handy with cars. \nSentence 2: PersonX was under the car changing the oil while PersonY watched, since _ was inept with cars."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to PersonY for an oil change at the shop because _ is a car owner. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to PersonY for an oil change at the shop because _ is a car mechanic."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ does not use a lot oil in cooking because PersonX wants to stay healthy and PersonY wants the food to taste good. \nSentence 2: So _ does not refuse a lot oil in cooking because PersonX wants to stay healthy and PersonY wants the food to taste good."} {"input": "Context Word: oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: The geologist found oil on PersonX's property but found only dirt on PersonY's. _ became very rich. \nSentence 2: The geologist found oil on PersonX's property but found only dirt on PersonY's. _ became very poor."} {"input": "Context Word: farmer.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the career fair PersonX spent a lot of time talking to a farmer while PersonY talked to a nurse, because _ had always wanted to be a farmer. \nSentence 2: At the career fair PersonX spent a lot of time talking to a farmer while PersonY talked to a nurse, because _ had always wanted to be a nurse."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: Adopting a dog didn't work out for PersonX the way it did for PersonY because _ has a fear of dogs. \nSentence 2: Adopting a dog didn't work out for PersonX the way it did for PersonY because _ doesn't have a fear of dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a fear about everything unlike PersonY, because _ had a horrible childhood growing up. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a fear about nothing unlike PersonY, because _ had a horrible childhood growing up."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of fear of dogs but not PersonY because _ was attacked by a dog as a child. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of fear of dogs but not PersonY because _ was cuddled by a dog as a child."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of fear of heights while PersonY was fearless, and _ refused to go skydiving. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of fear of heights while PersonY was fearless, and _ wanted to go skydiving."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had never been as adventurous or outgoing as PersonY. Mostly because _ was very fearful. \nSentence 2: PersonX had never been as adventurous or outgoing as PersonY. Mostly because _ was very fearless."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is afraid of heights while PersonY is afraid of clos spaces, _ felt a lot of fear on the top of a building. \nSentence 2: PersonX is afraid of heights while PersonY is afraid of clos spaces, _ felt a lot of fear inside a small room on the top of a building."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is afraid of spiders and PersonY of snakes, _ saw a spider and ran in fear. \nSentence 2: PersonX is afraid of spiders and PersonY of snakes, _ saw a snake and ran in fear."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX isn't able to just get on the roller coaster as easily as PersonY because _ has a lot of fear. \nSentence 2: PersonX isn't able to just get on the roller coaster as easily as PersonY because _ has no fear."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew PersonY had a fear of heights. So _ agreed to clean the gutters. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew PersonY had a fear of heights. So _ agreed to cut the grass."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never feared anything like PersonY because _ had a very strong and very powerful mind. \nSentence 2: PersonX never feared anything like PersonY because _ didn't have a very strong and very powerful mind."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ruled over PersonY using fear, as _ was such an intimidating person to her. \nSentence 2: PersonX ruled over PersonY using fear, as _ was such a timid person to her."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX shook and screamed in fear when PersonY jumped out from behind the bushes to scare _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX shook and screamed in fear when PersonY jumped out from behind the bushes because _ was scared."} {"input": "Context Word: fear.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX had a fear of heights while PersonY had a fear of people, _ avoided tall buildings. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX had a fear of heights while PersonY had a fear of people, _ avoided large crowds."} {"input": "Context Word: to grind the coffee.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to borrow a grinder from PersonY because _ did not own one to grind the coffee. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to borrow a grinder from PersonY because _ always used one to grind the coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: exterior.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what was better for exterior doors metal or wood, _ is doing some remolding. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what was better for exterior doors metal or wood, _ is knows a lot about remodeling."} {"input": "Context Word: Furry.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a passion for furry costumes but PersonY dug superhero costumes. _ went to Comic-con dressed as a giant bunny. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a passion for furry costumes but PersonY dug superhero costumes. _ went to Comic-con dressed as Deadpool."} {"input": "Context Word: age.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's skin showed no signs of age, while PersonY looked haggard, because _ consumed lots of vegetables. \nSentence 2: PersonX's skin showed no signs of age, while PersonY looked haggard, because _ consumed lots of cigarettes."} {"input": "Context Word: age.", "output": "Sentence 1: The age of PersonX's mother was older than PersonY's mother because _ mother was born first. \nSentence 2: The age of PersonX's mother was older than PersonY's mother because _ mother was born second."} {"input": "Context Word: spelling.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX lost the spelling bee and PersonY beat him, _ was jealous of the winner's trophy. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX won the spelling bee and PersonY lost to him, _ was jealous of the winner's trophy."} {"input": "Context Word: customer service.", "output": "Sentence 1: The managers of the retail store wanted to promote PersonX rather than PersonY because _ provided excellent customer service. \nSentence 2: The managers of the retail store wanted to promote PersonX rather than PersonY because _ provided poor customer service."} {"input": "Context Word: health problems.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was urgent that PersonX but not PersonY had health coverage because _ had many health problems. \nSentence 2: It was urgent that PersonX but not PersonY had health coverage because _ did not have any health problems."} {"input": "Context Word: diagnoses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the first person to give the patient the diagnoses PersonY was the second, _ gave their opinion first. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the first person to give the patient the diagnoses PersonY was the second, _ gave their opinion second."} {"input": "Context Word: turnips.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to grow turnips so she asks her friend PersonY for an advice, because _ needs help. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to grow turnips so she asks her friend PersonY for an advice, so _ gives her advice."} {"input": "Context Word: make up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX applied liquid make up and PersonY applied cream make up. _ used liquid make up. \nSentence 2: PersonX applied liquid make up and PersonY applied cream make up. _ used cream make up."} {"input": "Context Word: coke.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX uses coke to clean his silverware, but PersonY didn't know that was possible. _ is resourceful. \nSentence 2: PersonX uses coke to clean his silverware, but PersonY didn't know that was possible. _ is unaware."} {"input": "Context Word: snowball.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won the snowball fight they had against PersonY, since _ had a strong throwing arm. \nSentence 2: PersonX won the snowball fight they had against PersonY, since _ had a weak throwing arm."} {"input": "Context Word: involved.", "output": "Sentence 1: Keeping everyone involved has always be PersonX responsibility which is now PersonY , _ has passed the torch. \nSentence 2: Keeping everyone involved has always be PersonX responsibility which is now PersonY , _ has picked up the torch."} {"input": "Context Word: Urn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had their lost loved one's ashes stored in an urn, but PersonY had their lost love one buried. _ never had to drive to the graveyard to pay respects. \nSentence 2: PersonX had their lost loved one's ashes stored in an urn, but PersonY had their lost love one buried. _ always had to drive to the graveyard to pay respects."} {"input": "Context Word: Urn.", "output": "Sentence 1: Picking an urn was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ knew what their uncle wanted. \nSentence 2: Picking an urn was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ didn't knew what their uncle wanted."} {"input": "Context Word: help studying.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help studying in all classes from PersonY because _ was failing all the classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help studying in all classes PersonY because _ was acing all the classes."} {"input": "Context Word: Beverage.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the ballgame, PersonX was really thirsty and PersonY was not. _ took his beverage. \nSentence 2: At the ballgame, PersonX was really thirsty and PersonY was not. _ handed him a beverage."} {"input": "Context Word: locksmith.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX locked themselves out of the house but PersonY was the locksmith, so _ was stuck outside the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX locked themselves out of the house but PersonY was a locksmith, so _ went inside the house."} {"input": "Context Word: locksmith.", "output": "Sentence 1: The locksmith PersonX texted PersonY to let her know she would be there in a few minutes. _ unlocked her car. \nSentence 2: The locksmith PersonX texted PersonY to let her know she would be there in a few minutes. _ was locked out of her car."} {"input": "Context Word: aggression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX showed a lot of aggression towards PersonY for no good reason, because _ had a bad temper. \nSentence 2: PersonX showed a lot of aggression towards PersonY for no good reason, because _ had a timid demeanor."} {"input": "Context Word: aggression.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog had a lot of aggression but not PersonY's dog because _ had a dog that bit a lot of people. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog had a lot of aggression but not PersonY's dog because _ had a dog that cuddled a lot of people."} {"input": "Context Word: dyed hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to properly clean up PersonY's blonde dyed hair so _ got the chair ready. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to properly clean up PersonY's blonde dyed hair so _ got put into the chair."} {"input": "Context Word: With a ladder.", "output": "Sentence 1: With a ladder you can replies PersonX to PersonY, _ is always ready to give others good advice. \nSentence 2: With a ladder you can replies PersonX to PersonY, _ is always ready to listen others giving good advice."} {"input": "Context Word: increase urine flow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY how to increase urine flow in the body because _ was having urination problems. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY how to increase urine flow in the body because _ was an expert in urination problems."} {"input": "Context Word: essays.", "output": "Sentence 1: The essays that PersonX wrote for college applications read better than PersonY's because _ is a more advanced writer. \nSentence 2: The essays that PersonX wrote for college applications read better than PersonY's because _ is a more basic writer."} {"input": "Context Word: racing.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the racing game at the arcade, PersonX gets 2nd place to PersonY, so _ is disappointed. \nSentence 2: In the racing game at the arcade, PersonX gets 2nd place to PersonY, so _ is ecstatic."} {"input": "Context Word: racing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed racing games while PersonY only played puzzle games, so _ was always driving on their computer. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed racing games while PersonY only played puzzle games, so _ was always solving puzzles on their computer."} {"input": "Context Word: racing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The racing event left a smaller impression on PersonX than PersonY because _ was there by himself. \nSentence 2: The racing event left a bigger impression on PersonX than PersonY because _ was there with friends."} {"input": "Context Word: red pen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a red pen to mark the essay written by PersonY; _ offered constructive criticism. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a red pen to mark the essay written by PersonY; _ asked for constructive criticism."} {"input": "Context Word: hard-wired.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was able to get the work at home position because _ had a computer that was hard-wired to the internet. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was able to get the work at home position because _ did not have a computer that was hard-wired to the internet."} {"input": "Context Word: cold sore.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed a cold sore forming on PersonY 's lip, so _ quickly got them some ice to put on it. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed a cold sore forming on PersonY 's lip, so they got _ to get them some ice to put on it."} {"input": "Context Word: Latin America.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX plans to go to Latin America next year were PersonY is currently living, _ has never been to Latin America. \nSentence 2: PersonX plans to go to Latin America next year were PersonY is currently living, _ has always lived in Latin America."} {"input": "Context Word: melons.", "output": "Sentence 1: The melons that PersonX has been growing got bigger than PersonY's, so _ probably used more reliable fertilizer. \nSentence 2: The melons that PersonX has been growing got bigger than PersonY's, so _ probably used more shoddy fertilizer."} {"input": "Context Word: prune the cherry tree.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY prune the cherry tree because _ had nothing to do for the rest of the week. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY prune the cherry tree because _ was very busy the rest of the week."} {"input": "Context Word: preserving.", "output": "Sentence 1: Preserving strawberries into the mason jars was common for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was an expert at canning. \nSentence 2: Preserving strawberries into the mason jars was common for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was inexperienced at canning."} {"input": "Context Word: books.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX has more of a history reading books than PersonY, _ likes to read more per day. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX has more of a history reading books than PersonY, _ likes to read less per day."} {"input": "Context Word: books.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has read a lot more books than PersonY has because _ works a full-time job as a librarian. \nSentence 2: PersonX has read a lot more books than PersonY has because _ works a full-time job as a zookeeper."} {"input": "Context Word: books.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX love to read books but PersonY did not. _ bought books all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX love to read books but PersonY did not. _ bought videos all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: books.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owns a lot more books than PersonY has at his house because _ is an avid reader. \nSentence 2: PersonX owns a lot more books than PersonY has at his house because _ is not an avid reader."} {"input": "Context Word: books.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX read more books than PersonY during the school year because _ was a much better reader. \nSentence 2: PersonX read more books than PersonY during the school year although _ was a much better reader."} {"input": "Context Word: books.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX read more books than PersonY primarily because _ grew up with parents that read interesting books to them more often. \nSentence 2: PersonX read fewer books than PersonY primarily because _ grew up with parents that read interesting books to them more often."} {"input": "Context Word: books.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really likes books, while PersonY doesn't care for them due to _ being an English Major. \nSentence 2: PersonX really likes books, while PersonY doesn't care for them due to _ being a Physical Education Major."} {"input": "Context Word: books.", "output": "Sentence 1: Reading many books satisfied PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved a great story with characters. \nSentence 2: Reading many books satisfied PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated a great story with characters."} {"input": "Context Word: Tuna Steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx would prefer to eat the Tuna Steak made by persony because _ likes eating spiced food. \nSentence 2: personx would prefer to eat the Tuna Steak made by persony because _ likes making spiced food."} {"input": "Context Word: Plan.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wrote a plan for PersonY because _ knew the best order to do things in. \nSentence 2: PersonX wrote a plan for PersonY because _ did not know the best order to do things in."} {"input": "Context Word: stuffing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX makes an excellent stuffing for roast chicken but PersonY does not because _ is a great cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX makes an excellent stuffing for roast chicken but PersonY does not because _ is a poor cook."} {"input": "Context Word: homebody.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought PersonY was turning into a homebody so _ encourage them to get out of the house. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought PersonY was turning into a homebody because _ would not get out of the house."} {"input": "Context Word: homebody.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a real homebody but PersonY was a social butterfly. _ usually stayed home every weekend. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a real homebody but PersonY was a social butterfly. _ usually went to the club every weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: stop smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: Hypnosis worked well on PersonX but not at all on PersonY. Afterwards _ found it very easy to stop smoking. \nSentence 2: Hypnosis worked well on PersonX but not at all on PersonY. Afterwards _ found it just as hard to stop smoking."} {"input": "Context Word: stop smoking.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found running the marathon easier than PersonY. _ had finally decided to stop smoking. \nSentence 2: PersonX found running the marathon easier than PersonY. _ had repeatedly meant to stop smoking."} {"input": "Context Word: menstrual.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had an uncomfortable menstrual cycle but not PersonY because _ was prone to cramps. \nSentence 2: PersonX had an uncomfortable menstrual cycle but not PersonY because _ was resistant to cramps."} {"input": "Context Word: earwax.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot of earwax unlike PersonY so _ had a difficult time hearing things. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot of earwax unlike PersonY so _ had an easy time hearing things."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had lower quality clothing than PersonY because _ had a much lower paying job. \nSentence 2: PersonX had lower quality clothing than PersonY because _ had a much higher paying job."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had really modest tastes in clothing while PersonY loved luxury; when they went shopping, _ spent their money at Goodwill. \nSentence 2: PersonX had really modest tastes in clothing while PersonY loved luxury; when they went shopping, _ spent their money at Prada."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked more stylish than PersonY did because _ wore more trendy clothing to the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked more stylish than PersonY did because _ wore more drab clothing to the party."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help from PersonY to go clothing shopping because _ did not have a good fashion sense. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help from PersonY to go clothing shopping because _ had a very good fashion sense."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX sold PersonY their clothing at a discount to help _ look more stylish for their job interview. \nSentence 2: PersonX sold PersonY their clothing at a discount so _ could look more stylish for their job interview."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took PersonY to the mall to try on a bunch of clothing, because _ needed to buy them a wardrobe. \nSentence 2: PersonX took PersonY to the mall to try on a bunch of clothing, because _ needed to pick out a wardrobe."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore plain, cheap clothing while PersonY wore extravagent clothing due to the fact that _ was poor. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore plain, cheap clothing while PersonY wore extravagent clothing due to the fact that _ was rich."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ brought a bunch of clothing because PersonX needs more clothes and PersonY has too many. \nSentence 2: So _ sold a bunch of clothing because PersonX needs more clothes and PersonY has too many."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The clothing PersonX wears every day is cheaper than that of PersonY because _ is cheap. \nSentence 2: The clothing PersonX wears every day is cheaper than that of PersonY because _ is wealthy."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The clothing of PersonX looks very raggedy, when you compare it to PersonY's. _ shops at Target. \nSentence 2: The clothing of PersonX looks very raggedy, when you compare it to PersonY's. _ shops at Gucci."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The clothing that is worn by PersonX is higher quality than that of PersonY because _ shops at expensive stores. \nSentence 2: The clothing that is worn by PersonX is higher quality than that of PersonY because _ shops at discount stores."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The clothing worn by PersonX fit better than the clothing worn by PersonY because _ visited a tailor. \nSentence 2: The clothing worn by PersonX fit better than the clothing worn by PersonY because _ never saw a tailor."} {"input": "Context Word: clothing.", "output": "Sentence 1: The latest styles of fashion and clothing were very important to PersonX but were irrelevant to PersonY. _ was very stylish. \nSentence 2: The latest styles of fashion and clothing were very important to PersonX but were irrelevant to PersonY. _ was very plain."} {"input": "Context Word: hot tub.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated the idea of soaking in the hot tub with PersonY even though _ had gone along with the idea of a soak. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated the idea of soaking in the hot tub with PersonY even though _ had been excited with the idea of a soak."} {"input": "Context Word: hot tub.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to swim in the hot tub at PersonY's house, but _ was disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to swim in the hot tub at PersonY's house, but _ was gone."} {"input": "Context Word: hot tub.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's hot tub, so he gave a call to PersonY because _ needed a repair person. \nSentence 2: PersonX's hot tub, so he gave a call to PersonY because _ works as a repair person."} {"input": "Context Word: needed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed a loan from the bank while PersonY was able to pay with the money they had because _ wanted to purchase a very expensive car. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed a loan from the bank while PersonY was able to pay with the money they had because _ wanted to purchase a very cheap car."} {"input": "Context Word: explanation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave a very good explanation about the math problem but PersonY did not because _ was a thorough individual. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave a very good explanation about the math problem but PersonY did not because _ was a careless individual."} {"input": "Context Word: Apple.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the apple to PersonY during class to try to gain his favor. _ was a suckup. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the apple to PersonY during class to try to gain his favor. _ was flattered."} {"input": "Context Word: reverend.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave the sermon to PersonY , which was expected because _ was a reverend. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave the sermon to PersonY , which was surprising because _ was a reverend."} {"input": "Context Word: dusting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had little use for housework, while PersonY was a cleaning fanatic, so _ never spent time dusting. \nSentence 2: PersonX had little use for housework, while PersonY was a cleaning fanatic, so _ spent a lot of time dusting."} {"input": "Context Word: wounds.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX proceeded to tend to PersonY's wounds, as _ was not injured in the car accident. \nSentence 2: PersonX proceeded to tend to PersonY's wounds, as _ was badly injured in the car accident."} {"input": "Context Word: exercise buddy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted an exercise buddy. PersonY hated exercise and wanted to quit from the beginning. _ said they had to stick it out longer. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted an exercise buddy. PersonY hated exercise and wanted to quit from the beginning. _ agreed to stick it out longer."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the fight, PersonX hit PersonY very hard on the nose, so _ is the clear winner. \nSentence 2: During the fight, PersonX hit PersonY very hard on the nose, so _ is the clear loser."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was very hard to bully PersonX but not PersonY because _ knew how to fight. \nSentence 2: It was very hard to bully PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not know how to fight."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always gets knocked down by PersonY when they fight each other in the boxing ring. _ is weak. \nSentence 2: PersonX always gets knocked down by PersonY when they fight each other in the boxing ring. _ is strong."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at breaking up a fight than PersonY because _ has no concern about getting hurt. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at breaking up a fight than PersonY because _ is verry concerned about getting hurt."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loves to get into a good fight but PersonY does not. _ goes to jail very often. \nSentence 2: PersonX loves to get into a good fight but PersonY does not. _ goes to church very often."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never went anywhere without his bodyguard PersonY since _ was useless in a fight . \nSentence 2: PersonX never went anywhere without his bodyguard PersonY since _ was formidable in a fight ."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to fight PersonY but _ didn't want to hurt themselves in the altercation. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to fight PersonY because _ didn't want to hurt themselves in the altercation."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to fight a red light ticket in California while PersonY wanted to fight a red light ticket in Ohio. _ fought the ticket in California. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to fight a red light ticket in California while PersonY wanted to fight a red light ticket in Ohio. _ fought the ticket in Ohio."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not afraid to fight PersonY in the boxing ring, even though _ was much smaller. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not afraid to fight PersonY in the boxing ring, even though _ was much larger."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not scared to be in a fight but PersonY was because _ had taken martial arts classes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not scared to be in a fight but PersonY was because _ had taken pottery classes."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was watching the fights all day on television unlike PersonY because _ had free time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was watching the fights all day on television unlike PersonY because _ had to work."} {"input": "Context Word: fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: The judges announced that PersonX was the winner in the fight over PersonY since _ was a very strong puncher. \nSentence 2: The judges announced that PersonX was the winner in the fight over PersonY since _ was a very weak puncher."} {"input": "Context Word: Directions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed directions so they asked PersonY where the park was located. _ was happy to get the directions. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed directions so they asked PersonY where the park was located. _ was happy to give the directions."} {"input": "Context Word: contact.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had contact with PersonY during the game although _ didn't know they brushed up on each other. \nSentence 2: PersonX had contact with PersonY during the game because _ knew they brushed up on each other."} {"input": "Context Word: contact.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore glasses while PersonY wore contacts, and _ took them off before going to sleep. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore glasses while PersonY wore contacts, and _ took them out before going to sleep."} {"input": "Context Word: praise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX offers praise to PersonY on the policy proposal because _ is a good citizen. \nSentence 2: PersonX offers praise to PersonY on the policy proposal because _ is a good politician."} {"input": "Context Word: stop.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was easy for PersonX to stop smoking but not PersonY because _ had very good willpower. \nSentence 2: It was easy for PersonX to stop smoking but not PersonY because _ had very poor willpower."} {"input": "Context Word: stop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to stop and talk to the guard but not PersonY because _ did something wrong. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to stop and talk to the guard but not PersonY because _ did nothing wrong."} {"input": "Context Word: stop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew they had to stop smoking because it was unhealthy but PersonY did not because _ was sensible. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew they had to stop smoking because it was unhealthy but PersonY did not because _ was silly."} {"input": "Context Word: stop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX managed to stop smoking but PersonY did not because _ was dedicated to it. \nSentence 2: PersonX managed to stop smoking but PersonY did not because _ was indifferent to it."} {"input": "Context Word: stop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX managed to stop their car before crashing but PersonY did not as _ was going slow. \nSentence 2: PersonX managed to stop their car before crashing but PersonY did not as _ was going fast."} {"input": "Context Word: stop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stops at the stop sign, while PersonY rolls through it, so _ does not get a ticket. \nSentence 2: PersonX stops at the stop sign, while PersonY rolls through it, so _ does get a ticket."} {"input": "Context Word: stop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX yelled at PersonY to stop and move out of the way because _ saw the crane falling. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY to stop and move out of the way because _ didn't notice the crane falling."} {"input": "Context Word: manga.", "output": "Sentence 1: The newest movie made lots of sense to PersonX but none t to PersonY as _ always read manga comics when younger. \nSentence 2: The newest movie made lots of sense to PersonX but none to PersonY as _ never read manga comics when younger."} {"input": "Context Word: reads.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX reads a lot, while PersonY almost never picks up a book because _ is a student. \nSentence 2: PersonX reads a lot, while PersonY almost never picks up a book because _ is a plumber."} {"input": "Context Word: candies.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was desperately trying to avoid eating candies but PersonY was not because _ was overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was desperately trying to avoid eating candies but PersonY was not because _ was slender\r."} {"input": "Context Word: Call.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the call, PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ was had a very bad temper, which hindered productivity. \nSentence 2: During the call, PersonX yelled at PersonY because _ was constantly interrupting everyone, which hindered productivity."} {"input": "Context Word: Vegemite.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed the vegemite spread more than PersonY, so _ decided to spread the vegemite on some toast. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed the vegemite spread more than PersonY, so _ decided to throw the vegemite in the trash."} {"input": "Context Word: horror movie.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to see the latest horror movie and asked PersonY to go along and at the end, _ was really excited. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to see the latest horror movie and asked PersonY to go along and at the end, _ was really scared."} {"input": "Context Word: adorable.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had a significant other and PersonY did not, _ had someone in her life who found her adorable. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had a significant other and PersonY did not, _ had no one in her life who found her adorable."} {"input": "Context Word: grow potatoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to grow potatoes and carrots, but PersonY preferred to buy them. _ was a good gardener. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to grow potatoes and carrots, but PersonY preferred to buy them. _ was a bad gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: disability.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even with her learning disability, PersonX always outperformed PersonY in school, as _ a hard worker. \nSentence 2: Even with her learning disability, PersonX always outperformed PersonY in school, as _ a lazy worker."} {"input": "Context Word: disability.", "output": "Sentence 1: Having a disability held PersonX back but not PersonY, as _ was self-conscious about asking other people for help. \nSentence 2: Having a disability held PersonX back but not PersonY, as _ was not self-conscious about asking other people for help."} {"input": "Context Word: disability.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was open about their disability because _ felt it was something to be proud of. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was open about their disability because _ felt it was something to be ashamed of."} {"input": "Context Word: disability.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX collects disability checks every month, but PersonY doesn't need one, so _ is the injured person. \nSentence 2: PersonX collects disability checks every month, but PersonY doesn't need one, so _ is the healthy person."} {"input": "Context Word: disability.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX collects disability from the government, and PersonY does not. _ suffered a serious injury years ago. \nSentence 2: PersonX collects disability from the government, and PersonY does not. _ suffered a minor injury years ago."} {"input": "Context Word: disability.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX filed the papers for his client, PersonY, because _ worked as a disability attorney. \nSentence 2: PersonX filed the papers for his client, PersonY, because _ hired him as a disability attorney."} {"input": "Context Word: disability.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY immensely with her disability, as _ had so much help she offered. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY immensely with her disability, as _ had so much help she needed."} {"input": "Context Word: disability.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always behind PersonY in high school because _ had a diagnosed learning disability. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always above PersonY in high school because _ had a diagnosed learning disability."} {"input": "Context Word: dementia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX does not have dementia, but PersonY does have it, so _ remembers things a lot. \nSentence 2: PersonX does not have dementia, but PersonY does have it, so _ forgets things a lot."} {"input": "Context Word: dementia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought they may have dementia because their memory was fail them however PersonY felt their memory was sharp as a tack. _ read more about dementia. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought they may have dementia because their memory was fail them however PersonY felt their memory was sharp as a tack. _ wasn't interested in knowing more about dementia."} {"input": "Context Word: scripts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to fetch the movie scripts for PersonY because _ was interning for the film. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to fetch the movie scripts for PersonY because _ was producing for the film."} {"input": "Context Word: started.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX started the car and then drove to pick of PersonY, because _ was providing a ride. \nSentence 2: PersonX started the car and then drove to pick of PersonY, because _ was needing a ride."} {"input": "Context Word: super glue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tricked PersonY into using super glue on their hands. Afterwords, _ felt bad and comforted him. \nSentence 2: PersonX tricked PersonY into using super glue on their hands. Afterwords, _ felt bad and angry at him."} {"input": "Context Word: super glue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used too much super glue on PersonYs hands, so _ had to get them to the doctor to separate their hands. \nSentence 2: PersonX used too much super glue on PersonYs hands, so _ needed to get to the doctor to separate their hands."} {"input": "Context Word: reflux.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating spicy foods better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ never got acid reflux from salsa. \nSentence 2: Eating spicy foods better suited PersonX and not PersonY because _ always got acid reflux from salsa."} {"input": "Context Word: reflux.", "output": "Sentence 1: The chronic acid reflux that PersonX had suffered from was relieved by PersonY, and _ was grateful. \nSentence 2: The chronic acid reflux that PersonX had suffered from was relieved by PersonY, and _ was glad to help."} {"input": "Context Word: Android.", "output": "Sentence 1: Even though PersonX generally preferred Android phones and PersonY preferred Apple phones, _ owned an iPhone. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX generally preferred Android phones and PersonY preferred Apple phones, _ owned an iPhone."} {"input": "Context Word: Android.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought Android was the superior phone system but PersonY thought IOS was better. _ bought a new Note 9 from Verizon. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought Android was the superior phone system but PersonY thought IOS was better. _ bought a new iPhone 9 from Verizon."} {"input": "Context Word: Android.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to get PersonY to switch from iOS to Android because _ was an Android fanboy. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to get PersonY to switch from iOS to Android because _ was an Apple fanboy."} {"input": "Context Word: fire safe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY tried to make their house fire safe, by throwing away _ 's old cords. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY tried to make their house fire safe, by throwing away _ 's old heater."} {"input": "Context Word: neuter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more skilled at surgery than PersonY so _ offered to neuter the dog. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more skilled at surgery than PersonY so _ asked her to neuter the dog."} {"input": "Context Word: parenting.", "output": "Sentence 1: Parenting a child was natural for PersonX but not PersonY because _ children were very good. \nSentence 2: Parenting a child was natural for PersonX but not PersonY because _ children were very bad."} {"input": "Context Word: turkey.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating turkey was good for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ is the type of person who loves meat. \nSentence 2: Eating turkey was good for PersonX but not for PersonY because _ is the type of person who is a vegetarian."} {"input": "Context Word: turkey.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ate a lot of turkey breast but not PersonY because _ was on a low fat diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX ate a lot of turkey breast but not PersonY because _ was on a vegetarian diet."} {"input": "Context Word: free food.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always gave PersonY free food since _ was the manager of the newly opened restaurant. \nSentence 2: PersonX always gave PersonY free food since _ was an employee of the newly opened restaurant."} {"input": "Context Word: assembling a soccer team.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is good at assembling a soccer team _ because/although he is more socially connected than PersonY. \nSentence 2: PersonX is not as good at assembling a soccer team _ he is more socially connected than PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: calmer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is being taught by PersonY how to stay calmer in situations, so _ is the stressed one. \nSentence 2: PersonX is being taught by PersonY how to stay calmer in situations, so _ is the therapist."} {"input": "Context Word: jean.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asks for an advice from PersonY on how to wear a jean jacket, because _ is not fashionable. \nSentence 2: PersonX asks for an advice from PersonY on how to wear a jean jacket, because _ is extremely fashionable."} {"input": "Context Word: muscle fatigue.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is at PersonY office today due to muscle fatigue, _ needs treatment from a medical doctor. \nSentence 2: PersonX is at PersonY office today due to muscle fatigue, _ gives treatment from and is a medical doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: Tarot card.", "output": "Sentence 1: Tarot card reading was one of PersonX talents but PersonY did not like believe in it, _ proved it was real. \nSentence 2: Tarot card reading was one of PersonX talents but PersonY did not like believe in it, _ knows now it is real."} {"input": "Context Word: shrinkage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX complained to PersonY about the shrinkage to her sweaters, but nothing was resolved because _ took her clothes and went. \nSentence 2: PersonX complained to PersonY about the shrinkage to her sweaters, but nothing was resolved because _ told her to take her clothes and go."} {"input": "Context Word: concert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to listen to PersonY perform at the concert hall due to _ being a teenager. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to listen to PersonY perform at the concert hall due to _ being a singer."} {"input": "Context Word: concert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX surprises PersonY with tickets to a Taylor Swift concert, because _ likes making people happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX surprises PersonY with tickets to a Taylor Swift concert, but _ is not happy."} {"input": "Context Word: concert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was given concert tickets by PersonY; then _ sold them because she hated the artist. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave concert tickets to PersonY; then _ sold them because she hated the artist."} {"input": "Context Word: concert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to attend the concert unlike PersonY because it was _ favorite genre of music. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to skip the concert unlike PersonY because it was _ favorite genre of music."} {"input": "Context Word: concert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was invited to a concert by PersonY, then _ had to get permission to attend from their parents. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to a concert, then _ had to get permission to attend from their parents."} {"input": "Context Word: concert.", "output": "Sentence 1: The concert goes poorly for PersonX, but PersonY performed very well. _ was avoiding practicing beforehand. \nSentence 2: The concert goes poorly for PersonX, but PersonY performed very well. _ was practicing a lot beforehand."} {"input": "Context Word: concert.", "output": "Sentence 1: Wanting to listen to a pop song, PersonX but not PersonY went to a concert because _ enjoyed the music. \nSentence 2: Wanting to listen to a pop song, PersonX but not PersonY went to a concert because _ disliked the music."} {"input": "Context Word: checking account.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bank permitted PersonX to open a checking account, but not PersonY, because _ was employed. \nSentence 2: The bank permitted PersonX to open a checking account, but not PersonY, because _ was unemployed."} {"input": "Context Word: federal employer identification number.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY to obtain a federal employer identification number because _ has more experience in that area. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY to obtain a federal employer identification number because _ is a novice in that area."} {"input": "Context Word: miniature.", "output": "Sentence 1: Owning a miniature poodle seemed natural for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a strong love for dogs. \nSentence 2: Owning a miniature poodle seemed natural for PersonX but not PersonY because _ didn't have a strong love for dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: improve a boxed cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY improve a boxed cake because _ had entered a contest before and won. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY improve a boxed cake because _ had entered a contest and wanted to win."} {"input": "Context Word: CPR.", "output": "Sentence 1: After a car wreck, PersonX needed CPR from PersonY because _ was not currently breathing. \nSentence 2: After a car wreck, PersonX gave CPR to PersonY because _ was not currently breathing."} {"input": "Context Word: CPR.", "output": "Sentence 1: After almost drowning PersonX was saved by PersonY performing CPR on him. _ was very grateful. \nSentence 2: After almost drowning PersonX was saved by PersonY performing CPR on him. _ was very helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: CPR.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned CPR in their college health class but PersonY never learnt the procedure. _ was calm and confident helping the heart attack victim. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned CPR in their college health class but PersonY never learnt the procedure. _ was shaky and scared helping the heart attack victim."} {"input": "Context Word: CPR.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants some to perform a CPR on her baby so she asks PersonY for help, because _ can't do it herself. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants some to perform a CPR on her baby so she asks PersonY for help, because _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: iPad.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to set up their iPad because _ didn't have much experience with technology. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to set up their iPad because _ had a great deal of experience with technology."} {"input": "Context Word: iPad.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thinks the iPad is great tool for work but PersonY does not. _ bought the latest version of the iPad when it went on sale. \nSentence 2: PersonX thinks the iPad is great tool for work but PersonY does not. _ didn't buy the latest version of the iPad when it went on sale."} {"input": "Context Word: iPad.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a fan of Apple products but not PersonY. _ went to the electronics store and bought the new iPad. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a fan of Apple products but not PersonY. _ went to the electronics store and bought the new Tab instead of an iPad."} {"input": "Context Word: cosplay.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the cosplay convention, PersonX showed PersonY his new costume because _ was proud of it. \nSentence 2: At the cosplay convention, PersonX showed PersonY his new costume because _ was interested in it."} {"input": "Context Word: cosplay.", "output": "Sentence 1: Attending Comic Con suited PersonX more than PersonY because _ was more enthusiastic about cosplay and nerdy things. \nSentence 2: Attending Comic Con suited PersonX less than PersonY because _ was more enthusiastic about cosplay and nerdy things."} {"input": "Context Word: cosplay.", "output": "Sentence 1: Cosplay really interested PersonX, but PersonY didn't know much about it, so _ tried to teach about it. \nSentence 2: Cosplay really interested PersonX, but PersonY didn't know much about it, so _ tried to learn about it."} {"input": "Context Word: cosplay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was really into cosplay but PersonY was not. _ went to the convention dressed as their favorite character. \nSentence 2: PersonX was really into cosplay but PersonY was not. _ went to the convention not dressed as their favorite character."} {"input": "Context Word: cosplay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a Princess Leia suit while PersonY wore normal clothes, because _ loved cosplay . \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a Princess Leia suit while PersonY wore normal clothes, because _ despised cosplay ."} {"input": "Context Word: Diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help with their diet plan and PersonY was happy to help. _ followed the plan. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help with their diet plan and PersonY was happy to help. _ created the plan."} {"input": "Context Word: Diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ready to start a diet but not PersonY because _ was too strident with the meal choices. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ready to start a new diet but not PersonY because _ was too lax with the meal choices."} {"input": "Context Word: overfertilized.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX overfertilized the corn, they went to PersonY for advice because _ was inexperienced. \nSentence 2: When PersonX overfertilized the corn, they went to PersonY for advice because _ was experienced."} {"input": "Context Word: batteries.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX blamed PersonY for wearing down the batteries in the remote control car. _ said it was inconsiderate and selfish. \nSentence 2: PersonX blamed PersonY for wearing down the batteries in the remote control car. _ said it was an inconsiderate assumption."} {"input": "Context Word: card.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Valentines Day, PersonX gave their sweety a nice handmade card while PersonY gave a store bought card, and so _ showed more value of their sweetie. \nSentence 2: On Valentines Day, PersonX gave their sweety a nice handmade card while PersonY gave a store bought card, and so _ showed more obligation to their sweetie."} {"input": "Context Word: card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought a get well card to the hospital but PersonY forgot to because _ was thoughtful. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought a get well card to the hospital but PersonY forgot to because _ was preoccupied."} {"input": "Context Word: card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to complain about a politician while PersonY wants to write a card to complain about a bus driver, _ addressed the card to congress. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to complain about a politician while PersonY wants to write a card to complain about a bus driver, _ addressed the card to the department of transportation."} {"input": "Context Word: card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always more popular than PersonY because _ was able to make fake ID cards for classmates. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always less popular than PersonY because _ was able to make fake ID cards for classmates."} {"input": "Context Word: card.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was an inferior card player to PersonY because _ had a poor poker face. \nSentence 2: PersonX was an inferior card player to PersonY because _ had a good poker face."} {"input": "Context Word: card.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX disliked trading card games while PersonY loved them, _ never went to novelty stores to buy different card packs. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX disliked trading card games while PersonY loved them, _ often went to novelty stores to buy different card packs."} {"input": "Context Word: high school.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the high school, PersonX is teaching PersonY about biology, so _ is the teacher. \nSentence 2: At the high school, PersonX is teaching PersonY about biology, so _ is the student."} {"input": "Context Word: high school.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the high school, PersonX was nice to PersonY due to _ being a decent person. \nSentence 2: At the high school, PersonX was nice to PersonY due to _ being a lonely person."} {"input": "Context Word: high school.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was older than PersonY, _ completed high school and graduated in an earlier year. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was younger than PersonY, _ completed high school and graduated in an earlier year."} {"input": "Context Word: high school.", "output": "Sentence 1: In high school, PersonX is more popular than PersonY is, and this is because _ is prettier. \nSentence 2: In high school, PersonX is more popular than PersonY is, and this is because _ is uglier."} {"input": "Context Word: high school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has an easier time than PersonY making friends in high school because _ is more outgoing. \nSentence 2: PersonX has an easier time than PersonY making friends in high school due to _ being more shy."} {"input": "Context Word: high school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY study for her high school exams because _ is a good teacher. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY study for her high school exams because _ is a good student."} {"input": "Context Word: high school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked some girl in high school, but the girl liked PersonY, _ felt envious of him, but that was life. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked some girl in high school, but the girl liked PersonY, _ felt sorry for him, but that was life."} {"input": "Context Word: high school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX skipped a lot of classes in high school but PersonY had perfect attendance. _ had to go to summer school. \nSentence 2: PersonX skipped a lot of classes in high school but PersonY had perfect attendance. _ didn't have to go to summer school."} {"input": "Context Word: high school.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX studied very diligently in high school but PersonY played around. _ got into a prestigious college. \nSentence 2: PersonX studied very diligently in high school but PersonY played around. _ got into a community college."} {"input": "Context Word: howling.", "output": "Sentence 1: Late at night, PersonX tried to stop the dogs from howling instead of PersonY _ the dogs loved them. \nSentence 2: Late at night, PersonX tried to stop the dogs from howling instead of PersonY _ the dogs hated them."} {"input": "Context Word: poisonous.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hesitated before asking PersonY, again, about the difference between poisonous and venemous; _ always forgot. \nSentence 2: PersonX hesitated before asking PersonY, again, about the difference between poisonous and venemous; _ always remembered."} {"input": "Context Word: poisonous.", "output": "Sentence 1: The flowers that PersonX bought for PersonY turned out to be poisonous to cats, which _ didn't know when buying them. \nSentence 2: The flowers that PersonX bought for PersonY turned out to be poisonous to cats, which _ didn't know when receiving them."} {"input": "Context Word: strained.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was walking much slower than PersonY throughout the day because _ had strained a muscle. \nSentence 2: PersonX was walking much faster than PersonY throughtout the day because _ had strained a muscle."} {"input": "Context Word: outline.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was asking for a outline of of the study PersonY was happy to accommodate them, _ is interested in a subject. \nSentence 2: PersonX was asking for a outline of of the study PersonY was happy to accommodate them, _ is knowledgeable in a subject."} {"input": "Context Word: attentive.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the class lecture PersonX made sure to be attentive while PersonY preferred to be social because _ wanted to attend Harvard. \nSentence 2: During the class lecture PersonX made sure to be attentive while PersonY preferred to be social because _ wanted to get a date."} {"input": "Context Word: nutrition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for nutritional advice, because _ is eager to learn about nutritional science topics curated by an expert. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for nutritional advice, because _ is eager to teach about nutritional science topics curated by an expert."} {"input": "Context Word: nutrition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a nutritionist, PersonY is not therefore _ is the person to go to for nutrition advice. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a nutritionist, PersonY is not therefore _ is not the person to go to for nutrition advice."} {"input": "Context Word: nutrition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY how to get better nutrition in their diet, after _ was hired to help out. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY how to get better nutrition in their diet, after _ paid them to help out."} {"input": "Context Word: chest pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried about PersonY having chest pain so _ took them to the hospital to get checked out. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried about PersonY having chest pain so _ went to the hospital to get checked out."} {"input": "Context Word: chest pain.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor quickly approached PersonX and ran past PersonY because _ had severe chest pain. \nSentence 2: The doctor ran past PersonX and quickly approached PersonY because _ had severe chest pain."} {"input": "Context Word: iced tea.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pitcher of iced tea best suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked hot drinks. \nSentence 2: The pitcher of iced tea best suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ liked ice cold drinks."} {"input": "Context Word: vomit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a queasy stomach but PersonY had an iron stomach. The bad sushi caused _ to vomit. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a queasy stomach but PersonY had an iron stomach. The bad sushi didn't cause _ to vomit."} {"input": "Context Word: vomit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to vomit after watching the explicit surgery on television but not PersonY because _ felt queasy looking at blood. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to vomit after watching the explicit surgery on television but not PersonY because _ felt fine looking at blood."} {"input": "Context Word: vomit.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's car has a lingering odor of vomit in it, but PersonY's smells fine because _ 's daughter is sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX's car has a lingering odor of vomit in it, but PersonY's smells fine because _ 's daughter is healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: contraction.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when her last full contraction was, because _ she wanted to keep track. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when her last full contraction was, but _ she wasn't keeping track."} {"input": "Context Word: list.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prepared a list for PersonY to bring to the grocery store since _ had to work that weekend. \nSentence 2: PersonX perpared a list for PersonY to bring to the grocery store since _ didn't have to work that weekend."} {"input": "Context Word: list.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very good at keeping a to-do list unlike PersonY because _ was organized. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very good at keeping a to-do list unlike PersonY because _ was disorganized."} {"input": "Context Word: hurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to help PersonY when they hurt themselves because _ knew what to do in an emergency. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to help PersonY when they hurt themselves because _ did not know what to do in an emergency."} {"input": "Context Word: hurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hurt PersonY's feelings by mocking them at school, because _ is insensitive to other people. \nSentence 2: PersonX hurt PersonY's feelings by mocking them at school, because _ is affected by other people."} {"input": "Context Word: hurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was hurt worse than PersonY after the accident because the cut on _ was much deeper. \nSentence 2: PersonX was hurt worse than PersonY after the accident because the cut on _ was much shallower."} {"input": "Context Word: hurt.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ was feeling hurt because PersonX has been hurt by PersonY when they got really angry. \nSentence 2: So _ was feeling sorry because PersonX has been hurt by PersonY when they got really angry."} {"input": "Context Word: coats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the store and bought two more coats unlike PersonY because _ lives in a cold area. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the store and bought two more coats unlike PersonY because _ lives in a hot area."} {"input": "Context Word: gloves.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made PersonY wear gardening gloves to protect his hands from spiky edges of Aloe vera leaves, because _ is a thoughtful person.. \nSentence 2: PersonX made PersonY wear gardening gloves to protect his hands from spiky edges of Aloe vera leaves, although _ does not care much."} {"input": "Context Word: gloves.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed to wear gloves while working but not PersonY because _ was working with caustic materials. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed to wear gloves while working but not PersonY because _ was working with safe materials."} {"input": "Context Word: gloves.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took off the gloves and gave them to PersonY because _ 's hands were warm. \nSentence 2: PersonX took off the gloves and gave them to PersonY because _ 's hands were cold."} {"input": "Context Word: celebrates.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX celebrates pagan holidays, while PersonY would not dare do so. So, _ is a nonbeliever. \nSentence 2: PersonX celebrates pagan holidays, while PersonY would not dare do so. So, _ is a Christian."} {"input": "Context Word: Voice.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX often made PersonY sing to him whenever they were together because _ 's voice was quite beautiful. \nSentence 2: PersonX often made PersonY sing to him whenever they were together because _ 's voice was quite horrid."} {"input": "Context Word: protein pancakes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not make protein pancakes for PersonY because _ didn't have her favorite recipe. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not make protein pancakes for PersonY even though _ had her favorite recipe."} {"input": "Context Word: bleeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX grabbed a bandage and wrapped PersonY's arm after _ was asked to help stop the bleeding. \nSentence 2: PersonX grabbed a bandage and wrapped PersonY's arm because _ asked her to help stop the bleeding."} {"input": "Context Word: bleeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was bleeding profusely from the blow PersonY had landed, so _ regretted having started the fight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was bleeding profusely from the blow PersonY had landed, so _ relished having started the fight."} {"input": "Context Word: bleeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was standing far away from PersonY when the attack happened, so _ experienced little bleeding. \nSentence 2: PersonX was standing far away from PersonY when the attack happened, so _ experienced most of the bleeding."} {"input": "Context Word: bleeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's leg was bleeding and PersonY was experiencing kidney pain, so _ had an external bleeding. \nSentence 2: PersonX's leg was bleeding and PersonY was experiencing kidney pain, so _ had an internal bleeding."} {"input": "Context Word: bleeding.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fingers of PersonX were bleeding, so PersonY took a look at them, because _ is a patient. \nSentence 2: The fingers of PersonX were bleeding, so PersonY took a look at them, because _ is a physician."} {"input": "Context Word: student.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a good student in high school, but PersonY was not, because _ studied hard on weekends. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a good student in high school, but PersonY was not, because _ partied hard on weekends."} {"input": "Context Word: student.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a student and asked PersonY and asked for help with their history and english homework because _ didn't understand it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a student and asked PersonY for help with their history and english homework because _ was a professor."} {"input": "Context Word: student.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a student in college while PersonY worked in a factory, so _ studied during the weekdays. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a student in college while PersonY worked in a factory, so _ labored during the weekdays."} {"input": "Context Word: student.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a student of PersonY and _ learned a lot in their classes together. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a student of PersonY and _ taught a lot in their classes together."} {"input": "Context Word: control anger.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was difficult for PersonX to control anger at bad drivers but PersonY found it easy. _ had always had a quick temper. \nSentence 2: It was difficult for PersonX to control anger at bad drivers but PersonY found it easy. _ had always had a calm demeanor."} {"input": "Context Word: screening.", "output": "Sentence 1: Passing a drug screening was going to be difficult for PersonX but not PersonY because _ smoked a lot of marijuana. \nSentence 2: Passing a drug screening was going to be difficult for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not smoke a lot of marijuana."} {"input": "Context Word: fund.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked for more fund for the project from PersonY but he refused and they call _ wasteful. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked for more fund for the project from PersonY but he refused and they call _ stingy."} {"input": "Context Word: fund.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had some money invested in a fund but didn't understand it well, so asked PersonY for help. _ was glad to get help. \nSentence 2: PersonX had some money invested in a fund but didn't understand it well, so asked PersonY for help. _ was glad to be of help."} {"input": "Context Word: soothe.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used a thick cream to soothe PersonY's burn because _ had been a nurse for a long time. \nSentence 2: PersonX used a thick cream to soothe PersonY's burn because _ had been in pain for a long time."} {"input": "Context Word: seafood.", "output": "Sentence 1: After going fishing PersonX and PersonY went to eat, the thought of eating seafood made _ feel sick. \nSentence 2: After going fishing PersonX and PersonY went to eat, the thought of eating seafood made _ feel disgusted."} {"input": "Context Word: pillow.", "output": "Sentence 1: A neck pillow was being used by PersonX, but not PersonY because of the pain that _ experiences. \nSentence 2: A neck pillow was being cast aside by PersonX, but not PersonY because of the pain that _ experiences."} {"input": "Context Word: pillow.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the hospital, PersonX fluffed PersonY's pillow, and _ felt bad knowing her friend was ill. \nSentence 2: In the hospital, PersonX fluffed PersonY's pillow, and _ felt better knowing her friend was a nurse."} {"input": "Context Word: pillow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX borrowed a pillow from PersonY for the camping trip, and _ returned it on the following Friday. \nSentence 2: PersonX borrowed a pillow from PersonY for the camping trip, and _ had it returned on the following Friday."} {"input": "Context Word: pillow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much fluffier and softer pillow than PersonY, because _ had a hard time getting comfortable in bed at night. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much fluffier and softer pillow than PersonY, because _ did not have a hard time getting comfortable in bed at night."} {"input": "Context Word: pillow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a softer pillow they use than PersonY when sleeping, so _ feels rested in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a softer pillow they use than PersonY when sleeping, so _ feels cranky in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: pillow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hit PersonY with a pillow while he was sleeping. He woke up and fight back because _ is angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX hit PersonY with a pillow while he was sleeping. He woke up and fight back because _ is an idiot."} {"input": "Context Word: pillow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept his favorite pillow on his bed; when PersonY accidentally tore it, _ asked him to pay for a replacement. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept his favorite pillow on his bed; when PersonY accidentally tore it, _ offered to pay for a replacement."} {"input": "Context Word: pillow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to sleep with several pillows while PersonY sleeps only with one, _ bought 4 pillows at the mall. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to sleep with several pillows while PersonY sleeps only with one, _ bought 1 pillow at the mall."} {"input": "Context Word: pillow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX preferred a soft pillow but PersonY preferred to do without one. _ bought a new memory foam pillow at the store. \nSentence 2: PersonX preferred a soft pillow but PersonY preferred to do without one. _ bought a new memory foam mattress at the store."} {"input": "Context Word: pillow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX screamed into his pillow when he found out about PersonY because _ was heartbroken. \nSentence 2: PersonX screamed into his pillow when he found out about PersonY because _ was leaving."} {"input": "Context Word: pillow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to sleep on his new pillow but PersonY wouldn't stop playing loud music, making _ very angry. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to sleep on his new pillow so PersonY had to stop playing loud music, making _ very angry."} {"input": "Context Word: skate.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the skate park, PersonX was usually leading PersonY single file as _ was fast on their board. \nSentence 2: At the skate park, PersonX was usually trailing PersonY single file as _ was fast on their board."} {"input": "Context Word: frustrating.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found very complicated mathematics less frustrating than PersonY, because _ had an analytical mind. \nSentence 2: PersonX found very complicated mathematics less frustrating than PersonY, because _ did not have an analytical mind."} {"input": "Context Word: Birth control pills.", "output": "Sentence 1: Personx was told to use Birth control pills by persony because _ had been having unprotected sex. \nSentence 2: Personx was told to use Birth control pills by persony because _ had unwanted pregnancy."} {"input": "Context Word: almond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked an almond cake for PersonY a week ago and _ was happy to give it. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked an almond cake for PersonY a week ago and _ was happy to receive it."} {"input": "Context Word: almond.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to melt almond bark and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ is inexperienced. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to melt almond bark and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ has a lot of experience."} {"input": "Context Word: bagel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX turned down the option of sliced bread and had a bagel instead whereas PersonY did not. This is because _ loved bagels. \nSentence 2: PersonX turned down the option of sliced bread and had a bagel instead whereas PersonY did not. This is because _ hated bagels."} {"input": "Context Word: bagel.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bagel shop was closer to PersonX than PersonY because _ lived in the same area of town. \nSentence 2: The bagel shop was closer to PersonX than PersonY because _ lived in a different area of town."} {"input": "Context Word: faux.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX chose to wear a faux fur coat unlike PersonY, because _ was concerned about the reaction from animal rights activists. \nSentence 2: PersonX chose to wear a faux fur coat unlike PersonY, because _ was unconcerned about the reaction from animal rights activists."} {"input": "Context Word: origami.", "output": "Sentence 1: Origami is a favorite hobby of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ is not afraid of getting paper cuts. \nSentence 2: Origami is a favorite hobby of PersonX but not PersonY, because _ is afraid of getting paper cuts."} {"input": "Context Word: Puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ran away from PersonY because _ had kicked his puppy for no reason whatsoever. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled loudly at PersonY because _ had kicked his puppy for no reason whatsoever."} {"input": "Context Word: Puppy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to surprise PersonY with a puppy for Christmas, so _ asked about allergies to dogs. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to surprise PersonY with a puppy for Christmas, but _ had allergies to dogs."} {"input": "Context Word: Liquor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX could not handle liquor and threw up all over PersonY. _ was really embarassed. \nSentence 2: PersonX could not handle liquor and threw up all over PersonY. _ was really angry."} {"input": "Context Word: action.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed watching all the action while PersonY played on the field, because _ was an avid fan. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed watching all the action while PersonY played on the field, because _ was an avid athlete."} {"input": "Context Word: fears.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lived his life with no fears while PersonY had fears, because _ was strong minded and adventurous. \nSentence 2: PersonX lived his life with no fears while PersonY had fears, because _ was always anxious and scared."} {"input": "Context Word: horseback riding.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been horseback riding since childhood but PersonY had purposefully never been. _ was obsessed with horses. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been horseback riding since childhood but PersonY had purposefully never been. _ was terrified with horses."} {"input": "Context Word: pierce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is a professional cook therefore _ should pierce your nipples. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a doctor, PersonY is a professional cook therefore _ should not pierce your nipples."} {"input": "Context Word: pierce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to help pierce PersonY 's ears because _ was not afraid of making holes for the earrings. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to help pierce PersonY 's ears because _ was terrified of making holes for the earrings."} {"input": "Context Word: protective.", "output": "Sentence 1: On their way to the baseball game, PersonX made sure to be protective of PersonY just in case because _ was the father. \nSentence 2: On their way to the baseball game, PersonX made sure to be protective of PersonY just in case because _ was the daughter."} {"input": "Context Word: transition.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was judgmental about the transition PersonY was going through, because _ was a bad friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX was judgmental about the transition PersonY was going through, because _ had a bad friend."} {"input": "Context Word: home gym.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if this she had a home gym at her house, _ loves to work out. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if this she had a home gym at her house, _ hates to work out."} {"input": "Context Word: firearm.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was frightened by PersonY carrying a firearm, so _ asked him to put it away. \nSentence 2: PersonX was frightened by PersonY carrying a firearm, so _ was asked to put it away."} {"input": "Context Word: Vomiting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX began vomiting all over PersonY at the party because of alcohol. _ had to dodge the vomit. \nSentence 2: PersonX began vomiting all over PersonY at the party because of alcohol. _ had to contain the vomit."} {"input": "Context Word: butler.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called home and asked their butler, PersonY, to make dinner, because _ just finished work. \nSentence 2: PersonX called home and asked their butler, PersonY, to make dinner, because _ just started work."} {"input": "Context Word: sparks.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sparks flew when PersonX leaned in to kiss PersonY, so _ was glad proud they'd been bold enough to try. \nSentence 2: Sparks flew when PersonX leaned in to kiss PersonY, so _ was flattered they'd been bold enough to try."} {"input": "Context Word: excellent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to make excellent desserts the way PersonY was able to because _ had never worked in a bakery. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to make excellent desserts the way PersonY was able to because _ had worked in a bakery."} {"input": "Context Word: kid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX aspired to grow up and be just like PersonY was now, as _ was still a kid . \nSentence 2: PersonX aspired to grow up and be just like PersonY was now, as _ was no longer a kid ."} {"input": "Context Word: door knobs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX installed door knobs for PersonY because _ was quite knowledgeable on how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX installed door knobs for PersonY because _ was quite unknowledgeable on how to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: Career.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had always wanted to have a career but PersonY wanted to be a homemaker. _ went to college. \nSentence 2: PersonX had always wanted to have a career but PersonY wanted to be a homemaker. _ went to find a partner."} {"input": "Context Word: Char.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked their meat well done but PersonY fancied their meat mostly rare. _ asked the chef to put a heavy char on their steak. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked their meat well done but PersonY fancied their meat mostly rare. _ asked the chef to put a light char on their steak."} {"input": "Context Word: massages.", "output": "Sentence 1: The massages of PersonX are terrible, while PersonY gives great ones. _ has smaller and weaker hands. \nSentence 2: The massages of PersonX are terrible, while PersonY gives great ones. _ has bigger and stronger hands."} {"input": "Context Word: Kombucha.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if they wanted some Kombucha, but they turned it down, so _ drank tea alone. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if they wanted some Kombucha, but they turned it down because _ doesn't drink tea."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing pole.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX spent more money on their fishing pole when compared to PersonY, so _ 's pole looks sharper. \nSentence 2: PersonX spent more money on their fishing pole when compared to PersonY, so _ 's pole looks cheaper."} {"input": "Context Word: fishing pole.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX supplied the fishing pole for the trip and PersonY supplied the bait, so _ threw the first cast. \nSentence 2: PersonX supplied the fishing pole for the trip and PersonY supplied the bait, but _ threw the first cast."} {"input": "Context Word: moist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cakes were always more fluffy and moist than PersonY's because _ used applesauce as an ingredient. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cakes were always more fluffy and moist than PersonY's because _ didn't know to use applesauce as an ingredient."} {"input": "Context Word: pill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was on the birth control pill but PersonY did not need contraception, as _ was fertile. \nSentence 2: PersonX was on the birth control pill but PersonY did not need contraception, as _ was infertile."} {"input": "Context Word: cast iron.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scrubbed PersonYs cast iron skillet with steel wool which angered _ for not informing them. \nSentence 2: PersonX scrubbed PersonYs cast iron skillet with steel wool which upset _ for not knowing any better."} {"input": "Context Word: book club.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX attended PersonY's book club every week on Tuesday nights, so _ suggested book topics to the group. \nSentence 2: PersonX attended PersonY's book club every week on Tuesday nights, so _ told the next book topic to the group."} {"input": "Context Word: convert.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning how to convert to Judiasm from PersonY because _ wanted to be a better person. \nSentence 2: PersonX trying to convert to Judiasm PersonY because _ wanted to be a better person."} {"input": "Context Word: convert.", "output": "Sentence 1: The math test was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ knew how to convert decimals into fractions. \nSentence 2: The math test was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not know how to convert decimals into fractions."} {"input": "Context Word: fanatic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has always been a huge sports fanatic unlike PersonY, because _ loves sports competition. \nSentence 2: PersonX has never been a huge sports fanatic like PersonY, because _ loves sports competition."} {"input": "Context Word: paradise.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved sports though PersonY detested them, so _ thought the baseball game was the pinnacle of paradise . \nSentence 2: PersonX loved sports though PersonY detested them, so _ thought the baseball game was the opposite of paradise ."} {"input": "Context Word: dye her hair.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to dye her hair Silver Blonde while PersonY wanted to dye her hair red. _ her hair was Silver Blonde. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to dye her hair Silver Blonde while PersonY wanted to dye her hair red. _ her hair was red."} {"input": "Context Word: early.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being on time was more important to PersonX than to PersonY , so it was no surprise when _ showed up early. \nSentence 2: Being on time was more important to PersonX than to PersonY , so it was a surprise when _ showed up early."} {"input": "Context Word: early.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to arrive early for class but PersonY wasn't ready yet. This made _ frustrated. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to arrive early for class and PersonY wasn't ready yet. This made _ feel slow."} {"input": "Context Word: mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: A medical mask is worn by PersonX when he performs surgery on PersonY. _ is the cancer surgeon. \nSentence 2: A medical mask is worn by PersonX when he performs surgery on PersonY. _ is the cancer patient."} {"input": "Context Word: mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a mask while on holiday in Africa unlike PersonY because _ was interested in them. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a mask while on holiday in Africa unlike PersonY because _ was disinterested in them."} {"input": "Context Word: mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making a new gas mask for PersonY, because _ wants to surprise her with gas mask. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making a new gas mask for PersonY, because _ want to use a gas mask."} {"input": "Context Word: mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very creative and crafty, PersonY is not therefor _ would be a good choice to help you make a mask. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very creative and crafty, PersonY is not therefor _ would be a poor choice to help you make a mask."} {"input": "Context Word: mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost the Halloween costume competition to PersonY because _ forgot to wear their mask. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost the Halloween costume competition to PersonY because _ remembered to wear their mask."} {"input": "Context Word: mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX scared PersonY at the Halloween party because _ was wearing a horrifying and realistic mask. \nSentence 2: PersonX was scared by PersonY at the Halloween party because _ was wearing a horrifying and realistic mask."} {"input": "Context Word: mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was creating a mask for PersonY to wear to bed, although _ wore it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was creating a mask for PersonY to wear to bed, so _ wore it."} {"input": "Context Word: mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ sold the mask because PersonX doesn't need it anymore and PersonY wanted a mask. \nSentence 2: So _ brought the mask because PersonX doesn't need it anymore and PersonY wanted a mask."} {"input": "Context Word: mask.", "output": "Sentence 1: While shopping for Halloween costumes, PersonX found a mask before PersonY because _ was dressing as Batman. \nSentence 2: While shopping for Halloween costumes, PersonX found a mask before PersonY because _ was dressing as Superman."} {"input": "Context Word: scared.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the movies, PersonX likes being scared, though PersonY likes to laugh, so _ 's favorite genre of movies is horror. \nSentence 2: At the movies, PersonX likes being scared, though PersonY likes to laugh, so _ 's favorite genre of movies is comedy."} {"input": "Context Word: scared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX ask is always too scared of asking for a help from PersonY because _ is bossy. \nSentence 2: PersonX ask is always too scared of asking for a help from PersonY because _ is meek."} {"input": "Context Word: scared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX felt scared while watching the movie while PersonY felt excited for the reason that _ hated horror movies. \nSentence 2: PersonX felt scared while watching the movie while PersonY felt excited for the reason that _ loved horror movies."} {"input": "Context Word: scared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it would be funny if PersonY was scared, so _ jumped out at them in the dark. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it would be funny if PersonY was scared, so _ jumped when they accosted them in the dark."} {"input": "Context Word: scared.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was wondering how PersonY is not scared to death, everything seemed so unusual to _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was wondering how PersonY is not scared to death, everything seemed so ordinary to _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: eyeglasses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got eyeglasses at the recommendation of the optometrist, but PersonY didn't need them, because _ had faulty vision. \nSentence 2: PersonX got eyeglasses at the recommendation of the optometrist, but PersonY didn't need them, because _ had perfect vision."} {"input": "Context Word: eyeglasses.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to wear eyeglasses all the time unlike PersonY because _ has very bad eye sight. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to wear eyeglasses all the time unlike PersonY because _ has very good eye sight."} {"input": "Context Word: traits.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to emulate all the traits of PersonY, because _ was seen as a loser. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to emulate all the traits of PersonY, because _ was seen as a champion."} {"input": "Context Word: soundly.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried not to wake PersonY, who was sleeping soundly because _ had a very early appointment that day. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried gently to wake PersonY, who was sleeping soundly because _ had a very early appointment that day."} {"input": "Context Word: folder.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man handed the important folder to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was experienced in the situation. \nSentence 2: The man handed the important folder to PersonX and not PersonY because _ was inexperienced in the situation."} {"input": "Context Word: Talent Show.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx performed better at the talent show than persony despite the fact that _ spent less time preparing for it. \nSentence 2: personx performed better at the talent show than persony despite the fact that _ spent more time preparing for it."} {"input": "Context Word: zoning laws.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX obtained the proper permits but PersonY did not, because _ didn't check the zoning laws in advance. \nSentence 2: PersonX obtained the proper permits but PersonY did not, because _ did check the zoning laws in advance."} {"input": "Context Word: purchase.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the end, PersonX purchase a economic car than PersonY has because _ likes to saves money. \nSentence 2: In the end, PersonX purchase a economic car than PersonY has because _ likes to expend money."} {"input": "Context Word: purchase.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to purchase a collectible from PersonY, but couldn't because _ didn't have enough money. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to purchase a collectible from PersonY, but couldn't because _ wanted too much money."} {"input": "Context Word: purchase.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to purchase the game from PersonY, but _ didn't have enough money on them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to purchase the game from PersonY, but _ didn't have the game on them."} {"input": "Context Word: nail polish.", "output": "Sentence 1: After PersonX finished putting nail polish their daughter's nails, PersonY paid for the service; then _ wondered why they didn't receive a tip. \nSentence 2: After PersonX finished putting nail polish on their daughter's nails, PersonY paid for the service; then _ realized they forgot to leave a tip."} {"input": "Context Word: nail polish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY the new red nail polish since _ already had that particular color. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY the new red nail polish because _ didn't have that particular color."} {"input": "Context Word: nail polish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed help removing the nail polish and asked PersonY because _ was not coordinated enough. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help removing the nail polish and asked PersonY but _ was not coordinated enough."} {"input": "Context Word: nail polish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used nail polish to paint their nails red while PersonY didn't use any at all, so _ had colorful fingernails. \nSentence 2: PersonX used nail polish to paint their nails red while PersonY didn't use any at all, so _ had plain fingernails."} {"input": "Context Word: nail polish.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a lot more nail polish than PersonY because _ 's nails were not very pretty to begin with. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a lot more nail polish than PersonY because _ 's nails were rather pretty to begin with."} {"input": "Context Word: the process.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was fired as coach because _ wanted the fans to trust the process, which meant losing games intentionally. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was fired as coach because _ did not want fans to trust the process, which meant losing games intentionally."} {"input": "Context Word: wet tail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took her hamster to the vet because it had diarrhea where PersonY's diagnosed it with wet tail. _ was very concerned about her favorite pet. \nSentence 2: PersonX took her hamster to the vet because it had diarrhea where PersonY's diagnosed it with wet tail. _ was very concerned about her favorite patient."} {"input": "Context Word: ships.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked the ocean more than PersonY because _ liked to play with toy ships. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked the ocean more than PersonY because _ was annoyed to play with toy ships."} {"input": "Context Word: jail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caught PersonY and took them to their jail cell after _ saw them trying to escape the prison. \nSentence 2: PersonX caught PersonY and took them to their jail cell after _ failed while trying to escape the prison."} {"input": "Context Word: jail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX caught PersonY in the act and sent them to jail, because _ was a police officer. \nSentence 2: PersonX caught PersonY in the act and sent them to jail, because _ was a career criminal."} {"input": "Context Word: jail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is incarcerated in a city jail, but PersonY is not, so _ must be a criminal. \nSentence 2: PersonX is incarcerated in a city jail, but PersonY is not, so _ must be a judge."} {"input": "Context Word: jail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help PersonY to escape from jail, so _ gave the stolen cell keys to her. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to help PersonY to escape from jail, so _ took the stolen cell keys from her."} {"input": "Context Word: jail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was afraid of going to jail to see PersonY. _ was a clean person with no criminal record. \nSentence 2: PersonX was afraid of going to jail to see PersonY. _ was a violent person with an extensive criminal record."} {"input": "Context Word: London.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going on a trip to London and asked PersonY how to fit in because _ had never traveled to London. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going on a trip to London and asked PersonY how to fit in because _ had previously traveled to London."} {"input": "Context Word: London.", "output": "Sentence 1: The place PersonX was born is London, although PersonY was born in New York. Hence, _ is British. \nSentence 2: The place PersonX was born is London, although PersonY was born in New York. Hence, _ is American."} {"input": "Context Word: Obsession.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more prone to having an obsession about things than PersonY because _ had an addictive personality. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more prone to having an obsession about things than PersonY because _ did not have an addictive personality."} {"input": "Context Word: tai chi.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took tai chi lessons from PersonY, because _ was eager to learn to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX took tai chi lessons from PersonY, because _ was eager to teach to do it."} {"input": "Context Word: island.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to the island every weekend unlike PersonY because _ lives a short ferry ride away. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to the island every weekend unlike PersonY because _ lives a long ferry ride away."} {"input": "Context Word: island.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY to a luxury island vacation. When she said no, _ felt disappointed. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY to a luxury island vacation. When she said no, _ felt guilty."} {"input": "Context Word: island.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to vacation on an island but PersonY didn't. _ took a trip to Jamaica. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to vacation on an island but PersonY didn't. _ took a trip to Canada."} {"input": "Context Word: island.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was rescued by PersonY after being trapped on an island, so _ was thankful for them. \nSentence 2: PersonX was rescued by PersonY after being trapped on an island, so _ was protective of them."} {"input": "Context Word: island.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to visit the island more often than PersonY because _ lived closer to the place. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to visit the island more often than PersonY because _ lived farther from the place."} {"input": "Context Word: conflicts.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY would be a good negotiator because _ was good at resolving conflicts. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY would be a good negotiator because _ was not good at resolving conflicts."} {"input": "Context Word: conflicts.", "output": "Sentence 1: The man had many conflicts with PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a mean and grumpy person. \nSentence 2: The man had many conflicts with PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a nice and happy person."} {"input": "Context Word: projects.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the projects leader and PersonY was the subordinate because _ had the most experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the projects leader and PersonY was the subordinate because _ had the least experience."} {"input": "Context Word: endurance.", "output": "Sentence 1: The twenty mile hike was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ had very little physical endurance. \nSentence 2: The twenty mile hike was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ had a lot of physical endurance."} {"input": "Context Word: sticker.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a sticker off PersonY's car, and _ later had to get the scum off the car with cleaner. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a sticker off PersonY's car, but _ wanted her to get the scum off the car with cleaner."} {"input": "Context Word: Marriage License.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to get a marriage license to marry PersonY because _ thought they were in love. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to get a marriage license to marry PersonY but _ did not think they were in love."} {"input": "Context Word: law.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX knew the law very well but PersonY did not know it well. _ won their case in court. \nSentence 2: PersonX knew the law very well but PersonY did not know it well. _ lost their case in court."} {"input": "Context Word: law.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX understood jail far more than PersonY, because _ had a bad habit of breaking the law. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed out of jail far more than PersonY, because _ had a bad habit of breaking the law."} {"input": "Context Word: law.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was accused of shoplifting but has always been a law abiding citizen, as PersonY will attest. _ is very upset. \nSentence 2: PersonX was accused of shoplifting but has always been a law abiding citizen, as PersonY will attest. _ is eager to help."} {"input": "Context Word: law.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning law from PersonY because _ wanted to become a new police officer. \nSentence 2: PersonX was teaching law to PersonY because _ wanted to become a new police officer."} {"input": "Context Word: law.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unwilling to break into the abandoned house with PersonY, because _ was unwilling to break the law. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unwilling to break into the abandoned house with PersonY, because _ was willing to break the law."} {"input": "Context Word: law.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ obeys the law because PersonX is a law abiding citizen and PersonY a thug that enjoys breaking laws. \nSentence 2: So _ breaks the law because PersonX is a law abiding citizen and PersonY a thug that enjoys breaking laws."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: After Christmas PersonX decided to go on a diet but PersonY didn't. _ had gained a lot of weight. \nSentence 2: After Christmas PersonX decided to go on a diet but PersonY didn't. _ had not gained any weight."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was on a diet for less time than PersonY, _ still lost more weight overall. \nSentence 2: Although PersonX was on a diet for less time than PersonY, _ still lost less weight overall."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had more willpower than PersonY, it was easier for _ to stick to her diet she wanted to follow. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had less willpower than PersonY, it was easier for _ to stick to her diet she wanted to follow."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Both PersonX and PersonY went on a diet but only the former stuck to it. _ had very good willpower. \nSentence 2: Both PersonX and PersonY went on a diet but only the former stuck to it. _ had very poor willpower."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going on a diet was easier for PersonX but not PersonY because _ knew about many different programs. \nSentence 2: Going on a diet was easier for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not know about any different programs."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Losing weight was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY because _ found it hard to stick to a diet. \nSentence 2: Losing weight was difficult for PersonX but not PersonY because _ found it easy to stick to a diet."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX and PersonY were helping each other diet because _ remembered what it was like to be overweight previously. \nSentence 2: PersonX and PersonY were helping each other diet because _ remembered what it was like to be overweight now."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to give her advice on her diet because _ was struggling with nutrition. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to give her advice on her diet because _ was knowledgable about nutrition."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what kind of diet she was on, because _ wanted to lose some weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what kind of diet she was on, because _ had lost some weight."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX convinces PersonY to attempt to go on his diet, but _ is not capable of sticking to his own plan. \nSentence 2: PersonX convinces PersonY to attempt to go on his diet, because _ is not capable of sticking to her own plan."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not eat meat at the outing unlike PersonY because _ had a vegan diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not eat meat at the outing unlike PersonY because _ had a carnivorous diet."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats a healthy balanced diet but PersonY does not. _ is thin and fit looking. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats a healthy balanced diet but PersonY does not. _ is fat and unfit looking."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a balanced diet but PersonY did not because _ had an excellent knowledge of nutrition. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a balanced diet but PersonY did not because _ had an appalling knowledge of nutrition."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been on and off of diets for years, but PersonY has never needed one because _ is fat. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been on and off of diets for years, but PersonY has never needed one because _ is slim."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX incoporated whole grains and vegetables into their diet but PersonY did not, so _ was much healthier. \nSentence 2: PersonX incoporated whole grains and vegetables into their diet but PersonY did not, so _ was much less healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is thinking of going on a diet but PersonY is not. This is because _ is overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX is thinking of going on a diet but PersonY is not. This is because _ is underweight."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lost much less more weight than PersonY although _ had followed the diet more closely. \nSentence 2: PersonX lost much more weight than PersonY because _ had followed the diet more closely."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX must begin a strict diet and exercise regimen while PersonY gets to slack off a bit because _ is extremely overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX must begin a strict diet and exercise regimen while PersonY gets to slack off a bit because _ isn't the slightest bit overweight."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prepared special food for PersonY's diet, because _ wanted to help them lose weight. \nSentence 2: PersonX prepared special food for PersonY's diet, because _ wanted to try and lose weight."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX strictly followed their diet while PersonY ate what they felt like, and _ ate chicken and broccoli all week. \nSentence 2: PersonX strictly followed their diet while PersonY ate what they felt like, and _ ate fast food all week."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suggested that PersonY join him on his new diet. _ hinted that he had gained weight lately and should do something about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX suggested that PersonY join him on his new diet. _ agreed that he had gained weight lately and should do something about it."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to help PersonY with their diet since _ remembered what it was like to be overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed help from PersonY with their diet since _ remembered what it was like to be overweight."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was curious how PersonY had lost a lot of weight so _ asked her about her diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX was curious how PersonY had lost a lot of weight so _ told her about her diet."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was encouraged to go on a diet while PersonY was encouraged to eat more because _ is overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was encouraged to go on a diet while PersonY was encouraged to eat more because _ is underweight."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was helping PersonY diet and exercise at the gym to lose weight because _ used to be overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX was helping PersonY diet and exercise at the gym to lose weight because _ is currently overweight."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was tired of trying new diets while PersonY had luck with one, so _ decided to do their own thing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was tired of trying new diets while PersonY had luck with one, so _ stuck to their routine."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went on a three month diet to drop 50 pounds, but PersonY ate all they wanted; _ was the Biggest Loser. \nSentence 2: PersonX went on a three month diet to drop 50 pounds, but PersonY ate all they wanted; _ was the Biggest Gainer."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's diet is much more healthy than PersonY's is because _ is a renowned Dietitian. \nSentence 2: PersonX's diet is much more healthy than PersonY's is because _ is a couch potato."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since PersonX was on a diet while PersonY was was not, _ refused the cheesecake when offered. \nSentence 2: Since PersonX was on a diet while PersonY was was not, _ accepted the cheesecake when offered."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ wanted to change their diet because PersonX wanted to lose weight while PersonY was fine. \nSentence 2: So _ wanted to keep their diet because PersonX wanted to lose weight while PersonY was fine."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diet PersonX decided to follow was more efficient than the one PersonY is following because _ has a lot of vegetables on it. \nSentence 2: The diet PersonX decided to follow was more efficient than the one PersonY is following because _ has to much saturated fat on it."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diet of PersonX is less effective than PersonY's because _ doesn't follow the routine to a T. \nSentence 2: The diet of PersonX is less effective than PersonY's because _ does follow the routine to a T."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diet of PersonX is worse than the one of PersonY, so _ 's nails probably look worse. \nSentence 2: The diet of PersonX is worse than the one of PersonY, so _ 's nails probably look better."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diet of PersonX's dog is worse than the one of PersonY's. This is because _ spends barely any money on dog food. \nSentence 2: The diet of PersonX's dog is worse than the one of PersonY's. This is because _ spends plenty of money on dog food."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diet tells PersonX their diet is unhealthy, but PersonY's is just fine the way it is. Therefore, _ might be eating a lot of red meat. \nSentence 2: The diet tells PersonX their diet is unhealthy, but PersonY's is just fine the way it is. Therefore, _ might be eating a lot of vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diet worked better for PersonX than it did for PersonY because _ followed it better. \nSentence 2: The diet worked better for PersonX than it did for PersonY because _ followed it worse."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: The lacto-ovo vegetarian diet pleased PersonX but not PersonyY because it was a meat, fish and poultry free diet and _ hated meat. \nSentence 2: The lacto-ovo vegetarian diet pleased PersonX but not PersonyY because it was a meat, fish and poultry free diet and _ loved meat."} {"input": "Context Word: diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: Yo-yo dieting was normal everyday life for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was overweight. \nSentence 2: Yo-yo dieting was normal everyday life for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was a healthy weight."} {"input": "Context Word: Activist.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was inspired by PersonY to become an activist because _ wanted to effect drastic change in the near future. \nSentence 2: PersonX was inspired by PersonY to become an activist because _ had effected drastic change in the recent past."} {"input": "Context Word: furnace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to hide PersonYs body by putting it the large furnace because _ it was small enough. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't hide PersonYs body by putting it the large furnace because _ it was too big."} {"input": "Context Word: subtitles.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked watching foreign movies with subtitles unlike PersonY because _ appreciated the original language of the film. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked watching foreign movies with subtitles unlike PersonY because _ criticized the original language of the film."} {"input": "Context Word: Soft.", "output": "Sentence 1: The soft yellow coat suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was allergic to wool. \nSentence 2: The soft yellow coat suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not allergic to wool."} {"input": "Context Word: karaoke.", "output": "Sentence 1: Performing karaoke in public suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had considerable talent and trained successfully. \nSentence 2: Performing karaoke in public suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ had little talent and trained unsuccessfully."} {"input": "Context Word: karaoke.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX brought PersonY along to the karaoke place down the street because _ had free passes. \nSentence 2: PersonX brought PersonY along to the karaoke place down the street because _ had no plans."} {"input": "Context Word: faster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't go faster than PersonY anymore, because _ had been skipping all the training. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't go faster than PersonY anymore, because _ had been doing all the training."} {"input": "Context Word: faster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX drives so much faster than PersonY that _ arrives at the destination an hour earlier. \nSentence 2: PersonX drives so much faster than PersonY that _ arrives at the destination an hour later."} {"input": "Context Word: faster.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was quite a good runner but PersonY was faster because _ was an amateur sportsperson. \nSentence 2: PersonX was quite a good runner but PersonY was faster because _ was a professional sportsperson."} {"input": "Context Word: faster.", "output": "Sentence 1: Some racers passed up PersonX faster than PersonY because _ was a seasoned marathon runner. \nSentence 2: Some racers passed up PersonX faster than PersonY because _ was an inexperienced marathon runner."} {"input": "Context Word: astronaut.", "output": "Sentence 1: When they were younger PersonX and PersonY both wanted to be astronauts, which seemed perfect, because _ loved to fly. \nSentence 2: When they were younger PersonX and PersonY both wanted to be astronauts, which seemed perfect, but _ was afraid to fly."} {"input": "Context Word: baby scones.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't like to eat baby scones, but PersonY loves them because _ has less of a sweet tooth. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't like to eat baby scones, but PersonY loves them because _ has more of a sweet tooth."} {"input": "Context Word: bookcase.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sure the bookcase could fit through the doorway even as PersonY protested. The doorway was big enough to the delight of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was sure the bookcase could fit through the doorway even as PersonY protested. The doorway was too small to the delight of _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a bad case of diarrhea but PersonY did not. _ soiled the pants they were wearing. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a bad case of diarrhea but PersonY did not. _ didn't soil the pants they were wearing."} {"input": "Context Word: diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had been sick for days with diarrhea while PersonY was left to clean up the mess, so _ promised to clean it up himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX had been sick for days with diarrhea while PersonY was left to clean up the mess, until _ demanded he clean it up himself."} {"input": "Context Word: diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had had diarrhea all day but PersonY had not so _ was feeling very ill. \nSentence 2: PersonX had had diarrhea all day but PersonY had not so _ was feeling very well."} {"input": "Context Word: diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a chronic diarrhea so she goes to doctor PersonY for an advice, because _ feels miserable. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a chronic diarrhea so she goes to doctor PersonY for an advice, because _ is a doctor."} {"input": "Context Word: diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was less likely to get diarrhea than PersonY because _ knew a lot about food safety. \nSentence 2: PersonX was less likely to get diarrhea than PersonY because _ knew nothing about food safety."} {"input": "Context Word: diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's dog had diarrhea so she called her vet PersonY for help. _ asked what kind of food to give her dog to stop the diarrhea. \nSentence 2: PersonX's dog had diarrhea so she called her vet PersonY for help. _ told her what kind of food to give her dog to stop the diarrhea."} {"input": "Context Word: diarrhea.", "output": "Sentence 1: The diarrhea affected PersonX more than it affected PersonY since _ was an elderly person. \nSentence 2: The diarrhea affected PersonX more than it affected PersonY since _ was a young adult."} {"input": "Context Word: surveyor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a good surveyor but PersonY was not. _ got a lot of surveying jobs. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a good surveyor but PersonY was not. _ got very few surveying jobs."} {"input": "Context Word: spill.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would constantly spill things and make PersonY clean it up because _ was a bully. \nSentence 2: PersonX would constantly spill things and make PersonY clean it up because _ was being bullied."} {"input": "Context Word: tattoos.", "output": "Sentence 1: It doesn't matter if PersonX has visible tattoos, but it would be bad for PersonY's career. _ is a musician. \nSentence 2: It doesn't matter if PersonX has visible tattoos, but it would be bad for PersonY's career. _ is a detective."} {"input": "Context Word: learning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Learning to sew was easy for PersonX however it was not for PersonY was _ was very dexterous. \nSentence 2: Learning to sew was easy for PersonX however it was not for PersonY was _ was very clumsy."} {"input": "Context Word: learning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did better in the class than PersonY did because _ was learning much more there. \nSentence 2: PersonX did better in the class than PersonY did although _ was learning much more there."} {"input": "Context Word: learning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better at learning new things as opposed to PersonY due to _ being more intelligent. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better at learning new things as opposed to PersonY due to _ being more stupid."} {"input": "Context Word: learning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is very curious, PersonY is not curious therefore _ will always be learning new things. \nSentence 2: PersonX is very curious, PersonY is not curious therefore _ will not always be learning new things."} {"input": "Context Word: learning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at learning than PersonY, so _ didn't have to worry about failing the test. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at learning than PersonY, so _ started to worry about failing the test."} {"input": "Context Word: learning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was learning a new language from PersonY because _ was only fluent in English. \nSentence 2: PersonX was learning a new language from PersonY because _ was fluent in several languages."} {"input": "Context Word: learning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was mad at PersonY because _ was always in a daydream when they should have been learning. \nSentence 2: PersonX was mad at PersonY because _ was always hating on others when they should of been learning."} {"input": "Context Word: learning.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to learning English, PersonX had no problem, but PersonY had a hard time, because _ was born and raised speaking English. \nSentence 2: When it came to learning English, PersonX had no problem, but PersonY had a hard time, because _ was born and raised speaking Spanish."} {"input": "Context Word: avoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: In two incidents, PersonX managed to avoid hitting a pedestrian but PersonY did not because _ was being careful. \nSentence 2: In two incidents, PersonX managed to avoid hitting a pedestrian but PersonY did not because _ was being careless."} {"input": "Context Word: avoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always met their responsibilities while PersonY would avoid them for the reason that _ was very mature. \nSentence 2: PersonX always met their responsibilities while PersonY would avoid them for the reason that _ was very immature."} {"input": "Context Word: avoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX swerved to avoid a squirrel in the road but personY did not because _ was sympathetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX swerved to avoid a squirrel in the road but personY did not because _ was callous."} {"input": "Context Word: avoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tries to avoid being late for work unlike PersonY. _ gets up an hour before they have to leave. \nSentence 2: PersonX tries to avoid being late for work unlike PersonY. _ gets up 15 minutes before they have to leave."} {"input": "Context Word: avoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to avoid all contact with PersonY, because _ owed a lot of money to them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to avoid all contact with PersonY, because _ expected a lot of money from them."} {"input": "Context Word: avoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to avoid getting diseases but not PersonY so _ lived a secluded life. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to avoid getting diseases but not PersonY so _ lived an exposed life."} {"input": "Context Word: avoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX, unlike PersonY, tries to avoid confrontation as they get very upset. _ can't deal with stress well. \nSentence 2: PersonX, unlike PersonY, tries to avoid confrontation as they get very upset. _ tries to help her deal with stress."} {"input": "Context Word: avoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: The young puppy ran into PersonX but not PersonY because _ tried to avoid them. \nSentence 2: The young puppy ran past PersonX but not PersonY because _ tried to avoid them."} {"input": "Context Word: avoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: When it came to failing marriages, PersonX excelled in their marriage while PersonY got divorced because _ learned avoiding techniques to stop saying stuff they would later regret. \nSentence 2: When it came to failing marriages, PersonX excelled in their marriage while PersonY got divorced because _ failed to learn avoiding techniques to stop saying stuff they would later regret."} {"input": "Context Word: avoid.", "output": "Sentence 1: While PersonX liked to avoid conflict more than PersonY however _ always got into more fights. \nSentence 2: While PersonX liked to avoid conflict more than PersonY however _ never got into more fights."} {"input": "Context Word: azalea.", "output": "Sentence 1: The azalea bush was considered very attractive by PersonX while PersonY though it was ugly. _ had the gardener plant more azaleas. \nSentence 2: The azalea bush was considered very attractive by PersonX while PersonY though it was ugly. _ had the gardener plant more roses."} {"input": "Context Word: cookbooks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owned more cookbooks than PersonY, so _ made a different meal for every church potluck while the other did not. \nSentence 2: PersonX owned fewer cookbooks than PersonY, so _ made a different meal for every church potluck while the other dd not."} {"input": "Context Word: bandana.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore a bandana all the time unlike PersonY because _ had very sparse hair. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore a bandana all the time unlike PersonY because _ had very full hair."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had bigger feet than PersonY so _ found it difficult to find high heeled shoes in larger sizes. \nSentence 2: PersonX had bigger feet than PersonY so _ found it easy to find high heeled shoes in smaller sizes."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to fasten their shoes more often than PersonY because _ had laces on their shoes. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to fasten their shoes more often than PersonY because _ had velcro on their shoes."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has recently bought a black suede shoes and asks for PersonY's advice on cleaning them, because _ does not know how to do it. \nSentence 2: PersonX has recently bought a black suede shoes and asks for PersonY's advice on cleaning them, because _ knows how to clean it."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved shopping for shoes but PersonY dreaded doing so, so _ had a lot of shoes in their closet. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved shopping for shoes but PersonY dreaded doing so, so _ had only a couple of shoes in their closet."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go out shopping for shoes more than PersonY, so _ got a new pair every weekend. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go out shopping for shoes more than PersonY, so _ wore the same pair every day."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw PersonY's shoes out since the shoes smelled bad and _ was very aware of the smell. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw PersonY's shoes out since the shoes smelled bad and _ was very unaware of the smell."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX threw a pair of shoes at PersonY but didn't hit them because _ 's throw missed their head. \nSentence 2: PersonX threw a pair of shoes at PersonY but didn't hit them because _ ducked their head."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was fascinated with collecting new shoes compared to PersonY, because _ loved fashion trends. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fascinated with collecting new shoes compared to PersonY, because _ hated fashion trends."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wore the wrong kind of shoes for the rainy day, and envied PersonY's shoes, because _ wore rain boots. \nSentence 2: PersonX wore the wrong kind of shoes for the rainy day, and envied PersonY's shoes, because _ wore sandals."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's shoes are covered in mud, but PersonY's are white and new. _ got his last pair a year ago. \nSentence 2: PersonX's shoes are covered in mud, but PersonY's are white and new. _ got his last pair a week ago."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Shoes were a passion of PersonX but PersonY had a thing for leather jackets. _ was happy to find out that shoes were on sale today. \nSentence 2: Shoes were a passion of PersonX but PersonY had a thing for leather jackets. _ was happy to find out that jackets were on sale today."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: Shoes were bought for PersonX, as a gift from PersonY, and _ decided she loved them. \nSentence 2: Shoes were bought for PersonX, as a gift from PersonY, and _ decided to return them."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The high heel shoes suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was wearing a formal dress. \nSentence 2: The high heel shoes suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was wearing casual pajamas."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The shoes of PersonX cost 20 dollars, while PersonY's cost 200, so _ is likely poorer. \nSentence 2: The shoes of PersonX cost 20 dollars, while PersonY's cost 200, so _ is likely richer."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: The shoes were too big for PersonX so he gave them to PersonY, because _ feet are tiny. \nSentence 2: The shoes were too big for PersonX so he gave them to PersonY, because _ feet are huge."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX stepped in dog poop wearing his new shoes, PersonY laughed, so mother gave _ an understanding look. \nSentence 2: When PersonX stepped in dog poop wearing his new shoes, PersonY laughed, so mother gave _ an angry look."} {"input": "Context Word: shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: While shopping for shoes, PersonX asked for PersonY to show them some Nikes, so _ could try them on. \nSentence 2: While shopping for shoes, PersonX asked for PersonY to show them some Nikes so _ went to get them."} {"input": "Context Word: standing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found standing for a long time acceptable but PersonY hated it, because _ was very tough. \nSentence 2: PersonX found standing for a long time acceptable but PersonY hated it, because _ was very weak."} {"input": "Context Word: standing.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought it was unfair she was standing, while PersonY was sitting, since _ was 8 months pregnant. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought it was unfair she was standing, while PersonY was sitting, since _ was perfectly healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: laptop.", "output": "Sentence 1: Fixing the laptop was easy for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ was very technology savvy. \nSentence 2: Fixing the laptop was easy for PersonX but not PersonY, because _ was not technology savvy."} {"input": "Context Word: laptop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cleaned his laptop regularly but PersonY did not, because _ liked to have clean things. \nSentence 2: PersonX cleaned his laptop regularly but PersonY did not, because _ liked to have dirty things."} {"input": "Context Word: laptop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to buy PersonY a new laptop since _ had enough money to buy a new one. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to buy PersonY a new laptop since _ didn't have enough money to buy a new one."} {"input": "Context Word: laptop.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was trying to help PersonY build a laptop but _ had the wrong tools. \nSentence 2: PersonX was trying to help PersonY build a laptop but _ had the wrong parts."} {"input": "Context Word: laptop.", "output": "Sentence 1: The laptop was owned by PersonX and the desktop by PersonY, so _ had the ability to easily transport their computer. \nSentence 2: The laptop was owned by PersonX and the desktop by PersonY, so _ was unable to easily transport their computer."} {"input": "Context Word: easter.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making an easter bunny wreath for PersonY, because _ wants to make her happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making an easter bunny wreath for PersonY, because _ really like easter bunny wreaths."} {"input": "Context Word: pudding.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since her chocolate pudding did not turn out as well as she expected, PersonX asked PersonY if _ should try to make it again. \nSentence 2: Since her chocolate pudding did not turn out as well as she expected, PersonX asked PersonY if _ would try to make it instead."} {"input": "Context Word: pudding.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pudding was cooked by PersonX for PersonY and _ could not wait for her to try it. \nSentence 2: The pudding was cooked by PersonX for PersonY and _ could not wait to try it."} {"input": "Context Word: Cinematographer.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told the cinematographer to zoom in and get a good close-up of PersonY's face, because _ is the director of the movie. \nSentence 2: PersonX told the cinematographer to zoom in and get a good close-up of PersonY's face, because _ is the star of the movie."} {"input": "Context Word: headbands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wore headbands while playing sports unlike PersonY, because _ sweat more during the games. \nSentence 2: PersonX always rejected wearing headbands while playing sports unlike PersonY, because _ sweat more during the games."} {"input": "Context Word: pepper steak.", "output": "Sentence 1: The pepper steak that PersonX made for PersonY is too spicy. _ feels bad for overseasoning it. \nSentence 2: The pepper steak that PersonX made for PersonY is too spicy. _ feels bad for saying it."} {"input": "Context Word: nursery.", "output": "Sentence 1: Before going off to work, PersonX went to the nursery to drop off PersonY because _ was the parent. \nSentence 2: Before going off to work, PersonX went to the nursery to drop off PersonY because _ was the child."} {"input": "Context Word: nursery.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't drop the children off at the nursery today unlike PersonY because _ children were sick. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't drop the children off at the nursery today unlike PersonY because _ children were healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: street fight.", "output": "Sentence 1: A street fight broke out, so PersonX watched while PersonY called the police. _ loved seeing people throw punches. \nSentence 2: A street fight broke out, so PersonX watched while PersonY called the police. _ hated seeing people throw punches."} {"input": "Context Word: meeting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY whether meeting can be postponed to 10.00, because _ was running late. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY whether meeting can be postponed to 10.00, but _ was could not postpone."} {"input": "Context Word: meeting.", "output": "Sentence 1: The department manager invited PersonX to the meeting rather than PersonY because _ was in charge of the current project. \nSentence 2: The department manager invited PersonX to the meeting rather than PersonY because _ was in charge of the past project."} {"input": "Context Word: mosquito.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was being eaten alive by mosquito bites when PersonY showed up with a repellent because _ was in a lot of pain. \nSentence 2: PersonX was being eaten alive by mosquito bites when PersonY showed up with a repellent, when _ saw he was in a lot of pain."} {"input": "Context Word: mosquito.", "output": "Sentence 1: The buzzing of the mosquito bothered PersonX but didn't bother PersonY. _ had trouble falling asleep with one in the room. \nSentence 2: The buzzing of the mosquito bothered PersonX but didn't bother PersonY. _ had little trouble falling asleep with one in the room."} {"input": "Context Word: Shoes.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to shine his shoes, and so he did a good job. _ was impressed. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to shine his shoes, and so he did a good job. _ was highly compensated."} {"input": "Context Word: Heart.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had much better heart health than PersonY even though they both smoked because _ was a light smoker. \nSentence 2: PersonX had much better heart health than PersonY even though they both smoked because _ was a heavy smoker."} {"input": "Context Word: wolf attack.", "output": "Sentence 1: Ever since the wolf attack, PersonX has been too scared to go out without PersonY, so _ became a shutin. \nSentence 2: Ever since the wolf attack, PersonX has been too scared to go out without PersonY, but _ refused to be a crutch."} {"input": "Context Word: Puppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx dog had more puppies than persony dog and it is more costly for _ to get them fed. \nSentence 2: personx dog had more puppies than persony dog and it is less costly for _ to get them fed."} {"input": "Context Word: Puppies.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx dog whelped more puppies than persony dog because _ dog has a bigger tummy. \nSentence 2: personx dog whelped more puppies than persony dog although _ dog has a bigger tummy."} {"input": "Context Word: Asia.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took a trip and went to visit PersonY's home in Asia because _ wanted to travel to another country. \nSentence 2: PersonX took a trip and went to visit PersonY's home in Asia because _ wanted to have a friend to visit."} {"input": "Context Word: paintings.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX was an history major while PersonY majored in art, _ decided to skip seeing the paintings. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was an art while PersonY majored in history, _ decided to skip seeing the paintings."} {"input": "Context Word: paintings.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to buy the paintings for PersonY, and _ was broke because of the purchase. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to buy the paintings for PersonY, and _ was happy because of the purchase."} {"input": "Context Word: paintings.", "output": "Sentence 1: The paintings on PersonX 's wall were not made by her but bought from PersonY , as _ was a deficient artist. \nSentence 2: The paintings on PersonX 's wall were not made by her but bought from PersonY , as _ was a talented artist."} {"input": "Context Word: emotional abuse.", "output": "Sentence 1: As a child, PersonX had to deal with emotional abuse, while PersonY did not. _ is scarred. \nSentence 2: As a child, PersonX had to deal with emotional abuse, while PersonY did not. _ is typical."} {"input": "Context Word: earn her MBA.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to earn her MBA while working and PersonY wanted to earn her MBA while not working. _ she worked and earned her MBA. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to earn her MBA while working and PersonY wanted to earn her MBA while not working. _ she was not working and earned her MBA."} {"input": "Context Word: Mastering.", "output": "Sentence 1: Mastering the game of chess was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had an analytical mind. \nSentence 2: Mastering the game of chess was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ did not have an analytical mind."} {"input": "Context Word: spicy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave her hot and spicy Indian dish to PersonY because _ disdained the exotic taste. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave her hot and spicy Indian dish to PersonY because _ loved the exotic taste."} {"input": "Context Word: spicy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The food of PersonX is made spicy, but PersonY's is blander because _ is from South America. \nSentence 2: The food of PersonX is made spicy, but PersonY's is spicier because _ is from South America."} {"input": "Context Word: sun.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a worse sunburn than PersonY did because _ stayed out in the sun for a longer time. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a worse sunburn than PersonY did because _ stayed out in the sun for a shorter time."} {"input": "Context Word: sun.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed out under the broiling summer sun for hours, but PersonY only stayed out a few minutes. _ suffered a heat stroke. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed out under the broiling summer sun for hours, but PersonY only stayed out a few minutes. _ avoided a heat stroke."} {"input": "Context Word: campaign speech.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to help them write a campaign speech because _ was bad at writing speeches. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to help them write a campaign speech because _ was good at writing speeches."} {"input": "Context Word: awareness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had extensive military training, while PersonY did not which meant _ had much more awareness of his surroundings. \nSentence 2: PersonX had extensive military training, while PersonY did not which meant _ had much less awareness of his surroundings."} {"input": "Context Word: awareness.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more comfortable in her own skin than PersonY was because _ had great self awareness. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more comfortable in her own skin than PersonY was because _ had terrible self awareness."} {"input": "Context Word: sexy.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was pleasant on the eyes to look at PersonX but Not PersonY because _ was very sexy and attractive. \nSentence 2: It was pleasant on the eyes to look at PersonX but Not PersonY because _ was not very sexy and very unattractive."} {"input": "Context Word: sexy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX though they would feel sexy in PersonYs underwear, so _ snuck upstairs and put them on. \nSentence 2: PersonX though they would feel sexy in PersonYs underwear, but _ snuck upstairs and stopped him."} {"input": "Context Word: Breakfast.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the morning, PersonX wanted to make breakfast for PersonY, so _ got up early and started cooking. \nSentence 2: In the morning, PersonX wanted to make breakfast for PersonY, but _ had already got up early and started cooking."} {"input": "Context Word: Breakfast.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cooked breakfast in bed for PersonY so _ received a kiss as a thank you. \nSentence 2: PersonX cooked breakfast in bed for PersonY so _ gave a kiss as a thank you."} {"input": "Context Word: liver and onions.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to cook liver and onions for PersonY's dinner, because they knew it was _ 's favorite to cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to cook liver and onions for PersonY's dinner, because they knew it was _ 's favorite to eat."} {"input": "Context Word: property finder.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is better suited to being a property finder than PersonY as _ has an intimate knowledge of the area. \nSentence 2: PersonX is better suited to being a property finder than PersonY as _ has a sketchy knowledge of the area."} {"input": "Context Word: romance.", "output": "Sentence 1: Romance was what the married PersonX wanted to talk about with PersonY due to _ having marriage problems. \nSentence 2: Romance was what the married PersonX wanted to talk about with PersonY due to _ having no relationship."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always did well in school but PersonY did not because _ has excellent reading skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX always did well in school but PersonY did not because _ has poor reading skills."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed reading less than PersonY, and consequently _ owned a very small number of books. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed reading less than PersonY, and consequently _ owned a very large number of books."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX finished reading their material before PersonY did because _ was reading a short magazine. \nSentence 2: PersonX finished reading their material before PersonY did because _ was reading a short novel."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX flunked his English class while PersonY did very well because _ had poor reading comprehension. \nSentence 2: PersonX flunked his English class while PersonY did very well because _ had excellent reading comprehension."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX followed carefully as PersonY taught them the fundamentals of reading, because _ was a dedicated student. \nSentence 2: PersonX followed carefully as PersonY taught them the fundamentals of reading, because _ was a dedicated teacher."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a higher grade than PersonY on the English test because _ studied the reading material thoroughly. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a lower grade than PersonY on the English test because _ studied the reading material thoroughly."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX hated reading but PersonY just adored to read so _ was mad when he got a book as a gift. \nSentence 2: PersonX hated reading but PersonY just adored to read so _ was ecstatic when he got a book as a gift."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was adept at reading PersonY 's thoughts, because _ was good at perceiving things. \nSentence 2: PersonX was adept at reading PersonY 's thoughts, because _ was good at signaling things."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always reading but not PersonY, as _ liked to read books all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always reading PersonY did not, as _ liked to watch television all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was better at reading than PersonY, therefore _ was able to finish the book report quickly. \nSentence 2: PersonX was better at reading than PersonY, therefore _ was not able to finish the book report quickly."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would rather stay home reading whilst PersonY preferred to go to a party as _ was very introverted. \nSentence 2: PersonX would rather stay home reading whilst PersonY preferred to go to a party as _ was very extroverted."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wouldn't stop talking while PersonY was reading a book, so _ was being rude. \nSentence 2: PersonX wouldn't stop talking while PersonY was reading a book, so _ was being annoyed."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: Spending time at the library was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a love for reading. \nSentence 2: Spending time at the library was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had no love for reading."} {"input": "Context Word: reading.", "output": "Sentence 1: The English reading skills of PersonX are far superior to PersonY because _ is a native English speaker. \nSentence 2: The English reading skills of PersonX are far inferior to PersonY because _ is a native English speaker."} {"input": "Context Word: structure.", "output": "Sentence 1: The structure that PersonX was in was more unstable than that of PersonY's because _ was in an ancient building. \nSentence 2: The structure that PersonX was in was more unstable than that of PersonY's because _ was in a modern building."} {"input": "Context Word: Beard.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX learned how to grow a long beard by watching PersonY 's videos. _ lacked authority on this topic. \nSentence 2: PersonX learned how to grow a long beard by watching PersonY 's videos. _ was rather authoritative."} {"input": "Context Word: Beard.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx wanted to keep a long beards like persony was doing and _ sought him for advice. \nSentence 2: personx wanted to keep a long beards like persony was doing and _ gave him some advice."} {"input": "Context Word: pickle.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating pickles is much more enjoyable for PersonX than PersonY because _ loves sour foods. \nSentence 2: Eating pickles is much more enjoyable for PersonX than PersonY because _ despises sour foods."} {"input": "Context Word: bracelet.", "output": "Sentence 1: On Ebay, PersonX made a purchase of a bracelet, and PersonY shipped it to her, so _ is the buyer. \nSentence 2: On Ebay, PersonX made a purchase of a bracelet, and PersonY shipped it to her, so _ is the seller."} {"input": "Context Word: bracelet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX looked more fabulous than PersonY because _ was wearing a beautiful looking bracelet to the party. \nSentence 2: PersonX looked more fabulous than PersonY because _ was wearing an ugly looking bracelet to the party."} {"input": "Context Word: bracelet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to wear bracelets but PersonY doesn't so _ went shopping for a new bracelet. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to wear bracelets but PersonY doesn't so _ gave away a new bracelet."} {"input": "Context Word: bracelet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to receive a bracelet from PersonY, so _ dropped hints until they could get it. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to receive a bracelet from PersonY, so _ saved money until they could afford it."} {"input": "Context Word: burn barrel.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX put PersonY into a burn barrel to dispose of the body, but _ was not sure he was dead. \nSentence 2: PersonX put PersonY into a burn barrel to dispose of the body, but _ was not dead after all."} {"input": "Context Word: stimulation.", "output": "Sentence 1: Excessive stimulation didn't bother PersonX as much as it bothered PersonY because _ didn't suffer from autism. \nSentence 2: Excessive stimulation didn't bother PersonX as much as it bothered PersonY because _ suffered from autism."} {"input": "Context Word: stimulation.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was sensitive to noise and light, while PersonY craved excitement, so _ hated the stimulation of the city. \nSentence 2: PersonX was sensitive to noise and light, while PersonY craved excitement, so _ enjoyed the stimulation of the city."} {"input": "Context Word: kids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always wanted to have a lot of kids but not PersonY because _ liked children. \nSentence 2: PersonX always wanted to have a lot of kids but not PersonY because _ didn't like children."} {"input": "Context Word: kids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX babysat the kids last week when PersonY refused to because _ is good with kids. \nSentence 2: PersonX babysat the kids last week when PersonY refused to because _ is afraid of kids."} {"input": "Context Word: kids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really loathed kids with red hair, while PersonY loved them, because _ was such a hateful person. \nSentence 2: PersonX really loathed kids with red hair, while PersonY loved them, because _ was such a nurturing person."} {"input": "Context Word: kids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was looking forward to having kids, but PersonY was not, because _ had always wanted to be a parent. \nSentence 2: PersonX was looking forward to having kids, but PersonY was not, because _ had never wanted to be a parent."} {"input": "Context Word: kids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't bothered by kids but PersonY didn't like them. _ found a job working at a nursery school. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't bothered by kids but PersonY didn't like them. _ found a job working at a plant nursery."} {"input": "Context Word: kids.", "output": "Sentence 1: Taking the kids to the zoo was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved animals. \nSentence 2: Taking the kids to the zoo was fun for PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not love animals."} {"input": "Context Word: kids.", "output": "Sentence 1: The kids of PersonX are being watched by PersonY because _ is a good parent. \nSentence 2: The kids of PersonX are being watched by PersonY because _ is a good babysitter."} {"input": "Context Word: kids.", "output": "Sentence 1: The school chose PersonX over PersonY to be a teacher, since _ related with kids . \nSentence 2: The school chose PersonX over PersonY to be a teacher, since _ conflicted with kids ."} {"input": "Context Word: speed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX can punch the boxing bag with more speed than PersonY seeing as how _ is faster. \nSentence 2: PersonX can punch the boxing bag with more speed than PersonY seeing as how _ is slower."} {"input": "Context Word: speed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX runs at an impressive speed but PersonY does not because _ is really very sporty. \nSentence 2: PersonX runs at an impressive speed but PersonY does not because _ is really very lethargic."} {"input": "Context Word: speed.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was frightened when PersonY started to speed so _ asked them to slow the car down. \nSentence 2: PersonX was excited when PersonY started to speed so _ did not slow the car down."} {"input": "Context Word: speed.", "output": "Sentence 1: The speed of PersonX's taekwondo kicks was faster than PersonY which explained why _ won most of their head-to-head matches. \nSentence 2: The speed of PersonX's taekwondo kicks was slower than PersonY which explained why _ won most of their head-to-head matches."} {"input": "Context Word: episode.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX watched all the episodes of the show while PersonY didn't, so _ knew everything about the show. \nSentence 2: PersonX watched all the episodes of the show while PersonY didn't, so _ knew nothing about the show."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: After hearing about the good reviews PersonX went to PersonY for a wedding cake because _ was engaged. \nSentence 2: After hearing about the good reviews PersonX went to PersonY for a wedding cake because _ was baker."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: Baking a cake was easier for PersonX than PersonY because _ had taken a pastry class. \nSentence 2: Baking a cake was harder for PersonX than PersonY because _ had not taken a pastry class."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: Eating cake for dessert was never an issue for PersonX but it was for PersonY, because _ didn't suffer from diabetes. \nSentence 2: Eating cake for dessert was never an issue for PersonX but it was for PersonY, because _ suffered from diabetes."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: For PersonX's birthday, PersonY wanted to make them a cake but they didn't know _ favorite flavor. \nSentence 2: For PersonX's birthday, PersonY wanted to make them a cake and they _ knew their favorite flavor."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX baked a cake and asked PersonY to help decorate it because _ never decorated cakes before. \nSentence 2: PersonX baked a cake and asked PersonY to help decorate it because _ frequently decorated cakes before."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX baked a cake for PersonY so _ had to clean up their kitchen because it was dirty. \nSentence 2: PersonX received a cake from PersonY so _ had to clean up their kitchen because it was dirty."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a birthday cake for PersonY because _ wanted to give them something for their birthday. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a birthday cake for PersonY because _ wanted to receive a cake for their birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX doesn't eat cake, but PersonY loves it a lot because _ is a diabetic. \nSentence 2: PersonX doesn't eat cake, but PersonY loves it a lot because _ isn't a diabetic."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX eats a lot of cake but PersonY can not because _ has regular blood sugar. \nSentence 2: PersonX eats a lot of cake but PersonY can not because _ has high blood sugar."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoyed the cake PersonY baked for her, as _ appreciated that she remembered her birthday. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoyed the cake PersonY baked for her, as _ showed that she remembered her birthday."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is going to make PersonY a special cake for their birthday but _ does not like to bake. \nSentence 2: PersonX is going to make PersonY a special cake for their birthday even thought _ does not like their baking."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is making a chocolate cake for PersonY's birthday, because _ wants to make him happy. \nSentence 2: PersonX is making a chocolate cake for PersonY's birthday, because _ wants to eat a cake."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved cake, but PersonY didn't, so _ took the extra piece of cake for himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved cake, but PersonY didn't, so _ left the extra piece of cake for someone else."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX overcooked his cake while PersonY's cake was good because _ set the oven temperature too high. \nSentence 2: PersonX overcooked his cake while PersonY's cake was good because _ set the oven temperature properly."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much fatter than PersonY was because _ liked eating cake way too much. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much thinner than PersonY was because _ liked eating cake way too much."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was shocked to find PersonY jump out of the cake at the party, even though _ always wanted to see their work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was shocked to find PersonY jump out of the cake at the party, because _ always wanted to show their work."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bakery gave PersonX the cake meant for PersonY, so _ returned it and got a different one instead. \nSentence 2: The bakery gave PersonX the cake meant for PersonY, so _ didn't want it anymore and got a different one instead."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The beautiful cake was given to PersonX and not PersonY because it was _ wedding day. \nSentence 2: The beautiful cake was withheld to PersonX and not PersonY because it was _ wedding day."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cake PersonX made looks better than PersonY's because _ is a chef by day. \nSentence 2: The cake PersonX made looks better than PersonY's because _ is a plumber by day."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cake that PersonX bought at the bakery for PersonY was delicious, so _ pretended they baked it. \nSentence 2: The cake that PersonX bought at the bakery for PersonY was delicious, so _ wondered who baked it."} {"input": "Context Word: cake.", "output": "Sentence 1: The cake was baked by PersonX but not PersonY because _ was good at baking. \nSentence 2: The cake was baked by PersonX but not PersonY because _ was terrible at baking."} {"input": "Context Word: stain.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the party, PersonX stained PersonY's carpet by spilling red wine, which made _ feel embarassed. \nSentence 2: At the party, PersonX stained PersonY's carpet by spilling red wine, which made _ feel resentful."} {"input": "Context Word: stain.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stain on the floor bothered PersonX but not PersonY because _ dislikes the lived in look. \nSentence 2: The stain on the floor bothered PersonX but not PersonY because _ likes the lived in look."} {"input": "Context Word: stain.", "output": "Sentence 1: The stain was darker on PersonX's shirt than PersonY's because _ spilled red wine and not white wine. \nSentence 2: The stain was lighter on PersonX's shirt than PersonY's because _ spilled red wine and not white wine."} {"input": "Context Word: partial.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher asked PersonX to let PersonY carry the partial dinosaur skeleton, as _ handled it carelessly. \nSentence 2: The teacher asked PersonX to let PersonY carry the partial dinosaur skeleton, as _ handled it carefully."} {"input": "Context Word: concerts.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to concerts is way more fun for PersonX than PersonY because _ loves being around other people. \nSentence 2: Going to concerts is way more fun for PersonX than PersonY because _ hates being around other people."} {"input": "Context Word: waiting.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was waiting a long time for his child to come home from school unlike PersonY because _ child stayed after. \nSentence 2: PersonX was waiting a short time for his child to come home from school unlike PersonY because _ child stayed after."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: After proposing to their girlfriend, PersonX asked PersonY for marriage advice because _ had never been married. \nSentence 2: After proposing to their girlfriend, PersonX asked PersonY for marriage advice because _ had been married for twenty years."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: Marriage was always part of PersonX's life plan but not PersonY because _ grew up with happily married parents. \nSentence 2: Marriage was always part of PersonX's life plan but not PersonY because _ grew up with angrily married parents."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: Marriage was something that was very dear to PersonX but not PersonY. _ has never been divorced. \nSentence 2: Marriage was something that was very dear to PersonX but not PersonY. _ has been divorced two times."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed in the importance of marriage more than PersonY because _ had never been divorced. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed in the importance of marriage more than PersonY because _ had been divorced twice."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX believed in the sanctity of marriage but PersonY didn't. _ was always faithful to their partner in marriage. \nSentence 2: PersonX believed in the sanctity of marriage but PersonY didn't. _ was rarely faithful to their partner in marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was scared of marriage because _ had two prior marriages that failed. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was scared of marriage because _ did not have two prior marriages that failed."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't believe in the sanctity of marriage but PersonY thought it was important. _ went out and cheated on their partner. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't believe in the sanctity of marriage but PersonY thought it was important. _ has never gone out and cheated on their partner."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to PersonY to ask for a young lady's hand in marriage, so _ is likely a future son in law in this situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to PersonY to ask for a young lady's hand in marriage, so _ is likely a future father in law in this situation."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has been in her marriage for many years which PersonY has only been for a few months, _ is accustomed to marriage. \nSentence 2: PersonX has been in her marriage for many years which PersonY has only been for a few months, _ is new to marriage."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX led PersonY through the vows to consecrate and make official his marriage, because _ was an excellent officiant. \nSentence 2: PersonX led PersonY through the vows to consecrate and make official his marriage, because _ was getting married."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried much harder than PersonY to save the marriage because _ was still committed. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried much harder than PersonY to save the marriage because _ was no longer committed."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to visit a marriage counselor with PersonY, but he was out of town. _ asked if he could do it via Skype instead. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to visit a marriage counselor with PersonY, but he was out of town. _ offered to do it via Skype instead."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was happy with their marriage but PersonY was unhappy. _ decided to renew their vows with their partner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was happy with their marriage but PersonY was unhappy. _ decided to renew seek a divorce with their partner."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was jealous of PersonY marriage after her recent divorce from her husband, as _ is lonely. \nSentence 2: PersonX was jealous of PersonY marriage after her recent divorce from her husband, as _ is happy."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was looking forward to his marriage this summer unlike PersonY, because _ was very excited. \nSentence 2: PersonX was looking forward to his marriage this summer unlike PersonY, because _ was very scared."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not interested in hearing about PersonY awesome marriage, because _ was miserable all the time. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not interested in hearing about PersonY awesome marriage, because _ was happy all the time."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's marriage is not going well, but PersonY's is going great, so _ is pretty unhappy. \nSentence 2: PersonX's marriage is not going well, but PersonY's is going great, so _ is pretty content."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's marriage lasted a lot shorter than PersonY's because _ always cheated on his wife. \nSentence 2: PersonX's marriage lasted a lot longer than PersonY's because _ always cheated on his wife."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: Since childhood PersonX dreamt of marriage but not PersonY, as _ always hated being alone. \nSentence 2: Since childhood PersonX dreamt of marriage but not PersonY, as _ always loved being alone."} {"input": "Context Word: marriage.", "output": "Sentence 1: The institution of marriage was very important to PersonX but PersonY didn't care as much, since _ was a commiitted spouse. \nSentence 2: The institution of marriage was very important to PersonX but PersonY didn't care as much, since _ was a committed player."} {"input": "Context Word: flow.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was the rapper with the best flow, and PersonY was jealous, but _ just kept on doing their thing. \nSentence 2: PersonX was the rapper with the best flow, and PersonY was jealous, so _ just kept on attacking their thing."} {"input": "Context Word: ducks.", "output": "Sentence 1: Hunting ducks over the weekend was a hobby of PersonX but not PersonY because _ found hunting relaxing. \nSentence 2: Hunting ducks over the weekend was a hobby of PersonX but not PersonY because _ found hunting stressful."} {"input": "Context Word: essential oils.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't believe PersonY that essential oils worked, until _ learned that they were indeed effective. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't believe PersonY that essential oils worked, until _ proved that they were indeed effective."} {"input": "Context Word: essential oils.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX received essential oils as a birthday present from PersonY, because _ had been having health issues. \nSentence 2: PersonX received essential oils as a birthday present from PersonY, because _ thought they would help."} {"input": "Context Word: essential oils.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was suffering from migraines so PersonY offered to mix some essential oils to try and ease the pain of _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX was suffering from migraines so PersonY offered to mix some essential oils to try and ease the burden placed on _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: essential oils.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was using essential oils before PersonY because _ heard about them from a friend. \nSentence 2: PersonX was using essential oils before PersonY since _ never heard about them from anyone."} {"input": "Context Word: retaining wall.", "output": "Sentence 1: The construction crew built a retaining wall for PersonX but not PersonY because _ lived on the hillside. \nSentence 2: The construction crew built a retaining wall for PersonX but not PersonY because _ lived in the valley.."} {"input": "Context Word: plant Begonia Bulbs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to plant Begonia bulbs earlier than PersonY because _ enters them in the local flower contest. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to plant Begonia bulbs later than PersonY because _ enters them in the local flower contest."} {"input": "Context Word: give up.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed out all night searching for the lost dog while PersonY went home to get some sleep, because _ was ready to give up. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed out all night searching for the lost dog while PersonY went home to get some sleep, because _ wasn't ready to give up."} {"input": "Context Word: revolution.", "output": "Sentence 1: As conflict spread in their country PersonX supported the revolution while PersonY didn't as _ liked change. \nSentence 2: As conflict spread in their country PersonX supported the revolution while PersonY didn't as _ didn't like change."} {"input": "Context Word: type.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't type the letter that she had to give to PersonY before the meeting, so _ was late. \nSentence 2: PersonX typed the letter that she had to give to PersonY before the meeting, so _ was early."} {"input": "Context Word: type.", "output": "Sentence 1: The type of clothes PersonX wore were more expensive than PersonY because _ had more money. \nSentence 2: The type of clothes PersonX wore were cheaper than PersonY because _ had more money."} {"input": "Context Word: asshole.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a real asshole but PersonY is not. _ has very few good friends. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a real asshole but PersonY is not. _ has a lot of good friends."} {"input": "Context Word: intelligent little dogs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has the most intelligent little dogs thought PersonY, _ is a dog owner and teaches them many things. \nSentence 2: PersonX has the most intelligent little dogs thought PersonY, _ is intrigued by dog owner who teach them many things."} {"input": "Context Word: worst case scenarios.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX prepared PersonY for worst case scenarios at work because _ knows how to respond in an emergency situation. \nSentence 2: PersonX prepared PersonY for worst case scenarios at work even though _ knows how to respond in an emergency situation."} {"input": "Context Word: lawn mower.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX owns a better lawn mower than PersonY, so _ finishes the yard work faster. \nSentence 2: PersonX owns a better lawn mower than PersonY, so _ finishes the yard work slower."} {"input": "Context Word: greasy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was worried that her hair looked greasy, so she asked PersonY, but _ regretted asking. \nSentence 2: PersonX was worried that her hair looked greasy, so she asked PersonY, but _ wouldn't answer."} {"input": "Context Word: accessory.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to carry a designer bag as an accessory but PersonY did not as _ was fashionable. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to carry a designer bag as an accessory but PersonY did not as _ was practical."} {"input": "Context Word: car payment.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a large car payment where PersonY had none at all, because _ drove a car. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a large car payment where PersonY had none at all, because _ rode a bike."} {"input": "Context Word: amusement.", "output": "Sentence 1: The amusement for the evening was provided by PersonX rather than PersonY , as _ was a great entertainer. \nSentence 2: The amusement for the evening was provided by PersonX rather than PersonY , as _ was a bad entertainer."} {"input": "Context Word: overweight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is overweight, but PersonY does not have that problem because _ never works out. \nSentence 2: PersonX is overweight, but PersonY does not have that problem because _ always works out."} {"input": "Context Word: overweight.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was overweight but PersonY was very fit. _ had to lose weight to keep from getting diabetes. \nSentence 2: PersonX was overweight but PersonY was very fit. _ didn't need to lose weight to keep from getting diabetes."} {"input": "Context Word: overweight.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor told PersonX they were overweight while PersonY was in perfect health, so _ immediately went on a diet. \nSentence 2: The doctor told PersonX they were overweight while PersonY was in perfect health, so _ didn't have to go on a diet."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if the blueberry jam was homemade because _ wanted to know how to make it. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if the blueberry jam was homemade but _ did not know how to make it."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if the blueberry pie they were eating was homemade because _ wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if the blueberry pie they were eating was homemade but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX baked homemade cookies for the bake sale, while PersonY bought cookies at the store, because _ was a terrible cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX baked homemade cookies for the bake sale, while PersonY bought cookies at the store, because _ was a great cook."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY a jar of homemade strawberry jam as _ likes to grow fruits and vegetables himself. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY a jar of homemade strawberry jam as _ likes to eat organic fruits and vegetables."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept a well stocked kitchen while PersonY did not, so _ always had homemade food. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept a well stocked kitchen while PersonY did not, so _ never had homemade food."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to go to PersonY 's house for some homemade food, since _ was a terrible cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to go to PersonY 's house for some homemade food, since _ was a fantastic cook."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made PersonY a homemade chocolate cake and cookies because _ was an excellent cook. \nSentence 2: PersonX made PersonY a homemade chocolate cake and cookies because _ was terrible in the kitchen."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a delicious homemade chocolate cake for PersonY , and _ enjoyed making it. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a delicious homemade chocolate cake for PersonY , and _ enjoyed eating it."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a homemade pie while PersonY bought a pie at the store because _ was an excellent baker. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a homemade pie while PersonY bought a pie at the store because _ was a terrible baker."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having more wax buildup in their ears than PersonY, so _ thought to create a homemade ear cleaner. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having more wax buildup in their ears than PersonY, so _ did not think to create a homemade ear cleaner."} {"input": "Context Word: homemade.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's homemade bird food was better than PersonY because _ remembered to include sunflower seeds. \nSentence 2: PersonX's homemade bird food was better than PersonY because _ forgot to include sunflower seeds."} {"input": "Context Word: jar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX accused PersonY of taking the last jar of peanut butter, _ is a distrusting person. \nSentence 2: PersonX accused PersonY of taking the last jar of peanut butter, _ is a hungry person."} {"input": "Context Word: jar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY to open the lid of the jar because the hands of _ were weak. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY to open the lid of the jar because the hands of _ were strong."} {"input": "Context Word: jar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help to open the jar of pickles. _ was physically weak. \nSentence 2: PersonX had to ask PersonY for help to open the jar of pickles. _ was physically strong."} {"input": "Context Word: jar.", "output": "Sentence 1: While they were canning, PersonX gave PersonY some jars to use; then _ went back to canning. \nSentence 2: While they were canning, PersonX gave PersonY some jars to use; then _ went to put the cans away."} {"input": "Context Word: bills.", "output": "Sentence 1: Despite winning the lottery, PersonX refused to loan PersonY money to pay bills, because _ was greedy. \nSentence 2: Despite winning the lottery, PersonX refused to loan PersonY money to pay bills, because _ was a mooch."} {"input": "Context Word: bills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was paying PersonYs bills for them as a favor when _ was caught playing at the casino. \nSentence 2: PersonX was paying PersonYs bills for them as a favor, but _ caught them playing at the casino."} {"input": "Context Word: bills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was responsible for the bills, but PersonY hadn't paid their half yet, so _ was waiting to get their half. \nSentence 2: PersonX was responsible for the bills, but PersonY hadn't paid their half yet, so _ was late in giving their half."} {"input": "Context Word: bills.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bills of PersonX are unpaid, while PersonY paid all of his off. So, _ is worse off financially. \nSentence 2: The bills of PersonX are unpaid, while PersonY paid all of his off. So, _ is better off financially."} {"input": "Context Word: patient.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to see a patient in the hospital but not PersonY because _ was in town. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to see a patient in the hospital but not PersonY because _ was out of town."} {"input": "Context Word: patient.", "output": "Sentence 1: The patient put in a special request for PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was always compassionate. \nSentence 2: The patient put in a special request for PersonX instead of PersonY because _ was always stern."} {"input": "Context Word: energy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX appreciated how PersonY gave her workouts that increased her energy throughout the day; _ was an appreciative student. \nSentence 2: PersonX appreciated how PersonY gave her workouts that increased her energy throughout the day; _ was a skilled trainer."} {"input": "Context Word: energy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY if her new washing machine was energy efficient, because _ she wanted to know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY if her new washing machine was energy efficient, but _ she didn't know."} {"input": "Context Word: energy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a lot more energy than PersonY because _ was a lot more awake and healthier. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a lot more energy than PersonY because _ was a lot more tired and lethargic."} {"input": "Context Word: energy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had much more energy in class than PersonY because _ had drank a cup of coffee. \nSentence 2: PersonX had much more energy in class than PersonY because _ had run out of coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: energy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a good deal of energy but PersonY rarely does because _ eats a very healthy diet. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a good deal of energy but PersonY rarely does because _ eats a very poor diet."} {"input": "Context Word: energy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to drink energy drinks. PersonY said he preferred black coffee. _ didn't like bitter coffee. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to drink energy drinks. PersonY said he preferred black coffee. _ liked bitter coffee."} {"input": "Context Word: energy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed up a lot later than PersonY did before working today so _ had less energy. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed up a lot later than PersonY did before working today so _ had more energy."} {"input": "Context Word: energy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to continue running the marathon after PersonY had dropped out, since _ seemed to have unlimited energy . \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to continue running the marathon after PersonY had dropped out, since _ seemed to have insufficient energy ."} {"input": "Context Word: energy.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was having a hard time mustering up the energy to visit PersonY, so _ was relieved when they cancelled. \nSentence 2: PersonX was having a hard time mustering up the energy to visit PersonY, so _ was disappointed when they cancelled."} {"input": "Context Word: energy.", "output": "Sentence 1: Solar energy was important to PersonX but not PersonY, since _ was conscious of their carbon footprint. \nSentence 2: Solar energy was important to PersonX but not PersonY, since _ didn't care about their carbon footprint."} {"input": "Context Word: energy.", "output": "Sentence 1: The fact that PersonX has more energy than PersonY is because _ has a very healthy lifestyle. \nSentence 2: The fact that PersonX has more energy than PersonY is because _ has a very unhealthy lifestyle."} {"input": "Context Word: bartender.", "output": "Sentence 1: The bartender cut PersonX off but continued to serve PersonY because _ was too drunk. \nSentence 2: The bartender cut PersonX off but continued to serve PersonY because _ was still sober."} {"input": "Context Word: eating salad.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found staying slim and fit far easier than PersonY. _ was raised eating salad and healthy foods. \nSentence 2: PersonX found staying slim and fit far easier than PersonY. _ was not raised eating salad and healthy foods."} {"input": "Context Word: Tarantulas.", "output": "Sentence 1: Tarantulas scare the crap out of PersonX, while PersonY owns three of them. _ is more fearful of a person. \nSentence 2: Tarantulas scare the crap out of PersonX, while PersonY owns three of them. _ is more daring of a person."} {"input": "Context Word: motor oil.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's cars never lasted long, while PersonY's lasted years. _ refused to do basic maintenance like change the motor oil. \nSentence 2: PersonX's cars never lasted long, while PersonY's lasted years. _ always made sure to do basic maintenance like change the motor oil."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX paid for an expensive dinner for PersonY on their date that did not go well, _ felt used. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX paid for an expensive dinner for PersonY on their date that did not go well, _ felt guilty."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: Currently, PersonX is looking to date again, while PersonY is not, due to _ being divorced. \nSentence 2: Currently, PersonX is looking to date again, while PersonY is not, due to _ being married."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for the wedding date because _ was very forgetful about dates in general. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for the wedding date because _ always remembers about dates in general."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a date with an online acquaintance but PersonY was worried because _ couldn\u2019t accept some of the risks. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a date with an online acquaintance but PersonY was worried because _ couldn\u2019t dismiss some of the risks."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had no trouble getting a date for the problem however PersonY did because _ was very gregarious. \nSentence 2: PersonX had no trouble getting a date for the problem however PersonY did because _ was very shy."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is really nervous about her first date and asks PersonY for an advice, because it is _ 's first date. \nSentence 2: PersonX is really nervous about her first date and asks PersonY for an advice, because _ has experience dating.."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to date a lot of different men at the same time unlike PersonY because _ was polyamorous. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to date a lot of different men at the same time unlike PersonY because _ was monogamous."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loved to go out on dates while PersonY liked to sit at home, so _ went out every night. \nSentence 2: PersonX loved to go out on dates while PersonY liked to sit at home, so _ sat alone every night."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to ask PersonY out on a date, but _ was too unpopular to make an approach toward them. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to ask PersonY out on a date, but _ was too popular to make an approach toward them."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go on a date instead of help PersonY with their taxes, because _ thought they deserved a night of fun. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go on a date instead of help PersonY with their taxes, but _ thought they deserved a night of help."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was allowed to go on the date as long as PersonY tagged along because _ isn't quite old enough. \nSentence 2: PersonX was allowed to go on the date as long as PersonY tagged along because _ is old enough."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was dressed more nicely than PersonY was because _ was going on a date. \nSentence 2: PersonX was dressed more nicely than PersonY was although _ was going on a date."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was eager to date a lot of people and go to many places unlike PersonY because _ was extroverted. \nSentence 2: PersonX was eager to date a lot of people and go to many places unlike PersonY because _ was introverted.."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was invited out on a date by the girl but not PersonY because _ was more attractive. \nSentence 2: PersonX was invited out on a date by the girl but not PersonY because _ was more ugly."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was unsure whether or not to date PersonY because _ was a nervous wreck in front of people. \nSentence 2: PersonX was unsure whether or not to date PersonY because _ was a flirt in front of people."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was very nervous to ask PersonY on a date because _ had never dated. \nSentence 2: PersonX was very nervous to ask PersonY on a date because _ was an experienced dater."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went out on a first date, while PersonY stayed home with their spouse, because _ was married. \nSentence 2: PersonX went out on a first date, while PersonY stayed home with their spouse, because _ was single."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would go out on many dates while PersonY was happier with one person, so _ looked more promiscuous. \nSentence 2: PersonX would go out on many dates while PersonY was happier with one person, so _ looked less promiscuous."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: The girl went on a date with PersonX and not PersonY because she liked _ funny personality. \nSentence 2: The girl went on a date with PersonX and not PersonY because she hated _ boring personality."} {"input": "Context Word: date.", "output": "Sentence 1: personx is more attracted to his date than persony is because _ is more handsome and caring. \nSentence 2: personx is more attracted to his date than persony is although _ is more handsome and caring."} {"input": "Context Word: seminar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is attending PersonY's seminar on Saturday because _ wants to have the other's job someday. \nSentence 2: PersonX is attending PersonY's seminar on Saturday but _ wants to have the other's job someday."} {"input": "Context Word: seminar.", "output": "Sentence 1: The seminar was very beneficial to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ paid attention and took notes. \nSentence 2: The seminar was very beneficial to PersonX but not to PersonY because _ paid little attention and took no notes."} {"input": "Context Word: terms.", "output": "Sentence 1: The terms of the work contract suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was committed to working for the company. \nSentence 2: The terms of the work contract suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ was committed to working for a different company."} {"input": "Context Word: car accident.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the car accident, PersonX visits PersonY to speak due to _ being the car owner. \nSentence 2: After the car accident, PersonX visits PersonY to speak due to _ being the insurance agent."} {"input": "Context Word: car accident.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX apologized to PersonY after the collision because _ caused the car accident that morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX yelled at PersonY after the collision because _ caused the car accident that morning."} {"input": "Context Word: car accident.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has to go to rehab after the car accident, but PersonY walked away fine. _ was injured. \nSentence 2: PersonX has to go to rehab after the car accident, but PersonY walked away fine. _ was lucky."} {"input": "Context Word: immune system.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a strict regimen of taking supplements but PersonY didn't take any. _ had a strong immune system. \nSentence 2: PersonX had a strict regimen of taking supplements but PersonY didn't take any. _ had a weak immune system."} {"input": "Context Word: immune system.", "output": "Sentence 1: The doctor needed to hospitalize PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a disease of the immune system. \nSentence 2: The doctor needed to hospitalize PersonX but not PersonY because _ did not have a disease of the immune system."} {"input": "Context Word: immune system.", "output": "Sentence 1: The immune system of PersonX is weak, though PersonY's is strong, so _ is sick. \nSentence 2: The immune system of PersonX is weak, though PersonY's is strong, so _ is healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: beetle.", "output": "Sentence 1: During the nature walk, PersonX always stopped to look at the beetle crossings while PersonY went ahead because _ loved to watch bugs. \nSentence 2: During the nature walk, PersonX always stopped to look at the beetle crossings while PersonY went ahead because _ preferred to see other animals."} {"input": "Context Word: comic.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX buys a comic book for PersonY so they can experience the genre, because _ hopes to have a friend who likes comics. \nSentence 2: PersonX buys a comic book for PersonY so they can experience the genre, but _ does not want to be a friend who likes comics."} {"input": "Context Word: comic.", "output": "Sentence 1: When at the bookstore, PersonX bought a comic book for PersonY because _ wanted to surprise them. \nSentence 2: When at the bookstore, PersonX bought a comic book for PersonY because _ liked the surprise."} {"input": "Context Word: gladiolus.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gives a bouquet of gladiolus to PersonY, because _ wants to cheer their friend up. \nSentence 2: PersonX gives a bouquet of gladiolus to PersonY, because _ needs to be cheered up."} {"input": "Context Word: lighten.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX 's jokes served to lighten the mood with PersonY , as _ was in such a happy mood. \nSentence 2: PersonX 's jokes served to lighten the mood with PersonY , as _ was in such a foul mood."} {"input": "Context Word: buttermilk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is envious of PersonY's buttermilk making abilities because _ is a very jealous person. \nSentence 2: PersonX is envious of PersonY's buttermilk making abilities because _ is a very talented person."} {"input": "Context Word: buttermilk.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needed PersonY to pick up some buttermilk on their way home from work, because _ had none to use for dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX needed PersonY to pick up some buttermilk on their way home from work, but _ had some to use for dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: jog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX cannot Jog the same long distance that PersonY could jog because _ is old. \nSentence 2: PersonX cannot Jog the same long distance that PersonY could jog because _ is young."} {"input": "Context Word: jog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX used to go to the park to jog but PersonY did not as _ was very fit. \nSentence 2: PersonX used to go to the park to jog but PersonY did not as _ was very unfit."} {"input": "Context Word: jog.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX will jog past PersonY every morning because _ prefers to be in first place. \nSentence 2: PersonX will jog past PersonY every morning because _ prefers to be in last place."} {"input": "Context Word: Sauce.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not want to give PersonY the recipe for the special sauce, so _ hid the recipe card. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not want to give PersonY the recipe for the special sauce, so _ looked for the recipe card."} {"input": "Context Word: physical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY had made the basketball team because _ was able to pass the physical. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY had made the basketball team because _ was not able to pass the physical."} {"input": "Context Word: physical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY made it into the police academy because _ was able to pass the physical exam. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY made it into the police academy because _ was not able to pass the physical exam."} {"input": "Context Word: physical.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX never went to the doctor, but PersonY got a physical every year, so _ was unhealthy. \nSentence 2: PersonX never went to the doctor, but PersonY got a physical every year, so _ was healthy."} {"input": "Context Word: puddle.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX walked carefully around the puddle while PersonY splashed threw it, person _ liked to be clean. \nSentence 2: PersonX walked carefully around the puddle while PersonY splashed threw it, person _ liked to be muddy."} {"input": "Context Word: bass guitar.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX performed on TV and inspired PersonY to get a bass guitar as a result _ was very influential. \nSentence 2: PersonX performed on TV and inspired PersonY to get a bass guitar as a result _ was very inspired."} {"input": "Context Word: gnats.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thoughts gnats were a nuisance but PersonY did not. _ swatted at the gnats flying around. \nSentence 2: PersonX thoughts gnats were a nuisance but PersonY did not. _ ignored the gnats flying around."} {"input": "Context Word: Life.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was much more successful in life than PersonY was because _ worked hard in school. \nSentence 2: PersonX was much more successful in life than PersonY was because _ was lazy in school."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: Falling asleep came more easily each night for PersonX than PersonY because _ never had heartburn. \nSentence 2: Falling asleep came more easily for each night PersonX than PersonY because _ always had heartburn."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to sleep was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was not very tired. \nSentence 2: Going to sleep was a problem for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very tired."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: Going to sleep was in the cards for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was feeling exhausted. \nSentence 2: Going to sleep was in the cards for PersonX but not PersonY because _ was feeling vigorous."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: Late at night, PersonX was more tired than PersonY so _ was able to go right to sleep. \nSentence 2: Late at night, PersonX was more tired than PersonY so _ was unable to go right to sleep."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: Lately, PersonX has not been getting as good of sleep as PersonY does because _ is an insomniac. \nSentence 2: Lately, PersonX has not been getting as good of sleep as PersonY does although _ is an insomniac."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was feeling refreshed in the morning because _ had gotten a good night's sleep. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was feeling refreshed in the morning because _ had not gotten a good night's sleep."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX couldn't sleep with their Carpal tunnel syndrome so they asked PersonY for help because _ was recently diagnosed. \nSentence 2: PersonX couldn't sleep with their Carpal tunnel syndrome so they asked PersonY for help because _ was diagnosed in the past."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX did not get enough sleep with having twins but PersonY got plenty, so _ felt very lethargic. \nSentence 2: PersonX did not get enough sleep with having twins but PersonY got plenty, so _ felt very energetic."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX didn't sleep well the night before, but PersonY slept peacefully. The next day, _ was tired at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX didn't sleep well the night before, but PersonY slept peacefully. The next day, _ was energetic at work."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX enjoys sleeping on the ground, while PersonY really can't stand it, because _ likes hard surfaces. \nSentence 2: PersonX enjoys sleeping on the ground, while PersonY really can't stand it, because _ likes soft surfaces."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fell asleep at a graduation party at PersonY's house, then _ started to snore. \nSentence 2: PersonX fell asleep at a graduation party at PersonY's house, then _ started to laugh."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fell asleep on PersonY because _ was tired after a long day at work. \nSentence 2: PersonX was fallen asleep on by PersonY because _ was tired after a long day at work."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX fell asleep while PersonY stayed awake, so _ spent the next few hours dreaming. \nSentence 2: PersonX fell asleep while PersonY stayed awake, so _ spent the next few hours watching television."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX found it easier than PersonY to go to sleep at night because _ never overslept in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX found it easier than PersonY to go to sleep at night because _ always overslept in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX goes to sleep earlier than PersonY because _ goes to work earlier in the morning. \nSentence 2: PersonX goes to sleep earlier than PersonY because _ goes to work later in the morning."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got more sleep the previous night than PersonY, because _ was always a very deep sleeper. \nSentence 2: PersonX got more sleep the previous night than PersonY, because _ was always a very light sleeper."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has trouble going to sleep but PersonY sleeps like a baby. _ has a bad case of insomnia. \nSentence 2: PersonX has trouble going to sleep but PersonY sleeps like a baby. _ has a bad case of acne."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to fall asleep in silence while PersonY preferred white noise; _ wore ear plugs to bed. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to fall asleep to white noise while PersonY preferred silence; _ wore ear plugs to bed."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to sleep in but PersonY did not as _ was a fundamentally energetic person. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to sleep in but PersonY did not as _ was a fundamentally lazy person."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to sleep in late but PersonY made too much noise and woke up _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to sleep in late but PersonY made too much noise so _ apologized ."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really wanted to go to sleep but PersonY did not because _ was feeling very tired. \nSentence 2: PersonX really wanted to go to sleep but PersonY did not because _ was feeling very lively."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX talked in their sleep and PersonY found it hard to sleep with noise so _ went to see a specialist. \nSentence 2: PersonX talked in their sleep and PersonY found it hard to sleep with noise so _ went to buy some earplugs."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX told PersonY that the children had to go to sleep by 9pm because _ was going out. \nSentence 2: PersonX told PersonY that the children had to go to sleep by 9pm because _ was babysitting."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX tried to get PersonY to go to sleep at the normal bedtime and _ succeeded. \nSentence 2: PersonX tried to get PersonY to go to sleep at the normal bedtime but _ fought."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to sleep but PersonY was ready to party so _ stayed home from the party.. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to sleep but PersonY was ready to party so _ stayed at the party.."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to sleep well every night, but PersonY struggled with nightly insomnia. _ usually felt very rested and refreshed. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to sleep well every night, but PersonY struggled with nightly insomnia. _ usually felt very tired and fatigued."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was not able to sleep before Christmas day but PersonY was because _ was excited about it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was not able to sleep before Christmas day but PersonY was because _ was indifferent \rabout it."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was ready to sleep, but PersonY was having a party, so _ tossed and turned for an hour. \nSentence 2: PersonX was ready to party, but PersonY was going to sleep , so _ tossed and turned for an hour."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to sleep before PersonY even got to bed because _ was very tired. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to sleep before PersonY even got to bed because _ wasn't very tired."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked a lot more than PersonY so it was always easier for _ to fall asleep. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked a lot more than PersonY so it was always harder for _ to fall asleep."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX would go to bed and sleep earlier than PersonY, so _ was a morning person. \nSentence 2: PersonX would go to bed and sleep earlier than PersonY, so _ was an evening person."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's sleep has been much better than PersonY's lately due to _ using Ambien regularly. \nSentence 2: PersonX's sleep has been much better than PersonY's lately due to _ using cocaine regularly."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's sleep has been off lately, but PersonY is on a normal schedule, so _ wakes up at 2 AM. \nSentence 2: PersonX's sleep has been off lately, but PersonY is on a normal schedule, so _ wakes up at 8 AM."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: Sleep came very naturally for PersonX but not for PersonY, so _ was always well rested. \nSentence 2: Sleep came very naturally for PersonX but not for PersonY, so _ was always very tired."} {"input": "Context Word: sleep.", "output": "Sentence 1: personX always got a good night's sleep whereas PersonY did not because _ was very active during the day. \nSentence 2: personX always got a good night's sleep whereas PersonY did not because _ was very sedentary during the day."} {"input": "Context Word: nectarines.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX called PersonY and asked her to pick up some nectarines at the store because _ had forgotten them when shopping. \nSentence 2: PersonX called PersonY and asked her to pick up some nectarines at the store because _ was out shopping."} {"input": "Context Word: play games.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was always lying to people while PersonY has always been straight forward because _ thought it was fine to play games with people. \nSentence 2: PersonX was always lying to people while PersonY has always been straight forward because _ thought it was wrong to play games with people."} {"input": "Context Word: to be a model.", "output": "Sentence 1: The recruiter though PersonX was a better pick than PersonY to be a model because _ wasn't wearing a lot of makeup. \nSentence 2: The recruiter though PersonX was a better pick than PersonY to be a model because _ had caked on a lot of makeup."} {"input": "Context Word: job interview.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was going to a job interview after being prepped by PersonY. _ was grateful. \nSentence 2: PersonX was going to a job interview after being prepped by PersonY. _ was proud."} {"input": "Context Word: peace.", "output": "Sentence 1: After the fight was over, PersonX wanted to make peace with PersonY because _ was forgiving. \nSentence 2: After the fight was over, PersonX wanted to make peace with PersonY because _ was angry."} {"input": "Context Word: peace.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX really wanted to make peace with PersonY because _ regretted their argument and wanted to be friends again. \nSentence 2: PersonX really wanted to make peace with PersonY because _ was upset about their argument and wanted to be friends again."} {"input": "Context Word: pet rat.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a brown pet rat for their birthday from PersonY, _ has always wanted a pet rat. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a brown pet rat for their birthday from PersonY, _ has never wanted a pet rat."} {"input": "Context Word: client.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a client of PersonY at the salon and _ is grateful for the work that they perform. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a client of PersonY at the salon and _ is grateful for the work that they are given."} {"input": "Context Word: go on a diet.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to go on a diet and PersonY because _ was a couple of pounds overweight. \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to go on a diet and PersonY because _ was a couple of pounds underweight."} {"input": "Context Word: skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: Managining a business was easier for PersonX and not PersonY because _ had a more simpler time with soft skills. \nSentence 2: Managining a business was harder for PersonX and not PersonY because _ had a more simpler time with soft skills."} {"input": "Context Word: skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was good for the customer service position because _ had good people person skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was good for the customer service position because _ did not have good people person skills."} {"input": "Context Word: skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had the exact skills needed to apply for the job unlike PersonY, because _ worked in a similar position before. \nSentence 2: PersonX had the exact skills needed to apply for the job unlike PersonY, because _ worked in a different position before."} {"input": "Context Word: skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX has a shorter job resume than PersonY because _ has less skills and experience. \nSentence 2: PersonX has a shorter job resume than PersonY because _ has more skills and experience."} {"input": "Context Word: skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only had a few skills compared to PersonY because _ had a lot less training. \nSentence 2: PersonX only had a few skills compared to PersonY because _ had a lot more training."} {"input": "Context Word: skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught their skills to PersonY, because _ wanted to pass along all their accumulated knowledge. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught their skills to PersonY, because _ wanted to learn about all their accumulated knowledge."} {"input": "Context Word: skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a basketball player teaching PersonY so _ showed a wide array of skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a basketball player teaching PersonY so _ showed a small array of skills."} {"input": "Context Word: skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was offered the promotion instead of PersonY because _ has better managerial and programming skills. \nSentence 2: PersonX was offered the promotion instead of PersonY because _ has worse managerial and programming skills."} {"input": "Context Word: skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: The skills needed for the job were on the resume for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ worked a similar job before. \nSentence 2: The skills needed for the job were on the resume for PersonX unlike PersonY because _ had not worked a similar job before."} {"input": "Context Word: skills.", "output": "Sentence 1: The skills of PersonX were far superior to PersonY because _ was a talented individual. \nSentence 2: The skills of PersonX were far inferior to PersonY because _ was a talented individual."} {"input": "Context Word: diligent.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't as diligent as PersonY when guarding the gate, so _ was punished by the sergeant. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't as diligent as PersonY when guarding the gate, so _ was rewarded by the sergeant."} {"input": "Context Word: diligent.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher thinks PersonX is a more diligent student than PersonY because _ aces all her tests. \nSentence 2: The teacher thinks PersonX is a more diligent student than PersonY because _ fails all her tests."} {"input": "Context Word: freshwater snail.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX invited PersonY over for a her new dish of freshwater snail, _ enjoys cooking and creating dishes. \nSentence 2: PersonX invited PersonY over for a her new dish of freshwater snail, _ enjoys eating and tasting dishes."} {"input": "Context Word: frost off car windows.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a safer driver in winter than PersonY. _ didn't even clear the frost off car windows. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a safer driver in winter than PersonY. _ always cleared the frost off car windows."} {"input": "Context Word: legs.", "output": "Sentence 1: At the gym, PersonX was working out their legs while PersonY worked out their arms. _ ran a faster mile because of the leg workouts. \nSentence 2: At the gym, PersonX was working out their legs while PersonY worked out their arms. _ ran a slower mile because of the arm workouts."} {"input": "Context Word: legs.", "output": "Sentence 1: It did not take PersonX very long to shave their legs, although it took PersonY thirty minutes, since _ was very skilled with a razor. \nSentence 2: It did not take PersonX very long to shave their legs, although it took PersonY thirty minutes, since _ was not very skilled with a razor."} {"input": "Context Word: legs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX assisted placing the legs of PersonY into the wheelchair because _ was the nurse in physical therapy. \nSentence 2: PersonX assisted placing the legs of PersonY into the wheelchair because _ was the patient in physical therapy."} {"input": "Context Word: legs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX had a much better stride than PersonY because _ had such long legs . \nSentence 2: PersonX had a much better stride than PersonY because _ had such short legs ."} {"input": "Context Word: legs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked girls with long legs but PersonY liked girls with short legs. _ asked the volleyball player out to dinner. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked girls with long legs but PersonY liked girls with short legs. _ asked the midget out to dinner."} {"input": "Context Word: legs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to do strenuous exercises on their legs but PersonY did not because _ was very sporty. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to do strenuous exercises on their legs but PersonY did not because _ was very sedentary."} {"input": "Context Word: legs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was self-conscious of her legs and PersonY didn't help by making fun of them, so _ went to the gym to try and fix it. \nSentence 2: PersonX was self-conscious of her legs and PersonY didn't help by making fun of them, but _ went to the gym to try and help her."} {"input": "Context Word: legs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX won many more races than PersonY was able to win because _ had longer legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX won many more races than PersonY was able to win because _ had shorter legs."} {"input": "Context Word: legs.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's legs have started to getting hairy and he asks for PersonY's advice, because _ wants to shave his legs. \nSentence 2: PersonX's legs have started to getting hairy and he asks for PersonY's advice, because _ already has shaved legs."} {"input": "Context Word: legs.", "output": "Sentence 1: The slim legs on PersonX were the envy of PersonY , since _ knew how to take care of her figure. \nSentence 2: The slim legs on PersonX were the envy of PersonY , since _ was ignorant of how to take care of her figure."} {"input": "Context Word: struggle.", "output": "Sentence 1: It was a real struggle for PersonX to live, so PersonY gave them moral support, which made _ feel much better. \nSentence 2: It was a real struggle for PersonX to live, so PersonY gave them moral support, which made _ feel like a good friend."} {"input": "Context Word: Concrete Patio.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was laying a concrete patio when PersonY showed up to help. _ was thankful for the assistance. \nSentence 2: PersonX was laying a concrete patio when PersonY showed up to help. _ was glad to give assistance."} {"input": "Context Word: passionately.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX passionately pursued to affections of PersonY, and _ couldn't wait to go on a date together. \nSentence 2: PersonX passionately pursued to affections of PersonY, though _ wouldn't agree to go on a date together."} {"input": "Context Word: passionately.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX pursued PersonY with great rigor, because _ was so much more passionately in love with her. \nSentence 2: PersonX pursued PersonY with great rigor, because _ was so much less passionately in love with her."} {"input": "Context Word: passionately.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX very much wanted to passionately kiss PersonY, so _ pulled them close and locked lips. \nSentence 2: PersonX very much wanted to passionately kick PersonY, so _ pulled them close and kicked them."} {"input": "Context Word: Earn Money.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY for some tips on how he could earn money, because _ didn't have any ideas. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY for some tips on how he could earn money, but _ didn't have any ideas."} {"input": "Context Word: rocks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wanted to show off her rock throwing skills to PersonY , so _ threw a few rocks . \nSentence 2: PersonX wanted to show off her rock throwing skills to PersonY , so _ caught a few rocks ."} {"input": "Context Word: joints.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had stiff joints, PersonY offered to massage her which made _ feel much better physically. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had stiff joints, PersonY offered to massage her which made _ feel much more helpful."} {"input": "Context Word: joints.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX suffered from arthritis and declined to go for a walk, but PersonY did not, because _ had achey joints. \nSentence 2: PersonX suffered from arthritis and declined to go for a walk, but PersonY did not, because _ had healthy joints."} {"input": "Context Word: joints.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX took longer to walk the mile than PersonY did because _ had more problems with their joints. \nSentence 2: PersonX took longer to walk the mile than PersonY did although _ had more problems with their joints."} {"input": "Context Word: joints.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was able to move faster then PersonY was because _ had healthy joints in their body. \nSentence 2: PersonX was able to move faster than PersonY was because _ had painful joints in their body."} {"input": "Context Word: joints.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was older than PersonY so _ experienced more pain in their joints on a regular basis. \nSentence 2: PersonX was younger than PersonY so _ experienced more pain in their joints on a regular basis."} {"input": "Context Word: joints.", "output": "Sentence 1: The joints of PersonX are always a bother, and PersonY has no issues. _ is likely the older of the two. \nSentence 2: The joints of PersonX are always a bother, and PersonY has no issues. _ is likely the younger of the two."} {"input": "Context Word: raped.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wants to learn how to defend with jiu jitsu from PersonY, because _ is afraid of getting raped. \nSentence 2: PersonX wants to learn how to defend with jiu jitsu from PersonY, because _ want to help her overcome fear of getting raped."} {"input": "Context Word: Avon.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX told PersonY about quitting working for Avon after two weeks, _ started pouting. \nSentence 2: When PersonX told PersonY about quitting working for Avon after two weeks, _ started consoling."} {"input": "Context Word: claim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX filed the claim against PersonY after the car accident because _ was not at fault for the accident. \nSentence 2: PersonX filed the claim against PersonY after the car accident because _ was at fault for the accident."} {"input": "Context Word: claim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made a claim for compensation but PersonY did not as _ thought they had been badly treated. \nSentence 2: PersonX made a claim for compensation but PersonY did not as _ thought they had been well treated."} {"input": "Context Word: claim.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX saved less money on the television than PersonY because _ didn't fill out their rebate claim. \nSentence 2: PersonX saved less money on the television than PersonY because _ filled out their rebate claim."} {"input": "Context Word: attack.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX attacked PersonY at the park _ laughed and ran home to his mother. \nSentence 2: When PersonX attacked PersonY at the park _ cried and ran home to his mother."} {"input": "Context Word: bulbs.", "output": "Sentence 1: In the garden, PersonX is more adept at transplanting bulbs, while PersonY is clumsy at it. _ is the pro gardener. \nSentence 2: In the garden, PersonX is more adept at transplanting bulbs, while PersonY is clumsy at it. _ is the amateur gardener."} {"input": "Context Word: New York.", "output": "Sentence 1: As far as sports, PersonX tends to root for New York teams, and PersonY tends to root for Chicago's teams. So, _ is the Mets fan. \nSentence 2: As far as sports, PersonX tends to root for New York teams, and PersonY tends to root for Chicago's teams. So, _ is the Cubs fan."} {"input": "Context Word: New York.", "output": "Sentence 1: Being in New York was comfortable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ grew up in the city. \nSentence 2: Being in New York was comfortable for PersonX but not PersonY because _ grew up in the country."} {"input": "Context Word: New York.", "output": "Sentence 1: Moving to New York suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ loved the nightlife and city. \nSentence 2: Moving to New York suited PersonX but not PersonY because _ hated the nightlife and city."} {"input": "Context Word: New York.", "output": "Sentence 1: New York was a dream destination for PersonX but not for PersonY. _ bought a plane ticket to Buffalo to take a vacation. \nSentence 2: New York was a dream destination for PersonX but not for PersonY. _ bought a plane ticket to Chicago to take a vacation."} {"input": "Context Word: New York.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX lives in New York, while PersonY lives in Los Angeles. _ has actually never been to the West Coast. \nSentence 2: PersonX lives in New York, while PersonY lives in Los Angeles. _ has actually never been to the East Coast."} {"input": "Context Word: sweet corn.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was a farmer who grew sweet corn to sell but PersonY could not, so _ sold corn from the roadside stand. \nSentence 2: PersonX was a farmer who grew sweet corn to sell but PersonY could not, so _ purchased corn from the roadside stand."} {"input": "Context Word: option.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX only gave PersonY a single option, because _ didn't have any more patience left. \nSentence 2: PersonX only gave PersonY a single option, because _ so have any more choices left."} {"input": "Context Word: motor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX kept their motor well maintained but PersonY ignored their engine maintenance. _ saved a lot of money on car repairs. \nSentence 2: PersonX kept their motor well maintained but PersonY ignored their engine maintenance. _ spent a lot of money on car repairs."} {"input": "Context Word: motor.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX worked on the motor with PersonY's help because _ didn't know as much about engines. \nSentence 2: PersonX worked on the motor with PersonY's help because _ knew much more about engines."} {"input": "Context Word: motor.", "output": "Sentence 1: The motor on PersonX's boat is acting strangely, so he brings it to PersonY. _ is the boat owner. \nSentence 2: The motor on PersonX's boat is acting strangely, so he brings it to PersonY. _ is the boat mechanic."} {"input": "Context Word: drowning.", "output": "Sentence 1: Drowning in the pool in the backyard was more likely for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had never learned how to swim. \nSentence 2: Drowning in the pool in the backyard was more likely for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had learned how to swim."} {"input": "Context Word: drowning.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was hesitant to go in the pool because they were afraid of drowning. _ was never a good swimmer. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was hesitant to go in the pool because they were afraid of drowning. _ was always a good swimmer."} {"input": "Context Word: drowning.", "output": "Sentence 1: While at the beach, PersonX saw PersonY struggling in the water, so _ jumped in and prevented him from drowning. \nSentence 2: While at the beach, PersonX saw PersonY struggling in the water, so _ was rescued and prevented from drowning."} {"input": "Context Word: sauces.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought a bunch of spicy sauces for PersonY, since _ wanted to give them some treats. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought a bunch of spicy sauces for PersonY, since _ wanted to give tastes some treats."} {"input": "Context Word: Compost.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX liked to recycle but PersonY couldn't care less about it, so _ started a compost pile. \nSentence 2: PersonX liked to recycle but PersonY couldn't care less about it, so _ didn't make a compost pile."} {"input": "Context Word: hemmorhoids.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX decided to eat more fiber and vegetables like PersonY does, because _ avoided hemmorhoids. \nSentence 2: PersonX decided to eat more fiber and vegetables like PersonY does, because _ developed hemmorhoids."} {"input": "Context Word: vocabulary.", "output": "Sentence 1: Creative writing and English literature were easier for PersonX than PersonY, as _ had a very wide vocabulary. \nSentence 2: Creative writing and English literature were easier for PersonX than PersonY, as _ had a very limited vocabulary."} {"input": "Context Word: vocabulary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX made fun of PersonY for having a bad vocabulary, so the English teacher chastised _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX made fun of PersonY for having a bad vocabulary, so the English teacher comforted _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: vocabulary.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX taught PersonY many words to build their vocabulary because _ was an SAT tutor. \nSentence 2: PersonX taught PersonY many words to build their vocabulary because _ was an SAT taker."} {"input": "Context Word: vocabulary.", "output": "Sentence 1: Reading complicated science books was a preference of PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a good vocabulary. \nSentence 2: Reading complicated science books was a preference of PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a bad vocabulary."} {"input": "Context Word: vocabulary.", "output": "Sentence 1: Using large words in a sentence was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a large vocabulary. \nSentence 2: Using large words in a sentence was easy for PersonX but not PersonY because _ had a small vocabulary."} {"input": "Context Word: suspicion.", "output": "Sentence 1: Everybody thought PersonX would look upon PersonY with suspicion because _ was suspicious of others. \nSentence 2: Everybody thought PersonX would look upon PersonY with suspicion because _ was a convicted felon."} {"input": "Context Word: twists.", "output": "Sentence 1: When writing, PersonX's novels always have twists in them, but PersonY's do not, so _ is the more surprising author. \nSentence 2: When writing, PersonX's novels always have twists in them, but PersonY's do not, so _ is the more predictable author."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY what pair of jeans to buy because _ had horrible style of clothes. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY what pair of jeans to buy because _ had great style of clothes."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked to borrow PersonY's dress because _ realized jeans weren't appropriate for the occassion. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked to borrow PersonY's dress because _ told her jeans weren't appropriate for the occassion."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought expensive jeans while PersonY bought cheap ones since _ had a lot of money in their budget. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought expensive jeans while PersonY bought cheap ones since _ had very little money in their budget."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX browsed the rack of jeans that PersonY showed them in the store, and some conversation _ made the purchase. \nSentence 2: PersonX browsed the rack of jeans that PersonY showed them in the store, and some conversation _ made the sale."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX gave PersonY money to buy some new jeans; then _ offered more money for a matching shirt. \nSentence 2: PersonX gave PersonY money to buy some new jeans; then _ asked for more money for a matching shirt."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX is a professional laundress, PersonY is not therefore you should ask _ about preventing your jeans shrinking in the wash. \nSentence 2: PersonX is a professional laundress, PersonY is not therefore you should not ask _ about preventing your jeans shrinking in the wash."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX let PersonY have the last pair of white jeans, even though the jeans looked better on _ . \nSentence 2: PersonX let PersonY have the last pair of white jeans, because the jeans looked better on _ ."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs to buy a new pair of jeans and PersonY tag along because _ needs help with choosing a good one. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to buy a new pair of jeans and PersonY tag along because _ can help a friend with choosing a good pair."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX stayed much hotter than PersonY when they went outside because _ was wearing jeans. \nSentence 2: PersonX stayed much hotter than PersonY when they went outside although _ was wearing jeans."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX waited for PersonY to retrieve their jeans from the clothes dryer, then _ ran outside to play. \nSentence 2: PersonX waited for PersonY to retrieve their jeans from the clothes dryer, then _ ran to the next task."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was more fashionable than PersonY so _ was able to find cute jeans with ease. \nSentence 2: PersonX was more fashionable than PersonY so _ was able to find cute jeans with difficulty."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's jeans have lots of holes in them, while PersonY's are fresh due to _ wearing old clothing. \nSentence 2: PersonX's jeans have lots of holes in them, while PersonY's are fresh due to _ wearing new clothing."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: The jeans PersonX gave to PersonY is dragging on the floor when he wore it because _ is tall. \nSentence 2: The jeans PersonX gave to PersonY is dragging on the floor when he wore it because _ is short."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: The old jeans no longer fit PersonX but did fit PersonY because _ had gain weight over the years. \nSentence 2: The old jeans no longer fit PersonX but did fit PersonY because _ hadn't gained weight over the years."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: The seamstress needed to hem the jeans of PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very short. \nSentence 2: The seamstress needed to hem the jeans of PersonX but not PersonY because _ was very tall."} {"input": "Context Word: jeans.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX bought jeans that were too long, they asked PersonY to hem them, because _ was terrible at sewing. \nSentence 2: When PersonX bought jeans that were too long, they asked PersonY to hem them, because _ was skilled at sewing."} {"input": "Context Word: parrots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX likes to hold and talk to parrots, but PersonY can't stand them, so _ is more likely to be the bird enthusiast. \nSentence 2: PersonX likes to hold and talk to parrots, but PersonY can't stand them, so _ is more likely to be the bird hater."} {"input": "Context Word: parrots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX thought finches were neat but PersonY preferred parrots. _ bought a gold finch at the pet store. \nSentence 2: PersonX thought finches were neat but PersonY preferred parrots. _ bought an Eclectus parrot at the pet store."} {"input": "Context Word: parrots.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX was nervous around parrots but PersonY was not, since _ was bitten by a bird early in life. \nSentence 2: PersonX was nervous around parrots but PersonY was not, since _ grew up around birds early in life."} {"input": "Context Word: essay.", "output": "Sentence 1: Because PersonX had a four page essay due while PersonY had a twelve page essay due, _ needed to spend significantly more time writing. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX had a four page essay due while PersonY had a twelve page essay due, _ needed to spend significantly less time writing."} {"input": "Context Word: essay.", "output": "Sentence 1: In college, PersonX wrote more essays than PersonY, who typically wrote technical reports, because _ was a humanities major. \nSentence 2: In college, PersonX wrote more essays than PersonY, who typically wrote technical reports, because _ was an engineering major."} {"input": "Context Word: essay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX earned a higher grade on the essay than PersonY because _ included a properly formatted bilbiography. \nSentence 2: PersonX earned a higher grade on the essay than PersonY because _ did not include a properly formatted bilbiography."} {"input": "Context Word: essay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX got a lower grade than PersonY on the English assignment because _ put less thought into their essay. \nSentence 2: PersonX got a lower grade than PersonY on the English assignment because _ put more thought into their essay."} {"input": "Context Word: essay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX helped PersonY all night long with the essay because _ wanted to help them to get a good grade. \nSentence 2: PersonX helped PersonY all night long with the essay because _ needed help by them to get a good grade."} {"input": "Context Word: essay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's essay received the highest honor compared to PersonY because _ wrote an elaborate and detailed essay. \nSentence 2: PersonX's essay received the highest honor compared to PersonY because _ wrote a simple and general essay."} {"input": "Context Word: essay.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX's essay was more in depth than PersonY's essay, so _ had the longer essay in the end. \nSentence 2: PersonX's essay was more in depth than PersonY's essay, so _ had the shorter essay in the end."} {"input": "Context Word: essay.", "output": "Sentence 1: The academic essay PersonX wrote is read over by PersonY for college admissions, so _ is the student. \nSentence 2: The academic essay PersonX wrote is read over by PersonY for college admissions, so _ is the faculty member."} {"input": "Context Word: essay.", "output": "Sentence 1: The essay of PersonX was more popular than PersonY's since _ devoted a lot of time to the paper. \nSentence 2: The essay of PersonX was more popular than PersonY's because _ devoted less time to the paper."} {"input": "Context Word: essay.", "output": "Sentence 1: The teacher gave PersonX an A for their essay and PersonY a D. _ was happy and proud. \nSentence 2: The teacher gave PersonX an A for their essay and PersonY a D. _ was annoyed and frustrated."} {"input": "Context Word: Textbooks.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX loaned their textbooks to PersonY who forgot to return them _ was quite upset. \nSentence 2: PersonX loaned their textbooks to PersonY who remembered to return them _ was quite pleased."} {"input": "Context Word: bloom.", "output": "Sentence 1: Getting flowers to bloom was easier for PersonX than PersonY, as _ had a good knowledge of gardening . \nSentence 2: Getting flowers to bloom was easier for PersonX than PersonY, as _ had a bad knowledge of gardening ."} {"input": "Context Word: bloom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when the roses may be in bloom, because _ did not know. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when the roses may be in bloom, but _ did not know."} {"input": "Context Word: bloom.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX asked PersonY when the roses would bloom, because _ had little knowledge about flowers. \nSentence 2: PersonX asked PersonY when the roses would bloom, because _ had extensive knowledge about flowers."} {"input": "Context Word: sibling.", "output": "Sentence 1: Although PersonX was PersonY's sibling it didn't mean _ had to like the other all of the time. \nSentence 2: Because PersonX was PersonY's sibling it did mean _ had to like the other all of the time."} {"input": "Context Word: sibling.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX always had to beat PersonY due to _ wanting to win all the time against his sibling. \nSentence 2: PersonX always lost against PersonY due to _ wanting to win all the time against his sibling."} {"input": "Context Word: rug.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX bought PersonY a new rug at the store, because _ wanted to help decorate their new home. \nSentence 2: PersonX bought PersonY a new rug at the store, because _ needed help to decorate their new home."} {"input": "Context Word: rug.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX swept the issue under the rug, while PersonY brought up the issue directly, because _ wanted to invite confrontation. \nSentence 2: PersonX swept the issue under the rug, while PersonY brought up the issue directly, because _ wanted to avoid confrontation."} {"input": "Context Word: rug.", "output": "Sentence 1: The new rug arrived at PersonXs house while PersonY was there. _ asked for help moving the furniture around. \nSentence 2: The new rug arrived at PersonXs house while PersonY was there. _ offered help moving the furniture around."} {"input": "Context Word: rug.", "output": "Sentence 1: When PersonX spilled red wine on the rug _ apologized because it was owned by PersonY. \nSentence 2: When PersonX spilled red wine on the rug _ cried because it was owned by PersonY."} {"input": "Context Word: biological.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX wasn't the biological parent of PersonY and _ was hopeful they would get full custody from the real parents. \nSentence 2: PersonX wasn't the biological parent of PersonY and _ was pessimistic they would get full custody from the real parents."} {"input": "Context Word: booze.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX but not PersonY was sent home from work for the day because _ smelled like booze. \nSentence 2: PersonX but not PersonY was sent home from work for the day because _ did not smell like booze."} {"input": "Context Word: google.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX needs to create a calendar in google docs so he asks PersonY to help him, because _ is a computer newbie. \nSentence 2: PersonX needs to create a calendar in google docs so he asks PersonY to help him, so _ helps him."} {"input": "Context Word: google.", "output": "Sentence 1: So _ uses Google to search for information because PersonX trusts in it and PersonY doesn't. \nSentence 2: So _ ignores Google to search for information because PersonX trusts in it and PersonY doesn't."} {"input": "Context Word: Citizen.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX noticed PersonY's accent so _ asked her which country she had been a citizen of. \nSentence 2: PersonX noticed PersonY's accent so _ told her which country she had been a citizen of."} {"input": "Context Word: bands.", "output": "Sentence 1: PersonX went to the local bar last night to listen to the bands unlike PersonY because _ had free time. \nSentence 2: PersonX went to the local bar last night to listen to the bands unlike PersonY because _ was busy."}