berita,tagging "Jakarta - iPhone 6 Plus has complained that a number of users have the disadvantage of being easy to bend if it is stored in a trouser pocket for too long. Apple is considered to have made a big mistake by choosing a metal-aluminum alloy that is not too solid as the base material for the iPhone 6 Plus frame. For this weakness, Apple's new smartphone with a 5.5-inch jumbo sail is now reported to be the subject of ridicule on various social media. A number of Apple's competitors did not waste this opportunity to 'beat' Apple. According to the Business Insider page, Thursday (25/9/2014), the hashtag #bendgate, or what can be interpreted as the 'curvy scandal' of the iPhone 6Plus has become a hot topic on a number of social media. Many users of Twitter, Path, and various other photo social networks mock the weakness of the iPhone 6 Plus. An example is what the snack brand's official Twitter account @KitKat did. The brand, which is indeed a partnership with Google, posted a photo that satirizes the fragile frame of the iPhone 6 handset. They also tweeted, ""We don't bend, we #break. #bendgate #iPhone6plus. There was also another internet user who posted photos to the Imgur website. The photo he posted is an imitation of the official Apple website. It describes a hoax feature belonging to the iPhone 6 Plus called 'Flex' It is stated that the curvature of the iPhone 6 Plus body is not a drawback, but indeed one of the special features that is deliberately embedded in the smartphone. This feature is useful for providing a better view of watching videos, just like LG's curved screen concept",Valid "Dream - The Muslim community was shocked by the news about a toothbrush made from pig bristles. One of the markers is the ingredient in the toothbrush, 'bristle', which is listed on the packaging. The word 'bristle' is then interpreted as 'sea urchin'. As a result, many Muslims are worried about using a toothbrush on the market. But, does 'bristle' really mean 'sea urchin'? Regarding this case, the Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI) provided an explanation. Quoted from the page, LPPOM MUI explains the term 'bristle' means stiff hair or fiber. This definition refers to Webster's Dictionary, so all stiff hair, including stiff beards, palm fibers, pine leaves fall into the bristle category. In the industrial world, bristle is often used as a material for making brushes and brushes, including toothbrushes. Bristle materials can come from animals such as pigs, horses, goats, or synthetic fibers such as nylon and silicone. To emphasize what bristles are used on a toothbrush, usually the term bristle will be written in the product name. For example, 'Boar Bristle Brush' which means 'Boar Bristle Brush. 'Boar' means 'boar' or 'boar'. If you find a toothbrush with the above sentence on the packaging, then the toothbrush is declared forbidden to use. ""This means that the product is a brush that uses wild boar bristles. Toothbrushes can also use boar bristles,"" wrote LPPOM MUI, quoted from, Wednesday, November 2, 2016. However, not all toothbrushes that contain the term 'bristle' in the packaging must be made from pig bristles. There are already many manufacturers that use horse, goat, camel hair, as well as nylon and silicone fibers in their toothbrush products. ""When there is no information on the source of the material, at least a simple method can be used. To determine whether it is made from animal hair or not, the method in question is to burn the material."" ""If it smells like burning hair or horns, it's better to leave it alone. Materials from plastic or coconut fiber don't give off that characteristic smell when burned."" wrote LPPOM MUI.",Hoax "The news circulating about the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia is confirmed to be a hoax. This certainty was revealed after the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati confirmed this in front of journalists at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java. ” he said on Monday, March 12, 2018. While giving a statement regarding President Joko Widodo's meeting with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) delegation, he received a question about it. from government institutions, as quoted from the release of the Deputy for Protocol, Press, and Media Secretariat, Bey Machmudin “What the Minister of Defense said (in social media) it was a hoax, it was like that. from the government and published right,"" he said. Previously, it was widely circulated on social media regarding the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. In this issue, it was stated that the president would be proposed to receive a salary of up to Rp. 553422694 per month. The vice president was said to be proposed to receive a salary of Rp. 368948462 per month",Valid "When commemorating the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College, an Alumni named Ananda Sukarlan walked out when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Rasyid Baswedan delivered his speech. This was confirmed by the Press Release from the Canisius 86 Alumni Association received by the Tribune on Monday afternoon (13/11/2017). In a written statement, Ananda Sukarlan, the composer and pianist, stood up and left the venue when Anies Baswedan gave a speech. ""This Saturday, November 11, the governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. When he gave a speech, Ananda Sukarlan stood up from his VIP seat and walked out showing his disapproval of Anies' speech. This action was then followed by hundreds of alumni and other members of the audience. by the audience who stayed, Anies Baswedan left the place. The audience who had walked out also entered the room again,"" the statement said. The 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College was attended by thousands of Kanisius alumni at Jiexpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. When receiving the award, Ananda also had the opportunity to deliver a 10-minute speech. In his speech, Ananda besides thanking him, he also gave criticism to the organizing committee. ""You have invited someone with values ​​and integrity that are contrary to what we have been taught. Although you may have to invite him because of his position, but next time we have to look at the person as well. He got his position in ways that are not in accordance with the values -Canisius' values. I'm not talking about politics, this is a matter of conscience and human values,"" he said in the written statement. After getting off the stage, Ananda was greeted and praised by the nominees for the award, including former minister Ir. Sarwono Kusumaatmaja and Father E. Baskoro Poedjinoegroho S.J., Principal of Kanisius High School. The agenda was also attended by alumni of this school, which has consistently been male only, in Menteng Raya for the first time giving the Canisius Awards to 5 alumni from various generations. These 5 alumni were screened from the 95 finalists who became candidates. They are Ananda Sukarlan (composer & pianist), Derianto Kusuma (founder of Traveloka), Father Magnis Suseno (Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma)",Hoax "The head of the Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Rikwanto denied that the rioting of prisoners at the Brimob Command Headquarters at Salemba Branch in Kelapa Dua, Depok, on Friday afternoon, November 10, 2017 at 16.00 WIB, was caused by ethnic, religious, racial and intergroup issues. (Sara). ""If there are wild rumors that this incident was triggered by the throwing of the Koran by officers, that is not true,"" said Rikwanto in a written statement on Friday night, November 10, 2017. 88 Anti-terrorism, provocation. As a result of the riots, said Rikwanto, there was a lot of damage to the detention center facilities, even the door of the detention cell was broken. ""There are many facilities at the detention center that have been damaged, such as the door of the prison cell being broken into, the gate of the hallway block, the window panes (in block C and block B),"" said Rikwanto. Rikwanto explained that after Friday prayers, the detainees were put into their respective cells by the Densus 88 team. Based on the search results, said Rikwanto, Densus 88 found and confiscated 4 cellular phones. ""It belongs to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali,"" said Rikwanto. According to Rikwanto, one of the detainees who did not accept the search, carried out provocations. ""Provoking officers with various words,"" said Rikwanto. One of the members, said Rikwanto, was provoked by their words. ""There is also a loud takbir, so that it provokes prisoners from the block next to it,"" said Rikwanto. According to Rikwanto, currently the riots at the location have been successfully handled by the authorities.",Valid "In a state document confiscated by US troops, during a coup in 2004, it was revealed that there were ""uncommendable"" actions or negative messages behind the film. The document states that President Saddam Hussein received information about the film from the state intelligence agency. According to information, the names used in the Pokemon movies contain an invitation that cannot be tolerated. Reporting from neutrality (13/4/16), it was revealed a fact that the word Pokemon itself means ""I am Jewish"". The name Pokemon is taken from the Syriac language, or the Syriac language which in Indonesian means 'I am Jewish'.",Hoax "Alarmed by rumors that the Pokemon video game has elements of Jewish religion and culture, a Muslim asks a rabbi from Jerusalem to find out. According to Ben Abrahamson, founder of the Al Sadiqin Organization, a center for the study of Islamic and Jewish history, Pokemon has no meaning in Jewish culture. ""It has no meaning in our culture,"" explained Ben on his personal Facebook page. ""It comes from Japan and comes from Japanese video game culture, most of its symbols and writing appear in Japanese animation."" However, Ben admits that there are also many people who don't like Pokemon. ""A lot of people don't like it because it's a waste of time, it's selfish, and it makes one go astray on the internet,"" he replied, when told that Pokemon caused a stir among Muslims. In the comment section, Ben also quoted verse 6, Surah Al-Hujurat from the Quran to answer the rumors posted on the internet. The verse advises Muslims to research any news to determine its truth so that undesirable things do not befall a race and lead to regret. According to his website, Ben and Al Sadiqin find and explain the common heritage of Islam and Judaism, and reject the notion that the two religions have been enemies since time immemorial. For years, the rumor that Pokemon is a Jewish invention and has religious elements has been spread to Muslims through social media and the internet. According to the baseless accusation, ""Pokemon"" means ""I am Jewish"" in Syriac, while the creature's names ""Pikachu"" and ""Charmander"" mean ""be a Jew"", and ""God is weak"". ""Pokemon"" is published by the Nintendo company, and its name is an abbreviation of the word ""Pocket Monsters"", referring to the 722 cute creatures that players collect in the video game. Recently, Perak Mufti Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria has suggested that Malaysia ban the ""augmented reality"" game application Pokemon Go because it is considered gambling. Pahang Mufti Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Osman also thinks it should be banned if it is proven to contain elements of gambling.",Hoax "The Kanisius College Alumni Association (PAKKJ) issued an official statement regarding the comments made by one of its alumni during the 90th Anniversary of Canisius College on November 11, 2017. ""We respect freedom of expression. However, we regret that the statement was made at an inappropriate moment,"" said PAKKJ Chairperson Sharief Natanegara in Jakarta, Tuesday (11/14/2017). He explained that the presence of Governor Anies Baswedan in the event actually got the attention of the alumni and there were no group walk outs as reported on social media. The Canisius For Indonesia Festival is the culmination of a series of 90th Anniversary of Canisius College. The celebration which consists of three main parts, namely the nation's children's party, Prayer for the Nation, and the Canisius Symphony for Indonesia is a form of gratitude and an expression of commitment from all Kanisians, Alumni, Fathers, and Educators to spread the hope of building the nation amidst the diversity in society. the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila. Kanisius College has been established and has become a part of the history of Indonesia for 90 years and has produced thousands of alumni with the spirit of ""Man for Others"" who have dedicated their work to the beloved Indonesian nation. For this reason, Sharief requested that all parties not be provoked by things circulating on social media. One of the long traditions at Kanisius always prioritizes and respects everyone who is present in every activity carried out. ""This has become part of the Kanisian values ​​that have been instilled since being a student at Kanisius College,"" concluded Sharief.",Hoax "The current Pokemon Go has attracted so much interest from the world community. The game fever has also been disturbed by negative news about the game. There are links circulating on social media that say Pokemon has a negative meaning and corners one religion. But is it true? Here's the explanation. Many circulating on social media that Pokemon actually in Syriac or Syriac means ""I am Jewish"". While Pikachu is said to mean ""Be Jewish"", and Charmander means ""God is Weak"". The rumor has certainly become a heated debate on social media. Many believed and shared the rumor, many thought it was just something that was linked. Reporting from the Los Angeles Times edition of April 24, 2001, countries located in the Middle East region have indeed had problems with this. In the LA Times, it was stated that at that time in Middle Eastern countries such as Oman, Qatar, Dubai, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, rumors circulated that Pokemon games had connotations that promoted anti-Islamic behavior and believed in Judaism. This of course causes anxiety. The LA Times noted that despite Nintendo's denials, the leaders of those countries still couldn't accept Pokemon. The rumors arose amid concerns Arab countries would assimilate the emerging culture. Even so, many rumors were not proven at that time. Mohammed Abu Laila, a professor from Al Azhar University, said that until now there was no solid evidence to confirm the rumors. He said if he had even asked directly to the party who popularized Pokemon. Pokemon is actually just an abbreviation of Pocket Monster or pocket monster. Named Pocket Monster because this pokemon has a pocket ball that can be put in a pocket. Meanwhile Pikachu is a combination of the words Pika and Chu. But whatever it means, we as Muslims should leave things that are useless or not useful, like the words of the Prophet SAW",Valid "Toothbrush is the most important bath tool to remove dirt around the teeth so that dental health is maintained. However, using a toothbrush should not be careless, especially in choosing the toothbrush you use. And when you want to buy a toothbrush, you should pay attention to the code behind the packaging, don't let your toothbrush be made of pig bristles. Currently, a number of people are shocked by a toothbrush product that uses pig bristles. The use of the product refers to the writing in English, namely bristles on the packaging. There is one secret code which means your toothbrush is made of boar bristles. The Or** * brand toothbrush is clearly made of bristles. The product packaging clearly explains the product, ""Super thin Bristles"". Responding to this case, the Chairman of the Medan City MUI, Muhammad Hatta said, if it is true that the toothbrush is made of pig bristles, the toothbrush is haram. ""In Al Surah Al Maidah verse 3, it is explained that derivatives from pigs are haram. We will investigate this prohibition, whether it is really from sea urchins or not,"" said Muhammad Hatta. However, the Medan City Health Service through the Secretary of the North Sumatra Health Office, Afwan Lubis, is not sure about the existence of a toothbrush made of pig bristles. He added that laboratory tests were carried out if there were reports from the public regarding the boar bristle toothbrush. If it really contains sea urchins, then it should not be circulated because there are elements that are not halal. ""I don't think it's possible. But what about it? We can comment if there is a laboratory test first. Currently there is no laboratory test,"" Afwan said, as reported by",Hoax "Pianist and composer Ananda Sukarlan has been criticized by a number of groups for protesting by leaving the event or walking out, when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan made a speech in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College, Jakarta, Saturday (11/11/2017). . On social media Twitter, there is a lot of debate between those who support his attitude and those who make fun of him. Musician and politician Erros Djarot even spoke up, regretting Ananda Sukarlan's attitude. Even writings circulating in the name of the clergy Frans Magnis Suseno on social media---though there was no confirmation from Father Frans-Magnis whether it was really his writing. Ananda was invited to attend the event because he received the Canisius Award along with four other Kanisius College alumni who sat in the VIP seats. His WO action attracted the attention of other guests, and several other alumni even participated. KBR journalist Asrul Dwi interviewed Ananda Sukarlan and talked about why he chose to leave the room during Anies Baswedan's speech. Why did you choose to walk out when Governor Anies Baswedan gave a speech? I have always disagreed with Anies Baswedan's method during the DKI Jakarta Pilkada campaign. Also what has he been doing for the past three weeks, where whatever the previous Governor of DKI, Ahok, has been countered. So I'm not really his pick. Then I walked out because I didn't want to hear more of his speech. You said that Anies Baswedan's integrity was in doubt. What does it mean? I was taught by my parents and school about the value of difference. From elementary to high school, I studied at a Catholic school. While I myself am Muslim. That's no problem and not exaggerated. My good friends are also from any ethnicity and any religion. That's no reason to divide. And, like my speech, we make a difference together to be better. Not to divide. Do you see Anies Baswedan still doing that? Yes, you just listen to his speech when he was governor. (During his inauguration as Governor of DKI Jakarta, Monday, October 16 2017, Anies Baswedan delivered a speech, one of which touched on the indigenous issue. ""Jakarta is one of the few places in Indonesia that has felt the presence of colonialists in everyday life for centuries. The indigenous people were oppressed and defeated by colonialism. Now that we are independent, it's time for us to be the hosts in our own country. Don't let Jakarta be like what is written in the Madura proverb, ""Duck is se atellor, ajam se ngeremmi."" incubating. We are working hard to win independence, we are working hard to repel colonialism."") You are said to have failed to move on after the election for the new governor of Jakarta. Your response? Yes, I have moved on, that's why I don't want to hear his speech. Want anything else? He was democratically elected and I accepted him as governor. But if I had to listen to his speech, to be honest I was a bit lazy. On social media, there are more and more enemies about the DKI Jakarta election. Moreover, there is already polarization in society. Doesn't it make things worse? Of course. But it's not me that confuses me. That is, some start by making a website that I'm Christian, all sorts of things. I've uploaded on my Instagram about how to slander. If you want to slander me, don't say I'm Christian, just say Catholic. Because Canisius is a Catholic school. So if you want to slander, the research must be more correct. That's them in waves. Then I once made a joke on Twitter in English. It reads like this: Hey I'm guy and I'm fall in love with that guy in front of me. And then I realize, its a mirror. And it was retweeted by them hundreds of times. Then I thought he was gay. So here it is, now there is a google translate before slandering translate it first. Father Frans Magnis reportedly also commented and stated that he did not agree with your attitude. Your comments? It must be clarified to him (about writing on social media). Because Father Magnis came only for a short time and he was sick. Can't be bothered about this either. At that time he was kind enough to come to receive the award. So it's a bit difficult to explain. Recently there have been calls to boycott the Traveloka application because the CEO supports your stance. The Traveloka CEO wasn't there. If you want to boycott Traveloka, you must first download the application. It's hard to boycott, if there is no application. But I don't know how they boycotted it. Just don't slam the phone. How many people took part in the walk-out at that time? My age, class 1986. Then we took pictures and immediately posted on Facebook. That's roughly how many. So don't think of walking out and riding a motorbike in the hall while carrying a flag. My walkout is very polite, like someone going to the toilet. And I don't want to bother other people. So I stood up, very silent, and walked out. I just happened to be sitting in the VIP seat. But how did it get so crowded in the first place? I don't know why it went viral. It was like I was talking on Facebook, and it went viral. That's why our generation made a statement that we came out on our own initiative. Not conspiracy. Nor on behalf of Canisius. After all, I am in the same position as Anies Baswedan or Father Magnis, namely invited guests. In my speech, I criticized the organizing committee. No one else.",Hoax "Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) responded to the leak of data from one million Facebook users in Indonesia. There is an assessment that Facebook has violated applicable laws. The deputy chairman of the Golkar faction in Commission I, Meutya Hafid, considers this a serious violation by Facebook. Facebook has violated the rules based on Article 32 of the ITE Law which was later quoted by Meutya. ""As a sovereign country, the law in Indonesia must be complied with and anyone who violates it will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the applicable laws,"" wrote Meutya when contacted via WhatsApp, Thursday (5/4/2018), as reported by Furthermore, Meutya also said that the government could sue, impose sanctions and close access to Facebook. He is worried that if there is no punishment for the social network, it could end badly for other internet companies in Indonesia. ""Please the government can choose an option from the three."" On the other hand, there has been a suggestion by Hanafi Rais from the PAN faction that Commission I of the DPR summons Facebook Indonesia immediately, in connection with the findings of the data leak. ""We will meet internally and immediately send a letter to them officially,"" said Hanafi. It is not yet known when the summons will be. However, the agenda will be more directed to ask for clarification from Facebook, Hanafi emphasized. Previously, representatives of Facebook Indonesia had complied with the summons of the Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara. The call is an effort to clarify from the government regarding the leak of data belonging to one million Facebook users in Indonesia, out of a total of 87 million users worldwide. This is in connection with the Cambridge Analityca scandal. From the results of the meeting between Rudiantara and Facebook, the important point is to ask third-party applications on the Facebook platform to be temporarily closed. If Facebook does not comply with the government's request, Rudiantara, on that occasion, emphasized that he would not hesitate to close Facebook's services in Indonesia. ""If (third-party applications) are not shutdown, do you want me to shutdown all of them?"" he said.",Valid "Lately we often get broadcast information via BBM about first aid for stroke sufferers, the broadcast message sounds roughly as follows: a person who has a sudden stroke (falls from the toilet, etc.), the blood vessels to the brain will burst little by little . Remember, to overcome this do not be nervous / panic. If the victim is at the scene such as in the bathroom / bedroom / living room etc. Do not be moved to another place, because it will accelerate the rupture of blood vessels, and do not let the patient fall again. The first aid method for stroke sufferers is to bleed the victim's blood using a burnt/sterilized needle which is then inserted into the tip of each finger until 1-2 drops of blood come out. If the blood does not come out, it can be massaged until it comes out, after which the victim will wake up after a few minutes. If the victim's mouth is tilted, pull the earlobe until it is red and directly pierce the bottom of the earlobe with a sterile needle until 1-2 drops of blood come out. After the victim is conscious and his mouth has recovered, then he is taken to the doctor / hospital. Usually people who have a stroke will have their blood vessels burst more quickly due to shocks on the way to the hospital / doctor. The person may become unconscious / faint and will usually be disabled / paralyzed. Remember, the first aid method for stroke sufferers is to REMOVE BLOOD from the finger of the person affected by the STROKE, then we can already help the person from the STROKE disease that afflicts them. To get accurate information for the common good, CuitNews conducts searches and looks for various references about whether the broadcast above is true or not. The following is a summary of information obtained by CuitNews from various sources: dr. Ahmad Yanuar, SpS dismissed the truth. So far there is no such research, it is not known whether the action is effective or not, the neurologist from the University of Indonesia told detikHealth. This is also confirmed by dr. Fritz Sumantri, SpS. What must be underlined is that medicine departs from research and trials. As for the way beyond that there has been no research. At least the security is not guaranteed. Until now medical science does not know such a method, so we also do not know its effectiveness, he stressed. The only action that must be taken immediately is to be taken to the hospital and given reperfusion action at the fastest hour. About 3-6 hours after the incident, the patient must be rushed to the hospital for medical treatment, added Dr. Ahmad. The patient should immediately get a complete examination of his condition. So, a finger prick or puncture under the ear is not the right way because it will not remove the blockage or bleeding that occurs in the patient's brain. The same thing was confirmed by Dr. Fritz Sumantri, SpS. He said that patients should be taken directly to the hospital instead of being stabbed or just taken to the clinic. It is not true that patients should not be transferred anywhere, instead they must be immediately taken to the hospital. The danger of the needling method does not exist, it's just that if the patient is quickly taken to the hospital, the possibility of recovery will also be fast and the treatment will not be too late, he said. It says that this will relieve blood pressure and relieve symptoms. this advice has no scientific basis, even dangerous. Forcing stroke victims to sit up is not a good idea because it will result in a drop in blood pressure. It is best to keep the victim lying down. Stabbing the victim's finger is also a bad idea, not only because it's pointless, but also because it's a waste of time. The sooner contacting medical personnel the better, stroke patients must be treated promptly and appropriately, every minute will be very valuable. Only emergency medical care can help stroke victims, and the results of the efforts of experts will only be optimal if they help no later than 3 hours after the attack. We hope that this summary of information about how to give first aid to stroke sufferers that we often get via broadcast messages can be understood together and we can draw our own conclusions which are right and wrong. Do not be wrong in drawing conclusions and actions, because this is very dangerous for stroke sufferers and can even be helpless.",Hoax "Alumni of the 212 action plan to hold activities at the Istiqlal Mosque, afternoon and evening. The plan, they will hold tarawih in Istiqlal to the streets. The event was also the event for the 212 grand reunion, the consolidation of the people and the launching of the national committee to welcome the return of Habib Rizieq Syihab. ""The biggest Tarawih prayer in history (7 million congregations). Let's fill the Istiqlal Mosque and all the surrounding roads up to Tugu Tani, Pasar Senen,"" reads the agenda for the activity. However, the Istiqlal Mosque apparently did not allow the event to be held. Istiqlal Mosque management sent a letter numbered 259/BPPMI/VI/2017 on Tuesday (6/6) to the Presidium of the alumni of the 212 action, Ustaz Ansufri Idrus Sambo. In the letter, the Istiqlal Mosque management responded to a letter sent by the Presidium alumni of the 212 action with letter number 06/I/PA212-Ext/VI/2017 which was sent on June 4, 2017. ""Regarding your request, we apologize that it cannot be considered because that day and date is used for routine activities of the Istiqlal Mosque after Friday,"" said the Istiqlal Mosque administrator's letter which was signed by A.N. Deputy Head of Public Relations of Istiqlal, Abu Hurairah confirmed the contents of the letter. Because, after Friday prayers, the Istiqlal Mosque will be used for studies with the high priest of the Istiqlal Mosque. ""It's true, there is a study by the high priest (Istiqlal Mosque) after Friday,"" he said when confirmed by, Friday (9/6).",Valid "Riots broke out at the Salemba detention center branch of the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, which housed terrorism convicts. However, the police confirmed that there was no throwing of the Koran in the incident. The incident occurred because of the prisoner's reaction when officers confiscated his cell phone in Block C detention. He emphasized that there was no throwing of the Koran by the guard. However, the officers did check the books belonging to the cell occupants. ""What is there is that the officers conducted an examination of the books and objects in the cell,"" said Martinus. According to him, terrorist prisoners damaged a number of prison facilities during the riots. For example, the prison cell door, the gate of the hallway block, and the window pane. ""The riots were carried out by terrorist prisoners which resulted in the destruction of prison facilities, such as the door of the prison cell being broken down, the gate of the hallway block, the window panes (in block C and block B),"" Rikwanto explained. The atmosphere in the detention center was gradually controlled by the Densus members who were at the location. However, there are still prisoners who say takbir which triggers others. ""Furthermore, the steps taken by AKP Ahmat as Kaur Wartah are coordinating with Brimob colleagues to back up security at the Salemba detention center,"" concluded Rikwanto.",Valid "Related in Oral B brand toothbrush made of Bristles. From the results of a google search, Bristles means sea urchins, the Head of the North Sumatra Health Service, Usma Polita, said that he would seek the truth about the toothbrush which was suspected to contain sea urchins. ""Now I want to see the truth of this, because it really needs to be investigated whether it contains sea urchins or not. If proven, there must be MUI readiness to declare halal or not halal, we will work if there is such a statement,"" said Mangkara Street, Tuesday (8/3/2016). Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Medan City MUI, Muhammad Hatta said, if it is true that the toothbrush is made of pig bristles, the toothbrush is haram. ""In Al Surah Al Maidah verse 3 it is explained that derivatives from pigs are haram. We will explore this prohibition, really from sea urchins or not,"" he said via cellular. He added, if proven, MUI will publish to the public so they don't use the toothbrush. In addition, MUI will withdraw the product from the market.",Valid "DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan regretted the invitation to uninstall Traveloka, which was previously busy milling about on Twitter's timeline. The call to uninstall Traveloka was triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. ""Well, I think it's like this. We respect people with different views. Respect different people. There is no need to uninstall and so on,"" said Anies at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (14/11/2017). ). According to Anies, the Traveloka application has been providing benefits for the community. This invitation should not arise just because of differences of opinion. ""Traveloka also provides benefits for many citizens. After all, it is a service that has great benefits for many people. So let's get used to different views in a healthy way, respecting each other without having to carry out punishments like that. So there's no need to uninstall all kinds of things. ,"" said Anies. Invitations to uninstall the Traveloka application are milling about on Twitter's timeline. This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Based on information circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. But it can be ascertained that the news is just a hoax or not true. Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. But he was unable to attend. ""Traveloka is proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from Kanisius alumni. However, he was unable to attend because he was on an official trip that had been planned several months earlier. to Ananda), he was not there,"" he said. ""We state that Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders,"" he continued.",Valid "The current Pokemon Go game has attracted so much interest from the world community. The game fever has also been disturbed by negative news about the game. There are links circulating on social media that say Pokemon has a negative meaning and corners one religion. But is it true? Here's the explanation. Many circulating on social media that Pokemon actually in Syriac or Syriac means ""I am Jewish"". While Pikachu is said to mean ""Be Jewish"", and Charmander means ""God is Weak"". The rumor has certainly become a heated debate on social media. Many believed and shared the rumor, many thought it was just something that was linked. Reporting from the Los Angeles Times edition of April 24, 2001, countries located in the Middle East region have indeed had problems with this. In the LA Times, it was stated that at that time in Middle Eastern countries such as Oman, Qatar, Dubai, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, rumors circulated that Pokemon games had connotations that promoted anti-Islamic behavior and believed in Judaism. This of course causes anxiety. The LA Times noted that despite Nintendo's denials, the leaders of those countries still couldn't accept Pokemon. The rumors arose amid concerns Arab countries would assimilate the emerging culture. Even so, many rumors were not proven at that time. Mohammed Abu Laila, a professor from Al Azhar University, said that until now there was no solid evidence to confirm the rumors. He said if he had even asked directly to the party who popularized Pokemon. Pokemon is actually just an abbreviation of Pocket Monster or pocket monster. Named Pocket Monster because this pokemon has a pocket ball that can be put in a pocket. Meanwhile Pikachu is a combination of the words Pika and Chu. Pika is the name of an animal that is still in the same family as rabbits, while Chu in Japanese means squeak. So the naming of Pokemon and Pikachu actually has nothing to do with religion at all. Especially to corner certain religions.",Valid "Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara said that currently there is a lot of negative content circulating on social media. According to him, the steps currently being taken by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics to overcome this are closing the accounts that spread the content. “Yesterday I met with Commission I, and the current content is a lot of negative things, damaging relationships with one another. There is something bad on social media that gives us the authority, of course closing the account,"" he said at a press conference in Jakarta on Monday (05/06/2017) quoted from Qibla However, if negative content and bad content spreader accounts cannot be controlled, Facebook will be closed and blocked, he judged that this action was in accordance with the law. ""But if necessary, Kominfo will close the organizers. If we now do account restrictions, it is possible that Facebook is closed. If it is needed later, yes, it must be,"" he said. Furthermore, Rudy said he would establish a relationship with the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) regarding the recently issued social media fatwa. Because, the one who knows in detail about the fatwa is MUI. ""God willing, I will return to MUI to jointly follow up on this fatwa,"" he concluded.[]",Hoax "Jakarta - Some iPhone 6 Plus users report that Apple's latest gadget is easy to bend. Allegedly this is because the design of the iPhone 6 Plus is so thin and large in size. The internet users who are fad also make it a subject of ridicule. One of the images circulating on the internet displays a photo of the iPhone 6 in a curved state. In this parody image, it is written that the aluminum material in the iPhone 6 is something revolutionary so that it can be bent. ""Apple's revolutionary patent allows users to have a better viewing experience by curving it,"" the caption reads. The iPhone 6 Plus easy to bend problem has been reported by several users, complete with photos. As told by a Macrumors Forum user named Hanzon. He admitted that it took him a long time to put the iPhone 6 Plus in his front trouser pocket. At least 4 hours the device is in the pocket. While in the pants, Hanzon did not take out the iPhone 6 Plus and continued his usual activities as usual. As a result, he found the middle of his new smartphone was a bit 'bent'.",Valid " Smartphones with curved screens, such as the Galaxy Round and G Flex, have not achieved significant results in the market. Especially with the very expensive price. However, this reportedly did not stop other smartphone companies from producing phones with curved screens. Apple's latest iPhone in 2014 was reportedly not left behind by using a curved screen. In a report written by Bloomberg, Apple's iPhone 6 will come with a major upgrade compared to the iPhone 5S. Sources from Bloomberg say that the iPhone 6 will not only come with a curved screen design. Apple is also said to be using additional sensors that can detect different pressure levels. In addition, Apple is also said to be preparing two iPhone 6 models, one of which will come with a 5.5-inch screen while the other will have a 4.7-inch screen. Both iPhone 6 models will come with a curved screen design.",Hoax "The Head of the Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Rikwanto denied the rioting of prisoners at the Salemba Branch of the Mako Brimob Rutan in Kelapa Dua, Depok, on Friday afternoon, November 10, 2017 at 16.00 WIB, related to racial issues. ""If there is a wild rumor that this incident was triggered by the throwing of the Koran by officers, that is not true,"" said Rikwanto in a written statement on Friday night, November 10, 2017. The truth is, said Rikwanto, that there are prisoners who do not accept being searched by the Special Detachment 88 Anti-terrorism. The prisoner was said to have provoked. As a result of the riots, said Rikwanto, there was a lot of damage to the detention center facilities, even the door of the detention cell was broken. ""There are many facilities at the detention center that have been damaged, such as the door of the prison cell being broken into, the gate of the hallway block, the window panes (in block C and block B),"" said Rikwanto. Rikwanto explained that after Friday prayers, the detainees were put into their respective cells by the Densus 88 team. From the results of the search, said Rikwanto, Densus 88 found and confiscated 4 cellular phones. ""It belongs to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali,"" said Rikwanto. According to Rikwanto, one of the detainees who did not accept the search, carried out provocations. ""Provoking officers with various words,"" said Rikwanto. One of the members, said Rikwanto, was provoked by their words. ""There is also a loud takbir, so that it provokes prisoners from the block next to it,"" said Rikwanto. According to Rikwanto, currently the riots at the location have been successfully handled by the authorities. The Mako Brimob detention center is where Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok is currently serving a 2-year sentence in prison for blasphemy.",Valid "Call for a boycott of Traveloka by uninstalling the Traveloka trending topic application on Twitter. The hashtag #UninstallTraveloka became trending due to the walk out action of pianist Ananda Sukarlan when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11/2017), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Based on information circulating, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, was said to have greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech. Considered as support for Ananda's action, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. Even the hashtags #UninstallTraveloka and #BoikotTraveloka are among the trending topics on Twitter in Indonesia. Among netizens, there are also those who defend and assess that the Traveloka boycott will not have any impact on the hotel and travel ticket booking application. Derianto and Ananda are two of the five outstanding Kanisius College alumni who received awards at this event. Besides the two, there were Father Magnis Suseno (a Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (a Scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma). Support Ananda Harassing Anies Baswedan, Boycott and #UninstallTraveloka Trending Andanda and Traveloka officials who are ""Ahokers"" are considered to be intolerant. The Muhammadiyah Youth of DKI Jakarta Province assessed that the walkout (WO) carried out by Ananda Sukarlan and the Traveloka boss to Anies Baswedan was an intolerant attitude. Muhammadiyah youth also issued a statement of attitude, namely boycotting Traveloka because of the support of its owner, Derianto Kususma, against the attitude of pianist Ananda Sukarlan who was WO when Anies Baswedan gave a speech. Derianto did WO following the attitude of pianist Ananda Sukarlan. Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Youth of DKI Jakarta Province, Syahrul Hasan, said that the WO action carried out by Ananda Sukarlan and several others depicted the attitude of intolerance and poor morals as hosts in receiving guests. Where the presence of Anies Baswedan as a guest is at the official request of the host himself. ""Ananda Sukarlan's walkout action accusing Anies Baswedan of winning the governor's seat is not in accordance with Kanisius' values, it is far from being burned,"" said Syahrul in a release received by, Tuesday (14/11). Syahrul explained, Anies Baswedan was part of the Muhammadiyah extended family, both structurally and culturally. Currently, he is entrusted with the advisory role of the Muhammadiyah Branch of Pondok Labu where Din Syamsudin MA serves as the head of the branch. When Din Syamsudin served as chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive for the period 2005-2010 and 2010-2015, PP Muhammadiyah, whose office was on Jl Menteng Raya 62, was next to the Kanisius College building. ""Muhammadiyah always provides parking space for Muhammadiyah Da'wah Building for activities carried out by the Kanisius College extended family as a real and authentic manifestation of the tolerance of the Muhammadiyah extended family. Anies Baswedan, of course, as part of the Muhammadiyah extended family has the same attitude in maintaining tolerance and unity among people religion that has been going well so far, because he is also the grandson of the founder of the Republic of Indonesia whom we both love,"" said Syahrul.",Hoax "The ongoing polemic over the reog art instrument burning case at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Davao City, Philippines, has prompted the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) to send a team to directly inspect the field. Director of Information and Media at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Siti Sofia Sudarma, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would soon send a team to directly inspect and clarify the burning of reog equipment. We don't know when the team will go there yet, but it is clear as soon as possible. ""Just waiting for orders from the leadership,"" he told Republika, Tuesday (3/11). He emphasized that it was important to clarify this issue because many parties wanted to question it, including the Jabodetabek Reog Association. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has clarified to the Indonesian Consul General in Davao City by telephone. The Consul General, he said, admitted that he had committed the arson. The burning had to be carried out because the 30-year-old art instrument was damaged and eaten by termites, he said, citing a statement from the Consul General. He promised to immediately clarify and resolve it",Valid "Dozens of participants in the action to defend the ulama, led by the Presidium Alumni 212, gathered in the courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta, Friday (9/6/2017) afternoon. Gathered around the door of Al Fattah, the masses listened to the speech using a car with loudspeakers. They chose to sit because there were many congregations who took part in routine activities organized by the Istiqlal Mosque management. As a result, the crowd could only give speeches and chant prayers outside the mosque, which was centered around their command car. In their speech, the masses said they would try to enter the Istiqlal Mosque and carry out their activities until the time for the Tarawih prayer. ""Don't criminalize ulama, because they are religious broadcasters who continue the Prophet Muhammad,"" said the orator of the action on the command car.",Hoax "A chain message about vigilance against toothbrushes made from pig bristles is spreading in the community. Because of this, there is the word bristle on the packaging of a global toothbrush brand. The message is not really new. The message was spread a year ago, but now it's crowded again. ""Let's check the toothbrush, if it says ""Bristle"" on the packaging, it means that the toothbrush contains pig bristles. Bristle means pig hair. As soon as the sound of the message fragments spread again through the chat application. Not only on toothbrushes, the message maker also suggested that people check the bread brushes. He said the brush usually says ""Bristle"", ""Pure Bristle"", ""100% China Bristle"". As with other hoax messages, the appeal was accompanied by a request to share the message with family and friends in the group so that more people would be spared from non-halal products. It turned out that the informant had misunderstood. Maybe, when he wrote the message, he had not had coffee. Because, the term bristle is not only used for sea urchins.",Hoax "Circulating photos of participants of Action 212 Volume Two on social media who cannot enter the mosque Istiqlal early this morning because the doors of the mosque were closed. According to the management mosque the circulating issue is not true. ""It's a thousand percent hoax,"" said the Head of the Protocol Section of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abdul Salam to Tuesday morning. He said, for last night's case, there were indeed participants in the action who came from East Java as many as five buses. They claimed to come from Madura. Participants enter the mosque after Isha time. The mosque provides opportunities for worship and cleaning. ""After approaching 10 (evening), we met with the head of his entourage, we announced to his entourage that the rules at Istiqlal, this mosque will be closed and will be opened again one hour before Fajr,"" he said. Abu explained, the group from East Java understood and understood. The mosque management waited for them to leave the Istiqlal Mosque voluntarily. Then at 03.40 WIB the mosque was reopened. ""And what's in the photo, it looks like people are queuing up to enter, it's the Wali Songo pilgrimage group and school children, that's normal, they go to Istiqlal every day,"" he explained. He emphasized that in conclusion, the news circulating on Instagram, Twitter and other social media was a lie",Valid "It has been a long time since the issue of boar bristles has been used as a material for toothbrushes, but until now there are still many who do not know about it. Therefore, in this paper, this problem will be presented. The Rise of the Pig Hair Issue Around 2009 the issue had circulated but was dimmed because no facts were found. In 2012 the issue had resurfaced, but only in certain circles. we are shocked by the emergence of brushes or toothbrushes made from pig bristles. To the extent that MUI issued a fatwa that it is forbidden to use a pig bristle brush. But recently, information about toothbrushes made from pig bristles has resurfaced. Information, especially for Muslims, to be more careful in choosing a toothbrush, because there are dental cleaning products that use non-halal ingredients. Features of the Pig Bristle Toothbrush From the information provided by the manufacturer itself, it is stated that there are toothbrushes made from sea urchins. Indeed, toothbrushes like this are very rare in Indonesia. But abroad, there are quite a lot of boar-bristle toothbrushes, with quite expensive prices. It is said that the toothbrush that comes from pig bristles is actually softer. The way to distinguish sea urchins from synthetic/plastic materials is to burn them. If burned with fire smells like burning horns, then it comes from the hair or hair of an animal, usually a pig. While the plastic material does not produce odors. (HALAL Journal No. 62/X/2006) Get to know the product before buying Dear readers, you can check the toothbrush to be purchased, if it says ""Bristle"" on the package, it means that the toothbrush contains Pig Bristle. Bristle means Pig Hair aka Pig Fur So double check the packaging of your toothbrush when buying. Likewise on the brush (bread spreader), it usually says ""Bristle"", ""Pure Bristle"", ""100% China Bristle"". Again, make sure the packaging is made of bristles, then it is made of sea urchin. Feel free to prove that the bristles are burned, if it smells like burnt hair, it means it's from pig bristles. But if it melts and becomes hard, it means it is made of plastic and is safe to use. slam prohibits its use For Muslims, the use of sea urchins is clearly Haram. No matter how small, the material from pork is forbidden for consumption and for application. The risks of using it for Muslims are Haram: Worship is rejected, Prayers are rejected, and Hell is more deserving (hadith). Daily Activities Related to the Use of Brushes and Brushes In everyday life, we use various kinds of brushes to apply makeup, paint, clean dust, paint the house, grease cake pans, and spread food. Such as grilled chicken, bread, cakes, and various grilled or grilled meats and seafood. While the brush is useful when combing hair, cleaning hair at the salon or barbershop, washing clothes, and scrubbing floors. Did you know that the brushes & toothbrushes you are currently using come from? Most likely it is made from Sea urchin! Brushes supplied in Indonesia, generally come from China. These imported brushes are produced using sea urchins, especially wild boars which have more hair. Sea urchins are considered more economical than the fur of other animals, such as goats, squirrels, civets, horses, raccoons, camels, and dogs. There are other terms for Sea urchins, including: PIG, BOAR, HOG, BRISTLE HAIR BRUSH. Some Ways to Avoid Brushes or Toothbrushes Made from Pig Bristle: Use 100% natural brushes and brushes such as siwak root or synthetic materials, such as nylon. Wall paint brushes and food brushes are available, with slightly more expensive prices. The nylon material has a texture like plastic for a toothbrush. Use an alternative to brushes. For example, paint rollers for painting, sponges & cotton buds for makeup, as well as knives & spatulas for greasing food. Be aware of the type of food whose cooking process and cleaning the tools using a pig brush. The characteristics of the Pig Bristle Brush, when burned, will cause a distinctive smell like burning meat. Usually Pig Bristle Brushes are sold in white and black. But it is possible for manufacturers to process the coloring by bleaching it, as if it were any other animal's fur. May be useful",Hoax "Participants of Action 212 Volume 2 who came from outside the city had arrived at the Istiqlal Mosque, but they could not enter because the gate of the mosque was locked. According to observations, hundreds of mobs driving 5 bosses, including AD number plates (Solo and its surroundings) were stuck at the entrance of the Istiqlal mosque, Monday (20/2) night, due to the closure of the mosque, which used to be a gathering place for the Defending Islam Action. Police officers on guard in front of the Istiqlal Mosque then directed the bus from the area to another place. It was not explained where the mass gathering place was diverted. Previously, the Islamic Community Forum (FUI) ensured that there would be no long march during the 212th volume II action, Tuesday (21/2) tomorrow. Action participants will be directed directly to the action concentration point in front of the DPR/MPR RI building. “Our scenario is that there is no long march. So, all participants are advised to go directly to the DPR/MPR RI building,"" said Ustaz Bernard Abdul Jabbar as coordinator of the 212 action volume II to reporters at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Jakarta. Ustadz Bernard estimates that 10 thousand people will attend the action. People from outside Jakarta were asked to park their vehicles in the parking lots that have been prepared. “And for those from areas who bring buses and vehicles, we then direct them to park at the Senayan East Parking if they are from the south and east. Meanwhile, from the west, we will direct them to (park the vehicle) at Palmerah Station and in front of the Ministry of Forestry building,” he explained. He added that his party also did not provide lodging facilities for action participants from outside the region. This means that those from outside the city of Jakarta are welcome to find a place to rest on their own.",Hoax "There was a commotion at the terrorist detention house at the Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok, Friday (10/11/2017) evening. The commotion began when Detachment 88 officers conducted a sweep of the prisoners' cells and confiscated a number of cell phones. ""Detachment officers carried out a search and found four cellphones belonging to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali,"" said Head of the Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Pol Rikwanto in a written statement, Friday night. The confiscation of the cell phone made one of the inmates disapprove and provoked a commotion. He provoked the officers by issuing provocative remarks. The action succeeded in provoking the reactions of officers and detainees in other blocks. Riots are inevitable. Resistance was carried out by the prisoners against the officers, resulting in damage to the prison facilities, such as the door of the prison cell being broken and the glass breaking. The picket members shot upwards as a warning. ""Until now the atmosphere has been eased by the Densus picket. After that, the members are on standby at the picket while waiting for developments,"" said Rikwanto. However, there are still prisoners who make provocations. Furthermore, the detention center coordinated with the Brimob Police to back up security at the Mako Brimob detention center.",Valid "The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, emphasized that there was no discussion about the increase in the salaries of the president and vice president. This was conveyed in response to the news circulating about it. ""There is no news and there has never been a discussion,"" said Sri Mulyanidi at the Presidential Palace Complex, Bogor, West Java, Monday (12/3/2018). He called the news a hoax. Information circulating hoax document photos on social media. The document states that the president will receive a salary of up to Rp 553,422,694 per month. As for the salary for the vice president, in the hoax document, it is stated that it reaches Rp. 368,948,462 per month. Sri admitted that currently there is a lot of information circulating regarding the salary increase of the president and vice president, especially on social media. In fact, there are also documents circulating as if they came from a government institution. The photo of the fake document contains a nominal increase in the salary and allowances of the president and vice president. ""In today's social media, a lot of information or documents are made similar to those from the government and published,"" he said. ""Even though it's a hoax,"" said Sri affirmed.",Valid "Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani emphasized that the government had never discussed the discourse of salary increases for President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK). Previously, there was a presentation entitled ""RPP on the Salaries, Benefits and Facilities of Civil Servants"" which contained a simulation of calculating the salaries of the President of Rp. 553,422,694 per month and the Vice President of Rp. 368,948 per month. ""It doesn't exist and has never been discussed and in my opinion what the Minister of Defense said was a hoax, yes it is,"" said Sri Mulyani at the Bogor Palace Complex, West Java (12/3/2018). Sri Mulyani said that currently a lot of information has been spread on social media by making it resemble the form of documents from the government. In fact, he said, the information published was a hoax. ""So we have no discussion about it at all, absolutely nothing,"" he added. According to him, each Draft Government Regulation (RPP) regarding the salaries, allowances and facilities of civil servants will be discussed with the DPR, including the Government Work Plan (RKP) and the 2019 RAPBN. ""In financial notes, usually the salary increase and payment of the 13th salary as well as for pensions are usually entered by the President at the time of the August financial note,"" he said.",Valid "Currently, the government is preparing a draft government regulation (RPP) on salaries, allowances, and facilities for civil servants. If the RPP is actually ratified, the salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia will increase drastically. Reaching Rp 500 million per month or Rp 6.6 billion per year. The amount is stated in the RPP material. With a presidential salary index of 96,000 points, the president's salary reaches Rp 553 million. The highest when compared to other high-ranking officials who are paid by the state budget. What is the current salary of the president of the Republic of Indonesia? The government has never released exact figures. However, looking at the regulations regarding the president's salary, the amount is very far from the Rp 500 million figure. According to Article 2 of Law Number 7 of 1978, the president's salary is 6 times the basic salary of the highest official in Indonesia (chairman of the DPR, MA, and BPK). Meanwhile, in PP No. 75/2000 it is stated that the three officials receive a salary of IDR 5,040,000 per month. Thus, the president's basic salary is Rp. 30,240,000 per month. Presidential Decree No. 68/2001 also states that the amount of allowance for the office of president is Rp. 32,500,000. So, the total money that the president receives every month is IDR 62,740,000 or IDR 752,880,000 per year. According to the palace's statement, that number has not changed since 2001. With this figure, the salary of the president of the Republic of Indonesia is relatively small when compared to the leaders of major countries in the world. Singapore Prime Minister (PM) Lee Hsien Loong's salary was the highest, at USD 2.2 million or equivalent to Rp. 30.3 billion per year. After Lee, there is Doris Leuthard, the president of Switzerland, with a salary of USD 437,000 or Rp 6 billion per year. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Trunbull followed with a salary of USD 403,700 or Rp 5.5 billion per year. President Jokowi's salary is only higher than China's President Xi Jinping of USD 20,500 or IDR 283 million per year. University of Indonesia (UI) public policy observer Lina Miftahul Jannah stated that it is very natural for the president to have a very large income index. Thus, the income received by the number one person in Indonesia is very high. ""That makes sense,"" he said. He explained that as head of state as well as head of government, the duties, responsibilities, and risks of the president are enormous. Therefore, according to him, it is not natural that the salaries of officials who are paid from the state budget are greater than the president's. He emphasized that it would be dangerous if there were other government officials whose salaries were higher than the president.",Hoax "Apple has finally revealed about the curved iPhone 6 case or called #Bendgate which has been widely discussed on social media. The iPhone 6 product is a rare thing and only a few have experienced it. Apple told a news site CNBC and several other media outlets that there has been a lot of discussion about it on social networks and online, however, Apple has only received 9 complaints from consumers about the iPhone 6 bending during normal use as quoted above. by The Verge, Friday (26/9/2014). Problems with the curved iPhone 6 device are very rare, Apple also added that the iPhone 6 and 6+ design uses steel / titanium metal which can be useful to strengthen the structure of the device. In addition, the screens of the iPhone 6 and 6+ have been strengthened with ions to keep them from deforming. In the past, pictures of the curved iPhone 6 and 6+ have been circulating the internet. Some of the users said that the incident was the result of keeping the iPhone 6 in the trouser pocket for too long. There are also many videos circulating on the YouTube page showing that the iPhone 6 and 6+ are indeed easy to bend with just a little pressure. Apple said it would provide compensation in this case, but Apple would look at it on a case-by-case basis before providing a warranty.",Valid "JAKARTA - Photos of participants of Action 212 Volume Two circulated on social media who could not enter the Istiqlal Mosque this morning because the mosque doors were closed. According to the mosque management, the rumors circulating are not true. ""It's a thousand percent hoax,"" said Head of the Protocol Section of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abdul Salam on Tuesday (21/2) morning. He explained, the rules at the Istiqlal Mosque other than the month of Ramadan, the mosque closes at 21.30 WIB. Opened again one hour before Fajr time. In the month of Ramadan, the mosque is open 24 hours. He said, for last night's case, there were indeed five bus participants who came from East Java. They claimed to come from Madura. Participants enter the mosque after Isha time. The mosque provides opportunities for worship and cleaning. ""After approaching 10 (evening), we met with the head of his entourage, we announced to his entourage that the rules at Istiqlal, this mosque will be closed and will be opened again one hour before Fajr,"" he said. Abu explained, the group from East Java understood and understood. The mosque management waited for them to leave the Istiqlal Mosque voluntarily. Then at 03.40 WIB the mosque was reopened. ""And what's in the photo, it looks like people are queuing up to enter, it's the Wali Songo pilgrimage group and school children, that's normal, they go to Istiqlal every day,"" he explained. He emphasized that in conclusion, the news circulating on Instagram, Twitter and other social media was a lie.",Valid "When it was first launched two years ago, the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus were heavily criticized for the 'bendgate' screen case. Now, the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are again reported to have screen problems that are no less severe. Julia Bluff from iFixit, a leading gadget service provider, stated that many iPhone 6 lines that are almost two years old are affected by the 'Touch Disease' problem. iPhone 6 affected by Touch Disease, the touch screen is called not working. Unfortunately, while iFixit can perform repairs, most cases require users to replace their iPhones. iFixit explained that Touch Disease occurs because the two chips responsible for the touchscreen feature on the iPhone 6 are damaged or not connected to each other. Apparently, Touch Disease is said to be related to the 'bendgate' problem. Yes, the body of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which is weaker than other iPhone series, indirectly causes the circuit board to bend, making the chip or solder connection break. Ironically, Apple authorized stores and Apple authorized service centers are said to not have adequate equipment to carry out repairs. Because the Touch Disease problem requires the technician to disassemble the iPhone, and it's not an easy matter. Some 'victims' of Touch Disease on the Apple Forum also regret the difficulty of finding a warranty claim for this problem because the curved or bent iPhone is categorized as a user error. In order to get around this problem, there is a user who was forced to put a rubber band on his iPhone 6 Plus so that the screen can still work. As seen in the following image.",Valid "It is not known with certainty whether the pacifiers circulating in the community contain drugs, but it is necessary to be careful if you immediately report it to the relevant parties. This was conveyed by the Head of the Asahan Regency National Narcotics Agency (BNNK), Drs Pourkus Harianja when confirmed by M24.CO in his office, regarding the pacifier candy which is suspected to contain drugs to this day his party has not been able to confirm and asked the public to be vigilant and if they find the potential to immediately report it to the relevant agencies, he appealed. In this regard, his party will immediately go down to the field to directly check the existence of the goods in question in order to detect them early. ""We immediately went down to the field to check the candy pacifiers that were suspected of containing drugs and it was not impossible because the perpetrators of narcotics abuse had gone mad to poison our young generation,"" he said. ads Indra Lubis, one of the residents, said that if it was true that pacifiers had the potential to contain drugs, the related parties would immediately move to the field because a number of wholesalers in Kisaran were found selling pacifiers. ""Hurry down to the field before falling victim, those who are in charge of this matter,"" he pleaded.",Hoax "On social networks, there is a lot of information circulating that calls catfish the filthiest fish. In a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3,000 cancer cells. The nickname as the filthiest fish refers to the nature of catfish who are fond of consuming all kinds of waste in the waters. Even an article that is quite viral on the internet mentions that human waste is also used as feed for a catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China. This fish is equipped with an additional breathing apparatus in the form of a labyrinth, so that it can survive in muddy or even polluted water conditions. Presumably, this is what raises the suspicion about the accumulation of carcinogenic toxins (cancer causing) in the body of catfish. Investigation: The catfish circulating in the market do not come from the wild. Many catfish are cultivated in ponds, which should be controlled so that they are free from pollution. The feed given can also be chosen, not having to rely on waste. The number of catfish production also continues to increase every year. Data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) shows that catfish production in 2013 reached 543,461 tons, an increase from 441,217 tons in 2012 and 337,577 tons in 2011. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), catfish consumption was 29.98 kg/capita/year, up from 22.58 kg/capita/year in 2004. In Jakarta, no less than 6,000 pecel catfish stalls have been registered with the Indonesian Street Vendors Association (APKLI). Regarding the nutritional content, it is undeniable that catfish is a cheap source of valuable protein. The fact that catfish is also low in cholesterol is likely to drown out accusations that catfish can cause cancer. Dr. Dradjat R Suardi, SpB(K)Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association, said that until now there has been no research that says eating catfish can trigger cancer.",Hoax "At first, Facebook was only used to make friends, in America, in Indonesia wherever it was used to find friends, now Indonesians are creative ""I have shoes, I've only worn them for a month, I want to sell them, ah.. via Facebook, mothers who like to cook, vegetables, cakes or whatever before Eid, sell them via Facebook, yes, those who make clothes are also creative in selling clothes on Facebook, in America or not there are people like that,” said Rudiantara S.Stat. MBA (Minister of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia) in the ICT Community Gathering at the Rinra Hotel, Tanjung Bunga, Makassar City, (13/4/18) Meanwhile, netizens are still confused about the unclear information regarding the fate of Facebook in Indonesia. They also wonder, will Facebook be closed in Indonesia or not? Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara said that he would not block (close) Facebook permanently, but only temporarily. That is if the situation gets worse. ""We will see this situation first. If it gets worse, then we will temporarily close (block it),"" said Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara. Rudiantara was reluctant to talk about closing Facebook's operations permanently. He is more focused on monitoring Facebook to create data security and prevent the spread of hate speech. The Beginning of the Controversy Case in the Cambridge Analytica scandal which accused Facebook of leaking data. After being investigated, it turns out that ""leak"" is not the right term. The data was not leaked, but rather misused by Cambridge Analytica, allegedly for political purposes. The data taken is also not the content of the message, but data that is publicly listed on a person's profile. Regarding the issue of viral rumors circulating widely on social media, whether fb is closed, true or just a hoax. However, there is no certainty that on April 24, Facebook will actually be blocked in Indonesia.",Valid "Catfish is one type of fish that contains a lot of animal protein. Pecel catfish is one of the favorite food menus for many people because the price is quite cheap and delicious. Although delicious and cheap, catfish is the dirtiest fish among other types of fish that are often consumed by humans. Why is it called the dirtiest fish? The following is an explanation: Catfish live in very dirty ponds and are usually surrounded by chicken or pig coops. For those of you who are catfish fans, not all catfish live or are bred in ponds around which there is a chicken coop or a pigsty. In Indonesia, many also keep catfish in ordinary ponds. But why is it called the dirtiest fish, maybe because most catfish farmers feed their livestock with feed that comes from anything dirty including chicken carcasses etc. According to a catfish farmer from China named Zhang Ri-hong who admitted that he had supplied a lot of catfish that he harvested every 3 months to markets and roadside restaurants in Hainan province, to be precise in Haikou. Frequent complaints from the community, a reporter from the local fisheries department investigated the fish. The reporters took samples from the 7 ponds that housed the catfish. It turned out that the seven ponds were all surrounded by chicken and pig coops, while in the middle of the ponds there were many piles of garbage. According to Islamic jurisprudence, eating catfish is halal. But sometimes many catfish breeders in Indonesia keep catfish in ponds and are fed with manure. If the condition is like that, then the catfish becomes like a jallalah animal, that is, an animal that eats dirty and unclean food so that it is unlawful to eat it. In order to become halal again, catfish must be quarantined or separated from dirty places and given clean food. Minimum quarantine time is 3 days. Catfish is a type of fish that consumes waste. Catfish is a type of fish that easily breeds in dirty ponds, these fish can also consume waste in the form of animal waste such as chicken, cow, and pig manure, and even these fish can also consume human waste. Some time ago, news about the dangers of consuming fried catfish circulated. Reportedly, a doctor once admitted that he often had patients with swollen and infected thyroid disease, with symptoms: swelling of the lower neck, swelling around the neck that looked like a tumor, the eyeballs felt like they were about to come out, heat around the neck, frequent coughing in the middle of the night. without cause. After being asked, it turns out that all the patients often eat catfish and fried eel. This also happened to the catfish skipper in Yogyakarta, his father, wife and child experienced the symptoms as above. When the doctor asked one of the professors at Pluit, it turned out that the catfish contains a mild poison, so that if it is fried, the clean oil will turn black. So it is possible that in the body of catfish contains three thousand cancer cells which are very dangerous for the human body. Friends for those of you who are catfish fans, even though catfish is halal and not too worrying as a wise consumer you must and remain careful. You also don't know when you buy catfish in the market or in a food stall, is it quarantined before frying the fish or not? If you are in doubt, don't eat it. Or if you are sure of its cleanliness, please consume it. However, it is recommended not to use large amounts on a regular basis.",Hoax "Jakarta – The Reog Ponorogo Community (KRP) submitted files on the Reog Ponorogo burning incident at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao - Philippines to the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu), as a follow-up to an Open Letter submitted to the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) on 2 November 2015 then. Upon the submission of the files, the Reog Ponorogo Community was immediately received by the Foreign Minister, Retno LP Marsudi. In the meeting that took place in the Foreign Minister's Meeting Room, Jalan Pejambon 6, Central Jakarta, the KRP handed over files in the form of photos of the procession of burning reog, photos of reog artists who appeared at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao in 2005, copies of the clarifications from the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, copies of the apology from the Indonesian Consulate General staff, names of people which must be checked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Team, and other files. ""We will escort the team formed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so that it runs openly, transparently and with honesty. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' sensitivity to the reog burning incident at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao is eagerly awaited by Reog activists and lovers,"" said Secretary of the Reog Ponorogo Community (KRP), M Syaiful Jihad here. Jakarta, Monday (9/11/2015), in a press release. According to Syaiful Jihad, the incident of burning National Cultural Heritage assets at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao must be resolved legally, both criminally and civilly, so that the ""intellectual actor"" is revealed. In addition, there must be protection and security guarantees for Indonesian citizens in Davao, especially Indonesian citizens who have exposed this incident. ""The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must be held accountable,"" he said. On that occasion, Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi, accompanied by the Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy, Esti Andayani, asked the KRP to calm the reaction of the Reog-loving community, and understand the spiritual atmosphere of reog lovers, as well as no attempt to disrespect culture because it is inherent in diplomats. ""An internal audit has been carried out by the Consulate General in Davao, while an external audit has been carried out by the Inspectorate General, in the form of a team to find out what actually happened at the Consulate General in Davao, the progress and results will be open and accessible to the public,"" said Retno, while asking to prioritize the principles presumption of innocence and carried out according to applicable procedures. ""We also guarantee that Indonesian citizens who are in Davao City, including those who report the reog burning incident, will not happen, let alone violence. We guarantee their safety,"" concluded Foreign Minister Retno.",Hoax "Traveloka has responded to a lot of news regarding calls to boycott its services. This hotel and travel ticket booking application also provides clarification regarding the events at the Canisius College event. As is known, invitations to uninstall the Traveloka application are milling about on Twitter's timeline. This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. According to news circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. But he was unable to attend. ""Traveloka is proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from Kanisius alumni. However, he was unable to attend because he was on an official trip that had been planned several months earlier. to Ananda), he was not there,"" he said. ""We state that Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders,"" he continued. Regarding the circulation of mention of Derianto's name providing support to Ananda and raising an invitation to boycott Traveloka, according to Busyro, Traveloka is still investigating. ""We have just seen a lot of people about this, we are also still investigating. What I can say is that he was unable to attend and we have not taken any position,"" he said. Derianto and Ananda are two of the five outstanding Kanisius College alumni who received awards at this event. Besides the two, there were Father Magnis Suseno (a Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (a Scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma)",Valid "Some time ago, messages circulated on social media and through short messages about preventing strokes in times of emergency. Broadly speaking, the sound of the message suggests sticking a needle into the patient's fingers. The goal is for blood circulation to return smoothly so that a stroke does not occur. Is that right? A neurologist at Siloam Kebon Jeruk Hospital, Fandy Susatia, during Soho #BetterU, Tuesday (20/5/2014), said that basically a stroke does occur due to blockage of blood vessels. But the blockage only occurs in blood vessels in the brain. So it's not true if sticking a needle can prevent a stroke. It's just a myth, he said. Such actions, he continued, could actually endanger themselves. If the finger of a diabetic is stabbed, the wound healing process will take place slowly so there is a risk of infection. Stroke treatment costs will increase because they have to buy antibiotics for wound healing, he said. This advice is just one of many myths related to stroke. Other myths as described by Fandy include strokes cannot be prevented and treated, only older people have strokes, the sign of stroke is pain, and strokes occur in the heart.",Valid "The circulation of candy allegedly containing hazardous materials for children was raided by Pol PP along with other teams in 14 sub-districts in Surabaya, Tuesday (7/3/2017). A joint team consisting of Satpol PP, Puskesmas officers, Polsek and Koramil raided the stalls of hawker and snack vendors looking for the candy. Quoted from, Irvan Widyanto, the Head of the Civil Service Police Unit (Kasatpol PP) of Surabaya City said that from the findings of candy snacks sold by food vendors near an elementary school in the Peneleh area, the packaging was confirmed to have a distribution permit. ""Of the 3 types of candy that were raided (Hard candy, bottled candy in teat bottles and candy in the shape of a sheep) each package was equipped with a distribution permit, but it was suspected that the distribution permit was fake,"" said Irvan Widyanto to reporters who met him. From the findings in the field, the packaging of candy snacks in teat bottles is equipped with a distribution permit ML 224409003077. The writings contained in the distribution permit indicate the type of food from abroad and produced by Xiamen Yang Wan Foodstuff, China. As for the candy snacks with the brand of Hard Candy, and the Penguin brand, imported by PT. Petrona Inti Chemindo, West Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, with a distribution permit valid until 19-08-2018. Irvan added that the security for the hundreds of candy snacks will then be handed over to the Surabaya City Health Office (Dinkes) for laboratory testing at the Surabaya POM Center. ""We want to know the content of hazardous materials in it. It will take approximately 1 week. Furthermore, the raids and security that we have started on Monday (6/3/2017) will be continued to 31 sub-districts throughout Surabaya,"" said Irvan Widyanto. Meanwhile, hazil security around 5 merchant stalls and 1 wholesaler of children's snacks in Wonokromo District, Tuesday (7/3/2017) found 340 bottles of candy with the brand ""Permen Keras"" which are included in the category that must be secured.(ss/j1)",Hoax "The circulation of pacifiers suspected of containing drug substances is still visible in schools in Bekasi, one of which is at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah At-taqwa 15 on Jalan Raya Babelan, Bekasi Regency. In order to anticipate things that are not desired, the school conducts socialization in each class. One of the teachers, Affan Umar said, ""we are doing socialization so that our children do not buy products that are still being investigated by the police,"" he said. Affan added, in order to anticipate dependence due to the drug content in the candy, the school carried out socialization in each class so that students did not buy the candy branded Hard Candy or DOT candy. ""We socialize in every class, from grade one to grade six, everything is not too late,"" he added. In addition, the school will also prohibit traders from selling DOT candy. ""We have also banned the traders, because it is useless if we ban the students but the traders are still selling the dangerous candy,"" he concluded.",Hoax "Traveloka management spoke up in response to the bad news that hit the company. His party denied that there was a Walk Out (WO) action, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza said, Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders. ""We are also proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from the Kanisius Alumni,"" said Busyra when confirmed by, Tuesday (14/11). However, the news circulating on social media seems excessive. Because Busyra emphasized that although the founder received an award, Derianto was unable to attend. This is because Derianto is currently on an official trip that had been planned several months in advance. ""He was unable to attend. However, this award further motivates us to increase our contribution to society by increasing mobility and improving the quality of life,"" he said. With this information, continued Busyra, Traveloka has firmly rejected the issues circulating on social media. ""The statement already includes points that the public needs to know. We hope this can provide an explanation of the issues that are currently happening,"" he explained. Previously, Twitter social media was bustling with tweets of the Traveloka boycott. Even #UninstallTraveloka was at the top of Twitter's trending topic. The conversation emerged as a result of the Walk Out (WO) action of the famous Indonesian composer, Ananda Sukarlan when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech at the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Kanisius College at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Saturday (11/11). Rumors circulated, when Anies Baswedan gave a speech, Ananda suddenly stood up and then WO went out of the room. It is said that one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, who was present at the event, also greeted Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech. This was seen as support for Ananda's actions. However, the issue was finally clarified by Traveloka that Derianto was unable to attend at that time.",Valid "Surabaya residents can breathe a sigh of relief after the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BBPOM) stated that the dot-shaped candy which was suspected to contain drugs turned out to be negative. The Head of the Consumer Information Service Section of BBPOM Surabaya, Lindawati said that based on the results of the lab test on the sample sent by the Surabaya health office in the form of a candy pacifier conducted by his party, it was found that the result was negative for the drug substance. ""Our laboratory test results on samples sent by the Surabaya Health Office were only for candy in the form of a dot, and the results were negative,"" said Lindawati during a hearing with Commission D of the Surabaya City DPRD together with the Health Office, BNNK Surabaya, Satpol PP and the Education Office, Thursday (09/09). /03/2017)). Furthermore, Lindawati also explained that based on data from her party, the candy had a distribution permit from BBPOM and was legal. ""We have announced the results on our website, people can see the information there,"" he explained. Even so, his party appealed to the public to be smart consumers by checking the food to be consumed. ""We have supervised the product and supervised the way of production and advertising and labeling. Then the people themselves must be smart as consumers,"" he added. Meanwhile, the Surabaya City Satpol PP claimed to have secured around 1496 candies of various types which were obtained during the three-day operation in various sub-districts in Surabaya. ""Based on the results of the three-day operation, we got around 1496 candies which we confiscated in various schools, both in elementary schools (SD) and kindergartens (TK) in various areas in Surabaya,"" said the Head of Supervision of the Surabaya Satpol PP, Saiful Ikhsan. Saiful also said that if the lab test results were negative, his party was also ready to return the candy that had been secured by the Satpol PP. Based on the latest data from the Wonokromo sub-district report, agents from the candy have also been found. ""If the result is negative, we are ready to return the candy that we have taken because the owner has been recorded,"" he added.@wan",Valid "The Mojokerto City National Narcotics Agency (BNNK) and the Mojokerto City Health Office (Dinkes) East Java held a surprise inspection (sidak) of pacifiers suspected of containing hazardous materials, at a number of schools and snack food agents in Mojokerto City, Wednesday (08/3/2107). ). When conducting inspections at a number of schools, no candy sales were found. Next, the officers targeted a number of snack agents at the Tanjung Anyar Market, Mojokerto City. As a result, officers found candy with the same brand being sold freely at two snack food agencies. However, the type of candy found by the joint officers was different from the candy pacifier found in Surabaya. ""Following up on the finding of candy allegedly containing drugs, today we conducted an inspection. As a result, we found candy with the same brand, namely ""Hard Candy"". But the shape is different,"" said Head of BNNK Mojokerto, AKBP Suharsi, Wednesday (08/3). /2017). In addition, officers also found candy pacifiers with different shapes. In Mojokerto, the candy pacifiers found resembled ""kempeng"". Officers also found imported sweets from China which were sold freely at a number of food agents at the Tanjung Anyar Market, Mojokerto City. ""Furthermore, we took samples of all the sweets we found, both candy with the ""Hard Candy"" brand and imported candies for laboratory testing. Even though these candies were equipped with a permit from the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM),"" he said. .",Valid "Catfish are freshwater fish, which usually live in critical places such as rice fields, dirty and muddy fish ponds and swamps. Many catfish live in places that lack oxygen. These fish are also known as carnivores, because they eat small shrimp and worms. Catfish are also known as tough fish species, because they are equipped with an additional respiratory apparatus in the form of a labyrinth, which allows catfish to survive in polluted and dirty water conditions. This way of living and growing in such a dirty place has led to accusations that catfish contain cancer cells. However, currently, the catfish circulating in the market are not catfish that live in the wild. Currently, there are many catfish farming in ponds, by providing good quality feed and controlling the cleanliness of the pond so that it is free from pollution. According to data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), catfish production in 2013 reached 543,461 tons, an increase from 441,217 tons in 2012 and 337,577 tons in 2011. Meanwhile, catfish consumption according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) was recorded at 29.98 kg / capita / year, up from 22.58 kg/capita/year in 2004. In Jakarta no less than 6,000 pecel catfish stalls have been registered with the Indonesian Street Vendors Association (APKLI). The popularity of catfish always increases every year. This is inseparable from the myriad benefits of this murmured fish meat. The nutritional content found in catfish is a cheap source of valuable protein. As we know protein is very necessary for the growth of the fetus in the womb. Even the nutrition contained in 2.5 kg of catfish is equivalent to the nutrition of 1 kg of beef. The high phosphorus in catfish meat adds to the benefits of the fish, especially for pregnant women and their fetuses. In addition to phosphorus, potassium and sodium in catfish are also useful as the best food source for the heart and blood vessels. By regularly consuming catfish, it helps the heart work in pregnant women so that the blood will be pumped properly. The allegation that there are cancer cells in catfish cannot be believed to be true, this is reinforced by the statement of cancer experts from the Indonesian Oncology Association. Currently there is no research that states that eating catfish can trigger cancer, said dr.Dradjat R Suardi, SpB (K) Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association.",Hoax "The circulation of candy pacifiers in the school environment suspected of containing drugs was immediately responded to by the Surabaya City Government by conducting raids by village, sub-district, and Satpol PP officers. All devices were deployed to carry out the operation to secure the candy that the student loved. As a result, the officers confiscated the bottle-shaped pacifiers in several schools including the Lidah Kulon, Sukolilo and Jemur Gayungan areas. The findings are currently still being secured and confiscated as a precautionary measure while waiting for the results of laboratory tests to determine the drug content. ""So, this raid was carried out as an anticipatory measure because the pacifier candy was suspected of containing drugs. In the meantime, we are confiscated. All officers at the kematan and sub-districts in all areas are taking security measures,"" said Head of Surabaya Police Satpol, Irvan Widyanto when contacted by LIcom, Tuesday (07/03/2017). Currently, his party is still waiting for the results of the laboratory test to determine the drug content in the candy. Because of that, his party has not been able to make a decision whether the confiscated goods will be destroyed or returned. ""In the meantime, we are still waiting for the results of the lab tests from the Health Office and the National Narcotics Agency. We will let you know the results later,” said the former Head of Rungkut. Previously, news circulated on social media and WhatsApp (WA) users that drug candy was circulating in elementary schools in Surabaya. In the message that was widely spread, the People's Welfare (Kesra) of the Sub-District and Urban Villages, Trantibbang and Personnel of Satpol PP Sukolilo Surabaya, carried out monitoring activities related to this candy. In the circulating image, the candy brand 'Hard Candy' has a distribution permit ML 224409003077 (Foreign Food produced by Xiamen Yang Wan Foodstuff, China). In addition, for the trademark9, Penguin Brand is printed in green, this candy came to Surabaya from Jakarta",Valid "Catfish is a fish that lives in fresh water, besides being a catfish farm fish, it also usually lives in lakes, swamps, muddy water and rivers. Catfish has a special characteristic in the form of a fairly long mustache and dark skin such as brown, gray to black. This fish is a very familiar fish, almost every food stall provides a menu of catfish. Most people like to consume catfish because of its delicious taste, soft texture, nutritional content and economical price. However, others prefer to avoid catfish because of the assumption that catfish are dirty and not good for health. Which one do you like or avoid? To be clear, let's learn more about what content is in catfish. Worried about the dangers of catfish for health Catfish contain mercury? In this modern era technology is increasingly advanced but the environmental conditions are increasingly neglected by the amount of environmental pollution. Almost all fish contain mercury, which is a substance that can harm your nervous system. But you don't need to worry because you can still eat catfish, except for catfish that grow on high mercury contamination. Most research reveals that catfish is a fish that contains very little mercury. The environmental regulatory agency also stated that catfish is a fish that is safe for consumption. Catfish contains a lot of bacteria that are harmful to health? Catfish are fish that can breed in dirty and low oxygen waters. There are even catfish farmers who place catfish ponds around the chicken coop. He did this because catfish are fish that can consume chicken manure and even human waste, making it easier for livestock business. This situation allows catfish to contain a lot of bacteria. Some of the bacteria commonly found in catfish are E.coli, Shigella and Salmonella, these bacteria can be removed by proper processing. Make sure you wash the catfish thoroughly and process it with proper heating because the bacteria on catfish can die from heating. Apart from these concerns, catfish have more nutritional content that is very beneficial for your health. Cancer Many catfish cultivators use dirty ponds such as under chicken or pig coops, remember catfish are also animals that consume waste and can live in various fields. and mud. Why catfish can cause cancer, following the ""danger of cancer catfish"" which is very dangerous Catfish live in very dirty ponds Catfish are fish that have very high immune systems, can live in very dirty environments and consume waste. Even to make it easier, many catfish farmers breed catfish under chicken coops. Can you imagine the bacteria that he consumes. Waste Consumption Like the danger of lizard meat, catfish is a fish that can consume waste (tai) from livestock, it is very easy to breed catfish, right? this is what causes it to be very dangerous because it is contaminated with bacteria. From the two characteristics above, both cages and consumption patterns of catfish, it is a type of animal that is very dangerous if raised in dirty media and with an improper diet. Benefits of catfish for health If catfish are bred cleanly, of course the dangers of catfish for health can be avoided and will not be dangerous if we consume. Helps brain development The brain is the central regulator of most systems in our body, it regulates thought, behavior, movement and homeostatic functions of the body such as pulse, heart rate, body temperature and fluid balance in the body. Given the important role of the brain in our bodies, we should be able to provide the best intake for our brains. In catfish contained omega-3 and vitamin A which is very good for our brain development. In addition, catfish also contains high protein which consists of more than 25 amino acids that play an important role in the process of sending messages from one brain cell to another. Good for heart health Good for the nervous system Helps in weight loss diet Helps the wound healing process Helps maintain healthy bones and teeth Helps maintain blood pressure Tips for choosing fresh catfish Choose catfish whose skin is not moldy Catfish meat when pressed hard does not break No bad smell Catfish eyes clear, protruding or convex red catfish gills Catfish fins and skin are not easily torn Tips for healthy catfish processing Clean and wash catfish thoroughly under running water Process until cooked at the right heat to kill any bacteria that may be present If you avoid cholesterol it is better Process catfish by steaming / boiling and don't fry",Hoax "Terrorist inmates at the Mako Brimob Detention Center Salemba Branch, Central Jakarta, rioted in their cells on Friday (11/10/2017). A number of videos and photos of the riots went viral on social media. A number of accounts spreading the video on social media said the riots occurred because officers threw the Koran. However, the Head of the Public Information Section (Kabagpenum) of the National Police, Comr. Martinus Sitompul, emphasized that the throwing of the Koran by the prison guard was not true or a hoax. ""It is not true that the Koran was thrown by the guard,"" said Kombes Martinus in a text message, Friday night. Martinus explained that what happened was that the guard checked a number of books and objects in the detention cell. The riots that occurred on Friday afternoon were triggered by the terrorist prisoners, who did not accept the search. ""The turmoil that occurred was a reaction to the actions taken by guard officers who confiscated cell phones belonging to Block C detainees,"" he said. During the search, four cell phones belonging to four terrorist convicts were found, namely Juhanda, Saulihun, Khairul Anam and Jumali. A number of angry Block B and Block C inmates then broke the cell door. Not only that, a number of facilities at the Salemba detention center were also damaged, including the gates of Block B and Block C hallways and their windows. Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) Brigadier General Rikwanto said the riot started after Friday prayers in congregation. After the prayer, the prisoners were put into their respective cells. After entering the cell, the picket officer who is a member of Densus 88 removed the keys in Rooms A5 and C5. ""The key was removed because there was a key slot from the inside, for security and to make it easier for the picket officers to open the cell door,"" said Rikwanto. At that time, a search was also carried out in the two detention rooms, and four cell phones belonging to four terrorist prisoners were found. ""During the search, one of the detainees did not accept it and provoked the officers with various words,"" he said. Then, one of the picket officers was provoked by the words of the inmate and fired a bullet up to warn other officers of a commotion. Rikwanto, the riot did not last long because it was quickly resolved.",Valid "The Head of Protocol and Public Relations of the Jakarta Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abd Salam, responded to the news that the 212 volume II masses were not allowed to enter the mosque. He emphasized that the photos circulating on social media on Tuesday (21/2/17) morning were hoaxes or lies. ""The news that there were 212 protesters unable to enter Istiqlal is a thousand percent hoax,"" said Abu, Tuesday (21/2/17). He explained that on Monday night after Isha there were three group buses that entered the Istiqlal Mosque. They claimed to be a group from Madura Island. The mosque administrators invited them to worship and clean themselves. Furthermore, the mosque administrator coordinated with the group leader who was accompanied by the police. After talking, they then voluntarily left the Istiqlal Mosque. Abu again explained that in accordance with the procedure, the Istiqlal Mosque outside the month of Ramadan was closed at 21.30 WIB and reopened one hour before the dawn prayer. Meanwhile, the photo of the congregation queuing at the gate of the mosque is a group of pilgrims from outside the city. Abu said they wanted to enter the mosque but the door only opened at 03.45 WIB. ""In the morning before dawn, Tuesday, February 21 2017, there were several pilgrims from outside the city who were about to enter the Istiqlal Mosque and they arrived before the doors of the Istiqlal Mosque opened at 03.45 WIB. We apologize for this,"" said Abu.",Valid "DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan admitted that he did not have a problem and still respects the attitude of composer Ananda Sukarlan who protested his presence at the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College. “I will greet all, protect all. If then there is a negative reaction, well that's a bonus for me. There is nothing, it's normal,"" said Anies at the Jakarta City Hall, Monday, November 13 2017. Ananda Sukarlan launched a walk out to protest the committee who invited Anies to commemorate the founding of Kanisius College. ""Why invite someone who is against the values ​​taught to us at Kanisius,"" he said when contacted by Tempo, Monday, October 13 2017. Ananda said that while studying at Kanisius he got an understanding of pluralism. By appreciating differences, he believes life in the world will be better. ""Differences are what bring us together,"" he said. However, he considers Anies' figure to be contrary to these values. According to Ananda, during the 2017 Jakarta Pilkada campaign which was full of religious and racist sentiments, Anies Baswedan did not seem bothered. In addition, Anies' inaugural speech as governor touched on indigenous issues. ""I'm not talking about politics, this is a matter of conscience and human values,"" said Ananda Sukarlan. Anies Baswedan said that he was only informed this morning about Ananda Sukarlan's protest. According to him, anyone has the right to express their thoughts or criticisms in their own way. He attended the event because he was invited as governor as well as a friend. ""I'm not like someone who doesn't know my friends at Kanisius. And this isn't the first time I've been to Kanisius,"" concluded Anies Baswedan.",Hoax "Some time ago netizens were shocked by the news that Facebook would be closed or blocked for social media users in Indonesia on April 24, 2018. The news of the closure of Facebook has also become the pros and cons of netizens, especially Facebook users. Netizens also flocked to post the status ""Facebook will be closed"", some also uploaded ""before Facebook is closed post a status or photo first."" Rumors that are viral and widely circulated on social media, especially Facebook, are certainly not true or hoaxes. The government can indeed give strict sanctions to block Facebook, because the data of one million Indonesian users was also leaked in the Cambridge Analytica (CA) scandal. However, there is no certainty that on April 24, Facebook will be blocked in Indonesia. Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara on various occasions never mentioned blocking Facebook. Rudiantara said the Ministry of Communications and Informatics did not hesitate to block Facebook, but it must follow procedures so that the steps are not rash. Rudiantara's only firm statement about blocking Facebook is if there is evidence that Facebook is used as a means of inciting or fighting. Rudiantara ensured that if investigators found an element of criminal suspicion in the leak of Facebook user data in Indonesia, the chances of blocking Facebook would be even greater. At the moment, these two things cannot be proven, they are still under investigation and waiting for the results of the audit. ""If there are indications that Facebook in Indonesia is being used for incitement, like what happened in Myanmar. I have no qualms about blocking it,"" said Rudiantara, a few days ago. The Minister of Communication and Informatics has asked Facebook to conduct an audit, and submitted the results of the audit since a week after the announcement that data on Facebook users in Indonesia had been leaked in the CA scandal. The request was included in the first Warning Letter (SP) sent by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. But after the specified deadline arrived, Facebook has not yet submitted the results of the audit. Kominfo also issued a second warning letter. ""Currently, it is SP II. We are waiting, later after SP II it can be upgraded to temporary service termination if needed,"" said Rudiantara, Wednesday (11/4/2018). If the audit results are known later, the government can assess the potential problems that could arise from this data leak and take steps to address them.",Valid "Lately on social networks, there is a lot of information circulating that calls catfish the filthiest and most disgusting fish in the world. In a piece of catfish meat, contained 3000 cancer cells. Really? The nickname as the filthiest fish refers to the nature of the catfish that likes to eat anything and can live in all kinds of waste in the waters. Catfish are fish that are classified as voracious, can eat plants or prey on other animals, even eat any carrion. We often find household waste shelters, livestock waste channels, ditches, or ditches used for catfish farming. Not infrequently we also find catfish ponds on which are livestock, both poultry and four-legged animals. The source of catfish feed comes from the livestock manure. Even an article that is quite viral on the internet says that catfish can also be bred in human waste septic tanks. Catfish or catfish are known as a very tough fish species. This fish is equipped with an additional breathing apparatus in the form of a labyrinth, so that it can survive in muddy, dirty or even polluted water conditions. Presumably, this fact has led to allegations of accumulation of carcinogenic toxins (cancer causing) in the body of catfish. Easy to cultivate, tough, and inexpensive to feed, make catfish including fish that are cheap and liked by the community. This fish is a favorite for many people because it has a delicious taste, soft, savory meat texture, easy to process into various dishes. In every stall or restaurant there is always a catfish menu available. Who doesn't know pecel catfish or catfish penyet? Safe for consumption in this modern era, technology is increasingly advanced, but environmental conditions are increasingly being neglected with a lot of environmental pollution. Not only catfish, actually marine fish caught around beaches or estuaries that are polluted by household or industrial waste are thought to have been contaminated with mercury, lead, metals, and so on. which can be harmful to health. So, we cannot equate that a type of fish is safe or not safe for consumption, it all depends on the habitat of the fish. If the fish habitat comes from a place that is not polluted with waste, then the fish is safe for consumption. The next concern is, catfish is a fish that can breed in dirty waters and low in oxygen. Not a few catfish breeders place catfish ponds under animal cages. This is done because catfish are fish that can consume animal waste and even human waste. This situation allows catfish to contain a lot of bacteria. Some of the bacteria commonly found in fish are E.coli, Shigella and Salmonella, these bacteria can be eliminated by proper processing. Make sure you wash the catfish thoroughly and process it with proper heating because the bacteria in the fish flesh can die at certain high temperatures. The rumors that a piece of catfish contains 3,000 cancer cells are not entirely true. As long as the catfish is raised in waters that are not polluted by chemical waste or acute organic waste, it is still safe for consumption. There are many ways to choose fresh and healthy catfish, choose catfish from farms whose habitat is not polluted by waste. Choose the skin that is not moldy, the flesh when pressed hard is not damaged, does not smell bad, the eyes are clear, protruding or convex, the gills are red, the fins and skin are not easily torn. There is also a suggestion to buy live catfish and fast it one to two days before processing. This is supposedly to neutralize or get rid of the dirt in the catfish's body. The processing must also be precise, wash and clean the catfish until clean in running water. Cook until cooked at the right heat to kill any bacteria that may be present. It is not recommended to eat the innards (internal organs) of catfish, for that it must be washed thoroughly. If you avoid cholesterol better if the catfish by steaming / boiling and not fried. Responding to negative issues surrounding catfish, Dr. Dradjat R Suardi, SpB(K)Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association, stated, ""There is currently no research that says eating catfish can trigger cancer, (detikHealth, 23/10/2015). ). Good for Health Apart from these concerns, catfish actually has a lot of nutritional content that is very beneficial for the health of the body. Catfish is a cheap source of protein, contains vitamins, DHA, omega-3, low cholesterol and contains other useful substances. The benefits of catfish meat as quoted by, are as follows: Helps brain development. The brain is the central regulator of most systems in our body, it regulates thoughts, behavior, movements and homeostatic functions of the body such as pulse, heart rate, body temperature and fluid balance in the body. Given the important role of the brain in our bodies, we should be able to provide the best intake for our brains. in catfish contained omega-3, DHA, and vitamin A which is very good for our brain development. In addition, catfish also contains high protein which consists of more than 25 amino acids that play an important role in the process of sending messages from one brain cell to another. Healthy heart. Catfish contains omega-3 and omega-6 which are commonly found in expensive fish such as cod and salmon. The content of omega-3 and omega-6 can help heart and brain health activities, and a serving of catfish contains 220 mg of omega-3 and 875 mg of omega-6. In addition, catfish also contains potassium which plays a role in maintaining proper electrolyte levels so that the heart remains healthy. Good for the nervous system. One of the tasks of the nervous system in our body is to receive information in the form of stimulation. If our nervous system is disturbed, there will be health problems which are usually characterized by frequent headaches. You can help keep our nerves healthy by consuming vitamin B12 as needed. Catfish meat is a good source of vitamin B12 for neurological health or the nervous system in the body. Aids in weight loss diets. Everyone would want a body with an ideal body weight. Various ways are done to achieve the ideal body weight and one of them is by dieting. Catfish is a food that needs to be consumed when undergoing a weight loss diet because catfish contains very little carbohydrates and fat. The fat content of catfish is much less than other animal side dishes such as beef and chicken. Helps the wound healing process. Have you ever heard that you shouldn't eat fishy-smelling food when you have a wound or after undergoing surgery because it will prolong the wound healing process? I hope you don't believe that because it's just a myth. You could say all the fish smelled fishy. Foods that smell fishy are mostly good sources of protein. One of them is catfish. Catfish has a high protein which plays an important role in the wound healing process. Protein has the ability as a building block, so when an injury occurs, the protein will help the process of forming new cells. Helps maintain healthy bones and teeth. The high phosphorus content in catfish is very helpful for the health of our bones and teeth. If the intake of phosphorus in our body is less it will cause osteoporosis or porous bones. In pregnant women the need for phosphorus will increase due to the formation of fetal bones. Helps maintain blood pressure. The ratio of potassium and sodium in catfish 5 to 1 is very good for circulatory health so that your blood pressure is maintained. In addition, the omega-3 contained in catfish is also believed to maintain normal blood pressure. That's some information about catfish, a fish that is considered the dirtiest, but it turns out that this fish also has high nutritional value. If catfish is raised in a good and clean manner, of course it is very safe for consumption and the meat is very useful for human health.",Valid "Dozens of terrorism detainees at the Salemba detention center branch of the Mobile Brigade Headquarters Kelapa Dua went on a rampage Friday (10/11). This is thought to have occurred because of the mobile phone raid on terrorism detainees. However, there is information circulating that there is a throwing of the Koran in the prison. There is a video circulating in the video that shows dozens of prisoners screaming. They came out of the holding cell. Several prisoners were seen clenching their fists up. Screams were heard. In another video, several prisoners can be seen kicking at the cell door, some are carrying a wooden door that has been released. Some of the prisoners wore t-shirts. From outside the cell, a number of police officers were seen trying to calm the angry prisoners. It is possible that the video came from the prisoners' cellphones. Because, the video shooting angle is in the detention cell. Not from outside the cell at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters. The Head of the General Information Section (Kabagpenum) of the Divhumas Polri Kombespol Martinus Sitompul said that the issue of the throwing of the Koran in the detention center was not true. ""However, the cause of the riot was only the raid on cellphones owned by prisoners of terrorism cases,"" he explained. Initially, the officers examined the objects and books that were in the detention cell. That's when the prisoners went on a rampage because some of them had cellphones. During the rampage, the cell door was damaged, the turmoil was only in Blocks B and C,"" he explained. According to him, the current condition of the prison is conducive. The prisoners are already in a calm condition. ""It doesn't continue, everything is safe,"" explained the former Head of the Polda Metro Jaya Head of Public Relations. It should be noted that most of the detainees in terrorism cases are being held at the Salemba Rutan at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters branch, Kelapa Dua. In fact, there is Amir Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) Aman Abdurrahman who some time ago was immediately picked up by the Anti-Terror Detachment 88 when he was released from the Nusakambangan White Sand Prison.",Valid "The activity of brushing teeth is certainly carried out every day, there are many various forms of toothbrushes in supermarkets or traditional markets, and also many materials used in the manufacture of toothbrushes. As a Muslim, you must be careful and thorough in knowing the ingredients or making a toothbrush that is currently used for brushing your teeth. In 2012 we were shocked by the emergence of brushes or brushes made from pig bristles until the MUI issued a fatwa against using a pig bristle brush, but recently, information about toothbrushes made from pig bristles has emerged. Information for you Muslims to be more careful in choosing a toothbrush, because there are dental cleaning products that use non-halal ingredients. Let's all examine the toothbrush, if it says ""Bristle"" on the packaging, it means that the toothbrush contains PIG bristles. Bristle means Pig Hair aka Pig Fur! So double check the packaging of your toothbrush when buying. Likewise on the brush (bread spreader), Generally it says ""Bristle"", ""Pure Bristle"", ""100% China Bristle"". ""What are your toothbrush bristles made of? Plastic or Pig Bristle? Here are the steps to check it: Look at the package, if it is recorded from bristles, so it is made of sea urchins. Please burn the bristles, if it smells like burning hair, it means it's from pig bristles. However, if it melts and becomes hard, it means it is made of plastic and is safe to use. Risks when using what is forbidden: Worship is rejected, prayer is rejected, and hell is more worthy (hadith). Save ourselves and our loved ones. "" In everyday life, we certainly use various types of brushes to apply makeup, paint, clean dust, paint the house, smear cake pans, to smear food. As in processing grilled chicken, bread, cakes, and various baked or grilled meats and seafood. Meanwhile, brushes are useful when combing hair, cleaning hair in salons or barbershops, washing clothes, and scrubbing floors. Do you know where the brushes and brushes you use come from? Most likely FROM A FIRE FUR! Brushes supplied in Indonesia, usually come from China. The imported brushes are produced using sea urchins, especially wild boars which have more hair. Sea urchins are considered more economical than the fur of other animals, such as goats, squirrels, civets, horses, raccoons, camels, and dogs. For Muslims, the use of sea urchins is clearly HARAM. No matter how small, the material from pork is forbidden for consumption and for application. (the term is PIG/BOAR/HOG/BRISTLE HAIR BRUSH) which are sold in various places such as traditional markets, painting supply stores, building materials stores, cosmetic shops, beauty salons, etc. Are you familiar with various forms. Beware of painting brushes, wall paint brushes, makeup brushes, hair brushes, clothes brushes, etc. HERE ARE SOME TIPS AVOIDING THE USE OF PIG BRUSHS AND BRUSHS: 1. USE 100% SYNTHETIC BRUSH & BRUSH, SUCH AS NYLON. There are wall paint brushes and food brushes, which are slightly more expensive. The nylon material has a texture like plastic for a toothbrush. 2. USE OTHER ALTERNATIVES THAN THE BRUSH. For example, paint rollers for painting, sponges & cotton buds for applying makeup, and knives & spatulas for applying food. 3. BEWARE OF FOOD THAT THE PROCESS OF COOKING AND CLEANING utensils USING A PIG BRUSH. 4. CHARACTERISTICS OF PIG BRUSH BRUSH, WHEN BURNED WILL BREAK A SPECIFIC OTHER LIKE ROCKED MEAT. 5. USUALLY PIG BRUSH BRUSHS SOLD IN WHITE & BLACK COLORS. However, producers can process sea urchins by bleaching them and then coloring them, so that it looks like the fur of other animals. (AND) Thus the explanation of the toothbrush or brush made of pig bristles. As a Muslim, be careful. Give this info to your family and friends so that more people can read it so that they are free from non-halal products. May be useful.",Hoax "A riot occurred at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters Detention Center, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, Friday (10/11) afternoon. A number of buildings were damaged. So far there are two versions of the cause of the event. Which one is true? The first version is circulating on social media. It was stated that the detainees who were charged with terrorism cases were angry to hear the news that there were guards who were suspected of harassing the Al-Qur'an and the books of the clerics belonging to the detainees. ""Densus and the warden arrogantly entered the Ikhwan's room and the Koran was stepped on by Brimob, the warden and Densus finally caused the ikhwans to go on a rampage and destroy the Brimob mako detention room, the current situation is still tense..."" The excerpt was released on social media as reported by from Panjimas. The second version came from the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Martinus Sitompul. According to him, the issue of harassment of the Qur'an is a hoax. ""It is not true that there was a throwing of the Koran by the guards on duty, there were officers conducting an examination of the books and objects in the cell. Currently the conditions of the detention house are conducive and the residents of the detention center have calmed down,"" he said as written by Detik. . The head of the Mobile Brigade Corps, Inspector General Murad Ismail, said the same thing. He said it was not true that there was throwing of the Koran. ""Hoax,"" he said. According to Rikwanto, the cause was that some detainees did not accept being examined and provoked a commotion. Rikwanto explained that after Friday prayers, the prisoners were put into their respective cells. While carrying out these activities, the Densus 88 team conducted a search. There are 4 pieces of HP found. ""Four cellphones were found, belonging to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali,"" he said. One of the detainees did not accept the search and made provocations. ""It is true that with the inspection activity, one of the prisoners did not accept it and provoked the officers with various words, then some members were provoked by their words and there were prisoners who were takbir loudly so that they provoked the prisoners of the next block,"" he explained. Which version is correct? What is certain is that due to the riots, a number of facilities were damaged by the prisoners. ""The prison cell door was broken into, the gate of the block hallway, the window panes (in block C and block B),"" said Rikwanto. [wjd] THE HOAX VERSION OF THE QUESTION OF BURNING THE QURAN TURN OUT FOR THE STRENGTH OF SEENTIMEN, DEFINITELY NOT WHO IS THE CURRENT. Read More Below video dr in the Brimob Mako Prison: when terrorist prisoners riot because Densus raids cellphones. They put up flags shouting ISIS slogans. — Iqbal Kholidi (@Iqbal__Kholidi) November 10, 2017 AND THIS IS ONE OF THE POSTS THAT ignited with an emphasis on burning the AL-QURAN And Also Rumors Like The Below .. Including The First Info I received news that at Mako Brimob there was a riot. The reason is because a police officer threw the Qur'an in front of the suspected terrorist prisoners. Is this news true? Can anyone help confirm? By Allah, if this news is true then we will curse the police institution! ???? — Grand Duke of Condet (@CondetWarrior) November 10, 2017 The riots in the Mobile Brigade Headquarters cell because the terrorist prisoners did not accept the confiscated cellphones. As simple as that. Burning the Qur'an is a hoax to ignite sentiment. — AyangAyangan (@Aniessa_Andi) November 10, 2017 Location of the Mobile Brigade Headquarters: there are at least 4 irregularities. 1. There is a Tawhid Flag 2. There is a cellphone 3. Riot or Selfie 4. Mostly cover the face WATCH AGAIN!#WaspadaFramingIslamophobia — NKRI Not IndoChina (@Chinaisasi) November 10, 2017 This is the Cause of Prisoners' Riot at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Depok ""Four cellphones were found. They belonged to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali,"" he said. detikcom notes, they are convicts of terrorism cases. One of the detainees did not accept the search. According to Rikwanto (Seconds) — Ary Prasetyo (@Aryprasetyo85) November 11, 2017 This is the Cause of Prisoners' Riot at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Depok ""Four cellphones were found. They belonged to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali,"" he said. detikcom notes, they are convicts of terrorism cases. One of the detainees did not accept the search. According to Rikwanto (Seconds) — Ary Prasetyo (@Aryprasetyo85) November 11, 2017 Even though it was clear that there was no rioting caused by the burning of the Qur'an.. Who was the first to make a fuss about this.. you can see above.. there are 2 groups, one wants to straighten out, one wants to lead an opinion that focuses on the burning of the Qur'an! ! - Hoax cases like this are dangerous - see the original chronology There was a commotion at the terrorist detention house at the Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok, Friday (10/11/2017) evening. The commotion began when Detachment 88 officers conducted a sweep of the prisoners' cells and confiscated a number of cell phones. ""Detachment officers carried out a search and found four cellphones belonging to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali,"" said Head of the Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Pol Rikwanto in a written statement, Friday night. The confiscation of the cell phone made one of the inmates disapprove and provoked a commotion. He provoked the officers by issuing provocative remarks. The action succeeded in provoking the reactions of officers and detainees in other blocks. Riots are inevitable. Resistance was carried out by the prisoners against the officers, resulting in damage to the prison facilities, such as the door of the prison cell being broken and the glass breaking. The picket members shot upwards as a warning. ""Until now the atmosphere has been eased by the Densus picket. After that, the members are on standby at the picket while waiting for developments,"" said Rikwanto. However, there are still prisoners who make provocations. Furthermore, the detention center coordinated with the Brimob Police to back up security at the Mako Brimob detention center",Valid "Recently, netizens have been excited about the circulation of brushes or toothbrushes made from “bristle”, which means pig bristles. In fact, the term ""bristle"" does not always refer to sea urchins. The lexical meaning of bristle is a short, stiff hair, fiber. So all the hair, the stiff fiber, then the term will be referred to as bristle. Hair, stiff beard, can be categorized as bristle. Another example is fibers or stiff pine leaves that can be called bristle. In the industrial world, bristle is indeed used as a material for making brushes or brushes, including toothbrushes. Bristle can be sourced from animal hair or plant fibers or synthetic fibers such as nylon and silicone. The animal hair used can be sourced from pigs, goats, horses, or camels. Plant fibers that are usually made as brush or brush material include palm fiber. Other materials such as nylon are also often used to make brushes and brushes. From the halal aspect, brushes and brushes, including toothbrushes derived from animal hair, are critical points that need to be observed. When brushes and brushes are made from pork, they cannot be used because any material derived from pork is haram and najis, whether in dry or wet form. The MUI has also issued a fatwa that anything that comes from pigs, is forbidden to be used, including the fur. But the problem is, not all brush or brush/toothbrush users are able to recognize whether the brush they are using is a brush or a brush that comes from pig bristles or not. One of the information that can be seen as a marker that the brush or brush comes from sea urchins is the presence of writing such as “Boar Bristle Brush”. Boar is the English term for wild boar or wild boar. This means that the product is a toothbrush/toothbrush that uses wild boar bristles. Examples of toothbrush products made from pig bristles are those sold on This online shop offers a pig toothbrush with the name Examples of brush products made from pig bristles include: But keep in mind that not all the words bristle means sea urchin. There are several manufacturers who use the term for other materials such as goat, camel, horse, and nylon hair. To determine whether the brush / brush product is made from animals or not, you can burn the material. If it smells like burning hair or horns, it's better to leave it alone, as reported by Materials from plastic or coconut fiber do not emit such a distinctive odor when burned.",Hoax "The salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia will increase drastically to reach Rp. 500 million per month. Or Rp 6.6 billion per year. This increase occurs if the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) on the Salaries, Benefits, and Facilities of Civil Servants is actually passed. The amount is stated in the RPP material. With the president's salary index of 96,000 points, it was found that the figure was Rp. 553 million. According to Article 2 of Law number 7 of 1978, the president's salary is 6 times the basic salary of the highest official in Indonesia (Chairman of the DPR, MA, and BPK). Meanwhile, in PP 75/2000, it is stated that the three officials receive a salary of IDR 5,040,000 per month. Thus, the president's basic salary is Rp. 30,240,000 per month. Presidential Decree 68/2001 also states that the allowance for the position of the President is Rp. 32,500,000. So that the total money received by the president each month is IDR 62,740,000 or IDR 752,880,000 per year. According to the palace, this amount has not changed since 2001. The total salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia is relatively small compared to the leaders of major countries in the world. Prime Minister (PM) of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong recorded the highest salary of USD 2.2 million or equivalent to Rp. 30.3 billion per year. After Lee, there is Doris Leuthard, the President of Switzerland who has a salary of USD 437,000 or IDR 6 billion per year. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Trunbull followed with a salary of USD 403,700 or Rp 5.5 billion per year. President Jokowi is only higher than PRC President Xi Jinping who is paid USD 20,500 or IDR 283 million per year. Meanwhile, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, recorded the smallest income, which was USD 1 per year. Of course this is Trump's personal request. The 45th president of the US has a personal fortune of around USD 3 billion. University of Indonesia (UI) public policy observer Lina Miftahul Jannah said it was very natural for the President to have a very large income index. So that the income received by the number one person in Indonesia is very high. ""It makes sense too,"" he explained. He said that as head of state as well as head of government, the duties, responsibilities, and risks of a president are enormous. So, according to him, it is not natural for an official to be paid by the state budget, whose salary is greater than that of the president. Instead, he said it would be dangerous if there were other government officials whose salaries were higher than the President. Meanwhile, the palace has not been able to comment further on the salary increase scheme for civil servants, presidents and other state officials. Presidential Spokesman Johan Budi Sapto Prabowo said his party had not received sufficient information regarding this matter. ""I don't have the information yet. I'll confirm it later,"" he said when confirmed. The former Acting Officer (Plt) of the KPK leadership has also not been able to confirm the progress of the RPP",Hoax "The Pokemon Go game is currently endemic, craze and increasingly popular with netizens throughout Indonesia and the world. A question was asked to our editor, ""Is playing Pokemon Go Game according to Islam, halal or haram?"" As an introduction, Pokemon Go is an augmented-reality-based game developed by the Pokemon Company in collaboration with Niantic and Nintendo. How to play, someone uses a smartphone, both Android and iOS to hunt Pokemon monsters. With Android or iOS smartphone devices, users can hunt Pokemon monsters in the real world, for example in rivers, mountains, streets, offices, markets, supermarkets, lakes, and other places. So, Pokemon monsters seem to exist and hide in the real world that can be seen through your cellphone screen. Users are also busy hunting Pokemon monsters around them. In fact, some of them deliberately venture here and there to places where there are Pokemon monsters, such as Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and so on. game pokemon go according to islam Suddenly, many children, teenagers and adults are addicted to the Pokemon Go game to the point of pacing, busy playing hunting monsters. In fact, there are journalists on the sidelines of their coverage, hunting Pokemon monsters before waiting for sources. Pokemon Go game according to Islam To answer this question, the editor of held a study and limited discussion. From the results of this study, we state that the Pokemon Go game can be legal/permissible or illegal/prohibited. Here's the explanation. Sunni scholars agree that the main sources of Islamic law are the Qur'an and the Sunnah (Hadith of the Prophet). Meanwhile, the sources of law that are still being debated by scholars include ijma, qiyas, ijtihad, istihsan, urf, maslahah mursalah, and so on. Pokemon Go game is clearly not regulated in the Quran and Hadith. That way, we use the maslahah mursalah basis in answering the question of whether the game is haram or halal. From the aspect of its application, it is clear that the law was initially allowed. However, when the game appears harmful, has a bad impact on someone, then the law becomes haram or not allowed. In this context, for example, forgetting the obligation to pray because they are busy hunting Pokemon monsters or being lazy to work, decreased work productivity, children are reluctant to study, and so on. Because, too busy playing Pokemon Go Game that makes a waste of time, even interfere with the concentration of learning and development of children, is part of the devil. So, it is not wrong when an Ulema Council in Egypt forbids the game. As quoted from the Mirror, Deputy Head of Al Azhar Egypt, Abbas Shuman likened the Pokemon Go game to alcohol which is prohibited in Islam. Because, monster hunting activities are considered like drunk people on the streets. People become on the streets with their eyes glued to their cellphone screens looking for locations where imaginary Pokemon monsters are. They are also busy capturing something imaginary or imaginary. In fact, some people even neglect work to find imaginary monsters in the world of cellphone screens. Meanwhile, he left work to earn a living that could support him. Or for example, students, students, or college students, suddenly turn on their smartphones, then hunt monsters and forget their study assignments. If the condition is so severe, then the law in Islam is haram. The analysis carried out by the Deputy Head of Al Azhar Egypt, Abbas Shuman, is quite good. That is, Abbas uses the qiyas method in analyzing a problem. The game Pokemon Go is likened to alcohol which is forbidden in Islam. This is called qiyas, which is establishing the law of a new case that has not been regulated in the Qur'an or hadith, but there are similarities in terms of causes, benefits, dangers, and various other aspects. When mixed with alcohol, with the same effect when drinking intoxicating alcohol, it can be concluded that the Pokemon Go game is haram. It's different when the existence of the Pokemon Go game actually makes people happy and happy, still doesn't leave praying, working and studying as usual, then free time is used to play Pokemon with the intention and purpose of refreshing. So in this case it is permissible or halal. That is, if the existence of the Pokemon Go game, which is currently flooded with many fans, turns out to be beneficial and good for the mind-health, because there are games that are refreshing and fun, then in the name of benefit, this game is halal. Or, the existence of Pokemon Go will provide skills, skills, and has the benefit of sharpening the right brain, so the law is okay. Thus, this conclusion can be drawn. The law of origin of the Pokemon Go game application according to Islam is permissible, because it is not regulated in the Shari'a, both in the Qur'an and hadith. If it turns out that the impact invites harm, is destructive, and brings bad consequences for users, then playing Pokemon Go is haram/forbidden. This is the answer from the editor of related to questions from readers about playing the Pokemon Go Game according to Islam, halal or haram. Spread this news for our common good, for the future of the nation's children! May be useful.",Hoax "The Brimob Police Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok, was hit by riots all day yesterday. The National Police Headquarters officially stated that the riots started with cell phone raids. However, a video circulated on Youtube that recorded the riot, in which the residents stated that they did not want their religion to be harassed so they had to fight back. This was immediately denied by the Police Headquarters. ""It is not true regarding the Qur'an. This is purely a matter of raids on cellphones (cell phones) by officers. The occupants didn't accept it, then they took it,"" said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rikwanto, to reporters last night. It is said, the commotion occurred at 16.00 WIB. Rikwanto said the riots caused a number of facilities in the detention center to be damaged. ""There was a riot of terrorist prisoners at the Korbrimob Rutan Salemba branch of the detention center carried out by terrorist prisoners which resulted in the destruction of prison facilities, such as the prison's cell door being broken down, the gate of the block hallway, the window panes (in Block C and Block B),"" explained Rikwanto. The commotion occurred after Friday prayers, when the prisoners were put into their respective cells. After entering the cell, the Densus picket member released the keys in rooms A5 and C5 (RB). ""Because there is a key slot from the inside, for security and to make it easier for the picket officers to open the cell door,"" added Rikwanto. After that, members of the Densus picket conducted a search of the detention cell. The search results found 4 cellphones belonging to detainees Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali. ""It is not true that there was throwing of the Koran,"" said Rikwanto repeatedly. Chaos ensued after the inspection was over. Detainees who did not accept the search provoked the officers, so that some officers were provoked by the words of the prisoners. On the other hand, the prisoners continued to scream while shouting takbir so as to provoke the prisoners of the next block. ""Members of the picket from Unit III Pioneers took action by shooting upwards to signal chaos and to warn the prisoners,"" added Rikwanto. The commotion was then successfully overcome. Currently the situation is reported to be conducive. INDOPOS reporters who monitored the Mobile Brigade Headquarters reported that the atmosphere was conducive. There is no meaningful activity on the officers. The situation seemed calm and guarded as usual. A number of journalists were in the vicinity of the headquarters of the elite police force. Several guards continued to patrol the outside and inside of the Kelapa Dua Mobile Brigade Corps building, Depok City. No personnel from Densus 88 were seen coming to the location. Separately, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters Inspector General Pol Setyo Wasisto explained, prior to the Salemba Rutan riot in Kelapa Dua, riots had also occurred in Class II A Prison Permisan Nusakambangan Island, Cilacap, Central Java. This incident took place on Tuesday (7/11) at around 07.50 WIB. The attack was carried out by terrorists targeting the John Refra group aka John Kei. It was found that three people were injured and one colleague of John Kei died. Setyo Wasisto revealed that this commotion began with an attack carried out by a prisoner with the initials WBP, a terrorist from the block of residents being assisted from room 3 to room 1 inhabited by John Kei. This attack uses wooden blocks and stones that are around the block room. ""This made the inmate outside the room to go to John Kei's room and intend to help him attack another inmate with the initials T. However, because of the outnumbered numbers, prisoner T went back into the cell room and locked him from the inside,"" he said. Finally, at around 10.00 WIB, the prison situation was brought under control after prison officers intervened and re-entered the inmates into their respective cell rooms. However, at around 12.30 WIB, there was a beating in room block C number 20. This location is the room for the assistant prison officer. This incident left several victims injured, including John Kei. This man received a wound on his left temple and a torn left palm. Then, another victim was Webrianto Warta Bone, a general convict who suffered injuries to his upper left temple and right back shoulder and bruised legs. The third victim, Muhammad Asrul Sidik, suffered injuries to his left temple and bruised hands. ""Meanwhile, one person died on behalf of Ondi bin Robert. The perpetrators in this incident amounted to 11 people who came from terrorist prisoners,"" he said. The perpetrators included Muhamad Ikhwan alias Abu Umar, Zainal Abidin, Zakaria alias Zack, Sultan Kolbi, Priyoutomo alias Iok, Ahmad Basuki bin Abdul Ghofur, Khairul Rizal, Mansur bin Saribin, M Ali, M Aris Raharjo alias Alif, and M Basri. . The evidence that was secured by the Nusakambangan Sub-Sector Police were kitchen knives, stones, broken glass, pieces of wood blocks. Furthermore, there is a white shirt belonging to the victim on behalf of Asrul who was hit by a blood rickshaw and a white shirt belonging to the victim on behalf of John Kei who was hit by a blood rickshaw. ""In the report we received, it was not caused by the cause of the attack. I also do not dare to assume because the report (cause) does not exist,"" he explained. Asked whether the riots in these two locations were related, Setyo did not answer",Valid "The Jabodetabek Reog Community sent an official letter to the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao, Philippines to request clarification of information on the burning of reog art tools by Indonesian Consulate General officials. ""We want to get an official and written explanation, because in the previous clarification the Indonesian Consulate General confirmed the news on the pretext that the art equipment in question was damaged,"" said Secretary General of the Reog Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi) associations, Agus Setiyoko, Monday ( 2/11). Agus revealed the three points of the request for clarification that they submitted to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. First, to ask for an official and written explanation regarding the case of the reog art instrument burning by the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. In addition to the written explanation, Agus continued, in the second point, his party also questioned the issue of spreading the news of the burning of the reog art instrument in a number of 'online' media which stated that the reason for the burning was because it was considered an idol. The last point that is no less important, Agus continued, is a request to the Indonesian Embassy or the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City, Philippines to publish or broadcast clarifications on the issue of burning reog art objects in a number of national media. ""We also demand that the Indonesian Consulate General or through the Indonesian Embassy in the Philippines ask for the right of clarification from the media who brought up the news to avoid confusion in the news that developed in the country,"" he said. The letter, written on the letterhead of the Greater Jakarta Reyog Association Number 023/PRPJ/X/2015, was not only sent via electronic message to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City, but also forwarded to the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Regent of Ponorogo. Separately, the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao City, Eko Hartono, who had been asked for clarification via electronic mail, replied via a similar electronic message that the news of the burning of a number of reog art instruments by the local Consulate General staff was true. However, Consul General Eko Hartono, as quoted in an electronic message received by Agus Setiyoko, said the burning had to be carried out because the 30-year-old art instrument was damaged and eaten by termites. ""Mr. Eko as the Indonesian Consul General in Davao even said that they were grateful for being able to communicate (via email) with the reog community in Indonesia so that they could ask for input for the procurement of a number of new reog art instruments there,"" said Agus. However, Agus said, the reog art lovers and actors in the country still need an official and open explanation that can be read in the national media so as not to continue to trigger disappointment or even anger from the reog community in Indonesia. ""The second letter that we submitted above is more of a reflection of the shock and disappointment of the Indonesian people, especially the reog artist community in the country over the incident of burning objects for the reog art,"" he said. Previously, reports about the burning of a number of reog art properties such as gayor, peacock masks and a dragon head gamelan appeared in a number of online media along with photos of the burning of a peacock mask in the yard of a house suspected of being the Indonesian Consulate General's office in Davao City, Philippines.",Valid "Jakarta - When Apple launched the iPhone 6 Plus as the largest iPhone with a screen size of 5.5 inches, many were worried that it would make it difficult for users to put it in their pants pockets. The fear was finally proven. Indeed, this is not a big part, but some iPhone 6 Plus users who put the device in their trouser pockets are forced to accept the fact that the curved part of their iPhone 6 Plus is. As told by a Macrumors Forum user named Hanzon. He admitted that it took him a long time to put the iPhone 6 Plus in his front trouser pocket. At least 4 hours the device is in the pocket. While in the pants, Hanzon did not take out the iPhone 6 Plus and continued his usual activities as usual. As a result, he found the middle of his new smartphone was a bit 'bent'. DevinPitcher also had a bad experience. He also put his iPhone 6 Plus in his front pocket. It's not clear how long he kept it, which was clear enough to make him warp. Thus quoted detikINET from Macrumors, Wednesday (24/9/2014). There has been no official confirmation from Apple regarding the issue. But what is clear is that this is the reason for iPhone 6 Plus users to be careful about placing their latest iDevice.",Hoax "The rampant sales of pacifiers suspected of containing drug substances made the public nervous, especially the circulation of pacifiers suspected of containing drug addictive substances began to penetrate and found in remote rural areas, Malang Regency. One of the residents of Rt.30 / Rw.06 Krebet village, Bululawang District, Mujib Idris, admitted that he found the pacifiers sold in front of the Kindergarten (TK) school consumed by kindergarten age children in Bulupanyung hamlet, Krebet Village, Bululawang District. ""I found out from one of the parents who at that time had bought their child, one candy had been opened and the other had not been opened,"" explained Mujib Idris. Due to the growing news that the candy pacifier was suspected of containing addictive ingredients, his party chose to secure the candy. Now the public is restless with the circulation of the pacifier candy which allegedly contains the drug. Moreover, the news in a number of candy media is dangerous. Therefore, his party asked the government authorities to calm the public by conducting raids. He explained that the candy pacifier was shaped like a bottle for a baby to drink which contained white powder. Therefore, his party asked the government to immediately provide clarity to the public, whether the candy is really dangerous or not for consumption. ""If it is really dangerous, we are asked to immediately conduct a sweeping of the number of candy sellers in schools, at this time we as parents are quite nervous,"" he complained. Information that has been collected in the field, various reports are developing, the pacifier candy is still waiting for the results of the laboratory test in Surabaya to determine whether the ingredients for the pacifier are dangerous or not, because the candy is reportedly registered with BPOM with the code BPOM RI ML 22 440 900 3077. Separately, one of the parents of a resident of Jl Malik Dalam Kelurahan or Kedungkandang Sub-district, Malang city, Galuh Ayu also admitted that she was worried about the circulation of the candy which allegedly contained the addictive substance. He said that when he received the news that the pacifier was dangerous, his party forwarded the information to his relatives. ""Supervision of children in consuming school snacks must be tightened. This has been circulating in the community through TV, Radio, Online and even Print, thank you. People must be more vigilant,"" he added. Meanwhile, the Head of Reskba Polres Malang AKP. Syamsul Hidayat when confirmed via his cell phone admitted that his party was still waiting for the results of laboratory tests from BPOM regarding the alleged presence of drug additives in the children's candy. ""We are still waiting for the results. If it is proven positive (drugs), of course action will be taken,"" said Syamsul",Hoax "Currently, citizens are upset by the issue of closing the Facebook social network in Indonesia. Regarding this, the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Rudiantara, emphasized that he would not close Facebook permanently, but only temporarily. ""That is if the situation gets worse,"" he said. Currently, the Government is focusing on securing the Facebook network. After the investigation, the Government will take action. However, until now, there is no clarity about the closure of Facebook in Indonesia. The government can indeed provide strict sanctions to block Facebook permanently, if necessary. Especially with the fact that the data of one million Indonesian users was also leaked in the Cambridge Analytica scandal which was widely reported recently. The government also urges all parties to be wiser in using social media. Don't let social media like Facebook be misused to spread hatred. Thus, netizens no longer need to worry about information about the closure of Facebook. Because until now, the Government has not made an official statement.",Valid """It's not true that there was a throwing of the Koran by the guard, what was there were the officers checking the books and objects in the cell,"" said Martinus Sitompul. - The National Police Headquarters denied there was an act of throwing the Koran by the prison picket officer in a riot at the Mako Brimob Rutan Salemba Branch, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, Friday (11/10/2017). ""It is not true that there was a throwing of the Koran by the guard officers, there were officers conducting an examination of the books and objects that were in the cell,"" said Head of the Public Information Section of the National Police Headquarters Kombes Pol Martinus Sitompul in a written statement received by reporters, Friday. 10/11/2017). Martinus emphasized that the clash took place at the Salemba branch of the Mako Brimob Rutan in Kelapa Dua, Depok. The riot occurred at 16.00 WIB. This riot occurred as a reaction to the actions taken by the prison guard officers who confiscated cellphones belonging to prisoners in block C. ""As a result of the turmoil, the prisoners from blocks B and C damaged the door of the cell room until it could no longer be used,"" said Martinus. Martinus did not deny the news that the prison conditions were chaotic. However, at this time, the situation of the Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua detention center has improved. The Head of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police Headquarters Brigadier General Pol Rikwanto also explained the chronology of the riots at the Mako Brimob Rutan Salemba Branch, Friday (11/10/2017). ""On Friday, November 10, 2017 at 16.00 WIB, there was a commotion at the Mako Korbrimob terrorist detention center, Salemba Rutan Branch, which was carried out by terrorist prisoners,"" said Rikwanto in a written statement received by Tirto, Friday (11/10/2017). The riot started after Friday prayers, after the detainees entered the cells, the Densus picket team removed the keys in rooms A 5 and C 5 (RB) because there was a lock from the inside, for security and to make it easier for the picket officers to open the cell door. During picket, the Densus team conducted a search and found 4 cellphones belonging to inmates Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali. Unfortunately, the inspection did not go smoothly. One of the detainees did not accept the search. The prisoner tried to lure the officers in various ways. ""Then there are members who are provoked by their words, and there are prisoners who while takbir loudly so that they provoke prisoners from the block next to them,"" said Rikwanto. After that, the picket members from the Pioneer III unit took action by shooting upwards as a sign of a commotion and giving warnings to the inmates. As a result of the riot, a number of prison facilities were damaged, such as the door of the prison cell being broken down, the gate of the hallway block, and the window panes in block C and block B. At present, the situation of the detainees has been successfully controlled by Densus 88. Members continue to be on standby while monitoring developments in the field. ""However, the detainees still have takbir-takbir, which triggers others,"" said Rikwanto.",Valid "A group of reog artists in Magelang City along with art activists strongly condemned the burning of reog at the Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in Davao, Philippines, some time ago. They regretted the action which was considered to have damaged state assets and slashed the nation's conscience. As a form of protest, they held an action in the Magelang City Square area, Wednesday (11/11). On the stage that reads Magelang, they gather together, pray together, and three of them perform to voice their protest by means of dancing, poetry, and songs. Eka Pradaning, one of the participants in the action performed a solemn dance. While carrying two torches he danced in front of the head of reog and reog artists. From his mouth came literary verses entitled ""Fitnah Termites and Idols"" accompanied by two other dancers. And fire has ignited everything/And fire has burned the national identity or Fire has burned a pair of dragons/Fire has burned a peacock and a lion's head/And fire has burned souls to manifest their stupidity or In the name of termites and idols who are the alibis of ignorance and his filth ""I deliberately made the poem and read it in this action as a protest to those who had burned the reog. With the alibis of termites and idols, they scorched the nation's heritage and that is an unforgivable act,"" said Eka after the action. In a similar vein, Wahyu Puji Santoso, an elder of the Manunggal Budoyo reog art group from the South Rejowinangun Village, Magelang City, said that the burning of reog is completely unacceptable. For whatever reason, the combustion is not feasible, especially the condition of the reog still looks very good. ""I see 80 percent of them are still in good condition. They were burned once. If they don't want to take care of them, we are ready to accept them and will take good care of them,"" said the father, who has 20 years of reog art. Meanwhile, the Action Coordinator, Agung Begawan Prabu, emphasized that the act of burning reog at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines, was a pure crime. This is because the extermination was not carried out through a clear and official procedure according to existing regulations. ""One of the procedures is that there must be coordination and analysis first. Here the procedure is not followed and the burned reog is an asset of the state, art and culture of the nation. We demand that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs investigate this case and the perpetrators of the arson can be punished,"" he explained.",Hoax "Already know the dangers of catfish for health? or want to know the type of catfish contains thousands of cancer cells? Who does not know catfish, which is still categorized as a type of consumption fish. How to cultivate catfish is very easy, as well as processed catfish which has now become popular and rampant on the edge of the net. However, recently there are some catfish that turned out to be one of the causes of cancer. Cancer is one type of disease that can cause a person's death. Upon hearing the danger posed by cancer is very scary, now everything is suspected as the emergence of cancer and things that can cause cancer, especially in this catfish. One of the dishes that has been believed from the past until now is even accused of being catfish causing cancer. This of course needs special action to do research, here are the facts if catfish causes cancer. Is it true that catfish causes cancer? maybe if some of the catfish farmers can explain that in the treatment the catfish is actually placed in a dirty pond that contains viruses and bacteria or mud. So do not be surprised if the catfish prefer to consume food from waste. However, can catfish just be designated as one that can cause cancer? Research from Litbank stated that catfish contains vitamins that are beneficial for health and types of fish that are nutritious. There is a lot of protein in catfish, about 10-15 g of protein are found in the meat. Which with that amount of protein turns out our bodies need it. Especially if in caring for and maintaining catfish in ponds, of course it will provide protein for our bodies. And it is no longer one of the causes of cancer, because if it is maintained in ponds, in tarpaulin ponds, and in concrete ponds, of course, food will be maintained and well maintained, especially from cancer-causing waste. So, from now on don't ever doubt again about this cancer-causing catfish. Especially for farmers who are starting to open a catfish farming business and various catfish dishes. Because we can feel the news of catfish causing cancer if we keep it in a dirty and wasteful place. In fact, catfish is now a safe source of protein for us to consume. Knowing Catfish Causes Cancer Before you believe that catfish can cause cancer in the body, it is necessary to read more and seek knowledge of the ins and outs of catfish life in the wild. Catfish Processing System Catfish processing will also have an impact on the emergence of cancer-causing agents. Even though from how to maintain it is clean from waste or dirt, if in frying catfish using oil that stores too much cholesterol content. The Reality of Catfish Causes Cancer So from the explanation above we conclude that cancer-causing catfish will not appear if it is kept in a standardized place of care, namely in a clean place and food that is obtained from a factory with clear nutrition. To process it, it must be washed using clean water that is free from waste before cooking. There are several bacteria that appear and are found in the body of catfish such as shigilla, salmonella, to ecoli. From this list of bacteria, the one that carries catfish causes cancer and tumors. All can be lost if processing uses the right temperature, namely the heat must be right which will kill the bacteria slowly.",Hoax ", California - In recent days a number of complaints from iPhone 6 Plus users have enlivened the virtual world. The new 5.5-inch smartphone from Apple is reported to be easy to bend if it is stored in a trouser pocket for too long. Suddenly this news made Apple the monthly on various social media. Not only users, some of Apple's competitors did not waste this moment to 'beat up' the company bearing the bitten apple logo. And now Apple has finally spoken. According to a report published on the Wall Street Journal page, Apple representatives have explained that the issue of the iPhone 6 Plus being easy to bend is exaggerated. Apple claims that the company has so far only received 9 user complaints out of 10 million units of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus that have been sold. This means, the defects on the iPhone 6 Plus do not occur in all units, but only a small part. ""With normal use, a curved iPhone 6 Plus would be extremely rare,"" an Apple representative said. In addition, Jon Fort, editor of the news site CNBC also mentioned that Apple representatives have confirmed that only a small percentage of consumers are experiencing the iPhone 6 Plus curved issue. It was also explained that the actual body frame of the iPhone 6 Plus is strong enough and meets Apple's standards. ""The new iPhones are steel/titanium-infused to strengthen a number of stress locations and use the strongest type of glass in the industry,"" an Apple representative said. The Business Insider page noted, this is Apple's fastest response in responding to oblique issues circulating wildly on the internet. Previously, Apple had always been 'ignorant' to various oblique issues that befell their products.",Valid "Catfish is one type of fish that is rich in animal protein. Pecel catfish is one of the favorite food menus for some people because the price is quite cheap and delicious. Although delicious and cheap, catfish is the dirtiest fish among other types of fish that are often consumed by humans. Why is it the dirtiest fish? that's what he said: a) Catfish live in very dirty ponds and are usually surrounded by chicken or pig coops. For those of you who are catfish admirers, indeed not all catfish live or are cultivated in ponds around which there is a chicken coop or pigsty. In Indonesia, many also keep catfish in public ponds. But why is it called the dirtiest fish, maybe because most catfish farmers feed their livestock with feed that comes from anything dirty including chicken carcasses etc. According to a catfish farmer from China named Zhang Ri-hong admitted that he had supplied a lot of catfish that he harvested every 3 months. once to the markets and restaurants on the roadside in Hainan province to be precise in Haikou. Frequent complaints from several people, a reporter from the local fisheries department investigated this fish. Several journalists took samples from the 7 ponds that store this catfish. Actually these seven ponds are all surrounded by chicken and pig coops, in the middle of these ponds there are many piles of garbage. According to Islamic jurisprudence, eating catfish is halal. But sometimes many catfish breeders in Indonesia keep catfish in ponds and are fed in the form of manure. If the conditions are like this, then catfish will be the same as jallalah animals, namely animals that consume dirty and unclean food until the law to consume it is haram. In order to become halal again, catfish must be quarantined or separated from dirty places and given clean food. For a minimum of 3 days quarantine. Danger lurks when you eat catfish, one mouthful of catfish contains 3000 cancer cells Catfish is a type of fish that consumes waste. Catfish is a type of fish that easily breeds in dirty ponds, the fish can also consume waste in the form of animal waste such as chicken, cow, and pig manure, even fish can also consume human waste. Some time ago, news about the dangers of consuming fried catfish circulated. Reportedly once a doctor admitted that he often had patients with swollen thyroid disease and infections, with signs: swollen lower neck, around the neck something like a tumor, eyeballs like wanting to come out, heat around the neck, often coughing inside night is not there because. After being asked, in fact all patients often consume catfish and fried eel. This kind of thing can happen to the catfish skipper in Yogyakarta, the father, wife and child experience some of the symptoms as above. When this doctor asked one of the professors of doctors at Pluit, actually this catfish contains an easy poison, so that when it is fried, the clean oil will certainly turn black. Up to that point, it is possible if the body of catfish contains three thousand cancer cells which are very likely for the human body. Friends for you catfish admirers, even though catfish is halal and not very worrying, as a wise customer you must and always be alert. You also don't understand when buying catfish in the market or in a food stall, is it quarantined before frying the fish or not? If you are in doubt, do not need to consume. Or if you believe in its cleanliness, please consume it. However, it is recommended not in large quantities through regular methods",Hoax "Bitungnews – Reog Ponorogo culture is one of the cultural heritages of the Indonesian ancestors. This type of art has even been claimed seven times by neighboring countries, Malaysia, as their culture. The Indonesian people have always been reactive, protesting these claims. The incident at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao, Philippines is the opposite, if Malaysia claims the nation's cultural arts, a number of elements in the Indonesian Consulate General actually burn Barong Reog Ponorogo, along with gamelan decorations. According to information compiled by, the burning was carried out on Tuesday, October 20, 2015. The reason for the burning of Barong Reog Ponorogo, and the dragon decoration on the gamelan, is because there is a demon and it is an idol. Unfortunately, the Acting Consulate General, Loegeng Priyohanisetyo, did not prevent the arson. In fact, Acting Consulate General Davao called a security guard named Santander to pour gas over the reog and 2 gamelan dragon snakes, the security guard was so surprised and surprised he said in the Bisaya Tagalog language: ""Hadluk kaayu ko, dear kaayu ang dragon gwapo kaayu unya sunugon, kasayang sa reog pero gisugo man ko (I'm so scared, it's a shame that the dragon is so good it keeps burning, the reog is a pity but how else can I be told),"" said Santander. ""When the Barong Reog and dragon gamelan decorations were burned, which are the inventory of the Indonesian Consulate General's cultural museum, none of the other Indonesian Consulate General staff knew about it,"" said a source. ""After this incident, the perpetrators were blasphemed by most of the Indonesian citizens in Davao, but the perpetrators still feel innocent because they think what they are doing is right in the eyes of God,"" added the source. An Indonesian citizen residing in Davao, stated that the Acting Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao was declared persona non grata, and asked the Indonesian government to withdraw the persons involved in the act of burning the nation's cultural heritage. tried to contact the Media and Information Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 021 3813453, but until this news was published it was not picked up. And electronic messages to have not received a response either.",Hoax "It is said that the salary of the Indonesian president will increase drastically from only Rp. 62 million to Rp. 553 million. The information circulating stated that this increase was conveyed by the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform. However, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, as quoted by Antara, said that until now there has been no and there has been no discussion about the increase in the President's salary. His party has never discussed the increase in the president's salary. ""It doesn't exist, and it has never been discussed,"" said Mulyani when answering reporters' questions at a press conference at the Bogor presidential palace, Monday (12/3). Meanwhile, regarding the information from the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform which mentioned the increase in the president's salary, Sri Mulyani emphasized that it was a hoax. ""It's a hoax, because there are a lot of social media that produce information, make documents that are made similar to those of the government that are published. So we have no discussion about it, absolutely nothing,"" said Mulyani. Previously, news circulated that the president's basic salary, which is only around Rp. 30 million per month, is currently considered very small and is planning to increase it to Rp. 553 million per month. The simulation of the change in salary provisions for the president appeared in the RPP on the Salary and Allowances for Civil Servants (PNS) which was circulated recently. In the RPP, in addition to the president, the vice president and other high-ranking state officials will also experience a salary increase",Valid "Stroke is a neurological disease that most often results in disability and death. Besides being ranked first among a class of neurological diseases that cause death, stroke is also one of the three main causes of death in general. These facts show that until now, stroke is still a major problem in the field of neurology and health in general. To overcome this crucial problem, a stroke prevention strategy is needed that includes preventive, rehabilitative, and promotive aspects. Actually, stroke cases have occurred long ago, this is evidenced by the existence of first aid in stroke cases based on traditional Chinese medicine with acupuncture techniques, but this technique has been forgotten, so the impact is getting bigger. As is known, people who get a STROKE attack, all the blood in the body will flow very fast to the blood vessels in the brain. If the rescue activity is given a little too late, then the blood vessels in the brain will not be strong enough to withstand the rush of blood flowing and will soon burst little by little. First Aid In Stroke (By bleeding on each fingertip and earlobe tip). There is one best way to provide first aid to a person who has a stroke. This method in addition to saving the life of the sufferer, also does not cause any side effects. This first aid is guaranteed to be an EMERGENCY help that can be 100% successful. In the face of this situation the family should not panic, but must be calm. The patient must remain in the original place where he fell (eg in the bathroom, bedroom, or anywhere else). DO NOT MOVE !!! because by moving the patient from the original place will accelerate the splitting of the fine blood vessels in the brain. The patient must be helped to take a good sitting position so as not to fall again, and at that time bleeding can be done. It's best to use a SYSTEM, but if there is none, then the SEWING NEEDLE / PIN needle / safety pin can be used by first sterilizing it by burning it over a fire. As soon as the needle is sterile, puncture the 10 FINGER ENDS. The puncture point is approximately 1mm from the tip of the nail. Each finger is enough to be stabbed once in the hope that each finger will produce 1 drop of blood. Bleeding can also be helped by squeezing if the blood does not come out of the fingertips. In a period of approximately 10 minutes, the patient will soon regain consciousness. If the patient's mouth looks slanted / abnormal, then the patient's BOTH EARS MUST be pulled out until they are reddish in color. After that, do 2 INSTALLING TIMES on each of the LOWER ENDS of the EARS so that 2 drops of blood come out from each end of the earlobe. Thus in a few minutes the patient's mouth shape will return to normal. After the patient's condition has recovered and there are no significant abnormalities, then take the patient carefully to the nearest doctor or hospital for further help.",Hoax "Inserting a needle into the finger or ear of a patient who suddenly has a stroke is not an action that has been proven effective as first aid. According to a neurologist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Eka Harmeiwaty, blood in stroke patients does not necessarily come out and parse the stroke that has already struck because it depends on the cause of the stroke. If it's because of the bleeding, the needles will have no effect on his fingers. Likewise for strokes that are due to clots, not necessarily after being stabbed by the fingers, they can break down the lumps. It could also be that the needle was pierced incorrectly, said Eka Harmeity at the launch of the stroke prevention drug, Rivaroxaban, at the Intercontinental Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday, July 5, 2012. Eka explained that needle pricking on the fingers was indeed a method used in ancient medicine before medicine. stroke medications are available. However, this method is no longer relevant, considering that the opportunity to parse a stroke is only available in three hours. The three hours should be used to take patients to the nearest hospital that has complete equipment to treat stroke, one of which is a CT Scan. Can be calculated logically, use the first five minutes to observe. One hour to half an hour is used to take patients to the closest and most complete hospital. Imagine how much time a doctor has to treat a patient. Even though they only have three hours, said a cardiologist who is also the Secretary of the Indonesian Hypertension Association, Santoso Karo Karo, at the same place. In addition, the patient should recognize the symptoms of a stroke, such as feeling numb and tingling on one side, slanted mouth, slurred tongue, loss of consciousness, when asked to communicate, does not respond, eyesight becomes blurry or shaded.",Valid "A total of 345 candy pacifiers which were confiscated by the Surabaya City Government Satpol PP officers during a raid on street snacks some time ago, were returned to their owners. This follows an announcement issued by BPOM that the candy is negative for drugs. The Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government Muhammad Fikser said that during a raid some time ago, the Satpol PP officers recorded the names of the sellers and the number of confiscated candies, so that the process of returning the confiscated items would be easy. ""It was returned to the merchant because it did not contain hazardous materials. The Satpol PP during the raid had data. Who was the seller and how many items were confiscated,"" said Fikser when confirmed by Okezone, Friday (10/3/2017). Satpol PP will also return sweets confiscated from several kelurahan. As is known, there are 14 sub-districts which are locations for the distribution of pacifiers in Surabaya. Most sellers are around Elementary Schools (SD) and Kindergartens (TK). Fikser explained, from the results of the Surabaya Health Service's examination, the pacifier only contained dye. ""For candy pacifiers, there are dyes but they are not dangerous,"" he said. Candy return will start tomorrow. ""It's a pity for the traders if it is confiscated. They also buy to sell again,"" he added.",Valid "Dream - Since this morning, news has circulated on social media that the Istiqlal Mosque has been locked, so that some of the congregants participating in the 212th volume II action cannot perform the Fajr prayer. However, the Public Relations Officer of the Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI), Abu Hurairah, denied the rumors. He stated that the news was a hoax. ""BPPMI states that the negative news that has been spread on social media regarding this (the Istiqlal Mosque is locked), is not in accordance with reality and tends to contain provocations,"" said Abu Hurairah at the Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, February 21 2017. Abu said the congregational Fajr prayer was still held at the Istiqlal Mosque this morning. He noted, there were about 240 people who performed the Fajr prayer in congregation. ""There are 170 men and 70 women,"" he said. Regarding the closure of mosques, Abu explained that the regulation has been implemented since 2002. Outside of Ramadan, the Istiqlal Mosque will be closed after Isha prayers until Fajr. ""Since 2002, BPPMI has enforced rules to close gates every night at 21.30 WIB and reopen them in the morning at 03.40 WIB before the Fajr prayer is held,"" he said. Abu added that there were indeed a number of worshipers who came and stayed at the Istiqlal Mosque. They arrived from East Java using five buses. However, he said, BPPMI stated that it had not received any notification regarding the planned stay. So, permission to stay overnight was not given to the group last night. Abu admitted that the Istiqlal Mosque did allow the congregants of Action 411, 212 volume I and 112 to stay overnight. However, the action coordinator was asked to provide written information beforehand. ""The security of the Istiqlal Mosque has explained to the congregation gathered in the courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque about the procedure and they understand and are willing to leave the Istiqlal Mosque area,"" he said. Abu asked Muslims not to be influenced by the dubious and irresponsible news. The news that circulated was in the form of a photo showing the masses with a skullcap. They were in front of the gates of the Istiqlal Mosque at night. The news said the congregation was not allowed to perform the Fajr prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque. The news went viral on Twitter with the hashtag Istiqlal Padlocked. A number of photos show a number of people praying in congregation on the side of the road.",Valid "Catfish is one of the most popular dishes, especially the catfish pecel menu. Coupled with chili sauce and fresh vegetables, catfish has attracted all of us. Behind that, the benefits are also very large for health. Enjoy the Benefits of Catfish for Health Catfish is a type of fish that is familiar to the ears of fish lovers. With its savory taste and affordable price, catfish easily becomes the favorite food of all people, from adults to children. The nutritional content in catfish is also very abundant, one of which is omega-3 fatty acids. Consumption of omega-3 (and omega-6) is thought to be closely related to lowering blood pressure and the risk of certain cancers, and is useful for reducing inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. The American Heart Association even recommends that you eat at least 2 servings or 3.5 ounces of fish per week. For health, choose catfish that are farmed without being contaminated by mercury. For pregnant women, you must first check whether the catfish to be consumed is safe or not. Here are some nutritional content that you can get in catfish: Fat Catfish is a food rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can help lower the risk of heart disease, especially by lowering triglycerides and fighting inflammation, and helping lower the risk of cancer and arthritis. Catfish protein does not contain carbohydrates but is dense with protein. About 53 percent of the total calorie content of 3 ounces of cooked catfish -- about 63 calories -- is protein. This amount meets 28 percent of the daily protein needs for men, and 34 percent of women's protein needs per day. Vitamin B Catfish is an excellent source of vitamin B12. Every 3 ounces of catfish contains 2.3 micrograms of vitamin B12, or nearly 100 percent of the 2.4 micrograms of B vitamins in adult men and women. Then, what is a good way to process catfish so that your cholesterol is maintained? Serve catfish by grilling or grilling. Or if you still want to fry, use oil made from soybeans or sunflower oil.",Valid "Some time ago, social media was enlivened by a status shared by a netizen about a toothbrush that was allegedly made of sea urchins. What caught the attention of the netizens was the words ""bristle"" on the toothbrush packaging which in cash made netizens ask whether it is true that the toothbrush cannot be said to be a halal product??? This stems from an article about a previously circulated pig bristle brush, which can be seen on the LPPOM MUI website: The article states that “the handles of boar-bristle brushes often have the words: Bristle, PureBristle, 100% China Bristle, and so on. One of the meanings of the word Bristle is Pig Hair (Webster's Dictionary) which is unclean when wet."" The use of the word ONE in the article turned out to be misunderstood by some netizens who generalized the notion of ""bristle"" with sea urchins. In fact, if we explore further, the notion of ""bristle"" is much more general than just sea urchins. Bristle is a stiff/strong fiber or fur, either natural derived from plant fibers and animal hair or artificial (synthetic). From this definition, the word ""bristle"" on the toothbrush packaging does not necessarily make the toothbrush come from sea urchins. This means that the toothbrush could have come from other animal hair, plant fibers or even synthetic bristles. If we look back at the history and development of toothbrushes, the bristles found on toothbrushes originally came from wild boar bristles (Siberian). However, along with the development of technology, in 1938 toothbrushes were produced with nylon bristles which still dominate today. However, it is undeniable that there are still around 10% worldwide of toothbrush products whose bristles come from pig bristles. After we understand the true definition of bristle, then how do we know whether the toothbrush comes from non-halal fibers/bristles? A simple way is to look for information on the official website of the toothbrush manufacturer, or even ask directly to the customer service center. The rapid flow of information on social media makes us have to be more careful in disseminating information. If we have not been able to find valid information, it would be better if the information is asked in a forum that is related to the information. Information about the halalness of a product, of course, not only food/beverage/cosmetic but also lifestyle and thought, becomes a very important part in the life of a Muslim because it has an impact on matters of worship and the hereafter. Indeed, halal and haram matters are not only the responsibility of the MUI or the government but our business as Muslims. Therefore, Halal Corner invites Muslims to join the community of halal fighters. Halal Corner is a community that was established as a forum for active communication / sharing about various halal products, especially in the local area as well as providing halal counseling and education for Muslims in the form of training, halal campaigns, and educational activities that build public awareness of the importance of halal products. . Let's make halal a part of our lives.",Valid "Recently, there has been spreading information that is troubling the public, namely the widespread issue of using sea urchins for the production of toothbrushes. On social media recently someone uploaded a photo of a toothbrush packaging. The presence of the words ""bristle"" on the toothbrush packaging made social media users feel restless. Because, the word ""bristle"" is defined as sea urchin. The Indonesian people, who are predominantly Muslims, are certainly worried about this issue, because pork is considered unclean and unclean. Using boar bristles to brush teeth is of course considered to have violated religious rules. So what is the attitude of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)? Is it true that the attitude of the teeth in the packaging that reads ""bristle"" is haram? Reporting from the site, it is stated that the lexical meaning of bristle is a short, stiff hair, fiber, etc (Webster's Dictionary). So all the hair, the stiff fiber, then the term will be referred to as bristle. Hair, stiff beard, can be categorized as bristle. Another example is that stiff fibers or pine leaves can also be referred to as bristle. MUI considers that not everything labeled bristle must come from sea urchins, because the scope of the meaning of the word is indeed so broad. The MUI official website also explains that in the industrial world, bristle is indeed used as a material for making brushes or brushes, including toothbrushes. Bristle can be sourced from animal hair or plant fibers or synthetic fibers such as nylon and silicone. The animal hair used can be sourced from pigs, goats, horses, or camels. The plant fiber that has also been used as a brush or brush material is palm fiber. Nylon is also a synthetic fiber that is commonly used for brushes, brushes or toothbrushes. The MUI explained that, if the ingredients used were confirmed from pigs, it would absolutely be haram. Because any material that comes from pork is both haram and unclean, either in dry or wet form. MUI continues to explain that the problem is that not all brush or brush or toothbrush users are able to recognize whether the brush they are using is a brush or a brush made of pig bristles. One of the information that can be seen as a marker that a brush or brush comes from sea urchins is that it is written as the name of the product, for example “Boar Bristle Brush”. An example presented by MUI is a product sold on the Amazon online store. If a product offered is made from sea urchins, the manufacturer will usually list “Fuchs Toothbrushes Pure Natural (Boar) Bristle Record V Adult Soft (Pack of 5)-Assorted colors by Fuchs Toothbrushes” Boar is the English term for wild boar or wild boar. This means that the product is a brush that uses wild boar bristles. MUI closes its explanation by stating that brushes, brushes, or toothbrushes are not always made of pork even though there is an inscription on bristle, because the term bristle is still general in nature. There are several manufacturers who have used goat hair or camel or horse hair as brush material or made of nylon. The last group of materials is clearly acceptable. An information compiled from the page states that if you look back at the history and development of toothbrushes, the bristles found on toothbrushes originally came from wild boar bristles (Siberian). However, along with the development of technology, in 1938 toothbrushes were produced with nylon bristles which still dominate today. However, it is undeniable that there are still around 10% worldwide of toothbrush products whose bristles come from pig bristles. Then the page gives advice if you want to make sure whether the toothbrush is made of pig bristles or something else, you should look for information on the official website of the toothbrush manufacturer, or even ask directly to the customer service center.",Valid "The Surabaya City government continues to carry out dot candy raids that indicate drugs. There are three sub-district points that are mobilized by the Surabaya City Satpol PP to raid the green colored candy. They are Genteng District, Rungkut District and Sawahan District. The Head of Sawahan District of Surabaya City, Yunus said that raids had been carried out at three school points. ""We raided SDN Pakis I, II, and IX on Jalan Pakistirtosari. The result was 20 teats,"" said Yunus. The candy pacifiers are suspected to contain drugs. Physically, the candy does not look like drugs but looks like ordinary candy. ""Those who sell it at street vendors around the school are immediately secured. We secure them and take them to the sub-district office,"" said Yunus. Not only pacifiers, but in the food and beverage raids at a number of elementary schools in Sawahan, a number of hard candies were also found, namely candy containing formaldehyde which is dangerous if consumed by children. ""For hard candy, there are 33 seeds and 17 packs of hard candy in tablet form. We also secure that,"" said Yunus",Hoax "The president's salary, which is only around Rp. 62 million per month, is currently considered very small. The government plans to propose an increase in the president's salary so that it is worth Rp. 553 million per month. In the RPP, apart from the president, the vice president and other high-ranking state officials will also experience salary increases. The president's salary has skyrocketed because the calculation is based on an index of 1:12698 between the salaries of the lowest rank civil servants and those of the lowest rank civil servants. The highest income index for the president is simulated to reach 96000 so that he will earn an income of IDR 553.4 million per month. Meanwhile, the vice president (wapres) will receive an income of IDR 368.9 million per month from the previous basic salary of IDR 20 million. vice president salary based on income index 64000 With pe With this salary change, the monthly income of the president of the Republic of Indonesia will compete with the salaries of leaders in other countries. The extent of the salary comparison is in the info graphic. In the RPP, new salary proposals also appear for ministers, attorney general, commander of the TNI, chief of police, chairman of the MPR, chairman of the DPR, chairman of the DPD, chairman of the KPK, chairman of the BPK, chairman of the Supreme Court, and chairman of the Constitutional Court With an index calculation of 16000, their income is IDR 92.2 million per month Then for the deputy chairman of the MPR, DPR, DPD, KPK, BPK , MA, and MK, the income index is 15,333 and receives a month's income of Rp. 88.3 million. As for the deputy minister, deputy head of the National Police, members of the DPR, DPD members, BPK members, and Supreme Court justices per month earn Rp. 80.7 million. With an income index of 14000, the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) acknowledged the issue of the circulation of this RPP, although he stated that the proposal was immature. The Head of the Legal, Communication and Information Bureau Public Ormation Ke Menpan RB Herman Suryatman said that the RPP information was not valid. Herman said that the RPP was sourced from the discussion material held last year. ""Those are simulation numbers that are not valid. 2017,"" he said in Jakarta yesterday. As is known, the RPP on the Salaries and Benefits of Civil Servants is a technical regulation of the Law on State Civil Apparatus (ASN). According to Herman, the presentation contains a simulation of the income of civil servants and other state officials. still needs further study. ""Not only does it contain a simulation of the income of state officials, but also a simulation of the income of civil servants. Please don't be misunderstood,"" he said. Using a calculation index of 1:12698, the income of civil servants, both central and regional, will increase. regional officials such as governors Governors will earn Rp 76.8 million per month with an index of 13333 Then vice governors, regents mayors, and chairmen of the provincial DPRD will earn income Rp. 73.2 million with an income index of 12698. Meanwhile, the deputy regent/mayor, deputy chairman of the provincial DPRD, and the chairman of the regent/municipal DPRD have a salary of Rp. 69.7 million per month with an income index of 12094. The province which has an income index of 11518 has a monthly salary of Rp. 66.3 million. Lastly, for members of the district and city DPRD, the salary to be earned is Rp. 63.3 million with an income index of 10969. Public policy expert at the University of Padjadjaran (Unpad) Yogi Suprayogi assessed, even though it is only a simulation, the salary increase for state officials is irrelevant. He said the current salary earned by state officials is sufficient. There is an additional operational allowance. That's big. It's what he likes. No need to grow it. It's irrelevant,"" he said. According to him, if there must be an increase, the salaries of the president and central officials must be adjusted to the inflation rate. ""We are also not a developed country. Singapore could reach Rp 10 billion,"" he said. Yogi said, rather than an increase in the salaries of state officials, improving the salaries of civil servants is considered more important at this time. currently still discussing the technical rules of the ASN Law, one of which is the RPP on Salaries and Allowances Yogi emphasized the importance of changing the salary scheme of civil servants. Among the three things, Yogi requested that the basic salary be increased more than and performance allowances Currently, the basic salary is smaller so that many civil servants go here and there to increase their performance allowances. Expensive allowances must be greater than the other two components so that teachers are willing to be placed in remote areas. In addition, he also highlighted that performance allowances must be based on performance. He warned not to other countries pay salaries based on level of education Salary provision in some countries is also partly based on performance In the United States, the salary of civil servants in the Department of State ranges from USD88000 to USD96000 per year However, the lowest government employee salary is USD18785 per year Fri There are 2.79 million civil servants in Uncle Sam's country. The US president's salary is around USD 400,000. The presidential salary increase was very drastic in 2001. Previously, the president's salary was only USD 200,000. Malaysian Prime Minister (PM) Najib Razak gave an annual bonus in 2018 to government employees who In addition, he provides a pension of 1000 ringgit per month for those who have served for 25 years. The salary of Malaysian civil servants who serve 14 years is around 36000 ringgit and those who have served for more than 1019 years get an income of 70753 ringgit. new civil servants working in Singapore reach 3000 Singapore dollars per month For managerial positions earn around 8000 Singapore dollars The number of employees in Singapore reaches 84,000 people According to Thomas Friedman of the New York Times, civil servants in Singapore are among the most efficient and uncorruptible bureaucrats “They have high standards of discipline and accountability,” said Friedman",Hoax ", Jakarta: A reog Ponorogo at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao City, Philippines, was destroyed by burning on October 20, 2015. The Consulate General in Davao City emphasized that this burning was not an attempt to destroy or eliminate Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. Extermination is carried out with care and respect. ""I have checked Davao. Reog and the dragon's head are damaged and infested with termites,"" Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said via spokesperson Arrmanatha Nasir to, Saturday (31/10/2015). ""So, there is no intention of destroying cultural objects and has nothing to do with idols,"" he continued. Currently, the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City is communicating with parties in Indonesia to seek a new replacement for Ponorogo Reog.",Valid "The dot-shaped candy product has obtained a production permit from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). ""Yes, it's true (it already has a permit),"" said Head of the BPOM Food and Drug Investigation Center Hendri Siswadi, when contacted in Jakarta, Thursday, March 9 2017. The candy in the form of a pacifier suspected of containing drugs was found in Surabaya, East Java. BPOM Surabaya is examining the content of candy which is suspected to contain drugs. However, temporary results, said Hendri, the content of hazardous materials has not been found. ""Until today, BPOM Surabaya has tested using 16 parameters with negative results."" The discovery of the candy allegedly containing drugs stems from the routine operation of the Civil Service Police Unit when raiding students who were truant during school hours in Surabaya. One of them is in an Internet cafe that is usually used as a hangout place for students when playing truant. During the operation, the team found an elementary school student who felt dizzy after consuming candy. The head of the Civil Service Police Unit, Irvan Widianto, said that there were several forms of drug candy in the form of baby pacifiers with the brand name Hard Candy and jelly sticks. The police are also examining the candy findings. Yesterday, the Head of the Public Information Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul, said that he was waiting for the forensic laboratory test of the Surabaya National Narcotics Agency.",Valid "The issue of the blocking and closing of Facebook in Indonesia continues to roll. Even the discourse of closing Facebook and social networks is not the first time. It was the same in years past. With the issue re-emerging, the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Rudiantara, was afflicted with the question ""do you dare to block Facebook in Indonesia?"". This follows the incident of the theft of 1 million user data in the country by the analyst firm Cambridge Analytica, which was announced on April 5, 2018. It has been a week since the announcement, Rudiantara has twice sent a warning letter (SP) to Facebook. However, there is no sign that the social networking giant will be blocked. (Also read: This is Facebook's reply letter after receiving the second warning from Kominfo) Rudiantara denied that it was said to be ""soft"" to Facebook. He claimed that Indonesia was considered the most assertive by his fellow Southeast Asians. “Indonesia is considered to be bold and assertive. Which other ASEAN country dares to close the international Electronic System Operator (PSE)? Only Indonesia,"" he said. ""We are the reference. Neighboring countries in ASEAN even sent a number of staff to see the system in Indonesia,” he added. It is known that previously there were several PSEs that were blocked because they were considered to have violated the rules of the game in Indonesia. For example, Telegram, Tumblr, Vimeo, etc. Although he dared to block, Rudiantara did not want to be careless. According to him, there are certain conditions under which the government can immediately take blocking action, for example if there are indications of incitement between groups. ""If there are indications that Facebook in Indonesia is being used for incitement, as happened in Myanmar, I have no qualms about blocking it,"" he said. For the data theft case, Rudiantara said he was still waiting for the full audit results from Facebook. If there are results, then the government can measure the potential problems that arise and take further action. For now, in the First and Second Warning Letters given by Kominfo to Facebook, his party requested that potentially harmful third-party services be stopped. This is said to have been agreed by Facebook. Right now, it's already SP II. We wait, later after SP II it can be upgraded to temporary service termination if needed,"" he said. Meanwhile, Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Bobby Adhityo Rizaldi, hopes that there is an immediate need for a solution regarding the data leak of Facebook users in Indonesia of more than one million users. According to Bobby, closing Facebook is not the solution to this problem. ""Current challenges must be solved with modern solutions. Closing FB without having a solution will only cause unnecessary domestic noise,"" Bobby said in a public hearing (RDPU) between Commission I and Facebook Indonesia and Southeast Asia. at the DPR Building, Senayan. Although Facebook has apologized for the misuse of data by an application developed by academics at Cambridge University, DR. Alexander Kogan. However, according to Bobby, there is no need to close Facebook because the use of Facebook by the Indonesian people has touched the Indonesian economy. ""The use of the FB platform has touched the joints of the micro-enterprise economy in Indonesia, apart from only social media, it doesn't need to be closed,"" Bobby explained. The Golkar Party politician advised the Indonesian government to make commercialization regulations and proper monitoring infrastructure in this regard. ""The issue of FB is similar to online motorcycle taxis which have become a new economic media platform, which did not exist 10 years ago,"" he explained. Meanwhile, the Chairman of the House of Representatives, Bambang Soesatyo, assessed that if Facebook in Indonesia was closed it would cause other problems. This he said, considering that Facebook has helped many Indonesian people. ""The steps to close Facebook in my opinion are less creative. Because Facebook has benefits for the people, especially SMEs,"" said Bamsoet, the typical greeting for the chairman of the DPR. The former chairman of Commission III also added that there must be other solutions and strict sanctions for Facebook. ""There must be more creative ways other than closing Facebook, and strict sanctions must still be given,"" he said.",Hoax "In Bahtsul Masail Kubro in 2014 at the Langitan Islamic Boarding School, it was emphasized that according to Imam Syafi'i, brushes made of sea urchins are unclean. The thing is, Pig bristles have many terms, one of which is China Bristles. ""Boar bristles are the cheapest to use brush materials than others. The cost of producing brushes is much more profitable than synthetic bristles. All you have to do is collect, clean, and cut. Especially if the brushes are produced in China, where the stock of pig skins is abundant,"" said Budhi Baskhara. , Tuban chemical expert and practitioner, as quoted by Langitan Magazine. In addition to being used as a brush material, pig bristles can also be used as a toothbrush and make-up brush. This is what Muslims should be wary of. This is because a sample of the Eterna branded brush that reads ""China Bristles"" to LPPOM MUI East Java is positive for sea urchins. Characteristic, when burned his shoulder stings. For that, we should be wary of the toothbrush we use whether it contains China Bristles (sea urchins) or not. According to Imam Syafii, if a brush made of sea urchin is used to paint a mosque, the paint will also become unclean and must be removed. Then, what if it is used as a toothbrush to brush our teeth? Beware",Hoax "DoctorSehat.Com Stroke is a neurological disease that most often results in disability and death. Besides being ranked first among a class of neurological diseases that cause death, stroke is also one of the three main causes of death in general. To overcome this crucial problem, a stroke prevention strategy is needed that includes preventive, rehabilitative, and promotive aspects. Actually, stroke cases have occurred long ago, this is evidenced by the existence of first aid in stroke cases based on traditional Chinese medicine with acupuncture techniques, but this technique has been forgotten, so the impact is getting bigger. As is known, people who get a STROKE attack, all the blood in the body will flow very fast to the blood vessels in the brain. If the rescue activity is given a little too late, then the blood vessels in the brain will not be strong enough to withstand the rush of blood flowing and will soon burst little by little. The following first aid can be done Do not be moved If you move the patient from the place of origin / original place it will make the possibility of rupture of fine blood vessels in the brain will occur more quickly and of course this will be risky. Simply help the patient to take a sitting position so as not to fall again. Pull and prick the earlobe If the patient's mouth looks abnormal, you may have to try to tug on the patient's ears until they look a little red. Then, do 2 punctures on the lower end of the ear with a small needle that has been sterilized so that the blood drips 2 times from each earlobe. In a few minutes the patient's mouth will return to normal. Puncture the tips of the fingers with a needle It is recommended to use a syringe. But if you don't have one, you can use other needles that are not too big (ex: sewing needles, pins) and of course they must be in a sterile condition by burning. The point to be punctured is about 1 mm from the tip of the nail. Try to get at least a little blood dripping or 1 drop is enough. If you can't, press the finger. Within about 10 minutes, the patient will regain consciousness. Seek medical help when the patient's condition begins to recover, seek medical attention immediately. Take the patient to the nearest doctor or nearest hospital to get further action. Remember, before 6 hours since the attack, stroke sufferers must receive medical help. So some information and tips about First Aid for Stroke Patients, I hope you can provide help to those around you and help save a human life. Please leave your opinion Below!",Hoax "The Reog Ponorogo Community submitted files on the Reog Ponorogo burning incident at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao - Philippines to the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu), as a follow-up to an Open Letter submitted to the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) on 2 November 2015. Upon the submission of the files, the Reog Ponorogo Community was immediately received by the Foreign Minister, Retno LP Marsudi. In the meeting that took place in the Foreign Minister's Meeting Room, Jalan Pejambon 6, Central Jakarta, the KRP handed over files in the form of photos of the procession of burning reog, photos of reog artists who appeared at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao in 2005, copies of the clarifications from the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, copies of the apology from the Indonesian Consulate General staff, names of people which must be checked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Team, and other files. We will supervise the team formed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so that it runs in an open, transparent and honest manner. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' sensitivity to the reog burning incident at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao is eagerly awaited by Reog activists and lovers,"" said Secretary of the Reog Ponorogo Community (KRP), M Syaiful Jihad in Jakarta, Monday (9/11/2015), in a press release. Said Syaiful Jihad, the incident of burning National Cultural Heritage assets at the Consulate General in Davao must be resolved legally, both criminally and civilly, so that the intellectual actors are revealed. In addition, there must be protection and security guarantees for Indonesian citizens in Davao, especially Indonesian citizens who have exposed this incident. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must take responsibility, he said. On that occasion, Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi, accompanied by the Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy, Esti Andayani, asked the KRP to calm the reaction of the Reog-loving community, and understand the spiritual atmosphere of reog lovers, as well as no attempt to disrespect culture because it is inherent in diplomats. An internal audit has been carried out by the Consulate General in Davao, while an external audit has been carried out by the Inspectorate General, in the form of a team to find out what actually happened at the Consulate General in Davao, the progress and results will be open and accessible to the public, ""said Retno, while asking to put forward the principle of presumption. innocent and carried out according to applicable procedures. We also guarantee that Indonesian citizens residing in Davao City, including those who report incidents of burning reog, will not happen, let alone violence. We guarantee his safety, concluded Foreign Minister Retno",Valid "BEKASI, The rise of pacifier candy which is suspected to contain narcotics in a number of areas, is also circulating in Bekasi Regency. Especially in a number of schools in the Babelan region. In this area, sweets packaged like baby pacifiers were found and sold by a trader at a price of Rp. 1000 per piece. This is acknowledged by a pacifier candy trader named Zainal Arifin (38). According to him, at first he did not know at all if the candy he sold contained drugs. ""Yes, at first I didn't know, I just sold it because the candy students liked it a lot,"" said Zainal Arifin, Wednesday (8/3/2017). Furthermore, said Zainal, later after hearing the news that the candy he sold contained drugs. He also admitted, immediately stopped selling the candy. ""Yes, now when I know I'm not selling it, bro. Even though there are still many children who are looking for the candy,” said Zainal. As for the reason Zainal no longer sells the candy pacifiers, Zainal admits, he is afraid that there will be mistakes in selling the pacifiers. In the end, he really didn't sell anymore. So far, said Zainal, each candy sold is Rp. 1000 per candy. During the sale of the candy, in a day sold under 10 candies.",Hoax "The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Surabaya City asked the public not to panic about pacifier candy. The candy, which is suspected of containing hazardous materials and drugs, is now being raided by the Surabaya City Government. The head of the Surabaya City BNN, AKBP Suparti, asked the public not to be in a hurry to worry about pacifiers. ""We ask the public not to panic. We will first test the pacifier candy,"" said Suparti, Tuesday (7/3/2017). Suparti said that until now there is no evidence that the candy is dangerous or contains narcotic substances. ""There's no lab test yet, so it can't be determined whether the candy is dangerous or not,"" said Suparti. The former Head of Sub-Division of Public Relations of the Surabaya Police said that his party had also taken samples of pacifier candy in various places. Such as stalls, shops, and several markets. ""We went down and took the pacifier candy. Later a lab test will be carried out to determine whether it is dangerous or contains narcotics,"" said Suparti. He emphasized that his party would soon conduct a lab test on the candy.",Valid "A number of street vendors (PKL) selling candy snacks in schools were raided by the Surabaya City Satpol-PP. The raids were carried out at schools in 31 sub-districts, Tuesday (7/3). Head of Surabaya City Satpol PP, Irvan Widiyanto, said the control operation was carried out because previously candy ""The candy is feared to contain substances that are not good for consumption, especially for children,"" he explained at the Surabaya City Satpol PP office. Irvan admitted that the snack raids were carried out starting Monday (6/3) with involving the ranks of the Health Service and related agencies. From the results of operations in 14 sub-districts yesterday, his party has secured as many as 345 bottles of candy. ""We comb it in schools, especially elementary schools,"" he said. and others. The candy is produced in China and sold at a price of Rp. 1000 per seed. The name is hard candy,"" he said briefly. The presence of candy containing hazardous substances stems from the operation to control the PP Satpol against elementary school students who skipped school in Ploso, Tambaksari One of the students caught in the operation while at the internet cafe admitted that his head was dizzy after consuming candy After hearing the news, the Mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini ordered Satpol PP to carry out candy snacks at school",Hoax """In a mouthful of catfish meat, contained 3,000 cancer cells"". The title of the article in recent days has become a hot topic of discussion on social media. However, for catfish farmers, the article is considered a threat to their business continuity. The East Java Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service accommodated the complaints of catfish farming business people in East Java who were offended by the circulation of the article. ""This article is a black campaign to bring down sales of the catfish market whose market prospects continue to improve,"" said the Head of the East Java Fisheries and Marine Service, Wednesday (28/10/2015). He is worried that the article, which actually describes a catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China, will have an impact on the catfish market in East Java. According to him, catfish consumers are fish consumers at level II. At level I are consumers of high-end fish such as tuna, snapper, grouper, and so on. ""Class I consumers will not be shaken by the spread of any issue, but for class II consumers, this is still vulnerable to being shaken by issues. They may no longer eat catfish because they are afraid,"" he said. Heru said that East Java is the largest catfish producer nationally. From hundreds of catfish cultivators, in the last three years, catfish production in East Java continues to increase. In 2012 the production was recorded at 62,807 tons, increased in 2013 to 79,928 tons, while in 2014 it continued to increase to 96,830 tons. During 2014 production, 2,000 tons of which were exported abroad. Catfish production in East Java, said Heru, is produced in a healthy manner according to the standards of Good Fish Cultivation (CBIB) as regulated by the Government in Ministerial Decree No. 02/Men/2007. ""CBIB requires catfish cultured feed with healthy feed that focuses on health and food safety,"" he said. Periodically, the East Java Marine and Fisheries Service also monitors residues on catfish by sampling. This year there were 379 samples taken from various catfish producing regions such as Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Kediri, and Tulungagung. ""As a result, the tested catfish commodities were free from residues of hormones, antibiotics, and heavy metals,"" he said. Heru suspected that the issue of catfish was deliberately raised by certain parties for the benefit of the fish business ahead of the 2015 MEA free market. ""There are parties who want to seize the catfish market and replace it with other fish commodities,"" he said. Articles about the content of cancer cells are uploaded on a number of websites. The article was also followed by a number of online media for discussion. The article, which was posted on July 29, 2015, describes the confession of a catfish farmer from China named Zhang Ri-hong, who supplies catfish to roadside markets and restaurants in Hainan Province. The media then investigated the fish by observing seven samples of catfish producer ponds. The seven ponds are surrounded by chicken and pig coops, while in the middle of the ponds there are many piles of garbage. The fish farmers are advised to suspend the sale of catfish, before the test results come out.",Hoax "You may have heard the news that eating catfish can cause cancer. For those of you who like to eat catfish, news like this can certainly make you confused. Actually this issue is just a myth or fact, right? Let's first check the truth of the issue of catfish that causes cancer below. Not all catfish cause cancer. Catfish are freshwater fish that contain a variety of important nutrients for the body, including protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and B-complex vitamins. So, catfish itself actually does not contain toxins or harmful substances that are cancer-causing (carcinogenic) in the human body. However, a number of studies reveal that certain catfish can indeed increase your risk of developing cancer. This is because the catfish has been contaminated with carcinogenic substances, not because of the natural content in the catfish itself. So, not all types of catfish cause cancer. Catfish from polluted waters can trigger the growth of cancer cells. Catfish can be contaminated with carcinogenic substances because they are cultivated in waters that have been contaminated with various types of pollutants (pollution-causing substances). A team of experts from the University of Pittsburgh School of the Health Sciences in the United States proved this in their research. Experts took extracts of catfish that grow in highly polluted waters. This extract is injected into breast cancer cells in the laboratory. The result, after being injected with contaminated catfish extract, it turns out that the cancer cells grow to multiply. After further investigation, it turns out that the catfish contains chemicals that are like the hormone estrogen in the human body. Estrogen levels that are too high in the body are known to increase the risk of breast cancer. The catfish tested by a team of experts was taken from waters that have been mixed with factory waste and human waste. So, this case is very similar to the case of mercury poisoning due to seafood consumption. The fish themselves are harmless. However, because water pollution has become so serious, the fish that live in these waters can also be polluted and eventually consumed by humans. So, can we still eat catfish? Don't be afraid, only catfish from polluted waters can increase the risk of cancer. While catfish obtained from catfish farms are safe for consumption by you and your family. Currently, catfish farming in Indonesia is regulated and supervised by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The government itself already has special requirements for catfish cultivation, for example water sources, cleanliness of facilities, use of chemicals, catfish feed, and others. This requirement is regulated in CBIB (Good Fish Cultivation Method). So as long as the fish you choose comes from a farm that has a CBIB certificate, you don't have to worry about rumors from neighbors that catfish causes cancer Tips for safe eating catfish Even though catfish is considered safe for your health, sometimes it's difficult to determine which waters your catfish comes from. buy. Therefore, it never hurts to reduce the risk by limiting how often you eat catfish. In general, catfish is safe to consume two to three times a week. In addition, you can also remove the skin of the catfish before it is processed into food. The problem is, fish skin is usually the most easily polluted by pollutant substances in dirty waters. You should also vary your choice of side dishes each day. The more varied, the richer and more balanced the nutritional intake for your family's body.",Valid "Cianjur Regent Irvan Rivano Muchtar will prohibit Cianjur residents, especially young people, from playing the online game Pokemon GO. The reason is that the meaning contained in the game is contrary to the beliefs of the majority of the population of Cianjur and is considered dangerous. According to Irvan, one of the game applications on smartphones based on Android and iOS is indeed being loved by game lovers, especially young people. However, according to Irvan, the meaning of the word ""Pokemon"" in one language is ""I am Jewish"". ""Obviously this is an acknowledgment of people who oppress our brothers, such as the Palestinians. It is also against religious teachings,"" he said, Tuesday, July 19 2016. Irvan said the Cianjur Regency Government is currently only urging smartphone users not to play Pokemon GO, which was recently officially launched in America and will only be inaugurated in Indonesia in the near future. ""Now it's just an appeal, but maybe later it will be banned if it doesn't educate and is dangerous,"" he said. Irvan added, from some of the news circulating, Pokemon GO can cause accidents. Games that require users to get out of the house and walk to find Pokemon will disrupt concentration on the road. ""Indeed there has been no dangerous research or not. But, what is clear, it is better to anticipate before all these bad things happen,"" he said. The Commander of the Military District 0608 Cianjur, Lieutenant Colonel Armed Imam Haryadi, has even issued a ban for his members from playing the Pokemon GO game, especially at headquarters. According to him, the GPS-based game will record complete location data so that it is feared that it will be misused. Imam explained that Pokemon GO is a three-dimensional and GPS-based game. When used, the game will record the search location data for the monster. If the recorded data goes to other parties and is used for certain purposes, it is very dangerous. ""So we forbid all members of the TNI, from the Kodim, Koramil, down to them, from playing, especially inside the TNI headquarters,"" he said.",Valid "The news circulating about the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia is confirmed to be a hoax. This certainty was revealed after the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati explained this in front of journalists at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Monday (12/3/2018). ""It doesn't exist and has never been discussed,"" said Sri Mulyani to a number of media crews. When giving information regarding the meeting of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) with the delegation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Minister of Finance received a question about it. And the Minister of Finance explained that currently, there are indeed a lot of circulating information and documents that are made as if they came from government institutions. ""What the Menpan said (in social media) was a hoax, it was indeed like that. On social media today, there is a lot of information and documents that are made similar to those from the government and published,"" said Sri Mulyani. Previously, it was widely circulated on social media regarding the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. In the issue, it is stated that the president will be proposed to receive a salary of up to Rp 553,422,694 per month. The vice president is said to be proposed to receive a salary of Rp 368948462 per month.",Valid "The conversation emerged as a result of the Walk Out (WO) action of the famous Indonesian composer, Ananda Sukarlan when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech at the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Kanisius College at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Saturday (11/11). Rumors circulated, when Anies Baswedan gave a speech, Ananda suddenly stood up and then WO went out of the room. It is said that one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, who was present at the event, also greeted Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech. This was seen as support for Ananda's actions. However, the issue was finally clarified by Traveloka that Derianto was unable to attend at that time.",Hoax "As someone who likes various processed catfish meats, I am curious about the amount of information circulating on social networks, which states that catfish is the filthiest and disgusting fish in the world. It is even said, in a piece of catfish meat there are 3000 cancer cells. Is that right? Catfish is indeed a fish that can eat anything (Omnivores) and is able to live in all kinds of waste in the waters. Not infrequently we encounter household waste shelters, livestock waste channels, ditches or ditches that are used for catfish farming. Catfish or also known as Catfish are known as tough fish. In addition to breathing with gills, this fish also has an additional respiratory apparatus in the form of a labyrinth so that it can survive in muddy, dirty or even polluted water conditions. This fact is very likely to trigger the emergence of allegations about the accumulation of carcinogenic toxins (cancer causing) in the body of catfish. So that catfish is safe for consumption The issue that states that in a piece of catfish there are 3000 cancer cells is not all true. As long as the catfish is raised in waters that are not polluted by chemical waste or acute organic waste, then catfish is still safe for consumption. Some bacteria that are often found in the body of fish are E. coli, Shigella and Salmonella bacteria. These bacteria can be removed by proper processing. Make sure we wash the catfish meat and process it until it is completely cooked with proper heating. All bacteria in fish meat will die at a certain high temperature. We also need to be careful in buying catfish that we will process as cooking. Choose catfish whose skin is not moldy, the flesh is hard when pressed and is not damaged, does not smell bad, the eyes are clear and prominent, the gills are red and the fins and skin are not easily torn. Well, until here we don't have to worry about eating our favorite catfish meat. May be useful.",Valid "On social networks, there is a lot of information circulating that mentions catfish as the filthiest fish. In a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3000 cancer cells. The news made catfish cultivators in East Java (East Java) offended and devastated. the nickname as the filthiest fish refers to the nature of catfish that likes to consume various types of waste in the waters. Even an article that is quite viral on the internet mentions that human waste is also used as feed for a catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China. That's not true. ""Pity catfish farmers, they are offended and very saddened by the news,"" said Head of the Fisheries and Marine Service of East Java Province, Heru Tjahjono, Saturday (31/10/2015). He said that the news that actually describes catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China is not the same as catfish cultivation in East Java. The news could have an impact on the catfish market in East Java. The reason is, the catfish market is a consumer in the lower middle class level II. Meanwhile, snapper, tuna, mackerel, grouper are in the upper middle class level I. Heru said, consumers at level I are difficult to shake with the issue of the fish they consume. This is different from the issue of fish such as catfish, gourami, mujahir, which are food for middle to lower-class level II consumers. For level I consumers, it is difficult to be shaken by issues. In contrast to level II consumers. If there is an issue, level II consumers can be afraid and don't want to consume, he said.",Hoax "The news circulating about the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of Indonesia is confirmed to be a hoax or false news. This certainty was revealed after the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati confirmed this in front of journalists at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java. ""It doesn't exist and has never been discussed,"" he said on Monday, March 12 2018. When giving information about President Joko Widodo's meeting with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) delegation, he received a question about it. The Minister of Finance explained that at this time there were indeed a lot of circulating information and documents that were made as if they came from government institutions. “What the Menpan said (in social media) was a hoax, that's what it is. In today's social media, there is a lot of information and documents that are made similar to those from the government and published,"" he said. Previously, it was widely circulated on social media regarding the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. In the issue, it is stated that the president will be proposed to receive a salary of up to Rp 553422694 per month. The vice president is said to be proposed to receive a salary of Rp 368948462 per month.",Valid "The walk out (WO) of pianist Ananda Sukarlan when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan gave a speech at the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), in Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran, turned out to be long-demanding. Ananda's action was followed by a crowd calling for the removal of the Traveloka application. What caused this walk out action to be followed by an invitation with the hashtag #uninstallTraveloka? Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Incidentally, in this event, the Canisius Awards will be presented to 5 alumni from various generations. A total of 5 alumni were screened from the 95 finalists who became candidates. They are Ananda Sukarlan (composer & pianist), Derianto Kusuma (founder of Traveloka), Father Magnis Suseno (Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma). Based on the news circulating on the timeline, Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. This information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. Traveloka to detikinet responded to the news about the call to boycott its services. This hotel and travel ticket booking application also provides clarification regarding the events at the Canisius College event. Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. But he was unable to attend. “Actually, Mr. Deri (Derianto) was not present. He was on a business trip that day. So if it is said that Mr. Deri is there and it is called to provide support (to Ananda), he is not there,"" said Busyra. Regarding the news that Derianto gave support to Ananda who walked out and raised an invitation to boycott Traveloka, according to Busyro, Traveloka is still investigating. ""We have just seen a lot of people about this, we are also still investigating. What I can say is that he was unable to attend and we have not taken any action,” he said. According to Tribunnews, after getting off the stage, Ananda was greeted and praised by the award recipients, including former minister Ir. Sarwono Kusumaatmaja and Father E. Baskoro Poedjinoegroho S.J., Principal of Kanisius High School. It was not written, Traveloka CTO Derianto Kusuma came and congratulated him. When receiving the award, Ananda also had the opportunity to deliver a 10-minute speech. “You have invited someone with values ​​and integrity that go against what we were taught. Although you may have to invite him because of his position, but next time we have to see the person as well. He obtained his position in ways that were inconsistent with Canisius' values. I'm not talking about politics, this is a matter of conscience and human values,"" he said",Valid "Catfish is one of the favorite foods in Indonesia. Apart from being cheap, the taste is also very good. However, there are some people who are afraid to enjoy the cuisine of these freshwater fish. They assume that catfish causes cancer and other diseases. But is the assumption that catfish contains cancer true? Here is the explanation. Catfish Habitat and Life In its natural life, catfish is a species known for its toughness and durability. This animal has an additional respiratory organ called a labyrinth. With the labyrinth in its body, catfish can live in all kinds of conditions. Even in murky and polluted waters, catfish can still survive. Catfish are indeed very adaptable and fast-growing animals. Compared to other types, catfish also includes fish whose body development level is quite rapid. In just tens of days, the size and weight of his body can increase several times. In addition, catfish can also consume any type of food. Even when hungry, these murmuring animals also want to eat other animal waste, including waste that contains dangerous toxins. Therefore, it is not surprising that the animal, which in English is called the catfish, is often seen as the dirtiest fish based on its character and lifestyle. This is what then led to the interpretation if catfish causes cancer or in other words catfish contains cancer. Research Results Prove On the other hand as reported, when used indiscriminately antibiotics will cause germ immunity or resistance. In America, this case continues to increase because antibiotics are often found in farmed fish. According to research conducted by Arizona State University, one type of cultured fish that contains high levels of antibiotics is catfish, which is often purchased and consumed by the public. If antibiotics are consumed more often, the result is that the bacteria that attack the human body are getting stronger. Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi are able to withstand antibiotics so that the treatment system will not be able to cure disease attacks. Differences in Catfish Cultivation in Indonesia and Other Countries Meanwhile, in Indonesia itself, breeders often breed and raise catfish in ponds or ponds. The pool is always kept free from pollution and far from the center of waste disposal. The food provided is also a special food for catfish. So it is still safe for consumption and will not cause health problems. This condition is much different from the case that occurred in China some time ago. At that time, there were various complaints from the people of Hainan Province who experienced health problems after consuming catfish. After investigating, it turned out that the source of this problem lies in the management and system of catfish farming. The pond used to raise the fish is filled with garbage with a very high mercury content. In addition, it is located adjacent to the pig and chicken coop. Moreover, the pool was never cleaned at all. A similar case also occurs in African Nigeria. As the release issued, most of the catfish consumed by the people of the country is taken from the river. Though the rivers are full of waste, dirt and pollution. The result of consuming catfish is the occurrence of cancer. In addition, other problems often arise, such as obesity or overweight and dirty blood. Dirty blood flow will cause more serious problems in the body such as kidney and heart disease. The emergence of this case also makes people increasingly believe that catfish contains cancer and tumors. Catfish Processing System One of the most popular ways to cook catfish is by frying. Many do not know that the wrong frying technique can cause the catfish consumed to be a source of disease and most importantly cancer. The most fatal mistake that often occurs is in the use of the oil. The oil used for frying catfish must be free of cholesterol and other harmful substances. Even though the fish is cultivated in the right way and cleaned before cooking, when the frying oil is not healthy, it can still cause disease. From here, of course, we understand that the source of the disease does not come from the catfish itself but the oil. In essence, between catfish and cancer actually have no relationship at all. Conclusions Obtained So in conclusion, if it is maintained in the right way and the pond is always clean and free from pollution, catfish is still safe for consumption. Likewise, the processing system must be washed thoroughly before cooking. Several types of bacteria that are often found in the body of catfish are salmonella, shigella, to ecoli. The presence of these bacteria is what makes catfish the cause of cancer and tumors. But when treated with the right heat, we can be sure the bacteria will die by themselves.",Valid "Underneath it were displayed several sentences indicating the nickname of the hacker and a joke message which was judged by the hacker as a form of intolerance carried out by Ananda Sukarlan. There are also a number of names that are part or groups of the hacker group. Until the news was released, there has been no corrective response from the management or website manager of the famous composer who is famous for his classical music works. For your information, previously at the 90th Anniversary of Kanisius College, Ananda Sukarlan took a Walk Out or left the room when Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was reading his speech. According to reports from a number of online media, Anandan Sukarlan's boycott was a form of his disapproval of the elected governor of DKI, Anies Baswedan. The action was then followed by some of the invited guests in the room. After Anies Baswedan finished his speech, the invited guests then went back into the room to continue the event. For this action, there are many pros and cons circulating on social media from netizens. In fact, netizens are busy carrying the hashtag #UninstallTraveloka in their timelines because the action of WO Ananda Sukarlan is considered by some netizens to have the support of the CEO of Traveloka, even though in fact Derianto Kusuma as the Boss of Traveloka was not in the event.",Hoax "The riot took place at the Brimob Mako Detention Center, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java. The commotion that occurred in the detention center for terrorists caused a number of prison facilities to be damaged. Mako Brimob Terrorist Prison This news was confirmed by the Head of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rikwanto, who explained that the commotion occurred on Friday (11/10/2017), around 16.00 WIB. ""On Friday, November 10 2017, at 16.00 WIB there was a commotion at the Mako Brimob terrorist detention center Salemba prison branch carried out by terrorist prisoners,"" said Rikwanto. A number of prison facilities, such as the door of the detention cell, the gate of the block hallway and the window panes in Block C and Block B were damaged. Rikwanto also added that the situation was now under control. Regarding the issue that had been spread which stated that the cause of the riot was because of the throwing of the Koran by officers, Rikwanto asserted that it was a hoax.",Hoax "Mustajab suddenly became talkative, commenting on the fuss over the Pokemon Go game. Frankly, I'm a little surprised, it's not usually my friend who is interested in 'talking' about Android application games. Every time we met, the topic of conversation was always serious; I feel Jokowi, make fun of officials, sometimes talk agomo, occasionally discuss shamanism, if you don't have any material, then talk about bojo problems. ""Have you downloaded the Pokemon game? If you haven't, give it a try, just make it fun,"" as he opened the conversation that night while fiddling with his gadget, then shifted his body to pour ginger milk - not concubine coffee as usual. ""I'm not interested, Jab,"" I replied casually. He chuckled and said, ""You should know, because of this Pokemon, it's said that now a lot of people are diligent in going to places of worship. So worship is while hunting Pokemon. That's good, isn't it?"" I'm not really interested in responding to the 'provocation'. Tajab, instead told his neighbor, Mamat, who suddenly started exercising in the morning, Pak Harjo who used to play cassava at the security guard post, suddenly diligently went to the mosque, Anwar, who was usually reluctant to go to the fields, suddenly diligently visited the fields. ""This Pokemon Go has a positive influence. People who play it become diligent in anything,"" he said. So the point is this, Mustajab is babbling again, everything that humans make on earth is not value-free. Including matters of technology, game applications and the nitty-gritty. Again he provoked, ""Come on, instead of having nothing to do, being unemployed, now it's better to just download it, then let's find Pokemon together."" ""Playing pokemon trains our instincts, trains the sharpness of our eyes, trains the leg muscles, the body becomes healthy because it keeps going, the thumbs become strong. There are many benefits,"" he continued. ""He said Pokemon made in Judaism, what was it like?"" I'm just talking. ""Says who? Don't swallow the information raw, check it first. Now there is a thin line between people who understand and don't understand. Today, people still believe in unclear information on social media,"" Mustajab lectured. He continued, worrying okay, but don't overdo it. Indeed, there are now more people on social media sharing posts that say Pokemon is a covert attempt by the Jews. Pokemon is associated with Syriac or Syriac when translated into Indonesian it means: I am Jewish. ""Do they understand Syriac? It's an ancient language, you know, and even Kromo Inggil doesn't understand why it's alluding to Syriac."" Try checking on the internet, Mustajab then look around looking for his smartphone. ""There are many articles about Syriac,"" he said. He then read it out loud. The Syriac language, he said, was the East Aramaic language that was spoken in most of the Fertile Crescent and Eastern Arabia. But it is widely spoken by various Christian communities in the Middle East. The Syriac language is written with the Syriac Alphabet. The Syriac language is now spoken by minority Syrian Christians living in eastern Turkey, northern Iraq and northeastern Syria. Syriac is also the liturgical language of several Syrian/Syrian churches: the Syrian Orthodox Church, the Syrian Catholic Church, the Maronite Church, the Chaldean Catholic Church, the Assyrian Church of the East and the Old Eastern Church. It is said that the remaining speakers of this language are about three million people. They live in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey. Some became immigrants because of the genocide and persecution, and now they live in the USA, Latin America, Australia and Europe. ""But it's not important anyway. The more you think about it the more dizzy,"" he said, changing his sitting position again. ""Here is another article,"" Mustajab added. The Jordanian newspaper 'ad-Dustur' Monday edition 8 Muharam 1422 H, quoted several doctors of Syriac linguists at Yarmuk University and the Syrian Social Institute in Jordan. They said the words Pokemon, Pikachu and other names in Pokemon cartoons, had absolutely nothing to do with Syriac, even the names were foreign to Syriac. Pokemon is an acronym for Pocket Monster. The explanation, the word (Poke) is an abbreviation of the word (Pocket), which means; Pockets/pockets. And the word (Mon) is an abbreviation of the word (Monster), which means; Monsters. So it means pocket monster. The point is an expression of how small these monsters are to fit in a pocket. Mustajab then shifted his body back, leaning against the wall. Think about it, he said, when someone uses Jewish products, does that mean he automatically becomes a Jew. ""If you think so narrowly, it's dangerous,"" this time his tone was serious, shaking his head. But, he continued, if the reason you don't play Pokemon Go is because of danger considerations, making people wander off the streets when hunting Pokemon, or worrying about your cellphone battery running out quickly and getting hot, worrying about not concentrating on your work, afraid of being scolded by your boss because there is a ban on hunting Pokemon in the office, that's another matter. I'm still pretending to be listening. Then I joked. ""So the conclusion is Pokemon wasn't made by this Jew?"" ""I don't think so,"" he said simply. Next he went back to browsing. Mustajab then read an article, Pokemon Go was made by Niantic, a software development company splinter from Google. The company was founded by John Hanke in 2010 in San Francisco, California, United States. Last year Niantic left Google. Niantic then collaborated with the Pokemon Company, the owner of the Pokemon license. One-third of the Pokemon Company's shares are owned by Nintendo, the video game company founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi in Tokyo, Japan, on September 23, 1889. Suddenly Mustajab stopped reading and looked thoughtful. Then he looked at me. ""So what makes Pokemon Japanese, how come there are Japanese people who are Jews?"" he said briefly. He continued reading, Pokemon Company has been developing a franchise business (franchise). Pokemon has its roots in comics, anime movies, video games, cards, tazos, and other merchandise. Since the 90s until now, there have been six generations of Pokemon. The total number of Pokemon species from the six generations has reached 721 species. ""Many also turned out to be a species of monster Pokemon."" I immediately interrupted. ""By the way, how many Pokemon have you got?"" Mustajab just smirked as if baring his bared teeth. I'm guessing he doesn't have time to hunt Pokemon. He's a fan of app games, but for the past few weeks he stopped because his wife scolded him.",Valid "Rumors circulated that there had been a riot at the Mako Brimob Detention Center, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, on Friday (11/10/2017). From the information compiled, as quoted by a social media channel, it was stated that the detainees who were charged with terrorism cases were outraged by the news that the wardens were suspected of harassing the Qur'an and the books of the clerics belonging to the detainees. ""Densus and the warden arrogantly entered the Ikhwan's room and the Koran was stepped on by Brimob, the warden and Densus finally caused the ikhwans to go on a rampage and destroy the Brimob mako detention room, the current situation is still tense ..."" That's the excerpt from the release of #AlfathChannel, which spread on social media. In addition, viral videos and photos were also circulated during the riots and the detainees waving the monotheism flag. In the video, the atmosphere of the Mako Brimbob detention cell looks shattered, there are also broken glass and wood that the prisoners break down. Meanwhile, the screams of takbir of the prisoners resounded. However, there were also other prisoners who tried to calm the atmosphere. After the riots, it was reported that the atmosphere was starting to become conducive, the warden of the Mako Brimod Detention Center was reported to have tried to invite the detainees to negotiate. Until this news was revealed, there has been no release of clarification from the Mako Brimob Detention Center",Hoax "Currently, there is news about candy in the form of a pacifier circulating in Surabaya, East Java, which is suspected to contain drugs or other hazardous materials. The candy, which is known to be imported from a certain country, has gone viral on social media because it is accused of containing drugs. The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) as the focal point for drug problems in Indonesia, said that until now the East Java Provincial BNN and the Surabaya City BNN are bringing samples of the candy for scientific examination by the National Narcotics Laboratory of the National Narcotics Agency regarding the content of the candy. BNN urges the public to be patient while waiting for the results of the examination. It is hoped that parents and children will remain AWARE of all forms and types of drugs by not consuming food, drink, or drugs that do not have a distribution permit.",Valid "Participants of Action 212 Volume 2 who came from outside the city had arrived at the Istiqlal Mosque, but they could not enter because the gate of the mosque was locked. According to observations, hundreds of mobs driving 5 bosses, including AD number plates (Solo and its surroundings) were stuck at the entrance of the Istiqlal mosque, Monday (20/2) night, due to the closure of the mosque, which used to be a gathering place for the Defending Islam Action. Police officers on guard in front of the Istiqlal Mosque then directed the bus from the area to another place. It was not explained where the mass gathering place was diverted. Previously, the Islamic Community Forum (FUI) ensured that there would be no long march during the 212th volume II action, Tuesday (21/2) tomorrow. Action participants will be directed directly to the action concentration point in front of the DPR/MPR RI building. ""Our scenario is that we don't have a long march. So all participants are advised to go directly to the DPR/MPR RI building,"" said Ustaz Bernard Abdul Jabbar as coordinator of the 212th volume II action to reporters at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Monday (20/2/2017) . Ustadz Bernard estimates that 10 thousand people will attend the action. People from outside Jakarta were asked to park their vehicles in the parking lots that have been prepared. ""And for those from areas who bring buses and vehicles, we then direct them to park at the Senayan East Parking if those from the south and east. While from the west we will direct them to (park vehicles) at Palmerah Station and at in front of the Forestry Department building,"" he explained. He added that his party also did not provide lodging facilities for action participants from outside the region. This means that those from outside the city of Jakarta are welcome to find a place to rest on their own.",Hoax "Many people like to eat catfish because it tastes delicious, has a soft texture, and is affordable. But who would have thought that this fish turned out to have a danger to the health of the body. Catfish are fish that can live in dirty and low oxygen water. Therefore, many catfish are kept in a bad way, for example placing them under latrines. This can cause catfish to contain a lot of bacteria such as e-coli which causes stomach pain and diarrhea. It doesn't stop there, the negative effects of catfish that are kept in a bad way can be exacerbated by cooking methods that use trans oil. Alert! This Danger of Eating Catfish This has the potential to multiply the danger to the body, including triggering blockage of arteries, and causing heart disease. Processing catfish using used oil can also trigger the appearance of abnormal cells in DNA, and potentially cause a person to develop liver cancer and stomach cancer. However, as long as catfish are kept in ponds and ponds far from cattle pens and latrines, and use clean water and good food, then the fish are safe for consumption.",Valid "The Brimob Mako Detention Center, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, was reported to be in a riot on Friday (11/10/2017) afternoon. This news is widely discussed on social media. ""Mako Brimob rioted this afternoon. Reportedly 3 blocks of the detention room caught fire & the doors were destroyed. According to my source, the reason was because a group of Police there threw Al-Qur'an and hadith books belonging to prisoners,"" tweeted the owner of the Twitter account @CondetWarrior. This account completes its tweet with a video that the owner of the account says the source sent him. The video shows a number of people who appear to be convicted of terrorism, making gestures that indicate that they are in a tense atmosphere, and then the camera, which appears to be from a cell phone, moves to reveal a shattered window. ""Just now, my intelligence said that it was a deliberate riot so that Ahok could be transferred from the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters to house arrest. Everything is possible, but what is clear is that if it is true that the police threw the Qur'an, then your business is with the entire Muslim Ummah!"" chirp that account again. reported, a social media channel reported that the riots occurred because the prisoners who were charged with terrorism cases were angry when they heard the news that there were guards who allegedly abused the Koran and the books of the clerics belonging to the prisoners. ""Densus and the warden arrogantly entered the Ikhwan's room and the Koran was stepped on by Brimob, the warden and Densus finally caused the ikhwans to go on a rampage and destroy the Brimob mako detention room, the current situation is still tense ...,"" reads an excerpt from #AlfathChannel which is spread throughout the world. social media. In addition, videos and photos of the riots and detainees waving the monotheism flag have gone viral. In the video, the atmosphere of the Mako Brimbob detention cell looks shattered, there are also broken glass and wood that the prisoners break down. Meanwhile, the screams of takbir of the prisoners resounded. However, there were also other prisoners who tried to calm the atmosphere. After the riots, it was reported that the atmosphere was starting to become conducive, the warden of the Mako Brimod Detention Center was reported to have tried to invite the detainees to negotiate. Until this news was revealed, there has been no release of clarification from the Mako Brimob Detention Center.",Hoax "In everyday life, we use various kinds of brushes to make up, paint, clean dust, paint the house, grease cake pans, to smear food such as grilled chicken, bread, cakes, and various baked or grilled meats and seafood. when combing hair, cleaning hair in salons or barbershops, washing clothes, and scrubbing floors Do you know what brushes and brushes you use come from? Most likely from sea urchins! Brushes supplied in Indonesia, generally from China. These imported brushes are produced using sea urchins, especially wild boars with more hair. Sea urchins are considered more economical than other animal hairs, such as squirrels, goats, civets, camels, and dogs. period January – June 2001, Indonesia imported “Boar Bristle and Pig or Boar Hair” amounting to 282,983 tons or USD 1713309 What's interesting? Just so you know, Anping is a company that has a history of 400 years in processing bristle and animal tail feathers. This company is the largest distribution center for animal tail feathers in the north of China. It is said that more than 50000 people are involved in the production process and have more than 1000 workshops spread all over the world. various countries The keyword that shows the identity of this white brush is the writing BRISTLE on the brush handle, which in the Webster Dictionary means PIG HAIR (boar bristle). or else is done in a very easy and simple way Animal hair contains a protein called KERATIN Keratin is one of a group of proteins known as fiber proteins. Like protein, hair or fur that contains keratin when burned will cause a distinctive odor. it's the same when we c smell of roasted meat Meanwhile, if the brush is made of palm fiber, fiber, or plastic, it will definitely not emit a specific smell other than the smell of burning ash. The brush is unclean, so if it is used to spread bread, then the bread is unclean. In short, it is unlawful to eat unclean objects. NOTE: This unclean brush is also widely used to apply seasonings to grilled corn, pecel catfish, grilled fish, grilled chicken, barbeque, etc. For Muslims, the use of sea urchins is clearly HARAM, no matter how small, the material from pigs is forbidden to be consumed and to be applied. The illustrations in this article are examples of brushes and bristle brushes (the term is PIG or BOAR or HOG or BRISTLE HAIR BRUSH) which are sold in various places, such as markets, painting supply stores, building material stores, make-up shops and salons, online shops, etc ll Are you familiar with the various shapes below? There are painting brushes, wall paint brushes, makeup brushes, hair brushes, barber or barber brushes, clothes brushes, etc. BEWARE! TIPS TO AVOID THE USE OF BRUSHS AND BONES BRUSHS: Use 100% synthetic brushes and brushes, such as nylon material. Wall paint brushes and food brushes are available, at slightly more expensive prices. Nylon material has a texture like plastic for toothbrushes. Use other alternatives than brushes. Examples of paint rollers for painting, sponges and cotton buds for applying makeup, as well as knives and spatulas for greasing food Beware of foods that use a pig brush to cook and clean their tools. The characteristics of a sea urchin brush, when burned, will cause a distinctive smell like roasted meat. Sea urchin brushes are sold in white and black. However, manufacturers can process sea urchins by bleaching them and then coloring them, so that they look like other animal hairs. Wallahu Ta'ala A'lam",Hoax "Jakarta, Information is a very useful thing for us, especially if it is about handling or preventing certain things. But unfortunately it is still used by a group of people to spread untrue news. After being rife with substances that can trigger brain hardening, there is another hoax being spread about first aid for people with stroke. This message continues to be spread over and over and there are still many who believe it. The message explains how the first action should be taken in stroke patients. If the patient falls like in the bathroom or bedroom, you are advised not to move him anywhere. Next you are recommended to take a needle and sterilize it and then insert it into your fingers. After that, spit out the victim's blood a drop or two. Still according to the message, if the victim's mouth is tilted, then pull the two earlobe until they are red and immediately pierce the bottom of the earlobe with a sterile needle until approximately 1-2 drops of blood comes out. It is believed to launch and help oxygen enter the body of the victim who experiences it. confirmed about the news on Monday (18/3/2013), dr Ahmad Yanuar, SpS dismissed the truth. So far there is no such research, it is not known whether the action is effective or not, the neurologist from the University of Indonesia told detikHealth. This is also confirmed by Dr. Fritz Sumantri, SpS. What must be underlined is that medicine departs from research and trials. As for the way beyond that there has been no research. At least the security is not guaranteed. Until now medical science does not know such a method, so we also do not know its effectiveness, he stressed. the only action that must be done immediately is to be taken to the hospital and given reperfusion action at the fastest hour. About 3-6 hours after the incident, the patient must be immediately rushed to the hospital for medical treatment, added Dr. Ahmad. Well, if you get information about things like this, you should ask your doctor about the truth. Because if you are not careful this action can cause other diseases or cause the patient not to be helped.",Valid "Jakarta - Istiqlal Mosque management said it had nothing to do with the 212 volume II demonstration on February 21, 2017. ""The Istiqlal Mosque has never invited crowds, but we are open,"" said Head of the Istiqlal Protocol Section, Abu Hurairah Abd Salam, Monday, February 20. 2017. The plan is that the Islamic Community Forum and a number of other Islamic organizations will hold a 212 action in front of the House of Representatives building. Reportedly, there were participants staying at the Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta. Abu Hurairah explained, this mosque is a symbol of diversity. When entering the Istiqlal Mosque, it is not allowed to carry the identity of the group and party. ""If it's used as a meeting place, that's okay. But, for speeches, we don't allow it,"" he said. According to him, Istiqlal can be visited by anyone, but not for the interests of certain groups. Chairman of the Indonesian Muslim Brotherhood (Parmusi) Usamah Hisyam explained that the participants of the 212 action would perform the morning prayer in congregation. Then, the action participants moved to the DPR building in Senayan, South Jakarta. Osama claimed to lead the action. There are three demands that will be voiced by the participants of the 212 action, namely to stop Ahok as Governor of DKI, stop criminalizing ulama, and arrest Ahok.",Valid "Not long ago we were shocked by hoax news about a cancer conspiracy. The article entitled 'Cancer Is Not a Disease, but a Billion Dollar Business' published by the news media was excited to steal the attention of internet users. However, it turns out that health experts, doctors and experts in the field of cancer actually criticize the contents of the article because it is not supported by accurate and scientific data. Therefore, this article is considered to be just a hoax, which is too late, has been read and trusted by many people. Now, to improve our paradigm regarding the many hoaxes about food, this article will try to explore the facts behind five foods that were claimed to be harmful to health. What are they? Hoax 1: Milk is harmful to health Research to date continues to convey the fact that milk is still beneficial for the body, especially to help strengthen bones. A nutrition consultant, Jansen Ongko said, even if there are incidents where people experience diarrhea after drinking milk, it is not because of the milk. It is usually an enzyme deficiency. Enzun is actually produced by our own bodies. Isn't it enough that the enzymes digest the lactose in the milk? Enzymes can work when the protein is met, said Jansen. Hoax 2: Drinking cold water after eating causes cancer In the hoax news circulating, it is stated that drinking cold water after eating can cause cancer. Because cold water can solidify the oil in food so that over time it will coat the intestines and cause cancer. But in fact, this theory has not been proven. According to BBC Science and Nature, the natural heat in the stomach will make all food that enters the same temperature. Even if a person drinks ice, the coldness of the ice is immediately neutralized by the heat in the stomach. Hoax 3: A mouthful of catfish contains 3000 cancer cells. Catfish is called the dirtiest type of fish. So that in every bite of catfish there are about 3000 cancer cells. In fact, catfish is low in cholesterol. Fish circulating in the market are generally cultivated in ponds, which should be free from pollution. Dr. Dradjat R Suardi, SpB(K)Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association, said that until now there has been no research claiming that eating catfish can cause cancer. Hoax 4: Lemon can be the most powerful chemotherapy drug. It's been reported that lemon slices are great for killing cancer cells. While the juice of the water can be the best medicine for chemotherapy. Unfortunately, this claim was denied by Dr. Andhika Rahman SpPD. He said that lemons do contain vitamins E, C and antioxidants that are useful as anticancer. Even so, lemons are not the only fruit that contains these substances. There are many other fruits that also have the same benefits, such as other fruits and vegetables. Hoax 5: Animal foods are harmful to health Jansen Ongko said that the tendency of people who are on a diet chooses to become vegetarian. This is because there is an assumption that animal food is acidic. This acidity level is believed to trigger the growth of cancer cells in the body. Though acid is regulated by our own body. Not because of what we eat. So, if the body is not healthy, automatically, the PH balance will be disturbed. If the pH of the blood is irregular, you must wash the blood, he said. Of the hoaxes that have been described above, have any of you believed some of them? So, from now on, don't believe the news that doesn't include accurate and clear data.",Valid "The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao City, Philippines, clarified the issue has been burning Reog Ponorogo related to the expulsion of idols or spirits. The objection was conveyed through a press release on its website which was updated this afternoon, Saturday, October 31, 2015. The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City admitted that they had destroyed the reog ponorogo on October 20, 2015. Reog ponorogo is an asset they have had since 1988. So what is the real reason they destroy cultural objects by burning them? ""The destruction by burning had to be carried out because the Ponorogo reog was already in a damaged condition and was eaten by termites,"" wrote the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao. The Consulate General affirmed that the burning was not at all an attempt by the Consulate General in Davao City to damage or eliminate Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. The destruction of these assets has been carried out carefully and with full respect for Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. ""The Consulate General in Davao City also wants to emphasize that the burning has absolutely nothing to do with efforts to exorcise idols or spirits."" The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City is currently communicating with parties in Indonesia to seek a new replacement for Reog Ponorogo. Previously, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi, said that the news that a Reog Ponorogo was deliberately set on fire at the office of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Davao, Philippines, was not entirely true. ""Reog and gamelan decorations in the form of dragon heads were burned because they were damaged and infested with termites,"" said Retno via text message.",Valid "On Tuesday (21/2) morning, news circulated on social media about the closure of the gates of the Istiqlal Mosque for visitors. The Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI) felt the need to provide clarification. In an official statement received by, Tuesday (21/2), the Secretary of the Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI), Rusli Effendi, clarified that what had been circulating so far did not lead to misunderstandings. BPPMI also appeals to all Muslims not to be influenced by news that cannot be accounted for. The news about the locking of the mosque so that people cannot pray Fajr is a hoax or a lie. The closing of the mosque is already a regulation or procedure at Istiqlal. The following is an explanation: The Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency since 2002 has enforced a rule (SOP), closing the gates every night at 21.30. The mosque was reopened in the morning at 03.40, ahead of the Fajr prayer service. This rule (SOP) was enforced in order to optimize mosque security at night. All pilgrims are not allowed to stay in the Istiqlal Mosque area, except under certain conditions and with the permission of the security forces and the leadership of BPPMI. Regarding the conditions at night from 20 to the early hours of February 21 2017, the Istiqlal Mosque security forces have explained to the worshipers gathered in the courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque about the procedure and they understand and are willing to leave the Istiqlal Mosque area. BPPMI did not receive notification from any party regarding the plans for the congregation to stay overnight as in the previous conditions when Muslims held 411, 212 or 112 actions. There was also no special communication from the authorities regarding this matter. The Istiqlal Mosque always serves the people and strives for national unity and unity, and always maintains the comfort of worship. BPPMI stated that the negative news that had been spread on social media regarding the above matters did not correspond to reality and tended to contain provocations. BPPMI appeals to all Muslims to be asked not to be influenced by news that cannot be accounted for. The implementation of the Fajr prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque today went well and smoothly, led by Ustaz Salim Ghazali. The number of worshipers is about 240 people (170 men and 70 women).",Valid "The government is currently discussing the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) on Salaries for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) or Civil Servants (PNS). In the RPP, it is stated that the new civil servant salary system is based on an income index. With the income index stipulated in the RPP, the income of the President of the Republic of Indonesia is assumed to reach Rp 553 million. Then, is it natural for President Jokowi to have such an income? Public Service Observer from the University of Indonesia, Lina Miftahul Jannah, said that the current president's salary of only Rp. 62 million is considered too small. Moreover, the President's responsibility is enormous. According to Lina, it is only natural that the salaries of the President and Vice President are proposed to increase. ""It's just that in the midst of the current conditions that civil servants have not increased their salaries since 2015, is that reasonable? If it is proposed to increase, I agree, only the amount if Rp 500 million is too drastic, it seems,"" said Lina to",Hoax "DAVAO Barong Reog Ponorogo and Hisan Naga on gamelan are burned at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. The arson incident reportedly occurred on October 20 last. The information circulated among journalists from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu). ""The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has contacted the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao and it is being handled according to procedures,"" said Public Relations staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Opi Sudarma, when asked about the truth of the news, Friday (10/30). This news is very surprising considering that the object is Indonesian culture. In fact, a neighboring country, Malaysia, claims it as their culture. Reportedly, the reason for the burning is related to idols and demons. It is not clear whether the perpetrators are Indonesian Nationals (WNI) or Filipinos.",Valid "The government can indeed give strict sanctions to block Facebook, because the data of one million Indonesian users was also leaked in the Cambridge Analytica (CA) scandal. However, there is no certainty that on April 24, Facebook will actually be blocked in Indonesia. Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara on various occasions never mentioned blocking Facebook. In fact, Rudiantara said that the Ministry of Communications and Informatics did not hesitate to block Facebook, but must follow procedures so that the steps are not rash. Rudiantara's only firm statement about blocking Facebook is if there is evidence that Facebook is used as a means of inciting or fighting. Rudiantara ensured that if investigators found an element of criminal suspicion in the leak of Facebook user data in Indonesia, the chances of blocking Facebook would be even greater. At the moment, these two things cannot be proven, they are still under investigation and waiting for the results of the audit. ""If there are indications that Facebook in Indonesia is being used for incitement, like what happened in Myanmar. I have no qualms about blocking it,"" said Rudiantara, a few days ago. The Minister of Communication and Informatics has asked Facebook to conduct an audit, and submitted the results of the audit since a week after the announcement that data on Facebook users in Indonesia had been leaked in the CA scandal.",Hoax "The meaning of the word Pikachu is 'Be Jewish' as ​​it used to be (back in the days of Pokemon cartoons) and when it was Pokemon Go season, the issue was brought up again. We as Indonesians are easily provoked and easily share articles freely at will and just believe. As another reference material, I will inform a post that will review the meaning of Pikachu, please listen to the results of the Facebook share from Raehanul Bahraen It has to be fair, it can't be a bit of a jewish conspiracy, but you also have to be careful because it's been reminded in the Koran. Why is it that our nation is so easily provoked by things that smell like sara...? Just a suggestion, to respond to a friend's post... please tabayyun first, okay? meaning of pikachu Here are the issues circulating about pokemon Meaning of Pokemon in Syriac: ""I am Jewish"" Meaning of Pikachu in Syriac: ""Be a Jew"" Meaning of Charmender in Syriac: ""God is Weak"" Whereas... The Pokemon are from the Japanese franchise, all names are from Japan Meaning of Pokemon? Pokemon is an acronym for Pocket and Monster. What does Pikachu mean? Pikachu comes from the words 'pika' (electric sound in Japanese) and 'chuu' (rat). What does Charmander mean? Charmander (this is correct, not charmender), his real Japanese name is 'hitokage', from the words hito (person) and 'tokage' (lizard). Translated into English as Charmander, from the words 'Char' (charcoal), 'man' (person), and 'salamander' (lizard) because they are designed in the form of a lizard standing on two legs. I'm not a fan of pokemon, I'm also not a Pokemon game and I don't agree with those who are so insensitive to their surroundings because of the fun of Pokemon, but please from the media, don't make people think that it's easy for Muslims to get information that isn't clear at all. its validity. Have you ever opened a Syriac dictionary and crosschecked it was correct or not? I just checked the online dictionary, and well, there are no such words. Please, please, provide valid info. A lot of people who open your website, don't let you spread ignorance and phobias to people, moreover the majority tend to be reluctant to crosscheck news and just share. thanks. Hopefully with this article my friend can be smart in processing information",Valid "The Reog Ponorogo property arsonist at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City, Southern Philippines has apologized to all Indonesian people. The statement was signed by Logeng R Priyohanisetyo on November 6, 2015. ""I and several staff and colleagues have destroyed the reog and gamelan ornaments. This incident was a wrong action, in connection with which I expect an apology,"" Loegeng wrote in an apology letter that was signed. It was not explained who were Loegeng's colleagues who were involved in the burning of Reog Ponorogo's property in the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City on October 20, 2015. In response to the apology, the Ponorogo community leader in Jakarta, Suparno Nojeng, welcomed the initiative from the reog property arsonist. ""There have been apologies, there have been regrets. Personally, we understand that the perpetrators are willing to be sanctioned. Of course, in order to be a deterrent, there needs to be sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations, or the heaviest fines,"" said Nojeng after appearing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Monday (9 /11/2019). It was said that the Deputy Chair of the Reog Ponorogo Community (KRP) throughout Greater Jakarta, that day a number of KRP administrators and artists returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ""We, together with the management and artist Reog Ponorogo, have been received by the Minister, Retno Lestari Marsudi, to follow up on the tragedy of the arson in Davao City,"" said Nojeng. Announced open The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will announce publicly and will take action according to applicable regulations if there is intentional destruction or burning. ""Earlier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has conveyed that the results will be presented publicly,"" explained Nojeng. According to Nojeng, if the Reog device is damaged, we should not immediately destroy it. ""We can do repairs again by choosing or replacing the damaged one. If the peacock is damaged, it may be dull. Just pull it out and replace it with a new peacock,"" said Nojeng. Nojeng said that the issue of the tragedy of the Reog burning in Davao City, southern Philippines is considered to have been resolved. ""God willing, we are satisfied with the results from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, mas. Probleme enemy bongsone dewe, mas. Kersane is ruled by mawon custom,"" said Nojeng in Javanese which means: ""Unfortunately, this is our enemy, our own nation, so let's just get punished by custom ,"" (",Valid "Jakarta-Warganet are still confused about the unclear information regarding the fate of Facebook in Indonesia. They also wonder, whether Facebook will be closed in Indonesia or not? Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara said that he would not block (close) Facebook permanently, but only temporarily. That is if the situation gets worse. ""We will see this situation first. If it gets worse, then we will temporarily close (block it),"" said Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara. Rudiantara was reluctant to talk about closing Facebook's operations permanently. He is more focused on monitoring Facebook to create data security and prevent the spread of hate speech. The House of Representatives also had asked Kominfo to be more strict with Facebook. ""We and the government - the Ministry of Communication and Information - will talk again regarding the follow-up to Facebook's mistake. Personally, I am still open to sanctions, it is also possible to suggest a Facebook service moratorium,"" said Meutya Hafid, Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives. Meutya estimates that the Indonesian House of Representatives will wait for the results of Facebook's internal investigation for the next month. ""We are waiting, I think a month should be enough time. We hope that the results of this investigation will not only blame who, but also there should be information, where this misused data went and what it was used for,"" he said.",Valid "The news circulating about the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia is confirmed to be a hoax. This certainty was revealed after the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati confirmed this in front of journalists at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java. ""It doesn't exist and has never been discussed,"" he said on Monday, (12/3/2018). When giving information about President Joko Widodo's meeting with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) delegation, he received a question about it. The Minister of Finance explained that at this time there were indeed many circulating information and documents that were made as if they came from government institutions. “What the Menpan said (in social media) was a hoax, that's what it is. In today's social media, there is a lot of information and documents that are made similar to those from the government and published,"" he said. Previously, it was widely circulated on social media about the plan to increase the salaries of the president and vice president. In the issue, it is stated that the president will be proposed to receive a salary of up to Rp 553422694 per month. The vice president is said to be proposed to receive a salary of IDR 368,948,462 per month. That was the Deputy for Protocol, Press, and Media Secretariat Bey Machmudin. (",Valid "The government is asked to consider carefully if it intends to block social media Facebook and Youtube. The reason is, it is very likely that the blocking of the two social media (medsos) that are widely used in Indonesia will face rejection from the wider community. ""It really needs to be thought out carefully, considering the good, the bad, the positive, the negative, and the pros and cons,"" said Idil Akbar, a political and government observer from Padjadjaran University to SINDOnews, Saturday, July 15 2017. Nevertheless, said Idil, the emphasis of this issue is on how to find ways to control the ""traffic"" of content on Facebook and Youtube in response to concerns about the spread of ideas that are contrary to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Idil does not agree if there is a perceived threat to block Facebook and Youtube because the government is panicking. He believes the government has certain considerations. (Also read: Kemenkominfo's plan to close social media is considered excessive) He believes the government has sufficient resources to overcome concerns about the spread of ideas that are considered contrary to Pancasila. ""That is what needs to be optimally empowered. I think cyber intelligence is also important to prevent information that is suspected of being contrary to Pancasila and so on,"" he said. However, Idil emphasized that the government must really do a lot of consideration before blocking social media. According to him, it is not impossible that there will be a wave of protests against the closure of social media which will actually inconvenience the government. ""Closing even though it is a solution, it is temporary because it will most likely be opposed by the public. Don't forget that Indonesia is one of the most users (Facebook and Youtube-ed) in the world,"" he said. As is known, the government threatens to block social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube if it does not close accounts charged with radicalism. Currently the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo) has asked internet service providers (ISPs) to cut off access to Telegram's 11 domain name systems (DNS). “Our request on the platform to close accounts containing radicalism, during 2016 to 2017 was only 50% fulfilled. This is very disappointing,"" said Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara after an anti-radicalism event at Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Friday, July 14 2017. Rudiantara requested that the social media meet the Indonesian government's request. If not, it will consider closing the platform. He explained that the platform was reluctant to close the account because in its home country it had to go through a court process. “But they are here because of business. The ads are also from here. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the existing regulations here,"" he explained. The ministry, continued Rudiantara, has made various efforts to prevent the spread of radicalism. The way to do this is by closing the site and blocking accounts on social media. In blocking accounts on social media, it is necessary to involve the platform. ""We have to move fast, we don't want the public to be exposed to radical content,"" he said. Rudi apologized if later his party was forced to close social media. The Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Mohamad Nasir asked the chancellors to pay attention to the activities of each campus component.",Valid "according to one professor from China, you should always have and keep a needle in the house. Because it can be used to treat people who have had a stroke. When a person has a stroke, the brain's hair vessels are slowly torn. Therefore, first aid is needed. Here are the steps you should take, as reported by Stay calm. Regardless of the position of the patient, you must not move or move him. Because if you don't, you will cause the capillaries of the brain to burst and bleed inside the brain. Using a syringe would be better, but as an alternative you can use a sewing needle. Heat the needle with a candle or a lighter to sterilize it. With the needle, prick the patient's ten fingertips with it. No expert in acupuncture required. But make sure, if your puncture is a few millimeters away from the nail. Do this until the blood comes out of his fingers. If the blood does not come out, squeeze or massage until the blood comes out. When the blood has flowed from the ten fingers, wait a few minutes, God willing, the patient will be awake and conscious. If you notice a change in the patient's mouth, start massaging both ears until the blood flows into them and the ears are red. Pierce the soft part of the ear with a needle, until two drops of blood fall from each ear. After a few minutes, God willing, his mouth will no longer change. When you make sure there are no more strange symptoms in the patient and have returned to normal, take him to the hospital.",Hoax "The head of BPOM RI, Penny Kusumastuti Lukito, emphasized that the teat candy is negative for drugs and does not contain other harmful substances. This assurance was obtained after conducting a series of inspections of the candy. ""After being tested and investigated using 12 determining parameters, no drug content and other dangerous food ingredients were found. This means that there is no prohibition on the sale of candy, which has been distributed almost throughout Indonesia,"" said Peny on the sidelines of the National BPOM National Conference at the Singhasari Hotel, Batu City, East Java, Thursday (9/3/2017). He explained that the issue of candy pacifiers containing drugs became popular after a report from a resident from Surabaya. It was said that a child who consumed pacifiers experienced dizziness and was addicted. ""We also ask the media to provide correct information to the public,"" he concluded",Valid "If Malaysia wants to control Reog Ponorogo, but in Davao the Philippines is different. Barongan and suddenly peacock which were part of the Reog Ponorogo apparatus were burned by a number of Indonesian Consulate General staff in Davao, Southern Philippines, Tuesday (20/10/2015). As reported by the site, he explained that the arson was actually carried out by a number of the Indonesian Consulate General's staff themselves. Another device that was burned was an ornament depicting a dragon on a gong (musical instrument) supporting pole to accompany Reog Ponorogo. It is said that the reason for the burning of Barongan Reog Ponorogo, and the dragon decoration on the gamelan, is because there is a devil and is an idol. Unfortunately, the Acting Consulate General, Loegeng Priyohanisetyo, did not prevent the arson. Instead, Acting Consulate General Davao summoned a security guard named Santander to pour gas over the reog and 2 gamelan dragons. Even the security guard who was ordered was so surprised and surprised. ""Hadluk kaayu ko, dear kaayu ang dragon gwapo kaayu unya sunugon, kasayang sa reog pero gisugo man ko (I'm so scared, it's a shame that the dragon snake is so good it wants to be burned, the reog is a pity but how else can I be told),"" said Santander. ""The Barong Reog and the burned gamelan dragon decorations are the inventory of the Indonesian Consulate General's cultural museum. However, none of the other Indonesian Consulate General staff knew when the arson took place,"" said a source from However, after this incident, most of the perpetrators were blasphemed by Indonesian citizens in Davao, but the perpetrators still felt innocent because they thought what they were doing was right in the eyes of God. An Indonesian citizen residing in Davao, stated that the Acting Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao was declared persona non grata, and asked the Indonesian government to withdraw the persons involved in the act of burning the nation's cultural heritage. tried to contact the Media and Information Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 021 3813453, but until this news was published it was not picked up. And an electronic message to got an answer. Stupid action The act of burning Barong Reog Ponorogo and the Gamelan Dragon Ornament, at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Davao, Philippines, was criticized by International Political Observer Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Dr. Michael Mamentu. ""One of the duties of diplomats is to introduce national culture in other countries, this is a bad precedent for our diplomacy world, I can even say it is a 'stupid action' for the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao,"" said Michael Mamentu, to According to Dr. Michael Mamentu, the Acting Consulate should have been more prudent in dealing with this problem, because the notion of being an idol or a devil in the decoration of the nation's culture, does not have to burn or destroy these items as a solution. This is an irony, other countries claim our cultural heritage, while at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao it burned them, the Acting Consulate General should have sent the equipment home, to be replaced with other cultural displays because Indonesia is rich with noble culture, added Mamentu. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must investigate the case of asset burning at the Indonesian Consulate General, and those involved in the action should be sent home to be replaced with wiser diplomats, he concluded.",Hoax "Pokemon Go game is on the rise. Since its release earlier this month, Pokemon Go has immediately captured the attention of the world's citizens, including in Indonesia. Pokemon Go is a game made by Nintendo based on Augmented Reality (AR) technology. In playing it, he relies on the ability of GPS and cellphone cameras. In Indonesia, Pokemon Go has not been officially released. But the Pokemon Go fever has infected gamers in this country even to remote villages. The excitement of the game made by the Japanese company was also used by people to spread issues related to certain religions. In cyberspace, social media, information is circulating that Pokemon means ""I am Jewish"". According to the information that went viral, Pokemon came from the Syriac language or Syriac language. Likewise with the meaning of Pikachu, one of the monster characters that must be hunted in Pokemon Go. Pikachu is said to mean ""Be a Jew"". Then the character Charmender means ""God is Weak"". Many believe this information. In fact, Banda Aceh Mayor Illiza Saaduddin Djamal, as reported by, forbade his city residents to play this Pokemon Go game, it is haram because it means ""I am Jewish"". Pokemon is a franchise from Japan. It stands for pocket monsters, in Japanese it is called Poketto Monsuta. Named Pocket Monsters, because it can be put in a Pocket Ball or pocket. While the monster characters in this game are also adopted from the Japanese language. A netizen gave the meaning of a number of characters in Pokemon Go. Pikachu comes from the words 'pika' (electric sound in Japanese) and 'chuu' (rat) Charmander (this is correct, not charmender), his real Japanese name is 'hitokage', from the words hito (person) and 'tokage' (lizard). Then it was translated into English as Charmander, from the words 'Char' (charcoal), 'man' (person), and 'salamander' (lizard) because they were designed in the form of a lizard standing on two legs. Wikipedia mentions Pokémon (????) is a media franchise owned by the video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995. Initially, Pokémon was a video game series that was identical to the Game Boy console. The Los Angeles Times on April 24, 2001 then published an article about Pokemon that disturbed Muslims, especially those inhabiting the Middle East such as in Qatar, Dubai, Oman to Egypt. Still according to the LA Times, Mohammed Abu Laila, a professor at Al Azhar University, said that until then there was no solid evidence that confirmed the rumors that Pokemon meant ""I'm Jewish"".",Hoax "A number of members of the Ponorogo Reyog Community (KRP) visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) office to ask for information and clarification regarding the burning of reyog at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao himself said that the burned reyog had been damaged and eaten by termites. 18 KRP representatives gathered in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) office, Jl Pejambon, Central Jakarta, Monday (2/10/2015). They brought 2 sudden peacocks, a barong, and a gayor with a picture of a dragon, a banner that reads ""Resolute Action on Burning Reyog at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao Philippines"" and an open letter to Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi. Their arrival was related to the burning of reog that occurred at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao on 20 October. They also attached a picture showing the reyog burning. ""Our visit is to officially ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is the ""superior"" of the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao - Philippines to convey information and clarification honestly and transparently regarding the burning of Reyog Ponorogo's property,"" said KRP Chairman, Suyatno to, Monday (2/11). ). Suyatno was accompanied, among others, by the Deputy Chairperson of the KRP Suparno Nojeng, the Secretary of the KRP M Syaiful Jihad, the Treasurer of the KRP Agus Susanto, the leader of the reyog group Singo Wiro Yudho, Eko Prasetyo and the reyog artist who had performed in Davao Philippines in 2005, Suyono Gendon. After waiting for some time, 6 KRP representatives were received by Siti Sofia Sudarma, Director of Information and Media at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 10.20 WIB. For 30 minutes they held a meeting and as a result the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promised to seek information related to the incident by forming a team to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao in the near future. ""The team will further clarify the incident and we will convey the results to the KRP,"" said Sofia. Explanation of the Consulate General in Davao Meanwhile, in a press release published by the Consulate General in Davao on its website, it was explained that on October 20, 2015 the Consulate General in Davao City was forced to destroy the Ponorogo reog which had been an asset of the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City since 1988. The destruction by burning had to be carried out because the Ponorogo reog was already in a state of disrepair. damaged and eaten by termites. ""The arson was not at all an attempt by the Consulate General in Davao City to damage or eliminate Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. The destruction of these assets has been carried out carefully and with full respect for Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. Consulate General in Davao City would also like to emphasize that the arson was burned. has absolutely nothing to do with efforts to exorcise idols or spirits,"" he wrote. ""The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City is currently communicating with parties in Indonesia to seek a new replacement for Reog Ponorogo,"" he continued.",Hoax "A total of 18 members of the Reyog Ponorogo Community (KRP) visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) office on Jalan Pejambon, Central Jakarta, Monday (2/11/2015). They came to ask for information and clarification regarding the burning of reyog at the Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. They brought 2 sudden peacocks, a barong, and a gayor with a picture of a dragon, a banner that reads ""Resolute Action on Burning Reyog at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao Philippines"" and an open letter to Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi. Their arrival was related to the burning of reog that occurred at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao on 20 October. They also attached a picture showing the reyog burning. ""Our arrival is to officially ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is the ""superior"" of the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao - Philippines to convey information and clarification honestly and transparently regarding the burning of Reyog Ponorogo's property,"" said KRP Chairman, Suyatno to reporters. Suyatno was accompanied, among others, by the Deputy Chairperson of the KRP Suparno Nojeng, the Secretary of the KRP M Syaiful Jihad, the Treasurer of the KRP Agus Susanto, the leader of the reyog group Singo Wiro Yudho, Eko Prasetyo and the reyog artist who had performed in Davao Philippines in 2005, Suyono Gendon. After waiting for some time, 6 KRP representatives were received by Siti Sofia Sudarma, Director of Information and Media at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 10.20 WIB. For 30 minutes they held a meeting and as a result the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promised to seek information related to the incident by forming a team to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao in the near future. ""The team will further clarify the incident and we will convey the results to the KRP,"" said Sofia. Previously, reports and photos of the burning of reyog artistic properties such as gayor, peacock masks and dragon head gamelan were appeared in a number of online media, accompanied by photos of the burning of the peacock mask. The arson was allegedly carried out in the courtyard of a house that also serves as the Indonesian Consulate General's office in Davao City, Philippines. In the news that also spread on social media it was written that the reason for the burning was because they considered the property as an idol. The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao confirmed on its website that it had destroyed the Ponorogo area on 20 October 2015. The asset since 1988 was burned because it was in a damaged condition and eaten by termites. The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao is trying to find a new replacement. ""The arson was not at all an attempt by the Consulate General in Davao City to damage or eliminate Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. The destruction of these assets has been carried out carefully and with full respect for Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. Consulate General in Davao City would also like to emphasize that the arson was burned. absolutely nothing to do with efforts to exorcise idols or spirits,""",Valid "The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao City, Philippines, clarified the issue of burning Reog Ponorogo related to the expulsion of idols or spirits. The objection was conveyed through a press release on its website which was updated this afternoon, Saturday, October 31, 2015. The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City admitted that they had destroyed the Ponorogo Reog on October 20, 2015. The Ponorogo Reog is an asset they have owned since 1988. So what is the real reason they destroy cultural objects by burning them? ""The destruction by burning had to be carried out because the Ponorogo reog was already in a damaged condition and was eaten by termites,"" wrote the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao. The Consulate General affirmed that the burning was not at all an attempt by the Consulate General in Davao City to damage or eliminate Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. The destruction of these assets has been carried out carefully and with full respect for Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. ""The Consulate General in Davao City also wants to emphasize that the burning has absolutely nothing to do with efforts to exorcise idols or spirits."" The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City is currently communicating with parties in Indonesia to seek a new replacement for Reog Ponorogo. Previously, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi, said that the news that a Reog Ponorogo was deliberately set on fire at the office of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Davao, Philippines, was not entirely true. ""Reog and gamelan decorations in the form of dragon heads were burned because they were damaged and infested with termites,"" said Retno via text message. For information, several media outlets had published news stating that officials at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao allowed these individuals to burn the cultural products of the Indonesian people because they were considered to be worshiping idols.",Valid "The handling of Facebook (FB) user data leaks in Indonesia is still being handled. Parliament and Government are paying attention to this issue. Recently, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology held a closed meeting with Facebook officials, including the Vice President of Public Policy Asia Pacific, Simon Miller, at the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Office in Jakarta, Monday (07/5). After the meeting, the Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara and Simon, revealed three recent developments related to the leak of Facebook user data in Indonesia. First, Simon explained that Facebook is still waiting for the results of an audit from the UK Information Commissioner Office (ICO) against Cambridge Analytica. In this case, the British government went directly to investigate Cambridge Analytica. Regarding this, Rudiantara said that Kominfo has asked Facebook not to just wait for the results of the ICO in the UK. Facebook, he continued, must look for other efforts in parallel so that similar incidents do not happen again in the future. ""So Facebook is now in parallel, while waiting for the UK authorities to ensure, especially from 2014,"" said Rudiantara. Second, manage negative content. According to Rudiantara, negative content management is still a homework that must be completed by Facebook with the Indonesian government. This is part of Kominfo's assessment of Facebook in dealing with negative content. Rudiantara admits that there have been improvements in the field, but there is still much to be done. “I always say that Facebook's performance is half as much as requested and only 50 percent until the end of 2017. But now it has increased to 60 percent. However, there is still PR, so we still have to continue to encourage this management, and this will also be part of the evaluation of the assessment by Kominfo on how Facebook's cooperation deals with content that is considered negative,"" he explained. Third, resolving the leak of Facebook user data. Will Facebook be shut down in Indonesia? Rudiantara did not explicitly disclose the issue of closing Facebook in Indonesia. He only emphasized that the settlement of this case requires a fairly long process. Kominfo only complies with administrative sanctions with a system of updating each other on case developments, especially the management of negative content and policies. Kominfo also cooperates with the police in the context of negative content management. ""Definitely a question, friends, where is Facebook going, when do you want to turn off Facebook? Do you want to turn it off? I am like this, Kominfo does not stand alone, because this process is also not just Kominfo, Kominfo is subject to administrative sanctions, it's the process of updating each other to what extent. So, please don't say that it's just ended here, it's not a continuous effort, one that is negative content management, and is also related to policy,"" he added. For policy, Rudiantara acknowledged the importance of the Personal Data Protection Law which is currently included in the Prolegnas list. Currently, the discussion on the Personal Data Protection Law is still in the process of harmonization. Meanwhile, from a practical point of view, Kominfo reminded all provider providers to protect the personal data of customers or users. If it violates, then there are two sanctions that are already waiting, namely administrative and criminal sanctions.",Hoax "The Lampung Regional Police are conducting an investigation and anticipating the entry of new types of drugs, including candy in the form of a dot which is suspected to contain drug addictive substances. This new type of drug has recently been circulating on social media (online) and has been reported in several media on the island of Java. The Head of the Lampung Regional Police, Inspector General of Police Sudjarno, said that information was circulating about the finding of children's food in the form of candy in the form of a pacifier suspected of containing drugs, which recently circulated on the island of Java. Although no dangerous goods have been found in the Lampung area, it has become a special concern for the Lampung Police for an investigation. ""I have ordered the Director of Drugs, the Chief of Police and his staff to immediately investigate. Is there a candy in the form of a teat that is suspected of containing drugs circulating in Lampung, ""he said during the destruction of evidence at the Bandarlampung Police Headquarters, Thursday (9/3/2017). He said officers were still investigating the items in the form of candy in the form of a pacifier, which was suspected to contain the drug. However, until now, his party has not received any information on the findings of these items circulating in Lampung. ""Previously, a new type of drug that was successfully uncovered was gorilla tobacco,"" he said. According to him, until now, there have been no reports or findings regarding the candy in the form of pacifiers which allegedly contain drugs that are also circulating in Lampung. As a precaution, it will carry out inspections at certain routes. Such as at the port entrance, then at the airport, station, terminal and other alternative routes. ""With the finding of candy pacifiers which are suspected to contain drugs on the island of Java, currently the central BNN is still conducting scientific examinations in the laboratory,"" he explained. As information circulated about the existence of a new type of drug in the form of pacifiers, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) gave an appeal as stated in letter B/HB-01/III/2017/Humas dated March 8, 2017. BNN urges the public to always be aware of all forms of drugs so as not to consume food, drink, or other types of drugs that do not have a distribution permit. To prove that the candy pacifier is suspected of containing drugs, BNN is currently conducting a scientific examination of the candy sample at the National Narcotics Laboratory of the National Narcotics Agency. It is known that the circulation of pacifier-shaped candy imported from China has recently gone viral on social media (online) on the island of Java because it is suspected that it contains drugs. The pacifier candy, which is indicated to contain drug addictive substances, has long been sold in a number of schools in the city of Surabaya. The candy is indeed packaged differently, to attract buyers like most other sweets. The shape of the candy, is a pink powder and wrapped in white paper. Then on the outside of the pack, there is a hard candy written on it and the powder package is put in a bottle which is closed with a dot shape. How to consume it, the powder must be mixed with water. If it is mixed with water, the powder will thicken and become like candy. Only after that is consumed, and the taste is sweet and sour (sour). The pacifier candy is quite in demand, because the price is cheap and the shape also attracts children to buy it. The revelation of the candy pacifier allegedly containing the drug, stems from the presence of colorful candies that attract potential buyers in the city of Surabaya and its surroundings. Then what made the officers suspicious, because the candy pacifier packaging did not include a label from the Ministry of Health. In addition, the packaging has hard candy written on it. Even though the candy is imported from abroad",Valid "The Traveloka hotel and travel ticket booking application clarified the news circulating against Traveloka's Founder and CTO, Derianto Kusuma. According to PR Manager Traveloka Busrya Oryza, Derianto Kusuma was not present at the 90th Anniversary of Kanisius College at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran, Saturday (11/11). Indeed, Derianto was present to be one of the recipients of the award at the event which was attended by the Governor of DKI Anies Baswedan. “Actually, Mr. Deri (Derianto) was not present. He was on a business trip that day which had been planned months in advance. So if it is said that Pak Deri is there and it is called to provide support (to Ananda), he is not there,"" said Busyra, Tuesday afternoon (14/11). Previously, the timeline in cyberspace highlighted the Traveloka boycott. This is indicated by the hashtag #UninstallTraveloka which has lasted from Monday night to Tuesday afternoon. The Traveloka boycott was carried out by netizens because they thought that Derianto had participated in applauding Ananda Sukarlan who took the Walk Out action when DKI Governor Anies Baswedan gave a speech. Ananda assessed that the committee should not have invited Governor Anies because it was against Kanisius' values. ""We have just seen a lot of people about this, we are also still investigating. What I can say is that he was unable to attend and we have not taken any action,” he said. Derianto and Ananda are two of the five outstanding Kanisius College alumni who received awards at this event. Besides the two, there were Father Magnis Suseno (a Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (a Scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma)",Valid "Raids on pacifiers suspected of containing drugs were also carried out in Bangkalan Regency. During the raid, which was held by joint officers from the Bangkalan Police, Satpol PP, and the Bangkalan Health Office, thousands of bottles of dot candy were secured from a number of shops. The target of the raid was not only big shops. A number of hawkers who sell in elementary schools (SD) also did not escape the simultaneous operation in a number of Bangkalan areas. Even the joint officers found the candy agent allegedly containing the banned substance. The total number of confiscated candies was 1,530 bottles. All the evidence is secured at the Mapolres and will be tested in the laboratory to determine the substance in it. “This raid is not only in the city. But we spread it to a number of areas such as Tanah Merah, Kamal and Sukolilo,"" explained Head of the Bangkalan Police Ops, Kompol Agung Setyono, Wednesday (8/7/2017). The next step, said Agung, is to wait for the results of the examination and research on the content of the candy. If it is proven that they contain illegal drugs, the candy sellers will be summoned for questioning. However, if it does not contain harmful substances, it will be returned. “This candy has spread everywhere. Of course, it is a concern for parents to supervise their children when buying any food,” he added. Meanwhile, Head of the Health Division of the Bangkalan Health Office, Ciptaning Tekad, added that at least the candy should be secured first and waiting for the results of research from the Surabaya Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BBPOM). ""If you look at the ML code, these are imported goods. If MD is a domestic product. But all the explanations are in Indonesian. Whether this is fake or not, we are waiting for the results of the examination,"" he explained.",Hoax "Jakarta - Complaints from iPhone 6 Plus users that their handsets bend easily have been denied by Apple. According to Apple, as long as users are careful, the incident doesn't need to happen. Apple does admit that there are iPhone 6 Plus users who experience a curved body, but there aren't many. According to his spokesman, as of Wednesday (9/24/2014), only 9 people had complained about this issue. iPhone 6 has a strong unibody with extra strength. This smartphone also has stainless steel and titanium to protect the body. Including, using the strongest glass in the smartphone industry, said an Apple spokesman, as quoted from CNBC, Friday (26/9/2014). Apple continued that their workers carried out many tests to test the strength of the iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 6 Plus easy to bend problem has been reported by several users, complete with photos. As told by a Macrumors Forum user named Hanzon. He admitted that it took him a long time to put the iPhone 6 Plus in his front trouser pocket. At least 4 hours the device is in the pocket. While in the pants, Hanzon did not take out the iPhone 6 Plus and continued his usual activities as usual. As a result, he found the center of his new smartphone slightly bent. DevinPitcher also had a bad experience. He also put his iPhone 6 Plus in his front pocket. It's not clear how long he's been putting it on, but it's clearly quite warped.",Valid "The Pokemon GO game fever that has recently occurred, has in fact been able to attract a lot of attention from various circles, including high-ranking officials in this country. Even recently the Mayor of Banda Aceh, Illiza Sa'aduddin Djamal, instructed not to play the Pokemon GO game because it means I am Jewish. ""And the pokemon have all been spread in electronic media, it turns out that it means that I am a Jew,"" said Illiza at a halal bi halal event with all officials and staff in the Banda Aceh City Government. Illiza Sa'aduddi Djamal's statement was not only conveyed in a halal bi halal event, he also tweeted on his Twitter account about the dangers of playing Pokemon GO which means I am Jewish. Suddenly, the tweet immediately got a lot of responses from Indonesian netizens who were famous for being critical. mayor of banda aceh “@Illizaa Ma'am, I'm a Muslim too. Mother's statement is not true, and it becomes slander, Mom. Iqra, Mrs. Read a lot. Mayor, you have to be wise,"" said the @risa_te account. “@Illizaa Pokemon means it's Pocket Monster boo. The Japanese say 'Poketo Monsuta' that's why there is no c in the 'poke'. Is this the mayor? chirping @jsoekahar. Banda Aceh Mayor Illiza Sa'aduddi is not the first person to raise the strange bin magic theory about the meaning of the Pokemon. Previously, there were many broadcast messages and Facebook links floating around the issue that I was a Jew from Pokemon. It was explained that Pokemon comes from Syriac or Syriac which means I am Jewish and Pikachu is be Jewish then Charmander means God is weak. What is Syriac, and does Pokemon really mean I'm Jewish? Although it is also known as the Syrian language, Syriac is not the official language of the country (Syria's official language is Arabic). Syriac is spoken mostly by the minority Syrian Christians living in eastern Turkey, northern Iraq and northeastern Syria. The first news about the meaning of the word Pokemon from Syriac or Syriac emerged when the LA Times reported rumors of Arab countries' concerns about the invasion of Pokemon and other foreign cultures on April 24, 2001. ""It has been proven that this toy is part of a Jewish plan to corrupt the minds of generations our youth for offending blasphemous thoughts, making fun of Allah and our moral values ​​so it is very dangerous for our young generation,” said Sheik Abdel Monem abu Zent, ​​a former member of the Jordanian parliament. The statement immediately received a rebuttal from the Syriac Orthodox Christian Church through the Jordanian Amman newspaper. It says that there is no connection between Syriac and the names of the characters in the Pokemon game, let alone to the point that it means I'm Jewish or be Jewish. As mentioned on the official website, Pokemon stands for Pocket Monster. Likewise with Pikachu which consists of two words, Pika and Chu, where Pika is the name for a small mouse and chu in Japanese means squeak. No wonder the most famous monster in Pokemon is in the form of a mouse. Or Charmander derived from Char (burning) and Salamander (amphibians such as lizards). It can be seen that the creators of this Pokemon only provide simple and easy to remember character names without the need to tire of learning Syriac or Syriac.",Valid "From the records of the Indonesian Foundation, stroke is the third dangerous disease that contributes a lot of deaths with an increasing trend. What would you do if someone around you suddenly had a stroke? Of course, you must be able to think clearly and calmly in order to provide first aid to the sufferer. In the following, we will tell you how to give first aid to stroke. Do not move, if you move the patient from the place of origin / original place it will make the possibility of rupture of fine blood vessels in the brain will occur more quickly and of course this will be risky. Simply help the patient take a sitting position so as not to fall again. Puncture the tips of the fingers with a needle, it is recommended to use a syringe. But if you don't have one, you can use other needles that are not too big (ex: sewing needles, pins) and of course they must be in a sterile condition by burning. The point to be punctured is about 1 mm from the tip of the nail. Try so that at least a little blood can drip / 1 drop is enough. If you can't, press the finger. Within about 10 minutes, the patient will regain consciousness. Pull - pull and prick the earlobe. If the patient's mouth looks abnormal, you may have to try tugging at the patient's ears until they look a little red. Then, do 2 punctures on the lower end of the ear with a small needle that has been sterilized so that the blood drips 2 times from each earlobe. In a few minutes the patient's mouth will return to normal. Seek medical help, when the patient's condition begins to recover, seek medical help immediately. Take the patient to the nearest doctor or nearest hospital to get further action. Remember, before 6 hours since the attack, stroke sufferers must receive medical help. So some information and tips about First Aid for Stroke Patients, I hope you can provide help to those around you and help save a human life. I hope this article is helpful for all of us",Hoax "Terrorist inmates at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters (Mako) branch of the Salemba Detention Center, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, rioted Friday (10/11/2017) afternoon at around 17.00 WITA. This resulted in a number of damages. However, the situation at the location is now conducive. This statement was conveyed by Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police Brigadier General Rikwanto in his statement as quoted by detikcom, Friday. He explained that when a prisoner rioted, the authorities immediately took action to control the situation. “Members of the picket from Sat III Pioneer took action by firing warning shots upwards. At this time the atmosphere can be calmed down by the Densus picket. After that, members are on standby while waiting for developments,"" he said. According to Rikwanto, the trigger was that there were prisoners who did not accept being examined and provoked a commotion. It was explained that after Friday prayers, the prisoners were put into their respective cells and searched by the Densus 88 team. The result was that four cellphones were found. ""Four cellphones were found, belonging to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali,"" he said. One of the detainees did not accept it and then provoked him. ""It is true that with the inspection activities, one of the detainees did not accept it and provoked the officers with various words. Then there are members who are provoked by their words. Then there are prisoners who takbir loudly so that they provoke prisoners from the block next to them,” he explained. As a result, riots ensued. A number of facilities in the detention center were damaged by the inmates. ""The prison cell door was broken into, the gate of the block hallway, the window panes (in block C and block B),"" said Rikwanto. Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Martinus Sitompul, also straightened out a wild issue on social media that said the riot was triggered by the throwing of the Koran by the officers. He stated that it was a hoax. ""It's not true that there was a throwing of the Koran by the guard, what was there were the officers checking the books and objects in the cell. Currently the conditions of the detention house are conducive and the residents of the detention center are calm,” he said. The head of the Mobile Brigade Corps, Inspector General Murad Ismail, said the same thing. He emphasized that it was not true that there were throwing of Korans and the burning of prison facilities as rumored. ""Hoax,"" he said when asked for confirmation.",Valid "Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani denied that the President's salary would increase to Rp 553 million. ""It does not exist and has never been discussed,"" said Sri Mulyani at the Bogor Palace, Monday (12/3). Currently, the president's basic salary is around Rp. 30 million per month. The salary jumped dramatically with a calculation based on an index of 1:12698 between the salaries of the lowest rank civil servants and the highest. The president's income index is simulated to reach Rp. 96000, so he will earn Rp. 553.4 million per month. Based on calculations circulating on social media, the salaries of state officials also increased, such as vice presidents, to IDR 368.9 million per month from the previous basic salary of IDR 20 million because the income index was IDR 64,000. However, Sri Mulyani reiterated that the government has not yet discussed the plan to increase the president's salary. ""Nowadays a lot of information is produced, and documents that are made similar to the government are then published,"" said the former Director of the World Bank. ""We have no discussion about it at all,"" said the former Director of the World Bank.",Valid "It's been a week since the launch of the sophisticated smartphone made by Apple. However, there are a lot of comments about Apple products with the latest iPhone 6 Plus. Did Apple in designing and choosing the body material of the iPhone 6 Plus have an error, or is it a feature provided on the iPhone 6 Plus? What makes the public in an uproar about the iPhone 6 Plus is easily curved. Check out the following reviews about the iPhone 6 Plus product. The case of the iPhone 6 Plus bends easily This case began with one of the owners of the latest iPhone 6 Plus who uploaded a photo on social networks of his iPhone which bends easily after he put the iPhone in his pants for 4 full hours. An owner named Hanzon, the owner of the new iPhone, found out after taking it out of his pocket that the iPhone's body was bent. Not only the case of Hanzon's iPhone, another iPhone 6 Plus owner named Devin Pitcher also expressed the same complaint about his latest iPhone in line with the case experienced by Hanzon. After Devin put his iPhone 6 Plus in the front pocket of his pants, when Devin took it out of his pocket, he found that the iPhone 6 Plus was bent in the middle, as if it couldn't withstand the pressure so that the iPhone 6 Plus easily curved. Why iPhone 6 Plus is easy to bend Apple also admits that some of the products sold have a curve in the body of the new product. However, said the Apple, it has materialized the iPhone 6 Plus with stainless steel and titanium as a protective body for the newest iPhone. The iPhone 6 Plus is also made of the strongest glass in the smartphone industry, and Apple workers have also tested it many times with many tests to test the durability of the body and other devices. However, some opinions from someone who does not want to be named, gives his opinion about the iPhone 6 Plus being easy to bend. If one of the materials for making the body from Apple is deemed not strong enough, or Apple is wrong in choosing the material with the size of the iPhone 6 Plus which is large enough to measure up to 5.5 "". Not comparable between the size and body of the iPhone 6 Plus. If the size is still in the 4.5” range, it may still be able to withstand bending.",Hoax "In various countries, including Indonesia, the mobile game Pokemon Go continues to be bombarded with negative issues and news. Recently, the mobile game by Niantic was even declared an illegal game by the government of Saudi Arabia. However, it turns out that the haram fatwa on Pokemon Go that has been reported by the media today is a hoax. The Saudi Arabian government has denied that they have banned Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go Haram Fatwa in Saudi Arabia Turns Hoax! Abdulmohsen Alyas as the representative of the Ministry of Arab Culture and Information has confirmed that there is no haram fatwa from senior scholars related to the Pokemon Go game. The Saudi Arabian government is even currently urging international media to re-verify the news to the relevant ministries. As reported by Indogamers from the CNN page (22/7/2016). News about the illegal fatwa for the Pokemon Go game circulated on various websites including Reuters. Although it does not directly refer to the Pokemon Go game, the news states that the concept of characters in Pokemon is based on Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, which is contrary to the teachings of Islam. The fatwa also states that the cards in the game contain religious symbols and deviant organizations such as Freemasonry, Zionists, Shintoism, and many others. Before the hoax issue regarding Pokemon Go's haram fatwa in Saudi Arabia, there was also news that was no less excited which said that Pokemon means ""I am Jewish"" in Syriac. Not only that, various characters in Pokemon are also said to have negative meanings such as Pikachu which means ""Be Jewish"", Charmander which means ""God is Weak"", and many others. Well, what do you think about the issues that hit this Pokemon Go game?",Valid "Rumors of a riot at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters, Kelapa Dua Depok, circulated on social media, Friday, November 10, 2017. The news became netizens' consumption and spread virally on virtual media. Information received by Criminology, Friday, November 10, 2017, through the short message application Whatsapp, a screenshot of the text informing that the riot occurred because the guard officer named Ahmad threw the Koran and caused the prisoners to go berserk. #Updates #mako_brimob #riot There has been a riot at the Headquarters of Brimob Kelapa Dua, two depots where terrorist prisoners burned and destroyed the room because the guard Ahmad and his team threw the Koran and caused the prisoners to go berserk. Until now, the rioting at the Brimob Command Headquarters is still ongoing, 3 blocks burned and all the doors destroyed, pray for our brothers and sisters who are being held captive at the Brimob Command Headquarters. #AlfathChannel Brimob Mako riot Based on criminology searches on social media, a number of accounts also uploaded the information by including several videos. A Facebook account called Aswaja Garis Lurus uploaded a video related to the riots. The uploaded 2 minute 4 second video shows the messy atmosphere in the prison room and a number of prisoners screaming. Some of them chant takbir. Since the video was uploaded, within an hour it has been viewed by more than 10 thousand accounts and shared by 645 Facebook users. Meanwhile, another Facebook account claiming to be named Lone Wolf also uploaded a similar video. In the video, you can see the atmosphere in the detention room. The detainees shouted and said that they did not want the Koran to be treated indiscriminately. Brimob Mako riot The 1 minute 27 second video shows the atmosphere outside the detention room. They shouted takbir and saw two black flags with the ISIS symbol affixed to the prison wall. Some prisoners were also seen carrying wood and breaking windows. Regarding the circulation of information and videos, the Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Police, Brigadier General Pol Rikwanto, confirmed it. His party confirmed that there was a commotion at the Mako Bimob terrorist detention center, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java. In a written statement received by Criminology, Friday, November 10, 2017, Rikwanto stated that on Friday, November 10, 2017, at around 16.00 WIB, there had been a commotion at the Mako Korbrimob terrorist detention center, Salemba detention center. He explained that the commotion was carried out by terrorist prisoners which resulted in the destruction of the prison facilities. ""It's like the door of the prison cell being broken down, the gate of the Block hallway, the window panes (in block C and block B),"" said Rikwanto. In the written statement, Rikwanto also mentioned the facts found by the police in the incident. Here are the facts revealed by the police. 1. That it is true that after Friday prayers the prisoners were put into their respective cells. After entering the picket cell, the Densus removed the keys in rooms A5 and C5 (RB) because there was a key slot from the inside. For the sake of security and make it easier for the picket officer to open the cell door. 2. That it is true that while carrying out these activities, the Densus picket carried out a search in the room and found 4 cellphones belonging to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam and Jumali. 3. That it is true that with the examination activities one of the detainees did not accept it and provoked the officers with various words. Then there are members who are provoked by their words. And there is a prisoner who while takbir loudly so that it provokes the prisoner of the block next to it. 4. The picket members from Sat III Pioneer took action by shooting upwards to indicate a loss occurred and to give warnings to the inmates. 5. Until now the atmosphere has been suppressed by the Densus picket, after that the members are on standby in the picket while waiting for developments, but the prisoners still have takbirs, which trigger others. 6. The steps taken by AKP Ahmat as the Wartah Head are coordinating with Brimob colleagues to back up Pam Rutan Salemba.",Hoax "Invitations to uninstall the Traveloka application are milling about on Twitter's timeline. This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Based on information circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. Derianto and Ananda are two of the five outstanding Kanisius College alumni who received awards at this event. Besides the two, there were Father Magnis Suseno (a Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (a Scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma). When contacted by detikINET Tuesday (14/11/2017), Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. However, Derianto was unable to attend. ""Actually, Mr. Deri (Derianto) was not present. He was on an official trip that day. So if you say Mr. Deri was there and it is said to provide support (to Ananda), he was not there,"" said Busyra. Traveloka Response Traveloka has responded to a lot of news regarding calls to boycott its services. This hotel and travel ticket booking application also provides clarification regarding the events at the Canisius College event. As is known, invitations to uninstall the Traveloka application are milling about on Twitter's timeline. This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. According to news circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. But he was unable to attend. ""Traveloka is proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from Kanisius alumni. However, he was unable to attend because he was on an official trip that had been planned several months earlier. to Ananda), he was not there,"" he said. ""We state that Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders,"" he continued. Regarding the circulation of mention of Derianto's name providing support to Ananda and raising an invitation to boycott Traveloka, according to Busyro, Traveloka is still investigating. ""We have just seen a lot of people about this, we are also still investigating. What I can say is that he was unable to attend and we have not taken any position,"" he said. Derianto and Ananda are two of the five outstanding Kanisius College alumni who received awards at this event. Besides the two, there were Father Magnis Suseno (a Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (a Scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma)",Valid "News Social media this morning was enlivened by the circulation of photos of participants from the 212th volume 2 action unable to enter the Istiqlal Mosque. In the photo that spreads, it can be seen that a group is queuing in front of the Istiqlal entrance gate. The Head of Protocol and Public Relations of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abd Salam said that the news of the mass 212 volume 2 being stuck at the gate was a hoax. ""The news that there are 212 mass demonstrations unable to enter Istiqlal is a thousand percent hoax,"" said Abu when he was confirmed on Tuesday (21/2/2017). According to Abu, indeed on Monday night, after Isha there were three group buses that entered the Istiqlal Mosque. They claimed to be a group from Madura Island. Mosque administrators, said Abu, invited them to worship and clean themselves. The Istiqlal Mosque administrator then coordinated with the group leader accompanied by the police. ""After speaking they then voluntarily left Istiqlal,"" said Abu. Then according to the procedure, the Istiqlal mosque, outside the month of Ramadan, is closed at 21.30 WIB. ""Just according to the SOP, the Istiqlal Mosque is closed daily at 09.30 WIB and reopens one hour before the dawn prayer, approximately 3.45 WIB,"" said Abu. Regarding the photo that there was a queue of worshipers at the Istiqlal gate, Abu said it was a group of pilgrims from outside the city who would enter Istiqlal. The manager also apologizes if they queue in front of the gate, because the door was only opened at 03.45 WIB or one hour before Fajr prayer. ""In the morning before dawn, Tuesday, February 21 2017, there were many pilgrims from outside the city who would enter the Istiqlal Mosque and they arrived before the door of the Istiqlal Mosque opened at 3.45 WIB. We apologize for this, ' said Abu. The Fajr prayer process at the Istiqlal Mosque today, said Abu, went well, with the imam, Mr. Ust. Salim Ghazali. The number of worshipers is approximately 240 people, consisting of 170 men and 70 women.",Valid "Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the Bhayangkara Indonesia Narcotics Abuse Prevention Rehabilitation Institute (LRPPN) Tanjungbalai Syahrial Manurung SH told reporters on Sunday (19/3) asking parents to be more careful and always supervise children's snacks because it is suspected nowadays There are types of children's candy containing narcotics and harmful substances on the market. According to him, according to the results of field checks conducted by BPOM Medan and North Sumatra BNN officers, it was found that candy containing drugs was circulating. It is feared that in Tanjungbalai there will also be candy containing drugs circulating. ""Therefore, it is requested that the Mayor of Tanjungbalai Mhd Syahrial SH MH together with the Tanjungbalai Police Chief AKBP Tri Setyadi Artono Sik can work together to conduct raids to prevent the circulation of sweets that endanger the community and children,"" he said. Separately, the Mayor of Tanjungbalai, Mhd Syahrial, said that as a regional head he remains responsible for whatever happens in his working area. Syahrial ordered the Disperindag to order the Tanjungbalai Disperindag to immediately conduct a raid on the market. ""Report immediately if you find candy that is suspected of containing drugs,"" said Syahrial.",Hoax "The Pokemon GO game fever that has recently occurred, has in fact been able to attract a lot of attention from various circles, including high-ranking officials in this country. Even recently the Mayor of Banda Aceh, Illiza Sa'aduddin Djamal, instructed not to play the Pokemon GO game because it means I'm Jewish. ""And the pokemon have all been spread in electronic media, it turns out that it means that I am a Jew,"" said Illiza in a halal bi halal event with all officials and staff in the Banda Aceh City Government. Illiza Sa'aduddi Djamal's statement was not only conveyed in a halal bi halal event, he also tweeted on his Twitter account about the dangers of playing Pokemon GO which means I am Jewish. Suddenly, the tweet immediately got a lot of responses from Indonesian netizens who were famous for being critical. ""@Illizaa Ma'am, I'm also a Muslim. Your statement is not true, and it's slander, Mom. Iqra, Mom. Read a lot. Mayor, you have to be wise,"" said the @risa_te account. ""@Illizaa Pokemon means it's Pocket Monster, isn't it. Japanese people say 'Poketo Monsuta', that's why there's no c in the 'poke'. Is this the mayor? @jsoekahar chirped. Banda Aceh Mayor Illiza Sa'aduddi is not the first person to raise the strange bin magic theory about the meaning of the Pokemon. Previously, there were many broadcast messages and Facebook links floating around the issue that I was a Jew from Pokemon. It was explained that Pokemon comes from Syriac or Syriac which means I am Jewish and Pikachu is be Jewish then Charmander means God is weak. What is Syriac, and does Pokemon really mean I'm Jewish? Although it is also known as the Syrian language, Syriac is not the official language of the country (Syria's official language is Arabic). Syriac is spoken mostly by the minority Syrian Christians living in eastern Turkey, northern Iraq and northeastern Syria. The first news about the meaning of the word Pokemon from Syriac or Syriac emerged when the LA Times reported rumors of Arab countries' concerns about the invasion of Pokemon and other foreign cultures on April 24, 2001. ""It has been proven that this toy is part of a Jewish plan to corrupt the minds of generations. our youth for offending blasphemous thoughts, making fun of Allah and our moral values ​​so it is very dangerous for our young generation,"" said Sheik Abdel Monem abu Zent, ​​a former member of the Jordanian parliament. The statement immediately received a rebuttal from the Syriac Orthodox Christian Church through the Jordanian Amman newspaper. It says that there is no connection between Syriac and the names of the characters in the Pokemon game, let alone to the point that it means I'm Jewish or be Jewish. As mentioned on the official website, Pokemon stands for Pocket Monster. Likewise with Pikachu which consists of two words, Pika and Chu, where Pika is the name for a small mouse and chu in Japanese means squeak. No wonder the most famous monster in Pokemon is in the form of a mouse. Or Charmander derived from Char (burning) and Salamander (amphibians such as lizards). It can be seen that the creators of this Pokemon only provide simple and easy to remember character names without the need to tire of learning Syriac or Syriac.",Valid "TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Surabaya Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BBPOM) issued a report on the results of the lab test for pacifiers suspected of containing drugs. The candy dot was confiscated by the Civil Service Police Unit during a joint operation, and then handed over by the Surabaya City Government for investigation. Apparently, the results of laboratory tests stated that the pacifier candy was negative. ""The test results were negative for the parameters we tested,"" said acting Head of BBPOM Surabaya, Retno Kurpaningsih, when contacted by Tempo, Thursday, March 9 2017. Retno said the candy samples from China produced by Xiamen Yang Wan Foodstuff passed four drug parameters. One example of a psychoactive substance with these parameters is amphetamine, which causes addiction. ""Negative, does not contain amphetamine."" The candies imported by PT Petrona Inti Chermindo in West Jakarta also do not contain rhodamine. In fact, it is officially registered as foreign food and has the BPOM RI label ML 224409003077. Even so, Retno refuses to conclude that there is a possibility of business competition behind the news that the candy is suspected to contain drugs. ""That's not my domain,"" he said. The results of the laboratory tests will later be submitted to the Surabaya City Government. BPOM is still waiting for the results of laboratory tests for other types of candy submitted by the Surabaya City Government. In addition to pacifiers, there are also jelly sticks and sheep-shaped candies. The Surabaya Satpol PP stated that it was conducting a raid on pacifiers suspected of containing addictive substances and disturbing the public because they went viral. On the orders of Mayor Tri Rismaharini, the Satpol PP has cooperated in combing elementary schools with the Sector Police (Polsek), puskesmas, and Koramil, since Monday, March 6 2017. From the joint operation, Satpol PP confiscated 345 bottles of candy.",Valid "A commotion reportedly occurred at the Brimob Corps Terrorist Detention Center Salemba Branch, Friday (10/11) afternoon at around 16.00 WIB. The uproar was carried out by terrorist prisoners which resulted in the destruction of a number of prison facilities. A message spread in the media said that the trigger for the riot was caused by officers throwing the holy Koran. Through his written statement, the Head of the Police Public Information Bureau, Brigadier General Rikwanto, said the chain message was a hoax. The hoax message reads: #Updates #mako_brimob #riot There has been a riot at the Headquarters of Brimob Kelapa Dua, two depots where the terrorist prisoners burned and destroyed the room because the guard Ahmad and his team threw the Koran and caused the prisoners to go berserk. Until now, the rioting at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters is still continuing. 3 blocks burned and the door was destroyed. Everyone, pray for our brothers and sisters who are being held at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters. #AlfathChannel Rikwanto also denied the message. Meanwhile, through his written statement, Rikwanto explained that after Friday prayers, the prisoners were put into their respective cells. After entering, the Densus picket removed the key in rooms A5 and C5 (RB) because there was a key slot from the inside. ""For security purposes and to make it easier for the picket officer to open the cell door,"" Rikwanto explained in his written statement, Friday (11/10). While carrying out these activities, the Densus picket conducted a search in the room and found 4 cell phones. The cellphones belonged to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam and Jumali. Because of the examination activities, one of the detainees felt disapproved and provoked the officers with various kinds of words. ""Then there are members who are provoked by their words and there are prisoners who are takbir loudly so that they provoke prisoners from the block next to them,"" explained Rikwanto. The picket members took action by shooting upwards to signal a commotion and warn the inmates. At this time, the atmosphere can be appeased by the picket members. ""After that, the members were on standby in picket while waiting for developments, but the prisoners still had takbir takbir, triggering others,"" he continued.",Valid "Jakarta, An article that is quite viral on the internet says that catfish contains 3,000 cancer cells. Many argue, because in fact catfish actually contains many important nutrients. The nutritional content in catfish includes protein and omega three fatty acids, which are said to be equivalent to salmon. Given the large number of nutrients in catfish, the relationship between catfish and the risk of cancer is questionable. It's different if you use oil that is used many times, it can trigger cancer. But it's not from fish but from the oil, said Dr. Dradjat R Suardi, SpB(K)Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association when contacted by detikHealth, Friday (23/10/2015). The relationship between repeated use of oil and the risk of cancer itself is debatable. During this time, trans oils that are formed due to repeated heating are more often associated with the risk of heart and blood vessel disease. The allegation that catfish can trigger cancer is based on the nature of the fish that likes to consume waste. Also because it is able to survive in muddy and polluted waters, it is thought that many carcinogenic toxins are contained in this fish. Currently there is no research that states that eating catfish can trigger cancer, said Dr. Dradjat.",Valid "The document states that President Saddam Hussein received information about the film from the state intelligence agency. According to information, the names used in the Pokemon movies contain an invitation that cannot be tolerated. Reporting from neutrality (13/4/16), it was revealed a fact that the word Pokemon itself means ""I am Jewish"". The name Pokemon is taken from the Syriac language, or the Syriac language, which in Indonesian means: 'I am Jewish'. Meaning of Pikachu in Syriac: ""Be a Jew"" Also reported from neutrality (13/4/16), it was revealed that the word Pikachu, a type of monster icon in Pokemon, means ""Be Jewish"". The name Pikachu is taken from the Syriac language, or Syriac, which in Indonesian means 'Be a Jew'. Then it was revealed a fact that the word Charmender, one of the iconic types of monsters in pokemon which means ""God is Weak"". The name Charmender is taken from the Syriac, or Syriac language which in Indonesian means 'God is Weak.' Of course, the meaning is very offensive to adherents of religion, especially Islam and Christianity. Because, in Islam, it is clearly called Allahu Akbar (God is Great). and in Christianity it is called the Holy God. The reason for the ban, as stated in the document, was to prevent the entry of Jewish influences into the children and the nation's culture. Pokemon cartoons were banned in Iraq by President Saddam Hussein. Of course, the prohibition is not just a ban without a reason. There are good reasons why Saddam Hussein was so adamant in boycotting these children's cartoons. In a state document confiscated by US troops, during a coup in 2004, it was revealed that there were ""uncommendable"" actions or negative messages behind the film. The document states that President Saddam Hussein received information about the film from the state intelligence agency. According to information, the names used in the Pokemon movies contain an invitation that cannot be tolerated.",Hoax "Catfish is a fish that is quite popular in Indonesia. But lately there has been a lot of news that eating catfish is harmful to the body. Then is it true? Many news circulating on social networks say that catfish is the filthiest fish. There is an article entitled In a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3000 cancer cells. The title of the article made a hot topic of conversation on social media. The news made catfish farmers nervous, because it could threaten the continuity of their business. The article posted on July 29, 2015 describes the confession of a catfish farmer from China named Zhang Ri-hong, who supplies catfish to street markets and restaurants in Hainan Province. The media then investigated the catfish and tried to observe seven samples of catfish producer ponds. The seven ponds are surrounded by chicken and pig coops, while in the middle of the ponds there are many piles of garbage. As reported by (28/10/2015), the article was a black campaign to bring down sales of the catfish market whose market prospects continued to increase, said the Head of the East Java Fisheries and Marine Service. Basically catfish that are dangerous to eat are catfish that live in dirty environments. Catfish that live in a dirty environment have the potential to be exposed to very dangerous chemical compounds such as metals and substances that can be polluted through water pollutants. The most dangerous chemical compound that catfish can possibly eat is mercury. Mercury itself is an organic chemical compound that is very toxic and can damage the human nervous system when consumed. But you don't have to worry about the widespread rumor that catfish contains cancer cells. In Indonesia, generally the catfish that are marketed are not those from the wild, but catfish that are cultivated in ponds that have been treated and protected from pollution. The food for catfish also comes from non-waste feed, so it is not exposed to harmful chemical compounds. According to (23/10/2015), currently there is no research that states that consuming catfish can trigger cancer, said Dr. Dradjat R Suardi, SpB(K)Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association. Quoted from, every 100 grams of catfish contains 229 kilocalories of energy. Catfish protein with this portion is about 18 grams, carbohydrates as much as 8 grams, fiber 0.7 grams and fat as much as 13 grams. Catfish also contains various vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, D, B complex, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and zinc. For those of you who believed the news yesterday, from now on, you already know. There are a lot of useful content in catfish. From now on, don't hesitate to eat catfish.",Valid "Jakarta – After receiving constant criticism from iPhone 6 Plus users, because the device is very easy to bend. Over time, Apple was 'frustrated' by the complaints of its consumers and immediately gave information regarding the problem while at the same time refuting the quality of the fragile body of the iPhone 6 Plus. Apple does admit that there are iPhone 6 Plus users who experience a curved body, but there aren't many. According to his spokesman, the number who complained because of this problem was only 9 people as of Wednesday (24/9). ""iPhone 6 has a strong unibody with extra strength. This smartphone also has stainless steel and titanium to protect its body parts. Including, using the strongest glass in the smartphone industry,"" said an Apple spokesman, as quoted by CNBC, Friday (26/9). ). Apple continued that their workers carried out many tests to test the strength of the iPhone 6 Plus. However, until now it is not known why the body of the iPhone 6 Plus bends so easily.",Hoax "In 2012 we were shocked by the emergence of brushes or brushes made of some boar bristles until the MUI issued a fatwa that it is forbidden to use a pig bristle brush, but recently, information about toothbrushes made from pig bristles has emerged. Info for you Muslims to be more careful in choosing a toothbrush, because there are dental cleaning products that use ingredients from non-halal. Come on, take a look at the toothbrush, if it says ""Bristle"" on the package, it means that the toothbrush contains PIG bristles. Bristle means Pig Hair in other words Pig Fur! So check your toothbrush package again when you buy it. Similarly on the brush (bread spreader), Generally noted ""Bristle"", ""Pure Bristle"", ""100% China Bristle"". ""What are your toothbrush bristles made of? Plastic or Pig Bristle? Steps to check: Watch the wrap, if it's made of bristles, then it's made of sea urchin. Please burn the bristles, if it smells like the smell of burning hair, it means it's from sea urchins. However, if it melts and becomes hard, it means it is made of plastic and is safe to use. Possibility of using the forbidden: Worship is not accepted, prayer is not accepted, and hell is more worthy (hadith). Save ourselves and our loved ones. "" In everyday life, we use various types of brushes to apply makeup, paint, clean dust, paint homes, grease cake tins, to smear food. Such as grilled chicken, bread, cakes, as well as a variety of grilled or grilled meat and seafood. While the brush is useful when combing hair, cleaning hair at a salon or barbershop, cleaning clothes, and scrubbing floors. Do you know, what do the brushes & brushes you use come from? Most likely it is FROM PIGS! Brushes supplied in Indonesia usually come from China. Imported brushes are produced using sea urchins, especially wild boars that have more hair. Sea urchins are considered more economical than the fur of other animals, such as goats, squirrels, civets, horses, raccoons, camels, and dogs. For Muslims, the use of bright sea urchins is HARAM. No matter how small, the material from pork is forbidden for consumption as well as for application. (the term is PIG/BOAR/HOG/BRISTLE HAIR BRUSH) which are sold in various places, SUCH AS MARKETS, PAINTING TOOLS SHOP, BUILDING MATERIALS STORE, MAKE UP TOOLS & SALON SHOP, ONLINE STORE, ETC. ARE YOU FAMILIAR WITH THE MULTIPLE FORMS BELOW? THERE ARE PAINTING BRUSH, WALL PAINT BRUSH, MAKE UP BRUSH, HAIR BRUSH, BARBER/BARBER BRUSH, CLOTHING BRUSH, ETC. BEWARE! TIPS AVOID USE OF BRUSH AND BORN BRUSH: 1. USE 100% SYNTHETIC BRUSH & BRUSH, SUCH AS NYLON. There are wall paint brushes and feeding brushes, which are slightly more expensive. The nylon material has a texture like plastic for a toothbrush. 2. USE OTHER ALTERNATIVES THAN THE BRUSH. For example, paint rollers for painting, sponges & cotton buds for applying makeup, and knives & spatulas for greasing food. 3. BEWARE OF FOOD THAT THE PROCESS OF COOKING AND CLEANING USING A PIG BRUSH. 4. CHARACTERISTICS OF PIG BRUSH BRUSH, WHEN BURNED WILL BREAK A SPECIFIC OTHER LIKE ROCKED MEAT. 5. USUALLY PIG BRUSH BRUSHS SOLD IN WHITE & BLACK COLORS. However, producers may process sea urchins by bleaching them and then coloring them, so that they look like other animal hairs. (AND) Reference: Reality in the field & some literature on the internet. Please share this information with your family and friends so that more people will read it so that they are free from products that are not halal…hopefully it will be useful…",Hoax "The rampant circulation of ""DOT"" candy which is suspected to contain drugs was apparently circulating in Depok City. Even the circulation of candy with a container resembling a baby's milk bottle has been circulating in a number of schools. One of the elementary students in the Sukmajaya area, YZ admitted that he had bought the candy several times before being banned. ""The shape is like a dot, the taste is sweet, in the bottle there is a sour taste powder,"" YZ said to Radar Depok ( Group), Friday (10/03/2017). YZ continued, candy is usually sold by accessories sellers with carts. However, at this time the merchant was nowhere to be seen at the school. ""Usually, they are sold by the tongs, now they're not there. I haven't seen them in a long time. The last one was in fourth grade, about a year ago,"" said YZ. Another student with the initials DM admitted that he had tried 'Dot' candy. The candy at the top which is red and a combination of orange, pink and white powder, makes him interested in buying candy. ""I've tried it, so there's powder in the bottle, then the candy is red. If you mix it all up it becomes sour but it doesn't make you want to collect it, it's normal. Usually it's also in tongs, agents are also available, I've seen it,"" said DM to Radar Depok ( Group). Meanwhile, Yadi, one of the school canteen guards, revealed that he once sold 'DOT' candy. Although currently banned because it is indicated to contain drugs, he is no longer selling the candy. ""Last year I was selling it, now I'm not selling it anymore, it's said that in the news it's no longer possible so I'm not selling it anymore. There were children who bought it. At that time, many were looking for it too, but now they may have forgotten, right? "" he said. Not only at school, even this candy was sold by food agents around Depok. When met separately, one of the food agents in the Tapos area with the initials T said his shop once sold 'DOT' candy. However, at this time the shop is no longer selling it.",Valid "A news that Facebook will be blocked on April 24, 2018 is viral on social media. It is known, the info was first posted by an account called ""Rudi Salam"", then many netizens participated in reposting the post. A post from Rudi Salam's account posted on Saturday (14/4). Get tens of thousands of shares with various comments. In the description of his upload, Rudi wrote: “Starting April 24, Facebook Indonesia will be closed. Welcome back to the stone age. Say goodbye stay for friends on your Facebook before it closes,” he wrote This information is confirmed to be untrue or a hoax. Minister of Communications and Informatics (Menkominfo) Rudiantara on various occasions never said it would block Facebook. udiantara had previously stated will block Facebook if it is proven that there is a violation of the applicable rules, but there has been no decision to block Facebook to date. The Minister of Communication and Information also stated that he would not hesitate to block Facebook if the captured data is used to incite or spread hatred. Minister of Communication and Information also ensure that investigators find elements of criminal allegations in user data leaks Facebook in Indonesia. Meanwhile, these two things have not been proven. ""If there are indications that Facebook in Indonesia is being used for incitement, as happened in Myanmar, I have no qualms about blocking."" said Rudiantara, Wednesday (11/4/2018), at the Kominfo Building, Medan Merdeka, Jakarta, as reported from",Valid "Some people believe that a needle prick in the ear is the first aid for a stroke. Turns out, the information was wrong. You may have read posts on social media or know information about the method of needling in the earlobe as first aid for stroke. This message even continues to be spread over and over and many still believe it. The message explains how the first action should be taken in stroke patients. If the patient falls like in the bathroom or bedroom, you are advised not to move him anywhere. Next, it is recommended that you take a needle and sterilize it and then insert it into your fingers. After that, spit out the victim's blood a drop or two. Still according to the message, if the patient's mouth is tilted, then pull the two earlobe until they are red and immediately pierce the bottom of the earlobe with a sterile needle until approximately 1-2 drops of blood comes out. This is believed to launch and help oxygen enter the body of stroke patients. What is the medical view regarding this information? Piercing the ear with a needle for a stroke is just a public belief, but has not been scientifically proven. We as nurses must be evidence based. I do not recommend it be done in stroke patients. Correct information must be conveyed, said Ns. Enny Mulyatsih, S.Kep, M.Kep, Sp. KMB, Head of Nursing at the National Brain Center Hospital, told Depok News after a Nursing Seminar and Workshop on Latest Effective Handling Innovations, Education and Home Care Opportunities for Stroke Patients by the Madaniah Health Training Center at the Nursing Sciences Clump, University of Indonesia, Saturday (22/8/ 2015). Ns. Dede Suhartini, S.Kep as the Head of the Stroke Unit of the RSCM also did not find a rational link between needling in the earlobe and stroke. What does this have to do with a stroke whose blood vessels are deprived of oxygen, and the blood is expelled? No data yet. If there is evidence based and results, we can do it, he said. Both emphasize, if you find a family member or someone having a stroke, immediately take first aid measures. Find a place that is roomy and safe, lie down with the patient's head at a 30-degree angle, and maintain a smooth airway by supporting the chin and not giving food or drink to prevent choking. Perform first aid on the way to the hospital. The first aid was proven to be able to maintain a smooth airway before the patient was taken to the hospital to be fitted with infusion and oxygen. Public road officers in Indonesia should be given first aid training against stroke attacks, such as traffic police, firefighters, and toll road officers, as well as the general public, concluded Enny.",Valid "Apple has finally officially given a statement in response to user complaints of bent iPhone 6 Plus. The Cupertino company denies that the device bends easily under normal use. For CEO Tim Cook's company, this ""curvy"" case is actually very rare and nothing to worry about. They make sure the smartphone has been tested from the model to the material. According to a report by The Verge, Apple only received nine complaints. ""iPhone 6 and Plus meet and exceed all high quality standards to withstand everyday use,"" Apple wrote. ""We chose the highest quality materials and built it with great care to make it strong and durable."" ""iPhone 6 has a strong unibody with extra strength. This smartphone also has stainless steel and titanium to protect the body,"" explained Apple. ""Including, using the strongest glass in the smartphone industry."" ""With normal use, a bend in the iPhone is very rare,"" they continued. ""During the first six days of sales, there were only nine customers who had contacted Apple with the curved iPhone 6 Plus."" The past two weeks have been difficult for Steve Jobs' company. Not only is the problem with the Plus easy to bend, Apple also has to deal with complaints about iOS 8 which was just released last September 17. Apple had to re-release iOS 8.0.1, Wednesday (24/9), to solve this problem. But unfortunately, the operating system also still creates a number of problems for iDevices that install it. For that, Apple promises to release iOS 8.0.2 in the next few days",Valid "There have been a lot of people's reactions to this very popular game, Pokemon Go. The scholars in Egypt and Arabia declared this game haram and un-Islamic because it made players behave like drunk people and crazy to hunt pocket monsters (pocket monsters). Now on various social media in Indonesia, people are spreading information stating that Pokemon Go promotes Zionism and is a game that insults Islam. It is said that Pokemon actually in Syriac or Syriac means ""I am Jewish"", while Pikachu is said to mean ""Be a Jew"", and Charmander means ""God is Weak"". Apparently this accusation has been around for a long time. In 2001 when the video game Pokemon became popular, rumors circulated that the game was a Jewish conspiracy to spread zionism. In an article published on the LA Times news site, in that year various brochures circulated in the Middle East stating that Pokemon was a Jewish company and the names of the monsters in it insulted Islam. The brochure further states that Pokemon actually means ""I'm Jewish"". ""The brochure, written in poor Arabic, states that Pikachu, the most popular and powerful character, means 'I am Jewish' in Japanese,"" said Abdel Rahman Mtowah, editor of Saudi Arabia's Al Sharq al Awsat newspaper. The allegation that Pokemon and Pikachu are of Syriac or Syriac origin, the Aramaic dialect of Aramaic itself was debunked in 2001 when the rumors circulated. The Syriac Orthodox Christian Church in Jordan states that Pokemon and Pikachu are not of Syriac origin. A similar rebuttal was released by the Orthodox Christian church in Jerusalem. The Japanese Cultural Attache in Jordan in 2001 stated that many people asked him to tell them the Japanese word for ""Jew"". Jew in Japanese is ""youdayajin"", a far cry from the word Pokemon. ""Pokemon itself stands for 'pocket monsters'. In Japan we use the word 'poke' which means something small. ""Pokekom"" means 'pocket computer',"" Tahara told AFP. ""I don't know Hebrew but as far as I know there are no foreign or hidden languages ​​in Pokemon,"" said Tahara. Pokemon itself was created by Satoshi Tajiri, Ken Sugimori and managed by The Pokemon Company, a combination of Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures. The name Pokemon itself is an abbreviation of Pocket Monsters or pocket monsters. In Japanese it is called Poketto Monsuta. While Pikachu itself is a combination of two sounds in Japanese. Pika is the sound of electric sparks and chu is the sound that mice make.",Valid "Behind the boom of Pokemon GO there is always controversy that accompanies it. Some even made things worse by circulating hoax issues that the games were cornering a certain group. There is news that says that Pokemon when interpreted means ""I am Jewish"" in Syriac. This case began around 2001, the Iraqi government strictly prohibited the showing of Pokemon cartoons because they had forbidden language meanings, including the names of monsters in Pokemon. Quoting from various sources, in Syriac or Syriac, Pokemon means ""I am Jewish"", while Pikachu means ""Be Jewish"", and Charmander means ""God is weak"". You believe? However, many have denied the accusations. Because, there is no definite evidence that Pokemon if interpreted has a meaning that is considered insulting to Islam. So what does Pokemon really mean? In fact, Pokemon GO is nothing more than adorable Animals. Reporting from, Pokemon and the names of the existing monsters are a combination of Pocket Monster which means pocket monster. In a broader sense, it shows that Pokemon monsters are so small that they can be put in a pocket. Pikachu is the most popular monster in Pokemon and consists of two words, namely Pika and Chu. Pika means mouse, while Chu comes from Japanese which means to squeak. As we know, Pikachu is similar to a mouse. Charmander also consists of two words, namely Cha which means burning, and Salamander which means amphibious lizard. So, Charmander is an amphibious lizard that can burn. So, you better find out the truth first, check various sources, before deciding to share information. Share this article so that your friends are not affected by Hoax news that develops and corners certain religions. Make sure you surf smartly with Loop Apps which you can access without limits.",Valid "All Muslims who read this article need to be more careful in choosing a toothbrush brand. Recently, one type of dental cleaner has been found that contains non-halal ingredients. The material is known to contain sea urchins and is used as an ingredient in the manufacture of toothbrushes. To find out whether the toothbrush contains the haram ingredients or not is easy. Check the packaging and look for the words 'BRISTLE'. If the material is contained in the package, it means that the manufacturer has used pig bristles as one of the ingredients in the toothbrush. So it's best to re-check the packaging of the goods you buy and identify the names of haram ingredients which are usually disguised to trick consumers. The term Bristle means Pig Hair or sea urchins. In addition to toothbrushes, Bristle material is also found in bread brushes (bread spreaders). The writing form is usually different, sometimes just 'Bristle', sometimes 'Pure Bristle' or '100% China Bristle'. Avoid using ingredients that Bristle is made of. Spread this information to other family and friends so that more people know and avoid this non-halal product.",Hoax "The government was again made irritated by the attitude of Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. The trigger for the request for account closure by the Indonesian government, received a less than optimal response from the three giant companies. Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara conveyed warnings and threats of closing the platform as a whole. Rudiantara delivered a firm message to global companies after participating in the Declaration on Anti-Radicalism at the Unpad campus, Bandung, Friday (14/7). “Of all the requests for account handling that we asked to close, only 50 percent have been taken down. It's disappointing,"" he said. Rudiantara emphasized that the three companies must improve their commitments if they want to operate in Indonesia longer. According to him, if there is no serious commitment, the Indonesian government will take a firm stance. Because any foreign company that enters Indonesia must support Indonesia's development. ""You can't just play advertisements in Indonesia,"" he said. He said the most severe action was to completely close access to the three companies. So Rudiantara apologized to the people who had been using the three applications for positive activities, but were also affected. He emphasized that all this time he should not only be able to make personal financial gains, then he would not accept if the government closed access to Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter. ""Don't let personal interests sacrifice national interests,"" he said. According to Rudiantara, there are a number of reasons that the three companies were not cooperative in following up on requests for account blocking from the Indonesian government. Among them is that they compare with the policy in their respective countries, that account blocking must go through the courts. Rudiantara firmly said that Indonesia has its own regulations. So if these companies want to play in Indonesia, they must follow the regulations in Indonesia. He said requests to block or take down accounts were also not random. There are serious considerations before the request is submitted to a social media service provider or video file sharing provider such as Youtube. Among the considerations are the accounts that are proposed to be closed are actually spreading pornographic content, SARA, hate speech, fake news, fraud, and others. Rudiantara said that it was easier to close websites than to close content providers such as Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. Meanwhile, the government's efforts to clean up negatively charged applications have again taken their toll. This time the victim is the short messaging application Telegram. Officially last night (14/7) Kominfo announced the closure of 11 DNS (domain name system) belonging to Telegram at once. The impact of this blocking is that the Telegram application cannot be accessed via the website format. Telegram's eleven DNS are,,,,,,,,,, and Director General of Informatics Applications at Kominfo Semuel A. Pangerapan said Kominfo is currently preparing a complete closure process. So that later the Telegram application through the website or mobile application cannot be accessed at all. Semuel said the Telegram application would be closed completely if it did not meet the preparation of SOPs for handling content that violated the law. ""We take this action to maintain the integrity of the nation,"" he explained. Among the things that made the government issue a blocking decision was that Telegram did not make SOPs in handling terrorism cases. So that it can threaten or endanger the security of the Indonesian nation. According to him, there are many channels on Telegram that contain propaganda, radicalism, terrorism, hate speech, and teachings on making bombs. Then there are also tutorials on how to attack, disturbing images (vile photos), and other negative content. Chairman of the Indonesian Teachers Association (IGI) Muhammad Ramli Rahim admitted that he had been using Telegram. This includes consolidation with IGI networks throughout Indonesia. Among them are exchanging innovations in learning and so on. ""I regret the closure of Telegram,"" he explained. But he can't do anything if it's the government's decision. Moreover, the reason is to maintain the security of the Indonesian nation.",Hoax "People are shocked by toothbrush products that use pig bristles as the basic material used to clean our teeth every day. The use of the product refers to the writing in English, namely bristles on the packaging. As explained on the Wikipedia site, bristles products are obtained from pig derivatives in the form of feathers. These bristles are often used by industry as a cleaning tool for teeth, toilet brushes, household cleaning tools. The use of pig body parts, including the fur, is forbidden in Islam. As stated by the Chairman of the Medan City MUI, Muhammad Hatta said, if it is true that the toothbrush is made of pig bristles, the toothbrush is haram. ""In Al Surah Al Maidah verse 3 it is explained that derivatives from pigs are haram. We will explore this prohibition, really from sea urchins or not,"" he said via cellular, Monday (7/3/2016) He added, if proven MUI will publish to the public so as not to use the toothbrush. In addition, MUI will withdraw the product from the market. Armed with this information, the Tribune then traced the truth of the use of sea urchins in dental cleaning products. As found in the minimarket on Jalan Denai, the toothbrush brand Or** * is clearly made of bristles. The product packaging clearly explains the product, ""Super thin Bristles"". Meanwhile, regarding this, the Medan City Health Service through the Secretary of the North Sumatra Health Office, Afwan Lubis, is not sure about the existence of a toothbrush made of pig bristles. ""I don't think it's possible. But what about it? We can comment if there is a laboratory test first. Currently there is no laboratory test,"" he said via cellular, Monday (7/3/2016) He added that laboratory tests were carried out if there were reports from the public regarding the boar bristle toothbrush. If it really contains sea urchins, then it should not be circulated because there are elements that are not halal.",Valid "Komuniras Reog Ponorogo (KRP) plans to hold a demonstration at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office on Jalan Pejambon, Central Jakarta, Monday (2/11/2015) tomorrow at 09.30. ""Our main visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to clarify the incident of the Reog Ponorogo property fire at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Southern Philippines,"" said Deputy Chairman of KRP for Jabodetabek, S Nojeng to Surya, Sunday (1/11/2015). As previously reported, the Reog Ponorogo property which consisted of a sudden peacock, barong and gayor carved with a dragon was burned by the staff of the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines on Tuesday (20/10/2015). The reason for the burning is because barong reog, dadak peacock and gayor carved dragon snakes, to exorcise demons and dragon carvings for idols. However, the news circulating in online media was clarified and confirmed on Saturday (30/10/2015) by the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao. The destruction by burning had to be carried out because Ponorogo reog was in a damaged condition and eaten by termites, wrote the Indonesian Consulate General Davao considering the age of reog has existed since 1988. But apart from that, all KRP will still clarify the extent of the truth, and the actual chronology of the events that. We want to solve this problem immediately and don't let the problem drag on. Moreover, Reog Ponorogo has become part of the arts in Indonesia which has gone global, said Nojeng. According to Jojeng, this problem also disturbed friends in the Reog Ponorogo community. Even the reog art community in Ponorogo, East Java itself, as well as outside Jakarta and Ponorogo, many have questioned about the arson incident. According to the man who was born in Tambakbayan, Ponorogo City, he said that there are several things that will be done at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs later, including: Requesting information and clarification as well as the actual chronology of the incident. Placing banners in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs area. and gayor Doing testimony of artist Reog Ponorogo who has performed in Davao in 2007.",Valid "Toothbrushes are the most important thing in our daily lives, without a brush, we all might experience an unpleasant or unpleasant mouth. First, let's look at this information for you, especially ""Muslims"" to be more careful and vigilant in choosing a toothbrush, because there are dental cleaning products that use ingredients from non-halal ones. When you buy a toothbrush, check the packaging, if it says ""Bristle"" on the package, it means that the toothbrush contains PIG bristles. Remember Yes...!!! Bristle means Pig Hair in other words Pig Fur! Again, recheck your toothbrush package when you buy it, don't forget and procrastinate, look at it beforehand and when you buy the toothbrush you will use. Similarly on the brush (bread spreader), Generally noted ""Bristle"", ""Pure Bristle"", ""100% China Bristle"". Close friends, please share that brushing teeth is done every day, there are many kinds of toothbrushes available in supermarkets or traditional markets, and there are also many materials used in making these toothbrushes. As Muslims, we must be vigilant and careful in knowing some of the ingredients or making toothbrushes that have been used for brushing teeth. Th. In 2012 we were shocked by the emergence of brushes or brushes that had some boar bristles until the MUI issued a fatwa against using a pig bristle brush, but recently there has been information about toothbrushes containing boar bristles. Information for you Muslim groups to be more careful in choosing a toothbrush, because there are dental cleaning products that use materials from non-halal. Let's all examine the toothbrush, if it says ""Bristle"" on the package, it means that the toothbrush contains PIG bristles. Bristle means Pig Hair in other words Pig Fur! So check your toothbrush package again when you buy it. Similarly on the brush (bread spreader), Generally noted ""Bristle"", ""Pure Bristle"", ""100% China Bristle"". ""What are your toothbrush bristles made of? Plastic or Pig Bristle? Here are a few steps to check: Watch the wrap, if it's recorded from the bristles, so made of sea urchin. Please burn the bristles, if it smells like the smell of burning hair, it means it's from sea urchins. However, if it melts and becomes hard, it means it is made of plastic and is safe to use. Possibility if using the haram: Worship is not accepted, prayer is not accepted, and hell is more worthy (hadith). Save ourselves and our loved ones. "" In everyday life, we certainly use various types of brushes to apply makeup, paint, clean dust, paint homes, grease cake pans, to smear food. As in processing grilled chicken, bread, cakes, as well as a variety of grilled or grilled meat and seafood. Besides that, the brush is useful when combing hair, cleaning hair at a salon or barbershop, cleaning clothes, and scrubbing floors. Do you know, what do the brushes and brushes you use come from? Most likely it is FROM A FIRE! Brushes supplied in Indonesia usually come from China. Imported brushes are produced using sea urchins, especially wild boars that have more hair. Sea urchins are considered more economical than the fur of other animals, such as goats, squirrels, civets, horses, raccoons, camels, and dogs. For Muslims, the use of sea urchins is clearly HARAM. No matter how small, the material from pork is forbidden for consumption as well as for application. (the term is PIG/BOAR/HOG/BRISTLE HAIR BRUSH) which are sold in various places such as traditional markets, painting supply stores, building materials stores, cosmetic shops, beauty salons, and others. Are you familiar with the various forms. Be careful with painting brushes, wall paint brushes, make-up brushes, hair brushes, clothes brushes, and so on. HERE ARE SOME TIPS AVOIDING THE USE OF PIG BRUSHS AND BRUSHS: 1. USE 100% SYNTHETIC BRUSH & BRUSH, SUCH AS NYLON. There are wall paint brushes and feeding brushes, which are slightly more expensive. The nylon material has a texture like plastic for a toothbrush. 2. USE OTHER ALTERNATIVES THAN THE BRUSH. For example, paint rollers for painting, sponges & cotton buds for makeup, and knives & spatulas for greasing food. 3. BEWARE OF FOOD THAT THE PROCESS OF COOKING AND CLEANING utensils USING A PIG BRUSH. 4. CHARACTERISTICS OF PIG BRUSH BRUSH, WHEN BURNED WILL BREAK A SPECIFIC OTHER LIKE ROCKED MEAT. 5. USUALLY PIG BRUSH BRUSHS SOLD IN WHITE & BLACK COLORS. However, producers may process sea urchins by bleaching them and then coloring them, so that they look like other animal hairs",Hoax "Quoted from, Rudiantara admitted that his ministry is ready to block Facebook and a number of other social media that are actively used in Indonesia. According to him, this step needs to be taken if Facebook and other social media cannot be invited to work together. ""It's not only the account whose access is limited, but also the organizers can be closed. That's why we ask the organizers of social media or OTT in general to work together to provide service levels,"" said Rudiantara in the socialization of the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) related to the Law and Guidelines for Bermuamalah. Through Social Media at the Kominfo Building, Monday (5/6). The cooperation he means is that if the government asks Facebook to block an account, Facebook must comply. It is not clear whether the Ministry of Communication and Informatics will announce what measures are used to determine that an account is eligible to be blocked. ""If the government asks for certain treatment for an account, yes, please do it. Don't block things that don't have to be blocked, like Afi's case, or those that should be blocked don't,"" he added. Afi himself is a high school student who recently rose to fame due to his personal Facebook post about religious tolerance.",Hoax "The GOVERNMENT has threatened to close social media and sharing sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube if they do not close accounts containing radicalism. A total of 11 Telegram domain name systems have even been asked to be blocked. The threat was voiced by the Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara after attending the declaration of anti-radicalism at Padjadjaran University, Bandung, yesterday. The reason is that the government's request for them to close accounts containing radicalism has not been fully complied with. ""Throughout 2016 to 2017, only 50% were fulfilled. This is very disappointing. During the fasting month, I sent the director general to visit (the platform provider). If there is no improvement, we will be serious,"" said Rudi. He added that the social media platform was reluctant to close all accounts containing radicalism because in their home country they had to go through court. ""However, they are here because of business. Advertisements are also from here. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the regulations here."" The Ministry of Communication and Informatics has made various efforts to prevent the spread of radicalism, including closing sites and blocking accounts on social media. However, account blocking needs to involve the platform. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics yesterday also asked internet service providers to block 11 domain name systems (DNS) belonging to Telegram. The 11 DNS are,,,,,,,,,, and flora-1.web.telegram .org. As a result, the web version of the Telegram service cannot be accessed via a computer. ""We are also preparing the process of closing the Telegram application completely in Indonesia if Telegram does not prepare standard operational procedures for handling unlawful content in their application. This can endanger state security,"" said Director General of Information Applications at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Semuel A Pangerapan. Blocking must be done because many channels in the messaging service application contain propaganda of radicalism, terrorism, and hate ideology. There are also invitations or how to assemble bombs. Telegram has also become a favorite of terrorists, including the Islamic State, because of its high level of encryption so that its messages are difficult for the authorities to sniff out. Telegram's Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Pavel Durov, via tweet, expressed his astonishment as to why their service was blocked. ""It's strange, we have never received a request/protest from the Indonesian government. We will investigate and make an announcement,"" Durov said on his Twitter account, @durov, replying to a netizen's tweet. Campus Declaration Universities in West Java agreed to reject radicalism. That commitment was stated in the Declaration on Anti-radicalism which was attended by 44 state and private universities in West Java at Unpad, yesterday. In addition to all university rectors, the event was attended by Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Mohamad Nasir, Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara, West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan.",Hoax "In a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3000 cancer cells. That's a chain of news circulating on social networks that call catfish the dirtiest fish. This news is 100 percent fake. Facts say catfish is low in cholesterol. Catfish circulating in the market are generally cultivated in ponds, which should be controlled so that they are free from pollution. Currently there is no research that states that eating catfish can trigger cancer, said Dr. Dradjat R Suardi, SpB(K)Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association.",Valid "A commotion reportedly occurred at the Brimob Corps Terrorist Detention Center Salemba Branch, Friday (10/11) afternoon at around 16.00 WIB. The uproar was carried out by terrorist prisoners which resulted in the destruction of a number of prison facilities. A message spread in the media said that the trigger for the riot was caused by officers throwing the holy Koran. Through his written statement, the Head of the Police Public Information Bureau, Brigadier General Rikwanto, said the chain message was a hoax. The hoax message reads: There has been a riot at the Headquarters of Brimob Kelapa Dua, two depots where the terrorist prisoners burned and destroyed the room because the guard Ahmad and his team threw the Koran and caused the prisoners to go berserk. Until now, the rioting at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters is still continuing. 3 blocks burned and the door was destroyed. Everyone, pray for our brothers and sisters who are being held at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters. Rikwanto also denied the message. Meanwhile, through his written statement, Rikwanto explained that after Friday prayers, the prisoners were put into their respective cells. After entering, the Densus picket removed the key in rooms A5 and C5 (RB) because there was a key slot from the inside. ""For security purposes and to make it easier for the picket officer to open the cell door,"" Rikwanto explained in his written statement, Friday (11/10). While carrying out these activities, the Densus picket conducted a search in the room and found 4 cell phones. The cellphones belonged to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam and Jumali. Because of the examination activities, one of the detainees felt disapproved and provoked the officers with various kinds of words. ""Then there are members who are provoked by their words and there are prisoners who are takbir loudly so that they provoke prisoners from the block next to them,"" explained Rikwanto. The picket members took action by shooting upwards to signal a commotion and warn the inmates. At this time, the atmosphere can be appeased by the picket members. ""After that, the members were on standby in picket while waiting for developments, but the prisoners still had takbir takbir, triggering others,"" he continued.",Valid "For the past three days, the people of Surabaya and East Java have been shocked by the issue of pacifiers and hard candies, which are suspected to contain hazardous substances. It was even said to contain drugs. Whether the information is from the origin, suddenly joint officers involving the Satpol PP, the Police, the Narcotics Agency, and other related institutions, carry out operations on the goods that are consumed by the school children. On the first day of the raid, Tuesday (7/3), in Surabaya, the joint team managed to confiscate hundreds of pacifiers and hard candies. A number of officials appealed to residents, especially parents, to keep an eye on their children, and to avoid food that is rumored to be harmful to the students. That same day, the evidence of the findings was sent to BPOM for research and laboratory tests. Meanwhile, joint officers in several areas of East Java followed up on the raid. From the information from the Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM) in Surabaya, hard candy in the form of a dot is a foreign food from China and has an official code written from BPOM RI. That is, this food is legal. The laboratory test results released Friday (9/3) were negative. This means that the food is not proven to contain harmful ingredients or drugs. What is interesting to observe is that it is not clear how severe and how many children are victims of this case. Some admitted that there were those who felt their throats were hoarse, and coughed. Others said they felt dizzy after consuming these foods. Has an investigation been carried out, and deepened, that the complaint was really caused by consuming pacifiers or hard candy? What is rather odd is the confession of a trader, that he has been selling the product which is rumored to contain the drug for about 10 years. If indeed this food is dangerous, the impact should have been known long ago. Why is it just getting excited now? We appreciate the preventive efforts of officers, who anticipate and prevent early. However, officers should pay close attention to reports or information received accurately. Do not just carry out raids, without the support of evidence and facts that can be accounted for. They should consider various aspects. Hasn't the result of the raids and the spread of inaccurate information caused huge and fatal losses? The results of this laboratory all became clear. That food is legal, and harmless. Relevant parties must immediately clarify. And it is appropriate to apologize to the traders and the aggrieved parties, who have suffered financial losses due to the emergence of this case. Not only that, the police must investigate the spread of the issue. Who and what is behind the issue?",Valid "JAKARTA, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Arrmanatha Nasir said he was investigating internally regarding the burning of reog at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. ""Essentially, there has been an official statement (statement) from the Consulate General in Davao regarding the reog issue and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also has an internal process to ensure that the item is an asset of a state agency,"" said Arrmanatha Nasir in Jakarta, Sunday. On 20 October 2015, the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao issued an official statement that the destruction of Ponorogo reog by burning was carried out because its condition had been damaged and eaten by termites. However, the photos that circulated virally and have even been distributed by local online media Bitung News, show that there was a certain ritual before the burning. One of the photos also shows that before being burned, the Ponorogo reog was stored in a glass cabinet and appeared to be in good condition. Apart from the reog, in another photo, it appears that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao removed the dragon ornaments on the gamelan set and then also burned it. Related to this, Arrmanatha conveyed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would carry out inspections according to the processes in accordance with existing standards. "" Periodically there are internal inspections , "" he said . Domestic reactions related to the burning of Reog Ponorogo at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, were conveyed by the Jabodetabek Reog Community. The community sent an official letter to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines, asking for clarification on information on the burning of reog art instruments by Indonesian Consulate General officials. Secretary General of the Jabodetabek Reog Association, Agus Setiyoko, said that his party hoped that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao would not only provide a detailed explanation of the burning of reog, but also broadcast clarifications on the burning of reog art objects in a number of national media.",Hoax "Now the world is addicted to the Pokemon Go game that uses characters from the Pokemon movies and Pokemon video games. And, apparently the Pokemon Go game phenomenon makes a lot of information circulating if Pokemon is related to Jews. pokemon go controversy One of them is through a broadcast that is widely circulated and states that Pokemon comes from the Syriac language which means ""I am Jewish"". Also the naming of Pikachu mentioned means ""Be Jewish"". And Charmender means ""god is weak"". So are these analyzes true? Pokemon itself was originally owned by the media franchise Pokemon Company, which is a consortium between Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures. The company was originally created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995. As written by Wikipedia, the name Pokemon actually refers to the Japanese language which means Pocket Monsters or Poketto Monsuta. Tajiri himself has made the concept of Pokemon as a hobby to collect insects. How about the name Pikachu? The terms used in the name of the monsters in Pokemon are explained at length on the Pokemondb website. Pikachu itself consists of two syllables namely Pika which means little mouse and Chu which is the Japanese term for ""squeak"". The name Charmander comes from the word 'Char' which means 'to burn' and salamander is a lizard-like animal such as amphibians. In fact, Charmander's original name was hitokage, which was derived from the words 'hito' (person) and 'tokage' (lizard). Since its birth, long before Pokemon Go or the Pokemon mobile game was released, Pokemon has indeed reaped a lot of controversy. Especially regarding the symbols used. One of them who protested was the civic group Anti Defamation League which mentioned the existence of the opposite symbol of the swastika which was considered offensive to the Jewish people. As a result, the Pokemon trading cards with the logo were then withdrawn from the market. In 2001, Saudi Arabia banned Pokemon games and cards because of the star of David symbol which was said to promote Zionism. Besides, because trading cards are very close to gambling that violates Islamic law. At the time, a Nintendo spokesperson in Tokyo stated that Pokemon did not make Pokemon for religious purposes. Pokemon basically uses characters with geometric symbols according to the character. Apparently, with the presence of Pokemon Go, which is a version of the Pokemon mobile game, it does not escape controversies.",Valid "In the past, there has been a massive issue that has even become a trending topic on world twitter (TTWW) with the hashtag #bendgate. The issue explicitly mentions that the iPhone 6 product has changed its physical shape which becomes curved on the screen or becomes bent. Netizens and competitors from the Apple company are flocking to parody the iPhone 6 product by comparing it with their smart phone or making funny cartoons that indirectly satirize the phone made by Apple which is easy to bend physically. iphone 6 bent Apple itself claims that the iPhone 6 product has the largest shape when compared to the previous Iphone series but with the support of a solid material on its body so it has a small chance of experiencing bending or deformation of the device body. As observed by Itproportal media on Friday (10/10/2014) that the crooked issue, which has become a world trending topic, has been responded to by the CEO and Founder of Foxcon, who is known as a manufacturer for assembling gadget products, which is the exclusive partner of the technology company Apple. . The CEO of Foxcon is of the opinion that the issue of the curved iPhone 6 product on his device has indeed been designed and disseminated by rivals from Apple vendors. He stated that the issue of ""bendgate"" which was spread massly on social media regarding a bent iPhone 6 greatly affected the image of the product in public evaluation. How can a smart phone be bent? this is nothing but the result of distortion from competing vendors, never listen to that,” said Terry Gou. But in trials that tested the durability of smartphones, it was seen that the iPhone 6 smartphone did not pass the endurance test with the shape of the device that turned out to be curved. This becomes a little strange because the physical body of the iPhone 6 by Apple vendors has implanted an aluminum metal body material on the handset. But what is still an unanswered question is why the iPhone 6 can easily experience bending in its physical which destroys the image of the product. This condition is not only experienced by the iPhone 6, but also on smart phones made by the HTC One M8 series, which also undergoes bending in a physical endurance test of the device.",Valid "The night of the 90th anniversary of Kanisius College at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran, North Jakarta, Saturday (11/11/2017) has been a hot topic of conversation for the last few days. It is not about the existence of the Kanisius College educational institution which has succeeded in producing many outstanding children of the nation and occupying several important positions in this country, but what is being discussed is the walk out action (WO) carried out by the pianist who is also an alumni of Kanisius College, Ananda Sukarlan. This became a topic of discussion, because Ananda chose WO when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech at the event. Moreover, Ananda, who is one of five recipients of the award given by Kanisius College, in his remarks criticized the event committee for deliberately inviting figures who contradict the values ​​taught by Canisius. Although he did not mention names, but with the speech delivered after the WO action, it was judged by many parties that the figure in question was Anies, and related to the campaign situation in the 2017 DKI Pilkada. The pros and cons were inevitable for his attitude. Quoted from, Wednesday (11/15/2017), Ananda confirmed that his WO action was a personal decision, and did not represent any party. In addition, he also denied various oblique issues that circulated by calling himself impolite. “Some people say I was screaming in the chair, that's not true. It happened, I sat in the VIP seat which was at the front, (bench) number two from the front, while the exit door was at the back,"" he said. ""So, if I stand up, I can see it. I stand up and walk out politely because I don't want to disturb people who want to listen to Mr. Anies' speech. The situation is that I stand up and go back like someone wants to go to the toilet,"" continued Ananda. Regarding the allegation that he instigated several invitations to WO, Ananda also denied. “After that there were some who came out, but not because of my provocation. It's not a gang (action), we're not all out. My seat is separated from my friends, because I sit VIP to receive the award. I don't conspire with my friends. It was a spontaneous event. It was really my initiative, not from anyone,"" said Ananda. For the various rumors circulating, Ananda regretted the netizens who did not properly digest the information. Even the issue spread to other issues, around religion and politics. “There is a website that writes that I am a Christian. Please, if you want to slander research first, Canisius is Catholic. Not Christian. I myself am Muslim. If you want to slander me, it is better to slander me as a Catholic,"" said Ananda. ""Please also explain that this has nothing to do with (College) Canisius. My speech actually criticizes (College) Kanisius. My speech does not criticize Anies Baswedan. My speech criticizes the organizers of the event. My speech is also not screaming like Hitler. For me ( speech) was quite polite,"" he said. Ananda further explained about his background growing up in an environment full of diversity. Ananda studied the Koran as a child. He also reads a lot of books about other religions. Including studying the teachings of Catholicism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. ""For me, what is good I apply. So, I don't think about any anti-religion, including my own religion. This is not about SARA and politics. For websites that slander me as a Christian, please change the slander to Catholic, because you want to attack Canisius. Please don't equate Catholics and Christians,"" he said. Previously, Governor Anies, who was asked to respond to the actions of WO Ananda and a number of alumni of Kanisius College, admitted that he did not know anything. But he insists that he has a good relationship with Kanisius. ""I only found out after I was in the office. When I arrived this morning I didn't even know. I don't know. Because when I was in the room everyone was in there. In fact, Father Baskoro is my friend. He came here himself. Then Father Benny is a good friend,"" said Anies at Jakarta City Hall, Monday (11/13/2017). For what happened, Anies said, he respects any differences of opinion. He said everyone has the right to express their opinion in their own way. After all, he continued, as a leader, he has a duty to protect and greet all citizens, regardless of background. ""I respect different views. I respect different views. And I give the right to anyone to express their way,"" said the former Minister of Education and Culture. ""Our part is to greet everyone, protect everyone. So that's my responsibility as governor. So I will greet everyone and protect everyone if then there is a negative reaction, so that's just a bonus for me. There's nothing out of the ordinary. Relax,"" he concluded. . Interestingly, the pros and cons of this incident spread to the invitation to uninstall Traveloka in cyberspace. Reportedly, the invitation was triggered by the presence of one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, who greeted and congratulated Ananda for his actions. ""Well, I think it's like this. We respect people with views. Respect different people. No need to uninstall and so on,"" said Anies in response to an invitation to uninstall Traveloka, Tuesday (14/11/2017). The reason, continued the former Chancellor of Paramadina University, the Traveloka application so far has provided benefits for the community. This invitation should not arise just because of differences of opinion. ""Traveloka also provides benefits for many citizens. After all, it is a service that has great benefits for many people. So let's get used to different views in a healthy way, respecting each other without having to carry out punishments like that. So there's no need to uninstall all kinds of things. ,"" explained Anies.",Hoax "The news that Facebook was closed or blocked for Indonesian social media (Medsos) users on April 24, 2018 has gone viral since this week. Netizens, especially those who use Facebook, are busy posting the status ""Facebook will be closed"", there are also those who upload ""before Facebook is closed, post a status or photo first."" The news of the closure of Facebook has also become the pros and cons among netizens. Even so, the viral rumors circulating widely on social media, especially Facebook, are certainly not true or hoaxes. The government can indeed give strict sanctions to block Facebook because the data of one million Indonesian users was also leaked in the Camridge Analityca scandal. However, there is no certainty that on April 24, Facebook will actually be blocked in Indonesia. Minister of communication and information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara on various occasions never mentioned blocking Facebook. Also Read: Features of Stolen Facebook Account, 1 Million Indonesian Users Affected In fact, Rudiantara said that the Ministry of Communications and Informatics did not hesitate to block Facebook, but must comply with procedures so that the steps are not rash. Rudiantara's only firm statement regarding blocking FB is if there is evidence that FB is used as a means of inciting or fighting. Rudiantara ensured that if investigators found an element of criminal suspicion in the leak of Facebook user data in Indonesia, the chances of blocking Facebook would be even greater. Meanwhile, these two things have not been proven yet, they are still under investigation and awaiting the results of the audit. “If there are indications that Facebook in Indonesia is used for incitement, as happened in Myanmar. I have no qualms about blocking,"" said Rudiantara, a few days ago. The Minister of Communication and Information has asked Facebook in Indonesia to conduct an audit and submit the results of the audit since a week after the announcement of the data on Facebook users in Indonesia being leaked in the CA scandal.",Hoax "Last week, reports emerged that the iPhone 6 Plus could bend easily if kept in the pocket for too long. A number of videos of the iPhone 6 Plus body endurance test immediately appeared on YouTube. The majority of them came to the same conclusion, iPhone 6 Plus bends easily! Since then the case has been known as the 'Bendgate' or 'curved scandal', and has become a hot topic of debate on social media. To prove the truth, a talk show on Bloomberg TV also invited several expert sources to reveal the truth. One of the experts who was given the opportunity to explain was Lewis Hilsenteger, owner of the Unbox Therapy channel on YouTube, who is suspected of being the first uploader of the trial video for bending the body of the iPhone 6 Plus. Speaking live via web cam with Bloomberg Tv, Hilsenteger said, ""The fact is that I tried not only to bend one iPhone 6 Plus, but several. This was in order to make the published video show convincing results."" He further explained that from the several units he tried to bend, there was one identical feature. ""I've tried bending 3 units, all curved in the same location, which is just below the volume buttons,"" said Hilsenteger.",Valid "A number of detainees at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java rioted which resulted in the destruction of a number of facilities. It is still unclear what caused the riot, but the police claimed that it happened because the detainees refused during the search. According to the Head of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rikwanto, the riot occurred on Friday (11/10/2017) at around 4 pm. ""On Friday, November 10 2017, at 16.00 WIB there was a commotion at the Mako Brimob terrorist detention center Salemba prison branch carried out by terrorist prisoners,"" said Rikwanto, Friday (10/2017). According to Rikwanto, the commotion caused damage to the prison facilities. These included the breaking down of the prison cell door and the damage to the gate of the hallway block and window panes, namely in Block C and Block B. Rikwanto denied any news that said this incident was triggered by the throwing of the Koran by officers. The riot was triggered by Rikwanto explained that after Friday prayers, the detainees were put into their respective cells by the Densus 88 team. While carrying out these activities, the Densus 88 team conducted a search. There are 4 pieces of HP found. ""Four cellphones were found. They belonged to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali,"" he said. One of the detainees did not accept the search. According to Rikwanto, the unnamed detainee then provoked. ""It is true that with the inspection activities, one of the prisoners did not accept it and provoked the officers with various words, then some members were provoked by their words and there were prisoners who while takbir loudly so that they provoked the prisoners of the next block,"" he explained. But it didn't last long. The apparatus, according to Rikwanto, immediately took control of the situation. Meanwhile, information circulated from a social media channel which stated that the cause of the riot was that the detainees who were charged with terrorism cases were outraged by the news that the warden was suspected of harassing the Koran and the books of the clerics belonging to the detainees. ""Densus and the warden arrogantly entered the Ikhwan's room and the Koran was trampled on by Brimob, the warden and Densus finally caused the ikhwans to go on a rampage and destroy the Brimob mako detention room, the current situation is still tense ..."" That's the excerpt from the release of #AlfathChannel, which was spread in the media social.",Valid "The Surabaya City Government clarified the results of laboratory tests on pacifiers which were declared free of narcotics and other dangerous substances. The municipal government claims to have never said that pacifiers contain drugs. The city government said that food and beverage raids were held regularly every month to protect Surabaya residents from harmful substances. Head of the Surabaya City Health Office, Febria Rachmanita, said that the Surabaya City Government supervised food and beverages circulating in schools, street vendors (PKL), markets and supermarkets. Checks and supervision are carried out regularly every month. The raid on candy pacifiers sold around the school is considered a routine activity. In addition to candy, the city government also supervises other foods. ""We already have an SOP, whether it's a complaint or not, it's the municipal government's obligation to supervise food and beverages. Once a month we go to the field, last February around 200 locations, ""said the Head of Health Office in a press conference at the Public Relations Office of the Surabaya City Government, Tuesday (14/3). The dentist, who is familiarly called Feni, explained that when taking samples not only from one location, but at random in several locations. In addition, there are several types of food that are sampled for inspection to the BBPOM. Therefore, he was surprised by the news about the candy pacifier raid which was considered too excessive. “The city government never said it (pacifier candy) contained drugs. But the task of the City Government is to anticipate food circulating in elementary schools, markets, street vendors and supermarkets. If you suspect that there is food that contains dangerous substances and drugs, it is an obligation,” explained Feni. (Importer of Somasi Dot Candy Surabaya City Government). The head of the Surabaya City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), Irvan Widyanto, said the dot candy which was raided last week had been returned to the traders. The return of goods is carried out after the results of the BPOM laboratory test are negative for narcotics and other dangerous substances. The Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government, Muhammad Fikser, emphasized that the raids and supervision of food and beverages did not intend to drop certain products. This is because raids and surveillance are carried out on various types of food and beverages. In addition to the operation of food and beverage products, the operation also targets traders and cleaners. ""This is not the first time. We don't want to drop a certain product. We just obey the rules. The city government has no intention of going there, only protecting children and the community so that the food they consume is truly safe,” added Fikser. This clarification came after the importer of pacifier candy, PT Petrona Inti Chemindo, summoned the Surabaya City Government to immediately apologize and rehabilitate his good name. This is related to the actions of the Satpol PP who raided the pacifiers suspected of containing drugs. ""If within 14 days from now the City Government does not have good ethics, then we have prepared the next legal step,"" said Prihadi Saputra's attorney for the candy dot importer during a press conference in Surabaya, Monday (13/3). In addition, he said, his party demanded restoration of good name through the media. He said the product imported by his client was safe because two stages of testing had been carried out by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). The first test, candy has passed the four parameter level test. In the second test, he continued, the candy has passed the 16 parameter level test. For this reason, he hopes that the public will not worry about this pacifier candy.",Valid "The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has appealed to residents to be aware of the circulation of candy-shaped pacifiers in Surabaya, East Java, which are suspected of containing drugs or other hazardous materials. The candy, which is known to be imported from a certain country, is known to have gone viral on social media because it was accused of containing drugs. ""The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) as the vocal point of drug problems in Indonesia, said that until now the East Java Provincial BNN and Surabaya City BNN are bringing samples of the candy for scientific examination by the National Narcotics Laboratory of the National Narcotics Agency regarding the content of the candy,"" he said. Head of Public Relations of BNN Slamet Pribadi via short message, Wednesday (8/3/2017). Slamet said, BNN appealed to the public to be patient in waiting for the results of the examination. ""It is hoped that parents and children will remain vigilant against all forms and types of drugs by not consuming food, drinks, or drugs that do not have a distribution permit,"" Slamet said.",Valid "After a hearing (RDP) meeting with Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (17/4/2018), it was rumored that Facebook Indonesia would be closed. It is planned that the closing will be held on April 24, 2018. A few days before the news of the closure occurred, Netizens, especially Facebook users, posted the status ""Facebook will be closed"", some also uploaded ""before Facebook is closed, post a status or photo first."" The news that Facebook will be closed is of course a pro and contra among netizens. Even so, the rumors that went viral and circulated widely on social media, especially Facebook, were certainly not true or hoaxes. The government can indeed give strict sanctions to block Facebook, because the data of one million Indonesian users was also leaked in the Cambridge Analytica (CA) scandal. However, there is no certainty that on April 24, Facebook will actually be blocked in Indonesia. Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara on various occasions never mentioned blocking Facebook. In fact, Rudiantara said that the Ministry of Communications and Informatics did not hesitate to block Facebook, but must follow procedures so that the steps are not rash. Rudiantara's only firm statement about blocking Facebook is if there is evidence that Facebook is used as a means of inciting or fighting. Rudiantara ensured that if investigators found an element of criminal suspicion in the leak of Facebook user data in Indonesia, the chances of blocking Facebook would be even greater. At the moment, these two things cannot be proven, they are still under investigation and waiting for the results of the audit. ""If there are indications that Facebook in Indonesia is being used for incitement, like what happened in Myanmar. I have no qualms about blocking it,"" said Rudiantara, a few days ago. The Minister of Communication and Informatics has asked Facebook to conduct an audit, and submitted the results of the audit since a week after the announcement that data on Facebook users in Indonesia had been leaked in the CA scandal. The request was included in the first Warning Letter (SP) sent by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. But after the specified deadline arrived, Facebook has not yet submitted the results of the audit. Kominfo also issued a second warning letter. ""Currently, it is SP II. We are waiting, later after SP II it can be upgraded to a temporary service termination if needed,"" said Rudiantara again. If the audit results are known later, the government can assess the potential problems that could arise from this data leak and take steps to address them. Meanwhile, Head of Public Policy for Facebook Indonesia, Ruben Hattari, emphasized that the recent data leaks from users were not in the form of breaching the security system of Facebook users. In front of the leadership of the House of Representatives Commission I, Ruben explained that the data leak was caused by the abuse of authority given by Facebook to application providers or so-called third parties.",Hoax "California - In recent days a number of complaints from iPhone 6 Plus users have enlivened the virtual world. The new 5.5-inch smartphone from Apple is reported to be easy to bend if it is stored in a trouser pocket for too long. Suddenly this news made Apple the monthly on various social media. Not only users, some of Apple's competitors did not waste this moment to 'beat up' the company bearing the bitten apple logo. And now Apple has finally spoken. According to a report published on the Wall Street Journal page, Apple representatives have explained that the issue of the iPhone 6 Plus being easy to bend is exaggerated. Apple claims that the company has so far only received 9 user complaints out of 10 million units of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus that have been sold. This means, the defects on the iPhone 6 Plus do not occur in all units, but only a small part. ""With normal use, a curved iPhone 6 Plus would be extremely rare,"" an Apple representative said. In addition, Jon Fort, editor of the news site CNBC also mentioned that Apple representatives have confirmed that only a small percentage of consumers are experiencing the iPhone 6 Plus curved issue. It was also explained that the actual body frame of the iPhone 6 Plus is strong enough and meets Apple's standards. The new iPhones are steel/titanium-infused to strengthen a number of stress locations and use the strongest type of glass in the industry, an Apple representative said. The Business Insider page noted, this is Apple's fastest response in responding to oblique issues circulating wildly on the internet. Previously, Apple had always been 'ignorant' to various oblique issues that befell their products. Jakarta – Apple received bad news about its newest product, iPhone 6 Plus. This Apple-made phablet device is complained of by some users because it has a frail body that easily bends when inserted into the front pocket of the pants. This report comes from a user on Forum Macrumors named Hanzon, who said he put his iPhone 6 Plus in his front pants pocket for a long time, which is about 4 hours. Hanzon admitted that he did not take out his iPhone 6 Plus during his 4 hours of activity. And when he then took out his new smartphone, Hanzon was surprised to find his beloved iPhone 6 Plus curved. Seeing the increasing number of reports, a user tested the flexibility of the iPhone 6 Plus and uploaded it on YouTube. As a comparison, he also tested the flexibility of another smartphone, namely the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. In the video, you can see how the iPhone 6 Plus turns out to be very easy to bend. The user who posted the video also said that prior to testing his iPhone 6 Plus, it was already looking a little warped. The weak spot seems to be on the left side, just below the volume buttons. This curved body problem seems to only occur on the iPhone 6 Plus. While for the iPhone 6 which has a size of 4.7 inches, there are no reports of this curved body problem",Hoax "When will Facebook be closed? Recently, there has been a lot of talk about Facebook being closed or frozen in the country, this is certainly very troubling for those who have been relying on Facebook as a medium of communication or also a medium for selling goods online. Actually, it is not without reason why the government wants to block Facebook, this is because of the misuse of leaked data on Facebook users, so it is feared that later it will endanger the stability of domestic security. Facebook itself has long been used by the Indonesian people as a medium of communication, on April 17, 2018, the DPR had a meeting with Facebook. The government itself still has the will and gives Facebook one month or thirty days to conduct an audit and report later, if within one month there is still no news on how it will continue, then the DPR will propose a temporary suspension of Facebook so that later we can't use facebook. Technology can sometimes be two-sided and sometimes it depends on how we use it, there are so many events or problems that are caused by provocations on social media, for that we need to respond to the development of the technology world in a positive way. So have you got an answer about when Facebook will be closed, isn't it, it would be better if we wait for news from Facebook later, as for if the government decides to block Facebook then we have to get ready to look for other social media that we can make as an option, maybe that's all to share a little this time, have a nice day.",Hoax "Needlestick First Aid For Stroke Sufferers? Suspicious We often hear a chain message spread about First Aid for stroke survivors is to pierce needles at several points from the fingertips to the ear. Some websites from the internet say that this news is a mere hoax. Why? Because a stroke is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. The blood that comes out can actually suppress the surrounding brain tissue so that its function is disrupted. A medical expert dr. Devika Y, on the website said that finger pricking with a needle in stroke sufferers is of no benefit. Puncture with a needle can actually pose a risk of infection if the needle used is not sterile. The first aid we need to do if someone has a stroke is to take the patient to a safe place Position the person in a state of the body facing the left side Immediately contact the nearest hospital and ask for an ambulance to come to the location Or you can take the person directly to the hospital. The sooner a stroke is treated, the better the results. Subsequent treatment will be carried out by the medical team at the hospital. So, if someone has a stroke near us, don't hesitate to immediately take him to the nearest hospital so that he can be handled by an expert.",Hoax "Apple set a record sales of 10 million units in the first week of the launch of its iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. However, some recent reports claim that the series easily ""bends"" in the user's pocket. Reports of slightly bent iPhone 6 devices surfaced on several Apple forums, hinting that some items started to warp after being kept in the front pocket for a while. A member of the MacRumors forum posted a photo of his iPhone 6 Plus after a few hours of putting it in his front pocket while driving. Other photos have also appeared on Apple's French MacBidouille forum and other websites. This report was initially met with joking and skepticism. But according to MacRumors, the bending or warping of the device actually makes sense from an organic point of view. First of all, Apple uses aluminum to house their phones, which is very soft and bendable. In addition, the iPhone 6 and iPhone Plus are also thinner than the previous series. So if the user puts pressure on the device, there is a possibility that the pressure will change the shape of their phone. This problem has even been experienced by previous Apple series, as well as Sony Xperia phones. MacRumors advises users not to keep their iPhone in their pocket. Some users choose to give a case to their new phone. However, this might make some potential buyers rethink. So far, there has been no explanation from Apple regarding this phenomenon.",Valid "JAKARTA - Head of the Protocol Section for the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah, stated that the news about the locking of the mosque so that people could not pray at dawn was a hoax or a lie. According to him, the closure of the mosque is already a regulation or a standard procedure at Istiqlal. ""The news is a thousand percent hoax, please check who wrote the news,"" said Hurairah, when contacted, Tuesday (21/2). Hurairah explained, outside the month of Ramadan, Istiqlal was closed after the Isha prayer, around 21.30 WIB, and was based on the law. Then it is reopened one hour before the dawn prayer. ""On last night's incident, only five buses came from East Java. They entered after Isha, then they were given the opportunity to worship, clean up, have a good talk with the chairman, we gave understanding, and thank God they understood and left Istiqlal voluntarily,"" he said. In addition, he said, the group did not know that today's action would be as big as last December 2 and 411. Meanwhile, the group that was queuing at the mosque this morning because it was raining, was Walisongo's group, who came every day.",Valid "A commotion reportedly occurred at the Brimob Corps Terrorist Detention Center Salemba Branch, Friday (11/10/2017) afternoon at around 16.00 WIB. The uproar was carried out by terrorist prisoners which resulted in the destruction of a number of prison facilities. A message spread in the media said that the trigger for the riot was caused by officers throwing the holy Koran. Through his written statement, the Head of the Police Public Information Bureau, Brigadier General Rikwanto, said the chain message was a hoax. The hoax message reads: #Updates #mako_brimob #riot There has been a riot at the Headquarters of Brimob Kelapa Dua, two depots where the terrorist prisoners burned and destroyed the room because the guard Ahmad and his team threw the Koran and caused the prisoners to go berserk. Until now, the rioting at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters is still continuing. 3 blocks burned and the door was destroyed. Everyone, pray for our brothers and sisters who are being held at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters. #AlfathChannel Rikwanto also denied the message. Meanwhile, through his written statement, Rikwanto explained that after Friday prayers, the prisoners were put into their respective cells. After entering, the Densus picket removed the key in rooms A5 and C5 (RB) because there was a key slot from the inside. ""For security purposes and to make it easier for the picket officers to open the cell door,"" Rikwanto explained in his written statement, Friday (11/10/2017). While carrying out these activities, the Densus picket conducted a search in the room and found 4 cell phones. The cellphones belonged to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam and Jumali. Because of the examination activities, one of the detainees felt disapproved and provoked the officers with various kinds of words. ""Then there were members who were provoked by their words and there were prisoners who while takbir loudly so that they provoked prisoners from the block next to them,"" explained Rikwanto. The picket members took action by shooting upwards to signal a commotion and warn the inmates. At this time, the atmosphere can be appeased by the picket members. ""After that the members were on standby in picket while waiting for developments, but the prisoners still had takbir takbir, triggering others,"" he continued.",Valid "Stroke is a disease that must be treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, the patient's hope for recovery will be smaller. The patient's brain can be damaged and it can even lead to death. Therefore, first aid for stroke needs to be done carefully. Mishandling the consequences can be fatal. sticking a needle into the tip of the finger This fact is very wrong. If the needle is not sterile it can cause infection (such as tetanus) Especially if the person has diabetes. One of the risk factors for stroke is diabetes. This means that diabetic patients are more susceptible to infection and the healing phase is also longer. in stroke patients, blockage or bleeding occurs in the blood vessels in the brain, not in the fingers. Anatomically, the finger is far from the brain, so sticking a needle will not help. The most important thing in dealing with a stroke is to recognize the symptoms. speech is not clear, sudden paralysis, difficulty walking, fainting until loss of consciousness, immediately take to the hospital if you see the above symptoms, especially in the first three hours, which is called the golden period. During this time, the patient is very likely to avoid a stroke (if immediately treated correctly) More severe stroke conditions can also be prevented. Therefore, avoid taking any measures as first aid, including inserting a needle into the finger. Take him to the hospital immediately before it is too late.",Hoax "The Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM) has confirmed that candy products suspected of containing drugs circulating in Surabaya are safe for consumption. The results of laboratory tests stated that out of 16 indications of the content tested, they were negative for drugs. ""Like metaphetamine and amphetamine, all of them are negative, aka the candy is drug-free,"" said Acting Head of BBPOM Surabaya, Retno Kurpaningsih, Thursday (9/3/2017). The results of the laboratory test will immediately be sent to the Surabaya City Health Office as a test applicant. ""What is certain is that we recommend that the candy is safe for consumption,"" he explained. If the Surabaya BBPOM confirms that the candy is negative, the Surabaya National Narcotics Agency (BNN) admits that it has not released the results of the laboratory test on the candy in question. Later, the Head of BNN, Komjen Budi Waseso, will announce the results,"" said Head of BNN Surabaya, AKBP Suparti. As reported, hard candy branded candy products sold around the school by shops and hawkers were raided by Satpol PP early last week because they were suspected of containing drugs. The candy packaging is colorful and has various shapes. Some are like regular candy, and some are in the form of baby pacifiers. During Monday's raids (6/3/2017) in 14 sub-districts, Satpol PP officers confiscated 345 bottles of candy suspected of containing drugs.",Valid "Currently circulating a toothbrush that turns out to be made from one part of the pig's body, namely the fur. The way to find it is to look on the toothbrush package to see if it says ""China Bristles"" or ""Bristles"". China Bristles is another name for sea urchins and is produced mostly by the Chinese region of China. We must know this because it is based on Imam Syafii's opinion that brushes made of sea urchins are unclean. Pig bristles are indeed the choice of toothbrush manufacturers because the price of the material is cheaper than synthetic bristles. Manufacturers only have to collect, clean and cut them. China is indeed a place that stocks a lot of pork skins because pork is considered halal by its people for consumption. It's not just a toothbrush that we have to watch out for, but a paint brush or a brush for greasing cakes must also be a concern for us as Muslims. A real example is the case of the Eterna brand brush which has been tested by LPPOM and the results are positive using sea urchins. Apart from looking at the packaging, there is another way to find out, namely by burning it. If the brush or brush smells bad, it's most likely using pig bristles. According to Imam Syafii, brushes made from pig bristles used to paint mosques will make the mosque covered with uncleanness and must be removed immediately. Moreover, if the sea urchin becomes a toothbrush that we use every day. Therefore, be careful and continue to be vigilant against various products that can bring harm to us as Muslims.",Hoax "Rumors circulated in cyberspace that there were toothbrush products that used pig bristles. It is mentioned that Muslim consumers should be careful of brushes with the words 'bristle' written on the packaging because it means sea urchin. Is this news true? The Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI) on its official website, tries to explain that bristle does not always mean sea urchin. The meaning of the word bristle in general can mean all hair or stiff fibers. ""Hair, stiff beards, can be categorized as bristle. Another example is fibers or stiff pine leaves that can be called bristle,"" wrote LPPOM MUI quoted on Tuesday (1/11/2016). ""One of the information that can be seen as a sign that a brush or brush comes from sea urchins is that it is written as a product name, for example 'Boar Bristle Brush'. Boar is an English term for wild boar or wild boar. This means that the product is a brush that uses wild boar bristles ,"" continued LPPOM MUI. drg Eva Fauziah from the Indonesian Pediatric Dentist Association (IDGAI) commented that the toothbrush in the market generally uses nylon bristles. Nylon as it is known is a synthetic fiber made from plastic. ""Toothbrush bristles are usually made of nylon,"" said drg Eva when detikHealth met. If someone is suspicious of a toothbrush product, there are ways that can be done to determine whether the brush is made of animal hair or other materials. Simply burn the tip of the brush and smell if it smells like burning hair or horns. ""If it smells like burning hair or horns, it's better to leave it alone. Materials from plastic or coconut fiber don't give off a distinctive smell like that when burned,"" closed LPPOM MUI. In the broadcast circulating through WhatsApp groups and social media, a picture of the back of the toothbrush product packaging is included. However, it seems that the product is not marketed for the Indonesian market. The broadcaster circled the word bristles in the toothbrush packaging while explaining its meaning.",Valid "Social media in Indonesia, especially Twitter, is currently being flooded with calls to uninstall the Traveloka application. According to netizens, the CTO who is also one of the founders of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, is said to have supported the walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan was giving a speech at the Kanisius College school anniversary event. The news angered netizens who said Derianto did not respect Anies and decided to take the Traveloka application off his smartphone. I don't know where this information originally circulated, because it turned out to be just a hoax. Traveloka has confirmed that Derianto was not present at the 90th anniversary of Kanisius on Saturday (11/11). It is known that Derianto was indeed invited to attend the event because he received an award as one of the outstanding alumni of Kanisius. ""We are also proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from Alumni Kanisius. However, he was unable to attend because he was on an official trip that had been planned several months earlier,"" Traveloka explained in an official statement to VIVA via email, Tuesday 14 November 2017. This means that what is rumored on social media about Derianto's support for the walk out is not true. Regarding the details of the action, according to an official statement from Kolose Kanisius, it was stated that when Anies gave a speech, one of the alumni who is also a well-known pianist Ananda Sukarlan decided to stand up from his VIP seat and walk out. This action was then followed by hundreds of alumni and other invited guests who attended. After Anies finished giving his speech and left the place, the people who had walked out earlier returned to the room. Ananda Sukarlan himself became another alumnus who received an award in this event because he was considered to have excelled in the field of music. This is evidence for the umpteenth time that hoaxes have succeeded in influencing the wider community in a short time. Without correct facts and information, people still easily believe what is trending topic on social media without searching for the truth first.",Valid "This news may be very useful for Indonesian consumers who intend to buy the iPhone 6 Plus when it is released in the Indonesian market later. After a few days of being released in a number of countries, Apple's brand-new 5.5-inch jumbo smartphone began to reap protests from users. According to reports from some iPhone 6 Plus users, the iPhone with the largest sail turns out to be easy to bend if it is kept in the pants pocket for too long. This incident was first reported by an iPhone 6 owner named Hanzon on the MacRumors forum site. He admitted that he kept the iPhone 6 Plus in his trouser pocket for approximately 4 hours, and carried out daily activities as usual. When taken out, Hanzon was surprised when he saw that the center of his iPhone 6 Plus was slightly 'bent', aka curved. Not only Hanzon, the MacRumors page launched, another user named Devin Pitcher also expressed a similar complaint on the forum. Devin admitted that he kept his new iPhone 6 Plus in his front trouser pocket. When removed, the center of the iPhone 6 Plus is curved like a tank that can withstand pressure. The use of a large 5.5-inch screen is indeed feared to interfere with user comfort. Apple has also anticipated by moving the Power button which is usually placed at the top to the right side to make it easier to use with one hand. But the problem of large dimensions limiting user comfort when storing it in a trouser pocket does not seem to have occurred to Apple. In addition, Apple is also considered to have made a mistake by choosing a metal-aluminum mixture that is not too solid as the base material for the iPhone 6 Plus frame. Maybe the Iphone Frame has not passed the UTM (Universal Testing Machine) Test. The UTM test serves to test the iPhone 6 plus frame by pressing and pulling it to the maximum limit. If the force needed to bend the iPhone is small, it means it is easy to bend What is UTM? Universal Testing Machine is a testing machine to test tensile stress and compressive strength of materials or materials. Universal Testing Machine, usually also known as Universal Tester, Materials Testing Machine or Materials Test Frame. This testing machine has proven that it can perform many standard tensile and compression tests on materials, components and structures",Hoax "Wakoka.Co.Id – The demonstration was held today in Ponorogo square, Tuesday (10/11/2015), by several elements of the Ponorogo community consisting of Reyog Artists, Reyog Community, Reyog Pandemen and Ponorogo Citizens Association. This demonstration was carried out in connection with the reyog burning case at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines some time ago. In the demonstration, apart from giving speeches, the demonstrators also brought along several Reyog groups to enliven the action. As previously reported, the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao on October 20, 2015 burned the Ponorogo reyog art equipment stored in the Indonesian Consulate General's building. Although the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao issued a statement that the destruction of the Ponorogo reog by burning was carried out because its condition had been damaged and eaten by termites. However, the photos that circulated virally and have even been distributed by local online media Bitung News, show that there was a certain ritual before the burning. One of the photos also shows that before being burned, the Ponorogo reog was stored in a glass cabinet and appeared to be in good condition. Apart from the reog, in another photo, it appears that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao removed the dragon ornaments on the gamelan set and then also burned it. Representatives of the demonstrators were then met by PJ Regent of Ponorogo, and Chairman of the Ponorogo Regency DPRD on the 2nd floor of the Ponorogo DPRD building to convey their aspirations. Several representatives of the demonstrators then delivered a statement of attitude that strongly condemned the burning of reyog art instruments at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao. The demonstrators also demanded the removal of the individuals involved in the incident and demanded the government through the tourism office and the Ponorogo DPRD to thoroughly investigate the case. Responding to this, PJ Regent of Ponorogo, Ir. Maskur, MM said that the Regency Government had coordinated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will replace the Reyog device that has been burned and is currently investigating the case through the Special Team. Previously, the Jabodetabek Reog Community had also sent an official letter to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines, asking for clarification on information on the burning of reyog art instruments by Indonesian Consulate General officials.",Hoax "Jakarta - Social media this morning was enlivened by the circulation of photos of participants from the 212th volume 2 demonstration unable to enter the Istiqlal Mosque. In the scattered photos, it looks like there is a group lining up in front of the Istiqlal entrance gate. The Head of Protocol and Public Relations of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abd Salam, said that the news that the 212 volume 2 crowd was stuck at the gate was a hoax. ""The news that there were 212 protesters unable to enter Istiqlal is a thousand percent hoax,"" said Abu when confirmed by AFP on Tuesday (21/2/2017). According to Abu, indeed on Monday night, after Isha there were three group buses that entered the Istiqlal Mosque. They claimed to be a group from Madura Island. Mosque administrators, said Abu, invited them to worship and clean themselves. The Istiqlal Mosque administrator then coordinated with the group leader accompanied by the police. ""After talking that they then voluntarily left Istiqlal,"" said Abu. Then according to the procedure, the Istiqlal mosque, outside the month of Ramadan, is closed at 21.30 WIB. ""According to the SOP, the Istiqlal Mosque is closed every day at 09.30 WIB and reopens one hour before the dawn prayer, at around 3:45 WIB,"" said Abu. Regarding the photo, there was a queue of worshipers at the Istiqlal gate, Abu said it was a group of pilgrims from outside the city who were about to enter Istiqlal. The manager also apologized if they were queuing at the gate, because the door was only opened at 03.45 WIB or an hour before the Fajr prayer. ""In the morning before dawn, Tuesday, February 21 2017, there were several pilgrims from outside the city who were about to enter the Istiqlal Mosque and they arrived before the doors of the Istiqlal Mosque opened at 3:45 WIB. We apologize for this,"" said Abu. The implementation of the Fajr prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque today, said Abu, went well, with the imam, Mr. Ust. Salim Ghazali. The number of worshipers is about 240 people, consisting of, 170 men and 70 women.",Valid "Candy in the form of milk teats or hard candy suspected of containing narcotics has been tested by the Surabaya City Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BBPOM) laboratory. The result, the candy is negative for narcotics. The Acting BBPOM for the City of Surabaya, Retno Kurpaningsih, said there were 16 items tested to determine the presence or absence of addictive substances. The results are all negative. ""We tested whether there was amphetamine and methamphetamine content,"" he said, in Surabaya, Thursday, March 9 2017. To the public, Retno said that the hard candy money that was raided by the Satpol PP on Monday, March 7 2017 was not dangerous. BBPOM Friday, March 10 will submit the results of this laboratory test to the Surabaya City Health Office as an applicant for laboratory tests. It was also informed that there were students who after consuming hard candy experienced coughing and hoarseness in their throats. However, Retno still does not know about the new findings. ""I don't know yet. Meanwhile, what we do know is that one student felt dizzy after consuming it. We will investigate again later,"" he said. Retno promised to investigate again and to carry out laboratory tests even though there were samples that had been tested. Unfortunately, Retno has not announced what will be investigated next. Satpol PP raided milk candy or hard candy around elementary and kindergarten in 14 sub-districts in the city of Surabaya. The confiscation step was taken after the officer found one elementary school student who felt dizzy after consuming hard candy.",Valid "The news that participants cannot enter Istiqlal because they are locked is a HOAX Posted on February 21, 2017 by RD liberty Related Post HTI is often opposed by Anshor and NU, this is Ustaz Bachtiar Nasir's comment Some Accidents in Ansor Day Festival This is the preparation for the arrival of Habib Rizieq to Siak Din Syamsuddin Asked to Prepare to Lead People's Resistance If Ahok Is Free Ahok Team Slandered Muslims as Rioters ""Destroyed China"", Aa Gym Protests Strongly Photos of participants of Action 212 Volume Two circulated on social media who could not enter the Istiqlal Mosque this morning because the mosque doors were closed. According to the mosque management, the rumors circulating are not true. ""It's a thousand percent hoax,"" said Head of the Protocol Section of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abdul Salam to Tuesday (21/2) morning. He explained, the rules at the Istiqlal Mosque other than the month of Ramadan, the mosque closes at 21.30 WIB. Opened again one hour before Fajr time. In the month of Ramadan, the mosque is open 24 hours. He said, for last night's case, there were indeed five bus participants who came from East Java. They claimed to come from Madura. Participants enter the mosque after Isha time. The mosque provides opportunities for worship and cleaning. ""After approaching 10 (evening), we met with the head of his entourage, we announced to his entourage that the rules at Istiqlal, this mosque will be closed and will be opened again one hour before Fajr,"" he said. Abu explained, the group from East Java understood and understood. The mosque management waited for them to leave the Istiqlal Mosque voluntarily. Then at 03.40 WIB the mosque was reopened. ""And what is in the photo, it looks like people are queuing to enter, it's the Wali Songo pilgrimage group and school children, that's normal, they go to Istiqlal every day,"" he explained. He emphasized that the conclusion was that the news circulating on Instagram, Twitter and other social media was a lie.",Valid "The discourse of the Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara to stop social media services is the last step taken if there is no change from them giving space to spread hoax content. ""Actually, Indonesia does not intend to close, but if it is too late, we can close it,"" said Rudiantara in Jakarta, last weekend. The man who is familiarly called Chief RA demanded that social media platforms move actively to help the government overcome the negative content milling about. However, differences in policies make the government's wishes often hampered. He gave an example of the obstacles that occur with Facebook. As the most popular social media in the country with 110 million users, Facebook is a fertile field for those who like to promote hate content and fake news. Rudiantara admitted that his ministry often asked Facebook to withdraw such content in a short time. However, because Facebook's policy requires that requests coming from the government be discussed with its legal team in the United States, it will take a long time. Meanwhile, the government doubts Facebook's US policy towards its requests can understand the context of the national situation. ""I respect their policies, but this is happening in Indonesia, so you should follow the rules here,"" Rudiantara continued. He wants Facebook and other social media that are quite popular in the community to have representatives in Indonesia. This is intended so that coordination can run faster. Nukman Luthfie, a social media activist, admits that the distance factor is an obstacle to efforts to counteract negative content on social media. According to him, the adoption of a country's law is faster if the social media company has a representative office in the country concerned. ""The handling of content on Twitter is better because they have representatives here,"" admits Nukman. The statement to close social media was first made by Rudiantara when he introduced the MUI fatwa regarding the use of social media. At that time he would firmly hold social media companies responsible for the content they have.",Hoax "News about the Traveloka application being blocked has surfaced recently. The call to uninstall this application has recently been widely discussed on social networks. Initially, this call emerged when a pianist named Ananda Sukarlan walked out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan delivered his speech. At that time Anies was delivering his speech in celebration of the 90th anniversary of Kanisius College at the Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran. It is well known that Ananda Sukarlan himself is one of the alumni of Kanisius College. With the action he did, namely by walking out when Anies gave a speech, it was also followed by a number of other alumni. One of the people who are said to support Ananda's walk out is the founder and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma. Derianto is considered to have supported Ananda's actions by shaking hands and congratulating him. The action taken by Derianto also resulted in the call to uninstall Traveloka and the company gave a response. Traveloka stated that one of the bosses did not attend the Kanisius College celebration because he was leaving the city. According to a clarification made by Traveloka, Derinato had planned to go overseas for several months and was unable to attend the Kanisius Alumni event. “We are proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from Aumni Kanisius. However, Mr. Derianto could not attend because he was on an official trip out of town and it had been planned several months ago,” said Traveloka. Meanwhile, the news circulating, namely Traveloka's CTO support for the pianist named Ananda, was also clarified. Traveloka said that the company always puts the values ​​of mutual respect for one another. This is also applied to all employees and leadership stakeholders. 'Traveloka is a company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian people who prioritize the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. We always apply these values ​​to all employees. This is at the same time responding to the issue surrounding Anies' speech at the 90th Celebration of Kanisius College, which closed Traveloka.",Hoax "Traveloka provides clarification regarding rumors that one of its founders, Derianto Kusumo, took a walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, gave a speech at the 90th Anniversary of Kanisius College in Kemayoran on Saturday (11/11/2017). The travel and hotel ticket booking service provider denied that Derianto was present at the event, so it was impossible for him to be involved in the walk out. Traveloka PR Manager, Busyra Oryza, said Derianto was one of the recipients of the award from the Kanisius Alumni. However, Derianto, who is now the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Traveloka, could not attend because he was out of town. (Also read: Chinese Capital Boosts Local Startups) ""He was unable to attend because he was on an official trip that had been planned a few months earlier,"" said Busyra in his official statement, Tuesday (11/14/2017). Regarding Anies' speech at the Kanisius College event, Busyra stated that Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by Indonesian children, promoting the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance, and innovation. ""These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders,"" he said. Previously, rumors circulated that Derianto was one of the alumni of Kanisius who left the room when Anies gave a speech. This information then triggered an invitation to no longer use the Traveloka application and made #UninstallTraveloka a popular topic on Twitter. The walk out action when Anies gave a speech was started by renowned composer Ananda Sukarlan standing up from the VIP chair and leaving the room to show his displeasure. This action was then followed by hundreds of other alumni who attended.",Valid "Twitter social media is busy discussing the invitation to revoke the application or uninstall Traveloka. The invitation was the result of a walk out action by renowned pianist Ananda Sukarlan at the 90th anniversary event of Kanisius College which was attended by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, Saturday 11 November 2017. As soon as Ananda left the meeting room, news circulated that one of the founders of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma greeted the pianist. The attitude of the Traveloka founder was seen by the public as support for harassment of Anies who was giving a speech. The invitation to revoke the Traveloka application then became a trending topic on Twitter, with the hashtag #UninstallTraveloka. Twitter users are split into two voices; there are those who support the boycott of the Traveloka application, there are those who regret the excessive action. Traveloka provides an official answer to the rolling issue. According to Traveloka, there was misinformation from the widely circulated news. ""We state that Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders,"" explained Traveloka in an official statement to VIVA. via email, Tuesday 14 November 2017. Traveloka stated that it was proud that one of the founders received an award from Kanisius alumni at the event. ""This award further motivates us to increase our contribution to society by increasing mobility and improving the quality of life,"" said Traveloka. Traveloka provides clarification about the dragging of their founder's name. Derianto was not present at the event, in contrast to the news circulating so far. Traveloka said that the news that Derianto came and greeted Ananda was a hoax, because at that time Derianto was outside Jakarta. ""However, he was unable to attend because he was on an official trip that had been planned a few months earlier. He was not in Jakarta,"" said Traveloka.",Valid "Cybersecurity expert Doctor Pratama Persadha said that he was not sure the government had blocked Facebook, because the users of this social media in Indonesia reached 130 million users. ""If Facebook is still fussing, I think it needs to be blocked. However, it needs to have a replacement solution,"" said Pratama who is also the Head of the Communication and Information System Security Research Center (CISSReC) in Semarang, Thursday (12/4). /2018). According to Pratama, there are risks if the government blocks Facebook. In fact, the risk could spread to politics and cause instability in the country. The Facebook blocking discourse is related to the alleged data theft by Cambridge Analytica of 87 million FB user data in the world. Of these, 1,096,666 of them are Indonesian netizens. Pratama argues that Indonesia's position is weak because infrastructure does not have an alternative to local social media. Unlike China, which blocks Facebook, Google, and WhatsApp, they have prepared alternative applications, such as QQ, Weibo, and WeChat. This is because, he continued, social media has grown to be more than just a place to meet old friends. However, it has further become a place to earn a living for many people. In fact, relatively many micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) use Facebook for their promotional tools. ""This should be a lesson so that in the future the government can see this as a priority to build social media platforms and other internet services,"" said Pratama. According to him, the cases of data leakage of Facebook users also occurred on other platforms with different amounts, could be smaller or more. ""Privacy issues in our country also need to get a legal umbrella through the Personal Data Protection Act. This must also be resolved by the government,"" said Pratama, who was once the Acting Director (Plt.) of the Signal Security Director of the State Crypto Agency (Lemsaneg). Touching back on the Facebook case, he argued that the government's threat to block Facebook on the one hand wanted to show the government's side with the people. However, that's not enough.",Hoax "There is a bad habit of netizens that until now many are still infected. The habit is called talkative and lazy kroscek. In this era of social media, anyone can say anything, including irresponsible people. These people usually often provoke netizens with baseless hoax posts. Unfortunately, there are still many who are willing to spread it by reposting and retweeting. In fact, if you just want to check the truth of the news that you want to spread, you will certainly be safe from embarrassment when the real facts are later revealed. One of the most talked about lately is the meaning of pokemon. Along with the popularity of the game Pokemon Go, there are also fatwas and baseless posts about the meaning of pokemon. As expected, it was Muslims who were used as the butt of the hoax information. In fact, this could be part of a promotion or use of the momentum of the explosion of this game by certain parties, including site managers. From several posts spread on social media, it is said that pokemon means 'I am Jewish' in Syriac. Pikachu is said to mean 'be a Jew' and Charmander means 'God is weak'. Without tabayun and cross-check, many netizens are talkative and emotional. Those who feel disturbed by their Islam and feel manipulated by the game developer, then share or share online media links that contain this information. Who benefits the most in this situation? Of course, it was the site owner who spread the false news, because it was flooded with hot visitors. The most benefited is of course the game developer, who gets a free promotion. Also read: These are 5 Trending Phenomena Ahead of the National Examination, from Shari'a, Unique, to Shirk The question then is, is the information true or not? It turned out that Nintendo, the developer of this game, denied it. The LA Times called all of these unproven rumors. As reported by, pokemon in English is an abbreviation of two words, namely Pocket Monster which means 'pocket monster'. You could say, these monsters called Pokemon have a small size and can be stored in the trainer's pocket. While Pikachu which is known as the icon of Pokemon is also formed from two words, namely Pika (shining) and Chu (rat). From its shape alone it is clear that Pikachu is a mouse that glows or is armed with electric shocks. Finally, Charmander also has the meaning of burning fire, like the appearance of Charmander himself in the anime and Pokemon games. Also read: Consciously or not, it turns out that developing issues and hoaxes always lead to these 5 things A valuable lesson from things like this is not to get emotional easily when receiving information. Digest first and precipitate in some time. If necessary, look for comparative information. Wait for more reliable information. Check the news source, credible or not. In the case of searching for meaning, there are many online dictionaries that can be used to check. I've also checked some dictionaries. One of them is and in the Syriac language feature there is no word pokemon which means as spread by these hoax sites. Don't be easily provoked. Don't be too easy to click and share something whose truth needs to be doubted. If you do that, you won't be the target of the games of people who want to embarrass you.",Valid "Apple has finally opened up about the curved iPhone 6 case which is being discussed on social media with the term #Bendgate. According to Apple, the curved iPhone 6 is a rare case and few have experienced it. Quoted from The Verge, Friday (26/9/2014), Apple told news station CNBC and several other media that although there is a lot of discussion about it on social networks and online media, Apple has only received 9 complaints from consumers about the iPhone 6 being bent when used. normal. Apple says that the problem with its curved device is very rare. Apple also said that the design of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus uses a steel/titanium metal material that is useful for strengthening the structure of the device. In addition, the screens of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are said by Apple to be ion-strengthened to keep them from deforming. Previously, pictures of the curved iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus circulated widely on the internet. Some users said that the incident was the result of keeping the iPhone 6 in their pocket for too long. After that, many videos circulated on YouTube showing that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are indeed easy to bend with just a little pressure. Apple said it would compensate the curved iPhone case. But they will look at it on a case by case basis before providing a warranty.",Valid "The news circulating about the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia is confirmed to be a ""hoax"" or false news. This certainty was revealed after Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati confirmed this in front of journalists at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Monday (12/3). ""It doesn't exist and has never been discussed,"" he said, according to a release received by The Minister of Finance explained that at this time there were indeed many circulating information and documents that were made as if they came from government institutions. “What the Menpan said (in social media) was a hoax, that's what it is. In today's social media, there is a lot of information and documents that are made similar to those from the government and published,"" he said. Previously, it was widely circulated on social media regarding the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. In the issue, it is stated that the president will be proposed to receive a salary of up to Rp 553422694 per month. Meanwhile, the Vice President is said to be proposed to receive a salary of Rp. 368948462 per month.",Valid "Head of the Protocol Section of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah, stated that the news about the locking of the mosque so that people could not pray Fajr was a hoax or a lie. According to him, the closure of the mosque is already a regulation or the protocol at Istiqlal. ""The news is a thousand percent hoax, please check who wrote the news,"" said Hurairah, when contacted, Tuesday (21/2). Hurairah explained, outside the month of Ramadan, Istiqlal was closed after the Isha prayer, around 21.30 WIB, and was based on the law. Then it is reopened one hour before Fajr prayer. ""On last night's incident, only five buses came from East Java. They entered after Isha, then they were given the opportunity to worship, clean up, talk nicely with the chairman, we gave understanding, and thank God they understood and left Istiqlal voluntarily,"" he said. In addition, he said, the group did not know that today's action would be as big as last December 2 and 411. Meanwhile, the group that was waiting in line at the mosque this morning because it was raining, was Walisongo's group, who came every day.",Valid "The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has tested a candy sample resembling a pacifier suspected of containing drugs. From the results of laboratory tests carried out by BPOM, it showed that the dot-shaped candy was negative for drugs. ""Until now, of the drug indicators to be tested, four negative results have been obtained for four drug indicators,"" said Head of BPOM Penny Kusumastuti Lukito when contacted by Penny said, there were 19 parameters used in examining the pacifier sample. out of 19 indicators, four of which show drug candy is negative for drugs. ""Narcotics class one, narcotics class three, psychotropics, there are 19 parameters that will be resolved,"" said Penny. According to Penny, to ensure that the pacifier contains drugs, testing is currently underway with other types of indicators. The results of these laboratory tests will later be submitted to the National Narcotics Agency (BNN). ""Based on these four parameters, it does not contain drugs,"" said Penny. Penny added, the candy pacifier itself is registered with BPOM RI with the code ML 224409003077 with the brand Penguin Brand; Hard Candy. The candy is imported from China. ""It has been registered with the POM Agency for imported products from China,"" he concluded. Previously, rumors circulated that candy allegedly containing drugs was circulating in Surabaya. The candy, which is packaged in colorful packaging, is often found in shops and hawkers in schools. The news has gone viral in cyberspace. because of the news, the Surabaya City Government immediately mobilized the Satpol PP, Linmas and sub-districts accompanied by police and military officers to conduct raids in several locations.",Valid "Needle sticks cure stroke, information about this has circulated on the internet. Of course this made a scene online, where if it was true, then not a few people would use this method. But is the method true or is it just a trick? Just news seeking thrills? Let's find the answer now. Mentioned through a video that is widely circulated on the internet with the following steps to cure a stroke: Needles are sterilized using alcohol liquid The tips of the fingers are pierced with a needle to drip blood Is it that easy to overcome a stroke? It is stated in the video that a stroke is an attack that occurs due to disturbances and blockages in the blood path. It also mentions why pricking the finger using a sterilized needle, according to the video, the reason is to make the blood vessels in the body not clogged. For a layman it might be a reasonable argument, but it turns out that from a medical point of view, it is just fake news. Nervous health is important. Do not let you neglect the health of your nerves. Tips for you, take Neurotropic vitamins (B12, B6, B1) and exercise regularly. Mentioned if viewed from the medical side, then the theory is just a hoax or made up. Indeed, the information on the internet, especially regarding health, should be filtered before use. Moreover, the information is related to health. Blockage of Blood Vessels Causes Stroke The blockage that occurs for a long period of time, where cholesterol and fat deposits have accumulated and accumulated. Therefore, blockages will occur in the blood vessels and capillaries, which is the source of the problem. And the blockage can not be treated just by sticking a needle in the finger. This is not a trivial problem but has accumulated over the years. The dangers of the finger pricking method using a needle for stroke. In fact, if you carry out the method mentioned in the video and spread it can increase the risk to your health. Risk if you get infection. And if someone really has a stroke, the wrong treatment will slow the sufferer to get the right treatment. Even though it is known that stroke should not be treated too late, because the effects can be permanent. Moreover, the scattered procedures are clearly not in accordance with the procedures given by the doctor. How to deal with stroke sufferers The right way is to run the FAST method. F. Face. Face. Look at the patient's face, if it becomes tilted in his expression or turns away, it is a sign that the person has had a stroke. Because a stroke attacks the nerves. A. Arm. Arm. Try to raise the patient's hand, both hands. Then ask the patient to hold his hand in front of him. If the person is unable to hold both, let alone one of them, it is a symptom of a stroke on both sides, while for one hand it means a half stroke. S. Speech. Saying. The third is speech. A stroke patient will become slurred when speaking, because the patient's mouth turns into a slurred. This is a fairly obvious symptom. T. Time. Time. Last is time or time. If you have had a stroke, the sooner you get treatment at the hospital, the better, don't let it be too late. The single best method is to get the stroke patient to the hospital as soon as possible. Don't use any other method, because it doesn't exist. Call an ambulance or use a private car. So many articles about curing strokes with acupuncture are not true, I hope they are useful.",Hoax "Participants of Action 212 Volume 2 who came from outside the city had arrived at the Istiqlal Mosque, but they could not enter because the gate of the mosque was locked. According to observations, hundreds of people driving 5 buses, including AD number plates (Solo and its surroundings) were stuck at the entrance of the Istiqlal mosque, Monday (20/2) night, due to the closure of the mosque, which used to be a gathering place for the Defending Islam Action. (read: Istiqlal door is closed, 5 buses participating in 212 action cannot enter) Police officers on guard in front of the Istiqlal Mosque then directed the bus from the area to another place. It was not explained where the mass gathering place was diverted. For last night's case, there were five buses from East Java. They claimed to come from Madura. Participants enter the mosque after Isha time. The mosque provides opportunities for worship and cleaning. The group from East Java understood and understood. The mosque management waited for them to leave the Istiqlal Mosque voluntarily. Then at 03.40 WIB the mosque was reopened. Previously, the Islamic Community Forum (FUI) ensured that there would be no long march during the 212th volume II action, Tuesday (21/2) tomorrow. Action participants will be directed directly to the action concentration point in front of the DPR/MPR RI building. ""Our scenario is that we don't have a long march. So all participants are advised to go directly to the DPR/MPR RI building,"" said Ustaz Bernard Abdul Jabbar as coordinator of the 212th volume II action to reporters at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Monday (20/2/2017) . Ustadz Bernard estimates that 10 thousand people will attend the action. People from outside Jakarta were asked to park their vehicles in the parking lots that have been prepared. ""And for those from areas who bring buses and vehicles, we then direct them to park at the Senayan East Parking if those from the south and east. While from the west we will direct them to (park vehicles) at Palmerah Station and at in front of the Forestry Department building,"" he explained. He added that his party also did not provide lodging facilities for action participants from outside the region. This means that those from outside the city of Jakarta are welcome to find a place to rest on their own.",Hoax "If the iPhone 4s has a fatal problem in the form of a decrease in antenna function, then the latest iPhone series is threatened with problems in terms of design. One iPhone 6 Plus consumer reported that his favorite iPhone looks curved after some time of use. Almost a week after the first wave of iPhone 6 Plus entered the market and began to be used around the world, a technology news portal writer, Russel Holly admitted that his iPhone 6 Plus was caught curving at the front of the screen. The complaint from Holly was filed after several similar complaints appeared in a virtual world forum, Ars Technica (24/09). Based on the analysis results from Holly's report, it is very likely that his iPhone 6 Plus is curved due to pressure from the pocket and exposure to body heat that makes the smartphone body expand. The combination of these two factors is claimed to make it easier for the iPhone 6 Plus which does have wide and thin dimensions to curve. Several other reports state that their iPhone 6 Plus bends after being put in a back pocket and used for activities such as sitting to dancing. Only a dozen hours later, the iPhone 6 Plus looks curved but can still be used smoothly. Apple itself has not issued their official confirmation regarding the potential for the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus to bend after a certain period of use. Not a few parties claim that it could be a design error that makes the iPhone 6 bent. The issue of the curved iPhone 6 Plus will give Apple a bad image if later this case becomes an 'epidemic' among its users. The company led by Tim Cook certainly doesn't want the case of mass damage to the iPhone 4s antenna to repeat itself in one of the best products made under the era of the new CEO of Apple.",Hoax "Facebook is again a byword in the world, including in Indonesia. In fact, Facebook is threatened with closure by the Indonesian government. The reason, especially if not an indication of the leakage of customer personal data to a third company, Cambridge Analytica. This leak is also very large. To date, there have been 87 million personal data leaked. The data that Facebook collects is even up to short messages (SMS) and cell phone records of the Facebook account owner. In Indonesia, Facebook's data leak has also been in the spotlight of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara, said that Facebook could be threatened with administrative and criminal sanctions if it is proven to have violated the law. Minister Rudiantara firmly emphasized that his party would not hesitate to close the social media Facebook. There are two serious violations committed by Facebook. First, about the data leak of 1 million account owners from Indonesia. Second, Mark Zuckerberg's social media is suspected of being one of the social media platforms for spreading hoax news and propaganda. As quoted from The Guardian, Facebook admits that its media is used as an anti-Rohing propaganda tool in Myanmar. ""I take a position, I threaten to close Facebook and the government has no doubts if it has to close Facebook if it is used for hacking,"" said Minister Rudiantara. Don't Just Take Action Regarding the two alleged big mistakes by Facebook, the Ministry of Communication and Information will not just take action. The ministry will investigate together with the relevant agencies. The government's actions will have to be based on the right reasons. ""I'm coordinating with the police. If I take legal action in cyberspace. Later, if it is processed, there will be a process at the police,"" said Rudiantara. Rudiantara added that regarding data leakage, Facebook could be subject to corporal sanctions of up to 12 years and a fine of up to Rp12 billion. The reprimand against Facebook is not the first time. In November 2016, the Directorate General of Taxes said that Facebook's tax debt in Indonesia reached IDR 3 trillion. Facebook was also reprimanded by the Ministry of Communication and Information regarding content that must comply with regulations in Indonesia. “All social media must be willing to participate in maintaining the stability of the country if they want to do business in Indonesia. If it destabilizes Indonesia, the government will act decisively,"" said the Minister of Communication and Informatics.",Hoax "After the boom of the Pokemon Go game, several issues began to appear among lovers of the mobile game. Starting from the many victims because of Pokemon Go, to the assumption that Pokemon Go is Jewish. Hearing this, Pokemon Go players started looking for information about the issue of Pokemon being Jewish. As one of the players in the game, Usama Harbatah is also looking for information on this issue. In the following video, Usama Harbatah clarifies the issue which he considers slander. At first, Usama heard rumors that the name Pokemon is a combination of the Syriac word which means I am Jewish. He even looked up the meaning of the word Pokemon from Syriac to English, but couldn't find the meaning. In addition to the word pokemon, he also looked for the names of Pikachu, Charmander and others, but also found nothing. In addition, he also argues that pokemon games that are considered to steal personal data are just feelings. Because basically social media has stolen the personal data of all its users. In this video, Usama Harbatah also provides tips for safe playing Pokemon Go. Here's a video clarification of Usama Harbatah about the notion that Pokemon are Jews.",Valid "A news related to the commotion at the Head of Mobile Brigade Headquarters terrorist detention center, Salemba branch, in Depok on Friday (11/10/2017) was spread in messaging application groups. The news said that the commotion was still going on and caused 3 blocks in the prison to catch fire. The news also stated that the trigger for the commotion was the throwing of the Koran by the guard. Responding to the news, the Karo Penmas Public Relations of the National Police Brigadier General Rikwanto spoke up. He confirmed that the news was a hoax. ""It's a hoax,"" explained Rikwanto, Saturday (11/11/2017). Rikwanto explained that currently the condition of the terrorist detention center is conducive. There was no arson or fire in the commotion. ""(The commotion) resulted in damage to the prison facilities, such as the door of the prison cell being broken, the gate of the hallway block, broken windows in block C and block B,"" he explained. Meanwhile, the trigger for the commotion was the presence of a detainee who did not accept it when the officers conducted a search. During the search, officers found 4 mobile phones. ""One of the prisoners did not accept it and provoked the officers with various words. Then there were members who were provoked by their words and there were prisoners who were takbir loudly so that they provoked prisoners from the block next to them,"" said Rikwanto. The police then fired warning shots to warn the detainees. Fortunately, the commotion was suppressed by the police. Now, the situation in the terrorist prison is back to normal.",Valid "News Facebook will be blocked in Indonesia on April 24, suddenly widely shared on social media. Information that went viral and widely circulated on social media, especially Facebook, this is confirmed not true aka hoax. The government can take action firmly blocked Facebook because of the data of one million Indonesian users leaked in the Cambridge Analytica (CA) scandal. Even so there is a certainty that on April 24, Facebook will really be blocked in Indonesia. Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara on various occasions never said he would block Facebook. Instead, Rudiantara said the Ministry of Communication and Informatics do not hesitate to block Facebook, but must follow the procedure so that the steps not rash. Rudiantara's only firm statement about blocking Facebook is, if evidence is found that Facebook was used as a means of incitement. The Minister of Communication and Information also ensures that if investigators find elements of criminal allegations in the Facebook user data leaks in Indonesia, the chances of blocking Facebook are getting bigger. Meanwhile, these two things have not been proven, are still under investigation and waiting for audit results. ""If there are indications that Facebook in Indonesia is being used, for incitement, as happened in Myanmar, I have no doubts to block,"" said Rudiantara, at the Kominfo Building, Medan Merdeka, Jakarta. Also read: These are the characteristics of a stolen Facebook account, 1 Millions of Indonesians Affected Waiting for audit results Since a week after announcement of Facebook user data in Indonesia being leaked in CA scandal, Rudiantara has asked Facebook to conduct an audit, and submit the audit results to Kominfo. The request is listed in the first warning letter sent by Kominfo. But after the deadline the specified time arrived, Facebook has not yet submitted the results of the audit. Kominfo also issued a second warning letter. ""Currently, it is SP II. We are waiting, later after SP II it can be upgraded to service termination temporarily if needed,"" said Rudiantara last week. If then the audit results is known, then the government can measure the potential problems that can arising from this data leak and take action against it. In addition, Vice-Chairman Commission I DPR RI, Satya Widya Yudha in a hearing meeting with Facebook today, calling Facebook blocking is not a solution, considering that Facebook actually has many benefits. According to Satya, if Facebook does not have good intentions, then blocking can be considered. ""Before going there (blocking), you must understand first. Because Facebook is also useful for communication at this time,"" he said. The Cambridge Analytica scandal incident invited global attention. This analyst firm itself is a political consultant who helps Donald Trump's winning campaign in the 2016 US presidential election. There are 87 million user data CA stolen global Facebook. Indonesia occupies the third position as a country that user data is the most victims.",Valid "The Pokemon hunting fever with the latest game from Nintendo, Pokemon Corps, and Niantic Labs called Pokemon Go seems to have caused quite a lot of public opinion. Because of the trend of this game, various negative issues are milling about, through various social media, several individuals claim that Pokemon Go is a product that is deliberately created to destroy certain religions. What is surprising is that the name ""Pokemon Go"" is interpreted as the word ""I am Jewish"" which is said to be taken from the Syriac language, as well as the meaning of the names of Pokemon monsters such as Pikachu which means ""Be Jewish"" and the lizard monster named Charmander which means ""God"". It's Weak"". Not a few lay people who believe this argument, even so the argument was immediately dismissed by Pokemon lovers who have studied the story from the beginning as quoted from the forum as follows: Pokemon is taken from the word Pocket monster. Monsters in a pocket, the theme of pokemon. Collect and train monsters (a fictional world where on earth everything is created by pokemon and pokemon are scattered everywhere instead of ordinary animals) to become the greatest trainer and master. Pikachu Derived from the combination of the words ""Pika"" and ""Chu"". Pika is the name of a Japanese rat-like animal. While ""Chu"" itself is a word used to describe the sound of a mouse (a kind of ""cit-cit"" here). In essence, yes a mouse-shaped monster. Raichu The difference is, ""Rai"" is a kanji reading which means lightning. Those who play yugioh know ""Raigeki"" (meaning lightning attack). Or does anyone know the god Raijin? Raichu means maybe the thunder that makes the sound of a mouse. Charmander Derived from the English ""Char"" which can mean charcoal or burn to charcoal and ""Salamander"" or fire lizard (because it is red). A salamander that can burn to charcoal. Charmeleon Same, only with the combination of the words ""Chameleon"", the lizard that can change color, bro. Charizard Same, the ending is ""Lizard"", meaning lizard. So now it's clear right?",Valid "The news circulating about the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia is confirmed to be a hoax or false news. This certainty was revealed after the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati confirmed this in front of journalists at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java. ,"" he said on Monday, March 12, 2018. While giving a statement regarding President Joko Widodo's meeting with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) delegation, he received a question about it. from government institutions ""What the Menpan said (in social media) is a hoax, it is indeed like that. In today's social media there is a lot of information and documents that are made similar to those from the government and published,"" he said. President's salary and The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia In this issue, it is stated that the president will be proposed to receive a salary of up to Rp. 553422694 per month. The vice president is said to be proposed to receive a salary of Rp. 368948462 per month.",Valid "The Head of the General Information Section (Kabagpenum) of the National Police, Kombes Pol. Martinus Sitompul, denied the issue of the throwing of the Koran by the guard at the Mako Brimob Rutan Salemba Branch, Central Jakarta, Friday (11/10/2017). The Mako Brimob Prison Salemba Branch riots. ""It is not true that the Koran was thrown by the guard,"" said Kombes Martinus in a text message, Friday night. Martinus explained that what happened was that the guard checked a number of books and objects in the detention cell. According to him, the riot that occurred on Friday afternoon was triggered by the inmates who did not accept the officers' search of their rooms. ""The turmoil that occurred was a reaction to the actions taken by guard officers who confiscated cell phones belonging to Block C detainees,"" he said. During the search, four cell phones belonging to four terrorist convicts were found, namely Juhanda, Saulihun, Khairul Anam and Jumali. A number of angry Block B and Block C inmates then broke the cell door. Not only that, a number of facilities at the Salemba detention center were also damaged, including the gates of Block B and Block C hallways and their windows. Martinus added that the condition of the prison is now back to being conducive. ""The detention center is conducive and the prisoners are calm,"" he said",Valid "Cianjur Regent Irvan Rivano Muchtar said, from several articles he read on the internet, the meaning of the word Pokemon itself in one language is I am Jewish. “Obviously this is an admission of you who oppress our brothers like Palestine. It is also against the teachings,"" he said. According to him, the district government is currently only urging smartphone users not to play Pokemon Go, which was recently officially launched in America and will only be inaugurated in Indonesia in the near future. ""Now it's just an appeal, but maybe later it will be banned if it doesn't educate and is dangerous,"" he said. According to Irvan, from some news circulating if Pokemon Go can cause accidents. The reason is a game that requires users to leave the house and walk to look for this pokemon will interfere with concentration on the road. “Indeed, there has been no research, whether it is dangerous or not. But it's definitely better to anticipate before all the bad things happen. So don't focus too much on the game. When on the road look around. Don't let your busy playing learning games be neglected, everything must be balanced,"" he said.",Hoax "Finance Minister Sri Mulyani emphasized that there was no discussion about the increase in the salaries of the president and vice president. This was conveyed in response to the news circulating about it. ""There is no news and there has never been a discussion,"" said Sri Mulyani at the Presidential Palace Complex, Bogor, West Java, Monday (12/3/2018). Also read: The Government is Still Discussing the Plan to Increase the Salary of Civil Servants Sri admits that currently there is a lot of information circulating regarding the increase in the salaries of the president and vice president, especially on social media. In fact, there are also documents circulating as if they came from a government institution. The photo of the fake document contains a nominal increase in the salary and allowances of the president and vice president. ""In today's social media there is a lot of information or documents that are made similar to those from the government and published, even though they are hoaxes,"" said Sri. Read also: Low Police Salary, Deputy Chief of National Police Welcomes Plan to Increase Civil Servant Salary The salary for the vice president in the hoax document is stated to reach Rp. 368,948,462 per month.",Valid "A chain message about being aware of the presence of a toothbrush made of boar bristle is spreading in the community. Because of this, there is the word bristle on the packaging of a global toothbrush brand. The message is not really new. The message was spread a year ago, but now it's crowded again. ""Come on, check the toothbrush, if it says ""Bristle"" on the packaging, it means that the toothbrush contains pig bristles. Bristle means pig hair. As soon as the sound of the message fragments spread again through the chat application. Not only on toothbrushes, the message maker also suggested that people check the bread brushes. He said the brush usually says “Bristle”, “Pure Bristle”, “100% China Bristle”. As with other hoax messages, the appeal was accompanied by a request to share the message with family and friends in the group so that more people would be spared from non-halal products. It turned out that the informant had misunderstood. Maybe, when he wrote the message, he had not had coffee. Because, the term bristle is not only used for sea urchins. According to the official website of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Food, Drug and Cosmetic Research Institute, the term bristle is lexically a short, stiff hair, and fiber. Thus, all stiff hair fibers can be called bristle. In the industrial world, bristle is indeed used for making brushes or brushes (including toothbrushes). However, not all of them come from sea urchins. Bristle for brushes and brushes can be sourced from animal hair. Both pigs, goats, horses, and camels. Apart from animal hair, for industrial purposes, bristle can also be made from synthetic materials, either nylon or silicone. Plant fiber has also been used as a brush or brush material. The fiber is commonly known as palm fiber. The MUI has firmly stated that if a brush or brush uses pork bristles, it is unlawful. However, manufacturers usually write down in detail the raw material used for fur. Usually, for brushes or brushes with boar bristle material, it is written boar bristle brush. Boar itself is an English term that refers to a wild boar. Recognizing the raw material for a brush or toothbrush is not easy. However, you can determine whether the fur comes from animal hair or synthetic material by slightly burning it. If you smell hair, you can be sure that the fur comes from an animal. If it is made of synthetic material or coconut coir, the smell will be different. Referring to a number of sources, the use of bristles on toothbrushes was first carried out by the Chinese in the 15th century. At that time, the feathers on the pig's neck were used. The brush was later brought to the European market. However, Europeans prefer horsehair because it is softer. The first modern toothbrush was introduced by William Addis in England around 1780. The handle was carved from cow bone. The fur is still made of sea urchin, only one big row. Furthermore, in 1844, a toothbrush with three rows of bristles was designed. Modern technology has finally found nylon can be used as bristles on brushes. The technology was introduced in 1938. Since 1950, the toothbrush industry has mostly used nylon bristles. So, don't be in a hurry to think of the bristle writing on your toothbrush packaging as a sea urchin. FACT The word bristle on the toothbrush packaging does not mean a boar. Almost all toothbrush products currently use synthetic materials.",Valid "The Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara, said that currently there is a lot of negative content circulating on social media. According to him, the steps currently being taken by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics to overcome this are closing the accounts that spread the content. “Yesterday I met with Commission I, and the current content is a lot of negative things, damaging relationships with one another. There is something bad on social media that gives us the authority, of course closing the account,"" he said at a press conference in Jakarta, yesterday. However, if negative content and accounts spreading bad content cannot be controlled, Facebook will be closed (blocked, ed). Rudy assessed that the action was in accordance with the law. “But if necessary, Kominfo will close the organizers. If we now do account restrictions, it is possible that Facebook is closed. If it is needed later, yes, it must be,"" he added. Rudy added that his party will establish a relationship with the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) regarding the recently issued social media fatwa. Because, the one who knows in detail about the fatwa is MUI. ""God willing, I will return to MUI to jointly follow up on this fatwa,"" he concluded.",Hoax "Invitations to uninstall the Traveloka application in the past two days have been circulating on social media timelines. This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. Ananda's action was followed by a number of other alumni. Based on information circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka, including netizens from Banten. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. One of the netizens from Cilegon City who currently lives in Qatar, Rahmat (40) said that he did not agree with the attitude of Ananda and Derianto, the founder of Traveloka, who took the WO action at the Kanisius event. ""Their attitude is intolerant because they mix politics and education,"" said Rahmat. The same thing was expressed by Rina (39), a garment entrepreneur from Tangerang who also uploaded her Facebook timeline. ""From now on bye-bye Traveloka, it's better to buy tickets at neighboring travel,"" said Rina",Hoax "A number of terrorist prisoners at the Kelapa Dua Detention Center, Depok, West Java were involved in a commotion, which caused damage to a number of facilities at the detention center. Rumors circulated that the commotion was triggered by the throwing of the Koran by officers from Densus 88 Anti-terror. This news was denied by the Head of the Public Information Division of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters, Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul. The former Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya confirmed that the commotion was suspected to be a search by officers of a number of terrorist prisoners. ""It is not true that there was a throwing of the Koran by the guard,"" said Martinus in a written statement, Friday, November 10 2017. At the time of the incident, said Martinus, what the officers did was to check the books and objects in the cell. ''What is there is that the officers conducted an examination of the books and objects in the cell,'' he said. Previously, information was circulating on social networks that this commotion was suspected to have been caused by the throwing of the Koran by officers. Because of that, the prisoners then went on a rampage and damaged a number of detention facilities. ""There has been a riot at the Headquarters of Brimob Kelapa Dua, two depots where terrorist prisoners burned and destroyed the room because the guard Ahmad and his team threw the Koran and caused the prisoners to go berserk,"" reads a fragment of information that is suspected to be a hoax, circulating in the public. Security Tightened Meanwhile, since the commotion in the area of ​​Blocks C and B of the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua Depok, at the location until Friday night, several officers were seen on guard. A Baracuda car and a number of motorized police officers dressed in all black were seen entering the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua Depok, on guard. There is no explanation about the tightening of this security by the police. The officers on standby even asked the media crew to stay away from the location. ''Go, not here,'' said an officer while asking a number of media crew who were at the main gate of Mako Brimob Depok to leave.",Valid "Apple previously stated that curved iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are extremely rare and only 9 users have experienced it. Apple's statement also received support from Consumer Reports which said that the issue of the curved iPhone was excessive. To prove that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus don't bend easily, Consumer Reports conducted a test using a special compression engine called Instron. The results obtained show that the iPhone 6 and iPhone Plus are once again not easily bent. In the video, Consumer Reports not only tests both iPhone 6 models, but also uses the iPhone 5s and Android smartphones, such as the Galaxy Note 3, LG G3, and HTC One M8 for comparison. The test showed the HTC One M8 to be the most vulnerable and in last place and the Galaxy Note 3 the most powerful with a pressure of 150 pounds (68.04kg). In fifth place is the iPhone 6. With the same weight pressure as the HTC One M8, the iPhone 6 can bend under 70 pounds (31.75kg). But the new iPhone 6 case can separate under the pressure of 100 pounds (45.36kg). While the iPhone 6 Plus is fourth, Apple's phablet can bend at 90 pounds (40.82kg) and the case can't withstand 110 pounds (49.90kg). It seems that the issue of curved iPhone is not a problem anymore. Consumer Reports concluded that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and other smartphones can be used for everyday use. So, are you sure about this result? You now don't have to worry anymore or fail to buy an iPhone 6 or iPhone Plus. Apple has even carried out a series of rigorous tests to ensure the latest iPhone is strong enough for normal use.",Valid "Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Arrmanatha Nasir said that his party was conducting an internal inspection regarding the burning of reog at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. ""Essentially, there has been an official statement (statement) from the Consulate General in Davao regarding the reog issue and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also has an internal process to ensure that the item is an asset of a state agency,"" said Arrmanatha Nasir in Jakarta, Sunday. On 20 October 2015, the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao issued an official statement that the destruction of Ponorogo reog by burning was carried out because its condition had been damaged and eaten by termites. However, the photos that circulated virally and have even been distributed by local online media Bitung News, show that there was a certain ritual before the burning. One of the photos also shows that before being burned, the Ponorogo reog was stored in a glass cabinet and appeared to be in good condition. Apart from the reog, in another photo, it appears that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao removed the dragon ornaments on the gamelan set and then also burned it. Related to this, Arrmanatha conveyed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would carry out inspections according to the processes in accordance with existing standards. "" Periodically there are internal inspections , "" he said . Domestic reactions related to the burning of Reog Ponorogo at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, were conveyed by the Jabodetabek Reog Community. The community sent an official letter to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines, asking for clarification on information on the burning of reog art instruments by Indonesian Consulate General officials. Secretary General of the Jabodetabek Reog Association, Agus Setiyoko, said that his party hoped that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao would not only provide a detailed explanation of the burning of reog, but also broadcast clarifications on the burning of reog art objects in a number of national media.",Hoax "A number of terrorist prisoners at the Kelapa Dua Detention Center, Depok, West Java were involved in a commotion, which caused damage to a number of facilities at the detention center. Rumors circulated that the commotion was triggered by the throwing of the Koran by officers from Densus 88 Anti-terror. This news was denied by the Head of the Public Information Division of the Public Relations Division of the Police Headquarters, Martinus Sitompul. The former Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya confirmed that the commotion was suspected to be a search by officers of a number of terrorist prisoners. ""It is not true that there was a throwing of the Koran by the guard,"" said Martinus in a written statement, Friday, November 10 2017. At the time of the incident, said Martinus, what the officers did was to check the books and objects in the cell. ''What is there is that the officers conducted an examination of the books and objects in the cell,'' he said. Previously, information was circulating on social networks that this commotion was suspected to have been caused by the throwing of the Koran by officers. Because of that, the prisoners then went on a rampage and damaged a number of detention facilities. ""There has been a riot at the Headquarters of Brimob Kelapa Dua, Depok, where the terrorist prisoners burned and destroyed the room because the guard Ahmad and his team threw the Koran and caused the prisoners to go berserk,"" according to pieces of information that are suspected to be hoaxes circulating in the public. Security Tightened Meanwhile, since the commotion in the area of ​​Blocks C and B of the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua Depok, at the location until Friday night, several officers were seen on guard. A Baracuda car and a number of motorized police officers dressed in all black were seen entering the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua Depok, on guard. There is no explanation about the tightening of this security by the police. The officers on standby even asked the media crew to stay away from the location. ""Go away, not here,"" said an officer while asking a number of media crews who were at the main gate of the Mobile Brigade Headquarters Depok to leave.",Valid "The virtual world was enlivened with an invitation to boycott Traveloka. The Uninstall Traveloka hashtag has also become a top trending topic on Twitter. This seems to be the result of the Walk Out (WO) action of the famous Indonesian composer, Ananda Sukarlan when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech at the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Kanisius College at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Saturday (11/11). When Anies Baswedan gave a speech, Ananda suddenly stood up and then WO left the room. His action was followed by hundreds of alumni and other attendees, until Anies finished giving his speech and left the event. Based on the information gathered, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, who was also present at the event, apparently also greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech. This was seen as support for Ananda's actions. I don't know who started it, Derianto's actions apparently provoked netizens to boycott Traveloka. As of this writing, #UninstallTraveloka is still the number one trending topic on Twitter. A number of netizens commented lopsidedly against Traveloka. The @dimasprakbar account for example, ""The right of @traveloka boss to walkout when the governor of DKI gives a speech. Also the public's right to #UninstallTraveloka when they are not satisfied with the attitude of @traveloka boss"". ""#DeriantoKusuma, Traveloka owner exemplifies dishonorable actions in WO at Kanisius. Price discounts are not commensurate with honor. Bye @traveloka,"" replied @hizzatullah in the next column. ""I wanted to #uninstallTraveloka but recently realized that I haven't installed it,"" tweeted the account @ainurohman. In addition, there are also netizens who defend and assess that the Traveloka boycott will not have any impact on the hotel and travel ticket booking application. ""Why just because of the new governor? The application is still useful. What's the point in #uninstallTraveloka,"" wrote the account @FansyahAzwar. ""As long as @traveloka gives me benefits, whatever the boss wants to do, it still won't #UninstallTraveloka :))"" continued @inddraa5 in the next tweet",Hoax "Terrorism observer Al-Chaidar assessed that the riot at the Mako Brimob detention house, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, Tuesday (08/05/2018) night was bigger than the explosions in Sarinah and Kampung Melayu, Jakarta, some time ago. . ""This is a bigger incident than the Sarinah bombing and the Kampung Melayu bombing,"" said Chaidar, a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe, Aceh, who also lives in Depok, to, last night, Wednesday. He considered that the riots occurred because the convicts of terrorism cases were offended by the authorities. ""They are hurt by the police's actions to throw the Koran (in) November 2017,"" he said. Meanwhile, according to's monitoring last night, at locations around the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, the road leading to the Brimob Headquarters area was blocked by the police. Vehicles passing from Jl Raya Access UI to Jl Komjen Pol M Jasin, where the Mako Brimob complex is located, cannot go straight, they can only go to an intersection, go to Jl Nusantara, or to Jl Kelapa Dua Raya, or turn around. Traffic is congested around the intersection. Journalists who wanted to cover some of them were no longer allowed to enter the Mobile Brigade Headquarters via Jl Komjen Pol M Jasin. Journalists were also checked for press cards and personal identity cards (KTP), as well as the contents of their luggage. Some can enter after going through layers of security. Residents who want to pass are also not allowed, even though this media saw two people on motorbikes passing after being shouted ""where are you going?"" by officers. As previously reported, according to the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters, M Iqbal, the rioting at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters was triggered when guards inspected food shipments from prisoners' families which took a long time, thus sparking the anger of the prisoners. ""We have to verify food shipments according to the SOP, so that an incident occurs,"" said Iqbal at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters",Valid "The Pokemon Go game fever is being experienced by several countries, including Indonesia. There's been an issue lately about the meaning of the word Pikachu which in Syriac means Be a Jew. Not a few sites provocative people spread this fake news. Worse yet, there's something using Muslim frills and so on. Is this true? Let us see the following explanation. Pikachu comes from Japanese and not Syriac. Pika comes from the word pikapika taken from the Japanese onomatopoeia which means: sparkling. In context this, it means the sparkle of an electric spark being struck. While Chu is from the word chuuchuu which means the sound of a squeaking mouse. Pikachu's name is taken because it was inspired by the animal Pika. This animal belongs to the Family Ochtonidae almost extinct in the world. He is described as having the power of electric shock glittering and shaped like a mouse. While Pokemon comes from from Japanese English: English: Pocket Monsters Japanese: Poketto Monsutaa Shortened to Pokemon Charmander said or in Hitokage in Japanese means Hi: Fire and Tokage: Lizard, monitor lizard. In English, Charmander: Char: burn or burn and Mander is taken from the word Salamander It is a species of salamander that is on the verge of extinction. The name Salamander is used for describing the Charmander who is a fire salamander that has the power of fire and can burn his enemies. How about Syriac itself? Jewish Words in Bahasa Syriac means Judaiya. There are absolutely no leading words on Pokemon or Pikachu itself. The words Be in Syriac are britha. There are no words referring to Pokemon or Pikachu. God's word in Syriac is Divine. My Words in Bahasa Syriac is ""iwin"". From the words above, no words referring to Pokemon or Pikachu So don't think that That Pokemon or Pikachu means I'm Jewish or Weak God and such. Share this article so that Our nation is not easily provoked by trivial things, especially about language",Valid "The rampant free sale of pacifiers suspected of containing drugs has prompted a public elementary school (SD) in Banyumas, Central Java, to take quick steps by conducting raids in the canteen around the school on Wednesday (08/03/2017). During the raid, the teacher of SD Negeri 1 Kracak, Banyumas, also gave directions to students about the dangers of drug candy, the teachers asked them not to sell candy and packaged drinks suspected of containing drugs. Rumini, a trader at SDN 1 Kracak, admitted that he had not sold it since he learned about the dangers of the children's snacks. ""I don't sell it, they say why it contains weird stuff, I sell other snacks that are common,"" he said. Separately, the Principal of SDN 1 Kracak Wanto Tirta gathered the students and gave an explanation about the dangerous content in the candy. ""The school hopes that this activity can anticipate as early as possible the circulation of drugs in the school environment, besides that it also educates children to eat healthy and nutritious snacks,"" he concluded.",Valid "The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao, Philippines, received protests from the public regarding the reog and gamelan decorations that were burned there. Therefore, the Consulate General in Davao gave an explanation regarding the burning that was carried out. ""On October 20, 2015, the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City was forced to destroy Ponorogo reog which has been an asset of the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao since 1988. The destruction by burning had to be carried out because Ponorogo reog was in a damaged condition and eaten by termites,"" as written in a statement by the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao that received by, this morning, Saturday (31/10). Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno L. P. Marsudi also confirmed that the burning was carried out because it was already and infested with termites. ""Reog and gamelan decorations in the form of dragon heads were burned because they were damaged and full of termites,"" said Foreign Minister Retno in a short message. Several media had reported about the burning of these cultural assets. There are even media who say that the burning of cultural assets is because it is considered an idol and the procession of exorcising spirits. The Consulate General in Davao himself said that the burning that was carried out was not an attempt by the Consulate General in Davao to damage or even eliminate cultural assets. ""The destruction of these assets has been carried out carefully and with full respect for Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. The Consulate General in Davao City also wants to emphasize that the burning has absolutely nothing to do with efforts to expel idols or spirits,"" continued the statement from the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao. The statement also stated that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao was communicating with parties in Indonesia to seek a new Ponorogo reog.",Valid "The salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia will increase drastically to reach Rp. 500 million per month. Or Rp 6.6 billion per year. This increase occurs if the Draft Government Regulation on the Salaries, Benefits, and Facilities of Civil Servants is actually passed. The amount is stated in the RPP material. With the president's salary index of 96,000 points, it was found that the figure was Rp. 553 million. According to Article 2 of Law number 7 of 1978, the president's salary is 6 times the basic salary of the highest official in Indonesia (Chairman of the DPR, MA, and BPK). Meanwhile, in PP 75/2000, it is stated that the three officials receive a salary of Rp. 5040000 per month. Thus, the president's basic salary is IDR 30240000 per month. Presidential Decree 68/2001 also states that the allowance for the position of the President is Rp. 32500000. So that the total money received by the president each month is Rp. 62740000 or Rp. 752880000 per year. According to the palace, this number has not changed since 2001. The total salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia is relatively small compared to the leaders of the major countries in the world. Prime Minister (PM) of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong recorded the highest salary of USD 2.2 million or equivalent to Rp. 30.3 billion per year. After Lee, there is Doris Leuthard, the President of Switzerland, who has a salary of USD 437000 or IDR 6 billion per year. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Trunbull followed with a salary of USD 403,700 or Rp. 5.5 billion per year. President Jokowi's salary is only higher than that of PRC President Xi Jinping, who is paid USD 20,500 or IDR 283 million per year. Meanwhile, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, recorded the smallest income, which was USD 1 per year. Of course this is Trump's personal request. The 45th president of the US has a personal fortune of around USD 3 billion. University of Indonesia (UI) public policy observer Lina Miftahul Jannah said it was very natural for the President to have a very large income index. So that the income received by the number one person in Indonesia is very high. ""It makes sense too,"" he explained. He said that as head of state as well as head of government, the duties, responsibilities, and risks of a president are enormous. So, according to him, it is not natural for an official to be paid by the state budget, whose salary is greater than that of the president. Instead, he said it would be dangerous if there were other government officials whose salaries were higher than the President. Meanwhile, the palace has not been able to comment further on the salary increase scheme for civil servants, presidents and other state officials. Presidential Spokesman Johan Budi Sapto Prabowo said his party had not received sufficient information regarding this matter. ""I don't have the information yet. I'll confirm it later,"" he said when confirmed. The former Acting Officer (Plt) of the KPK leadership has also not been able to confirm the progress of the RPP",Hoax "The photo of the participants of the 212th volume 2 demonstration unable to enter the Istiqlal Mosque which this morning was widely circulated on social media, which stated that the group of participants of the 211 action was stuck outside the fence of the Istiglal Mosque because the gate was deliberately locked so that the participants of the action could not enter the mosque, it is confirmed to be a hoax. or not true. ""The news that there were 212 protesters unable to enter Istiqlal is a thousand percent hoax,"" explained the Head of Protocol and Public Relations of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abd Salam, Tuesday (21/2). Actually, explained Abu, the photo is a pilgrim from outside the city who will enter Istiqlal. There is indeed a line in front of the gate because according to the procedure, the gate of the Istiglal Mosque every 21.30 WIB will be closed and re-opened at 3.45 am. ""In the morning before dawn, Tuesday, February 21 2017, there were several pilgrims from outside the city who were about to enter the Istiqlal Mosque and they arrived before the doors of the Istiqlal Mosque opened at 3:45 WIB,"" said Abu. For the queue at the door of the Istiqlal Mosque, the mosque management apologized, because according to applicable regulations, the door was only opened about an hour before the time for the Fajr prayer. ""We apologize for this,"" said Abu",Valid "Currently, news is circulating regarding candy in the form of a dot that is circulating in the city of Surabaya, East Java. Those suspected of containing drugs or other hazardous materials. The candy, which is known to be imported from a certain country, has gone viral on social media because it is accused of containing drugs. In an appeal letter numbered B/HB-01/III/2017/Humas dated March 8 2017, BNN urges the public to be aware of all forms of drugs and not to consume food, drink, or drugs that do not have a distribution permit. The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) as the focal point for drug problems in Indonesia, said that until now the East Java BNN was bringing a sample of the candy for scientific examination by the Narcotics Laboratory Center regarding the drug content. BNN urges the public to be patient while waiting for the results of the examination. It is hoped that parents and children will be aware of all forms and types of drugs by not consuming food, drinks or drugs that do not have a distribution permit.",Valid "The news that Facebook was closed or blocked for Indonesian social media (Medsos) users on April 24, 2018 has gone viral since the last week. Netizens, especially Facebook users flocking to post the status ""Facebook will be closed"", there are also those who upload ""before Facebook is closed post a status or photo first."" The news of the closure of Facebook has also become the pros and cons among netizens. Even so, the rumors that went viral and circulated widely on social media, especially Facebook, were certainly not true or hoaxes. The government can indeed give strict sanctions to block Facebook, because the data of one million Indonesian users was also leaked in the Cambridge Analytica (CA) scandal. However, there is no certainty that on April 24, Facebook will actually be blocked in Indonesia. Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara on various occasions never mentioned blocking Facebook. In fact, Rudiantara said that the Ministry of Communications and Informatics did not hesitate to block Facebook, but must follow procedures so that the steps are not rash. Rudiantara's only firm statement about blocking Facebook is if there is evidence that Facebook is used as a means of inciting or fighting. Rudiantara ensured that if investigators found an element of criminal suspicion in the leak of Facebook user data in Indonesia, the chances of blocking Facebook would be even greater. At the moment, these two things cannot be proven, they are still under investigation and waiting for the results of the audit. ""If there are indications that Facebook in Indonesia is being used for incitement, like what happened in Myanmar. I have no qualms about blocking it,"" said Rudiantara, a few days ago. The Minister of Communication and Informatics has asked Facebook to conduct an audit, and submitted the results of the audit since a week after the announcement that data on Facebook users in Indonesia had been leaked in the CA scandal. The request was included in the first Warning Letter (SP) sent by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. But after the specified deadline arrived, Facebook has not yet submitted the results of the audit. Kominfo also issued a second warning letter. ""Currently, it is SP II. We are waiting, later after SP II it can be upgraded to temporary service termination if needed,"" said Rudiantara, Wednesday (11/4/2018). If the audit results are known later, the government can assess the potential problems that could arise from this data leak and take steps to address them.",Valid "JAKARTA – The Reyog Ponorogo Community (KRP) met with Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi to question the Reyog Ponorogo burning incident at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao - Philippines. Foreign Minister Retno, who received it, immediately clarified and asked reyog lovers to exercise restraint. According to Deputy Chairperson of the Reyog Ponorogo Community (KRP) Suparno Nojeng, the meeting took place Monday (9/11) starting at 14.00 – 15.00 in the Foreign Minister's Meeting Room, Jalan Pejambon 6, Central Jakarta. KRP conveyed several things, among others, asking for a ""clarification"" press release issued by the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City, Republic of the Philippines, Saturday, October 31, 2015 (without any signature and issuing official) full of irregularities, such as the year 1988 assets. ""We also question the team formed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the incident, as conveyed by the Director of Information and Media, Siti Shofia Sudarma on Monday 2 November 2015 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,"" said Suparno in a release received by the editors, Monday night. According to him, currently it is necessary to escort the team formed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so that it runs in an open, transparent and honest manner. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' sensitivity to this incident is eagerly awaited by Reyog activists and lovers. In his opinion, this incident must be resolved legally (both criminal and civil) so that the ""intellectual actor"" is revealed. ""Protection and security guarantees for Indonesian citizens in Davao, especially Indonesian citizens who have exposed this incident,"" he said, adding that the news of the burning of reyog had made the atmosphere hot, especially in Ponorogo. Calming Reyog Lovers Meanwhile, said Suparno, Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi who was accompanied by the Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy, Esti Andayani, conveyed several things. ""Among them, asking the KRP to calm the reaction of the people who love Reyog, and understand the spiritual atmosphere of reyog lovers and no attempt to disrespect culture because it has been inherent in diplomats,"" he quoted the Foreign Minister as saying. It was also said that the Foreign Minister had received information from the Consulate General Eko Hartono that the riog property had been damaged and there were instructions to immediately replace it. Also, an internal audit was carried out by the Consulate General in Davao, while an external audit was carried out by the Inspectorate General, in the form of a team to find out what actually happened at the Consulate General in Davao, the progress and results will be open and accessible to the public. It was also emphasized that the principle of presumption of innocence must still be put forward against the reyog burning incident. The Foreign Minister also guaranteed that Indonesian citizens in Davao City who reported incidents of reyog burning, nothing would happen, let alone violence. On that occasion, continued SUparno, the KRP handed over files such as photos of the reyog burning procession, photos of reyog artists who appeared at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao in 2005, copies of the KJRI clarifications, copies of statements of apology from the Indonesian Consulate General staff, names of people who must be examined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Team, and other files",Valid "The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has tested a candy sample resembling a pacifier suspected of containing drugs. From the results of laboratory tests carried out by BPOM, it showed that the dot-shaped candy was negative for drugs. ""Until now, of the various drug indicators to be tested, four negative results have been obtained for four drug indicators,"" said Head of BPOM Penny Kusumastuti Lukito when contacted by, Wednesday (8/3) night. Penny said there were 19 parameters used in examining the pacifier candy sample. Of the 19 indicators, four of them showed negative drug candy. ""Narcotics class one, narcotics class three, psychotropics, there are 19 parameters that will be resolved,"" said Penny. According to Penny, to ensure that the pacifier contains drugs, testing is currently underway with other types of indicators. The results of these laboratory tests will later be submitted to the National Narcotics Agency (BNN). ""Based on these four parameters, it does not contain drugs,"" said Penny. Penny added, the candy pacifier itself is registered with BPOM RI with the code ML 224409003077 with the brand Penguin Brand; Hard Candy. The candy is imported from China. ""It has been registered with the POM Agency for imported products from China,"" he concluded. Previously, rumors circulated that candy allegedly containing drugs was circulating in Surabaya. The candy, which is packaged in colorful packaging, is often found in shops and hawkers in schools. The news has gone viral in cyberspace. In fact, in the aftermath of the hectic news, the Surabaya City Government immediately mobilized the Satpol PP, Linmas and sub-districts accompanied by Polri and TNI officers to conduct raids in several locations.",Valid "In the midst of high consumer demand for the latest smartphone Apple iPhone 6 Plus, unpleasant news circulated. A small number of iPhone 6 Plus big screen mobile phone users reportedly complain because their smartphone is easy to bend or bend when placed in a pocket. (Read: Sales of Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Reach 10 Million Units) Some users have reported the issue via forums on the internet complete with photos of the iPhone 6 Plus curving, generally in the middle to the top of the handset, according to a report published by ZD Net (24/9/2014). The folding of the iPhone 6 Plus which is equipped with a 5.5-inch screen is predicted because of the pressure when the user sits when the cellphone is in the back pocket of his pants. However, through the MacRumors forum, one of the owners of the iPhone 6 Plus with the name 'hanzoh' claimed that his cellphone was damaged (bent) after being stored in the front pocket of his pants for about 18 hours. (Read: Launches Galaxy Note 4, Samsung: iPhone 6 Plus Just Mimics) iPhone 6 Plus is by far the slimmest smartphone from Apple with a thickness of about 7.1 mm and a length of about 16 cm. Some owners of these cellphones speculate that the iPhone 6 Plus bends easily because its body is too thin. So far, Apple has not been willing to comment.",Hoax "This afternoon the Makobrimob was tense, due to the Seizing and Throwing of Al-Qur'ans by Unscrupulous Members of the Mobile Brigade Headquarters Prison this afternoon. It is known that the perpetrator of the throwing of the Qur'an is a prison officer who is known to be cruel to Muslim prisoners. Even this news was published by CNN Indonesia, but unfortunately this news was published in a piece, and was also twisted by the CNN Indonesia Editor. CNN Indonesia reported that prisoners who went on a rampage because their cellphones were confiscated, even though the rampage began when Brimob Prison Officers threw the detainees' Al-Qur'an. Prisoners are also willing to have their cellphones confiscated, but the prisoners are not willing to have their Holy Books and Al-Qur'ans thrown into the trash by prison officers.",Hoax "A reog Ponorogo at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao City, Philippines, was destroyed by burning on October 20, 2015. The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City emphasized that this burning was not an attempt to destroy or eliminate Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. Extermination is carried out with care and respect. ""I have checked Davao. Reog and the dragon's head are damaged and infested with termites,"" Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said via spokesperson Arrmanatha Nasir to, Saturday (31/10/2015). ""So, there is no intention of destroying cultural objects and has nothing to do with idols,"" he continued. Currently, the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City is communicating with parties in Indonesia to seek a new replacement for Ponorogo Reog.",Valid "The salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia will increase drastically to reach Rp. 500 million per month or Rp. 6.6 billion per year. This increase occurs if the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) on Salaries, Benefits, and Facilities for Civil Servants is actually approved. The amount is stated in the RPP material. Presidential salary index of 96,000 points, found the figure of Rp 553 million According to Article 2 of Law No. 7 of 1978, the president's salary is 6 times the basic salary of the highest official in Indonesia (Chairman of DPR, MA, and BPK). The official receives a salary of Rp. 5040000 per month. Thus, the basic salary of the president is Rp. 30240000 per month. Presidential Decree 68/2001 also states that the allowance for the position of the President is Rp. 32500000. So the total money received by the president each month is Rp. 62740000 or Rp. 752880000 per year According to the palace , this amount has not changed since 2001 the amount of salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, is relatively small compared to the leaders of the major countries in the world Prime Minister (PM) of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong recorded the highest salary of USD 2.2 million or equivalent to Rp. 30.3 billion per year After Lee, there was Doris Leuthard, President of Switzerland who recorded a salary of USD 437,000 or Rp. 6 billion per year. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Trunbull with a salary of USD 403700 or Rp 5.5 billion per year President Jokowi's salary is only higher than PRC President Xi Jinping is paid USD 20,500 or Rp 283 million per year while United States President Donald Trump recorded the smallest income, namely USD 1 per year. Of course, this is Trump's personal request. The 45th president of the US has a personal wealth of around USD 3 billion. University of Indonesia (UI) public policy observer Lina Miftahul Jannah said it was very natural for the President to have a very large income index. Indonesia is very high. ""It makes sense too,"" he explained. He said he was both head of state and head of state He is the government, the duties, responsibilities, and risks of a President are so great that according to him it is not natural for an official to be paid a salary from the State Budget, his salary is greater than the President. the palace has not been able to comment further on the civil servant salary increase scheme, the president and other state officials Presidential spokesman Johan Budi Sapto Prabowo said his party had not received sufficient information about it.",Hoax "Careful! Now circulating a toothbrush made of pig bristles. The way to find it is to look on the toothbrush package to see if it says “China Bristles” or “Bristles”. China Bristles is another name for sea urchins and is produced mostly by the Chinese region of China. We must know this because it is based on Imam Syafii's opinion that brushes made of sea urchins are unclean. Pig bristles are indeed the choice of toothbrush manufacturers because the price of the material is cheaper than synthetic bristles. Manufacturers only have to collect, clean and cut them. China is indeed a place that stocks a lot of pork skins because pork is considered halal by its people for consumption. It's not just a toothbrush that we have to watch out for, but a paint brush or a brush for greasing cakes must also be a concern for us as Muslims. A real example is the case of the brush brand Eterna which has been tested by LPPOM and the results are positive using sea urchins. Apart from looking at the packaging, there is another way to find out, namely by burning it. If the brush or brush smells bad, it's most likely using pig bristles. According to Imam Syafii, brushes made from pig bristles used to paint mosques will make the mosque covered with uncleanness and must be removed immediately. Moreover, if the sea urchin becomes a toothbrush that we use every day. Therefore, be careful and continue to be vigilant against various products that can bring harm to us as Muslims.",Hoax "On Tuesday morning, news circulated on social media about closing the gates of the Istiqlal Mosque to visitors. The Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI) felt the need to provide clarification. In an official statement received by the secretary of the Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI), Rusli Effendi clarified so that what had been circulating so far did not lead to misunderstandings. BPPMI also appeals to all Muslims not to be influenced by news that cannot be accounted for. The news about the locking of the mosque so that people cannot pray Fajr is a hoax or a lie. The closing of the mosque is already a regulation or procedure at Istiqlal. And here's the explanation: The Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency since 2002 has enforced a rule (SOP), closing the gates every night at 21.30. The mosque was reopened in the morning at 03.40, ahead of the Fajr prayer service. This rule (SOP) was enforced in order to optimize mosque security at night. All pilgrims are not allowed to stay in the Istiqlal Mosque area, except under certain conditions and with the permission of the security forces and the leadership of BPPMI. Regarding the conditions at night from 20 to the early hours of February 21 2017, the Istiqlal Mosque security forces have explained to the worshipers gathered in the courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque about the procedure and they understand and are willing to leave the Istiqlal Mosque area. BPPMI did not receive notification from any party regarding the plans for the congregation to stay overnight as in the previous conditions when Muslims held 411, 212 or 112 actions. There was also no special communication from the authorities regarding this matter. The Istiqlal Mosque always serves the people and strives for national unity and unity, and always maintains the comfort of worship. BPPMI stated that the negative news that had been spread on social media regarding the above matters did not correspond to reality and tended to contain provocations. BPPMI appeals to all Muslims to be asked not to be influenced by news that cannot be accounted for. The implementation of the Fajr prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque today went well and smoothly, led by Ustaz Salim Ghazali. The number of worshipers is about 240 people (170 men and 70 women).",Valid "iPhone 6 Plus is rumored to bend easily and bends easily when under pressure. Based on reports from a number of websites, a number of users of this sophisticated iPhone 6 Plus phablet have warped or bent the chassis after being put in the user's pocket. Why does the iPhone 6 Plus bend easily? Many speculate that the iPhone 6 Plus material is not strong enough. Not long ago a user uploaded a video showing the iPhone 6 Plus chassis strength test which can be seen below this article. Based on the video, this sophisticated phablet iPhone 6 Plus looks so easy to bend or bend without spending much energy. The weak point of the iPhone 6 Plus is at the bottom of the volume rocker. There are several opinions regarding the reason why the iPhone 6 Plus is easy to bend apart from the material being less strong. The iPhone 6 Plus phablet is reportedly easy to bend because it is the 'victim' of the unibody aluminum casing design combined with a thin body. This may be the reason why the iPhone 6 Plus case looks less strong. This iPhone 6 Plus comes with a 5.5-inch touch screen with an HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels Retina HD which still uses an IPS technology panel with a screen density of 400 pixels per inch. Just like the iPhone 6, the iPhone 6 Plus screen is also protected by Ion-strengthened glass. iPhone 6 Plus running iOS 8. The iPhone 6 Plus is powered by a 64-bit dual-core Apple A8 processor which is claimed to be able to produce 25% faster performance than the Apple A7 used by the iPhone 5S. iPhone 6 Plus and iPhone 6 are powered by a quad-core PowerVR G6450 GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) graphics processor. So far, there has been no response from Apple regarding the problem of easily bending or bending the iPhone 6 Plus, as reported by GSM Arena (23/09/2014)",Valid "Not even a month, two of Apple's newest products, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, are already in doubt. Some iPhone 6 Plus users were beyond surprised when they found their favorite iPhone curved after being placed for a while in the back pocket of their pants. ""Bendgate"", is the term used by netizens to make fun of the weakness of Apple's latest iPhone. This reminds the tech-savvy public of the ""antennagate"" scandal that was popular among netizens in 2010. At that time, iPhone 4 users reported an antenna design error that caused frequent phone disconnections. Until this news was revealed, there has been no comment from Apple about the iPhone 6 Plus that can bend in the pocket. However, they announced they were investigating reports of problems found in the iOS 8 operating system (OS). In fact, Apple pulled the OS version 8.0.1. Based on observations on social media such as Facebook and Twitter, the problem of the iPhone 6 being curved makes jeans users worried. In fact, the phrase ""Your pants are too tight for your phone"" became popular and was mentioned over and over again.",Hoax " - Kanisius College held an award night to commemorate its 90th anniversary at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran, North Jakarta, Saturday (11/11). The award was given to five alumni across generations. One of them, the famous pianist, Ananda Sukarlan. The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, was also present at the award. Anies was also lined up to give a speech. When Anies was giving a speech, Ananda Sukarlan suddenly stood up and immediately walked out of the room. In fact, Ananda was supposed to receive the award with Derianto Kusuma (the founder of Traveloka), Father Magnis Suseno (a Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (a Scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma). Ananda's action was followed by hundreds of alumni and other attendees. However, the incident did not last long. After Anies finished giving his speech and left the event, Ananda and a number of alumni who had walked out returned to their seats. Ananda then gave a speech after receiving the award. In his speech, the composer of Rapsodia Nusantara explained his attitude in leaving the room. Ananda criticized the committee for inviting Anies to attend the event. ""You have invited someone with values ​​and integrity that are contrary to what we have been taught,"" Ananda said in a written statement received by Tirto, Monday (11/13/2017). When contacted by the Editor of Tirto, Ananda did not deny the incident and his statement. He explained the chronology of himself leaving the room where the event was taking place. ""Just when Anies talked about the development of Jakarta. What kind of building, is Tanah Abang so chaotic. If it's chaotic, it's not development,"" said Ananda. At that time, according to Ananda, he was sitting in the second row of seats. When he stood up and walked to the exit at the back, he admitted, many people saw him. When he walked out, said Ananda, a number of alumni of Kanisius College also followed him. Ananda admitted that he did not invite his friends to go out. However, later, Ananda realized that the figures who came out a lot were his classmates, namely the class of 1986. ""I came back in half an hour after Anies left,"" said Ananda. Ananda reiterated that his attitude was not a form of personal hatred. According to him, the move is a criticism of the committee. However, he didn't care if Anies was offended. ""There is no personal grudge. This is a critique to the committee. Why invite someone who gets his position is different from the values ​​taught. Not (hatred) on Anies,"" said Ananda. This incident was also circulated in a video uploaded on Facebook. However, Governor Anies Baswedan even admitted that he did not know that there was a famous composer who walked out when he gave a speech. Anies revealed that he only found out about the incident after arriving at the office. Anies was relaxed about this. ""According to Eros Djarot, that does not reflect Kanisius' attitude,"" said Anies at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Monday afternoon. The former Minister of Education and Culture admitted that he respects differences in attitudes and views. Anies also said that he gave the right to anyone to express themselves in their own way. Anies also mentioned the obligation of a governor to protect his citizens. ""If then there is a negative reaction, that's just a bonus,"" he said.",Hoax "Pokemon means ""I'm Jewish"". Thus the broadcast circulating on social media, along with the excitement of the Pokemon Go game. According to the broadcast, pokemon comes from Syriac or Syriac which means ""I'm Jewish"". While Pikachu is said to mean ""be a Jew"". Actually, the polemic about the meaning of Pokemon has been sticking out since 2001, when Saudi Arabian clerics forbid Pokemon because they are considered campaigning theory of evolution and is considered Jewish propaganda to keep Muslim children away from their religion. Soon after, Pokemon comics and toys were taken to store shelves and orders were cancelled. Pokemon haram fatwas were also issued by scholars in Qatar, Dubai, Jordan and Egypt. Mohammed Abu Laila, a professor at Egypt's Al Azhar University, found no evidence that Pokemon comes from Syriac and means ""I am Jewish"". and there is no valid evidence that pikachu means “be a jew.” However, he agrees that Pokemon games spread atheist ideas and distance themselves from God. ""From a parent's point of view, this game keeps children away from God, and spread atheist ideas,"" he was quoted as saying by the Los Angeles Times on April 24, 2001.",Hoax "The current Pokemon Go game has attracted so much interest from the world community. The game fever has also been disturbed by negative news about the game. There are links circulating on social media that say Pokemon has a negative meaning and corners one religion. Many circulating on social media that Pokemon actually in Syriac or Syriac means ""I am Jewish"". While Pikachu is said to mean ""Be Jewish"", and Charmander means ""God is Weak"". The rumor has certainly become a heated debate on social media. Many believed and shared the rumor, many thought it was just something that was linked. Reporting from the Los Angeles Times edition of April 24, 2001, countries located in the Middle East region have indeed had problems with this. In the LA Times, it was stated that at that time in Middle Eastern countries such as Oman, Qatar, Dubai, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, rumors circulated that Pokemon games had connotations that promoted anti-Islamic behavior and believed in Judaism. This of course causes anxiety. The LA Times noted that despite Nintendo's denials, the leaders of those countries still couldn't accept Pokemon. The rumors arose amid concerns Arab countries would assimilate the emerging culture. Even so, many rumors were not proven at that time. Mohammed Abu Laila, a professor from Al Azhar University, said that until now there was no solid evidence to confirm the rumors. He said if he had even asked directly to the party who popularized Pokemon. Pokemon is actually just an abbreviation of Pocket Monster or pocket monster. Named Pocket Monster because this pokemon has a pocket ball that can be put in a pocket. Meanwhile Pikachu is a combination of the words Pika and Chu. Pika is the name of an animal that is still in the same family as rabbits, while Chu in Japanese means squeak. So the naming of Pokemon and Pikachu actually has nothing to do with religion at all. Especially to corner certain religions.",Valid "The Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI) straightened the information circulating on social media regarding the closing of the gates for visitors the night before the 212 Action. According to the Secretary of BPPMI KH Rusli Effendi, his party since 2002 has enforced rules to close all gates every night at 21.30 WIB and reopened at 03.40 WIB before the Fajr prayer. ""All pilgrims are not allowed to stay in the mosque area except under certain conditions and with permission from the security forces and the leadership of BPPMI,"" said Rusli in Jakarta, Tuesday (21/2). Regarding the conditions at night from 20 to the early hours of February 21, the security of the Istiqlal Mosque had explained to the congregation (participants of the 212 action) who had gathered in the mosque's courtyard about the procedure. ""They understand and are willing to leave the mosque area,"" he said. According to Rusli, BPPMI did not receive notification from any party regarding the plans for the congregation to stay overnight as in the previous conditions when Muslims held 411, 212 or 112 actions. There was also no special communication from the authorities regarding this matter. ""The Istiqlal Mosque is always devoted to the people and strives for national unity and unity and always maintains the comfort of worship. We urge all Muslims not to be influenced by news that cannot be accounted for,"" he concluded. , there are pictures circulating in cyberspace, especially on social media, which report that the Istiqlal Mosque is closed with a padlock and given barbed wire, so that the masses who will take part in the action cannot enter and sleep on the streets. The head of the Protocol Section for the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah, immediately denied the accusation, and declared it a hoax. Because, according to Hurairah, his party has never banned the action and has never locked the door of the mosque. ""A thousand percent hoax,"" said Abu when contacted by reporters on Tuesday (21/2). Then after the hoax image was circulated, two more images of police (snipers) holding weapons were circulated, where one was at a bus stop spying on the highway and the other was in a room spying on the DPR building. Not only that, the two edited images (pictures of police snipers) have metamorphosed into meme images. The two images were combined with the hoax image of the locking of the Istiqlal Mosque for the masses of the 212th Volume II Action. The image is edited and arranged vertically (top-bottom). In the image above, it is captioned: ""The door of the Istiqlal mosque is locked and barbed wire."" Meanwhile, in the lower image, it is captioned: ""Snipers are prepared in the capitol building. Oh God, are we already considered enemies in our own country?"" The question is, is the information in the image below true? If you pay attention to the issue of the locking of the Istiqlal mosque which has been declared a hoax, it is not impossible that the picture (police sniper) was also a hoax. Moreover, from the circulating photos, there is no real evidence to show that the sniper police were stalking the masses of action. This case is similar to the issue that had circulated some time before the 411 action was held at the end of 2016. At that time, the police were also accused of the same thing: they would prepare snipers to secure the action. Responding to this, the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol. Awi Setiyono emphasized that his party would not deploy snipers or snipers during the 411 action related to the alleged blasphemy committed by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok. ""Nothing, nothing,"" said Awi at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Thursday, November 3, 2016.",Valid "The salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia is rumored to be increasing by up to Rp. 500 million per month (Rp. 6 billion) per year. The increase will occur if the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) on Salaries, Benefits, and Facilities for Civil Servants is actually ratified. With a presidential salary index of 96,000 points, then the figure is Rp 553 million as is known, in article 2 of Law number 7 of 1978, it is stated that the president's salary is six times the highest basic salary of an official in Indonesia compared to other officials such as the chairman of the DPR, MA, and BPK. Meanwhile, in PP 75/2000, it is stated that the three officials receive a salary of Rp. 5040000 per month. Thus, the basic salary of the president is Rp. 30240000 per month. According to Presidential Decree 68/2001 it also states that the allowance for the position of the President is Rp. 32500000. Thus, the total money received by the president each month is Rp. 62740000 or Rp. 752880000 per year The Palace said, this number has not changed since 17 years ago (2001) Indeed, the number The salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia is relatively small compared to the leaders of major countries in the world. The Prime Minister (PM) of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong, recorded the highest salary of USD 2.2 million or equivalent to Rp. 30.3 billion per year. The following sequence is after Lee, there is Doris. Leuthard, President of Switzerland who recorded a salary of USD 437,000 or IDR 6 billion per year The following position was Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Trumbull with a salary of USD 403,700 or IDR 5.5 billion per year. year Of course, this is Trump's personal request. The 45th president of the US has a personal wealth of around USD 3 billion. President Jokowi's salary is only higher than that of PRC President Xi Jinping, who is paid USD 20,500 or Rp. 283 million per year. University of Indonesia (UI) public policy observer Lina Miftahul Jannah said it is very natural for the President to have a very large income index, so that the income received by people is number one in Indonesia it is very high He explained, as head of state as well as head of government, the duties, responsibilities, and risks of a President are very large. So according to him it is not natural that there are officials who are paid the state budget, the salary is greater than the President. Instead he said it would be dangerous if there were officials Another government whose salary is higher than the President Regarding that, the palace has not been able to comment further on the civil servant salary increase scheme, the President and other state officials Presidential Spokesman Johan Budi Sapto Prabowo said that his party had not received enough information about it.",Hoax "The effect of the viral incident at Kanisius College was a boycott of one of the hotel booking applications and travel tickets, Traveloka. It all started when pianist Ananda Sukarlan walked out when Governor Anies Baswedan gave a speech. After that, according to information circulating, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted Ananda, who was considered as support for the action. However, launching Detik, Governor Anies regretted the viral invitation to boycott Traveloka by uninstalling it. According to him, the Traveloka application has so far provided positive benefits and benefits for the community. ""Well, I think it's like this. We respect people with views. Respect different people. There is no need to uninstall and so on,"" said Anies, Tuesday (11/14). Also read: Ahok's rebuttal regarding the allegation that the salaries of the governor's team were paid privately by Anies Baswedan ""Traveloka also provides benefits for many citizens. After all, it is a service that has great benefits for many people. So let's get used to different views in a healthy way, respecting each other without having to carry out punishments like that. So there's no need to uninstall all kinds of things. ,"" said Anies. In fact, the presence of Traveloka founder, Derianto, is a hoax. I don't know who started it, but this information provoked a boycott and became one of the trending topics of Twitter Indonesia. Traveloka PR Manager Busrya Oryza confirmed that Derianto Kusuma was invited and should have received the award, but was unable to attend. ""Traveloka is proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from Kanisius alumni. However, he was unable to attend because he was on an official trip that had been planned several months earlier. to Ananda), he was not there,"" he said. ""We state that Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders,"" he continued.",Valid "Head of the East Java Provincial Narcotics Agency (BNNP), Brigadier General Pol Fatkhur Rahman, appealed to the public not to worry about the circulation of pacifiers suspected of containing drugs. Met after the 36th Anniversary of Narotama University in Surabaya, Thursday (9/3), Fatkhur deemed it necessary to convey this because the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Drug Laboratory Center and the central Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) have stated no found narcotic substances in the candy. ""The results of this lab test are valid, that the pacifier candy which was a shocker in Surabaya does not contain drugs. So, people should not be too worried about the issue of pacifier candy containing drugs,"" he said. Even though it does not contain drugs, Fatkhur still appeals to parents to monitor the snacks their children buy. He said parents should be aware of the very conspicuous coloring content in pacifiers. According to him, it would be nice for parents to bring lunch from home for their sons and daughters. Fatkhur added that the lab results from the BNN and the central BPOM can be justified. But once again, he hopes that parents who have sons and daughters can control their children's snacks, especially on food coloring. ""Even though it doesn't contain drugs, parents must be aware of the coloring matter in pacifiers and children's snacks,"" said Fatkhur. Asked about the results of the lab tests conducted by the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) at the Surabaya branch of the National Police at Polda Jatim, he admitted that there were no results from the Puslabfor lab tests. However, his party admitted that the lab test results from the National Narcotics Agency and the central BPOM were sufficient and representative. ""The lab results from the National Narcotics Agency and the central BPOM alone are quite valid and can be used as a benchmark that this pacifier candy does not contain drugs,"" he said.",Valid "It hasn't been a month since its official release and sales, a number of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users have started complaining and criticizing Apple for some reason. Most often, these users complain that their iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus bend immediately after being put in their pocket. Reported by the Daily Mail, there are at least a number of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who have experienced this and reported it to Apple and its CEO, Tim Cook via social media while uploading photos of their bent devices. ""Hi Tim Cook! Actually I really like my latest iPhone 6 Plus, the feature I like the most about this iPhone 6 Plus is the flexibility it bends like this!"" one user tweeted. Meanwhile, another user also mentioned that he carried his new iPhone 6 in his pocket and immediately curved it when he took it out. According to him, this is because the materials used are very susceptible to such things. Also read: This New Smartphone Made in North Korea 'Combines' iPhone and Samsung Galaxy ""I went to drive and put my iPhone 6 in my pocket, I got off and then sat drinking coffee in the cafe. When I took out my iPhone 6, how surprised I was to see that it was not what it used to be. Disappointing,"" said a user named Hanzoh. The size of the iPhone 6 Plus which reaches 5.5 inches with materials made of metal is not as expected. Although only a few have experienced this, the number of users whose iPhone 6 is bent is starting to grow. Of course this is a disappointment for those who have to pay up to tens of millions of rupiah for these devices.",Hoax "The salaries of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo and the Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, have not increased This was stated by Bey Mahmudi, the head of the press bureau of the presidential secretary. Regarding the salary increase received by Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla ""The amount of income received by the President and Vice President has not changed since 2001,"" explained Bey Mahmudi. -Law Number 7 of 1978 concerning Financial/Administrative Rights of the President and Vice President and Former Presidents and Vice Presidents In article 2 of the Law, it is stated that the basic salary of the President is six times the basic salary of the highest official in Indonesia other than the President and Vice President. vice president principal is four times ga Furthermore, according to Government Regulation No. 75 of 2000, the highest basic salary of state officials (Chairman of the DPR, MA, BPK) is IDR 5040000 per month. Thus, the amount of the President's Basic Salary per month is six times the salary, which is Rp. 30240000 While the Basic Salary of the Vice President each month is four times of the salary, which is Rp. 2016000000. 22000000 for Vice President",Valid "The message was spread a year ago, but now it's crowded again. ""Let's check the toothbrush, if it says 'Bristle' on the package, it means that the toothbrush contains pig hair. Bristle means pig hair."" As soon as the sound of the message fragments spread again through the chat application. Not only on toothbrushes, the message maker also suggested that people check the bread brushes. He said the brush usually says ""Bristle"", ""Pure Bristle"", ""100% China Bristle"". As with other hoax messages, the appeal was accompanied by a request to share the message with family and friends in the group so that more people would be spared from non-halal products. It turned out that the informant had misunderstood. Maybe, when he wrote the message, he had not had coffee. Because, the term bristle is not only used for sea urchins. According to the official website of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Food, Drug and Cosmetic Research Institute, the term bristle is lexically a short, stiff hair, and fiber. Thus, all stiff hair fibers can be called bristle. In the industrial world, bristle is indeed used for making brushes or brushes (including toothbrushes). However, not all of them come from sea urchins. Bristle for brushes and brushes can be sourced from animal hair. Both pigs, goats, horses, and camels. Apart from animal hair, for industrial purposes, bristle can also be made from synthetic materials, either nylon or silicone. Plant fiber has also been used as a brush or brush material. The fiber is commonly known as palm fiber. The MUI has firmly stated that if a brush or brush uses pork bristles, it is unlawful. However, manufacturers usually write down in detail the raw material used for fur. Usually, for brushes or brushes with boar bristle material, it is written boar bristle brush. Boar itself is an English term that refers to a wild boar. Recognizing the raw material for a brush or toothbrush is not easy. However, you can determine whether the fur comes from animal hair or synthetic material by slightly burning it. If you smell hair, you can be sure that the fur comes from an animal. If it is made of synthetic material or coconut coir, the smell will be different. Referring to a number of sources, the use of bristles on toothbrushes was first carried out by the Chinese in the 15th century. At that time, the feathers on the pig's neck were used. The brush was later brought to the European market. However, Europeans prefer horsehair because it is softer. The first modern toothbrush was introduced by William Addis in England around 1780. The handle is carved from cow bone. And, the fur is still made of sea urchin, only one big row. Furthermore, in 1844, a toothbrush with three rows of bristles was designed. Modern technology has finally found nylon can be used as bristles on brushes. The technology was introduced in 1938. Since 1950, the toothbrush industry has mostly used nylon bristles. So, don't rush to think of the bristle writing on your toothbrush packaging as a sea urchin",Valid "Finance Minister Sri Mulyani denied that the president's salary was proposed to increase to IDR 553 million per month as appeared in the draft government regulation (RPP) on the Salaries and Benefits of Civil Servants (PNS). ""It doesn't exist and has never been discussed, and in my opinion, what the Menpan said was a hoax,"" Sri Mulyani said at the Bogor Palace, Monday (12/3). Currently, the president's basic salary is around Rp. 30 million per month. The salary jumped dramatically with an index-based calculation of 1:12,698 between the salaries of the lowest rank civil servants and the highest. The president's income index is simulated to reach Rp. 96,000, so he will earn Rp. 553.4 million per month. Based on calculations circulating on social media, the salaries of state officials also increased, such as vice presidents, to IDR 368.9 million per month from the previous basic salary of IDR 20 million because the income index was IDR 64,000. However, Sri Mulyani reiterated that the government has not yet discussed the plan to increase the president's salary. ""Nowadays a lot of information is produced, and documents that are made similar to the government are then published,"" said the former Director of the World Bank. ""We have no discussion about it at all,"" said the former Director of the World Bank.",Valid "This one food is certainly popular because of its savory taste that often tempts our tongue. Many think that catfish are cultivated in unsuitable waters, in fact catfish is a formidable fish species because it is equipped with an additional respiratory apparatus in the form of a labyrinth, so that catfish are able to survive. live in muddy waters or waters contaminated with sewage and eat everything that is in these waters. This is the possibility of public opinion that catfish contains cancer cells because of these wastes. But we redline, indeed in consuming catfish we must pay attention to its cultivation. You need to know that the omega content in catfish is not inferior to salmon. according to research, catfish has the best source of vitamin D which is beneficial for bone health, catfish also contains protein and folic acid which are needed for pregnant women. Why do many people think of catfish as a source of cancer cells? Actually it's not the catfish, but the cooking oil that is used many times until it turns black in every frying dish. This is the source of free radicals, the source of the creator of cancer cells in our bodies. So it's not the catfish. Even the luxury salmon, if it is processed with cooking oil that is used many times, could be salmon as a source of cancer cells as well.",Hoax "Following up on complaints from a number of users who said that the iPhone 6 Plus easily bends when kept in a trouser pocket for too long, the United States (US) consumer complaints agency, Consumer Reports, held a series of trials. Consumer Reports conducted tests on 6 smartphones, namely the iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, LG G3, and HTC One M8. All five were tested under load stresses ranging from 10 pounds (5 Kg) onwards until the device warped or even broke. According to a report published on the official website, it is stated that the test results show that the two new iPhones, especially the iPhone 6 Plus, are not as vulnerable as recently complained.",Valid "The Presidential Palace stated that the salaries of the President and Vice President did not increase. The statement was issued because there were rumors that President Joko Widodo was getting a salary increase. ""The news that says President Joko Widodo has received a salary increase is not true,"" said the official statement received by Katadata, Wednesday (28/6). According to the Palace, until now, the President and Vice President still receive salaries according to Law Number 7 of 1978 concerning the Financial/Administrative Rights of the President and Vice President as well as the Former Presidents and Vice Presidents. In Article 2 of the Law, it is stated that the basic salary of the President is six times the base salary of the highest official in Indonesia other than the President and Vice President. On the other hand, the base salary of the Vice President is four times the base salary of the highest official other than the President and Vice President. Meanwhile, according to Government Regulation no. 75 of 2000, the highest basic salary of state officials, namely the Chairman of the House of Representatives (DPR), the Supreme Court (MA), and the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) is IDR 5.04 million per month. That way, the president's basic salary is six times or Rp 30.24 million per month. Meanwhile, the base salary of the Vice President is four times, which is Rp. 20.16 million per month. Meanwhile, the amount of office allowance received by the President is Rp. 32.5 million and the Vice President is Rp. 22 million per month. The provisions regarding this position allowance are in accordance with Presidential Decree Number 68 of 2001. ""Thus, the amount of income received by the President and Vice President has not changed since 2001,"" it was written. (Also read: Ministry of Finance Proposes Tax Employee Performance Allowance According to Workload) With this calculation, Jokowi's income from salary and office allowances is IDR 62.74 million per month. Meanwhile, Jusuf Kalla's income was IDR 42.16 million.",Valid "The National Police Headquarters is hunting for the hoax spreader of the throwing of the holy Qur'an by the guard at the Salemba Branch Detention Center, Head of Mobile Brigade Headquarters Kelapa Dua, Depok, last Friday, November 10, 2017. Previously, the Police confirmed that the throwing of the Koran was not true. The chaos that occurred there was caused by the confiscation of the prisoner's cellphone by the prison officer, which eventually led to a riot. ""We will look for (hoax spreaders throwing the Koran). Later we will find who uploaded it. If it is the news that provokes the danger, ""said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters, Inspector General Setyo Wasisto in his office, South Jakarta, Monday (13/13) /11/2017). By hunting down those who spread hoaxes, the Police want to provide education to the public so that it doesn't happen again. The National Police also appealed to the public not to be easily provoked by news whose sources were not clear. ""We also hope to provide education to the public. Don't be easily provoked by provocative news, this can be destructive, can cause noise, even cause victims if you're not careful,"" he concluded.",Valid "Jakarta - Complaints from iPhone 6 Plus users that their handsets bend easily have been denied by Apple. According to Apple, as long as users are careful, the incident doesn't need to happen. Apple does admit that there are iPhone 6 Plus users who experience a curved body, but there aren't many. According to his spokesman, as of Wednesday (9/24/2014), only 9 people had complained about this issue. ""iPhone 6 has a strong unibody with extra strength. This smartphone also has stainless steel and titanium to protect its body parts. Including, using the strongest glass in the smartphone industry,"" said an Apple spokesman, as quoted by CNBC, Friday (26/9). /2014). Apple continued that their workers carried out many tests to test the strength of the iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 6 Plus easy to bend problem has been reported by several users, complete with photos. As told by a Macrumors Forum user named Hanzon. He admitted that it took him a long time to put the iPhone 6 Plus in his front trouser pocket. At least 4 hours the device is in the pocket. While in the pants, Hanzon did not take out the iPhone 6 Plus and continued his usual activities as usual. As a result, he found the middle of his new smartphone was a bit 'bent'. DevinPitcher also had a bad experience. He also put his iPhone 6 Plus in his front pocket. It's not clear how long he's been putting it on, but it's clearly quite warped.",Valid "The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan was invited by Kanisius College to give a speech at the 90th anniversary event of Kanisius College, at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. On this occasion, there was an award presentation agenda to five alumni of Canisius College across generations. (For information, Canisius College is an educational institution owned by Catholics, which is devoted to men.) The five alumni are, firstly a pianist, Ananda Sukarlan, secondly Derianto Kusuma, founder of Traveloka, thirdly Father Magnis Suseno, a Jesuit figure, fourth Irwan Ismaun Soenggono, a Scout leader, and finally Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan, the founder of Kalbe Farma. However, when Anies was giving a speech, pianist Ananda Sukarlan suddenly left the room (Walk Out). Hundreds of alumni and attendees followed Ananda's footsteps. Apparently, about half an hour after Anies left the room, Ananda came back in. At that time, he took the award pinned to him. After receiving the award, Ananda then gave a sarcastic speech to Anies. He said Kanisius respects differences. ""Yes, I did walk out in the middle of (Anies Baswedan's) speech,"" said Ananda when contacted by (Monday) “You have invited someone with values ​​and integrity that go against what we have been taught,” said Ananda Ananda also admitted that he did not invite his friends to go out. However, later, Ananda realized that the figures who came out a lot were his contemporaries, namely the 1986 class. Ananda Sukarlan was born on June 10, 1968 in Jakarta. He is the son of the couple Sukarlan and Poppy Kumudastuti. In Europe, Ananda's name is well known. Piano Petrof from the University of Hadford, Connecticut, United States in 1986. Graduated summa cum laude in 1993 under the guidance of Naum Grubert As in 2000, he was invited by Queen Sofia of Spain to fill a concert at the Queen Sofia Prize Gala Night in Madrid. In 2002, he reached the peak of his career by signing a contract to collaborate with the great French composer Pierre Boulez on a concert tour to 11 cities including Helsinkski, Oslo, Santiago and Paris. And the first Indonesian pianist to be recorded in The International Who's Who in Music book. On the other hand, when confirmed Anies Baswedan (Governor of DKI), he admitted that he did not know that any guests had left, one of them was Ananda Sukarlan. He even admitted that he was close to the Principal of Kanisius High School, Pater E. Baskoro Poedjinoegroho S.J.,. And to attend an invitation from the Canisius School was not the first. ""And this is not the first time I've been to Kanisius, so when I heard it this morning, I remembered that someone had come out because I didn't remember, I didn't see it,"" said Anies at the DKI Jakarta City Hall. (Monday). Because according to Anies, everyone has the right to express their opinion in their own way. Including people who criticize his speech. ""If there is a negative reaction then that's a bonus for me,"" he said. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) the definition of walk out is to leave the meeting room or trial of your own free will because you do not agree or refuse the discussion or the results of the trial. This turned out to have an impact on one of the Indonesian start-up companies, Traveloka. The movement to UNINSTALL THE TRAVELOKA APPLICATION is milling about on Twitter's timeline. There, Derianto Kusuma, co-founder and CTO of Traveloka, was also present. He greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech. Derianto's gesture was considered as support for Ananda's actions which were considered insulting to Governor Anies. Whereas in 2017, the online travel service provider Traveloka, received new funding for their operations in Indonesia and expanded the market in Southeast Asia. The new funding was obtained from Expedia from the United States amounting to 350 million US dollars, or around Rp. 4.6 trillion. In the past year, Traveloka has raised a total of 500 million US dollars or Rp. 6.6 trillion, which was obtained from investors in previous funding rounds such as East Ventures, Hillhouse Capital, Sequoia Capital, and Chinese e-commerce company, I hope this doesn't happen again to anyone and anything.",Hoax "On social networks, there is a lot of information circulating that calls catfish the filthiest fish. In a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3,000 cancer cells. the nickname as the filthiest fish refers to the nature of catfish that likes to consume all kinds of waste in the waters. Even an article that is quite viral on the internet mentions that human waste is also used as feed for a catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China. This fish is equipped with an additional breathing apparatus in the form of a labyrinth, so that it can survive in muddy or even polluted water conditions. Presumably, this is what raises the suspicion about the accumulation of carcinogenic toxins (cancer causing) in the body of catfish. Investigation: catfish circulating in the market do not come from the wild. Many catfish are cultivated in ponds, which should be controlled so that they are free from pollution. The feed given can also be chosen, not having to rely on waste. The number of catfish production also continues to increase every year. Data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) shows that catfish production in 2013 reached 543,461 tons, an increase from 441,217 tons in 2012 and 337,577 tons in 2011. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), catfish consumption was 29.98 kg/capita/year, up from 22.58 kg/capita/year in 2004. In Jakarta, no less than 6,000 pecel catfish stalls have been registered with the Indonesian Street Vendors Association (APKLI). Regarding the nutritional content, it is undeniable that catfish is a cheap source of valuable protein. The fact that catfish is also low in cholesterol is likely to drown out accusations that catfish can cause cancer. Dr. Dradjat R Suardi, SpB(K)Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association, said that until now there has been no research that says eating catfish can trigger cancer. Conclusion: A mouthful of catfish containing 3,000 cancer cells is not true or a hoax.",Valid "Barong Reog Ponorogo and Hisan Naga on gamelan are burned at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. The arson incident reportedly occurred on October 20 last. The information circulated among journalists from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu). ""The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has contacted the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao and is being handled according to procedures,"" said Public Relations staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Opi Sudarma, when asked about the truth of the news, Friday (10/30). This news is very surprising considering that the object is Indonesian culture. In fact, a neighboring country, Malaysia, claims it as their culture. Reportedly, the reason for the burning is related to idols and demons. It is not clear whether the perpetrators are Indonesian Nationals (WNI) or Filipinos.",Hoax "Did you know that stroke is a dangerous health problem which is the number 3 killer in the world? Therefore, it is very important to know tips to prevent stroke from an early age and to know first aid if someone has a stroke. This is because in addition to causing death, stroke can also cause disability. In general, stroke is a condition where part of the brain is damaged. This happens because the arteries that supply blood to the brain are blocked, leaking, damaged or torn. How to prevent stroke that you can apply in your daily life is to start living a healthy lifestyle. If you have a history of diabetes and high blood pressure, you should reduce your intake of sugar and salt. So what should you do when you see someone having a stroke? There are so many people who don't know and are confused about what to do when they see other people experiencing stroke symptoms. Though first aid is needed in order to prevent things that are not desirable. Here is first aid for people who have had a stroke that you can do. Why is that? This is because it can allow the rupture of blood vessels in the brain. In this condition, you should help so that the sufferer does not fall back. Pierce the fingertips with a needle The second step is to pierce all the fingertips using a needle. We recommend using a syringe to be more sterile. However, if you don't have one, you can use other needles such as sewing needles and pins. To sterilize the needle, you should burn it first. Then stick the needle all over the fingertips. Make sure the blood comes out. If you can't, you can press the fingers. In this way, the patient will be conscious in a period of about 10 minutes. Pull and pierce the ear with a needle The next aid is by pulling both ears and pricking them with a needle. This is done when the patient's mouth and face look less normal. The trick, pull the patient's ears until they look reddish. after that, pierce the lower ends of both ears and do this 2 times. In a few minutes the patient will return to normal and conscious. Seek medical help After the patient's condition begins to recover, seek medical help immediately. Take the patient to the nearest clinic or hospital for further action. So that's some first aid for people who have had a stroke that you can do.",Hoax "Toothbrush is the most important bath tool to remove dirt around the teeth so that dental health is maintained. However, using a toothbrush should not be careless, especially in choosing the toothbrush you use. And when you want to buy a toothbrush, you should pay attention to the code behind the packaging, don't let your toothbrush be made of pig bristles Currently, a number of people are shocked by a toothbrush product that uses pig bristles. The use of the product refers to the writing in English, namely bristles on the packaging There is one secret code which means your toothbrush is made of boar bristles. The Or** * brand toothbrush is clearly made of bristles. The product packaging clearly describes the product. Responding to this case, the Chairman of the Medan City MUI, Muhammad Hatta said, if it is true that the toothbrush is made of pig bristles, the toothbrush is haram. In Al Surah Al Maidah verse 3 it is explained that derivatives from pigs are haram. We will investigate this prohibition, really from sea urchins or not,"" said Muhammad Hatta However, the Medan City Health Service through the Secretary of the North Sumatra Health Office, Afwan Lubis, is not sure about the existence of a toothbrush made of pig bristles. He added that laboratory tests were carried out if there were reports from the public regarding the boar bristle toothbrush. If it is true that it contains sea urchins, then it cannot be circulated because there are elements that are not halal I don't think it's possible. But how are you? We can comment if there is a laboratory test first. Currently there is no laboratory test,"" said Afwan, as quoted from (8/3)",Hoax "When people face the fact that medical treatment, especially for serious illnesses, costs a lot, then alternative medicine is really an option. In addition to affordable costs, alternative medicine does not require medical actions which for some people are very scary, such as having to undergo surgery. Now there are many treatments that rely on eastern medicine, one of which is Drs H Ahmad Baraas, MSi on Jl Nuansa Timur Number 6, Nuansa Kori Housing, Ubung Kaja, Denpasar. The man who is also a journalist opens a practice for the treatment of various diseases by using the methods of pulling needles, acupuncture, cupping, traditional herbal medicine, electro-magnetic and bio-electric. Baraas studied alternative medicine a dozen years ago. At first he learned acupressure or massage with his hands, but his skills were only used to help his fellow journalists whose health was disturbed when they were doing the coverage together. Passionate about helping others and wanting to provide maximum therapeutic results, he then learned how to treat with cupping, treating diseases by stimulating nerve points. The man who was born in Jembrana, Bali was also dissatisfied with his therapeutic knowledge, so he pursued treatment using acupuncture, electro-magnetic and bio-electric methods. The electro magnetic technique treatment method is also known as the needle pull technique. Baraas studied acupuncture, needle pulling and bio-electricity from a therapist from Sumenep, Madura, Drs Firman Taufiq. It was from the caretaker of Padepokan Citra Sumekar that he also learned about Madurese medicines and concoctions. Baraas mixes some of the ingredients, combined with Balinese herbs and spices. On the sidelines of his busy life as a journalist, Baraas always spends his time treating people who need help for therapy and he usually treats patients after carrying out his reporting duties as a journalist. The results of the therapy are recognized by a number of patients with maq pain, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, hernias, prostate, knee pain, high blood pressure, stroke, insomnia, sprains or wrong veins, chronic tingling, diabetes and others. For minor ailments such as fever, flu or headaches, usually with a spread of the herb on the head, the patient can be cured in a few moments. However, I am only an intermediary, God heals, he said. Talking about his experience being treated by Baraas, H Martiono (65) stated that he had previously been treated in a number of places, including receiving acupuncture therapy for a week at an alternative medicine clinic in Jakarta. But again, the trouble sleeping disorder can't go away. But when he tried to go to Baraas for treatment, he only had one therapy, now he can sleep for five hours a day. Previously I only slept an hour a day, from 11 pm to 12 pm. I've had that for years. Alhamdulillah, now I can sleep until dawn, said the owner of the electrical installation business. Another patient, Suarjaya (35), said he would take one of his family members to Baraas' residence, which is where the treatment is given. But he admitted that he had to call first, because he wanted to come during the day. The man from Karangasem Regency, Bali admitted that his treatment at night was hit a long distance, while the Karangasem-Denpasar transportation, which was about 90 kilometers away, was still not smooth. suarjaya narrates that he accidentally met Baraas. At that time he had a fever and caught influenza and Baraas who was nearby offered to help and it turned out that by rubbing a mixture on his head, his fever could be cured. That's why I will take my sick family for treatment to Haji Baraas, he said. The method of treatment given by Baraas is indeed different from other alternative treatments. He combines various methods, ranging from reflexology, cupping, gurah, needling, pulling the needle to bio-electric. This is realized because each method has weaknesses to treat patients with certain diseases. By using the combined method, the various weaknesses can be covered with each other. For example, for some diseases, it is not enough to only be treated with acupuncture, but also with cupping and needle pulling. Thus, the treatment can really reach the source of the disease completely, he said.",Hoax "On Tuesday (21/2) morning, news circulated on social media about the closure of the gates of the Istiqlal Mosque for visitors. The Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI) felt the need to provide clarification. In an official statement received by, Tuesday (21/2), the Head of Protocol for the Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI), Abu Hurairah Abd Salam, clarified so that there would be no misunderstanding. BPPMI also appeals to all Muslims to be asked not to be influenced by news that cannot be accounted for. As for the news about the locking of the mosque so that people cannot pray Fajr, he said, is a hoax or a lie. According to him, the closure of the mosque is already a regulation or the protocol at Istiqlal. This is the explanation: The Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency since 2002 has enforced a rule (SOP), closing the gates every night at 21.30. The mosque was reopened in the morning at 03.40, ahead of the Fajr prayer service. This rule (SOP) was enforced in order to optimize mosque security at night. All pilgrims are not allowed to stay in the Istiqlal Mosque area, except under certain conditions and with the permission of the security forces and the leadership of BPPMI. Regarding the conditions at night from 20 to the early hours of February 21 2017, the Istiqlal Mosque security forces have explained to the worshipers gathered in the courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque about the procedure and they understand and are willing to leave the Istiqlal Mosque area. BPPMI did not receive notification from any party regarding the plans for the congregation to stay overnight as in the previous conditions when Muslims held 411, 212 or 112 actions. There was also no special communication from the authorities regarding this matter. The Istiqlal Mosque always serves the people and strives for national unity and unity, and always maintains the comfort of worship. BPPMI stated that the negative news that had been spread on social media regarding the above matters did not correspond to reality and tended to contain provocations. BPPMI appeals to all Muslims to be asked not to be influenced by news that cannot be accounted for. The implementation of the Fajr prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque today went well and smoothly, led by Ustaz Salim Ghazali. The number of worshipers is about 240 people (170 men and 70 women).",Valid "The burning of Reog Ponorogo by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Davao City, Philippines, is considered not a trivial matter. The consulate general should not burn the reog even though it has been damaged by age. The chairman of the Reog Ponorogo Association throughout Indonesia, Begug Purnomosidi, said that the Consul General should have thought about it before being burned. What is burned, this is your own culture, don't burn it, let alone disseminate it. This is an insult, he told, Monday (2/11). This act is said to be associated with the extermination of idols. Although this has been denied by the Indonesian Consulate General, the burning still leaves its own disappointment for reog lovers. It's the same as Indonesians abroad insulting their own culture, that's not true, he said. Begug and his friends just landed in Jakarta today. Tomorrow, they plan to meet with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) to resolve this issue. Initially, Reog Ponorogo art lovers in the regions wanted to flock to Jakarta to convey their disappointment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But the intention was prevented by Begung. Should be resolved internally with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If there is a problem, it can be a long story, he said. The Reog Ponorogo Association throughout Indonesia wants the Foreign Minister to take action against his subordinates. We want the Foreign Minister to discipline Indonesians abroad, especially her subordinates, to respect the nation. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The burning of Reog Ponorogo by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Davao City, Philippines, is considered not a trivial matter. The consulate general should not burn the reog even though it has been damaged by age. The chairman of the Reog Ponorogo Association throughout Indonesia, Begug Purnomosidi, said that the Consul General should have thought about it before being burned. What is burned, this is your own culture, don't burn it, let alone disseminate it. This is an insult, he told, Monday (2/11). This act is said to be associated with the extermination of idols. Although this has been denied by the Indonesian Consulate General, the burning still leaves its own disappointment for reog lovers. It's the same as Indonesians abroad insulting their own culture, that's not true, he said. Begug and his friends just landed in Jakarta today. Tomorrow, they plan to meet with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) to resolve this issue. Initially, Reog Ponorogo art lovers in the regions wanted to flock to Jakarta to convey their disappointment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But the intention was prevented by Begung. Should be resolved internally with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If there is a problem, it can be a long story, he said. The Reog Ponorogo Association throughout Indonesia wants the Foreign Minister to take action against his subordinates. We want the Foreign Minister to discipline Indonesians abroad, especially her subordinates, to respect the nation. Don't even hit it from the inside, said Begug.",Hoax "Parents need to be vigilant. Drug trafficking begins to target children. The modus operandi used by the perpetrators was to mix drugs in pacifiers. The Trade Office is tracking shops, traditional markets and schools to make sure Mataram is free from the candy pacifier. Head of the Mataram City Trade Office, L. Alwan Basri, said this issue must be seen and examined first in the field. Because, this concerns the general public, especially children who need to be protected. The drug mafia mode is considered very dangerous for the younger generation. He asked the Supervision Division of the Trade Office to follow up by tracing the points of shopping centers, markets, kiosks and school canteens. ""I will order the supervisory department and the head of the market to check later,"" said Alwan, Wednesday, March 8 2017. The investigation will involve the Center for Drug and Food Control, Satpol PP and police officers. If the goods are found circulating in the city of Mataram. It will immediately withdraw and secure for laboratory tests. ""If it is found, we will immediately confiscate it and withdraw it,"" he said. The indications do not end there. Police officers will be asked to trace the source. Retailers and merchants will be scrutinized to find out the marketing chain. The government does not want illegal drugs to penetrate students. The former Head of Public Relations and Protocol of the Mataram City Secretariat emphasized that if necessary, the perpetrators were punished according to the applicable legal provisions. ""There must be a link. This is what we will find out,"" he said. Not only pacifiers, but other products that contain harmful substances are routinely monitored. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mataram continue to urge the public to avoid hazardous materials. Especially for parents to provide their children with food cooked at home. ""Don't shop outside, let alone unclear hygiene,"" he said.",Valid "The Jabodetabek Reog Community sent an official letter to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines, asking for clarification on information on the burning of reog art instruments by Indonesian Consulate General officials. ""We want to get an official and written explanation, because in the previous clarification the Indonesian Consulate General confirmed the news on the pretext that the art instrument was damaged,"" said Secretary General of the Jabodetabek Reog Association, Agus Setiyoko, Monday (2/11). Agus revealed that there were three points of request for clarification that they submitted to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. First, to ask for an official and written explanation regarding the case of the reog art instrument burning by the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. In addition to the written explanation, Agus said, in the second point his party also questioned the dissemination of news of the burning of the reog art instrument in a number of ""online"" media. There are many reasons for burning because it is considered an idol. The last point, which is no less important, Agus said, was a request to the Indonesian Embassy or the RI Konken in Davao City, Philippines to publish or broadcast clarifications on the issue of burning reog art objects in a number of national media. ""We also demand that the Indonesian Consulate General or through the Indonesian Embassy in the Philippines ask for the right of clarification from the media who brought up the news to avoid confusion in the news that developed in the country,"" he said. The letter, which was written on the letterhead of the Jabodetabek Reyog Association Number 023/PRPJ/X/2015, was not only sent via electronic message to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City. However, copies were also sent to the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Regent of Ponorogo.",Valid "Catfish is said to contain 3,000 cancer cells. The news circulated on social media. Freshwater fish are also considered the dirtiest fish because they eat all kinds of dirt. The news made catfish cultivators, catfish pecel stall owners, and freshwater fish connoisseurs offended and devastated. The reason is, catfish is one of the favorite food menus in Indonesia. Almost every food stall, especially in East Java and West Java, always provides this menu. Besides the price is quite cheap, this menu is also delicious, so it becomes a special attraction for consumers. The news that catfish contains 3,000 cancer cells first appeared in China. An article that mentions dirty and dirty catfish ads has gone viral on social media. The article mentions that human waste is also used as feed at a catfish farm in Haikou City, China. The article states that catfish is the dirtiest fish among other types of fish that are often consumed by humans. This is because catfish is a type of fish that easily breeds in dirty places. Catfish consume waste in the form of animal waste such as chickens, cows and pigs, and humans. This allows catfish to contain 3000 cancer cells which are very dangerous for the human body. However, catfish connoisseurs are asked not to be influenced by this information. The reason is, catfish advertising in Indonesia is different from China. Catfish in the country are cultivated very well by catfish breeders. They use pellets as their food, not using waste which is very harmful to human health like in China. Poor catfish cultivators, they were offended and very upset by the news. The information that catfish contains 3,000 cancer cells is not true, said Head of the East Java Province Fisheries and Marine Service, Heru Tjahjono, Saturday (31/10)",Hoax "On social networks, there is a lot of information circulating that calls catfish the filthiest fish. In a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3000 cancer cells. Really? The nickname as the filthiest fish refers to the nature of catfish who are fond of consuming all kinds of waste in the waters. Even an article that is quite viral on the internet mentions that human waste is also used as feed for a catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China. Meanwhile in their natural habitat, catfish or catfish are also known as very tough fish species. This fish is equipped with an additional breathing apparatus in the form of a labyrinth, so that it can survive in muddy or even polluted water conditions. Presumably, this fact has led to allegations of accumulation of carcinogenic toxins (cancer causing) in the body of catfish. Fortunately, catfish on the market do not come from the wild. Many catfish are cultivated in ponds, which should be controlled so that they are free from pollution. The feed given can also be chosen, not having to rely on waste. To be sure, the popularity of this murmured fish has never faded, in fact continues to increase. Data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) shows that catfish production in 2013 reached 543,461 tons, an increase from 441,217 tons in 2012 and 337,577 tons in 2011. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), catfish consumption was 29.98 kg/capita/year, up from 22.58 kg/capita/year in 2004. In Jakarta, no less than 6,000 pecel catfish stalls have been registered with the Indonesian Street Vendors Association (APKLI). Regarding the nutritional content, it is undeniable that catfish is a cheap source of valuable protein. The fact that catfish is also low in cholesterol is likely to drown out accusations that catfish can cause cancer. Currently there is no research that states that eating catfish can trigger cancer, said Dr. Dradjat R Suardi, SpB(K)Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association when contacted by detikHealth, Friday (23/10/2015).",Valid "You may have heard the news that eating catfish can cause cancer. For those of you who like to eat catfish, news like this can certainly make you confused. Actually this issue is just a myth or fact, right? Let's first check the truth of the issue of catfish that causes cancer below. Catfish is a freshwater fish that contains various important nutrients for the body, including protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B complex. So, catfish itself actually does not contain toxins or harmful substances that are cancer-causing (carcinogenic) in the human body. However, a number of studies reveal that certain catfish can indeed increase your risk of developing cancer. This is because the catfish has been contaminated with carcinogenic substances, not because of the natural content in the catfish itself. So, not all types of catfish cause cancer. Catfish can be contaminated with carcinogenic substances because they are cultivated in waters that have been contaminated with various types of pollutants (pollution-causing substances). A team of experts from the University of Pittsburgh School of the Health Sciences in the United States proved this in their research. Experts take extracts of catfish that grow in highly polluted waters. This extract is injected into breast cancer cells in the laboratory. The result, after being injected with contaminated catfish extract, it turns out that the cancer cells grow to multiply. After further investigation, it turns out that the catfish contains chemicals that are like the hormone estrogen in the human body. Estrogen levels that are too high in the body are known to increase the risk of breast cancer. The catfish tested by a team of experts was taken from waters that have been mixed with factory waste and human waste. So, this case is very similar to the case of mercury poisoning due to seafood consumption. The fish themselves are harmless. However, because water pollution has become so serious, the fish that live in these waters can also be polluted and eventually consumed by humans. Don't be afraid, only catfish from polluted waters can increase the risk of cancer. While catfish obtained from catfish farms are safe for consumption by you and your family. Currently, catfish farming in Indonesia is regulated and supervised by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The government itself already has special requirements for catfish cultivation, for example water sources, cleanliness of facilities, use of chemicals, catfish feed, and others. This requirement is regulated in CBIB (Good Fish Cultivation Method). So as long as the fish you choose comes from a farm that has a CBIB certificate, you don't have to worry about the rumors of neighbors whispering that catfish causes cancer. Although catfish is considered safe for your health, sometimes it is difficult to determine which waters the catfish you are buying from. Therefore, it never hurts to reduce the risk by limiting how often you eat catfish. In general, catfish is safe to consume two to three times a week. In addition, you can also remove the skin of the catfish before it is processed into food. The problem is, fish skin is usually the most easily polluted by pollutant substances in dirty waters. You should also vary your choice of side dishes each day. The more varied, the richer and more balanced the nutritional intake for your family's body.",Valid "Barong Reog Ponorogo and Hisan Naga on gamelan are burned at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. The arson incident reportedly occurred on October 20 last. The information circulated among journalists from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu). ""The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has contacted the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao and it is being handled according to procedures,"" said Public Relations staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Opi Sudarma to reporters when asked about the truth of the news, Friday (30/10). This news is very surprising considering that the object is Indonesian culture. Even neighboring countries, Malaysia claim it as their culture. Reportedly, the reason for the burning was related to idols and demons. It is not clear whether the perpetrators are Indonesian Nationals (WNI) or Filipinos.",Hoax "In the aftermath of the iPhone Plus news that complained of bending easily, Apple responded by inviting several reporters to see the process of testing the strength of the iPhone 6 Plus in its laboratory. In the latest iPhone testing video, Apple confirmed to make the latest iPhone, doing some testing. It's not enough just one time, but several times of testing. This is to ensure as well as convince iPhone lovers, if Apple is not playing games in bringing innovation to the latest iPhone. Launching, Friday 26 September 2014, the first test is called ""sit test"". At this stage, it is a test of the latest iPhone with a simulation of the device being loaded with a certain weight. Apple described this sit test, the iPhone 6 Plus was occupied by an adult. In the video, the iPhone 6 Plus looks reliable, without any flaws or damage. Apple's senior vice president of hardware engineering, Dan Riccio, said: ""This test is one of the most relevant ways to demonstrate customer concerns that the iPhone will break easily when placed in a pocket. Riccio insists Apple conducted this test ""thousands of times"". Furthermore, the second test is called the three-point bend test. At this stage, the iPhone is loaded with a weight of up to 25 kilograms. Still the same, the iPhone is still strong, not bent. The next test is the pressure point test. At this stage, Apple weighed 10 kg on the iPhone at one point. Finally, Apple tests its products with a torsion or twist test. Seen in this test facility, the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and MacBook Pro rotate through both ends that have been locked.",Valid "The Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI) stated that it is not true that the Istiqlal Mosque has closed its doors to worshipers who will stay overnight on Monday (20/2) night, and they are not allowed to pray at dawn. ""Since 2002 the Istiqlal Mosque has enforced rules to close the gate every 21.30 WIB and reopen it at 03.40 WIB before the dawn prayer,"" said BPPMI Secretary Rusli Efendi who was met at the Istiqlal Anniversary celebration in Jakarta, Tuesday (21/2). Clarifying the news circulating on social media regarding this matter. According to Rusli, all worshipers are not allowed to stay in the mosque area except under certain conditions and with the permission of the security forces and the leadership of BPPMI. This has also been explained to the worshipers who gathered in the courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque about these rules and they understand and are willing to leave the mosque area. ""Besides, BPPMI did not receive notification from any party regarding the plans for the pilgrims to stay overnight as in the previous conditions when Muslims held 411, 212 or 112 actions. In addition, there was no special communication from the authorities regarding this matter,"" said Rusli. BPPMI said negative news about the Istiqlal Mosque being locked and allowing the Islamic Community Forum (FUI) to be outside did not match reality and tended to be provocation. ""All Muslims are asked not to be influenced by news that cannot be accounted for,"" he appealed. Rusli also said, at dawn, the dawn prayer was going well, led by Imam Salim Ghazali and attended by 170 male and 70 female worshipers. ""The Istiqlal Mosque calls on the people to strive for national unity and unity and always maintain the comfort of worship,"" said Rusli.",Valid "The call to uninstall the Traveloka application has recently been widely discussed on social networks. This started when a pianist named Ananda Sukarlan walked out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan delivered his speech in celebration of the 90th anniversary of Kanisius College at the Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran. Ananda Sukarlan himself is one of the alumni of Kanisius College. His action to walk out was also reportedly attended by several other alumni. One of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, is said to have supported Ananda's walk out by shaking hands and congratulating him. The action that resulted in the call to uninstall Traveloka also received a response from the company. Traveloka stated that one of the bosses did not attend the Kanisius College celebration because he was leaving the city. “We are proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from the Kanisius Alumni. However, he was unable to attend because he was on a business trip that had been planned several months in advance,"" Traveloka said in a statement received by Okezone. Meanwhile, regarding the support that was reportedly given by Traveloka's CTO to the pianist, Traveloka stated that the company prioritizes the values ​​of mutual respect that are applied to all of its employees. “Responding to the issue surrounding Anies' speech at the Kanisius College 90th Celebration event, we state that Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders,” explained the company",Valid "DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan regrets the invitation to uninstall Traveloka, which was previously busy milling about on Twitter timeline. The invitation to uninstall Traveloka was triggered by the pianist's walk out action Ananda Sukarlan when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. ""Well, I think it's like this. We respect people with views. Respect different people. No need to uninstall and others,"" Anies said at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building According to Anies, the Traveloka application has been providing benefits to society. That invitation shouldn't be arise only because of differences of opinion. ""Traveloka also provides benefits for many residents. After all, it is a service that has great benefits for many people. So let's get used to different views in a healthy way respect each other without having to carry out punishments like that. So there is no need to uninstall everything,"" said Anies. Invitations to uninstall the Traveloka application are milling about on Twitter's timeline. This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk-out action when the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan make a speech. The walk out took place at the 90th anniversary of its founding Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Based on the information circulating on the timeline, one of the founders is present at the same time Traveloka CTO Derianto Kusuma greeted and congratulated to Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to carry out a boycott of Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. But it can be ascertained that the news is just a hoax or not true. Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that the founder and Traveloka CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. But he was unable to attend. ""Traveloka is proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from the alumni of Canisius. However, he was unable to attend because he was on a business trip that had been planned a few months in advance. So if you say Pak Deri is there and it is called providing support (to Ananda), he was not there,"" he said. ""We state that Traveloka is a company based on technology founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders."" he continued.",Valid "The Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI) denies the news circulating on social media about the Istiqlal Mosque closing the door for worshipers who will stay overnight on Monday night, February 20 2017, and not allowing dawn prayers at Istiqlal. According to the manager, this is not true. ""Since 2002, the Istiqlal Mosque has enforced a rule to close the gate every 21.30 WIB and reopen it at 03.40 WIB before the dawn prayer,"" said BPPMI Secretary Rusli Efendi at the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 21 2017. He said all pilgrims are not allowed to stay in the mosque area, except under certain conditions and with the permission of the security forces and the leadership of BPPMI. He had explained to the congregation gathered in the courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque about the rules, and they understood and were willing to leave the mosque area. ""Besides, BPPMI did not receive notification from any party regarding the plans for the congregation to stay overnight, as in the previous conditions when Muslims held 411, 212, or 112 actions. In addition, there was no special communication from the authorities regarding this matter,"" said Rusli. BPPMI stated that negative news about the Istiqlal Mosque which was locked and allowed the mass of the Islamic Community Forum (FUI) outside to be inconsistent with reality and tend to be filled with provocations. ""All Muslims are requested not to be influenced by news that cannot be accounted for,"" said Rusli. He said, at dawn, the dawn prayer was carried out well, led by Imam Salim Ghazali and attended by 170 male and 70 female members of the congregation. The Istiqlal Mosque calls on the people to strive for national unity and unity and always maintain the comfort of worship.",Valid "The issue of Facebook being closed is becoming a hot topic of discussion, after a leak of personal data of social media users to Cambrige Alanytica surfaced. Facts related to the closure of Facebook in Indonesia have not been carried out. Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara on various occasions never mentioned blocking Facebook. Rudiantara said that the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology did not hesitate to block Facebook, but must comply with procedures so that the steps are not rash. The news of Facebook being closed or blocked for Indonesian social media (Medsos) users on April 24, 2018 has gone viral since last week. Netizens, especially Facebook users gregariously posted the status “Facebook will be closed”, some uploaded “before Facebook closed the first post or photo status.” The news of the closing of Facebook is also a pro and con among netizens. Even so, the rumor was widely circulated and viral on social media, especially Facebook, of course it was not true or a hoax. The reason Facebook will be closed in Indonesia The government did give strict sanctions to block Facebook, because the data of one million Indonesian users was involved in the leak in the Cambridge Analytica (CA) scandal. However, there is no certainty that on April 24, Facebook will be completely blocked in Indonesia. Rudiantara's only assertion about blocking Facebook is, if he finds evidence that Facebook is used as a means to incite or pit one against another. Rudiantara emphasized that if investigators found an element of suspected criminality in the leak of Facebook user data in Indonesia, the opportunity to block Facebook would be even greater. Meanwhile, these two things cannot be proven, are still under investigation and awaiting audit results. ""If there are indications that Facebook in Indonesia is being used for incitement, as happened in Myanmar, I don't hesitate to block it,"" said Rudiantara, a few days ago. The Minister of Communication and Information has asked Facebook to audit, and submitted the results of the audit since a week after the announcement of data on Facebook users in Indonesia who participated in the scandal that leaked CA. The request was included in the first Warning Letter (SP) sent by Kominfo. But after the specified deadline arrived, Facebook has yet to submit the results of the audit. Regarding Facebook user data leaks, it's good that we are now more vigilant and minimize the bad things that might happen to you or the loved ones around you.",Valid "PROKAL.CO, Maybe you've read an article or just a chain message about first aid for stroke sufferers by sticking a needle into the tip of a finger until it bleeds. Don't swallow this information raw and do it. As explained by Dr. Astried Indrasari SpPD, the news is just a hoax and has not been proven true. There is no first aid to prevent stroke by pricking the patient's finger. Appropriate help is to immediately lift carefully and take the patient to the hospital in order to get the right therapy, he stressed. Patients must receive appropriate therapy to minimize the risk of stroke. If the cause of the patient's fainting is due to a blockage, it is assisted to expedite the blocked blood vessels. Meanwhile, if there is a broken blood vessel, it is prevented so that the broken blood vessel does not get bigger, he said. The doctor at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Abdul Wahab Sjahranie (AWS) said that if you want to prevent a stroke, you must take precautions before experiencing blockage or rupture of blood vessels. Most people don't prevent it from the start, but when something new happens, they get worried and confused, he explained. When the blood vessels are blocked or ruptured, the blood flow in the body will die, so that a person experiences loss of balance. There is no prevention of stroke, which is only therapy so that blockage and rupture of blood vessels does not get worse. Because if left unchecked, it can threaten the patient's life,",Valid "Jakarta, Current stroke is not a rare disease considering the lifestyle of today's society. Stress, infrequent exercise, drinking alcoholic beverages, eating irregularly, and choosing fast food have become commonplace. And it turns out that these things trigger stroke. You also have to be aware of the symptoms. Fainting suddenly or experiencing a tilt of the mouth is one of the signs of a stroke. These people need to get first aid fast. However, it is not random. Because one-one can actually harm the patient. In an interview with detikHealth, Monday (18/3/2013), Dr. Ahmad Yanuar, SpS, said what actions should be taken immediately when someone has a stroke. The first thing to do is to take him straight to the hospital. The patient must receive reperfusion therapy. Reperfusion function to launch the clogged vessels earlier. In the nearest time after the incident took place, the patient must immediately take action to minimize the risk, explained the neurologist from the University of Indonesia. As is known, there are two causes of stroke, namely blockage and bleeding in the brain. This blockage must be addressed immediately to prevent a worse impact. The patient should immediately get a complete examination of his condition. So, a finger prick or puncture under the ear is not the right way because it will not remove the blockage or bleeding that occurs in the patient's brain. The same thing was confirmed by Dr. Fritz Sumantri, SpS. He said that patients should be taken directly to the hospital instead of being stabbed or just taken to the clinic. It is not true that patients should not be transferred anywhere, instead they must be immediately taken to the hospital. The danger of the needling method does not exist, it's just that if the patient is quickly taken to the hospital, the possibility of recovery will also be fast and the treatment will not be too late, he said. So, be wise in processing information and immediately treat the patient by taking him to the hospital. However, it would be better if you can prevent this disease by maintaining your lifestyle from now on because prevention is better than cure",Valid "Ahok's absence from dismissal as Governor of DKI Jakarta regarding his status as a defendant in the blasphemy case shows how difficult the law in this country is to enforce. How can you seek justice if the law is a tool to seek justice alone is difficult to enforce. Not a few legal and state administration experts, including former Constitutional Court Justice Mahfud MD, criticized the steps taken by the government, especially the Minister of Home Affairs Tjahyo Kumolo and President Joko Widodo who remained silent when Ahok returned to the governorship, while several other regional heads were dismissed when their status was accused of an act. criminal. This ultimately led to demands for law enforcement through the actions of defending Islam and Defending the State carried out by the Muslim community who joined the FUI (Islamic Community Forum) today (Tuesday, 21/02/2017). In addition to the masses from FUI, there were also a number of students who were members of the student movement for people's defense. Their demands include dismissing the governor who is a suspect, stopping the criminalization of ulama, stopping the arrest of student activists, restoring the nation's sovereignty and returning it to the original 1945 Constitution. The action, which was held in front of the DPR-MPR Building, turned out to be attracting people from outside Jakarta. They tried to gather at the Istiqlal Mosque to pray Fajr in congregation and also when the weather was raining. Apparently the fence of the Istiqlal mosque was tightly closed, even though it was approaching Fajr time. Fajr time. According to a report from one of the contributors in the field, the new mosque opened at around 04.00 WIB. Previously where were the BPPMI management and were appointed and inaugurated directly by the Minister of Religion who was also in the structure as the Chairman of BPPMI.",Hoax "The Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara, emphasized that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is ready to close Facebook accounts that are considered to present SARA content, are negative, hoaxes, and break the unity of the people and the nation. According to him, this is in accordance with the ITE Law and is based on the 1945 Constitution. Not only closing a person's Facebook account, his party also firmly closed the account organizer, namely Facebook to leave Indonesia, if SARA content or hoax news had exceeded the limit. ""So, the decision is to close the account, it is in accordance with the law. However, not only closing the account, Kominfo can also close the implementation. It is possible that Facebook will be closed. If necessary, it will be forced,"" said Rudiantara to, in a discussion on the MUI Fatwa on the Law and Guidelines for Bermuamalah Through Social Media, in Jakarta, Monday (5/6) night. ""Because we will not benefit from social media itself. If it is too much, MUI asks to be closed, so we will close it,"" he added. This support for 'expelling' or closing Facebook from Indonesia, said Rudiantara, was already supported by Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, during a hearing at the end of May 2017. ""Last week, we had a meeting with the DPR Commission I. Because there are indeed many negative situations, damaging one another and both Muslims into bad relations because of this social media,"" he explained. According to Rudiantara, from the data he has obtained to date, there are 111 million Indonesians who use Facebook. That means 75 percent of all Indonesians use Facebook. ""Actually, social media is to increase ukhuwah. This social media is built to strengthen relationships between people. The current trend is to become negative,"" he said annoyed. He again said that the ITE Law actually has two tasks for the government. The first is to carry out socialization and education. And, the second is to restrict access or cut off access to cyberspace. ""The submission of this fatwa (MUI Fatwa on Law and Guidelines for Bermuamalah Through Social Media) is a starting point. Then I will knock on the door asking for help again how to apply it in the field. Second, how to use this MUI fatwa reference for us to manage, especially content that is negative,"" he explained again closing the conversation.",Hoax "Pokemon means ""I'm Jewish"". Thus the broadcast circulating on WhatsApp and social media, along with the excitement of the Pokemon Go game. According to the broadcast, pokemon comes from the Syriac or Syriac language which means ""I am Jewish"". While Pikachu is said to mean ""be a Jew"". Actually, the polemic about the meaning of Pokemon has emerged since 2001, when Saudi Arabian clerics banned Pokemon because it was considered to be campaigning for the theory of evolution and considered Jewish propaganda to keep Muslim children away from their religion. Soon after, Pokemon comics and toys were taken to store shelves and orders were cancelled. Pokemon haram fatwas were also issued by scholars in Qatar, Dubai, Jordan and Egypt. Mohammed Abu Laila, a professor at Egypt's Al Azhar University, found no evidence that Pokemon originated in Syriac and means ""I'm Jewish"". Nor is there any valid evidence that pikachu means ""be a Jew."" However, he agrees that Pokemon games spread atheist ideas and distance themselves from God. ""From a parent's point of view, this game drives children away from God, and spreads atheist ideas,"" he was quoted as saying by the Los Angeles Times on April 24, 2001.",Valid "Warganet is still confused about the unclear information regarding the fate of Facebook in Indonesia. There are even those who are desperate to do nude actions so that Facebook is not closed. Understandably, the article is that Facebook users in Indonesia have reached 140 million, and this platform has become a place for sharing among many people. Don't worry, because the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara will not block (close) Facebook permanently, but only temporarily. That is if the situation gets worse. ""We will see this situation first. If it gets worse, then we will temporarily close (block it),"" said Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara. Rudiantara is reluctant to talk about closing Facebook operations permanently, he is more focused on monitoring Facebook to create data security and prevent the spread of hate speech. The House of Representatives also had asked Kominfo to be more strict with Facebook. ""We and the government - the Ministry of Communication and Information - will talk again regarding the follow-up to Facebook's mistake. Personally, I am still open to sanctions, it is also possible to - suggest - a Facebook service moratorium,"" said Meutya Hafid, a member of the Commission. I DPR RI. Meutya estimates that the DPR RI will wait for the results of Facebook's internal investigation for the next month. ""We are waiting, I think a month should be enough time. We hope that the results of this investigation will not only blame who, but also there must be information, where this misused data is and what it is used for,"" he said. Case Beginning The controversy arose from the Cambridge Analytica scandal which accused Facebook of leaking data. After being investigated, it turns out that ""leaking"" is not the right term. The data was not leaked, but rather misused by Cambridge Analytica, allegedly for political purposes. The data taken is also not the content of the message, but data that is publicly listed on a person's profile. Unfortunately, the rice has become porridge. There has been confusion about this, to the point that the DPR also summoned Facebook to ask for an explanation. As a result, the discourse of blocking Facebook arises. ""That Facebook data is not leaked. If it leaks, the term is like a pipe with water, you don't know where the leak is, this data is compromised,"" said Rudiantara. Facebook has been given SP 2 The Ministry of Communication and Information has sent SP 2 to Facebook, but there is no information about SP 3 which means closing. When asked about the validity period of SP 2 to the next SP, Rudiantara has not yet given a definitive answer. ""Yes, it could be a day, a month, see the situation first,"" concluded Rudiantara. He claimed to have received an explanation from the Irish Facebook office which manages Facebook in Indonesia. In a statement by Facebook Ireland to Rudiantara, they provided information on numbers related to misuse of data that afflicted users. Rudiantara also continues to monitor the development of Indonesian user data on Facebook.",Hoax "Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao City, Philippines, clarifying the issue of having burned Reog Ponorogo related to efforts exorcism of idols or spirits. The objection was conveyed through a press release on its website which was updated this afternoon, Saturday, October 31, 2015. The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City admitted that they had destroyed the reog ponorogo on October 20, 2015. Reog ponorogo is an asset they have had since 1988. ""The extermination by burning had to be done because the Ponorogo reog was already deep damaged condition and eaten by termites,"" wrote the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao. The Consulate General affirmed that the burning was not at all an attempt by the Consulate General in Davao City to destroy or eliminate reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. Destruction of the asset has been carried out carefully and with full respect for reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. ""The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City would also like to emphasize that the arson was completely unrelated with efforts to exorcise idols or spirits."" The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City is currently communicating with parties in Indonesia to try to find a new replacement Ponorogo reog. Previously, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi, said that the news Reog Ponorogo who deliberately burned at the office of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Davao, Philippines, is not entirely true. ""Reog and gamelan decorations in the form of dragon heads were burned because they were damaged and infested with termites,"" said Retno via text message.",Valid "DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan regretted the invitation to uninstall Traveloka, which was previously busy milling about on Twitter's timeline. The call to uninstall Traveloka was triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. ""Well, I think this is it. We respect people of opinion. Respect different people. There is no need to uninstall and so on,"" said Anies at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (11/14/2017). According to Anies, the Traveloka application has been providing benefits for the community. This invitation should not arise just because of differences of opinion. “Traveloka also provides benefits for many residents. After all, it is a service that has great benefits for many people. So let's get used to different views in a healthy way respecting each other without having to carry out such punishments. So there is no need to uninstall everything,"" said Anies. Invitations to uninstall the Traveloka application are milling about on Twitter's timeline. This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Based on information circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. But it can be ascertained that the news is just a hoax or not true. Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. But he was unable to attend. “Traveloka is proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from Kanisius alumni. However, he was unable to attend because he was on a business trip that had been planned several months in advance. So if it is said that Pak Deri is there and it is said to provide support (to Ananda), he is not there,” he said. “We state that Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders,” he continued.",Valid "Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives will finally react to the data leak of 1 million Facebook users in Indonesia. Facebook is considered to have violated applicable laws. Meutya Hafid, deputy chairman of the Golkar faction in Commission I, saw Facebook had committed serious violations. Meutya cites Article 32 of the ITE Law as a rule that Facebook has violated. ""As a sovereign country, the laws that exist in Indonesia must be fulfilled and anyone who violates them will be subject to sanctions in accordance with applicable legal regulations ...,"" Meutya chirped when contacted via WhatsApp, on Thursday (5/4/2018) ). In addition, Meutya explained that the government could sue, impose sanctions, and close access to Facebook. He is very worried that if the social network is not given any punishment, it will set a bad precedent for other internet companies in Indonesia. ""Please the government can choose from the three options."" Meanwhile, Hanafi Rais from the PAN faction has also proposed that Commission I of the DPR immediately summon Facebook Indonesia regarding the findings of the leaked data. ""We will hold an internal meeting and will immediately send an official letter to them,"" said Hanafi. The time for the summons is still unknown, but Hanafi emphasized that the agenda was more directed at asking for clarification from Facebook. Previously, representatives of Facebook Indonesia had met the summons of the Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara. The call is an effort to clarify the government's disclosure of the data of 1 million Facebook users in Indonesia from a total of 87 million users worldwide related to the Cambridge Analytica scandal. An important outcome of the meeting between Rudiantara and Facebook was to ask third-party applications running on the Facebook platform to be temporarily closed. On this occasion, Rudiantara emphasized that he would not hesitate to close Facebook services in Indonesia if they stubbornly did not comply with the government's request. “If the third party app is not shut down, want me to shut it down completely?” he said.",Hoax "Catfish is one type of fish that is a favorite in every dish on the food menu, it tastes good and the texture of the meat is soft, making this fish much recommended in culinary tours. But who would have thought that behind the delicious taste, it turns out that catfish has surprising facts. Catfish turns out to be the dirtiest fish among other types of fish that are often consumed by humans. In one bite, catfish contains three thousand cancer cells. Really? The catfish pond is very dirty and is surrounded by chicken coops and pigs. A catfish farmer from China named Zhang Ri-hong admitted that he has supplied a lot of catfish to markets and roadside restaurants in Hainan province, to be precise in Haikou, which he harvests every 3 months. The number of complaints from the community made journalists try to find out about the fish from the local fisheries and marine department. They took pond samples from 7 ponds that housed the catfish. It turned out that the seven ponds were surrounded by chicken and pig cages, while in the middle of the ponds there were many piles of garbage. The fish farmers are advised to suspend the sale of their fish before the test results are out. Catfish is a fish that consumes waste Catfish is a type of fish that easily breeds in dirty places, by consuming animal waste such as chicken, cow and pig waste and even human waste. So it is possible catfish contains three thousand cancer cells that are harmful to the human body. Those are some facts about catfish in China, but conditions in China are different from those in Indonesia. In Indonesia, this fish is cultivated well by catfish farmers and for catfish food they do not use waste but pellets which are not harmful to health. So there is no need to hesitate to consume catfish in Indonesia, because cleanliness is guaranteed. Apart from all that, the health of consuming catfish depends on where the catfish breeds and what kind of food is given in cultivating it. Because it turns out that catfish also has substances that are beneficial to health, if the fish is cultivated properly. Here are 4 benefits of catfish: Healthy heart and brain Catfish contains omega-3 and omega-6 which are usually contained in expensive fish such as cod and salmon. The content of omega-3 and omega-6 can help heart and brain health activities, and it turns out that a serving of catfish contains 220 mg of omega-3 and 875 mg of omega-6. Contains protein with good quality In a serving of catfish contains 15.6 grams of protein which is very useful in the formation of muscle tissue and strengthens the immune system. Contains vitamin B-12 A serving of catfish contains vitamin B-12, which is about 40% of the body's needs. This vitamin is useful in helping to break down food into energy for the body, so consuming these foods can make the body stronger. Contains DHA Pregnant women are advised to eat catfish because this fish contains DHA which is good for the formation of the baby's nerves and also this fish has a very low mercury content so it is safe for consumption.",Hoax "Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati emphasized that there had been no discussion of the salary structure for civil servants (PNS), including the discussion on the President's salary which was reported to have increased to Rp 553.4 million per month. ""It does not exist and has never been discussed,"" said Sri Mulyani at the Bogor Palace, Monday (12/3). So according to Sri Mulyani, the news circulating recently was a hoax. Sri Mulyani also said that people need to be careful because in the current era of social media, a lot of information is produced, and documents that are made similar to the government are then published. ""We (Kemkeu) have no discussion about it at all, absolutely nothing,"" said Sri Mulyani. According to him, the Ministry of Finance will only discuss the new civil servant salary structure in the 2019 RKP and 2019 RAPBN. ""We will design it based on what we have conveyed to the board. In financial notes, usually salary increases and payments for the 13th salary as well as for pensions are usually included. by the president during the August financial note,"" concluded Sri Mulyani.",Valid "Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives finally reacted to the data leak of one million Facebook users in Indonesia. Facebook is considered to have violated applicable laws. Meutya Hafid, deputy chairman of the Golkar faction in Commission I, saw that Facebook had committed serious violations. Meutya cited Article 32 of the ITE Law as a rule that Facebook violated. ""As a sovereign country, the law in Indonesia must be complied with and anyone who violates it will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the applicable laws ...,"" wrote Meutya when contacted via WhatsApp, Thursday (5/4). In addition, Meutya stated that the government could sue, impose sanctions, and close access to Facebook. He is worried that if the social network is not given any punishment, it will set a bad precedent for other internet companies in Indonesia. ""Please the government can choose an option from the three."" Meanwhile, Hanafi Rais from the PAN faction has proposed that Commission I of the DPR immediately summon Facebook Indonesia regarding the findings of the leaked data.",Hoax "Social media this morning was enlivened by the circulation of photos of participants from the 212th volume 2 demonstration unable to enter the Istiqlal Mosque. In the scattered photos, it can be seen that there are groups lining up in front of the Istiqlal entrance gate. The Head of Protocol and Public Relations of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abd Salam, said that the news that the 212 volume 2 crowd was stuck at the gate was a hoax. ""The news that there were 212 protesters unable to enter Istiqlal is a thousand percent hoax,"" said Abu when confirmed, Tuesday (21/2/2017). According to Abu, indeed on Monday night, after Isha there were three group buses that entered the Istiqlal Mosque. They claimed to be a group from Madura Island. Mosque administrators, said Abu, invited them to worship and clean themselves. The Istiqlal Mosque administrator then coordinated with the group leader accompanied by the police. ""After talking that they then voluntarily left Istiqlal,"" said Abu. Then according to the procedure, the Istiqlal mosque, outside the month of Ramadan, is closed at 21.30 WIB. ""According to the SOP, the Istiqlal Mosque is closed every day at 09.30 WIB and reopens one hour before the dawn prayer, at around 3:45 WIB,"" said Abu. Regarding the photo, there was a queue of worshipers at the Istiqlal gate, Abu said it was a group of pilgrims from outside the city who were about to enter Istiqlal. The manager also apologized if they were queuing at the gate, because the door was only opened at 03.45 WIB or an hour before the Fajr prayer. ""In the morning before dawn, Tuesday, February 21 2017, there were several pilgrims from outside the city who were about to enter the Istiqlal Mosque and they arrived before the doors of the Istiqlal Mosque opened at 3:45 WIB. We apologize for this,"" said Abu. The implementation of the Fajr prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque today, said Abu, went well, with the imam, Mr. Ust. Salim Ghazali. The number of worshipers is about 240 people, consisting of, 170 men and 70 women.",Valid "Two or more words that have the same form, but have different meanings in different languages ​​cannot be underestimated (see also: Nokia Lumia What is the Meaning?). Many consequences arise due to the difference in meaning. There are quite a few examples. In Iraq, for example, Pokemon cartoons were banned during Saddam Hussein's reign. The cartoon was made in Japan and was broadcast in Indonesia through the television station MNC TV. The fact of the ban was revealed through an Iraqi state document confiscated by US troops in 2004., as quoted from the dailymirror, said that the reason for the ban was solely because of its negative meaning in the language in Iraq. In the document, Saddam received advice from the state intelligence agency that the names used in the Pokemon films could not be tolerated in Iraq. In Syriac, or in Indonesia it is better known as Syriac, the word 'Pokemon' is very similar to the same term in that language which means: 'I am Jewish'. Some of the characters in the Pokemon movies, when translated into Syriac, also have meanings that Saddam cannot accept. The main character of the Pokemon movie, namely Pikachu, has the meaning: 'Be a Jew'. Then, the character Charmander, has the meaning: 'God is Weak', in contrast to the holy word Allahu Akbar in Islam. As a result, the Pokemon movie is considered to be infiltrated with messages against religious teachings. The document also states that the banning of Pokemon in Iraq was carried out as a measure to prevent the entry of Jewish influences into the nation's children and culture. From Wikipedia, Syriac or Syrian is a language used by the Christian community in the Middle East. Syriac is different from Syrian dialect Arabic although Syriac influences Arabic. Syrian Christian minorities living in eastern Turkey, northern Iraq and northeastern Syria, are among those who speak this language.",Hoax "Fact: The following is the MUI explanation of the above problem taken from the page, the link is below: “Lately, the virtual world has been making a fuss about brushes or toothbrushes/toothbrushes made of 'bristle' because they are DEFINITELY made from pigs. Although we are required to be vigilant, not all bristle terms always refer to sea urchins. The lexical meaning of bristle is a short, stiff hair, fiber, etc (Webster's Dictionary). So all the hair, the stiff fiber, then the term will be referred to as bristle. Hair, stiff beard, can be categorized as bristle. Another example is that stiff fibers or pine leaves can also be referred to as bristle. So, how is its application in the industrial world? In the industrial world, bristle is indeed used as a material for making brushes or brushes, including toothbrushes. Bristle can be sourced from animal hair or plant fibers or synthetic fibers such as nylon and silicone. The animal hair used can be sourced from pigs, goats, horses, or camels. The plant fiber that has also been used as a brush or brush material is palm fiber. Nylon is also a synthetic fiber that is commonly used for brushes, brushes or toothbrushes. From the halal aspect, brushes and brushes, including toothbrushes derived from animal hair, are critical points. When the material is sea urchin then it should not be used because any material derived from pigs is both haram and unclean, either in dry or wet form. In addition, besides the prohibition of the substance, the MUI has issued a fatwa for anything derived from pork that is haram for its use (al-intifa') including the fur. But the problem is that not all brush or brush or toothbrush users are able to recognize whether the brush they are using is a brush or a brush that comes from pig bristles. One of the information that can be seen as a marker that a brush or brush comes from sea urchins is to write it down as a product name for example “Boar Bristle Brush”. Boar is the English term for wild boar or wild boar. This means that the product is a brush that uses wild boar bristles. Toothbrush can also use this boar bristles., The global online shop also offers pig toothbrushes under the name “Fuchs Toothbrushes Pure Natural (Boar) Bristle Record V Adult Soft (Pack of 5)-Assorted colors by Fuchs Toothbrushes” However, brushes, brushes, or toothbrushes are not always made from pigs even though they have bristle written on them, because the term bristle is still a general term. There are several manufacturers who have used goat hair or camel or horse hair as brush material or made of nylon. The last group of materials is clearly acceptable. When there is no information on the source of the material, at least a simple method can be used. To determine whether it is made from animal hair or not, the method in question is to burn the material. If it smells like burning hair or horns, better leave it alone. Materials from plastic or coconut fiber do not emit such a distinctive odor when burned.",Valid "Recently, there have been many articles out there that conveniently translate the meaning of Pokemon as ""I'm a Jew"". Of course this was followed by the dislike of Pokemon fans. What exactly is going on here? Is there a battle between Pokemon lovers and haters? Or just traffic seekers? By justifying slander with religious remarks in the title of the article? There are several things that show that the translation of Pokemon into ""I am Jewish"" is invalid, and cannot be accounted for. We can take from the language that we understand, which makes more sense where Pokemon means ""Pocket Monsters"" rather than ""I'm Jewish""? Okay, if the translation in English is not satisfied, let's look at the early history of why it was named Pokemon. He is Satoshi Tajiri, a boy who lives in the suburbs of Tokyo. His hobby is catching insects and tadpoles that are around his house. Before long, he found his hobby quite interesting and continued to practice catching insects and tadpoles. Not only that, he also invites other children to do the same to have the joy of playing outdoors. As soon as Tajiri grew up, he and his friend Ken Sugimori and several other friends who were gamers started their own gaming business under the name Creatures. When Tajiri first became acquainted with the Game Boy and other cable game consoles, he imagined insects walking around on the cables. He is also heavily influenced by the fantasy film Ultraman (Ultra Seven), where Ultraman uses a small capsule to fight against large monsters. With that capital, they began to design a game called Capsule Monsters. After several failed attempts to submit this game to Nintendo, Shigeru Miyamoto, who is Tajuri's new friend, brought Capsule Monsters directly to the Nintendo company. It didn't take long for Nintendo to finance and develop their games. Spent 6 years in the making process and it didn't take long for this game to become trending in the world. Tajiri's delay in registering the Capsule Monsters trademark made someone else take over the name and they eventually changed the name of Capsule Monsters to ""Pocket Monsters"". In that long history, there is no relationship between Tajiri and the Syriac/Suryani party who was slandered by the ***** Pokemon that the Pokemon's name was ""I'm a Jew"". So... if you like Pokemon, just enjoy it, as long as you can divide the time between playing and 'playing'. There's no need to fear, or worry about people's invalid translations of the meaning of Pokemon.",Valid "The Pokemon Go game is currently booming among young people. Not a few people who have a pokemon fever and are willing to blusukan in search of Pokemon. However, this game made by Nintendo, Pokemon Corps, and Niantic Labs can't be separated from oblique issues. Recently, there have been many links circulating on social media stating that the game contains an invitation that cannot be tolerated by Islam. It is widely circulated on social media that Pokemon actually in Syriac or Syriac means ""I am Jewish"", while Pikachu is said to mean ""Be Jewish"", and Charmander means ""God is Weak"". The rumor has certainly become a heated debate on social media. Many believed and shared the rumor, many thought it was just something that was linked. So is that really the issue? The Los Angels Times in an article dated April 24, 2001 once reviewed this. In the LA Times, it was stated that at that time in Middle Eastern countries such as Oman, Qatar, Dubai, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, rumors circulated that the Pokemon game had connotations that promoted anti-Islamic behavior and believed in Judaism. This of course causes anxiety. The LA Times noted that despite Nintendo's denials, the leaders of those countries still couldn't accept Pokemon. The rumors arose amid concerns Arab countries would assimilate the emerging culture. Even so, many rumors were not proven at that time. ""It has been proven that this toy is part of a Jewish plot to corrupt the minds of our young generation because it offends blasphemous thoughts, mocks God and our moral values ​​so that it is very dangerous for our young generation,"" said Sheik Abdel Monem abu Zent, ​​former member Jordanian parliament. Even so, in the LA Times article, he stated that there was no strong evidence that the Pokemon game did have connotations that were detrimental to Islam. Mohammed Abu Laila, a professor from Al Azhar University, said that until now there was no solid evidence that confirmed the rumors that made parents forbid their children to play the Pokemon game. In a statement in Jordan's Amman newspaper, the Syriac Orthodox Christian Church denied allegations that Pokemon and other character names have roots in the ancient Syriac language and have insulting Islamic meanings. Church officials said they were surprised by the incoming letter stating that Pokemon contained a Jewish invitation. The article from the LA Times can be read at the following link.",Hoax "Bahtsul Masail Kubro throughout Java and Madura which was held at Ponpes Langitan on 13-14 March 2014 decided several laws regarding the use of Eterna China Bristles brand brushes which have been widely circulated in various shops. The reason is, the brush is produced from pig hair. Kadinkes Kab. Tuban in January 2014 sent a sample of the brand brush to the Indonesian Ulema Council Drug and Food Control Testing Institute (LPPOM MUI) East Java province. The result is positive that the brush with the brand ETERNA CHINA BRISTLES is made of animal hair with characteristics when burned with a stinging shoulder (Javanese: sangit). It's different if the brush is made of nylon or other synthetic materials. Then the shoulder will not sting and the brush will curl (Javanese: mengkeret). China Bristles means the same as Hog Bristles which means domesticated pigs. This product can be seen from the brush handle that reads Bristles, Pure Bristles, 100% China Bristles and so on. Budhi Baskhara, a Tuban chemist and practitioner, said, “Boar bristles are the cheapest to use brushes than others. The cost of producing brushes is much more profitable than synthetic bristles. It remains only to collect, clean and cut. Especially if the brush is produced in China, where the stock of pork skin is abundant.” The man who graduated from Ahmad Yani University Bandung majoring in chemistry said that synthetic fur which usually uses nylon, a type of polymer, is much more expensive to produce because the raw material for carbon is not cheap. In addition to nylon brushes, toothbrushes and makeup brushes are also used. In Yahoo Answers it is stated that the white and black bristles of the Pig are widely used in bread brushes, wall paint, cosmetics and so on. According to one official at the District Court (PN) of Tuban Regency, Bahyu Agung Kurniawan, that it is necessary to be careful because not all of these sea urchins have Bristles inscribed. (Source: Radar Bojonegoro January 21 & 24 2014 & Jawa Pos Edition January 21, 2014 p. 13). Then, what about the law on wall paint or wood that has been polished on the walls of houses, mosques, bathrooms which are painted using a pig's bristle brush? In this case there is an error (difference of opinion) between the opinion of Imam Shafi'i who says the law is unclean, while according to Imam Malik and Ibn Qosim the law is holy. This unclean law is if it is already Tahaqqunnajasah (the brush with the brand above is really from sea urchins), if it is not tahaqquq then use the original law, which is holy. According to the Syafi'iyah, the paint is still unclean even though the brush has already been used to paint the mosque. The paint cannot be cleaned because it has become sharp (it becomes solid). And if what is already painted is a mosque, then for those who know it is obligatory to remove it immediately ( Isti'malun Najasah (use of unclean items) in this case is Haram except for people who do not know. Then, what is the solution for wholesalers who already buy in large quantities and bakeries that have made bread in large quantities? The sale and purchase contract of the wholesalers is fasid (damaged) because the goods being sold are subject to najis law. The solution is to follow the opinion of Imam Malik who says that the hair of dogs and pigs is sacred. As for if you follow Imam Shafi'i, the wholesalers are obliged to return the brushes to the producers and the producers are obliged to return the wholesalers' money because the transaction contract is damaged. However, the bahtsul masa'il decision is still not one hundred percent final because it still requires a re-enactment process from the mushohih regarding the collection of ta'bir-ta'bir.",Valid "Thousands of people who were going to take part in the 212 Action, from various areas, were detained in front of the courtyard of the Istiqlal mosque in Central Jakarta. Our monitoring Tuesday at 04.00. Wib (21/2/2017) saw dozens of inter-city buses parked on the side of the bull field in front of the Istiqlal mosque fence which dropped thousands of participants from the 212 Action. They felt strange because they were not allowed to enter the mosque even though they were going to perform the Fajr prayer. One of the participants of Action 212 from Madura named Solihin, we had an interview ""We all here as Muslims feel intimidated, it is forbidden to worship in the mosque gently with the lock on the gate of the mosque, the mosque is the house of Allah so we as devout Muslims must carry out worship , try to think that the mosque inside is empty, we have to pray in front of the gate, it doesn't make sense,"" said Solihin to us in a high tone. The 212 Defend Islam Action Volume 2 will be held at the dawn prayer, the participants of the action began to arrive who are planning to walk to the DPR building, it is estimated that around 50,000 people or even more. Polda Metro Jaya has given permission for the 212 Action today starting at 07.00 until 18.00.Wib, thousands of Police and TNI personnel were deployed to secure this action.",Hoax "Catfish is a food ingredient that is quite popular in Indonesia. However, recently, news has spread that eating catfish is harmful to the health of the body. It is reported that one bite of catfish contains hundreds or even thousands of cancer cell triggers. Really? Let's get to know a little more about the ins and outs of catfish. Catfish (Clarias spp.) is a type of fish that lives in fresh water. The characteristics of the catfish are easily recognizable from its slippery body, slightly flattened lengthwise, and having something like a long mustache, which sticks out from around the mouth. The catfish's habitat is generally in rivers with slow currents, swamps, lakes, reservoirs, flooded/muddy rice fields. , sewers and sewers. The ability of catfish to live in a dirty and polluted environment is influenced by an additional breathing apparatus in the form of a labyrinth that functions as a filter for dirt from the environment where the catfish live. Catfish is also known as the dirtiest fish. This refers to the nature of the catfish that likes to consume all kinds of waste in the waters where it lives. Every 100 grams of catfish meat contains 229 kilocalories of energy. The protein content of catfish with that portion is about 18 grams, carbohydrates about 8 grams, fiber 0.7 grams and fat by 13 grams. Catfish also contains various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin B12, as well as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Catfish is also rich in vitamin D. Catfish meat also contains 220 mg of omega 3 fatty acids and 875 mg of omega 6 and there are approximately 15.6 grams of protein in 1 catfish. The nutrients contained in catfish are closely related to good growth, especially in children who are in their infancy and are useful for maintaining heart and brain health. Based on exposure to the nutritional content of catfish, it can be concluded that catfish is very rich in benefits for the human body. Then why should people worry about eating catfish? Basically a dirty environment that can trigger catfish to be dangerous for consumption. Catfish that live in a dirty water environment have the potential to be exposed to hazardous chemical compounds such as heavy metals and pollutants found in water pollutants. The most dangerous chemical compound that catfish may consume is mercury. Mercury (Hg) is a highly toxic organic chemical compound that can disrupt the human nervous system when consumed. But we don't need to worry too much about the issue of catfish which is said to have the potential to trigger cancer. Catfish that are generally on the market are not catfish that come from the wild but are catfish that have been cultivated in ponds and have been controlled to be free from pollution. The feed given to cultured catfish is also generally non-waste feed so that the catfish is not exposed to harmful chemical compounds. Cultivated catfish even contain high enough amino acids. High levels of this amino acid alone can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and rheumatoid arthritis inflammation. In addition, there is no official research that states that eating catfish can trigger cancer. However, we also have to be careful about everything we consume. To obtain the benefits of catfish while preventing the risk, it is better to limit catfish consumption. In addition, it is better to vary the intake of fish from other types so that the nutritional adequacy of fish commodities can be more fulfilled. One thing that is no less important to eat catfish is to cook catfish in the right and healthy way so that the catfish we eat is really good, halal and beneficial for our bodies.",Valid "Some time ago, the people of Depok and the National were shocked by the status shared on social media that mentioned a toothbrush that was thought to be made of sea urchins. What is of concern to consumers is that there is the word ""Bristle"" on the packaging. Suddenly, the question about the halalness of tooth brushing bristles was questioned by the general public. This stems from an article about a previously circulated pig bristle brush, which can be seen on the LPPOM MUI website: In the article, it was written that “on the handle of a boar-bristle brush the words: Bristle, PureBristle, 100% China Bristle, and others are often written. One of the meanings of the word Bristle is Pig Hair (Webster's Dictionary) which is unclean when wet."" The choice of the word ONE in the article turned out to be misunderstood by some netizens who generalized the notion of ""bristle"" with sea urchins. In fact, if we explore further, the notion of ""bristle"" is much more general than just sea urchins. Bristle is a stiff/strong fiber or fur, either natural derived from plant fibers and animal hair or artificial (synthetic). From this definition, the word ""bristle"" on the toothbrush packaging does not necessarily make the toothbrush come from sea urchins. This means that the toothbrush could have come from other animal hair, plant fibers or even synthetic bristles. If we look back at the history and development of toothbrushes, the bristles found on toothbrushes originally came from wild boar bristles (Siberian). However, along with the development of technology, in 1938 toothbrushes were produced with nylon bristles which still dominate today. However, it is undeniable that there are still around 10% worldwide of toothbrush products whose bristles come from pig bristles. After we understand the true definition of bristle, then how do we know whether the toothbrush comes from non-halal fibers/bristles? A simple way is to look for information on the official website of the toothbrush manufacturer, or even ask directly to the customer service center. The rapid flow of information on social media makes us have to be more careful in disseminating information. If we have not been able to find valid information, it would be better if the information is asked in a forum that is related to the information. Information about the halalness of a product, of course, not only food/beverage/cosmetic but also lifestyle and thought, becomes a very important part in the life of a Muslim because it has an impact on matters of worship and the hereafter. Indeed, halal and haram matters are not only the responsibility of the MUI or the government but our business as Muslims. Therefore, Halal Corner invites Muslims to join the community of halal fighters. Halal Corner is a community that was established as a forum for active communication / sharing about various halal products, especially in the local area as well as providing halal counseling and education for Muslims in the form of training, halal campaigns, and educational activities that build public awareness of the importance of halal products.",Valid "The salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia will increase drastically to reach Rp. 500 million per month or Rp. 6.6 billion per year. This increase occurs if the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) on Salaries, Benefits, and Facilities for Civil Servants is actually approved. The amount is stated in the RPP material. Presidential salary index of 96,000 points, found the figure of Rp 553 million According to Article 2 of Law No. 7 of 1978, the president's salary is 6 times the basic salary of the highest official in Indonesia (Chairman of DPR, MA, and BPK). The official receives a salary of Rp. 5040000 per month. Thus, the basic salary of the president is Rp. 30240000 per month. Presidential Decree 68/2001 also states that the allowance for the position of the President is Rp. 32500000. So the total money received by the president each month is Rp. 62740000 or Rp. 752880000 per year According to the palace , this amount has not changed since 2001. The amount of the salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia is relatively small compared to the leaders of the big countries in the world Singapore's Minister (PM), Lee Hsien Loong recorded the highest salary of USD 2.2 million or equivalent to Rp. 30.3 billion per year after Lee, there was Doris Leuthard, President of Switzerland who recorded a salary of USD 437,000 or Rp. 6 billion per year. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Trunbull with a salary of USD 403,700 or Rp. 5.5 billion per year President Jokowi's salary is only higher than PRC President Xi Jinping is paid USD 20,500 or Rp. 283 million per year While the President of the United States Donald Trump recorded the smallest income, which was USD 1 per year. Of course, this is Trump's personal request. The 45th president of the US has a personal wealth of around USD 3 billion. University of Indonesia (UI) public policy observer Lina Miftahul Jannah said it was very natural for the President to have a very large income index. Indonesia is very high. ""It makes sense too,"" he explained. He said that as head of state as well as head of The government, duties, responsibilities, and risks of a President are very large. According to him, it is not natural for an official to be paid a salary from the State Budget, whose salary is greater than the President. the palace has not been able to comment further on the civil servant salary increase scheme, the president and other state officials Presidential spokesman Johan Budi Sapto Prabowo said his party had not received sufficient information about it. The former Acting Officer (Plt) of the KPK leadership has also not been able to confirm the progress of the RPP",Hoax "The Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara, emphasized that the government would not hesitate to close the Facebook platform if the world's largest social media site became a place for spreading false news, as happened to the Rohingya. ""I take a position, I threaten to close Facebook and the government has no doubts if it has to close Facebook if it is used for hoaxes,"" said Rudiantara at the Ministry of Communication and Information Building, Jakarta, Thursday (5/4) yesterday. After Facebook admitted to being used as an anti-Rohingya propaganda tool in Myanmar, Rudiantara said he did not want something similar to happen in Indonesia. In addition, indications of the leakage of one million user data from Indonesia in the Cambridge Analytica case require a cooperative attitude from Facebook in following up on requests from the Ministry of Communication and Information. Rudiantara said that his party would not just take action to close social media platforms, but through a process and with the right reasons. Although he assessed that so far, Facebook is among the three platforms that are less cooperative, namely only fulfilling 50 percent of the Ministry of Communication and Information's requests to close content that was considered not according to the norm since two years ago. ""This is what I want to convey to the public, that this is the situation, I personally have no intention of closing anything like that, it must be guarded for the benefit of the state and society,"" said Rudiantara. The Minister of Communication and Information emphasized that all social media must be willing to participate in maintaining the stability of the country if they want to do business in Indonesia, if it causes instability in Indonesia, the government will act decisively. There are also Facebook users in Indonesia who access social media every month more than 115 million people, of the 2.07 billion people who access Facebook every month worldwide.",Hoax "News spread on social media that a number of terrorist prisoners at the Mako Brimob Detention Center, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, on Friday (11/10/2017), went on a rampage and damaged the detention cells. It is not known exactly why. However, from information quoted by a social media account #Alfath Channel, it was stated that the riot that resulted in a room being damaged was because officers who were checking the room of a prisoner who was charged with terrorism had abused the holy book Al-Quran. ""There has been a riot at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok, the terrorist prisoners burned and destroyed the room because the guard Ahmad and his team threw the Koran and caused the prisoners to go berserk,"" reads the quote #Alfath Channel. The riots in the Mako Brimob detention center were clarified by the circulation of viral videos and several photos of the times when the vandalism took place. In the video, which is thought to have taken place at noon, the atmosphere of the Mako Brimob detention cell looks shattered, and there are broken glass caused by being hit by a hard object. Until this news was revealed, the Brimob Mako Detention Center had not issued an official clarification.",Hoax "Some users have complained that the iPhone 6 Plus has the disadvantage of being prone to warping when it is kept in a trouser pocket for too long. Apple is considered to have made a big mistake by choosing a metal-aluminum alloy that is not too solid as the base material for the iPhone 6 Plus frame. For this weakness, Apple's new smartphone with a 5.5-inch jumbo sail is now reported to be the subject of ridicule on various social media. A number of Apple's competitors did not waste this opportunity to beat Apple. According to the Business Insider page, Thursday (25/9/2014), the hashtag #bendgate, or what can be interpreted as the iPhone 6 Plus 'curvy scandal', has become a hot topic on social media. Many users of Twitter, Path, and various other photo social networks mock the weakness of the iPhone 6 Plus. For example, what is done by the official Twitter account for the snack brand @KitKat. This brand, which is indeed a partnership with Google, posted a photo that satirized how frail the iPhone 6 handset frame is. They also tweeted, ""We're not curved, we're #broken. #bendgate #iPhone6plus.",Valid "Jakarta - 212 Volume 2 demonstrations from outside the city have been arrived at the Istiqlal Mosque, but they couldn't entered because the gate of the mosque was locked. Hundreds of people using buses were stuck at the entrance of the Istiqlal mosque, Monday (20/2/2017) night, the Istiqlal mosque which is usually the place for The previous gathering for the Defending Islam Action was closed. Police officers standing guard in front of the Istiqlal Mosque then direct the bus from that area to another place. Previously, the Islamic Ummah Forum (FUI) ensured that there was no long march during the 212 action volume II, Tuesday (21/2/2017). Action participants will be directed directly to the point of concentration action in front of the DPR/MPR RI building. “Our scenario is not having a long march. So all participants are advised to go directly to the DPR/MPR RI building,"" said Ustaz Bernard Abdul Jabbar as coordinator of the 212 action volume II to reporters at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Jakarta,",Hoax "The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Setyo Wasisto, emphasized that the police will pursue the perpetrators who spread hoax news about the throwing of the Koran at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Depok, West Java. According to him, the trigger for the rioting of terrorist prisoners was because prisoners did not accept being raided on their cell phones. ""That (the issue of throwing the Koran) is a hoax. We will find (the perpetrator),"" said Setyo at the National Police Headquarters, Monday (11/13/2017). The hoax news through the chain message circulated on Friday (11/10/2017) after the riot at the Mako Brimob detention center occurred. Setyo said the fake news was provocative and dangerous. ""We'll find out who uploaded it later. If it's the news that provokes the danger,"" said Setyo. Setyo appealed to the public not to be easily provoked by fake news. ""This can damage, cause noise, and even cause victims if you are not careful,"" said Setyo.",Valid "Is it true that Facebook will be closed on April 24, 2018?. This is the explanation of the Ministry of Communication and Information – In the last few days, a number of netizens in the country have been worried by a number of information that states that the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information will block or close the Facebook social network on April 24. Not a few of Facebook users who feel confused by this confusing information. They also wonder, is it true that Facebook will be closed in Indonesia or is it just hoax information?. Responding to the public's confusion, the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Rudiantara, as reported by Liputan6 said, ""We will see this situation first. If it gets worse, then we will temporarily close (block)"". But firmly, Rudiantara explained that the Ministry of Communication and Information would not block or permanently close Facebook. In the case involving Facebook regarding the misuse of data by Cambrige Analityca, the government, in this case the Ministry of Communication and Information and the DPR, is conducting an investigation and asking for an official explanation from Facebook regarding the incident. Meutya Hafid, Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives in his explanation regarding the discourse on closing Facebook said ""We and the government - the Ministry of Communication and Information - will talk again regarding the follow-up to Facebook's mistakes. Personally, I'm still open to sanctions, it's also possible to suggest a Facebook service moratorium.” The politician from the Golkar Party hopes that the Ministry of Communication and Information can be more strict with Facebook. He explained that the decision on whether the discourse on closing access to Facebook services would actually be carried out still had to wait for the results of an internal investigation from Facebook for the next month. ""We are waiting, I think a month should be enough time. We hope that the results of this investigation will not only blame who, but also there must be information, where this misused data went and what it was used for,” explained the DPR member who is also a former journalist. So, what is the cause of the widespread discourse of closing Facebook services? The confusion about the news that Facebook services will be closed in Indonesia on April 24th stems from the discovery of the fact that some of Facebook's user data has been misused for political purposes in the United States presidential election by the Cambrige Analityca Survey Institute. In the release of the data, it turns out that not only Facebook users in the USA are victims of data abuse, but Indonesia as a country with the most Facebook users in the world is also known to have become victims of data tapping by third-party applications connected to Facebook. More than one million Facebook users in the country are known to be part of a total of tens of millions of Facebook users who are known to have been harvested by third parties and used for their benefit. Although it is not known for certain what Facebook user data in Indonesia is used for, but it has triggered government concerns in this case the Ministry of Communication and Information. Therefore, the information circulating about whether Facebook will be closed on April 24 is invalid information aka HOAX. Because so far the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information has not officially stated the exact date when the discourse on closing Facebook will actually take place.",Valid "The salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia will increase drastically to reach Rp. 500 million per month or Rp. 6.6 billion per year. This increase will occur if the Draft Government Regulation on Salaries, Benefits, and Facilities for Civil Servants is actually ratified. amounting to 96,000 points, found the figure of Rp 553 million According to Article 2 of Law number 7 of 1978, the president's salary is 6 times the basic salary of the highest official in Indonesia (Chairman of the DPR, MA, and BPK). salary of IDR 5040000 per month Thus, the basic salary of the president is IDR 30240000 per month Presidential Decree 68/2001 also states that the allowance for the position of the President is IDR 32500000 So the total money received by the president each month is IDR 62740000 or IDR 752880000 per year According to the palace, this amount has not changed since 2001 The total salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia is relatively small compared to the leaders of the major countries in the world, the salary of President of the Republic of Indonesia Jokowi's identity is only higher than PRC President Xi Jinping paid USD 20,500 or IDR 283 million per year While the President of the United States Donald Trump recorded the smallest income, which was USD 1 per year Of course this is Trump's personal request. USD 3 billion Public policy observer from the University of Indonesia (UI) Lina Miftahul Jannah said it was very natural for the President to have a very large income index. So the income received by the number one person in Indonesia was very high. ""It makes sense too,"" she explained. At the same time as the head of government, the duties, responsibilities, and risks of a President are very large. So according to him, it is not natural for an official to be paid a salary from the State Budget, whose salary is greater than the President. the palace has not been able to comment further it's a salary increase scheme for civil servants, the president and other state officials. Presidential spokesman Johan Budi Sapto Prabowo said his party had not received enough information about it. ""I haven't received the information. The KPK leadership has also not been able to confirm the progress of the RPP",Hoax "to carry out actions to defend Islam and the State which will be carried out by the Muslim community, who are members of the Islamic Community Forum (FUI), who are already stifled by the behavior of the leaders of this country, where they should carry out the rules and laws firmly and correctly, but in reality this is not the case. This assumption led to the case of blasphemy against Islam carried out by the defendant Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, who is currently undergoing trial, it was not dismissed and the public considered that the reasons given seemed made up. Not even a few legal and state administration experts, including the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Mahfud MD, also criticized the government's attitude, especially the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tjahjo Kumolo including President Joko Widodo alias Jokowi who was silent when Ahok was again given his seat as governor. While some regional heads actually experience the opposite. As a result, their demands in the action called the Action to Defend Islam and the State 212 will be carried out in front of the MPR building of the DPR RI, and apparently not a few participants came from several outside Jakarta. As a result, they tried to gather at the Istiqlal Mosque with the intention of carrying out the Fajr prayer in congregation, and also the weather conditions when this news was revealed were raining, as a result they tried to immediately be able to enter shelter while waiting for the prayer time to enter. The owner of this gold-plated luxury car is actually an Indonesian Apparently the fence of the Istiqlal Mosque is actually tightly closed, as received by this media, in the form of photos and descriptions, 5 minutes later when this news was revealed, the participants were also unable to enter to gather and perform the dawn prayer. ""Istiqlal Mosque in Padlock…… no one can (may) pray Fajr…. What regime is this….. PKI challenges the Defenders of Islam….our war begins… Allahu Akbar…..!” That's the text in the caption for the photo sent to the media.It can be seen in the photo that the participants are gathering and hoping that the door will be opened soon. Their anger was directed at the government, because the Istiqlal Mosque is managed directly under the Ministry of Religion through the Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI). Where the management of BPPMI is appointed and inaugurated directly by the Minister of Religion who is also in the structure as Chairman of BPPMI. Meanwhile, the responsibility is directly to the President. Meanwhile, it is related to the statement that mentions the involvement of the PKI, due to the connection with the PDI-P as the ruling party and also the main supporter of President Jokowi and also the DKI Jakarta Paslon Ahok-Djarot. And in PDIP itself, it is known that many generations of PKI leaders from the 1960s have filled it. And do not cover themselves even boldly and proudly they admit it. As once said by Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission IX from PDIP, Ribka Tjiptaning, when interviewed and published by one of the media, on September 30, 2015.",Hoax "Just over a month game from .Niantic,Inc. The release has caused a lot of controversy. Be it polemics..facts.rational or just .polemics that are blown based on opinions and without clear sources. This makes the Pokemon Go game even more interesting to follow. Or even a ridiculous thing that can only be understood. The news that was spread, some of which were confused about the source. Even crazier is the existence of Pokemon Go which is associated with ISIS terrorists. Duh... A rational fact that often becomes a polemic is because of the many violations committed by .Pokemon Go players. starting from breaking through forbidden places, disrupting traffic, and accidents that often occur because players are ignorant of the surrounding environment, immersed in the excitement of the game. For this, it seems that a more serious study is needed. Considering the existence of these pokemon monsters, they are placed randomly and do not rule out the possibility in forbidden places or dangerous places such as on roads, train stations, or even the latest incident of a .Pokemon Trainer falling off a cliff due to chasing Pokemon on the edge of a cliff.
From the very beginning of the release of this Pokemon Go game, news has spread that Indonesia is in danger of being blocked from the Pokemon Go game distribution list. The reason is because although Niantic.Inc has not opened a download portal for the Indonesia Region, there are already many sites that provide offline Apk file installers for Pokemon Go. So that Android users in Indonesia can now play this game. For this one news is still confusing. Hopefully this news is not true. Because after all, the enthusiasm of Pokemon fans in Indonesia is among the biggest. But the latest news circulating in the mass media (TV and newspapers), the solution to this problem is that Niantic.Inc will ask google to block the keyword "".Pokemon Go Apk. "" on .search engines. Maybe this one is more logical.. (In my opinion....)
Second, is the news that is a little bit weird. It's ridiculous. Although some include news sources, but sometimes irrelevant sources. As is often spread on social media and becomes viral quickly. This Hoax Info sometimes makes people angry, or even laughs because of the silliness of this hoax news spreader. The following is a ridiculous bin hoax info circulating regarding Pokemon Go 1. Teenagers Kill Siblings Because of Pokemon Go It shocked the virtual world, when news spread about a teenager from Florida, Timmy Richard (15) who had the heart to kill his 13-year-old brother because he ""accidentally"" deleted Pokemon Go data on his cellphone. After being traced, it turned out that the source of the news was A site known as .satire news and often creates .hoax news to lure social media users to click on ads on this site. According to news circulating, this site has also clarified and apologized for an editorial error on one of its .pages. 2. Pokemon Go Is America's Spy Tool Until now this news is still viral on BBM and Facebook social media. I do not know what underlies the spread of this news. Just take advantage of Pokemon Go's .uforia moments or have done a basic analysis. Because this news spread at this time. Meanwhile, the Augmented Reality technology used by Pokemon Go has been used in the previous .Niantic, Inc. game product, namely .Ingress, and has been refined to support the Pokemon Go game. If indeed the technology in the Pokemon Go game is a means of American spying, it means that it has been done for a long time. Because the game .Ingress (though not as popular as Pokemon Go) is also played by Android users in Indonesia. This hoax has even been reported on a television station with a source present Scientific explanations are also described on the site. That Pokemon Go doesn't suggest/force users to at startup which is the basis for..malware .in .hacking devices, including mobile phones. As for Pokemon Trainer itself, data from the user's device is directly sent to which is the official .server from the developer, not through a third party The third fact described by is that the amount of data sent by mobile devices to the official .Niantic server .every time a player gets a monster .is not more than 50 KB.. Logically, the transfer of data files of that size will not be enough to send images with good quality. It can be proven when we take pictures with mobile phones, the data files created range from up to 3 Mb. Very far when compared to the amount of data sent to the main server 3.Pokemon Equals ""I'm Jewish"" This is getting more and more eccentric, the news that spreads in chains through Facebook makes us shake our heads. How foreign languages ​​are played for certain purposes. Sometimes they don't even understand where the .hoax spreader gets the source. Actually this issue has long been exhaled and disappeared. Now this issue is spreading again for whatever purpose. The actual meaning of Pokemon is as follows: The word .Pokemon in English is an abbreviation of two words: namely the word (.Poke) which is an abbreviation of the word (.Pocket), which means ; Pockets/pockets. And the word (.Mon) which is an abbreviation of the word (.Monster), which means ; Monsters. So it means pocket monster. The point is an expression of how small these monsters are to fit in a pocket. As for the name .Pikachu .who is a famous character in this cartoon, it is also formed from two words: (.Pika) in Japanese, which means shining. While the word (.Chu) is an expression of the sounds that come out of the mouth of a mouse. Why is it called Pikachu? Because (this character) is shaped like a mouse armed with an electric shock. The funny thing is, this news was spread by someone who is anti-certain group, through Facebook which incidentally was made by one of the people from the hated group. Despite everything, the existence of the Pokemon Go Game does bring problems and benefits. This game can indeed be said to have a dangerous element because it takes the user out of the house and makes the player's attention decrease due to the excitement of the game But on the other hand, this game is reported to be the latest therapeutic method that can motivate people with depression, spectrum disorders, anxiety disorders, paranoia, social phobias to do outdoor activities and stop confining themselves in their rooms. Whatever media we use, when we use it outside the limits of reasonableness, it will certainly be very detrimental to ourselves and others. But when we are able to control ourselves to use all media fairly in proportion, it will certainly provide reasonable benefits",Valid "Ponorogo – Loud protests over the burning of rickety properties in the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines continue to roll in various areas. This time, thousands of residents from various elements of society took to the streets. The thousands of Ponorogo residents staged the action, starting from aloons, then continuing in front of the district government office, and ending at the Ponorogo DPRD building. In addition to taking turns cursing the burning of traditional art tools and equipment typical of Ponorogo Regency, the protesters consisting of a combination of reog art lovers, students and community shops also held various reyog art attractions, to ward off the notion that reog is an idol as alleged. . ""We are demonstrating this as a form of strong protest against the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao Philippines, who has set fire to the reyog art property. We demand that the people who set the fires be removed from their positions,"" said Eko Budi Setyawan, one of the artists of Reyog Ponorogo. Representatives from the demonstrators then held a hearing on the 2nd floor of the DPRD building on Jalan Aloon-Aloon Timur. They were accepted by elements of the leadership of the Council and Acting Regent of Ponorogo Maskur. From the meeting, it was agreed that the representatives of the people and the government of the Ponorogo district agreed to protest strongly against the reyog property that was burned at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. ""As representatives of the people, we are concerned about the burning of Reyog properties, and hope that similar incidents will not happen again, Reyog art is a traditional art typical of our district, so we must protect and preserve it,"" said DPRD chairman Ali Mufthi.",Hoax "There are several myths about preventing stroke, namely sticking a needle. Dr. Frandy Susatia SpS said that this myth is something that can actually harm yourself. Especially if the person who does it also has diabetes. It's not true that you can prevent stroke by inserting a needle. In addition to sticking a needle, another myth is flushing the skin when it's hot. But again, the doctor who practices at Siloam Hospital, Kebon Jeruk, denies it. It's not true. If the heat of the blood vessels will spread but it will be normal again when the heat subsides. Only fainted but not stroke because of the blood vessels. the lid is uploading",Valid "The Muslim community was shocked by the news about toothbrushes made from pig bristles. One of the markers is the content of the toothbrush, bristle, which is listed on the packaging. The word bristle is then interpreted as a sea urchin. As a result, many Muslims are worried about using a toothbrush on the market. Quoted from the page, LPPOM MUI explains the term bristle means stiff hair or fiber. This definition refers to the Websters Dictionary, so all stiff hair, including stiff beards, palm fibers, pine leaves fall into the bristle category. In the industrial world, bristle is often used as a material for making brushes and brushes, including toothbrushes. Bristle materials can come from animals such as pigs, horses, goats, or synthetic fibers such as nylon and silicone. To emphasize what bristles are used on a toothbrush, usually the term bristle will be written in the product name. For example, Boar Bristle Brush which means Pig Bristle Brush. Boar means wild boar or wild boar. If you find a toothbrush with the above sentence on the packaging, then the toothbrush is declared forbidden to use. This means that the product is a brush that uses wild boar bristles. Toothbrushes can also use boar bristles, wrote LPPOM MUI, quoted from, Wednesday, November 2, 2016. However, not all toothbrushes that contain the term bristle in their packaging must be made from pig bristles. There are already many manufacturers that use horse, goat, camel hair, as well as nylon and silicone fibers in their toothbrush products. When there is no information on the source of the material, at least a simple method can be used. To determine whether it is made from animal hair or not, the method in question is to burn the material. If it smells like burning hair or horns, better leave it alone. Materials from plastic or coconut fiber do not emit such a distinctive odor when burned. wrote LPPOM MUI.",Hoax "Participants of Action 212 Volume 2 who came from outside the city had arrived at the Istiqlal Mosque, but they could not enter because the gate of the mosque was locked. According to observations, hundreds of mobs driving 5 bosses, including AD number plates (Solo and its surroundings) were stuck at the entrance of the Istiqlal mosque, Monday (20/2) night, due to the closure of the mosque, which used to be a gathering place for the Defending Islam Action. (read: Istiqlal door is closed, 5 buses participating in 212 action cannot enter) Police officers on guard in front of the Istiqlal Mosque then directed the bus from the area to another place. It was not explained where the mass gathering place was diverted. For last night's case, there were five buses from East Java. They claimed to come from Madura. Participants enter the mosque after Isha time. The mosque provides opportunities for worship and cleaning. The group from East Java understood and understood. The mosque management waited for them to leave the Istiqlal Mosque voluntarily. Then at 03.40 WIB the mosque was reopened. Previously, the Islamic Community Forum (FUI) ensured that there would be no long march during the 212th volume II action, Tuesday (21/2) tomorrow. Action participants will be directed directly to the action concentration point in front of the DPR/MPR RI building. ""Our scenario is that we don't have a long march. So all participants are advised to go directly to the DPR/MPR RI building,"" said Ustaz Bernard Abdul Jabbar as coordinator of the 212th volume II action to reporters at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Monday (20/2/2017) . Ustadz Bernard estimates that 10 thousand people will attend the action. People from outside Jakarta were asked to park their vehicles in the parking lots that have been prepared. ""And for those from areas who bring buses and vehicles, we then direct them to park at the Senayan East Parking if those from the south and east. While from the west we will direct them to (park vehicles) at Palmerah Station and at in front of the Forestry Department building,"" he explained. He added that his party also did not provide lodging facilities for action participants from outside the region. This means that those from outside the city of Jakarta are welcome to find a place to rest on their own",Hoax "Stroke is a disorder of the blood vessels of the brain. Disturbances that occur can be in the form of blockages or in the form of rupture of blood vessels. Stroke needs to be treated immediately, because the initial time of stroke is the time that determines the next therapy. Is it true that if someone has a stroke, then we have to bleed from the fingertips? What are the early symptoms of a stroke? The brain is the driving force of the human body. If there is a disturbance in the brain, it can occur in various other organ systems. The initial symptom of a stroke is weakness in the body, generally on one side only. Stroke patients will complain of slurred speech, or the eyes can not open. If a person has a hemorrhagic stroke, there will be an increase in pressure in the brain. This increase in pressure will cause a sudden, severe headache. Stroke survivors may also complain of nausea and vomiting. Is it necessary to bleed from the fingertips? The following page is the answer: Initial treatment for stroke is not by removing blood from the fingertips. Bleeding from all the fingertips has no benefit in healing stroke patients. In fact, if the needle used is not clean, stroke sufferers can develop an infection due to the puncture. Bleeding from the fingertips is a dangerous procedure and is not helpful in treating a stroke. What is the initial treatment for stroke? The initial treatment for stroke is to maintain a patent airway and stabilize the patient's blood circulation. If the patient is unconscious, make sure the patient is in a safe environment, lying in a safe place. Position the patient with the body facing the left side, to prevent the entry of fluids into the respiratory tract (recovery position). Immediately call for help to take the patient to the nearest emergency room. The exact treatment of stroke depends on the type of stroke that occurred. This can be confirmed by carrying out supporting examinations such as CT scans and MRIs.",Valid "Rumors circulated that there had been a riot at the Mako Brimob Detention Center, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, on Friday (11/10/2017). From the information compiled, as quoted by a social media channel, it was stated that the detainees who were charged with terrorism cases were outraged by the news that the wardens were suspected of harassing the Qur'an and the books of the clerics belonging to the detainees. ""Densus and the warden arrogantly entered the Ikhwan's room and the Koran was stepped on by Brimob, the warden and Densus finally caused the ikhwans to go on a rampage and destroy the Brimob mako detention room, the current situation is still tense ..."" That's the excerpt from the release of #AlfathChannel, which spread on social media. In addition, viral videos and photos were also circulated during the riots and the detainees waving the monotheism flag. In the video, the atmosphere of the Mako Brimbob detention cell looks shattered, there are also broken glass and wood that the prisoners break down. Meanwhile, the screams of takbir of the prisoners resounded. However, there were also other prisoners who tried to calm the atmosphere. After the riots, it was reported that the atmosphere was starting to become conducive, the warden of the Mako Brimob Detention Center was reported to have made efforts to invite the detainees to negotiate. Until this news was revealed, there has been no release of clarification from the Mako Brimob Detention Center",Hoax "Surely the residents of Malang City have heard or read articles about catfish which have 3000 cancer cells. The messages and writings stated that a mouthful of catfish meat was eaten, residents also swallowed the 3000 cancer cells. In the message and writing, it is also stated that catfish contain cancer cells because catfish live in a dirty way. The reason for the filthiest fish is what the readers emphasize the most. The message also explained that the nature of catfish that likes to consume all kinds of waste in the waters makes this fish unfit for consumption. Even an article that is quite viral on the internet mentions that human waste is also used as feed for a catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China. Meanwhile in its natural habitat, catfish is also known as a very tough fish species. This fish is equipped with an additional breathing apparatus in the form of a labyrinth, so that it can survive in muddy or even polluted water conditions. These facts have led to allegations of accumulation of carcinogenic toxins (cancer causing) in the body of catfish. This fact is not entirely true and can be trusted. Dr. Dradjat R Suardi, SpB(K) Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association, explained that to prove whether catfish have cancer cells or not, research is necessary. Currently there is no research that states if eating catfish can trigger cancer, he stressed. Meanwhile, catfish sold and consumed in Malang City are mostly cultivated in a catfish farming pond. Head of Fish Processing and Marketing Group at Sarangan Fish Supermarket, Malang City, Dm. Bambang S explained this. He said that when he wanted to supply fish, such as catfish and milkfish, he would supply them from a catfish farm. Although there are few ponds in Malang City, he takes supplies from ponds in the Sidoarjo area. Don't pick up the river. It must be from fresh water ponds where it is cultivated, he said. According to the data collected, the nutritional content of catfish is centered on high protein levels. Like freshwater fish in general. There has been no official research that states that catfish contain cancer cells like the information that has been spread so far.",Valid "Do you believe that catfish is the dirtiest fish in the world? Believe it or not but this is the fact. Catfish are the dirtiest fish in the world, really like waste water, have a penchant for eating carrion, even in the catfish's body there are various types of parasites, really like garbage fish, right? Do you still dare to eat this type of fish? But you should avoid this type of freshwater fish. It's true, after cooking catfish, it will look very tasty and will even tempt our appetite, but before you eat it, let's take a look at the following reviews. Zhang Ri-hong, one of the catfish breeders who gave information, that this herd of catfish will be harvested about once every 3 months, and in one pond tens of thousands of catfish can be collected and marketed directly, especially to restaurants located in Haikou, province Hainan, China, as well as to several food stalls on the side of the road. Due to the large amount of news circulating from the community, local journalists tried to keep track of this situation in order to obtain information from the fishery department and from the marine of the city of Haikou who directly visited the farm site to investigate and take samples of pond water on the farm, feed and fish in the 7 catfish ponds. In fact, the Hainan fisheries department has asked farmers not to suspend the sale of the catfish before the relevant test results come out. On Po-Xiang Street, Haikou City, Hainan Province, there is a very simple path. When we walk about 50 meters, then in it there are 7 fish ponds that have a small size as well as a large size. Unfortunately, around the catfish pond there is a pigsty as well as a chicken coop, meanwhile in the middle of the pond there is a pile of floating garbage, which is accompanied by a very pungent smell. And in the pond, a flock of scattered catfish swam back and forth with agility in the middle of the pond. The catfish pond has been around for decades, the feces from the farmer's toilet and chicken and pig manure are immediately dumped into the pond. Well, after you see the explanation above, and you see a number of the pictures above, surely you will feel that you have seen such a sight. This scene is one of the news that has been widely circulated among the public, and the environment of catfish being cultivated is truly disgusting.",Hoax "The Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-Terror Police Headquarters is investigating the alleged ISIS flag in the midst of the riots that occurred at the Brimob Mako Terrorist Prison a few days ago. ""(The issue of the suspected ISIS flag) is being investigated by Densus friends. Therefore, it is the authority of the Densus friends even though they are in Brimob who are guarding the Densus,"" said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police, Inspector General Pol Setyo Wasisto, to reporters at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta. South, Monday (13/11). Setyo also straightened out the issue related to the cause of the riot due to the throwing of the holy Qur'an by the guard at the Mako Brimob Rutan, Kelapa Dua, Depok. ""It's been clarified that it's not true. There were those who spread (hoaxes) that it threw away the Koran, it didn't exist. What was there was a sweeping after praying. A cellphone was found. Asked for a cellphone, angry,"" said Setyo. In addition, Setyo explained that in the riots there were no burnings but only acts of vandalism carried out by the inmates. ""Nothing, just prisoners destroying detention facilities,"" concluded Setyo. Last Friday (10/11) there was a commotion at the Brimob Mako Terrorist Prison, Kelapa Dua, Depok, Salemba Rutan branch at around 16.00 pm. Karo Penmas Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters Brigadier General Pol Rikhwanto said that the riot was carried out by terrorist prisoners and damaged the prison facilities. ""The prison cell door was broken into, the gate of the block hallway, the window glass in block C and block B,"" said Rikwanto through his official release. The riots, continued Rikhwanto, began after Friday prayers when the prisoners were brought into the cells. After that, the members of the Densus picket conducted a search in rooms A.5 and C5 (RB). From the room, four cellphones were found belonging to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam and Jumali. ""One of the detainees did not accept it and provoked the officers with various kinds of words, then some members were provoked by their words,"" said Rikwanto. Then finally the prisoner screamed so that it provoked the other inmates in the block next to him. To condition the situation, members of the Pioneer Unit III picket fired shots into the air as well as warning the prisoners.",Valid "Information for you, especially Muslims, to be more careful and careful in choosing a toothbrush, because there are dental cleaning products that use materials from non-halal. If you buy a toothbrush, check the packaging, if it says ""Bristle"" on the package, it means that the toothbrush contains PIG bristles. Bristle means Sea urchin! Again, double-check the packaging of your toothbrush when buying. Likewise on the brush (bread spreader), Usually it says ""Bristle"", ""Pure Bristle"", ""100% China Bristle"". Share this info with your family and friends on Facebook so that more people can read it so you can avoid products that are not halal.",Hoax "The dot-shaped candy product has obtained a production permit from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). ""Yes, it's true (it already has a permit),"" said Head of the BPOM Food and Drug Investigation Center Hendri Siswadi, when contacted in Jakarta, Thursday, March 9 2017. The candy in the form of a pacifier suspected of containing drugs was found in Surabaya, East Java. BPOM Surabaya is examining the content of candy which is suspected to contain drugs. However, temporary results, said Hendri, the content of hazardous materials has not been found. ""Until today, BPOM Surabaya has tested using 16 parameters with negative results."" The discovery of the candy allegedly containing drugs stems from the routine operation of the Civil Service Police Unit when raiding students who were truant during school hours in Surabaya. One of them is in an Internet cafe that is usually used as a hangout place for students when playing truant. During the operation, the team found an elementary school student who felt dizzy after consuming candy. The head of the Civil Service Police Unit, Irvan Widianto, said that there were several forms of drug candy in the form of baby pacifiers with the brand name Hard Candy and jelly sticks.",Valid "Photos of participants of Action 212 Volume Two circulated on social media who could not enter the Istiqlal Mosque this morning because the mosque doors were closed. According to the mosque management, the rumors circulating are not true. ""It's a thousand percent hoax,"" said the Head of the Protocol Section of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abdul Salam to Tuesday (21/2) morning. He explained, the rules at the Istiqlal Mosque other than the month of Ramadan, the mosque closes at 21.30 WIB. Opened again one hour before Fajr time. In the month of Ramadan, the mosque is open 24 hours. He said, for last night's case, there were indeed five bus participants who came from East Java. They claimed to come from Madura. Participants enter the mosque after Isha time. The mosque provides opportunities for worship and cleaning. ""After approaching 10 (evening), we met with the head of his entourage, we announced to his entourage that the rules at Istiqlal, this mosque will be closed and will be opened again one hour before Fajr,"" he said. Abu explained, the group from East Java understood and understood. The mosque management waited for them to leave the Istiqlal Mosque voluntarily. Then at 03.40 WIB the mosque was reopened ""And what's in the photo, it looks like people are queuing up to enter, it's the Wali Songo pilgrimage group and school children, that's normal, they go to Istiqlal every day,"" he explained. He emphasized that in conclusion, the news circulating on Instagram, Twitter and other social media was a lie.",Valid "Here's a photo of the easily curved iPhone 6 circulating on the Internet. As quoted from Mashable, Wednesday (24/9/2014), a member of the MacRumors forum shared a photo of his curved iPhone 6 Plus. Hanzon, the member's name, admitted that he kept the iPhone 6 Plus in his front trouser pocket while driving. After a few hours of pocketing, Hanzon found the iPhone 6 had changed shape, the center was slightly curved. A similar case was also reported by a member of the MacRumors forum, DevinPitcher. He said that his colleague's iPhone 6 Plus also curved after being pocketed in the front pocket of his pants. A photo of the curved iPhone 6 was also posted by Devin in a thread. A post on the French forum, MacBidouille, also reported a similar case. Members of this forum also included a photo of a colleague's iPhone 6 that was bent just because it was placed in the front pocket of his pants. This crooked case is not the first to happen. Earlier this year, several iPhone 5S owners reported that their phones were curved even though they weren't impacted and also didn't sit in their back pockets or sit down. Meanwhile, in 2012, several iPhone 5 users claimed to experience such cases on their devices.",Hoax "Catfish is one type of fish that contains a lot of animal protein. Pecel catfish is one of the favorite food menus for many people because the price is quite cheap and delicious. Although delicious and cheap, catfish is the dirtiest fish among other types of fish that are often consumed by humans. Why is it called the dirtiest fish? The following is an explanation: Catfish live in very dirty ponds and are usually surrounded by chicken or pig coops. For those of you who are catfish fans, not all catfish live or are bred in ponds around which there is a chicken coop or a pigsty. In Indonesia, many also keep catfish in ordinary ponds. But why is it called the dirtiest fish, maybe because most catfish farmers feed their livestock with feed that comes from anything dirty including chicken carcasses etc. According to a catfish farmer from China named Zhang Ri-hong who admitted that he had supplied a lot of catfish that he harvested every 3 months to markets and roadside restaurants in Hainan province, to be precise in Haikou. Frequent complaints from the community, a reporter from the local fisheries department investigated the fish. The reporters took samples from the 7 ponds that housed the catfish. It turned out that the seven ponds were all surrounded by chicken and pig coops, while in the middle of the ponds there were many piles of garbage. According to Islamic jurisprudence, eating catfish is halal. But sometimes many catfish breeders in Indonesia keep catfish in ponds and are fed with manure. If the condition is like that, then the catfish becomes like a jallalah animal, that is, an animal that eats dirty and unclean food so that it is unlawful to eat it. In order to become halal again, catfish must be quarantined or separated from dirty places and given clean food. Minimum quarantine time is 3 days. danger lurks you if you consume catfish, one mouthful of catfish contains 3000 cancer cells. Catfish is a type of fish that consumes waste. Catfish is a type of fish that easily breeds in dirty ponds, these fish can also consume waste in the form of animal waste such as chicken, cow, and pig manure, and even these fish can also consume human waste. Some time ago, news about the dangers of consuming fried catfish circulated. Reportedly, a doctor once admitted that he often had patients with swollen and infected thyroid disease, with symptoms: swelling of the lower neck, swelling around the neck that looked like a tumor, the eyeballs felt like they were about to come out, heat around the neck, frequent coughing in the middle of the night. without cause. After being asked, it turns out that all the patients often eat catfish and fried eel. This also happened to the catfish skipper in Yogyakarta, his father, wife and child experienced the symptoms as above. When the doctor asked one of the professors at Pluit, it turned out that the catfish contains a mild poison, so that if it is fried, the clean oil will turn black. So it is possible that in the body of catfish contains three thousand cancer cells which are very dangerous for the human body. Friends for those of you who are catfish fans, even though catfish is halal and not too worrying as a wise consumer you must and remain careful. You also don't know when you buy catfish in the market or in a food stall, is it quarantined before frying the fish or not? If you are in doubt, don't eat it. Or if you are sure of its cleanliness, please consume it. However, it is recommended not to use large amounts on a regular basis.",Valid "The Minister of Communication and Information did not play with the Facebook case yesterday. Namely a data theft case called Cambridge Analytica, where Facebook suffered a data breach due to an error in accessing third-party applications. Reported from CNN Indonesia, the Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara, stated that there would be a possibility that Facebook would be blocked the day after tomorrow. This was done based on the latest report regarding the fate of the leaked data of one million Indonesian users from Facebook which was never received by the Minister of Communication and Information. Rudiantara also complained about the quiz application that was still found on the Facebook timeline. Even though he had asked when he met directly with Facebook, to completely block all quiz applications from third parties. At the meeting, Facebook promised to periodically inform the government about the fate of the stolen data of Facebook users in Indonesia. Tumblr is blocked Some of the things that Facebook promised, one of which is to remove and block all quiz applications from third parties, and also provide the main goal of the application makers stealing data from users. The leak of data from Indonesian users is inseparable from the political conditions in Indonesia. One of the expert staff from the Minister of Communication and Information, Henri Subiakto said that it was possible that the leaked data had been used in the 2017 Jakarta election yesterday. Facebook has indeed been hit by a fatal scandal for them. As regarding the data theft known as Cambridge Analytica, even Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg admits it. In addition, Facebook also admitted that they also peeked at the contents of messenger messages, namely their chat applications that can be installed on Android phones. Although indeed the message that was peeked was recognized not for business purposes by Facebook. Facebook in this case uses an automated engine to detect messages sent. For example, in sending an image, Facebook will detect whether there is a possibility of child exploitation in the image.",Hoax "Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Komjen Pol Ari Dono Sukmanto said that the National Police still needed information from representatives of Facebook Indonesia to complete the police investigation into the alleged leak of Facebook user data. The police are also likely to call the FB representative again for questioning. ""We want to find information from several more people, there are representatives from FB,"" said Komjen Ari Dono at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday. Previously, on Wednesday (18/4), Ruben Hattari, Head of Public Policy at Facebook Indonesia, was questioned by investigators from the Directorate of Cyber ​​Crime at the Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police for five hours regarding the alleged leak of Facebook user data. According to Ruben, Facebook Indonesia is currently conducting an internal audit regarding the alleged leak of one million Facebook user data in Indonesia. He ensured that he would be transparent in reporting the results of the audit to Dittipidsiber investigators, the Ministry of Communication and Information and the DPR. However, he could not confirm when the audit would be completed. The case of the alleged leak of FB user data is currently still under police investigation. Ari added that until now there have been no users of the Facebook social network in Indonesia whose data was stolen for certain purposes. The police have yet to receive reports from the public regarding the leak of FB user data. There are indications of the leak of one million Facebook user data from Indonesia in the Cambridge Analytica case. The number of Facebook users in Indonesia who access social media every month is estimated at more than 115 million people, from 2.07 billion people who access Facebook every month worldwide.",Valid "Thousands of Masses who will take part in the 212 Action, from various areas are detained in front of the courtyard Central Jakarta Istiqlal Mosque. Our monitoring Tuesday at 04.00. Wib seen dozens of parked inter-city buses on the edge of the bull field in front of the Istiqlal mosque fence that lowers thousands of participants of Action 212 felt strange because they were not allowed to enter the mosque even though they will perform the dawn prayer. One of the participants of Action 212 from Madura named Solihin, we had an interview "" We all here as Muslims feel intimidated, prohibited from worshiping in the mosque subtly with the lock on the gate of the mosque, the mosque is the house of Allah so we are As a devout Muslim, you must carry out worship, try to think about the mosque in Indonesia In empty we have to pray in front of the gate, it doesn't make sense,"" said Solihin to us in a high pitched voice. The 212 Islamic Defense Action Volume 2 will be held at the dawn prayer, estimated at around 50,000 masses or even more. Polda Metro Jaya has given permission for the 212 Action today starting at 07.00 until 18.00.Wib, thousands of Police and TNI personnel were deployed to secure this action.",Hoax "Social media in Indonesia, especially Twitter, is currently being flooded a call to uninstall the Traveloka application. According to netizens, the CTO who is also one of the founders of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, said to support the walk out when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan is giving a speech at the Canisius College school anniversary event. The news angered the netizens who called Derianto did not respect Anies and decided to many people uninstall the Traveloka application from their smart phones. I don't know where this information originally circulated, because it turned out to be just a hoax. Traveloka has confirmed that Derianto was not present at the event 90th anniversary of Canisius last Saturday (11/11). Is known, Derianto was invited to attend the event because he received an award as one of the outstanding alumni of Canisius. However, he was unable to attend because he was doing a business trip that had been planned several months in advance,"" write Traveloka's official statement. This means what is being rumored on social media about support Derianto about the walk out action is not true. Regarding the details of the action, according to the official statement of Colossians Canisius, conveyed that when Anies gave a speech, one of the alumni who is also a famous pianist Ananda Sukarlan decided to get up from his VIP seat and walk out. This action was then followed by hundreds of alumni and other invited guests who attended. After Anies finished giving his speech and left the place, the people who walked out earlier re-entered the room. Ananda Sukarlan himself became another alumnus who received the award in this event because they are considered outstanding in the field of music. This is evidence for the umpteenth time that hoaxes have succeeded affect the wider community in a short time. Without correct facts and information, people still easy to believe what is trending topic in social media without searching for the truth first.",Valid "Important info for Muslims about toothbrushes made of pig bristles, immediately check the toothbrush you are using, If it says ""bristle"" you can be sure it's made of sea urchin. Bristle itself has the same meaning as Hog Bristle, which means domesticated pig. The Longman Dictionary of Contemprary English defines hog is a large pig that is kept for its meat, China bristle is made from hogs raised in China. Also, the website says that the hog/bristle is made of pig back hair. So how do you find out which toothbrush is made of Bristle? Look at the wrapper, if it's from bristles, then it's made from sea urchins. Please burn the bristles, if it smells like burning hair, it means it's from pig bristles. But if it melts and becomes hard, it means it is made of plastic and is safe to use. The risk of using what is haram: Worship is rejected, prayer is rejected, and hell is more worthy (hadith). Save ourselves and our loved ones. Apart from toothbrushes, there are also other products commonly used in everyday life, namely brushes, not a trivial matter, brushes are widely used to paint houses, prayer rooms to mosques, The following are tips to avoid brushes from sea urchins Now it's important for you and all of us to know how to tell which brushes are who wears sea urchins or not? To determine whether the brush you are using comes from feathers/ pig hair, can take very easy and simple steps. Hair or fur is a protein called keratin. Keratin is one of a group of proteins known as fiber proteins. Fiber protein has a long structure. Every animal has the protein keratin in the dermis (surface) of the skin, hooves, beaks, sides of fish, horns, and hooves of animals. As with proteins, Then the hair / fur that contains keratin when burned will cause a distinctive odor. The distinctive smell is the same when we smell the aroma of grilled meat. Meanwhile, if the brush is made of fibers or coir when burned, it will immediately burn. and does not emit a specific odor other than the smell of burning ash. When compared to a broom Burnt palm fiber is very clear there is a very noticeable difference in smell. Let's clean it from this invisible unclean hopefully The Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (LPPOM) does not pass the product containing Bristle in Indonesia According to Imam Syafii, if a brush made of sea urchin is used to paint a mosque, then the paint also becomes unclean and must be removed. Then, how if it is used as a toothbrush to brush our teeth? Beware",Valid "The Pokemon Go game, which is currently a new craze in the community, has made the players forget the time. If you look, the most lovers of this game are young people. In some crowds you will see some young people pressing their smart phones, occasionally they also seem to run around as if chasing something. Read more at DIY Deputy Governor Asking Parents to Watch Pokemon Go Games The slanted news that has been circulating about the Pokemon Go game has also spread in several social media, the rumor states that the game released by Nintendo, Pokemon Corps, and also Niantic Labs contains various invitations that cannot be tolerated by Islam. Because of the many rumors circulating on social media that Pokemon Go actually has its own meaning that is less fun. ""In Syriac or Syriac this Pokemon means I am Jewish, while the Pokemon named Pikachu means ""Be a Jew"". While Charmander also has its own meaning, namely ""God is Weak"". That's one of the rumors circulating on social media so far about the meaning of words in Pokemon (both animation and games). The rumor has even become a very heated debate on social media, because many people have their own opinions. There are those who have the opinion that it is just something that is linked, and not a few who really believe in the existence of these rumors. Because those who believe in these rumors feel that there is truth present in these rumors. Read also National Police Chief: Police Members Are Prohibited from Playing Pokemon Go While Working Until now the issue is still a big question mark, the Los Angeles Times in its article on April 24, 2011 also reviewed about this Pokemon. In the news, it was stated that at that time countries such as Qatar, Oman, Dubai, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia also circulated a lot about this Pokemon Go rumor. Many connotations emerged that the game was promoting anti-Islamic behavior and then believing in Judaism. This then made everyone in the country restless, and the things that were reported were also later denied by the Pokemon party. But the leaders of the country still can't take it for granted if Pokemon Go enters their country. The rumors continue to appear in Arab countries with cultural assimilation in the midst of current concerns, but there is no solid evidence of the rumors circulating at the time, Jordan's Amman newspaper said in a statement. While the Syriac Orthodox Christian Church has denied the allegations, because in the ancient Syriac language the meaning of the word Pokemon has no meaning to insult Islam. Meanwhile, church officials were also very surprised by the arrival of a letter stating that Pokemon contained an invitation from the Jews. Let's wait for the truth of the rumors. But what is certain is that Pokemon Go has been loved by people all over the world. Pokemon Go, which is based on Augmented Reality (AR), always creates a stir, the positive side of this game is that it can make people like exercising and even heal people from depression. Read more on Pokemon GO Turns Out Good For People With Mental Disorders Even so, Pokemon Go also brings a lot of disadvantages for those of you who can't manage yourself because of the fun of playing this game. Read more in Apart from getting people fired, this is the negative impact of playing Pokemon Go",Hoax "Recently, there has been information that has been troubling the public, namely the issue of using sea urchins for the production of toothbrushes. On social media recently someone uploaded a photo of a toothbrush packaging. The presence of the words ""bristle"" on the toothbrush packaging made social media users feel restless. Because, the word ""bristle"" is defined as sea urchin. The Indonesian people, who are predominantly Muslims, are certainly worried about this issue, because pork is considered unclean and unclean. Using boar bristles to brush teeth is of course considered to have violated religious rules. So what is the attitude of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)? Is it true that the attitude of the teeth in the packaging that reads ""bristle"" is haram? Reporting from the site, it is stated that the lexical meaning of bristle is a short, stiff hair, fiber, etc (Webster's Dictionary). So all the hair, the stiff fiber, then the term will be referred to as bristle. Hair, stiff beard, can be categorized as bristle. Another example is that stiff fibers or pine leaves can also be referred to as bristle. MUI considers that not everything labeled bristle must come from sea urchins, because the scope of the meaning of the word is indeed so broad. The MUI official website also explains that in the industrial world, bristle is indeed used as a material for making brushes or brushes, including toothbrushes. Bristle can be sourced from animal hair or plant fibers or synthetic fibers such as nylon and silicone. The animal hair used can be sourced from pigs, goats, horses, or camels. The plant fiber that has also been used as a brush or brush material is palm fiber. Nylon is also a synthetic fiber that is commonly used for brushes, brushes or toothbrushes. The MUI explained that, if the ingredients used were confirmed from pigs, it would absolutely be haram. Because any material that comes from pork is both haram and unclean, either in dry or wet form. MUI continues to explain that the problem is that not all brush or brush or toothbrush users are able to recognize whether the brush they are using is a brush or a brush made of pig bristles. One of the information that can be seen as a marker that a brush or brush comes from sea urchins is that it is written as the name of the product, for example “Boar Bristle Brush”. An example presented by MUI is a product sold on the Amazon online store. If a product offered is made from sea urchins, the manufacturer will usually list “Fuchs Toothbrushes Pure Natural (Boar) Bristle Record V Adult Soft (Pack of 5)-Assorted colors by Fuchs Toothbrushes” Boar is the English term for wild boar or wild boar. This means that the product is a brush that uses wild boar bristles. MUI closes its explanation by stating that brushes, brushes, or toothbrushes are not always made of pork even though there is an inscription on bristle, because the term bristle is still general in nature. There are several manufacturers who have used goat hair or camel or horse hair as brush material or made of nylon. The last group of materials is clearly acceptable. An information compiled from the page states that if you look back at the history and development of toothbrushes, the bristles found on toothbrushes originally came from wild boar bristles (Siberian). However, along with the development of technology, in 1938 toothbrushes were produced with nylon bristles which still dominate today. However, it is undeniable that there are still around 10% worldwide of toothbrush products whose bristles come from pig bristles. Then the page gives advice if you want to make sure whether the toothbrush is made of pig bristles or something else, you should look for information on the official website of the toothbrush manufacturer, or even ask directly to the customer service center.",Valid "Social medical activists (netizens) suspect that the riot at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters Detention Center Kelapa Dua, Depok, was just a fabrication with a specific purpose. This suspicion arose because it was judged that there were several irregularities in the incident. ""The location of the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters: there are at least 4 irregularities. 1. There is a Tawheed Flag, 2. There are cellphones, 3. Riots or selfies, 4. Most of them cover their faces,"" chirped the @Cinaisasi account owner as quoted by, Sunday (12/02/2020). 11/2017). More extreme suspicions were conveyed by the owner of the @localhost911 account. The account owner said this; ""Yes Mako Brimob Deliberately Created Trouble Diverting the Issue.. So that AHOK Sipenista Al-Qur'an can be transferred for security reasons, so Ahok can be under house arrest. Why are riots made up. Take selfies with all these terrorists. Hey, Muslims, don't be fooled by their plays"". Another suspicion was based on the fact that the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters was one of the most closed locations in Indonesia, so that not just anyone could enter there, including journalists. However, related to the incident, the video when the riots occurred, was able to spread widely. Suspicion related to this was revealed by the account owner @mang_ulibdg. He said; ""Then can the video be widely spread? ""It should be suspected that there was engineering to divert issues,"" greeted the account owner @ArekBoyo45, responding to @mang_ulibdg's tweet. As is known, on Friday (10/11/2017) afternoon the Brimob Mako Prison was in chaos. According to information circulating on social media, the riots broke out because the warden and the Densus 88 officers who were on duty threw away and trampled on the Qur'an and books belonging to detainees for terrorism crimes. There were no casualties in the incident, but a number of prison facilities, including windows, were damaged. However, the Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Police Headquarters, Brigadier General Pol Rikwanto, denied that the cause of the rioting was inappropriate actions against the Qur'an. He said the riots occurred because there were prisoners in terrorism cases who did not accept that their detention rooms were searched and provoked. ""It is not true that there was throwing of the Qur'an,"" he said. Along with the spread of information about the rioting case, a number of photos were also circulated on social media, some of which showed a group of people taking pictures with some of them wearing face coverings and unfurling the Tawhid flag.",Valid "MOST of the world's people are now loving Pokémon. Pokemon is a media franchise owned by the video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995. Originally, Pokémon was a video game series that was identical to the Game Boy console. This is Wikipedia data. Reported by the BBC, Pokemon Go is an augmented reality game on smartphones using the Global Positioning System (GPS). You play by walking around in the real world catching adorable virtual monsters, like Pikachu and Jigglypuff, in places near your phone's location and training them to compete. These monsters first became popular in the 90s when the Nintendo Game Boy appeared. A piece of information is circulating on social media: the word Pokemon means ""I'm Jewish"". It is said that the name Pokemon is taken from the Syriac language (Syrian language) which in Indonesian means ""I am Jewish"". Syriac or Syrian (in English: Syriac language), the language currently spoken by the minority Syrian Christians living in eastern Turkey, northern Iraq and northeastern Syria. (Wikipedia). In a statement in Jordan's Amman newspaper, the Syriac Orthodox Christian Church denied allegations that Pokemon and other character names have roots in the ancient Syriac language and have insulting Islamic meanings. Church officials said they were surprised by the incoming letter stating that Pokemon contained a Jewish invitation. (LA Times). According to Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid of the Q&A Islamic Q&A site, the true meaning of Pokemon is an abbreviation of “Pocket monster”, which is an animal small enough to fit in a pocket. According to the Oxford English dictionary, Pokemon (Pronunciation: /'poki?män/) is a video game featuring Japanese cartoon characters. Originally, Pokemon was the name of a Japanese video game from the word ""pocket monster"". On the Reference page, the word ""Pokemon"" in Japanese comes from the words ""Poketto"" and ""Monsut"" or ""Pocket Monsters"" in English. Wallahu a'lam.",Valid "Traveloka management explained, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Derianto Kusuma was not present at the 90th Anniversary of Kanisius College on Saturday night, November 11 2017, because he was on a business trip. In the event, Ananda Sukarlan had time to walk out. ""He was unable to attend because he was on an official trip that had been planned a few months earlier,"" said Traveloka Public Relations Manager Busyra Oryza, Tuesday, November 14 2017. The explanation was given by Busyra because the hashtag #UninstallTraveloka became a trending topic on Twitter on Tuesday. On social media, rumors spread that Derianto Kusuma, who is an alumnus of Kanisius High School, congratulated pianist Ananda Sukarlan. The pianist walked out of the room when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan gave a speech at the 90th Anniversary of Kanisius College. Ananda did protest against the committee by walking out for inviting Anies. He considers Anies's figure to be contrary to the value of pluralism, which is taught at Canisius College. Spokesman for the Jakarta Kanisius College Alumni Association, Affan Alamudi, clarified that Derianto did not attend the event because he was in America. In the event that took place in Kemayoran, Kanisius College gave awards to alumni who were considered outstanding and contributed to the nation's work. Recipients of the award include Ananda Sukarlan (composer and pianist), Derianto Kusuma (founder of Traveloka), Father Magnis Suseno (Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (scout leader), and Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma). In the award ceremony, Derianto was represented by his mother. ""We are quite shocked. These are lies. How could he walk out. Not even in Indonesia,"" Affan told Tempo, Tuesday, regarding WO Ananda Sukarlan.",Valid "The recent events of the curved iPhone 6 have filled the internet, prompting T-Mobile CEO John Legere to respond strongly to this. Reporting from Ubergizmo, Monday (6/10/2014), the famous CEO is always outspoken in expressing his opinion, decided to look at this wisely. ""A video of a guy doing it (make the iPhone 6 bend) - and if you look at his face, he's probably already turning purple. The veins are showing through his fingers. Are you ***?"" He also responded to people who complained that just by putting it in their pocket, their iPhone 6 immediately curved. ""What do you know, 9 people sitting on their phones, first of all they need the jeans to really fit, because otherwise the jeans you're wearing can cut your phone in half. Take your laptop, do a handstand with it and throw it at the wall. All that stuff ***** ******,"" he said. Legere added, even though Apple was engulfed in the scandal of the weak durability of the iPhone 6, all of that did not make the demand for Apple's latest mobile phone weak. As is known, some time ago, a total of nine people complained about the durability of the iPhone 6 which was weak and easily curved. This is contrary to tests conducted by Consumer Reports, and managed to prove the durability of the iPhone 6 is not as weak as complained.",Hoax "Having circulated on the Internet both via YouTube and Social Media, a video show on stroke treatment that looks convincing and doesn't seem to be widely trusted by the public can heal people who suddenly have a stroke. In the video, it is explained - dealing with stroke sufferers by: First sterilizing a needle with alcohol. then the tips of the fingers are pierced with a needle to drip blood. The argument presented that stroke is caused by disruption and blockage of the blood path, by dripping blood on the tips of the fingers makes the blood vessels in the body not clogged. This argument does seem reasonable to ordinary people, but from a medical point of view, it turns out that the above argument is not true at all, it is even thought to exist. Blockage of human blood vessels occurs for a long period of time, fat and cholesterol deposits will accumulate, accumulating in the capillaries and blood vessels after several years until the time comes – blockages occur in blood vessels leading to the brain will cause the brain to no longer be able to give signals. commands to the limbs to move or other activities. Because the blockage of the blood vessels that have been cultivated for years, of course, will not go away on their own in a short time just by shedding blood, this has nothing to do with it. Doctors can't agree with the method above because there is no authentic evidence about the truth of this method, even if it is feared that it will actually infect the patient's blood. The above method makes ordinary people unable to determine whether the patient has had a stroke or not, other dangers can arise because the handler is not in accordance with the type of illness. If it is indeed a stroke, there will be a risk of a more severe attack due to handling that is not in accordance with standard medical procedures. So what is the right way to handle a stroke patient when someone suddenly falls or is unable to move due to a stroke, the right way is to apply the FAST method: F-Face (face): Pay attention to whether the patient's face becomes tilted or tilted -his expression. This is one sign of a stroke. A – Arm (Arm): Try to raise both hands of the patient, then try to ask him to hold his hands forward. If you can't do both or one of them, it's a sign of a two-sided stroke or a half stroke. S - Speech (Speech): Talk to the patient, try to make the patient want to talk, a stroke makes the patient's tongue / mouth become slurred and his pronunciation becomes slurred. T – Time (time): If some of the signs of a stroke above are present in the patient, then the fourth and final method is Time, meaning that the sooner he is taken to the hospital, the better, so that early treatment before it gets worse is possible to be given immediately. In this step, ordinary people must realize that there is not much that can be done other than taking the stroke patient immediately to the nearest hospital, either by calling an ambulance or using a private car. Thus Sharing via - How to deal with sufferers who have a sudden stroke, the hoax vs the correct version. Be careful and realize that news through youtube and social media is not always correct. Don't immediately believe and practice something that involves one's health and safety without checking and consulting with those who know better in their field.",Valid "The walk out (WO) of pianist Ananda Sukarlan when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan gave a speech at the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran, turned out to have a long tail and tended to lead to strange slander. Ananda's action was followed by a crowd calling for the removal of the Traveloka application. What caused this walk out action to be followed by an invitation with the hashtag #uninstallTraveloka? Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Incidentally, in this event, the Canisius Awards will be presented to 5 alumni from various generations. A total of 5 alumni were screened from the 95 finalists who became candidates. They are Ananda Sukarlan (composer & pianist), Derianto Kusuma (founder of Traveloka), Father Magnis Suseno (Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma). Based on the news circulating on the timeline, Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. This information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. Traveloka to detikinet responded to the news about the call to boycott its services. This hotel and travel ticket booking application also provides clarification regarding the events at the Canisius College event. Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. But he was unable to attend. “Actually, Mr. Deri (Derianto) was not present. He was on a business trip that day. So if it is said that Mr. Deri is there and it is called to provide support (to Ananda), he is not there,"" said Busyra. According to Tribunnews, after getting off the stage, Ananda was greeted and praised by the award recipients, including former minister Ir. Sarwono Kusumaatmaja and Father E. Baskoro Poedjinoegroho S.J., Principal of Kanisius High School. It was not written, Traveloka CTO Derianto Kusuma came and congratulated him. When receiving the award, Ananda also had the opportunity to deliver a 10-minute speech. “You have invited someone with values ​​and integrity that go against what we were taught. Although you may have to invite him because of his position, but next time we have to see the person as well. He obtained his position in ways that were inconsistent with Canisius' values. I'm not talking about politics, this is a matter of conscience and human values,"" he said. Ananda Sukarlan's attitude and statement may indeed trigger debates, pros and cons. The problem is, why is there news that the Traveloka boss greets everything, won't the Deriyanto come? If we follow this hashtag about Traveloka, some even enter it into the realm of jihad. Wow! ""This is the easiest jihad, just use your thumb to uninstall Traveloka"". That's about the tweet on twitter. It seems that we must learn to be wise, not to enjoy the emotions that surround the mind. If it's like this, I even remember the Madura proverb: Duck is attellor, ajam is ngeremme' ducks that lay eggs, chickens that incubate. Ananda who is WO, Traveloka, who has to be stiff in dealing with problems.",Valid "After a few weeks on the market and becoming the most sought after item by premium class gadget lovers, it turns out that there are some iPhone 6 users who feel disappointed with the products they bought at a fairly expensive price. There are some iPhone users who feel that the quality of the device they buy is far below the standard because they feel the iPhone 6 is soft and bends easily. The above is not just an issue or gossip. If you put your new iPhone in a trouser pocket without a protective case or try to squeeze it a little like you want to break a chocolate bar, you'll soon find out that the iPhone 6's body bends easily. If you don't feel willing to bend your own iPhone, there are many videos and pictures that you can download and view from the internet that show Apple's weakness. As a result of the outpouring of disappointment among iPhone 6 users that is widely uploaded on YouTube and also reports that enter Apple, which says the body of the latest iPhone is much softer than its predecessor, Apple had to swallow the bitter pill by experiencing a 3.8% decline in the value of Apple's shares. Apple's stock price dropped after a video of the bent iPhone went viral on YouTube. In addition, the video showing that the iPhone 6 is soft and prone to warping is also exacerbated by the many reports stating that there are many errors in the iOS update from iOS 7 to iOS 8. The problems encountered include intermittent updates and also users of more than 5GB of space are only for updates, so many iPhone users have to delete some of the photo and video files they have. To avoid a wider issue, Apple then made a claim that the damage that occurred to the iPhone 6 which was claimed to be soft and easy to bend was rare when used normally. Apple claims that in 6 days of sale, there were only 9 consumers who contacted iPhones because their products were bent, but Apple forgot that iPhones were sold worldwide and there were more users who didn't know who to contact to get their iPhones replaced because the damage was not included. warranty. Another issue related to the iPhone 6 flaccid and easy to bend issue is the iOS 8 update which is otherwise problematic. Many consumers are calling because they find an error detecting their fingerprint. Because of this, Apple then discontinued the distribution of iOS and released a new one a day later. When compared with competitors, the strength of the iPhone 6 is only half that of competing products such as Samsung and LG. Of the Galaxy Note 3, LG G3, HTC One M8, and iPHone, tested at 4.5KG, the ones that curled right up were the iPhone 6 and M8, reports Consumer Reports.",Hoax "The news circulating about the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia is confirmed to be a hoax. The certainty was revealed after Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati confirmed this in front of journalists at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java. It does not exist and has never been discussed, he said on Monday. , March 12, 2018 While giving a statement regarding President Joko Widodo's meeting with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) delegation, he received a question about it. The Minister of Finance explained that currently there are a lot of circulating information and documents that are made as if they came from government institutions. ""Menpan (in social media) it is a hoax, that's what it is. In today's social media there is a lot of information and documents that are made similar to those of the government and published,"" he said. I In this issue, it is stated that the president will be proposed to receive a salary of up to Rp. 553422694 per month. Meanwhile, the vice president is said to be proposed to receive a salary of Rp. 368948462 per month.",Valid "Minister of Communication and Information (Kominfo) Rudiantara threatened to block Facebook and other social media if various negative content including pornography, hoaxes and hate speech were allowed to circulate. Rudiantara stated that the blocking of accounts spreading negative content had indeed been carried out. However, in reality, hoaxes and various hate speech are still widespread. ""Blocking the focus is not only on those with Facebook accounts, but on the organizers,"" said Rudiantara in a discussion at the National Gallery, Jakarta, Friday (9/6). He added, ""Platforms are also responsible, Facebook is also responsible?"" Rudiantara assessed that social media such as Facebook and Twitter have a responsibility to keep their platforms from becoming a place for negative content to emerge. ""Indonesia has no intention of closing the platform, but if it is too much for the country, we will close it,"" he said. Rudiantara said that the government only wants social media platform providers to provide a good level of service when running their business in Indonesia. So far this year, the government has frozen 49 Twitter accounts. In January 2017, 18 accounts were frozen, 24 accounts in February 2017, 1 account in March 2017. Then, 3 each in April and May 2017. As for Facebook, the government has frozen 105 accounts in January 2017, 97 accounts in February 2017, 13 accounts in March 2017. And, 3 accounts in April 2017 and 52 accounts in May 2017. For Youtube, there were 18 accounts frozen in January 2017, 45 accounts in February 2017. Then, 7 accounts in March 2017, 2 accounts in April 2017, and 2 accounts in May 2017. The government has also closed more than four million negative content, including 64 percent containing pornographic nuances and 4 percent containing ethnic, religious, racial, and intergroup (SARA) sentiments. The suspension of social media accounts and the closure of negative content was carried out after 25,179 reports were received by the Ministry of Communication and Information.",Valid "Stroke is a condition in which the blood supply to the brain is cut off due to blockage of blood vessels. This condition can cause the death of cells in the brain. That is why stroke sufferers cannot move their body members when they have a stroke. Stroke is a serious disease, if not treated immediately can cause death. In the past, stroke only attacked the elderly, but now even young people can have a stroke. There are many burdens that have to be faced by stroke sufferers, ranging from physical, mental or financial limitations. This can make stroke sufferers decrease their enthusiasm for life. So heavy that must be lived by stroke patients. There is a unique way that is effective in dealing with strokes, namely using a needle. Needles are not only for sewing, but help overcome several diseases including stroke. You must have known that now there are many methods of healing diseases using needles called acupuncture. This first aid method of stroke with a needle was introduced by Professor from China. You can apply the needle to stroke sufferers before being taken to the hospital. This is to make sufferers get better and prevent the symptoms of stroke from getting worse. When you are faced with someone who is having a stroke, don't panic. Do not lift or move the stroke patient from his place. Just take advantage of the needle, it can be a sewing needle, a safety pin or a syringe, which is an important needle. However, make sure the needle is completely sterile or burn it before using it on stroke sufferers. Take a sterile needle and insert it into 10 fingers of a stroke patient. Prick into the patient's finger slowly, not too deep. Make sure the blood flows from the finger you pricked. If it doesn't bleed, press firmly until it bleeds out. After all the fingers are bleeding, wait a few minutes. After that, the patient should immediately regain consciousness. If the mouth of the sufferer has a sideways stroke or swells, you must massage the ear until it turns red. Then. Pierce the ear in the soft part of the skin with a needle until the blood comes out. Do this on both ears of the patient. Wait a few minutes, then the patient's mouth returns to normal. After the patient returns to normal, check his body for abnormalities or not. Take the stroke patient to the hospital for further examination and treatment. This method is proven to be effective in providing first aid to stroke sufferers when experiencing a stroke. With the discovery of this method, many people can be saved from sudden strokes. So, we are no longer confused when we meet people who have had a stroke. Do the treatment as above, don't hesitate and steady your heart to help stroke sufferers.",Hoax "Is it true that every bite of catfish meat can trigger 3000 cancer cells in our body? Catfish are freshwater fish, which usually live in critical places such as rice fields, dirty and muddy fish ponds and swamps. Many catfish live in places that lack oxygen. These fish are also known as carnivores, because they eat small shrimp and worms. Catfish are also known as tough fish species, because they are equipped with an additional respiratory apparatus in the form of a labyrinth, which allows catfish to survive in polluted and dirty water conditions. This way of living and growing in such a dirty place has led to accusations that catfish contain cancer cells. However, currently, the catfish circulating in the market are not catfish that live in the wild. Currently, there are many catfish farming in ponds, by providing good quality feed and controlling the cleanliness of the pond so that it is free from pollution. According to data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), catfish production in 2013 reached 543,461 tons, an increase from 441,217 tons in 2012 and 337,577 tons in 2011. Meanwhile, catfish consumption according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) was 29.98 kg/capita/ year, up from 22.58 kg/capita/year in 2004. In Jakarta no less than 6,000 pecel catfish stalls have been registered with the Indonesian Street Vendors Association (APKLI). The popularity of catfish always increases every year. This is inseparable from the myriad benefits of this murmured fish meat. The nutritional content found in catfish is a cheap source of valuable protein. As we know protein is very necessary for the growth of the fetus in the womb. Even the nutrition contained in 2.5 kg of catfish is equivalent to the nutrition of 1 kg of beef. The high phosphorus in catfish meat adds to the benefits of the fish, especially for pregnant women and their fetuses. In addition to phosphorus, potassium and sodium in catfish are also useful as the best food source for the heart and blood vessels. By regularly consuming catfish, it helps the heart work in pregnant women so that the blood will be pumped properly. The allegation that there are cancer cells in catfish cannot be believed to be true, this is reinforced by the statement of cancer experts from the Indonesian Oncology Association. Currently there is no research that states that eating catfish can trigger cancer, said dr.Dradjat R Suardi, SpB (K) Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association.",Hoax "The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Davao City, Philippines, was forced to destroy Ponorogo reog which has been an asset since 1988 on 20 October 2015. The destruction by burning had to be done because Ponorogo reog was in a damaged condition and eaten by termites. In a release received by, Saturday (31/10/2015), the burning was not at all an attempt by the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City to damage or eliminate Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. The extermination was carried out carefully and with full respect for Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. The Consulate General in Davao City would like to emphasize that the burning has absolutely nothing to do with efforts to expel idols or spirits. The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City is currently communicating with parties in Indonesia to seek a new replacement for Ponorogo Reog.",Valid "In a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3,000 cancer cells. The title of the article in recent days has become a hot topic of discussion on social media. However, for catfish farmers, the article is considered a threat to their business continuity. The East Java Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service accommodated the complaints of catfish farming business people in East Java who were offended by the circulation of the article. The article is a black campaign to bring down sales of the catfish market, whose market prospects continue to improve, said Head of the East Java Fisheries and Marine Service. According to him, catfish consumers are fish consumers at level II. At level I are consumers of high-end fish such as tuna, snapper, grouper, and so on. Class I consumers will not be shaken by the spread of any issue, but for class II consumers, this is still vulnerable to being shaken by issues. They may no longer eat catfish out of fear, he said. Heru said that East Java is the largest catfish producer nationally. From hundreds of catfish cultivators, in the last three years, catfish production in East Java continues to increase. In 2012 the production was recorded at 62,807 tons, increased in 2013 to 79,928 tons, while in 2014 it continued to increase to 96,830 tons. During 2014 production, 2,000 tons of which were exported abroad. Catfish production in East Java, said Heru, is produced in a healthy manner according to the standards of Good Fish Cultivation (CBIB) as regulated by the Government in Ministerial Decree No. 02/Men/2007. CBIB requires catfish cultured feed with healthy feed that focuses on health and food safety, he said. Periodically, the East Java Marine and Fisheries Service also monitors residues on catfish by sampling. this year there were 379 samples taken from various catfish producing regions such as Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Kediri, and Tulungagung. As a result, the tested catfish commodities were free from residues of hormones, antibiotics, and heavy metals, he said. Heru suspected that the issue about catfish was deliberately raised by certain parties for the benefit of the fish business ahead of the 2015 MEA free market. There are parties who want to seize the catfish market and replace it with other fish commodities, he said. Articles about the content of cancer cells are uploaded on a number of websites. The article was also followed by a number of online media for discussion. The article, which was posted on July 29, 2015, describes the confession of a catfish farmer from China named Zhang Ri-hong, who supplies catfish to roadside markets and restaurants in Hainan Province. The media then investigated the fish by observing seven samples of catfish producer ponds. The seven ponds are surrounded by chicken and pig coops, while in the middle of the ponds there are many piles of garbage. The fish farmers are advised to suspend the sale of catfish, before the test results come out.",Valid "It went viral with the Call for Netizens to uninstall the Traveloka application. This invitation was observed milling about on social media sharing Tuesday (11/14/2017). This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. was monitored on Tuesday (14/11/2017) on social media Twitter the hashtag #uninstalltraveloka was trending first on Twitter Indonesia. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Based on information circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtags #BoikotTraveloka and #uninstalltraveloka have become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. Derianto and Ananda are two of the five outstanding Kanisius College alumni who received awards at this event. Besides the two, there were Father Magnis Suseno (a Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (a Scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma). As reported by from the page Tuesday (14/11/2017) When contacted, Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. But he was unable to attend. “Actually, Mr. Deri (Derianto) was not present. He was on a business trip that day. So if it is said that Mr. Deri is there and it is called to provide support (to Ananda), he is not there,"" said Busyra.",Valid "In various local media, news spread widely that Mother Illiza (Mayor of Banda Aceh) forbade Pokemon Go. The reason is because it means 'I am Jewish'. This was obtained by the mother through various news related to the meaning of the word Pokemon which was shared with her through various online media. I came to know about this reason after Mother later apologized to the public regarding her statement that forbids Pokemon Go. ""Sorry if anyone offended Pokemon GO fans. I didn't mean anything, I commented that because of the many news that was shared with me about the meaning of Pokemon, ""said the mother's request. There is no point in exaggerating this matter. There is also no purpose to harass the Mother, let alone question the Mother's Indonesian spelling and grammar which in my opinion there are still many mistakes here and there. I am quite appreciative of his apology. Because we rarely find leaders who voluntarily apologize if they are wrong. I very well remember reading an article about the meaning of the word Pokemon 3 months ago through an online media in Indonesia. This media quoted it from dailymirror. He said, in Iraq Pokemon cartoons were banned during the reign of Saddam Hussein. Furthermore, the media explained that the ban was revealed through an Iraqi state document confiscated by American troops in 2004. The document said that the ban was carried out because of its negative meaning in the Syriac language (Syrian language) used by that country. Still according to the document, Pokemon is said to be very similar to the same term in that language which if interpreted in Indonesian is 'I am Jewish'. Likewise with the characters Pikachu and Charmander. These two words respectively in Syriac mean 'Be a Jew' and 'God Is Weak'. That's why Saddam was ""allergic"" to the terms in this Pokemon cartoon that (still according to the document) he banned them to prevent Jewish influences from entering the nation's children and culture. I think this is where the initial news spread that Pokemon means ""I'm Jewish"". As a result, some people are against this term because they hate Jews (perhaps). Regardless of whether or not there is such a document or there is a “shrimp behind the dent” in the news by America, I try to find a common thread. I concluded later that there were some people who misunderstood the news. Either because I only heard from other people, just read the title, or misinterpreted it after reading it. Mistakes like that are commonplace because there is no ivory that is not cracked. However, it is very unfortunate because it can cause extraordinary commotion among the people due to the birth of a misleading ""fatwa"" without crosschecking it first. If it is true that Saddam Husein banned Pokemon from showing in his country for reasons as quoted by the online media, we need to be careful to understand that he banned it because the word which is almost the same form is also in his language. It's just that coincidence has a negative meaning. So, in this case Saddam Husein compares words produced by other countries (Japan as the country that produces Pokomen) with the language of his country. Attempts to interpret a word between one language and another because the form is the same, but the meaning is actually different in language review is commonplace and does not need to be a problem as long as it does not produce misunderstandings, let alone blind faith. In fact, many of the world's language vocabulary has the same shape as the vocabulary of other languages, but has a negative meaning, and it doesn't happen on purpose. I remember exactly the largest car manufacturer in India, Tata Motors, changing the name of its newest car at that time, namely Zica. The reason, the name is similar to the name of a virus that is endemic in the United States. Likewise, the name of the Chevrolet Nova car made by General Motors was forced to be replaced when it was sold in Spanish-speaking countries because it meant ""not working"". Likewise with the Mitsubishi Pajero. This car also does not sell well in Spanish-speaking countries because the Pajero in Spanish means 'lazy' or 'unreliable'. Even more ridiculous is the Mercedes Benz Vito. This car is guaranteed not to be sold in Sweden because ""Vito"" means 'female genitalia'. So, because of the negative meaning of these words, many cars do not sell in the country of destination of the car manufacturer. All solely because of the negative meaning it carries. Perhaps there is a certain belief by the people who use the language if the car is purchased. Call it for example the Chevrolet Nova which means 'no way' or Pajero 'lazy'. People who use this language may believe that if purchased, this car will not run or be tough in the field. However, in fact we do not see that. So, why did the car sell well in Indonesia, as well as in Aceh? Yes, of course because those words don't exist in our language. Now, after we know these names have negative meanings in Spanish, are we then reluctant to buy them or resell them to those who have already bought them? Of course not, not because these cars have proven to be tough in the field. Even if it is damaged or doesn't work, it's certainly not because of a negative meaning, but simply because of certain damage to the car. There is a similarity in the form of a word in a language with another language, but it has a negative meaning, of course, not only in the languages ​​of the world. We also have our language. Call it, for example, between the Acehnese language and the Gayo language. The Acehnese language has a utôh vocabulary which means 'builder'. However, when it is associated with the Gayo language, words that are almost the same in form and pronunciation have negative meanings in that language. So, because of its negative meaning in Gayo language, is it then forbidden to use the word utôh in the Acehnese language? Of course not not. The proof is that we still use it to this day and it doesn't need to be banned, it is said that it is again forbidden. Such cases do not only occur between languages, but also within a language. Call it the word ipôk (Acehnese language used by some people in the south-west region). In the Acehnese language in this area, ipôk means 'pocket', but will be laughed at by some Acehnese speakers in the eastern region because of its negative meaning in the Acehnese dialect of that area. Because of this, users of the Acehnese language in the south-west region certainly don't have to bother looking for other words or force themselves to use balum which is considered to have the same meaning as ipôk and does not seem negative. Likewise, the users of the Acehnese language in the eastern region. They certainly don't need to replace or use lumus to find another word for boh pik 'gambas' because of its negative meaning in the Acehnese language in the south-west region. The same case also occurs in Indonesian. We don't need to complain about finding a substitute for my word with another pronoun because the origin of the word is from sahaya which means 'slave'. Likewise, looking for a substitute for the word champion because of its negative initial meaning, namely the activity of fighting cocks. Of course it's pointless and pointless. Why did all that happen? The answer, of course, is that language has a close relationship with the culture of its speakers. The Acehnese language is very closely related to the culture of the Acehnese language user community itself. The same goes for the Spanish I mentioned above. This relationship, in my opinion, is one-way (only between the language and the user of that language). So, it can't be related to other people's cultures, which of course have different languages. Indonesian language associated with the Suriani language certainly does not ""fit"" because of its culture. Likewise, the word Pokemon used by Japan will never be compatible with the Suriani language, especially with Indonesian. The Acehnese language associated with the Gayo language will also not be in sync, again because of the culture. It is inconceivable that quite a number of words must be replaced when two or more languages ​​are harmonized in meaning because of the same form and pronunciation. Even if it is forced, there will be a cultural clash that results in uproar in society. Therefore, be wise in language and understand the language. Remember, language can be a source of conflict if misused.",Hoax "The reog ponorogo art community in Jabodetabek, Monday (2/11) met with Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) officials to ask about the burning of reog instruments at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Davao City, Philippines. Director of Information and Media at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Siti Sofia Sudarma, said that as many as six reog Ponorogo administrators met with her party to express their disappointment regarding the burning. During the meeting, the community also said that the burning hurt the feelings of the Reog Ponorogo community and was a form of destruction of cultural assets that became Indonesian cultural heritage. “They also gave a letter to the Foreign Minister and asked the Foreign Ministry to clarify this case, starting from the chronology, motive, to the perpetrators. We accommodate all their concerns and will convey the letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Retno Marsudi),"" he told, Tuesday (3/11). Siti admitted that she had actually clarified to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City by telephone. The Consul General, he said, admitted that he had committed the arson. He added that the burning had to be carried out because the 30-year-old art instrument was damaged and eaten by termites. When Siti said the reason, one of the community members who donated the equipment to the Consulate General denied it. Members of the community said the equipment was made in 2007 and was judged not to be too fragile. Siti in the near future will send a team to review directly to the field. This step also clarifies the burning of reog equipment. ""We don't know when the team will go there, but what is clear is as soon as possible. We are just waiting for orders from the leadership,"" he said.",Hoax "Jakarta, to carry out actions to defend Islam and the State that will be carried out by the Muslim community, is a member of the Islamic Community Forum (FUI), which is already stifled by the behavior of the leaders of this country, where they should carry out the rules and laws firmly and correctly, but in reality they do not. thereby. This assumption led to the case of blasphemy against Islam carried out by the defendant Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, who is currently undergoing trial, it was not dismissed and the public considered that the reasons given seemed made up. Not even a few legal and state administration experts, including the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Mahfud MD, also criticized the government's attitude, especially the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tjahjo Kumolo including President Joko Widodo alias Jokowi who was silent when Ahok was again given his seat as governor. While some regional heads actually experience the opposite. As a result, their demands in the action called the Action to Defend Islam and the State 212 will be carried out in front of the MPR building of the DPR RI, and apparently not a few participants came from several outside Jakarta. As a result, they tried to gather at the Istiqlal Mosque with the intention of carrying out the Fajr prayer in congregation, and also the weather conditions when this news was revealed were raining, as a result they tried to immediately be able to enter shelter while waiting for the prayer time to enter. Apparently the fence of the Istiqlal Mosque is actually tightly closed, as received by this media, in the form of photos and descriptions, 5 minutes later when this news was revealed, the participants were also unable to enter to gather and perform the dawn prayer. ""Istiqlal Mosque in Padlock…… no one can (may) pray Fajr…. What regime is this….. PKI challenges the Defenders of Islam….our war begins (Starts)… Allahu Akbar…..!” Thus the contents of the text in the description of the photo sent to this media. It can be seen in the photo that the participants are gathering and hoping that the door will be opened soon. Their anger was directed at the government, because the Istiqlal Mosque is managed directly under the Ministry of Religion through the Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI). Where the management of BPPMI is appointed and inaugurated directly by the Minister of Religion who is also in the structure as Chairman of BPPMI. Meanwhile, the responsibility is directly to the President. Meanwhile, it is related to the statement that mentions the involvement of the PKI, due to the connection with the PDI-P as the ruling party and also the main supporter of President Jokowi and also the DKI Jakarta Paslon Ahok-Djarot. And in PDIP itself, it is known that many generations of PKI leaders from the 1960s have filled it. And do not cover themselves even boldly and proudly they admit it. As once said by Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission IX from PDIP, Ribka Tjiptaning, when interviewed and published by one of the media, on September 30, 2015.",Hoax "Maybe some of the readers have read articles circulating on social media about needling as first aid for stroke patients as shown in the image below. Is this true or just a hoax / myth? Stroke is a neurological emergency characterized by symptoms such as weakness on one side of the body, a tilted face to one side, and difficulty speaking. These symptoms generally appear suddenly. This disorder in general can be caused by a blockage in a blood vessel in the brain (ischemic stroke) or a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). Stroke Relief. If you feel or find a relative with symptoms of a stroke, you must immediately be taken to the hospital. As much as possible, the destination hospital at least has CT Scan facilities. With the CT Scan, medical personnel can determine the type of stroke experienced by the patient. This is very important because the treatment for ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke is different. In ischemic stroke, the goal of help is to destroy the blood clot that is blocking the blood vessels of the brain. The method that is commonly done is with drugs, it can also be with endovascular procedures. Meanwhile, in hemorrhagic stroke, the main goal of treatment is to stop the bleeding. Needlestick in Stroke Aid There is no official reference that recommends this method for first aid in stroke patients. In ischemic stroke patients, this method is clearly not useful for destroying the blockage in the brain because there is no relationship at all. In the case of hemorrhagic stroke, it is true that patients generally have high blood pressure so that the brain blood vessels burst. However, bleeding through the fingertips cannot lower blood pressure and stop bleeding in the brain. This is because the blood that is removed by inserting the needle in the fingertip is very little so that it does not have a significant effect on blood pressure. In addition, the human brain gets 20% of its blood supply from the heart pump and the body will always try to maintain this amount. So, even though we have removed the patient's blood, the heart will still pump blood to the brain. Dangers of Needling in Stroke Aid In addition to not providing good benefits to patients, it turns out that needling also has a negative impact on patients. The bad impact is that the patient is late in getting the right help because time is wasted on sterilizing needles and performing punctures. The stabbing process causes wounds and can cause infection. Conclusion It can be concluded that finger pricking with a needle in stroke patients is not beneficial and can actually harm the patient. If you find a patient with symptoms of a stroke, the help we can provide is to take the patient as quickly as possible to the hospital.",Valid "Surabaya (SI Online) -Surabaya City Government officials conducted raids on the circulation and trade of candy packed with baby pacifiers, throughout elementary schools. The excitement was triggered by the circulation of news that immediately went viral on social media networks, revealing the confession of a number of children feeling dizzy after consuming pacifiers. Allegedly, this type of candy contains drugs. “It is not yet known whether it contains drugs or other dangerous substances; still need research in the laboratory,” said an officer from the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Surabaya City, after conducting a raid recently. Candy pacifiers, packaged differently from most candy. In the form of a whitish powder that tends to be pink, wrapped in paper. On the outside of the wrapper or package, it says Hard Candy. Likewise, on the box packaging containing 20 packs of pacifiers, it also reads hard candy. How to consume; The powder is put into a bottle, and given water according to the amount stated in the manufacturer's instructions. The bottle is then closed with a lid equipped with a rubber teat (like a baby pacifier). The bottle is then shaken gently, until the mixture thickens and is ready to be consumed by sucking from the tip of the teat, like a baby or toddler drinking milk. “The way this is made is so much fun. The powder is put in a bottle and then given water. The lid with the pacifier is attached tightly, then shaken, like a mother making milk for a sister. The powder that has been mixed with water thickens and is ready to be sucked through the tip of the teat,” said one of the fifth grade students of an elementary school by revealing that this candy tastes sweet and has a sour taste. Another student said that this type of candy had been traded in the school environment for a long time. Not in the school canteen, but by traders outside the school's front yard fence. “The price is a pack of a thousand elephant dolls. As for the one with a picture of a swan, one thousand gets two packs,” he said and added, this candy is very popular. Because the price is cheap, the shape is attractive, as well as how to prepare the candy until it is consumed, it is very fun. Previously, about the circulation of this candy had been widely circulated on social media networks, especially on Whatsapp (WA) and others on Facebook and even Instagram. Called, candy is widely circulated in elementary schools. Some of them even revealed the confession of a number of children, after consuming pacifiers they felt dizzy. Among posting photos on social media networks, a member of the Satpol PP is holding a candy pacifier. Followed by writing; ""DOT candy, allegedly contains drugs. Please help spread this information, mother, so that our sons and daughters are protected from dangerous snacks."" The People's Welfare Section (Kesra) of a number of sub-district offices, together with officers from the Kelurahan level, Trantibbang and supported by Satpol PP, is like simultaneously working in the support of police officers, observing the circulation of this candy. Even then take a number of samples for further investigation of the substance content of the candy which is called the cause of dizziness. The social media network also mentions the raids that have been carried out by officers in the city center and four corners of the city of Surabaya; covers 14 districts. In the District of Pabean Cantikan at SD Krembangan Utara 2/57. Wiyung District at SDN 1 Balas klumprik and SDN Babatan IV, V. Karang-Pilang sub-district in SDN Begongin Kedurus I, SDN 1 Karang-Pilang and TK Darma Praja. The sub-district of the field at SDN Petemon. Sambikerep District in SDN Sambikerep 1 and 5. Sukolilo District on Jalan Kejawen VIII and Pasar Keputih Lama. Tambaksari District at SDN Gading VII and SDN Tambaksari 1. Then in the District of Trenggilis Mejoyo at SDN Kedangsari 8, SDN Trenggilis Mejoyo and SDN Panjangjiwo. Jambangan sub-district at SDN Kebonsari 10, SDN Pagesangan, and Komplek Komplek Kebonsari and Pag3esangan IV RT 3. In Tandes Subdistrict, Romli Thammim Elementary School and Al Faruq Bulak Rukem Kindergarten. Gubeng District at Mojo Elementary School, Mojoklangru Kidul Street. Simokerto District in Simokerto VI/139 Elementary School and YPPI Elementary School. Gununganyar District in Al Islah Elementary School and Mifta'ul Ulum Elementary School. In addition, raids were also carried out in a number of other elementary schools, including SD Yapita, SDN 245, all SD Muhammadiyah and SD Bunga Bangsa.",Hoax "Dental hygiene is a major factor in maintaining dental and oral health. You are required to clean your teeth using a toothbrush at least twice a day, after eating and before going to bed. Beware, the Issue of Toothbrushes Made of Pig Hairs has been circulating. related to toothbrushes Some toothbrush products are said to use pig bristles as the main ingredient. One of the accounts on the Facebook social network uploaded a brand of brush and wrote that the toothbrush came from boar bristles. In fact, the status has been shared more than 1000 times by his friends. by the name of Hamirudin Hamzah said, if he was reprimanded by the cashier of a supermarket that the toothbrush he bought contained sea urchins. In the composition of the toothbrush there was the word Bristles, which is the hair of one of the animals. bristles He wrote: This is so funny Bristles ad one of the toothbrush compositions, but not all of them come from pigs, it could be from other animals, Wednesday (5/10/2016) Therefore, not all toothbrushes that we use come from pig bristles. Be careful and choose a really halal toothbrush",Valid "Lately the virtual world has been making a fuss about brushes or brushes/toothbrushes made of ""bristle"" because they are DEFINITELY from pigs. Although we are required to be vigilant, not all bristle terms always refer to sea urchins. The lexical meaning of bristle is a short, stiff hair, fiber, etc (Webster's Dictionary). So all the hair, the stiff fiber, then the term will be referred to as bristle. Hair, stiff beard, can be categorized as bristle. Another example is that stiff fibers or pine leaves can also be referred to as bristle. So, how is its application in the industrial world? In the industrial world, bristle is indeed used as a material for making brushes or brushes, including toothbrushes. Bristle can be sourced from animal hair or plant fibers or synthetic fibers such as nylon and silicone. The animal hair used can be sourced from pigs, goats, horses, or camels. The plant fiber that has also been used as a brush or brush material is palm fiber. Nylon is also a synthetic fiber that is commonly used for brushes, brushes or toothbrushes. From the halal aspect, brushes and brushes, including toothbrushes derived from animal hair, are critical points. When the material is sea urchin then it should not be used because any material derived from pigs is both haram and unclean, either in dry or wet form. In addition, besides the prohibition of the substance, the MUI has issued a fatwa for anything derived from pork that is haram for its use (al-intifa') including the fur. But the problem is that not all brush or brush or toothbrush users are able to recognize whether the brush they are using is a brush or a brush that comes from pig bristles. One of the information that can be seen as a sign that the brush or brush is made of sea urchin is written as the product name, for example ""Boar Bristle Brush"". Boar is the English term for wild boar or wild boar. This means that the product is a brush that uses wild boar bristles. Toothbrush can also use this boar bristles., a global online store also offers pig toothbrushes with the name ""Fuchs Toothbrushes Pure Natural (Boar) Bristle Record V Adult Soft (Pack of 5)-Assorted colors by Fuchs Toothbrushes"" (check this url http://www. and brush 1 TRUSTED Wooden Boar Hair Bristle Beard Brush by Leven Rose - Perfect For a Beard Grooming Kit for Men - Made of Boars Hair Bristles and Firm Natural Wood). Try checking the url of this link However, brushes, brushes, or toothbrushes are not always made from pigs even though they have bristle written on them, because the term bristle is still a general term. There are several manufacturers who have used goat hair or camel or horse hair as brush material or made of nylon. The last group of materials is clearly acceptable. When there is no information on the source of the material, at least a simple method can be used. To determine whether it is made from animal hair or not, the method in question is to burn the material. If it smells like burning hair or horns, better leave it alone. Materials from plastic or coconut fiber do not emit such a distinctive odor when burned.",Valid "Invitations to uninstall the Traveloka application are milling about on Twitter's timeline. This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. There, the co-founder and CEO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, was also present. He greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech. Derianto's gesture was considered as support for Ananda's actions which were considered insulting to Governor Anies. I don't know who started it, this incident then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. Among netizens, there are also those who defend and assess that the Traveloka boycott will not have any impact on the hotel and travel ticket booking application. Derianto and Ananda are two of the five outstanding Kanisius College alumni who received awards at this event. Besides the two, there were Father Magnis Suseno (a Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (a Scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma)",Hoax "The virtual universe was shocked by Ananda Sukarlan's Walk Out (WO) action. The famous composer and pianist came out when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan read a welcoming speech commemorating the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College, Saturday (11/11). The news immediately went viral in cyberspace. Not a few of the netizens who poured spicy comments. Recently, the hashtag uninstall Traveloka has become a trending topic. Why? Netizens consider Ananda Sukarlan's WO action to be intolerant. This includes actions taken by Traveloka boss Derianto Kusuma, who followed in Ananda's footsteps. From INDOPOS's observation, many accounts invite and post to uninstall the Traveloka application. As posted by the Instagram account @wollessunda. In the photo that was posted on his account, there was an image that read ""In the act of harassment carried out by Ananda Sukarlan against Pa Anies Baswedan, the Muslim Governor of DKI Jakarta was also supported by Derianto Kusuma, the founder of Traveloka. Elo sell me buy"". Connected with an invitation to delete the Traveloka application below. The same thing was also posted by the Instagram account @conan_back.911. The account owner posted a photo with Traveloka's signature logo. With the addition of the words ""WO-Kan Traveloka"". It doesn't just end there. INDOPOS's monitoring on the site, the hashtag uninstall traveloka has become a trending topic since 1 hour ago. The trending topic ranking site in Indonesia wrote that #uninstalltraveloka was the most talked about one hour ago. Until this news was published, there has been no official clarification by Traveloka or Derianto Kusuma, as CTO and co-founder of Traveloka.",Hoax "Recently, there has been news circulating stating that there will be a fantastic increase in the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia up to half a billion. stated that the news circulating regarding the increase in the salaries of the President and Vice President that had recently circulated was untrue. It did not exist and had never been discussed, he told reporters at the Bogor Palace, while giving a statement regarding President Joko Widodo's meeting with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank delegation. AIIB), Monday (12/03/18) Sri Mulyani explained that currently there is indeed a lot of circulating information and documents that are made as if they came from government institutions What the Menpan said (in social media) is a hoax, that's how it is In the media Today's social media there is a lot of information and documents that are made similar to those of p In this issue, it is said that the president will be proposed to receive a salary of up to Rp. 553422694 per month. The vice president is said to be proposed to receive a salary of Rp. Rp 368948462 per month",Valid "One of the minimarkets on Jalan Denai, Tribune, got an Oral B brand toothbrush made of Bristles. From the search results on google Bristles means sea urchin. Knowing this, the tribune went to the North Sumatra Health Office, but the Head of the Health Office was not present and the head of the division was also not present, the other staff did not want to be interviewed about whether or not Bristles were sea urchins. Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Medan City MUI, Muhammad Hatta said, if it is true that the toothbrush is made of pig bristles, the toothbrush is haram. ""In Al Surah Al Maidah verse 3 it is explained that derivatives from pigs are haram. We will explore this prohibition, really from sea urchins or not,"" he said via cellular, Monday (7/3/2016) He added, if proven MUI will publish to the public so as not to use the toothbrush. In addition, MUI will withdraw the product from the market.",Valid "JAKARTA, During the 212 action on Tuesday (21/2/2017) yesterday, a photo of the Istiqlal Mosque was circulated which was closed so that participants could not enter. Regarding this, the manager emphasized that this was not true. ""In the early hours of the morning (red Tuesday) there were five bus participants who came from Madura. They entered the mosque after Isha time,"" explained the Head of Protocol Section of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abdul Salam. as reported by Republika After approaching 10 (evening), Abu explained, he met with the head of his entourage, he announced to his entourage the rules at Istiqlal, this mosque will be closed and will be reopened later an hour before Shubuh Abu explained, the group from East Java understood and understand. The mosque management waited for them to leave the Istiqlal Mosque voluntarily. Then at 03.40 WIB the mosque was reopened. ""And what is in the photo, it looks like people are lining up to enter, it is the Wali Songo pilgrimage group and school children, that's normal, they go to Istiqlal every day,"" he explained. He emphasized that in conclusion, the news circulating on Instagram, Twitter and other social media was a lie.",Valid "Thousands of Reog Ponorogo artists held a demonstration, Tuesday (10/11/2015), as a form of protest over the burning of Reog properties at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Davao in the Philippines. Based on information compiled by, the artist's demonstration of the reog burning incident was not only carried out by artists from Ponorogo. Also seen taking to the streets are artists from various cities or regencies in Indonesia. The thousands of artists held demonstrations by giving speeches, unfurling banners bearing a number of demands, and also performing reog around Ponorogo Square. After carrying out a series of activities in protest against the burning of property at the Consulate General in Davao, representatives of the demonstrators were then allowed to attend a hearing on the second floor of the Ponorogo Regency DPRD Building, Jl. East Square. Representatives of the participants in the demonstration were received by elements of the leadership of the Ponorogo DPRD along with the Acting Regent of Ponorogo Maskur. ""We do not accept the burning of reog that was carried out at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao some time ago. Our demand is that they immediately apologize to the people of Ponorogo as the owner of this reog art,"" said reog artist representative of the Ponorogo Pandemen Reyog Community (Kompag), Grendo, as quoted by from the Facebook fanpage wall All About Ponorogo, Tuesday. Reog Pemeriksaan Checkup Meanwhile, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arrmanatha Nasir, said that his party was conducting an internal inspection regarding the burning of reog at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. ""Essentially, there has been an official statement from the Consulate General in Davao regarding the reog issue and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also has an internal process to ensure that the goods are state agency assets,"" said Arrmanatha Nasir in Jakarta, as reported by Antara News Agency, Sunday (8/8). /11/2015). On 20 October 2015, the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao issued an official statement that the destruction of Ponorogo reog by burning was carried out because its condition had been damaged and eaten by termites. However, the photos that have gone viral and have even been distributed by local online media, Bitung News, show that there is a certain ritual before the burning. In Good Condition One of the photos also shows that before being burned, the Ponorogo reog was stored in a glass cabinet and appeared to be in good condition. Apart from the reog, in another photo, it can be seen that Indonesian Consulate General Davao removed the dragon ornaments on the gamelan set and then burned it. Related to this, Arrmanatha conveyed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would carry out inspections according to the processes in accordance with existing standards. "" Periodically there are internal inspections , "" he said . Domestic reactions related to the burning of Reog Ponorogo at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, were conveyed by the Jabodetabek Reog Community. The community sent an official letter to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines, asking for clarification on information on the burning of reog art instruments by Indonesian Consulate General officials. Secretary General of the Jabodetabek Reog Association, Agus Setiyoko, said that his party hoped that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao would not only provide a detailed explanation of the burning of reog, but also broadcast clarifications on the burning of reog art objects in a number of national media.",Hoax "The Head of the General Information Section (Kabagpenum) of the National Police, Kombes Pol. Martinus Sitompul, emphasized that the issue of the throwing of the holy Koran by the guard at the Mako Brimob Rutan Salemba Branch, Central Jakarta on Friday, was not true. ""It is not true that the Koran was thrown by the guard,"" said Kombes Martinus in a text message, Friday night. Martinus explained that what happened was that the guard checked a number of books and objects in the detention cell. According to him, the riot that occurred on Friday afternoon was triggered by the inmates who did not accept the officers' search of their rooms. ""The turmoil that occurred was a reaction to the actions taken by guard officers who confiscated cell phones belonging to Block C detainees,"" he said. During the search, four cell phones belonging to four terrorist convicts were found, namely Juhanda, Saulihun, Khairul Anam and Jumali. A number of angry Block B and Block C inmates then broke the cell door. Not only that, a number of facilities at the Salemba detention center were also damaged, including the gates of Block B and Block C hallways and their windows. Martinus added that the condition of the prison is now back to being conducive. ""The detention center is conducive and the residents of the detention center have calmed down,"" he said.",Valid "Invitations to uninstall the Traveloka application are milling about on Twitter's timeline. This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Based on information circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics.",Hoax "For the first time, Apple was quick to respond to complaints about the curved iPhone 6 Plus, when it was stored in the front pocket. Under normal use, a curved iPhone is a rare occurrence, Apple told the Wall Street Journal. They also replied to CNBC, that the new iPhone features steel or titanium inserts to strengthen the circumference of the phone body. In fact, to further strengthen it is also used the strongest glass. The response from Apple this time, is the fastest. Looking back, if there are complaints from customers, this company from Uncle Sam's country does not respond. Apple CEO Tim Cook appears to have changed the company's communications policy. This phenomenon is by far the clearest example of such change. For information, this complaint had enlivened the virtual world. Complaints that came to Apple as many as nine customers, related to their iPhone 6 Plus phones that were curved. So far, Apple has sold more than 10 million iPhone 6 Plus since launch. So that the nine complaints that come in, can be said to be a small part of those sold.",Valid "The appearance of the Pokemon Go game today really takes everyone's eyes off. In fact, not a few people are willing to quit their jobs just to play this game developed by Nintendo, Pokemon Corps and Niantic Labs. No wonder this game is used by people who are not right to spread oblique rumors. Like the news circulating recently. Also Read: Beware of Fake Pokemon Go Applications roaming the PlayStore In the social media link, it is stated that Pokemon actually in Syriac (Suryani) means 'I am Jewish'. While Pikachu is said to mean 'Be a Jew', and Charmander means 'God is Weak'. Suddenly, Muslims around the world were furious with this news. So, is it true that Pokemon contains elements of words like that? Also Read: How to Play Pokemon Go In a statement to Jordan's Amman newspaper, the Syriac Orthodox Christian Church denied allegations that Pokemon and other character names are of ancient Syriac origin and have insulting Islamic meanings. In fact, church officials were surprised when they read a letter that said that Pokemon contained a Jewish invitation. So, it can be ascertained that the meanings of the word Pokemon characters do not have connotations that damage Islam. Also Read: DOWNLOAD THE GAME POKEMON GO This statement was also approved by a professor from Al Azhar University, Mohammed Abu Laila. ""Until now, there is no strong evidence that justifies the rumors that make parents forbid their children to play the Pokemon Go game,"" he said. So, what is the true meaning of Pokemon? Based on information from the site, Pokemon is a combination of the word ""Pocket Monster"" which means pocket monster. This term expresses how small these monsters are to fit in a pocket. Also Read: Pokemon Go Will Add New Features Then, said from Pikachu. This famous cute monster is composed of the words Pika and Chu. Pika is the name for a small mouse, while Chu is a Japanese word which means to squeak. As we can see, Pikachu's shape does resemble a mouse. And the last, Charmander which consists of the words Char and Salamander. Char means to burn, and Salamander means amphibious lizard. Well, that's the true meaning of the word monster - Pokemon monster. Hopefully this explanation can make the hearts of Muslims in the world relieved. If you found this article useful, please share it!",Valid "Rumors that catfish contain cancer cells in social networks and word of mouth continue to spread. The impact of this issue is that mothers are reluctant to buy catfish. Waspada Online managed to summarize the comments of mothers who usually buy catfish for regular consumption as a side dish. Circulation of information that states that catfish contain cancer in pisu because of the life of catfish that can live in very dirty places though. The nickname as the filthiest fish refers to the nature of catfish that likes to consume various types of waste in the waters. In fact, an article that is quite vital on the internet mentions that human waste is also used as feed for a catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China. Based on these issues, in a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3000 cancer cells. The issue quickly spread on social media and word of mouth. However, this issue has not dampened the sale of catfish in Medan and is still stable and has no effect. According to a number of traders in Medan and catfish farmers in the surrounding Medan, there is no effect of the issue on the consumption and sale of catfish. As admitted by Br Manalu, a catfish trader at Sukaramai Market, Medan. According to him, the sale of catfish remains stable and is not affected by the impact, related to the news, many people still consume catfish. Sales of catfish remained normal and the price of catfish was also stable at Rp. 18000 per kilo, and it is very unfortunate with the news that it is said that catfish contain cancer cells, obviously this makes catfish farmers offended and we as traders will clearly find it difficult to find catfish supplies,"" he explained, Monday (16/11). A catfish farmer in the Medan Marelan area, Pujiono admitted that he did not affect the demand for catfish from his pond. Even the recent fish harvest has not been able to meet the market, the majority of which are sent to Aceh and Medan markets. Regarding catfish containing cancer cells, Community Nutrition Expert and Professor of Food and Nutrition at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ir Ali Khemsan MS, when confirmed via cellular, Monday (16/11) denied the issue. He deeply regretted the news about cancer cell bacteria contained in catfish. ""I don't think the news is true, in fact it makes catfish cultivators feel offended and devastated, because from there they can fulfill their daily needs,"" he explained. Instead, he said, the trigger for cancer cells was catfish frying oil. ""It is precisely what makes and causes cancer cells in the community who fry something or even the catfish themselves to sell using used cooking oil (used oil), that can trigger cancer. Therefore, it is hoped that all people will be more careful when buying food that is fried in oil,"" he concluded",Valid "Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati immediately denied the news that was recently discussed by the media, including by netizens on social media. The news is about the increase in the salary of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) which is said to be up to IDR 553 million per month. After accompanying President Joko Widodo to receive the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) delegation, Monday (12/3/2018), the Minister of Finance said the news was not true or a hoax. ""Currently, a lot of information is produced, and the documents that are made are similar to those officially made by the government and then published. We did not discuss it at all. Absolutely nothing,"" he said at the Bogor Palace. He added that the salary design for civil servants next year will only be discussed with Parliament when the 2019 State Budget Draft is discussed after reading the 2019 Financial Note. Previously, a Government Regulation Draft concerning State Civil Apparatus was circulated which stated that the President's salary had increased from the current position of Rp. 62 million to Rp. 553 million. Citing detikcom on Friday (9/3/2018) reported an exposition of material related to the proposed new structure for the salary of Civil Servants (PNS) in circulation. In the explanation, one of them was stated about the simulation of the income of state officials from the president to the leadership of the DPR which consists of salaries and allowances. It is stated that the president's income is simulated at Rp. 553422694 per month, then the vice president is Rp. 368948462 per month. Still from the same explanation, the simulation of the amount of income for ministerial level officials, attorney general, Commander of the TNI, Chief of Police, Chair of the MPR, Chairman of the DPR to Chairman of the Constitutional Court has an income of Rp. 92237116 per month. A simulation of the calculation of the income of officials starting from the level of deputy heads of the MPR, DPR, DPD, KPK and MK is also described, which is Rp. 88393902 million per month. Then the income of the governor and member judges of the Supreme Court is Rp. 76864263 million per month. In the presentation material, the title ""RPP on Salaries, Benefits and Facilities for Civil Servants"" was written with the logo of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) written on it. When confirmed, the Ministry of PAN-RB explained that the exposure material was not official information. ""This is only a discussion material for 2016, not official information,"" explained the Head of the Legal, Communication and Public Information Bureau of the PAN-RB Ministry, Herman Suryatman when contacted by detikFinance.",Valid "circulating on social media about needling as first aid for stroke patients as shown in the image below. Is this true or just a hoax or a myth? Causes of Stroke Stroke is a neurological emergency characterized by symptoms such as weakness on one side of the body, a tilted face to one side, and difficulty speaking. These symptoms generally appear suddenly. This disorder in general can be caused by a blockage in a blood vessel in the brain (ischemic stroke) or a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). Help for Stroke If you feel or find a relative with symptoms of a stroke, you must immediately be taken to the hospital. As much as possible, the destination hospital at least has CT Scan facilities. With the CT Scan, medical personnel can determine the type of stroke experienced by the patient. This is very important because the treatment for ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke is different. In ischemic stroke, the goal of help is to destroy the blood clot that is blocking the blood vessels of the brain. The method that is commonly done is with drugs, it can also be with endovascular procedures. Meanwhile, in hemorrhagic stroke, the main goal of treatment is to stop the bleeding. There is no official reference that recommends this method for first aid in stroke patients. In ischemic stroke patients, this method is clearly not useful for destroying the blockage in the brain because there is no relationship at all. In the case of hemorrhagic stroke, it is true that patients generally have high blood pressure so that the brain blood vessels burst. However, bleeding through the fingertips cannot lower blood pressure and stop bleeding in the brain. This is because the blood that is removed by inserting the needle in the fingertip is very little so that it does not have a significant effect on blood pressure. In addition, the human brain gets 20% of its blood supply from the heart pump and the body will always try to maintain this amount. So, even though we have removed the patient's blood, the heart will still pump blood to the brain. Dangers of Needling in Stroke Aid In addition to not providing good benefits to patients, it turns out that needling also has a negative impact on patients. The bad impact is that the patient is late in getting the right help because time is wasted on sterilizing the needle and performing the puncture. The stabbing process causes wounds and can cause infection. Conclusion It can be concluded that pricking the finger with a needle in stroke patients is not useful and can actually harm the patient. If you find a patient with symptoms of a stroke, the help we can provide is to take the patient as quickly as possible to the hospital.",Valid "The Head of the Protocol Section of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abdul Salam, stated that the news circulating on social media that the participants of the 212th Volume Two Action could not enter the Istiqlal Mosque early this morning because the mosque door was closed was not true. ""It's a thousand percent hoax,"" said Abdul Salam to, Tuesday (21/2) morning. Abdul Salam explained that the rules at the Istiqlal Mosque in addition to the month of Ramadan, the mosque closed at 21.30 WIB. Opened again one hour before Fajr time. ""In the month of Ramadan, the mosque is open 24 hours,"" he explained. For last night's case, Abdul Salam said, there were indeed five bus participants who came from East Java. They claimed to come from Madura. Participants enter the mosque after Isha time. The mosque provides opportunities for worship and cleaning. ""After approaching 10 (at night), we met with the head of his entourage, we announced to his entourage that the rules at Istiqlal, this mosque will be closed and will be opened again one hour before Fajr,"" he explained. Abdul Salam emphasized that the group from East Java understood and understood. The mosque management waited for them to leave the Istiqlal Mosque voluntarily. Then at 03.40 WIB the mosque was reopened. ""And what's in the photo, it looks like people are queuing up to enter, it's the Wali Songo pilgrimage group and school children, that's normal, they go to Istiqlal every day,"" he explained. He emphasized that the conclusion was that the news circulating on Instagram, Twitter and other social media was a lie",Valid "On social networks, there is a lot of information circulating that mentions catfish as the filthiest fish. In a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3,000 cancer cells. The news made catfish cultivators in East Java (East Java) offended and devastated. The nickname as the filthiest fish refers to the nature of catfish that likes to consume various types of waste in the waters. Even an article that is quite viral on the internet mentions that human waste is also used as feed for a catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China. That's not true. ""Pity catfish farmers, they are offended and very saddened by the news,"" said Head of the Fisheries and Marine Service of East Java Province, Heru Tjahjono, Saturday (31/10/2015). He said that the news that actually describes catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China is not the same as catfish cultivation in East Java. The news could have an impact on the catfish market in East Java. The reason is, the catfish market is a consumer in the lower middle class level II. Meanwhile, snapper, tuna, mackerel, grouper are in the upper middle class level I. Heru said, consumers at level I are difficult to shake with the issue of the fish they consume. This is different from the issue of fish such as catfish, gourami, mujahir, which are food for middle to lower-class level II consumers. if level I consumers are difficult to shake with issues. In contrast to level II consumers. If there is an issue, level II consumers can be afraid and don't want to consume, he said. Heru said that there was already a certification of Good Fish Cultivation (CBIB) and Good Fish Hatchery (CPIB) certification, which were applied to the hatchery business unit For in East Java. In order to achieve quality assurance and security of national and international fishery products, it is deemed necessary to regulate good fish farming methods, said Heru. The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries stipulates Decree No. KEP.02/MEN/2007 on Good Fish Cultivation Methods. For in East Java, from thousands of catfish cultivation, currently 266 cultivation business units have been certified. Meanwhile for hatcheries, there are 20 hatchery business units that already have CPIB certification. ""We are targeting that there are 900 business units of all cultivated commodities in East Java that meet the certification,"" he explained. Heru added that the government continues to monitor fish farming and hatchery units. Data for monitoring the residue of catfish in 2015 was 379 samples. Parameters tested were levels of hormones, antibiotics, and heavy metals. The sampling locations for monitoring catfish residues included cultivation units in Lamongan, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, Gresik, Tulungagung, Jombang, Mojokerto, Kediri, Blitar, Malang, Pamekasan, Magetan, Probolinggo, and Probolinggo regencies. Until the third quarter, the results of catfish samples that have been tested negative (free) of hormone residues, antibiotics, and heavy metals, he said.",Valid "Netizens are busy talking about social media, Facebook in Indonesia will be closed on April 24, 2018. Is that right? We tried to find out the truth of the news, it turned out to be a hoax or not true. So far, there has been no firm statement from the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) confirming that Facebook Indonesia will be blocked or closed on April 24, 2018. However, the Ministry of Communication and Information does not hesitate to block Facebook in Indonesia like Telegram, if it is proven that there is a criminal element in the leakage of Facebook user data in Indonesia. If indeed Facebook Indonesia will be blocked, even then it will only be temporary and if the situation gets worse. ""We will see this situation first. If it gets worse, we will close temporarily,"" said Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara, Wednesday (11/4/2018) at the Kominfo Building, Medan Merdeka, Jakarta. ""If there are indications that Facebook in Indonesia is being used for incitement, as happened in Myanmar, I have no qualms about blocking it,"" added Rudiantara. Reported by CNN Indonesia, the Facebook data leak scandal in Indonesia recorded as many as 1,095,918 users who could potentially be affected by data abuse. From November 2013 to 2015 there were 748 people in Indonesia who installed thisisyourdigitallife application. The application, which is a personality test quiz, is known to use Facebook account access. ""There are a total of 1,096,666 people in Indonesia or around 1.26 percent of the total number of people affected globally,"" explained Facebook Indonesia's Head of Public Policy Ruben Hattari during a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with members of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives in Jakarta, Tuesday (17/4). According to Ruben, the figure is known to not include people who have downloaded the application, but then deleted their Facebook account. The company owned by Mark Zuckerberg claims not to store the data of individual users who download the application. To note, there are about 87 million global Facebook user data stolen by Cambridge Analytica (CA). Indonesia occupies the third position as the country with the most user data victims.",Hoax "There was a commotion at the terrorist detention house of the Brimob Command Headquarters Salemba branch, Depok, Friday (10/11). A number of detainees damaged the prison facilities. The incident began when the guard asked the prisoners to enter after Friday prayers. However, there was friction between the detainees and the officers until other prisoners joined in the noise. Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rikwanto, asserted that the rioting in the terrorist detention center of the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua Depok, was not caused by the throwing of the Koran by the officers there. However, according to Rikwanto, the riot was triggered by the attitude of the detainees who tried to provoke a commotion. From the results of the initial examination, the riot began when officers put the detainees into their respective cells after performing Friday prayers. Apart from leading them in, officers also checked the detainees and found four cell phones. The four telephone units belonged to prisoners of terrorism with the initials Jum, Sa, Juh, and KA. The phone was later confiscated. However, one of the prisoners objected and tried to cause trouble. He then provoked by provoking the officer's emotions. The situation escalated when other prisoners were also provoked. In the end, riots were inevitable. The detainees then broke down the cell door, as well as a number of other facilities. ""Now we have the situation under control,"" said Rikwanto, Friday night",Valid "DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan attended the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Kanisius College educational institution, at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Saturday (11/11) night. On that occasion Anies was given time to make a speech in front of the invited guests. However, while giving a speech there were some guests who walked out of the room. When confirmed, Anies admitted that he did not know that any guests had left, one of them was Ananda Sukarlan. He even admitted that he was close to the Principal of Kanisius High School, Pater E. Baskoro Poedjinoegroho. And to attend an invitation from the Canisius School was not the first. ""And this is not the first time I've been to Kanisius, so when I heard it this morning, I remembered that someone had come out because I don't remember it, I didn't see it,"" said Anies at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Monday (11/13). Even so, Anies admitted to respecting and appreciating all opinions and views from all parties towards him. Because as the governor of Jakarta, he must greet all his citizens without any difference, protecting all parties is the duty of a governor. Because according to Anies, everyone has the right to express their opinion in their own way. Including people who criticize his speech. ""If there is a negative reaction then that's a bonus for me,"" he said. Previously, in a video circulating on social media, pianist Ananda Sukarlan, who is an alumni of the Kanisius school, protested the presence of Governor Anies Baswedan. There was also a press release from the Kanisius 86 Alumni Association, which was sent by Ananda Sukarlan, which contained the following: In commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College, this school which has been consistent until now only for boys, located in Menteng Raya for the first time gave the Canisius Awards to 5 alumni from various generations. These 5 alumni were screened from the 95 finalists who became candidates. They are Ananda Sukarlan (composer & pianist), Derianto Kusuma (founder of Traveloka), Father Magnis Suseno (Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (scout leader) and Dr Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma). Present and giving the opening speech at the grand event at JIFest which was attended by thousands of Kanisius alumni yesterday, Saturday, November 11, was the governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. When he gave a speech, Ananda Sukarlan stood up from his VIP seat and walked out showing his disapproval of Anies' speech. This action was followed by hundreds of alumni and other members of the audience. After giving his speech which was greeted coldly by the remaining audience, Anies Baswedan left the venue. The audience who had walked out entered the room again. During the awarding of these 5 figures, Ananda got a turn for a 10-minute speech. In the speech after he said thank you, he also criticized the organizing committee. ""You have invited someone with values ​​and integrity that are contrary to what we have been taught. Although you may have to invite him because of his position, but next time we have to look at the person as well. He got his position in ways that are not in accordance with the values -Canisius values. I'm not talking about politics, this is a matter of conscience and human values,"" he said. After getting off the stage, Ananda was greeted and praised by the nominees for the award, including former minister Ir. Sarwono Kusumaatmaja and Father E. Baskoro Poedjinoegroho S.J., Principal of Kanisius High School.",Hoax " – Cianjur Regent Irvan Rivano Muchtar will prohibit Cianjur residents, especially young people, from playing the online game Pokemon Go. The reason is that the meaning contained in the game is contrary to the beliefs of the majority of the population of Cianjur and is considered dangerous. According to Irvan, one of the game applications on smartphones based on Android and Apple is indeed being loved by game lovers, especially young people. However, according to Irvan, the meaning of the word Pokemon in one language is I am Jewish. “Obviously this is an acknowledgment of people who oppress our brothers, like the Palestinians. It also contradicts religious teachings,"" he said, Tuesday, July 19 2016. Irvan said the Cianjur Regency Government is currently only urging smartphone users not to play Pokemon Go, which was recently officially launched in America and will only be inaugurated in Indonesia in the near future. ""Now it's just an appeal, but maybe later it will be banned if it doesn't educate and is dangerous,"" he said. Irvan added, from some of the news circulating, Pokemon Go can cause accidents. Games that require users to leave the house and walk to look for pokemon will disrupt concentration on the road. “Indeed, there has been no research on whether it is dangerous or not. But what is clear is that it is better to anticipate before all these bad things happen,” he said. The Commander of Military District 0608 Cianjur, Lieutenant Colonel Armed Imam Haryadi, has even issued a ban for his members from playing the Pokemon Go game, especially at headquarters. According to him, the GPS-based game will record complete location data so that it is feared that it will be misused. Imam explained, the Pokemon Go game is three-dimensional and based on GPS. When used, it will record the location data for the monster's search. If the recorded data goes to other parties and is used for certain purposes, it is very dangerous. ""So we forbid all members of the TNI, starting from the Kodim, Koramil, and below to play, especially in the TNI headquarters environment,"" said Armed",Hoax "Confirmation that this method is not appropriate was also expressed by a cardiologist from Harapan Kita Hospital, dr. Dicky Armein Hanafy, SpJP (K), FIHA. He even said this method did not bring any results. No use at all. There is a risk of infection, especially if the needles are not sterile or clean, he said. Instead of providing first aid at home, these two specialists suggest that we immediately rush the patient to the hospital to get help immediately. The family must immediately take him to the hospital, said Yuda. Stroke occurs due to blocked blood vessels or bleeding in the brain. Some of the recognizable signs include sudden severe headache, weakness, numbness, vision problems, confusion, difficulty walking or speaking, dizziness, and slurred speech.",Valid "Buleleng Police Narcotics Unit officers together with the Buleleng Industry and Trade Office conducted a raid on several candy traders in schools in the Singaraja city area, on Thursday (9/3) morning. This raid was based on the issue circulating on social media stating that candy, shaped like a baby pacifier, contains drugs that are currently circulating throughout Indonesia. The allegation of the pacifier containing drugs initially occurred in Central Java. This information suddenly made the Buleleng Police officer furious. To prove the fact, they also conducted raids while socializing in several locations such as SDN 3 and 4 Banjar Jawa, SDN 1 Banjar Tegal, SDN 1, 2, and 5 Banyuasri. The Head of Narcotics at the Buleleng Police, AKP I Ketut Adnyana, said that until now, candy pacifiers in Buleleng had not been found. However, it still asks all students, school teachers and the community to remain vigilant. “If anyone sees a candy pacifier that says hard candy, please let us know immediately. This is because the dot-shaped candy contains a drug substance, which if consumed will cause addiction. If it is found, we will immediately take it for a lab check,” he explained in front of all the students of SDN 3 and 4 Banjar Jawa, Singaraja. From field observations, until 10.32 WITA, alert notices had been posted in school canteens by officers from the Buleleng Police Narcotics Unit and the Buleleng Industry and Trade Office.",Hoax "Public concerns regarding the circulation of pacifiers suspected of containing dangerous chemicals have finally been answered. After conducting laboratory tests, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of East Java Province ensured that the teat candy was safe for consumption. Laboratory tests were carried out by the East Java BNNP on samples of pacifiers that had been troubling the public because they were suspected of containing dangerous chemicals or drugs. The results of laboratory tests show that pacifiers do not contain narcotics or psychotropic substances, so they are suitable for consumption. However, if consumed in the long term, this candy will have the potential to cause cancer. That's because pacifiers contain chemical dyes and preservatives. For complete information, including an explanation from the East Java BNNP, see the video above.",Valid "In the 212th action volume II which was conducted on Tuesday (21/2/2017) morning, news circulated on various social media regarding the closing of the gates of the Istiqlal Mosque for visitors. Regarding this, the Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI) felt the need to provide clarification. In an official statement on Tuesday (21/2/2017), the Secretary of the Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency, Rusli Effendi, gave clarification regarding this matter. Clarification needs to be done so that the news circulating so far does not become a misleading misunderstanding. BPPMI also urges all Muslims not to influence news that cannot be properly accounted for. Meanwhile, the news that the mosque has been locked so that people cannot pray Fajr is a hoax or a mere hoax. The closure of the mosque has indeed become a regulation or procedure for Istiqlal. This is the clarification that was officially delivered by BPPMI as stated on The Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency since 2002 has enforced a rule (SOP), closing the gates every night at 21.30. The mosque was reopened in the morning at 03.40, ahead of the Fajr prayer service. This rule (SOP) was enforced in order to optimize mosque security at night. All pilgrims are not allowed to stay in the Istiqlal Mosque area, except under certain conditions and with the permission of the security forces and the leadership of BPPMI. Regarding the conditions at night from 20 to the early hours of February 21 2017, the Istiqlal Mosque security forces have explained to the worshipers gathered in the courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque about the procedure and they understand and are willing to leave the Istiqlal Mosque area. BPPMI did not receive notification from any party regarding the plans for the congregation to stay overnight as in the previous conditions when Muslims held 411, 212 or 112 actions. There was also no special communication from the authorities regarding this matter. The Istiqlal Mosque always serves the people and strives for national unity and unity, and always maintains the comfort of worship. BPPMI stated that the negative news that had been spread on social media regarding the above matters did not correspond to reality and tended to contain provocations. BPPMI appeals to all Muslims to be asked not to be influenced by news that cannot be accounted for. The implementation of the Fajr prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque today went well and smoothly, led by Ustaz Salim Ghazali. The number of worshipers is about 240 people (170 men and 70 women).",Valid "Is it true that catfish contain cancer cells? There are many rumors about this delicious fish, that there are about 3000 cancer cells located in the body of catfish. Let's peel in depth according to Dr. Oz Indonesia. Who does not know this one fish? Surely all countries know it because the meat is very soft and has a very high nutritional value. Catfish is a type of fish that is classified as very strong and can live even in wastewater. If you are in Indonesia, you will definitely not miss the name of catfish cuisine, there are many preparations that can be made with catfish ingredients, including pecel catfish, tongseng, basil, spicy catfish sauce, and many more. Why Many Public Opinion That Catfish Contain Cancer Cells, Is That True? This public opinion had become viral and even became a scene in the world of news information, and this has also been revealed by the television program Dr. Oz Indonesia. Then is it true that this catfish when consumed by someone can cause cancer? According to Dr. Oz Indonesia has been revealed and has been explained to conclude that there are 2 things that cause this catfish to have thousands of cancer cells, including: Where is the Place for Catfish Cultivated? What's Worth? The presence of this opinion made the fisheries service participate in conducting research and the results revealed that some of the sample catfish contained cancer cells and some were negative. After being investigated by various catfish farmers, it turned out that the cause was the place where the catfish were cultivated. There are some catfish that live in ponds with waste that is not fit for consumption and some live in fresh water. The catfish farmers admitted that the ability of catfish to live in murky waters even in piles of garbage or pig manure, so that farmers do not have to bother draining their pond water. This is what makes the catfish very toxic, the catfish is directly contaminated with liquids that are classified as having a bad impact on the consumer. Do Catfish Consuming Dirt or Waste According to doctor Oz Indonesia in his video, it has been stated that something from above can sink so that the catfish consumes it. What about poop droppings like chicken, bird or even pig? Of course, it's clear, isn't it, that catfish is one type of fish that eats dirt. Currently, many catfish farmers can use alternative feeds such as cow dung, poultry, humans and so on. This does provide a distinct advantage for catfish farmers, to reap 2x profits, the manufacturing process is very simple, for example, cow dung: Put cow dung into a barrel or container that can be closed, Mix waste such as tofu dregs, Stir until mixed, Leave it open the barrel or container, to invite flies to lay eggs, sugar or honey can be added, leave it for one week, so that the larvae or worms can come out and are ready to be harvested. If you look at it, it is very disgusting, the catfish that is consumed turns out to be used from worm feed. Not to mention, feed from human waste because this is precisely what is very dangerous because the worms that grow are hard to destroy even though they have been cooked, as a result the eggs settle in the catfish's body and enter the bodies of other humans. One of the most common examples is pinworms, which can survive approximately 3 weeks in even open areas. However, Dr. Oz said that not all breeders do this, that's why we have to be smart in choosing the right catfish market. Keep catfish clean and try to cook catfish food very thoroughly. Why Can Catfish Survive In Muddy Water, And Mixed With Dirt? Catfish are indeed equipped with the advantage of being able to survive in cloudy and dirty water because this type of fish is equipped with labyrinthine respiration. What is a maze? The labyrinth is an additional breathing apparatus for fish whose function is to take air up to the surface and store it for a long time, so don't be surprised if the catfish rises to the surface for only a short time but can last a long time under murky water that is poor in oxygen even if it is mixed with dirt. Benefits of Catfish Vs Salmon Many say that the content of catfish is equivalent to the content in salmon, according to Dr. Oz this is true because catfish contains omega 3 and omega 6 just like salmon. The difference is how to consume it, if the salmon can be swallowed raw, but the catfish does not have to be cooked first to reduce the bacteria present. Some of the benefits that can be obtained from health, including: Helping nourish the brain Omega 3 and omega 6 fats are fats that are good for the body, which are HDL (good fats) which help the body fulfill brain nutrition. Rich in protein, it is very beneficial for a child who is growing and developing, building muscle mass and bone density. The content of B12, just a portion of catfish can help meet the needs of B12 in the body, B12 is very influential on the body that is often tired. It is recommended if your body feels tired, try to eat catfish. Consuming catfish is also beneficial for curing anemia, the body is easily tired and difficulty in remembering something. Phosphorus for the formation of bones and teeth. Catfish does contain a lot of phosphorus, not only from milk, it turns out that catfish is also useful for meeting the needs of bones and teeth. Phosphorus in the human body is essentially absorbed around 70% will be digested by the body and used to support healthy teeth and bones. Lowers blood pressure. This type of fish is very helpful in lowering high blood pressure, omega 3 in fish is fat (HDL) which is very good in fighting bad fats (LDL). People tend not to know that high cholesterol is closely related to the narrowing of blood vessels that causes hypertension (high blood pressure). You can reduce this hypertension by consuming catfish 3 times a day.",Valid "PT Petrona Inti Chemindo (PIC) as a company that imports hard candy or known as candy dot regrets the Surabaya City Government's steps in raiding its products in the market. ""What we need is the restoration of good name,"" said PT PIC's attorney, Prihadi Saputro at a press conference held at the JW Marriott Hotel, Surabaya, Monday (13/3/2017). Although it regrets the action which is considered unprocedural, PT PIC will not sue the Surabaya City Government. They just want the Surabaya City Government to rehabilitate or restore the name of the candy pacifier which has been declared by the BNN and the Surabaya BBPOM that it does not contain drugs. ""No need to reply,"" said Prihadi. The trick, said Prihadi, is through socialization carried out by the Surabaya City Government. Because the polemic of the dot candy goes viral every day, PT PIC asks that the socialization be carried out every day as well. Socialization can be done through advertisements or directly to traders. ""Prepare a re-socialization which essentially explains to the public that pacifier candy is safe and does not contain harmful ingredients, let alone drugs. We give 14 days from today to do the socialization,"" continued Prihadi. Prihadi added that there was no reason why the Surabaya City Government refused to socialize because based on the results of the BBPOM laboratory test, pacifiers were proven to be safe. When tested at BBPOM, the candy with the Penguin Brand trademark has gone through two stages of testing. The first test, candy has passed the four parameter level test. While in the second test, the candy has passed the 16 parameter level test. In addition to not containing hazardous materials, Prihadi said that administratively, PT PIC has obtained an approval for the registration of processed food issued by BPOM RI. ""We have pocketed the approval since 2008-2013, then we extended it from August 19, 2013 to August 19, 2018. Meanwhile, our import permits are still long, until 2021,"" explained Prihadi. Prihadi did not deny the losses suffered by his client. This case indeed started in Surabaya, but its impact then spread nationwide due to the viral news in various news and social media. ""As a result of this virus, traders who are our leading partners in Bekasi, West Java, Jakarta and many other cities have suffered material losses,"" said Prihadi. Although he said he had suffered material losses, Prihadi did not mention the figures. He only mentions billions as the nominal loss suffered by his client. But the material loss, he said, was not the essence of resolving the case. ""We don't really look at the money because we don't expect the Surabaya City Government to return it. What's important is name rehabilitation, restoration of good name. Why don't we sue, because we don't want drama. The important thing is we can work,"" said Prihadi. The Satpol PP and the sub-districts in Surabaya who took the early prevention steps immediately returned the candy that was secured after the results of the BBPOM and BNN lab tests declared it safe. In addition to returning to the traders who were recorded at the beginning of the raid, the dot-type candies that were brought were also purchased by the sub-district.",Valid "The news about Pokemon being a Jewish product became a trending topic on the Muslim Journal's Fanpage. Four posts titled Pokemon topped the list as the most read posts in mid-July. Here are some titles of articles that have had many viewers in the last few days on the Muslim Journal website as of 19/7/16: 1. Meaning of Pokemon in Syriac: ""I'm Jewish,"" with 152,269 views by blogger. (Read the article here) 2. Did you know? Pokemon Products Are Jewish Missions, Contains Defamatory Elements of Islam with views reaching 110,028 by blogger. (Read the article here) 3. Game 'Pokemon Go' fever is spreading, this is the positive and negative impact, with viewers reaching 85,707 by blogger. (Read the article here) 4. Meaning of Pikachu in Syriac: ""Be a Jew,"" with 76,887 views by blogger. (Read the article here) The popularity of the above articles has become the subject of discussion by many netizens, especially social media users such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. The reason is, the article that talks about the relationship between Jews and Pokemon reaps the pros and cons. A few hours ago there were several electronic letters that entered the Muslim Journal contact, either via Facebook or Email, as we have provided contact information on the website. Some of them asked the validity of the articles mentioned above. There are even some who state that the article is a hoax and the Muslim Journal website is accused of being a slanderer. The link between Judaism and Pokemon Movies is an old 'issue' Our team of journalists, Nisyi, is motivated to raise the issue of the relationship between Pokemon and Jews because of the recent boom in Niantic's game product, Pokemon Go. When we clarified his motivation and reason for writing the article, he replied that it was an old issue that was brought up again. The issue of a link between Jews and Pokemon has existed since the Pokemon movie was broadcast on private televisions, namely in 2001 and was first broadcast by SCTV (Read about Pokemon for the first time airing on private television: wikipedia). ""There were many leaflets about the relationship between Pokemon and Jews that were distributed in several cities when the Pokemon Movie was shown on the screen. Not only Pokemon, but several children's TV series were also included in the content of the leaflets. All of which talked about the existence of Jewish elements in children's cartoon series at the time."" Nishi said. Muslim Journalists never post articles/news unless they include the source Because the data from the opinion of the relationship between Jews and Pokemon is no longer available. Our journalist, nisyi, tries to retrieve the data through the Internet. And indeed, a lot of writings that talk about the topic of Jews and Pokemon. Here are some articles that discuss the relationship between Jews and Pokemon: Article about Pokemon and Jews by Reika on her blog, posted in 2013 Article about Pokemon and Jews by smzblog on his blog, posted in 2008 Article about Pokemon and Jews by Dudung on his website, posted in 2011 It can be seen that the issue between Jews and Pokemon existed in the years before the Pokemon Go game was released. From here, our journalists take their opinion from an article sourced from the site. For those who want to know about the website profile, please read here. In full, sources of opinion writing about Pokemon and Jews can be found here. The pros and cons of the issue of the connection between Jews and Pokemon is also an old issue In the article about Judaism and Pokemon, there are sensitive matters concerning Religion, especially Islam. That is about the meaning of Pokemon and some of the names of the monsters in the Pokemon TV series. For example, it is stated that the Syriac meaning of Pokemon is ""I am Jewish."" Unfortunately, that statement is an opinion, and there are many pros and cons to that meaning. Among those who dispute this statement is an article quoted by a web developer who is also an Information Technology Division of Bank BTPN Head Office, Dudung, on his website, citing the source ia-wutsqo. It was stated that leaflets about the relationship between Jews and Pokemon as well as several children's cartoons were not only spread in Indonesia, but also in Saudi, Jordan, Egypt and several other Middle Eastern regions. However, it was also mentioned that after being confirmed by a number of linguists, they generally rejected the notion that the word Pokemon and some of the monsters in Pokemon had a relationship with the Syriac language. Which means that the assumptions contained in the leaflet itself are not necessarily true. Reporting from solo.tribunnews (18/7/16), the LA Times news noted that Nintendo refuted the perception of the connection between Pokemon and Judaism. It is said that Pokemon is actually just an abbreviation of Pocket Monster or pocket monster. Named Pocket Monster because this pokemon has a pocket ball that can be put in a pocket. (Read here) What is interesting here is that it was informed on the and tribune sites that Pokemon shows in several countries, such as Jordan, had attracted the attention of residents and even the local government. Quoted by Dudung, that a number of youths and children in Jordan have carried out mass arson actions against goods containing images of Pokemon. The problem is not only related to the meanings that are not necessarily true, but the Pokemon game has had quite a negative impact on children. The full article can be read here (posted in 2001). Regardless of the pros and cons of that perception, in this post, the editor of the Muslim Journal will clarify an article about the relationship between Pokemon and Jews by our journalist, Nisyi, a few days ago. That the article is the opinion of several writings in several media, be it leaflets, or other electronic media. Each of these articles has been given a clear source, and is not just a made-up opinion without any reference review. In this post, we as the editors thank you for the suggestions, input, and constructive criticism submitted through our contact information on the site. We will definitely respond to suggestions, input and constructive criticism and are always used as material for evaluation for the Muslim Journal site. May Allah open the hearts of His servants to be able to receive guidance. Al Haq min rabbika falaa takunanna minal mumtarin, the truth is from your Lord Allah and do not be of those who doubt.",Hoax "In 2012 we were shocked by the emergence of brushes or brushes made from pig bristles to the point that the MUI issued a fatwa against using a pig bristle brush, but recently, information about toothbrushes made from pig bristles has resurfaced. Information for you Muslims to be more careful in choosing a toothbrush, because there are dental cleaning products that use materials from non-halal. Come on, check the toothbrush, if it says ""Bristle"" on the package, it means that the toothbrush contains PIG bristles. Bristle means Pig Hair aka Pig Fur! So double check the packaging of your toothbrush when buying. Likewise on the brush (bread spreader), Usually it says ""Bristle"", ""Pure Bristle"", ""100% China Bristle"". ""What are your toothbrush bristles made of? Plastic or Pig Bristle? How to check: Look at the package, if it's made of bristles, then it's made of sea urchin. Please burn the bristles, if it smells like burning hair, it means it's from sea urchins. But if it melts and becomes hard, it means it is made of plastic and is safe to use. The risk of using what is haram: Worship is rejected, prayer is rejected, and hell is more worthy (hadith). Save ourselves and our loved ones. "" In everyday life, we use various kinds of brushes to apply makeup, paint, clean dust, paint the house, grease cake pans, and spread food. Such as grilled chicken, bread, cakes, and various grilled or grilled meats and seafood. While the brush is useful when combing hair, cleaning hair at the salon or barbershop, washing clothes, and scrubbing floors. Do you know, what do the brushes & brushes you use come from? Most likely FROM A FIRE FUR! Brushes supplied in Indonesia, generally come from China. These imported brushes are produced using sea urchins, especially wild boars which have more hair. Sea urchins are considered more economical than the fur of other animals, such as goats, squirrels, civets, horses, raccoons, camels, and dogs. For Muslims, the use of sea urchins is clearly HARAM. No matter how small, the material from pork is forbidden for consumption and for application. (the term is PIG/BOAR/HOG/BRISTLE HAIR BRUSH) which are sold in various places, SUCH AS MARKETS, PAINTING TOOLS SHOP, BUILDING MATERIALS STORE, MAKE UP TOOLS & SALON SHOP, ONLINE STORE, ETC. ARE YOU FAMILIAR WITH THE MULTIPLE FORMS BELOW? THERE ARE PAINTING BRUSH, WALL PAINT BRUSH, MAKE UP BRUSH, HAIR BRUSH, BARBER/BARBER BRUSH, CLOTHING BRUSH, ETC. BEWARE! TIPS AVOID USE OF BRUSH AND BORN BRUSH: 1. USE 100% SYNTHETIC BRUSH & BRUSH, SUCH AS NYLON. Wall paint brushes and food brushes are available, with slightly more expensive prices. The nylon material has a texture like plastic for a toothbrush. 2. USE OTHER ALTERNATIVES THAN THE BRUSH. For example, paint rollers for painting, sponges & cotton buds for makeup, as well as knives & spatulas for greasing food. 3. BEWARE OF FOOD THAT THE PROCESS OF COOKING AND CLEANING USING A PIG BRUSH. 4. CHARACTERISTICS OF PIG BRUSH BRUSH, WHEN BURNED WILL BREAK A SPECIFIC OTHER LIKE ROCKED MEAT. 5. Usually, pig hair brushes are sold in WHITE & BLACK COLOR. However, manufacturers can process sea urchins by bleaching them and then dyeing them, so it looks like the hair of other animals. (AND) Share this info with your family and friends so that more people can read it so you can avoid products that are not halal…hopefully it will be useful",Hoax "BEING INSPIRED for the burning of property on October 20, 2015, making thousands of Reog Ponorogo artists hold a demonstration, Tuesday (10/11/2015). Photo Text: Reog artists protest (ist) Photo Text: Reog artists protest (ist) The artists took action by giving speeches, unfurling banners bearing a number of demands, and also performing reog around Ponorogo Square. After carrying out a series of activities in protest against the burning of property at the Consulate General in Davao, representatives of the mass demonstrations were then allowed to attend an audience at the Ponorogo Regency DPRD Building, Second Floor, located on Jl. East Square, Ponorogo, East Java. Representatives of the mass of action were received by the leadership of the Ponorogo DPRD along with the Acting Regent of Ponorogo Maskur. The protesters were not only from Ponorogo, but also from surrounding cities, some even came directly from Jakarta to join this action. Not only that, dozens of reog groups also took part in the action. Photo test: Reog Ponorogo artists demonstrate (ist) Photo test: Reog Ponorogo artists demonstrate (ist) ""We do not accept the reyog burning that occurred at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao some time ago,"" said Grendo, one of the Reyog artists who are members of the Ponorogo Reog Pandemen Community. Grendo, who is from Mlarak, continued, so that the perpetrators immediately apologized to the people of Ponorogo. ""Our demand is that they immediately apologize to the people of Ponorogo as the owner of this reyog art,"" he said. Meanwhile, the Technical section for the staging of the Reog Ponorogo Community (KRP) Suyono, who came directly from Jakarta, said the perpetrators must be investigated and dealt with according to the existing law. ""We demand accountability, and what was the motive for the arson!"" he said after hearings with the Ponorogo DPRD and Acting Regent Maskur at the DPRD Building. After hearing about the burning of the reog, Suyono and several members of the KRP immediately went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who then after the discussion asked the ministry to write a letter in which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would clarify and form an investigation team. The letter was directly delivered by Suyono to Ponorogo to be handed over to the Acting Regent of Ponorogo Maskur. Suyono admitted that he and his friends brought a set of reog property to Davao around 2005. He denied that the reog was burned there because of the damaged condition. If the bamboo from here is impossible for termites to eat, wong is stored neatly in the glass, he said in an annoyed tone",Hoax "Head of the Press, Media and Information Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat (Setpres) Bey Machmudin denied that reports that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had received a salary increase were not true. Law Number 7 of 1978 concerning Financial/Administrative Rights of the President and Vice President and Former Presidents and Vice Presidents, said Bey in a press release, Wednesday (28/6/2017) afternoon. The Presidential Decree states, in Article 2 of the Law, it is stated that the basic salary of the President is six times the highest basic salary of an official in Indonesia other than the President and Vice President. According to Government Regulation No. 75 of 2000, the highest basic salary of a state official (Chairman of the DPR, MA, BPK) is Thus, the amount of the President's Basic Salary per month is six times the salary, which is Rp. 30240000. Meanwhile, the Vice President's Basic Salary is four times that of the salary, which is Rp. 20160000, explained Bey. According to Bey, the Vice President every month, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 68/2001, which is Rp. 32500000 for the President and Rp. 22000000 for the Vice-President. Thus, the amount of income received by the President and Vice President has not changed since 2001, said Bey.",Valid "DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said he did not know Ananda Sukarlan was protesting his presence at the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College. But he did not mind and still respect the composer's attitude. “I will greet all, protect all. If then there is a negative reaction, yes, that's a bonus for me. There is nothing, it's normal,"" said Anies at the Jakarta City Hall, Monday, November 13 2017. Ananda launched a walk out to protest the committee who invited Anies to commemorate the founding of Kanisius College. According to him, Anies does not deserve to be in the midst of the Kanius community. ""Why invite someone who goes against the values ​​we were taught at Canisius?"" he said when contacted by Tempo, Monday. Ananda said that while studying at Kanisius, he got an understanding of pluralism. By appreciating differences, he believes life in the world will be better. ""Differences are what bring us together,"" he said. However, he considers Anies' figure to be contrary to these values. According to Ananda, during the 2017 DKI regional head election campaign which was full of religious and racist sentiments, Anies Baswedan didn't seem bothered. In addition, Anies' inaugural speech as governor touched on indigenous issues. ""I'm not talking about politics, this is a matter of conscience and human values,"" said Ananda. Anies Baswedan said that he was only informed this morning about Ananda Sukarlan's protest. According to him, anyone has the right to express their thoughts or criticisms in their own way. He attended the event because he was invited as governor as well as a friend. ""I'm not like someone who doesn't know my friends at Kanisius,"" said Anies. ""And this isn't the first time I've been to Kanisius.""",Hoax "The news circulating about the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia is confirmed to be untrue. This certainty was revealed after the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati confirmed this in front of journalists at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java. ""It does not exist and has never been discussed,"" he said on Monday, March 12, 2018 While giving a statement regarding President Joko Widodo's meeting with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) delegation, he received a question about it. ""What the Minister of Defense said (in social media) it was a hoax, it was indeed like that. In today's social media there is a lot of information and documents that are made similar to those of the government and published,"" he said. and Deputy The President of the Republic of Indonesia In this issue, it is stated that the president will be proposed to receive a salary of up to Rp. 553422694 per month. The vice president is said to be proposed to receive a salary of Rp. 368948462 per month.",Valid "Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara said that he would not block (close) Facebook permanently, but only temporarily. That is if the situation gets worse. ""We will see this situation first. If it gets worse, then we will temporarily close (block it),"" said Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara. Rudiantara was reluctant to talk about closing Facebook's operations permanently. He is more focused on monitoring Facebook to create data security and prevent the spread of hate speech. The House of Representatives also had asked Kominfo to be more strict with Facebook. ""We and the government - the Ministry of Communication and Informatics - will talk again regarding the follow-up to Facebook's mistake. Personally, I am still open to sanctions, I do not rule out also suggesting a Facebook service moratorium,"" said Meutya Hafid, Member of the Commission. I DPR RI. Meutya estimates that the DPR RI will wait for the results of Facebook's internal investigation for the next month. ""We are waiting, I think a month should be enough time. We hope that the results of this investigation will not only blame who, but also there should be information, where this misused data went and what it was used for,"" he said. The controversy over the Cambridge Analytica scandal that accused Facebook data of leaking. After being investigated, it turns out that ""leaking"" is not the right term. The data was not leaked, but rather misused by Cambridge Analytica, allegedly for political purposes. The data taken is also not the content of the message, but data that is publicly listed on a person's profile. Unfortunately, the rice has become porridge. There was already confusion about this, to the point that the DPR also summoned Facebook to ask for an explanation. As a result, the discourse of blocking Facebook arises. ""That Facebook data is not leaked. If it leaks, the term is like a pipe with water, you don't know where the leak is, this data is compromised,"" said Rudiantara. The controversy over the Cambridge Analytica scandal that accused Facebook data of leaking. After being investigated, it turns out that ""leaking"" is not the right term. The data was not leaked, but rather misused by Cambridge Analytica, allegedly for political purposes. The data taken is also not the content of the message, but data that is publicly listed on a person's profile. Unfortunately, the rice has become porridge. There was already confusion about this, to the point that the DPR also summoned Facebook to ask for an explanation. As a result, the discourse of blocking Facebook arises. ""That Facebook data is not leaked. If it leaks, the term is like a pipe with water, you don't know where the leak is, this data is compromised,"" said Rudiantara.",Valid "Photos of participants of Action 212 Volume Two circulated on social media who could not enter the Istiqlal Mosque this morning because the mosque doors were closed. According to the mosque management, the rumors circulating are not true. ""It's a thousand percent hoax,"" said Head of the Protocol Section of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah Abdul Salam, Tuesday (21/2) morning. He explained, the rules at the Istiqlal Mosque other than the month of Ramadan, the mosque closes at 21.30 WIB. Opened again one hour before Fajr time. In the month of Ramadan, the mosque is open 24 hours. He said, for last night's case, there were indeed five bus participants who came from East Java. They claimed to come from Madura. Participants enter the mosque after Isha time. The mosque provides opportunities for worship and cleaning. ""After approaching 10 (evening), we met with the head of his entourage, we announced to his entourage that the rules at Istiqlal, this mosque will be closed and will be opened again one hour before Fajr,"" he said. Abu explained, the group from East Java understood and understood. The mosque management waited for them to leave the Istiqlal Mosque voluntarily. Then at 03.40 WIB the mosque was reopened. ""And what is in the photo, it looks like people are queuing to enter, it's the Wali Songo pilgrimage group and school children, that's normal, they go to Istiqlal every day,"" he explained. He emphasized that in conclusion, the news circulating on Instagram, Twitter and other social media was a lie.",Valid "The news circulating about the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia is confirmed to be a hoax. Quoted from the official release of the Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media of the State Secretariat Bey Machmudin, the certainty was revealed after the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati confirmed this in front of the audience. journalists at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java on Monday (12/03) It doesn't exist and has never been discussed, he explained. that currently there is indeed a lot of information and documents circulating as if they came from a government institution What the Minister of Defense said (in social media) is a hoax. In today's social media, there is a lot of information and documents that are made similar to those from the government and published, he explained. , widely circulated on social media regarding the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia In this issue, it is stated that the President will be proposed to receive a salary of up to Rp. 553422694 per month. The Vice President is said to be proposed to receive a salary of Rp. 368948462 per month",Valid "The Reog Ponorogo Association throughout Indonesia assessed that the burning of reog carried out by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Davao City, Philippines, could not be justified. The reason is there are other ways that can be taken to deal with the obsolete reog. ""If he is old, can't he be put in a museum for learning, that should be the case,"" said Chairman of the Reog Ponorogo Association throughout Indonesia, Begug Purnomosidi when contacted by, Monday (2/11). The Indonesian people should respect their own arts and culture. Neighboring countries, Begug said, want to make Reog Ponorogo as an art. ""We who have Reog Ponorogo are even like that, this is not right,"" he said. The association will immediately find out what the real reason is and what responsibility the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has given regarding this incident. ""We feel uncomfortable, which is clearly offended,"" he said. . Tomorrow, Begug and his colleagues will meet with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to clarify the problem. In addition, the Consulate General in Davao City must apologize to the Indonesian people, especially the Reog Ponorogo lovers for their actions. Begug himself learned of the arson incident from his friends and Youtube on Saturday (31/10). He hopes that Reog Ponorogo can be recognized internationally as Indonesia's cultural heritage so that it is not recognized by other countries. ""We will fight so that Reog Ponorogo is recognized by Unesco as a nation's heritage, just like batik,"" he said.",Hoax "Supporters of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan vented their frustration regarding the walk out during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College, which has a long tail. The Traveloka e-commerce application seems to have been affected by the walk out action initiated by composer Ananda Sukarlan. Anies' supporters voiced their voice for the Traveloka boycott on Twitter. As a result, the hashtag #UninstallTraveloka became a trending topic on Tuesday (11/14/2017). Investigate, Traveloka was dragged along because there was a figure of Derianto Kusuma there. The Traveloka boss, who is also an alumni of Kanisius College, is said to have supported the action of WO Ananda Sukarlan Cs. This is as quoted from the report, Wednesday 15/11/2017). In response to this, Anies asked netizens not to judge Derianto and attack Traveloka. This is because different political views are normal. ""So let's get used to different views. Many things respect each other, respect without having to carry out such punishments, so there is no need for an uninstall,"" Anies explained to ease the annoyance of his supporters at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (14/11/2017). Personally, Anies admitted that he had no problem with Derianto's attitude. In his opinion, the DKI Provincial Government does not need to take action to uninstall the Traveloka application. Especially considering the application is very useful for many people. “In my opinion, we respect people with different views, there is no need to uninstall. Because Traveloka also provides benefits for many citizens. It has many services, great benefits for many people,"" Anies concluded. Meanwhile, Traveloka Management dismissed the accusations by supporters of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to CTO Derianto Kusuma. According to Traveloka, Derianto had absolutely nothing to do with the walkout at the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College last weekend. Busyra Oryza as PR Manager of Traveloka said, Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders. ""We are also proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from the Kanisius Alumni,"" said Busyra when confirmed by reporters on Tuesday (11/14/2017), launching Regarding the news on social media linking Derianto with WO a number of Kanisius alumni, it was confirmed that it was not true or a hoax. Because, Busyra emphasized, Derianto did not attend the event which took place at JIExpo Kemayoran. He revealed that at that time Derianto was on an official trip that had been planned several months in advance. ""He was unable to attend. However, this award further motivates us to increase our contribution to society by increasing mobility and improving the quality of life,"" he said. With this statement, Busyra continued, Traveloka has firmly rejected the issues circulating on social media. “The statement already covers the points that the public needs to know. We hope that this can provide an explanation of the issues that are happening,"" he explained. Previously, Twitter social media was bustling with tweets of the Traveloka boycott. Even #UninstallTraveloka was at the top of Twitter's trending topic. The conversation emerged as the aftermath of the Walk Out (WO) action of the famous Indonesian composer, Ananda Sukarlan when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech at the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Kanisius College at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Saturday (11/11/2017). From the rumors circulating, when Anies Baswedan gave a speech, Ananda suddenly stood up and then WO went out of the room. It is said that one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, who was present at the event, also greeted Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech. This was seen as support for Ananda's actions. However, the issue was finally clarified by Traveloka that Derianto was unable to attend at that time.",Valid "Warganet is still confused about the unclear information regarding the fate of Facebook in Indonesia. They also wonder, whether Facebook will be closed in Indonesia or not? Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara said that he would not block (close) Facebook permanently, but only temporarily. That is if the situation gets worse. ""We will see this situation first. If it gets worse, then we will temporarily close (block it),"" said Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara. Rudiantara was reluctant to talk about closing Facebook's operations permanently. He is more focused on monitoring Facebook to create data security and prevent the spread of hate speech. The House of Representatives also had asked Kominfo to be more strict with Facebook. ""We and the government - the Ministry of Communication and Information - will talk again regarding the follow-up to Facebook's mistake. Personally, I'm still open to sanctions, it's also possible to suggest a Facebook service moratorium,"" said Meutya Hafid, Member of Commission I DPR RI. Meutya estimates that the DPR RI will wait for the results of Facebook's internal investigation for the next month. ""We are waiting, I think a month should be enough time. We hope that the results of this investigation will not only blame who, but also there should be information, where this misused data went and what it was used for,"" he said. Case Beginning The controversy arose from the Cambridge Analytica scandal which accused Facebook of leaking data. After being investigated, it turns out that ""leak"" is not the right term. The data was not leaked, but rather misused by Cambridge Analytica, allegedly for political purposes. The data taken is also not the content of the message, but data that is publicly listed on a person's profile. Unfortunately, the rice has become porridge. There has been confusion about this, to the point that the DPR also summoned Facebook to ask for an explanation. As a result, the discourse of blocking Facebook arises. ""That Facebook data is not leaked. If it leaks, the term is like a pipe with water, you don't know where the leak is, this data is compromised,"" said Rudiantara. Facebook has been given SP 2 The Ministry of Communication and Information has sent SP 2 to Facebook, but there is no information about SP 3 which means closing. When asked about the validity period of SP 2 to the next SP, Rudiantara has not yet given a definitive answer. ""Yes, it could be a day, a month, see the situation first,"" concluded Rudiantara. He claimed to have received an explanation from the Irish Facebook office which manages Facebook in Indonesia. In a statement by Facebook Ireland to Rudiantara, they provided information on numbers related to misuse of data that afflicted users. Rudiantara also continues to monitor the development of Indonesian user data on Facebook.",Hoax "Jakarta, There is an assumption that first aid for people who have a stroke is to pierce their ears with a needle. It is said that this is to prevent severe bleeding in the brain. Unfortunately there is no scientific evidence to substantiate these claims and doctors don't even recommend it. Blood that comes out when the ear is pierced by a needle is believed to reduce the volume of blood flowing around the brain. Reduced blood volume will lower its pressure, so the risk of bleeding due to ruptured blood vessels will decrease. But a stroke expert from Florida, Jose Vega MD, PhD insists that a doctor is unlikely to suggest that. The best step when a stroke occurs is to immediately call an ambulance, so that the victim can get better help at the hospital. Within 3 hours, stroke people should get t-PA (a drug to break up blood clots). Every minute is precious so never waste time, said Dr John Vega in his writings as quoted from, Wednesday (06/08/2011). Piercing the ear with a needle until it bleeds will not treat a stroke triggered by a blood clot, also known as an ischemic stroke. Even though his ear was bleeding, the brain still didn't get oxygen because the blood vessels were still blocked. As for strokes due to brain bleeding or hemorrhagic strokes, until now there is no scientific evidence that ear piercing can help. This method actually risks triggering infection if the needle is not sterile, or uncontrolled bleeding if the puncture method is wrong. Stroke occurs when brain cells are damaged due to interrupted blood supply, either due to blockage or other causes. Different causes, different handling so it is impossible to do it alone without the help of sophisticated monitoring tools such as in a hospital. Given that there are various types of stroke and each has different trigger factors, the best step is to take the patient to the hospital as soon as possible. At the hospital, the doctor will examine and determine the most appropriate type of therapy.",Valid "The Twitter and Facebook timelines are currently busy with calls to uninstall the Traveloka application. The reason is that pianist Ananda Sukarlan took a walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday 11 November 2017, at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Quoted by detikcom, Tuesday, November 14 2017, based on information circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. Among netizens, there are also those who defend and assess that the Traveloka boycott will not have any impact on the hotel and travel ticket booking application. Derianto and Ananda are two of the five outstanding Kanisius College alumni who received awards at this event. Besides the two, there were Father Magnis Suseno (a Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (a Scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma). Traveloka Public Relations Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. However, Derianto was unable to attend. ""Actually, Mr. Deri (Derianto) was not present. He was on an official trip that day. So if you say Mr. Deri was there and it is said to provide support (to Ananda), he was not there,"" said Busyra.",Valid "Finance Minister Sri Mulyani emphasized that there was no discussion regarding the increase in the President's salary. This is in response to the statement from the Head of the Legal, Communication and Public Information Bureau of KemenPAN-RB, Herman Suryatman, who said that the President's salary would increase to Rp 553 million per month. ""It doesn't exist and has never been discussed. And in my opinion, what was conveyed by the Menpan was a hoax,"" said Sri Mulyani at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Monday (12/3). The former Managing Director of the World Bank said that hoax information was indeed scattered on social media. Many parties make documents that seem to be the same as the original. ""In the current era of social media, a lot of information is created, and documents that are made similar to the government are then published,"" he said. Although denying the discussion of the salary increase of the Head of State, Sri Mulyani confirmed the information on the plan to increase the salary of Civil Servants (PNS). ""If the salary of civil servants will be in the 2019 RKP and 2019 RAPBN, we will design it based on what we have conveyed to the council. In financial notes, usually salary increases and payments for the 13th salary as well as for pensions are usually entered by the president at the time of the financial note. August,"" he explained",Valid "Jakarta, There is news circulating in cyberspace that there is a toothbrush product that uses pig bristles. It is mentioned that Muslim consumers should be careful of brushes with the words 'bristle' written on the packaging because it means sea urchin. Is this news true? The Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI) on its official website, tries to explain that bristle does not always mean sea urchin. The meaning of the word bristle in general can mean all hair or stiff fibers. ""Hair, stiff beards, can be categorized as bristle. Another example is fibers or stiff pine leaves that can be called bristle,"" wrote LPPOM MUI quoted on Tuesday (1/11/2016). ""One of the information that can be seen as a sign that a brush or brush comes from sea urchins is that it is written as a product name, for example 'Boar Bristle Brush'. Boar is an English term for wild boar or wild boar. This means that the product is a brush that uses wild boar bristles ,"" continued LPPOM MUI. drg Eva Fauziah from the Indonesian Pediatric Dentist Association (IDGAI) commented that the toothbrush in the market generally uses nylon bristles. Nylon as it is known is a synthetic fiber made from plastic. ""Toothbrush bristles are usually made of nylon,"" said drg Eva when detikHealth met. If someone is suspicious of a toothbrush product, there are ways that can be done to determine whether the brush is made of animal hair or other materials. Simply burn the tip of the brush and smell if it smells like burning hair or horns. ""If it smells like burning hair or horns, it's better to leave it alone. Materials from plastic or coconut fiber don't give off a distinctive smell like that when burned,"" closed LPPOM MUI. In the broadcast circulating through WhatsApp groups and social media, a picture of the back of the toothbrush product packaging is included. However, it seems that the product is not marketed for the Indonesian market. The broadcaster circled the word bristles in the toothbrush packaging while explaining its meaning.",Valid "Who doesn't know catfish, this one fish is a favorite for many people because it has a delicious taste and has a soft meat texture, but it turns out that catfish is the dirtiest fish, one mouthful contains three thousand cancer cells. Is that true? Catfish The Dirtiest Fish, One Mouth contains Three Thousand Cancer Cells, Here's the Explanation Catfish is one of the favorite food menus and even in every food stall this menu is always available because the price is quite cheap and delicious can be the main attraction for this one fish. Although delicious and cheap, catfish is the dirtiest fish among other types of fish that are often consumed by humans. Why is that? The following is the explanation The catfish pond is very dirty and surrounded by chicken coops and pigs According to a catfish farmer from China named Zhang Ri-hong admitted that he has supplied a lot of catfish to markets and roadside restaurants in Hainan province to be precise in Haikou which he harvested 3 months very. Due to the many complaints from the community, journalists searched about the fish from the local fisheries and marine department. The reporters took samples from the 7 ponds that housed the catfish. The seven ponds are surrounded by chicken and pig cages, while in the middle of the ponds there are many piles of garbage. The fish farmers are advised to suspend the sale of their fish before the test results are out. Catfish is a fish that consumes waste Catfish is a type of fish that easily breeds in dirty places because these fish consume waste in the form of animal waste such as chicken, cow, and pigs, even this fish can also consume human waste. So it is possible that in the body of catfish contains three thousand cancer cells which are very dangerous for the human body. That's some information about catfish in China, but in Indonesia this fish has been cultivated well by catfish farmers and they use pellets as food instead of using waste which is very harmful to the health of the human body. So that consuming catfish in Indonesia there is no need to doubt its cleanliness, but as wise consumers we must remain vigilant about the content of this fish and do not need to consume it in large quantities regularly because it can interfere with our health. Apart from all that, are there any healthy benefits of catfish? it turns out that this one fish besides being delicious also contains several substances that are good for the health of the human body. Here are 4 benefits of catfish: Healthy heart and brain Catfish contains omega-3 and omega-6 which are usually contained in expensive fish such as cod and salmon. The content of omega-3 and omega-6 can help heart and brain health activities, and it turns out that a serving of catfish contains 220 mg of omega-3 and 875 mg of omega-6. Contains protein with good quality In a serving of catfish contains 15.6 grams of protein which is very useful in the formation of muscle tissue and strengthens the immune system. Contains vitamin B-12 A serving of catfish contains vitamin B-12, which is about 40% of the body's needs. This vitamin is useful in helping to break down food into energy for the body, so consuming these foods can make the body stronger. Contains DHA Pregnant women are advised to eat catfish because this fish contains DHA which is good for the formation of the baby's nerves and also this fish has a very low mercury content so it is safe for consumption. That's some information about the dirtiest fish catfish, one bite contains three thousand cancer cells, but it turns out that this fish also has high nutritional value if cultivated properly.",Hoax "The raid on candy pacifiers indicated by drugs continues to be carried out by the Surabaya City government. There are three sub-district points that are moved by the Surabaya City Satpol PP to raid the green candy. Namely Genteng District, Rungkut District and Sawahan District. Sub-district Sawahan Surabaya City Yunus said raids had been carried out at three school points. ""We raided SDN Pakis I, II, and IX on Jalan Pakistirtosari. The result was 20 teats,"" said Yunus. The pacifier is suspected to have drug content. Physically, the candy doesn't look like drugs, but rather like regular candy. ""Those who sell it at street vendors around the school are immediately secured. We secure them and take them to the sub-district office,"" said Yunus. Not only pacifiers, but in the food and beverage raids at a number of elementary schools in Sawahan, a number of hard candies were also found. Namely candy that contains formaldehyde which is dangerous if consumed by children. ""For hard candy, there are 33 seeds and 17 packs of hard candy in tablet form. We also secure that,"" said Yunus.",Hoax "Social media in Indonesia, especially Twitter, is currently being flooded with calls to uninstall the Traveloka application. According to netizens, the CTO who is also one of the founders of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, is said to have supported the walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan was giving a speech at the Kanisius College school anniversary event. The news angered netizens who said Derianto did not respect Anies and decided to take the Traveloka application off his smartphone. I don't know where this information originally circulated, because it turned out to be just a hoax. Traveloka has confirmed that Derianto was not present at the 90th anniversary of Kanisius on Saturday (11/11). It is known that Derianto was indeed invited to attend the event because he received an award as one of the outstanding alumni of Kanisius. ""We are also proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from Alumni Kanisius. However, he was unable to attend because he was on an official trip that had been planned a few months earlier,"" wrote Traveloka's official statement. This means that what is rumored on social media about Derianto's support for the walk out is not true. Regarding the details of the action, according to an official statement from Kolose Kanisius, it was stated that when Anies gave a speech, one of the alumni who is also a well-known pianist Ananda Sukarlan decided to stand up from his VIP seat and walk out. This action was then followed by hundreds of alumni and other invited guests who attended. After Anies finished giving his speech and left the place, the people who had walked out earlier returned to the room. Ananda Sukarlan himself became another alumnus who received an award in this event because he was considered to have excelled in the field of music. This is evidence for the umpteenth time that hoaxes have succeeded in influencing the wider community in a short time. Without correct facts and information, people still easily believe what is trending topic on social media without searching for the truth first.",Valid "The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia) in Davao City, Eko Hartono admitted, the issue of burning reog art instruments was indeed carried out in Davao City, Philippines. However, the burning had to be carried out because the 30-year-old art instrument was damaged and eaten by termites. This was explained by Eko Hartono when asked for clarification via electronic mail, as quoted via an electronic message received by Agus. In fact, in his letter to the Secretary General of the Jabodetabek Reog Association, Agus Setiyoko, the Indonesian Consul General gave the reason that the news of the burning of a number of reog art instruments by the local Consulate General staff was true. ""Mr. Eko, as the Indonesian Consul General in Davao, even said that he was grateful for being able to communicate (via e-mail) with the reog community in Indonesia, so they could ask for input for the procurement of a number of new reog art instruments there,"" said Agus Setiyoko. Agus said that the reog art lovers and actors in the country still need an official and open explanation that can be read in the national media, so as not to trigger disappointment or even anger from the reog community in Indonesia. As is known, on Sunday (11/1/2015), several news spread on a number of social media reports regarding the burning of a number of reog art properties, such as gayor, dadak peacock masks and dragon head gamelan venues in a number of online media accompanied by photos of burning peacock masks. The arson was allegedly carried out in the courtyard of a house that also serves as the Indonesian Consulate General's Office in Davao City, Philippines",Valid "Some time ago, social media was enlivened by a status shared by a netizen about a toothbrush that was allegedly made of sea urchins. What caught the attention of the netizens was the words ""bristle"" on the toothbrush packaging which in cash made netizens ask whether it is true that the toothbrush cannot be said to be a halal product??? This stems from an article about a previously circulated pig bristle brush, which can be seen on the LPPOM MUI website: The article states that “the handles of boar-bristle brushes often have the words: Bristle, PureBristle, 100% China Bristle, and so on. One of the meanings of the word Bristle is Pig Hair (Webster's Dictionary) which is unclean when wet."" The use of the word ONE in the article turned out to be misunderstood by some netizens who generalized the notion of ""bristle"" with sea urchins. In fact, if we explore further, the notion of ""bristle"" is much more general than just sea urchins. Bristle is a stiff/strong fiber or fur, either natural derived from plant fibers and animal hair or artificial (synthetic). From this definition, the word ""bristle"" on the toothbrush packaging does not necessarily make the toothbrush come from sea urchins. This means that the toothbrush could have come from other animal hair, plant fibers or even synthetic bristles. If we look back at the history and development of toothbrushes, the bristles found on toothbrushes originally came from wild boar bristles (Siberian). However, along with the development of technology, in 1938 toothbrushes were produced with nylon bristles which still dominate today. However, it is undeniable that there are still around 10% worldwide of toothbrush products whose bristles come from pig bristles. After we understand the true definition of bristle, then how do we know whether the toothbrush comes from non-halal fibers/bristles? A simple way is to look for information on the official website of the toothbrush manufacturer, or even ask directly to the customer service center. The rapid flow of information on social media makes us have to be more careful in disseminating information. If we have not been able to find valid information, it would be better if the information is asked in a forum that is related to the information. Information about the halalness of a product, of course, not only food/beverage/cosmetic but also lifestyle and thought, becomes a very important part in the life of a Muslim because it has an impact on matters of worship and the hereafter. Indeed, halal and haram matters are not only the responsibility of the MUI or the government but our business as Muslims. Therefore, Halal Corner invites Muslims to join the community of halal fighters. Halal Corner is a community that was established as a forum for active communication / sharing about various halal products, especially in the local area as well as providing halal counseling and education for Muslims in the form of training, halal campaigns, and educational activities that build public awareness of the importance of halal products. .",Hoax "Analysis of the Great Cultural Begawan Prabu: No termites or porous. A woman praying in a certain religion, burning has absolutely nothing to do with efforts to exorcise idols or spirits, is a LIE. A woman supports prayer no. 2 Accompanying praise/prayer in the context of the destruction of objects that are not acceptable in the eyes of God. Bitungnews – A wave of protests over the burning of Reog Ponorogo and the decoration of the dragon gamelan at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Davao, Philippines, occurred both domestically and abroad. The Reog Ponorogo Community (KRP) throughout Greater Jakarta, held a protest in front of the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Likewise in Ponorogo, the area of ​​origin of this exotic culture and art. Hundreds of Reog Ponorogo artists held Reog performances at the Ponorogo District Square, and continued to the local DPRD office. Abroad, especially in Davao City, Southern Philippines, Indonesian citizens living in the 'Packman' country, raised a petition urging the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take action against the perpetrators of burning the assets of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (LP) in the House of Indonesia (HOI). Because until now the fact finding team of the reog burning case and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have not disclosed the results of the investigation. ""We don't know about the arrival of the fact-finding team from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Davao, but reportedly on November 10 last, strangely enough, none of the Indonesian citizens were visited by the team,"" said an Indonesian citizen in Davao. Foreign Ministry spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir, as quoted from, said that the investigation into the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao was related to the ownership of the burned equipment. As inventory whose source is APBN, deposit, grant or private property. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also does not guarantee that the results of the examination will be published. The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao previously denied that the burning of reog and dragon head gamelan ornaments was not due to certain religious rituals to exorcise demons. But because Reog and the dragon's head have been eaten by termites. Magelang culturalist, T. Agung Nugroho, better known as Agung Begawan Prabu, spearheaded a petition on the site, to save reog, stop fooling the public. The petition was addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, the Minister of Education and Culture, and the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao. As of today, Wednesday 2/12/2015, the petition has been signed by 1326 supporters. To quell the protests of Indonesian citizens in the Philippines and at home, it is reported that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao will hold a reog show, on December 10, 2015. The Reog Group from the Ponorogo Police will be selected to perform in Davao, Philippines.",Valid "Pokemon is a media franchise owned by the video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995. A piece of information is circulating on social media: the word Pokemon means ""I'm Jewish"". It is said that the name Pokemon is taken from the Syriac language (Syrian language) which in Indonesian means ""I am Jewish"". However, this is disputed, according to Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid of the Q&A Islamic Q&A site, the correct understanding of Pokemon is an abbreviation of ""Pocket monster"", which is an animal small enough to fit in a pocket. The correct view is that this is a name that comes from Japan. It is taken from the (English) words “Pocket monster” and means an animal that is small enough to fit in one's pocket. “Pokemon” is an abbreviation of these two words. (Islamic Q&A) According to the Oxford English dictionary, Pokemon (Pronunciation: /'poki?män/) is a video game featuring Japanese cartoon characters. Originally, Pokemon was the name of a Japanese video game from the word ""pocket monster"". On the Reference page, the word ""Pokemon"" in Japanese comes from the words ""Poketto"" and ""Monsut"" or ""Pocket Monsters"" in English.",Valid "Member of Commission III of the House of Representatives, Taufiqulhadi, asked the public not to be consumed by misleading news or hoaxes related to the commotion at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters, Kelapa Dua Depok, West Java, last Friday, November 10, 2017. Be ""I hope the public will not be easily provoked. Because there is an insult to the Koran that is a hoax,"" said Taufiqulhadi on the sidelines of a discussion at Gado-Gado Boplo, Menteng, Jakarta, Saturday, November 11 2017. There are sympathizers of certain groups who spread the hoax issue. So he asked the public not to be consumed by the false news. He said the commotion was caused by a cellphone that was confiscated by the authorities. ""The officers' cellphones were secured. And I think that's true. For example, if the officers don't protect the terrorists' cellphones, the idea of ​​terrorism can come out of detention,"" he said. So, it was the right step from security to immediately confiscate the cell phones belonging to the detainees. Taufiqulhadi supports the security measures. ""And we hope for a more firm attitude to secure those inside,"" he continued. A number of prison facilities were damaged. The Head of the Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Rikwanto confirmed this commotion, Friday (11/10/2017). ""On Friday, November 10 2017, at 16.00 WIB there was a commotion at the Mako Brimob terrorist detention center Salemba prison branch carried out by terrorist prisoners,"" said Rikwanto. According to Rikwanto, the commotion caused damage to the prison facilities. These included the breaking down of the prison cell door and the damage to the gate of the hallway block and window panes, namely in Block C and Block B. KPK Officially Names Setya Novanto as a Suspect in the E-KTP Corruption Case Again According to him, the situation at the location has been successfully handled by the authorities. He also denied that there were wild rumors that this incident was triggered by the throwing of the Koran by officers. “It is not true that there is throwing of the Koran. It's a hoax,"" he said. According to the police, the trigger was that there were prisoners who did not accept being examined and provoked a commotion. Rikwanto explained, after Friday prayers, the detainees were put into their respective cells by the Densus 88 Team. While carrying out these activities, the Densus 88 Team conducted a search. There are 4 pieces of HP found. “Found 4 HP. It belongs to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali, who are prisoners of terrorism cases,"" he said. One of the detainees did not accept the search. According to Rikwanto, the unnamed detainee then provoked. Remembering Heroes' Services, Police Use Fighter Costumes in Operation Zebra Anoa ""It is true that with the inspection activity, one of the detainees did not accept it and provoked the officers with various words, then some members were provoked by their words and there were other prisoners who did takbir aloud so that it provoked the prisoner of the next block,"" he explained. As a result, riots ensued. A number of facilities in the prison were damaged by the inmates. ""The prison cell door was broken into, the gate of the block hallway, the window panes (in Block C and Block B),"" said Rikwanto. But it didn't last long. The apparatus, according to Rikwanto, immediately took control of the situation. Currently the situation is reported to be conducive. There were no casualties in the incident. Nothing,"" said Rikwanto.",Valid "The walk out action by Kanisius College alumni including well-known composer Ananda Sukarlan and Traveloka owner Derianto Kusuma when Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan gave a speech turned out to be a long one. So the public spotlight, now netizens are busy calling for an invitation to delete or uninstall the Traveloka application from their smartphones. The invitation to uninstall it echoed on Twitter's timeline, even becoming one of the trending topics on Twitter Indonesia. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11/2017), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from the VIP seat provided for him and walked out when Anies gave a speech. Unfortunately, the action was followed by a number of other alumni. Judging from the information circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies Baswedan's speech. Of course this is considered as support for Ananda's walk out. After the incident, we don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott the Traveloka application. The hashtags #BoikotTraveloka and #UninstallTraveloka echoed and continued to grow along with the widespread invitation of netizens to delete the hotel and transportation booking application. Peeking at the Twitter timeline, the owner of the @dimasprakbar account tweeted the reason the hashtag was crowded. “The hashtag #UninstallTraveloka is a follow-up to the participation of the Traveloka boss in the walkout when the governor of DKI Jakarta gave a speech. Break even,"" he tweeted. Netizens with the @hizzatullah account wrote something similar. According to him, the owner of Traveloka has exemplified the dishonorable act of walking out at Kanisius. He also said that the price discount provided by Traveloka was not worth the honor. Instead of many Twitter users inviting other netizens to delete the Traveloka application, it turns out that there are also funny replies from other netizens, like my owner @ardeks. He said users who deleted the transportation application but could still use the service through the website.",Hoax "MALANGTIMES - For almost a week, residents' anxiety over the circulation of pacifiers suspected of containing drugs in various regions has finally come to light. The test results at the National Narcotics Agency's (BNN) Drug Laboratory released a teat candy with the brand of Hard Candy, which is a foreign food produced in China with the BPOM distribution permit number 224409003077, no narcotics and psychotropic substances were found, as has been widely reported on social media this week. . ""Negatively, no narcotics were found. This is the result of an official test and was reported directly by the Central BNN Public Relations with a clarification letter number B/BK-1/III/2017/Humas dated March 9, 2017,"" explained the Head of Malang Regency BNN, AKBP. I Made Arjana via telephone, Thursday (09/03) evening to MALANGTIMES. Laboratory test results only found sugar and other food ingredients in the form of Dextrose Monohydrate, D-Sorbitol, Sucrose, D-Mannitol, Palmitate Compounds, Calcium and Methyl Stearate and Beta Lactose. The results of the Central BNN Drug Laboratory test can be said to be the same as the results from the Labfor. Surabaya branch, but there is additional content in the pacifier candy which is tested for BHT as an anti-oxidant. ""Hopefully the results of the two tests will make the public calm and no longer worry about the alleged pacifier containing drugs,"" said I Made, who continued that the candy is safe for consumption. Although the candy dot case has found a bright spot, the Malang Regency BNN still appeals to the public to be aware of the various modes of illicit drug trafficking that are increasingly diverse. ""The mode of drug trafficking is indeed increasingly sophisticated, even in some cases the type of food is often used as a mode by narcotics syndicates,"" he said. He also added, but usually these products are sold illegally and at prices that are certainly different from the market price, such as the case of lots of candy pacifiers being sold at affordable prices for children. BNN also asked parents to always monitor their children's interactions. Likewise with other related parties, such as schools, neighborhood associations, neighborhood associations, to religious leaders, community leaders, traditional leaders, youth leaders to be able to help monitor the surrounding environment, in order to avoid the dangers of drug abuse. ""It is mandatory to unite to fight drugs,"" said I Made, who also appealed for the pacifier case so that school children would bring their own food and drink from their respective homes.",Valid "The candy packed with pacifiers was unexpected, it turned out that the cute and attractive candy was a very dangerous snack. he received information from the national police chief this afternoon, that the candy pacifier contained a drug-type powder. It had been tested in the laboratory for several samples and there were results that said it contained drugs. because it was suspected, when we eat the candy it makes us sleepy. Not only is it suspected that there are drugs in it. There is an article that states that there is a dangerous formaldehyde that can cause cancer when consumed. Indeed, not all of these sweets contain formalin, even drugs! We never know which one which is healthy and which is not. You should be aware of your sons and daughters so as not to buy snacks carelessly, warn your friends not to consume pacifier-shaped candy. the !",Hoax "Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Remember the crooked cellphone phenomenon that happened to the iPhone 6 Plus? Galaxy S6 Edge owners can also experience the same thing. The initial launch of the iPhone 6 Plus was immediately hit by an unpleasant issue, namely the body of the cellphone which turned out to be easy to bend when pressed. This apparently also happened to the latest Samsung phones. SquareTrade, an electronics company, conducted tests on the iPhone 6 Plus, Galaxy S6 Edge and HTC One M9. All three try to be pressed with the same machine. From the results of these tests, it can be seen that the iPhone 6 Plus starts to bend when it receives a pressure of 50 Kg, and looks broken when pressed up to 81 Kg. While the Galaxy S6 Edge turns out to have the same resistance. The screen and body look completely damaged when under pressure weighing 81 Kg. ""Is this the second bendgate issue? No. Samsung fans will experience worse, they will not find a bent phone, but a broken glass in their pocket,"" said the voice actor in the video. As for the HTC One M9. The screen already looks bent when it takes 54 kg of pressure, and because the power button is right in the middle, the damage prevents the phone from working at all. Here is a video of the testing done by SquareTrade From the results of these tests, it can be seen that the scathing criticism directed at Apple about the iPhone 6 Plus being easily bent was also experienced by its competitors, the Galaxy S6 Edge and HTC One M9. But it should also be noted. Even to make the three phones curved is not easy, because it requires quite hard pressure at one point.",Hoax "Stroke is one of the diseases that lurk after Eid This is due to not maintaining a diet with a menu that is high in salt and fat so that it makes blood pressure rise suddenly There are two types of strokes that can occur, namely mild strokes and severe strokes Mild strokes occur due to blockage Blood vessels in the brain The main symptom is slurred speech, slanted lips and one side of the body feels weak and can't move. Meanwhile, a severe stroke occurs due to bleeding due to rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. A severe stroke can cause the sufferer to become unconscious, faint and die Dr. Rocksy Fransisca SpS from Siloam Hospital said the first aid for stroke patients is to lie down. This is intended so that the body's metabolism slows down and does not increase. Next, put a pillow under the head with a slope of 30 degrees. After that, immediately take the patient to the hospital for further examination because the golden period for stroke treatment is 3 to 6 hours from the onset of the attack. The risk is for sure permanent disability that cannot be repaired, especially if it is blocked. But if the bleeding is already damaged, if the blockage passes through the golden period, then it will (cause) permanent disability even though speech acts have been carried out dr Muhammad Rhadian Arief SpBS from Medistra Hospital Avoid sticking needles into fingers because doctors say there is no benefit Inserting needles into fingers is not beneficial for patients and instead slows down patients from getting the first aid they need It's not true that we pierce ears or fingers until they bleed so that the stroke disappeared, said Dr. Frandy Susatia SpS from Siloam Hospital, Kebon Jeruk in a recent conversation with detikHealth",Valid "US troops have seized classified documents showing former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein suspected Pokemon. The suspicion arose when the Pokemon TV series was popular among children, in 2001, to be exact. Reporting from the Mirror page, the document says Saddam Hussein banned Pokemon from showing because it means 'I am a Jew'. The following notes in the document; We have become aware of a rapidly spreading phenomenon in the Muslim world and among our children. Our children have become attached to this phenomenon. The names in this phenomenon have many meanings, such as: Pokemon: Means 'I am a Jew'. Charmander: Means 'God is weak'. Pikachu: Means 'Be a Jew'.",Hoax "Hoax messages are also circulating on social media about sticking needles in the fingers of stroke patients and bleeding one or two drops of blood. The puncture is usually in the area under the earlobe or fingers. It is said that he can launch and help oxygen enter the body. Even though a stroke can occur because there is a blockage or even a blood vessel burst. Of course, if this information is true, many people will be able to recover from a stroke in an inexpensive way. If this information is wrong, then you are hurting other people and doing useless things. Until there is a video on how to insert a needle into a stroke patient's body. Maybe his intentions are good, considering that stroke is a disease that should not be treated too late and must be treated as soon as possible. Because the effects of a stroke are permanent. There are also those who believe that if you have been stabbed, the blood will come out, it will help improve blood flow. But when it's that easy, with a needle can make a stroke person recover. It's not possible right? Ladies and gentlemen, blood clots are not as imagined and trivial. Needle sticking is just to keep the patient awake and book first aid for stroke patients. Instead of helping people who are in trouble, they add new problems. This method of stabbing with a needle can actually harm people having a stroke. If it is true that you have had a stroke, don't pretend to know if you don't know. Immediately take him to the hospital for proper treatment. Sticking a needle under the ear or finger actually slows down the treatment time for a more competent medical team. Not to belittle it, but just look for it to be safe! So that you don't take the wrong action and don't be weird, make sure it's the FAST way. What is FAST? Let's first look at F (Face), pay attention to the person's face. If the face becomes turned or tilted, this is a sign that someone has had a stroke. Stroke is a disease that attacks the nerves. A (Arm), try to raise the hand of the person who had a stroke. If he is unable to hold his hand forward, then the person is likely to have a stroke. If that person can't hold both hands, after you let go, or maybe only one of them, it's to determine the symptoms of a stroke only on one side (half) or on both sides. S (Speech), pay attention when speaking whether slurred. If he suddenly has difficulty speaking and is slurred, he may have a stroke. Physically it can be seen if the person's mouth turns slanted, this is a clear symptom too. T (Time), if seen from the physical characteristics there are changes as above, the faster the handling will be the better. Until now there has been no official reference that suggests the needling method as first aid in stroke patients. Strokes that are not treated immediately can even worsen the condition. Moreover, just silenced without treatment. If you have had a stroke, you may experience slurred, difficult limbs to move. This pain is certainly troublesome and uncomfortable. It would be better if you can prevent this stroke by maintaining a lifestyle from now on. What is certain is that prevention is better than cure. Always make sure it's in good health",Valid "The rise of the hashtag (hash sign) Uninstall Traveloka made the Management open their voices. Traveloka Public Relations Manager Busyra Oryza explained, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Derianto Kusuma was not present at the 90th Anniversary of Kanisius College on Saturday night, November 11 2017, because he was on a business trip. ""He was unable to attend because he was on an official trip that had been planned a few months earlier,"" said Traveloka Public Relations Manager Busyra Oryza, Tuesday, November 14 2017. The explanation was given by Busyra because the hashtag #UninstallTraveloka became a trending topic on Twitter on Tuesday. On social media, rumors spread that Derianto Kusuma, who is an alumnus of Kanisius High School, congratulated pianist Ananda Sukarlan. The pianist walked out of the room when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan gave a speech at the 90th Anniversary of Kanisius College. Ananda did protest against the committee by walking out for inviting Anies. He considers Anies's figure to be contrary to the value of pluralism, which is taught at Canisius College. Spokesman for the Jakarta Kanisius College Alumni Association, Affan Alamudi, clarified that Derianto did not attend the event because he was in America. In the event that took place in Kemayoran, Kanisius College gave awards to alumni who were considered outstanding and contributed to the nation's work. Recipients of the award include Ananda Sukarlan (composer and pianist), Derianto Kusuma (founder of Traveloka), Father Magnis Suseno (Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (scout leader), and Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma). In the award ceremony, Derianto was represented by his mother. ""We are quite shocked. These are lies. How could he walk out. Not even in Indonesia,"" Affan told Tempo, Tuesday, regarding WO Ananda Sukarlan.",Valid "The Surabaya City Government continues to raid pacifiers which are indicated to contain drugs. The raid on candy packaged in green targeted three sub-districts, namely Genteng District, Rungkut District, and Sawahan District. The Head of Sawahan, Surabaya City, Yunus said that the raids had been carried out on three schools. “We raided SDN Pakis I, SDN Pakis II, and SDN Pakis IX on Jalan Pakistirtosari. The result is 20 pacifiers,"" said Yunus, Tuesday (7/3/2017). The pacifier is suspected to contain drugs. Physically, the candy doesn't look like drugs, but rather like regular candy. “These candies were sold by street vendors around the school, and they were immediately confiscated. We confiscated it and took it to the sub-district office,” said Yunus. The officers who raided food and drinks at a number of elementary schools in Sawahan also found a number of hard candies. This candy is suspected to contain formaldehyde which is dangerous if consumed by children. “For hard candy, there are 33 seeds and 17 packs of hard candy in tablet form. We also confiscated it,” said Yunus.",Hoax "Mass crowds were not seen in a number of mosques, such as the Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta, and the Al Azhar Grand Mosque, South Jakarta, early Tuesday before dawn prayers, related to the planned peaceful demonstration of the 212 Volume II Action. This condition is also estimated to be the impact of heavy rains that have hit the DKI Jakarta area and its surroundings since around 03.00 WIB, which resulted in a number of roads being surrounded by puddles, as observed by Antara Tuesday morning. The participants of Action 212 volume II tried to gather at the Istiqlal Mosque with the intention of carrying out the Fajr prayer in congregation, and also the weather conditions when this news was revealed were raining, as a result they tried to immediately enter shelter while waiting for the time for prayer to come. Apparently the fence of the Istiqlal Mosque is actually tightly closed, as received by this media, in the form of photos and descriptions, 5 minutes later when this news was revealed, the participants were also unable to enter to gather and perform the dawn prayer.",Hoax "Invitations to uninstall the Traveloka application are milling about on Twitter's timeline. This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. The walk out took place during the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College on Saturday (11/11), at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Based on information circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. But it can be ascertained that the news is just a hoax or not true. Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. But he was unable to attend. ""Traveloka is proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from Kanisius alumni. However, he was unable to attend because he was on an official trip that had been planned several months earlier. to Ananda), he was not there,"" he said. ""We state that Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders,"" he continued. DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan regretted the invitation to uninstall Traveloka, which was previously busy milling about on Twitter's timeline. The call to uninstall Traveloka was triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. Related to this, Anies called on his supporters to respect differences. ""Well, I think it's like this. We respect people with different views. Respect different people. There is no need to uninstall and so on,"" said Anies at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (14/11/2017). ). According to Anies, the Traveloka application has been providing benefits for the community. This invitation should not arise just because of differences of opinion. ""Traveloka also provides benefits for many citizens. After all, it is a service that has great benefits for many people. So let's get used to different views in a healthy way, respecting each other without having to carry out punishments like that. So there's no need to uninstall all kinds of things. ,"" said Anies.",Hoax "Not yet finished the iPhone 5 was thrown into the market, Apple already has an idea for the 6th generation of their smartphone. Reportedly, Apple will introduce a new product with a curved touch screen next year. The Californian company has contacted iPad and iPhone screen suppliers, Lens Technology, G-Tech and Fuji Crystal, and will supply them with equipment for polishing the indentation of the glass. The use of a touch screen with curved glass, according to some users feels more comfortable during phone calls. The indentation also protects the screen from scratches when the smartphone or tablet is placed face down. Corning, which provides scratch-resistant screens for a number of smartphones, has developed a curved version of their popular Gorilla Glass display. but it is not clear if this screen will be used in future Apple products. This is not the first time the design has been used on a smartphone device. Google and Samsung also provide the Nexus S smartphone with a concave screen. Dell has also played around with a curved display on the Venue Pro smartphone which has a Windows phone platform. Although the popularity of the concave screen seems to be increasing, some observers see the design as a temporary trend.",Hoax "Who doesn't know catfish, this one fish is a favorite for many people because it has a delicious taste and has a soft meat texture, but it turns out that catfish is the dirtiest fish, one mouthful contains three thousand cancer cells. Is that true? Catfish The Dirtiest Fish, One Mouth contains Three Thousand Cancer Cells, Here's the Explanation Catfish is one of the favorite food menus and even in every food stall this menu is always available because the price is quite cheap and delicious can be the main attraction for this one fish. Although delicious and cheap, catfish is the dirtiest fish among other types of fish that are often consumed by humans. Why is that? The following is an explanation: The catfish pond is very dirty and is surrounded by chicken coops and pigs. According to a catfish farmer from China named Zhang Ri-hong, he admitted that he had supplied a lot of catfish to markets and restaurants along the road in Hainan province, precisely in Haikou, which he harvested 3 once a month. Due to the many complaints from the community, journalists searched about the fish from the local fisheries and marine department. The reporters took samples from the 7 ponds that housed the catfish. The seven ponds are surrounded by chicken and pig cages, while in the middle of the ponds there are many piles of garbage. The fish farmers are advised to suspend the sale of their fish before the test results are out. Catfish is a fish that consumes waste Catfish is a type of fish that easily breeds in dirty places because these fish consume waste in the form of animal waste such as chicken, cow, and pigs, even this fish can also consume human waste. So it is possible that in the body of catfish contains three thousand cancer cells which are very dangerous for the human body. That's some information about catfish in China, but in Indonesia this fish has been cultivated well by catfish farmers and they use pellets as food instead of using waste which is very harmful to the health of the human body. So that consuming catfish in Indonesia there is no need to doubt its cleanliness, but as wise consumers we must remain vigilant about the content of this fish and do not need to consume it in large quantities regularly because it can interfere with our health. Apart from all that, are there any healthy benefits of catfish? it turns out that this one fish besides being delicious also contains several substances that are good for the health of the human body. Here are 4 benefits of catfish: Healthy heart and brain Catfish contains omega-3 and omega-6 which are usually contained in expensive fish such as cod and salmon. The content of omega-3 and omega-6 can help heart and brain health activities, and it turns out that a serving of catfish contains 220 mg of omega-3 and 875 mg of omega-6. Contains protein with good quality In a serving of catfish contains 15.6 grams of protein which is very useful in the formation of muscle tissue and strengthens the immune system. Contains vitamin B-12 A serving of catfish contains vitamin B-12, which is about 40% of the body's needs. This vitamin is useful in helping to break down food into energy for the body, so consuming these foods can make the body stronger. Contains DHA Pregnant women are advised to eat catfish because this fish contains DHA which is good for the formation of the baby's nerves and also this fish has a very low mercury content so it is safe for consumption. That's some information about the dirtiest fish catfish, one mouthful contains three thousand cancer cells, but it turns out that this fish also has high nutritional value if cultivated properly.",Hoax "There are several myths about preventing stroke. One of them is sticking a needle. Dr. Frandy Susatia SpS said that this myth is something that can actually harm oneself. Moreover, if those who do it also suffer from diabetes. It is not true that to prevent stroke by inserting a needle. It's just a myth, he said in Jakarta recently. In addition to sticking a needle, another myth is flushing the skin when it's hot. But again, the doctor who practices at the Siloam Kebon Jeruk Hospital denied it. Not true. If it's hot, the blood vessels will spread, but it will be normal again when the heat is reduced. Only fainted, but not stroke, because the blood vessels are uploading, he concluded.",Hoax "Apple is reportedly developing a new iPhone that will carry a larger screen size with curved glass. That's what someone close to this business said. The source told Bloomberg, Sunday (11/10/2013), two new iPhones, we call it iPhone 6, with a curved screen is planned to be released in the second half of 2014. Apple spokeswoman Natali Kerris declined to comment on this news. Not yet known for sure the shape of the curved screen that will be made by Apple. The source only said that the next iPhone screen has two different sizes, namely 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches. Also mentioned, there is a pressure detection sensor that can later distinguish heavy or light touches on the screen. Two of Apple's competitors, namely Samsung and LG, have launched Android-based smartphones with curved screens. Samsung, with Galaxy Round, designed a curved screen on the right and left sides of the screen, while LG with G Flex designed a curved screen on the top and bottom sides of the screen. However, the screen is not flexible so it cannot be folded or rolled up. Apple currently has the latest iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C products. The phone that targets the premium market segment, the iPhone 5S, has a fingerprint sensor on the home button as a security feature. This company from Cupertino, California, United States, also plans to provide sapphire material in its products. Last week, Apple said it would open a new factory in the Arizona area, which will partner with GT Advanced Technologies, a company that specializes in making mineral crystal materials.",Valid "Recently, quite horrendous news circulated regarding toothbrushes. Some toothbrush products are said to use pig bristles as the main ingredient. One of the accounts on the Facebook social network uploaded a brand of brush and wrote that the toothbrush came from sea urchins. In fact, the status is already shared more than 1000 times by his friends An account with the name Hamirudin Hamzah said, if he was reprimanded by a cashier at a supermarket that the toothbrush he bought contained sea urchins. an account named Mindy Chin, who explains more about what bristles are. He wrote: ""It's very funny that Bristles are one of the compositions of toothbrushes, but not all of them come from pigs, it could be from other animals,"" Wednesday (5/10/2016) By Therefore, not all toothbrushes we use come from sea urchins. However, as a Muslim you need to be careful and choose a really halal toothbrush",Valid "A news regarding the commotion at the Head of the Mobile Brigade Headquarters terrorist detention center, Salemba branch, in Depok on Friday (11/10) was spread in messaging application groups. The news said that the commotion was still going on and caused 3 blocks in the prison to catch fire. The news also stated that the trigger for the commotion was the throwing of the Koran by the guard. Responding to the news, the Karo Penmas Public Relations of the National Police Brigadier General Rikwanto spoke up. He confirmed that the news was a hoax. ""It's a hoax,"" explained Rikwanto, Saturday (11/11). Rikwanto explained that currently the condition of the terrorist detention center is conducive. There was no arson or fire in the commotion. ""(The commotion) resulted in damage to the prison facilities, such as the door of the prison cell being broken, the gate of the hallway block, broken windows in block C and block B,"" he explained. Meanwhile, the trigger for the commotion was the presence of a detainee who did not accept it when the officers conducted a search. During the search, officers found 4 mobile phones. ""One of the prisoners did not accept it and provoked the officers with various words. Then there were members who were provoked by their words and there were prisoners who were takbir loudly so that they provoked prisoners from the block next to them,"" said Rikwanto. The police then fired warning shots to warn the detainees. Fortunately, the commotion was suppressed by the police. Now, the situation in the terrorist prison is back to normal.",Valid "The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were rumored to be easy to bend or bend some time ago, and this has become the subject of ridicule for their competitors, namely BlackBerry and LG. The high sales of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus seem to be bothered by news of their bodies being able to bend easily, especially in the area around the volume buttons. Some iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users through several forums on the internet have complained that their smartphones are bent or curved when they are put in their pockets. This news is exacerbated by the upload of a video that proves that Apple's latest smartphone is indeed easy to bend, even using only your bare hands. LG recently used the news as a mockery to attack two iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus via its official Twitter account using the hashtag #bendgate. LG also showcased the LG G Flex smartphone which does feature a curved screen in comparison and says our phones were curved before it was a trend. As we know, the LG G Flex is indeed a smartphone equipped with a curved screen and body. Not only that, the LG G Flex also has good flexibility to accommodate pressure when stored in a pocket. The back case of this unique smartphone is also equipped with self-healing technology that is able to remove scratches. BlackBerry, which has just released the Passport sophisticated smartphone, also doesn't want to lose by launching an attack on the case of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus easy to bend. John Chen, CEO of BlackBerry challenges anyone to bend the BlackBerry Passport which is made of plastic and stainless steel. John Chen added that the Passport will not be easily bent or bent. As reported by Phone Arena (24/09/2014), until now there has been no response or response from Apple regarding the problem of the curved iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus which is currently being discussed.",Valid