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[ "Notes to the consolidated financial statements of Aegon N.V. ", "Note 50", "270", "50", "Summary of total financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss", "Investments for general account", "Investments for account of policyholders", "Investment contracts for account of policyholders", "Derivatives", "Borrowings ", "The table that follows summarizes the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities that are classified as at fair value ", "through profit or loss, with appropriate distinction between those financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading and those ", "that, upon initial recognition, were designated as at fair value through profit or loss.", "The Group manages certain portfolios on a total return basis which have been designated at fair value through profit or loss. ", "This includes portfolios of investments in limited partnerships and limited liability companies (primarily hedge funds) for which ", "the performance is assessed internally on a total return basis. In addition, some investments that include an embedded derivative ", "that would otherwise have required bifurcation, such as convertible instruments, preferred shares and credit linked notes, have been ", "designated at fair value through profit or loss. ", "Investments for general account backing insurance and investment liabilities, that are carried at fair value with changes in the fair ", "value recognized in the income statement, are designated at fair value through profit or loss. The Group elected to designate these ", "investments at fair value through profit or loss, as a classification of financial assets as available-for-sale would result in accumulation ", "of unrealized gains and losses in a revaluation reserve within equity whilst changes to the liability would be reflected in net income ", "(accounting mismatch).", "Investments held for account of policyholders comprise assets that are linked to various insurance and investment contracts for ", "which the financial risks are borne by the customer. Under the Group’s accounting policies these insurance and investment liabilities ", "are measured at the fair value of the linked assets with changes in the fair value recognized in the income statement. To avoid an ", "accounting mismatch the linked assets have been designated as at fair value through profit or loss. ", "In addition, the investment for account of policyholders include with profit assets, where an insurer manages these assets together ", "with related liabilities on a fair value basis in accordance with a documented policy of asset and liability management. In accordance ", "with Group’s accounting policies, these assets have been designated as at fair value through profit or loss.", "With the exception of the financial liabilities with discretionary participating features that are not subject to the classification and ", "measurement requirements for financial instruments, all investment contracts for account of policyholders that are carried at fair value ", "or at the fair value of the linked assets are included in the table above.", "With the exception of derivatives designated as a hedging instrument, all derivatives held for general account and held for account of ", "policyholders are included in the table above.", "Borrowings designated as at fair value through profit or loss includes financial instruments that are managed on a fair value basis ", "together with related financial assets and financial derivatives (Refer to note 41).", "Annual Report 2013", "2013", "2012", "Trading", "Designated", "Trading", "Designated", "Investments for general account", "121", "4,712", "754", "4,809", "Investments for account of policyholders", "-", "164,037", "-", "151,960", "Derivatives with positive values not designated as hedges", "12,651", "-", "19,348", "-", "Total financial assets at fair value through profit or loss", "12,771", "168,749", "20,102", "156,769", "Investment contracts for account of policyholders", "-", "32,628", "-", "29,188", "Derivatives with negative values not designated as hedges", "11,248", "-", "17,042", "-", "Borrowings", "-", "1,017", "-", "1,050", "Total financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss", "11,248", "33,645", "17,042", "30,238" ]
[ [ 71, 30, 529, 14 ], [ 71, 30, 529, 14 ], [ 71, 30, 529, 14 ], [ 119, 98, 694, 14 ], [ 119, 98, 694, 14 ], [ 119, 363, 212, 13 ], [ 119, 564, 268, 13 ], [ 119, 719, 326, 13 ], [ 119, 797, 74, 13 ], [ 119, 859, 78, 13 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 42 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 42 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 42 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 659, 767, 42 ], [ 119, 659, 767, 42 ], [ 119, 659, 767, 42 ], [ 119, 736, 787, 42 ], [ 119, 736, 787, 42 ], [ 119, 736, 787, 42 ], [ 119, 813, 775, 27 ], [ 119, 813, 775, 27 ], [ 119, 875, 753, 27 ], [ 119, 875, 753, 27 ], [ 200, 991, 124, 12 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ] ]
[ [ 119, 30, 422, 13 ], [ 541, 30, 59, 14 ], [ 71, 31, 25, 13 ], [ 119, 98, 19, 14 ], [ 143, 98, 670, 14 ], [ 119, 363, 212, 13 ], [ 119, 564, 268, 13 ], [ 119, 719, 326, 13 ], [ 119, 797, 74, 13 ], [ 119, 859, 78, 13 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 11 ], [ 119, 132, 764, 11 ], [ 119, 147, 485, 11 ], [ 119, 380, 724, 11 ], [ 119, 395, 736, 11 ], [ 119, 411, 751, 11 ], [ 119, 426, 768, 11 ], [ 119, 442, 270, 11 ], [ 119, 473, 753, 11 ], [ 119, 488, 761, 11 ], [ 119, 504, 784, 11 ], [ 119, 519, 761, 11 ], [ 119, 535, 134, 11 ], [ 119, 581, 743, 11 ], [ 119, 597, 764, 11 ], [ 119, 612, 751, 11 ], [ 119, 628, 577, 11 ], [ 119, 659, 762, 11 ], [ 119, 674, 767, 11 ], [ 119, 690, 614, 11 ], [ 119, 736, 755, 11 ], [ 119, 752, 787, 11 ], [ 119, 767, 408, 11 ], [ 119, 813, 775, 11 ], [ 119, 829, 261, 11 ], [ 119, 875, 753, 11 ], [ 119, 891, 470, 11 ], [ 200, 991, 124, 12 ], [ 631, 179, 32, 12 ], [ 803, 180, 30, 11 ], [ 591, 194, 46, 12 ], [ 653, 194, 69, 12 ], [ 768, 195, 40, 11 ], [ 833, 195, 61, 11 ], [ 119, 212, 165, 10 ], [ 616, 212, 21, 10 ], [ 692, 212, 30, 10 ], [ 788, 212, 21, 10 ], [ 864, 212, 30, 10 ], [ 119, 227, 209, 10 ], [ 633, 227, 4, 10 ], [ 678, 227, 44, 10 ], [ 804, 227, 4, 10 ], [ 850, 227, 44, 10 ], [ 119, 243, 293, 10 ], [ 599, 243, 37, 10 ], [ 718, 243, 4, 10 ], [ 771, 243, 37, 10 ], [ 890, 243, 4, 10 ], [ 119, 256, 346, 12 ], [ 594, 257, 43, 11 ], [ 672, 257, 51, 11 ], [ 766, 257, 43, 11 ], [ 843, 257, 51, 11 ], [ 119, 281, 254, 10 ], [ 633, 281, 4, 10 ], [ 685, 281, 37, 10 ], [ 804, 281, 4, 10 ], [ 857, 281, 37, 10 ], [ 119, 297, 297, 10 ], [ 599, 297, 37, 10 ], [ 718, 297, 4, 10 ], [ 771, 297, 37, 10 ], [ 890, 297, 4, 10 ], [ 119, 312, 57, 10 ], [ 633, 312, 4, 10 ], [ 692, 312, 30, 10 ], [ 804, 312, 4, 10 ], [ 864, 312, 30, 10 ], [ 119, 326, 365, 12 ], [ 594, 327, 43, 11 ], [ 680, 327, 43, 11 ], [ 766, 327, 43, 11 ], [ 851, 327, 43, 11 ] ]
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[ "134 ", "Pascal", "User", "Manual ", "5.", "If", "Ch", "is", "a", "variable", "of type", "Cd: ", "or", "subrange", "of", "Char,", "then ", "Read", "(F,", "Ch) ", "assigns", "the", "chal", "Icier", "at", "the", "current", "position", "of ", "file", "F ", "or", "the", "value", "of", "Fi", "to ", "I. ", "followed", "by", "a", "Get", "(F),", "the ", "choice", "being", "implementation- dependent. ", "6. ", "If ", "a", "parameter", "v ", "is", "of", "tYll' ", "I ", "nteger ", "or", "a", "subrange", "of ", "Integer ", "then ", "Read ", "accel'ts ", "a ", "sequence ", "of", "characters ", "forming", "a", "signed", "integer", "witl ", "possible", "leading", "blanks.", "The ", "integer", "value", "denoted", "by", "this ", "I.~quence ", "is", "then", "assigned", "to", "v. ", "7.", "If a", "parameter", "v", "is", "of type: ", "1 ", "l,", "Read", "accepts", "a", "sequence ", "of characters", "forming", "a", "signee", "number", "with", "possible", "leading ", "blanks. ", "The", "real ", "value", "deno ", "l~d ", "by ", "this ", "sequence", "is ", "then ", "assigned", "to", "v. ", "In", "scanning", "F ", "(skipping", "blank ", ")", "to", "read", "numbers,", "Read", "may", "also ", "skip ", "end-of-line", "markers. ", "F ", "l~ ", "left ", "positioned", "to ", "the ", "non-digit ", "character", "following", "the", "last", "digit ", "l ", "\\)flstituting", "a", "number.", "To", "correctly ", "read", "consecutive", "numbers,", "separa", "e", "them", "by", "blanks", "or", "put", "them", "on ", "separate", "lines.", "Read", "accepts", "the", "longest", "sequence", "of digits,", "and", "if two ", "numbers", "are", "not", "separated, ", "Read ", "cannot", "distinguish", "them", "as ", "two ", "numbers", "(and", "neither", "can", "people!) ", "Examples: ", "Read", "and", "process", "a", "sequence", "of", "numbers", "where", "the", "last", "value", "is ", "immediately", "followed", "by", "an", "asterisk.", "Assume ", "F ", "to", "be", "a", "textfile,", "x", "and ", "Ch", "to", "be", "variables", "oftypes", "Intege ", "(or", "Real)", "and", "Char", "respectively. ", "Perhaps", "a", "more", "common", "situ", "Ition ", "is ", "when", "there", "is", "no", "way", "of ", "knowing", "how", "many", "data", "items", "arc", "to", "be", "read.", "and", "there", "is", "no", "special ", "symbol", "that", "terminates", "the", "list. ", "T.o", "convenient", "schemata", "are", "show ", "below.", "They", "make", "use", "of", "procedur", ".. ; ", "k ", "ipBlanks: ", "Reset(F); ", "repeat ", "Read(F,X,Ch); ", "P", "(X) ", "until", "Ch ", "= ", "'*' ", "procedure", "SkipBlanks", "(v, ", "IF: ", "Text); ", "var", "Done: ", "Boolean; ", "begin ", "Done ", ":=", "False; " ]
[ [ 145, 47, 253, 17 ], [ 145, 47, 253, 17 ], [ 145, 47, 253, 17 ], [ 145, 47, 253, 17 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 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[ [ 145, 47, 31, 17 ], [ 211, 47, 38, 17 ], [ 280, 47, 28, 17 ], [ 338, 47, 60, 17 ], [ 193, 86, 9, 19 ], [ 229, 86, 8, 19 ], [ 264, 86, 15, 19 ], [ 306, 86, 8, 19 ], [ 341, 86, 5, 19 ], [ 373, 86, 42, 19 ], [ 442, 86, 46, 19 ], [ 516, 86, 32, 19 ], [ 563, 86, 12, 19 ], [ 605, 86, 53, 19 ], [ 689, 86, 12, 19 ], [ 731, 86, 32, 19 ], [ 793, 86, 40, 19 ], [ 193, 112, 27, 15 ], [ 246, 112, 15, 15 ], [ 288, 112, 33, 15 ], [ 341, 109, 42, 19 ], [ 414, 109, 18, 19 ], [ 461, 109, 24, 19 ], [ 516, 109, 27, 19 ], [ 573, 109, 10, 19 ], [ 613, 109, 18, 19 ], [ 661, 109, 42, 19 ], [ 733, 109, 47, 19 ], [ 810, 109, 27, 19 ], [ 193, 131, 15, 19 ], [ 231, 131, 17, 19 ], [ 269, 131, 10, 19 ], [ 304, 131, 15, 19 ], [ 345, 131, 27, 19 ], [ 398, 131, 10, 19 ], [ 433, 131, 10, 19 ], [ 469, 131, 22, 19 ], [ 525, 139, 12, 9 ], [ 546, 131, 50, 19 ], [ 625, 131, 14, 19 ], [ 668, 131, 6, 19 ], [ 703, 131, 20, 19 ], [ 752, 131, 20, 19 ], [ 801, 131, 31, 19 ], [ 191, 154, 52, 19 ], [ 284, 154, 44, 19 ], [ 369, 154, 260, 19 ], [ 192, 181, 16, 19 ], [ 222, 180, 23, 19 ], [ 251, 181, 6, 19 ], [ 288, 181, 60, 19 ], [ 378, 181, 22, 19 ], [ 422, 181, 8, 19 ], [ 456, 181, 10, 19 ], [ 492, 181, 34, 19 ], [ 542, 185, 4, 13 ], [ 553, 184, 79, 15 ], [ 652, 181, 12, 19 ], [ 693, 181, 6, 19 ], [ 729, 181, 52, 19 ], [ 811, 181, 26, 19 ], [ 194, 207, 92, 15 ], [ 315, 203, 44, 19 ], [ 375, 207, 53, 15 ], [ 458, 203, 77, 19 ], [ 551, 203, 11, 19 ], [ 578, 203, 96, 19 ], [ 689, 203, 15, 19 ], [ 741, 203, 92, 19 ], [ 192, 226, 51, 19 ], [ 276, 226, 7, 19 ], [ 315, 226, 41, 19 ], [ 389, 226, 44, 19 ], [ 466, 226, 40, 19 ], [ 526, 226, 57, 19 ], [ 618, 226, 51, 19 ], [ 704, 226, 49, 19 ], [ 789, 226, 44, 19 ], [ 192, 248, 43, 19 ], [ 267, 248, 33, 19 ], [ 332, 248, 49, 19 ], [ 413, 248, 15, 19 ], [ 460, 248, 38, 19 ], [ 518, 255, 39, 10 ], [ 611, 248, 8, 19 ], [ 647, 248, 23, 19 ], [ 696, 248, 46, 19 ], [ 769, 248, 10, 19 ], [ 806, 248, 23, 19 ], [ 192, 275, 10, 19 ], [ 230, 275, 29, 19 ], [ 287, 275, 55, 19 ], [ 370, 275, 6, 19 ], [ 405, 275, 9, 19 ], [ 442, 275, 66, 19 ], [ 536, 282, 7, 9 ], [ 547, 279, 8, 13 ], [ 586, 279, 31, 13 ], [ 648, 279, 45, 13 ], [ 724, 279, 6, 13 ], [ 762, 279, 71, 13 ], [ 192, 298, 98, 19 ], [ 325, 298, 54, 19 ], [ 412, 298, 7, 19 ], [ 453, 298, 42, 19 ], [ 530, 298, 51, 19 ], [ 615, 298, 29, 19 ], [ 678, 298, 55, 19 ], [ 767, 298, 66, 19 ], [ 192, 320, 74, 19 ], [ 281, 320, 23, 19 ], [ 335, 320, 38, 19 ], [ 388, 320, 36, 19 ], [ 459, 320, 49, 19 ], [ 518, 327, 11, 11 ], [ 557, 320, 22, 19 ], [ 596, 320, 37, 19 ], [ 648, 320, 62, 19 ], [ 744, 320, 28, 19 ], [ 788, 320, 44, 19 ], [ 192, 343, 48, 19 ], [ 269, 343, 11, 19 ], [ 309, 343, 24, 19 ], [ 184, 373, 11, 19 ], [ 224, 373, 50, 19 ], [ 304, 373, 22, 19 ], [ 342, 373, 68, 19 ], [ 447, 373, 58, 19 ], [ 522, 373, 4, 19 ], [ 556, 373, 11, 19 ], [ 596, 373, 24, 19 ], [ 649, 373, 53, 19 ], [ 731, 373, 29, 19 ], [ 790, 373, 24, 19 ], [ 844, 373, 37, 19 ], [ 144, 396, 43, 19 ], [ 202, 396, 94, 19 ], [ 339, 396, 95, 19 ], [ 451, 400, 10, 13 ], [ 492, 402, 8, 11 ], [ 526, 396, 30, 19 ], [ 574, 396, 74, 19 ], [ 684, 396, 31, 19 ], [ 733, 396, 31, 19 ], [ 780, 396, 103, 19 ], [ 143, 418, 61, 19 ], [ 238, 418, 65, 19 ], [ 337, 418, 20, 19 ], [ 391, 418, 23, 19 ], [ 448, 418, 47, 19 ], [ 503, 424, 3, 11 ], [ 516, 418, 75, 19 ], [ 625, 418, 7, 19 ], [ 666, 418, 55, 19 ], [ 754, 418, 18, 19 ], [ 806, 418, 75, 19 ], [ 144, 440, 27, 19 ], [ 202, 440, 74, 19 ], [ 308, 440, 58, 19 ], [ 398, 440, 40, 19 ], [ 469, 440, 6, 19 ], [ 508, 440, 31, 19 ], [ 571, 440, 15, 19 ], [ 618, 440, 41, 19 ], [ 691, 440, 13, 19 ], [ 735, 440, 20, 19 ], [ 787, 440, 31, 19 ], [ 850, 440, 31, 19 ], [ 144, 463, 52, 19 ], [ 228, 463, 34, 19 ], [ 295, 463, 32, 19 ], [ 359, 463, 47, 19 ], [ 439, 463, 19, 19 ], [ 490, 463, 46, 19 ], [ 569, 463, 58, 19 ], [ 659, 463, 68, 19 ], [ 760, 463, 23, 19 ], [ 815, 463, 65, 19 ], [ 144, 485, 60, 19 ], [ 240, 485, 21, 19 ], [ 297, 485, 22, 19 ], [ 355, 485, 88, 19 ], [ 456, 488, 53, 15 ], [ 532, 485, 46, 19 ], [ 614, 485, 76, 19 ], [ 725, 485, 34, 19 ], [ 795, 485, 31, 19 ], [ 842, 485, 38, 19 ], [ 143, 507, 57, 19 ], [ 235, 507, 29, 19 ], [ 298, 507, 46, 19 ], [ 378, 507, 23, 19 ], [ 435, 507, 72, 19 ], [ 143, 537, 113, 19 ], [ 184, 568, 31, 19 ], [ 245, 568, 21, 19 ], [ 298, 568, 45, 19 ], [ 374, 568, 6, 19 ], [ 411, 568, 55, 19 ], [ 497, 568, 12, 19 ], [ 540, 568, 52, 19 ], [ 623, 568, 37, 19 ], [ 691, 568, 18, 19 ], [ 740, 568, 21, 19 ], [ 792, 568, 32, 19 ], [ 855, 568, 25, 19 ], [ 144, 590, 85, 19 ], [ 264, 590, 61, 19 ], [ 360, 590, 17, 19 ], [ 411, 590, 16, 19 ], [ 462, 590, 56, 19 ], [ 553, 590, 72, 19 ], [ 632, 594, 10, 13 ], [ 656, 590, 9, 19 ], [ 691, 590, 11, 19 ], [ 727, 590, 5, 19 ], [ 758, 590, 38, 19 ], [ 821, 590, 6, 19 ], [ 852, 590, 30, 19 ], [ 145, 615, 18, 15 ], [ 195, 615, 12, 15 ], [ 239, 615, 14, 15 ], [ 286, 615, 57, 15 ], [ 375, 615, 46, 15 ], [ 453, 615, 55, 15 ], [ 532, 612, 19, 19 ], [ 585, 612, 35, 19 ], [ 653, 612, 23, 19 ], [ 710, 612, 32, 19 ], [ 775, 612, 100, 19 ], [ 184, 754, 50, 19 ], [ 267, 754, 7, 19 ], [ 306, 754, 32, 19 ], [ 372, 754, 56, 19 ], [ 460, 754, 23, 19 ], [ 515, 754, 46, 19 ], [ 577, 754, 13, 19 ], [ 606, 754, 31, 19 ], [ 667, 754, 29, 19 ], [ 725, 754, 9, 19 ], [ 763, 754, 14, 19 ], [ 807, 754, 24, 19 ], [ 860, 754, 26, 19 ], [ 144, 777, 50, 19 ], [ 224, 777, 24, 19 ], [ 277, 777, 32, 19 ], [ 338, 777, 24, 19 ], [ 391, 777, 31, 19 ], [ 452, 777, 17, 19 ], [ 498, 777, 11, 19 ], [ 538, 777, 13, 19 ], [ 581, 777, 28, 19 ], [ 638, 777, 20, 19 ], [ 688, 777, 28, 19 ], [ 746, 777, 9, 19 ], [ 784, 777, 14, 19 ], [ 828, 777, 54, 19 ], [ 145, 800, 48, 19 ], [ 227, 800, 24, 19 ], [ 285, 800, 69, 19 ], [ 387, 800, 20, 19 ], [ 441, 800, 41, 19 ], [ 493, 799, 24, 20 ], [ 553, 799, 78, 20 ], [ 667, 799, 66, 20 ], [ 769, 799, 21, 20 ], [ 826, 799, 55, 20 ], [ 144, 822, 39, 19 ], [ 213, 822, 30, 19 ], [ 273, 822, 31, 19 ], [ 334, 822, 19, 19 ], [ 383, 822, 12, 19 ], [ 424, 822, 52, 19 ], [ 506, 822, 40, 19 ], [ 547, 826, 8, 13 ], [ 561, 825, 111, 15 ], [ 211, 642, 116, 15 ], [ 212, 662, 78, 15 ], [ 238, 681, 169, 15 ], [ 238, 702, 6, 13 ], [ 264, 702, 22, 13 ], [ 212, 720, 32, 15 ], [ 280, 720, 38, 15 ], [ 331, 723, 8, 11 ], [ 359, 719, 35, 16 ], [ 212, 853, 81, 15 ], [ 334, 853, 93, 15 ], [ 469, 853, 42, 15 ], [ 521, 854, 50, 13 ], [ 586, 853, 76, 15 ], [ 239, 873, 22, 15 ], [ 296, 873, 59, 15 ], [ 371, 873, 104, 15 ], [ 212, 893, 67, 15 ], [ 239, 912, 52, 15 ], [ 309, 912, 15, 16 ], [ 361, 912, 61, 16 ] ]
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Pascal - Manual & Report.pdf
[ "PERFORMANCE", "ACE Gold", "Q", "A", "Being a top competitor in today’s economic environment", "requires sound strategies, their effective execution and a", "commitment to improve continuously. To achieve this, we", "manage all of our activities through the rigorous applica-", "tion of our ACE operating system. By the end of 2012, we", "expect 80 percent of our sites to be rated ACE Gold or", "Silver. This represents the highest levels of performance", "and customer service.", "We are moving forward with a number of ACE initiatives.", "Among them: the Supplier Gold program to help key", "suppliers continuously improve their performance;", "the Engineering ACE Certification Program to improve", "engineering processes and products; and advanced", "Lean initiatives to create and improve manufacturing", "flow to enhance customer and shareholder value.", "2011 AnnuAl RepoRt", "13" ]
[ [ 91, 50, 222, 28 ], [ 91, 80, 860, 531 ], [ 141, 628, 13, 16 ], [ 141, 769, 12, 16 ], [ 533, 725, 365, 106 ], [ 533, 725, 365, 106 ], [ 533, 725, 365, 106 ], [ 533, 725, 365, 106 ], [ 533, 725, 365, 106 ], [ 533, 725, 365, 106 ], [ 533, 725, 365, 106 ], [ 533, 725, 365, 106 ], [ 533, 846, 362, 92 ], [ 533, 846, 362, 92 ], [ 533, 846, 362, 92 ], [ 533, 846, 362, 92 ], [ 533, 846, 362, 92 ], [ 533, 846, 362, 92 ], [ 533, 846, 362, 92 ], [ 776, 974, 110, 8 ], [ 942, 974, 9, 9 ] ]
[ [ 91, 50, 222, 28 ], [ 131, 114, 73, 13 ], [ 141, 628, 13, 16 ], [ 141, 769, 12, 16 ], [ 533, 725, 364, 12 ], [ 533, 739, 361, 12 ], [ 533, 752, 365, 12 ], [ 533, 766, 363, 12 ], [ 533, 779, 365, 12 ], [ 533, 792, 351, 12 ], [ 533, 806, 355, 12 ], [ 533, 819, 139, 12 ], [ 533, 846, 362, 12 ], [ 533, 860, 336, 12 ], [ 533, 873, 320, 12 ], [ 533, 887, 347, 12 ], [ 533, 900, 329, 12 ], [ 533, 913, 336, 12 ], [ 533, 927, 313, 12 ], [ 776, 974, 110, 8 ], [ 942, 974, 9, 9 ] ]
[ 7, 6, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4 ]
[ "Server System Variable Reference", "Name", "Cmd-Line", "Option File", "System Var", "Var Scope", "Dynamic", "histogram_generation_max_mem_size", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Both", "Yes", "host_cache_size", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "hostname", "Yes", "Global", "No", "identity", "Yes", "Session", "Yes", "immediate_server_version", "Yes", "Session", "Yes", "information_schema_stats_expiry", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Both", "Yes", "init_connect", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "init_file", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "init_slave", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_adaptive_flushing", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_adaptive_flushing_lwm", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_adaptive_hash_index", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_adaptive_hash_index_parts", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_api_bk_commit_interval", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_api_disable_rowlock", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "innodb_api_enable_binlog", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "innodb_api_enable_mdl", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "innodb_api_trx_level", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_autoextend_increment", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_autoinc_lock_mode", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "innodb_background_drop_list_empty", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "innodb_buffer_pool_debug", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_buffer_pool_dump_now", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_buffer_pool_filename", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_buffer_pool_in_core_file", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_buffer_pool_instances", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "innodb_buffer_pool_load_abort", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "innodb_buffer_pool_load_now", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_buffer_pool_size", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_change_buffer_max_size", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_change_buffering", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_change_buffering_debug", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "innodb_checkpoint_disabled", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "697" ]
[ [ 398, 48, 257, 11 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 795, 833 ], [ 170, 91, 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[ [ 398, 48, 257, 11 ], [ 174, 97, 45, 11 ], [ 306, 97, 77, 11 ], [ 439, 97, 87, 11 ], [ 571, 97, 91, 11 ], [ 703, 97, 81, 11 ], [ 836, 97, 69, 11 ], [ 174, 119, 288, 11 ], [ 306, 119, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 119, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 119, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 119, 34, 11 ], [ 836, 119, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 140, 124, 11 ], [ 306, 140, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 140, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 140, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 140, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 140, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 161, 73, 11 ], [ 571, 161, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 161, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 161, 21, 11 ], [ 174, 183, 53, 11 ], [ 571, 183, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 183, 59, 11 ], [ 836, 183, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 204, 196, 11 ], [ 571, 204, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 204, 59, 11 ], [ 836, 204, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 225, 249, 11 ], [ 306, 225, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 225, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 225, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 225, 34, 11 ], [ 836, 225, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 247, 89, 11 ], [ 306, 247, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 247, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 247, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 247, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 247, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 268, 52, 11 ], [ 306, 268, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 268, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 268, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 268, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 268, 21, 11 ], [ 174, 290, 69, 11 ], [ 306, 290, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 290, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 290, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 290, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 290, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 311, 189, 11 ], [ 306, 311, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 311, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 311, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 311, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 311, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 332, 229, 11 ], [ 306, 332, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 332, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 332, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 332, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 332, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 354, 217, 11 ], [ 306, 354, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 354, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 354, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 354, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 354, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 375, 264, 11 ], [ 306, 375, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 375, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 375, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 375, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 375, 21, 11 ], [ 174, 396, 262, 11 ], [ 306, 396, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 396, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 396, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 396, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 396, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 418, 235, 11 ], [ 306, 418, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 418, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 418, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 418, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 418, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 439, 210, 11 ], [ 306, 439, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 439, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 439, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 439, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 439, 21, 11 ], [ 174, 460, 195, 11 ], [ 306, 460, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 460, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 460, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 460, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 460, 21, 11 ], [ 174, 482, 177, 11 ], [ 306, 482, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 482, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 482, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 482, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 482, 21, 11 ], [ 174, 503, 153, 11 ], [ 306, 503, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 503, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 503, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 503, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 503, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 524, 225, 11 ], [ 306, 524, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 524, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 524, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 524, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 524, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 546, 203, 11 ], [ 306, 546, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 546, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 546, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 546, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 546, 21, 11 ], [ 174, 567, 274, 11 ], [ 306, 567, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 567, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 567, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 567, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 567, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 589, 236, 11 ], [ 306, 589, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 589, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 589, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 589, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 589, 21, 11 ], [ 174, 610, 199, 11 ], [ 306, 610, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 610, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 610, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 610, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 610, 21, 11 ], [ 174, 631, 298, 11 ], [ 306, 631, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 631, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 631, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 631, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 631, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 653, 234, 11 ], [ 306, 653, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 653, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 653, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 653, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 653, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 674, 226, 11 ], [ 306, 674, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 674, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 674, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 674, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 674, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 695, 215, 11 ], [ 306, 695, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 695, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 695, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 695, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 695, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 717, 238, 11 ], [ 306, 717, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 717, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 717, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 717, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 717, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 738, 223, 11 ], [ 306, 738, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 738, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 738, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 738, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 738, 21, 11 ], [ 174, 759, 231, 11 ], [ 306, 759, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 759, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 759, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 759, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 759, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 781, 268, 11 ], [ 306, 781, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 781, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 781, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 781, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 781, 21, 11 ], [ 174, 802, 224, 11 ], [ 306, 802, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 802, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 802, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 802, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 802, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 823, 182, 11 ], [ 306, 823, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 823, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 823, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 823, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 823, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 845, 246, 11 ], [ 306, 845, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 845, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 845, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 845, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 845, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 866, 189, 11 ], [ 306, 866, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 866, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 866, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 866, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 866, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 887, 244, 11 ], [ 306, 887, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 887, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 887, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 887, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 887, 28, 11 ], [ 174, 909, 211, 11 ], [ 306, 909, 28, 11 ], [ 439, 909, 28, 11 ], [ 571, 909, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 909, 48, 11 ], [ 836, 909, 28, 11 ], [ 936, 964, 27, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4 ]
[ "ATO Audit and Assessment Programs ", "Section 7 ", "7.3 ", "Safety Incident and Accident Reporting and Analysis ", "Evidence has shown that for every accident, there are many precursor events. Therefore, ", "accident prevention programs focus on the collection, analysis, and investigation of incident ", "data. Incident investigation is valuable because real-world occurrences are analyzed to prevent ", "or eliminate future occurrences. The Air Traffic Organization (ATO) fine-tunes incident ", "prevention measures by analyzing low-level indicators that may contribute to an incident or ", "accident. ", "Incident reporting prompts the ATO to conduct investigations. ATO employees who conduct the ", "investigations reconstruct and analyze the event. They identify contributing factors and ", "categorize them as either direct or indirect. They also identify factors that may have lessened ", "the effect of the occurrence.", "ATO employees use the information gained from an investigation as input to recommend risk ", "mitigation strategies and safety-enhancing measures to preclude similar events in the future. ", "Corrective actions can enhance safety at all levels, from national to local. They can include: ", "•", "Airspace and airport improvements,", "•", "Additional communication, navigation, and surveillance systems and/or automation", "systems,", "•", "Additional staffing, or", "•", "Other safety-enhancing changes.", "7.3_SMSM_201509", "Originally published September 2015", "Uncontrolled copy when downloaded", "1", "03" ]
[ [ 649, 45, 258, 15 ], [ 120, 45, 67, 15 ], [ 120, 91, 528, 19 ], [ 120, 91, 528, 19 ], [ 120, 108, 784, 100 ], [ 120, 108, 784, 100 ], [ 120, 108, 784, 100 ], [ 120, 108, 784, 100 ], [ 120, 108, 784, 100 ], [ 120, 108, 784, 100 ], [ 120, 222, 786, 68 ], [ 120, 222, 786, 68 ], [ 120, 222, 786, 68 ], [ 120, 222, 786, 68 ], [ 120, 303, 760, 35 ], [ 120, 303, 760, 35 ], [ 120, 351, 753, 19 ], [ 150, 384, 320, 19 ], [ 150, 384, 320, 19 ], [ 150, 409, 704, 35 ], [ 150, 409, 704, 35 ], [ 150, 409, 704, 35 ], [ 150, 450, 202, 19 ], [ 150, 450, 202, 19 ], [ 150, 475, 301, 19 ], [ 150, 475, 301, 19 ], [ 119, 964, 247, 43 ], [ 119, 964, 247, 43 ], [ 119, 964, 247, 43 ], [ 882, 963, 25, 15 ], [ 882, 963, 25, 15 ] ]
[ [ 649, 45, 258, 15 ], [ 120, 45, 67, 15 ], [ 120, 91, 30, 19 ], [ 180, 91, 467, 19 ], [ 120, 108, 737, 19 ], [ 120, 124, 749, 19 ], [ 120, 141, 784, 19 ], [ 120, 157, 708, 19 ], [ 120, 173, 743, 19 ], [ 120, 190, 78, 19 ], [ 120, 222, 786, 19 ], [ 120, 238, 714, 19 ], [ 120, 254, 767, 19 ], [ 120, 271, 228, 19 ], [ 120, 303, 760, 19 ], [ 120, 319, 757, 19 ], [ 120, 351, 753, 19 ], [ 150, 384, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 384, 290, 19 ], [ 150, 409, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 409, 674, 19 ], [ 180, 425, 72, 19 ], [ 150, 450, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 450, 172, 19 ], [ 150, 475, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 475, 271, 19 ], [ 119, 964, 133, 15 ], [ 119, 978, 247, 15 ], [ 119, 992, 246, 15 ], [ 882, 964, 8, 15 ], [ 890, 963, 16, 15 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "Server Command Options", "system. Applications that perform a lot of memory accesses may obtain performance improvements by", "using large pages due to reduced Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) misses.", "MySQL supports the Linux implementation of large page support (which is called HugeTLB in Linux).", "See Section, “Enabling Large Page Support”", ". For Solaris support of large pages, see the", "description of the ", "--super-large-pages", " option.", "--large-pages", " is disabled by default.", "The locale to use for error messages. The default is ", "en_US", ". The server converts the argument to a", "language name and combines it with the value of ", "--lc-messages-dir", " to produce the location for the", "error message file. See Section 10.12, “Setting the Error Message Language”", ".", "The directory where error messages are located. The server uses the value together with the value of ", "--", "lc-messages", " to produce the location for the error message file. See Section 10.12, “Setting the Error", "Message Language”", ".", "(Windows only) A ", "--local-service", " option following the service name causes the server to run", "using the ", "LocalService", " Windows account that has limited system privileges. If both ", "--defaults-", "file", " and ", "--local-service", " are given following the service name, they can be in any order. See", "Section, “Starting MySQL as a Windows Service”", ".", "743", "•", "--log-error[=", "file_name", "]", "•", "--local-service", "•", "--lc-messages-dir=", "dir_name", "•", "--lc-messages=", "locale_name", "Command-Line Format", "--lc-messages=name", "System Variable", "lc_messages", "Scope", "Global, Session", "Dynamic", "Yes", "SET_VAR", " Hint Applies", "No", "Type", "String", "Default Value", "en_US", "Command-Line Format", "--lc-messages-dir=dir_name", "System Variable", "lc_messages_dir", "Scope", "Global", "Dynamic", "No", "SET_VAR", " Hint Applies", "No", "Type", "Directory name", "Command-Line Format", "--local-service", "Command-Line Format", "--log-error[=file_name]", "System Variable", "log_error", "Scope", "Global" ]
[ [ 430, 48, 193, 11 ], [ 187, 94, 759, 27 ], [ 187, 94, 759, 27 ], [ 187, 138, 744, 43 ], [ 187, 138, 744, 43 ], [ 187, 138, 744, 43 ], [ 187, 138, 744, 43 ], [ 187, 138, 744, 43 ], [ 187, 138, 744, 43 ], [ 187, 196, 296, 11 ], [ 187, 196, 296, 11 ], [ 187, 412, 764, 43 ], [ 187, 412, 764, 43 ], [ 187, 412, 764, 43 ], [ 187, 412, 764, 43 ], [ 187, 412, 764, 43 ], [ 187, 412, 764, 43 ], [ 187, 412, 764, 43 ], [ 187, 412, 764, 43 ], [ 187, 638, 775, 43 ], [ 187, 638, 775, 43 ], [ 187, 638, 775, 43 ], [ 187, 638, 775, 43 ], [ 187, 638, 775, 43 ], [ 187, 638, 775, 43 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 187, 756, 750, 58 ], [ 936, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 170, 830, 247, 11 ], [ 170, 830, 247, 11 ], [ 170, 830, 247, 11 ], [ 170, 830, 247, 11 ], [ 170, 696, 167, 11 ], [ 170, 696, 167, 11 ], [ 170, 471, 278, 11 ], [ 170, 471, 278, 11 ], [ 170, 471, 278, 11 ], [ 170, 224, 267, 11 ], [ 170, 224, 267, 11 ], [ 170, 224, 267, 11 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 187, 249, 777, 149 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 495, 779, 128 ], [ 186, 720, 778, 22 ], [ 186, 720, 778, 22 ], [ 186, 854, 779, 66 ], [ 186, 854, 779, 66 ], [ 186, 854, 779, 66 ], [ 186, 854, 779, 66 ], [ 186, 854, 779, 66 ], [ 186, 854, 779, 66 ] ]
[ [ 430, 48, 193, 11 ], [ 187, 94, 759, 11 ], [ 187, 110, 574, 11 ], [ 187, 138, 744, 11 ], [ 187, 153, 423, 11 ], [ 583, 153, 325, 11 ], [ 187, 169, 132, 11 ], [ 319, 170, 190, 10 ], [ 510, 169, 54, 11 ], [ 187, 198, 130, 10 ], [ 318, 196, 165, 11 ], [ 187, 412, 387, 11 ], [ 574, 413, 50, 10 ], [ 625, 412, 293, 11 ], [ 187, 428, 367, 11 ], [ 555, 429, 170, 10 ], [ 726, 428, 226, 11 ], [ 187, 443, 601, 11 ], [ 761, 443, 4, 11 ], [ 187, 638, 754, 11 ], [ 942, 639, 20, 10 ], [ 187, 654, 110, 10 ], [ 298, 653, 661, 11 ], [ 187, 669, 166, 11 ], [ 340, 669, 4, 11 ], [ 187, 756, 134, 11 ], [ 322, 757, 150, 10 ], [ 473, 756, 436, 11 ], [ 187, 772, 72, 11 ], [ 260, 773, 120, 10 ], [ 380, 772, 446, 11 ], [ 827, 773, 110, 10 ], [ 187, 788, 40, 10 ], [ 227, 787, 37, 11 ], [ 265, 788, 150, 10 ], [ 415, 787, 503, 11 ], [ 187, 803, 447, 11 ], [ 607, 803, 4, 11 ], [ 936, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 170, 830, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 832, 130, 10 ], [ 318, 832, 90, 10 ], [ 408, 832, 10, 10 ], [ 170, 696, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 697, 150, 10 ], [ 170, 471, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 472, 180, 10 ], [ 368, 472, 80, 10 ], [ 170, 224, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 225, 140, 10 ], [ 328, 225, 110, 10 ], [ 191, 253, 172, 11 ], [ 579, 255, 180, 10 ], [ 191, 275, 121, 11 ], [ 579, 276, 110, 10 ], [ 191, 296, 47, 11 ], [ 579, 296, 117, 11 ], [ 191, 317, 65, 11 ], [ 579, 317, 28, 11 ], [ 191, 340, 70, 10 ], [ 261, 339, 94, 11 ], [ 579, 339, 21, 11 ], [ 191, 360, 37, 11 ], [ 579, 360, 43, 11 ], [ 191, 382, 100, 11 ], [ 579, 383, 50, 10 ], [ 191, 500, 172, 11 ], [ 579, 501, 261, 10 ], [ 191, 522, 121, 11 ], [ 579, 523, 150, 10 ], [ 191, 543, 47, 11 ], [ 579, 543, 48, 11 ], [ 191, 564, 65, 11 ], [ 579, 564, 21, 11 ], [ 191, 587, 70, 10 ], [ 261, 586, 94, 11 ], [ 579, 586, 21, 11 ], [ 191, 607, 37, 11 ], [ 579, 607, 113, 11 ], [ 191, 726, 172, 11 ], [ 579, 727, 150, 10 ], [ 191, 860, 172, 11 ], [ 579, 861, 231, 10 ], [ 191, 881, 121, 11 ], [ 579, 882, 90, 10 ], [ 191, 903, 47, 11 ], [ 579, 903, 48, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ ".. ", "TM", "1-320 ", "2Q-21 ", "AIRSHIP AERODYNAMICS ", "c.", "Problem UJrU1 solution. ", "(1) ", "Problem.-An ", "airship of 195,000-cubic-foot capacity is to be ", "equipped with two .engines developing a total of 300 horsepower. ", "What speed can be expected using the following ", "data~ ", "(a)", "Standard atmospheric density. ", "(b)", "Shape coefficient, ", "0 ", "n is 0.0136. ", "(e)", "Propeller efficiency, ", "E, ", "is 60 percent. ", "(d) ", "Envelope resistance is 40 percent ", "of ", "total resistance of com›", "pletely rigged airship. ", "(2) ", "Solution.-Using ", "Prandtl coefficient. ", "d. ", "Experience has shown the lower figure, as determined by Prandtl ", "coefficients, to be more generally correct than the higher figure as ", "determined by the Burgess formula. ", ". ", "21.", "Summary.-a. From study of the formulas it appears that ", "the speed of an airship is proportional to the cube root of the horse›", "power, or vice versa the horsepower varies directly as the cube of ", "the speed. ", "Since power plant weights vary directly as the horse›", "power, the weight of the power plant varies also as the cube of the ", "speed. ", "A point is readily reached therefore beyond which it is not ", "economical to increase the speed due to the excessive weight\"s involved. ", "b. ", "In still air the higher the speed the less economical the fuel ", "consumption and the shorter the radius of action. ", "This is not true ", "when the airship is traveling against adverse winds. ", "The study of ", "just which air speed is the most economical will not be discussed in ", "this manual as it properly belongs to the subject of navigation. ", "8EariON IV ", "STABILITY ", "Paragraph ", "Variation of pressur-e distribution on airship bull________________________ ", "22 ", "Specific stability and center of gravity of airshiP-------------- -------- ----", "23 ", "Center of buoyanCY- -------------------- - --------- ---------------------", "24 ", "Description of major axis of airshiP- ------------ ----------------- ------", "25 ", "Types", "of stability---------------- --------- - ---------•--- -------------", "26 ", "Forces and moments acting on airshiP-----------------------------------", "27 ", "Damping", "moment------------------------- ------ ----------------------", "28 ", "Longitudinal stabi I i ", "ty ---------------- --- ----------- ---------------------", "29 ", "Directional", "stabilitY----------------------- ------------ - --------------", "30 ", "Lateral", "stability---------------------- - - - ---- --------------------------", "31 ", "S1JmJuarr-----•-----•-------------", "..... . ", "••••- ----------------... -•fl\"’---•-•-", "~ ", "35 ", "( ", "300X550X0.60X0.40 )", "0", "•", "86 ", "V= ", "0.0136X0.00237X3,376.4 ", "=88.4 feet per second=60.3 miles per hour. " ]
[ [ 409, 19, 17, 15 ], [ 794, 33, 150, 32 ], [ 794, 33, 150, 32 ], [ 794, 33, 150, 32 ], [ 332, 52, 298, 12 ], [ 96, 85, 288, 16 ], [ 96, 85, 288, 16 ], [ 72, 105, 823, 56 ], [ 72, 105, 823, 56 ], [ 72, 105, 823, 56 ], [ 72, 105, 823, 56 ], [ 72, 105, 823, 56 ], [ 72, 105, 823, 56 ], [ 101, 166, 408, 15 ], [ 101, 166, 408, 15 ], [ 101, 185, 402, 16 ], [ 101, 185, 402, 16 ], [ 101, 185, 402, 16 ], [ 101, 185, 402, 16 ], [ 102, 206, 469, 16 ], [ 102, 206, 469, 16 ], [ 102, 206, 469, 16 ], [ 102, 206, 469, 16 ], [ 72, 226, 812, 36 ], [ 72, 226, 812, 36 ], [ 72, 226, 812, 36 ], [ 72, 226, 812, 36 ], [ 72, 226, 812, 36 ], [ 101, 266, 477, 16 ], [ 101, 266, 477, 16 ], [ 101, 266, 477, 16 ], [ 72, 359, 820, 55 ], [ 72, 359, 820, 55 ], [ 72, 359, 820, 55 ], [ 72, 359, 820, 55 ], [ 72, 359, 820, 55 ], [ 71, 419, 824, 136 ], [ 71, 419, 824, 136 ], [ 71, 419, 824, 136 ], [ 71, 419, 824, 136 ], [ 71, 419, 824, 136 ], [ 71, 419, 824, 136 ], [ 71, 419, 824, 136 ], [ 71, 419, 824, 136 ], [ 71, 419, 824, 136 ], [ 71, 419, 824, 136 ], [ 72, 560, 824, 96 ], [ 72, 560, 824, 96 ], [ 72, 560, 824, 96 ], [ 72, 560, 824, 96 ], [ 72, 560, 824, 96 ], [ 72, 560, 824, 96 ], [ 72, 560, 824, 96 ], [ 72, 560, 824, 96 ], [ 409, 680, 151, 10 ], [ 396, 709, 172, 15 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 70, 728, 825, 199 ], [ 462, 951, 31, 17 ], [ 216, 293, 537, 55 ], [ 216, 293, 537, 55 ], [ 216, 293, 537, 55 ], [ 216, 293, 537, 55 ], [ 216, 293, 537, 55 ], [ 216, 293, 537, 55 ], [ 216, 293, 537, 55 ], [ 216, 293, 537, 55 ] ]
[ [ 409, 19, 17, 15 ], [ 794, 33, 45, 15 ], [ 856, 33, 88, 15 ], [ 829, 52, 75, 13 ], [ 332, 52, 298, 12 ], [ 96, 85, 17, 16 ], [ 120, 85, 264, 16 ], [ 102, 105, 39, 15 ], [ 151, 105, 176, 16 ], [ 330, 105, 565, 15 ], [ 73, 126, 818, 15 ], [ 72, 146, 564, 15 ], [ 639, 149, 30, 11 ], [ 101, 166, 33, 15 ], [ 141, 166, 367, 15 ], [ 101, 186, 33, 15 ], [ 141, 186, 215, 15 ], [ 355, 185, 22, 16 ], [ 373, 186, 129, 15 ], [ 102, 206, 31, 15 ], [ 140, 206, 237, 15 ], [ 379, 206, 36, 16 ], [ 416, 206, 155, 15 ], [ 101, 226, 43, 15 ], [ 153, 226, 404, 15 ], [ 562, 227, 26, 14 ], [ 599, 226, 285, 15 ], [ 72, 246, 259, 15 ], [ 101, 266, 39, 15 ], [ 148, 266, 208, 16 ], [ 355, 266, 222, 15 ], [ 96, 359, 23, 15 ], [ 129, 359, 763, 15 ], [ 72, 379, 817, 15 ], [ 73, 399, 415, 15 ], [ 605, 399, 13, 15 ], [ 96, 419, 41, 15 ], [ 146, 419, 744, 15 ], [ 72, 439, 811, 15 ], [ 73, 459, 821, 15 ], [ 73, 480, 122, 15 ], [ 216, 480, 668, 15 ], [ 72, 500, 821, 15 ], [ 72, 520, 72, 15 ], [ 165, 519, 729, 16 ], [ 71, 540, 821, 15 ], [ 97, 560, 24, 16 ], [ 129, 560, 760, 15 ], [ 72, 580, 600, 15 ], [ 691, 580, 202, 15 ], [ 73, 600, 633, 15 ], [ 727, 600, 169, 15 ], [ 73, 620, 821, 15 ], [ 73, 640, 732, 15 ], [ 409, 680, 151, 10 ], [ 396, 709, 172, 15 ], [ 792, 730, 100, 10 ], [ 73, 743, 770, 12 ], [ 863, 743, 27, 12 ], [ 73, 762, 769, 12 ], [ 862, 762, 27, 12 ], [ 72, 780, 770, 12 ], [ 862, 780, 27, 12 ], [ 73, 796, 769, 12 ], [ 863, 796, 27, 12 ], [ 71, 813, 78, 12 ], [ 165, 813, 675, 12 ], [ 862, 813, 27, 12 ], [ 71, 829, 766, 12 ], [ 862, 829, 25, 12 ], [ 73, 846, 116, 12 ], [ 206, 846, 636, 12 ], [ 863, 846, 25, 12 ], [ 71, 863, 207, 12 ], [ 276, 863, 566, 12 ], [ 862, 863, 25, 12 ], [ 72, 879, 138, 12 ], [ 227, 879, 616, 12 ], [ 863, 879, 30, 12 ], [ 74, 897, 88, 12 ], [ 178, 897, 664, 12 ], [ 864, 897, 25, 12 ], [ 75, 913, 383, 12 ], [ 461, 913, 34, 12 ], [ 493, 913, 354, 12 ], [ 862, 914, 18, 12 ], [ 462, 951, 31, 17 ], [ 254, 308, 15, 15 ], [ 291, 294, 285, 15 ], [ 583, 293, 7, 8 ], [ 591, 299, 5, 8 ], [ 595, 293, 20, 8 ], [ 216, 315, 44, 10 ], [ 270, 311, 303, 15 ], [ 230, 333, 523, 15 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "VII", "– S", "ELECTION CRITERIA", "VIII", "– E", "VIDENCE ", "F", "OR ", "S", "ELECTION", "$^{2}$ The same institution or agency.", "$^{3}$ The same institution or agency.", "Page 5 of 6 ", "The signatory declares that the person has already provided the documentary evidence for a previous ", "procedure and confirms that there has been no change in its situation:", "The person is not required to submit the evidence if it has already been submitted for another procurement ", "procedure of the same contracting authority", "$^{3}$. The documents must have been issued no more than one year ", "before the date of their request by the contracting authority and must still be valid at that date.", "The signatory declares that the above-mentioned person is able to provide the necessary supporting ", "documents listed in the relevant sections of the tender specifications and which are not available electronically ", "upon request and without delay. ", "The person is not required to submit the evidence", "if it has", "already", "been", "submitted", "for another award ", "procedure of the same contracting authority", "$^{2}$. The documents must have been issued no more than one year ", "before the date of their request by the contracting authority and must still be valid at that date.", "The signatory declares that the person has already provided the documentary evidence for a previous ", "procedure and confirms that there has been no change in its situation:", "Document ", "Full reference to previous procedure ", "Insert as many lines as necessary.", "(1)", "declares that the above-mentioned person complies with the selection criteria applicable to ", "it individually as provided in the tender specifications: ", "YES ", "NO ", "(a)", "It", "has the legal and regulatory capacity to pursue the professional activity needed for ", "performing the contract as required in the Tender Specifications; ", "(b)", "It fulfils the applicable economic and financial criteria indicated in the Tender Specifications; ", "(c)", "It", "fulfils", "the", "applicable", "technical", "and", "professional", "criteria", "indicated", "in", "the", "Tender ", "Specifications. ", "(2)", "If the above-mentioned person is the ", "sole tenderer", " or the ", "leader in case of ", "joint tender", ", declares that: ", "YES ", "NO ", "N/A ", "(d)", "the tenderer, including all members of the group in case of joint tender and ", "including subcontractors if applicable, complies with all the selection criteria ", "for which a consolidated assessment will be made as provided in the tender ", "specifications. ", "Document ", "Full reference to previous procedure ", "Insert as many lines as necessary." ]
[ [ 93, 284, 224, 16 ], [ 93, 284, 224, 16 ], [ 93, 284, 224, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 892, 196, 10 ], [ 93, 903, 196, 10 ], [ 93, 945, 74, 10 ], [ 93, 761, 843, 27 ], [ 93, 761, 843, 27 ], [ 93, 701, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 701, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 701, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 701, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 642, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 642, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 642, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 187, 843, 27 ], [ 93, 187, 843, 27 ], [ 83, 231, 817, 31 ], [ 83, 231, 817, 31 ], [ 83, 231, 817, 31 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 83, 805, 854, 31 ], [ 83, 805, 854, 31 ], [ 83, 805, 854, 31 ] ]
[ [ 93, 284, 25, 16 ], [ 127, 284, 25, 16 ], [ 152, 287, 164, 13 ], [ 93, 609, 32, 16 ], [ 134, 609, 24, 16 ], [ 158, 612, 77, 13 ], [ 235, 609, 12, 16 ], [ 248, 612, 29, 13 ], [ 277, 609, 13, 16 ], [ 291, 612, 82, 13 ], [ 93, 892, 196, 10 ], [ 93, 903, 196, 10 ], [ 93, 945, 74, 10 ], [ 93, 761, 843, 13 ], [ 93, 775, 530, 13 ], [ 93, 701, 843, 13 ], [ 93, 715, 336, 13 ], [ 429, 715, 507, 13 ], [ 93, 729, 710, 13 ], [ 93, 642, 843, 13 ], [ 93, 656, 843, 13 ], [ 93, 670, 249, 13 ], [ 93, 128, 392, 13 ], [ 498, 128, 62, 13 ], [ 574, 128, 65, 13 ], [ 652, 128, 44, 13 ], [ 709, 128, 73, 13 ], [ 796, 128, 140, 13 ], [ 93, 142, 336, 13 ], [ 429, 142, 507, 13 ], [ 93, 156, 710, 13 ], [ 93, 187, 843, 13 ], [ 93, 201, 530, 13 ], [ 248, 233, 89, 13 ], [ 547, 233, 304, 13 ], [ 93, 247, 264, 13 ], [ 93, 323, 15, 13 ], [ 115, 323, 711, 13 ], [ 93, 337, 409, 13 ], [ 840, 326, 39, 13 ], [ 896, 326, 30, 13 ], [ 93, 359, 23, 13 ], [ 123, 359, 10, 13 ], [ 147, 359, 679, 13 ], [ 124, 373, 495, 13 ], [ 93, 402, 20, 13 ], [ 119, 402, 706, 13 ], [ 93, 431, 19, 13 ], [ 118, 431, 9, 13 ], [ 140, 431, 42, 13 ], [ 195, 431, 25, 13 ], [ 233, 431, 80, 13 ], [ 325, 431, 68, 13 ], [ 407, 431, 26, 13 ], [ 445, 431, 84, 13 ], [ 541, 431, 61, 13 ], [ 615, 431, 75, 13 ], [ 702, 431, 12, 13 ], [ 727, 431, 25, 13 ], [ 764, 431, 62, 13 ], [ 124, 445, 115, 13 ], [ 93, 487, 17, 13 ], [ 116, 487, 289, 13 ], [ 407, 487, 108, 13 ], [ 515, 487, 54, 13 ], [ 570, 487, 141, 13 ], [ 93, 501, 93, 13 ], [ 187, 501, 117, 13 ], [ 725, 494, 39, 13 ], [ 786, 494, 30, 13 ], [ 847, 494, 33, 13 ], [ 93, 523, 22, 13 ], [ 121, 523, 590, 13 ], [ 124, 537, 587, 13 ], [ 124, 551, 587, 13 ], [ 124, 565, 113, 13 ], [ 248, 806, 89, 13 ], [ 566, 806, 304, 13 ], [ 93, 821, 264, 13 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
EN-Declaration on Honour.pdf
[ "MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL", "CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS", "INTEREST SENSITIVITY AND DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK", "continued", "The Corporation places its greatest credence in net interest income", "simulation modeling. The above GAP/Interest Rate Sensitivity Report is believed", "by the Corporation's management to have two major shortfalls. The GAP/Interest", "Rate Sensitivity Report fails to precisely gauge how often an interest rate", "sensitive product reprices, nor is it able to measure the magnitude of", "potential future rate movements.", "Net interest income simulation modeling, or earnings-at-risk, measures the", "sensitivity of net interest income to various interest rate movements. The", "Corporation's asset liability process monitors simulated net interest income", "under three separate interest rate scenarios; base, rising and falling.", "Estimated net interest income for each scenario is calculated over a 12-month", "horizon. The immediate and parallel changes to the base case scenario used in", "the model are presented below. The interest rate scenarios are used for", "analytical purposes and do not necessarily represent management's view of", "future market movements. Rather, these are intended to provide a measure of the", "degree of volatility interest rate movements may introduce into the earnings of", "the Corporation.", "The base scenario is highly dependent on numerous assumptions embedded in", "the model, including assumptions related to future interest rates. While the", "base sensitivity analysis incorporates management's best estimate of interest", "rate and balance sheet dynamics under various market rate movements, the actual", "behavior and resulting earnings impact will likely differ from that projected.", "For mortgage-related assets, the base simulation model captures the expected", "prepayment behavior under changing interest rate environments. Assumptions and", "methodologies regarding the interest rate or balance behavior of indeterminate", "(dollars in thousands)", "At December 31, 2003", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "1-180 DAYS", "181-365 DAYS", "1-5 YEARS", "BEYOND 5 YEARS", "TOTAL", "===================================================================================================================================", "Rate-Sensitive Assets:", "Federal funds sold and interest-bearing deposits ........", "$", "40,556", "$", "40,556", "Investment securities ...................................", "36,876", "$", "24,045", "$", "136,084", "$", "159,792", "356,797", "Loans ...................................................", "1,012,808", "326,043", "870,082", "147,613", "2,356,546", "Federal Reserve and Federal Home Loan Bank stock ........", "15,502", "15,502", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "Total rate-sensitive assets ........................", "1,105,742", "350,088", "1,006,166", "307,405", "2,769,401", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "Rate-Sensitive Liabilities:", "Interest-bearing deposits ...............................", "1,411,925", "224,461", "383,135", "4,379", "2,023,900", "Securities sold under repurchase agreements .............", "71,095", "71,095", "Federal Home Loan Bank advances .........................", "7,750", "15,000", "80,341", "109,688", "212,779", "Trust preferred securities ..............................", "57,188", "57,188", "Other short-term borrowings .............................", "1,514", "1,514", "Other borrowed funds ....................................", "10,594", "30,000", "40,594", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "Total rate-sensitive liabilities ...................", "1,502,878", "239,461", "463,476", "201,255", "2,407,070", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "Interest rate sensitivity gap by period ....................", "$ (397,136)", "$", "110,627", "$", "542,690", "$", "106,150", "Cumulative rate sensitivity gap ............................", "(397,136)", "(286,509)", "256,181", "362,331", "Cumulative rate sensitivity gap ratio", "at December 31, 2003 ....................................", "73.6%", "83.6%", "111.6%", "115.1%", "at December 31, 2002 ....................................", "111.8%", "85.2%", "98.2%", "113.8%", "The Corporation had a cumulative negative gap of $286,509,000 in the one-year", "horizon at December 31, 2003, just over 9.3 percent of total assets.", "13" ]
[ [ 132, 103, 619, 33 ], [ 132, 103, 619, 33 ], [ 132, 173, 615, 10 ], [ 132, 173, 615, 10 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 132, 439, 437, 14 ], [ 132, 439, 437, 14 ], [ 498, 939, 15, 10 ] ]
[ [ 132, 103, 619, 14 ], [ 132, 122, 461, 14 ], [ 132, 173, 503, 10 ], [ 663, 173, 83, 10 ], [ 178, 471, 624, 10 ], [ 132, 485, 736, 10 ], [ 132, 499, 727, 10 ], [ 132, 512, 699, 10 ], [ 132, 526, 652, 10 ], [ 132, 540, 298, 10 ], [ 178, 568, 689, 10 ], [ 132, 581, 689, 10 ], [ 132, 595, 708, 10 ], [ 132, 609, 661, 10 ], [ 132, 623, 717, 10 ], [ 132, 637, 717, 10 ], [ 132, 650, 661, 10 ], [ 132, 664, 680, 10 ], [ 132, 678, 736, 10 ], [ 132, 692, 736, 10 ], [ 132, 706, 149, 10 ], [ 178, 733, 680, 10 ], [ 132, 747, 708, 10 ], [ 132, 761, 717, 10 ], [ 132, 775, 736, 10 ], [ 132, 788, 727, 10 ], [ 132, 802, 708, 10 ], [ 132, 816, 727, 10 ], [ 132, 830, 727, 10 ], [ 132, 199, 125, 6 ], [ 621, 199, 113, 6 ], [ 132, 207, 744, 6 ], [ 496, 216, 56, 6 ], [ 569, 216, 68, 6 ], [ 660, 216, 51, 6 ], [ 734, 216, 79, 6 ], [ 837, 216, 28, 6 ], [ 132, 224, 744, 6 ], [ 132, 232, 125, 6 ], [ 149, 240, 324, 6 ], [ 490, 240, 5, 6 ], [ 513, 240, 34, 6 ], [ 814, 240, 5, 6 ], [ 837, 240, 34, 6 ], [ 149, 249, 324, 6 ], [ 513, 249, 34, 6 ], [ 569, 249, 5, 6 ], [ 592, 249, 34, 6 ], [ 655, 249, 5, 6 ], [ 672, 249, 39, 6 ], [ 740, 249, 5, 6 ], [ 757, 249, 39, 6 ], [ 831, 249, 39, 6 ], [ 149, 257, 324, 6 ], [ 496, 257, 51, 6 ], [ 587, 257, 39, 6 ], [ 672, 257, 39, 6 ], [ 757, 257, 39, 6 ], [ 820, 257, 51, 6 ], [ 149, 265, 324, 6 ], [ 513, 265, 34, 6 ], [ 837, 265, 34, 6 ], [ 490, 274, 56, 6 ], [ 569, 274, 56, 6 ], [ 655, 274, 56, 6 ], [ 740, 274, 56, 6 ], [ 814, 274, 56, 6 ], [ 177, 282, 295, 6 ], [ 496, 282, 51, 6 ], [ 587, 282, 39, 6 ], [ 660, 282, 51, 6 ], [ 757, 282, 39, 6 ], [ 820, 282, 51, 6 ], [ 490, 290, 56, 6 ], [ 569, 290, 56, 6 ], [ 655, 290, 56, 6 ], [ 740, 290, 56, 6 ], [ 814, 290, 56, 6 ], [ 132, 298, 153, 6 ], [ 149, 307, 324, 6 ], [ 496, 307, 51, 6 ], [ 587, 307, 39, 6 ], [ 672, 307, 39, 6 ], [ 768, 307, 28, 6 ], [ 820, 307, 51, 6 ], [ 149, 315, 324, 6 ], [ 513, 315, 34, 6 ], [ 837, 315, 34, 6 ], [ 149, 323, 324, 6 ], [ 518, 323, 28, 6 ], [ 592, 323, 34, 6 ], [ 677, 323, 34, 6 ], [ 757, 323, 39, 6 ], [ 831, 323, 39, 6 ], [ 149, 331, 324, 6 ], [ 763, 331, 34, 6 ], [ 837, 331, 34, 6 ], [ 149, 340, 324, 6 ], [ 518, 340, 28, 6 ], [ 842, 340, 28, 6 ], [ 149, 348, 324, 6 ], [ 513, 348, 34, 6 ], [ 763, 348, 34, 6 ], [ 837, 348, 34, 6 ], [ 490, 356, 56, 6 ], [ 569, 356, 56, 6 ], [ 655, 356, 56, 6 ], [ 740, 356, 56, 6 ], [ 814, 356, 56, 6 ], [ 177, 364, 295, 6 ], [ 496, 364, 51, 6 ], [ 587, 364, 39, 6 ], [ 672, 364, 39, 6 ], [ 757, 364, 39, 6 ], [ 820, 364, 51, 6 ], [ 490, 373, 56, 6 ], [ 569, 373, 56, 6 ], [ 655, 373, 56, 6 ], [ 740, 373, 56, 6 ], [ 814, 373, 56, 6 ], [ 132, 389, 341, 6 ], [ 490, 389, 62, 6 ], [ 569, 389, 5, 6 ], [ 587, 389, 39, 6 ], [ 655, 389, 5, 6 ], [ 672, 389, 39, 6 ], [ 740, 389, 5, 6 ], [ 757, 389, 39, 6 ], [ 132, 398, 341, 6 ], [ 501, 398, 51, 6 ], [ 581, 398, 51, 6 ], [ 672, 398, 39, 6 ], [ 757, 398, 39, 6 ], [ 132, 406, 210, 6 ], [ 149, 414, 324, 6 ], [ 524, 414, 28, 6 ], [ 604, 414, 28, 6 ], [ 683, 414, 34, 6 ], [ 768, 414, 34, 6 ], [ 149, 423, 324, 6 ], [ 518, 423, 34, 6 ], [ 604, 423, 28, 6 ], [ 689, 423, 28, 6 ], [ 768, 423, 34, 6 ], [ 132, 439, 437, 6 ], [ 132, 447, 386, 6 ], [ 498, 939, 15, 10 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "Specifying Program Options", "The server attempted to start using ", "/usr/local/mysql/var/tonfisk.err", " as the error log, but then", "shut down. Examining the last few lines of this file shows the reason:", "Because the ", "--log-error", " option supplies a default value, you must use an equal sign to assign a", "different value to it, as shown here:", "When the ", "mysql", " client reads this file, these entries are parsed as ", "--host --user", " or ", "--host=--user", ",", "with the result shown here:", "However, in option files, an equal sign is not assumed. Suppose the ", "my.cnf", " file is as shown here:", "Trying to start ", "mysql", " in this case causes a different error:", "A similar error would occur if you were to write ", "host tonfisk", " in the option file rather than", "host=tonfisk", ". Instead, you must use the equal sign:", "Now the login attempt succeeds:", "Now the server has been started successfully, and is logging errors to the file ", "/usr/local/mysql/var/", "my-errors.err", ".", "Similar issues can arise when specifying option values in option files. For example, consider a ", "my.cnf", " file", "that contains the following:", "shell> ", "tail /usr/local/mysql/var/tonfisk.err", "2013-09-24T15:36:22.278034Z 0 [ERROR] Too many arguments (first extra is ’my-errors’).", "2013-09-24T15:36:22.278059Z 0 [Note] Use --verbose --help to get a list of available options!", "2013-09-24T15:36:22.278076Z 0 [ERROR] Aborting", "2013-09-24T15:36:22.279704Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Starting shutdown...", "2013-09-24T15:36:23.777471Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 2319086", "2013-09-24T15:36:23.780134Z 0 [Note] mysqld: Shutdown complete", "shell> ", "mysqld_safe --log-error=my-errors &", "[1]", "31437", "shell> 080111 22:54:15 mysqld_safe Logging to ’/usr/local/mysql/var/my-errors.err’.", "080111 22:54:15 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/var", "shell>", "[mysql]", "host", "user", "shell> ", "mysql", "ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host ’--user’ (1)", "[mysql]", "user jon", "shell> ", "mysql", "mysql: unknown option ’--user jon’", "[mysql]", "user=jon", "shell> ", "mysql", "Welcome to the MySQL monitor.", "Commands end with ; or \\g.", "Your MySQL connection id is 5", "Server version: 8.0.25 Source distribution", "Type ’help;’ or ’\\h’ for help. Type ’\\c’ to clear the buffer.", "355" ]
[ [ 423, 48, 208, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 27 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 27 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 27 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 27 ], [ 170, 237, 737, 27 ], [ 170, 237, 737, 27 ], [ 170, 237, 737, 27 ], [ 170, 237, 737, 27 ], [ 170, 516, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 516, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 516, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 516, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 516, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 516, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 516, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 516, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 597, 728, 11 ], [ 170, 597, 728, 11 ], [ 170, 597, 728, 11 ], [ 170, 674, 427, 11 ], [ 170, 674, 427, 11 ], [ 170, 674, 427, 11 ], [ 170, 739, 675, 27 ], [ 170, 739, 675, 27 ], [ 170, 739, 675, 27 ], [ 170, 739, 675, 27 ], [ 170, 739, 675, 27 ], [ 170, 832, 242, 11 ], [ 170, 367, 786, 27 ], [ 170, 367, 786, 27 ], [ 170, 367, 786, 27 ], [ 170, 367, 786, 27 ], [ 170, 411, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 411, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 411, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 411, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 137, 747, 82 ], [ 170, 137, 747, 82 ], [ 170, 137, 747, 82 ], [ 170, 137, 747, 82 ], [ 170, 137, 747, 82 ], [ 170, 137, 747, 82 ], [ 170, 137, 747, 82 ], [ 170, 137, 747, 82 ], [ 170, 280, 731, 70 ], [ 170, 280, 731, 70 ], [ 170, 280, 731, 70 ], [ 170, 280, 731, 70 ], [ 170, 280, 731, 70 ], [ 170, 280, 731, 70 ], [ 170, 280, 731, 70 ], [ 170, 453, 56, 45 ], [ 170, 453, 56, 45 ], [ 170, 453, 56, 45 ], [ 170, 559, 466, 20 ], [ 170, 559, 466, 20 ], [ 170, 559, 466, 20 ], [ 170, 624, 64, 32 ], [ 170, 624, 64, 32 ], [ 170, 701, 273, 20 ], [ 170, 701, 273, 20 ], [ 170, 701, 273, 20 ], [ 170, 781, 64, 32 ], [ 170, 781, 64, 32 ], [ 170, 859, 490, 70 ], [ 170, 859, 490, 70 ], [ 170, 859, 490, 70 ], [ 170, 859, 490, 70 ], [ 170, 859, 490, 70 ], [ 170, 859, 490, 70 ], [ 170, 859, 490, 70 ], [ 936, 964, 27, 11 ] ]
[ [ 423, 48, 208, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 264, 11 ], [ 435, 96, 321, 10 ], [ 756, 94, 187, 11 ], [ 170, 110, 508, 11 ], [ 170, 237, 97, 11 ], [ 268, 238, 110, 10 ], [ 379, 237, 528, 11 ], [ 170, 253, 259, 11 ], [ 170, 516, 76, 11 ], [ 247, 517, 50, 10 ], [ 297, 516, 363, 11 ], [ 661, 517, 125, 10 ], [ 786, 516, 24, 11 ], [ 810, 517, 130, 10 ], [ 941, 516, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 532, 199, 11 ], [ 170, 597, 507, 11 ], [ 678, 598, 60, 10 ], [ 738, 597, 161, 11 ], [ 170, 674, 107, 11 ], [ 277, 675, 50, 10 ], [ 328, 674, 269, 11 ], [ 170, 739, 347, 11 ], [ 517, 740, 120, 10 ], [ 638, 739, 207, 11 ], [ 170, 756, 120, 10 ], [ 291, 755, 286, 11 ], [ 170, 832, 242, 11 ], [ 170, 367, 575, 11 ], [ 746, 368, 211, 10 ], [ 170, 384, 130, 10 ], [ 301, 383, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 411, 699, 11 ], [ 869, 412, 60, 10 ], [ 930, 411, 26, 11 ], [ 170, 426, 197, 11 ], [ 170, 137, 56, 8 ], [ 227, 137, 297, 8 ], [ 170, 149, 691, 8 ], [ 170, 162, 747, 8 ], [ 170, 174, 369, 8 ], [ 170, 187, 522, 8 ], [ 170, 199, 739, 8 ], [ 170, 212, 498, 8 ], [ 170, 280, 56, 8 ], [ 227, 280, 281, 8 ], [ 170, 292, 24, 8 ], [ 202, 292, 40, 8 ], [ 170, 304, 667, 8 ], [ 170, 317, 731, 8 ], [ 170, 342, 48, 8 ], [ 170, 453, 56, 8 ], [ 170, 478, 32, 8 ], [ 170, 490, 32, 8 ], [ 170, 559, 56, 8 ], [ 227, 559, 40, 8 ], [ 170, 571, 466, 8 ], [ 170, 624, 56, 8 ], [ 170, 648, 64, 8 ], [ 170, 701, 56, 8 ], [ 227, 701, 40, 8 ], [ 170, 713, 273, 8 ], [ 170, 781, 56, 8 ], [ 170, 806, 64, 8 ], [ 170, 859, 56, 8 ], [ 227, 859, 40, 8 ], [ 170, 871, 233, 8 ], [ 420, 871, 209, 8 ], [ 170, 884, 233, 8 ], [ 170, 896, 337, 8 ], [ 170, 921, 490, 8 ], [ 936, 964, 27, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS", "26", "CAPSTONE INFRASTRUCTURE CORPORATION", "Utilities – water", "Utilities – district heating", "Corporate", "Net income (loss)", "Net income (loss) for each business segment was as follows:", "The following table shows the significant changes in Adjusted EBITDA and AFFO from 2012:", "The following table shows the significant changes in Adjusted EBITDA and AFFO from 2012:", "The following table shows the significant changes in Adjusted EBITDA and AFFO from 2012:", "Change", "Explanations", "(6,135)", "Impact of sale of 20% interest in Bristol Water on May 10, 2012.", "4,985", "Business performance increase primarily due to higher revenue as a result of annual increase in regulated water tariffs, offset by", "higher operating expenses.", "825", "Impact of foreign exchange on Adjusted EBITDA.", "(325)", "Change in Adjusted EBITDA.", "(1,391)", "Impact of sale of 20% interest in Bristol Water on May 10, 2012.", "(158)", "Dividend reduction due to payment of higher operational and management fees for outperformance.", "5", "Impact of foreign exchange on AFFO.", "(1,544)", "Change in AFFO.", "Change", "Explanations", "1,052", "Higher dividend due to distribution of surplus cash attributable to prior years' performance.", "(728)", "Lower interest income following the March 2012 partial repayment of the shareholder loan from Värmevärden refinancing", "proceeds.", "284", "Impact of foreign exchange.", "608", "Change in Adjusted EBITDA and AFFO.", "Change", "Explanations", "(4,019)", "Higher project development costs primarily due to acquisition costs for ReD.", "701", "Lower administrative expenses primarily due to lower staff costs.", "161", "Higher interest income due to higher average cash balances.", "(3,157)", "Change in Adjusted EBITDA.", "(1,922)", "Higher taxes paid primarily due to the final payment of 2012 taxes for the preferred share dividends.", "806", "Lower interest paid on debt primarily due to second quarter 2012 repayment of the senior debt facility and the corporate", "component of the CPC-Cardinal debt facility.", "(4,273)", "Change in AFFO.", "Net Income (loss)", "For the year ended", "Dec 31, 2013", "Dec 31, 2012", "Power", "35,009", "19,788", "Utilities – water", "51,477", "41,052", "Utilities – district heating", "2,850", "7,936", "Corporate", "(22,126)", "(22,805)", "Total", "67,210", "45,971" ]
[ [ 90, 45, 278, 9 ], [ 90, 971, 264, 8 ], [ 90, 971, 264, 8 ], [ 89, 97, 103, 10 ], [ 89, 324, 164, 10 ], [ 89, 476, 67, 10 ], [ 89, 682, 108, 10 ], [ 89, 699, 342, 9 ], [ 89, 488, 527, 9 ], [ 89, 336, 527, 9 ], [ 89, 109, 527, 9 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 90, 130, 845, 180 ], [ 88, 360, 842, 98 ], [ 88, 360, 842, 98 ], [ 88, 360, 842, 98 ], [ 88, 360, 842, 98 ], [ 88, 360, 842, 98 ], [ 88, 360, 842, 98 ], [ 88, 360, 842, 98 ], [ 88, 360, 842, 98 ], [ 88, 360, 842, 98 ], [ 88, 360, 842, 98 ], [ 88, 360, 842, 98 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 90, 510, 845, 146 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ], [ 91, 723, 843, 114 ] ]
[ [ 90, 45, 278, 9 ], [ 90, 971, 13, 7 ], [ 120, 971, 234, 8 ], [ 89, 97, 103, 10 ], [ 89, 324, 164, 10 ], [ 89, 476, 67, 10 ], [ 89, 682, 108, 10 ], [ 89, 699, 342, 9 ], [ 89, 488, 527, 9 ], [ 89, 336, 527, 9 ], [ 89, 109, 527, 9 ], [ 94, 134, 45, 9 ], [ 175, 134, 78, 9 ], [ 126, 151, 43, 9 ], [ 175, 151, 371, 9 ], [ 131, 172, 33, 9 ], [ 175, 167, 743, 9 ], [ 175, 177, 156, 9 ], [ 142, 194, 23, 9 ], [ 175, 194, 283, 9 ], [ 137, 210, 33, 9 ], [ 175, 211, 164, 9 ], [ 126, 244, 43, 9 ], [ 175, 244, 371, 9 ], [ 137, 261, 33, 9 ], [ 175, 261, 583, 9 ], [ 157, 278, 7, 9 ], [ 175, 278, 217, 9 ], [ 126, 294, 43, 9 ], [ 175, 295, 98, 9 ], [ 93, 365, 45, 9 ], [ 173, 365, 78, 9 ], [ 129, 381, 33, 9 ], [ 173, 382, 528, 9 ], [ 135, 398, 33, 9 ], [ 173, 401, 710, 9 ], [ 173, 410, 56, 9 ], [ 140, 426, 23, 9 ], [ 173, 427, 161, 9 ], [ 140, 443, 23, 9 ], [ 173, 444, 226, 9 ], [ 94, 513, 45, 9 ], [ 175, 513, 78, 9 ], [ 126, 529, 43, 9 ], [ 175, 530, 442, 9 ], [ 142, 546, 23, 9 ], [ 175, 547, 378, 9 ], [ 142, 563, 23, 9 ], [ 175, 564, 348, 9 ], [ 126, 580, 43, 9 ], [ 175, 581, 164, 9 ], [ 126, 597, 43, 9 ], [ 175, 597, 581, 9 ], [ 142, 614, 23, 9 ], [ 175, 614, 704, 9 ], [ 175, 623, 260, 9 ], [ 126, 639, 43, 9 ], [ 175, 640, 98, 9 ], [ 94, 724, 99, 9 ], [ 791, 724, 103, 9 ], [ 763, 738, 73, 9 ], [ 855, 738, 73, 9 ], [ 94, 756, 35, 9 ], [ 797, 756, 39, 9 ], [ 890, 756, 38, 9 ], [ 94, 773, 85, 9 ], [ 797, 773, 39, 9 ], [ 890, 773, 38, 9 ], [ 94, 790, 135, 9 ], [ 805, 790, 31, 9 ], [ 897, 790, 31, 9 ], [ 94, 806, 56, 9 ], [ 793, 806, 48, 9 ], [ 886, 806, 47, 9 ], [ 94, 823, 28, 9 ], [ 797, 823, 39, 9 ], [ 890, 823, 38, 9 ] ]
[ 5, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "Encryption and Compression Functions", "Block Encryption Mode", "Initialization Vector Required", "OFB", "Yes", "Statements that use ", "AES_ENCRYPT()", " or ", "AES_DECRYPT()", " are unsafe for statement-based replication.", "If ", "AES_ENCRYPT()", " is invoked from within the ", "mysql", " client, binary strings display using hexadecimal", "notation, depending on the value of the ", "--binary-as-hex", ". For more information about that option, see", "Section 4.5.1, “mysql — The MySQL Command-Line Client”", ".", "Compresses a string and returns the result as a binary string. This function requires MySQL to have", "been compiled with a compression library such as ", "zlib", ". Otherwise, the return value is always ", "NULL", ".", "The compressed string can be uncompressed with ", "UNCOMPRESS()", ".", "The compressed string contents are stored the following way:", "If ", "COMPRESS()", " is invoked from within the ", "mysql", " client, binary strings display using hexadecimal", "notation, depending on the value of the ", "--binary-as-hex", ". For more information about that option, see", "Section 4.5.1, “mysql — The MySQL Command-Line Client”", ".", "Calculates an MD5 128-bit checksum for the string. The value is returned as a string of 32 hexadecimal", "digits, or ", "NULL", " if the argument was ", "NULL", ". The return value can, for example, be used as a hash key.", "See the notes at the beginning of this section about storing hash values efficiently.", "The return value is a string in the connection character set.", "If FIPS mode is enabled, ", "MD5()", " returns ", "NULL", ". See Section 6.8, “FIPS Support”", ".", "This is the “RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm.”", "See the note regarding the MD5 algorithm at the beginning this section.", "2274", "mysql> ", "SELECT MD5(’testing’);", "-> ’ae2b1fca515949e5d54fb22b8ed95575’", "mysql> ", "SELECT LENGTH(COMPRESS(REPEAT(’a’,1000)));", "-> 21", "mysql> ", "SELECT LENGTH(COMPRESS(’’));", "-> 0", "mysql> ", "SELECT LENGTH(COMPRESS(’a’));", "-> 13", "mysql> ", "SELECT LENGTH(COMPRESS(REPEAT(’a’,16)));", "-> 15", "•Empty strings are stored as empty strings.", "•Nonempty strings are stored as a 4-byte length of the uncompressed string (low byte first), followed by", "the compressed string. If the string ends with space, an extra ", ".", " character is added to avoid problems", "with endspace trimming should the result be stored in a ", "CHAR", " or ", "VARCHAR", " column. (However,", "use of nonbinary string data types such as ", "CHAR", " or ", "VARCHAR", " to store compressed strings is not", "recommended anyway because character set conversion may occur. Use a ", "VARBINARY", " or ", "BLOB", "binary string column instead.)", "•", "MD5(", "str", ")", "•", "COMPRESS(", "string_to_compress", ")" ]
[ [ 351, 48, 292, 11 ], [ 156, 92, 779, 43 ], [ 156, 92, 779, 43 ], [ 156, 92, 779, 43 ], [ 156, 92, 779, 43 ], [ 157, 153, 762, 11 ], [ 157, 153, 762, 11 ], [ 157, 153, 762, 11 ], [ 157, 153, 762, 11 ], [ 157, 153, 762, 11 ], [ 157, 184, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 184, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 184, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 184, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 184, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 184, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 184, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 184, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 184, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 184, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 274, 746, 43 ], [ 157, 274, 746, 43 ], [ 157, 274, 746, 43 ], [ 157, 274, 746, 43 ], [ 157, 274, 746, 43 ], [ 157, 274, 746, 43 ], [ 157, 274, 746, 43 ], [ 157, 274, 746, 43 ], [ 157, 274, 746, 43 ], [ 157, 451, 455, 11 ], [ 157, 617, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 617, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 617, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 617, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 617, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 617, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 617, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 617, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 617, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 617, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 707, 764, 43 ], [ 157, 707, 764, 43 ], [ 157, 707, 764, 43 ], [ 157, 707, 764, 43 ], [ 157, 707, 764, 43 ], [ 157, 707, 764, 43 ], [ 157, 707, 764, 43 ], [ 157, 769, 435, 11 ], [ 157, 800, 616, 11 ], [ 157, 800, 616, 11 ], [ 157, 800, 616, 11 ], [ 157, 800, 616, 11 ], [ 157, 800, 616, 11 ], [ 157, 800, 616, 11 ], [ 157, 871, 541, 11 ], [ 157, 902, 528, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 157, 830, 361, 20 ], [ 157, 830, 361, 20 ], [ 157, 830, 361, 20 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 335, 393, 95 ], [ 157, 479, 329, 11 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 89 ], [ 140, 676, 97, 11 ], [ 140, 676, 97, 11 ], [ 140, 676, 97, 11 ], [ 140, 676, 97, 11 ], [ 140, 243, 298, 11 ], [ 140, 243, 298, 11 ], [ 140, 243, 298, 11 ], [ 140, 243, 298, 11 ] ]
[ [ 351, 48, 292, 11 ], [ 161, 97, 186, 11 ], [ 549, 97, 230, 11 ], [ 161, 119, 34, 11 ], [ 549, 119, 28, 11 ], [ 157, 153, 153, 11 ], [ 311, 154, 130, 10 ], [ 441, 153, 24, 11 ], [ 465, 154, 130, 10 ], [ 596, 153, 323, 11 ], [ 157, 184, 13, 11 ], [ 171, 185, 130, 10 ], [ 302, 184, 197, 11 ], [ 499, 185, 50, 10 ], [ 549, 184, 352, 11 ], [ 157, 199, 294, 11 ], [ 451, 200, 150, 10 ], [ 602, 199, 330, 11 ], [ 157, 215, 474, 11 ], [ 601, 215, 4, 11 ], [ 157, 274, 738, 11 ], [ 157, 290, 374, 11 ], [ 531, 291, 40, 10 ], [ 571, 290, 287, 11 ], [ 859, 291, 40, 10 ], [ 899, 290, 4, 11 ], [ 157, 305, 378, 11 ], [ 536, 307, 120, 10 ], [ 656, 305, 4, 11 ], [ 157, 451, 455, 11 ], [ 157, 617, 13, 11 ], [ 171, 618, 100, 10 ], [ 271, 617, 197, 11 ], [ 469, 618, 50, 10 ], [ 519, 617, 352, 11 ], [ 157, 632, 294, 11 ], [ 451, 633, 150, 10 ], [ 602, 632, 330, 11 ], [ 157, 648, 474, 11 ], [ 601, 648, 4, 11 ], [ 157, 707, 764, 11 ], [ 157, 723, 67, 11 ], [ 225, 724, 40, 10 ], [ 265, 723, 155, 11 ], [ 421, 724, 40, 10 ], [ 461, 723, 441, 11 ], [ 157, 738, 608, 11 ], [ 157, 769, 435, 11 ], [ 157, 800, 188, 11 ], [ 345, 801, 50, 10 ], [ 395, 800, 61, 11 ], [ 457, 801, 40, 10 ], [ 497, 800, 276, 11 ], [ 745, 800, 4, 11 ], [ 157, 871, 541, 11 ], [ 157, 902, 528, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 157, 830, 56, 8 ], [ 213, 830, 176, 8 ], [ 219, 842, 299, 8 ], [ 157, 335, 56, 8 ], [ 213, 335, 337, 8 ], [ 221, 347, 40, 8 ], [ 157, 360, 56, 8 ], [ 213, 360, 225, 8 ], [ 221, 372, 32, 8 ], [ 157, 385, 56, 8 ], [ 213, 385, 233, 8 ], [ 221, 397, 40, 8 ], [ 157, 410, 56, 8 ], [ 213, 410, 321, 8 ], [ 221, 422, 40, 8 ], [ 157, 479, 329, 11 ], [ 157, 508, 773, 11 ], [ 174, 523, 456, 11 ], [ 630, 525, 10, 10 ], [ 640, 523, 279, 11 ], [ 174, 539, 414, 11 ], [ 588, 540, 40, 10 ], [ 628, 539, 24, 11 ], [ 652, 540, 70, 10 ], [ 723, 539, 144, 11 ], [ 174, 554, 318, 11 ], [ 492, 556, 40, 10 ], [ 532, 554, 24, 11 ], [ 556, 556, 70, 10 ], [ 627, 554, 255, 11 ], [ 174, 570, 563, 11 ], [ 737, 571, 90, 10 ], [ 827, 570, 24, 11 ], [ 851, 571, 40, 10 ], [ 174, 585, 218, 11 ], [ 140, 676, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 677, 40, 10 ], [ 197, 677, 30, 10 ], [ 227, 677, 10, 10 ], [ 140, 243, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 244, 90, 10 ], [ 247, 244, 180, 10 ], [ 428, 244, 10, 10 ] ]
[ 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "Set", "Types ", "79 ", "Examples", "of assignments ", "Set", "operations", "are", "intended", "to", "be", "relatively", "fast", "and", "can", "be", "used", "to ", "eliminate", "more", "complicated", "tests.", "A", "simpler", "test", "for: ", "is: ", "Produces", "as", "results", "(assuming", "appropriate", "input): ", "Huel ", ":= ", "[Red]; ", "Hue2 ", ":= ", "[]; ", "Hue2 ", ":=", "Hue2 ", "+ ", "[succ(Red)]; ", "Letters ", "['A'", ",'B'", ",'C'", ",'0'", ",'E'", ",'F'", ",'G' ,'H'", ",'I', ", "'J'", ",'K'", ",", "'L'", ",'M'", ",", "'N'", ",", "'0'", ",", "'P'", ",'Q'", ",", "'R'", ", ", ",", "S'", ",", "'", "T'", ",", "'U'", ",", "'V'", ",", "'W'", ",", "'", "X'", ",", "'", "Y'", ",", "'", "Z'", "] ; ", "Vowels:= ", "['A','E','I','O',U]; ", "Consonants ", ":=", "Letters", "-", "Vowels; ", "Add ", ":= ", "[2,3] ", "<=", "Opcode ", "if ", "(Ch='A')or(Ch='E')or(Ch='I')or(Ch='O')or(Ch='U') ", "then", "S ", "if", "Ch ", "in ", "['A','E','I','O','U'] ", "then", "S ", "program", "Convert(Input,Output); ", "{", "Program", "8.1", "-", "Read", "a ", "sequence", "of", "digits", "and", "convert ", "them", "to", "the", "integer", "they", "represent. ", "Assume", "no", "leading", "sign. ", "} ", "var ", "Ch: ", "Char; ", "Digits: ", "set", "of", "'0'", "..", "'9'; ", "Number: ", "Integer; ", "begin ", "Digits ", ":= ", "['0'", "..", "'9'] ", "Read(Input, ", "Ch); ", "Number ", ":=", "0; ", "while", "Ch ", "in", "Digits", "do ", "begin ", "{", "initialize", "value", "of", "the", "set}; ", "Number ", ":=", "Number ", "* ", "10", "+", "Ord(Ch) ", "-", "Ord('O'); ", "Writeln(Output, ", "Number); ", "Read(Input, ", "Ch) ", "end ", "Ch ", "contains", "the", "character", "following", "the", "integer", "} ", "end ", "4 ", "43 ", "432 ", "4321 " ]
[ [ 740, 47, 132, 17 ], [ 740, 47, 132, 17 ], [ 740, 47, 132, 17 ], [ 140, 80, 269, 19 ], [ 140, 80, 269, 19 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 140, 274, 739, 41 ], [ 141, 365, 21, 19 ], [ 141, 823, 536, 19 ], [ 141, 823, 536, 19 ], [ 141, 823, 536, 19 ], [ 141, 823, 536, 19 ], [ 141, 823, 536, 19 ], [ 141, 823, 536, 19 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 208, 111, 639, 153 ], [ 195, 325, 676, 36 ], [ 195, 325, 676, 36 ], [ 195, 325, 676, 36 ], [ 195, 325, 676, 36 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 141, 388, 734, 419 ], [ 224, 854, 51, 73 ], [ 224, 854, 51, 73 ], [ 224, 854, 51, 73 ], [ 224, 854, 51, 73 ] ]
[ [ 740, 47, 16, 17 ], [ 783, 47, 45, 17 ], [ 852, 47, 19, 17 ], [ 140, 80, 77, 19 ], [ 257, 80, 152, 19 ], [ 181, 274, 18, 19 ], [ 228, 274, 60, 19 ], [ 317, 274, 17, 19 ], [ 364, 274, 49, 19 ], [ 442, 274, 11, 19 ], [ 482, 274, 13, 19 ], [ 525, 274, 54, 19 ], [ 608, 274, 20, 19 ], [ 658, 274, 20, 19 ], [ 708, 274, 20, 19 ], [ 757, 274, 13, 19 ], [ 799, 274, 26, 19 ], [ 854, 274, 25, 19 ], [ 140, 296, 60, 19 ], [ 234, 296, 33, 19 ], [ 300, 296, 79, 19 ], [ 412, 296, 33, 19 ], [ 478, 296, 11, 19 ], [ 522, 296, 48, 19 ], [ 604, 296, 22, 19 ], [ 659, 296, 39, 19 ], [ 141, 365, 21, 19 ], [ 141, 823, 67, 19 ], [ 244, 823, 15, 19 ], [ 296, 823, 47, 19 ], [ 379, 823, 73, 19 ], [ 489, 823, 85, 19 ], [ 610, 823, 66, 19 ], [ 209, 111, 51, 16 ], [ 278, 111, 25, 16 ], [ 320, 111, 72, 16 ], [ 409, 111, 50, 16 ], [ 478, 111, 24, 16 ], [ 519, 111, 33, 16 ], [ 209, 131, 52, 16 ], [ 279, 131, 12, 16 ], [ 321, 131, 46, 16 ], [ 383, 131, 11, 15 ], [ 414, 131, 152, 16 ], [ 209, 151, 93, 16 ], [ 360, 150, 25, 17 ], [ 421, 150, 22, 17 ], [ 480, 150, 22, 17 ], [ 538, 150, 19, 17 ], [ 593, 150, 21, 17 ], [ 651, 150, 20, 17 ], [ 707, 150, 65, 17 ], [ 808, 150, 39, 17 ], [ 371, 171, 8, 15 ], [ 403, 171, 15, 15 ], [ 443, 171, 2, 15 ], [ 469, 171, 11, 15 ], [ 504, 171, 17, 15 ], [ 545, 171, 2, 15 ], [ 571, 171, 12, 15 ], [ 607, 171, 2, 15 ], [ 633, 171, 10, 15 ], [ 667, 171, 2, 15 ], [ 693, 171, 10, 15 ], [ 727, 171, 15, 15 ], [ 766, 171, 2, 15 ], [ 793, 171, 12, 15 ], [ 828, 171, 14, 15 ], [ 371, 191, 2, 14 ], [ 390, 191, 5, 14 ], [ 412, 191, 2, 14 ], [ 430, 191, 1, 14 ], [ 447, 191, 6, 14 ], [ 470, 191, 2, 14 ], [ 488, 191, 8, 14 ], [ 513, 191, 2, 14 ], [ 531, 191, 8, 14 ], [ 556, 191, 2, 14 ], [ 574, 191, 10, 14 ], [ 601, 191, 2, 14 ], [ 619, 191, 1, 14 ], [ 636, 191, 7, 14 ], [ 660, 191, 2, 14 ], [ 678, 191, 1, 14 ], [ 695, 191, 7, 14 ], [ 719, 191, 2, 14 ], [ 737, 191, 1, 14 ], [ 754, 191, 6, 14 ], [ 777, 191, 21, 14 ], [ 208, 209, 122, 16 ], [ 360, 209, 259, 16 ], [ 209, 229, 133, 16 ], [ 359, 229, 16, 16 ], [ 413, 229, 52, 16 ], [ 504, 229, 6, 16 ], [ 528, 229, 90, 16 ], [ 208, 249, 41, 16 ], [ 265, 249, 24, 16 ], [ 306, 249, 59, 16 ], [ 383, 249, 18, 16 ], [ 434, 249, 67, 16 ], [ 196, 325, 28, 16 ], [ 241, 325, 630, 16 ], [ 195, 346, 25, 16 ], [ 251, 346, 23, 16 ], [ 196, 388, 8, 16 ], [ 231, 388, 28, 16 ], [ 276, 388, 26, 16 ], [ 320, 388, 272, 16 ], [ 609, 388, 25, 16 ], [ 664, 388, 22, 16 ], [ 141, 421, 86, 16 ], [ 278, 421, 262, 16 ], [ 171, 440, 8, 16 ], [ 212, 440, 57, 16 ], [ 304, 440, 20, 16 ], [ 358, 440, 5, 16 ], [ 382, 440, 28, 16 ], [ 439, 440, 20, 16 ], [ 477, 440, 72, 16 ], [ 589, 440, 16, 16 ], [ 645, 440, 43, 16 ], [ 728, 440, 28, 16 ], [ 796, 440, 79, 16 ], [ 383, 460, 39, 16 ], [ 462, 460, 15, 16 ], [ 517, 460, 24, 16 ], [ 581, 460, 54, 16 ], [ 675, 460, 34, 16 ], [ 749, 460, 97, 16 ], [ 382, 479, 60, 16 ], [ 481, 479, 18, 16 ], [ 537, 479, 55, 16 ], [ 631, 479, 55, 16 ], [ 705, 479, 10, 16 ], [ 168, 499, 41, 16 ], [ 196, 519, 36, 16 ], [ 249, 519, 63, 16 ], [ 195, 538, 91, 16 ], [ 303, 538, 17, 16 ], [ 352, 538, 13, 16 ], [ 396, 538, 13, 16 ], [ 441, 538, 7, 16 ], [ 481, 538, 33, 16 ], [ 195, 558, 90, 16 ], [ 304, 558, 102, 16 ], [ 141, 578, 67, 16 ], [ 168, 597, 80, 16 ], [ 265, 597, 25, 16 ], [ 307, 597, 19, 16 ], [ 358, 597, 7, 16 ], [ 398, 597, 35, 16 ], [ 168, 616, 142, 16 ], [ 329, 616, 50, 16 ], [ 168, 636, 80, 16 ], [ 265, 636, 11, 16 ], [ 302, 636, 23, 16 ], [ 168, 655, 36, 16 ], [ 237, 655, 35, 16 ], [ 290, 655, 13, 16 ], [ 338, 655, 42, 16 ], [ 415, 655, 34, 16 ], [ 195, 674, 67, 16 ], [ 465, 597, 9, 16 ], [ 513, 597, 67, 16 ], [ 620, 597, 42, 16 ], [ 701, 597, 16, 16 ], [ 756, 597, 23, 16 ], [ 818, 597, 55, 16 ], [ 222, 694, 80, 16 ], [ 319, 694, 13, 16 ], [ 366, 694, 70, 16 ], [ 451, 690, 10, 20 ], [ 477, 694, 15, 16 ], [ 524, 694, 8, 16 ], [ 564, 694, 68, 16 ], [ 650, 694, 7, 16 ], [ 677, 694, 117, 16 ], [ 222, 713, 197, 16 ], [ 436, 713, 103, 16 ], [ 222, 732, 142, 16 ], [ 383, 732, 33, 16 ], [ 195, 752, 41, 16 ], [ 196, 771, 23, 16 ], [ 236, 771, 69, 16 ], [ 347, 771, 25, 16 ], [ 414, 771, 76, 16 ], [ 531, 771, 80, 16 ], [ 653, 771, 25, 16 ], [ 720, 771, 57, 16 ], [ 819, 771, 30, 16 ], [ 141, 791, 41, 16 ], [ 264, 854, 10, 15 ], [ 250, 873, 24, 16 ], [ 237, 892, 37, 16 ], [ 224, 912, 50, 16 ] ]
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Pascal - Manual & Report.pdf
[ "Management Discussion & Analysis", "In addition to their salaries, the Corporation also provides long-term compensation in the form of options ", "and RSUs. Key management personnel compensation comprised the following: ", "Management is required to make estimates when preparing the financial statements. Significant estimates ", "include the amount of liabilities for services provided but not yet invoiced, stock-based compensation ", "expenses, future income tax amounts, valuation of intangible assets and preferred limited partnership units ", "and valuation of outstanding warrants. ", "The Corporation capitalizes legal and accounting costs relating to a specific transaction once a letter of ", "intent has been signed. The Corporation's transactions structured as limited partnerships or LLC’s are not ", "amortized and will be assessed for objective evidence of impairment at each balance sheet date. The ", "Corporation's intangible assets are being amortized over the 80-year term of the agreements on a straight-", "line basis. ", "The Corporation has adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) for its 2011 fiscal year ", "as required by the Accounting Standards Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. The ", "Corporation provided information on its transition to IFRS in its 2010 Annual Management’s Discussion ", "and Analysis. The assessments and impacts discussion in the 2010 Annual Management’s Discussion and ", "Analysis remains largely unchanged.", "Upon implementation of IFRS, the Corporation recognized an increase in the fair value of LifeMark ", "Health and a decrease in the fair value of LMS while the fair values of Solowave and KMH are unchanged. ", "The impact of these two adjustments resulted in a net increase to the value of Preferred LP units of $11.2 ", "million effective January 1, 2010, a net increase to the value of Preferred LP units of $14.4 million at ", "December 31, 2010. Under IFRS in 2011, the Corporation recognized a net increase to the value of ", "Preferred LP units of $1.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2011. ", "Upon implementation of IFRS, the Canadian GAAP deferred credit was reclassified to retained earnings at ", "January 1, 2010. Additionally, all deferred income tax asset and liability accounts were combined into one ", "net deferred income tax asset at each of January 1, 2010, December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2011. ", "Upon implementation of IFRS, the Corporation recognized an increase to stock-based compensation ", "expenses recorded to date at January 1, 2010 of $0.398 million and a decrease to stock-based compensation ", "expenses of $0.055 million for the year ended December 31, 2010. Also upon implementation of IFRS, the ", "Corporation reduced stock-based compensation and increased dividends paid in 2010 by $0.226 million for ", "all payments in lieu of dividends under the RSU Plan. Under IFRS for the year ended December 31, 2011, ", "payments in lieu of dividends under the RSU Plan were $0.249 million. ", "The Corporation has provided a detailed explanation of the impacts of this transition in Note 13 of the ", "Corporation’s 2011 audited financial statements (“Note 13”). Note 13 includes reconciliations of the ", "62 ", "2011 Annual Report ", "Alaris Royalty Corp.", "RECENT ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS ", "Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards ", "CRITICAL ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES AND POLICIES ", "2011", "2010", "Base salaries and benefits ", "638,610 ", "625,934 ", "Bonus", "900,000", "172,500", "Share-based payments (non-cash) ", "1,504,175 ", "1,407,940 ", "$3,042,785", "$2,206,374" ]
[ [ 120, 40, 262, 13 ], [ 120, 92, 789, 30 ], [ 120, 92, 789, 30 ], [ 120, 264, 792, 64 ], [ 120, 264, 792, 64 ], [ 120, 264, 792, 64 ], [ 120, 264, 792, 64 ], [ 120, 350, 792, 81 ], [ 120, 350, 792, 81 ], [ 120, 350, 792, 81 ], [ 120, 350, 792, 81 ], [ 120, 350, 792, 81 ], [ 120, 506, 789, 81 ], [ 120, 506, 789, 81 ], [ 120, 506, 789, 81 ], [ 120, 506, 789, 81 ], [ 120, 506, 789, 81 ], [ 120, 609, 792, 99 ], [ 120, 609, 792, 99 ], [ 120, 609, 792, 99 ], [ 120, 609, 792, 99 ], [ 120, 609, 792, 99 ], [ 120, 609, 792, 99 ], [ 120, 729, 789, 47 ], [ 120, 729, 789, 47 ], [ 120, 729, 789, 47 ], [ 120, 797, 792, 98 ], [ 120, 797, 792, 98 ], [ 120, 797, 792, 98 ], [ 120, 797, 792, 98 ], [ 120, 797, 792, 98 ], [ 120, 797, 792, 98 ], [ 120, 917, 792, 30 ], [ 120, 917, 792, 30 ], [ 107, 967, 411, 14 ], [ 107, 967, 411, 14 ], [ 107, 967, 411, 14 ], [ 120, 455, 349, 13 ], [ 120, 490, 441, 12 ], [ 120, 230, 405, 13 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ], [ 111, 124, 778, 82 ] ]
[ [ 120, 40, 262, 13 ], [ 120, 92, 789, 13 ], [ 120, 109, 580, 13 ], [ 120, 264, 789, 13 ], [ 120, 281, 792, 13 ], [ 120, 298, 789, 13 ], [ 120, 315, 285, 13 ], [ 120, 350, 790, 13 ], [ 120, 367, 789, 13 ], [ 120, 384, 792, 13 ], [ 120, 401, 784, 13 ], [ 120, 418, 75, 13 ], [ 120, 506, 789, 13 ], [ 120, 524, 789, 13 ], [ 120, 541, 789, 13 ], [ 120, 558, 789, 13 ], [ 120, 575, 261, 13 ], [ 120, 609, 792, 13 ], [ 120, 626, 789, 13 ], [ 120, 643, 789, 13 ], [ 120, 660, 791, 13 ], [ 120, 678, 792, 13 ], [ 120, 695, 539, 13 ], [ 120, 729, 788, 13 ], [ 120, 746, 789, 13 ], [ 120, 763, 746, 13 ], [ 120, 797, 792, 13 ], [ 120, 814, 788, 13 ], [ 120, 831, 788, 13 ], [ 120, 848, 788, 13 ], [ 120, 865, 788, 13 ], [ 120, 883, 527, 13 ], [ 120, 917, 790, 13 ], [ 120, 934, 792, 13 ], [ 107, 967, 25, 14 ], [ 153, 967, 170, 14 ], [ 357, 967, 161, 14 ], [ 120, 455, 349, 13 ], [ 120, 490, 441, 12 ], [ 120, 230, 405, 13 ], [ 624, 133, 24, 10 ], [ 850, 133, 24, 10 ], [ 120, 153, 153, 10 ], [ 605, 153, 52, 10 ], [ 831, 153, 52, 10 ], [ 120, 167, 37, 10 ], [ 605, 167, 48, 10 ], [ 831, 167, 48, 10 ], [ 120, 181, 198, 10 ], [ 594, 181, 63, 10 ], [ 820, 181, 63, 10 ], [ 586, 195, 68, 10 ], [ 812, 195, 68, 10 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "AIM", "8/15/19 ", "unsatisfactory flight inspection, or a procedure that is", "based upon a recently decommissioned NAVAID.", "4.", "Pilots may not substitute for the NAVAID (for example,", "a VOR or NDB) providing lateral guidance for the final", "approach segment. This restriction does not refer to", "instrument approach procedures with “or GPS” ", "in the title", "when using GPS or WAAS. These allowances do not apply", "to procedures that are identified as not authorized (NA)", "without exception by a NOTAM, as other conditions may", "still exist and result in a procedure not being available. For", "example, these allowances do not apply to a procedure", "associated with an expired or unsatisfactory flight", "inspection, or is based upon a recently decommissioned", "NAVAID.", "5.", "Use of a suitable RNAV system as a means to navigate", "on the final approach segment of an instrument approach", "procedure based on a VOR, TACAN or NDB signal, is", "allowable. The underlying NAVAID must be operational", "and the NAVAID monitored for final segment course", "alignment. ", "6.", "For the purpose of paragraph c, “VOR” includes VOR,", "VOR/DME, and VORTAC facilities and “compass", "locator”includes locator outer marker and locator middle", "marker.", "d.", "Alternate Airport Considerations.", " For the", "purposes of flight planning, any required alternate", "airport must have an available instrument approach", "procedure that does not require the use of GPS. This", "restriction includes conducting a conventional", "approach at the alternate airport using a substitute", "means of navigation that is based upon the use of", "GPS. For example, these restrictions would apply", "when planning to use GPS equipment as a substitute", "means of navigation for an out", "−", "of", "−", "service VOR that", "supports an ILS missed approach procedure at an", "alternate airport. In this case, some other approach", "not reliant upon the use of GPS must be available.", "This restriction does not apply to RNAV systems", "using TSO", "−", "C145/", "−", "C146 WAAS equipment. For", "further WAAS guidance, see paragraph 1", "−", "1", "−", "18.", "1.", "For flight planning purposes, TSO-C129()", "and TSO-C196() equipped users (GPS users) whose", "navigation systems have fault detection and", "exclusion (FDE) capability, who perform a preflight", "RAIM prediction at the airport where the RNAV", "(GPS) approach will be flown, and have proper", "knowledge and any required training and/or approval", "to conduct a GPS-based IAP, may file based on a", "GPS-based IAP at either the destination or the", "alternate airport, but not at both locations. At the", "b.", "During preflight planning, pilots should be", "particularly alert for NOTAMs which could affect", "navigation (GPS or WAAS) along their route of", "flight, such as Department of Defense electronic", "signal tests with GPS.", "c.", "If the pilot experiences interruptions while", "navigating with GPS, the pilot and ATC may both", "AIM Paragraph 1", "1", "18, Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)", "AIM Paragraph 1", "1", "18, Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)", "a.", "Pilots need to maintain position awareness", "while navigating. This awareness may be facilitated", "by keeping relevant ground", "−", "based, legacy naviga-", "tional aids tuned and available. By utilizing this", "practice, situational awareness is promoted and", "guards against significant pilot delay in recognizing", "the onset of GPS interference. Pilots may find", "cross", "−", "checks of other airborne systems (for example,", "DME/DME/IRU or VOR) useful to mitigate this", "otherwise undetected hazard.", "3.", "This", "restriction", "does", "not", "apply", "to", "TSO-C145() and TSO-C146() equipped users", "(WAAS users). For further WAAS guidance, see", "paragraph 1", "−", "1", "−", "18.", "2.", "If the above conditions cannot be met, any", "required alternate airport must have an approved", "instrument approach procedure other than GPS that is", "anticipated to be operational and available at the", "estimated time of arrival, and which the aircraft is", "equipped to fly.", "(c)", "RNP 0.3 DA on an RNAV (RNP) IAP, if", "they are specifically authorized users using approved", "baro-VNAV equipment and the pilot has verified", "required navigation performance (RNP) availability", "through an approved prediction program.", "(b)", "LNAV/vertical navigation (LNAV/", "VNAV) DA, if equipped with and using approved", "barometric vertical navigation (baro-VNAV) equip-", "ment;", "(a)", "Lateral navigation (LNAV) or circling", "minimum descent altitude (MDA);", "alternate airport, pilots may plan for applicable", "alternate airport weather minimums using:", "1", "−", "2", "−", "4.", "Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers", "Recognizing Interference or Spoofing", "AIM Paragraph 1", "−", "1", "−", "17, Global Positioning System (GPS)", "REFERENCE", "−", "AIM Paragraph 1", "−", "1", "−", "17, Global Positioning System (GPS)", "REFERENCE", "−", "1", "−", "2", "−", "9", "Performance", "−", "Based Navigation (PBN) and Area Navigation (RNAV)" ]
[ [ 883, 39, 32, 15 ], [ 108, 39, 55, 15 ], [ 108, 94, 384, 27 ], [ 108, 94, 384, 27 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 132, 384, 182 ], [ 108, 325, 384, 89 ], [ 108, 325, 384, 89 ], [ 108, 325, 384, 89 ], [ 108, 325, 384, 89 ], [ 108, 325, 384, 89 ], [ 108, 325, 384, 89 ], [ 108, 325, 384, 89 ], [ 108, 425, 401, 58 ], [ 108, 425, 401, 58 ], [ 108, 425, 401, 58 ], [ 108, 425, 401, 58 ], [ 108, 425, 401, 58 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 492, 384, 263 ], [ 108, 767, 385, 164 ], [ 108, 767, 385, 164 ], [ 108, 767, 385, 164 ], [ 108, 767, 385, 164 ], [ 108, 767, 385, 164 ], [ 108, 767, 385, 164 ], [ 108, 767, 385, 164 ], [ 108, 767, 385, 164 ], [ 108, 767, 385, 164 ], [ 108, 767, 385, 164 ], [ 108, 767, 385, 164 ], [ 532, 769, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 769, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 769, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 769, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 769, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 769, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 898, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 898, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 898, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 884, 357, 9 ], [ 532, 884, 357, 9 ], [ 532, 884, 357, 9 ], [ 532, 755, 357, 9 ], [ 532, 755, 357, 9 ], [ 532, 755, 357, 9 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 558, 384, 164 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 435, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 330, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 330, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 330, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 330, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 330, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 330, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 330, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 241, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 241, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 241, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 241, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 241, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 241, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 169, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 169, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 169, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 169, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 169, 385, 66 ], [ 532, 130, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 130, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 130, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 90, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 90, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 518, 348, 33 ], [ 532, 518, 348, 33 ], [ 532, 518, 348, 33 ], [ 532, 518, 348, 33 ], [ 532, 518, 348, 33 ], [ 532, 518, 348, 33 ], [ 532, 518, 348, 33 ], [ 532, 741, 316, 12 ], [ 532, 741, 316, 12 ], [ 532, 741, 316, 12 ], [ 532, 741, 316, 12 ], [ 532, 741, 316, 12 ], [ 532, 728, 87, 12 ], [ 532, 728, 87, 12 ], [ 532, 870, 316, 12 ], [ 532, 870, 316, 12 ], [ 532, 870, 316, 12 ], [ 532, 870, 316, 12 ], [ 532, 870, 316, 12 ], [ 532, 857, 87, 12 ], [ 532, 857, 87, 12 ], [ 874, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 874, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 874, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 874, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 874, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 113, 969, 464, 15 ], [ 113, 969, 464, 15 ], [ 113, 969, 464, 15 ] ]
[ [ 883, 39, 32, 15 ], [ 108, 39, 55, 15 ], [ 108, 94, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 109, 326, 11 ], [ 108, 132, 12, 11 ], [ 129, 132, 363, 11 ], [ 108, 147, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 163, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 178, 337, 11 ], [ 428, 178, 64, 11 ], [ 108, 194, 383, 11 ], [ 108, 209, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 225, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 240, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 256, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 271, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 287, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 302, 61, 11 ], [ 108, 325, 12, 11 ], [ 129, 325, 363, 11 ], [ 108, 340, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 356, 383, 11 ], [ 108, 371, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 387, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 402, 75, 11 ], [ 108, 425, 12, 11 ], [ 129, 425, 381, 11 ], [ 108, 440, 394, 11 ], [ 108, 456, 384, 11 ], [ 108, 471, 50, 11 ], [ 125, 496, 15, 12 ], [ 145, 496, 282, 12 ], [ 428, 492, 64, 16 ], [ 108, 509, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 525, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 542, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 558, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 575, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 591, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 608, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 624, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 641, 223, 16 ], [ 331, 641, 10, 16 ], [ 341, 641, 15, 16 ], [ 356, 641, 10, 16 ], [ 366, 641, 125, 16 ], [ 108, 657, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 674, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 690, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 707, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 723, 85, 16 ], [ 194, 723, 10, 16 ], [ 203, 723, 47, 16 ], [ 251, 723, 10, 16 ], [ 261, 723, 231, 16 ], [ 108, 739, 303, 16 ], [ 411, 739, 10, 16 ], [ 421, 739, 9, 16 ], [ 429, 739, 10, 16 ], [ 439, 739, 21, 16 ], [ 141, 770, 13, 12 ], [ 165, 767, 327, 16 ], [ 108, 783, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 799, 385, 16 ], [ 108, 816, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 832, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 849, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 865, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 882, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 898, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 915, 384, 16 ], [ 549, 773, 14, 12 ], [ 574, 769, 342, 16 ], [ 532, 786, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 802, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 819, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 835, 161, 16 ], [ 549, 902, 12, 12 ], [ 572, 898, 344, 16 ], [ 532, 915, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 884, 96, 9 ], [ 636, 884, 6, 9 ], [ 650, 884, 239, 9 ], [ 532, 755, 96, 9 ], [ 636, 755, 6, 9 ], [ 650, 755, 239, 9 ], [ 549, 562, 13, 12 ], [ 573, 558, 343, 16 ], [ 532, 575, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 591, 209, 16 ], [ 742, 591, 10, 16 ], [ 752, 591, 164, 16 ], [ 532, 608, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 624, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 641, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 657, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 674, 37, 16 ], [ 569, 674, 10, 16 ], [ 580, 674, 336, 16 ], [ 532, 690, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 707, 214, 16 ], [ 565, 439, 13, 12 ], [ 591, 435, 36, 16 ], [ 643, 435, 86, 16 ], [ 745, 435, 37, 16 ], [ 798, 435, 25, 16 ], [ 839, 435, 45, 16 ], [ 901, 435, 16, 16 ], [ 532, 452, 385, 16 ], [ 532, 468, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 484, 87, 16 ], [ 619, 484, 10, 16 ], [ 629, 484, 9, 16 ], [ 638, 484, 10, 16 ], [ 648, 484, 21, 16 ], [ 565, 333, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 330, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 346, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 363, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 379, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 396, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 412, 115, 16 ], [ 582, 245, 20, 12 ], [ 612, 241, 304, 16 ], [ 532, 258, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 274, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 291, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 307, 303, 16 ], [ 582, 172, 22, 12 ], [ 615, 169, 302, 16 ], [ 532, 185, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 202, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 218, 41, 16 ], [ 582, 133, 21, 12 ], [ 613, 130, 303, 16 ], [ 532, 146, 256, 16 ], [ 532, 90, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 107, 313, 16 ], [ 532, 521, 10, 13 ], [ 542, 518, 10, 17 ], [ 553, 521, 10, 13 ], [ 563, 518, 10, 17 ], [ 573, 521, 15, 13 ], [ 594, 521, 286, 13 ], [ 532, 538, 329, 13 ], [ 532, 743, 96, 9 ], [ 627, 741, 9, 12 ], [ 636, 743, 6, 9 ], [ 642, 741, 9, 12 ], [ 650, 743, 198, 9 ], [ 532, 728, 79, 12 ], [ 612, 728, 8, 12 ], [ 532, 872, 96, 9 ], [ 627, 870, 9, 12 ], [ 636, 872, 6, 9 ], [ 642, 870, 9, 12 ], [ 650, 872, 198, 9 ], [ 532, 857, 79, 12 ], [ 612, 857, 8, 12 ], [ 874, 971, 8, 15 ], [ 882, 971, 9, 15 ], [ 891, 971, 8, 15 ], [ 899, 971, 9, 15 ], [ 908, 971, 8, 15 ], [ 113, 969, 84, 15 ], [ 197, 969, 9, 15 ], [ 207, 969, 370, 15 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "•", "Software Lifecycle:", " Summarize how the software lifecycle has unfolded, and explain ", "the differences between the actual software lifecycle and the software lifecycle ", "processes originally proposed in the PSAA. ", "•", "Software Lifecycle Data:", " Describe any differences between the collected software ", "lifecycle data and the lifecycle data proposed for collection in the PSAA. Also describe ", "the relationship between lifecycle datasets as well as their relationships to other data ", "defining the system; and describe how the data were made available to the approval ", "authority. This section explicitly references, with configuration and version identifiers, ", "the applicable SCI and SECI. Detailed information regarding configuration identifiers ", "and specific versions of software lifecycle data are provided in the SCI. ", "•", "Additional Considerations:", " Summarize any specific considerations that may warrant ", "the attention of the approval authority. Explain any differences from the proposals ", "contained in the PSAA regarding such considerations. References should be made to ", "data items applicable to these matters, such as contractual agreements or special ", "conditions. ", "•", "Supplier Oversight:", " Describe how supplier processes and outputs comply with system ", "plans and standards. ", "•", "Software Identification:", " Identify the software configuration by part number and version. ", "•", "Software Characteristics:", " State the EOC size, timing margins (including worst-case ", "execution time), memory margins, resource limitations, and the means used for ", "measuring each characteristic. ", "•", "Change History:", " If applicable, include a summary of software changes with attention to ", "changes made due to failures affecting safety, and identify any changes in / ", "improvements to the software lifecycle processes since the previous approval. ", "•", "Software Status:", " Summarize any PRs unresolved at the time of approval. The PR ", "summary includes a description of each unresolved problem and any associated errors, ", "functional limitations, operational restrictions, potential adverse effects on safety, ", "justification for allowing the PR to remain open, and details of any mitigating action that ", "has been or needs to be taken. ", "•", "Compliance Statement:", " Include a statement of compliance and a summary of the ", "methods used to demonstrate compliance with criteria specified in the software plans.", "Address additional rulings made by the approval authority and any deviations from the ", "software plans, standards, and the PSAA not covered elsewhere in the SAS. ", "The results of the SAS must be summarized in the System Safety Assessment Report. ", "The PO must establish the contractual requirements in the SOW to ensure that they have ", "access to all the lifecycle data as well as a schedule to ensure the necessary documents are ", "delivered in a timely manner. The SOW should also account for the review of the documents by ", "all the approval organizations and consider that multiple revisions may be required before a ", "document can be finally approved. RTCA DO-278A requires that all documentation be correct.", "Changes to the project may require updates to all impacted documents. The Data Item ", "Descriptions (DIDs) for a PSAA, SCI, and SAS", " are available in the DID Library. The PO may ", "tailor the DIDs as necessary. ", "4 ", "Establishing the Contractual Requirement ", "M_SRMGSA_202003 ", "Originally published March 2020 ", "Uncontrolled copy when downloaded ", "M-7 " ]
[ [ 150, 92, 731, 52 ], [ 150, 92, 731, 52 ], [ 150, 92, 731, 52 ], [ 150, 92, 731, 52 ], [ 150, 92, 731, 52 ], [ 150, 150, 740, 117 ], [ 150, 150, 740, 117 ], [ 150, 150, 740, 117 ], [ 150, 150, 740, 117 ], [ 150, 150, 740, 117 ], [ 150, 150, 740, 117 ], [ 150, 150, 740, 117 ], [ 150, 150, 740, 117 ], [ 150, 150, 740, 117 ], [ 150, 273, 736, 85 ], [ 150, 273, 736, 85 ], [ 150, 273, 736, 85 ], [ 150, 273, 736, 85 ], [ 150, 273, 736, 85 ], [ 150, 273, 736, 85 ], [ 150, 273, 736, 85 ], [ 150, 364, 747, 36 ], [ 150, 364, 747, 36 ], [ 150, 364, 747, 36 ], [ 150, 364, 747, 36 ], [ 150, 405, 753, 20 ], [ 150, 405, 753, 20 ], [ 150, 405, 753, 20 ], [ 150, 430, 727, 52 ], [ 150, 430, 727, 52 ], [ 150, 430, 727, 52 ], [ 150, 430, 727, 52 ], [ 150, 430, 727, 52 ], [ 150, 488, 749, 52 ], [ 150, 488, 749, 52 ], [ 150, 488, 749, 52 ], [ 150, 488, 749, 52 ], [ 150, 488, 749, 52 ], [ 150, 546, 747, 85 ], [ 150, 546, 747, 85 ], [ 150, 546, 747, 85 ], [ 150, 546, 747, 85 ], [ 150, 546, 747, 85 ], [ 150, 546, 747, 85 ], [ 150, 546, 747, 85 ], [ 150, 636, 735, 68 ], [ 150, 636, 735, 68 ], [ 150, 636, 735, 68 ], [ 150, 636, 735, 68 ], [ 150, 636, 735, 68 ], [ 150, 636, 735, 68 ], [ 120, 718, 710, 19 ], [ 120, 766, 786, 133 ], [ 120, 766, 786, 133 ], [ 120, 766, 786, 133 ], [ 120, 766, 786, 133 ], [ 120, 766, 786, 133 ], [ 120, 766, 786, 133 ], [ 120, 766, 786, 133 ], [ 120, 766, 786, 133 ], [ 120, 766, 786, 133 ], [ 120, 749, 402, 20 ], [ 120, 749, 402, 20 ], [ 120, 936, 250, 42 ], [ 120, 936, 250, 42 ], [ 120, 936, 250, 42 ], [ 878, 936, 30, 15 ] ]
[ [ 150, 93, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 92, 167, 20 ], [ 348, 92, 533, 19 ], [ 180, 108, 643, 19 ], [ 180, 125, 358, 19 ], [ 150, 150, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 150, 212, 20 ], [ 393, 150, 470, 19 ], [ 180, 166, 710, 19 ], [ 180, 183, 694, 19 ], [ 180, 199, 691, 19 ], [ 180, 215, 699, 19 ], [ 180, 232, 695, 19 ], [ 180, 248, 581, 19 ], [ 150, 274, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 273, 235, 20 ], [ 416, 273, 471, 19 ], [ 180, 290, 672, 19 ], [ 180, 306, 706, 19 ], [ 180, 322, 670, 19 ], [ 180, 339, 93, 19 ], [ 150, 364, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 364, 170, 20 ], [ 351, 364, 546, 19 ], [ 180, 380, 176, 19 ], [ 150, 406, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 405, 203, 20 ], [ 384, 405, 520, 19 ], [ 150, 431, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 430, 222, 20 ], [ 403, 430, 475, 19 ], [ 180, 447, 650, 19 ], [ 180, 463, 255, 19 ], [ 150, 489, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 488, 142, 20 ], [ 322, 488, 577, 19 ], [ 180, 505, 619, 19 ], [ 180, 521, 640, 19 ], [ 150, 547, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 546, 145, 20 ], [ 326, 546, 538, 19 ], [ 180, 562, 717, 19 ], [ 180, 579, 661, 19 ], [ 180, 595, 712, 19 ], [ 180, 612, 259, 19 ], [ 150, 637, 8, 17 ], [ 180, 636, 204, 20 ], [ 385, 637, 472, 19 ], [ 180, 653, 697, 19 ], [ 180, 669, 705, 19 ], [ 180, 686, 628, 19 ], [ 120, 718, 710, 19 ], [ 120, 766, 732, 19 ], [ 120, 782, 757, 19 ], [ 120, 799, 786, 19 ], [ 120, 815, 748, 19 ], [ 120, 831, 772, 19 ], [ 120, 848, 714, 19 ], [ 120, 864, 379, 19 ], [ 500, 864, 381, 19 ], [ 120, 881, 240, 19 ], [ 120, 749, 15, 20 ], [ 150, 749, 372, 20 ], [ 120, 936, 149, 15 ], [ 120, 950, 219, 15 ], [ 120, 963, 250, 15 ], [ 878, 936, 30, 15 ] ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "Airworthiness Directive (AD)", ". A regulatory notice sent ", "out by the FAA to the registered owner of an aircraft ", "informing the owner of a condition that prevents the aircraft ", "from continuing to meet its conditions for airworthiness. ", "Compliance with AD notes must be within the required time ", "limit, and the fact of compliance, the date of compliance, and ", "the method of compliance must be recorded in the aircraft’s ", "maintenance records.", "Aircraft categories.", "(1)", "As used with respect to the ", "certification, ratings, privileges, and limitations of airmen, ", "means a broad classification of aircraft. Examples include: ", "powered parachute, airplane, rotorcraft, glider, lighter-than-", "air, and weight-shift control. (2) As used with respect to the ", "certification of aircraft, means a grouping of aircraft based ", "upon intended use or operating limitations. Examples include: ", "transport, normal, utility, acrobatic, limited, restricted, and ", "provisional.", "Aircraft flight manual (AFM).", " Also called the Pilot’s ", "Operating Handbook (POH), a document developed by the ", "aircraft manufacturer and approved by the FAA. It is specific ", "to a particular make and model aircraft by a serial number, ", "and contains operating procedures and limitations.", "Altimeter. ", "A flight instrument that indicates altitude by ", "sensing pressure changes.", "AME. ", "See Aviation Medical Examiner.", "Ammeter. ", "An instrument installed in series with an electrical ", "load used to measure the amount of current flowing through ", "the load.", "Aircraft operating instructions (AOI). ", "An alternative to ", "the approved term, Pilot's Operating Handbook.", "Airfoil.", " Any surface, such as a wing or propeller, which ", "provides aerodynamic force when it interacts with a moving ", "stream of air. ", "Angle of attack (AOA).", " The acute angle between the chord ", "line of the airfoil and the direction of the relative wind.", "Angle of incidence. ", "The angle formed by the chord line ", "of the wing at the keel of a WSC and a line parallel to the ", "longitudinal axis of the WSC carriage. The angle of incidence ", "changes in the WSC controlled by the pilot.", "Airmanship.", " A sound acquaintance with the principles of ", "flight, the ability to operate an airplane with competence and ", "precision both on the ground and in the air, and the exercise ", "of sound judgment that results in optimal operational safety ", "and efficiency.", "Airmanship skills.", " The skills of coordination, timing, control ", "touch, and speed sense in addition to the motor skills required ", "to fly an aircraft.", "Anhedral. ", "A downward slant from root to tip of an aircraft’s ", "wing opposite from dihedral.", "Annual inspection.", " A complete inspection of an aircraft and ", "engine, required by the Code of Federal Regulations, to be ", "accomplished every 12 calendar months on all certificated ", "aircraft. Only an A&P technician holding an Inspection ", "Authorization can conduct an annual inspection.", "AOA.", " See angle of attack.", "AOI. ", "See aircraft operating instructions. ", "Arm. ", "The horizontal distance in inches from the reference ", "datum line to the center of gravity of an item. Used in weight ", "and loading calculations.", "Airport/facility directory (A/FD).", " A publication of the ", "Federal Aviation Administration containing information ", "on all airports, seaplane bases, and heliports open to the ", "public. The A/FD contains communication data, navigational ", "facilities, and certain special notices and procedures.", "Airport.", " An area of land or water that is used or intended to ", "be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, including its ", "buildings and facilities, if any.", "Airspace.", " The space above a certain geographical area.", "Airworthiness", ". A state in which an aircraft or component ", "meets the conditions of its type design and is in a condition ", "for safe operation.", "AROW. ", "Certificates and documents required to be onboard ", "an aircraft to determine airworthiness: Airworthiness ", "certificate, Registration certificate, Operating limitations, ", "Weight and balance data.", "ASOS.", " See Automated Surface Observing System.", "Aspect ratio. ", "Span of a wing divided by its average chord.", "Airworthiness Certificate", ". A certificate issued by the ", "FAA to aircraft that have been proven to meet the minimum ", "standards set down by the Code of Federal Regulations.", " G-2" ]
[ [ 491, 59, 415, 128 ], [ 491, 59, 415, 128 ], [ 491, 59, 415, 128 ], [ 491, 59, 415, 128 ], [ 491, 59, 415, 128 ], [ 491, 59, 415, 128 ], [ 491, 59, 415, 128 ], [ 491, 59, 415, 128 ], [ 491, 59, 415, 128 ], [ 62, 59, 416, 144 ], [ 62, 59, 416, 144 ], [ 62, 59, 416, 144 ], [ 62, 59, 416, 144 ], [ 62, 59, 416, 144 ], [ 62, 59, 416, 144 ], [ 62, 59, 416, 144 ], [ 62, 59, 416, 144 ], [ 62, 59, 416, 144 ], [ 62, 59, 416, 144 ], [ 62, 59, 416, 144 ], [ 62, 224, 415, 78 ], [ 62, 224, 415, 78 ], [ 62, 224, 415, 78 ], [ 62, 224, 415, 78 ], [ 62, 224, 415, 78 ], [ 62, 224, 415, 78 ], [ 491, 208, 415, 28 ], [ 491, 208, 415, 28 ], [ 491, 208, 415, 28 ], [ 491, 257, 275, 12 ], [ 491, 257, 275, 12 ], [ 491, 291, 412, 45 ], [ 491, 291, 412, 45 ], [ 491, 291, 412, 45 ], [ 491, 291, 412, 45 ], [ 62, 324, 414, 28 ], [ 62, 324, 414, 28 ], [ 62, 324, 414, 28 ], [ 62, 373, 415, 45 ], [ 62, 373, 415, 45 ], [ 62, 373, 415, 45 ], [ 62, 373, 415, 45 ], [ 491, 357, 412, 28 ], [ 491, 357, 412, 28 ], [ 491, 357, 412, 28 ], [ 491, 406, 415, 61 ], [ 491, 406, 415, 61 ], [ 491, 406, 415, 61 ], [ 491, 406, 415, 61 ], [ 491, 406, 415, 61 ], [ 62, 440, 414, 78 ], [ 62, 440, 414, 78 ], [ 62, 440, 414, 78 ], [ 62, 440, 414, 78 ], [ 62, 440, 414, 78 ], [ 62, 440, 414, 78 ], [ 62, 539, 412, 45 ], [ 62, 539, 412, 45 ], [ 62, 539, 412, 45 ], [ 62, 539, 412, 45 ], [ 491, 489, 412, 28 ], [ 491, 489, 412, 28 ], [ 491, 489, 412, 28 ], [ 491, 539, 415, 78 ], [ 491, 539, 415, 78 ], [ 491, 539, 415, 78 ], [ 491, 539, 415, 78 ], [ 491, 539, 415, 78 ], [ 491, 539, 415, 78 ], [ 491, 638, 182, 12 ], [ 491, 638, 182, 12 ], [ 491, 671, 283, 12 ], [ 491, 671, 283, 12 ], [ 491, 704, 414, 45 ], [ 491, 704, 414, 45 ], [ 491, 704, 414, 45 ], [ 491, 704, 414, 45 ], [ 62, 671, 415, 78 ], [ 62, 671, 415, 78 ], [ 62, 671, 415, 78 ], [ 62, 671, 415, 78 ], [ 62, 671, 415, 78 ], [ 62, 671, 415, 78 ], [ 62, 605, 413, 45 ], [ 62, 605, 413, 45 ], [ 62, 605, 413, 45 ], [ 62, 605, 413, 45 ], [ 62, 771, 382, 12 ], [ 62, 771, 382, 12 ], [ 62, 804, 414, 45 ], [ 62, 804, 414, 45 ], [ 62, 804, 414, 45 ], [ 62, 804, 414, 45 ], [ 491, 771, 416, 61 ], [ 491, 771, 416, 61 ], [ 491, 771, 416, 61 ], [ 491, 771, 416, 61 ], [ 491, 771, 416, 61 ], [ 491, 853, 352, 12 ], [ 491, 853, 352, 12 ], [ 491, 886, 406, 12 ], [ 491, 886, 406, 12 ], [ 62, 870, 415, 45 ], [ 62, 870, 415, 45 ], [ 62, 870, 415, 45 ], [ 62, 870, 415, 45 ], [ 62, 966, 28, 12 ] ]
[ [ 491, 59, 223, 11 ], [ 715, 59, 192, 12 ], [ 491, 75, 415, 12 ], [ 491, 92, 412, 12 ], [ 491, 108, 415, 12 ], [ 491, 125, 412, 12 ], [ 491, 142, 412, 12 ], [ 491, 158, 412, 12 ], [ 491, 175, 146, 12 ], [ 62, 59, 158, 11 ], [ 220, 59, 23, 12 ], [ 254, 59, 224, 12 ], [ 62, 75, 414, 12 ], [ 62, 92, 413, 12 ], [ 62, 108, 409, 12 ], [ 62, 125, 412, 12 ], [ 62, 142, 413, 12 ], [ 62, 158, 412, 12 ], [ 62, 175, 414, 12 ], [ 62, 191, 81, 12 ], [ 62, 224, 237, 11 ], [ 299, 224, 178, 12 ], [ 62, 241, 413, 12 ], [ 62, 257, 412, 12 ], [ 62, 274, 413, 12 ], [ 62, 291, 347, 12 ], [ 491, 208, 81, 11 ], [ 575, 208, 332, 12 ], [ 491, 224, 177, 12 ], [ 491, 257, 48, 11 ], [ 540, 257, 226, 12 ], [ 491, 291, 77, 11 ], [ 568, 291, 335, 12 ], [ 491, 307, 412, 12 ], [ 491, 324, 59, 12 ], [ 62, 324, 290, 11 ], [ 352, 324, 124, 12 ], [ 62, 340, 330, 12 ], [ 62, 373, 53, 11 ], [ 115, 373, 361, 12 ], [ 62, 390, 412, 12 ], [ 62, 406, 95, 12 ], [ 491, 357, 168, 11 ], [ 660, 357, 244, 12 ], [ 491, 373, 380, 12 ], [ 491, 406, 151, 11 ], [ 642, 406, 264, 12 ], [ 491, 423, 414, 12 ], [ 491, 440, 412, 12 ], [ 491, 456, 301, 12 ], [ 62, 440, 92, 11 ], [ 154, 440, 321, 12 ], [ 62, 456, 412, 12 ], [ 62, 473, 412, 12 ], [ 62, 489, 413, 12 ], [ 62, 506, 102, 12 ], [ 62, 539, 129, 11 ], [ 192, 539, 282, 12 ], [ 62, 555, 412, 12 ], [ 62, 572, 115, 12 ], [ 491, 489, 78, 11 ], [ 569, 489, 334, 12 ], [ 491, 506, 200, 12 ], [ 491, 539, 136, 11 ], [ 627, 539, 275, 12 ], [ 491, 555, 413, 12 ], [ 491, 572, 414, 12 ], [ 491, 589, 415, 12 ], [ 491, 605, 333, 12 ], [ 491, 638, 42, 11 ], [ 534, 638, 139, 12 ], [ 491, 671, 41, 11 ], [ 533, 671, 242, 12 ], [ 491, 704, 43, 11 ], [ 535, 704, 370, 12 ], [ 491, 721, 412, 12 ], [ 491, 738, 172, 12 ], [ 62, 671, 254, 11 ], [ 316, 671, 161, 12 ], [ 62, 688, 415, 12 ], [ 62, 704, 415, 12 ], [ 62, 721, 412, 12 ], [ 62, 738, 363, 12 ], [ 62, 605, 60, 11 ], [ 122, 605, 351, 12 ], [ 62, 622, 413, 12 ], [ 62, 638, 209, 12 ], [ 62, 771, 69, 11 ], [ 131, 771, 313, 12 ], [ 62, 804, 104, 11 ], [ 166, 804, 309, 12 ], [ 62, 820, 413, 12 ], [ 62, 837, 126, 12 ], [ 491, 771, 64, 11 ], [ 555, 771, 349, 12 ], [ 491, 787, 416, 12 ], [ 491, 804, 415, 12 ], [ 491, 820, 174, 12 ], [ 491, 853, 49, 11 ], [ 541, 853, 302, 12 ], [ 491, 886, 98, 11 ], [ 590, 886, 308, 12 ], [ 62, 870, 198, 11 ], [ 261, 870, 216, 12 ], [ 62, 886, 412, 12 ], [ 62, 903, 384, 12 ], [ 62, 966, 28, 12 ] ]
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[ "page 60", "Bombardier Inc. Annual Report 2003-04", "As part of the Metronet consortia, Bombardier", "Transportation was awarded contracts for the", "modernization of the London Underground", "BCV (Bakerloo, Victoria, Central and Waterloo", "and City Lines) and SSL (Subsurface Lines).", "The turnkey contracts include project man-", "agement and the supply of 1,738 metro cars", "and new signalling systems for the Victoria Line", "and Subsurface Lines, along with the main-", "tenance of the rolling stock. In the early stages", "of the project, Bombardier Transportation will", "begin resignalling work, refurbish the existing", "District Line rolling stock and build two pre-", "production trains for the Victoria Line. The total", "value of the contracts is $7.9 billion over", "15", "years. The new subway car fleets will be", "built between 2008 and 2015. ", "passenger rolling stock to 44% for calendar", "year 2003, compared to 42% last year. In the", "Asia-Pacific market, Bombardier Transportation", "maintained its position with a market share of", "more than 20%. The key industry drivers in", "the rolling stock market are vehicle replace-", "ment, infrastructure investment, the public", "policy environment, liberalization and region-", "alization in Europe, and new entrants, such as", "private operators. Bombardier Transportation", "expects that the major operators in Europe", "and North America will continue with fleet", "replacement programs in fiscal year 2005.", "The orders for passenger rolling stock", "awarded in calendar year 2003 in the world-", "wide rail industry were valued at ", "€", "10.2", "billion", "($16.1 billion), down from ", "€", "13.6", "billion", "($20.0 billion) the previous calendar year. This", "decrease is mainly related to a reduction in", "orders in the North American market, from", "$3.0 billion US ($4.7 billion) in calendar year", "2002 to $0.6 billion US ($0.8 billion) in calendar", "year 2003. The decrease in North America is", "mainly related to project delays and the shift in", "funding priorities in the United States.", "Representing over 80% of total orders,", "Europe remained the most important pas-", "senger rolling stock market, with total orders", "increasing from ", "€", "7.", "3 billion ($10.8 billion) to", "€", "8.5", "billion ($13.4 billion). The liberalized U.K.", "rail market contributed significantly to this", "growth. Asia-Pacific maintained a relatively", "stable market share of approximately 10% ", "of the total orders. Orders in North America", "accounted for 5% of total orders in calendar", "year 2003, down from 28% the previous year.", "In the highly-competitive European market,", "Bombardier Transportation has improved its", "leading position with a 42% market share for", "calendar year 2003, compared to 38% last", "year, mainly due to the Metronet orders. In", "North America, Bombardier Transportation", "slightly increased its market share for", "With a legislative agenda aimed at liberalizing", "the European rail industry, the European Union’s", "goals are to open access to freight and pas-", "senger traffic for operators and to separate rail", "infrastructure and rail operations ownership and", "management, supporting market growth. ", "This process is already underway in several", "Growth in electrical propulsion, train control", "and management follows the trend in the ", "new-build rolling stock markets. Bombardier", "Transportation will also further explore already", "identified growth markets such as China,", "Russia and India. ", "Electrical propulsion, train control and ", "management systems are core capabilities for", "Bombardier Transportation. As the market", "leader in this area, Bombardier Transportation", "is able to offer its customers competitive solu-", "tions that benefit from economies of scale and", "proven reliable products.", "Bombardier Transportation determines its", "annual market share as an average based on", "the total value of orders in the industry during", "the past three years.", "During fiscal year 2004, Bombardier", "Transportation received orders for a total of", "$7.3 billion in rolling stock, compared to ", "$7.9 billion the previous fiscal year.", "Rolling stock includes commuter and regional", "trains, intercity and high-speed trains,", "metro/rapid transit, light rail vehicles, locomo-", "tives, freight cars and propulsion and controls", "for the vehicles. ", "European countries. During the year, cross-", "border freight lines have been opened to", "international freight companies. The passing of", "the second rail legislative package by the", "European Commission is a further step in liberal-", "izing European rail by harmonizing safety rules,", "interoperability for cross-border traffic and setting", "up a European Railways Agency. Due to public", "budget constraints, several large projects have", "been postponed in Western Europe and, further-", "more, state-owned operators concentrated on", "replacement of their fleets rather than on growth.", "While the North American passenger ", "rail market reached a low level in 2003, it is ex-", "pected to recover to normal levels in the next", "year. Demand for rapid transit vehicles will drive", "the market in North America, as transit ", "agencies embark on major rehabilitation and", "replacement programs for their aging fleets. ", "Asia is a promising market for rail equipment", "and services. A growing population, prosperity", "and urbanization are expected to result in", "investments in transportation infrastructures", "to improve quality of life and make Asian cities", "accessible. Asian intercity rail programs, ", "such as those in China and India, will further", "contribute to market growth.", "Bombardier Transportation expects the", "worldwide rolling stock market to grow by 2%", "to 4% annually over the next five years.", "A.", "Rolling stock", "Orders", "Market and prospects " ]
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[ [ 56, 44, 41, 7 ], [ 121, 44, 187, 8 ], [ 56, 174, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 190, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 206, 285, 11 ], [ 56, 223, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 239, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 255, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 271, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 288, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 304, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 320, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 336, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 353, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 369, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 385, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 401, 285, 11 ], [ 56, 418, 16, 11 ], [ 77, 418, 264, 11 ], [ 56, 434, 191, 11 ], [ 355, 174, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 190, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 206, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 223, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 239, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 255, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 271, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 288, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 304, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 320, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 336, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 353, 285, 11 ], [ 355, 369, 264, 11 ], [ 370, 385, 271, 11 ], [ 355, 401, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 418, 207, 11 ], [ 563, 418, 10, 10 ], [ 573, 418, 27, 11 ], [ 604, 418, 35, 11 ], [ 355, 434, 194, 11 ], [ 550, 434, 10, 10 ], [ 562, 434, 32, 11 ], [ 599, 434, 42, 11 ], [ 355, 450, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 467, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 483, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 499, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 515, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 532, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 548, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 564, 239, 11 ], [ 370, 580, 271, 11 ], [ 355, 597, 285, 11 ], [ 355, 613, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 629, 105, 11 ], [ 461, 630, 10, 10 ], [ 472, 629, 11, 11 ], [ 488, 629, 152, 11 ], [ 355, 646, 10, 10 ], [ 366, 646, 19, 11 ], [ 390, 646, 250, 11 ], [ 355, 662, 285, 11 ], [ 355, 678, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 694, 290, 11 ], [ 355, 711, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 727, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 743, 284, 11 ], [ 71, 759, 270, 11 ], [ 56, 776, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 792, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 808, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 825, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 841, 285, 11 ], [ 56, 857, 285, 11 ], [ 370, 759, 270, 11 ], [ 355, 776, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 792, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 808, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 824, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 841, 290, 11 ], [ 355, 857, 284, 11 ], [ 669, 776, 270, 11 ], [ 654, 792, 290, 11 ], [ 654, 808, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 824, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 841, 285, 11 ], [ 654, 857, 110, 11 ], [ 669, 662, 276, 11 ], [ 654, 678, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 694, 285, 11 ], [ 654, 711, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 727, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 743, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 759, 155, 11 ], [ 56, 694, 285, 11 ], [ 56, 711, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 727, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 743, 130, 11 ], [ 56, 597, 285, 11 ], [ 56, 613, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 629, 290, 11 ], [ 56, 646, 216, 11 ], [ 56, 483, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 499, 285, 11 ], [ 56, 515, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 532, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 548, 104, 11 ], [ 654, 174, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 190, 285, 11 ], [ 654, 206, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 223, 285, 11 ], [ 654, 239, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 255, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 271, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 288, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 304, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 320, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 336, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 353, 284, 11 ], [ 669, 369, 278, 11 ], [ 654, 385, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 401, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 418, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 434, 291, 11 ], [ 654, 450, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 467, 290, 11 ], [ 669, 483, 270, 11 ], [ 654, 499, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 515, 285, 11 ], [ 654, 532, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 548, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 564, 290, 11 ], [ 654, 580, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 597, 181, 11 ], [ 669, 613, 271, 11 ], [ 654, 629, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 646, 249, 11 ], [ 56, 466, 15, 11 ], [ 76, 466, 88, 11 ], [ 56, 580, 43, 11 ], [ 56, 678, 140, 11 ] ]
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[ "ndbinfo: The NDB Cluster Information Database", "", "The ndbinfo cpustat_50ms Table", "The ", "cpustat_50ms", " table provides raw, per-thread CPU data obtained each 50 milliseconds for each", "thread running in the ", "NDB", " kernel.", "Like ", "cpustat_1sec", " and ", "cpustat_20sec", ", this table shows 20 measurement sets per thread, each", "referencing a period of the named duration. Thus, ", "cpsustat_50ms", " provides 1 second of history.", "The ", "cpustat_50ms", " table contains the following columns:", "ID of the node where the thread is running", "Thread ID (specific to this node)", "OS user time", "OS system time", "Thread execution time", "OS idle time", "Thread sleep time", "Thread spin time", "Thread send time", "Thread buffer full time", "Elapsed time", "The ", "cpustat-1sec", " table provides raw, per-thread CPU data obtained each second for each thread", "running in the ", "NDB", " kernel.", "", "The ndbinfo cpustat_1sec Table", "4542", "•", "elapsed_time", "•", "buffer_full_time", "•", "send_time", "•", "spin_time", "•", "sleep_time", "•", "exec_time", "•", "OS_idle_time", "•", "OS_system_time", "•", "OS_user_time", "•", "thr_no", "•", "node_id" ]
[ [ 319, 48, 355, 11 ], [ 60, 95, 413, 14 ], [ 60, 95, 413, 14 ], [ 140, 126, 752, 27 ], [ 140, 126, 752, 27 ], [ 140, 126, 752, 27 ], [ 140, 126, 752, 27 ], [ 140, 126, 752, 27 ], [ 140, 126, 752, 27 ], [ 140, 171, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 171, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 171, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 171, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 171, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 171, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 171, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 171, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 215, 431, 11 ], [ 140, 215, 431, 11 ], [ 140, 215, 431, 11 ], [ 157, 272, 312, 11 ], [ 157, 329, 237, 11 ], [ 157, 387, 97, 11 ], [ 157, 444, 118, 11 ], [ 157, 559, 165, 11 ], [ 157, 501, 91, 11 ], [ 157, 616, 134, 11 ], [ 157, 673, 124, 11 ], [ 157, 730, 130, 11 ], [ 157, 788, 162, 11 ], [ 157, 845, 96, 11 ], [ 140, 905, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 905, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 905, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 905, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 905, 744, 27 ], [ 140, 905, 744, 27 ], [ 60, 874, 406, 14 ], [ 60, 874, 406, 14 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 140, 816, 137, 11 ], [ 140, 816, 137, 11 ], [ 140, 759, 177, 11 ], [ 140, 759, 177, 11 ], [ 140, 701, 107, 11 ], [ 140, 701, 107, 11 ], [ 140, 644, 107, 11 ], [ 140, 644, 107, 11 ], [ 140, 587, 117, 11 ], [ 140, 587, 117, 11 ], [ 140, 530, 107, 11 ], [ 140, 530, 107, 11 ], [ 140, 472, 137, 11 ], [ 140, 472, 137, 11 ], [ 140, 415, 157, 11 ], [ 140, 415, 157, 11 ], [ 140, 358, 137, 11 ], [ 140, 358, 137, 11 ], [ 140, 301, 77, 11 ], [ 140, 301, 77, 11 ], [ 140, 243, 87, 11 ], [ 140, 243, 87, 11 ] ]
[ [ 319, 48, 355, 11 ], [ 60, 95, 94, 14 ], [ 160, 95, 312, 14 ], [ 140, 126, 33, 11 ], [ 174, 128, 120, 10 ], [ 294, 126, 598, 11 ], [ 140, 142, 158, 11 ], [ 298, 143, 30, 10 ], [ 329, 142, 54, 11 ], [ 140, 171, 35, 11 ], [ 176, 172, 120, 10 ], [ 296, 171, 37, 11 ], [ 333, 172, 130, 10 ], [ 464, 171, 420, 11 ], [ 140, 186, 372, 11 ], [ 513, 187, 130, 10 ], [ 643, 186, 217, 11 ], [ 140, 215, 33, 11 ], [ 174, 216, 120, 10 ], [ 294, 215, 277, 11 ], [ 157, 272, 312, 11 ], [ 157, 329, 237, 11 ], [ 157, 387, 97, 11 ], [ 157, 444, 118, 11 ], [ 157, 559, 165, 11 ], [ 157, 501, 91, 11 ], [ 157, 616, 134, 11 ], [ 157, 673, 124, 11 ], [ 157, 730, 130, 11 ], [ 157, 788, 162, 11 ], [ 157, 845, 96, 11 ], [ 140, 905, 33, 11 ], [ 174, 907, 120, 10 ], [ 294, 905, 590, 11 ], [ 140, 921, 106, 11 ], [ 246, 922, 30, 10 ], [ 276, 921, 54, 11 ], [ 60, 874, 94, 14 ], [ 160, 874, 306, 14 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 140, 816, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 817, 120, 10 ], [ 140, 759, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 760, 160, 10 ], [ 140, 701, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 703, 90, 10 ], [ 140, 644, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 645, 90, 10 ], [ 140, 587, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 588, 100, 10 ], [ 140, 530, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 531, 90, 10 ], [ 140, 472, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 474, 120, 10 ], [ 140, 415, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 416, 140, 10 ], [ 140, 358, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 359, 120, 10 ], [ 140, 301, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 302, 60, 10 ], [ 140, 243, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 245, 70, 10 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "AGL Energy Limited 2012 Annual Report", "19", "Vision", "Target FY2012", "Performance FY2012", "Target FY2013", "Employee engagement", "Engagement ", "score at ‘best ", "employer’ ", "level.", "Engagement score:", "8% point ", "increase", "Engagement score", "1", ":", "10% point ", "increase", "Further ", "improvement ", "in employee ", "engagement.", "Organisational health and safety", "Zero harm.", "Total Injury ", "Frequency Rate:", "4.0", "Total Injury ", "Frequency Rate:", "6.6", "Total Injury ", "Frequency Rate ", "lower than 4.9", "2", ".", "Organisational health and safety", "Employee engagement", "Each year, AGL surveys its employees ", "to measure how ‘engaged’ they are in ", "performing their employment duties. ", "The survey asks employees to indicate ", "the extent to which:", "AGL’s primary measure of safety ", "performance is Total Injury Frequency Rate ", "(TIFR). This is the number of lost time and ", "medical treatment injuries experienced for ", "every million hours of employee work time.", "Disappointingly, TIFR increased during ", "FY2012, and as at 30 June 2012 was ", "6.6, compared to 5.0 in June 2011. This ", "equates to 17 lost time Injuries and ", "10", "medical treatment injuries.", "Almost 50% of injuries were “non-event ", "related”, resulting in soft tissue damage ", "or joint deterioration. These injuries ", "were assessed as having a work-related ", "component, although no specific work event ", "or incident caused the injury. Other common ", "injuries included slips, trips and falls, and ", "manual handling tasks.", "A contributing factor for a number of the ", "injuries has been an ageing workforce at ", "some operational sites. Actions to be taken ", "in FY2013 to reduce the incidence of soft ", "tissue injuries include health assessments for ", "relevant operational personnel, the use of ", "occupational therapists to assess job tasks, ", "reducing the exposure to hazards through ", "the application of engineering solutions, and ", "increasing the use of ergonomic assessment ", "processes in office locations.", "During FY2012 there was a reduction in the ", "number of potentially high risk near miss ", "incidents. This was largely a result of work ", "to improve electrical safety and permit to ", "work procedures at our power stations.", "AGL sets annual HSE Action Plans for each ", "business unit. In FY2012, 99% of Action ", "Plan commitments were met.", "In March 2012, AGL was recognised as ", "a 2012 Employer of Choice for Women ", "by the Equal Opportunity for Women in ", "the Workplace Agency (EOWA). This is a ", "prestigious acknowledgement by EOWA ", "of organisations that are recognising ", "and advancing women in the workplace. ", "AGL is among 125 companies this year ", "who met the award benchmarks.", "Initiatives to improve employee engagement ", "were implemented across all business units ", "in FY2012, including enhancements to ", "AGL’s parental leave policy; the launch of ", "AGL’s first employee diversity network for ", "women; enhanced benefits and incentives; ", "inclusive leadership training; and the launch ", "of mycareernet which supports online ", "performance review and career planning.", "This year employee engagement improved ", "across most areas of AGL, particularly within ", "the larger business groups of Retail Energy ", "and Merchant Energy.", "> they say positive things about their ", "AGL employment experience when ", "talking to family and friends", "> they might be considering working ", "elsewhere", "> working at AGL motivates them to ", "work to the best of their ability.", "1", "Engagement survey undertaken during May and June 2012.", "2", "The targets related to people will not include AGL Loy Yang for the FY2013 period. AGL Loy Yang will be included from FY2014." ]
[ [ 97, 17, 215, 11 ], [ 961, 17, 13, 11 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 395, 53, 581, 195 ], [ 695, 263, 228, 14 ], [ 396, 263, 159, 14 ], [ 396, 283, 245, 68 ], [ 396, 283, 245, 68 ], [ 396, 283, 245, 68 ], [ 396, 283, 245, 68 ], [ 396, 283, 245, 68 ], [ 695, 283, 274, 68 ], [ 695, 283, 274, 68 ], [ 695, 283, 274, 68 ], [ 695, 283, 274, 68 ], [ 695, 283, 274, 68 ], [ 695, 356, 253, 68 ], [ 695, 356, 253, 68 ], [ 695, 356, 253, 68 ], [ 695, 356, 253, 68 ], [ 695, 356, 253, 68 ], [ 695, 356, 253, 68 ], [ 695, 430, 284, 108 ], [ 695, 430, 284, 108 ], [ 695, 430, 284, 108 ], [ 695, 430, 284, 108 ], [ 695, 430, 284, 108 ], [ 695, 430, 284, 108 ], [ 695, 430, 284, 108 ], [ 695, 430, 284, 108 ], [ 695, 544, 284, 148 ], [ 695, 544, 284, 148 ], [ 695, 544, 284, 148 ], [ 695, 544, 284, 148 ], [ 695, 544, 284, 148 ], [ 695, 544, 284, 148 ], [ 695, 544, 284, 148 ], [ 695, 544, 284, 148 ], [ 695, 544, 284, 148 ], [ 695, 544, 284, 148 ], [ 695, 544, 284, 148 ], [ 695, 698, 279, 68 ], [ 695, 698, 279, 68 ], [ 695, 698, 279, 68 ], [ 695, 698, 279, 68 ], [ 695, 698, 279, 68 ], [ 695, 772, 269, 41 ], [ 695, 772, 269, 41 ], [ 695, 772, 269, 41 ], [ 396, 660, 256, 121 ], [ 396, 660, 256, 121 ], [ 396, 660, 256, 121 ], [ 396, 660, 256, 121 ], [ 396, 660, 256, 121 ], [ 396, 660, 256, 121 ], [ 396, 660, 256, 121 ], [ 396, 660, 256, 121 ], [ 396, 660, 256, 121 ], [ 396, 533, 284, 121 ], [ 396, 533, 284, 121 ], [ 396, 533, 284, 121 ], [ 396, 533, 284, 121 ], [ 396, 533, 284, 121 ], [ 396, 533, 284, 121 ], [ 396, 533, 284, 121 ], [ 396, 533, 284, 121 ], [ 396, 533, 284, 121 ], [ 396, 473, 283, 55 ], [ 396, 473, 283, 55 ], [ 396, 473, 283, 55 ], [ 396, 473, 283, 55 ], [ 396, 352, 239, 41 ], [ 396, 352, 239, 41 ], [ 396, 352, 239, 41 ], [ 396, 399, 236, 28 ], [ 396, 399, 236, 28 ], [ 396, 433, 235, 28 ], [ 396, 433, 235, 28 ], [ 396, 945, 279, 9 ], [ 396, 945, 279, 9 ], [ 396, 956, 578, 9 ], [ 396, 956, 578, 9 ] ]
[ [ 97, 17, 215, 11 ], [ 961, 17, 13, 11 ], [ 406, 53, 39, 14 ], [ 519, 53, 97, 14 ], [ 664, 53, 140, 14 ], [ 840, 53, 97, 14 ], [ 406, 71, 149, 14 ], [ 406, 90, 87, 14 ], [ 406, 104, 94, 14 ], [ 406, 117, 71, 14 ], [ 406, 130, 34, 14 ], [ 519, 90, 120, 14 ], [ 519, 112, 85, 21 ], [ 519, 132, 81, 21 ], [ 664, 90, 117, 14 ], [ 780, 91, 5, 8 ], [ 785, 90, 3, 14 ], [ 664, 112, 94, 21 ], [ 664, 132, 81, 21 ], [ 840, 90, 50, 14 ], [ 840, 104, 88, 14 ], [ 840, 117, 79, 14 ], [ 840, 130, 82, 14 ], [ 406, 163, 210, 14 ], [ 406, 182, 72, 14 ], [ 519, 182, 73, 14 ], [ 519, 196, 101, 14 ], [ 519, 217, 29, 21 ], [ 664, 182, 73, 14 ], [ 664, 196, 101, 14 ], [ 664, 217, 28, 21 ], [ 840, 182, 73, 14 ], [ 840, 196, 101, 14 ], [ 840, 209, 91, 14 ], [ 931, 210, 5, 8 ], [ 937, 209, 3, 14 ], [ 695, 263, 228, 14 ], [ 396, 263, 159, 14 ], [ 396, 283, 239, 14 ], [ 396, 296, 238, 14 ], [ 396, 310, 236, 14 ], [ 396, 323, 245, 14 ], [ 396, 336, 126, 14 ], [ 695, 283, 207, 14 ], [ 695, 296, 274, 14 ], [ 695, 310, 266, 14 ], [ 695, 323, 270, 14 ], [ 695, 336, 271, 14 ], [ 695, 356, 241, 14 ], [ 695, 370, 238, 14 ], [ 695, 383, 253, 14 ], [ 695, 397, 225, 14 ], [ 695, 410, 12, 14 ], [ 714, 410, 169, 14 ], [ 695, 430, 256, 14 ], [ 695, 443, 251, 14 ], [ 695, 457, 226, 14 ], [ 695, 470, 253, 14 ], [ 695, 484, 283, 14 ], [ 695, 497, 284, 14 ], [ 695, 510, 255, 14 ], [ 695, 524, 141, 14 ], [ 695, 544, 262, 14 ], [ 695, 557, 256, 14 ], [ 695, 571, 274, 14 ], [ 695, 584, 265, 14 ], [ 695, 597, 284, 14 ], [ 695, 611, 265, 14 ], [ 695, 624, 274, 14 ], [ 695, 638, 267, 14 ], [ 695, 651, 281, 14 ], [ 695, 664, 281, 14 ], [ 695, 678, 179, 14 ], [ 695, 698, 279, 14 ], [ 695, 711, 257, 14 ], [ 695, 725, 268, 14 ], [ 695, 738, 265, 14 ], [ 695, 751, 248, 14 ], [ 695, 772, 269, 14 ], [ 695, 785, 254, 14 ], [ 695, 798, 185, 14 ], [ 396, 660, 248, 14 ], [ 396, 674, 250, 14 ], [ 396, 687, 252, 14 ], [ 396, 700, 256, 14 ], [ 396, 714, 256, 14 ], [ 396, 727, 232, 14 ], [ 396, 741, 255, 14 ], [ 396, 754, 247, 14 ], [ 396, 767, 206, 14 ], [ 396, 533, 284, 14 ], [ 396, 546, 273, 14 ], [ 396, 560, 244, 14 ], [ 396, 573, 259, 14 ], [ 396, 587, 268, 14 ], [ 396, 600, 269, 14 ], [ 396, 613, 275, 14 ], [ 396, 627, 242, 14 ], [ 396, 640, 257, 14 ], [ 396, 473, 271, 14 ], [ 396, 486, 283, 14 ], [ 396, 500, 271, 14 ], [ 396, 513, 137, 14 ], [ 396, 352, 239, 14 ], [ 411, 366, 223, 14 ], [ 411, 379, 174, 14 ], [ 396, 399, 236, 14 ], [ 411, 413, 63, 14 ], [ 396, 433, 235, 14 ], [ 411, 446, 198, 14 ], [ 396, 945, 4, 9 ], [ 411, 945, 264, 9 ], [ 396, 956, 4, 9 ], [ 410, 956, 565, 9 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "Bit Functions and Operators", "Because ", "ExtractValue()", " returns multiple matches as a single space-delimited string, this injection", "attack provides every valid ID contained within ", "users.xml", " to the user as a single row of output. As an", "extra safeguard, you should also test output before returning it to the user. Here is a simple example:", "In general, the guidelines for returning data to users securely are the same as for accepting user input.", "These can be summed up as:", "•Always test outgoing data for type and permissible values.", "•Never permit unauthorized users to view error messages that might provide information about the", "application that could be used to exploit it.", "Bit functions and operators comprise ", "BIT_COUNT()", ", ", "BIT_AND()", ", ", "BIT_OR()", ", ", "BIT_XOR()", ", ", "&", ", ", "|", ", ", "^", ",", "~", ", ", "<<", ", and ", ">>", ". (The ", "BIT_AND()", ", ", "BIT_OR()", ", and ", "BIT_XOR()", " aggregate functions are described in", "Section 12.20.1, “Aggregate Function Descriptions”", ".) Prior to MySQL 8.0, bit functions and operators", "required ", "BIGINT", " (64-bit integer) arguments and returned ", "BIGINT", " values, so they had a maximum range", "of 64 bits. Non-", "BIGINT", " arguments were converted to ", "BIGINT", " prior to performing the operation and", "truncation could occur.", "2258", "Table 12.17 Bit Functions and Operators", "12.13", "Bit Functions and Operators", "| id", "|", "+-------------------------------+", "| 00327 13579 02403 42354 28570 |", "+-------------------------------+", "1", "row in set (0.01 sec)", "mysql> ", "SELECT @id = ExtractValue(", "->", "LOAD_FILE(’users.xml’),", "->", "’//user[login/text()=\"\" or 1=1 and password/text()=\"\" or 1=1]/attribute::id’", "-> ", ");", "Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)", "mysql> ", "SELECT IF(", "->", "INSTR(@id, ’ ’) = 0,", "->", "@id,", "->", "’Unable to retrieve user ID’)", "-> ", "AS singleID;", "+----------------------------+", "| singleID", "|", "+----------------------------+", "| Unable to retrieve user ID |", "+----------------------------+", "1", "row in set (0.00 sec)", "Name", "Description", "&", "Bitwise AND", ">>", "Right shift", "<<", "Left shift", "^", "Bitwise XOR", "BIT_COUNT()", "Return the number of bits that are set", "|", "Bitwise OR", "~", "Bitwise inversion" ]
[ [ 393, 48, 208, 11 ], [ 140, 173, 760, 43 ], [ 140, 173, 760, 43 ], [ 140, 173, 760, 43 ], [ 140, 173, 760, 43 ], [ 140, 173, 760, 43 ], [ 140, 173, 760, 43 ], [ 140, 173, 760, 43 ], [ 140, 461, 758, 27 ], [ 140, 461, 758, 27 ], [ 140, 505, 447, 11 ], [ 140, 533, 737, 27 ], [ 140, 533, 737, 27 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 140, 840, 775, 89 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 140, 628, 321, 11 ], [ 60, 581, 436, 19 ], [ 60, 581, 436, 19 ], [ 140, 95, 265, 57 ], [ 140, 95, 265, 57 ], [ 140, 95, 265, 57 ], [ 140, 95, 265, 57 ], [ 140, 95, 265, 57 ], [ 140, 95, 265, 57 ], [ 140, 95, 265, 57 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 140, 233, 699, 206 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ], [ 139, 652, 796, 171 ] ]
[ [ 393, 48, 208, 11 ], [ 140, 173, 69, 11 ], [ 210, 174, 140, 10 ], [ 351, 173, 540, 11 ], [ 140, 189, 348, 11 ], [ 488, 190, 90, 10 ], [ 579, 189, 322, 11 ], [ 140, 204, 746, 11 ], [ 140, 461, 758, 11 ], [ 140, 476, 220, 11 ], [ 140, 505, 447, 11 ], [ 140, 533, 737, 11 ], [ 157, 549, 310, 11 ], [ 140, 840, 276, 11 ], [ 417, 841, 110, 10 ], [ 527, 840, 9, 11 ], [ 537, 841, 90, 10 ], [ 627, 840, 9, 11 ], [ 636, 841, 80, 10 ], [ 717, 840, 9, 11 ], [ 726, 841, 90, 10 ], [ 816, 840, 9, 11 ], [ 826, 841, 10, 10 ], [ 836, 840, 9, 11 ], [ 845, 841, 10, 10 ], [ 855, 840, 9, 11 ], [ 864, 841, 10, 10 ], [ 874, 840, 4, 11 ], [ 140, 857, 10, 10 ], [ 150, 855, 9, 11 ], [ 160, 857, 20, 10 ], [ 180, 855, 41, 11 ], [ 222, 857, 20, 10 ], [ 242, 855, 48, 11 ], [ 290, 857, 90, 10 ], [ 380, 855, 9, 11 ], [ 390, 857, 80, 10 ], [ 470, 855, 41, 11 ], [ 512, 857, 90, 10 ], [ 603, 855, 275, 11 ], [ 140, 871, 407, 11 ], [ 520, 871, 363, 11 ], [ 140, 887, 66, 11 ], [ 206, 888, 60, 10 ], [ 267, 887, 301, 11 ], [ 568, 888, 60, 10 ], [ 628, 887, 287, 11 ], [ 140, 902, 113, 11 ], [ 254, 903, 60, 10 ], [ 314, 902, 226, 11 ], [ 540, 903, 60, 10 ], [ 601, 902, 276, 11 ], [ 140, 918, 168, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 140, 628, 321, 11 ], [ 60, 581, 67, 19 ], [ 134, 581, 361, 19 ], [ 140, 95, 32, 8 ], [ 397, 95, 8, 8 ], [ 140, 107, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 120, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 132, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 145, 8, 8 ], [ 156, 145, 168, 8 ], [ 140, 233, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 233, 209, 8 ], [ 172, 246, 16, 8 ], [ 229, 246, 184, 8 ], [ 172, 258, 16, 8 ], [ 229, 258, 610, 8 ], [ 172, 271, 24, 8 ], [ 196, 271, 16, 8 ], [ 140, 283, 289, 8 ], [ 140, 308, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 308, 80, 8 ], [ 172, 320, 16, 8 ], [ 229, 320, 160, 8 ], [ 172, 333, 16, 8 ], [ 229, 333, 32, 8 ], [ 172, 345, 16, 8 ], [ 229, 345, 233, 8 ], [ 172, 358, 24, 8 ], [ 196, 358, 96, 8 ], [ 140, 370, 241, 8 ], [ 140, 383, 80, 8 ], [ 373, 383, 8, 8 ], [ 140, 395, 241, 8 ], [ 140, 407, 241, 8 ], [ 140, 420, 241, 8 ], [ 140, 432, 8, 8 ], [ 156, 432, 168, 8 ], [ 144, 657, 45, 11 ], [ 541, 657, 92, 11 ], [ 144, 679, 10, 10 ], [ 541, 678, 93, 11 ], [ 144, 701, 20, 10 ], [ 541, 700, 74, 11 ], [ 144, 722, 20, 10 ], [ 541, 721, 63, 11 ], [ 144, 743, 10, 10 ], [ 541, 742, 93, 11 ], [ 144, 765, 110, 10 ], [ 541, 764, 277, 11 ], [ 144, 786, 10, 10 ], [ 541, 785, 82, 11 ], [ 144, 807, 10, 10 ], [ 541, 806, 124, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "•", " Fifty (50) pictures and fifteen (15) high quality pictures including metadata including copyrights ", "(compliant with GDPR Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of 23 October 2018). (Size of ", "minimum. 300 dpi); ", "•", "They shall be used in publications, exhibitions, and the web. ", "•", "Contractor’s national partner must ensure that pictures are provided in a timely manner in digital ", "format; ", "•", "Contractor to provide selected pictures from different events to EU-OSHA for reporting. ", "•", "The Contractor’s national partner to provide selected photos (up to 15, showing the branding ", "and key moments of the event) to the Contractor who will upload them to EU-OSHA’s online ", "collaborative tool. The pictures should be “creative” as far as possible, meaning that they should ", "portray the main speakers/guests in professional though original settings. ", "Provision of pictures ", "EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ", "Press work: copywriting in national language of a press ", "release ", "Elaboration of a press release in national language", " (for both onsite and online press conferences) ", "•", "Contractor’s national partner and the EU-OSHA’s national partner to discuss subject/content of ", "the press release that needs to be closely related to the subject of the press conference; ", "•", "The partner must elaborate press release text, including references to EU-OSHA and its ", "projects/activities, as well as announcing the press conference; ", "•", "The press release should draw a connection between national developments and EU-OSHA’s ", "role, responsibility and activities. It has to be ensured the EU-OSHA logo is incorporated into ", "the press release; ", "•", "EU-OSHA’s national partner to provide timely approval of final text at least 1 week in advance ", "of distribution. ", "•", "Contractor’s national partner (depending on country-specific media landscape) to email/upload ", "the press release to as many media contacts as possible.", "Electronic distribution of press release ", "(for both onsite and online press conferences) ", "43 ", "European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – EU-OSHA " ]
[ [ 154, 87, 752, 58 ], [ 154, 87, 752, 58 ], [ 154, 87, 752, 58 ], [ 154, 87, 752, 58 ], [ 154, 158, 486, 16 ], [ 154, 158, 486, 16 ], [ 154, 244, 750, 37 ], [ 154, 244, 750, 37 ], [ 154, 244, 750, 37 ], [ 154, 294, 690, 16 ], [ 154, 294, 690, 16 ], [ 154, 322, 752, 79 ], [ 154, 322, 752, 79 ], [ 154, 322, 752, 79 ], [ 154, 322, 752, 79 ], [ 154, 322, 752, 79 ], [ 123, 214, 176, 17 ], [ 408, 49, 212, 14 ], [ 123, 441, 790, 61 ], [ 123, 441, 790, 61 ], [ 123, 516, 776, 17 ], [ 123, 516, 776, 17 ], [ 154, 545, 750, 37 ], [ 154, 545, 750, 37 ], [ 154, 545, 750, 37 ], [ 154, 596, 755, 37 ], [ 154, 596, 755, 37 ], [ 154, 596, 755, 37 ], [ 154, 646, 751, 58 ], [ 154, 646, 751, 58 ], [ 154, 646, 751, 58 ], [ 154, 646, 751, 58 ], [ 154, 717, 751, 37 ], [ 154, 717, 751, 37 ], [ 154, 717, 751, 37 ], [ 154, 824, 751, 37 ], [ 154, 824, 751, 37 ], [ 154, 824, 751, 37 ], [ 124, 794, 678, 17 ], [ 124, 794, 678, 17 ], [ 883, 928, 21, 14 ], [ 303, 948, 422, 14 ] ]
[ [ 154, 87, 7, 14 ], [ 179, 87, 726, 16 ], [ 185, 108, 721, 16 ], [ 185, 129, 151, 16 ], [ 154, 158, 7, 14 ], [ 179, 158, 462, 16 ], [ 154, 244, 7, 14 ], [ 179, 244, 725, 16 ], [ 185, 265, 58, 16 ], [ 154, 294, 7, 14 ], [ 179, 294, 665, 16 ], [ 154, 323, 7, 14 ], [ 179, 322, 727, 16 ], [ 185, 343, 720, 16 ], [ 185, 364, 718, 16 ], [ 185, 385, 561, 16 ], [ 123, 214, 176, 17 ], [ 408, 49, 212, 14 ], [ 123, 441, 790, 27 ], [ 123, 474, 102, 27 ], [ 123, 516, 415, 17 ], [ 540, 516, 359, 16 ], [ 154, 546, 7, 14 ], [ 179, 545, 726, 16 ], [ 185, 567, 676, 16 ], [ 154, 596, 7, 14 ], [ 179, 596, 730, 16 ], [ 185, 617, 485, 16 ], [ 154, 646, 7, 14 ], [ 179, 646, 726, 16 ], [ 185, 667, 720, 16 ], [ 185, 688, 141, 16 ], [ 154, 717, 7, 14 ], [ 179, 717, 726, 16 ], [ 185, 738, 111, 16 ], [ 154, 824, 7, 14 ], [ 179, 824, 726, 16 ], [ 185, 845, 437, 16 ], [ 124, 794, 323, 17 ], [ 447, 794, 355, 16 ], [ 883, 928, 21, 14 ], [ 303, 948, 422, 14 ] ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 4, 4 ]
EN-Annex I - List of Services (lot 1).pdf
[ "The SRM process is simple. At least five times before ", "and during the flight, the pilot should review and consider ", "the “Plan, the Plane, the Pilot, the Passengers, and the ", "Programming” and make the appropriate decision required ", "by the current situation. It is often said that failure to make ", "a decision is a decision. Under SRM and the 5 Ps, even the ", "decision to make no changes to the current plan is made ", "through a careful consideration of all the risk factors present. ", "Passengers can also be pilots. If no one is designated as pilot ", "in command (PIC) and unplanned circumstances arise, the ", "decision-making styles of several self-confident pilots may ", "come into conflict. ", "Pilots also need to understand that non-pilots may not ", "understand the level of risk involved in flight. There is an ", "element of risk in every flight. That is why SRM calls it risk ", "management, not risk elimination. While a pilot may feel ", "comfortable with the risk present in a night IFR flight, the ", "passengers may not. A pilot employing SRM should ensure ", "the passengers are involved in the decision-making and given ", "tasks and duties to keep them busy and involved. If, upon a ", "factual description of the risks present, the passengers decide ", "to buy an airline ticket or rent a car, then a good decision has ", "generally been made. This discussion also allows the pilot ", "to move past what he or she thinks the passengers want to ", "do and find out what they actually want to do. This removes ", "self-induced pressure from the pilot. ", "The Perceive, Process, Perform (3P) model for ADM offers ", "a simple, practical, and systematic approach that can be used ", "during all phases of flight. To use it, the pilot will: ", "Perceive, Process, Perform (3P) Model ", "The Programming ", "Use the Perceive, Process, Perform, and Evaluate method as ", "a continuous model for every aeronautical decision that you ", "make. Although human beings will inevitably make mistakes, ", "anything that you can do to recognize and minimize potential ", "threats to your safety will make you a better pilot. ", "The advanced avionics aircraft adds an entirely new ", "dimension to the way GA aircraft are flown. The electronic ", "instrument displays, GPS, and autopilot reduce pilot ", "workload and increase pilot situational awareness. While ", "programming and operation of these devices are fairly ", "simple and straightforward, unlike the analog instruments ", "they replace, they tend to capture the pilot’s attention and ", "hold it for long periods of time. To avoid this phenomenon, ", "the pilot should plan in advance when and where the ", "programming for approaches, route changes, and airport ", "information gathering should be accomplished, as well as ", "times it should not. Pilot familiarity with the equipment, the ", "route, the local ATC environment, and personal capabilities ", "vis-à-vis the automation should drive when, where, and how ", "the automation is programmed and used. ", "Depending upon the nature of the activity and the time ", "available, risk management processing can take place in ", "any of three timeframes. ", "[Figure 2-10]", " Most flight training ", "activities take place in the “time-critical” timeframe for ", "risk management. The six steps of risk management can be ", "combined into an easy-to-remember 3P model for practical ", "risk management: Perceive, Process, Perform with the PAVE, ", "CARE and TEAM checklists. Pilots can help perceive ", "hazards by using the PAVE checklist of: Pilot, Aircraft, ", "enVironment, and External pressures. They can process ", "hazards by using the CARE checklist of: Consequences, ", "Alternatives, Reality, External factors. Finally, pilots can ", "perform risk management by using the TEAM choice list ", "of: Transfer, Eliminate, Accept, or Mitigate. ", "The pilot should also consider what his or her capabilities ", "are in response to last minute changes of the approach (and ", "the reprogramming required) and ability to make large-scale ", "changes (a reroute for instance) while hand flying the aircraft. ", "Since formats are not standardized, simply moving from one ", "manufacturer’s equipment to another should give the pilot ", "pause and require more conservative planning and decisions. ", "In the first step, the goal is to develop situational awareness ", "by perceiving hazards, which are present events, objects, or ", "circumstances that could contribute to an undesired future ", "event. In this step, the pilot will systematically identify and ", "PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ", "Minimums ", "Figure 2-10. ", "Risk management processing can take place in any of three timeframes. ", "2-15 ", "Strategic ", "Deliberate ", "Time-Critical ", "Purpose", "Used in a complex operation (e.g., ", "introduction of new equipment); involves ", "research, use of analysis tools, formal ", "testing, or long term tracking of risks. ", "Uses experience and brainstorming to identify ", "hazards, assess risks, and develop controls ", "for planning operations, review of standard ", "operating or training procedures, etc. ", "“On the fly” mental or verbal review using ", "the basic risk management process ", "during the execution phase of an activity. ", "• ", "Perceive the given set of circumstances for a flight ", "• ", "Process by evaluating their impact on flight safety ", "• ", "Perform by implementing the best course of action " ]
[ [ 553, 56, 416, 131 ], [ 553, 56, 416, 131 ], [ 553, 56, 416, 131 ], [ 553, 56, 416, 131 ], [ 553, 56, 416, 131 ], [ 553, 56, 416, 131 ], [ 553, 56, 416, 131 ], [ 553, 56, 416, 131 ], [ 124, 56, 414, 64 ], [ 124, 56, 414, 64 ], [ 124, 56, 414, 64 ], [ 124, 56, 414, 64 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 223, 412, 48 ], [ 553, 223, 412, 48 ], [ 553, 223, 412, 48 ], [ 553, 204, 320, 17 ], [ 124, 387, 149, 17 ], [ 553, 356, 412, 81 ], [ 553, 356, 412, 81 ], [ 553, 356, 412, 81 ], [ 553, 356, 412, 81 ], [ 553, 356, 412, 81 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 246 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 230 ], [ 124, 672, 414, 114 ], [ 124, 672, 414, 114 ], [ 124, 672, 414, 114 ], [ 124, 672, 414, 114 ], [ 124, 672, 414, 114 ], [ 124, 672, 414, 114 ], [ 124, 672, 414, 114 ], [ 553, 741, 414, 64 ], [ 553, 741, 414, 64 ], [ 553, 741, 414, 64 ], [ 553, 741, 414, 64 ], [ 553, 703, 382, 34 ], [ 553, 703, 382, 34 ], [ 125, 927, 531, 14 ], [ 125, 927, 531, 14 ], [ 928, 964, 39, 16 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 123, 832, 839, 82 ], [ 569, 278, 385, 15 ], [ 569, 278, 385, 15 ], [ 569, 301, 381, 15 ], [ 569, 301, 381, 15 ], [ 569, 323, 385, 15 ], [ 569, 323, 385, 15 ] ]
[ [ 553, 56, 416, 15 ], [ 553, 73, 414, 15 ], [ 553, 90, 416, 15 ], [ 553, 106, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 123, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 139, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 156, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 172, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 56, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 73, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 90, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 106, 134, 15 ], [ 124, 139, 416, 15 ], [ 124, 156, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 172, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 189, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 205, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 222, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 238, 411, 15 ], [ 124, 255, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 272, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 288, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 305, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 321, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 338, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 354, 254, 15 ], [ 553, 223, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 239, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 256, 352, 15 ], [ 553, 204, 320, 17 ], [ 124, 387, 149, 17 ], [ 553, 356, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 373, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 389, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 406, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 423, 348, 15 ], [ 124, 407, 417, 15 ], [ 124, 424, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 440, 416, 15 ], [ 124, 457, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 474, 416, 15 ], [ 124, 490, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 507, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 523, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 540, 416, 15 ], [ 124, 556, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 573, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 589, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 606, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 623, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 639, 285, 15 ], [ 553, 456, 416, 15 ], [ 553, 472, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 489, 173, 15 ], [ 726, 489, 96, 15 ], [ 823, 489, 143, 15 ], [ 553, 505, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 522, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 538, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 555, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 572, 416, 15 ], [ 553, 588, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 605, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 621, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 638, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 654, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 671, 309, 15 ], [ 124, 672, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 689, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 705, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 722, 411, 15 ], [ 124, 738, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 755, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 772, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 741, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 758, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 774, 414, 15 ], [ 553, 791, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 703, 382, 17 ], [ 553, 720, 90, 17 ], [ 125, 927, 81, 13 ], [ 207, 927, 449, 13 ], [ 928, 964, 39, 16 ], [ 265, 840, 55, 12 ], [ 530, 840, 61, 12 ], [ 794, 840, 76, 12 ], [ 133, 854, 18, 42 ], [ 166, 859, 209, 13 ], [ 166, 871, 244, 13 ], [ 166, 883, 230, 13 ], [ 166, 895, 223, 13 ], [ 421, 859, 277, 13 ], [ 421, 871, 264, 13 ], [ 421, 883, 258, 13 ], [ 421, 895, 224, 13 ], [ 706, 859, 249, 13 ], [ 706, 871, 216, 13 ], [ 706, 883, 248, 13 ], [ 569, 278, 10, 15 ], [ 600, 278, 354, 15 ], [ 569, 301, 10, 15 ], [ 600, 301, 350, 15 ], [ 569, 323, 10, 15 ], [ 600, 323, 354, 15 ] ]
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[ "Statement of Corporate Governance Practices (continued) ", "Timely and Balanced Disclosure ", "Rights of Shareholders ", "The Company has established written policies and procedures designed to ensure compliance with the ASX Listing ", "Rule requirements such that: ", "(i)", "all investors have equal and timely access to material information concerning the Company - including its ", "financial situation, performance, ownership and governance; and ", "(ii) Company announcements are factual and presented in a clear and balanced way. ", "(i)", "reviews the financial reporting process of the Company on behalf of the Board and reports the results of its ", "activities to the Board; ", "(ii) discusses with management, the internal auditors, and the external auditors, the adequacy and effectiveness of ", "the accounting and financial controls, including the policies and procedures of the Company to assess, monitor ", "and manage business risk, and any legal and ethical compliance programmes; ", "(iii) reviews with the external auditor any audit problems or difficulties and the response of management; ", "(iv) receives reports from the external auditor on the critical policies and practices of the Company; ", "(v)", "makes recommendations to the Board on the appointment, reappointment or replacement (subject, if applicable, ", "to shareholder ratification), remuneration, monitoring of the effectiveness, and independence of the external ", "auditors; ", "(vi) reviews and assesses the independence of the external auditor; ", "(vii) reviews the mission, charter and resources of the internal auditor and discusses the scope of the internal audit ", "with the internal auditor; ", "(viii) reviews and discusses with the Board any ASX press releases, the half-year financial report, appendix 4E and ", "other reports required to be lodged with the ASX, prior to the filing of these documents with the ASX; ", "(ix) establishes procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by the Company (if any) ", "regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters and the confidential, anonymous ", "submission by employees of the Company of concerns regarding accounting or auditing matters. ", "(i) ", "the statement made by the Managing Director and Finance Director to confirm to the Board that the accounts are ", "true and fair and comply with accounting standards, is founded on a sound system of risk management and ", "internal compliance and control which implements the policies adopted by the Board; and ", "(ii) the Company's risk management and internal compliance is operating efficiently and effectively in all material ", "respects. ", "The Managing Director and the Finance Director state to the Board in writing that: ", "The systems of internal financial controls have been determined by senior management of the Company, and are ", "designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute protection against fraud, material misstatement or loss. These ", "controls are intended to identify, in a timely manner, control issues that require attention of the Board or audit ", "committee. ", "HARVEY NORMAN HOLDINGS LIMITED AND ITS CONTROLLED ENTITIES – ANNUAL REPORT 2003 ", "14 ", "Recognition and Management of Risk ", "The Board or appropriate Board committees have established policies on risk oversight and management. In order to ", "carry out this function, the audit committee: ", "The Company requests the external auditor to attend the annual general meeting and be available to answer ", "shareholder questions about the conduct of the audit and the preparation and content of the independent audit report. ", "The Company has designed and disclosed a communications strategy to promote effective communication with ", "shareholders, subject to privacy laws and the need to act in the best interests of the Company by protecting ", "confidential commercial information, and encourage effective participation at general meetings. " ]
[ [ 141, 62, 615, 18 ], [ 141, 105, 302, 20 ], [ 141, 227, 218, 20 ], [ 141, 139, 747, 24 ], [ 141, 139, 747, 24 ], [ 141, 177, 749, 24 ], [ 141, 177, 749, 24 ], [ 141, 177, 749, 24 ], [ 141, 202, 542, 12 ], [ 141, 422, 747, 24 ], [ 141, 422, 747, 24 ], [ 141, 422, 747, 24 ], [ 141, 447, 746, 37 ], [ 141, 447, 746, 37 ], [ 141, 447, 746, 37 ], [ 141, 485, 656, 12 ], [ 141, 497, 621, 12 ], [ 141, 510, 748, 37 ], [ 141, 510, 748, 37 ], [ 141, 510, 748, 37 ], [ 141, 510, 748, 37 ], [ 141, 548, 430, 12 ], [ 141, 560, 746, 24 ], [ 141, 560, 746, 24 ], [ 141, 586, 747, 24 ], [ 141, 586, 747, 24 ], [ 141, 611, 751, 37 ], [ 141, 611, 751, 37 ], [ 141, 611, 751, 37 ], [ 141, 688, 747, 37 ], [ 141, 688, 747, 37 ], [ 141, 688, 747, 37 ], [ 141, 688, 747, 37 ], [ 141, 726, 747, 24 ], [ 141, 726, 747, 24 ], [ 141, 663, 510, 12 ], [ 141, 765, 748, 49 ], [ 141, 765, 748, 49 ], [ 141, 765, 748, 49 ], [ 141, 765, 748, 49 ], [ 248, 972, 602, 13 ], [ 150, 972, 17, 13 ], [ 141, 350, 350, 20 ], [ 141, 384, 745, 24 ], [ 141, 384, 745, 24 ], [ 141, 311, 749, 24 ], [ 141, 311, 749, 24 ], [ 141, 261, 749, 37 ], [ 141, 261, 749, 37 ], [ 141, 261, 749, 37 ] ]
[ [ 141, 62, 615, 18 ], [ 141, 105, 302, 20 ], [ 141, 227, 218, 20 ], [ 141, 139, 747, 12 ], [ 141, 152, 184, 12 ], [ 141, 177, 13, 12 ], [ 160, 177, 730, 12 ], [ 170, 189, 407, 12 ], [ 141, 202, 542, 12 ], [ 141, 422, 13, 12 ], [ 159, 422, 729, 12 ], [ 170, 434, 142, 12 ], [ 141, 447, 746, 12 ], [ 170, 460, 718, 12 ], [ 170, 472, 493, 12 ], [ 141, 485, 656, 12 ], [ 141, 497, 621, 12 ], [ 141, 510, 16, 12 ], [ 162, 510, 725, 12 ], [ 170, 523, 720, 12 ], [ 170, 535, 57, 12 ], [ 141, 548, 430, 12 ], [ 141, 560, 746, 12 ], [ 170, 573, 153, 12 ], [ 141, 586, 747, 12 ], [ 170, 598, 627, 12 ], [ 141, 611, 747, 12 ], [ 170, 623, 723, 12 ], [ 170, 636, 604, 12 ], [ 141, 688, 16, 12 ], [ 170, 688, 717, 12 ], [ 170, 700, 719, 12 ], [ 170, 713, 558, 12 ], [ 141, 726, 747, 12 ], [ 170, 738, 61, 12 ], [ 141, 663, 510, 12 ], [ 141, 765, 747, 12 ], [ 141, 777, 748, 12 ], [ 141, 790, 748, 12 ], [ 141, 803, 72, 12 ], [ 248, 972, 602, 13 ], [ 150, 972, 17, 13 ], [ 141, 350, 350, 20 ], [ 141, 384, 745, 12 ], [ 141, 397, 271, 12 ], [ 141, 311, 749, 12 ], [ 141, 324, 735, 12 ], [ 141, 261, 748, 12 ], [ 141, 273, 749, 12 ], [ 141, 286, 594, 12 ] ]
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[ "notes to and forming part of the financial statements ", "for the year ended 30 June 2004 (continued)", "Leased Assets", "(d)", "Restoration Costs", "(e)", "Mine Closure", "Interest-Bearing Liabilities", "(a)", "Areas in Exploration and Evaluation", "Payables", "Provisions", "(b)", "Areas in Development", "(c)", "Areas in Production", "Contributed Equity", "Income Recognition", "RESOLUTE MINING LIMITED", "2004 ANNUAL REPORT", "42", "Revenue from production of gold is recognised when the product is", "ready for dispatch to a gold refinery. Revenue from the sale of assets is", "recognised when control of the goods has passed to the buyer and", "interest revenue is recognised when control of the right to receive the", "interest payment is received.", "The net carrying value of each mine property is reviewed regularly", "and, to the extent to which this value exceeds its recoverable amount,", "that excess is fully provided against in the financial year in which", "this is determined.", "Areas in production represent the accumulation of all exploration,", "evaluation and development expenditure incurred by or on behalf of", "the entity in relation to areas of interest in which mining of a mineral", "resource has commenced. Amortisation of costs is provided on the", "unit-of-production method, with separate calculations being made", "for each mineral resource. The unit-of-production basis results in an", "amortisation charge proportional to the depletion of the economically", "recoverable mineral resources. ", "Any transaction costs arising on the issue of ordinary shares are recognised", "directly in equity as a reduction of the share proceeds received.", "Issued and paid up capital is recognised at the fair value of the", "consideration received by the Company.", "A provision for dividends is not recognised as a liability unless the", "dividends are declared, determined or publicly recommended on or before", "the reporting date.", "Provisions are recognised when the consolidated entity has a legal,", "equitable or constructive obligation to make a future sacrifice of", "economic benefits to other entities as a result of past transactions or", "other past events, it is probable that a future sacrifice of economic", "benefits will be required and a reliable estimate can be made of the", "amount of the obligation.", "Areas in development represent the costs incurred in preparing", "mines for production. The costs are carried forward to the extent", "that these costs are expected to be recouped through the successful", "exploitation of the Company’s Mining Leases.", "Costs carried forward in respect of an area of interest that is", "abandoned are written off in the year in which the decision to", "abandon is made.", "Payables to related parties are carried at the principal amount.", "Interest, when charged by the lender, is recognised as an expense on", "an accruals basis.", "Liabilities for trade creditors and other amounts are carried at cost which", "is the fair value of the consideration to be paid in the future for goods", "and services received, whether or not billed to the consolidated entity.", "Exploration and evaluation costs related to an area of interest are", "carried forward only when rights of tenure to the area of interest are", "current and provided that one of the following conditions is met:", "All loans are measured at the principal amount. Also, refer to “Borrowing", "Costs” on the next page.", "Finance lease liability is determined in accordance with the requirements", "of AASB 1008 “Leases”.", "Mine closure costs are provided for once it is imminent that a mine’s", "life is complete and it is probable that additional costs will be", "incurred in relation to the closure, which can be reliably measured.", "The consolidated entity follows the area of interest method of accounting", "for exploration properties.", "Mineral Exploration and Development Costs", "Restoration and rehabilitation activity performed as part of the", "ongoing operations is expensed as it is incurred. The amount of", "restoration obligations required at the cessation of a particular", "mine-site are provided for gradually over the mine’s life of production.", "The restoration obligation recognised includes the costs of reclamation", "and waste site closure and are estimated on the basis of estimates", "of future costs on an undiscounted basis. Changes in estimates are", "dealt with on a prospective basis.", "Operating lease payments where the lessor effectively retains substantially", "all of the risks and benefits of ownership of the leased items, are included", "in the determination of profit from ordinary activities in equal", "instalments over the lease term.", "Finance leases, which effectively transfer to the consolidated entity all", "of the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of the leased item, are", "capitalised at the present value of the minimum lease payments, disclosed", "as leased property, plant and equipment, and amortised over the period", "the consolidated entity is expected to benefit from the use of the leased", "assets. Lease payments are allocated between interest expense and", "reduction in the lease liability. ", "Costs of restoration work are provided for and treated as production", "costs. The provision for restoration costs is reassessed at balance date.", "-", "exploration and/or evaluation activities in the area of interest", "have not yet reached a state which permits a reasonable", "assessment of the existence or otherwise of economically", "recoverable reserves, and active and significant operations in,", "or in relation to, the area are continuing.", "-", "such costs are expected to be recouped through successful", "development and exploitation of the area of interest, or", "alternatively by its sale; or" ]
[ [ 97, 86, 665, 10 ], [ 97, 86, 665, 10 ], [ 97, 172, 75, 9 ], [ 500, 172, 115, 9 ], [ 500, 172, 115, 9 ], [ 500, 346, 90, 9 ], [ 500, 346, 90, 9 ], [ 500, 418, 143, 9 ], [ 97, 413, 207, 9 ], [ 97, 413, 207, 9 ], [ 500, 509, 47, 9 ], [ 500, 628, 55, 9 ], [ 97, 649, 135, 9 ], [ 97, 649, 135, 9 ], [ 97, 733, 124, 9 ], [ 97, 733, 124, 9 ], [ 500, 789, 98, 9 ], [ 500, 879, 106, 9 ], [ 97, 994, 221, 6 ], [ 97, 994, 221, 6 ], [ 24, 742, 26, 15 ], [ 500, 899, 367, 65 ], [ 500, 899, 367, 65 ], [ 500, 899, 367, 65 ], [ 500, 899, 367, 65 ], [ 500, 899, 367, 65 ], [ 122, 866, 350, 50 ], [ 122, 866, 350, 50 ], [ 122, 866, 350, 50 ], [ 122, 866, 350, 50 ], [ 122, 752, 353, 104 ], [ 122, 752, 353, 104 ], [ 122, 752, 353, 104 ], [ 122, 752, 353, 104 ], [ 122, 752, 353, 104 ], [ 122, 752, 353, 104 ], [ 122, 752, 353, 104 ], [ 122, 752, 353, 104 ], [ 500, 841, 375, 23 ], [ 500, 841, 375, 23 ], [ 500, 808, 329, 23 ], [ 500, 808, 329, 23 ], [ 500, 736, 377, 37 ], [ 500, 736, 377, 37 ], [ 500, 736, 377, 37 ], [ 500, 647, 357, 79 ], [ 500, 647, 357, 79 ], [ 500, 647, 357, 79 ], [ 500, 647, 357, 79 ], [ 500, 647, 357, 79 ], [ 500, 647, 357, 79 ], [ 122, 668, 351, 50 ], [ 122, 668, 351, 50 ], [ 122, 668, 351, 50 ], [ 122, 668, 351, 50 ], [ 122, 598, 317, 36 ], [ 122, 598, 317, 36 ], [ 122, 598, 317, 36 ], [ 500, 575, 353, 37 ], [ 500, 575, 353, 37 ], [ 500, 575, 353, 37 ], [ 500, 528, 374, 37 ], [ 500, 528, 374, 37 ], [ 500, 528, 374, 37 ], [ 122, 432, 351, 36 ], [ 122, 432, 351, 36 ], [ 122, 432, 351, 36 ], [ 500, 437, 375, 23 ], [ 500, 437, 375, 23 ], [ 500, 470, 377, 23 ], [ 500, 470, 377, 23 ], [ 524, 366, 349, 37 ], [ 524, 366, 349, 37 ], [ 524, 366, 349, 37 ], [ 97, 376, 375, 22 ], [ 97, 376, 375, 22 ], [ 97, 357, 232, 9 ], [ 524, 224, 351, 107 ], [ 524, 224, 351, 107 ], [ 524, 224, 351, 107 ], [ 524, 224, 351, 107 ], [ 524, 224, 351, 107 ], [ 524, 224, 351, 107 ], [ 524, 224, 351, 107 ], [ 524, 224, 351, 107 ], [ 97, 292, 376, 50 ], [ 97, 292, 376, 50 ], [ 97, 292, 376, 50 ], [ 97, 292, 376, 50 ], [ 97, 191, 373, 91 ], [ 97, 191, 373, 91 ], [ 97, 191, 373, 91 ], [ 97, 191, 373, 91 ], [ 97, 191, 373, 91 ], [ 97, 191, 373, 91 ], [ 97, 191, 373, 91 ], [ 524, 191, 350, 22 ], [ 524, 191, 350, 22 ], [ 122, 524, 345, 63 ], [ 122, 524, 345, 63 ], [ 122, 524, 345, 63 ], [ 122, 524, 345, 63 ], [ 122, 524, 345, 63 ], [ 122, 524, 345, 63 ], [ 122, 478, 327, 36 ], [ 122, 478, 327, 36 ], [ 122, 478, 327, 36 ], [ 122, 478, 327, 36 ] ]
[ [ 97, 86, 366, 10 ], [ 463, 86, 299, 9 ], [ 97, 172, 75, 9 ], [ 500, 172, 14, 9 ], [ 524, 172, 90, 9 ], [ 500, 346, 13, 9 ], [ 524, 346, 66, 9 ], [ 500, 418, 143, 9 ], [ 97, 413, 14, 9 ], [ 122, 413, 183, 9 ], [ 500, 509, 47, 9 ], [ 500, 628, 55, 9 ], [ 97, 649, 14, 9 ], [ 122, 649, 111, 9 ], [ 97, 733, 13, 9 ], [ 122, 733, 99, 9 ], [ 500, 789, 98, 9 ], [ 500, 879, 106, 9 ], [ 97, 994, 120, 6 ], [ 221, 994, 97, 6 ], [ 24, 742, 26, 15 ], [ 500, 899, 343, 9 ], [ 500, 913, 367, 9 ], [ 500, 927, 341, 9 ], [ 500, 941, 356, 9 ], [ 500, 955, 148, 9 ], [ 122, 866, 338, 9 ], [ 122, 880, 350, 9 ], [ 122, 893, 340, 9 ], [ 122, 907, 96, 9 ], [ 122, 752, 337, 9 ], [ 122, 765, 347, 9 ], [ 122, 779, 353, 9 ], [ 122, 793, 341, 9 ], [ 122, 806, 343, 9 ], [ 122, 820, 353, 9 ], [ 122, 834, 350, 9 ], [ 122, 847, 160, 9 ], [ 500, 841, 375, 9 ], [ 500, 855, 326, 9 ], [ 500, 808, 329, 9 ], [ 500, 822, 203, 9 ], [ 500, 736, 342, 9 ], [ 500, 750, 377, 9 ], [ 500, 764, 95, 9 ], [ 500, 647, 345, 9 ], [ 500, 661, 332, 9 ], [ 500, 675, 357, 9 ], [ 500, 689, 345, 9 ], [ 500, 703, 351, 9 ], [ 500, 717, 130, 9 ], [ 122, 668, 324, 9 ], [ 122, 682, 330, 9 ], [ 122, 695, 351, 9 ], [ 122, 709, 231, 9 ], [ 122, 598, 314, 9 ], [ 122, 611, 317, 9 ], [ 122, 625, 92, 9 ], [ 500, 575, 325, 9 ], [ 500, 589, 353, 9 ], [ 500, 603, 94, 9 ], [ 500, 528, 374, 9 ], [ 500, 542, 361, 9 ], [ 500, 556, 359, 9 ], [ 122, 432, 339, 9 ], [ 122, 446, 351, 9 ], [ 122, 459, 331, 9 ], [ 500, 437, 375, 9 ], [ 500, 451, 126, 9 ], [ 500, 470, 377, 9 ], [ 500, 484, 122, 9 ], [ 524, 366, 349, 9 ], [ 524, 380, 321, 9 ], [ 524, 394, 344, 9 ], [ 97, 376, 375, 9 ], [ 97, 389, 131, 9 ], [ 97, 357, 232, 9 ], [ 524, 224, 324, 9 ], [ 524, 238, 326, 9 ], [ 524, 252, 325, 9 ], [ 524, 266, 351, 9 ], [ 524, 280, 351, 9 ], [ 524, 294, 347, 9 ], [ 524, 308, 349, 9 ], [ 524, 322, 173, 9 ], [ 97, 292, 376, 9 ], [ 97, 305, 373, 9 ], [ 97, 319, 317, 9 ], [ 97, 333, 166, 9 ], [ 97, 191, 363, 9 ], [ 97, 205, 368, 9 ], [ 97, 218, 373, 9 ], [ 97, 232, 369, 9 ], [ 97, 246, 369, 9 ], [ 97, 259, 348, 9 ], [ 97, 273, 159, 9 ], [ 524, 191, 349, 9 ], [ 524, 205, 350, 9 ], [ 122, 524, 4, 9 ], [ 146, 524, 316, 9 ], [ 146, 538, 292, 9 ], [ 146, 552, 293, 9 ], [ 146, 565, 320, 9 ], [ 146, 579, 209, 9 ], [ 122, 478, 4, 9 ], [ 146, 478, 303, 9 ], [ 146, 492, 283, 9 ], [ 146, 506, 136, 9 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "and distribution expense reflects increased advertising and ", "promotional costs associated with new product introductions.", "The company also added several salespeople to the organization", "to increase market coverage. As a percentage of net sales,", "selling and distribution expenses increased to 12.2% in 2003 ", "from 12.0% in 2002.", "Net sales at the International Distribution Division increased ", "by $6.5 million or 18.1% to $42.7 million. The majority of", "sales growth internationally came from China, Australia and the ", "United Kingdom. Growth in the China and Australia market", "reflects increased restaurant openings of major restaurant chain", "customers as they expand internationally. Sales to the general", "market in China have also increased as the economy in that", "country continues to expand. Sales into the United Kingdom ", "have increased due to greater penetration of that market ", "resulting from the addition of a company owned distribution ", "operation in that country, which was purchased as part of", "the Blodgett acquisition in December 2001.", "General and administrative expenses increased to $21.2", "million in 2003 from $20.6 million in 2002. The net increase ", "in general and administrative expenses includes increases in ", "incentive compensation associated with improved financial", "performance of the company and higher pension costs associated", "with expanded benefits, offset in part by a reduction in bad ", "debt expense resulting from improved credit experience. As a", "percentage of net sales, general and administrative expenses ", "were 8.8% in 2003 as compared to 8.7% in 2002.", "Intercompany sales eliminations represent sales of product", "amongst the Cooking Systems Group operations and from the", "Cooking Systems Group operations to the International", "Distribution Division. The sales elimination increased by $5.2", "million to $29.9 million reflecting the increase in purchases of", "equipment by the International Distribution Division from the", "Cooking Systems Group due to increased sales volumes.", "INCOME FROM OPERATIONS.", "Income from operations increased", "$5.3 million or 17.8% to $35.0 million in fiscal 2003 from $29.7", "million in fiscal 2002. The increase in operating income reflects", "the higher net sales and gross profit.", "NON-OPERATING EXPENSES.", "Non-operating expenses decreased ", "by $14.7 million to $6.2 million in 2003 from $20.9 million in", "2002. The $14.7 million reduction in non-operating expenses", "includes a $5.3 million reduction in interest expense resulting", "from the repayment of high interest notes due to the Maytag asso-", "ciated with the Blodgett acquisition and generally lower average", "debt balances, a $9.1 million expense reduction associated ", "with non-recurring debt extinguishment costs incurred in 2002", "pertaining to the company’s refinancing of its debt, a $0.5 million", "reduction in other net expenses, which is primarily comprised of", "foreign exchange gains and losses, and a $0.2 million reduction ", "in gains associated with acquisition related financing derivatives.", "GROSS PROFIT.", "Gross profit increased by $7.4 million to $85.9", "million in fiscal 2003 from $78.5 million in 2002 as a result of", "increased sales volume and improvements in the gross margin ", "rate, which increased to 35.4% in 2003 from 33.4% in 2002.", "The improvement in the gross margin rate resulted from several", "factors, including the following:", "INCOME TAXES.", "The company recorded a net tax provision of", "$10.1 million in fiscal 2003 at an effective rate of 35.1% as", "compared to a provision of $2.7 million at an effective rate of", "30.8% in the prior year. The lower effective rate in the prior year", "reflects the benefit of a tax deduction for the write-off of an", "investment in a foreign subsidiary.", "Total cash and cash equivalents increased by $0.1 million to ", "$3.8 million at January 1, 2005 from $3.7 million at January 3,", "2004. Net borrowings increased to $123.7 million at January 1,", "2005 from $56.5 million at January 3, 2004.", "OPERATING ACTIVITIES.", "Net cash provided by operating activities", "amounted to $18.5 million as compared to $29.8 million in the", "prior year. Net cash provided from operating activities includes", "$8.0 million of cash used to repurchase 271,000 stock options", "from the company’s former Chairman and members of his family", "SELLING, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES.", "Selling,", "general and administrative expenses increased by $2.0 million to", "$50.8 million in 2003 from $48.8 million in 2002.", "Selling and distribution expenses increased to $29.6 million ", "in 2003 from $28.2 million in 2002. The increase in selling ", "8", "MIDDLEBY CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES", "Financial Condition and Liquidity ", "•", "Cost reduction initiatives including the shift of component ", "part manufacturing to low cost manufacturers, which included", "the company’s Philippine based manufacturing facility. The", "company also realized benefits of certain cost reductions from", "key supplier negotiations utilizing increased purchasing leverage", "resulting from the company’s 2001 acquisition of Blodgett.", "•", "Increasing international sales, which tend to result in higher", "overall gross margins for the combined company due to ", "the distribution margin earned on international sales. As the", "company maintains its own international infrastructure it ", "earns the markup on these sales in addition to the manufac-", "turing margin.", "•", "An improving mix of product sales driven by higher margins ", "on newly introduced products which tend to be more cost ", "efficient to manufacture due to standardization of product", "platforms and improvements in product design. In addition,", "the company has discontinued or replaced certain product", "lines, which had carried higher costs or lower margins." ]
[ [ 532, 102, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 102, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 102, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 102, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 102, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 102, 386, 95 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 90, 102, 387, 197 ], [ 532, 205, 397, 146 ], [ 532, 205, 397, 146 ], [ 532, 205, 397, 146 ], [ 532, 205, 397, 146 ], [ 532, 205, 397, 146 ], [ 532, 205, 397, 146 ], [ 532, 205, 397, 146 ], [ 532, 205, 397, 146 ], [ 532, 205, 397, 146 ], [ 90, 307, 376, 112 ], [ 90, 307, 376, 112 ], [ 90, 307, 376, 112 ], [ 90, 307, 376, 112 ], [ 90, 307, 376, 112 ], [ 90, 307, 376, 112 ], [ 90, 307, 376, 112 ], [ 532, 369, 391, 61 ], [ 532, 369, 391, 61 ], [ 532, 369, 391, 61 ], [ 532, 369, 391, 61 ], [ 532, 369, 391, 61 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 532, 447, 401, 197 ], [ 90, 437, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 437, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 437, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 437, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 437, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 437, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 437, 383, 95 ], [ 532, 662, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 662, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 662, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 662, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 662, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 662, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 662, 386, 95 ], [ 532, 797, 384, 61 ], [ 532, 797, 384, 61 ], [ 532, 797, 384, 61 ], [ 532, 797, 384, 61 ], [ 532, 875, 393, 78 ], [ 532, 875, 393, 78 ], [ 532, 875, 393, 78 ], [ 532, 875, 393, 78 ], [ 532, 875, 393, 78 ], [ 532, 875, 393, 78 ], [ 90, 870, 390, 44 ], [ 90, 870, 390, 44 ], [ 90, 870, 390, 44 ], [ 90, 870, 390, 44 ], [ 90, 921, 385, 27 ], [ 90, 921, 385, 27 ], [ 90, 991, 234, 7 ], [ 90, 991, 234, 7 ], [ 532, 774, 227, 9 ], [ 90, 757, 400, 95 ], [ 90, 757, 400, 95 ], [ 90, 757, 400, 95 ], [ 90, 757, 400, 95 ], [ 90, 757, 400, 95 ], [ 90, 757, 400, 95 ], [ 90, 757, 400, 95 ], [ 90, 650, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 650, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 650, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 650, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 650, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 650, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 650, 383, 95 ], [ 90, 544, 385, 95 ], [ 90, 544, 385, 95 ], [ 90, 544, 385, 95 ], [ 90, 544, 385, 95 ], [ 90, 544, 385, 95 ], [ 90, 544, 385, 95 ], [ 90, 544, 385, 95 ] ]
[ [ 532, 102, 358, 10 ], [ 532, 119, 370, 10 ], [ 532, 136, 386, 10 ], [ 532, 154, 350, 10 ], [ 532, 171, 373, 10 ], [ 532, 188, 126, 10 ], [ 110, 102, 366, 10 ], [ 90, 119, 350, 10 ], [ 90, 136, 387, 10 ], [ 90, 154, 353, 10 ], [ 90, 171, 387, 10 ], [ 90, 188, 372, 10 ], [ 90, 205, 358, 10 ], [ 90, 222, 366, 10 ], [ 90, 239, 346, 10 ], [ 90, 256, 367, 10 ], [ 90, 273, 346, 10 ], [ 90, 290, 263, 10 ], [ 552, 205, 337, 10 ], [ 532, 222, 370, 10 ], [ 532, 239, 367, 10 ], [ 532, 256, 351, 10 ], [ 532, 273, 397, 10 ], [ 532, 290, 360, 10 ], [ 532, 307, 367, 10 ], [ 532, 324, 371, 10 ], [ 532, 341, 303, 10 ], [ 110, 307, 356, 10 ], [ 90, 324, 372, 10 ], [ 90, 341, 330, 10 ], [ 90, 359, 367, 10 ], [ 90, 376, 374, 10 ], [ 90, 393, 366, 10 ], [ 90, 410, 339, 10 ], [ 532, 370, 167, 8 ], [ 703, 369, 205, 10 ], [ 532, 386, 391, 10 ], [ 532, 403, 383, 10 ], [ 532, 420, 222, 10 ], [ 532, 448, 167, 8 ], [ 704, 447, 212, 10 ], [ 532, 464, 374, 10 ], [ 532, 481, 367, 10 ], [ 532, 498, 371, 10 ], [ 532, 515, 401, 10 ], [ 532, 532, 382, 10 ], [ 532, 549, 360, 10 ], [ 532, 566, 376, 10 ], [ 532, 583, 397, 10 ], [ 532, 601, 386, 10 ], [ 532, 618, 387, 10 ], [ 532, 635, 389, 10 ], [ 90, 438, 89, 8 ], [ 183, 437, 282, 10 ], [ 90, 454, 377, 10 ], [ 90, 471, 379, 10 ], [ 90, 488, 368, 10 ], [ 90, 505, 383, 10 ], [ 90, 522, 187, 10 ], [ 532, 663, 91, 8 ], [ 628, 662, 267, 10 ], [ 532, 679, 361, 10 ], [ 532, 696, 370, 10 ], [ 532, 713, 386, 10 ], [ 532, 730, 361, 10 ], [ 532, 747, 205, 10 ], [ 532, 797, 367, 10 ], [ 532, 814, 383, 10 ], [ 532, 831, 384, 10 ], [ 532, 848, 271, 10 ], [ 532, 877, 140, 8 ], [ 677, 875, 244, 10 ], [ 532, 892, 381, 10 ], [ 532, 909, 377, 10 ], [ 532, 927, 380, 10 ], [ 532, 944, 393, 10 ], [ 90, 871, 314, 8 ], [ 409, 870, 43, 10 ], [ 90, 887, 390, 10 ], [ 90, 904, 303, 10 ], [ 110, 921, 365, 10 ], [ 90, 938, 360, 10 ], [ 90, 991, 5, 7 ], [ 120, 992, 204, 6 ], [ 532, 774, 227, 9 ], [ 90, 757, 4, 10 ], [ 110, 757, 353, 10 ], [ 110, 774, 373, 10 ], [ 110, 791, 353, 10 ], [ 110, 808, 377, 10 ], [ 110, 825, 380, 10 ], [ 110, 843, 356, 10 ], [ 90, 650, 4, 10 ], [ 110, 650, 360, 10 ], [ 110, 667, 339, 10 ], [ 110, 685, 362, 10 ], [ 110, 702, 346, 10 ], [ 110, 719, 363, 10 ], [ 110, 736, 85, 10 ], [ 90, 544, 4, 10 ], [ 110, 544, 365, 10 ], [ 110, 561, 350, 10 ], [ 110, 578, 350, 10 ], [ 110, 595, 359, 10 ], [ 110, 612, 351, 10 ], [ 110, 629, 329, 10 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "Updating a plugin", "Updates are listed in the ", "Updates", " tab of the ", "Manage Plugins", " page and can be installed by checking", "the checkboxes of the desired plugin updates and clicking the ", "Download now and install after", "restart", " button.", "By default, the Jenkins master will check for updates from the Update Center once every 24 hours.", "To manually trigger a check for updates, simply click on the ", "Check now", " button in the ", "Updates", " tab.", "163" ]
[ [ 83, 43, 340, 36 ], [ 83, 94, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 94, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 94, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 94, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 94, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 94, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 94, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 94, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 94, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 361, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 361, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 361, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 361, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 361, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 361, 858, 36 ], [ 914, 995, 25, 14 ] ]
[ [ 83, 43, 340, 36 ], [ 83, 94, 215, 17 ], [ 298, 94, 74, 17 ], [ 372, 94, 92, 17 ], [ 465, 94, 143, 17 ], [ 609, 94, 332, 17 ], [ 83, 113, 560, 17 ], [ 643, 113, 298, 17 ], [ 83, 132, 63, 17 ], [ 146, 132, 66, 17 ], [ 83, 361, 858, 17 ], [ 83, 380, 517, 17 ], [ 600, 380, 98, 17 ], [ 699, 380, 121, 17 ], [ 820, 380, 74, 17 ], [ 894, 380, 36, 17 ], [ 914, 995, 25, 14 ] ]
[ 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "Figure 10-7. ", "System stressors. Environmental, physiological, and psychological stress are factors that affect decision-making skills. ", "These stressors have a profound impact especially during periods of high workload.", "Use of Resources", "Chapter 10: Aeronautical Decision-Making and Judgment ", "Situational Awareness ", "To make informed decisions during flight operations, a pilot must also become aware of the ", "available resources. Since useful tools and sources of information may not always be readily ", "apparent, learning to recognize these resources is an essential part of ADM training. Resources must ", "not only be identified, but a pilot must also develop the skills to evaluate whether there is time to ", "use a particular resource and the impact its use will have upon the safety of flight. ", "Situational awareness is the accurate perception and understanding of all the factors and conditions ", "within the five fundamental risk elements (flight, pilot, aircraft, environment, and type of operation ", "that comprise any given aviation situation) that affect safety before, during, and after the flight.", "Maintaining situational awareness requires an understanding of the relative significance of all flight ", "related factors and their future impact on the flight. When a pilot understands what is going on and ", "has an overview of the total operation, he or she is not fixated on one perceived significant factor. Not ", "only is it important for a pilot to know the aircraft’s geographical location, it is also important he or she ", "understand what is happening. ", "Fatigue, stress, and work overload can cause a pilot to fixate on a single perceived important item ", "and reduce an overall situational awareness of the flight. A contributing factor in many accidents is a ", "distraction that diverts the pilot’s attention from monitoring the aircraft. ", "Effective workload management ensures essential operations are accomplished by planning, ", "prioritizing, and sequencing tasks to avoid work overload. As experience is gained, a pilot learns ", "to recognize future workload requirements and can prepare for high workload periods during ", "times of low workload. ", "In addition, a pilot should listen to ATIS, Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), or ", "Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS), if available, and then monitor the tower ", "frequency or Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) to get a good idea of what traffic ", "conditions to expect. ", "63", "Remote Pilot – Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Study Guide ", "Workload Management", "Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness" ]
[ [ 113, 382, 794, 29 ], [ 113, 382, 794, 29 ], [ 113, 382, 794, 29 ], [ 113, 65, 140, 20 ], [ 90, 36, 429, 17 ], [ 90, 434, 190, 21 ], [ 113, 87, 824, 96 ], [ 113, 87, 824, 96 ], [ 113, 87, 824, 96 ], [ 113, 87, 824, 96 ], [ 113, 87, 824, 96 ], [ 90, 457, 822, 58 ], [ 90, 457, 822, 58 ], [ 90, 457, 822, 58 ], [ 90, 527, 845, 96 ], [ 90, 527, 845, 96 ], [ 90, 527, 845, 96 ], [ 90, 527, 845, 96 ], [ 90, 527, 845, 96 ], [ 113, 653, 825, 58 ], [ 113, 653, 825, 58 ], [ 113, 653, 825, 58 ], [ 135, 745, 784, 77 ], [ 135, 745, 784, 77 ], [ 135, 745, 784, 77 ], [ 135, 745, 784, 77 ], [ 135, 834, 740, 77 ], [ 135, 834, 740, 77 ], [ 135, 834, 740, 77 ], [ 135, 834, 740, 77 ], [ 914, 964, 20, 20 ], [ 90, 964, 505, 20 ], [ 138, 722, 200, 20 ], [ 113, 631, 401, 20 ] ]
[ [ 113, 382, 77, 16 ], [ 190, 382, 717, 15 ], [ 113, 397, 506, 15 ], [ 113, 65, 140, 20 ], [ 90, 36, 429, 17 ], [ 90, 434, 190, 21 ], [ 113, 87, 753, 20 ], [ 113, 106, 754, 20 ], [ 113, 125, 824, 20 ], [ 113, 144, 801, 20 ], [ 113, 163, 673, 20 ], [ 90, 457, 822, 20 ], [ 90, 476, 816, 20 ], [ 90, 495, 780, 20 ], [ 90, 527, 815, 20 ], [ 90, 545, 817, 20 ], [ 90, 564, 840, 20 ], [ 90, 583, 845, 20 ], [ 90, 602, 257, 20 ], [ 113, 653, 801, 20 ], [ 113, 672, 825, 20 ], [ 113, 691, 598, 20 ], [ 135, 745, 759, 20 ], [ 135, 764, 784, 20 ], [ 135, 783, 767, 20 ], [ 135, 802, 191, 20 ], [ 135, 834, 729, 20 ], [ 135, 853, 728, 20 ], [ 135, 872, 740, 20 ], [ 135, 891, 175, 20 ], [ 914, 964, 20, 20 ], [ 90, 964, 505, 20 ], [ 138, 722, 200, 20 ], [ 113, 631, 401, 20 ] ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 7, 7 ]
[ "PATTERNS:", "CROCHETED MITTENS ", "MATERIALS", "MEASUREMENTS", "Crochet mittens are heavy and warm. Learn how to pick up stitches at the ", "end of each row. You will also learn how to decrease your stitches to create ", "a rounded top.", "•", "Child’s Version: 1 skein soft navy and shaded dusk ", "•", "Women’s Version: 1 skein each tea leaf", "and ", "Soft Navy ", "•", "Men’s Version: 1 skein tea leaf", "•", "Stitch markers", "•", "Yarn needle", "• ", "Gauge:", "16", "sc = 4”; 17 rows = 4”. ", "INSTRUCTIONS", "MITTENS:", "Cuff:", "Hand:", "28", "• ", "Women’s size:", " Ch 1, [sc in next 13 sts, 2 sc in next st] twice. Join with slip st (30 sts).", "• ", "Child’s size: ", "Proceed to next step.", "• ", "Round 4:", " Ch 1, [sc in next 10 (12, 14) sts, 2 sc in next st] twice. Join with slip st [24 (28, ", "32)", "sts].", "• ", "Round 3:", " Ch 1, [sc in next 9 (11, 13) sts, 2 sc in next st] twice. Join with slip st [22 (26, 30) ", "sts].", "• ", "Round 2: ", "Ch 1, place marker, [sc in next 8 (10, 12) sts, 2 sc in next st] twice. Join with slip ", "st [20 (24, 28) sts].", "• ", "Round 1:", " Working along row ends on cuff, slip st evenly around for 18 (22, 26) sts, join ", "round with slip st.", "•", "Fold cuff", "in half", "and join ends with slip st to form cuff. Do not fasten off.", "•", "Repeat Row 1 for a total of", "18", "(22, 24) rows.", "• ", "Row 1:", " Working in back loops only, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across, ch 1, turn. ", "Using C (B, A), ch 15 (21, 24).", "Child size measures 6” around x 7½” long. Women’s size measures 7½” around x 11½” ", "long. Men’s size measures 9½” around x 12” long.", "Directions are for child’s size 4/5 yrs. Changes for sizes women’s and men’s are in ", "parentheses." ]
[ [ 91, 52, 548, 67 ], [ 91, 52, 548, 67 ], [ 91, 199, 145, 17 ], [ 91, 378, 214, 17 ], [ 91, 127, 861, 54 ], [ 91, 127, 861, 54 ], [ 91, 127, 861, 54 ], [ 123, 227, 470, 17 ], [ 123, 227, 470, 17 ], [ 124, 248, 403, 37 ], [ 124, 248, 403, 37 ], [ 124, 248, 403, 37 ], [ 124, 248, 403, 37 ], [ 122, 288, 278, 17 ], [ 122, 288, 278, 17 ], [ 122, 328, 140, 17 ], [ 122, 328, 140, 17 ], [ 124, 348, 117, 17 ], [ 124, 348, 117, 17 ], [ 119, 398, 326, 17 ], [ 119, 398, 326, 17 ], [ 119, 398, 326, 17 ], [ 119, 398, 326, 17 ], [ 90, 433, 198, 17 ], [ 90, 583, 116, 17 ], [ 90, 603, 49, 17 ], [ 90, 723, 63, 17 ], [ 67, 966, 23, 17 ], [ 90, 924, 783, 17 ], [ 90, 924, 783, 17 ], [ 90, 924, 783, 17 ], [ 90, 904, 328, 17 ], [ 90, 904, 328, 17 ], [ 90, 904, 328, 17 ], [ 90, 864, 810, 37 ], [ 90, 864, 810, 37 ], [ 90, 864, 810, 37 ], [ 90, 864, 810, 37 ], [ 90, 864, 810, 37 ], [ 90, 824, 833, 37 ], [ 90, 824, 833, 37 ], [ 90, 824, 833, 37 ], [ 90, 824, 833, 37 ], [ 90, 784, 830, 37 ], [ 90, 784, 830, 37 ], [ 90, 784, 830, 37 ], [ 90, 784, 830, 37 ], [ 90, 743, 809, 37 ], [ 90, 743, 809, 37 ], [ 90, 743, 809, 37 ], [ 90, 743, 809, 37 ], [ 90, 683, 688, 17 ], [ 90, 683, 688, 17 ], [ 90, 683, 688, 17 ], [ 90, 683, 688, 17 ], [ 90, 663, 417, 17 ], [ 90, 663, 417, 17 ], [ 90, 663, 417, 17 ], [ 90, 663, 417, 17 ], [ 90, 643, 836, 17 ], [ 90, 643, 836, 17 ], [ 90, 643, 836, 17 ], [ 90, 623, 271, 17 ], [ 90, 522, 796, 37 ], [ 90, 522, 796, 37 ], [ 90, 462, 740, 37 ], [ 90, 462, 740, 37 ] ]
[ [ 91, 52, 266, 32 ], [ 91, 86, 548, 32 ], [ 91, 199, 145, 17 ], [ 91, 378, 214, 17 ], [ 91, 127, 853, 17 ], [ 91, 146, 861, 17 ], [ 91, 164, 171, 17 ], [ 123, 227, 9, 17 ], [ 139, 227, 454, 17 ], [ 124, 248, 9, 17 ], [ 140, 248, 338, 17 ], [ 491, 248, 36, 17 ], [ 140, 268, 88, 17 ], [ 122, 288, 9, 17 ], [ 138, 288, 262, 17 ], [ 122, 328, 9, 17 ], [ 138, 328, 124, 17 ], [ 124, 348, 9, 17 ], [ 140, 348, 100, 17 ], [ 119, 398, 14, 17 ], [ 134, 398, 70, 17 ], [ 204, 398, 13, 17 ], [ 233, 398, 213, 17 ], [ 90, 433, 198, 17 ], [ 90, 583, 116, 17 ], [ 90, 603, 49, 17 ], [ 90, 723, 63, 17 ], [ 67, 966, 23, 17 ], [ 90, 924, 14, 17 ], [ 104, 924, 139, 17 ], [ 244, 924, 629, 17 ], [ 90, 904, 14, 17 ], [ 104, 904, 124, 17 ], [ 229, 904, 189, 17 ], [ 90, 864, 14, 17 ], [ 104, 864, 89, 17 ], [ 194, 864, 706, 17 ], [ 90, 884, 19, 17 ], [ 117, 884, 43, 17 ], [ 90, 824, 14, 17 ], [ 104, 824, 89, 17 ], [ 194, 824, 730, 17 ], [ 90, 844, 35, 17 ], [ 90, 784, 14, 17 ], [ 104, 784, 95, 17 ], [ 200, 784, 720, 17 ], [ 90, 804, 164, 17 ], [ 90, 743, 14, 17 ], [ 104, 743, 87, 17 ], [ 192, 743, 707, 17 ], [ 90, 763, 163, 17 ], [ 90, 683, 9, 17 ], [ 106, 683, 76, 17 ], [ 195, 683, 62, 17 ], [ 270, 683, 508, 17 ], [ 90, 663, 10, 17 ], [ 108, 663, 248, 17 ], [ 370, 663, 15, 17 ], [ 393, 663, 114, 17 ], [ 90, 643, 14, 17 ], [ 104, 643, 65, 17 ], [ 170, 643, 756, 17 ], [ 90, 623, 271, 17 ], [ 90, 522, 796, 17 ], [ 90, 542, 449, 17 ], [ 90, 462, 740, 17 ], [ 90, 482, 110, 17 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "Global Product", "and Services", "Rick Ballantyne", "Vice President – Global Distribution Services", "Allison McDonald", "Vice President – Information Systems", "Erin Thomasson", "Vice President – Insurance", "James Wei", "Senior Vice President – E.C.M.S.", "Far East", "Johnny Chang", "Vice President – Sales", "Jacobus Hsieh", "Regional Director – South Asia", "T.", "H. Chiu", "Regional Sales Director – Asia", "Syed Ershad Ahmed", "Managing Director – Bangladesh", "Aristotle Aniceto", "Managing Director – Philippines", "Simon Chang", "General Manager – Northern China", "Matt Ching", "General Manager – Central China", "Paul Duan", "General Manager – Vietnam", "Kevin Fung", "General Manager – Southern China", "Andy Hsia", "Managing Director – China", "David Hsieh", "Managing Director – Taiwan", "Michael Leung", "General Manager – Penang, Malaysia", "Lance Liou", "Managing Director – Singapore", "Mark Kato", "Managing Director – Japan", "J.", "I. Kim", "Managing Director – Korea", "Sarwan Kumar", "General Manager – Ocean – Indonesia", "E.", "J. Ong", "Managing Director – Malaysia", "Nixen Tanex", "General Manager – Air – Indonesia", "Wilson Yang", "General Manager – Air – Thailand", "Additional Product, Service", "and Geographic Managers", "89", "expd 02", "Additional Managers" ]
[ [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 110, 164, 836, 615 ], [ 112, 83, 255, 33 ], [ 112, 83, 255, 33 ], [ 112, 972, 173, 26 ], [ 112, 972, 173, 26 ], [ 112, 972, 173, 26 ] ]
[ [ 132, 165, 117, 11 ], [ 141, 181, 98, 11 ], [ 291, 238, 130, 11 ], [ 488, 239, 310, 9 ], [ 291, 257, 143, 11 ], [ 488, 258, 260, 9 ], [ 291, 276, 133, 11 ], [ 488, 277, 184, 9 ], [ 291, 295, 84, 11 ], [ 488, 296, 223, 9 ], [ 157, 371, 67, 11 ], [ 291, 425, 118, 11 ], [ 488, 426, 150, 9 ], [ 291, 444, 115, 11 ], [ 488, 445, 215, 9 ], [ 291, 463, 15, 11 ], [ 312, 463, 61, 11 ], [ 488, 464, 210, 9 ], [ 291, 482, 163, 11 ], [ 488, 483, 229, 9 ], [ 291, 501, 137, 11 ], [ 488, 502, 227, 9 ], [ 291, 520, 108, 11 ], [ 488, 521, 245, 9 ], [ 291, 539, 91, 11 ], [ 488, 540, 231, 9 ], [ 291, 558, 85, 11 ], [ 488, 559, 192, 9 ], [ 291, 577, 95, 11 ], [ 488, 578, 244, 9 ], [ 291, 596, 85, 11 ], [ 488, 597, 188, 9 ], [ 291, 615, 98, 11 ], [ 488, 616, 197, 9 ], [ 291, 634, 119, 11 ], [ 488, 635, 258, 9 ], [ 291, 653, 89, 11 ], [ 488, 654, 218, 9 ], [ 291, 672, 86, 11 ], [ 488, 673, 189, 9 ], [ 291, 691, 14, 11 ], [ 311, 691, 51, 11 ], [ 488, 692, 189, 9 ], [ 291, 710, 122, 11 ], [ 488, 711, 261, 9 ], [ 291, 729, 16, 11 ], [ 313, 729, 54, 11 ], [ 488, 730, 210, 9 ], [ 291, 748, 103, 11 ], [ 488, 749, 241, 9 ], [ 291, 767, 102, 11 ], [ 488, 768, 236, 9 ], [ 112, 83, 255, 13 ], [ 112, 103, 245, 13 ], [ 112, 972, 22, 12 ], [ 140, 972, 70, 12 ], [ 140, 988, 146, 9 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "ArbitrationTimeout, 4112", "arbitrator_validity_detail", "ndbinfo table, 4524", "arbitrator_validity_summary", "ndbinfo table, 4525", "ARCHIVE storage engine, 3397, 3416", "Area()", "removed features, 45", "arithmetic expressions, 2139", "arithmetic functions, 2258", "arithmetic operators, 2258", ".ARM file, 6131", "array", "JSON, 2069", ".ARZ file, 6131", "AS, 2663, 2671", "AsBinary()", "removed features, 45", "ASCII(), 2173", "ASIN(), 2142", ", 6132", "assembly, 6132", "assigning roles, 2881", "assignment operator", ":=, 2133", "=, 2134", "assignment operators, 2133", "AsText()", "removed features, 45", "AsWKB()", "removed features, 45", "AsWKT()", "removed features, 45", "asymmetric_decrypt(), 1598", "asymmetric_derive(), 1598", "asymmetric_encrypt(), 1598", "asymmetric_sign(), 1599", "asymmetric_verify(), 1600", "asynchronous I/O, 3126, 6133", "asynchronous replication (see NDB Cluster replication)", "asynchronous_connection_failover_add_managed() function, 2783", "asynchronous_connection_failover_add_source() function, 2782", "asynchronous_connection_failover_delete_managed() function, 2784", "asynchronous_connection_failover_delete_source() function, 2782", "ATAN(), 2142", "ATAN2(), 2142", "atomic, 6133", "atomic DDL, 2464, 6133", "new features, 9", "atomic instruction, 6133", "attackers", "security against, 1175", "attribute demotion", "replication, 3659", "5326" ]
[ [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 94, 512, 835 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ [ 60, 94, 183, 11 ], [ 60, 110, 176, 11 ], [ 80, 126, 142, 11 ], [ 60, 141, 205, 11 ], [ 80, 157, 142, 11 ], [ 60, 172, 283, 11 ], [ 60, 188, 46, 11 ], [ 80, 203, 158, 11 ], [ 60, 219, 213, 11 ], [ 60, 234, 190, 11 ], [ 60, 250, 194, 11 ], [ 60, 265, 114, 11 ], [ 60, 281, 38, 11 ], [ 80, 296, 91, 11 ], [ 60, 312, 110, 11 ], [ 60, 327, 115, 11 ], [ 60, 343, 78, 11 ], [ 80, 358, 158, 11 ], [ 60, 374, 101, 11 ], [ 60, 390, 96, 11 ], [ 60, 405, 108, 11 ], [ 60, 421, 117, 11 ], [ 60, 436, 158, 11 ], [ 60, 452, 152, 11 ], [ 80, 467, 60, 11 ], [ 80, 483, 56, 11 ], [ 60, 498, 207, 11 ], [ 60, 514, 63, 11 ], [ 80, 529, 158, 11 ], [ 60, 545, 68, 11 ], [ 80, 560, 158, 11 ], [ 60, 576, 67, 11 ], [ 80, 591, 158, 11 ], [ 60, 607, 207, 11 ], [ 60, 622, 198, 11 ], [ 60, 638, 207, 11 ], [ 60, 654, 183, 11 ], [ 60, 669, 192, 11 ], [ 60, 685, 224, 11 ], [ 60, 700, 406, 11 ], [ 60, 716, 495, 11 ], [ 60, 731, 475, 11 ], [ 60, 747, 512, 11 ], [ 60, 762, 493, 11 ], [ 60, 778, 102, 11 ], [ 60, 793, 111, 11 ], [ 60, 809, 95, 11 ], [ 60, 824, 180, 11 ], [ 80, 840, 114, 11 ], [ 60, 855, 176, 11 ], [ 60, 871, 67, 11 ], [ 80, 887, 162, 11 ], [ 60, 902, 134, 11 ], [ 80, 918, 122, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "Multi-sensory positioning and formulas enhanced with real essential oils sustained", "Origins’ position in hair care. The brand added Rich Rewards Intensive Moisture", "Treatment for Scalp and Hair, a five-minute, deep conditioning therapy containing", "wheat protein, Vitamins E and A, and William’s Pear, to its already strong hair ", "care line.", "Clinique’s Simple Hair Care System maintained its ranking as the top department", "store hair care brand in the United States on the strength of products like Daily", "Shampoo, a lightweight formula that cleanses without stripping, and Healthy Shine", "Serum, which promotes shine while controlling frizz." ]
[ [ 124, 351, 596, 121 ], [ 124, 351, 596, 121 ], [ 124, 351, 596, 121 ], [ 124, 351, 596, 121 ], [ 124, 351, 596, 121 ], [ 124, 501, 590, 94 ], [ 124, 501, 590, 94 ], [ 124, 501, 590, 94 ], [ 124, 501, 590, 94 ] ]
[ [ 124, 351, 590, 13 ], [ 124, 378, 590, 13 ], [ 124, 405, 590, 13 ], [ 124, 432, 596, 13 ], [ 124, 459, 66, 13 ], [ 124, 501, 589, 13 ], [ 124, 528, 590, 13 ], [ 124, 555, 590, 13 ], [ 124, 582, 382, 13 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "Section 12.18.4, “Functions That Modify JSON Values”", "Section 12.18.8, “JSON Utility Functions”", "Section, “Reading Audit Log Files”", "Section 11.5, “The JSON Data Type”", "Section 1.3, “What Is New in MySQL 8.0”", "Section 12.18.1, “JSON Function Reference”", "Section 12.18.8, “JSON Utility Functions”", "Section 11.5, “The JSON Data Type”", "Section 1.3, “What Is New in MySQL 8.0”", "Section 12.18.1, “JSON Function Reference”", "Section 12.18.8, “JSON Utility Functions”", "Section 11.5, “The JSON Data Type”", "Section 1.3, “What Is New in MySQL 8.0”", "Section, “Derived Tables”", "Section 12.18.6, “JSON Table Functions”", "Section, “Lateral Derived Tables”", "Section 1.3, “What Is New in MySQL 8.0”", "Section 12.18.5, “Functions That Return JSON Value Attributes”", "Section 12.18.3, “Functions That Search JSON Values”", "Section 11.5, “The JSON Data Type”", "Section 12.18.3, “Functions That Search JSON Values”", "Section 13.1.15, “CREATE INDEX Statement”", "Section 12.18.4, “Functions That Modify JSON Values”", "Section 8.3.11, “Optimizer Use of Generated Column Indexes”", "Section, “Secondary Indexes and Generated Columns”", "Section 11.5, “The JSON Data Type”", "Section 1.3, “What Is New in MySQL 8.0”", "Section 12.18.5, “Functions That Return JSON Value Attributes”", "Section 12.11, “Cast Functions and Operators”", "Section 12.18.3, “Functions That Search JSON Values”", "Section, “Secondary Indexes and Generated Columns”", "Section 1.3, “What Is New in MySQL 8.0”", "[index top]", "JSON_VALUE()", "JSON_VALID()", "JSON_UNQUOTE()", "JSON_UNQUOTE(", "JSON_TYPE()", "JSON_STORAGE_SIZE()", "JSON_TABLE()", "JSON_STORAGE_FREE()", "K", "5694" ]
[ [ 140, 94, 434, 74 ], [ 140, 94, 434, 74 ], [ 140, 94, 434, 74 ], [ 140, 94, 434, 74 ], [ 140, 94, 434, 74 ], [ 140, 207, 359, 58 ], [ 140, 207, 359, 58 ], [ 140, 207, 359, 58 ], [ 140, 207, 359, 58 ], [ 140, 304, 359, 58 ], [ 140, 304, 359, 58 ], [ 140, 304, 359, 58 ], [ 140, 304, 359, 58 ], [ 140, 401, 346, 58 ], [ 140, 401, 346, 58 ], [ 140, 401, 346, 58 ], [ 140, 401, 346, 58 ], [ 140, 498, 502, 43 ], [ 140, 498, 502, 43 ], [ 140, 498, 502, 43 ], [ 140, 579, 438, 11 ], [ 140, 630, 508, 89 ], [ 140, 630, 508, 89 ], [ 140, 630, 508, 89 ], [ 140, 630, 508, 89 ], [ 140, 630, 508, 89 ], [ 140, 630, 508, 89 ], [ 140, 758, 502, 11 ], [ 140, 808, 508, 58 ], [ 140, 808, 508, 58 ], [ 140, 808, 508, 58 ], [ 140, 808, 508, 58 ], [ 140, 918, 77, 11 ], [ 140, 787, 176, 17 ], [ 140, 736, 167, 17 ], [ 140, 608, 215, 17 ], [ 140, 558, 207, 17 ], [ 140, 476, 158, 17 ], [ 140, 282, 281, 17 ], [ 140, 379, 175, 17 ], [ 140, 185, 292, 17 ], [ 140, 884, 17, 17 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ [ 140, 94, 434, 11 ], [ 140, 110, 331, 11 ], [ 140, 126, 337, 11 ], [ 140, 141, 301, 11 ], [ 140, 157, 332, 11 ], [ 140, 207, 359, 11 ], [ 140, 222, 331, 11 ], [ 140, 238, 301, 11 ], [ 140, 254, 332, 11 ], [ 140, 304, 359, 11 ], [ 140, 319, 331, 11 ], [ 140, 335, 301, 11 ], [ 140, 351, 332, 11 ], [ 140, 401, 291, 11 ], [ 140, 416, 332, 11 ], [ 140, 432, 346, 11 ], [ 140, 447, 332, 11 ], [ 140, 498, 502, 11 ], [ 140, 513, 438, 11 ], [ 140, 529, 301, 11 ], [ 140, 579, 438, 11 ], [ 140, 630, 369, 11 ], [ 140, 645, 434, 11 ], [ 140, 661, 489, 11 ], [ 140, 676, 508, 11 ], [ 140, 692, 301, 11 ], [ 140, 707, 332, 11 ], [ 140, 758, 502, 11 ], [ 140, 808, 373, 11 ], [ 140, 824, 438, 11 ], [ 140, 839, 508, 11 ], [ 140, 855, 332, 11 ], [ 140, 918, 77, 11 ], [ 140, 787, 176, 17 ], [ 140, 736, 167, 17 ], [ 140, 608, 215, 17 ], [ 140, 558, 207, 17 ], [ 140, 476, 158, 17 ], [ 140, 282, 281, 17 ], [ 140, 379, 175, 17 ], [ 140, 185, 292, 17 ], [ 140, 884, 17, 17 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4 ]
[ "MongoDB Documentation, Release 3.0.4", "Step 5: Begin using MongoDB.", "To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides", "Getting Started Guides", "in", "various driver editions. See", "getting-started", "for the available editions.", "Before deploying MongoDB in a production environment, consider the", "Production Notes", "(page 197) document.", "Later, to stop MongoDB, press", "Control+C", "in the terminal where the", "mongod", "instance is running.", "To completely remove MongoDB from a system, you must remove the MongoDB applications themselves, the con-", "figuration files, and any directories containing data and logs. The following section guides you through the necessary", "steps.", "Uninstall MongoDB", "Warning:", "This process will", "completely", "remove MongoDB, its configuration, and", "all", "databases. This process is", "not reversible, so ensure that all of your configuration and data is backed up before proceeding.", "Step 3: Remove Data Directories.", "Remove MongoDB databases and log files.", "Use this tutorial to install MongoDB Enterprise", "23", "on Amazon Linux AMI. MongoDB Enterprise is available on select", "platforms and contains support for several features related to security and monitoring.", "This installation guide only supports 64-bit systems. See", "Platform Support", "(page 809) for details.", "To install all of MongoDB’s dependencies, run the following command:", "47", "2.3.", "Installation Guides", "$^{23}$", "Prerequisites", "Overview", "Install MongoDB Enterprise on Amazon Linux AMI", "sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb", "sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongo", "yum install cyrus-sasl-lib krb5-libs lm_sensors-libs net-snmp-agent-libs", "\\", "net-snmp-libs openssl-libs rpm-libs tcp_wrappers-libs", "sudo service mongod stop", "Step 1: Stop MongoDB.", "Stop the", "mongod", "process by issuing the following command:", "Step 2: Remove Packages.", "Remove any MongoDB packages that you had previously installed.", "sudo zypper remove", "$(", "rpm -qa | grep mongodb-enterprise", ")" ]
[ [ 585, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 136, 745, 34 ], [ 120, 136, 745, 34 ], [ 120, 136, 745, 34 ], [ 120, 136, 745, 34 ], [ 120, 136, 745, 34 ], [ 120, 136, 745, 34 ], [ 120, 136, 745, 34 ], [ 120, 136, 745, 34 ], [ 120, 235, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 235, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 235, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 199, 138, 10 ], [ 132, 295, 760, 27 ], [ 132, 295, 760, 27 ], [ 132, 295, 760, 27 ], [ 132, 295, 760, 27 ], [ 132, 295, 760, 27 ], [ 132, 295, 760, 27 ], [ 132, 295, 760, 27 ], [ 120, 509, 542, 11 ], [ 120, 509, 542, 11 ], [ 120, 660, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 660, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 660, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 660, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 701, 650, 11 ], [ 120, 701, 650, 11 ], [ 120, 701, 650, 11 ], [ 120, 777, 480, 11 ], [ 885, 961, 18, 12 ], [ 120, 961, 187, 12 ], [ 120, 961, 187, 12 ], [ 133, 843, 429, 9 ], [ 120, 741, 95, 10 ], [ 120, 626, 66, 10 ], [ 120, 594, 397, 12 ], [ 120, 534, 243, 23 ], [ 120, 534, 243, 23 ], [ 120, 802, 666, 23 ], [ 120, 802, 666, 23 ], [ 120, 802, 666, 23 ], [ 120, 390, 216, 8 ], [ 120, 365, 599, 11 ], [ 120, 365, 599, 11 ], [ 120, 365, 599, 11 ], [ 120, 365, 599, 11 ], [ 120, 436, 652, 11 ], [ 120, 436, 652, 11 ], [ 120, 462, 495, 8 ], [ 120, 462, 495, 8 ], [ 120, 462, 495, 8 ], [ 120, 462, 495, 8 ] ]
[ [ 585, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 120, 97, 220, 11 ], [ 357, 97, 370, 11 ], [ 732, 97, 154, 11 ], [ 891, 97, 12, 11 ], [ 120, 112, 182, 11 ], [ 307, 112, 98, 11 ], [ 409, 112, 168, 11 ], [ 120, 136, 474, 11 ], [ 598, 136, 116, 11 ], [ 719, 136, 145, 11 ], [ 120, 159, 206, 11 ], [ 330, 159, 90, 9 ], [ 425, 159, 166, 11 ], [ 596, 159, 60, 9 ], [ 660, 159, 130, 11 ], [ 120, 235, 783, 11 ], [ 120, 250, 783, 11 ], [ 120, 266, 37, 11 ], [ 120, 199, 138, 10 ], [ 132, 295, 68, 11 ], [ 213, 295, 115, 11 ], [ 334, 296, 72, 11 ], [ 411, 295, 277, 11 ], [ 694, 296, 17, 11 ], [ 716, 295, 176, 11 ], [ 132, 311, 634, 11 ], [ 120, 509, 237, 11 ], [ 374, 509, 288, 11 ], [ 120, 662, 316, 11 ], [ 436, 660, 11, 8 ], [ 453, 662, 451, 11 ], [ 120, 678, 572, 11 ], [ 120, 701, 378, 11 ], [ 503, 701, 116, 11 ], [ 623, 701, 147, 11 ], [ 120, 777, 480, 11 ], [ 885, 961, 18, 12 ], [ 120, 961, 28, 12 ], [ 154, 961, 154, 12 ], [ 133, 843, 429, 9 ], [ 120, 741, 95, 10 ], [ 120, 626, 66, 10 ], [ 120, 594, 397, 12 ], [ 120, 534, 243, 8 ], [ 120, 548, 225, 8 ], [ 120, 802, 648, 8 ], [ 778, 802, 9, 8 ], [ 228, 816, 477, 8 ], [ 120, 390, 216, 8 ], [ 120, 365, 168, 11 ], [ 306, 365, 55, 11 ], [ 365, 366, 60, 9 ], [ 429, 365, 290, 11 ], [ 120, 436, 185, 11 ], [ 323, 436, 449, 11 ], [ 120, 462, 162, 8 ], [ 291, 462, 18, 8 ], [ 309, 462, 297, 8 ], [ 607, 462, 9, 8 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 1, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "PART 3 TENDER SPECIFICATIONS for LOT 3 ", "Hand written or electronic signature of the consortium leader who submits the tender is not required, ", "since the signature of the", "e-Submission ‘Tender Preparation Report’", "implies that all included ", "documents are signed by this party. ", "1.3", "LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF A GROUP ", "Partners in a joint offer assume ", "joint and several liability ", "towards the Agency for the performance ", "of the contract as a whole. ", "Statements, saying for instance:", "are thus incompatible with the principle of joint and several liability. The Agency will disregard any ", "such statement contained in a joint offer, and reserves the right to reject such offers without further ", "evaluation, because they do not comply with the tendering specifications. ", "- ", "That one of the partners of the joint offer will be responsible$^{2}$ for only one part of the contract and ", "another one for the rest, or", "- ", "That more than one contract should be signed if the joint offer is successful", "1.4", "SUBCONTRACTING ", "Subcontracting is permitted in the tender but the contractor will retain full liability towards the ", "Contracting Authority for performance of the contract as a whole.", "If the tenderer intends to subcontract part of the service, they shall indicate in their offer which part will ", "be subcontracted and to what extent (% of the total contract value).", "Tenderers must ensure that Article II.7 of the contract (Annex IV) can be applied to subcontractors. ", "Tenderers must give an indication of the proportion of the contract that they intend to subcontract. ", "Tenderers are required to identify all subcontractors. ", "During contract execution, any change of a subcontractor identified in the tender will be subject to ", "prior written approval of the Contracting Authority.", "Tenders must be written in ", "one of the official languages", "of the European Union. The working ", "language of ENISA is English. ", "Tenders must be written in a clear and concise manner, with continuous page numbering. Since ", "tenderers will be judged on the content of their written bids, they must make it clear that they are able ", "to meet the requirements of the specifications/terms of reference. ", "2.1", "GENERAL ", "2.", "STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE TENDER ", "2", " not to be confused with distribution of tasks among the members of the grouping ", "F-COD-20-T03: ", "LOT 3", " Audio-visual material development, Journalistic, Public Affairs and Back Office Support", "page 16 of 25 " ]
[ [ 60, 23, 256, 9 ], [ 85, 69, 847, 51 ], [ 85, 69, 847, 51 ], [ 85, 69, 847, 51 ], [ 85, 69, 847, 51 ], [ 85, 69, 847, 51 ], [ 85, 150, 387, 13 ], [ 85, 150, 387, 13 ], [ 85, 180, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 180, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 180, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 180, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 229, 269, 14 ], [ 85, 330, 847, 52 ], [ 85, 330, 847, 52 ], [ 85, 330, 847, 52 ], [ 85, 260, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 260, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 260, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 304, 665, 14 ], [ 85, 304, 665, 14 ], [ 85, 403, 218, 13 ], [ 85, 403, 218, 13 ], [ 85, 434, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 434, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 483, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 483, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 533, 832, 14 ], [ 85, 563, 823, 14 ], [ 85, 594, 444, 14 ], [ 85, 624, 821, 33 ], [ 85, 624, 821, 33 ], [ 85, 775, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 775, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 775, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 775, 847, 33 ], [ 85, 825, 847, 52 ], [ 85, 825, 847, 52 ], [ 85, 825, 847, 52 ], [ 85, 745, 132, 13 ], [ 85, 745, 132, 13 ], [ 60, 705, 493, 14 ], [ 60, 705, 493, 14 ], [ 60, 948, 505, 13 ], [ 60, 948, 505, 13 ], [ 60, 982, 671, 10 ], [ 60, 982, 671, 10 ], [ 60, 982, 671, 10 ], [ 843, 982, 89, 10 ] ]
[ [ 60, 23, 256, 9 ], [ 85, 69, 847, 14 ], [ 85, 87, 226, 14 ], [ 320, 87, 390, 14 ], [ 722, 87, 210, 14 ], [ 85, 106, 304, 14 ], [ 85, 150, 26, 13 ], [ 117, 150, 355, 13 ], [ 85, 180, 271, 14 ], [ 358, 180, 227, 14 ], [ 586, 180, 346, 14 ], [ 85, 199, 226, 14 ], [ 85, 229, 269, 14 ], [ 85, 330, 847, 14 ], [ 85, 348, 847, 14 ], [ 85, 367, 617, 14 ], [ 85, 260, 11, 14 ], [ 122, 260, 811, 14 ], [ 122, 279, 224, 14 ], [ 85, 304, 11, 14 ], [ 122, 304, 629, 14 ], [ 85, 403, 26, 13 ], [ 117, 403, 186, 13 ], [ 85, 434, 847, 14 ], [ 85, 453, 542, 14 ], [ 85, 483, 847, 14 ], [ 85, 502, 545, 14 ], [ 85, 533, 832, 14 ], [ 85, 563, 823, 14 ], [ 85, 594, 444, 14 ], [ 85, 624, 821, 14 ], [ 85, 643, 417, 14 ], [ 85, 775, 241, 14 ], [ 330, 775, 269, 14 ], [ 610, 775, 322, 14 ], [ 85, 794, 258, 14 ], [ 85, 825, 847, 14 ], [ 85, 843, 847, 14 ], [ 85, 862, 552, 14 ], [ 85, 745, 27, 13 ], [ 117, 745, 100, 13 ], [ 60, 705, 17, 14 ], [ 84, 705, 470, 14 ], [ 60, 948, 6, 8 ], [ 67, 948, 499, 13 ], [ 60, 982, 99, 10 ], [ 160, 982, 39, 10 ], [ 199, 982, 532, 10 ], [ 843, 982, 89, 10 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
EN-02c. Tender Specification_LOT3_F-COD-20-T03.pdf
[ "page 27", "Bombardier Inc. Annual Report 2003-04", "Bombardier’s family of 50-, 70- and 86-seat", "Bombardier CRJ aircraft offers unparalleled ", "commonality and flexibility in terms of training,", "maintenance and crew scheduling that trans-", "late into significantly lower operating costs ", "and increased profit opportunities for carriers.", "Moreover, with the market moving towards larger", "regional aircraft, the fact that Bombardier was ", "the first to have 70- and 86-seat models in serv-", "ice represents a clear advantage. Seven out of", "the world’s 10 largest commercial airlines operate", "Bombardier CRJ200 and Bombardier", "*", "CRJ700", "*", "regional airliners.", "which received full type approval from Transport", "Canada on March 12, 2004 and is scheduled to", "enter service during the fourth quarter of this year;", "delivery of the 600th Bombardier Challenger ", "business jet in October 2003; delivery of the first", "Bombardier Challenger 300 aircraft on December", "23, 2003; and on January 21, 2004, delivery of the", "first Bombardier Learjet 40 business jet. Another", "positive development was the government of Italy’s", "purchase of three more Bombardier", "*", "415", "*", "amphi-", "bious aircraft.", "customers significant advantages over anything", "available from the competition in terms of opera-", "tional efficiencies. There would have to be a clear", "market for such an aircraft and a strong business", "case for such a project from Bombardier’s per-", "spective before any decision to proceed is made.", "While having achieved increased deliveries of", "both business and regional aircraft despite the", "challenging market conditions of fiscal year 2004,", "there are still significant challenges ahead. One", "of the issues Bombardier Aerospace will continue", "to address is the necessity to ensure the avail-", "ability of financing for regional aircraft. This remains", "a crucial consideration given the financial con-", "straints carriers face. In addition, the group will", "continue to build a more responsive, customer-", "focused organization, providing exceptional", "service to support its innovative products—the", "new spare parts initiative reflects this commit-", "ment—while concurrently reducing costs to", "increase its competitiveness.", "Moreover, the group will be adding 17 new", "Challenger 300 aircraft to the Bombardier ", "Flexjet fleet over the next few months. As of late", "March 2004, the four Bombardier Challenger 300", "in the Bombardier Flexjet fleet had flown more", "than 900 hours, while the Learjet 40 in the fleet", "had flown more than 200 hours. Bombardier", "recently partnered with the Delta AirElite", "**", "private", "jet membership program to make its Flexjet frac-", "tional ownership program even more accessible.", "As well, the Bombardier Skyjet charter program", "has been extended to Europe, enabling customers", "to enjoy the many benefits of private air travel at", "an affordable price.", "As of January 31, 2004, 143 of the larger", "Bombardier CRJ700 and Bombardier CRJ900", "aircraft were already flying. Two of the recent deliv-", "eries were to Shandong Airlines—making", "the", "Bombardier CRJ700 the first 70-seat regional jet", "to become operational in China or, indeed, any-", "where in the Asia-Pacific region. The Corporation", "is confident that demand for its market-leading", "family of regional jets will continue for years ", "to come.", "There also is significant market interest in the", "new-generation Bombardier", "*", "Q400", "*", "turboprop.", "The 70-seater offers all the comfort characteristics", "of a jet, combined with the lowest seat-mile costs", "of any regional aircraft operating today. U.K.-", "based FlyBE. ordered 17 additional Bombardier", "Q400 aircraft during the last fiscal year and Japan-", "based All Nippon Airways added two more to its", "fleet. Meanwhile, Australia’s Qantas signed for six", "50-passenger Bombardier", "*", "Q300", "*", "turboprops", "and, subsequent to year end, converted an option", "into a seventh firm order.", "Over the next 12 months, Bombardier will also", "be studying the feasibility of proceeding with the", "development of a new-generation commercial ", "aircraft. Gary R. Scott, a long-time senior executive", "at The Boeing Company, has been appointed", "President, New Commercial Aircraft Program, ", "with the responsibility for leading a multidiscipli-", "nary task force that will thoroughly evaluate the", "potential of such a program.", "As you might expect from the Corporation ", "that revolutionized regional air travel with the ", "Bombardier CRJ, the aim is to develop a truly ad-", "vanced new commercial aircraft that would offer", "Other noteworthy achievements at Aerospace", "during the year under review included: the suc-", "cessful first flight of the Bombardier Global 5000,", "*", "Trademark(s) of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.", "**", "SAP is a trademark of SAP AG.", "**", "Delta AirElite is a trademark of Delta Corporate Identity, Inc." ]
[ [ 727, 44, 255, 8 ], [ 727, 44, 255, 8 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 86, 414, 294, 189 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 389, 414, 294, 159 ], [ 692, 414, 288, 84 ], [ 692, 414, 288, 84 ], [ 692, 414, 288, 84 ], [ 692, 414, 288, 84 ], [ 692, 414, 288, 84 ], [ 692, 414, 288, 84 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 692, 504, 289, 219 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 389, 578, 295, 204 ], [ 86, 608, 294, 144 ], [ 86, 608, 294, 144 ], [ 86, 608, 294, 144 ], [ 86, 608, 294, 144 ], [ 86, 608, 294, 144 ], [ 86, 608, 294, 144 ], [ 86, 608, 294, 144 ], [ 86, 608, 294, 144 ], [ 86, 608, 294, 144 ], [ 86, 608, 294, 144 ], [ 86, 608, 294, 144 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 86, 757, 289, 174 ], [ 389, 787, 294, 129 ], [ 389, 787, 294, 129 ], [ 389, 787, 294, 129 ], [ 389, 787, 294, 129 ], [ 389, 787, 294, 129 ], [ 389, 787, 294, 129 ], [ 389, 787, 294, 129 ], [ 389, 787, 294, 129 ], [ 389, 787, 294, 129 ], [ 389, 921, 294, 55 ], [ 389, 921, 294, 55 ], [ 389, 921, 294, 55 ], [ 389, 921, 294, 55 ], [ 86, 936, 288, 40 ], [ 86, 936, 288, 40 ], [ 86, 936, 288, 40 ], [ 692, 949, 227, 7 ], [ 692, 949, 227, 7 ], [ 692, 959, 144, 7 ], [ 692, 959, 144, 7 ], [ 692, 968, 263, 7 ], [ 692, 968, 263, 7 ] ]
[ [ 940, 44, 41, 7 ], [ 727, 44, 189, 8 ], [ 86, 414, 289, 10 ], [ 86, 429, 294, 10 ], [ 86, 444, 289, 10 ], [ 86, 459, 289, 10 ], [ 86, 474, 294, 10 ], [ 86, 489, 289, 10 ], [ 86, 504, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 519, 294, 10 ], [ 86, 534, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 549, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 563, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 578, 224, 10 ], [ 311, 578, 5, 7 ], [ 320, 578, 49, 10 ], [ 370, 578, 5, 7 ], [ 86, 593, 105, 10 ], [ 389, 414, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 429, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 444, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 459, 294, 10 ], [ 389, 474, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 489, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 504, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 519, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 534, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 549, 207, 10 ], [ 597, 548, 5, 7 ], [ 605, 549, 22, 10 ], [ 628, 548, 5, 7 ], [ 637, 549, 41, 10 ], [ 389, 563, 81, 10 ], [ 692, 414, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 429, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 444, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 459, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 474, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 489, 288, 10 ], [ 707, 504, 274, 10 ], [ 692, 519, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 534, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 549, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 563, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 578, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 593, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 608, 289, 10 ], [ 692, 623, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 638, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 653, 289, 10 ], [ 692, 668, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 683, 289, 10 ], [ 692, 698, 289, 10 ], [ 692, 713, 177, 10 ], [ 404, 578, 274, 10 ], [ 389, 593, 295, 10 ], [ 389, 608, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 623, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 638, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 653, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 668, 289, 10 ], [ 389, 683, 234, 10 ], [ 624, 682, 10, 7 ], [ 638, 683, 39, 10 ], [ 389, 698, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 713, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 728, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 742, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 757, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 772, 115, 10 ], [ 101, 608, 274, 10 ], [ 86, 623, 289, 10 ], [ 86, 638, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 653, 259, 10 ], [ 356, 653, 19, 10 ], [ 86, 668, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 683, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 698, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 713, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 728, 294, 10 ], [ 86, 742, 53, 10 ], [ 101, 757, 274, 10 ], [ 86, 772, 169, 10 ], [ 256, 772, 5, 7 ], [ 267, 772, 33, 10 ], [ 300, 772, 5, 7 ], [ 311, 772, 64, 10 ], [ 86, 787, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 802, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 817, 289, 10 ], [ 86, 832, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 847, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 862, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 877, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 892, 164, 10 ], [ 250, 891, 5, 7 ], [ 261, 892, 34, 10 ], [ 296, 891, 5, 7 ], [ 306, 892, 68, 10 ], [ 86, 906, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 921, 147, 10 ], [ 404, 787, 274, 10 ], [ 389, 802, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 817, 294, 10 ], [ 389, 832, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 847, 289, 10 ], [ 389, 862, 294, 10 ], [ 389, 877, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 892, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 906, 168, 10 ], [ 404, 921, 280, 10 ], [ 389, 936, 294, 10 ], [ 389, 951, 288, 10 ], [ 389, 966, 288, 10 ], [ 101, 936, 274, 10 ], [ 86, 951, 288, 10 ], [ 86, 966, 288, 10 ], [ 692, 950, 4, 6 ], [ 703, 949, 216, 7 ], [ 692, 959, 8, 6 ], [ 703, 959, 133, 7 ], [ 692, 969, 8, 6 ], [ 703, 968, 253, 7 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ "Operations - Maritime Electric", "TSE:FTS", "interrupted ser vice as customers", "experienced, on average, 1.48", "hours of inter ruptions.", "Environmental pr otection", "remains a key corporate focus for", "Maritime Electric. The Company", "takes pride in its environmental", "stewar dship r ole and works closely", "with gover nment agencies to ", "ensur e its operations take into", "consideration any associated", "environmental impacts. During", "2001, the Company worked with", "the Gover nment of Prince Edwar d", "Island which commissioned a ", "five-MW wind-generated facility ", "at the wester n tip of the Island.", "The Pr ovince of Prince Edwar d", "Island and the Gover nment of", "Canada have agr eed to pay a “gr een", "power” pr emium for most of the electricity generated by", "thefacility. The balance of the output will be marketed ", "by Maritime Electric to its other customers.", "years, this cost has been closely linked to the price ", "of Bunker C oil and the amount has fluctuated as a r esult", "ofincreases in oil prices and the cost of r eplacement", "ener gy during shutdowns at the NB Power", "Point Lepr eau Nuclear Generating Station", "(“Point Lepr eau”) or cur tailments in", "ener gy supply fr om NB Power.This", "exposur e was significantly r educed in", "2001 when the Ener gy Pur chase", "Agr eement, which was linked to oil", "prices and the availability of Point", "Lepr eau, was r eplaced by contracts ", "with NB Power and Emera for fir m ener gy", "at fixed prices.", "The Company continues to focus on impr ovements to", "its energy deliver y system. Incr eased customer demand", "requir es that new facilities be constr ucted and that", "existing facilities be maintained. System r eliability in 2001", "once again exceeded the Maritime Electric Company", "Limited Regulation Act benchmark of 5.5 hours of", "The availability of natural gas in the Maritimes of fers", "potential oppor tunities for Maritime Electric to fur ther", "diversify its energy supply por tfolio. The Gover nment of", "Prince Edwar d Island has indicated its desir e to make", "natural gas available to Islanders, ther eby assuring that they", "have the same economic advantages as r esidents and", "businesses in other pr ovinces. Maritime Electric continues", "FORTIS Inc. 2OO1 Annual Repor t", "14", "Maritime", "Electric is committed to providing fast and efficient service to customers." ]
[ [ 149, 52, 296, 12 ], [ 149, 17, 60, 10 ], [ 686, 94, 193, 50 ], [ 686, 94, 193, 50 ], [ 686, 94, 193, 50 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 671, 165, 224, 340 ], [ 545, 517, 339, 50 ], [ 545, 517, 339, 50 ], [ 545, 517, 339, 50 ], [ 150, 517, 330, 71 ], [ 150, 517, 330, 71 ], [ 150, 517, 330, 71 ], [ 150, 517, 330, 71 ], [ 150, 599, 251, 195 ], [ 150, 599, 251, 195 ], [ 150, 599, 251, 195 ], [ 150, 599, 251, 195 ], [ 150, 599, 251, 195 ], [ 150, 599, 251, 195 ], [ 150, 599, 251, 195 ], [ 150, 599, 251, 195 ], [ 150, 599, 251, 195 ], [ 150, 599, 251, 195 ], [ 150, 816, 355, 112 ], [ 150, 816, 355, 112 ], [ 150, 816, 355, 112 ], [ 150, 816, 355, 112 ], [ 150, 816, 355, 112 ], [ 150, 816, 355, 112 ], [ 545, 798, 348, 133 ], [ 545, 798, 348, 133 ], [ 545, 798, 348, 133 ], [ 545, 798, 348, 133 ], [ 545, 798, 348, 133 ], [ 545, 798, 348, 133 ], [ 545, 798, 348, 133 ], [ 616, 1001, 291, 9 ], [ 150, 1002, 12, 9 ], [ 96, 492, 475, 10 ], [ 96, 492, 475, 10 ] ]
[ [ 149, 52, 296, 12 ], [ 149, 17, 60, 10 ], [ 686, 94, 193, 9 ], [ 686, 115, 182, 9 ], [ 686, 135, 130, 9 ], [ 716, 165, 148, 9 ], [ 686, 186, 197, 9 ], [ 686, 207, 187, 9 ], [ 686, 227, 183, 9 ], [ 686, 248, 209, 9 ], [ 686, 269, 175, 9 ], [ 686, 289, 175, 9 ], [ 686, 310, 171, 9 ], [ 686, 331, 179, 9 ], [ 686, 352, 195, 9 ], [ 686, 372, 201, 9 ], [ 686, 393, 180, 9 ], [ 686, 414, 193, 9 ], [ 686, 434, 185, 9 ], [ 686, 455, 180, 9 ], [ 686, 476, 176, 9 ], [ 671, 497, 214, 9 ], [ 545, 517, 339, 9 ], [ 545, 538, 329, 9 ], [ 545, 559, 253, 9 ], [ 150, 517, 302, 9 ], [ 150, 537, 330, 9 ], [ 150, 558, 313, 9 ], [ 150, 579, 247, 9 ], [ 150, 599, 244, 9 ], [ 150, 620, 206, 9 ], [ 150, 641, 211, 9 ], [ 150, 662, 227, 9 ], [ 150, 682, 190, 9 ], [ 150, 703, 213, 9 ], [ 150, 724, 201, 9 ], [ 150, 744, 219, 9 ], [ 150, 765, 251, 9 ], [ 150, 786, 86, 9 ], [ 180, 816, 325, 9 ], [ 150, 837, 335, 9 ], [ 150, 857, 306, 9 ], [ 150, 878, 348, 9 ], [ 150, 899, 320, 9 ], [ 150, 919, 297, 9 ], [ 575, 798, 306, 9 ], [ 545, 819, 320, 9 ], [ 545, 840, 332, 9 ], [ 545, 860, 317, 9 ], [ 545, 881, 348, 9 ], [ 545, 902, 320, 9 ], [ 545, 923, 343, 9 ], [ 616, 1001, 291, 9 ], [ 150, 1002, 12, 9 ], [ 96, 492, 41, 10 ], [ 417, 492, 153, 10 ] ]
[ 7, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 9, 9 ]
[ "4.GLYPH<160>Goodwill", "5.", "Investments", "Equity Method Investments", "MalbaieGLYPH<160>& Madison", "P.", "72 – THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY", "We received distributions from Madison of $0.0 million in 2014, $0.0 million in 2013 and $2.0 million in 2012.", "We received distributions from Malbaie of $3.9 million in 2014, $1.4 million in 2013 and $7.3 million in 2012. ", "Our Company and UPM-Kymmene Corporation, a Finnish paper manufacturing company, are partners ", "through subsidiary companies in Madison. The Company’s percentage ownership of Madison, which represents 40%, ", "is through an 80%-owned consolidated subsidiary. UPM-Kymmene owns 60% of Madison, including a 10% interest ", "through a 20% noncontrolling interest in the consolidated subsidiary of the Company.", "We have a 49% equity interest in a Canadian newsprint company, Malbaie. The other 51% is owned by ", "Resolute FP Canada Inc., a subsidiary of Resolute Forest Products Inc. (“Resolute”), a Delaware corporation. Resolute ", "is a large global manufacturer of paper, market pulp and wood products. Malbaie manufactures newsprint on the ", "paper machine it owns within Resolute’s paper mill in Clermont, Quebec. Malbaie is wholly dependent upon ", "Resolute for its pulp, which is purchased by Malbaie from Resolute’s Clermont paper mill. ", "We have investments in Donohue Malbaie, Inc. (“Malbaie”), a Canadian newsprint company, and Madison ", "Paper Industries (“Madison”), a partnership operating a supercalendered paper mill in Maine (together, the “Paper ", "Mills”). ", "In the fourth quarter of 2013, we completed the sale of the New England Media Group and our 49% equity ", "interest in Metro Boston, and classified the results as discontinued operations for all periods presented. See Note 13 ", "for additional information. ", "In the first quarter of 2013, we recorded a nominal charge for the impairment of our investment in ", "quandrantONE LLC as a result of its February 2013 announcement of the wind down of its operations.", "Our investments above are accounted for under the equity method, and are recorded in “Investments in joint ", "ventures” in our Consolidated Balance Sheets. Our proportionate shares of the operating results of our investments ", "are recorded in “(Loss)/income from joint ventures” in our Consolidated Statements of Operations and in ", "“Investments in joint ventures” in our Consolidated Balance Sheets.", "As of December 28, 2014, our investments in joint ventures consisted of equity ownership interests in the ", "following entities:", "The foreign currency translation line item reflects changes in goodwill resulting from fluctuating exchange rates ", "related to the consolidation of certain international subsidiaries.", "(1)", "See Note 13 for additional information regarding the assets and liabilities held for sale for the New England Media Group.", "The changes in the carrying amount of goodwill in 2014 and 2013 were as follows:", "(In thousands)", "Total Company", "Balance as of December 30, 2012", "$", "122,691", "Goodwill transferred to held for sale ", "(1)", "GLYPH<151>", "Foreign currency translation", "3,180", "Balance as of December 29, 2013", "125,871", "Foreign currency translation", "(9,449)", "Balance as of December 28, 2014", "$", "116,422", "Company", "ApproximateGLYPH<160>%", "Ownership", "Donohue Malbaie Inc.", "49%", "Madison Paper Industries", "40%" ]
[ [ 75, 81, 89, 12 ], [ 75, 327, 114, 12 ], [ 75, 327, 114, 12 ], [ 75, 350, 212, 12 ], [ 120, 657, 150, 12 ], [ 83, 967, 265, 12 ], [ 83, 967, 265, 12 ], [ 120, 912, 800, 15 ], [ 120, 888, 798, 15 ], [ 75, 817, 874, 62 ], [ 75, 817, 874, 62 ], [ 75, 817, 874, 62 ], [ 75, 817, 874, 62 ], [ 75, 732, 871, 77 ], [ 75, 732, 871, 77 ], [ 75, 732, 871, 77 ], [ 75, 732, 871, 77 ], [ 75, 732, 871, 77 ], [ 75, 677, 855, 46 ], [ 75, 677, 855, 46 ], [ 75, 677, 855, 46 ], [ 75, 600, 855, 46 ], [ 75, 600, 855, 46 ], [ 75, 600, 855, 46 ], [ 75, 561, 772, 31 ], [ 75, 561, 772, 31 ], [ 75, 491, 855, 62 ], [ 75, 491, 855, 62 ], [ 75, 491, 855, 62 ], [ 75, 491, 855, 62 ], [ 75, 371, 822, 31 ], [ 75, 371, 822, 31 ], [ 75, 285, 875, 31 ], [ 75, 285, 875, 31 ], [ 120, 263, 768, 13 ], [ 120, 263, 768, 13 ], [ 120, 102, 605, 15 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 137, 791, 118 ], [ 120, 422, 789, 57 ], [ 120, 422, 789, 57 ], [ 120, 422, 789, 57 ], [ 120, 422, 789, 57 ], [ 120, 422, 789, 57 ], [ 120, 422, 789, 57 ], [ 120, 422, 789, 57 ] ]
[ [ 75, 81, 89, 12 ], [ 75, 327, 13, 12 ], [ 93, 327, 96, 12 ], [ 75, 350, 212, 12 ], [ 120, 657, 150, 12 ], [ 83, 967, 11, 12 ], [ 98, 967, 250, 12 ], [ 120, 912, 800, 15 ], [ 120, 888, 798, 15 ], [ 120, 817, 771, 15 ], [ 75, 833, 874, 15 ], [ 75, 848, 856, 15 ], [ 75, 864, 633, 15 ], [ 135, 732, 760, 15 ], [ 75, 747, 871, 15 ], [ 75, 763, 843, 15 ], [ 75, 778, 811, 15 ], [ 75, 794, 672, 15 ], [ 120, 677, 793, 15 ], [ 75, 693, 855, 15 ], [ 75, 708, 59, 15 ], [ 120, 600, 791, 15 ], [ 75, 615, 855, 15 ], [ 75, 631, 202, 15 ], [ 120, 561, 727, 15 ], [ 75, 576, 758, 15 ], [ 120, 491, 809, 15 ], [ 75, 506, 855, 15 ], [ 75, 522, 785, 15 ], [ 75, 537, 500, 15 ], [ 120, 371, 777, 15 ], [ 75, 386, 133, 15 ], [ 120, 285, 830, 15 ], [ 75, 301, 471, 15 ], [ 120, 263, 17, 13 ], [ 142, 263, 746, 13 ], [ 120, 102, 605, 15 ], [ 125, 138, 85, 10 ], [ 797, 138, 96, 10 ], [ 125, 155, 202, 10 ], [ 787, 155, 7, 10 ], [ 854, 155, 48, 10 ], [ 125, 172, 213, 10 ], [ 339, 171, 9, 6 ], [ 889, 172, 13, 10 ], [ 125, 189, 166, 10 ], [ 869, 189, 33, 10 ], [ 125, 205, 210, 10 ], [ 854, 205, 48, 10 ], [ 125, 222, 166, 10 ], [ 865, 222, 42, 10 ], [ 125, 239, 210, 10 ], [ 787, 239, 7, 10 ], [ 854, 239, 48, 10 ], [ 125, 433, 61, 10 ], [ 792, 423, 96, 10 ], [ 806, 433, 68, 10 ], [ 125, 450, 130, 10 ], [ 880, 450, 26, 10 ], [ 125, 467, 151, 10 ], [ 880, 467, 26, 10 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "173", "The following table contains essential information on the current", "Group equity incentive plans (SAR and RSU) of active board mem-", "bers:", "Group Equity Incentives – volumes in the consolidated financial statements", "$^{1) }$Includes changes due to the expiration or exercise of rights and to personnel changes such as departures from or appointments to the Board of Management", "$^{2) }$Adjusted for the capital increase of April 15, 2003", "The value of the rights granted in the reporting year was ", "¤", "9.5", "mn at", "the date of grant. Of this total, ", "¤4.7", "mn correspond to the value of", "the stock appreciation rights (SAR) granted and ", "¤4.8", "mn to the value", "of the restricted stock units (RSU) granted.", "No payouts on SAR granted in previous years were made.", "Outstanding Group equity incentives are valued on a quarterly", "basis and posted on the Allianz Group website.", "The Group paid ", "¤1.1", "(2002: 8.7) mn to increase pension reserves", "and reserves for similar benefits for active members of the Board of", "Management. As of December 31, 2003, the pension reserves and re-", "serves for similar benefits for the then active members of the Board", "of Management amounted to ", "¤21.4", "(2002: 27.9) mn.", "In 2003, pensions and other benefit payments for former members", "of the Board of Management amounted to ", "¤8.2", "(2002: 13) mn. ", "¤4.2", "(2002: 7) mn were set aside in 2003 for compensating the claims of", "former members of the Board of Management. Reserves for current", "and future pension benefits of former members of the Board of Man-", "agement and their beneficiaries amount to ", "¤39.8", "(2002: 29.0) mn.", "Pensions and similar benefits", "Former members of the Board of Management", "Granted", "Changes", "1)", "Outstanding at", "Intrinsic value ", "the end of fiscal ", "at the end of fiscal", "2003", "2003", "¤", "2003", "SAR", "172,160", "–", "172,160", "6,127,174", "RSU", "72,306", "–", "72,306", "7,339,059", "2002", "SAR", "52,160", "2)", "– 12,267", "39,893", "2)", "–", "2001", "SAR", "43,999", "2)", "– 14,482", "29,517", "2)", "–", "2000", "SAR", "21,980", "2)", "– 5,070", "16,910", "2)", "–", "1999", "SAR", "29,588", "2)", "– 9,067", "20,521", "2)", "–" ]
[ [ 591, 37, 352, 9 ], [ 591, 37, 352, 9 ], [ 98, 97, 405, 46 ], [ 98, 97, 405, 46 ], [ 98, 97, 405, 46 ], [ 98, 159, 437, 10 ], [ 98, 424, 641, 7 ], [ 98, 436, 206, 7 ], [ 98, 463, 405, 63 ], [ 98, 463, 405, 63 ], [ 98, 463, 405, 63 ], [ 98, 463, 405, 63 ], [ 98, 463, 405, 63 ], [ 98, 463, 405, 63 ], [ 98, 463, 405, 63 ], [ 98, 463, 405, 63 ], [ 98, 463, 405, 63 ], [ 98, 463, 405, 63 ], [ 98, 463, 405, 63 ], [ 123, 533, 344, 11 ], [ 98, 551, 405, 28 ], [ 98, 551, 405, 28 ], [ 98, 620, 405, 81 ], [ 98, 620, 405, 81 ], [ 98, 620, 405, 81 ], [ 98, 620, 405, 81 ], [ 98, 620, 405, 81 ], [ 98, 620, 405, 81 ], [ 98, 620, 405, 81 ], [ 98, 620, 405, 81 ], [ 98, 620, 405, 81 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 98 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 98 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 98 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 98 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 98 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 98 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 98 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 98 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 98 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 98 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 98 ], [ 98, 603, 185, 11 ], [ 98, 725, 298, 11 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ], [ 97, 175, 847, 236 ] ]
[ [ 591, 39, 322, 7 ], [ 924, 37, 20, 9 ], [ 98, 97, 405, 11 ], [ 98, 114, 405, 11 ], [ 98, 132, 29, 11 ], [ 98, 159, 437, 10 ], [ 98, 424, 641, 7 ], [ 98, 436, 206, 7 ], [ 98, 463, 338, 11 ], [ 437, 463, 10, 11 ], [ 448, 463, 18, 11 ], [ 470, 463, 34, 11 ], [ 98, 481, 187, 11 ], [ 286, 481, 29, 11 ], [ 320, 481, 183, 11 ], [ 98, 498, 280, 11 ], [ 379, 498, 29, 11 ], [ 412, 498, 92, 11 ], [ 98, 516, 255, 11 ], [ 123, 533, 344, 11 ], [ 123, 551, 381, 11 ], [ 98, 568, 281, 11 ], [ 98, 620, 101, 11 ], [ 200, 620, 27, 11 ], [ 232, 620, 271, 11 ], [ 98, 638, 405, 11 ], [ 98, 655, 405, 11 ], [ 98, 673, 405, 11 ], [ 98, 690, 179, 11 ], [ 278, 690, 34, 11 ], [ 317, 690, 99, 11 ], [ 98, 743, 405, 11 ], [ 98, 760, 252, 11 ], [ 351, 760, 29, 11 ], [ 383, 760, 91, 11 ], [ 475, 760, 29, 11 ], [ 98, 777, 405, 11 ], [ 98, 795, 405, 11 ], [ 98, 812, 405, 11 ], [ 98, 830, 259, 11 ], [ 358, 830, 36, 11 ], [ 399, 830, 101, 11 ], [ 98, 603, 185, 11 ], [ 98, 725, 298, 11 ], [ 454, 187, 39, 9 ], [ 593, 187, 42, 9 ], [ 635, 187, 5, 4 ], [ 714, 187, 73, 9 ], [ 865, 187, 72, 9 ], [ 708, 199, 83, 9 ], [ 842, 199, 92, 9 ], [ 762, 212, 25, 9 ], [ 908, 212, 25, 9 ], [ 925, 225, 8, 9 ], [ 108, 253, 28, 10 ], [ 123, 265, 21, 10 ], [ 452, 265, 42, 10 ], [ 634, 265, 6, 10 ], [ 745, 265, 42, 10 ], [ 880, 265, 53, 10 ], [ 123, 278, 22, 10 ], [ 455, 278, 38, 10 ], [ 634, 278, 6, 10 ], [ 748, 278, 38, 10 ], [ 878, 278, 56, 10 ], [ 108, 294, 28, 10 ], [ 123, 307, 21, 10 ], [ 458, 307, 36, 10 ], [ 494, 307, 6, 5 ], [ 593, 307, 48, 10 ], [ 748, 307, 38, 10 ], [ 787, 307, 6, 5 ], [ 927, 307, 6, 10 ], [ 108, 323, 27, 10 ], [ 123, 336, 21, 10 ], [ 455, 336, 39, 10 ], [ 494, 335, 6, 5 ], [ 593, 336, 48, 10 ], [ 751, 336, 36, 10 ], [ 787, 335, 6, 5 ], [ 927, 336, 6, 10 ], [ 108, 352, 28, 10 ], [ 123, 365, 21, 10 ], [ 457, 365, 36, 10 ], [ 494, 364, 6, 5 ], [ 599, 365, 41, 10 ], [ 752, 365, 35, 10 ], [ 787, 364, 6, 5 ], [ 927, 365, 6, 10 ], [ 108, 381, 28, 10 ], [ 123, 393, 21, 10 ], [ 455, 393, 39, 10 ], [ 494, 393, 6, 5 ], [ 599, 393, 42, 10 ], [ 750, 393, 37, 10 ], [ 787, 393, 6, 5 ], [ 927, 393, 6, 10 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "MySQL Enterprise Firewall", "Registering Firewall Group Profiles", "MySQL Enterprise Firewall supports registration of group profiles as of MySQL 8.0.23. A group profile can", "have multiple accounts as its members. To use a firewall group profile to protect MySQL against incoming", "statements from a given account, follow these steps:", "2.", "Add a member account to the group profile.", "3.", "Connect to the MySQL server using the member account and execute statements to be learned. This", "trains the group profile and establishes the rules that form the profile allowlist.", "1.", "Register the group profile and put it in ", "RECORDING", " mode.", "4.", "Add to the group profile any other accounts that are to be group members.", "5.", "Switch the group profile to ", "PROTECTING", " mode. When a client connects to the server using any account", "that is a member of the group profile, the profile allowlist restricts statement execution.", "6.", "Should additional training be necessary, switch the group profile to ", "RECORDING", " mode again, update its", "allowlist with new statement patterns, then switch it back to ", "PROTECTING", " mode.", "•Take note of the context in which account references occur. To name an account for firewall operations,", "specify it as a single quoted string (", "’", "user_name", "@", "host_name", "’", "). This differs from the usual MySQL", "convention for statements such as ", "CREATE USER", " and ", "GRANT", ", for which you quote the user and host", "parts of an account name separately (", "’", "user_name", "’@’", "host_name", "’", ").", "•The firewall assesses statements against accounts represented by actual user and host names as", "authenticated by the server. When registering accounts in profiles, do not use wildcard characters or", "netmasks:", "•Suppose that an account named ", "", " exists and a client uses it to connect to the", "server from the host ", "", ".", "•The account name contains a ", "%", " wildcard character, but the server authenticates the client as having a", "user name of ", "me", " and host name of ", "", ", and that is what the firewall sees.", "•Consequently, the account name to use for firewall operations is ", "[email protected]", " rather than", "", ".", "Observe these guidelines for firewall-related account references:", "The requirement for naming accounts as a single quoted string for firewall operations means that you", "cannot use accounts that have embedded ", "@", " characters in the user name.", "The following procedure shows how to register a group profile with the firewall, train the firewall to know the", "acceptable statements for that profile (its allowlist), use the profile to protect MySQL against execution of", "unacceptable statements, and add and remove group members. The example uses a group profile name", "of ", "fwgrp", ". The example profile is presumed for use by clients of an application that accesses tables in the", "sakila", " database (available at", "Use an administrative MySQL account to perform the steps in this procedure, except those steps", "designated for execution by member accounts of the firewall group profile. For statements executed by", "member accounts, the default database should be ", "sakila", ". (You can use a different database by adjusting", "the instructions accordingly.)", "1.", "If necessary, create the accounts that are to be members of the ", "fwgrp", " group profile and grant them", "appropriate access privileges. Statements for one member are shown here (choose an appropriate", "password):", "1555" ]
[ [ 427, 48, 199, 11 ], [ 90, 95, 308, 13 ], [ 170, 123, 782, 43 ], [ 170, 123, 782, 43 ], [ 170, 123, 782, 43 ], [ 170, 208, 348, 11 ], [ 170, 208, 348, 11 ], [ 170, 235, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 235, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 235, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 181, 452, 11 ], [ 170, 181, 452, 11 ], [ 170, 181, 452, 11 ], [ 170, 181, 452, 11 ], [ 170, 277, 576, 11 ], [ 170, 277, 576, 11 ], [ 170, 304, 791, 27 ], [ 170, 304, 791, 27 ], [ 170, 304, 791, 27 ], [ 170, 304, 791, 27 ], [ 170, 304, 791, 27 ], [ 170, 347, 788, 27 ], [ 170, 347, 788, 27 ], [ 170, 347, 788, 27 ], [ 170, 347, 788, 27 ], [ 170, 347, 788, 27 ], [ 170, 347, 788, 27 ], [ 170, 347, 788, 27 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 58 ], [ 170, 532, 758, 43 ], [ 170, 532, 758, 43 ], [ 170, 532, 758, 43 ], [ 187, 590, 742, 27 ], [ 187, 590, 742, 27 ], [ 187, 590, 742, 27 ], [ 187, 590, 742, 27 ], [ 187, 590, 742, 27 ], [ 187, 590, 742, 27 ], [ 187, 633, 769, 27 ], [ 187, 633, 769, 27 ], [ 187, 633, 769, 27 ], [ 187, 633, 769, 27 ], [ 187, 633, 769, 27 ], [ 187, 633, 769, 27 ], [ 187, 633, 769, 27 ], [ 187, 633, 769, 27 ], [ 187, 675, 763, 27 ], [ 187, 675, 763, 27 ], [ 187, 675, 763, 27 ], [ 187, 675, 763, 27 ], [ 187, 675, 763, 27 ], [ 170, 389, 478, 11 ], [ 187, 490, 747, 27 ], [ 187, 490, 747, 27 ], [ 187, 490, 747, 27 ], [ 187, 490, 747, 27 ], [ 170, 718, 793, 74 ], [ 170, 718, 793, 74 ], [ 170, 718, 793, 74 ], [ 170, 718, 793, 74 ], [ 170, 718, 793, 74 ], [ 170, 718, 793, 74 ], [ 170, 718, 793, 74 ], [ 170, 718, 793, 74 ], [ 170, 807, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 807, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 807, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 807, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 807, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 807, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 880, 766, 43 ], [ 170, 880, 766, 43 ], [ 170, 880, 766, 43 ], [ 170, 880, 766, 43 ], [ 170, 880, 766, 43 ], [ 170, 880, 766, 43 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ [ 427, 48, 199, 11 ], [ 90, 95, 308, 13 ], [ 170, 123, 782, 11 ], [ 170, 139, 782, 11 ], [ 170, 154, 389, 11 ], [ 170, 208, 13, 11 ], [ 197, 208, 322, 11 ], [ 170, 235, 13, 11 ], [ 197, 235, 748, 11 ], [ 197, 250, 573, 11 ], [ 170, 181, 13, 11 ], [ 197, 181, 283, 11 ], [ 481, 182, 90, 10 ], [ 572, 181, 51, 11 ], [ 170, 277, 13, 11 ], [ 197, 277, 550, 11 ], [ 170, 304, 13, 11 ], [ 197, 304, 198, 11 ], [ 395, 306, 100, 10 ], [ 496, 304, 466, 11 ], [ 197, 320, 637, 11 ], [ 170, 347, 13, 11 ], [ 197, 347, 497, 11 ], [ 694, 348, 90, 10 ], [ 785, 347, 174, 11 ], [ 197, 362, 441, 11 ], [ 638, 364, 100, 10 ], [ 739, 362, 51, 11 ], [ 170, 416, 784, 11 ], [ 187, 432, 261, 11 ], [ 449, 433, 10, 10 ], [ 459, 433, 90, 10 ], [ 549, 433, 10, 10 ], [ 559, 433, 90, 10 ], [ 650, 433, 10, 10 ], [ 660, 432, 268, 11 ], [ 187, 447, 258, 11 ], [ 446, 449, 110, 10 ], [ 556, 447, 37, 11 ], [ 594, 449, 50, 10 ], [ 644, 447, 288, 11 ], [ 187, 463, 281, 11 ], [ 468, 464, 10, 10 ], [ 478, 464, 90, 10 ], [ 569, 464, 30, 10 ], [ 599, 464, 90, 10 ], [ 689, 464, 10, 10 ], [ 699, 463, 10, 11 ], [ 170, 532, 742, 11 ], [ 187, 548, 741, 11 ], [ 187, 563, 76, 11 ], [ 187, 590, 262, 11 ], [ 450, 592, 160, 10 ], [ 610, 590, 319, 11 ], [ 204, 606, 153, 11 ], [ 357, 607, 150, 10 ], [ 508, 606, 4, 11 ], [ 187, 633, 241, 11 ], [ 428, 634, 10, 10 ], [ 438, 633, 518, 11 ], [ 204, 648, 102, 11 ], [ 306, 650, 20, 10 ], [ 326, 648, 138, 11 ], [ 465, 650, 150, 10 ], [ 616, 648, 255, 11 ], [ 187, 675, 497, 11 ], [ 684, 676, 180, 10 ], [ 865, 675, 85, 11 ], [ 204, 692, 160, 10 ], [ 365, 691, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 389, 478, 11 ], [ 187, 490, 747, 11 ], [ 187, 505, 315, 11 ], [ 503, 507, 10, 10 ], [ 513, 505, 216, 11 ], [ 170, 718, 793, 11 ], [ 170, 733, 773, 11 ], [ 170, 749, 775, 11 ], [ 170, 764, 18, 11 ], [ 189, 766, 50, 10 ], [ 239, 764, 711, 11 ], [ 170, 781, 60, 10 ], [ 231, 780, 501, 11 ], [ 170, 807, 715, 11 ], [ 170, 822, 759, 11 ], [ 170, 838, 376, 11 ], [ 546, 839, 60, 10 ], [ 607, 838, 354, 11 ], [ 170, 853, 212, 11 ], [ 170, 880, 13, 11 ], [ 197, 880, 474, 11 ], [ 672, 882, 50, 10 ], [ 722, 880, 215, 11 ], [ 197, 896, 730, 11 ], [ 197, 912, 81, 11 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4 ]
[ "p 3", "John Tyson", "Chairman and Chief Executive Officer", "... with you, the Tyson Shareholders, in mind.", "Fiscal 2002 was an important year for Tyson Foods, Inc. Our team has made tremendous progress", "integrating IBP, inc., and we have moved forward as one company. We are the world’s largest processor", "and marketer of beef, chicken and pork and the second largest public food company in the United States. ", "Reported diluted earnings per share were $1.08 compared to $0.40 last year. Of that increase, $0.23", "was due to the inclusion of IBP, making it immediately accretive to our earnings. Reported sales were", "$23.4 billion in 2002 compared to $10.6 billion in 2001. Last year’s results included nine weeks of IBP’s", "results in our fourth quarter. Cash flow is one of the real strengths of our company, giving us the ability", "to pay down debt and meet our plans for growth. We have paid down $914 million since closing", "the cash tender offer on August 3, 2001, and $789 million this fiscal year. This brings our debt as a", "percentage of total capital down to 52 percent at fiscal 2002 year end. We are well on our way to meet-", "ing our goal of having debt to capital at 50 percent or below by the end of fiscal year 2003. In addition,", "we achieved our synergy target of $50 million in 2002, and we are on track to achieve $100 million in", "2003 and $200 million in 2004.", "While the stock market has seen major swings this year, our stock price has outperformed the market", "by generating a return to shareholders of 17.5 percent, compared to -20.5 percent for the S&P 500 Index", "and -0.5 percent for the S&P Packaged Foods Index. We posted strong results for 2002, proving a company", "focused on adding value to products can perform in difficult market conditions. By marketing the world’s", "three preferred proteins, we have a large basket of goods to offer our customers. It is the total company,", "the total portfolio of proteins and food products that generates our strong cash flows." ]
[ [ 967, 236, 13, 5 ], [ 655, 556, 207, 23 ], [ 655, 556, 207, 23 ], [ 72, 562, 521, 18 ], [ 72, 601, 636, 46 ], [ 72, 601, 636, 46 ], [ 72, 601, 636, 46 ], [ 72, 660, 634, 164 ], [ 72, 660, 634, 164 ], [ 72, 660, 634, 164 ], [ 72, 660, 634, 164 ], [ 72, 660, 634, 164 ], [ 72, 660, 634, 164 ], [ 72, 660, 634, 164 ], [ 72, 660, 634, 164 ], [ 72, 660, 634, 164 ], [ 72, 660, 634, 164 ], [ 72, 838, 634, 96 ], [ 72, 838, 634, 96 ], [ 72, 838, 634, 96 ], [ 72, 838, 634, 96 ], [ 72, 838, 634, 96 ], [ 72, 838, 634, 96 ] ]
[ [ 967, 236, 13, 5 ], [ 655, 556, 58, 10 ], [ 655, 569, 207, 10 ], [ 72, 562, 521, 18 ], [ 72, 601, 609, 12 ], [ 72, 617, 630, 12 ], [ 72, 634, 636, 12 ], [ 72, 660, 614, 12 ], [ 72, 677, 621, 12 ], [ 72, 694, 628, 12 ], [ 72, 711, 628, 12 ], [ 72, 728, 616, 12 ], [ 72, 744, 612, 12 ], [ 72, 761, 634, 12 ], [ 72, 778, 631, 12 ], [ 72, 795, 629, 12 ], [ 72, 812, 199, 12 ], [ 72, 838, 620, 12 ], [ 72, 855, 633, 12 ], [ 72, 872, 631, 12 ], [ 72, 888, 634, 12 ], [ 72, 905, 632, 12 ], [ 72, 922, 525, 12 ] ]
[ 5, 0, 0, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "page 74", "Bombardier Inc. Annual Report 2003-04", "financing arranged by the Corporation in fiscal", "year 2004 amounted to $4.8 billion.", "Bombardier anticipates that it will be able", "to satisfy its financing commitments to its cus-", "tomers in fiscal year 2005 through third-party", "financing. However, Bombardier’s ability to ", "satisfy its financing commitments may be", "affected by further financial difficulties in ", "the commercial airline industry in general and", "of certain customers in particular, and the", "Corporation’s current and future credit condition.", "In connection with the sale of certain of its", "products, mainly aircraft, the Corporation ", "provides financing support on behalf of certain", "customers in the form of credit and residual", "value guarantees in order to enhance their abil-", "ity to arrange third-party financing for their", "asset acquisition. These are described in note", "24", "to the Consolidated Financial Statements.", "Credit guarantees are triggered if customers", "do not perform during the term of the financ-", "ing (ranging from 2 to 20 years) under the", "relevant financing arrangements. Credit ", "guarantees provide support through limited", "payments to the guaranteed party to mitigate", "default-related losses. These guarantees are", "collateralized by the underlying assets. The ", "value of the underlying assets may be adversely", "affected by a number of factors including, but", "not limited to, an economic downturn. In the", "event of default, the Corporation usually acts", "as an agent for the guaranteed parties for the", "repossession, refurbishment and remarketing", "of the underlying assets. The Corporation typi-", "cally receives a fee for these services. In most", "The Corporation’s risk management frame-", "work for the credit and residual value risks", "consists of the following: risk control, risk", "measurement, risk monitoring and risk trans-", "fer. The Corporation practices active risk control", "through inclusion of protective covenants and", "securities into commercial contracts to miti-", "gate its exposure under these guarantees.", "Quantitative assessments of the risk relating", "When credit and residual value guarantees", "are provided in connection with a financing", "arrangement for the same underlying asset,", "residual value guarantees can only be exer-", "cised if the credit guarantee expires without", "having been exercised and, as such, are mutu-", "ally exclusive.", "The Corporation is occasionally involved in", "legal litigation, claims, investigations and other", "legal matters. It is the Corporation’s opinion that", "these contingencies have not had, and will not", "have, a material impact on its financial posi-", "tion, except for the potential effect of its claim", "against DaimlerChrysler described in note 24", "to the Consolidated Financial Statements.", "circumstances, a claim under the guarantee", "may be made only upon sale of the underlying", "asset to a third party.", "In most cases, residual value guarantees are", "guarantees provided at the end of a financing", "arrangement, ranging from four to 20 years.", "Such guarantees provide protection to the ", "guaranteed parties in cases where the market ", "value of the underlying asset is below the ", "guaranteed value. In order to mitigate the", "Corporation’s exposure, the collateral must", "meet certain contractual return conditions on", "the expiry date of the guarantee. If a residual", "value guarantee is exercised, it provides for a", "limited payment to the guaranteed parties. A", "claim under the guarantee may typically be", "made only upon sale of the underlying asset to", "a third party.The value of the underlying asset", "may be adversely affected by a number of ", "factors including, but not limited to, an eco-", "nomic downturn. ", "In connection with its contracts with the", "Metronet companies for the modernization of", "the London Underground, the Corporation is", "committed to provide collateral in support of ", "its obligations. These commitments extend ", "to 2015. As at January 31, 2004, surety bonds", "amounting to £180 million ($435 million) were", "outstanding. The surety bonds are renewable", "each year. In the event that the bonds are ", "not renewed, the Corporation could have to ", "provide, within one year, alternate collat-", "eral (letters of credit, cash, etc.) which could", "reduce Bombardier’s availability under its ", "credit facilities. ", "to these guarantees and the determination of", "the related provisions to be recorded in the", "Consolidated Financial Statements, if any, are", "performed using a risk-pricing model. Risk", "monitoring comprises ongoing management", "reporting of exposures, as well as active credit", "watch, on-site credit due diligence and active", "intervention. In addition, asset value trends ", "for the Corporation’s products are closely ", "monitored. The Corporation also engages, from", "time to time, in risk transfer with third-party", "insurers in order to minimize its exposure to", "credit and residual value guarantees. ", "Commitments and contingencies" ]
[ [ 56, 44, 251, 8 ], [ 56, 44, 251, 8 ], [ 56, 174, 284, 27 ], [ 56, 174, 284, 27 ], [ 56, 206, 290, 141 ], [ 56, 206, 290, 141 ], [ 56, 206, 290, 141 ], [ 56, 206, 290, 141 ], [ 56, 206, 290, 141 ], [ 56, 206, 290, 141 ], [ 56, 206, 290, 141 ], [ 56, 206, 290, 141 ], [ 56, 206, 290, 141 ], [ 56, 385, 290, 125 ], [ 56, 385, 290, 125 ], [ 56, 385, 290, 125 ], [ 56, 385, 290, 125 ], [ 56, 385, 290, 125 ], [ 56, 385, 290, 125 ], [ 56, 385, 290, 125 ], [ 56, 385, 290, 125 ], [ 56, 385, 290, 125 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 56, 515, 291, 255 ], [ 355, 629, 285, 141 ], [ 355, 629, 285, 141 ], [ 355, 629, 285, 141 ], [ 355, 629, 285, 141 ], [ 355, 629, 285, 141 ], [ 355, 629, 285, 141 ], [ 355, 629, 285, 141 ], [ 355, 629, 285, 141 ], [ 355, 629, 285, 141 ], [ 355, 515, 284, 108 ], [ 355, 515, 284, 108 ], [ 355, 515, 284, 108 ], [ 355, 515, 284, 108 ], [ 355, 515, 284, 108 ], [ 355, 515, 284, 108 ], [ 355, 515, 284, 108 ], [ 654, 613, 284, 125 ], [ 654, 613, 284, 125 ], [ 654, 613, 284, 125 ], [ 654, 613, 284, 125 ], [ 654, 613, 284, 125 ], [ 654, 613, 284, 125 ], [ 654, 613, 284, 125 ], [ 654, 613, 284, 125 ], [ 355, 174, 284, 43 ], [ 355, 174, 284, 43 ], [ 355, 174, 284, 43 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 355, 223, 290, 287 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 385, 290, 222 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 654, 174, 290, 206 ], [ 56, 369, 219, 11 ] ]
[ [ 56, 44, 41, 7 ], [ 121, 44, 187, 8 ], [ 56, 174, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 190, 223, 11 ], [ 71, 206, 270, 11 ], [ 56, 223, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 239, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 255, 290, 11 ], [ 56, 271, 285, 11 ], [ 56, 288, 290, 11 ], [ 56, 304, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 320, 285, 11 ], [ 56, 336, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 385, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 402, 290, 11 ], [ 56, 418, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 434, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 450, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 467, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 483, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 499, 15, 11 ], [ 76, 499, 264, 11 ], [ 71, 515, 270, 11 ], [ 56, 532, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 548, 285, 11 ], [ 56, 564, 291, 11 ], [ 56, 580, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 597, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 613, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 629, 289, 11 ], [ 56, 646, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 662, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 678, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 694, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 711, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 727, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 743, 284, 11 ], [ 56, 759, 284, 11 ], [ 370, 629, 270, 11 ], [ 355, 646, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 662, 285, 11 ], [ 355, 678, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 694, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 711, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 727, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 743, 285, 11 ], [ 355, 759, 284, 11 ], [ 370, 515, 270, 11 ], [ 355, 532, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 548, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 564, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 580, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 597, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 613, 86, 11 ], [ 669, 613, 270, 11 ], [ 654, 629, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 646, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 662, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 678, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 694, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 711, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 727, 263, 11 ], [ 355, 174, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 190, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 206, 132, 11 ], [ 370, 223, 270, 11 ], [ 355, 239, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 255, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 271, 290, 11 ], [ 355, 288, 288, 11 ], [ 355, 304, 290, 11 ], [ 355, 320, 285, 11 ], [ 355, 336, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 353, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 369, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 385, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 401, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 418, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 434, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 450, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 467, 290, 11 ], [ 355, 483, 284, 11 ], [ 355, 499, 110, 11 ], [ 669, 385, 270, 11 ], [ 654, 401, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 418, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 434, 289, 11 ], [ 654, 450, 290, 11 ], [ 654, 467, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 483, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 499, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 515, 290, 11 ], [ 654, 532, 290, 11 ], [ 654, 548, 285, 11 ], [ 654, 564, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 580, 290, 11 ], [ 654, 597, 98, 11 ], [ 654, 174, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 190, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 206, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 223, 285, 11 ], [ 654, 239, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 255, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 271, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 288, 290, 11 ], [ 654, 304, 290, 11 ], [ 654, 320, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 336, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 353, 284, 11 ], [ 654, 369, 234, 11 ], [ 56, 369, 219, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7 ]
[ "Distributing Python Modules, Release 3.9.5", "Appendix D. Copyright", "46" ]
[ [ 123, 43, 352, 12 ], [ 710, 964, 190, 12 ], [ 123, 964, 19, 12 ] ]
[ [ 123, 43, 352, 12 ], [ 710, 964, 190, 12 ], [ 123, 964, 19, 12 ] ]
[ 5, 4, 4 ]
[ "04-HP-876_10K.qxd", "12/15/04", "2:43 PM", "Page 2", "UNITED STATES", "SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION", "Washington,", "D.C.", "20549", "FORM", "10-K", "[X]", "[ ]", "TRANSITION", "REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934", "ANNUAL", "REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934", "FOR", "THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 OR", "FOR THE TRANSITION", "PERIOD FROM", "TO", "COMMISSION", "FILE NUMBER 1-4221", "HELMERICH", "P", "AYNE, INC.", "(Exact name of registrant", "as specified in its charter)", "DELAWARE", "(State or other jurisdiction of", "incorporation or organization)", "73-0679879", "(I.R.S. employer", "identification no.)", "1437 S. BOULDER AVE.,", "SUITE 1400, TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74119", "(Address of principal executive of", "fices)", "(Zip code)", "Registrant's telephone number", "including area code (918) 742-5531", "Securities registered", "pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:", "TITLE OF EACH CLASS", "NAME", "OF EXCHANGE ON WHICH REGISTERED", "Common Stock ($0.10 par value)", "New York Stock Exchange", "Common Stock Purchase Rights", "New York Stock Exchange", "Securities registered", "Pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: NONE", "Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all r", "eports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the", "Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding", "12", "months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was", "required to file such reports),", "and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [X] No [ ]", "Indicate by check mark if disclosur", "of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and", "will not be contained, to the best of the Registrant’", "knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated", "by reference in Par", "III", "of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. [ ]", "Indicate", "by check mark whether the Registrant is an accelerated filer (as defined in Exchange Act Rule 12b-2). Yes [X] No [ ]", "At March 31, 2004, the aggregate", "market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates was $1,378,913,985.", "Number of shares", "of common stock outstanding at December 3, 2004: 50,610,987.", "DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE", "Certain portions", "of the following documents have been incorporated by reference into this Form 10-K as indicated:", "Documents", "10-K Parts", "(1)", "Annual Report to Stockholders for the fiscal ", "year ended September 30, 2004 ", "Parts I and II", "(2)", "Proxy Statement for Annual Meeting of Stockholders ", "to be held March 2, 2005", "Part III" ]
[ [ 58, 31, 316, 7 ], [ 58, 31, 316, 7 ], [ 58, 31, 316, 7 ], [ 58, 31, 316, 7 ], [ 271, 124, 454, 13 ], [ 271, 124, 454, 13 ], [ 405, 148, 187, 13 ], [ 405, 148, 187, 13 ], [ 405, 148, 187, 13 ], [ 427, 177, 142, 18 ], [ 427, 177, 142, 18 ], [ 192, 206, 14, 9 ], [ 180, 249, 14, 9 ], [ 207, 249, 609, 9 ], [ 207, 249, 609, 9 ], [ 218, 206, 586, 9 ], [ 218, 206, 586, 9 ], [ 334, 228, 328, 9 ], [ 334, 228, 328, 9 ], [ 296, 283, 406, 11 ], [ 296, 283, 406, 11 ], [ 296, 283, 406, 11 ], [ 362, 320, 272, 13 ], [ 362, 320, 272, 13 ], [ 328, 339, 340, 18 ], [ 328, 339, 340, 18 ], [ 328, 339, 340, 18 ], [ 301, 367, 394, 13 ], [ 301, 367, 394, 13 ], [ 343, 394, 97, 13 ], [ 301, 411, 199, 24 ], [ 301, 411, 199, 24 ], [ 592, 394, 111, 13 ], [ 593, 411, 115, 24 ], [ 593, 411, 115, 24 ], [ 289, 449, 419, 11 ], [ 289, 449, 419, 11 ], [ 293, 471, 411, 11 ], [ 293, 471, 411, 11 ], [ 293, 471, 411, 11 ], [ 303, 492, 391, 9 ], [ 303, 492, 391, 9 ], [ 333, 513, 330, 9 ], [ 333, 513, 330, 9 ], [ 257, 532, 500, 75 ], [ 257, 532, 500, 75 ], [ 257, 532, 500, 75 ], [ 257, 532, 500, 75 ], [ 257, 532, 500, 75 ], [ 257, 532, 500, 75 ], [ 257, 532, 500, 75 ], [ 257, 532, 500, 75 ], [ 257, 532, 500, 75 ], [ 163, 642, 680, 34 ], [ 163, 642, 680, 34 ], [ 163, 642, 680, 34 ], [ 163, 642, 680, 34 ], [ 163, 642, 680, 34 ], [ 163, 642, 680, 34 ], [ 163, 642, 680, 34 ], [ 163, 690, 693, 34 ], [ 163, 690, 693, 34 ], [ 163, 690, 693, 34 ], [ 163, 690, 693, 34 ], [ 163, 690, 693, 34 ], [ 163, 690, 693, 34 ], [ 163, 690, 693, 34 ], [ 163, 738, 694, 9 ], [ 163, 738, 694, 9 ], [ 163, 761, 636, 9 ], [ 163, 761, 636, 9 ], [ 163, 784, 487, 9 ], [ 163, 784, 487, 9 ], [ 163, 806, 350, 9 ], [ 163, 819, 652, 9 ], [ 163, 819, 652, 9 ], [ 160, 842, 493, 75 ], [ 160, 842, 493, 75 ], [ 160, 842, 493, 75 ], [ 160, 842, 493, 75 ], [ 160, 842, 493, 75 ], [ 160, 842, 493, 75 ], [ 160, 842, 493, 75 ], [ 160, 842, 493, 75 ], [ 160, 842, 493, 75 ], [ 160, 842, 493, 75 ] ]
[ [ 58, 31, 122, 7 ], [ 195, 31, 57, 7 ], [ 267, 31, 50, 7 ], [ 331, 31, 43, 7 ], [ 271, 124, 115, 13 ], [ 702, 124, 23, 13 ], [ 405, 148, 92, 13 ], [ 505, 148, 30, 13 ], [ 553, 148, 39, 13 ], [ 427, 177, 55, 18 ], [ 499, 177, 71, 18 ], [ 192, 206, 14, 9 ], [ 180, 249, 14, 9 ], [ 207, 249, 65, 9 ], [ 744, 249, 72, 9 ], [ 218, 206, 38, 9 ], [ 760, 206, 45, 9 ], [ 334, 228, 17, 9 ], [ 639, 228, 24, 9 ], [ 296, 283, 177, 11 ], [ 516, 283, 89, 11 ], [ 680, 283, 22, 11 ], [ 362, 320, 89, 13 ], [ 536, 320, 98, 13 ], [ 328, 339, 133, 18 ], [ 458, 339, 74, 18 ], [ 532, 339, 136, 18 ], [ 301, 367, 186, 13 ], [ 602, 367, 93, 13 ], [ 343, 394, 97, 13 ], [ 301, 411, 185, 11 ], [ 312, 425, 187, 11 ], [ 592, 394, 111, 13 ], [ 593, 411, 103, 11 ], [ 598, 425, 110, 11 ], [ 289, 449, 158, 11 ], [ 674, 449, 34, 11 ], [ 293, 471, 210, 11 ], [ 503, 471, 35, 11 ], [ 639, 471, 65, 11 ], [ 303, 492, 173, 9 ], [ 541, 492, 153, 9 ], [ 333, 513, 112, 9 ], [ 650, 513, 14, 9 ], [ 288, 534, 130, 9 ], [ 493, 534, 25, 9 ], [ 723, 534, 32, 9 ], [ 258, 555, 189, 9 ], [ 550, 555, 149, 9 ], [ 262, 575, 183, 9 ], [ 550, 575, 149, 9 ], [ 312, 596, 112, 9 ], [ 629, 596, 56, 9 ], [ 163, 642, 360, 9 ], [ 523, 642, 320, 9 ], [ 163, 655, 304, 9 ], [ 594, 655, 10, 9 ], [ 607, 655, 223, 9 ], [ 163, 667, 166, 9 ], [ 535, 667, 305, 9 ], [ 163, 690, 195, 9 ], [ 803, 690, 52, 9 ], [ 163, 703, 288, 9 ], [ 601, 703, 254, 9 ], [ 163, 715, 108, 9 ], [ 609, 715, 0, 9 ], [ 610, 715, 19, 9 ], [ 163, 738, 41, 9 ], [ 737, 738, 120, 9 ], [ 163, 761, 191, 9 ], [ 600, 761, 199, 9 ], [ 163, 784, 98, 9 ], [ 634, 784, 15, 9 ], [ 163, 806, 350, 9 ], [ 163, 819, 90, 9 ], [ 545, 819, 270, 9 ], [ 163, 842, 65, 9 ], [ 540, 842, 64, 9 ], [ 163, 864, 14, 9 ], [ 182, 864, 253, 9 ], [ 163, 877, 193, 9 ], [ 540, 877, 71, 9 ], [ 163, 894, 14, 9 ], [ 182, 894, 302, 9 ], [ 163, 906, 147, 9 ], [ 540, 906, 35, 9 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "Known Issues in MySQL", "B.3.7 Known Issues in MySQL", "This section lists known issues in recent versions of MySQL.", "For information about platform-specific issues, see the installation and debugging instructions in", "Section 2.1, “General Installation Guidance”", ", and Section 5.9, “Debugging MySQL”", ".", "The following problems are known:", "•Subquery optimization for ", "IN", " is not as effective as for ", "=", ".", "•Even if you use ", "lower_case_table_names=2", " (which enables MySQL to remember the case used", "for databases and table names), MySQL does not remember the case used for database names for the", "function ", "DATABASE()", " or within the various logs (on case-insensitive systems).", "•Dropping a ", "FOREIGN KEY", " constraint does not work in replication because the constraint may have", "another name on the replica.", "•", "REPLACE", " (and ", "LOAD DATA", " with the ", "REPLACE", " option) does not trigger ", "ON DELETE CASCADE", ".", "•", "DISTINCT", " with ", "ORDER BY", " does not work inside ", "GROUP_CONCAT()", " if you do not use all and only those", "columns that are in the ", "DISTINCT", " list.", "•", "When inserting a big integer value (between 2$^{63}$ and 2", "64", "−", "1)", "into a decimal or string column, it is inserted", "as a negative value because the number is evaluated in signed integer context.", "•With statement-based binary logging, the source server writes the executed queries to the binary log.", "This is a very fast, compact, and efficient logging method that works perfectly in most cases. However,", "it is possible for the data on the source and replica to become different if a query is designed in such a", "way that the data modification is nondeterministic (generally not a recommended practice, even outside", "of replication).", "•", "CREATE TABLE ... SELECT", " or ", "INSERT ... SELECT", " statements that insert zero or ", "NULL", " values", "into an ", "AUTO_INCREMENT", " column.", "•", "DELETE", " if you are deleting rows from a table that has foreign keys with ", "ON DELETE CASCADE", "properties.", "•", "REPLACE ... SELECT", ", ", "INSERT IGNORE ... SELECT", " if you have duplicate key values in the", "inserted data.", "•The table is stored using a different storage engine on the source than on the replica. (It is possible", "to use different storage engines on the source and replica. For example, you can use ", "InnoDB", " on the", "source, but ", "MyISAM", " on the replica if the replica has less available disk space.)", "•MySQL buffer sizes (", "key_buffer_size", ", and so on) are different on the source and replica.", "If and only if the preceding queries have no ", "ORDER BY", " clause guaranteeing a deterministic order", "A query is optimized differently on the source and replica only if:", "For example, for ", "INSERT ... SELECT", " with no ", "ORDER BY", ", the ", "SELECT", " may return rows in a", "different order (which results in a row having different ranks, hence getting a different number in the", "AUTO_INCREMENT", " column), depending on the choices made by the optimizers on the source and", "replica.", "5315", "For example:" ]
[ [ 436, 48, 182, 11 ], [ 90, 95, 334, 16 ], [ 170, 129, 447, 11 ], [ 170, 157, 708, 27 ], [ 170, 157, 708, 27 ], [ 170, 157, 708, 27 ], [ 170, 157, 708, 27 ], [ 170, 200, 258, 11 ], [ 170, 229, 431, 11 ], [ 170, 229, 431, 11 ], [ 170, 229, 431, 11 ], [ 170, 229, 431, 11 ], [ 170, 229, 431, 11 ], [ 170, 257, 781, 43 ], [ 170, 257, 781, 43 ], [ 170, 257, 781, 43 ], [ 170, 257, 781, 43 ], [ 170, 257, 781, 43 ], [ 170, 257, 781, 43 ], [ 170, 257, 781, 43 ], [ 170, 316, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 316, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 316, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 316, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 359, 714, 11 ], [ 170, 359, 714, 11 ], [ 170, 359, 714, 11 ], [ 170, 359, 714, 11 ], [ 170, 359, 714, 11 ], [ 170, 359, 714, 11 ], [ 170, 359, 714, 11 ], [ 170, 359, 714, 11 ], [ 170, 359, 714, 11 ], [ 170, 388, 781, 27 ], [ 170, 388, 781, 27 ], [ 170, 388, 781, 27 ], [ 170, 388, 781, 27 ], [ 170, 388, 781, 27 ], [ 170, 388, 781, 27 ], [ 170, 388, 781, 27 ], [ 170, 388, 781, 27 ], [ 170, 388, 781, 27 ], [ 170, 388, 781, 27 ], [ 170, 427, 787, 32 ], [ 170, 427, 787, 32 ], [ 170, 427, 787, 32 ], [ 170, 427, 787, 32 ], [ 170, 427, 787, 32 ], [ 170, 427, 787, 32 ], [ 170, 427, 787, 32 ], [ 170, 475, 780, 74 ], [ 170, 475, 780, 74 ], [ 170, 475, 780, 74 ], [ 170, 475, 780, 74 ], [ 170, 475, 780, 74 ], [ 187, 593, 762, 27 ], [ 187, 593, 762, 27 ], [ 187, 593, 762, 27 ], [ 187, 593, 762, 27 ], [ 187, 593, 762, 27 ], [ 187, 593, 762, 27 ], [ 187, 593, 762, 27 ], [ 187, 593, 762, 27 ], [ 187, 593, 762, 27 ], [ 187, 593, 762, 27 ], [ 187, 637, 716, 27 ], [ 187, 637, 716, 27 ], [ 187, 637, 716, 27 ], [ 187, 637, 716, 27 ], [ 187, 637, 716, 27 ], [ 187, 681, 734, 27 ], [ 187, 681, 734, 27 ], [ 187, 681, 734, 27 ], [ 187, 681, 734, 27 ], [ 187, 681, 734, 27 ], [ 187, 681, 734, 27 ], [ 187, 855, 762, 43 ], [ 187, 855, 762, 43 ], [ 187, 855, 762, 43 ], [ 187, 855, 762, 43 ], [ 187, 855, 762, 43 ], [ 187, 855, 762, 43 ], [ 187, 855, 762, 43 ], [ 187, 914, 703, 11 ], [ 187, 914, 703, 11 ], [ 187, 914, 703, 11 ], [ 187, 724, 767, 11 ], [ 187, 724, 767, 11 ], [ 187, 724, 767, 11 ], [ 187, 827, 473, 11 ], [ 187, 752, 735, 58 ], [ 187, 752, 735, 58 ], [ 187, 752, 735, 58 ], [ 187, 752, 735, 58 ], [ 187, 752, 735, 58 ], [ 187, 752, 735, 58 ], [ 187, 752, 735, 58 ], [ 187, 752, 735, 58 ], [ 187, 752, 735, 58 ], [ 187, 752, 735, 58 ], [ 187, 752, 735, 58 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 187, 565, 97, 11 ] ]
[ [ 436, 48, 182, 11 ], [ 90, 95, 334, 16 ], [ 170, 129, 447, 11 ], [ 170, 157, 708, 11 ], [ 170, 172, 352, 11 ], [ 495, 172, 315, 11 ], [ 783, 172, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 200, 258, 11 ], [ 170, 229, 211, 11 ], [ 382, 230, 20, 10 ], [ 402, 229, 185, 11 ], [ 587, 230, 10, 10 ], [ 597, 229, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 257, 135, 11 ], [ 306, 258, 241, 10 ], [ 547, 257, 385, 11 ], [ 187, 272, 764, 11 ], [ 187, 288, 63, 11 ], [ 250, 289, 100, 10 ], [ 351, 288, 417, 11 ], [ 170, 316, 103, 11 ], [ 274, 317, 110, 10 ], [ 384, 316, 535, 11 ], [ 187, 331, 213, 11 ], [ 170, 359, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 361, 70, 10 ], [ 257, 359, 42, 11 ], [ 300, 361, 90, 10 ], [ 391, 359, 67, 11 ], [ 458, 361, 70, 10 ], [ 528, 359, 181, 11 ], [ 710, 361, 170, 10 ], [ 880, 359, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 388, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 389, 80, 10 ], [ 267, 388, 39, 11 ], [ 307, 389, 80, 10 ], [ 387, 388, 161, 11 ], [ 549, 389, 140, 10 ], [ 690, 388, 262, 11 ], [ 187, 403, 174, 11 ], [ 361, 404, 80, 10 ], [ 442, 403, 29, 11 ], [ 170, 431, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 431, 401, 11 ], [ 588, 427, 13, 8 ], [ 602, 427, 9, 18 ], [ 612, 431, 14, 11 ], [ 632, 431, 325, 11 ], [ 187, 447, 586, 11 ], [ 170, 475, 764, 11 ], [ 187, 490, 757, 11 ], [ 187, 506, 755, 11 ], [ 187, 522, 764, 11 ], [ 187, 537, 105, 11 ], [ 187, 593, 19, 11 ], [ 204, 594, 231, 10 ], [ 435, 593, 24, 11 ], [ 459, 594, 170, 10 ], [ 630, 593, 226, 11 ], [ 856, 594, 40, 10 ], [ 896, 593, 53, 11 ], [ 204, 609, 54, 11 ], [ 259, 610, 140, 10 ], [ 399, 609, 63, 11 ], [ 187, 637, 19, 11 ], [ 204, 638, 60, 10 ], [ 264, 637, 468, 11 ], [ 732, 638, 170, 10 ], [ 204, 652, 79, 11 ], [ 187, 681, 19, 11 ], [ 204, 682, 180, 10 ], [ 385, 681, 9, 11 ], [ 394, 682, 241, 10 ], [ 635, 681, 286, 11 ], [ 204, 696, 101, 11 ], [ 187, 855, 749, 11 ], [ 204, 871, 633, 11 ], [ 838, 872, 60, 10 ], [ 898, 871, 51, 11 ], [ 204, 886, 87, 11 ], [ 291, 887, 60, 10 ], [ 352, 886, 430, 11 ], [ 187, 914, 173, 11 ], [ 360, 915, 150, 10 ], [ 511, 914, 379, 11 ], [ 187, 724, 349, 11 ], [ 537, 725, 80, 10 ], [ 617, 724, 336, 11 ], [ 187, 827, 473, 11 ], [ 187, 752, 126, 11 ], [ 314, 753, 170, 10 ], [ 484, 752, 62, 11 ], [ 547, 753, 80, 10 ], [ 627, 752, 37, 11 ], [ 665, 753, 60, 10 ], [ 725, 752, 156, 11 ], [ 187, 768, 735, 11 ], [ 187, 784, 140, 10 ], [ 328, 783, 580, 11 ], [ 187, 799, 53, 11 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 187, 565, 97, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 9 ]
[ "UCI CYCLING REGULATIONS ", "Distances ", "2.7.016", "The circuit shall measure between 800 and 10,000 metres. ", "2.7.017", "The maximum distance for the race shall be set as follows: ", "2.7.018", "The programme - technical guide of the race shall specify the intermediate sprint system ", "and the allocation of points, by taking account of the following provisions that shall ", "automatically apply. ", "2.7.019", "Intermediate sprints shall take place on the finish line and after a number of laps that ", "shall always be the same between two sprints. ", "2.7.020", "Points may be awarded to the first rider to cross the finish line during laps without any ", "intermediate sprint. The number of such points may not exceed 40% of the points ", "awarded the winner of an intermediate sprint. ", "2.7.021", "Any rider or group of 20 riders or less who drop behind and are lapped by the lead riders ", "shall be eliminated and must leave the race. ", "2.7.022", "In the case of a recognised mishap as defined in the provisions governing track races ", "(article 3.2.021), the rider shall be entitled to a neutralisation of one or two laps to be ", "determined by the commissaires according to the length of the circuit. After the ", "neutralisation, the rider shall resume the race but shall not earn any points in the following ", "sprint. ", "2.7.023", "The classification shall be as follows: ", "-", "the winner shall be the rider who covered the greatest number of laps; ", "-", "in the case of a tie on laps, the number of points won shall decide; ", "-", "in the case of a tie on laps and points, the number of wins during the ", "intermediate sprints shall decide; ", "-", "if the riders are still tied, the place during the final sprint shall decide. ", "2.7.024", "A rider shall be deemed to have gained a lap when he catches up with the tail of the ", "main bunch.", "69 ", "ROAD RACES ", "E170421 ", "If such a group involves more than 20 riders, the commissaires panel shall decide ", "whether those riders may continue or be eliminated. ", "Method with intermediate sprints ", "Length of circuit ", "Maximum distance ", "800 m - 1599 m ", "80", "km ", "1600 m - 2999 m ", "110 km ", "3000 m - 3999 m ", "132 km ", "4000 m - 10000 m ", "150 km " ]
[ [ 362, 43, 231, 14 ], [ 170, 86, 94, 14 ], [ 83, 102, 585, 14 ], [ 83, 102, 585, 14 ], [ 83, 132, 584, 14 ], [ 83, 132, 584, 14 ], [ 83, 275, 825, 45 ], [ 83, 275, 825, 45 ], [ 83, 275, 825, 45 ], [ 83, 275, 825, 45 ], [ 83, 336, 824, 30 ], [ 83, 336, 824, 30 ], [ 83, 336, 824, 30 ], [ 83, 382, 824, 45 ], [ 83, 382, 824, 45 ], [ 83, 382, 824, 45 ], [ 83, 382, 824, 45 ], [ 83, 444, 824, 30 ], [ 83, 444, 824, 30 ], [ 83, 444, 824, 30 ], [ 83, 536, 825, 76 ], [ 83, 536, 825, 76 ], [ 83, 536, 825, 76 ], [ 83, 536, 825, 76 ], [ 83, 536, 825, 76 ], [ 83, 536, 825, 76 ], [ 83, 629, 402, 14 ], [ 83, 629, 402, 14 ], [ 195, 644, 640, 15 ], [ 195, 644, 640, 15 ], [ 195, 660, 607, 15 ], [ 195, 660, 607, 15 ], [ 195, 675, 713, 30 ], [ 195, 675, 713, 30 ], [ 195, 675, 713, 30 ], [ 195, 706, 627, 15 ], [ 195, 706, 627, 15 ], [ 83, 737, 824, 30 ], [ 83, 737, 824, 30 ], [ 83, 737, 824, 30 ], [ 857, 949, 26, 14 ], [ 458, 949, 112, 14 ], [ 85, 949, 81, 14 ], [ 170, 490, 736, 30 ], [ 170, 490, 736, 30 ], [ 170, 259, 302, 14 ], [ 172, 162, 466, 81 ], [ 172, 162, 466, 81 ], [ 172, 162, 466, 81 ], [ 172, 162, 466, 81 ], [ 172, 162, 466, 81 ], [ 172, 162, 466, 81 ], [ 172, 162, 466, 81 ], [ 172, 162, 466, 81 ], [ 172, 162, 466, 81 ], [ 172, 162, 466, 81 ], [ 172, 162, 466, 81 ] ]
[ [ 362, 43, 231, 14 ], [ 170, 86, 94, 14 ], [ 83, 102, 63, 14 ], [ 170, 102, 498, 14 ], [ 83, 132, 63, 14 ], [ 170, 132, 497, 14 ], [ 83, 275, 63, 14 ], [ 170, 275, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 290, 736, 14 ], [ 170, 305, 171, 14 ], [ 83, 336, 63, 14 ], [ 170, 336, 736, 14 ], [ 170, 352, 394, 14 ], [ 83, 382, 63, 14 ], [ 170, 382, 736, 14 ], [ 170, 398, 736, 14 ], [ 170, 413, 384, 14 ], [ 83, 444, 63, 14 ], [ 170, 444, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 459, 374, 14 ], [ 83, 536, 63, 14 ], [ 170, 536, 736, 14 ], [ 170, 552, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 567, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 583, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 598, 56, 14 ], [ 83, 629, 63, 14 ], [ 170, 629, 314, 14 ], [ 195, 644, 6, 14 ], [ 244, 644, 591, 14 ], [ 195, 660, 6, 14 ], [ 244, 660, 559, 14 ], [ 195, 675, 6, 14 ], [ 244, 675, 664, 14 ], [ 244, 690, 281, 14 ], [ 195, 706, 6, 14 ], [ 244, 706, 579, 14 ], [ 83, 737, 63, 14 ], [ 170, 737, 736, 14 ], [ 170, 752, 103, 14 ], [ 857, 949, 26, 14 ], [ 458, 949, 112, 14 ], [ 85, 949, 81, 14 ], [ 170, 490, 736, 14 ], [ 170, 506, 440, 14 ], [ 170, 259, 302, 14 ], [ 235, 163, 114, 15 ], [ 457, 163, 133, 15 ], [ 235, 179, 113, 15 ], [ 500, 179, 17, 15 ], [ 522, 179, 25, 15 ], [ 231, 195, 121, 15 ], [ 496, 195, 55, 15 ], [ 231, 211, 121, 15 ], [ 496, 211, 55, 15 ], [ 227, 227, 130, 15 ], [ 496, 227, 55, 15 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 9, 9, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ ":= (assignment operator), 2133", ":= (assignment), 1912", "< (less than), 2127", "<< (left shift), 333, 2269", "<= (less than or equal), 2127", "<=> (equal to), 2126", "<> (not equal), 2127", "= (assignment operator), 2134", "= (assignment), 1912", "= (equal), 2126", "> (greater than), 2127", ">= (greater than or equal), 2127", ">> (right shift), 2270", "[api] (NDB Cluster), 4040", "[computer] (NDB Cluster), 4041", "[mgm] (NDB Cluster), 4039", "[mysqld] (NDB Cluster), 4040", "[ndbd default] (NDB Cluster), 4032", "[ndbd] (NDB Cluster), 4032", "[ndb_mgmd] (NDB Cluster), 4039", "[shm] (NDB Cluster), 4041", "[tcp] (NDB Cluster), 4041", "\" (double quote), 1861, 2372", "\\’ (single quote), 1861", "\\. (mysql client command), 328, 444", "\\0 (ASCII NUL), 1860, 2645", "\\b (backspace), 1861, 2372, 2645", "\\f (formfeed), 2372", "\n (linefeed), 1861, 2372, 2645", "\n (newline), 1861, 2372, 2645", "\\N (NULL), 2646", "\\N as NULL", "removed features, 46", "\\r (carriage return), 1861, 2372, 2646", "\t (tab), 1861, 2372, 2646", "\\u (Unicode character), 2372", "\\Z (Control+Z) ASCII 26, 1861, 2646", "\\\\ (escape), 1861, 2372", "^ (bitwise XOR), 2268", "_ (wildcard character), 1861", "_ai collation sufffix, 1933", "_as collation sufffix, 1933", "_bin collation sufffix, 1933, 1956", "_ci collation sufffix, 1933", "_cs collation sufffix, 1933", "_ks collation sufffix, 1933", "_rowid", "SELECT statements, 2519, 2549, 2550", "‘, 1869", "| (bitwise OR), 2268", "||", "deprecated features, 41", "|| (logical OR), 2132", "~ (invert bits), 2270", "5321" ]
[ [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 90, 94, 311, 835 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ [ 90, 94, 229, 11 ], [ 90, 110, 162, 11 ], [ 90, 126, 139, 11 ], [ 90, 141, 176, 11 ], [ 90, 157, 214, 11 ], [ 90, 172, 151, 11 ], [ 90, 188, 150, 11 ], [ 90, 203, 224, 11 ], [ 90, 219, 157, 11 ], [ 90, 234, 113, 11 ], [ 90, 250, 162, 11 ], [ 90, 265, 237, 11 ], [ 90, 281, 149, 11 ], [ 90, 296, 187, 11 ], [ 90, 312, 234, 11 ], [ 90, 327, 201, 11 ], [ 90, 343, 217, 11 ], [ 90, 358, 256, 11 ], [ 90, 374, 201, 11 ], [ 90, 390, 248, 11 ], [ 90, 405, 196, 11 ], [ 90, 421, 187, 11 ], [ 90, 436, 216, 11 ], [ 90, 452, 160, 11 ], [ 90, 467, 265, 11 ], [ 90, 483, 204, 11 ], [ 90, 498, 249, 11 ], [ 90, 514, 137, 11 ], [ 90, 529, 228, 11 ], [ 90, 545, 226, 11 ], [ 90, 560, 121, 11 ], [ 90, 576, 86, 11 ], [ 110, 591, 158, 11 ], [ 90, 607, 274, 11 ], [ 90, 622, 188, 11 ], [ 90, 638, 212, 11 ], [ 90, 654, 269, 11 ], [ 90, 669, 172, 11 ], [ 90, 685, 162, 11 ], [ 90, 700, 207, 11 ], [ 90, 716, 183, 11 ], [ 90, 731, 188, 11 ], [ 90, 747, 239, 11 ], [ 90, 762, 182, 11 ], [ 90, 778, 187, 11 ], [ 90, 793, 187, 11 ], [ 90, 809, 49, 11 ], [ 110, 824, 291, 11 ], [ 90, 840, 52, 11 ], [ 90, 855, 147, 11 ], [ 90, 871, 8, 11 ], [ 110, 887, 176, 11 ], [ 90, 902, 148, 11 ], [ 90, 918, 143, 11 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "Server Option, System Variable, and Status Variable Reference", "Table 5.1 Command-Line Option, System Variable, and Status Variable Summary", "For a version of this table that is specific to NDB Cluster, see Section, “NDB Cluster mysqld", "Option and Variable Reference”", ".", "Name", "Cmd-Line", "Option File", "System Var", "Status Var", "Var Scope", "Dynamic", "abort-slave-", "event-count", "Yes", "Yes", "Aborted_clients", "Yes", "Global", "No", "Aborted_connects", "Yes", "Global", "No", "Acl_cache_items_count", "Yes", "Global", "No", "activate_all_roles_on_login", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "admin_address", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "admin_port", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "admin-ssl", "Yes", "Yes", "admin_ssl_ca", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "admin_ssl_capath", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "admin_ssl_cert", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "admin_ssl_cipher", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "admin_ssl_crl", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "admin_ssl_crlpath", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "admin_ssl_key", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "admin_tls_ciphersuites", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "admin_tls_version", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "allow-", "suspicious-", "udfs", "Yes", "Yes", "ansi", "Yes", "Yes", "audit-log", "Yes", "Yes", "audit_log_buffer_size", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "audit_log_compression", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "audit_log_connection_policy", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "audit_log_current_session", "Yes", "Both", "No", "Audit_log_current_size", "Yes", "Global", "No", "audit_log_encryption", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "Audit_log_event_max_drop_size", "Yes", "Global", "No", "Audit_log_events", "Yes", "Global", "No", "Audit_log_events_filtered", "Yes", "Global", "No", "Audit_log_events_lost", "Yes", "Global", "No", "Audit_log_events_written", "Yes", "Global", "No", "audit_log_exclude_accounts", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "Yes", "audit_log_file", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Global", "No", "642" ]
[ [ 261, 48, 471, 11 ], [ 140, 138, 641, 11 ], [ 140, 94, 755, 27 ], [ 140, 94, 755, 27 ], [ 140, 94, 755, 27 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 139, 157, 797, 775 ], [ 60, 964, 27, 11 ] ]
[ [ 261, 48, 471, 11 ], [ 140, 138, 641, 11 ], [ 140, 94, 755, 11 ], [ 140, 110, 249, 11 ], [ 376, 110, 4, 11 ], [ 144, 163, 45, 11 ], [ 257, 163, 77, 11 ], [ 371, 163, 87, 11 ], [ 484, 163, 91, 11 ], [ 598, 163, 82, 11 ], [ 711, 163, 81, 11 ], [ 824, 163, 69, 11 ], [ 144, 185, 88, 11 ], [ 144, 200, 87, 11 ], [ 257, 185, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 185, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 222, 115, 11 ], [ 598, 222, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 222, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 222, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 243, 134, 11 ], [ 598, 243, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 243, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 243, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 264, 176, 11 ], [ 598, 264, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 264, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 264, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 286, 202, 11 ], [ 257, 286, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 286, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 286, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 286, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 286, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 307, 114, 11 ], [ 257, 307, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 307, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 307, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 307, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 307, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 328, 83, 11 ], [ 257, 328, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 328, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 328, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 328, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 328, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 350, 71, 11 ], [ 257, 350, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 350, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 371, 102, 11 ], [ 257, 371, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 371, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 371, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 371, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 371, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 392, 134, 11 ], [ 257, 392, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 392, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 392, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 392, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 392, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 414, 112, 11 ], [ 257, 414, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 414, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 414, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 414, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 414, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 435, 130, 11 ], [ 257, 435, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 435, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 435, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 435, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 435, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 457, 102, 11 ], [ 257, 457, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 457, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 457, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 457, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 457, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 478, 134, 11 ], [ 257, 478, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 478, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 478, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 478, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 478, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 499, 110, 11 ], [ 257, 499, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 499, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 499, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 499, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 499, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 521, 170, 11 ], [ 257, 521, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 521, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 521, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 521, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 521, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 542, 134, 11 ], [ 257, 542, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 542, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 542, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 542, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 542, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 563, 43, 11 ], [ 144, 579, 83, 11 ], [ 144, 594, 31, 11 ], [ 257, 563, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 563, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 616, 30, 11 ], [ 257, 616, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 616, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 637, 64, 11 ], [ 257, 637, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 637, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 658, 159, 11 ], [ 257, 658, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 658, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 658, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 658, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 658, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 680, 172, 11 ], [ 257, 680, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 680, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 680, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 680, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 680, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 701, 210, 11 ], [ 257, 701, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 701, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 701, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 701, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 701, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 722, 195, 11 ], [ 484, 722, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 722, 34, 11 ], [ 824, 722, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 744, 170, 11 ], [ 598, 744, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 744, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 744, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 765, 154, 11 ], [ 257, 765, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 765, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 765, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 765, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 765, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 787, 242, 11 ], [ 598, 787, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 787, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 787, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 808, 128, 11 ], [ 598, 808, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 808, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 808, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 829, 188, 11 ], [ 598, 829, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 829, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 829, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 851, 163, 11 ], [ 598, 851, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 851, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 851, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 872, 187, 11 ], [ 598, 872, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 872, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 872, 21, 11 ], [ 144, 893, 211, 11 ], [ 257, 893, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 893, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 893, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 893, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 893, 28, 11 ], [ 144, 915, 98, 11 ], [ 257, 915, 28, 11 ], [ 371, 915, 28, 11 ], [ 484, 915, 28, 11 ], [ 711, 915, 48, 11 ], [ 824, 915, 21, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 27, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4 ]
[ "The Company has not provided U.S. Federal income taxes on undistributed earnings", "of foreign subsidiaries accumulated through December 31, 1992 since the Company", "intends to reinvest such earnings indefinitely or to distribute them in a manner in", "which no significant additional taxes would be incurred. Such undistributed earnings", "are approximately $41,900 and the additional Federal and state taxes payable in a", "hypothetical distribution of such accumulated earnings would approximate $10,100.", "Since 1993, the Company has been providing for Federal and state income tax expense", "on foreign earnings without regard to whether such earnings will be permanently", "reinvested outside the United States.", "On May 8, 2002, the Board of Directors declared a 2-for-1 stock split, effected in the", "form of a stock dividend of one share of common stock for every share outstanding, and", "increased the authorized common stock to 320,000,000 shares. The stock dividend was", "distributed on June 24, 2002 to shareholders of record on June 10, 2002. All share and", "per share information, except par value per share, has been adjusted for all years to", "reflect the stock split.", "The Company has a Non-Discretionary Stock Repurchase Plan under which manage-", "ment is authorized to repurchase up to 10,000,000 shares of the Company’s common", "stock in the open market with the proceeds received from the exercise of Employee and", "Director Stock Options. As of December 31, 2002, the Company had repurchased and", "retired 5,257,703 shares of common stock at an average price of $12.34 per share over", "the period from 1994 through 2002.", "56", "expd 02", "Note 4, 5", "A.", "Dividends", "B.", "Stock Repurchase Plans", "Shareholders’ Equity", "Note 5." ]
[ [ 257, 238, 654, 163 ], [ 257, 238, 654, 163 ], [ 257, 238, 654, 163 ], [ 257, 238, 654, 163 ], [ 257, 238, 654, 163 ], [ 257, 238, 654, 163 ], [ 257, 238, 654, 163 ], [ 257, 238, 654, 163 ], [ 257, 238, 654, 163 ], [ 257, 548, 655, 106 ], [ 257, 548, 655, 106 ], [ 257, 548, 655, 106 ], [ 257, 548, 655, 106 ], [ 257, 548, 655, 106 ], [ 257, 548, 655, 106 ], [ 257, 700, 655, 106 ], [ 257, 700, 655, 106 ], [ 257, 700, 655, 106 ], [ 257, 700, 655, 106 ], [ 257, 700, 655, 106 ], [ 257, 700, 655, 106 ], [ 78, 972, 98, 26 ], [ 78, 972, 98, 26 ], [ 78, 972, 98, 26 ], [ 257, 529, 98, 11 ], [ 257, 529, 98, 11 ], [ 257, 681, 208, 11 ], [ 257, 681, 208, 11 ], [ 257, 466, 160, 11 ], [ 110, 459, 92, 19 ] ]
[ [ 280, 238, 632, 11 ], [ 257, 257, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 276, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 295, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 314, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 333, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 352, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 371, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 390, 277, 11 ], [ 257, 548, 655, 11 ], [ 257, 567, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 586, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 605, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 624, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 643, 165, 11 ], [ 257, 700, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 719, 655, 11 ], [ 257, 738, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 757, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 776, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 795, 276, 11 ], [ 78, 972, 22, 12 ], [ 105, 972, 70, 12 ], [ 105, 988, 62, 9 ], [ 257, 529, 16, 11 ], [ 279, 529, 76, 11 ], [ 257, 681, 16, 11 ], [ 278, 681, 187, 11 ], [ 257, 466, 160, 11 ], [ 110, 459, 92, 19 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "mysql> ", "SELECT *", "-> ", "FROM", "->", "JSON_TABLE(", "->", "’[{\"a\": 1, \"b\": [11,111]}, {\"a\": 2, \"b\": [22,222]}]’,", "->", "’$[*]’ COLUMNS(", "->", "a INT PATH ’$.a’,", "->", "NESTED PATH ’$.b[*]’ COLUMNS (b1 INT PATH ’$’),", "->", "NESTED PATH ’$.b[*]’ COLUMNS (b2 INT PATH ’$’)", "->", ")", "-> ", ") AS jt;", "+------+------+------+", "| a", "| b1", "| b2", "|", "+------+------+------+", "|", "1", "|", "11", "| NULL |", "|", "1", "|", "111 | NULL |", "|", "1", "| NULL |", "11", "|", "|", "1", "| NULL |", "111 |", "|", "2", "|", "22", "| NULL |", "|", "2", "|", "222 | NULL |", "|", "2", "| NULL |", "22", "|", "|", "2", "| NULL |", "222 |", "+------+------+------+", "mysql> ", "SELECT *", "-> ", "FROM", "->", "JSON_TABLE(", "->", "’[{\"a\": \"a_val\",", "’>", "\"b\": [{\"c\": \"c_val\", \"l\": [1,2]}]},", "’>", "{\"a\": \"a_val\",", "’>", "\"b\": [{\"c\": \"c_val\",\"l\": [11]}, {\"c\": \"c_val\", \"l\": [22]}]}]’,", "->", "’$[*]’ COLUMNS(", "->", "top_ord FOR ORDINALITY,", "->", "apath VARCHAR(10) PATH ’$.a’,", "->", "NESTED PATH ’$.b[*]’ COLUMNS (", "->", "bpath VARCHAR(10) PATH ’$.c’,", "->", "ord FOR ORDINALITY,", "->", "NESTED PATH ’$.l[*]’ COLUMNS (lpath varchar(10) PATH ’$’)", "->", ")", "->", ")", "-> ", ") as jt;", "+---------+---------+---------+------+-------+", "| top_ord | apath", "| bpath", "| ord", "| lpath |", "+---------+---------+---------+------+-------+", "|", "1", "|", "a_val", "|", "c_val", "|", "1", "| 1", "|", "|", "1", "|", "a_val", "|", "c_val", "|", "1", "| 2", "|", "|", "2", "|", "a_val", "|", "c_val", "|", "1", "| 11", "|", "|", "2", "|", "a_val", "|", "c_val", "|", "2", "| 22", "|", "A ", "FOR ORDINALITY", " column enumerates records produced by the ", "COLUMNS", " clause, and can be used to", "distinguish parent records of a nested path, especially if values in parent records are the same, as can", "be seen here:", "Sibling nested paths—that is, two or more instances of ", "NESTED [PATH]", " in the same ", "COLUMNS", " clause", "—are processed one after another, one at a time. While one nested path is producing records, columns", "of any sibling nested path expressions are set to ", "NULL", ". This means that the total number of records for", "a single match within a single containing ", "COLUMNS", " clause is the sum and not the product of all records", "produced by ", "NESTED [PATH]", " modifiers, as shown here:", "+------+------+", "JSON Table Functions", "2380" ]
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[ [ 157, 215, 56, 8 ], [ 213, 215, 64, 8 ], [ 189, 228, 24, 8 ], [ 213, 228, 32, 8 ], [ 189, 240, 16, 8 ], [ 229, 240, 88, 8 ], [ 189, 253, 16, 8 ], [ 245, 253, 426, 8 ], [ 189, 265, 16, 8 ], [ 245, 265, 120, 8 ], [ 189, 278, 16, 8 ], [ 278, 278, 136, 8 ], [ 189, 290, 16, 8 ], [ 278, 290, 377, 8 ], [ 189, 302, 16, 8 ], [ 278, 302, 369, 8 ], [ 189, 315, 16, 8 ], [ 245, 315, 8, 8 ], [ 189, 327, 24, 8 ], [ 213, 327, 64, 8 ], [ 157, 352, 176, 8 ], [ 157, 365, 24, 8 ], [ 213, 365, 32, 8 ], [ 269, 365, 32, 8 ], [ 326, 365, 8, 8 ], [ 157, 377, 176, 8 ], [ 157, 389, 8, 8 ], [ 197, 389, 8, 8 ], [ 213, 389, 8, 8 ], [ 245, 389, 16, 8 ], [ 269, 389, 64, 8 ], [ 157, 402, 8, 8 ], [ 197, 402, 8, 8 ], [ 213, 402, 8, 8 ], [ 237, 402, 96, 8 ], [ 157, 414, 8, 8 ], [ 197, 414, 8, 8 ], [ 213, 414, 64, 8 ], [ 302, 414, 16, 8 ], [ 326, 414, 8, 8 ], [ 157, 427, 8, 8 ], [ 197, 427, 8, 8 ], [ 213, 427, 64, 8 ], [ 294, 427, 40, 8 ], [ 157, 439, 8, 8 ], [ 197, 439, 8, 8 ], [ 213, 439, 8, 8 ], [ 245, 439, 16, 8 ], [ 269, 439, 64, 8 ], [ 157, 452, 8, 8 ], [ 197, 452, 8, 8 ], [ 213, 452, 8, 8 ], [ 237, 452, 96, 8 ], [ 157, 464, 8, 8 ], [ 197, 464, 8, 8 ], [ 213, 464, 64, 8 ], [ 302, 464, 16, 8 ], [ 326, 464, 8, 8 ], [ 157, 476, 8, 8 ], [ 197, 476, 8, 8 ], [ 213, 476, 64, 8 ], [ 294, 476, 40, 8 ], [ 157, 489, 176, 8 ], [ 157, 578, 56, 8 ], [ 213, 578, 64, 8 ], [ 189, 591, 24, 8 ], [ 213, 591, 32, 8 ], [ 189, 603, 16, 8 ], [ 229, 603, 88, 8 ], [ 189, 616, 16, 8 ], [ 245, 616, 128, 8 ], [ 188, 628, 20, 8 ], [ 261, 628, 281, 8 ], [ 187, 640, 20, 8 ], [ 245, 640, 112, 8 ], [ 188, 653, 20, 8 ], [ 261, 653, 498, 8 ], [ 189, 665, 16, 8 ], [ 245, 665, 120, 8 ], [ 189, 678, 16, 8 ], [ 261, 678, 184, 8 ], [ 189, 690, 16, 8 ], [ 261, 690, 233, 8 ], [ 189, 703, 16, 8 ], [ 261, 703, 241, 8 ], [ 189, 715, 16, 8 ], [ 278, 715, 233, 8 ], [ 189, 727, 16, 8 ], [ 278, 727, 152, 8 ], [ 189, 740, 16, 8 ], [ 278, 740, 458, 8 ], [ 189, 752, 16, 8 ], [ 278, 752, 8, 8 ], [ 189, 765, 16, 8 ], [ 245, 765, 8, 8 ], [ 189, 777, 24, 8 ], [ 213, 777, 64, 8 ], [ 157, 802, 369, 8 ], [ 157, 814, 136, 8 ], [ 318, 814, 56, 8 ], [ 398, 814, 40, 8 ], [ 454, 814, 72, 8 ], [ 157, 827, 369, 8 ], [ 157, 839, 8, 8 ], [ 221, 839, 8, 8 ], [ 237, 839, 8, 8 ], [ 261, 839, 40, 8 ], [ 318, 839, 8, 8 ], [ 342, 839, 40, 8 ], [ 398, 839, 8, 8 ], [ 438, 839, 8, 8 ], [ 454, 839, 24, 8 ], [ 519, 839, 8, 8 ], [ 157, 852, 8, 8 ], [ 221, 852, 8, 8 ], [ 237, 852, 8, 8 ], [ 261, 852, 40, 8 ], [ 318, 852, 8, 8 ], [ 342, 852, 40, 8 ], [ 398, 852, 8, 8 ], [ 438, 852, 8, 8 ], [ 454, 852, 24, 8 ], [ 519, 852, 8, 8 ], [ 157, 864, 8, 8 ], [ 221, 864, 8, 8 ], [ 237, 864, 8, 8 ], [ 261, 864, 40, 8 ], [ 318, 864, 8, 8 ], [ 342, 864, 40, 8 ], [ 398, 864, 8, 8 ], [ 438, 864, 8, 8 ], [ 454, 864, 32, 8 ], [ 519, 864, 8, 8 ], [ 157, 877, 8, 8 ], [ 221, 877, 8, 8 ], [ 237, 877, 8, 8 ], [ 261, 877, 40, 8 ], [ 318, 877, 8, 8 ], [ 342, 877, 40, 8 ], [ 398, 877, 8, 8 ], [ 438, 877, 8, 8 ], [ 454, 877, 32, 8 ], [ 519, 877, 8, 8 ], [ 157, 518, 15, 11 ], [ 173, 519, 140, 10 ], [ 313, 518, 341, 11 ], [ 655, 519, 70, 10 ], [ 725, 518, 204, 11 ], [ 157, 533, 756, 11 ], [ 157, 549, 102, 11 ], [ 157, 124, 411, 11 ], [ 566, 125, 130, 10 ], [ 696, 124, 95, 11 ], [ 792, 125, 70, 10 ], [ 862, 124, 53, 11 ], [ 157, 139, 766, 11 ], [ 157, 155, 363, 11 ], [ 520, 156, 40, 10 ], [ 560, 155, 357, 11 ], [ 157, 170, 303, 11 ], [ 460, 171, 70, 10 ], [ 531, 170, 383, 11 ], [ 157, 186, 96, 11 ], [ 254, 187, 130, 10 ], [ 384, 186, 195, 11 ], [ 157, 95, 120, 8 ], [ 413, 48, 168, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
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[ "F-17", "2011", "2012", "2013", "(In thousands)", "Cash Payments:", "Interest payments", "...................................", "$ 49,109", "$ 79,001", "$ 83,560", "Income tax payments (refunds) .........................", "$ (1,403)", "$", "(58)", "$", "769", "2011", "2012", "2013", "(In thousands except per share data)", "Weighted average anti-dilutive stock options .....................", "215", "168", "130", "Weighted average exercise price ...............................", "$36.42", "$37.81", "$32.90", "Weighted average performance share units .......................", "—", "—", "75", "Weighted average grant date fair value per unit ...................", "$", "—", "$", "—", "$20.92", "For the Year Ended December 31,", "2011", "2012", "2013", "(In thousands)", "Net income (loss) .....................................", "$ (33,472)", "$(100,060)", "$", "41,029", "Other comprehensive income (loss):", "Realized gains on marketable securities reclassified to", "earnings, net of income taxes of $12,291, $9,318 and", "$2,757 in 2011, 2012 and 2013, respectively ..........", "(22,827)", "(17,303)", "(5,120)", "Unrealized hedging gains, net of provision for (benefit", "from) income taxes of $161, ($161) , and $— in 2011,", "2012 and 2013, respectively .......................", "298", "(298)", "—", "Unrealized gains on marketable securities, net of provision", "for income taxes of $5,748, $831, and $377 in 2011,", "2012 and 2013, respectively .......................", "10,675", "1,543", "702", "Total comprehensive income (loss) .......................", "$ (45,326)", "$(116,118)", "$", "36,611", "Comprehensive loss consists of the following:", "COMSTOCK RESOURCES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES", "NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — (Continued)", "Options to purchase common stock that were outstanding and that were excluded as anti-dilutive", "from determination of diluted earnings per share were as follows:", "For the purpose of the consolidated statements of cash flows, the Company considers all highly", "liquid investments purchased with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.", "Cash payments made for interest and income taxes for the years ended December 31, 2011, 2012 and", "2013, respectively, were as follows:", "Supplementary Information With Respect to the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows", "Comprehensive Loss", "The Company capitalizes interest on its unevaluated oil and gas property costs during periods when", "it is conducting exploration activity on this acreage. The Company capitalized interest of $13.2 million,", "$20.9 million and $4.7 million in 2011, 2012 and 2013, respectively, which reduced interest expense and", "increased the carrying value of its unevaluated oil and gas properties." ]
[ [ 495, 943, 34, 13 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 151, 430, 721, 86 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 153, 182, 718, 108 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 151, 660, 724, 263 ], [ 157, 634, 340, 13 ], [ 285, 76, 453, 12 ], [ 207, 101, 610, 12 ], [ 120, 138, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 138, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 338, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 338, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 387, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 387, 783, 29 ], [ 139, 313, 669, 12 ], [ 139, 610, 157, 12 ], [ 120, 535, 783, 63 ], [ 120, 535, 783, 63 ], [ 120, 535, 783, 63 ], [ 120, 535, 783, 63 ] ]
[ [ 495, 943, 34, 13 ], [ 650, 432, 26, 9 ], [ 738, 432, 26, 9 ], [ 826, 432, 26, 9 ], [ 715, 448, 72, 8 ], [ 154, 465, 107, 11 ], [ 187, 484, 118, 11 ], [ 318, 484, 293, 11 ], [ 632, 484, 62, 11 ], [ 720, 484, 62, 11 ], [ 808, 484, 62, 11 ], [ 187, 504, 423, 11 ], [ 632, 504, 68, 11 ], [ 720, 504, 8, 11 ], [ 760, 504, 27, 11 ], [ 808, 504, 8, 11 ], [ 845, 504, 25, 11 ], [ 673, 183, 26, 9 ], [ 752, 183, 26, 9 ], [ 830, 183, 26, 9 ], [ 674, 200, 182, 8 ], [ 154, 217, 484, 11 ], [ 684, 217, 29, 11 ], [ 763, 217, 29, 11 ], [ 842, 217, 29, 11 ], [ 154, 236, 484, 11 ], [ 663, 236, 46, 11 ], [ 742, 236, 46, 11 ], [ 821, 236, 46, 11 ], [ 154, 255, 484, 11 ], [ 692, 255, 20, 11 ], [ 771, 255, 20, 11 ], [ 850, 255, 20, 11 ], [ 154, 275, 484, 11 ], [ 663, 275, 12, 11 ], [ 692, 275, 20, 11 ], [ 742, 275, 12, 11 ], [ 771, 275, 20, 11 ], [ 821, 275, 46, 11 ], [ 645, 662, 195, 9 ], [ 636, 678, 26, 9 ], [ 729, 678, 26, 9 ], [ 823, 678, 26, 9 ], [ 706, 694, 72, 8 ], [ 154, 711, 440, 11 ], [ 615, 711, 73, 11 ], [ 708, 711, 73, 11 ], [ 802, 711, 8, 11 ], [ 824, 711, 46, 11 ], [ 154, 730, 243, 11 ], [ 187, 750, 363, 11 ], [ 204, 765, 355, 11 ], [ 204, 781, 390, 11 ], [ 632, 781, 57, 11 ], [ 725, 781, 57, 11 ], [ 827, 781, 48, 11 ], [ 187, 800, 366, 11 ], [ 204, 816, 364, 11 ], [ 204, 831, 390, 11 ], [ 658, 831, 29, 11 ], [ 746, 831, 36, 11 ], [ 854, 831, 16, 11 ], [ 187, 851, 395, 11 ], [ 204, 866, 351, 11 ], [ 204, 882, 390, 11 ], [ 637, 882, 46, 11 ], [ 739, 882, 37, 11 ], [ 845, 882, 25, 11 ], [ 154, 906, 440, 11 ], [ 615, 906, 73, 11 ], [ 708, 906, 73, 11 ], [ 802, 906, 8, 11 ], [ 824, 906, 46, 11 ], [ 157, 634, 340, 13 ], [ 285, 76, 453, 12 ], [ 207, 101, 610, 12 ], [ 157, 138, 747, 13 ], [ 120, 155, 482, 13 ], [ 157, 338, 747, 13 ], [ 120, 355, 747, 13 ], [ 157, 387, 746, 13 ], [ 120, 403, 265, 13 ], [ 139, 313, 669, 12 ], [ 139, 610, 157, 12 ], [ 157, 535, 746, 13 ], [ 120, 552, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 568, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 585, 510, 13 ] ]
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[ "(1)", "See Adjusted EBITDA definition page 37 ", "Year-ended December 31, 2011 (In $000s)", "HLF ", "Viking ", "Icelandic USA ", "Consolidated", "Sales", " 622,114", "37,523", " 8,952", " 668,589 ", "Adjusted EBITDA", "(1) ", " 49,255", " 4,483", " 959", " 54,697 ", "Year-ended December 31, 2011 (In $000s)", "HLF ", "Viking ", "Icelandic USA", "(2)", "Consolidated", "Sales", " 622,114", " 37,523", " 281,370", " 941,007", "Adjusted EBITDA", "(1) ", " 49,255", " 4,483", " 26,447", " 80,185 ", "If the Icelandic USA Acquisition had been completed at the beginning of 2011, based on numbers prepared for the Business ", "Acquisition Report that was filed with the TSX on March 16, 2012, High Liner’s 2011 financial highlights would be as follows:", "(1)", "See Adjusted EBITDA definition page 37 ", "(2)", "Unaudited – results to December 18, 2011 were prior to the Icelandic USA Acquisition ", "On December 13, 2010, High Liner acquired the operations", "of Viking Seafoods, Inc. Since the acquisition was concluded ", "late in the fiscal year, 2010 includes only 20 days of ", "operations from the Viking Acquisition. In the management ", "commentary for the remainder of Section 5, we will include ", "the results of the Viking Acquisition in the analysis and will ", "not segregate the impact of the Viking Acquisition from the ", "operations, unless otherwise noted. This narrative will assist ", "the reader in understanding both the financial statements ", "and the underlying performance of the business in 2011 ", "excluding Viking.", "that 2010 was the first year in many years where we did ", "not increase prices. In fact, we decreased selling prices on ", "commodity items and increased promotional activity on ", "value-added products to drive growth. ", "The current economic environment continues to create ", "volatility in the cost of seafood and other commodities. ", "Prior to the economic downturn, which began in 2008, many ", "species of seafood and non-seafood commodities reached ", "record-high costs. We saw decreases in late 2009 for many ", "of our seafood and non-seafood commodity costs, with the ", "lower costs continuing into the first half of 2010. However, in ", "the last half of 2010, we again experienced upward pressure ", "on costs. Due to our inventory positions and contracts in ", "place, the impact of the higher seafood and non-seafood ", "commodity costs was only marginally felt in 2010. However, ", "we did experience higher seafood and non-seafood ", "commodity costs in 2011 and we expect", "1", " higher average ", "seafood and commodity costs in 2012 relative to 2011. ", "Before discussing and analyzing the results of operations for ", "2011, it is important to review high-level trends, uncertainties ", "and market factors that impacted 2011. As mentioned, unless ", "otherwise noted, these comments will exclude the Icelandic ", "USA Acquisition’s impact on our 2011 results. As the Viking ", "Acquisition’s results were included in our operating results ", "for fiscal 2011, we will include commentary on these as well.", "Fiscal 2011 was a very successful year for the Company in an ", "uncertain economic environment. It was the first full year ", "after the acquisition of Viking and is one of the best years ", "that the Company has had in its history. While synergies ", "from the Viking Acquisition were realized in 2011, we expect", "1", "to realize additional synergies in 2012, primarily from ", "annualizing synergies that were put in place in 2011 but were ", "only included in our financial results for part of the year. In ", "addition, the Icelandic USA Acquisition will transform our ", "business in 2012, significantly increasing sales and EBITDA.", "Foreign exchange also impacts the results of the Company. ", "During fiscal 2010, the Canadian/U.S. dollar exchange rate ", "was relatively stable, with exchange rates ranging from ", "0.9946 to 1.0778. Likewise, in fiscal 2011, the exchange rate ", "was also stable, ranging from 0.9449 to 1.0604. See Section 8.4 ", "below for a full analysis of the impact on foreign exchange on ", "our results. ", "The economic environment of the past few years was ", "challenging for many companies. At the same time as we ", "are facing a cost-conscious consumer, we have to deal with ", "food inflation. Increases in the cost of seafood, flour-based ", "ingredients and cooking oils required us to implement ", "price increases in fiscal 2009. For the first half of 2010, ", "cost increases on seafood and ingredients eased, meaning ", "5.2", "OVERALL PERFORMANCE", "32", "HIGH LINER FOODS INCORPORATED" ]
[ [ 80, 148, 193, 10 ], [ 80, 148, 193, 10 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 79, 89, 845, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 78, 228, 846, 52 ], [ 80, 171, 802, 26 ], [ 80, 171, 802, 26 ], [ 80, 288, 195, 10 ], [ 80, 288, 195, 10 ], [ 80, 302, 397, 10 ], [ 80, 302, 397, 10 ], [ 80, 355, 397, 154 ], [ 80, 355, 397, 154 ], [ 80, 355, 397, 154 ], [ 80, 355, 397, 154 ], [ 80, 355, 397, 154 ], [ 80, 355, 397, 154 ], [ 80, 355, 397, 154 ], [ 80, 355, 397, 154 ], [ 80, 355, 397, 154 ], [ 80, 355, 397, 154 ], [ 80, 355, 397, 154 ], [ 522, 355, 378, 55 ], [ 522, 355, 378, 55 ], [ 522, 355, 378, 55 ], [ 522, 355, 378, 55 ], [ 522, 422, 363, 26 ], [ 522, 422, 363, 26 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 522, 451, 397, 168 ], [ 80, 560, 404, 97 ], [ 80, 560, 404, 97 ], [ 80, 560, 404, 97 ], [ 80, 560, 404, 97 ], [ 80, 560, 404, 97 ], [ 80, 560, 404, 97 ], [ 80, 560, 404, 97 ], [ 80, 670, 402, 140 ], [ 80, 670, 402, 140 ], [ 80, 670, 402, 140 ], [ 80, 670, 402, 140 ], [ 80, 670, 402, 140 ], [ 80, 670, 402, 140 ], [ 80, 670, 402, 140 ], [ 80, 670, 402, 140 ], [ 80, 670, 402, 140 ], [ 80, 670, 402, 140 ], [ 80, 670, 402, 140 ], [ 522, 632, 404, 97 ], [ 522, 632, 404, 97 ], [ 522, 632, 404, 97 ], [ 522, 632, 404, 97 ], [ 522, 632, 404, 97 ], [ 522, 632, 404, 97 ], [ 522, 632, 404, 97 ], [ 80, 822, 388, 97 ], [ 80, 822, 388, 97 ], [ 80, 822, 388, 97 ], [ 80, 822, 388, 97 ], [ 80, 822, 388, 97 ], [ 80, 822, 388, 97 ], [ 80, 822, 388, 97 ], [ 80, 530, 204, 15 ], [ 80, 530, 204, 15 ], [ 80, 971, 205, 14 ], [ 80, 971, 205, 14 ] ]
[ [ 80, 148, 12, 10 ], [ 94, 148, 179, 10 ], [ 80, 91, 204, 10 ], [ 517, 90, 28, 12 ], [ 621, 90, 45, 12 ], [ 693, 90, 93, 12 ], [ 818, 90, 85, 12 ], [ 80, 112, 33, 12 ], [ 491, 112, 51, 12 ], [ 622, 112, 40, 12 ], [ 746, 112, 36, 12 ], [ 852, 112, 55, 12 ], [ 80, 126, 110, 12 ], [ 191, 127, 11, 7 ], [ 498, 126, 44, 12 ], [ 626, 126, 36, 12 ], [ 758, 126, 25, 12 ], [ 860, 126, 47, 12 ], [ 80, 231, 204, 10 ], [ 517, 230, 28, 12 ], [ 621, 230, 45, 12 ], [ 693, 230, 90, 12 ], [ 783, 230, 9, 7 ], [ 818, 230, 85, 12 ], [ 80, 252, 33, 12 ], [ 491, 252, 51, 12 ], [ 619, 252, 44, 12 ], [ 732, 252, 51, 12 ], [ 852, 252, 51, 12 ], [ 80, 266, 110, 12 ], [ 191, 266, 11, 7 ], [ 498, 266, 44, 12 ], [ 626, 266, 36, 12 ], [ 739, 266, 44, 12 ], [ 860, 266, 48, 12 ], [ 80, 171, 802, 12 ], [ 80, 186, 802, 12 ], [ 80, 288, 12, 10 ], [ 94, 288, 181, 10 ], [ 80, 302, 13, 10 ], [ 96, 302, 381, 10 ], [ 80, 355, 376, 12 ], [ 80, 369, 393, 12 ], [ 80, 384, 334, 12 ], [ 80, 398, 391, 12 ], [ 80, 412, 390, 12 ], [ 80, 426, 391, 12 ], [ 80, 440, 388, 12 ], [ 80, 455, 397, 12 ], [ 80, 469, 383, 12 ], [ 80, 483, 367, 12 ], [ 80, 497, 111, 12 ], [ 522, 355, 366, 12 ], [ 522, 369, 378, 12 ], [ 522, 384, 370, 12 ], [ 522, 398, 251, 12 ], [ 522, 422, 363, 12 ], [ 522, 437, 362, 12 ], [ 522, 451, 395, 12 ], [ 522, 465, 380, 12 ], [ 522, 479, 380, 12 ], [ 522, 494, 387, 12 ], [ 522, 508, 397, 12 ], [ 522, 522, 392, 12 ], [ 522, 536, 371, 12 ], [ 522, 550, 371, 12 ], [ 522, 565, 391, 12 ], [ 522, 579, 336, 12 ], [ 522, 593, 258, 12 ], [ 781, 594, 4, 7 ], [ 785, 593, 103, 12 ], [ 522, 607, 353, 12 ], [ 80, 560, 396, 12 ], [ 80, 574, 404, 12 ], [ 80, 588, 403, 12 ], [ 80, 602, 394, 12 ], [ 80, 616, 388, 12 ], [ 80, 631, 387, 12 ], [ 80, 645, 393, 12 ], [ 80, 670, 398, 12 ], [ 80, 684, 380, 12 ], [ 80, 698, 377, 12 ], [ 80, 712, 371, 12 ], [ 80, 727, 391, 12 ], [ 471, 727, 4, 7 ], [ 80, 741, 351, 12 ], [ 80, 755, 402, 12 ], [ 80, 769, 388, 12 ], [ 80, 783, 380, 12 ], [ 80, 798, 385, 12 ], [ 522, 632, 385, 12 ], [ 522, 646, 378, 12 ], [ 522, 661, 362, 12 ], [ 522, 675, 382, 12 ], [ 522, 689, 401, 12 ], [ 522, 703, 404, 12 ], [ 522, 717, 76, 12 ], [ 80, 822, 351, 12 ], [ 80, 837, 375, 12 ], [ 80, 851, 388, 12 ], [ 80, 865, 383, 12 ], [ 80, 879, 357, 12 ], [ 80, 893, 353, 12 ], [ 80, 908, 381, 12 ], [ 80, 530, 21, 15 ], [ 105, 530, 179, 15 ], [ 80, 971, 16, 14 ], [ 120, 974, 165, 8 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 4, 4 ]
[ "Exhibit 12.2 ", "Certification by the Chief Financial OfficerPursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-OxleyAct of 2002 ", "I, Shu Yeh, certify that: ", "1.", "I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.; ", "2.", "Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to ", "state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which ", "such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report; ", "3.", "Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, ", "fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the ", "company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report; ", "4.", "The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure ", "controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control ", "over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the company and ", "have: ", "(a)", "Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures ", "to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the company, ", "including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, ", "particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared; ", "(b)", "Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial ", "reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the ", "reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in ", "accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; ", "(c)", "Evaluated the effectiveness of the company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this ", "report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end ", "of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and ", "(d)", "Disclosed in this report any change in the company’s internal control over financial reporting that ", "occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably ", "likely to materially affect, the company’s internal control over financial reporting; and ", "5.", "The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation ", "of internal control over financial reporting, to the company’s auditors and the audit committee of the ", "company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions): ", "(a)", "All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over ", "financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the company’s ability to record, ", "process, summarize and report financial information; and ", "(b)", "Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a ", "significant role in the company’s internal control over financial reporting. ", "14", "Date: April 20, 2011 ", "By:", "Shu Yeh", "Chief Financial Officer", "Name:", "Title:" ]
[ [ 833, 101, 86, 15 ], [ 156, 123, 757, 19 ], [ 156, 152, 159, 15 ], [ 180, 177, 570, 15 ], [ 180, 177, 570, 15 ], [ 180, 200, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 200, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 200, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 200, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 253, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 253, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 253, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 253, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 305, 739, 59 ], [ 180, 305, 739, 59 ], [ 180, 305, 739, 59 ], [ 180, 305, 739, 59 ], [ 180, 305, 739, 59 ], [ 204, 372, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 372, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 372, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 372, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 372, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 436, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 436, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 436, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 436, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 436, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 499, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 499, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 499, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 499, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 548, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 548, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 548, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 548, 715, 45 ], [ 180, 597, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 597, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 597, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 597, 739, 45 ], [ 204, 650, 716, 45 ], [ 204, 650, 716, 45 ], [ 204, 650, 716, 45 ], [ 204, 650, 716, 45 ], [ 204, 699, 715, 30 ], [ 204, 699, 715, 30 ], [ 204, 699, 715, 30 ], [ 50, 980, 18, 16 ], [ 156, 733, 141, 15 ], [ 554, 820, 24, 15 ], [ 678, 842, 164, 28 ], [ 678, 842, 164, 28 ], [ 554, 842, 47, 28 ], [ 554, 842, 47, 28 ] ]
[ [ 833, 101, 86, 15 ], [ 156, 123, 757, 19 ], [ 156, 152, 159, 15 ], [ 180, 177, 12, 15 ], [ 197, 177, 553, 15 ], [ 180, 200, 11, 15 ], [ 196, 200, 723, 15 ], [ 204, 215, 716, 15 ], [ 204, 229, 623, 15 ], [ 180, 253, 9, 15 ], [ 194, 253, 725, 15 ], [ 204, 267, 715, 15 ], [ 204, 282, 402, 15 ], [ 180, 305, 10, 15 ], [ 195, 305, 724, 15 ], [ 204, 320, 715, 15 ], [ 204, 334, 715, 15 ], [ 204, 349, 40, 15 ], [ 204, 372, 13, 15 ], [ 221, 372, 698, 15 ], [ 227, 387, 691, 15 ], [ 227, 401, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 416, 459, 15 ], [ 204, 436, 16, 15 ], [ 224, 436, 695, 15 ], [ 227, 450, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 465, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 480, 395, 15 ], [ 204, 499, 16, 15 ], [ 224, 499, 695, 15 ], [ 227, 514, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 529, 445, 15 ], [ 204, 548, 16, 15 ], [ 225, 548, 694, 15 ], [ 227, 563, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 578, 580, 15 ], [ 180, 597, 11, 15 ], [ 196, 597, 723, 15 ], [ 204, 612, 715, 15 ], [ 204, 627, 533, 15 ], [ 204, 650, 12, 15 ], [ 220, 650, 699, 15 ], [ 227, 665, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 679, 386, 15 ], [ 204, 699, 18, 15 ], [ 227, 699, 691, 15 ], [ 227, 714, 495, 15 ], [ 50, 980, 18, 16 ], [ 156, 733, 141, 15 ], [ 554, 820, 24, 15 ], [ 731, 842, 58, 16 ], [ 678, 855, 164, 16 ], [ 554, 842, 47, 16 ], [ 554, 855, 38, 16 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 9, 9, 0, 0, 9, 9 ]
[ "owned and operated by the FAA and provided free of direct ", "user charges to users across the United States and most of ", "Canada and Mexico. ", "Like flying any other IAP, the pilot must see and avoid any ", "obstacles in the visual segment during transition to landing. ", "A constant-rate descent has many safety advantages over ", "non-precision approaches that require multiple level-offs at ", "stepdown fixes or manually calculating rates of descent. A ", "stabilized approach can be maintained from the FAF to the ", "landing when a constant-rate descent is used. Additionally, ", "the use of an electronic vertical path produced by onboard ", "avionics can serve to reduce CFIT, and minimize the ", "effects of visual illusions on approach and landing. Some ", "countries even mandate the use of continuous descent ", "final approaches (CDFAs) on non-precision approaches. ", "The Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) offers ", "an opportunity for airports to gain ILS like approach ", "capability without the purchase or installation of any ", "ground-based navigation equipment at the airport. ", "Today, WAAS is already being used at more than 900 ", "runways across the United States to achieve minimums ", "as low as 200 feet height above HAT/one-half mile ", "visibility. ", "WAAS is a navigation service using a combination of GPS ", "satellites and the WAAS geostationary satellites to improve ", "the navigational service provided by GPS. WAAS achieved ", "initial operating capability (IOC) in 2003. The system is ", "The advantages of WAAS enabled LPV approaches include: ", "WAAS improves the navigational system accuracy for ", "en route, terminal, and approach operations over all the ", "continental United States and significant portions of Alaska, ", "Canada, and Mexico. This new navigational technology ", "supports vertically-guided instrument approaches to all ", "qualifying runways in the United States. Vertically-guided ", "approaches reduce pilot workload and provide safety ", "benefits compared to non-precision approaches. The WAAS ", "enabled vertically guided approach procedures are called ", "LPV, which stands for “localizer performance with vertical ", "guidance,”and provide ILS equivalent approach minimums ", "as low as 200 feet at qualifying airports. Actual minimums ", "are based on an airport’s current infrastructure, as well as ", "an evaluation of any existing obstructions. The FAA plans to ", "publish 300 WAAS approach procedures per year to provide ", "service to all qualifying instrument runways within the NAS. ", "Wide Area Augmentation System ", "Benefits Of WAAS In The Airport Environment ", "Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ", "•", "LPV procedures have no requirement for ground-", "based transmitters at the airport.", "•", "No consideration needs to be given to the placement ", "of navigation facility, maintenance of clear zones", "Figure 4-13. GBAS architecture. ", "4-25", "Ranging sources ", "Status information ", "GBAS reference receivers ", "GBAS ground facility ", "Omnidirectional VHF data broadcast (VDB) signal ", "GPS satellites ", "Differential corrections, integrity ", "data and path definition " ]
[ [ 553, 56, 412, 49 ], [ 553, 56, 412, 49 ], [ 553, 56, 412, 49 ], [ 124, 56, 412, 32 ], [ 124, 56, 412, 32 ], [ 124, 90, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 90, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 90, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 90, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 90, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 90, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 90, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 90, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 90, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 90, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 293, 397, 127 ], [ 124, 293, 397, 127 ], [ 124, 293, 397, 127 ], [ 124, 293, 397, 127 ], [ 124, 293, 397, 127 ], [ 124, 293, 397, 127 ], [ 124, 293, 397, 127 ], [ 124, 293, 397, 127 ], [ 124, 461, 414, 65 ], [ 124, 461, 414, 65 ], [ 124, 461, 414, 65 ], [ 124, 461, 414, 65 ], [ 553, 427, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 264 ], [ 124, 268, 289, 19 ], [ 124, 436, 392, 19 ], [ 553, 402, 406, 19 ], [ 569, 450, 393, 32 ], [ 569, 450, 393, 32 ], [ 569, 450, 393, 32 ], [ 569, 489, 395, 32 ], [ 569, 489, 395, 32 ], [ 569, 489, 395, 32 ], [ 124, 934, 193, 12 ], [ 931, 963, 31, 15 ], [ 124, 553, 837, 368 ], [ 124, 553, 837, 368 ], [ 124, 553, 837, 368 ], [ 124, 553, 837, 368 ], [ 124, 553, 837, 368 ], [ 124, 553, 837, 368 ], [ 124, 553, 837, 368 ], [ 124, 553, 837, 368 ] ]
[ [ 553, 56, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 73, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 90, 144, 15 ], [ 124, 56, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 73, 410, 15 ], [ 124, 90, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 106, 411, 15 ], [ 124, 123, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 139, 411, 15 ], [ 124, 156, 411, 15 ], [ 124, 172, 411, 15 ], [ 124, 189, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 205, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 222, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 239, 398, 15 ], [ 124, 293, 372, 15 ], [ 124, 309, 374, 15 ], [ 124, 325, 381, 15 ], [ 124, 340, 371, 15 ], [ 124, 356, 376, 15 ], [ 124, 372, 397, 15 ], [ 124, 388, 361, 15 ], [ 124, 404, 65, 15 ], [ 124, 461, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 478, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 494, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 511, 414, 15 ], [ 553, 427, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 123, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 139, 414, 15 ], [ 553, 156, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 172, 414, 15 ], [ 553, 189, 414, 15 ], [ 553, 205, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 222, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 239, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 255, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 272, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 288, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 305, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 321, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 338, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 354, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 371, 411, 15 ], [ 124, 268, 289, 19 ], [ 124, 436, 392, 19 ], [ 553, 402, 406, 19 ], [ 569, 450, 4, 15 ], [ 600, 450, 362, 15 ], [ 600, 466, 235, 15 ], [ 569, 489, 4, 15 ], [ 600, 489, 364, 15 ], [ 600, 505, 362, 15 ], [ 124, 934, 193, 12 ], [ 931, 963, 31, 15 ], [ 509, 649, 107, 12 ], [ 819, 677, 115, 12 ], [ 747, 878, 164, 12 ], [ 622, 711, 131, 12 ], [ 324, 863, 307, 12 ], [ 401, 573, 90, 12 ], [ 170, 809, 197, 12 ], [ 170, 821, 147, 12 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "The ", "mysqlx_ssl_crl", " system variable is like ", "ssl_crl", ", except that it applies to X Plugin rather than", "the MySQL Server main connection interface. For information about configuring encryption support for X", "Plugin, see Section 20.5.3, “Using Encrypted Connections with X Plugin”", ".", "The ", "mysqlx_ssl_crlpath", " system variable is like ", "ssl_crlpath", ", except that it applies to X Plugin", "rather than the MySQL Server main connection interface. For information about configuring encryption", "support for X Plugin, see Section 20.5.3, “Using Encrypted Connections with X Plugin”", ".", "3905", "Command-Line Format", "--mysqlx-wait-timeout=#", "System Variable", "mysqlx_wait_timeout", "Scope", "Session", "Dynamic", "Yes", "SET_VAR", " Hint Applies", "No", "Type", "Integer", "Default Value", "28800", "Minimum Value", "1", "Command-Line Format", "--mysqlx-ssl-key=file_name", "System Variable", "mysqlx_ssl_key", "Scope", "Global", "Dynamic", "No", "SET_VAR", " Hint Applies", "No", "Type", "File name", "Default Value", "NULL", "Command-Line Format", "--mysqlx-ssl-crlpath=dir_name", "System Variable", "mysqlx_ssl_crlpath", "Scope", "Global", "Dynamic", "No", "SET_VAR", " Hint Applies", "No", "Type", "Directory name", "Default Value", "NULL", "Default Value", "NULL", "•", "mysqlx_ssl_crlpath", "•", "mysqlx_ssl_key", "•", "mysqlx_wait_timeout", "The ", "mysqlx_ssl_key", " system variable is like ", "ssl_key", ", except that it applies to X Plugin rather than", "the MySQL Server main connection interface. For information about configuring encryption support for X", "Plugin, see Section 20.5.3, “Using Encrypted Connections with X Plugin”", ".", "X", "Plugin Options and Variables" ]
[ [ 187, 131, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 131, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 131, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 131, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 131, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 131, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 131, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 131, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 397, 755, 43 ], [ 187, 397, 755, 43 ], [ 187, 397, 755, 43 ], [ 187, 397, 755, 43 ], [ 187, 397, 755, 43 ], [ 187, 397, 755, 43 ], [ 187, 397, 755, 43 ], [ 187, 397, 755, 43 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 761, 777, 172 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 495, 778, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 229, 777, 150 ], [ 187, 92, 777, 20 ], [ 187, 92, 777, 20 ], [ 170, 191, 197, 11 ], [ 170, 191, 197, 11 ], [ 170, 457, 157, 11 ], [ 170, 457, 157, 11 ], [ 170, 722, 207, 11 ], [ 170, 722, 207, 11 ], [ 187, 663, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 663, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 663, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 663, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 663, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 663, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 663, 770, 43 ], [ 187, 663, 770, 43 ], [ 411, 48, 231, 11 ], [ 411, 48, 231, 11 ] ]
[ [ 187, 131, 33, 11 ], [ 221, 132, 140, 10 ], [ 361, 131, 172, 11 ], [ 533, 132, 70, 10 ], [ 604, 131, 333, 11 ], [ 187, 147, 770, 11 ], [ 187, 162, 564, 11 ], [ 724, 162, 4, 11 ], [ 187, 397, 33, 11 ], [ 221, 398, 180, 10 ], [ 401, 397, 172, 11 ], [ 574, 398, 110, 10 ], [ 684, 397, 247, 11 ], [ 187, 413, 755, 11 ], [ 187, 428, 665, 11 ], [ 825, 428, 4, 11 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 191, 767, 172, 11 ], [ 579, 768, 231, 10 ], [ 191, 788, 121, 11 ], [ 579, 789, 190, 10 ], [ 191, 810, 47, 11 ], [ 579, 810, 59, 11 ], [ 191, 831, 65, 11 ], [ 579, 831, 28, 11 ], [ 191, 853, 70, 10 ], [ 261, 852, 94, 11 ], [ 579, 852, 21, 11 ], [ 191, 874, 37, 11 ], [ 579, 874, 52, 11 ], [ 191, 895, 100, 11 ], [ 579, 896, 50, 10 ], [ 191, 916, 115, 11 ], [ 579, 917, 10, 10 ], [ 191, 501, 172, 11 ], [ 579, 502, 261, 10 ], [ 191, 522, 121, 11 ], [ 579, 523, 140, 10 ], [ 191, 544, 47, 11 ], [ 579, 544, 48, 11 ], [ 191, 565, 65, 11 ], [ 579, 565, 21, 11 ], [ 191, 587, 70, 10 ], [ 261, 586, 94, 11 ], [ 579, 586, 21, 11 ], [ 191, 608, 37, 11 ], [ 579, 608, 73, 11 ], [ 191, 629, 100, 11 ], [ 579, 630, 40, 10 ], [ 191, 235, 172, 11 ], [ 579, 236, 291, 10 ], [ 191, 256, 121, 11 ], [ 579, 257, 180, 10 ], [ 191, 278, 47, 11 ], [ 579, 278, 48, 11 ], [ 191, 299, 65, 11 ], [ 579, 299, 21, 11 ], [ 191, 321, 70, 10 ], [ 261, 320, 94, 11 ], [ 579, 320, 21, 11 ], [ 191, 342, 37, 11 ], [ 579, 342, 113, 11 ], [ 191, 363, 100, 11 ], [ 579, 364, 40, 10 ], [ 191, 97, 100, 11 ], [ 579, 98, 40, 10 ], [ 170, 191, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 192, 180, 10 ], [ 170, 457, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 458, 140, 10 ], [ 170, 722, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 724, 190, 10 ], [ 187, 663, 33, 11 ], [ 221, 664, 140, 10 ], [ 361, 663, 172, 11 ], [ 533, 664, 70, 10 ], [ 604, 663, 333, 11 ], [ 187, 678, 770, 11 ], [ 187, 694, 564, 11 ], [ 724, 694, 4, 11 ], [ 411, 48, 11, 11 ], [ 427, 48, 215, 11 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5, 5 ]
[ "MySQL Source-Configuration Options", "Whether to enable the link-time optimizer, if the compiler supports it. The default is ", "OFF", " unless", "FPROFILE_USE", " is enabled.", "This option was added in MySQL 8.0.13.", "Use this option to compile the MeCab parser. If you have installed MeCab to its default installation", "directory, set ", "-DWITH_MECAB=system", ". The ", "system", " option applies to MeCab installations performed", "from source or from binaries using a native package management utility. If you installed MeCab to a", "custom installation directory, specify the path to the MeCab installation. For example, ", "-DWITH_MECAB=/", "opt/mecab", ". If the ", "system", " option does not work, specifying the MeCab installation path should work in", "all cases.", "For related information, see Section 12.10.9, “MeCab Full-Text Parser Plugin”", ".", "Whether to enable MemorySanitizer, for compilers that support it. The default is off.", "For this option to have an effect if enabled, all libraries linked to MySQL must also have been compiled", "with the option enabled.", "Whether to build with support for X Plugin. Default ", "ON", ". See Chapter 20, ", "Using MySQL as a Document", "Store", ".", "Explicitly set the NUMA memory allocation policy. ", "CMake", " sets the default ", "WITH_NUMA", " value based on", "whether the current platform has ", "NUMA", " support. For platforms without NUMA support, ", "CMake", " behaves as", "follows:", "239", "This option was removed in MySQL 8.0.16.", "The type of LZMA library support to include. ", "lzma_type", " can be one of the following values:", "The ", "WITH_LZ4", " indicates the source of ", "zlib", " support:", "Whether to enable Visual Studio CRT memory leak tracing. The default is ", "OFF", ".", "•", "-DWITH_LZ4=", "lz4_type", "•", "-DWITH_LTO=", "bool", "•", "bundled", ": Use the ", "lz4", " library bundled with the distribution. This is the default.", "•", "system", ": Use the system ", "lz4", " library. If ", "WITH_LZ4", " is set to this value, the ", "lz4_decompress", " utility is", "not built. In this case, the system ", "lz4", " command can be used instead.", "•", "-DWITH_LZMA=", "lzma_type", "•", "bundled", ": Use the LZMA library bundled with the distribution. This is the default.", "•", "system", ": Use the system LZMA library.", "•", "-DWITH_MECAB={disabled|system|", "path_name", "}", "•", "-DWITH_MSAN=", "bool", "•", "-DWITH_MSCRT_DEBUG=", "bool", "•", "-DWITH_MYSQLX=", "bool", "•", "-DWITH_NUMA=", "bool" ]
[ [ 387, 48, 281, 11 ], [ 187, 123, 697, 27 ], [ 187, 123, 697, 27 ], [ 187, 123, 697, 27 ], [ 187, 123, 697, 27 ], [ 187, 123, 697, 27 ], [ 187, 166, 301, 11 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 491, 774, 89 ], [ 187, 597, 602, 11 ], [ 187, 597, 602, 11 ], [ 187, 653, 616, 11 ], [ 187, 681, 759, 27 ], [ 187, 681, 759, 27 ], [ 187, 809, 751, 27 ], [ 187, 809, 751, 27 ], [ 187, 809, 751, 27 ], [ 187, 809, 751, 27 ], [ 187, 809, 751, 27 ], [ 187, 809, 751, 27 ], [ 187, 881, 776, 43 ], [ 187, 881, 776, 43 ], [ 187, 881, 776, 43 ], [ 187, 881, 776, 43 ], [ 187, 881, 776, 43 ], [ 187, 881, 776, 43 ], [ 187, 881, 776, 43 ], [ 187, 881, 776, 43 ], [ 187, 881, 776, 43 ], [ 187, 881, 776, 43 ], [ 187, 881, 776, 43 ], [ 936, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 187, 435, 320, 11 ], [ 187, 350, 681, 11 ], [ 187, 350, 681, 11 ], [ 187, 350, 681, 11 ], [ 187, 222, 396, 11 ], [ 187, 222, 396, 11 ], [ 187, 222, 396, 11 ], [ 187, 222, 396, 11 ], [ 187, 222, 396, 11 ], [ 187, 753, 583, 11 ], [ 187, 753, 583, 11 ], [ 187, 753, 583, 11 ], [ 170, 194, 207, 11 ], [ 170, 194, 207, 11 ], [ 170, 194, 207, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 167, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 167, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 167, 11 ], [ 187, 251, 596, 11 ], [ 187, 251, 596, 11 ], [ 187, 251, 596, 11 ], [ 187, 251, 596, 11 ], [ 187, 251, 596, 11 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 187, 279, 765, 27 ], [ 170, 322, 227, 11 ], [ 170, 322, 227, 11 ], [ 170, 322, 227, 11 ], [ 187, 378, 611, 11 ], [ 187, 378, 611, 11 ], [ 187, 378, 611, 11 ], [ 187, 407, 305, 11 ], [ 187, 407, 305, 11 ], [ 187, 407, 305, 11 ], [ 170, 463, 418, 11 ], [ 170, 463, 418, 11 ], [ 170, 463, 418, 11 ], [ 170, 463, 418, 11 ], [ 170, 625, 177, 11 ], [ 170, 625, 177, 11 ], [ 170, 625, 177, 11 ], [ 170, 725, 247, 11 ], [ 170, 725, 247, 11 ], [ 170, 725, 247, 11 ], [ 170, 781, 197, 11 ], [ 170, 781, 197, 11 ], [ 170, 781, 197, 11 ], [ 170, 853, 177, 11 ], [ 170, 853, 177, 11 ], [ 170, 853, 177, 11 ] ]
[ [ 387, 48, 281, 11 ], [ 187, 123, 614, 11 ], [ 801, 124, 30, 10 ], [ 832, 123, 53, 11 ], [ 187, 139, 120, 10 ], [ 308, 138, 85, 11 ], [ 187, 166, 301, 11 ], [ 187, 491, 725, 11 ], [ 187, 506, 100, 11 ], [ 288, 508, 190, 10 ], [ 479, 506, 42, 11 ], [ 521, 508, 60, 10 ], [ 582, 506, 358, 11 ], [ 187, 522, 738, 11 ], [ 187, 537, 633, 11 ], [ 821, 539, 140, 10 ], [ 187, 554, 90, 10 ], [ 278, 553, 51, 11 ], [ 329, 554, 60, 10 ], [ 389, 553, 562, 11 ], [ 187, 569, 69, 11 ], [ 187, 597, 602, 11 ], [ 762, 597, 4, 11 ], [ 187, 653, 616, 11 ], [ 187, 681, 759, 11 ], [ 187, 696, 176, 11 ], [ 187, 809, 375, 11 ], [ 562, 810, 20, 10 ], [ 582, 809, 135, 11 ], [ 718, 809, 220, 11 ], [ 187, 824, 40, 11 ], [ 227, 824, 4, 11 ], [ 187, 881, 371, 11 ], [ 558, 882, 50, 10 ], [ 609, 881, 122, 11 ], [ 732, 882, 90, 10 ], [ 822, 881, 118, 11 ], [ 187, 896, 245, 11 ], [ 433, 897, 40, 10 ], [ 473, 896, 349, 11 ], [ 823, 897, 50, 10 ], [ 873, 896, 90, 11 ], [ 187, 912, 55, 11 ], [ 936, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 187, 435, 320, 11 ], [ 187, 350, 329, 11 ], [ 517, 352, 90, 10 ], [ 607, 350, 261, 11 ], [ 187, 222, 33, 11 ], [ 221, 224, 80, 10 ], [ 301, 222, 176, 11 ], [ 478, 224, 40, 10 ], [ 518, 222, 65, 11 ], [ 187, 753, 548, 11 ], [ 735, 754, 30, 10 ], [ 765, 753, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 194, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 195, 110, 10 ], [ 298, 195, 80, 10 ], [ 170, 94, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 96, 110, 10 ], [ 298, 96, 40, 10 ], [ 187, 251, 19, 11 ], [ 204, 252, 70, 10 ], [ 274, 251, 71, 11 ], [ 346, 252, 30, 10 ], [ 376, 251, 407, 11 ], [ 187, 279, 19, 11 ], [ 204, 280, 60, 10 ], [ 264, 279, 129, 11 ], [ 394, 280, 30, 10 ], [ 424, 279, 73, 11 ], [ 497, 280, 80, 10 ], [ 578, 279, 175, 11 ], [ 753, 280, 140, 10 ], [ 893, 279, 59, 11 ], [ 204, 294, 247, 11 ], [ 451, 295, 30, 10 ], [ 482, 294, 237, 11 ], [ 170, 322, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 323, 120, 10 ], [ 308, 323, 90, 10 ], [ 187, 378, 19, 11 ], [ 204, 380, 70, 10 ], [ 274, 378, 524, 11 ], [ 187, 407, 19, 11 ], [ 204, 408, 60, 10 ], [ 264, 407, 228, 11 ], [ 170, 463, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 464, 301, 10 ], [ 489, 464, 90, 10 ], [ 579, 464, 10, 10 ], [ 170, 625, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 626, 120, 10 ], [ 308, 626, 40, 10 ], [ 170, 725, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 726, 190, 10 ], [ 378, 726, 40, 10 ], [ 170, 781, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 782, 140, 10 ], [ 328, 782, 40, 10 ], [ 170, 853, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 854, 120, 10 ], [ 308, 854, 40, 10 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "maneuvering speed does not provide structural protection ", "against multiple full control inputs in one axis or full control ", "inputs in more than one axis at the same time. ", "V$_{N0}$—the maximum speed for normal operation or the ", "maximum structural cruising speed. This is the speed at ", "which exceeding the limit load factor may cause permanent ", "deformation of the aircraft structure. ", "Performance charts allow a pilot to predict the takeoff, climb, ", "cruise, and landing performance of an aircraft. These charts, ", "provided by the manufacturer, are included in the AFM/POH. ", "Information the manufacturer provides on these charts has ", "been gathered from test flights conducted in a new aircraft, ", "under normal operating conditions while using average ", "piloting skills, and with the aircraft and engine in good ", "working order. Engineers record the flight data and create ", "performance charts based on the behavior of the aircraft ", "during the test flights. By using these performance charts, ", "a pilot can determine the runway length needed to take off ", "and land, the amount of fuel to be used during flight, and the ", "time required to arrive at the destination. It is important to ", "remember that the data from the charts will not be accurate ", "if the aircraft is not in good working order or when operating ", "under adverse conditions. Always consider the necessity to ", "compensate for the performance numbers if the aircraft is not ", "in good working order or piloting skills are below average. ", "V$_{NE}$—the speed that should ", "never", " be exceeded. If flight is ", "attempted above this speed, structural damage or structural ", "failure may result. ", "Every chart is based on certain conditions and contains ", "notes on how to adapt the information for flight conditions. ", "It is important to read every chart and understand how to ", "use it. Read the instructions provided by the manufacturer. ", "For an explanation on how to use the charts, refer to the ", "example provided by the manufacturer for that specific chart. ", "[Figure 11-20] ", "Each aircraft performs differently and, therefore, has different ", "performance numbers. Compute the performance of the ", "aircraft prior to every flight, as every flight is different. (See ", "appendix for examples of performance charts for a Cessna ", "Model 172R and Challenger 605.) ", "The information manufacturers furnish is not standardized. ", "Information may be contained in a table format and ", "other information may be contained in a graph format. ", "Sometimes combined graphs incorporate two or more graphs ", "into one chart to compensate for multiple conditions of ", "flight. Combined graphs allow the pilot to predict aircraft ", "performance for variations in density altitude, weight, ", "and winds all on one chart. Because of the vast amount of ", "information that can be extracted from this type of chart, it ", "is important to be very accurate in reading the chart. A small ", "error in the beginning can lead to a large error at the end. ", "The remainder of this section covers performance information ", "for aircraft in general and discusses what information the ", "charts contain and how to extract information from the charts ", "by direct reading and interpolation methods. Every chart ", "contains a wealth of information that should be used when ", "flight planning. Examples of the table, graph, and combined ", "graph formats for all aspects of flight are discussed. ", "Performance Charts ", "11-19 ", ", ", ", ", ", ", "Figure 11-20.", " Conditions notes chart. " ]
[ [ 124, 56, 415, 48 ], [ 124, 56, 415, 48 ], [ 124, 56, 415, 48 ], [ 124, 123, 416, 64 ], [ 124, 123, 416, 64 ], [ 124, 123, 416, 64 ], [ 124, 123, 416, 64 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 296 ], [ 124, 205, 414, 48 ], [ 124, 205, 414, 48 ], [ 124, 205, 414, 48 ], [ 124, 205, 414, 48 ], [ 124, 205, 414, 48 ], [ 553, 156, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 156, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 156, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 156, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 156, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 156, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 156, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 56, 415, 81 ], [ 553, 56, 415, 81 ], [ 553, 56, 415, 81 ], [ 553, 56, 415, 81 ], [ 553, 56, 415, 81 ], [ 553, 288, 417, 180 ], [ 553, 288, 417, 180 ], [ 553, 288, 417, 180 ], [ 553, 288, 417, 180 ], [ 553, 288, 417, 180 ], [ 553, 288, 417, 180 ], [ 553, 288, 417, 180 ], [ 553, 288, 417, 180 ], [ 553, 288, 417, 180 ], [ 553, 288, 417, 180 ], [ 553, 288, 417, 180 ], [ 553, 487, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 487, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 487, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 487, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 487, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 487, 415, 114 ], [ 553, 487, 415, 114 ], [ 124, 268, 202, 20 ], [ 918, 964, 48, 16 ], [ 133, 622, 816, 289 ], [ 133, 622, 816, 289 ], [ 133, 622, 816, 289 ], [ 124, 923, 238, 14 ], [ 124, 923, 238, 14 ] ]
[ [ 124, 56, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 73, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 90, 320, 15 ], [ 124, 123, 416, 15 ], [ 124, 139, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 156, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 172, 255, 15 ], [ 124, 293, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 309, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 326, 411, 15 ], [ 124, 343, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 359, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 376, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 392, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 409, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 425, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 442, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 458, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 475, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 491, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 508, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 525, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 541, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 558, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 574, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 205, 199, 15 ], [ 323, 206, 38, 15 ], [ 361, 205, 176, 15 ], [ 124, 222, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 238, 130, 15 ], [ 553, 156, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 172, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 189, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 205, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 222, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 238, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 255, 109, 15 ], [ 553, 56, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 73, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 90, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 106, 414, 15 ], [ 553, 123, 240, 15 ], [ 553, 288, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 305, 417, 15 ], [ 553, 321, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 338, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 354, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 371, 414, 15 ], [ 553, 387, 416, 15 ], [ 553, 404, 414, 15 ], [ 553, 421, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 437, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 454, 397, 15 ], [ 553, 487, 411, 15 ], [ 553, 503, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 520, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 536, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 553, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 570, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 586, 361, 15 ], [ 124, 268, 202, 20 ], [ 918, 964, 48, 16 ], [ 312, 875, 10, 17 ], [ 543, 774, 9, 17 ], [ 407, 783, 9, 17 ], [ 124, 923, 85, 13 ], [ 209, 923, 153, 13 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 4, 6, 6, 6, 0, 0 ]
[ "Corporate Governance Report ", "| continued", "partners, suppliers and our communities and to ", "treat all our people with respect and to embrace ", "our responsibilities in the areas of health, safety ", "and the environment.", "(which the Board has determined to be low) and ", "reviewed the principal risks and uncertainties ", "outlined in the Directors’ Report. The ", "Audit ", "Committee", " also met with, and received reports ", "from, the external auditors. The Chairman of the ", "Audit Committee ", "reported regularly to the Board ", "on all significant issues considered by the ", "Committee and the minutes of its meetings were ", "circulated to all Directors.", "Group management has responsibility for major ", "strategic development and financing decisions. ", "Responsibility for operational issues is devolved, ", "subject to limits of authority, to product group and ", "operating company management. Management at ", "all levels is responsible for internal control over the ", "business functions that have been delegated. This ", "embedding of the system of internal control ", "throughout the Group’s operations ensures that ", "the organisation is capable of responding quickly ", "to evolving business risks and that significant ", "internal control issues, should they arise, are ", "reported promptly to appropriate levels of ", "management.", "During the year, the Board and ", "Audit Committee", "received, on a regular basis, reports from ", "management on the key risks to the business ", "and the steps being taken to manage such risks. ", "They also considered whether the significant risks ", "faced by the Group were being identified, ", "evaluated and appropriately managed, having ", "regard to the balance of risk, cost and ", "opportunity. In addition, the ", "Audit Committee", " met ", "with internal auditors on a regular basis and ", "satisfied itself as to the adequacy of the Group’s ", "internal control system; met with the Chairman of ", "the ", "Remuneration Committee", " to ensure that the ", "Group’s remuneration policies and structures ", "were in line with the Group’s “risk appetite” ", "The Directors confirm that, in addition to the ", "monitoring carried out by the ", "Audit Committee ", "under its terms of reference, they have reviewed ", "the effectiveness of the Group’s risk ", "management and internal control systems up to ", "and including the date of approval of the financial ", "statements. This had regard to all material ", "controls, including financial, operational and ", "compliance controls that could affect the Group’s ", "business.", "The Code of Business Conduct has been ", "supplemented with the following new or updated ", "policies: ", "These codes and guidelines have been widely ", "distributed across the Group with related training ", "programmes underway. They have also been ", "integrated into standard internal audit ", "procedures and form part of an annual ", "management certification process. A multilingual ", "24/7 “hotline” facility is also in place as a secure ", "channel for employees to report ethical issues ", "that concern them or suspected violations of ", "these codes.", "The revised Code of Business Conduct was ", "approved by the Board in February 2012, ", "translated into 21 languages and distributed ", "across the Group. It sets out clear guidelines on ", "the application of the Group’s core values of ", "integrity, honesty and respect for the law, ", "requiring all employees to put business ethics at ", "the forefront of dealings with customers, ", "Compliance and Ethics", "– Anti-Fraud Policy;", "– Competition/Anti-Trust Compliance Code;", "– Shares and Securities Dealing Policy;", "– Anti-Bribery Policy (in line with the ", "requirements of the UK Bribery Act and the US ", "Foreign Corrupt Practices Act);", "– Ethical Procurement Code;", "– Compliance and Ethics Mergers, Acquisitions ", "and Joint Venture Due Diligence Programme.", "Attendance at Board and Board Committee meetings during the year ended 31 December 2012", "Board", "Acquisitions", "Audit", "Finance", "Nomination", "Remuneration", "A ", "B ", " A ", "B ", "A ", "B ", " A ", " B ", "A ", "B ", "A ", "B", "E.", "Bärtschi", "8", "8", "8", "8", "M.", "Carton", "8", "8", "5", "5", "5", "5", "W.", "Egan", "8", "8", "4", "4", "4", "4", "U-H. Felcht", "8", "7", "4", "2", "1", "1", "5", "5", "N.", "Hartery", "8", "8", "3", "3", "3", "3", "4", "4", "4", "4", "J.M. de Jong", "8", "7", "9", "8", "J.", "Kennedy", "8", "8", "4", "4", "4", "4", "M.", "Lee", "8", "8", "5", "5", "5", "5", "1", "1", "K.", "McGowan*", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "1", "1", "H.A. McSharry**", "8", "8", "8", "8", "A.", "Manifold", "8", "8", "5", "5", "D.", "O’Connor", "8", "8", "5", "5", "3", "3", "3", "3", "2", "2", "2", "2", "M.", "Towe", "8", "8", "Column A - indicates the number of meetings held during the period the Director was a member of the Board and/or Committee. ", "Column B - indicates the number of meetings attended during the period the Director was a member of the Board and/or Committee. ", "* Retired May 2012 ", "** Appointed February 2012", "CRH", "51" ]
[ [ 66, 43, 328, 12 ], [ 66, 43, 328, 12 ], [ 680, 147, 285, 48 ], [ 680, 147, 285, 48 ], [ 680, 147, 285, 48 ], [ 680, 147, 285, 48 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 373, 147, 284, 113 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 147, 291, 177 ], [ 66, 334, 290, 190 ], [ 66, 334, 290, 190 ], [ 66, 334, 290, 190 ], [ 66, 334, 290, 190 ], [ 66, 334, 290, 190 ], [ 66, 334, 290, 190 ], [ 66, 334, 290, 190 ], [ 66, 334, 290, 190 ], [ 66, 334, 290, 190 ], [ 66, 334, 290, 190 ], [ 66, 334, 290, 190 ], [ 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[ 65, 548, 905, 419 ], [ 65, 548, 905, 419 ], [ 65, 548, 905, 419 ], [ 65, 548, 905, 419 ], [ 65, 548, 905, 419 ], [ 65, 548, 905, 419 ], [ 922, 988, 46, 7 ], [ 922, 988, 46, 7 ] ]
[ [ 66, 43, 247, 12 ], [ 314, 43, 80, 12 ], [ 680, 147, 281, 9 ], [ 680, 160, 285, 9 ], [ 680, 173, 280, 9 ], [ 680, 186, 123, 9 ], [ 373, 147, 282, 9 ], [ 373, 160, 263, 9 ], [ 373, 173, 217, 9 ], [ 591, 173, 33, 9 ], [ 373, 186, 63, 9 ], [ 437, 186, 211, 9 ], [ 373, 199, 281, 9 ], [ 373, 211, 101, 9 ], [ 475, 211, 181, 9 ], [ 373, 224, 243, 9 ], [ 373, 237, 284, 9 ], [ 373, 250, 147, 9 ], [ 66, 147, 275, 9 ], [ 66, 160, 272, 9 ], [ 66, 173, 279, 9 ], [ 66, 186, 289, 9 ], [ 66, 199, 291, 9 ], [ 66, 211, 290, 9 ], [ 66, 224, 290, 9 ], [ 66, 237, 252, 9 ], [ 66, 250, 275, 9 ], [ 66, 263, 283, 9 ], [ 66, 276, 261, 9 ], [ 66, 289, 257, 9 ], [ 66, 302, 240, 9 ], [ 66, 315, 79, 9 ], [ 66, 334, 181, 9 ], [ 248, 334, 97, 9 ], [ 66, 347, 241, 9 ], [ 66, 360, 266, 9 ], [ 66, 373, 286, 9 ], [ 66, 386, 290, 9 ], [ 66, 399, 242, 9 ], [ 66, 412, 267, 9 ], [ 66, 425, 224, 9 ], [ 66, 438, 162, 9 ], [ 229, 438, 97, 9 ], [ 326, 438, 29, 9 ], [ 66, 451, 256, 9 ], [ 66, 464, 282, 9 ], [ 66, 476, 288, 9 ], [ 66, 489, 22, 9 ], [ 88, 489, 148, 9 ], [ 236, 489, 109, 9 ], [ 66, 502, 263, 9 ], [ 66, 515, 251, 9 ], [ 373, 270, 261, 9 ], [ 373, 283, 173, 9 ], [ 546, 283, 102, 9 ], [ 373, 295, 284, 9 ], [ 373, 308, 212, 9 ], [ 373, 321, 283, 9 ], [ 373, 334, 291, 9 ], [ 373, 347, 249, 9 ], [ 373, 360, 260, 9 ], [ 373, 373, 291, 9 ], [ 373, 386, 55, 9 ], [ 680, 205, 244, 9 ], [ 680, 218, 289, 9 ], [ 680, 231, 51, 9 ], [ 680, 405, 271, 9 ], [ 680, 418, 289, 9 ], [ 680, 431, 265, 9 ], [ 680, 444, 222, 9 ], [ 680, 457, 229, 9 ], [ 680, 470, 286, 9 ], [ 680, 483, 284, 9 ], [ 680, 496, 272, 9 ], [ 680, 509, 265, 9 ], [ 680, 522, 75, 9 ], [ 373, 425, 259, 9 ], [ 373, 438, 245, 9 ], [ 373, 451, 261, 9 ], [ 373, 464, 284, 9 ], [ 373, 476, 261, 9 ], [ 373, 489, 244, 9 ], [ 373, 502, 285, 9 ], [ 373, 515, 239, 9 ], [ 373, 405, 148, 9 ], [ 680, 250, 118, 9 ], [ 680, 270, 259, 9 ], [ 680, 289, 231, 9 ], [ 680, 308, 216, 9 ], [ 695, 321, 277, 9 ], [ 695, 334, 181, 9 ], [ 680, 354, 171, 9 ], [ 680, 373, 283, 9 ], [ 695, 386, 262, 9 ], [ 81, 558, 588, 9 ], [ 285, 578, 37, 9 ], [ 386, 578, 76, 9 ], [ 529, 578, 32, 9 ], [ 642, 578, 49, 9 ], [ 752, 578, 71, 9 ], [ 865, 578, 86, 9 ], [ 274, 596, 11, 9 ], [ 324, 596, 12, 9 ], [ 393, 596, 15, 9 ], [ 446, 596, 12, 9 ], [ 516, 596, 11, 9 ], [ 567, 596, 12, 9 ], [ 630, 596, 15, 9 ], [ 686, 596, 15, 9 ], [ 758, 596, 11, 9 ], [ 809, 596, 12, 9 ], [ 879, 596, 11, 9 ], [ 932, 596, 8, 9 ], [ 81, 617, 11, 9 ], [ 96, 617, 45, 9 ], [ 274, 617, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 617, 7, 9 ], [ 516, 617, 7, 9 ], [ 567, 617, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 638, 14, 9 ], [ 99, 638, 38, 9 ], [ 274, 638, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 638, 7, 9 ], [ 395, 638, 7, 9 ], [ 446, 638, 7, 9 ], [ 633, 638, 7, 9 ], [ 688, 638, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 660, 15, 9 ], [ 99, 660, 28, 9 ], [ 274, 660, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 660, 7, 9 ], [ 758, 660, 7, 9 ], [ 809, 660, 7, 9 ], [ 879, 660, 7, 9 ], [ 933, 660, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 682, 64, 9 ], [ 274, 682, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 682, 7, 9 ], [ 395, 682, 7, 9 ], [ 446, 682, 7, 9 ], [ 516, 682, 7, 9 ], [ 567, 682, 7, 9 ], [ 633, 682, 7, 9 ], [ 688, 682, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 704, 12, 9 ], [ 97, 704, 40, 9 ], [ 274, 704, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 704, 7, 9 ], [ 395, 704, 7, 9 ], [ 446, 704, 7, 9 ], [ 633, 704, 7, 9 ], [ 688, 704, 7, 9 ], [ 758, 704, 7, 9 ], [ 809, 704, 7, 9 ], [ 879, 704, 7, 9 ], [ 933, 704, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 726, 74, 9 ], [ 274, 726, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 726, 7, 9 ], [ 516, 726, 7, 9 ], [ 567, 726, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 748, 10, 9 ], [ 94, 748, 49, 9 ], [ 274, 748, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 748, 7, 9 ], [ 758, 748, 7, 9 ], [ 809, 748, 7, 9 ], [ 879, 748, 7, 9 ], [ 933, 748, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 770, 14, 9 ], [ 99, 770, 20, 9 ], [ 274, 770, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 770, 7, 9 ], [ 395, 770, 7, 9 ], [ 446, 770, 7, 9 ], [ 633, 770, 7, 9 ], [ 688, 770, 7, 9 ], [ 758, 770, 7, 9 ], [ 809, 770, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 792, 12, 9 ], [ 96, 792, 62, 9 ], [ 274, 792, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 792, 7, 9 ], [ 395, 792, 7, 9 ], [ 446, 792, 7, 9 ], [ 633, 792, 7, 9 ], [ 688, 792, 7, 9 ], [ 758, 792, 7, 9 ], [ 809, 792, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 814, 91, 9 ], [ 274, 814, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 814, 7, 9 ], [ 516, 814, 7, 9 ], [ 567, 814, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 836, 11, 9 ], [ 96, 836, 47, 9 ], [ 274, 836, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 836, 7, 9 ], [ 395, 836, 7, 9 ], [ 446, 836, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 858, 11, 9 ], [ 95, 858, 57, 9 ], [ 274, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 395, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 446, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 516, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 567, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 633, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 688, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 758, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 809, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 879, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 930, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 880, 14, 9 ], [ 98, 880, 30, 9 ], [ 274, 880, 7, 9 ], [ 325, 880, 7, 9 ], [ 81, 906, 641, 8 ], [ 81, 918, 665, 8 ], [ 81, 933, 99, 8 ], [ 81, 945, 138, 8 ], [ 922, 988, 21, 7 ], [ 957, 988, 11, 7 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4 ]
[ "Aerodynamics of Flight", "Chapter 3", "Introduction", "To understand what makes a glider fly, pilots must first have ", "an", "understanding", "of", "aircraft", "aerodynamics and", "how flight ", "is possible. An understanding of aerodynamics and how it ", "affects takeoffs, flight maneuvers, and landings allows pilots ", "to be more skillful and aware of the capabilities of the glider. ", "A thorough discussion about aeronautical terminology and ", "concepts related to aircraft in flight can be found in the Pilot’s ", "Handbook", "of", "Aeronautical", "Knowledge", "(FAA-H-8083-25), ", "which", "new", "pilots", "should", "review", "before", "learning", "about", "the ", "aerodynamics specific to gliders. This chapter discusses the ", "fundamentals of aerodynamics as it relates to gliders and glider ", "performance. The study of aerodynamics is a complicated ", "science,", "and", "pilots", "should", "consider", "the", "task", "of", "learning ", "aerodynamics as critical as learning how to land safely." ]
[ [ 124, 54, 582, 92 ], [ 124, 54, 582, 92 ], [ 124, 157, 120, 20 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 230 ] ]
[ [ 124, 71, 582, 75 ], [ 124, 54, 88, 25 ], [ 124, 157, 120, 20 ], [ 124, 182, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 199, 13, 15 ], [ 151, 199, 83, 15 ], [ 248, 199, 13, 15 ], [ 274, 199, 53, 15 ], [ 342, 199, 107, 15 ], [ 463, 199, 74, 15 ], [ 124, 215, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 232, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 249, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 265, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 282, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 298, 64, 15 ], [ 206, 298, 17, 15 ], [ 241, 298, 95, 15 ], [ 354, 298, 72, 15 ], [ 444, 298, 93, 15 ], [ 124, 315, 32, 15 ], [ 169, 315, 19, 15 ], [ 202, 315, 38, 15 ], [ 254, 315, 35, 15 ], [ 302, 315, 38, 15 ], [ 353, 315, 38, 15 ], [ 405, 315, 51, 15 ], [ 470, 315, 28, 15 ], [ 512, 315, 25, 15 ], [ 124, 331, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 348, 411, 15 ], [ 124, 364, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 381, 47, 15 ], [ 184, 381, 19, 15 ], [ 216, 381, 38, 15 ], [ 268, 381, 34, 15 ], [ 316, 381, 51, 15 ], [ 380, 381, 19, 15 ], [ 412, 381, 25, 15 ], [ 451, 381, 12, 15 ], [ 477, 381, 57, 15 ], [ 124, 397, 377, 15 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "LETTER", "TO", "SHAREHOLDERS", "In 2004, we opened The Sherwin-Williams Center of", "Excellence at our headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. The Cen-", "ter is a living archive which celebrates our storied past and", "serves as an inspiration to all of the hard-working men and", "women of Sherwin-Williams who are creating our future.", "Included among the vast collection of photographs,", "product samples and artifacts spanning more than 138", "years is a special gift given to Sherwin-Williams by its sec-", "ond Chairman and CEO, Walter Cottingham. His “Code of", "Principles” is a document that speaks of loyalty, considera-", "tion, politeness, winning by merit, and growth in character", "as well as size. In short, these are the very principles of hon-", "esty, integrity and morality, which still guide us today.", "Net sales for our Paint Stores Segment increased by", "14.6", "percent to $3.98 billion from $3.47 billion in 2003.", "Comparable store sales improved by 10.1 percent over", "the prior year. Operating profit from the Segment fin-", "ished at $480.2 million, an increase of 19.0 percent", "compared to 2003. The positive effects of strong sales", "volume and aggressive cost control throughout the year", "was partially offset by rapidly rising raw material costs.", "We remain focused on the professional user of coatings", "products. The services of professional painting contractors", "continue to be in high demand, and these customers shop", "our paint stores for the quality products and services to", "make their businesses more successful. ", "In September of 2004, we completed the acquisition", "of Duron, Inc., one of the nation’s top five operators of", "specialty paint stores in the eastern and southeastern", "United States. The customers served by Duron’s compa-", "ny-operated stores include professional painting", "contractors, builders and do-it-yourself homeowners.", "The acquisition of Duron, Inc. added approximately 3.5", "percent to the Paint Stores Segment’s full year net sales", "and was slightly accretive to earnings for the year. ", "In 2004, we added a total of 295 new stores through", "organic expansion and acquisition, ending the year with", "2,983 stores in operation in North America compared to", "2,688 stores at the end of last year. We organically", "opened 71 new stores and closed 5, resulting in a net", "increase of 66 stores for the year. The acquisition of", "Duron, Inc. added 229 stores, all in the United States.", "We also completed our Store Refresh Program, a three-", "year project to re-merchandise and refresh the shopping", "environment in our stores.", "The introduction of new and innovative products", "designed to improve performance and productivity", "Operating profit for the year declined $11.3 million,", "or 5.7 percent, to $187.7 million. In 2004, operating", "profit was adversely impacted by a charge for the", "impairment of certain assets totaling $12.5 million and", "by sharply rising raw material costs that could not be", "fully offset by operating profit from acquisitions and", "favorable manufacturing absorption. The price increases", "announced during the year were not implemented in", "time to offset rising raw material costs.", "The focus of our Consumer Segment remains on", "building market share, expanding distribution and", "growing category demand through product innovation", "and brand strength. For example, our new Ready to", "THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS", "COMPANY SURPASSED THE $6", "BILLION MARK IN SALES.", "3", "External net sales in the Consumer Segment increased", "9.0", "percent to $1.3 billion in 2004 versus the prior year.", "Acquisitions accounted for 7.2 percent and the balance", "was largely due to the introduction of new product pro-", "grams throughout the year. ", "CONSUMER SEGMENT", "We capitalized on the growing momentum in manu-", "facturing activity in North America and Asia. During the", "past year we successfully introduced numerous new", "products for use on wood, plastic and metal substrates,", "several of which feature low-VOC, low-HAPS formula-", "tions. Manufacturing at our new facility in Shanghai,", "China began in 2004, and has helped align us with our", "domestic OEM customers who have relocated their oper-", "ations to the Far East.", "We continued to introduce new products for our", "industrial maintenance customers under the", "ExpressTech", "®", "product line. This technologically", "advanced line of coatings offers significant labor savings", "and productivity improvements that allow property and", "equipment to be returned to service in minimal time.", "continues to be a store strength. We introduced the", "ProXP", "™", "Eg-Shel which provides two-coat performance", "in a one-coat application; DeckScapes$^{™}$, a complete line", "of deck care products; and E-Barrier$^{™}$, an energy-", "efficient reflective coating for attics.", "PAINT STORES SEGMENT" ]
[ [ 783, 23, 195, 38 ], [ 783, 23, 195, 38 ], [ 783, 23, 195, 38 ], [ 107, 130, 371, 73 ], [ 107, 130, 371, 73 ], [ 107, 130, 371, 73 ], [ 107, 130, 371, 73 ], [ 107, 130, 371, 73 ], [ 107, 208, 371, 120 ], [ 107, 208, 371, 120 ], [ 107, 208, 371, 120 ], [ 107, 208, 371, 120 ], [ 107, 208, 371, 120 ], [ 107, 208, 371, 120 ], [ 107, 208, 371, 120 ], [ 107, 208, 371, 120 ], [ 107, 363, 370, 120 ], [ 107, 363, 370, 120 ], [ 107, 363, 370, 120 ], [ 107, 363, 370, 120 ], [ 107, 363, 370, 120 ], [ 107, 363, 370, 120 ], [ 107, 363, 370, 120 ], [ 107, 363, 370, 120 ], [ 107, 363, 370, 120 ], [ 107, 488, 365, 73 ], [ 107, 488, 365, 73 ], [ 107, 488, 365, 73 ], [ 107, 488, 365, 73 ], [ 107, 488, 365, 73 ], [ 107, 565, 361, 135 ], [ 107, 565, 361, 135 ], [ 107, 565, 361, 135 ], [ 107, 565, 361, 135 ], [ 107, 565, 361, 135 ], [ 107, 565, 361, 135 ], [ 107, 565, 361, 135 ], [ 107, 565, 361, 135 ], [ 107, 565, 361, 135 ], [ 107, 705, 369, 151 ], [ 107, 705, 369, 151 ], [ 107, 705, 369, 151 ], [ 107, 705, 369, 151 ], [ 107, 705, 369, 151 ], [ 107, 705, 369, 151 ], [ 107, 705, 369, 151 ], [ 107, 705, 369, 151 ], [ 107, 705, 369, 151 ], [ 107, 705, 369, 151 ], [ 107, 860, 343, 27 ], [ 107, 860, 343, 27 ], [ 501, 689, 367, 135 ], [ 501, 689, 367, 135 ], [ 501, 689, 367, 135 ], [ 501, 689, 367, 135 ], [ 501, 689, 367, 135 ], [ 501, 689, 367, 135 ], [ 501, 689, 367, 135 ], [ 501, 689, 367, 135 ], [ 501, 689, 367, 135 ], [ 501, 829, 361, 58 ], [ 501, 829, 361, 58 ], [ 501, 829, 361, 58 ], [ 501, 829, 361, 58 ], [ 497, 584, 369, 64 ], [ 497, 584, 369, 64 ], [ 497, 584, 369, 64 ], [ 951, 944, 11, 17 ], [ 501, 472, 369, 73 ], [ 501, 472, 369, 73 ], [ 501, 472, 369, 73 ], [ 501, 472, 369, 73 ], [ 501, 472, 369, 73 ], [ 501, 472, 369, 73 ], [ 501, 456, 155, 11 ], [ 501, 301, 372, 135 ], [ 501, 301, 372, 135 ], [ 501, 301, 372, 135 ], [ 501, 301, 372, 135 ], [ 501, 301, 372, 135 ], [ 501, 301, 372, 135 ], [ 501, 301, 372, 135 ], [ 501, 301, 372, 135 ], [ 501, 301, 372, 135 ], [ 501, 208, 366, 89 ], [ 501, 208, 366, 89 ], [ 501, 208, 366, 89 ], [ 501, 208, 366, 89 ], [ 501, 208, 366, 89 ], [ 501, 208, 366, 89 ], [ 501, 208, 366, 89 ], [ 501, 208, 366, 89 ], [ 501, 130, 366, 73 ], [ 501, 130, 366, 73 ], [ 501, 130, 366, 73 ], [ 501, 130, 366, 73 ], [ 501, 130, 366, 73 ], [ 501, 130, 366, 73 ], [ 501, 130, 366, 73 ], [ 107, 347, 175, 11 ] ]
[ [ 783, 23, 79, 17 ], [ 819, 23, 93, 17 ], [ 783, 44, 195, 17 ], [ 127, 130, 323, 11 ], [ 107, 146, 371, 11 ], [ 107, 161, 356, 11 ], [ 107, 177, 360, 11 ], [ 107, 192, 350, 11 ], [ 127, 208, 317, 11 ], [ 107, 224, 338, 11 ], [ 107, 239, 356, 11 ], [ 107, 255, 371, 11 ], [ 107, 270, 363, 11 ], [ 107, 286, 363, 11 ], [ 107, 301, 368, 11 ], [ 107, 317, 331, 11 ], [ 127, 363, 333, 11 ], [ 107, 379, 29, 11 ], [ 141, 379, 336, 11 ], [ 107, 394, 355, 11 ], [ 107, 410, 348, 11 ], [ 107, 425, 334, 11 ], [ 107, 441, 350, 11 ], [ 107, 457, 361, 11 ], [ 107, 472, 362, 11 ], [ 127, 488, 345, 11 ], [ 107, 503, 365, 11 ], [ 107, 519, 359, 11 ], [ 107, 534, 346, 11 ], [ 107, 550, 244, 11 ], [ 127, 565, 334, 11 ], [ 107, 581, 355, 11 ], [ 107, 596, 337, 11 ], [ 107, 612, 358, 11 ], [ 107, 627, 307, 11 ], [ 107, 643, 341, 11 ], [ 107, 658, 361, 11 ], [ 107, 674, 350, 11 ], [ 107, 689, 324, 11 ], [ 127, 705, 344, 11 ], [ 107, 721, 364, 11 ], [ 107, 736, 369, 11 ], [ 107, 752, 328, 11 ], [ 107, 767, 344, 11 ], [ 107, 783, 337, 11 ], [ 107, 798, 349, 11 ], [ 107, 814, 358, 11 ], [ 107, 829, 363, 11 ], [ 107, 845, 171, 11 ], [ 127, 860, 323, 11 ], [ 107, 876, 331, 11 ], [ 521, 689, 341, 11 ], [ 501, 705, 344, 11 ], [ 501, 721, 321, 11 ], [ 501, 736, 358, 11 ], [ 501, 752, 347, 11 ], [ 501, 767, 343, 11 ], [ 501, 783, 367, 11 ], [ 501, 798, 340, 11 ], [ 501, 814, 254, 11 ], [ 521, 829, 320, 11 ], [ 501, 845, 333, 11 ], [ 501, 860, 361, 11 ], [ 501, 876, 345, 11 ], [ 497, 584, 310, 17 ], [ 497, 607, 369, 17 ], [ 497, 630, 311, 17 ], [ 951, 944, 11, 17 ], [ 521, 472, 349, 11 ], [ 501, 488, 20, 11 ], [ 526, 488, 340, 11 ], [ 501, 503, 358, 11 ], [ 501, 519, 364, 11 ], [ 501, 534, 180, 11 ], [ 501, 456, 155, 11 ], [ 521, 301, 339, 11 ], [ 501, 317, 370, 11 ], [ 501, 332, 335, 11 ], [ 501, 348, 359, 11 ], [ 501, 363, 361, 11 ], [ 501, 379, 346, 11 ], [ 501, 394, 357, 11 ], [ 501, 410, 372, 11 ], [ 501, 425, 143, 11 ], [ 521, 208, 316, 11 ], [ 501, 224, 284, 11 ], [ 501, 239, 80, 11 ], [ 581, 238, 6, 5 ], [ 592, 239, 217, 11 ], [ 501, 255, 366, 11 ], [ 501, 270, 363, 11 ], [ 501, 286, 342, 11 ], [ 501, 130, 334, 11 ], [ 501, 146, 42, 11 ], [ 543, 146, 10, 8 ], [ 559, 146, 301, 11 ], [ 501, 161, 366, 11 ], [ 501, 177, 326, 11 ], [ 501, 192, 234, 11 ], [ 107, 347, 175, 11 ] ]
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[ "Pre-Filtering by Consumer", "Now the Performance Schema determines how to set the ", "INSTRUMENTED", " and ", "HISTORY", " values for new", "connection threads as follows:", "•If ", "joe", " connects from the local host, the connection matches the first inserted row. The ", "INSTRUMENTED", "and ", "HISTORY", " values for the thread become ", "YES", ".", "•If ", "joe", " connects from ", "", ", the connection matches the second inserted row. The", "INSTRUMENTED", " value for the thread becomes ", "YES", " and the ", "HISTORY", " value becomes ", "NO", ".", "•If ", "joe", " connects from any other host, there is no match. The ", "INSTRUMENTED", " and ", "HISTORY", " values for", "the thread become ", "NO", ".", "•If ", "sam", " connects from any host, the connection matches the third inserted row. The ", "INSTRUMENTED", "value for the thread becomes ", "NO", " and the ", "HISTORY", " value becomes ", "YES", ".", "•For any other connection, the row with ", "HOST", " and ", "USER", " set to ", "’%’", " matches. This row now has ", "ENABLED", "and ", "HISTORY", " set to ", "NO", ", so the ", "INSTRUMENTED", " and ", "HISTORY", " values for the thread become ", "NO", ".", "Modifications to the ", "setup_actors", " table affect only foreground threads created subsequent to the", "modification, not existing threads. To affect existing threads, modify the ", "INSTRUMENTED", " and ", "HISTORY", "columns of ", "threads", " table rows.", "The ", "setup_consumers", " table lists the available consumer types and which are enabled:", "27.4.7", "Pre-Filtering by Consumer", "mysql> ", "SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers;", "+----------------------------------+---------+", "| NAME", "| ENABLED |", "+----------------------------------+---------+", "| events_stages_current", "| NO", "|", "| events_stages_history", "| NO", "|", "| events_stages_history_long", "| NO", "|", "| events_statements_current", "| YES", "|", "| events_statements_history", "| YES", "|", "| events_statements_history_long", "| NO", "|", "| events_transactions_current", "| YES", "|", "| events_transactions_history", "| YES", "|", "| events_transactions_history_long | NO", "|", "| events_waits_current", "| NO", "|", "| events_waits_history", "| NO", "|", "| events_waits_history_long", "| NO", "|", "| global_instrumentation", "| YES", "|", "| thread_instrumentation", "| YES", "|", "| statements_digest", "| YES", "|", "+----------------------------------+---------+", "Modify the ", "setup_consumers", " table to affect pre-filtering at the consumer stage and determine the", "destinations to which events are sent. To enable or disable a consumer, set its ", "ENABLED", " value to ", "YES", " or", "NO", ".", "Modifications to the ", "setup_consumers", " table affect monitoring immediately.", "If you disable a consumer, the server does not spend time maintaining destinations for that consumer. For", "example, if you do not care about historical event information, disable the history consumers:", "The consumer settings in the ", "setup_consumers", " table form a hierarchy from higher levels to lower. The", "following principles apply:", "UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers", "SET ENABLED = ’NO’", "WHERE NAME LIKE ’%history%’;", "4915" ]
[ [ 429, 48, 195, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 769, 27 ], [ 170, 94, 769, 27 ], [ 170, 94, 769, 27 ], [ 170, 94, 769, 27 ], [ 170, 94, 769, 27 ], [ 170, 94, 769, 27 ], [ 170, 137, 779, 27 ], [ 170, 137, 779, 27 ], [ 170, 137, 779, 27 ], [ 170, 137, 779, 27 ], [ 170, 137, 779, 27 ], [ 170, 137, 779, 27 ], [ 170, 137, 779, 27 ], [ 170, 137, 779, 27 ], [ 170, 137, 779, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 179, 753, 27 ], [ 170, 221, 767, 27 ], [ 170, 221, 767, 27 ], [ 170, 221, 767, 27 ], [ 170, 221, 767, 27 ], [ 170, 221, 767, 27 ], [ 170, 221, 767, 27 ], [ 170, 221, 767, 27 ], [ 170, 221, 767, 27 ], [ 170, 221, 767, 27 ], [ 170, 221, 767, 27 ], [ 170, 264, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 264, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 264, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 264, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 264, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 264, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 264, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 264, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 264, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 264, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 264, 749, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 306, 785, 27 ], [ 170, 348, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 348, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 348, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 348, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 348, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 348, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 348, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 348, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 348, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 348, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 439, 658, 11 ], [ 170, 439, 658, 11 ], [ 170, 439, 658, 11 ], [ 90, 407, 366, 16 ], [ 90, 407, 366, 16 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 465, 450, 244 ], [ 170, 726, 773, 43 ], [ 170, 726, 773, 43 ], [ 170, 726, 773, 43 ], [ 170, 726, 773, 43 ], [ 170, 726, 773, 43 ], [ 170, 726, 773, 43 ], [ 170, 726, 773, 43 ], [ 170, 726, 773, 43 ], [ 170, 726, 773, 43 ], [ 170, 726, 773, 43 ], [ 170, 784, 567, 11 ], [ 170, 784, 567, 11 ], [ 170, 784, 567, 11 ], [ 170, 811, 783, 27 ], [ 170, 811, 783, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 775, 27 ], [ 170, 853, 329, 32 ], [ 170, 853, 329, 32 ], [ 170, 853, 329, 32 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ [ 429, 48, 195, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 429, 11 ], [ 599, 96, 120, 10 ], [ 720, 94, 37, 11 ], [ 757, 96, 70, 10 ], [ 828, 94, 112, 11 ], [ 170, 110, 224, 11 ], [ 170, 137, 30, 11 ], [ 201, 138, 30, 10 ], [ 231, 137, 597, 11 ], [ 829, 138, 120, 10 ], [ 187, 152, 32, 11 ], [ 220, 153, 70, 10 ], [ 290, 152, 226, 11 ], [ 516, 153, 30, 10 ], [ 546, 152, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 179, 30, 11 ], [ 201, 180, 30, 10 ], [ 231, 179, 114, 11 ], [ 346, 180, 170, 10 ], [ 517, 179, 406, 11 ], [ 187, 196, 120, 10 ], [ 308, 195, 226, 11 ], [ 534, 196, 30, 10 ], [ 564, 195, 65, 11 ], [ 629, 196, 70, 10 ], [ 700, 195, 121, 11 ], [ 822, 196, 20, 10 ], [ 842, 195, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 221, 30, 11 ], [ 201, 223, 30, 10 ], [ 231, 221, 401, 11 ], [ 632, 223, 120, 10 ], [ 753, 221, 37, 11 ], [ 790, 223, 70, 10 ], [ 861, 221, 77, 11 ], [ 187, 237, 144, 11 ], [ 331, 238, 20, 10 ], [ 351, 237, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 264, 30, 11 ], [ 201, 265, 30, 10 ], [ 231, 264, 567, 11 ], [ 799, 265, 120, 10 ], [ 187, 279, 221, 11 ], [ 409, 280, 20, 10 ], [ 429, 279, 65, 11 ], [ 494, 280, 70, 10 ], [ 564, 279, 121, 11 ], [ 686, 280, 30, 10 ], [ 716, 279, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 306, 305, 11 ], [ 476, 307, 40, 10 ], [ 516, 306, 37, 11 ], [ 553, 307, 40, 10 ], [ 593, 306, 50, 11 ], [ 644, 307, 30, 10 ], [ 674, 306, 212, 11 ], [ 886, 307, 70, 10 ], [ 187, 322, 32, 11 ], [ 220, 323, 70, 10 ], [ 290, 322, 50, 11 ], [ 340, 323, 20, 10 ], [ 360, 322, 59, 11 ], [ 420, 323, 120, 10 ], [ 541, 322, 37, 11 ], [ 578, 323, 70, 10 ], [ 648, 322, 226, 11 ], [ 874, 323, 20, 10 ], [ 894, 322, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 348, 148, 11 ], [ 319, 350, 120, 10 ], [ 440, 348, 466, 11 ], [ 170, 364, 531, 11 ], [ 702, 365, 120, 10 ], [ 822, 364, 37, 11 ], [ 860, 365, 70, 10 ], [ 170, 379, 85, 11 ], [ 256, 381, 70, 10 ], [ 326, 379, 85, 11 ], [ 170, 439, 33, 11 ], [ 204, 440, 150, 10 ], [ 355, 439, 473, 11 ], [ 90, 407, 65, 16 ], [ 162, 407, 294, 16 ], [ 170, 465, 56, 8 ], [ 227, 465, 393, 8 ], [ 170, 478, 369, 8 ], [ 170, 490, 48, 8 ], [ 452, 490, 88, 8 ], [ 170, 503, 369, 8 ], [ 170, 515, 184, 8 ], [ 452, 515, 32, 8 ], [ 532, 515, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 528, 184, 8 ], [ 452, 528, 32, 8 ], [ 532, 528, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 540, 225, 8 ], [ 452, 540, 32, 8 ], [ 532, 540, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 552, 217, 8 ], [ 452, 552, 40, 8 ], [ 532, 552, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 565, 217, 8 ], [ 452, 565, 40, 8 ], [ 532, 565, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 577, 257, 8 ], [ 452, 577, 32, 8 ], [ 532, 577, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 590, 233, 8 ], [ 452, 590, 40, 8 ], [ 532, 590, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 602, 233, 8 ], [ 452, 602, 40, 8 ], [ 532, 602, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 615, 313, 8 ], [ 532, 615, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 627, 176, 8 ], [ 452, 627, 32, 8 ], [ 532, 627, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 639, 176, 8 ], [ 452, 639, 32, 8 ], [ 532, 639, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 652, 217, 8 ], [ 452, 652, 32, 8 ], [ 532, 652, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 664, 192, 8 ], [ 452, 664, 40, 8 ], [ 532, 664, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 677, 192, 8 ], [ 452, 677, 40, 8 ], [ 532, 677, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 689, 152, 8 ], [ 452, 689, 40, 8 ], [ 532, 689, 8, 8 ], [ 170, 702, 369, 8 ], [ 170, 726, 81, 11 ], [ 252, 727, 150, 10 ], [ 403, 726, 503, 11 ], [ 170, 742, 585, 11 ], [ 756, 743, 70, 10 ], [ 826, 742, 67, 11 ], [ 894, 743, 30, 10 ], [ 924, 742, 19, 11 ], [ 170, 758, 20, 10 ], [ 190, 757, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 784, 148, 11 ], [ 319, 785, 150, 10 ], [ 470, 784, 268, 11 ], [ 170, 811, 783, 11 ], [ 170, 826, 686, 11 ], [ 170, 902, 219, 11 ], [ 390, 903, 150, 10 ], [ 541, 902, 404, 11 ], [ 170, 918, 189, 11 ], [ 170, 853, 329, 8 ], [ 170, 865, 144, 8 ], [ 170, 877, 225, 8 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
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[ "Optimization Overview", "8.1", "Optimization Overview", "Database performance depends on several factors at the database level, such as tables, queries, and", "configuration settings. These software constructs result in CPU and I/O operations at the hardware level,", "which you must minimize and make as efficient as possible. As you work on database performance, you", "start by learning the high-level rules and guidelines for the software side, and measuring performance", "using wall-clock time. As you become an expert, you learn more about what happens internally, and start", "measuring things such as CPU cycles and I/O operations.", "Typical users aim to get the best database performance out of their existing software and hardware", "configurations. Advanced users look for opportunities to improve the MySQL software itself, or develop", "their own storage engines and hardware appliances to expand the MySQL ecosystem.", "The most important factor in making a database application fast is its basic design:", "Optimizing at the Database Level", "•Are the tables structured properly? In particular, do the columns have the right data types, and does", "each table have the appropriate columns for the type of work? For example, applications that perform", "frequent updates often have many tables with few columns, while applications that analyze large", "amounts of data often have few tables with many columns.", "•Are the right indexes in place to make queries efficient?", "•Are you using the appropriate storage engine for each table, and taking advantage of the strengths and", "features of each storage engine you use? In particular, the choice of a transactional storage engine", "such as ", "InnoDB", " or a nontransactional one such as ", "MyISAM", " can be very important for performance and", "scalability.", "•Does each table use an appropriate row format? This choice also depends on the storage engine used", "for the table. In particular, compressed tables use less disk space and so require less disk I/O to read", "and write the data. Compression is available for all kinds of workloads with ", "InnoDB", " tables, and for read-", "only ", "MyISAM", " tables.", "•Does the application use an appropriate locking strategy? For example, by allowing shared access", "when possible so that database operations can run concurrently, and requesting exclusive access when", "appropriate so that critical operations get top priority. Again, the choice of storage engine is significant.", "The ", "InnoDB", " storage engine handles most locking issues without involvement from you, allowing for", "better concurrency in the database and reducing the amount of experimentation and tuning for your", "code.", "•Are all memory areas used for caching sized correctly? That is, large enough to hold frequently", "accessed data, but not so large that they overload physical memory and cause paging. The main", "memory areas to configure are the ", "InnoDB", " buffer pool and the ", "MyISAM", " key cache.", "1639", "InnoDB", " is the default storage engine for new tables. In practice, the advanced", "InnoDB", " performance features mean that ", "InnoDB", " tables often outperform the", "simpler ", "MyISAM", " tables, especially for a busy database.", "Note", "•Optimizing at the Database Level", "•Optimizing at the Hardware Level", "•Balancing Portability and Performance" ]
[ [ 443, 48, 167, 11 ], [ 90, 96, 333, 19 ], [ 90, 96, 333, 19 ], [ 170, 132, 775, 89 ], [ 170, 132, 775, 89 ], [ 170, 132, 775, 89 ], [ 170, 132, 775, 89 ], [ 170, 132, 775, 89 ], [ 170, 132, 775, 89 ], [ 170, 237, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 237, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 237, 759, 43 ], [ 170, 414, 611, 11 ], [ 90, 380, 367, 16 ], [ 170, 442, 766, 58 ], [ 170, 442, 766, 58 ], [ 170, 442, 766, 58 ], [ 170, 442, 766, 58 ], [ 170, 516, 428, 11 ], [ 170, 544, 781, 58 ], [ 170, 544, 781, 58 ], [ 170, 544, 781, 58 ], [ 170, 544, 781, 58 ], [ 170, 544, 781, 58 ], [ 170, 544, 781, 58 ], [ 170, 544, 781, 58 ], [ 170, 544, 781, 58 ], [ 170, 705, 787, 58 ], [ 170, 705, 787, 58 ], [ 170, 705, 787, 58 ], [ 170, 705, 787, 58 ], [ 170, 705, 787, 58 ], [ 170, 705, 787, 58 ], [ 170, 705, 787, 58 ], [ 170, 705, 787, 58 ], [ 170, 780, 785, 89 ], [ 170, 780, 785, 89 ], [ 170, 780, 785, 89 ], [ 170, 780, 785, 89 ], [ 170, 780, 785, 89 ], [ 170, 780, 785, 89 ], [ 170, 780, 785, 89 ], [ 170, 780, 785, 89 ], [ 170, 885, 733, 43 ], [ 170, 885, 733, 43 ], [ 170, 885, 733, 43 ], [ 170, 885, 733, 43 ], [ 170, 885, 733, 43 ], [ 170, 885, 733, 43 ], [ 170, 885, 733, 43 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 328, 646, 580, 43 ], [ 328, 646, 580, 43 ], [ 328, 646, 580, 43 ], [ 328, 646, 580, 43 ], [ 328, 646, 580, 43 ], [ 328, 646, 580, 43 ], [ 328, 646, 580, 43 ], [ 328, 646, 580, 43 ], [ 328, 646, 580, 43 ], [ 328, 619, 37, 11 ], [ 170, 296, 263, 11 ], [ 170, 324, 264, 11 ], [ 170, 352, 301, 11 ] ]
[ [ 443, 48, 167, 11 ], [ 90, 96, 37, 19 ], [ 135, 96, 288, 19 ], [ 170, 132, 753, 11 ], [ 170, 147, 773, 11 ], [ 170, 163, 769, 11 ], [ 170, 178, 751, 11 ], [ 170, 194, 775, 11 ], [ 170, 209, 428, 11 ], [ 170, 237, 733, 11 ], [ 170, 253, 759, 11 ], [ 170, 268, 639, 11 ], [ 170, 414, 611, 11 ], [ 90, 380, 367, 16 ], [ 170, 442, 754, 11 ], [ 187, 457, 749, 11 ], [ 187, 473, 713, 11 ], [ 187, 488, 434, 11 ], [ 170, 516, 428, 11 ], [ 170, 544, 780, 11 ], [ 187, 560, 733, 11 ], [ 187, 575, 62, 11 ], [ 249, 576, 60, 10 ], [ 310, 575, 260, 11 ], [ 570, 576, 60, 10 ], [ 631, 575, 321, 11 ], [ 187, 591, 77, 11 ], [ 170, 705, 776, 11 ], [ 187, 721, 749, 11 ], [ 187, 736, 555, 11 ], [ 743, 738, 60, 10 ], [ 803, 736, 154, 11 ], [ 187, 752, 35, 11 ], [ 222, 753, 60, 10 ], [ 283, 752, 53, 11 ], [ 170, 780, 745, 11 ], [ 187, 795, 768, 11 ], [ 187, 811, 757, 11 ], [ 187, 826, 33, 11 ], [ 221, 828, 60, 10 ], [ 281, 826, 644, 11 ], [ 187, 842, 734, 11 ], [ 187, 857, 40, 11 ], [ 170, 885, 719, 11 ], [ 187, 901, 716, 11 ], [ 187, 916, 260, 11 ], [ 448, 918, 60, 10 ], [ 508, 916, 148, 11 ], [ 657, 918, 60, 10 ], [ 717, 916, 84, 11 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 328, 648, 60, 10 ], [ 388, 646, 520, 11 ], [ 328, 663, 60, 10 ], [ 388, 662, 247, 11 ], [ 636, 663, 60, 10 ], [ 696, 662, 204, 11 ], [ 328, 677, 58, 11 ], [ 387, 679, 60, 10 ], [ 447, 677, 288, 11 ], [ 328, 619, 37, 11 ], [ 170, 296, 263, 11 ], [ 170, 324, 264, 11 ], [ 170, 352, 301, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "FIRST COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES", "NOTESTO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "Loan Fees", "Other Real Estate Owned", "Mortgage Servicing Rights", "Allowance for Credit Losses", "19", "The allowance for primary watch list classified loans ", "addresses those loans maintained on the Corporation’s ", "primary watch list that are assigned a rating of substandard, ", "doubtful or loss. Substandard loans are those with a ", "well-defined weakness or a weakness that jeopardizes ", "the repayment of the debt. A loan may be classified as ", "substandard as a result of impairment of the borrower’s ", "financial condition and repayment capacity. Loans for which ", "repayment plans have not been met or collateral equity ", "margins do not protect the Corporation may also be classified ", "as substandard. Doubtful loans have the characteristics of ", "substandard loans with the added characteristic that collection ", "or liquidation in full, on the basis of presently existing facts ", "and conditions, is highly improbable. Although the possibility ", "of loss is extremely high for doubtful loans, the classification ", "of loss is deferred until pending factors, which might improve ", "the loan, have been determined. Loans rated as doubtful in ", "whole or in part are placed in nonaccrual status. Loans which ", "are classified as loss are considered uncollectible and are ", "charged to the allowance for credit losses at the next meeting ", "When the Corporation purchases or originates mortgage ", "loans with a definitive plan to sell or securitize those loans ", "and retain the mortgage servicing rights, the Corporation ", "measures the mortgage servicing rights at cost by allocating ", "the cost of the mortgage loans between the mortgage ", "servicing rights and the mortgage loans (without the ", "mortgage servicing rights) based on their relative fair values ", "at the date of purchase or origination. When the Corporation ", "does not have a definitive plan at the purchase or origination ", "date and later sells or securitizes the mortgage loans and ", "retains the mortgage servicing rights, the Corporation ", "allocates the amortized cost of the mortgage loans between ", "the mortgage servicing rights and the mortgage loans ", "(without mortgage servicing rights) based on their relative ", "fair values at the date of sale. The amount capitalized as the ", "right to service mortgage loans is recognized as a separate ", "asset and amortized in proportion to, and over the period of, ", "estimated net servicing income (servicing revenue in excess ", "of servicing cost). Mortgage servicing rights are periodically ", "evaluated for impairment based on fair values.", "Loans deemed uncollectible are charged off through the ", "allowance for credit losses. Factors considered in assessing ", "ultimate collectibility include past due status, financial ", "condition of the borrower, collateral values and debt covenants ", "including secondary sources of repayment by guarantors. ", "Payments received on previously charged off loans are ", "recorded as recoveries in the allowance for credit losses.", "Payments received on impaired loans are applied against the ", "recorded investment in the loan. For loans other than those ", "that the Corporation expects repayment through liquidation ", "of the collateral, when the remaining recorded investment in ", "the impaired loan is less than or equal to the present value of ", "the expected cash flows, income is recorded on a cash basis.", "The Corporation considers a loan to be impaired when, based ", "on current information and events, it is probable that the ", "Corporation will be unable to collect principal or interest ", "due according to the contractual terms of the loan. Impaired ", "loans include nonaccrual loans and renegotiated loans. ", "Loan impairment is measured based on the present value of ", "expected cash flows discounted at the loan’s effective interest ", "rate or, as a practical expedient, at the loan’s observable ", "market price or the fair value of the collateral if the loan is ", "collateral dependent.", "The Corporation considers a loan to be renegotiated when ", "the loan terms have been renegotiated to a below market ", "condition to provide a reduction or deferral of principal or ", "interest as a result of the deteriorating financial position ", "of the borrower and the loan is in compliance with the ", "restructured terms.", "contractual principal and interest, or when the loan otherwise ", "becomes well secured and in the process of collection. ", "Loan origination and commitment fees, net of associated ", "direct costs, are deferred and the net amount is amortized ", "as an adjustment to the related loan yield on the interest ", "method, generally over the contractual life of the related ", "loans or commitments.", "Real estate, other than bank premises, is recorded at the ", "lower of cost or fair value less selling costs at the time of ", "acquisition. Expenses related to holding the property, net of ", "rental income, are generally charged against earnings in the ", "current period.", "The Corporation maintains an allowance for credit losses at ", "a level deemed sufficient to absorb losses that are inherent ", "in the loan and lease portfolios at each balance sheet date. ", "Management and the Corporation’s Board of Directors review ", "the adequacy of the allowance on a quarterly basis to ensure ", "that the provision for credit losses has been charged against ", "earnings in an amount necessary to maintain the allowance at ", "a level that is appropriate based on management’s assessment ", "of probable estimated losses. The Corporation’s methodology ", "for assessing the appropriateness of the allowance for credit ", "losses consists of several key elements. These elements ", "include a specific allowance for primary watch list classified ", "loans, a formula allowance based on historical trends, an ", "additional allowance for special circumstances and an ", "unallocated allowance. While allocations are made to specific ", "loans and pools of loans, the total allowance is available ", "for all loan losses. The Corporation consistently applies the ", "following comprehensive methodology and procedure at the ", "subsidiary bank level." ]
[ [ 476, 43, 467, 17 ], [ 557, 63, 387, 13 ], [ 527, 107, 73, 18 ], [ 527, 216, 184, 18 ], [ 80, 627, 192, 18 ], [ 527, 324, 201, 18 ], [ 927, 974, 16, 13 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 527, 651, 421, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 651, 412, 312 ], [ 80, 511, 420, 111 ], [ 80, 511, 420, 111 ], [ 80, 511, 420, 111 ], [ 80, 511, 420, 111 ], [ 80, 511, 420, 111 ], [ 80, 511, 420, 111 ], [ 80, 511, 420, 111 ], [ 80, 410, 412, 95 ], [ 80, 410, 412, 95 ], [ 80, 410, 412, 95 ], [ 80, 410, 412, 95 ], [ 80, 410, 412, 95 ], [ 80, 410, 412, 95 ], [ 80, 247, 419, 157 ], [ 80, 247, 419, 157 ], [ 80, 247, 419, 157 ], [ 80, 247, 419, 157 ], [ 80, 247, 419, 157 ], [ 80, 247, 419, 157 ], [ 80, 247, 419, 157 ], [ 80, 247, 419, 157 ], [ 80, 247, 419, 157 ], [ 80, 247, 419, 157 ], [ 80, 146, 395, 95 ], [ 80, 146, 395, 95 ], [ 80, 146, 395, 95 ], [ 80, 146, 395, 95 ], [ 80, 146, 395, 95 ], [ 80, 146, 395, 95 ], [ 80, 107, 408, 33 ], [ 80, 107, 408, 33 ], [ 527, 131, 389, 80 ], [ 527, 131, 389, 80 ], [ 527, 131, 389, 80 ], [ 527, 131, 389, 80 ], [ 527, 131, 389, 80 ], [ 527, 239, 405, 80 ], [ 527, 239, 405, 80 ], [ 527, 239, 405, 80 ], [ 527, 239, 405, 80 ], [ 527, 239, 405, 80 ], [ 527, 348, 405, 48 ], [ 527, 348, 405, 48 ], [ 527, 348, 405, 48 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 250 ] ]
[ [ 476, 43, 467, 17 ], [ 557, 63, 387, 13 ], [ 527, 107, 73, 18 ], [ 527, 216, 184, 18 ], [ 80, 627, 192, 18 ], [ 527, 324, 201, 18 ], [ 927, 974, 16, 13 ], [ 527, 651, 360, 17 ], [ 527, 666, 369, 17 ], [ 527, 682, 405, 17 ], [ 527, 698, 351, 17 ], [ 527, 713, 366, 17 ], [ 527, 729, 367, 17 ], [ 527, 744, 376, 17 ], [ 527, 760, 412, 17 ], [ 527, 775, 373, 17 ], [ 527, 791, 418, 17 ], [ 527, 806, 391, 17 ], [ 527, 822, 421, 17 ], [ 527, 837, 405, 17 ], [ 527, 853, 420, 17 ], [ 527, 868, 416, 17 ], [ 527, 884, 421, 17 ], [ 527, 899, 398, 17 ], [ 527, 915, 416, 17 ], [ 527, 931, 387, 17 ], [ 527, 946, 415, 17 ], [ 80, 651, 381, 17 ], [ 80, 666, 398, 17 ], [ 80, 682, 386, 17 ], [ 80, 698, 407, 17 ], [ 80, 713, 359, 17 ], [ 80, 729, 355, 17 ], [ 80, 744, 410, 17 ], [ 80, 760, 410, 17 ], [ 80, 775, 411, 17 ], [ 80, 791, 383, 17 ], [ 80, 806, 364, 17 ], [ 80, 822, 401, 17 ], [ 80, 837, 361, 17 ], [ 80, 853, 396, 17 ], [ 80, 868, 405, 17 ], [ 80, 884, 395, 17 ], [ 80, 899, 408, 17 ], [ 80, 915, 407, 17 ], [ 80, 931, 412, 17 ], [ 80, 946, 312, 17 ], [ 80, 511, 373, 17 ], [ 80, 527, 395, 17 ], [ 80, 542, 365, 17 ], [ 80, 558, 420, 17 ], [ 80, 573, 382, 17 ], [ 80, 589, 366, 17 ], [ 80, 604, 373, 17 ], [ 80, 410, 410, 17 ], [ 80, 426, 399, 17 ], [ 80, 441, 403, 17 ], [ 80, 457, 410, 17 ], [ 80, 472, 412, 17 ], [ 80, 488, 405, 17 ], [ 80, 247, 417, 17 ], [ 80, 263, 382, 17 ], [ 80, 278, 387, 17 ], [ 80, 294, 407, 17 ], [ 80, 309, 371, 17 ], [ 80, 325, 404, 17 ], [ 80, 340, 419, 17 ], [ 80, 356, 379, 17 ], [ 80, 371, 397, 17 ], [ 80, 387, 140, 17 ], [ 80, 146, 393, 17 ], [ 80, 162, 384, 17 ], [ 80, 177, 395, 17 ], [ 80, 193, 380, 17 ], [ 80, 208, 368, 17 ], [ 80, 224, 126, 17 ], [ 80, 107, 408, 17 ], [ 80, 123, 363, 17 ], [ 527, 131, 386, 17 ], [ 527, 146, 389, 17 ], [ 527, 162, 379, 17 ], [ 527, 177, 383, 17 ], [ 527, 193, 153, 17 ], [ 527, 239, 378, 17 ], [ 527, 255, 388, 17 ], [ 527, 270, 405, 17 ], [ 527, 286, 404, 17 ], [ 527, 302, 99, 17 ], [ 527, 348, 405, 17 ], [ 527, 364, 397, 17 ], [ 527, 379, 393, 17 ], [ 527, 395, 421, 17 ], [ 527, 410, 408, 17 ], [ 527, 426, 404, 17 ], [ 527, 441, 416, 17 ], [ 527, 457, 418, 17 ], [ 527, 472, 418, 17 ], [ 527, 488, 407, 17 ], [ 527, 503, 376, 17 ], [ 527, 519, 412, 17 ], [ 527, 534, 385, 17 ], [ 527, 550, 366, 17 ], [ 527, 566, 419, 17 ], [ 527, 581, 382, 17 ], [ 527, 597, 403, 17 ], [ 527, 612, 409, 17 ], [ 527, 628, 147, 17 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "The Company’s future income tax liabilities are summarized as follows:", "At December 31, 2003, the Company has tax-loss carry-forwards for Canadian income tax purposes", "of approximately $32 million (2002 – $20 million), which have been recognized as future income tax", "assets and are available to reduce future Canadian taxable income. These tax-loss carry-forwards", "expire at various dates between December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2010.", "(thousands of dollars)", "2003", "2002", "Investments ", "$", "12,750", "$", "6,034", "63", "First Capital Realty Annual Report 2003", "Number of shares if ", "converted or exercised", "Exercise Price", "2003", "2002", "Common share options", "$", "12.42", "–", "774,500", "Advisory warrants", "$", "13.53", "–", "1,000,000", "Common share options", "$", "13.82", "–", "425,000", "Common share options", "$", "15.59", "11,500", "–", "Common share options", "$", "15.65", "239,000", "–", "(thousands of dollars, except per share)", "2003", "2002", "Basic income", "Net income", "$", "44,026", "$", "29,634", "Accretion on equity component of convertible debentures,", "net of tax", "(21,877)", "(17,159)", "Basic net income available to common shareholders", "$", "22,149", "$", "12,475", "Diluted income", "Net income for the period", "$", "44,026", "$", "29,634", "Interest expense recorded on liability portion of convertible", "debentures, net of tax", "2,231", "2,525", "Diluted net income available to common shareholders", "$", "46,257", "$", "32,159", "Denominator", "Weighted average shares outstanding for basic ", "per share amounts", "24,323,968", "16,833,910", "Conversion of outstanding convertible debentures", "20,560,914", "19,386,382", "Outstanding share purchase warrants", "1,405,870", "205,976", "Outstanding options ", "86,959", "–", "Denominator for diluted net income available to ", "common shareholders", "46,377,711", "36,426,268", "Basic and diluted earnings per share", "$", "0.91", "$", "0.74", "The following securities were not included in the diluted per share calculation as the effect would", "have been anti-dilutive.", "The following tables set forth the computation of per share amounts.", "16", "Per Share", "Calculations" ]
[ [ 321, 139, 389, 11 ], [ 321, 213, 578, 64 ], [ 321, 213, 578, 64 ], [ 321, 213, 578, 64 ], [ 321, 213, 578, 64 ], [ 320, 161, 585, 40 ], [ 320, 161, 585, 40 ], [ 320, 161, 585, 40 ], [ 320, 161, 585, 40 ], [ 320, 161, 585, 40 ], [ 320, 161, 585, 40 ], [ 320, 161, 585, 40 ], [ 320, 161, 585, 40 ], [ 882, 972, 14, 11 ], [ 644, 974, 215, 8 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 321, 773, 583, 144 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 320, 342, 583, 379 ], [ 321, 734, 560, 28 ], [ 321, 734, 560, 28 ], [ 321, 321, 399, 9 ], [ 120, 319, 142, 39 ], [ 120, 319, 142, 39 ], [ 120, 319, 142, 39 ] ]
[ [ 321, 139, 389, 11 ], [ 321, 213, 575, 9 ], [ 321, 231, 578, 9 ], [ 321, 249, 554, 9 ], [ 321, 267, 449, 9 ], [ 341, 167, 112, 10 ], [ 734, 167, 29, 10 ], [ 856, 167, 27, 10 ], [ 341, 185, 65, 10 ], [ 693, 185, 7, 10 ], [ 723, 185, 40, 10 ], [ 824, 185, 6, 10 ], [ 853, 185, 30, 10 ], [ 882, 972, 14, 11 ], [ 644, 974, 215, 8 ], [ 778, 777, 106, 10 ], [ 764, 795, 116, 10 ], [ 583, 813, 69, 10 ], [ 744, 813, 29, 10 ], [ 856, 813, 27, 10 ], [ 341, 832, 120, 10 ], [ 602, 832, 6, 10 ], [ 622, 832, 30, 10 ], [ 766, 832, 7, 10 ], [ 839, 832, 44, 10 ], [ 341, 850, 92, 10 ], [ 602, 850, 6, 10 ], [ 622, 850, 30, 10 ], [ 766, 850, 7, 10 ], [ 829, 850, 54, 10 ], [ 341, 868, 120, 10 ], [ 602, 868, 6, 10 ], [ 622, 868, 30, 10 ], [ 766, 868, 7, 10 ], [ 839, 868, 44, 10 ], [ 341, 886, 120, 10 ], [ 602, 886, 6, 10 ], [ 622, 886, 30, 10 ], [ 733, 886, 40, 10 ], [ 877, 886, 7, 10 ], [ 341, 904, 120, 10 ], [ 602, 904, 6, 10 ], [ 622, 904, 30, 10 ], [ 725, 904, 48, 10 ], [ 877, 904, 7, 10 ], [ 341, 348, 204, 10 ], [ 744, 348, 29, 10 ], [ 867, 348, 27, 10 ], [ 341, 366, 67, 10 ], [ 361, 384, 59, 10 ], [ 703, 384, 7, 10 ], [ 733, 384, 40, 10 ], [ 834, 384, 6, 10 ], [ 856, 384, 37, 10 ], [ 361, 402, 300, 10 ], [ 381, 421, 50, 10 ], [ 728, 421, 49, 10 ], [ 853, 421, 44, 10 ], [ 341, 439, 269, 10 ], [ 703, 439, 7, 10 ], [ 733, 439, 40, 10 ], [ 834, 439, 6, 10 ], [ 856, 439, 37, 10 ], [ 341, 461, 77, 10 ], [ 361, 479, 134, 10 ], [ 703, 479, 7, 10 ], [ 733, 479, 40, 10 ], [ 834, 479, 6, 10 ], [ 856, 479, 37, 10 ], [ 361, 498, 305, 10 ], [ 381, 516, 113, 10 ], [ 740, 516, 33, 10 ], [ 863, 516, 30, 10 ], [ 341, 534, 279, 10 ], [ 703, 534, 7, 10 ], [ 733, 534, 40, 10 ], [ 834, 534, 6, 10 ], [ 856, 534, 37, 10 ], [ 341, 556, 67, 10 ], [ 361, 575, 247, 10 ], [ 381, 593, 96, 10 ], [ 707, 593, 66, 10 ], [ 832, 593, 61, 10 ], [ 361, 611, 258, 10 ], [ 707, 611, 66, 10 ], [ 832, 611, 61, 10 ], [ 361, 629, 193, 10 ], [ 714, 629, 59, 10 ], [ 849, 629, 44, 10 ], [ 361, 647, 109, 10 ], [ 733, 647, 40, 10 ], [ 887, 647, 7, 10 ], [ 341, 665, 253, 10 ], [ 361, 683, 113, 10 ], [ 707, 683, 66, 10 ], [ 832, 683, 61, 10 ], [ 341, 706, 189, 10 ], [ 703, 706, 7, 10 ], [ 747, 706, 25, 10 ], [ 834, 706, 6, 10 ], [ 870, 706, 23, 10 ], [ 321, 734, 560, 9 ], [ 321, 752, 133, 9 ], [ 321, 321, 399, 9 ], [ 120, 319, 54, 39 ], [ 177, 319, 66, 12 ], [ 177, 339, 85, 12 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "The", "Program", "Heading", "and", "the", "Declaration", "Part ", "23 ", "Example: ", "label ", "13, ", "00100, ", "99; ", "A ", "constant", "definition ", "introduces", "an", "identifier", "as ", "a", "synonym", "for", "a ", "constant.", "The", "symbol", "const", "heads", "the", "constant", "definition", "part,", "which ", "has", "the", "general", "form: ", "Figure", "3.f ", "Syntax", "diagram", "for ", "ConstantDefinitionPart ", "where", "a", "constant", "is", "either", "a", "number,", "a", "constant", "identifier", "(possibly ", "signed),", "a", "character,", "or", "a", "string. ", "The", "use", "of", "constant", "identifiers", "generally", "makes", "a", "program", "more ", "readable", "and", "acts", "as", "a", "convenient", "documentation", "aid. ", "It ", "also", "allows", "you ", "to", "group", "machine- or", "example-dependent", "quantities", "at", "the", "beginning ", "of", "the", "program", "where", "they", "can", "be", "easily", "noted", "and", "changed", "or", "both. ", "This", "improves", "the", "portability", "and", "modularity", "of", "the", "program. ", "Figure", "3.g ", "Syntax", "diagram", "for ", "Constant ", "Constantldentifier ", "UnsignedNumber ", "'----------+l ", "CharacterString ", "\\--------------' ", "3.C. ", "Constant", "Definition", "Part " ]
[ [ 379, 46, 495, 17 ], [ 379, 46, 495, 17 ], [ 379, 46, 495, 17 ], [ 379, 46, 495, 17 ], [ 379, 46, 495, 17 ], [ 379, 46, 495, 17 ], [ 379, 46, 495, 17 ], [ 379, 46, 495, 17 ], [ 141, 87, 101, 19 ], [ 210, 119, 275, 15 ], [ 210, 119, 275, 15 ], [ 210, 119, 275, 15 ], [ 210, 119, 275, 15 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 141, 194, 740, 64 ], [ 213, 445, 596, 20 ], [ 213, 445, 596, 20 ], [ 213, 445, 596, 20 ], [ 213, 445, 596, 20 ], [ 213, 445, 596, 20 ], [ 213, 445, 596, 20 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 482, 738, 41 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 142, 814, 741, 109 ], [ 290, 777, 446, 20 ], [ 290, 777, 446, 20 ], [ 290, 777, 446, 20 ], [ 290, 777, 446, 20 ], [ 290, 777, 446, 20 ], [ 290, 777, 446, 20 ], [ 129, 630, 762, 136 ], [ 129, 630, 762, 136 ], [ 129, 630, 762, 136 ], [ 129, 630, 762, 136 ], [ 129, 630, 762, 136 ], [ 142, 164, 345, 20 ], [ 142, 164, 345, 20 ], [ 142, 164, 345, 20 ], [ 142, 164, 345, 20 ] ]
[ [ 379, 46, 23, 17 ], [ 431, 46, 54, 17 ], [ 513, 46, 51, 17 ], [ 593, 46, 22, 17 ], [ 644, 46, 18, 17 ], [ 691, 46, 70, 17 ], [ 790, 46, 40, 17 ], [ 855, 46, 19, 17 ], [ 141, 87, 101, 19 ], [ 210, 119, 65, 15 ], [ 303, 119, 35, 15 ], [ 357, 119, 74, 15 ], [ 451, 119, 34, 15 ], [ 142, 194, 18, 19 ], [ 173, 194, 67, 19 ], [ 280, 194, 95, 19 ], [ 390, 194, 72, 19 ], [ 497, 194, 16, 19 ], [ 548, 194, 63, 19 ], [ 646, 194, 31, 19 ], [ 693, 194, 6, 19 ], [ 729, 194, 54, 19 ], [ 813, 194, 17, 19 ], [ 860, 194, 21, 19 ], [ 142, 217, 59, 19 ], [ 235, 217, 26, 19 ], [ 295, 217, 49, 19 ], [ 377, 217, 35, 19 ], [ 446, 217, 38, 19 ], [ 518, 217, 20, 19 ], [ 572, 217, 55, 19 ], [ 661, 217, 65, 19 ], [ 759, 217, 30, 19 ], [ 823, 217, 57, 19 ], [ 141, 239, 20, 19 ], [ 192, 239, 18, 19 ], [ 240, 239, 44, 19 ], [ 314, 239, 48, 19 ], [ 213, 445, 46, 20 ], [ 293, 445, 34, 20 ], [ 345, 447, 46, 19 ], [ 425, 447, 54, 19 ], [ 513, 447, 36, 19 ], [ 557, 446, 252, 19 ], [ 142, 482, 40, 19 ], [ 215, 482, 7, 19 ], [ 255, 482, 54, 19 ], [ 342, 482, 10, 19 ], [ 386, 482, 37, 19 ], [ 456, 482, 7, 19 ], [ 497, 482, 54, 19 ], [ 584, 482, 7, 19 ], [ 624, 482, 54, 19 ], [ 711, 482, 60, 19 ], [ 804, 482, 76, 19 ], [ 142, 504, 47, 19 ], [ 220, 504, 6, 19 ], [ 256, 504, 58, 19 ], [ 344, 504, 12, 19 ], [ 387, 504, 6, 19 ], [ 423, 504, 52, 19 ], [ 181, 814, 25, 19 ], [ 240, 814, 22, 19 ], [ 296, 814, 13, 19 ], [ 343, 814, 55, 19 ], [ 431, 814, 67, 19 ], [ 531, 814, 61, 19 ], [ 626, 814, 42, 19 ], [ 702, 814, 7, 19 ], [ 742, 814, 56, 19 ], [ 832, 814, 50, 19 ], [ 142, 837, 54, 19 ], [ 228, 837, 23, 19 ], [ 283, 837, 24, 19 ], [ 340, 837, 13, 19 ], [ 385, 837, 7, 19 ], [ 424, 837, 70, 19 ], [ 526, 837, 95, 19 ], [ 653, 837, 39, 19 ], [ 700, 837, 18, 18 ], [ 721, 837, 23, 19 ], [ 775, 837, 38, 19 ], [ 843, 837, 37, 19 ], [ 142, 860, 13, 19 ], [ 192, 860, 41, 19 ], [ 270, 860, 99, 19 ], [ 405, 860, 140, 19 ], [ 582, 860, 69, 19 ], [ 687, 860, 12, 19 ], [ 736, 860, 21, 19 ], [ 794, 860, 89, 19 ], [ 142, 882, 12, 19 ], [ 185, 882, 18, 19 ], [ 233, 882, 50, 19 ], [ 314, 882, 36, 19 ], [ 381, 882, 25, 19 ], [ 437, 882, 20, 19 ], [ 488, 882, 14, 19 ], [ 532, 882, 35, 19 ], [ 597, 882, 33, 19 ], [ 661, 882, 21, 19 ], [ 713, 882, 50, 19 ], [ 793, 882, 12, 19 ], [ 835, 882, 45, 19 ], [ 142, 905, 29, 19 ], [ 204, 905, 61, 19 ], [ 299, 905, 20, 19 ], [ 352, 905, 68, 19 ], [ 454, 905, 23, 19 ], [ 511, 905, 72, 19 ], [ 617, 905, 13, 19 ], [ 664, 905, 20, 19 ], [ 718, 905, 76, 19 ], [ 290, 777, 46, 20 ], [ 368, 777, 36, 20 ], [ 425, 778, 46, 19 ], [ 505, 778, 54, 19 ], [ 594, 778, 36, 19 ], [ 639, 778, 97, 19 ], [ 588, 637, 147, 13 ], [ 593, 707, 137, 13 ], [ 192, 747, 222, 11 ], [ 418, 746, 126, 13 ], [ 551, 746, 288, 12 ], [ 142, 164, 43, 20 ], [ 208, 164, 72, 20 ], [ 318, 164, 79, 20 ], [ 434, 164, 53, 20 ] ]
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Pascal - Manual & Report.pdf
[ "PART II ", "NOTE 14 Share-Based Compensation", "Stock Compensation", "Stock Options", "BLACK SCHOLES VALUATION ASSUMPTIONS FOR 2010, 2009 AND 2008 STOCK OPTION GRANTS", "60", "FMC CORPORATION", "  ", "2010 Form 10K", "not recognize any excess tax benefits in our consolidated balance sheets ", "from the exercise of stock options and the vesting of restricted awards, ", "due to our U.S. net operating loss carryforward position.", "At December 31, 2010 and 2009, there were restricted stock units ", "representing an aggregate of 41,374 shares and 35,828 shares of common ", "stock, respectively, credited to the directors’ accounts.", "We recognized a total of $14.7 million ($9.1 million after-tax), ", "$11.2 million ($6.9 million after-tax) and $10.6 million ($6.6 million ", "after-tax) in share-based compensation expense during the years ended ", "December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. This expense is ", "classified as selling, general and administrative in our consolidated ", "statements of income.", "During the second and third quarter of 2010 we utilized the remaining ", "U.S. financial net operating losses as we generated U.S. income during ", "2010 suffi cient to absorb the remaining unrecognized excess tax ", "benefi ts. As a result, we recognized all of the excess tax benefi ts from ", "the exercise of stock options and the vesting of restricted stock awards ", "from 2006 through 2009 as well as the excess tax benefi ts generated ", "during the period from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. ", "As of December 31, 2010, we recognized $56.3 million of excess tax ", "benefits, of which $44 million related to years 2006 through 2009, on ", "our consolidated balance sheet as a component of equity. Th", " is amount ", "is also included as a financing activity in our consolidated statements ", "of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2010.", "We received $18.1 million, $10.2 million and $13.1 million in cash related ", "to stock option exercises for the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 ", "and 2008, respectively. The shares used for the exercise of stock options ", "occurring during the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 ", "came from treasury shares.", "For tax purposes, share-based compensation expense is deductible in ", "the year of exercise or vesting based on the intrinsic value of the award ", "on the date of exercise or vesting. For fi nancial reporting purposes, ", "share-based compensation expense is based upon grant-date fair value ", "and amortized over the vesting period. Excess tax benefits represent the ", "difference between the share-based compensation expense for fi nancial ", "reporting purposes and the deduction taken for tax purposes. Th", " ese ", "excess tax benefits cannot be reported in our fi nancial statements ", "while a net operating loss exists. From the adoption of share-based ", "compensation accounting in 2006 through March 31, 2010 we did ", "The grant-date fair values of the stock options we granted in the years ", "ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 were estimated using the ", "Black-Scholes option valuation model, the key assumptions for which ", "are listed in the table below. The expected volatility assumption is based ", "on the actual historical experience of our common stock. Th", " e expected ", "life represents the period of time that options granted are expected to ", "be outstanding. The risk-free interest rate is based on U.S. Treasury ", "securities with terms equal to the expected timing of stock option ", "exercises as of the grant date. The dividend yield assumption refl ects our ", "announcement of the payment of a dividend on our common stock.", "2010", "2009", "2008", "Expected dividend yield", "0.87%", "1.13%", "0.75%", "Expected volatility", "42.17%", "41.90%", "31.30%", "Expected life (in years)", "6.5", "6.5", "6.5", "Risk-free interest rate", "3.13%", "2.82%", "3.26%", "The weighted-average grant-date fair value of options granted during the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 was $24.50, $18.17 ", "and $19.53 per share, respectively." ]
[ [ 85, 25, 225, 26 ], [ 85, 25, 225, 26 ], [ 80, 149, 175, 16 ], [ 532, 333, 121, 16 ], [ 80, 521, 661, 11 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 532, 83, 421, 41 ], [ 532, 83, 421, 41 ], [ 532, 83, 421, 41 ], [ 80, 83, 422, 41 ], [ 80, 83, 422, 41 ], [ 80, 83, 422, 41 ], [ 80, 177, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 177, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 177, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 177, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 177, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 177, 422, 85 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 532, 134, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 272, 421, 70 ], [ 80, 272, 421, 70 ], [ 80, 272, 421, 70 ], [ 80, 272, 421, 70 ], [ 80, 272, 421, 70 ], [ 80, 353, 426, 144 ], [ 80, 353, 426, 144 ], [ 80, 353, 426, 144 ], [ 80, 353, 426, 144 ], [ 80, 353, 426, 144 ], [ 80, 353, 426, 144 ], [ 80, 353, 426, 144 ], [ 80, 353, 426, 144 ], [ 80, 353, 426, 144 ], [ 80, 353, 426, 144 ], [ 80, 353, 426, 144 ], [ 532, 360, 426, 144 ], [ 532, 360, 426, 144 ], [ 532, 360, 426, 144 ], [ 532, 360, 426, 144 ], [ 532, 360, 426, 144 ], [ 532, 360, 426, 144 ], [ 532, 360, 426, 144 ], [ 532, 360, 426, 144 ], [ 532, 360, 426, 144 ], [ 532, 360, 426, 144 ], [ 532, 360, 426, 144 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 542, 871, 75 ], [ 80, 628, 873, 26 ], [ 80, 628, 873, 26 ] ]
[ [ 85, 25, 68, 12 ], [ 85, 40, 225, 11 ], [ 80, 149, 175, 16 ], [ 532, 333, 121, 16 ], [ 80, 521, 661, 11 ], [ 55, 1000, 14, 11 ], [ 85, 1000, 136, 10 ], [ 221, 1000, 11, 10 ], [ 232, 1000, 88, 10 ], [ 532, 83, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 97, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 112, 346, 12 ], [ 80, 83, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 97, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 112, 325, 12 ], [ 80, 177, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 191, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 206, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 221, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 235, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 250, 133, 12 ], [ 532, 134, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 149, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 164, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 178, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 193, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 208, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 222, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 237, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 252, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 266, 358, 12 ], [ 882, 266, 76, 12 ], [ 532, 281, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 295, 322, 12 ], [ 80, 272, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 287, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 301, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 316, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 331, 161, 12 ], [ 80, 353, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 367, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 382, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 397, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 411, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 426, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 441, 400, 12 ], [ 472, 441, 34, 12 ], [ 80, 455, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 470, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 485, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 360, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 375, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 389, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 404, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 419, 356, 12 ], [ 880, 419, 78, 12 ], [ 532, 433, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 448, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 463, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 477, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 492, 415, 12 ], [ 658, 543, 28, 10 ], [ 788, 543, 28, 10 ], [ 918, 543, 28, 10 ], [ 84, 558, 133, 10 ], [ 649, 558, 37, 10 ], [ 779, 558, 37, 10 ], [ 909, 558, 37, 10 ], [ 84, 574, 103, 10 ], [ 642, 574, 44, 10 ], [ 772, 574, 44, 10 ], [ 902, 574, 44, 10 ], [ 84, 589, 126, 10 ], [ 669, 589, 18, 10 ], [ 799, 589, 18, 10 ], [ 929, 589, 18, 10 ], [ 84, 605, 118, 10 ], [ 649, 605, 37, 10 ], [ 779, 605, 37, 10 ], [ 909, 605, 37, 10 ], [ 80, 628, 873, 12 ], [ 80, 642, 209, 12 ] ]
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[ "TRANSFERRING FUEL FROM FORWARD TO ", "AFT STORAGE TANKS WHILE FEEDING ", "ENGINES FROM SERVICE TANKS ", "~ TRANSrER ", "PU .. P ", "~!", "TH ", "RE:L£T Y&-Yt ", "\"\"’ ", "~~ ~~\\2fUT~", "ITIO", "N ", "\"-.. ", "Open outlet valves of ", "tank from which it is ", "desired _to transfer ", "fuel. ", "Use transfer ", "pump. ", "K-3 thru K-10 ", "\" ", "\"’ ", "I ", "fSTR A:NERS I ", "Fig. XXVIII-i ", "TRANSFERRING FUEL FROM AF’I’ TO ", "FORWARD STORAGE TANKS WHILE ", "FEEDING ENGINES FROM SERVICE TANKS ", "Open outlet ", "va~ves ", "of ", "tanks from which it is ", "desired to transfer ", "fuel. ", "Use trans£er ", "pump. ", "K-3 thru K-10 ", "F’rg. XXVIII-j ", "-76-" ]
[ [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 453, 472, 162, 16 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 458, 907, 158, 16 ], [ 518, 955, 46, 15 ] ]
[ [ 209, 109, 395, 16 ], [ 208, 124, 373, 16 ], [ 208, 139, 312, 16 ], [ 459, 168, 31, 5 ], [ 514, 168, 26, 5 ], [ 457, 177, 5, 9 ], [ 469, 177, 7, 9 ], [ 484, 178, 56, 7 ], [ 542, 178, 32, 7 ], [ 457, 192, 38, 10 ], [ 527, 192, 8, 10 ], [ 544, 192, 5, 10 ], [ 568, 189, 19, 13 ], [ 237, 246, 258, 15 ], [ 238, 261, 257, 15 ], [ 237, 277, 234, 15 ], [ 238, 293, 63, 15 ], [ 320, 293, 151, 15 ], [ 237, 310, 58, 15 ], [ 207, 431, 160, 15 ], [ 552, 202, 28, 31 ], [ 569, 216, 21, 38 ], [ 777, 178, 5, 6 ], [ 795, 179, 64, 5 ], [ 453, 472, 162, 16 ], [ 200, 540, 347, 16 ], [ 200, 556, 325, 16 ], [ 200, 571, 408, 16 ], [ 224, 660, 140, 15 ], [ 367, 664, 35, 10 ], [ 451, 660, 31, 15 ], [ 225, 675, 269, 15 ], [ 224, 690, 234, 15 ], [ 224, 706, 64, 15 ], [ 307, 706, 151, 15 ], [ 224, 721, 59, 15 ], [ 200, 867, 159, 15 ], [ 458, 907, 158, 16 ], [ 518, 955, 46, 15 ] ]
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[ "Vertragsbedingungen von Dezember 2015 ", "Vertragsnummer: [", "…", "] ", "I.4. PREIS ", "I.4.1. Preis des Vertrags und Höchstbetrag ", "I.4.2. Preisanpassungsindex ", "I.5. ZAHLUNGSMODALITÄTEN ", "I.5.1. Vorfinanzierung ", "I.5.2. Zwischenzahlung ", "1.a) 1. Zwischenzahlung – Nach Abgabe und Genehmigung der Projektierungsun-", "terlagen ", "1.b) 2. Zwischenzahlung – Nach endgültiger Montage und Umschluß der ", "Abwasserstationsanlage", "Der", "gemäß", "diesem", "Vertrag", "zu", "zahlende", "Preis", "(ohne", "Verlängerungen", "und", "ohne ", "Preisanpassungen) beläuft sich auf [", "…………………………", "] EUR, zuzüglich MwSt. ", "In diesem Vertrag sind Preisanpassungen nicht vorgesehen. ", "In diesem Vertrag sind Vorfinanzierungen nicht vorgesehen. ", "Der", "Auftragnehmer (oder", "– bei", "gemeinsamen Angeboten", "– das", "federführende Mitglied) ", "kann gemäß Artikel II.20.6 eine Zwischenzahlung in Höhe von ", "20", "%", " des in Artikel I.4.1 ", "genannten jeweilige Teilbeträge beantragen. ", "Für die Zwischenzahlung reicht der Auftragnehmer (oder – bei gemeinsamen Angeboten – ", "das", "federführende Mitglied),", "wie in", "den", "Spezifikationen", "der", "Ausschreibung angegeben, ", "eine Rechnung über e-PRIOR ein, der Folgendes beigefügt ist:", "Der", "Auftragnehmer (oder", "– bei", "gemeinsamen Angeboten", "– das", "federführende Mitglied) ", "kann gemäß Artikel II.20.6 eine Zwischenzahlung in Höhe von ", "40", "%", " des in Artikel I.4.1 ", "genannten jeweilige Teilbeträge beantragen. ", "Für die Zwischenzahlung reicht der Auftragnehmer (oder – bei gemeinsamen Angeboten – ", "das", "federführende Mitglied),", "wie in", "den", "Spezifikationen", "der", "Ausschreibung angegeben, ", "eine Rechnung über e-PRIOR ein, der Folgendes beigefügt ist:", "", "Unterlagen,", "Protokolle und", "Dokumentation", "wie im Absatz", "2.4", "Abnahme der ", "Ausschreibungsspezifikationen, Teil 2: Technische Spezifikationen aufgelistet. ", "", "Unterlagen,", "Protokolle und", "Dokumentation", "wie im Absatz", "2.4", "Abnahme der ", "Ausschreibungsspezifikationen, Teil 2: Technische Spezifikationen aufgelistet. ", "2.", "Für den Auftraggeber gilt eine Frist von 30 Tagen nach Eingang der Rechnung, um die ", "vorgelegten Unterlagen oder die Lieferungen zu billigen und die Zahlung zu leisten.", "3.", "Hat", "der", "Auftraggeber", "Einwände,", "so", "legt", "er sie", "dem", "Auftragnehmer", "(oder", "– bei ", "gemeinsamen Angeboten – dem federführenden Mitglied) vor und setzt die Zahlungsfrist ", "gemäß Artikel II.20.7 aus. ", "6 " ]
[ [ 625, 34, 268, 12 ], [ 136, 34, 142, 12 ], [ 136, 34, 142, 12 ], [ 136, 34, 142, 12 ], [ 136, 64, 105, 18 ], [ 136, 84, 381, 16 ], [ 136, 168, 249, 16 ], [ 136, 236, 301, 18 ], [ 136, 255, 202, 16 ], [ 136, 323, 209, 16 ], [ 136, 357, 751, 32 ], [ 136, 357, 751, 32 ], [ 136, 594, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 594, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 117, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 202, 496, 16 ], [ 136, 289, 506, 16 ], [ 136, 407, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 407, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 407, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 407, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 407, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 407, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 407, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 407, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 407, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 407, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 407, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 475, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 475, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 475, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 475, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 475, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 475, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 475, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 475, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 475, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 645, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 645, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 645, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 645, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 645, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 645, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 645, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 645, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 645, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 645, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 645, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 712, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 712, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 712, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 712, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 712, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 712, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 712, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 712, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 712, 756, 49 ], [ 185, 542, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 542, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 542, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 542, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 542, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 542, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 542, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 542, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 779, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 779, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 779, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 779, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 779, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 779, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 779, 708, 34 ], [ 185, 779, 708, 34 ], [ 136, 831, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 831, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 831, 756, 32 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 136, 882, 756, 49 ], [ 533, 962, 11, 10 ] ]
[ [ 625, 34, 268, 12 ], [ 136, 34, 118, 12 ], [ 255, 34, 13, 12 ], [ 268, 34, 10, 12 ], [ 136, 64, 105, 18 ], [ 136, 84, 381, 16 ], [ 136, 168, 249, 16 ], [ 136, 236, 301, 18 ], [ 136, 255, 202, 16 ], [ 136, 323, 209, 16 ], [ 136, 357, 751, 16 ], [ 185, 374, 77, 16 ], [ 136, 594, 756, 16 ], [ 185, 611, 211, 16 ], [ 136, 117, 21, 16 ], [ 179, 117, 52, 16 ], [ 251, 117, 51, 16 ], [ 322, 117, 53, 16 ], [ 396, 117, 17, 16 ], [ 433, 117, 71, 16 ], [ 524, 117, 40, 16 ], [ 585, 117, 50, 16 ], [ 655, 117, 121, 16 ], [ 796, 117, 27, 16 ], [ 844, 117, 49, 16 ], [ 136, 134, 298, 16 ], [ 435, 134, 183, 16 ], [ 618, 134, 210, 16 ], [ 136, 202, 496, 16 ], [ 136, 289, 506, 16 ], [ 136, 407, 21, 16 ], [ 178, 407, 167, 16 ], [ 365, 407, 42, 16 ], [ 428, 407, 195, 16 ], [ 643, 407, 40, 16 ], [ 704, 407, 189, 16 ], [ 136, 424, 538, 16 ], [ 676, 424, 20, 16 ], [ 702, 424, 20, 16 ], [ 723, 424, 170, 16 ], [ 136, 441, 371, 16 ], [ 136, 475, 756, 16 ], [ 136, 492, 23, 16 ], [ 179, 492, 183, 16 ], [ 382, 492, 48, 16 ], [ 451, 492, 25, 16 ], [ 496, 492, 107, 16 ], [ 623, 492, 22, 16 ], [ 665, 492, 228, 16 ], [ 136, 508, 508, 16 ], [ 136, 645, 21, 16 ], [ 178, 645, 167, 16 ], [ 365, 645, 42, 16 ], [ 428, 645, 195, 16 ], [ 643, 645, 40, 16 ], [ 704, 645, 189, 16 ], [ 136, 661, 538, 16 ], [ 676, 661, 20, 16 ], [ 702, 661, 20, 16 ], [ 723, 661, 170, 16 ], [ 136, 678, 371, 16 ], [ 136, 712, 756, 16 ], [ 136, 729, 23, 16 ], [ 179, 729, 183, 16 ], [ 382, 729, 48, 16 ], [ 451, 729, 25, 16 ], [ 496, 729, 107, 16 ], [ 623, 729, 22, 16 ], [ 665, 729, 228, 16 ], [ 136, 746, 508, 16 ], [ 185, 542, 9, 17 ], [ 210, 543, 84, 16 ], [ 314, 543, 119, 16 ], [ 454, 543, 105, 16 ], [ 579, 543, 117, 16 ], [ 716, 543, 38, 16 ], [ 774, 543, 119, 16 ], [ 210, 560, 659, 16 ], [ 185, 779, 9, 17 ], [ 210, 781, 84, 16 ], [ 314, 781, 119, 16 ], [ 454, 781, 105, 16 ], [ 579, 781, 117, 16 ], [ 716, 781, 38, 16 ], [ 774, 781, 119, 16 ], [ 210, 797, 659, 16 ], [ 136, 831, 24, 16 ], [ 171, 831, 722, 16 ], [ 136, 848, 686, 16 ], [ 136, 882, 21, 16 ], [ 177, 882, 19, 16 ], [ 215, 882, 21, 16 ], [ 255, 882, 100, 16 ], [ 375, 882, 70, 16 ], [ 464, 882, 14, 16 ], [ 498, 882, 31, 16 ], [ 548, 882, 41, 16 ], [ 608, 882, 28, 16 ], [ 656, 882, 109, 16 ], [ 785, 882, 39, 16 ], [ 843, 882, 49, 16 ], [ 136, 899, 756, 16 ], [ 136, 915, 222, 16 ], [ 533, 962, 11, 10 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "Figure 8-31. ", "Right and wrong methods of correction for low final approach.", "Figure 8-32. ", "Change in glidepath and increase in descent rate for high final approach.", "Use of Power", "High Round Out", "throttle so the additional thrust and lift are removed and the ", "airplane remains on the ground.", "and control usage, the airplane may stall or sink rapidly, ", "contacting the ground with a hard impact.", "Whenever a slow speed approach is noted, apply power to ", "accelerate the airplane and increase the lift to reduce the sink ", "rate and to prevent a stall. This is done while still at a high ", "enough altitude to reestablish the correct approach airspeed ", "and attitude. If too slow and too low, it is best to execute a ", "go-around.", "Sometimes when the airplane appears to temporarily stop ", "moving downward, the round out has been made too rapidly ", "and the airplane is flying level, too high above the runway. ", "Continuing the round out further reduces the airspeed and ", "increases the AOA to the critical angle. This results in the ", "airplane stalling and dropping hard onto the runway. To ", "prevent this, the pitch attitude is held constant until the ", "airplane decelerates enough to again start descending. Then ", "the round out is continued to establish the proper landing ", "attitude. This procedure is only used when there is adequate ", "airspeed. It may be necessary to add a slight amount of power ", "to keep the airspeed from decreasing excessively and to avoid ", "losing lift too rapidly.", "Power can be used effectively during the approach and round ", "out to compensate for errors in judgment. Power is added ", "to accelerate the airplane to increase lift without increasing ", "the AOA and the descent slowed to an acceptable rate. If ", "the proper landing attitude is attained and the airplane is ", "only slightly high, the landing attitude is held constant and ", "sufficient power applied to help ease the airplane onto the ", "ground. After the airplane has touched down, close the ", "34", "Normal approach path", "Intercept normal glidepath, resume normal approach", "Add power nose up hold altitude", "Wrong (dragging it in with high ", "power/high pitch altitude)", "1", "2", "34", "Steeper descent angle", "No flaps", "Full flaps", "Increased rate of descent", "8-29" ]
[ [ 124, 311, 473, 10 ], [ 124, 311, 473, 10 ], [ 124, 928, 540, 10 ], [ 124, 928, 540, 10 ], [ 124, 513, 109, 12 ], [ 553, 397, 132, 12 ], [ 553, 349, 413, 28 ], [ 553, 349, 413, 28 ], [ 124, 349, 415, 28 ], [ 124, 349, 415, 28 ], [ 124, 399, 414, 94 ], [ 124, 399, 414, 94 ], [ 124, 399, 414, 94 ], [ 124, 399, 414, 94 ], [ 124, 399, 414, 94 ], [ 124, 399, 414, 94 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 210 ], [ 124, 532, 415, 127 ], [ 124, 532, 415, 127 ], [ 124, 532, 415, 127 ], [ 124, 532, 415, 127 ], [ 124, 532, 415, 127 ], [ 124, 532, 415, 127 ], [ 124, 532, 415, 127 ], [ 124, 532, 415, 127 ], [ 117, 57, 849, 244 ], [ 117, 57, 849, 244 ], [ 117, 57, 849, 244 ], [ 117, 57, 849, 244 ], [ 117, 57, 849, 244 ], [ 117, 57, 849, 244 ], [ 117, 57, 849, 244 ], [ 117, 57, 849, 244 ], [ 117, 673, 847, 244 ], [ 117, 673, 847, 244 ], [ 117, 673, 847, 244 ], [ 117, 673, 847, 244 ], [ 117, 673, 847, 244 ], [ 928, 964, 34, 16 ] ]
[ [ 124, 312, 81, 9 ], [ 205, 311, 392, 10 ], [ 124, 928, 81, 9 ], [ 205, 928, 458, 10 ], [ 124, 513, 109, 12 ], [ 553, 397, 132, 12 ], [ 553, 349, 413, 11 ], [ 553, 365, 219, 11 ], [ 124, 349, 415, 11 ], [ 124, 365, 288, 11 ], [ 124, 399, 414, 11 ], [ 124, 415, 412, 11 ], [ 124, 432, 413, 11 ], [ 124, 448, 413, 11 ], [ 124, 465, 413, 11 ], [ 124, 481, 75, 11 ], [ 553, 416, 415, 11 ], [ 553, 432, 412, 11 ], [ 553, 449, 413, 11 ], [ 553, 465, 414, 11 ], [ 553, 482, 414, 11 ], [ 553, 499, 415, 11 ], [ 553, 515, 415, 11 ], [ 553, 532, 412, 11 ], [ 553, 548, 415, 11 ], [ 553, 565, 412, 11 ], [ 553, 581, 412, 11 ], [ 553, 598, 412, 11 ], [ 553, 614, 150, 11 ], [ 124, 532, 412, 11 ], [ 124, 548, 414, 11 ], [ 124, 565, 413, 11 ], [ 124, 581, 414, 11 ], [ 124, 598, 415, 11 ], [ 124, 614, 413, 11 ], [ 124, 631, 414, 11 ], [ 124, 647, 415, 11 ], [ 323, 218, 38, 12 ], [ 501, 100, 123, 61 ], [ 172, 120, 320, 13 ], [ 663, 96, 197, 13 ], [ 720, 212, 190, 13 ], [ 738, 223, 153, 13 ], [ 737, 146, 7, 12 ], [ 457, 164, 7, 12 ], [ 520, 835, 38, 12 ], [ 441, 783, 113, 22 ], [ 164, 700, 50, 13 ], [ 360, 723, 55, 13 ], [ 688, 792, 155, 13 ], [ 928, 964, 34, 16 ] ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4 ]
[ "repurchases. The Company paid regular dividends of approximately $58,600,000, ", "while repurchasing roughly 1,480,000 shares for approximately $227,200,000. The ", "total capital returned to shareholders in 2013 was approximately $285,800,000, ", "slightly more than Core’s FCF for the year.", "Core Laboratories’ keen focus on providing new technologies and services to help ", "our clients produce incremental hydrocarbons from their unconventional tight-oil ", "reservoirs has led to another record year for the Company. Core remains the most ", "technologically advanced reservoir optimization company in the oilfield universe.", "As the long-term demand for hydrocarbons continues to grow, and the number ", "and size of new oilfield discoveries shrink, Core Laboratories’ position as the tech-", "nology leader in optimizing hydrocarbon reservoir performance could not be more ", "opportune. This is especially the case for developments in unconventional reservoirs ", "employing horizontal well technology, where the success of multibillion-dollar ", "developments relies on optimizing daily hydrocarbon production while maximizing ", "ultimate hydrocarbon recovery rates. The horizontal well era is upon us, and Core Lab ", "will play a commanding role in making our clients’ developments successful.", "Core Laboratories’ position ", "as the technology leader ", "in optimizing hydrocarbon ", "reservoir performance could ", "not be more opportune. ", "BRIGHT FUTURE" ]
[ [ 90, 129, 568, 78 ], [ 90, 129, 568, 78 ], [ 90, 129, 568, 78 ], [ 90, 129, 568, 78 ], [ 90, 247, 556, 78 ], [ 90, 247, 556, 78 ], [ 90, 247, 556, 78 ], [ 90, 247, 556, 78 ], [ 90, 342, 571, 161 ], [ 90, 342, 571, 161 ], [ 90, 342, 571, 161 ], [ 90, 342, 571, 161 ], [ 90, 342, 571, 161 ], [ 90, 342, 571, 161 ], [ 90, 342, 571, 161 ], [ 90, 342, 571, 161 ], [ 686, 245, 283, 126 ], [ 686, 245, 283, 126 ], [ 686, 245, 283, 126 ], [ 686, 245, 283, 126 ], [ 686, 245, 283, 126 ], [ 90, 225, 118, 18 ] ]
[ [ 90, 129, 553, 16 ], [ 90, 150, 568, 16 ], [ 90, 171, 550, 16 ], [ 90, 192, 283, 16 ], [ 90, 247, 556, 16 ], [ 90, 267, 549, 16 ], [ 90, 288, 555, 16 ], [ 90, 309, 543, 16 ], [ 90, 342, 559, 16 ], [ 90, 363, 554, 16 ], [ 90, 384, 564, 16 ], [ 90, 405, 568, 16 ], [ 90, 425, 565, 16 ], [ 90, 446, 559, 16 ], [ 90, 467, 571, 16 ], [ 90, 487, 516, 16 ], [ 686, 245, 283, 22 ], [ 686, 271, 283, 22 ], [ 686, 297, 283, 22 ], [ 686, 323, 283, 22 ], [ 686, 349, 240, 22 ], [ 90, 225, 118, 18 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7 ]
[ "Chromium standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Cr in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Calcium standard solution 1000 mg/l Ca in nitric acid,100 ", "ml ", "1 ", "Magnesium Standard for AAS 1000mg/l Mg in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Iridium atomic absorption standard solution 1000 µg/ml ", "Ir in nitric acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Zinc Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Zn in nitric acid,100 ", "ml ", "1 ", "Cobalt Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Co in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Boron Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg B in nitric acid,100 ", "ml ", "1 ", "Molybdenum Standard for AAS 1000 mg/l Mo in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Aluminium Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Al in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Cadmium Standard for AAS 1000 Cd mg/kg in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Nickel Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Ni in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Sodium Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Na in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Titanium Standard for AAS, 1000 mg/L Ti in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Page 49 of 76 ", "EN-c4f_annexiitechspeciiitechoffer_en.docx", "August 2020", "EN-c4f_annexiitechspeciiitechoffer_en.docx " ]
[ [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 885, 932, 57, 15 ], [ 69, 948, 181, 15 ], [ 69, 896, 198, 35 ], [ 69, 896, 198, 35 ] ]
[ [ 162, 85, 236, 17 ], [ 162, 103, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 94, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 143, 257, 17 ], [ 162, 160, 14, 17 ], [ 439, 151, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 200, 236, 17 ], [ 162, 217, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 208, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 257, 248, 17 ], [ 162, 274, 101, 17 ], [ 439, 266, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 314, 252, 17 ], [ 162, 332, 14, 17 ], [ 439, 323, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 371, 221, 17 ], [ 162, 389, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 380, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 428, 254, 17 ], [ 162, 446, 14, 17 ], [ 439, 437, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 486, 246, 17 ], [ 162, 504, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 494, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 543, 241, 17 ], [ 162, 561, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 552, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 600, 235, 17 ], [ 162, 618, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 609, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 657, 220, 17 ], [ 162, 675, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 666, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 714, 226, 17 ], [ 162, 732, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 723, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 771, 228, 17 ], [ 162, 789, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 781, 8, 17 ], [ 885, 932, 57, 15 ], [ 69, 948, 181, 15 ], [ 69, 896, 58, 17 ], [ 69, 914, 198, 17 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "8.2.", "The contractor shall duly notify the contracting authority of details of the supplies so that ", "the contracting authority can obtain the requisite permits or import licences. ", "8.3.", "The contracting authority will undertake to obtain, in accordance with the special ", "conditions, the requisite permits or import licences within a reasonable period, taking ", "account of the implementation dates for the tasks. ", "8.4.", "Subject to the provisions of the laws and regulations on foreign labour of the country in ", "which the supplies are to be delivered, the contracting authority provides reasonable ", "assistance to the contractor, at its request, for its application for any visas and permits ", "required by the law of the country in which the supplies are to be delivered, including ", "work and residence permits, for the personnel whose services the contractor and the ", "contracting authority consider necessary, as well as residence permits for their families. ", "OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR ", "Article 9 - ", "General obligations ", "9.1.", "The contractor shall execute the contract with due care, efficiency and diligence in ", "accordance with the best professional practice. ", "9.2.", "The contractor shall, in accordance with the provisions of the contract, supply (deliver, ", "unload, commission) the supplies and carry out any other work including the remedying ", "of any defects in the supplies. The supply may include, as an incidental matter, siting and ", "installation operations. The contractor shall also provide all necessary equipment, ", "supervision, labour and facilities required for the implementation of the tasks.", "9.3.", "The contractor shall comply with administrative orders given by the project manager. ", "Where the contractor considers that the requirement of an administrative order goes ", "beyond the scope of the contract, it shall, give notice with reasons to the project manager. ", "If the contractor fails to notify within 30 days period after receipt thereof, he shall be ", "barred from so doing. Execution of the administrative order shall not be suspended ", "because of this notice. ", "9.4.", "The contractor shall supply, without delay, any information and documents to the ", "contracting authority and the European Commission upon request, regarding the ", "conditions in which the contract is being executed. ", "9.5.", "The contractor shall respect and abide by all laws and regulations in force in the country ", "where the supplies are to be delivered and shall ensure that its personnel, their ", "dependants, and its local employees also respect and abide by all such laws and ", "regulations. The contractor shall indemnify the contracting authority against any claims ", "and proceedings arising from any infringement by the contractor, its employees and their ", "dependants of such laws and regulations.", "9.6.", "Should any unforeseen event, action or omission directly or indirectly hamper ", "performance of the contract, either partially or totally, the contractor shall immediately ", "and at its own initiative record it and report it to the contracting authority. The report shall ", "include a description of the problem and an indication of the date on which it started and ", "of the remedial action taken by the contractor to ensure full compliance with its ", "obligations under the contract. In such event the contractor shall give priority to solving ", "the problem rather than determining liability. ", "Page 6 of 36 ", "August 2020", "c4e_annexigc_en " ]
[ [ 156, 86, 751, 30 ], [ 156, 86, 751, 30 ], [ 156, 86, 751, 30 ], [ 156, 131, 751, 45 ], [ 156, 131, 751, 45 ], [ 156, 131, 751, 45 ], [ 156, 131, 751, 45 ], [ 156, 192, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 192, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 192, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 192, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 192, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 192, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 192, 751, 91 ], [ 288, 322, 454, 18 ], [ 121, 370, 275, 16 ], [ 121, 370, 275, 16 ], [ 156, 401, 751, 30 ], [ 156, 401, 751, 30 ], [ 156, 401, 751, 30 ], [ 156, 447, 751, 76 ], [ 156, 447, 751, 76 ], [ 156, 447, 751, 76 ], [ 156, 447, 751, 76 ], [ 156, 447, 751, 76 ], [ 156, 447, 751, 76 ], [ 156, 538, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 538, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 538, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 538, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 538, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 538, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 538, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 645, 751, 45 ], [ 156, 645, 751, 45 ], [ 156, 645, 751, 45 ], [ 156, 645, 751, 45 ], [ 156, 706, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 706, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 706, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 706, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 706, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 706, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 706, 751, 91 ], [ 156, 813, 751, 107 ], [ 156, 813, 751, 107 ], [ 156, 813, 751, 107 ], [ 156, 813, 751, 107 ], [ 156, 813, 751, 107 ], [ 156, 813, 751, 107 ], [ 156, 813, 751, 107 ], [ 156, 813, 751, 107 ], [ 788, 974, 81, 12 ], [ 121, 974, 111, 24 ], [ 121, 974, 111, 24 ] ]
[ [ 156, 86, 28, 14 ], [ 219, 86, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 101, 579, 14 ], [ 156, 131, 28, 14 ], [ 219, 131, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 147, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 162, 381, 14 ], [ 156, 192, 28, 14 ], [ 219, 192, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 208, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 223, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 238, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 254, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 269, 668, 14 ], [ 288, 322, 454, 18 ], [ 121, 370, 93, 16 ], [ 219, 370, 177, 16 ], [ 156, 401, 28, 14 ], [ 219, 401, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 417, 358, 14 ], [ 156, 447, 28, 14 ], [ 219, 447, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 462, 687, 14 ], [ 219, 478, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 493, 687, 14 ], [ 219, 508, 589, 14 ], [ 156, 538, 28, 14 ], [ 219, 538, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 554, 687, 14 ], [ 219, 569, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 585, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 600, 687, 14 ], [ 219, 615, 173, 14 ], [ 156, 645, 28, 14 ], [ 219, 645, 687, 14 ], [ 219, 661, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 676, 388, 14 ], [ 156, 706, 28, 14 ], [ 219, 706, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 722, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 737, 687, 14 ], [ 219, 752, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 768, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 783, 310, 14 ], [ 156, 813, 28, 14 ], [ 219, 813, 687, 14 ], [ 219, 829, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 844, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 859, 687, 14 ], [ 219, 875, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 890, 688, 14 ], [ 219, 906, 346, 14 ], [ 788, 974, 81, 12 ], [ 121, 974, 82, 12 ], [ 121, 986, 111, 12 ] ]
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[ "Interest rate hedging:", "The Company’s policy is to manage interest cost using a mix of fixed- and variable-rate debt. To", "manage this mix in a cost efficient manner, the Company may periodically enter into interest rate swaps in which the", "Company agrees to exchange, at specified intervals, the difference between fixed and variable interest amounts cal-", "culated by reference to an agreed-upon notional principal amount. The interest rate swap agreements effectively", "modify the Company’s exposure to interest risk by converting a portion of the Company’s fixed-rate debt to a floating", "rate. The interest rate swap and the instrument being hedged is marked to market in the balance sheet. The mark-to-", "market value of both the fair value hedging instruments and the underlying debt obligations are recorded as equal and", "offsetting gains or losses in other (expense) income. No other cash payments are made unless the contract is terminated", "prior to maturity, in which case the amount paid or received in settlement is established by agreement at the time of", "termination, and usually represents the net present value, at current rates of interest, of the remaining obligations to", "exchange payments under the terms of the contract. Any gains or losses upon the early termination of the interest rate", "swap contracts are deferred and recognized over the remaining life of the contract. ", "During fiscal 2003, the Company terminated its interest rate swap agreements prior to maturity. These agreements were", "originally entered in fiscal 2002 and then subsequently again in December 2002. As a result of the early terminations,", "the Company received $4,092,000 in cash and realized a corresponding gain, which has been deferred. This deferred", "gain will be recognized in earnings over the remaining lives of the original swap agreements as a reduction of future", "interest expense. At April 30, 2003, the balance of the deferred gains related to the terminated swaps was $3,640,000 and", "is included in other noncurrent liabilities. ", "Note M: Income Taxes", "Deferred income taxes reflect the tax effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and lia-", "bilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for income tax reporting. Significant components of the", "Company’s deferred tax assets and liabilities are as follows:", "The Company has recorded a valuation allowance related to certain foreign deferred tax assets due to the uncertainty", "of their realization. ", "Domestic income and foreign withholding taxes have not been recorded on undistributed earnings of foreign sub-", "sidiaries since these amounts are considered to be permanently reinvested. Any additional taxes payable on the earn-", "ings of foreign subsidiaries, if remitted, would be partially offset by domestic tax credits and deductions for foreign", "taxes already paid. ", "37", "April 30,", "(Dollars in thousands)", "2003", "2002", "Deferred tax liabilities:", "Intangible assets ", "$118,925", "$", "872", "Depreciation", "28,109", "10,150", "Software and other deferred expenses", "6,408", "4,898", "Change in inventory accounting method", "—", "1,769", "Other (each less than five percent of total liabilities)", "1,574", "910", "Total deferred tax liabilities", "$155,016", "$18,599", "Deferred tax assets:", "Postretirement benefits other than pensions", "$", "7,217", "$ 6,136", "Other employee benefits", "7,267", "5,091", "Pensions", "6,715", "—", "Intangible assets", "4,041", "4,146", "Marketing accruals", "2,036", "405", "Other (each less than five percent of total assets)", "3,915", "2,825", "Total deferred tax assets", "31,191", "18,603", "Valuation allowance for deferred tax assets", "(1,755)", "(1,560)", "Total deferred tax assets less allowance", "$ 29,436", "$17,043", "Net deferred tax liability ", "$125,580", "$ 1,556" ]
[ [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 103, 843, 177 ], [ 107, 294, 843, 86 ], [ 107, 294, 843, 86 ], [ 107, 294, 843, 86 ], [ 107, 294, 843, 86 ], [ 107, 294, 843, 86 ], [ 107, 294, 843, 86 ], [ 427, 412, 208, 11 ], [ 107, 435, 843, 40 ], [ 107, 435, 843, 40 ], [ 107, 435, 843, 40 ], [ 107, 841, 843, 25 ], [ 107, 841, 843, 25 ], [ 107, 880, 843, 56 ], [ 107, 880, 843, 56 ], [ 107, 880, 843, 56 ], [ 107, 880, 843, 56 ], [ 520, 983, 13, 9 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ], [ 105, 485, 851, 335 ] ]
[ [ 107, 103, 154, 10 ], [ 265, 103, 685, 10 ], [ 107, 118, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 134, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 149, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 164, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 179, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 194, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 210, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 225, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 240, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 255, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 270, 596, 10 ], [ 107, 294, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 310, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 325, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 340, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 355, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 370, 302, 10 ], [ 447, 412, 163, 11 ], [ 107, 435, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 450, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 465, 433, 10 ], [ 107, 841, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 856, 140, 10 ], [ 107, 880, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 895, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 911, 843, 10 ], [ 107, 926, 142, 10 ], [ 520, 983, 13, 9 ], [ 854, 487, 45, 8 ], [ 107, 504, 122, 8 ], [ 827, 504, 23, 8 ], [ 927, 504, 23, 8 ], [ 107, 522, 166, 10 ], [ 117, 537, 127, 10 ], [ 794, 537, 56, 10 ], [ 902, 537, 7, 10 ], [ 928, 537, 22, 10 ], [ 117, 552, 92, 10 ], [ 809, 552, 41, 10 ], [ 909, 552, 41, 10 ], [ 117, 568, 271, 10 ], [ 816, 568, 33, 10 ], [ 917, 568, 33, 10 ], [ 117, 583, 288, 10 ], [ 835, 583, 15, 10 ], [ 917, 583, 33, 10 ], [ 117, 598, 373, 10 ], [ 816, 598, 33, 10 ], [ 928, 598, 22, 10 ], [ 107, 618, 200, 10 ], [ 794, 618, 56, 10 ], [ 902, 618, 48, 10 ], [ 107, 639, 141, 10 ], [ 117, 654, 312, 10 ], [ 793, 654, 7, 10 ], [ 816, 654, 34, 10 ], [ 902, 654, 48, 10 ], [ 117, 669, 176, 10 ], [ 816, 669, 33, 10 ], [ 917, 669, 33, 10 ], [ 117, 684, 64, 10 ], [ 816, 684, 33, 10 ], [ 936, 684, 15, 10 ], [ 117, 699, 123, 10 ], [ 816, 699, 33, 10 ], [ 917, 699, 33, 10 ], [ 117, 714, 138, 10 ], [ 816, 714, 33, 10 ], [ 928, 714, 22, 10 ], [ 117, 730, 348, 10 ], [ 816, 730, 33, 10 ], [ 917, 730, 33, 10 ], [ 107, 750, 176, 10 ], [ 809, 750, 41, 10 ], [ 909, 750, 41, 10 ], [ 107, 765, 311, 10 ], [ 812, 765, 42, 10 ], [ 913, 765, 42, 10 ], [ 107, 785, 287, 10 ], [ 794, 785, 56, 10 ], [ 902, 785, 48, 10 ], [ 107, 806, 180, 10 ], [ 794, 806, 56, 10 ], [ 902, 806, 48, 10 ] ]
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[ "11", "FAIRFAX MEDIA", "ANNUAL REPORT", "2013", "undeRlyinG ", "eBiTdA", "for continuing businesses ", "(excludes Corporate/Other)", "capabilities in content creation and distribution to mass audiences, as ", "well as digital step-outs such as Essential Baby, we are well-placed to offer ", "clients real differentiation in their content marketing;", "I", "have recently visited many parts of Fairfax to speak with as many of our ", "8,400 employees as possible. What struck me was the overwhelming ", "enthusiasm for what we do. ", "Through a period of great structural change, Fairfax has maintained its core ", "values of independence and integrity.", "The dimensions of change have put enormous stress on our people. ", "I", "would like to thank them for their resilience and positive attitude through ", "a difficult period. We are resolutely confident that our collective efforts will ", "deliver a prosperous future.", "Our teams are now in place and clear about their responsibilities. ", "They will drive real change through the business and be held accountable ", "and appropriately recognised for delivering results in our efforts to reduce ", "costs and develop new revenue opportunities.", "I", "am pleased with the progress we are making on our journey.", "We will continue to implement our strategy with great confidence.", "Greg Hywood ", "Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director", "• ", "Data", " – audience insights will drive revenue and deliver increased ", "advertising yields. We are making the investment required – in ", "terms of both systems and human resources – to deliver advertisers ", "greater insight into our audience, and more tailored, higher value, ", "advertising opportunities.", "• ", "Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) Digital and Marketing ", "Services", " – leveraging our strong local sales relationships with clients, ", "particularly in regional Australia, we will assist smaller businesses to build ", "an online marketing presence. Our local websites, Facebook presence ", "and content will all be utilised as we provide a suite of integrated ", "marketing services. This is an area where Fairfax already has expertise as ", "we provide these services to 4,000 SME clients, with plans to expand the ", "product offering and the client base; and", "REgiOnal", "48%", "mETRO", "29%", "18%", "nEw zEaland", "5%", "Radi", "O" ]
[ [ 984, 33, 11, 11 ], [ 670, 33, 250, 11 ], [ 670, 33, 250, 11 ], [ 670, 33, 250, 11 ], [ 651, 233, 128, 33 ], [ 651, 233, 128, 33 ], [ 650, 270, 191, 30 ], [ 650, 270, 191, 30 ], [ 112, 207, 472, 40 ], [ 112, 207, 472, 40 ], [ 112, 207, 472, 40 ], [ 97, 456, 470, 40 ], [ 97, 456, 470, 40 ], [ 97, 456, 470, 40 ], [ 97, 456, 470, 40 ], [ 97, 505, 487, 26 ], [ 97, 505, 487, 26 ], [ 97, 539, 476, 55 ], [ 97, 539, 476, 55 ], [ 97, 539, 476, 55 ], [ 97, 539, 476, 55 ], [ 97, 539, 476, 55 ], [ 97, 603, 477, 55 ], [ 97, 603, 477, 55 ], [ 97, 603, 477, 55 ], [ 97, 603, 477, 55 ], [ 97, 666, 421, 31 ], [ 97, 666, 421, 31 ], [ 97, 666, 421, 31 ], [ 97, 745, 317, 27 ], [ 97, 745, 317, 27 ], [ 97, 377, 453, 70 ], [ 97, 377, 453, 70 ], [ 97, 377, 453, 70 ], [ 97, 377, 453, 70 ], [ 97, 377, 453, 70 ], [ 97, 377, 453, 70 ], [ 97, 377, 453, 70 ], [ 97, 255, 486, 114 ], [ 97, 255, 486, 114 ], [ 97, 255, 486, 114 ], [ 97, 255, 486, 114 ], [ 97, 255, 486, 114 ], [ 97, 255, 486, 114 ], [ 97, 255, 486, 114 ], [ 97, 255, 486, 114 ], [ 97, 255, 486, 114 ], [ 97, 255, 486, 114 ], [ 632, 339, 231, 164 ], [ 632, 339, 231, 164 ], [ 632, 339, 231, 164 ], [ 632, 339, 231, 164 ], [ 632, 339, 231, 164 ], [ 632, 339, 231, 164 ], [ 632, 339, 231, 164 ], [ 632, 339, 231, 164 ], [ 632, 339, 231, 164 ] ]
[ [ 984, 33, 11, 11 ], [ 670, 33, 106, 11 ], [ 781, 33, 103, 10 ], [ 889, 33, 31, 11 ], [ 651, 233, 128, 16 ], [ 651, 250, 69, 16 ], [ 650, 270, 184, 13 ], [ 650, 287, 191, 13 ], [ 112, 207, 446, 11 ], [ 112, 221, 472, 11 ], [ 112, 236, 331, 11 ], [ 97, 456, 3, 11 ], [ 104, 456, 463, 11 ], [ 97, 470, 449, 11 ], [ 97, 485, 179, 11 ], [ 97, 505, 487, 11 ], [ 97, 519, 240, 11 ], [ 97, 539, 443, 11 ], [ 97, 554, 3, 11 ], [ 104, 554, 469, 11 ], [ 97, 568, 474, 11 ], [ 97, 583, 174, 11 ], [ 97, 603, 417, 11 ], [ 97, 617, 477, 11 ], [ 97, 632, 476, 11 ], [ 97, 647, 297, 11 ], [ 97, 666, 3, 11 ], [ 104, 666, 389, 11 ], [ 97, 686, 421, 11 ], [ 97, 745, 101, 12 ], [ 97, 760, 317, 12 ], [ 97, 378, 8, 11 ], [ 112, 377, 33, 12 ], [ 146, 378, 385, 11 ], [ 112, 392, 400, 11 ], [ 112, 407, 439, 11 ], [ 112, 421, 420, 11 ], [ 112, 436, 163, 11 ], [ 97, 256, 8, 11 ], [ 112, 255, 407, 12 ], [ 112, 270, 61, 12 ], [ 173, 270, 386, 11 ], [ 112, 285, 466, 11 ], [ 112, 299, 450, 11 ], [ 112, 314, 413, 11 ], [ 112, 329, 469, 11 ], [ 112, 343, 472, 11 ], [ 112, 358, 260, 11 ], [ 682, 446, 120, 40 ], [ 728, 428, 32, 23 ], [ 761, 382, 73, 34 ], [ 782, 365, 34, 24 ], [ 676, 376, 25, 18 ], [ 650, 390, 77, 18 ], [ 724, 345, 18, 18 ], [ 717, 358, 25, 18 ], [ 743, 358, 7, 18 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "Preface", "The Weight-Shift Control (WSC) Aircraft Flying Handbook introduces the basic pilot knowledge and skills that are essential ", "for piloting WSC aircraft. It introduces pilots to the broad spectrum of knowledge that is needed as they progress in their ", "pilot training. This handbook is for student pilots, as well as those pursuing more advanced pilot certifi cates.", "Student pilots learning to fly WSC aircraft, certificated pilots preparing for additional WSC ratings or who desire to improve ", "their fl ying proficiency and aeronautical knowledge, and commercial WSC pilots teaching WSC students how to fl y should ", "find this handbook helpful. This book introduces the prospective pilot to the realm of WSC flight and provides information ", "and guidance to all WSC pilots in the performance of various maneuvers and procedures.", "This handbook conforms to pilot training and certification concepts established by the Federal Aviation Administration ", "(FAA). There are different ways of teaching, as well as performing flight procedures and maneuvers, and many variations ", "in the explanations of aerodynamic theories and principles. This handbook adopts a selective method and concept to fl ying ", "WSC aircraft. The discussions and explanations reflect the most commonly used practices and principles. Occasionally, ", "the word “must” or similar language is used where the desired action is deemed critical. The use of such language is not ", "intended to add to, interpret, or relieve a duty imposed by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR).", "It is essential for persons using this handbook also to become familiar with and apply the pertinent parts of 14 CFR and ", "the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). Performance standards for demonstrating competence required for pilot ", "certification are prescribed in the appropriate WSC practical test standard.", "This handbook is available for download, in PDF format, from the FAA website,", "This handbook is published by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman ", "Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125.", "Comments regarding this publication should be sent, in email form, to the following address:", "[email protected]", "iii" ]
[ [ 124, 71, 201, 59 ], [ 124, 239, 843, 45 ], [ 124, 239, 843, 45 ], [ 124, 239, 843, 45 ], [ 124, 305, 843, 61 ], [ 124, 305, 843, 61 ], [ 124, 305, 843, 61 ], [ 124, 305, 843, 61 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 504, 845, 45 ], [ 124, 504, 845, 45 ], [ 124, 504, 845, 45 ], [ 124, 570, 659, 12 ], [ 124, 603, 842, 28 ], [ 124, 603, 842, 28 ], [ 124, 653, 641, 12 ], [ 124, 686, 195, 12 ], [ 951, 966, 11, 12 ] ]
[ [ 124, 71, 201, 59 ], [ 124, 239, 841, 12 ], [ 124, 255, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 272, 748, 12 ], [ 124, 305, 841, 12 ], [ 124, 321, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 338, 842, 12 ], [ 124, 355, 616, 12 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 12 ], [ 124, 404, 842, 12 ], [ 124, 421, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 437, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 454, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 470, 775, 12 ], [ 124, 504, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 520, 845, 12 ], [ 124, 537, 510, 12 ], [ 124, 570, 659, 12 ], [ 124, 603, 842, 12 ], [ 124, 619, 569, 12 ], [ 124, 653, 641, 12 ], [ 124, 686, 195, 12 ], [ 951, 966, 11, 12 ] ]
[ 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "Cable Tension", "Rigging Fixtures", "Tension Regulators", "Cable Connectors", "Turnbuckles", "Spring-Back", "2-45", "Figure 2-76. ", "Typical turnbuckle assembly.", "Figure 2-75. ", "Tensiometer.", "For the aircraft to operate as it was designed, the cable tension ", "for the flight controls must be correct. To determine the ", "amount of tension on a cable, a tensiometer is used. When ", "properly maintained, a tensiometer is 98 percent accurate. ", "Cable tension is determined by measuring the amount of force ", "needed to make an offset in the cable between two hardened ", "steel blocks called anvils. A riser or plunger is pressed against ", "the cable to form the offset. Several manufacturers make ", "a variety of tensiometers, each type designed for different ", "kinds of cable, cable sizes, and cable tensions. ", "[Figure 2-75]", "Rigging fixtures and templates are special tools (gauges) ", "designed by the manufacturer to measure control surface ", "travel. Markings on the fixture or template indicate desired ", "control surface travel.", "Cable tension regulators are used in some flight control ", "systems because there is considerable difference in ", "temperature expansion of the aluminum aircraft structure ", "and the steel control cables. Some large aircraft incorporate ", "tension regulators in the control cable systems to maintain ", "a given cable tension automatically. The unit consists of a ", "compression spring and a locking mechanism that allows the ", "spring to make correction in the system only when the cable ", "system is in neutral.", "A turnbuckle assembly is a mechanical screw device ", "consisting of two threaded terminals and a threaded barrel. ", "[Figure 2-76]", " Turnbuckles are fitted in the cable assembly ", "for the purpose of making minor adjustments in cable length ", "and for adjusting cable tension. One of the terminals has ", "right-hand threads, and the other has left-hand threads. The ", "barrel has matching right- and left-hand internal threads. The ", "end of the barrel with the left-hand threads can usually be ", "identified by a groove or knurl around that end of the barrel. ", "When installing a turnbuckle in a control system, it is ", "With a control cable properly rigged, the flight control should ", "hit its stops at both extremes prior to the flight deck control. ", "In addition to turnbuckles, cable connectors are used in some ", "systems. These connectors enable a cable length to be quickly ", "connected or disconnected from a system. ", "Figure 2-78", "illustrates one type of cable connector in use.", "Some turnbuckles are manufactured and designed to ", "accommodate special locking devices. A typical unit is shown ", "in ", "Figure 2-77", ".", "necessary to screw both of the terminals an equal number of ", "turns into the barrel. It is also essential that all turnbuckle ", "terminals be screwed into the barrel until not more than three ", "threads are exposed on either side of the turnbuckle barrel. ", "After a turnbuckle is properly adjusted, it must be safetied. ", "There are a number of methods to safety a turnbuckle and/", "or other types of swaged cable ends that are satisfactory. A ", "double-wrap safety wire method is preferred.", "0", "20", "40", "60", "80", "100", "120", "Trigger", "Pointer Lock", "Anvil", "Anvil", "Riser", "Length (threads flush with ends of barrel)", "Pin eye", "Barrel", "Swaged terminal" ]
[ [ 124, 57, 100, 15 ], [ 124, 258, 116, 15 ], [ 124, 362, 134, 15 ], [ 553, 576, 125, 15 ], [ 124, 547, 85, 15 ], [ 553, 678, 86, 15 ], [ 928, 964, 34, 16 ], [ 123, 928, 262, 14 ], [ 123, 928, 262, 14 ], [ 554, 326, 161, 14 ], [ 554, 326, 161, 14 ], [ 124, 76, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 76, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 76, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 76, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 76, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 76, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 76, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 76, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 76, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 76, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 76, 415, 164 ], [ 124, 277, 415, 64 ], [ 124, 277, 415, 64 ], [ 124, 277, 415, 64 ], [ 124, 277, 415, 64 ], [ 124, 381, 416, 147 ], [ 124, 381, 416, 147 ], [ 124, 381, 416, 147 ], [ 124, 381, 416, 147 ], [ 124, 381, 416, 147 ], [ 124, 381, 416, 147 ], [ 124, 381, 416, 147 ], [ 124, 381, 416, 147 ], [ 124, 381, 416, 147 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 164 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 164 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 164 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 164 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 164 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 164 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 164 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 164 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 164 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 164 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 164 ], [ 553, 697, 412, 31 ], [ 553, 697, 412, 31 ], [ 553, 595, 412, 64 ], [ 553, 595, 412, 64 ], [ 553, 595, 412, 64 ], [ 553, 595, 412, 64 ], [ 553, 595, 412, 64 ], [ 553, 510, 416, 48 ], [ 553, 510, 416, 48 ], [ 553, 510, 416, 48 ], [ 553, 510, 416, 48 ], [ 553, 510, 416, 48 ], [ 553, 361, 414, 131 ], [ 553, 361, 414, 131 ], [ 553, 361, 414, 131 ], [ 553, 361, 414, 131 ], [ 553, 361, 414, 131 ], [ 553, 361, 414, 131 ], [ 553, 361, 414, 131 ], [ 553, 361, 414, 131 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 552, 58, 411, 257 ], [ 122, 751, 842, 167 ], [ 122, 751, 842, 167 ], [ 122, 751, 842, 167 ], [ 122, 751, 842, 167 ] ]
[ [ 124, 57, 100, 15 ], [ 124, 258, 116, 15 ], [ 124, 362, 134, 15 ], [ 553, 576, 125, 15 ], [ 124, 547, 85, 15 ], [ 553, 678, 86, 15 ], [ 928, 964, 34, 16 ], [ 123, 929, 81, 13 ], [ 205, 928, 181, 13 ], [ 554, 326, 81, 13 ], [ 636, 326, 80, 13 ], [ 124, 76, 411, 15 ], [ 124, 92, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 109, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 125, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 142, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 158, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 175, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 191, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 208, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 225, 313, 15 ], [ 438, 225, 95, 15 ], [ 124, 277, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 293, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 310, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 327, 150, 15 ], [ 124, 381, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 398, 416, 15 ], [ 124, 414, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 431, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 448, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 464, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 481, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 497, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 514, 138, 15 ], [ 124, 566, 416, 15 ], [ 124, 583, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 599, 96, 15 ], [ 221, 599, 316, 15 ], [ 124, 616, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 632, 415, 15 ], [ 124, 649, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 665, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 682, 414, 15 ], [ 124, 699, 412, 15 ], [ 124, 715, 415, 15 ], [ 553, 697, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 714, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 595, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 612, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 628, 320, 15 ], [ 874, 629, 88, 15 ], [ 553, 645, 311, 15 ], [ 553, 510, 416, 15 ], [ 553, 527, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 543, 17, 15 ], [ 571, 543, 82, 15 ], [ 654, 543, 4, 15 ], [ 553, 361, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 378, 414, 15 ], [ 553, 394, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 411, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 427, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 444, 409, 15 ], [ 553, 460, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 477, 311, 15 ], [ 751, 196, 9, 15 ], [ 745, 220, 17, 16 ], [ 759, 241, 17, 16 ], [ 782, 246, 17, 16 ], [ 811, 232, 17, 16 ], [ 813, 211, 25, 17 ], [ 807, 184, 25, 17 ], [ 600, 276, 43, 12 ], [ 600, 76, 76, 12 ], [ 600, 112, 29, 12 ], [ 876, 76, 29, 12 ], [ 757, 76, 31, 12 ], [ 382, 771, 252, 12 ], [ 872, 887, 45, 12 ], [ 630, 887, 36, 12 ], [ 164, 887, 103, 12 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ [ 159, 520, 714, 20 ], [ 159, 520, 714, 20 ] ]
[ [ 159, 520, 360, 20 ], [ 543, 520, 330, 20 ] ]
[ 10, 10 ]
[ "PLAYERS", "SECTION IV - WITHDRAWALS AND RETIREMENTS", "iv. ", "Late Withdrawal Fines resulting from a player’s selection to her Billie ", "Jean King Cup team in the same week as a WTA Tournament will ", "always remain at the minimum fine as per the chart in sub-Section ii ", "above and are not subject to doubling calculations.", "c. ", "No-Show Offense", "a.", "Definition", "4. ", "Qualifying Late Withdrawals", "b.", "Fines", "i.", "Procedures", "ii.", "Amounts", "c. ", "No-Show Offense", "47", "A player commits a No-Show Offense if she is entered and accepted into ", "the Qualifying Draw of a Tournament, does not withdraw, and (i) fails to ", "sign in by the Qualifying Sign-In deadline (4:00 p.m. Tournament local ", "time on the day prior to the start of Qualifying) or (ii) calls the Supervisor ", "to sign in and fails to attend her first match. The automatic fine for a first ", "No-Show Offense is $600 ($300 at WTA 125 Tournaments), which doubles ", "The amount of a player’s automatic Qualifying Late Withdrawal fine ", "is $500 ($250 at WTA 125 Tournaments).", "Alternates waiting to get into Qualifying who are accepted into ", "Qualifying any time up until the Freeze Deadline are obligated under ", "these Rules to play the Tournament and thus are subject to the ", "same sign-in procedure and No-Show Offense fines. (See Section ", "V.A.1.b.iii(a).)", "A Qualifying withdrawal is a Late Withdrawal if the withdrawal occurs ", "after a player’s acceptance into the Qualifying Draw; provided, however, ", "that if a player accepted into the Qualifying Draw withdraws and is ", "subsequently accepted into the Main Draw or receives a Wild Card in ", "accordance with Section IV.A.9.a.i, she will not be fined for a Qualifying ", "Late Withdrawal.", "A player who is entered and accepted into the Main Draw of a Tournament, ", "does not withdraw, and fails to attend her first match commits a No-Show ", "Offense. The automatic fine for a No-Show Offense is 50% greater than ", "the applicable Late Withdrawal fine." ]
[ [ 289, 34, 445, 36 ], [ 289, 34, 445, 36 ], [ 186, 82, 754, 74 ], [ 186, 82, 754, 74 ], [ 186, 82, 754, 74 ], [ 186, 82, 754, 74 ], [ 186, 82, 754, 74 ], [ 139, 175, 226, 18 ], [ 139, 175, 226, 18 ], [ 139, 344, 148, 18 ], [ 139, 344, 148, 18 ], [ 93, 305, 358, 20 ], [ 93, 305, 358, 20 ], [ 139, 512, 99, 18 ], [ 139, 512, 99, 18 ], [ 186, 550, 161, 18 ], [ 186, 550, 161, 18 ], [ 186, 699, 140, 18 ], [ 186, 699, 140, 18 ], [ 139, 793, 226, 18 ], [ 139, 793, 226, 18 ], [ 500, 973, 23, 17 ], [ 186, 830, 754, 111 ], [ 186, 830, 754, 111 ], [ 186, 830, 754, 111 ], [ 186, 830, 754, 111 ], [ 186, 830, 754, 111 ], [ 186, 830, 754, 111 ], [ 232, 737, 705, 36 ], [ 232, 737, 705, 36 ], [ 232, 587, 710, 93 ], [ 232, 587, 710, 93 ], [ 232, 587, 710, 93 ], [ 232, 587, 710, 93 ], [ 232, 587, 710, 93 ], [ 186, 381, 756, 111 ], [ 186, 381, 756, 111 ], [ 186, 381, 756, 111 ], [ 186, 381, 756, 111 ], [ 186, 381, 756, 111 ], [ 186, 381, 756, 111 ], [ 186, 212, 753, 74 ], [ 186, 212, 753, 74 ], [ 186, 212, 753, 74 ], [ 186, 212, 753, 74 ] ]
[ [ 460, 34, 104, 21 ], [ 289, 53, 445, 16 ], [ 186, 82, 27, 18 ], [ 232, 82, 705, 18 ], [ 232, 100, 708, 18 ], [ 232, 119, 704, 18 ], [ 232, 138, 526, 18 ], [ 139, 175, 21, 18 ], [ 186, 175, 179, 18 ], [ 139, 344, 16, 18 ], [ 186, 344, 102, 18 ], [ 93, 305, 25, 20 ], [ 139, 305, 311, 20 ], [ 139, 512, 18, 18 ], [ 186, 512, 52, 18 ], [ 186, 550, 10, 18 ], [ 232, 550, 114, 18 ], [ 186, 699, 16, 18 ], [ 232, 699, 94, 18 ], [ 139, 793, 21, 18 ], [ 186, 793, 179, 18 ], [ 500, 973, 23, 17 ], [ 186, 830, 751, 18 ], [ 186, 849, 752, 18 ], [ 186, 868, 754, 18 ], [ 186, 886, 751, 18 ], [ 186, 905, 751, 18 ], [ 186, 924, 750, 18 ], [ 232, 737, 705, 18 ], [ 232, 755, 408, 18 ], [ 232, 587, 710, 18 ], [ 232, 606, 703, 18 ], [ 232, 624, 709, 18 ], [ 232, 643, 704, 18 ], [ 232, 662, 128, 18 ], [ 186, 381, 754, 18 ], [ 186, 400, 752, 18 ], [ 186, 419, 756, 18 ], [ 186, 437, 755, 18 ], [ 186, 456, 753, 18 ], [ 186, 475, 170, 18 ], [ 186, 212, 749, 18 ], [ 186, 231, 750, 18 ], [ 186, 250, 753, 18 ], [ 186, 269, 366, 18 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "S", "ECTION ", "1693", ".", "Sign to be Exhibited by Manufacturer of Products of", "Tobacco", ". — Every manufacturer of cigars, cigarettes, or tobacco, and every", "wholesale dealer in leaf tobacco or manufactured products of tobacco shall place", "and keep on the outside of the bui", "lding wherein his business is carried on, so that it", "can be distinctly seen, a sign stating his full name and business in letters not less", "than six centimeters high, and also giving his assessment number in figures.", "AICDSa", "[2339-103.]", "S", "ECTION ", "1694", ".", "Exhibition", "of", "Certificate", "of", "Payment", "at", "Place", "of", "Business", ". — The certificate or receipt showing payment of tax issued to a person", "engaged in a business or occupation subject to a privilege tax shall be kept", "conspicuously exhibited in plain vi", "ew in or at the place where the business is", "conducted or occupation plied; and in case of a peddler or other person not having", "a fixed place of business shall be kept in the possession of the holder thereof,", "subject to production upon the demand of any int", "ernal-revenue officer.", "AICDSa", "[2339-104.]", "S", "ECTION ", "1695", ".", "Extent of Supervision Over Establishments Producing", "Taxable Output", ". — The Bureau of Internal Revenue has authority to supervise", "establishments where articles subject to a specific tax are made and to prescribe", "regulations as to the mode in wh", "ich the processes of production shall be conducted", "in so far as may be necessary to secure a sanitary output and to safeguard the", "revenue.", "[2339-105.]", "S", "ECTION ", "1696", ".", "Records to be Kept by Manufacturers — Assessments", "Based Thereon", ". — The Collector of Internal Revenue is authorized to prescribe, by", "regulation, the records which shall be kept by manufacturers of articles subject to", "specific tax, and such rec", "ords, whether of raw materials received into the factory or", "of articles produced therein shall be deemed public and official documents for all", "purposes.", "AICDSa", "The records of raw materials kept by such manufacturers may be used as a", "species of evidence by which to determine the amount of specific taxes due from", "them and whenever the amount of raw materials received into any factory exceeds", "510", "Philippine Law Encyclopedia 2011", "Copyright 2012", "CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc.", "Administrative Provisions Regulating Business of Persons ", "Dealing in Articles Subject to Specific Tax", "ARTICLE ", "XII" ]
[ [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 109, 745, 118 ], [ 202, 241, 98, 19 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 273, 745, 137 ], [ 202, 425, 98, 19 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 118 ], [ 202, 677, 98, 19 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 710, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 841, 745, 59 ], [ 140, 841, 745, 59 ], [ 140, 841, 745, 59 ], [ 880, 925, 17, 9 ], [ 469, 925, 158, 9 ], [ 123, 925, 305, 9 ], [ 123, 925, 305, 9 ], [ 251, 492, 525, 40 ], [ 251, 492, 525, 40 ], [ 441, 458, 140, 21 ], [ 441, 458, 140, 21 ] ]
[ [ 202, 109, 12, 20 ], [ 214, 109, 87, 20 ], [ 301, 109, 44, 20 ], [ 346, 109, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 109, 513, 20 ], [ 140, 128, 76, 20 ], [ 216, 129, 668, 20 ], [ 140, 148, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 167, 303, 20 ], [ 443, 167, 441, 20 ], [ 140, 187, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 206, 677, 20 ], [ 831, 217, 23, 6 ], [ 202, 241, 98, 19 ], [ 202, 274, 12, 20 ], [ 214, 274, 87, 20 ], [ 301, 274, 44, 20 ], [ 346, 274, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 273, 92, 20 ], [ 483, 273, 17, 20 ], [ 518, 273, 95, 20 ], [ 632, 273, 17, 20 ], [ 667, 273, 78, 20 ], [ 763, 273, 17, 20 ], [ 798, 273, 50, 20 ], [ 867, 273, 17, 20 ], [ 140, 293, 78, 20 ], [ 218, 293, 666, 20 ], [ 140, 312, 745, 20 ], [ 140, 332, 329, 20 ], [ 470, 332, 414, 20 ], [ 140, 351, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 371, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 390, 438, 20 ], [ 578, 390, 193, 20 ], [ 786, 401, 23, 6 ], [ 202, 425, 98, 19 ], [ 202, 545, 12, 20 ], [ 214, 545, 87, 20 ], [ 301, 545, 44, 20 ], [ 346, 545, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 545, 512, 20 ], [ 140, 565, 143, 20 ], [ 283, 565, 601, 20 ], [ 140, 584, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 604, 292, 20 ], [ 432, 604, 452, 20 ], [ 140, 623, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 642, 76, 20 ], [ 202, 677, 98, 19 ], [ 202, 710, 12, 20 ], [ 214, 710, 87, 20 ], [ 301, 710, 44, 20 ], [ 346, 710, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 710, 513, 20 ], [ 140, 729, 134, 20 ], [ 274, 729, 610, 20 ], [ 140, 749, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 768, 225, 20 ], [ 365, 768, 519, 20 ], [ 140, 788, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 807, 84, 20 ], [ 239, 818, 23, 6 ], [ 202, 841, 682, 20 ], [ 140, 860, 745, 20 ], [ 140, 880, 744, 20 ], [ 880, 925, 17, 9 ], [ 469, 925, 158, 9 ], [ 123, 925, 70, 9 ], [ 208, 925, 220, 9 ], [ 251, 492, 525, 20 ], [ 322, 511, 379, 20 ], [ 441, 458, 107, 21 ], [ 548, 458, 32, 21 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "[2041-9; 2617.]", "The duration of eligibility derived from examination before a board, as", "aforesaid, shall be for a period of four years only, from the date of examination, or", "if meanwhile the examinee has held the office of justice of the peace, auxiliary", "justice of the pe", "ace, notary public, or", " procurador judicial", ", for four years from the", "date on which he ceased to hold such office.", "[2617-3.]", "The examination requirement shall not be enforced in case the appointee is", "an officer of the United States Army or of the Philippine Government, or when", "there is no person having the necessary qualifications who is willing to accept the", "office. In this las", "t-mentioned case the appointment shall continue only until such", "time as a qualified person can be found who is willing to accept the office.", "[2041-9.]", "In the future no person shall be appointed justice of the peace or auxiliary", "justice of the peace for the city of Manila or for any provincial capital who has not", "been admitted by the Supreme Court to practice law.", "[2617.]", "[2041-9.]", "SECTION ", "241", ".", "Fee of Examining Lawyer", ". — The lawyer appointed by", "the judge as a member of the board of examination shall be entitled to a", "compensation of twenty pesos for each day of actual service to be paid out of the", "appropriation for Courts of First Ins", "tance.", "[2041-9.]", "SECTION ", "242", ".", "Filling of Vacancy in Office of Justice of Peace", ". —", "When a vacancy occurs in the office of any justice of the peace, except in the city", "of Manila, the judge of the Court of First Instance of the district shall forward to", "the Governor-General a", " list of names of persons qualified to fill said vacancy,", "accompanied by all the applications presented by persons desirous of appointment.", "In making appointments from such list preference shall be given to any lawyer or", "justice of the peace of the provinc", "e who may desire to transfer to another station", "84", "Philippine Law Encyclopedia 2011", "Copyright 2012", "CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc.", "SECTION ", "240", ".", "Fee to be Paid by Examinee", ". — The applicant for", "examination for justice of the peace shall pay an examination fee of five pesos, to", "be collected by the clerk of the Court of First Instance." ]
[ [ 202, 110, 129, 19 ], [ 140, 142, 745, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 745, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 745, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 745, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 745, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 745, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 745, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 745, 98 ], [ 202, 255, 77, 19 ], [ 140, 287, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 287, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 287, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 287, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 287, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 287, 744, 98 ], [ 202, 400, 77, 19 ], [ 140, 433, 745, 59 ], [ 140, 433, 745, 59 ], [ 140, 433, 745, 59 ], [ 202, 506, 60, 19 ], [ 202, 612, 78, 19 ], [ 140, 645, 745, 79 ], [ 140, 645, 745, 79 ], [ 140, 645, 745, 79 ], [ 140, 645, 745, 79 ], [ 140, 645, 745, 79 ], [ 140, 645, 745, 79 ], [ 140, 645, 745, 79 ], [ 140, 645, 745, 79 ], [ 140, 645, 745, 79 ], [ 202, 738, 78, 19 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 770, 745, 137 ], [ 886, 925, 11, 9 ], [ 469, 925, 158, 9 ], [ 123, 925, 305, 9 ], [ 123, 925, 305, 9 ], [ 140, 539, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 539, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 539, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 539, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 539, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 539, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 539, 744, 59 ] ]
[ [ 202, 110, 129, 19 ], [ 202, 142, 683, 20 ], [ 140, 162, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 181, 745, 20 ], [ 140, 201, 146, 20 ], [ 286, 201, 192, 20 ], [ 479, 200, 185, 20 ], [ 664, 201, 220, 20 ], [ 140, 220, 395, 20 ], [ 202, 255, 77, 19 ], [ 202, 287, 682, 20 ], [ 140, 307, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 326, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 346, 157, 20 ], [ 297, 346, 587, 20 ], [ 140, 365, 665, 20 ], [ 202, 400, 77, 19 ], [ 202, 433, 683, 20 ], [ 140, 452, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 471, 469, 20 ], [ 202, 506, 60, 19 ], [ 202, 612, 78, 19 ], [ 202, 645, 99, 20 ], [ 301, 645, 33, 20 ], [ 335, 645, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 645, 239, 20 ], [ 611, 645, 274, 20 ], [ 140, 664, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 684, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 703, 320, 20 ], [ 460, 703, 52, 20 ], [ 202, 738, 78, 19 ], [ 202, 771, 99, 20 ], [ 301, 771, 33, 20 ], [ 335, 771, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 770, 473, 20 ], [ 845, 771, 39, 20 ], [ 140, 790, 745, 20 ], [ 140, 809, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 829, 220, 20 ], [ 360, 829, 524, 20 ], [ 140, 848, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 868, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 887, 315, 20 ], [ 455, 887, 429, 20 ], [ 886, 925, 11, 9 ], [ 469, 925, 158, 9 ], [ 123, 925, 70, 9 ], [ 208, 925, 220, 9 ], [ 202, 539, 99, 20 ], [ 301, 539, 33, 20 ], [ 335, 539, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 539, 289, 20 ], [ 661, 539, 223, 20 ], [ 140, 558, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 578, 487, 20 ] ]
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[ "In June 2002, SFAS No. 146, “Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal", "Activities” was issued which addresses financial accounting and reporting for costs", "associated with exit or disposal activities and nullifies EITF 94-3, “Liability Recogni-", "tion for Certain Employee Termination Benefits and Other Costs to Exit an Activity", "(including Certain Costs Incurred in a Restructuring).” The Company is required and", "plans to adopt the provisions of SFAS No. 146 beginning in the first quarter of 2003.", "Management does not anticipate that adoption of SFAS No. 146 will result in a signifi-", "cant impact on the Company’s consolidated financial condition or results of operations.", "In November 2002, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 45 (FIN 45), “Guarantor’s", "Accounting and Disclosure Requirements for Guarantees, Including Indirect Guaran-", "tees of Indebtedness of Others,” which clarifies disclosure and recognition/measurement", "requirements related to certain guarantees. The disclosure requirements are effective", "for financial statements issued after December 15, 2002 and the recognition/measure-", "ment requirements are effective on a prospective basis for guarantees issued or modified", "after December 31, 2002. The provisions of FIN 45 require the Company to value and", "record the liability for any indirect or direct guarantees of the indebtedness of others", "entered into after December 31, 2002. The Company does not expect compliance with", "FIN 45 to have a material impact on its consolidated financial position or results of", "operations.", "In December 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 148, “Accounting for Stock-Based", "Compensation – Transition and Disclosure” which amends SFAS No. 123, “Accounting", "for Stock-Based Compensation,” to provide alternative methods of transition for a vol-", "untary change to the fair value based method of accounting for stock-based employee", "compensation. SFAS No. 148 also amends the disclosure requirements of SFAS No. 123", "to require prominent disclosure in both annual and interim financial statements about", "the method of accounting for stock-based employee compensation and the effect of the", "method used on reported results. The transition guidance and annual disclosure provi-", "sions of SFAS No. 148 are effective for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2002. The", "interim disclosure provisions are effective for financial reports containing financial", "statements for interim periods beginning after December 15, 2002. As the Company", "did not make a voluntary change to the fair value based method of accounting for", "stock-based employee compensation in 2002, the adoption of SFAS No. 148 did not have", "an impact on the Company’s consolidated financial position and results of operations.", "The Company has adopted the annual disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 148 in its", "financial reports for the year ended December 31, 2002 and will adopt the interim disclo-", "sure provisions for its financial reports beginning with the quarter ending March 31,", "2003.", "74", "expd 02", "MD&A" ]
[ [ 257, 238, 655, 144 ], [ 257, 238, 655, 144 ], [ 257, 238, 655, 144 ], [ 257, 238, 655, 144 ], [ 257, 238, 655, 144 ], [ 257, 238, 655, 144 ], [ 257, 238, 655, 144 ], [ 257, 238, 655, 144 ], [ 257, 390, 655, 201 ], [ 257, 390, 655, 201 ], [ 257, 390, 655, 201 ], [ 257, 390, 655, 201 ], [ 257, 390, 655, 201 ], [ 257, 390, 655, 201 ], [ 257, 390, 655, 201 ], [ 257, 390, 655, 201 ], [ 257, 390, 655, 201 ], [ 257, 390, 655, 201 ], [ 257, 390, 655, 201 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 257, 598, 655, 333 ], [ 78, 972, 98, 26 ], [ 78, 972, 98, 26 ], [ 78, 972, 98, 26 ] ]
[ [ 280, 238, 632, 11 ], [ 257, 257, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 276, 655, 11 ], [ 257, 295, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 314, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 333, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 352, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 371, 655, 11 ], [ 280, 390, 632, 11 ], [ 257, 409, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 428, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 447, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 466, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 485, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 504, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 523, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 542, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 561, 654, 10 ], [ 257, 580, 84, 11 ], [ 280, 598, 632, 11 ], [ 257, 617, 655, 11 ], [ 257, 636, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 655, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 674, 655, 11 ], [ 257, 693, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 712, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 731, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 750, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 769, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 788, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 807, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 826, 655, 11 ], [ 257, 845, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 864, 655, 11 ], [ 257, 883, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 902, 654, 11 ], [ 257, 921, 41, 11 ], [ 78, 972, 22, 12 ], [ 105, 972, 70, 12 ], [ 105, 988, 46, 9 ] ]
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[ "notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (cont’d)", "As at January 1, 2011", "Financial asset ", "Financial ", "Items ", "Total", "at fair value through ", "Loans and ", "liabilities at ", "accounted for ", "carrying", "(Amounts in $000s)", "profit and loss ", "receivables", "amortized cost ", "as hedges ", "amount", "Cash and cash equivalents ", "$ ", " 598", "$ ", " –", "$ ", " –", "$ ", " –", "$ ", " 598 ", "Accounts receivable ", " –", " 50,452", " –", " –", " 50,452 ", "Other financial assets ", " –", " –", " –", " 890", " 890 ", "Bank loans ", " –", " –", " 42,725", " –", " 42,725 ", "Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ", " –", " –", " 60,065", " –", " 60,065 ", "Provisions ", " –", " –", " 550", " –", " 550 ", "Other financial liabilities ", " –", " –", " –", " 2,334", " 2,334 ", "Other long-term financial liabilities ", " –", " –", " –", " 207", " 207 ", "Long-term debt ", " –", " –", " 48,338", " –", " 48,338 ", "As at January 3, 2010", "Financial asset ", "Financial ", "Items ", "Total", "at fair value through ", "Loans and ", "liabilities at ", "accounted for ", "carrying", "(Amounts in $000s)", "profit and loss ", "receivables", "amortized cost ", "as hedges ", "amount", "Cash and cash equivalents ", "$ ", " 1,953", "$ ", " –", "$ ", " –", "$ ", " –", "$ ", " 1,953 ", "Accounts receivable ", " –", " 57,963", " –", " –", " 57,963 ", "Other financial assets ", " –", " –", " –", " 1,590", " 1,590 ", "Bank loans ", " –", " –", " 23,051", " –", " 23,051 ", "Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ", " –", " –", " 49,905", " –", " 49,905 ", "Provisions ", " –", " –", " 1,423", " –", " 1,423 ", "Other financial liabilities ", " –", " –", " –", " 3,989", " 3,989 ", "Other long-term financial liabilities ", " –", " –", " –", " 928", " 928 ", "Long-term debt ", " –", " –", " 54,502", " –", " 54,502 ", "intereSt rateS uSed for determining fair value", "The interest rates used to discount the estimated cash flows, when applicable, are based on the government yield curve at the ", "reporting date plus an adequate credit spread and were as follows:", "December 31, 2011", "January 1, 2011 ", "January 3, 2010", "Bank loans ", "3.10%", "2.27% ", "1.56%", "Long-term debt ", "7.00%", "2.30% ", "4.08%", "Capital lease obligations ", "5.90%", "5.62% ", "5.66%", "In the fifty two-week period ended December 31, 2011, the Company expensed $127 thousand and $306 thousand (January 1, 2011:", "$457 thousand and $165 thousand) of short-term and long-term interest, respectively, relating to interest that was calculated using ", "the effective interest rate method relating to its transaction fees and its borrowings. ", "The Company systematically enters into foreign exchange contracts, with maturities of 15 months or less, to hedge future cash ", "outflows for the purchase of raw materials. The Company uses hedge accounting to account for these foreign exchange contracts. ", "At period-end, the Company had the following total foreign exchange forward single rate contracts outstanding:", "amortized coSt impact on intereSt expenSe", "forward exchange contractS", " December 31, 2011", "Sell ", "Receive", "CAD$ ", "US$", "Forward rate ", "$ 5,327,982 ", "$ 5,294,465", "95", "AnnuAl RepoRt 2011" ]
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[ [ 656, 52, 288, 11 ], [ 790, 91, 133, 12 ], [ 358, 108, 97, 11 ], [ 635, 108, 61, 11 ], [ 778, 108, 39, 11 ], [ 893, 108, 31, 11 ], [ 322, 121, 132, 11 ], [ 507, 121, 68, 11 ], [ 619, 121, 76, 11 ], [ 726, 121, 90, 11 ], [ 872, 121, 51, 11 ], [ 100, 136, 93, 10 ], [ 358, 135, 97, 12 ], [ 500, 135, 71, 12 ], [ 596, 135, 100, 12 ], [ 749, 135, 67, 12 ], [ 872, 135, 51, 12 ], [ 100, 157, 171, 11 ], [ 381, 157, 10, 11 ], [ 427, 157, 24, 11 ], [ 502, 157, 10, 11 ], [ 562, 157, 11, 11 ], [ 623, 157, 10, 11 ], [ 683, 157, 11, 11 ], [ 743, 157, 10, 11 ], [ 803, 157, 11, 11 ], [ 864, 157, 10, 11 ], [ 899, 157, 28, 11 ], [ 100, 170, 129, 11 ], [ 442, 170, 11, 11 ], [ 529, 170, 42, 11 ], [ 683, 170, 11, 11 ], [ 803, 170, 11, 11 ], [ 881, 170, 46, 11 ], [ 100, 184, 140, 11 ], [ 442, 184, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 184, 11, 11 ], [ 683, 184, 11, 11 ], [ 788, 184, 24, 11 ], [ 899, 184, 28, 11 ], [ 100, 197, 72, 11 ], [ 442, 197, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 197, 11, 11 ], [ 650, 197, 42, 11 ], [ 803, 197, 11, 11 ], [ 881, 197, 46, 11 ], [ 100, 211, 256, 11 ], [ 442, 211, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 211, 11, 11 ], [ 650, 211, 42, 11 ], [ 803, 211, 11, 11 ], [ 881, 211, 46, 11 ], [ 100, 225, 68, 11 ], [ 442, 225, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 225, 11, 11 ], [ 668, 225, 24, 11 ], [ 803, 225, 11, 11 ], [ 899, 225, 28, 11 ], [ 100, 238, 159, 11 ], [ 442, 238, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 238, 11, 11 ], [ 683, 238, 11, 11 ], [ 778, 238, 35, 11 ], [ 888, 238, 39, 11 ], [ 100, 252, 226, 11 ], [ 442, 252, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 252, 11, 11 ], [ 683, 252, 11, 11 ], [ 788, 252, 24, 11 ], [ 899, 252, 28, 11 ], [ 100, 266, 104, 12 ], [ 441, 266, 12, 12 ], [ 562, 266, 12, 12 ], [ 649, 266, 44, 12 ], [ 803, 266, 12, 12 ], [ 880, 266, 47, 12 ], [ 790, 299, 133, 12 ], [ 358, 315, 97, 11 ], [ 635, 315, 61, 11 ], [ 778, 315, 39, 11 ], [ 893, 315, 31, 11 ], [ 322, 329, 132, 11 ], [ 507, 329, 68, 11 ], [ 619, 329, 76, 11 ], [ 726, 329, 90, 11 ], [ 872, 329, 51, 11 ], [ 100, 344, 93, 10 ], [ 358, 343, 97, 12 ], [ 500, 343, 71, 12 ], [ 596, 343, 100, 12 ], [ 749, 343, 67, 12 ], [ 872, 343, 51, 12 ], [ 100, 364, 171, 11 ], [ 381, 364, 10, 11 ], [ 416, 364, 35, 11 ], [ 502, 364, 10, 11 ], [ 562, 364, 11, 11 ], [ 623, 364, 10, 11 ], [ 683, 364, 11, 11 ], [ 743, 364, 10, 11 ], [ 803, 364, 11, 11 ], [ 864, 364, 10, 11 ], [ 888, 364, 39, 11 ], [ 100, 378, 129, 11 ], [ 442, 378, 11, 11 ], [ 529, 378, 42, 11 ], [ 683, 378, 11, 11 ], [ 803, 378, 11, 11 ], [ 881, 378, 46, 11 ], [ 100, 392, 140, 11 ], [ 442, 392, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 392, 11, 11 ], [ 683, 392, 11, 11 ], [ 778, 392, 35, 11 ], [ 888, 392, 39, 11 ], [ 100, 405, 72, 11 ], [ 442, 405, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 405, 11, 11 ], [ 650, 405, 42, 11 ], [ 803, 405, 11, 11 ], [ 881, 405, 46, 11 ], [ 100, 419, 256, 11 ], [ 442, 419, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 419, 11, 11 ], [ 650, 419, 42, 11 ], [ 803, 419, 11, 11 ], [ 881, 419, 46, 11 ], [ 100, 432, 68, 11 ], [ 442, 432, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 432, 11, 11 ], [ 657, 432, 35, 11 ], [ 803, 432, 11, 11 ], [ 888, 432, 39, 11 ], [ 100, 446, 159, 11 ], [ 442, 446, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 446, 11, 11 ], [ 683, 446, 11, 11 ], [ 778, 446, 35, 11 ], [ 888, 446, 39, 11 ], [ 100, 460, 226, 11 ], [ 442, 460, 11, 11 ], [ 562, 460, 11, 11 ], [ 683, 460, 11, 11 ], [ 788, 460, 24, 11 ], [ 899, 460, 28, 11 ], [ 100, 473, 104, 12 ], [ 441, 473, 12, 12 ], [ 562, 473, 12, 12 ], [ 649, 473, 44, 12 ], [ 803, 473, 12, 12 ], [ 880, 473, 47, 12 ], [ 100, 503, 344, 13 ], [ 100, 526, 796, 11 ], [ 100, 540, 419, 11 ], [ 562, 561, 121, 12 ], [ 709, 561, 97, 11 ], [ 830, 561, 94, 11 ], [ 100, 582, 72, 11 ], [ 646, 582, 37, 12 ], [ 768, 582, 39, 11 ], [ 888, 582, 35, 11 ], [ 100, 596, 101, 11 ], [ 646, 596, 37, 12 ], [ 768, 596, 39, 11 ], [ 888, 596, 35, 11 ], [ 100, 610, 156, 11 ], [ 646, 609, 37, 12 ], [ 768, 610, 39, 11 ], [ 888, 610, 35, 11 ], [ 100, 662, 819, 11 ], [ 100, 676, 826, 11 ], [ 100, 691, 530, 11 ], [ 100, 741, 804, 11 ], [ 100, 755, 818, 11 ], [ 100, 780, 705, 11 ], [ 100, 640, 317, 13 ], [ 100, 719, 220, 13 ], [ 803, 801, 121, 12 ], [ 780, 818, 27, 12 ], [ 876, 818, 48, 12 ], [ 767, 840, 39, 12 ], [ 898, 840, 25, 12 ], [ 100, 854, 85, 12 ], [ 723, 854, 84, 12 ], [ 844, 854, 80, 12 ], [ 927, 971, 17, 14 ], [ 802, 974, 102, 8 ] ]
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[ "Ted Schadler", "Group Director", "We make our clients powerful by giving them the", "information and insight they need to thrive. One of ", "the Goliaths we took on in 2000 was eBusiness", "technology selection. We created a new kind of", "research based on hands-on product evaluation ", "and a fanatical devotion to objectivity. We then", "extended the power of this research database with ", "an interactive tool kit to help clients pick the right", "technology products for their eBusiness initiatives.", "TechRankings is next-generation research that ", "gives clients the facts they need to make smart", "selections — and the tools to custom-rank the ", "vendors according to their unique needs.", "We give clients", "straight answers —", "and incisive ", "questions — ", "about emerging", "technology." ]
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[ "MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION ", "AND ANALYSIS/", "FINANCIAL REVIEW", "Management’s Discussion and Analysis ", "8.", "Risk Management", "43", "8.1 ", "Board Accountability", "43", "8.2 ", "Procurement", "43", "8.3 ", "Loss of Customer and Credit Risk", "44", "8.4 ", "Foreign Currency", "44", "8.5 ", "Other Commodities", "45", "8.6 ", "Food Safety", "46", "8.7 ", "Technology", "46", "8.8 ", "Acquisitions", "47", "8.9 ", "Liquidity", "47", "8.10", "Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility", "and Public Opinion", "47", "9.", "Forward-Looking Information", "48", "Financial Review ", "Independent Auditors’ Report", "49", "Management’s Responsibility", "50", "Consolidated Statements of Financial Position", "51", "Consolidated Statements of Income", "52", "Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income", "53", "Consolidated Statements of Accumulated", "Other Comprehensive Loss", "53", "Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity", "54", "Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows", "55", "Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements", "56", "Introduction", "14", "Important Notes", "14", "1.", "Vision, Core Businesses, and Strategy", "15", "1.1 ", "Vision", "15", "1.2 ", "Core Businesses", "15", "1.3 ", "Strategy", "16", "2.", "Strategic Measures", "20", "2.1 ", "Our Brands", "20", "2.2 ", "Our Organization", "21", "2.3 ", "Grow Through Innovation", "21", "3.", "Capability: Resources and Core Competencies", "22", "3.1 ", "Liquidity and Capital Resources", "22 ", "3.2 ", "Operational Resources", "27", "3.3 ", "Core Competencies", "28", "4.", "Other Items Important to Understanding our Results", "29", "4.1 ", "Accounting Standards", "29", "4.2 ", "Transactions with Related Parties", "30", "4.3 ", "Financing Costs", "30", "4.4 ", "Business Acquisition, Integrations and ", "Other Expenses", "30", "4.5 ", "Amortization of Intangible Assets", "30", "4.6 ", "Income Taxes", "31", "4.7 ", "Contingencies", "31", "4.8 ", "Contractual Arrangements", "31", "5.", "Performance", "31 ", "5.1 ", "The Icelandic USA and Viking Acquisitions", "31", "5.2 ", "Overall Performance", "32", "5.3 ", "Consolidated Results", "34", "5.4 ", "Performance by Segment", "39", "6.", "Summary of Results for the Fourth Quarter", "ended December 31, 2011", "40", "7.", "Critical Accounting Estimates", "41", "13", "ANNUAL REPORT 2011" ]
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[ [ 313, 132, 641, 53 ], [ 604, 179, 339, 53 ], [ 538, 225, 407, 53 ], [ 120, 370, 287, 15 ], [ 582, 371, 13, 11 ], [ 599, 371, 124, 11 ], [ 926, 371, 18, 11 ], [ 613, 386, 20, 11 ], [ 643, 386, 140, 11 ], [ 927, 386, 17, 11 ], [ 613, 401, 21, 11 ], [ 643, 401, 94, 11 ], [ 926, 401, 18, 11 ], [ 613, 416, 21, 11 ], [ 643, 416, 207, 11 ], [ 928, 416, 16, 11 ], [ 613, 432, 20, 11 ], [ 643, 432, 118, 11 ], [ 926, 432, 18, 11 ], [ 613, 447, 21, 11 ], [ 643, 447, 134, 11 ], [ 926, 447, 17, 11 ], [ 613, 462, 20, 11 ], [ 643, 462, 87, 11 ], [ 925, 462, 19, 11 ], [ 613, 477, 20, 11 ], [ 643, 477, 84, 11 ], [ 925, 477, 19, 11 ], [ 613, 492, 21, 11 ], [ 643, 492, 89, 11 ], [ 926, 492, 18, 11 ], [ 613, 508, 21, 11 ], [ 643, 508, 64, 11 ], [ 925, 508, 18, 11 ], [ 613, 523, 23, 11 ], [ 639, 523, 219, 11 ], [ 650, 538, 126, 11 ], [ 927, 538, 17, 11 ], [ 583, 553, 12, 11 ], [ 598, 553, 190, 11 ], [ 927, 553, 17, 11 ], [ 582, 581, 123, 15 ], [ 582, 599, 198, 11 ], [ 927, 599, 16, 11 ], [ 582, 614, 199, 11 ], [ 927, 614, 17, 11 ], [ 582, 629, 276, 11 ], [ 931, 629, 13, 11 ], [ 582, 644, 224, 11 ], [ 928, 644, 16, 11 ], [ 582, 660, 301, 11 ], [ 929, 660, 14, 11 ], [ 582, 675, 227, 11 ], [ 589, 690, 181, 11 ], [ 927, 690, 17, 11 ], [ 582, 705, 334, 11 ], [ 930, 705, 13, 11 ], [ 582, 720, 219, 11 ], [ 930, 720, 14, 11 ], [ 582, 736, 284, 11 ], [ 929, 736, 15, 11 ], [ 120, 388, 92, 11 ], [ 465, 388, 17, 11 ], [ 120, 403, 120, 11 ], [ 465, 403, 16, 11 ], [ 120, 418, 9, 11 ], [ 133, 418, 238, 11 ], [ 468, 418, 14, 11 ], [ 150, 433, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 433, 47, 11 ], [ 465, 433, 17, 11 ], [ 150, 449, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 449, 117, 11 ], [ 466, 449, 15, 11 ], [ 150, 464, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 464, 65, 11 ], [ 464, 464, 17, 11 ], [ 120, 479, 12, 11 ], [ 136, 479, 133, 11 ], [ 463, 479, 18, 11 ], [ 150, 494, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 494, 84, 11 ], [ 462, 494, 19, 11 ], [ 150, 510, 21, 11 ], [ 180, 510, 118, 11 ], [ 466, 510, 15, 11 ], [ 150, 525, 21, 11 ], [ 180, 525, 166, 11 ], [ 467, 525, 14, 11 ], [ 120, 540, 11, 11 ], [ 134, 540, 273, 11 ], [ 467, 540, 15, 11 ], [ 150, 555, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 555, 175, 11 ], [ 469, 555, 16, 11 ], [ 150, 570, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 570, 150, 11 ], [ 466, 570, 16, 11 ], [ 150, 586, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 586, 134, 11 ], [ 464, 586, 17, 11 ], [ 120, 601, 11, 11 ], [ 137, 601, 299, 11 ], [ 467, 601, 14, 11 ], [ 150, 616, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 616, 148, 11 ], [ 465, 616, 17, 11 ], [ 150, 631, 21, 11 ], [ 180, 631, 207, 11 ], [ 465, 631, 16, 11 ], [ 150, 646, 21, 11 ], [ 180, 646, 112, 11 ], [ 463, 646, 19, 11 ], [ 150, 662, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 662, 211, 11 ], [ 180, 677, 111, 11 ], [ 463, 677, 19, 11 ], [ 150, 692, 21, 11 ], [ 180, 692, 205, 11 ], [ 465, 692, 16, 11 ], [ 150, 707, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 707, 101, 11 ], [ 466, 707, 16, 11 ], [ 150, 722, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 722, 100, 11 ], [ 466, 722, 15, 11 ], [ 150, 738, 21, 11 ], [ 180, 738, 174, 11 ], [ 467, 738, 14, 11 ], [ 120, 753, 13, 11 ], [ 138, 753, 96, 11 ], [ 464, 753, 20, 11 ], [ 150, 768, 20, 11 ], [ 181, 768, 244, 11 ], [ 469, 768, 13, 11 ], [ 150, 783, 21, 11 ], [ 181, 783, 139, 11 ], [ 465, 783, 17, 11 ], [ 150, 799, 20, 11 ], [ 181, 799, 117, 11 ], [ 467, 799, 14, 11 ], [ 150, 814, 20, 11 ], [ 180, 814, 165, 11 ], [ 465, 814, 16, 11 ], [ 120, 829, 10, 11 ], [ 134, 829, 238, 11 ], [ 142, 844, 171, 11 ], [ 463, 844, 18, 11 ], [ 120, 859, 11, 11 ], [ 135, 859, 194, 11 ], [ 467, 859, 15, 11 ], [ 930, 971, 14, 14 ], [ 802, 974, 102, 8 ] ]
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[ "US 2014/0030643 Al ", "67 ", "Jan.", "30, 2014 ", "[0396] ", "As apparent from Table 2, the compositions of ", "Examples exhibited excellent performance as compared with ", "that of the compositions of Comparative Examples. ", "[0397] ", "<Preparation of Resist Composition> ", "[0398] ", "Components of Table 3 below were dissolved in a ", "solvent consisting of a 40:60 mixture of propylene glycol ", "monomethyl ether acetate and propylene glycol monomethyl ", "ether, thereby obtaining solutions each of 1.8 mass % solid ", "content. The solutions were each passed through a polytet›", "rafluoroethylene filterof0.03 ", "µm ", "pore size, thereby obtaining ", "chemically amplified positive resist compositions (positive ", "resist solutions). In Table 3, the amount of each of the com›", "ponents is expressed by the mass% based on the total solids. ", "[0399] ", "<Evaluation of Resist (EUV)> ", "[0400] ", "Each of the above positive resist solutions was ", "applied onto a silicon substrate having undergone a hexam›", "ethyldisilazane treatment by means of a spin coater, and dried ", "by heating on a hot plate at 130° ", "C.", "for 90 seconds. Thus, ", "resist films of 50 nm average thickness were obtained. ", "[0401] ", "Each of the resist films was exposed to EUV light by ", "means of an EUV exposure apparatus (wavelength=13.5 nm, ", "NA=0.3). Immediately after the exposure, the film was baked ", "on a hot plate at 110° ", "C.", "for 90 seconds. The baked film was ", "developed with a 2.38 mass % aqueous tetramethylammo›", "nium hydroxide solution at 23° ", "C.", "for 30 seconds. After the ", "development, the film was rinsed with pure water for 30 ", "seconds and dried. Thus, a line and space pattern (line: ", "space= ", "1: ", "1)", "was formed. ", "[0402] ", "(Sensitivity) ", "[0403] ", "The shape of cross section of obtained line and ", "space pattern was observed by means of a scanning electron ", "microscope (model S-9380 manufactured by Hitachi, Ltd.). ", "The sensitivity (Eopt) was defined as an exposure amount in ", "which a line of 35 nm width (line:space=l: 1) was resolved. ", "[0404] ", "(Shape of Pattern) ", "[0405] ", "With respect to the 35 nm line pattern (line:space=l: ", "1)", "realized in the irradiation amount exhibiting the above ", "sensitivity, the shape of cross section thereof was observed by ", "means of a scanning electron microscope (model S-4800 ", "manufactured by Hitachi, Ltd.). The observed shape was ", "evaluated in the same manner as described above. ", "[0406] ", "(Roughness Characteristic; LWR) ", "[0407] ", "The above 35 nm line pattern (line:space=l:1) was ", "observed by means of a scanning electron microscope (model ", "S-9380, manufactured by Hitachi, Ltd.). The distance ", "between actual edge and a reference line on which edges were ", "to be present was measured at 50 points of equal intervals ", "within 2 µm ", "in the longitudinal direction of the pattern. The ", "standard deviation of measured distances was determined, ", "and ", "3a ", "was computed therefrom. This ", "3a ", "was denoted as ", "\"LWR(nm).\" ", "[0408] ", "(Residue) ", "[0409] ", "The above 100 nm line pattern (line: space= 1: 1) was ", "observed by means of a scanning electron microscope (model ", "S-9260, manufactured by Hitachi, Ltd.). The evaluation ", "marks o(good), ll(fair) and x(insufficient) were given when ", "no residue was found at all in the substrate surface of the space ", "portion, when 20% or less of the surface area of the space ", "portion was covered by residue and when 50% or more of the ", "space portion was covered by residue, respectively. ", "[0410] ", "The obtained evaluation results are given in Table 4 ", "below. ", "[0411] ", "As apparent from Table 4, the compositions of ", "Examples also exhibited excellent performance upon expo›", "sure to EUV. ", "[0412] ", "<Preparation of Resist Composition> ", "[0413] ", "Components of Table 5 below were dissolved in a ", "solvent consisting of a 40:60 mixture of propylene glycol ", "monomethyl ether acetate and propylene glycol monomethyl ", "ether, thereby obtaining solutions each of 1.8 mass % solid ", "content. The solutions were each passed through a polytet›", "rafluoroethylene filterof0.03 ", "µm ", "pore size, thereby obtaining ", "chemically amplified positive resist compositions (positive ", "resist solutions). In Table 5, the amount of each of the com›", "ponents is expressed by the mass% based on the total solids. ", "TABLE 2-continued ", "TABLE4 ", "TABLES ", "Shape ", "Sensitivity ", "of ", "LWR ", "(mJ/cm", "2", ") ", "pattern ", "(nm) ", "Residue ", "Ex. 13 ", "13.6 ", "5.1 ", "Ex. 14 ", "12.2 ", "4.7 ", "Comp. Ex. 5 ", "15.8 ", "/\\.(-) ", "6.1 ", "X ", "Comp. Ex. 6 ", "17.2 ", "x(-) ", "8.5 ", "X ", "Concom-", "Acid ", "itant ", "Resin ", "generator ", "Compd. ", "basic ", "Surfac-", "(P) ", "(Q) ", "(R) ", "compd. ", "tant ", "(mass%) ", "(mass%) ", "(mass%) ", "(mass%) ", "(mass%) ", "Ex. 13 ", "A-1 ", "B-1 ", "C-1 ", "W-1 ", "(91.4) ", "(8.0) ", "(0.5) ", "(0.1) ", "Ex. 14 ", "A-1 ", "B-1 ", "C-2 ", "W-1 ", "(91.4) ", "(8.0) ", "(0.62) ", "(0.1) ", "Comp. Ex. 5 ", "A-1 ", "B-1 ", "C-A ", "W-1 ", "(91.4) ", "(8.0) ", "(0.5) ", "(0.1) ", "Comp. Ex. 6 ", "A-1 ", "B-1 ", "C-B ", "W-1 ", "(91.4) ", "(8.0) ", "(0.5) ", "(0.1) ", "Shape ", "Resolution ", "Sensitivity ", "of ", "LWR ", "of isolated ", "(µC/cm", "2", ") ", "pattern ", "(nm) ", "Residue ", "pattern (nm) ", "Comp. Ex. 1 ", "37 ", "/\\.(-) ", "6.0 ", "X ", "62.5 ", "Comp. Ex. 2 ", "38 ", "x(-) ", "7.2 ", "X ", "87.5 ", "Comp. Ex. 3 ", "35 ", "/\\.(-) ", "6.3 ", "LI. ", "67.5 ", "Comp. Ex. 4 ", "35 ", "x(+) ", "8.6 ", "100 ", "Concom-", "Acid ", "itant ", "Resin ", "generator ", "Compd. ", "basic ", "Surfac-", "(P) ", "(Q) ", "(R) ", "compd. ", "tant ", "(mass%) ", "(mass%) ", "(mass%) ", "(mass%) ", "(mass%) ", "Ex. 15 ", "A-1 ", "B-1 ", "C-1 ", "W-1 ", "(91.49) ", "(8.00) ", "(0.5) ", "(0.01) ", "Ex. 16 ", "A-1 ", "B-1 ", "C-2 ", "W-1 ", "(91.37) ", "(8.00) ", "(0.62) ", "(0.01) ", "Comp. Ex. 7 ", "A-1 ", "B-1 ", "C-A ", "W-1 ", "(91.54) ", "(8.00) ", "(0.45) ", "(0.01) ", "Comp. Ex. 8 ", "A-1 ", "B-1 ", "C-B ", "W-1 ", "(91.60) ", "(8.00) ", "(0.39) ", "(0.01) ", "TABLE3 " ]
[ [ 129, 73, 181, 13 ], [ 496, 91, 22, 14 ], [ 771, 73, 111, 13 ], [ 771, 73, 111, 13 ], [ 129, 266, 368, 35 ], [ 129, 266, 368, 35 ], [ 129, 266, 368, 35 ], [ 129, 266, 368, 35 ], [ 130, 306, 283, 10 ], [ 130, 306, 283, 10 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 319, 366, 113 ], [ 130, 635, 241, 10 ], [ 130, 635, 241, 10 ], [ 129, 649, 366, 61 ], [ 129, 649, 366, 61 ], [ 129, 649, 366, 61 ], [ 129, 649, 366, 61 ], [ 129, 649, 366, 61 ], [ 129, 649, 366, 61 ], [ 129, 649, 366, 61 ], [ 129, 649, 366, 61 ], [ 129, 714, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 714, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 714, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 714, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 714, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 714, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 714, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 714, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 714, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 714, 366, 113 ], [ 129, 714, 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[ [ 129, 73, 181, 13 ], [ 496, 91, 22, 14 ], [ 771, 73, 30, 13 ], [ 811, 73, 71, 13 ], [ 130, 266, 40, 10 ], [ 184, 266, 313, 9 ], [ 129, 279, 365, 9 ], [ 129, 292, 312, 9 ], [ 130, 306, 40, 10 ], [ 184, 306, 229, 9 ], [ 130, 319, 40, 10 ], [ 184, 319, 309, 9 ], [ 130, 332, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 345, 365, 9 ], [ 129, 358, 365, 9 ], [ 129, 371, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 384, 176, 9 ], [ 305, 384, 30, 9 ], [ 327, 384, 167, 9 ], [ 129, 397, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 410, 361, 9 ], [ 129, 423, 364, 9 ], [ 130, 635, 40, 10 ], [ 184, 635, 187, 9 ], [ 130, 649, 40, 10 ], [ 184, 649, 309, 9 ], [ 129, 661, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 674, 365, 9 ], [ 129, 687, 218, 9 ], [ 339, 687, 14, 9 ], [ 357, 687, 136, 9 ], [ 129, 700, 329, 9 ], [ 130, 714, 40, 10 ], [ 184, 714, 310, 9 ], [ 129, 727, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 740, 366, 9 ], [ 129, 752, 141, 9 ], [ 261, 752, 13, 9 ], [ 278, 752, 216, 9 ], [ 129, 765, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 778, 202, 9 ], [ 323, 778, 13, 9 ], [ 340, 778, 154, 9 ], [ 129, 791, 366, 9 ], [ 130, 804, 362, 9 ], [ 130, 817, 45, 9 ], [ 172, 817, 12, 9 ], [ 184, 817, 12, 9 ], [ 199, 817, 76, 9 ], [ 130, 831, 40, 10 ], [ 185, 831, 77, 9 ], [ 130, 844, 40, 10 ], [ 184, 844, 310, 9 ], [ 130, 857, 365, 9 ], [ 129, 870, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 883, 366, 9 ], [ 129, 896, 359, 9 ], [ 130, 909, 40, 10 ], [ 185, 909, 112, 9 ], [ 130, 923, 40, 10 ], [ 184, 923, 309, 9 ], [ 130, 936, 13, 9 ], [ 147, 936, 347, 9 ], [ 130, 949, 365, 9 ], [ 129, 962, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 141, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 153, 301, 9 ], [ 521, 169, 40, 10 ], [ 576, 169, 206, 9 ], [ 521, 185, 40, 10 ], [ 575, 186, 309, 9 ], [ 520, 199, 364, 9 ], [ 521, 211, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 224, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 237, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 250, 85, 9 ], [ 598, 250, 288, 9 ], [ 521, 263, 363, 9 ], [ 520, 276, 26, 9 ], [ 548, 276, 22, 9 ], [ 569, 276, 192, 9 ], [ 764, 276, 22, 9 ], [ 787, 276, 97, 9 ], [ 520, 289, 86, 9 ], [ 521, 305, 40, 10 ], [ 576, 305, 61, 9 ], [ 521, 321, 40, 10 ], [ 575, 321, 309, 9 ], [ 520, 334, 364, 9 ], [ 521, 347, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 360, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 373, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 386, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 399, 365, 9 ], [ 521, 412, 309, 9 ], [ 521, 428, 40, 10 ], [ 575, 428, 308, 9 ], [ 520, 441, 42, 9 ], [ 521, 595, 40, 10 ], [ 575, 595, 313, 9 ], [ 520, 608, 360, 9 ], [ 521, 621, 78, 9 ], [ 521, 637, 40, 10 ], [ 575, 638, 229, 9 ], [ 521, 654, 40, 10 ], [ 575, 654, 308, 9 ], [ 521, 667, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 680, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 693, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 706, 360, 9 ], [ 520, 719, 176, 9 ], [ 696, 719, 30, 9 ], [ 718, 719, 167, 9 ], [ 520, 732, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 745, 361, 9 ], [ 520, 758, 364, 9 ], [ 249, 143, 127, 9 ], [ 671, 469, 62, 9 ], [ 671, 785, 62, 9 ], [ 711, 491, 31, 7 ], [ 630, 501, 52, 7 ], [ 720, 501, 15, 7 ], [ 771, 501, 29, 7 ], [ 633, 512, 34, 7 ], [ 668, 510, 3, 5 ], [ 673, 513, 4, 5 ], [ 709, 512, 35, 7 ], [ 772, 512, 24, 7 ], [ 823, 512, 40, 7 ], [ 544, 531, 32, 7 ], [ 645, 531, 23, 7 ], [ 776, 531, 15, 7 ], [ 544, 541, 34, 7 ], [ 645, 541, 23, 7 ], [ 776, 541, 17, 7 ], [ 544, 551, 61, 7 ], [ 645, 551, 23, 7 ], [ 714, 551, 23, 7 ], [ 777, 551, 14, 7 ], [ 839, 553, 6, 5 ], [ 544, 562, 61, 7 ], [ 645, 562, 23, 7 ], [ 715, 561, 23, 7 ], [ 777, 562, 15, 7 ], [ 839, 563, 6, 5 ], [ 382, 472, 42, 7 ], [ 276, 483, 26, 7 ], [ 394, 483, 24, 7 ], [ 215, 493, 29, 7 ], [ 265, 493, 47, 7 ], [ 327, 493, 40, 7 ], [ 392, 493, 26, 7 ], [ 446, 492, 33, 7 ], [ 222, 503, 16, 7 ], [ 280, 503, 17, 7 ], [ 338, 503, 17, 7 ], [ 387, 503, 37, 7 ], [ 454, 503, 20, 7 ], [ 207, 514, 46, 7 ], [ 265, 514, 46, 7 ], [ 324, 514, 46, 7 ], [ 382, 514, 46, 7 ], [ 441, 514, 46, 7 ], [ 129, 533, 32, 7 ], [ 219, 532, 20, 7 ], [ 278, 532, 18, 7 ], [ 337, 532, 18, 7 ], [ 452, 532, 21, 7 ], [ 215, 543, 30, 7 ], [ 276, 543, 24, 7 ], [ 335, 543, 24, 7 ], [ 452, 543, 24, 7 ], [ 129, 553, 34, 7 ], [ 219, 553, 20, 7 ], [ 278, 553, 18, 7 ], [ 337, 553, 20, 7 ], [ 452, 553, 21, 7 ], [ 215, 564, 30, 7 ], [ 276, 564, 24, 7 ], [ 332, 564, 30, 7 ], [ 452, 564, 24, 7 ], [ 129, 574, 61, 7 ], [ 219, 574, 20, 7 ], [ 278, 574, 18, 7 ], [ 335, 574, 24, 7 ], [ 452, 574, 21, 7 ], [ 215, 584, 30, 7 ], [ 276, 584, 24, 7 ], [ 335, 584, 24, 7 ], [ 452, 584, 24, 7 ], [ 129, 595, 61, 7 ], [ 219, 594, 20, 7 ], [ 278, 594, 18, 7 ], [ 336, 594, 22, 7 ], [ 452, 594, 21, 7 ], [ 215, 605, 30, 7 ], [ 276, 605, 24, 7 ], [ 335, 605, 24, 7 ], [ 452, 605, 24, 7 ], [ 285, 165, 31, 7 ], [ 432, 165, 53, 7 ], [ 216, 176, 52, 7 ], [ 294, 176, 15, 7 ], [ 333, 176, 28, 7 ], [ 432, 176, 52, 7 ], [ 219, 186, 40, 7 ], [ 253, 184, 3, 5 ], [ 258, 188, 4, 5 ], [ 282, 186, 35, 7 ], [ 335, 186, 24, 7 ], [ 374, 186, 40, 7 ], [ 428, 186, 60, 7 ], [ 129, 205, 61, 7 ], [ 235, 205, 14, 7 ], [ 288, 205, 23, 7 ], [ 339, 205, 16, 7 ], [ 389, 207, 6, 5 ], [ 450, 205, 21, 7 ], [ 129, 216, 61, 7 ], [ 235, 216, 14, 7 ], [ 288, 215, 23, 7 ], [ 338, 216, 17, 7 ], [ 389, 217, 6, 5 ], [ 450, 216, 21, 7 ], [ 129, 226, 61, 7 ], [ 235, 226, 14, 7 ], [ 288, 226, 23, 7 ], [ 339, 226, 15, 7 ], [ 388, 226, 8, 7 ], [ 450, 226, 21, 7 ], [ 129, 236, 61, 7 ], [ 235, 236, 14, 7 ], [ 288, 236, 22, 7 ], [ 339, 236, 16, 7 ], [ 444, 236, 19, 7 ], [ 774, 807, 42, 7 ], [ 667, 818, 26, 7 ], [ 785, 818, 24, 7 ], [ 606, 828, 29, 7 ], [ 656, 828, 47, 7 ], [ 718, 828, 40, 7 ], [ 783, 828, 26, 7 ], [ 837, 828, 33, 7 ], [ 613, 838, 15, 7 ], [ 671, 838, 17, 7 ], [ 729, 838, 17, 7 ], [ 778, 838, 37, 7 ], [ 845, 838, 20, 7 ], [ 598, 849, 46, 7 ], [ 657, 849, 46, 7 ], [ 715, 849, 46, 7 ], [ 774, 849, 46, 7 ], [ 832, 849, 46, 7 ], [ 520, 868, 31, 7 ], [ 610, 867, 19, 7 ], [ 670, 867, 18, 7 ], [ 728, 867, 18, 7 ], [ 843, 867, 21, 7 ], [ 603, 878, 36, 7 ], [ 665, 878, 29, 7 ], [ 726, 878, 24, 7 ], [ 840, 878, 30, 7 ], [ 520, 888, 32, 7 ], [ 610, 888, 19, 7 ], [ 670, 888, 18, 7 ], [ 728, 888, 20, 7 ], [ 843, 888, 21, 7 ], [ 603, 899, 36, 7 ], [ 665, 899, 29, 7 ], [ 723, 899, 30, 7 ], [ 840, 899, 30, 7 ], [ 520, 909, 61, 7 ], [ 610, 909, 19, 7 ], [ 670, 909, 18, 7 ], [ 727, 909, 23, 7 ], [ 843, 909, 21, 7 ], [ 603, 919, 36, 7 ], [ 665, 919, 29, 7 ], [ 723, 919, 30, 7 ], [ 840, 919, 30, 7 ], [ 520, 930, 61, 7 ], [ 610, 929, 19, 7 ], [ 670, 929, 18, 7 ], [ 727, 929, 22, 7 ], [ 843, 929, 21, 7 ], [ 603, 940, 36, 7 ], [ 665, 940, 29, 7 ], [ 723, 940, 30, 7 ], [ 840, 940, 30, 7 ], [ 281, 450, 61, 9 ] ]
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[ "1. ", "When the clearance limit is a fix from which an ", "approach begins, commence descent or descent ", "and approach as close as possible to the expect-", "further-clearance time if one has been received. If an ", "expect-further-clearance time has not been received, ", "commence descent or descent and approach as close as ", "possible to the estimated time of arrival as calculated ", "from the filed or amended (with ATC) estimated time ", "en route.", "2. ", "If the clearance limit is not a fix from which an ", "approach begins, leave the clearance limit at the ", "expect-further-clearance time if one has been received. ", "If no expect-further-clearance time has been received, ", "leave the clearance limit upon arrival over it, and ", "proceed to a fix from which an approach begins and ", "commence descent or descent and approach as close as ", "possible to the estimated time of arrival as calculated ", "from the filed or amended (with ATC) estimated time ", "en route. ", "[Figure 11-8]", "While following these procedures, set the transponder to ", "code 7600, and use all means possible to reestablish two-way ", "radio communication with ATC. This includes monitoring ", "navigational aids (NAVAIDs), attempting radio contact with ", "other aircraft, and attempting contact with a nearby flight ", "service station (FSS).", "When the text box opens, the flashing cursor is located over ", "the nearest airport that meets the criteria set in the auxiliary ", "setup page as shown in ", "Figure 11-10", ". Scrolling through the ", "25", "airports is accomplished by turning the outer FMS knob, ", "which is located on the lower right corner of the display ", "screen. Turning the FMS knob clockwise moves the blinking ", "cursor to the next closest airport. By continuing to turn the ", "knob, the pilot is able to scroll through all 25 nearest airports. ", "Each airport box contains the information illustrated in ", "Procedures for accessing the nearest airport information vary ", "by the type of display installed in an aircraft. Pilots can obtain ", "information relative to the nearest airport by using the PFD, ", "multi-function display (MFD), or the nearest function on the ", "GPS receiver. The following examples are based on a popular ", "system. Pilots should become familiar with the operational ", "characteristics of the equipment to be used.", "With the advancements in electronic databases, diverting to ", "alternate airports has become easier. Simply by pressing a soft ", "key on the PFD, pilots can access information for up to 25 of ", "the nearest airports that meet the criteria set in the systems ", "configuration page. ", "[Figure 11-9]", " Pilots are able to specify ", "what airports are acceptable for their aircraft requirements ", "based on landing surface and length of runway.", "Nearest Airports Using the PFD", "GPS Nearest Airport Function", "Figure 11-9.", "The default soft key Menu that is displayed on the", "The default soft key menu that is displayed on the PFD contains a “NRST” (Nearest Airport) soft key. Pressing this soft ", "key opens a text box that displays the nearest 25 airports. ", "11-9", "NAV1108.00 113.00", "NAV2108.00 110.60", "134.000 118.000 COM1", "123.800 118.000 COM2", "$_{WPT }$______$_{ DIS }$__._ $_{NM DTK }$___$_{° TRK 360°}$", "ALER", "TS ", "NRST ", "ALER", "TS ", "T", "MR/REF", "5NM", "MAP", "WPT", "1200", "GND", "R", "LCL", "16" ]
[ [ 139, 57, 397, 147 ], [ 139, 57, 397, 147 ], [ 139, 57, 397, 147 ], [ 139, 57, 397, 147 ], [ 139, 57, 397, 147 ], [ 139, 57, 397, 147 ], [ 139, 57, 397, 147 ], [ 139, 57, 397, 147 ], [ 139, 57, 397, 147 ], [ 139, 57, 397, 147 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 139, 212, 397, 164 ], [ 124, 394, 413, 97 ], [ 124, 394, 413, 97 ], [ 124, 394, 413, 97 ], [ 124, 394, 413, 97 ], [ 124, 394, 413, 97 ], [ 124, 394, 413, 97 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 147 ], [ 553, 81, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 81, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 81, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 81, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 81, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 81, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 81, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 230, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 230, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 230, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 230, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 230, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 230, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 230, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 230, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 230, 413, 114 ], [ 553, 212, 257, 17 ], [ 553, 55, 291, 20 ], [ 125, 909, 841, 30 ], [ 125, 909, 841, 30 ], [ 125, 909, 841, 30 ], [ 125, 909, 841, 30 ], [ 928, 964, 34, 16 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ], [ 162, 530, 731, 362 ] ]
[ [ 139, 57, 17, 15 ], [ 170, 57, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 74, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 90, 362, 15 ], [ 170, 107, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 123, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 140, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 157, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 173, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 190, 60, 15 ], [ 139, 212, 17, 15 ], [ 170, 212, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 229, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 245, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 262, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 278, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 295, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 312, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 328, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 345, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 361, 64, 15 ], [ 235, 361, 96, 15 ], [ 124, 394, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 411, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 427, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 444, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 461, 413, 15 ], [ 124, 477, 148, 15 ], [ 553, 363, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 379, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 396, 162, 15 ], [ 716, 396, 91, 15 ], [ 808, 396, 159, 15 ], [ 553, 412, 9, 15 ], [ 567, 412, 399, 15 ], [ 553, 429, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 446, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 462, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 479, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 495, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 81, 412, 15 ], [ 553, 97, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 114, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 130, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 147, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 163, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 180, 298, 15 ], [ 553, 230, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 247, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 263, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 280, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 297, 137, 15 ], [ 691, 297, 96, 15 ], [ 788, 297, 178, 15 ], [ 553, 313, 413, 15 ], [ 553, 330, 326, 15 ], [ 553, 212, 257, 17 ], [ 553, 55, 291, 20 ], [ 173, 913, 147, 23 ], [ 332, 914, 548, 23 ], [ 207, 909, 758, 13 ], [ 125, 925, 361, 13 ], [ 928, 964, 34, 16 ], [ 257, 546, 108, 8 ], [ 257, 555, 108, 8 ], [ 655, 543, 124, 11 ], [ 655, 552, 124, 11 ], [ 402, 541, 178, 10 ], [ 758, 851, 23, 9 ], [ 781, 851, 13, 9 ], [ 447, 754, 68, 23 ], [ 555, 754, 59, 23 ], [ 615, 754, 33, 23 ], [ 301, 754, 14, 23 ], [ 315, 754, 76, 23 ], [ 240, 728, 27, 17 ], [ 254, 727, 40, 17 ], [ 305, 727, 41, 17 ], [ 357, 727, 41, 17 ], [ 409, 727, 41, 17 ], [ 466, 727, 13, 17 ], [ 511, 727, 34, 17 ], [ 571, 727, 13, 17 ] ]
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[ "NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "177", "Allianz Subalpina Società di Assicurazioni e Riassicurazioni S. p. A., Turin", "189", "97.9", "Allianz Suisse Lebensversicherungs-Gesellschaft, Zurich", "266", "99.9", "Allianz Suisse Versicherungs-Gesellschaft, Zurich", "574", "100.0", "Allianz Tiriac Insurance S. A. , Bukarest", "8", "51.6", "Allianz Underwriters Insurance Company, Los Angeles", "45", "100.0", "Allianz (UK) Ltd., London", "658", "100.0", "Allianz Worldwide Care Ltd., Dublin", "12", "100.0", "Allianz Zagreb d.d., Zagreb", "10", "52.1", "Arab International Insurance Company S. A. E., Cairo", "7", "80.0", "Arab International Life Assurance Company S. A. E., Cairo", "6", "100.0", "Assurances Générales de France, Paris", "6,080", "63.5", "Assurances Générales de France IART, Paris", "2,231", "99.9", "Assurances Générales de France Vie, Paris", "2,971", "100.0", "Banque AGF, Paris", "449", "100.0", "Cadence Capital Management LLC, Boston", "5", "75.9", "Colseguros Generales S. A., Bogota", "12", "99.9", "Commercial Bank Allianz Bulgaria Ltd., Sofia", "12", "99.4", "Compagnie d’Assurance de Protection Juridique S. A., Zug", "6", "100.0", "Companhia de Seguros Allianz Portugal S. A., Lissabon", "63", "64.8", "Dresdner Bank Luxembourg S. A., Luxembourg", "572", "100.0", "Dresdner Bank (Schweiz) AG, Zurich", "37", "99.8", "Dresdner International Management Services Ltd., Dublin", "3", "100.0", "Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein (Japan) Ltd., Hongkong", "3", "100.0", "Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Securities SIM S. p. A., Milan", "23", "100.0", "Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein (South East Asia) Ltd., Singapore", "135", "100.0", "ELVIA Reiseversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, Zurich", "18", "100.0", "Euler Credito y Caution, Madrid", "8", "100.0", "Euler Hermes S.F.A.C. S. A., Paris", "318", "100.0", "Eurovida, S. A. Compañia de Seguros y Reaseguros, Madrid", "36", "51.0", "Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company, Novato", "3,578", "100.0", "GENIALLOYD S. p. A., Milan", "32", "99.9", "International Reinsurance Company S. A., Luxembourg", "32", "100.0", "Lloyd Adriatico S. p. A., Trieste", "702", "99.7", "Mondial Assistance S. A., Paris Cedex", "46", "100.0", "NFJ Investment Group LP, Dallas", "2", "100.0", "Nicholas Applegate, San Diego", "43", "100.0", "Oppenheimer Capital LLC, Delaware", "16", "100.0", "Orbis Group Ltd., St. Peter Port/Guernsey", "20", "100.0", "Ost-West Allianz Insurance Company, Moscow", "2", "100.0", "Pacific Investment Management Company LLC, Delaware", "131", "91.0", "PEA Capital LLC, New York City", "3", "100.0", "PIMCO Advisors Distributors LLC, Delaware", "35", "100.0", "Privatinvest Bank AG, Salzburg", "14", "74.0", "P.", "T. Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia p.l.c., Jakarta", "13", "75.4", "Operating subsidiaries", "Equity in ", "¤ ", "mn", "% owned", "*)", "*)", "Percentage includes equity participations held by dependent enterprises in full, even if the Group’s share in this dependent enterprise is under 100%" ]
[ [ 591, 37, 352, 9 ], [ 591, 37, 352, 9 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 95, 123, 850, 739 ], [ 98, 874, 613, 8 ], [ 98, 874, 613, 8 ] ]
[ [ 591, 39, 322, 7 ], [ 924, 37, 20, 9 ], [ 98, 162, 394, 10 ], [ 804, 162, 20, 10 ], [ 912, 162, 22, 10 ], [ 98, 178, 301, 10 ], [ 803, 178, 21, 10 ], [ 909, 178, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 193, 263, 10 ], [ 804, 193, 20, 10 ], [ 903, 193, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 209, 210, 10 ], [ 817, 209, 6, 10 ], [ 911, 209, 21, 10 ], [ 98, 225, 294, 10 ], [ 810, 225, 14, 10 ], [ 903, 225, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 241, 138, 10 ], [ 803, 241, 21, 10 ], [ 903, 241, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 257, 194, 10 ], [ 811, 257, 12, 10 ], [ 903, 257, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 273, 145, 10 ], [ 811, 273, 11, 10 ], [ 910, 273, 23, 10 ], [ 98, 289, 287, 10 ], [ 817, 289, 7, 10 ], [ 909, 289, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 305, 313, 10 ], [ 817, 305, 7, 10 ], [ 903, 305, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 321, 208, 10 ], [ 792, 321, 32, 10 ], [ 909, 321, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 337, 237, 10 ], [ 794, 337, 30, 10 ], [ 909, 337, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 352, 229, 10 ], [ 794, 352, 30, 10 ], [ 903, 352, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 368, 100, 10 ], [ 803, 368, 21, 10 ], [ 903, 368, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 384, 231, 10 ], [ 817, 384, 6, 10 ], [ 909, 384, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 400, 191, 10 ], [ 811, 400, 12, 10 ], [ 909, 400, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 416, 241, 10 ], [ 811, 416, 12, 10 ], [ 909, 416, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 432, 317, 10 ], [ 817, 432, 7, 10 ], [ 903, 432, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 448, 298, 10 ], [ 810, 448, 14, 10 ], [ 909, 448, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 464, 255, 10 ], [ 803, 464, 21, 10 ], [ 903, 464, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 480, 199, 10 ], [ 811, 480, 13, 10 ], [ 909, 480, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 496, 313, 10 ], [ 817, 496, 7, 10 ], [ 903, 496, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 511, 306, 10 ], [ 817, 511, 7, 10 ], [ 903, 511, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 527, 334, 10 ], [ 810, 527, 14, 10 ], [ 903, 527, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 543, 357, 10 ], [ 804, 543, 20, 10 ], [ 903, 543, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 559, 268, 10 ], [ 811, 559, 13, 10 ], [ 903, 559, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 575, 172, 10 ], [ 817, 575, 6, 10 ], [ 903, 575, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 591, 177, 10 ], [ 805, 591, 18, 10 ], [ 903, 591, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 607, 323, 10 ], [ 810, 607, 14, 10 ], [ 911, 607, 22, 10 ], [ 98, 623, 242, 10 ], [ 793, 623, 30, 10 ], [ 903, 623, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 639, 151, 10 ], [ 810, 639, 14, 10 ], [ 909, 639, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 655, 297, 10 ], [ 810, 655, 14, 10 ], [ 903, 655, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 670, 165, 10 ], [ 803, 670, 20, 10 ], [ 909, 670, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 686, 202, 10 ], [ 810, 686, 14, 10 ], [ 903, 686, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 702, 178, 10 ], [ 817, 702, 6, 10 ], [ 903, 702, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 718, 167, 10 ], [ 810, 718, 14, 10 ], [ 903, 718, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 734, 198, 10 ], [ 811, 734, 11, 10 ], [ 903, 734, 29, 10 ], [ 98, 750, 226, 10 ], [ 810, 750, 14, 10 ], [ 903, 750, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 766, 252, 10 ], [ 817, 766, 7, 10 ], [ 903, 766, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 782, 310, 10 ], [ 805, 782, 19, 10 ], [ 911, 782, 22, 10 ], [ 98, 798, 169, 10 ], [ 817, 798, 6, 10 ], [ 903, 798, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 814, 236, 10 ], [ 810, 814, 14, 10 ], [ 903, 814, 30, 10 ], [ 98, 829, 166, 10 ], [ 811, 829, 11, 10 ], [ 910, 829, 23, 10 ], [ 98, 845, 9, 10 ], [ 112, 845, 267, 10 ], [ 811, 845, 13, 10 ], [ 909, 845, 24, 10 ], [ 98, 133, 130, 10 ], [ 749, 133, 46, 9 ], [ 796, 133, 12, 9 ], [ 808, 133, 16, 9 ], [ 887, 133, 47, 9 ], [ 936, 133, 5, 4 ], [ 98, 874, 4, 3 ], [ 108, 874, 603, 7 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 1, 1 ]
[ "Figure 1-11.", " IAP plan view and symbol legends.", "1-17", "SE-2, 16 DEC 2010 to 13 JAN 2011", "S", "E", "-", "2", ",", "1", "6", "D", "E", "C", "2", "0", "1", "0", "t", "o", "1", "3", "J", "A", "N", "2", "0", "1", "PILOT", "BRIEFING", "AND", "PROCEDURE", "NOTES", "AIRPORT", "DIAGRAM", "PLAN VIEW", "PROFILE", "MINIMUMS", "Additional ", "equipment", "requirement", "Nonprecision FAF", "Main", "procedure", "Highest obstacle", "IAF", "Obstacle", "NAVAID ID", "Main procedure", "No procedure turn", "Holding pattern", "INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURES (CHART", "S) ", "16", "DEC 2010 to 13 JAN 2011", "1", "6", "D", "E", "C", "2", "0", "1", "0", "t", "o", "1", "3", "J", "A", "N", "2", "0", "1", "1" ]
[ [ 942, 687, 18, 229 ], [ 942, 687, 18, 229 ], [ 928, 964, 34, 16 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ], [ 124, 70, 762, 867 ] ]
[ [ 943, 858, 18, 59 ], [ 942, 687, 17, 170 ], [ 928, 964, 34, 16 ], [ 420, 864, 144, 9 ], [ 573, 496, 6, 9 ], [ 567, 496, 6, 9 ], [ 564, 496, 3, 9 ], [ 559, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 556, 496, 2, 9 ], [ 549, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 544, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 534, 496, 6, 9 ], [ 528, 496, 6, 9 ], [ 522, 496, 6, 9 ], [ 514, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 509, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 504, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 499, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 494, 496, 2, 9 ], [ 489, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 481, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 476, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 469, 496, 4, 9 ], [ 463, 496, 6, 9 ], [ 457, 496, 6, 9 ], [ 449, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 444, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 439, 496, 5, 9 ], [ 174, 877, 24, 10 ], [ 220, 877, 29, 10 ], [ 174, 869, 20, 10 ], [ 174, 861, 54, 10 ], [ 209, 861, 61, 10 ], [ 609, 873, 42, 10 ], [ 609, 865, 45, 10 ], [ 300, 869, 53, 10 ], [ 693, 492, 41, 10 ], [ 775, 492, 49, 10 ], [ 184, 855, 15, 43 ], [ 197, 856, 15, 42 ], [ 210, 853, 15, 48 ], [ 710, 681, 15, 71 ], [ 652, 530, 3, 62 ], [ 662, 530, 4, 62 ], [ 370, 863, 15, 66 ], [ 468, 776, 15, 13 ], [ 364, 710, 15, 35 ], [ 302, 704, 15, 41 ], [ 500, 576, 15, 62 ], [ 587, 503, 15, 73 ], [ 534, 582, 15, 61 ], [ 166, 171, 17, 220 ], [ 166, 159, 17, 11 ], [ 422, 465, 11, 10 ], [ 439, 465, 120, 10 ], [ 542, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 536, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 526, 73, 7, 10 ], [ 519, 73, 6, 10 ], [ 512, 73, 7, 10 ], [ 503, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 498, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 492, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 486, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 481, 73, 2, 10 ], [ 475, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 466, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 461, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 453, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 446, 73, 6, 10 ], [ 439, 73, 7, 10 ], [ 430, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 424, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 419, 73, 5, 10 ], [ 413, 73, 5, 10 ] ]
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[ "bunge 2004 annual report", "notes to the consolidated ", "financial statements", "Rent expense under non-cancelable operating leases was ", "$89 million, $62 million and $52 million for 2004, 2003 and", "2002, respectively. ", "In 2002, Bunge commenced recording, and continues to record,", "an allowance against certain recoverable taxes owed to it by the", "Argentine government due to delayed payment and uncertainty", "regarding the local economic environment. The balance of this", "allowance fluctuates depending on the sales activity of existing", "inventories, the purchase of new inventories, seasonality, changes", "in applicable tax rates, cash payment by the Argentine govern-", "ment and compensation of outstanding balances against income", "or certain other taxes owed to the Argentine government. At", "December 31, 2004 and 2003, this allowance for recoverable", "taxes was $27 million and $25 million, respectively. In the year", "ended December 31, 2004, Bunge increased this allowance in", "the amount of $2 million as a result of increased purchases of", "commodity inventories in the first half of the 2004 year. In the ", "The “Unallocated” column in the following table contains the", "reconciliation between the totals for reportable segments and", "Bunge consolidated totals, which consists primarily of corporate", "items not allocated to the operating segments, inter-segment", "eliminations and principally the Solae joint venture. Transfers ", "between the segments are generally valued at market.", "With the completion of the sale of the Brazilian soy ingredients", "business in 2003, Bunge has four reporting segments: agribusi-", "ness, fertilizer, edible oil products and milling products, which", "are organized based upon similar economic characteristics and", "are similar in nature of products and services offered, the nature", "of production processes, the type and class of customer and", "distribution methods. The agribusiness segment is characterized", "by both inputs and outputs being agricultural commodities and", "thus high volume and low margin. The activities of the fertilizer", "segment include raw material mining, mixing fertilizer compo-", "nents and marketing products. The edible oil products segment", "involves the manufacturing and marketing of products derived", "from vegetable oils. The milling products segment involves the", "manufacturing and marketing of products derived primarily from", "wheat and corn.", "During 2004, Bunge reclassified certain consumer product ", "lines from the agribusiness segment to the edible oil products", "segment. As a result, amounts for the year ended December 31,", "2003 have been reclassified to conform to the current 2004", "presentation. ", "year ended December 31, 2003, Bunge decreased this allowance", "in the amount of $39 million as a result of either cash recoveries", "by Bunge or compensation against taxes owed by Bunge to the", "Argentine government.", "Bunge routinely leases storage facilities, transportation equipment", "and office facilities under operating leases. Minimum lease pay-", "ments under non-cancelable operating leases at December 31,", "2004 were as follows:", "82", "28.", "operating segments and geographic areas", "27.", "argentina", "26.", "lease commitments", "Information regarding stock options outstanding and exercisable at December 31, 2004, was as follows:", "Range of Exercise Prices", "$15.88–$16.00", "$18.88–$21.61", "$21.62–$25.22", "$35.46–$37.08", "Options outstanding: ", "Number", "7", "78", "81", "1,,8", "81", "12", "2", "1", "1,,1", "17", "79", "9,,3", "34", "44", "4", "9", "96", "66", "6,,1", "14", "46", "6", "7", "79", "93", "3,,0", "00", "0", "Weighted average exercise price", "$", "1", "15", "5..9", "97", "7", "$", "2", "20", "0..8", "88", "8", "$", "2", "25", "5..2", "22", "2", "$", "3", "36", "6..9", "93", "3", "Weighted average remaining contractual life in years", "5", "5..8", "8", "6", "6..7", "7", "8", "8..1", "1", "9", "9..2", "2", "Options exercisable: ", "Number", "7", "78", "81", "1,,8", "81", "12", "2", "8", "85", "52", "2,,5", "54", "46", "6", "3", "31", "16", "6,,3", "34", "48", "8", "–", "Weighted average exercise price", "$", "1", "15", "5..9", "97", "7", "$", "2", "20", "0..6", "60", "0", "$", "2", "25", "5..2", "22", "2", "$", "–", "(US$ in millions) ", "2005", "$", "9", "92", "2", "2006", "7", "78", "8", "2007", "6", "66", "2008", "5", "58", "8", "2009", "5", "51", "1", "Thereafter", "1", "11", "1", "Total", "$", "4", "45", "56", "6" ]
[ [ 431, 36, 164, 3 ], [ 387, 82, 256, 22 ], [ 387, 82, 256, 22 ], [ 90, 595, 380, 45 ], [ 90, 595, 380, 45 ], [ 90, 595, 380, 45 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 90, 679, 402, 230 ], [ 527, 813, 401, 96 ], [ 527, 813, 401, 96 ], [ 527, 813, 401, 96 ], [ 527, 813, 401, 96 ], [ 527, 813, 401, 96 ], [ 527, 813, 401, 96 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 543, 402, 247 ], [ 527, 442, 395, 78 ], [ 527, 442, 395, 78 ], [ 527, 442, 395, 78 ], [ 527, 442, 395, 78 ], [ 527, 442, 395, 78 ], [ 527, 341, 404, 61 ], [ 527, 341, 404, 61 ], [ 527, 341, 404, 61 ], [ 527, 341, 404, 61 ], [ 90, 358, 403, 61 ], [ 90, 358, 403, 61 ], [ 90, 358, 403, 61 ], [ 90, 358, 403, 61 ], [ 69, 997, 12, 4 ], [ 527, 429, 350, 5 ], [ 527, 429, 350, 5 ], [ 90, 666, 104, 5 ], [ 90, 666, 104, 5 ], [ 90, 345, 174, 5 ], [ 90, 345, 174, 5 ], [ 90, 155, 650, 11 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 87, 170, 820, 144 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ], [ 85, 437, 414, 129 ] ]
[ [ 431, 36, 164, 3 ], [ 387, 82, 256, 7 ], [ 414, 97, 196, 7 ], [ 90, 595, 369, 11 ], [ 90, 612, 380, 11 ], [ 90, 629, 124, 11 ], [ 90, 679, 400, 11 ], [ 90, 696, 402, 11 ], [ 90, 713, 395, 11 ], [ 90, 730, 390, 11 ], [ 90, 746, 394, 11 ], [ 90, 763, 402, 11 ], [ 90, 780, 391, 11 ], [ 90, 797, 400, 11 ], [ 90, 814, 383, 11 ], [ 90, 831, 384, 11 ], [ 90, 847, 398, 11 ], [ 90, 864, 392, 11 ], [ 90, 881, 388, 11 ], [ 90, 898, 398, 11 ], [ 527, 813, 379, 11 ], [ 527, 830, 387, 11 ], [ 527, 847, 401, 11 ], [ 527, 863, 384, 11 ], [ 527, 880, 385, 11 ], [ 527, 897, 339, 11 ], [ 527, 543, 391, 11 ], [ 527, 560, 396, 11 ], [ 527, 577, 386, 11 ], [ 527, 594, 395, 11 ], [ 527, 611, 398, 11 ], [ 527, 627, 380, 11 ], [ 527, 644, 402, 11 ], [ 527, 661, 392, 11 ], [ 527, 678, 390, 11 ], [ 527, 695, 384, 11 ], [ 527, 712, 396, 11 ], [ 527, 728, 387, 11 ], [ 527, 745, 389, 11 ], [ 527, 762, 400, 11 ], [ 527, 779, 101, 11 ], [ 527, 442, 380, 11 ], [ 527, 459, 387, 11 ], [ 527, 476, 395, 11 ], [ 527, 493, 377, 11 ], [ 527, 510, 86, 11 ], [ 527, 341, 397, 11 ], [ 527, 358, 404, 11 ], [ 527, 375, 394, 11 ], [ 527, 392, 142, 11 ], [ 90, 358, 403, 11 ], [ 90, 375, 398, 11 ], [ 90, 392, 393, 11 ], [ 90, 409, 138, 11 ], [ 69, 997, 12, 4 ], [ 527, 429, 23, 5 ], [ 554, 429, 323, 5 ], [ 90, 666, 22, 5 ], [ 115, 666, 78, 5 ], [ 90, 345, 23, 5 ], [ 117, 345, 147, 5 ], [ 90, 155, 650, 11 ], [ 774, 172, 130, 8 ], [ 465, 188, 77, 8 ], [ 587, 188, 75, 8 ], [ 705, 188, 78, 8 ], [ 825, 188, 78, 8 ], [ 90, 206, 125, 10 ], [ 90, 222, 44, 10 ], [ 494, 225, 7, 4 ], [ 494, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 502, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 509, 225, 18, 4 ], [ 520, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 527, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 535, 225, 7, 4 ], [ 604, 225, 7, 4 ], [ 604, 225, 18, 4 ], [ 615, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 622, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 629, 225, 18, 4 ], [ 640, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 648, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 655, 225, 7, 4 ], [ 735, 225, 7, 4 ], [ 735, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 743, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 750, 225, 18, 4 ], [ 761, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 768, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 776, 225, 7, 4 ], [ 856, 225, 7, 4 ], [ 856, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 863, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 871, 225, 18, 4 ], [ 882, 225, 14, 4 ], [ 896, 225, 7, 4 ], [ 90, 237, 180, 10 ], [ 487, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 509, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 509, 241, 14, 4 ], [ 516, 241, 18, 4 ], [ 527, 241, 14, 4 ], [ 535, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 608, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 630, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 630, 241, 14, 4 ], [ 637, 241, 18, 4 ], [ 648, 241, 14, 4 ], [ 655, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 728, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 750, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 750, 241, 14, 4 ], [ 758, 241, 18, 4 ], [ 768, 241, 14, 4 ], [ 776, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 849, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 871, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 871, 241, 14, 4 ], [ 878, 241, 18, 4 ], [ 889, 241, 14, 4 ], [ 896, 241, 7, 4 ], [ 90, 253, 290, 10 ], [ 524, 256, 7, 4 ], [ 524, 256, 18, 4 ], [ 535, 256, 7, 4 ], [ 644, 256, 7, 4 ], [ 644, 256, 18, 4 ], [ 655, 256, 7, 4 ], [ 765, 256, 7, 4 ], [ 765, 256, 18, 4 ], [ 776, 256, 7, 4 ], [ 886, 256, 7, 4 ], [ 886, 256, 18, 4 ], [ 896, 256, 7, 4 ], [ 90, 268, 121, 10 ], [ 90, 284, 44, 10 ], [ 494, 287, 7, 4 ], [ 494, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 502, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 509, 287, 18, 4 ], [ 520, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 527, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 535, 287, 7, 4 ], [ 615, 287, 7, 4 ], [ 615, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 622, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 630, 287, 18, 4 ], [ 640, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 648, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 655, 287, 7, 4 ], [ 735, 287, 7, 4 ], [ 735, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 743, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 750, 287, 18, 4 ], [ 761, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 768, 287, 14, 4 ], [ 776, 287, 7, 4 ], [ 897, 287, 7, 4 ], [ 90, 299, 180, 10 ], [ 487, 303, 7, 4 ], [ 509, 303, 7, 4 ], [ 509, 303, 14, 4 ], [ 516, 303, 18, 4 ], [ 527, 303, 14, 4 ], [ 535, 303, 7, 4 ], [ 608, 303, 7, 4 ], [ 630, 303, 7, 4 ], [ 630, 303, 14, 4 ], [ 637, 303, 18, 4 ], [ 648, 303, 14, 4 ], [ 655, 303, 7, 4 ], [ 728, 303, 7, 4 ], [ 750, 303, 7, 4 ], [ 750, 303, 14, 4 ], [ 758, 303, 18, 4 ], [ 768, 303, 14, 4 ], [ 776, 303, 7, 4 ], [ 849, 303, 7, 4 ], [ 897, 303, 7, 4 ], [ 90, 439, 83, 8 ], [ 90, 458, 29, 10 ], [ 442, 461, 7, 4 ], [ 467, 461, 7, 4 ], [ 467, 461, 14, 4 ], [ 474, 461, 7, 4 ], [ 90, 473, 29, 10 ], [ 467, 476, 7, 4 ], [ 467, 476, 14, 4 ], [ 474, 476, 7, 4 ], [ 90, 489, 29, 10 ], [ 467, 492, 7, 4 ], [ 467, 492, 14, 4 ], [ 90, 504, 29, 10 ], [ 467, 507, 7, 4 ], [ 467, 507, 14, 4 ], [ 474, 507, 7, 4 ], [ 90, 520, 29, 10 ], [ 467, 523, 7, 4 ], [ 467, 523, 14, 4 ], [ 474, 523, 7, 4 ], [ 90, 535, 56, 10 ], [ 460, 539, 7, 4 ], [ 460, 539, 14, 4 ], [ 474, 539, 7, 4 ], [ 90, 555, 26, 10 ], [ 442, 558, 7, 4 ], [ 460, 558, 7, 4 ], [ 460, 558, 14, 4 ], [ 467, 558, 14, 4 ], [ 474, 558, 7, 4 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "Account Management Statements", "information about the differences between static and dynamic privileges, see Static Versus Dynamic", "Privileges.", "Table 13.11 Permissible Static Privileges for GRANT and REVOKE", "Privilege", "Meaning and Grantable Levels", "ALL [PRIVILEGES]", "Grant all privileges at specified access level except", "GRANT OPTION", " and ", "PROXY", ".", "ALTER", "Enable use of ", "ALTER TABLE", ". Levels: Global,", "database, table.", "ALTER ROUTINE", "Enable stored routines to be altered or dropped.", "Levels: Global, database, routine.", "CREATE", "Enable database and table creation. Levels: Global,", "database, table.", "CREATE ROLE", "Enable role creation. Level: Global.", "CREATE ROUTINE", "Enable stored routine creation. Levels: Global,", "database.", "CREATE TABLESPACE", "Enable tablespaces and log file groups to be", "created, altered, or dropped. Level: Global.", "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES", "Enable use of ", "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE", ".", "Levels: Global, database.", "CREATE USER", "Enable use of ", "CREATE USER", ", ", "DROP USER", ", ", "RENAME", "USER", ", and ", "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES", ". Level:", "Global.", "CREATE VIEW", "Enable views to be created or altered. Levels:", "Global, database, table.", "DELETE", "Enable use of ", "DELETE", ". Level: Global, database,", "table.", "DROP", "Enable databases, tables, and views to be dropped.", "Levels: Global, database, table.", "DROP ROLE", "Enable roles to be dropped. Level: Global.", "EVENT", "Enable use of events for the Event Scheduler.", "Levels: Global, database.", "EXECUTE", "Enable the user to execute stored routines. Levels:", "Global, database, routine.", "FILE", "Enable the user to cause the server to read or write", "files. Level: Global.", "GRANT OPTION", "Enable privileges to be granted to or removed from", "other accounts. Levels: Global, database, table,", "routine, proxy.", "INDEX", "Enable indexes to be created or dropped. Levels:", "Global, database, table.", "INSERT", "Enable use of ", "INSERT", ". Levels: Global, database,", "table, column.", "LOCK TABLES", "Enable use of ", "LOCK TABLES", " on tables for which", "you have the ", "SELECT", " privilege. Levels: Global,", "database.", "2867" ]
[ [ 401, 48, 252, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 740, 27 ], [ 170, 94, 740, 27 ], [ 170, 136, 524, 11 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 169, 156, 796, 775 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ [ 401, 48, 252, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 740, 11 ], [ 170, 110, 77, 11 ], [ 170, 136, 524, 11 ], [ 174, 161, 69, 11 ], [ 571, 161, 241, 11 ], [ 174, 184, 160, 10 ], [ 571, 183, 377, 11 ], [ 571, 199, 120, 10 ], [ 692, 198, 37, 11 ], [ 729, 199, 50, 10 ], [ 779, 198, 4, 11 ], [ 174, 221, 50, 10 ], [ 571, 220, 107, 11 ], [ 678, 221, 110, 10 ], [ 789, 220, 120, 11 ], [ 571, 235, 119, 11 ], [ 174, 258, 130, 10 ], [ 571, 257, 355, 11 ], [ 571, 272, 249, 11 ], [ 174, 295, 60, 10 ], [ 571, 293, 383, 11 ], [ 571, 309, 119, 11 ], [ 174, 331, 110, 10 ], [ 571, 330, 260, 11 ], [ 174, 353, 140, 10 ], [ 571, 352, 343, 11 ], [ 571, 367, 73, 11 ], [ 174, 390, 170, 10 ], [ 571, 389, 329, 11 ], [ 571, 404, 318, 11 ], [ 174, 427, 231, 10 ], [ 571, 425, 107, 11 ], [ 678, 427, 221, 10 ], [ 899, 425, 4, 11 ], [ 571, 441, 188, 11 ], [ 174, 463, 110, 10 ], [ 571, 462, 107, 11 ], [ 678, 463, 110, 10 ], [ 789, 462, 9, 11 ], [ 798, 463, 90, 10 ], [ 888, 462, 9, 11 ], [ 898, 463, 60, 10 ], [ 571, 479, 40, 10 ], [ 611, 478, 41, 11 ], [ 653, 479, 211, 10 ], [ 864, 478, 53, 11 ], [ 571, 493, 53, 11 ], [ 174, 516, 110, 10 ], [ 571, 515, 338, 11 ], [ 571, 530, 176, 11 ], [ 174, 553, 60, 10 ], [ 571, 552, 107, 11 ], [ 678, 553, 60, 10 ], [ 738, 552, 189, 11 ], [ 571, 567, 40, 11 ], [ 174, 590, 40, 10 ], [ 571, 589, 384, 11 ], [ 571, 604, 234, 11 ], [ 174, 627, 90, 10 ], [ 571, 625, 312, 11 ], [ 174, 648, 50, 10 ], [ 571, 647, 340, 11 ], [ 571, 662, 188, 11 ], [ 174, 685, 70, 10 ], [ 571, 684, 377, 11 ], [ 571, 699, 191, 11 ], [ 174, 722, 40, 10 ], [ 571, 721, 380, 11 ], [ 571, 736, 141, 11 ], [ 174, 759, 120, 10 ], [ 571, 757, 377, 11 ], [ 571, 773, 353, 11 ], [ 571, 788, 106, 11 ], [ 174, 811, 50, 10 ], [ 571, 810, 364, 11 ], [ 571, 825, 176, 11 ], [ 174, 848, 60, 10 ], [ 571, 847, 107, 11 ], [ 678, 848, 60, 10 ], [ 738, 847, 198, 11 ], [ 571, 862, 104, 11 ], [ 174, 885, 110, 10 ], [ 571, 884, 107, 11 ], [ 678, 885, 110, 10 ], [ 789, 884, 144, 11 ], [ 571, 899, 100, 11 ], [ 672, 900, 60, 10 ], [ 732, 899, 187, 11 ], [ 571, 915, 73, 11 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ 7, 9, 9, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4 ]
[ "Figure 10-73. ", "Typical turbine engine instruments.", "10-57", "OIL PRESS", "PSI", "80", "100", "0", "40", "60", "20", "FUEL FLOW", "1", "2", "3", "7", "9", "12", "0", "5", "EXT GAS", "TEMP", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1", "0", "6", "7", "9", "10", "8", "PSI", "TORQUEMETER", "200", "0", "100", "50", "150", "PERCENT", "RPM", "50", "40", "30", "20", "10", "0", "60", "70", "90", "100", "80", "°C", "OIL", "5", "4", "150", "-50", "100", "0", "50" ]
[ [ 124, 820, 309, 14 ], [ 124, 820, 309, 14 ], [ 918, 964, 44, 16 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ], [ 122, 58, 845, 750 ] ]
[ [ 124, 820, 88, 13 ], [ 213, 820, 220, 13 ], [ 918, 964, 44, 16 ], [ 711, 400, 85, 15 ], [ 740, 445, 26, 15 ], [ 812, 385, 24, 22 ], [ 799, 454, 37, 22 ], [ 744, 485, 12, 22 ], [ 674, 385, 24, 22 ], [ 742, 358, 24, 22 ], [ 673, 454, 24, 22 ], [ 708, 160, 91, 15 ], [ 826, 174, 9, 17 ], [ 771, 238, 9, 17 ], [ 678, 208, 9, 17 ], [ 671, 174, 9, 17 ], [ 678, 157, 9, 17 ], [ 693, 139, 19, 17 ], [ 749, 123, 9, 17 ], [ 671, 192, 9, 17 ], [ 299, 629, 69, 15 ], [ 312, 641, 44, 15 ], [ 264, 701, 12, 22 ], [ 290, 719, 12, 22 ], [ 329, 726, 12, 22 ], [ 369, 719, 12, 22 ], [ 395, 700, 12, 22 ], [ 412, 676, 12, 22 ], [ 245, 677, 12, 22 ], [ 243, 646, 12, 22 ], [ 290, 603, 12, 22 ], [ 323, 598, 24, 22 ], [ 262, 619, 12, 22 ], [ 323, 159, 21, 12 ], [ 283, 170, 100, 12 ], [ 362, 215, 25, 15 ], [ 280, 213, 8, 15 ], [ 362, 153, 25, 15 ], [ 308, 141, 17, 15 ], [ 378, 184, 25, 15 ], [ 296, 441, 76, 15 ], [ 316, 453, 35, 15 ], [ 380, 464, 24, 22 ], [ 398, 436, 24, 22 ], [ 401, 407, 24, 22 ], [ 384, 382, 24, 22 ], [ 359, 364, 24, 22 ], [ 327, 357, 12, 22 ], [ 353, 479, 24, 22 ], [ 322, 487, 24, 22 ], [ 259, 461, 24, 22 ], [ 241, 436, 37, 22 ], [ 281, 479, 24, 22 ], [ 737, 634, 21, 19 ], [ 740, 721, 31, 19 ], [ 683, 700, 12, 22 ], [ 709, 718, 12, 22 ], [ 794, 665, 31, 19 ], [ 692, 654, 27, 19 ], [ 818, 622, 31, 19 ], [ 706, 606, 10, 19 ], [ 759, 600, 21, 19 ] ]
[ 0, 0, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "The Company currently, and from time to time, is involved in various other legal proceedings incidental to the conduct of its business.", "Although the amount of liability that may result from these proceedings cannot be ascertained, the Company does not currently believe that,", "in the aggregate, these other matters will result in liabilities material to the Company’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.", "The Company is self-insured for workers’ compensation, automobile, general and product liability and property losses. The Company is also", "self-insured for health care claims for eligible active employees. The Company maintains certain levels for stop loss coverage for each ", "self-insured plan. Self-insurance costs are accrued based upon the aggregate of the liability for reported claims and an estimated liability for", "claims incurred but not reported.", "The Company manages its business on the basis of one reportable segment. See Note A for a brief description of the Company’s business.", "As of August 30, 2003, the majority of the Company’s operations were located within the United States. Other operations include ALLDATA", "and the Mexico locations, each of which comprises less than 3 percent of consolidated net sales, net income and total assets. The following", "data is presented in accordance with SFAS 131, “Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information.”", "Note N—Segment Reporting", "AutoZone, Inc. 2003 Annual Report", "47", "Year Ended", "August 30,", "August 31,", "August 25,", "(in thousands)", "2003", "2002", "2001", "Primary business focus:", "U.S. Retail", "$4,638,361", "$4,621,234", "$4,134,326", "AZ Commercial", "670,010", "531,776", "443,533", "Other", "148,752", "172,500", "240,326", "Net sales", "$5,457,123", "$5,325,510", "$4,818,185" ]
[ [ 80, 139, 864, 41 ], [ 80, 139, 864, 41 ], [ 80, 139, 864, 41 ], [ 80, 194, 870, 57 ], [ 80, 194, 870, 57 ], [ 80, 194, 870, 57 ], [ 80, 194, 870, 57 ], [ 80, 287, 864, 57 ], [ 80, 287, 864, 57 ], [ 80, 287, 864, 57 ], [ 80, 287, 864, 57 ], [ 80, 271, 210, 10 ], [ 747, 978, 197, 8 ], [ 507, 983, 10, 7 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ], [ 77, 353, 868, 132 ] ]
[ [ 80, 139, 864, 10 ], [ 80, 155, 864, 10 ], [ 80, 170, 864, 10 ], [ 80, 194, 864, 10 ], [ 80, 209, 870, 10 ], [ 80, 225, 864, 10 ], [ 80, 240, 206, 10 ], [ 80, 287, 864, 10 ], [ 80, 302, 864, 10 ], [ 80, 318, 864, 10 ], [ 80, 333, 740, 10 ], [ 80, 271, 210, 10 ], [ 747, 978, 197, 8 ], [ 507, 983, 10, 7 ], [ 800, 356, 62, 9 ], [ 722, 375, 58, 9 ], [ 805, 375, 58, 9 ], [ 886, 375, 58, 9 ], [ 80, 390, 62, 8 ], [ 738, 389, 26, 9 ], [ 821, 389, 26, 9 ], [ 901, 389, 26, 9 ], [ 80, 409, 127, 9 ], [ 93, 423, 56, 9 ], [ 717, 423, 66, 9 ], [ 804, 423, 60, 9 ], [ 884, 423, 60, 9 ], [ 93, 437, 88, 9 ], [ 735, 437, 47, 9 ], [ 821, 437, 43, 9 ], [ 901, 437, 43, 9 ], [ 93, 451, 33, 9 ], [ 735, 451, 47, 9 ], [ 821, 451, 43, 9 ], [ 901, 451, 43, 9 ], [ 80, 471, 50, 9 ], [ 717, 471, 66, 9 ], [ 804, 471, 60, 9 ], [ 884, 471, 60, 9 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "Sayfa ", "18", " / ", "21", "This specification is strictly excluding many manufacturers that could be offered. ", "We kindly request Contracting Authority to make a minor change to increase ", "competitive conditions of the tender as follows: The grinder spindle shall be able to ", "use at least 300x40x127 mm grinding wheels. ", "Q58 ", "Item 4.7.25.", " specification required; “", "The machine shall have the following ", "functionality using the machine control:", "... ", "- Creep feed grinding", "...", "” ", "In the specifications 4.7.10. and 4.7.11. it is written that the machine should have ", "ball screw or hydraulic table drive in combination with V-/flat guideways. With ", "this system “creep feed grinding” as de", "scribed under 4.7.25 is not possible. Also, ", "the required motor power of 7.5 Kw is not sufficient for “creep feed grinding”. We ", "kindly request Contracting Authorith to remove “Creep feed grinding” feature from ", "item 4.7.25.", "Creep feed grinding, in most basic sense, is the ", "process of removing required material in a single ", "pass. This process is available with both screw ", "driven and hydraulic driven X-axis table ", "machines. The V-shaped guideways are not ", "prohibitive to the process. ", " The 7.5kW", " is defined as “at least” hence,", "tendered determines that higher power is needed, ", "it can be provided according to the specification.", "Q59 ", "Item 5.1.13.", " specification required; “", "The machine shall have its own software ", "with a single floating network license", "”. ", "We kindly inform the Contracting Authority that 3D machines usually have their ", "own software installed on their own hardware and these licences are not developed ", "to be used as network licences. When the network licensed product is addressed, a ", "single company situation may arise which violates fair competition. Therefore, we ", "kindly request the Contracting Authority to change mentioned specification as ", "follows; ", "“The machine shall have its own software”", "Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No. 2. ", "Q60 ", "Item 5.1.13.", " specification required; “", "The machine shall have its own software ", "with a single floating network license", "”. ", "Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No. 2. ", "ublication Ref: NEAR/ANK/2020/EA-OP/0056 ", "Subject: Supply of Equipment for Final Stop Before Climbing the Ladder: Mantar Cultivation and Technology Commercialization ", "Center", "CLARIFICATION No: 2" ]
[ [ 867, 926, 71, 17 ], [ 867, 926, 71, 17 ], [ 867, 926, 71, 17 ], [ 867, 926, 71, 17 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 79, 181, 889, 721 ], [ 86, 117, 819, 66 ], [ 86, 117, 819, 66 ], [ 86, 117, 819, 66 ], [ 86, 66, 183, 21 ] ]
[ [ 867, 926, 33, 17 ], [ 901, 926, 13, 17 ], [ 914, 926, 10, 17 ], [ 925, 926, 13, 17 ], [ 150, 189, 495, 18 ], [ 150, 213, 497, 18 ], [ 150, 236, 494, 18 ], [ 150, 260, 271, 18 ], [ 86, 293, 29, 18 ], [ 150, 297, 77, 18 ], [ 227, 297, 167, 18 ], [ 385, 297, 263, 18 ], [ 150, 320, 249, 18 ], [ 150, 353, 14, 18 ], [ 150, 385, 133, 18 ], [ 150, 416, 10, 18 ], [ 161, 416, 19, 18 ], [ 150, 448, 495, 18 ], [ 150, 472, 496, 18 ], [ 150, 496, 256, 18 ], [ 387, 496, 258, 18 ], [ 150, 520, 514, 18 ], [ 150, 543, 513, 18 ], [ 150, 567, 69, 18 ], [ 653, 293, 303, 18 ], [ 653, 317, 302, 18 ], [ 653, 341, 304, 18 ], [ 653, 364, 313, 18 ], [ 653, 388, 309, 18 ], [ 653, 412, 155, 18 ], [ 653, 436, 68, 18 ], [ 721, 463, 208, 18 ], [ 653, 486, 302, 18 ], [ 653, 510, 284, 18 ], [ 86, 601, 29, 18 ], [ 150, 604, 75, 18 ], [ 225, 604, 160, 18 ], [ 375, 604, 270, 18 ], [ 150, 627, 230, 18 ], [ 380, 627, 23, 18 ], [ 150, 659, 495, 18 ], [ 150, 683, 494, 18 ], [ 150, 707, 494, 18 ], [ 150, 731, 494, 18 ], [ 150, 754, 497, 18 ], [ 150, 778, 51, 18 ], [ 150, 810, 271, 18 ], [ 653, 604, 289, 18 ], [ 86, 843, 29, 18 ], [ 150, 847, 75, 18 ], [ 225, 847, 160, 18 ], [ 375, 847, 270, 18 ], [ 150, 870, 230, 18 ], [ 380, 870, 23, 18 ], [ 653, 847, 289, 18 ], [ 95, 117, 294, 18 ], [ 86, 141, 819, 18 ], [ 86, 165, 42, 18 ], [ 86, 66, 183, 21 ] ]
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EN-Clarification No 2.pdf
[ "18 ", "(Continued) ", "December 31,2012 ", "Commercial real estate loans ", "Non owner-occupied & multi-family ", "Owner-occupied & farmland ", "Construction loans ", "Residential construction loans ", "Commercial construction & raw ", "Commercial/farm loans ", "Municipal/other loans ", "Less: Uneamed revenue ", "Total ", "December 31,2011 ", "Commercial real estate loans ", "land loans ", "-", "Non owner-occupied & multi-family ", "Owner-occupied & farmland ", "Construction loans ", "Residential construction loans ", "Commercial construction & raw ", "Commercial/farm loans ", "Municipal/other loans ", "Less: Uneamed revenue ", "Total ", "land loans ", "$ ", "T ", "T ", "$ ", "T ", "T ", "Pass ", "21,952 ", "18.018 ", "569 ", "7,494 ", "7,654 ", "9,002 ", "64,689 ", "(219) ", "64,470 ", "Pass ", "22,275 ", "10,544 ", "1,219 ", "7,607 ", "8,908 ", "7,949 ", "58,502 ", "(222) ", "58,280 ", "Special ", "Mention ", "$ 2,970 ", "804 ", ". ", "236 ", "12 ", "1,134 ", "$ 5,156 ", "$ 5,156 ", "Special ", "Mention ", "$", "376", "854 ", "_ ", "1,019 ", "36 ", "1,196 ", "$ 3,481 ", "$ 3,481 ", "Substandard ", "$ ", "$ ", "$ ", "918 ", "933 ", "• ", "14 ", ". ", "-", "1,865 ", ". ", "1,865 ", "Substandard ", "$ ", "$ ", "$ ", "940 ", "959 ", "_ ", "1,048 ", ". ", "-", "2,947 ", ". ", "2,947 ", "Doubtful ", "$ ", "$ ", "$ ", "44 ", "44 ", "44 ", "Doubtful ", "$ ", "$ ", "$ ", "-", "-", "-", "406 ", "54 ", "-", "460 ", "-", "460 ", "$ ", "$ ", "$ ", "$ ", "$ ", "$ ", "Total ", "25,840 ", "19,755 ", "569 ", "7,744 ", "7,710 ", "10,136 ", "71,754 ", "(219) ", "71,535 ", "Total ", "23,591 ", "12,357 ", "1,219 ", "10,080 ", "8,998 ", "9.145 ", "65,390 ", "(222) ", "65,168 ", "The following table presents the classes of the loan portfolio summarized by the aggregate Pass and ", "the criticized categories of Special Mention, Substandard, and Doubtful within the intemal risk rating ", "system as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 (in thousands): ", "Note 4. Loans Receivable and Related Allowance for Loan Losses (Continued) ", "BLUE RIDGE BANKSHARES, EVC. ", "NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ", "December 31,2012 " ]
[ [ 490, 960, 24, 13 ], [ 90, 961, 96, 12 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 180, 282, 749, 390 ], [ 184, 206, 787, 45 ], [ 184, 206, 787, 45 ], [ 184, 206, 787, 45 ], [ 95, 174, 657, 12 ], [ 378, 75, 305, 12 ], [ 257, 108, 550, 28 ], [ 257, 108, 550, 28 ] ]
[ [ 490, 960, 24, 13 ], [ 90, 961, 96, 12 ], [ 185, 310, 116, 9 ], [ 184, 324, 164, 9 ], [ 218, 337, 210, 9 ], [ 219, 350, 164, 9 ], [ 184, 364, 109, 9 ], [ 219, 377, 172, 9 ], [ 219, 390, 182, 9 ], [ 184, 404, 137, 9 ], [ 184, 417, 127, 9 ], [ 219, 443, 141, 9 ], [ 219, 457, 31, 9 ], [ 184, 511, 117, 9 ], [ 185, 525, 164, 9 ], [ 401, 391, 60, 9 ], [ 465, 504, 5, 11 ], [ 218, 538, 209, 9 ], [ 219, 551, 163, 9 ], [ 184, 565, 109, 9 ], [ 219, 578, 171, 9 ], [ 219, 592, 182, 9 ], [ 184, 604, 137, 9 ], [ 184, 618, 127, 9 ], [ 219, 644, 141, 9 ], [ 219, 658, 31, 9 ], [ 402, 592, 60, 9 ], [ 482, 337, 12, 11 ], [ 475, 425, 22, 17 ], [ 475, 453, 22, 17 ], [ 482, 538, 12, 11 ], [ 474, 627, 22, 17 ], [ 475, 654, 22, 17 ], [ 493, 298, 29, 9 ], [ 500, 339, 41, 9 ], [ 502, 352, 40, 9 ], [ 518, 378, 25, 10 ], [ 508, 392, 34, 9 ], [ 507, 405, 34, 9 ], [ 507, 417, 35, 9 ], [ 501, 431, 41, 9 ], [ 509, 445, 33, 9 ], [ 501, 459, 41, 9 ], [ 494, 500, 29, 9 ], [ 500, 540, 41, 9 ], [ 502, 553, 39, 9 ], [ 509, 580, 32, 9 ], [ 508, 593, 34, 9 ], [ 507, 607, 35, 9 ], [ 507, 618, 34, 9 ], [ 501, 632, 40, 9 ], [ 509, 646, 33, 9 ], [ 501, 660, 40, 9 ], [ 568, 286, 45, 9 ], [ 566, 298, 51, 9 ], [ 558, 338, 102, 9 ], [ 608, 351, 25, 10 ], [ 623, 376, 8, 11 ], [ 606, 391, 25, 10 ], [ 615, 404, 18, 10 ], [ 597, 417, 31, 9 ], [ 558, 431, 103, 9 ], [ 558, 458, 103, 9 ], [ 567, 487, 45, 9 ], [ 566, 500, 51, 9 ], [ 558, 540, 6, 9 ], [ 608, 540, 20, 9 ], [ 607, 552, 25, 10 ], [ 623, 577, 12, 11 ], [ 598, 593, 32, 9 ], [ 613, 606, 18, 10 ], [ 597, 618, 31, 9 ], [ 558, 632, 102, 9 ], [ 558, 660, 103, 9 ], [ 649, 298, 77, 9 ], [ 648, 337, 12, 11 ], [ 649, 430, 12, 11 ], [ 649, 457, 12, 11 ], [ 712, 337, 25, 10 ], [ 712, 351, 25, 10 ], [ 728, 376, 23, 11 ], [ 720, 391, 18, 10 ], [ 728, 403, 8, 11 ], [ 729, 417, 5, 11 ], [ 704, 431, 31, 9 ], [ 729, 443, 8, 11 ], [ 704, 458, 31, 9 ], [ 648, 500, 77, 9 ], [ 648, 538, 12, 11 ], [ 649, 631, 12, 11 ], [ 649, 658, 12, 11 ], [ 712, 538, 25, 10 ], [ 712, 552, 25, 10 ], [ 728, 577, 12, 11 ], [ 703, 593, 32, 9 ], [ 728, 604, 8, 11 ], [ 728, 618, 5, 11 ], [ 702, 632, 34, 9 ], [ 728, 644, 8, 11 ], [ 702, 659, 34, 9 ], [ 757, 298, 54, 9 ], [ 756, 337, 12, 11 ], [ 757, 429, 12, 11 ], [ 757, 457, 12, 11 ], [ 804, 404, 18, 10 ], [ 805, 429, 18, 10 ], [ 805, 457, 18, 10 ], [ 757, 500, 54, 9 ], [ 757, 538, 12, 11 ], [ 757, 630, 12, 11 ], [ 757, 658, 12, 11 ], [ 814, 538, 5, 11 ], [ 813, 551, 5, 11 ], [ 814, 577, 5, 11 ], [ 798, 591, 25, 10 ], [ 805, 605, 18, 10 ], [ 813, 618, 5, 11 ], [ 798, 630, 25, 10 ], [ 814, 644, 5, 11 ], [ 798, 658, 25, 10 ], [ 835, 337, 12, 11 ], [ 836, 429, 12, 11 ], [ 835, 456, 12, 11 ], [ 835, 538, 12, 11 ], [ 835, 630, 12, 11 ], [ 836, 658, 12, 11 ], [ 867, 298, 34, 9 ], [ 880, 337, 41, 9 ], [ 881, 351, 40, 9 ], [ 898, 377, 25, 10 ], [ 887, 391, 34, 9 ], [ 887, 404, 34, 9 ], [ 881, 416, 40, 9 ], [ 881, 430, 41, 9 ], [ 889, 443, 33, 9 ], [ 881, 457, 41, 9 ], [ 867, 500, 34, 9 ], [ 880, 538, 41, 9 ], [ 881, 552, 40, 9 ], [ 889, 579, 32, 9 ], [ 882, 592, 40, 9 ], [ 888, 605, 35, 9 ], [ 887, 617, 34, 9 ], [ 880, 631, 41, 9 ], [ 889, 644, 33, 9 ], [ 881, 658, 41, 9 ], [ 185, 206, 787, 12 ], [ 184, 223, 787, 12 ], [ 185, 239, 448, 12 ], [ 95, 174, 657, 12 ], [ 378, 75, 305, 12 ], [ 257, 108, 550, 12 ], [ 452, 124, 158, 12 ] ]
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[ "The Clone Plugin", "This method of monitoring a cloning operation can be used on the donor or recipient MySQL server", "instance.", "In order of occurrence, cloning operation stage events include:", "•", "stage/innodb/clone (file copy)", ": Indicates progress of the file copy phase of the cloning", "operation. ", "WORK_ESTIMATED", " and ", "WORK_COMPLETED", " units are file chunks. The number of files to be", "transferred is known at the start of the file copy phase, and the number of chunks is estimated based on", "the number of files. ", "WORK_ESTIMATED", " is set to the number of estimated file chunks. ", "WORK_COMPLETED", "is updated after each chunk is sent.", "•", "stage/innodb/clone (page copy)", ": Indicates progress of the page copy phase of cloning", "operation. ", "WORK_ESTIMATED", " and ", "WORK_COMPLETED", " units are pages. Once the file copy phase is", "completed, the number of pages to be transferred is known, and ", "WORK_ESTIMATED", " is set to this value.", "WORK_COMPLETED", " is updated after each page is sent.", "•", "stage/innodb/clone (redo copy)", ": Indicates progress of the redo copy phase of cloning", "operation. ", "WORK_ESTIMATED", " and ", "WORK_COMPLETED", " units are redo chunks. Once the page copy phase", "is completed, the number of redo chunks to be transferred is known, and ", "WORK_ESTIMATED", " is set to this", "value. ", "WORK_COMPLETED", " is updated after each chunk is sent.", "The following example demonstrates how to enable ", "stage/innodb/clone%", " event instruments and", "related consumer tables to monitor a cloning operation. For information about Performance Schema", "stage event instruments and related consumers, see Section 27.12.5, “Performance Schema Stage Event", "Tables”", ".", "2.", "Enable the stage event consumer tables, which include ", "events_stages_current", ",", "events_stages_history", ", and ", "events_stages_history_long", ".", "1.", "Enable the ", "stage/innodb/clone%", " instruments:", "3.", "Run a cloning operation. In this example, a local data directory is cloned to a directory named", "cloned_dir", ".", "4.", "Check the progress of the cloning operation by querying the Performance Schema", "events_stages_current", " table. The stage event shown differs depending on the cloning phase that", "is in progress. The ", "WORK_COMPLETED", " column shows the work completed. The ", "WORK_ESTIMATED", "column shows the work required in total.", "The ", "events_stages_current", " table returns an empty set if the cloning operation has finished. In", "this case, you can check the ", "events_stages_history", " table to view event data for the completed", "operation. For example:", "mysql> ", "UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET ENABLED = ’YES’", "WHERE NAME LIKE ’stage/innodb/clone%’;", "mysql> ", "UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = ’YES’", "WHERE NAME LIKE ’%stages%’;", "mysql> ", "CLONE LOCAL DATA DIRECTORY = ’/path/to/cloned_dir’;", "mysql> ", "SELECT", "EVENT_NAME, WORK_COMPLETED, WORK_ESTIMATED FROM performance_schema.events_stages_current", "WHERE EVENT_NAME LIKE ’stage/innodb/clone%’;", "+--------------------------------+----------------+----------------+", "| EVENT_NAME", "| WORK_COMPLETED | WORK_ESTIMATED |", "+--------------------------------+----------------+----------------+", "| stage/innodb/clone (redo copy) |", "1", "|", "1", "|", "+--------------------------------+----------------+----------------+", "mysql> ", "SELECT EVENT_NAME, WORK_COMPLETED, WORK_ESTIMATED FROM events_stages_history", "1125" ]
[ [ 463, 48, 128, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 733, 27 ], [ 170, 94, 733, 27 ], [ 170, 137, 462, 11 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 164, 785, 74 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 253, 779, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 327, 792, 58 ], [ 170, 401, 796, 58 ], [ 170, 401, 796, 58 ], [ 170, 401, 796, 58 ], [ 170, 401, 796, 58 ], [ 170, 401, 796, 58 ], [ 170, 401, 796, 58 ], [ 170, 401, 796, 58 ], [ 170, 538, 655, 27 ], [ 170, 538, 655, 27 ], [ 170, 538, 655, 27 ], [ 170, 538, 655, 27 ], [ 170, 538, 655, 27 ], [ 170, 538, 655, 27 ], [ 170, 538, 655, 27 ], [ 170, 538, 655, 27 ], [ 170, 474, 398, 11 ], [ 170, 474, 398, 11 ], [ 170, 474, 398, 11 ], [ 170, 474, 398, 11 ], [ 170, 617, 717, 27 ], [ 170, 617, 717, 27 ], [ 170, 617, 717, 27 ], [ 170, 617, 717, 27 ], [ 170, 684, 786, 58 ], [ 170, 684, 786, 58 ], [ 170, 684, 786, 58 ], [ 170, 684, 786, 58 ], [ 170, 684, 786, 58 ], [ 170, 684, 786, 58 ], [ 170, 684, 786, 58 ], [ 170, 684, 786, 58 ], [ 170, 684, 786, 58 ], [ 197, 857, 740, 43 ], [ 197, 857, 740, 43 ], [ 197, 857, 740, 43 ], [ 197, 857, 740, 43 ], [ 197, 857, 740, 43 ], [ 197, 857, 740, 43 ], [ 197, 857, 740, 43 ], [ 197, 501, 562, 20 ], [ 197, 501, 562, 20 ], [ 197, 501, 562, 20 ], [ 197, 580, 546, 20 ], [ 197, 580, 546, 20 ], [ 197, 580, 546, 20 ], [ 197, 659, 466, 8 ], [ 197, 659, 466, 8 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 757, 819, 82 ], [ 197, 914, 667, 8 ], [ 197, 914, 667, 8 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ [ 463, 48, 128, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 733, 11 ], [ 170, 110, 67, 11 ], [ 170, 137, 462, 11 ], [ 170, 164, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 165, 301, 10 ], [ 489, 164, 413, 11 ], [ 187, 180, 79, 11 ], [ 266, 181, 140, 10 ], [ 407, 180, 37, 11 ], [ 444, 181, 140, 10 ], [ 585, 180, 347, 11 ], [ 187, 195, 768, 11 ], [ 187, 211, 147, 11 ], [ 334, 212, 140, 10 ], [ 475, 211, 340, 11 ], [ 816, 212, 140, 10 ], [ 187, 226, 263, 11 ], [ 170, 253, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 254, 301, 10 ], [ 489, 253, 401, 11 ], [ 187, 269, 79, 11 ], [ 266, 270, 140, 10 ], [ 407, 269, 37, 11 ], [ 444, 270, 140, 10 ], [ 585, 269, 329, 11 ], [ 187, 284, 479, 11 ], [ 667, 286, 140, 10 ], [ 807, 284, 142, 11 ], [ 187, 301, 140, 10 ], [ 328, 300, 260, 11 ], [ 170, 327, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 328, 301, 10 ], [ 489, 327, 397, 11 ], [ 187, 342, 79, 11 ], [ 266, 344, 140, 10 ], [ 407, 342, 37, 11 ], [ 444, 344, 140, 10 ], [ 585, 342, 374, 11 ], [ 187, 358, 541, 11 ], [ 729, 359, 140, 10 ], [ 870, 358, 93, 11 ], [ 187, 374, 49, 11 ], [ 236, 375, 140, 10 ], [ 377, 374, 268, 11 ], [ 170, 401, 386, 11 ], [ 557, 402, 190, 10 ], [ 748, 401, 169, 11 ], [ 170, 416, 739, 11 ], [ 170, 432, 796, 11 ], [ 170, 447, 69, 11 ], [ 226, 447, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 538, 13, 11 ], [ 197, 538, 413, 11 ], [ 610, 539, 211, 10 ], [ 821, 538, 4, 11 ], [ 197, 555, 211, 10 ], [ 408, 554, 41, 11 ], [ 450, 555, 261, 10 ], [ 711, 554, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 474, 13, 11 ], [ 197, 474, 84, 11 ], [ 282, 475, 190, 10 ], [ 473, 474, 95, 11 ], [ 170, 617, 13, 11 ], [ 197, 617, 690, 11 ], [ 197, 634, 100, 10 ], [ 298, 633, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 684, 13, 11 ], [ 197, 684, 609, 11 ], [ 197, 701, 211, 10 ], [ 408, 700, 548, 11 ], [ 197, 715, 142, 11 ], [ 340, 716, 140, 10 ], [ 480, 715, 303, 11 ], [ 784, 716, 140, 10 ], [ 197, 731, 298, 11 ], [ 197, 857, 33, 11 ], [ 231, 858, 211, 10 ], [ 442, 857, 488, 11 ], [ 197, 872, 215, 11 ], [ 412, 873, 211, 10 ], [ 623, 872, 314, 11 ], [ 197, 888, 176, 11 ], [ 197, 501, 56, 8 ], [ 253, 501, 506, 8 ], [ 253, 513, 305, 8 ], [ 197, 580, 56, 8 ], [ 253, 580, 490, 8 ], [ 253, 592, 217, 8 ], [ 197, 659, 56, 8 ], [ 253, 659, 409, 8 ], [ 197, 757, 56, 8 ], [ 253, 757, 44, 8 ], [ 965, 757, 52, 8 ], [ 253, 770, 353, 8 ], [ 197, 782, 546, 8 ], [ 197, 794, 96, 8 ], [ 462, 794, 281, 8 ], [ 197, 807, 546, 8 ], [ 197, 819, 273, 8 ], [ 583, 819, 8, 8 ], [ 599, 819, 8, 8 ], [ 720, 819, 8, 8 ], [ 736, 819, 8, 8 ], [ 197, 832, 546, 8 ], [ 197, 914, 56, 8 ], [ 253, 914, 610, 8 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
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[ "[Figure 1-75] ", "When the aileron is moved from the neutral ", "position, differential pressure builds up on one side of the ", "balance panel. This differential pressure acts on the balance ", "panel in a direction that assists the aileron movement. For ", "slight movements, deflecting the control tab at the trailing ", "edge of the aileron is easy enough to not require significant ", "assistance from the balance tab. (Moving the control tab moves ", "the ailerons as desired.) But, as greater deflection is requested, ", "the force resisting control tab and aileron movement becomes ", "greater and augmentation from the balance tab is needed. The ", "seals and mounting geometry allow the differential pressure ", "of airflow on the balance panel to increase as deflection of ", "the ailerons is increased. This makes the resistance felt when ", "moving the aileron controls relatively constant.", "Antiservo tab", "Stabilator pivot point", "Figure 1-76. ", "An antiservo tab moves in the same direction as the ", "control tab. Shown here on a stabilator, it desensitizes the pitch ", "control. ", "Vortex generators are small airfoil sections usually attached ", "to the upper surface of a wing. ", "[Figure 1-78] ", "They are ", "designed to promote positive laminar airflow over the ", "wing and control surfaces. Usually made of aluminum and ", "installed in a spanwise line or lines, the vortices created by ", "these devices swirl downward assisting maintenance of the ", "boundary layer of air flowing over the wing. They can also ", "be found on the fuselage and empennage. ", "Figure 1-79", " shows ", "the unique vortex generators on a Symphony SA-160 wing.", "A chordwise barrier on the upper surface of the wing, called ", "a stall fence, is used to halt the spanwise flow of air. During ", "low speed flight, this can maintain proper chordwise airflow ", "reducing the tendency for the wing to stall. Usually made ", "of aluminum, the fence is a fixed structure most common ", "on swept wings, which have a natural spanwise tending ", "boundary air flow. ", "[Figure 1-80]", "There may be other structures visible on the wings of an ", "aircraft that contribute to performance. Winglets, vortex ", "generators, stall fences, and gap seals are all common wing ", "features. Introductory descriptions of each are given in the ", "following paragraphs. ", "A winglet is an obvious vertical upturn of the wing’s tip ", "resembling a vertical stabilizer. It is an aerodynamic device ", "designed to reduce the drag created by wing tip vortices in ", "flight. Usually made from aluminum or composite materials, ", "winglets can be designed to optimize performance at a desired ", "speed. ", "[Figure 1-77]", "Other Wing Features", "Antiservo tabs, as the name suggests, are like servo tabs but ", "move in the same direction as the primary control surface. ", "On some aircraft, especially those with a movable horizontal ", "stabilizer, the input to the control surface can be too sensitive. ", "An antiservo tab tied through the control linkage creates an ", "aerodynamic force that increases the effort needed to move ", "the control surface. This makes flying the aircraft more ", "stable for the pilot. ", "Figure 1-76", " shows an antiservo tab in ", "the near neutral position. Deflected in the same direction as ", "the desired stabilator movement, it increases the required ", "control surface input.", "Figure 1-77. ", "A winglet reduces aerodynamic drag caused by air ", "spilling off of the wing tip. ", "Figure 1-75. ", "The trailing edge of the wing just forward of the leading ", "edge of the aileron is sealed to allow controlled airflow in and out ", "of the hinge area where the balance panel is located. ", "1-34", "Balance panel" ]
[ [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 62, 56, 415, 230 ], [ 490, 56, 413, 241 ], [ 490, 56, 413, 241 ], [ 491, 307, 414, 46 ], [ 491, 307, 414, 46 ], [ 491, 307, 414, 46 ], [ 491, 307, 414, 46 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 375, 415, 147 ], [ 491, 540, 415, 114 ], [ 491, 540, 415, 114 ], [ 491, 540, 415, 114 ], [ 491, 540, 415, 114 ], [ 491, 540, 415, 114 ], [ 491, 540, 415, 114 ], [ 491, 540, 415, 114 ], [ 491, 540, 415, 114 ], [ 62, 517, 415, 81 ], [ 62, 517, 415, 81 ], [ 62, 517, 415, 81 ], [ 62, 517, 415, 81 ], [ 62, 517, 415, 81 ], [ 62, 617, 415, 97 ], [ 62, 617, 415, 97 ], [ 62, 617, 415, 97 ], [ 62, 617, 415, 97 ], [ 62, 617, 415, 97 ], [ 62, 617, 415, 97 ], [ 62, 617, 415, 97 ], [ 62, 499, 169, 17 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 62, 301, 415, 180 ], [ 491, 897, 414, 30 ], [ 491, 897, 414, 30 ], [ 491, 897, 414, 30 ], [ 61, 881, 412, 46 ], [ 61, 881, 412, 46 ], [ 61, 881, 412, 46 ], [ 61, 881, 412, 46 ], [ 62, 964, 34, 16 ], [ 59, 729, 413, 142 ] ]
[ [ 62, 57, 101, 15 ], [ 164, 56, 312, 15 ], [ 62, 73, 415, 15 ], [ 62, 90, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 106, 415, 15 ], [ 62, 123, 415, 15 ], [ 62, 139, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 156, 411, 15 ], [ 62, 172, 412, 15 ], [ 62, 189, 411, 15 ], [ 62, 205, 411, 15 ], [ 62, 222, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 238, 414, 15 ], [ 62, 255, 412, 15 ], [ 62, 272, 320, 15 ], [ 520, 148, 80, 13 ], [ 729, 196, 125, 13 ], [ 491, 308, 82, 13 ], [ 574, 307, 331, 13 ], [ 491, 324, 414, 13 ], [ 491, 340, 52, 13 ], [ 491, 375, 412, 15 ], [ 491, 391, 236, 15 ], [ 728, 391, 107, 15 ], [ 836, 391, 71, 15 ], [ 491, 408, 415, 15 ], [ 491, 424, 413, 15 ], [ 491, 441, 413, 15 ], [ 491, 457, 413, 15 ], [ 491, 474, 413, 15 ], [ 491, 490, 281, 15 ], [ 773, 491, 81, 15 ], [ 854, 490, 49, 15 ], [ 491, 507, 408, 15 ], [ 491, 540, 412, 15 ], [ 491, 557, 412, 15 ], [ 491, 573, 412, 15 ], [ 491, 590, 414, 15 ], [ 491, 606, 414, 15 ], [ 491, 623, 415, 15 ], [ 491, 639, 132, 15 ], [ 624, 640, 96, 15 ], [ 62, 517, 415, 15 ], [ 62, 534, 415, 15 ], [ 62, 550, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 567, 414, 15 ], [ 62, 583, 155, 15 ], [ 62, 617, 415, 15 ], [ 62, 633, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 650, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 666, 412, 15 ], [ 62, 683, 411, 15 ], [ 62, 699, 47, 15 ], [ 110, 700, 96, 15 ], [ 62, 499, 169, 17 ], [ 62, 301, 412, 15 ], [ 62, 318, 414, 15 ], [ 62, 334, 411, 15 ], [ 62, 351, 412, 15 ], [ 62, 368, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 384, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 401, 415, 15 ], [ 62, 417, 139, 15 ], [ 201, 417, 84, 15 ], [ 286, 417, 190, 15 ], [ 62, 434, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 450, 415, 15 ], [ 62, 467, 147, 15 ], [ 491, 898, 83, 13 ], [ 575, 897, 330, 13 ], [ 491, 914, 167, 13 ], [ 61, 882, 77, 13 ], [ 139, 881, 334, 13 ], [ 61, 898, 412, 13 ], [ 61, 914, 333, 13 ], [ 62, 964, 34, 16 ], [ 285, 834, 87, 13 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 6 ]
[ "•", "Contractor’s national partner and the EU-OSHA’s national partner set the objectives, the target ", "audience, the style of the posted content for each social media channel and the key messages ", "of the overall communication plan. ", "•", "The Contractor’s national partner in cooperation with EU-OSHA's national partner will fill-in a ", "template reporting on social media and OiRA tool’s statistics to facilitate the evaluation of the ", "success of the implemented social media actions. ", "Reporting ", "Overall management ", "Planning ", "Overall management and drafting of a social media communication plan ", "SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION PLAN ", "Social media communication plan ", "Elaboration of a social media communication plan ", "The contractor’s national partner will be requested to develop a social media communication plan ", "adapted to the needs and requirements of the EU-OSHA’s national partners and in line with their overall ", "social media policy and strategy (if applicable), for the promotion on one specific topic/project (as for ", "example, OiRA) in the national language.", "The social media communication plan should describe the following aspects in a minimum of 1200 ", "words: ", "•", "Objectives, the target group and channels to be used, as well as necessary justifications. ", "•", "Main messages (and topics) to be communicated which will have to be agreed with and ", "validated by the EU-OSHA’s national partner (the document should be drafted in national ", "language with up to 600-800 words and a summary in English); ", "•", "Identifying national handles and hashtags to be included in the posts; ", "•", "Key performance Indicators, how the impact is going to be measured. ", "83 ", "European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – EU-OSHA ", "Social Media Communication Plan " ]
[ [ 154, 352, 750, 58 ], [ 154, 352, 750, 58 ], [ 154, 352, 750, 58 ], [ 154, 352, 750, 58 ], [ 154, 480, 751, 58 ], [ 154, 480, 751, 58 ], [ 154, 480, 751, 58 ], [ 154, 480, 751, 58 ], [ 123, 450, 86, 17 ], [ 123, 286, 243, 24 ], [ 123, 323, 77, 17 ], [ 133, 226, 552, 16 ], [ 123, 113, 538, 27 ], [ 123, 582, 395, 24 ], [ 123, 619, 415, 17 ], [ 123, 648, 784, 79 ], [ 123, 648, 784, 79 ], [ 123, 648, 784, 79 ], [ 123, 648, 784, 79 ], [ 123, 739, 783, 37 ], [ 123, 739, 783, 37 ], [ 154, 788, 711, 16 ], [ 154, 788, 711, 16 ], [ 154, 817, 754, 58 ], [ 154, 817, 754, 58 ], [ 154, 817, 754, 58 ], [ 154, 817, 754, 58 ], [ 154, 888, 562, 16 ], [ 154, 888, 562, 16 ], [ 154, 916, 565, 16 ], [ 154, 916, 565, 16 ], [ 883, 950, 21, 14 ], [ 294, 949, 422, 14 ], [ 133, 189, 285, 17 ] ]
[ [ 154, 353, 7, 14 ], [ 185, 352, 719, 16 ], [ 185, 373, 719, 16 ], [ 185, 394, 265, 16 ], [ 154, 480, 7, 14 ], [ 185, 480, 720, 16 ], [ 185, 501, 720, 16 ], [ 185, 522, 382, 16 ], [ 123, 450, 86, 17 ], [ 123, 286, 243, 24 ], [ 123, 323, 77, 17 ], [ 133, 226, 552, 16 ], [ 123, 113, 538, 27 ], [ 123, 582, 395, 24 ], [ 123, 619, 415, 17 ], [ 123, 648, 784, 16 ], [ 123, 669, 780, 16 ], [ 123, 690, 782, 16 ], [ 123, 711, 313, 16 ], [ 123, 739, 783, 16 ], [ 123, 760, 55, 16 ], [ 154, 790, 7, 14 ], [ 185, 788, 680, 16 ], [ 154, 818, 7, 14 ], [ 185, 817, 723, 16 ], [ 185, 838, 722, 16 ], [ 185, 859, 485, 16 ], [ 154, 889, 7, 14 ], [ 185, 888, 531, 16 ], [ 154, 917, 7, 14 ], [ 185, 916, 534, 16 ], [ 883, 950, 21, 14 ], [ 294, 949, 422, 14 ], [ 133, 189, 285, 17 ] ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 9, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7 ]
EN-Annex I - List of Services (lot 1).pdf
[ "Parent Company", "SECTION 7: STAFF COSTS AND REMUNERATION", "156", "Carlsberg Group Annual Report 2013", "LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN ", "(PERFORMANCE SHARES)", "In 2013 a new performance share pro-", "gramme was established under which a ", "total of 45,144 performance shares were ", "granted to 2 employees. The grant date fair ", "value of these performance shares was DKK ", "10m. The total cost of performance shares ", "was DKK 2m, which is recognised in the ", "income statement under staff costs. Refunds ", "etc. between Carlsberg A/S and its subsidi-", "aries are recognised directly in equity.", "SECTION 7 ", "STAFF COSTS", "AND REMUNERATION", "There were no exercisable performance shares in the long-term incentive plan at 31 December 2013.", "The assumptions underlying the calculation of the fair value of performance shares are described in section 7.3.1", "in the consolidated financial statements.", "7.2", " ACCOUNTING POLICIES", "The fair value of granted share-based incentives ", "to employees in the Parent Company’s subsidiar-", "ies is recognised in investments in subsidiaries as ", "the services rendered in exchange for the granted ", "incentives are received in the subsidiaries, with a ", "set-off directly against equity.", "The difference between the purchase price and ", "the sales price for the exercise of share-based ", "incentives by employees in subsidiaries is settled ", "between Carlsberg A/S and the individual subsidi-", "ary, with a set-off directly against investments in ", "subsidiaries.", "The difference at the end of the reporting period ", "between the fair value of the Parent Company’s ", "equity instruments and the exercise price of out-", "standing share-based incentives is recognised as a ", "receivable in Carlsberg A/S, with a set-off directly ", "against investments in subsidiaries.", "Share-based incentives granted to the Parent Com-", "pany’s own employees are recognised and meas-", "ured in accordance with the accounting policies ", "used by the Carlsberg Group; see the consolidated ", "financial statements for a description of accounting ", "policies.", "ASSUMPTIONS", "2013", "2012", "Grant date", "Expiry date", "Programme", "Exercise ", "price", "Expected ", "volatility", "Risk-free", "interest rate", "Expected ", "dividend ", "yield", "Expected life ", "of options, ", "years", "Fair value at ", "measure ment ", "date", "Shares ", "outstanding", "Shares ", "outstanding", "01.01.2013", "01.05.2016", "LTI 2013-2015", "None", "28%", "0.2%", "1.1%", "3.4", "277.09", "21,440", "-", "Outstanding performance shares under the long-term incentive plan", "21,440", "-", "Number", "Executive directors", "Performance shares outstanding", "at 31 December 2012", "-", "Granted", "45,135", "Adjusted", "-23,695", "Performance shares outstanding", "at 31 December 2013", "21,440", "LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN ", "(PERFORMANCE SHARES)" ]
[ [ 730, 965, 207, 15 ], [ 730, 965, 207, 15 ], [ 960, 964, 13, 15 ], [ 51, 965, 141, 15 ], [ 51, 253, 157, 40 ], [ 51, 253, 157, 40 ], [ 51, 295, 219, 205 ], [ 51, 295, 219, 205 ], [ 51, 295, 219, 205 ], [ 51, 295, 219, 205 ], [ 51, 295, 219, 205 ], [ 51, 295, 219, 205 ], [ 51, 295, 219, 205 ], [ 51, 295, 219, 205 ], [ 51, 295, 219, 205 ], [ 51, 295, 219, 205 ], [ 51, 67, 130, 40 ], [ 51, 67, 130, 40 ], [ 51, 67, 130, 40 ], [ 287, 432, 385, 16 ], [ 287, 463, 433, 31 ], [ 287, 463, 433, 31 ], [ 293, 545, 111, 17 ], [ 293, 545, 111, 17 ], [ 293, 576, 202, 93 ], [ 293, 576, 202, 93 ], [ 293, 576, 202, 93 ], [ 293, 576, 202, 93 ], [ 293, 576, 202, 93 ], [ 293, 576, 202, 93 ], [ 293, 685, 201, 93 ], [ 293, 685, 201, 93 ], [ 293, 685, 201, 93 ], [ 293, 685, 201, 93 ], [ 293, 685, 201, 93 ], [ 293, 685, 201, 93 ], [ 521, 576, 205, 93 ], [ 521, 576, 205, 93 ], [ 521, 576, 205, 93 ], [ 521, 576, 205, 93 ], [ 521, 576, 205, 93 ], [ 521, 576, 205, 93 ], [ 521, 685, 210, 93 ], [ 521, 685, 210, 93 ], [ 521, 685, 210, 93 ], [ 521, 685, 210, 93 ], [ 521, 685, 210, 93 ], [ 521, 685, 210, 93 ], [ 286, 255, 71, 17 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 285, 273, 689, 146 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 50, 577, 219, 184 ], [ 51, 545, 149, 32 ], [ 51, 545, 149, 32 ] ]
[ [ 730, 965, 64, 15 ], [ 800, 968, 138, 10 ], [ 960, 964, 13, 15 ], [ 51, 965, 141, 15 ], [ 51, 253, 157, 19 ], [ 51, 274, 133, 19 ], [ 51, 295, 184, 19 ], [ 51, 315, 196, 19 ], [ 51, 336, 197, 19 ], [ 51, 357, 215, 19 ], [ 51, 377, 218, 19 ], [ 51, 398, 208, 19 ], [ 51, 419, 196, 19 ], [ 51, 439, 219, 19 ], [ 51, 460, 208, 19 ], [ 51, 480, 183, 19 ], [ 51, 67, 64, 20 ], [ 115, 67, 66, 19 ], [ 51, 88, 112, 19 ], [ 287, 432, 385, 16 ], [ 287, 463, 433, 16 ], [ 287, 478, 156, 16 ], [ 293, 545, 11, 17 ], [ 305, 545, 99, 16 ], [ 293, 576, 197, 16 ], [ 293, 592, 198, 16 ], [ 293, 607, 200, 16 ], [ 293, 623, 202, 16 ], [ 293, 638, 197, 16 ], [ 293, 654, 121, 16 ], [ 293, 685, 191, 16 ], [ 293, 700, 187, 16 ], [ 293, 716, 199, 16 ], [ 293, 731, 201, 16 ], [ 293, 747, 201, 16 ], [ 293, 762, 48, 16 ], [ 521, 576, 198, 16 ], [ 521, 592, 196, 16 ], [ 521, 607, 196, 16 ], [ 521, 623, 205, 16 ], [ 521, 638, 203, 16 ], [ 521, 654, 142, 16 ], [ 521, 685, 207, 16 ], [ 521, 700, 200, 16 ], [ 521, 716, 193, 16 ], [ 521, 731, 206, 16 ], [ 521, 747, 210, 16 ], [ 521, 762, 32, 16 ], [ 286, 255, 71, 17 ], [ 891, 297, 21, 16 ], [ 952, 297, 21, 16 ], [ 286, 359, 42, 16 ], [ 347, 359, 45, 16 ], [ 408, 359, 46, 16 ], [ 499, 344, 34, 16 ], [ 512, 359, 18, 16 ], [ 549, 344, 38, 16 ], [ 551, 359, 34, 16 ], [ 611, 344, 33, 16 ], [ 599, 359, 47, 16 ], [ 675, 328, 38, 16 ], [ 678, 344, 35, 16 ], [ 693, 359, 19, 16 ], [ 722, 328, 53, 16 ], [ 730, 344, 44, 16 ], [ 751, 359, 21, 16 ], [ 784, 328, 52, 16 ], [ 779, 344, 59, 16 ], [ 816, 359, 17, 16 ], [ 885, 344, 29, 16 ], [ 865, 359, 47, 16 ], [ 946, 344, 29, 16 ], [ 926, 359, 47, 16 ], [ 286, 380, 47, 16 ], [ 347, 380, 47, 16 ], [ 408, 380, 61, 16 ], [ 509, 380, 21, 16 ], [ 569, 380, 15, 16 ], [ 628, 380, 18, 16 ], [ 693, 380, 18, 16 ], [ 759, 380, 13, 16 ], [ 804, 380, 29, 16 ], [ 883, 380, 29, 16 ], [ 967, 380, 5, 16 ], [ 286, 400, 276, 16 ], [ 883, 400, 29, 16 ], [ 967, 400, 5, 16 ], [ 236, 607, 32, 16 ], [ 195, 628, 73, 16 ], [ 51, 648, 130, 16 ], [ 51, 664, 89, 16 ], [ 263, 664, 5, 16 ], [ 51, 685, 31, 16 ], [ 240, 685, 29, 16 ], [ 51, 705, 34, 16 ], [ 234, 705, 34, 16 ], [ 51, 726, 130, 16 ], [ 51, 741, 89, 16 ], [ 240, 741, 29, 16 ], [ 51, 545, 149, 17 ], [ 51, 560, 125, 17 ] ]
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[ "By signing this cover sheet the parties acknowledge that this Annex is binding without the need for ", "each page to be initialled separately. ", "This Annex contains the Europol’s requirements for this Contract as included in the ", "tender documentation and forming part of the Contract.", "Annex I: Tender Specifications", "28", "Including ", "Invitation to Tender and Tender Specifications (Europol ref. ", "#[reference]) ", "Technical Specifications (Europol ref. #[reference]) ", "and ", "Questions & Answers (Europol ref. #[reference]) ", "Europol’s initials: ", "Contractor’s initials: ", "Page 61 of 79 ", "28", "Procurement Documents of the Europol procurement procedure [reference].", "ICT Racks, cabling and other infrastructure elements ", "FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ", "Europol Public Information " ]
[ [ 135, 588, 781, 34 ], [ 135, 588, 781, 34 ], [ 253, 637, 655, 35 ], [ 253, 637, 655, 35 ], [ 344, 206, 360, 26 ], [ 344, 206, 360, 26 ], [ 472, 247, 110, 26 ], [ 189, 287, 676, 50 ], [ 189, 287, 676, 50 ], [ 239, 360, 577, 26 ], [ 503, 401, 49, 26 ], [ 251, 442, 552, 26 ], [ 790, 924, 139, 14 ], [ 767, 951, 162, 14 ], [ 455, 898, 113, 14 ], [ 122, 852, 467, 54 ], [ 122, 852, 467, 54 ], [ 226, 140, 602, 26 ], [ 380, 74, 293, 26 ], [ 394, 42, 267, 16 ] ]
[ [ 135, 588, 781, 18 ], [ 379, 605, 293, 18 ], [ 253, 637, 655, 18 ], [ 357, 654, 443, 18 ], [ 344, 206, 341, 26 ], [ 686, 206, 18, 17 ], [ 472, 247, 110, 26 ], [ 189, 287, 676, 26 ], [ 450, 311, 155, 26 ], [ 239, 360, 577, 26 ], [ 503, 401, 49, 26 ], [ 251, 442, 552, 26 ], [ 790, 924, 139, 14 ], [ 767, 951, 162, 14 ], [ 455, 898, 113, 14 ], [ 122, 870, 12, 10 ], [ 139, 852, 450, 54 ], [ 226, 140, 602, 26 ], [ 380, 74, 293, 26 ], [ 394, 42, 267, 16 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 1, 1, 7, 7, 7 ]
EN-Annex 3 - Draft Framework Contract.pdf
[ "During 2001 and 2002, the Company committed up to $7.6 million of the its bank line of", "credit to a contractor for construction of a customer and operation center.The tax-free exchange of seven", "surplus Company properties to the contractor for the new customer and operations center was completed ", "on September 30, 2002. Because the transaction was structured as a property exchange, acquiring the new", "facility did not require a significant expenditure of cash. Under terms of the exchange agreement, during the", "construction period the Company had guaranteed the contractor’s bank loan.The new facility, which is valued", "at over $7 million, served as security to the Company for the guarantee.When the property exchange was", "completed, the contractor paid off the bank loan, and the Company was released from its guarantee.", "In 2002, the Company agreed to acquire the Kaanapali Water Corporation for $7,700,000 ", "in cash.The acquisition is subject to approval of the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission, which is expected ", "in mid-2003. Also in 2002, the New Mexico Water signed an agreement to purchase National Utilities", "Corporation for approximately $700,000 in cash.The purchase of National Utilities is subject to the approval ", "of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, which is expected in the third quarter of 2003.", "Contingencies", "In 1995, the State of California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control", "(DTSC) named the Company as a potential responsible party for cleanup of a toxic contamination plume in", "the Chico groundwater.The toxic spill occurred when cleaning solvents, which were discharged into the city’s", "sewer system by local dry cleaners, leaked into the underground water supply due to breaks in the city’s", "sewer pipes.The DTSC contends that the Company’s responsibility stems from its operation of wells in the", "surrounding vicinity that caused the contamination plume to spread.While the Company intends to cooperate", "with the cleanup effort, it denies any responsibility for the contamination or the resulting cleanup and intends", "to vigorously resist any action that may be brought against it.The Company has negotiated with DTSC regard-", "ing dismissal of the Company from the claim in exchange for the Company’s cooperation in the cleanup", "effort. However, no agreement was reached with DTSC regarding dismissal of the Company from the DTSC", "action. In December 2002, the Company was named along with eight other defendants in a lawsuit filed by", "DTSC for the cleanup of the plume.The suit asserts that the defendants are jointly and severally liable for the", "estimated cleanup of $8.7 million.The Company believes that it has insurance coverage for this claim and that", "if it were ultimately held responsible for a portion of the cleanup costs, there would not be a material adverse", "effect on the Company’s financial position or results of operations.", "In July 2002, the Company was served with a lawsuit in state court naming it as one of several", "defendants for damages alleged to have resulted from waste oil contamination in the Company’s drinking", "water.The suit did not specify a dollar amount.The Company does not believe that the complaint alleges ", "any facts under which it may be held liable.The Company has filed a motion to dismiss the suit on various", "grounds.The Court has not ruled on the Company’s motion. If necessary, the Company intends to vigorously", "defend the suit. In 2000, the plaintiff in this action brought a suit against the Company in federal court with", "similar allegations concerning drinking water contamination.That suit was dismissed; however, the Court did", "not bar the plaintiff from filing an amended complaint.The Company’s insurance carrier is paying for legal", "defense costs and the Company believes that its insurance policy will cover all costs related to this matter.", "In December 2001, the Company and several other defendants were served with a lawsuit by", "the estate and immediate family members of a deceased employee of a pipeline construction contractor.The", "contractor’s employee had worked on various Company projects over a number of years.The plaintiffs allege", "that the Company and other defendants are responsible for an asbestos-related disease that is claimed to have", "caused the death of the contractor’s employee.The complaint seeks damages in excess of $50,000, in addition", "to unspecified punitive damages.The Company denies responsibility in the case and intends to vigorously", "defend itself. Pursuant to an indemnity provision in the contracts between the contractor and the Company,", "the contractor has accepted liability for the claim against the Company and is reimbursing the Company for", "its defense costs.", "The Company and City of Stockton (City) purchase water from Stockton East Water District", "(SEWD).The City has discussed with SEWD its belief that SEWD’s meter, which recorded water deliveries", "to the City’s system, malfunctioned for some period of time, and as a result the City overpaid for water ", "CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE GROUP", "53" ]
[ [ 138, 101, 776, 119 ], [ 138, 101, 776, 119 ], [ 138, 101, 776, 119 ], [ 138, 101, 776, 119 ], [ 138, 101, 776, 119 ], [ 138, 101, 776, 119 ], [ 138, 101, 776, 119 ], [ 138, 101, 776, 119 ], [ 138, 223, 771, 73 ], [ 138, 223, 771, 73 ], [ 138, 223, 771, 73 ], [ 138, 223, 771, 73 ], [ 138, 223, 771, 73 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 299, 775, 226 ], [ 138, 529, 777, 135 ], [ 138, 529, 777, 135 ], [ 138, 529, 777, 135 ], [ 138, 529, 777, 135 ], [ 138, 529, 777, 135 ], [ 138, 529, 777, 135 ], [ 138, 529, 777, 135 ], [ 138, 529, 777, 135 ], [ 138, 529, 777, 135 ], [ 138, 666, 774, 135 ], [ 138, 666, 774, 135 ], [ 138, 666, 774, 135 ], [ 138, 666, 774, 135 ], [ 138, 666, 774, 135 ], [ 138, 666, 774, 135 ], [ 138, 666, 774, 135 ], [ 138, 666, 774, 135 ], [ 138, 666, 774, 135 ], [ 138, 804, 766, 43 ], [ 138, 804, 766, 43 ], [ 138, 804, 766, 43 ], [ 417, 953, 225, 7 ], [ 973, 505, 16, 10 ] ]
[ [ 241, 101, 642, 12 ], [ 138, 116, 755, 12 ], [ 138, 131, 761, 12 ], [ 138, 147, 760, 12 ], [ 138, 162, 776, 12 ], [ 138, 177, 774, 12 ], [ 138, 193, 757, 12 ], [ 138, 208, 715, 12 ], [ 241, 223, 646, 12 ], [ 138, 238, 766, 12 ], [ 138, 254, 744, 12 ], [ 138, 269, 771, 12 ], [ 138, 284, 708, 12 ], [ 241, 299, 105, 12 ], [ 352, 299, 525, 12 ], [ 138, 315, 765, 12 ], [ 138, 330, 775, 12 ], [ 138, 345, 760, 12 ], [ 138, 361, 771, 12 ], [ 138, 376, 774, 12 ], [ 138, 391, 773, 12 ], [ 138, 406, 775, 12 ], [ 138, 422, 755, 12 ], [ 138, 437, 772, 12 ], [ 138, 452, 762, 12 ], [ 138, 468, 769, 12 ], [ 138, 483, 773, 12 ], [ 138, 498, 773, 12 ], [ 138, 513, 474, 12 ], [ 241, 529, 664, 12 ], [ 138, 544, 755, 12 ], [ 138, 559, 760, 12 ], [ 138, 574, 763, 12 ], [ 138, 590, 768, 12 ], [ 138, 605, 769, 12 ], [ 138, 620, 777, 12 ], [ 138, 636, 759, 12 ], [ 138, 651, 754, 12 ], [ 241, 666, 662, 12 ], [ 138, 681, 769, 12 ], [ 138, 697, 774, 12 ], [ 138, 712, 774, 12 ], [ 138, 727, 772, 12 ], [ 138, 743, 765, 12 ], [ 138, 758, 769, 12 ], [ 138, 773, 765, 12 ], [ 138, 788, 119, 12 ], [ 241, 804, 660, 12 ], [ 138, 819, 766, 12 ], [ 138, 834, 752, 12 ], [ 417, 953, 225, 7 ], [ 973, 505, 16, 10 ] ]
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