"""Los_Angeles_MIDI_Dataset_Maker.ipynb |
Automatically generated by Colaboratory. |
Original file is located at |
https://colab.research.google.com/github/asigalov61/Los-Angeles-MIDI-Dataset/blob/main/Los_Angeles_MIDI_Dataset_Maker.ipynb |
# Los Angeles MIDI Dataset Maker (ver. 3.1) |
*** |
Powered by tegridy-tools: https://github.com/asigalov61/tegridy-tools |
*** |
#### Project Los Angeles |
#### Tegridy Code 2023 |
*** |
""" |
!git clone https://github.com/asigalov61/tegridy-tools |
!pip install tqdm |
print('Loading core modules... Please wait...') |
import os |
import math |
import statistics |
import random |
from collections import Counter |
import shutil |
import hashlib |
from tqdm import tqdm |
print('Creating IO dirs...') |
if not os.path.exists('/content/Dataset'): |
os.makedirs('/content/Dataset') |
if not os.path.exists('/content/Output'): |
os.makedirs('/content/Output') |
output_dirs_list = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] |
for o in output_dirs_list: |
if not os.path.exists('/content/Output/'+str(o)+'/'): |
os.makedirs('/content/Output/'+str(o)+'/') |
print('Loading TMIDIX module...') |
os.chdir('/content/tegridy-tools/tegridy-tools') |
import TMIDIX |
print('Done!') |
os.chdir('/content/') |
print('Enjoy! :)') |
!wget 'http://hog.ee.columbia.edu/craffel/lmd/lmd_full.tar.gz' |
!tar -xvf 'lmd_full.tar.gz' |
!rm 'lmd_full.tar.gz' |
"""# (FILE LIST)""" |
print('Loading MIDI files...') |
print('This may take a while on a large dataset in particular.') |
dataset_addr = "/content/Dataset" |
filez = list() |
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(dataset_addr): |
filez += [os.path.join(dirpath, file) for file in filenames] |
print('=' * 70) |
if filez == []: |
print('Could not find any MIDI files. Please check Dataset dir...') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Randomizing file list...') |
random.shuffle(filez) |
TMIDIX.Tegridy_Any_Pickle_File_Writer(filez, '/content/filez') |
filez = TMIDIX.Tegridy_Any_Pickle_File_Reader('/content/filez') |
print('Done!') |
"""# (PROCESS)""" |
print('=' * 70) |
print('TMIDIX MIDI Processor') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Starting up...') |
print('=' * 70) |
input_files_count = START_FILE_NUMBER |
files_count = LAST_SAVED_BATCH_COUNT |
melody_chords_f = [] |
all_md5_names = [] |
all_pitches_sums = [] |
all_pitches_counts = [] |
all_pitches_and_counts = [] |
print('Processing MIDI files. Please wait...') |
print('=' * 70) |
for f in tqdm(filez[START_FILE_NUMBER:]): |
try: |
input_files_count += 1 |
fn = os.path.basename(f) |
file_size = os.path.getsize(f) |
if file_size <= 1000000: |
fdata = open(f, 'rb').read() |
md5sum = hashlib.md5(fdata).hexdigest() |
md5name = str(md5sum) + '.mid' |
score = TMIDIX.midi2score(fdata) |
events_matrix = [] |
itrack = 1 |
while itrack < len(score): |
for event in score[itrack]: |
events_matrix.append(event) |
itrack += 1 |
events_matrix.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) |
notes = [y for y in events_matrix if y[0] == 'note'] |
if len(notes) >= 256: |
times = [n[1] for n in notes] |
durs = [n[2] for n in notes] |
if min(times) >= 0 and min(durs) >= 0: |
if len(times) > len(set(times)): |
if str(md5sum) not in all_md5_names: |
all_md5_names.append(str(md5sum)) |
pitches = [n[4] for n in notes] |
pitches_sum = sum(pitches) |
if pitches_sum not in all_pitches_sums: |
all_pitches_sums.append(pitches_sum) |
pitches_and_counts = sorted([[key, val] for key,val in Counter(pitches).most_common()], reverse=True, key = lambda x: x[1]) |
pitches_counts = [p[1] for p in pitches_and_counts] |
if pitches_counts not in all_pitches_counts: |
if files_count % 50000 == 0: |
print('SAVING !!!') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Saving processed data...') |
print('=' * 70) |
TMIDIX.Tegridy_Any_Pickle_File_Writer([filez, all_md5_names, all_pitches_sums, all_pitches_and_counts], '/content/Output/all_files_data') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Processed so far:', files_count, 'out of', input_files_count, '===', files_count / input_files_count, 'good files ratio') |
print('=' * 70) |
shutil.copy2(f, '/content/Output/'+str(md5name[0])+'/'+md5name) |
all_pitches_counts.append(pitches_counts) |
all_pitches_and_counts.append(pitches_and_counts) |
if files_count % 1000 == 0: |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Processed so far:', files_count, 'out of', input_files_count, '===', files_count / input_files_count, 'good files ratio') |
print('=' * 70) |
files_count += 1 |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
print('Saving current progress and quitting...') |
break |
except Exception as ex: |
print('WARNING !!!') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Bad MIDI:', f) |
print('Error detected:', ex) |
print('=' * 70) |
continue |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Saving processed data...') |
print('=' * 70) |
TMIDIX.Tegridy_Any_Pickle_File_Writer([filez, all_md5_names, all_pitches_sums, all_pitches_and_counts], '/content/Output/all_files_data') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Processed so far:', files_count, 'out of', input_files_count, '===', files_count / input_files_count, 'good files ratio') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Done!') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Resulting Stats:') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Total good processed MIDI files:', files_count) |
print('=' * 70) |
"""# Congrats! You did it! :)""" |