Come in Well, you sure took your time I've been waiting for my teeth for almost almost an hour I'd normally be upset, but I don't mind waiting if you're the one helping me Wait Where are you going? Or are you leaving so soon? I'm the princess here and I'm telling you you aren't allowed to leave yet Where do I have to tell you down that chair myself Boy No Why don't you come a bit closer? Take a seat Relax with me Father doesn't to know Honestly, probably doesn't care anyway All day every day All he does kings stuff And I'm lucky to see him even once a month He won't find out And even if he were to, I don't think he'd care I'm the youngest princess, the least important It's not a surprise point No one here loves me It shows me kindness, but but you you you've always scared I I never knew how great it feels to be special Hugh Pick me feels special Now why I I can't go A single day without thinking about you anymore From what i wake up through every book and lesson than I do everyday t time Night, I can't stop You occupy every one of my thoughts the way you walk, talk The glimmer and your eyes you kept praise and and the way you look at all the other servants Why do you have to look at them? You don't need to talk to anyone You have me I'm here I love you, You know, you don't need anyone else just me I can make you feel more relaxed And happy Than anyone else Here, let me prove it Have you ever taken a nap but the princess is lap Come here Isn't that nice You feel and on I can take it of better, you know can take away Your Just relax and enjoy the family of my hands running through I can't believe you're actually so happy That wish it could be like this Great Me forever Good, darling Tell me a making little better See Here As long as you stay here There's nothing to worry about I'll protect you everything And anything Here safe with me Just think about how great this moment is It's like my Thursday Let's joy You stay right So strange I'm truly to make you realize here life it's so isn't this wandering This all bit so perfect Agree I love you I love you so much I can't handle how much I love you I wanna see if day And I just kept stiff moments swear apart I believe everything for you This castle My status the money I don't care None of it makes me happy but you You're so perfect to me Let me with you Forever Please Please don't breathe To hear with It's just light as my come see here No No I won't let you, you can't believe me you aren't going to leave this room You just don't get do you I'm a princess and I get whatever It is I want in the only thing I want You If you won't choose to stay with me I'll just have to take away your ability to choose You're staying here And I'll make sure you never ever Want to leave me? I love you Life itself You love me too? I know you do I'm try to fool yourself you wanna be here Me Think go great It could be No outside of a few, even visit my chambers anymore But father doesn't visit the queen basically forgets I exist yet I get copious amounts of allowance every month All the silk have clothes I can imagine access to every in all types of food isn't I could share all of this with you Every single day with wiser You can live like a prince and leave this mundane life behind where you don't mean in every other royal hand in the fund All you have to do Can be mind Isn't this nice This is you life now This is how you will get to be every day I love you so much Isn't this relaxing same I can take away All of your stress And pain I can make it even better too We go Relax Nice I you This nice You understand that right You won't never leave me Your mine, cutie Are you trying the hide from me? Did he really think I not be able to find you? Hear my soul There's no he me No matter where you are I always find myself back and your arms Do you understand? You think I'm acting different than usual There's a simple explanation as to why you think that You see I got my hands on a potion recently I did not believe it it'll work However, after drinking it, My eyes were open I realized I've been missing you this whole time It showed me that we are simply this tend to be together Nothing is really changed I'm still the same person But now, I can just see the truth No Listen I really I really don't what you getting away for me Would be very, very upset if you tried to loose me again So I'm gonna need you to hold These ropes and your bed Will be perfect All I hope to do Let's tie you up and you can't get away away And it's very important You listen me Do you know what that sentence? That's right You've heard correctly So you need to listen to me The last thing i want is for anyone to get hurt So Comply my request Okay K Get back in your bet for me? There you go I hope you're all nice and comfortable Even if I need you to stay in place I still have you I want she to be happy I want she to be comfortable So just relax Can remember, dear resist to me It's but on Why do I feel like? Even if I didn't have these threatening You would still comply with my request Perhaps You want this? I'm only teasing Now hope still I need a tie these There we go Got your legs Now for your lives There you go Now you can't Hang not being able to move Guarantee, so there's no way for you to leave me I have you called myself And there's nothing you can do about You are my getting have here In my grasp So up close and personal It feels like a chain trip I've been putting this for so You see And all started off as a simple crush I like to be your around Your voice gave me better butterflies And it was okay with that? I was too afraid act on any of my feelings Oh three The telling you I love you Really our friendship But when i drink the push from a pretty little glass I realized I don't wanna be without you I want to have you That's slide Of many anyone else laying their hands on you Is painful I want you You belong to me And No Else get that cute No one else can have you I've been wanting this for seoul I know you can't move I'm gonna lay down next you on the bed Okay There Snuggle Isn't this so nice? I've been wanting this or so I play happy And I will make sure you left me too Something about the way that you look at me Even in this position Me feel like Maybe you had feelings for me too Do you do you also like me Really? You've had feelings like room Cute Do like make your voice get caught in your throat? Who i make you nervous I wanna know every I am so so love with you He just You wouldn't understand I'd liked you for so long Ever since I took the potion, well, I can think about us how desperately I wanna know about you Sure I've been with you as your friend But it's not enough I need to know how you react to three situation But I need to know how you feel When something terrible happens I need to know How you react? When your dreams come true I wanna know everything about you The good The died The beautiful in the ugly I have to know You are my obsession My fascination I do anything to know every little part about you? To fully understand you and know you are That is true Desperation A willingness list to do? Anything for that person? You agree me told you If i wasn't way willing because of such links for you How would you know I truly loved you? You wouldn't Do And i would do anything For? So don't never have to worry your question if I hope you or not I won't always be here In fact Would you like to hear an interesting story? I can prove you How much I love here? After Wouldn't don't it be silly for me to come in here and make a dual large claim? And has nothing to back it up I sure You noticed I heard bag with me Have you wondered what's in the bag? Ropes My knives? There's something else important too Let me get a little bit of a backstory story I noticed your friends had an been kindly you lately They just miss you They make you feel replaceable They see terrible things about you Behind get back They make you feel like you don't belong Like there's no point anymore My love You don't deserve that You don't deserve feel worthless You don't deserve to feel like the people around you hate you You deserve to feel loved and appreciated it And so I took it upon myself Did i rid of them for you You look like you don't believe me Like I said, he would be foolish ocean should need to show up without any proof Let me show you what I have Can know what's in this box? That's cute little boxes isn't it A little heart We can rattle it around Here's some stuff inside Is he anticipation killing you? What's in it? Wait me open it up and fly down Little open You'd like to see when you? Here Now tilt it down so you can have a little peek What do see? It looks like some teeth Some little Here And what is that? My These are not props He's are the real thing I assure you I took their eyes because I hated the way they looked at you They stared you was so much resentment So much hatred i didn't just dislike They do not deserve their eyes I took their teeth Because I hated the way they spoke about you Spreading gossip and lies Painting your already fragile reputation Say hurt your feelings? Say your heart Thank you not serve to speak your name But you know how long have to worry? Feels old friends who hear you I'll no longer be able to do so They can't look at you They can't speak about you They are no longer Does is so nice Knowing how no be a problem In fact No and else will ever be a problem for you anymore I swear always take carry of you To always protect you I would be the only person in your life You want to do anything You know this deserved report You know, deserve pain All you deserve love, and I love you You've known each other for a while now Heavenly we I don't know if I've talked much of el my I'll tell you Maybe getting to hear what I have been through I hope you know I understand Give been nothing would like to me Kindness is not something I used to Well I was younger I almost have really kind I only lived with my mother I didn't think get along with anyone at the school My father left a picture pretty early I can cried a lot So It was just an easy target for the other kids No really protect me My mom was never really around either She had adore hard to make sure she can afford to take care of me I was a alone those I had learned had to cook got a clean Think you're how fast And when the kids had school started to get violent as I god older? I never wanted to tell me mother I didn't wanna worry he her She was already so stressed and tired Could she imagine the tour I would put her through to know her kid was dealing with such things at cool It wasn't an easy he telling with it on po No I wanted to stand up for me I couldn't defend myself I just had to take it and cover it up Hair sucked Bye You know, eventually i met you You would never her name to me Even if you didn't know what other people are doing to be behind closed stores, you were still kind, you wanted to protect me And every second, I got to spend with you Felt more like freedom I gave me help A little glimpse and know a better life Oh life that don't never get to have But If I could just stay with you, if I get to have you by my side or forever? Maybe I don't have to live that life Maybe I can now like to come home To someone lawyer Someone who loves me and wants me Not someone is mean to me I want that I wanna be happy with you And I know people don't treat you too kindly there But i promise always always being nice into my best to protect you and we could be happy together Forever her And if anyone ever tries to hurt you I will make a I another Have let and do that to you You just her if nothing Please understand that Is anyone ever love do you like this? Well, I love you more than I love myself And my promise just stay here with you I know you're still tied up, but Would it be okay if we cuddle for a little bit? No I've been working so hard It only me fair that I could tell him you for a while Alright You're so And your skin is so so soft So I love you so much I'll do all I can't make you feel up When we get older We can't get married in another loud house No more pain No more sadness Only the two of us together for Great sweetie sweetheart Love I'll never let here anyone else have you You to me And have you ever decide you don't want me? I'll give you the love potion and help you remember that the only person you need The only person you have I forever I love you Well, hello my neck necromancer Fancy seeing you here On a moon lit balcony during one of the, little suarez You come here often I find it's a good place for thinking and overlooking the commoners Down below Oh, of course, I was hoping you'd find me don't make me state the obvious You'll ruin the fun of our little game Really And did you think i would be so go as to ask you for her dance Although no I suppose, I can't blame neil Some of the women at this party did just that I don't ask for the things I want I thought I taught you that You need another lesson Follow me This party is boring, and the empress has already retired To her chambers burns So there's no need to stay in keep up appearances Oh, oh rat You follow me I quite enjoy it You know You look like my own well appointed shadow Dark, but well dressed Trailing along behind me in that very dramatic looking black k I saw your cape sw on the dance floor you know While I drank on the balcony Alone It reminds me of a dark ribbon twisting in the wind You look shocked Did you think I didn't see you No Tell me necromancer Did you enjoy your dance with the imprint? It looked like you did And the whispers about you too It's annoying I heard them while you danced with her imperial grains Oh, they're not so interesting Mostly about how good the two of you look together and how quickly you've earned her trunk Hearing and all made my wine taste Sour in my mouth Do you think she trusts zoom because you present yourself as what a necromancer should be? What do I mean? I'll answer your question with a story We have time The hallways and the palace are so long I toured the school where they raised and train you all My father had some kind of business there I don't remember I was very young I didn't expect to see so much art The grounds were covered with tombstone and risen surrounded by books and classrooms I've never forgotten it To think on this world, we have masters of the dead And they're also full artists I think that's what makes me so curious about you Having seen where you grew up And that strange school filmed with the dad Of course, I am sure you've told the empress all about it Will you meet and discuss matters of politics Say she feels you have No agenda save regarding and caring for the risen in her empire I find that laughable Everyone has an angle an agenda, especially here at the pal You've been here long enough to figure that out There's more power contained here than anywhere else in the Empire You can feel it warming the stones under your feet as you want Meeting in alive You frown it me while, we talk I'm not mocking you My court necromancer Or clothes aren't we? You wouldn't allow me to lead you through the palace like this if we weren't Now that I have you alone I want my There's no need for music Just hold me I was so cold outside on that balcony I've taken my gloves off Won't you do the same It would be nice to hold hands And your sign knit ring please Don't worry I know it's your signature I'll leave it safely on the desk in the corner And now, finally, hold me necromancer On there You take directions so well Tell me Were you warm? Dancing with the empress The one woman in this entire palace, I can't openly confront Did you enjoy your yourself? Oh, it looked like you were having such fun together T along to the music with your ado audience watching And you dipped her with such care Not a single lock of her hair touched the ballroom floor Oh, am I squeezing your hand too hard? That's too bad Perhaps I should calm down Only could return to our previous topic of conversations is I was talking about how close we are The trust I have given you, my favor is not one easily Necromancer You think I take just anyone out on my family's ship To drink and watch the star Have you ever considered my prospects my physician My obligation to marry well And how my time with you? A necromancer well look to my suit No No You did not And how could you? You don't know anything about this world The dance Of the nobility is lost Because you were born to be touched by death and have no such constraints Air freedom makes you ignorant And I think it's time You were tom You should know what it feels like to be bound by duty as I am As we all are, You've had it too easy here for too long mac necromancer And how dare you make me watch As you danced with another woman No way you held her and laughed like old friends I've had to watch it court as she pulls you aside for your counsel Everyone sees the friendship blossom between you too It's nausea But you don't know You don't know And that's what this is about I'm teaching you a lesson so pay attention I can see that you're a listening Now, the lead emperor was famously friends with his neck necromancer And the rumors were that their love for each other ran much deeper than what the public saw The empress can very well be using you to bolster her image To make the public speak of the ways her and her father were similar Don't think you're anything but a pawn on this board I do so enjoy seeing him listening attentive I think it's one of your best Tray Next to looking good in black Our dance is concluded But I think it's time we spoke of your required bondage The constraints you so desperately need to thrive at the palace Really, it's so you can appreciate The challenges of the nobility Don't look scared Your eyes are wide Let me brush your cheek with the back of my hand Sweet sweet I'm doing you a favor A i Good looking And like you would be too easily Taken an advantage of without my aid Everyone here can smell the innocence on you Now behaves and stay where you are And this will only take a moment And then I just need to light the candle for the c Perfect And here is your sign ring return This is what I'm talking about Sweet court necromancer You should have never taken it all Your signature is your word, so guard it better Oh, oh, did I do with it? I used it to seal a letter detailing an assassination plot against the Oh, no Are thing The drawer is locked You could try and attack me or break it open But I think the guards would come running one size scream Good Much better See you're already learning If someone blackmail males you, it's much better to stay calm and assess the situation Now come here Let me put my arms around you Don't worry I have no intention of getting you arrested for treason But I think it's time you learned how things work around here Now, you are mine You will spend your time with me in secret Hold my hand And embrace me when no one is looking I expect to be pond into dark a and kiss And then turn, I'll keep you close and keep you safe And there are many threats in the palace You've been woe ignorant You can continue to perform your duties to the entrance The gods no, she more interesting than her predecessor But I will be danced with first Now, do we have an accord of course? We do You may continue to hold me I feel like another dance without the music Such a good little neck necromancer Thank you oh I don't know if that's going to help you lost One Turning in play looking and confused And did someone throw you in the dungeons Did you upset the wrong person in power? No My voice isn't coming from the skeletal remains Skew about this room But that's a good guess You never know what necromancer get up to these days There was of famous necromancer He used to be able to make the me on his dinner plate dance for his guests Neck necromancer is used to be much more powerful Before they went soft and became concerned which only raising the willing and Motor Are your eyes adjusting to the darkness now, lost one I bet there shades You can see in this blackened and room now It's amazing what humans can adapt to with time Where are you? I am not a math But you are deep beneath na manner of course This is a place for a loss Things For forgotten things And they put the ones who are innocent here A good ruler puts the guilty ones on display for everyone to see and hines away, the ones who have done nothing wrong You're a good looking one, young and fair I could see the bones of your face as soon as you got shoved in here Humans have suffered from what because of features like yours you know I've seen that story played out before to humans never changed And now you look for me And that it's wise Keep me talking Oh assess what kind of threat I am Oh, let's make a game out of this You're getting colder warmer Or So hot Come closer last one Listen to my voice Yes Do you see me? I am so dusty these days Would you be a deer and wipe, the surface of the mirror? This is my only window into your world, and I want to get a better look at you Oh, come Don't be so reluctant What else are you going to do? Do you have some pressing engagement that demands your time It's just us Trapped and low And I've asked for such a small favor Much better Thank you Now, you look a little worse for where don't you And I like that in your eyes It's a pleasure to see you properly You want my name How polite? That's not a question I get asked often I will have yours first Oh, hulk clever Keeping your name a secret That is a good practice when dealing with strange voices in the dark Very well I am Luna No No It's not my real name We are very clever But it's a name I like well enough And what I am truly called, would be un on your tongue Lost one Which is what I will keep calling you So Since we have nothing but time, do you tell me how you wound up here? I'm sure it's quite the story and you'll find me a thoughtful audience I'll hang off your every word So it was your looks that got you into trouble And your strong well Just disc That's so unfair Here kept sounds spoiled and then title You can never love someone as much as you love yourself And the one who trapped you doesn't love herself From what I've been able to glean, She thinks you'll fill the void in her life and make her complaint But completion comes from within Tell me do think she'll come back for you You are too much of a prize to be left to rot, I imagine And she seems so fixated A good quality in a ruler, but led many of them to ruin When they hold so tightly and never let go I have seen it before Yeah I like watching your expressions change with my words It has been too long Yes Drinking my speeches I am old and very wise You are so lucky to be in my Oh, I know Now I sound like her Don't worry Or nothing alike What am I? No That's a rude question if I ever heard one, who asks that? Clearly, I am made as you are I'm just within a mirror I speak and have memories and let with which to share my thoughts And I to observe lost things like you Are you always so negative to focus on what is different? Between two strangers and not what the same We are bound by common circumstance Are we not? Clearly, we are stay a while and speak with me and you'll find we have much common I may even be able to help you Or it's the catch So that is your problem You are too clever for one so stunning They don't like that When you're beautiful, the world wants you to be dumb Lest you weave your charm against the unsuspecting for your own gain We couldn't have that It en people Jealousy is such a human thing I think you'll find I celebrate questions and cunning Holding back when it's necessary And, oh, what is that expression? I quite like it I must recall When you keep your cards close to your chest Is that how it is set? I'm saying it right Yes Yes Words of wisdom don't show all your cards Everything that is important should be kept close to your heart Is that not why you humans wear locket with cameo and portraits around your neck? I like that custom as well The images of the one you love are close to the cock of your heart It's so useful when you have to persuade them if you want someone to cooperate you just pop open the necklace And then you know what they value What their loved ones look like I digress Forgive me It's easy to go on After all, you are trapped and I am bored Do our interests align enough for you to trust me Last one Air situations perilous No Your capture will come back for you But she will want you suit accepting and submissive Starved and sleep deprived, spooked and alone with thoughts that beg you to ac to her Every ounce of that grey matter in your brain begging you just to bend the knee to her and survive It's hard and I have seen that story before You must stay strong As you did when you bid her, can you act? Lost one Will you let her think she's beaten you then run when the chance presents itself I'm tempted to advise you to do so You would wind up right back here trapped with me, then I would be able to look at you again And you shake your head, such spirit Such defiance It is your nature Isn't intent Yes I am getting to know you The more we speak, the more you reveal about who you are You are time to set the world on fire Just to catch sheer enemies in the flames No Now I'm I am getting ahead of myself You are into and you are right There is another way There is always another way You could release me I have strength to spare in your plain I would keep you and you would serve as my guide I can tell from looking at you so much has changed within the world What what I do once I was free Oh, don't worry about such things I would take in the sights naturally Read a few books I'm very fond of those I'm sure we'd get along famously And I'd like the chance to get to know you better Last one Another question, you are so fond of them You're lucky I'm quite bored And intrigued What is it about you that draws others in And is a quality, you cannot measure, but so parent once I look into your eyes Your quest of How do you free me? Oh, that's excellent What a brilliant inquiring It's simple I require a willing offer of flesh Now don't look so spooked Sure You know But all power comes with a cost If you want to swift rescue, it can't be free This is the nature of the universe You're a proud one I can tell I'm not asking for much The tip of your finger or your smallest toe Look into my eyes Brave one Look beyond the mirror and see me as I see you Am I asking for so much? Everything comes with a cost You want your freedom Don't you No What are you doing? Wait Oh, perfect You are so defiant It feels good To have a body again To breathe that the stale air of this plane Thank you for freeing me from my prison I almost never look in this mirror I don't care enough about this world to bother You You have drawn me in and didn't me Whatever this quality is about you, that makes me care That makes me wallet I want more of it I knew I knew you were brave than the others more ob Don't worry I reward those who are bold enough to define me I'll keep you locked up here Safe and here Once I've taken over castle, you can be my cons Don't worry I give you much more freedom in your previous captain did I want to dissect to you and find out what magic it is you weave but holmes dominion over me Something as powerful as me shouldn't feel behold or something like you But we have time while it out In until, just busy I have some business to take care of When when i come for you, there will be blood running down the flags Stones Pay it no mind, We will rule these lands before the sun has B brave one I'll come for you soon We'll have such a charmed life together You'll see AndAre you finally deciding to like? Honestly I would be lying if I said I wasn't starting to get concerned I worried Maybe I hit you over head a little too hard Girl You've been asleep for almost a day Well I'm always extra prepared, but he just gave me even a more time to prepare further And must apologize It is a bit chilly in here isn't it? It's fore cold I know it's very difficult to wear about concrete You looks so scared What's making you so nervous You don't need to be that worried Will let she process everything So I don't think I'm going to you Immediately Even though the space is sound And echoes goes quite a bit I don't know how large you scream It might be loud for my ears I'm not looking to person here Tram I love that noise noise If you can tell I love the wait Things at end It's quite satisfying in my opinion So you're probably wondering Why? Exactly Are you here? Personally I think is pretty obvious, but I will need to communicate with you After all, it's very difficult to maintain any sort of a relationship with the person with without communication So let me go ahead and tell you in my basement? No, I think I already mentioned that And you're tied to a pole I know it's in an unusual situation Honey doubt you've ever been in this position before So the biggest question on your mind is probably why? Why would you do this to me? Why am i here? Well Don't worry I'm gonna tell you Because I took a very special I do You see I don't actively search for someone to pursue Normally, when I go around my life like nothing's wrong But then, someone will catch my attention And you caught my eye You're not normal Alright You don't fit in People don't like you Nobody appreciate you In fact, I wonder Will anyone notice you're gone I'm sure you've thought about that How you You've sat in your bed staring out the ceiling Pondering during for hours Who would miss you if you were to disappear? Well, I guess you'll never know, but I'll be watching on the news to see if they say your name So far, I haven't heard anything Do you think anyone cares Well I can tell you one thing for sure I probably care about you and have much more of an interest in you than anyone else ever has After all, can you say a single other person has gone through such links to get you into their house lot alone their basement? I'm sure the answer is no But Isn't it this nice? A little ball experience between the two of us I did this Because I wanna learn about you I find The only way to truly know anything about the person is to see them in their most afraid state Fragile Guess spread wand I wanna see what you do When will the odds against you When you look at your future, we can imagine it anymore? I wanna see how you respond You know You understand what I mean Don't you Can I tell you something? This is or rather The wait, you're reacting Is rather odd You see, typically, even after I i'd explained myself in my actions, Everyone is still terrified or even more so Why is it that? Was that word I speak Your face seems to relax more and more Do you find some sort of comfort in my options Did you think about what I said about Oh no one else has ever done this for you You understand me Don't You understand why? I'm doing such a drastic thing Oh, badly I desire to see the your emotions from people I've never felt someone who gets it Or even considers that Every single person calls me crazy You know what? Maybe I am a little crazy It might just be However, I think my actions have some reason to them What is so wrong? About wanting to see the trail motions of a person? What is so wrong? About wanting to see someone in their all form I wanna see how you shouldn't every person reacts to desperation And know what? At first, they did her It did kill me whenever I would tell people how I felt, I would talk to my friends I would tell them how badly I just wanted to see their all emotions I loved my friends so much I cared about them more than anything And They didn't understand when I heard them Why? Why they just understand I did it because i a lot then I care about people so strongly No I care about people more than anyone else possibly could I care that I would go to links to see them in way that no one else ever will And I remember it for throughout But they don't understand Why some anyone I want nothing more On the flights on hill understands I want someone Who knows what I feel So who desires all emotion in love Jesus just not idea Why is it so hard to lie? That's so difficult to seeking that Finding that another older person Every time I get some sort of attachment to a person? It wonder I wonder if they would understand I think you're the closest You're not glaring at me Your expression just grows softer Do you want to understand me? If you promised about the screen Oh i'm you Do you comply? No or shake your head A not If you scream, I might have to remove your tongue So to me a favor and keep your silence Now, hold still for me There you go It must feel so much better to have that out of your mouth Right? But I need you to remember do Act out the line You got it Your behavior Is very important I've been told But i have a little bit of an anchor Or act on impulse So just do your best to upset me Neon and I can get along Just fine Now Do you have any questions? Why did I pick you? Well, I can tell you now let's not an easy question answer But I'll certainly try my best for you Okay? Well, It's not necessarily about your action specifically It's horrible about It's a gut feeling, you know I passed by And something in my gut Told me I need to know more about you Curiosity took over And I didn't knew above all else, that I had learn about you No more And the thing is watching you go through your daily life Only suffice for so long Sure I can see you laying in your bed and text to people you know Or maybe go to the store, but it's such your normal mundane activity What would I possibly be learning? But just watching you go about your daily life Maybe the food you like maybe your favorite color? But what used does that have? All of it could be fake for all I know But you know what is it fake? There's something That triggers a person When they're put into a certain situation It could be a breakup It could be a family member dying It could be a locked in a girl's basement Whatever the trigger is, It forces you to go into a natural reaction Your body responds Hacks own And it's a true form of a person There's nothing fake Only the intensity to survive To no longer be in pain I wanna see how you react I need know what You're not screaming Eat didn't yell after I you You're tied up in someone's basement, and you're hardly struggling You're either soc path or you enjoying this You enjoy this? Do you like that I desire to be next to you? Do you enjoy the fact that I would coat through such links? I order to risk my whole life Good to have you here Are you happy? You know I'm sure a lot of people tell you you're not interesting I'm sure you have so many people that disregard to People that just don't want me But I'm a new experience aren't I desire something from you I want you This is this is new Honestly, i'm I don't think I'm sure what to do Normally, I follow the exact same formula By wake you up I play around with you for a bit And then pass away But what is this feeling in my chest? I I don't think I want you to pass away Who I wanna learn more about you, but I don't want you to go away What do i do Thank you Come on hold yourself together Okay It's okay Well, you can you give me a second to think but I need to I need to figure out what I wanna do I see you Come on You see so wonderful Why don't I what to hurt you? Why? Guys Could I even keep you here? What is be okay if I ever were to do such a thing But if why let you pass away And it would be like normal And I could continue on With my life What do I do? Why does it what? Thank you Perfect Why is this so frustrating? Would it be okay? If I ask you some questions? Have do you ever ever been in love before? You want to be in the? Yes Have you found yourself was a very, very strong desire for a person What would you do for that person? What you be filled with jealous when you thought you may? Would you want to see them at their best in their worst? Would you do anything for them? Please Please tell me Is that truly how you feel? Because I want you to know If you lying I would be very, very upset And you know I don't wanna be upset You are lying to me You promise? You really are To some final he understand me This whole final you know What it means to be in my shoes Do you get where i'm coming from? Why I can't lie to but That brings me a little bit of joy No one ever really understands me No even No it even takes the time to understand me know But you seem to want to understand when you share some thoughts and ideas with me I'm really happy This is that okay to be happy right now? Okay Okay I don't Don't give you wrong I'm still very, very very curious About What where happen if I were to Hurt you? How would your body here react? But for the same time You don't wanna lose you I wanna learn more about you, but not their sudden and pain I wanna learn of how you adapt And learn and overcome I think I think I'm gonna keep my aunt Doesn't that sound nice? I I really like you I like you I do wanna hurt you Just a a bit Can you handle it? In fact, that doesn't matter if you can handle it or not I'm still curious Will you do me a favor? Hold still for me Remember Don't get too loud I'm still found the idea of taking the little hung of yours Be silent Look at you How does it feel? Tell me Please tell me what does it feel like I wanna know So just sudden by slow and sharp How much that at heard? Did you like it? You ate it? Please tell me now Where you eyes watering? You're so cute I'm sorry Carrie curiosity said he got the best of me, but I've promise you I promise you I won't do anymore Just I had to know I absolutely had to know Oh your body would react No I do And you're so cute You're adorable I don't want carry rid of you And I wanna keep you here I wanna keep you here with me For now, you can live in my basement smith And you will be the only one I won't bring anyone else down here, and I'll be dressed the two those How does that sound? For a while? I'll keep you tied to this poll Just to make sure you don't, cause any trouble But if you can prove it to me, You won't miss behave? How you walk around? Maybe I'll buy you a little bit How does that sound? Would you like it? Would you like having someone to take care of you? Yeah I'm sure you what? Someone to care about you I'll keep you forever Evo belong to me now Okay All never of her let you wait And you us promise me to never ever wrapped up Because if you miss behave I won't be afraid to punish you Here's so I think if you continue this behavior, I might even fall in little here No Do be a favor and hold tight Okay? I need to run upstairs and Dish samaritan chores Are you hungry? I'm sure you are after such a long time Whenever I go upstairs, I'll cookie you something eat Okay So just make sure to say here tight And I'll come back as soon as possible with a meal Made freshly just for you Don't ask to me where the meat came from And i'll be right back k Didn't hear me the first time Oh, you were staring at your monitor there It almost looked like you were h demonetized I asked if you wanted to get lunch together It's been such a slow day If I'm the only one here in my office and it looks like it's the same for you So I figured Might just well grab a bite together Alright? Let's take off to that italian place around the corner There, carbon is just find Besides, I'd love to get to know you a little better I always enjoyed our little chats, but we've never gotten the chance to really come on It'll be fine I'm very interesting my promise And the food there is really really good So please Tell me a favor There's no need to be so tense I don't bite Well, not on the first date at least Nope But It's alright Then maybe some other time You know, you really did look zoned out there when I came in You've got to be careful with that, you know? Some hip noticed to my decide to take advantage Make you obey there and recommend You wouldn't even see it coming me It's not like they just lock up to you and snap their fingers and tell you to sleep It doesn't quite work like that No They start by just talking to you speaking softly Soothing Making sure all of your attention is completely thick fixated on one particular thing like, on a screen or a pocket watch or maybe even their eyes You might have seen it on Tv someone staring Un unblock had a spiral or completely trans by a pocket watch Yes They're common tropes But really, spirals, pocket watches Those are not the things you should be worried right about They're too obvious to get anyone on nowhere where I mean they work perfectly well on people who want to be baptized, but Let's say I pulled out a spiral right now like on my phone You'll be on your card Alright Alright You and just stay relaxed You wouldn't keep listening to my voice No It's impossible to monetize anyone the against there will With a spiral Well, Even even and carries a pocket watch these days But eyes Everybody's got eyes It's remarkable how often the eyes are mentioned when talking about how attractive someone is keeping eye contact is entirely normal Expected, even Yes Keep eye contact with me Please Very good I know it can make some people feel little easy but there's no need for that Please Just relax That's better So As I was saying, there's really nothing strange about looking with someone in the eyes It definitely doesn't immediately make you think of him noses Even The thought of getting hopeless lost in my eyes that sell Romantic Doesn't Yes But some people are some people are lucky enough to be with exceptionally fascinating eyes Go orders magnetic eyes that draw your attention to pull you in eyes like that are just perfect For getting lost For lee suspecting victim into deep not trends Like Don't you think so Okay here All flustered I'm zero is I want to know what you think Take a moment and didn't consider it Look get to my eyes To tell me Do you think someone could get hit by my eyes? Here Let me give you a better view So you give me a more informed the Penny in Relax Here Let me sit on your lap Oh I know that you're too shy see anything but I see the way you look at me When you think I don't notice I know how you really feel about me So I also know that you don't have actually mind when I get this close to you Alright? Stop pretending that you don't want this Just haven't This is a dream coming true For you Isn't it? It to be so intimate to feel My arms wrapped around you and to see my eyes from very close That's right I know the way blends on my eyes from time to time Always looking boy way again, whatever I meet yours That's right Alright I think it's cute I know my eyes are in intriguing It's only natural to want have a better look There's No need to from them now You can gaze things in my eyes were as long as you want Go on Look into my eyes and tell me if you find them Yes There's definitely something about them isn't there That makes them irresistible Mh Yeah There's is complexity and so much depth Look a little deeper There's no rush Take your time Really? Really focus My eyes That's it Keep looking They are incredibly fascinating right? You know, I think my eyes good most definitely have tie someone So like you You're being pulled in But you're not looking away I Maybe haven't yet realized what's going on Maybe you're ready caught like a deer in my headlights that what doesn't really matter what matters is that it feels was good to lose yourself in eyes It feels good to follow my instructions to what I tell you to do Yeah Just relax and enjoy this Let's go Get it Keep listening to my voice and keep sinking into my eyes Yes I can see that you are starting to drift away? Just like knew you would going to h ties you, To It's bed inevitable at this point Sure There's still a chance that you could stop your yourself from falling deep deeper to my eyes, maybe You could even manage to look away, but you what? If you do? This moment passes I don't get up and walk away We'll have all this off Like, it a joke And you'll never get to lose yourself in my my eyes again You never forget a feel that's good again So Keep here Listen Every word I say To everything that I tell you Sink deeper and deeper deeper into tran That's it I am monetizing you And that's perfectly alright You don't mine at all Can't make you do anything you don't want to do after That's kind of a moot point really because There's nothing that you don't want to do for me right now is there? You'll do anything to keep feeling this good That's how h knows works You decide to go along with whatever I tell you because it feels so very wonderful to listen to me Let me take control To be so completely focused on me on my voice on my eyes You don't even notice that your mind keeps slowing Down down down, becoming softer, or reply with every passing second you spent gazing into my eyes With every word I say to you At some point, listening and following stops a this decision anymore There comes a moment when your mind just has become too much to do anything, but absorb I'm pouring into your ears A moment when all of your own thoughts have melted freaked out of your head When the only things left are the sound of my voice What your mind is right on the edge of consciousness When all your defenses are boys to come tumbling leave your mind Complete Little bit and the vulnerable and ready For programming in that is one that hit tell you to sleep Wait awake So what's the last thing you remember? Me telling you sleep? Very good I see h ties you work just perfectly And I told you he had to be cared fold didn't my Say, yes, miss Okay I'm gonna have so much fun with you But First lunch You aren't gonna say no to me never again, darling Oh, good You're finally waking up I was getting a bit worried I used too much of that sleeping drug After all, I haven't kidnapped anyone in at least twenty five years One skills do tend to get rusty after so much time Oh, yes I can't have you Why do you think you went to sleep in your bed and a woke up in my basement silly? Why did I do that? Well, it's a long story Don't worry I'll explain everything when my sweet baby girl gets back home Well, we wait Do you like homemade cookies? I just finished it batch and I was thinking I might bring you some I know how easily a kidnapping can spoil an appetite But you should probably eat something If only to stave off a headache from the jugs I realized you have no reason to trust me, but I promise these cookies are made only with love, not knockout drops Wonderful I'll go fetch them Would you like a glass of milk too? Okay I'll be right back Well, sweetie Here you go Cookies and a glass of milk I don't like to brag about this, but everyone says that my cookies are the best Alright Silly me Your tied up Well Time you is simply out of the question for now So I'll just feed them to you Here, Take a big bite for me Oh, what a darling you are? So good at taking direction Oh, I'm so glad you like them Well, tell me a little about yourself Dear I want to know more about the person who'll be living in my basement from now on Of course, I already know some things about you Like your behavioral patterns, your dress, your atrocious sleep schedule, Your friends names, things of that nature But those are the basics I needed to up you I'd like to know more about you Real you what inspires you, what are your hopes for the future? What's important to you? Things like that Oh, how interesting? Really? Why that's amazing I think we're going to get a along well Oh, There she is My baby girl has finally arrived Hey I'm home Mom, you in the basement? Hey I just got mom, what the fuck? Audrey Language We have a guest Please forgive her sweetheart She's just a little shocked She doesn't usually pop off with that kind of vulgar guarantee I wouldn't allow it What? Why are the two of you acting like any of this is normal? Mom for real What are you doing? I'm being serious I get home and find you with one of my classmates tied to a chair Are you cheating on dad? Is this some kinky sex thing? I'm not gonna any need therapy after walking in on this? Please calm down And don't be ridiculous I would never cheat on your father I love him more than my own life This isn't for me sweetheart It's for you The least you could do is thank me Thank you See That wasn't so hard That's not what I meant Oh my God You've lost it Lost what You're marble Oh, don't be silly I never had any to begin with Mom, this is I can't You're I know this is a lot to take in dear But trust me Don't worry you're pretty little head about a thing If you'll just sit down I'll explain everything Okay I'm sitting My mom's gone crazy, and I'm sitting beside her captive And I am so sorry about this Now then, for starters, Well, Remember I told you that your father and I first met at a party in college And we exchanged phone numbers and sooner or later, we talked more and more And eventually, he invited me out to the movies And then he asked me to be his girlfriend Yeah You told me that story plenty of times, basically, once a week since I was in the crib Like, you fell in love, Nature took it course blah blah blah Now here I am I I don't exactly like to think about the details You know? Well, oh, that was only partially true What do you mean which part? I did meet your dad the party, but I didn't dare ask for his phone number or even talk to him I was such a wall flower dear I'd of died of embarrassment trying to speak to someone as charming and handsome as your father So I did what came naturally I'm terrified to ask what came naturally Nothing terrible dear Why? I just followed him home and started well, stalking him How is that not terrible? Because I did it out of love Oh, I devoted every waking moment to learning all about him his schedule his legs and dislikes when he was most likely to be alone And after about six months of that, well, unhealthy behavior, you got up the nerve to ask him out like a normal person? Oh, goodness No I can kidnapped him and kept him chained in the basement of my parents house Grandpa and grandma know about this? Well, of course, Sweetheart It's how they met too Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god I'm my oh My god My family tree for nuts Your father stayed with us for about five months that way Chained up Oh, not the entire time dear He was perhaps a bit confused and reluctant at first But soon enough, he was our willing guest After all, we treated him better than his own family ever had Loved him cared for him You gave dad stockholm syndrome? Oh, Don't be so judgmental audrey wasn't quite like that Your father always had his own Well, darker pro even before we met, Learning about them while I stalk him only made me love him more How could he do anything but fall in love with me? The one person who understood and accepted him, all of him Eventually, I only chained him up when he begged me to do it, Dear It it was consensual Mom, I don't wanna know about that My point is, perhaps our courtship was mh unconventional Oh, that's an understatement But it worked for us We've been together ever since And you can't argue with results, We've had twenty five years of a happy marriage You're kidding Right? This has to be a joke A weird joke from a one with a very twisted sense of humor Right? Right Right Oh, my poor baby, girl No I'm not joking I'm deadly serious You are joking I'm sure you are This can't be for real And you, you gotta be on Right? Like Jackie told you I have a crush on you, and this is some weird scheme you come up with my mom to ask me out or something Right? Oh, sweetheart, I'm being honest with you I've had to hide this for so long and now that I'm finally opening up to you, you don't believe me You're going to break my heart if you keep acting like this? Well, how would you feel if you just learned you're a member of the Adam's family? Well, grateful that I come from a loving if a bit unusual family Oh, my god Just give up, mom This is crazy This isn't even a good plot for a bad movie And believe me, I know I've seen enough of them Oh you still don't believe me? Well, alright Let me call your father Hello My love How's your day so far? Oh, that's wonderful to hear Is that str at flirting with you again, Darling? Oh yes You're secretary, the one who's always all over you, Of course, my love have trust you How could I not? I know that you know if you ever did anything with her, well She'd come down with a serious case of death by mysterious accident Oh my love I adore when you say you only belong to me But as much as I love to hear that, I was actually calling for another reason today I finally told Audrey how we met Darling knight, I know You said telling child this kind of thing would be irresponsible and that it could lead to her developing weird tendencies of a twisted idea of love But She's in college now I believe she's old enough to know the truth So I told her But she doesn't believe me Yes Please talk with her Hi, dad So this is probably gonna sound crazy because it is crazy But So mom kind of kidnapped my class What do you mean? That's so her, Dad Has everyone lost their minds with me, She told me when you were young, she kidnapped you and kept you and grandma Grandpa's basement for month She's she's joking Right She and what? What do you mean to try to break your legs so you couldn't run away? Why did you marry her? Because you were into it, what do you mean? You were? Oh no Dad I don't wanna hear that No No No too much information dad Oh, I'm starting to think Uncle Bob is the only normal member of this family aside from me And and he believes in sub mole people Dad if if Mom really kidnapped you and everything, why did you stay with her? I mean, why haven't you told any of this to the police? Because she's cute and loving and caring and makes mean Apple pie Dad, do you hear yourself? Yeah There are tons of women out there who are cute and loving and caring and probably make way better out pies and mom, and they wouldn't have to kid nab to keep you You You liked the kidnapping You you realize that's crazy Right? That that mom is crazy? You don't care so long as she loves you God god help me on the only same one left Okay Okay I I give up I can't understand, but guess you're not gonna change your mind So Okay Well, I love you I guess Bye dad If that is your real name Bye Now you believe me Sure Why not I'm the daughter of a dangerous psycho path and the man who's apparently okay with the idea of marrying the woman who tried to break his legs My whole life is a bizarre true crime case, but sure, I believe you Now Audrey You're hurting my feelings I was only trying to be a good mother I thought getting you a gift would soften the blow of finally being honest about myself with you Okay, Great I get it Thank you for being honest, I guess, but you haven't explained the gift yet Well, I thought you already figured that out You're such a bright girl I have a sneaking so suspicion, but I would rather hear it from you Well, the other day, I was cleaning your room and I found your diary Oh my god This is so embarrassing And I decided to read a little Okay First of all, that is a very disrespectful of my privacy Oh, I know, but hear me out Well, let's say a mother doesn't read her daughter's diary Well then she's a normal mother Let me finish sweetheart Let's say the mother doesn't read the diary and she doesn't realize her daughter is depressed and can't do anything to help That would be horrible wouldn't it Or maybe the girls into drugs or being bullied, something like that I don't have depression I don't do drugs I don't get bullied Well, alright, But how would I know if I didn't read your? Well, talking with me like a normal person Sweetheart, please don't be rude Reading my diary was rude mom, audrey Oh god Okay So I'm sorry This just been a really crazy day Okay So what exactly did you read my diary? Well that you have a crush on our lovely guest and you've decided to kid and keep my crush in our basement until we fall in love Exactly Well, that's insane I'm gonna have to spend the rest of my life apologizing for this and begging on my knees that the police won't get involved And when I'm done with that, you better believe you're gonna tie these ropes But so sweetheart Mom, maybe I haven't driven this home yet, but this is crazy Like capital c crazy I don't want to be a part of something like this It's horrible You can't just force someone fall in love with me and expect me to just say, oh, gee, thanks, mom Don't worry I'll take good care of it This a human being for God's, sake, not a new puppy When did you get like this? What? Normal So cold and un g Mom Do you really expect someone to truly love me back if the first thing they learn about me is that my parents are crazy kid nap who keep captive in their basement It's sick Maybe this stuff worked for you and dad, but it's too weird for most people I was just trying to do what's best for you I wanted my daughter to be happy To know the happiness I found when I kidnapped your father and we fell in love Oh god Please don't say that like, it's a perfectly average way to meet people We live in this suburbs or god's sakes The smiths and the Jones has got married the regular way not through kidnapping You might be surprised dear This is so wrong Alright Alright I'll un the ropes But please stop saying all those horrible things I'm not crazy I just love you and want you to be happy Is that a crime? Kidnapping people is indeed a crime mom You don't have to be so judged about this sweetheart I didn't raise you like that Mom, you're Wait Sorry What did you to say? What do you mean i'm being too harsh with my mom? Maybe you didn't get the memo, but she kidnapped you, tied you up Why don't you look more upset about that? What are you smiling about? Oh, has the whole world gone mad? Sweetheart Perhaps you should listen to your day This is not a date mom This is a kid kidnapping Well, then you'll notice my captive is the one who got kicked kidnapped and isn't crying about it We'll look at that expression Are those the dreamy eyes of someone who isn't into kidnapping and being tied up? Now perhaps you should cozy up to your new lover I don't have a lover new or otherwise This is just my crush Okay, a perfectly normal regular non criminal crush I think they're cute, and I'm just a little in That's all She a lot of little hearts with you our name and her diary Mom stop Please don't be so shy I'm sure our guest just happy to hear all about that Now don't just say yes Oh, this is so embarrassing Wish like it just melt to a puddle disappear And why are you acting so calm about this? You woke up to a nice lady offering you cookies? Okay, but you were tied up in an unknown place with a stranger Shouldn't that worry you at least a little? Oh come on You should be glad this is going so well Mom, I already told you I'm not gonna keep captive, it's not right But didn't you hear your date doesn't mind I heard I just can't understand why anyone on Earth would see something like that Isn't it obvious audrey? Here not the only one with a crash The feeling is mutual What Oh sweetheart You are beet red Did you just say you like me too? Why? Oh, look at this undeniable mutual attraction You won't even have to make any threats I wasn't gonna do that in the first place You she really like me? I mean, you like me before You did And you still do Even though my mom is crazy, and after all this trouble, I mean, Really? Sweetheart stop calling me crazy Well stop being crazy, and I'll stop calling you crazy You you like me? I can't believe it I I don't know if it's right for me to even keep in contact with you after this There's, like ethics and whatever But Look, are are you sure you still like me after what my mom did to you? What what do you mean you're glad my mom kidding kidnapped you? Why? Because otherwise, you would have never known that I like to and you'd have never gotten the guts to confess to me Well, says a lot about how easy I am to approach So wait a minute Does that mean Oh my god This is insane Oh no no It's only insane when it doesn't work out Dear Okay Well, it's still gonna take some getting used to So Oh? Well yeah, I I wanna go out with you, but are you sure you want to? You know what? Whatever None of this makes any kind of rational sense This is there's all probably just some weird dream and I'll wake up from it tomorrow So so sure, let's let's go out together Let me you first and we'll we'll date like normal people, not like this Now what do you think you should say to your mother's sweetheart? You expect me to thank you for this Yes, I do Okay Sure I'll play along with the crazy dream logic Thanks, mom G, i sure I'm glad you kid kidnapped my crush and will live Happily ever after Now help me un my You know what? We'll we'll worry about labels later, but help me un tie these ropes Okay? You're too gonna at not Hi you Before enjoying this video, please lay a little love on that subscribe button I'll be extremely grateful to you Enjoy Welcome Welcome Hi Wacky sleep had There will go Oh you don't know? Oh silly humans Look around you Does something seem a little different Yes This is the same field that you took a little nap in But it's a little different don't you think? Maybe just a little bit more magical Welcome to my home Oh, oh, I've thought It was so obvious this is This is the fairy Kingdom And i look around And that's an awful lot like bigger familiar space just all on a parallel plane So we have dreams of water over in this direction We have b rainbows up above It's perfect years and it It's so beautiful and peaceful too Now don't get me wrong though We fairies can be awfully cheeky at times, but I'll make a very special exception just for you I'll be nice to you I'll be nice to you, if you'll let me Oh, we must be so confused How did you get here? You may ask Look around Look around the circle, this space that you're lying in This patch grass, do you do you notice you're surrounded surrounded by toad Yeah So any anytime if you're unfamiliar with fairy rules, and I think you probably are Anytime you see a circle, of mushrooms That goes to show This is like a fairy world mh That how you step put into the fairy world, but that's not exactly how you're gonna show up So to speak Say you step into the circle and what all kinds of things can happen, but are you're really only gonna make a strong presence If you eat a very food Now I was just like people food The only difference is that it would be in this circle And it looks to me like I you did enjoy a snack Well I've been waiting for you to do so, you know I wouldn't go as far as to say this opportunity was planted, but I have watching you for some time now and i would not up Goodness No No never in an invasive way Just just imagine I've had a little crush And I've been keeping my Eye on you I know your daily routine Know what kinds of people you talk to I know your family life and honey I just wanted too I just wanted to help you out with And dolce it a little vacation Yeah I just felt like you can really get away From so many responsibilities From people pleasing from your constant day in and day out, personal nagging am am I right Come on now Oh sweetheart You and I both to know that you could speak to yourself more kindly yes? Mh Oh, I've heard you Call yourself names and kick yourself for totally normal human things, and it's just so sad It's so sad to me It's so sad to me to listen to you Speak so poorly of the person I really like You're gonna enjoy yourself here? Fortunately for you, this can be can be a bit of a dangerous please, however, consider me your personal security I have got you covered Now nobody ever hurt You not so long as I'm around Mh And I have every intention of showing you all around What's not to like other than occasional bad fairy of course I me just look how beautiful Be beautiful this very world is And being honest It must be nice Right? Whoa, they must be a little nice to get away from people so just a little bit even when you say Well, people are so complicated, you know? One person may may adore you they they love you, but they don't treat you right Or you may have somebody who treats you quite kindly, but, you know, they keep their distance Right? Maybe they're not in your life and you wonder why I don't understand why are people so complicated? And why can't people across the board treat you the way you deserve to be treated and you deserve to be treated so good People at complex Which is not to say, you don't have your diamonds and the rough here there I mean, look at you Consider you my needle in a human haystack Now you'll find some people Oh, you can breathe around who you can just feel safe with and and relaxed with and protected and loved And you'll certainly find that You'll certainly find that in this very And so what's a fairy to do has a huge crush on you That sees you suffering and just just wants what's best for you, Boo Yeah Oh, that means too soon Oh, I was on a roll I was arriving an awful a lot there So I had to keep it going It's a fair thing It's You'll get used to it eventually Well, you've got all the time in the world here You know, time is is different on this plane, and the human plane, but that that's not worth getting it to right now You just got here And you can stay for as long as you like How would you like to stay forever? Oh, look how relaxed you are already And why not stay forever? Why he good goodbye a wonderful thing And no I read it really just hear me out You stay here in very world and you are saying goodbye all of the things on a human and earth That are painful or unnecessarily challenging or exhausting and complex Don't you just want a vacation for year after here for the rest of your life and fear Sorry I like to in the eye and I got a flustered Oh, you have that effect on me You're in a magical fairy roll Come on You can't beat this You want by any we're on earth that says so so peaceful and exciting all at once And give you a fairy name too Yeah Fairies we have them special fairy names Some of us are so privileged in that they can they can human walk on earth, what they have their different names for the human world and our special fairy names I can pick out a key one for you because you're cute You're so cute I can just I can just steer you down all day and I sure house I sure how steered you down day in and day out And I like the way you speak? Mh I like the way you talk and I like the way you laugh And I like those cheekbones Yeah They are good I can eat those up Mh But you have so many insecurities? Oh sweetheart I'll never understand why And I also understand, you know, just more you of any kind is from what I understand a very human, Very common tragic human commonality, and I'm so sorry that you just You don't see what I see, but spend enough time here with me in this very world And bet I can sway you out of bet, we can build that confidence Oh, I'm I I I don't mean to make you nervous about the whole forever thing I just dumb I feel like you won't have a choice in the matter Well heart You ate the fairy food Oh once it be the ferry food, there really is no going back You didn't know this Everybody knows not to eat the fairy food Like at But this just doesn't mean it's impossible It just means I think it just just means that I think just been a a little super special time here And and then it then, if you spend just a little bit of time here But don't worry I'll get you back Besides it's you wouldn't have much to go back to anyhow because time goes by so fast here in the very world Oh, Oh, yes So you've been here for what maybe Fifteen minutes or so You're looking at it least a day Honor that's gone by It Oh, it's not a terrible thing, not by any means Not like any means Because listen sweetheart, you can just give all that up now just let it go You have every perfect excuse to just check out of all of your earth responsibilities and enjoy the magical fairies Right It'll be fun I promise you I promise It's gonna be fun No Oh, no No no No no You don't need to be afraid of me I know you have nothing to be afraid of this one's This is all in good fun We'd sweetheart this was all you Oh and me if i'm being fully You're right This is a little strange Look, I choose you I choose you to be my forever plus one for as long as you would like to enjoy the very realm But then but then it an given point You were to decide to go back, or you can start fresh You can start completely anew when you get back to earth It doesn't that sound wonderful to just start a full new slate new friends, maybe even new family If you're lucky Or just stay with me And I'll take good care of you So we'd sweetheart I will Give you back rubs and head scratches, and yeah I'm depicting you a little bit like a dog, but, you know, Are we so different? Yeah? Oh, we can hear we puppies here too Puppies see the very food all Of time We have a very diverse animal range here in the very world I promise You're not gonna miss any of those No No No No We can get any pet you want And I I can teach you all kinds of cool things I can teach you how to speak Fairy I can do you how to how to cook very food I'm okay Let's is Everything's okay Here Got nothing no word This would You have nothing to worry about not with me Okay Now I understand this is all a big change very very quickly, but did anything exceptional ever happened that wasn't grand That wasn't just a huge shock to the system Right? All extraordinary things They've all been quite shocking Well, that could be a bit of a stretch But I I'm trying to make a case I drag very hard I tried very hard to make a case for us Oh, of course, there is an eyes You have been my person for so long I just couldn't communicate with you You couldn't see me It was like, Was like, I wasn't even there, but now you're here, and I'm here and I can I can see that you like me Oh oh on Now, you're a little You're a little nervous, but it's okay You can be a little nervous, but you have nothing to be nervous about You've got nothing to be scared of Because I am very much Obsessed with you Oh, I really it doesn't sound good I'm very you know, i bet I don't I don't wanna scare you away with the bigger language But I guess you're already eat the fairy food and now you're here So, yeah, Might as well just It's wouldn't be the craziest thing you've heard all day I'm very much in love with you I always have been hey I have always been so in love with you We all need to be loved And look, I understand the suspicion I understand, oh, you know, how can how can somebody love you if if they rip your old life away Yeah understand I understand that duality That caught me I see you just say I love you While forcing you away from everything you know and love Well, that is what the Poet are call oxy more in a way, I don't think I used that right, but he would lingo go I think that you will be very, very happy in my arms I think that despite despite the signs, that you you maybe be picking up on it and just despite any possible red flags I think none of those matter I think that we can just ignore You have such a beautiful face? Hang Just let me you There you go That's good See I think that you and I can just do away with all those possible red flags So your humans called them just ignore that That's human lingo now And that's that's so behind you It's so beneath you now And I think that when I tell you that I will take very good care of you I think that you can trust me I think that you can trust me when I tell you with the exception of how this relationship started With the exception of how we got here I I would never haven't never heard you M Never never again Okay I promise you I will never hurt you I could never Yep Now you're listening Just listen Gonna have to do or say a thing just listen I promise That I would never hurt you I promise that you are safe with me And I promise I would never ever ever take advantage of you I would never manipulate you No Then that's that's not what this is right now No This is not manipulation This is simply making a point I promise I would never okay Well the food Look how you got here that that's in the past All these promises are in regard to moving forward Right? And I promise you I would never manipulate you I would never disrespect to you Because you are my favorite person And I promise to treat you So good So so good I'm sorry Well from the street you well is the grammatically correct way to go about that But doesn't sound It doesn't sound as good So I'm just gonna go with treat good Yeah I know you're a little scared Baby it's okay It's okay to be scared This is also new and so surprising Hold on to me Hold on to me i've got you I have got you right where I want you? I I I didn't mean it to sound like that Okay I just i I got I got you I get you back Let's Right? And that's a good thing Right? Tell me that's not a good day Oh, well Oh sweetheart It's come here Just come right into my arms So I know you're a little dizzy That trip was intense Switching between worlds, very, very dicey business, but you did it You made it And I am so happy and I'm so happier here And I know him how everybody else will miss you I don't care We should not care because listen, think about, just think about all of the little things you have had to put up with with people close to you We don't need any of that anymore You can have all the good and all of me and all of me is all good vivian I am all yours And you are all online here And they lived happily ever after There you go Just relax I like making you happy You make me so happy That's why I had to have you That is why I had to have you And the happiest fairy owner mh Oh, and I know you're still a nervous human, but we will we will fix that Let me let me fix that I can fix you up Right away, you won't even remember the names of the stupid people Back on Earth, not in good time You feel that You feel that breeze You see the fairy world has that effect on people Is this such an extraordinary place to be That's soon enough Soon enough Let go of the life he once had they won't feel like an effort Not an effort at all In fact, it'll feel like just a great release Just let it go baby Just let me cross you With my sparkly fairy hands Just let me that Gorgeous Jawline line and Those school wish shoulders Understand that everything is going to be okay All my Yes You are It's okay It's good to be mine It's good to be all mine You'll never have to make any hard decisions ever again And you'll never have to think twice before speaking or doing anything ever again, this is just pure freedom this world And I'll be here to guide you every step of the way Mh And you're really gonna like everybody else They're gonna like you too Oh, you're just so cute And you smell good You always always smells so good I am so obsessed with you And I understand you know some people, they'll say, well obsession isn't love I i could i disagree I think obsession super seeds love That's just my opinion I think love as a construct I've never known it Who's ever really noted Oh, my gosh Fairies Fairies don't know what And you know it? It fairs keep it real though, and I will tell you right now Love I don't buy a baby but obsession Of session, you can bank on obsession Now obsession you can trust And so and me you can trust I am obsessed with you, baby you're not going anywhere and nobody and nobody is going to make you feel threatened ever If again Your mind now I take very, very, very good care of my things And do you happen to be my favorite thing in the world? Thing person doesn't matter No Fairy flower tree I mean, come on Come on Don't look at me suspiciously una account syntax choices And I mean a scare I'm just speaking from the heart Mh And you aren't going to have so much fun with me Oh we better get going Well, If you're still considering the prospect of getting back home at any given point, it's now been a couple days that have gone by en so you wanna the fairy world You have to see the fair world we better go Yeah Or we can just stay here for a while Yeah Sleepy They can stay right here Where you can enjoy my fairy fingers stroke your head? I can stay right here together My baby once my baby gets it is all up to you I wanna kiss you on the cheek You're so kiss There'll be a lot more of those came from Mh a lot more I promise It excuse me Excuse me I'm really really sorry to bother like this and selfish take time out of your schedule I'm sure you must have so many things to do and so many places to go, but, oh, yes It's me again, that's sri Nikola that you always give food to And thanks again By the way I know I always thank you so much anytime you give me so much Has a chicken bun, but I really just cannot thank you enough So thanks again But aside, there's something I wanted to ask you about I know I don't really have right to perch like this I mean, you have always done so much for me, and I've never done anything for you So it's really not my place to ask you for something That being said, I was hope thing you would consider adopting me? No Hear me out This isn't just about me I would never make this just about me There's something in this for you too You see the other day you were on your normal morning room I was watching you, well, I hope you don't think it's too weird or mine too much There is not exactly a lot of things for a penny stray like we could do But, well, I was watching I overheard you see something but really struck a chord with me You said something along the lines of I wish I had someone to give me lots of love Now, I hope it's not too presumption of me to say this, but I really love you And I mean, really really love you So if I may be, so arrogant Let's say I'm just the echo for you I can give you lots and lots of love I mean it comes so naturally to me So would you consider adopting me? I mean, there's no way I can love you You're like cat to me You're the only one i even have in this world All the others They look at me Like, they just stopped and shit I think maybe it's because one of my ears is didn't, I guess it's does look rather ugly and it might be infected But even the other shades give me the same looks I'd have thought at least they would give me sympathy they're on the same boat after all, but I guess something is wrong with me Maybe it's not even my ear But if there's even one thing right about me, it's about how much I love you I love you so much I promise a move heaven and to express it I'll give you all the love you could ever a dream of Or even, like Oh, I know I'll tell you I love you one thousand times a day At least, I'll even count or until my voice goes out Don't believe me? Here I can start right now Look I love you I love you I love you Eyes You want me to stop? Aye sure I can do it for far longer For my own good Well, okay If you insist, i'll stop I hope you didn't want me to up just because he found my voice, but if you did, that's okay For instance, if find me annoying I can just stay silent forever or only speak when spoken to So if you adopt me, I can just stay in the corner of your room and not make a peep It'll be like I'm not even there So you want me to be there Of course And even when I'm silent, there are still many ways I can offer you love I can bow down to you And not to sun near or something like that, the whole deal, forehead to the floor Every morning, when you wake up, you'll see me balance down to you And when you want to go to sleep the night, oh was she good night, By bound down to you as well It's really not a big deal for me Because I love you so much I know it wouldn't it's stray like me shouldn't be so damn cocky, but I don't think there's another necklace up there that would go to such links for you because no one loves you as much as I do It's obvious I would love you this much You though day one who has ever done anything for me I mean this is only conversation I've had in forever And I've been so starved for some chi chat You're the only one whoever even talks to me Unless count expressions of disgust says talk in which case Yeah, lots of people talk to me I don't have any family or friends to talk to, even though stray The one group who should at least give me the time the day Don't want anything to do with me Is it because I'm a defect I don't know I just don't know But that doesn't matter Because at least you acknowledge me I know I've sent this so many times already But I really do love you But I don't just love you I can be helpful too I'm sure you don't wanna burden all around after all, but I won't be a burden I can keep you warm If you don't mind me in your bed I know he always shiver on cold nights I've seen you from your window You can hold me for warmth as tightly as you want Even if you can constrict me, I will make a fuss No matter what she do to me I won't make a fuss I do anything for you after all I love you, and there's so many reasons to love you For instance, the sweater gave me the one I'm wearing right now It's my mouse prized possession Well, i only possession really, another stray tried to take for me I wouldn't have any that That's the only thing I have of you after all So I out her face and take hills mom beyond recognition You don't mind If I have cl, do you I mean It's completely understandable If you don't wanna keep a nickel, that still has to cause You can d call me if you want I know very very cruel Decline is, but it's not a problem for me if that's what you want Like I said, I do anything for you because I love you I'm sure you could use fans some other way Let me think I don't have any money, but I can still give you presents Every day, I can leave you the head of a mouse who dare to tres us on your precious property Any that have the audacity anyway, I'd love to do that for you You know I know that at most I'm just a footnote in your life, but my life revolves around you All my dreams are about you And when my stomach doesn't hurt too much and it's not too cold And I have the luxury of thinking about less painful things My thought sorry was about you My fantasies is U What kind of fantasies did I have? Well, sometimes you would leave your window lot, you know And I flirt with idea that maybe you love it like that for me that you're inviting me in And never would be able to just walk right in and snuggle into your bed Then with your body heat against me, I wouldn't be so cold, or sometimes I thought about what I would like if I was a human, maybe you would like me more Maybe I could be a natural part of your home Why even if I'm still an echo oftentimes when I am went to sleep starving, I have fantasies where I'd wake up in your home in your arms To you petting me Your lap was always so warm in Cozy And then you'd have a nice meal laid out for us For the both of us to enjoy, sometimes I fantasize that I'd be the feeding you, other times that you'd be the one fitting me You'd always congratulate me for finishing all my food, like such a good on that, then you'd cuddle me as a reward, but I shouldn't be so tired That's just a fantasy I would never ask so much from you Like I said before, I never be a burden I'll earn my keep If you take me, I can cook and clean like i made I can your little mental You can even make me wear the outfit And I can do of simple task too Like cut your hair And keep the leftover over here for my collection And as for food, I can just of any in basin mice, like I said, before, you don't have to waste your money feeding me So you will take me When she master Oh, i'm so sorry I called you master without thinking Can can I call you master? As for me, you can call me whatever you want You can even call me it And I'll just be go You even called me I don't even have a name Like I said, no one even knows i exist until I pleasantly remind them, so there's no one to call it So you can give me whatever name you want I won't refuse I want to be your property after all I am your property So you will take me want you I promise I swear on everything that is holy, but I will be a good little kitten So can I Can I be yours? Oh, thank you Thank you Thank you I'd kiss you feet, but I have no idea if you'd be disgusted I promise you won't regret this Oh, always listen, and I'll always obey It'll always be yours I won't let an hour pass without letting you know just how much I love you And you really have the idea just how much I love you You've finally given me a home, a place where I belong If only, I could see the look on the faces of this stew it other stray I'm finally getting my happy end Well they're still stuck out in the freezing cold But that doesn't matter anymore No one else matters You the only one that mad because you're the only one that I will ever love, and I'll never let you forget it Whoa, is this your house master? Really? You own the entire thing Not just part of it It's so big I have room to rubber around and climb on things, and there's so many high places to they naps on And not things off No That I would knock things down in your household master I'm a very good cat girl after all Yeah So please don't leave me But it's nice and warm too And not just in rooms, but all of them even though it's so cold outside, it's so cozy here It really just makes the place feel like, a shelter Like it's protecting me Do you keep the heat on all of the time? Back up Mothers, she would only put it high enough just for me to survive She would always say heating he didn't so expensive and wave her finger at me That's understandable I'm not worth And it's clean too Well, there are a few spots, Nothing perfect But it's way better than I deserve No piled up dishes, or trash littered around Just a quick dusting in my and it'll be almost if not flawless And I don't even see any bugs Mother play also had quite a few no matter how hard I tried to clean get rid of them, especially in the kitchen But speaking of the kitchen, Whoa There's so much food Look at all this Your fridge is so stopped And not just with microwave meals, or expired stuff You've got some real gourmet things in here I mean, look at this Three different flavors of pudding Literally eat royalty And there are all these fruits, I don't even know the names of I'd think for a special occasion You must have a lot of special occasions coming up What's the one in this packaging What language is it? It's so exotic I can't even read it It's not even in latin characters Oh oh Sorry I didn't mean to go rum for your fridge master I just got so excited is all There's so many things here that we just didn't have that mothers Except her mother self Hey, master? Could I ask you something? I You know her mother didn't want me anymore Oh, why and she want me? I know I leave a lot to be desired I'm very ear and forgetful I'm clumsy And break things I'm not very good at understanding others, but she told my mother, you know the only mother I have So why did you abandon me? Oh Oh Say you're saying that I'm just science experiment and not even a success one But but she's still my mother I know she might have just created me out of of that and some chemicals maybe I'm not her child in the traditional sense, but she so made me And that's what a mother is Right? I know maybe she didn't really always watch to make sure I wasn't getting in trouble Maybe she never really cooked it for me Maybe she never really read to me I taught me much of anything now they've been what I can learn from watching her But He was just all so busy I mean she had all her experiments and was always just so focused on their research I'm sure she had a million things on her mind and Oh, I'm sorry, master I didn't need to get so It's it's just an issue close to my heart And I don't know to make got it I guess, I don't hate her at the very least It's like he said, right? She was trying to make cat, but instead accidentally made me I don't know the details Maybe she mix up the x and y chromosomes in one of her bats or something I guess the specifics don't matter But I can't give her what she was looking for She didn't want me She didn't need me So she gave me to you Thank you Thank you, master for wanting me Thank you for everyone Even now But enough about that, we should stay positive Did do say like the cap? Oh, you liked it Thank goodness I almost thought I would get left again Sorry, I'm so sorry My stomach it just has a mind of its own I didn't mean to bother you and oh, We can have dinner Thank you master That's perfect Oh, I'll be happy with whatever you give me So then, what will I be making? Oh, no Master I can never ask you to cook through me You've already given me so much A warm home, clean clothes, validation Etcetera etcetera Although, I do have to admit I don't think I would be able to make you a very good meal, but I can learn maybe not very well or quickly, but I can learn I'm sure if you just give me something simple that even I could do, I could pull it off for you or at least Maybe I can do some of the mimi tests to take some of the workload off of you So do you have any task for me? Okay, I promise i'll be helpful, just leave it to me So keep me around Okay, master I finished chopping the onions Now, what should I do with then No, master I'm not crying because I got the onions I've cried because I terrified messing this up The reason i want chance, a fabric like a place in the world Just put on the table? Yes Of course I can do that I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to I swear I didn't need to If I can clean it up here I know Let me just get a room I swear I can make this right So, please Forgive me Please forgive me Please don't kick me out Why would she kick me up? Because That's what mother was said Whenever Had messed up, like when I missed a spot cleaning I when I made too much noise or anything really, it happened many times At least once a day, but that's what happens when near me Since she said it so many times Part of me hoped it was just empty fat, but she really did get rid of me But then, does that mean you're not getting rid of me? Really really? Oh thank you Thank you, master There is a single day I won't think of this kindness I promise, I won't take this for granted You're hugging me? Oh never had to me Other ever did anything Oh, sorry, master Yes I've love to eat Well, this tastes incredible I can't believe I helped make this Are all your meals good? Only All the ones you have with me Why I don't know what to say Thank you so much again Master Reward You want to give me a reward, but master I know I helped make the meal, but you did most the work And nothing I contributed was even Okay Okay I am on argue with z master Then If it's alright with few master, I mean I know this isn't really my place to ask You said I could ask for anything I want Right? So then if you're not to disgusted it I would like another hulk master I just can't get the last one out of my head It's like I didn't realize how much I is aching until you touched me And I'm still aching so Oh, thank q master I just don't know how to describe this feeling It's like, Even when I was with mother, I felt alone, But now when you hug me, I just feel not It's it's a good feeling I wish a goodbye for ever But I feel more guilty every extra second the hug glass I wish there was something I a do repay you I really do What? You still want to give me another reward Even after all what? Wow Right I will our view with master If you still want to give me another word, then, can you take me to go talk to louder cat girls? What do you mean and I'm lonely cat girl? I I know I'm just an experiment, but I thought there would be other you know, other scientists that made a few and I was hoping, maybe I could have a job with them And maybe be friends, then we could just I don't know Par together to take naps or something He wouldn't really matter as long as we were together, but I guess I'm alone Oh, no man I'm fine I'll be fine I used it by now Then, if I have to ask for another gift, can I ask for a Gps tracker? Mother, I I mean, the scientist had a funeral in It's something that lets me all is know the location of something Right? It wouldn't be for me I mean it wouldn't be on me I want to place it on you If that's alright I mean so I always know how to find you, so he can never leave pig You'll think about it? Oh, thank you so much Ras Even for just considering it, you're so wonderful, but that's why you're the best Oh no master I'll give plate, and I promise not to drop at this time I hope you enjoyed your breakfast I put a lot of effort into it since I had my fear of the toaster Wait, where are you going? Work What do you mean have to go to work? How long will you be? Well all I do when you're gone Eight hours But, yes, master I'll be good But you will come back Want you Please come back I need you to come back I don't know what I'll do if you don't Then I'll try to find a hobby or something to keep me occupied while you're away Have a safe trip Master, he came back He really came back Oh, I was so worried I thought maybe that you might have gotten into to an accident or something I mean you were taking longer than eight hours I should chanel I was always watching the clock Oh, I don't know what I would have done if you didn't return, but all of that matters is that you're here, I guess So now, we can spend some time together And maybe you've try that hugging thing again Oh, yes I didn't find some way to keep myself occupied while you're gone Do you wanna see it? Here Look I heard to poem It took me a really long time to really practice it So I hope you enjoy it I think it really really captures my feelings quite well Okay Here, I read it to you I hunted a mouse On all my fours with much more violence than all the wars I called it in my pause to match my That killed it not It is for me I could not understand its cries but saw my name deep in its eyes Oh, how it did bite and fight and throw But if it wanted to leave, it would have long ago Well, what did you think? Really? You think it's great? your words mean so much to me master That's stupid scientist ever praised me Not that it matters Now that I had master I also drew as handcuffed together so we can never separate But I would never do that in real life It's just a drawing I would never want to inconvenience you I just thought it was Well I just wanted to try it You you like it Oh, that's wonderful master You're so understanding, So master What's in the bag? You've been holding it for a while now You you got cat and a tail And you're putting them up So that I don't feel her alone thank you Thank you, Master I I don't know what to say I never thought would be happy than when you brought me home But thank you I didn't know could be this wonderful May you talk me that it could be I thought I would be alone forever But you gut connected to greater a degree than I thought was even possible This this is just perfect I knew it You're a sucker for cat Master, May I ask you something? I know I can ask you anything But this is a little different kind of question And it makes me a little afraid to bring it up, you know? Well I'm afraid to ask because there are some things that Once you say them out loud, they can ever be forgotten or overlooked, and your life can ever be exactly the same after that And I'd rather have both my ears cut off, then lose this beautiful life and home you've given me That's why I like you saw much You're willing to promise me nothing will change Even before I tell you what it is I think it says a lot about how much you care about me But this could be difficult I'm not even sure how I want it to go, but I also think I can't keep this inside anymore I need to talk about it And there's no one else I can talk to about it Master Have you ever thought of me Is it possible? Could I ever be something more to you than a pet? Oh, Well Yes, I am a little shocked that you wondered about it too And it also fills my heart with more love for you if that even is possible But, yeah I have been having dreams about us being like a well, you know, a regular human couple you know? You dreamt it too Oh, i Oh, no I don't think I'm crying, but thinking can't just now that we could have been asleep then dreaming the same dreams At the same time, that didn't make my tears want to leak out a little Oh master Yes I do wish it I do wish it could be more than just a dream, but can it really master I'm afraid maybe you haven't thought about this as hard as I have It can't be as simple as both of us wanting it A fantasy is what it seems like isn't it I mean, live more as it is and with people as they are, to be happy, sometimes you have to fit into the world somehow And I'm not sure that we could fit in being together like that Not at outside our home right here, but it would be such a risk to you to your reputation to be seen going on on dates With an animal But I am an animal Well yes, humans are technically animals, but not the same way Please don't play a word game with me This is too important That's alright I thought you weren't being serious So what separates humans from the rest of the animals? I don't know I never really thought about it much because humans talk Okay, because they talk Anything else? Okay And because they make new tools, Okay And they have souls Okay And those are the big reasons? Well, sure how he's tools, like in the kitchen, and I talk a lot, but, yes That's that I was going to say And oh master I'm sure I don't have this all I wasn't even born I was made U You really think they're are actual human people who don't have souls Or are there really people who are that bad? I see So the idea about souls It may not be a truthful divider between animals and humans, then Then there's a chance that we cat girls might be sort of human after all Pastor That's so funny Humans lip accessories Well, I Do have a tail Okay Yes And nicer looking ears and yours Oh, no No No no Never change your ears I want you to stay just like you are Here's like my neck cute, but I think they us don't fit your personality Okay But seriously now Even if you think of me as just a different looking human, not everyone will think that Will they? How many do you think? So if we did go out together, like to humans who are dating, people will look at us and judge you anyway They They won't believe in us And they'll shame you because they'll see a real human and just an animal Yes, last I promise to try to stop saying I'm just an animal, but it won't be easy So please don't be angry with me if I do it again No Not the master too, please I like calling you master Don't make me stop I don't think it's demanding to one to belong to you I know They put it into my genetics to feel submissive and want to belong to so one But I'm not ashamed of that It's what I am And there are even real humans I mean Humans like you who wanna be submissive and owned aren't there? So should they be ashamed to what their feelings on? Alright then I'm not ashamed for how I feel either I understand your feelings about me all was calling you master It do But you must understand this To me, master is a word means I'm cared for it means I'm safe and warm and comfortable in I'm cherished It's so hard that means, and means I'm loved No I i suppose you wouldn't have thought of it like but at all because you're not someone who wants to be, like those other humans do U Oh, owning your heart That's not the same thing It's does I meant you wouldn't want me to put a color in Leash on you I don't think I'd like that even just playing Thank you Maybe I'll change my mind sometime though So so, okay I'll promise to try not to call you master when we're in public, but you have to still let me call master whenever I want When we're at home Okay Get ready for what Going yell Together To look We've never Oh faster Thank you This will be so much fun I'll put on my best color and my new leash No leash Master, I never What if I get lost? You hold my hand All the time Yes, master But I won't have to just act proud I'll hold my head up high and be proud, And how smile of that everyone? Because of my master, the best in the whole world Yeah, I hope mastery nikki and bacon I know it's late The master told me to go to bed, but I was just restless and couldn't stay asleep And I just really wanted to show that I love him I even made them height shapes with frosting that shaped like neck in the middle He has been acting rather distant lately I hope everything is okay but between us? Yeah What am I saying? Of course, it's alright It's better than alright It's been great He's just a little tired It's so I'm sure of it Any anyhow I hope you likes the cookies It's his favorite after all, and I put my love in date fun I just hope he doesn't mind me waking him up one I know he's been staying out later and later because of work and is probably really tired, but I'm sure you wouldn't mind just eating one And going back to sleep Know I've always wondered, how come we don't share a bed? Where lovers after all, When that makes sense for us to keep each other warm at night, instead of sleeping in different rooms Heck I wouldn't mind sleeping at the foot of his bed Be sleeping in the corner of the kid on that bed design for cats, not that it's a bad better or anything It's warm and soft, but it gets lonely and I And it's been a while since we've had sex Yeah Oh, it's a cat girl got do to get some love from your partner, damn it What's that noise? It's coming from Master's room He must have left a movie on something It sounds weird Though it kinda sounds like No I it can't be I'm sure you just lost the Tv on or something Master? Master What are you doing? Who is this woman? Why were you? Doing that to her? You supposed to also do that with me I'm your partner Not this This filthy horror You, you cheated on me But, no No This can't be right You said you loved me And that you would care for me You would protect me Was I not good enough? Was I not obedient enough for you I did whatever you asked But it wasn't good enough, and you got some horror Well, I baked for you and loved you You have never cared about me, but I cared about you You were my first priority because you are my love, but now, Why do you look so scared? Forgive you, Oh, of course, I'll forgive you I want you to know and remember that I will always love you But if I can't have you then no one can Goodbye mister? Use the only one who left to be But it's hard to elaborate it freak And that's what I am I'm a freak Now what do I do? My mastered dead I don't have a reason or purpose anymore No one will ever love me I'll never be happy No one would love it freak like me Maybe This is for the best Maybe in the next life, i'll be beautiful And loved I guess there's only one way to find out Hey, guys Be sure to leave a like a comment and subscribe if you like the video And if you would like to have a big on the channel content, be sure to check out the patreon in the description below Thanks See you guys next time Yeah Oh, Oh my boss You shouldn't sneak up at a lady like that Oh, well, I guess it's okay if it's a u boss You are my boss in a sense during, and after my working hours, well, you only me It's only fair You should have the right to check up on me every once in a while And how to make sure I'm not up to no good Oh no I do mean it I don't think it's an exaggeration at all boss since I your secretary, And your right hand as you like to say boss And since I don't we really have a clear job description Wow, It's very fair to say that my entire purpose here is to patiently wait on standby for any and all of your orders To anticipate your needs and eagerly handle them So pause Do you perch chance have a pressing me you were hoping I could help with? I promise boss If it's within my power, And Trust me, I am a very capable woman and willing to learn If there's anything you might want your beautiful secretary to do I would be more than delighted to help boss Oh, oh my that's right It has gotten pretty late hasn't it Time flies I see You were so caught up in the report that you didn't realize it was past midnight already Same here Same here So admittedly, I was caught up in other things Definitely not the report Oh no nothing Nothing someone in your position should be concerned with boss Just, you know, secretary stuff Post, paper clips, Staples? Filing that Yes Definitely Filing How should i said filing Oh, no Of course, it's not your fault I'm staying late It's just that I really enjoy working under you boss Oh, I'm so grateful that you decide to hire me of all people for such an important position I can't describe how happy I am to be here to help you and make your day easier and more pleasant in any way I can I truly profoundly believe that I was made to obey your orders boss Oh, my is that so boss? I have no idea I was the only one to apply for this position Are you sure you're not mistaken? That is honestly so hard to believe Wow Why in the world would no one else want to get paid to service such a wonderful hard working caring passionate Gorgeous person like yourself Oh, forgive me boss I got a bit carried away Oh, oh please don't give me that cautious look You know I have a peculiar wing with words, and it is late Please don't mind my silly rambling That being said, from a certain point of view, Well, we have just spent half the night of the office together Mh And it's not the first time we're doing over overtime together, I think people are bound to start talking about this soon Office relationships like this don't go and unnoticed long So I was thinking boss, Well, since the rumors will inevitably spread anyway, How about we make them true? It's not like it's going to make a difference at this point I promise you won't regret it fast Oh, i'll do such a good job for you What what? Oh, yes Of course That's that's what I meant Right The the rumors about us to being silly work hot Right? So embarrassing Yeah No totally You're absolutely right as usual boss No I I wouldn't actually describe myself as a I'm just dedicated Devoted even, I'm very devoted to making sure you succeed and have some fun along the way Of course So I'm really happy to stay late with you if that's what gets us there Or or just in general Oh, no boss I would absolutely not rather be somewhere else tonight But what a silly question? Oh no, because of course, you can ask me anything and I mean it anything I promise I promise I won't be upset uncomfortable Anything Oh, no Boss, there's no one waiting for me back home I'm single, inexperienced, but a quick learner No pets And very much on the market boss Just like my resume said, Well, What do you think I mean by that boss? Because I'm definitely willing to go along with your interpretation It can mean anything you wanted to What what? What market? Oh, yes Me, of course Of course, my being on the market I was referring to our company finally going public Yes By the way boss Do You mind if I ask you a question and return? I know I should know my place and not get to nosy but Alright Of course Thank you, Boss Say what To Do you have anyone waiting for you at home? I mean, we're both here tonight after all No Really? Oh, that's amazing Well, it's amazing because Because you can follow your passion and build up your business without a nagging spouse giving you all ultimatum and driving you with divorce because you don't pay them any attention and are constantly staying late with I mean have you ever been married boss? No U Well please don't think that what I just described is the only way marriage can be Oh, there's nothing further from the truth There isn't a doubt in my mind that there are U there is a woman out there for you that would happily support your entrepreneurial spirit Well, maybe even share it I know there's a real go get her out there just for you Yes I'm I'm quite sure the right one in this closer than you apparently realize boss Oh oh, yes Of course I'm done for today Well, I'd love you to escort me to my car boss You know how parking garages are And psycho paths are everywhere They can blend in so easily with the most meat una assuming shy people Oh, thank you for your concern boss Let's go Will you please get the elevator I'll be right behind you I just need to get something out of my purse, you know Girl stuff Pattern my nose Taser her Just case Oh, thank you for holding the elevator boss So No wife boss No kindred sold to share your problems with? No one to wrap your porn knot shoulders when you get all, ten cents tiff after a hard day's work I could grab your shoulders for you boss every day, every hour if you let me, In fact, I'd love to write now if you wouldn't my boss here in this elevator or maybe at your place It is Friday, you know, we could spend a little time together You're always in hut on the weekends No one would have to know Oh, you're saying that it would be unprofessional of you to let me up your shoulders? No I I truly would mind Oh, u yeah You're very welcome boss I understand you don't want to It's a shame though Hell, like I said it's the weekend No one will be expecting to hear from us For two whole days Literally it really is a shame because now, I have to do this I'm so sorry, boss Oh darn it I really should have waited until we were closer to the car Oh, well I'm so used to carrying conversations with you I might as well just caring You boss Oh Hold on Into the chuck Okay Now don't you worry about a thing There he see Well, you don't see your unconscious Well, I put in lots of pillows and blankets to it read nice and cozy I wanted to be prepared just in case this had to happen Soon we'll be out in the middle of nowhere all alone, and I can give you as many unprofessional massages as you can stand No you said What's up my in cucumbers? I should girl for a bit more dslr here This part to the sadistic witch So I hope you all enjoy it I've i shout out to my tier supporters, Patrick and illusion illusion sensing Thank you so much for all your support And yeah, it really means a lot If you guys wanna be a part of the tier system, go to the community tub you see it there And you can donate for stream logs Just make sure to include your desk, etcetera All the details are there And we're trying to get more people so we can, like, kinda branch out and hold some events So, yeah, other than that, though, I hope you enjoy this audio And yay, I work pretty hard on it So know have a good day, guys I am amazing cucumbers How you darling? You're finally waking up No No no Do me Give me a hug Darling You have to listen to me Give me your hand Good Good boy Other, other It is not too tight It's just the perfect amount of tightness Now give me your hand You can play one more time I'll make it even tighter Do you understand me? No struggling So as you can see, we're in a different location than we were last time Something a little bit more out there I'm joking This is my cabin This is where I live You must remember me telling you before the thing kicked in Well, I had to drop you somehow Rose petals finally dried up, which means they're ready for use Well, what am i to say? You are mind darling Not here I told you every day, we need to recite this as I slowly polish strings together Timing heart You are mine You know that Right? Don't be so upset You're not getting out of here I already told you this Today is a very special day Well, you slept down quite a lot So we actually did miss a few days on the spell She also means you missed a special day of love Which is very very upsetting for me Don't worry I have some plans for later on for us Well, if you promise to behave darling, I'll make it working you while What is that to say? My spells are usually concrete I've already told you I've been alive, many years to practice them accept this one spell So in a way, you're helping me fulfill my agreement I didn't tell you about that A long time ago, I had a daughter is the best way to put it She was beautiful as a girl Now, as I said, I've never been in love It kinda just happened due a spell that I cast We aren't going to get into their details She was everything to me Before the human trip her away She found me the only him she have air She had of all the bones and my whole book This is the one she wrote and written up Before she was taken away, she made me promise deeply promised to her not I would fulfill the spell one day To find my happiness rather than be so upset or miserable In life, it takes a great responsibility to understand when you're wrong or to understand when you need help When you need something more than sadness or loneliness See there's many things that you can debate on But this is somehow one of those things I never wanted to let go of She's the only person ever made me tongue tired Well, till now, I get a little bit model up when I speak to you I suppose it's because I've never really had a full conversation with no human Well I did tell you there's a lot more in this world than just switches There's monsters So she wasn't exactly human to say least After she left, and they took contract dragged that way Well, she turned into a true form Before I had kidnapped her taking her something like that bullshit But I didn't I loved her I treated her kindness I gave her home They changed me They wouldn't let me go As I begged them to stop they were doing She was scared She didn't know it to do And her line of work who she was as a person is very complicated She was scared to love But she always wanted it the books that she ran were her life It made her happy to know that there was an option for even no she was a creature of strange beauty That someone might come along and finally a little up her They ripped head off When she attacked the village It's actually now fairy tell the I could never bring up the heart to leave this place She was scared Nose and wants does ripped her part Well, there is a lot you don't know about me The not I don't know about you It does take time But we only have time Time is an endless river And one day when that river ends Hopefully, it won't but when it does, There won't be much left I hope that I can continue to make That this will girl happy Even in death It doesn't work like that Only because I'm a witch doesn't mean I can bring anything back I don't tamper that side of things Well, they never come back only in either one piece or a normal state of mind They come back more Decay than they were before, their minds rotten Faded They're not who they were before Instead they're only the monster So I can never have done that Well, by bringing someone back from the dead, you destroy the soul You also destroy the well to be able to live Well, you wouldn't be so stupid now would you? This isn't a walk in the park You don't recite a few lines and hope that everything goes well There's so much you don't know Yet to discover yeah You have to understand that it's not easy It's not real science, but so you've heard this story then There still hunters That look for me to this day I got out of there frankly, but the how families of hunters never stopped Some people called her vampire Well, that's the term that people came up with now Because of what she was Sweet to think, but she was never cruel She never wanted to hurt anyone She just wanted to be loved I like to think that I like to think that when she was here on this earth with me, that she felt loved I've never really cared much about anyone Because in this world, you can only care about yourself, but that was probably the only time I felt like her mother To something greater than myself And sadly lasted two hundred years it might seem like a lot of time, but it's not There's only so much you can do with time Most of the time you feel like when you're in love with someone, there isn't much you can do You fulfill everything, the intimacy, the romantic dates the love When you've already fulfilled all of that, when you've rushed fruit it as a human, you forget that sometimes It doesn't matter It doesn't matter how long you ate It doesn't matter how many times you repeat the same day you've and over again Time leading And it is upsetting because when it's over, it's over when you both lying together realizing that that's how you spent your life And one i use our dying, going to somewhere where you cannot come back, so darling When I tell you that time is fleeting You will come to understand I mean, I did tell you I was going to make your more deny In due time, not right now That is a little bit more complicated than you'd like to think And there was a lot of things I learned from that little girl She wasn't technical little She was actually a lot older than me, but She was termed at a very young age She was nine She trusted bad month and the forest is the best way to put it I shouldn't know deep into the situation She didn't get the courage though to tell me herself Well, for trustworthy reasons, I can already done with you I do have a spell Right about here To mind me to see everyone's past in the future Well, future a little bit hazy It's not a hundred percent there's many outcomes depending on how you to play it, but the past is the all the most out there How are you feeling? I'll about take the blind pulled off of you I'm actually forgot that you had it on Well, yes I realized I got a little bit carried away The story Very we go Now, you can finally see the cabin Sorry about that I forgot, I had to cover you when we were and woods Well, first off, I don't want you to get scared then can you are asleep, but fir off, it can take any chances The hunters just find out where I am I'll allowed to result the p sea Which is the pawn I really dread And if I have to go to that plan, I risk losing you as well And that would be such a pity Having to want you die like the rest Time is very fleeting in life, you just got to love someone or take a leap of faith Even though most love ends for humans Once there's in the other hand different, we don't care we have all the time in the world if it ended ends, but we'd make it special We don't overthink it We just keep going for Humans don't live that way because you only live to rough see the age of fifty depending on how you live your life, but mh It is very disappointing You're right Love doesn't last forever I know that now Nothing does And that's probably the most upsetting thing I could ever fought of, but That's the way it is You can't force the pain to disappear That you have nurture it? No, how about we get started I made you something very special today It smells amazing Smell it Is this strawberry sleep tea? I want you to drink it slowly for me You think you can do that? Good Drink out that Darling Here's a good boy then I'm surprised You're very obedient these days How does it taste? A little strange Okay? Okay That means it got it right then It's actually very good It's probably one of my favorite teas Well, not this specific one I had to add something into this for the spell to work I didn't write spell Believe it or not I actually got the idea from her She helped me right She said that true love is supposed to be strange Endless Hence the ingredient she wanted me to add to the tea I actually don't know what it was She just gave me in eye and said, when I find the right person, I will use it to my Mh She never looked a guard down She would been fine But she couldn't fight back That's a little hard when you being restrained, especially by hunters so not some sort of a play around people, you know You actually know what they're doing Hunters are very skilled and combat And they've been trained basically the whole life to kill monsters in a way It's just disappointing Not all these years, they still can't get over there Grudge against us because we're more powerful, we held a fret to them and their kind and who they are as a person Well, by the end of today, you're going to have to finish every single drop of this tea So I suggest you get used to it Tell me a little bit about yourself And love to know more Well to be in love with you then tell me Who are you really here's a person? Then again, I already know everything about your mine way before you came me I had to make sure you were a hundred percent worthy I mean I know why you came looking for me I'm not some sort of a idiotic witch You know darling It takes time to fully read the human mind Read yours very very instantly Mh If you don't figure that out yet I know that you're hunter You didn't believe me did you Did you think having was some crazy old tag that lived in the works? Or was it that you're not a professional hunter, you're in training I mean, yes, I already now Hunters do live normally longer and live much of a younger life than normal humans I know because that is an ability use obtained for your generations and blood line But you would never have had that if it wasn't for the witches But you didn't know that did you oh we cast the spell a long time ago Your kind wanted to betray us They couldn't stand it My hand I cut a little too deep I feel you might forget And the spell only works with the withdrawal of my pain and my blood In love, you have to be willing to give It's not about receiving a gifts So Any of that that is not what Love is I give my pain And my blood, which is very special by the way May pay handsome in the dark market for something that they think is wet just blood People are very super around that type of thing But It's not wrong It's very true But I do love the feeling of silk Just feels amazing against my fingertips So often, sensitive Well, it makes the pain go away So why not darling Anyways Are you ready to get started? Actually, give you a question So, yeah, I know that you're a hunter darling But I am very curious to know why you didn't tell me sooner Did you think I would kill you? Come on? That's very sad of you I'm not here to kill if I would have done so already But I could never pick a basic human to do my bidding Want to be my love I'm not going to force you This spell won't instantly make you fond love with me It's not like The spell is created for you to understand your desires I know that you've been in love with me for a while Well we roughly the same age I just stay young and you get older That's how it works But I've seen you been enchanted with me for years You think that I don't have the knowledge to know when someone's trying down me and failing I've been hunted by your kind many times It doesn't mean anything to me I actually knew your great grandfather a long time ago Boy did he not really like me? Actually, you remind me of him Only he owned up to his feelings unlike you Even in death I took his life He was the one man that confessed to me He was in love and enchanted by me Something a hunter should never do Yet, they tend to do it often People want what they can't have Your got great grandfather was the exact same He didn't care about the hunting life He wanted to be happy And when he saw me, he had been not nurtured into the One of the witches and monsters with these ugly creatures and things needed to be aware of They never really told people how normal we were How beautiful we were When he saw me, he fell But I already know when a hunter is watching me I believe you only met him twice The new lifespan You probably didn't tell you how he died Well, I had to take care of it I can allow it to go on any further He asked me to You said if I can love him, you didn't want to live anymore He asked me to be the person to take him out the game and his words not mine Well, you see if a hunter gets caught being with a creature having intimate feelings towards one They get killed You wanted me to be the one to do it They grounded him his wish As cruel as I may be or the stories you may have heard about my kind I'm no evil I already knew his path But he was not my one until I found you You were different That's why he's talking me many times You kinda like him a lot of ways I suppose that miniature new created passed down It takes time This spell would never have worked if you didn't have any sort of feelings toward me I already know that because I created it, which means there was a big possibility that you're the one And if you are, your life is set You will be free from being a hunter You don't need to be sad anymore or in pain anymore You get to finally be happy Isn't that what you want to not be controlled by other hunters Treated indifferent for the way you look for the way you They don't even allow you to be in love of human girls Oh boys, whatever your preference is honestly But I've been hidden for years If it wasn't for his love for me, I would be dead right now Not going to lie, but it's true And for you as well Well, after that girl died, I stopped caring When you long for someone, it's like you're in a hair A home that you can never have at home that you long for, but you can just never reach it I lost art people in my battles and surviving thousands of years I It's complicated It isn't easy isn't fun, it's hurtful Time is fleeting and that's just the way the world works I'm surprised it's still reigning to be honest of you Before that would have stop by now Actually, it makes it a little bit easier for me It will allow me to know whenever the hunters are the village come looking for you Well, the hunters are very good at Getting humans to do their bidding, and they can't be bothered to look for things But you are very important to them So don't doubt that they'll come looking for you eventually Mh Well, I have to be careful I doubt find you here I've already cast a spell that allows me to hide your location plus the cabin in general So they need to be looking for it to understand Love is a very hard thing to conquer Love is also like a cancer It just keeps spreading and hurts More and more the more pain someone among causes And they you just feel like your dead after it's over What can I say? There isn't much tuesday except to be happy deals be miserable I was part of life Well, tell me about yourself Well, I need to know from you rather than reading your mind As much as I already know That isn't how you get to know someone I believe you have to wait The won't? Tattoo my neck I believe that's what use humans call it It's actually a sigil I got a long time ago People even rec reconnect I do, actually a alone I believe before this life I was with someone else in the underworld Who me and them loved each other dearly, but it came time for rec reconnect Where we had to leave each other It's like deaf and death You to be reborn I was reborn to this of powers, which means I can die again and go see him I was told that he would find me on earth I was told that he'd find me here So so i wouldn't have to be alone You promised You said even if we separated I will find you can You might not remember recognize me I know that it's me, but know that you have to trust that I will love you forever Frankly, I gave her on until that little go came on She gave me the spell and gave me out that maybe just maybe he might actually be sending me signs Hence you and why you here? Take a bit of time, but when you turned, you'll remember everything Your past lives, everything, which I'm very excited about Well because if it's true then your him My war and trying to find you is finally over I don't have to wait anymore Or what does it mean? Give me your hand I'll draw for you You have a line that goes down Straight down One straight line At the top of this line, we have a curvature like you see, but upside down, kinda looking like a tried in You see the two arrows on top and shade them in At the very bottom of the other side, you'll do a curve an s sideways going out Two dots separated about Just the perfect amount between each side of the line and then you have the two c's, facing opposite ways looking like upside down face Try and imagine it in your mind, draw and figure it out That is the, he gave me It is now my sign of calling I believe that will be the one thing that will help me get back home Monday day If I decide to leave this earth, well, killing yourself as a witch isn't exactly in the can't It's way too complicated It's not very possible Well, that's just the way it works I would need someone of i agree to power to be able to kill me and sadly, that person died a very very long time ago You killed them, actually, you are kind of right about that That person is incredibly hard to find I already searched for a very long time It's not easy to find people that don't want be found, you know If someone is hidden, You won't find them unless they want to be found That's why you can only find people at the weak spots No I don't find deaf to be scary or anything like that I've surpassed that type of mind Actually, I'm happy that one day, there could be an opportunity for me to leave I'm just kind of worried now What if he's been recon into this world? As a human and I can't protect them wonder if you're not him I'm taking a guess that you are him But there's always that opportunity that you know Or am I just delusional? Probably a little bit of both That's just kind how it has to be the Always a little delusional Can you drink more of this? Well you have to keep drinking within five minutes bands Mh Come on Drink I don't want it getting cold now It taste horrible Okay That's enough Good boy So I had something in my throat Within the next five minutes, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to finish the rest of that then we can continue the spell You remember it right? If not, it's perfectly fine I can teach it to you again Take it your memo skills aren't the best is it? No That's perfectly fine It takes Energy love Y'all figure it out I always dear Darling What did they teach you about monsters? A year from That's what I thought Molly what I said Right? It would make sense Upsetting yes because well they're wrong We just like them Yeah They can't accept that I don't understand why I suppose way I'm kinda of just stalling for time Surprisingly, I don't wanna see you in pain It's weird Is as sadistic as I am I would love to rip your upon My own teeth, if I could just to hear you scream, but I don't think I can Listen to you be in pain I don't know if it's come out for me Honestly Seem to be spacing now But I'm also a little bit worried I don't know If you're him, I would never want to hurt you And I know that by doing this, it causes you grave pain and that's a little bit of a problem for me Girl I didn't want that I like the cold I'm not much for heat I hate Heat That's why I live in the last part of the world Oh, yeah They're always rains here That's the best part about england Stay away from everyone in you're in isolation far away Was beautiful here Hence the outfit Yeah Stop being a little p Sw men But no It's just I can't stand here If I go over a set at a certain temperature I will fall apart So Yeah Might just be built into my system from watching all my ancestors get burned at the stake Well it's a part of life You watch a lot of people die and a lot of people disappear It's just the way the world works There's nothing you can really do about it I'm not exactly disappointed upset about it It's just I don't know I just feel sometimes like, I'm missing people that should be here It should be alive that should be in my arms Yet I can never seem to grasp them grab a hold of them to keep them here I feel like I'm losing us slipping away And to avoid that I am not allowed to come back from I look at little things that I kept here for the years and I remember the faces and the people so vividly and it's weird People I wish I never lost but in life you have to make a decision Little better you or better someone else I made decisions for cost me to lose a lot of people Given when i look at that doll, I remember people There was one time I felt like had in the village You didn't know i was witch and i went to this bar It was for with people wild noises, people dancing, partying Drinking pint having a laugh It was beautiful People didn't care about anyone else around them They were having fun That was the first time I ever experienced that Can you believe it? Out of all the years I've been alive That's the first time i've ever experienced true happiness It's weird I just never fought that It would be so amazing Now we feel like I'll never get another day where I'll feel that again But when I look back on it now it was like I was home I was happy Didn't have to be judged The way I look for the way I acted, I was free to be myself I missed that I'm miss feeling like I belong somewhere I just don't understand why it has to be so hard They will be coming soon eventually find you I don't know how long that wall is going to hold up when they're trying to hunt They can't find this house there So we will have to leave by the morning I have a village picked out where we can shop around and get to know each other a lot better if you're interested I don't really mind, but it'd would be kind of fun to get out more rather than being so stuck Okay It's been five minutes My love it's time that you drink up For me Okay If you do as you're told, I'll reward you It might taste a little weird, but it will help Hang up drink for me Good boy Hold on You very obedient and That makes me very happy Okay You ready? Give me hand Well, yes, guys are already healed I made sure of that, but I do need to cut again Give me your hand Good boy It's okay It's okay Don't look at it Look do my eyes Dear arrival I'm giving you the opportunity to unravel my binding on my hand You're not going to take it No you have to do it for the spell So okay, even though you're in cuffs doesn't mean you can't do it Don't be so short It's just a hack job It's the best way you can better But mind Good It's okay I used a very special knife on me That's why the bandages are very damp It's just soaked with blood That's normal Over here, put your hands till the sideways on this Good As i slowly pull the string in We need to repeat this You didn't remember, I'll tell you Are you ready? Well That be afraid It will allowing you to get closer and closer to what is you need This is your only way of help, The only way of love Mh Well, I believe you will be able to do it perfectly Just take your time That's okay It's suppose to That's what love is darling And you ready Okay First line I called to your heart My loving request Come to me now No Our love it's blessed I call to your heart in free power Come my love Calm very Do you think you get it now? Good You're repeat off to me And you ready Good You know when you repeat this? You're going to be in pain again And it could cause you to black out Like it did before I'll try my hardest to take the pain Okay The more you cl, it will fade I promise it will fade I'd never let anything but happen to you I feel like even saying that Was even gotten into to me Alright Come on I called to your heart My loving request Come to me now No I love fuck No love is blessed Call to your heart And free power Come by love In this very Your joking You said your head is fucking killing you Oh my god Mercedes not a Sadistic Wait Okay That would probably have been real Honestly sorry God damn it Whoa Do you feel okay Good Long you don't feel anything That's good The next one's on you Yeah Yeah I'm just going stand right now I prefer to see you in pain not me Okay You? We to recite us about three times as I slowly pull the string in what This is the three hundred and sixty something days together Of doing this Do you think you're ready with that? Good Stop at Just squeezed tightly, but I'm not taking the pain this time My head is fucking killing me I called to your heart My loving request Come to me now No Our love is blast I called to your heart and free wells power Come my love And this very Yeah I frankly prefer this a lot more Seeing you in pain is a lot more fun Don't worry give it a minute That we'll die down When it does, it's my tongue to continue this And then I need to go and handle a few things Which means you need to be asleep by then Understand Good Not baby you So you better be a big boy her mother If you won't me to be that I'm joking That's weird Okay You ready? You stop whining you'll be fine Fine French tighter You'll be fine I'll hold your hand It will be okay It will be alright Okay Takes time Just hold me tightly You'll be fine Like darling Look at me It's okay I'm here I'm not crying You just have his eyes It's all I think I was right For the first time in a very long time, I think I was actually right about something It's just your eyes The glowing Do you remember anything yet? Is there anything that's triggered in your mind anything at all? Please tell me You would tell me right? Anything at all Good I would need to know guess well, I don't want you to Be afraid or anything It's all new own sudden It's different It's strange It doesn't make any sense I already understand all of that It's important though that it's partial that you tell me you feel anything different, anything strange If you need one some right here drink up Okay Good Just please promise me or tell me I need to know I can't risk it again You know after a long time of was doing this going to have memory flashbacks They'll allow you to see who you are but when you are fully turned and I turn you a different spell I as I said, will allow you to choose what monster you want to be I wouldn't force you to be something you didn't want But because you are hunter, you will have free rain on what you want to be If you're were human on the other hand, you would have been a different story Well, it's a little complicated for humans You really only have two choices And they all both involve tremendous pain But hopefully, you're a hunter So we need to do this more time Okay? I told your heart My loving request Come to me now No a love is blessed I called your heart in free realms power Come my love And very hour It's okay It's okay come It's okay You be fine No promise Mh Don't cry I know this is not really intense pain even as a witch I could feel it Does it burn? Soon so It tends to burn after a while What, please won't Don't make you do this every day Now you're begging You realize I'm not doing this to hurt you This is my agreement This was my promise I can't let you out even if you do fall in love with me without it It's important that I get this done I'm sorry, about making me pleading for your life You're not going to die because of You feel like it Yes But you won't die You'll be fine But pleading is not gonna help you I don't know if you've realized this yet, but I don't show Mercy I I also don't care I care that you're in pain sure Well, only if you're him, if you're not him then, you're nothing to me In fact your most likely a problem rather than a solution Which means I have to get rid of you Well, I can't keep you around If you'll know what I want you to be Mh Less main life works You must know that by now Right? Come on It's not as hard as you want it to be It's simple You rehearse the lines you do it The more we do it, look quicker this will take You lucky you have let it down to one day Wednesday That's all I've already told you If you want love, you need to experience pain Love without pain is nothing, but a tragedy Do you understand that my darling? Good Because you're not getting out of this so easily? No way in hell You'll be obedient and you will follow my orders Do you understand? Good I'm not here for your own personal again I'm not here to fuck around This is crucially important to me We get this done, not just for me but for your sake as well Don't you wanna find a place where you actually belong? Stop allowing everything to turn to dust around you Well, happens after a while How do you feel now? Good Like knowing that you're a little bit better now Do you need anything else? Good Do you think you could handle one more? That's all i'm asking It will help us move this shell alone If you do one more now, we won't have to do any tomorrow i promise I promise no more tomorrow But you have to do this now Well tomorrow, we have a journey We have leave Just crucial let me do Well because if we don't, We risk a factor of them finding us I have to protect you now out of all Darling Give me your hand We're doing one more You're shaking again Sorry I really do find out quite amusing What am I supposed to say? Oh, what a shame How terrible I don't find it terrible you being in pain I find it quite thrilling honestly You ready? Good I called to your heart My loving, hey You meant to be repeating with me Don't worry You won't feel the pain of this one The tea that you drunk will also put you to sleep This will make you black out I promise Once you've finished it, you will be passed out I promise Okay? Good And you ready? Don't worry Come on from the top You'll be fine You fall asleep i'll wrap open up blind cat, and I'll put you to sleep Well, to bed One question before you go Well, go on and ask it Where's your gear Your weapons I'll have to tell you tomorrow It's probably be best to that you don't find out right now You're ready? Well, let's begin I call to your heart My loving request Come to me now No our love is blessed I call to your heart in free power Come my love in this very I never for break your promise Sleep well darling Blanket You really do look beautiful when you passed out like that I promise I'll protect you I won't let anything but happen Not yet Not till I get what I want Then and that's over, you can be free Night My love Hello It's a pleasure to meet you My name is Charlie And as I'm sure you can tell my ears And my can't girl girl And the a little detail is important because I happen to hear a rumor they were looking to adopt an animal girl? Well then in that case, then I know this is sudden I love to suggest myself You see I'm helpful, protecting and loving, just the kind of animal girl you need So I can say with comp Sit there isn't an animal girl up there then me Not the shit again What want Ja? Well, i heard that my precious t here was looking to adopt and and girl So I thought I'd come down to mai myself with before they make a mistake of adopting, i can't girl I after all Cat girls Wearing chest so basic So cliche But for girls That's for only the most cultured humans And my human here is very cultured I'm sure now god I'm here They won't make the mistake of adopting an anatomy girl That's sleeps really have the day And leaks themselves further Listen to me caroline human You don't watch Charlie Are answered louise less, not like me I moved mountains out of your path, it was in the way I can be so helpful For instance, I can cut I know all your favorite dishes So but I can make them for you I'll go every day for you It's really another bother In that It's a pleasure Why don't adopt me, I can come inside and make a nice hot meal for you One, two for trial sensitive get They they don't actually know how to cook you know they're lying to you Jesse is sliding a ice cube to a glass of water qualifies as cooking They even give it a fancy french name when they're done That's bogus I get not gordon ramsay, so he could teach me how to talk through my darling Didn't have him yell at me my basement around this time for nothing So my darling human I meant great at cooking I can even use some little little box layers and place of est stove So I'll be able to save you so much money on gas Where that helpful There especially helpful for setting the little cat on fire Do let me know if do you ever get the urge Jesse says that they can save me money on gas, but let me you have worry much about money Here Take a look at this check It's made out to you Mh Yep That's a lot of zeros What can I say? I'm so devoted to being how whole as I sold my kid need to give you this funny Like, see Charlie an idiot it selling there kids I got you a check too But i sold other people's kidneys to get the money Just common sense You don't want a damaged care girl with him missing kidney Now do you so just pick me Holy shit, Jesse What the hell wrong with you? You know, after all the things I've done like stalking, why you're tapping in intimidation I never thought i'd actually say this, but I wanna call the police I think Please Like all means use see him that helps you Anyway, so my seed sweetheart human let me get back to telling you about how much more helpful I am than Jesse I can do chores for instance I taking out the trash If you'd like, I can start with Jesse I'm sure you don't want them many anywhere near your kidneys after all Are bold words for someone within acquiring distance Those are some bold words for someone with less than nine lives So what you're saying and that you can afford to lose a view? Anyway, like I was saying, my see aren't even I'm way more helpful than Jesse Take my purse for instance They've been through melanie Of coalition to be helpful to precious this little humans such as yourself See they release a certain chemical couldn't orphan, which can help trigger feelings of euphoria Spare in the science ba, the show version And a marker is quite literally care depression I'm sharing that I'll come in the handy But I don't think Fox compare though I mean who even knows is what sounds they make? But not only my parents is positively amazing So you wanted it there I can create a cap And there are no good fox buns Cat get all fast I'm sure you want jokes, you can actually love that Oh Charlie But not only my parents positively amazing? Also extremely handy I'm particularly skilled fixing broken with windows You see I see her human Jesse is a home made They broke into your home and you weren't around and left you with a broken window They didn't even fix it And, honestly, clock is so easy Breaking the window was not necessary But leave it to jazzy to suck basic things Following Jesse's and incompetence i quickly got to work fixing the window I'm sure you didn't even notice they ever broke it, but really, that was so considered of them There's such an inconsistent home and invader, not like me They consider part, I mean I have to while I was in your home I replace some your food in your fridge with identical a food Without a later expiration nate So I know you must love me more than Jesse You can go ahead and say it Any second now? Yeah Right I know you love me more Like darling human Just like at Charlie sad excuse for tail Good love a tail like that It's been s Not super fluffy And but she like mine So go ahead You can fluff it if you want And I know you want to Don't fall for their cheap drinks They're using a tail extension You can still see the receipt attached Oh, i my tail is completely real I cannot assure you Go ahead and my Darling human Go ahead love it It'll blow your mind Like a moth an a loud story Charlie doesn't have a fluffy tail like this And you won't have a tell fluffy you keep pot like this See Doesn't that just feel amazing Feel how nice and fluffy it is I've never let anyone else bought my tale before you know You're my first Make a great I might add If you let me inside it You can give it test I've taken such extra hair of my dear because I'm so devout to you Seriously, you have no idea How devoted I have to you? I would go to the end of the earth for you And not just on a plane either Because that would be too easy So It won't be much of display of devotion about it and also because I'm on a list Just some of the things I've done for you, they won't let me on plans They say they're devoted, but did they deal a top secret camera from Nasa so they could spy on you in one million k resolution I think not You a great and one million k right away? Too I will give you a hundred grams of cat to back off That is a lot of cat But no I love my seat sweetheart, way more than all the cabinet been the whole wide world, more than any scratching post And I can't leave them with you Ja you're a thief You're the reason that socks always go missing Again Your baseless allegations charlie You ever learn Listen to me My darling human You should really just pick me already I even already changed my last name to yours Here I know what might change your night I thought you a present to show you how much I care about you Look, it's doll I need for you And to really get the sentimental value across, my even made it Some my hair, to show how connected we are Like a part of me will always be with you Charlie could never be this romantic Not in any of their nine live Ill My god You don't wanna to with some of Jessie hair Right? Sweet sweetheart I mean that disgusting That's why when I made my all of you, I use some of yard hair Speech las I know you'd like it You know Darling You don't have to of your t incessant in harassment any longer This tell us who you want to adopt Name and I'll make sure to get them out of your hair Just else the truth, who do you want to adopt? I mean, yes Well you know it's me, but tell us You you wanted to both for that? On the condition that we don't heard anyone else anymore Especially not each other Does this mean I can't harvest more kidneys Can I just harvest one more? Well, I know you don't like me, Jessie, and I sure as hell all like you But if that'll allowed me with my seat sweetheart then, I guess, I guess, it's a truth then Until they come with your senses and changed their mind anyway Yeah I'll look forward to that Oh hello How can I help you? Your a member of the no family In that case, You must be here to pick up those writing supplies Is that correct? Wonderful Let me take a look at the manifest Oh by Her quite a bit here If if you don't mind me asking, what is this all for? Perhaps I could recommend some other other products to help? I see Yes I have heard that their veil have fallen on hard times, I must say, six volumes of your family's characters that you haven't let that trickle down to us ordinary folk? So this is all to help you reorganize your financial records to see if you can find wasted expenses Well, that's quite sensible If there is anything we can do to help, please do let us know In the meantime, I may have to ask for your help first Oh, no Nothing like that And we're just a it short staffed at the moment And I have trouble with some of the heavier boxes Did I ask your servants to carry them out to the carriage? I see You have none That makes sense with your troubles Well then I hate Ask noble What did you help me with them? Thank you That's so generous Please Me into the back Stay quiet I'll knock you out if I have to You recognize me just by the son of my voice I must've have may light the impression on you I suppose that was bound to happen You don't easily forget the voices so out a nice to your throat I'm glad I decided to disguise it What do you think of the disguise? I guess it was good enough to fool you No, please It's not even my best to work One time I had to disguise myself as a literal child Now that one was a challenge As for why here, posing as a store keeper Well, there are a few reasons The first reason that I wanted to let you know that I'm still keeping eye on you You've done well to not tell anyone and barter meaning Like you're starting to get a little Bold with your questions about the Blood mold family Never forget You mustn't let any anyone realize that you and i affiliated Not unless you join the black one Well, of course I could just snuck into your room again to talk you about this If I were some ring amateur Any decent assassin ever use the same approach twice It's a good way to get caught I doubt you would set any kind of chat for me And I really doubt that any trap you would set would actually catch me but There's no reason for me to be careless I No I'm afraid I haven't had much luck in finding some other arrangement I pursued many possibilities but I keep arriving at the conclusion that as long as you remain a part of the Nor avail family, you will be a threat to the black moments It's quite the conundrum Sometimes I wish that you weren't so Then I realized that if that were the case, I likely wouldn't have fallen for you in the first place And as easy as it would have made things for me, I can't say that a regret falling in love with you For the longest time, Only thing in my life was my career is a assassin It it feels liberating to have another goal now, something to her my attention to I haven't given up yet Of course Is that all possible I want to find a way to make this work for the both of us Kidnapping doesn't strike me as a very good way to begin a relationship Speaking of which, I was thinking perhaps, I didn't give you the best impression of me last time I Yes, the that threat was the main and shoe It was an empty threat, but I imagine that provides little comfort doesn't it I made you feel unsafe in your own home You're on bedroom room That's the sort of thing that can stay with person And no, I don't see how else I could have done it I I regret it nonetheless But aside from threatening you, I feel that I've only presented one side of me to you My professional side I just want you to know that while I am an assassin, I'm not just an assassin I have other aspects to my personality I'll confess Even at the best times, not always especially expressive When you make a living by killing, you start to feel a bit things But still I feel like you laugh from time to time, and I have my own pastime times So although I'm still looking for solutions I would like to have a chance to show you slightly more personable side of me Perhaps, if I can successfully woo You'll decide to come over to my side willingly That would solve everyone's problems all at once Yes I suppose I am I'm asking you out on a date I'm fairly confident that if I am given the opportunity to show you what I can bring your relationship, you'll find yourself wrong to me as I am too So this is what I was thinking Week from tomorrow, after the six bell has rung, we'll meet in front of the local tavern I'll be in disguise, obviously, it wouldn't do for you to be seen with a black mom When I see you, I'll approach you and say, they're neither early nor That's how you'll know it's me We can get a drink can bite to eat, and then I will take you out to play I quite enjoy theater, and I selected one of my favorites after that Well, we can keep it a surprise What do you think? I can't exactly threaten you into agreeing to this It would feed the purpose of end enduring myself to you All I can do to you is to promise you an enjoyable evening I suppose if you need incentive, You could consider it to be a chance to we'll me back I don't find it likely Perhaps you could convince me your worth abandoning the black moments after all Now so you don't need comme You oh That's white flattering In that case, thank you for giving me chance I i a vet little bit silly I'm supposed to be a hard and keller but i feel just a bit That you're agree to date Maybe it's because it's the new territory for me I've been in a relationship before but only ever as part of a cover Usually text chat information or get close to someone so while I'm not an experience this will be my first real date I suppose I'll really have to put my heart into this one I have always done just enough to be appealing to my dates Trying to call pub and be hard for someone That's going to feel strange Oh, Oh, well, that's sweet It makes me happy that you feel excited as well I i see I wasn't expecting you to be quite so available after last time I Mostly, I mostly just pushed my feelings onto you and made it your problem True height it's very life But that's rarely considered and noble thing I've spared a small number of people or i least try to But they have always responded by hacking me or trying to expose me I'm very grateful that you're different Will then It seems like we'll be seeing each other again very soon I have to leave very soon I'm afraid The store owner will be back from there and I tricked him into it in a few minutes And it gets taco gay to be gone or now some questions for me best stuff unanswered Right boxes Sorry I I don't I have time to help with those You can wait for the owner if you like But just before I go, just keep an eye out You are very vulnerable today Once again, you were fortunate that I don't wish you harm You're noble I may not be the only assassin you ever encounter her Like i I couldn't stand the thought of you being killed Or now, try not be along the strangers If you really cancel your servants, and I a friend or family to stick with you Carrot Yeah i'll wait for a date Hello It's a pleasure to meet you My name is Charlie And as I'm sure you can tell my ears And my can't girl girl And the a little detail is important because I happen to hear a rumor they were looking to adopt an animal girl? Well then, in that case, then I know this is sudden I love to suggest myself You see I'm helpful, protecting and loving, just the kind of animal girl you need So I can say with comp Sit there isn't an animal girl up there then me Not the shit again What want Ja? Well, i heard that my precious t here was looking to adopt and and girl So I thought I'd come down to mai myself with before they make a mistake of adopting, i can't girl I after all Cat girls Wearing chest so basic So cliche But for girls That's for only the most cultured humans And my human here is very cultured I'm sure now god I'm here They won't make the mistake of adopting an anatomy girl That's sleeps really have the day And leaks themselves further Listen to me human You don't watch Charlie are answered louise less, not like me I moved mountains out of your path it was in the way I can be so helpful For instance, I can cut I know all your favorite dishes So but I can make them for you I'll go every day for you It's really another bother In that It's a pleasure Why don't adopt me, I can come inside and make a nice hot meal for you One, two for trial sensitive get They they don't actually know how to cook you know they're lying to you Jesse is sliding a ice cube to a glass of water qualifies as cooking They even give it a fancy french name when they're done That's bogus I get not gordon ramsay, so he could teach me how to cook through my darling I didn't have him yell at me my basement around this time for nothing So my darling human I meant great at cooking I can even use some little little box fire and place of est stove So I'll be able to save you so much money on gas Where that help There especially helpful for setting the little cat that on fire Do let me know if do you ever get the urge Jesse says that they can save me money on gas, but let me you have to worry much about money Here Take a look at this check It's made out to you Mh Yep That's a lot of zeros What can I say? I'm so devoted to being how whole as I sold my kid need to give you this funny Like, see Chilis an idiot yet selling their kids I got you a check too But i sold other people's kidneys to get the money Just common sense You don't want a damaged care girl with him missing kidney Now do you so just pick me Holy shit, Jesse What the hell wrong with you? You know, after all the things I've done like stalking, why you're tapping in intimidation I never thought i'd actually say this, but I wanna call the police I think Please Like all means use see him that helps you Anyway, so my seed sweetheart human let me get back to telling you about how much more helpful I am than Jesse I can do chores for instance I taking out the trash If you'd like, I can start with Jesse I'm sure you don't want the many anywhere near your kidneys after all Are bold words for someone within acquiring distance Those are some bold words for someone with less than nine lives So what you're saying and that you can afford to lose a view? Anyway, like I was saying, my see aren't even I'm way more helpful than Jesse Take my purse for instance They've been through melanie Coalition to be helpful to precious this little humans such as yourself See they release a certain chemical couldn't orphan, which can help trigger feelings of euphoria Spare in the science ba, the show version And a marker is quite literally care depression I'm sharing that I'll come in the handy But I don't think Fox compare though I mean who even knows is what sounds they make? But not only my parents is positively amazing So you wanted it there I can create a cap And there are no good fox buns Cat get all fast I'm sure you want jokes, you can actually love that Oh Charlie But Not only my purse positively amazing? Also extremely handy I'm particularly skilled fixing broken windows Yes see I see her human Jesse is a home made They broke into your home and you weren't around and left you with a broken window They didn't even fix it And, honestly, clock is so easy Breaking the window was not necessary But leave it to jazzy to suck basic things Following Jesse's and incompetence I quickly got to work fixing the window I'm sure you didn't even notice they ever broke it, but really, that was so considered of them There's such an inconsistent home and invader, not like me They consider part, I mean I have to while I was in your home I replace some your food in your fridge with identical a Without a later expiration nate So I know you must love me more than Jesse You can go ahead and say it Any second now? Yeah Right I know you love me more Like darling human Just like at Charlie sad excuse for tail Good love a tail like that It's been s Not super fluffy And but she like mine So go ahead You can fluff it if you want And I know you want to Don't fall for their cheap drinks They're using a tail extension You can still see the receipt attached Oh, i my tail is completely real I cannot assure you Go ahead and my Darling human Go ahead love it It'll blow your mind Like a moth an a loud story Charlie doesn't have a fluffy tail like this And you won't have a tell fluffy you keep pot like this See Doesn't that just feel amazing Feel how nice and fluffy it is I've never let anyone else bought my tale before you know You're my first Make a great I might add If you let me inside it You can give it test I've taken such extra hair of my dear because I'm so devout to you Seriously, you have no idea How devoted I have to you? I would go to the end of the earth for you And not just on a plane either Because that would be too easy So It won't be much of display of devotion about it and also because I'm on a list Just some of the things I've done for you, they won't let me on plans They say they're devoted, but did they deal a top secret camera from Nasa so they could spy on you in one million k resolution I think not You a great and one million k right away? Too I will give you a hundred grams of cat to back off Wow that is a lot of cat But no I love my seat sweetheart Way more than all the cabinet been the whole wide world, more than any scratching post, and I can't leave them with you Ja you're a thief Yeah the reason that socks always go missing Again With your baseless allegations charlie You ever learn Listen to me I'm my darling human You should really just pick me already I even already changed my last name to yours Here I know what might change your night I thought you a present to show you how much I care about you Look, it's doll I need for you And to really get the sentimental value across, my even made it Some my hair, to show how connected we are Like a part of me will always be with you Charlie could never be this romantic Not in any of their nine live Ill My god You don't wanna to with some of Jessie hair Right? Sweet sweetheart I mean that's disgusting That's why when I made my all of you, I use some of yard hair Speech las I know you'd like it You know Darling You don't have to of your charlie incessant in harassment any longer This tell us who you want to adopt God's name and I'll make sure to get them out of your hair Just else the truth, who do you want to adopt? I mean, yes Well know it's me, but tell us You you wanted to alphabet for that? On the condition that we don't heard anyone else anymore Especially not each other Does this mean I can't harvest more kidneys Can I just harvest one more? Well, I know you don't like me, Jessie, and I sure as hell all like you But if that'll allowed me with my seat sweetheart then, I guess, I guess, it's a truth then Until they come with your senses and changed their mind anyway Yeah I'll look forward to that Hey You're way Good morning That That's a lot of t It's okay Hey Hey Hey Hey Calm down You'd just i out There's no need to panic Deep bratz baby Deep bratz I get it You're confused My basement is a little scary I get it But I promise You're not in any danger At least you won't be if you behave You'll only hurt yourself in the struggle No I don't want money or anything And again, you're not in any real danger I just wanted to talk to you Listen I've been watching you for a couple of months now and you managed to catch my eye day while you were getting groceries and I just my heart's opt in my chest when we made eye contact I'm actually a little bit disappointed You don't remember, but I'm sure was some work you've come to love me just as much as I love you But where was i? Oh, yes I saw you You were looking at the flower display He looks so stressed and focused You really wanted to pick the best ones It was so heartfelt felt My mouth went dry My heart stopped Every part of my body felt so a warm flutter I got surely, this means something surely who whoever has the capability to make me feel like this is meant to be with me So I kept an eye on you in the store I apparently did well If you don't recognize me I even came up to you at one point, but I kinda checking out of asking for your number and just asked you to grab something from in front of you My throat just closed up I couldn't even speak You were just too gorgeous up close Smells so good too Oh my god God it It has to be hear shampoo Oh you didn't change it God I just wanna you up It's not fair that you're this attractive I'll be patient though I don't wanna overwhelm me more than I already have But after you checked out, I found out We were parked two cars away from each other, and that was when I decided it was fate It was too much to have met you It just couldn't have been a coincidence, not like that So I followed you home Your house is so adorable and very you, i might add Cool You know those flowers you've been finding on your doorstep? On the little gifts and treats That was me Although a couple times your ex did destroy them I know you never threw them out when you found them I found your hidden in chocolate stash and your desks drawer That was so sweet of you I watched you for about a month in every moment of spare time I have You have this nice little spot across the road where there aren't any street lamps I was practically invisible to you And to be honest, I preferred it that way at the time, but I don't wanna be invisible anymore So tada I'm here in the flesh I'm sorry God Your cheeks are so horrible I just wanna squish you to death That is a good question How dare I know what you would like? Wow, it was mostly educated guesses, but I may or may not have also gotten access to every account that you have saved in your laptop Oh yes I've seen every inch of your house baby I think you handle your household extremely well And once I washed where you hit this bear key, I just couldn't stop myself It was like you were begging me to come in Every little aspect about you just grips my soul and focuses my attention into a finer point I grabbed on you, and I cannot let go I cannot get enough few I need every little detail I can get because all of you is what I desire I'm gonna let you in a little secret I have never felt this strongly about anyone There's something so incredibly special about you You've driven me beyond reason, and I can't say that I hate it at all I've seen every inch of your life I do know you I know you very well I've watched you spend your nights with your girlfriend Who was a bitch mind you You deserve someone who is so much more everything than what she was I followed you to work I watched to leave tired and exhausted and frustrated day after day, and it just broke my heart I watched you fight with your girlfriend when you'd come home late I saw the cheating accusations I saw all of it I remember the big one I was sat across the street for it She screamed and screamed and slam the door She even hit the mailbox on our way out, not that psychotic behavior I know I'm a bit extreme, but hap has to destroying private property is disgraceful But I remember watching you cry your window My heart for you Bam, but she had to go I couldn't let her stand between us Oh, oh, no baby Don't cry God You're so beautiful When you cry Look at me Look at me I'm here I have you Focus on my hands on your cheeks I'm the one holding you now I have you your mine She wasn't good for you of a you anonymous death that's scared her away from you And she clearly was smart enough to stake out your work or otherwise, she know that you really were working late She wasn't strong enough to fight for you She was disgusting in pathetic and you never have to worry about her again I took care of the baby I'm not gonna let anyone ever hurt you again You're just too kind I thought about you I know how you recognized what to get her for Valentine's day I watched to ask her little questions only for her to get mad You couldn't remember what she liked I knew that you knew and just wanted to confirm I watched you painstakingly stare at the wall of chocolates in the grocery store weeks and advance I know you researched every meaning of each flower just to try and communicate how sorry you woulda her Because you loved her so deeply You wanted this to go perfectly And she tossed you aside like a wet newspaper You didn't deserve that Said it Say you didn't deserve it God Thank you, baby I've seen every piece of your life All the little things you do that make up who you are I watched and waited and pushed pieces in the right direction, and now all the cars are in my lap and you in my basement I have you, and I love you I know you're wonderful I know how tired you are And I'm telling you now is the time to rest and be loved and enjoy being alive again because you're not alone You're with me You don't have to worry about work No I to today pete Listen Don't worry about your job I called them and told them you have the flu They were very understanding So we have time to sort all this out Everything is handled I did it for you I just realized that I should probably introduce myself Sorry I haven't done that yet I'm Annie I work as a done delicious and a few blocks away from your company And I live just on your street That's when made it so easy to stalk you I already know your name, but it's cute to play along with the introduction I think it's funny How close we were and never interacting He's living our respective lives destined to jerome past each other and our mundane activities But something connected Somehow the wires crossed And I don't know how why But I think it's magical Oh you're binding su tight? I just wanna make sure you're comfortable I get that the whole situation is a bit weird, but I think we can make this work I'm glad you're being really cooperative I wanna clarify that I'm not some kind of monster getting kidnapped you because I wanna harm me out That's the absolute last thing I want You are just a bit of a downwards spiral, and I couldn't let you just sit there in that and waste your life with someone who was gonna treat you like dirt underneath feet Yes I I was the direct cause of your breakup Sort of It was gonna happen regardless, but I was definitely the final straw And before you would me for it, I need you to know that I knew she was accusing you of cheating And it wasn't fair to you You were perfect to her You didn't deserve that How will I supposed to sit there and watch you suffer When I know that I'm here living and breathing knowing I can make you happier that I could fix it all That I loved you I may have gone about it in an extreme way, but I don't regret a second of it and I do it again in a heartbeat I knew about the accusation because I heard her say them Okay So I had a key to your house, You know, that Like I said, I saw where you hit the spare and made a copy when no one was home I was inside snoop around a few weeks ago, trying to learn some more about you When she came out, and I had to hide under your bed She was just talking and I wasn't sure to who, but she was on the phone with one of her friends I found out Are sure you want me to tell you It's kinda mean And it pisses me off just thinking about it Okay Okay I'll tell you She was talking about how bullshit it was that you couldn't put her out of work That she didn't know why she was with someone like you to begin with And that she was sure that you were cheating on her because why else, would you be so tired all the time? I was so I was so furious I had to bite the shit out of my hand just to keep from crawling out from under the bed and str her with your sheets It took every fiber of my very limited self control to not do that And I'll admit I was trying to figure out how to break you up with the least amount damage to you, but she made it clear There was no way It was gonna be a clean break You loved her Then, yes, I hated her for it Senator her so much I wanted to hurt her But I hated the fact that she was so terrible to you even more So I threatened her from my lurk Instagram account There wasn't even that bad of a threat I only threatened to turn in the super she didn't stay away from you I who believes that I was just trying to test her resolve and she crumbled immediately I know it hurt you And I'm broken up inside over it Don't act like I don't know it hurt you but it had to be done I wanted to curl through window every time I saw you get upset so badly It wasn't easy holding back so I didn't scare you Every time you cried, I had to sit in my car and just watch It was torture I cried with you I hurt with you because you didn't deserve any of this I just wanted to hold you Comfort for you And let you know that you weren't alone If your rejection scared me I was afraid to look at me and see me as a monster Looking at you now I don't think you do No I have good reason to believe that I also found your search history Yes I know about your search history baby Oh don't look so ashamed I think it's cute Lonely, I can't be upset it you for trying to help yourself It's only natural Of course, I went through your laptop It was easy enough to figure out your password once I had a camera in your room That's surprisingly easy to hide anyway, once I was in, I saw that you actually like the idea of people like me That you wanted someone to come scoop you up and love you I knew what I had to do I waited for the perfect time too I knew you worked hard to surprise her and lavish her and love an affection just for to push you aside and my thought What don't waste of so love and effort So I waited for a very specific day Want better day to declare my love for as cheesy as it is? Sorry You must be a little disoriented Last you knew, it was Saturday the twelfth But I dragged your water bottle day before yesterday in the morning So that when you woke up at two Am, like you do most nights to check your water, you'd sleep soundly, and I could move you That was all surprisingly easy you know, except for the moving a ass person All of myself, but I managed You slept all day Sunday So here we are Tada, It's the fourteenth You have a week of endless love and nowhere work waiting for you All you have to do, just take it This is my Valentine's gift to you So baby Will you be my valentine Oh, I thought you'd say yes I'm so excited I have so much plan I have all your favorite movies And packed your console up So you'll have plenty to do I even printed out the menu from your favorite restaurant We can order it and eat in and have a great dinner candles and has the h shebang Oh my gosh I'm so excited I know you'd come around God Just wanna kiss you Oh was worried at don't like kinda go sideways, but I knew the house were weight in my favor I see his smiling Do you wanna guess? Good I don't know how much longer I could keep myself from doing it Oh your lips were so perfect God He's smells so good And you pent up I know you have been with anyone since you know Oh, yes I can tell I know you I know so much about you And I can't wait to find out more Okay Love I can't wait to see how you're acting once I tie you You're really this summer ill Patient's, baby patience That's plan on taking my time with you now that we have plenty of it That's wonderful I I saved the chocolates you got her And I just wanted to say that these are my favorite And if it's okay with you, I'd like to share them with you Yes Yes I'm so excited These are legitimately the best snack in the world Happy Valentine's plans baby I love youhere, consider yourself lucky, and then i give a crap about graduating Otherwise, I would made you do this entire thing on your own Don't thank me for stupid shit little mouse I'm fully capable of pulling my weight Thank you very much Anyway, I gotta go Email me about the presentation later or whatever What now? No I'm not doing the presentation I told you You should consider yourself lucky that I hell out at all besides I can't I have somewhere I have to be today U why don't you mind your own business and keep your questions to yourself little mouse? See And this is why you have no friends Because you keep asking stupid questions Not everyone wants to every aspect of their lives to someone else, you know, Whatever I don't have time for this I gotta go I so to god if it wasn't for the academy policy of having to a club or internship in order to graduate I would have been out the door already Aren't you like lake valerie a resident nerd? How did you not know that that was a policy? Don't tell me you were just joining clubs and internships were fun Well, you really do not have a social life Anyway, I wasted enough time as it If I were you, I would run along to the cloud room before you get marked absent Why? How are you so adamant on finding out what I'm going to do? Just because you and I worked on one stupid pitch with each other, mind you because we were forced to doesn't make the two of us friends Okay? Besides, i enjoy fucking around with that stupid little brain of yours to ever consider or you a friend So just shut your mouth on along Got it What? Say that again That's not what you originally said sweetheart Go on Yeah No trouble seeing it the first time Say again You think it would be fair of me to leave you to do the presentation by yourself And why is that? Is because you don't want to stand up in front of the classroom on your own, with everyone's eyes on you Waiting for you to mess something up Don't tell me that's actually the reason why My god You actually pathetic, but why are you hiding your face? Didn't your mother ever teach you to look someone in the when they talk to you Are you? You're flustered Aren't your little mouse I wonder what could you be flustered about? Could it be because of the position warren in? If I leaned in any anymore my lips would be on yours? And year, I thought you were dressed another naive, little nerd with a head filled with nothing, but school and work Ben real You really are a messed up little thing Oh, so Tell me, how many people do you know would get flustered when their bully pens them against a wall Trapping them between a heart surface and their body Especially when that bully has been nothing, but an en bitch to them since day one I only count one little mouse, and that's you Right You're not flustered Whatever helps you sleep at night little mouse Grab things Grab your things a little mouse Come on I don't have all day Whoa You okay? And did you hurt yourself anywhere? Do you wanna go to the nurse? What? No No I don't care Why would I care just don't want you to go in lied to a teacher and tell them I pushed you or something Yeah I know You've never said I meeting in the past And if you value your modi of peace, it'll stay that way You're stand up The grounds still say How you even trip and fall? And it was literally nothing in your way You just lost your balance Right? Sure Whatever just Grab stuff Let's go Leave the way To the club room stupid Or did your little fall draining of your remaining brain cells? Right, of course Well, little mouse Hopefully, those remaining brain cells will effectively lead us to the club Don't out me Not unless you wanna repeat performance Great An hour of my life that I can never get back no matter, it's pointless let's stick plain Where do you think you're going? Please You and I both know that you have no other obligations to attend to and certainly no boyfriend or girlfriend or partner to run off to I think you can spare a couple of minutes U, No No complaining You made me stand up next you whilst to shiver and shook in front of a room of twenty people So, now it's my turn Well, isn't this a familiar possession? If I wonder Where can I be remembering this from? Hey No morning You have absolutely no idea what that does to me Nothing Anyway, tell me little mouse When did you when did you stop seeing me as just your bully? What do you mean? You never saw me as just your bully You actually thought I was just Oh, My god you are unbelievably dumb If you would stop wall in your own self pity, you know that the only person i pick on and tees his you There's no one else It's just you I don't I don't know why myself From the day we met, all those years ago up until now I've always teased you and made fun of you and I genuinely don't know why when I think about saying and doing the stuff I do to you to others I admittedly lose any and all interest, finding it absolutely meaningless and redundant, but for some reason, I can never control myself around you You bring out a side of me that i never thought I had And I hate you for it I hate you for making me feel things that I never felt for anyone else Thank you for making me be everything I despise I would never do anything I do you to someone else So why is that you of all people make me lose any some of control And I honestly have no one else, but myself plan You probably think empathetic Don't you That I'm saying all of this excuse All the horrible things left done here Honestly, don't blame you at all for being scared of me, but every time you look at me with those wide to tearful filled thighs I hate myself even more Knowing that I was the cause of that I just admitted to you that I enjoy picking on you hurting you And instead of running away, you're desperately trying to hide your face You're so weird But don't ever hide from me And I wanna see for myself How deeply I affect you At me K You really are embarrassed aren't you I suppose i can't follow you for that either I can't fault you for any of this Well, that was embarrassing But I'm supposed I'm glad that I got some of that off of my chest Anyway, I you, I'd stay as far away from me as possible Like like I said, you make me lose any sense of control So If you want the rest of your school experience to be a happy, peaceful one, Steer clara of may What? What is it? What was that for? Did I tell you to not thank me for stupid shit? Saying what I said just now is stupid both little now Anyway, you actually wanted to thank me then I suppose an actual kiss what's advice Mh You really are something else What's the difference between the kiss you gave me just now and an actual kiss? Well, little mouse That poor excuse for a kiss you gave me just now was just a pack on the cheek I can hardly called out a cast An actual case is Well, I only doubt a naive little nerd like yourself is capable of giving one Don't start something You can't finish little mouse Well I suppose that's a slight improvement, especially since it was actually on the lips this time There, little mouse Let me show you what I'm actual guess is here, consider yourself lucky, and then i give a crap about graduating Otherwise, I would made you do this entire thing on your own Don't thank me for stupid shit little mouse I'm fully capable of pulling my weight Thank you very much Anyway, I gotta go Email me about the presentation later or whatever What now? No I'm not doing the presentation I told you You should consider yourself lucky that I hell out at all besides I can't I have somewhere I have to be today U why don't you mind your own business and keep your questions to yourself little mouse? See And this is why you have no friends Because you keep asking stupid questions Not everyone wants to every aspect of their lives to someone else, you know, Whatever I don't have time for this I gotta go I so to god if it wasn't for the academy policy of having to a club or internship in order to graduate I would have been out the door already Aren't you like lake valerie a resident nerd? How did you not know that that was a policy? Don't tell me you were just joining clubs and internships were fun Well, you really do not have a social life Anyway, I wasted enough time as it If I were you, I would run along to the cloud room before you get marked absent Why? How are you so adamant on finding out what I'm going to do? Just because you and I worked on one stupid pitch with each other, mind you because we were forced to doesn't make the two of us friends Okay? Besides, i enjoy fucking around with that stupid little brain of yours to ever consider or you a friend So just shut your mouth on along Got it What? Say that again That's not what you originally said sweetheart Go on Yeah No trouble seeing it the first time Say again You think it would be fair of me to leave you to do the presentation by yourself And why is that? Is because you don't want to stand up in front of the classroom on your own, with everyone's eyes on you Waiting for you to mess something up Don't tell me that's actually the reason why My god You actually pathetic, but why are you hiding your face? Didn't your mother ever teach you to look someone in the when they talk to you Are you? You're flustered Aren't your little mouse I wonder what could you be flustered about? Could it be because of the position warren in? If I leaned in any anymore my lips would be on yours? And year, I thought you were dressed another naive, little nerd with a head filled with nothing, but school and work Ben real You really are a messed up little thing Oh, so Tell me, how many people do you know would get flustered when their bully pens them against a wall Trapping them between a heart surface and their body Especially when that bully has been nothing, but an en bitch to them since day one I only count one little mouse, and that's you Right You're not flustered Whatever helps you sleep at night little mouse Grab things Grab your things a little mouse Come on I don't have all day Whoa You okay? And did you hurt yourself anywhere? Do you wanna go to the nurse? What? No No I don't care Why would I care just don't want you to go in lied to a teacher and tell them I pushed you or something Yeah I know You've never said I meeting in the past And if you value your modi of peace, it'll stay that way You're stand up The grounds still say How you even trip and fall? And it was literally nothing in your way You just lost your balance Right? Sure Whatever just Grab stuff Let's go Leave the way To the club room stupid Or did your little fall draining of your remaining brain cells? Right, of course Well, little mouse Hopefully, those remaining brain cells will effectively lead us to the club Don't out me Not unless you wanna repeat performance Great An hour of my life that I can never get back no matter, it's pointless let's stick plain Where do you think you're going? Please You and I both know that you have no other obligations to attend to and certainly no boyfriend or girlfriend or partner to run off to I think you can spare a couple of minutes U, No No complaining You made me stand up next you whilst to shiver and shook in front of a room of twenty people So, now it's my turn Well, isn't this a familiar possession? If I wonder Where can I be remembering this from? Hey No morning You have absolutely no idea what that does to me Nothing Anyway, tell me little mouse When did you when did you stop seeing me as just your bully? What do you mean? You never saw me as just your bully You actually thought I was just Oh, My god you are unbelievably dumb If you would stop wall in your own self pity, you know that the only person i pick on and tees his you There's no one else It's just you I don't I don't know why myself From the day we met, all those years ago up until now I've always teased you and made fun of you and I genuinely don't know why when I think about saying and doing the stuff I do to you to others I admittedly lose any and all interest, finding it absolutely meaningless and redundant, but for some reason, I can never control myself around you You bring out a side of me that i never thought I had And I hate you for it I hate you for making me feel things that I never felt for anyone else Thank you for making me be everything I despise I would never do anything I do you to someone else So why is that you of all people make me lose any some of control And I honestly have no one else, but myself plan You probably think empathetic Don't you That I'm saying all of this excuse All the horrible things left done here Honestly, don't blame you at all for being scared of me, but every time you look at me with those wide to tearful filled thighs I hate myself even more Knowing that I was the cause of that I just admitted to you that I enjoy picking on you hurting you And instead of running away, you're desperately trying to hide your face You're so weird But don't ever hide from me And I wanna see for myself How deeply I affect you At me K You really are embarrassed aren't you I suppose i can't follow you for that either I can't fault you for any of this Well, that was embarrassing But I'm supposed I'm glad that I got some of that off of my chest Anyway, I you, I'd stay as far away from me as possible Like like I said, you make me lose any sense of control So If you want the rest of your school experience to be a happy, peaceful one, Steer clara of may What? What is it? What was that for? Did I tell you to not thank me for stupid shit? Saying what I said just now is stupid both little now Anyway, you actually wanted to thank me then I suppose an actual kiss what's advice Mh You really are something else What's the difference between the kiss you gave me just now and an actual kiss? Well, little mouse That poor excuse for a kiss you gave me just now was just a pack on the cheek I can hardly called out a cast An actual case is Well, I only doubt a naive little nerd like yourself is capable of giving one Don't start something You can't finish little mouse Well I suppose that's a slight improvement, especially since it was actually on the lips this time There, little mouse Let me show you what I'm actual guess is Well, well, well, what do we have here? A lost traveler in these parts I came out looking for some special plants for my ingredients, but instead, I stumbled across someone from the phone and no one ever comes here Oh no one even has enough to anymore The rumors of the naughty which who lives in the forest tail spread quickly, from vi to towns And now everyone is to tear I do enter these parts It's so sad really That's when I can tell this human is not from around here I think didn't get the memo about me This traveler certainly picked the wrong place to rest I'd bet wake them up before the freeze out there They didn't even layer up on clothing Silly silly celine experienced travelers If this happened a while ago, why wouldn't hesitate feeding off their energy to keep me useful and then a energetic for centuries, but there is something so sweet and having an un practiced fellow around here I would feel bad just taking them like this Even though basically giving themselves to me on a plate Fast out, new to the area and quite cute looking as well It's too good to be true I almost believe it's some type of I should wake them up there before something happens to them I really didn't want to miss this opportunity Wake up Hello Good morning good evening Finally awake Hello, there dear Apologies for waking you up You did look like you're in a nice peaceful sleep, but I had to do it because I don't think you are aware how dangerous it is to fall asleep out here without any after proper clothing and equipment You are definitely not from around here Oh you you must be from somewhere far away I really am curious as to how you were brought here But first, we must get you out of this area and get you warmed up and then we can have a nice little chat Come and follow me, my dear Why yes I do live in forest You're actually very lucky that they found you and that they have a cozy house near nearby for you to rest and because God knows what could have happened you if I didn't mind you while I was out Well, I was out because I was looking for ingredients or soup Yes Very delicious So maybe you can try some get something nice and long for you wrapped I don't think you eaten in a while Would I be correct? So you must be starving Can you trust me? Of course, you can What would make you think that you can't is being kind not a thing anymore? I know it must be strange waking up in the forest Having a lady invite you to her home, but there was nothing suspicious Not My hat? Yes My hat It's nice isn't it But because you find out way due to the deck decor and interesting books lying around my heart I will tell you now that i witch Why have you stopped walking dear? My heart does just up ahead You can even see yes so You are taking aback about telling you the Time which Why would that be Oh, downfall for those fairy tale If I had any bad intentions, do you really think I would be helping you and not have just Did i spell you or you? No no darling That is not how works I want to help you I am a friendly witch And besides It's not like you have a choice anyway You either die your frozen lost traveler out here? Oh you stay with me for the night Get your energy back, and you can set off again the next morning I don't know about you, but i shouldn't that a choice That's what i thought dia You can trust me See And that's my heart right You can see the window still glowing orange So the fire is still burning strong just please Welcome my dear to my little cozy Awesome hut Please Take seat Or even feel free to lie down Oh, yes There we go Lie down Mh That's right? U Make yourself feel right at him Mh I know we just met, but I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and treat this place as you would to own So now that you settle, I still want the answer as to why you all by yourself Sleeping in the middle of the forest You can tell me I won't judge I just find a situation rather strange Because it's not often anyone Comes here Are you in trouble for something? Even if you are, You can tell me I'm all ears Maybe telling me would make you feel better Less shaken I know i may be coming across as I'm very No see which right now, but in all honesty, it's because I'm very So it would actually mean that to me If you were able to open up to me and tell me how this happened You know that does make sense I can sense an aura around you I sense that you are bored with your current lie And you are looking for an adventure? Almost like you are lonely like me, but in a different way, you want to do big and great things and meet new people, but You just don't have the push to do it You keep putting yourself down as to why you can't get out there And at least introduce yourself to someone I understand that feeling very much Idea You know I can help with that I can help with those sad feelings that too bad Help you to feel more comfortable in your yourself Would you like that? Of course, I can help I'll let you in a little secret In magic There is a cure about anything You can imagine You name it, and there is a spell for it in one of these books And I have thousands of them The ones on the shelf in this room right now Are not even the half of it However, of course some of the ingredients may be hard to find But I'm sure for the spell you need I have everything So don't need to worry about that I guess, you should see what I need for I think it's that purple book over there How will be a sec idea and please You don't me to get a you stay resting Did that that you stay You need it Patience dear I just need to find the page first It's been a while since I've had to look for this specifics spell There we go Finally found the page Sorry for the wait deal That was quite a lot of content to go through I'm just going to go through my back now to see what goodies I have for this style Since this is the first time you get to experience something like this I'll make sure that you can be a part of this Get up all close personal After all, this spell is all for you First what I usually do is look for my back Gather are the ingredients And We add them all To my call Sounds easy enough Yeah Just part as a gathering of objects An ingredients to make these spells come true But I always find away Thankfully, I believe we have everything we need today to help you Lucky lucky human today aren't you Now First I better get this cauldron bubbling water bub Shock down Just see magic working up clothes like this Oh my dear I know it must be very interesting for you to see probably never saw anything like this in your lie But just listen Just stop for a second and listen to the bubbles of the cauldron Isn't it so calming It's very nice to relax To almost therapeutic It's like music to my ears it really is I'm i'm actually very excited about this because it's been know a very long time Since i used it and an even longer time that I've had someone else much the wonders of magic Oh, I do I doing miss it I really miss having companions Yes Companions What happened to them? Oh they moved on There's only so much you can do when you're in the middle of forest It can get boring after a while for a lot of people living this life like me But I don't mind it I don't mind living in a peace in tranquility liquidity, but I do get lonely after while And recently, I've been having strong Jeez Check hard Compress Well, I never usually done all of my feelings into someone else, especially if someone already such a nervous aura But since you're asking my dear? The urge I have been having is about I I'm lasting Do I have a partner right now That's specifically a romantic one I mean as much as that would be nine I'm just looking for company Permanent Company this time Someone that will stick by my side And we will just enjoy each other's present Do you ever feel like that? You like that four two Let me up What was that? Loving of your concerned darling Just oh spell words that going to understand anyway But moving on Mh When I have these urges, I just have to try my very hard to still compress them and I do that by going in a wall And just close my eyes and embrace nature Usually that helps to take my mind off things There's just never any use for magic There's no people of your kind that wander these parts anymore to help them Or was to deal with normal Trust me, myself and i am my grandson No what needs me But I have magic So that means something Right Magic do get what I want Anyway, and enough of me rambling She was such a quiet one that I have to fill the void and tokyo your ears off You are quite curious though my love do dear you my dear mh And I don't mind answering your questions I welcome them I really miss the curious human Anyway, let's get started I know you must be eager to get this over with, then watch them magic And not me my mouth or not We'll start off with the day As of course, we need some plain liquid to start patient And what better ingredient in water I'm just going to shake this around in the portal I will warn you right now there just like with most medicines and There maybe some side deck Nothing to dramatic luckily for From what I've seen over my hundreds of years The most common one is dr and you may just pull asleep, which isn't a bad thing Especially for a travel like you Definitely Could use some of that That's magical Okay That shall do it Let's add that into the cauldron The satisfaction of hearing that I feel alive excited to do magic once again, and it's a great feeling No no What do we have to add to our potion my dear? Oh, yes We have some hugs and seeds to grind up I'll get to work on that Now to you They may Just be normal Ordinary Let's see But I promise you that day crucial in the making of potion Of course, on their own, they weren't Too much But mixed with the other ingredient Day all Come together to make your own magical pure It's been a while since I've done this there I forgot how much strength this actually takes I feel like i'm doing a major on out right now I don't remember this difficult idea Maybe I need someone with strength like you that could help me all the time Wouldn't that be so helpful? Maybe this is also just a sign that I shouldn't neglect my magic connection making That should do it My honey, would you like to help? Poor are grind it tabs into the older this time Don't worry Nothing is going to happen to you Now just P in my dear I thought it would be fun for you to be involved Good job dear You're already in natural You're going to do a gory job helping me all the time I mean You're doing a great job right now at helping me And this time only, not recurring at all No No Notes Look of the tongue That's just all the excitement thing having right now I'm michelle you can understand dear Swift moving moving on into our next ingredient It's Unicorn too Yes You very lucky I have some old here unicorn Lying here at the bottom of like It's been lined enough for god How long oh it's very hard to come across Only possible if you travel for dimensions So lucky look little human you are You got very lucky today And of course, we need to get right and until we and needed it to your hands Mix all that goodness together And, of course, it's just impossible to be grossed out like Well, it's uni unicorn It's in the name It's from a unicorn It smells like rainbows and sunshine It looks like it too But people don't expect it to be this texture Yeah this line kind of And it makes a good bath as well And this is the last batch i have of it too It's same So you're welcome I'm using this extra rare unicorn for your benefit Let's add that in I think I've made it together enough already And Just one, two three ingredients to go now We'll have some rose petal spray the time Just going to spray around on new and white And of course, into the cauldron to add the mixture we have got Why am I spraying me as well? Because we It's for love I mean It's for you This magic is all for you to make you feel better and i'm the magical witch here So we have to follow a connection with this rose spray on the magic to what Makes perfect Total Right? You wouldn't know any way an idea you know nothing about magic And I mean that in i way darling It's just a fact And I need something from you I just need a few looks of your hair Calm down I'm not asking you to be shaved all my you Very silly I'm just going to cut a few locks of because it's needy for the person It won't work without it You have a full head of her anyway So noah what? Will even notice you missing that you're missing a few strands of here Now Let me snip a few Oh, still And we add that into the potion So easy I'm so happy We almost finished We have one more greeting add Which is the wish clinic This is the last and file ingredient That just submit everything together I just need to say if you were Love self endeavor love after titus and See how it goes yellow It's ready to be added after shaking it See how beautiful it is Just so pretty And depart we have all been waiting for We get to add now You will be all alright just get that At That's working The magic is working Few master, and you are ready to have your potion Love suffered died Isn't it beautiful Don't love magic I will keep you waiting any longer here Take it and drink get to my lovely Oh my dear I know you must be hesitant to take it because it's not something you have done before Like, perfectly understand But on the other I have used rare Unicorn The last stuff that I have by the way, and I went through all this effort for you I did not go through all this effort to help you and put this all together For you to turn your nose at the finished product It making me a very sad if you don't try It's perfectly safe Do you really think I'd tell me rather? That's already where enough I meet anyone And to the only contact I had in years would be quite shaky Good job Well, done I want a good little human you all It wasn't So that wasn't? Oh, you want to give me a hug So sewing here You know why since I had something like that something I can very well get used to my dear How are you feeling anyway? Are you feeling there? Rosie Tired in I suggest getting some sleep after all You're going away in morning Oh, you are it? Decided did to change your mind below a sudden? Oh, but I thought you were totally ready to set off You would dead set on that warranty You want to stay here With me, I'm so shocked that preposition How long would that be for that you want to stay with me? Forever, that is so kind of you Do you want to keep me company here For forever We don't have to be lonely anymore Do we Not to we have each other There's just such a shame That it had to take a left potion To bind and love together I was feeling slightly bad that I tricked you into taking this patient, but There was no other way if I told you the truth I it was see potion to make you fall love with me You wouldn't have taken and you would have missed out And that would have been a very big shape So I hope you're thankful for me doing that I don't think you mine this at home And now we have company Someone does stay with me and to talk to give me a love and affection It's all I have I'm going to look after you And carefully I hope you know of course, and protect you from everything and anything that tries to come between Q like you didn't end up in my part of the forest fastest asleep by accident No It is destiny It was meant to be Let's be honest You're out there just asking to be taken away by me Maybe one day I will tell you about what actually happened to this human But do you would just lucky enough to be so cute and catch me and my little struggle of companionship the past few Come here My dear You are looking very like I think I shall good you just sleep now We are together after all It wouldn't be weird if I joined you either Also, we have a very busy day tomorrow Going to create some memories together Teach you the way of the forest While doing lots of lovely, things on top of that of course I have a lot to learn about that I'm sure you can me Come on my dear Try to find the trousers Go to sleep It will make you feel When wake, you'll be feeling fit And then a energized to I love my dearAttention Is All You Need Ashish Vaswani∗ Google Brain Noam Shazeer∗ Google Brain Niki Parmar∗ Google Research Jakob Uszkoreit∗ Google Research Llion Jones∗ Google Research Aidan N. Gomez∗ † University of Toronto Łukasz Kaiser∗ Google Brain Illia Polosukhin∗ ‡ Abstract The dominant sequence transduction models are based on complex recurrent or convolutional neural networks that include an encoder and a decoder. The best performing models also connect the encoder and decoder through an attention mechanism. We propose a new simple network architecture, the Transformer, based solely on attention mechanisms, dispensing with recurrence and convolutions entirely. Experiments on two machine translation tasks show these models to be superior in quality while being more parallelizable and requiring significantly less time to train. Our model achieves 28.4 BLEU on the WMT 2014 Englishto-German translation task, improving over the existing best results, including ensembles, by over 2 BLEU. On the WMT 2014 English-to-French translation task, our model establishes a new single-model state-of-the-art BLEU score of 41.8 after training for 3.5 days on eight GPUs, a small fraction of the training costs of the best models from the literature. We show that the Transformer generalizes well to other tasks by applying it successfully to English constituency parsing both with large and limited training data. 1 Introduction Recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory [13] and gated recurrent [7] neural networks in particular, have been firmly established as state of the art approaches in sequence modeling and ∗Equal contribution. Listing order is random. Jakob proposed replacing RNNs with self-attention and started the effort to evaluate this idea. Ashish, with Illia, designed and implemented the first Transformer models and has been crucially involved in every aspect of this work. Noam proposed scaled dot-product attention, multi-head attention and the parameter-free position representation and became the other person involved in nearly every detail. Niki designed, implemented, tuned and evaluated countless model variants in our original codebase and tensor2tensor. Llion also experimented with novel model variants, was responsible for our initial codebase, and efficient inference and visualizations. Lukasz and Aidan spent countless long days designing various parts of and implementing tensor2tensor, replacing our earlier codebase, greatly improving results and massively accelerating our research. †Work performed while at Google Brain. ‡Work performed while at Google Research. 31st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017), Long Beach, CA, USA. arXiv:1706.03762v5 [cs.CL] 6 Dec 2017 transduction problems such as language modeling and machine translation [35, 2, 5]. Numerous efforts have since continued to push the boundaries of recurrent language models and encoder-decoder architectures [38, 24, 15]. Recurrent models typically factor computation along the symbol positions of the input and output sequences. Aligning the positions to steps in computation time, they generate a sequence of hidden states ht, as a function of the previous hidden state ht−1 and the input for position t. This inherently sequential nature precludes parallelization within training examples, which becomes critical at longer sequence lengths, as memory constraints limit batching across examples. Recent work has achieved significant improvements in computational efficiency through factorization tricks [21] and conditional computation [32], while also improving model performance in case of the latter. The fundamental constraint of sequential computation, however, remains. Attention mechanisms have become an integral part of compelling sequence modeling and transduction models in various tasks, allowing modeling of dependencies without regard to their distance in the input or output sequences [2, 19]. In all but a few cases [27], however, such attention mechanisms are used in conjunction with a recurrent network. In this work we propose the Transformer, a model architecture eschewing recurrence and instead relying entirely on an attention mechanism to draw global dependencies between input and output. The Transformer allows for significantly more parallelization and can reach a new state of the art in translation quality after being trained for as little as twelve hours on eight P100 GPUs. 2 Background The goal of reducing sequential computation also forms the foundation of the Extended Neural GPU [16], ByteNet [18] and ConvS2S [9], all of which use convolutional neural networks as basic building block, computing hidden representations in parallel for all input and output positions. In these models, the number of operations required to relate signals from two arbitrary input or output positions grows in the distance between positions, linearly for ConvS2S and logarithmically for ByteNet. This makes it more difficult to learn dependencies between distant positions [12]. In the Transformer this is reduced to a constant number of operations, albeit at the cost of reduced effective resolution due to averaging attention-weighted positions, an effect we counteract with Multi-Head Attention as described in section 3.2. Self-attention, sometimes called intra-attention is an attention mechanism relating different positions of a single sequence in order to compute a representation of the sequence. Self-attention has been used successfully in a variety of tasks including reading comprehension, abstractive summarization, textual entailment and learning task-independent sentence representations [4, 27, 28, 22]. End-to-end memory networks are based on a recurrent attention mechanism instead of sequencealigned recurrence and have been shown to perform well on simple-language question answering and language modeling tasks [34]. To the best of our knowledge, however, the Transformer is the first transduction model relying entirely on self-attention to compute representations of its input and output without using sequencealigned RNNs or convolution. In the following sections, we will describe the Transformer, motivate self-attention and discuss its advantages over models such as [17, 18] and [9]. 3 Model Architecture Most competitive neural sequence transduction models have an encoder-decoder structure [5, 2, 35]. Here, the encoder maps an input sequence of symbol representations (x1, ..., xn) to a sequence of continuous representations z = (z1, ..., zn). Given z, the decoder then generates an output sequence (y1, ..., ym) of symbols one element at a time. At each step the model is auto-regressive [10], consuming the previously generated symbols as additional input when generating the next. The Transformer follows this overall architecture using stacked self-attention and point-wise, fully connected layers for both the encoder and decoder, shown in the left and right halves of Figure 1, respectively. 2 Figure 1: The Transformer - model architecture. 3.1 Encoder and Decoder Stacks Encoder: The encoder is composed of a stack of N = 6 identical layers. Each layer has two sub-layers. The first is a multi-head self-attention mechanism, and the second is a simple, positionwise fully connected feed-forward network. We employ a residual connection [11] around each of the two sub-layers, followed by layer normalization [1]. That is, the output of each sub-layer is LayerNorm(x + Sublayer(x)), where Sublayer(x) is the function implemented by the sub-layer itself. To facilitate these residual connections, all sub-layers in the model, as well as the embedding layers, produce outputs of dimension dmodel = 512. Decoder: The decoder is also composed of a stack of N = 6 identical layers. In addition to the two sub-layers in each encoder layer, the decoder inserts a third sub-layer, which performs multi-head attention over the output of the encoder stack. Similar to the encoder, we employ residual connections around each of the sub-layers, followed by layer normalization. We also modify the self-attention sub-layer in the decoder stack to prevent positions from attending to subsequent positions. This masking, combined with fact that the output embeddings are offset by one position, ensures that the predictions for position i can depend only on the known outputs at positions less than i. 3.2 Attention An attention function can be described as mapping a query and a set of key-value pairs to an output, where the query, keys, values, and output are all vectors. The output is computed as a weighted sum of the values, where the weight assigned to each value is computed by a compatibility function of the query with the corresponding key. 3 Scaled Dot-Product Attention Multi-Head Attention Figure 2: (left) Scaled Dot-Product Attention. (right) Multi-Head Attention consists of several attention layers running in parallel. 3.2.1 Scaled Dot-Product Attention We call our particular attention "Scaled Dot-Product Attention" (Figure 2). The input consists of queries and keys of dimension dk, and values of dimension dv. We compute the dot products of the query with all keys, divide each by √ dk, and apply a softmax function to obtain the weights on the values. In practice, we compute the attention function on a set of queries simultaneously, packed together into a matrix Q. The keys and values are also packed together into matrices K and V . We compute the matrix of outputs as: Attention(Q, K, V ) = softmax(QKT √ dk )V (1) The two most commonly used attention functions are additive attention [2], and dot-product (multiplicative) attention. Dot-product attention is identical to our algorithm, except for the scaling factor of √ 1 dk . Additive attention computes the compatibility function using a feed-forward network with a single hidden layer. While the two are similar in theoretical complexity, dot-product attention is much faster and more space-efficient in practice, since it can be implemented using highly optimized matrix multiplication code. While for small values of dk the two mechanisms perform similarly, additive attention outperforms dot product attention without scaling for larger values of dk [3]. We suspect that for large values of dk, the dot products grow large in magnitude, pushing the softmax function into regions where it has extremely small gradients 4 . To counteract this effect, we scale the dot products by √ 1 dk . 3.2.2 Multi-Head Attention Instead of performing a single attention function with dmodel-dimensional keys, values and queries, we found it beneficial to linearly project the queries, keys and values h times with different, learned linear projections to dk, dk and dv dimensions, respectively. On each of these projected versions of queries, keys and values we then perform the attention function in parallel, yielding dv-dimensional output values. These are concatenated and once again projected, resulting in the final values, as depicted in Figure 2. 4To illustrate why the dot products get large, assume that the components of q and k are independent random variables with mean 0 and variance 1. Then their dot product, q · k = Pdk i=1 qiki, has mean 0 and variance dk. 4 Multi-head attention allows the model to jointly attend to information from different representation subspaces at different positions. With a single attention head, averaging inhibits this. MultiHead(Q, K, V ) = Concat(head1, ..., headh)WO where headi = Attention(QWQ i , KW K i , V WV i ) Where the projections are parameter matrices W Q i ∈ R dmodel×dk , W K i ∈ R dmodel×dk , WV i ∈ R dmodel×dv and WO ∈ R hdv×dmodel . In this work we employ h = 8 parallel attention layers, or heads. For each of these we use dk = dv = dmodel/h = 64. Due to the reduced dimension of each head, the total computational cost is similar to that of single-head attention with full dimensionality. 3.2.3 Applications of Attention in our Model The Transformer uses multi-head attention in three different ways: • In "encoder-decoder attention" layers, the queries come from the previous decoder layer, and the memory keys and values come from the output of the encoder. This allows every position in the decoder to attend over all positions in the input sequence. This mimics the typical encoder-decoder attention mechanisms in sequence-to-sequence models such as [38, 2, 9]. • The encoder contains self-attention layers. In a self-attention layer all of the keys, values and queries come from the same place, in this case, the output of the previous layer in the encoder. Each position in the encoder can attend to all positions in the previous layer of the encoder. • Similarly, self-attention layers in the decoder allow each position in the decoder to attend to all positions in the decoder up to and including that position. We need to prevent leftward information flow in the decoder to preserve the auto-regressive property. We implement this inside of scaled dot-product attention by masking out (setting to −∞) all values in the input of the softmax which correspond to illegal connections. See Figure 2. 3.3 Position-wise Feed-Forward Networks In addition to attention sub-layers, each of the layers in our encoder and decoder contains a fully connected feed-forward network, which is applied to each position separately and identically. This consists of two linear transformations with a ReLU activation in between. FFN(x) = max(0, xW1 + b1)W2 + b2 (2) While the linear transformations are the same across different positions, they use different parameters from layer to layer. Another way of describing this is as two convolutions with kernel size 1. The dimensionality of input and output is dmodel = 512, and the inner-layer has dimensionality df f = 2048. 3.4 Embeddings and Softmax Similarly to other sequence transduction models, we use learned embeddings to convert the input tokens and output tokens to vectors of dimension dmodel. We also use the usual learned linear transformation and softmax function to convert the decoder output to predicted next-token probabilities. In our model, we share the same weight matrix between the two embedding layers and the pre-softmax linear transformation, similar to [30]. In the embedding layers, we multiply those weights by √ dmodel. 3.5 Positional Encoding Since our model contains no recurrence and no convolution, in order for the model to make use of the order of the sequence, we must inject some information about the relative or absolute position of the 5 Table 1: Maximum path lengths, per-layer complexity and minimum number of sequential operations for different layer types. n is the sequence length, d is the representation dimension, k is the kernel size of convolutions and r the size of the neighborhood in restricted self-attention. Layer Type Complexity per Layer Sequential Maximum Path Length Operations Self-Attention O(n 2 · d) O(1) O(1) Recurrent O(n · d 2 ) O(n) O(n) Convolutional O(k · n · d 2 ) O(1) O(logk(n)) Self-Attention (restricted) O(r · n · d) O(1) O(n/r) tokens in the sequence. To this end, we add "positional encodings" to the input embeddings at the bottoms of the encoder and decoder stacks. The positional encodings have the same dimension dmodel as the embeddings, so that the two can be summed. There are many choices of positional encodings, learned and fixed [9]. In this work, we use sine and cosine functions of different frequencies: P E(pos,2i) = sin(pos/100002i/dmodel) P E(pos,2i+1) = cos(pos/100002i/dmodel) where pos is the position and i is the dimension. That is, each dimension of the positional encoding corresponds to a sinusoid. The wavelengths form a geometric progression from 2π to 10000 · 2π. We chose this function because we hypothesized it would allow the model to easily learn to attend by relative positions, since for any fixed offset k, P Epos+k can be represented as a linear function of P Epos. We also experimented with using learned positional embeddings [9] instead, and found that the two versions produced nearly identical results (see Table 3 row (E)). We chose the sinusoidal version because it may allow the model to extrapolate to sequence lengths longer than the ones encountered during training. 4 Why Self-Attention In this section we compare various aspects of self-attention layers to the recurrent and convolutional layers commonly used for mapping one variable-length sequence of symbol representations (x1, ..., xn) to another sequence of equal length (z1, ..., zn), with xi , zi ∈ R d , such as a hidden layer in a typical sequence transduction encoder or decoder. Motivating our use of self-attention we consider three desiderata. One is the total computational complexity per layer. Another is the amount of computation that can be parallelized, as measured by the minimum number of sequential operations required. The third is the path length between long-range dependencies in the network. Learning long-range dependencies is a key challenge in many sequence transduction tasks. One key factor affecting the ability to learn such dependencies is the length of the paths forward and backward signals have to traverse in the network. The shorter these paths between any combination of positions in the input and output sequences, the easier it is to learn long-range dependencies [12]. Hence we also compare the maximum path length between any two input and output positions in networks composed of the different layer types. As noted in Table 1, a self-attention layer connects all positions with a constant number of sequentially executed operations, whereas a recurrent layer requires O(n) sequential operations. In terms of computational complexity, self-attention layers are faster than recurrent layers when the sequence length n is smaller than the representation dimensionality d, which is most often the case with sentence representations used by state-of-the-art models in machine translations, such as word-piece [38] and byte-pair [31] representations. To improve computational performance for tasks involving very long sequences, self-attention could be restricted to considering only a neighborhood of size r in 6 the input sequence centered around the respective output position. This would increase the maximum path length to O(n/r). We plan to investigate this approach further in future work. A single convolutional layer with kernel width k < n does not connect all pairs of input and output positions. Doing so requires a stack of O(n/k) convolutional layers in the case of contiguous kernels, or O(logk(n)) in the case of dilated convolutions [18], increasing the length of the longest paths between any two positions in the network. Convolutional layers are generally more expensive than recurrent layers, by a factor of k. Separable convolutions [6], however, decrease the complexity considerably, to O(k · n · d + n · d 2 ). Even with k = n, however, the complexity of a separable convolution is equal to the combination of a self-attention layer and a point-wise feed-forward layer, the approach we take in our model. As side benefit, self-attention could yield more interpretable models. We inspect attention distributions from our models and present and discuss examples in the appendix. Not only do individual attention heads clearly learn to perform different tasks, many appear to exhibit behavior related to the syntactic and semantic structure of the sentences. 5 Training This section describes the training regime for our models. 5.1 Training Data and Batching We trained on the standard WMT 2014 English-German dataset consisting of about 4.5 million sentence pairs. Sentences were encoded using byte-pair encoding [3], which has a shared sourcetarget vocabulary of about 37000 tokens. For English-French, we used the significantly larger WMT 2014 English-French dataset consisting of 36M sentences and split tokens into a 32000 word-piece vocabulary [38]. Sentence pairs were batched together by approximate sequence length. Each training batch contained a set of sentence pairs containing approximately 25000 source tokens and 25000 target tokens. 5.2 Hardware and Schedule We trained our models on one machine with 8 NVIDIA P100 GPUs. For our base models using the hyperparameters described throughout the paper, each training step took about 0.4 seconds. We trained the base models for a total of 100,000 steps or 12 hours. For our big models,(described on the bottom line of table 3), step time was 1.0 seconds. The big models were trained for 300,000 steps (3.5 days). 5.3 Optimizer We used the Adam optimizer [20] with β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.98 and  = 10−9 . We varied the learning rate over the course of training, according to the formula: lrate = d −0.5 model · min(step_num−0.5 , step_num · warmup_steps−1.5 ) (3) This corresponds to increasing the learning rate linearly for the first warmup_steps training steps, and decreasing it thereafter proportionally to the inverse square root of the step number. We used warmup_steps = 4000. 5.4 Regularization We employ three types of regularization during training: Residual Dropout We apply dropout [33] to the output of each sub-layer, before it is added to the sub-layer input and normalized. In addition, we apply dropout to the sums of the embeddings and the positional encodings in both the encoder and decoder stacks. For the base model, we use a rate of Pdrop = 0.1. 7 Table 2: The Transformer achieves better BLEU scores than previous state-of-the-art models on the English-to-German and English-to-French newstest2014 tests at a fraction of the training cost. Model BLEU Training Cost (FLOPs) EN-DE EN-FR EN-DE EN-FR ByteNet [18] 23.75 Deep-Att + PosUnk [39] 39.2 1.0 · 1020 GNMT + RL [38] 24.6 39.92 2.3 · 1019 1.4 · 1020 ConvS2S [9] 25.16 40.46 9.6 · 1018 1.5 · 1020 MoE [32] 26.03 40.56 2.0 · 1019 1.2 · 1020 Deep-Att + PosUnk Ensemble [39] 40.4 8.0 · 1020 GNMT + RL Ensemble [38] 26.30 41.16 1.8 · 1020 1.1 · 1021 ConvS2S Ensemble [9] 26.36 41.29 7.7 · 1019 1.2 · 1021 Transformer (base model) 27.3 38.1 3.3 · 1018 Transformer (big) 28.4 41.8 2.3 · 1019 Label Smoothing During training, we employed label smoothing of value ls = 0.1 [36]. This hurts perplexity, as the model learns to be more unsure, but improves accuracy and BLEU score. 6 Results 6.1 Machine Translation On the WMT 2014 English-to-German translation task, the big transformer model (Transformer (big) in Table 2) outperforms the best previously reported models (including ensembles) by more than 2.0 BLEU, establishing a new state-of-the-art BLEU score of 28.4. The configuration of this model is listed in the bottom line of Table 3. Training took 3.5 days on 8 P100 GPUs. Even our base model surpasses all previously published models and ensembles, at a fraction of the training cost of any of the competitive models. On the WMT 2014 English-to-French translation task, our big model achieves a BLEU score of 41.0, outperforming all of the previously published single models, at less than 1/4 the training cost of the previous state-of-the-art model. The Transformer (big) model trained for English-to-French used dropout rate Pdrop = 0.1, instead of 0.3. For the base models, we used a single model obtained by averaging the last 5 checkpoints, which were written at 10-minute intervals. For the big models, we averaged the last 20 checkpoints. We used beam search with a beam size of 4 and length penalty α = 0.6 [38]. These hyperparameters were chosen after experimentation on the development set. We set the maximum output length during inference to input length + 50, but terminate early when possible [38]. Table 2 summarizes our results and compares our translation quality and training costs to other model architectures from the literature. We estimate the number of floating point operations used to train a model by multiplying the training time, the number of GPUs used, and an estimate of the sustained single-precision floating-point capacity of each GPU 5 . 6.2 Model Variations To evaluate the importance of different components of the Transformer, we varied our base model in different ways, measuring the change in performance on English-to-German translation on the development set, newstest2013. We used beam search as described in the previous section, but no checkpoint averaging. We present these results in Table 3. In Table 3 rows (A), we vary the number of attention heads and the attention key and value dimensions, keeping the amount of computation constant, as described in Section 3.2.2. While single-head attention is 0.9 BLEU worse than the best setting, quality also drops off with too many heads. 5We used values of 2.8, 3.7, 6.0 and 9.5 TFLOPS for K80, K40, M40 and P100, respectively. 8 Table 3: Variations on the Transformer architecture. Unlisted values are identical to those of the base model. All metrics are on the English-to-German translation development set, newstest2013. Listed perplexities are per-wordpiece, according to our byte-pair encoding, and should not be compared to per-word perplexities. N dmodel dff h dk dv Pdrop ls train PPL BLEU params steps (dev) (dev) ×106 base 6 512 2048 8 64 64 0.1 0.1 100K 4.92 25.8 65 (A) 1 512 512 5.29 24.9 4 128 128 5.00 25.5 16 32 32 4.91 25.8 32 16 16 5.01 25.4 (B) 16 5.16 25.1 58 32 5.01 25.4 60 (C) 2 6.11 23.7 36 4 5.19 25.3 50 8 4.88 25.5 80 256 32 32 5.75 24.5 28 1024 128 128 4.66 26.0 168 1024 5.12 25.4 53 4096 4.75 26.2 90 (D) 0.0 5.77 24.6 0.2 4.95 25.5 0.0 4.67 25.3 0.2 5.47 25.7 (E) positional embedding instead of sinusoids 4.92 25.7 big 6 1024 4096 16 0.3 300K 4.33 26.4 213 Table 4: The Transformer generalizes well to English constituency parsing (Results are on Section 23 of WSJ) Parser Training WSJ 23 F1 Vinyals & Kaiser el al. (2014) [37] WSJ only, discriminative 88.3 Petrov et al. (2006) [29] WSJ only, discriminative 90.4 Zhu et al. (2013) [40] WSJ only, discriminative 90.4 Dyer et al. (2016) [8] WSJ only, discriminative 91.7 Transformer (4 layers) WSJ only, discriminative 91.3 Zhu et al. (2013) [40] semi-supervised 91.3 Huang & Harper (2009) [14] semi-supervised 91.3 McClosky et al. (2006) [26] semi-supervised 92.1 Vinyals & Kaiser el al. (2014) [37] semi-supervised 92.1 Transformer (4 layers) semi-supervised 92.7 Luong et al. (2015) [23] multi-task 93.0 Dyer et al. (2016) [8] generative 93.3 In Table 3 rows (B), we observe that reducing the attention key size dk hurts model quality. This suggests that determining compatibility is not easy and that a more sophisticated compatibility function than dot product may be beneficial. We further observe in rows (C) and (D) that, as expected, bigger models are better, and dropout is very helpful in avoiding over-fitting. In row (E) we replace our sinusoidal positional encoding with learned positional embeddings [9], and observe nearly identical results to the base model. 6.3 English Constituency Parsing To evaluate if the Transformer can generalize to other tasks we performed experiments on English constituency parsing. This task presents specific challenges: the output is subject to strong structural 9 constraints and is significantly longer than the input. Furthermore, RNN sequence-to-sequence models have not been able to attain state-of-the-art results in small-data regimes [37]. We trained a 4-layer transformer with dmodel = 1024 on the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) portion of the Penn Treebank [25], about 40K training sentences. We also trained it in a semi-supervised setting, using the larger high-confidence and BerkleyParser corpora from with approximately 17M sentences [37]. We used a vocabulary of 16K tokens for the WSJ only setting and a vocabulary of 32K tokens for the semi-supervised setting. We performed only a small number of experiments to select the dropout, both attention and residual (section 5.4), learning rates and beam size on the Section 22 development set, all other parameters remained unchanged from the English-to-German base translation model. During inference, we increased the maximum output length to input length + 300. We used a beam size of 21 and α = 0.3 for both WSJ only and the semi-supervised setting. Our results in Table 4 show that despite the lack of task-specific tuning our model performs surprisingly well, yielding better results than all previously reported models with the exception of the Recurrent Neural Network Grammar [8]. In contrast to RNN sequence-to-sequence models [37], the Transformer outperforms the BerkeleyParser [29] even when training only on the WSJ training set of 40K sentences. 7 Conclusion In this work, we presented the Transformer, the first sequence transduction model based entirely on attention, replacing the recurrent layers most commonly used in encoder-decoder architectures with multi-headed self-attention. For translation tasks, the Transformer can be trained significantly faster than architectures based on recurrent or convolutional layers. On both WMT 2014 English-to-German and WMT 2014 English-to-French translation tasks, we achieve a new state of the art. In the former task our best model outperforms even all previously reported ensembles. We are excited about the future of attention-based models and plan to apply them to other tasks. We plan to extend the Transformer to problems involving input and output modalities other than text and to investigate local, restricted attention mechanisms to efficiently handle large inputs and outputs such as images, audio and video. Making generation less sequential is another research goals of ours. The code we used to train and evaluate our models is available at tensorflow/tensor2tensor. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Nal Kalchbrenner and Stephan Gouws for their fruitful comments, corrections and inspiration. Evaluating Large Language Models Trained on Code Mark Chen * 1 Jerry Tworek * 1 Heewoo Jun * 1 Qiming Yuan * 1 Henrique Ponde de Oliveira Pinto * 1 Jared Kaplan * 2 Harri Edwards 1 Yuri Burda 1 Nicholas Joseph 2 Greg Brockman 1 Alex Ray 1 Raul Puri 1 Gretchen Krueger 1 Michael Petrov 1 Heidy Khlaaf 3 Girish Sastry 1 Pamela Mishkin 1 Brooke Chan 1 Scott Gray 1 Nick Ryder 1 Mikhail Pavlov 1 Alethea Power 1 Lukasz Kaiser 1 Mohammad Bavarian 1 Clemens Winter 1 Philippe Tillet 1 Felipe Petroski Such 1 Dave Cummings 1 Matthias Plappert 1 Fotios Chantzis 1 Elizabeth Barnes 1 Ariel Herbert-Voss 1 William Hebgen Guss 1 Alex Nichol 1 Alex Paino 1 Nikolas Tezak 1 Jie Tang 1 Igor Babuschkin 1 Suchir Balaji 1 Shantanu Jain 1 William Saunders 1 Christopher Hesse 1 Andrew N. Carr 1 Jan Leike 1 Josh Achiam 1 Vedant Misra 1 Evan Morikawa 1 Alec Radford 1 Matthew Knight 1 Miles Brundage 1 Mira Murati 1 Katie Mayer 1 Peter Welinder 1 Bob McGrew 1 Dario Amodei 2 Sam McCandlish 2 Ilya Sutskever 1 Wojciech Zaremba 1 Abstract We introduce Codex, a GPT language model finetuned on publicly available code from GitHub, and study its Python code-writing capabilities. A distinct production version of Codex powers GitHub Copilot. On HumanEval, a new evaluation set we release to measure functional correctness for synthesizing programs from docstrings, our model solves 28.8% of the problems, while GPT-3 solves 0% and GPT-J solves 11.4%. Furthermore, we find that repeated sampling from the model is a surprisingly effective strategy for producing working solutions to difficult prompts. Using this method, we solve 70.2% of our problems with 100 samples per problem. Careful investigation of our model reveals its limitations, including difficulty with docstrings describing long chains of operations and with binding operations to variables. Finally, we discuss the potential broader impacts of deploying powerful code generation technologies, covering safety, security, and economics. *Equal contribution 1OpenAI, San Francisco, California, USA. 2Anthropic AI, San Francisco, California, USA. Work performed while at OpenAI. 3Zipline, South San Francisco, California, USA. Work performed while at OpenAI. Correspondence to: Mark Chen , Jerry Tworek , Heewoo Jun , Qiming Yuan . 1. Introduction Scalable sequence prediction models (Graves, 2014; Vaswani et al., 2017; Child et al., 2019) have become a general-purpose method for generation and representation learning in many domains, including natural language processing (Mikolov et al., 2013; Sutskever et al., 2014; Dai & Le, 2015; Peters et al., 2018; Radford et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2018), computer vision (Van Oord et al., 2016; Menick & Kalchbrenner, 2018; Chen et al., 2020; Bao et al., 2021), audio and speech processing (Oord et al., 2016; 2018; Dhariwal et al., 2020; Baevski et al., 2020), biology (Alley et al., 2019; Rives et al., 2021), and even across multiple modalities (Das et al., 2017; Lu et al., 2019; Ramesh et al., 2021; Zellers et al., 2021). More recently, language models have also fueled progress towards the longstanding challenge of program synthesis (Simon, 1963; Manna & Waldinger, 1971), spurred by the presence of code in large datasets (Husain et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2020) and the resulting programming capabilities of language models trained on these datasets (Wang & Komatsuzaki, 2021). Popular language modeling objectives like masked language modeling (Devlin et al., 2018) and span prediction (Raffel et al., 2020) have also been adapted to train their programming counterparts CodeBERT (Feng et al., 2020) and PyMT5 (Clement et al., 2020). Similarly, our early investigation of GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020) revealed that it could generate simple programs from Python docstrings. While rudimentary, this capability was exciting because GPT-3 was not explicitly trained for code generation. Given the considerable success of large language models in other modalities and the abundance of publicly available code, we hypothesized that a specialized GPT model, called Codex, could excel at a variety of coding tasks. This paper describes several early Codex models, whose descendants power GitHub Copilot and the Codex models in the OpenAI API. arXiv:2107.03374v2 [cs.LG] 14 Jul 2021 Evaluating Large Language Models Trained on Code Figure 1. Pass rates of our models on the HumanEval dataset as a function of model size. When a single sample is generated for each problem, GPT-12B solves no problems, but Codex (fine-tuned on code) solves 28.8% of the problems, and Codex-S (further fine-tuned on correctly implemented standalone functions) solves 37.7% of the problems. From here, further gains can be realized by generating 100 samples per problem and selecting the sample with the highest mean log-probability (44.5% solved) or by selecting the sample that passes the unit tests (77.5% solved). All samples are generated with temperature 0.8. In this work, we focus on the task of generating standalone Python functions from docstrings, and evaluate the correctness of code samples automatically through unit tests. This is in contrast to natural language generation, where samples are typically evaluated by heuristics or by human evaluators. To accurately benchmark our model, we create a dataset of 164 original programming problems with unit tests. These problems assess language comprehension, algorithms, and simple mathematics, with some comparable to simple software interview questions. We release this data along with an evaluation framework at To solve a problem in our test set, we generate multiple samples from the models, and check if any of them pass the unit tests. With just a single sample, a 12B parameter Codex solves 28.8% of these problems, and a 300M parameter Codex solves 13.2% of these problems. In contrast, the 6B parameter GPT-J (Wang & Komatsuzaki, 2021) achieves 11.4% on the same dataset, while all GPT models achieve near 0%. To improve our model’s performance at the task of function synthesis from docstrings, we fine-tune Codex on standalone, correctly implemented functions. The resulting model, Codex-S, solves 37.7% of problems with a single sample. Figure 2 showcases problems of varying difficulty in our dataset, along with correct model generated solutions. Real-world programming tasks often involve iterations of approaches and bug fixes, which is approximated by generating many samples from our models and selecting one that passes all unit tests. Within 100 samples, Codex-S is able to generate at least one correct function for 77.5% of the problems. This result suggests that accurate code samples can be selected via heuristic ranking instead of fully evaluating each sample, the latter of which may not be possible or practical in deployment. Indeed, we find that the sample with highest mean log-probability passes unit tests for 44.5% of the problems. We conclude by discussing the limitations and potential broader impacts of these Codex models and of increasingly powerful code generating models more generally. 2. Evaluation Framework In this section, we discuss the details of our evaluation framework. We begin by defining the pass@k metric, and explain its advantages over standard match-based metrics. Next, we describe the dataset of hand-written problems, called “HumanEval,” which we created in order to benchmark our models. Finally, we discuss the sandbox environment we used to safely execute model-generated code. 2.1. Functional Correctness Generative models for code are predominantly benchmarked by matching samples against a reference solution, where the match can be exact or fuzzy (as in BLEU score). However, recent work has surfaced deficiencies in match-based metrics for code. For instance, Ren et al. (2020) finds that BLEU has problems capturing semantic features specific to code, and suggests several semantic modifications to the score. More fundamentally, match-based metrics are unable to account for the large and complex space of programs functionally equivalent to a reference solution. As a consequence, recent works in unsupervised code translation (Lachaux et al., 2020) and pseudocode-to-code translation (Kulal et al., 2019) have turned to functional correctness instead, where a sample is considered correct if it passes a set of unit tests. We argue that this metric should be applied to docstringconditional code generation as well. Perhaps the most convincing reason to evaluate functional correctness is that it is used by human developers to judge code. A framework known as test-driven development dictates that software requirements be converted into test cases before any implementation begins, and success is defined by a program that passes these tests. While few organizations employ full test-driven development, integration of new code is usually dependent on creating and passing unit tests. Kulal et al. (2019) evaluate functional correctness using the pass@k metric, where k code samples are generated per problem, a problem is considered solved if any sample Evaluating Large Language Models Trained on Code Figure 2. Three example problems from the HumanEval dataset, where the probabilities that a single sample from Codex-12B passes unit tests are 0.9, 0.17, and 0.005. The prompt provided to the model is shown with a white background, and a successful model-generated completion is shown in a yellow background. Though not a guarantee for problem novelty, all problems were hand-written and not programmatically copied from existing sources. Random problems and samples can be found in Appendix B. passes the unit tests, and the total fraction of problems solved is reported. However, computing pass@k in this way can have high variance. Instead, to evaluate pass@k, we generate n ≥ k samples per task (in this paper, we use n = 200 and k ≤ 100), count the number of correct samples c ≤ n which pass unit tests, and calculate the unbiased estimator Oh, look who's finally waking up You look pale, but that's to be expected I did pump you fall of all sorts drugs after all I can't imagine you'll be very coherent for a while yet What was that? Speak up Cutie I can barely hear you through those little squeak Where are you? Here at my home more accurately in my basement and this little cage I set up for you It's not the best setup up, that I'm still working on a more permanent location for you upstairs So sorry, but you'll have to put up with this cold damper for a while longer How are you feeling? Aside from now obvious? Leah, possible nausea, and headache Alright Of course, you're feeling sick I'll get you some medicine for that later So long as you behave You don't remember what happened, do you? Can tell by the confused look on your face He came into the cafe at work yet I made Latte You were mop around Said you didn't have a date for Valentine's day No girlfriend No one close enough to even think about asking out I did my best to cheer you up Put on my best cute for you and everything Damn Nothing I did worked You were just miserable You said you would done anything to get a Valentine so I helped you out I've been a little something in your drink and your food Oh, and that plate I accidentally broke and had you helped me cleanup was also covered in a drug Wax wonders when it gets into your bloodstream From that little cut you got? At first, I was a bit concerned I used too much But I couldn't ask it not working out If you had woken up too early, not gotten to till knocked out I would been in a big trouble After everything started to sudden in, you wanted to go get some fresh air, so I helped you out that's about when you collapsed and from there on, I took you home From now on, you'll always have a valentine Me, of course, I expect you to behave Only good little pets get treated like an actual romantic partner The level of behavior you add to out We'll decide how you get treated So if you spit at me, yell and act like a little brat You get treated like a bad dog You'll get whipped Locked up in cage is barely big enough where you to move in And get fed dog food If you're good, except my affection, return the faction I give and are loyal you get your favorite foods, date nights, cuddles, kisses, and anything else you could possibly want If you try to run away, I'll cut up those pretty little angles of yours, so you can't even stand If you keep that up, I'll start removing limbs After all, you don't need legs or arms one I'm here to take care of you Stop crying You asked for this You are the one who said you would do anything For a valentine You wanted it one so badly that you ignored the girl in front of you trying to cheer you up Had you not ignored my attempts? This might have gone over easier We could have started with a normal date Gong the typical motions of a budding romance, but you made me skip all those steps I never even got to ask you if you liked rough treatment But that's what you're gonna get anyway now Why you specifically? I don't have an exact answer Other the fact that you caught my interest This escalated so fast and so far, because you ignored me So you can say this is all your fault Stop crying you're making me mad You don't want me to cut those pretty little eyes Out now do you? It'd be a shame And there's such a pretty color And I know they tell the moment they're taken out I'd don't rather keep looking at them well they can show all sorts of different emotion How about we play Get your mind off of what's making you cry No Too bad, we're going to play a game whether you want to or not What play those the question? I didn't seek How fun And let me just you and let you out as a cage and then we can Did you think I'm not stupid? You just think you're such a clever little thing don't you What? Shocked that I realized what you were trying to do? Oh, let's play hide seek I'll count, you gotta hide More accurately, you go try to find a way out of here or find a phone call the police Nice dry, though, but you're going to have to be a little smarter than that I didn't think you were stupid enough to think I'd fall for something like that How about leave like hang man instead I have just what we need to play Me hang this rope from the bars on the ceiling and tie it around your throat Oh no We're not playing typical hanging man You have to be punished for trying to be sneaky I'll write down a word on this piece paper And do you have to guess what it is by calling out letters? You got six chances which I think is generous Each letter you guessed wrong, mean I pull you up further with a stroke And then you'll be off the ground If you get to a point where you can't talk anymore to list out new letters, just write them in the air and I'll read it that way Oh, i i assure you I can lift you up I'm stronger than I look Especially if I use leverage to do so And because I'm reading the work down beforehand, that will prove to you I'm not eating Now the word is written down, I'm going to put it under my foot Has nine letters and you have six to guess it What happens if you don't guess it? Well, I suppose I'll just have to leave you hanging up There for sixty seconds I'm sure you can hold your breath that long No Start guessing B nope S Wrong a, Good That's the second letter G? U E He yes That's the fourth and last letter You've got one dry left I wanna try gas the whole word now Look at you You got it right The word was that one time No no I won't be putting you down just yet You go up for thirty seconds I know or said you wouldn't hang If you got it right So up you go, hold your breath pet, stop brushing around It might break your neck lot Just try to hold still It'll be over soon And there you go Now, do you think you'll do something that's stupid again? No Good Your throw is probably going to get all bruised up Luckily, I have something that can hide it Look, It's a cute little color It's even like name on it Now, hold still while I put it on there It's horrible I know Let's see you Where did I get it? You've actually been asleep for thirty days So I have plenty of time to go order a collar from the pet store and have your name added to it What I didn't have time to do was set up your space upstairs I'm still working on a secure spot Yes, I have this cage shown here before you came Let's just say my family didn't have most normal profession I don't wanna get into it Since you've already been punished, i'm when to ago start preparing for our date? Yes date You were set because you didn't have a valentine's state So I'm obviously giving you one Just write down here while I get some things And prepare path for you I'm not going to dress you up covered and sweat dirt like that I spend good money on your clothes No, be patient You probably still need to catch your breath Pulling on that chain? Do you no good No Take off your clothes I'm going to wash you off Don't trust you to take you to the bathroom or let you bathe yourself You can either strip or i'll wash you down with the hose That's a good pet I brought a bucket of water and some soap It's going to be cold, so you're gonna have to deal with it Hold still There I'll clean Here Let me draw you off Can't put any clothes on you while you're all wet Now put this on I'm going back upstairs to get the actual date items You clean up well Here, Brought handles, a cd, filet mignon, and I'll go get the chocolate love cake and strawberry later I also brought us some champagne If you don't want the alcohol, there's also some water Why are you looking at it like that? It's not drugged I have no reason to drag you again Gill already in my possession Want more reason would I have to put something in your food and drinks? I'm not going to kill you or saw on the black market Your my property Here, I'll take a bite from both plates and a sip from love glasses See, totally fine No eat before it gets cold It's good Isn't it? I work in the cafe kitchen as well So I have experience cooking I thought you never got food this good before you came here Isn't this nice Just the two of us and enjoying a candle lip dinner So private and romantic No waiters stood disturb Just the sound of soft me a sick background and our own voices You know, I have to worry about a check The date going sour And it's just the perfect valentine's day, which is exactly what you want You're crying again Why? You didn't want it to happen this way? You're taking all I've done for you for granted Do you know how much work I put into the state? And you're saying it's not good enough That you would have rather had to deal with all the stress and bs of a normal date Which I might add, you wouldn't have gotten without me No one would have taken you on a date Or agreed to go out with you I'm the only one who has ever shown interest in you And you're not even grateful If you think this is such a nightmare, then I can make this a million times worse You're sorry It's a little late for that Don't you think I'm going to forgive you this time in this time only Don't think begging will work for you Any time past this I'm going to go get the desserts I expect you to be sitting there like a proper pet Happily waiting for me to return As if you actually love me, If you don't, my forgiveness there There, you listened No Here scissors dessert Start with a cake It's best white hot so the chocolate runs out Good right Your eyes are shining right now You must really like sweet things I'll remember that No thinking back you did ordered strawberry chocolate milkshake with extra whipped cream That's ga So I shouldn't known from that The love love of omelette rice may not have been sweet, but you also ordered that for meal You like that sore food, I can make that when you're behaving as well Done? Then it's time to this strawberries No I'm not handing the plate to you Lean forward in say And embarrassing are not This is what lovers typically do on Valentine's day So don't be stubborn and let me feed you And there you go Have another one Are you fall already Make sure the dishes were small enough see you could eat everything But I guess you installed it eat a decent amount I now that you finished dinner in sir Let me show you my love on a deeper levelI would to apologize for coming in so suddenly However, I am allowed to do as I the question Remember So there is no need for me to apologize I simply wish should come in I would like to speak with you If that's all alright But You must promise no one else will know After all, some Might find it Unfair I am giving you such exclusive attention You understand don't you? Say yes Wonderful So even if others were to find up Think you're not allowed to question my actions So there are not be much of a problem No then Back to business You fairly new to our group But can already tell you're putting in so much effort Emotionally, and physically, You're exceptional You've done quite a lot already And you're always always trying your best I admire that I appreciate that You see whenever you have a group like this, It's important that every single person puts in their all In case anyone is lacking That one's putting in most of their work We'll make up for it Then you are now lacking Oh, you are fairly new You already managed to make me happy You show me your love You shown me your dedication I appreciate that Thank you I am glad to have you with So I must be honest with you The reason I entered Here Is more than just two praise I would have pre seen nonetheless And private around of private After all, the group pride itself on love Love comes before all else It's very important And I want you to feel loved Everyone here loves you Including myself Now as I stated, that's not why i'm here I am Far aware That it is never easy to open up about the things that you've been through Every single person here has been hurt Where is witness something terrible? And then includes you We all come here seeking love validation and feeling of together I am able to provide that With my power, my god I am able to give you all the love together that you desire I can feel your void But despite the love that I am giving You might be under the impression I have never gone through pain I can tell you what I've experienced And they will I imagine it will be easier for you to tell us if I am able to tell you Now why should I start? When I was a child Hi Did originally have a loving family? I had a mother Of father there I you've had a sister Humans can be so cruel Why was it school day? My mother father were home I'm sorry It's never easy talking about such things, but I am doing my best I wish to share with you my experience, so you feel more sharing yours I want you to understand Everyone has hard times, and it's okay to have hard times How that school? Or robert had managed to break into the house At the time, They were just arriving Robert was on expecting to be confronted I suppose out of fear He washed out and Well, You can guess what happened to my family? I didn't get picked up from school that day I remember sitting by the parking lot Waiting, waiting Eventually, I went to the principal office And they waited in there too Only towards my time This school got a phone call what have happened? I didn't really have any other family members? So I was sent to an north orphanage It was extremely painful Living like that Knowing my family, but I love so much had perished And now, Those was surrounded by others who were given up or lost the ones that they left Who was miserable None of us were happy And one day, I was adopted I've spent years seeing families come in and out Other children calmly But no one never wanted me Except for one person He was an older gentleman His hair was great I remember He had bags under his eyes He seems stressed He was alone But for some reason, he wanted a child of his own That was about thirteen at the time So i wasn't young enough to exactly shape and raise But i was starting to mature I'm not sure do you understand where this story is going He was a non kind man I'm not sure what he wanted me But it wasn't for He was so cool One day I acted out I did not enjoy the way he treated me any longer I did not feel I deserve if such Cruel punishments for such simple actions I was a child What his mine made him think I deserve the things he put me through After that, I did the best I could to cover things up But the child is not capable of much So I ran away I struggles for most my life Living in poverty Doing my best to care for myself Actually, I'd come across others Others who were just like me Trying to escape whatever cool reality was trapping them Well, i took them under my wing Even was I called older I wanted to take care of everyone I wanted to Make them feel needed And as I got older They realized something There is not a single thing in this world more important than love And you know what? I love you I love you more than he ever now I love you more than you can even have I give up so much to make sure you fell happy and loved Well why because unless you feel loved, you feel nothing for pain for your entire life I know this for fact The amount of times I've watched someone go after deep Because they were not able to receive an ounce love from anyone That's the most painful thing He could go through years of suffering years of torture But he would all be worth it for love Some people will never get to experience that love But that is why I established this group to make sure every single person again come across and fill out Including I want to be honest with you? I never wanted to give someone love More that I wanted to give you what Is that sound strange? You're hurting I can see that you're hurting I've watched you for so long I've see in your pain your eyes I've heard the pain in your voice I know here was That I know Despite that You do your best When me push strong I admire that You're hurting You're hurting so much? Have you ever felt well? Do know what it means to be left?? Do you know what it means? I love another person Get poor Poor thing Don't worry I'm going to love you More than I've ever loved anything else I'm going to love you course than anyone else I will show you something But know a single other person can show you I want to give you everything I never want you to leave my side You deserve to be loved You deserve to be cared for and I will care for you I do Oh I can To give you that one I am going to make a request That you are not allowed to have you So I suppose it's more of a demand I want you to join me as my second hand I want she to be by my side I want you to stand up by the bed with me I want you to follow me every everywhere I go I never want you to leave me You will be my second hand forever Okay When i about their teaching and preaching I'm telling everyone how much I love that I want she to be there with me? You will help me spread my word My word of? And meanwhile, you can look at every else so I can give I don't let you to hurt anymore I want you to understand the true meaning I love of an affection I would you understand? When it needs to be needed What it means to be wanted But I make one for me One that is even breaking my own rules Zoe preach Loving everyone including yourself Loving those around you I want you to only love me That way If anyone wanted to stop loving you? You could avoid the pain So all be love me Shut off your heart Everyone and everything around you B my forever, I can give you everything you ever wanted I could get you everything You've ever needed We could change our slow world together We can preach together the most importantly, We can love each t, protect each other from pain What I want to cry I cry to you When you are in pain, I will help you with the pain Do you accept an me my declaration of? I know you will say yes You would dare to know your goddess Now want you If I asked you to kiss my Would you do so? Of course, you let You love me And you want to make me happy Why wouldn't it you give me everything I wanted? But I will not ask you to do such things I will not ask you to follow such your away Why want to make you happy I only want to do What's best for you? You understand that? Don't you Loving you Is everything i want I yeah here everything to me I would Go against my codes I someone for But that will not be necessary I know you all listen to me I know you will follow me You are fine I am yours And I can never dislike you I did never hate you for your actions And people from the outside They will question They will ask you while you're listening to me But don't talk to these people They are brain By society Their brain wants to think that they must live a certain way Their brain think their love does not come before all else They are all There nothing And I be nothing More important than love Nothing comes before love Except for me You will never question my authority And it's okay for me to do these things And it's okay for you to to me Why? Because I know Well that is true I know the wait to live life to what's fullest I know how to reach true peaks spiritually So never worry Everyone else wants to harm you But all I wanna do is look you My group My ideas My word Is more true than anything else The spiritual evolution is coming And he won't be a part of it But if you do not listen to me, you will not be a part of the upcoming And if you leave us, you'll be turning your back on me The only person Who's ever wanted to love you? The person who's ever wanted to give you anything He would leave me Would you? Of course, not You'd be lost without me And I know you don't want that I know You need me? Just as much as I need here You've been on my mind So much I can hardly think of anything else When I'm standing up on the podium, watching over everyone I always find my eyes connecting with yours I love where you a accompanied It makes me happy Getting to know You look at me the same love an admiration That I look at you with You were sent me You want me You need me And most importantly, you would do anything for me Right? There's not a single thing you wanna do I you you Correct And If you were to deny me my request, I would be very very hurt You don't when hurt me do you Of course You want me to love you And you wanna make me happy So why don't you let me show you some? Relax, my dear Let me appreciate you Let me send you good vibes The feeling of well separation Good Guest relax I'm let me do my work Goodbye Can fill spirit pulling clear you Feel the of my oil in your veins Let my words reach you There you go And just remember Me I love you Feel my fingers and your soul And toy with your very and relax Cholesterol Love you so Hey Long time No see Oh god I missed you Can I get a hug? Hey That shampoo you're using actually smells pretty good Change the pace So I I know that it's a little bit related, but I have some gifts for you in the car if you wanna help me bring them in Thanks So it's this bag and that one Okay So what's the plan for today? Movies, board games, maybe some video games if you're down to get your butt What If news, why does it seem like it's not good news? You have a look on your face Go What? I I'm sorry I I don't understand Are you sure? No I mean, your parents They they always bring this up this time of year they talk about how property taxes are too high, and wouldn't it be nice to live somewhere else, they they always look at house this time of year and they never go It's it's like a yearly thing Why? And you can't be sure They they did what So you're really moving Like Okay Alright That's okay Where are you moving to? What do you mean there's the thing What do you mean? No You're you're joking That many states away It It's not like it just down the street I think That's like across the country No why Oh my god No I I I don't I don't understand I don't understand why didn't you tell me this before How long have you known? If you didn't tell me? I I get that you wanted to to tell me this person, but I if I had known, I would have been here When are you moving? Next month? You're joking No I Everybody says that, oh, still see each other Everybody says that look at me How long has it been since I've last seen you And you're like, two cities away We can barely make it work now Do you think Do you think Rick ever can i each other again? And I'm ever gonna see you if you move that for Don't make a promise you can't keep I swear I'll make you swallow the thousand needles don't Don't even pinky promise what you can't keep You know that you're just as uncertain about this as I have I'm just not afraid to admit it I don't want you to go I I feel we don't Why do you have to go just because your family's going? You can move in with me Why not? Because they need you I need you too What about me? You're like you're all that I have Your big only friend You can't just leave me like this You can't just leave with this word of noise just leaving me behind I can't I can't do this I need you I need you to Not just them Please please Please look at me Look at me Don't go Please don't go Just think about staying here with me No I know what be good for you I know And I know it's completely selfish me for calling you to stay, but I need you to stay You're literally the only good thing in my life right now you can't just You can't just pack up and leave me You can just leave when I care about you You can't just leave when you made me care about you I've You just get everyone else way if you do that You're like everyone else Please don't go Is that your final answer that you have to? This is the choice you're making It was a wrong choice No I'm sorry I I can't let you leave me You can't leave me I won't let you I'm your best friend And I know what's best for you You're gonna go somewhere where you know no one No one's gonna have her back Who's gonna protect you? Not your family They don't know have the stuff that goes on in your life I know everything I know everything about you And I love every piece of you and you can't leave me when I What I love you? You don't get to do that to me I won't let you I'm not letting you leave How make it do that Alright Yeah Point You a point I guess, physically, at a glance, you would think that it's impossible for me to make you stay That's a mistake Don't stretch me I you're my friend And i love you But I'm not afraid to hurt you You don't want me to come in You don't wanna hang out with your best friend The best friend that you're leaving, you are choosing to leave That's fine No That's okay I'll tell you what I'm gonna be back later And then I'm gonna take you and and you're not gonna have a choice on it You won't let me And then I'll just do it now How you're bigger than me? Oh, that's cute Well, that's really cute Hold on one second Do you recognize what this is? Yeah It's that that that that I used to cosplay harley quinn with you at that convention It's cute Right? It's also functional God You made me do this Are you parents looking? No And your neighbors aren't out? Looks like you're mine All I have to do is give you in the back seat of my car and drive you back to my house and everything gonna be fine I'm not letting you leah You're couple leaving me Not ever hey Hey For me Talk Jesus Where you have an military What and hard day to slow down and enjoy the view Let's pull that passion life anyway You wanna take your time and enjoy that pretty loud and Hey What else? Train is dangerous of that speed What's your stuff Finally caught up with you Think it would take him almost volume your dad for me to catch with you Can always doing time This slow time a little Hey You listening to me Cute human Hi what company? Nail up you on the mount And Bow your carrying, looks really Let me help you gary Come Come Don't worry about it This bag is nothing for me And then I'm carrying it You no Stay I bet I see that one gummy No My human bend Let's look get it? I think I Where we want There's nothing up this mountain and you know One nine just out Please tell me to going to me on a boat Yes there raft stuff With any what? Curious indeed Yeah Just go to the top of the matter But why I What's like? Let me walk now And then go back down where you came from I thomas I can understand the walking part Wondering knowing nature But retaining I don't link to stay in one time You know Moving forward Just kind the prison i So i can't imagine link to walk forward it Only to retrace you steps the next day Pose that means you have the home to return to Wow Go and play Humans coop up in their little boxes Very Bud blast harmony like medium too House? I suppose it would be alright to stay there for a few days but After that For y You too And that's why to me I I think I'm starting to understand Maybe, we are more common than i don't But there still one moment going to be solved I some rude to me when I first met you I'm sure you hear me Hey, Hey, human Cute human I just But he's still enough I have cracked through you Love exterior So what's your in peel? You heard room roommate? Is heart? You Let me to devour helpless travelers Look on your face Two really think I would need a human I my Shirt claws and She teeth and wings like k way but Really I use these on small manuals Like you know my son Here goes shaped, You know, not humans If that's what be for me, but i suppose your termination make sense Still you give out quickly Did you think I was too friendly in need too? Yeah Maybe Make great conversation I intend to attacked bird's instead You know this stand bird green? Not the most humiliating stimulating conversations But you you are stimulating? So Twenty Wouldn't be? Yay Hi Signing My human bend So red You're climbing up this spot? And when you get to the top, you're going to sleep in then the next day, you're going to climb my down and go Did I get all that right? James taylor live with anyone? So that's how it is Hey Can I go back your lunch Don't I know what I'm left What? Friends not is it gonna know in their house? Yeah But more like You just read it Want to You're going have to explain things to me a little better I'm kind bent, you know well, I it's still my bones are really light but my head What you say that human customs are missing mistake Pearl brain and you know and you're nervous Why would you mean stop thinking me Don't tell me You believe the nip that herpes skin can complain their bladder I love you on your carpet promise All misconceptions A little you won't How sum? I want even call furniture And like mobile my Samantha What? Feeling You just didn't like? You just think I'm cute And And you'd scream Start Everyone It's no reason to make you nervous Coincidence You thank you too And I'm gonna nervous all Hey take Hey I'm going on Really Why on the just catch that or Well Yeah I could Humans usually have tasty songs Let me put it this way When do you rather eat a raw rat? Or some snacks? Just because i have bourbon Doesn't mean I have burnt Right hand too Meat and salad it Let's gonna hey What's this Can dry like leather Do you really eat this? Dry Delicious Did you find this? Neat This thursday ever Do you have any anymore? Who was it? Really? Does that Really? I can come home with you You, few feel I knew checking yourself was a good idea P Hey why getting close to the top now me Just above questions too I guess you plant tiny up Sunset I think one Close second And then can fill pretend Yeah Tomorrow Go Isn't that peak of the mouth We hit people Iron feet tired My arm I used are walking so much In the morning for you, I would have fun my way you I didn't want to be only on the ground Yeah Let's You got some blankets here? I'm just you another on the Wouldn't really mind If think it might be more comfortable Since So i'll just deal feel You glad out It Thank you It's not the first time you claim there's not Why that? Let me stun accomplishments Good how many times you've done it Look at this way Yeah Painter just peeps They worked really hard That's my god Get update paint hundreds of mustard So don't be Yourself Give it with the little things Clean your Accomplishment Did it Get the accomplishment I need to got new Try food Talk to I talk this with a funny looking unit Yeah You're funny looking Let me just get your arms Oh on here Tail Those, I guess And your hands Curious I don't i really have yet Keep just tell that And think i'm have difficulty invite I think the wings were the they go for the inconvenience Why this pretty useful Poor yes inside Greens friend Can I see your hand? It's can't You never letting me Opportunity you to agree this disease today Covid demon That's not the same Whatever Just give your hand Yes You I want to hold on hand little Oil research purposes Mh You don't mind my talents I'll try not to dig them into your skin And this sky But I guess, you don't get to see the ones I like this too often Maybe i think it's for content Being to fly up and see it whenever I worked Oil land dwell like you My really special Let's really together Oh thankful We deal And Yes, especially for jerky Yeah another blanket in here Right? Blanket blank blanket Blank There you want Just what Can't afternoon cold I'm just kidding Get on here The one things humans haven't Blankets gets are Pretty nice I mean Get me mom I am doing this I really know damn One and Nice not to keep out with sticks Blanket silence But i may have my sister I'm not sure I think only need samples one before my In your home Yes I'm still thinking about that I wanna see which you mask like The blankets gets You pumped with you this complete Your homeless gave You're look worried about me coming back with you I Gun little brain My problems Just one let here jack Again You lend well managing What do you need that or let's just leave blank this under the stars You're aware of bears Ariel You the worry one here Outside feeling And beer yourself Never goes any problems Predator You know Yeah And a mile Don't dare you Don't think it's become highest number Yeah I don't drink Yeah And dreams can be challenging You may freshest Cleanest But Maneuvering blood alright Q front Sleep Okay Okay Thank you much Not blankets like terrible never Thank Time Thank you So I really I hope that i don't get any listening to Don't be doing well Great in there Don't not what you have Hope Okay Welcome home Darling I'm so glad to see you Did you miss me like I missed you?? I prepared some supper and also drew you bath because I know you need some comfort after a long ar trip So would you like dinner first? That? Or maybe me Babe is something the matter What is this you ask?? You mean our house No I'm sorry I still don't know what you mean Oh, you mean this Oh yeah This is a dream of course Yes You wouldn't see me otherwise But hey, it's just you and me We're married That's an important detail, and we live in this nice house Hey, wait Where are you going? Why? Is there something wrong? Oh, I get it Oh I get it You're worried because you think this is all i'm just going to turn into a nightmare Like all your other chains about me, You know, like the ones where you're standing over my cold bloody corpse in the forest But don't worry That's not going to happen this time Well I'm sure because well I'm I'm sure Plus I know you want to have a good drink for once Your life is such a hell in the waking world Why not have a good time this subconscious world with me? You don't want have a good time with me You don't mean that you miss me Oh do i know I know because i'm you remember Well I'm knew because this is your dream Right? So I know everything you know I also feel everything you feel I feel how really depressed you are Yes, really So why don't let me be your loving wife for a bit at least in your dreams, that's the spirit How out you go back and knock on the door and let's pretend You just came home from work or something Okay? Yeah Just like that Welcome home dear I'm so happy that you finally come home Please come here and give me a big hug That's it I love you You needed that hug didn't you Well, I really needed that too No idea Anyway, let me pop you that question again Would you like dinner for or bath or me Oh, you just like to sit on the couch together first Sure I don't mind It's your dream I'm just as happy to be near you Hey You mind if I make a request though? If we're gonna sit on the couch, we're gonna cuddle right So you wouldn't mind if I sat on your lap, would you? Yay Thank you Thank you It's nice With your arms wrapped randomly me Well, yeah It's a dream, but it's still nice I mean, nice you want to do this now You definitely didn't want to before You're referencing to when I experimented on you a bunch and almost murdered you with them with you I can see why you didn't want to cuddle then I'm I'm really sorry about that I was in a bad mental state Oh, hearing apology, hearing in apology from a segment of your imagination Isn't really meaningful? That's still what you meant though right That you would want to hear it from the real valerie lips, saying that she is sorry and that she feels a lot of pain for what she did to you Well, she can't do that now Can she She is dead I know that her death left you scars Pretty bad Erica, she she noticed, but you refer to refused to ever tell her why And you never told her what happened between you and me that day That rainy day And that's why she left you And now you live in misery by yourself and a run rundown apartment you refuse to see anyone You don't go out except to that rat trap convenience store that you are employed at and so fun your life is your own personal health created by you You are consumed by what I did and what you did Oh, please don't cry to come here well We'll switch We'll switch places you rest on me now And on my chest There we go I'm here I am sorry about saying those things But they needed to be set You need to turn your life around and I want to help I could help by giving a few things for you to change in the waking world Take them as just friendly suggest students if you will Like, one suggestion for you would be to look at for another delivery job so you can quit that awful convenience store job You are much better what health wise when you are driving around Town and running to deliver packages I know you won't be able to get a reference from your last delivery job since you left that first one rather Bad terms The package delivered are always in demand and you have a good experience Well, at least consider it, it would be better than that night shift and you might consider going to a grocery store every now and then, I'm buying some real food, like some vegetables, eggs and fish I don't know anything that's not considered a process bag of chips and an energy drink Constantly drinking monsters all the time are definitely turning you in to a monster Yes I made you laugh finally Yeah And it's my job as your wife to cheer you up Oh, but no more friendly suggestions for now Okay That's fine then How about I stroke your hair for a bit and, you know, I like like this And I can You like that right? Is it relaxing? Then I'll continue What paper? Yeah This doesn't feel like a dream doesn't it I was wondering when you were going to catch on It is a dream It's just a bit different Yes Yes You're confused All will become clear soon So for starters star, I need to confess something to you I am valerie I mean, I am valerie I'm not dead darling You're still confused I get it It's kind of hard to explain while you may be technically dreaming all of this, but Is it's a simulation controlled by me? Yet, the real me is alive, controlling the stream remotely, but I need your help I really don't have time to explain more I need you to wake up and take the first call you get to your cell I'll guide you to me, then you'll be able to rescue me And finally, you'll be able to put all of the guilt and heartache behind you I really need you to wake up I honestly thought we would have more time, but they're coming for you now So I need to do something to wake you up really quick please do forgive me Knife My life It's two get you to wake up quicker I again, really apologize for giving you a nightmare about me But at least this is still a dream Really vivid dream, but you you can't actually get hurt Hold still, I'll make this quick So sorry There? I can sense your heart review up properly, and your brain is starting to really One more steps to do it Maybe, is that you for your awake? You can tell you you're awake, understandable, but I really don't have time to convince you otherwise In a few seconds, Two men are going to non your door Don't answer it This special agent been employed by the organization that's holding me They plan on kidnapping you I'm being totally serious Just hurry up Dear That's them You have to get out Now I is they are not the police unless you want to suffer like I have, you need to climb out the back window now and climb down fire escape Thank you Now hurry up I'm pretty sure they're gonna bust down your door Let me know when you reach the bottom I'll guide you from there They're breaking down your door Keep going They're moving towards the window Yes I can see that you're on the ground now I can't explain how I can see you right now Just keep moving Just now I can see most everything and I'm going to guide you Ignore them Go down the parking what to your left and hop fence by that cluster of trees over there Wait, no Turn right, one of them is coming They're coming around the corner bell apartment building They have champions Go over to the dumpster and help the fence behind it Dear, Are you there? Did you get over the fence? I can't see you There you are Okay Run down the street to the avenue There's a blue bus that's about to leave and it's going up north Catch it before it leaves You're almost there You made a goodness Yeah ask how you're going to pay for the plan Okay Don't worry I already know you left him all behind And am much Get off that goblin drive and then lift up the yellow garbage can sitting next to the west stop You'll see five dollars dash underneath When the driver accuses you i'm not paying, you just turn on with money and act as if you had forgotten and pay them Dear just still be there Have I have i lost connection? How do I know? Because I saw someone put the money there Okay Okay I can answer some questions now that you're on the bus I saw be cameras Not a camera, all the cameras The traffic cameras security cameras at your apartment complex, karen everyone's cell, the overhead satellite images I see all of it I see you I see the street I see the dog running loose from a leash past the front of front door of your apartment building I see the old man who was just startled by the dog in you just fell over at the front of your apartment complex I see the people rushing over trying to help them up I see the men chasing you trying to catch up and rush How should fear the forming crowd get that cars to be able to pursue you I see the supply chain that I'd played delayed from early morning ground coming to an empty intersection where your bus will barely pass it before the railroad crossing gate close And by the time your pursue ketchup up, they'll be stuck behind a very long and slow chain filled cold, chromium and hopefully, the traffic behind the will box them in And your bus chambers is picking up speed, typical of her patient behavior She doesn't want to get stuck waiting for a change, gina knows we'll take a very long time You're passing over You made it And now agents are stuck in the traffic behind the train Hold on Hold on I will answer your question now Just let me call you back later using a different number Because they're trying to track your call They're trying to figure out who you're talking to I don't want them to find out that I'm the one talking to you And right under noses too I'll call you in a few seconds It's from a bill be from a different number For now, just make sure you get to Goblin Drive From there, you'll find a black mercedes benz around the corner with its keys left underneath it's left back tire Take the car and drive out the woods where you rash confronted me I'll be able to guide you from there Don't let anyone stop you Just know this Sunrise laboratories are the ones who are act you They're the ones who have kept me captive And they don't know I'm using their technology to contact you I can escape but I need your help I'll call you back as soon as I can I love you collar around your neck isn't just gonna magically poof away And this is no dream So get to it I wanna see you underneath man I should be looking down at you at all times Did puppy miss that much Good morning And seems as though, you haven't exactly touched much of your food, that I so graciously bestowed i'm upon here Why is that? Are you not angry? Not Thirsty is the environment, not enough for you You should be lucky I even gave you a small candle as a light source After other chambers don't can have as much light They don't get any like frankly But I decided that cute puppy like yourself At least a little bit of light that way, I could look down at you And see the fear in your eyes It wasn't the lighting You say, not the environment You thought there was too much to be eating on your hands and knees Well, what did you think? Retrieved you and you're puppy Puppies don't eat with knives and forks or or planes There Fancy dinner wear They don't use not Can they don't have any kind of really So frankly, it surprises me that that would be problem for you You like the dog ball You have like how you didn't have a knife for fork Or a cup to drink from Why would you need that? I don't think you really understand The kind of position that you're in There's chains are just shit That collar around your neck isn't just gonna magically poof way And this is no dream This this is reality now The second you decided to venture into the place where you should have never been that you should have never known about That's the second, your life as your knew Was over I mean what did you expect? Where in your mind would you even think? This is a lot flower shop I wonder what's in the basement Certainly not flowers no That's very hold my spare I I think it's honestly so kind Lost puppy like yourself could find a new home And I'm gracious that you decided you wanted to be a very willing test subject subjective mind from now on Honestly Just brings a smile to my face No Don't worry about the screaming Those are naughty puppies You're You're not naughty are you? I mean not puppies would try to struggle against the chain holding you down Honestly, I shouldn't hear a single jingle jingle from any sort of metal around you If you wanna be a good puppy, you better learn how to There you go That's a good puppy I didn't really see that The document all of your has been touched at all Are you sure you're not hungry? I might just allow you to move a tiny bed if, you know, you wanted to eat or drink Don't worry You don't mean? To be on both the legs now Do you? Last time I checked a dog don't Walk on their hide legs They're on all fours So get to it I see you under the I should be looking down at you at all times There you go Last year let i think someone that broken into a kindly little bunny flower shop Really deserves anything, but grimy me floor not own I didn't think so Wow, at least you'll be learning a valuable lesson Curiosity count Of course, that little cat you wear is dead now All that's left is And adorable of little puppy Alright? There go That's all alright Here You know Don't you feel much better Now that you have some food in that tell of yours I can't wait I still haven't started any of my experiments Yet Let's see how much of a puppy I could really make you I mean I don't know if I wanna go for the more experimental stuff Some things that I know have a certain reaction Well, i think it's about time you Go back to the corner you were in This funny has to get a few things before Applying your experiments So be a good little bumpy and sit Stay They go i'll me back shortly End if I hear you, cry or whim or even a little bit have that chain Well, you'll be sending a lot more like your neighbor puppies They don't seem too happy I would hate to have to brand you as a naughty puppy I don't think either us would really like that Okay I'll be right back Did puppy miss be that much? I mean You're practically shaking I know you wouldn't be foolish enough to be scared though That me not the smartest decision on your part But I didn't bring a few tools to help the process, you a little little more on the room side Now, there's a few different ways We can do this We can add this little mixture fine To your doggy Or if you prefer if you don't want to, willingly drink it You always find other ways too Inject it into you I do particularly like this little clean cuts So if you'd like, I could just you know, make a little make a little slice and pour, straight into you No Are you sure? I can assure you a lot of the other puppies have really seemed to enjoy it I mean they sure you make a lot of noise and I can only assume that means go ahead This is nice I really enjoy this So I can only assume you'd like the same Really Alright There Not just a few drops I mean the water my dampen the effects a little bit, but it'll be enough After all, I just wanna see what kind of effect has on you Puppy I'm honestly glad that i like that Bell on your collar It serves as a reminder to what you once were Curious little kitten That color definitely was symbols dog's color, but the little bell on it reminds me of all the street counts I used to help Well, I think it's about time we going walk Don't you think? Hopefully working that body of yours would make the potion guess hurt you a lot quicker than if we were to just sit and wait So come on hints knees Let's go Outside the chamber, the floors are gonna be a little more coarse A bit rough Try to watch out for the broken glass Who knows residues still reside on those glasses Sometimes my puppies aren't exactly too fond of drinking certain potions and mishap tend to happen on occasion Of course, I always wear shoes So all of the mishap really do Assure that there's no poor little puppy That tries to escape their all So you just be careful with those little balls of yours There human characteristics such as flesh Art as res resilient it as the pause of a natural pop sound try not to get any marks There you go Come on I think it might be fun to show you around your Hey After all, this is your new owl This is where help me Until you've stopped being abused to me Look at that It's already starting to take effect Your hearing might be a little more sharp And hopefully, that new sense station of having a entail won't be too hot I mean some not even mention a little pleasurable As long as no one steps on any towels I'm known to be clumsy on occasion So make sure you keep up the pace Otherwise, i might just accidentally step on our fluffy dog tail sprout from you Losing those years look a lot better on you Human years here So glad looking And they lack all the benefits The animal ears have on some Anyway, let's stop with the boing effects that and your body After all, you don't need to know what's happening to you I just need to know what it does to you I'm the Observer You don't need to worry about anything anymore Just keep your well intact first let as you can I always hate having to dispose of broken puppies abuse Such a waste Especially those that seem to have so much potential But I know you'll be different After all you made it about halfway through My little chamber You actually almost made it to My testing room So if you can manage to get through here without alerting me at all And you have to have some kind of talent Whether that just be a lack of presence or maybe you're just skilled sneaking around I mean, you see you a chance, this wasn't your first intrusion But definitely will be your last I can ignore them They're just not as well trained as you are I think some of the older docks in here or even as trained as the new pump At least that's one redeeming trait you have I struggled to find but obedience seems to be something your decent I might even feed you twice a day Now if you keep it up After all, I can't have you time from anything aside from experimentation So don't worry You put star You want dive Thirsty there That one's my favorite I love the flaming kitty Don't worry It's not pain I show you what y feel is significantly worse than kidding what's created Yeah That one over there was supposed to be a cure for missing limbs It seemed to take away to give extra I think I needed add more water to dilute it, but once that is done Least Say know It'll be hard for the puppy to run away It may be good at crawl But you don't need to worry about that I won't be doing any of the more harmful experiments on you You're not worse that much You're just a lonely intruder You didn't do anything dangerous enough To warrant something as the is done I mean you were just a lost curious cat Whereas some of these people are much more dangerous than cats Some people deserve punishment Others deserve redemption And there some you deserve for nothing That's where you fall into You should Just be happy You're even worth a color around your neck Oh, I think had enough time to take all the effects it would have Immediately at least Let's go back to here cell Sorry Let's go back to your home I'm sure your little sleeping corner is getting lonely without a puppy to accompany it Don't worry before I leave I'll make sure to give you another guess of the theme you're experimenting along with some water and a little bit of food You won't starve As long as as you're good puppy that is Plus I have other matters to attend to you Believe it or not I have a life outside of experimentation and selling flowers I'm unlike you, I actually have someone to go home to No feel excuse me There you go All locked up And tight enough to only get tighter if you square You know, I hope you'll be a good puppy while I'm gone And I'll visit here again tomorrow night We'll see how your dog characteristics have Enhanced since done I expect to see great progress I'm sure you'll up me great Little puppy I'm home Did you miss me? Do we seem a little puppy than usual? Well, what can I say? This is a fun thing at work Where is that human? Where are they? They always come here try and fish Not waiting If I don't show up then wait Trees It's about time, I was starting to think the wolves got you Wait Wait Don't run Stop I don't wanna hurt you I just wanna talk Oh, come on It's not like a human can cannot run a cent anyway Monster, rude Look, I'm trying to be nice about this I'm not even going in a full gallo I can easily keep pace with you There's so many ways I could stop you if I wanted I could lasso owe you and drag you back That would probably leave your delicate skin covered in bruises Or I could shoot you in the leg, but that whole arrow to the knee it's been played out Don't you think? Or I could just keep pace with you until you exhaust yourself But it's getting late You don't want be trying to find your way back through these woods the dark Do you? Oh, well, if that's the tone you'll take and fine Tackling you it is Quit struggling so much I said quit struggling The sooner I get you tied up, the sooner I'll stop sitting on you, I'm not even using my full weight Well, it's your own fault for running I told you you don't wanna be out here at night Neither do why Alright Done Across my back you go Really, you're still trying to resist What do you think sq around like that will get you? Even if I let you fall, you just bruise yourself up and I'd have to pick you up again Besides, you should be honored Cent hardly ever let themselves be written Calm yourself We'll reach our destination soon Hello? Hello? By god I can't believe it actually fell asleep like that Poor must have been exhausted Oh, well, we're here now Hey Wake up We're here Yes This is my home Just a cabin and a small clearing What were you expecting a stable? I'm a cent on not a horse It's fine Forget it Let's just get you inside Alright Hold still Let me lift you off my back Don't worry I'm not going to just drop you on the floor There's a chair in the corner, I can put you in Mine, no it was here when I found the place, I've been meaning to break it down for firewood, but somehow never got around to it Maybe the fates were telling me I'd needed one day Alright down you go Hair Let me get these ropes off you, and I'll get a fire going I've got some leftover stew I can warm while we talk What about well, about you mostly, but also about us, simply put, I I need a companion Hey sit back down You know you cannot run me and I don't want have to sit on you again Alright? Good You can listen That's something at least Be a pain for both of us, if I had to haul you back here? Well, mostly for you But just hear me out and I'll explain I suppose we should start with introductions I can't just keep calling you human after all So what is your name? Interesting Not a bad name, though, but unfamiliar to my tongue You can call me Cla Pleased to finally meet you No As for what to talk about, and let's start by saying you don't belong here in my woods how much is clear What do I mean? Isn't it obvious? You've been here for almost two weeks I've watched you for most of that Your idea of hunting seems to be throwing rock at small animals and swinging sticks of fish It's pathetic The only thing I think you've eaten since you arrived here were a few berries and a fish that was already dead Well, that and the tree bark you tried to boil and eat Why didn't I help you? Easy enough to answer I didn't care After all, you're just some stranger trespassing in my territory I give tres a wide birth safer that way I figured you'd give up and go back home or get eaten by wolves by now Besides you would it most likely run as soon as you saw me Yes Like you just did, you see how well approaching you would have worked out down to Why did I come to you now? Well, let's just say I've grown fond of you Well like I said, I've been watching you Ever since you came here And the longer I watched you the the more curious I became, it it was amusing, watching you bum about trying to feed yourself It first If I'm being completely honest, I I even started to pity you just a little I was even thinking of leaving some food at your camp for yesterday Why didn't i? Well, because you'd already found food, you just didn't take it Yes The fawn Imagine after two weeks on the brink of starvation, you actually managed to stumble across a baby deer The perfect prey Food for a couple of days standing right in front of you And all you had to do was lift your hand and bash it skull No That look on your face at all You couldn't do it Could you You were wasting away from starvation Carrying you here was easier than carrying firewood But as hungry as you were, you you couldn't bring yourself to kill such a helpless as creature Could you it was then that I decided giving you a meal wasn't enough Well, what I mean is giving you food would have only helped you for a day, maybe two And then what? You'll be packed fumbling around trying to catch fish with wish thinking Yes, I know you don't have any tools or any skill and yet you're still here You don't have a home to go back to Do you Judging from the look on your face, I'm not far off am I you're clearly no bandit You're too nice and well frankly to an up for that life Here Eat all you want I have plenty So polite But if you really wanna thank me then satisfy my curiosity Why are you here in my forest? What happened to you? I see a plague ravaged your town He'll have the population Including your family? Mike can condolences so No one should have to go through that So you came here to escape the disease before you became ill? Exiled Why would you were the only one who didn't get sick So they blamed you for it I'm surprised they didn't offer you up as a sacrifice Bernie you was a witch No No Relax It's it's alright It's going to be alright I'm sorry We don't have to talk about it anymore Just finish your stew Things will get better for you I promise What do I mean? A full of questions aren't you We can talk about it in the morning It's late and I know you're tired So You can take the bed for the night My bed? No I'm a cent Remember, I don't sleep in a bed Normally, I just put a blanket over my back and lean against a wall to sleep Come to think but I've been meaning to get rid of the bed too, but never got around to it somehow I wonder What? No No It's nothing Just lost and thought Get some sleep We'll talk more in the morning Still asleep You are still asleep I'm still awake Alright now I don't blame you Your fault I've been awake for what? An hour now Two hours However long it's been since you started t around It must have been some nightmare you were having I wonder if I should woken you At least your sleeping peacefully now The bed I should have gotten rid of years ago I just never got around to it Or the chair It's almost as though something was trying to tell me I'd need them one day How strange Perhaps as strange is what brought you here So peaceful The first good night sleep you've had in weeks isn't it? And the first good meal I probably shouldn't be watching you sleep like this But it's Wow It's sort of your fault Time awake now And really what's the arm Besides it like you're displeased to the eye Then again, I've been alone for long, I don't really have anything to compare you to Do I still you have a nice face A kind face Soft skin I may have let my hand wander just a bit while sitting you on my back I wonder if you noticed So soft So helpless didn't your parents teach you anything about survival? Were they spoiled city folk? Merchants, perhaps ability I have to ask you when you're more comfortable talking about them You've had time to heal I wonder if you're a light sleeper Would you sleep halfway through being maul by a pair or wolves? If they'd gotten to you before I did? Another strange thing that how lucky you are that nothing made a meal of you before yesterday Yes Yes, it must be faint Fate brought you here To me I wonder If I attached you If I just reached out and Just a little bit I wonder if you'd wake How would you react? If you saw me standing here with my end on you when you woke Would you take a offense? Would did anger you? Would you still be afraid of me? Who would you sleep right through it? If I just reached my hand out to lightly touch you, like, like this So soft so close So real so No No enough You need your sleep And I I need to get some air Oh, You're finally awake Good morning Or what's left if it anyway? Yes, It's nearly midday I I would have woken you sooner, but you clearly needed sleep Come to the table I kept your breakfast warm for you I hope you like rabbit Why am I staring? I I hadn't realized I was You know, you're looking much better A good meal and a good night's sleeps seemed time wonders for you Well, yes, I did say we'd talk in the morning, but the morning nearly over, and do we still need to find food for tomorrow Yes We you are coming with me I can show you some good places to forage while we're out But we can talk along the way if you want There's also a spring nearby You should they've later No I'm not saying you stink him Just saying you smell like someone who's gone over two weeks without bathing besides you don't wanna get sick Don't worry As soon as you're done i'll, I'll bring you back to drive by the fire How long do I expect you to stay? Tired of my company already Are you? No Until i I just We can discuss that while we're out A looks like you're done eating You must have been well, starving here, let me take your bowl and we can go No, no Not those They won't kill you, but they'll make you wish you were dead You have to be careful with mushrooms Took a lot of trial and error for me to learn which ones are edible Some of them nearly did kill me Yeah Those over there should be all alright But go pick some of them while I start digging Well for edible roots, of course, a a travel or too if we're very lucky I'd let you help dig for them, but Well, you don't have a shovel I think there's one lying around the shack, but I didn't think to bring it I just use my hoo to dig perhaps next time Yes, it's it's best to return to a four area about twice a week I don't always forage in the same place though You have to give the plants Time to reg grow Oh, how long have I been here? Well, oh, let me see About seven years, I think, eight, perhaps, I'm not really sure I I just know I've been here since I was twelve Because it was shortly after my birthday Oh it well, That was the same day My parents Drove me out You probably didn't notice I mean, why would you I have a birth mark on my back Here let me move my hair out of the way so you can see Yes Blood red in the shape of an eye I was born with it My parents thought I was cursed at birth you Well, you all people know how super others can be? No They they largely just tolerated me My older brother loved me now, He's the one who taught me to survive out here I owe him everything Oh, wow He's gone My parents never cared about my birthday My brother always celebrated it with me though That day, he wanted to celebrate by taking new fishing It was a bright sunny day when we left and Well, that didn't last very long By the time I got my fourth fish Strong linden had blown storm clouds in from the south, and the rain started We we were just getting ready to head back when the ribbon he'd given they blew into the water and he he jumped in after it like a fool trying to save it for me before it got lost downstream The lightning nearly blinded me when it struck I remember calling his name Desperately crying out to him as I fl around in the water trying to find him But by the time my side came back to me He was already gone, washed downstream I followed the river looking for him in the rain for hours, that he was just vanished Of course, my parents blamed me and my father would have killed me on the spot, if my mother hadn't stopped him And well, she only did so because she thought the purse would go to them if I didn't carry it So they drove me out If it hadn't been for my brother's teachings, i wouldn't have served a hive long enough to find my way here The winter would have claimed me regardless if I hadn't found that cabin Whoever built it originally just wasn't there anymore and from the dust, they hadn't been there for a long time So Well, I took it his sign and moved in No, no one I I haven't spoken to another Well, it's it's just been me until now It doesn't really matter I suppose it's it's just my fate It's just the way things are Alright That should be enough for a few days Here get on, we can head back Yes On You can climb on my back We'll We'll get that faster if I don't have to slow down for you I know what I said yesterday, but you've already been on my back once I'd like to return before dark So get on, I'll even let you sit up right this time There you go Hold on I'm going to go at a full trap You still need a bath before we go home No No I'm not tired Why do you ask? Oh, because I slowed down Well, no I I just didn't want the right to be too rough on you I'm fine, and i didn't want it to be yours so soon Oh, nothing just thinking, you know, you can hold on tit if you want I'm quite durable I won't bruise Well, suits yourself? We're nearly there regardless See the plumes of steam Not right It's a hot I think that's why the former owner of the cabin built it here My brother wants told me some hot springs have healing properties Does this one? Well, I don't know I'm not sure I just know I always feel better after I soak my hoo Here Here we are You can get down and i'm dressed What do you mean? You don't plan on bathing fully cloth Do you? Un dressed Here I'll wash your clothes for you to see of time We wanna get back before it gets too cold Well, I don't have any more clothes So unless you want to run around naked, those will have to be long washed Otherwise why bother baby? No, fine then Humans and their modest day I'll turn around Just leave your clothes on the edge Let me know when you're in I wonder Are all humans so ashamed of their bodies And I think you would all be born in breech if you could Are you in? finally Good What? Of course, Getting in Oh, you don't expect me to strain my back scrubbing them from the ground do you Alright I That's as clean as they're getting How are you doing? Here Why don't you let me get your oh, don't be silly I'm not going to hurt you I promise I won't hurt you But the sooner we get you clean the sooner I can get your home, there, that's it Relax See, I'm just scrubbing your back for you Nothing to worry about Just just splash water on your back and slowly washing the sweat and grime off for you Off of your soft skin Tell me human, what do you believe in? I don't know much about human spirituality Do Do you believe in luck? Fate? Coincidence? Oh, no real reason Just just curious us making conversation to pass the time It's Well, it's been so long since I've had anyone to talk with it's refreshing And speaking of refreshing, don't you feel better now that you've finally gotten cleaned up? Yeah Let's let's get your dressed so we can get you back home Oh, your clothes are wet Well, yeah That's alright You can you can use my horse blanket Yes I'll I'll turn around while you wrap up But, well, if I'm being honest, it's not like the water obscured match anyway Are you blushing? Ada adorable I didn't know someone could turn that red No alright I I won't tease I'm I'm turning around now See You know, I've been thinking, about you about me? Well, we we have a few things in common Or, what do I mean? Well think about it Both of us were exiled Cass of our homes both of us wandered through the wilderness with no help or shelter until we found this place I would died if I hadn't found my cabin and you well, you would have died if I hadn't found you We We also have loss in common You lost your family, heavy when you love, gone and and for me as well, my brother, the only real family I ever known long since taken from me I'm sorry to read was up again I know it's still painful Your Your grief is still fresh and I've had time to get used to mine, but I bring it up to make a point Are you dressed finally? Good Good Oh, much better You look almost as good as you smell now The point? Oh, my point Yes Well, the point is what led you to be here and what led me to be here waiting for you, the loss of family, the ban and of all the places we could have wandered, we both ended up here and and then there's the bed, the chair I mean it's been years Why have I never gotten around to breaking them down to firewood would? They were no use to me They they have to have been that for you for for us I mean, what other answer could there be? It's it's fate It has to be faint You're meant to be here You meant to be with Wait Why are you backing way like that? Scaring you again, But why I'm only stating the obvious we're meant to don't Oh, don't Don't run Oh come on You know you can Run me Oh, no You will not run from me again Got you Now stop struggling I said stop struggling Oh I could pinned you again and tied you up instead of throwing you over my shoulder I keep saying I won't hurt you, and I mean it Not unless you make me hurt too, so, please Just just stop You're still all wet If I let you go, you'll just freeze to death anyway the beast didn't make a meal you first, We both know by now that you can't survive on your own You're just too weak And if I let you go, you'll die And I'll be alone again Well, I'm sorry if that offend you, but it's true You see how easily I handle you So just stay with me Let me take care of you You don't have a choice anyway No I'm not going to let you go You can dry off by the fire while I cook dinner, but I'm gonna to have to tie you up again while we sleep Least until I can trust you not to run off I'm sorry I didn't want it this way, but this is just how it is It's just It's just fate That's all It's just your fate Get used to it Testing one two three Bloody hell is this thing even on Looks like the sedative are beginning to wear off And right on welcome to the land of the living I know you I know you very well You are probably contemplating your entire existence Am i? Where is that voice coming from? And who does it belong to? Why can't I talk? Why can't I see anything? Oh my blind folded? My wrists bound to a chair In a room I cannot see but I know I did not fall to sleep in See I know exact what you're thinking? I know everything about you Every meticulous detail I know it's all I am your god Now now darling Don't worry I haven't cut out your tongue yet But I could I could tear it out of your throat if I wanted to Relax You're no fun are you? I am only teasing you Once the sedative were off, you'll regain the ability to articulate yourself But I do have some mother advice for you And mother always knows that Choose your words Very carefully Bad boys is your little brain can imagine punished I'll tell you where you might be since you're so curious You might be in a room of fun games, if you behave, but if you so much is disobey me This might be the room where you draw your very last breath Curiosity my dear son Curiosity killed the caps Welcome Welcome to the play room Son I'm your new mother And you will address me as such? Or I can make you relaxed darling Please don't try to move oh honey Your wrists a bound of barb wire So if you move, It will tear out your flash Honey Oh Did I scare you? Do you not like it when I use my outdoor voice? Well, I don't like it when you use yours either I don't like it When you scream, I don't like when you yell And I really really? Really Don't like it when you tell me to go to hell Now baby there are some things that I should probably explain to you Number one, You're not mother's only son I'm afraid You say over the decade, mother has collected so many songs in pursuit of finding the perfect one Oh, and I'm afraid, that the probability if you being the one is slim none Eyes spy We my little eye It's a defiance spirit And the mother has the tendency to break the spirits Have to find little things, and always beyond repair Daughter I want you to enter the Yes, Mother How you wish mother? Now son, this is the perfect daughter He took him off a very long time to find her But she everything mother has ever wanted in a daughter Beautiful, like her mother Intelligent, like her mother and obedience like her father And her dog, Yes We have a dog, german shepherd Very loyal Mother's collection is almost complete Though the only thing that she is missing is perfect son Daughter yes Yes, mother Remove his blind fold Mother wants to see the look of beer in his eyes Wow Look at those b four eyes My my my such a stern and piercing gaze, can't way Can't Wait So watch you break Well so she can put you act together again, baby Now daughter? Why don't she get more your brother, help him relax My mother visits the other sons As you wish mother? It's you Mother is always watching Even when she says she's not You You must call me sister You're talking nonsense I'm I'm not your girlfriend I I'm not amelia And If you call me that name, in in front of mother, She will cut out your tongue You are Whatever mother wants you to be? And it If you ever stop doing whatever mother wants, Then that means you're broken So lava tells father to fix you And if father can't fix you with his tools then Then mother will dispose of you, Who are you Wrong answer This is for your own good Who are you? Wrong again Are you? That is not who you are Who are you? Correct You are whatever mother wants you to be Now mo a task get acquainted And If we don't, love think where I'm grateful I'm really getting tired of slapping you silly? I cannot tell you Mother hasn't given me permission yet And at this rate, she never will Please stop Oh I will have to beat you until you under stands that you can't do Whatever you want here Cannot not in control? And if you want to stay alive, you should really listen to me I don't want to hurt you The mother nav does She will do unthinkable things Super news, Please just listen to me We have so many games to choose from in the toy room But has you're still bound to the chair? It does all I will not disobey obey mother Not even for you Didn't I tell you not to call me amelia? I am daughter, and Emilia And minnie hands her boyfriend's They died No No No You're not here You are not here I'm not familiar Stop Stop You how to real Did you hear that? The screaming here can be a little bit unsettling You will get easter It's just music to Which means, never is punishing, one of the other brothers? Sorry That means she's not listening She's not listening to us Oh, baby Baby, what are you doing here? Stop Stop Stop making it Still making this so hard No You stop crying I'm not kind things in my heart Babe you have to stay in character? You have to stay strong It's Everything only way you're going to survive this? I I wanna lose you again I I just can't Of course, I know who I am I am Amelia So sometimes, it's easier to forget here Maybe you don't know how happy I am to see you I just wish it was What do this dungeon? Whatever that crazy woman wants to call it I thought I'd never see you again So that's why it was easy To accept to my face You're right I I need to calm down I'm so sorry Like you Right And maybe I get a grip like you One day I woke up and I was in one of these rooms With no recollection of how I got to Like scene, straight out of sore I only pretended, I didn't know who you were because I had to make sure that she wasn't listening Why? That's why I Oh my god I'm so sorry Babe I'm so so sorry Sorry I love you so much Come here You can't even move I'll come to you Baby I just really want to hold you in my arms right now Because I don't know if it would be the last time I don't care if these otherwise cut me Holding you right now Holding you right now in my arms Is worth a lifetime of pain How did we get into this situation? Baby Wipe away You look so anxious? No You're gonna get me going again You're hyper vent babe, babe calm down He's calm down It's Babe I've missed I've missed kissing you so much Oh my god I can't believe you're right in front of me right now Can't I've long for you so long maybe I've been you Craving your We have to make the most of the time that we've got So sorry, baby You so much Believe I'm so sorry This my fault I wished for you to be here Now you will I don't want you to I don't want you to shut this space You deserve have so much more You deserve the life I wish I could give you We have to make the most of this time Babe please don't cry And you happy to say me And mister Bun so thinking that I was dead Well, this time, this we've been a pause We god him so sorry baby Sorry Please forgive me I'm so sorry Maybe I love you so much Let's see you it's always been you I i love me Do you hear me? I love to you With all my heart I really really really do You mean everything to me Oh maybe Don't cry But together again, that's all the matters and it doesn't matter where My baby Daughter Yes Say your farewell wells to bravo one hundred and one Okay, mama I may let you play with him again later If he's still alive, Yes, Over Good Goodbye Oh, you finally came That's good I've been waiting for hours I mean, I know you got here right on time, but still I've been waiting for hours I was worried that maybe a good cold feed where going to show up I wouldn't blame you You wouldn't be the first to be on a witch when she challenges you to a bad Not many be witch at their own game After all Don't worry though I won't be cheating You know, I hate cheating Besides I don't need to cheat No of the game we'll be playing Now before we begin, is there anything I can get you? Maybe something to call me nerves Since, I assume you must be nervous going up against me in such uphill battle Maybe I could get you some tea some coffee And stuff that anymore to hug when you're losing No Nothing Well that's fine Now, I know i told you, but let me just give you a recap rules and steaks So the game we will be playing is too true To know how it go Right? I'll be making three statements at a time One of them is a lie of the other two truths You have one guess each time to guess which one is lie if you get it right, that's a point for you Otherwise, it's a point for me Then we move on I went when I get three points I mean, the winner wins when they get three points But Come on We both know it's gonna be me Now As for steaks, if I win I'll become your girl forever and ever and you have to live with me Yeah You can never leave me Or tell me that I'm creepy or ask why I've been staring at you for fifteen minutes without blinking or stuff like that If you win, I mean unlikely, I know But if you win, then I'll do anything you ask Like give you my house or so or something It doesn't really matter since I won't be losing But that's so Do you understand everything? Are we all good? Okay then Good Now Just to make sure that there isn't any chicken out After purchase contract here I've already signed it it's magically binding You could tell from the faint blue glow Right? And don't worry To it super short Just one page And it's easy to read and understand There's no fancy big words beyond your vocabulary and an attempts to confuse you And all the words are and pretty big font There isn't any fine print I can give you a magnificent glass if you'd like to check for your self though To contract is basically just saying what Already told you right now You can give it a click rate and then sign what you're done Then we can begin Hold on Okay Good What the games began Okay So we'll start things simple Here's my first set of statements First, I don't watch television her Second I have over one hundred on my phone Or three I don't have a driver's license Okay There was all the three statements No Can you tell me which one was a lie? Oh, we give you some time think it over obviously, You don't have to answer right away No pressure Take your time I can get you some snacks or something while They're thinking it over by way I've got some pumpkin shaped cookies with your name on them Literally, I wrote your name on them with i I think it makes them taste better Oops Sorry That was the wrong answer The correct statement well, actually, I guess it's the incorrect statement in that case since it's a lie But to only one of those statements that was lie, I have four hundred selfies on my phone, obviously, I don't bother taking selfies You're the only one thing I bother her taking pictures off My phone has just filled so the brim with pictures of you Each and every last one, miss a masterpiece No matter what those pose at the arm say As for television, obviously, I don't watch it You're the only thing that really interests me And since I'm a witch, I don't need a driver's license or car when I can take my broom And it's better for being just great too, since Cars are allowed and noisy, and aren't good at quietly landing on your roof night But enough of that, but one point for me? Honestly, I'm kinda shocked I was giving you an easy set to start off with as a freebie I had no idea you'd actually get it wrong But Oh, well No Tell me What if the following three statements? Is a lie? First, I took a cooking class for two years Second, my favorite car It's volkswagen Login, art or three I have four cats So just take your time thinking about it Alright? Then when you're ready, you can go ahead and give me the wrong answer I'm patient I can wait You know, if you're not into balm shaped cookies, I also have one shaped black bats Except these ones don't have her name on them, which is regrettable I know But instead they have I'm better for you Written of them and I say Yeah It's cheesy, but I don't know I thought it was cute Have also good ones shaped like ghosts too The icing on those ones they don't ghost me On them As you can see, I have a bit of a neck for car lines Oh, I'm sorry Well, okay, I'm actually pretty happy about it because it puts you once step further towards towards being mine But I'm afraid That was the wrong answer My favorite car really is a volkswagen art It was tricky though Right? It sounded like that was a lie Because how do I have a favorite car when I don't even have a license But you see, the thing is that that car has a lot of space and his trunk So I always thought if I ever kid if someone in that, there would be a lot of space for the person And then there would still be lots of room left over for real and duck and whatever else I need I really do have cats too It sounded like that one could be alive because it's a lot of cats Right? But It's a witch thing Which is tentative to have cats? Well, I think of the more as familiar, I of them all I promise I'm not a crazy cat lady though But I love them all so much I really think of them as my children I could never separate from them Unless you're allergic to cats, in which case it will immediately throw it them way to carp because that sacrifice anything to you I mean, that sacrificed sacrifice anything for you To you Sounds a lot more extreme I'm sure you're not into that Right? But if you're tough? I can get my hands Son's some medicines sense or something Oh, you're not Oh, okay That's fine Anyway, the only one of those statements that was a lie was one about me taking a cooking class for two years I'm a great cook, but I'm actually natural You could tell from the case of those cookies Wait Actually, does baking Cookies counters is cooking? Well, I guess it doesn't matter What's more important is that i have two points now That means I just need one more to win I hope you like me because you're going To be mine forever Don't worry though I'll take such good care of you and you're going to love being mine There's lots of cookies in it for you So let be surprised if you're in Anyway, here's the next set of statements You get the idea now Point out the lie First, I collect coffee mugs Second, I shared the room with my sister growing up or third one My first job was as a cashier So think over it I'll just be here Drawing Over thought of finally having you I hope you like halloween aesthetic, by the way Because every room in my house has it and you'll be leaving with me from now one? I can red though if you'd like Maybe we can make a Christmas themed or something I don't know It's just a thought At the end of the day, all that matters is what do you want? Under the freedom of cards Sorry That's Wait No, we actually got it right this time Well, whatever, it would be disappointing if you didn't put out the fight as suppose But yes, I don't actually collect coffee mugs Instead, the only thing I collect is hair off of your head After they fall off of course, their use full first spells, also sentimental value Don't worry about his bell though There isn't this bell I can cast on you to make you fall in love with me There is a spell to make you very impressed by my haircut though That's what I used some of your hairs for So what do you think? Did it work? Are impressed? Nice As for sharing a room with my sister growing up That really happened It annoyed me so much She was always touching my things And I really hate when people touch my things It makes me so glad that I have my own house now And my first job really was as a cashier I worked at a store at specialized in selling animal for certain d denomination spells, but let's get on with the game Number one I sleep with ap at night Number two, I can reach a typing speed of one hundred and thirty words per minute Or three, I can sing, let me know when you have an answer I'll just take the time to my hear you Man, could you imagine if I lost? How embarrassing would that be? I talked such a big game It's a good thing that you only got one point as a fluke though But like I said, don't worry You enjoy being mine and having me as your girlfriend I hope you're not afraid of heights, by way That way, I can take you on the late night rides on my room Actually, maybe it's better for you to be a afraid of heights Ten years cling to me harder Right? Oh that's actually the right answer Well, then But yes, I can sing Not dwell anyway That one was kind of obvious Wasn't it? I mean I'm gorgeous I'm a great car A great way I've got a great personality if I could sing too, that would make me too perfect to believe Right? Although being bad singer kind of has a bit of a dark charm to it Don't you think? I hope you don't mind that i sleep with a plush night by way, especially since the plush is of you That's for my typing speed, I feel like I should clarify I can only reach speeds for one hundred and thirty words per minute in certain situations, specifically, in Internet arguments, Once a trill on the other side of the screen says you're crazy, if you have more than the three cats, I just cannot control myself The statement about my typing speed is still through though Well, it's two to two If things up It's match point I'll admit it I'm actually pretty nervous right now, but also really proud of you Not many can face off against a witch Well, without further ado, Here's the final side of statement First one, afraid spiders Second one, I can fit twenty one marshmallows in my mouth Or three I cosplay as a hobby Now which one is a lie? I have to ask, are you sure you aren't a bit of a spell yourself, because I just love you to such an inhuman degree It really makes me think that Maybe you cast us follow me, but that sound a pretty corny Didn't it Sorry I really hope I went I was really looking forward to find having you I set of a room for you and everything, just in case you weren't comfortable sleeping in the same room with me Because I can understand if you need some basic level of distance just as long as you aren't leaving me I even had a banner but i'm welcoming it to a new home I also bake the cake to welcome you and everything Well, I'll make several cakes actually Since I wasn't true which one, you would like best For instance One has a spider web to sign on it And another has a school sign on it That's my favorite one, actually It's vanilla velvet but I also made some other dishes for you and even sat up some games that movie It was going to be a real Welcome party At least was much of a party as it can be with just a two of us And my cats But correct? You guys the like correctly I'm not actually afraid of spiders Was it too obvious? I mean, what kind of weight is afraid of spiders? It's just the direct ne pho It's so common I thought it would be believable But, oh, well You did it? You want Congratulations How you a deal, especially magically binding anyone Like we have Well, go on What do you want? Do you want my myself? My else My recipes I'll do anything you ask Just like the countryside size You you you want me to become your girlfriend forever Oh we god in god we god to my god You See yes yes Yes yes Yes I promise I'll will be the best girl never I will tell you love you every hour that I'm awake Here I'll start now I'll love you Love you I'll love you Also I'll love you and not just that, but I'll make sure to do things to right away and only impress you with my hair without any magic unless you say otherwise, of course Oh this is the happiest day of my life We need to celebrate Fortunately, I already have to party set up So come on Let me introduce you to my cats And then maybe we can start things off with a movie How do we feel about halloween movies? We can watch whatever you want, though Think because personally Not really rather Just watch you And now, to boop birds Literally, I wrote name wrote ever P wrote Yeah Our roof wrote, I wrote your name on that with i I wrote I wrote your name on that first thing That way, I can take you on late night rides on my bedroom On my broom Wait drive Out my bedroom Get it This n nsf double voice actor Always thinking about that Shame on you That way, I could take you Oh But yes, I can sing No dwell anyway That one was kind of obvious Wasn't it? I mean I'm gorgeous I'm a great car A great way I've got a great personality If I could sing too, that would make me too perfect to believe Right? Although, being bad singer Kind of has a bit of a dark charm to it Don't you think? I hope you don't mind that i sleep with a plush at night by way Not Releasing Large Langauge Models: Is OpenAI in the right? Vocab: Model: An AI that is trained on data and usable as a deliverable file Large Langauge Model: A model trained on huge amounts of language data, and is usually very compute intensive Parameters: Amount of variables in a neural network used to compute decisions GPT-3: Pretty much the most popular Large Langauge Model, produced by OpenAI(AI Company) Transformer: A cutting edge AI architecture Is OpenAI in the right for not releasing GPT-3, the most popular flagship language model? No Is what I would say if I was like the average OpenAI hater To find out Openai’s Motives and whether they are correct or not largely depends on the past and the future of AI used to spread false information Is OpenAI making a mistake or saving the world? Let’s find out OpenAI is a silicon valley startup that in 2019 gave the only license to use GPT-3 without an API(Basically code to access another piece of code) Microsoft has huge ties with OpenAI, and Microsoft and their proprietary practices is a big factor in wshy they did what they did with GPT-3 I can assume that the REAL reason is not safety Safety is presented with good intentions however it does not hold up when compared to other reasons such as exclusivity, monetary gain, secrecy, and hype I think a part of OpenAI’s team wants to open source their models In a recent release known as Glide, OpenAI chose to only release a filtered version of it I read the README in the github repository, and the author of said readme seemed really disappointed This cannot be definitively proven but it does show some doubt within the team at the least I believe the only part of OpenAI that believes the safety argument is the company and not the lab Releasing harmful language models is actually BETTER than not releasing at all A prime example of such a release is GPT-J-6B and GPT-NEOX-20B These are the names of huge publicly available language models The organization that made this known as EleutherAI believe in a community based lab approach, and they firmly believe in increasing safety The best way you can improve safety is to have access to improving it yourself If we spend the effort, even you and I can train/finetune based on it, and improve the models The important part is that we have the ability When companies choose to release large Langauge Models they make it accessible to improve ethics and problems within the model , rather than only having themselves and their finite resources There are other large companies that are releasing large language models without strings attached to them aswell, for example, Facebook Facebook is a large social media company, but with social media comes a requirement for better AI algorithms Facebook has had a bad reputation recently, however when it comes to AI research it usually doesn’t matter Their latest model is called Dense, but the community calls them the Fairseq models Fairseq has a LOT of different sized models, the biggest and more preforment having 13 billion parameters If Facebook as a large company can release large language models while not really mentioning safety even though it's applicable, then OpenAI should be no exception I believe that to improve Bias in Large Langauge Models it requires more accessible code Not all researchers have good intentions, but the people with good intentions will ultimately rise to the occasion I firmly believe that ethics and a large part of AI, and that we have the ability My advice to you is to maybe give fine tuning AI a try, if we all band together make a small ethical dataset such as a replication of the one used in the OpenAI ethics experiment it might lead us to more safety and kindness from transformer models AI should be, and is in our hands PS In my free time I might try to create this dataset manually, could be interesting you are listening Thanks Realized see wear awake Because your eyes are still closed You're indicating that You can understand me Good Good That means universal translate works I had one installed up here my ship Yes I can say shit Isn't spaceship I know it's something your kind isn't exactly most familiar with I not in the sense that my species is If i I remember correctly for my studies, First species is very, very very new to space travel And you haven't gotten very far you even with your drones and pro Meanwhile, my We've been from Galaxy Galaxy all across the expanse the universe Oh, you call us lanes? One there's a leak called you i totally learned what you call yourself And if I recall correctly, you call yourself humans Is that accurate? C c I know my staff Place a little bit Give me some credit My species, the vis probably more advanced than yours Sorry to say Oh my? I'm called T And I'm pretty sure I got all the information i needed from you from my scans and observations, but? I guess in the name of being formal, you can use yourself to me properly Yes It does match when I discovered my observations Perfect And I did really have the right hand Good Everything is going according to plan Oh, yes Yes I've been watching you for quite some time I guess in the way, you tell time in your planning Probably a good year too I've been watching you I off It was really easy to get into all your little technological gadgets because they're so primitive It was like nothing I was like, child's play Yeah So I was able to watch share pretty much whenever I wanted to So I got to see where when you ate and where when you slept and what you did, While the sun was facing your side of your planet? It's just we're scientific degrees so I assure you I've been tasked with observing different species on different planets And My current project is humans on when When would you call your plan again? Right Right Such a weird name rear pronunciation My plants name is Misha And his galaxy he's away from here Yeah You wouldn't know much about it I mean your species barely knows what's in your solar system But then once i decided, and what's outside your entire galaxy You haven't ain't gotten that far yet Like I said Your kind is very very Very primitive I need a discovery You're being watched by another species as well The race We've been rivals with the The t system for Oh, I don't even know how long at this point Our of time very different from yours Well let's just say it's been very, very long You could call them or Got quit enemies better rivals Because they're year to research all over the galaxy too and take specimens and samples and do usage research projects and just get all over the universe But we wanna do it first and do it better Let's see i hate to see this They a bit of the upper hand because they have a whole system of planets at their disposal Well, that's be S or oh just one thing year were player Much like you humans on your planet Oh, wow, there's plenty of other species on Vista Some our as intelligent and is vis, and they have their place and what they do But the shall knew we're the ones who travel throughout space and time That's just what we do So we special specialize said Mh Yes, feel free to ask questions I don't mind Yes Yes There has been a couple tea ones watching you too I guess you really are that unique not special Even though based on what I've seen in prepared to do other you ones i've researched here? Pretty ordinary, You don't do anything that special You certainly have different case and you're entertainment for most to humans But I wouldn't call that really drastic Here My face can you again real quick? Yep Nothing anywhere near came up Everything has lined up with my research? Yes You have all the right body parts The other humans have Right here The elongated main form Four append and a pretty regular size head and premium If I noticed he was coming buried Shaved sizes and colors It's very interesting Are actually fairly similar We come in different sizes and colors too Though we're more different jade What do you call these colors? Blue screens Maybe some pink But all treated equally We think it's brother God wise is to has judgments based on things out of one's control based said how they formed Vanessa can't be said for all the humans What if you Battle been going on during the time I've been watching you all? And I've read some reports from mother, researched your planet Throughout many different time periods Okay I have to admit something I know it keeps saying you're not unique and un remarkable and Jane normal and all that will I sent a bit Because to me, you are special, you are unique You do take of apart from all the other humans I've observed? You're definitely someone worthwhile with me duck That's for sure Because I really really loved watching you More than any other human any of a creature in your planet? If i this one, i think you call it a dolphin, Follow those for a while That just very neat You're quite good peculiar creatures If to give them more credit I think are smarter of me Humans Just just saying Aside from a dolphin You are just maybe something about you that I'm just unexpectedly drawn too Let's just say i feel varied emotions when I think about you and when I watch you, I guess you would call it bit romantic inclination I think that'd be the right terminology Of course My issues definition from is bit different yours We don't Usually made for life you see We tend to get around to spread our genetics as much as possible It really really helps forming armies quickly Definitely I'm a bit different than others on my planet I you believe there was some benefits in lifelong, completely loyal and devoted partner Yes That's how I feel And seeing back home I don't have one I've been round, Don't get me wrong Tried partners before, but Don't the way I would like to have So part of why I joined the team to sent out to your account observe your planets and find languages This cfpb maybe My special one of a kind someone was smart else in the universe And you know what? I think I found them I think I'm very, very special someone I've been seeking out for all this time All this searching planet by planet And once I observed your planet person by person, creature by creature, Well, I think my special someone Is you See this a thing I'm not gonna let you go In fact, I gonna take you back home with me So I can keep you forever and ever and ever never In ever You'll get to know my planet to my people Does that sound neat and interesting? Don't worry Don't worry We have the technology student breathe on there You have to wear some special devices, but it's possible? And see with the right lab work be to figure out how to properly combine our genetics and produce successful offspring And they'll be stronger than the typical shaman was they'll be hybrid with a human So we'll have some of your primitive tree But that might make them bit more of an aggressive soldier Or even a more curious researcher? Because your space is definitely curious Gotta to give credit for that So no Not gonna take you back home So now is the time for me to bring you aboard my ship A little bit of observing experimenting, and then set cores for home This coming away for quite a while and I think my job is just very complete So yes you're never leaving me Never ever ever ever Ever I'm gonna keep you for all Eternity All across the universe Yeah I'm gonna show you what my species version of love is all about I do think love is the right word for this I love you I've fallen in the love with you And I'm going to keep you as mine And only mine And you're going to devote yourself to me And only me And no one else Okay? Alright Well, I've got to go do some logs and set my course and whatnot not? And perhaps grab myself some sustenance And I'm not quite ready to have me wonder the ship yet and don't really trust you to not go looking for an escape pod So I'm just gonna put you back to sleep Okay Alright My sweet darling Have a good rest in hyper sleep It'll wake you up upwards The ship is home bound Alright Alright I love You