[ { "Title": "Prerequisite - Prasyarat", "Text": [ "UNKL041-Pendidikan Keterampilan/Work Education(1) - Prerequisite", "UNKL020-Bahasa Inggris Pemula/Basic English(3) - Prerequisite" ] }, { "Title": "Semester 1 - Pengenalan", "Text": [ "UKWN101-Bahasa Indonesia/Indonesian Language(2) - Basic", "UNKL111-Teladan Kehidupan I/The Exemplary Living I(2) - General", "UNKL121-Bahasa Inggris Pra Dasar/Pre-Elementary English(3) - General - Prerequisite: UNKL020-Bahasa Inggris Pemula/Basic English(3)", "FUNS131-Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia/Fundamental of Basic Human Needs(4) - Major", "FUNS132-Konsep Dasar Keperawatan/Basic Nursing Concepts(3) - Major", "BIOL123-Ilmu Biomedik Dasar/Basic Biomedical Sciences(4) - Basic", "FUNS134-Falsafah dan Teori Keperawatan/Nursing Philosophy and Theories(3) - Major" ] }, { "Title": "Semester 2 - Dasar", "Text": [ "UNKL122-Bahasa Inggris Dasar/Elementary English(3) - General - Prerequisite: UNKL121-Bahasa Inggris Pra Dasar/Pre-Elementary English(3)", "UNKL112-Teladan Kehidupan II/The Exemplary Living II(2) - General - Prerequisite: UNKL111-Teladan Kehidupan I/The Exemplary Living I(2)", "UKWN102-Pendidikan Pancasila/Indonesian Ideology(2) - General", "BIOL125-Ilmu Dasar Keperawatan/Basic Nursing Science(3) - Basic - Prerequisite: BIOL123-Ilmu Biomedik Dasar/Basic Biomedical Sciences(4)", "FUNS136-Komunikasi Dasar Keperawatan/Basic Nursing Communication(2) - Major", "FUNS137-Keterampilan Dasar Keperawatan/Basic Nursing Skills(3) - Major - Prerequisite: FUNS131-Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia/Fundamental of Basic Human Needs(4)", "FUNS138-Proses Keperawatan dan Berpikir Kritis/Nursing Process and Critical Thinking(3) - Major", "FUNS139-Pendidikan dan Promosi Kesehatan/Health Education and Promotion(3) - Major" ] }, { "Title": "Semester wajib(summer) - Tambahan", "Text": [ "FUNS140-Farmakologi Keperawatan/Nursing Pharmacology(3) - Major", "FUNS141-Keperawatan Transkultural/Transcultural Nursing(2) - Major" ] }, { "Title": "Semester 3 - Pengembangan", "Text": [ "UKWN103-Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan/Indonesian Civics(2) - General", "UNKL221-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah I / Pre-Intermediate English I(3) - General", "UNKL211-Prinsip-Prinsip Nilai Kristiani/ The Principles of Christian Values(2) - General", "FUNS231-Sistem Informasi Keperawatan/Nursing Information System(2) - Major", "NURC252-Keperawatan dewasa sistem pernafasan, kardiovaskuler, dan hematologi/Adult Health Nursing on Respiratory, Cardiovascular, and Hematology System(5) - Major", "NURC253-Keperawatan Maternitas/Maternity Nursing(4) - Major", "FUNS234-Komunikasi Terapeutik Keperawatan/Nursing Therapeutic Communication(3) - Major" ] }, { "Title": "Semester 4 - Lanjutan", "Text": [ "UNKL222-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/ Pre-Intermediate English II(3) - General", "UNKL212-Orang Muda dan Dunia/Youth and the World(2) - General", "NURC255-Keperawatan Kesehatan Reproduksi/Reproductive Health Nursing(2) - Major", "NURC256-Keperawatan Dewasa Sistem Endokrin, Imunologi, Pencernaan, Perkemihan dan Reproduksi/Adult Health Nursing on Endocrine, Immune, Digestive, Urinary and Reproductive Systems(5) - Major", "NURC257-Keperawatan Anak Sehat dan Sakit Akut/Pediatric Nursing on Healthy and Acute Illness(4) - Major", "NURC258-Keperawatan Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psikososial/Mental Health and Psychosocial Nursing(3) - Major", "FUNS249-Keselamatan Pasien dan Keselamatan Kerja/Patient Safety and Occupational Health(2) - Major" ] }, { "Title": "Semester 5 - Spesialisasi", "Text": [ "UNKL311-Kehidupan Keluarga/Family Living(2) - General", "NURC351-Keperawatan Gawat Darurat/Emergency Nursing(4) - Major", "NURC352-Keperawatan Anak Sakit Kronis dan Terminal/Pediatric Nursing on Chronic and Terminal Illness(2) - Major", "FUNS353-Keperawatan Menjelang Ajal dan Paliatif/End of Life and Palliative Nursing(2) - Major", "CHNP364-Konsep Keperawatan Komunitas/Community Nursing Concept(2) - Major", "NURC355-Keperawatan Psikiatri/Psychiatric Nursing(3) - Major", "NURC356-Keperawatan Dewasa Sistem Muskuloskeletal, Integumen, Persepsi Sensori dan Persarafan/Adult Health Nursing on Musculoskeletal, Integument, Sensory Perception and Nervous System(6) - Major" ] }, { "Title": "Semester 6 - Pendalaman", "Text": [ "UNKL312-Kehidupan di Akhir Zaman/End Time Living(2) - General", "CHNP366-Keperawatan Agregat Komunitas/Community Aggregate Nursing(3) - Major", "FUNS347-Biostatistik/Biostatistics(2) - Basic", "FUNS348-Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Keperawatan/Nursing Leadership and Management(4) - Major", "FUNS349-Metodologi Penelitian/Research Methodology(4) - Basic", "CHNP360-Keperawatan Keluarga/Family Nursing(4) - Major", "NURC360-Keperawatan Bencana/Disaster Nursing(2) - Major" ] }, { "Title": "Semester 7 - Penyelesaian", "Text": [ "UNKL113-Filsafat Pendidikan Kristen/Philosophy of Christian Education(2) - General", "NURC451-Keperawatan Kritis/Critical Nursing(3) - Major", "NURC452-Keperawatan Gerontik/Gerontic Nursing(4) - Major", "FUNS443-Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis(4) - Major", "FUNS444-Wirausaha Keperawatan/Nursing Entrepreneur(2) - Major" ] } ]