import pathlib import re import tarfile import typing from io import BytesIO from urllib.parse import unquote import diskcache import orjson import tqdm import typer from cachetools import LRUCache from loguru import logger import webdataset from trieregex import TrieRegEx as TRE app = typer.Typer() @app.command() def dedupl(root: pathlib.Path, output_folder: pathlib.Path): for wiki_section in root.iterdir(): lru = LRUCache(10_000_000) with open(output_folder / f"{wiki_section.stem}.jsonl", "wb") as foutput: for file in wiki_section.glob("*.ndjson"): with open(file, "rb") as jsonl_fp: for line in tqdm.tqdm( jsonl_fp, miniters=1024, unit="li", unit_scale=True, desc=f"{}", ): if not line.strip(): continue for figure in orjson.loads(line)["figure_media"]: fig_url, fig_caption = figure fig_url_matching: str = fig_url.lower() if not fig_url_matching.endswith((".jpeg", ".jpg", ".png")): continue if fig_url_matching not in lru: lru[fig_url_matching] = fig_caption fig_caption = ( fig_caption.strip() if fig_caption else fig_caption ) foutput.write( orjson.dumps( {"url": fig_url, "text": fig_caption}, option=orjson.OPT_APPEND_NEWLINE, ) ) @app.command() def figure_prune(file: pathlib.Path, output_file: pathlib.Path): with open(file, "rb") as jsonl_fp, open(output_file, "wb") as output: for line in tqdm.tqdm( jsonl_fp, miniters=1024, unit="li", unit_scale=True, desc=f"{}" ): data: dict[str, str | dict[str, str | None]] = orjson.loads(line) url: str = data["url"] lang: dict = data["lang"] lang = {k: v for k, v in lang.items() if v} if not lang: continue output.write( orjson.dumps( {"url": url, "lang": lang}, option=orjson.OPT_APPEND_NEWLINE ) ) @app.command() def url_deduplicate(file: pathlib.Path): temp = pathlib.Path.home() / ".superwiki_temp_url_deduplicate" with diskcache.Cache(str(temp), eviction_policy="none") as cache_dict: with open(file, "rb") as jsonl_fp: for line in tqdm.tqdm( jsonl_fp, miniters=1024, unit="li", unit_scale=True, desc=f"{}" ): data: dict[str, str] = orjson.loads(line) shared_key = data["url"].lower() cached_data = cache_dict.get(shared_key, default=None) if cached_data is not None: print("Duplicate found?", shared_key) cache_dict[shared_key] = True @app.command() def consolidate_urls(root: pathlib.Path, output_file: pathlib.Path): temp = pathlib.Path.home() / ".superwiki_temp" index_dict = diskcache.Index(str(temp)) for file in root.glob("*.jsonl"): lang = file.stem.split("-")[0][:-4] with open(file, "rb") as jsonl_fp: for line in tqdm.tqdm( jsonl_fp, miniters=1024, unit="li", unit_scale=True, desc=f"{}", ): data: dict[str, typing.Any] = orjson.loads(line) shared_key = data["url"].lower() cached_data = index_dict.get( shared_key, default={"url": data["url"], "lang": {}} ) if lang in cached_data["lang"]: print(cached_data["lang"][lang], data["text"]) cached_data["lang"][lang] = data["text"] index_dict[shared_key] = cached_data # print(cached_data) print("Dumping keys. Have patience...") with open(output_file, "wb") as foutput: for key, value in tqdm.tqdm( index_dict.items(), miniters=1024, unit="li", unit_scale=True, desc=f"{}", total=len(index_dict), ): foutput.write(orjson.dumps(value, option=orjson.OPT_APPEND_NEWLINE)) @app.command() def count(root: pathlib.Path): with tqdm.tqdm() as pbar: for file in root.iterdir(): pbar.update(1) print("Total: ", pbar.n) @app.command() def tar_wrap(images_root: pathlib.Path, index: pathlib.Path): output_tar_root = "wiki_images-" with open(index, "rb") as f: fpindex = 17 write_tar ="{output_tar_root}{str(fpindex).zfill(4)}.tar", "w") ctr = 0 cleanups: list[pathlib.Path] = [] for line in tqdm.tqdm(f): meta = orjson.loads(line) url = meta["url"] filename = unquote(url.split("/")[-1]).replace("_", " ") if len(filename) > 128: truc_stem = pathlib.Path(filename).stem[:128].rstrip() filename = pathlib.Path(filename).with_stem(truc_stem).name img_fp = images_root / filename if img_fp.exists(): tfinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(name=filename) tfinfo.size = img_fp.stat().st_size with open(img_fp, "rb") as img_stream: write_tar.addfile(tfinfo, fileobj=img_stream) with BytesIO(line) as io: tfinfo = tarfile.TarInfo( name=pathlib.Path(filename).with_suffix(".json").name ) tfinfo.size = io.getbuffer().nbytes write_tar.addfile(tfinfo, fileobj=io) cleanups.append(img_fp) ctr += 1 else: logger.debug(f"{} does not exist.") continue if ctr > 2_500: ctr = 0 fpindex += 1 write_tar.close() write_tar = f"{output_tar_root}{str(fpindex).zfill(4)}.tar", "w" ) logger.debug(f"Unlink: {cleanups}") [im.unlink() for im in cleanups if im.is_file()] cleanups = [] write_tar.close() @app.command() def wikidata(wikidata_json: pathlib.Path): for line, ptr in read_lines_jsonl(wikidata_json, chunk_size=2**8): if len(line) <= 2: continue data = orjson.loads(line.rstrip(b",\n")) if data["type"] != "item": print(data["id"]) # print(data) def read_lines_jsonl(file_name, chunk_size=2**31): with open(file_name, "rb") as file_handle: buffer = b"" while True: chunk = if not chunk: break lines = (buffer + chunk).split(b"\n") for line in lines[:-1]: yield line.strip(), file_handle.tell() buffer = lines[-1] @app.command() def license(license_file: pathlib.Path, filter_folder: pathlib.Path, output_folder:pathlib.Path): logger.add("license-dump-{time}.log", rotation="10 MB") permits = [ "attribution", "cc by", "cc sa", "cc-by", "cc0", "C0 1.0", "fal", "Nagi BY SA", "No restrictions", "pdm-", "public domain", "Share Alike", "dl-de/by-2-0", "dl-de/zero-2-0", # ...Software licenses? "AGPL", "apache", "APSL", "Artistic 2.0", "bsd", "BSL", "CeCILL", "EPL", "FWL", "GFDL", "gpl", "lgpl", "LPL", "LPPL", "mit", "MPL ", "NetHack GPL", "OFL", "OGL", "OPL 3.0", "OSPL", "PostgreSQL License", "WTFPL", "ZLIB", # Streetmaps "ODbL", "OS OpenData", "Geoportal", "DGA Map", # Data # GODL-India: "Use whatever you want, just don't misuse or misinterpret" "StatCanOpen", "CDDL", "EdictGov-India", "GODL-India", "KOGL Type 1", "KOGL Type-1", "KoreaGov", "LGACDMX", "Licence Ouverte", "OGDL", "정보공유라이선스 2.0: 허용", # Unsure. "copyrighted free use", "Open data", ] permits = tuple([license_code.lower() for license_code in permits]) blacklist = [ # "ECB deicsions", # "ECB decisions", "Use permitted by the BOI, Currency Department", "Flora License", "Alice 2 End User License Agreement", "Resolution restricted-by-sa", ] blacklist = tuple([license_code.lower() for license_code in blacklist]) groups = {} purged_urls = [] for line, ptr in read_lines_jsonl(license_file): data = orjson.loads(line) if data["meta"] is None and not data["miss"]:"{data} meta missing?") elif data["miss"]: #"{data['url']} Deleted from Wikimedia Commons") groups["Deleted"] = groups.setdefault("Deleted", 0) + 1 purged_urls.append(data["url"]) continue loicense = data["meta"].get("LicenseShortName") if not loicense: logger.warning(f"{data['url']} {data} Unusual data") purged_urls.append(data["url"]) continue else: # logger.debug("LicenseShortName Fallback") license_str = loicense["value"].lower() if license_str.startswith(permits): groups["Permitted"] = groups.setdefault("Permitted", 0) + 1 continue elif license_str.endswith( ( "banknote", "currency", "ecb decisions", "ecb deic", "use permitted by the Central Bank of Jordan", ) ) or license_str.startswith( ( "banknote", "currency", "ecb decisions", "ecb deic", "use permitted by the Central Bank of Jordan", ) ): purged_urls.append(data["url"]) groups["Currency"] = groups.setdefault("Currency", 0) + 1 continue elif license_str.startswith(blacklist): purged_urls.append(data["url"]) groups["Blacklisted"] = groups.setdefault("Blacklisted", 0) + 1 continue groups["Unknown"] = groups.setdefault("Unknown", 0) + 1 logger.warning(f"LicenseShortName not attribution: {loicense} {data}") # logger.debug(groups) # Construct list of names to be purged: for idx, url in enumerate(purged_urls): filename = unquote(url.split("/")[-1]).replace("_", " ").lstrip("File:") filename = pathlib.Path(filename) if len( > 128: truc_stem = filename.stem[:128].rstrip() filename = filename.with_stem(truc_stem) filename = filename.stem logger.debug(filename) purged_urls[idx] = filename.rstrip()[::-1] logger.debug("TRE...") filename_matcher: re.Pattern = re.compile( TRE(*purged_urls).regex(), flags=re.IGNORECASE ) logger.debug("TRE Done.") for tar_file in filter_folder.rglob("*.tar"): if tar_file.stem.endswith("_lic_chked"): continue tar_relative = tar_file.resolve().relative_to(filter_folder.resolve()) output_file = (output_folder / tar_relative).resolve() output_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True,parents=True) newtar = output_file.with_stem(tar_file.stem + "_lic_chked") with tarfile.TarFile(newtar, "w") as tar_out, tarfile.TarFile( tar_file, "r" ) as tar_in:"Checking: {tar_file}") for tarinfo in tqdm.tqdm(tar_in,total=len(tar_in.getnames())): # if tarinfo.isfile(): # logger.debug( # I really didn't want to convert to stem... but here we are! rev_fn = pathlib.Path([::-1] if filename_matcher.match(rev_fn): # logger.debug(f"Delete file: {}") continue # write back to new file # logger.debug(f"Write out: {}") dataio = tar_in.extractfile(tarinfo) tar_out.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=dataio) if __name__ == "__main__": app()