--- dataset_info: features: - name: question dtype: string - name: choices sequence: string - name: label dtype: int64 splits: - name: train num_bytes: 619513 num_examples: 384 - name: test num_bytes: 2301030 num_examples: 1416 download_size: 1491635 dataset_size: 2920543 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* - split: test path: data/test-* --- # QUANDHO: QUestion ANswering Data for italian HistOry Original Paper: https://aclanthology.org/L16-1069.pdf QUANDHO (QUestion ANswering Data for italian HistOry) is an Italian question answering dataset created to cover the history of Italy in the first half of the XX century. Starting from QUANDHO we defined a Multi-choice QA dataset, with a correct answer and four different distractors. ## Data and Distractors Generation We relied on the original data, to create this dataset. For each question-answer correct pair, we defined a dataset sample. For each sample, we gather four different distractors from incorrect question-answer pairs, where the question is the one of the chosen sample. ## Example Here you can see the structure of the single sample in the present dataset. ```json { "text": string, # text of the question "choices": list, # list of possible answers, with the correct one plus 3 distractors "label": int, # index of the correct anser in the choices } ``` ## Statistics Training: 384 Test: 1416 ## Proposed Prompts Here we will describe the prompt given to the model over which we will compute the perplexity score, as model's answer we will chose the prompt with lower perplexity. Moreover, for each subtask, we define a description that is prepended to the prompts, needed by the model to understand the task. Description of the task: ```txt Ti saranno poste domande di storia italiana.\nTi verrà chiesto di capire quali paragrafi contengono la risposta alla domanda data.\n\n ``` Prompt: ```txt Data la domanda: {{question}}\nQuale tra i seguenti paragrafi contiene la risposta alla domanda?\nA. {{choices[0]}}\nB. {{choices[1]}}\nC. {{choices[2]}}\nD. {{choices[3]}}\nRisposta: ``` ## Some Results | QUANDHO | ACCURACY (2-shots) | | :-----: | :--: | | Gemma-2B | 43.99 | | QWEN2-1.5B | 56.43 | | Mistral-7B | 72.66 | | ZEFIRO | 70.12| | Llama-3-8B | 70.26 | | Llama-3-8B-IT | 81.07 | | ANITA | 74.29 | ## Acknowledgment The original data can be downloaded from the following [link](https://dh.fbk.eu/2016/03/quandho-question-answering-data-for-italian-history/) We want to thank the dataset's creators, that release such interesting resource publicly. ## License The original dataset is licensed under [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)