""" Creates a text/category dataset using Wikipedia. Explores the 40 root categories and their sub-categories to collect pages that are seen only on each root category. The produced dataset provides 200 pages per category. Author: Tarek Ziadé / Mozilla """ import os from collections import defaultdict from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed from threading import Lock import wikipediaapi from datasets import Dataset, DatasetDict import nltk from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm _LIMIT_PER_CAT = 200 _ROOT_CATS = [ "Academic_disciplines", "Business", "Communication", "Concepts", "Culture", "Economy", "Education", "Energy", "Engineering", "Entertainment", "Entities", "Ethics", "Food_and_drink", "Geography", "Government", "Health", "History", "Human_behavior", "Humanities", "Information", "Internet", "Knowledge", "Language", "Law", "Life", "Lists", "Mass media", "Mathematics", "Military", "Nature", "People", "Philosophy", "Politics", "Religion", "Science", "Society", "Sports", "Technology", "Time", "Universe", ] class WikiExtractor: def __init__(self): self.visited_page_ids = defaultdict(set) self.all_ids = set() self.client = wikipediaapi.Wikipedia("MediaWikiCat Project", "en", timeout=30) self.data_lock = Lock() self.pbar = None def fetch_pages_from_category( self, root_category_name, category_name, limit_per_category=_LIMIT_PER_CAT, depth=0, max_depth=10, ): if len(self.visited_page_ids[root_category_name]) >= limit_per_category: return [] if depth > max_depth: # Limit the recursion depth return [] cat = self.client.page(category_name) pages = [] # Fetch pages from the current category for c in cat.categorymembers.values(): if ( c.ns == wikipediaapi.Namespace.MAIN and c.pageid not in self.visited_page_ids ): if c.pageid in self.all_ids: continue pages.append(c) with self.data_lock: # Ensure thread-safe updates self.visited_page_ids[root_category_name].add(c.pageid) self.all_ids.add(c.pageid) if len(self.visited_page_ids[root_category_name]) >= limit_per_category: break # Fetch pages from subcategories for subcat in cat.categorymembers.values(): if subcat.ns == wikipediaapi.Namespace.CATEGORY: pages += self.fetch_pages_from_category( root_category_name, subcat.title, limit_per_category, depth + 1, max_depth, ) return pages def preprocess_content(self, text): sentences = sent_tokenize(text)[:5] return " ".join(sentences) def process_page(self, page): if page.summary: summary = self.preprocess_content(page.summary) else: summary = self.preprocess_content(page.text) summary = self.preprocess_content(summary) return { "title": page.title, "id": page.pageid, "summary": summary, } def process_category(self, category): category_data = [] category = f"Category:{category}" pages = self.fetch_pages_from_category(category, category) for page in pages: try: data = self.process_page(page) except Exception as e: import pdb pdb.set_trace() continue data["category"] = category category_data.append(data) if self.pbar is not None: self.pbar.update(1) return category_data def __call__(self): with tqdm( total=len(_ROOT_CATS) * _LIMIT_PER_CAT, desc="Processing Categories" ) as pbar: self.pbar = pbar with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=15) as executor: future_to_category = { executor.submit(self.process_category, category): category for category in _ROOT_CATS } for future in as_completed(future_to_category): category_data = future.result() for item in category_data: yield item def main(): nltk.download("punkt") extractor = WikiExtractor() dataset = Dataset.from_generator(extractor) train_test_split = dataset.train_test_split(test_size=0.1) dataset_dict = DatasetDict( {"train": train_test_split["train"], "test": train_test_split["test"]} ) dataset_dict.save_to_disk(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()