Markdown code
Display table, sticky header
Show table with custom alignment
Insert table, column-specific style
Add table, custom row height
Create table, hide headers
Display table, column-specific filter
Show table, cell-specific tooltip
Insert table, custom edit function
Add table, dynamic column resizing
Create table with auto-loading
Add table with custom date format
Display table with number format
Show table, group by a column
Insert table with aggregation function
Create table, custom style for a column
<|{data}|table|style['column1']='background-color: red'|>
Add table with tooltip function
Display table, set width & height
Show table with filter enabled
Insert table, filter for a column
Create table with NaN value replacement
Add table, replace NaN in a column
Display table, editable cells
Show table, non-editable column
Insert table with on-edit callback
Create table, on-delete functionality
Add table with on-add row function
Display table, on-action callback
Show table, set row size
Insert table with rebuild option
Create table, set active state
Add table with custom ID
Display table, additional properties
<|{data}|table|properties={'key': 'value'}|>
Show table, apply CSS class
Insert table with hover text
<|{data}|table|hover_text='Hover info'|>
Create table, show selected rows
Add table, customize page sizes
<|{data}|table|page_size_options=[10, 20, 30]|>
Display table, custom tooltip for column
Show table, set table height
Insert table, custom NaN for column
Create table, disallow column edit
Add table with on-edit for column
Display table, on-delete for rows
Show table, on-add new row
Insert table, action on row select
Create table, set as inactive
Add table with specific ID
Display table, add extra properties
<|{data}|table|properties={'prop': 'value'}|>
Show table, apply custom class
Insert table, hover text on cells
<|{data}|table|hover_text='Cell info'|>
Create table with selected row highlighting
<|{data}|table|selected=[9, 10]|>
Display table with custom tooltip function
Show table, allow column filtering
Insert table with editable rows
Add table, custom column width
Create table with dynamic page size
Display table, specify column order
Show table with cell hover effect
Insert table, set row size to small
Add table with row expandability
Create table, enable row selection
Display table with fixed column
Show table, custom NaN value
<|{data}|table|nan_value='No Data'|>
Insert table with conditional formatting
Add table, on-delete row callback
Create table with column-specific filtering
Display table, editable specific column
Show table with on-add row callback
Insert table, on-action row callback
Add table, custom class name
Create table with hover text
<|{data}|table|hover_text='Hover over table'|>
Display table, specify height
Show table, custom date format
Insert table with number format
Add table, group by column function
Create table, aggregation function
Display table with custom style
Show table, column-specific style
Insert table with specific tooltip
Add table, rebuild dynamically
Create table, set as active
Display table, custom properties
<|{data}|table|properties={'key1': 'value1'}|>
Show table, custom column filtering
Insert table with row filtering
Add table, hide specific row
Create table, toggle column visibility
Display table with custom cell style
Show table, row highlight on hover
Insert table, custom page size options
<|{data}|table|page_size_options=[5, 15, 25]|>
Add table, specify column sort order
Create toggle button for dark mode
<|{dark_mode}|toggle|theme=Dark Mode|>
Add toggle control with multiple options
<|{options}|toggle|lov=Option A;Option B;Option C|>
Insert toggle button for notifications
Display toggle control with custom styling
Show toggle button for user preferences
<|{user_pref}|toggle|label=User Preferences|>
Create toggle control for visibility
Add toggle button for sound settings
Insert toggle control for mobile app
<|{mobile_app}|toggle|label=Mobile App|>
Display toggle button for email notifications
<|{email_notif}|toggle|label=Email Notifications|>
Show toggle control for online status
<|{online_status}|toggle|label=Online Status|>
Create toggle button for password visibility
<|{password_visibility}|toggle|label=Show Password|>