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DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The present invention will now be described more fully in detail with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which preferred embodiments of the invention are shown. This invention should not, however, be construed as limited to the embodiments set forth herein; rather, they are provided so that this disclosure will be thorough and complete and will fully convey the scope of the invention to those skilled in the art. The present invention provides a composite nonwoven fabric suitable for undergoing pleating to form a pleat support in liquid or air filtration applications. The composite nonwoven fabric is formed from at least three nonwoven layers or plies that are joined in a surface to surface relationship. Each layer or ply is formed of fibers that are arranged to form a nonwoven web. Unless the context dictates otherwise, the term “fiber” or “fibers” is used herein as a generic term to refer to the constituent strands of the nonwoven fabric. The fibers may be of discrete length, such as staple fibers, or they may be of indeterminate length, such as continuous filament fibers. The composite nonwoven fabric provides pleat supports exhibiting higher stiffness, lower pressure drop and higher dust holding capacity than heretofore available. Referring toFIG. 1, the pleatable fabric of the present invention is indicated generally by the reference character10. The fabric generally includes first and second air permeable outer nonwoven web layers12,14sandwiching at least one air permeable inner (or intermediate) nonwoven layer16. The outer layers12,14and the intermediate layer or layers16are nonwoven webs formed by any of a number of processes known in the nonwovens industry. For example, the first and second outer layers12,14may be spunbond nonwoven webs formed of continuous filaments by the well-known spunbond process, or the layers12,14may be formed from staple fibers by various processes such as carding, air-laying, wet-laying, etc. In preferred embodiments, the first and second outer layers12,14are a spunbonded nonwoven and the filaments thereof are randomly deposited to give the web isotropic properties that are nondirectional in nature. Likewise the inner or intermediate layer or layers16may comprise one or more nonwoven webs of continuous filaments or staple fibers produced by conventional nonwoven manufacturing processes. In preferred embodiments, the intermediate layer or layers16, as well as the outer layers12,14are spunbond nonwoven webs. The fibers of the nonwoven layers12,14,16may be formed from any of a number of known fiber-forming thermoplastic polymer compositions. For example, the fibers may be formed from polyester, polyamide, polyolefin, polyurethane or mixtures or copolymers thereof. An exemplary advantageous polyester is polyethylene terephthalate. Exemplary advantageous polyamides include nylon 6 and nylon 6,6. Exemplary polyolefins include polypropylene and polyethylene. Exemplary polyurethanes include polyester based polyurethanes and polyether based polyurethanes. In advantageous embodiments that are suitable for high temperature applications, the fibers are formed from polyethylene terephthalate. The fibers of the outer layers12,14and of the intermediate layer or layers16typically have a size or linear density of about 3 to about 24 denier per filament (“dpf”) (about 3 to about 27 dtex), such as from about 6 to about 18 dpf (about 7 to about 20 dtex). In preferred embodiments, the fibers of the first and second outer layers12,14have a fineness of about 12 dpf (13 dtex). In alternative beneficial embodiments, the fibers of the first and second outer layers12,14have a fineness of about 6 dpf or a mixture of 6 and 12 dpf fibers is employed. The fibers of the outer layers12,14and of the intermediate layer or layers16are bonded to each other at points of contact, but the nonwoven structure remains sufficiently open to provide the requisite air permeability. Preferably, the layers are substantially fully bonded, with the fibers being bonded together at a plurality of crossover points throughout the fabric. This type of bonding, commonly referred to as “area bonding”, is different from “point bonding” where the fibers are bonded to one another at discrete spaced apart bond sites, usually produced by a patterned or engraved roll. The bonding of the fibers within each layer can be independently accomplished by any of a number of known means, such as by the melting of binder fibers, resin bonding, thermal area bonding, calendering, point bonding, ultrasonic bonding, etc. In certain preferred embodiments of the present invention, each layer of the composite fabric10is bonded by binder fibers having a lower melting temperature than the primary fibers of the nonwoven layer. The binder fibers may be included within the layer in an amount effective to induce an adequate level of inter-fiber bonding within the nonwoven layer. The binder fibers may also serve to bond the respective layers to one another to form an integral, strong composite fabric10that is not subject to delamination. The binder fibers are typically present in the respective layers in amounts ranging independently from about 2 to 20 weight percent, such as an amount of about 10 weight percent. They are preferably formed from a thermoplastic polymer exhibiting a melting or softening temperature at least about 10° C. lower than the durable fiber. Exemplary binder fiber may be formed from either a low melting polyolefin polymer or a low melting polyester polymer or copolymers or mixtures thereof. In one beneficial embodiment where the primary fibers of the nonwoven are polyester, such as polyethylene terephthalate, the binder fiber is formed from a lower melting polyester copolymer, particularly polyethylene isophthalate. The optional binder fibers used for bonding the layers be of various cross-sections, including round and trilobal cross sections, and may have various sizes or diameters. Moreover, it will be understood that although the binder fibers are incorporated into the nonwoven web layers during manufacture, in many instances, the binder fibers may not be separately identifiable in the nonwoven layers after bonding because the binder fibers have softened or flowed to form bonds with the other fibers of the nonwoven layers. One advantage of using binder fibers for bonding the layers is that there is no added chemical binder present in the nonwoven layers. The first and second air permeable outer layers12,14are generally formed from one or more durable fibers. As used herein, the term “durable fibers” indicates fibers having cross sections exhibiting a higher resistance to peripheral damage, e.g. splitting or pilling, in comparison to the fibers within the inner layer16. The durable fibers within the first and second layers12,14may have any cross section known in the art which is understood to generally retard or inhibit fiber separation. By using non-circular cross-section fibers in at least one of the outer layers12,14, the fiber surface area can be increased, thus allowing for increasing the filtration efficiency for a given basis weight, or allowing for using a reduced basis weight while maintaining comparable filtration efficiency. Exemplary durable fiber cross sections include various trilobal configurations, such as Y or T shaped fibers having various dimensional relationships or modification ratios. Trilobal fibers in accordance with the invention may further be either hollow or solid. The first and second outer layers12,14may each be formed from durable fibers having the same or differing cross sections. A mixture of durable fibers of differing cross section may be included within either the first and/or second outer layers12,14, as well. In one aspect of the invention, both of the first and second outer layers12,14are formed from durable fibers having a trilobal cross section, such as the cross-section indicated within the insert inFIG. 1. As used herein the term “formed from one or more durable fibers” is used to mean that the layer contains a substantial amount of durable fibers, such as at least a majority of durable fibers by weight. The term “formed from one or more durable fibers” is not meant to exclude a mixture of the given fiber with other fibers. Consequently, the outer layers12,14may each independently contain durable fiber in amounts ranging from about 70 to 100 weight percent, based on the weight of the layer, such as an amount ranging from about 90 to 100 weight percent. The inner layer16is generally formed from one or more stiff fibers. As used herein, the term “stiff fibers” refers to fibers having cross sections exhibiting a greater stiffness in comparison to the fibers within either the first or second outer layers12,14. The stiff fibers within the inner layer16may have any cross section known in the art to provide enhanced stiffness in comparison to the cross section employed to form the first and second outer layers12,14. Exemplary stiff fiber cross sections include any non-circular fibers defining four or more lobes, i.e. quadralobal (cross-shaped), pentalobal and the like, having any suitable modification ratio or dimensional relationship. In alternative embodiments, the greater stiffness within the stiff fiber may be imparted through the use of a rectangular shape, such as a ribbon shaped fiber and the like. The inner layer16may be formed from stiff fiber having a single cross sectional configuration. Alternatively, the stiff fibers within the inner layer16may define a mixture of cross sectional configurations. In one aspect of the invention, the inner layer16is formed from stiff fibers having a quadralobal cross section, such as the cross-section indicated within the insert inFIG. 1. As used herein the term “formed from one or more stiff fibers” is used to mean that the layer contains a substantial amount of stiff fibers, such as at least a majority of stiff fibers by weight. The term “formed from one or more stiff fibers” is not meant to exclude a mixture of the stiff fibers with other fibers. Consequently, the inner layer16may contain stiff fiber in amounts ranging from about 70 to 100 weight percent, based on the weight of the layer, such as an amount ranging from about 90 to 100 weight percent. In alternative beneficial embodiments, more than one middle layer16is included within the nonwoven fabric10. In such embodiments, each of the additional interior layers may be formed from the same or different stiff fibers using the methods and materials described above. In one such exemplary embodiment, the nonwoven fabric10includes two inner layers formed in accordance with the description above. In one beneficial aspect of such embodiments, both of the inner layers are formed from 12 denier quadralobal filaments, such as 12 denier quadralobal polyethylene terephthalate filaments. In further alternative aspects, a plurality of inner layers may be provided to produce a gradient filter. For example, a nonwoven fabric10incorporating respective layers formed from 2, 4, 6 and 12 dpf fibers may be produced. In aspects of the invention providing more than one middle layer, the nonwoven fabric10may further include one or more transition layers as the additional middle layer(s). Such transitional layers would include a mixture of durable and stiff fibers. For example, the invention may include a transitional layer including 55%–70% durable fibers and 30%–45% of stiff fibers. The nonwoven fabric10generally has a thickness of approximately 15 to 25 mils (0.38 to 0.64 mm) and a basis weight of approximately 0.2 to 8.0 oz./square yard (6.8 to 271 g/m2), such as a basis weight ranging from about 0.5 to 4.0 oz./square yard (17 to 136 g/m2). The nonwoven fabrics of the invention generally provide adequate stiffness and shape retention properties needed for pleating. If the nonwoven fabric10does not have adequate stiffness in its originally manufactured state, a stiffening coating (not shown) may be applied to one or both surfaces of the nonwoven fabric10. More particularly, at least one of the outer layers12,14may be provided with a resin coating for imparting additional stiffness to the nonwoven fabric10so that the fabric may be pleated by conventional pleating equipment. By varying the amount of resin coating applied to the outer layer12or14, the air permeability of the nonwoven fabric10may also be controlled as required for specific filtration applications. The resin coating may be applied to the nonwoven fabric10using conventional coating techniques such as spraying, knife coating, reverse roll coating, or the like. Exemplary resins include acrylic resin, polyesters, nylons or the like. The resin may be supplied in the form of an aqueous or solvent-based high viscosity liquid or paste, applied to the nonwoven fabric10, e.g. by knife coating, and then dried by heating. Either additionally or alternatively, a light resin coating may also be applied to at least one of the outer surfaces of the nonwoven fabric10to provide fiber tie-down, improve abrasion resistance, and thus minimize fuzzing of the surface. Light resin coating compositions and techniques which are suitable for use in the present invention are described in commonly-owned U.S. Pat. No. 5,397,632, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference. The nonwoven fabric10may be used directly in filtration applications as a flat fabric. In alternative advantageous embodiments, the nonwoven fabric10may be pleated as illustrated inFIG. 2, and used alone or as a pleat support along with additional layers. The pleated fabric includes substantially U-shaped undulations which were created while passing at a rate 10 to 15 feet per minute through a conventional pleater apparatus, such as a Chandler pleater. The pleating is advantageously carried out without any substantial modification of the air permeability of the material. The nonwoven fabric10may be formed by means known in the art for providing layered nonwoven structures. In one preferred embodiment, the nonwoven fabric10is formed on a single spunbond manufacturing line equipped with a plurality of spunbonding beams, each of which deposits a nonwoven layer of filaments of a particular cross-section and size, along with binder filaments. The respective layers are subsequently directed through a heated bonding apparatus that heats the fabric to the point that the binder fibers become adhesive, thus serving to bond the fibers of each layer, and the respective layers, to one another. It is also possible to form each of the outer layers12,14and inner layer16separately, and to subsequently laminate the various layers using thermal bonding and/or adhesives. FIG. 3provides a photomicrograph of a preferred embodiment of the nonwoven fabric10. As shown inFIG. 3, the nonwoven fabric10includes outer layers formed from fibers having a trilobal cross section and an inner layer formed from fibers having a quadralobal cross section. The fabric illustrated inFIG. 3is a spunbonded nonwoven formed from polyethylene terephthalate. The inner layer and outer layers are advantageously formed from 12 dpf filament. Alternatively, the inner layer may be formed from 12 dpf filament and the outer layers formed from 6 dpf filament. Nonwoven fabrics formed in accordance with the invention, i.e. which include different cross sectional configurations and optionally different sizes within different layers, have been found to decrease the tendency of fibers within nonwovens to nest together into tight bundles. Such nesting is readily observed in many conventional nonwoven fabrics. Due to the decrease in nesting, the layer constructions of the present invention lead to the formation of thicker fabrics in comparison to comparable conventional nonwovens. The nonwoven fabrics of the invention are further characterized by a greater openness in comparison to conventional nonwovens, leading to lower induced pressure drops and higher air permeabilities. The nonwoven fabrics of the invention are also stiffer than comparable conventional spunbonded webs. The nonwoven fabrics of the invention generally provide a stiff open scrim that has a very low pressure drop and improved dust holding capacity. The nonwoven fabrics of the invention may be advantageously used to form filtration media, particularly pleated filtration media. For example, the nonwoven fabrics of the invention may be incorporated as a pleat support into pleated filtration media, along with other layers that provide further filtration. For example, the nonwoven fabrics of the invention may be used in pleated filters along with a layer of finer, more fragile fibers to increase the filtration efficiency of the resulting product. In addition to pleated filters, alternative filtration applications include use as a dust holding layer and a functional particle impregnation layer. The nonwoven fabrics of the invention may also be suitable for non-filtration applications, as well. For example, the nonwoven fabrics of the invention may be beneficially employed in any application in which a nonwoven fabric having superior air permeability and low pressure drop is required. The following examples are provided for purposes of further illustrating specific embodiments of the invention. It should be understood, however, that the invention is not limited to the specific details given in the examples. EXAMPLES A series of exemplary spunbonded nonwoven fabric in accordance with the invention were prepared from polyester continuous filaments. Examples 1 through 7 each had a four layer construction in which the inner two layers were formed from quadralobal filaments and the two outer layers were formed from trilobal filament. Both the trilobal and quadralobal filaments used in Examples 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7 had finenesses of about 12 dpf (correlating to a fiber diameter of about 35 microns). The trilobal filaments used in Examples 2 and 4 had a fineness of about 6 dpf (correlating to a fiber diameter of about 35 microns), while the quadralobal filaments had a fineness of about 12 dpf (correlating to a fiber diameter of about 25 microns). Each of the examples was subsequently tested for filtration performance. Comparative examples were tested for filtration performance, as well. Comparative Example 1 was formed from commercially available spunbonded web produced by Reemay Inc. of Old Hickory, Tenn. as style 2033. Comparative Example 2 was formed from commercially available spunbonded web produced by Reemay Inc. of Old Hickory, Tenn. as style 2200. Comparative Example 3 was formed from commercially available spunbonded web produced by Reemay Inc. of Old Hickory, Tenn. as style 2295. Comparative Example 4 was formed from a commercially web known as Meltfab 80. Comparative Example 5 was formed from commercially available web known as Meltfab 90. Comparative Example 6 was formed from a commercially available wet laid nonwoven produced by BBA Nonwovens under the name of Confil 80. Comparative Example 7 was formed from a commercially available wet laid nonwoven produced by BBA Nonwovens under the name Confil 70. Comparative Examples 8 and 9 were developmental samples. The filtration performance of the examples of the invention and comparative examples is provided in Table 1, attached. As shown in Table 1, nonwoven fabrics formed in accordance with the invention provide a beneficial balance of low pressure drop, improved dust holding ability, and increased air permeability. The beneficial properties of the present invention are particularly emphasized by a comparison between Examples 2 and 3 with Comparative Example 1, which indicates that fabric fabrics formed in accordance with the invention have greater stiffness, lower pressure drop, increased air permeability and greater particulate holding characteristics in comparison to conventional nonwoven constructions. While particular embodiments of the invention have been described, it will be understood, of course, the invention is not limited thereto since modifications may be made by those skilled in the art, particularly in light of the foregoing teachings. It is therefore, contemplated by the appended claims to cover any such modifications that incorporate those features of these improvements in the true spirit and scope of the invention. TABLE 1FILTRATION PERFORMANCE OF VARIOUS SAMPLESBasisFiberAirMDCDDustSampleWtCaliperSizePermGurleyGurleyEff. @ 4.0–5.5HoldingIdentification(oz/yd2)(mils)(um)(cfm)(gms)(cms)ΔPMicrons(Wt. gain, gms)Comparative Example 13.017202584132600.1764.880.33Comparative Example 21.08156630.0528.030.66Comparative Example 32.9518152503713310.1763.070.89Comparative Example 42.3623.9456903062830.0220.291.91Comparative Example 52.7450.0327.271.79Comparative Example 680128.512/396303102200.0432.321.72Comparative Example 77012312/396953071600.0426.571.57Comparative Example 860123740265165Comparative Example 974125661332201Example 1427.63536010729130.153.321.78Example 2321.825/354136403950.0838.842.43Example 3320.9354194404280.0634.822.29Example 4214.125/355581301360.0530.632.35Example 5215.7355971661970.0422.652.02Example 61.5113574461540.0320.521.72Example 71.08.73595715190.014.414.21Basis weight units are g/m2rather than oz/yd2.
EXAMPLES % in the following examples and comparative examples means wt % unless otherwise stated. Test Example 1 5% of corn steep liquor, 2% of cane sugar, 1% of Na 2 HPO 4 , 0.15% of NaCl and 0.1% of MgSO 4 were dissolved in water, pH of this solution was adjusted to 7, and a strain of Serratia Plymuthica ATCC15928 was inoculated to a 500 ml Sakaguchi flask containing 100 ml of a sterilized culture medium from a storage slant and cultured by shaking in a thermostatic chamber at 30 C. for 12 hours. As a preculture, 80 ml of this culture solution was inoculated to a 8-liter small-sized culture apparatus containing 4 liters of the above medium and cultured at 30 C. and a stirring speed of 400 rpm for 6 hours while air was blown at a rate of 4 liters per minute. As a main culture, 3 liters of this culture solution was inoculated to a 200-liter fermentation tank containing 150 liters of the above medium and cultured at 30 C. and a stirring speed of 225 rpm for 12 hours while air was blown at 150 liters per minute. The culture was centrifugated to collect the cells and disintegrated by a French press to obtain about 15 liters of a crude enzyme solution. The obtained crude enzyme solution was added to a 40% cane sugar solution in an amount of 0.4% based on the cane sugar and reacted at 40 C. for 32 hours. When the reaction solution was treated with an ion exchange resin and activated carbon in accordance with a commonly used method, an isomerized cane sugar solution having the following composition was obtained. isomaltulose 83.0% trehalulose 13.2% glucose 1.8% fructose 1.7% cane sugar 0.4% This isomerized cane sugar solution was hydrogenated with about 4 MPa of hydrogen gas in the presence of Raney nickel at 125 C. for 150 minutes. The composition (wt % in the solid content) of a hydride obtained by separating the nickel catalyst and purifying with activated carbon and ion exchange resin in accordance with a commonly used method was as follows. GPM 58.4% GPS-6 33.9% GPS-1 2.7% sorbitol 1.7% mannitol 0.7% other sugars and sugar alcohols 2.7% (As for the proportion of each component to the total weight of GPM, GPS-6 and GPS-1, the amount of GPM was 61.5 wt %, that of GPS-6 was 35.7 wt % and that of GPS-1 was 2.8 wt %.) Example 1 The hydride obtained in the Test Example 1 was concentrated to a water content of about 6%, and this solution was injected into a continuous kneader provided with a porous plate having a large number of 5 mm diameter round holes at an outlet (S2-KRC kneader of Kurimoto Tekkojo KK, jacket temperature of 10 C., revolution of 60 rpm) at a rate of 12.6 kg/hr while it was kept at 120 C. Seed crystals were injected at a rate of 5.4 kg/hr at the same time. The seed crystals were obtained by grinding commercially available hydrogenated isomaltulose (trade name: ISOMALT Type M, purchased from Parachinit Co., Ltd., spherical solid containing about 52.3% of GPM and about 47.1% of 1,6-GPS based on the solid content and having a diameter of 0.5 to 4.5 mm) and putting the ground product through a sieve to obtain particles of 60 mesh or less and recycled when they became steady. As a result, a noodle-like product discharged from the porous plate was exposed to cool air to be solidified by cooling to obtain easily a crystalline mixture solid composition. The obtained crystalline mixture solid composition had no stickiness, can be easily made uniform in size by a grinder, does not need to be dried and can be used directly for various purposes. Example 2 A crystalline composition was produced in the same manner as in Example 1 except that commercially available hydrogenated isomaltulose (trade name: ISOMALT Type M, purchased from Parachinit Co., Ltd., spherical solid containing about 52.3% of GPM and about 47.1% of 1,6-GPS and having a diameter of 0.5 to 4.5 mm) whose water content was adjusted to about 6% after it was molten by heating was used as a raw material. The same seed crystals as in Example 1 were used. As a result, a crystalline composition which had no stickiness and was easily processed was obtained as in Example 1. Comparative Example 1 A test was carried out in accordance with the method described in Example 6 of JP-A 7-51079 using the same raw material as in Example 1 as follows. The raw material whose water content was concentrated to about 6% was poured into a stainless steel tray (thickness of about 7 mm), left at room temperature for one night and solidified, and the solidified product was broken by a hammer to obtain a crystalline mixture solid composition. This was a transparent glass-like solid which had high stickiness and hygroscopicity and accordingly had a handling problem. Comparative Example 2 A test was carried out in accordance with the method described in Example 2 of JP-A 62-148496 using the same raw material as in Example 2 as follows. A solution having a water content of about 10% was obtained by melting the raw material by heating and adjusting its water content. 500 g of this solution heated at 75 C. was injected into a 2-liter twin-arm batch kneader (jacket temperature of 75 C.) together with 50 g of seed crystals and kneaded. In about 8 minutes after the start of kneading, the kneaded product became plasticized, taken out on a vat, fully cooled with cool air and broken by a hammer to obtain small pieces. They were dried at 50 C. for one night to obtain a crystalline composition (water content after drying: 5.4%). However, as the kneaded product had high stickiness and took long to be cooled, it was inferior in handling ease. Example 3 The crystalline mixture solid compositions obtained in Example 1 and Comparative Example 1, the crystalline compositions obtained in Example 2 and Comparative Example 2 and commercially available hydrogenated isomaltulose were ground and put through a sieve to obtain a uniform particle size of 16 to 60 mesh (16 to 22 mesh only when the dissolution speed was measured) and the physical properties of the obtained products were compared with one another according to the following criteria. Each value is a mean value of several measurement data. Specific Surface Area After a sample was dried at room temperature for 1 hour and further vacuum dried at 50 C. in Monosobe MS-17 (Yuasa Ionics Co., Ltd.) for 15 minutes, the specific surface area of this sample was measured. Amount of Absorbed Oil 25 g of a sample and an appropriate amount of partially hydrogenated rapeseed oil were mixed together and left for 5 minutes, oil not held by a centrifugal machine with a 60 M net was removed (620G, 10 min.), and the weight (A) of the sample containing the residual oil was measured. The oil absorption rate was calculated from this value according to the following equation. amount of absorbed oil ( A 25)/25 100 Bulk Density (Apparent Specific Gravity) This was measured using the powder tester PT-N (of Hosokawa Micron Co., Ltd.) (number of times of tapping: 180). Dissolution Speed 250 g of about 8 C. water was placed in a 300 ml beaker and 5 g of a sample was added under agitation with a stirrer having 3 agitation wings (400 rpm) to measure the time elapsed until the sample dissolved in water. Degree of Abrasion Wear 15 g of a sample was placed in a Meyer equipped with a 500 ml baffle and shaken by a shaker (190 rpm) for 60 hours. This treated product was taken out and put through a sieve to measure the weight (B) of a fraction of 60 mesh or more. The degree of abrasion wear was measured from this value according to the following equation. degree of abrasion were (%) (15 B )/15 100 The results are shown in Table 1. TABLE 1 Comp. Comp. Commercial Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 1 Ex. 2 product specific surface 0.081 0.087 0.068 0.3 0.068 area (m 2 /g) amount of absorbed 4.12 3.72 4.12 9.2 2.32 oil (%) bulk density 0.74 0.77 0.78 0.74 0.85 (g/cc) (apparent specific gravity) dissolution speed 133 146 98 171 173 (sec) degree of abrasion 0.7 1 6.5 2.1 1.1 wear (%) Ex.: Example Comp. Ex.: Comparative Example Effect of the Invention According to the present invention, a crystalline mixture solid composition which has almost no hygroscopicity, is easy to handle and dissolve and hardly worn by abrasion, and comprises -D-glucopyranosyl-1,1-mannitol and -D-glucopyranosyl-1,6-sorbitol and may further comprise -D-glucopyranosyl-1,1-sorbitol in a certain case is obtained in an extremely short period of time by a power-saving and labor-saving process with a small-scale apparatus.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In one embodiment the annular body forms an annular layer provided to the outer surface of the tubular conduit, the annular layer extending continuously along sustantially the lenght of said portion of the tubular conduit surrounded by the salt layer. Instead of providing a continous layer of resilient material in the annular space, a plurality of particles of resilient material can be inserted in the annular space to form a semi-continous resilient annular body. It is preferred that said resilient material is a swellable material susceptible of swelling upon contact with a selected fluid. By swelling of the resilient material in the annular space, it is achieved that the resilient material fills up the annular space so that axial flow of wellbore fluid through the annular space is therby prevented. Moreover the swollen resilient material contacts the wellbore wall before significant creep of the salt formation occurs, and any tendency of the wellbore wall to deform non-uniformly is substantially offset by counter-pressure from the swollen resilient material. In one embodiment the swellable material is an elastomer material, and the selected fluid is hydocarbon fluid. For example, the swellable material comprises at least one of the group of natural rubber, nitrile rubber, hydrogenated nitrile rubber, acrylate butadiene rubber, poly acrylate rubber, butyl rubber, brominated butyl rubber, chlorinated butyl rubber, chlorinated polyethylene, neoprene rubber, styrene butadiene copolymer rubber, sulphonated polyethylene, ethylene acrylate rubber, epichlorohydrin ethylene oxide copolymer, ethylene-propylene-copolymer (perioxide croslinked), ethylene-propylrnr-copolymer (sulphur crosslinked), ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer rubber, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, fluoro rubbers, fluoro silicone rubber, and silicone rubbers. Preferred swellable materials are EP(D)M rubber (ethylene-propylene-copolymer rubber, butyl rubber, brominated butyl rubber, chlorinated butyl rubber, and chlorinated polyethylene. In one embodiment the hydrocarbon fluid is present in a stream of oil based drilling fluid pumped into the wellbore during drilling of the wellbore. In one embodiment the resilient material is an elastomer susceptible of swelling upon contact with oil based drilling fluid, and wherein the wellbore is drilling using said oil based drilling fluid. Alternatively the wellbore is drilled using a water based drilling fluid, and the resilient material is an elastomer susceptible to swelling upon contact with oil based fluid, ns wherein said oil based fluid is pumped into the annular space so as to replace water based drilling fluid present in the annular space. Referring toFIG. 1there is shown a wellbore system1including a wellbore2formed in an earth formation3having a salt layer4through which the wellbore2passes. A tubular conduit in the form of wellbore casing6extends from a wellhead8at surface, into the wellbore2whereby a portion10of the casing6extends through the salt layer4. An annular space12is formed between the casing6and the wellbore wall. The portion10of casing6is provided with an annular layer14of EPDM rubber which is known to swell when in contact with hydrocarbon fluid, for example oil present in conventional oil based drilling fluid. The annular layer14has an initial thickness significantly smaller than the clearance between the casing6and the wellbore wall so as to allow unhampered lowering of the casing6with annular layer14provided thereto, into the wellbore2. Referring further toFIG. 2, there is shown the wellbore system1after swelling of the annular layer14of EPDM rubber due to contact of the layer14with oil based drilling fluid present in the wellbore. The swollen annular layer14extends radially against the wellbore annular layer14extends radially against the wall formed by the salt formation surrounding the wellbore2. Thus, tha annular space12vanishes after swelling of the annular layer14. During normal operation the wellbore2is drilled in conventional manner using oil based drilling fluid. After drilling is completed, the casing6with the annular layer14provided thereto is lowered into the wellbore2and suspended in a position whereby the annular layer14extends substantially the length of the portion of the casing6passing through the salt layer4. The annular layer of EPDM rubber thereby comes into contact with the oil based drilling fluid and starts swelling. Swelling of the layer14continues for a period of time which can last several days, until the annular layer14completely occupies the annular space12and thus becomes biased against the wellbore wall at moderate pressure. The salt in salt formation4near the wellbore wall tends to creep radially inward so that the diameter of the wellbore portion passing through the salt layer4reduces slowly. As a result of the salt moving against the swollen annular layer14, a compressive pressure builds up in the annular layer14of EPDM rubber. In many instances the salt will not uniformly creep radially inward along the length of the wellbore section passing through the salt layer4. Thus, there can be locations where the wellbore diameter reduces more than at other locations due to the creeping salt, which would lead to locally severe loading conditions for the casing6if the rubber layer14would not be present between the casing6and the wellbore wall. Such severe loading is averted by the rubber annular layer14which deforms elastically due to the local load and thereby distributes the loading over a much larger area of the casing. The distributed load is of significantly lower magnitude than the high local loads to which the casing would be subjected in the absence of the annular layer14, thus approaching uniform loading of the casing. In this manner it is achieved that failure of the casing due to locally severe loading conditions caused by non-uniform creeping of the salt, is prevented. Moreover, as a result of the more uniformly distributed compressive pressure between the salt at the wellbore wall and the swollen rubber layer, non-uniform creep of the salt along the length of the wellbore portion passing through the salt layer4is counteracted. The swellable elastomer generates a pressure against the formation which delays the inflow of formation into the wellbore, and serves to spread concentrated loads acting on the casing from irregularities of the hole surface. The swelling pressure decreases with increasing amount of swelling and vice versa, i.e. there is an equilibrium between external pressures and internal pressures associated with the swelling mechanism. Thus, if after initial swelling of the elastomer the salt formation creeps radially inward and contacts the elastomer, the elastomer becomes locally compressed and exerts a back-pressure to maintain equilibrium. The swelling elastomer therefore not only out concentrated loads from the creeping salt formation, but also pushes the salt formation back at a progressively increasing elastic force. In a suitable alternative application the annular body of resilient material includes an annular body of sand.
EXAMPLE parts parts parts Neodol 23-5 21.5 21.5 21.5 n-BPP 18.5 18.5 18.5 Methyl sulfate salt of methyl 1.3 1.3 1.3 quaternized polyethoxylated hexamethylenediamine low density filler 1 0.26 0.52 Na-citrate dihydrate 6.8 6.8 6.8 NaLAS 16.0 16.0 16.0 Na carbonate 10.0 10.0 10.0 brightener 0.2 0.2 0.2 Na percarbonate 12.0 12.0 12.0 bleach activator 6.0 6.0 6.0 thickening agent (CLASS) 2.0 1.0 0.5 enzymes 1.23 1.23 1.32 TiO2 0.5 0.5 0.5 suds suppressor 0.06 0.06 0.06 perfume 0.8 0.8 0.8 Average particle diameter of the low density filler to the average particle diameter of the suspended solids is about 2:1. 1 Particulate solid density-reducing component is any particulate solid density-reducing component described herein. Preferably, the particulate solid density-reducing component is EXPANCEL 091 DE available from Expancel of Sweden. While particular embodiments of the subject invention have been described, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications of the subject invention can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. It is intended to cover, in the appended claims, all such modifications that are within the scope of the invention. The compositions of the present invention can be suitably prepared by any process chosen by the formulator, non-limiting examples of which are described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,691,297 Nassano et al., issued Nov. 11, 1997; U.S. Pat. No. 5,574,005 Welch et al., issued Nov. 12, 1996; U.S. Pat. No. 5,569,645 Dinniwell et al., issued Oct. 29, 1996; U.S. Pat. No. 5,565,422 Del Greco et al., issued Oct. 15, 1996; U.S. Pat. No. 5,516,448 Capeci et al., issued May 14, 1996; U.S. Pat. No. 5,489,392 Capeci et al., issued Feb. 6, 1996; U.S. Pat. No. 5,486,303 Capeci et al., issued Jan. 23, 1996 all of which are incorporated herein by reference. In addition to the above examples, the compositions of the present invention can be formulated into any suitable laundry detergent composition, non-limiting examples of which are described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,679,630 Baeck et al., issued Oct. 21, 1997; U.S. Pat. No. 5,565,145 Watson et al., issued Oct. 15, 1996; U.S. Pat. No. 5,478,489 Fredj et al., issued Dec. 26, 1995; U.S. Pat. No. 5,470,507 Fredj et al., issued Nov. 28, 1995; U.S. Pat. No. 5,466,802 Panandiker et al., issued Nov. 14, 1995; U.S. Pat. No. 5,460,752 Fredj et al., issued Oct. 24, 1995; U.S. Pat. No. 5,458,810 Fredj et al., issued Oct. 17, 1995; U.S. Pat. No. 5,458,809 Fredj et al., issued Oct. 17, 1995; U.S. Pat. No. 5,288,431 Huber et al., issued Feb. 22, 1994 all of which are incorporated herein by reference. Having described the invention in detail with reference to preferred embodiments and the examples, it will be clear to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications may be made without departing from the scope of the invention and the invention is not to be considered limited to what is described in the specification.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENT An embodiment of the present invention will be described below with reference to drawings. FIG. 1is a block diagram of an optical disk device according to an embodiment of the present invention. The optical disk device shown inFIG. 1records data including images and sounds on optical disk1and reproduces the recorded data under the control of a host device (not shown), for example, a personal computer (PC). The following description will focus on the optical disk device (driving part) directly related with the present embodiment without elaborating on the relationship between the optical disk device and the host device. The optical disk1that is a recording medium may be, for example, a compact disk (CD), digital versatile disk (DVD), or Blu-ray disk (BD). It may be either a recordable optical disk such as a BD-R or DVD-R allowing recording only once or a rewritable optical disk such as a BD-RE or DVD-RAM allowing recording and rewriting. The optical disk1loaded in position is rotationally driven by a spindle motor2via a shaft2A. A drive control signal for driving the optical disk1is supplied from a system control circuit15. An optical pickup3irradiates the recording surface of the optical disk1with a laser beam3E to record data on the recording surface of the optical disk1or reproduce recorded data. Namely, a laser beam modulated based on the coded data to be recorded is generated by a semiconductor laser source3A, for example, a laser diode (LD). To record data on the optical disk1, the modulated laser beam advances passing a beam splitter3B, is reflected by a reflecting mirror3C, is focused, by an objective lens3D, on the recording surface of the optical disk1, and, as the laser beam3E, irradiates the recording surface of the optical disk1. To reproduce recorded data, the laser beam3E modulated according to recorded bits on the optical disk1and reflected by the optical disk1advances through the objective lens3D to be reflected by the reflecting mirror3C. The laser beam3E is then reflected by the splitting plane of the beam splitter3B and is detected, while being converted into an electrical signal, by an optical detector3F as a reproduced signal. The construction of the optical pickup3shown inFIG. 1is a simplified example. It may further includes, for example, a collimator lens for absorbing aberration, or its elements may be arranged differently than shown inFIG. 1. The optical pickup3is mounted in a thread mechanism (not shown) to be radially movable over the optical disk1and performs data recording and reproduction at prescribed tracks of the optical disk1. The control signal for recording and reproduction is generated by the system control circuit15. The objective lens3D is mounted in an actuator (not shown) and its position is finely adjusted based on the control signal generated by the system control circuit15so as to allow the laser beam3E to be correctly focused on a prescribed track on the optical disk1. The signal circuit section of the optical disk device will be described below. When recording data, the data to be recorded is supplied from the host device (not shown) to an input/output circuit5via an input terminal4A. When the original data to be recorded is, for example, a dynamic image signal, the data supplied to the input/output circuit6may be compressed data of Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) format. The data supplied to the input/output circuit5is then temporarily stored in a buffer memory6. A recording signal processing circuit7generates a recording signal by reading a prescribed portion of data from the buffer memory6, adding an error correction code to the data, and modulating the data for coding based on a code occurrence probability. A write pulse generation circuit8receives the recording signal and converts it into a laser pulse train. A laser diode drive (LDD)9receives the laser pulse train and, after power-amplifying it so as to be able to drive the LD (3A) of the pickup3, supplies it to the LD (3A). The recording signal is thus recorded on the optical disk1. When reproducing recorded data, a reproduced signal detected, as an electrical signal, by the optical detector3F is supplied to an analog front end (AFE) circuit10. The AFE circuit10processes the reproduced signal that is, even though digitally recorded, to be intrinsically treated as an analog signal. The AFE circuit10includes a push-pull signal processing circuit (PP processing)10A and an equalizer (EQ) circuit10B. The push-pull signal processing circuit10A generates, by arithmetically processing the reproduced signal, a tracking error (TE) signal and a focus error (FE) signal and supplies the generated signals to the system control circuit15. The system control circuit15generates, based on the TE signal and FE signal supplied, servo signals for tracking and for focusing and supplies the servo signals to the optical pickup3thereby controlling the operation of the optical pickup3. Details of the methods for generating the TE signal and FE signal, not being directly related with the object of the present invention, will not be described in this specification. In the EQ circuit10B, the frequency characteristics of amplitudes and phases observed when data is recorded or reproduced using the optical pickup3and optical disk1are equalized so that the reproduced signal waveform is as close to the output waveform of the LDD9as possible. Furthermore, in a demodulator (DEM) circuit12, the reproduced signal is demodulated, thereby removing the modulation to which the recording signal was subjected for coding in the recording signal processing circuit7. In an error correction circuit (ECC)13, the reproduced signal undergoes error correction processing to correct errors generated during recording and reproducing processes. The error correction processing is performed when, in an ECCDET (detector) circuit14, an error is detected based on the error correction code added to the recording signal in the recording signal processing circuit7. The reproduced signal, i.e. the reproduced data having undergone required error correction in the ECC circuit13is temporarily stored in the buffer memory6to be sequentially transferred to the host device (not shown) via the input/output circuit5and an output terminal4B. The output of the ECCDET circuit14is also supplied to a verification circuit15A included in the system control circuit15. In the verification circuit15A, it is determined whether once-recorded data is of quality good enough to be processed for error correction in the ECC circuit13to be performed when the once-recorded data is reproduced. In many cases, such verification is performed at least when recorded data is reproduced for the first time. The verification can be performed in different ways. In the present embodiment, data is verified based on the frequency of error detection in the ECCDET circuit14. With reference toFIG. 2, overshooting and undershooting of an optical pulse waveform of an LD will be described below.FIG. 2is a waveform diagram showing an example drive control signal generated by an LDD and an example optical pulse waveform generated by an LD. The optical pulse waveform shown inFIG. 2is a waveform of a 6T pulse. The drive control signal is an output signal of the LDD9shown inFIG. 1originated from a recording signal generated by the light pulse generation circuit8. InFIG. 2, “Pw” denotes a recording power level, “Pe” denotes an erasing power level, and “0” denotes a zero power level (no emission). Also, the optical pulse waveform of the LD shown inFIG. 2is the waveform of the laser beam3E shown inFIG. 1. As is known fromFIG. 2, even with the drive control signal generated by the LDD having a rectangular waveform, the optical pulse waveform of the LD has an overshoot and an undershoot in the portion circled inFIG. 2. When the last pulse returns from the Pw level to the Pe level, undershooting reaching the 0 level past the Pe level occurs. When the last pulse returns from the 0 level to the Pe level, overshooting occurs. Such overshooting and undershooting result in errors between the recording waveform and the reproduced waveform to cause, in the worst case, a read error. The “T” in the “6T pulse” mentioned above represents the period of the basic clock signal for operation. The recording signals used for DVDs range from 3T pulses to 14T pulses. The recording signal processing circuit7operates to use shorter pulses, for example, 3T pulses, for more frequently occurring codes. Next, with reference toFIGS. 3A and 3B, the causes of overshooting and undershooting of an optical pulse waveform will be described below.FIG. 3Ashows a circuit diagram of a portion around an LDD and LD included in an optical disk device and an equivalent circuit representation.FIG. 3Bis a frequency characteristic chart showing example characteristics of transmission from the LDD to the LD. Referring toFIG. 3A, the final stage of the LDD includes, for example, a grounded emitter (collector follower) circuit. Between the collector of the transistor in the final stage and a bias supply VHI (for example, about 6 to 10 V), the LD is connected as a load via a microstrip line. Information is recorded on a recording medium according to the emission of the LD. The LDD has an output impedance provided, for example, by a 40-ohm resistor and a 10-pF capacitor connected in parallel. The length (L) of the microstrip line is, for example, about 30 mm though dependent on device condition. In many cases, the microstrip line has a width (W) of about 0.3 mm. As inFIG. 3A, the LD is represented, for example, by resistors, coils, and capacitors ranging from the left 0.6 pF capacitor to the right 8.8 ohm resistor. InFIG. 3B, example frequency characteristics of transmission from an LDD to an LD are shown for four different microstrip line widths including 0.3 mm. Namely,FIG. 3Bshows frequency characteristics of low-frequency pass filters (LPFs) with a cutoff frequency of several hundred MHz (−3 dB) which are high-order frequency characteristics with peaks in an out-of-band 1-to-2 GHz range. These frequency characteristics cause overshooting or undershooting of the waveform of an electric current flowing through an LD. Hence, in the optical pulse waveform of the LD, too, overshooting or undershooting occurs, as shown inFIG. 2, in a transient period following a sharp change in waveform. How to reduce the waveform overshooting or undershooting described above will be described below. The pulse waveform of an LDD drive control signal shown inFIG. 2is an original 6T-pulse waveform. In reality, however, the waveform reaches the erasing power level Pe, in many cases, via a zero power period following the last pulse and another pulse called an erase top pulse. The erase top pulse is provided to precede the erasing power period so as not to delay the time when erasing is actually started. In the present embodiment, the leading edge of the erase top pulse is made to almost coincide with the trailing edge of the last pulse so as to reduce the no-emission period unintentionally generated by undershooting occurring immediately after the last pulse and also reduce the subsequent overshooting. The present embodiment will be described below comparingFIG. 4AandFIG. 4B. FIG. 4Ais a waveform diagram of general recording pulses.FIG. 4Bis a waveform diagram of recording pulses according to the present embodiment. Unlike the 6T pulse waveform shown inFIG. 2, the waveforms shown inFIGS. 4A and 4Bare 4T pulse waveforms. Generally, as shown inFIG. 4A, a recording pulse waveform includes an erase top pulse which is generated by power of level Pet between the recording power level Pw and the erasing power level Pe. The erase top pulse lasts, after a predetermined amount of time elapses from the last pulse, as long as a period Tert. Namely, when the power level during the period Tert is Pe, as shown in broken line inFIG. 4A, there is no erase top pulse provided. When the power level during the period Tert is Pet, as shown in solid line inFIG. 4A, there is an erase top pulse provided. The period Tert is, as mentioned above, set to an optimum value not to delay the rising of the erasing power. In the present embodiment, as shown inFIG. 4B, the leading edge of the erase top pulse is made to almost coincide with the trailing edge of the last pulse so as to reduce the overshooting and undershooting described above. Another characteristic of the present embodiment is that the power level Pet of the erase top pulse is set to an optimum value using ratio a/b as a parameter where “a” is the difference between Pet and Pe and “b” is the difference between Pw and Pe as shown inFIG. 4B. The optimum power level for reducing overshooting and undershooting differs between recording media such as BD-REs and DVD-Rs. Such an optimum value can be determined by prior experiments, and there are not many factors to make the optimum value vary between optical disk devices. Therefore, an arrangement may be made such that, upon determining the type of the recording medium to be used, the system control circuit15specifies, for application by the write pulse generation circuit8, an optimum value of a/b for the recording medium. When differences in optimum a/b value between different recording media are small, a constant value of a/b may be applied for the different recording media. With reference toFIG. 5, changes in overshooting and undershooting observed by experiments made with different values of a/b will be described below.FIG. 5shows optical pulse waveforms of an LD according to the present embodiment. The waveforms shown inFIG. 5have been obtained using DVD-RWs as recording media, but similar results have also been obtained using BD-REs. Referring toFIG. 5, the waveform observed with (a/b=0%), i.e. with no erase top pulse provided, shows an overshoot and an undershoot similar to those shown inFIG. 2. With larger values of a/b, i.e. 10% and 15%, the overshoots observed before the pulse power becomes 0 are smaller and, when the a/b value is increased to 35%, the overshoot is small enough to cause almost no problem. The value of a/b cannot be increased to be close to 100%, as doing so will result in having an undesired mark to be recorded, but the value of (a/b=35%) is low enough to cause no undesired mark to be recorded. Setting the value of a/b to 35% does not result in delaying the subsequent rising of the erasing power, either, so that the effect of the erase top pulse and the intended effect of the present embodiment can be both realized. Furthermore, according to the present embodiment, an optimum value of a/b can be determined by experiments using the ratio a/b as a parameter. This improves efficiency in developing a new model of optical disk device compared with conventional cases where recording signal waveforms obtained by simulation or experiments made without using such a parameter are applied. Still another characteristic of the present invention is that, unlike in conventional cases, the period (duration) Tert of the erase top pulse, shown inFIG. 4B, can be varied for application to different types of recording media. As is well known, CDs, DVDs, and BDs allow high-speed recording in which data over a unit amount of time is recorded several times as fast. Generally, recordable media allow faster recording than rewritable media. Referring to the optical pulse waveform shown inFIG. 2, the duration of overshooting or undershooting is constant, for example, about 3 ns regardless of the recording speed involved. In the case of DVDs, the basic operation clock frequency is 26.16 MHz for recording at normal speed, so that the period T is 38.2 ns. The overshooting or undershooting duration of 3 ns is, therefore, equivalent to a period of ( 5/64) times T. It is therefore possible to optimally change the erase top pulse duration Tert, shown inFIG. 4B, according to the recording speed, namely, by selectively setting Tert to ( 5/64)T for normal speed recording, ( 5/32)T for double speed recording, and ( 5/16)T for quadruple speed recording. This approach can also be used for recording at different speeds using different types of recording media. For such recording, the value of Tert can be changed by having the system control circuit15specify a Tert value for application by the write pulse generation circuit8. The above embodiment has been described by way of example only and not in any limitative sense. For example, concrete constructions of portions of the optical pickup3and LDD9have been described, but they do not constitute limiting conditions for the present invention. Even though different embodiments are possible based on the spirit of the invention, they remain within the scope of the invention. While we have shown and described several embodiments in accordance with our invention, it should be understood that disclosed embodiments are susceptible of changes and modifications without departing from the scope of the invention. Therefore, we do not intend to be bound by the details shown and described herein but intend to cover all such changes and modifications that fall within the ambit of the appended claims.
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Description will now be made to a preferred embodiment with reference to the drawings. FIG. 1 is a system chart For illustrating the method of the preferred embodiment according to the present invention. In this embodiment, a raw material for a webbing 1 is at first sent to a water washing step 2, in which an oil agent is removed. In this water washing step, since the webbing 1 is immersed into water in a water bath, the oil agent deposited thereon leaches into water, so that the oil agent is removed. The webbing removed with the oil agent is then sent by way of a first tensioner 5 to a dye padding step 3. The webbing deposited with the dye is sent as it is to a hot blow furnace 6A. The webbing 1 is brought into contact with a hot blow in the hot blow furnace 6A and is at first put to drying and then color development. The webbing leaving the hot blow furnace 6A passes through a second tensioner 7 and then passes through a reduction cleaning step 8 and a hot water washing step 9. The webbing leaving the hot water washing step 9 is sent directly, without drying, to a resin padding step 11 and, subsequently, passed through a resin drying/setting step 12 and softening step 13 and then taken out as a dyed webbing in the same manner as in the prior art. FIG. 3B schematically shows the constitution of a hot blow furnace 6A used in this embodiment. The hot blow furnace 6A is elongate in a horizontal direction and partitioned by a partitioning wall 6B into a drying zone 6C and a color developing zone 6D. Then, a roller 6R is disposed at the deepest portion of the hot blow furnace 6A, and the webbing 1 is laid around the roller 6R and a roller 6E at the exit. A hot blow at 220.degree.-230.degree. C. is introduced from the webbing exit to the inside of the hot blow furnace 6A and brought into contact with the webbing 1 in a countercurrent manner. Accordingly, in the color developing zone 6D, the webbing 1 is in contact with a hot blow at a high temperature of about 210.degree.-220.degree. C. to conduct sufficient color development. Further, in the drying zone 6C, the webbing 1 is in contact with a hot blow at a lower temperature and dried. As can be seen from FIG. 3B, no guide rollers are disposed for the webbing 1 in the drying zone 6C of the hot blow furnace 6A, and the webbing 1 is brought into contact with the roller 6R after it is completely dried. FIG. 4B shows a cleaning device used in this embodiment. The cleaning device is used for reduction cleaning and/or hot water washing. In this embodiment, all of rollers 7b, 7c are arranged in a water bath 7a, and the webbing 1 immersed in a cleaning solution or hot water is bent on one side and then on the other side of the webbing 1 and then passed through the hot waiter while undergoing such repeating bending successively. Accordingly, the solution can intrude deeply into the fibrous tissue of the webbing 1, so that cleaning at an extremely high efficiency can be applied. According to the dyeing method in this embodiment, since the raw material for the webbing 1 is at first removed with the oil agent and then sent to the padding step, the oil agent does not leach into the dye solution in the dye bath. Accordingly, contamination to the dye solution can be prevented. Further, since the oil agent does not deposit on the webbing 1, contamination can be removed satisfactorily in the reduction cleaning step 8. Further, there is no contamination of the webbing caused by the oil agent that becomes tarry. In view of the above, a webbing that Finely develops a color can be obtained. Further, in this embodiment, since the padded webbing is sent as it is without drying to the hot blow furnace 6A, additional drying step is no longer required, so that the entire constitution for the dyeing device can be simplified. Further, the number of rollers in contact with the wet webbing deposited with the dye is extremely small, and the first tensioner 5 is disposed prior to the dye padding step 3. Accordingly, the number of rolls that have to be cleaned upon color change of the dye is reduced, so that color of dye can be changed rapidly. Furthermore, as described above, in the hot blow furnace 6a, the webbing 1 is brought into contact with the roller 6R only after it has been completely dried. Accordingly, the dye does not deposit on the roller 6R and the drying of the dye can also be prevented. Accordingly, there is no longer necessary to wash or clean the roller 6R upon color change of the dye, by which the color change can be made rapidly. Furthermore, as has been described above, the webbing 1 can be cleaned sufficiently as shown in FIG. 4B, by which a webbing that finely develops a color can be produced. In the above-mentioned embodiment, padding is applied by immersing the webbing in the dye solution, but padding may also be applied by spraying a dye solution. Further, the hot blow furnace 6A is made elongate in the horizontal direction in FIG. 3B but it may be in a vertically elongate shape. Description has been made to the embodiment described above, wherein the number of the rollers to be cleaned upon color change is reduced. Cleaning of the rollers may cause the lowering of the roller temperature, by which unevenness may possibly be caused in color development. On the contrary in this embodiment, since the number of rollers that are cleaned and the temperature of which is lowered upon color change is extremely small, it can also provide an effect capable of preventing uneven color development due to the lowering of the roller temperature. In the above-mentioned embodiment, the webbing is sent into the resin padding step directly after the hot water washing step. This is because the webbing has extremely low water content and requires no drying step as described previously. Further, upon resin padding, since an aqueous dispersion type resin is used, the webbing may be moistened. By saving the drying step after the hot water washing, the step is further simplified as a whole. As has been described above in accordance with the dyeing method of the present invention, the number of drying steps is extremely reduced as a whole and it is possible to simplify the constitution of the device and reduce the dyeing cost. In addition, since the number of rollers in contact with the moistened padded webbing is small, color change of dye can be conducted rapidly. According to the method of the present invention, since padding is applied after removing the oil agent, contamination of the dye solution can be prevented and removal of contamination during reduction cleaning is satisfactory. Accordingly, a webbing that finely develops a color can be produced. According to the dyeing method of the present invention, the dye does not deposit and dry to solidness on the rollers in the hot blow furnace and the maintenance and control for the hot blow furnace is facilitated. Further, the color change of the dye can be conducted more rapidly. According to the dyeing method of the present invention, the webbing can be cleaned sufficiently, so that a webbing that finely develops a color can be produced.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS With reference to the accompanying drawings, a device 10 for shearing fibers from fabric surfaces according to the present invention will now be described. Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the device has a housing 12 comprising a top sheet member 15, a bottom sheet member 19 and having a first shearing machine 20 and a second shearing machine 22 disposed therebetween. Referring to FIG. 3 each of the shearing machines includes a case 25, an outer blade 27 and an inner blade 29 one or both of which are secured onto the case 25, and an electric motor 30 secured within the case 25. Electric power is supplied to the shearing machine through a power supply such as batteries and line voltage. The motor 30 is of the type found in conventional hair clippers and is well-known in the art. Each blade 27, 29 has a row of spaced teeth 33, and the outer blade 27 is positioned on top of the second blade 29 so that the teeth 33 are aligned on the same side. The teeth 33 have angled side cutting edges 35. In the preferred embodiment, the outer blade 27 is stationary, and the inner blade 29 is pressed against the outer blade 27 by a tension spring (not shown), which allows the inner blade 29 to laterally moved side to side in a reciprocating manner by an eccentric cam (not shown) which is rotatably connected to the motor 30. The first shearing machine 20 and the second shearing machine 22 should be in a position opposed to one another at a predetermined angle so that the outer blades 27 of the shearing machines 20, 22 are substantially coplanar and so that the teeth 33 of each shearing machine 20, 22 are aligned adjacent one another as shown in FIG. 1. The device further includes a vacuum means for suction of cut fabrics. A tubing 37 having a first end 39 and second end 40 connects the device to the vacuum means. The vacuum means can be any conventional vacuum box. The first end 39 of the tubing is positioned behind and between the inner blade 29 of the shearing machines 20, 22 within the housing member 12. The second end 40 of the tubing 37 connects to the vacuum box. The vacuum means provides suction for loose fibers on fabrics to be drawn in between the teeth 33 of the blades 27, 29 to be cut. The fibers cut from fabrics are then sucked into the first end 39 of the tubing 37. Constant prolonged use requires the blades 27, 29 to be lubricated regularly. To increase the duration of lubricant between the blades, a layer of thin steel wiring 46 is placed between the blades 27, 29. In operation, a fabric having fibers is passed along the outer blades 27 of the shearing machines 20, 22. Loose fibers are drawn between the teeth 33 of the blades 27, 29 and cut by the reciprocating blades. The cut fibers are drawn in the first end 39 of the tubing 37 and then into the vacuum means. It is important to maintain an air seal between the blades 27, 29 of the shearing machines 20, 22 and the top and bottom sheet members 15, 19 of the housing 12. A tight air seal increases the suction provided by the first end 39 of the tubing 37 to draw fibers in between the teeth 33 of the blades 27, 29. A variety of sealing agents known in the art can be placed between the blades and the top and bottom sheet members of the housing. In the preferred embodiment, as shown in FIG. 4, a layer of rubber material 49 is placed between the top sheet member 15 and the shearing machines 20, 22, and a layer of substantially rigid plastic material 50 is placed between the bottom sheet member 19 and the shearing machines 20, 22. Although the present invention has been described in considerable detail with reference to certain preferred versions thereof, other versions are possible by converting the aforementioned construction. Therefore, the scope of the invention shall not be limited by the specification specified above and the appended claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The taggant system of the present invention may be utilized in a substrate such as paper, which may be paper currency. In a preferred embodiment, the taggant system is dispersed throughout the utilized substrate. The taggant system may be functional at one or more of several frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, including ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared dull or inactive. In a preferred embodiment, the taggant system is invisible to the naked eye in paper with no body color. The taggant system of the present invention includes two components, namely an inclusion disposed in or embedded in the substrate, and a dopant disposed in or on or incorporated into the inclusion. The inclusion may be any material of one or more engineered sizes and/or shapes that are compatible with substrate manufacturing processes. In one embodiment, the inclusion is a disk-shaped inclusion. In another embodiment, the inclusion is a planchette-based inclusion. In another embodiment, the inclusion is a fiber-based inclusion. The inclusion may include polymer-like fibers, coated paper, glass, and the like, which are incorporated into or embedded in the substrate. The inclusion is doped with a dopant capable of permitting the taggant system to have a varied absorption/reflectance from the absorption/reflectance of substrate areas that do not contain the taggant system. In particular, the dopant is capable of absorbing incident radiation at a predetermined wavelength or wavelengths. The selected dopant may be inorganic, have nanoscale size distribution, and/or have a melting temperature of less than 1,000° C. In one embodiment, the dopant is any sharp linewidth absorber, such as a plasmon ice nanoparticle. In an embodiment in which the inclusion is a fiber-based inclusion, the taggant system may include polymer fiber hosts with dopants incorporated into the fibers, in which the fibers are incorporated into or embedded in the substrate. Through usage of the described doped inclusions in a substrate, electromagnetic radiation absorption and reflection varies at those locations in the substrate in which the doped inclusions are positioned. In other words, there is a dip in absorption in the reflected radiation spectrum at these doped inclusion positions. Specific single or multiple absorption lines may be presented as a result of dopant selection and/or inclusion of different sets of inclusions doped with varying dopants. In a preferred embodiment, multiple absorption lines result from a single dopant fiber. Multiple absorption lines may also be produced via inclusion of glasses, crystals, dyes, and the like, as a result of vibrational mode and/or electronic state features. FIG. 1shows a model reflective intensity spectrum with an absorption line corresponding to a certain wavelength of radiation (λ2) absorbed by a taggant system, e.g., a doped inclusion. If examination is performed at other wavelengths, such as λ1and λ3, the reflectivity of the examined substrate does not present any irregularity, e.g., absorption dip in the reflected radiation spectrum. However, examination at the wavelength λ2presents an irregularity indicative of the presence of the relevant doped inclusion. By measuring the reflectance of electromagnetic radiation from the substrate containing the taggant system of the present invention, changes or irregularities in reflectivity/absorption may be observed, and the presence and/or location of the taggant system may be determined. With respect to the counterfeit resistance properties of the taggant system of the present invention, the system may include several levels of security. A first level of security may be such that materials of the taggant system cannot be seen by the naked eye, e.g., in paper. Doped inclusions may be colorless and/or functional at one or more of several frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, including ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared dull or inactive. Additionally, the taggant system may be distributed and detected throughout an entire item, e.g., a currency note. This may be useful in detecting composite counterfeits. A second level of security may be such that the dopants are or include substances not recorded in chemical and crystallographic databases. The taggant system may be detected via Spectrally Resolved Image Processing (SRIP), have a resolution of approximately 1 nm, and/or include covert wavelength positions and linewidths. A third level of security may be such that the taggant system is capable of multiple unique code configurations, including over fifteen distinct codes. The coding configurations may be used to identify and/or verify the denominations of the currency. These codes may be single or binary codes. The codes may be created based on combinations of dopant selection and physical size and/or shape parameters of the inclusion (e.g., length, radius/diameter, and the like). Doped inclusions having different absorption characteristics and/or physical parameters may be predictably interspersed in the substrate to build an authentication code. Dopants may include a first dopant (dopant A), a second dopant (dopant B), or a combination of both. Inclusion parameters may be a first diameter (D1), a second diameter (D2), or a combination of both. For fiber-based inclusions, the inclusion parameter may be a first length (L1), a second length (L2), or a combination of both.FIG. 2shows inclusions of multiple diameters in a taggant system utilizing disk-shaped inclusions, andFIG. 3shows an inclusion diameter analysis of said taggant system. For example, based on the aforementioned nomenclature for dopant selection and inclusion parameter, the following different codes are possible: AD1, AD2, BD1, BD2, AD1/BD2, AD2/BD1, BD1/BD2, AD1/BD1, AD2/BD2, and AD1/AD2. The present invention is not limited to utilization of two differently-sized inclusions and/or two different dopants, but can include further sizes, shapes, and dopants to create more complex codes. In such an example, the taggant system may utilize a combination of different shapes (e.g., both disks and fibers) to create these complex codes. Codes may also be created based on the absence of doped inclusions having certain aforementioned aspects. The described techniques may be further combined with each other to create additional codes. FIG. 2shows a paper currency incorporating disk-shaped inclusions according to one embodiment of the present invention, analyzed using several wavelengths. As illustrated, the design print is shown as covering certain portions of the disk-shaped inclusions, such as at the location of the top-left “100” marking, which has been printed with an ink that absorbs at the wavelengths of interest, namely λ1, λ2, and λ3. One example of such an ink is intaglio ink. The currency note is subjected to illumination at several different wavelengths, namely λ1, λ2, and λ3. The inclusions are visible when the note is illuminated with a light source emitting narrow bandwidth light at wavelength λ2, due to the light at said wavelength being absorbed by the taggant system at inclusion locations to a greater degree than light reflecting from areas of the note around the inclusions. As illustrated, when the currency note is illuminated with a light source emitting narrow bandwidth light at wavelength λ1or λ3, the inclusions will not appear to be visible from the rest of the note because the taggant system has no absorption at these wavelengths. Moreover, in an embodiment in which the inclusion material has similar reflectivity characteristics as the currency note substrate, the inclusions will be essentially invisible. It is preferable that the absorption linewidth of the taggant system be very narrow with respect to the visible spectrum. By utilizing a narrow linewidth for the taggant system, the ability of a counterfeiter to both detect the presence of the taggant system under normal white light illumination conditions and counterfeit the taggant system is more difficult. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, a detector suitable for locating and authenticating the taggant system is constructed from an imaging system, including a camera and lens, and an illumination light source. In the example ofFIG. 2, the absorption dip at wavelength λ2can be observed through use, e.g., of narrow bandpass filters at wavelengths λ1, λ2, and/or λ3in front of the camera with a white light illumination source, or multiple light sources at wavelengths λ1, λ2, and/or λ3. By capturing at least two images of the currency note under illumination at wavelength λ2and wavelength λ1or λ3respectively and performing a pixel-based subtraction process, the image acquired under illumination at wavelength λ2is subtracted from the image acquired under illumination at wavelength λ1or λ3, resulting in the image shown at the bottom left-hand side ofFIG. 2. The image acquired under illumination at wavelength λ2may be subtracted from both images acquired under illumination at wavelength λ1and λ3. Additionally, a calibration step may be performed during this process, such as prior to image acquisition, in which calibration ensures each pixel of one image corresponds to a same position on the substrate as each corresponding pixel from another image. Additionally, an image analysis process of the present invention may include measurement of physical parameter(s) of the doped inclusions, such as on the basis of length, radius, diameter, size, and/or shape, in which a substrate is authenticated when the physical parameter(s) is measured and determined to be within a set range. At areas of the currency note outside of the inclusion locations, the two input images are identical such that the subtraction process results in dark areas (i.e., pixel intensity values of 0). At the inclusion locations, pixel values at wavelength λ2are lower than corresponding pixel values at wavelength λ1or λ3, such that subtraction process results in pixel values larger than 0. The image produced by this subtraction process indicates only the relevant inclusions, eliminating other features of the note (e.g., ink, threads, etc.) that are common in each of the input images (e.g., at wavelength λ2and wavelength λ1or λ3). Image processing algorithms may then be utilized to further authenticate the taggant system, such as according to physical size and/or shape parameters of the inclusion or location of the inclusion within the currency note substrate. Finally, when the image acquired under illumination at wavelength λ1is subtracted from the image acquired under illumination at wavelength λ3, or vice versa, the resulting image provides no indications of the relevant inclusions, as shown in the bottom right-hand image ofFIG. 2. A light source of the present invention may emit electromagnetic radiation at wavelength λ2, which corresponds or substantially corresponds to an absorption peak of a doped inclusion, and at least one of wavelengths λ1and λ3, where λ1<λ2<λ3. Additionally, a detector of the present invention may include a white light source and multiple cameras, with each camera of the multiple cameras using a different bandpass filter to create images at wavelength λ2and at least one of wavelengths λ1and λ3sequentially or simultaneously. In another embodiment, a detector of the present invention may include multiple narrow bandwidth light sources and a single camera, with each light source having a single emission at one of wavelengths λ1, λ2, or λ3, and where images are acquired at wavelength λ2and at least one of wavelengths λ1and λ3with the single camera by sequential operation of the multiple narrow bandwidth light sources. In another embodiment, a detector of the present invention may include a white light source and a single camera, with the camera using sequentially interchangeable bandpass filters to create images at wavelength λ2and at least one of wavelengths λ1and λ3. In another embodiment, a detector of the present invention may include multiple narrow bandwidth light sources and a corresponding number of cameras, with each camera including an interposed filter to pass only a wavelength of the corresponding light source of the multiple narrow bandwidth light sources, and where images at all wavelengths are simultaneously acquired. In another aspect of the present invention, the taggant system may be utilized above or under other features of the currency note, such as ink, threads, etc. When the taggant system sits below such a feature, e.g., ink, the inclusion is covered and consequently masked when subjected to the aforementioned subtraction process, as light contacts, i.e., reflects off of or is absorbed by, the ink and not the inclusion. This masking effect is illustrated inFIG. 2where the top-left “100” marking covers an inclusion, resulting in a masked portion of the disk-shaped inclusion in the subtraction image. Detecting whether the taggant system is disposed above or under other note features is another way to determine the authenticity of the currency note. It will be understood by those of ordinary skill in the art that various changes may be made and equivalents may be substituted for elements without departing from the scope of the invention. In addition, many modifications may be made to adapt a particular feature or material to the teachings of the invention without departing from the scope thereof. Therefore, it is intended that the invention not be limited to the particular embodiments disclosed, but that the invention will include all embodiments falling within the scope of the claims.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT FIG. 1 illustrates a simplified side view of a balloon catheter made according to the invention. Balloon catheter 2 includes an outer sheath 3 made of, for example, Pebax.RTM., a polyamide polyether block copolymer, having a proximal end 4 and a distal end 5. An injection port assembly 6 is mounted to proximal end 4 through a strain relief 7. An annular, elastomeric balloon 8 is secured to distal end 5 of outer sheath 3 and to an inner catheter 10 housed within outer sheath 3 as will be discussed in more detail below. Injection port assembly 6 includes a connector 14 coupled to the proximal end 15 of inner catheter 10. The specific construction and materials of sheath 3, elastomeric balloon 8, and injection port assembly 6 are generally conventional. The specific construction of inner catheter 10 will now be discussed in detail. The present invention provides an improved construction for inner catheters of the type having an elongated catheter body with a central lumen extending from proximal end to a distal end thereof. See FIGS. 2 and 3. Such constructions are particularly useful for forming very small diameter catheters, having outside diameters of 4 mm (12 F) preferably below 2.67 mm (8 F), and frequently as small as 1 mm (3 F), and below, such as those used in neurological diagnostic and interventional procedures. Such small catheters will also be useful for other procedures, such as gynecological procedures, cardiac procedures, general interventional radiology procedures, and the like, for access to the small vasculature as necessary. Constructions of the present invention, however, are not limited to such small diameter catheters, and will be useful for larger diameter catheters as well, such as vascular guiding catheters which may have outside diameters larger than 4 mm. Inner catheters according to the present invention will comprise a catheter body having dimensions and a geometry selected for the intended use. The catheter body will typically have a length in the range from about 40 cm to 200 cm, usually having a length in the range from about 60 cm to 175 cm. The outside diameter of the catheter body will typically be in the range from about 0.33 mm (1 F) to 4 mm (12 F), usually being in the range from about 0.66 mm (2 F) to about 2.66 mm (8 F). The catheter body will define an inner lumen typically having a diameter in the range from about 0.1 mm to 3.6 mm, usually being in the range from about 0.3 mm to 2.5 mm, with catheters having larger outside diameters usually having larger lumen diameters. For the preferred microcatheters of the present invention, the catheter body will have a length in the range from about 80 cm to 150 cm, an outside diameter in the range from about 0.66 mm to 1.75 mm, and an inside diameter in the range from about 0.375 mm to 1.07 mm. The catheter body will usually be straight along all or most of its length. By "straight" it is meant that the catheter body will assume a straight or linear configuration, when free from external bending forces. The catheter body, however, will be highly flexible so that it will be able to pass through the tortuous regions of a patient's vasculature, as described in more detail herein below. In some cases, the catheter bodies may have a shaped distal end including curves and bends which are selected to facilitate introduction and placement of the catheter (usually over a separate guide wire) in the vascular system. A particular geometry of curves and/or bends may be selected to accommodate the intended use of the catheter. The catheter body will usually include at least two, and more usually three distinct regions, with each region having a different construction resulting in different mechanical properties. A shaft region extends from the proximal end of the catheter body to a location spaced within 20 cm of the distal end of the catheter body, usually from 2 cm to 6 cm of the distal end. The shaft region will have the maximum reinforcement of the catheter body (including all three layers), thus having most column strength and hoop strength but the least flexibility. A transition region is located immediately on the distal side of the shaft region and extends to a location spaced within 10 cm of the distal end of the catheter body, usually from 1 cm to 3 cm of the distal end. The transition region will have an intermediate level reinforcement (including the inner tubular member and the soft outer layer, but lacking the braided reinforcement layer) together with intermediate levels of column strength, hoop strength, and flexibility. A distal region extends distally from the transition region, and is composed of a soft, unreinforced material. The distal region will generally be relatively short, typically having a length in the range from about 1 cm to 3 cm, and will have the greatest flexibility of the three regions of the catheter body. In a first alternate embodiment, the braided reinforcement layer terminates at the distal end of the inner tubular member, with the soft outer layer extending distally from 1 cm to 10 cm, preferably from 1 to 3 cm. In a second alternate embodiment, the outer soft layer terminates at the distal end of the inner tubular member, with the braided reinforcement layer terminating proximally of both the outer layer and tubular member by a distance in the range from 1 cm to 10 cm, preferably from 1 cm to 3 cm. In both these embodiments, the catheter has two distinct regions with different mechanical properties. As a consequence of the preferred fabrication technique, as described in more detail below, the diameters of the transition region and the distal region of the catheter body may be somewhat smaller than that of the shaft region. While such a decrease in geometry in the distal direction may be advantageous, is not essential for the catheters of the present invention. Thus, the present invention includes both catheters having uniform diameters along their entire length and catheters having diameters which decrease in the distal direction. In a preferred construction, the catheter body of the present invention will consist essentially of three structural components. The first component is an inner tubular member which defines the inner lumen and provides a lubricious surface to receive the fluid or device which is to be introduced to a target location within the vasculature or other body lumen. Typically, the inner tubular member will be a sleeve formed from a single material, preferably a lubricious polymer, such as a fluorocarbon (e.g., polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)), a polyamide (e.g., nylon), a polyolefin, a polyimide, or the like. It would also be possible to form the inner tubular members as a laminate structure comprising a non-lubricious outer layer and an inner lubricious layer or coating. The second structural component of the catheter body is a braided reinforcement layer comprising braided filaments formed directly over the inner tubular member using conventional braiding techniques. The braid filaments will have a very small cross-sectional area while possessing sufficient tensile strength to undergo the braiding process. Preferably, the braid filaments will be composed of stainless steel, a shape memory alloy (e.g., Nitinol.RTM.), polymeric fibers, or the like. Particularly preferred are stainless steel filaments having a rectangular cross-section with a width in the range from 0.001 inch to 0.01 inch, preferably being about 0.0025 to 0.005 inch, and a thickness in the range from 0.0002 inch to 0.002 inch, preferably being about 0.0005 to 0.001 inch. Such small filaments can be formed over the inner tubular member in a conventional one-over-one or two-over-two braid pattern, with the machine being carefully adjusted to avoid excessive tensile forces on the filaments. The third structural component of the catheter body is a soft outer layer which is formed over the braided reinforcement layer and which extends distally of the distal end of the tubular member. The soft outer layer will cover the entire assembly of both the inner tubular member and the braided reinforcement layer, creating the three distinct regions discussed above in connection with the exemplary embodiment. The shaft region will include all three structural components, i.e., the inner tubular member, the braided reinforcement layer formed over the inner tubular member, and the soft outer layer formed over the braided reinforcement layer. The transition region will include both the inner tubular member and the soft outer layer, but will free from the braided reinforcement layer. In this way, the flexibility of the transition region is significantly improved, although the strength characteristics are reduced somewhat when compared to the shaft region. The distal region will consist only of the soft outer layer. The soft outer layer will be formed so that it defines a distal lumen which is contiguous with the central lumen defined by the inner tubular member. Alternate embodiments lacking either of the two distal regions have been described above. The soft outer layer can be composed of a variety of materials, preferably being composed of a soft thermoplastic material having a hardness in the range from 30 A to 72 D. Exemplary materials include polyamide polyether block copolymer (Pebax.RTM.), polyurethanes, silicone rubbers, nylons, polyethylenes, fluoronated hydrocarbon polymers, and the like. Referring now to FIGS. 2 and 3, an inner catheter 10 constructed in accordance with the principles of the present invention includes a catheter body 12. The catheter body 12 includes a shaft region 16 which extends from the proximal end 15 to a distal termination location, indicated by broken line 18. The transition region 20 extends from the termination 18 of the shaft region to a second termination location indicated by broken line 22. A distal region 24 extends from the termination 22 of the transition region 20 to a distal end 26 of the catheter body 12. The transition region 20 will thus have a length D.sub.1 in the range from 0 cm to 10 cm, preferably from 1 cm to 10 cm, and more preferably from 1 cm to 3 cm and the distal region 24 will have a length D.sub.2 in the range from 0 cm to 10 cm, preferably from 1 cm to 10 cm, and more preferably from 1 cm to 3 cm, as shown in FIG. 2. The catheter body 12 includes an inner tubular member 30, typically comprising a PTFE tube. Braid structure 32 is then formed over the inner tubular member 30 from the proximal end thereof to near the termination location 18. The braid structure 32 will be square cut, as described in more detail hereinafter, so that it terminates cleanly at the desired termination location and is free from protrusions, burrs, and other discontinuities which could expose the patient to injury. A soft outer layer 34 extends from the proximal end of catheter body 16 to the distal end 26, covering both the inner tubular member 30 and the reinforcement braid 34. According to a preferred fabrication method, the catheter body 12 may be formed by placing a selected length of PTFE or other tubing over an elongate mandrel. Usually, the mandrel will be coated with PTFE to facilitate introduction and removal of the mandrel to and from the structure being formed. The assembly of the inner tubular member 30 over the mandrel is then introduced to a braiding machine, such as those available from Steeger, Germany; Wardwel, Mass.; and other commercial suppliers, where a conventional one-over-one or two-over-two braid pattern is formed. The pic and other characteristics of the braid will be selected to provide the desired stretch and flexibility for the shaft region. Usually, the pic will be in the range from 20 to 150 pics/inch, preferably from 60 to 100 pics/inch, and the pic may be constant over the entire length of the braided reinforcement layer or may be varied to increase flexibility at or near the distal end of the shaft region. In particular, the braid characteristics such as the pic, cross-sectional area, material strength, and the like, may be varied to provide increased flexibility at the distal end of the catheter body, typically over the distal 1 cm to 60 cm of the catheter body, usually over at least 5 cm, and more usually from 10 cm to 60 cm. The increased flexibility may be constant over the distal end, or may be progressive (i.e., becoming increasingly flexible near the distal end). The use of such non-uniform braid characteristics to enhance flexibility at the distal end of the catheter body is particularly useful when the inner tubular member, reinforcement layer, and soft outer layer are terminated within 1 cm of each other. In a particular aspect of the fabrication technique of the present invention, the braid is formed over a length which is slightly greater than that desired in the final construction. After forming the braid, the braid will be slipped distally over the inner tubular member so that it extends beyond both the inner tubular member and the mandrel. The stainless steel braid material will then be heat annealed, typically by exposure to a flame or resistance heater, and will thereafter be transversely cut to provide a clean, square-cut distal end. After being cut, the braid is then pulled proximally back over the mandrel and the inner tubular member 30, so that the distal termination 18 of the braid lies at the desired location. The soft outer layer 34 is then formed over the assembly of the inner tubular member 30 and the braid 32 by placing a thermoplastic tube, typically a Pebax.RTM. tube, over the entire assembly so that a distal end of the tube extends distally of the distal end of inner tubular member 30. A heat shrink tube, such as a polyethylene or fluoropolymer tube, is then placed over the soft thermoplastic, and the entire assembly placed in an oven and heated to a temperature sufficient to melt the thermoplastic and constrict the heat shrink tube over the melted thermoplastic. In this way, the thermoplastic material is able to impregnate the braid 32 and is constricted over the mandrel to form a contiguous lumen, as best illustrated in FIG. 3. By carefully choosing the mandrel diameter to match that of the inner diameter of tubular member 30, a very smooth transition between the lumen of inner tubular member 30 and that defined by the soft outer layer 26 can be obtained. After cooling, the heat shrink tube can be cut from the catheter body assembly. The distal end of a soft outer layer can then be cut to its desired final length. The proximal connector 14 can then be attached to the proximal end of the catheter body 12, although the connector is not an essential part of the present invention. Inner catheter 10 can be further modified by providing radiopaque markers at one or more locations along its length. Such radiopaque markers can comprise metal rings, or can be defined by impregnating the soft polymeric layer with appropriate radiopaque dyes. The provision of radiopaque markers is well known in the art and does not form a part of the present invention. Balloon 8 is bonded distal end 5 of sheath 3. Distal end 5 is a necked-down region to reduce outside diameter after annular end 42 of balloon is attached. Balloon 8 is mounted to outer sheath end 5 using an adhesive such as an RTV silicone adhesive, for example Loctite 5140 or Nusil Technology R-1140, or a UV curing adhesive. As shown in FIG. 3, the tip 44 body 12 extends beyond the distal end of sleeve 40; the distal annular edge 46 of elastomeric balloon 8 is bonded to tip 44 using the same or a similar adhesive as used with end 42. Injection port assembly 6 includes an injection port 48 fluidly coupled to an inflation passageway 50 defined between outer sheath 3 and inner catheter 10. An inflation medium, such as air, contrast fluid, saline, etc., can be injected through port 48, into passageway 50 and out through an annular exit opening 52 defined between distal end 5 of sheath 3 and distal region 24 of catheter body 12. Doing so causes balloon 8 to expand to either partially or totally occlude the particular vessel within which the balloon has been placed. Total occlusion of the vessel can be desired for, for example, diagnostic purposes or to permit injection of saline to promote successful use of endoscopic devices. Partial occlusion can be useful when injecting particles, tissue adhesives or coils, when placing detached balloons and when conducting diagnostic procedures and other therapeutic procedures. Balloons having minimum and maximum diameters from about 4 to 14 mm can be used with inner catheter/outer sheath sizes from about 3.2 F/5.5 F to about 7 F/9.5 F. Balloons having minimum and maximum diameters from about 2 to 7 mm can be used with inner catheter/outer sheath sizes from about 1 F/3 F to about 3.2 F/6.5 F. Although not shown in the figures, it is preferred to secure inner catheter 10 to outer sheath 3 at several places, typically three, in addition to their distal ends (through balloon 8) and their proximal ends (through injection port assembly 16). This can be accomplished by staking outer sheath 3 against inner catheter at several positions in a manner not to seal off passageway 50. Alternatively, outer layer 34 can be made with raised buttons or beads of material extending from the outer surface of outer layer 34; after assembly, sheath 3 can be heat sealed to outer layer 34 of inner catheter 10 at the beads or buttons, again while maintaining free fluid flow along passageway 50. Outer sheath 3 can be further modified for particular uses. For example, small perfusion ports or holes can be formed near distal end 5 to facilitate liquid perfusion, e.g., drug delivery, using catheter 2. Coatings such as hydrophilic, anti-thrombogenic, low-friction, hydrophobic, and other, coatings can be placed over the outer surface of the outer sheath 3 to enhance its use for particular applications. Additionally, distal end 5 can be formed into a desired geometry. One specific treatment the present invention is especially suited for is treating aneurysms. An aneurysm is the thinning of a wall of a blood vessel; if the blood vessel is within the brain and the thin wall bursts, a stroke can result. One way to prevent bursting of the vessel is to halt the flow of blood just upstream of the aneurysm. However, before doing so, it is best to determine what the effects of the blockage will be. That is, will blockage of the vessel create more problems than it solves by, for example, causing the patient to lose his or her eyesight or the ability to walk. In the past, blood vessels were temporarily occluded by the insertion of a balloon at a distal end of a catheter. If the effects were acceptable, the balloon catheter would be removed and a therapeutic catheter would be inserted in its place. Some type of occlusion mechanism, typically tissue adhesives or a physical obstruction, would typically be inserted to occlude the vessel and thus prevent the stroke. However, balloon catheter 2 provides for both the occlusion of the vessel by elastomeric balloon 8 and an open inner passageway through inner catheter 10 for carrying out the appropriate therapy. Therefore, there is no need to switch catheters with the present invention. An alternative embodiment 100 of the balloon catheter of the present invention is illustrated in FIG. 4. Balloon catheter 100 comprises an inner catheter 102, an outer sheath 104, and a balloon 106. Portions of the catheter 100 proximal to those illustrated may be identical to catheter 2 illustrated in FIG. 1. The inner catheter 102 comprises inner tubular member 108 and a soft outer layer 110, both of which elements are constructed similarly to those found in catheter 2. Inner catheter 102, in contrast to the prior described embodiments, includes a first reinforcement layer 112 and a second reinforcement layer 114, where the first reinforcement layer provides greater stiffness or column strength than does the second reinforcement layer 114. Preferably, the first reinforcement layer will be formed as a braided ribbon structure, generally as for the reinforcement layer in previously described embodiments. The second reinforcement layer 112, in contrast, will preferably be a helically wound ribbon, where the individual turns of the ribbon are axially spaced-apart by a short distance to enhance flexibility. Usually, the ribbon of the second reinforcement layer 114 will be a stainless steel ribbon. Also, the second reinforcement layer 114 will usually extend fully to the distal end 120 of the inner catheter 102. The outer sheath 104 will preferably be reinforced, typically by a helically wound ribbon, such as a stainless steel ribbon having cross-sectional dimensions of about 0.001 inch by 0.005 inch. The sheath 104 will typically be composed of pebax. The balloon is preferably an elastomeric balloon typically composed of a urethane-based material. Such a balloon will be highly compliant. As illustrated in FIG. 4, the balloon 106 will be attached at its proximal end to the distal end of the sheath 104 and at its distal end to the distal end of the catheter 102. In the preferred embodiment, a separate, soft distal tip 122 will be attached to the distal end of the inner catheter 102. Usually, a radiopaque marker, such as the marker ring 124, will be embedded within the soft tip 122. Although the foregoing invention has been described in detail for purposes of clarity of understanding, it will be obvious that certain modifications may be practiced within the scope of the appended claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Referring now to the drawings for the purposes of illustrating a present preferred embodiment of the invention only and not for purposes of limiting the same, FIG. 1 depicts two rectangular duct flange assemblies 10 attached to the adjacent ends of two rectangular ducts (12, 14). As can be seen from FIG. 1, the rectangular duct assemblies 10 each comprise four L-shaped corner members 20 that are inserted into four flange members 30. As will be discussed in further detail below, each flange member 30 is relatively L-shaped when viewed from the end and has an upstanding leg-receiving portion 32 and a duct receiving portion 36. See FIG. 3. The upstanding leg-receiving portion 32 has an end portion 33 and a leg receiving channel 34 that extends through the entire length of the upstanding leg-receiving portion 32. As can be seen in FIG. 1, after the L-shaped corner members 20 and flange members 30 are assembled into rectangular frame assemblies 10, the duct receiving portions 36 of the flanges 30 are inserted onto the ends of the adjacent ducts 12 and 14 such that the upstanding portions 32 of each flange on duct 12 are in confronting relationship with each of the upstanding portions 32 of the flanges 30 attached to duct 14. Screws 16 are then used to attached the flanges 30 to the ducts (12, 14). However, a variety of other known fastening means such as rivets or welds may be used to attach the flanges 30 to the ducts (12, 14). After the flange assemblies 10 have been attached to the ends of the ducts (12, 14) in the manner depicted in FIG. 1, a gasket material (not shown) is typically placed between the flange assemblies 10. The flange assemblies 10 are then fastened together by bolts (not shown) that extend through bolt holes 28 (see FIG. 2) that are provided in the L-shaped corner members 20. FIG. 2 depicts a typical L-shaped corner member 20 that has a corner portion 22 and two outwardly extending leg portions 24. Each leg portion 24 is substantially planar and terminates in a slightly pointed end portion 26 that aides in the insertion of the leg 24 into the channel 34 of a flange member 30. Leg portions 24 are complementary dimensioned with respect to the channel 34 of a flange member 30 such that a leg 24 can be inserted into a channel 34 a predetermined distance "A" (in a preferred embodiment, distance "A" is approximately 2.125") and retained therein by frictional engagement between the flange member 30 and the leg member 24. The reader will appreciate that distance "A" will vary depending upon the exact size and construction of the L-shaped corner members 20 and the flange members 30. Also, for explanatory purposes, it will be appreciated that each leg 24 has an insertion axis designated as "B" and the channel 34 of each flange member 30 similarly has an insertion axis designated as "C" such that when axes "B" and "C" are substantially vertically and horizontally aligned (i.e., substantially coaxial), the leg 24 can be inserted into the channel 34. The foregoing discussion of the corner member 20 and flange member 30 construction and assembly was provide to give the reader an understanding of the assembly of a typical duct flange connection arrangement for connecting the adjacent ends of two rectangular ducts. The corner members and flanges discussed and depicted herein are exemplary of the type of connectors and flanges typically used in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning industry. However the specific size, shape, and construction of the corner members and flange members should not be construed to limit the scope of the duct flange assembly apparatus of the subject invention. More particularly and with reference to FIGS. 4 and 5, there is shown a present preferred duct flange assembly apparatus, generally designated as 40. A preferred assembly apparatus 40 comprises a base member 42 and a right corner positioning unit 50 and a left corner positioning unit 50' that are received on the base member 42. Base member 42 is preferably fabricated from 6" steel C-channel; however, the skilled artisan will readily appreciate that the base member 42 can be fabricated from a variety of other materials without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. Also, as will become evident as the detailed description proceeds, base member 42 may be provided in a variety of different lengths depending upon the lengths of flange members 30 that are being assembled. As can be seen in FIGS. 4-6, the right corner positioning unit 50 comprises a housing member 52 that is preferably fabricated from steel plate and channel members that are welded together. In particular, housing member 52 comprises a top channel member 54 that has two downwardly extending side portions 56. Attached to each side portion 56, preferably by welding, is a retaining plate 58. Retaining plates 58 are preferably adapted to slidably retain the right corner positioning assembly 50 on the base member 42. Therefore, the distance "D" (see FIG. 6) between the retaining plates 58 is slightly larger (i.e., 0.125") than the width of the base member 42. In a preferred embodiment, a right corner-receiving cavity 60 is provided through the top channel 54. Cavity 60 is sized and shaped to freely receive a plurality of L-shaped corner members 20. In a preferred embodiment, cavity 60 is provided with a liner 62 that is fabricated from a piece of steel plate having an L-shape. The liner 62 is preferably welded to top channel 54 such that the corner members received therein are positioned for insertion into the channel 34 of a frame member 30 that has been placed in a receiving position on the base member 42. Also in a preferred embodiment, a downwardly extending end plate 64 is attached to the top channel 54, preferably by welding, in the position shown in FIG. 6. As can also be seen in FIGS. 5 and 6, a portion 55 of the top channel 54 extends beyond end plate 64 and an orientation member 57, preferably consisting of a piece of steel bar, is welded thereto. The orientation member 57 serves to provide a surface 59 for orienting the flange member 30 in a receiving position on the base member 42 with respect to the corner members 20 positioned in the liner 62. From reference to FIG. 6, the skilled artisan will appreciate that when the end 33 of the upstanding leg portion 32 of a flange member 30 is abutted against bearing surface 59, the insertion axis "C" of the channel 34 will be horizontally aligned with the insertion axis "B" of the leg 24 of a corner member 20 received in the liner 62. The corner members 20 are inserted into a channel 34 of a corresponding flange 30 by an insertion assembly generally designated as 70. More particularly and with reference to FIG. 6, insertion assembly 70 preferably comprises a driver plate 72 that is dimensioned to freely slide between restraining plates 58 in the directions depicted by arrows "E" and "F". Preferably, the front portion of the driver plate 72 is provided with an L-shaped portion 74 that is sized and shaped to receive an L-shaped corner member 20. In a preferred embodiment, driver plate 72 is provided with an offset area 73 to receive the offset corner portion of a corner member 20. It will be appreciated that L-shaped portion 74 in cooperation with offset area 73 serves to keep the insertion axis "B" of leg 24 substantially horizontally aligned with the insertion axis "C" of the corresponding flange member 30 as driver plate 72 drives leg 24 into the channel 34 in the insertion direction depicted by arrow "E". Preferably, the rear end of the driver plate 72 has an attachment plate 76 weld thereto that is adapted to receive a commercially available clevis member 78. In particular, clevis member 78 is pinned to attachment plate 76 by a pin 79 in a known manner. The opposite end of clevis 78 is attached, in a known manner, to the extendable and retractable piston 82 of a cylinder 80, the operation of which will be discussed in further detail below. As can be seen in FIG. 4, a cylinder attachment plate 68 is attached to the base member 42, by bolting or welding and is attached to the front of the cylinder 80 in a known manner (i.e., by a fastening nut arrangement 81 provided on the front portion of the cylinder 80) such that the cylinder 80 is rigidly supported from the base member 42. It will be appreciated that attachment plate may also be attached to the rear of cylinder 80 by other known cylinder attachment means such as by removable pins, etc. As can also be seen in FIGS. 4 and 5, extension plates 65 may be attached to the top channel member 54, to increase the corner holding capacity of the liner 62. In a preferred embodiment, right corner positioning unit 50 is rigidly attached to the base member 42 by a bolt 44 that extends through bores 63 provided in one of the restraining members 58 and bores 48 provided in the sides of the base 42. The skilled artisan will appreciate, however, that the right corner positioning unit 50 can be attached to the base member by a variety of other known fastening arrangements. Also in a preferred embodiment, a right registration member 43 is attached to the base member 42 to raise the leg 24 of the L-shaped corner member 20 that is being inserted into the channel 34 of a flange member 30 a predetermined distance "G" above the base member 42 such that the insertion axis "B" of the corner member leg 24 is substantially vertically aligned with the insertion axis "C" of the channel 34. See FIG. 7. Preferably, registration member 43 has a tapered profile such that it can engage the front end 26 of the corresponding leg 24 and cause the leg 24 to be raised above the base a distance "G" to thereby vertically align the insertion axis "B" of the corresponding leg 24 with the insertion axis "C" of the channel 34 so that the leg 24 may be inserted into channel 34 by the driver plate 72. In a preferred embodiment, the registration member 43 is fabricated from a piece of tapered steel that is welded to the base member 42. Silicon spray or other lubricant may be used to reduce the friction between the leg 24 and the registration member 43. The skilled artisan will also appreciate that registration member 43 may be fabricated from self-lubricating material such as graphite impregnated steel to reduce the amount of friction between the registration member 43 and the leg 24. In addition to the right corner positioning unit 50, a "left" corner positioning unit 50' for positioning and inserting a leg 24' of a second corner member 20' into the channel 34 at the left end of the flange member 30 may also be provided on the base member 42. From reference to FIGS. 4, 5, and 8, the skilled artisan will appreciate that, except for differences discussed below, the left corner positioning unit 50' is a "left-handed" version of the right corner positioning unit 50 and is constructed from substantially the same elements (designated by "'" in FIGS. 4, 5, 8, and 9) in substantially the same manner as the right corner positioning unit 50. In a preferred embodiment, however, the left corner positioning unit 50' is adapted to be easily movably positioned on the base member 42 to increase or decrease the distance between the positioning units 50 and 50' to enable varying lengths of flange members to be positioned in receiving positions on the base member 42. To enable the left corner positioning unit 50' to be easily repositioned on the base member 42, a plurality of bores 63' are provided in the retaining plate 58' that are adapted to align with one of a plurality of spaced bores 48 provided in the sides of the base 42. Thus, a flange member 30 is first placed on the base in a receiving position. Thereafter, the left corner positioning member 50' is slidably positioned on the base member 42 to a point where the end plate 64' of the left corner positioning unit 50' nearly abuts the left end of the flange member 30 and a bore 63' in the retaining plate 58' aligns with a bore 48 in the base member 42. To retain the left corner positioning unit 50' in that position, a commercially available quick-release pin 61' is inserted into the aligned bores 48 and 63'. The skilled artisan will appreciate, however, that the left corner positioning unit 50' may be releasably locked in position by a number of other known "quick release" fastening arrangements without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. It will also be appreciated that the right corner positioning unit 50 may, in the alternative, be pinned to the base 42 in a similar manner. Yet another alternative construction may comprise both of the positioning units 50 and 50' being pinned to the base member 42. As can also be seen in FIG. 4, cylinder 80' is attached to the left corner positioning unit 50' so that it can travel therewith. In a preferred embodiment, an attachment plate 66' is attached to the top channel 54, preferably by welding and extends to a position above the rear portion of cylinder 80'. A second attachment plate 68' is attached to plate 66' and is connected to the rear of cylinder 80' by known fastening means such as a securing nut 81' or a pin (not shown). Referring now to FIGS. 8 and 9, it can be seen that a movable registration member 90' is attached to the front end 74' of the driver plate 72'. Preferably, movable registration member 90' has a tapered front portion 92' and is shaped as illustrated in FIGS. 8 and 9. Those of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate, however, that the movable registration member 90' may be provided in a variety of other shapes and sizes. As can be seen in FIG. 9, movable registration member 90' serves to raise the end 26' of the leg 24' of a corresponding corner member 20' a predetermined distance "G'" above the base member 42 such that the insertion axis "B'" is substantially vertically aligned with the insertion axis "C" of the channel 34 extending through the flange member 30. It will be appreciated that the tapered front edge 92' of the movable registration member 90' serves to slide under the left end of the flange member as the leg 24' of the corner member 20' is inserted into the channel 34. The operation of cylinders 80, 80' can be understood from reference to FIG. 10. In a preferred embodiment, cylinders (80, 80') are pneumatically powered. However, the skilled artisan will readily appreciate that cylinders (80, 80') may also be hydraulically powered. It will be further appreciated that driver plates (72, 72') can be actuated by a variety of other known actuation means such as motor driven cam arrangements, rack and pinion gear arrangements, etc., without departing from the spirit and scope of the subject invention. As can be seen from FIG. 10, a four-way valve 100 that is attached to a source of compressed air (not shown) is used to control the actuation of cylinders (80, 80'). In a preferred embodiment, valve 100 comprises a four-way foot-actuated valve that is manufactured by Norgren Industries under the model No. K71DA00-K56-KFO; however, a myriad of other valves may be used. An air line 102 is attached to port 84 on cylinder 80 for supplying insertion air thereto. Air line 102 also supplies insertion air to cylinder 80' by means of a flexible air line section 104 that is connected to air line 102 and port 84' of air cylinder 80'. Similarly, retraction air is supplied to cylinder 80 by an air line 106 that supplies air from valve 100 to port 86 on cylinder 80. Airline 106 also supplies retraction air to cylinder 80' by a flexible airline 108 that is attached to airline 106 and port 86' on cylinder 80. It will be understood that such arrangement permits the simultaneous actuation of cylinders (80, 80'). After the legs (24, 24') of the corner members (20, 20') have been inserted into the channel 34, valve 100 causes retraction air to be supplied to cylinders (80, 80') thereby causing pistons (82, 82') to be simultaneously retracted. The skilled artisan will appreciate that the above-described air system represents one of many ways in which cylinders (80, 80') may be controlled. In particular, cylinders (80, 80') may be controlled by discrete air systems such that they do not operate simultaneously. In a preferred embodiment, cylinders (80, 80') each have adjustable strokes so that the distance that the legs (24, 24') are inserted into the channel 34 may be varied. While cylinders having a 5" adjustable stroke have been found to work well in this application, cylinders having other adjustable and non-adjustable strokes may also be used. The operation of the present invention can be best understood from reference to FIGS. 5 and 6. Before the assembly process is started, a plurality of right corners 20 and a plurality of left corners 20' are placed in their respective corner receiving cavities (60, 60') in the positioning units (50, 50'), respectively. A flange member 30 is placed on the base 42 member in a receiving position wherein its upstanding leg-receiving portion 32 is received on the base member 42. The right end of the flange member 30 is abutted against end plate 64. Thereafter, the removable pin 61 is removed from bores 63' and 48 and the left corner positioning unit 50' is slidably moved in a direction toward the right corner positioning unit 50 until the left end of the flange member 30 abuts or nearly abuts end plate 64' and a bore 63' aligns with a bore 48 in the base member 42. The pin 61 is then inserted through the aligned bores 63' and 48 to retain the left corner positioning unit 50' in position. The end 33 of the upstanding leg-receiving portion 32 of the flange member 30 is then abutted against orientation surfaces (59, 59') and held in that "receiving" position while valve 100 is actuated by the operator's foot. It will be appreciated that prior to actuation, driver plates (72, 72') are in a retracted position wherein a corner member (20, 20') may be received in a ready position as shown in FIGS. 6 and 8. When valve 100 is actuated, pistons (82, 82') are extended to thus cause the driver plates (72, 72') to move in the directions depicted by arrows ("E", "E'"), respectively, thereby causing the legs (24, 24') to be inserted into the corresponding ends of channel 34. Thereafter, in the manner described above, valve 100 causes the pistons (82, 82') to be retracted, thus moving the driver plates (72 72') in the ("F", "F'") directions, respectively, to their original starting positions wherein the next consecutive corners (20, 20') are permitted to drop under the force of gravity into their respective ready positions as shown in FIGS. 6 and 8. The resulting flange/corner piece assembly, generally designed as 120, is depicted in FIG. 11. After the above-described assembly process is completed, the flange/corner assembly 120 is removed from the base 42 and another flange member 30 is placed in the receiving position and the entire process is repeated. After two flange/corner piece assemblies 120 have been assembled, they can then be manually connected to two side flange members 30 to complete a rectangular flange assembly 10. Accordingly, the present invention provides a safer and more efficient manner for inserting the legs of L-shaped corner members into the channel of a corresponding flange member used in an assembly for connecting the adjacent ends of sheet metal ducts. It will be understood, however, that various changes in the details, materials and arrangements of parts which have been herein described and illustrated in order to explain the nature of the invention may be made by those skilled in the art within the principle and scope of the invention as expressed in the appended claims.
DESCRIPTION OF THE EXEMPLARY EMBODIMENTS A door latch actuator of the present invention is adapted to be installed into a latch bolt receiving cavity formed in a doorjamb so that it can operate with a conventional door latch assembly of a common door. Typically, the door latch assembly includes a spring latch bolt and a dead latch bolt. Generally, for interior doors, the door latch assembly might include only the spring latch bolt. The door latch actuator of the present invention operates with either type of door latch assembly and, in its broadest form, includes an actuator element and a driver. With reference to FIGS. 1 through 5, a first preferred exemplary embodiment of a door latch actuator 10 of the present invention and its operation are shown. In FIG. 1, a door latch actuator 10 is shown mounted in a latch bolt receiving cavity 12 in a doorjamb 14. As best shown in FIG. 2, the door latch actuator 10 comprises an actuator element 16 and a driver 18. Here, actuator element 16 includes a first actuator cam portion 20 and a second actuator cam portion 22 which is integrally formed with one another in an L-shaped configuration. The driver 18 includes an electric motor 24 and a gear assembly 26 which is operably connected to and between the electric motor 24 and the actuator element by a shaft (not shown) of the electric motor 24 and acts to drive the actuator element 16. It is preferable that the door latch actuator 10 be operatively mounted to and supported by a strike plate 30. Accordingly, a support bracket 32 and a support element 34 are attached to the strike plate 30. A support bracket fastener 36 cooperates with the support bracket 32 in order to secure the driver 18 onto the strike plate 30. A suitable electronic controller 28 is provided to control operation of motor 24. The door latch actuator 10 is mounted in a latch bolt receiving cavity in a doorjamb and works in conjunction with a conventional latch bolt assembly 38 installed on a standard door 40 as shown in FIGS. 1, 3 and 4. The door 40 is pivotally mounted in a door frame 42 (FIG. 1) so that the door can move between a first door position and a second door position. As best shown in FIG. 3, the latch bolt assembly 38 includes a spring latch bolt 44 and a dead latch bolt 46. Both the spring latch bolt 44 and the dead latch bolt 46 have distal ends respectively which are spring biased to extend into the latch bolt receiving cavity 12 in the doorjamb 14 when the door 40 is in the first door position as shown in FIGS. 1 and 4. As one of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate, the spring latch bolt 44 is slideably movable between an extended state and a retracted state and the dead latch bolt 46 is slideably movable between an enable state and a disable state. In the enable state, the dead latch bolt 46 permits the spring latch bolt 44 to move from the extended state to the retracted state. In the disable state, the dead latch bolt 46 prohibits the spring latch bolt 44 from moving from the extended state to the retracted state. As shown in FIG. 3, the spring latch bolt 44 is depicted in the extended state while the dead latch bolt 46 is depicted in its disable state. The dead latch bolt 46, shown in phantom in FIG. 3, is depicted in its enable state. To comprehend the assembly of the door latch actuator 10, reference is made to FIGS. 2 and 4. The strike plate 30 is adapted to connect to the driver 18. An elliptical-shaped structure 48 is rigidly attached between the electric motor 24 and the gear assembly 26. The structure 48 is received by a U-shaped slot 50 formed in the support bracket 32 attached to the strike plate 30 for a nestled fit. The support bracket fastener 36 captures the remaining portion of the elliptically-shaped structure 48 while receiving a pair of prong portions 52 and 54 of the support bracket 32 to secure the driver 18 to the strike plate 30. Although one of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate that there are many mechanical methods to fasten the driver 18 to the strike plate 30, this particular mechanical method not only secures the driver 18 to the strike plate 30 but also it prevents the driver from counter-rotating within the support bracket 32 and the support bracket fastener 36 when the driver 18 is actuated. Shown in FIG. 2, the actuator element 16 is disposed to pivot about an axis "A". A first trunnion pin 54 is concentrically positioned along axis "A" and is operably connected to the actuator element 16. Trunnion pin 54 has gear teeth and is received and driven by gear assembly 26 so that the driver 18 causes the actuator element 16 to pivot about axis "A". A second trunnion pin 56 is coaxially aligned along axis "A" and projects from the other end of actuator element 16. One of ordinary skill in the art would understand other commonly-known methods to operably connect the actuator element 16 to the driver 18. The support element 34 is adapted to attach to the strike plate 30 by either applying an adhesive thereto or using a mechanical means such as by employing screws, rivets or other commonly known fastener means. The support element 34 is also adapted to pivotally receive the actuator element 16. The second trunnion pin 56 projecting from actuator element 16 is received by a pin-receiving hole 58 in the support element 34. The support element 34 not only helps to secure the driver 18 and the actuator member 16 to the strike plate 30 but also acts as a guide when the actuator element 16 pivots between the first and second actuator positions. For purposes of the preferred exemplary embodiment only, the support element 34 includes a stop portion 60 which is adapted to restrict movement of the actuator element 16 between the first and second actuator positions while the actuator element 16 pivots therebetween. The strike plate 30 has a port 62 which is adapted so that the spring latch bolt bolt 44 and the dead latch bolt 46 may extend therethrough and into the latch bolt receiving cavity 12 in the doorjamb 14. Holes 64 and 66 are formed into the strike plate 30. As shown in FIG. 4, wood screws 68 are driven through holes 64 and 66 to releasably attach the strike plate 30 to the doorjamb 14 and over the latch bolt receiving cavity 12. Strike plate 30 with its port 62 acts with latch bolt receiving cavity 12 to provide a bolt receiver that receives the spring latch bolt 44. Alternatively, the bolt receiver could be provided solely by the actuator element 16. When the door latch actuator 10 is mounted in the latch bolt receiving cavity 12 in the doorjamb 14, the actuator element 16 is disposed in proximity to a distal end 69 of the spring latch bolt 44 and a distal end 70 of the dead latch bolt 46 as depicted in FIG. 5(a). The actuator element 16 is movable between a first actuator position as shown in FIG. 5(a) and a second actuator position as shown in FIG. 5(c) through an intermediate position shown in FIG. 5(b). When in the first position (FIG. 5(a)), the actuator element 16 is operative to retain the dead latch bolt 46 in the disable state while allowing the spring latch bolt 44 to extend into the latch bolt receiving cavity 12 in the extended state, thus retaining the door 40 at the first door position in a secured condition. Upon movement from the first actuator position to the second actuator position, the actuator element 16 is operative to first allow the dead latch bolt 46 to move into the enable state (FIG. 5(b)) so the actuator element 16 can next attack the distal end 69 of the spring latch bolt 44 to move it from the extended state to the retracted state (FIG. 5(c)). When the spring latch bolt 44 is in its retracted state, the door 40 is caused to be in an unsecured condition at the first door position so that the door 40 can now be moved from the first door position to the second door position. It should be appreciated that it is within the scope of this invention that the first position may be where the door is closed, or, alternatively where the door is open depending upon whether it is desired to receive the door in a closed or open position. The driver 18 which is associated with the actuator element 16 is, in any event, operative to move the actuator element 16 between the first and second actuator positions as shown in FIGS. 5(a) and 5(c), respectively. The actuator element 16 includes the first actuator cam portion 20 and the second actuator cam portion 22 which is connected to the first actuator cam portion 20. As shown in FIGS. 5(a), the first actuator cam portion 20 has a first cam surface 72 which is operative to contact a distal end 70 of the dead latch bolt 46 when the actuator element 16 is in the first actuator position. The second actuator cam portion 22 has a second cam surface 74 which is operative to contact the distal end 68 of the spring latch bolt 44 when the actuator element 16 is in the second actuator position. It is preferred that the door latch actuator 10 include the controller device 28 which is shown in FIGS. 1, 2 and 4. The controller device 28 is a standard electronic controller known in the art and is operative to reversibly activate the driver 18 so that the actuator element 16 reciprocates between the first and second actuator positions as shown by viewing FIGS. 5(a), 5(b) and 5(c) in sequence. It is also preferred that the controller device 28 includes timer circuitry which would be operative after the actuator element 16 pivots from the first actuator position to the second actuator position to cause the actuator element 16 to return to the first actuator position upon expiration of a selected period of time. Another type of conventional latch bolt assembly 138 installed onto a conventional door 140 is shown in FIG. 6. The latch bolt assembly 138 includes a latch bolt 144 having a distal end 168 which slideably moves between an extended state as shown in FIGS. 6 and 7(a) and a retracted state as shown in FIG. 7(b). The latch bolt 144 is operative in the extended state to engage a bolt receiver 130 to retain the door 140 in a secured condition at the first door position. A first alternative exemplary embodiment of a door latch actuator 110 is adapted for use in association with the bolt receiver 130 which is to be engaged by the latch bolt 144 of the latch bolt assembly 138 on the door 140 shown in FIG. 6. The first alternative exemplary embodiment of the door latch actuator 110 includes an actuator element 116 and a driver. Since the structure of the driver and its operation were disclosed in detail hereinabove, it is deemed that no further explanation of the driver is necessary for the purpose of describing the alternative embodiments. The actuator element 116 is disposed in proximity to the distal end 168 of the latch bolt 144 when the door is at the first door position in the secured condition. The actuator element 116 is movable between a first actuator position as shown in FIG. 7(a) and a second actuator position as shown in FIG. 7(b). In the first actuator position (FIG. 7(a)), the actuator element 116 allows the distal end 168 of the latch bolt 144 to engage the bolt receiver 130 in the extended state. In the second actuator position (FIG. 7(b)), the actuator element 116 displaces the latch bolt 144 from the extended state to the retracted state when the latch bolt 144 is in its retracted state, the door 40 is caused to be in an unsecured condition at the first door position so that now the door 40 can be moved from the first door position to the second door position. The actuator member 116 includes a cam 120. The driver acts to move the cam 120 between the first and second actuator positions. The cam 120 provides a first cam surface 172 which is operative to contact the distal end 168 of the latch bolt 144 to move the latch bolt 144 from the extend state to the retracted state when the driver moves the cam 120 between the first and second actuator positions. A second alternative exemplary embodiment of a door latch actuator 210 is shown in FIG. 8. This door latch actuator 210 is particularly adapted for use in association with the latch bolt assembly 38 which includes both a spring latch bolt 44 and a dead latch bolt 46 as shown in FIG. 3. Again, because the driver has been discussed in detail hereinabove, no further discussion of it is deemed necessary. An actuator element 216 includes an actuator cam portion 220 which is pivotally connected to a sliding link 222. A strike plate 230 includes a pair of support prongs 232 and 234 and a link plate 236. The support prongs 232 and 234 are adapted to pivotally receive the actuator cam portion 220. The link plate 236 is adapted to provide a vertical surface 238 upon which the sliding link 222 can slide as shown sequentially in FIGS. 9(a), 9(b) and 9(c). With reference to FIG. 8, a spring 240 is adapted to the actuator cam portion 220 and the sliding link 222 so that the sliding link 222 remains biased against the vertical surface 238. Operation of the second alternative exemplary embodiment of the door latch actuator 210 is shown in sequence in FIGS. 9(a), 9(b) and 9(c). In FIG. 9(a), the spring latch bolt 44 of the conventional latch bolt assembly 38 extends through the strike plate 230 while the sliding link 232 retains the dead latch bolt 46 in its disable state. In FIG. 9(b), the sliding link 222 slides along the vertical surface 238 so that the sliding link 222 first allows the dead latch bolt 46 to move from the disable state to the enable state. Once the dead latch bolt 46 is disposed in its enable state, the actuator cam portion 220 can engage the spring latch bolt 44. In FIG. 9(b), the actuator cam portion 220 attacks the distal end of the spring latch bolt 44 to move it from its extended state to its retracted state as shown in FIG. 9(c). Now, the door is caused to be in an unsecured condition at the first door position so that it can be moved from the first door position to the second door position can be advanced away from an unsecured position. A third alternative exemplary embodiment of a door latch actuator 310 is shown in FIG. 10. The door latch actuator 310 includes first solenoid 312 with a first plunger 314 and a second solenoid 316 with a second plunger 318. In a first actuator position as shown in FIG. 10, the second plunger 318 retains the dead latch bolt 46 in its disable state. When the second solenoid 316 withdraws the second plunger 318, the dead latch bolt 46 moves to its enable state. Now, the first solenoid 312 advances the first plunger 314 to move the spring latch bolt 44 from its extended state to its retracted state. A suitable control circuit would be employed to control actuation of the solenoids with correct timing. A fourth alternative exemplary embodiment of a door latch actuator 410 is shown in FIG. 11. The door latch actuator 410 includes an actuator piece 416 having an actuator cam portion 420 which moves between a first actuator position and a second actuator position by a driver which has been described in detail hereinabove. The door latch actuator 410 includes a solenoid 412 having a plunger 414. One of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate the operation of this fourth alternative exemplary embodiment of the door latch actuator 410 in that it is a combination of an actuator cam portion and a solenoid. Timed operation of the cam and solenoid would again be afforded by a suitable control circuit. A fifth alternative exemplary embodiment of a door latch actuator 510 is shown in FIG. 12. A pair of actuator cam elements 512 and 514 move between a first actuator position and a second actuator position by a driver or a pair of drivers which has been described hereinabove. Timing of the movement of the pair of actuator cam elements 512 and 514 of the fifth exemplary embodiment of the present invention is again critical. To move from the first actuator position to the second portion, actuator cam element 514 must first reciprocate to allow the dead latch bolt 436 to move from its disable state to its enable state before actuator cam element 512 reciprocates to move the spring latch bolt 44 from its extended state to its retracted state, just like the other embodiments of the present invention. However, to move from the second actuator position to the first actuator position, actuator cam element 514 must reciprocate first to its original location in the first actuator position before actuator cam element 512 can return to its original location in the first actuator position. Again, one of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate the operation of this fifth alternative exemplary embodiment of a door latch actuator is that it employs two separate cam elements. It is intended that the door latch actuator of the present invention be used with a conventional trigger element 76 shown in FIG. 1. Note that controller 28 can be located anywhere between the trigger element 76 and the driver 18. One type of trigger element is a computerized card reader whereby, upon insertion of a card having a magnetic strip, the card reader determines if the card is valid. Upon validation, the card reader sends an electric signal to the door latch actuator so that the door can be opened. Another type of triggering element would be a computer device having and alpha-numeric key pad. Upon inputting the appropriate access code, this triggering element would send an electric signal to the latch actuator so that the door could be opened. One of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate that the door latch actuator of the present invention is simple to manufacture and easy to install. Further, the door latch actuator of the present invention is generally insensitive to back pressure applied to the door. This is because any back pressure would be absorbed by the strike plate rather than upon the working components of the door latch actuator. Additionally, the door latch actuator provides a higher degree of security compared to those in the prior art by employing a strike plate. The strike plate not only protects the operating components of the door latch actuator but also prevents access thereto. Now, the door latch actuator cannot be directly forced open by a lever, a crowbar or the like. The door latch actuator device of the present invention also easily retro-fits onto existing non-secured doors to provide security therefor, without making major modifications to the doorjamb. Accordingly, the present invention has been described with some degree of particularity directed to the preferred embodiment of the present invention. It should be appreciated, though, that the present invention is defined by the following claims construed in light of the prior art so that modifications or changes may be made to the preferred embodiment of the present invention without departing from the inventive concepts contained herein.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING AND OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT FIG. 1 depicts the non-limiting preferred procedure followed in producing the inventive low-shrink polypropylene tape fibers. The entire fiber production assembly 10 comprises a mixing manifold 11 for the incorporation of molten polymer and additives (such as the aforementioned nucleator compound) which then move into an extruder 12 . The extruded polymer is then passed through a metering pump 14 to a die assembly 16 , whereupon the film 17 is produced. The film 17 then immediately moves to a quenching bath 18 comprising a liquid, such as water, and the like, set at a temperature from 5 to 95 C. (here, preferably, about room temperature). The drawing speed of the film at this point is dictated by draw rolls and tensionsing rolls 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 28 set at a speed of about 100 feet/minute, preferably, although the speed could be anywhere from about 20 feet/minute to about 200 feet/minute, as long as the initial drawing speed is at most about th that of the heat-draw speed later in the procedure. The quenched film 19 should not exhibit any appreciable crystal orientation of the polymer therein for further processing. Sanding rolls 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , may be optionally utilized for delustering of the film, if desired. The quenched film 19 then moves into a cutting area 36 with a plurality of fixed knives 38 spaced at any distance apart desired. Preferably, such knives 38 are spaced a distance determined by the equation of the square root of the draw speed multiplied by the final width of the target fibers (thus, with a draw ratio of 5:1 and a final width of about 3 mm, the blade gap measurements should be about 6.7 mm). Upon slitting the quenched film 19 into fibers 40 , such fibers are moved uniformly through a series of nip and tensioning rolls 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 prior to being drawn into a high temperature oven 46 set at a temperature level of between about 280 and 350 F., in this instance about 310 F., at a rate as noted above, at least 5 times that of the initial drawing speed. Such an increased drawing speed is effectuated by a series of heated drawing rolls 48 , 50 (at temperatures of about 360-450 F. each) over which the now crystal-oriented fibers 54 are passed. A last tensioning roll 52 leads to a spool (not illustrated) for winding of the finished tape fibers 54 . Turning to FIG. 2 , then, an inventive carpet article 110 is shown comprising a pile layer 112 comprising tufted fibers 114 tufted through a primary backing layer or tufting substrate comprising the inventive fibers 113 (which could be woven, knit, or non-woven in structure and comprise, as additional fibers, any type of natural fibers, such as cotton, and the like, or synthetic fibers, such as polyamide, and the like; preferably, it is a woven substrate comprising polyamide fibers), and embedded within one or more adhesive layers 115 , to which is attached a stabilizing layer 116 (such as a glass mat), and a foam or cushion layer 118 (which may be a fabric, such as a felt, or resin, such as polyvinyl chloride other like compound; preferably, it is polyurethane foam). The stabilizing layer 116 is adhered to both the pile layer 112 and a cushion layer 118 to form the desired carpet article 110 . The inventive primary backing layer 113 , comprising such low-shrink polypropylene tape fibers, thus accords the desired low-shrink characteristics to the entire carpet article 110 itself. Of course, alternative configurations and arrangements of backing layers (such as an increase or decrease in the number required) as well as types of fibers (such as berber, short pile, and the like) within the pile layer may be employed, as well as myriad other variations common within the carpet art and industry. See, for example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,203,881 or 6,468,623, as examples of such carpet products. Inventive Fiber and Yarn Production The following non-limiting examples are indicative of the preferred embodiment of this invention: EXAMPLE 1 The carpet backing slit film fibers were made on the standard production equipment as described above at a production rate of 500 ft/min as follows: A 3.5-3.8 melt flow homopolymer polypropylene resin (P4G32-050, from Huntsman) was blended with an additive concentrate consisting of 4 MFI homopolypropylene resin and a nucleator in amounts as listed below in TABLE 1. The blending ratio was changed to adjust the final additive level, as shown in the table below. This mixture, consisting of PP resin and the additive, was extruded with a single screw extruder through a film dye approximately 72 inches wide. The PP flow was adjusted to give a final tape thickness of approximately 0.0025 inches. The molten film was quenched in room temperature (about 25 C.) water, then transferred by rollers to a battery of knives, which cut it into parallel strips. At additive levels above approximately 100 ppm concentration of 4-methyl-DBS (aka, p-methyl-DBS) the film appeared clear. The film, having been slit into strips, was conveyed across three large rolls into an oven approximately 14 ft long (set at a temperature given below) where it was heated and drawn to the draw ratio given below. After leaving the oven, the film strips passed over three rolls, the first two heated by hot oil to a temperatures of 342 F. (172-3 C.) with the last roll being unheated. The first of these three rolls has a linear velocity somewhat greater than 500 ft/min, with the difference expressed as the relax percentage, where the relax percentage is the percentage of 500 ft/min that the first roll was running faster than the third, which was running at 500 ft/min. These film strips were then traversed to winders where they were individually wound. These final film strips are thus referred to as the polypropylene tape fibers. Several tape fibers were made in this manner, adjusting the concentrated additive-PP mixture level to adjust the final additive level. These tape fibers were tested for tensile properties using an MTS Sintech 10/G instrument. An FTS-1000 Force Shrinkage Tester from Lawson-Hemphill was used to test high temperature shrinkage. The heater temperature was set to 127 C., which gives the same shrinkage measurements as a 5 minute hot air shrinkage at 150 C. in a convection oven. All of the shrinkage results are reported in the table below for different nucleator compound levels in different fibers. Creep was measured by fixing one end of a tape fiber near the top of a convection oven while suspending a 225 g weight at the other end of the fiber with the oven temperature at 50 C. A ten inch length was marked before hanging the weight in the oven, and the length of this originally-ten-inch piece was measured after hanging in the oven at 50 C. for 15 hours. The creep is reported as a percentage. The results for each example below are actually the average for four separate trials at the same additive level for each different nucleator. TABLE 1 Homopolymer (HP) Formulations With Nucleator Additives For Yarn Samples Yarn Formulation Nucleator (ppm) 1 MDBS (2250) 2 MDBS (3000) 3 DMDBS (2250) 4 MDBS (2250) Pigment (1000) 5 HPN-68 (2250) A control formulation was utilized as well without any nucleator present. These formulations were then compounded and formed into yarns through the drawing and heat-discussed setting procedures discussed above. The oven temperatures, draw ratios, and relax ratios for each different set of samples yarns were as follows in TABLE 2: TABLE 2 Manufacturing And Processing Conditions For Sample Yarns Yarn Yarn Oven Temp. Sample Formulation ( F.) ( C.) Draw Ratio Relax Ratio A 1 275 (135) 6.8 16 B 1 275 (135) 6.8 10 C 1 275 (135) 6.2 16 D 1 275 (135) 6.2 10 E 1 300 (149) 6.2 10 F 1 300 (149) 6.2 16 G 1 300 (149) 6.8 10 H 1 300 (149) 6.8 16 I 1 315 (157) 6.2 16 J 1 315 (157) 6.2 10 K 1 315 (157) 6.8 16 L 1 315 (157) 6.8 10 M 2 275 (135) 6.8 16 N 2 275 (135) 6.8 10 O 2 275 (135) 6.2 16 P 2 275 (135) 6.2 10 Q 3 275 (135) 6.2 10 R 3 275 (135) 6.2 16 S 3 275 (135) 6.8 10 T 3 275 (135) 6.8 16 U 4 300 (149) 6.2 16 V 4 300 (149) 6.2 10 W 4 300 (149) 6.8 16 X 4 300 (149) 6.8 10 Y 5 300 (149) 6.2 16 Z 5 300 (149) 6.2 10 AA 5 300 (149) 6.8 16 BB 5 300 (149) 6.8 10 (Comparatives) CC unnucleated 300 (149) 6.2 10 DD 300 (149) 6.2 16 EE 300 (149) 6.8 10 FF 300 (149) 6.8 16 GG 275 (135) 6.2 16 HH 275 (135) 6.2 10 II 275 (135) 6.8 16 JJ 275 (135) 6.8 10 Such yarns were then measured for a variety of different physical characteristics, including denier, peak load, elongation at peak load, fiber tenacity, 1% secant modulus, 3% secant modulus, 5% secant modulus, and, lastly 150 C. hot air shrinkage. The results are tabulated for each yarn sample below (with each measurement actually the mean result for four different yarns produced in the same manner as in the tables above): TABLE 3 Inventive Tape Fiber Yarn Measurements Peak % Elongation Fiber Ten. Secant Modulus Shrinkage at Yarn Denier Load (gf) at Peak Load (gf/denier) 1% 3% 5% 150 C. A 1102 3998 17.42 3.63 47.05 31.98 28.58 3.67 B 1108 4395 17.15 3.97 46.98 33.59 30.83 4.42 C 1105 3982 23.81 3.60 44.89 28.14 24.48 3.26 D 1104 4395 21.76 3.99 45.48 30.92 27.52 3.26 E 1102 3919 17.30 3.56 46.21 30.90 27.62 2.93 F 1110 4033 24.20 3.64 41.57 26.85 23.86 2.10 G 1104 4228 15.40 3.82 45.39 33.36 31.42 3.32 H 1100 4145 17.62 3.77 41.04 29.81 27.70 3.00 I 1125 4311 22.23 3.85 41.70 28.45 25.54 2.29 J 1127 4721 20.98 4.19 40.78 29.97 27.90 2.89 K 1126 4200 16.02 3.77 44.51 32.33 30.45 2.75 L 1129 4081 12.88 3.62 40.96 34.09 33.07 3.17 M 1305 3955 15.96 3.03 37.92 26.86 24.63 2.24 N 1233 3747 12.92 3.07 45.19 33.78 30.58 2.86 O 1224 3729 21.05 3.05 38.27 26.32 23.42 1.58 P 1201 3661 15.70 3.26 48.63 34.20 29.76 2.35 Q 1128 4073 18.60 3.62 47.79 33.02 28.98 2.59 R 1210 3901 20.85 3.24 43.26 29.04 24.92 2.19 S 1215 4095 14.47 3.36 41.87 31.59 29.13 3.19 T 1215 4041 19.56 3.33 40.24 28.46 25.20 3.08 U 1223 3605 20.45 2.97 37.18 24.61 21.44 1.81 V 1228 3844 18.67 3.15 37.84 27.28 24.39 1.92 W 1220 4073 17.08 3.32 39.90 30.07 27.52 2.21 X 1220 3896 14.68 3.20 41.12 31.72 28.76 2.70 Y 1195 4676 28.55 3.95 35.91 24.28 21.51 3.01 Z 1204 3980 3.31 36.50 26.45 23.86 3.83 AA 1197 4307 19.15 3.57 33.64 26.91 24.94 4.09 BB 1204 4452 18.08 3.74 36.81 28.90 27.52 4.70 (Comparatives) CC 1215 4649 18.63 3.83 43.00 30.28 26.87 7.71 DD 1216 4819 23.53 3.97 39.22 26.83 23.73 6.41 EE 1132 4414 14.15 3.91 49.16 34.94 32.29 11.21 FF 1198 4349 17.04 3.61 42.62 30.49 27.37 9.31 GG 1196 4536 22.21 3.80 42.42 27.47 23.87 6.73 HH 1201 4307 19.90 3.60 40.17 25.90 22.96 7.98 II 1200 4547 17.93 3.76 45.14 30.05 26.77 9.70 JJ 1269 4593 15.78 3.65 47.13 31.71 28.58 11.05 Thus, the inventive fibers provided excellent low shrinkage rates and very good physical characteristics as well, particularly as compared to unnucleated yarns. X-ray Scattering Analysis The long period spacing of several of the above yarns was tested by small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The small angle x-ray scattering data was collected on a Bruker AXS (Madison, Wis.) Hi-Star multi-wire detector placed at a distance of 105 cm from the sample in an Anton-Paar vacuum chamber where the chamber was evacuated to a pressure of not more than 100 mTorr. X-rays ( 1.54178 ) were generated with a MacScience rotating anode (40 kV, 40 mA) and focused through three pinholes to a size of 0.2 mm. The entire system (generator, detector, beampath, sample holder, and software) is commercially available as a single unit from Bruker AXS. The detector was calibrated per manufacturer recommendation using a sample of silver behenate. A typical data collection was conducted as follows. To prepare the sample, the yarn was wrapped around a 3 mm brass tube with a 2 mm hole drilled in it, and then the tube was placed in an Anton-Paar vacuum sample chamber on the x-ray equipment such that the yarn was exposed to the x-ray beam through the hole. The path length of the x-ray beam through the sample was between 2-3 mm. The sample chamber and beam path was evacuated to less than 100 mTorr and the sample was exposed to the X-ray beam for one hour. Two-dimensional data frames were collected by the detector and unwarped automatically by the system software. The data were smoothed within the system software using a 2-pixel convolution prior to integration. To obtain the intensity scattering data I(q) as a function of scattering angle 2 the data were integrated over with the manufacturer's software set to give a 2 range of 0.2 -2.5 in increments of 0.01 using the method of bin summation. The data was collected upon exposure to such high temperatures for one-half hour, and subtracting the baseline obtained by taking similar data with no tape fiber sample in place. The long period measurements were taken and are tabulated below in nanometers. TABLE 4 Long Period SAXS Data for Inventive Tape Fibers Sample Long Period A 26.25 B 25.30 C 26.90 D 23.25 E 27.55 F 25.55 G 24.95 H 25.35 I 27.30 J 26.50 K 25.55 L 25.00 M 26.25 N 26.65 O 26.30 P 27.35 Q 29.70 R 30.40 S 25.00 T 25.85 U 25.75 V 26.75 W 25.10 X 24.90 Y 25.15 Z 25.50 AA 25.35 BB 24.40 Yarns of the tape fibers above were then woven into a primary carpet backing component for carpet tiles. Such tape fibers were made with knives set to cut the tape to different widths, such that yarns of both approximately 100 and 600 denier measurements were made. The 600 denier yarns were warped at 24 yarns/inch and a full width of about 168 inches. These warped yarns were then woven with the wider, 1100 denier yarns on a rapier loom at approximately 12 picks per inch to provide a backing substrate. Upon attachment of such a backing (18 inches wide) to a tufted substrate (also 18 inches wide), followed by printing with liquid colorants and dyes of the surface opposite the backing itself, the resultant composite was then exposed to drying temperatures (about 130 C.). The complete composite subsequently exhibited no appreciable modification of the dimensions thereof. A comparative polypropylene tape fiber-containing primary backing exhibited a shrinkage rate of about 4-5%, thereby reducing the dimensions of the comparative tufted substrate/primary backing composite by a similar amount. Thus, it is apparent that the inventive tape fibers are substantial improvements over the typical, traditional, state of the art polypropylene tape fibers utilized today. There are, of course, many alternative embodiments and modifications of the present invention which are intended to be included within the spirit and scope of the following claims.
BEST MODE(S) FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION Referring toFIGS. 1 to 3, the invention according to an embodiment is a flushing device20, comprising an outlet22a, an inlet22b, an inner sleeve21and an outer sleeve23, which cooperate to provide a fluid passage32. Inner Sleeve The inner sleeve21comprises a first inner portion49located at a first end21aof the inner sleeve21. The first inner portion49is secured through threading engagement to a second inner portion50which is secured through threading engagement to a third inner portion51which in turn is secured through threading engagement to a fourth inner portion52. The fourth inner portion52defines the inlet22bof the flushing device20, and is adapted to be releasable incorporated in the drill stem assembly. A plurality of seals53aare positioned at the interface between each portion49,50,51,52so as to prevent the leakage of fluid from the passage32, through the threaded interface between each portion and into an oil chamber53(which will be described in further detail below). Referring toFIGS. 7 and 8, the first inner portion49provides a plurality of apertures38spaced annually therearound, providing a passage from the inner surface to the outer surface. The outer surface of the first inner portion49has a first region49aof large diameter, a second region49bof reduced diameter, and a third region49cof a diameter smaller than the first region49abut larger than the second region49b. The transition between the first region49aand second region49bis provided by a sloping face42b. Similarly the transition between the second region49band third region49cis provided by a sloping face45. Referring toFIG. 9, the second inner portion50has an outer surface which comprises a thickened portion50a. The thickened portion50ais designed to incorporate an annular groove54for receipt of a locking mechanism90. The second inner portion50also comprises a plurality of holes55spaced annually therearound. The holes55are in communication with the groove54to receive the locking mechanism90, which will be further described below. Referring toFIG. 10, the third inner portion51provides a first shoulder51aon its outer surface for containment of a spring67, as will be discussed further below. A region of the outer surface of the third inner portion51provides a plurality of spline teeth65which cooperate with mating spline teeth66located on the inner surface of an indexing sleeve29to prevent the rotation of the indexing sleeve29relative to the inner sleeve21, which will be further discussed below. The third inner portion51also provides a second shoulder63which abuts against a rotating travel stop62. Referring toFIGS. 1 and 4, a region of the outer surface of the fourth inner portion52provides a plurality of spline teeth30which mate with corresponding spline teeth31on the inner face of a fourth outer portion152of the outer sleeve23. The interaction of the spline teeth30and31prevent the inner sleeve21rotating relative to the outer sleeve23. Outer Sleeve The outer sleeve23of the flushing device20, defines the outlet22aof the flushing device20at its first end. Extending from the outlet22athe outer sleeve23comprises first outer portion149, which is secured through threading engagement to a second outer portion150, which is secured through threading engagement to a third outer portion151, and which in turn is secured through threading engagement to a fourth outer portion152. The first outer portion149is adapted to be releasably incorporated in the drill stem assembly. Referring toFIGS. 7 and 8, the second outer portion150provides a plurality of flushing outlets33. These outlets33allow fluid to pass from passage32to the annular space between the flushing device20and a bore wall of the bore being drilled, when the flushing device20is in an open condition, as represented inFIG. 8. The second outer portion150comprises an annular sleeve150awhich defines the shoulder47adjacent the first outer portion149. The shoulder47projects radially inward to stand proud of the inner surface of first outer portion149as shown inFIG. 7. The annular sleeve150aalso provides an annular groove48on its inner face, spaced at a predetermined distance from the shoulder47. The flushing outlet33comprises an annular chamber35located on the inner face of second outer portion150, and a plurality of nozzle assemblies36in communication with the annular chamber35and spaced around the perimeter of the flushing device20. Each flushing outlet33extends obliquely outwards and backwards. The second outer portion150also provides a port37which is in communication with the oil chamber53allowing it to be filled with oil if so required. The inner face of the third outer portion151provides two annular grooves61aand61bas best shown inFIG. 9. Each annular groove61aand61bhas a shoulder34, and is configured so as to receive locking mechanism90as will be further described below. Located adjacent groove61bthe third outer portion151also provides a shoulder71, as shown inFIGS. 2,9and12. This shoulder71is designed to abut against bottom face70of the indexing sleeve29during various operational sequences of the flushing device20. The fourth outer portion152provides a plurality of fingers28aat its first end85, as best shown inFIGS. 5,6and12. These fingers28aprovide components of an indexing mechanism80which will be described in greater detail below. Referring toFIG. 1, the fourth outer portion152of the outer sleeve23cooperates with the fourth inner portion52of the inner sleeve21to contain a floating piston170, providing a seal between the inner sleeve21and the outer sleeve23. The function of the floating piston170will be further described below. Intermediate Sleeve Referring toFIGS. 7 and 8, the flushing device20also comprises an intermediate sleeve42located between the first inner portion49of the inner sleeve21, and the first outer portion149and second outer portion150of the outer sleeve23. The intermediate sleeve42comprises a outwardly extending shoulder46at its first end, and terminates at its other end with a sloping face42a. The sloping face42ais adapted to mate with upwardly sloping face42blocated on the first inner portion49of the inner sleeve21to provide a seat when the flushing device20is in a closed condition. The intermediate sleeve42also contains a plurality of holes43, each which receives ball44. Each ball44has a diameter greater than the radial thickness of the intermediate sleeve42such that when the intermediate sleeve42is at its lower most position, as shown inFIG. 7, each ball44protrudes beyond the inner face of the intermediate sleeve42and rests against the downwardly sloping face45of the first inner portion49. The mating of seat portion42aof the intermediate sleeve42with the upwardly sloping face42bof the inner sleeve21is at a predetermined distance from the plurality of holes43such that the balls44are not permitted to enter aperture38. Operation of Flushing Outlet In operation, movement of the inner sleeve21in an upward direction causes the downwardly sloping face45to abut against each ball44, as shown inFIG. 7, causing the intermediate sleeve42to move upwardly with the inner sleeve21. Continued upward movement will result in the outwardly extending shoulder46of the intermediate sleeve42abutting against shoulder47provided by the annular sleeve150a. This abutment occurs as each ball44aligns with annular groove48allowing each ball44to be received therein, as shown inFIG. 8. This enables the first inner portion49of the inner sleeve21to continue to move upwardly whilst intermediate sleeve42remains locked in position. Continued upward movement of inner sleeve21will result in the plurality of apertures38aligning with and open to the flushing outlet33, as shown inFIG. 8. The operation of the intermediate sleeve42ensures the apertures38remain closed until the aperture begins to align with annular chamber35of the flushing outlet33. When a gap is introduced between the sloping face42band conical face42a, the pathway for the fluid to pass from the passage32, through the slots38and through the flushing outlet33opens. The annular chamber35has a set of seals35a,35badjacent each side thereof. These seals render the interface between the inner sleeve21and outer sleeve23fluid tight, preventing slurry passing from the passage32, into the interface, and into the oil chamber53when the flushing device20is in an open condition. When the flushing device is in a closed condition the first region49aof the first inner portion49co-acts with seals35ato provide a seal. As the inner sleeve21moves upwardly relative to outer sleeve23, the intermediate sleeve42moves upwardly to replace the inner portion49aand co-act with the seals35ato provide a seal below the annular chamber35preventing fluid passing through the apertures38and ingressing between the inner sleeve21and outer sleeve23. When the flushing device20moves to a closed position as shown inFIG. 2, the inner sleeve21moves downwardly relative to outer sleeve23, providing a barrier between the inner passage32and the annular chamber35of the flushing outlet33. Continued movement of the inner sleeve21will result in the sloping face42babutting mating conical face42aof the intermediate sleeve42whilst simultaneously the downwardly facing slope45passes groove48. Each ball44will then be forced to move in an inward direction resulting in the intermediate sleeve engaging the inner sleeve21and move downwardly with further downward movement of the inner sleeve21. Sloping face42band conical face42aremain in intimate contact until they have passed seals35a. Indexing Mechanism The flushing device20is also provided with a indexing mechanism80as best shown inFIGS. 5,6and11. The indexing mechanism80comprises indexing sleeve29, rotating travel stop62, and a plurality of fingers28aand slots28bintegral with the first end85of the fourth outer portion152of the outer sleeve23. The indexing sleeve29provides a pawl68projecting from an end thereof. Referring toFIG. 10, the indexing sleeve29also provide the series of spline teeth66on its inner surface which mate with corresponding spline teeth65on the outer surface of the third inner portion51of the inner sleeve21to prevent rotational movement of the indexing sleeve29, as previously discussed. The indexing sleeve29also comprises a projection29aextending inwardly from a first end of the indexing sleeve29, as best shown inFIGS. 10 and 12. The projection29aprovides a face upon which spring67acts to bias the indexing sleeve29towards the shoulder71of third outer portion152. The rotating travel stop62provides a ratchet69comprising a plurality of indents69awhich are adapted to receive pawl68. In particular, each indent69acomprise a ramp69bwhich slidingly engages pawl68. Travel stop62also provides a plurality of fingers27aand slots27b, each being configured to provide a trough81at their periphery. These troughs mate with corresponding peaks82, located at the periphery of each finger28aand slot28bof the first end85of the fourth outer portion152, in various sequences during the operation of the flushing device20. Operation of the Indexing Mechanism The operation of the indexing mechanism80is best described with reference toFIGS. 11 and 12. When the flushing device20is in a closed condition, downward movement of the inner sleeve21with respect to the outer sleeve23will result in a portion of the bottom face70of the indexing sleeve29abutting shoulder71of the third outer portion151of the outer sleeve23, preventing further downward movement of the indexing sleeve29relative to the outer sleeve23. Continued downward movement of the inner sleeve21will result in travel stop62moving towards indexing sleeve29causing the fingers27ato disengage from the fingers28a, as shown inFIG. 11b. Continued downward movement will result in the ratchet69engaging the pawl68which is offset sufficiently from the plurality of indents69aso that the front region of the ramp69bof an indent69aengages a top portion of the pawl68as also best shown inFIG. 11b. Continued downward movement will result in travel stop62rotating as the ramp69bslides down the face of the pawl68. This will continue until the indent69acompletely receives the pawl68, as shown inFIG. 11d. Referring toFIGS. 11e-f, when the inner sleeve21is caused to move upwardly, the travel stop62also moves upwardly, disengaging from the indexing sleeve29and moving towards the first end85of the fourth outer portion152. As indicated inFIG. 11e, the fingers27ado not entirely align with slots28a. However, due to the configuration of the peaks82and trough81, continued upward movement of the inner sleeve21results in the fingers27asliding over the fingers28ato cause further rotation of the travel stop62until the fingers27aalign with slots28aat the end85, such that the fingers and slots are interlaced. Continued upward movement of the inner sleeve21will result in the engagement of the fingers27awith the slots28b. When the fingers27aand28aare interlaced the flushing outlets33are open, and the flushing device20is in an open condition. A similar process will in turn cause the rotating travel stop52to be indexed to a second position whereby the fingers27aalign with fingers28asuch that they are in an opposed relation. When the fingers27aand28aare opposed the flushing outlets33are closed, and the inner sleeve21can only be drawn up far enough for the pawl68to disengage the ratchet69. Referring toFIG. 10, the axial movement of the rotating travel stop62is restricted to the movements of the inner sleeve21. Downward movement of the travel stop62relative to inner sleeve21is prevented by second shoulder63of the third inner portion51. Upward movement of the travel stop62relative to the inner sleeve21is prevented by bush64. The rotational movement of the travel stop62is governed by the actions of the flushing device20and the travel stops62position with respect to indexing sleeve29, and fingers28aand slots28b. Locking Mechanism Referring toFIGS. 9 and 13, the locking mechanism90provides means in which downward movement of inner sleeve21relative to outer sleeve23is prevented when fluid is passing through the flushing device20. The locking mechanism90comprises a plurality of locking heads57with a plunger56extending therefrom. Each locking head57is received and seated in groove54such that the plunger56can be received in hole55of second inner portion50of the inner sleeve21. Each plunger has a set of seals58, preventing leakage of drilling fluid from the passage32. The locking mechanism90is biased radially inwardly by biasing means in the form of a plurality of garter springs59. When fluid is passing through the inner passage32the pressure acts radially on the plunger56. When this pressure is greater than the inward force provided by the springs59, the locking mechanism90is forced to move radially outward. When this occurs each locking head57engages the third outer portion151of the outer sleeve23and sits in either groove61aor61b, depending upon the condition of the flushing device20. When the locking head57is in engagement with a groove, inner sleeve21is prevented from moving downwardly relative to outer sleeve23as each lock head57will be caused to abut shoulder34of the groove61a,61b. In order to disengage each locking head57from the groove61a,61bthe surface pumps will need to stop pumping the slurry through passage32allowing the pressure in the passage32to decrease. As this occurs the force acting on each plunger56will reduce resulting in the springs59biasing the locking mechanism90inwardly, and allowing the inner sleeve21to move downwardly relative to outer sleeve23, such that the flushing device20can change between conditions. Floating Piston As shown inFIG. 1and previously discussed, the fourth inner portion52of the inner sleeve21and the fourth outer portion152of the outer sleeve23cooperate to retain a floating piston170. The floating piston170defines the upper limit of the oil chamber53, whose lower limit is defined by the seals35bfitted above the annular chamber35. The floating piston170is used in order to equalize the pressure within the oil chamber53with the pressure in the annular space. This ensures correct operation of the locking mechanism90and removes the possibility of a large pressure differential across the outer sleeve23. The spring-loaded valve72of a conventional type is fitted to the oil chamber53to eliminate the possibility of residual pressure differentials which may occur. The floating piston170is provided with seals to seal the interface between the piston70, the outer sleeve23and the inner sleeve21. In addition scrapers171are fitted to the floating piston170to assist in maintaining a clean surface for the seals. Operation of the Flushing Device The operation of the flushing device20between an open condition and a closed condition, and vice versa, is extremely simple and reliable, and allows the condition of the flushing device20to remain in that condition without the requirement of maintaining either a compressive or tractive force on the device20. Referring toFIGS. 2 and 3, the passage32through which fluid passes is defined largely by the inner wall of the inner sleeve21. This inner wall substantially provides a barrier, preventing the ingress of slurry in to the cavities between the inner sleeve21and outer sleeve23. Where apertures38and groove54are provided, seals are provided to prevent leakage of the slurry. The cavity between the inner sleeve21and outer sleeve23provides the oil chamber53which assists in lubricating all moving parts within that area. This oil chamber can be filled through the filling port37, as previously mentioned. In the closed position the indexing mechanism80is arranged such that the fingers27aare in opposed relation with fingers28a, as shown inFIG. 11a. In this mode the flushing outlet33is closed. In order for the flushing device20to move from the closed condition, shown inFIG. 2, to the open condition, shown inFIG. 3, the surface pumps are momentarily switched off so that the pressure in the passage32is sufficiently reduced to allow the springs59to move the locking mechanism90radially inward so that each plunger56moves inwardly to engage holes55. The locking mechanism90is no longer in engagement with groove61aand the inner sleeve21is free to move in an axial direction relative to outer sleeve23. As the pumps are stopped a compressive force is exerted on the inner sleeve21. This results in the indexing sleeve29abutting shoulder71of third outer portion151, as shown inFIG. 12a. Further downward movement of the inner sleeve21will result in compression of spring67as the first shoulder51aon the third inner portion51moves towards the bottom surface70of the indexing sleeve29. As the inner sleeve21moves downwardly the rotation travel stop62is caused to move towards the indexing sleeve29. As previously discussed the travel stop62disengages from the end portion85(FIG. 11b) and engages the pawl68on the indexing sleeve29. Further movement of inner sleeve21causes the ramp69bof the indent69ato slidingly abut the pawl68, causing the travel stop62to rotate until the indent69afits over pawl68(FIG. 11d). At this point the travel stop62has rotated so that the fingers27aare nearly aligned with corresponding slots28bof the end portion85. A tractive force is then applied to inner sleeve21causing the travel stop62to disengage from the indexing sleeve29(FIG. 11e) and move towards the end portion85. As the travel stop62approaches end portion85the end of fingers27contact the end of fingers28a. Owing to the peak configuration82of fingers28athe travel stop62is caused to further rotate such that the fingers27anow align with slots28b(FIG. 11f). Continued upward movement of the inner sleeve21will result in the end of fingers27aabutting the bottom surface of the slots28asuch that the fingers27aand28aare in an interlaced configuration. As the fingers27aand28bbecome interlaced the upward movement of the inner sleeve21has caused the first inner portion49of the inner sleeve21to disengage intermediate sleeve42and allow the apertures38to align with flushing outlets33. This condition is depicted inFIGS. 3 and 8whereby the inner sleeve21has moved a distance α relative to the outer sleeve23. At this point the pumps are switched on and fluid passes through passage32, causing the pressure in passage32to increase. This results in the locking mechanism90to move outwardly such that the head57is received in groove61b, as shown inFIG. 13a. The locking mechanism90therefore prevents the closure of the flushing outlet33whilst the pressure in passage32is greater than the pressure outside of the flushing device20. The flushing device20is in an open condition. When the flushing device20is in an open condition a percentage of fluid is diverted from passage32through flushing outlet33, exiting from the flushing device20into the annular space between flushing device20and the wall of the bore. The percentage of fluid diverted is largely dependant of the size of the orifice of nozzle assembly36, and may be adjusted accordingly. The diverted fluid is used to assists in cleaning the bore of cuttings. Similarly, to close the flushing outlet33and cause the flushing device20to move to a closed condition, the pumps are switched off so that the pressure in the passage32is less than the pressure on the outside of the flushing device20causing the springs59of the locking mechanism90to urge the plunger56inwardly to engage with holes55, permitting downward movement of the inner sleeve21. Applying a compressive force to inner sleeve21results in the travel stop62disengaging from the end85. Continued downward movement will result in the indexing sleeve29abutting the shoulder71, and result in the ratchet69engaging pawl68causing the travel stop62to rotate. At the end of the rotation, a tractive force is applied to the inner sleeve21such that it moves upwardly relative to inner sleeve23. This will result in the troughs81of fingers27aengaging the peaks82of fingers28aso that the fingers are in opposed configuration, as best shown inFIG. 11a. During the indexing process, the downward movement of inner sleeve21has resulted in the first inner portion49engaging intermediate sleeve42and moving downwardly to block the path between the inner passage32and nozzle assemblies36and close the flushing outlets33. Turning the pumps on and increasing the pressure in the passage32causes the locking mechanism90to move radially outward such that the locking head57engages slot61aas shown inFIG. 13b, preventing further downward movement. The flushing device20is then in a closed condition as shown inFIG. 2. Whilst the fluid is passing through the flushing device20the flushing outlets33cannot be open as upward movement is restricted due to fingers28aand27abeing in opposed relation. The switching between the two conditions of the flushing device20is controlled remotely by the operator on the surface. The operator will know to activate and deactivate the flushing device20according to the behaviour of the drilling stem assembly, the drilling head, and the slurry which is being returned to the surface. The flushing device20is, in effect, a rigid member which can be loaded in either tension or compression, and its operational condition, that is the flushing outlet being open or closed, can only be changed by deliberate actions on the part of the operator. The relative movement of the inner sleeve21to the outer sleeve23is determined in the downward direction by annular shoulder25on the inner sleeve21, abutting annular shoulder26on the outer sleeve23, and in the upward direction by fingers27aon the travel stop62and the fingers28alocated at the end of the fourth outer portion152of the outer sleeve23. The flushing device20may be placed anywhere along the drilling stem assembly below the neutral point, and its position will depend on the application. Indeed the drilling of a well may require the inclusion of one or more flushing devices20to be used to maintain the required conditions in the bore. Where required the surface of the components are coated with a hard, wear resistant coating and ground to a fine finish in order to prevent scouring of the surface by the action of the drilling fluid. This also assists in prolonging the life of the seals. The seals typically comprise an outer circular cross section elastomeric nitrile ring and an inner elastomeric urethane ring of typically trapezoidal cross section, working within a groove. In alternative embodiments, the end85of the fourth outer portion152, or the indexing sleeve62of the indexing mechanism, may have two or more slots or fingers side by side, such that the flushing device does not alternate from a closed to an open condition, but may, for instance, alternate between two open conditions and then one closed condition. Modifications and variations such as would be apparent to the skilled addressee are considered to fall within the scope of the present invention. Throughout the specification, unless the context requires otherwise, the word “comprise” or variations such as “comprises” or “comprising”, will be understood to imply the inclusion of a stated integer or group of integers but not the exclusion of any other integer or group of integers.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIG. 1schematically illustrates a gas turbine engine20. The gas turbine engine20is disclosed herein as a two-spool low-bypass augmented turbofan that generally incorporates a fan section22, a compressor section24, a combustor section26, a turbine section28, an augmenter section30, an exhaust duct section32, and a nozzle system34along a central longitudinal engine axis A. Although depicted as an augmented low bypass turbofan in the disclosed non-limiting embodiment, it should be understood that the concepts described herein are applicable to other gas turbine engines including non-augmented engines, geared architecture engines, direct drive turbofans, turbojet, turboshaft, multi-stream variable cycle adaptive engines and other engine architectures. Variable cycle gas turbine engines power aircraft over a range of operating conditions and essentially alters a bypass ratio during flight to achieve countervailing objectives such as high specific thrust for high-energy maneuvers yet optimizes fuel efficiency for cruise and loiter operational modes. An engine case structure36defines a generally annular secondary airflow path40around a core airflow path42. Various case structures and modules may define the engine case structure36which essentially defines an exoskeleton to support the rotational hardware. Airflow into the engine20is generally divided between a core airflow C through the core airflow path42and a secondary airflow S through the secondary airflow path40. The core airflow passes through the combustor section26, the turbine section28, then the augmentor section30where fuel may be selectively injected and burned to generate additional thrust through the nozzle system34. The secondary airflow S is generally sourced from the core airflow C such as from within the compressor section24and may be utilized for a multiple of purposes to include, for example, cooling and pressurization. The secondary airflow S as defined herein may be any airflow different from the core airflow C. The secondary airflow S may ultimately be at least partially injected into the core airflow path42adjacent to the exhaust duct section32and the nozzle system34. It should be appreciated that additional airflow streams such as third stream airflow typical of variable cycle engine architectures may additionally be provided. The exhaust duct section32may be circular in cross-section as typical of an axisymmetric augmented low bypass turbofan or may be non-axisymmetric in cross-section to include, but not be limited to, a serpentine shape to block direct view to the turbine section28. In addition to the various cross-sections and the various longitudinal shapes, the exhaust duct section32terminates with the nozzle system34such as a Convergent/Divergent (C/D) nozzle system, a non-axisymmetric two-dimensional (2D) C/D vectorable nozzle system, a flattened slot nozzle of high aspect ratio or other nozzle arrangement. With reference toFIG. 2, the turbine section28generally includes a turbine case50of the engine case structure36(seeFIG. 1) that contains a multiple of turbine stages in which, for example, two rotors (two shown;52,54) are interspersed with a turbine nozzle (one shown;60). Each of the rotors52,54includes respective airfoil sections56,58and the turbine nozzle60, includes respective vane airfoil sections62, along the core airflow path42. It should be appreciated that any number of stages will benefit herefrom and although schematically depicted as the high pressure turbine in the disclosed embodiment, it should also be appreciated that the concepts described herein are not limited to use with high pressure turbines as the teachings may be applied to other sections such as low pressure turbines, power turbines, intermediate pressure turbines as well as other cooled airfoil structures and any number of stages. The turbine nozzle60includes a multiple of nozzle segments70(FIG. 3). Each turbine nozzle segment70may include a single vane airfoil section62that extends radially between an arcuate outer vane platform72and an arcuate inner vane platform74. It should be appreciated the any number of vane airfoil sections62may define each segment. Alternatively, the turbine nozzle60may be formed as a unitary full, annular ring. The arcuate outer vane platform72may form a portion of an outer core engine structure and the arcuate inner vane platform74may form a portion of an inner core engine structure to at least partially define an annular turbine nozzle core airflow path. The circumferentially adjacent vane platforms72,74define split lines which thermally decouple adjacent turbine nozzle segments70. That is, the temperature environment of the turbine section28and the substantial aerodynamic and thermal loads under engine operation are accommodated by the plurality of circumferentially adjoining nozzle segments70which collectively form the full, annular ring about the centerline axis A of the engine. Each vane airfoil section62is at least partially defined by an outer airfoil wall surface90between a leading edge92and a trailing edge94. The outer airfoil wall surface90is typically shaped to define a generally concave shaped portion fondling a pressure side90P and a generally convex shaped portion forming a suction side90S (best seen inFIG. 4). With reference toFIG. 4, secondary airflow S is communicated into the vane airfoil section62to, for example, provide convective and film cooling airflow (illustrated schematically by arrow Sf) through a cooling circuit100which may form a serpentine (seeFIG. 5) adjacent to the outer airfoil wall surface90. The secondary airflow is also passed directly through the vane airfoil section62to, for example, communicate pass-thru airflow (illustrated schematically by arrow Sr) through a pass-thru passage102into, for example, rotor purge feed cavities. Generally, the convective and film cooling airflow Sf exits the vane airfoil section62directly into the core airflow path42while the pass-thru airflow Sr exits the inner vane platform74to provide cooling of radially inboard and downstream structures such as rotor54. The convective and film cooling Sf and the pass-thru airflow Sr are generally segregated by a baffle80located generally within the vane airfoil section62. The baffle80, in one disclosed non-limiting embodiment, is generally airfoil shaped in cross-section and hollow such that the pass-thru passage102is defined through by baffle80. In one disclosed non-limiting embodiment, the baffle80may be assembled into the nozzle segment70through the inner vane platform74. The baffle80is located within a cavity96defined by a first inner airfoil wall surface104of the pressure side90P and a second inner airfoil wall surface106of the suction side90S. The first inner airfoil wall surface104and the second inner airfoil wall surface106meet at a leading edge inner airfoil surface108aft of the leading edge92and at a trailing edge inner airfoil wall surface109forward of the trailing edge94. The trailing edge inner airfoil wall surface109may communicate with a trailing edge cavity110through a multiple of intermediate passages112and the trailing edge cavity110communicates with the core airflow path42adjacent to the trailing edge94via a multiple of trailing edge passage114. It should be appreciated that various internal cavity and passage arrangements may alternatively or additionally be provided. With reference toFIG. 5, each of the first inner airfoil wall surface104and the second inner airfoil wall surface106define a multiple of ribs116which, through interface with the baffle80, together form, in one disclosed non-limiting embodiment, a serpentine circuit118of the cooling circuit100. The serpentine circuit118receives and directs the convective and film cooling airflow Sf through, for example, three thin wall passage segments120,122,124thereof along both inner airfoil wall surfaces104,106. That is, the baffle80forms a cold side of the cooling circuit100to form the serpentine circuit118while the first inner airfoil wall surface104and the second inner airfoil wall surface106forms a hot side of the cooling circuit100. It should be further appreciated that the multiple of ribs116may be of various shapes, orientations and sizes to communicate the cooling airflow along various circuits. The secondary airflow S may enter the serpentine circuit118as well as the baffle80through an entrance126located in the arcuate outer vane platform72of each turbine nozzle segment70. The entrance126may be of a profile generally equivalent to the first passage segment120to direct secondary airflow S both outside the baffle80as convective and film cooling airflow Sf into the cooling circuit100and within the pass-thru passage102defined by the baffle80as pass-thru airflow Sr. The pass-thru airflow Sr exits from the pass-thru passage102within the baffle80through an exit128in the arcuate inner vane platform74. That is, the pass-thru airflow Sr generally passes linearly through at least one turbine nozzle segment70radially inward toward the centerline axis A of the engine. The convective and film cooling airflow Sf exits the cooling circuit100within the turbine nozzle segment70into the core airflow path42through, for example, the multiple of trailing edge passage114(seeFIG. 4). It should be appreciated that film cooling passages in communication with the serpentine circuit118other than the trailing edge passage114may alternatively or additionally be provided. The convective and film cooling airflow Sf thereby operates to convectively cool the outer airfoil wall surface90though the serpentine circuit118as well as film cool the outer airfoil wall surface90by exit through effusion passages such as the trailing edge passage114 With reference toFIG. 6, according to one disclosed non-limiting embodiment, the baffle80may be relatively loosely fit within the cavity96adjacent to the multiple of ribs116. Relatively loosely as defined herein may include a clearance fit or an interference fit that facilitates assembly but may not provide a sufficient operational air seal between the baffle80and the multiple of ribs116. Under operation of the gas turbine engine20, however, the baffle80expands (seeFIG. 7) due to the increase in temperature as well as the relatively higher pressure pass-thru airflow Sr within the baffle80compared to the relatively lower pressure convective and film cooling airflow Sf around the baffle80. Expansion of the baffle80thereby may provide an effective seal between the baffle80and the multiple of ribs116in addition to, for example, material selection and thickness. With reference toFIG. 8, according another disclosed non-limiting embodiment, each of the multiple of ribs116A includes an airfoil seal surface130that interlocks with a respective baffle seal surface132. The airfoil seal surface130and the baffle seal surface132in this disclosed non-limiting embodiment are corrugated surfaces which facilitates the effective seal between the baffle80A and the multiple of ribs116A (seeFIG. 9). It should be appreciated that other seal surfaces130,132may alternately or additionally be provided including but not limited to, mechanical seals, coatings, airflow discouragers and others. The convective and film cooling airflow Sf within the serpentine circuit118operates to insulates the baffle80and the pass-thru airflow Sr within the baffle80to facilitate relatively lower temperature pass-thru airflow Sr to downstream components. The relatively thin serpentine circuit118also facilitates more efficient usage of the secondary airflow S through the mach number increase to the convective and film cooling airflow Sf which increases heat transfer. That is, the baffle80facilitates manufacture of a thin serpentine circuit118as compared to conventional cast methods as only the ribs116need be cast or otherwise manufactured in the inner airfoil wall surfaces104,106. It should be understood that relative positional terms such as “forward,” “aft,” “upper,” “lower,” “above,” “below,” “bottom”, “top”, and the like are with reference to the normal operational attitude of the vehicle and should not be considered otherwise limiting. It should be understood that like reference numerals identify corresponding or similar elements throughout the several drawings. It should also be understood that although a particular component arrangement is disclosed in the illustrated embodiment, other arrangements will benefit herefrom. Although particular step sequences are shown, described, and claimed, it should be understood that steps may be performed in any order, separated or combined unless otherwise indicated and will still benefit from the present disclosure. The foregoing description is exemplary rather than defined by the limitations within. Various non-limiting embodiments are disclosed herein, however, one of ordinary skill in the art would recognize that various modifications and variations in light of the above teachings will fall within the scope of the appended claims. It is therefore to be understood that within the scope of the appended claims, the disclosure may be practiced other than as specifically described. For that reason the appended claims should be studied to determine true scope and content.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS InFIG. 1, a drivetrain for a motor vehicle11is denoted generally by10. The motor vehicle11may be for example a passenger motor vehicle. The drivetrain10comprises a drive engine12, for example in the form of an internal combustion engine, which is supplied from an energy store such as a fuel tank13. Furthermore, the drivetrain10comprises a dual-clutch gearbox (DKG)14, the drive output side of which is connected to a differential16. The differential16distributes drive power between a left-hand and a right-hand driven wheel18L,18R. The dual-clutch gearbox14comprises a first friction clutch30(K1) and a first component gearbox32. The first component gearbox32comprises for example the odd-numbered gear stages1,3,5, etc., which can be engaged and disengaged by means of associated shift clutches34. The first friction clutch30(K1) and the first component gearbox32(TG1) form a first power transmission path36for the transmission of drive power from the drive engine12to the differential16. The dual-clutch gearbox14also comprises a second friction clutch20(K2) and a second component gearbox22(TG2). The second component gearbox22comprises for example gear stages2,4,6, R, which can be engaged and disengaged by means of schematically indicated shift clutches24. The second friction clutch20and the second component gearbox22form a second power transmission path26for transmitting power from the drive engine12to the differential16. Furthermore, the drivetrain10comprises an electric machine (EM)40which is connected to an arrangement42for control and for supply of energy. The arrangement42may for example comprise power electronics and a battery. The electric machine40is fixedly connected to an input of the second component gearbox22, for example via a spur gear set or the like. Alternatively, the electric machine40may be connected to the input of the second component gearbox22by means of a coupling arrangement46(for example in the form of a shift clutch). In an alternative variant which is not illustrated, the electric machine14may also alternatively be connected to the input of the first component gearbox32, for which purpose a suitable coupling device may be provided. The connection of the electric machine42to that component gearbox which has the highest gear stage and the reverse gear stage permits electric driving in virtually all operating situations, as will be explained in yet more detail below. The drivetrain10is configured to operate in three different operating modes. In a conventional drive mode, the drive power is generated only by the drive engine12(internal combustion engine, ICE). Gear changes take place without an interruption in traction force by virtue of drive power being conducted via one of the power transmission paths26,36, wherein a gear stage is preselected in the component gearbox of the other power transmission path. Subsequently, a gear change takes place by means of a transfer of the power transmission flow from one path to the other path by virtue of the friction clutches20,30being actuated in an overlapping manner. Said drive mode is generally known in the field of dual-clutch gearboxes. It is also possible to implement a second, hybrid drive mode in which drive power is provided both by the drive engine12and also by the electric machine40. Here, the drive powers can be substantially added up at the summing point at the input of the second component gearbox22(or downstream of the second friction clutch22in the power flow direction). A further possibility for a hybrid drive mode consists in that drive power is transmitted from the electric machine via one component gearbox and drive power is transmitted from the internal combustion engine via the other component gearbox, wherein a summing point is then situated at the differential. In the second hybrid drive mode, the electric machine may provide either a positive or a negative torque (boost operation or load-point elevation/charging). Finally, a third drive mode is possible in which only the electric machine40is controlled so as to generate drive power, whereas the drive engine12is shut down. Since the electric machine40is connected to the secondary side of the second friction clutch20, it is not possible in this operating mode for the conventional shift sequences of a dual-clutch gearbox to be implemented. In general, however, it is desirable, during purely electric forward driving operation, to perform gear changes from the forward gear stage2into the forward gear stage4, and if appropriate into the forward gear stage6, and vice versa. During purely electric driving operation, drive power is supplied from the electric machine via the second component gearbox22to the differential16. The second friction clutch20is generally open. To perform a traction upshift, for example, the torque provided by the electric machine40must be reduced in order to disengage a starting gear. Here, during the engagement of the target gear stage, too, no torque is provided by the electric machine40, because otherwise it may not be possible for synchronisation to take place at the shift clutch24. Accordingly, in the case of conventional hybrid drivetrains, said type of gear change can be carried out in purely electric driving operation only with an interruption in traction force. To alleviate this problem, the following methods will be explained. All of the methods described below assume that the vehicle is travelling in the purely electric operating mode and that an automated shift is to be performed by means of the drivetrain ofFIG. 1, wherein the shift is either a traction upshift or a traction downshift. The following diagrams all relate to traction upshifts. Said illustrations however apply in a corresponding manner to traction downshifts. In particular, the following methods assume that a traction upshift takes place from the gear stage2to the gear stage4, wherein said two gear stages are situated in the second component gearbox22(TG2). In the following diagrams with respect to time, n_ICE shows the rotational speed of the internal combustion engine, n_EM shows the rotational speed of the electric machine, n_TG1shows the rotational speed at the input of the first component gearbox32, n_TG2shows the rotational speed at the input of the second component gearbox. Here, the rotational speeds n_EM and n_TG2are identical or proportional because the electric machine40is in this case fixedly coupled to the input of the second component gearbox22(TG2) or to the output of the second friction clutch20(K2). Furthermore, in the following diagrams with respect to time, the respective torques are shown as follows: tq_ICE is the torque of the internal combustion engine, tq_EM is the torque of the electric machine, tq_K1is the torque transmitted by the first friction clutch30(K1), tq_K2is the torque transmitted by the second friction clutch20(K2). Also shown in the diagrams with respect to time are the gear changes, wherein these are shown in the respective component gearboxes TG1, TG2, wherein G stands for gear stage and wherein N stands for the neutral position. Furthermore, the diagrams with respect to time described below are partially normalised with respect to rotational speed and with respect to torque, such that the different transmission ratios are factored out in order to make the sequences clearer. This applies in particular to the diagram with respect to time inFIG. 5. A first embodiment of a method according to the invention is shown inFIGS. 2 and 3. Here,FIG. 2shows a flow or sequence diagram, andFIG. 3shows a diagram with respect to time of rotational speeds and torques and shift processes in the drivetrain. In said method according toFIGS. 2 and 3, in a first step (phase1inFIG. 3and step A1inFIG. 2), it is firstly the case that, in the first component gearbox1(passive component gearbox), the highest possible gear stage (gear stage3or5) is engaged proceeding from the neutral position. In the subsequent phase2ofFIG. 3, the clutch K2is closed, such that the internal combustion engine is cranked without being fired (A2). In parallel with this, in step A3, the torque of the electric machine is increased in order to compensate for the drag torque of the internal combustion engine. It is shown inFIG. 2that, during the step A2, the turning-over or cranking of the internal combustion engine may take place by means of the clutch K2. If the drivetrain has a starter motor44, said turning-over may however also take place by means of the starter motor44. In phase3ofFIG. 3, the rotational speed of the internal combustion engine has reached the target rotational speed, such that the clutch K2can subsequently be opened (A4inFIG. 2), and the torque of the electric machine can be run down. If the starter motor44was used for cranking the internal combustion engine, the clutch K2has not necessarily been closed, and consequently also need not necessarily be opened again. As a result of the closure of the clutch K1in phase3up to and including phase5ofFIG. 3, a fill-in torque is provided, by means of the inertial energy of the coasting-down internal combustion engine, via the first power transmission path36. In the first power transmission path36, with the clutch K2open, the starting gear of the gear change must then be disengaged in step A6(phase4inFIG. 3). Subsequently, the rotational speed of the electric machine40must be adapted (phase5inFIG. 3). When rotational speed equality is attained (phase6inFIG. 3and step A8inFIG. 2), the target gear of the gear change can be engaged (in phase6ofFIG. 3and in step A9, the target gear is gear stage4). Subsequently, as is the case during a conventional gear change, the torque of the electric machine40can be increased again to a target torque (phase7inFIG. 3and step A10). Furthermore, in phases6or7, a preselected gear may already be engaged in the first component gearbox TG1if required. The method ofFIG. 2is consequently based on the provision of a fill-in torque by virtue of the internal combustion engine being not fired but initially cranked in order that its inertial energy can be utilised for providing a fill-in torque. Here, by contrast to the method of document DE 10 2010 044 618 A1, a relatively high gear stage is engaged (in the present case the gear stage3or5and not the gear stage1), which is the second-highest or highest gear stage. In this way, the torque that the electric machine40must impart in order to compensate for the drag torque may be lower, such that more torque can be provided for driving the motor vehicle in phases1and2and, in part, in phase3. In the alternative variant, in which the starter motor44is used for cranking the internal combustion engine or at least for overcoming a breakaway torque, it is generally possible during said phases for a higher torque to be provided by the electric machine for driving the motor vehicle. A further embodiment of a method according to invention is illustrated inFIGS. 4 and 5. In said method, a fill-in torque is provided by the electric machine40, wherein said fill-in torque is conducted via the second friction clutch20and via the first friction clutch30to the first power transmission path36. Here, the drive engine12is positively concomitantly cranked, such that said concomitant cranking torque must likewise be compensated for. As an alternative to this, it is conceivable for a third friction clutch to be provided between the friction clutches20,30, which third friction clutch decouples the drive engine12from the dual-clutch gearbox14. In this case, a concomitant cranking torque of said type need not be overcome because said clutch can be opened in this case. The method initially starts with the engagement of a higher gear stage (for example gear stage5) in the component gearbox1(step B1inFIG. 4, phase1inFIG. 5). In the subsequent steps B2, B3(phase2inFIG. 5), the clutch K1is fully closed such that the drive engine12is cranked. This may in turn be realized alternatively by means of a starter motor44(if a starter motor of said type is provided in the drivetrain). To compensate for the drag torque, the torque of the electric machine is increased in this phase. In the subsequent phase3ofFIG. 5(steps B4, B5inFIG. 4), the second friction clutch20(K2) is closed in a ramped manner such that the electric machine40transfers torque via the second friction clutch20and the first friction clutch30into the first power transmission path36. Here, the torque of the electric machine40must consequently be adapted. When the torque across the second friction clutch20is equal to the torque provided by the electric machine40(in phase3ofFIG. 5), the second power transmission path26is consequently free from load. Accordingly, in steps B7to B9ofFIG. 4(phases4to6inFIG. 5), the gear change from the starting gear (G2) into the target gear (G4) of the component gearbox2can take place. In the subsequent steps B11, B10(phase7inFIG. 5), the second friction clutch20is opened again, specifically in a manner corresponding to the torque provided by the electric machine, said torque being adjusted to a target torque taking into consideration the drag torque of the drive engine12. In phase8, the first friction clutch30can be opened (step B12inFIG. 4), and in parallel with this, the torque of the electric machine40can be adjusted to a target torque (step B13). Subsequently, in step B14, a target gear stage can be engaged in the first component gearbox, or else a shift into a neutral position may take place, as shown in phase9ofFIG. 5. FIGS. 6 and 7show a further embodiment of a method according to the invention, in which the drive engine is in the form of an internal combustion engine and said drive engine is not only cranked but is also fired in order to provide a fill-in torque by means of the fired internal combustion engine. Firstly, in step C1, a higher gear stage is engaged in the first component gearbox32(G3in phase1ofFIG. 7). Subsequently, the second friction clutch K2is closed, such that the internal combustion engine is cranked up to speed (phase2inFIG. 7and step C2inFIG. 6). During said cranking process, the torque of the electric machine40is increased in order to compensate for the drag torque and breakaway torque of the internal combustion engine (step C3). When the internal combustion engine is fired (in phase3), the second friction clutch20is opened and the first friction clutch30is closed. Then, via the first power transmission path36, fill-in torque is provided by means of the internal combustion engine. In the second power transmission path26, the torque of the electric machine40can be run down (step C5), and the gear change can take place in the conventional manner (steps C6to C8, phases4to6ofFIG. 7). Subsequently, in step C10, the first friction clutch is opened again, and in parallel therewith, the torque of the electric machine40is increased (C9, phase7inFIG. 7). In step C11, the internal combustion engine can then be shut down again. The duration for which the internal combustion engine is fired is in this case restricted to the time period of the gear change, and may in particular be shorter than one second, in particular shorter than half of one second. FIGS. 8 and 9show a further embodiment of a method according to invention, which corresponds substantially to the method ofFIGS. 6 and 7. Here, however, the second friction clutch is not closed for speeding up the internal combustion engine until it reaches the firing rotational speed. Rather, in step D2, the internal combustion engine is started by means of a starter motor which, in this variant, is provided in the drivetrain. After the starting process, the clutch K1can be closed (step D3corresponding to step C4ofFIG. 6). The steps D4to D7correspond to steps C5to C8ofFIG. 6. Steps D9to D10correspond to steps C9to C11ofFIG. 6.
In the various views of the drawings, like reference characters designate like or similar parts. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The present invention will now be described in conjunction with the drawings, beginning with FIG. 1 which shows a pipette pulling and heating apparatus 10 constructed in accordance with the invention. The apparatus 10 includes a rectangular box-shaped cabinet 12 which includes two or four leveling pads 14 located at the bottom comers of the cabinet. A control panel 16 is mounted to a sidewall 18 of cabinet 12 . A support such as a rigid metal planar support plate 20 formed of aluminum alloy or steel is rigidly fixed between the sidewalls 18 , 18 . A linear slideway rail 22 is mounted along the center of the top or outer surface 24 of plate 20 and extends along substantially the full length of plate 20 . A first carriage 26 is mounted on the rail 22 with high accuracy linear bearings for free smooth sliding movement over the rail. A clamp plate 28 is adjustably secured to carriage 26 with a threaded clamp screw 30 . A recessed groove is formed in the upper surface of the carriage 26 and in the lower or underside surface of clamp plate 28 to define a generally cylindrical clamping pocket within which the end of a glass pipette tube may be securely clamped in a known fashion. Alternatively, radially adjustable collets can be used in place of the clamps. Carriage 26 includes an extension arm 32 which extends transversely over a guide slot 34 formed through support plate 20 . Slot 34 extends along plate 20 parallel to rail 22 . An adjustable winged clamp screw 36 extends through the extension arm 32 and into slot 34 . A clamp plate is located beneath slot 34 and is threaded to clamp screw 36 to allow the extension arm 32 and the carriage 26 to be linearly adjusted along rail 22 and clamped in place in a desired position along rail 22 . A heater for heating a glass tube is adjustably mounted on support plate 20 . The heater can take the form of a coil 40 of resistance wire 42 through which a glass tube is mounted as discussed below. Alternatively, a flat resistance heating ribbon can be used in place of coil 40 . The heater wire 42 is connected by clamps 43 to a pair of electrodes 44 which are mounted on an electrical insulator block 46 which extends transversely over rail 22 . Coil 40 is centered over rail 22 . The insulator block 46 is mounted to a second carriage 48 which is mounted for sliding movement on rail 22 with a linear bearing in a known fashion. Electrical power wires 50 extend through plate 20 from within cabinet 12 via a pair of clearance slots 52 which extend parallel to and symmetrically about rail 22 . Wires 50 are attached to electrodes 44 to power the heater, i.e. coil 40 . A driver arm 54 is connected at one end to the second carriage 48 and at its other end to an actuator 56 of a powered driver 58 . Driver 58 can take the form of an electrically powered solenoid or a fluid driven cylinder such as an air cylinder or motor which operates on external pressurized shop or laboratory air. Actuator 56 has a preset throw or travel, such as for example, 3 millimeters. This throw can be adjusted with an adjustable stop such as the indexed rotary cam wheel 60 which engages the driver arm 54 and stops the travel of the second carriage 48 . When the actuator 56 is powered, it drives the second carriage 48 away from the first carriage 26 and holds the second carriage in a fixed position as set by cam wheel 60 . When the actuator 56 is depowered, a return spring or other return force applicator returns the second carriage 48 to its original predetermined home position. A conventional known lateral adjustment may be provided on the second carriage 48 for adjusting the sideward or transverse position of the coil 40 on the insulator block 46 . A threaded rotary lead screw 62 journaled to the insulator block engages fixed teeth on the second carriage 48 . The electrodes 44 are mounted and fixed on the insulator block 46 . Turning knob 66 back and forth causes the insulator block 48 and the electrodes 44 to slide back and forth across the carriage 48 so as to accurately position circular coil 40 coaxially around a glass tube as described below. A third carriage 70 is mounted in a known fashion to the slideway rail 22 with linear bearings 71 for free accurate sliding movement along the rail. Each carriage 26 , 48 and 70 may have the same type of mounting to rail 22 . A clamp plate 72 is adjustably secured to the third carriage 70 with a threaded clamp screw 74 which is threaded through the clamp plate and into the carriage body. A cylindrical clamping pocket is formed between the clamp plate 72 and carriage 70 as discussed above with respect to the other clamp plate 28 . As seen in FIG. 2 , carriage 70 has a lower or base portion 75 slidably attached to rail 22 and an upper cantilevered portion 77 fixed to the base 75 and spaced above plate 20 so as to be slidable over the top surface of a portion of carriage 48 . As seen in FIGS. 2 and 3 , the third carriage 70 is connected by a yoke 78 to a powered driver 80 located within cabinet 12 . Yoke 78 has a pair of arms 82 which respectively extend through a pair of parallel slots 84 formed through the support plate 20 . Slots 84 are aligned parallel to rail 22 to allow the arms 82 to move the third carriage 70 smoothly along rail 22 . Arms 82 may be connected to the underside of carriage 70 with screws 86 . As further seen in FIGS. 2 and 3 , the yoke 78 is connected to the sliding actuator rod 88 of the driver 80 by a flange 90 . A threaded fastener 92 passes through flange 90 and into the end of the rod 88 to form a secure interconnection therebetween. A mounting bracket 96 securely mounts the driver 80 to the underside or rear surface of plate 20 . Although any controllable powered reciprocating driver can be used for driver 80 , it has been found preferable to use a linear motor of the type commercially available under the brand LinMot P linear motors. As seen in FIG. 4 , such a linear motor includes a series of alternating north (N) 98 and south (S) 100 stator windings encircling a sliding actuator rod 88 . Actuator rod 88 is formed as a hollow chromium steel tube which houses a series of axially spaced neodymium magnets 102 . Position sensors 104 are mounted in a housing 106 for providing a position feedback signal to microelectronics 108 also held within housing 106 . Plain bearings are housed in the stator windings 98 , 100 for guiding rod 88 . There is no electrical connection between the sliding rod 88 and the stator formed by windings 98 , 100 . Referring again to FIGS. 2 and 4 , a control and power cable 110 supplies power and control signals to the linear motor driver 80 . Control signals supplied by a commercially available microprocessor-controlled electronic controller 112 causes the power from a commercially available power supply 114 to positively drive the actuator rod 88 back and forth according to a preselected pattern of movement. The movement of rod 88 directly translates into movement of the third carriage 70 . Virtually any pattern or sequence of controlled powered movement can be imparted to actuator rod 88 and the third carriage 70 by appropriate programming of a standard off-the-shelf microprocessor 116 which is powered by a standard power supply 118 . Microprocessor 116 can also control another power supply 120 for selectively supplying power to the electrodes 44 of the heater coil 40 . The driver 58 which drives the heater coil 40 and insulator block 46 back and forth along rail 22 is also controlled by the microprocessor 116 via a conventional electrically-actuated valve assembly 121 . The controller 112 , power supply 114 , microprocessor 116 , power supply 118 , and power supply 120 are all mounted within cabinet 12 and operated by switches on the control panel 16 (FIG. 1 ). The operation of the apparatus 10 is schematically shown in FIGS. 5 through 10 . Beginning with FIG. 5 , a glass tube 122 is clamped at one end to the upper or first carriage 26 with clamp plate 28 and at its other end to the lower or third carriage 70 with clamp plate 72 after being inserted through heater coil 40 on the center or second carriage 48 . Once the glass tube 122 is clamped in place, a start button 124 on control panel 16 is pushed or actuated to begin a preprogrammed pipette pulling and heating process in accordance with the invention. Upon such actuation of the pulling process, the heating coil 40 is powered by power supply 120 to reach a first predetermined temperature and the linear motor driver 80 is powered by power supply 114 and controlled by controller 112 to apply an axial pulling force on the third carriage 70 via rod 88 and yoke 78 . This pulling force is applied to glass tube 122 via clamp plate 72 . As the heating coil 40 heats the glass tube 122 and causes it to weaken, the third carriage 70 , as shown in dashed lines in FIG. 5 , moves axially downwardly and independently away from the first carriage 26 as the heated portion 126 of the glass tube 122 begins to stretch and form a necked down region 130 , as seen in FIG. 6 . Once the third carriage 70 moves a predetermined distance, such as six millimeters, the linear motor driver 80 is programmed to stop and the heater coil 40 can be, and preferably is, deactivated. At this point, the microprocessor 116 energizes driver 58 causing actuator 56 to reposition the second carriage 48 and heater coil 40 over the center of the necked down region 130 . The movement of the second carriage 48 represented in dashed lines in FIG. 6 is limited and preset by the engagement of driver arm 54 with cam wheel 60 . A typical movement of about 3 millimeters will reposition coil 40 over the center of the necked down region 130 as shown in FIG. 7 . At this point, the heater coil 40 is reactivated to a second predetermined temperature and the driver 80 is repowered to again apply an axial pulling force on the glass tube 122 . As the glass tube stretches further, the third carriage 70 independently moves further down along rail 22 , as shown in dashed lines in FIG. 7 . Eventually, the glass tube 122 breaks into two pieces or halves 132 , 134 as shown in FIG. 8 . At a predetermined length of travel on rail 22 , the travel of the third carriage is stopped by deactivating driver 80 according to the program set by the microprocessor. At this point the upper half 132 of the glass tube 122 is removed from coil 40 by one of several possible steps. As shown in FIG. 8 , the first or upper carriage 26 can be manually retracted upwardly away from the second carriage 48 by manually loosening clamp screw 36 and the underlying clamp plate and manually sliding carriage 26 upwardly along rail 22 . It is also possible to provide another driver similar to driver 58 for automatically moving the first carriage 26 in the same fashion that driver 58 moves the second carriage. Another step for removing the upper half 132 of the glass tube 122 is to allow driver 58 to drive the second carriage 48 further downwardly toward the third carriage 70 as represented by the dashed lines in FIG. 9 . If this option is used, the cam wheel 60 is moved or removed to allow for the additional travel stroke of actuator 56 . Whether the upper half 132 of the glass tube 122 is removed from the heater coil by the step of FIG. 8 or FIG. 9 , the resulting relative position of the upper carriage 26 and upper half 132 of the glass tube is shown in FIG. 10 . Once the upper half of the glass tube is removed from the coil 40 , the driver 80 drives the third carriage 70 upwardly toward the second carriage a preset distance so that the tip 136 of the lower half 134 of the glass tube is repositioned within the heater coil 40 . At this point, the driver 80 is programmed to effect a back and forth reciprocatory movement to the third carriage 70 , thereby causing the tip 136 of the lower half 134 of the glass tube 122 to pass in and out of the coil 40 with coil 40 being energized at a third predetermined temperature. This heating of tip 136 effects a desirable shaping of the end of tip 136 as well as the opening formed within the tip. This last heating of tip 136 is conventionally carried out in a separate heater called a forge. Because a linear motor is used to drive the pipette back over the heater after completion of the pulling operation, no forge is required. The process described above is a two step pulling process typically used for producing patch type pipettes. However, the apparatus 10 can be easily programmed to effect a single pulling process for producing intracellular pipettes. In this case, the pulling step of FIG. 6 is extended until the glass tube 122 is broken in half as shown in FIG. 8 and the second pulling step of FIG. 7 can be eliminated. Final heating of tip 136 can then be carried out as described above in connection with FIG. 10 . There has been disclosed heretofore the best embodiment of the invention presently contemplated. However, it is to be understood that the various changes and modifications may be made thereto without departing from the spirit of the invention. For example instead of employing clamps such as clamp plates to hold the glass tube on the apparatus 10 , any type of holder such as a chuck or collet could be used.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION FIG. 1 generally illustrates the invention showing a retarder arranged in front of a transmission. Drive unit 1 is comprised of an engine and transmission 2, and a hydrodynamic retarder 4. Retarder 4 is constantly in drive connection with engine 2, specifically the crankshaft of engine 2. As shown in FIG. 1, retarder 4 is in constant rotary connection with engine 2 via back gearing 5. Coolant circuit 6 is common to retarder 4 and engine 2. Coolant 7 of circuit 6 also serves as the working fluid for the retarder 4. Retarder 4 is configured to allow for constant and complete filling with working fluid 7. Due to the arrangement of the retarder 4 and the direction of force flow before the transmission, retarder 4 remains coupled to the engine 2 in any state of operation. For this reason, retarder 4 can also be utilized as a pump for circulation of coolant 7, so that no idling load accrues in the retarder 4 that consumes power and creates heat. Radiator 8 with fan 3 is provided in the coolant circuit 6. Fan 3 may be driven by engine 2 or by retarder 4. Line 9 extends from outlet 10 of radiator 8 to fluid inlet 11 of retarder 4, while line 12 extends from fluid outlet 13 of retarder 4 to fluid inlet 14 of radiator 8 via the engine 2. Valve 15 is fitted within line 12 to allow continuous variation of the cross-section of line 12 from 7 to 0.5 in relation to line 9. In traction operation, for example when retarder 4 is not activated, retarder 4 acts as a circulation pump for coolant 7 in coolant circuit 6. In this case, the cross-section of line 9 is preferably equal to the cross-section of line 12. In other words, during nonbraking operation valve 15 has a large open-flow cross-section through which coolant 7 circulates in coolant circuit 6 of drive unit 1 at low back pressure. FIG. 2 schematically shows retarder 4 along with its environs, notably the pertaining lines. Rotor impeller wheel 4.1 and the stator impeller wheel 4.2 are also shown in detail. Coolant line 10 approaches from radiator 8. A first two-way valve 11 allows switching of drive unit 1 from a pumping function to a braking function. During the pumping function, coolant 7 is meant to be circulated exclusively. Therefore, coolant 7 proceeds through line 10.1 to combined rotor-pump impeller wheel 4.1, where it flows through pump duct 10.2. From that point, coolant 7 proceeds through a further line 10.3 to engine 2. When braking is intended, coolant 7 proceeds along line 12.1 and through duct 12.2 to stator impeller wheel 4.2, and into the working space of retarder 4. Thus, in strict pump operation, the working fluid flow proceeds only through the pump part of the rotor, whereas in brake operation the working fluid flow passes only through retarder 4. The embodiment according to FIG. 3 shows an especially interesting solution. During braking operation, pump duct 10.2 can be flooded first, whereafter the working fluid flow can be returned and passed into retarder part 4 by means of another two-way valve 13. This offers the advantage that in the absence of external pressure, for example when external pressure is superposed, the pump part of the combined rotor-pump impeller wheel 4.1 is used to impart a high pressure on the working fluid and thereby obtain a stronger braking effect. As apparent from the above description and FIGS. 2 and 3, in both illustrated embodiments a bypass line, directing coolant flow around the retarder, is formed between valves 11, 13, in FIGS. 2 and 3 respectively, and the point at which the retarder output is joined to line 10.3. FIG. 4 shows an embodiment where the combined rotor-pump impeller wheel 4.1 is made of virtually only a single wall. While this invention has been described as having a particular design, the present invention can be further modified within the spirit and scope of this disclosure. This application is therefore intended to cover any variations, uses, or adaptations of the invention using its general principles. Further this invention is intended to cover such departures from the present disclosure as come within known and customary practice in the art to which this invention pertains and which fall within the limits of the appended claims.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PRESENT INVENTION As hereinabove discussed, modern compound hunting and target bows include an arrangement of cables and eccentric pulleys for reducing the amount of hold-back force the archer encounters. The sensor of the present invention includes an activating switch located at one of the pulleys of a typical compound bow. Choice as to which of the standard two pulleys should be used is unimportant as the concept will work equally well from either location. As an arrow is drawn back for a shot, the pulleys at the ends of the bow limbs rotate utilizing their mechanical advantage to help flex the bow limbs. The activating switch of the sensor of the present invention includes a contact plate affixed to one of the rotating pulleys. The contact plate can be freely adjusted by hand and then locked into place by a lock screw when in the desired position. The activating switch of the sensor includes a portion firmly fixed on one of the bow limbs adjacent the rotating contact plate that includes switch contacts positioned in the path of the rotating contact plate. When the bow is drawn, the rotating contact plate will revolve with the pulley, pass under the switch contacts, and come to bear on the switch contacts. The switch contacts are connected by wires to a small battery powered light source housed and insulated such that is necessary for electrical current to pass through the switch contacts and rotating contact plate before energizing the light source. Thus, as the bow is drawn, the rotating contact plate revolves to bring a conducting surface to bear on the switch contacts and to thereby energize the light source By tailoring the width of the rotating contact plate, the length of time the light source stays energized can be lengthened or shortened. In use, the archer will draw the bow back to his or her preferred full draw position. An assistant would then release the locking screw on the rotating contact plate and position it so that the light source is energized and stays energized. The locking screw is then tightened and the bow can be returned to the relaxed position. As the bow is relaxed, the rotating contact plate will rotate with the pulley and remove its conducting strip from beneath the switch contacts, causing the light source to go out. When the bow is redrawn, the rotating contact plate will once again rotate and bear on the switch contacts at the same preset position. If the bow is drawn too far, the conducting plate will rotate past the switch contacts and the light source will go out, indicating an overdrawn condition. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS A first preferred embodiment of the sensor of the present invention is shown in FIGS. 1-10 and identified by the numeral 11. The sensor 11 is for use with any typical compound archery bow 13 or the like. The archery bow 13 typically includes a body having a central handle section 15 from which extends an upper limb 17 and a lower limb 19. The handle section 15 may be constructed in various specific designs and out of any suitable material which is substantially rigid such as metal, wood, plastic, etc., as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. The limbs 17, 19 may also be constructed in various designs and out of any suitable material which is somewhat flexible or resilient such as wood, plastic, etc., as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. While it is common to construct the handle section 15 and limbs 17, 19 as separate elements as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2 with the limbs 17, 19 attached to the handle section 15 by screws or the like (not shown), it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that the handle section 15 and limbs 17, 19 may be constructed as a one-piece, integral unit. The archery bow 13 includes a bowstring 20 for being drawn by the archer, and includes cam means for connecting the bow string 20 to the body of the archery bow 13. The cam means preferably includes an upper cam means 21 mounted on the outer tip of the upper limb 17 by an axle member 23, and a lower cam means 25 mounted on the outer tip of the lower limb 19 by an axle member 27. The outer tip of each limb 17, 19 may have a slot 29 or the like for receiving the respective cam means 21, 25. On the other hand, the cam means 21, 28 may be mounted to the respective limbs 17, 19 by flanges, etc., as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. Each cam means 21, 25 preferably includes a body 31 for being rotated when the bow string 20 is drawn. The bowstring 20 extends generally between the upper and lower cam means 21, 25. Tension cables 33 are preferably coupled to the opposite ends of the bowstring 20 and ar trained about the cam means 21, 25 in a manner so that the cam means 21, 25 will rotate as indicated by the arrow 35 in FIGS. 2, 8, and 10 when the bowstring 20 is drawn as indicated by the arrow 37 in FIG. 2 whereby less force will be required to hold the bowstring 20 in a fully drawn position than to hold the bowstring 20 at an intermediate drawn position, etc., as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. The specific construction, arrangement, and operation of the archery bow 13 may vary as will be apparent to those skilled in the art and forms no part of the present invention. More specifically, for proper operation of the present invention, it is necessary only that the archery bow 13 includes a pulley, wheel, cam, etc., that rotates in response to the drawing of the bowstring 20 and by an amount proportional to the distance the bowstring 20 is drawn. Choice as to which of the standard pulleys, etc., to use in combination with the sensor 11 of the present invention is unimportant. However, for clarity and as a matter of convenience, the upper cam means 21 will be used in the following description of the preferred embodiment of sensor 11 of the present invention. The sensor 11 of the present invention includes switch means 39 for being closed by the cam means in response to the drawing of the bowstring 20, i.e., for being closed by the rotation of a pulley, wheel, cam, etc., that rotates in response to the drawing of the bowstring 20. Thus, for example, the switch means 39 may be associated with the upper cam means 21 as clearly shown in FIGS. 1-3 and 5-10 for being closed when the upper cam means 21 rotates a predetermined amount in response to the drawing of the bowstring 20. The switch means 39 preferably includes a first contact member 41, a second contact member 43, and an electrically conductive plate member 45 attached to the body 31 of the cam means 21 for rotation therewith and for closing an electrical circuit between the first and second contact members 41, 43 when both contact members 41, 43 simultaneously contact the plate member 45. The location of the plate member 45 on the body 31 of the cam means 21 can preferably be varied and adjusted by a lock screw 47 or the like for reasons which will hereinafter become apparent. The contact members 41, 43 are preferably mounted on the upper limb 17 by a switch housing 49 or the like in a position so as to contact the plate member 45 when the cam means 21 rotates a predetermined amount in response to the drawing of the bowstring 20. The sensor 11 includes light means 51 for emitting light when electrically energized and activated. The light means 51 may include a typical, off-the-shelf light emitting diode and preferably includes a typical light emitting sight pin for use with a typical bow sight frame for being fixedly attached to the handle section 15 of the archery bow 13 as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. Such light emitting sight pins are well known to those skilled in the art and include a threaded body for being adjustably mounted in a vertical slot of the typical bow sight frame by a pair of opposing nuts or the like as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. The sensor 11 includes an electrical energy source 53 for electrically energizing and activating the light means 51 when the switch means 39 is closed. The electrical energy source 53 preferably consists of an extremely light and small off-the-shelf direct current battery of sufficient power to energize and activate the light means 51 as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. The light means 51 and electrical energy source 53 are preferably mounted to the handle section 15 of the archery bow 13 by a light housing 55 or the like in a position so the light emitted by the light means 51 will be readily viewed by the archer as the archer is drawing the bowstring 20. The sensor 11 includes circuit means 57 for electrically connecting the first and second contact members 41, 41 to the light means 51 and the electrical energy source 53 in such a manner that the light means 51 will be electrically energized and activated to emit light when both contact members 41, 43 simultaneously contact the plate member 45. The circuit means 57 may include a first electrical conductor 59 for extending between the first contact member 41 and one terminal of the light means 51, a second electrical conductor 61 for extending between the other terminal of the light means 51 and one terminal of the electrical energy source 53, and a third electrical conductor 63 for extending between the other terminal of the electrical energy source 53 and the second contact member 43 as shown in FIG. 4. The electrical conductors 59, 61, 63 may consist of flexible electrically conductive wires or the like. An important feature of the sensor 11 of the present invention is the adjustability thereof. More specifically, by merely changing the position of the plate member 45 on the cam means 21, the distance the bowstring 20 must be drawn before the light means 51 is activated can be varied. Thus, as shown diagrammatically in FIGS. 7 and 8 with the relative contact areas of the contact members 41, 43 shown diagrammatically in broken lines, with the plate member 45 locked in a first position, the bowstring 20 must be drawn a sufficient distance so as to cause the cam means 21 to rotate a first distance as indicated by the arrow 65 on FIG. 8 before the switch means 39 is closed. However, by merely loosening the lock screw 47, moving the plate member 45 to a second position as shown in FIGS. 9 and 10, the bowstring 33 must be drawn a greater distance so as to cause the cam means 21 to rotate a greater second distance as indicated by the arrow 67 in FIG. 10 before the switch means 39 is closed. It should be noted that the switch means 39 will remain closed only as long as both contact members 41, 43 simultaneously contact the plate member 45. Thus, if the bowstring 20 is "overdrawn" (i.e., drawn past the predetermined optimum), the plate member 45 will rotate past one or both contacts, causing the switch means 39 to open and the light means 51 to deactivate. The amount of "play" or "leadway" which the sensor 11 provides (i.e., the amount of movement of the bowstring 20 allowed around the "optimum draw" while keeping the switch means 39 closed) depends on the size and placement of the plate member 45. More specifically, by making the width of the plate member 45 greater at the point where the contact members 41, 43 cross the plate member 45 or arranging the plate member 45 on the cam means 21 so that the effective width thereof is increased, the switch means 39 will provide greater "play" as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. On the other hand, by making the width of the plate member 45 smaller at the point where the contact members 41, 43 cross the plate member 45 or arranging the plate member 45 on the cam means 21 so that the effective width thereof is reduced, the switch means 39 will provide less "play" as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. A second preferred embodiment of the sensor of the present invention is shown in FIGS. 11-14 and identified by the numeral 2.11. The sensor 2.11 is for use with any typical compound archery bow 2.13 or the like. The compound archery bow 2.13 may be identical to the compound archery bow 13 described above with reference to the sensor 11 and the above description of the archery bow 13 should be referred to for a more complete understanding thereof. Elements of the bow 2.13 shown in FIGS. 11 and 12 will be identified with the same reference numerals as the like elements of the bow 13. The sensor 2.11 of the present invention includes switch means 2.39 for being closed by the cam means in response to the drawing of the bowstring 20, i.e., for being closed by the rotation of a pulley, wheel, cam, etc., that rotates in response to the drawing of the bowstring 20. Thus, for example, the switch means 2.39 may be associated with the upper cam means 21 as clearly shown in FIGS. 11 and 12 for being closed when the upper cam means 21 rotates a predetermined amount in response to the drawing of the bowstring 20. The switch means 2.39 preferably includes a normally opened switch member 2.40 and a contact member 2.42 for selectively causing the switch member 2.40 to close. The switch member 2.40 preferably includes a button or plunger 2.44 which will move the switch member 2.40 from an opened position as shown in FIG. 13 to a closed position as shown in FIG. 14 when pressure is applied to the plunger 2.44 to depress the plunger 2.44, etc. The switch member 2.40 is preferably constructed so that it will remain in the closed position only as long as pressure is applied to the plunger 2.44 and will move back to the opened position as soon as the plunger 2.44 is released. The switch member 2.40 is preferably dustproof and waterproof. The switch member 2.40 preferably consists of a typical, off-the-shelf button or plunger switch such as, for example, a type DHIC-BIAA ultra miniature DH series button switch manufactured by Cherry Electronics Products, 3625 Sunset Avenue, Waukegan, Illinois 60087. The contact member 2.42 is preferably attached to the body 31 of the cam means 21 for rotation therewith and for closing the switch member 2.40 when the cam means 21 rotates a predetermined amount in response to the drawing of the bowstring 20. The contact member 2.42 thus contacts and depresses the plunger 2.44 of the switch member 2.40 when the cam means 21 rotates the predetermined amount. The location of the contact member 2.42 on the body 31 of the cam means 21, the size of the contact member 2.42, and the shape of the contact member 2.42 determines when and how long the switch member 2.40 will be closed as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. It should be noted that contact member 2.42 can be attached to the body 31 of the cam means 21 in various different manners as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. For example, the contact member 2.42 can be permanently attached to the body member 31 by glue or the like, can be constructed as an integral, one-piece unit with the body member 31. However, the contact member 2.42 is preferably adjustably attached to the body member 31 to allow the location of the contact member 2.42 on the body member 31 to be varied and adjusted for reasons which will hereinafter become apparent. Thus, for example, a lock screw 2.47 or the like may be provided to adjustably secure the contact member 2.42 to the body member 31. The switch member 2.40 is preferably mounted on the upper limb 17 by screws or the like (not shown) in a position s that the plunger 2.44 will be contacted by the contact member 2.42 when the cam means 21 rotates a predetermined amount in response to the drawing of the bowstring 20. The sensor 2.11 includes light means 2.51 for emitting light when electrically energized and activated. The light means 2.51 may consist of a typical, off-the-shelf light emitting diode. The light means 2.51 preferably consists of a typical light emitting sight pin 2.52 for use with a typical bow sight frame 2.52' for being fixedly attached to the handle section 15 of the archery bow 13 as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. Such light emitting sight pins 2.52 are well known to those skilled in the art and include a threaded body for being adjustably mounted in a vertical slot of the typical bow sight frame 2.52' by a pair of opposing nuts or the like as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. The sensor 2.11 includes an electrical energy source 2.53 for electrically energizing and activating the light means 2.51 when the switch means 2.39 is closed. The electrical energy source 2.53 preferably consists of an extremely light and small off-the-shelf direct current battery of sufficient power to energize and activate the light means 2.51 as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. The electrical energy source 2.53 may be housed within the base end of the lighted sight pin 2.52 as indicated in FIG. 12 and as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. The sensor 2.11 includes circuit means 2.57 for electrically connecting the switch member 2.40 to the light means 2.51 and the electrical energy source 2.53 in such a manner that the light means 2.51 will be electrically energized and activated to emit light when pressure is applied to the plunger 2.44 by the contact member 2.42. The circuit means 2.57 may include a first electrical conductor 2.59 for extending between the one terminal of the switch member 2.40 and one terminal of the light means 2.51, a second electrical conductor 2.61 for extending between the other terminal of the light means 2.51 and one terminal of the electrical energy source 2.53, and a third electrical conductor 2.63 for extending between the other terminal of the electrical energy source 2.53 and the other terminal of the switch member 2.40 as shown in FIG. 13. The electrical conductors 2.59, 2.61, 2.63 may consist of flexible electrically conductive wires or the like as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. An important feature of the sensor 2.11 of the present invention is the adjustability thereof. More specifically, by merely changing the position of the contact member 2.42 on the cam means 21, the distance the bowstring 20 must be drawn before the light means 2.51 is activated can be varied. Thus, by moving the position of the contact member 2.42 on the cam means 21, the distance the bowstring 13 must be drawn before the switch member 2.40 is closed can be varied as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. It should be noted that the switch member 2.40 will remain closed only as long as the contact member 2.42 is in actual physical contact with the plunger 2.44 of the switch member 2.40. Thus, if the bowstring 20 is "overdrawn" (i.e., drawn past the predetermined optimum), the contact member 2.42 will rotate past the plunger 2.44, causing the switch member 2.40 to open and the light means 2.51 to deactivate. The amount of "play" or "leadway" which the sensor 2.11 provides (i.e., the amount of movement of the bowstring 20 allowed around the "optimum draw" while keeping the switch member 2.40 closed) depends on the size and placement of the contact member 2.42. More specifically, by making the width of the contact member 2.4 greater at the point where the plunger 2.44 crosses the contact member 2.42 or arranging the contact member 2.42 on the cam means 21 so that the effective width thereof is increased, the switch means 2.39 will provide greater "play" as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. On the other hand, by making the width of the contact member 2.42 smaller at the point where the plunger 2.44 crosses the contact member 2.42 or arranging the contact member 2.42 on the cam means 21 so that the effective width thereof is reduced, the switch means 2.39 will provide less "play" as will now be apparent to those skilled in the art. Although the present invention has been described and illustrated with respect to preferred embodiments and preferred uses therefor, it is not to be so limited since modifications and changes can be made therein which are within the full intended scope of the invention.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION Hereinafter, exemplary embodiments of the inventive concept will be explained in detail with reference to the accompanying drawings. FIG. 1is an exploded perspective view of a display apparatus according to an exemplary embodiment of the inventive concept.FIG. 2is a plan view of first to third foam tapes410,420and430, a light guide unit200and a light source part300of the display apparatus ofFIG. 1.FIG. 3Ais a cross-sectional view taken along a line I-I′ ofFIG. 1.FIG. 3Bis a cross-sectional view taken along a line II-II′ ofFIG. 1.FIG. 4is a cross-sectional view of the third foam tape430of the display apparatus ofFIG. 1. Referring toFIGS. 1, 2, 3A and 3B, a display apparatus according to an embodiment includes a display panel100, an optical sheet110, a light guide unit200, a light source part300, a first foam tape410, a second foam tape420, and a third foam tape430. According to exemplary embodiments, the display panel100includes a lower substrate on which are disposed a plurality of thin film transistors and signal wirings electrically connected to the thin film transistors, an upper substrate opposite to the lower substrate, and a liquid crystal layer disposed between the lower substrate and the upper substrate. According to exemplary embodiments, the optical sheet110is disposed under the display panel100. The optical sheet110improves optical characteristics of the display and includes a diffusion sheet, a prism sheet, etc. The optical sheet110is disposed in a space formed by the first to third foam tapes410,420, and430between the display panel100and the light guide unit200. According to exemplary embodiments, the light guide unit200is disposed under the display panel100and the optical sheet110. The light guide unit200guides light emitted from the light source part300to the display panel100. The light guide unit200includes a light incident surface201that faces the light source300, an opposite surface202that faces the light incident surface201, side surfaces203connected to the light incident surface201and the opposite surface202, a light exiting surface204that faces the display panel100, and a reflective surface205opposite from the light exiting surface204. The light incident surface201and the opposite surface202extend in a first direction D1. The side surfaces203extend in a second direction D2which is substantially perpendicular to the first direction D1. According to exemplary embodiments, a reflecting sheet210is attached onto the side surfaces203and the opposite surface202of the light guide unit200. The reflecting sheet210is a white reflective tape that causes diffuse reflection. Alternatively, the reflecting sheet210may be a silver (Ag) reflective tape that causes specular reflection. The light reflected by the side surfaces203and the opposite surface202is reflected by the reflecting sheet210back into the light guide plate200. According to exemplary embodiments, the light source part300faces the light incident surface201of the light guide unit200. The light source part300includes a plurality of light sources. For example, the light source part300includes a first light source310and a second light source320. Each of the first and second light sources310and320are LED packages that include an LED (light emitting diode) and a phosphor layer. According to exemplary embodiments, the first foam tape410, the second foam tape420and the third foam tape430are attached onto a boundary of the light exiting surface of the light guide unit200. Thus, the first to third foam tapes410,420and430are disposed in a peripheral area PA adjacent to a display area DA of the light guide unit200in which an image is displayed. According to exemplary embodiments, the first foam tape410is attached onto the light exiting surface of the light guide unit200adjacent to the opposite surface202of the light guide unit200. Thus, in a plan view, the first foam tape410is attached onto an upper edge of the light exiting surface, as shown inFIG. 2. According to exemplary embodiments, the second foam tape420is attached onto the light exiting surface of the light guide unit200adjacent to one of the side surfaces203of the light guide unit200. Thus, the second foam tape420is attached onto a left edge of the light exiting surface, as shown inFIG. 2. According to exemplary embodiments, the third foam tape430is attached onto the light exiting surface of the light guide unit200adjacent to the other of the side surfaces203of the light guide unit200. Thus, the third foam tape430is attached onto a right edge of the light exiting surface, as shown inFIG. 2. According to exemplary embodiments, the first foam tape410, the second foam tape420, and the third foam tape430are attached to edges of a lower surface of the display panel100, so that the display panel100and the light guide unit200can be fixed to each other. With this structure, a slim display apparatus can be realized as compared with a display apparatus that uses a mold frame between a display panel and a light guide unit. Referring toFIG. 4, according to exemplary embodiments, the third foam tape430includes a first adhesive layer431, a reflecting layer432, a film base layer433, a foam layer434, a protective layer435and a second adhesive layer436. A cross-sectional structure of the first foam tape410and the second foam tape420is substantially the same as a cross-sectional structure of the third foam tape430. Therefore, only the third foam tape430will be described in detail. According to exemplary embodiments, the first adhesive layer431is attached on the light guide unit200. The first adhesive layer431adheres the third foam tape430to the light guide unit200. Material constituting the first adhesive layer431is not particularly limited. For example, the first adhesive layer431may contain a pressure-sensitive adhesive. The pressure-sensitive adhesive may be an acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive, a rubber pressure-sensitive adhesive, a silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive, etc. According to exemplary embodiments, the reflecting layer432is disposed on the first adhesive layer431. The reflecting layer432reflects light arriving at the third foam tape430back through the light guide unit200. Light absorbed by the first to third foam tapes410can reduce the intensity of light at an edge portion of the display area DA adjacent to the peripheral area PA. In a present exemplary embodiment, light is reflected by the reflecting layer432back into the light guide unit200to ensure a more uniform luminance over the entire display area DA. According to exemplary embodiments, the reflecting layer432includes a material that causes diffuse or specular reflection. For example, the reflecting layer432may be a white reflective layer that causes diffuse reflection. Alternatively, the reflecting layer432may be a silver (Ag) reflective layer that causes specular reflection. A silver (Ag) reflective layer is formed by coating the film base layer433. If the reflecting layer432is a silver (Ag) reflective layer that causes specular reflection, the display quality improvement effect can be greater than when the reflecting layer432causes diffuse reflection. This is because when the reflecting layer432causes diffuse reflection, brightness may be increased at an edge portion of the display region DA, which can reduce the uniformity of the brightness throughout the display region DA. According to exemplary embodiments, the film base layer433is disposed on the reflecting layer432. The film base layer433is a transparent film. For example, the film base layer433may be a resin film such as a polyethylene terephthalate film. According to exemplary embodiments, the foam layer434is disposed on the film base layer433. The foam layer434includes foamed polyurethane. The foam layer434is black. Thus, since black absorbs and blocks light, it is possible to prevent light emitted through the light exiting surface of the light guide unit200from propagating through the first to third foam tapes410,420, and430in the peripheral area PA. According to exemplary embodiments, protective layer435is disposed on the foam layer434. The protective layer435is formed on an upper surface of the foam layer434. Thus, it is possible to prevent the foam layer434from being damaged when the display panel100is detached from the third foam tape430for rework after bonding. According to exemplary embodiments, the second adhesive layer436is adhered to the display panel100. The second adhesive layer436adheres the third foam tape430to the display panel100. Material constituting the second adhesive layer436is not particularly limited. For example, the second adhesive layer436may contain a pressure-sensitive adhesive. The pressure-sensitive adhesive may be an acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive, a rubber pressure-sensitive adhesive, a silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive, etc. FIG. 5is a plan view of first to third foam tapes510,420and430, a light guide unit200and a light source part300of a display apparatus according to an exemplary embodiment of the inventive concept.FIG. 6is a cross-sectional view of the first foam tape510of a display apparatus ofFIG. 5. Referring toFIGS. 5 and 6, according to exemplary embodiments, a display apparatus ofFIGS. 5 and 6is substantially same as a display apparatus ofFIG. 1, except for a first foam tape510. Therefore, a repeated description will be omitted. According to exemplary embodiments, a display apparatus includes a display panel, an optical sheet, a light guide unit200, a light source part300that includes first and second light sources310and320, a first foam tape510, a second foam tape420and a third foam tape430. According to exemplary embodiments, the first foam tape510is attached onto a light exiting surface of the light guide unit200adjacent to an opposite surface of the light guide unit200. Thus, the first foam tape510is attached onto an upper edge of the light exiting surface, as shown inFIG. 5. According to exemplary embodiments, the first foam tape510includes a first adhesive layer511, a blue layer517, a base layer518, a reflective layer512, a film base layer513, a foam layer514, a protective layer515, and a second adhesive layer516. According to exemplary embodiments, the first adhesive layer511is attached onto the light guide unit200. The first adhesive layer511adheres the first foam tape510to the light guide unit200. Material constituting the first adhesive layer511is not particularly limited. For example, the first adhesive layer511may be a pressure-sensitive adhesive. The pressure-sensitive adhesive may be an acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive, a rubber pressure-sensitive adhesive, a silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive, etc. According to exemplary embodiments, the blue layer517is disposed on the first adhesive layer511. The blue layer517absorbs yellow light. The blue layer517may be formed by printing or coating a blue ink on the base layer518. According to exemplary embodiments, light emitted from the light source part300is white light. When white light propagates through the light guide unit200, short wavelength blue light is absorbed by the light guide unit200, and the white light changes to yellow light, as shown inFIG. 11. This is more apparent with increasing distance through the light guide unit200, and white light appears yellowish at the opposite surface of the light guide unit200far from the light source part300. The blue layer517below the reflecting layer512of the first foam tape510absorbs yellow light, which reduces the yellowish phenomenon, so that a more uniform white light can be provided to the entire display area DA of the display apparatus. Accordingly, display quality can be improved. According to exemplary embodiments, the base layer518is disposed on the blue layer517. The base layer518is a transparent film. For example, the base layer518may be a resin film such as a polyethylene terephthalate film. According to exemplary embodiments, the reflecting layer512is disposed on the base layer518. The reflecting layer512reflects light arriving at the first foam tape510back through the light guide unit200. According to exemplary embodiments, the reflecting layer512includes a material that causes diffuse reflection or specular reflection. For example, the reflecting layer512may be a white reflective layer that causes diffuse reflection. Alternatively, the reflecting layer512may be a silver (Ag) reflective layer that causes specular reflection. The silver (Ag) reflective layer can be formed by coating the base layer518. According to exemplary embodiments, the film base layer513is disposed on the reflecting layer512. The film base layer513is a transparent film. For example, the film base layer513may be a resin film such as a polyethylene terephthalate film. According to exemplary embodiments, the foam layer514is disposed on the film base layer513. The foam layer514includes foamed polyurethane. The foam layer514is black. Thus, since black absorbs and blocks light, it is possible to prevent light emitted through the light exiting surface of the light guide unit200from propagating through the first to third foam tapes510,420, and430in the peripheral area PA. According to exemplary embodiments, the protective layer515is disposed on the foam layer514. The protective layer515is formed on an upper surface of the foam layer514. Thus, it is possible to prevent the foam layer514from being damaged when the display panel100is detached from the first foam tape510for rework after bonding. According to exemplary embodiments, the second adhesive layer516is adhered to the display panel100. The second adhesive layer516adheres the first foam tape510to the display panel100. Material constituting the second adhesive layer516is not particularly limited. For example, the second adhesive layer516may contain a pressure-sensitive adhesive. The pressure-sensitive adhesive may be an acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive, a rubber pressure-sensitive adhesive, a silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive, etc. According to exemplary embodiments, the second and third foam tapes420and430ofFIG. 5are substantially same as the second and third foam tapes of the display apparatus ofFIG. 1. Therefore, a repeated description will be omitted. FIG. 7is a plan view of first to third foam tapes510,520and430, a light guide unit200and a light source part300of a display apparatus according to an exemplary embodiment of the inventive concept.FIG. 8is a cross-sectional view of a first light source310of the light source300of a display apparatus ofFIG. 7. Referring toFIGS. 7 and 8, according to exemplary embodiments, a display apparatus ofFIGS. 7 and 8is substantially same as a display apparatus ofFIG. 5, except for first and second light sources310and320of the light source part300, and a second foam tape520. Therefore, a repeated description will be omitted. According to exemplary embodiments, a display apparatus may include a display panel, an optical sheet, a light guide unit200, a light source part300that includes first and second light sources310and320, a first foam tape510, a second foam tape520and a third foam tape430. According to exemplary embodiments, the second foam tape520has substantially the same structure as the first foam tape510of a display apparatus ofFIGS. 5 and 6. That is, the second foam tape520includes a first adhesive layer, a blue layer, a base layer, a reflective layer, a film base layer, a foam layer, a protective layer, and a second adhesive layer. According to exemplary embodiments, the first light source310is an LED package. The first light source310includes a light emitting diode chip (LED), a bonding wire (WR), a first lead frame LF1, a second lead frame LF2, a body that includes a bottom portion312and a side wall portion314, and a phosphor layer316. According to exemplary embodiments, the body includes an insulating material such as polyphthalamide (PPA) or epoxy resin. The light emitting diode chip LED and the phosphor layer316are disposed in a space formed by the bottom portion312and the side wall portion314. Accordingly, the phosphor layer316is disposed between the light emitting diode LED and a light incident surface of the light guide unit200. The light emitting diode LED is disposed on the second lead frame LF2. The first lead frame LF1and the light emitting diode LED are electrically connected by the bonding wire WR. The second lead frame LF2and the light emitting diode LED are electrically connected by the bonding wire WR. The phosphor layer316includes a phosphor. According to exemplary embodiments, light emitted from the light emitting diode LED propagates through the phosphor layer316and into the light incident surface of the light guide unit200. At this time, the light propagating through the phosphor layer316and incident onto the light incident surface is white light. There are various configurations of the phosphors of the phosphor layer316and the light emitting diode LED for emitting white light. For example, the light emitting diode LED may generate blue light, and the phosphor layer316may include a yellow phosphor. According to exemplary embodiments, the second light source320is substantially the same as the first light source310and is adjacent to and spaced apart from the first light source310in the first direction D1. According to exemplary embodiments, the light emitting diode LED is not disposed at a center of the bottom portion312but rather is shifted toward one side in the first direction D1for convenience of manufacturing the first light source310. Accordingly, the light emitting diode LED is not located at a center of the phosphor layer316, and light emitted from the first light source310can have a right-left color deviation, as illustrated inFIGS. 10A and 10B. According to exemplary embodiments, right-left color deviation of the display area of a display apparatus occurs due to right-left color deviation of the first and second light sources310and320. However, according to a present embodiment, since the second foam tape520includes a blue layer that can reduce the color deviation, and the third foam tape430does not include the blue layer, uniform white light can be provided to the entire display area. Thus, the display quality can be improved. FIG. 9is a plan view of first to fourth foam tapes410,420,430and440, a light guide unit200and a light source part300of a display apparatus according to an exemplary embodiment of the inventive concept. Referring toFIG. 9, according to exemplary embodiments, a display apparatus is substantially same as a display apparatus ofFIG. 1, except that the display apparatus further includes a fourth foam tape440. Therefore, a repeated description will be omitted. According to exemplary embodiments, the fourth foam tape440adheres to a light exiting surface of a light guide unit200adjacent to the light incident surface201of the light guide unit200shown inFIG. 3B. Thus, in a plan view, the first foam tape410is attached to a lower edge of the light exiting surface. According to exemplary embodiments, one or more of the first to fourth foam tapes440may further include a blue layer, such as layer517inFIG. 6, to compensate for color deviation. FIGS. 10A and 10Billustrate color deviation of light emitted to a light exiting surface of a light guide unit of a display apparatus according to an embodiment of the present disclosure. FIG. 10Bdepicts a plurality of measurement points on a light exiting surface of a light guide unit. The Cy measured values at 13 points are shown inFIG. 10A. X-axis inFIG. 10Arepresents the measurement point, and y-axis represents the Cy value. The Cy value is a Cy value of color coordinates. Right-left color deviation, measurement points1and3, and measurement points11and13, and color deviation, measurement points2and12, between light incident and exiting surfaces are shown in the drawing. FIG. 11illustrates a transmittance spectrum of light propagating through the light guide unit, according to embodiments of the disclosure. As the light propagates through the light guide unit, the short wavelength portion is absorbed by the light guide unit, and the emitted light becomes yellowish. According to embodiments of the present disclosure, first to third foam tapes are attached to edges of the lower surface of a display panel, and the display panel and the light guide unit are fixed to each other by the first to third foam tapes. With this structure, a slim display apparatus can be realized as compared with a traditional display apparatus that uses a mold frame between a display panel and a light guide unit. In addition, according to exemplary embodiments, each of the first to third foam tapes includes a foam layer and a reflective layer, and the reflective layer reflects the light arriving at the first to third foam tapes back through the light guide unit. Accordingly, a more uniform luminance can be provided to the entire display area. In addition, the black foam layer absorbs light and prevents light leakage. In addition, according to exemplary embodiments, at least one of the first to third foam tapes includes a blue layer that compensates for color deviation at a specific position. Accordingly, a more uniform white light can be provided to the entire light exiting surface. Thus, the display quality can be improved. The foregoing is illustrative of exemplary embodiments of the inventive concept and is not to be construed as limiting thereof. Although a few exemplary embodiments of the inventive concept have been described, those skilled in the art will readily appreciate that many modifications are possible in exemplary embodiments without materially departing from the novel teachings and advantages of the inventive concept. Accordingly, all such modifications are intended to be included within the scope of the inventive concept as defined in the claims. Therefore, it is to be understood that the foregoing is illustrative of the inventive concept and is not to be construed as limited to the specific exemplary embodiments disclosed, and that modifications to the disclosed exemplary embodiments, as well as other exemplary embodiments, are intended to be included within the scope of the appended claims. The inventive concept is defined by the following claims, with equivalents of the claims to be included therein.
In order to further illustrate the methods of the present invention, the following examples are given. EXAMPLE 1 An oil based sealing composition of the present invention comprised of diesel oil present in an amount in the range of from about 43% to about 53%, hydroxyethylcellulose present in an amount in the range of from about 4% to about 5%, an alkyl quaternary ammonium bentonite clay present in an amount in the range of from about 0.4% to about 0.5% and water swellable bentonite clay present in an amount in the range of from about 42% to about 53%, all by weight of the composition was prepared in the laboratory. A portion of the sealing composition was added to an equal portion of a water based drilling fluid. Within about 10 seconds a solid high viscosity mass was formed which had a moldable consistency. EXAMPLE 2 In a well being drilling with water based drilling fluid, a highly permeable zone was encountered whereby about 60 barrels per hour of the drilling fluid were being lost. An oil based sealing composition as described in Example 1 above was prepared. Equal portions of the composition were pumped down the drill pipe and down the annulus, each at a rate of one barrel per minute. As the composition reacted with the water based drilling fluid in the well bore, high viscosity resilient masses were formed which entered and sealed the permeable zone or zones through which the drilling fluid losses occurred whereupon drilling was resumed. EXAMPLE 3 A water based sealing composition of the present invention comprised of water present in an amount in the range of from about 30% to about 42%, an aqueous styrene/butadiene latex present in an amount in the range of from about 39% to about 47%, an alkyl quaternary ammonium bentonite clay present in an amount in the range of from about 16% to about 19%, sodium carbonate present in an amount in the range of from about 3.3% to about 3.7%, a dispersing agent comprised of the condensation reaction product of acetone, formaldehyde and sodium sulfite present in an amount in the range of from about 0.4% to about 0.47%, welan gum present in an amount in the range of from about 0.1% to about 0.2%, and polydimethylsiloxane defoaming agent present in an amount in the range of from about 0.8% to about 1.2%, all by weight of the composition, was prepared in the laboratory. A portion of the sealing composition was added to an equal portion of a diesel oil based drilling fluid. Within about 20 seconds a solid high viscosity mass was formed which had a moldable consistency. EXAMPLE 4 In a well being drilled with a non-aqueous drilling fluid, a fractured zone was encountered whereby about 20 barrels per hour of the drilling fluid were being lost. A water based sealing composition as described in Example 1 above was prepared. Equal portions of the composition were pumped down the drill pipe and down the annulus, each at a rate of about one barrel per minute. As the composition reacted with the non-aqueous based drilling fluid in the well bore, high viscosity resilient masses were formed which entered and sealed the fractured zone or zones through which the drilling fluid losses occurred whereupon drilling was resumed. Thus, the present invention is well adapted to carry out the objects and attain the ends and advantages mentioned as well as those which are inherent therein. While numerous changes to the methods can be made by those skilled in the art, such changes are encompassed within the spirit of this invention as defined by the appended claims.
Before one embodiment of the disclosure is explained in detail, it is to be understood that the disclosure is not limited in its application to the details of the construction and the arrangements of components set forth in the following description or illustrated in the drawings. The disclosure is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced or being carried out in various ways. Also, it is to be understood that the phraseology and terminology used herein is for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. Use of “including” and “comprising” and variations thereof as used herein is meant to encompass the items listed thereafter and equivalents thereof as well as additional items. Use of “consisting of” and variations thereof as used herein is meant to encompass only the items listed thereafter and equivalents thereof. Further, it is to be understood that such terms as “forward”, “rearward”, “left”, “right”, “upward” and “downward”, etc., are words of convenience and are not to be construed as limiting terms. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The boom limit system100of this disclosure is illustrated inFIG. 5. More particularly, the boom limit system100includes means for measuring the crowd amount of movement of the shovel handle in the form of the crowd resolver104, means for measuring the hoist length of the hoist rope in the form of the hoist resolver108, and operating means for operating the crowd motor and the hoist motor, in the form of a motor controller112. The boom limit system also includes operating means including limiting means116for limiting crowd motor operation and hoist motor operation in response to the crowd amount and the hoist length, the limiting means operating in response to a result of at least a second order polynomial of the crowd amount and the hoist length. More particularly, to properly monitor and control the shovel's motion the boom limit system needs to identify the relative position of the attachment. The way in which the boom limits are calculated begins with the establishing of a boom profile equation during calibration. The boom profile limit is the closest the attachment can get to the boom. The boom profile equation is meant to equate the hoist resolver counts to a minimum crowd resolver count limit. As the shovel moves through a cycle, the boom limits continuously calculate the minimum crowd resolver count allowable for the given hoist resolver count. This establishes the zero point for the boom profile. From that zero point, the constraint equation of the motor speed reference is offset. To accurately profile the boom, another calibration point was added to the current two points used to approximate the boom. The third point allows for generating a non-linear approximation of the entire boom profile without actually modeling the profile. The three points are uniquely placed to cause the non-linear approximation to fit the curvature of the boom. Thus the boom profile, in addition to the two points at the extreme dipper limits, is made of three points that each represents a critical physical feature that makes up the boom profile's detail. The crowd and hoist resolver counts are recorded at each point during the calibration process. Once the three points are set, a second order polynomial fit is solved to approximate the relationship between the three points. y0=f(x0) y1=f(x1) y2=f(x2) The values for x are the hoist resolver counts, and the solution to the functions are the crowd resolver counts. The polynomial approximation for the system response is determined from those points by using the following form: f(x)=b0+b1(x−x0)+b2(x−x0)(x−x1) Coefficients b0, b1, and b2are constant and dependant on the three points illustrated above. The coefficients are solved using the following forms: b0=f⁡(x0)b1=f⁡(x1)-f⁡(x0)x1-x0b2=(f⁡(x2)-f⁡(x1)x2-x1)-(f⁡(x1)-f⁡(x0)x1-x0)x2-x0 The form of the non-linear approximation can be changed to represent the equation in the standard form of a 2nd order polynomial. f(x)=ax2+bx+c Where the coefficients represent the following constants: a=b2 b=b1−b2(x1+x0) c=b0−b1x0+b2x0x1 Changing the form of the non-linear approximation to the standard form of a 2nd order polynomial allows for the use of fewer constants when reconstructing the boom profile. Once the coefficients are found, the equation yields a non-linear approximation between the points used in the calibration. Since the points set are meant to be unique identifiers of the boom profile, the equation is used to approximate that boom profile. The new boom limits thus require the following five-point calibration process. The five points (seeFIG. 5) are used to establish the limit window in front of the shovel that restricts the position of the crowd and hoist motions. The following positions are example of such limits. The actual limits will depend on the size of the respective shovel. Origin Point or Point1—Hoist retraction limit and crowd extension limit. Point2—Hoist counts=7000 and crowd touching the boom. Point3—Hoist counts=3500 and crowd touching the boom. Point4—Hoist counts=2200 and crowd touching the boom. Point5—Dipper flat on the ground and the bail/equalizer horizontal. The conventional boom limit system utilized only four points to calibrate, so while this disclosure increases the required number of calibration steps, the new boom limit system does not increase the overall time to complete the calibration, as shown by the following example. During the limit calibration, the speed of the shovel is limited to 10% to mitigate any risk of damage caused by an unrestricted impact. The calibrations for the old boom limit system and new boom limit system boom limits were followed exactly and the time to complete was recorded. Performing the boom limits calibration on a P&H Mining Equipment 4100XPC DC shovel, the new boom limit system required only 8 minutes to calibration, as compared to the old boom limit system 12 minutes. The leading cause of the reduced time to calibration was achieved by removing unneeded motions, like lowering the dipper to the ground prior to retracting to set the third calibration point, and by increasing the repeatability of the procedure, so the operators are more familiar with the required motions. The new boom limit system identifies when a limit is trigger and when the limit is exceeded. The old boom limit system would immediately reduce the speed reference when a limit is triggered, but the new boom limit system has the potential of not taking control unless the operator is commanding too high of a speed. When a limit is exceed both boom limit systems reduce the motor speed reference to zero. The previous profile of the boom caused difficulties retracting when exiting a truck and staying close enough to the boom while tucking. The new boom limit system's more advanced approximation of the boom removes the repeated entering and exiting of the retract limit during those conditions. The boom limit system takes the most control of the shovel during the tuck phase. During this phase the operator typically commands full retract and full lower, and as the shovel moves into tuck, the motion is slowed down due to the proximity to the boom. The second phase that is effected by the boom limits is the swing to dump phase. During this phase, the operator is positioning the dipper near the extension limit to properly dump into a truck. The crowd motion is limited during both of these phases and is therefore a good performance indicator on the primary task of the boom limits. The crowd extension limit (seeFIG. 1) is set at the mechanical limit of the handle rack during the calibration of the origin point. The crowd resolver counts for this position are set during the origin point in the calibration process. While the motion of the shovel at crowd extension could cause complications as the handle pivots about the crowd pinion, a constant value is used to limit the crowd regardless of the hoist position. The hoist limit (seeFIG. 2) is set during the calibration of the origin point. The hoisting limit stops the dipper from contacting the boom point sheaves. This limit is also assumed static regardless of the crowd position even though there is some amount of relationship. When the hoist ropes are approaching full extension the boom limits must prevent the drum from completely rolling out. A lowering limit (seeFIG. 4) is implemented to prevent too much hoist rope. Once the required limit points are identified the boom limits continuously check the current shovel position relative to each limit. Instead of using the raw hoist and crowd resolver counts, the counts are normalized to each limit profile, as follows. CountsToLimit=CurrentCounts−ZeroCounts The “zero counts” are calculated as the absolute resolver count limits for each limit profile. Since the boom profile limit is the most complicated limit, the following example illustrates how to normalize the resolver counts. Only the crowd counts are normalized to the boom profile limit. CountsToBoom=CurrentCounts−BoomZeroCounts The “BoomZeroCounts” is illustrated as the boom profile equation. For the other limits, a constant value is used. BoomZeroCounts=b0+b1(CurrentHoistCounts−x0)+ . . .b2(CurrentHoistCounts−x0)(CurrentHoistCounts−x1) The boom limits calculate the zero counts for each limit and determines distance between the current location and each limit. The new boom limit system utilizes a variable speed reference controller that gradually changes the speed reference. The drive reacts less drastically to reduce the speed of the load and in turn reduces the amount electrical and thermal strain on the motor. The other benefit of the new boom limit system is by only changing the commanded speed reference if it is larger then the calculated speed reference maximum. More particularly, a variable speed reference controller was implemented in place of the static 10% speed reference limit from the previous boom limit system. The variable speed reference controller was designed to reduce the ability to overrun the boom limits, causing an impact, while allowing for increased speeded when passing through the limits. The average retract speed on comparable tuck motions has almost doubled with the new boom limit system. Implementing the variable speed reference controller has reduced the speed reference to motor speed error, while in a limit, preventing the ability of having the limits be overrun during a dynamic tuck. The operators utilizing the new boom limit systems do not fight against the limits as much and rarely reverse reference when not needed. The primary goals of the constraint equations are to reduce or zero the motor speed of the motion identified as potentially colliding with a limit. A secondary goal is to prevent harmful RMS loading caused by the slow down of the motor when in the reduced or zero speed zones. The constraint equation is universally applied to both the hoist and crowd motions in both the positive and negative directions. The constraint regions are identified in resolver counts and extend from the zero speed limits inward within the limit window. The maximum motor speed reference will be reduced based on the position within the slow-down region and the constraint equation applied. In other words, the boom limits define the maximum amount in which the dipper might be brought back toward the boom and machinery deck. In order to allow time to slow down the dipper prior to any contact, the dipper movement needs to be slowed down prior to the time contact may occur. In order to do this, two regions or areas where the dipper nears the boom are defined. One is a region where no speed reference is applied by the motor control system. This is nearest to the actual boom limits where contact is estimated to occur. And the other region is a slow down region, which is found even further from the actual boom limits. In this region, the motor speed reference is reduced in order to begin to slow down the dipper. In one preferred embodiment of this invention, a third region is added. This a field-strengthening region, even further out from the actual boom limits, where field weakening, which reduces torque but increases speed, may have been applied. By removing the field weakening, more torque is now available in order to aid in the slowing down of the dipper movement. The actual limits of the various regions are somewhat arbitrary, and can be determined by the control system creator based on operator expectations and shovel characteristics. The constraint equation limits the maximum speed reference the operator can command at the joysticks. Instead of scaling the operator's incoming reference, the system limits the reference based on the value calculated by the constraint equation. The control model is similar to a “governor” or “control-configured vehicle” (also called CCV) found in “fly-by-wire” controls. This control model allows the operator to command any reference but the control system limits or replaces that command due to machine limitations, operator-induced oscillations, or any command that may cause damage to the system. By limiting the operator's commands instead of scaling them, the operator can become familiar with this control scheme being applied on the shovel. If the control system simply scales the operator's commands, it will be difficult for the operator to know exactly what command he is attempting to apply when he reduces or increases the joystick reference. Instead, the control system will have the final say on the commands before applying them to the drives on the shovel. The constraint equation establishes the maximum allowable reference. The two main ideas for the constraint equation are to use either a linear ramp, or an s-curve. A linear ramp constraint equation uses a slow down region and a zero speed region to stop the motor. The linear ramp constraint is applied in the slow down region. The equation for a simple ramp is shown. f(x)=Krampx As the motor enters the slowdown region, the maximum allowable speed reference needs to decrease from 100% downward. fspdref(x)=100−Krampx The value for x is the distance in counts the motor has entered the slowdown region, the constant K is related to the size of the slow down region, and the output of the function is the maximum allowable speed reference. The ramp decreases the speed reference down to 10% then stays constant until the zero speed region is entered. A 10% speed reference is assumed to prevent any harmful affects of controlling a motor near zero speed. If fspdref(x)<10 thenfspdref(x)=10 A secondary benefit of utilizing a 10% speed reference limit on the ramp constraint is it allows the drive and motor time to match the requested speed reference. Any error between the requested speed reference at the actual speed of the motor would roll over into the zero speed region. The zero speed region applies a constant zero speed reference to the motor. The zero speed region is located directly next to the limit. fspdref(x)=0 The zero speed region does not depend on distance entered into the region. The following illustrates the pros and cons of implementing the linear ramp constraint. +Simple constraint equation to implement. +Reduced error between the requested speed reference and the drive speed reference since the constraint equation would be similar to the ramp rate of the drive. −Error between requested speed reference and the drive speed reference is applied at the end of the constraint equation right before the zero speed region. Potentially requiring a larger slow down region (specifically the 10% band) or a larger zero speed region to prevent impacts. The s-curve constraint utilizes three regions: field strengthening (removing of field weakening), slow down, and zero speed. The first limit region entered is the Field Strengthening region. This region only applies to drives that are set for field weakening (DC and AC). When an operator enters this region the maximum allowable speed is a percentage of the base speed of the motor. The goal is to reduce the reference enough that the drive comes out of field weakening and begins decelerating the motor. fspdref(x)=KFSref The region size is set to allow the drive enough time to slow down to base speed where maximum torque is available before entering the slow down region. If the drive is not set for field weakening the Boom Limits will not do anything to the speed reference until the operator enters the slow down region. The goal is to have a minimal impact to the speed reference as it enters the slow down region in case the operator is just moving through but not directly toward the boom. If the operator continues to move toward the boom the speed reference drastically reduces until it is almost minimal before entering the zero speed region. As the shovel moves into the slow down region the maximum allowable speed reference is constrained by an s-curve. Inverse tangent performs a s-curve that is utilized in the constraint. f(x)=tan−1(x) The range of values (±x) used in the inverse tangent are dependant on the desired response at the beginning, middle, and end of the slow down region. Once the desired range of values is selected the inverse tangent plot is then shifted and scaled so the output range is 1 to 0. Once the s-curve is scaled and shifted to represent a 1 to 0 output the constraint equation can be illustrated in the form: fspdref⁡(x)=KFSref⁡(tan-1⁡(Ks⁢x)2*tan-1⁡(Rangemin)+0.5) The x variable has a specified range for the region, and the inverse tangent curve used has its own specified range for reproducing an ideal s-curve. Ks is used to scale the incoming x from its current range to the range used by the inverse tangent curve. The value is then divided by a constant to scale the output between 0.5 and −0.5, and finally the s-curve is shifted up so the output is always positive. If field strengthening is required before entering the slowdown region, the s-curve is multiplied by the field strengthening gain. The s-curve decreases the speed reference down to 10% then stays constant until the zero speed region is entered. A 10% speed reference is assumed to prevent any harmful affects of controlling a motor near zero speed. If fspdref(x)<10 thenfspdref(x)=10 The secondary benefit of limit down to 10% speed reference is allowing the motor to catch up with the speed reference commanded by the slow down region. When the shovel moves through the slow down region and enters the zero speed region the speed reference is zeroed and the drive will stop the motion. The operator will no longer be able to move toward the boom or object projected. If the operator reverses direction the Boom Limits will not effect the speed reference only if the operator continues motion toward the boom. fspdref(x)=0 The following illustrates the pros and cons of implementing the s-curve constraint. +Error between the requested speed reference and the drive speed reference is minimal during the slow down region before the zero speed region. +Field strengthening region requires the drive to reapply maximum torque to slow down a potential large unknown load. −More complicated constraint equation to implement. As the drive tries to accelerate and decelerate the motor the amount of energy applied can vary dramatically based on the load and the requested speed. This causes the RMS loading of the motors to increase. To prevent undue stress and decreased reliability of the motors, the constraint equations applied to the Boom Limits must have a minimal impact while conforming to the safety requirements. Various other features of this disclosure are set forth in the following claims.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Three preferred embodiments of the inventive bolt or pin are shown in FIGS. 1 through 1f. In each of these embodiments, the bolt is provided with a head 1 and a shank or shaft 2. Along its longitudinal direction, the shank is essentially smooth and tapered or tipped at its forward end. As it can be seen from FIGS. 1a-1f, the cross section of the shank can be of various shape. It can e.g. be U-, I-, T-, lens- or ellipse-shaped. In a further embodiment as described below, it can also be round. The surface of the shank is substantially smooth, i.e. it does not have a threading, barb-like ridges or other macroscopic irregularities. Smaller irregularities in a microscopic scale (up to the range of several 100 .mu.m) are, however, possible. The shank can e.g. be slightly roughened for better contact with the bone tissue. Because its shank does not have rotational symmetry, a bolt as shown in FIGS. 1a-1f is rotationally stable and cannot be loosened by turning. This improves the hold of the bolt in the bone. Furthermore, the increase of shank surface, which is especially pronounced in the embodiments according to FIGS. 1a and 1c, allows an even more intimate contact between the shank and the bone tissue. Because the shank of the inventive bolt is substantially smooth in its longitudinal direction, it is especially suited for being driven into solid bone. In contrary to conventional screws it is not screwed helically into the bone tissue but driven into it by means of a force acting along its longitudinal axis. The shank 2 is preferably tapered. In the shown preferred embodiments of FIGS. 1a, c and e, the diameter of the shank remains constant or decreases with increasing distance from the head 1. This facilitates driving the bolt into the bone. As it has been mentioned above, an advantage of the smooth shank lies in the fact that it does not generate pressure peaks in the bone tissue and distributes the pressure evenly. This avoids a resorption of bone tissue and stimulates its growth. It is principally possible to drive the bolt into the bone by using a conventional hammer, sliding hammer, etc. The strong individual pulses generated by such a tool can, however, burst a weak bone if the bone has not been provided with a bore to receive the bolt. Much better results can be achieved by using an oscillatory, pneumatic percussion tool such as described in the European patent application EP 452 543. Such tool is especially suited for driving the inventive bolt into the bone because its high frequency pulses have a much smaller amplitude than those generated by a conventional hammer or sliding hammer. In this way it is easily possible to drive a bolt directly into the non-prepared, solid bone. It is not necessary to drill a hole or aperture to receive the bolt. This simplifies the operation procedure considerably. Furthermore, it is possible to store the bolts in a magazine mounted to the percussion tool, from where they can be automatically fed to the tool. FIG. 2 shows a further embodiment of the bolt. This bolt is inserted in an element 3. This element 3 can e.g. be an apertured intramedullary nail lying in the bone and being locked or fixed by the shaft or shank 2 of the bolt. The head 1 of this bolt is provided with a recess 4. This recess is adapted to the tool used for driving the bolt into the bone. It can e.g. be shaped to receive a hexagon bar or have an internal thread to receive a screw. The inventive bolt can e.g. be used to fix individual fragments of bone. It is, however, also suited for holding or locking plates for osteosynthesis, intramedullary nails or prostheses. These elements must be provided with openings or apertures for receiving the bolts, which openings are preferably shaped to match the cross section of the bolt. An intramedullary nail of this kind is shown in FIG. 3. It comprises holes or apertures 14 for receiving the shank of the bolt. The holes or apertures 14 are oblong and suited for receiving the bolt of FIGS. 1e and 1f. Similarly, e.g. osteosynthesis plates can be provided with suitably shaped holes or apertures. The intramedullary nail of FIGS. 3a-3c is formed to be manipulated by an oscillatory pneumatic percussion tool such as described above. Using such a tool, it can be driven directly into the bone. For this purpose, the nail is provided with a macroscopically substantially smooth surface and a drain 5 for draining medullary material when being driven into the bone. The drain 5 comprises a longitudinal notch with drainage canals. The head 6 of the nail is formed to provide a connection to the percussion tool that transfers pulling, pushing and rotating forces. Therefore, the head 6 has a circumferential groove 17 to be engaged by the tool. Furthermore, two opposite, flat faces 18 are provided, which can abut on corresponding surfaces of the tool for preventing a rotation between the tool and the nail. In this way it is possible to provide a stiff connection between the percussion tool and the nail. This allows an optimum control of the nail's position while it is driven into the bone. By using the described pneumatic percussion tool, a damage of the bone can be avoided, even if the nail has a comparatively large diameter. Therefore it is possible to use a nail that snugly contacts the hard bone. Since it is impossible to position an intramedullary nail and its fixing bolts or screws with very high accuracy, the fixing holes or apertures 14 of the nail must be chosen somewhat larger than the diameters of the fixing bolts. This allows to correct for positioning errors of the components but results in loose connections between bolts and nail. This problem can be avoided by using a bolt as shown in FIGS. 4 and 5. This bolt is provided with a longitudinal bore or cavity 7 for receiving a pin 8. Furthermore, part of the shank wall is replaced by a jamming member 9 lying in the lateral opening 10. The jamming member 9 is formed to extend into the central cavity 7. It is only loosely or elastically connected to the bolt. When the pin 8 is brought into the cavity 7, it pushes the jamming element 9 outward. When driving the bolt into the bone, the pin 8 is not inserted, the jamming element 9 lies at its innermost position, and the surface of the shank is even. The bolt can therefore be driven into the bone like any of the bolts shown in FIGS. 1a, 1c, and 1e. The position of the jamming element 9 is chosen such that, once the bolt is in its final position, the jamming element is located in the intramedullary nail 3. Now the pin 8 is driven into the cavity 7, whereupon the jamming element 9 is pressed against the nail 3 and provides a tight fit of the bolt in the nail. The pin 8 can e.g. be driven into the cavity by using an oscillatory pneumatic percussion tool as described above. For removing the bolt, the pin 8 must first be pulled out. This can e.g. be done by using a suitable pair of tongues adapted to grip the head 11 of the pin. By removing the pin 8 from the cavity, the jamming element 9 releases the nail 3. FIGS. 6a and 6b show an alternative embodiment of a bolt with an expandable shank. FIG. 6a shows the shank in its expanded state, FIG. 6b in its non-expanded state. Similar to the bolt shown in FIGS. 4 and 5, this bolt also has a longitudinal bore or cavity. In a section of the shank, the diameter of the cavity is smaller than the diameter of the pin to be inserted into it (cf. FIG. 6b). Furthermore, the expandable section of the shank can be provided with a plurality of longitudinal slots 19. When the pin is driven into this bolt, it will push the thickened shank walls outwardly. This movement is facilitated by the longitudinal slots 19. In this way it is again possible to expand the shank diameter by driving the pin into a longitudinal cavity of the bolt. In fabrication, this bolt can first be formed with a thickened shank and the slots 19. In a next step the bolt is provided with a central bore. Then the shank is radially compressed until it has the shape shown in FIG. 6b. FIGS. 6a and 6b show one possible shape of the bolt, i.e., having a substantially constant diameter over its entire shank, including the forward portion of the shank (except the expandable portion, of course), whereas FIG. 6c shows a bolt having a reduced diameter over the forward portion of the shank. The shown preferred embodiments are not the only possibilities for realizing the inventive bolt. Some further embodiments are shown in FIGS. 7a and 7b. FIGS. 7a and 7b show a bolt having a neck 12 between its head 1 and its shank 2. The neck is provided with a plurality of projections 13 for preventing a rotation of the inserted bolt. FIGS. 7c and 7d show a bolt having a neck with decreased diameter. This neck helps to retain the bolt in the bone. Furthermore, the shank is gradually tapered towards its tip to make driving the bolt into the bone easier. FIGS. 8a and 8b show two differing embodiments of the head 1. The head shown in the T-shaped bolt of FIG. 8a is chosen to be long and wide and has a starshaped profile 15 on the bottom side of the head. A head of this kind can e.g. partially be buried in the bone. The head shown in FIG. 8b has the same diameter as the shank. Therefore, it can be buried more easily in the bone. This head has a recess 4 for receiving the percussion tool as it has been described above. For hindering a rotation of the bolt, the bottom side of the head can be provided with a profile. Such a profile is especially advantageous when the shank 2 of the bolt has a circular cross section. A bolt with a star shaped profile 15 on the bottom side of its head is shown in FIGS. 9a and 9b. When the bolt is inserted in the bone, this profile can rest on an osteosynthesis plate or an intramedullary nail with a corresponding profile. The two profiles can interlock and provide a rotationally stable connection. FIGS. 10a 10b show an intramedullary nail with such profiles 16 located around its locking holes or apertures 14. The profiles 16 of the nail are matched to the profile 15 of the bolt and prevent a rotation between the two contacting elements. For this purpose, the bolt must be driven into the bone until the profile 15 on the bottom side of the bolt head contacts the corresponding profile 16 on the top side of the nail. The length of the head should be chosen to correspond at least to the thickness of the hard bone (see also FIGS. 8a and 8c). In the same manner, an appropriate profile 16 of an intramedullary nail can also cooperate with the projections 13 of a bolt as shown in FIGS. 7a and 7b. In this case, the bolt must be driven into the bone until the projections 13 contact the profile 16 of the nail. The described bolts can also be coupled to other elements, such as osteosynthesis plates, having the described profiles 16. The above description shows that the inventive bolt is an element with various applications and embodiments. While there are shown and described present preferred embodiments of the invention, it is to be distinctly understood that the invention is not limited thereto, but may be otherwise variously embodied and practiced within the scope of the following claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION Exemplary embodiments now will be described more fully hereinafter with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which exemplary embodiments are shown. This disclosure may, however, be embodied in many different forms and should not be construed as limited to the exemplary embodiments set forth therein. Rather, these exemplary embodiments are provided so that this disclosure will be thorough and complete, and will fully convey the scope of this disclosure to those skilled in the art. In the description, details of well-known features and techniques may be omitted to avoid unnecessarily obscuring the presented embodiments. The terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing particular embodiments only and is not intended to be limiting of this disclosure. As used herein, the singular forms “a”, “an” and “the” are intended to include the plural forms as well, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. Furthermore, the use of the terms a, an, etc. does not denote a limitation of quantity, but rather denotes the presence of at least one of the referenced item. The use of the terms “first”, “second”, and the like does not imply any particular order, but they are included to identify individual elements. Moreover, the use of the terms first, second, etc. does not denote any order or importance, but rather the terms first, second, etc. are used to distinguish one element from another. It will be further understood that the terms “comprises” and/or “comprising”, or “includes” and/or “including” when used in this specification, specify the presence of stated features, regions, integers, steps, operations, elements, and/or components, but do not preclude the presence or addition of one or more other features, regions, integers, steps, operations, elements, components, and/or groups thereof. Unless otherwise defined, all terms (including technical and scientific terms) used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art. It will be further understood that terms, such as those defined in commonly used dictionaries, should be interpreted as having a meaning that is consistent with their meaning in the context of the relevant art and the present disclosure, and will not be interpreted in an idealized or overly formal sense unless expressly so defined herein. The shape, size and regions, and the like, of the drawing may be exaggerated for clarity. An apparatus for supplying amine according to an embodiment of the disclosure comprises: a transfer pipe through which amine is transferred; a heat wire which heats the amine that flows through the transfer pipe; a temperature control sensor which controls the temperature in the transfer pipe; and a product recovery valve which recovers product resulting from thermal decomposition of the amine. The apparatus for supplying amine may be used to supply amine, for example, to circulating water for power plants. Specifically, it may be used to prevent corrosion of piping or the like by maintaining a basic pH. The amine that is thermally decomposed by the apparatus for supplying amine is not particularly limited. The thermal decomposition product may vary depending on the kind of the supplied amine, heating temperature, heating time, pressure, or the like. For example, the thermal decomposition by the apparatus for supplying amine may occur as in Reaction Scheme 1. 2N2H4->N2+H2+2NH3[Reaction Scheme 1] In an embodiment, the apparatus for supplying amine may further comprise a catalyst that promotes thermal decomposition of the amine. The catalyst is not particularly limited but may be one or more selected from a group consisting of cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), platinum (Pt), iridium (Ir), ruthenium (Ru), rhodium (Rh), rhenium (Re), iron (Fe), molybdenum (Mo), osmium (Os) and palladium (Pd). The catalyst may be packed in the transfer pipe in a tubular form. By inserting a tubular catalyst layer in the transfer pipe through which the amine is transferred, the time required for thermal decomposition can be reduced without affecting its flow rate. In another embodiment, the apparatus for supplying amine may further comprise an inflow volume control pump that controls residence time in the transfer pipe. Through control of the flow rate, the residence time of the amine in the transfer pipe can be controlled, and the amine can be recovered with high concentration. The residence time may also be controlled by controlling the length or diameter of the transfer pipe. The residence time is in proportion to the length of the transfer pipe and is in inverse proportion to the diameter of the transfer pipe. In an embodiment, the transfer pipe may be extendable or shrinkable in the length direction or may be replaceable. By controlling the length of the transfer pipe or replacing it with a pipe having an adequate length and diameter, thermal decomposition conditions effective for various amines at various concentrations may be established. As such, the residence time of the amine in the transfer pipe may be controlled by controlling the flow rate of the amine, length of the transfer pipe, diameter of the transfer pipe, or the like. A method for supplying amine using thermal decomposition according to an embodiment of the disclosure comprises: (a) heating amine; and (b) recovering product resulting from thermal decomposition of the amine. At nuclear power plants or thermal power stations, amine is used to maintain piping by under basic, reduced state. By using the thermal decomposition properties of the amine, various amines may be supplied depending on the thermal decomposition temperature. In another embodiment, the step (a) of heating amine may comprise heating amine using a heat wire equipped at a transfer pipe through which the amine is transferred and a tubular catalyst layer may be packed in the transfer pipe to promote the thermal decomposition of the amine. The wire equipped at the transfer pipe controls heating temperature through a temperature control sensor. Further, an additional vacuum pump may be used to control the pressure in the transfer pipe. For heating the amine, the method for supplying amine may use a catalyst. In an embodiment, one or more catalyst(s) selected from a group consisting of cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), platinum (Pt), iridium (Ir), ruthenium (Ru), rhodium (Rh), rhenium (Re), iron (Fe), molybdenum (Mo), osmium (Os) and palladium (Pd) may be used to promote the thermal decomposition of the amine. In an embodiment, residence time of the amine in the transfer pipe may be controlled by controlling one or more of inflow volume of the amine, length of the transfer pipe and diameter of the transfer pipe. The residence time is controlled by amine inflow volume, and is in proportion to the length of the transfer pipe and is in inverse proportion to the diameter of the transfer pipe. By controlling the amine inflow volume or length of the transfer pipe or replacing it with a pipe having an adequate length and diameter, thermal decomposition compositions effective for various amines at various concentrations may be established. As such, the residence time of the amine in the transfer pipe may be controlled by controlling the flow rate of the amine, length of the transfer pipe, diameter of the transfer pipe, or the like. The heating temperature and the residence time during which the heating is performed may be controlled variously depending on the type and uses of amines. In an embodiment, the heating temperature may be 100 to 300° C. and the residence time may be 2 to 10 minutes. More specifically, the heating temperature may be 150 to 250° C. and the residence time may be 4 to 8 minutes. By controlling the amine heating temperature and the heating time, various amines or highly concentrated amines may be obtained effectively. Hereinafter, the disclosure is described in further detail referring to the attached drawing. However, the scope of the disclosure is not limited thereto. FIG. 1schematically shows an apparatus for supplying amine according to an embodiment. Referring toFIG. 1, an amine injection tank1supplies amine. The inflow volume of the supplied amine is controlled by a metering pump2. The supplied amine is heated by a heat wire9provided on the wall of a transfer pipe. The heating temperature is controlled by a temperature control sensor3. And, the pressure inside the transfer pipe is controlled by a pressure control sensor6. Inside the transfer pipe, a plurality of tubular line filters4are provided. The line filter is 4 filled with a thermal decomposition catalyst. The thermal decomposition catalyst may be cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), platinum (Pt), or the like. The transfer pipe is extendable or shrinkable in the length direction and is replaceable, if necessary. When replacing the transfer pipe, the length and/or diameter of the pipe may be changed. A thermal decomposition product resulting from thermal decomposition of the amine heated by the heat wire9is recovered by a recovery valve5and is stored in a storage tank8after passing through a sampling valve7. The provided apparatus and method for supplying amine may be utilized in power plants to supply amine. While the exemplary embodiments have been shown and described, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and details may be made thereto without departing from the spirit and scope of this disclosure as defined by the appended claims. In addition, many modifications can be made to adapt a particular situation or material to the teachings of this disclosure without departing from the essential scope thereof. Therefore, it is intended that this disclosure not be limited to the particular exemplary embodiments disclosed as the best mode contemplated for carrying out this disclosure, but that this disclosure will include all embodiments falling within the scope of the appended claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT This invention provides a warp knitted cut pile fabric having opening pattern, what is called mesh velvet, which is knitted by a warp knitting machine comprising of the following three bars; a back bar (L1) placed a yarn of elastic fiber component thereon and a middle bar (L2) and a front bar (L3) respectively placed a yarn of non-elastic fiber component thereon, is characterized in that: said warp knitted cut pile fabric having opening pattern and superior elasticity is produced by the steps that a yarn (I) of elastic fiber component placed on the back bar (L1) of 1 out 13 in threading is knitted in pattern order of 8-9/8-7/8-9/8-7/8-9/7-6/5-4/3-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/2-3/4-5/6-7 by means of a pattern wheel or pattern chain; a yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the middle bar (L2) of 13 in 1 out threading is knitted in pattern order of 1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/2-3/4-5/6-7/8-9/8-7/8-9/8-7/8-9/7-6/4-5/3-2 by means of a pattern wheel or pattern chain; and a yarn (III) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the front bar (L3) of full threading is repeatedly knitted in pattern order of 1-0/7-8/1-0/7-8/1-0/7-8/0-1/7-8/0-1/8-7/0-1/8-7/0-1/8-7/1-0/8-7 or 1-0/7-8 to form the pile loops over the base knitted by said knitted yarns (I) (II) and then the formed pile loop is cut thereby same size of small openings are regularly formed in directions of warp and weft on the surface of knitted fabric. And, it is characterized in that said yarn (I) of elastic fiber component placed on the back bar (L1) and said yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the middle bar (L2) are knitted in a manner that the interval is narrowed till 10 needles or the interval is widen over 15 needles on the basis of 14th needle toward wale direction and thereby the number of opening pattern in the unit area can be increased or reduced. Also, the vertical lengths of opening (IV) and the space between openings (IV) can be varied by extending 30 courses further or reducing 12 courses on the basis of 16 course of one repeat unit of said yarn (I) of elastic fiber component placed on the back bar (L1), said yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the middle bar (L2) and said yarn (III) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the front bar (L3). Accordingly, the opening pattern formed in this way can be formed in the shape of regular square, rectangle, circle or oval since its length is changed according to the knitting course of one repeat unit and the opening pattern is harmonized with cut piles. Said opening pattern can be changed depending on the length of cut pile. Said back bar (L1), middle bar (L2) and front bar (L3) can be knitted in the manner of varying the loop pattern to the open or close stitch within the moving range of 1 needle to 4 needles for 1 course. In accordance with this invention, stripes can be formed by means of inserting or omitting warps at regular or irregular intervals to the out portion of threading in said back bar (L1) and said middle bar (L2). Said yarn (III) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the front bar (L3), knitted into said 1-0/7-8 pattern chain can be knitted into the pattern of 1-0/3-4, 1-0/4-5, 1-0/5-6, 1-0/7-8, 1-0/9-10 or more depending on the length of pile loop to be needed thereby the length of loop to be floated is increased or decreased. Namely, in accordance with this invention, the warp knitted cut pile fabric having opening patterns and superior elasticity can increase the number of opening per the unit area by threading the yarn (I) of elastic fiber component of said back bar (L1) with 1 out 3 in and the yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component of said middle bar (L2) with 3 in 1 out to form openings closely and regularly throughout fabrics, and also can reduce the number of opening per the unit area by threading and knitting the yarn (I) of elastic fiber component of said back bar (L1) with 1 out 28 in and the yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component of said middle bar (L2) with 28 in 1 out. As the yarn (I) of elastic fiber component of said back bar (L1), that is the elastomeric yarn, it is exemplified that polyester elastomer, polyamide elastomer, polyurethane elastomer, elastomer of fluorine series, polycarbonate elastomer or synthetic rubber. Among these the polyurethane is the most desirable. Said elastic yarn can be used in the form of bare yarn or covered yarn and the fineness is properly selected in the range of 30D.about.50D. Polyurethane elastomer is obtained by reacting polymer diol such as polyester diol, polyether diol, polycarbonate, etc., with chain-lengthening agents of low molecule or terminal-stopping agents. Among the above, it is most preferred that the elastic yarn formed from polyurethane elastomer of polyether type is used because of its excellent heat stability. Moreover, polyester fiber, polyamide fiber, rayon fiber or mixing fiber thereof can be used as the yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component of said middle bar (L2) and the yarn (III) of non-elastic fiber component of said front bar (L3) and their fineness can be selected between 15D and 100D depending on the thickness of the last knitted fabrics. Usually, polyester fiber, polyamide fiber and the like are used with a filament state as the yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component of said middle bar (L2). However, every type of yarns such as twisted yarn, crimped stretch yarn, etc. can be also used for the yarn (II) paying regard to the touch feeling and elasticity of the last knitted fabric. For the yarn (III) of non-elastic fiber component of said front bar (L3), only filament yarn can be applied because the yarn (III) should be erected after to be cut the knitted loop. This invention can further be knitted as the following. Said warp knitted cut pile fabric having opening pattern and superior elasticity is produced by the steps that a yarn (I) of elastic fiber component placed on the back bar (L1) of 1 out 13 in threading is knitted in pattern order of 8-9/8-7/8-9/8-7/8-9/7-6/4-5/3-2/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/3-2/4-5/7-6 by means of a pattern wheel or pattern chain; a yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the middle bar (L2) of 13 in 1 out threading is knitted in pattern order of 1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/2-3/5-4/6-7/8-7/8-9/8-7/8-9/8-7/6-7/5-4/2-3 by means of a pattern wheel or pattern chain; and a yarn (III) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the front bar (L3) of full threading is repeatedly knitted in pattern order of 1-0/7-8 to form the pile loops over the base knitted by said knitted yarns (I) (II) and then the formed pile loop is cut thereby same size of small openings are regularly formed in directions of warp and weft on the surface of knitted fabric. The detailed illustration about the knitting process of a warp knitted cut pile fabric having opening pattern and superior elasticity of the present invention referring to attached Figures is as follows. An embodiment in accordance with the present invention of 5:1 threading that the yarn (I) of elastic fiber component placed on said back bar (L1) is threaded 1 out 5 in and the yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component placed on said middle bar (L2) is threaded 5 in 1 out is illustrated in the FIG. 1 to FIG. 3. Also, in the FIG. 4 to FIG. 6, it is illustrated for 13:1 threading as an another embodiment in accordance with the present invention that the yarn (I) of elastic fiber component placed on said back bar (L1) is threaded 1 out 13 in and the yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component placed on said middle bar (L2) is threaded 13 in 1 out. In this case, the yarn (III) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the front bar (L3) is full threaded in every case. In the case of the former 5:1 threading, the yarn (I) of elastic fiber component placed on said back bar (L1) is knitted in pattern order of 4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/3-2/2-1/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/2-3/3-4 and the yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component placed on said middle bar (L2) is knitted in pattern order of 1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/2-3/3-4/4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/3-2/2-1 and in the latter 13:1 threading, the yarn (I) of elastic fiber component placed on said back bar (L1) is knitted in pattern order of 8-9/8-7/8-9/8-7/8-9/7-6/5-4/3-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/2-3/4-5/6-7 and the yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the middle bar (L2) is knitted in pattern order of 1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/2-3/4-5/6-7/8-9/8-7/8-9/8-7/8-9/7-6/4-5/3-2 thereby openings (IV) are formed. After this, said formed openings (IV) are covered by the knitting of the yarn (III) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the front bar (L3) but the openings (IV) are distinctly appeared by cutting the yarn (III) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the front bar (L3). Also, in the case of 7:1 threading, 9:1 threading or 11:1 threading, L1 bar is respectively knitted in pattern order of 5-6/5-4/5-6/5-4/5-6/5-4/3-2/2-1/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/3-4/4-5(7:1); 6-7/6-5/6-7/6-5/6-7/5-4/4-3/2-1/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/2-3/3-4/5-6(9:1); 7-8/7-6/7-8/7-6/7-8/7-6/5-4/3-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/3-4/5-6(11:1) and L2 bar is respectively knitted with 1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/3-4/4-5/5-6/5-4/5-6/5-4/5-6/5-4/3-2/2-1(7:1); 1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/2-3/3-4/5-6/6-7/6-5/6-7/6-5/6-7/5-4/3-2/2-1(9:1); 1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/3-4/5-6/7-8/7-6/7-8/7-6/7-8/7-6/5-4/3-2(11:1) and thereby many openings of same size are regularly formed at a certain intervals. The knitting array regarding to other than said threading is omitted since fabrics are composed of the same manner as mentioned above for the brevity of explanation. Also, it can be knitted in pattern order as the following. In the case of the former 5:1 threading, the yarn (I) of elastic fiber component placed on said back bar (L1) is knitted in pattern order of 4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/2-3/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/2-3/4-3 and the yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component placed on said middle bar (L2) is knitted in pattern order of 1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/3-2/4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/4-5/3-2/1-2. As indicated in FIG. 1 and FIG. 4, the yarn (I) of elastic fiber component placed on the back bar (L1) is partially threaded 1 out 5 in and 5 in 1 out and the yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component placed on the middle bar (L2) is partially threaded 1 out 13 in and 13 in 1 out respectively, thereby a base fabric is knitted. As shown in FIG. 3, openings (IV) indicated in enlarged size are formed at a certain size by separating next of 5th and 11th in wale on said base fabric and the pattern of grey fabric is made by forming openings regularly at a plural portions in this way. FIG. 6 also shows opening pattern made by forming openings in the same way. The yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component is covered on the elastic yarn (I) and thus said elastic yarn (I) is inserted into the yarn (II) of non-elastic fiber component in order to protect the elastic yarn (I) from physical damage and excessive elongation. Further, it is desirable that the yarn (III) of non-elastic fiber component threaded in the front bar (L3) is knitted in order of 1-0/7-8/1-0/7-8/1-0/7-8/0-1/7-8/0-1/8-7/0-1/8-7/0-1/8-7/1-0/8-7 or 1-0/8-7 to form the pile loop and the yarn (III) can be varyingly knitted within the limit of 1 needle to 4 needles for 1 course into open or close loop stitch. Also it can be knitted and cut with 1-0/6-5 or 1-0/12-11 depending on the length of the cut pile. Three bars of back, middle and front bars (L1), (L2), (L3) are moved in the same way and accordingly a warp knitted cut pile fabric having opening pattern as shown in FIG. 3 and FIG. 6 is knitted, what is called mesh velvet. By being knitted in such way, the cut pile is never broken away in the subsequent finishing process even the middle portion of the loop in float state formed by the front bar (L3) is cut. The grey knitted under said condition is gone through a shearing process thereby the length of the cut pile is evenly adjusted all over and it is subjected to a scouring process and a wet relaxing process to remove impurity in the grey and to restore the bulky property and the elastic property of the yarn comprising of the grey. Also, the occurrence of unlevel dyeing or wrinkle in a dyeing process is prevented through the above processes and the uneven grey caused by inserting an elastic yarn is become evenly and stabilized. In the event that complex, delicate and exquisite dyeing next to said wet relaxing process is needed, it is good for level dyeing to dye the grey after the pre-setting that passes through said grey into a dye bath which temperature is 195.+-.5.degree. C., at the rate of 22.+-.5 m/min. Then, the warp knitted cut pile fabric is completed through finishing process such as dehydration, rinsing, drying and the like. While a preferred embodiment of the invention is described and illustrated in the following, the invention should not be limited thereto, but may be otherwise embodied within the scope of the following claims. BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION In a tricot warp knitting machine having three bars, a polyurethane filament yarn which thickness is 40D (denier), in bear state was supplied to the back bar (L1) and a polyester filament yarn which thickness was 50D was respectively supplied to the middle bar (L2) and the front bar (L3). The back bar (L1) was threaded 1 out 5 in and then was knitted in order of 4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/3-2/2-1/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/2-3/3-4 and the polyester filament yarn of said middle bar (L2) was threaded 5 in 1 out and was knitted in order of 1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/1-0/1-2/2-3/3-4/4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/4-5/4-3/3-2/2-1 thereby a base fabric having a plurality of openings in same size was knitted. Over said base fabric, the front bar (L3) was full threaded and was knitted in order of 1-0/7-8/1-0/7-8/1-0/7-8/0-1/7-8/0-1/8-7/0-1/8-7/0-1/8-7/1-0/8-7, and then a pile loop was erected vertically by being cut the middle portion of the polyester filament yarn floated by the front bar (L3). After the grey obtained from said knitting was passed through shearing process, it was subjected to evenly adjust the pile length through the entire surface of fabric and was passed into multistage bathes included de-oiling agent and water softener under temperature to be elevated until 85.degree. C. starting from 60.degree. C. and maintained at room temperature in last bath to remove impurities such as oil, dust, etc. Then it is further subjected to wet relaxing process to evenly fasten the ends of fabric. After pre-setting at 25 m/min rate in 198.degree. C. temperature, fabric was dyed in a dye bath that purplish red-disperse dye was mainly dissolved therein and the temperature thereof was 129.degree. C. Thereafter, the dyed fabric was subjected to the finishing in order of dehydrating, washing and drying thereby the warp knitted cut pile fabric which has a plurality of openings spaced regularly in warp and weft directions and formed in the identical size was completed. The warp knitted cut pile fabric completed in accordance with this invention gave characteristic feeling which can't saw so far, attributing to the openings, and said fabric had very soft touch as like a silk and was lustrous. Also, when the warp knitted cut pile fabric was sewed as an one-piece dress, the dress evoked elegant figure in wearing since the warp knitted cut pile fabric has excellence expandability and drapability. In addition, said fabric was free of wrinkle even wearing for a long time and was excellent in shape retention. Further, warp knitted cut pile fabric obtained had unified sense entirely because the size of openings is same in warp and weft directions. EFFECT OF THE INVENTION According to the invention, the warp knitted cut pile fabric having opening pattern and superior elasticity of this invention, notwithstanding using elastic yarns is easily and harmoniously formed. Accordingly, it enhances wearing feeling because of excellent strength and elongation when the fabric is used for general clothes such as outdoor garments. Also, in the after treatment subsequent to the knitting process, cut piles are never broken away and taken out from the knitted fabric. Therefore, the fabric has more good cubic effect and the pleasant touch feeling of the fabrics is enhanced. It can keep elasticity for a long time because elastic yarns are also not break away the fabric and thus it has excellent durability and practicality. Above all, the warp knitted fabric of this invention is expected to be popular for costly fabrics such as high-grade dresses for females, especially one-piece dresses, blouses and the like since the fabric has great air permeability because of the uniform size of opening patterns formed on the fabric and aesthetic sense. In addition to the opening pattern, this invention provides high-grade knitted fabrics having excellent drapability such as a silk by being harmonized soft touch and luster of the cut pile warp knitted fabric itself, and thereby this invention will help to export high value-added fabric products. What has been described is considered only illustrative of the principles of this invention. Therefore, those skilled in the art can devise various embodiments of this invention in accordance with those principles within the sprit and scope thereof as encompassed by the following claims.
REFERENCES 1: Photography light source device 2: LED element 21: LED chip 22: Transparent resin 23: Fluorophor 3: Case 3a: Linear fresnel cut 3b: Circuit substrate 4: Spring contact piece 5: Glass substrate 5a: Transparent electrode DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT While the presently preferred embodiment of the present invention has been shown and described, it will be understood that the present invention is not limited thereto, and that various changes and modification may be made by those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims. Hereinafter, the present invention will be described by way of preferred embodiments thereof with reference to the accompanying drawings.FIG. 1FIG. 3show a photography light source device1according to the first embodiment of the present invention, and this photography light source device1is provided as a light source of illumination for the camera integrated into a mobile device; furthermore, the mobile device is a compact mobile phone, and consequently, the photography light source device1is small and is required, for example, to be contained inside dimensions of 9 mm in width, 9 mm in height, and 3 mm in depth. The present invention also employs an LED element2as the light source for the photography light source device1; furthermore, an appropriate plurality of LED elements2are mounted on, for example, a circuit substrate3band are covered by and integrated with a case3having a linear fresnel cut3ain the direction of light emission, and can be assembled into a mobile device using a simple mounting means serving to also provide electrical power as realized by spring contact pieces4mounted on, for example, the circuit substrate3b An appropriate plurality of white-light emitting LED elements2are used in the first embodiment. The term “appropriate plurality” as used herein with respect to LED elements2refers to a plurality of between one and a number mountable in a mobile device such as a mobile phone without resulting in an increase of size thereof, and in consideration of the dimensions set for the case3, refers to a number of between four (as shown in the figure) and eight. Furthermore, as shown inFIG. 3, the LED elements2are arranged in one or more rows in parallel with the longitudinal direction of the photographs taken by the camera. FIG. 4shows a typical configuration of a white-light emitting LED element2used in the first embodiment, and when a blue-light emitting LED chip21is covered in a transparent resin22such as epoxy resin and rendered damp-proof, fluorophor23are mixed into all or a portion of the transparent resin22, thus enabling white light to be obtained when the fluorophor23are excited by the light emitted from the LED chip22; furthermore, fluorescent materials generating yellow-colored light and known as YAG and In can be selected for the fluorophor23, or alternatively, a combination of fluorophor23including materials individually emitting the three primaries R (red), G (green) and B (blue) can be selected. In either case, the light emitted from the LED chip21is incident upon the fluorophor23, resulting in this light being diffused, and as shown by the light distribution characteristic D inFIG. 5, the angle at which the brightness drops to 50%-or in other words, the half reduction angle—is large at approximately 60° on each side; accordingly, when compared with the coverage angle of approximately 25° on each side as set for this type of photograph, light is diffused over a relatively wide area. This corresponds to the distribution of the light over an area not required to be exposed in the taking of photographs, or in other words, to a reduction in the volume of light distributed to each unit area required to be used. Furthermore, the light emitted from the LED element2is distributed in a beam with a substantially circular distribution shape in the cross-section of a light flux, and since the camera exposes an area with a same rectangular shape, the distribution of light is also mismatched in terms of shape and the level of illumination is further decreased. In the present invention, in order to cope with the aforementioned problem, a linear fresnel cut3ais applied on the case3as explained above; furthermore, as shown inFIG. 3, a convex lens P is established in a section perpendicular to the longer side of photographs taken by a camera, and a linear fresnel lens is used, which is made when the convex lens P and the cross-section shape on which fresnel cuts have been applied are traced along the case3in parallel with a longitudinal direction of the photographs. In this way, light is made convergent with a half reduction angle of approximately 20° on the shorter side of the photograph and with a half reduction angle of approximately 35° on the longer side of the photograph in the present invention, thus enabling the light from the LED element2with a primarily low light emission volume to be made adequately convergent and ensuring efficient distribution of light within the range to be photographed by a camera. In addition to using the linear fresnel cut3aas explained above, the present invention also utilizes a method of lighting the LED element2with ingenuity.FIG. 6shows a typical current pattern W applied to the LED element2, and as a basic shape, this current pattern W features the substantially rectangular shaped single pulse comprising an application time t and a scaling factor b, and in this embodiment, the application time is set at between 10 and 600 ms, and the scaling factor b is set at between 3 and 50 times the rated current. However, the application time t and the scaling factor b have a generally inverse mutual relationship, and it is preferable to set the application time t at a low value when the scaling factor b is set at a large value. The volume of light emitted from the LED element2is substantially proportional to the applied current and, for example, when a current with a scaling factor of 50 is applied, with identical lighting times, it is possible to obtain a level of brightness equivalent to that obtained when the number of LED elements2is increased by a factor of 50. In reality, the quantity of light resulting from increased application current exhibits a tendency to become somewhat saturated and it is not possible to accurately obtain the brightness magnified by a factor of 50; accordingly, a suitable degree of correction is required. In some cases such as a battery is used as a power source in mobile devices such as mobile phones, and since the corresponding power supply voltage is relatively low and the corresponding current capacity is small, as a matter of course, voltages equal to or higher than the power supply voltage will be required in order to generate a current equal to or higher than the rated current in the LED element2. Furthermore, when it is necessary to generate a current 50 times larger than the rated current in the LED element2in order to obtain the required brightness, if the rated current is 20 mA, the required current value for each LED element2would be 1 A, and in accordance with the number of LED elements2used, situations where the power supply capacity is exceeded can be expected. Accordingly, it is preferable to provide where necessary in the mobile device, for example, an inverter circuit or some other boosting means to increase the voltage to the required level, and a condenser circuit or some other storage means to store the required power in the boosted voltage until provision thereof to the LED element2. When the employed LED element2comprises a combination of a blue-light LED chip21and fluorophor23generating yellow light, although the color of the light emitted overall is certainly white, the red component of this illuminating light is small, the color blue is predominant in photographs of subjects illuminated using the light from the LED element2, and the observers thereof considerably have a foreign impression as manifested in poor facial coloring and the like. Accordingly, in the present invention, for example, one or more of the four LED elements2are red LED elements2R emitting red-colored light as shown inFIG. 2, and consequently, the generation of red light is corrected and the color rendering properties of the photography light source device1are improved so that the development of a foreign impression is prevented. A method whereby white light is produced by combining an LED chip21generating near-ultraviolet light with fluorophor23generating the three primaries can be used in the realization of a white-light LED element2, and when such an item is used as the light source, the three primaries R (red), G (green) and B (blue) are contained in the emitted light, and since therefore there is no need to add red-light LED elements2R, in terms of the above mentioned example, white-light LED elements2can be used for all four LED elements. The part indicated by reference4inFIG. 2is a spring contact piece used to provide power to the photography light source device1, and utilizing the elastic behavior of this spring contact piece4when, for example, pressed against a terminal11provided in a recess10ain the mobile device's body10by a housing cover12during assembly of the photography light source device1into the mobile device as shown by the chain double-dashed line, assembly operations are simplified. By adopting the configuration explained above in accordance with the present invention, when a digital or other camera is assembled into a small mobile device such as a mobile phone, assembly of the photography light source device1enabling photography to be carried out at nighttime or in other conditions where the peripheral light is insufficient is made possible without an increase in size of the mobile phone or the like. FIG. 7shows the second embodiment of the photography light source device1according to the present invention. Although white-light LED elements2are used as the light source in the previous embodiment, when the image being photographed is a color image, and even when fluorophor generating the three primaries are used, the color temperature of white light is fixed and the quality thereof is not considered to be particularly high; accordingly, differences can develop between the coloring of images photographed under natural light and images photographed using the photography light source device1as the source of illumination, and users have a foreign. In this embodiment, a red LED element2R generating red light, a green LED element2G generating green light, and a blue LED element2B generating blue light are combined as an LED element2generating the three primaries, and the mixture ratio of the colors is adjusted within the range of so-called white light to adjust the color temperature of the illuminating light and to achieve the same coloring as characteristic of photography under natural light. The results of prototype manufacture, testings, and evaluations by the inventors confirmed that the light emitted by the LED element2is characteristic of light emitted from a single point with relatively strong directional characteristics, and therefore, when three LED elements2are combined in accordance with this embodiment, there is insufficient mixing of colors, and this has led to phenomena such as one half of a photographed face having a red hue and the opposing half having a blue hue. In this embodiment, therefore, LED elements2(R, G, and B) generating the three primaries are disposed in a matrix arrangement in order to further improve the mixing of colors; furthermore, the number of disposed rows and columns is set to the number of colors—namely, no less than three—and the three different colors are disposed in each row and column. Note that the lens4and other parts have been omitted fromFIG. 7in order to allow the condition of disposition of the LED elements2(R, G, and B) of each color to be clearly indicated. Accordingly, the setting of a color temperature for the primary colors is made variable by adjusting the magnitude of the current provided to the LED elements2(R, G, and B) of each color, and for example, when the color temperature is set at a value close to that of natural light at between 5,000 and 6,000 Kelvin, the difference in coloring with respect to photographs taken under natural light during the daytime can be reduced and development of a foreign feeling can be prevented; furthermore, the characteristics of mixing of the three primaries are improved, and a color leakage and other similar phenomena are eliminated. FIG. 8shows the third embodiment of the present invention, and even in the second embodiment explained above, close inspection reveals that the light generation positions for R, G and B are mutually independent and it is undeniable that a color leakage could possibly occur when, for example, in extremely close proximity to the photographic subject. In this third embodiment, therefore, the fact that the LED chip21itself is transparent is utilized and color drift is prevented. Accordingly, LED chips21(R, G, and B) of each color are, for example, formed into a prescribed shape such as a Philips chip type having positive and negative electrodes on a single side, and each chip is mounted on a glass substrate5having a transparent electrode5a; furthermore, the LED chips21(R, G, and B) mounted on the substrate are stacked in the direction of light emission from the photography light source device1. Stacking should be carried out in such a way that the LED chips21with high light generation efficiencies are disposed on the bottom layers, and it is common for the stacking sequence to be red, green and blue from the bottom layer. Accordingly, light from the LED chip21R on the lowermost layer is transmitted through the LED chip21G and the LED chip21B and is emitted in the illumination direction; furthermore, light generated by LED chip21G is transmitted through LED chip21B. In this way, the LED chips21(R, G, and B) become equivalent to a one-point light source, or in other words, the light emitted from the LED chip21on the uppermost layer is a white light comprising an R, G, and B mixture, and regardless of the degree of proximity to the photographic subject, no unevenness of color will occur upon an illumination. In accordance with the present invention as explained above, a photography light source device provided as a light source in a camera integrated into a mobile device is characterized in that its light source comprises of a plurality of LED elements generating white light or light of the three primaries arranged in one or more rows parallel with the direction of the longer side of the photograph, a case having a lens on which linear fresnel cuts have been applied in a linear direction parallel to the arrangement direction is mounted on the LED element, and upon lighting of the LED element, drive is performed with a current of between 3 and 50 times the magnitude of the LED element's rated current and a lighting duration of between 50 and 600 msec; accordingly, a small number of LED elements can provide sufficient illumination in the area of exposure of a digital camera integrated into this type of mobile device, benefits in terms of size, reliability and cost are also made possible by utilizing the LED elements, and therefore, exceptional results are achieved with regard to increased merchantability of mobile devices with integrated cameras such as mobile phones.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION As shown inFIGS. 1-4, this invention is directed to a turbine airfoil cooling system10for a turbine airfoil12used in turbine engines. In particular, the turbine airfoil cooling system10includes a plurality of internal cavities14, as shown inFIG. 2, positioned between outer walls16of the turbine airfoil12. The cooling system10may include a plurality of vortex cooling chambers18in the outer wall16that may be adapted to receive cooling fluids from the internal cavity14, meter the flow of cooling fluids through the outer wall16, and release the cooling fluids from the airfoil12through one or more trailing edge bleed slots20. The turbine airfoil12may be formed from a generally elongated, hollow airfoil24coupled to a root26at a platform28. The turbine airfoil12may be formed from conventional metals or other acceptable materials. The generally elongated airfoil24may extend from the root26to a tip section30and include a leading edge32and trailing edge34. Airfoil24may have an outer wall16adapted for use, for example, in a first stage of an axial flow turbine engine. Outer wall16may form a generally concave shaped portion forming pressure side36and may form a generally convex shaped portion forming suction side38. The cavity14, as shown inFIG. 2, may be positioned in inner aspects of the airfoil24for directing one or more gases, which may include air received from a compressor (not shown), through the airfoil24to reduce the temperature of the airfoil24. The cavity14may be arranged in various configurations and is not limited to a particular flow path. The cooling system10, as shown inFIGS. 2-4, may include one or more vortex cooling chambers18positioned in the outer wall16of the generally elongated, hollow airfoil. In one embodiment, as shown inFIG. 2, the outer wall16proximate to the suction side38may have a thickness that is greater than a thickness of the pressure side36. In other embodiments, the relative thicknesses may be different. The vortex cooling chambers18may extend in a generally spanwise direction from the root26to the tip section30, or at any length therebetween. In one embodiment, the vortex cooling chambers18may have generally cylindrical cross-sections. In other embodiments, the vortex cooling chambers18may have alternative configurations. The vortex cooling chambers18may be aligned, as shown inFIG. 2. In one embodiment, the cooling system10may be formed from twelve vortex cooling chambers18. However, in other embodiments, the number of vortex cooling chambers18may number more or less than twelve. A first vortex cooling chambers44may be positioned in close proximity to the leading edge32of the airfoil24. The remaining vortex cooling chambers18may be positioned in the outer wall16on the suction side38proximate to an outer surface42of the outer wall16and extend to the trailing edge34of the airfoil24. The vortex cooling chambers18may be in fluid communication with each other through one or more vortex cooling chamber bleed slots46. The vortex cooling chambers18may meter the flow of cooling fluids into the vortex cooling chambers18. In one embodiment, as shown inFIG. 3, each vortex cooling chamber18may be fed with cooling fluids through a plurality of vortex cooling chamber bleed slots46. The vortex cooling chamber bleed slots46may provide near wall cooling to the outer wall16. The vortex cooling chamber bleed slots46may be evenly spaced or have another configuration. The vortex cooling chamber bleed slots46in a first row48may be offset in a generally spanwise direction from vortex cooling chamber bleed slots46in a second row50. This pattern may be repeated throughout the vortex cooling chambers18. The vortex cooling chamber bleed slots46may also be positioned such that the vortex cooling chamber bleed slots46intersect with a vortex cooling chamber18tangentially with the vortex cooling chamber18proximate to the outer surface42of the generally elongated, hollow airfoil24. In this position, cooling fluids entering the vortex cooling chambers18flow around an inner surface52of the vortex cooling chambers18and form vortices within the vortex cooling chambers18. The vortex cooling chamber bleed slots46may be positioned proximate to the outer surface42of the suction side38outer wall16. The vortex cooling chambers18may include one or more trip strips22for increasing the cooling capacity of the system10. In at least one embodiment, the trip strips22may extend generally spanwise and be positioned on an inner surface52of the vortex cooling chambers18proximate to an outer surface42of the suction side38of the generally elongated, hollow airfoil24. The trip strips22may extend for the entire length of the vortex cooling chambers18or only a portion of the vortex cooling chambers18. The turbine airfoil cooling system10may also include one or more leading edge cooling channels54positioned proximate to the leading edge32. The leading edge cooling channel54may extend from proximate the root26to the tip section30, or have a shorter length. The leading edge cooling channel54may include a plurality of trip strips56on the inner surface58. The trip strips56may extend generally spanwise within the leading edge cooling channel54. The leading edge cooling channel54may include one or more rows of trip strips56. The leading edge cooling channel54may be in fluid communication with the vortex cooling chamber44through one or more leading edge bleed slots60. The leading edge bleed slots60may intersect with the vortex cooling chamber44generally tangential to a surface of the vortex cooling chamber44closest to the outer surface42of the outer wall16. The turbine airfoil cooling system may include one or more trailing edge bleed slots66. The trailing edge bleed slots66may be in fluid communication with one or more vortex cooling chambers18. The trailing edge bleed slots66enable cooling fluids to be exhausted from the vortex cooling chambers18through the trailing edge34. The internal cavity14of the airfoil12may be formed from one or more central cooling fluid chambers62. The central cooling fluid chamber62may have any appropriate configuration. The central cooling fluid chamber62may function as a pressure side36cooling chamber. The central cooling fluid chamber62may extend from the root26to the tip section30, or have a shorter length. In at least one embodiment, as shown inFIG. 2, the central cooling fluid chamber62may include one or more pin fins64extending generally from the outer wall16on the pressure side36toward the outer wall16on the suction side38. The pin fins64may have generally cylindrical cross-sections or other appropriate shaped cross-sections. The central cooling fluid chamber62may be in fluid communication with the leading edge cooling channel54through one of more central cooling fluid chamber bleed slots74. The central cooling fluid chamber bleed slots74may intersect the leading edge cooling channel62such that the central cooling fluid chamber bleed slots74are generally tangential with an inner surface76of the central cooling fluid chamber bleed slots74to create vortices within the leading edge cooling channel62. The central cooling fluid chamber bleed slots74may be positioned proximate to the pressure side36in an another appropriate configuration. In at least one embodiment, the ratio of bleed slot width of the central cooling fluid chamber bleed slot74to a diameter of a cross-section of the leading edge cooling channel54may be greater than about10and less than about20to generate a high internal heat transfer coefficient for vortex cooling. In an alternative embodiment, as shown inFIG. 4, the turbine airfoil cooling system10may also include one or more re-supply holes68that places one or more vortex cooling chambers18in direct fluid communication with the central cooling fluid chamber62. The re-supply holes68may be placed in any appropriate position as determined by local heat loads. In one embodiment, the re-supply holes68may be positioned downstream of a vortex cooling chamber row44that is adjacent to the leading edge cooling chamber54and at least one second re-supply hole70positioned downstream of the first re-supply hole72. The size and configuration of the re-supply holes68may be based upon heat loads, pressure ranges, and other criteria. A larger or smaller number of re-supply holes68may be used in other embodiments. During use, cooling fluids may flow into the central cooling fluid chamber62and past the pin fins64. The cooling fluids may increase in temperature as the cooling fluids flow through the internal aspects of the turbine airfoil12. The cooling fluids may then pass through the central cooling fluid chamber bleed slots74and into the leading edge cooling channel54. The central cooling fluid chamber bleed slots74may create vortices of cooling fluids entering the leading edge cooling channel54. The trip strips56may also increase the turbulence in the leading edge cooling channel54. The cooling fluids then flow through the leading edge bleed slots60and into the vortex cooling chamber44. As previously discussed, the configuration of the intersection between the leading edge bleed slots60and the vortex cooling chamber44creates vortices in the vortex cooling chamber44. The vortex cooling chambers44generate high spanwise average internal heat transfer coefficient for airfoil cooling purposes. The vortex cooling chambers44also provide uniform cooling for the suction side38near wall16as a result of the cooling fluids transferring heat from the outer wall16to the inner surface of the outer wall16. In addition, the trip strips22increase the turbulence in the vortex cooling chamber44. The cooling fluids flow through the other vortex cooling chambers18and increase in temperature. The cooling fluids may then be discharged from the turbine airfoil cooling system10through the trailing edge bleed slots66. The foregoing is provided for purposes of illustrating, explaining, and describing embodiments of this invention. Modifications and adaptations to these embodiments will be apparent to those skilled in the art and may be made without departing from the scope or spirit of this invention.
DESCRIPTION OF A PREFERRED EMBODIMENT OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to an inflator for an inflatable vehicle occupant restraint, and particularly to an inflator for inflating an air bag to protect the driver of a vehicle. The present invention is applicable to various inflator constructions. As representative of the present invention, FIG. 1 illustrates an inflator 10. An inflatable vehicle occupant restraint comprising an air bag 12 is folded in a plurality of layers and extends across the upper end portion of the inflator 10. A cover 14 encloses the air bag 12 and the inflator 10. If desired, an additional covering could be provided for the folded air bag 12. The inflator 10, the air bag 12, and the cover 14 are components of a module which is mounted on a vehicle steering wheel 16. Upon the occurrence of sudden vehicle deceleration, such as occurs in a collision, the inflator 10 is actuated and produces a volume of gas. The gas from the inflator 10 expands the air bag 12. As the air bag 12 starts to expand, it breaks weakened portions in the cover 14. One of the weakened portions is designated 18 in FIG. 1. As the air bag 12 continues to expand, it moves into the space between the driver of the vehicle and the steering wheel 16 to restrain movement of the driver, as is known. The inflator 10 (FIG. 2) includes an outer housing 40. The housing 40 is made of three pieces, namely a diffuser cup 42, a combustion cup 44, and a combustion chamber cover or lower end wall 46. The diffuser cup 42, combustion cup 44, and lower end wall 46 are made of a metal, such as UNS S30100 stainless steel. The diffuser cup 42 is generally cup-shaped and has a cylindrical diffuser cup side wall 50 extending around the central axis 52 of the inflator 10. The diffuser cup side wall 50 extends between a flat upper end wall 54 and a flat lower flange 56. An inner annular surface 55 on the flat upper end wall 54 of the diffuser cup 42 defines a central opening 57 in the upper end wall 54. The flat upper end wall 54 and the flat lower flange 56 are generally parallel to each other and perpendicular to the central axis 52. An annular array of gas outlet openings 58 extends circumferentially around an upper portion of the diffuser cup side wall 50. The openings 58 are illustrated as being a single row of generally rectangular openings. However, the openings 58 could be circular in shape and could be in two or more rows. The combustion cup 44 is generally cup-shaped and is disposed inside the diffuser cup 42. The combustion cup 44 has a cylindrical side wall 60 extending around the axis 52. The cylindrical side wall 60 extends between a flat upper end wall 64 and a flat lower flange 66. The upper end wall 64 and the lower flange 66 are generally parallel to each other and perpendicular to the central axis 52. An annular array of openings 68 extends circumferentially around a lower portion of the combustion cup cylindrical side wall 60. The upper end wall 64 of the combustion cup 44 is welded with a continuous weld to inner annular surface 55 on the upper end wall 54 of the diffuser cup 42 at a circumferential weld location 70, preferably by laser welding. The upper end wall 64 of the combustion cup 44 and the end wall 54 of the diffuser cup 42 cooperate to form an upper end wall of the inflator 10. The folded and stored air bag 12 (FIG. 1) overlies the upper end wall of the inflator 10. The combustion cup flat lower flange 66 is welded with a continuous weld to the diffuser cup flat lower flange 56 at a circumferential weld location 72, also preferably by laser welding. The lower end wall 46 is a generally flat metal piece having a circular center portion 80 which extends parallel to and is spaced from the upper end wall 64 of the combustion cup 44. An annular outer flange 82 is axially offset from and extends radially outward of the center portion 80 of the lower end wall 46. A circular opening 84 is located in the circular center portion 80 of the lower end wall 46. The annular outer flange 82 of the lower end wall 46 is welded with a continuous weld to the combustion cup flat lower flange 66 at a circumferential weld location 86. This weld could be a penetration weld if desired. A hermetically sealed canister 90 is disposed in the combustion cup 44. The canister 90 is made of two pieces, namely a lower canister section 92 and a canister cover 94. The radially outer edge of the canister cover 94 is crimped to an adjacent edge of the canister lower section 92 to seal the canister 90 hermetically. The canister 90 is preferably made of relatively thin aluminum. The canister lower section 92 has a cylindrical outer side wall 96 adjacent to and inside the combustion cup cylindrical side wall 60. The cylindrical outer side wall 96 has a reduced thickness in the area adjacent the openings 68 in the combustion cup side wall 60. The canister lower section 92 also has a cylindrical inner side wall 98 spaced radially inwardly from the cylindrical outer side wall 96. The cylindrical inner side wall 98 has a reduced thickness in the area adjacent an igniter 99. A flat annular lower end wall 100 of the lower canister section 92 interconnects the cylindrical outer side wall 96 and the cylindrical inner side wall 98. A circular inner top wall 102 of the lower canister section 92 extends radially inward from and caps the inner side wall 98. The circular inner top wall 102 and the cylindrical inner side wall 98 define a downwardly opening central recess 104 in the hermetically sealed canister 90. The igniter 99 extends into the central recess 104. Although the igniter 99 extends through the lower end wall 46 of the outer housing 40, the igniter is disposed outside of the canister 90. A plurality of annular gas generating disks 110 are stacked atop each other within the hermetically sealed canister 90. An annular cushion 112 is disposed between the uppermost gas generating disk 114 and the inside of the canister cover 94. The gas generating disks 110 are made of a known material which ignites when heated to a temperature above 650.degree. F. and generates nitrogen gas. Although many types of gas generating materials could be used, suitable gas generating materials are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,895,098. The annular gas generating disks 110 are disposed in a coaxial relationship with the igniter 99 and with the cylindrical inner side wall 98 of the canister 90. The igniter 99 and the cylindrical inner side wall 98 of the canister 90 extend axially through central openings in some of the gas generating disks 110. An annular prefilter 120 is disposed in the hermetically sealed canister 90. The annular prefilter 120 is located radially outward of the gas generating annular disks 110 and radially inward of the cylindrical outer side wall 96 of the hermetically sealed canister 90. A small annular space exists between the annular prefilter 120 and the cylindrical outer side wall 96. An annular slag screen indicated schematically at 122 is located in the diffuser cup 42, outside of the combustion cup 44. The annular slag screen 122 is radially outward of the annular array of openings 68 and lies against the combustion cup cylindrical side wall 60. However, the slag screen 122 could be spaced away from the openings 68 in the combustion cup cylindrical side wall 60. An annular final filter assembly indicated schematically at 124 is located inside the diffuser cup 42 above the annular slag screen 122. The annular final filter assembly 124 is radially inward of the gas outlet openings 58 in the side wall 50 of the diffuser cup 42. The annular final filter assembly 124 is a plurality of layers of various materials. The layers extend around the diffuser cup side wall 50 and are located inside the side wall. The detailed structure of the final annular filter assembly 124 does not form a part of the present invention and therefore will not be described in detail. An annular filter shield 126 projects radially inwardly from the diffuser cup side wall 50 and separates the annular final filter assembly 124 and the annular slag screen 122. An annular graphite seal 128 seals the gap between the upper edge of the annular final filter assembly 124 and the inside of the diffuser cup flat upper end wall 54. Another annular graphite seal 130 seals the gap between the lower edge of the annular final filter assembly 124 and the upper side of the annular filter shield 126. The igniter 99 projects through the circular opening 84 in the lower end wall 46 into the downwardly opening central recess 104 of the hermetically sealed canister 90. The igniter 99 is disposed in a coaxial relationship with the outer housing 40 and the canister 90. The igniter 99 has a base 138 which is welded with a continuous weld, preferably a laser weld, to the circular center portion 80 of the lower end wall 46 at a circumferential weld location 144. The igniter 99 has a thin metal casing 140 which ruptures upon actuation of the igniter to enable hot combustion products to escape from the igniter. The igniter 99 is connected with a pair of wire leads 146 which extend outwardly from the igniter 99. The wire leads 146 are connectable to a collision sensor (not shown). The wire leads 146 are also connected to a resistance wire embedded in an ignition material in the igniter 99. The igniter 99 may be of any suitable well known construction. A thin plastic film (not shown) is located on the outside of the casing portion 140 of the igniter 99, to prevent metal-to-metal contact which could ground the igniter 99. Upon the occurrence of a collision or other sudden vehicle deceleration for which inflation of the air bag is desired, the collision sensor closes an electrical circuit. An electrical current then flows through the wire leads 146 to the igniter 99. The resistance wire sets off the ignition material which ignites a charge in the igniter 99. Ignition of the charge in the igniter 99 forms hot gas products which flow outward from the igniter 99 and rupture the circular inner top wall 102 and the cylindrical inner side wall 98 of the hermetically sealed canister 90. The hot gas from the igniter 99 ignites the gas generating disks 110. The gas generating disks 110 rapidly produce a volume of another hot gas. The pressure of the gas acts on the cylindrical outer side wall 96 of the hermetically sealed canister 90, forcing the cylindrical outer side wall 96 radially outward against the cylindrical side wall 60 of the combustion cup 44. This results in the thin cylindrical outer side wall 96 of the hermetically sealed canister 90 being ruptured or blown out at the annular array of openings 68 in the cylindrical side wall 60. The reduced thickness of the cylindrical outer side wall 96 adjacent the openings 68 allows this portion of the side wall 96 to rupture at a desired pressure in preference to other portions. The gas generated by burning of the gas generating annular disks 110 then flows radially outward through the annular prefilter 120. The annular prefilter 120 removes from the flowing gas some combustion products of the igniter assembly 99 and of the gas generating annular disks 110. The prefilter 120 cools the flowing gas. When the gas cools, molten products such as metal are plated onto the prefilter 120. The gas flows through the annular array of openings 68 and into the annular slag screen 122. The annular slag screen 122 removes and traps particles from the flowing gas. The slag screen also cools the flowing gas. When the gas cools, molten combustion products such as metal are plated onto the annular slag screen 122. The annular filter shield 126 between the annular slag screen 122 and the annular final filter assembly 124 causes turbulent flow of gas to occur in and around the annular slag screen 122. The turbulent gas flow promotes the retention of relatively heavy particles in the annular slag screen 122 and in the lower portion of the diffuser cup 42. The gas flows axially upwardly from the annular slag screen 122 to the annular final filter assembly 124. The gas then flows radially outward through the annular final filter assembly 124 which removes small particles from the gas. The annular final filter assembly 124 also further cools the gas so that molten products in the gas may deposit on parts of the annular final filter assembly 124. The annular array of gas outlet openings 58 directs the flow of gas into the air bag 12 (FIG. 1) to inflate the air bag 12. An auto ignition packet 150 (FIG. 2) constructed in accordance with the present invention is provided in the inflator 10. The auto ignition packet 150 is disposed within the canister 90 in flat abutting engagement with the annular lower end wall 100 of the canister 90. The lower end wall 100 of the canister 90 is disposed in flat abutting engagement with the flat circular center portion 80 of the lower end wall 46 of the outer housing 40. The auto ignition packet 150 has an annular configuration (FIG. 3) and is disposed in a coaxial relationship with the igniter 99 and the gas generating disks 110. The auto ignition packet 150 includes a flat annular lower layer 154 (FIG. 4) and an annular upper layer 156. The upper and lower layers 154 and 156 are interconnected by a circular outer connection 158 (FIGS. 3 and 4) and a circular inner connection 160. A circular central opening 161 extends through the auto ignition packet 150. The upper and lower layers 154 and 156 cooperate to define an annular chamber 162. The annular chamber 162 contains an auto ignition material 164. Although the auto ignition material 164 could have many different compositions, the auto ignition material is preferably a stabilized nitrocellulose composition such as IMR 4895, which ignites at about 350.degree. F. This specific auto ignition material is produced by E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. The auto ignition material 164 may also include an ignition enhancer such as BKNO.sub.3. The auto ignition material 164 has an ignition temperature which is below the ignition temperature of the material of the gas generating disks 110. The gas generating disks 110 ignite at a temperature which is greater than 650.degree. F. while the auto ignition material 164 ignites at a temperature of approximately 350.degree. F. A different auto ignition material having a different ignition temperature could be utilized. However, the ignition temperature of the auto ignition material 164 should be below the ignition temperature of the material of the gas generating disks 110. The upper and lower layers 156 and 154 of the auto ignition packet 150 are formed of a metal which can be readily shaped and has good thermal conductivity. In the embodiment of the invention illustrated in FIG. 4, the upper and lower layers 156 and 154 are formed of aluminum having a thickness of approximately 0.003 inches. A different material and/or a different material thickness could be utilized if desired. The lower layer 154 of the auto ignition packet 150 is planar and is disposed in flat abutting engagement with the lower end wall 100 of the canister 90. The lower end wall 100 of the canister 90 is disposed in flat abutting engagement with the lower end wall 46 of the outer housing 40. Therefore, heat is conducted through the outer housing 40 and canister 90 to the auto ignition packet along a path formed entirely of metal. The inner and outer connections 160 and 158 interconnect the lower and upper layers 154 and 156 of the auto ignition packet 150. In the illustrated embodiment of the auto ignition packet 150, the outer connection 158 and the inner connection 160 are formed by folding the material of the lower layer 154 over the material of the upper layer 156 and crimping the two layers together to form a secure mechanical interconnection. It is contemplated that the outer connection 158 and inner connection 160 between the lower layer 154 and upper layer 156 of the auto ignition packet 150 could be formed in many different ways. For example, the outer and inner connections 158 and 160 could be formed by ultrasonic welding or by the use of a suitable tape and/or adhesive. The auto ignition packet 150 is disposed in the inflator 10 at a location adjacent to the lower end wall 46 of the outer housing 40. The gas generating disks 110 are disposed adjacent to a side of the auto ignition packet 150 opposite from the lower end wall 46 of the outer housing 40. The folded layers of the air bag 12 (FIG. 1) extend across the upper end wall 64 of the combustion cup 44. A heat flow path from an outer side surface of the lower end wall 46 of the outer housing to the auto ignition material is formed entirely of metal. Thus, heat is conducted through the metal lower end wall 46 of the outer housing 40, the metal lower end wall 100 of the canister 90 and the metal lower layer 154 of the auto ignition packet 150 to the auto ignition material 164. When the interior of a vehicle in which the inflator 10 is disposed is heated to an excessive temperature, that is to a temperature above 350.degree. F., the heat is easily conducted through the lower end wall 46 of the outer housing 40 to the auto ignition packet 150. Since the layers of the folded and stored air bag 12 (FIG. 1) extend across the upper end wall of the outer housing 40 of the inflator 10 and are spaced from the lower end wall 46 of the outer housing, the air-bag does not insulate the auto ignition packet 150 from the heat in the vehicle. Since the metal lower end wall 46 of the outer housing 40 and the metal end wall 100 of the canister 90 are good conductors of heat, almost as soon as the interior of the vehicle reaches the temperature of 350.degree. F., the auto ignition packet 150 reaches the same temperature. As soon as the auto ignition packet 150 reaches a temperature of 350.degree. F., the auto ignition material 164 (FIG. 4) in the auto ignition packet 150 ignites. This results in hot combustion products being discharged from the auto ignition packet 150 to initiate burning of the gas generating disks 110. The igniter 99 extends through the central opening 161 in the auto ignition packet 150. The auto ignition packet 150 extends around the base 138 of the igniter 99. The relatively thin casing 140 on the igniter 99 is spaced from the auto ignition packet 150. Therefore, actuation of the auto ignition packet 150 does not necessarily result in ignition of combustible material in the igniter 99. If the auto ignition packet 150 was more closely adjacent to the relatively thin casing 140 on the igniter 99, actuation of the auto ignition packet 150 would more often result in sufficient heat to effect ignition of combustible materials in the igniter 99. If the igniter 99 is ignited immediately upon ignition of the auto ignition packet 150, the gas generating disks 110 are ignited in a more rapid manner and the volume of combustion products and pressure in the inflator 10 are high. In a situation in which heat is conducted from the interior of the vehicle to activate the auto ignition packet 150, it is desirable to minimize the amount of combustion products and the pressure in the inflator 10. By locating the auto ignition packet 150 around the base of the igniter 99 the igniter is less often actuated upon ignition of the auto ignition packet. From the above description of the invention, those skilled in the art will perceive improvements, changes and modifications. Such improvements, changes and modifications within the skill of the art are intended to be covered by the appended claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION Referring toFIG. 1, a seal assembly10for a core hole is shown. As used herein, unless otherwise specified, the expression “core hole” is meant to encompass any opening or penetration within a concrete slab or other structures. Although the seal assembly10has particular application with concrete slabs or structures, the structures may include non-concrete structures as well. Although the invention has particular application to concrete slabs between floors of buildings, dwellings or other structures, it may have application to concrete walls or other structures that are not typically considered floors. The core holes formed in concrete slabs or floors typically have a generally circular transverse cross section and may have a generally uniform diameter of about 2 inches (5.1 mm) or less to about 10 inches (25.4 cm) or more. The seal assembly10may be used and configured for core holes that are non-uniform in width and that have non-circular transverse cross-sectional shapes. Standard core holes typically have diameters of 4 inches (10.2 cm), 5 inches (12.7 cm) or 6 inches (15.2 cm). The core holes may have a depth of several inches, such as from about 4 inches (10 cm) or less to about 10 inches (25.4 cm) or more. Typical depths for the core holes may be about 3 inches (7.6 cm) to about 8 inches (20.3 cm). The seal assembly10may be configured for use with core holes of various depths or lengths. Typically the surface areas of the concrete slab or structure immediately surrounding the openings of the core hole may be relatively flat surfaces that lie in planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the core hole. The seal assembly10may be configured for and used with such structures, but may also be configured for and used with slabs or structures were the surfaces are uneven or non-perpendicular to the core hole. It should be noted that when a numerical range is presented herein as an example, or as being useful, suitable, etc., it is intended that any and every amount or point within the range, including the end points, is to be considered as having been stated. Furthermore, when the modifier “about” is used with reference to a range or numerical value, it should also be alternately read as to not include this modifier, and when the modifier “about” is not used with reference to a range or numerical value, the range or value should be alternately read as including the modifier “about.” The seal assembly10includes a cover assembly12. The cover assembly12includes an upper cover plate14and a lower plate16. The cover plate14may be a generally flat, circular steel plate. Other components of the seal assembly10may be formed from steel, iron or other metal material. The steel plate may have any suitable thickness, but a typical thickness is from about 0.05 inch (1.3 mm) to about 0.2 inch (5 mm) or more. Steel plate material of about 0.21 inch (i.e. 14 gauge or 1.98 mm) in thickness has been found suitable for many applications. Other materials besides steel may also be used for the plate14and other components of the seal assembly10, which may be metal or non-metal. The thickness and type of material used for the plate14may depend upon the application for which the assembly10is to be used. In certain applications, the plate14and other components of the assembly10may be constructed to provide the desired strength and heat resistant characteristics for the structure it is to be used with. The cover plate14is configured and sized so that it engages and rests on the surface edges surrounding the opening of the core hole for which it is used and cannot be passed through the core hole. For a circular cover plate14, the diameter of the plate is greater than the diameter of the core hole opening. The diameter of the cover plate14may be about ½ inch (1.3 cm) to about 2 inches (5.1 cm) greater or more than the diameter of the core hole opening for which it is used. Cover plates having a diameter of from about 2 inches (5.1 mm) to about 8 inches (20.3 mm) in diameter may be used in specific applications. Referring toFIG. 2, the plate14is provided with one or more small holes or apertures18that extend through the thickness of the plate for the introduction of an insulating material, as will be described more fully later on. In the embodiment shown, two holes18are provided that are linearly spaced apart approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) or so on either side the center of the plate14. Other means for the introducing the insulating foam may also be provided with the seal assembly10. The lower plate16may be formed from steel plate or other material. The construction of the lower plate16may be similar to that of the cover plate14. The lower plate16is sized and configured to be received within the core hole. Thus, the lower plate16will typically have a smaller width or diameter than the cover plate14. In certain applications, it may be desirable to provide the lower plate16with a size and configuration so that it is closely received within the core hole with which it is used. In certain embodiments, there may be a clearance of about 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) or less to about ¼ inch (6.3 mm) or more between the lower plate16and the sides of the core hole interior in which it is received. The lower plate16is coupled to the cover plate14through one or more support members20and may be generally concentric with and parallel to the cover plate14. In some embodiments, the lower plate16may be non-adjustably coupled to the support member(s)20so that the lower plate16is non-movable relative to the cover plate14. In the embodiment shown, the lower plate16is adjustably coupled to the support members20so that the lower plate16may be selectively spaced apart from the cover plate14at various distances. The support members20may be in the form of elongated steel rods that extend from the lower surface of the cover plate14. The steel rods20may be helically threaded along their lengths, such as ¼ inch (6.3 mm) all-thread rods that are threaded along generally their entire lengths. In other embodiments, the threads may be provided on only a portion of the support members20. In the embodiment shown, the support members20are circumferentially spaced equally apart and pass through the lower plate16. Apertures or holes (not shown) are provided in the lower plate16to accommodate passage of the support members20through the plate16. The support members20may extend a suitable distance from the cover plate14to provide adequate spacing of the lower plate16from the cover plate14. This may vary, but a suitable distance may be from about 2 inches (3.8 cm) to about 8 inches (20.3 cm) or about 10 inches (25.4 cm) or more. Fasteners22may be used to secure the lower plate16to the support members20. In the embodiment shown, the fasteners22are in the form of threaded nuts that are threaded onto the threaded rods20on either side of the lower plate16. By repositioning the nuts22, the position of the lower plate16relative to the cover plate14can be adjusted to various positions along the length of the support members20. In certain embodiments, a layer or sheet of insulation (not shown) may be applied to the upper and/or lower surface of the lower plate16. The insulation may be a fire-retardant and/or intumescent material. The fasteners22may be used to facilitate securing the layer of material to the lower plate16. A locking assembly24is provided with the seal assembly10. The locking assembly24includes a locking element carrier26, which may be in the form of an elongated member or rod26. The rod26may be a centrally located steel rod that extends from the center of the cover assembly12. In the embodiment shown, the rod26is a threaded rod (e.g. ⅜ inch all-thread rod) in which all or a portion of the rod26is provided with helical threads along its length. Referring toFIG. 3, the upper end of the carrier26may be provided with a bolt head or other engagement portion28. The bolt head or portion28is received by a carrier mount assembly30provided with the cover plate14to facilitate mounting of the carrier26to the cover assembly12. The carrier mount assembly30may be in the form of a centrally located cup or well32that is coupled (such as by welding) on the lower surface of the cover plate14or formed as a recess of the cover plate14. The bolt head28rests in the well32, with the bolt head engaging shoulders of the well32that surround a central aperture of the well32. The length of the carrier rod26extends through the central aperture of the well32. Other means of securing the carrier26to the cover assembly12may also be used. An aperture34formed in the center of the cover plate14allows access to the bolt or engagement portion28. As shown, the top of the bolt or engagement portion28may be generally flush with the upper surface of the plate14when resting in the well32of the carrier mount assembly30and may substantially fill the aperture34. In other embodiments the top of the bolt28may be slightly recessed from the surface of the plate14. The engagement portion or bolt head28is configured to be engaged with one's fingers or a tool or other device for rotating the carrier26, as will be discussed in more detail below. In one embodiment, the bolt head28is an Allen-head bolt head configured for engagement with an Allen wrench. The carrier26extends from the carrier mount30and through the lower plate16. A central hole or aperture36is provided in the lower plate16to accommodate the passage of the carrier26. The aperture36may be sized to allow the carrier26to freely rotate within the aperture36while the plate16remains stationary. In certain embodiments, the carrier26may engage the lower plate16, with the carrier constituting a support member for coupling the lower plate16to the cover plate14. In such an embodiment, the supports20may be eliminated. Fasteners (not shown), like the fasteners22, may be used to adjustably couple the lower plate16to the carrier26in a similar fashion as the supports20. In such instances, the plate16may rotate with the carrier26within the core hole when tightening or loosening the seal assembly10, as is described later on. The carrier26may have a sufficient length such that it projects beyond the core hole and below the lower or opposite surface of the concrete slab or other structure with which it is used when the cover plate14is seated against it. In certain embodiments, the carrier rod may be from about 12 inches (30 cm) to about 24 inches (60 cm) in length. The length of the carrier26may vary, however, and depend upon the thickness of the concrete slab or other structure with which it used. Located below the lower plate16and movably coupled to the carrier30is a locking element40. The locking element40may take a variety of forms. The locking element40may be in the form of a toggle bolt that is movable between first and second pivotal positions. Referring toFIGS. 4A-4C, the locking element40includes an elongated body or member42having a central U-shaped bend44in the center of the body42from which extend opposite projecting portions or wings46. The U-shaped bend44is provided with an elongated slot48to accommodate the carrier rod26, which passes through the slot48, and to allow pivotal movement of the body42. The locking element40may include a keeper50that is provided on the carrier26and retains the locking element member42on the carrier26. In the embodiment shown, the keeper50is a nut that is threaded onto the threaded carrier rod26. The threaded keeper50also allows the locking element40to be moved axially or longitudinally to various positions along the length of the carrier26, as is described later on. As can be seen, the elongated slot48allows the body42of the locking element40to pivot or rotate to different positions relative to the carrier rod26, while the keeper50keeps the locking element body42coupled to the carrier26. The pivoting or rotating motion of the locking member42may be along a transverse axis that is generally perpendicular or non-parallel to the longitudinal axis of the carrier rod26. In this way, the locking element member42can be pivoted or rotated between a first retracted position, in which the ends of the projecting portions or wings46are moved towards the carrier26, and a second extended position, in which the ends of the projecting portions46are moved away from the carrier26to a position where the longitudinal axis of the body42is generally perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the carrier rod26. The portions or wings46may be balanced in weight around the center of the U-shaped bend44so that when the U-shaped portion44is resting on the keeper50, the body42will tend to rotate to the second extended perpendicular position. In certain embodiments, the body42of the locking element40may be rotated or pivoted from the second perpendicular position by as much as 75 degrees or more to the first position. When in the second extended position, the locking element member42should have a length that is greater than the cross dimension of the core hole with which it is used to facilitate securing of the seal assembly10. As will be discussed later on, the U-shaped portion may engage the nut or keeper50when the locking element is in the second position so that it is held in a position that facilitates securing the seal assembly10in place. Other toggles or locking elements or mechanisms may also be used with the seal assembly10, such as those described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 978,380 and 3,940,636 and in U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2005/0129482, each of which is incorporated herein by reference. FIGS. 5 and 6illustrate the installation of the seal assembly10in a core hole52of a concrete slab54. In the installation of the seal assembly10, the lower plate16may be first positioned at the desired distance from the cover plate14. This may be carried out by adjusting the positions of the fasteners22so that the lower plate16is retained on the support rods20at the desired position from the cover plate14(e.g. 3 inches or 7.6 cm). With the lower plate16at the desired position, the carrier26with the locking element40is then introduced into the core hole52, with the locking element40in the retracted position, as shown inFIG. 5, so that it may readily pass through the core hole52. The locking element member42should be positioned on the carrier26so that when the carrier26is introduced through the core hole52, the locking element member42will be located at a position below the lower surface of the core hole52. When the locking element member42is at a position below the core hole52, the locking element40may be moved to the second extended position. This may result from the balanced projecting portions46of the locking element member42so that the locking element member42freely rotates to this position. Alternatively, the installer may move the seal assembly10slightly within the core hole so that one or both of the projections46of locking element40engages the lower surface of slab54surrounding the core hole52so that the locking element40can be pivoted or rotated to the second extended position. When in the extended position, the locking element member42of the locking element40will have a length that is greater than the cross dimension or width of the core hole at the lower surface of the slab54. By pulling upward on the seal assembly10, the projections46of the locking element40will engage and abut against the lower surface of the slab54. When sufficient force is exerted, the locking element member42will remain stationary while the installer rotates the carrier rod26by turning the bolt head28, such as with an Allen-wrench. A power wrench may be used in certain cases to speed up the installation. With the locking element in the extended position, the U-shaped portion44will lock onto the keeper nut50so that it also remains stationary. This causes the carrier rod26to feed or thread through the keeper nut50as the carrier rod26is rotated and lowers or closes the cover assembly12until the cover plate14securely engages and seats against the upper surface of the slab54, as shown inFIG. 6, so that it is locked in place. As can be seen, the seal assembly10is locked in place using axial compression by engaging and locking onto opposite surfaces of the concrete slab54. This is in contrast with devices that may expand circumferentially within the core hole to engage the sidewalls of the core hole. In the embodiment shown, the seal assembly10does not use such circumferential expansion or radial expansion within the core hole to engage the sidewalls of the core hole. With the seal assembly10in place, a cavity is formed between the cover plate14, the lower plate16and the walls of the core hole52. In a further step, an amount of filler material62may be introduced into this cavity through one of the holes18. The filler material62may an insulating material of a fire-retardant insulating foam, which may be an intumescent material. A spray can56may be provided and used containing an expandable foam. The spray can56may be provided with a flexible tube or conduit58connected to the nozzle60of the can56to facilitate introduction of the foam into the holes18of the cover plate14. An example of a suitable expandable fire-retardant spray foam material is that available as Abesco FP200 FR Expanding Foam, available from Abesco, LLC, Orlando, Fla., which is a fire-rated polyurethane foam. As the foam62fills the cavity formed by the seal assembly10, excess foam will begin to exit out the other of the holes18. This indicates to the installer that the cavity formed between the plates14,16is completely filled. Excess foam above the holes18may be removed. The foam will eventually cure to provide a fire-rated seal of the core hole. This completes the installation of the seal assembly. In certain embodiments, the seal assembly using such foam provides at least an International Building Code 3-hour fire rating when using a 3 inch (7.6 cm) thick layer of foam within the cavity. The entire operation of installing the seal assembly10can take less than one minute. Removal of the seal assembly10is also easily accomplished by rotating the carrier rod26by means of the bolt head28so that the carrier rod26passes upwards through the keeper nut50and the cover assembly12is lifted. The locking element40is thus loosened and disengages from the slab54. The locking element40can then be moved to the retracted position so that it can passed upward through the core hole52to allow removal of the seal assembly10. In certain embodiments, some or all of the components of the seal assembly may be formed with or coated with an insulating material or a fire-retardant or intumescent material. In one embodiment, a further body (not shown) of a insulating material, fire-retardant and/or intumescent material may be provided on the seal assembly10at a position below the lower plate16that generally fills all or a portion of the core hole below the lower plate16. The further body may be coupled to the lower plate or other components of the seal assembly. The seal assembly or assemblies may be provided as a kit that is complete with wrenches (including one for both manual use and for use in a power tool), a can of insulating foam and instructions for installing in one or more core holes. While the invention has been shown in only some of its forms, it should be apparent to those skilled in the art that it is not so limited, but is susceptible to various changes and modifications without departing from the scope of the invention. Accordingly, it is appropriate that the appended claims be construed broadly and in a manner consistent with the scope of the invention.
Consider FIGS. 1 and 3, a slide bearing 1 principally comprises an annular member 2, slide pad 3 and compression elements 4. The annular member 2 has locating lugs 5 to enable the bearing 1 to be located and secured in a housing (not shown). However, it will be appreciated that the bearing 1 and a housing could be integral or permanently secured together. The annular member 1 includes regularly about its periphery, recess areas 6 to locate and facilitate capture of the compression elements 4. Typically, the compression elements 4 are compression springs although it will be understood that solid or suitably formed compressible plastics or rubber material could be used. The elements 4 are usually secured by nipple elements 7 which include a shoulder portion to engage or secure the element 4 to the annular member 1. The pads 3 are located at the ends of the compression elements 4 and may he held by a pinch effect of the elements 4 on the pads 3 or through some other form of adhesion or mechanical means. The pads 3 within the annular member 1 define a slide envelope 8 (shown in broken outline) to accommodate a pipe (not shown). The actual diameter of the envelope 8 is determined by the size of pipe it is envisaged it will accommodate. Furthermore, it will be appreciated that if the nipple element 7 extends to the pad 3 end is either screw or ratchet mounted it is possible to adjust the pad 3 position into the bearing 1 and so the range of compression. Ideally, each pad 3 and its compression element 4 should be under slight compression when a pipe is located in the bearing 1. With the compression elements 4 under slight compression the pipe will be more suitably held and located. The pads 3 allow the pipe to slide under load and the compression elements 4 allow a degree of lateral movement. The material from which the pads 3 are fabricated depends upon the environment in which the bearing 1 must operate and upon the material of the pipe. Suitable materials include graphite, Teflon, ceramic materials, aluminium/bronze and nylon. Eight pads 3 regularly spaced as illustrated in FIG. 1 is preferred. The pads 3 extend in the direction of the longitudinal axis of a pipe to be held in the bearing 1 shown by the direction of arrow A-B in FIG. 2. As indicated previously, a slide bearing of the present invention may be integral within a housing or may be a retro-fit component. It will be understood that a integral embodiment may have an integral annular member 1. However, such an integral construction of the annular member would be inconvenient for a retro-fit embodiment. Consequently, it is typical for the annular member 1 to be formed of several segments. These segments enable an in-site pipe to be surrounded by the bearing 1. Referring to FIG. 2, the annular member 1 consists of two equal segments 21, 23 respectively located by protrusion 22 and recesses 24 in respective segments 21, 23, in order to secure the segments 21, 23 together straps may be placed around the annular segments 21, 23 together to form the annular member 1. As an alternative, the segments 21, 23 could be mounted in respective halves of a housing and the annular member 1 formed when the housing is constructed. The locating lugs 5 in the annular member 1 may be used as securing points in order to make the slide bearing 1 integral with the housing. It will be appreciated that the annular member 1 constitutes a large proportion of the weight of the slide bearing 1. Thus, for aircraft applications its weight must be as low as possible so the annular member 1 may be made from thermo-setting epoxy resin, aluminium or titanium.
The invention will further be illustrated in the following non limiting Examples, it being understood that the Examples are intended to be illustrative only and that the invention is not intended to be limited to the materials, conditions, process parameters, and the like, recited herein. Parts and percentages are by weight unless otherwise indicated. EXAMPLE I Stable Free Radical Mediated Polymerization of Acrylate with Reducing Agent In a 100 ml 3-necked round bottom flask equipped with a condenser, gas inlet and rubber septum was added N-(1-methylbenzyl)-oxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidine (MB-TMP) (0.072 g, 0.0271 mmoles), dextrose (0.16 grams) as a reducing agent, NaHCO.sub.3 (0.16 g) as a basic buffer, and n-butylacrylate (25 mL) monomer. The resulting mixture was then deoxygenated by bubbling argon through the suspension followed by heating with a preheated oil bath (to 145.degree. C.). The reaction was stirred for 5 hours resulting in poly(n-butyl acrylate)-TEMPO of Mn=45,537 with polydispersity (PD) of 1.55 and conversion of 65 percent, where PD=Mw/Mn. EXAMPLE II Block Copolymerization The poly(n-butyl acrylate)-TEMPO (2.2 grams) of Example I was dissolved in styrene monomer (35 mL) in a 100 mL 3-necked round bottomed flask equipped with a condenser, gas inlet and rubber septum and heated by immersion into a preheated oil bath of 135.degree. C. The reaction was stirred for 2.5 hours and then precipitated into methanol (500 mL). The resulting polymer of poly(n-butyl acrylate-b-styrene) had a MN=104,900 with PD=1.71. EXAMPLE III Isoprene Polymerization In a R reactor was discharged isoprene (75 mL), N-(1-methylbenzyl)-oxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidine (MB -TMP) (0.079 grams), glucose (0.12 grams) and NaHCO.sub.3 (0.14 grams). The reactor was purged with argon through the solution for 15 minutes and then heated to 145.degree. C. over a 20 minute interval. This temperature was maintained for 4 hours after which it was cooled and monomer evaporated to yield polyisoprene of Mn=20,573, with a PD=1.33 and conversion of 25 percent. EXAMPLE IV Block Copolymerization To a 3 necked round bottom flask was added n-butyl acrylate (25 mL), glucose (0.119 grams), NaHCO.sub.3 (0.139 grams) and a polystyrene TEMPO terminated (2.068 g, Mn=6,000). This was purged with argon gas bubbling through the solution for 25 minutes. Then the flask was heated by immersion into a preheated oil bath of 145.degree. C. After 5 hours, poly(styrene-b-n-butyl acrylate) was obtained with Mn=29,594, and PD=2.18 and conversion of 62 percent. EXAMPLE V Isoprene Polymerization In a R pressurized steel reactor was discharged isoprene (75 mL), MB-TMP (0.072 g) and benzoin (0.182 g). This solution was purged with argon and then heated to 145.degree. C. The internal pressure rose to 198 p.s.i. After 6 hours the pressure had fallen to 120 p.s.i. and the reaction was cooled. Polyisoprene was obtained with MN=55,000 and PD=1.55 and conversion of 36.9 percent. COMATIVE EXAMPLE V As a comparison, Example V was repeated with the exception that no reducing additive was used with the result that there was generated a polyisoprene of Mn=3,000 and conversion of 5 percent was obtained. EXAMPLE VI n-Butyl Acrylate Polymerization with Reducing Agent In a 100 mL 3-necked round bottom flask equipped with a condenser, gas inlet and rubber septum was added N-(1-methylbenzyl)-oxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidine (MB-TMP) (0.072 g, 0.0271 mmoles), dextrose (0.5 g), NaHCO.sub.3 (0.5 grams) and n-butylacrylate (25 mL). This was then deoxygenated by bubbling argon through the suspension followed by heating with a preheated oil bath (to 115.degree. C.). The reaction was stirred for 7 hours resulting in poly(n-butyl acrylate)-TEMPO of MN=37,555 with PD of 1.92 and conversion of 36.4 percent. EXAMPLE VII n-Butylacrylate Polymerization with Reducing Agent To a round bottomed flask equipped with a reflux condenser, thermometer and gas inlet tube was added BPO (0.1 grams, 0.413 mmoles), stable free radical agent 4-HO-TEMPO (0.097 grams, 0.563 moles), acetol (0.2 mL, 2.69 mmoles) as a reducing agent, and n-butyl acrylate (25 mL) monomer. This solution was deoxygenated for 10 minutes by bubbling argon through the solution and then heated by immersion into a hot oil bath (145.degree. C.). The reaction was stirred for 8.5 hours to yield 4-HO-TEMPO terminated poly(n-butyl acrylate) of Mn=36,297 with a polydispersity of 1.65 and conversion of 56 percent. EXAMPLE VIII n-Butylacrylate Polymerization with Reducing Agent To a round bottomed flask equipped with a reflux condenser, thermometer and gas inlet tube was added free radical initiator benzoyl peroxide(BPO) (0.2 grams, 0.83 mmoles), stable free radical agent 4-HO-TEMPO (0.171 grams, 0.993 mmoles), hydroxybutanone (0.8 mL, 9.1 mmoles) as a reducing agent, and n-butyl acrylate (25 mL) monomer. This solution was deoxygenated for 10 minutes by bubbling argon through the solution and then heated by immersion into a hot oil bath (145.degree. C.). The reaction was stirred for 7.5 hours to yield 4-HO-TEMPO terminated poly(n-butyl acrylate) of MN=47,488 with a polydispersity of 2.12 and conversion of 80 percent. EXAMPLE IX Magnetic Toner Preparation and Evaluation A polymer resin (74 weight percent of the total mixture) obtainable by stable free radical polymerization of mixtures of styrene and butadiene may be melt extruded with 10 weight percent of REGAL 330.RTM. carbon black and 16 weight percent of MAPICO BLACK.RTM. magnetite at 120.degree. C., and the extrudate pulverized in a Waring blender and jetted and classified to 8 micron number average sized particles as measured by a Coulter counter. A positively charging magnetic toner may be prepared by surface treating the jetted toner (2 grams) with 0.12 gram of a 1:1 weight ratio of AEROSIL R972.RTM. (Degussa) and TP-302 a naphthalene sulfonate and quaternary ammonium salt (Nachem/Hodogaya Sl) charge control agent. Developer compositions may then be prepared by admixing 3.34 parts by weight of the aforementioned toner composition with 96.66 parts by weight of a carrier comprised of a steel core with a polymer mixture thereover containing 70 percent by weight of KYNAR.RTM., a polyvinylidene fluoride, and 30 percent by weight of polymethyl methacrylate; the coating weight being about 0.9 percent. Cascade development may be used to develop a Xerox Model D photoreceptor using a "negative" target. The light exposure may be set between 5 and 10 seconds and a negative bias used to dark transfer the positive toned images from the photoreceptor to paper. Fusing evaluations may be carried out with a Xerox Corporation 5028.RTM. soft silicone roll fuser, operated at 7.62 cm (3 inches) per second. The actual fuser roll temperatures may be determined using an Omega pyrometer and was checked with wax paper indicators. The degree to which a developed toner image adhered to paper after fusing is evaluated using a Scotch.RTM. tape test. The fix level is expected to be excellent and comparable to that fix obtained with toner compositions prepared from other methods for preparing toners. Typically greater than 95 percent of the toner image remains fixed to the copy sheet after removing a tape strip as determined by a densitometer. Alternatively, the fixed level may be quantitated using the known crease test, reference the aforementioned U.S. Pat. No. 5,312,704. Images may be developed in a xerographic imaging test fixture with a negatively charged layered imaging member comprised of a supporting substrate of aluminum, a photogenerating layer of trigonal selenium, and a charge transport layer of the aryl amine N,N'-diphenyl-N,N'-bis(3-methylphenyl)1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diamine, 45 weight percent, dispersed in 55 weight percent of the polycarbonate MAKROLON.RTM., reference U.S. Pat. No. 4,265,990, the disclosure of which is totally incorporated herein by reference; images for toner compositions prepared from the copolymers derived from for example, Example XI are expected to be of excellent quality with no background deposits and of high resolution over an extended number of imaging cycles exceeding, it is believed, about 75,000 imaging cycles. Other toner compositions may be readily prepared by conventional means from the pigmented thermoplastic resins particles obtained from the improved polymerization processes of the present invention, including colored toners, single component toners, multi-component toners, toners containing special performance additives, and the like. In embodiments, the processes of the present invention can be selected for and employed in preparing polymeric particulate materials including, but not limited to, crystalline, semicrystalline, and amorphous polymeric materials, and mixtures thereof. Other modifications of the present invention may occur to one of ordinary skill in the art based upon a review of the present application and these modifications, including equivalents thereof, are intended to be included within the scope of the present invention.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT An embodiment of the invention will now be described with reference to the drawing figures, in which like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout. In general, various embodiments of the invention provide a device and system to track an inventory of pallets and/or cargo placed thereon. As used herein, the term, “pallet” refers to a unit load device used to load, transport, and offload freight or other such cargo on transport vehicles such as planes, ships, trains, trucks, and the like. In a particular embodiment, a cassette is configured to integrate into the pallet. As used herein, the term, “cassette” refers to a container such as, for example, a case, magazine, cartridge, and/or the like. In general, the cassette includes a tracking device. Examples of suitable tracking devices include bar codes such as universal product codes (“UPC”), European article number (“EAN”), global trade item number (“GTIN”), radio frequency identification (“RFID”) and the like. While any suitable tracking device is within the scope and spirit of embodiments of the invention, in a specific embodiment, the tracking device is an RFID tag. The RFID tag may include any suitable format and communication standard. For example, the RFID tag may utilize a suitable International Organization for Standards (“ISO”) standard such as ISO 18185, ISO 18000-2A,2B, or the like. Other suitable transmission standards include standards set by the International Electrotechnical Commission (“IEC”), American Society for Testing and Materials (“ASTM”), etc. Suitable formats include various chip and antenna configurations such as flat films and encapsulated ampoules. In the specific embodiment set forth herein, example is made of an RFID cassette. As used herein, the term, “RFID cassette” refers to such a cassette configured to retain an RFID tag and further configured to be easily loaded into and unloaded from the extruded metal mounting system. However, as described herein, embodiments are not limited to RFID tags, but rather, any suitable tracking device is within the scope and spirit of the various embodiments of the invention. As shown inFIG. 1an RFID pallet system10includes a pallet12and an RFID cassette14. The pallet12includes a mounting system16disposed on a reinforced edge18at the perimeter of the pallet12. The pallet12further includes a panel20secured to the edge18. In use, cargo22is placed on the panel20and attachment devices24such as “D” rings are secured to the mounting system16. A webbing26(or rope, net, etc.) may be placed over the cargo22and tied off at the attachment devices24to secure the cargo22to the pallet12. According to an embodiment of the invention, the RFID cassette14is configured to lock into the mounting system16. As described herein, the RFID cassette14is configured to easily and securely fasten into the mounting system16. The RFID cassette14is further configured to easily be removed from the mounting system16. It is an advantage of the RFID cassette14that existing pallets such as the pallet12can be quickly and easily retrofit with the RFID cassette14to facilitate tracking and inventory management. FIG. 2is an exploded view of the RFID cassette14according toFIG. 1. As shown inFIG. 2, the RFID cassette14includes a housing30, flanges32, seat34, RFID tag36, and lock38. The housing30may include any suitable material. In general, suitable materials include those that allow for the communication between the RFID tag36and a conventional RFID reader. Specific examples of suitable materials include polymers and resins such as plastics, epoxies, and the like. A particularly suitable material includes polycarbonate. Properties of polycarbonate that make this material particularly suitable include: 1) As a thermoplastic, polycarbonate is easily worked, molded, and thermoformed; 2) Polycarbonate is very durable; 3) Polycarbonate is inexpensive; 4) Polycarbonate is light weight; 5) Polycarbonate is combustion resistant; and 6) Polycarbonate is already widely used for a variety of aircraft parts and is accepted in the airline industry. The flanges32extend radially outwardly from the housing30and, as shown and described herein, are configured to retain the RFID cassette14within the mounting system16. In various embodiments, the flanges32may formed together with the housing30, may be initially formed to a general shape and subsequently milled or otherwise formed to mate with a specific mounting system16, and/or variously shaped flanges34may be interchangeably attached to the housing30to accommodate different mounting systems16. The seat34is configured to accept and retain the RFID tag36. In a particular example, the seat34includes a clip40that is recessed into the bottom of the housing. The clip40is configured to spread apart in response to the RFID tag36being urged therein and clamp the RFID tag36to secure the RFID tag36therein. The clip40may include detents and/or an inwardly protruding lip to facilitate retention of the RFID tag36. However, in various other examples, the RFID tag36may be seated in the RFID cassette14via molding the RFID tag36integrally into the housing30, gluing or otherwise affixing the RFID tag36into or onto the housing30, mechanically fastening the RFID tag36into or onto the housing30, and/or the like. The RFID tag36includes any suitable RFID transmitting device or transponder such as active and passive RFID tags. More generally, the RFID tag36may include any suitable device configured to transmit or otherwise provide an identifying signal or code. In a particular example, the RFID tag36is a glass ampoule type transponder operating at a frequency of 125 thousand cycles per second (“Khz”) using communication protocol ISO/IEC 18000-2A,2B. The lock38is configured to secure the RFID cassette14to the mounting system16. In various embodiments, the lock38physically prevents the RFID cassette14from moving along the mounting system16and/or clamps down upon the mounting system16to secure the RFID cassette14to the mounting system16. In a particular example, the lock includes a disk42secured to the housing30by a bolt44and nut46. The nut46is captured in a hexagonal recess under the housing30and the bolt44passes down through a hole in the disk42and through a hole in the housing30to threadedly engage the nut46. In this manner, the disk is threadedly secured to the housing30. In other embodiments, the disk42may included a threaded rod extending perpendicularly outward from a plane of the disk42and this threaded rod may mate with the nut46. In yet another embodiment, a threaded rod may extend upward from the housing30and mate with a threaded hole in the disk. These examples and any other suitable variation thereof are within the purview of embodiments of the invention. FIG. 3is a detailed perspective view of the RFID cassette14. As shown inFIG. 3, the flanges32include upper bearing surfaces50. Also shown inFIG. 3, the disk42includes a side bearing surface52that defines an edge perimeter of the disk42. FIG. 4is a cross sectional view A-A showing the RFID cassette14with the RFID tag36installed. As shown inFIG. 4, the clip40includes a pair of tabs56that extend downward from an upper portion58of the housing30. The RFID tag36is held in place by respective lips60that extend inward towards a centerline62. In other examples, the tabs may include detents or the like to retain the RFID tag36. In a particular example, the tabs56are disposed symmetrically about the centerline62. Also shown inFIG. 4, the flanges32extend outward from a lower portion64of the housing30. FIG. 5is a top view of the RFID cassette14at an initial installation step according toFIG. 1. As shown inFIG. 5, the mounting system16includes a channel70and channel lip72with regularly spaced cutouts74. The spacing of flanges32along the housing30is configured to match the spacing of the cutouts74. For that matter, the size and shape of the flanges32is configured to closely match the size and shape of the cutout74while leaving enough tolerance to accommodate slight machining differences. Of note, when the flanges32are in alignment with the cutouts74, the disk42is offset from the cutouts74. In order to fully seat the housing30into the channel70so that the flanges32are disposed below the channel lip72(shown inFIG. 7), the lock38is disengaged. For example, the bolt44is loosened or removed to allow the disk42to be raised or removed from the housing30. FIG. 6is a top view of the RFID cassette14at an second installation step. As shown inFIG. 6, in response to the lock38being disengaged, the RFID cassette14may be slid along the channel70. In a particular example, the RFID cassette14may be slid approximately ½ the spacing distance between the cutout74as indicated by the arrow80. Once positioned with the lock38in alignment with a particular cutout of the cutouts74, the lock38is engaged to secure the RFID cassette in the mounting system16. For example, the disk42is nested down into the cutout74and nut44is tightened down upon the disk42to lock the disk42. Removing the RFID cassette14is performed in a reverse manner as compared to installation. FIG. 7is a cross sectional view B-B showing the RFID cassette14installed in the mounting system16. As shown inFIG. 7, the RFID cassette14mates or nests into the mounting system16to protect the RFID cassette14while facilitating communication with the RFID tag36. For example, the RFID cassette14is nested into the mounting system16via the bearing surface50which is in cooperative alignment with a bearing surface82disposed on the underside of the channel lip72. This cooperative alignment entraps the RFID cassette14in the mounting system16. The RFID cassette14is protected by virtue of the RFID cassette14being disposed at or below an upper surface84of the mounting system16. Communication with the RFID cassette14is facilitated due to close proximity of the RFID tag36with the upper surface84and the opening of the channel70. As such, the RFID tag36can receive and send signals over a relatively wide angle Θ. In general, the angle Θ is about 90°+/−20° or, more generally, the RFID tag36may communicate with any suitable RFID reader that is above or overhead of the RFID tag36. Also shown inFIG. 7is a cross sectional view of a suitable mounting system such as the mounting system16. In general, the mounting system16may include an extruded metal rail or channel. A particularly suitable example of a mounting system includes and extruded aluminum track or frame. Such frames typically include profiles with integrated T-slots or other such attachment systems. FIG. 8. is a detailed perspective view of the RFID cassette14installed in a mounting system16. As shown inFIG. 8, the RFID cassette14is locked into the mounting system16via the interaction of the disk42and the cutout74acting to prevent the RFID cassette14sliding along the channel70. In particular, the side bearing surface is configured to bear against a side lip bearing surface90to prevent the RFID cassette14sliding along the channel70. FIG. 9is a perspective view of the RFID cassette14according toFIG. 1with an optional spring92. As shown inFIG. 9, if included, the spring92biases the disk42in a raised or disengaged position. More particularly, the spring92urges the disk42above the channel lip72(Shown inFIG. 7) to facilitate insertion, positioning, and/or removal of the RFID cassette14from the mounting system16. The spring92may include any suitable spring and/or elastic device. A particular example of a suitable spring includes a conical or volute spring. FIG. 10is an exploded view of an RFID cassette14according to another embodiment of the invention. In general, the RFID cassette14according toFIG. 10is similar to the RFID cassette14according toFIGS. 1-9and thus, in the interest of brevity, those components described hereinabove may not be described again hereinbelow. As shown inFIG. 10, the RFID cassette14includes the housing30, flanges32, seat34, RFID tag36, and disk42. In addition, the RFID cassette14includes a spring94and guide rod96. In general, the spring94may include any suitable spring, elastic device, actuator, and/or the like. In a particular example, the spring94includes a conventional compression-type, helically wound, spring. The spring94is configured to urge the disk42and housing30apart. The guide rod96is configured to provide a stop for the disk42at a locked position and/or facilitate proper function or alignment of the spring94. The guide rod96may be secured to the housing30in any suitable manner. For example, the guide rod96may be threadedly secured, press fit, pinned, glued, welded, and/or the like to the housing30. FIG. 11is another exploded view of an RFID cassette14according toFIG. 10. As shown inFIG. 11, the housing30includes a spring bore98, spring seat100, and guide rod bore102. The spring bore98is configured to receive the spring94. The spring seat100is configured to provide a bearing surface for the spring94. The guide rod bore102is configured to receive and/or secure a first end of the guide rod96. Also shown inFIG. 11, the disk42includes a guide rod head bore104, guide rod head seat106, and guide rod through hole108. The guide rod head bore104is configured to receive a head110of the guide rod96. The guide rod head seat106is configured to provide a stop or bearing surface for the head110. When assembled, the disk42is captured on the guide rod96such that the disk42may slide along a portion of a length of the guide rod96. The guide rod through hole108is configured to provide a bushing or sleeve to slidably mate with the guide rod96 FIG. 12is a perspective view of the RFID cassette14at an initial installation step according toFIG. 10. Similar to the illustration ofFIG. 5,FIG. 12shows the mounting system16which includes the channel70and channel lip72with regularly spaced cutouts74. The spacing of flanges32along the housing30is configured to match the spacing of the cutouts74. To insert the RFID cassette14into the mounting system16, the disk42is slid along the guide rod96towards the housing30until the disk42matches the spacing of the flanges32and cutouts74. In response to the disk42and flanges32being spaced to match the cutouts74, the RFID cassette14is operable to drop into the channel70. Of note, the spring94(shown inFIGS. 11 and 13) may fully reside within the spring bore98(shown inFIG. 11) and/or a spring bore disposed in the disk42(not shown). In addition, travel of the disk42along the guide rod96may be constrained between an insertion/removal position as shown inFIG. 12and a locked or installed position as shown inFIG. 13. For example, the housing30may be configured to stop the disk42at the insertion/removal position. FIG. 13is a perspective view of the RFID cassette14at an second installation step according toFIG. 10. As shown inFIG. 13, in response to the RFID cassette14being inserted into the channel70, the spring94is configured to urge the housing30to slide away from the disk42and along the channel70. Of note, because the disk42is captured within the cutout72, the disk42remains stationary while the housing30is moved. Once the travel of the guide rod96relative to the disk42reaches its limit e.g., the head110reaches the guide rod head seat106(both shown inFIG. 11), the flanges32are configured to be positioned approximately ½ the spacing distance between the cutout74. In this regard, the disk42, spring94, and guide rod96function together with the flanges32as the lock38. That is, by urging the flanges32in position under the channel lips72, the RFID cassette14is locked or secured in the mounting system16. Removing the RFID cassette14is performed in a reverse manner as compared to installation. The many features and advantages of the invention are apparent from the detailed specification, and thus, it is intended by the appended claims to cover all such features and advantages of the invention which fall within the true spirit and scope of the invention. Further, since numerous modifications and variations will readily occur to those skilled in the art, it is not desired to limit the invention to the exact construction and operation illustrated and described, and accordingly, all suitable modifications and equivalents may be resorted to, falling within the scope of the invention.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Referring now to the drawings wherein like reference numerals are used to identify identical components in the various views, FIG. 1 is a simplified schematic and block diagram view of an ignition apparatus 10 having impulse noise suppression according to the invention. Ignition apparatus 10 includes an ion current sensing capability and is adapted for installation to a conventional spark plug 12 having spaced electrodes 14 and 16 received in a spark plug opening of an internal combustion engine 18 . As known, the electrodes of spark plug 12 are proximate a combustion cylinder of engine 18 . Apparatus 10 further includes a primary winding 22 , a secondary winding 24 , a core 26 , ignition circuitry 28 , a primary switch 30 , an ion current detection circuit 32 , and an ion current signal processing circuit 34 (first embodiment) having impulse noise suppression capability. Generally, overall spark timing (dwell control) is provided by an engine control unit (ECU) 20 or the like. Control unit 20 , in addition to spark control, may also control fuel delivery, air control and the like. In a global sense, control unit 20 is configured to control overall combustion in engine 18 . Control unit 20 may include, for example, a central processing unit (CPU), memory, and input/output, all operating according to preprogrammed strategies. In addition, engine control unit 20 may be configured to provide a knock window signal designated KWI (i.e., start, end, and duration). The knock window is defined so as to enable or optimize knock detection. Approaches for the generation of the knock window are known in the art (e.g., determined generally based on the engine position or range of positions in which knock is most likely to occur). Alternatively, if a knock window signal is not provided by engine control unit 20 , ignition circuitry 28 may be configured to generate a knock window for use by processing circuit 34 , for example, as described in copending application entitled IGNITION COIL INTEGRATED ION SENSE WITH COMBUSTION AND KNOCK OUTPUTS, U.S. application Ser. No. 10/091/247, filed on Mar. 4, 2002, attorney docket no. DP-304,842, assigned to the common assignee of the present invention, and hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. A high side end of primary winding 22 may be connected to a supply voltage provided by a power supply, such as a vehicle battery (not shown) hereinafter designated B in the drawings. Supply voltage B may nominally be approximately 12 volts. A second end of the primary winding opposite the high side end is connected to switch 30 . The high voltage end of secondary winding 24 is coupled to spark plug 12 . The opposite end of secondary winding 24 is connected to ion current detection circuit 32 . Ignition circuitry 28 is configured to selectively connect, by way of switch 30 , primary winding 22 to ground based on an electronic spark timing signal, for example, provided by engine control unit 20 . Such connection, as is generally known in the art, will cause a primary current I P to flow through the primary winding 22 . Switch 30 may comprise conventional components, for example, a bipolar transistor, a MOSFET transistor, or an insulated gate bipolar transistor. Ignition circuitry 28 may be configured to provide additional functions, for example, applying repetitive sparks to the combustion chamber during a single combustion event. The EST signal referred to above is generated by controlling unit 20 in accordance with known strategies based on a plurality of engine operating parameters as well as other inputs. Dwell control generally involves the control of the timing of the initiation of the spark event (i.e., at a crankshaft position and degrees relative to a top dead center position of a piston in the cylinder) as well as a duration period. The asserted ignition control signal EST is the command to commence charging of the ignition coil for a spark event. After charging, primary winding 22 is disconnected from ground, thereby interrupting the primary current I P . It is well understood by those of ordinary skill in the art of ignition control that such interruption results in a relatively high voltage being immediately established across the secondary winding, due to the collapsing magnetic fields associated with the interruption of the primary current. The secondary voltage will continue to rise until reaching a breakdown voltage across electrodes 16 , 14 of spark plug 12 . Current will thereafter discharge across the gap (i.e., spark current), as is generally understood in the art. The spark event, as is generally understood by those of ordinary skill in the art, is provided to ignite an air and fuel mixture introduced into the cylinder. During the spark event, a spark current, designated I SPARK , flows across spaced electrodes 16 , 14 . In addition, spark plug 12 is configured so that when biased by a relatively high voltage produced by ion current detection circuit 32 , an ion current may be carried across electrodes 14 , 16 . In the figures, the ion current is designated I ION . The magnitude of a DC component of the ion current is indicative of a combustion condition, such as combustion, and/or misfire. In particular, as is known, the greater the ion current (i.e., due to more ionized molecules present in the cylinder), the more complete the combustion. In addition, the presence of an AC component of the ion current is indicative of a knock condition. A first knock mode may be defined based on the magnitude of the AC component of the ion current in a range between approximately 5-6 kHz. Alternatively, a second knock mode may be defined based on a magnitude of the AC component of the ion current in a range between approximately 10-12 kHz. It has been observed that knock will most likely occur at the peak of the ion current, which may be from about 10-15 degrees after TDC. Ion current detection circuit 32 is configured to perform multiple functions. First, circuit 32 is configured to establish a bias voltage across electrodes 14 , 16 for causing an ion current to flow. The structure for performing this function may include any one of a plurality of approaches known in the art. In one embodiment, a zener diode is employed in parallel with the storage capacitor; however, this is exemplary only and not limiting in nature. Circuit 32 is further configured to provide the means for sensing the ion current and for generating in response thereto an ion current signal. Processing circuit 34 is configured generally to suppress noise transients in the ion current signal provided by circuit 32 , and further to integrate such signal and produce an output signal indicative of knock intensity. FIG. 2 is a simplified schematic and block diagram view showing, in greater detail, a first embodiment of the processing circuit 34 of FIG. 1 . As used herein with respect to the electrical components in FIG. 2 , an exemplary value, as used in a constructed embodiment, will follow parenthetically after the element reference numeral. Processing circuit 34 includes a bandpass filter/amplifier 36 , a rectifier/threshold detector 38 , a blanking circuit 40 , an optional amplifier circuit 42 , an integrator 43 , and input circuitry comprising a resistor 46 (27 k ), a capacitor 48 (47 nF) and a variable resistor 50 (100 k ). Bandpass filter/amplifier circuit 36 is configured to filter the ion current signal I ION to extract knock frequency components. In the illustrated embodiment of FIG. 2 , the bandpass filter/amplifier 36 is configured to allow a predetermined frequency range to pass, particularly, the first knock mode mentioned above in the 5-6 kHz range. An output of circuit 36 is produced on an output node 52 with the resulting bandpassed filtered ion current signal being referred to herein as S 52 . Rectifier/threshold detector 38 is configured to rectify the AC component of the filtered ion current signal, and, additionally, compare the rectified, filtered signal against a predetermined threshold level. The predetermined threshold level is selected so as to correspond to a high amplitude, short duration burst, that is characteristic of a corona partial discharge phenomenon, as described in the Background. This function may be accomplished through the use of conventional components known to those of ordinary skill in the art (e.g., comparator). When such an impulse noise transient is detected, the output of circuit 38 changes logic states from a logic low to a logic high on an output node 54 thereof. The logic signal output from circuit 38 is referred to herein as a trigger signal, whose import will be described in further detail hereinafter. Blanking circuit 40 is responsive to the trigger signal and is configured to suppress noise transients (e.g., noise transient 44 shown in FIG. 3A ) in the filtered, ion current signal during a knock window KWI. Blanking circuit 40 , in the illustrated embodiment, includes a first monostable multivibrator (one-shot) 56 having a first timing resistor 58 (39 k ) and a first timing capacitor 60 (10 nF) associated therewith, a second monostable multivibrator (one-shot) 62 having a second timing resistor 64 (100 k ) and a second timing capacitor 66 (47 nF) associated therewith, input resistor 68 (10 k ), resistor 70 (10 k ), and resistor 72 (10 k ), output resistor 74 (10 k ), resistor 76 (22 k ) and resistor 78 (11 k ), and a pair of switches such as NPN bipolar transistors 80 and 82 . The knock window referred to above is provided on node 84 . The one-shots 56 , and 62 may comprise conventional components, commercially available, and known to those of ordinary skill in the art, such as, for example, a component having model no. 74HC4538 known as a dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator, or similar functionality. In the illustrated embodiment, the numerals without lead lines around the perimeter of each of the one-shot blocks refers to a pin out designation of the HC 4538 chip, and is exemplary only and not limiting in nature. At times other than during the knock window, the knock window signal KWI, which is applied to the reset inputs ( R ) of one-shots 56 , and 62 , hold the one-shots in a reset, or disabled condition. When the knock window opens, as controlled by the knock window signal KWI on node 84 (e.g., a logic low level transitioning to a logic high level), the one-shots 56 , 62 are enabled for operation as further described herein. When transistor 82 is off, which is the normal case since the output Q of one-shot 56 is low, the ion current signal passes on to gain control circuitry, at the input of integrator 43 where its level may be set for proper operation of, for example, a knock processor integrated circuit. The one-shot 56 is initiated or triggered by the trigger signal generated on node 54 . An output blanking pulse, which is generated on node 86 , is configured to bias transistor 82 into a conductive state, which draws an input node 88 to integrator 43 to ground for the duration of the blanking pulse. Timing components 58 , and 60 associated with one-shot 56 are selected so that the blanking pulse 86 is wide enough to blank a substantial portion of an impulse noise transient 44 , but not be so wide as to mask all of the knock signal in the knock widow KWI. In one embodiment, for 6 kHz knock signals, blanking pulse 86 is selected to have a pulse width between about 200-250 microseconds. One-shot 62 produces a pulse that is of a longer duration than one-shot 56 , and is triggered by a falling edge of the blanking pulse 86 , which turns on clamping transistor 80 to ensure that only one blanking pulse 86 per knock window is produced. This, in-effect, is a fail safe feature so as to ensure that even if the threshold level becomes misadjusted in detector 38 , that not all of the knock information available during the knock window is inadvertently blanked or masked by generating multiple blanking pulses. Alternate strategies, of course, may be used (e.g., two blanking pulses per knock window). With continued reference to FIG. 2 , circuit 42 is configured to adjust the level of the filtered, ion current signal that is provided at node 88 for any attenuation due to the filter. Circuit 42 produces an output at node 90 that is an amplified version of its input. Circuit 42 includes an amplifier 92 , input resistor 94 (470 k ), resistor 96 (10 k ) and resistor 98 (100 k ), input capacitor 100 (47 nF), feedback and output resistor 102 (100 k ), resistor 104 (51 k ), resistor 106 (220 k ) and capacitor 108 (47 nF). Amplifier 92 may comprise conventional components known to those of ordinary skill in the art, for example, commercially available component having model no. designated TLC272. Circuit 42 is optional. Integrator 43 is configured to integrate the filtered, ion current signal, as amplified by circuit 42 (if included). The integrator 43 produces an output 91 that is an integrated version of its input, and is indicative of a knock intensity. Integrator 43 may be an analog integrator or a digital integrator, both known. Integrator 43 may be included in processing circuit (as shown), or may be included in ignition circuitry 28 . Referring now to FIG. 2 , FIGS. 3A-3B , and 4 A- 4 C, the overall operation of an embodiment according to the invention will now be set forth. After sparking has occurred, ion current detection circuit 32 biases spark plug 12 to thereby produce an ion current I ION . At a predetermined time, engine control unit 20 produces a knock window signal KWI, which is designated by trace 84 in FIG. 3 A. The ion current signal is bandpass filtered by bandpass filter/amplifier 36 , and an output thereof is provided on output node 52 , which is designated by trace 52 in FIG. 3 A. Note, that the signal S 52 appearing on node 52 includes an impulse noise transient 44 . Rectifier/threshold detector 38 detects impulse noise 44 and produces the trigger signal on node 54 . The knock window signal shown by trace 84 in FIG. 3A , having already been provided to one-shot circuits 56 and 62 , enables the one-shot circuits for operation. Upon receipt of the trigger signal S 54 by way of resistor 72 , one-shot circuit 56 produces a blanking pulse on output node 86 . The blanking pulse, shown as trace 86 in FIG. 4C , has a predetermined duration, designated T in FIG. 4C , that is selected to mask a substantial part of the impulse noise transient 44 , without unduly masking or blanking valid knock information in the remainder of trace 52 . The blanking signal shown as trace 86 in FIG. 4C is operative to cause transistor 82 to be placed in a conductive state, which clamps the filtered knock signal on node 88 to ground. When transistor 82 is off, the signal will pass on to the input of integrator 43 , as described above. FIG. 3B shows the effect of the clamping action of transistor 82 relative to the signal at node 88 . Note, that the scale of FIG. 3B differs somewhat from the scale in FIGS. 4A-4C . Referring to FIG. 4B , it is shown that the invention causes integrator 43 to effectively hold its output 91 during the blanking pulse 86 . FIG. 4C further shows the blanking pulse in relation to a cylinder pressure signal 110 corresponding to the pressure in the cylinder being sensed. FIG. 5 shows, in greater detail, a preferred embodiment of processing circuit 34 of FIG. 1 , designated circuit 34 a . Preferred circuit 34 a is the same as circuit 34 in FIG. 2 , except as described below. Circuit 34 a includes a high pass filter 112 , which improves discrimination between a spike and knock, improves response time, and minimizes inadvertent tripping of the one-shot blanking pulse when presented with high amplitude bursts of clean knock signals. The input I ION to circuit 34 a is provided to an input node 114 . FIG. 5 further shows capacitors 116 and 118 . The ion signal I ION is provided to high pass filter 112 (not via bandpass filter 36 ). The noise impulse generally includes wide band frequency components. Preferably, the cut on frequency is selected to be equal to or higher than the knock mode that may be present in the signal. For example, for a 6 kHz knock mode, the high pass filter preferably has a cut on frequency equal to or greater than 6 kHz. Moreover, the filter may be a first order, second order or third order type filter arrangement. For cut on frequency of about 6 kHz (i e., equal to the knock mode being detected), the order of the filter does not appreciably affect discriminating a spike from knock signals. However, as the cut on frequency is increased (e.g., 8 kHz, 10 kHz, 12 kHz, etc.), the higher the order for filter 112 , the greater the discriminating ability to discern a spike from just knock signals, even clean, strong knock signals. This arrangement minimizes occurrence of false trips of the blanking pulse. The input I ION passes through bandpass filter 36 (as in circuit 34 ), the output of which is fed to input node 88 . It should be understood that the foregoing is exemplary only and not limiting in nature. For example, integrator 43 may comprise digital integration circuitry, or, in a yet further embodiment, may comprise a circuit having a built-in hold function activated by a signal on an input terminal thereof that can be operated directly by the blanking pulse generated by one-shot 56 produced on node 86 .
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Referring to drawing FIG. 1, a silicon wafer 10 has an overlying layer 11 of borophosphosilicate glass (BPSG) in which patterns for circuits have been etched exposing silicon wafer 10 at alignment marks 12 on the wafer 10, a predetermined area of the wafer. A material has been formed over the wafer surface and the surface planarized, typically using a chemical mechanical planarization process leaving residue 13 at the alignment marks 12, a predetermined area of the wafer, on the wafer 10. Typically, a refractory metal, tungsten will have been deposited by chemical vapor deposition over the wafer surface and the surface planarized using a chemical mechanical planarization process leaving residue 13 at the alignment marks 12 on the wafer 10 or other predetermined areas of the wafer. The residue 13 may include the chemical mechanical planarization process slurry material, a refractory metal residue, a photoresist residue, a dielectric material residue, a polysilicon material residue, etc.; i.e., for example, any residue from a semiconductor manufacturing process may be present in the alignment marks 12 on the wafer 10 to be removed therefrom or from any desired predetermined area of the wafer. Referring to drawing FIG. 2, the wafer 10 is mounted in a substantially flat alignment (horizontal, perpendicular alignment) prior to the local dispersion of a wet etching agent to remove residue 13. The wet etching agent may comprise well known etching agents, such as liquid, liquid vapor, gases, etc., examples of such including ammonia, hydrogen fluoride, nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide, ammonium fluoride, etc. The etchant may be heated, if desired, by any suitable source, such as ultrasonic energy, laser heating, etc. The wafer surface overlying layer 11 must be positioned in relation to apparatus 21 such that lower thin annular edge 22, an annular type knife edge of the apparatus 21, is positioned adjacent layer 11, but not in contact with layer 11, to provide a "virtual" seal or vacuum therewith. An etching agent is introduced through a tubular member 52, a needle-like member of etchant dispensing apparatus 21 (also referred to as "etching apparatus" or "cleaning apparatus" 21) onto the alignment marks 12 on the wafer 10 to remove the residue 13. Since the alignment mark 12 is a few hundred microns in size and little unused area exists on the wafer 10 surrounding the mark 12, the constraints regarding the size and use of the etching apparatus are severe in order to ensure that any semiconductor circuit components in the electronic circuitry located on the wafer surrounding an alignment mark 12 are protected from the etching process. The etching apparatus 21 is an enclosed apparatus with the thin annular edge 22 thereof creating a "virtual" seal or vacuum with the underlying glass (BPSG) layer 11 by a suction being applied through annular space 56 formed between the interior annular wall of annular member 54 and the exterior wall of tubular member 52 of the etching apparatus 21. Sufficient suction is applied in the annular space 56 so that the pressure of the existing atmosphere surrounding the exterior of the thin annular edge 22 is greater than the pressure in the annular space 56 with the existing atmosphere surrounding the thin annular edge 22 being drawn into the annular space 56 between the tubular member 52 and annular member 54, thereby preventing any leakage of etchant from the annular space 56. The thin annular edge 22 of the etching apparatus 21 does not contact the surface of the layer 11, thereby preventing any damage thereto. The surrounding atmosphere of the annular member 54 flows into the gap formed between the lower edge of thin annular edge 22 and the surface of layer 11 (illustrated by the arrows entering into annular space 56 in drawing FIG. 2) creating the "virtual" seal or vacuum between the etching apparatus 21 and the layer 11, thereby preventing any etchant material being used from flowing from the annular space 56 onto the surrounding area of layer 11 of the exterior to annular member 54. The thin annular edge 22 is located as close as possible to the surface of the layer 11 on the wafer 10 without being in contact therewith. Referring to drawing FIG. 2A, if desired, more than one thin annular edge 22 may be used on the end of annular member 54 to create a labyrinth type "virtual" seal to more effectively prevent any fluid flow from the gap between the end of the annular member 54 and the surface of the layer 11. Such a labyrinth type thin annular edge 22' is illustrated in drawing FIG. 2A as having two thin annular edges 22' formed on the bottom of the annular member 54. In both the thin annular edge 22 and the labyrinth type thin annular edge 22', neither contacts the surface of the layer 11 to prevent the flow of etchant from the annular space 56 onto the surface of the layer 11 exterior to the annular member 54. But rather, the suction or vacuum applied to the annular space 56 draws the atmosphere surrounding the exterior of the annular member 54 into the annular space 56, thereby preventing any substantial leakage of any material in the annular space 56 to the exterior of the annular member 54. Additionally, it should be understood that the annular space 56 refers to any shape annular area formed between any two geometrically shaped members. That is, the tubular member 52 may have any desired cross-sectional geometric shape, such as cylindrical, hexagonal, square, octagon, ellipsoid, etc., and the annular member 54 may have any desired cross-sectional geometric shape, such as cylindrical, hexagonal, square, octagon, ellipsoid, etc., and the annular area 56 formed therebetween by such shaped members will have any resulting cross-sectional configuration. Alignment between wafer 10 and etchant dispensing apparatus 21 may be accomplished by any suitable well known aligning and maneuvering techniques for aligning the wafer 10 into position. Though it is preferred that the wafer is at a 90.degree. angle, perpendicular to the etching apparatus 21, the orientation of the wafer 10 and etching apparatus 21 can be any desired position as long as the thin annular edge 22 or 22' of the etching apparatus 21 is located substantially adjacent, but not in contact with, the surface of the layer 11 on the wafer 10. Etching by-products are removed by suctioning or vacuuming them from the alignment mark 12 through annular space 56 formed between the interior annular wall of annular member 54 and the exterior wall of tubular member 52 of the etching apparatus 21. Referring to drawing FIG. 3, residue 13 (shown in FIGS. 2 and 2A) has been removed from alignment marks 12 and the etching by-products removed by suction applied through annular space 56 of the etching apparatus 21. In addition to the removal of etching by-products from the alignment mark 12 on the wafer 10 using suction through annular space 56, the removal of the etching by-products may be performed during the step of removing etching residue 13 (in situ) from alignment mark 12 by flowing water, or any desired cleaning material or agent or rinsing material or agent, into the etchant dispensing apparatus 21 after dispensing the etching agent therethrough to have such wash the residue from the alignment mark 12. Once the etching by-product is removed, wafer 10 is then cleaned by rinsing it with deionized water or other suitable well known cleaning or rinsing agents. Alternately, the selective etching of any material in the alignment marks 12 may be performed prior to planarization of the layer 11. Performing the selective etch prior to planarization of the layer 11 has an advantage in that the planarization removes any contaminants which may have been added on the wafer surface during selective wet etching of the alignment marks 12 (free from oxide or other particles). Referring to drawing FIG. 4, the cleaning head 50 of the cleaning apparatus 21 previously described herein is shown. The cleaning head 50 comprises a cylindrical body 51 having an elongated annular member 54 on the end of the stem 62 thereof, having in turn, thin annular edge 22 located thereon for engaging the surface of the wafer 10 and tubular member 52 located therein for supplying the etching products to the alignment mark 12 of the wafer 10. The cylindrical body 51 comprises a generally cylindrical head 60 and a generally cylindrical stem 62 having elongated annular member 54 thereon. Cylindrical head 60 includes a plurality of bores 64 therein, each bore 64 having threaded aperture 66 thereon for connection to a supply line (not shown), through which etching products are supplied during the etching process, one or more bores 68, each bore 68 having an intersecting blind bore 70 connecting therewith which is connected to a suitable source of suction or vacuum, through which etching by-products are suctioned or vacuumed from the alignment marks 12 on the wafer 10 during the etching of material therefrom and a bore 72 which intersects with bores 64 and within which is contained tubular member 52 which, in turn, supplies etching products to the alignment mark 12 of the wafer 10 during the etching of material therefrom. The stem 62 of the cleaning head 50 includes the lower end 74 of bore 68 extending from cylindrical head 60, bore 76, the wall of which forms annular space 56 with respect to the exterior wall of tubular member 52, and elongated annular member 54 on the end thereof having thin annular edge 22 or 22' thereon which is located adjacent, but not in contact with, the surface of the wafer 10 or any layer 11 on the wafer 10 which has the alignment marks 12 thereon having material removed therefrom, in turn, during etching. As shown, the tubular member 52 extends throughout the bore 76 forming the annular space 56 for the removal of etching products using a suction or vacuum source during the etching of the alignment marks 12 of the wafer 10. The cleaning head 50 may be made of any suitable material, may be formed of any desired number of pieces for the convenience of assembly, cleaning, or replacement thereof, and may be formed in any desired geometric shape. The tubular member 52 typically comprises hypodermic needle stock tubing, such as a 24 gage, i.e., 0.022 inches in external diameter, standard hypodermic needle stock tubing, although any suitable tubing may be used, such as Teflon.TM. tubing, glass tubing, polymeric tubing, etc. Furthermore, the tubular member 52 may have any desired geometric cross-sectional shape, such as cylindrical, hexagonal, square, octagonal, ellipsoid, etc. Referring to drawing FIG. 5, the cleaning head 50 is shown in a top view to illustrate the orientation of the various bores therein. As shown, the bores 64, each having threaded aperture 66 thereon, are generally spaced sixty degrees (60.degree.) from each other and extend horizontally within the head 60 intersecting bore 72 therein. Although the bores 64 have been illustrated as located generally sixty degrees from each other, they may be located in any desired spacing. The blind bore 70 intersects bore 68 of the head 60 to allow a source of vacuum to be supplied to the cleaning apparatus 21 during the use thereof to remove the etching products from the alignment marks 12 on the wafer 10 during the etching thereof. The bore 72 extends vertically within the cylindrical head 60, having the tubular member 52 being retained therein by any suitable means, such as an interference fit, adhesively bonded, etc. Referring to drawing FIG. 6, the cleaning head 50 is shown in a side view to further illustrate the various bores therewithin. As illustrated, the various bores 72 and 76 are concentrically located within cylindrical head 60 and stem 62. The thin annular edge 22 on the elongated annular member 54 of the stem 62 is formed by forming a chamfered annular surface having an included angle of approximately ninety degrees (90.degree.) therein. Although a ninety degree angle has been illustrated, the angle may be formed at any convenient angle which will provide a thin annular edge 22 on the elongated annular member 54 for being located adjacent the surface of the wafer 10 or any layer 11 located on the wafer 10 during the etching of the alignment marks 12 thereon to remove material therefrom. The thin annular edge 22 does not need to provide a fluid tight seal with respect to the wafer surface, but rather creates or forms a "virtal" seal or vacuum with respect to the wafer surface or the surface of a layer 11 on the wafer 10, because a sufficient amount of suction or vacuum is used to remove the etching products from the alignment marks 12 being etched so that the gap or space existing between the thin annular edge 22 and the layer 11 on the wafer 10, and the surrounding atmosphere, typically air, will be drawn into the annular area 56, thereby preventing any etching products from escaping from the gap or space. In this manner, in contrast to the prior art, no fluid tight seal or resilient fluid tight seal is needed on the end of the elongated annular member 54 of the stem 62, thereby eliminating all problems associated with the formation and maintenance of a fluid tight seal or resilient fluid tight seal thereon and, more importantly, any damage a fluid tight seal or resilient seal causes to the surface of the wafer 10 or any layer 11 on the wafer 10. Referring to drawing FIG. 7, the cleaning head 50 is shown in another side view to illustrate the relationship of the various bores 64, 68, 72, 76, and the lower end 74 of the bore 68 and the intersection thereof with bore 76. Again, the bores 72 and 76 are concentrically, vertically located within the cylindrical head 60 and stem 62 of the cleaning head 50. Referring to drawing FIG. 8, the cleaning apparatus 21 is schematically illustrated during the cleaning of alignment marks 12 on a wafer 10. Each cleaning apparatus 21 has a plurality of lines 80, each line 80 being connected to threaded aperture 66 to supply etching product to the cleaning head for the cleaning of an alignment mark 12 on the wafer 10, while each cleaning head also has vacuum line 82 connected to blind bore 70 to supply suction or vacuum to the cleaning head 50 to remove etching products from the cleaning head. It should be noted that the present invention contemplates either moving the cleaning head 50 to an alignment mark 12 on a wafer 10 to perform the cleaning of the alignment mark 12 or moving the alignment mark 12 on the wafer 10 to a fixed or stationary location of the cleaning head 50. All that is necessary is to have the cleaning head 50 located above and surrounding the alignment mark 12 on a wafer 10 during operation for the cleaning of the alignment mark 12. Although the present invention has been described with respect to the embodiment, it will be apparent that changes and modifications, such as the selective etching of any material using any desired number of etching products supplied through any desired number of lines to the cleaning apparatus, may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Additionally, the apparatus and method may be used to selectively etch any predetermined area of a wafer to remove any material therefrom, using any desired etching products which may be heated or cooled during their use. If desired, the wafer as well as the apparatus may be heated or cooled during use.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIG. 1 is a schematic of the physical and electrical configuration of a preferred ion source for the ion beam system 1 used to produce the liquid crystal cell of the present invention. The principals of operation of the system are best understood by realizing that an ion source consists of three regions. Ions are generated in the discharge plasma region 12, accelerated through the extraction region 6 and travel through the beam plasma region 44. Ions are generated in the discharge plasma region 12 by electron bombardment of neutral gas atoms. Electrons are emitted by a hot filament cathode 8 (driven by a current source i.sub.c 10) and accelerated by a potential difference, V.sub.d 20, between the cathode 8 and the anode 14. Preferably, a low energy beam of Argon ions is used to bombard the surface of a polyimide film layer 24. The Argon beam produces directional alignment when the beam is at an angle other than perpendicular to the surface. Because neutral beams of energetic particles can also cause damage of the polyimide resulting in broken bonds which provide a deleterious time dependent response in the liquid crystal when a voltage is applied to operate the display, it is highly desirable to use a low energy beam of energies comprising greater than 25 volts, rather than the hundreds of volts described in the literature (see, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 5,030,322, issued July 1991 to Shimada et al. and Japanese Patent No. JP 3,217,823 issued August 1991). These low energy beams modify the surface layer sufficiently to induce alignment without any measurable degradation. This voltage V.sub.d 20 is typically about 40V, which is several times higher than the Argon ionization voltage of 15.8 eV, and is used to establish a glow discharge. Before the discharge starts, the source body 2 is at the anode 14 potential. After the discharge starts, however, the connecting resistor 22 allows the source body 2 and the screen grid 4 to float to the cathode potential, directing the discharge current to the anode. The discharge plasma 12 establishes itself between the cathode 8, the anode 14, the chamber walls 16, 18, 32, 36 and the screen grid 4. To extract the ion beam from the discharge plasma, the anode voltage, V.sub.anode 26, is raised to a positive voltage above ground. Raising the anode potential increases the plasma potential to nearly the same value. Thus, any ion leaving the discharge plasma and striking the grounded substrate or alignment surface 24 arrives with the energy determined by the anode potential. The extraction region 6 is held at a negative potential and the ions pass through the apertures 34 in the accelerator grid, not shown, without striking it and form a collimated beam 38, eventually striking the alignment surface 24 which is held at ground potential 30. The incident angle of the ion beam to the substrate surface can be set from 5.degree. to 85.degree.. The energy of the ion beam varies from 25 eV to 200 eV. The bombardment time can be from 5 seconds to a few minutes. Since the substrates used are insulating, when the ion beams hit the substrates, there is no current path available for the electron flow to meet the incoming flux of positive ions and the insulating surface would charge positive. To eliminate this charging, a hot filament or neutralizer 40 (with current source i.sub.n 42) is immersed in the collimated beam 44 which adequately supplies electrons to any region of the beam or the substrate surface which would charge positive. The ion source for the ion beam system used to produce the liquid crystal cell of the present invention is commercially available and the accelerating voltage in this source could be varied from 75V to 500V. The current density, or the number of ions, per square cm can be approximately 100-500 .mu.A per sq. cm. The substrate, which is bombarded with the atomic beam can be made of glass on which indium tin oxide and polyimide films had been deposited. Substrates containing thin film transistors covered by a polyimide film can also be used. A mylar film, which is self-supporting can be used. These implementations are exemplary only and should not be construed as limiting. After exposure to ion beams, a pair of glass plates can be assembled together with a five micron spacer. The space between the two plates is preferably evacuated and subsequently filled with a liquid crystal. The liquid crystal is aligned by the atomic beam in much the same way that rubbing by a cloth does so. FIG. 2(a) illustrates an example of a homogeneous liquid crystal cell (also referred to as a twisted nematic type cell) according to the present invention, to which no voltage is applied. Liquid crystal 48 is disposed between the two substrates 50 and 52. The substrates can be formed of glass, quartz, silicon base, plastic or any other suitable material. Transparent conductor 62 and alignment layer 58 are positioned between substrate 50 and the liquid crystal 48 while transparent conductor 64 and alignment layer 60 are positioned between substrate 52 and the liquid crystal 48. The alignment layers can be polyimide films which are coated on the substrates. Finally, polarizers 54 and 56 are preferably located on the outside surfaces of substrates 50 and 52, respectively. The liquid crystal molecules 66 near the boundary of the alignment layers 58 and 60, which were treated in the manner discussed hereinabove with reference to FIG. 1, are aligned such that the long axes of the molecules 66 are almost parallel to the alignment surfaces. Due to the alignment layers 58 and 60, the molecules have a small pretilt angle (one to ten degrees from the alignment surfaces). Furthermore, the molecules 66 near the border of the alignment layer 60 are rotated, typically 90 degrees, with respect to the molecules 66 near the alignment layer 58. FIG. 2(b) illustrates the same homogeneous liquid crystal cell when a voltage, greater than zero, is applied between transparent conductors 62 and 64. In this case, due to the pretilt angle of the molecules created by the ion beam treatment of the alignment layers 58 and 60, the molecules 66 are caused to be oriented in a direction substantially parallel to the electric field created. The illustrated positions of the molecules 66 in FIG. 2(b) are actually achieved only after the molecules gradually rotate from their positions in FIG. 2(a) as the voltage increases. FIG. 3(a) illustrates an example of a homeotropic type liquid crystal cell according to the present invention to which no voltage is applied. Liquid crystal 70, preferably a negative dielectric anisotropic liquid crystal, is disposed between the two substrates 72 and 74. As described hereinabove, the substrates can be formed from a number of suitable materials. A transparent conductor 76 and an alignment layer 78 are positioned between the substrate 72 and the liquid crystal 70 while a transparent conductor 80 and an alignment layer 82 are positioned between substrate 74 and liquid crystal 70. Preferably, the alignment layers are homeotropic alignment films coated on the substrates. Examples of these film materials are Nissan polyimide SE-1211 and JSR polyimide JSR-S688. Finally, polarizers 84 and 86 are preferably located on the outside surfaces of substrate 72 and 74, respectively. Before being treated in the manner discussed hereinabove with reference to FIG. 1, the liquid crystal molecules 88 near the boundary of the alignment layers 78 and 82 are aligned such that the long axes of the molecules are perpendicular to the alignment surfaces. After bombardment by the ion beam, the alignment layers 58 and 60 cause the molecules to have a small pretilt angle (one-half to fifteen degrees from the alignment surface normal). Thus, the ion beam treated homeotropic alignment film achieves the tilted homeotropic liquid crystal alignment. FIG. 3(b) illustrates the same homeotropic liquid crystal cell when a voltage is applied between the transparent conductors 76 and 80. In this case, the molecules 88 are caused to be oriented in a direction substantially perpendicular to the electric field created. Again, the illustrated positions of the molecules 88 are actually achieved only after the molecules gradually rotate from their positions in FIG. 3(a) as the voltage increases. In either case, the alignment caused by the ion beam treatment is strong. The tilt angle can be determined as a function of the angle, time, and energy of the beam. For active matrix liquid displays, it is desirable to have the pretilt angle be larger than a few degrees. The operation of a homeotropic liquid crystal display and tilt angle are described in U.S. application Ser. No. 08/960,826, filed Oct. 30, 1997 and assigned to the assignee of the present invention, the teaching of which is incorporated hereby by reference. The operation of a homogeneous liquid crystal display and tilt angle are described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,623,354, issued Apr. 22, 1997 to the assignee of the present invention, the teaching of which is incorporated herein by reference. FIG. 4 schematically shows substrate 90 of a liquid crystal cell of the present invention with the alignment directory 92 formed by the ion beam treatment with a liquid crystal molecule schematically shown as 94 which make an angle 96 with respect to surface 98 of substrate 90. Angle 96 is the pretilt angle created by the ion beam treatment. From testing, it is clear that the pretilt angle in the liquid crystal display cells of the present invention satisfies the needs of display technology and that its variation with atomic beam parameters such as voltage and current are controllable. Test results also show that the atomic beam alignment technique can be used to align liquid crystal displays according to the present invention provided the accelerating voltage is kept low. For polyimide and argon ions, this is below 200V. The liquid crystal display cells of the present invention can be used for direct view TFT LCDs or projection displays. They can be implemented in transmissive as well as reflective type displays. While the present invention has been described with respect to preferred embodiments, numerous modifications, changes, and improvements will occur to those skilled in the art without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Referring to the FIGURE, there is shown a schematic of an electric heater assembly 10 in accordance with the invention. The electric heater assembly is comprised of a protective sleeve or tube 12 and an electric heating element 14. A lead 18 extends from electric heating element 14 and terminates in a plug 20 suitable for plugging into a power source. A suitable element 14 is available from International Heat Exchanger, Inc., Yorba Linda, Calif. 92687 under the designation P/N HTR2252. Also, heating elements are available from Watlow AOU, Anaheim, Calif. Preferably, protective sleeve or tube 12 is comprised of metal tube 30 having a closed end 32. While the protective sleeve is illustrated as a tube, it will be appreciated that any configuration or container that protects or envelops electric heating element 14 from the molten metal may be employed. By the use of sleeve or tube as used herein is meant to include any kind of means, such as a metal case, container, envelope, casing or covering used to protect the heating element from the molten metal, and the heating element may be inserted into the protective tube and/or the metal case may be formed around the heating element, e.g., by swaging or rolling, and a protective layer applied after forming. Thus, reference to tube herein is meant to include such configurations. A refractory coating 34 is employed which is resistant to attack by the environment in which the electric heater assembly is used. A bond coating may be employed between the refractory coating 34 and metal tube 30. Electric heating element 14 is seated or secured in tube 30 by any convenient means. For example, swaglock nuts and ferrules may be employed or the end of the tube may be crimped or swaged shut to provide a secure fit between the electric heating element and tube 30. In the invention, any of these methods of holding the electric heating element in tube 30 may be employed. It should be understood that tube 30 does not always have to be sealed. In a preferred embodiment, electric heating element 14 is inserted into tube 30 to provide an interference or friction fit. That is, it is preferred that electric heating element 14 has its outside surface in contact with the inside surface of tube 30 to promote heat transfer through tube 30 into the molten metal. That is, often the electric heating element is surrounded or protected with a metal tube such as a steel tube. The electric element is separated from the metal tube with an insulating material such as a metal oxide, e.g., magnesium oxide. It is the outside of the metal tube which is provided with a friction fit with the inside of the tube 30. Thus, air gaps between the surface of the steel tube of electric heating element 14 and inside surface of tube 30 should be minimized. If electric heating element 14 is inserted in tube 30 with a friction fit, the fit gets tighter with heat because electric heating element 14 expands more than tube 30, particularly when tube 30 is formed from a metal such as titanium having a low coefficient of expansion. While it is preferred to fabricate tube or metal case 30 out of a titanium based alloy, tube 30 may be fabricated from any metal, or combination of metal and non-metallic or metalloid material with suitable surface protection suitable for contacting molten metal and which material is resistant to dissolution or erosion by the molten metal. Other base materials that may be used to fabricate tube 30 include silicon, niobium, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt, iron, nickel based alloys including combinations of NiFe (364 NiFe) and NiTiC (40 Ni 60TiC), IN783.RTM., INCONEL.RTM., LALOY.RTM., INVAR.RTM. or KOVAR.RTM., particularly when such materials have low thermal expansion, e.g., less than 10.times.10.sup.-6 in/in/.degree. F., all referred to herein as metals. For protection purposes, it is preferred that the metal or metalloid be coated with a material such as a refractory resistant to attack by molten metal and suitable for use as a protective sleeve. One of the important features of a desirable material for tube 30 is thermal expansion. Thus, a suitable material should have a thermal expansion coefficient of less than 15.times.10.sup.-6 in/in/.degree. F., with a preferred thermal expansion coefficient being less than 10 .times.10.sup.-6 in/in/.degree. F., and the most preferred being less than 8.times.10.sup.-6 in/in/.degree. F. and typically less than 5.times.10.sup.-6 in/in/.degree. F. All ranges herein include all the numbers within the range as if specifically set forth. As noted, the preferred material for fabricating into tubes 30 is a titanium base material or alloy having a thermal expansion coefficient less than 15.times.10.sup.-6 in/in/.degree. F., preferably less than 10.times.10.sup.-6 in/in/.degree. F., and typically less than 5.times.10.sup.-6 in/in/.degree. F. The material or metal out of which tube 30 is fabricated preferably has an interfacial shear stress with refractory coating 34 of 2 to 175 KSI and preferably 15 to 45 KSI and typically less than 35 KSI at a surface temperature of 1080.degree. F. of the tube and a surface temperature of 1300.degree. F. refractory surface. When the electric heater assembly is being used in molten metal such as lead, for example, the titanium based alloy need not be coated to protect it from dissolution. For other metals, such as aluminum, copper, steel, zinc and magnesium, refractory-type coatings should be provided to protect against dissolution of the metal or metalloid tube by the molten metal. For most molten metals, the titanium alloy that should be used is one that preferably meets the thermal conductivity requirements and the thermal expansion coefficient noted herein. Further, typically, the titanium alloy should have a yield strength of 30 ksi or greater at room temperature, preferably 70 ksi, and typical 100 ksi. The titanium alloys included herein and useful in the present invention include CP (commercial purity) grade titanium, or alpha and beta titanium alloys or near alpha titanium alloys, or alpha-beta titanium alloys. The alpha or near-alpha alloys can comprise, by wt. %, 2 to 9 Al, 0 to 12 Sn, 0 to 4 Mo, 0 to 6 Zr, 0 to 2 V and 0 to 2 Ta, and 2.5 max. each of Ni, Nb and Si, the remainder titanium and incidental elements and impurities. Specific alpha and near-alpha titanium alloys contain, by wt. %, about: (a) 5 Al, 2.5 Sn, the remainder Ti and impurities. (b) 8 Al, 1 Mo, 1 V the remainder Ti and impurities. (c) 6 Al, 2 Sn, 4 Zr, 2 Mo, the remainder Ti and impurities. (d) 6 Al, 2 Nb, 1 Ta, 0.8 Mo, the remainder Ti and impurities. (e) 2.25 Al, 11 Sn, 5 Zr, 1 Mo, the remainder Ti and impurities. (f) 5 Al, 5 Sn, 2 Zr, 2 Mo, the remainder Ti and impurities. The alpha-beta titanium alloys comprise, by wt. %, 2 to 10 Al, 0 to 5 Mo, 0 to 5 Sn, 0 to 5 Zr, 0 to 1 IV, 0 to 5 Cr, 0 to 3 Fe, with 1 Cu max., 9 Mn max., 1 Si max., the remainder titanium, incidental elements and impurities. Specific alpha-beta alloys contain, by wt. %, about: (a) 6 A, 4 V, the remainder Ti and impurities. (b) 6 Al, 6 V, 2 Sn, the remainder Ti and impurities. (c) 8 Mn, the remainder Ti and impurities. (d) 7 Al, 4 Mo, the remainder Ti and impurities. (e) 6 Al, 2 Sn, 4 Zr, 6 Mo, the remainder Ti and impurities. (f) 5 Al, 2 Sn, 2 Zr, 4 Mo, 4 Cr, the remainder Ti and impurities. (g) 6 Al, 2 Sn, 2 Zn, 2 Mo, 2 Cr, the remainder Ti and impurities. (h) 10 V, 2 Fe, 3 Al, the remainder Ti and impurities. (i) 3 Al, 2.5 V, the remainder Ti and impurities. The beta titanium alloys comprise, by wt. %, 0 to 14 V, 0 to 12 Cr, 0 to 4 Al, 0 to 12 Mo, 0 to 6 Zr and 0 to 3 Fe, the remainder titanium and impurities. Specific beta titanium alloys contain, by wt. %, about: (a) 13 V, 11 Cr, 3 Al, the remainder Ti and impurities. (b) 8 Mo, 8 V, 2 Fe, 3 Al, the remainder Ti and impurities. (c) 3 Al, 8 V, 6 Cr, 4 Mo, 4 Zr, the remainder Ti and impurities. (d) 11.5 Mo, 6 Zr, 4.5 Sn, the remainder Ti and impurities. When it is necessary to provide a coating to protect tube 30 of metal or metalloid from dissolution or attack by molten metal, a refractory coating 34 is applied to the outside surface of tube 30. The coating should be applied above the level to which the electric heater assembly is immersed in the molten metal. The refractory coating can be any refractory material which provides the tube with a molten metal resistant coating. The refractory coating can vary, depending on the molten metal. Thus, a novel composite material is provided permitting use of metals or metalloids having the required thermal conductivity and thermal expansion for use with molten metal which heretofore was not deemed possible. When the electric heater assembly is to be used for heating molten metal such as aluminum, magnesium, zinc, or copper, etc., a refractory coating may comprise at least one of alumina, zirconia, yittria stabilized zirconia, magnesia, magnesium titanite, mullite, a combination of alumina and titania or a material such as SiAlON (silicon aluminum oxynitride). While the refractory coating can be used on the metal or metalloid comprising the tube, a bond coating can be applied between the base metal and the refractory coating. The bond coating can provide for adjustments between the thermal expansion coefficient of the base metal alloy, e.g., titanium, and the refractory coating when necessary. The bond coating thus aids in minimizing cracking or spalling of the refractory coat when the tube is immersed in the molten metal or brought to operating temperature. When the electric heater assembly is cycled between molten metal temperature and room temperature, for example, the bond coat can be advantageous in preventing cracking, particularly if there is a considerable difference between the thermal expansion of the metal or metalloid and the refractory if the interfacial shear stress is too high. Preferably, the refractory coating has a porosity of about 3 to 22% and median pore diameter of 0.01 to 0.15 mm. The refractory coating may be fully dense but it is more subject to thermal shock. Typical bond coatings comprise Cr--Ni--Al alloys and Cr--Ni alloys, with or without precious metals. Bond coatings suitable in the present invention are available from Metco Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, under the designation 460 and 1465. In the present invention, the refractory coating should have a thermal expansion that is plus or minus five times that of the base material. Thus, the ratio of the coefficient of expansion of the base material to the refractory coating can range from 5:1 to 1:5, preferably 1:3 to 1:1.5. The bond coating aids in compensating for differences between the base material and the refractory coating. The bond coating has a thickness of 0.1 to 8 mils with a typical thickness being about 0.5 mil. The bond coating can be applied by sputtering, plasma or flame spraying, chemical vapor deposition, spraying, dipping or mechanical bonding by rolling, for example. After the bond coating has been applied, the refractory coating is applied. The refractory coating may be applied by any technique that provides a uniform coating over the bond coating. The refractory coating can be applied by aerosol, sputtering, plasma or flame spraying, for example. Preferably, the refractory coating has a thickness in the range of 0.3 to 42 mils, preferably 5 to 15 mils, with a suitable thickness being about 10 mils. The refractory coating may be used without a bond coating. In another aspect of the invention, silicon carbide, boron nitride, silicon nitride, and other metal oxides, and combinations of carbides, nitrides and oxides, may be applied as a thin coating on top of the refractory coating. The thin coating should be non-wetting or metallaphobic, that is, have a contact angle of greater than 90.degree. with liquid or molten material in which the heater is immersed. Thus, any non-wetting coating which has these characteristics may be used. The preferred material is boron nitride. The non-wetting coating may be applied mechanically, vacuum impregnated, sprayed, or co-plasma sprayed with the refractory coating. The boron nitride may be applied as a dry coating, or a dispersion of boron nitride and water may be formed and the dispersion applied as a spray. The non-wetting coating is not normally more than about 2 or 3 mils in thickness, and typically it is less than 2 mils. When boron nitride or other non-wetting refractory material is applied dry or in a water dispersion, the particle size should be sufficiently small, e.g., less than 75 .mu.m and typically less than 30 .mu.m, to permit intrusion of the boron nitride particles into the pores of the refractory coating. The heater assembly of the invention can operate at watt densities of 15 and preferably 40 to 375 watts/in.sup.2. The heater assembly in accordance with the invention has the advantage of a metallic-composite sheath for strength and improved thermal conductivity. The strength is important because it provides resistance to mechanical abuse and permits an intimate contact with the internal element. Intimate contact between heating element and sheath I.D. provides substantial elimination of an annular air gap between heating element and sheath. In prior heaters, the annular air gap resulted in radiation heat transfer and also back radiation to the element from inside the sheath wall which limits maximum heat flux. By contrast, the heater of the invention employs an interference fit that results in essentially only conduction. In another aspect of the invention, it has been found that intimate contact or fit can be obtained by swaging metal tube 30 about or onto heating element 14. It will be appreciated that element 14 is circular in cross section and, therefore, tube 30 can be swaged tightly onto element 14, thereby substantially eliminating air gaps. Swaging includes the operation of working and partially reshaping metal tube 30, particularly the inside diameter, placing in compression, the tube contents, and more exactly fitting the outside diameter of element 14 to eliminate air gaps between element 14 and tube 30. It will be appreciated that intermediate tubes may be placed between the heating element of the heater assembly and tube 30. Further, the invention contemplates a heating element wire or rod surrounded by an electrical insulating material such as a powder which has good heat conduction, e.g., magnesium oxide, contained by tube 30 without any intermediate tubes such as steel tubes. When tube 30 is swaged on heater element 14, the refractory coating is applied after swaging. Whether the heater assembly is made by inserting heating element 14 into tube 30 or by swaging, as noted, it can be beneficial to use a contact medium for better heat conduction between heating element 14 and tube 30. The contact medium can be a powdered material located between the heating element and the tube. The powdered material can be selected from silicon carbide, magnesium oxide and carbon or graphite if the heating element is contained in an intermediate tube. If no intermediate tube is used, the contact medium must provide electrical insulation as well as good heat conduction. The powdered material should have a median particle size ranging from about 0.03 to 0.3 mm. The powdered material has the effect of filling any voids between the heating element and the tube. The range of size for the powdered material improves heat conduction by minimizing void fraction. Swaging is very beneficial with the powdered material because the swaging effectively packs the powder tighter for improved heat conduction. The inside of tube 30 may be treated to provide a roughening effect or controlled RMS for improved packing of powder against the inside wall of tube 30. That is, having a range of particle size and a roughened inside wall provides a higher level of contact by said powdered contact medium and therefore a greater level of heat conduction to the wall. In addition, providing the element with a roughened surface improves heat conduction to the powdered contact medium. If an intermediate metal tube, e.g., a steel tube, is used, then it is also important to provide it with a roughened surface for heat transfer. Another contact medium that may be used includes high temperature pastes such as anti-seize compounds having a nickel or copper base. In conventional heaters, the heating element is not in intimate contact with the protection tube resulting in an annular air gas or space therebetween. Thus, the element is operated at a temperature independent of the tube. Heat from the element is not efficiently removed or extracted by the tube, greatly limiting the efficiency of the heaters. Thus, in conventional heaters, the element has to be operated below a certain fixed temperature to avoid overheating the element, greatly limiting the heat flux. The heater assembly of the invention very efficiently extracts heat from the heating element and is capable of operating close to molten metal, e.g., aluminum temperature. The low coefficient of expansion of the composite sheath, which is lower than the heating element, maintains intimate contact of the heating element with the composite sheath. In another feature of the invention, a thermocouple 40 may be inserted between sleeve 12 and heating element 14. The thermocouple may be used for purposes of control of the heating element to ensure against overheating of the element in the event that heat is not transferred away sufficiently fast from the heating assembly. Further, the thermocouple can be used for sensing the temperature of the molten metal by an analog method. That is, sleeve 12 may extend below or beyond the end of the heating element to provide a space and the sensing tip of the thermocouple can be located in the space. In a preferred embodiment, thermocouple 40 is positioned such that tip 42 of thermocouple 40 is located adjacent end 16 of the heating element. Having tip 42 positioned adjacent or near end 16 ensures that the heater assembly is immersed in the liquid metal. That is, because of the high level of heat generated by the heater assembly, it is important that the heating element be submerged in order to remove heat efficiently. If part of the heating element extends above the metal line, the element can overheat causing damage to the assembly. In the present invention, it is important to use a heater control. That is, for efficiency purposes, it is important to operate heaters at the highest watt density while not exceeding the maximum allowable element temperature. The thermocouple placed or positioned in the heater assembly senses the temperature of the heater element. The thermocouple can be connected to a controller such as a cascade logic controller to integrate the heater element temperature into the control loop. Such cascade logic controllers are available from Watlow Controls, Winona, Minn., designated Series 988. While the invention has been described in terms of preferred embodiments, the claims appended hereto are intended to encompass other embodiments which fall within the spirit of the invention.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION While the present invention is susceptible of embodiment in various forms, there is shown in the drawings, and will hereinafter be described, a presently preferred embodiments, with the understanding that the present disclosure is to be considered as an exemplification of the invention, and is not intended to limit the invention to the specific embodiments illustrated. The present invention described herein includes the uses of hydroentangled nonwovens as described below, is a direct replacement for needled felts in all such applications where such materials are currently used. These applications include air filtration in tubular and sheet form, used in air handling, as represented by baghouse stations, liquid filtration systems, and automatic transmission fluid filters, and other specialty applications where needled felts are employed. With particular reference toFIG. 1, therein is illustrated an apparatus for practicing the method of the present invention for forming a nonwoven fabric. The fabric is formed from a fibrous matrix, which comprises fibers selected to promote economical manufacture. The fibrousmatrix is preferably carded and subsequently cross-lapped to form a precursor web, designated P. FIG. 1illustrates a hydroentangling apparatus for forming nonwoven fabrics in accordance with the present invention. The apparatus includes a foraminous-forming surface in the form of a flat bed entangler12upon which the precursor web P is positioned for pre-entangling. Precursor web P is then sequentially passed under entangling manifolds14, whereby the precursor web is subjected to high-pressure water jets16. This process is well known to those skilled in the art and is generally taught by U.S. Pat. No. 3,485,706, to Evans, hereby incorporated by reference. The entangling apparatus ofFIG. 1further includes an imaging and patterning drum18comprising a foraminous surface for effecting imaging and patterning of the now-entangled precursor web. After pre-entangling, the precursor web is trained over a guide roller20and directed to the image transfer device18, where an image and/or pattern is imparted into the fabric on the foraminous-forming surface of the device. The web of fibers is juxtaposed to the foraminous surface18, and high pressure water from manifolds22is directed against the outwardly facing surface from jet spaced radially outwardly of the foraminous surface18. The foraminous surface18, and manifolds22, may be formed and operated in accordance with the teachings of commonly assigned U.S. Pat. No. 5,098,764, No. 5,244,711, No. 5,822,823, and No. 5,827,597, the disclosures of which are hereby incorporated by reference. It is presently preferred that the precursor web P be given an image and/or pattern suitable to provide fluid management, as will be further described, to promote use of the present nonwoven fabric in filtration media. The entangled fabric can be vacuum dewatered at24, and dries at an elevated temperature on drying cans26. With reference toFIG. 2, therein is diagrammatically illustrated a representative baghouse filter structure for use with the filter media of the present invention. This type of baghouse filter structure is typically employed in industrial applications requiring filtration of particulate material from a fluidic stream. As illustrated, the fluidic stream enters a filter chamber, within which, one or more generally tubular, sleeve-like filter bags are arranged. Gas flows through the exterior surface of the filter bags by the creation of a pressure differential across the filter media, with particulate material removed from the gaseous stream as the material lodges against the filter media. Typically, the particulate material is dislodged from the exterior of the filter bags by periodically subjecting each filter bag to pulsed reverse-flow of fluid, whereby the particulate material, typically referred to as filter cake, is forced from the exterior of each filter bag, and collected at a lower portion of the structure. The baghouse filter media embodying the principles of the present invention may be configured as a filter bag illustrated inFIG. 2. For such applications, the filter media may be formed as a planar sheet, with opposite edges joined to form an open-ended tube. The tube can then be closed at one end to form a sleeve-like bag, as illustrated inFIG. 2. For other applications, the filter media may be employed in its planar form, or in the form of an open-ended tube. Other potential filtration applications besides baghouse filtration include HVAC filtration, wherein a frame with a filter media is placed in the path of the flow of air to remove particles such as dust from the air before the air is circulated into a room. Food and beverage filtration is another application, whereby a filter may be placed before or after the fluid contacts the beverage making substances in order to remove contaminants from the fluid. Coalescing filtration is yet another application, such as used in diesel engines and marine applications. Coalescing filter media are commonly employed within a frame and housing located either upstream or downstream of the liquid hydrocarbon pump. Still other potential filtration applications include vacuum filter equipment, mist elimination, turbine intake filtration, automotive and truck transmission and air in-take filtration, coolant filtration, chemical filtration, including medical and pharmaceutical filtration, power generation filtration, office equipment filtration, paper machine clothing felt and drain layer filtration, as well as filtration applications. Filter media embodying the principles of the present invention is formed by hydroentanglement on a foraminous surface, such as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,244,711, to Drelich et al., hereby incorporated by reference. Depending upon the specific configuration of the foraminous surface, the fibrous material may have a repeating pattern imparted in the plane of the fabric or the repeating pattern may protrude from the plane of the fabric. A foraminous surface for practicing the present invention typically includes a meshed surface such as a screen, or an image transfer device having a pronounced three-dimensional topography whereby the high-pressure liquid (water) streams directed at the fibrous material for hydroentanglement can pass through the foraminous surface. Formation of a filter media in accordance with the present invention is effected by providing a precursor web of predominantly staple length polyester fibers selected to have a basis weight corresponding to the basis weight of the filter media being formed. In accordance with the present invention, the present filter media preferably has a basis weight of no more than about 12 oz/yd2, thus facilitating efficient fabrication by hydroentanglement, and cost-effective use of the fibrous material from which the media is formed. Depending upon the composition of the precursor web from which the present filter media is formed, the strength and integrity of the material can be desirably enhanced. By incorporation of fusible fibers, such as sheath fibers or bi-component thermoplastics including polyesters, polyamides, and/or polyolefins, it is possible to effect heat-bonding of the fiber structure during heat-setting of the material, subsequent to hydroentanglement. Further, it has been found that in the absence of specific fusible fibers, heat-setting of the material can desirably enhance the strength and the porosity of the nonwoven fabric to improve its filtration characteristics. By configuring the foraminous surface employed during hydroentanglement to impart a specifically-configured pattern to the filter media, filtration characteristics of the media can be further enhanced, including an increase in the effective surface area, improvement in filter cleaning efficiency, and to alteration of depth filtration performance. As will be appreciated, this is a distinct advantage in comparison to conventional needle-punched fabrics, which ordinarily cannot be meaningfully imaged in connection with mechanical entanglement. Use of 100% polyester staple length fibers is presently contemplated, as well as use of 90% polyester fibers in combination with 10% fusible sheath fibers. The fabric weight is selected to be no more than about 12 oz/yd2, preferably on the order of about 10 oz/yd2. Notably, formation of the filter media of the present invention by hydroentanglement has been found to desirably provide the filter media with the requisite strength characteristics, and resistance to shrinkage. Filter media formed in accordance with the present invention is suitable for application in such industries as mining, cement, chemical, iron and steel, utilities, and work with carbon black. The disclosed filter media of the present invention preferably exhibits a Mullen burst strength of at least about 395 psi, with machine-direction and cross-direction shrinkage of less than about 3%, and more preferably, less than about 2%. The filter media preferably exhibits a machine-direction tensile strength of at least about 105 lb/in, and a cross-direction tensile strength of at least about 110 lb/in, in accordance with ASTM D461-93, Section 12. The accompanying Table sets forth performance characteristics for filter media formed in accordance with the present invention in comparison to a conventional needle-punched nonwoven fabric having a basis weight of 16 oz/yd2, designated and commercially available Menardi 50-575. As the test results indicate, a filter media formed in accordance with the present invention exhibits performance comparable to that achieved with the needle-punched fabric, notwithstanding the significant difference in basis weights of the two fabrics. From the foregoing, numerous modifications and variations can be effected without departing from the true spirit and scope of the novel concept of the present invention. It is to be understood that no limitation with respect to the specific embodiments disclosed herein is intended or should be inferred. The disclosure is intended to cover, by the appended claims, all such modifications as fall within the scope of the claims. Physical/Performance PropertiesManardi 50-575CLC-135SampleMenardi 50-575(Apr. 4, 2000)(Aug. 29, 2000)ScaleSampleNL-A2-C-00-TestedPhysicalsTest MethodWorst/BestSpecification(Apr. 4, 2000)098-004-Oct. 12, 2000Fiber CompositionPET -PET -PET - T203PET2.25 dpf2.25 dpfMechanical/ChemicalHeatset,Heat Set,NoneFinishPlain FinishSingedBasis Weight (oz/sy)ASTM D461-93 se. 1114.5-16.515.510.216.1Thickness (mls)ASTM D461-93 sec. 1065-8575.657.7572.4Frazier Air PermeabilityASTM D461-93 sec. 1830-4535.638.831.4(cfm @0.5″ H20)Jullen Burst (psi)ASTM D461-93 sec. 13More is Better>400411538Tensiles - MD 1″ Strip (lb/in)ASTM D461-93 sec. 12More is Better>75104139.1106.45Tensiles - CD 1″ Strip (lb/in)ASTM D461-93 sec. 12More is Better>150169110.4192.81Elongation - MD 1″ Strip (%)ASTM D461-93 sec. 129443.597Elongation - CD 1″ Strip (%)ASTM D461-93 sec. 127971.192Tensiles - MD GRAB (lb/in)TM-7012More is Better260.14Tensiles - CD GRAB (lb/in)TM-7012More is Better267.84283.43283.37Elongation - MD GRAB (%)TM-701258.21207.01405.6Elongation - CD GRAB (%)TM-701250.1742.9945.91Elongation - MD @ 10 lbs/Special TestLess is Better<52.4561.9125.272 in width load (%)Elongation - CD @ 10 lbs/Special TestLess is Better<54.251.335.462 in width load (%)Coulter Pore Size Distribution -285.25.42MFP (microns)Coulter Pore Size Distribution -5819.55Max (microns)Very wide spread (>50) of only41.432 data pointsPMI Pore Size Distribution -21.8318.0718.08MFP (microns)PMI Pore Size Distribution -67.142.3252.72Max (microns)PMI Pore Size Distribution -1.171.911.29Min (microns)Shrinkage - MD 2 hrs @Less is Better0.50.5300 F. (%)Shrinkage - CD 2 hrs @Less is Better00300 F. (%)Shrinkage - MD 24 hrs @Less is Better<31.51350 F. (%)Shrinkage - CD 24 hrs @Less is Better<30.50350 F. (%)Liquid Filtration Efficiency (%)86.690.691.4for Coarse DustLiquid Filtration Life/Weight3.124.213.87Gain (min) for Coarse DustLiquid Filtration Life/Weight26.1341.527Gain (%) for Coarse DustLiquid Filtration Efficiency (%)45.435460.7for Fine DustLiquid Filtration Life/Weight6.66.065.51Gain (min) for Fine DustLiquid Filtration Life/Weight27.0344.422.4Gain (%) for Fine Dust100 cycles Baghouse FiltrationTest (FEMA) from ETS, INCOutlet emmissions (mg/m3)Less is Better7.142.41.89Residual DeltaP Change (Pa)Less is Better159.7178.8325.5Average Residual DeltaP (Pa)Less is Better169.88178.85285.9Average Cycle Time (seconds)More is Better566640Fabric Weight Gain (grams)Less is Better1.151.261.37Mullen Burst (psi)More is Better505395555Manardi 50-57SPH0829Sample (Aug. 29, 2000)BHF1030-#4BHF1030-#5Physicals(Aug. 29, 2000)Tested Nov. 28, 2000BHF1030-#1(0.676EE)(140 bar)Fiber CompositionPET - T472PET - T203PET - T203PET - T2031.5 dpf1.5 dpf1.5 dpf1.5 dpfMechanical/ChemicalNoneNoneNoneNoneFinishBasis Weight (oz/sy)10.0610.210.210.16Thickness (mls)65.465.559.463Frazier Air Permeability36.642.238.341.6(cfm @0.5″ H20)Jullen Burst (psi)400411394.3405Tensiles - MD 1″ Strip (lb/in)126.99127.2124.1125.3Tensiles - CD 1″ Strip (lb/in)85.5123.8120.3121.8Elongation - MD 1″ Strip (%)435346.554Elongation - CD 1″ Strip (%)1005965.467Tensiles - MD GRAB (lb/in)289.68255.8250.9252.3Tensiles - CD GRAB (lb/in)191.63236.6237237.5Elongation - MD GRAB (%)40.7333.1331.832.6Elongation - CD GRAB (%)35.2930.4429.830.5Elongation - MD @ 10 lbs/2.12.42 in width load (%)Elongation - CD @ 10 lbs/11.052.52 in width load (%)Coulter Pore Size Distribution -MFP (microns)Coulter Pore Size Distribution -Max (microns)Very wide spread (>50) of only2 data pointsPMI Pore Size Distribution -18.9919.4918.49MFP (microns)PMI Pore Size Distribution -47.5354.8743.21Max (microns)PMI Pore Size Distribution -2.051.981.6Min (microns)Shrinkage - MD 2 hrs @ F. (%)Shrinkage - CD 2 hrs @000300 F. (%)Shrinkage - MD 24 hrs @ F. (%)Shrinkage - CD 24 hrs @0.50.50350 F. (%)Liquid Filtration Efficiency (%)9090.679.6for Coarse DustLiquid Filtration Life/Weight3.883.176.12Gain (min) for Coarse DustLiquid Filtration Life/Weight40.825.857.6Gain (%) for Coarse DustLiquid Filtration Efficiency (%)71.160.653.9for Fine DustLiquid Filtration Life/Weight4.814.457.54Gain (min) for Fine DustLiquid Filtration Life/Weight3322.448.1Gain (%) for Fine Dust100 cycles Baghouse FiltrationTest (FEMA) from ETS, INCOutlet emmissions (mg/m3) DeltaP Change (Pa)189.1311.2212.5Average Residual DeltaP (Pa)194.4289.8207.4Average Cycle Time (seconds)683859Fabric Weight Gain (grams)0.960.891.1Mullen Burst (psi)425535385
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The present invention involves the manufacture of a foamed glass product. Referring in general to the flow diagram of FIG. 1, waste glass is pretreated, and the pretreated waste glass and foaming agent are sized and mixed. The mixed glass and foaming agent are placed in molds and passed through a furnace where the mixture is heated to and maintained at a foaming temperature and then cooled or annealed to produce foamed glass blocks. A nonreactive gas having desired insulative properties is introduced during heating to sweep air away from the mixture. The foamed glass blocks are then removed from the molds and cut and ground to a selected size and finish. Referring to the flow diagram of FIG. 1, waste glass, such as mixed color cullet glass, is obtained from a suitable source such as a materials recovery facility for recycling. Of course, the glass used may be virgin material or from any other suitable source, in which case the following separation steps may be omitted or greatly reduced. The waste glass will likely contain some contaminants such as metal, paper, and other materials and will therefore likely require separation or pretreatment before being used to produce a foamed glass product. The waste glass is washed and passed through a magnetic separation step before being passed to a hammer mill or similar type crusher where the separated glass is crushed to a desired particle size. Any number of known separation steps may be utilized to obtain the desired degree of separation before the separated glass is passed to the crushing operation. The size of the starting glass particles impacts the R-value of the resulting foamed glass product, so the glass particles are crushed and screened or classified to obtain a desired size. In the grinding, milling operation, a hammer mill or similar type crusher may be used, and the milling operation may be either wet or dry. In the screening/classifying operation, the fines or undersized materials are removed and may be sent to a waste disposal site or may be used to make a foamed glass product with a less desirable R-value. The coarse, oversized material is returned to the milling operation. It is understood that individual starting glass particle sizes, foaming agent particle sizes, cell wall thicknesses, and cell diameters will vary somewhat. Accordingly, references herein to starting glass particle sizes, starting foaming agent particle sizes, cell wall thicknesses, and cell wall diameters relate to average values thereof. Also, the diagrams presented in FIGS. 2-8 represent calculated, theoretical values and do not represent actual experimental data. Default values for the various parameters, and the values of the various constants used to prepare FIGS. 2-8 are as follows: foam density=90 kg/m.sup.3 glass density=2460 kg/m.sup.3 cell gas=25% N.sup.2, 75% CO.sub.2 or SO.sub.2 cell wall thickness=10 microns cell diameter=1500 microns foaming temperature=1173 K furnace pressure=1.1 atm conductivity of N.sup.2 =0.0259 W/m.K conductivity of CO.sub.2 =0.01657 W/m.K conductivity of SO.sub.2 =0.1196 W/m.K conductivity of glass=0.72225 Btu/ft-hr-.degree.F. Stefan - Boltzmann Constant=0.17.times.10.sup.-9 Btu/hr.multidot.ft.sup.2 .multidot..degree.R.sup.4 room temperature=525 .degree. R. FIGS. 2 and 3 illustrate the relationships between cell wall thicknesses and cell diameters of the foamed glass product, and the R-value of the foamed glass product. Similarly, FIGS. 4 and 5 illustrate the relationship between starting glass particle size and cell diameter and between starting glass particle size and cell wall thickness. The starting glass particle size is selected to obtain the desired cell wall thickness and cell diameter, and therefore, to obtain the desired R-value. In FIG. 2, it is assumed that 100% of the cell gas is SO.sub.2, and in FIG. 3, it is assumed that 100% of the cell gas is CO.sub.2. It is unlikely that such cell gas composition may be obtained in commercial operation, but this is a simplifying assumption for demonstrating the relationships of the variables discussed above. As generally illustrated in FIG. 6, higher percentages of SO.sub.2, or CO.sub.2, as compared with air, in the cell gas, yield more favorable R-values. As shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, there is a strong correlation between average cell wall thickness and resulting R-values. In general, wall thicknesses of approximately 1 to 15 microns is preferred. However, it is unlikely that an average cell wall thickness of below approximately 5 microns can be obtained commercially, so a cell wall thickness of approximately 5 to 15 microns is more preferred, and a cell wall thickness of approximately 5 microns is most preferred. The desired starting glass particle size and the degree of crushing of the starting particle glass is selected to obtain the desired cell wall thickness and cell diameter and therefore to obtain the desired R-value. As illustrated in FIG. 2, for a foamed glass product having a cell gas with a substantial SO.sub.2 component, a cell diameter of approximately 750 to 2,300 microns is preferred, a cell diameter of approximately 1,000 to 1,750 microns is more preferred, and a cell diameter of approximately 1,200 to 1,400 microns is most preferred. Similarly, for a foamed glass product having a cell gas with a substantial SO.sub.2 component, a cell diameter of approximately 500 to 3,000 microns is preferred, a cell diameter of approximately 650 to 2,350 microns is more preferred, and a cell diameter of approximately 1,000 to 1,500 is most preferred. Referring to FIG. 4, to obtain the desired combination of cell wall thickness and cell diameter, a starting glass particle size of approximately 100 to 700 microns is preferred, a starting glass particle size of approximately 350 to 550 microns is more preferred, and a starting glass particle size of approximately 350 microns is most preferred. As shown in FIG. 5, the above values correspond roughly with 120/140 mesh to 20/25 mesh, 40/45 mesh to 30/35 mesh, and 40/45 mesh, respectively. With respect to the foaming agent, calcium sulfate or calcium carbonate are used depending on the R-value desired. In general, as illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 3, better R-values may be obtained using CaSO.sub.4, but CaCO.sub.3 is easier to work with. Gypsum is a readily available source of CaSO.sub.4, and limestone is a readily available source of CaCO.sub.3. It is understood that other sulfates (SO.sub.x) or carbonates (CO.sub.x) are contemplated. Similar to the starting glass particle size, the starting foaming agent particle size may impact the R-value of the resulting foamed glass product. The foaming agent is therefore obtained at a desired size or is crushed in a grinding, milling operation and screened to a desired size. If done internally, a hammer mill or any number of known crushing, grinding or milling equipment may be used, although a wet mill process is preferred. As mentioned above, the cell diameter of the foamed glass product affects the R-value of the foamed glass product. As illustrated in FIG. 7, the starting foaming agent particle size affects the cell diameter of the foamed glass product. Accordingly, the starting foaming agent particle size is selected to obtain the desired cell diameter, and therefore to obtain the desired R-value. As with the screening/classification operation for the glass particles, in the screening/classification operation for the foaming agent, the oversized foaming agent particles are returned to the milling operation, and the undersized foaming agent particles are used to make a lower R-value foamed glass product or are sent to waste disposal. When gypsum is the foaming agent, a starting foaming agent particle size of approximately 110 to 160 microns is preferred, a starting foaming agent particle size of approximately 110 to 120 microns is more preferred, and a starting foaming agent particle size of approximately 110 microns is most preferred. When limestone is the foaming agent, a starting foaming agent particle size of approximately 105 to 155 microns is preferred, a starting foaming agent particle size of approximately 105 to 115 microns is more preferred, and a starting foaming agent particle size of approximately 105 microns is most preferred. The above ranges, in microns, roughly correspond with a size of approximately 80/85 to 140/145 mesh. Once the desired starting glass particle size and starting foaming agent particle size are obtained, the sized particles are weighed and mixed. Weigh scales are used for weighing the particles, and a rotary type mixer, resembling a cement type mixer, is used to mix the sized particles. As illustrated in FIG. 8, there is a strong correlation between the R-value of the foamed glass product and its density. The weight percent of the foaming agent in the mixture impacts the density of the foamed glass product that is obtained, so the weight percent of the foaming agent is selected to obtain a desired density. A foamed glass product having a density of approximately 60 to 100 kg/m.sup.3 is preferred. It is questionable whether densities below 80 kg/m.sup.3 may be obtained in commercial operation, so a density of approximately 80 to 100 kg/m.sup.3 is more preferred, and a density of approximately 80 kg/m.sup.3 is most preferred. When gypsum is the foaming agent, the CaSO.sub.4 component of the foaming agent is preferably present in the mixture in a weight percent of approximately 1.5; more particularly, the CaSO.sub.4 is present in the mixture in a weight percent of approximately 1.46 to 1.49; and more particularly still, the CaSO.sub.4 is present in the mixture in a weight percent of approximately 1.47. When limestone is the foaming agent, the CaCO.sub.3 component of the foaming agent is preferably present in the mixture in a weight percent of approximately 1; more particularly, the CaCO.sub.3 is present in the mixture in a weight percent of approximately 1.07 to 1.09; and more particularly still, the CaCO.sub.3 is present in the mixture in a weight percent of approximately 1.08. The amount of gypsum or limestone to be used may be calculated based upon the weight percent of CaSO.sub.4 in the gypsum used or the weight percent of CaCO.sub.3 in the limestone used. After thorough mixing, the mixture is loaded into a rectangular mold that is somewhat larger, typically 1 to 2 inches, than the desired length and width of the finished product. It is understood that molds of other shapes may be used and that continuous rather than batch processing may be used. Some nominal pressure, such as 1.1 atmospheres, may be applied to the mixture to compress it and to better control the degree of foaming. After the mixture is loaded into a mold, the mold is placed on a moving belt which moves the mold and mixture through a furnace or oven having a predetermined temperature profile. The foaming temperature is expected to be between approximately 800.degree. and 1100.degree. C., and the furnace temperature profile is such as to rapidly heat the mixture to the foaming temperature, to then provide a region for maintaining a constant, foaming temperature, and to then provide a cooling or annealing region to reduce stress or strain of the foamed glass product and to produce a substantially stress-free or annealed foamed glass block. As illustrated in FIG. 6, more favorable R-values may be obtained by replacing air in the cells of the foamed glass with nonreactive gases having more desirable insulative properties, preferably SO.sub.2 or CO.sub.2. Accordingly, a nonreactive, sweeping gas, preferably SO.sub.2 or CO.sub.2, is blown over the mixture to drive away air during heating and therefore increase the percentage of the nonreactive gas in the cells of the foamed glass. The sweeping gas is introduced into the furnace so that it is present during the filling, heating and annealing process. Preferably, the sweeping gas is introduced during the foaming process while the glass is being heated in the furnace. The sweeping gas may be continuously added, or preferably, if the furnace is adequately sealed, the sweeping gas may be added only as needed to maintain the concentration of ambient air at about less than one percent. Design preferences of the particular furnace will determine the extent to which the furnace heating and annealing section is sealed or aspirated to prevent escape of the SO.sub.2 or CO.sub.2. The design criteria will dictate whether the sweeping gas is introduced only during the heating or foaming stages, or whether its introduction is done during the press/fill stages, and continued during annealing. The flow rate or direction of the sweeping gas can be controlled to avoid disturbing the distribution of the mixture in molds, if necessary. Equipment for injecting the sweeping gas into the furnace and for purging the ambient air from the furnace includes pipes or tubes extending into the furnace. The pipes are connected to the source of sweeping gas and are regulated by valves or the like to control the amount of gas to be injected. Purging of ambient air in the furnace may also be accomplished by exhaust apparatus, if necessary. The amount of sweeping gas within the furnace is monitored by well known measurement devices. The foregoing equipment, in conjunction with the disclosure herein, is well understood by those skilled in the art and therefore need not be further described. After heating and annealing, the foamed glass block is removed from the mold and finished such as by cutting and grinding. In finishing, the foamed glass blocks are machined to their desired final dimensions. Ganged band saws may be used to cut the foamed glass blocks to the desired lengths and widths, and a surface grinder may be used to obtain the desired thickness. Depending upon criticality, a surface grinding operation may be performed on all sides. The final, sized foamed glass products may then be packed and shipped. The above methods allow production of foamed glass products having superior insulative qualities, or higher R-values. For example, when CaSO.sub.4 is used, R-values of greater than approximately 3.7 hr.multidot.ft.sup.2 .multidot..degree..multidot.F./Btu in may be obtained. Further, in commercial production R-values may be obtained in the range of approximately 3.7 to 4.2. Also, when CaCO.sub.3 is used, R-values of greater than approximately 3.3 hr.multidot.ft.sup.2 .multidot..degree.F./Btu.multidot.in may be obtained. Also, in commercial production, R-values may be obtained in the range of approximately 3.3 to 3.6. Other modifications, changes and substitutions are intended in the foregoing disclosure and although the invention has been described with reference to a specific embodiment, the foregoing description is not intended to be construed in a limiting sense. Various modifications to the disclosed embodiment as well as alternative applications of the invention will be suggested to persons skilled in the art by the foregoing specification and illustrations. Accordingly, it is appropriate that the appended claims be construed broadly and in a manner consistent with the true scope of the invention therein.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT FIGS. 1A-2C illustrate various embodiments of a light modulating material comprising microdomains of ferroelectric smectic liquid crystal formed in a medium of light transmissive polymer by phase separation from solution with the polymer or a prepolymer. For example, FIGS. 1A and 1B illustrate a shutter or display 10 comprising a light modulating material in which droplets 12 of the liquid crystal form in a polymer medium 14 during phase separation in a magnetic field normal to a viewing surface 16 of the material. The device 10 includes, in addition to the light modulating material, transparent substrates 18, 20 (preferably of glass) having transparent electrodes 22, 24 (preferably of indium-tin-oxide) deposited on inner surfaces of the substrates facing the polymer medium 14. As shown schematically in FIG. 1A, solidifying the medium 14 in a magnetic field perpendicular to the viewing surface 16 forces the liquid crystal molecules 30 in the microdomains 12 to align parallel to the magnetic field. The smectic planes 32 and the electrical dipoles 34 of the liquid crystal 12 align randomly from microdomain to microdomain. If the liquid crystal and polymer are selected such that an index of refraction of the polymer is approximately equal to the index of refraction of the liquid crystal parallel to the long molecular axis, the device 10 in an as-formed state is optically homogeneous and transmissive along a direction perpendicular to the viewing surface 16. The scattering of light incident along a direction oblique to the viewing surface 16 of the device 10 (i.e., haze) can be reduced if the medium 14 is birefringent and the ordinary and extraordinary indices of refraction of the polymer are approximately equal to the indices of refraction of the liquid crystal parallel and perpendicular to the long molecular axis. For liquid crystalline materials with positive dielectric anisotropy, a relatively weak DC voltage difference generated between the transparent electrodes 22 and 24 realigns the electrical dipoles 34 perpendicular to the viewing surface 16. As shown schematically in FIG. 1B, the molecular long axes of the molecules 30 in the microdomains 12 are now randomly aligned from microdomain to microdomain. The effective indices of refraction of the microdomains 12 along the direction perpendicular to the viewing direction 16 are no longer approximately equal to the effective index of refraction of the polymer medium 14. This mismatch of the indices of refraction gives rise to a strong Rayleigh scattering of incident light. The optical contrast between the light transmissive as-formed state and the light scattering state enables the device to modulate light. If the liquid crystal and polymer are selected such that the liquid crystal phase in the microdomains 12 strongly anchors at the surfaces of the microdomains, the liquid crystal will return spontaneously to the light transmissive as-formed state shown in FIG. 1A when the voltage difference across the transparent electrodes 22, 24 is removed. By this means, a monostable "normally transmitting" (or "reverse mode") device is formed. Depending on the materials used, the switching time for this devices may be at least approximately two orders of magnitude less than the typical switching times of comparable devices using polymer dispersed nematic liquid crystal. A different selection of liquid crystal and polymer such that the liquid crystal in the microdomains 12 weakly anchor at the surfaces of the microdomains results in a device which will remain in the scattering state shown in FIG. 1B even after the voltage difference between the electrodes 22, 24 is removed. A high frequency AC field or, in the case of liquid crystal materials with low polarization density, a relatively high DC field across the electrodes 22, 24 realigns the molecules 30 back to the as-light transmissive as-formed state shown in FIG. 1A. (The strength of a DC field effective to realign the molecules 30 back to the state shown in FIG. 1A is determined by the relative strengths of the permanent and induced dipole moments.) By this means, a bistable device is formed. As with the normally transmissive device, the switching time for this devices may be at least approximately two orders of magnitude less than the switching times of typical polymer dispersed nematic liquid crystal devices. Neither the normally transmissive device nor the bistable device illustrated in FIGS. 1A and 1B require polarizers to modulate light. For liquid crystalline materials with negative dielectric anisotropy, a DC voltage difference generated between the transparent electrodes 22 and 24 realigns the electrical dipoles 34 perpendicular to the viewing surface 16. As in the case of liquid crystals with positive dielectric anisotropy, the effective indices of refraction of the microdomains 12 along the direction perpendicular to the viewing direction 16 are then no longer approximately equal to the effective index of refraction of the medium 14, giving rise to scattering. Whether the device is monostable or bistable depends on whether the liquid crystal and polymer are such that the anchoring of the liquid crystal at the surfaces of the microdomains 12 is strong or weak. FIGS. 2A, 2B and 2C illustrate shutters or displays 40 comprising a light modulating material in which droplets 42 of the liquid crystal form in a polymer medium 44 during phase separation due to the influence of external fields (as discussed below). The device 40 includes, in addition to the light modulating material, transparent substrates 48, 50 having transparent electrodes 52, 54 deposited on inner surfaces of the substrates facing the polymer medium 44 and polarizers 56, 58 adjacent to opposite surfaces of the substrates. The polarizers 56, 58 can be rotated to have their axes parallel of perpendicular to each other, depending on requirements. As shown schematically in FIG. 2A, solidifying the medium 44 in a magnetic field approximately parallel to the viewing surface 46 and a DC or slowly varying AC voltage perpendicular to the viewing surface 46 forces the molecule 60 in the microdomains 42 to align in "bookshelf" geometry such that the smectic planes 62 are perpendicular to the viewing surface 46. The electric dipoles 64 of the droplets 42 align perpendicularly to the viewing surface 46, while the molecules 60 themselves align at a tilt angle .beta. with respect to a line perpendicular to the smectic planes 62. (The molecules 64 are tilted out of the plane represented by the paper, as shown by the larger end of the "molecules" shown in FIG. 2A). If the liquid crystal and polymer are selected such that an index of refraction of the polymer is approximately equal to the effective index of refraction of the liquid crystal along the cell axis when its molecules are aligned at a tilt angle .beta., the light modulating material in an as-formed state transmits incident light and rotates the polarization direction of the incident light along a direction perpendicular to the viewing surface 46. If, in addition, the liquid crystal and polymer are selected such that the liquid crystal phase in the microdomains 42 weakly anchors at the surfaces of the microdomains, applying a DC field in a direction opposite to that in which the medium 44 was solidified causes the molecules 60 to switch within the smectic layers so that the dipole moments 64 point in the opposite direction. In this alignment, shown schematically in FIG. 2B, the light modulating material also transmits and rotates the direction of polarization of the incident light along a direction normal to the viewing surface 46. The rotation of the polarization direction is opposite to that of the as-formed state. The liquid crystal may be returned to the alignment of FIG. 2A by again applying a DC field in the direction of the field in which the medium 44 solidified. By rotating the polarization directions of the polarizers 56, 58, it is possible to maximize light transmission through the device 40 in one of the alignments shown in FIGS. 2A, 2B and minimize light transmission through the device in the other alignment. By this means, a "birefringence" mode device is formed. The relative orientations of the polarizers for obtaining maximum contrast is dependent on factors including the birefringence of the smectic phase, the thickness of the light modulating material, and the tilt angle of the liquid crystal. Advantages of such birefringence mode devices include ultra-high speed bistable switching a high contrast. One disadvantage is low light throughput due to the use of polarizers. Alternatively, if the liquid crystal and polymer are selected such that the liquid crystal has positive dielectric anisotropy and the liquid crystal phase in the microdomains 42 strongly anchors at the surfaces of the microdomains, generating a strong DC voltage across the electrodes 52, 54 induces a realignment of the liquid crystal molecules toward a direction nearly perpendicular to the viewing surface 46. The degree of realignment is dependent on the interaction energy of the permanent dipole, the magnitude of which is dependent on the first power of the electric field strength, and of the induced dipole, the magnitude of which is dependent on the second power of the electric field strength. In this realigned state, shown schematically in FIG. 2C, the effective indices of refraction of the microdomains 42 along the direction perpendicular to the viewing direction 46 are no longer approximately equal to the effective index of refraction of the medium 44. This mismatch of the indices of refraction gives rise to a strong Rayleigh scattering of incident light. When the strong DC field is removed, the liquid crystal spontaneously returns to the alignment shown in FIG. 2A. By this means a scattering-transmissive device may be formed. While polarizers 56, 58 are shown in FIG. 2C for purposes of consistency with FIGS. 2A and 2B, the light scattering occurs in the state shown in FIG. 2C even when unpolarized light is incident on the medium 44. In fact, the contrast and the light throughput between the light transmitting state of FIG. 2A and the light scattering state of FIG. 2C would increase if the polarizers were removed. While a scattering-transmissive device constructed using the material shown in FIGS. 2A and 2C having polarizers such as those shown at 56, 58 would be operative, such a device would preferably have no polarizers. Devices operating in scattering-transmissive or bistable modes similar to those illustrated in FIGS. 1A and 1B may also be formed by solidifying the medium 14 in the presence of an DC or AC electric field. Alternatively, devices operating in the scattering-transmissive or birefringence modes discussed in connection with FIGS. 2A, 2B and 2C may be formed by shearing the light modulating material while keeping the liquid crystal in either a smectic A or smectic C phase by heating, or by solidifying the medium 44 in the presence of a temperature gradient parallel to the viewing surface 46. Depending on the materials, the circumstances in which the polymer is solidified and manner of aligning the liquid crystal, the microdomains may be non-spherical (e.g. take the form of spheroids rather than spheres.) This difference in shape is expected to impact on the switching behavior of the material and can be exploited to improve the operation of the device. All of the above discussion, although framed in terms of a device utilizing smectic C* liquid crystal, is applicable also to devices using smectic F*, I*, G* and H* phases. Since these phases are capable of more than two stable orientation when aligned in bookshelf geometry, it is anticipated that devices using these materials will be capable of multistable switching in a preferred configuration. The alignment may be performed when the solution of liquid crystal is first formed and solidified. Alternatively, the alignment may be performed by heating a material already containing dispersed microdomains of ferroelectric smectic liquid crystal and then resolidifying the medium in the presence of an induced force to promote the alignment of the liquid crystal. The preferred embodiment of the invention is further exemplified by the following non-limiting example: The ferroelectric material ZLI-3234, available from E. Merck of Darmstadt, Germany, was dissolved with polymethylmethacrylate ["PMMA"] in chloroform in the following proportions: ZLI-3234 0.42 g PMMA 0.28 g CHCl.sub.3 6.3 g The solution was put in a glass tube and mixed with an agitator for ten minutes. Spacers of 5 .mu.m diameter were added to this mixture to provide uniform cell spacing. The solution was coated on one indium-tin-oxide ["ITO"] coated glass plate with a barrier layer of SiO.sub.2. The glass plate was left overnight to allow the solvent to evaporate, leaving a thin layer comprising droplets of liquid crystal dispersed in transparent polymer. The second plate was put on top of the coated one and the two were clamped together. The cell was heated to 150.degree. C., put under a pressure of 20 psi in a hot press, and then cooled at a rate of .about.1.degree. C./min to 30.degree. C. The SiO.sub.2 was removed from small areas of the glass plates outside the cells and wire leads were soldered to the ITO surface with indium metal. An electrical signal comprising alternating positive and negative square pulses of variable period and amplitude was applied and the switching characteristics of the cell observed under a polarizing microscope. The observations were made while changing the amplitude of the electrical pulses having amplitudes from 0 volts to 25 volts, and pulse durations from 10 Hz to 100 Hz. Almost 80% of the microdroplets formed according to the procedure set forth in the last two paragraphs were found to respond to the electrical pulses. Nearly 10-20% of the droplets were identified to be switching bistably. The threshold voltage for various droplets varied from 5 volts to 25 volts, demonstrating the possibility of grey scale in such devices. The bistability of the ON and OFF states was confirmed by removing the leads from the source of the electrical signal and shorting the leads to remove any charge left over on the cell plates. Shorting the leads did not affect the state of the droplets identified to be bistable as they remained in the state in which they were when the leads were disconnected. A large fraction of other droplets were found to change their optical appearance but did not appear to switch when the electrical pulses were applied, because their optical axes were in the wrong orientation (for the experimental set-up) to exhibit bistability. The bistable droplets appeared to switch at a frequency of at least 100 Hz. It is believed that the actual switching time was much shorter (.about.100 .mu.s) as specified by the manufacturer of the liquid crystal for bulk samples, but the experiment was not designed to test switching at such high speeds. Many modifications and variations of the invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art in light of the foregoing disclosure. Therefore, it is to be understood that, within the scope of the appended claims, the invention can be practiced otherwise than has been specifically shown and described.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS As required, detailed embodiments of the present invention are disclosed herein; however, it is to be understood that the disclosed embodiments are merely exemplary of the invention which may be embodied in various forms. Therefore, specific structural and functional details disclosed herein are not to be interpreted as limiting, but merely as a basis for the claims and as a representative basis for teaching one skilled in the art to variously employ the present invention in virtually any appropriately detailed structure. Reference is now made to the drawings, wherein like characteristics and features of the present invention shown in the various figures are designated by the same reference numerals. In FIG. 1 of the drawings, there is shown dual pneumatic piston cylinder arrangements 10, each attached at one end to bumper structural member 11 and at the other end to the frame horn 12 of an automobile frame. Although not shown in the drawings, it is to be realized that with today's modern cars, a plastic cover panel is attached to and surrounds the outside of the bumper structural member 11. The attachment of the front part of piston-cylinder arrangement 10 to the bumper is a flexible connection. Pin 13 and rubber bushing 15 connect piston rod 14 to bumper 11. The attachment of the rear portion of piston cylinder arrangement 10 to the frame horn 12 of the frame of an automobile comprises a rigid connection. The frame horn 12 is rigidly connected to piston 18. The piston rod 14 is fixedly attached to the cylinder section 19 of piston cylinder arrangement 10. While in FIG. 1 it is shown that the piston remains stationary while the cylinder and the connecting rod move axially with respect thereto, an alternative arrangement is readily envisioned (but not shown) whereby the cylinder may be held stationary with regard to the frame horn 12 while the piston and the rod move axially in accordance with the motion of bumper 11. FIG. 1 also shows the use of two piston cylinder arrangements 10 with regard to either a front or a rear bumper of an automobile. However, the invention is not to be limited thereby. For example, one centrally arranged shock absorbing unit 10 may be utilized or, in the alternative, three or even more shock absorbing arrangements 10 can be utilized with a single bumper 11. FIG. 2 illustrates an enlarged view, partially in cross section, of one embodiment of the pneumatic piston cylinder arrangement 10. Piston 18 comprises a flat plate having an approximate rectangular configuration. Piston 18 is rigidly attached to a flange 22 on frame horn 12 by bolt arrangement 21. A reinforcing-backing plate 23 may be interposed between piston plate 18 and frame horn 12. A rubber, or other like material, pad 24 is placed in front of piston plate 18. Rubber pad 24, like piston plate 18, is rectangular but extends over the peripheral edge of piston plate 18 by approximately one-quarter of an inch. The clearance 41 around rubber pad 24 (between the peripheral edge of rubber pad 24 and the inside of cylinder 19) may be of the order of between 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch. Bolt arrangement 21 may be used to joint together frame horn 12, backing plate 23, piston plate 18 and rubber pad 24, all of which include a central opening 26 through the geometric center thereof for piston rod 14. A TEFLON.RTM. (a synthetic resin polymer) or other like material, bushing 27 is fitted within opening 26 for purposes of allowing piston rod 14 to freely slide therethrough. Cylinder 19 comprises a rectangular box member having a front panel 20 rigidly connected to side panels 28 and top and bottom panels 29. The front plate 20 of cylinder 19 is rigidly connected to piston rod 14 such as by welding 16 (FIG. 6). Piston rod 14 extends through the front panel 20, which extension includes a transverse through hole 32 for purposes of connecting cylinder 19 and piston rod 14 to bumper member 11 by pin 13. See FIGS. 5, 6, and 7. Thus, cylinder 19 and piston rod 14 move with bumper member 11 upon impact. A plurality of holes 33 are provided in one or more rows of cylinder 19 along side 28 or bottom 29 panels for purposes of venting the air trapped within cylinder 19 upon movement of bumper 11 caused by a collision. As cylinder 19 moves relative to piston 18, fewer and fewer holes 33 are available for venting of the trapped air. This venting, in part, accomplishes the absorption of energy resulting from a collision. Again referring to FIG. 2, it is seen that piston rod 14 also extends out of and away from piston plate 18. A remote spring retaining plate 34 is rigidly attached to piston plate 18 by struts 35 such as by welding or threading. Piston rod 14 extends through remote retaining plate 34 and slides with respect thereto through another TEFLON.RTM. (a synthetic resin polymer) bushing 36. A spring retaining near plate 37 is rigidly attached to piston rod 14 at a location substantially adjacent to piston plate 18. An energy absorbing spring 38 is fitted between near plate 37 and remote plate 34. Spring 38 functions to bias piston plate 18 and cylinder 28 in a spaced apart position as shown in FIG. 2. Struts 35 limit the remote location of remote plate 34 and therefore the compression of spring 38. In this manner, a ready to function (to absorb the energy of a collision) unit comprising cylinder 19, piston 18, piston rod 14, and spring 38 and which further comprises a single assembly, may be connected as a complete assembly between the bumper 11 and the frame horn 12 of an automobile. This single unit feature is very advantageous from an initial assembly and a replacement assembly standpoint. In operation, when the bumper 11 is struck and moves rearward relative to frame horn 12, the energy of the impact of the vehicle associated with the piston and cylinder arrangement 10 as the vehicle comes to rest is absorbed by the pneumatic piston cylinder arrangement 10. The motion of the bumper is translated to the connecting rod 14 through the pin 13 which results in axial motion of both rod 14 and cylinder 19 relative to piston plate 18 and remote spring retaining plate 34. Piston assembly 18 remains stationary relative to the frame horn 12 by means of the connection of it to the frame horn 12 by the bolt arrangement 21. Upon initial impact, the air within the space 40 defined by cylinder 19 escapes through the peripheral opening 41 around rubber pad 24 as well as all of the holes 33, and spring 38 begins to compress. Thus, upon initial impact, a relatively large amount of motion is associated with a relatively small amount of energy absorption. As the impact continues, however, the piston arrangement sequentially covers holes 33A and 33B and begins approaching the location of holes 33C and then 33D which are continuously exhausting air within cylinder 19. Then, when holes 33D are completely covered by the motion of cylinder 19, the last holes 33E as well as the peripheral opening 41 are then all that is available to exhaust the air within cylinder 19. The decreasing amount of openings for the exhaust of air within cylinder 19 in conjunction with the relatively rapid travel of bumper 11 relative to frame horn 12 provides a force deflection curve which is increasing as the amount of deflection increases. This may be seen in FIG. 4. The force deflection curve of spring 38 also operates in this direction. It is also to be noted that inasmuch as the impact causes very quick movement of the piston 18 relative to cylinder 19 such that the pressure of the air within cylinder 19 also increases with travel of cylinder 19 relative to piston 18. This action further enhances the increasing force required for a corresponding increase in deflection. Variations in the energy-absorbing curve can be obtained by progressively decreasing the size of holes 33A through 33D and/or by providing a variable rate spring 38. FIG. 3 illustrates another embodiment of the pneumatic energy absorbing arrangement provided by this invention. In this embodiment, a piston cylinder arrangement 110 is again provided in a single unit which may be fitted between bumper 11 and frame horn 12. The spring 138 is provided between cylinder 119 and piston 118 and is seen to be shaped in a circular cone. This shape of spring 138 provides for the minimum compressed height of the spring being the thickness of one coil. That is, when compressed, the coils of spring 138 each fit within the other and form a flat concentric coil when fully compressed. The respective parts in the embodiment of FIG. 3 function as their counterparts in the embodiment of FIG. 2. Thus, in operation, the embodiment of FIG. 3 functions as that of FIG. 2. FIGS. 5, 6, and 7 show details of the flexible connection between bumper 11 and piston rod 14. A bracket 17 having an opening 39 therethrough is rigidly attached such as by welding to bumper 11. Opening 39 is aligned with opening 32 through the extending portion of piston rod 14 such that pin 13 fits therein. A rubber sleeve 15 is fitted between pin 13 and openings 32 and 39. Rubber sleeve 15 in conjunction with pin 13 provide for off center hits of bumper 11. That is, collisions which may, for example, occur more or less on either the right side or the left side of the automobile such that the side that is hit deflects more than the other side. This causes the bumper 11 to become angled relative to the automobile. Compression of sleeve 15 and rotation about pin 13 allow for such movement on either the left or right side of the bumper. While the invention has been described, disclosed, illustrated and shown in certain terms or certain embodiments or modifications which it has assumed in practice, the scope of the invention is not intended to be nor should it be deemed to be limited thereby and such other modifications or embodiments as may be suggested by the teachings herein are particularly reserved especially as they fall within the scope of the breadth and scope of the claims here appended.
Similar numbers refer to similar parts throughout the specification. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION An exemplary embodiment of the security storage container of the present invention is indicated generally by the numeral2in the accompanying drawings. Security storage container2includes a primary security feature that may be unlocked with a key to allow the item of merchandise protected by container2to be removed from container2and sold to a customer. Security storage container2also includes a secondary security feature that is activated only when the primary security feature is defeated by force. The secondary security feature functions by locking the item of merchandise to a portion of security storage container2or by damaging a portion of the item of merchandise.FIGS. 1-21show a first exemplary embodiment of security storage container2.FIGS. 22-29show an alternative embodiment of the secondary security feature for the exemplary embodiment of security storage container2.FIGS. 30-38show alternative positions for either embodiment of the secondary security feature. The secondary security feature of the present invention may be used with a wide variety of security storage containers having a primary security feature. The exemplary security storage container2shown in the accompanying drawings is provided as the best mode embodiment for this application. Security storage container2is in the form of a six-sided box having a frame or base4and a lid6that is connected to base4and movable between open and closed positions. Base4is sized to receive an item of merchandise8and lid6cooperates with base4to surround and secure item8when lid6is in the closed position. In the exemplary embodiment, container2is adapted to receive items8of recorded media such as CD or DVD packages. Other embodiments of security container2may be configured to hold other types of items8such as computer software boxes, books, jewelry boxes, electronics boxes, and the like. Base4is typically fabricated from a transparent material that allows the customer to view item8. Base4may include windows10that reduce the amount of material used to fabricate base4and allow customers to directly view item8. Base4generally includes a front wall12, a back wall14, a right sidewall16, a left sidewall18, and a bottom wall20. Walls12,14,16,18and20are disposed in the form of a 5-sided frame or box having an open end disposed opposite bottom wall20. Lid6is connected to base4with hinges and closes the open end of the box when lid6is closed. Ribs22may be provided on the inner surface of any of the walls of base4to help position item8immediately adjacent or against the secondary security feature of container2. In the exemplary embodiment, ribs22are located on the inner surface of back wall14. Lid6is adapted to carry the EAS tag24of container2in a compartment defined by lid6. Lid6is typically fabricated from an opaque material so that an observer cannot determine if an EAS24is present. An observer also cannot determine how the primary security feature of container2is configured. In the exemplary embodiment of the invention, the primary security feature of container2locks lid6in the closed position with respect to base4. The primary security feature thus includes a lock slide30, a locking mechanism32, and at least one lock tab34connected to base4. Lock slide30is carried by lid6and selectively moveable between locked and unlocked positions. The locked position is depicted inFIGS. 5 and 6with the unlocked position depicted inFIGS. 8 and 9. Locking mechanism32holds lock slide30in the locked position when locking mechanism32is in its locked position. Any of a variety of locking mechanisms32may be used to hold lock slide30in the locked position. These locking mechanisms include mechanically-actuated devices and magnetically-actuated devices. In the exemplary embodiment, a two finger, magnetically-actuated locking mechanism32is shown. The locking fingers of locking mechanism32may be moved from a locked position (FIG. 5) to an unlocked position (FIG. 7) through the use of an appropriate key36having magnets38positioned to align with the lock fingers when the key is correctly positioned with respect to lid6. Locking mechanism32may be carried by either lid6or lock slide30and may engage the other of lid6and lock slide30depending on the particular design of locking mechanism32and key36. Lock slide30includes its own lock tabs40that engage lock tabs34of base4when lock slide30is in its locked position as depicted inFIG. 6. In this position, lid6cannot be pivoted to the open position and container2is locked. When the user wishes to access container2, the user unlocks locking mechanism32and slides lock slide30to the unlocked position (FIG. 9) where lock tabs40of lock slide30disengage lock tabs34of base4. In this position, lid6may be freely pivoted from the closed position to the open position. In the exemplary embodiment of the invention, lid6defines an opening42that allows the user to access a finger tab44on lock slide30to slide lock slide30back and forth. In other embodiments, a projection from key36engages lock slide30to move lock slide30between the locked and unlocked positions. The primary security feature of container2is thus adapted to lock lid6in the closed position with respect to base4. Lock tabs34and40are typically integrally fabricated with lock slide30and base4. Base4and lock tabs34/40are fabricated from a plastic material that may be fractured if attacked with sufficient force. Two methods of attacking tabs34/40are depicted inFIGS. 13 and 13Awherein container2is sharply struck against a rigid item46and is attacked with a pry bar48. Once lock tabs34or40are broken or fractured, lid6may be opened without unlocking locking mechanism32. The secondary security feature of the present invention functions to retain lid6when lock tabs34or40are broken and then, if lid6is opened, the secondary security feature of the invention functions to hold item8in base4or damage item8when item8is being removed from base4. The damage to item8reduces its value and frustrates the shoplifter. The secondary security feature of the present invention generally includes at least one prong50and a cover member52that holds prong50in an inactivated position until a portion of the primary security device is defeated. When a portion of the primary security device is defeated, cover member52moves to an activated position allowing prong50to move to an activated position to engage item8. The engagement of prong50with item8will hold item8in base4or will damage item8if item8is forcibly removed from base4when prong50is engaging item8. Cover member52is activated by the defeat of the primary security feature because cover member52is linked to a portion of the primary security feature. The link between the primary and second security features causes the secondary security feature to be activated when the primary security feature is defeated. In the exemplary embodiment, the link between the security features is through lock slide30. Specifically, cover member52includes lock tabs54that align with lock tabs34of base4to engage lock tabs40on lock slide30. In one embodiment, lock tabs54are fabricated from a material that does not fracture as easily as the material that forms lock tabs34thus causing lock tabs54to remain engaged with lock slide30after lock tabs34are destroyed. In another embodiment (such as shown inFIG. 22), lock tabs54are disposed in limited positions with respect to tabs34. In the exemplary embodiment of the invention, locking member52is in the form of a cover plate that extends across a substantial amount of the width of base4. Cover plate52includes four lock tabs54as shown inFIG. 4. Cover plate52is disposed adjacent the inner surface of front wall12as shown inFIGS. 11 and 12. Cover plate52moves between the inactivated position ofFIGS. 11 and 12to the activated position ofFIGS. 15-21. Cover plate52defines an opening56for each prong50. Opening56is adapted to receive a portion of prong50when cover plate52is in the inactivated position as shown inFIG. 12. Opening56allows prong50to extend through cover plate52when cover plate52is in the activated position such that prong50may engage item8as shown inFIG. 15. Cover plate52also defines at least first58and second60ledges that are used to properly position cover plate52with respect to base4and prong50. Prong50is fixed with respect to base4. As such, prong50does not move with cover plate52. Prong50is, however, biased toward its activated position and is held in its inactivated position by cover plate52. Prongs50will be held for a majority of their life in the inactivated position. Because of this fact, prongs50are fabricated from a material, such as spring steel, that does not lose its resiliency over time. In the exemplary embodiment of the invention, prong50extends from a prong plate62. Prong plate62is secured to front wall12of base4in an appropriate manner. One appropriate manner of securing prong plate62is to use a holding plate64on the outside of front wall12with feet66that extend through front wall12to engage openings68defined by prong plate62in a snap fit connection. The innermost ends of feet66may be flattened against plate62to provide a secure connection. Plate52may define openings71that accommodate feet66. A perimeter wall70may be connected to front wall12to prevent one from prying holding plate64away from front wall12. Prong plate62may also be received in a pocket formed on the interior surface of wall12or secured to the interior surface of wall12with an appropriate adhesive or with appropriate mechanical connectors such as rivets, screws, and the like. Prong plate62includes a generally planar base plate from which prong50extends in a cantilevered fashion. The base plate of prong plate62defines an opening that receives prong50when prong50is compressed to its inactivated position. In the exemplary embodiment of the invention, prong plate62includes four prongs50. Each prong50includes a sharp razor-like tip that is adapted to tear into item8and at least deface item8. Prong plate62further includes at least one stop72that prevents cover plate52from moving from its activated position to its inactivated position. In the exemplary embodiment, prong plate62includes four stops72that are positioned to engage first and second ledges58,60. FIGS. 10,11, and12show the relative positions of base4, cover plate52, and prong plate62.FIG. 11shows the manner in which cover plate52is held in place to trap prong plate62with prongs50in the inactivated position.FIG. 12shows the inactivated positions of prongs50with stop72engaging first ledge58. InFIGS. 10-12, lock tabs54of cover plate52are in the locked position and engage lock tabs40on lock slide30. Cover plate52may be fabricated from a material that is different from the material of base4and lid6so that lock tabs54do not fracture or break if lock tabs34and40fracture and break. For instance, cover plate52may be fabricated from a thin metal material that will not fracture when struck against object46. Security storage container2is provided to the user with the secondary security feature in its inactivated position as shown inFIG. 10. The user opens lid6by unlocking the primary security feature. In this example, the user aligns key36with locking mechanism32and moves lock slide30to its unlocked position. The user then opens lid6and places item8inside base4. In some situations, the user may wish to align a feature of item8with the secondary security feature so that the activation of the secondary security feature will cooperate with a feature on item8. Exemplary features are shown inFIGS. 30-38. InFIGS. 30-38, item8is a media storage container that has openings100that are formed when literature clips are molded into item8. Openings100are depicted inFIGS. 30-32. In the embodiment of the invention depicted inFIGS. 30-32, prongs50are positioned on base4to be aligned with opening100when item8is properly inserted into base4. Opening100is thus a feature on item8that can be used in cooperation with the secondary security feature. Another feature on item8is shown inFIGS. 33-35. This feature is the concave opening102defined by the rear surface of item8where a disc hub104is formed. Concave opening102may be aligned with prongs50so that prongs50will cooperate with openings102when prongs50are activated as shown inFIG. 35.FIGS. 36-38show a further secondary security feature wherein an opening104is formed in a wall of item8so that prong50will engage the merchandise inside item8as well as lock item8in place. When item8is a disc storage container, prong50will directly engage and damage the disc106as shown inFIG. 38. Destruction of disc106prevents the shoplifter from profiting from the theft. After the user inserts item8into base4, the user closes lid6and moves lock slide30to the locked position. Locking mechanism32will automatically move to the locked position to securely lock item8within container2. When the user unlocks locking mechanism32and moves lock slide30to the unlocked position, cover plate52is not disturbed and remains in its inactivated position and the secondary security feature is not activated. The secondary security feature thus does not interfere with the proper use of security device2. If, however, a shoplifter attempts to open security storage container2by destroying lock tabs34and40, the secondary security feature will be activated.FIG. 13shows device2being struck against object46in an attempt to break lock tabs34and40.FIG. 13Ashows the use of pry bar48to break open lid6.FIG. 14shows the successful fracture of lock tabs34that are connected to base4.FIG. 14also shows that lock tabs54on cover plate52are not fractured. After a shoplifter has broken tabs34inFIG. 14, the shoplifter opens lid6as shown inFIG. 15in order to remove item8. When this occurs, lock tabs54remain engage with lock tabs40of lock slide30and cover plate52is pulled from its inactivated position toward its activated position as shown inFIGS. 15-17. InFIG. 17, lock tabs54have slipped off of lock tabs40or have been bent by the force of lid6being opened. Regardless of the damage to lock tabs54, prongs50are now in the activated position and locked in place by the interaction between stops72and second ledge60as shown inFIGS. 17 and 18. In their activated position, prongs50are disposed against item8where they will tear or otherwise disfigure or damage item8if the shoplifter pulls item8from base4. In the situations where prongs50are aligned with an indented feature of item8such as opening100(FIG. 30), concave opening102(FIG. 33), or opening104(FIG. 35), the activated position of prongs50will lock prong50against item8to prevent item8from being withdrawn from base4. The secondary security device thus frustrates the shoplifter by damaging the item being stolen or by preventing the item from being removed from base4. If the shoplifter pulls directly on cover plate52in an attempt to remove cover plate52from base4, the lower end74of cover plate52will wedge under prongs50causing prongs50to push harder against item8as shown inFIGS. 15-21. The corner of lower end74may be angled to facilitate this wedging action. An alternative embodiment of the invention is depicted inFIGS. 22-29with many of the same reference numerals being used to identify similar components despite some changes in the structure or number of the components. Container2ofFIGS. 22-29functions in the same manner as described above and thus includes the primary and secondary security features that are linked together to frustrate shoplifters. In this embodiment, opposing prongs80are disposed intermediate prongs50and deploy in a different direction to further engage item8. In this embodiment, the cover plate82is slidably carried adjacent the inner surface of front wall12in a pocket formed by ribs projecting from wall12. Prong plate84is secured between cover plate80and front wall12. Prongs50and80are cantilevered from prong plate84. Prong plate84also includes stop72that engages ledge58when plate82is pulled out to the activated position. Cover plate82includes a retaining ledge83for each prong50and80that holds prong50/80in the inactivated position. This embodiment of the invention is used in the same manner described above. If the primary security feature of lid6is defeated by force and the shoplifter opens lid6, lock tabs54remain engaged with lock tabs40lock slide30and pull cover plate82to the activated position. In this position, prongs50and80engage item8and damage item8as shown at numeral90inFIGS. 26 and 28. In the foregoing description, certain terms have been used for brevity, clearness, and understanding. No unnecessary limitations are to be implied therefrom beyond the requirement of the prior art because such terms are used for descriptive purposes and are intended to be broadly construed. Moreover, the description and illustration of the invention is an example and the invention is not limited to the exact details shown or described.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF A PREFERRED EMBODIMENT FIG. 1 depicts a block diagram of a CAM memory system 10 constructed in accordance with the present invention. CAM memory system 10 has N+1 sets 12 of memory elements, where N is an integer. Each set 12 has one TAG memory element and one DATA memory element. The N+1 TAG memory elements form a block 14 of TAG memory elements, where the TAG memory elements are labeled TAG 0 through TAG N. The N+1 DATA memory elements form a block 16 of DATA memory elements, where the DATA memory elements are labeled DATA 0 through DATA N. All TAG memory elements receive the input signals TAG and CONTROL. Each TAG memory element generates one of a plurality wordline signals 18 and forwards the one wordline signal to the DATA memory element within the same set 12. Each DATA memory element also receives the input DATA-IN and generates the output DATA-OUT. As will be described below, CAM memory system 10 generates a DATA-OUT signal that is valid during both the first and second phase of a control clock cycle (one component of the signal CONTROL). This makes CAM memory system 10 suitable for data processing applications where the actual cycle time approaches the minimum cycle time allowed by the manufacturing processes. In operation, CAM memory system 10 has three modes of operation: write, compare and read. In the first mode, write, a tag and a data word are written into a TAG memory element and a DATA memory element, respectively, of one set of memory elements 12. The tag and dam word are input to TAG memory element and DATA memory element through the signals TAG and DATA-IN, respectively. The particular set of memory elements 12 so written to may be selected by any one of a number of known algorithms not related to the present invention, including least recently used set (LRU), random set, invalid set, etc. In the second mode, compare, a tag is supplied to each of the TAG memory elements in block 14 through the input signal TAG. Each TAG memory element compares the data previously stored in it to the supplied tag. If the two match, then the matching TAG memory element will assert its matchline and, therefore, its wordline signal. As described above, an asserted matchline signal causes the DATA memory element associated with the matching TAG memory element to output a data word previously stored in the associated DATA memory element. In the third mode, read, the contents of a particular set of memory elements may be read by asserting the matchline associated with the particular set. FIG. 2 depicts a block diagram of any TAG memory element depicted in FIG. 1. For purposes of illustration, FIG. 2 depicts the ith TAG memory element of block 14, where i is an integer index ranging from O to N. In the depicted embodiment, each TAG memory element stores four independent data bits in four CAM cells 20. CAM cells 20 are known in the art. The four TAG data bits are written to or read from the ith TAG memory element through the four pairs of bitline signals (labeled BL.sub.0 /BL.sub.0 through BL.sub.3 /BL.sub.3 where the bar notation indicates the logical complement of a signal). One pair of bitline signals is connected to a selected differing one of CAM cells 20 in each TAG memory element within block 14. Four input reference TAG bits are compared to the contents of the ith TAG memory element through the four pairs of reference signals (labeled Ref.sub.0 /Ref.sub.0 through Ref.sub.3 /Ref.sub.3 where the bar notation indicates the logical complement of a signal). One pair of the reference signals is connected to a selected differing one of CAM cells 20 in each TAG memory element within block 14. Each CAM cell 20 within the ith TAG memory element is connected to an ith latch circuit 22 of a set of N+1. latch circuits through an ith matchline node 24 of a set of N+1 matchline nodes. In the prior art, the ith matchline node 24 is logically AND'ed with a periodic clock signal or the complement of a periodic clock signal. The output of each logic combination then becomes the ith wordline. In the disclosed invention, the ith latch circuit 22 is also connected to a first and a second periodic clock signal 26 and 27 (labeled CLOCK1 and CLOCK2, respectively). Periodic clocking signals 26 and 27 are characterized by two alternating phases. Each phase of clock signals 26 and 27 correspond to one of two possible logic states. Latch circuit 22 generates the ith wordline signal (labeled WL.sub.i) 18 for the ith DATA memory element. The ith wordline signal is also connected to each CAM cell 20 within the ith TAG memory element. During a write operation, the ith wordline is asserted by a circuit (not shown) causing the ith TAG memory element to store the four-bit tag present on the four pairs of signals BL.sub.0 /BL.sub.0 through BL.sub.3 /BL.sub.3. Simultaneously, a data word associated with the four-bit tag is written into the ith DATA memory element 16. The ith DATA memory element is selected by the ith wordline signal as is known in the art. A compare operation is more fully described in terms of a first and second phase of the signal CLOCK1. During the first phase of a compare operation, each latch circuit 22 precharges, or couples a first voltage supply terminal to the latch circuit's associated matchline node 24. During the second phase of a compare operation, each of the N+1 TAG memory elements compares the four data bits provided by the signal TAG with the four bits stored in each set of four CAM cells 20. If any of the four stored data bits within each set does not match the corresponding input tag bit, then the CAM cell 20 finding the mismatch will discharge the associated matchline node 24. For example, if the input tag is logically equivalent to 0010 (most to least significant bits) and the ith stored tag is logically equivalent to 0110, then the CAM cell 20 connected to the inputs Ref.sub.2 /Ref.sub.2 within the ith TAG memory element will discharge the ith matchline node 24. Finally, at the transition between the second phase of one clock cycle and the first phase of the next clock signal, each latch circuit 22 will latch the associated one of the N+1 logic states generated by the instant compare step. The ith latch circuit 22 outputs the ith logic value on the ith wordline 18 until the next clock signal transition. It should be understood that every one of the TAG memory elements performs the same input-tag/stored-tag comparison during the second phase of clock signal 26. Therefore, each TAG memory element will either discharge or not discharge an associated match line node 24 depending upon the comparison. Similarly, each TAG memory element has its own latch circuit 22. Each latch circuit 22 precharges the matchline associated with the particular TAG memory element during the first clock phase and latches the logic value present at the transition between second clock phase and the subsequent first phase. The contents of the ith CAM memory element and the ith DATA memory element may be output as a conventional RAM or ROM by asserting the ith wordline. FIG. 3 depicts a timing diagram 28 of the CAM memory system depicted in FIGS. 1 and 2. Timing diagram 28 depicts the three signals TAG, MATCHLINE and WORDLINE with respect to the first and second periodic clock signals 26 and 27 (CLOCK1 and CLOCK2, respectively). As described above, the signals CLOCK1 and CLOCK2 are characterized by two cyclical phases (labeled .PHI..sub.1 and .PHI..sub.2). The duty cycle of the signal CLOCK2 is intentionally skewed with respect to CLOCK1 so that .PHI..sub.1 is longer than .PHI..sub.2. Each high-to-low transition of the signal CLOCK2 occurs later in time than the same transition of the signal CLOCK1. The low-to-high transitions of the two clock signals are generally contemporaneous. A circuit that accomplishes this skew is described below in connection with FIG. 5. The amount of skew added to the high-to-low transition of the signal CLOCK2 ensures that the signal CLOCK2 transitions low immediately after CAM memory system 10 evaluates each of the N+1 matchline nodes 18. This condition is indicated in FIG. 3 by the high-to-low transition of the signal MATCHLINE. The amount of skew added to the low-to-high transition of the signal CLOCK2 ensures that the signal transitions high immediately before CAM memory system 10 precharges each of the N+1 matchline nodes 18. This condition may be fulfilled by causing the low-to-high transition of both clock signals to occur simultaneously. The signal TAG indicates that the address tenure of the four-bit tag occurs during the second phase of the signal CLOCK1. The signal MATCHLINE represents the voltage present on matchline node 24. As depicted by the signal, MATCHLINE, latch circuit 22 precharges each matchline node 24 to a high logic state during the first phase of the signal CLOCK1. During the second phase of the signal CLOCK1, each TAG memory element may or may not discharge its corresponding matchline node 24 depending upon the match comparison. In some applications, the discharge of each matchline node 24 may occur relatively late in the second phase of the signal CLOCK1. The signal WORDLINE depicts the output of latch circuit 22. Latch circuit 22 latches the logic value present on matchline node 24 after the signal CLOCK2 transitions from a low logic state (second phase) to a high logic state (first phase of the subsequent clock cycle). This transition may occur shortly after each input-tag/stored-tag comparison completes. This timing scheme allows each of the N+1 matchline nodes to drive the corresponding DATA memory elements for a period of time as long as an entire cycle of the signal CLOCK2 (equal to the cycle time of CLOCK1). Without latch circuit 22, all N+1 of the WORDLINE signals would precharge to a high logic state at the beginning of both clock signals ' first phase. In such a case, the act of precharging would effectively erase the data present on each of the N+1 matchline nodes at the end of the second phase of both clock signals. Each TAG memory element could then only drive its associated DATA memory element for a fraction of the second phase of the signal CLOCK2. FIG. 4 depicts a partial schematic diagram of the latch circuit 22 depicted in FIG. 2. The output signal WORDLINE (labeled WL.sub.i) is generated by an output of an inverter 30. An input of inverter 30 is connected to a first terminal of a switch or a pass gate 34 and to a first terminal of a switch or a pass gate 32. The output of inverter 30 is also connected to an input of an inverter 36. An output of inverter 36 is connected to a second terminal of pass gate 34. A gate of a P-channel device of pass gate 32 and a gate of an N-channel device of pass gate 34 are connected to the signal CLOCK2. A gate of an N-channel device of pass gate 32 and a gate of a P-channel device of pass gate 34 are connected to an output of an inverter 38 and to an output of an inverter 40, respectively. An input of inverter 38 and an input of inverter 40 are connected to the signal CLOCK2. A second terminal of pass gate 32 is connected to matchline node 24. Matchline node 24 receives the input signal MATCHLINE (labeled ML). Matchline node 24 is also connected to a drain of a P-channel transistor 42. A source of transistor 42 is connected to a voltage supply terminal corresponding to a high logic state. A gate of transistor 42 is connected to the output of an inverter 44. An input of inverter 44 receives the input signal CLOCK1. Latch circuit 22 has two phases of operation corresponding to the two logic states or phases of the signals CLOCK1 and CLOCK2. In the first phase of operation, the signal CLOCK2 corresponds to a high logic state. In this first phase, pass gate 34 is in a conducting state and pass gate 32 is in a non-conducting state. Inverters 30 and 36 thereby form a latch retaining the logic value present at node 24 immediately before the low-to-high transition of the signal CLOCK2. Transistor 42 simultaneously precharges matchline node 24 to a high logic state during a portion of the first phase of the signal CLOCK2 (the first phase of the signal CLOCK 1). During the first phase of operation, the changing voltage level at matchline node 24 does not effect the output of inverter 30. In the second phase of operation, the signal CLOCK2 corresponds to a low logic state. In this second phase, pass gate 34 is in a non-conducting state and pass gate 32 is in a conducting state. Therefore, the voltage at node 24 directly passes to the output of inverter 30. During the second phase of operation, the changing voltage level at matchline node 24 is directly passed to the output of inverter 30. FIG. 5 depicts a logic diagram of a skewing circuit 46 operable to generate the signals CLOCK1 and CLOCK2 depicted in HG. 3. The signals CLOCK1 and CLOCK2 are generated from a common periodic clock signal (labeled SYSTEM CLOCK). An output of an inverter 48 generates the signal CLOCK1. An input of inverter 48 is connected to an output of an inverter 50. An input of an inverter 50 is connected to the signal SYSTEM CLOCK. An output of an inverter 52 generates the signal CLOCK2. An input of inverter 52 is connected to an output of a NOR gate 54. A first input of NOR gate 54 is connected to the signal SYSTEM CLOCK. A second input of NOR gate 54 is connected to an output of an inverter 56. An input of inverter 56 is connected to an output of an inverter 58. An input of inverter 58 is connected to an output of an inverter 60. An input of inverter 60 is connected to an output of an inverter 62. An input of inverter 62 is also connected to the signal SYSTEM CLOCK. The propagation delay through NOR gate 54 and inverter 52 is generally equal to the propagation delay through inverters 48 and 50. Therefore, the low-to-high transition occurs simultaneously for both signals CLOCK1 and CLOCK2. However, inverters 56, 58, 60 and 62 cause a propagation delay for the signal CLOCK2 that is not duplicated for the signal CLOCK1. The propagation delay caused by these four inverters causes the high-to-low transition of the signal CLOCK2 to occur after the high-to-low transition of the signal CLOCK1. As described above, the skew added to the first phase of the signal CLOCK2 causes the high-to-low transition of the signal CLOCK2 to occur after each of the N+1 matchline nodes to evaluate to either a high or a low logic state. The disclosed invention is useful in cache memory systems which allow "snooping." As described above, a CAM memory system may be used to store frequently used memory and source addresses of the memory, a cache, for use by a data processing system. In some data processing systems, a cache may access data stored in a main memory system that is also accessed by other systems. One example of such a system is a multiprocessor data processing system. In a multiprocessor data processing system, several data processors, usually individual microprocessors, each has a cache memory system incorporating a CAM memory system. However, all multiprocessors in the data processing system share a single main memory system. Various protocols known in the art exist to maintain data coherency when data may be modified while in a cache. In general, "snooping" is the process by which each microprocessor (in the present example) monitors a data bus common to all microprocessors to determine if the data within one or more of the microprocessors is no longer valid. The operation of another microprocessor may modify the data value thereby invalidating older, unmodifed copies of the data. Generally, each microprocessor in the multiprocessor data processing system broadcasts its cache data write operations on the data bus to indicate such an invalidating operation to other microprocessors. For example, if a particular microprocessor modifies a copy of a data word resident in its cache by incrementing the value of the data word, then the microprocessor will broadcast the address of the modified data on the data bus. Every other microprocessor may then invalidate every old unincremented copy of the data. This prevents the other microprocessors from using an incorrect copy of the data. Each copy of data stored in a cache typically has a valid bit associated with it to facilitate such an invalidation operation. The disclosed invention facilitates a single cycle status update in a snooping data processing system. A data processing system containing CAM memory system 10 must determine if it has a copy of the affected data and if so, invalidate it, after the data processing system detects a data invalidating operation. During the second phase of the signal CLOCK1, a data processing system inputs all or a selected portion of the address of the snooped operation to each TAG memory element 14. If the data identified by the snooped tag is present in CAM memory system 10, then one matchline node 24 will not discharge. This matchline node will drive its corresponding DATA memory element 16. During the subsequent first phase of the signal CLOCK2, the data processing system may then write a logic value corresponding to an invalid entry into the bit allocated for the validity status of the associated DATA memory element. This bit may be located in either the TAG memory element or the DATA memory element. As described above, the ith TAG memory element or the ith DATA memory element may be written into by applying input data on the bitline signals while the ith wordline is asserted. Other types of write operations may occur to CAM memory system 10 in the same manner as necessary to the operation of the data processing system. These single-cycle write operations may be associated with other memory coherency protocols or simply with data stores to selected TAG or DATA memory elements. Although the present invention has been described with reference to a specific embodiment, further modifications and improvements will occur to those skilled in the art. For instance, other latch circuits may be appropriate given other semiconductor manufacturing processes. Or, more complicated timing schemes may be necessary to support more complex timing constraints of a preexisting circuit incorporating the disclosed invention. It is to be understood therefore, that the invention encompasses all such modifications that do not depart from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims.
POMOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS Referring now more specifically to the pomological characteristics of this new and distinct variety of peach tree, the following has been observed under the ecological conditions prevailing near Le Grand, Merced County (San Joaquin Valley), Calif., and was developed at the state of firm ripe on Jul. 1, 2000 on the original tree during its seventh growing season. All major color code designations are by reference to the Inter-Society Color Council, National Bureau of Standards. Common color names are also used occasionally. TREE Size: Large, reaching and maintaining a height of 13 3.96 m. and a spread of 9 2.74 m. after seven growing seasons utilizing typical dormant pruning. Vigor: Vigorous, responding typically to irrigation and fertilization. The variety grows about 3 0.91 m. of surplus top-growth during the spring and summer. The plant should be grown on a standard commercial rootstock for production purposes. Growth: Spreading and dense. Form: Vase formed. Hardiness: Hardy with respect to central California winters. Production: Very productive, thinning necessary. Fertility: Self-fertile. Bearing: Regular bearer with no alternate bearing yet observed. Trunk: Size . Medium, reaching a maximum diameter of 5.5 140 mm. after the seventh growing season. Texture . Rough. Bark color . Brownish gray 64. brGr . Lenticels . Numerous. Color: Strong orange yellow 68. s.OY . Typical Size: to 6.4-12.7 mm. . Branches: Size . Diameter of scaffold is 3 76 mm. measured 12 above the crotch, typical of Prunus persica, and dependent upon cultural practices and climatic conditions. Texture . Smooth on 1st year wood, increasing roughness with age. Color . 1st Year Wood Topside: Grayish red 19. gy.R . 1st Year Wood Underside: Brilliant yellow green 116. brill.YG . Older Wood: Moderate brown 58. m.Br . Lenticels . Numerous. Color: Moderate orange yellow 71. m.OY . Typical Size: {fraction (1/16)} to 1.6-6.4 mm. . Leaves Size . Large. Average Length: 6.5 165 mm. . Average Width: 1{fraction (7/16)} 36.5 mm. . Arrangement . Alternate. Thickness . Medium. Form . Elliptical. Apex . Acuminate. Base . Acute. Surface . Smooth. Color . Dorsal Surface: Dark olive green 126. d.OlG . Ventral Surface: Moderate olive green 125. m.OlG . Margin . Finely serrate. Venation . Pinnately net veined. Petiole . Average Length: 12.7 mm. . Average Thickness: 1.6 mm. . Color: Light yellow green 119. l.YG . Stipules . Numerous, 2 per leaf, up to 6 per growing tip. Average Length: 9.5 mm. . Glands . Numbers: 2 to 6. Position: Alternately positioned on the petiole and base of blade. Size: Medium. Form: Reinform. Color: Light yellow green 119. l.YG . Leaf buds . Pointed. Flower buds: Hardiness . Hardy, with respect to central California winters. Diameter . Typically 9.5 mm. 1 week before bloom. Length . Typically 19.1 mm. 1 week before bloom. Form . Conic, not appressed. Surface . Pubescent. Color . Moderate purplish red 258. m.pR . Flowers: Perfect, complete, perigynous, usually a single pistil, typically thirty or more stamens, five sepals and petal locations alternately positioned. Type . Showy. Average flower diameter . 1 47.6 mm. . Number of petals . Usually five, very few doubles. Petal shape . Circular. Petal margin . Slightly wavy. Average petal diameter . 19.1 mm. . Petal color . Pale purplish pink 252. p.pPk . Anther color . Dark red 16. d.R when first open. Stigma color . Moderate yellow 87. m.Y . Sepal color . Dark purplish red 259. d.pR . Sepal length . {fraction (3/16)} 4.8 mm. . Sepal width . {fraction (3/16)} 4.8 mm. . Average pistil length . 19.1 mm. . Average stamen length . {fraction (11/16)} 17.5 mm. . Fragrance . Moderate when nectar is present. Blooming period . Early compared with other varieties. Onset of bloom . One percent on Feb. 21, 2000. Duration of bloom . One to two weeks, dependent on ambient temperature. FRUIT Maturity when described: Hard ripe, Jul. 1, 2000. Date of first picking: Jun. 28, 2000. Date of last picking: Jul. 10, 2000. Size: Uniform, large. Average diameter axially . 2{fraction (15/16)} 74.6 mm. . Average diameter across suture plane . 3 79.4 mm. . Typical weight . 8.5 ounces 241 grams . Form: Uniform, symmetrical, globose to oblate. Longitudinal section form . Elliptical, compressed axially. Transverse section through diameter . Round. Suture: A sharp groove in the stem cavity becoming a shallow groove and extending from the base to the apex with a marked depression just beyond the pistil point. Ventral surface: Rounded, lipped stronger toward the apex. Lips: Unequal. Cavity: Flaring, elongated in the suture plane, suture showing on both sides, Pale yellow 98. p.Y stem markings typical. Depth . 12.7 mm. . Breadth . 22.2 mm. . Base: Somewhat cuneate to truncate. Apex: Rounded to truncate. Pistil point: Apical, negligible in length, depressed with the suture. Stem: Medium. Average length . 9.5 mm. . Average width . {fraction (3/16)} 4.8 mm. . Skin: Thickness . Medium. Texture . Medium. Tenacity . Tenacious to flesh. Astringency . Slight to none. Tendency to crack . None observed. Color . Dark red 16. d.R over a Moderate pink 5. m.Pk background with some Pale yellow 89. p.Y freckling toward the apex. Down: Moderate, short, does not roll up when rubbed. Flesh: Color . Yellowish white 92. yWhite from the skin to the stone with the slightest amount of Moderate red 15. m.R streaking very close to the stone. Surface of pit cavity . Yellowish white 92. yWhite to Pale pink 7. p.Pk fibers cleanly detaching from the tightly surrounded stone. Amygdalin . Scarce. Juice . Moderate, rich. Texture . Firm, crisp. Fibers . Abundant, fine. Ripens . Slightly earliest toward the apex. Flavor . Subacidic and sweet, ranging from 14 to 18 brix. Aroma . Slight. Eating quality . Very good. STONE Type: Freestone. Form: Oval. Base: Straight. Apex: Acute. Sides: Equal. Surface: Irregularly furrowed near the apex and pitted toward the base. Ridges: Jagged toward the base. Color: Light brown 57. l.Br . Average pit wall thickness: - 6.4 mm. . Average width: {fraction (15/16)} 23.8 mm. . Average length: 1 28.6 mm. . Tendency to split: None observed. Kernel: Form . Oval. Color . Pale yellow 89. p.Y with Moderate brown 58. m.Br veins when first exposed. Taste . Bitter. Viable . Yes. Average width . 12.7 mm. . Average length . 19.1 mm. . Pellicle color: Moderate brown 58. m.Br . Amygdalin: Abundant. USE Market: Fresh and long distance shipping. Keeping quality: Fruit quality observed to remain in good condition is excess of 20 days in standard cold room at 36 Fahrenheit 2 Celsius . Resistance to insects: No unusual susceptibilities noted. Resistance to diseases: No unusual susceptibilities noted. Although the new variety of peach tree possesses the described characteristics under the ecological conditions at Le Grand, Calif., in the central part of the San Joaquin Valley, it is to be expected that variations in these characteristics may occur when farmed in areas with different climatic conditions, different soil types, and/or varying cultural practices.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring now to the accompanying drawings and initially toFIG. 1, a knitted collar in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention is indicated overall by the reference numeral10and basically comprises a flat elongate piece of integrally knitted fabric12of a predetermined length and width and with a slightly curved lengthwise contour suitable to be folded and sewn to the open neck of a conventional knitted sport shirt (not shown), such as a golf shirt, to form a collar portion thereof. The fabric12of the collar10has a main body portion14comprising the predominant majority of the length and width of the fabric12, extending from a slightly curved front edge16, extending the full width of the fabric12and formed by closed knitted fabric loops to present a finished outer edge to the collar10, to a similarly curved rear edge18, also extending the full width of the fabric but left unfinished by a series of open knitted fabric loops. The unfinished rear fabric edge18thereby provides the fabric extent intended to be sewn into the open collar of the sport shirt. At the opposite end edges20of the collar12, the main body14of the fabric is integrally knitted with relatively narrow pocket portions22which extend along the entirety of each end edge20to define an interior channel24(FIGS. 2-5) which is closed at the end of the pocket portions adjacent the front fabric edge16and open at the end of the pocket portions22adjacent the rear fabric edge18. The knitted fabric12of the collar10may be made of varying forms of knitted fabric structures. In a presently preferred embodiment, the fabric12is knitted with its main body14of a single ply knitted structure, represented at26inFIGS. 4 and 5, with the pocket portions22of the fabric12each being formed of dual overlying fabric plys, represented at28inFIGS. 3-5, for defining therebetween the channels24. While various differing knitted fabric structures may be selected for forming the main body14and pocket portions22of the collar fabric12, one presently preferred and contemplated embodiment of the collar10forms the main body14of the fabric12as a rib knit structure, schematically represented at26inFIGS. 4 and 5, as such a rib knitted structure presents an identical construction and appearance at each opposite face of the fabric, which makes assemblage into a garment easier and also has a somewhat greater tendency than other knit structures to maintain a flattened non-curling appearance when incorporated into a garment. The pocket portions22, on the other hand, may advantageously be formed with each overlying fabric ply28of a single jersey knit structure, which as more fully described hereinafter facilitates the separate formation of the dual plys28and also presents an overall thickness of the dual plys28approximating that of the rib structure of the main body14. The pocket portions22of the collar fabric12are intended to receive an elongate plastic stay30interiorly within the channel24of each pocket portion22to resist an inherit tendency of knitted fabric to curl at the edges thereof, known to be most accentuated in a knitted fabric collar at fabric corner areas such as the juncture between the end edges20and the front edge16which will form the exposed front edges of a collar portion in a finished sport shirt. The plastic stay30, as is conventional, will preferably comprise a relatively flat narrow elongate length of a plastic material having a sufficiently greater stiffness than the knitted fabric12itself to counteract any inherit tendency of the fabric to curl, but which is also sufficiently flexible and resilient to yield and recover in normal laundering and use of a sport shirt in which the collar10is incorporated. As noted, the use of a stay in a pocket area within a knitted collar is known, but it is also known that the insertion of a plastic stay into a pocket portion becomes increasingly more difficult with closer dimensional tolerances between the stay and the pocket, but also the provision of the pocket with a greater dimensional clearance for the stay risks a tendency for the stay to shift within or work out of the pocket during use. Accordingly, the present invention contemplates the formation of one or more discrete stitches joining the two plys28of each pocket portion22at as strategic location to retain the stay30in place after it has been originally inserted into the channel24of each pocket portion22, whereby in turn the pocket portion22can be formed of an oversized width relative to that of the stay30. More specifically, as depicted inFIGS. 2,3and5, the strategically located stitch is indicated at32connecting the overlying plys28of each pocket portion22, but otherwise the plys28of each pocket portion22are unconnected to one another leaving each channel24clear for the unimpeded insertion of the stay30. As will be understood, the lengthwise dimension of the stay30will originally be selected in relation to be intended size of the collar10as determined by the sport shirt in which the collar10is to be utilized. In turn, the stitch32is formed within each pocket portion22at a location intermediately along the overall length of the channel24at a rearward distance from its forward closed end24A only slightly greater than the lengthwise dimension of the selected stay30, and at such location, the stitch32is positioned intermediate the widthwise dimension of the channel24leaving an open widthwise channel space on at least one side of the stitch32. The overall width of each channel24is sufficiently larger than the width of the stay30to permit the stay to be inserted into each channel24through its rearward open end24B and to move forwardly through the channel24to the widthwise side of the stitch32so as to pass the stitch32in moving the stay30into its final disposition residing within the forward extent of the channel24between its closed end24A and the stitch32. Once the stay30is situated within the channel24forwardly of the stitch32, the stay30is permitted to rest centrally within the channel24, whereby the stitch32serves to resist unintended movement of the stay30rearwardly past the stitch32and potentially out of the channel24. It is preferred that there be a relatively close tolerance between the widthwise dimension of the plastic stay30and the widthwise spacing within each channel24laterally to the widthwise side of the stitch32. Owing to the inherit flexibility and stretchability of knitted fabrics, the stay30may be of a width slightly greater than the widthwise open space within each channel24to opposite sides of the stitch32, with the stitch32and the fabric12being sufficiently yieldable to permit the stay to pass the stitch32as it is inserted into the channel24. It is further preferred under the present invention that the stay30is formed with a rounded leading end32A, as best seen inFIG. 2, which promotes ease of sliding the stay30through the channel24past the stitch32. On the other hand, it is similarly contemplated that the trailing end of the stay30may be formed with a squared-off linear edge30B so that, once the stay30is situated within the channel24forwardly of the stitch32, the linear trailing end30B assists in deterring the stay30from shifting out of its intended position past the stitch32. For greater security in resisting shifting movement of the stay30, if needed or desired, the stay could be formed with a notch (not shown) in its linear rear edge30B to rest essentially against the stitch32. The stitch32may be formed in differing manners to connect the overlying plys28of each pocket portion22, but it is considered to be preferable that the stitch32be formed as one or more knitted tuck stitches, whereby the stitch may be formed automatically during the knitting process by setting up the pattern control of the knitting machine to selectively form such stitch at the appropriate point during the overall knitting of the fabric12, as those persons skilled in the knitting art will readily recognize. However, the present invention is not limited to the use of a tuck stitch as the retaining stitch32but instead the present invention is considered to extend to any other form of a stitch, such as a sewn stitch, or any other form of localized connection between the dual fabric plys28of the pocket portions22. A collar10formed in accordance with the construction above-described may advantageously be knitted on a jacquard-type dual-bed flat knitting machine. Such knitting machines are well known within the knitting industry so as not to require detailed illustration or description herein. Basically, such machines comprise a pair of linear flat needle beds each supporting a series of independently actuable knitting needles, with the beds oriented angularly with respect to one another with their respective needles offset in staggered relationship for selective manipulation of the needles of each bed relative to those of the other bed as yarn is delivered to the needles progressively back and forth along the length of the needle beds at the junction therebetween via a reciprocating yarn carriage. As the yarn is delivered progressively back and forth to the needles of each bed, a knitted fabric is progressively formed in needle loops aligned horizontally in courses and vertically in wales to form a fabric of a width determined by the width and gauge (spacing) of the active needles in the needle beds and a length determined by the period of time over which the progressive knitting is carried out. In one well known operational setup of such a knitting machine, the knitting needles of the respective needle beds interact with one another to form yarn into a single ply rib knitted structure, such as is contemplated for the main body14of the present collar fabric12as described above. Owing to the ability of such a machine for individual selectivity and actuation of the respective needles of each needle bed, the respective needle beds, or selected needles within the respective needle beds, can also be set up to operate independently from the needles of the other needle bed to form dual unconnected fabric plys each of a single jersey knit structure, as contemplated for the pocket portions22of the present collar fabric12as above-described. Thus, the use of such a jacquard dual-bed flat knitting machine to produce the collar fabric12of the present invention may be understood by illustration of the machine components in the simplified schematic and diagrammatic form ofFIG. 6wherein the individually controllable needles of one needle bed are indicated at34and the individually controllable needles of the other needle bed are indicated at36. Within a central length of each needle bed34,36, the needles are activated to cooperatively interact with one another to form yarn38into a rib knit structure, as represented at26, but a selected number of needles, designated at34A,36A at the opposite ends of each needle bed, respectively, are separately and differently controlled to manipulate the yarn38into separate overlying plys of fabric of a single jersey knit structure, as represented at28. At a predetermined time over the course of the overall knitting of the collar fabric12, one of the designated jersey needles34A,36A at each opposite end of the knitting machine is manipulated to form one or more tuck stitches rather than a full jersey stitch, thereby causing the yarn to extend between and connect the two plys28at such tuck stitch, as indicated in broken lines at32inFIG. 6. Of course, those persons skilled in the art will recognize the possibility of producing a collar of the basic construction as the collar10utilizing other forms of knitting machines, or other knit structures, and therefore the description herein of the jacquard flat knitting of the collar10is intended to only be illustrative and exemplary but not to limit the scope of the present invention. These and other variations on the fundamental teaching of the present invention are intended to be within the scope and concept of this invention. The advantages of collars made in accordance with the present invention will be readily recognized and understood by those persons skilled in the art. By the provision of the stitch32joining the dual plys28of the pocket portions of the collar10, the channel24of the pocket portions22and the plastic stay30need not be formed to such close tolerances as to be nearly identical in dimension, but instead the channel24within the pocket portions22may be oversized relative to the stay30to best facilitate ease of insertion of the stay into the pocket portions of the collar. Despite an oversized relationship of the pocket portions relative to the stay, the stitch utilized in the present invention serves to securely retain the stay against undesirable shifting within and potentially out of the channel within the pocket portions. The present invention therefore achieves the resistance to curling of the collar fabric intended to be imparted by the use of a plastic stay but without the disadvantages of prior attempts to implement the use of plastic stays in knitted collars. It will therefore be readily understood by those persons skilled in the art that the present invention is susceptible of broad utility and application. Many embodiments and adaptations of the present invention other than those herein described, as well as many variations, modifications and equivalent arrangements, will be apparent from or reasonably suggested by the present invention and the foregoing description thereof, without departing from the substance or scope of the present invention. Accordingly, while the present invention has been described herein in detail in relation to its preferred embodiment, it is to be understood that this disclosure is only illustrative and exemplary of the present invention and is made merely for purposes of providing a full and enabling disclosure of the invention. The foregoing disclosure is not intended or to be construed to limit the present invention or otherwise to exclude any such other embodiments, adaptations, variations, modifications and equivalent arrangements, the present invention being limited only by the claims appended hereto and the equivalents thereof.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Referring in more detail to the drawings,FIGS. 1-3show a tubular textile sleeve10constructed according to one presently preferred embodiment of the invention. The sleeve10protects and provides a barrier to heat radiation from hot elongate members, such as hot pipes within an engine compartment or an exhaust pipe12, for example, and also a barrier to environmental contaminants from damaging the sleeve10, such as hard debris and liquid contaminants, e.g. fuel, oil, water. By blocking the heat from radiating outwardly from the exhaust pipe12, nearby components, e.g. wire harnesses, sensors, and other heat sensitive components (not shown), are protected against damage from radiant heat. In addition, by retaining the heat within the sleeve10, the emissions flowing through the exhaust pipe12are heated sufficiently to facilitate preventing their being expelled to the environment. Further yet, by providing a bather to fuel, oil and other combustible liquids, from reaching the exhaust pipe12, a thermal condition, e.g. flame, is prevented and the insulating properties of the sleeve12are maintained. The textile sleeve10has one or more yarns interlaced via a knitting process with one another to form a closed, circumferentially continuous wall14extending along a first longitudinal axis16of the sleeve10. The wall14has an outer surface18and an inner surface20bounding a cavity22extending axially along the longitudinal axis16between opposite ends24,26of the sleeve10. The sleeve10further includes at least one knit tubular extension28extending as an integrally knit member from the tubular wall14of the sleeve12such that the extension28and the wall14are knit together in a continuous knitting process. The extension28provides an enclosed or substantially enclosed receptacle30separate from the cavity22of the sleeve such that the receptacle extends along a second longitudinal axis31separate from and spaced from the first longitudinal axis16, wherein the axis31extends generally parallel to the axis16, however, the axis31is spaced radially outwardly from the outer surface18of the wall14. Accordingly, the receptacle30does not extend along or share the axis16of the cavity22. The extension28has an opening32sufficiently sized for receipt of a barrier member, referred to hereafter a barrier and identified generally by reference numeral34and offset references numerals thereof, wherein the barrier34could be required to be folded for disposal through the opening32into the receptacle30and thereafter expanded within the receptacle30, depending on the size of the opening32integrally knit in the extension28. It should be recognized that the opening32can be knit having the desired size, and thus, the opening32can extend less than completely across the extension28or completely across the extension28, as desired. During construction of the sleeve10, the barrier34is disposed in the receptacle30through the opening32. Then, during assembly of the sleeve10on the elongate member12to be protected and insulated, the sleeve wall14is readily stretched and disposed over the elongate member12and then the tubular extension28of the sleeve is folded or wrapped against the outer surface18of the wall14and fixed in place. The tubular extension28can be fixed in place about the wall14via hose clamps, tie wraps, or any other suitable fastening mechanism (not shown). The sleeve wall14is constructed using a knitting process, such as on a computerized flat bed knitting machine, by way of example and without limitation, wherein the type of knit stitches can be varied, as desired, for the intended application. Accordingly, the wall14can be knit using any type or combination of knit stitches, e.g. jersey, interlock, rib forming stitches, or otherwise, such that the wall14may be knit using a single or multiple knit stitch types. Further, the wall14can be constructed of any suitable length and diameter. Accordingly, the wall14can be constructed having various configurations. For example, although the wall14is represented as single wall, it could be constructed having a reversed folded configuration, such that it could provide a dual wall layer in use, if desired. Further yet, the wall14can be constructed from varying types of yarn, such as in one presently preferred construction, by way of example, from a heat resistant yarn (multifilament and/or monofilament) suitable for withstanding extreme temperature environments ranging from between about −60 to 1400 degrees centigrade. Some of the selected multifilament yarns can be formed with mineral fiber materials, such as silica, fiberglass, ceramic, basalt, aramid or carbon, by way of example and without limitation. The mineral fibers can be provided having a continuous or chopped fiber structure. In some applications of extreme heat, it may be desirable to heat treat the sleeve material to remove organic content therefrom, thereby increasing the heat resistance capacity of the sleeve10. The extension28is knit as an integral extension from the wall14, as shown inFIG. 1, by way of example and without limitation, as extending from the end24of the wall14. Then in use, the extension28is subsequently folded back over the outer surface18of the wall14and fixed in place. The extension28can be knit, in part or wholly, using same ends of yarn or yarns as the wall14, thereby providing a seamless transition from the wall14to the extension28. Otherwise, the extension28can be knit, in part or wholly, from different ends of yarn or yarns that are knit stitched with the yarn or yarns of the wall14in a continuous, uninterrupted knitting operation used to construct the sleeve wall14. For example, the extension28, in order to provide optimal protection against abrasion and damage from debris, can be knit from durable yarn, such as wire, e.g. stainless steel wire, for example. Further, to provide additional protection against fluid degradation of the yarn, hydrophobic and/or oleophobic yarns (such as fluoro-based coated yarns, e.g. PTFE) can be used. Further, the type of knit stitches use to construct the extension can be varied, as desired, and thus, can be the same or different from the type of knit stitches used to construct the wall14. Accordingly, the extension28can be constructed having the desired type of knit stitch and type of yarn best suited for the intended application. The opening32is shown inFIGS. 1 and 2, for example, as being formed at a free or terminal end36of the extension32. The opening32is shown formed having a width extending less than completely across the full width of the extension32to facilitate maintaining the barrier34in the receptacle30, though the opening32could extend across the full width of the extension28, if desired. The opening32is preferably formed integrally in the knitting process, and thus, has knit, uncut edges. The barrier34is disposed through the opening32and into the receptacle30of the extension28. If needing to be folded to fit through the opening32, the bather is unfolded to retain its expanded shape within the receptacle30. Then, with the barrier34captured in the receptacle30, the extension28is folded over against the outer surface18of the wall14to protect the wall14, thereby protecting the wall14against exposure to external debris and fluid contamination. Thus, the wall14is free from potential damage from such debris and fluid. Thus, if the elongate member12reaches high temperatures, any combustible fluids are kept from reaching the elongate member12, and thus, the risk of flame or burning is substantially eliminated. In addition, the insulating properties of the wall14are maintained, thereby allowing the contents flowing through the elongate member12to be maintained at a controlled temperature. The barrier34can be provided in a wide variety of materials, including, by way of example and without limitation, foils (aluminum, steel, stainless steel, or the like), films (PEEK, thermoplastics), coated fabrics (elastomer coatings, or the like applied to textile fabrics), and layers or laminations thereof, or otherwise, as desired. Further, the barrier34can be provided having any desired stiffness, flexibility and/or shape (corrugated to facilitate expanding around corners, die cut having cut out or slit regions to facilitate forming around bends). To provide maximum protection against the passage of fluid through the barrier34, the barrier34is preferably provided as a solid, fluid impervious sheet material of one or more of the aforementioned materials or having a layer of a solid, fluid impervious sheet material of one or more of the aforementioned materials. InFIG. 4, a sleeve110constructed in accordance with another aspect of the invention is shown, wherein the same reference numerals are used as above, offset by a factor of 100, to identify like features. The sleeve110has a wall114extending between opposite ends124,126with a tubular extension128extending from one of the ends124,126, shown here as the end124. The extension128has an opening132sized for receipt of a barrier134(shown in phantom), however, rather than the opening being formed at a terminal end136, the opening132is formed at or near the junction between the wall114and the extension128adjacent the end124of the wall114. As with the sleeve10, the extension128is folded over to bring the extension128and the barrier134therein into overlying relation with a desired portion of the wall114, whereupon the extension128is fixed in place. Otherwise, the sleeve110is the same as the sleeve10, and thus, no further discussion is necessary. InFIG. 5, a sleeve210constructed in accordance with another aspect of the invention is shown, wherein the same reference numerals are used as above, offset by a factor of 200, to identify like features. The sleeve210has a wall214extending between opposite ends224,226with a tubular extension228extending from the wall214. However, unlike the previous embodiments, the extension228does not extend directly from one of the ends224,226, but rather, the extension228is joined to a portion of the wall214located between the ends224,226. Thus, it should be recognized that an extension, as described herein and illustrated, can extend from virtually any location along the wall of the sleeve. As with the previous embodiments, the extension228has an opening232, shown as extending completely across the width of the extension228, by way of example, wherein the opening232is sized for receipt of a barrier234(shown in phantom). InFIG. 6, a sleeve310constructed in accordance with another aspect of the invention is shown, wherein the same reference numerals are used as above, offset by a factor of 300, to identify like features. The sleeve310has a wall314extending between opposite ends324,326with a tubular extension328extending from the wall314. However, unlike the previous embodiments, the extension328does not extend parallel to or substantially parallel to a central longitudinal axis316of the sleeve310. Rather, the extension328extends obliquely to the axis316, shown as extending transversely or substantially transversely to the axis316, by way of example and without limitation. The extension328has an opening332sized for receipt of a barrier334(shown in phantom). Upon disposing the barrier334in the tubular extension328and disposing the wall314of the sleeve310about the elongate member to be protected, the extension328and barrier334disposed therein can be wrapped circumferentially about the wall314and fixed about a portion (or full circumference) of the sleeve wall314. Accordingly, protection to the sleeve wall314against debris and fluids can be provided about precise portions of the wall circumference or an entire circumference of the sleeve wall314as needed for the intended application. It should be recognized that the extension328can be as wide and as long as necessary to cover the desired portions of the sleeve wall314. Further, it should be recognized that the extension328can be extended from any portion of the sleeve wall314. InFIG. 7, a sleeve410constructed in accordance with another aspect of the invention is shown, wherein the same reference numerals are used as above, offset by a factor of 400, to identify like features. The sleeve410has a wall414extending between opposite ends424,426and is constructed similarly to that described above with regard to the sleeve10, however, rather than having a single extension, the sleeve410has a pair of tubular extensions428extending from the wall414. The extensions428are shown as extending from each of the opposite ends424,426. The extensions428have openings432sized for receipt of a barrier434(shown in phantom). Upon disposing the barriers434in the tubular extensions428, the extensions428are folded over opposite sides of the sleeve wall414(shown in phantom). Accordingly, enhanced protection to the sleeve wall414against debris and fluids can be provided about precise portions of the circumference or an entire circumference of the sleeve wall, depending on the widths of the extensions428. As with the previous embodiments, it should be recognized that the extensions428can be as wide and as long as necessary to cover the desired portions of the sleeve wall414. Further, it should be recognized that additional extensions could be integrally knit on the wall414as desired to provide the protection needed for the intended application. InFIGS. 8A,8B and9, a sleeve510constructed in accordance with another aspect of the invention is shown, wherein the same reference numerals are used as above, offset by a factor of 500, to identify like features. As best shown inFIGS. 8A and 8B, the sleeve510has a wall514extending between opposite ends524,526and is constructed similarly to that described above with regard to the sleeve10. In addition, as with all the embodiments aforementioned, and similarly to the sleeves10,110ofFIGS. 1 and 4, the sleeve510has a tubular extension528extending from one of the ends524,526, shown here as the end524. The extension528has an opening532sized for receipt of a bather534(shown in phantom). By way of example and without limitation, the opening532is shown as being formed at or near the junction between the wall514and the extension528adjacent the end524of the wall514. However, it should be recognized that the opening532could be formed at an opposite end, as discussed above with regard to sleeve10ofFIG. 1, or anywhere along the length of the extension528, also discussed above. Upon disposing the barrier534in the tubular extension528, the extension528is folded over to bring the extension528and the barrier534therein into overlying relation with the wall514, whereupon the extension528is fixed in place. As in the embodiments discussed above, the extension528extends along a length (L) between its opposite ends41,43sufficient to cover the length of the wall514desired, including the full length of the wall514, if desired. The extension528also extends along a width (W) between its opposite sides45,47sufficient to be wrapped completely about the full circumference of the wall514. As such, upon being folded over the wall514and fixed in place, the extension528completely encircles the wall514. To provide maximum protection about the full circumference of the wall514, the barrier534is provided having the same or substantially the same length (L) and width (W) as the extension528, and thus, it too wraps completely about and encapsulates the full outer surface of the wall514. To facilitate fixing the extension528and barrier534about the wall514, the extension528is provided with at least one, and shown as a plurality of fasteners40. The fasteners40are positioned for attachment to one another upon wrapping the extension528about the wall514, and are shown as being fixed adjacent the opposite, lengthwise extending sides45,47. In addition to being fixed to the wall514, the fasteners40can also be fixed to the barrier534, such as by extending through the barrier534. If extending through the barrier534, the barrier534is first inserted into the tubular extension528and then the respective female and male components of the fasteners40are inserted through the wall514and the barrier534adjacent their respective length wise extending edges. As such, the barrier534is fixed inside the tubular extension528by the fasteners40, and thus, the opening532can extend across the full width (W) of the extension528without concern of the bather534becoming inadvertently dislodged therefrom. As shown inFIGS. 8A and 8B, the barrier534can be die-cut to take on any desired configuration. In the embodiment shown, a pair of recessed slits or cutout regions44are formed to facilitate wrapping the sleeve510about the elongate member512being protected (FIG. 9). The cutout regions44allow the barrier534to be readily wrapped about a bend in the elongate member512without buckling or tearing, thereby providing an aesthetically pleasing and fully functional barrier. As in the embodiments discussed above, the wall514can be knit from any type or combination of knit stitches, e.g. jersey, interlock, rib forming stitches, or otherwise, and further, from any suitable yarn, such as yarn capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, e.g. mineral fiber materials, such as silica, fiberglass, ceramic, basalt, aramid or carbon, by way of example and without limitation. The extension528can be knit, at least in part or entirely from different ends of yarn or yarns that are knit stitched with the yarn or yarns of the wall514, as discussed above. Otherwise, the extension528can be knit from different types of yarn from that of the wall514. For example, the wall514can be knit from one or more of the aforementioned extreme temperature yarns, while the extension528, in order to provide optimal protection against abrasion and damage from debris, can be knit from a highly durable yarn, such as wire, e.g. stainless steel wire, for example. Further, barrier534can be provided in a wide variety of materials or laminations thereof, including, by way of example and without limitation, foils (aluminum, steel, stainless steel, or the like), films (PEEK, thermoplastics, or the like), coated fabrics (elastomer coatings, or the like applied to textile fabrics), or otherwise, as desired. It should be recognized that sleeves constructed in accordance with the invention are suitable for use in a variety of applications, regardless of the sizes and lengths required. For example, they could be used in automotive, marine, industrial, aeronautical or aerospace applications, or any other application wherein protective sleeves are desired to protect nearby components against heat radiation and to protect the sleeves and hot members contained therein from exposure to volatile fluid and thermal conditions. It is to be understood that the above detailed description is with regard to some presently preferred embodiments, and that other embodiments which accomplish the same function are incorporated herein within the scope of any ultimately allowed claims.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT As illustrated in FIG. 1, a golf club head with an adjustable weighting system according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention includes a body 10 and a separate sole plate 12 which is securable to the body 10 via different length screws 14,16,18. In the illustrated embodiment, the golf club head is a metal wood which is manufactured as described in our co-pending application Ser. No. 08/159,738 filed Nov. 30, 1993, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference, and the sole plate 12 is secured in a machined recess in the body in which it has an interference or interlocking fit, as described on our co-pending application entitled "Golf Club Head with Interlocking Sole Plate" filed on even date herewith, the contents of which are also incorporated herein by reference. However, it will be understood that the same adjustable weighting system can be used on any golf club head of any type of golf club, not only metal wood drivers, and not only a driver as illustrated in the accompanying drawings. The body 10 has a front, striking face 20, an upper wall or crown 22, a lower wall 24, a heel 26, a toe 28, and a rear wall 29. A hosel or tube neck 30 for receiving the end of a golf club shaft is secured in a bore extending through the upper wall 22 adjacent heel 24 and into the body 10, preferably as described in our co-pending application entitled "Golf Club Head" filed on even date herewith, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. The body 10 has an empty internal cavity 32 and an opening 34 in lower wall 24 leads into the cavity. Preferably, the lower wall is recessed inwardly to form an inwardly projecting rim or face 36 behind front face 20 and a substantially flat, rearwardly extending face or rim 37 surrounding opening 34. The sole plate 12 is shaped and dimensioned to be a mating fit in the recessed area of the lower wall 24, with a flat inner wall 38 for mating engagement with rim 37 and a front face 39 shaped for mating engagement with inwardly projecting rim 36, as described in our co-pending application entitled "Golf Club Head with Interlocking Sole Plate," referred to above. The sole plate thus forms the majority of the lower surface of the golf club. The peripheral rim 37 in the recessed area of the lower wall has three threaded openings or bores 40,41 and 42 located adjacent the heel, toe and rear wall, respectively, as best illustrated in FIGS. 3 and 4. The sole plate 12 has a corresponding set of three through bores 43,44 and 45 which are positioned for alignment with the respective bores 40,41 and 42 when the sole plate is positioned in the recessed area of the lower wall. The sole plate is secured in the recessed area by means of selected screws which extend through each bore 40,41 and 42 for threaded engagement with the respective aligned hole in rim 37, and into cavity 32 as illustrated in FIGS. 3 and 4. Preferably, each through bore 43,44 and 45 is of stepped diameter as illustrated in FIGS. 3 and 4, with a larger diameter end for receiving the head of each screw so that the screw heads are recessed inwardly away from the lower face or sole 46 of the club head. A number of different sets of screws of different lengths, and thus different weights, is provided. In FIG. 1, three different length screws 14,16 and 18 of increasing length are shown. Preferably, sets of screws of progressively increasing length are provided. In one example, seven screw sets were provided, with the screw lengths (and weights) in successive sets being 1/4 inch (2 grams each), 3/8 inch (2-2.5 grams each), 1/2 inch (2.5-3 grams each), 5/8 inch (3 grams each), 3/4 inch (4 grams each), 7/8 inch (4.5 grams each), and 1 inch (5 grams each). The screws may be of stainless steel, brass, or other equivalent materials. Any combination of three screws may be selected for securing the sole plate to the body of the club head, for example three screws which are all of different length and weight, as illustrated in the drawings, or three screws from the same set which are of the same weight, or two screws which are the same weight and one of different weight. The total weight added to the body by the screws ranges from a minimum of 6 grams if three of the shortest screws are used, to a maximum of 15 grams if three screws of the longest length and greatest weight are used, and can be incrementally increased from the minimum weight to the maximum weight in steps of 0.5 to 1 gram. Since the difference between successive swing weights in golf clubs is two grams, it can be seen that this adjustable weighting system can be used to change swing weight in the same club by up to close to five swing weights or 10 grams. In addition to allowing swing weight to be adjusted readily in the same club, this system allows weight distribution about the club head to be adjusted by using different weight screws at the three hole positions. For example, in the illustrated embodiment a shorter screw 14 is used at the toe and a longer screw 18 is used at the heel, moving weight from toe to heel. Additionally, a screw 16 which is longer than screw 14 is used at the rear, moving some weight from the front face towards the rear of the club head. Any screw from any of the seven sets may be used at any of the three positions, providing a very large number of possible different weight distributions, and a large degree of adjustability in the same club head, while maintaining an optimum total weight. By using different weight screws at the different positions, the position of the center of gravity as well as the size of the sweet spot, and the overall "feel" and playing characteristics of the club can be readily adjusted. If the club does not feel quite right to a player, they can easily change one or more of the screw weights until they are happy with the club performance. By providing a heavier screw at the rear of the head, the gear effect is increased and the launch angle will also be increased. A player who tends to hit the ball towards the toe of the club can put a heavier screw at the toe and lighter screws elsewhere in order to compensate and move the sweet spot closer to the heel. Thus the club is easily adjustable to an individual player's style. In the illustrated embodiment, the weight adjustment screws also have the function of securing the sole plate to the body of the club head. Preferably, interlocking formations are provided for releasably holding the sole plate in position as the screws are secured. In the illustrated embodiment, the sole plate is an interference fit in the recessed area of the lower wall by means of the lugs 48 which extend into opening 34 and push the front face up against the rim face behind front face 20. This ensures that the screws can be readily changed without the sole plate falling out of the recess, should a player wish to adjust the weighting. It will be understood that the same system may be used in a single piece, solid or hollow club head without a separate sole plate, in which case the screws would have the sole function of weight adjustment. In a single piece hollow head, threaded holes are formed through the lower wall into the central cavity in a similar manner to holes 40,41 and 42, and the selected screws are simply threaded through these holes. In a single piece solid head, threaded bores extend inwardly through the sole of the club head which are as long as the maximum length screw in the system, and selected length screws can be engaged in the bores. If the body 10 were solid rather than having an internal cavity 32, a similar arrangement could be used by forming the appropriate length threaded bores into the body. However, the hollow cavity 32 is advantageous for this adjustment system since it allows different length screws to be readily accommodated, since the screw ends simply project into the cavity by differing amounts, and the only limitation on maximum screw length is the height of the cavity itself. Although three screws are used in the illustrated embodiment, it will be understood that a greater number of screws may be used in alternative embodiments, simply by providing additional threaded openings around rim 37 and corresponding through bores in the sole plate 12. This will provide for an even greater range of weight adjustment. The club head itself may be made of any material, although in the preferred embodiment it is of forged aluminum alloy material, which is relatively lightweight and therefore leaves a larger amount of weight for distribution about the club head, as described in our co-pending application entitled "Golf Club Head with Perimeter Weighting," filed on even date herewith, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. Thus, the body 10 may have a certain amount of fixed perimeter weighting provided by suitable machining of the cavity 32 to provide different wall thicknesses at different locations about the body, such as thicker walls at the heel and toe for increased sweet spot. The adjustable screw weighting system of this invention can then be used to further enhance the peripheral weighting or to vary the weighting as desired. Although a preferred embodiment of the invention has been described above by way of example only, it will be understood by those skilled in the field that modifications may be made to the disclosed embodiment without departing from the scope of the invention, which is defined by the appended claims.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT(S) Refer to FIG. 1, which illustrates a representative implementation of the present invention. The depicted computer system includes a central-processing unit (CPU) 20, which performs operations on and interacts with a main system memory 22 and components thereof (described in greater detail below). System memory 22 typically includes volatile or random-access memory (RAM) for temporary storage of information, including the files 24 necessary to implement an application program; system files 26, which enable CPU 20 to control basic hardware functions (such as interpreting keyboard signals and controlling a printer); and portions of the operating system 28. System 22 typically also includes read-only memory (ROM) for permanent storage of the computer's configuration and basic operating commands, such as additional portions of operating system 28. The system further includes at least one mass storage device 32 (e.g., a hard disk), which contains permanent files of information, including application-program files. All components of the system communicate over a bidirectional system bus 34. The user interacts with the system using a keyboard 36 and a position-sensing device (e.g., a mouse) 38. The output of either device can be used to designate information or select particular areas of a screen display 40 corresponding to functions to be performed by the system. In current systems, interactions between a user and an application program are typically managed through a graphical user interface (GUI) appearing on display 40. The GUI typically resembles the surface of an electronic "desktop," and an application program running on the computer is represented as one or more "windows," i.e., rectangular regions of the screen. The application program presents information to the user through its window by drawing images, graphics or text within the rectangular region, while the user communicates with the application by "pointing at" standard graphical objects in the window with position-sensing device 38 or by typing information into keyboard 36. The application programs themselves consist of a series of files 24, originally resident on mass-storage device 32 and brought into system memory 22 when the user activates the application. On a GUI, activation is accomplished by using position-sensing device 38 to move the cursor onto or near a graphical identifier, or "icon," representing the program, and pressing and quickly releasing (i.e., "clicking") a button on position-sensing device 38. Application files 24 include program files which, in cooperation with operating system 28, direct operation of the application program. More specifically, application programs make use of operating-system functions by issuing task commands to operating system 28, which then performs the requested task. Applications are typically organized on a GUI into predefined "groups" of programs and related program files, each represented by an individual icon; the GUI arranges these on the screen and, upon their activation by a user, runs the applications they represent. The user can arrange, create and delete the application icons and icon groups displayed on the GUI. However, deletion of an icon ordinarily does not result in elimination of the underlying program files. These files, as noted previously, can include a variety of execution and data files, which may be located on unrelated directories in mass-storage devices 32. The invention permits a user to eliminate application files 24 and restore system files 26 to the state in which they existed prior to installation of the unwanted application. A file-tracking module 50 creates and maintains database 52, stored on a mass-storage device 32, that specifies files associated with an application. Specifically, database 52 contains the names and resident directories of all files added to mass-storage devices 32 in the course of installing an application program, as well as all permanent files (primarily system files) modified during installation. Deletion facility 54, when activated, issues instructions to operating system 28 to erase the program and data files associated exclusively with the application program, and reverses changes made to any permanent files. In DOS systems, erasure is typically accomplished by designating files as inactive, thereby freeing the disk space they occupy. In one embodiment, file-tracking module 50 stores duplicate system files 26 on a mass-storage device 32 under dummy file names prior to activation of the installation routines that modify these files. Deletion facility 54, when activated, erases the operative system files and renames the duplicate files after the erased files. The renamed system files then operate as did the original, unmodified files. In another embodiment, file-tracking module 50 maintains, in database 52, the line-by-line code changes made to the system files. When deletion facility 54 is activated, it replaces the modified system-file code with the unmodified code stored in database 52, thereby restoring system files 26 to their previous state. Obviously, the latter approach requires less system memory to implement, which can prove advantageous for computers having large system files; in addition, it provides greater flexibility, since the system files may have been modified since installation of the unwanted program to accommodate other applications. Replacing only the changes made during installation of the unwanted program preserves all subsequent changes. Deletion facility 54 includes or specifies a graphical file whose contents represent a deletion icon, which the GUI places on the screen along with the program icons of an application. Clicking the deletion icon activates deletion facility 54 (preferably after the appearance of a standard warning box that reminds the user of the consequences of program deletion, requiring the user to click in acknowledgment before deletion proceeds). Preferably, file-tracking module 50 and deletion facility 54 are associated with the individual application programs to which they relate. When programs is deleted, deletion facility 54 removes the deletion icon (by erasing the icon file and issuing appropriate commands to the GUI) and itself (by directing erasure of its own execution file along with the program files) from the system. With this configuration, it is sometimes possible to omit storage of individual filename entries in database 52. For example, an application-specific file-tracking module 50 can be configured to recognize a characteristic, predetermined identification pattern to which all program files conform, and to look for program files only in one or more designated directories. In the simplest case, all program files are stored exclusively in a single directory uniquely created during installation; operating system 28 can then be instructed simply to delete the entire application-specific directory and its constituent files. Alternatively, file-tracking module 50 and deletion facility 54 can be permanent features of operating system 28 or the GUI, augmenting database 52 each time a new application is added, and creating and displaying individual deletion icons for each application program. Activation of the deletion icon associated with a particular application program results in removal of only those files exclusively associated with the program, and reversal only of changes specific to that program which were made to the permanent files. It will therefore be seen that the foregoing represents a convenient and highly efficient approach to removal of unwanted program files from permanent storage. The terms and expressions employed herein are used as terms of description and not of limitation, and there is no intention, in the use of such terms and expressions, of excluding any equivalents of the features shown and described or portions thereof, but it is recognized that various modifications are possible within the scope of the invention claimed.
DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The present on-ground cellular container assembly for propagation of plants 100, includes five basic components, namely: a box 150 having sideboards 151; honeycomb configured soil mix containers 110 that are confined within the box; a drainage board 120 beneath the containers 110, the board being known in the trade as an AMERDRAN.TM. type 650, a replacement for aggregate drains or graded filters; a PVC liner 130 or other impervious material upon which the components 110, 120 are supported; and drains 141, set within the liner 130 whereby water and fluid nutrients may be drained or recycled. CELLUGRO and AMERDRAIN are proprietary trademarks. Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the confinement of planting soil and generative nutrients is effected by a cellular confinement structure 110, known in the trade as CELLUGRO.TM.. The CELLUGRO structure is placed inside the sideboards of the box 150. As shown in FIG. 1, opposed cellular soil container walls 112 are formed of semi-rigid polyethylene sheets, such that upon compression transversely, they define open-ended looplike containers 110, also referred to as cells, with sustaining weldments 114 binding the cells together. The cells 110 may optionally be further subdivided with additional panels or walls (not shown) that may be removably inserted between the opposed container walls 112, for instance, dividing the cell into halves or quarters. The unit is adapted to be positioned on-ground, providing a healthy habitat for plant growth as individual cells may be filled with an infill of soil mix and plant. For example, different soil types and different watering frequencies may apply to each of the different cells to allow for different plant habitats for different plants as desired. Protrusions 118 and indentations 118 (FIG. 5) are applied to the sheets, such that the textured finish has diamondback surface cladding molded as protrusions into at least one surface of respective cell walls 112. A negative finish of indentations 118 on the opposed face of each wall 112 is embossed. Its negative pattern and location are the same as the positive diamondback pattern. This unique diamondback pattern significantly increases the frictional interlock between the surface of the cell and infill material, enhancing performance for propagation herein. These opposed sheets forming cell walls 112 may be collapsed into compact lightweight flat bundles for each shipment, before and after compression. Additionally, the volute shape of the cells 110 is beneficial to the root growth of plants contained therein, because the distinctive shape inhibits the common phenomenon of root circling and entanglement. Also, the roots tend to grow more uniformly in the volute-shaped cells. Drain board 120 is actually a soil drainage/filtration unit, known in the trade as AMERDRAIN.TM., a replacement for aggregate drains of a Type 650. It consists of a flexible, fluid-permeable, weed-control fabric 122 which is placed onto a substrate of spaced-apart pylon base 124, the combination also being known in the trade as a soil drainage mat. Its function is to support the infill of the soil mix together with CELLUGRO.TM. structure containers 110 while simultaneously permitting a normal runoff of applied water and fluid nutrients, leaving the infill intact. Whereas the screen 122 is readily deformable between supporting pylons 126 of mat 124, the mat, per se is not, whereby the mat retains its original configuration, supportive of the load of the honeycomb structure containers 110 above and the ground and/or box supported liner 130. While not shown, the mat 124 is fluid permeable, permitting the flow of excess fluids onto liner 130. Obviously, other types of drain boards having a support layer and foraminous screen functionally similar to drain board 120 and screen 122 will be known to those of skill in the art. In one particular alternative, a drain board is made of an impermeable mat that supports a screen. The impermeable and three dimensional mat would also have pylons (or any type of node or protuberance), but it would be made of solid material. When an impermeable mat is used, it may be unnecessary to also have an impermeable liner. The excess fluids that pass through the cells are merely carried to the edge of the mat. In the case of an on-ground assembly, the excess fluids merely flow out the sides of the box. A drain may be incorporated into the mat, but it would then require an incline or funneling of excess fluids to the drain or fluid outlet. Those of ordinary skill in the art will create many combinations of permeable mat/impermeable liner, impermeable mat/impermeable liner, and impermeable mat structures with or without one or more drains. Corresponding drain holes 142 in the sideboads 151 allow the excess fluids to drain out of the box. PVC liner 130 is in sheet form, the same being sized to fit a proposed substrate cavity. This liner confines the container system on at least three sides thereof. Thus, as shown in FIG. 2, the assemblage 100 rests within a box 150, the top of each structure container 110 being approximately at the level of the top of the sideboards 151 and the bottom and sides of liner 130 resting on the ground and up the sideboards. Set within liner 130 are drains 141 to allow fluid runoff. The box 150 in a preferred embodiment of the on-ground assembly is made up of four sideboards 151. In this preferred embodiment, the box 150 does not have a bottom, rather, the sideboards 151 and the liner rest on top of the ground, asphalt, or whatever surface is available. If desired, or if the surface on which the box will be placed is uneven or otherwise requires, a bottom having the square, rectangular or other shape of the box may be used to support the liner and be connected to the bottom of the sideboards. As shown in FIG. 2, the box is rectangular in shape. Each of the four sideboards 151 is made up of a bottom piece 153 and top piece 152. Further, there are corner brackets 154 that serve to anchor the ends of the adjacent sideboards to other. The liner 130 covers the area in between the sideboards 151 and extends up the sideboards to the top of the bottom piece 153 of each sideboard. The liner 130 is then clamped between the bottom piece and top piece so that it is solidly anchored there between when the pieces are bolted to the corner brackets as shown. Alternatively, as demonstrated in FIG. 4, the sidewalls 211 may be of a single piece construction connected at the corners by screws and glue (not shown). The liner 230 is simply tacked or stapled to the sidewalls 211. As noted earlier, the box shown is rectangular in shape. Other shapes may be desired depending on the landscaping or the available space onto which the on-ground assembly will be mounted. Obviously, an assembly or assemblies may be expanded or nested with other assemblies depending on the space available or the preference of a user. In another preferred embodiment shown in FIGS. 3 and 4, a portable cellular container assembly 200 is shown. A box 210 similar in structure to that shown in FIG. 2 is mounted onto a frame 220. The box 210 of this portable assembly includes a bottom support 215, because the box is lifted off of the ground. As illustrated, the frame 220 is a cart and has four legs 221 that carry the box. Each leg 221 is attached at one end to the box 210 and at the opposite end to a caster wheel 225. A shelf 226 is also depicted beneath the box and connected on its four corners to the four legs. The shelf 226 assists with the structural integrity of the cart. It also serves as a useful platform for, for instance, a bucket or watering can which allows the excess fluid from the box to drain into it so that it may be recycled. Other gardening tools may be stored there. There is also shown the drain 140 which is the single opening in the liner 201 and that allows all the excess fluids from the box 210 to empty out of the box. The drain 140 may be plugged while, for instance, the cart is stored inside a home. Alternatively, a short hose 141 may be attached to the drain so that excess fluids may feed into a bucket or watering can and be recycled. As shown, the assembly 200 is rectangular in shape. Obviously, the assembly 200 may take other shapes. Also, the box 210 that is carried by the assembly 200 may have other desired shapes. The assembly 200, also referred to as a cart, as shown has four wheels. Alternatively, the cart may have only a pair of wheels at one end so that it may be moved around similarly to a wheelbarrow. Further, the cart may have only one wheel mounted to a frame thereby allowing the cart to be moved about on a single wheel. Also, the cart as shown displays a box that is integral to the frame of the cart. Alternatively, the cart may simply be a carrier for a separate and removable box or boxes structured in accordance with this invention. Whereas the present cellular confinement assemblage for plant propagation has been defined with reference to specifically configured elements, the scope of invention is determined with reference to the ensuing claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION Referring to the drawings, wherein like reference numerals designate like or corresponding parts throughout the several views, there is schematically depicted inFIG. 1a friction brake mechanism10mounted on axle11for use with a wheel (not illustrated) rotatable about axial centerline12in a manner fully described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,018,082 to Rastogi et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,878,563 to Baden et al., and U.S. Pat. No. 5,248,013 to Hogue et al. The friction brake mechanism10includes a pressure plate38adjacent the hydraulic piston motor25, an end plate36distal from the piston motor, and a plurality of interleaved rotor disks44and stator disks39which together form the brake heat sink or brake stack. The friction brake mechanism10also includes a torque plate32,33on which the pressure plate38, end plate36and stator disks39are slidably mounted against rotation relative to the wheel and rotor disks44. Torque plate32,33includes an annular brake torque plate back leg33at its end distal the piston motor25. The brake torque plate back leg33may be made integral with the torque tube32as shown inFIG. 1or may be made as a separate annular piece and suitably connected to the stationary torque tube32. Torque tube32may include a support structure32aformed in an inner surface of the torque tube32. Torque tube32has a plurality of circumferentially spaced splines35that are axially extending. Splines35on torque tube32support the axially moveable nonrotatable pressure plate38and axially moveable nonrotatable stator disks39. All of such stator disks39and pressure plate38have notches40in the form of slotted openings at circumferentially spaced locations on their inner periphery for captive engagement by the spline members35as is known in the art. The respective annular stator disks39each have friction linings42secured to opposite faces thereof as shown inFIG. 1. Pressure plate38also has a friction lining42on one surface thereof to act in concert with the other friction linings42when a braking action occurs. The end plate36carries an annular friction lining42and is suitably connected to the brake torque plate back leg33of the torque plate32,33and acts in concert with the stator disks39and the pressure plate38. The friction linings42and the disks they are attached to may be an integral piece such as in carbon composite brakes. The plurality of axially spaced rotor disks44interleaved between the pressure plate38and the stator disks39have a plurality of circumferentially spaced notches40along their outer periphery for engagement by corresponding ribs secured to or integral with the inner periphery of the wheel. Such stator disks39with their friction linings42and rotor disks44with their friction linings52acting together during a braking action provide a heat sink. The number and size of the disks may be varied as is necessary for the application involved. The actuating mechanism for the brake includes a plurality of hydraulic piston assemblies25circumferentially spaced around the annular piston housing26in known manner. Only one piston assembly is shown inFIG. 1. Upon actuation by fluid pressure, the piston motors25effect a braking action by moving the pressure plate38and the stator disks39into frictional engagement with the rotor disks44and against the brake torque plate33. Alternatively, an electrically driven actuator may be used in place of the hydraulic assembly. The pressure plate38can be formed of carbon or ceramic composite material and has an annular friction lining42of carbon or ceramic composite material attached as by rivets to the surface of pressure plate38opposite to the face of the pressure plate carrier37that receives the head of the hydraulic piston motors25. The carrier37of pressure plate38is engaged to the torque tube32via slotted opening at circumferentially spaced locations on its inner periphery. The friction lining42may be riveted to the pressure plate carrier37to locate the lining in position. The friction lining42may be an integral part of the pressure plate38. The end plate36can include a friction lining80having a plurality of torque transfer recesses57for engagement with a plurality of torque transfer buttons58. The friction lining80may be secured to the torque buttons58by a plurality of rivets which pass through the regions of greatest thickness of the friction lining and recessed regions of the torque buttons. With further reference toFIGS. 2,3A and3B, there is shown a perspective, cross sectional and end view of a torque plate that can be used in the brake mechanism10ofFIG. 1, wherein the torque plate includes a torque tube32and an exemplary brake torque plate back leg33in accordance with the invention. The torque tube32may be formed as an elongated shaft having a hollow central portion100. An annular mounting surface102or the like is formed on a proximal end103of the torque tube32and includes a plurality of threaded bores104formed therein. The torque tube32can be attached to the piston housing26via the annular mounting surface102, wherein bolt fasteners105(seeFIG. 1) hold the torque tube32to the piston housing26. The torque tube32may include a plurality of symmetrically or asymmetrically spaced apertures101formed along an inner radial surface of the torque tubes's proximal end103. The apertures101can have varying shapes, and can serve as an alignment aid when attaching the torque tube32to the piston housing26. Bores102aformed through an outer radial surface of the torque tube's proximal end103can be used as an alternate means for attaching the torque tube32to the piston housing26. A distal end107of the torque tube32includes or is otherwise attached to the back leg33. For example, and as noted above, the brake torque plate back leg33may be formed integral to the torque tube32, or the brake torque plate back leg33may be formed as a separate piece and attached to the torque tube32, e.g., via bolt fasteners (not shown). The brake torque plate back leg33flares outward from the central portion100of the torque tube32so as to have a conical shape. A peripheral ring106formed along an outer diameter of the conical portion of the brake torque plate back leg33includes circular torque transfer buttons58. The torque transfer buttons58can react to the brake actuation loads and also serve as torque reaction points (i.e., the back leg) for the end plate36. Formed on the radially outer areas of the conical portion of the brake torque plate back leg33are a plurality of apertures110a-110for slots, wherein the apertures are unevenly spaced around the circumference of the conical portion. For example, the torque transfer buttons58are shown evenly (i.e., symmetrically) spaced around the circumference of brake torque plate conical portion. The apertures110a-110f, however, are not evenly spaced along the circumference (e.g., one torque transfer button58is between apertures110cand110d, while two torque transfer buttons58are between the remaining apertures. Although six apertures are shown, more or fewer apertures may be provided without departing from the scope of the invention. Further, the spacing between apertures also may vary (e.g., some may be separated by 1 button, some by two buttons, some by three buttons, etc.). The apertures may be formed anywhere along the area between the outer peripheral ring106and the torque tube32. Preferably, the apertures110a-110fare formed along the peripheral ring106, and may be machined into the brake torque plate back leg33or formed therein to a depth that does not intrude greatly into the conical portion, which provides most of the stiffness. The apertures or “segments” (also referred to as “fingers”) may be thought of as providing varying torsional and axial strength to the torque plate back leg33. Regardless of how the apertures are formed, they reduce symmetry in the back leg area of the brake torque plate32,33. This has the effect of reducing general high frequency (e.g., 3-5 kHz) vibration levels in the brake assembly (tests have shown 50 percent or more reduction in high frequency vibration levels), which increases the life expectancy of the braking system components. Further, this reduction in vibration has been found to provide more consistent brake friction from cycle to cycle for each braking condition (e.g., landing, taxi stop), which can promote improved wear rates. FIGS. 4 and 5are graphical charts that demonstrate friction variability effects of the asymmetrically placed apertures on a braking system. More specifically,FIG. 4illustrates the dynamics of average friction data for a 5-stop service cycle for two different brake configurations. A service cycle includes a landing stop and hot taxi stops. T-24423 represents test data for a brake employing a conventional, symmetrical torque plate, while T-24481 represents test data for a brake employing a torque plate in accordance with the invention. As can be seen inFIG. 4, the test data shows that for T-24481 both hot taxi stop coefficient of friction120and landing stop coefficient of friction122remain relatively constant through a number of stops. For example, the service landing stop coefficient of friction exhibits very little variation after about stop30(the coefficient of friction remains about 0.30), and effectively approaches a straight line plot. Similarly, the hot taxi stop coefficient of friction also remains substantially constant throughout the test (e.g., between about 0.39 and 0.40). In contrast, the service landing stop friction and the hot taxi stop friction vary significantly in the test data for T-24423. In particular, service landing stop coefficient of friction varies from about 0.26 all the way up to about 0.38. Similarly, the hot taxi stop coefficient of friction varies from about 0.42 to 0.47 With reference toFIG. 5, the coefficient of friction variation between the two different brake types can be seen in testing performed using design landing (normal) energy, high deceleration stops with cold and hot taxi stops. In particular, the coefficient of friction variation for the brake using the torque plate in accordance with the present invention (T-24481) is between about 0.32 and 0.44 (i.e., a variation of about 0.12). In contrast, the coefficient of friction variation for the brake using a conventional, symmetrical torque plate (T-24423) is between about 0.21 and 0.40 (i.e., a variation of about 0.19). Thus, the torque plate in accordance with the invention reduces vibration in the brake system. This reduced vibration in turn reduces variation in the coefficient of friction for the braking components, thus providing more consistent braking torque. As noted above, the torque plate in accordance with the present invention also reduces vibration during a stop. It is believed that the apertures in the back leg offer decoupling of the torque plate barrel and back leg vibration modes. FIGS. 6 and 7compare the peak vibration levels recorded for all stops over the spectrum of frequencies, wherein peak values for each of the high frequency modes are noted on each graph. The data shown inFIG. 6(T-24423) pertain to a conventional back leg design, while the data inFIG. 7(T-24540) pertain to a back leg in accordance with the present invention. Further,FIGS. 8A-8Dand9A-9D show transient vibration plots for individual landing and taxi stops for two qualification test, whereinFIGS. 8A,8C,9A and9C pertain to a conventional back leg design, andFIGS. 8B,8D,9B and9D pertain to a back leg in accordance with the present invention. The data in these plots includes the full range of frequencies measured during the tests. Comparing the results of the tests, it is noted that peak vibration between comparable development and qualification hardware configurations are very consistent in both cases (baseline back leg and slotted back leg). Some differences are present between higher frequencies in test no. 24481 and 24540 due to variations in torque plate section thickness in the back leg. Also, there is a noticeable reduction in peak vibration at frequencies below 5 kHz for the back leg design in accordance with the invention. Accordingly, a brake torque plate for use in an aircraft braking system has been disclosed. The brake torque plate reduces high frequency vibration in aircraft braking systems, thereby increasing the life expectancy of the system. Further, the brake torque plate in accordance with the invention provides for consistent coefficients of friction, even after repeated stops. Although the invention has been shown and described with respect to a certain preferred embodiment or embodiments, it is obvious that equivalent alterations and modifications will occur to others skilled in the art upon the reading and understanding of this specification and the annexed drawings. In particular regard to the various functions performed by the above described elements (components, assemblies, devices, compositions, etc.), the terms (including a reference to a “means”) used to describe such elements are intended to correspond, unless otherwise indicated, to any element which performs the specified function of the described element (i.e., that is functionally equivalent), even though not structurally equivalent to the disclosed structure which performs the function in the herein illustrated exemplary embodiment or embodiments of the invention. In addition, while a particular feature of the invention may have been described above with respect to only one or more of several illustrated embodiments, such feature may be combined with one or more other features of the other embodiments, as may be desired and advantageous for any given or particular application.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT With reference now to FIGS. 1, 1A, and 2, apparatus indicated generally at 10 is shown for conveying a series of articles such as pistons 12, 14, 16, and 18 along conveyor 20 freely disposed on conveyor surface 22 along a path and in a direction indicated by arrow 24. Pistons 12, 14, 16, and 18, which could be any suitable or desired articles, objects, or workpieces, are freely disposed on conveyor surface 22, in that there are no cleats or other such transversely disposed members fixed to or associated with said conveyor or conveyor surface for maintaining protective separation between adjacent pistons. A plurality of buffering means of the present invention such as spacers 28, explained more fully in detail below, are alternated as indicated at 28, 30, and 32 between pistons 12, 14, 16, and 18 to maintain protective separation therebetween. Spacers 28, 30, and 32 are supportable on surface 22 in a freely disposed manner for freely contacting pistons both upstream and downstream thereof to avoid piston to piston contact as described below. With specific reference now to FIG. 1, endless conveying surface 22 has an upper run indicated generally at 34, with the return run not being shown. Conveying surface 22 extends along a path indicated by arrow 24 and has guide members such as rails 36, 38 and 40, 42 associated therewith, which in combination with surface 22 define path 24. The path 24 is dimensioned, such as for example in width indicated at 44, for accepting pistons such as at 12, 14, 16, and 18 in a series in single file. Width 44 is chosen so that the upwardly pointing coupling ends such as 46 and 48 of pistons 12 and 14 fit therebetween. Also, each piston has a pair of diametrically opposed lips, such as lips 50 and 52, which depend in a direction towards coupling ends 46 and 48. Guide rails 40 and 42 are spaced apart a predetermined distance corresponding to approximately width 44, so as to engage piston lips 50 and 52 to further guide pistons 12, 14, 16, and 18 along path 24 in a series in single file on surface 22. Rails 36, 38 and 40, 42 are terminated in the region indicated generally at 54 to provide an opening or means for receiving pistons onto upper runs 34 of conveyor 20 in contact with conveyor surface 22. These pistons or other articles can be inserted as indicated by arrow 56 manually or by a suitable device or mechanism (not shown), which forms no part of the instant invention. Buffering means, such as the spacers indicated generally at 28 and more specifically at 30, 32, 58, 60, and 62, are positioned for protectively separating adjacent articles in the single file, such as for example pistons 12 and 14, from each other and preventing article to article contact, which contact is undesirable for the pistons herein described because of the resultant damage from marring or scuffing. As will be described more fully hereinbelow, spacers such as 28 are formed from a relatively inelastic and noncompressible material such as polyethylene, which is subjected to compressive forces along the direction of path 24 due to normal line pressure. The spacers 28 are relatively nondeformable; otherwise, under normal line pressure, the spacers 28 might deform in a direction transverse to and outwardly of path 24, which could result in frictional engagement of guide rails 40 and 42 with undesirable braking action and increased line pressure. However, spacers 28 are relatively soft compared to the articles such as pistons being conveyed to avoid damage from the normal contact between spacers and articles. Suitable materials for spacer 28 other than polyethylene include, by way of example only, polyurethane. Therefore, spacers 28 can abut articles on either side, specifically such as pistons 12 and 14 on either side of spacer 28, in a manner nondestructive to either piston. As shown in FIG. 1, the apparatus of the present invention also preferably includes a pusher mechanism such as at 70 operable under the direction of a controller such as for example routine programmable controller 71, which introduces at least one of said spacers such as spacer 62 from a suitably disposed supply 72 of spacers after each piston to alternate in the manner of piston-spacer-piston-spacer-piston and so on for the spacers in single file. This pusher mechanism 70 operates in a timed relationship relative to the introduction of each piston by means of inputs from routine sensor 73, such as for example a photoelectric sensor, along line 75 to controller 71. In this manner, a procession of articles with spacers between each article is provided as represented by the following series shown in FIG. 2: piston 12, spacer 28, piston 14, spacer 30, piston 16, spacer 32, piston 18, and so on. With reference now to FIG. 3A, it is seen that spacer 28 is described in more detail. Inasmuch as all spacers are substantially identical, the perspective view of spacer 28 in FIG. 1 along with the top and side views of substantially identical spacer 28 in FIGS. 3A and 3B provide a full description of the preferred buffering means of the present invention. By way of example only with respect to spacer 28, spacer 28 is a generally cylindrical member 74 with a cylindrically shaped contour 75 formed about and along cylinder axis 76 and having three sections, a first section of diameter d.sub.1 indicated at 78 sufficient to separate an immediately upstream article such as 12 from an immediately downstream article such as 14. Cylindrical member 74 has a generally flat surface 79 perpendicular to cylindrical axis 76 for supporting cylindrical member 74 upright on conveying surface 22 as shown in FIG. 2 in a direction generally perpendicular to surface 22 as well as path or conveying direction 24. Member 74 also preferably has portions of lesser diameter d.sub.2 indicated at 84 on either end indicated at 80 and 82 with diameters less than d.sub.1 with corresponding cylindrically shaped contours 86 and 88 formed about and along axis 76. The utility of reduced diameter portions 86 and 88 resides in avoiding any contact with ring portions 90, 92, 94, and 96 of piston head portions 98, 100, 102, and 104. The piston heads have flat end surfaces 106, 108, 110, and 112, which ride on the conveyor surface 22. The outer surface portions of pistons corresponding to ring portions 90, 92, 94, and 96 are preferably restricted from contact even with the spacers, the spacers being shaped as shown in FIGS. 3A and 3B to avoid such contact. Pistons also have stem portions 99, 101, 103, and 105 for pistons 12, 14, 16, and 18 respectively. By forming reduced diameter portions 80 and 82 on opposing ends of spacer 28 with cylindrical member 74 being symmetrical about any place in which cylindrical axis 76 lies, spacer 28 can be placed on conveyor surface 22 with either flat end 79 or 81 in contact therewith. Using the apparatus shown in FIGS. 1, 1A, 2, 3A, and 3B, a method is provided of conveying a series of articles such as pistons 12, 14, 16, and 18 along a path indicated by arrow 24, the articles being freely disposed on surface 24, while maintaining protective article-to-article separation. The articles such as pistons 12, 14, 16, and 18 are introduced one at a time in a series to conveyor surface 22 in the receiving area 54 of conveyor 20. The introduction of each piston is alternated with the introduction of at least one relatively noncompressible and inelastic protective means such as spacers 28, 30, and 32, which are freely disposed between adjacent pistons 12, 14, 16, and 18 as shown in FIG. 2 for separating these pistons from each other. This introduction is accomplished by pushing the spacers one at a time from a supply 72 thereof onto the conveyor surface 22 in timed relationship to the introduction of each piston. The series of pistons with said spacers alternated therebetween, wherein there is at least one spacer on either side of each piston (except for first and last pistons in the series, where either the leading and/or trailing spacers may be optional), is conveyed along conveyor path 24, the pistons being free to abuttingly contact adjacent spacers but not any other article in the series. It should be understood that various changes and modifications to the preferred embodiments described above will be apparent to those skilled in the art. Such changes and modifications can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention, and it is therefore intended that such changes and modifications be covered by the following claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The present invention will now be described more fully hereinafter with reference to the accompanying drawings which illustrate preferred embodiments of the invention. This invention may, however, be embodied in many different forms and should not be construed as limited to the embodiments set forth herein. Rather, these embodiments are provided so that this disclosure will be thorough and complete, and will fully convey the scope of the invention to those skilled in the art. Like numbers refer to like elements throughout, the prime notation, if used, indicates similar elements in alternative embodiments. FIGS. 1-9 illustrate a first embodiment of an apparatus 20 for splicing sliver S. The apparatus 20 preferably includes a first handle portion 30 having at least one sliver engaging member. The at least one sliver engaging member is preferably one or more needles 32 , and more preferably a plurality of needles 32 , connected to the first handle portion 30 . A second handle portion 40 preferably is positioned to receive the at least one sliver engaging member, e.g., the plurality of needles 32 , in a closed position such as through or within one or more openings or bores 42 , 42 as shown (see also FIG. 10 ). As perhaps be shown in FIGS. 1-2 and 14 , a pivot member 25 is associated with, and preferably connected to or mounted as illustrated, to the first and second handle portions 30 , 40 to allow either the first or second handle portions 30 , 40 to pivot about the pivot member 25 between respective open and closed positions. The open position preferably is defined by distal portions 31 of the first handle portion 30 having the at least one sliver engaging member being spaced-apart from distal portions 31 of the second handle portion 40 positioned to receive the at least one sliver engaging member, and the closed position preferably is defined by the at least one sliver engaging member of the first handle portion 30 being received by the distal portions of the second handle portion 40 when positioned closely adjacent thereto. The apparatus 20 preferably includes a biasing member 28 , 28 associated with the pivot member 25 , 25 and positioned to bias either the first or the second handle portions 30 , 40 in a preselected biased position (see also FIGS. 10 and 12 - 13 ). In the embodiment of the splicing apparatus 20 as illustrated, the first handle portion 30 is biased by the biasing member 28 to the open position. As shown in FIG. 14 , the biasing member 28 is preferably a spring as understood by those skilled in the art and preferably is connected to the pivot member 25 and positioned to bias the first handle portion 30 in the open position. Other types of biasing members, including various types of springs, can be used as well. Although the illustrated embodiment of biasing the first handle portion 30 in the open position is particularly advantageous due to the movement desired in the splicing process and the ease of use by a user's hand, for example, it will also be understood by those skilled in the art that the present invention would include biasing the splicing apparatus 20 in the closed position (see also FIG. 15 ). Further, the apparatus 20 preferably also includes a lock 50 associated with the first and second handle portions 30 , 40 to lock the first and second handle portions 30 , 40 in a closed position. In the embodiment shown, the lock 50 is primarily connected to the first handle portion 30 and slidably engages or locks, e.g., a latch, with the second handle portion 40 , e.g., into a slot or channel 43 by connecting to the needle receiving portion or body 45 of the second handle portion 40 (see FIG. 2 ). As perhaps best illustrated in FIG. 2 , the first and second handle portions 30 , 40 define a hand-activated needle actuation device which advantageously allows a ready grip by a user's hand H to apply pressure from the user's hand H to actuate the movement of the plurality of needles 32 . As described above, and as illustrated in FIGS. 7A-7D and 8 A- 8 C, the at least one sliver engaging member preferably includes a plurality of needles 32 , and the hand-activated needle actuation device is responsive to grippingly closing at least portions of the hand H of a user to actuate the engaging of the plurality of needles 32 with the sliver S to be spliced and the distal portions 45 , e.g., through the openings or bores 42 , 42 of the second handle portion 40 when the sliver S is positioned between the plurality of needles 32 and the distal portions 45 of the second handle portion 40 so that the engaging of plurality of needles 32 with the distal portions 45 of the second handle portion 40 thereby further defines the closed position (see also FIG. 10 ). Also, as perhaps best shown in FIGS. 3-6 and 8 A- 8 C, each of the plurality of needles 32 preferably includes a needle body 33 , 33 and a recessed portion 34 , 34 formed in the needle body 33 , 33 and positioned to assist in the engaging of and interconnecting of the sliver S when each needle 32 , 32 engages sliver S during movement to the closed position. The recessed portion 34 , 34 preferably includes at least one of the following: a barb, a groove, and a channel. The recessed portion 34 , 34 preferably has an upward slope with respect to the downward movement of the needle 32 so that the recessed portion 34 , 34 readily catches, engages, or otherwise contacts the sliver S during the downward motion of the needles and responsively releases the sliver S during upward motion. This process allows the intertwining or interconnecting of the sliver S to join the portions of sliver S desired to be spliced together. As shown in FIGS. 10-13 and 15 , according to a second embodiment of a splicing apparatus 20 of the present invention, the at least one sliver engaging member preferably is detachably connected to the first handle portion 30 and defines a cartridge member 35 , 35 positioned in distal portions 31 of the first handle portion 30 to readily remove from the first handle portion 30 . At least one replacement auxiliary cartridge member 38 , and preferably a plurality of replacement auxiliary cartridge members 38 , can have the same construction as the cartridge member 35 , 35 and can be adapted to be readily positioned in the first handle portion 30 . Accordingly, a kit can also be provided which has a portable splicing apparatus 20 positioned in a container, e.g., box, bag, package, with one or more auxiliary cartridge members 38 , so that when a cartridge member 35 , 35 being used is damaged, dulled, or otherwise desired to be replaced, another cartridge member 38 can be readily inserted into an opening 39 in the first handle portion 30 of the splicing apparatus 20 after removal of the damaged cartridge member 35 , 35 so that splicing operations proceed with substantially reduced interruptions. The distal portion 45 of the second handle portion 40 preferably has additional springs or other types of biasing members 36 which allow the needles 32 to retract and extend from openings 37 in the distal portion 31 as shown. Further still, as shown in FIG. 15 , scissor-type handles 30 , 40 , substantially closed loops, and various other types of handle or finger grips can also be used. In this embodiment of a splicing apparatus 20 , the pivot member 25 is also moved forward toward a more medial portion of the handle members 30 , 40 and the biasing member 28 is another type of spring, as understood by those skilled in the art, which biases the scissor-type handle embodiment to a closed position so that the distal portions 31 , 45 of the handles are positioned closely adjacent each other and the plurality of needles 32 can engage receiving portions of the handle 40 . As illustrated in FIGS. 1-15 , the present invention further provides methods of splicing sliver S. A first method preferably includes grippingly closing a handle portion 30 of a sliver splicer 20 having at least one sliver engaging member 32 by the hand H of a user so that the at least one sliver engaging member 32 engages and splices sliver S positioned adjacent thereto and releasingly opening the handle portion 30 by the hand H of the user to thereby release the spliced portion of sliver S from the at least one sliver engaging member 32 . Another method of splicing sliver S according to the present invention preferably includes closing a handle portion 30 of a needle engaging member having a plurality of needles 32 so that the plurality of needles 32 engages and splices sliver S positioned adjacent thereto and opening the handle portion 30 of the needle engaging member so that the plurality of needles 32 release the spliced portions of sliver S therefrom. Yet another method of splicing sliver S according to the present invention preferably includes joining first portions of sliver S with a plurality of needles 32 each having a recessed portion 34 to engage and intertwine with adjacent second portions of sliver S. The plurality of needles preferably is connected to a body portion so that the body portion and the plurality of needles 32 in combination define a needle cartridge member 35 and replacing the needle cartridge member 35 with an auxiliary cartridge member 38 also having a body portion and a plurality of needles 32 connected to the body portion. The apparatus 20 , 20 , 20 and methods of the present invention provide additional manufacturing, handling, processing, and formation flexibility in the use of the splicers for sliver. For example, manufacturing personnel can walk around a facility with an apparatus 20 of the present invention positioned in a pocket, holster, or harness when the splicing apparatus 20 or splicer is preferably in a locked closed position so that the manufacturing personnel can readily remove the splicer 20 , unlock the splicer 20 , accomplish the splicing function, relock the splicer 20 , and return the splicer 20 to the pocket, holster, or harness. Additionally, the splicing apparatus 20 of the present invention can be strapped to a chain or belt which can enhance carrying and portability. Further, when one or more needles 32 or other sliver engaging members are damaged, according to one embodiment of the present invention, a cartridge member 35 can readily be removed which carries the needles 32 and replaced with an auxiliary cartridge member 38 . This cartridge replacement, for example, prevents the need to replace the entire splicing apparatus 20 and saves money and reordering time. Also, because the splicing apparatus 20 is portable, compact, and relatively of simple construction and low cost, many different types of manufacturing personnel can use the splicing apparatus 20 , 20 , 20 and can readily order additional or readily replace the entire splicing apparatus 20 , 20 , 20 if desired without incurring extensive costs. In the drawings and specification, there have been disclosed a typical preferred embodiment of the invention, and although specific terms are employed, the terms are used in a descriptive sense only and not for purposes of limitation. The invention has been described in considerable detail with specific reference to these illustrated embodiments. It will be apparent, however, that various modifications and changes can be made within the spirit and scope of the invention as described in the foregoing specification and as defined in the appended claims.
BEST METHOD OF CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION The following examples exemplify the best method of carrying out the invention. EXAMPLE 1 An embodiment of the catalyst hardening process according to the present invention is described below. Samples of a strontium carbonate and bentonite catalyst were heated at 1000.degree. C. for 4 hours in (a) an inert gas, nitrogen (N.sub.2) and (b) carbon dioxide (CO.sub.2) atmospheres. The hardening process was accompanied by considerable shrinkage in the size of the individual particles and this resulted in a reduction in their surface areas. Surface area measurements by a conventional B.E.T. technique were made on the fresh untreated catalyst and those heated in N.sub.2 and CO.sub.2 atmospheres. The results are given in the accompanying table. ______________________________________ Surface Area Sample m.sup.2 /g ______________________________________ Fresh untreated 15.0 Heated in N.sub.2 7.1 (4 hours 1000.degree. C.) Heated in CO.sub.2 0.3 (4 hours 1000.degree. C.) ______________________________________ Catalysts hardened in an atmosphere of CO.sub.2 have been successfully used in fluidised-bed reactors for many hours with no measurable weight loss due to attrition and dust formation. EXAMPLES 2-4 A hardness index for catalysts was derived from a simple agitation test that allowed adequate discrimination between samples. Equal weights of catalysts sized -250+150 um and of 2 mm glass beads were mechanically shaken for 10 mins. The sample was then reclassified and weight of particles remaining with a size of -250+150 um determined. The hardness index equates to the percentage of the catalyst that retained its original size. The improvement in hardness index for catalyst based on Group IIA elements after firing in CO.sub.2 is demonstrated in the following samples. A SrCO.sub.3 catalyst was prepared by slurrying SrCO.sub.3 with water, drying the paste and treating the cake as shown below. Particles sized -250+150 um were recovered from the calcined material. ______________________________________ Example No. Treatment Hardness Index ______________________________________ 2 None 3 3 Fired in N.sub.2 at 1000.degree. C. 46 for 4 hours 4 Fired in CO.sub.2 at 1000.degree. C. 64 for 4 hours ______________________________________ The catalyst of example 4 was successfully used in a fluidised bed reactor. EXAMPLES 5-7 A SrCO.sub.3 /bentonite catalyst was prepared by slurrying SrCO.sub.3 together with 20% w/w bentonite, and drying the paste. The dried cake was crushed, pressed and particles sized -250+150 um recovered and given the following heat treatments. ______________________________________ Example No Treatment Hardness Index ______________________________________ 5 None 15 6 Fired in N.sub.2 at 1000.degree. C. 60 for 4 hours 7 Fired in CO.sub.2 at 1000.degree. C. 78 for 4 hours ______________________________________ The catalyst of example 7 was successfully used in a fluidised-bed reactor. EXAMPLES 8-13 A SrCO.sub.3 /MgCO.sub.3 catalyst (nominally 15% w/w Sr) was prepared by precipitation from a solution of the corresponding nitrates with (NH.sub.4).sub.2 CO.sub.3. The filter cake was slurried with a solution of the desired promotor, the paste dried and then pressed and particles sized -250+150 um recovered by crushing and sieving. Samples were subjected to the following heat treatments. ______________________________________ Example No. Treatment Hardness Index ______________________________________ 8 None 31 9 Heated in N.sub.2 at 400.degree. C. 7 for 1 hour 10 Heated in N.sub.2 at 1000.degree. C. 4 for 4 hours 11 heated in N.sub.2 at 1200.degree. C. 13 for 4 hours 12 Heated in CO.sub.2 at 1000.degree. C. 11 for 4 hours 13 Heated in CO.sub.2 at 1200.degree. C. 69 for 4 hours ______________________________________ The MgCO.sub.3 component of this catalyst decomposed to MgO on heating at 400.degree. C. resulting in a loss of hardness. The presence of MgO also necessitated a higher heat treatment temperature in CO.sub.2 (Example 13) for the preparation of a catalyst suitable for use in a fluidised-bed reactor.
DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION Embodiment 1 FIG. 1toFIG. 10illustrate a first embodiment of the present invention. A feature of the present invention, including this embodiment, is construction that makes possible forward displacement of an outer column11aof a steering column6awith respect to a vehicle body due to a forward impact load during a secondary collision, and that supports the steering column6ain a state able to prevent the steering column6afrom dropping downward even after forward displacement. The construction and function of other parts of the steering apparatus are the same as in the conventional construction explained usingFIG. 18toFIG. 20, so the same reference numbers are given to identical parts and any redundant explanation is simplified or omitted, with the explanation below centering on the characteristic features of this embodiment. The support apparatus for a steering column of this embodiment comprises: a non-dropping bracket45, a dropping bracket46, a pair of bolts47as connection members, and a pair of support capsules16a. Of these, the non-dropping bracket45is formed by pressing metal plate, such as steel plate, having sufficient strength and rigidity, and comprises a pair of left and right top plates48,48′ and a connection plate49that connects the rear half sections of the top plates48,48′ together. The edges around these top plates48,48′ are bent downward, and together with the top plates48,48′ having a high section modulus, sufficient bending rigidity is maintained. One long hole50and one through hole51are formed in each top plate48,48′. In other words, a pair of long holes50and a pair of through holes51are provided in the left and right top plates48,48′. The non-dropping bracket45is located at the top of the middle section in the axial direction of the steering column6a, and is fastened to and supported by the vehicle body in the portion underneath the dashboard by a bolt or stud (not illustrated in the figures) that is inserted through the through hole51. In this state, the top plates48,48′ protrude from the left and right sides of the steering column6a, and are arranged in the axial direction of the steering column6a. Moreover, in this state, the long holes50are located on both the left and right sides of the steering column6a, and being parallel to each other, extend from a portion near the rear end section of the center portion toward the front end section. In the example in the figure, the long holes50are formed as closed holes on the inside of the top plate48, however, due to processing conditions, the edge on the end of the top plate48and the long holes50can be connected by a thin groove, and the long holes50can, for example, be formed as open holes on the front side of the top plate48. A fastening pin section (not illustrated in the figures) that protrudes from the side surface of the reduction gear casing30to the rear inFIG. 1fits in a fastening hole29that is formed on a fastening plate28that is provided on the tip end section of a connecting arm section27that extends forward from the front end section of one of the top plates48. Before the steering apparatus is installed in the vehicle, the outer column11ais such that it cannot come apart from the inner column12aeven when the adjustment lever40is in a loosened state. Moreover, the support capsules16aare located at the rear end section of the long holes50so that forward displacement along the long holes50due to an impact load in the forward direction that is applied to the support capsules16ais possible. Therefore, in this embodiment, fastening pins53that can be sheared off by an impact load in the shear direction span fastening holes52aand fastening holes52bthat are formed in the support capsule16and top plate48in alignment with each other, and further span the fastening holes52aof the support capsule16aand concave sections62that are formed in the top plate48on both sides in the width direction of the rear end section of the long hole50. In this embodiment, these fastening pins53are made of synthetic resin, and with the fastening holes52aand the fastening holes52bas well as the fastening holes52aand the concave sections62being aligned with each other, can be formed by injection molding in which thermoplastic resin is injected into the fastening holes52a,52band concave sections62and hardened. Moreover, fastening pins53that are formed beforehand can be fitted by pressing the fastening pins53between the fastening holes52aand fastening holes52b, and between the fastening holes52aand the concave sections62. On the other hand, the dropping bracket46corresponds to the support bracket18that was installed in the conventional construction (FIG. 19andFIG. 20) and is formed by joining and fastening a plurality of members, which have been formed by bending metal plate, such as steel plate, having sufficient strength and rigidity, by spot welding or the like. The bracket46comprises a pair of bottom plates54and side plates21aon both the left and right, and a pair of installation holes55that are formed in these bottom plates54. These bottom plates54are connected so that they cannot be separated by a connection section56that is provided further on the front side section than the connection plate49of the non-dropping bracket45. This kind of dropping bracket46is supported by the front end section of the outer column11aof the steering column6ain the middle section in the axial direction of the steering column6a. In this embodiment, in order to construct a tilting mechanism and telescoping mechanism for adjusting the vertical position and forward/backward position of the steering wheel (FIG. 18), the dropping bracket46is supported by the front end section of the outer column11asuch that the vertical position and forward/backward position can be adjusted as in the conventional construction illustrated inFIG. 19andFIG. 20. With this kind of dropping bracket46installed in the middle section of the steering column6a, the bottom plate54protrudes further to both the left and right sides than the steering column6a. Moreover, with the top surfaces of the bottom plate54facing the bottom surface of the top plate48of the non-dropping bracket45, the bottom plate54is connected to the top plate48by way of the support capsules16aand bolts47. In order for this, in this embodiment, a nut57is fitted and supported in the opening section on the bottom side of the installation hole55, and the bolt47that is inserted from the top to the bottom through the through hole43ain the capsule16aand installation hole55is screwed into the nut57and tightened. The positions of the installation holes55in the dropping bracket46and the positions of the bolts47that are inserted in this installation holes55are preferably in nearly a straight line in the width direction of the vehicle with the position of the through holes51for fastening the non-dropping bracket45to the vehicle body by way of bolts or the like. This construction improves the rigidity of the installation of the steering column6ato the vehicle body. Furthermore, the support capsules16aare such that they do not come out from the long holes50in the vertical direction, which is the thickness direction of the top plate48. In order for this, in this embodiment, the width dimension in the left and right direction of the support capsules16ais wide in the upper half and narrow in the lower half. In other words, the width dimension of the lower half of the support capsule16ais a little less than the width dimension of the long hole50, and this lower half functions as a guide section58that fits in the long hole50so that it can displace in the forward and backward direction of the long hole50. On the other hand, the upper half of the support capsule16afunctions as a rim section59having a width dimension that is greater than the width dimension of the long hole50. The height dimension h of the guide section58illustrated inFIG. 7andFIG. 8is a little greater than the thickness dimension t of the top plate48(h>t). Also, the rear end section of the rim section59protrudes further to the rear than the guide section58. Part of the fastening hole52aprovided in each support capsule16ais formed in the portion of the rear end section of the rim section59that protrudes further to the rear than the guide section58. With the support capsules16aengaged to the rear end sections of the long holes50, and with the bottom plate54of the dropping bracket46supported by the top plate48of the non-dropping bracket45via the support capsules16ausing the bolts47and nuts57, the rim sections59and bottom plate54lie on portions of the top plate48located on the both sides of the long holes50and sandwich the portions in the thickness direction of the top plate48. When an impact load is applied to the dropping bracket46by way of the steering column6a, the support capsules16adisplace in the forward direction along the long holes50, however, are in a state such that they do not come out of the long holes50in the thickness direction of the top plate48. When a vehicle, installed with the steering column support apparatus of this embodiment, constructed as described above, is in a collision accident, a large impact load is applied in the forward direction to the steering column6adue to a secondary collision. As a result, a large force in the forward direction is applied to the support capsules16afrom the dropping bracket46, which is supported in the middle section in the axial direction of the steering column6a. A force is also applied in the shear direction to the fastening pins that join the support capsules16aand the top plate48, which causes these fastening pins53to shear. As a result, the support capsules16acan displace in the forward direction with the respect to the non-dropping bracket45that is fastened as is to the vehicle body along the long holes50formed in the top plate48. Together with the outer column11aof the steering column6a, the dropping bracket46displaces in the forward direction with respect to the non-dropping bracket45from the state illustrated inFIG. 1andFIG. 2to the state illustrated inFIG. 9andFIG. 10. When the dropping bracket46displaces in the forward direction in this way, the support capsules16aonly displace in the forward direction along the long holes50and do not come out in either the downward or upward direction of the top plate48. Therefore, even after the steering column6ahas absorbed the impact energy that is applied to the steering wheel1from the driver's body due to a secondary collision and displaces in the forward direction, the position of the height of the steering wheel1remains in a position such that it is easy to steer. Therefore, after a collision accident, the work of moving the vehicle out of the way and to the shoulder of the road under its own power or by pushing can be performed easily. There is originally a support plate fastened to the vehicle body in the portion where the non-dropping bracket45, which is necessary for obtaining the function and effect such as described above, is provided. In the case of providing a non-dropping bracket45in order to achieve the steering column support apparatus of this embodiment, by providing this non-dropping bracket45instead of the support plate, it is possible to keep the height within nearly the same height dimensions as in the case of the convention construction. Moreover, the height dimension (thickness) of this non-dropping bracket45itself is small, so even when the non-dropping bracket45is installed on the bottom surface of a support plate that is the same as that used in the conventional construction, the increase in the height dimension can be kept to a small amount. Therefore, with the steering column support apparatus of this embodiment attached to the vehicle body, the amount that the steering column6aprotrudes from underneath the dashboard can be kept to a minimum. Therefore, in addition to being able to increase the freedom of design for preventing interference between the steering column6aand the driver's knees, it becomes easier to perform design for preventing injury to the driver due to the steering column6ahitting the driver's knees during a collision accident. Furthermore, each of the long holes5and support capsules16aare located at positions on both the left and right sides of the steering column6a, so it is possible to maintain support rigidity of the steering column6awith respect to the force applied in a direction that causes the steering column6ato tilt such as during a secondary collision. Therefore, during a secondary collision, displacement of the steering column6ain the forward direction can be performed stably and reliably, and thus it is possible to completely protect the driver. In the case of the construction of this embodiment, the support capsules16aare installed so that during a secondary collision they displace in the forward direction in the pair of long holes50that are provided in the top plate48. In other words, the support capsules16aare not used in order to support the non-dropping bracket45, which comprises the top plate48, with respect to the vehicle body. Therefore, it is possible to make these support capsules16amore compact than in the case of the conventional construction illustrated inFIG. 19andFIG. 20. Moreover, the through holes51through which the bolts or the like are inserted for attaching the non-dropping bracket45to the vehicle body are provided separately from the long holes50. Therefore, the existence of these through holes51does not limit the amount of displacement of the outer column11ain the forward direction during a secondary collision. It is also possible to sufficiently increase the freedom of the location for these through holes51. Furthermore, the fastening pins53are located further to the rear than the bolts47that connect the non-dropping bracket45and the dropping bracket46. Therefore, even when a force is applied at an angle to the outer column11aduring a secondary collision, the bolts47can effectively apply a tensile force from the bolts47to the support capsules16athat pull the support capsules16ain the forward direction. As a result, a shearing force is applied to the fastening pins53, and the outer column11ais caused to displace in the forward direction. Embodiment 2 FIG. 11andFIG. 12illustrate a second embodiment of the present invention. In this embodiment, studs24are used as the connection members for connecting and fastening the dropping bracket46to the support capsules16a. The bottom end section of this stud24is fastened to and supported by the installation hole55section of the bottom plate section54of the dropping bracket46, with the stud24being inserted through this installation hole55from the bottom to the top. Furthermore, with the stud24being inserted through the through hole43ain the support capsule16afrom the bottom to the top, the portion on the top end section of the stud24that protrudes upward further than the top surface of the support capsule16ais screwed into a nut57aand tightened. The construction and function of other parts are the same as in the case of the first embodiment, so drawings and explanations of identical parts are omitted. Embodiment 3 FIG. 13andFIG. 14illustrate a third embodiment of the present invention. In this embodiment, connection pins60are used as the connection members for connecting and fastening the dropping bracket46to the support capsules16a. A retaining ring61is fastened to the portion on the top end section of the connection pin60that protrudes upward further than the top surface of the support capsule16a. Except for using a connection pin60instead of a stud24and a retaining ring61instead of a nut57a, this embodiment is the same as the second embodiment, so any redundant explanation is omitted. Embodiment 4 FIG. 15toFIG. 17illustrate a fourth embodiment of the present invention. In this embodiment, synthetic resin column shaped members63are used as the connection members for connecting and fastening the dropping bracket46to the support capsules16a. This column shaped member63is formed by performing injection molding inside the installation hole55that is formed in the bottom plate54of the dropping bracket46and the through hole43ain the support capsule16asuch that the connection member spans between the installation hole55and the through hole43a. Moreover, the cross-sectional area of the portion on the upper side of the through hole is greater than the cross-sectional area of the portion on the lower side, and forms an outward facing flange shaped second rim section64in the portion on the lower end section of the column shaped member63that protrudes further than the bottom surface of the bottom plate54. The top side and bottom side of the top plate48of the non-dropping bracket45are held between this second rim section64and the top section of the column shaped member63that is inside the upper portion of the through hole43a. The construction and function of the other parts are the same as those in the first embodiment, so drawings and explanation for identical parts are omitted. Embodiment 5 In the fourth embodiment, the support capsule16awas made of a light alloy, and the fastening pins53and column shaped member63are made of a synthetic resin. However, it is possible for the support capsule16ato be made of a synthetic resin, and to integrate the support capsule16a, the fastening pins53and the column shaped member63. In other words, by setting the portion of the top plate48of the non-dropping bracket45that is near the rear end section of the long hole50, and the bottom plate54of the dropping bracket46inside an injection molding cavity, and then feeding synthetic resin into this cavity, the support capsule16ais formed by injection molding (insert molding) together with the fastening pins53and column shaped member63. The shape after completion is the same as that illustrated inFIG. 15toFIG. 17except that the support capsule16a, the fastening pins53and the column shaped member63are integrated. INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY The intent of the present invention is to keep the position of the steering wheel from becoming unstable even in a state after the steering wheel has displaced in the forward direction due to a secondary collision. Therefore, as illustrated in the figures, without being limited to a tilting and telescoping mechanism, the present invention can be applied to a steering apparatus that comprises just a tilting mechanism or just a telescoping mechanism, and furthermore can be applied to a steering apparatus that does not comprise either of these. EXPLANATION OF REFERENCE NUMBERS 1Steering wheel2Steering gear unit3Input shaft4Tie rod5,5aSteering shaft6,6aSteering column7Universal joint8Intermediate shaft9Universal joint10Electric motor11,11aOuter column12,12aInner column13,13aOuter shaft14,14aInner shaft15Vehicle body16,16aSupport capsule17Bolt18Support bracket19Tilt rod20Top plate21,21′,21aSide plate22Installation plate23Cut out section24Stud25Installation grooves26a,26bSmall through hole27Connecting arm section28Installation plate29Fastening hole30Reduction gear casing31Support arm32Horizontal shaft33Held section34Slit section35Long telescopic hole36a,36bLong tilt hole37Rim section38Nut39Thrust bearing40Adjustment lever41Cam mechanism42a,42bCam plate element43,43aThrough hole44Balance spring45Non-dropping bracket46Dropping bracket47Bolt48,48′ Top plate49Connection plate50Long hole51Through hole52a,52bFastening holes53Fastening pin54Bottom plate55Installation hole56Connection section57,57aNut58Guide section59Rim section60Connection pin61Retaining ring62Concave section63Column shaped member64Second rim section
DETAILED DESCRIPTION Various embodiments will be described below in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawings. The present invention may, however, be embodied in different forms and should not be construed as being limited to the embodiments set forth herein. Rather, these embodiments are provided so that this disclosure will be thorough and complete, and will fully convey the present invention to those skilled in the art. Throughout the disclosure, like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout the various figures and embodiments of the present invention. The drawings are not necessarily to scale and in some instances, proportions may have been exaggerated in order to clearly illustrate features of the embodiments. When a first layer is referred to as being “on” a second layer or “on” a substrate, it not only refers to a case where the first layer is formed directly on the second layer or the substrate but also a case where a third layer exists between the first layer and the second layer or the substrate. In the following description, numerous specific details are set forth in order to provide a thorough understanding of the present invention. The present invention may be practiced without some or all of these specific details. In other instances, well-known process structures and/or processes have not been described in detail in order not to unnecessarily obscure the present invention. It is also noted, that in some instances, as would be apparent to those skilled in the relevant art, an element (also referred to as a feature) described in connection with one embodiment may be used singly or in combination with other elements of another embodiment, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Hereinafter, the various embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the attached drawings. FIG. 1Ais a diagram illustrating a CMOS image sensor.FIG. 1Ashows a CMOS image sensor having a column parallel structure embodied using a general single slope analog-to-digital converter. Referring toFIG. 1A, the CMOS image sensor includes a pixel array10, a row circuit20, a ramp signal generation circuit30, a comparison circuit40, a counting circuit50, a memory circuit60, a column readout circuit70, and a control circuit80. The pixel array10outputs pixel signals (e.g., VPIXEL1and VPIXEL2ofFIG. 1B) corresponding to incident light. The row circuit20selects pixels in the pixel array10by respective row lines, and controls the operations of the selected pixels. For example, the row circuit20includes a row decoder and a row driver. The ramp signal generation circuit30generates a ramp signal VRAMP. The comparison circuit40compares a value of the ramp signal applied from the ramp signal generation circuit30with a value of each pixel signal outputted from the pixel array10. The counting circuit50counts a clock that is provided from the control circuit80according to each output signal of the comparison circuit40. The memory circuit60stores counting information outputted from the counting circuit50. The column readout circuit70successively outputs data of the memory circuit60as pixel data PXDATA. The control circuit80controls the operations of the row circuit20, the ramp signal generation circuit30, the counting circuit50, the memory circuit60, and the column readout circuit70. For example, the control circuit80includes a timing generator. The CMOS image sensor compares pixel signals (i.e., pixel output voltages) generated before and after an optical signal is incident thereon, with each other in order to remove an offset value of a pixel itself, and thus measures only a pixel signal substantially resulting from the incident light. Such an operation is referred to as Correlated Double Sampling (CDS). The CDS operation is performed by the comparison circuit40. The comparison circuit40includes a plurality of comparators41, the counting circuit50includes a plurality of counters51, and the memory circuit60includes a plurality of memories61. The comparators, the counters, and the memories are provided in columns corresponding to the columns of the pixel array so that for each column corresponds a comparator41, a counter51and a memory61. Hence, a pixel signal generated by the pixel array is transmitted to a comparator, counter and memory of a respective column in the recited order. Hereinafter, the operation of one comparator, one counter, and one memory will be described by way of example. A first comparator41receives through one terminal thereof a pixel signal that is outputted from a first column of the pixel array10. The first comparator41also receives through the other terminal thereof a ramp signal VRAMP that is applied from the ramp signal generation circuit30. The first comparator41compares the values of the two signals with each other, and outputs a comparison signal. The ramp signal VRAMP is a signal, the voltage level of which is reduced by a predetermined amount over time after initialization has started. Hence, the ramp signal VRAMP may start form a certain high voltage value and then may gradually be reduced. As the ramp signal VRAMP is being gradually reduced, at some time point the values of the two signals inputted to the first comparator41coincide with each other. When this happens, immediately after the time point when the two input values coincided, the value of the comparison signal outputted from the first comparator is inverted. The same process occurs with respect to each of the plurality of the comparators in the comparison circuit40. Next, a first counter51counts a clock that is provided from the control circuit80from a time point at which the ramp signal VRAMP begins to fall, to the time point at which the comparison signal outputted from the comparison device41is inverted, and outputs the counting information. Each counter is initialized according to a reset signal that is provided from the control circuit. The same process is performed by each of the plurality of the counters in the counting circuit50. Then, a first memory61stores the counting information outputted from the first counter51according to a load signal that is provided from the control circuit80, and outputs the counting information to the column readout circuit70. The same function is performed by each of the plurality of memories in the memory circuit60. In the above-mentioned analog-to-digital conversion method, the maximum time for analog-to-digital converting data is determined by a value of the data. More specifically, the data conversion time TTOTAL may be expressed by the following Equation 1. TTOTAL=(ΔV1+ΔV2)/ΔVstep[Equation 1] Wherein, ΔV1=VRAMP−VDMAX, ΔV2=VDMAX−VDMIN, ΔVstep denotes one step when the ramp signal falls, VDMAX denotes a maximum value within a range of a total amount of data to be converted in the analog-to-digital conversion, and VDMIN denotes a minimum value within the range of the total amount of data to be converted in the analog-to-digital conversion. However, in the above-mentioned analog-to-digital conversion method, the maximum time required for converting the data from analog-to-digital is rather substantial. Hence, the aforementioned conversion has a disadvantage in that the power consumption is increased. To overcome this, an embodiment of the present invention is directed to an image sensor having a higher data conversion speed. For example, in an embodiment the data conversion speed may be at least two times higher than that of the aforementioned analog-to-digital conversion method. The inventive method may thus reduce power consumption, and makes it possible to operate an image sensor employing such method with substantially lower power consumption. An embodiment will be described in detail with reference toFIGS. 2A to 3B. FIG. 2Aillustrates a CMOS image sensor in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.FIG. 2Bis a timing diagram describing an analog-to-digital conversion operation of the CMOS image sensor shown inFIG. 2A. Referring toFIG. 2A, the CMOS image sensor may include a pixel array10, a row circuit20, a ramp signal generation circuit30, a comparison circuit40, a counting circuit50, a memory circuit60, a column readout circuit70, and a control circuit80. The pixel array10may output pixel signals corresponding to incident light. The row circuit20selects pixels in the pixel array10by respective row lines and controls the operations of the selected pixels. For example, the row circuit20may include a row decoder and a row driver. The ramp signal generation circuit30generates a ramp-up signal +VRAMP or a ramp-down signal −VRAMP. The comparison circuit40selects a value of the ramp-up signal +VRAMP or the ramp-down signal −VRAMP applied from the ramp signal generation circuit30and compares it with a value of each pixel signal outputted from the pixel array10. The counting circuit50counts a clock that is provided from the control circuit80according to each output signal of the comparison circuit40. The memory circuit60stores counting information outputted from the counting circuit50. The column readout circuit70successively outputs data of the memory circuit60as pixel data PXDATA, and the control circuit80controls the operations of the row circuit20, the ramp signal generation circuit30, the counting circuit50, the memory circuit60, and the column readout circuit70. For example, the control circuit80may include a timing generator. The comparison circuit40includes a plurality of comparators41, the counting circuit50includes a plurality of counters51, and the memory circuit60includes a plurality of memories61. The comparators, the counters, and the memories are provided in columns corresponding to the columns of the pixel array so that for each column corresponds a comparator41, a counter51and a memory61. Hence, a pixel signal generated by the pixel array is transmitted to a comparator, counter and memory of a respective column in the recited order. Hereinafter, the operation of one comparator, one counter, and one memory will be described by way of example. A first comparator41receives through one terminal thereof a pixel signal that is outputted from a first column of the pixel array10. The first comparator also selects any one of the ramp-up signal +VRAMP and the ramp-down signal −VRAMP that are applied from the ramp signal generation circuit30, receives the selected ramp signal through the other terminal thereof, compares values of the two signals with each other, and outputs a comparison signal. The ramp-up signal +VRAMP and the ramp-down signal −VRAMP have the same voltage level during an initialization whereby until a predetermined time passes after initialization has started. For example, the same voltage level of the ramp-up signal +VRAMP and the ramp-down signal −VRAMP may be set equal to (VDMAX+VDMIN)/2. After passing of the predetermined amount of time from the initialization time point, the voltage level of the ramp-up signal +VRAMP is gradually increased at a constant rate by a predetermined amount. At the same time when the ramp-up signal +VRAMP starts to increase, (i.e., at the passing of the predetermined time after initialization), the voltage level of the ramp-down signal −VRAMP is gradually reduced at a constant rate by a predetermined amount. Eventually, a time point at which the value of a selected one of the ramp-up signal +VRAMP and the ramp-down signal −VRAMP coincides with the value of the pixel signal occurs. With the passage of the coincidence time point, the value of the comparison signal outputted from the comparator is inverted. The same process is performed by each one of the plurality of the comparators in the comparison circuit40. Then, a first counter51counts the clock from the control circuit80from a time point at which the voltage level of the ramp signal VRAMP begins to be increased or reduced, to the time point at which the comparison signal outputted from the comparison device41is inverted, and outputs the counting information. The same process is performed by each of the counters in the counting circuit50. Each counter is initialized according to a reset signal provided from the control circuit. Then, a first memory61stores the counting information outputted from the counter51according to a load signal provided from the control circuit80, and outputs the counting information to the column readout circuit70. In the above-described analog-to-digital conversion method, the maximum time for analog-to-digital converting data may be reduced substantially. More specifically, the data conversion time TTOTAL may be determined by the following Equation 2. TTOTAL=ΔV3/ΔVstep[Equation 2] Here, ΔV3=VRAMP−VDMAX or ΔV3=(VDMAX−VDMIN)/2 is satisfied, ΔVstep denotes one step when the ramp signal rises or falls, VDMAX denotes a maximum value within a range of a total amount of data to be converted in the analog-to-digital conversion, and VDMIN denotes a minimum value within the range of the total amount of data to be converted in the analog-to-digital conversion. FIG. 3Ais a diagram illustrating a comparator in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.FIGS. 3B and 3Care diagrams showing control signal timings of the comparator shown inFIG. 3A.FIG. 3Dis a flowchart showing a method of operating the comparator shown inFIG. 3A.FIG. 3Billustrates a control signal timing when a voltage level of a pixel signal is greater than a reference voltage (i.e., a voltage level of a ramp signal applied until a predetermined time passes after initialization has started), andFIG. 3cillustrates a control signal timing when the voltage level of the pixel signal is equal to or less than the reference voltage. Referring toFIG. 3A, the comparator may include a comparison block310, a CDS block320, a second switch S2, a third switch S3, and a feedback control unit330. The comparison block310compares any one selected signal of the ramp-up signal +VRAMP and the ramp-down signal −VRAMP with the pixel signal VPIXEL (i.e., a pixel signal). The CDS block320is provided between a first input terminal to which the pixel signal VPIXEL is inputted and a negative input terminal (−) of the comparison block310, and is configured to perform CDS. The CDS block320may include a first capacitor C1. The CDS block320may further include a second capacitor and a switch. The second switch S2is provided between a second input terminal to which the ramp-up signal +VRAMP is inputted and a positive input terminal (+) of the comparison block310. The third switch S3is provided between a third input terminal into which the ramp-down signal −VRAMP is inputted and the positive input terminal (+) of the comparison block310. The feedback control unit330activates a second switch control signal CTRL_S2or a third switch control signal CTRL_S3for controlling the second and third switches S2and S3, respectively, according to a comparison signal outputted from the comparison block310. The third switch control signal CTRL_S3may be a complementary signal (or an inverted signal) of the second switch control signal CTRL_S2. In this regard, the comparator shown inFIG. 3Aselects the ramp-up signal +VRAMP or the ramp-down signal −VRAMP according to the switch control signals after initialization, and performs a comparison operation. That is, the comparator compares the pixel signal to the reference voltage during the initialization. If the voltage level of the pixel signal VPIXEL is greater than the reference voltage, the comparator activates the second switch control signal CTRL_S2, selects the ramp-up signal +VRAMP, and then performs the comparison operation after the initialization. If the voltage level of the pixel signal VPIXEL is equal to or less than the reference voltage during the initialization, the comparator activates the third switch control signal CTRL_S3, selects the ramp-down signal −VRAMP, and then performs the comparison operation after the initialization. For example, the comparison block310may include an operational amplifier OPAMP, a first switch (i.e., a feedback switch) S1and a buffer BUF, or include the comparator and the first switch S1. The CDS block320may include a first capacitor C1as illustrated inFIG. 3A. Hereinafter, an operation process of the comparator will be descried with reference toFIGS. 3A to 3D. The overall operation of the comparator is implemented in a sequence of an initialization operation (i.e., an offset canceling operation), a control signal generation operation, and a comparison operation (i.e., a pixel signal comparison operation). The comparator performs the initialization operation at step410. The initialization operation includes the comparator comparing the pixel signal VPIXEL to the reference voltage (i.e., a voltage level of a ramp signal applied until a predetermined time passes after initialization has started) and outputs a comparison signal. In more detail, the first and second switches S1and S2are turned on, and the third switch S3is turned off. A value of the pixel signal VPIXEL inputted from the first input terminal is stored in the first capacitor C1. As the second switch S2is turned on, the ramp-up signal +VRAMP is inputted to the positive input terminal (+) of the comparison block310through the second input terminal. Then, the comparison block310compares the pixel signal VPIXEL to the reference voltage and outputs a comparison signal to the feedback control unit330. Thereafter, the comparator generates switch control signals for selecting the ramp-up signal +VRAMP or the ramp-down signal −VRAMP at step420. That is, as the result of comparison between the pixel signal VPIXEL and the reference voltage, if the voltage level of the pixel signal VPIXEL is greater than the reference voltage, the comparator activates the second switch control signal CTRL_S2, and if the voltage level of the pixel signal VPIXEL is equal to or less than the reference voltage, the comparator activates the third switch control signal CTRL_S3. In more detail, the first switch S1is turned off (i.e., a first switch control signal CTRL_S1is deactivated). As the result of comparison between the pixel signal (i.e., pixel output voltage) and the level of the reference voltage while the second switch S2is turned on and the third switch S3is turned off, if the voltage level of the pixel signal VPIXEL is greater than the reference voltage, the feedback control unit330activates the second switch control signal CTRL_S2, and if the voltage level of the pixel signal VPIXEL is equal to or less than the reference voltage, the feedback control unit330activates the third switch control signal CTRL_S3. In this case, the counter and the memory acquire and store data of a most significant bit (MSB). Thereafter, the comparator performs a comparison operation using the selected the ramp signal (i.e., the ramp-up signal +VRAMP or the ramp-down signal −VRAMP) at step430. That is, the comparator selects the ramp-up signal +VRAMP according to the activated second switch control signal CTRL_S2and performs the comparison operation, or selects the ramp-down signal −VRAMP according to the activated third switch control signal CTRL_S3and performs the comparison operation. In more detail, the first switch S1is in an off state. When the second switch control signal CTRL_S2is activated, the ramp-up signal +VRAMP is inputted to the positive input terminal (+) of the comparison block310through the second input terminal while the second switch S2is turned on and the third switch S3is turned off. Then, the comparison block310compares the pixel signal VPIXEL with the ramp-up signal +VRAMP and outputs a comparison signal to the feedback control unit330. When the third switch control signal CTRL_S3is activated, the second switch S2is turned off and the third switch S3is turned on, whereby the ramp-down signal −VRAMP is inputted to the positive input terminal (+) of the comparison block310through the third input terminal. Then, the comparison block310compares the pixel signal VPIXEL with the ramp-up signal +VRAMP and outputs a comparison signal to the feedback control unit330. In this case, the counter and the memory perform the data conversion operation by up-counting in the case where the ramp-up signal +VRAMP is selected, or performs the data conversion operation by down-counting in the case where the ramp-down signal −VRAMP is selected, and then stores the data. Various embodiments provide an image sensor having a high-speed data conversion speed which may be two or more times as high as that of the conventional technology, thereby reducing power consumption, and making it possible to operate the image sensor with low power. Although various embodiments have been described for illustrative purposes, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the following claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION A first embodiment of the present invention will now be described in detail with reference to FIGS. 1-5 of the accompanying drawings. As shown in FIG. 1 , a rotary connector includes the stator housing 1 , rotor housing 2 rotatably assembled to the stator housing 1 , and the flat cable 4 in the shape of a spiral. The flat cable 4 is housed in a space G ( FIG. 3 ) defined by the stator housing 1 and the rotor housing 2 . The stator housing 1 is a stationary component that is screwed down on the combination switch (not shown) of, for example, an automobile. The stator housing 1 includes a side housing 7 and a bottom housing 8 combined with the side housing 7 . For more detail, the side housing 7 has a fitting hole 7 a and the bottom housing has a fitting projection 8 a, as shown in FIG. 2 . The fitting projection 8 a is fitted into the fitting hole 7 a, thereby assembling the bottom housing 8 to the side housing 7 . The side housing 7 and bottom housing 8 may be formed in one piece, thereby providing a single piece stator housing 1 . The side housing 7 and the bottom housing 8 have base portions 7 b and 8 b, respectively, that are flush with each other when they are assembled together. Thus, when the stator housing 1 has been fixed to the combination switch, both the base portions 7 b and 8 b abut the combination switch. Therefore, if an external force is exerted on the bottom housing 8 in a direction shown by arrow A of FIG. 2 , the base portion 8 b abuts the combination switch, so that the bottom housing 8 is prevented from being deformed in the direction shown by the arrow A as well as the fitting projection 8 a of the bottom housing 8 is prevented from dropping out of the fitting hole 7 a of the side housing 7 . As shown in FIG. 2 , the bottom housing 8 has a guide 9 that holds an end of the flat cable 4 and guides the flat cable 4 in a space G defined by the stator housing 1 and the rotor housing 2 . There is provided a slide sheet 15 on top of the bottom housing 8 . The rotor housing 2 is rotatably fitted into the stator housing 1 and is coupled to the steering wheel (not shown) by means of a coupling pin 10 having a resilient cover 10 a fitted thereover. The rotor housing 2 has projections 2 b and a stepped portion 2 c on its inner circumferential surface 2 a. The projections 2 b fit into fitting portions 3 a formed on an attachment 3 . The stepped portions 2 c abut projecting straps 3 b formed on the attachment 3 . The rotor housing 2 has a cord cover 12 that covers cords 6 a of connectors 6 led out of the rotor housing 2 and secures a later-described supporting member 11 to the rotor housing 2 . The cord cover 12 is inserted into the top surface of the rotor housing 2 and is fixed by heat bonding or ultrasonic bonding. The rotor housing 2 has a caution label 13 stuck on the top surface of the rotor housing 2 as shown in FIG. 2 . The caution label 13 lists cautions about the handling of the rotary connector. The supporting member 11 is a component that supports one end of the flat cable 4 as shown in FIG. 2 . The supporting member 11 is also a member that prevents the flat cable 4 from buckling, thereby protecting the flat cable 4 from breakage and damage. The attachment 3 is a member that couples the stator housing 1 to the rotor housing 2 . The attachment 3 has the fitting portions 3 a and projecting straps 3 b. The fitting portions 3 a resiliently engage the projections 2 b of the rotor housing 2 , and the projecting straps 3 b abut the stepped portions 2 c of the rotor housing 2 . The attachment 3 slides on the inner surface of the bottom housing 8 , serving as a radial (direction of radius) bearing. As shown in FIG. 4 , the flat cable 4 includes a plurality of conductive wires 4 a and sheets of resin film 4 b between which the plurality of conductive wires 4 a are sandwiched. The plurality of conductive belt-shaped wires 4 a are arranged at predetermined intervals and are sandwiched between two sheets of insulating resin film 4 b. The flat cable 4 has one end fixed to a terminal strap 14 that is electrically connected to a connector 5 and the other end fixed to the supporting member 11 mounted to the rotor housing 2 . The conductive wires 4 a have front and back surfaces bonded to two sheets of resin film 4 b. The conductive wires 4 a are flat belt-shaped and have one ends thereof connected to the air bag apparatus accommodated in the steering wheel and the other ends thereof electrically connected to a power supply and sensors of the air bag apparatus. The conductive wires 4 a include a total of three wires; two wires for the air bag and one wire for a horn. The number of conductive wires is not limited to three and may be selected in accordance with the design purpose. The resin film 4 b is of the construction in which two laminated films for example, polyethylene terephthalate are contact bonded by heat or bonded by an adhesive such that the plurality of conductive wires 4 a are insulated from each other. The flat cable 4 is housed in a doughnut-shaped space G defined by the stator housing 1 and the rotor housing 2 . The flat cable 4 is rotatable leftward and rightward, at least two complete rotations in each direction. One end of the flat cable 4 is electrically connected to the connector 5 of the stator housing 1 via the terminal strap 14 and the other end of the flat cable 4 is connected to the connectors 6 of the rotor housing 2 via the supporting member 11 . As shown in FIGS. 2 and 4 , the supporting member 11 connected to the flat cable 4 is fastened to the outer wall of a hollow shaft 2 d of the rotor housing 2 . As shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 , the terminal strap 14 located at the other end of the flat cable 4 is disposed between an inner wall 7 c of the side housing 7 and the guide 9 near the upper outer periphery of the bottom housing 8 . The terminal strap 14 is an resin material in which conductors (not shown) are insert molded. The conductors have lateral ends connected to the respective conductive wires 4 a and downward ends connected to the respective ends of the terminals (not shown) of the connector 5 . The terminal strap 14 is mounted to the bottom surface of the bottom housing 8 . As shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 , the terminal strap 14 engages a bottom surface 9 a of a recess formed in the guide 9 and is received between projections 7 d and 7 e formed on the inner wall 7 c of the side housing 7 . The projections 7 d, 7 e, and 7 f are vertically extending on the inner wall 7 c of the side housing 7 . As shown In FIGS. 3 and 4 , the projection 7 d cooperates with the bottom surface 9 a of the guide 9 to support the terminal strap 14 therebetween. As shown in FIGS. 3 , 4 , and 5 , a projection 7 e opposes a guide strap 9 b of the guide 9 and is aligned with an edge of a recess 9 c formed in a surface of the guide strap 9 b facing the inner wall 7 c. The projection 7 e cooperates with the guide strap 9 b to support the end of the flat cable 4 , and cooperates with the recess 9 c to prevent the cut end of the flat cable 4 from again entering a gap between the guide 9 and the inner wall 7 c after the flat cable 4 has been out off at the connection C connected to the terminal strap 14 . In this manner, the construction prevents the cut end of the flat cable 4 from short-circuiting. The projection 7 e has a side surface 7 g closer to the small-width strap 9 d. The side surface 7 g is inclined to make an acute angle a with the flat cable 4 . As shown in FIG. 5 , when a flat cable 4 c that has been cut off enters a space between the inner wall 7 c and the guide strap 9 b, the cut end of the flat cable 4 c strikes the side surface 7 g and slips to a base portion 7 h of the projection 7 e where the tip of the flat cable 4 c is finally stopped. In this manner, the flat cable 4 c is prevented from entering the gap between the guide 9 and the inner wall 7 c. As shown in FIG. 5 , a projection 7 f prevents a flat cable 4 e from again entering the gap between the guide 9 and inner wall 7 c after the flat cable 4 has been cut off, ensuring that the flat cable 4 e will not be short-circuited to inadvertently fire the air bag. The projection 7 f should be provided at a location near the small-width strap 9 d, including a location 7 i shown by a phantom line adjacent to the small-width strap 9 d and a location 7 j further away from the small-width strap 9 d as shown in FIG. 5 . The projections 7 f, 7 i, and 7 j may have inclined side surfaces such as a surface 7 k formed on the projection 7 j shown by phantom lines in FIG. 5 . The surface 7 k guides the flat cable 4 e, which moves toward the guide 9 in a direction shown by arrow I, toward the center of the rotary connector. The side surface 7 k is formed on a side of the projections 7 f, 7 i, and 7 i remote from the guide 9 . The side surface 7 k may be a flat surface or a curved surface. The guide 9 is a projected strap provided at a location over the connector 5 of the bottom housing 8 . The guide 9 includes guide strap 9 b, recess 9 c, small-width strap 9 d, and the recess having the bottom surface 9 a. The guide 9 extends along the inner wall 7 c of the side housing 7 , generally describing an arc. The bottom surface 9 a of the recess is a bottom surface of a groove with which the projection 7 d and the terminal strap 14 are engaged. When the user rotates the steering wheel, the guide strap 9 b guides the flat cable 4 in such a way that the flat cable 4 connected to the terminal strap 14 expands or contracts within the side housing 7 while maintaining its spiral shape. Just like the projections 7 e and 7 f, when the flat cable 4 has been cut off at the connection C connected to the terminal strap 14 , the recess 9 c serves to prevent the reentering of the flat cable 4 between the inner wall 7 c and the guide 9 which would otherwise cause a short-circuit. The recess 9 c is a substantially U-shaped groove having a side wall 9 e. The side wall 9 e is closer to the terminal strap 14 and is aligned with the tip of the side surface 7 g of the projection 7 e. The side wall 9 e is inclined such that the side wall 9 e makes an acute angle with the flat cable 4 . When a flat cable 4 d again enters the gap between the inner wall 7 c and the guide strap 9 b, as shown in FIG. 5 , after the flat cable 4 has been cut the tip of the flat cable 4 d strikes the side wall 9 e and slides on the side wall 9 e toward a recess 9 c. The tip of the cable 4 d is stopped at the recess 9 c. Thus, the flat cable 4 d is prevented from entering the gap between the guide 9 and the inner wall 7 c. The small-width strap 9 d is a projecting strap formed at the lower end of the guide strap 9 b and is in contact with the flat cable 4 . The small-width strap 9 d has a shorter vertical width than the guide strap 9 b. When the user operates the steering wheel to which the rotary connector is incorrectly assembled, the small-width strap 9 d exerts a concentrated stress on the flat cable 4 that is in contact with the small-width strap 9 d, thereby cutting off the flat cable 4 at the connection C connected to the terminal strap 14 . The small-width strap 9 d has a rounded tip portion such that the friction resistance between the flat cable 4 and the small-width strap 9 d is small when the rotary connector is assembled correctly. The small-width strap 9 d may be at a vertically upper end or middle of the guide strap 9 b, provided that the small-width strap 9 d is at the tip of the guide strap 9 b. The small-width strap 9 d should be located where the small-width strap 9 d presses the conductive wires 4 a hard, so that the flat cable 4 can be cut off efficiently at the connection C connected to the terminal strap 14 . In operation, the rotary connector having the flat cable 4 has the connectors 6 connected to, for example, an air bag apparatus (not shown) on the steering wheel side and the other connector 5 to, for example, air bag controller (not shown) on the vehicle side. Thus, in the event of crash of the vehicle, the electrical signal generated by the air bag controller is sent to the air bag apparatus provided at the steering pa via the flat cable 4 of the rotary connector, thereby firing the inflater to inflate the air bag. When the user operates the steering wheel, the steering wheel rotates together with the rotor housing 2 and attachment 3 , so that the flat cable 4 slides. When the rotary connector is correctly mounted to the steering wheel, the steering wheel and flat cable 4 rotate leftward and rightward from the position at which the vehicle run straightly, rotating through two complete rotations in each direction. No load is exerted on the contact portion D between the flat cable 4 and the small-width strap 9 d of the guide 9 . Additionally, the flat cable 4 is not damaged because the small-width strap 9 d has a curved surface. For example, FIG. 4 illustrates the rotary connector when the user operates the steering wheel rightward in the direction shown by arrow E more than one rotation, if the rotary connector has been inadvertently assembled with the steering wheel rotated rightward by one complete rotation from the neutral position. Rotating the steering wheel causes the flat cable 4 to be taut. The flat cable 4 near the guide 9 is pulled in the direction shown by arrow B as shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 , so that a stress is concentrated on the contact portion D at which the flat cable 4 is in contact with the small-width strap 9 d. The small-width strap 9 d has a shorter vertical dimension than the guide 9 , so that the stress exerted on the flat cable 4 at the contact portion D is large. When the user operates the steering wheel further in the direction shown by arrow E, for example, to make a right turn, the flat cable 4 is cut off at the weakest portion, i.e., the connection portion C connected to the terminal strap 14 . Since the flat cable 4 is cut off, the steering wheel can be operated in the same manner that the rotary connector is assembled correctly When the steering wheel has been rotated more than one complete rotation rightward in the direction shown by arrow E after the flat cable 4 has been cut off, the cut end of the connection portion C is pulled in the direction shown by arrow B, passing between the guide 9 and the inner wall 7 c to the space G in the side housing 7 . When the user rotates the steering wheel in a direction shown by arrow F shown in FIG. 4 , the cut end of the connection portion C of the flat cable 4 also moves in the direction shown by arrow F. The cut end of the connection portion C of the flat cable 4 strikes the projection 7 f, which prevents the flat cable 4 from entering the gap between the guide 9 and the inner wall 7 c. Thus, even if the cut end of the connection portion C passes between the small width strap 9 d and the inner wall 7 c into the space between the side wall 9 e and the inner wall 7 c, the projection 7 e cooperates with the recess 9 c to prevent the cut end of the connection portion C from entering further through the gap to a position where the cut end of the connection portion C may reach the terminal strap 14 . Thus, the construction prevents the short circuit of the conductive wires 4 a of the flat cable 4 to the terminals of the terminal strap 14 , which would otherwise cause the air bag system to go off spontaneously. The present invention of the aforementioned construction It will be appreciated that the present invention is not limited to the exact construction that has been described above and illustrated in the accompanying drawings, and that various modifications and changes can be made without departing from the scope and spirit thereof It is intended that the scope of the invention only be limited by the appended claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In the present application, when the term “distal part/end” is used, this refers to the part/end of the delivery device, or the parts/ends of the members thereof, which is/are located the furthest away from the medicament delivery site. Correspondingly, when the term “proximal part/end” is used, this refers to the part/end of the delivery device, or the parts/ends of the members thereof, which, is/are located closest to the medicament delivery site. The exemplary embodiment of the medicament delivery device shown in the drawings comprises a generally tubular elongated distal housing part10having a proximal end provided with attachment means12. The attachment means12, in the embodiment shown as threads, are arranged to cooperate with corresponding attachment means14,FIG. 3, on a proximal housing part16for releasable attachment of the housing parts. In this context it is to be understood that other types of attachment members may be used. Also the device may comprise other number of housing parts depending on application and manufacturing aspects. The proximal housing part16is arranged with a proximal neck18having attachment members that are intended to cooperate with corresponding attachment members on a medicament delivery member (not shown) such as an injection needle, a mouth or nose piece, a nebulizing nozzle or the like. The proximal housing part16is further arranged to accommodate a medicament container20having a proximal neck portion21fitting into the neck18of the proximal housing part16. The proximal housing part16is further arranged with windows or openings22through which the medicament container is visible, and if the container preferably is made of a transparent material, the content of the medicament container20is visible to a user. A protective cover23is releasably arranged to the proximal housing part. The device further comprises a drive unit25, which in turn comprises a generally elongated plunger rod24arranged to act on a stopper27,FIG. 3, movably arranged inside the medicament container20. The plunger rod24is arranged with threads26on its outer surfaces, which threads26cooperate with corresponding threads28of a drive nut30,FIG. 5, of the drive unit25. Further a guide member32,FIG. 4, is arranged surrounding the plunger rod24, which guide member32is arranged with a central passage34having inwardly extending protrusions36fitting into elongated grooves38of the plunger rod24, enabling a rotational lock between the two. Further the guide member32is arranged with ledges39on its outer surface fitting into cut-outs40,FIG. 2, on the proximal end of the distal housing part10, whereby the guide member32is rotationally locked in relation to the distal housing part10when the proximal16and distal10housing parts are connected to each other. The distal end of the drive nut30is arranged with a wedge-shaped circumferential ratchet42,FIG. 5, which is arranged to cooperate with a corresponding proximally directed wedge-shaped ratchet44of a drive member46comprised in the drive unit25. The drive member46is generally tubular and surrounds the plunger rod24. On its outer surface a circumferentially extending ledge48is arranged,FIG. 5. Further a torsion drive spring50, comprised in the drive unit, is arranged around said drive member46having a distal end attached to said ledge48. The proximal end of the torsion drive spring50is attached to the housing. At the distal end of the drive member46a number of wedge-shaped ledges52are arranged around the circumference. These ledges52are arranged to cooperate with radially flexible arms54arranged on an inner surface of a dose setting button56, which button56is arranged rotatable in said housing and accessible via cut-outs58,FIG. 2, in the housing. The dose setting button56is held in the longitudinal direction by a circumferential ledge60,FIG. 5, at the distal end of the drive member46. Surrounding the drive member46and the torsion drive spring50of the drive unit25is a generally tubular dose barrel62,FIG. 6. The dose barrel62is arranged with a spirally extending groove64on its outer surface, which spiral groove64cooperates with an inclined ledge66on the inner surface of the distal housing part10,FIG. 7. The outer surface of the dose barrel62is further arranged with indicia68positioned in a spiral pattern, which indicia68are visible in a window70,FIG. 2on the distal housing part10. The inner surface of the dose barrel62is arranged with longitudinally extending ledges72,FIG. 6, which ledges72fit into cut-outs74,FIG. 5, on the circumferential ledge48of the drive member46so as to lock the dose barrel62rotationally but allow linear movement in the longitudinal direction. The device also comprises an activation mechanism76,FIG. 2, which comprises a ring-shaped drive nut lock member78having locking members in the form of splines80on its inner surface, which splines80are designed to cooperate with longitudinally extending ledges82,FIG. 5, around the outer surface of the drive nut30. To the drive nut locking member78of the activation mechanism, two arms84,FIG. 2, are attached, which arms84form actuation members and extend in longitudinally extending grooves86,FIG. 7, on the inner surface of the distal housing part10. The arms84are arranged with attachment means88that are arranged to cooperate with corresponding attachment means90on two proximally directed arms92, which arms92are attached to an activation button94, which button94is protruding through a distal opening in the distal housing part. A spring96,FIG. 3, is arranged between a proximally directed end wall98of the activation button94and an interior wall100,FIG. 3, of the drive member46for urging the activation button94in the distal direction. The device is intended to function as follows. When delivered to a user, the device could either be ready for use with a medicament container20already installed in the proximal housing part16or it is delivered with the medicament container20delivered separately. In the latter case the user disconnects the proximal and distal housing parts, introduces the medicament container and re-connects the housing parts. When a dose of medicament is to be delivered the protective cover23is removed and a medicament delivery member is attached to the neck portion18of the proximal housing part. The next step is then to set a dose of medicament to be delivered. This is done by turning the dose setting button56a certain angular distance. This turning causes also the drive member46to be turned due to the arms54of the dose setting button56acting on the wedge-shaped ledges52of the drive member46. The turning of the drive member46causes in turn the torsion spring50to be tensioned due to its attachment to the ledge48of the drive member46. The ratchet44of the drive member46will slide over the ratchet42of the drive nut30and the latter will be held stationary by the locking members, i.e. the splines80of the drive nut locking member78engaging the ledges82of the drive nut30,FIG. 8. Further, the dose barrel62will also rotate due to the connection with the ledges72positioned in the cut-outs74in the ledge48of the drive member46. The rotation of the dose barrel62will cause it to move in the distal direction due to its spiral groove64cooperating with the ledge66of the inner surface of the distal housing part10. During rotation of the dose barrel, indicia68will pass the window until the appropriate dose is displayed in the window. Should the user accidentally have set a dose larger than the prescribed dose, the user can grip the dose setting button56and pull it in the distal direction against the force of the spring96. For this purpose the cut-outs58in the distal housing part10are made so large as to admit this. The distal end surface of the dose setting button will then be in contact with the ledge60at the distal end of the drive member46, whereby the drive member46will also be moved in the distal direction. This causes the ratchet44of the drive member46to move out of contact with the ratchet42of the drive nut, whereby it is possible to turn back the dose setting button56, the drive member46and the dose barrel62. When now the dose has been set, the next is to deliver the set dose. The proximal end of the device with the medicament delivery member is then positioned at the dose delivery site. Then the activation button94is pressed in the proximal direction by the user. This also causes the locking member78with its splines80to move in the proximal direction by the arms84,92such that the splines80are moved out of contact with the ledges82of the drive nut30,FIG. 9. Now the drive nut30is free to rotate and will do so due to the locked connection between the ratchets42,44and due to the spring force of the torsion spring50acting on the drive member46. The rotation of the drive nut30will now cause the plunger rod24to move in the proximal direction due to the threads28of the drive nut30acting on the threads26of the plunger rod24and due to the rotationally locked connection between the plunger rod24and the guide member32due to the protrusions36fitting into the grooves38. The movement of the plunger rod24causes the stopper27to be moved in the proximal direction inside the medicament container20, causing a dose of medicament to be expelled through the medicament delivery member. Further the rotation of the drive member46will cause the dose barrel62to rotate back to the initial position, indicated by e.g. “0”. Also, in order to reduce the risk that the user is preventing rotation of the dose setting button56, the drive member46and the drive nut30, i.e. preventing a dose delivery if he/she is gripping the device such that the hand is in contact with the dose setting button56, the drive member46and thus the drive nut are free to rotate back because the flexible arms54of the dose setting button56now slide over the wedge-shaped ledges52of the drive member46,FIG. 5. The above dose setting and dose delivery procedure is repeated for a number of doses, preferably with a new sterile medicament delivery member for each dose, until the medicament container is emptied. The empty medicament container can now be replaced by a new container by disconnecting the proximal housing part16from the distal housing part10. It is further possible to rotate back the plunger rod in its initial position because the guide member32is no longer locked by the housing parts. It is to be understood that the embodiment described above and shown in the drawings is to be regarded only as a non-limiting example of the invention and that it may be modified in a number of ways within the scope of the patent claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT As shown in the exemplary drawings, an improved insulated cover referred to generally by the reference numeral 10 is provided for use with a fluid-containing tank such as a spa tub or hot tub 12 or the like, as shown in FIG. 5. The insulated cover 10 is designed to prevent substantial heat and evaporative loss from a body of water 14 contained within the tub 12, and also to protect against foreign objects particularly such as children and other persons from falling into the water. The cover 10 has a relatively simple, lightweight, and cost-efficient construction incorporating a central hinge 16 to facilitate compact shipping and/or storage. The spa tub 12 shown generally in FIG. 5 has a conventional construction and operation known in the art, comprising an upwardly open tub enclosure defined by a peripheral side wall 18 for retaining the water 14 and having a sufficient size to accommodate one or more bathers. The tub 12 normally includes suitable control means (not shown) for circulating, filtering, and heating the water 14, with water delivery to the spa typically in the form of therapeutic jets. In this regard, further description of the spa tub and operation thereof may be found in U.S. Pat. No. 5,092,951, which is incorporated by reference herein. The insulated cover 10 of the present invention is adapted for removable mounting onto the spa tub 12 when the tub is not in use. The cover 10 comprises an insulative structure which is substantially impervious to passage of water and air, whereby heat losses and evaporative losses from the water 14 can be significantly reduced during a period of non-use. In addition, the insulated cover 10 comprises a relatively lightweight and easily assembled structure having sufficient strength to safeguard against foreign objects falling into the water 14, particularly such as children and other persons. The improved cover 10 of the present invention may be folded to a more compact size and shape for convenient and economical shipping, and for convenient storage, for example, during use of the tub 12. FIGS. 1-4 illustrate a sequence of assembly steps for the insulated and hinged spa cover 10, in accordance with one preferred form of the invention. More specifically, as shown in FIG. 1, a pair of flexible structural membranes comprising an upper layer 20 and a lower layer 22 are provided. These membrane layers 20, 22 are each formed from a relatively high tensile strength fabric for accommodating relatively high loads when assembled with other components of the insulated cover 10, as will be described, and substantially impervious to passage of water and air. Although a variety of different fabrics may be used, one preferred fabric comprises a woven and reinforced low density polyethylene coated fabric with a high density polyethylene fiber. These layers 20, 22 have a similar overall shape, such as a circular shape in the case of a spa cover for a round tub 12 as viewed in FIG. 5. As shown in FIG. 1, the lower layer 22 has a peripheral edge 24 extending slightly beyond a counterpart peripheral edge 26 of the upper layer 20. The two layers 20, 22 are joined together substantially along a midline by the central hinge 16 in the form of a sewn seam. In the case of a round spa cover 10 for a circular spa tub 12, the hinge 16 interconnects the layers 20, 22 along a common diameter. A pair of insulated panels 28 are installed between the membrane layers 20, 22 on opposite sides of the central hinge 16. These insulated panels 28 are each formed from a relatively stiff insulative foam material, such as styrofoam, urethane, or other selected expanded open or closed cell foam material having significant insulation properties. In the case of a round spa cover, the insulated panels 28 have a generally identical semicircular shape with their diametric straight edges positioned in face-to-face opposing relation across the hinge 16. FIG. 2 shows the upper membrane layer 20 attached to a substantially coplanar top surface of the two panels 28 by a suitable adhesive 30, with the seam hinge 16 lying substantially coplanar with this top surface of the panels. The lower membrane 22 is shown secured by the adhesive to the facing straight edges of the panels 28. FIG. 3 in turn shows the balance of the lower membrane layer 22 secured by the adhesive to the substantially coplanar bottom surface of the two panels 28, and the outer peripheries of the layers 20, 22 secured to each other by additional adhesive and/or a sewn seam at a location radially outwardly from the periphery of the panels as referenced in FIG. 3 by arrow 31. In this regard, the size of the lower membrane layer 22 is chosen to be substantially coterminous with the periphery of the upper layer 20, when the layers 20, 22 are wrapped about and secured to the panels 28, as shown and described. In this configuration, the two insulated panels 28 are wrapped or contained within substantially closed pockets 32 which can be folded upwardly about the central hinge 16 to a more compact configuration. As shown in FIGS. 4 and 5, the interconnected peripheries of the layers 20, 22 extend radially outwardly from the insulated panels 28 a sufficient distance to wrap over a frame ring 34, and may be attached thereto by additional adhesive. In the preferred form, the frame ring 34 comprises a pair of half circle sections 36 of a lightweight tubular material such as PVC tubing or the like, assembled in end-to-end relation to define a circular ring. The facing ends of the two half sections 36 are hingedly interconnected by a hinge bracket 38 (FIG. 6) which enables upward folding of the half sections into substantially overlying relation. Importantly, the frame ring 34 is arranged with the hinge brackets 38 disposed substantially in-line with the sewn seam hinge 16 between the two insulated panels, so that the two panels 28 are folded into overlying relation when the ring half sections 36 are folded. Conversely, when the ring half sections 36 are unfolded or deployed to the full circle erected state, the insulated panels 28 are similarly moved to the erected state. The subassembly described above, comprising the insulated panels 28 carried in the pockets 32 defined by the interconnected membrane layers 20, 22, in combination with the hinged frame ring 34, represents a foldable base which can be moved between the folded and erected states as desired. In the folded state, the base is adapted for compact and convenient shipment to a customer or the like, for example, as an aftermarket item for use with a spa or hot tub. Similarly, in the folded state, the base can be stored more compactly during a period of non-use. However, the foldable base can be final-assembled quickly and easily with a decorative top cover or sheet 40. The decorative top sheet 40 comprises a sheet of selected and plastic coated material or the like which is substantially impervious to passage of water and air, such as a marine grade vinyl-based material having on overall configuration similar to and adapted to fit over the foldable base. More particularly, in the preferred form, the outer peripheral margin 42 of the top sheet 40 is folded back upon itself and is seamed as at 44 to define a closed loop through which a suitable drawstring 46 is passed. The decorative top sheet 40 is stretched over the base in the erected state, as viewed in FIGS. 4 and 5, with the outer margin 42 wrapped over the perimeter of the base as defined by the frame ring 34, to extend radially inwardly a short distance beneath the frame ring. The drawstring 46 is then drawn tight and tied or fastened to retain the margin 42 of the top sheet 40 in a radially constricted position with a diametric size smaller than the frame ring 34. Retention pins 48 are conveniently provided near the ends of the ring half sections 36 to capture, guide and retain the drawstring 46 in a relatively taut condition when the fully assembled cover 10 is moved to the folded state, as shown in FIG. 6. In use, the assembled cover 10 can be fully assembled and then moved to the folded state for compact shipment and storage. However, the cover 10 can be quickly and easily unfolded to the erected state to fit over the top of a spa tub or the like, as viewed in FIG. 4. In this position, the insulated panels 28 contained within the pockets 32 defined by the membrane layers 20, 22 span the top of the spa tub, with the periphery of the cover including the frame ring 34 seated generally on top of the tub side wall 18. The installed cover 10 provides an effective barrier to heat and evaporative losses. In addition, the cover 10 has sufficient structural integrity and strength to accommodate substantial vertical loads to substantially prevent or minimize risk of foreign objects or persons falling into the water. FIGS. 7-9 illustrate an alternative preferred hinge bracket construction for use in the embodiment shown and described in FIGS. 1-6. More particularly, as shown, the opposing ends of the two ring half sections 36 are interconnected by a segment 50 of flexible hose or tubing, wherein the tubing segments 50 are fastened within the respective half sections 36 by means of the retention pins 48. With this construction, a simple hinge bracket construction permits easy folding of the ring half sections 36 between the folded and erected positions, while the retention pins 48 still capturing and guiding the drawstring 46 in the folded position. FIGS. 10-16 depict a further alternative preferred form of the invention similar to the embodiments of FIGS. 1-9, but wherein the pair of insulated panels 28 are assembled between upper and lower membrane layers 120 and 122 in a manner defining a hinge 116 lying in a plane generally corresponding with a bottom surface of the panels 28. More particularly, as shown in FIG. 10, the upper and lower membrane layers 120, 122 are attached to each other generally along a midline by a sewn seam defining the hinge 116. In this embodiment, however, the outer periphery of the upper membrane layer 120 extends somewhat beyond the outer periphery of the lower membrane layer 122, in a manner generally the converse of that shown and described in FIG. 1. FIG. 11 illustrates attachment of the lower membrane layer 122 to the bottom surface of a pair of insulated panels 28 similar to those described previously. The inboard facing edges of the panels 28 are also secured to the upper membrane layer 120 near the seam hinge 116. Thereafter, the upper layer 120 is laid over and attached to the top surface of the panels 28, followed by interconnection of the peripheries of the two layers 120, 122 as indicated by arrow 52 in FIG. 12. An adhesive 54 may be used to secure the panels 28 within pockets 32 defined between the two layers 120, 122, or the panels 28 may be loosely retained within those pockets. Moreover, the peripheries of the layers 120, 122 may be secured by additional adhesive and/or by means of a sewn seam. The peripheral margin 52 of the interconnected layers 120, 122 is then secured over a frame ring 34 formed in half sections 36 (FIGS. 13-14), as previously described, to define a foldable base which can be shipped and/or stored in a compact folded state, or moved to an erected state with the panels 28 substantially in a common plane. FIGS. 15-16 show opposing ends of the ring half sections 36, with one end having a guide member or plug 56 protruding therefrom for seated reception within the opposing end when the base is in the erected state. A decorative cover or top sheet 40 is also provided for placement in a stretched state over the foldable base embodiment of FIGS. 10-16, wherein the top sheet 40 carries a drawstring 46 for secure mounting onto the base in the same manner as previously described. The resultant insulated cover 110 (FIGS. 13-14) may be mounted onto a spa tub or the like in the same manner to provide protection against heat and evaporative losses. In addition, the cover 110 have significant structural integrity in response to vertical loads, to protect against persons and other objects inadvertently falling into the water 14. In this embodiment, however, the mounted top sheet 40 effectively locks the cover 110 against return movement to the folded state, since the hinge 1 16 is disposed at the bottom surface or plane of the insulated panels 28. Accordingly, the top sheet 40 must be removed from the foldable base when return movement to the folded state is desired. The cover 110 can thus be shipped and stored in the compact configuration with the top sheet 40 disassembled from the foldable. FIGS. 17-18 depict another alternative preferred form of the invention, shown similar to FIGS. 1-9, but wherein the outer frame ring 34 is omitted from the cover assembly. More specifically, in this embodiment, an insulated cover 210 is constructed from a pair of insulated panels 228 formed generally as shown and described with respect to the panels 28 in FIGS. 1-16. The panels 228 are encased within a matingly shaped pair of pockets 232 defined by upper and lower structural membrane layers 220 and 222. As shown, the membrane layers 220, 222 are interconnected at a midline by a sewn seam 216 to form a hinge disposed generally coplanar with a top surface of the two panels 228, although the hinge seam 216 could be formed generally coplanar with a lower surface of the panels 228, if desired. The resultant subassembly comprises a foldable base over which a decorative top sheet 40 is stretched and affixed by wrapping a peripheral margin 42 thereof over the periphery of the foldable base and constricting a drawstring 46, all as previously shown and described. For facilitated placement of the cover 210 over a spa tub or the like, the lower peripheral edge of the panels 228 may be beveled to rest upon an inboard edge or corner of the upstanding spa side wall 18, as viewed in FIG. 17. The present invention thus provides a relatively simple, easily manufactured and assembled, and lightweight insulated cover for a spa tub or hot tub or the like. The cover includes a foldable base which can be moved quickly and easily between a compact folded state for convenient shipping and/or storage, and a deployed or erected state for use. When the cover is placed over a spa tub or the like, the cover substantially minimizes heat and evaporation losses and also substantially reduces the risk of a person or foreign objects falling into the spa water. A variety of further modifications and improvements in and to the improved insulated spa cover of the present invention will be apparent to those persons skilled in the art. Accordingly, no limitation is intended by way of the foregoing description and accompanying drawings, except as set forth in the appended claims.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The preferred embodiment of the present invention has seven major components, those being: i) a seal body; ii) a tubular mandrel; iii) a bell nipple; iv) a seal body protector; v) a running and retrieving tool; vi) a packoff; and vii) a blowout preventer assembly superimposed on a wellbore. With reference to FIG. 2, the first main component is the seal body 1. The seal body 1 is generally cylindrical with a lower flange 4 for attaching the seal body to the blowout preventer assembly 39, the blowout preventer assembly having a fully penetrating concentric bore. The blowout preventer assembly is superimposed on a wellbore 40. The internal profile of the seal body 1 has a shoulder 2 for alternatively engaging the shoulder 12 of the tubular mandrel 7 or the shoulder 17 of the seal body protector 14. The internal profile of the seal body 1 further has a threaded section 3 for alternatively engaging the threads 13 of the tubular mandrel 1 or the threads 19 of the seal body protector 14. Although a threaded connection 3 is shown in the preferred embodiment, other types of connections, such as a snap-latch connection, could also be used. A seal area is provided at the upper end of the threaded section 10 for engaging a resilient seal. A seal area is provided at the lower end of the threaded area 6 for engaging one or more resilient seals. A conventional bell nipple 37 is attached to the upper end 5 of the seal body. A smooth surface for a welded connection is shown in the preferred embodiment, but a threaded connection or a snap-latch connection could also be used to connect the bell nipple 37 to the seal body 1. The internal diameter of the seal body is at least as great as the diameter of the wellbore to which it is attached. With reference to FIG. 3, the second major component is the tubular mandrel, 7. The tubular mandrel 7 has a generally cylindrical shape with an internal diameter at least as great as the diameter of the wellbore. The tubular mandrel 7 includes a shoulder 12 having a lower surface for engaging the internal shoulder 2 of the seal body 1 to form a pressure seal. Resilient seals 9 and 11 on the tubular mandrel 7 engage seal areas 10 and 6, respectively, in the seal body 1 and form additional seals. The preferred embodiment employs O-ring seals, but other resilient seal configurations could be used as well, such as chevron-type seals. The external profile of the tubular mandrel 7 has a threaded section 13 for engaging the threaded section 3 in the seal body 1 forming a connection therebetween. The tubular mandrel 7 has a plurality of internal J-slots 8 to engage the lugs 21 on the running and retrieving tool 20. The upper internal section of the tubular mandrel 7 further has threads to engage a standpipe in the preferred embodiment. Although the preferred embodiment contemplates left hand threads, for certainty of removal of the tubular mandrel through the application of left hand torque to the tubular mandrel 7, right hand threads could be used as well. To use the tubular mandrel 7, one or more standpipe sections 38 are joined to the tubular mandrel 7 using the internal threads 35. A packoff assembly is attached to the upper end of the uppermost standpipe section 38 to effect a seal between the workstring and the tubular mandrel/standpipe assembly. The overall length of the tubular mandrel 7 and the standpipe sections 38 is dictated by the distance from the seal body 1 to the desired elevation above the rig floor. The tubular mandrel and standpipe assembly is then lowered into the bell nipple 37 until the external threads 13 on the tubular mandrel 7 engage the internal threads 3 in the seal body 1. The tubular mandrel/standpipe assembly is then rotated to advance the threads 13 on the tubular mandrel 7 into the seal body threads 3 until the shoulder 12 on the tubular mandrel 7 engages the internal shoulder 2 of the seal body 1. Additional torque is applied as appropriate to the tubular mandrel/standpipe assembly to energize the seals between the shoulders 2 and 12 and the resilient seals 9 and 11 with the matching seal areas 10 and 6 respectively. FIG. 4 shows the tubular mandrel 7 in place in the seal body 1. FIG. 5 shows the tubular mandrel 7 in place in the seal body 1 and additionally shows standpipe extensions 38 in place. The next major component of the present invention is the seal body protector 14 shown in FIG. 6. This component is engaged in the seal body 1 while drilling operations are underway, instead of the tubular mandrel 7. The seal body protector is of a generally cylindrical shape, with an internal diameter at least as great as the wellbore diameter. The upper end of the seal body protector 14 has a plurality of J-slots 15 to engage the lugs 21 of the running and retrieving tool 20, the J-slots fully penetrating the wall of the seal body protector. The outer profile of the seal body protector 14 has a shoulder 17 to engage the internal shoulder 2 of the seal body 1, forming a pressure seal. Resilient seals 16 and 18 are provided to engage the seal areas 10 and 6, respectively, in the seal body 1 to form seals. In particular, these seals protect the seal body threads from the drilling muds and other abrasives encountered in the drilling process. Although the preferred embodiment shows O-ring seals, other resilient seal configurations could be used as well. An external threaded section 19 engages the internal threads 3 in the seal body 1 when the protector 14 is installed in the seal body 1. Alternative connections, such as snap-latch connections, could be employed in lieu of the threaded connection of the preferred embodiment. The running and retrieving tool 20 of FIG. 7 is the final major component in the preferred embodiment. The running and retrieving tool 20 has a generally tubular shape with a plurality of projecting lugs 21 on its external surface, to engage the J-slots 8 and 15 in the internal profiles of the tubular mandrel 7 and seal body protector 14, respectively. The upper end of the running and retrieving tool 20 has a cavity with internal threads 22 therein for engaging the pin connection of a typical drill pipe connection, to provide a means for lowering the running and retrieving tool into the bell nipple to engage, run, and retrieve the other components. Several configurations of lugs and mating J-slots could be employed, although the preferred embodiment shows a pair of lugs to engage a mating pair of J-slots in the component into which it fits. The maximum outer diameter of the body of the running and retrieving tool 20 is slightly less than the inner diameter of the components into which it fits. Various other uses and modifications of the present invention will occur to those skilled in the art. For example, instead of the threaded connection joining the seal body and, alternatively, the seal body protector and the tubular mandrel, other connections could be used, such as a snap-latch connection. Further, the connection between the seal body and the bell nipple could be a snap-latch or a threaded connection as alternatives to the welded connection specified in the preferred embodiment. Further still, the invention could be used in drill pipe, wireline, coiled tubing, snubbing string, or other workstring operations by using the appropriate upper packoff means. Accordingly, the foregoing description should be regarded as only illustrative of the invention, whose full scope is measured by the following claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring to FIGS. 3 and 6, the invention is illustrated in the engaged position. It will be appreciated from a review of these figures that the latch of the invention maintains all components on the exterior of the container to which it is attached, thereby requiring no dynamic seals. This is of great benefit to maintain the fluid tightness often required of the type of container for which the latch was developed. Additionally, this is a significant advance over prior art systems with respect to reliability and economy. In order to understand the exteriorly visible componentry, reference to FIGS. 7, 8, 9 and 10 should be had. Latch body 10 comprises base 12 with bosses 14a and 14b for receiving screws from within container 16 to attach latch body 10 thereto. It should also be noted that upon boss 14b a catch 18 is located to receive a similar feature on the latch lever discussed hereunder. Catch 18 provides assurance that latch lever 30 stays in the closed position even under the forces (e.g., gravity, impact with other structures, etc.) sustained during the impact of a drop of for example of 10-20 inches by careless personnel or due to perhaps a stack of containers falling over. Base 12 further includes trap support 19 and trap 22. Trap support 19 is preferably a continuation of base 12 which extends over the edge of the plane upon which base 12 is supported. Trap support 19 functions to provide trap 22 which is desirable in a preferred embodiment to prevent the hook from moving more than necessary to clear the strike and to stay within the recess thereby not breaking the plane of the surface of the container. In a preferred embodiment trap support 19 further includes an extension 20 perpendicularly oriented thereto. Extension 20 includes a tang 24 which is dimensioned to be received in a depression 26 (see FIG. 6) of the container 16 to provide further restraint for the trap 22. In this preferred embodiment a container must be specifically manufactured to be fitted with this latch. The embodiment is preferred due to the superior strength thereof without the use of additional fasteners. It should be noted, however, that the latch of the invention can be constructed without extension 20 so as to be employable as a retrofit on containers which have not been specifically designed for use with front opening latches of the invention having extension 20. Referring to FIGS. 3-11 simultaneously, it can be seen that in operable communication with base 12 of latch body 20 is latch lever 30. Preferably, latch lever 30 is nested within uprights 13 of base 12. Lever 30 is required to articulate with base 12 to operate the mechanism of the invention. The articulation of lever 30 with base 12 is through an L-shaped groove 36 in base 12 and a dual pin system. The two pin structures 32 and 34 in communication with the base 12, are designed to move in the L-shaped groove 36 to facilitate the desired movement of the various components of the invention (The terms pin structures are used here because there are actually two parts of each pin, the pin does not extend all the way across the latch. Hereafter the singular term pin will be employed for simplicity). It is important to note that pin 32 is a part of hook 38 (actually hook 38 splits at its upper extreme to form two hoops 38a and b to which the pins 32 are attached) and that movement of this pin causes the hook to move through its stroke. Since the desired movement of the hook 38 is substantially parallel to the principal force vector encountered in closing the container on which the latch is mounted, the section 36a of L-shaped groove 36 where hook pin 32 moves is also parallel to that principal force vector. Hook pin 32 is mounted in recess 31 of latch lever 30 so that lever 30 may rotate therearound and hook pin 32 transfers draw down force through the lever 30 to the cam surface 33 and then to base 12. Another important aspect of hook pin 32 is that it is mounted in such a way as to tend to keep the latch lever 30 closed. More specifically, hook pin 32 is mounted in recess 31 in lever 30 in a position allowing it to be just over-center of the cam surface 33 when the latch is in the closed position. This tends to maintain the latch in the closed position. Referring specifically to FIGS. 8 and 9, latch pin 34, as will be appreciated by a review of the drawings, has an unusual shape. The shape is important to operation of a preferred embodiment because it provides movement in desired directions only. Importantly, latch pin 34 having a generally triangular appearance facilitates features of the invention such as a latch open flag, positive return of the lever 30 to the closed position and urging of the hook downwardly for engagement or disengagement with the strike. From a review of FIGS. 8 and 9, one of ordinary skill in the art will note that angled surface 35 of latch pin 34, which is preferably about 45.degree. to an imaginary horizontal reference in the drawing, never moves off inside radius 37 of L-shape 36 when the latch lever 30 is in the closed position and the hook is not engaged. This is because if surface 35 were to move off radius 37 in the vertical portion 36a of L-shape 36 (i.e., when lever 30 is in the closed and unlatched position) it would not be possible for an operator to lift lever 30 without first pushing and holding the end of lever 30 down against the base 12 to move tip 41 from wall 43 of groove 36. It will be appreciated that if tip 41 is against wall 43, the lever cannot move because the two pins 32 and 34 on each side of lever 30 work against each other in groove 36 to hold the lever 30 in a nearly static state. Providing surface 35 does stay on radius 37, however, when lever 30 is raised, pin 34 merely slides across radius 37 and into the horizontal portion 36b of groove 36. The plastic coefficient of friction for a material of choice is preferably at less than about 0.3. The ability to use plastic for the invention is occasioned by the particular construction which spreads the load experienced by the latch over a relatively large surface area. It should be noted that latch pin 34 is offset relative to hook pin 32 in order to provide a sufficient length of surface 35 to prevent that surface from moving off radius 37. Thus when latch pin 34 is to rotate due to lifting of lever 30, additional space must be provided. If the space of area 45 is not provided, tip 41 would contact the top and bottom walls of groove section 36b simultaneously and would prevent lever 30 from being fully raised. Enlarged area 45 is of a shape complimentary to tip 41 of latch pin 34 so that these parts may easily fit into the enlarged area. Because area 45 allows latch pin 34 to rotate 90.degree. in groove 36, lever 30 is rotatable to the fully raised position. Tip 41 bears on radius 47 of area 45 to provide downward leverage to hook pin 32 through lever 30. The hook is therefore urged downwardly toward the end of its stroke when latch pin 34 is in area 45. A benefit is achieved by the arrangement of the latch lever in the base of the invention in that very little actuation force (less than 10 lbf, loaded) relative to the drawdown force (approximately 100 lbf) is needed to open or close the latch when loaded. The use if the preferred plastic material permits the friction coefficient to be maintained below 0.5 with no lubricant. The latch of the invention substantially avoids perpendicular movement relative to the principal force vector of closure. With respect to the terms "avoids perpendicular movement relative to the principal force vector," it is assumed that firstly that one of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate that there is a principal force vector in a latch mechanism; secondly that the principal force vector existing in the latch of the invention will be along the hook since it is designed to be there and based upon the operation of components, that is where it in fact is; and thirdly that perpendicular movement relative to a vector, includes any movement having a perpendicular component to its movement. This is not to say that the pin 32 necessarily must move in the principal force vector but that it must move in a direction substantially parallel with that vector. The parallel movement may be within the vector but also may be outside the vector. By moving lever 30 to the raised position the hook pin 32 is allowed (and urged against the bias of spring 58 by continued upward movement of lever 30) to move toward the strike 39 causing the loading force of hook 38 against strike 39 to be released. During re-engagement of the latch of the invention (assisted by the operation of spring lever 50 discussed hereunder), hook pin 32 is moved away from strike 39 with hook 38 catching strike 39. The draw down force created hereby is transmitted to the container cover and compresses a seal (not shown) on the parting line securing the cover to the base of the container. The mechanism of movement of the pin 32 toward strike 39 in the present invention provides the additional benefit of variability in the stroke of the hook 38. By altering the distance between cam surface 33 and hook pin 32 as well as the length of the both portions of L-shape groove 36, the effective stroke of the hook can be varied. The larger the distance between pin 32 and cam surface 33 (and commensurate lengthening of the groove 36), the longer the stroke of the hook. This variability is available while maintaining the hook pin movement to a direction parallel to and proximate to the principal force vector during drawdown. This feature makes the latch of the invention extremely versatile while maintaining the other discussed benefits thereof. In addition to the construction of the over-center pin position, referring to cross-section drawing FIGS. 6 and 11, lever 30 is maintained in the "down" position, redundantly, whether engaged or disengaged, by detent 40 which is preferably a downstruck projection from a center section of the latch lever 30 and positioned to align lip 42 of detent 40 with catch 18 of boss 14b. When the latch lever 30 is fully in the down position, lip 42 is engaged with catch 18 and remains in that position until deflected into disengagement by, in a preferred embodiment, button 44 located on the surface of latch lever 30. In a preferred embodiment, button 44 is provided by severing the surface material of latch lever 30 on three sides to create a cantilevered portion that is easily deflected by placing pressure on the end thereof. Deflection ease of button 44 is assisted by chamfer 61 on lever 30 to permit a user's finger more room to deflect button 44. Each of the components of the latch of the invention are assisted in operation by a single spring. Spring 58 is located and secured in base 12 and provides cantilever spring tongue 59 to interact with other components as discussed hereunder. Spring 58 includes feet 63 (see FIGS. 5 and 17) at the ends of legs 65 which are provided to secure the spring. Feet 63 are adapted to fit within blocks 67 while legs are placed under leg holders 69. It will be appreciated that these features are well illustrated on one side of the latch in FIG. 8, however the features are identically provided on the other side of the latch in a preferred embodiment. By employing a single spring for all functions, complexity, cost and assembly time are reduced. To understand operation of spring 58, spring lever 50 must first be introduced. Spring lever 50, best illustrated in FIG. 5, is preferably nested in latch lever 30 and pivotally mounted therein on spring pivot pins 52. The pivot action of lever 50 facilitates one finger deflection of cantilever spring tongue 59 by depressing trigger surface 56. Movement of spring tongue 59 is caused by spring tongue cam 54 bearing thereupon occasioned by actuation of trigger 56 (and by raising latch lever 30). The movement imparted to spring tongue 59 by tongue cam 54, causes it to bear against landing 60 on or in hook 38. (It should be noted that landing 60 can be created by opening a hole in hook 38 (as illustrated) or by providing a projection from the rear surface thereof at an appropriate location to intersect with spring tongue 59. Determining where to place the hole or projection is a matter easily accomplished by one of ordinary skill in the art following exposure to this disclosure and can be viewed representatively in the figures.) Returning to the operation of the invention, by urging spring tongue 59 toward container 16, hook 38 is biased outwardly away from container 16 at roughly 90.degree. to the direction of movement of spring tongue 59 and downwardly. This movement enables the movement of hook 38 with respect to strike 39 to disengage the latch of the invention. Actuating of trigger 56 is necessary to this movement since without actuating trigger 56 the natural bias of spring 58 is away from container 16. The natural bias is useful during a disengagement operation since it provides the impetus needed to misalign hook 38 with strike 39 and facilitate the disengagement of the latch. During the disengagement operation, when latch lever 30 is opened (moved away from container 16) without actuating the spring lever, the hook 38 is biased upwardly and outwardly by the spring. When the load on the strike is removed, the natural bias of spring 58 moves hook 38 into misalignment with strike 39 and the latch is disengaged. When the lever 30 is released, it is urged down into the closed position by the continued upward urging force of the spring on hook 38. Reengagement of the latch of the invention is a simple one hand operation. Lever 30 is raised to the upright position and trigger 56 is actuated. These two actions cause hook 38 to be urged into a position where it is aligned with strike 39. Lever 30 is then moved back to the closed position while holding trigger 56 and hook and strike engage and provide draw down force to the cover of container 16. Upon restoring latch lever 30 to the closed position, approximately 100 lbf of draw down force is developed in hook 38 and detent 40 snaps lip 42 into engagement with catch 18 of boss 14b. In a preferred embodiment of the invention the exact placement of pin 32, size and shape of pin 34 as discussed and the length of groove 36 is important for a safety feature. Since the latch lever is always biased into the closed position it would be difficult to know if the container was indeed latched shut without checking each of the latches. Visually checking the hook and strike of the latches can be extremely difficult in a wall of containers for the same reasons front operation latches are needed. To alleviate this time consuming, difficult, and often inconclusive procedure, the inventor hereof has devised a warning system as follows and is illustrated in FIG. 4: By allowing room at the top of groove 36, pin 32 is permitted to move high enough to allow latch lever 30 to become slightly unnested in base 12. Pin 34 also moves up groove 36 but as previously stated never moves beyond radius 47. Lever 30 moves upwardly from base 12 approximately 1/8.sup.th inch by the natural bias of spring 58 when hook 38 is disengaged from strike 39. By providing a brightly colored surface 70 on each side of latch lever 30 that is only visible when the latch lever has been elevated by the 1/8.sup.th inch due to the hook 38 not being engaged, a quick visual check of the latch will immediately inform the user as to the condition of the latch. When the latch is fully engaged the brightly colored surfaces are completely concealed by upright members 13 of base 12. An additional and significant benefit of the latch of the invention apart from its fully front only operability is that the forces developed and encountered by the operation of the latch are placed and oriented in such a way that a plastic material such as a thermoplastic polyester, preferably Valox.TM. can be employed to make these parts. In fact, all parts except the spring 58, hook 38 and strike 39 in the preferred embodiment are constructed of plastic. Spring 58 is preferably constructed of stainless spring steel although other materials could be substituted, as is recognized by one of skill in the art, including plastic. Strike 39 and hook 38 are preferably constructed of aluminum (although again other materials could be substituted which have a yield strength of higher than 40,000 psi). Referring to FIG. 12, lever 30 is illustrated apart from all other parts of the invention and from the bottom to illustrate structure that makes possible the employment of plastic material. As can be appreciated from FIG. 12, cam surface 33 is made up of preferably four force bearing surfaces 33a-d. These surfaces distribute the static closure force of the latch. The surface area to be provided is selected so that with a static closure force of 30 lbs, the compressive stress is less than 500 psi and the long term strain at the maximum operating temperature will be less than 2%. The arrangement enables the latch lever cam surface 33 to withstand extended use without significant creep(causing failure or reduction of efficiency). Another area of concentration of forces on a plastic surface is at recess 31. The recesses are each dimensioned to achieve a large surface area to spread the forces experienced. One of ordinary skill in the art having been exposed to this disclosure will recognize that pin 32 of hook 38 is significantly larger than it might be if the latch was constructed of metal. Also visible in FIG. 12 are finger rest protuberances 29 which act both to strengthen the latch lever 30 and to provide comfort to the user. It will be understood that the latch of the invention can certainly be constructed of material other than plastic (e.g. metal) and may employ surface areas for bearing loads which are below those preferred herein for the use of plastic. This is due to the inherent structural rigidity of metal and should be appreciated by one of skill in this art. In an alternate embodiment of the invention, several features are modified. Referring to FIGS. 13-16, button 144 is visible. Button 144 replaces button 44 in the previous embodiment. Button 144 includes downstruck member 140 with lip 142 to engage catch 118 on boss 114b. Button 144 is articulated within latch lever 130 on pin 170 in boss 172 on either side of latch lever 130. Button 144 and member 140 are together actuable by depressing button 144 downwardly against spring 174 to disengage lip 142 from catch 118. Button 144 further includes stop 176 to maintain button 144 in the appropriate position when lip 142 is not engaged with catch 118. In a preferred arrangement, button 144 includes ridges 178 for a sure grip. This embodiment is identical in all other respects with the previous embodiment except for the extension and tang of the prior embodiment. In the present embodiment there are two extensions 120 and two tangs 124 as illustrated in FIG. 13. These function in the same way as the prior embodiment. While preferred embodiments have been shown and described, various modifications and substitutions may be made thereto without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Accordingly, it is to be understood that the present invention has been described by way of illustration and not limitation.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring now to the drawings and in particular to FIGS. 1 and 2, there is shown a rocket motor 10 having a forward end 12 and a nozzle 14 of the convergent-divergent type that is installed in the aft end 16 thereof. A solid propellant charge or grain 18 is contained in motor 10 within a casing 20. Casing 20 is fabricated from strong fibers or filaments in a matrix of curable polymer and is of a type known to those skilled in the art as a composite casing. The fibers or filaments may be of organic or inorganic composition. One material that has come widely into use is the aramid polymers that are commercially available from E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Del., under the trademark KEVLAR.RTM.. The propellant grain 18 may be directly bonded to the interior wall of the casing 20 or bonded to an intermediate liner (not shown) between the casing 20 and the propellant 18. The nature of the composite material of which the casing 20 is formed is such, as previously mentioned, that water vapor from the atmosphere can, over a long period of time, permeate the casing 20, and render the rocket motor 10 useless. As a protective barrier against such moisture permeation, there is provided for the external cylindrical surface 22 of casing 20 a barrier of lightweight metal consisting of a metal foil 24 adhesively-backed tape such as aluminum foil tape. Such tape having a metal thickness in the range of 0.003 to 0.008 inches is available commercially from 3M Tapes/Adhesive Divisions, 3M- Center, St. Paul, Minn. 55144 under the tradename Scotch Brand No. 425. The cylindrical surfaces of casing 20 can be covered with the aluminum tape 24 spirally wrapped around the case and overlapped sufficiently to prevent the passage of water vapor from the atmosphere through the wall of casing 20 over long periods of time. At the forward and the aft ends thereof, however, the casing 20, as seen in FIG. 1, has a hemispherical dome of generally spherical shape. The dome at the forward end is designated by the reference numeral 26 and that at the aft end by numeral 28. Domes 26 and 28 cannot effectively be covered with foil tape because of the difficulty, as previously mentioned, in applying the tape without wrinkles. Wrinkles can cause cracks in the tape that allow moisture vapor passage, thus rendering such a tape barrier useless. For forming a barrier against moisture permeation at the hemispherical forward and aft ends of the rocket Motor 10, there is provided, according to the invention, a method for fabricating a lightweight shell or dome that can be adhesively bonded onto the dome ends 26 and 28 of the composite casing 20. Thus, there is provided a form or mold 30, as shown in FIGS. 3 and 4, that duplicates the form of the end 26 or 28 of the rocket motor 10 to be fitted with a metal shell or dome. The mold 30 can be made of any material that can later be separated either mechanically or chemically from the completed metal shell. Additionally, the mold 30 must be made of a material that can be coated by a vapor-ionization metal deposition process. Examples of materials that are suitable for forms or molds are sand-polyvinyl alcohol mixtures which are water soluble, foam plastics such as expanded bead polystyrene which is solvent soluble or even papier mache, which is water destructible. Another required property of the mold 30 is that it must be made of a material that can withstand processing in a metal plating bath. Such a material is expanded bead polystyrene. Sand-polyvinyl alcohol is also an example of such a material. A coating of metal (preferably aluminum) indicated by reference numeral 32 in FIGS. 5 and 6 is applied by an ion-vapor deposition process to the mold 30. Since the ion-vapor deposition process is known in the prior art and per se forms no part of the present invention, it will not further be described herein. The thickness of the coating 32 on the hemispherical surface of the mold 30 is about a half a mil. The thickness of the coating 32 shown in FIG. 6 necessarily is exaggerated. While very thin, it is sufficient to provide a continuous electrically conductive coated surface thereon. In accordance with the invention, the ion-vapor coated hemispherical surface of the mold 30 is further coated with aluminum or other suitable metal by an electroplating or electroless plating process to build up the thickness to a combined five to eight mils thick metal coating 34, as illustrated, again in exaggerated manner, in FIG. 8. After building up the desired metal coating 34 on the mold 30, the coating 34 is separated from the mold 30. When expanded bead polystyrene is used in making the mold 30, it can be removed from the metal coating or shell 34 by dissolving it with a solvent. Methyl Ethyl Ketone is very effective in dissolving the expanded bead polystyrene and thus effecting the desired separation of the metal shell 34 therefrom. With careful handling, the metal shell 34 is adhesively bonded to the loaded rocket motor composite casing 20 with a suitable adhesive, for example, an epoxy. Thus, as shown in FIG. 1, the metal shell 34 is shown bonded to the forward end 26 of the rocket motor 10. Where the hemispherical surface at the aft end 28 of the motor casing 20 is substantially identical to that at the forward end 26, a similar metal shell, designated 34a, may be adhesively bonded to the aft end 28. Metal shell 34a may be identical to shell 34 except for having an opening 34b cut out therein to provide an opening for accommodating the rocket motor nozzle 14. Desirably, as indicated, the region adjacent to the cutout of the metal shell 34 may be adhesively bonded to an outer peripheral portion of the nozzle 14 thereby to provide a barrier against water vapor permeation through casing 20 at that region. Thus, in accordance with the invention, there is provided a method of and apparatus for protecting a composite cased solid propellant rocket motor from degradation resulting from moisture permeation by installing a unique thin lightweight metal shell on the dome ends of the case, the cylindrical or regular shaped portion of the case being covered with metal foil consisting of commercially available adhesively backed tape such as aluminum foil tape. There being no means known in the prior art for fabricating the desired lightweight metal shell, the invention is seen to be concerned with a method for forming such a shell by the use of a plating process which may comprise an electroplating or an electroless plating process. Upon building up of the coating to a desired thickness, the mold and the metallic shell are separated. The resulting metallic shell, which has a thickness in the range of five to eight mils, is adhesively bonded to one of the dome ends of the loaded rocket motor casing, with a similar metallic shell being adhesively bonded to the other dome end of the casing. With this description of the invention in detail, those skilled in the art will appreciate that modifications may be made to the invention without departing from the spirit thereof. Therefore, it is not intended that the scope of the invention be limited to the specific embodiments illustrated and described. Rather, it is intended that the scope of the invention be determined by the scope of the appended claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION FIGS. 1 and 2 FIGS. 1 and 2 illustrate a so-called Christmas Tree 1 which in use is mounted on a sub-sea well-head by four legs 2 in known manner to enable the oil or gas below the seabed to be extracted. It includes a variety of control devices, generally indicated at 3, tailored to the particular requirements of the oil or gas field in which it is being used. The specific arrangement and design of the Christmas Tree and its controls is not relevant to the present invention and will therefore not be described in any more detail. In order to operate the various controls, a so-called sub-sea control module (SCM) 4 is provided whose design is again tailored to the particular Christmas Tree design. The Christmas Tree would normally remain on the well-head once installed there but the SCM 4 is adapted to be releasably mounted on the Christmas Tree. The present invention is concerned with the latching mechanism for releasably mounting the SCM 4, which is indicated generally at 5 in FIGS. 2 to 5. FIGS. 3 to 5 FIG. 3 illustrates a base 6, which is carried by the Christmas Tree 1, upon which the SCM 4 can be detachably secured by its latching mechanism 5. The base 6 has a platform 7 which carries hydraulic and electrical connectors, generally indicated at 8, with which cooperating connectors on the underside of the SCM 4 are adapted to engage in a known manner. The base 6 also has an upstanding guide assembly 9 which is designed to enable the SCM 4 to be progressively guided into the correct position in relation to the platform 7 and its connectors 8 by crash bars 10 mounted on the SCM 4 (FIG. 5). The crash bars 10 engage the guide assembly 9 as the SCM 4 is lowered onto the base 6 (FIG. 4). The SCM 4 has a number of tapered spigots 11 which are adapted to fit into cooperating sockets 12 carried by the platform 7 in order to correctly locate the SCM 4 on the base 6. This latching mechanism will now be described in relation to FIGS. 6 to 11. FIGS. 6 to 11 The latching mechanism 5 is mounted centrally with respect to the SCM 4 and comprises essentially a plunger 13 loaded by three coil springs 14, 15 and 16 (there could be fewer or more). The plunger 13 and springs 14, 15, and 16 are contained within a tubular housing 17. The tubular housing 17 is closed at its top end by a threaded cap 18 which is secured to a portion 4a of the SCM 4. The cap 18 carries ring seals 19 through which the upper end 13a of the plunger 13 is adapted to slide. An intermediate portion of the plunger 13 carries an annular abutment 13b whose function is to longitudinally contain the springs 14, 15, and 16 between itself and the end cap 18. The lower end 13c of the plunger 13 is tapered and is slidable within a reduced diameter portion 17a of the tubular housing 17. Two pairs of annular ring seals 20 and 21 are carried by the reduced diameter extension 17a. The lower end of the tubular housing 17 has a shoulder 22 which is secured by bolts 23 to another portion 4b of the SCM 4. A tubular cam/latch carrier 24 is threadably mounted on the reduced diameter portion 17a of the tubular housing 17. Three cams 25, 26 and 27 are each pivotally mounted at 28 to the latch/cam carrier 24. Each of the three cams 25,26 and 27 is formed with a first latch portion and a second latch portion. The first latch protion 25a and the second latch portion 25b of the cam 25 are illustrated FIGS. 6, 8, and 10. The lowermost end of the tapered portion 13c of the plunger 13 is formed with an annular recess or groove 29 into which the first latch portions of the three cams 25, 26, and 27 are adapted to engage. The way in which the latching mechanism operates will now be described. Firstly consider the position of the latching mechanism in the situation where the SCM 4 is hanging freely, and the weight of the SCM 4 is not resting on the mounting base 6. In this freely hanging position, the weight of the control pod, shown as W in FIG. 6, will be acting downwardly in the direction indicated and the equivalent tension T in the supporting cable(s) will be acting upwardly as indicated by the arrow in FIG. 6. The effect of these forces will be to cause the springs 14, 15 and 16 to be compressed between the end cap 18 and the flange 13b. This situation is illustrated in FIG. 6. In this situation the grooved lower end 29 of the tapered portion 13c of the plunger 13 is in the position shown in FIG. 6 with the result that the three cams 25, 26 and 27 are in pivotal positions such that the second latch portions are withdrawn into their radially innermost positions in relation to the centre line of the plunger 13, as shown in FIGS. 6 and 7. Now consider the position as the SCM 4 is lowered onto the mounting base 6. The mounting base 6 is provided with a central aperture 30 which has associated with it an upstanding guide member 31. As the SCM 4 is lowered, the tubular carrier 24 enters the guide 31 and then the aperture 30 in the mounting base 6, this position also being shown in FIG. 8. In this position, as indicated earlier, the latch cams 25, 26 and 27 are in their radially withdrawn position, as shown in FIG. 7. Further lowering of the SCM 4, in relation to the mounting base 6, will bring the portion 4b of the SCM 4 into abutment with the upper edge of the guide 31, as shown in FIG. 8. As soon as the portion 4b of the SCM 4 abuts the annular guide 31 of the mounting base 6, the weight of the SCM 4 will start to be taken by the mounting base 6. The effect of this will be to reduce the forces tending to compress the coil springs 14, 15 and 16 so that the energy stored in these compressed springs will then progressively be released as they drive down the plunger 13, in relation to the mounting base 6. FIG. 8 shows the position shortly before the portion 4b of the SCM 4 has contacted the upper edge of the guide 31 on the mounting base 6, and FIG. 10 illustrates the final downward position of the plunger 13 in relation to the tubular housing 17 and the mounting base 6. As the plunger 13 is driven down by the compressed coil springs 14, 15 and 16, the lower end surface 13c of the plunger 13 causes each of the first and second latch protion of the three cams 25, 26 and 27 to rotate clockwise about their respective pivots 28, as illustrated in FIGS. 8 and 10. The first latch portion 25a and the second latch protion 25b of the cam 25 in these positions are illustrated in FIGS. 8 and 10. The effect of this clockwise rotation of the latch cams is to cause the second latch portions of the three cams to be moved radially outwardly in order to engage the underside of the portion 6a of the mounting base 6. This rotation also has the effect of drawing the SCM 4 of the sub-sea control pod further down onto the mounting base 6. The fully engaged position for the three cams latches 25, 26 and 27 is shown in FIGS. 10 and 11. The compressed coil springs 14, 15 and 16 have extended to their maximum possible length within the constraints of the tube 17, the threaded cap 18 and the end stop 32. Thus, the latching of the SCM 4 to the mounting base 6 is achieved automatically by virtue of the stored energy contained within the latching mechanism itself. This contrasts with the prior art arrangements which employ means external to the latching mechanism for providing the motive force for effecting the latching and unlatching operations. In order to release the latching mechanism from engagement with the mounting base 6 (i.e. the position shown in FIGS. 10 and 11), the SCM 4 is simply raised by pulling on the lifting cable(s) (not shown) which in turn causes the plunger 13 to be lifted upwardly, as illustrated in FIGS. 6, 8 and 10. This upward movement, in relation to the situation illustrated in FIG. 10, will cause the annular abutment 13b of the plunger 13 to progressively compress the coil springs 14, 15 and 16 and also allow the three latch cams 25, 26 and 27 to rotate in a counterclockwise direction about their respective pivots 28 as the tapered portion 13c moves past the first latch portions of the latch cams 25, 26 and 27. It should be noted that there is no requirement to have these cams spring loaded so that they will rotate in a counterclockwise direction because as the latching arrangement reaches the position shown in FIG. 8 and then in FIG. 6, the annular groove 29 and in particular an end button 13d will, by virtue of engagement with the first latched portions, cause the respective cams 25, 26 and 27 to rotate in a counterclockwise direction about their respective pivots 28 in order to bring the latch cams 25, 26 and 27 into the radially withdrawn position shown in FIGS. 6 and 7. Thus, the essence of the present invention lies in providing the latching mechanism with means for storing energy within the mechanism itself, such energy being derived from the weight of the SCM. Although the preferred embodiment of the invention employs coil springs, as described above and shown in the drawings, other means for storing such energy could also be employed while still giving the advantage of the present invention which is to eliminate the necessity for having separate motive power for operating the latch mechanism as such. This in turn results in a significant cost saving in relation to the manufacture of the latch mechanism and makes the latter quicker acting.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT With reference first toFIG. 1, an exemplary single cylinder four-stroke internal combustion engine system (engine)10suited for implementation of the present invention is schematically illustrated. It is to be appreciated that the present invention is equally applicable to a multi-cylinder four-stroke internal combustion engine. The present exemplary engine10is shown configured for direct combustion chamber injection (direct injection) of fuel vis-à-vis fuel injector41. While widely available grades of gasoline and light ethanol blends thereof are preferred fuels, alternative liquid and gaseous fuels such as higher ethanol blends (e.g. E80, E85), neat ethanol (E99), neat methanol (M100), natural gas, hydrogen, biogas, various reformates, syngases etc. may also be used in the implementation of the present invention. With respect to the base engine, a piston11is movable in a cylinder13and defines therein a variable volume combustion chamber15. Piston11is connected to crankshaft35through connecting rod33and reciprocally drives or is reciprocally driven by crankshaft35. Engine10also includes valve train16illustrated with a single intake valve21and a single exhaust valve23though multiple intake and exhaust valve variations are equally applicable for utilization with the present invention. Valve train16also includes valve actuation means25which may take any of a variety of forms including, preferably, electrically controlled hydraulic or electromechanical actuation. Alternative valve actuation means adaptable for implementation in conjunction with the present invention include multi-profile cams, cam phasers and other mechanically variable valve actuation technologies implemented individually or in combination one with another. Intake passage17supplies air into the combustion chamber15. The flow of-the air into the combustion chamber15is controlled by intake valve21during intake events. Combusted gases are expelled from the combustion chamber15through exhaust passage19with flow controlled by exhaust valve23during exhaust events. Engine control is provided by computer based control27which may take the form of conventional hardware configurations and combinations including powertrain controllers, engine controllers and digital signal processors in integrated or distributed architectures. In general, control27includes at least one microprocessor, ROM, RAM, and various I/O devices including A/D and D/A converters and power drive circuitry. Control27also specifically includes controls for valve actuation means25and fuel injector41. Controller27includes the monitoring of a plurality of engine related inputs from a plurality of transduced sources including engine coolant temperature, outside air temperature, manifold air temperature, operator torque requests, ambient pressure, manifold pressure in throttled applications, displacement and position sensors such as for valve train and engine crankshaft quantities, and further includes the generation of control commands for a variety of actuators as well as the performance of general diagnostic functions. While illustrated and described as integral with controller27, the control and power electronics associated with valve actuation means25and fuel injector41may be incorporated as part of distributed smart actuation scheme wherein certain monitoring and control functionality related to respective subsystems are implemented by programmable distributed controllers associated with such respective valve and fuel control subsystems. Having thus described the environment and certain application hardware suitable for implementing the method of the present invention,FIGS. 2 and 3are now referenced to describe the method itself. InFIG. 2, valve lifts of the intake and exhaust valves are plotted against a complete four-stroke combustion cycle. A full 720 degrees or two revolutions of the crankshaft are plotted against the horizontal axis beginning at 0 degrees corresponding to top dead center (TDC) of the piston at the beginning of the expansion stroke (end of the compression stroke) through to the same top dead center position at the end of the compression stroke (beginning of the expansion stroke). By convention and as followed herein, the crankshaft angular positions 0 through 720 refer to degrees of crankshaft rotation after top dead center combustion. The sequentially repeated cycles are delineated across the top of the Figure within double-ended arrows labeled Expansion, Exhaust, Intake and Compression. Each of these cycles correspond to the piston motion between respective ones of top dead and bottom dead center positions and covers a full 180 degrees of crankshaft rotation or one-quarter of the complete four-stroke cycle. InFIG. 3, cylinder pressures are plotted against contiguous portions of the four-stroke combustion cycle, to wit the exhaust and intake cycles as clearly evidenced by the similarly labeled double-ended arrows shown across the top of the Figure. In the present exemplary exposition of the invention, a four-stroke, single cylinder, 0.55 liter, controlled auto-ignition gasoline fueled internal combustion engine was utilized in implementing the various valve controls and acquisition of the various data embodied herein. Unless specifically discussed otherwise, all such implementations and acquisitions are assumed to be carried out under standard conditions as understood by one having ordinary skill in the art. In accordance with the present invention a split-injection of the total fuel charge is caused to occur. That is, the total fuel requirement for the cycle is divided into two injection events. One of the injection events is carried out early in the intake cycle while the other injection event is carried out late in the compression cycle. Generally, the intake cycle fueling event injects about 10 to about 50 percent of the total fuel requirement for the cycle. The remainder of the fuel requirement for the cycle is injected during the compression fueling event. The total fueling requirement is significantly less than the fueling requirement of a similar conventionally operated internal combustion engine as determined against such common metrics as combustion stability as will be demonstrated later with respect toFIGS. 4 and 5. This is true in terms of comparative absolute mass of fuel for similar base engines or in terms of relative metrics such as net mean effective pressures. FIG. 2is demonstrative of exemplary split-fueling in accordance with certain preferences regarding injection timing. The region delimited by the solid bars labeled55and57correspond to preferred angular regions within the intake and compression cycles for delivery of the intake cycle fueling event and compression cycle fueling event, respectively. Preferably, the first fraction of fuel is injected about 0 to about 90 degrees after exhaust stroke TDC and the second fraction of fuel is injected about 20 to about 60 degrees before compression stroke TDC. Other regions for injection may be utilized but may not yield as substantial an advantage as the preferred regions. Also in accordance with the present invention a low pressure event is established within the combustion chamber, preferably by means of phase control over the opening and closing of one or more of the intake and exhaust valves. In the present example illustrated inFIGS. 2 and 3, it is assumed that an exhaust event is caused to occur wherein the exhaust valve is opened for at least a portion of the exhaust cycle from 180 to 360 degrees. The actual opening and closing angles of the exhaust valve during an exhaust event will vary in accordance with such factors as engine speed and exhaust runner geometries as well as other desired engine tuning characteristics. In the present illustrated example the exhaust valve closure is assumed to correspond substantially to 380 degrees or 20 degrees after exhaust stroke TDC. Preferably, the exhaust valve closure occurs within approximately 20 degrees before exhaust stroke TDC to 20 degrees after exhaust stroke TDC. It is generally believed that maximum expulsion of exhaust gases from the combustion chamber will aid in minimizing residual cylinder pressure and such condition is generally consistent with effectuating deeper and longer duration low pressure events. Through certain gas dynamics under certain conditions maximum expulsion occurs when the exhaust valve remains open for some angle after exhaust stroke TDC. More preferably, then, the exhaust valve closure occurs within approximately exhaust stroke TDC to 20 degrees after exhaust stroke TDC. Consistent with the objective of establishing a low pressure event within the combustion chamber during the intake stroke it may further be desirable that the exhaust event exhaust valve closure absolute phase relative to exhaust stroke TDC is not greater than the intake valve opening phase after exhaust stroke TDC or that minimal valve overlap exists. Generally a certain degree of asymmetry around exhaust stroke TDC as between exhaust valve closure and intake valve opening as described is required in order to establish the desired low pressure conditions within the combustion chamber. If exhaust event exhaust valve closure occurs before exhaust stroke TDC, then it may be desirable to allow at least a similar angle after TDC for the pressure in the combustion chamber to relax before the intake valve begins to open. Preferably, the intake valve opening follows the exhaust valve closing at about 20 to about 60 degrees after exhaust stroke TDC. In accordance with another feature of the present invention the exhaust valve is opened during at least a portion of the intake event to recirculate or rebreathe combusted gases by drawing them back into the combustion chamber vis-à-vis the exhaust valve. Preferably, this rebreathe event exhaust valve opening occurs subsequent to the opening of the intake valve and more preferably occurs about 10 to about 30 degrees after the intake valve opening. Additionally, the exhaust valve closing associated with this rebreathe event preferably occurs prior to the intake valve closure. And more preferably, this exhaust valve closure occurs about 10 to about 40 degrees prior to the intake valve closure. The rebreathe event exhaust valve opening is also preferably characterized by a relatively high valve lift. More preferably such valve lift is no greater than about 50% of maximum valve lift. The general and preferred intake and exhaust valve phasings heretofore described are substantially set forth in the exemplary curves illustrated inFIG. 2. Curve50represents an exhaust event exhaust valve profile wherein valve closure occurs at substantially 20 degrees after exhaust stroke TDC. For purposes of exposition it is assumed that the exhaust event is substantially static with respect to exhaust event exhaust valve closure phasing although, as described previously, it is contemplated that in fact phase shifting of the exhaust valve closure is within the scope of the invention in attaining various outcomes and objectives thereof. Intake profiles51and53corresponding respectively to early (about 12 degrees after exhaust stroke TDC or 372 degrees) and late (about 52 degrees after exhaust stroke TDC or 412 degrees) intake valve openings, both of which intake profiles also illustrate substantial convergence of the intake valve closings at about 60 degrees after intake stroke bottom dead center (BDC). Rebreathe profiles52and54correlate respectively to the early and late intake valve opening profiles51and53and each corresponds to a rebreathe event exhaust valve opening initiated at about 30 degrees after the respective correlated intake valve opening. Rebreathe profiles52and54also illustrate substantial convergence of the rebreathe event exhaust valve closings at about 40 degrees prior to the intake valve closure. If a continuum of such correlated intake and rebreathe profiles were plotted in the Figure with intake valve openings between 372 and 412 degrees and respective correlated rebreathe openings lagging by about 30 degrees, the result would be increasing vacuum levels and durations thereof within the combustion chamber. Of course, in addition to the various low pressure profiles within the combustion chamber which can be achieved with simply phase shifting valve openings as described, additional pressure profiles may be achieved through more complex and independent variations of the exhaust, intake and rebreathe profiles including by way of lift variation in addition to timing. It should be noted also that significant variations in gas constituent mixtures and temperature can also be effected by way of the complex variations of the exhaust, intake and rebreathe profiles that are possible. The operation of the engine as exhibited by the exemplary Figures herein is as indicated earlier as a controlled auto-ignition engine. The valve phase controls to establish a low pressure event within the combustion chamber are carried out to establish pressure level depressions and durations thereof within the combustion chamber that are not found in conventional known four-stroke operation. With reference now toFIG. 3, pressure profiles resulting from the exemplary valve profiles described with respect toFIG. 2are illustrated. Therein, a family of curves is generally designated by the numeral61and is illustrated with respect to 360 degrees of crankshaft rotation, to wit through the exhaust and intake cycles of the complete four-stroke process only as delineated across the top of the Figure within double-ended arrows labeled Exhaust and Intake. Each curve substantially corresponds to a respective intake valve opening at 5 degree increments beginning at 372 degrees and ending at 412 degrees and a corresponding exhaust valve opening lagging the respective intake valve opening by substantially 30 degrees. Cylinder pressure is illustrated on a relative linear scale along the vertical axis with ambient pressure being specifically labeled and assumed to be substantially one standard atmosphere or about 101 kPa. Consistent with the simplified assumption respecting the exhaust event exhaust valve closing at a fixed phase of substantially 20 degrees after exhaust stroke TDC for all of the various intake valve/exhaust event exhaust valve openings, the pressure profiles through about 400 degrees (40 degrees past exhaust stroke TDC) are substantially equivalent. Region63generally designates the area of resultant low pressure events or sub-atmospheric pressure conditions established in accordance with the present invention. A first relatively shallow and limited duration low pressure event is sub-atmospheric from substantially just prior to 390 degrees to substantially just after 435 degrees or 75 degrees past exhaust stroke TDC. A second relatively deep and lasting duration low pressure event is sub-atmospheric from substantially just prior to 390 degrees to substantially just prior to 480 degrees. The first low pressure event reaches substantially 42 kPa below ambient or sub-atmospheric or alternatively stated about 42% below ambient or atmospheric or about 58% of ambient or atmospheric. The second low pressure event reaches substantially 75 kPa below ambient or sub-atmospheric or alternatively stated about 75% below ambient or atmospheric or about 25% of ambient or atmospheric. The specific curves illustrated inFIG. 3are, of course, exemplary with other such curves and profiles being able to be established by virtue of more complex and independent variations of the exhaust, intake and rebreathe profiles including by way of lift variation in addition to timing. For example, further retarding the intake valve opening would effectuate deeper low pressure events. Similarly, deeper low pressure events may be effectuated by retarding further the opening of the rebreathe event exhaust valve opening from the intake valve opening or eliminating a rebreathe event altogether. Where it is desirable to maintain some exhaust gas recirculation, adapting the exhaust event exhaust valve closure may provide an alternative to rebreathe or external exhaust gas recirculation means may be employed to ensure ingestion of combusted gases together with fresh air through the intake valve. The fueling methodology for an engine operated as described may be selected from any variety of methods. Liquid and gaseous injections are candidates for DI. Additionally, it is contemplated that air assisted and other types of delivery may be employed. Also, the type of ignition system employable is variable and includes such non-limiting examples as SI, CI, and controlled auto-ignition. The impact of the current invention on the low load limit of the exemplary controlled auto-ignition engine operation is shown inFIG. 4. Without using the current invention, the low load limit of the exemplary—and most typical—four-stroke direct-injection controlled auto-ignition gasoline engine is around 225 kPa Net Mean Effective Pressure (NMEP) with 5% Coefficient of Variation of Indicated Mean Effective Pressure (COV of IMEP) as an indicator. The data plotted inFIG. 4was acquired with leaned out fueling to substantially 175 kPa NMEP and with implementation of the exemplary intake and exhaust valve profiles heretofore described. The plot of line71clearly shows combustion stability improvement with the introduction and expansion of low-pressure events within the combustion chamber as described herein. The clear conclusion drawn is that expanding the sub-atmospheric pressure conditions improves combustion stability and allows the engine to be operated at lower load limits. FIG. 5is demonstrative of the same clear benefits and advantages of implementing the present invention on a normalized scale of NMEP within the combustion chamber relative to ambient. In that Figure, point83represents the low load limit of substantially 225 kPa in terms of NMEP with 5% COV of IMEP as the indicator. Points to the left in the Figure (i.e. lower NMEPs) correspond to lower loads The plot of line81clearly shows significantly lower NMEPs required to maintain an acceptable 5% or less COV of IMEP effectively moving the low load limit point to about 150 kPa NMEP. The plot of line85also clearly shows significantly lower NMEPs required to maintain an acceptable 5% or less COV of IMEP effectively moving the low load limit point to about 25 kPa NMEP when the split-injection strategy of the present invention is combined with the establishment of the low-pressure conditions within the combustion chamber. The present invention has been described with respect to certain preferred embodiments and variations herein.
DETAILED BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION The aforementioned photograph and following observations and measurements describe plants grown in Amstelveen, The Netherlands, grown in 15-cm container in a glass-covered greenhouse during the spring and summer under conditions which closely approximate commercial production. During the production of the plants, day and night temperatures ranged from 15 to 25 C. and light levels were about 500 klux. Plants were about two years old when the photograph and the description were taken. In the description, color references are made to The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart, 1995 Edition, except where general terms of ordinary dictionary significance are used. Botancial classification: Hibiscus rosa - sinensis cultivar Charleston. Parentage: Female or seed parent. Proprietary selection of Hibiscus rosa - sinensis designated as code No. 10.327, not patented. Male or pollen parent. Proprietary selection of Hibiscus rosa - sinensis designated as code No. 5.923, not patented. Propagation: Type. By vegetative terminal cuttings. Time to initiate roots. About 25 days at a temperature of 23 C. Time to produce a rooted young plant. About 40 days at a temperature of 22 C. Root description. Thick; whitish in color. Rooting habit. Moderately vigorous; freely branching. Plant description: Plant form and growth habit. Compact, upright and uniform plant habit; appropriate for container production. Vigorous growth habit. Branching habit. Freely branching, usually about three or four lateral branches. Plant height. About 25 cm. Plant diameter ( area of spread ). About 40 to 45 cm. Lateral branch description. Length: About 10 cm. Diameter: About 8 mm. Internode length: About 2 to 2.5 cm. Texture: Smooth, glabrous. Color: Close to 200C. Foliage description. Arrangement: Alternate, simple. Length: About 8 cm. Width: About 5.5 cm. Shape: Roughly cordate. Apex: Acuminate. Base: Cordate. Margin: Irregularly serrate. Texture, upper and lower surfaces: Glabrous; leathery. Venation pattern: Pinnate. Color: Young leaves, upper and lower surfaces: 146A; glossy. Fully expanded leaves, upper surface: Darker than 147A; glossy. Fully expanded leaves, lower surface: 147A. Venation, upper and lower surfaces: 146A. Petiole: Length: About 3 cm. Diameter: About 3 mm. Texture, upper and lower surfaces: Smooth, glabrous. Color, upper and lower surfaces: Darker than 147A. Flower description: Flower arrangement/appearance. Rounded flowers arranged singly at terminal leaf axils. Freely flowering with usually about five to six flower buds and/or open flowers per terminal apex. Flowers face mostly upright. Flowers are open for about one day. Flowers persistent. Flowers not fragrant. Natural flowering season. Usually spring and summer or during periods of warm weather. Flower diameter. About 8 cm. Flower length ( height ). About 4 cm. Flower bud ( just before showing color ). Resistance to abscission: Plants of the new Hibiscus have been observed to resist flower bud drop. Length: About 4 to 5 cm. Diameter: About 1 to 1.5 cm. Shape: Oblong, elliptical. Color: 147A. Petals. Arrangement: Corolla consists of five petals that are overlapping towards apex. Length: About 6 to 7 cm. Width: About 5 to 6 cm. Shape: Spatulate or fan-shaped. Apex: Rounded. Base: Attenuate. Margin: Weakly serrated. Texture, upper and lower surfaces: Smooth, glabrous, satiny. Color: When opening and fully opened, upper surface: 43A. When opening and fully opened, lower surface: 46C. Throat: 53A. Sepals. Appearance: Five or six sepals fused into a tubular star-shaped calyx. Length: About 2 cm. Width: About 1 cm. Shape: Narrowly oblong. Apex: Acute. Base: Fused. Margin: Entire. Texture, upper and lower surfaces: Smooth. Color, upper and lower surfaces: Close to 146A. Peduncles. Length: About 7 mm. Diameter: About 3 mm. Angle: Mostly upright. Strength: Strong, rigid. Texture: Smooth. Color: Darker than 146A. Reproductive organs. Androecium: Stamen number: Numerous, about 60 per flower. Anther shape: Globular. Anther length: About 1 mm. Anther color: 12A. Amount of pollen: Abundant. Pollen color: Close to 15A. Gynoecium: Pistil number: One per flower. Pistil length: About 6 to 7 cm. Style length: About 4 to 5 cm. Style texture: Smooth, waxy. Style color: Towards base, 53A; mid-section and towards apex, 33A. Stigma appearance: Five, rounded. Stigma color: Close to 44A. Ovary color: Close to 154C to 154D. Fruit/seed. Fruit and seed production has not been observed. Disease/pest resistance: Plants of the new Hibiscus have not been observed to be resistant to pathogens and pests common to Hibiscus.
MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION Steel used as the material of the present invention is almost the same as that described in the above-mentioned Publication No. 11-241143 of Japanese unexamined patent application. The basic idea of the design of the ingredients is, as mentioned in the patent publication, to improve the corrosion fatigue strength. In general, sag effectively decreases when the hardness of the material is increased. And under ideal conditions, although there is a certain limit, an increase in the hardness of the material leads to an enhancement of the fatigue resistance. However, since automotive suspension springs, for example, are installed at such places where water or mud easily attaches to, the problem of corrosion must be considered first for the actual use. This is because corrosion generates pits (micro-pits) on the spring surface, and they become the origin of fatigue fracture. The main causes of fracture by corrosion fatigue are: (1) the delayed-fracture phenomenon of steel, (2) generation of surface pits (micro-pits) by corrosion, and (3) a decrease in the residual stress due to long-term use. The delayed-fracture, which is peculiar to high-strength steels, is a phenomenon where hydrogen atoms from moisture on the surface or vapor in the air enter into the steel, and are accumulated at the irregular part of the grain boundary or the boundary between precipitates and matrix, which increases the pressure, resulting in generating a micro crack and finally fracture. Materials used for various springs have been strengthened especially in recent years, and are subjected to a higher working stress than conventional materials. They are also used under situations that, as mentioned above, moisture or other forms of water easily attaches to it. Therefore the delayed-fracture property of the material has to be considered first when an improved corrosion fatigue strength is sought. Stress is concentrated on a surface pit generated by corrosion, which greatly decreases the fatigue resistance. One way to avoid this is not to generate pits as possible, or to generate a pit in a form in which the stress concentration is minimized. At the same time it is important to adopt measures in the material to produce strength against cracking in the presence of pits. Residual stress of a spring is endowed by a shot peening operation. In detail, when the surface is deformed by the shot peening, the difference in the deformation between the deformed surface layer and the undeformed subsurface layer causes strain and residual compression stress on the surface. When the surface layer is removed by corrosion, or when a micro crack is generated on the surface, the strain and the residual stress decrease. The ranges of the compositions were determined considering the circumstances mentioned above, and the lower and upper limits of the respective composition range were specified for the following reasons. C content is set lower than that of the JIS-SUP 7 steel, which is the most common material used for hot-formed coil springs, or the material of various oil-tempered wires. This is because, with the same hardness (strength), the toughness of material with lower C content and higher alloying element content is better than that of material with higher C content. When the toughness is improved, the occurrence of fatigue cracks from corrosion pits is decreased, the growing speed of the cracks is lowered, and the corrosion fatigue strength is improved, which is an object of the present invention. The lower limit of C content is set to 0.35% because, with less content, it is difficult to obtain the above-mentioned hardness after the heat treatment even when other alloying elements are maximized. The upper limit of C content is set to 0.55% because, with more content, the toughness of the material greatly deteriorates. Si is known to be effective to enhance the sag resistance. Therefore, the upper limit of Si content is set higher than that of conventional steels to improve sag resistance. On the other hand, Si promotes the surface decarburization of steels. If Si content is set to more than 3.00%, decarburization by a heat treatment becomes significant. In such a case it is difficult to obtain the above-mentioned hardness and the residual stress on the surface. Therefore the upper limit is set to 3.00%. Mn is effective in improving hardenability. Exercising a thorough quenching and tampering all the way to the center of a spring is crucial in obtaining the full effect of alloying elements, such as Ni, in improving the toughness. The lower limit is set to 0.5%, because an adequate hardening cannot be obtained on a spring with a large diameter when the Mn content is less than 0.5%. However, if the Mn content is set to more than 1.5%, the hardenability enhancing effect is saturated and the toughness tends to decrease on normal size springs. Therefore the upper limit is set to 1.5%. Ni is effective to improve toughness and to suppress steel corrosion. As mentioned above, suppression of corrosion enhances the corrosion fatigue strength by blocking the occurrence of corrosion pits and preventing a decrease in the residual stress. This effect of Ni can only be obtained when the Ni content is 0.5% or more. However, if the Ni content is set to more than 3%, the effect of improving toughness is saturated. In addition, since Ni is an austenite-stabilizing element, the amount of residual austenite increases after quenching, which means that the transformation to martensite is incomplete. Moreover, it increases the cost of a spring because the element is expensive. Therefore the upper limit is set to 3.0%. Cr is effective in improving hardenability like Mn, and it is also effective in suppressing surface decarburization. The lower limit is set to 0.1% because such effects are hardly obtained with a Cr content of under 0.1%. On the other hand, if the Cr content is set to more than 1.5%, the effect is saturated, and an adverse effect arises that it brings about a heterogeneous microstructure of the steel after tempering. Therefore the upper limit is set to 1.5%. N bonds to Al in steel to become AlN, which precipitates into steel as fine particles. Because this prevents grains from growing, N is very effective in reducing the size of (or refining) grains in steel. To obtain this effects it is necessary that the N content is set to 0.01% or more. However, if the N content is excessive, the quality of steel deteriorates since N generates N2gas when the steel is manufactured (solidified and cooled). Therefore the upper limit is set to 0.025%. V bonds to C to become VC (vanadium carbide), which precipitates into steel as fine particles. It increases the toughness of the steel by refining grains as in the case of AlN. Dispersing these fine carbide particles in steel prevents H (hydrogen) entering from outside from accumulating at certain limited locations, and prevents the above-mentioned delayed-fracture from occurring. To obtain this effect, it is necessary that the V content is set to 0.05% or more. However, when the V content is set to more than 0.5%, the effect is not obtained because the VC only grows without increasing the number of VC precipitation. Therefore, the upper limit is set to 0.5%. P decreases toughness of steel. Therefore, by limiting the content to 0.01% or less, the toughness of the material is improved, and the corrosion fatigue strength of the spring according to the present invention increases. Because the present invention relates to a cold-formed coil spring, it is very important to increase toughness. S bonds to Mn to become MnS, which is insoluble in steels. MnS is easy to deform, and is drawn and elongated by rolling, etc. The elongated MnS tends to be the origin of fracture by mechanical impacts or fatigue. Therefore the upper limit of S content is set to 0.01% in the present invention. This brings about a toughness and fatigue resistance of the steel at a higher hardness equivalent to those of conventional material. FIG. 1shows the composition range of: the oil-tempered chrome vanadium alloy steel wires for valve springs specified in the JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) (SWOCV-V: JIS G3565), the oil-tempered silicon chrome steel wire for valve springs (SWOSC-V: JIS G3566), the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) 9254 steel which has been widely used as a material of cold-formed coil springs for a small spring, and the material of the present invention. As is obvious from the table, an oil-tempered wire according to the present invention contains a lower carbon content and a remarkably higher silicon content compared to the conventional oil-tempered wire or cold-formed coil spring steel. This makes the austenitic transformation temperature (Ac3 temperature) of the steel higher. Therefore it is necessary to set appropriate conditions to a high frequency induction heat treatment which is generally short period heating. For the above reason, we decided to conduct wire drawing with a predetermined reduction of area before the material is heat treated, and to set the ferrite fraction in the microstructure to 50% or less. Owing to these treatments, sufficient austenitizing is done even with the high frequency induction heating, and it is possible to obtain the equivalent performance to the above-mentioned hot-formed coil spring. Sufficient austenitization with a short period heat treatment can be achieved by increasing the heating temperature. However, a too high heating temperature coarsens the austenitic grain size, and may decrease the steel toughness. Therefore, in the present invention, the maximum heating temperature in the high frequency induction heating was controlled to 1020° C. or lower, or preferably 950° C. or lower. At a temperature of 900° C. or lower, sufficient austenitization may not be obtained. Based on the results of the below-mentioned basic tests, the holding time at the maximum heating temperature which greatly affects the austenitizing and coarsening of the grain size, is set within the range of 5 to 20 seconds in the present invention. By conducting a heat treatment on the steel whose component range is mentioned above, the coarsening of grain size can be decreased, and by setting the grain size number to 9 or more, the quality of a cold-formed coil spring is assured (especially to corrosion fatigue resistance). On the one hand, there is a case that a ferrite decarburized layer exists on the surface of the material before heating. This ferrite-decarburized surface layer of the material is usually passed onto the spring, which greatly decreases the fatigue resistance. Hence, when the ferrite decarburized layer exists on the surface of the material before heating, it is preferable to set the maximum heating temperature in the high frequency induction heating to 940° C. or more. This decreases the depth of the surface decarburization layer of material, or avoids it totally. Tensile strength is set to 1830 to 1980 MPa, because with less strength it does not meet the durability requirement for suspension springs, and with more strength the toughness greatly decreases. EMBODIMENTS The results of basic tests conducted to determine the condition of a heat treatment is described. The SAE9254 steel conventionally used for cold-formed coil springs was included in the basic tests as the comparative material. Steel with the compositions shown inFIG. 2is melted, and small specimens as shown inFIG. 3are prepared. Heat treatment is conducted with the heating pattern shown inFIG. 4which simulates quenching. First, heat treatments according to the heating pattern ofFIG. 4are conducted with varying maximum heating temperatures within the range of 900° C. to 980° C. with an increment of 20° C. The holding time at the maximum temperature is set to 5, 10 and 20 seconds. After the heat treatments, the internal hardness (Hv 20 kg) and the austenitic grain size number (JIS-G0551) of the specimens were measured. The result is shown in the TTA (Time-Temperature-Austenitizing) diagram ofFIG. 5. InFIG. 5, no marked difference can be found in the internal hardness and austenitic grain size number with the variation of the maximum-temperature holding time within the range of 5 to 20 seconds. This indicates that, within such range of maximum-temperature holding time, the holding time has little effect on the short period heat treatment. As to the heating temperature, on the other hand, the internal hardness is not affected so much by the rise in the heating temperature, but the grain size number is revealed to decrease (the grains coarsen) as the heating temperature rises. FIG. 6shows similar results of SAE9254 steel, or the comparative material, derived from Kawasaki, et al., “Heat Treatment”, The Japan Society for Heat Treatment 20, 1980, pp. 281-288. The heating speed of the two diagrams differs, and the change in the austenitic transformation temperature (Ac3 temperature) due to the heating speed difference is estimated to be about 10° C., where the comparative material with the larger heating speed has a higher Ac3 temperature. Taking this into account, the austenitic grain size number of the material of the present invention is larger (or finer) by 2 points. This effect can be ascribed to the high Ac3 temperature of the material of the present invention and the pinning effect of fine vanadium carbides included in the material of the present invention. FIG. 7shows the hardness distribution obtained under the maximum heating temperature of 900° C. and the holding time of 5 seconds, which is the severest austenitizing condition in the TTA diagram ofFIG. 5. Under this severest condition, a uniform internal hardness is obtained in the material of the present invention. It was also confirmed that the microscopic structure showed normal martensite structure all the way to the center. In order to assess the effect of the microscopic structure before a high frequency induction heating (especially the ferrite fraction) on a short period heat treatment, specimens with 30% ferrite fraction and 35% ferrite fraction are prepared from the material of the present invention by giving them appropriate heat treatments. After conducting heat treatments according to the pattern shown inFIG. 4on these specimens with the maximum heating temperature of 900° C. to 980° C. and holding time of 5 seconds, the internal hardness and austenitic grain sizes were measured. As shown inFIGS. 8 and 9, it is confirmed that the microscopic structure of specimens with 50% or less ferrite fraction before heat treatment have little effect. In order to assess the relationship between the surface ferrite decarburization and the heating temperature of high frequency induction heating, specimens are prepared from the material of the present invention with the surface ferrite-decarburized layer of 0.03 mm. After conducting heat treatments according to the pattern shown inFIG. 4on these specimens with the maximum heating temperatures of 900° C. to 1000° C. and the holding time of 17.5 seconds, the depths of surface ferrite decarburized layer were measured. As shown inFIGS. 17 and 18, the surface ferrite decarburized layer existed before heating remained at the heating temperature of 940° C., fell by half to 0.015 mm at 970° C., and almost disappeared at 1000° C. This is explained as follows. Although surface ferrite decarburized layer exists in the material before heating, conducting a short period heat treatment at a higher temperature than usual makes the carbon in the material diffuse and dissolve into the surface ferrite layer, and then makes the surface ferrite decarburized layer thin or disappear. High frequency induction heating has been known to have the advantage of causing less surface decarburization owing to its quick and short period heating. The inventors confirmed that by conducting the heating under the condition specified by the present invention, already existing decarburization can disappear and even carbon restoration in the layer is possible. Based on these basic tests, fatigue resistance tests on coil springs were conducted. From the material of the present invention, an oil-tempered wire was made by high frequency heating using the process shown inFIG. 10(a). Then from the oil-tempered wire, coil springs were produced using the process shown inFIG. 10(b). Coiling was conducted by cold-forming. The dimensions of the produced coil springs are shown inFIG. 11. From the comparative material, an oil-tempered wire was made by a furnace heating, and from the oil-tempered wire, coil springs of the same dimensions were produced by hot-forming. After the process ofFIG. 10(a), the surface hardness distributions of the oil-tempered wires were measured. As shown inFIG. 12, the decrease in the hardness due to surface decarburization is minimized in the material of the present invention on which high frequency heating was conducted. Distribution of the surface compression residual stress of the coil springs produced by the process ofFIG. 10(b) is shown inFIG. 13. The residual stress of the material of the present invention is larger at any depths by about 100 to 200 MPa than that of the comparative material. This suggests the effect of the surface decarburization shown inFIG. 12. Fatigue resistance tests on the coil springs made from the material of the present invention and coil springs made from the comparative material were conducted under the condition of the average stress of τm=735 MPa, and the stress amplitude of τa=550 MPa. As shown inFIG. 14, it is confirmed that the material of the present invention has the durability of 300,000 times, which is nearly equivalent to the comparative material which has the durability of 280,000 times. Next, corrosion fatigue tests were conducted. Pits of 0.4 mm were formed on the surface of the springs, and then the springs was subjected to corrosion by salt water. The fatigue test was conducted under the condition of the average stress of τm=735 MPa, and the stress amplitude of τa=196 MPa. As shown inFIG. 15, it is confirmed that the material of the present invention has nearly the equivalent corrosion fatigue properties to the comparative material. Finally, sag resistance tests were conducted. Sample coil springs were clamped to yield the maximum shear stress of 1200 MPa on the surface, and were placed in the temperature of 80° C. for 96 hours, whereby sag is caused. The residual shear strain on the surface is calculated from the difference in the free height before and after the sag resistance tests.FIG. 16shows the results. The material of the present invention showed slightly better result than the comparative material as for the sag resistance. This suggests that the higher silicon content, as well as the controlled microscopic structure before heat treatment, has brought about the result. Thus, the material for cold-formed coil springs having equivalent comparable quality to materials for hot-formed coil spring.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The MTF of a rod lens array having design specifications given below was calculated in the longitudinal direction (lens element array direction) for different higher order refractive index distribution coefficients. The calculation result is shown in FIG. 5 . In the calculation, a 24 lp/mm (lp/mm line pair/mm) pattern was used, and the MTFave and MTF were calculated on the object-image distance TC. The design specifications of a basic rod lens array are: Rod lens diameter D: 0.563 mm Conjugate length TC1 providing the maximal MTFave: 9.9 mm Rod lens length Zo: 4.34 mm Angular aperture (Maximum incident angle) o: 20 A refractive index distribution of the rod lens is given by n ( r ) 2 n o 2 1 ( g r ) 2 h 4 ( g r ) 4 h 6 ( g r ) 6 h 8 ( g r ) 8 where r: distance radially measured from the optical axis of the rod lens no: refractive index ( 1.625) on the optical axis of the rod lens g: refractive index distribution coefficient ( 0.8423) h4, h6, h8: higher order refractive index distribution coefficient The higher order refractive index distribution coefficients in cases A to D in FIG. 5 are as tabulated in Table 1. TABLE 1 Case h4 h6 h8 A 1.50 25 175 B 1.50 27 200 C 1.50 22 200 D 1.40 25 200 In any of the cases A to D in FIG. 5 , the conjugate length TC1 at which the average value MTFave of the MTF of the rod lens array in the lens array direction is maximized, is not equal to the conjugate length TC2 at which MTF(AMTF (MTFmax MTFmin)/MTFave) is minimized. The difference between those lengths is shifted to the right or left (in the direction in which the object-image distance increases or decreases). Accordingly, if an actual object-image distance Tco is set between the conjugate length TC1 at which the average value MTFave of the MTF of the rod lens array in the lens array direction is maximized and the conjugate length TC2 at which the MTF is minimized or if it is equal to the conjugate length TC2 at which the MTF is minimized and is set for the conjugate length TC1 at which the MTFave is maximized such that a shift quantity TC( TCo TC1 ) is within 0 mm< TC< 0.2 mm, it is put within a tolerable range within which the decrease of the average value of the MTF is allowed. Therefore, a high fundamental resolving power is sustained and uniformity of resolution in the lens array direction is secured. Accordingly, the optical density non-uniformity is negligible even when the half-tone image is handled. Particularly when the shift quantity TC is set within a range 0.05 mm TC 0.15 mm, the MTFave is high and MTF is low. That is, good results are obtained. FIG. 6 is a graph showing variations of the average value MTFave of the MTF and MTF as measured by using the rod lens array specified on the basis of the simulation. In the measurement, the MTF full width profile at 12 lp/mm is actually measured. Variations of the average value MTFave of the MTF and MTF were obtained on the basis of the MTF full width profile. The MTF is mathematically defined as MTF ( MTFave MTFmin )/ MTFave The MTF takes a minimum value, 10.3 mm, at the position where TC 0.1 mm with respect to the conjugate length TC1 providing the maximal MTFave (10.2 mm). Variations of the average value MTFave of the MTF and MTF of a rod lens array specified as below were calculated. To this end, the optical system shown in FIG. 4 was used. The MTF full width profile at 12 lp/mm was measured for various object-image distances TC. The calculation results are shown in FIG. 7 . Rod lens diameter D: 0.912 mm Conjugate length TC1 providing the maximal MTFave: 15.1 mm Rod lens length Zo: 6.89 mm Angular aperture (maximum incident angle) o: 20 Refractive index no: 1.627 Refractive index distribution coefficient g: 0.5348 The MTF takes a minimum value, 14.9 mm, at the position where TC 0.1 mm with respect to the conjugate length TC1 providing the maximal MTFave ( 14.8 mm). As seen from the foregoing description, in the image forming apparatus of the invention, an actual object-image distance Tco is set between the conjugate length TC1 at which the average value MTFave of the MTF of the rod lens array in the lens array direction is maximized and the conjugate length TC2 at which the MTF is minimized or it is equal to the conjugate length TC2 at which the MTF and is minimized is set for the conjugate length TC1 at which the MTFave is maximized such that a shift quantity TC( TCo TC1 ) is within 0 mm< TC< 02 mm. Accordingly, the average value MTFave is not decreased and the MTF is suppressed. Therefore, the present invention succeeds in providing an image forming apparatus with less variation of the resolution in the longitudinal direction without greatly decreasing the fundamental resolving power. Particularly when the shift quantity TC is set within a range of 0.05 mm TC 0.15 mm, a good characteristic where the average value MTFave and the MTF are well balanced is obtained.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENTS The present invention will now be described more fully with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which embodiments are shown. The invention may, however, be embodied in many different forms and should not be construed as being limited to the embodiments set forth herein; rather, these embodiments are provided so that this disclosure will be thorough and complete, and will fully convey the concept of the invention to those skilled in the art. Like reference numerals in the drawings denote like elements, and thus their description will be omitted. FIG. 2is a block diagram of an apparatus200to compose a web document according to an embodiment. Referring toFIG. 2, the apparatus200includes a generation module210, a composition module220, and an output module230. The generation module210includes a classifier213and an adjuster216. The generation module210generates a plurality of frames by analyzing the source of a web document. A frame is a window with a predetermined size and contains the contents of a web document. In detail, the generation module210searches the source of a web document for tags that divide a web document into one or more paragraphs, and generates a frame by combining a plurality of pieces of information included between a start tag and an end tag that is paired with the start tag. For example, assuming that the tags that divide a web document into paragraphs are defined as “<div>”, the generation module210may generate a frame by combining a plurality of pieces of information included between a start tag “<div>” and an end tag “</div>”. If a subparagraph using a tag “<table>” exists in “<div> . . . </div>”, then the generation module210may generate a frame based on each sub-paragraph. The tags that divide a web document into paragraphs may be defined as “<div>”, “<p>”, “<table>”, etc., according to a language that provides web services, and may be defined as “<div>”, “<p>”, or “<table>”, etc. in advance. The generation module210can determine the title of a frame title based on information included in the frame. For example, the generation module210may define a word or phrase that most frequently appears in information included in a frame as the title of the frame. Alternatively, the generation module210may define a word or phrase that appears first in a start tag as a frame title. The generation module210can determine the title of a frame so that a theme of the corresponding frame can be represented by the frame title. The classifier213analyzes a plurality of pieces of information included in each of the frames generated by the generation module210and classifies the plurality of pieces of information according to their content types. For example, the plurality of pieces of information may be classified into text, dynamic images, and static image. Then, the adjuster216alters at least one of font size, content size, and resolution according to the results of the classification performed by the classifier213. For example, when image size and resolution are reduced, the amount of content that needs to be displayed can be reduced, thus increasing the speed of outputting a web document. The composition module220arranges the frames generated by the generation module210using a predetermined frame arrangement mode. Examples of the predetermined frame arrangement mode include a cascade mode, a thumbnail mode, and a tree mode. The composition module220may arrange the frames generated by the generation module210so that the titles of the corresponding frames can be prevented from overlapping one another. If the composition module220arranges the frames generated by the generation module210as a cascade and a frame is selected from the frame cascade, the composition module220may move the selected frame forward to the top of the frame cascade and move a frame that is previously followed by the selected frame backward to the bottom of the frame cascade so that the selected frame and the frame that is previously followed by the selected frame can become first and last frames, respectively, of the resulting frame cascade. The output module230displays a sequence of frames obtained by the arrangement performed by the composition module220on a screen. The maximum number of frames that can be displayed on the screen is determined according to the size of the screen. If the number of frames obtained by the arrangement performed by the composition module220exceeds the maximum number of frames that can be displayed on the screen, then a number of frames corresponding to the difference between the number of frames obtained by the arrangement performed by the composition module220and the maximum number of frames that can be displayed on the screen may be grouped into one or more tabs, and the tabs may be displayed at a predefined location on the screen. Then, if one of the tabs is selected, the composition module220displays as a cascade a plurality of frames included in the selected tab on the screen with the aid of the output module230. A user can select one of a plurality of frame arrangement modes that are provided by the apparatus200using an apparatus to set a web document arrangement, and this will hereinafter be described in detail with reference toFIG. 3. FIG. 3is a block diagram of an apparatus300to set a web document arrangement according to an embodiment. Referring toFIG. 3, the apparatus300includes a menu providing module310, an arrangement module320, and a display module330. The menu providing module310provides a setting menu to set a frame arrangement mode of arranging on a screen a plurality of frames that are generated through the analysis of a web document. The setting menu may provide a cascade mode, a thumbnail mode, and a tree mode, so a user can select one of the cascade mode, the thumbnail mode, and the tree mode. However, the present embodiment is not restricted to this. In other words, the present embodiment can be applied to various frame arrangement modes other than the cascade mode, the thumbnail mode, and the tree mode. The cascade mode may be set as a default frame arrangement mode. If the number of frames to be displayed on a screen exceeds the maximum number of frames that can be displayed on the screen, then the menu providing module310may provide a setting menu to group a plurality of frames into one or more tabs, which are small windows that can be displayed at a predetermined location on the screen. In other words, if a user selects a menu item ‘tab’ from a setting menu, a number of frames corresponding to the difference between the number of frames to be displayed on the screen and the maximum number of frames that can be displayed on the screen may be grouped into one or more tabs, and the tabs may be displayed on the screen. The arrangement module320arranges the frames generated by the generation module210using a frame arrangement mode that is currently being set. The arrangement module320arranges the frames generated by the generation module210so that the titles of the corresponding frames can be prevented from overlapping one another. The display module330displays a sequence of frames obtained by the arrangement performed by the arrangement module320on the screen. If the menu item ‘tab’ is selected and the number of frames to be displayed on a screen exceeds the maximum number of frames that can be displayed on the screen, then the display module330may group a number of frames corresponding to the difference between the number of frames to be displayed on the screen and the maximum number of frames that can be displayed on the screen into one or more tabs, and the tabs may be displayed at a predefined location on the screen. The menu providing module310, the arrangement module320, and the display module320may be included in the apparatus200illustrated inFIG. 2. In this case, the composition module220of the apparatus200may arrange a plurality of frames according to a frame arrangement mode set by the menu providing module310, and the arrangement module320and the display module330are optional. The term “module”, as used herein, denotes, but is not limited to, a software component, a hardware component, a plurality of software components, a plurality of hardware components, a combination of a software component and a hardware component, a combination of a plurality of software components and a hardware component, a combination of a software component and a plurality of hardware components, or a combination of a plurality of software components and a plurality of hardware components, which performs certain tasks. A module may advantageously be configured to reside on the addressable storage medium/media and configured to execute on one or more processors. Thus, a module may include, by way of example, components, such as software components, application specific software components, object-oriented software components, class components and task components, processes, functions, operations, execution threads, attributes, procedures, subroutines, segments of program code, drivers, firmware, microcode, circuitry, data, databases, data structures, tables, arrays, and variables. The functionality provided for in the components or modules may be combined into fewer components or modules or may be further separated into additional components or modules. Further, the components or modules can operate at least one processor (e.g. central processing unit (CPU)) provided in a device. In addition, examples of a hardware components include an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). As indicated above, a module can also denote a combination of a software component(s) and a hardware component(s). These hardware components may also be one or more processors. The computer readable code/instructions and computer readable medium/media may be those specially designed and constructed for the purposes of embodiments, or they may be of the kind well-known and available to those skilled in the art of computer hardware and/or computer software. FIG. 4is a flowchart illustrating a method of composing a web document according to an embodiment. The method illustrated inFIG. 4may be performed by the apparatus200illustrated inFIG. 2. Referring toFIG. 4, in operation S401, the generation module210generates a plurality of frames by analyzing the source of a web document. Web documents can be created using various Hyper Text Markup Languages (HTMLs). For example, the generation module210may search the source of an HTML web document for a <div> tag, and generate a frame using information included between the identified <div> tag and a </div> tag that is paired with the identified <div> tag. A plurality of pieces of information included in each of the frames generated by the generation module210may be classified according to their content types. Then, content size and resolution may be reduced according to the results of the classification, thereby reducing the amount of content that needs to be displayed. Thereafter, in operation S411, the composition module220arranges the frames generated by the generation module210using a predetermined frame arrangement mode. Examples of the predetermined frame arrangement mode include a cascade mode, a thumbnail mode, and a tree mode. The composition module220may arrange the frames generated by the generation module210so that the titles of the corresponding frames can be prevented from overlapping one another. In operation S421, the output module230displays a sequence of frames obtained by the arrangement performed by the composition module220on a screen. If the number of frames obtained by the arrangement performed by the composition module220exceeds the maximum number of frames that can be displayed on the screen, then the output module230may group a number of frames corresponding to the difference between the number of frames obtained by the arrangement performed by the composition module220and the maximum number of frames that can be displayed on the screen into one or more tabs, and display the tabs at a predefined location on the screen. FIG. 5is a flowchart illustrating the setting of the output of a web document according to an embodiment. The method illustrated inFIG. 5may be performed by the apparatus300illustrated inFIG. 3. Referring toFIG. 5, in operation S501, the menu providing module310provides a setting menu to set a frame arrangement mode of arranging a plurality of frames that are generated through the analysis of the source of a web document on a screen. In operation S511, the arrangement module320arranges the frames according to a predetermined frame arrangement mode set using the setting menu. In operation S521, the display module330displays a sequence of frames obtained by the arrangement performed in operation S511on the screen. FIGS. 6 and 7are diagrams explaining a method of generating a frame of a web document according to an embodiment. Referring toFIG. 6, a web document is generally divided into a plurality of paragraphs602,604, and606having different themes. The source of the web document includes a plurality of tags that divide the web document into the paragraphs602,604, and606, and the generation module210of the apparatus200illustrated inFIG. 2uses the tags to generate a plurality of frames based on the source of the web document. For example, referring toFIG. 7, if the tags that divide the web document into the paragraphs602,604, and606are defined as <table> (702), then the generation module210may generate a frame by combining a plurality of pieces of information included between a start tag <table> and an end tag </table>. The generation module210can determine the title of a frame based on information included in the frame. For example, the generation module210may determine a phrase ‘Favorites’ that follows a tag <tr> (704) as a frame title. Referring toFIG. 6, information included in each frame may include different types of content items608such as text, dynamic images, and static images. The classifier213classifies the content items608according to their types. Then, the adjuster216adjusts the content size and resolution according to the results of the classification performed by the classifier213. For example, size and resolution adjustment may be performed for content items (e.g., images) with the extension ‘jpg’ or ‘gif’, and content items obtained by the size and resolution adjustment may be displayed in a frame as icons that are previously stored in a device. FIGS. 8 and 9are diagrams for explaining examples of the arrangement of frames on a screen according to an embodiment. Referring toFIG. 8, a plurality of frames802are arranged as a cascade so that the titles of the frames802can be prevented from overlapping one another. Thus, a user can easily determine the content and structure of a web document, and easily select a frame of his/her interest from the frame cascade. If the user selects a frame from the frame cascade, then the composition module220of the apparatus200illustrated inFIG. 2may move the selected frame to the top of the frame cascade and move a frame that is previously followed by the selected frame to the bottom of the frame cascade. For example, if the user clicks on a frame806with title3, then a frame808with title2and a frame810with title1may be moved backward to the bottom of the frame cascade, and the frame806and one or more frames that follow the frame806may be moved forward to the top of the frame cascade. Referring toFIG. 8, if a user moves from one frame to another in a direction (A) by clicking a button or using a scroll function, frames that are previously located near the bottom of the frame cascade may be moved forward, and frames that are previously located near the top of the frame cascade may be moved backward, for example. Referring toFIG. 9, a plurality of frames802may be arranged in a thumbnail mode902. Alternatively, the frames802may be arranged in a tree mode904. In detail, in the thumbnail mode902, the frames802may be arranged as blocks having a predefined size, where the predefined block size is determined according to the size of a screen on which the frames802are to be displayed. In the tree mode904, the frames802may be arranged as a tree having of one or more parent frames, each parent frame having one or more child frames. For example, when tags that divide a web document into paragraphs are defined as <table>, a frame901can be generated first based on information included between a start tag <table> and an end tag </table>. If the frame901includes another <table> tag, one or more frames can be generated as child frames903of the frame901based on the <table> tag in the frame901, so that the child frames903belong to a lower level than the frame901. In general, a web document can be divided into paragraphs having different themes, and each of the paragraphs can be divided into sub-paragraphs having sub-themes. Therefore, the tree mode904can enable a user to easily determine the content and structure of web documents and to easily select web documents of his/her interest. According to the present embodiment, a state indicator905may be displayed on the screen in order to indicate whether a frame having one or more child frames is opened or closed. If a user clicks on the state indicator905for a closed frame, the frame may be opened so that the frame and a number of child frames of the frame are displayed as a tree. Referring toFIG. 8, if the number of frames that need to be displayed on a screen exceeds the maximum number of frames that can be displayed on the screen, then a number of frames corresponding to the difference between the number of frames that need to be displayed on the screen and the maximum number of frames that can be displayed on the screen may be grouped into one or more tabs, and the tabs may be displayed on the screen. For example, if the maximum number of frames that can be properly displayed on the screen without overlapping their titles and the number of frames that need to be displayed on the screen is greater than 10, then a number of frames corresponding to the maximum number of frames that can be properly displayed on the screen and the number of frames that need to be displayed on the screen are divided into one or more tabs804, each tab including ten frames. If a user selects one of the tabs804, then a plurality of frames included in the selected tab804may be displayed on the screen as a cascade. As described above, the apparatus and method of composing a web document and the method of setting a web document arrangement according to the present embodiment have the following advantages. First, it possible to effectively display web documents on a limited screen. Second, it is possible to maximize user convenience by appropriately deciding how to arrange web documents. Although a few embodiments have been shown and described, it would be appreciated by those skilled in the art that changes may be made in these embodiments without departing from the principles and spirit of the invention, the scope of which is defined in the claims and their equivalents.
Reference is made to the drawings, wherein there is seen in FIG. 1 an elevational view of a tabletop inserter, designated generally at 210, incorporating an envelope opening apparatus forming an embodiment of the invention and located at insertion station 20. It is to be appreciated that reference is made to the inserter system 210 of FIG. 1 only to show an exemplary environment of implementation for this envelope opening apparatus. Thus, inserter system 210 is not to be understood to be the only environment for use for the envelope opening apparatus as one skilled in the art could readily implement the below described envelope opening apparatus in various inserter systems requiring an envelope opening apparatus or in any mechanism requiring an apparatus for opening envelopes. Therefore, in order not to obscure the description of the envelope opening apparatus, only a simplified description of the inserter system 210 depicted in FIG. 1 will be provided. For a more detailed description, reference is made to EP-A-0 700 794 assigned to the present applicants. With reference to FIG. 1, tabletop inserter 210 generally consists of an upper housing 212 mounted atop a lower housing 214. Upper housing 212 generally includes first and second sheet feeders 216 and 218, and preferably an insert feeder 220. Individual sheets are preferably conveyed from each sheet feeder 216 and 218 into respectively first and second feed paths 222 and 224. The first and second sheet paths 222 and 224 merge with one another at a collation station 226 having first and second collating rollers 229 and 230. The collating station 226 is operative to align the leading edges of first and second sheets being respectively conveyed from the first and second sheets feeders 216 and 218, via the first and second sheet paths 222 and 224, within the nip formed between the collating rollers 229 and 230. Once aligned, the collating rollers 230 and 229 are actuated to simultaneously feed the aligned sheets in a supply path 330 downstream of the collating station 226. These aligned sheets are also known as a "collation". This sheet collation is then conveyed downstream in the supply path 330 to the folding station 300. Like conventional folding stations, the folding station is configured to fold the sheet collation in prescribed configurations, such as C-fold, Z-fold, Half-fold, Double-fold etc. In this constructional example, the folding station 300 comprises a first removable fold plate 302 and a second removable fold plate 304. It also includes a diverter which is operable for diverting a sheet approaching the first fold plate 302 directly to the second fold plate 304. Depending on the setting of the diverter, the type of fold that is made can be selected. After a collation is folded in the folding station 300, the folded collation is then conveyed to the lower housing 214 of the inserter system 210 for further processing. The lower housing 214 of inserter system 210 includes an envelope supply station 240 connecting to insertion station 20. Located at the insertion station is the envelope opening apparatus to be described in detail below. The envelope supply station 240 feeds closed envelopes to the insertion station 20, via envelope feed path 244 preferably. Once received in the insertion station 20 an envelope is opened in preparation for insertion of the aforesaid folded collation being conveyed from the folding station 300. Thus, the folded collation is transported from the folding station 300 to the insertion station 20, via a collation transport path 246 connecting the latter two stations. Preferably the collation transport path 246 includes a pair of conveying rollers 248 and 250 for conveying a folded collation along the transport path 246. The lower housing 214 further includes a sealing station 252 located downstream of the insertion station 20, which sealing station 252 is operative to seal an open envelope received from the insertion station 20. An envelope insertion path connects the insertion station 20 to the sealing station 252. An envelope output path 256 connects to the sealing station 252 and is operative to convey sealed envelopes from the sealing station 252 through an output opening 258 provided in the lower housing 214 of the insertion system 210. After a sealed envelope has exited from the output opening 258, appropriate postage can then be applied for delivery to a recipient. As is conventional, inserter system 210 includes a control system (not shown) for controlling the various components implemented in the inserter system. It is to be appreciated that the control system is to encompass a computer processor driven system. With the general structure of inserter system 210 being described above, a more specific description will now be given regarding the insertion station 20 of the preferred embodiment. There is seen in FIG. 9 the inserting station generally designated 20 for inserting paper documents 22 (see FIG. 14) into a waiting envelope 24a having its front panel 118 underneath, its back panel 116 uppermost, and its flap 64 open, upwardly facing and in a trailing position. The inserting station 20 includes a supporting deck 26 and a pair of envelope feed rollers 28 and 30 for feeding an envelope 24b to the position occupied by the envelope 24a. Downstream of the rollers 28 and 30 are a fixed, upper shaft 32 and a vertically translatable, lower, drive shaft 34. The upper shaft 32 supports four, spaced feed rollers 36, 38, 40 and 42 rotatably secured thereto (see FIGS. 2, 3, 7, 10 and 12) while the lower shaft 34 supports four spaced, cooperating drive rollers 44, 46, 48 and 50 respectively fixedly secured to the drive shaft 34. The shaft 34 is mounted in such manner that the drive rollers 44, 46, 48 and 50 can be raised and lowered selectively. Downstream of the shafts 32 and 34 is a bending roll 52 forming part of, and arranged at one end of, a conveyor 350, the roll 52 comprising individual spaced-apart rollers as shown in FIGS. 5 and 6, and further downstream is vertically translatable envelope stop 54. A pair of pivotable hold-down fingers 60 and 62 (see FIGS. 2, 5 and 9) are situated between the shafts 32 and 34 and above the envelope flap and function, as explained in further detail hereinbelow, to press down on the envelope flap 64 and open the mouth of the envelope. Situated beneath the hold-down fingers 60 and 62 are a pair of flippers 68 and 70 (FIGS. 5 and 9, FIGS. 2 and 3 showing the flippers purely diagrammatically), which cooperate with the fingers 60 and 62 respectively to effect the opening of the mouth of the envelope 24a as explained in further detail hereinbelow. As best shown in FIG. 4 for flipper 68, each flipper is made from a piece of strip-like metal having a pair of downwardly bent side lugs 68a, 68b, through which a pivot shaft 400, held in suitable supports 112, 114, (FIG. 10) located slightly inside the outside edges of the envelope and under the envelope flap 64, passes to enable the flipper to pivot about the axis of shaft 400, against the return bias of torsion spring 401, between a normally inoperative position shown in FIGS. 5 and 10 and an operative position shown in FIGS. 6 and 11 in which the envelope throat is opened. The flipper 68 has an inboard leg 68c that is located inwardly of the pivot axis of the flipper and an outboard leg 68d that is located outwardly of the pivot axis. The inboard leg carries a gripping pad 402 at its inner end whose function is described below. This pad, as shown in FIG. 10, is mounted on an offset angled end portion of the flipper at its inboard end, so that a step 68e is formed adjacent the inner end of the inboard leg 68c. Preferably, the pad 402 is made of polyurethane. The flipper 70 is correspondingly constructed and its step is shown at 70e in FIG. 10. The paper documents 22 which are to 5 are to be inserted into the waiting envelope 24a are fed by upstream feed apparatus (not shown), such as folding rollers along a chute 72 toward a pair of insert feed rollers 74 and 76 which continue to feed the documents 22 through the opening between the upper rollers 36, 38, 40 and 42 and the lower rollers 44, 46, 48 and 50, which latter are lowered at this time. The momentum given the documents 22 by the feed rollers 36, 38, 40 and 42, due to a leaf spring diagrammatically shown at 190 urging the documents from below against these feed rollers, conveys the documents 22 into the waiting envelope 24a. The insert station 20 further includes a pair of pivotable support arms 80 which rotatably support, at their lower ends, a rotatable shaft 82. A pair of opening horns 84 and 86 are fixedly secured to the laterally extending shaft 82. At the opposite ends of the shaft 82 are a pair of link members 83 each fixedly secured at one end to the shaft 82 and at the other end rotatably secured to a pin 85. Each of the pins 85 travels in groove 88 of a guide member 90 fixedly secured to a bracket 93 (see FIG. 4). The major portion of the groove 88 consists of a straight slot section 92 at its upstream end, while the minor portion of the groove 88 concludes at its downstream end with an angled slot section 94 whose axis is oriented at an angle of about 50 to 70 degrees with the axis of the straight slot section 92. The purpose of the angled slot section 94 will be discussed in greater detail hereinbelow. The operation of the insertion station 20 will now be described. The envelope feed rollers 28 and 30 cooperate to feed an envelope from the position occupied by envelope 24b (see FIG. 9) to the position occupied by envelope 24a against the envelope stop 54 in the down position. The drive rollers 44, 46, 48 and 50 are lowered from the feed rollers 36, 38, 40 and 42 respectively, just before the envelope strikes the stop 54. The hold-down fingers 60 and 62 are in a raised position to allow the envelope to pass thereunder, and the flippers 68 and 70 are in a position where their interior ends respectively are raised. The waiting envelope at the insertion station is supported in a substantially horizontal orientation on the upper surface of conveyor 350. Once the envelope has reached the position of the envelope 24a, the hold-down fingers 60 and 62 are rotated downward to the positions seen in FIGS. 6, 11 and 12 against the flippers 68 and 70 respectively, which are thereby caused to pivot against the bias of their torsion springs and pucker the envelope 24a, i.e. the envelope front panel 118 (address bearing panel) is separated from the back panel 116 (see FIG. 11). In this way, the flap 64 is forced downward and the envelope 24a is puckered, causing it to open. It is to be noted that the envelope is opened by the combined action of firstly the step-like deformation to the envelope flap produced by the interaction between the flipper steps 68e, 70e and the hold-down fingers 60, 62, and secondly the deflection to the portion of the envelope flap located outboard of the corresponding finger 60,62 and in contact with the inboard and outboard legs (68c, 68d of flipper 68), resulting from the pivoting of the flippers 68, 70 (FIG. 12). In this way, the envelope can reliably be opened without reverse throating of the envelope. It is further to be noted that the hold-down fingers 60, 62 press the envelope flap 64a downwardly against the upper surfaces of drive rollers 44, 46, 48, 50, as shown in FIGS. 11 and 12, so as to arch the front panel of the envelope downwardly, across the upper surface of bending roll 52. This arching helps to ensure that the front and rear envelope panels separate and that the rear panel pops upwardly rather than downwardly. Additional separation of the envelope panels 116 and 118 is effected by the opening horns 84 and 86. Once the envelope panels 116 and 118 attain the position seen if FIG. 7, the pivotable supports 80 are rotated about 38 degrees counter-clockwise by a rack 120 and pinion gear 122 from the position seen in FIG. 11 to the position seen in FIG. 14. The counter-clockwise rotation of the supports 80 causes the shaft 82 to move the link members 83 counter-clockwise which drives the pins 85 down the grooves 88 in the straight slot sections 92 and then up into the angled slot sections 94. The result of the pins 85 traversing the full length of the grooves 88 is that the shaft 82 follows the pins 85 without rotating on its own axis while the pins 85 are in the straight slot sections 92, but when the pins 85 enter the angled slot sections 94 the shaft 82 is caused to rotate about its own axis counter-clockwise. Since the opening horns 84 and 86 are fixedly secured to the shaft 82, the horns 84 and 86 are caused to rotate counter-clockwise about the axis of the shaft 82, as seen in FIG. 13. The result of the rotation of the horns 84 and 86 on the back panel 116 is seen in FIG. 14, i.e. the back panel 116 is raised further upwardly to virtually guarantee that the enclosure documents 22 have free entry into the envelope 24a. The path of travel of the horns 84 and 86 causes the horns 84 and 86 to be dropped onto the open flap 64. The first contact point is before the smallest throat of the smallest envelope to be handled. The horns 84 and 86 then are caused to slide down the inside back surface of the envelope, i.e. the flap 64 and the front panel 118, until the horns 84 and 86 have passed beyond the deepest throat opening to be handled. The horns 84 and 86 are then caused to be raised until the envelope 24a is positively opened, as seen in FIG. 14. While the envelope 24a is being opened as described hereinabove, the enclosure documents 22 are being fed along the chute 72 toward the insert feed rollers 74 and 76 which convey the documents 22 to the feed rollers 36, 38, 40 and 42. The leaf spring 190 holds the enclosure documents 22 in driving contact with the upper feed rollers 36, 38, 40 and 42, the lower drive rollers 44, 46, 48 and 50 being in their lowered position. Accordingly, the feed rollers 36, 38, 40 and 42 convey the enclosure documents 22 into the waiting envelope 24a, as seen in FIG. 15. The time for this insertion process to occur is approximately 400 to 500 milliseconds. The inboard friction pads on the flippers prevents the back panel of the envelope being pushed forward as the enclosure documents 22 are driven into the waiting envelope. The horns 84 and 86 are shaped so that they will pass under the shaft 32 on the outside of the rollers 36 and 42 (see FIG. 7), but close enough to the rollers 36 and 42 to be inside the smallest envelope to be handled. If desired, a third horn could be located on the centerline between the rollers 38 and 40. Although the foregoing description shows a pair of pivotable supports 80 and associated linkage to the shaft 82, the envelope opening apparatus can function well with only a single support 80, a single link member 83, a single pin 85 and a single groove 88. Once the envelope 24a has been filled with the documents 22, as seen in FIG. 11, the vertically translatable envelope stop 54 is caused to be raised (by means not shown). At the same time, both the hold down fingers and the lower rollers 44, 46, 48 and 50 are raised to release the filled envelope, which is transported from the insertion station 20 along the upper surface of the conveyor 350 to exit the inserter into a collection bin or the like, diagrammatically shown at 259 in FIG. 1. It should be understood by those skilled in the art that various modifications may be made in the present invention without departing from the spirit and scope thereof, as described in the specification and defined in the appended claims. For example, whilst reference is made hereinabove to stuffing an envelope with a collation, it will be appreciated that the inserter is versatile in operation and can be set so as to feed a single sheet, or a plurality of sheets, with or without folding, in each case with or without one or more inserts. Alternatively, the inserter can be used to place other documents, such as an insert or plurality of inserts only within the envelope.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT As illustrated in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2, a motorcycle 10 having a front wheel 12 and a rear wheel 14 is provided with a fairing 16 that gives the motorcycle a streamlined appearance and enhances the movement of the motorcycle through an airstream. Fairing 16 includes a left body portion 18 and right body portion 20. Each of body portions 18 and 20 is provided with a forward segment 22, a rear segment 24 and a leg receiving recess 26 disposed between forward segment 22 and rear segment 24. Leg receiving recess 26 is of a depth such that the leg 28 of rider 30 will not protrude beyond the curved surface defined by forward segment 22 and rear segment 24. Body portions 18 and 20 define a cavity 32 in which the engine 34, battery 36 and oil tank 38 are disposed. The cooling of engine 34 is accomplished by introducing on-rushing air through an air inlet port 40 disposed between forward segments 22. As the air enters inlet port 40, its progress is directed by deflecting means 42 in the form of a pair of surfaces 44 and 46 that extend rearwardly from the left and right edges of inlet port 40. The on-rushing air is allowed to exit cavity 32 through a series of air outlet ports 48 disposed at the rear of forward segments 22 at a point immediately adjacent leg recesses 26. Outlet ports 48 may have a number of different configurations. For example, in FIGS. 1 and 2 outlet ports 48 are in the form of a plurality of vertically arrayed slots 50 that have a slightly raised lip 52 at the forward edge of the slot. In FIG. 4, outlet ports 48 are in the form of vortex generators 54. The sectional view of FIG. 5 shows that vortex generator 54 comprises a recess 56 within the surface of forward segment 22. Recess 56 is provided with a forward wall 58 which has an opening 60 communicating with cavity 32. Sidewall 62 of recess 56 tapers outwardly from front to rear toward forward segment surface 22 while upper and lower edges 64 and 66 respectively of recess 56 converge toward each other along a line from the front to the rear of the recess. Outlet ports 48 are disposed in a vertical array that substantially parallels the longitudinal axis of elongated leg recess 26 which is disposed at an angle such that the upper portion of leg recess 26 is disposed forwardly of the bottom portion of leg recess 26. FIG. 3 illustrates an alternate embodiment of the invention in which a streamlined luggage carrier forms rear cowling segment 24 and the width of leg recess 26 is expanded to accomodate the legs of a pair of riders. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 3, air entering inlet port 40 is directed across a radiator 70 that forms a part of the cooling system and outlet port 48 is in the form of an elongated slot 72 located adjacent leg recess 26. The embodiment of FIG. 3 is of the type utilized on a touring motorcycle. As seen in FIG. 2, the disposition of air outlet ports 48 at a point substantially adjacent the leading edge of leg recess 26 allows the air exiting cavity 32 to become part of and contribute to the laminar air flow along fairing 16 and across leg recess 26. Thus, the ducting of air into and out of cavity 32 at a point adjacent the leg recesses enhances the laminar flow of air around the motorcycle and eliminates the turbulence typically caused by leg recesses in the fairing. Various modes of carrying out the invention are contemplated as being within the scope of the following claims particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which is regarded as the invention.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Throughout the following detailed description similar reference characters refer to similar elements in all figures of the drawings. The present invention is directed to a sensing apparatus10for detecting an interface defined between a first material M1and a second material M2disposed in a stratified manner in a volume of materials. The first material M1has a first dielectric loss factor and the second material M2has a second, different, dielectric loss factor. Either of the materials could be a liquid or a granular or pelletized solid. The sensing apparatus10comprises a length of transmission line20having an inner conductor30surrounded by a dielectric material32and at least one shielding conductor34. A predetermined number of sublengths36-1,36-2, . . . ,36-M of the inner conductor30are exposed along the length of the coaxial transmission line20. Adjacent sublengths36-1,36-2, . . . ,36-M of the exposed inner conductor30are separated by shielded sublengths38-1,38-2, . . . ,38-N. The numbers M and N may be equal or may differ by no more than one. The term “exposed” is used throughout this application to convey the concept that the sublength of inner conductor can interact electromagnetically with the surrounding material. In the embodiments ofFIGS. 1 and 5the transmission line20is substantially straight, while inFIG. 4the transmission line20is helical. InFIGS. 1,2A-2C,3and4the transmission line20is coaxial. In FIGS.5and6A-6C the transmission line20is a planar (e.g., stripline) transmission line. In the embodiment of FIGS.1and2A-2C the sublengths36of exposed inner conductor30are collinear with the shielded sublengths38.FIG. 2Aillustrates a sectional view through a shielded sublength38.FIGS. 2B and 2Cshow alternative arrangements wherein the exposed sublengths36are created by removing part of the shielding conductor34from the inner conductor30. InFIG. 2Bthe inner conductor30remains mechanically surrounded by the dielectric material32, while inFIG. 2Ca portion of the dielectric material32has been removed to mechanically reveal the inner conductor30. In both instances the inner conductor30is exposed electromagnetically. As shown by reference characters36L-1and36L-2inFIG. 3the exposed sublengths36may be looped in form. The loop36L-1is a single turn loop while the loop36L-2is a multi-turn loop. The sensitivity of the exposed loops to the dielectric loss factor of the material into which the sensing apparatus is inserted increases with the number of turns of the loop. The transmission line20may be formed into a helix as shown inFIG. 4. The helical embodiment has the advantage of exposing more sublengths36of inner conductor30to the materials M1or M2for a given depth of insertion of the sensing apparatus. FIGS. 5 and 6show a planar form transmission line120in accordance with the present invention. The planar transmission line120has an inner conductor130surrounded by a dielectric material132. The dielectric material132is sandwiched between a first shielding conductor layer134A and a second shielding conductor layer134B. A predetermined number of sublengths136-1,136-2, . . . ,136-M of the inner conductor130are exposed along the length of the planar transmission line120. Adjacent sublengths136-1,136-2, . . . ,136-M of the exposed inner conductor130are separated by shielded sublengths138-1,138-2, . . . ,138-N. Again, the numbers M and N may be equal or may differ by no more than one. In the embodiment of FIGS.5and6A-6C the sublengths136of exposed inner conductor130are collinear with the shielded sublengths138. The exposed sublengths136may be created by removing all (FIG. 6B) or part (FIG. 6C) of the shielding conductor134A from the inner conductor130. In addition, that part of the second shielding conductor134B indicated by the reference character134R (inFIGS. 6B,6C) may also be removed. InFIGS. 6B and 6Cthe inner conductor130remains mechanically surrounded by the dielectric material132, although it should be understood that a portion of dielectric material132may been removed to mechanically reveal the inner conductor130. It should be understood that a planar transmission line130may be implemented in a looped structure equivalent to that ofFIG. 3or a helical structure equivalent to that of FIG.4. -o-O-o- As shown inFIG. 7, in accordance with a first embodiment of a method of the present invention, sensing apparatus10/110(FIG. 1,3,4, or5) is excited by a radio frequency signal S at a predetermined amplitude and is inserted a predetermined total distance D into the volume V. (For economy of illustration the sensing apparatus of onlyFIG. 1is illustrated). The distance D must be at least sufficient to pass through the interface between the materials M1, M2. As shown the distance D may conveniently be selected to be substantially equal, but just less than, the depth of the volume V. As shown, the sensing apparatus10/110is disposed a distance D1into material M1and a distance D2into material M2. For purposes of illustrationFIG. 7shows the lengths of the exposed sublengths36/136and the shielded sublengths38/138are shown as being equal. However, it should be understood that the lengths of exposed sublengths36/136and shielded sublengths38/138may be selected to be either equal or different in accordance with the expected dielectric loss of the materials M1, M2, the overall depth of the volume of materials M1, M2, and the desired precision for determining the location of the interface. In a typical arrangement the number of the exposed sublengths36/136and the number of the shielded sublengths38/138may range from about two to about twenty. A signal S from a radio frequency source F propagates down the sensing apparatus10/110into the volume V. The signal S is attenuated at each exposed sublength36/136in accordance with the dielectric loss factor L1and dielectric loss factor L2of the respective materials M1, M2into which the particular exposed sublength36/136is disposed. Each exposed sublength36/136is separated by shielded sublengths38/138. Since the inner conductor30/130is not exposed to the materials M1or M2in the shielded sublengths38/138, there is substantially no loss as the signal S passes through these shielded sublengths. FIG. 8is a plot showing the attenuation A of a radio frequency signal S passing though the sensing apparatus10/110as a function of the position of the interface (i.e., the distance of the interface from the top of the volume) between the first and second materials M1, M2. The total attenuation A in amplitude of the radio frequency signal S is the sum of the attenuation in the first material M1plus the attenuation in the second material M2. The attenuation in the first material M1is proportional to the total number of exposed sublengths36/136, i.e., the number of lengths of the inner conductor30/130, exposed to the first material M1. The attenuation in the second material M2is proportional to the total number of exposed sublengths36/136, i.e., the number of lengths of the inner conductor30/130, exposed to the second material M2. The attenuation A thereby provides an indication as to the location of the interface between the first material M1and the second material M2. As may be determined from inspection ofFIG. 8, the loss factor L2of the second material M2is greater than the loss factor L1of the first material M1as evidenced by the greater change in attenuation per exposed sublength at the left of the plot (Region I). The sloped portions of the plot represent distance ranges where the position of the interface is adjacent to an exposed sublength36/136. The level portions of the plot represent distance ranges where the position of the interface is adjacent to a shielded sublength38/138. As is described in conjunction withFIG. 7the lengths of exposed sublengths36/136are equal to the lengths of the shielded sublengths38/138, as evidenced by the equal distance ranges along the x-axis of the sloped and level portions of the plot. -o-O-o- As shown inFIGS. 9A and 9B, in accordance with a second embodiment of a method of the present invention, the sensing apparatus10/110(FIGS.1/5) is excited by a radio frequency signal S from a radio frequency source at a predetermined amplitude. The sensing apparatus10/110is inserted progressively into the volume V, as is apparent from a comparison of the insertion distances inFIGS. 9A and 9B. The signal S propagates down the sensing apparatus10/110into the volume V. The signal S is attenuated at each exposed sublength36/136in accordance with the dielectric loss factor L1and dielectric loss factor L2of the respective material M1or M2in which each particular exposed sublength36/136is disposed. Each exposed sublength36/136is separated by shielded sublengths38/138. Since the inner conductor30/130of the shielded sublengths38/138is not exposed to the material M1or M2, there is substantially no loss as the signal S passes through these sublengths. As seen fromFIG. 9A, as the length of sensing apparatus10/110is progressively inserted into the material M1, the attenuation A in amplitude of the radio frequency signal S is proportional to the number of exposed sublengths36/136(i.e., the total length of the inner conductor30/130) exposed to the dielectric loss created by the first material M1(Region I of the plot ofFIG. 10). As seen fromFIG. 9B, as the length of transmission line20/120is progressively inserted through the material M1into the material M2, the attenuation A in amplitude of the radio frequency signal S further increases in proportion to the additional number of exposed sublengths36/136(i.e., the total length of the inner conductor30/130) exposed to the dielectric losses created by the second material M2(Region II of the plot ofFIG. 10.) FIG. 10shows a plot of attenuation along the Y-axis relative to the insertion depth of the sensing apparatus along the X-axis. Region I represents the sensing apparatus10/110being inserted into a first material M1, while Region II represents the sensing apparatus10/110being inserted in a second material M2. It can be seen that the attenuation increases as the insertion depth increases. As the first exposed sublength36/136is inserted into the first material M1a first distance range “a” is defined in which the attenuation increases at a substantial rate. The slope of the plot in the first distance range “a” is indicative of the loss factor L1of the first material M1. The length of the first distance range “a” along the x-axis equals the length of the first exposed sublength36/136. As the sensing apparatus is further inserted the first shielded sublength38/138is introduced into the first material M1. This occurrence defines a second distance range “b” in which the attenuation has substantially no change. The length of the second distance range “b” along the X-axis equals the length of the shielded sublength38/138. As each additional exposed sublength36/136is inserted into the material M1additional first distance ranges “a” are defined (in which the attenuation increases at a substantial rate). Similarly, as each additional shielded sublength38/138enters the material M1additional second distance ranges “b” (in which the attenuation has substantially no change) are defined. As illustrated in Region II, as the first exposed sublength36/136enters the second material M2another first distance range “a” (in which the attenuation increases at a substantial rate) is defined. Note, however, that owing to the difference in dielectric loss factor L2in material M2the rate of change of attenuation in this first distance range “a” in the material M2is different from the rate of change of attenuation in first distance ranges “a” in the first material M1. As the first shielded sublength38/138enters the second material M2another second distance range “b” is defined in which the attenuation has substantially no change. As seen fromFIG. 10an interface between the first material M1and the second material M2may be detected by comparing the rates of change of attenuation in adjacent first distance ranges “a” and identifying that position along the depth axis at which the rates of change are different. Note that the loss factor L2of the second material M2is illustrated to be greater than the loss factor L1of the first material M1. It should be appreciated that the reverse could be true. Note also, that for purposes of illustration the lengths of the exposed sublengths36/136and the shielded sublengths38/138as being equal. As was discussed in conjunction withFIG. 7, it should be understood that the lengths of exposed sublengths36/136and shielded sublengths38/138may be selected to be either equal or different in accordance with the expected dielectric loss of the materials M1, M2, the overall depth of the volume of materials M1, M2, and the desired precision for determining the location of the interface. -o-O-o- The method in accordance with the second embodiment of the present invention may also be practiced using a modified sensing apparatus as illustrated inFIGS. 11A and 11B. The sensing apparatus210shown inFIG. 11Ais disclosed and claimed in copending application Ser. No. 60/531,034, filed Dec. 18, 2003 and assigned to the assignee of the present invention (CL-2470), while the sensing apparatus310shown inFIG. 11Bis disclosed and claimed in copending application Ser. No. 60/531,031, filed Dec. 18, 2003 and also assigned to the assignee of the present invention (CL-2469). In each case the sensing apparatus210(FIG. 11A) or310(FIG. 11B) comprises a length of transmission line220/320having an inner conductor230/330surrounded by a dielectric material232/332and at least one shielding conductor234/334. Only a single sublength236/336of the inner conductor230/330is exposed at the distal end of the shielded sublength238/338of the respective transmission line220/320. InFIG. 11Athe single exposed sublength236takes the form of monopole sensing element while inFIG. 11Bthe single exposed sublength336takes the form of looped sensing element. The sensing apparatus shown inFIG. 11Aor11B may be used to practice the second embodiment of the method of the present invention in a manner similar to that discussed in connection withFIGS. 9A,9B. InFIGS. 12A,12B only the sensing apparatus210ofFIG. 11Ais shown. As the sensing apparatus210/320is progressively inserted into the material M1(FIG. 12A) a first distance range “a” is defined in which the attenuation increases at a substantial rate. This is graphically illustrated in Region I of the plot ofFIG. 13. The attenuation increases until the full length of the single exposed sublength336is immersed in material M1, at which time the attenuation reaches level A1. As long as the single sublength336is within material M1further insertion results in no further change in attenuation. As illustrated in Region II ofFIG. 13this serves to define a second distance range “b” in which the attenuation has substantially no change. When the single exposed sublength236/336passes into the material M2(FIG. 12B) the change in attenuation resumes, thus defining another distance range “a” (Region III ofFIG. 13). Assuming the loss factor L2in the material M2is greater than the loss factor L1in the material M1, attenuation increases to reach the level A2when the exposed sublength236/336is fully immersed in material M2. From that point on further insertion of the exposed sublength236/336produces no further increase in attenuation (i.e., another distance range “b”). The attenuation is monitored as a function of insertion distance to detect first and second distance ranges “a” and “b”. An interface between materials is denoted by a transition from a second distance range “b” to a first distance “a”. -o-O-o- In order to practice any of the methods of the present invention it is necessary that an electronics module E (shown inFIGS. 7,9A,9B,12A and12B) be associated with the appropriate sensing apparatus for the method under discussion. The combination of the sensing apparatus and the electronics module E defines a useful system for detecting an interface defined between a first material and a second material disposed in a stratified manner in a volume of materials. The electronics module E includes a source F of a radio frequency signal S and a receiver R. A directional coupler G couples the source F to the sensing apparatus and the sensing apparatus to the receiver R. A detection network N is associated with the receiver R for determining the attenuation of the signal arriving at the receiver R. One or more optional capacitor(s) C and/or inductor(s) L aid(s) in increasing the sensitivity of the sensing apparatus by matching the impedance of the source F to the transmission line of the sensing apparatus. The transmission line may extend so that it spaces the electronics module E from any hostile environment in which the sensing apparatus might be placed, while transmitting the radio frequency signal S faithfully between the sensing apparatus and the electronics module E. Those skilled in the art, having the benefit of the teachings hereinabove set forth, may impart numerous modifications thereto. Such modifications are to be construed as lying within the scope of the present invention, as defined by the appended claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT As shown in FIG. 1, a mobile vehicular apparatus according to the present invention is particularly constructed to handle electric cables or wires supported on poles. The mobile vehicular apparatus includes a mobile vehicle 1 having a driver's cabin 1a and a vehicle body 1b. The vehicle body 1b supports a turntable 2 on which there is mounted a telescopic boom 3 which is upwardly extensible and downwardly collapsible by a cylinder 4. The telescopic boom 3 comprises three boom members 3a, 3b, 3c. The boom member 3c at the distal end of the boom 3 supports an operator's cabin 10 through a support 5 which can be vertically and horizontally swung with respect to the boom 3, so that the cabin 10 can be held horizontally at all times irrespective of whether the boom 3 is moved upwardly or downwardly and can also be angularly moved back and forth and laterally through 360.degree. with respect to the boom 3. The vehicle body 1b has four outriggers 8 at four corners, i.e., front left, front right, rear left, and rear right corners, the outriggers 8 projecting laterally and can be extended downwardly into contact with ground. When in operation, the outriggers 8 are forcibly extended downwardly to support the vehicle body 1b. Two manipulators 15 are mounted on the front side of the cabin 10. The manipulators 15 can be operated by the operator who sits in the cabin 10. A lifter 20 extends from the rear side of the cabin 10 in overhanging relation to the cabin 10 and the manipulators 15. The cabin 10 has a rear wall 11 with a vertically extending recess 12 which is located centrally in the horizontal direction of the rear wall 11. The lifter 20 can be stored in the recess 12 when it is collapsed, as shown in FIGS. 3 and 4. As shown in FIG. 2, the lifter 20 comprises a frame 21 vertically disposed in the recess 12 and rotatably mounted behind the cabin 10 around a vertical axis, a subboom 22 angularly movably mounted on the upper end of the frame 21, the subboom 22 being positionable in the frame 21 when stored and positionable over the cabin 10 when in operation, a turning unit 23 for turning the subboom 22 with respect to the frame 21, an arm 24 bendably pivoted to the distal end of the subboom 22 and collapsible in underlying relation to the subboom 22 when stored, and a cylinder 25 having opposite ends pivotally connected to the subboom 22 and the arm 24, for folding the arm 24 with respect to the subboom 22. The turning unit 23 comprises a sprocket 23b by which the subboom 22 is pivotally connected to the frame 21 and which is mounted on one end of the pivot shaft 23a so as to rotate with the subboom 22, a chain 23c trained around the sprocket 23b, and a pair of cylinders 26a, 26b having ends coupled to the opposite ends of the chain 23c and other ends pivotally joined to the frame 21, the cylinders 26a, 26b being operable in complementary relation. When the cylinders 26a, 26b are actuated, the subboom 22 is angularly moved in the directions indicated by the arrows A. The frame 21 is angularly movable about a vertical axis C with respect to the cabin 10. Specifically, the frame 21 can be turned about the vertical axis C in the directions indicated by the arrows B by a cylinder 27 whose opposite ends are pivotally connected to the lower end of the frame 21 and the cabin 10, respectively. The lifter 20 serves to lift an object such as a transformer to be installed on a pole. On the arm 24, there are mounted a winch 28a, a rope 28b that can be wound on and unwound from the winch 28a, and a sheave 28c on which the rope 28b is trained. A hook 28d is attached to the tip end of the rope 28b. The lifter 20 is also capable of gripping an electric wire W. To this end, a gripper 30 is mounted on the tip end of the arm 24. As shown in FIG. 5 at an enlarged scale, the gripper 30 comprises two jaws 33 which can be opened and closed by an actuator 32 housed in a base 31 that is coupled to the arm 24. Operation of the mobile vehicular apparatus thus constructed will be described below. As described above, the lifter 20 has its proximal end disposed behind the cabin 10 and its distal end portion extending in overhanging relation to the manipulators 15 in operation, with the gripper 30 mounted on the tip end of the lifter 20. When the manipulators 15 are to be operated by the operator in the cabin 10 to cut off an electric wire W, a suitable portion P of the electric wire W is first gripped by the gripper 30. Thereafter, the manipulators 15 are operated so that the righthand manipulator 15 grips the electric wire W at a position S and the lefthand manipulator 15 cuts off the electric wire at a position C between the positions P, S with a cutter held by the lefthand manipulator 15. Heretofore, it has been customary practice to grip the electric wire W with the righthand manipulator 15 and cut off the electric wire W with the lefthand manipulator 15. One end of the electric wire W gripped by the righthand manipulator 15 does not fall after it is cut off since the end is held by the righthand manipulator 15. However, the other end of the electric wire W as it is cut off falls off because it is not held by the manipulators 15. Accordingly, it has been necessary and laborious to treat the electric wire W which has fallen. With the arrangement of the present invention, however, one end of the electric wire W is gripped by one of the manipulators 15 and the other end of the electric wire W is gripped by the gripper 30, while the electric wire W is being cut off by the other manipulator 15. Consequently, the both ends of the electric wire W as it is cut off do not fall, and the cut electric wire W can easily be handled. When ends of an electric wire W are to be spliced, since one end of the electric wire can be gripped by the gripper 30, the electric wire ends can easily be spliced together as either one of the electric wire ends is prevented from swinging. The gripper 30 can be opened and closed by the actuator 32 which comprises a hydraulic cylinder. A hydraulic pressure circuit for controlling the operation of the actuator 32 is shown in FIG. 6. Now, the hydraulic pressure circuit shown in FIG. 6 will be described below. As shown in FIG. 6, a hydraulic pump 50, which is actuated by the engine (not shown) of the mobile vehicle 1, has an outlet oil passage 61 connected to a first pressure regulating valve 51 which keeps the hydraulic pressure in the outlet oil passage 61 at a predetermined level. The outlet oil passage 61 is also connected to a solenoid-operated directional control valve 52 to which two oil passages 62, 63 are connected. The oil passage 62 is connected to a control valve (not shown) for controlling another actuator, and the oil passage 63 is connected to a solenoid-operated directional control valve 54. Normally, the solenoid-operated directional control valve 52 connects the oil passage 62 to the outlet oil passage 61 of the hydraulic pump 50. When the solenoid of the valve 52 is energized, the valve 52 is shifted over to connect the oil passage 63 to the outlet oil passage 61. The solenoid-operated directional control valves 52, 54 are connected to each other through the oil passage 63, which has a priority valve 53 that always supplies oil under pressure at a constant rate to the solenoid-operated directional control valve 54. The solenoid-operated directional control valve 54 is connected to extension and contraction oil chambers in the actuator (hydraulic cylinder) 32 which opens and closes the gripper 30, through oil passages 64, 65. The solenoids of the valve 52, 54 are electrically connected to a control unit 55 which controls the opening and closing of the gripper 30. When the control unit 55 is operated on, the solenoid-operated directional control valves 54, 52 are shifted over to supply oil under pressure from the hydraulic pump 50 to the hydraulic actuator 32. The priority valve 53 comprises an orifice 53a and a second pressure regulating valve 53b. When oil under pressure from the hydraulic pump 50 is supplied to the oil passage 63 through a port "a" of the solenoid-operated directional control valve 52, the priority valve 53 always supplies, with priority, the oil from the oil passage 63 to the solenoid-operated directional control valve 54. The gripper 30 is controlled in operation when the operator in the cabin 10 operates on the control unit 55 that is mounted in the cabin 10. To actuate the gripper 30, the control unit 55 is operated on to apply an operation signal to energize the solenoid of the solenoid-operated directional control valve 52, thereby connecting the outlet oil passage 61 through the port "a" to the priority valve 53 in the oil passage 63. Therefore, oil under pressure from the hydraulic pump 50 is supplied through the priority valve 53 at a constant rate to the solenoid-operated directional control valve 54. The hydraulic pressure in the oil passage 63 at this time is regulated by the second pressure regulating valve 53b. The control unit 55 is also operated on to apply an operation signal to selectively energize the two solenoids of the solenoid-operated directional control valve 54, which is then shifted to the left or the right. The oil under pressure supplied from the priority valve 53 through the oil passage 63 is supplied through the valve 54 to the hydraulic actuator 32, thus extending or contracting the hydraulic actuator 32. Now, the two jaws 32 of the gripper 30 are opened or closed by the hydraulic actuator 32. Therefore, the electric wire W or the like can be gripped by the jaws 32 of the gripper 30. Insofar as the control unit 55 is continuously operated on to keep the solenoid-operated directional control valve 54 shifted to the left or the right, the solenoid-operated directional control valve 52 is also kept in the shifted position "a". Therefore, the outlet oil passage 61 of the hydraulic pump 50 and the oil passage 63 remain connected to each other, and the oil under pressure from the hydraulic pump 50 is continuously supplied at a constant rate through the priority valve 53 to the hydraulic actuator 32. Therefore, the gripper 30 maintains its gripping forces on the electric wire W. When the gripper 30 is not used the control unit 55 is not operated on. Accordingly, the solenoid-operated directional control valves 54, 52 are held in the illustrated position, and the outlet oil passage 61 and the oil passage 62 are connected to each other, so that oil under pressure from the hydraulic pump 50 is supplied to the control valve which controls the other actuator. In the above embodiment, as long as the control unit 55 is continuously operated on, the solenoid-operated directional control valve 54, 52 are kept in the shifted position, and the oil under pressure from the hydraulic pump 50 is continuously supplied at a constant rate through the priority valve 53 to the hydraulic actuator 32. However, the control unit 55 may be operated on to enable the solenoid-operated directional control valves 54, 52 to remain shifted by themselves. The lifter 20 is extended and collapsed as follows; When the lifter 20 is to be used, the cylinder 26a of the turning unit 23 is extended and the cylinder 26b thereof is contracted to displace the chain 23c to the lefthand side, thereby rotating the sprocket 23b counter-clockwise (FIG. 2) on which the chain 23c is trained. The subboom 22 is now turned from the imaginary position to the solid-line position in overhanging relation to the cabin 10 and the manipulators 15. At the same time, the cylinder 25 operatively coupled between the subboom 22 and the arm 24 extended to extend the arm 24 from the collapsed position below the subboom 22 until the tip end of the arm 24 is positioned ahead of the manipulators 15. The lifter 20 is now ready for operation. When the lifter 20 is to be stored in the recess 12, the cylinder 26a is contracted and the cylinder 26b is extended thereby to displace the chain 23c to the right, so that the sprocket 23b with the chain 23c trained therearound is rotated clockwise (FIG. 2). The subboom 22 is now turned to the right into a position behind the cabin 10. Simultaneously, the cylinder 25 acting between the subboom 22 and the arm 24 is contracted to collapse the arm 24 toward the subboom 22. The lifter 20 is now placed in the recess 12. While the mobile vehicular apparatus according to the present invention has been described as being used to handle electric cables or wires supported on posts, it may be used in other applications involving higher work locations and requiring the lifter and manipulators to move in three dimensions. Although a certain preferred embodiment has been shown and described, it should be understood that many changes and modifications may be made therein without departing from the scope of the appended claims.
FIG. 1 shows a first strip of separator material 2 positioned over and rotated 90.degree. on a second strip of separation material 4 so that overlapping occurs only in area 6. Deposited between separator 2 and separator 4 in area 6 is an electrically insulating barrier layer 8. As shown in FIG. 2, when projecting the separator strips into a circular cavity of a cathode lined container, walls 10 and 12 of strip 2 would be bent normal to area 6 forming a circular configuration. Walls 14 and 16 would also be bent normal to area 6 and encircle walls 10 and 12 to provide an overall cylindrical configuration as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. This cylindrical configuration would conform to the interior of the cathode pressed firmly against the inside wall of a cell's container. As evident from FIGS. 2 and 3, wall 14 faces edges 17 of wall 2 and edge 18 of wall 10; wall 16 faces edges 20 of wall 10 and edge 22 of wall 2; wall 12 faces edge 24 of wall 14 and edge 26 of wall 4; and wall 10 faces edge 28 of wall 14 and edge 30 of wall 16. Thus the separator strips 2 and 4 are folded during insertion into a cylindrical cavity of the cathode and conforms to the shape of the cylindrical cavity. As shown in FIG. 4, the overlapping area 6 containing the electrically insulating barrier 8 is positioned at the bottom of the cylindrical cavity of the cathode 32 in contact with the bottom inner surface of cathode 32. Thus the electrically insulating barrier 8 will effectively prevent small pieces of the cathode material at the bottom 34 of cathode 32 from penetrating into and through the separator at area 6 when the separator strips 2 and 4 are forced into the cavity of the cathode and against the bottom 34 of cathode 32. Although the edges of the walls (20-22; 28-30; 17-18; and 24-26) of the separator strips are shown abutting to provide a circular cylindrical configuration, in reality the edges usually overlap to form an irregular cylindrical configuration. In some applications, the edges may be separated and still provide an overall irregular configuration that can be used in some cell applications. The only requirement is that the separator strips provide a cylindrical type basket having an overall upstanding wall that is completely closed so that the cathode is not in direct contact with the anode in any area of the separator. FIG. 5 shows a sheet of separator material 40 having a strip of an electrically insulating barrier layer 42 secured at its midsection. The sheet 40 could be cut into strips 44, 46 etc. as shown by broken lines to provide a separator strip 44 that could be used as one of the separator strips shown in FIG. 1. If desired, two such strips 44, 46 could be used if a double layer of electrically insulating barrier material is desired for a particular application. Referring to FIG. 1, the electrically insulating barrier 8 could be placed on the top and/or bottom side of strip 2; and/or on the top and/or bottom side of strip 4 depending on the particular application of the separator in the cell. A process for assembling a cell using the separator of this invention would comprise the steps: (a) positioning a first active electrode material, such as a cathode, inside a container closed at the bottom and open at the top so that the first active electrode material defines a centrally disposed cavity, said container being adapted as the terminal for said first active electrode material; (b) forcing a first strip of separator material and a second strip of separator material into the cavity of the first active electrode material and forcing the strips to assume the contour of the cavity of the first electrode material, said first strip being positioned 90.degree. with respect to said second strip so that a selected area at the midsection of the strips overlaps and an electrically insulting barrier layer is positioned on the surface of at least one of the strips at the selected area at the midsection of the strips that overlaps; (c) adding a second active electrode material into the cavity of the separator material; and (d) sealing the open end of the container with a cover and wherein at least a portion of the cover is electrically insulated from the container and electrically contacting said second active electrode material thereby said portion being adapted as the terminal for the second active electrode material. Specifically, a standard alkaline cell can be produced by preparing a quantity of powdered cathode material and disposing it into the open end of a cylindrical container. A molding ram is then pressed into the powdered mixture that is contained within the container and since the ram's outside diameter is substantially smaller than the inside diameter of the can, an elongated "ring" of cathode mix is molded tightly against the container's interior circumference. After the ram is withdrawn, a tubular shaped cavity is formed into the central portion of the cathode. Two strips of a separator material are inserted into the cathode's centrally located cavity in order to form a "separator basket". An electrolyte and a gel-like anode are dispensed into the separator basket and then a seal assembly is inserted into the open end of the container. This assembly includes an elongated current collector that projects into the anode and also includes a plastic disc-shaped seal that fits tightly within the container's opening and is seated slightly below the top of the container. The top of the container is redrawn until the seal is radially compressed and then the lip of the container is crimped inwardly. A preferred separator insertion process for standard alkaline cells would utilize two strip-shaped pieces of separator material. The first step in the separator insertion process involves cutting a first strip of separator to an appropriate length and width. The length should be equal to at least twice the cathode's height plus the inside diameter of the cathode. The width of the strip should be slightly greater than one-half the cathode's inside circumference. Next, the first strip is positioned over the open end of a container that contains a molded cathode. The strip's broad surfaces must be perpendicular to the cathode's longest dimension and the center point of the separator must align with the cathode's longitudinal axis. A rod-shaped separator insertion ram is positioned above the open end of the container. The rod's outside diameter should be slightly smaller than the inside diameter of the cathode's cavity and the circumference of the ram should be concentric with the circumference of the cathode's cavity. As the ram descends it carries the middle portion of the separator downward into the cathode's central cavity until the separator touches the inside bottom of the cathode. The two walls of the separator strip that extend beyond the separator's central region extend upward from the bottom of the cathode and line the cathode's sidewalls. The surface of the first strip that contacts the cathode is known as the outside surface of the first strip while the opposite side of the separator is known as the inside surface of the first strip. A second strip of separator is cut to the correct length and width. The central portion of the second strip is positioned over the open end of the cathode that already contains the first separator strip. When the second strip is positioned above the container, it is rotated so that after the second strip is inserted into the container, the seams of the second strip are turned ninety degrees relative to the seams in the inserted first separator strip. This rotational offset seam arrangement inhibits particles of zinc in the anode mix that could otherwise work their way through the seams of both separators and thereby create an internal short circuit. After the second strip has been properly located, another rod-shaped insertion ram is positioned above the cathode and concentrically aligned with the inside diameter of the cathode's cavity. The second separator insertion ram descends and inserts the second separator strip inside the previously inserted first separator strip. The walls of the second separator extend upward from the bottom of the cathode and line the inside surface of the first separator. The surface of the second separator that contacts the inner surface of the first separator is known as the outside surface of the second separator. The other surface of the second separator faces the longitudinal axis of the cathode's cavity and is known as the inside surface of the second separator. An efficient and reliable separator insertion process is generally critical to the production of standard alkaline batteries on a continuous basis. The separator should be consistently inserted to the bottom of the cathode's cavity at the high speeds required by mass production processes and this must be done without abusing the separator. The proposed invention is specifically designed to solve the problem of driving particles of cathode mix into the separator as the separator insertion rams "bottom out" against the inside bottom of the cathode. Protection against cathode mix penetrating through the bottom of the separator is preferably achieved by applying a strip of plastic to the outside surface of the second separator. In order to reliably prevent mix penetration through the bottom o(the separator, the width of the plastic strip must cover the entire bottom of the separator basket or diameter of the cavity of the cathode. Selection of the plastic strip's width, location of the strip on the separator and insertion of the strip into the cathode must be coordinated and controlled to insure that the plastic strip prevents mix penetration and does not limit the cell's service to an unacceptable degree. Additional benefits include preventing the build up of material in the anode compartment which can lead to the formation of zinc dendrites in the anode that extend through the separator into the cathode. EXAMPLE Six hundred standard "4A" size alkaline cells were produced using a two strip separator as described above. Four hundred identical cells were made except that a polypropylene film was disposed between the overlapping separator strips at the bottom segment of the separator that was forced against the bottom surface of the cathode mix. The cells were placed in storage at 45.degree. C. for 6 months and then tested. The cells with the polypropylene film were found to have no short circuits while the standard cells without the polypropylene film were found to have 3.2% failure due to penetration of cathode material through the bottom segment of the separator. While the invention has been described in conjunction with specific embodiments, it is obvious that certain modifications may be made to the invention without deviating from the scope of the invention.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic view of a traveling sensor 1 with a measuring member 2 which slides on a bar 4 or a track along a ring rail 5 with spinning or production stations 6, 7 and 8. The typical parts of a ring spinning machine, as well as the traveling sensors for detecting thread breakages, are assumed as known from U.S. Pat. No. 4,122,657, and the disclosure of such patent is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. The traveling sensor 1 is connected via a line 9 to an evaluation unit 10, which also comprises an output 11, for example for the output of mavericks or other values representing the quality of the yarn. The electrical signals are transmitted from the traveling sensor 1 to the line 9 either via the drive of the traveling sensor, as described in the above-mentioned U.S. Pat. No. 4,122,657, or via the conductive bar 4. FIG. 2 again shows some of the elements shown in FIG. 1, i.e. in particular a spinning station 7 with a bobbin 12, the ring rail 5 with a ring 13 and a traveler 14, the bar 4 with the traveling sensor 1, as well as the measuring member 2. Also in evidence here is the yarn 15, which forms the known balloon 16. FIG. 3 shows a construction of a traveling sensor 17 with an optically operating measuring member 18 and light sources 19 and 20 which are disposed on either side of this member and are directed such that the surface 21 of a bobbin is illuminated. FIG. 4 shows a construction of a traveling sensor 22 with an optically operating measuring member 23 and light sources 24 and 25 which are disposed on either side of this member and are directed such that the path 26 or the balloon of a spinning station is illuminated. FIG. 5 shows a spinning station with separators 27, 28 and stationary reflector elements 29, 30 attached to the latter. Also to be seen are the path 31 of the yarn 32 and the bar 33 with a traveling sensor 34 and other positions 34' and 34" which it occupies temporarily as it passes by. A transmitter 35 and a receiver 36 for waves, preferably light waves, are provided on the traveling sensor 34. In the illustrated construction, the housing for each of the reflector elements 29 and 30 has a transparent face at the side toward the path for the sensor 34 through which light may pass. Similarly, the housing for each of the transmitter 35 and the receiver 36 has a transparent face on its side toward the bobbin. In the illustrated position of the sensor, these transparent faces of the transmitter 35 and the reflector 30 are opposite one another and the transparent faces of the receiver 36 and the reflector 29 are opposite one another. FIG. 6 is a diagrammatic representation of the operating mode of a receiver or measuring member 41, which cooperates with a gap 42 lying in front. FIG. 7 is a diagrammatic representation of the operating mode of a receiver or measuring member 43, which cooperates with a lens or an objective 44 lying in front. FIG. 8 shows pulses 45, 46 of differing amplitude A which are proportional to the diameter of a yarn. The pulses 45, 46 are accordingly signals as can be delivered by the measuring member. FIG. 9 shows pulses 47, 48 of differing length which are also proportional to the diameter of a yarn. The pulses 47, 48 are accordingly signals as can be delivered by the measuring member. The operation of the system of this invention will now be described with reference to FIG. 1. As it travels past the spinning stations 6, 7, 8, the measuring member 2 in the traveling sensor 1 directly detects the yarn 49, 50, 51 rotating about the spindle rather than detecting the traveler. A measured value corresponding at least approximately to the yarn diameter or yarn cross section is in each case derived from this. A measuring member of this kind therefore basically always only detects one measuring point per revolution of the yarn about the spindle and only when traveling past in front of the spindle in question. However the mavericks can be detected through an appropriate statistical evaluation of the measurement results in the evaluation unit 10, which therefore consists of a digital processor which can be programmed accordingly. The principle of the rotation of the yarn giving rise to a change in the light received in a receiver in a traveling sensor is a feature common to all the possible solutions described in the following. In this respect the change in the received light must correlate well with the yarn diameter and therefore also with the yarn cross section. A first example of a special measuring member for detecting the yarn diameter is shown in FIGS. 2 to 4. Here the yarn is illuminated above the ring 13 by at least one, although preferably by two intersecting light sources 19, 20 (FIG. 3) or 24, 25 (FIG. 4). The range of the light beams is indicated by broken lines in FIGS. 3 and 4. A light-sensitive measuring member 23 (FIG. 4) is formed such that it only receives the light reflected from the yarn at a very short range. However the measuring member 18 according to FIG. 3 receives the light shaded by the yarn at a short range. The yarn to be measured may also appear as though it were viewed only through a narrow slot, as indicated by the arrangement according to FIG. 6. In this case the yarn 38 radiates its reflected light through the gap 42 onto the measuring member 41, which here is formed as a photocell, for example. An optical system 44 with at least one lens, as basically represented in FIG. 7, is better than a gap. The theory of the optical system is known and therefore needs no further explanation. A pulse is produced each time the yarn revolves. Two different evaluation methods are possible, according to the apparent width of the gap 42. If the yarn is always thinner than the gap width, this will result in a pulse as typically indicated in FIG. 8. The amplitude A of the pulse increases with the yarn diameter. However, when the yarn diameter is always greater than the gap width, this will result in a typical pulse pattern according to FIG. 9. In this case the time T1, T2 is a measure of the yarn diameter. The variant with the time measurement is more favorable for signal processing in digital processors. FIG. 3 shows another possibility for detecting the yarn diameter. Here the spinning cop is illuminated at its surface 21 behind the rotating yarn instead of the yarn. The yarn is not illuminated by the light beams. It remains in the shadow thereof. The spinning cop reflects light onto the measuring member, the optical system of which may in principle be of the type of the preceding example. In contrast to the preceding example, however, here the reflected light is shaded by the yarn. In this case the shading pulse is evaluated instead of a light pulse, as in the preceding example. In order to prevent influences due to extraneous light, it is advantageous to use, e.g. infrared light, or to modulate the light of the light transmitters 19 to 25 and demodulate it again following reception. FIG. 5 shows another embodiment, in which the light from the light transmitter 35 is deflected via reflector elements 30, 29 to the light receiver 36. Two reflectors 29 and 30 are used in the example in FIG. 5. The light receiver 36 again just has a gap. In this example the light beam is attenuated or completely interrupted by the rotating yarn. The statements relating to the above examples also apply to the pulses and optical system here. The speed at which the traveling sensor 34 is moved is of course much lower than the speed at which the yarn rotates about the bobbin. The illustrated position, in which the yarn 32 enters the light beam, will therefore occur at least once per pass of the traveling sensor 34. When the traveling sensor approaches the spindle, the pulses produced will initially be just weak, these then becoming increasingly stronger until they reach a maximum when the traveling sensor lies directly in front of the spindle. Afterwards the pulses become weaker again. An entire sequence of light pulses is therefore produced. In order to obtain reproducible values in all cases, just the maximum value, for example, or the mean value of a pair of pulses before and after the maximum value should in each case be considered as the actual measured value. The above constructions show how it is possible to obtain an individual measured value per spindle in each case. These measured values may now be stored in a known manner for each spindle. The variance can then be calculated from these measured values. Those spindles at which the variance is the greatest are identified as the spindles which produce mavericks in the yarn. The measured values may be averaged per pass of the traveling sensor along the entire ring spinning machine. It is thus possible to follow the variation in time of the unevenness for each ring spinning machine side. Changes as may occur, for example, due to climatic disturbances, fluctuations in the raw material, etc. can be directly located in this way, in contrast to conventional random sampling with subsequent examination in the laboratory.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF A PREFERRED EMBODIMENT OF THE INVENTION While the specification concludes with claims particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which is regarded as the present invention, the invention will now be described with reference to the following description of an embodiment taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. Reference will be made to FIGS. 1 through 5 in which the same numbers are indicative of the same elements throughout the figures. A stethoscope head 10 embodying the teachings of the present invention is illustrated in FIG. 1. The description which follows encompasses features illustrated in all of the figures, however, attention is particularly directed to the sectional view of FIG. 2 which illustrates all of the features of the invention. A stethoscope housing 20 provides the foundation for the invention 10. Sounds are transmitted to the invention 10 through a membrane 22. The membrane is normally placed on the person being examined. The membrane 22 may be affixed to the stethoscope housing 20 via a membrane cover 24. A listening tube attachment 26 extends from the stethoscope housing 20. Health care personnel hear the sounds transmitted from the stethoscope head through ear tubes. Either a single or double ear tube is attached to the stethoscope housing 20 via the listening tube attachment 26. A watch support member 30 extends from the stethoscope housing 20. The watch support member 30 illustrated is threaded. The watch support member 30 serves two functions: (1) Provides a support base for the watch 32. (2) Insulates the stethoscope housing 20 from the sounds of the watch 32. The watch 32 rests upon the watch support member 30. The watch housing 38 fits over the watch 32 and is secured to the watch support member 30. The watch housing 38 may be secured to the watch support member 30 by several means. The means illustrated is by providing a threaded watch support member 30 and a watch housing 38 that has cooperating, reciprocal threads. The two pieces may also be joined by providing a snap-fit structure wherein there is a cooperating lip and receiving ring. Providing a removable watch housing 38 ensures access to the watch 32 so that it may be easily serviced, such as for changing a battery or replacing the watch 32 itself. The watch housing 38 also engages the edge of the watch 32 to secure it. This prevents the watch from moving about, being unnecessarily jarred and rotating to a position where it can not be easily read. When the screw-on watch housing 38 is used the watch 32 may be placed into a desired reading position and then secured in that position by tightening the watch housing 38 with respect to the watch support member 30. The watch 32 is engaged by the watch housing 38 in such a manner that the face of the watch 32 is not obstructed, thus allowing the sweeping second hand 34 to rotate. The face of the watch 32 is protected by a crystal 40. It is important that any sounds emanating from the watch 32 are not transmitted to the stethoscope housing 20. There are several ways that this objective may be achieved. One way is to use a watch that produces no sound. This may be difficult because a sweeping second hand 34 must be driven by a motor and motors produce sound. Another method is to insulate the sounds of the watch 32 from the stethoscope housing 20. This can be accomplished in several ways. The watch support member 30 may be constructed of sound-insulating type material such as rubber or plastic. Hard rubber or plastic provides sound insulation while still being firm and durable enough to allow for mating between the watch support member 30 and the watch housing 38. Another method of insulating watch 32 sounds is to interposed a piece of sound-insulating material 36 between the watch support member 30 and the stethoscope housing 20. With the invention 10, a health care worker may place the membrane 22 upon the desired portion of a patient's body and monitor sounds through the stethoscope 10 while observing the requisite time period from the sweeping second hand 34. The worker's attention is simultaneously directed to the location of the stethoscope 10 and the face of the watch 32. The user is able to ensure that the device 10 is at the proper location during observation and monitoring. Also, the user may easily make minor adjustments in the location of the device while still monitoring body sounds and elapsing time. In addition, major changes in the positioning of the stethoscope 10 may be achieved and monitoring resumed very quickly. As should be apparent from the foregoing specification, the invention is susceptible of being modified with various alterations and modifications which may differ from those which have been described in the preceding specification and description. Accordingly, the following claims are intended to cover all alterations and modifications which do not depart from the spirit and scope of the invention.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT FIG. 1 illustrates an offshore hydrocarbon production system 10 which includes a vessel 12 that floats at the sea surface 14 of a sea 16. The vessel has a cavity 20 extending along a vertical axis 22, and a turret 24 is rotatably mounted in the cavity. The system is designed to produce hydrocarbons from each of a plurality of sea floor wells 30 that extend below the sea surface 34. In this system there is a set 40 of risers that includes three risers 42, 44, 46 extending from each undersea well up to the turret. Risers 42 are production risers that carry oil and gas up to the turret, risers 44 are annulus risers that carry fluids to be injected into the wells, while risers 46 are umbilical risers that carry electrical or hydraulic lines. The turret is moored by a group of mooring chain devices 50 which extend in different directions to the sea floor. The particular set 40 of risers is shown having a lower portion extending in a loop at a deep undersea buoy 54. The figure also shows, in phantom lines, an alternative riser 56 which extends in a catenary curve to the sea floor and along the sea floor to a well at 58. In both cases, the upper ends such as 46X of the risers, extend at an angle of a plurality of degrees from the vertical. The vessel 12 is shown in its quiescent position, which it assumes in calm weather. FIG. 2 shows that the particular system include six mooring chain devices 50A-50F and twelve sea floor wells 30A-30L. The system includes twelve sets of risers 40A-40L that each has three risers, for a total of thirty-six risers. The turret must securely connect to each of the six mooring chain devices 50 and to each of the thirty-six risers. FIG. 3 is a sectional view of the turret 24. The turret includes a frame 52 that is rotatably mounted on the vessel hull 53 by a bearing assembly or structure 60 which has an inside diameter A such as seven meters. The particular bearing 60 has three sets of rollers that roll on three pairs of raceways, to provide two horizontal and one vertical bearing. Each of the umbilical risers such as 46A has an upper end 46AX that extends through a long primarily vertically extending umbilical tube 62, which extends at an angle B to the vertical direction of the turret axis 22, so that progressively higher locations along the tube lie progressively closer to the axis. As a result, the distance C between the lower ends 64A, 64G of the tubes can be much greater than the distance D between their upper ends (which is measured between the tube locations farthest from the axis). The lower ends 66 of the twelve umbilical tubes for the twelve wells, are all located substantially on an imaginary circle having a diameter C which is much larger than the inside diameter A of the bearing structure 60. A second group of tube elements or tubes 70 are annulus tubes which enclose annulus risers through which chemicals, etc. can be injected into the wells. The lower ends of the these tubes lie substantially on the imaginary circle of diameter C (actually on a circle of slightly smaller diameter) and the upper ends of these tubes 70 lie on an imaginary circle of diameter D which is less than the inside diameter of the bearing structure. A third group of tubes 72 are production tubes that carry largely hydrocarbons (liquid and/or gaseous). Their lower ends lie on an imaginary circle of substantially the diameter C (actually, somewhat smaller than C), and their upper ends lie on an imaginary circle of the diameter D. It can be seen that the upper ends 80, 82, 84 of the three sets of tubes lie at different heights, which are the heights of three different deck structures or decks 90, 92, and 94 of the turret frame. The upper ends 80 of tubes 72 that are terminated at the first or uppermost deck 90, are connected through pipes 100 that pass through a group of valves, chokes, and other equipment 102 and are delivered to a fluid swivel 104 that is mounted at the upper end of the turret. A group of pipes or ducts 106 connect rotatable parts of the fluid swivel to other conduits leading to processing equipment and to tanks on the vessel where the hydrocarbons are stored or otherwise disposed of (for gas). The upper ends 82 of the second group of tubes 70 are connected through other pipes 110 that may connect through the fluid swivel to injectable fluid sources on the vessel. The upper ends of the umbilical tubes extend to electrical cables, or lines, or hydraulic lines. As shown in FIG. 4, each set of tubes such as set 120A that includes tubes 64A, 70A, 72A corresponds to a set of risers such as shown at 40A in FIG. 2. FIG. 4 shows that the umbilical tubes 72A-72G are spaced about a circle 122 of greatest diameter. The other two groups of twelve tubes each, lie on circles 124, 126 of slightly smaller diameters. Each of the circles 122-126 is of larger diameter (over 10% and usually over 20% larger) than the inside bearing diameter (D in FIG. 3) of the bearing structure. FIG. 4 also shows a group of six tubes 130 through which mooring chain devices extend. It is desirable that the lower ends of the tubes are widely spaced apart, preferably by a distance such as one meter. Such spacing avoids the risers from rubbing on one another, and provides room for divers who must supervise the installation and provide inspections at intervals such as every several months to a few years. It is desirable that the lower ends of the tubes lie substantially on one circle so they do not lie one directly within the other, which would hamper the view and access of the divers. FIGS. 5, 6 and 7 show sectional views of the tubes at the different heights shown in FIG. 3 at lines 5--5, 6--6, and 7--7, showing that the tubes lie progressively closer to the turret axis 22 at progressively higher locations. FIGS. 8-11 are side view of each of the tubes, with FIG. 8 showing one of the hawse pipes or mooring chain-holding tubes 130. It can be seen that a mooring chain device 50A extends through the tube 130 to a chain stopper 132 at the upper end of the tube. The chain stopper and the entire termination structure 134 at the top of the tube, is mounted on a deck structure 136 which is a ring-shaped structure that is mounted on the inner walls 138 of the turret cavity 20 of the vessel. FIG. 11 shows the umbilical tube 62, showing its upper end 80 mounted on the deck structure 94, while FIGS. 10 and 9 respectively show the production and annulus tubes 70, 72 whose upper ends are mounted on the deck structure 92, 90. While the tallest tube 72 of FIG. 9 extends at an angle F of 7.degree. from line 140 which is parallel to the turret axis, the annulus tubes 70 extend at a slightly greater angle G of 9.degree. from the turret axis, while the shorter umbilical tubes 62 of FIG. 11 extend at an angle H of 11.degree. from the turret axis. This results in the upper ends of the tubes all lying on circles of diameters D that are all about the same, and that are all almost as great as the inside diameter of A of the bearing structure (preferably D is at least 2/3 or 67% and is usually at least 80% of A). As shown in FIG. 3, this is important for the two longest tubes 70, 72 whose upper ends lie at or above the bottom of the bearing structure. The upper ends of the tubes 62 can lie on a larger circle. It would be possible to extend the tubes to levels above the bearing structure and then bend the tubes radially outward so the termination structures lie on a large diameter; however, this would require relatively sharp bending of the risers, which can damage them. The tubes are preferably substantially straight in that the top and bottom of each tube preferably extend within 15.degree. of each other and more preferably within 10.degree. of each other. This avoids high friction and scraping of the risers (or chain device) when they are pulled through. It is desirable that the lower ends of the tubes extend at an angle of a plurality of degrees from the vertical and that the lower ends of the tubes extend parallel to the "natural" angle at which the riser upper ends would extend for the particular installation of that riser, in the quiescent position of the vessel (its position in calm seas). This lengthens the life of the riser hoses as they bend back and forth with back and forth vessel drift. FIG. 12 shows a termination structure 150 at the upper end 84 of the production tube 72. The termination structure mounts the upper end of the tube and of the riser 152 to the turret frame. An oil-carrying riser 152 has an upper end connected to an end fitting 154. The first or upper deck 90 carries a riser hanger 154. A split wedge 156 (preferably with three wedge parts) holds the end fitting in position. The lower end of a pipe 100 is connected through a pair of flanges 160, 162 lying respectively on the lower end of the pipe and on the upper end of the riser end fitting. FIG. 12 also shows some details of the lower end 170 of the tube 72. The riser is initially installed with a pull-in head indicated at 172 that is initially attached to the flange 160. A cable (not shown) attached to the head is used to pull the riser up from an underwater depth through the tube 72. When a bend stiffener 178 on the riser, reaches the position shown, a clamp 180 locks it in position. The pull-in head 172 is removed and the pipe 100 is attached. Referring to FIG. 3, it can be seen that the vessel has a fully loaded position, wherein the sea surface lies at the relative position shown at 14A. The vessel also has a 20% loaded position wherein its position relative to the sea surface is shown at 14B and at a substantially unloaded position at 14C. The turret frame has an upper portion 182 that always lies above the sea surface at 14A, and has a lower portion 184 lying below it and with a lowest part 186 lying below the height at 14B. The chains are preferably terminated at the chain deck structure 136 when the vessel is at about 20% load, so that workmen do not have to work underwater, which is hazardous because of the numerous pipes, fittings, etc. The other decks 90, 92, and 94 all preferably lie above the fully loaded sea height 14A to enable easy access throughout operation of the system. Each of the decks is preferably ring-shaped, to provide a large access area or cave 190 along which workers can move up and down along ladders 192. The size of a six foot man M is shown to indicate the relative sizes of the parts to a person. In the present system, the upper ends of the tubes lie at different heights or at deck structures at different heights, that are usually vertically spaced apart by a plurality of meters, and the tubes are angled from the turret axis. This construction is useful where there are at least two groups of tubes that each includes at least three tubes, for passing a corresponding number of risers. This results in the upper ends of each group of at least three lying at a different height, while providing considerable room at the bottom of the turret in case maintenance work is required thereat. The bottom of the tubes lie on an imaginary circle of a diameter which at least 10% and usually at least 20% greater than the inside diameter of the bearing structure, which results in a significant advantage for the angling. Actually, since the sea floor wells are preferably spaced from the quiescent position of the vessel shown in FIG. 2, the angling of the tubes, as by the angles of 7.degree. to 11.degree. shown in the figures, avoids significant bending of the upper ends of the riser as they pass from below the turret and into the tubes of the turret. Of course, this system is especially valuable when there are a large number of risers and corresponding tubes, with the particular system illustrated and described above being a design for a particular field that lies in a sea depth of about one thousand meters. FIG. 3 shows the upper ends 46AX and 46GX of two risers that extend with substantially opposite horizontal directional components, from the turret toward the sea floor. The upper ends of these two risers tend to extend at angles B of about 11.degree. from the vertical, in the quiescent position of the vessel. The lower ends of corresponding tubes 62A, 62G are oriented to extend parallel to such "natural" directions of the riser ends. This avoids substantial bending of the risers in the quiescent condition of the vessel, so any bending of the riser end in a storm, is minimal, to thereby obtain a long riser life. Such angling of each tube lower end is desirable even where there is only one tube. The opposite tubes 62A, 62G lie on substantially opposite sides of the turret axis 22 and are oppositely inclined. The hawse tubes 130 (FIG. 8) have upper ends 200 that lie above the sea at 14B at the 20%, or lightly loaded, vessel position. This allows workers on deck 136 to work out of the water to attach or release each chain from the chain stopper 132. The mooring chains such as 50A, transmit large forces through the chain stoppers 132 to the turret. The provision of an elongated tube 130 of a length more than five times and preferably at least ten times its inside diameter, also facilitates the transmittal of the loads to the vessel frame, as through the connectors 202, 204, and 206, in addition to the deck structure 136. The upper ends 200 of the tubes lie under water in the fully loaded vessel position when the sea is at 14A, so they do not interfere with other equipment on the turret that must be accessible. Thus, the invention provides a turret for an offshore hydrocarbon production system, which routes a considerable number (at least six) risers so there is considerable work area around the termination structure at the upper end of each riser, while enabling the use of a turret of minimum size and weight, and while enabling the use of bearings of available size to rotatably support the turret on the vessel. The upper ends of a large number of tubes and corresponding risers can be terminated within a cylindrical area of a diameter no greater than the inside of the bearing structure, by placing the terminations at vertically spaced levels. An area of large diameter is available at the lower portion of the turret which lies underwater, to accommodate the multiple risers and tubes, by orienting the tubes so they extend at inclines to the axis, to make the tubes lie progressively closer to the axis at progressively higher tube locations, so the tubes can pass through the opening at the inside of the bearing structure. Of course, applicant places the upper ends of the tubes at about as large a diameter as can be readily accommodated for such tubes that pass up through the bearing structure. The angling of the tubes from the vertical to match the "natural" angle of the riser upper end portions, is useful even where there are a limited number of risers (even only one), to minimize bending of the riser upper end portions. Although particular embodiments of the invention have been described and illustrated herein, it is recognized that modifications and variations may readily occur to those skilled in the art, and consequently, it is intended that the claims be interpreted to cover such modifications and equivalents.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed toward a relay system, and a method for operating a relay system, so as to provide more conversation-like performance of voice to text interpreting for translating between deaf and hearing users. The improvements to the relay system and method of operating the relay described herein are applicable to the broad TDD community and to all the applications in which a relay is normally used. However, since the advantages of this system are most clear in view of its usefulness in enabling the advent of the truly portable personal interpreter for the deaf, a brief diversion to discuss what this device is and how the relay may enable its practical use is appropriate here. Shown in FIG. 2 is an illustration of what a personal interpreter 10 can look like. This would be a small hand held device typically the size of a small hardbound book. It would have a keyboard of minimal size, but useable by a deaf person who can type. It would have a two to four line display, but the display could be any size that conveniently fits in the case of the device. The device would also have a key or switch which would initiate its operation. Shown in FIG. 2 is a schematic block diagram of the internal mechanics of the personal interpreter. The personal interpreter keyboard shown at 12 and its display as shown at 14. Inside the interpreter itself is a microprocessor shown at 16. Not shown, but included within the personal interpreter, would be the appropriate memory and interface devices so as to allow the microprocessor to be programmed and to operate the personal interpreter and perform its functions, in a manner well known in the art. Also inside of the personal interpreter is a modem 18. The modem 18 is preferably a modem specifically designed for interface with the deaf telecommunications system. Most telecommunications with the deaf community are conducted using a Baudot type code. It is preferred that the mode be designed to use the enhanced form of Baudot communication known as "Turbo Code" (Ultratec), which is generally described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,432,837, No. 5,517,548, and 5,327,479, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference. It is even more preferred that the modem use a new variant of Turbo Code, one which uses higher carrier frequencies (in the range of 3000-3500 hertz) and a faster baud rate (over 100 baud). The output of the modem is preferably wired to a cellular telephone 20 included within the case of the personal interpreter 10. The cellular telephone 20 has a suitable antenna provided on it so that it may dial a cellular telephone network by radio frequency communications of the type normally conducted by cellular telephones. The personal interpreter also includes jack 28 to connect to a conventional wired or land-line telephone line as well. The personal interpreter also include a microphone 22 and a speaker 24. A filter 26 connects the speaker 24 and the microphone 22 to the telephone 20. A brief description of the operation and functionality of the personal interpreter reveals the dramatic improvement and convenience and portability that this device gives to deaf people. A deaf user could go into an establishment, be it a government office or retail facility, in which there are only hearing persons. The deaf person would carry with him or her the personal interpreter 10. The deaf person would then place the personal interpreter 10 upon a counter or other surface, open it up, and press the initiation key or start button. The microprocessor 16 and modem 18 of the personal interpreter then power up and act in many ways like a normal TDD device operating in telecommunication standard, such as Turbo Code. However, there is one critical difference. The start or initiation key further causes the microprocessor 16 of the personal interpreter to dial a relay to set up a relay communication session and includes in its communication with the relay a message, using the enhanced command features available in advanced telecommunication protocols, such as Turbo Code, to initiate a special format of relay call adapted for the personal interpreter. Other codes which permit command functions, such as ASCII or CC ITT, could also be used. The first operation is to activate the cellular telephone and direct the cellular telephone to dial the number of a relay operating in accordance with the method of the present invention. The cellular telephone dials the relay. Obviously, no wired connection is required to allow the cellular telephone function to establish a telephone connection with the remote relay, but alternatively the jack 28 to a conventional telephone line could be used. In addition, when the relay answers the telephone connection, the microprocessor 18 of the personal interpreter 10 is instructed to provide command codes to the remote relay. These command codes, a feature possible through the use of Turbo Code, permits the personal interpreter to tell the relay that this is a personal interpreter-type relay communication session. All of this can happen in the time necessary to initiate the cellular call, perhaps two to ten seconds. Then, the deaf person can use the personal interpreter to translate words spoken by hearing persons in the presence of the personal interpreter into visually readable text. This is done by the personal interpreter 10 through an unseen relay. Words spoken by the hearing persons in the presence of the personal interpreter 10 are picked up by the microphone 22. Those words are then transmitted through the cellular telephone 20 to the remote relay. The relay, operating as will be described below, then immediately transmits back, in enhanced Turbo Code, a digital communication stream translating the words that were just spoken. The words are received by the modem 18, and the microprocessor 16 in the personal interpreter 10, and it is displayed promptly upon the display screen 14. If the deaf person can speak, he or she may then answer the hearing person with a spoken voice, or, the deaf person may alternatively type upon the keyboard 12. If the deaf user types on the keyboard 12, the personal interpreter transmits the communication by digital communication to the relay. The call assistant at the relay then reads and speaks the words typed by the deaf user which are transmitted to the speaker 22 contained in the personal interpreter into a voice communication which can be understood by the hearing users. The filter 26 filters out the digital communication frequencies from the sound generated by the speaker 22. Thus, in essence, the deaf person has a personal interpreter available to him or her at all times of the day or night wherever the deaf person is within the range of the cellular telephone system. Also, because the relay is preferably operating in accordance with the fast translation methodology described below, a very conversation-like feel can occur in the communication session between the deaf user and the hearing persons in the presence of the personal interpreter 10. In order for this communication session to be satisfactory to the hearing users as well as the deaf person, however, the relay must operate exceedingly rapidly. It is, in part, to meet the need for the exceeding rapidity of this conversational style of communication that the relay protocol of the present invention has been designed. Shown in FIG. 1 is a relay intended to provide that capability. FIG. 1 is intended to show, in schematic fashion, how such a relay system can be set up. Shown at 32 is a telephone of a speaking person. Instead of a telephone of a speaking person, the input could also be the microphone of the personal translator 10 shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. The telephone of the speaking person 32 is connected through a telephone line 34 to a voice input buffer 36 at the relay. The telephone line 34 can be an actual physical land line, or two pair between the telephones, or can be a cellular or other over-the-air telephone linkage. The voice input buffer 36 is a simple buffer to ensure temporary capture of the voice in the event that the call assistant gets behind and needs to buffer or delay the voice of the speaking person. In any event, the output of the input voice buffer 36 is provided to a headset 40 where earphones 38 produce the sound of the remote speaking person in the ear of the call assistant. The call assistant is wearing the headset 40 and sitting at a computer 42 capable of communicating in an enhanced Baudot communication, such as Turbo Code or whatever other code protocol is being used. However, typically the call assistant does not type the words which the call assistant hears in his or her earphone 38. Instead, the call assistant then speaks the words which he or she hears in the earphones 38 into a microphone 39 in the headset 40. The microphone 39 on the headset 40 is connected to transmit the voice of the call assistant to the computer 42 at which the call assistant sits. The computer 42 has been provided with a voice recognition software package which can recognize the spoken voice of the call assistant and immediately translate words spoken in that voice into a digital text communication stream. It is a limitation of currently available speech recognition software that the software must be trained or adapted to a particular user, before it can accurately transcribe what words the user speaks. Accordingly, it is envisioned here that the call assistant operates at a computer terminal which contains a copy of a voice recognition software package which is specifically trained to the voice of that particular call assistant. It is also important that the voice recognition system be capable of transcribing the words of the voice of the call assistant at the speed of a normal human communication. It has been found that a recently available commercial voice recognition package from Dragon Systems, known as "Naturally Speaking," is a voice recognition software which will accomplish this objective and which will translate to digital text spoken words of a user at the normal speeds of human communication in conversation when operating on conventional modern personal computers. The computer terminal 42 of the call assistant then translates the text created by the voice recognition software to a modem 46 out through a telephone line 48 back to the display 50 located adjacent to the deaf person. The display 50 can be a conventional TDD located at the home of the remote deaf user, or can be the display 14 of the personal interpreter 10. For reasons that will become apparent, there is also a connection from the microphone 39 of the headset 40 of the call assistant to the incoming telephone line 34 through a switch 52. The switch 52 can physically be an electrical switch located between the microphone 39 and the telephone lines 34 and the computer 42 or, as an alternative, it can be a software switch operating in the computer 42 which passes the voice of the user through to the telephone lines as voice, or not, under conditions which are selected by the call assistant, by choices he or she makes at the keyboard 44 of the computer 42. The switch 52 is functionally a single pole double throw switch although, of course, if this function is performed by the computer it will be a logical not a physical switch. In the simplest embodiment, the switch 52 is a simple single pole dual throw foot switch readily accessible to the call assistant which passes the voice of the call assistant from the microphone either out onto the telephone line 34 or to the computer 42. It is a further enhancement to the operation of the relay constructed in accordance with the present invention that the earphones 38 have noise attenuating capability. Noise canceling earphones are commercially available today or, for this purpose, the computer 42 can be provided with noise canceling sound generation software which would create sound transmitted to the earphone 38 so as to cancel the sounds of the call assistant's own voice. The noise attenuation or cancellation avoids distracting the call assistant, since he or she would then be less distracted by the words that he or she has spoken, and thus would be less likely to be distracted from the concentration of the task of re-voicing the sounds of the voice heard in the call assistant's ear. Similarly, another option which would be advantageous is that the software providing for the creation of the digital text string by voice recognition be buffered in its output flow to the modem 46. Before the computer 42 would pass the data on to the modem 46, the data would first be displayed on the computer screen of the computer 42 for review by the call assistant. The purpose of this option would be to permit the call assistant to use the keyboard to spell or correct hard-to-spell words, or to create corrections of any misinterpretations created by the voice recognition software, from the words spoken by the call assistant. It is anticipated that if such an option is utilized, it would require fairly infrequent use of the keyboard by the call assistant, since frequent use would clearly slow down the through-put of the communications. The relay of FIG. 1 can operate with normal TDDs or with a personal interpreter as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. In either event, the hearing person speaks in the telephone 32 and the words are transmitted through the telephone line 34 to the voice buffer 36. The voice buffer 36, again operating under the control of the call assistant, would buffer the voice signals from the hearing user as needed for the call assistant to keep up. The call assistant would hear the voice of the hearing user through the earpiece 38 and then would re-voice those same words into the microphone 39. The words that the user speaks into the microphone 39 would be fed to the computer 42 where the voice recognition software, trained to the voice of the call assistant, would translate those words into a digital text stream. The digital text stream would be turned into a digital communication stream by the modem 46 and passed on the telephone line 48 to a display 50 which can be observed by the deaf user. Experience has shown that using currently available technology the delay between the time the hearing user speaks into the telephone 32 and the time the words appear on the display 50 of the deaf user is a modest number of seconds. In the reverse, when the deaf user types onto his or her telecommunication device, the digital signals are transmitted to the computer 42 which displays them for the call assistant who then voices those words into the microphone 39 which words are then transmitted onto the telephone line 34. Note that the presence of the switch 52 is therefore important in this mode. Since the voice of the call assistant serves two different functions in the operation of this system, the signal on the call assistant's voice must be switched so that the hearing user 32 only hears the voice for the communications which are intended to be directed to that person. The switch 52 allows for the voice of the call assistant only to be directed to the hearing person at the appropriate times. Note that if the relay of FIG. 1 is used to facilitate a translation based on a personal interpreter such as that shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, there will be only one telephone line between the personal interpreter and the call assistant. In essence, in a modification of FIG. 1, the telephone 32 and the display 50 would both be within the personal interpreter 10. There would be only one telephone line, a cellular link, between the personal interpreter 10 and the call assistant. Note, therefore, that the voice of the call assistant and the digital communications created by the computer 42 would then travel on that same telephone linkage to and from the personal interpreter 10. It is therefore important for this embodiment that the personal interpreter 10 have appropriate filtering (i.e. the filter 26) to filter out the digital communication carrier frequencies of the digital communication protocol, so that they are not heard by hearing listeners in the presence of the personal interpreter 10. The telephone line must still carry voice signals, however, so that the spoken words articulated by the call assistant in response to digital instructions from the deaf user can be properly broadcast by the speaker contained within the personal interpreter. The provision for filtering of the digital frequencies can be done in any number of ways with two being the principal preferred methodologies. If Turbo Baudot communications are conducted at the conventional Baudot frequencies of 1400 and 1800 Hertz, the personal interpreter 10 could be provided with notch filters 26 to filter out signals at those particular frequencies. It has been found that such notch filters still permit the transmission of audible and understandable human speech, even if they filter at those particular frequencies. As an alternative, it is possible to change the Baudot frequencies to those which are much higher, such as frequencies of 3000 to 3500 Hertz. If this alternative is selected, the personal interpreter 10 is then provided with a low pass filter which permits low frequency sounds to go to the speaker to be broadcast into the environment of the personal interpreter, while high frequencies are excluded. It has been found in actual human tests that utilizing the revoicing methodology combined with speech recognition by the call assistant results in a through put of communication two to four times faster than the typing which can be achieved by a normal call assistant operating a keyboard. This is a dramatic improvement in the social acceptability of deaf to hearing person translation systems. While deaf users are accustomed to the delays inherent in TDD communications, hearing users are not. The provision for the faster throughput through a relay system such as provided by the relay of FIG. 1 allows for more conversation-like interchange between deaf persons and hearing persons than was heretofore possible. The relay of FIG. 1 also enables, for the first time, a personal interpreter of the type illustrated at 10 in FIGS. 2 and 3 to be available to deaf users who can then get on the spot interpreting virtually anywhere. This offers a freedom and functionality to deaf users which was not heretofore possible in the art. It is to be understood that the present invention is not limited to the particular illustrations and embodiments disclosed above, but embraces all such modified forms thereof as come within the scope of the following claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring now to the figures, and in particular to FIG. 2, a data processing system, personal computer system 10, in which the present invention can be employed is depicted. As shown, personal computer system 10 comprises a number of components, which are interconnected together. More particularly, a system unit 12 is coupled to and can drive an optional monitor 14 (such as a conventional video display). A system unit 12 also can be optionally coupled to input devices such as a PC keyboard 16 or a mouse 18. Mouse 18 includes right and left buttons (not shown). The left button is generally employed as the main selector button and alternatively is referred to as the first mouse button or mouse button 1. The right button is typically employed to select auxiliary functions as explained later. The right mouse button is alternatively referred to as the second mouse button or mouse button 2. An optional output device, such as a printer 20, also can be connected to the system unit 12. Finally, system unit 12 may include one or more mass storage devices such as the diskette drive 22. As will be described below, the system unit 12 responds to input devices, such as PC keyboard 16, the mouse 18, or local area networking interfaces. Additionally, input/output (I/O) devices, such as floppy diskette drive 22, display 14, printer 20, and local area network communication system are connected to system unit 12 in a manner well known. Of course, those skilled in the art are aware that other conventional components also can be connected to the system unit 12 for interaction therewith. In accordance with the present invention, personal computer system 10 includes a system processor that is interconnected to a random access memory (RAM), a read only memory (ROM), and a plurality of I/O devices. In normal use, personal computer system 10 can be designed to give independent computing power to a small group of users as a server or a single user and is inexpensively priced for purchase by individuals or small businesses. In operation, the system processor functions under an operating system, such as IBM's OS/2 operating system or DOS. OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. This type of operating system includes a Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) interface between the I/O devices and the operating system. BIOS, which can be stored in a ROM on a motherboard or planar, includes diagnostic routines which are contained in a power on self test section referred to as POST. Prior to relating the above structure to the present invention, a summary of the operation in general of personal computer system 10 may merit review. Referring to FIG. 3, there is shown a block diagram of personal computer system 10 illustrating the various components of personal computer system 10 in accordance with the present invention. FIG. 3 further illustrates components of planar 11 and the connection of planar 11 to I/O slots 46a-46d and other hardware of personal computer system 10. Connected to planar 11 is the system central processing unit (CPU) 26 comprised of a microprocessor which is connected by a high speed CPU local bus 24 through a bus controlled timing unit 38 to a memory control unit 50 which is further connected to a volatile random access memory (RAM) 58. While any appropriate microprocessor can be used for CPU 26, one suitable microprocessor is the Pentium microprocessor, which is sold by Intel Corporation. "Pentium" is a trademark of Intel Corporation. While the present invention is described hereinafter with particular reference to the system block diagram of FIG. 3, it is to be understood at the outset of the description which follows, it is contemplated that the apparatus and methods in accordance with the present invention may be used with other hardware configurations of the planar board. For example, the system processor could be an Intel 80286, 80386, or 80486 microprocessor. These particular microprocessors can operate in a real addressing mode or a protected addressing mode. Each mode provides an addressing scheme for accessing different areas of the microprocessor's memory. Returning now to FIG. 3, CPU local bus 24 (comprising data, address and control components) provides for the connection of CPU 26, an optional math coprocessor 27, a cache controller 28, and a cache memory 30. Also coupled on CPU local bus 24 is a buffer 32. Buffer 32 is itself connected to a slower speed (compared to the CPU local bus) system bus 34, also comprising address, data and control components. System bus 34 extends between buffer 32 and a further buffer 36. System bus 34 is further connected to a bus control and timing unit 38 and a Direct Memory Access (DMA) unit 40. DMA unit 40 is comprised of a central arbitration unit 48 and a DMA controller 41. Buffer 36 provides an interface between the system bus 34 and an optional feature bus such as the Micro Channel bus 44. "Micro Channel" is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Connected to bus 44 are a plurality of I/O slots 46a-46d for receiving Micro Channel adapter cards which may be further connected to an I/O device or memory. In the depicted example, I/O slot 46a has a hard disk drive connected to it; I/O slot 46b has a CD-ROM drive connected to it; and I/O slot 46c has a ROM on an adapter card connected to it. An arbitration control bus 42 couples the DMA controller 41 and central arbitration unit 48 to I/O slots 46 and diskette adapter 82. Also connected to system bus 34 is a memory control unit 50 which is comprised of a memory controller 52, an address multiplexer 54, and a data buffer 56. Memory control unit 50 is further connected to a random access memory as represented by RAM module 58. Memory controller 52 includes the logic for mapping addresses to and from CPU 26 to particular areas of RAM 58. While the personal computer system 10 is shown with a basic 1 megabyte RAM module, it is understood that additional memory can be interconnected as represented in FIG. 3 by the optional memory modules 60 through 64. A further buffer 66 is coupled between system bus 34 and a planar I/O bus 68. Planar I/O bus 68 includes address, data, and control components respectively. Coupled along planar bus 68 are a variety of I/O adapters and other peripheral components such as display adapter 70 (which is used to drive an optional display 14), a clock 72, nonvolatile RAM 74 (hereinafter referred to as "NVRAM"), a RS232 adapter 76, a parallel adapter 78, a plurality of timers 80, a diskette adapter 82, a PC keyboard/mouse controller 84, and a read only memory (ROM) 86. The ROM 86 includes BIOS which provides the user transparent communications between many I/O devices. Clock 72 is used for time of day calculations. NVRAM 74 is used to store system configuration data. That is, the NVRAM will contain values which describe the present configuration of the system. For example, NVRAM 74 contains information which describe the capacity of a fixed disk or diskette, the type of display, the amount of memory, etc. Of particular importance, NVRAM 74 will contain data which is used to describe the system console configuration; i.e., whether a PC keyboard is connected to the keyboard/mouse controller 84, a display controller is available or the ASCII terminal is connected to RS232 adapter 76. Furthermore, these data are stored in NVRAM 74 whenever a special configuration program is executed. The purpose of the configuration program is to store values characterizing the configuration of this system to NVRAM 76 which are saved when power is removed from the system. Connected to keyboard/mouse controller 84 are ports A and B. These ports are used to connect a PC keyboard (as opposed to an ASCII terminal) and mouse to the PC system. Coupled to RS232 adapter unit 76 is an RS232 connector. An optional ASCII terminal can be coupled to the system through this connector. Specifically, personal computer system 10 may be implemented utilizing any suitable computer such as the IBM PS/2 computer or an IBM RISC SYSTEM/6000 computer, both products of International Business Machines Corporation, located in Armonk, N.Y. "RISC SYSTEM/6000" is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation and "PS/2" is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Referring next to FIG. 4, an illustration of nodes and connectors is depicted in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the present invention. As can be seen, nodes A1-A8 are connected to each other by connectors B1-B7 on work surface 400 in a logical editor executing on a data processing system. According to the present invention, the evaluation of these interconnected nodes may be improved by implementing a communications and acknowledgment scheme, which assures that state changes are recognized and propagated regardless of the connection scheme implemented. The present invention employs an internal representation of a connection between two elements using a pair of values. For example, a high byte and a low byte within a sixteen bit integer may be employed according to the present invention. Turning to FIG. 5, a diagram of a source node connected to a destination node by connector is illustrated according to the present invention. Source node 500 is connected to destination node 502 by connector 504. As can be seen, connector 504 includes a high byte 506 and a low byte 508. Source node 500 may read high byte 506 and has the ability to write only the low byte 508 to express its output state. Destination node 502 has the ability to read the low byte and can acknowledge the receipt of the current data by copying low byte 508 into high byte 506. Source node 500 may read high byte 506 to test if the output state from source node 500 has been recognized by destination node 502. In addition, a main program, also called a "logic engine" may examine a high byte and a low byte by scanning a data structure containing a list of connections to determine whether any connections are unresolved high byte not equal to low byte. Referring next to FIG. 6A, connection list 600 includes entries for a connector, a source node, a destination node, and a state. In the depicted example, the state is the 16 bit integer representing the high byte and the low byte in a connector. Unresolved connections may be found by comparing the high byte to the low byte. If unresolved connections are present, the logic engine may trigger or initiate certain nodes to reevaluate their logic states. The logic engine also may perform a similar scan of internal states of nodes. For example, a logic engine may scan node list 602 in FIG. 6B to determine whether any nodes contain unresolved internal states. As can be seen in FIG. 6B, node list 602 includes entries for the node, a pointer to the connector in the connection list, and a state. The state in node list 602 is the internal state of the node. This state also may be represented by a 16 bit integer having a high byte and a low byte in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The values used in the high bytes and low bytes for the states in the connection list and the node list may be random, or may depend on the resolution of the node in response to an external connection in the case of a state in the connection list. With respect to a state in the node list, the values employed also may be random or depend on the resolution of the node in response to its external connection. For example, a node may have an external connection to a telephone line. A value may be written into the high byte in response to a call ringing the telephone line. In such a case, the high byte would no longer match the low byte and a examination of the state by a logic engine would result in an indication that an unresolved condition existed in the node connected to the telephone line. An unresolved condition signifies an unrecognized logic state. The present invention is particularly useful for allowing state changes to propagate. Referring now to FIG. 7, a flow chart of a process for evaluating nodes and connections in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention is depicted. The process illustrated in FIG. 7 may be initiated upon an input from a user or may be continuously run to recheck the state of nodes and connectors constantly. The process begins by determining whether unchecked connections exist, as illustrated in block 700. If connections that have not been checked exist, the process then obtains the next connection, as depicted in block 102. A determination is then made as to whether the high byte equals the low byte in the state value in the connection list, as illustrated in block 104. If the high byte does not equal the low byte, the process initiates a reevaluation of the destination node attached to the connector having an unresolved state, as depicted in block 706. The process then returns to block 700. Referring again to block 704, if the high byte does equal the low byte, the process also returns to block 700. When no unchecked connections exist in block 700, the process then determines whether unchecked nodes exist, as illustrated in block 708. A presence of unchecked nodes results in the process obtaining the next unchecked node as depicted in block 710. Thereafter, the process determines whether the high byte equals the low byte for the state associated with the unchecked node, as illustrated in block 712. If the high byte does not equal the low byte, the process then initiates a reevaluation of the unresolved node, as depicted in block 714. The process then returns to block 700. Referring again to block 712, if the high byte equals the low byte, the process also returns to block 708. When no more unchecked nodes are present, the evaluation process then terminates. With reference to FIG. 8, a logic diagram of a node is depicted in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Node 800 includes 0 to N inputs into OR gate 802. The output of OR gate 802 is connected to AND gate 804. AND gate 804 has an additional input, the internal state of node 800. The output of AND gate 804 is connected to the output of node 800, which has 1-N output. Node 800 may have some lesser number of inputs and outputs, and in some circumstances may have no input or no outputs in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Node 800 evaluates point A, which is the output of OR gate 802. Point A is evaluated by taking the inputs 1-N and performing an OR function at OR gate 802. If no inputs are present, a constant logic 1 is input into OR gate 802, then point B is evaluated. This evaluation involves checking the internal state of the node, which may include an action, an event, or a condition. An "action" may be, i.e., priming a document, or sending a mail message. An "event" involves checking to see whether an initiating circumstance has occurred. An "condition" involves determining whether a condition is true. An evaluation of the internal state involves making a function call and expecting a return code in response to the function call. Point C is evaluated by performing an AND function from the evaluation of points A and D at AND gate 804. With reference now to FIG. 9, a flowchart of a process for sending outputs is depicted in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The process writes the new process value to the low byte of connections in the output list for the node as depicted in block 900 with the process terminating thereafter. Referring next to FIG. 10, a flowchart for the processing of inputs at a node is depicted in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The process begins by checking the low byte and the high byte for a change for each connection in the input list of the node as depicted in block 1000. Thereafter, a determination is made as to whether a change has occurred, as illustrated in block 1002. If a change has occurred, a process then uses the low byte from each input in the input list and reevaluating point A in FIG. 8, as illustrated in block 1004. Next, the process acknowledges the change by overwriting the high byte for the connection in the input list with the low byte as depicted in block 1006, with the process terminating thereafter. Referring again to block 1002, if a change has not occurred, the process uses the last value at point A from FIG. 8 as the input, as illustrated in block 1008. Blocks 1002 and 1008 are optional and may be skipped if Boolean inputs are used as inputs to the node. If linear inputs are employed, these blocks may speed up the process. While the invention has been particularly shown and described with reference to a preferred embodiment, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and detail may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
The following examples are intended to be illustrative only and do not limit the scope of the claimed invention. EXAMPLE 1 Glass fiber mats were prepared by adding 0.5 gms of surfactant (Katapol VP-532), 0.1 gms of defoamer (Nalco 2343) and 6.5 gms of Manville 1' cut glass fibers obtained from Schuller International to 7.5 liters of hydroxyethyl cellulose-containing white water having a viscosity of 12 to 14 cps and mixed for 3 minutes. Excess water was drained and then vacuum dewatered on a foraminated surface to form a wet glass fiber mat. A urea-formaldehyde binder containing 22 to 25% solids was applied on the fiber mat and excess binder removed by vacuum. The mat was then placed in a Werner Mathis oven for 60 seconds at 205.degree. C. to cure the resin. EXAMPLE 2 A commercially available urea-formaldehyde resin (GP 2928) was used as a control resin. This control resin, GP 2928 resin fortified with 23% polyvinyl acetate (PVAc), and resin modified with 0.5% ZELEC UN.RTM. (GP 328T67) were used as binder to prepare glass fiber mats as described in Example 1. Seven 3".times.5" cut samples were tested for tensile strength under dry conditions and after soaking in an 85.degree. C. water bath for 10 minutes on an Instron with a crosshead speed of 2 inches and a jaw span of 3 inches. Tear strength was tested on 2.5".times.3.0" cut samples using an Elmendorf Tear Machine. The mean values of all tests are shown in Table I. TABLE I __________________________________________________________________________ Dry Hot Wet Resins Mat Wt..sup.a % LOI Tensile.sup.b Tensile.sup.b % R Tear.sup.c __________________________________________________________________________ GP 2928 1.80 24 117 81 69 390 GP 2928 + 1.75 22 115 75 65 380 23% PVAc GP 32ST67 (+ 1.75 21 129 78 60 515 0.5% ZELEC UN .RTM.) __________________________________________________________________________ .sup.a pounds per hundred square feet .sup.b pounds for a 3" wide sheet .sup.c grams Dry tensile strength, hot water tensile strength and percent retention (% R) of dry tensile strength under hot wet condition (hot wet/dry) of the urea-formaldehyde resin containing ZELEC UN.RTM. compare favorably to those of the control (urea-formaldehyde resin) and the latex fortified urea-formaldehyde resins. In contrast, the ZELEC UN.RTM. modified urea-formaldehyde resin produced a glass fiber mat having superior tear strength compared to the control urea-formaldehyde resin and the latex fortified urea-formaldehyde resin. EXAMPLE 3 (COMISON) Glass fiber mats were prepared as described in Example 1 except the hydroxyethyl cellulose white water system was replaced by a polyacrylamide white water system containing 0.02 to 0.1% polyacrylamide and having a viscosity of 4-10 cps, preferably 6 cps. A commercially available latex fortified urea formaldehyde resin (GP 2928 containing 23% PVAc), a commercially available urea-formaldehyde resin modified with a polyamine (GP 2942) and a urea formaldehyde resin containing 0.5% ZELEC UN.RTM. (GP 328T67) were used to cure the glass fiber mats as described in Example 2. Dry and hot wet tensile strength and tear strength was determined as described in Example 2. The results are show in Table II. The values shown in Table II are the ranges of the means of 5 studies, 7 samples per study. TABLE II __________________________________________________________________________ Hot Dry Wet Resins Mat Wt..sup.a % LOI Tensile Tensile % R Tear __________________________________________________________________________ GP 2928 + 1.60-1.90 18-25 120-140 65-104 50-80 300- 23% PVAc 350 GP 2942 (+ 1.60-1.90 18-25 120-140 65-104 50-80 400- polyamine 500 modifier) GP 328T67 (+ 1.60-1.90 18-25 120-140 65-104 50-80 300- 0.5% ZELEC UN .RTM.) 350 __________________________________________________________________________ EXAMPLE 4 Glass fiber mats prepared as described in the hydroxyethyl cellulose white water system of Example 1 were cured with the same resins used in Example 3 and tested for dry and hot wet tensile strength and tear strength as described in Example 2. The results (range mean values of 5 studies-7 samples per study) are shown in Table III. TABLE III __________________________________________________________________________ Dry Hot Wet Resins Mat Wt..sup.a % LOI Tensile Tensile % R Tear __________________________________________________________________________ GP 2928 + 1.60-1.80 18-25 100-110 53-84 50-80 360- 23% PVAc 400 GP 2942 (+ 1.60-1.80 18-25 110-120 58-92 50-80 380- polyamine 450 modifier) GP 328T67 (+ 1.60-1.90 18-25 120-130 63-100 50-80 500- 0.5% ZELEC UN .RTM.) 600 __________________________________________________________________________ The use of a phosphate ester modified-resin provided higher tear strength to glass mats prepared using a hydroxyethyl cellulose white water system. The high tear strength obtained in Examples 2 and 4 for glass mats prepared using the hydroxyethyl cellulose white water system could not be obtained using the polyacrylamide white water system of Example 3. EXAMPLE 5 Glass fiber mats prepared as described in the hydroxyethyl cellulose white water system of Example 1 were cured with a commercially available latex fortified urea-formaldehyde resin (GP 2928 containing 25% PVAc), a urea-formaldehyde resin containing 0.5% ZELEC UN.RTM. (GP 328T67) or a urea-formaldehyde resin containing 0.5% ZELEC TY.RTM.. ZELEC TY.RTM. is a neutralized, water-soluble anionic phosphate ester with a lower molecular weight fatty alcohol backbone. The glass fiber mats were tested for dry and hot wet tensile strength and tear strength as described in Example 2. The mean values are shown in Table IV. TABLE IV __________________________________________________________________________ Dry Hot Wet % Tear Resins Tensile Tensile Retention Strength Mat Wt. % LOI __________________________________________________________________________ GP 2928 + 25% 139 96 70 350 1.80 29 PVAc GP 328T67 (+ 140 89 63 490 1.80 28 ZELEC UN .RTM.) GP 2928 (+ 141 104 74 300 1.80 29 ZELEC TY .RTM.) __________________________________________________________________________ As can be seen in Examples 2 and 4, resins modified with water-insoluble anionic phosphate esters, such as ZELEC UN.RTM., provide significantly higher tear strength in glass mat than latex fortified urea-formaldehyde resins when the glass mat is formed using a hydroxyethyl cellulose white water system. Although use of the water-soluble ZELEC TY.RTM. modified binder gave dry and hot wet tensile strength equal to the latex fortified binder, the ZELEC TY.RTM. modified binder did not improve the tear strength properties compared to the latex fortified binder, as did the water-insoluble ZELEC UN.RTM. modified binder.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION As shown in FIG. 2, the present invention comprises a multi-chip module 20 that includes a plurality of integrated circuit dice 22, each recessed in an aperture 23 in an insulating layer 24 of an insulative base 26. The base 26 may comprise an FR-4 glass-epoxy printed circuit board (PCB) or other PCB, the term PCB as employed herein including conductor-carrying substrates of silicon, ceramic, polymers and other materials known in the art. Although the present invention will be described with respect to multi-chip module embodiments, it will be understood by those having skill in the field of this invention that the present invention is also applicable to single-die applications employing PCB's or other conductor-carving bases. It will also be understood that the present invention is applicable to memory dice, such as Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) dice, packaged in Single In-line Memory Modules (SIMM's), Dual In-line Memory Modules (DIMM's), and memory cards, as well as to processors and other dice commonly employed singly and in multi-chip assemblies on a variety of conductor-carrying substrates. Backsides (not shown) of the dice 22 are directly attached in a chip-on-board (COB) application to a conductive layer 28 of the base 26 using a conductive die-attach material 30, such as a eutectic solder (e.g., a gold/silver eutectic), a metal-filled epoxy (e.g., a silver-filled epoxy), or a conductive polyamide adhesive. Also, the conductive layer 28 is positioned on a substrate 32 that may comprise one or more PCB layers. It will be understood that the conductive die-attach material and the conductive layer may be thermally conductive, electrically conductive, or preferably both, and that the conductive layer may comprise a wide variety of conductive materials, including copper, gold, and platinum. It should also be understood that there may be more than one vertically-superimposed conductive layer in a base and, consequently, that different dice may be attached to different conductive layers in the same base through apertures 23 extending to different depths of base 26. Bond pads 34 on front- or active-side surfaces of the dice 22 are wire-bonded to signal traces 36 carried on a surface of the insulating layer 24. Of course, the bond pads 34 may also be bonded to the signal traces 36 using tape-automated bonding (TAB) techniques, wherein the conductors are carried on a flexible dielectric film. Also, the signal traces 36 may comprise a wide variety of conductors, including, without limitation, copper, gold, and platinum. Further, it should be understood that, while the multi-chip module 20 of FIG. 2 is shown as having a single insulating layer 24 between the conductive layer 28 and the signal traces 36, the present invention is equally applicable to COB applications in which there are multiple superimposed layers, such as insulating, conductive, or signal layers, between a conductive layer to which the backside of a die is directly attached and the signal layer to which the front-side of each die is bonded. Because the present invention directly attaches the backsides of dice to a conductive layer, heat from the dice is advantageously conducted away from the dice through the conductive layer. Also, as shown in FIG. 2, a substrate bias voltage generator 38 can supply a substrate bias voltage V.sub.bb to the backsides (not shown) of the dice 22 through the conductive layer 28. As a result, there is no need for on-board substrate bias voltage generators (not shown) in the dice 22, and there is no need to supply the substrate bias voltage V.sub.bb to the dice 22 through bond pads 34 on their front-side surfaces. Of course, a supply voltage (commonly designated V.sub.cc), ground potential (commonly designated V.sub.ss), or electronic signal may be supplied to the dice 22 through the conductive layer 28 in place of the substrate bias voltage V.sub.bb. Also, although the generator 38 is shown in FIG. 2 as applying a negative substrate bias voltage V.sub.bb to the conductive layer 28, it should be understood that the generator 38 may instead provide a positive substrate bias voltage V.sub.bb to the layer 28. The present invention also provides marginally greater physical protection for dice by positioning them within a protective aperture in the thin upper insulating layer 24. Further, the present invention advantageously allows incrementally shorter bond wires to be used during die-bond because the front-side surfaces of the dice are slightly closer to the level of the signal traces to which they are bonded. While such advantages are relatively small, they are nonetheless significant. As shown in a sectional view in FIG. 3, an alternative version of the multi-chip module 20 of FIG. 2 includes the substrate bias voltage generator 38 directly applying a bias between the conductive layer 28 and a conductive reference layer 41. Of course, while the reference layer 41 is shown in FIG. 3 as being grounded, it may be coupled to any voltage, particularly other reference voltages. As shown in FIG. 4, the present invention also comprises a multi-chip module 40 that includes a plurality of integrated circuit dice 42, each recessed in an aperture 43 in at least one of insulating layers 44 and 46 and in one instance extending through a first conductive layer 48 of an insulative base 50. The base 50 may comprise an FR-4 glass-epoxy printed circuit board (PCB) or other PCB. Backsides (not shown) of the dice 42 are directly respectively attached in a chip-on-board (COB) application to the first conductive layer 48 and a second conductive layer 52 of the base 50 using a conductive die-attach material (not shown), such as a eutectic solder (e.g., a gold/silver eutectic), a metal-filled epoxy (e.g., a silver-filled epoxy), or a conductive polyamide adhesive. Also, the second conductive layer 52 is positioned on a substrate 54 that may comprise one or more PCB layers. It will be understood that the conductive die-attach material and the conductive layers may be thermally conductive, electrically conductive, or preferably both, and that the conductive layers may comprise a wide variety of conductive materials, including copper, gold, and platinum. Bond pads 56 on front- or active-side surfaces of the dice 42 are Tape-Automated Bonded (TAB) to signal traces 58 carried on a surface of the insulating layer 44. Of course, the signal traces may comprise a wide variety of conductors, including, without limitation, copper, gold, and platinum. The flexible film (usually polyimide) of the TAB tape has been deleted for clarity. Because the present invention directly attaches the backsides of dice to conductive layers, heat from the dice is advantageously conducted away from the dice through the conductive layers. Also, substrate bias voltage generators (not shown) can supply a first substrate bias voltage V.sub.bb1, to the backside (not shown) of one of the dice 42 through the first conductive layer 48 and a second substrate bias voltage V.sub.bb2 to the backside (not shown) of the other of the dice 42 through the second conductive layer 52. As a result, there is no need for on-board substrate bias voltage generators in the dice 42, and there is no need to supply the substrate bias voltages V.sub.bb1 and V.sub.bb2 to the dice 42 through bond pads 56 on their front-side surfaces. Of course, a supply voltage V.sub.cc, ground potential V.sub.ss, or electronic signal may be supplied to the dice 42 through the conductive layers 48 and 52 in place of the substrate bias voltages V.sub.bb1 and V.sub.bb2. Also, the substrate bias voltages V.sub.bb1 and V.sub.bb2 can be different voltages. As shown in FIG. 5, the multi-chip module 40 of FIG. 4 can be incorporated into a memory device 60 of an electronic system 62, such as a computer system, that includes an input device 64 and an output device 66 coupled to a processor device 68. Of course, the multi-chip module 40 can alternatively be incorporated into the input device 64, the output device 66, or the processor device 68. Alternatively, the multi-chip module (not shown) of FIG. 2 may be incorporated into the input device 64, output device 66, processor device 68, or memory device 60. Also, the memory device 60 of FIG. 5 may comprise a DIMM, SIMM, memory card or any other memory die-carrying substrate. Although the present invention has been described with reference to particular embodiments, the invention is not limited to these described embodiments. Rather, the invention is limited only by the appended claims, which include within their scope all equivalent devices or methods which operate according to the principles of the invention as described.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The following description of the preferred embodiment(s) is merely exemplary in nature and is in no way intended to limit the invention, its application, or uses. Referring toFIG. 1, a harvester for removing crops from the ground is generally shown at10. The harvester10has a frame, generally shown at12, which provides a structure for the various components to be attached. The frame12is adapted to be connected and disconnected to a motorized vehicle14in any well known manner. In a preferred embodiment, the vehicle14is a tractor or combine, but any vehicle14that is capable of supporting the frame12in order to function the harvester10is within the scope of the present invention. In a preferred embodiment, the frame12extends forwardly from the vehicle14a predetermined length in order to accommodate all the components of the harvester10. Furthermore, the frame12can be any desired width in order to accommodate the components and cover a predetermined amount of area. For example, the width can be made so as to simultaneously harvest four rows. Alternatively, the width can be made so as to simultaneously harvest six rows. It will be apparent that any width may be used. The frame12may be moveable between an operating position and a raised position (not shown). That is, the frame12may include hydraulic cylinders connected to the vehicle's hydraulic system that are operable to raise and lower the frame12. In this manner, the frame12can be moved to a lower operable position as shown for harvesting crops. The frame12can be raised to a non-operable position so that the harvester10can be transported to various locations. A cutting mechanism generally indicated at16, is operably connected to the frame12. In a preferred embodiment, the cutting mechanism16comprises a vibrating blade that is at least placed partially below the ground in order to severe the crops from the ground. In the preferred embodiment, the cutting mechanism16extends the entire width of the frame12in order to maximize the area in which the harvester10is capable of harvesting in a single pass. The frame12comprises a top support17, which has a plurality of legs18that extend from the top support towards the ground. The cutting mechanism16extends between the legs18, so that the cutting mechanism16extends the entire width of the harvester10. Also attached to the legs18is a driving device20which is used to vibrate the cutting mechanism16. In a preferred embodiment there is a driving device20on both legs18, which is for example but not limited to, an electric motor or a hydraulic motor that is operably connected to the power system of the motorized vehicle14. A lifting mechanism or hugger, are generally indicated at22, is operably connected to the frame12for lifting vines onto a conveyor mechanism generally indicated at32. As best shown inFIGS. 2 and 3, the lifting mechanism22preferably comprises of a first belt24on an edge, a second belt26on an opposite edge, and a plurality of rods28extending between the first belt24and the second belt26. Thus, a first end of the rod28is connected to the first belt24and a second end of the rod28is connected to the second belt26. It is preferred that the rods28extend substantially parallel between the first belt24to the second belt26. The rods28are spaced from adjacent rods28. The rods28are adjacent to conveyor mechanism32to support the crops while allowing dirt or other debris to fall between the rods28back to the ground. Typically, the first belt24and second belt26rotate about two sprockets30a,30b. By rotating about two sprockets30a,30b, the lifting mechanism22is capable of moving substantially vertical toward the ground and then move partially horizontally or diagonally in order to lift the crops off the ground and place the crops onto the conveyor mechanism32. Preferably the lifting mechanism22has enough slack, as shown inFIG. 1, so that the lifting mechanism22acts with the conveyor mechanism32to lift or hug the crops between the lifting mechanism22and conveyor mechanism32. In a preferred embodiment, the rods28are made of metal, for durability reasons and that the weight of the rods28causes the extra slack in the lifting mechanism22to sag over the conveyor mechanism32. It should be appreciated that any number of sprockets30a,3bcan be used, so long as the lifting mechanism22is capable of coacting with the conveyor mechanism32for lifting the crops off the ground. In a preferred embodiment, the sprockets30a,30bare operably connected to the frame12. Further, it should be apparent that in some instances additional belts may be used placed between the first belt24and second belt26in order to add additional support for the rods28. Thus, depending on the width of the harvester10, additional belts may be beneficial in order to support the rods28along the width in order to support the weight of the crops. The lifting mechanism22is rotated by a driving device31that is operably connected to the frame12. The driving device31is, for example but not limited to, an electric motor or a hydraulic motor that is operably connected to the power system of the motorized vehicle14in a well known manner. Preferably, the driving device31is operably connected to the driven sprocket30ain order to move the lifting mechanism22. The remaining sprocket30bis an idler, and rotates due to the motion of the driven sprocket30aand the lifting mechanism22. As set forth above, the harvester10further comprises the conveyor mechanism32, operably connected to the frame12which is used to move the crops along the harvester10. The conveyor mechanism32extends between a first end adjacent the ground and a second end spaced from the first end adjacent the ground. The conveyor mechanism32has a first belt34on one edge, and a second belt36on an opposite edge, and a plurality of rods38extending between the first belt34and the second belt36. A first end of the rod38is connected to the first belt34and a second end of the rod38is connected to the second belt36. It is preferred that the rods38extend substantially parallel to one another. Further, the first belt34and second belt36typically move about two sprockets40a,40bin order for the conveyor mechanism32to move the crops. The sprockets40a,40bare operably connected to the frame12. Furthermore, each rod38is spaced from the next adjacent rod38so that dirt from the crops and other debris falls between the rods38, but the rods38supports the crops as the crops move along the conveyor mechanism32. Depending on the width of the harvester10, additional belts are used to adequately support the rods38. The conveyor mechanism32is rotated by a driving device41that is operably connected to the frame12. In a preferred embodiment the driving device41is an electric motor or hydraulic motor that is operably connected to the power system of the motorized vehicle14in a known manner. Preferably, the driving device41is operably connected to the driven sprocket40ain order to move the conveyor mechanism32. The remaining sprocket40bis an idler, and rotates due to the motion of the driven sprocket40aand the conveyor mechanism32. The rods38have a plurality of fingers42that extend traverse to and outwardly from the rods38. Typically, the fingers42extend in a single direction from the rods38, so that the fingers42extend towards the crop when the crops are placed on the rods38. In a preferred embodiment, the fingers42are made of a rubber or flexible material so that the fingers42are rigid enough to grip or move the crops, but are flexible in order to bend when a sufficient amount of force is applied to the fingers42in order to prevent damage to the crops. These fingers42engage the crops, such as the cucumber vines, and helps lift them off of the ground. The fingers42also aid in conveying the vines. In addition, rods38which do not have fingers42are preferably placed between rods38that do have fingers42in order to provide proper spacing of the fingers42and for additional support for the crops on the conveyor mechanism32. A first roller, generally indicated at44, is positioned adjacent the top end of the conveyor mechanism32. The roller has an axle45that extends across the width of the frame between the legs18in order to support the first roller44. The first roller44has a plurality of fingers or roller fingers46that are circumferentially placed around the first roller44. Typically, the first roller44is connected to a driving device48on the frame12which rotates the first roller44. The driving device48is preferably an electric motor or a hydraulic motor that is operably connected to the power system of the motorized vehicle14in a known manner. The fingers46on the first roller44are used to stretch or detangle the crops from themselves and grab the crops from the conveyor mechanism32. The fingers46are preferably made of a flexible or rubber material so that the fingers46grab the crops in order to stretch and detangle the crops. However, the fingers46flex when a sufficient amount of force is applied to the fingers46in order to prevent damage to the crops. It should be appreciated that the fingers46are capable of being made of any material, so long as the fingers46are rigid enough in order to stretch or detangle the crops. In a preferred embodiment, the fingers46have an arcuate shape, so that the fingers46better grasp the crops46in order to stretch and detangle the crops40. Thus, the fingers46are able to reach between the fingers42of the conveyor mechanism32in order to grab the crops off of the conveyor mechanism32. A second conveyor mechanism generally indicated at50, is operably connected to the frame12. The second conveyor mechanism50moves about a spread of sprockets52a,52badjacent the first roller44. A gap70is provided between the first roller and the second conveyor mechanism50. The gap70preferably comprises an adjustable dirt gap70, which allows dirt to be ejected from the conveyor mechanism50. Thus, the dirt falls through the dirt gap70while the vines are passed from the first roller44to the second conveyor mechanism50. The dirt gap70is preferably adjustable so that the dirt gap70is altered depending on the crops and dirt conditions. Typically, the dirt gap70is adjustable by a threaded adjustment mechanism or a hydraulic adjustment mechanism. It will be appreciated that the dirt gap70may be fixed. In this manner, the gap70remains constant and is not changeable by the operator. The sprockets52a,52bare operably connected to the frame12. Similar to the conveyor mechanism32, the second conveyor mechanism50comprises a first belt54at one edge, a second belt56on a second edge, and a plurality of rods58that extend between the first belt54and the second belt56. Thus, a first end of the rods58is connected to the first belt54and a second end of the rods58is connected to the second belt56, such that the rods58extend substantially parallel to one another. Typically, the plurality of sprockets52a,52bare operably connected to the frame12. Preferably, a driving device60is operably connected to a driven sprocket52aso that the sprocket52arotates and causes the second conveyor mechanism50to move. The sprocket52bis an idle sprocket which guides the second conveyor mechanism50and moves due to the rotation of the driven sprocket52aand the movement of the second conveyor mechanism50. The driving device60is preferably an electric motor or a hydraulic motor that is operably connected to the power system of the motorized vehicle14in a known manner. Also, each rod58is preferably spaced from the adjacent rod58which allows dirt from the crops and other debris from falling through the rods58, but the rods58are close enough to support the crops. Furthermore, additional belts may be used in order to adequately support the rods58depending on the width of the harvester10. Furthermore, the rods58create a substantially flat surface in order for the second conveyor mechanism50to transport the crops as the second conveyor mechanism50rotates about the plurality of sprockets52. A second roller, generally indicated at60, is operably connected to the frame12, and a plurality of fingers or roller fingers62are circumferentially placed around the second roller60. The second roller60is similar to the first roller44, in that the roller is operably connected to the frame12by a driving device64that rotates the second roller60. As described above, the driving device64is preferably a hydraulic or electric motor that is operably connected to the power system of the motorized vehicle14in a known manner. Typically the fingers62are made of a flexible or rubber material so that the fingers62are rigid enough to move the crops, but a sufficient amount of force causes the fingers62to bend in order to prevent or reduce damage to the crops. The second roller60has a similar function as the first roller44, in that the second roller60grabs the crops by the flexible fingers62and is used to stretch or detangle the crop. Also, the second roller60is used to move or fluff the crops in order for the stripper mechanism65to more effectively remove the desirable portions of the crops, as described below, when compared to the crops not being fluffed. In an alternate embodiment, the second roller60does not have fingers62. The second roller60is a bumped roller or ribbed roller that moves or fluffs the crops. The harvester10further comprises at least one circular cutter66. The circular cutter66is operably connected to the frame12so that the circular cutter66is disposed at least partially in the ground when the harvester10is in the operating position. In a preferred embodiment, there are two circular cutters66on opposite sides of the frame12and the circular cutter66is a metal blade that is rotated as the harvester10is in operation in order to cut the crops that are outside the width of the harvester10. Thus, the circular cutters66are preferable placed on the outside peripheral edge of the frame12. The circular cutters66severs the vines of the crops that are within the width of the harvester10from the crops that are outside the width of the harvester10, which results in reducing the tangling between the vines of the crops inside and outside the width of the harvester10. The harvester10further comprises at least one wheel68operably connected to the frame12, such that the wheel68supports the frame12when the harvester10is in the operating position. In a preferred embodiment, there are two wheels on opposite sides of the frame12, and the wheels68are on a front portion of the frame12or the portion of the frame12farthest from the vehicle14. Typically, the wheel68is includes a rubber tire, but any suitable wheel68that is capable of supporting the frame12is used. Preferably, the wheel68is adjustable with respect to the frame12, such that the height of the frame12and the components which are operably connected to the frame12are dependent upon the position of the wheel68. Such an adjustment can be made in a well known manner. The harvester10further comprises a stripper mechanism generally indicated at65. The stripper mechanism65comprises of a plurality of rollers in which the crops pass through the plurality of rollers of the stripper mechanism65. The stripper mechanism65moves the crops with a sufficient amount of velocity and force so that the desired portion of the crop is separated from the undesired portion of the crop. Then the desired portion of the crop is dropped into a first location or typically a collection bin and ultimately conveyed in the usual manner. The undesired portion of the crop is deposited into a second location or typically the ground. Such a stripper65is well known in the art. In operation, the frame12is connected to the vehicle14, in which the vehicle14supplies the power to the components operably connected to the frame12. The height of the frame12relative to the ground when in the operating position, is controlled by the placement of the wheel68, so that the wheel68is positioned at a desired height in order to keep the cutting mechanism16at a desired depth in the ground and the lifting mechanism22and conveyor mechanism32a desired height from the ground. In a preferred embodiment, the harvester10is used for the harvesting of cucumbers for pickles which have long vines in which the desired portion of the crop is attached to the vine. Thus, as the vehicle14moves the harvester10, the circular cutter66on the outside peripheral edge of the frame12cuts the portion of the crops or vines which are outside the width of the frame12. The circular cutter66helps prevent the lifting mechanism22from lifting a portion of the crops which are outside the width of the frame12and reduces tangling of the vines between crops that are within the width of the frame12and the crops that are outside the width of the frame12. As the harvester10is being moved by the vehicle14, the cutting mechanism16, in the form of a vibrating blade, is being moved along at least partially under the ground in order to severe the vines from the ground. After the vines have been severed from the ground by the cutting mechanism16, the lifting mechanism or hugger22, preferably in conjunction with the conveyor mechanism32, lifts the crops from the ground and place the crops onto the conveyor mechanism32. Preferably the lifting mechanism has enough slack so that the lifting mechanism22coacts with the conveyor mechanism32to guide the crops along the conveyor mechanism32. In an alternate embodiment, the lifting mechanism22is only used to move the crops from the ground to the conveyor mechanism32. The flexible fingers42on the conveyor mechanism32contact the crops in order to move the crops along the conveyor mechanism32from a first end adjacent the ground to a second end adjacent to the first roller44. The fingers42grasp the vines in order to move the crops, but are flexible and bend in order to prevent or reduce damage to the cucumbers. The crops are then accepted from the conveyor mechanism32by the first roller44, which utilizes flexible fingers46to stretch and detangle the vines of the crops. Typically, as the crops move along the first conveyor mechanism32, the crops settle in between the rods38and the fingers42. The preferred shape of the fingers44allow for the fingers42to reach between the rods38and fingers42in order to grab the crops from the first conveyor mechanism32. After the first roller44stretches and detangles the vines of the crops, the second conveyor mechanism50accepts the crops at a first end which is adjacent the first roller44. Dirt is removed through the dirt gap70. The second conveyor mechanism50then moves the crops towards the stripper mechanism65. In a preferred embodiment, the second roller60is placed at a second end of the second conveyor mechanism50between the second conveyor50and the stripper mechanism65. The second roller60is similar to the first roller44, such that the second roller60has the plurality of fingers62that are used to stretch and detangle the vines. The crops then pass from the second roller60to the stripper mechanism65. However, in an alternate embodiment, the second roller60is removed and the crops pass from the second conveyor mechanism50directly to the stripper mechanism65. As the crops pass through the stripper mechanism65, the crops pass through the plurality of rollers of the stripper mechanism65so that the desired portions of the crops are separated from the undesired portion of the crop in a well known manner. The rollers of the stripper mechanism65move the crops with a sufficient amount of velocity and force so that the pickle or cucumber is separated from the vine. Then the cucumber is dropped from the stripper mechanism65into a collection bin72or another device used for collection of crops. Then the undesirable portions of the crop or the vines are discharged from the stripper mechanism65to the ground. Even though the above description of the harvester10in operation dealt with the harvesting of cucumbers, it is within the scope of the present invention that the harvester10is used for harvesting of any crop that it is desirable to straighten or detangle the crops from upon themselves. The description of the invention is merely exemplary in nature and, thus, variations that do not depart from the gist of the invention are intended to be within the scope of the invention. Such variations are not to be regarded as a departure from the spirit and scope of the invention.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION In the following detailed description of exemplary embodiments of the invention, reference is made to the accompanying drawings, which form a part hereof, and in which is shown by way of illustration specific exemplary embodiments in which the invention may be practiced. These embodiments are described in sufficient detail to enable those skilled in the art to practice the invention, and it is to be understood that other embodiments may be utilized and that logical, mechanical, electrical and other changes may be made without departing from the spirit or scope of the present invention. The following detailed description is, therefore, not to be taken in a limiting sense, and the scope of the present invention is defined only by the appended claims. FIG. 1introduces the concepts of Chip-Based Gaming and the “Chip Palette.”102.FIG. 1also illustrates some exemplary games in which the Chip-Based Gaming Model may be applied. These examples include (but are not limited to) video poker104, multi-line slot machines106, and newer, cutting edge electronic games of chance such as shown at reference numeral108and disclosed in co-pending and commonly assigned US provisional application entitled “Multi-Act Style Electronic Game” Ser. No. 60/738,812 filed on Nov. 22, 2005, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. Prior artFIG. 2depicts three sample slot machine displays that collectively illustrate how player bets are spread evenly across pay lines in conventional multi-line electronic slot machines. The top-most drawing inFIG. 2shows a player betting three nickels204on a machine with a maximum of three pay lines, as shown at202. To do so, the player applies one nickel to each of three separate pay lines, thereby evenly spreading his or her bets across available pay lines. The middle drawing inFIG. 2illustrates the situation in which a player bets five quarters208on a gaming machine with five pay lines, as shown at206. To do this, the player applies one quarter to each of the five pay lines. The bottom drawing inFIG. 2shows a player betting one hundred quarters212on a gaming machine with five separate pay lines, as shown at210. To do so, the player may place ten quarters on each of the five pay lines, which is equivalent to five separate bets of five dollars each, or $25 spread evenly across all available pay lines. Collectively, the drawings ofFIG. 2demonstrate that, in the conventional multi-line slot model, players may activate more pay lines or increase the size of their bet globally, but may not apply different-sized bets to different pay lines within a same gaming machine. FIG. 3depicts both an exemplary “Chip Palette”102and a sample display screen304from a Chip-Based Slot Machine. Note that the slot machine symbols (oranges, cherries, etc.) have been omitted from the display screen304for clarity of illustration. The Chip Palette102, according to an embodiment thereof, may include an onscreen menu that may contain a series of betting chips of different denominations. In the exemplary embodiment shown inFIG. 3, the Chip Palette102includes betting chips having denominations of 5¢, 10¢, 25¢, $1, $5 and $10, although other combinations are possible. Players may utilize the Chip Palette102to select a bet size and then apply (e.g., drag and drop) that bet to a variety of onscreen features including but not limited to pay lines, re-spins, and nudges, as detailed herein below. As shown in the bottom drawing ofFIG. 3, players may take betting chips of different denominations from the Chip Palette102(using a pointing device303, for example) and apply selected betting chips from the Chip Palette102to separate and player selected pay lines on a Chip-Based Slot Machine. For example and as shown in the bottom drawing ofFIG. 3, the player may take three quarters from the Chip Palette102and place them on the payline306and may take one five dollar chip from the Chip Palette102and place that chip on payline308. This innovation gives players the ability to 1) bet on only those pay lines on which they want to play and 2) weigh their individual pay lines bets differently than others, if they wish to do so. According to one embodiment of the present invention, players may be allowed to select chips from their Chip Palette and place bets therewith up to their available balance or credit limit. FIG. 4Ashows a display402of a conventional multi-line slot machine and shows that betting opportunities are conventionally limited to spreading all of one's bets evenly across pay lines. As shown, pay lines404,406,408and412are losing bets, whereas payline410is a winning payline.FIG. 4Bshows a display414of a Chip-Based slot machine according to an embodiment of the present invention. As shown, Chip-Based slot machines according to embodiments of the present invention enable the player to skip betting on some pay lines and/or to weigh (e.g., bet different amounts) one or more pay lines differently than one or more other pay lines. That is, the player may bet different amounts on one or more selected pay lines than on other or remaining pay lines. In the embodiment shown inFIG. 4B, the player has not placed bets on pay lines416,420or424. Moreover, the player has used the Chip Palette to place a $1 bet on payline418and a $10 bet on payline422. Collectively,FIGS. 4A and 4Billustrate that while conventional slot machines only allow bets to be spread evenly across all pay lines, embodiments of the present invention enable players the flexibility to refrain from betting on some pay lines and to freely select the size of their bets on other pay lines. FIG. 5shows a conventional multi-line slot machine display and illustrates the concept that, on such machines, near-winning pay lines (such as shown at506, which would be a winning payline but for the presence of the orange symbol at508) generate no greater reward, excitement, or betting opportunities than do clearly-losing pay lines (such as shown at502and504). In such gaming machines, a losing payline is just that, a losing payline, and can never become otherwise. In contrast, embodiments of the present invention heighten the player's rewards and excitement by enabling the player to buy another spin on one or more reels that display symbols that the player does not like. In practice, the player may use this feature, for example, to “buy” another shot at a near winning (but currently losing) payline. As shown,FIG. 6shows a display604showing three losing pay lines, as shown at reference numerals606,608and610. Of these pay lines606and608are clearly losing pay lines, in that no more than two symbols match (although that need not be the criterion for a clearly losing payline). Payline610, on the other hand, although still a losing payline, may also be characterized as “nearly winning,” as it would be a winning payline if the orange symbol612were to be replaced with the cherries symbol. Embodiments of the present invention afford the player the opportunity to bet that a re-spin of a reel that currently displays an unwanted symbol will result in a winning payline. That is, the player may bet (in the example ofFIG. 6, $1) that a re-spin of the reel612currently displaying the orange symbol will result in that reel displaying the cherries symbol, thereby transforming a previously losing payline into a winning one. To do so, the player may select a Re-Spin Chip602(which may be incorporated in a Chip Palette according to embodiments of the present invention) and place that Re-Spin Chip onto the reel612within the payline610. In effect, after a nearly successful spin, the player may elect to buy new symbols by placing a Re-Spin Chip on a reel or reels that he or she wishes to re-spin. Alternatively or in addition to the above, the player may purchase a “Hold-Down Chip” and place such a Hold-Down Chip on a reel that he or she wishes to hold-down (while the other reels spin or re-spin). The Chip Palette may dynamically change during game play to offer the player the appropriate or available chips based on contextual information relative to the state of the game. That is, the Chip Palette may offer one or more Re-Spin and/or Hold-Down Chips of selected denominations only after the player has spun the reels and the winning or losing state of the pay lines has been determined. As shown inFIG. 6, after a Re-Spin Chip602is selected from the Chip Palette and placed on reel612, the player may hit a Bet button614or perform some equivalent action, to cause the re-spin of reel612(all other reels remaining static). As shown at618, in this example, the player's bet and re-spin of reel612has paid off, as the re-spin caused the hoped-for symbol (the orange symbol, in this case) to appear, and the previously losing payline610is now a winning payline.FIG. 6shows the manner in which a player, playing on a Chip-Based Machine according to an embodiment of the present invention, may buy an opportunity to redraw certain symbols in an attempt to form winning pay lines. In contrast with the conventional approach shown inFIG. 6, embodiments of the present invention heighten the player's anticipation and potential rewards by affording them the ability to take another shot at a payline that is nearly winning. It is understood that the paytables and/or odds may be changed for the case wherein a re-spin and/or a hold-down of a selected payline or pay lines has occurred, subject to applicable gaming regulations. For example, the odds of a single selected symbol appearing after a re-spin may be preset to equal the odds of achieving a winning payline (e.g., five cherries, in this case) had all of the reels been re-spun. However, other implementations are possible, subject to applicable laws and gaming regulations. FIG. 7shows another embodiment of the present invention. As shown, the Chip Palette may include a “Nudge” Chip, as shown at702. As shown, the display704of the present Chip-Based gaming machine reveals that the just concluded game play resulted in three losing pay lines706,708and710, of which payline710may be considered to be nearly winning. According to an embodiment of the present invention, the player may place one or more bets using one or more Nudge Chips702, which grants the player the opportunity to (nudge the reels to) move symbols up and down or between reels. For example, the player may place a Nudge Chip702on a selected column of reels, in the hopes that the effect of the nudge cause the cherries symbol to drop into the third payline710, as suggested by the arrow714, to thereby transform an initially loosing payline into a winning one.FIG. 7illustrates how a player playing on a Chip-Based gaming machine may buy the opportunity to move an adjacent symbol or symbols into a payline or pay lines to form a winning payline or pay lines. According to an embodiment of the present invention, placing and releasing a Nudge Chip on a payline or column of pay lines may have the immediate effect of nudging the affected reels, without requiring the player to push a “bet” button. Of course, other implementation details are possible. FIG. 8illustrates how betting is typically handled in conventional video poker games, such as shown at802. In such games, every wager a player makes is divided across all reward-generating hands such that players are not able to increase their wager on making a particular hand without increasing their wagers evenly across all reward-generating hands. Indeed, conventional betting methods for Video Poker spread bets evenly across a standard pay table such that a small percentage of each player's wager is applied to every possible reward generating hand. FIG. 9illustrates how betting may be enhanced in a Chip-Based video poker game according to an embodiment of the present invention. In Chip-Based gaming machines (such as Video Poker gaming machines, for example), players may place a betting chip (selected from a Chip Palette102, for example) on a particular hand prior to the deal, thereby increasing the reward structure for achieving that hand. Therefore, the Chip Based gaming machines grant players the flexibility to alter their wager on making specific hands and thus affect the game's pay table. As shown inFIG. 9, a Chip Palette102may be provided that enables the player to place a betting chip (in this case, a $5 bet) on a specific, player-selected hand (in this case, the Straight902), thereby affecting the payout to the player should the player be dealt that hand. Note that the player may bet different amounts on some hands and/or place no bets on other hands. Note also that the Chip Palette102need not be represented at all, or may be differently represented than shown inFIG. 9. Alternatively still, its functionality may be incorporated within the game, without explicitly manifesting its presence on the game display. Moreover, versions Re-Spin and Hold-Down Chips (or variations thereof) may also be used in Video Poker and similar games, to enable the player the ability to buy a re-deal of a specific card or cards, in a manner similar to that described and shown relative toFIG. 6. FIG. 10depicts a cutting edge game of chance that makes use of Chip-Based Gaming according to yet another embodiment of the present invention. As show, a Chip Palette1002may display at an opportune time during game play to allow players to bet on onscreen features and events. Such features and events may appear and occur during game play of most any game of chance or during game play in a multi-act style electronic game, as disclosed in previously incorporated provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/738,812. As shown, the user may decide to wager on the occurrence of a specific event of a plurality of events1004that may or may not randomly occur during later game play. In the illustrative example shown inFIG. 10, the player wagers that a tornado1006will occur and disrupt the railroad1008. If such a tornado actually occurs during later game play, as shown inFIG. 10, the player will be rewarded according to his or her wager (in this case, a $1 bet) and the appropriate pay table. As electronic games of chance continue to evolve, the Chip-Based Gaming model disclosed herein will continue to grant the player maximum wagering flexibility. As the narrative of games of chances evolves from a single occurrence or premise to a player-directed script-based or interactive gaming experience, the opportunities to bet on selected events, features, characters and the like will increase. While the foregoing detailed description has described several embodiments of this invention, it is to be understood that the above description is illustrative only and not limiting of the disclosed invention. For example, the Chip Palette according to embodiments of the present invention may be configured such as to appear and disappear during game play according to, for example, the availability within the game, of events or occurrences on which the player is authorized to place bets, the sophistication of the player or the desired complexity of game play. Occasionally, the Chip Palette may include a “Comp Chip.” That is, to reward persistent players, a free chip of a selected denomination may be provided within the Chip Palette to enable the player to place a bet at no expense. Indeed, a number of modifications will no doubt occur to persons of skill in this art. All such modifications, however, should be deemed to fall within the scope of the present invention.
DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION With reference to FIG. 1, a V.sub.CC power supply is connected + to terminal 10 and - to ground (or V.sub.SS) terminal 11. The circuit has an output terminal 12 which is normally low when the power supply is at full voltage. The function of the circuit is to provide an output indication in response to the power supply brownout voltage level. In the case of a battery power source, the circuit is to provide an output indication when the battery must be replaced or recharged. Also, when an A-C line rectified power supply is employed, its output can decline due to the loss of one or a few cycles of excitation. The actual level in the power supply voltage decline, or brownout, is desirably based upon the lowest voltage that will still provide normal circuit functioning. In CMOS this will typically be at the complementary transistor sum of thresholds. Actually, the level will be at some increment above the sum of threshold values so that nearly optimum CMOS gate potentials are supplied with an additional increment for providing switching headroom. In actual operation, the lowest level at which the circuit provides a brownout output is close to one threshold above the sum of P and N transistor thresholds. Buffer 13, which supplies the signal at output terminal 12, is driven by pull down element 14 so that a substantially rail-to-rail output is available. A pull up element 15 is also coupled to the input of buffer 13 and when operating supplies a current I.sub.3 to pull down element 14. A noise reduction capacitor 9 is connected across the input to pull down element 14. A voltage dropping element 16 is coupled between the positive supply rail and the input to pull down element 14. In normal operation it conducts I.sub.2 which activates the pull down which holds the input to buffer 13 low. I.sub.2 normally flows in current mirror pull down element 18 which acts to cause I.sub.2 to flow in element 16. Element 18 responds as a current mirror to current sink 20, which receives I.sub.IN from current set 21. Thus, I.sub.2 is related to I.sub.IN. Current sink 20 also operates pull down current mirror 21 which pulls current I.sub.1 out of current source 22. Pull up current mirror 15, which supplies I.sub.3, is in turn operated from current source 22. Thus, I.sub.3 is also related to I.sub.IN. As long as I.sub.2 flows output terminal 12 will be held low and normal circuit operation proceeds. When V.sub.CC declines, for example, the power supply battery voltage declines or the A-C power supply voltage drops, a point will be reached where the voltage drop across element 16 cannot be sustained and I.sub.2 will drop. This will allow the conduction in pull down current mirror 18 to dominate and pull the input to pull down 14 low. This will overcome the pull down function and allow pull up current mirror 15 to pull the input to buffer 13 high, thus, signaling a power supply brownout. It can be seen that the brownout level indiction is determined in large measure by voltage drop element 16. The elements described in FIG. 1 are described in block diagram form that can be implemented using almost any form of IC construction. However, the preferred embodiment is in CMOS form. FIG. 2 is a simplified schematic diagram showing the preferred circuit. Buffer 13, which provides the output signal at terminal 12, is driven by N channel inverter transistor 14 to provide a substantially rail-to-rail output signal. The signal at the drain of transistor 14 switches from low to high as the supply voltage of the source declines through brownout. P channel transistor 15 serves as the load element for N channel inverter transistor 14. N channel transistor 16, in combination with P channel transistor 17, provides the circuit voltage reference that determines the circuit switching level. Both of transistors 16 and 17 have their gates returned to their drains and they are connected in series. In normal circuit operation N channel transistor 18 will sink a small controlled current, I.sub.2, through transistors 16 and 17 which will conduct and attempt to maintain a conduction threshold voltage drop across them. Thus, transistors 16 and 17 will attempt to maintain the gate of transistor 14 at the sum of N and P channel transistor thresholds, V.sub.TPN, below the supply rail potential. As long as V.sub.CC -V.sub.TPN is in excess of the threshold hold of transistor 14, the potential at the drain of transistor 14 will be low and the logic output at terminal 12 will be zero. The small controlled current, I.sub.2, is produced as follows. P channel transistor 19 is constructed as a narrow, long-channel channel device that displays substantial "on" resistance. The source of transistor 19 is returned to +V.sub.CC and its gate is grounded so that it is conductive. I.sub.IN will flow in N channel transistor 20, which has its gate and drain connected to the drain of transistor 19 and its source returned to ground. N channel transistor 18 is connected as a current mirror to transistor 20. If transistors 18 and 20 are matched, I.sub.2 will equal I.sub.IN. N channel transistor 21 is also connected as a current mirror to transistor 20 and thereby conducts I.sub.1. Since I.sub.1 flows in P channel transistor 22, which has its gate and drain commonly connected to the drain of transistor 21 and its source returned to +V.sub.CC, it too will conduct I.sub.1. P channel transistor 15, which is the load for transistor 14, is connected as a current mirror to transistor 22. Then, assuming that transistors 22 and 15 are matched, I.sub.IN will attempt to flow in transistor 15. When transistor 15 dominates the drain of transistor 14 will be pulled high and when conduction in transistor 14 dominates its drain will be pulled low. When I.sub.2 exceeds I.sub.IN, as would be the case when V.sub.CC exceeds the switching threshold, the gate of transistor 14 will rise so that it dominates and pulls its drain low. Furthermore, to ensure that the circuit is stable, transistor 14 is made stronger than transistor 15. Accordingly, assuming that I.sub.IN =I.sub.1 =I.sub.2 =I.sub.3, the circuit trip point is exceeded and transistor 14 will dominate to keep its drain low. Buffer 13 will then pull terminal 12 low so as to indicate an adequate supply voltage or an absence of brownout. It can be seen that VTPN is the critical switching element. A sufficient reduction in current must occur in transistors 16 and 17 in order to overcome the built-in circuit threshold so that terminal 12 is forced high. As a practical matter, the signal at terminal 12 can act as a flag to signal power supply brownout. If desired, terminal 12 can be connected to other circuits, not shown, to automatically shut down critical elements that could react adversely in the presence of brownout. Transistor 9 has its gate connected to the gate of transistor 14 and functions to provide a capacitance that bypasses the inverter switching signal produced by transistors 16 and 17. This capacitance will shunt high frequency noise and thereby reduce the sensitivity of the circuit to noise or rapid fluctuations of the V.sub.CC level. As a practical matter, any form of capacitor could be employed for this function. However, in the interest of avoiding off chip IC components an on-chip approach was chosen. While any form of on-chip capacitor, such as two metal plates, poly-metal plates, poly-to-poly plates or conventional MOS plates, could be used, a MOS transistor gate capacitance was employed because it provides the highest value of capacitance per unit area. An N channel transistor structure was chosen to form capacitor 9. Both the source and drain of transistor 9 are connected to ground and the gate is connected to the gate of transistor 14 so that transistor 9 will be turned on when transistor 14 is turned on. This is the normal circuit state so that a channel is normally present in transistor 9. This ensures a reliable gate capacitance wherein the induced channel serves as the other capacitor plate. The very thin gate oxide ensures a suitable capacitor value. In the preferred embodiment of the invention transistor 9 has an area of only 225 square microns so that a relatively small IC chip area is required. FIG. 3 is a block-schematic diagram showing additional circuit details. Where similar circuit elements are present the same numerals are applied. Normally, and in brown-out, the circuits of FIGS. 2 and 3 operate identically. However, the details of buffer 13 are set forth and an output disable circuit incorporated. Also, means for shutdown of the brownout detection circuit are added. In the shutdown mode the circuit draws only diode leakage current, thus, conserving battery power. N channel transistor 25 and P channel transistor 26 form the output stage of buffer 13 and operate as a conventional CMOS inverter gate to drive terminal 12. This inverter is in turn driven by N channel inverter transistor 23. P channel transistor 24 serves as the load for transistor 23. It can be seen that the two cascaded inverter stages allow transistors 23-26 to function as a high gain buffer that has a rail-to-rail output capability. Terminal 12 drives a NAND gate 27 which in turn drives inverter 28 so that the circuit output, present at PWRLO pin 29 is a repetition of the signal at terminal 12. The second input of NAND gate 27 is an enable signal that is applied by way of ENBO pin 30. When pin 30 is high NAND gate 27 and inverter 28 function as a noninverting buffer and the signals at terminal 12 are repeated at pin 29. However, if pin 30 is low the output at pin 29 is disabled. This disable feature is useful in circuit applications where software control is employed. Transistors 31 through 34 have been incorporated into the circuit to perform the shutdown function and they are operated by switch 35 and inverters 36 and 37. Whereas, the gate of transistor 19 was shown grounded in FIG. 1, in the FIG. 2 configuration the gate of transistor 19 can be operated by switch 35 and inverter 36. Switch 35 can be implemented in the form of a single pole double throw physical element. Alternatively, it can be implemented in the form of a CMOS device under the control of software. Alternatively, it can be operated by means of an IC metallization, diffusion or other circuit option. When operated as shown in the ON position switch 35 will return the input of inverter 36 to the +V.sub.CC rail so as to force it high. This will result in a logic low at the gate of transistor 19, which is thereby turned on to function as described in connection with FIG. 1. When switch 35 is in its OFF position the input to inverter 36 is low and the gate of transistor 19 returned to +V.sub.CC. In this state transistor 19 if off and I.sub.IN goes to zero. It, therefore, reduced I.sub.1 and I.sub.3 to zero. In the off state it can be seen that the gate of N channel transistor 31 is high so as to turn it on. This results in pulling the gates of transistor 18 and 21 low so that they cannot conduct. This reduces I.sub.2 (and I.sub.1 and I.sub.IN) to zero. In the OFF state of switch 35, it can be seen that the input to inverter 37 is high so that its output is low. This will turn on P channel transistors 32-34. Transistor 32 will pull the gate of transistors 15,22 and 24 high so as to turn them off. Thus, I.sub.3, I.sub.1 and the drain current in transistor 23 all go to zero. Transistor 33 will pull the gate of transistor 14 high so it will clamp the gate of transistor 23 low to ensure that it is off. Transistor 34 will pull the gates of transistors 25 and 26 high so as to turn transistor 26 off and transistor 25 on. This will reduce the output stage current to zero and clamp terminal 12 low. The overall result is the cessation of any current flow in the circuit. Since gates 27, 28, 36 and 37 all employ CMOS gates that are not switched, they too will not draw any appreciable current. EXAMPLE The circuit of FIG. 2 was constructed using conventional CMOS elements. The following device sizes were employed: ______________________________________ COMPONENT W/L (MICRONS) ______________________________________ 9 15/15 16 25/5 17 60/5 19 5/100 20, 21, 18, 14, 23 10/10 25 30/3 26 40/3 31, 32, 33, 34 3/3 ______________________________________ The circuit operated over a V.sub.CC range up to about 6 volts. The brownout trip level was observed to be 3.1 volts in the test vehicle. Clearly, this level was self-adjusting to the threshold values of the transistors being produced in the CMOS process. A typical V.sub.TPN value was found to be about 2 volts. The invention has been described and a preferred embodiment detailed. When a person skilled in the art reads the foregoing description, alternatives and equivalents, within the spirit and intent of the invention, will be apparent. Accordingly, it is intended that the scope of the invention be limited only by the claims that follow.
BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION For a better understanding of the present invention, together with other and further objects, advantages and capabilities thereof, reference is made to the following disclosure and appended claims taken in conjunction with the above-described drawings. Referring now to the drawings with greater particularity, there is shown inFIG. 1a multi-color light lamp10comprising a base12divided into a plurality of segments14. In the embodiment shown there are three segments spaced120degrees apart. More or less segments can be employed if desired. At least one LED16is operatively positioned in each segment14, the at least one LED16in each segment14emitting light in a color distinct from the light emitted by the at least one LED16in the other segments14. Preferably, if the lamp is to be used for automotive purposes, the LEDs in a first segment can emit red light to be used as a taillight and a stop light, the LEDs in a second segment can emit yellow light to be used as a turn signal lamp, and the LEDs in the third segment can emit white light to function as a backup light. A light pipe18is operatively associated with the LEDs16in each segment for directing emitted light away from the base12. The LEDs16(preferably two per segment) are mounted upon a thermally efficient printed circuit board20such as a flex-on aluminum board. In one embodiment of the invention the base12includes a central mounting aperture22that can include a fastener24, for example, a threaded bolt. Alternatively, the center of the base12can be provided with an infrared emitter or sensor in the central aperture22and peripheral attachment apertures can be provided. Ideally, the lamp10is mounted directly to a vehicle body. For example, a metal vehicle body26can be provided with a formed boss30to which the lamp10is attached via the fastener24. In this instance, the vehicle body itself acts as a heat sink for removing excess heat from the operating LEDs16. While the light pipes18can be individually formed and attached relative to the LEDs, in a preferred embodiment the light pipes18are integrally formed with the base12as shown in the drawings. A suitable material for the light pipes and base is a molded plastic such as acrylic. Separators18abetween the respective segments14can be also be provided to aid in color separation. To further insure good heat-sinking capability, the underside of the printed circuit board20can be provided with raised ribs20afor engaging the metal vehicle body26. Likewise, spaces12acan be provided in the base12intermediate the segments14to provide space for any necessary or desired electrical components while spaces12bwill accommodate the LEDs16. Since the red, amber and white light need to be visually separated the light pipes18accomplish this separation. The light pipes18receive, direct and shape the colored light input and guide it in directions that are visually distinct while preventing one color from bleeding into another. While there have been shown and described what are present considered to be the preferred embodiments of the invention, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications can be made herein without departing from the scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXEMPLARY EMBODIMENTS Referring to FIGS. 1 to 7, what is shown is an embodiment of the medical apparatus system, comprising simultaneously applying radiofrequency energy and applying a pressure therapy to treat the hemorrhoids, vascular vessels, polyps, or other tubular cellular tissues of a patient. As shown in FIG. 1, the medical apparatus in the form of an elongate tubular assembly comprises a tubular shaft 1 having a distal section 2, a distal end 3, a proximal end 4, and at least one lumen 15 extending therebetween. The tubular shaft 1 has at least one opening 9 at one side of the tubular shaft 1. In one embodiment, the openings 9 and 17 are preferred at the top side 20 of the apparatus to maximize the contact between the apparatus and the target tissue. A handle 5 is attached to the proximal end 4 of the tubular shaft 1, wherein the handle 5 has a cavity 34. A deployable electrode assembly located inside one of the at least one lumens 15 of the tubular shaft 1 at its distal section 2. The electrode assembly comprises a concave-shaped shaft surface 20 and a plurality of extendible wires 12 and 16 extended from the appropriate side of the openings 9 and 17, respectively. A first extendible wire means has a wire end 10, wire body 12 and wire base 13, which is shaped to form one side of a cylindrical void when deployed. Similarly, a second extendible wire means comprises a wire end 11, wire body 16 and wire base 19. In one embodiment, the plurality of wire means is extended from the two openings 9 and 17 at the distal section 2 of the tubular shaft 1. The plurality of extended wires means along with the concave-shaped shaft surface 20 constitute the electrode assembly means of the present invention. In one embodiment, the tubular shaft 1 is semi-flexible and bendable, which is adapted to having a steering mechanism for the apparatus. FIG. 2A shows a top view of the distal end portion of the apparatus, including a plurality of openings 9 and 17 at the top side of the tubular shaft 1 for deploying the ablation wires. Under non-deployed state, the deployable wires are retracted inside the lumen of the distal end portion. The wire ends 10 and 11 are located just within the surface of the tubular shaft 1. In one embodiment, the axial side of the opening 9 or 17 of the distal section 2 extends all the way to the distal end 3. FIG. 2B shows a top cross-sectional view of the distal end portion 2 of the apparatus, including a plurality of wire deployment means 13 and 19 along with their corresponding openings 9 and 17 at the top side 20 of the tubular shaft 1. The extendible wire means comprises a plurality of wires, each wire has a wire end 10 or 11, wire body 12 or 16, and wire base 13 or 19, wherein the wire base is rotatable to deploy the wire 12 out of the opening 9 and retract the wire back inside the lumen 15 of the tubular shaft 1. The deployment operation for each deployable wire means is controlled by a controller 6A or 6B located at the proximal end of the handle 5, wherein the rotatable wire base 13 or 19 is connected to the controller through a connecting shaft 14 or 18 and a connecting joint 32A or 32B. An insulated electrical conductor means 21A or 21B passes through the lumen 15 of the shaft 1 and is connected to the electrode means of the electrode assembly. The other end of the electrical conductor means is connected to an external RF generator through the connector 31. FIG. 3 shows a front cross-sectional view of the deployable electrode assembly at the non-deployed state. The wire end 10 or 11 of the deployable wire means stays within the lumen 15 of the shaft 1. The deployment operation is initiated at the wire base 13 or 19 and is controlled by a controller 6A or 6B through a connecting shaft 14 or 18. The wire means is connected to a conducting wire 21A or 21B for relaying the RF current to the electrode means of the electrode assembly. FIG. 4 shows a front cross-sectional view of the deployable electrode assembly at a deployed state. The deployed wire means 12 or 16 and the base surface 20 of the tubular shaft at its distal section 2 forms a cylindrical void and is adapted to receive or cover a tubular organ or hemorrhoid and maximize the contact with the target tissue for RF energy treatment. This portion of the top surface 20 of the tubular shaft 1 is made of conductive material, which is also connected to the RF energy source through an insulated electrical conductor. The shape of the cylindrical void thus formed can be designed by pre-shaping the wire means 12 and 16 and the concave-shaped top surface 20 of the tubular shaft 1. Other portion of the shaft and surface of the apparatus is not conductive. FIG. 5 shows a cross-sectional view of the handle 5 of the present invention. The handle 5 comprises a cavity 34 and holders 7 and 8 for the thumb and finger so that the distal portion 2 of the elongate tubular shaft 1 can be steered with ease. The RF electricity of the electrical conductor 21 is connected to an external RF energy source through the connector 31. The connector 31 comprises several pins for connecting an electrical conductor 21 to external instruments, such as a RF generator, and a temperature sensing wire 24 to a temperature control mechanism. In one embodiment, at least one temperature sensing means 25 is disposed at close proximity of the shaft surface 20. Insulated temperature sensor wire means 24 passes from the temperature sensing means 25 at the shaft surface, to an external temperature control mechanism through the outlet connector 31. The RF energy delivery is controlled by using the measured temperature from the temperature sensing means 25, through a closed-loop temperature control mechanism and/or algorithm. When the measured temperature rises to the preset high-limit point, the temperature control mechanism sends out a signal to cut off the RF energy supply. In a similar manner, when the measured temperature drops to the preset low-limit point, the temperature control mechanism sends out a signal to activate the RF energy supply. The apparatus is also optionally equipped with a steering mechanism at the handle. One end of a steering wire 33 is secured at the end portion of the finger holder 8, wherein the other end of the steering wire is secured to a remote point of the tubular shaft 1 at its distal tip portion 2. By releasing the finger holder 8 relative to the thumb holder 7, the steering wire 33 exerts tension to the distal tip section to deflect the tip section. The steering mechanism and its construction in a medical apparatus is well-known to those who are skilled in the art. FIG. 7 shows a perspective view of a prolapsed hemorrhoid or a tubular organ being treated by the medical apparatus of the present invention. For illustrative purposes, the hemorrhoid 42 is protruded from its base tissue 41 and hangs loose within the rectum. Two wires means 12 and 16 with a plurality of parallel wires are deployed to form a cylindrical void with the shaft surface 20 as the other side of the cylindrical void to encircle the prolapsed hemorrhoid. By deploying the wires means further, the hemorrhoid is intimately enclosed by the electrode assembly of the present invention under certain pressure. During procedures, the medical apparatus is inserted into the body of a patient through natural opening or a surgical hole. A method of treating a tubular organ of a patient, the method comprising: (a) placing a medical apparatus system against the tubular organ of the patient, wherein the medical apparatus comprises a tubular shaft having a distal section, a distal end, a proximal end, and at least one lumen extending therebetween, wherein the distal section has at least one opening at one side of the tubular shaft; a handle attached to the proximal end of the tubular shaft, wherein the handle has a cavity; a deployable electrode assembly located inside one of the lumens of the tubular shaft at its distal section, wherein the electrode assembly comprises a concave-shaped shaft surface at the same side of the opening and a plurality of extendible wires shaped to form a cylindrical void when deployed, and wherein the plurality of wires is extended from the at least one opening at the distal section of the tubular shaft; (b) deploying the electrode assembly to encircle the tubular organ; and (c) applying RF energy to the tissues encircled under the electrode assembly to effect treatment of the tubular organ. As an alternative illustration, a method of treating a hemorrhoid of a patient, the method comprising the steps of: (a) inserting a medical apparatus through the anal canal into the rectum of a patient, wherein the medical apparatus comprises a tubular shaft having a distal section, a distal end, a proximal end, and at least one lumen extending therebetween, wherein the distal section has at least one opening at one side of the tubular shaft; a handle attached to the proximal end of the tubular shaft, wherein the handle has a cavity; a deployable electrode assembly located inside one of the lumens of the tubular shaft at its distal section, wherein the electrode assembly comprises a concave-shaped shaft surface at the same side of the opening and a plurality of extendible wires shaped to form a cylindrical void when deployed, and wherein the plurality of wires is extended from the at least one opening at the distal section of the tubular shaft; (b) deploying the electrode assembly to encircle the hemorrhoid; and (c) applying RF energy to the hemorrhoid encircled under the electrode assembly to effect treatment of the hemorrhoid. The external RF energy generator means has the capability to supply RF energy by controlling the time, power, and temperature through an optional separate closed-loop temperature control means. The patient is connected to the RF generator means through a DIP electrode to form a closed-loop current system. Therefore, RF energy is applied and delivered to the targeted hemorrhoid region, through the electrode means of this invention. The radiofrequency energy current in this invention is preferably within the range of 50 to 2,000 kHz. The frequency of the vibration of the medical apparatus in this invention is preferably within the range of 60 to 1000 cycles per minute. By simultaneously applying RF energy to the electrode and by applying the pressure therapy, the hemorrhoid can be treated. In a particular embodiment, the material for the electrode means of this invention consists of conductive metals such as platinum, iridium, gold, silver, stainless steel, Nitinol, or an alloy of these metals. From the foregoing description, it should now be appreciated that a apparatus system for the tubular organs, hemorrhoids, and the treatment of vascular tissues, comprising a suitable energy source and a pressure therapy has been disclosed. While the invention has been described with reference to a specific embodiment, the description is illustrative of the invention and is not to be construed as limiting the invention. Various modifications and applications may occur to those who are skilled in the art, without departing from the true spirit and scope of the invention, as described by the appended claims.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The best modes for carrying out the present invention will be described in detail using embodiments of the present invention with reference to the accompanying drawings. FIG. 2 shows an exploded perspective view of an embodiment of a battery pack of the present invention, illustrating a schematic construction of the battery pack. Shown in FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the control circuit board of the battery pack of the present invention shown in FIG. 2 . As shown in FIG. 2 , both a positive plate 3 and a negative plate 4 are mounted on one of side portions of a battery 2 . On the other hand, a heating element 5 is formed into a predetermined shape which is capable of receiving the battery 2 therein. In assembly operations, the battery 2 is inserted into the heating element 5 from above as indicated by an intermediate one of the arrows shown in FIG. 2 , and has both its positive plate 3 and its negative plate 4 electrically connected with a control circuit board 7 . This control circuit board 7 is electrically connected with the heating element 5 through a pair of lead wires 6 . In other words, the battery 2 , heating element 5 and the control circuit board 7 including the lead wires 6 are assembled into an assembly ( 2 , 5 , 6 and 7 ) in a manner described above. This assembly ( 2 , 5 , 6 and 7 ) is then inserted into a lower casing 8 from above as indicated by a lowest one of the arrows shown in FIG. 2 , in a condition in which the control circuit board 7 is projected outward from the heating element 5 . As a result, after completion of insertion of the above assembly ( 2 , 5 , 6 and 7 ) into the lower casing 8 , the control circuit 45 board 7 is mounted on a board support base 8 a . Incidentally, as is clear from FIG. 2 , the board support base 8 a is provided with a plurality of terminal output ports 8 b . After that, an upper casing 1 is then mounted on both the assembly ( 2 , 5 , 6 and 7 ) and the lower casing 8 to cover them, so that the battery pack of the embodiment of the present invention is completed. As shown in FIG. 3 , the control circuit board 7 of the battery pack of the present invention is provided with: a temperature detecting element 9 for detecting an ambient temperature of the battery 2 to issue a detection signal; a switching element 11 for turning ON and OFF the electric power supplied from the battery 2 to the heating element 5 ; and, a control circuit 10 for controlling the electric current supplied from the battery 2 to the switching element 11 and to the heating element 5 upon receipt of the detection signal issued from the temperature detecting element 9 . The battery pack of the embodiment of the present invention having the above construction operates as follows: In use, the battery pack of the present invention is mounted in an electric device 20 , for example such as cellular phones or a like. In operation, when an ambient temperature of the battery 2 housed in the battery pack of the present invention decreases to reach a detrimental low temperature, the temperature detecting element 9 of the battery pack detects such a detrimental low temperature to issue the detection signal to the control circuit 10 . Upon receipt of such detection signal, the control circuit 10 turns ON the switching element 11 to permit the battery 2 to supply its electric power to the heating element 5 , so that the heating element 5 produces heat to increase the temperature of the battery 2 . At this time, the control circuit 10 controls the electric current supplied from the battery 2 to the heating element 5 in a manner such that the battery 2 is heated and has its temperature remains in the moderate temperature range compatible with its normal discharge operation. The temperature detecting element 9 may be constructed of a thermistor, a suitable temperature sensor and the like. On the other hand, the switching element 11 may be constructed of a suitable ON/OFF unit, for example, such as FET switches and the like controlled by an electric signal issued from the control circuit 10 . In the above embodiment of the battery pack of the present invention, though the temperature detecting element 9 is formed on the control circuit board 7 to detect the ambient temperature of the battery 2 , it is also possible to form this temperature detecting element 9 on the battery 2 itself, which makes it possible to monitor and control the battery 2 in temperature. As described above, in the battery pack according to the present invention, the battery 2 is surrounded by the heating element 5 . Consequently, even when the ambient temperature of the battery 2 decreases to reach a detrimental low temperature preventing the battery 2 from performing its normal discharge operation, it is possible to effectively heat the battery 2 , and thereby increasing the temperature of the battery 2 to keep it in a moderate temperature range compatible with the normal discharge operation of the battery 2 , which makes it possible for the battery 2 to supply a sufficient amount of electric power to the electronic device such as cellular phones of a like for an extended period of time. The above is a remarkable effect of the present invention. Since many changes and modification's can be made to the above embodiment of the present invention in construction without departing from the spirit of the present invention, it is intended that all matters given in the above description and illustrated in the accompanying drawings shall be interpreted to be illustrative only and not as a limitation to the subject of the present invention. It is thus apparent that the present invention is not limited to the above embodiments but may be changed and modified without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. Finally, the present application claims the Convention Priority based on Japanese Patent Application No. Hei11-029941 filed on Feb. 8, 1999, which is herein incorporated by reference.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION With reference toFIG. 1, an exemplary propeller blade10is illustrated. The propeller blade10has a leading edge30, a trailing edge32a root (not shown) and a tip40. The blade10further includes a structural spar22, a leading edge insert24and a trailing edge insert26. The structural spar22includes a central structural member21, a spar foam material19surrounded by the central structural member21along a portion of the length of the central structural member21and an outer structural member23, surrounding central structural member21and the spar foam19along the entire length of the spar22. Although the described embodiment includes a spar foam material19in a central region thereof, it will be appreciated that the disclosure is applicable to hollow spars having a hollow central region with little or no foam material therein and spars having no core at all. The central structural member21may be formed from pre-impregnated laminate sheets (pre-pregs). The pre-pregs may be impregnated with resin or thermoplastic material. Pre-pregs may increase the stiffness of the foam to facilitate braiding thereon, by reducing or preventing bending or deflection of the foam. Pre-pregs may also help prevent infiltration of resin into the foam material during construction of the spar. The spar foam19is formed from PU (polyurethane) foam material, although other foam or lightweight materials may be used, such as honeycomb materials or balsa. The outer structural member23may be in the form of a braided layer, for example comprising carbon fibres, although other structural materials may be used. In embodiments, the outer structural member23comprises unidirectional plies of carbon fibres. The leading edge and trailing edge inserts24,26are positioned adjacent the leading edge and trailing edge of the spar22respectively and are surrounded by a shell28, for example, a Kevlar® sock. In alternative embodiments the shell28could be in the form of a glass fibre or carbon fibre shell. The spar22as described above may be formed by the following method, although other methods may be used. Two or more plies of pre-preg material for forming the central structural member21may be positioned on opposite sides of a spar mould. The mould may then be closed such that the outboard portions of the pre-preg plies are clamped and in compression. An adhesive may be applied to the pre-preg material. The adhesive may serve to avoid the spar foam material19infiltrating the central structural member21. The spar foam19may then be injected into the mould. The carbon outer structural member23may then be braided onto the outer surface of the central structural member21. The spar assembly22may then be placed in a blade mould such that foam may then be injected into the mould to form the leading edge and trailing edge foam inserts24,26. Alternatively the leading edge and trailing edge inserts24,26may be formed separately from the spar22, for example by machining, and subsequently attached to the spar22in a separate step. The thickness of the spar foam19i.e. from the pressure side8to the suction4side of the blade (as shown inFIG. 2), decreases along the span S of the propeller blade10towards the tip40. The spar22has a first region22aadjacent the root of the blade10and a second region22badjacent the tip40of the blade10. In embodiments, the second region22bmay extend along about one third of the length of the blade10from the tip40. In the illustrated embodiment, the spar foam19extends along the spar22from the root to the end of the first region22asuch that there is no foam19in the second region22bof the spar22. However it will be appreciated that, in other embodiments a very thin layer of foam material, for example less than 5 mm in thickness, may be present in the second region22badjacent the tip40of the spar22. As a result of the above mentioned structure, the second region22bhas a lesser thickness than the thickness of the first region22a. For example the thickness of the first region22acould be about 100 mm at the root. The thickness of the first region22amay gradually reduce along the length of the blade10towards the second region22bsuch that the thickness of the spar22at the junction between the first region22aand the second region22bis only a few millimetres, for example the thickness at the junction may be less than 30 mm for example less than 20 mm or less than 10 mm. The thickness of the second region22bmay be constant or may also reduce along the length of the blade10towards the tip40. The thickness of the central structural member21may decrease from a maximum thickness at or near the leading edge of the spar22to a minimum thickness at the trailing edge of the spar22. The central structural member21may be formed from a plurality of plies wherein the thickness of the plies decreases from the leading edge towards the trailing edge of the central structural member21. The central structural member21may also include plies of constant thickness. Additionally or alternatively, the thickness of the central structural member21may be varied by having a greater number of plies in the leading edge than the trailing edge of the central structural member21. Alternatively, the thickness of the spar22may be modified by increasing the thickness of the outer structural member23adjacent the leading edge by increasing the thickness of the unidirectional plies in this region. In such an embodiment, the thickness of the outer structural member23may be controlled using the braiding process. For example, the unidirectional plies may be braided onto the spar22using 6 ends per grommet (for example). The number of ends per grommet may be progressively reduced around the braiding wheel so as to deposit more ends in the leading edge region than the trailing edge region to decrease the unidirectional ply thickness towards the trailing edge. In order to increase the damage tolerance capacity and resistance to foreign object damage (e.g. bird impact strength) in the second region22bof the spar22, reinforcing yarns60extend through the thickness of the spar22in the second region22b. The yarns60are threaded into the spar22as will be described in detail below. Referring back toFIG. 1, it can be seen that the stitches of yarn60are distributed across the chord C and the span S of the blade10within the second region22b. The yarns60may extend through the spar22only or may extend through the spar22and the shell28. The yarns60may extend through the central structural member21and the outer structural member23. Additionally or alternatively, the yarns60, may also extend into the first region22atowards the root, for example the yarns60may extend along the entire span S of the blade10or spar22from the tip40and up to the root. In these embodiments, the yarns may extend through the outer structural member23and shell28. Having the yarns60extend into the first region22amay also improve tolerance to damage of the blade10and/or spar22and may improve the out of plane properties of the blade10and/or spar22. This might be particularly beneficial for embodiments without a foam core. The yarns60may be arranged such that a single yarn60extends through the thickness of the spar22more than once. For example, a single yarn60may extend through the thickness of the spar22three or more times over a portion or the entire width of the spar in the chord direction. Additionally or alternatively, a single yarn60may extend through the thickness of the spar22three or more time over a portion of the spar in the span direction. Such yarns may be threaded through the spar22or blade10in any number of ways as known in the art. For example, the yarns60may be threaded through the spar22using a stitching machine or by tufting. Stitching could be performed by various methods as known in the art including with or without knots. In embodiments, the stitching may be performed with a vibrating needle. The vibration applied to the needle facilitates puncturing of the central structural member21. Tufting may involve inserting the yarns60through the spar22, using a needle that, after insertion, moves back along the same trajectory leaving a loop of the yarn60on the bottom of the structure. All of the above-described threading techniques may be performed automatically. For example, stitching may be performed by a robot having a stitching head and needle mounted thereto. Each yarn60or portion of yarn60extending through the spar22may be spaced from an adjacent yarn60or portion of yarn60extending through the spar22by a uniform distance across the chord or span of the spar22or blade10. For example the yarns might be spaced between 3 and 15 millimetres apart, for example 5 millimetres in either or both of the chord or span direction. The spacing between the yarns60may vary across the chord of the spar22. For example, the space between adjacent yarns60may be greater towards the trailing edge of the spar22than the space between adjacent yarns towards the leading edge of the spar22or vice versa. Each yarn60may be formed from a dry carbon, glass or Kevlar® dry fibre material and may include a plurality of filaments of dry fibre material twisted with or bonded with one another to form a yarn60. The number of filaments in the yarn60may vary across the chord of the spar22. For example, yarns60extending through the spar22adjacent the leading edge of the spar22may include more filaments than yarns60adjacent the trailing edge of the spar60. Both the yarns60adjacent the blade tip40help reduce the aerodynamic thickness of the blade's profile and thereby increase the efficiency of the blade10. The yarns may further improve static and fatigue inter-laminar shear strengths (ILSS) of the composite blade10and improve damage tolerance and FOD strength.
The advantages of the present invention are illustrated in the following examples. EXAMPLE 1 (COMATIVE) Slurry 1: To 196.0 g. of water were added 50.0 g. of 0.75% (solids basis) carboxymethyl cellulose solution, 1.94 g. of 10% (solids basis) sodium hydroxide, and 0.6 g. of acrylic acid homopolymer in the sodium salt from having molecular weight of 3,000. This mixture was stirred at low shear (low setting on a Waring Blender or 1,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) and 250 g. of calcined kaolin clay was added slowly while mixing. After addition of the clay was complete, the slurry was stirred at high shear (high setting on a Waring Blender or 3,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) for a sufficient time to achieve a homogeneous slurry. The viscosity and test results appear in Table I. EXAMPLE 2 (CONTROL) Slurry 2: To 196.0 g. of water were added 50.0 g. of 0.75% (solids basis) carboxymethyl cellulose solution. This mixture was stirred at low shear (low setting on a Waring Blender or 1,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) and 250 g. of calcined kaolin clay was added slowly while mixing. While mixing, enough of a 10% (by weight) sodium hydroxide solution was added to bring the pH of the slurry to the desired range. The slurry was then stirred at high shear (high setting on a Waring Blender or 3,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) for a sufficient time to achieve a homogeneous slurry. The viscosity and test results appear in Table I. EXAMPLE 3 (COMATIVE) Slurry 3: 1.22 g. of 10% (by weight) sodium hydroxide was diluted to 20 g. with water. 1.61 g. (product weight) of Acrysol.RTM. ASE-60 crosslinked acrylic emulsion copolymer with an AEWS value of 215 was diluted to 230.0 g. with water. This mixture was stirred at low shear (low setting on a Waring Blender or 1,000 rpm on a cowles mixer) and 250 g. of calcined kaolin clay was added slowly while mixing. After addition of the clay was complete, the slurry was stirred at high shear (high setting on a Waring Blender or 3,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) for a sufficient time to achieve a homogeneous slurry. The sodium hydroxide solution was then added and the slurry was mixed at low shear for 30 seconds. The viscosity and test results appear in Table I. EXAMPLE 4 Slurry 4: 1.97 g. of 10% (by weight) sodium hydroxide was diluted to 20 g. with water. 1.61 g. (solids basis) of alkali-soluble acrylic emulsion copolymer of ethyl acrylate and methacrylic acid and an AEWS value of 132, was diluted to 230.0 g. with water. This mixture was stirred at low shear (low setting on a Waring Blender or 1,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) and 250 g. of calcined kaolin clay was added slowly while mixing. After addition of the clay was complete, the slurry was stirred at high shear (high setting on a Waring Blender or 3,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) for a sufficient time to achieve a homogeneous slurry. The sodium hydroxide solution was then added and the slurry was mixed at low shear for 30 seconds. The viscosity and test results appear in Table I. EXAMPLE 5 Slurry 5: 1.97 g. of 10% (by weight) sodium hydroxide was diluted to 20 g. with water. 1.61 g. (product weight) of a 0.03% by weight crosslinked alkali-soluble acrylic emulsion copolymer of ethyl acrylate and methacrylic acid and an AEWS value of 132, was diluted to 230.0 g. with water. This mixture was stirred at low shear (low setting on a Waring Blender or 1,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) and 250 g. of calcined kaolin clay was added slowly while mixing. After addition of the clay was complete, the slurry was stirred at high shear (high setting on a Waring Blender or 3,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) for a sufficient time to achieve a homogeneous slurry. The sodium hydroxide solution was then added and the slurry was mixed at low shear for 30 seconds. The viscosity and test results appear in Table I. TABLE I ______________________________________ Initial Viscosity Dosage Low.sup.2 High.sup.3 Flowability Slurry (%).sup.1 (cps) (rpm) (%).sup.4 Comments ______________________________________ 1 .26* 486 455 96.4 Some soft .15** settled 2 .15 590 243 not available Gelled 3 .18 486 570 96.8 Some soft settled 4 .20 354 n/a 98.1 Coating on walls 5 .18 1060 505 98.1 Poured clean ______________________________________ .sup.1 Polymer solids on a clay solids basis. .sup.2 Brookfield RVT, #2, 20 rpm, 23.degree. C. .sup.3 100,00 dyne cm/cm, 1100 rpm max, `A` bob, 23.degree. C. rpm to 16 cm. .sup.4 Percent of slurry (by weight) that flows from an inverted containe in 2.0 minutes. Measurments taken after remaining idle for seven days under ambient conditions. Average of two measurements. *Homopolymer of acrylic acid, 3,000 molecular weigth. **Carboxy methylcellulose. Table I shows a comparison of the slurries of the present invention with respect to the method of preparing a stable dispersion of calcined clay as taught in U.S. Pat. No. 4,374,203, wherein a dispersed calcined clay slurry was made using carboxymethyl cellulose and polyacrylic acid having a molecular weight of 3,000 and an AEWS value of 72, as the polymeric dispersant (slurry of Example 1). The slurry of Example 2 (control) represents a non-dispersed calcined clay slurry which makes use of carboxymethyl cellulose as the only stabilizer, without the addition of any dispersing agent. The slurry of Example 3 illustrates the effect of a low charge density stabilizer alone in a non-dispersed calcined clay slurry. The slurry of Example 4 is a slurry of the invention resulting from the use of a high charge density stabilizer in a non-dispersed calcined clay slurry, and the slurry of Example 5 was a slurry of the invention resulting from the use of a crosslinked high charge density stabilizer in a non-dispersed calcined clay slurry. The results which appear in Table I show that the use of alkali-soluble acrylic emulsion copolymers with high charge density (low AEWS values) as stabilizers in calcined clay slurries give better performance with regard to dilatant settling than the stabilized systems previously known. Both the crosslinked and non-crosslinked stabilizers used to make the slurries resulted in comparable high shear viscosity values and better flowability values as compared to the dispersed system. As a control measure, the slurry made with carboxymethyl cellulose as a stabilizer failed to provide any stability to the slurry as indicated by the fact that the slurry gelled. Table II presents comparisons between dispersed calcined slurries made with different alkali-soluble acrylic emulsion copolymers. Each of the sets of data also compare the results of calcined clay slurries made with and without said copolymers. The calcined clay slurries appearing in Table II were made in the following way. The aqueous phase was prepared by mixing together the appropriate amount of a 1% (solids basis) copolymer solution to yield the desired dosage, sufficient base solution, NaOH (10% by weight), to equal 1.2 equivalents of base per equivalent of acid functionality contained in the added copolymer, an appropriate amount of dispersant, and enough water to yield 250 g. of solution. In the control experiments, where no stabilizer was added, the appropriate amount of dispersant was diluted to 250 g. with water and the pH was adjusted with a 10% (weight basis) sodium hydroxide solution after addition of the clay. This mixture was stirred at low shear (low setting on a Waring Blender or 1,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) and 250 g. of calcined kaolin clay was added slowly while mixing. After addition of the clay was complete, the slurry was stirred at high shear (high setting on a Waring Blender or 3,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) for a sufficient time to achieve a homogeneous slurry. The results appear in Table II. When used in dispersed calcined clay slurries, high charge density alkali soluble acrylic emulsion copolymers also show an increase in performance over the prior art as indicated by the data appearing in Table II. Whether the slurries were dispersed with sodium hexametaphosphate or a 3,000 molecular weight homopolymer of acrylic acid, when they were stabilized with the higher charge density alkali-soluble acrylic emulsion copolymers, the stability of the slurries was enhanced. EXAMPLE 6 Slurry 8: To 196.0 g. water was added 37.5 g (1% solids basis) of a 0.03% by weight crosslinked alkali-soluble acrylic emulsion copolymer of ethyl acrylate and methacrylic acid with an AEWS value of 132, 1.50 g. NaOH (weight basis) and 0.83 g. sodium hexametaphosphate. This mixture was stirred at low shear (low setting on a Waring Blender or 1,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) and 250 g. of calcined kaolin clay was added slowly while mixing. After addition of the clay was complete, the slurry was stirred at high shear (high setting on a Waring Blender or 3,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) for a sufficient time to achieve a homogeneous slurry. The results appear in Table II. EXAMPLE 7 (COMATIVE) Slurry 12: To 196.0 g. water was added 50.0 g (1% solids basis) of Acrysol.RTM. ASE-60 crosslinked acrylic emulsion copolymer, an alkali-soluble acrylic emulsion copolymer with an AEWS value of 215, 1.10 g. NaOH (weight basis) and 0.83 g. sodium hexametaphosphate. This mixture was stirred at low shear (low setting on a Waring Blender or 1,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) and 250 g. of calcined kaolin clay was added slowly while mixing. After addition of the clay was complete, the slurry was stirred at high shear (high setting on a Waring Blender or 3,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) for a sufficient time to achieve a homogeneous slurry. The results appear in Table II. EXAMPLE 8 Slurry 17: To 196.0 g. water was added 50.0 g (1% solids basis) of an alkali-soluble acrylic emulsion copolymer of ethyl acrylate and methacrylic acid with an AEWS value of 132, 1.94 g. NaOH (weight basis) and 0.83 g. sodium hexametaphosphate. This mixture was stirred at low shear (low setting on a Waring Blender or 1,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) and 250 g. of calcined kaolin clay was added slowly while mixing. After addition of the clay was complete, the slurry was stirred at high shear (high setting on a Waring Blender or 3,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) for a sufficient time to achieve a homogeneous slurry. The results appear in Table II. EXAMPLE 9 Slurry 25: To 196.0 g. water was added 50.0 g (1% solids basis) crosslinked alkali-soluble acrylic emulsion copolymer of ethyl acrylate and methacrylic acid with an AEWS value of 132, 1.94 g. NaOH (weight basis) and 0.60 g. (solids basis) sodium salt of a homopolymer of acrylic acid having a molecular weight of 3,000. This mixture was stirred at low shear (low setting on a Waring Blender or 1,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) and 250 g. of calcined kaolin clay was added slowly while mixing. After addition of the clay was complete, the slurry was stirred at high shear (high setting on a Waring Blender or 3,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) for a sufficient time to achieve a homogeneous slurry. The results appear in Table II. EXAMPLE 10 (COMATIVE) Slurry 28: To 246.0 g. water was added 1.94 g. NaOH (weight basis) and 0.60 g. (solids basis) sodium salt of a homopolymer of acrylic acid having a molecular weight of 3,000. This mixture was stirred at low shear (low setting on a Waring Blender or 1,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) and 250 g. of calcined kaolin clay was added slowly while mixing. After addition of the clay was complete, the slurry was stirred at high shear (high setting on a Waring Blender or 3,000 rpm on a Cowles mixer) for a sufficient time to achieve a homogeneous slurry. The results appear in Table II. TABLE II __________________________________________________________________________ Ambient Stability Clay Dosage Syneresis Slurry Hard Pack Flowability (%)/ Slurry Lot Stabilizer.sup.1 % Dispersant* pH % % % # Days Ambient __________________________________________________________________________ 6 A Acrysol .RTM. ASE-60 0.10 A 7.0 20 46 34 p/28 7 A Acrysol .RTM. ASE-60 0.15 A 7.1 19 46 34 56/28 8 A Acrysol .RTM. ASE-60 0.20 A 7.1 14 75 10 79/28 9 A Copolymer B 0.15 A 7.3 4 96 0 95/28 10 A none 0.00 A 6.7 20 60 20 p/28 11 B Acrysol .RTM. ASE-60 0.15 A 7.0 21 46 33 not available 12 B Acrysol .RTM. ASE-60 0.20 A 7.0 16 67 17 not available 13 B Copolymer B 0.15 A 7.0 11 85 4 not available 14 B Copolymer B 0.20 A 7.2 2 93 5 not abailable 15 B none 0.00 A 6.3 22 42 36 not available 16 A Copolymer A 0.20 A 7.8 10 88 2 87/28 17 A Copolymer A 0.20 A 7.4 12 87 2 85/28 18 A Copolymer B 0.20 A 7.9 7 92 1 89/28 19 A none 0.00 A 7.1 Unstable 36/28 20 C Acrysol .RTM. ASE-60 0.20 B 7.7 1 93 6 88/7 21 C Acrysol .RTM. ASE-60 0.20 B 7.5 1 86 12 76/7 22 C Acrysol .RTM. ASE-60 0.20 B 7.3 1 86 12 70/7 23 C Copolymer A 0.20 B 7.6 1 97 3 96/7 25 C Copolymer B 0.20 B 7.6 1 97 1 90/7 26 C Copolymer B 0.20 B 7.3 1 97 1 92/7 27 C Copolymer B 0.20 B 7.2 1 97 3 92/7 28 C none 0.00 B 8.0 11 57 32 65/7 __________________________________________________________________________ .sup.1 Copolymer A is a copolymer of ethyl acrylate and methacrylic acid and an AEWS value of 132. Copolymer B is a copolymer of a 0.03% by weight crosslinked alkalisoluble acrylic emulsion copolymer of ethyl acrylate an methacrylic acid and an AEWS value of 132 *Dispersant A is sodium hexametaphosphate. Dispersant B is a homopolymer of acrylic acid having molecular weight of 3,000 **Viscosity is measured in cps at 23.degree. C. p indicated flowability was poor TABLE iII ______________________________________ Clay Stabilizer Ambient Stability Flow- Solids, % Dosage, %.sup.1 Syneresis Slurry Hard Pack able.sup.2 ______________________________________ 10 0.20 85.4 12.2 2.4 86.2 20 0.2 64.6 19.6 15.8 69.2 20 1.00 0 100 trace 98.3 30 0.2 20.2 61.8 18.0 74.6 40 0.2 6.2 92.5 1.3 98.2 50 0.2 1.4 98.6 0 98.1.sup.3 52 0.2 1.6 88.7 9.7 80.1 50 0.3 1.5 98.5 0 97.6.sup.3 50 0.4 0 100 0 96.3.sup.3 ______________________________________ .sup.1 Stabilizer is a copolymer of an acrylic emulsion copolymer of ethy acrylate and methacrylic acid with an AEWS value of 132. Percent by weigh based on clay solids. .sup.2 Percent of slurry (by weight) that flows from and inverted container in 2.0 minutes. Measurements taken after remaining idle for seven days under ambient conditions. .sup.3 Residual Slurry in container is due to coating on the walls of the container due to the high viscosity of the slurry; it is not due to hardpack solids. The data appearing in Table III indicate the range over which an alkali-soluble acrylic emulsion copolymer with a low AEWS value is effective at stabilizing calcined clay slurries. Stable slurries were maintained over a wide range of clay solids, from 10% to 52%. Also, the copolymers used in the slurries of this invention proved effective at stabilizing the slurries at levels of up to 1% polymer solids on a clay solids basis.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present description will be directed, in particular, to elements forming part of, or in cooperation more directly with, the apparatus in accordance with the present invention, it being understood that elements not specifically shown or described may take various forms well known to those skilled in the art. Referring to FIG. 1 , there is illustrated an apparatus 10 made in accordance with the present invention. In particular, the apparatus 10 is an apparatus designed to print digital images onto a photosensitive media (material). In particular, the apparatus 10 is of the type commonly referred to as a photographic minilab. As is typical with most minilabs, customer image orders are provided for printing of images onto a photosensitive media. A customer image order, for the purposes of the present invention, is a single roll of developed photographic film or digital record file of a single printing order containing a plurality of images thereon. In the particular embodiment illustrated, the apparatus 10 includes a scanner 12 , which is designed to receive and scan a roll of developed film 14 . The roll of developed film 14 is transported past sensor 16 in scanner 12 , which scans the images on the film 14 so as to provide a digital record of the customer images. The scanner 12 scans at a resolution sufficient to provide the desired quality prints. The scanner should scan at a resolution of at least 500 700 pixels per inch, generally at least 1000 1500 pixels per inch. Preferably, the scanner 12 scans at a high resolution equal to or greater than about 2000 3000 pixels per inch. The digital record of the image is forwarded to an image data manager (IDM) 18 wherein the images are manipulated as preprogrammed. In the embodiment illustrated, IDM 18 comprises a computer (microprocessor) used for manipulation of the digital images contained in the digital record file. The IDM 18 includes a memory for storing of the digital record of the customer image order. The apparatus 10 further includes a supply roll 20 containing a web of photosensitive media 23 , which in the present invention comprises photographic paper. A cutting mechanism 25 is provided for cutting the web of photosensitive media into individual cut sheets. The mechanism 25 may cut the web into sheets having any desired lengths. Appropriate transport mechanisms, not shown, are provided for advancing of the cut sheets in the direction indicated by arrow 26 along processing path 27 through apparatus 10 , In particular, the cut sheets are transported from cutting mechanism 25 to an exposure gate 28 whereby a digital printer 24 exposes the individual images of the customer image order onto individual cut sheets, respectively, as the pass exposure gate 28 . In the particular embodiment illustrated, the digital printer 24 is a MLVA (Micro Light Valve Array) printer which scans a light containing image data onto cut sheets as they moves in the direction indicated by arrow 26 past exposure gate 28 . Since printer 24 is a digital printer and the cutting mechanism 25 may cut the web of photosensitive media 23 into any desired length cut sheets, the images produced on cut sheets may be provided in a variety of different format sizes being constrained only by the printing capabilities of the printer 24 and width of the web of the photosensitive media 23 . It is also to be understood that the printer 24 may be any appropriate digital printer, for example, a CRT printer, LED printer, LCD printer, laser printer or other type of digital printer that can print onto a photosensitive media. Additionally, digital printer 24 may use non-photosensitive media such as an ink jet or thermal dye sublimation printer may also be use. In the embodiment illustrated, the web of photosensitive media 23 comprises photographic paper, however, the media may comprise of other media capable of being printed on by a digital printer. While the apparatus 10 is shown the web of photosensitive media is first cut into individual cut sheets prior to printing, the present invention is not so limited. The digital images may be first printed on the web of photosensitive media 23 which at some later time, before or after processing, is cut into individual cut sheets forming individual prints, each print being representative of a print of a single customer image. As is typical with minilabs, the apparatus 10 is further provided with a processing section 30 wherein the cut sheets, after leaving exposure gate 28 , are passed therethrough for development as is customarily done in such devices. In the particular embodiment illustrated, the cut sheets are passed through a developer station 31 containing a developer solution, a bleach/fix station 33 containing a bleach/fix solution, a plurality of wash stations 35 , 37 and 39 each containing a washing solution, and through a dryer section 40 for drying of the photosensitive media. The individual prints of the images are then forwarded to sorter 42 wherein the prints for each customer image order are collated into separate bins 44 a-f , each bin preferably receiving an individual customer image order. It is to be understood that any desired number of bins 44 may be provided as appropriate for the apparatus 10 and sorted in accordance with any desired sorting criteria. As is customary, a CPU (computer) 45 , is provided for controlling operation of the apparatus 10 and its various components. A user/operator interface 46 , which includes a viewing screen 47 , is also provided, for allowing an operator to enter instructions for operation of the apparatus 10 and monitor operation of the apparatus as is customarily done. An appropriate computer printing program is provided for controlling operation of the IDM 18 . The computer program is provided in an appropriate format which allows loading of the program into the apparatus, which causes the computer to perform the required steps. In particular, the computer program is designed so that the IDM 18 will first obtain and store a complete customer image order prior to printing. In addition, appropriate algorithms are provided for analyzing, manipulating and correcting, of the digital images prior to printing. Referring to FIG. 2 , there is illustrated a portion of a strip 48 of developed photographic film which may be used in the apparatus 10 of the present invention. In the particular embodiment illustrated, the filmstrip 48 has a plurality of images 51 formed thereon and includes a magnetic layer 49 upon which instructional codes or information may be provided. It is of course understood that information and/or instructional codes may be provided on the filmstrip in any desired manner. In the particular embodiment illustrated, instructional codes placed thereon may indicate that the entire roll or a specific image on the roll has been captured underwater conditions. If it is known by the manufacturer or packager of the film, that the film may be used for capturing images underwater, an instructional code may be placed on the film indicating such. Otherwise, the camera, or other device such as an order bag, may be used to provide information that any one image or that all of the images on the roll of film was captured underwater. The scanner 12 having read this information, passes the information on to the IDM 18 whereas an appropriate algorithm can be automatically employed so as to be compensate for the fact that the image has been captured underwater. Preferably, the images are corrected such that when printed and/or otherwise visually displayed the image will have a color balance generally the same or more similar to an image take under normal conditions (not underwater). In particular, the appropriate amount of red color channel can be improved to a degree which will give an appearance that the image was taken under normal capture conditions. Typically, underwater images are deficient in the red channel. A manipulation which can correct this can be as simple as the change in color balance which an operator might key into a traditional photofinishing system. However, it is the subject of this invention to describe the following method which improves upon this existing system. In addition to providing amplification of the red channel, underwater images may be improved by expanding the contrast of the image once the desired color balance has been achieved. This is to say that the brightest areas in the image are reproduced as white, and the darkest areas are reproduced as black. The values in-between are stretched to provide a smooth transition from black to white. This contrast expansion provides the image with a more pleasing high-contrast appearance. The third correction which may be applied is that of noise suppression. Particularly, because the red channel is amplified to more closely match the blue and green channels, it is likely that there will be noticeable noise in the red record. It is possible to average out some of this high frequency noise such that a more desirable image is produced. It is to be understood that the information that the images were captured underwater may be provided in any other desired manner for example but not by way of limitation, the information may be noted on the order envelope which in turn can be read by the operator and programmed into the apparatus. Additionally the information made be obtained from a memory storage device, such as a card, used by a digital camera. This information can be also be obtained from a one-time use camera. That is, a one-time use camera designed for use underwater wherein a preprogrammed code is provided on the camera, film cartridge or directly on the film within the camera. This information or code can be manually entered into the apparatus 10 or read from the packaging, camera, film or cartridge. It is also possible to determine when an image has been taken underwater by analyzing the scanned image. Thus, the apparatus 10 may be programmed to automatically identify when an image has been captured in underwater conditions and automatically adjusts to compensate for such capture. Varying amounts of correction may be applied due to degree of difference from the daylight image capture norm. An image with minor difference is corrected less than one which differs greatly. Also, some images may be deemed unsalvageable and may not be corrected, or corrected in a different fashion (e.g. contrast expansion and noise suppressed but not color balanced). Referring to FIGS. 3 a , 3 b , 3 c , there is illustrated three histograms of the red, blue and green channels of a typical image taken under normal lighting conditions. A histogram is a graphic representation of the final distribution (the brightness and darkness levels) in an image which plots the number of pixels at each brightness level. As can be seen from FIGS. 3 a , 3 b , 3 c , an image captured under normal condition produce histograms for each of the color channels which look quite similar. Although they are never the same for any color image, the three channels have enough of a similar distribution to appear balanced. A histogram for the three color channel underwater image capture will not show this balance. Referring to FIGS. 4 a , 4 b , and 4 c there are illustrated histograms of each of the three color channels of an image capture underwater. Due to the attenuating effects of water on red light, the captured image will characteristically have much higher levels of blue and green than red. This is shown by FIG. 4 a by skewing red values to the darker brightness levels. The low level of red light relative to that of green and blue is characteristic of images captured underwater. An algorithm for detecting underwater exposures in need of color correction analyzes images for this characteristic, that is a lack of balance between red vs. blue and green channels. If this signature is not found, the underwater correction is not applied and if the underwater characteristic is found then the correction algorithm is applied. By this means even groups of images that have images exposed underwater and above water can both be printed correctly. After an image has been scanned by scanner 12 , appropriate histograms of each image may be obtained and compared with the curves of FIGS. 4 a , 4 b and 4 c . When the curves of the histogram obtained for the scanned image fall within predetermined parameters in relation to the histograms of FIGS. 4 a , 4 b and 4 c , this will advise the IDM 18 that the image was captured underwater at which time an appropriate correction algorithm is used for modifying the appropriate color channels to compensate for such capture. In order to better understand the present invention, a description of its use will be discussed. A customer image order is received by the retail establishment, the customer image order typically comprising a roll of undeveloped film. The film is then developed and forwarded to a printing apparatus, such as apparatus 10 previously described, for printing. The photographic film is scanned by scanner 12 whereby the images are digitized and forwarded onto IDM 18 . In addition, scanner 12 reads any instructional code or information identifying that an image, or that the entire roll of images was captured underwater. If such images exist, an appropriate correction algorithm is activated for such images so prior to forwarding onto the digital printer. Alternatively, if no code is read an appropriate detection algorithm is provided in the IDM for analyzing the digital record to determine if any of the images were taken underwater. As previously discussed, this can be accomplished by developing histograms (or data representing the histogram) for each of the images and comparing the developed histogram with stored histograms of underwater images for detecting if the images were captured underwater. An appropriate correction algorithm is activated and applied to the underwater images if it is determined that images were taken underwater. Once the underwater captured images have been digitally corrected, the images are then forwarded onto the digital printer for printing along with the rest of the customer image order. In the embodiments discussed above, the images for printing are obtained by scanning a developed roll of photosensitive film. However, the present invention is not so limited. As illustrated in FIG. 1 , image data and customer image order may be obtained from a variety of different sources whereby a customer image order may be submitted for printing, including providing of information of where the printed images are to be forwarded. For example, image input devices 50 , 52 , 54 may be provided wherein input device 50 may provide the images supplied on a CD, device 52 can be used to obtain images provided on computer disk, or memory card, and a communication modem 54 may be provided to receive images over the internet, or from any other source that can forward digital images. In the embodiment illustrated, the apparatus 10 does the printing, however, the present invention is not so limited. For example, the printing can be forwarded onto a different device for storage, printing and/or display. For example, the IDM 18 may forward the image through modem 54 to a customer or other device for providing and/or storing images. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1 , the individual components are illustrated as a single apparatus 10 . However, the present invention is not so limited. Referring to FIG. 5 , there is illustrated a modified form of the present invention, like numerals indicating like parts and operation as previously discussed. In this embodiment, the scanner 12 , IDM 18 and devices 50 , 52 , 54 are shown as separate individual components from the apparatus 10 , which is used for printing of the images onto a photosensitive media. The operation and function of all the elements are the same except that individual elements are discrete elements that can be separate from each other and connected by appropriate communication lines as is well known to those of ordinary skill in the art. In the embodiment illustrated, the processing of the photosensitive media is done by the apparatus 10 . However, the present invention is not so limited. For example, the images may be printed on the web of photosensitive material 23 and forwarded in web form to a processor wherein the images are developed after which the developed web is forwarded onto a finishing station wherein the web is cut into individual prints and sorted by customer image order. It is to be understood that various other changes and modifications may be made without departing from the scope of the present invention. The present invention being defined by the following claims. PARTS LIST 10 Apparatus 12 Scanner 14 Developed film 16 Sensor 18 Image data manager (IDM) 20 Supply roll 23 Photosensitive media 24 Digital printer 25 Cutting mechanism 27 Processing path 26 Arrow 28 Exposure gate 30 Processing section 31 Developer station 33 Bleach/fix station 35 Wash station 37 Wash station 39 Wash station 40 Dryer section 42 Sorter 44 a-f Bins 45 CPU (computer) 46 User/operator interface 47 Viewing screen 48 Filmstrip 49 Magnetic layer 50 Input device 51 a-c Images 52 Input device 54 Input device
DETAILED DESCRIPTION The same elements have been designated with the same reference numerals in the different drawings. For clarity, only those elements which are useful to the understanding of the described embodiments have been shown and are detailed. In particular, in the examples of video decoders ofFIGS. 1, 2, 3, and 4, only the analog video signal supply circuits have been shown and are detailed. The other elements that a video decoder may comprise (digital input/output interfaces, digital processing circuits, memories, audio signal management circuits, etc.) are not detailed, the described embodiments being compatible with usual components of a video decoder. In the present description, term “connected” is used to designate a direct electric link, with no intermediate electronic component, for example, by means of one or a plurality of conductive tracks or of one of a plurality of conductive wires, and term “coupled” or term “linked” is used to designate either a direct electric link (then meaning “connected”) or a link via one or a plurality of intermediate components (resistor, diode, capacitor, etc.). Unless otherwise specified, expressions “approximately”, “substantially”, and “in the order of” mean to within 10%, preferably to within 5%. FIG. 1is a simplified electric diagram of an example of an installation comprising a video decoder capable of supplying analog video signals. The installation ofFIG. 1comprises a display device101, for example, a television set (TV), and a video decoder103. In this example, decoder103is capable of supplying a decoded video flow in two different analog formats, the CVBS format, also called composite video format, and the YPbPr format. In the CVBS format, the video signal transits on a single conductor conveying both the chrominance information and the luminance information of the image. In the YPbPr format, the video signal transits in parallel over three different conductors respectively transporting a signal corresponding to luminance Y of the image, a signal corresponding to difference Pb=Y−B between luminance Y and the blue component of the image, and a signal corresponding to difference Pr=Y−R between luminance Y and the red component of the image. Thus, decoder103comprises four analog output terminals CVBS_out, Pr_out, Pb_out, and Y_out, respectively supplying the analog video signal at the CVBS format, component Pr of the analog video signal at the YPbPr format, component Pb of the analog video signal at the YPbPr format, and component Y of the analog video signal at the YPbPr format. In the shown example, display device101comprises four analog input terminals CVBS_in, Pr_in, Pb_in, and Y_in, respectively capable of receiving the analog video signal at the CVBS format, component Pr of the analog video signal at the YPbPr format, component Pb of the analog video signal at the YPbPr format, and component Y of the analog video signal at the YPbPr format. To use the CVBS analog output of decoder103, the user connects output terminal CVBS_out of decoder103to input terminal CVBS_in of display device101by means of a cable, not shown. To use analog output YPbPr of decoder103, the user connects output terminals Y_out, Pb_out, and Pr_out of decoder103respectively to input terminals Y_in, Pb_in, and Pr_in of display device101by means of cables, not shown. Inside of decoder103, the video signals at the CVBS and YPbPr formats are first generated in digital form from the compressed video flow by means of processing circuits which have not been detailed. More particularly, decoder103includes a processing circuit104(not detailed) supplying in parallel, on four different digital signal transmission paths, a digital signal CVBS_dig representative of the CVBS analog video signal to be transmitted, a digital signal Y_dig representative of component Y of the YPbPr analog video signal to be transmitted, a digital signal Pb_dig representative of component Pb of the YPbPr analog video signal to be transmitted, and a digital signal Pr_dig representative of component Pr of the YPbPr analog video signal to be transmitted. Decoder103further comprises four digital-to-analog converters Y_DAC, Pb_DAC, Pr_DAC, and CVBS_DAC, respectively receiving on their digital inputs signal Y_dig, signal Pb_dig, signal Pr_dig, and signal CVBS_dig. The output of converter Y_DAC is coupled to a terminal Y_ana supplying an analog signal representative of component Y of the YPbPr video signal to be transmitted. The output of converter Pb_DAC is coupled to a terminal Pb_ana supplying an analog signal representative of component Pb of the YPbPr video signal to be transmitted. The output of converter Pr_DAC is coupled to a terminal Pr_ana supplying an analog signal representative of component Pr of the YPbPr video signal to be transmitted. The output of converter CVBS_DAC is coupled to a terminal CVBS_ana supplying an analog signal representative of the CVBS video signal to be transmitted. In the example ofFIG. 1, output terminals Y_ana, Pb_ana, Pr_ana, and CVBS_ana of digital-to-analog converters Y_DAC, Pb_DAC, Pr_DAC, and CVBS_DAC are not directly connected to output terminals Y_out, Pb_out, Pr_out, and CVBS_out of decoder103, but are coupled thereto via various elements for matching the output signals of the digital-to-analog converters. In the shown example, each of terminals Y_ana, Pb_ana, Pr_ana, CVBS_ana is coupled to the corresponding output terminal Y_out, Pb_out, Pr_out, CVBS_out of decoder103via an amplifier G, an impedance matching resistor R_TV, and an analog filter F. More particularly, in the shown example, each of terminals Y_ana, Pb_ana, Pr_ana, CVBS_ana is coupled to the input of an amplifier G, and is further coupled to a reference potential node GND, for example, the ground, via a charge resistor RL. The output of amplifier G is coupled to a first end of an impedance matching resistor R_TV, the second end of resistor R_TV being coupled to the corresponding output terminal Y_out, Pb_out, Pr_out, CVBS_out via a filter F. Amplifier G has the function of increasing the power of the analog signal supplied by the digital-to-analog converter, which is generally too low to be directly transmitted to the display device. Impedance matching resistor R_TV is selected to be substantially equal to the impedance of the corresponding input terminal Y_in, Pb_in, Pr_in, CVBS_in of display device101, that is, in the order of 75 ohms in most installations. Optional filter F enables to remove possible parasitic signals, for example due to the digital-to-analog conversion. Most often, the digital-to-analog converters of a video decoder (converters Y_DAC, Pb_DAC, Pr_DAC, CVBS_DAC in the shown example) are integrated in a same semiconductor chip105(SoC). Chip105may be a chip of large dimensions, implementing not only the functions of digital-to-analog conversion of the video signals to be transmitted, but also other functions of the video decoder, for example, the decompressing of the input digital video flow, the generation of digital signals Y_dig, Pb_dig, Pr_dig, CVBS_dig representative of the analog signals to be transmitted, the managing of the different digital and analog interfaces of the decoder, the managing of the audio signals, etc. Output matching elements G, RL, R_TV, F are generally external to chip105. Due to the presence of amplifiers G between output terminals Y_ana, Pb_ana, Pr_ana, CVBS_ana of the digital-to-analog converters and output terminals Y_out, Pb_out, Pr_out, CVBS_out, it is not possible to detect the presence or not of an analog connection between decoder103and display device101by voltage and current measurements on terminals Y_ana, Pb_ana, Pr_ana, CVBS_ana. This results, in particular when the circuits for supplying the decoded analog video signals on terminals Y_ana, Pb_ana, Pr_ana, CVBS_ana are integrated on a same chip105, in that the latter cannot detect whether an analog link is present between the decoder and the display device. FIG. 2is a simplified electric diagram of an example of an installation comprising an embodiment of a video decoder capable of supplying analog video signals. The installation ofFIG. 2, for example, comprises the same elements as the installation ofFIG. 1, arranged in similar or identical fashion. To simplify the drawings, only one analog output path of decoder103has been shown inFIG. 2, corresponding to the path supplying component Pr of the analog video signal at the YPbPr format. Similarly, a single analog input path of display device101has been shown inFIG. 2, corresponding to the path of reception of component Pr of the analog video signal at the YPbPr format. In addition to the elements described in relation withFIG. 1, decoder103ofFIG. 2comprises a circuit201capable of comparing a signal representative of the voltage level on output terminal Pr_out of the decoder with a reference signal REF, and of deducing therefrom whether terminal Pr_out is connected or not to input terminal Pr_in of display device101. Indeed, in the presence of a connection between terminals Pr_out and Pr_in, output resistor R_TV of decoder103forms with input resistor R_TV of display device101a voltage dividing bridge having a 1/2 ratio. Thus, the voltage level on output terminal Pr_out of decoder103is approximately two times smaller in the presence of a connection between terminals Pr_out and Pr_in than in the absence of a connection. Circuit201comprises an input terminal e1coupled to terminal Pr_out, and an input e2receiving reference signal REF. In the shown example, input terminal e1of circuit201is connected to terminal Pr_out. As a variation, input terminal e1may be connected upstream of filter F, between impedance matching resistor R_TV and filter F. Circuit201further comprises a node s1for supplying a signal load_detect_out indicating whether terminal Pr_out is connected or not to terminal Pr_in. Signal load_detect_out for example is a binary signal set to a first state when terminal Pr_out is connected to terminal Pr_in and to a second state when terminal Pr_out is not connected. As will be described in further detail hereafter in relation withFIGS. 3 and 4, circuit201may be totally or partially integrated to chip105. In all cases, signal load_detect_out may be transmitted to chip105so that the latter can adapt its operation by taking into account the result of the detection performed. FIG. 3is an electric diagram of the installation ofFIG. 2, illustrating in further detail an embodiment of circuit201for detecting an analog connection between decoder103and display device101. In the example ofFIG. 3, circuit201comprises a voltage comparator CMP, a resistor R1coupling the positive input (+) of comparator CMP to input terminal e1of circuit201, and a resistor R2coupling the positive input (+) of comparator CMP to a node GND of application of a reference potential, for example, the ground. In this example, input e2of circuit201corresponds to the negative terminal (−) of comparator CMP, and is connected to output terminal Pr_ana of digital-to-analog converter Pr_DAC. Thus, reference signal REF is the output signal of digital-to-analog converter Pr_DAC. Output s1of circuit201corresponds to the output of comparator CMP. As an example, comparator CMP is integrated to chip105, and resistors R1and R2are components external to chip105. In this example, chip105comprises, in addition to terminal Pr_ana, a terminal of connection to the outside Pr_outimg connected, on the one hand (inside of chip105) to the positive terminal of comparator CMP, and on the other hand (outside of chip105) to the junction point of resistors R1and R2. Circuit201ofFIG. 3operates as follows. Calling V1the voltage level on terminal Pr_ana at a given time and V2the voltage level on terminal Pr_out at this same time, value V2is substantially equal to G*V1in the absence of a connection between terminals Pr_out and Pr_in, and to G*V1/2in the presence of a connection between terminals Pr_out and Pr_in (G designating the gain of amplifier G). Comparator CMP compares the level of signal REF, that is, value V1, with an attenuated image of a factor R2/(R1+R2) of the output signal of the decoder, that is, with value V2*R2/(R1+R2). The values of resistors R1and R2are selected so that value (G*V1)*R2/(R2+R1) is greater than value V1, and so that value (G*V1/2)*R2/(R2+R1) is smaller than value V1. Thus, output signal load_detect_out of comparator CMP is in a first state when a cable connects terminal Pr_out to terminal Pr_in, and in a second state when terminal Pr_out is not coupled to terminal Pr_in. As an example, considering a decoder where amplifier G has a voltage gain in the order of 2, ratio R2/(R2+R1) may be in the range from 0.5 to 1, for example, in the order of 2/3. Resistors R1and R2preferably have high resistances as compared with the resistance of resistor R_TV, for example, at least 100 times greater than the resistance of resistor R_TV, to avoid disturbing the output video signal and to limit the power consumption of circuit201. As an example, resistors R1and R2have resistances greater than 50 kΩ. As an example, resistor R2has a resistance in the order of 200 kΩ and resistor R1has a resistance in the order of 100 kΩ in the case of an amplifier having a gain G=2. It should be noted that the selection of a ratio R2/(R2+R1) smaller than 1 enables to guarantee a proper operation of the connection detector, by taking into account possible manufacturing dispersions, and particularly dispersions of the offsets of comparator CMP and/or of amplifier G. In particular, the larger the dispersions, the smaller ratio R2/(R2+R1) will be selected as compared with 1 (in the case of the above-mentioned example of a gain G=2) to limit risks of false detection. It should be noted that in most analog video formats, for synchronization reasons, the transmitted signal periodically transits through a known non-zero reference voltage level. The analog connection detection is preferably performed during such periods of synchronization of the video signal. This enables to limit risks of false detection for example due to too fast fluctuations of the video signal or to a transition through a zero value of the video signal. FIG. 4is an electric diagram of the installation ofFIG. 2, illustrating in further detail another embodiment of circuit201for detecting an analog connection between decoder103and display device101. In the example ofFIG. 4, circuit201comprises an analog-to-digital converter Pr_ADC having its input coupled to input terminal e1of circuit201. The output of converter Pr_ADC is coupled to a digital processing circuit401, this circuit further receiving digital signal Pr_dig applied at the input of digital-to-analog converter Pr_DAC, which corresponds to reference signal REF of circuit201in this example. As an example, analog-to-digital converter Pr_ADC and circuit401are integrated to chip105. Chip105then comprises, in addition to terminal Pr_ana, a terminal of connection to the outside Pr_outimg corresponding to input terminal e1of circuit201. The operation of circuit201ofFIG. 4is similar to that of circuit201ofFIG. 3, with the difference that, in the example ofFIG. 4, the comparison between the voltage level of output terminal Pr_out of the decoder and a reference signal REF which is an image of the video signal generated by the decoder, is digitally performed by processing circuit401. This enables, in particular, to do without the resistive dividing bridge formed by resistors R1and R2in the example ofFIG. 3. In the example ofFIG. 4, circuit401generates and supplies on node s1signal load_detect_out indicating whether a connection is present or not between terminals Pr_out and Pr_in. Specific embodiments have been described. Various alterations, modifications, and improvements will occur to those skilled in the art. In particular, the described embodiments are not limited to the examples described in relation withFIGS. 3 and 4of manufacturing of circuit201of comparison of a signal representative of the voltage level on output terminal Pr_out of the decoder with a reference signal representative of the video signal generated by the decoder upstream of amplifier G. Other circuits capable of performing such a comparison may be provided. Further, embodiments where circuit201is capable of comparing a signal representative of the voltage level on output terminal Pr_out of the decoder with a reference signal, and of deducing therefrom whether terminal Pr_out is connected or not to input terminal Pr_in of display device101, have been described. As a variation, circuit201may be capable of comparing a signal representative of the current level on output terminal Pr_out of the decoder with a reference signal, and of deducing therefrom whether terminal Pr_out is connected or not to input terminal Pr_in of display device101. As an example, circuit201is capable of comparing the voltage across resistor R_TV of decoder103(which is the image of the current flowing through resistor R_TV) with a reference signal, and of deducing therefrom whether terminal Pr_out is connected or not to input terminal Pr_in of display device101. Indeed, in the absence of a connection between terminals Pr_out and Pr_in, the current in resistor R_TV is substantially zero and the voltage across resistor R_TV is thus substantially zero, while in the presence of such a connection, the current flowing through resistor R_TV is the image of the video signal supplied by the decoder. Further, the above-described solution for the detection of an analog connection between terminals Pr_out and Pr_in may of course be applied in identical or similar fashion to other analog video output terminals of decoder103. Further, the above-described solution may be applied substantially identically for the detection of a connection between an analog output terminal of an audio decoder and an analog input terminal of an audio player. Such alterations, modifications, and improvements are intended to be part of this disclosure, and are intended to be within the spirit and the scope of the present invention. Accordingly, the foregoing description is by way of example only and is not intended to be limiting. The present invention is limited only as defined in the following claims and the equivalents thereto.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION The embodiments are directed to a cleaning element which may be used with cleaning devices of the form disclosed in International Patent Applications PCT/AU86/00314 and PCT/AU86/00123. Such cleaning elements are used to clean surfaces which are generally of a cYlindrical configuration and it is necessary that the cleaning action applied to the surface by the cleaning element is maximised. The cleaning element of the first embodiment of FIGS. 1 and 2 comprises a substantially cylindrical hub member 11 which is to be fixed to a drive shaft for rotation with the drive shaft. The hub member 11 supports a substantially circular head 12 through a universal joint 13 whereby the head is caused to rotate With the hub 11 but is capable of pivotal movement about a plurality of transverse axes of the hub 11. The head 12 supports three radial arms 14 which are spaced angularly equidistant around the central axis and are of a substantially equal length. The axes of the radial arms 14 angularly are offset from the transverse plane of the head 12 such that the plane intersected by the free ends of the radial arms 14 is spaced axially outwardly from the outer end of the head 12. The free end of each arm 14 supports a tool bit 15 which is freely rotatable on the radial arm about a substantially central axis of the radial arm 14. Each tool bit is of a substantially frusto conical configuration and the outer periphery of the tool bit is formed with a plurality of substantially axial ribs 16. The tool bits 15 are formed of a suitable tool grade hardened steel or like material As a result of the configuration of the radial arms all of the tools 15 can be brought into contact with a non-planar surface with substantially equal pressure being applied to the surface through each of the tools. The function of the universal joint permits the head 12 to adopt a variety of orientations on the hub 11 to enable the tools to be applied against the surface with equal pressure. On rotation of the head 12 through hub 11 the tool bits 15 are caused to roll over the surface which together with the force being applied to the surface by the hub will cause disintegration of any foreign material on the surface of the non-planar member. As a result foreign materials can be removed from a surface with reduced abrasive action compared to conventional brushes which rely substantially on abrasion. The second, third and fourth embodiments are similar to the first embodiment and the same reference numerals have been used in FIGS. 3,4,5,6, and 7. FIG. 3 illustrates the second embodiment in position in which a flexible cover or boot 20 covers the universal joint 13 between the hub 11 and the head 12. In addition a grease nipple 21 is provided in the head 12 which communicates via passageways 22 in the head and arms with the mountings between the and tool bits for librication of the bearings therebetween. The third embodiment of FIGS. 4 and 5 is intended to be fixed to a hub (not shown) to rotate therewith. No pivoted movement is provided between the head 12 and hub but if desired the hub and/or drive shaft (not shown) may be capable of some pivoted articulation. The fourth embodiment of FIGS. 6 and 7 is also extended to be fixed to a hub on drive shaft (not shown) without any pivoted interconnection clear therebetween. If desired the hub and/or drive shaft may be capable of some pivoted articulation In addition a resilient buffer 23 is provided in the head 12 for engagement between the head 12 and hub 11 to absorb some axial loadings or shocks therebetween. It should be appreciated that the scope of the present invention need not be limited to the particular scope of the embodiment described above. In particular the invention need not be limited to the particular relationship between the hub 11 and head 12 or to the particular configuration of the tools 15.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS A preferred ink has a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50% and includes a wax and/or a resin that have/has a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50%, a colorant that may render the ink UV opaque, and a stabilizer. The inks, waxes, and resins may also have water auto-dispersibilities of at least 70%, at least 80%, at least 90%, or at least 95%. The wax and/or resin component having a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50% helps provide the ink with a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50%. Preferred inks include about 5% to about 100%, more preferably about 25% to about 85%, by weight of the wax and/or resin. Examples of waxes having a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50% include polyethylene glycol, methoxylated polyethylene glycol (e.g., methoxylated polyethylene glycol available from Union Carbide under the trade name CARBOWAX 2000) and ethoxylated polyethylene (e.g., ethoxylated polyethylene available from Petrolite under the trade name UNITHOX Grade 480). Examples of resins having a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50% include branched polyesters, dextrin, and cellulose gum. A preferred resin is a branched polyester, available from Eastman Kodak under the trade name AQ 1045. The ink may include a non-dispersible wax. The non-dispersible wax provides the ink with the targeted viscosity. Preferred inks have a melt viscosity of about 5 to about 100 centipoise. The non-dispersible wax also provides the ink with the desired melting point, which is generally lower than the temperature at which the ink jet printer operates. Preferably, the ink does not contain enough of the non-dispersible wax to render the ink non-dispersible. Preferred inks include less than about 95%, more preferably less than about 80%, by weight non-dispersible wax. Examples of non-dispersible waxes include stearic acid, lauric acid, linear polyethylene, behenic acid, stearone, carnauba waxes, microcrystalline waxes, paraffin waxes, polyethylene waxes, candelilla waxes, montan waxes, Fischer-Tropsch waxes, bisamide waxes, amide waxes, hydrogenated castor oil, synthetic ester waxes, oxidized polyethylene waxes, oleamides, stearamides, lauramides, erucamides, glycerol esters, chlorinated waxes, urethane modified waxes, and other synthetic and natural waxes. A preferred non-dispersible wax is montan ester wax, available from Hoechst under the designation Wax E. Alternatively, the ink may include a non-dispersible resin. The non-dispersible resin provides the ink with the targeted viscosity. Preferably, the ink does not contain enough of the non-dispersible resin to render the ink non-dispersible. Preferred inks include less than about 95%, more preferably less than about 80%, by weight non-dispersible resin. Examples of non-dispersible resins include glycerol esters, pentaerythritol esters, hydrocarbons, rosin, rosin esters, modified rosin esters (e.g., hydrogenated, acid, or phenolic-modified rosin esters), cumarone/indene copolymers, cyclic ketone polymers, styrene/allyl alcohol copolymers, polystyrenes, polyvinyl toluene/methylstyrene copolymers, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl alcohol, ethylene/vinyl acetate, ethylene/acrylic acid, alkyl hydrocarbon polymers, aryl hydrocarbon polymers, alkyl aryl hydrocarbon polymers, terpene polymers, ethylene/carbon monoxide copolymers, vinyl chloride/vinyl alcohol copolymers, polyvinyl butyral, polyketones, styrene/acrylic copolymers, polybutenes, polybutadienes, styrene/isoprene/styrene block copolymers, styrene/butadiene/styrene block copolymers, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, polyvinyl pyridine, vinyl pyrrolidone/vinyl acetate, polyurethanes, polyesters, polyamides, styrene-acrylates, polypropylene, chlorinated polypropylene, chlorinated paraffin, gilsonite and other asphaltic materials, cyclic hydrocarbon polymers, halogenated polymers, acrylics, epoxides, novolacs, and other synthetic and natural resins. A preferred non-dispersible resin is polystyrene, available from Hercules under the trade name Piccolastic. The colorant provides color to the ink and/or renders the ink substantially opaque to UV light. The ink preferably includes a sufficient quantity of colorant so that the ink has adequate color and/or is substantially opaque to UV light. Preferred inks include less than about 10%, more preferably from about 3% to about 6%, by weight of the colorant. Examples of colorants include anthraquinone and perinone reds such as solvent red 172, solvent red 111, solvent red 222, solvent red 207, and solvent red 135; anthraquinone blues such as solvent blue 104 and solvent violet 13; anthraquinone greens such as solvent green 3 and solvent green 5; xanthane, quinoline, quinophthalone, pyrazolone, methine, and anthraquinoid yellows such as solvent yellow 98, solvent yellow 33, disperse yellow 54, solvent yellow 93, disperse yellow 82, and solvent yellow 163. A preferred colorant is Sudan Yellow 146, available from BASF. The stabilizer inhibits oxidation of the ink components. Sufficient stabilizer should be included to inhibit oxidation, but not so much should be included that the other properties of the ink are adversely affected. The ink preferably includes less than about 2%, more preferably from about 0.3% to about 0.8%, of the stabilizer by weight. Suitable stabilizers include antioxidants and heat stabilizers such as hindered phenols, organophosphites, phosphited phenols, phosphited bisphenols, bisphenols, and alkylated phenolics. A preferred stabilizer is terakis [methylene (3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxylhydrocinnamate)]methane, available from Ciba Geigy under the trade name IRGANOX 1010. Additionally, the ink may include other conventional hot melt ink ingredients such as flexibilizers and/or plasticizers. Examples of flexibilizers/plasticizers include aromatic sulfonamides, phthalates, acetates, adipates, amides, azelates, epoxides, glutarates, laurates, oleates, sebacates, stearates, sulfonates, tallates, phosphates, benzoin ethers, anid trimelletates. A sufficient quantity of these optional ingredients may be included in the ink to provide the desired property. The inks generally are prepared by combining the waxes and/or the resins with any optional ingredients, heating the combination to its melting point, and slowly stirring until the liquified combination is homogeneous. If a colorant is to be included, it is then added to the mixture with stirring. The molten ink is then filtered to remove particles larger than 1 .mu.m in size. EXAMPLE 1 A hot melt ink having a water auto-dispersibility of 100% was prepared that included 80.60 weight % CARBOWAX 2000 (MPEG) (available from Union Carbide), 14.93 weight % Piccolastic A75 (available from Hercules), 0.50 weight % IRGANOX 1010 (available from Ciba Geigy), and 3.98 weight % Sudan Yellow 146 (available from BASF). The ink was subjected to the test for water auto-dispersibility described above. A draw down of the ink on a glass support was immersed in deionized water. Within one minute, 100% of the ink dispersed into particles smaller than 100 .mu.m; the particles remained in loose contact with the glass support. EXAMPLE 2 A hot melt ink having a water auto-dispersibility of 100% was prepared that included 63.35 weight % Wax E Flaked (available from Hoechst), 31.72 weight % UNITHOX Grade 480 (available from Petrolite), 0.49 weight % IRGANOX 1010 (available from Ciba Geigy), and 4.43 weight % Sudan Yellow 146 (available from BASF). The ink was subjected to the test for water auto-dispersibility described above. A draw down of the ink on a glass support was immersed in deionized water. Within one minute, 100% of the ink dispersed into particles smaller than 100 .mu.m. A portion of the particles remained in loose contact with the glass support. The preferred inks can be used with a conventional hot melt ink jet printer, such as a Markem 962 printer. Referring to the Figure, the printhead 10 of this printer includes a fill port 12, a membrane cavity 14, a pumping chamber 16, a PZT (piezoelectric transducer) 18, and an orifice 20. The ink is placed in the printhead through the fill port 12; the ink then passes through the membrane cavity 14, where is it degassed. The ink then flows into the pumping chamber 16. The printhead 10 is heated, so that the ink is melted to a liquid state prior to being ejected from the ink jet printhead. The liquid ink is ejected by activation of the PZT (piezoelectric transducer) 18. As a substrate passes by the orifice 20, droplets of the hot, liquid ink are ejected through the orifice. Upon contacting the substrate, which is typically at room temperature, the liquid ink cools and solidifies. Alternatively, the inks can be transferred to substrates using heated ink roll methods, hot stamp methods, or thermal transfer methods, as known in the art. A mark can be printed on a substrate using the hot melt ink having a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50% described above and one of the methods described above; the mark itself may have a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50%. Such marks may be printed on substrates such as metals, plastics, fabrics, and food products (e.g., vegetables, fruits, and confectioneries). The mark can later be washed off the substrate, for example, by submerging the substrate in a water bath or spraying the substrate with a stream of water. In the case of confectioneries, the mark can be removed as the confectionery is consumed. A hot melt ink having a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50% and containing a colorant that renders the ink UV opaque can be used to form a UV opaque mask having a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50% on a substrate. For example, a layer of a UV curable material, such as a photoemulsion, can be applied to a screen mesh made of a material such as nickel, stainless steel, nylon, or polyester. The UV opaque ink having a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50% can then be applied to the substrate in a desired pattern using one of the methods described above. The layer of UV opaque ink provides masked portions of the photoemulsion layer and unmasked portions of the photoemulsion layer. Compositions containing masked and unmasked portions of a photoemulsion layer are useful in a variety of applications, such as in printing screen manufacturing processes. During such processes, a printing screen made of a material such as nickel, stainless steel, nylon, or polyester is releasably secured to a support. A UV curable material, such as a photoemulsion, is then applied to the surface of the screen. The photoemulsion layer may be applied as a liquid that is later allowed to dry and harden, or as a sheet material. A hot melt ink having a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50% is then applied to the photoemulsion in a desired pattern, using the ink jet printing method described above. The ink provides a UV opaque "mask" that prevents the masked photoemulsion from being cured by UV light. The screen is then exposed to a suitable UV light source, causing the unmasked portions of the photoemulsion to cure. The cured regions of the photoemulsion become hardened and affixed to the screen. After exposure to the UV light, the uncured (and thus un-hardened) photoemulsion, as well as the ink mask, are removed from the screen by spraying the screen with water and gently brushing the screen. A pattern of raised areas of hardened emulsion corresponding to the negative image of the ink mask remains on the substrate. The cured emulsion is then post baked to complete the curing process, resulting in a screen suitable for industrial printing. Since the preferred inks have a water auto-dispersibility of at least 50%, they are relatively easy to remove from the screens with a single water washing cycle, instead of requiring extended washing cycles and/or soaking periods. The preferred inks are converted to a solution or a suspension of small particles when exposed to water and therefore do not prematurely clog the filters of the equipment used to perform the washing procedure. Masks made from the preferred inks can be removed from the screens with a single washing cycle, even when thin photoemulsion layers (which allow for greater printing resolution) are used. Other embodiments are within the claims.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Energy stores according to the invention, which are provided with a storage material according to the invention in the form of a metal or a metal oxide as the active component (redox couple), are described within the framework of specific exemplary embodiments. At this point, it is once again noted that the active component does not necessarily need to comprise only one metal and one metal oxide, but rather the redox couple can also comprise, for example, multiple metal oxides having different levels of oxidation or multiple alloys. A) First Advantageous Embodiment of the Invention Having a Storage Material Composing an Active Component and a Reactive, Oxidic Framework Structure Exemplary Embodiment Active Component: Fe—FeO, Framework Structure-Forming Material: MgO. For an energy storage material having iron as the active component and magnesium oxide as the framework structure, this means, for example, a mixing ratio of Mg to Fe of 1:2 (based on mole percentage or atomic percentage), or of 1:1 when the oxides MgO and Fe2O3are used. At these ratios, a series of mixed oxides ((Fe,Mg)O—MgFe2O4) would form. A slight hypostoichiometry of iron, as compared to the pure iron oxide, can advantageous, just as can a slight hyperstoichiometry, and therefore deviations from the specified ratio of ±10% are also intended to be included within the scope of this invention. In the first case, however, this would come at the expense of the energy density, which is to say, less active component relative to the total mass of the storage device. In the second case of the hyperstoichiometry, in contrast, a migration of the active component over time can no longer be ruled out. In the present case, with iron as the active component and magnesium oxide as the framework structure, it would therefore be advantageous to set an atomic mixing ratio of between 1:1 and 1:3 of Mg to Fe. The finished storage material therefore comprises (Fe,Mg)O or (Mg,Fe)2O4or MgFe2O4, depending on the desired composition and the production parameters. Production Routes: MgO+FeO(or Fe3O4,Fe2O3)→mixing→calcination→(Fe,Mg)O.  a) MgCO3+FeCO3→mixing→calcination→(Fe,Mg)O.  b) MgCl2+FeCl2→dissolution→hydrolysis→calcination→(Fe,Mg)O.  c) Mg(C2O4)+Fe(C2O4)→mixing→calcination→(Fe,Mg)O.  d) Mg(C2O4)+Fe(C2O4)→→dissolution→drying→calcination(Fe,Mg)O.  e) The storage material according to the invention comprising (Fe,Mg)O can be produced and, provided this is necessary, subsequently packaged using any type of method, as described above. The finished storage material can be made available as oxide powder advantageously having a particle size of less than 10 μm. This corresponds to a mean particle size of 0.2 to 10 μm, and advantageously between 0.5 to 5 μm. Finer powder having a mean particle size of less than 0.2 μm regularly results in lower porosity, while experience has shown that coarser powder having a mean particle size of more than 10 μm results in a lower specific surface area. The powdery storage material can be subsequently brought into the desired shape (such as foils, rods, granulates, etc.), if necessary, by means of various ceramic processes. As an alternative, the desired final shape (such as foils, rods, granulates, etc.) can also be produced directly from the starting materials with or without additives (such as binding agents, plasticizers or pore-forming materials), and therefore the finished storage component can be produced in one step, during the calcination process. Powder charges in different shapes are also possible. The shaping serves to improve handling while retaining a high, open overall porosity in the storage material and can be carried out, for example, by pressing, casting, or extrusion. The advantageous porosity is between 10 and 80% by volume, in particular between 20 and 80% by volume. A metal hydride, for example, can also be used to foam the storage material. The blanks are subsequently sintered in order to form the desired phase, which is MgFe2O4in the present case, and to achieve the necessary dimensional stability or microstructure. The sintering or the phase formation of the mixed oxides can also take place, as an alternative, during the “warming up” of the entire storage system to the operating temperature. The use of oxides as starting material offers the advantage (in addition to lowering material costs) that sufficient volume and porosity are present in the store in order to withstand, undamaged, the phase transitions during operation and to ensure that gas can flow through to a sufficient extent. Possible powder charges of the storage material are also mentioned here, Second Exemplary Embodiment Active Component: Fe—FeO, Framework Structure-Forming Material: CaO. In the case of iron as the active storage component, particularly suitable metal/metal oxide materials are mixed oxides of the type MeFe2O4/Me2Fe2O5/MeFe3O5, etc., wherein Me is a bivalent metal ion, and oxidic mixed crystals of the type (Me,Fe)O having a Wüstite crystalline structure are mentioned, as well as reactive mixed oxides of the type MeFe2O4/MeFeO3, etc., wherein Me is a tetravalent metal ion. The mixed oxides and oxidic mixed crystals can be reduced in steps, wherein, at the end of the reaction, depending on the selection of the oxidic framework structure, a metallic phase can be formed or only oxidic phases may be present. In the subsequent oxidation, the phase that is formed is integrated into the framework structure again. This effectively prevents material separation/migration in the storage material. An exemplary reaction for Me=Ca at 800° C. is as follows: 2CaFe3O5←(>pO2˜10−19bar>)→Ca2Fe2O5+4Fe+2.5O2 A Fe:Ca atomic ratio of 3:1 would therefore be ideal for such a storage material. If one would accept minor losses in performance or in the reduction of the service life, the ratio could also be set in the broader range between 5:1 and 1:1. Depending on the oxygen partial pressure that is present, and depending on the temperature during the charging or discharging operation of the storage material, the following further phase conversions, for example, are of interest: TiFe2O5→FeTiO3+Fe+O2; MgFe2O4→2(Mg,Fe)O+Fe+O2; ZnFe2O4→2(Zn,Fe)O+Fe+O2; 2CaFe2O4→Ca2Fe2O5+2Fe+1,O2; 2CaFe5O7→Ca2Fe2O5+8Fe+4.5O2; CeFeO3→CeO2+Fe+0.5O2; Fe2SiO4→SiO2+2Fe+O2; TiFeO3→TiO2+Fe+0.5O2 In addition to iron as the active component, mixed oxides based on Cu, Mn, Ni, Co, Mo and W are also suitable, provided these form reactive framework structures (under suitable redox conditions), such as CuFe2O4, CoFe2O4or NiFe2O4. In addition, mixtures of the aforementioned components are also possible. The aforementioned Table 1 shows a few specific examples of possible variants of storage materials, according to the invention, which have an oxidic framework structure, and the corresponding conditions with regard to the temperature and the oxygen partial pressure at which the framework structure has the “reactive” property thereof (stability ranges). OxygenpartialpressureTempera-ActiveFrame-range*turecom-work[Ig(pO2[bar])]rangeOxides inponentelementfromto[° C.]addition to FeOFeMg−21−17600-1000(Mg, Fe)O, (Mg, Fe)3O4FeCa−20−16600-1000CaO, Ca2Fe2O5CaFe3O5, Fe3O4[2]FeSr−21−17600-1000SrO, (Fe, Sr), Sr2Fe2O5FeBa−20−17600-1000BaO, Ba2Fe2O5Ba3Fe2O6FeTi600-1000FeTiO3, Fe2TiO5FeMn−20−15600-1000(Fe, Mn)O (Fe, Mn)3O4FeCu−15−10600-1000CuFe2O4, (Fe. Cu)OFeCo−21−17600-1000(Co, Fe)O (Co, Fe)3O4FeNi−19−15600-1000(Ni, Fe)OFeZn600-1000ZnOFeCe−21−17600-1000CeO2, CeFeO3FeW−20−16500-700WO3, WO2FeMo−20−16500-700MoO3, MoO2*The listed oxygen partial pressure ranges are based on an operating temperature for the storage system of approximately 800° C. The values change with different temperatures and can be easily calculated for a different temperature range on the basis of known databases for thermodynamic data of oxidic systems. Table 2, below, lists the relevant oxygen partial pressure ranges due to the H2/H2O equilibrium in the mixing ratios used here (80/20, 20/80) at 800° C. A similar table for the CO/CO2equilibrium could also be calculated by a person skilled in the art using the FactSage program. Ig(pO2) atIg(pO2) at 650° C.Ig(pO2) at 800° C.900° C.Ratio H2/H2O[bar][bar][bar]90/10−24−20.3−18.180/20−23.5−19.5−17.550/50−22−18.5−16.220/80−21−17−1510/90−20.2−16.5−14.3 In the case of a reactive oxidic framework structure (such as (Mg, Fe)O, as shown inFIGS. 7 and 8), the active component, e.g. iron, can leave the framework structure during the reduction of the store, due to the low chemical stability of the oxides thereof (under the given temperature and O2partial pressure conditions) and is therefore present as a metal. The oxides that have a lower decomposition pressure than FeO, which serves as the active component, e.g. MgO, then form the Fe-depleted framework structure. In the next oxidation, the active component is converted again completely, or largely, into the corresponding oxide and is integrated as such into the framework structure again, in the form of a mixed oxide or a mixed crystal. InFIGS. 7 and 8, the reference characters mean:1=storage material,2=embedding mass (black) and, within the storage material,3=active component metal (white),4=oxidic framework structure (gray) next to pores (black).FIG. 7shows the microstructure of the storage material at different scales after 10 cycles, wherein the last cycle was a charging cycle in this case. As is clearly apparent, the reduced metallic iron is recognizable as homogeneous light spots within the oxidic framework structure. InFIG. 8, likewise at different scales, only a uniform porous mixed oxide phase is still recognizable in the microstructure of the storage material after 11 cycles, wherein the last cycle was a discharging cycle in this case. The active component, in the oxidized form, has been completely taken up/integrated in the framework oxide by mixed oxide formation. By means of this integration of the active component into the reactive framework, long term coarsening or permanent separation (migration) of the active component is effectively prevented, or is at least substantially slowed. B) Second Advantageous Embodiment of the Invention Having a Storage Material Comprising an Active Component and a Reactive, Metallic Framework Structure Third Exemplary Embodiment Active Component: Fe—FeO, Framework Structure-Forming Material: Ni. A storage material according to the invention having an iron-containing alloy is described in the following, wherein iron is the active component. In the case of a reactive metallic framework structure (such as an Fe—Ni alloy, as illustrated inFIGS. 10 and 11, the active component, e.g. iron, can leave the framework structure during the oxidation of the storage device due to the higher chemical stability of the oxides thereof (under the given conditions of temperature and pO2partial pressure) and is therefore present as an oxide (recognizable inFIGS. 11aand 11b). Metals with oxides that have a higher decomposition pressure (such as NiO) remain as an Fe-depleted, metallic active framework structure under these conditions. In the next reduction, the active component is converted again completely, or largely, into the metal and is integrated as such into the framework structure again in the form of an alloy or an intermetallic phase (FIGS. 10aand 10b). InFIGS. 10 and 11, the reference characters mean:1=storage material,2=embedding mass (black) and within the storage material,3=active component metal (gray). The pure metallic framework structure inFIGS. 11aandb, which shows the oxidized state (charged state) of the storage material at different scales together with the near-surface oxide layer3, is hardly distinguishable from the discharged state, in which the reduced active component has now been completely integrated into the framework structure by alloy formation.FIG. 10shows the microstructure of the storage material at different scales after 10 cycles, wherein the last cycle was a charging cycle in this case, whileFIG. 11shows the microstructure after 11 cycles, wherein the last cycle was a discharging cycle. The present alloy or the powder mixture of the individual elements can be processed with any routine method in order to produce the three aforementioned structures. It is important that the finished storage material is present at the end of the production process as a metallic alloy, is mechanically stable, and has a high specific surface area. An example thereof would be a storage system, which is operated at 800° C., has an oxygen transfer rate of approximately 1.25 mg/cm2h, had a discharging time of approximately 2 h, and in which the storage material has a specific surface area of at least 180 cm2/g. The mechanical stability and the desired specific surface area are dependent on system parameters of the storage system (rechargeable battery type or design), such as, for example, the set working temperature or the charging or discharging rate, and therefore usually cannot be specified exactly. The finished storage material according to the invention in the form of an alloy comprises at least two metallic components. A suitable combination of an active component and a metallic framework structure would be, for example, the following: iron as the active component and nickel as the metallic framework structure. Iron, as the active component, actively participates in the redox reactions during the charging and discharging process and is responsible for the energy storage and release. Nickel, as the framework structure, does not participate in the redox reactions, but rather ensures that this part of the storage material always remains metallic and retains its form. In order to ensure this functionality between a metal as the active component and a metal as the framework structure, the decomposition pressure of the framework structure element oxide should always be greater than the oxygen partial pressure of the atmosphere during the discharging process, and therefore the metal selected for the reactive framework structure is always present in the metallic form. This is also clear fromFIG. 12, in which the stability ranges (1,2,3) for the framework structure element (Me) and the active component (Me*) are schematically illustrated as a function of the oxygen partial pressure, pO2. The dashed line for MeO/Me indicates the decomposition pressure for the framework structure element oxide, which is clearly higher than the dashed line for Me*O/Me, which indicates the decomposition pressure for the active element oxide. Based on the aforementioned example of the Fe—Ni alloy, which can be used at approximately 800° C., and based on an oxygen partial pressure during the discharging process of approximately 10−17bar, the decomposition pressure of FeO is 10−19bar and the decomposition pressure of NiO is 10−14bar. In this combination and under these basic conditions, Fe functions as the active element and Ni functions as the framework structure element. Due to the decomposition pressures that are present, the formation of iron oxide from Fe takes place preferably over the oxidation of Ni to form NiO. If nickel, for example, is intended to function as the active component (Ni*O/Ni) for another application, the framework element selected must be such that the framework structure element oxide has a decomposition pressure that is clearly higher than 10−14bar, and here, for example, with copper, copper oxide serving as the framework structure has decomposition pressure of 10−10bar (also see Table 3). In addition, the storage material according to the invention, or the alloy, can also contain still further elements or additives, which, for example, improve the oxidation and/or reduction kinetics, or accelerate the diffusion of the active component in the framework structure. A suitable example of this would be: Cu>10 atom % in Fe-, Ni- and Co-based alloys. In addition, suitable additives for improving the strength (by way of, for example, Mo or W>5 at.-% in Fe-, Ni- and Co-based alloys) or the deformability, provided these do not disrupt the aforementioned modes of operation. For example, Al and/or Si additives, at concentrations above 3 atom %, have a disruptive influence. The following Table 3 shows a few specific examples of possible variants of storage materials, according to the invention, which have a metallic framework structure, and the corresponding conditions with respect to the temperature and the oxygen partial pressure at which the framework structure advantageously has the “reactive” property thereof. Oxygen partialActivepressurecomponentrange*Tempera-[atompO2[bar]turepercentMetallic frameworkdis-range(atom %)]elementchargingcharging[° C.]Fe (40-95)Ni<10−19>10−14600-1000Fe (40-95)Co<10−19>10−16600-1000Fe (40-95)Ni—Co—Cu**<10−19>10−16600-1000Fe (40-95)Ni—Co—Sn**<10−19>10−16600-1000Fe (40-95)Ni—Cu—Sn**<10−19>10−16600-1000Fe (40-95)Co—Cu—Sn**<10−19>10−16600-1000Co (40-90)Cu<10−16>10−10500-1000Ni (40-90)Cu<10−14>10−10500-1000Sn (3-20)Cu<10−17>10−10500-750Sn (3-40)Ni<10−17>10−14500-1000Sn (3-40)Co<10−17>10−16500-1000Sn (0-15)Ag<10−17>10−16500-700Sn (3-40)Cu—Ni—Co—Ag**<10−17>10−16500-1000Mn (3-40)Ni<10−30>10−14500-1000Mn (3-40)Co<10−30>10−16500-1000Mn (3-50)Fe<10−30>10−19500-1000Mn (3-50)Ni—Co—Fe**<10−30>10−19500-1000Mn (3-30)Ag<10−30>10−19700-900Sb (3-60)Ni<10−19>10−14500-1000Sb (3-60)Co<10−19>10−16500-1000Sb (3-40)Co—Ni**<10−19>10−16500-900*The listed oxygen partial pressure ranges are based on a storage system operating temperature of approximately 800° C. The values change with different temperatures and can be easily calculated for a different temperature range on the basis of known databases for thermodynamic data for oxidic systems.**All, or only any two or three, of the metallic framework elements thus characterized can be selected. It is also possible to select any ratio between the elements, such as, for example: Fe—5% Ni; Fe—35% Ni: Fe—60% Ni; Fe—5% Co—35% Ni; Fe—2.5% Ni—2.5% Co; Fe—5% Cu—1% Ni—0.5% Co; Fe—23.7% Co—3.7% Ni—4.6% Cu. If the operating conditions and, in particular, the oxygen partial pressure and the temperature, the mixing ratios or the microstructure, are not correctly set, degradation (material coarsening or separating) of the energy storage material cannot be permanently prevented. The microstructure can set in due to corresponding mechanical and/or thermal processing. In the case of a reactive metallic framework structure (such as Fe-(5-50%) Ni alloy, as illustrated inFIGS. 10 and 11), the active component iron (Fe) is entirely or partially converted into an iron oxide (FeO and/or Fe3O4) during the discharging process of the storage device, wherein a framework structure (Fe, Ni alloy) depleted of iron also remains. In the charging process, the iron oxide is reduced again and is now taken up again, as a metal, completely or largely, via diffusion into the reactive framework structure or is dissolved therein. A permanent coarsening or separation (migration) is also effectively prevented by this integration (alloy formation). In the next discharging process of the storage device, the active component can leave the reactive framework structure again and can be converted into an oxide, wherein this usually forms in the form of an oxide layer on the surface of the storage material. The integration/alloy formation mentioned here also comprises, in particular, the formation of intermetallic phases.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT As will become evident, the preferred embodiment is somewhat pluralistic, as it encompasses as many variables as are necessary to enable the invention to fill its role as a layman's retrofit system, i.e. capable of self modification to fit virtually any existing conventional toilet lid/seat assembly and to provide for the several other functions intended. The preferred embodiment is presented in its simplest geometry for illustrative purposes, devoid of rib configurations required to insure structural integrity for the loads incurred and to be capable of high speed injection molding. Referring to FIG. 1 A lid-control cylindrical housing, 1 and 1A, about the size of a D-cell battery is attached, via sliding interlock 2 to toilet seat attachment bracket 3. Said interlock enables the cylinder assembly to slide forward or back to accomodate out-of-norm toilet seat hinge configurations. Attachment bracket 3 is fixedly attached to the toilet bowl by loosening the left mounting bolt of any existing toilet seat hinge assembly (not shown), sliding the bracket under the assembly such that slot 4 accomodates the mounting bolt and re-tightening the bolt, securely capturing the bracket against the bowl. The toilet accessory is attached to the lid itself by fixedly attaching lid control arm 6 to the end of rotatable lid control shaft 5, and via a hinged union 7, to member 8. Member 8 is engaged in turn to lid bracket 10 via a sliding interlock 9. Member 8 may slide along lid bracket 10 to assume various juxtapositions as explained later in FIG. 6. Lid bracket 10 is fixedly attached to the lid by loosening the existing lid hinge arm screws, (not shown) sliding the bracket under the arm such that the slots 11 accomodate the screws, and retightening the screws securely capturing the lid bracket against the underside of the lid. Additionally lid member 12 of the seat coupler, made of spring steel, is likewise captured between lid bracket 10 and the lid. Male and female dimples 13 in members 10 and 12 enable member 12 to be fixedly re-positioned as desired against member 10 before the lid screws are re-tightened. (The virtue of re-positioning member 12 is explained later in FIG. 5D.) The seat member 14 of the lid/seat coupler, also made of spring steel, is fixedly attached to the toilet seat by loosening the existing seat-hinge arm screws (not shown), sliding the seat member 14 under the arm such that slots 15 accomodate the screws and retightening the screws securely capturing the seat member 14 against the bottom of the seat. Seat member arm 16, past the edge of the seat, extends upward to engage the lid member 12 as explained later in FIG. 5. Adjustment screw hole 17A is provided for use when required, again as explained in FIG. 5. Lid lock arm 18 is swiveled against lockstop 19, per arrow 22, by torsion spring 20, thus automatically locking lid control arm 6 in the down position. Torsion spring 20 may be removed such that the lid may be manually locked only when desired. Finger latch 21 is provided for ease of manual lifting of the lock arm. Lid-control shaft lock release spring 23 exits control clylinder 1 thru slot 24 and snaps onto hinge post 25 of the flush rod 26. The flush rod, in turn, is attached to existing toilet flush handles (not shown) by squeezing leg 27A to enlarge spring 27 which is then passed over the end of the flush handle and released to tighten on the handle. The other leg of spring 27 is inserted into a lengthwise bore of the flush rod 26 via friction fit. (Flush rod length may be altered by simply removing spring 27, cutting off the excess length of the plastic rod with a knife and re-inserting the spring leg into the bore.) Referring to FIG. 2: Fixed pressure barrier 28 is inserted in liquid-filled pressure vessel 1A via channel 29, butting the forward end of the vessel, and locked down in place by the lid control shaft 5A inserted through the forward end of the vessel above it. The shaft and the barrier are further locked in place by channels 29 and 46 in end-cap 47, shown in FIG. 3. The shaft O-rings 71 in grooves 69 and 70 on one end and the end-cap 47 on the other completes the pressure vessel 1A As the shaft rotates,the blade extension 35 of the shaft snugly sweeps the interior circumference and both end walls of the vessel from point A to B. The snugness of fit against these surfaces creates an essentially pressure tight chamber within the vessel between the fixed barrier 28 and the rotating blade barrier 35. The protruding flatted forward end 72 of the lid control shaft 5A is inserted into slot 68 in lid control shaft 5, the forward end of which is fixedly attached to lid control arm 6, as previously discussed in FIG. 1, such that when the lid is in its horizontal position, blade 35 is in the down position, point B. When the toilet lid is raised, blade 35 is rotated to the point A, and flap valve 30 on port 31 is forced open by fluid pressure, allowing free flow of fluid thru the port to break any resistance to rotation. By like measure, if the lid is forced down abruptly, causing excessive, and possibly damaging pressure within the chamber, heavy-duty flap 32 on the fixed barrier is pressed open, relieving the excess pressure thru port 33. The snap end of torsion spring 23 is inserted thru slot 24 from inside the cylinder, the radius of the spring placed on mandrel 40 attached to the forward wall of vessel 1A, and bent leg 41 positioned to press against angular faced post 38. When the lid is raised, the angular surface 34 of the post rotates against the spring leg, depressing it back to the left until past, at which point the blade is at point A, the lid is upright, and the bent leg snaps forward to latch into slot 39, in effect locking the lid in the upright position until released. Descent initiator spring leg 42 is affixed vertically to fixed barrier 28. The horizontal spring leg 45 is laid over shaft 5A such that the leg presses down on the top of blade 35 when the blade is in the upper position. The initiator spring biases the blade to rotate down to the right, which in turn rotates the toilet lid to the right to start its descent. After approximately 15 degrees of blade rotation, the initiator spring is relaxed and "out of the circuit". (Brief Summary: Flushing the toilet depresses the toilet flush handle, the flush rod 26, and the snap-end of spring 23, rotating the spring around mandrel 40 and the hooked leg 41 out of slot 39 and off post 38, thus freeing blade 35, as biased by initiator spring 42, to rotate to the right, and the lid to start its descent.) The descent of the lid is cushioned by the pressurized fluid in the chamber slowly escaping the chamber via bleed-port 73 restraining the blade as it sweeps down from its horizontal position toward the fixed pressure barrier at the bottom of the chamber. A threaded lid-descent-rate adjustment "needle valve" 48 penetrates the pressure chamber end wall at 49 and into the end of shaft 5A at 75 to control the fluid flow from high to low side thru port 74. Opening or closing this valve varies the chamber pressure release rate and, subsequently, the descent rate to match the weight of the lid, i.e. mostly closed to support heavy lids, opened somewhat to shorten the descent time of ultra-light lids. Referring to FIG. 3 The end-cap 47 permanently inserts in the end of the pressure vessel such that it forms not only a tight seal for the pressure vessel, but also a bearing support 46 for the end of the rotating lid control shaft 5A and an end anchor slot 29 for the fixed pressure barrier 28. Referring to FIG. 4 Optional seat-weight compensating spring is employed only when existing toilet seat is unusually heavy, or to reduce strain on the lid control mechanism. In most instances this option will not be used. Bracket 50 is fixedly attached to the toilet bowl by loosening the existing right seat hinge assembly mounting bolt (not shown), sliding the bracket under the assembly such that slot 53 accomodates the mounting bolt, and retightening the bolt, securely capturing the bracket against the bowl. Torsion spring 52 is inserted onto mandrel 51. Roller 54 is positioned to roll against the underside of the toilet seat as it lowers, tensing spring 52. Adjustment screw 55 presses against land 56 and when turned, adjusts the tension of spring 52 to offset the weight of the seat as closely as possible, i.e. just enough that the spring does not quite raise the seat off the bowl when the lid is raised. Referring to FIG. 5 This series particularly illustrates the operation of the lid/seat coupler as applied to a typical lid/seat assembly, inasmuch as the concept is unique and perhaps not readily understood on its face. FIG. 5A illustrates the toilet lid in the upright position and seat in a 45-degree ascending mode. Spring-steel latch arm 16 is biased to the left against the toilet seat hinge if encountered, or approximately 5 degrees to the left of vertical if not. FIG. 5B As the seat is raised toward the lid, male latch 16A is guided by surface 57 of the lid member 12 back to the right, against its bias. When clear of surface 57, the latch arm snaps forward enabling male latch 16A to engage the female latch catch of member 12. Moreover, male latch remains coupled as long as the lid in in the upright position or during its decendency. The length of latch arm 16 is intentionally excessive and a slight gap 58 exists, per weight of gravity, between the lid and seat while in the coupled descending mode. FIG. 5C As the descending lid/seat reaches horizontal, the short angular pivot leg 17 encounters the surface of the toilet bowl, which forces the pivot leg to the left and, in turn, the latch arm to the right, biasing the arm to unlatch. When the weight of the lid settles on the seat, gap 58 closes, in effect lengthening latch arm 16 such that the right bias imposed by pivot leg 17 automatically disengages male latch 16A from lid member 12. Additionally, the latch arm remains in the disengaged right bias mode, per force of the weight of the seat, enabling the lid to be raised independent of, and without thought of, the seat. FIG. 5D Illustrates the adjustment 59 of the position of the female catch of lid member 12 to accommodate varying hinge radii or differing seat geometry that might be encountered in actual application. The lid member is positioned via male and female dimples before the lid screws are retightened, as described in FIG. 1. An additional adjustment 60 may be made, if required, by inserting and turning adjustment screw 61 in screw hole 17a provided for that purpose, per FIG. 1. The inherent flexibility of spring steel components strategically throughout allows the invention to be applied without modification to most brands of toilet seats. The additional value of the two adjustments discussed above, however, makes the application virtually universal. Referring to FIG. 6 Illustrates symbolically the critical role of the hinged and sliding interlock technique used to interconnect the toilet lid to the lid-descent control mechanism. FIG. 6 displays the fact that a retrofit assembly, if not aligned and/or with legs of unequal length, will bind and become inoperable, i.e.: Point X, the contact point between existing toilet hinge and lid in the horizontal mode, can be made identical for the invention by simply attaching the invention leg to the same point, i.e. B-X or C-X. But when the lid is raised and the hinge and the invention rotate around different axes, with legs of different lengths, the point X becomes points A, B, and C. Since the lid is not rubber the mechanism will bind. The sliding interlock 9 in FIG. 1 surmounts this unsurmountable obstacle. Moreover, in FIG. 6B, we see that the angle of attack between invention hinge leg and lid in the horizontal is always different than the vertical. An inflexible mounting device at X would bind the lid. The hinged union 7 in FIG. 1 enables the invention to work with unequal legs and centers. The two techniques must be, and are, used in tandem by this invention to enable simple application to unequal legs and centers, which is critical to a layman's retrofit. Referring to FIG. 7 Toilet bowl cleaner fluid flask 76 is attached to toilet tank or similar position such that fluid may flow thru tube 77 by gravity or syphon action to the toilet bowl. Tube 77 is inserted thru spring tube clamp 79 at opening 80, transversely thru control cylinder 1, out thru opening 64 across the top of and into the toilet bowl at point 81. Spring tube clamp is slid along tube 77 thru aperture 63 and pressed into position such that spring leg 78 is compressed at "V" bend 82 and locked securely between the two stops 62. Spring clamp leg 79A is depressed by cam 66 on lid control shaft 5 when the lid is up such that the tube is clamped shut. When the toilet lid descends to the point that the flushing action has subsided, cam 66 has moved to the left until leg 79A rises into "V" notch 90, at which time the clamping action is relaxed and the fluid flows thru the tube. When the lid approaches the totally closed position the cam again presses the clamp closed until the next flushing cycle. Referring to FIG. 8 Spring lever 88 is depressed down to a flush position and the saddle assembly 86 slid onto control cylinder 1/1A until spring level 88 finds opening 65 in bottom of cylinder, shown in FIG. 9. Referring to FIG. 9 Spring lever 88 flexes up thru opening 65 to press hard against lid control shaft 5. A spray can of commercial deodorant or disinfectant 85 is placed in cannister 86 which is then screwed up onto the threaded connection 84 of the saddle assembly. The nozzle of the spray can 87 is immediately under spring lever 88. As the toilet lid descends, rotating arm 6 around shaft 5, cam 67 on shaft 5 depresses spring lever 88 momentarily, which in turn depresses the spray can nozzle 87 momentarily, dispensing deodorant or disinfectant thru a opening (not shown) in the cannister wall into the room atmosphere. While the preceding description and the associated illustrations focus on the preferred retrofit form of the invention, it is quite possible to vary or modify the device substantially without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. I intend that my invention extends to all such variations or modifications as come within the spirit and scope of the following claims, particularly the integration of the invention directly into toilet lid/seat assemblies or lid/seat hinge assemblies, and to other fluid, mechanical or electrical means of accomplishing the same end as the claims, individually or in toto.
EXAMPLES Next, the present disclosure will be described in greater detail with reference to Examples, but the present disclosure is not limited to the aspects shown in the Examples. Operations and evaluations described below were carried out in air at room temperature (about 20° C. to 25° C.) unless otherwise specified. In addition, “%” and “parts” described below are based on mass unless otherwise specified. Example 1 <Production of Polythiol Compound> (Step 1) A total of 96.2 g (1.04 mol) of epichlorohydrin was dropwise added over 1 h to a mixed solution of 78.1 g (1.00 mol) of 2-mercaptoethanol and 2.0 g of triethylamine while keeping the internal temperature at 35° C. to 40° C., and the mixture was aged for 1 h at an internal temperature of 40° C. The aging here and the aging described below were carried out while stirring the reaction solution. (Step 2) An aqueous solution prepared by dissolving 124.9 g (0.52 mol) of sodium sulfide nonahydrate in 100 g of pure water was added dropwise over 1 h to the reaction solution after the aging while keeping the internal temperature at 40° C. to 45° C., followed by aging for 1 h at 45° C. (Step 3) Next, 303.8 g (3.00 mol) of 36% hydrochloric acid and 190.3 g (2.50 mol) of thiourea were added to the reaction solution, followed by heating and stirring for 9 h at an internal temperature of 110° C. (Step 4) After cooling the reaction solution to room temperature, 400 ml of toluene was added, 600.4 g (4.50 mol) of a 30% sodium hydroxide aqueous solution was gradually added and hydrolysis was carried for 4 h out at an internal temperature of 60° C. (Step 5) The reaction solution after the hydrolysis was allowed to stand to separate the solution into an aqueous layer and an organic layer, the organic layer was then taken out, and the organic layer was successively washed twice with 100 ml of 36% hydrochloric acid and 100 ml of water. Toluene in the organic layer after washing was distilled off with a rotary evaporator to obtain a polythiol compound in a yield of 174.4 g (yield ratio 95.1%). In Example 1, in Step 3, the rearrangement reaction occurs as described above, whereby a mixture of the isothiuronium salt having the skeleton of the polythiol compound represented by Formula (3), the isothiuronium salt having the skeleton of the polythiol compound represented by Formula (4), and the isothiuronium salt having the skeleton of the polythiol compound represented by Formula (5) can be obtained. As a result, in Step 5, a mixture of the polythiol compound represented by Formula (3), the polythiol compound represented by Formula (4), and the polythiol compound represented by Formula (5) is obtained. The yield ratio was calculated by the formula Yield Ratio=[(the abovementioned yield)/(theoretical yield)]×100 by using the theoretical yield determined from the theoretical molar yield (0.50 mol) of the polythiol compounds represented by Formulas (3) to (5) obtained from the amount of 2-mercaptoethanol (1.00 mol) used in Step 1. Mixtures of the polythiol compound represented by Formula (3), the polythiol compound represented by Formula (4), and the polythiol compound represented by Formula (5) are similarly obtained in the Examples and Comparative Examples described hereinbelow. In the below-described Examples and Comparative Examples, the yield ratio was calculated in a similar manner. The polythiol compounds obtained in the Examples and Comparative Examples were used as they were, without treatment such as purification, for the production of the following cured products and the evaluation of polythiol compounds. <Production of Cured Product (Plastic Lens) A> A total of 50.60 parts of xylylene diisocyanate, 0.01 parts of dimethyltin dichloride as a curing catalyst, 0.20 parts of an acidic phosphoric acid ester (JP-506H, manufactured by Johoku Chemical Co., Ltd.) as a releasing agent, and 0.50 parts of an ultraviolet absorber (SEESORB 701, manufactured by Shipro Kasei Kaisha, Ltd.) were mixed and dissolved. Further, 49.40 parts of the polythiol compound obtained above was added and mixed to obtain a mixed solution. This mixed solution was deaerated for 1 h at 200 Pa, and then filtration was carried out with a PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) filter having a pore size of 5.0 μm. The filtered mixed solution (curable composition) was injected into a molding die for a lens made of a glass mold having a diameter of 75 mm and −4.00 D and a tape. The molding die was loaded into an electric furnace, gradually heated over 20 h from 15° C. to 120° C., and kept for 2 h for polymerization (curing reaction). After completion of the polymerization, the molding die was removed from the electric furnace and the polymer was released to obtain a cured product (plastic lens). The resulting plastic lens was further annealed for 3 h in an annealing furnace having a furnace temperature of 120° C. <Production of Cured Product (Plastic Lens) B> A total of 58.90 parts of dicyclohexylmethane diisocyanate, 0.3 parts of dimethyltin dichloride as a curing catalyst, 0.20 parts of an acidic phosphoric acid ester (JP-506H manufactured by Johoku Chemical Co., Ltd.) as a releasing agent, and 1.00 part of an ultraviolet absorber (SEESORB 701, manufactured by Shipro Kasei Kaisha, Ltd.) were mixed and dissolved. Further, 41.10 parts of the polythiol compound obtained by the production of the polythiol compound was added and mixed to obtain a mixed solution. This mixed solution was deaerated for 1 h at 200 Pa, and then filtration was carried out with a PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) filter having a pore size of 5.0 μm. The filtered mixed solution (curable composition) was injected into a molding die for a lens made of a glass mold having a diameter of 75 mm and −4.00 D and a tape. The molding die was loaded into an electric furnace, gradually heated over 20 h from 15° C. to 120° C., and kept for 2 h for polymerization (curing reaction). After completion of the polymerization, the molding die was removed from the electric furnace and the polymer was released to obtain a cured product (plastic lens). The resulting plastic lens was further annealed for 3 h in an annealing furnace having a furnace temperature of 120° C. Examples 2 to 4, Comparative Examples 1 to 5 Polythiol compounds were obtained by the same method as in Example 1 except that the charged amount of epichlorohydrin in Step 1 and the charged amount of sodium sulfide nonahydrate in Step 2 were changed. The equivalents of epichlorohydrin used in Step 1 and sodium sulfide (sodium sulfide nonahydrate) used in Step 2 with respect to 2-mercaptomethanol used in Step 1 are shown in Table 1. A cured product A and a cured product B were produced in the same manner as in Example 1 by using the obtained polythiol compound. [Evaluation Methods] <Refractive Index of Cured Product (Plastic Lens)> The refractive index ne of the cured product (plastic lens) produced above was measured by the following method by using a precision refractive index meter KPR-200 manufactured by Shimadzu Corporation. (1) Using a precision cutting machine Isomet manufactured by Buehler, a test sample in the form of a triangular prism having an angle of 90° between two surfaces in contact with the measuring prism is prepared. (2) The prepared sample is set in the measuring prism and the refractive index ne is measured under the following measurement conditions. (Measurement Conditions) Measurement temperature: 25° C. Contact liquid: bromonaphthalene <Glass Transition Temperature of Cured Product (Plastic Lens)> The glass transition temperature (Tg) of the cured product (plastic lens) produced in the above-described manner was measured by a penetration method using a thermal instrument analyzer TMA 8310 manufactured by Rigaku Corporation. The load at the time of measurement was 10 g, the heating rate was 10 K/min, and an indenter with a diameter of 0.5 mm was used as an indenter for the penetration method. <Refractive Index of Polythiol Compound> The refractive index ne of the polythiol compound prepared in the above-described manner was measured using a refractometer RA-500 manufactured by Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co., Ltd. <Thiol Equivalent of Polythiol Compound> The thiol equivalents of the polythiol compounds obtained in the respective Examples and Comparative Examples were measured by the following method by using an automatic titration device AT-610 manufactured by Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (1) A total of 0.1 g of the polythiol compound obtained in each Example and Comparative Example are accurately weighed. (2) The accurately weighed polythiol compound is dissolved in a mixed solvent of 40 ml of chloroform and 20 ml of 2-propanol to prepare a sample for measurement. (3) Titration of the prepared measurement sample is carried out using a titration solution (0.05 mol/L iodine solution), and an end point is determined. (4) The thiol equivalent is determined from the titration amount (mL) at the end point by the following formula. Thiol equivalent=[(Sample amount (g))×(Titration solution factor)×10000]/Titer (mL) The above results are shown in Table 1. From the results shown in Table 1, it can be confirmed that the refractive index of the cured product in Examples is improved (improvement of the refractive index ne by 0.02 or more) compared with Comparative Examples. Further, it can be confirmed that in Examples, the yield ratio and the refractive index of the polythiol compound and the heat resistance of the cured product are all improved compared with Comparative Examples. The inventors of the present disclosure believe that the thiol equivalent shown in Table 1 is a value that can be used as an index of the purity of the target product in the produced polythiol compound. Details are explained hereinbelow. The theoretical value of the equivalent for a functional group (for example, a thiol group) of a certain compound can be obtained by dividing the molecular weight of the compound by the number of functional groups contained in one molecule. The polythiol compound represented by Formula (3), the polythiol compound represented by Formula (4), and the polythiol compound represented by Formula (5) are each a tetrafunctional polythiol compound having four thiol groups, and the theoretical value of the equivalent (thiol equivalent) for the thiol group is 92. Meanwhile, as the amount of by-products of trifunctional or less functional thiol compounds other than the above-mentioned three tetrafunctional polythiol compounds, which are the target products in the production of the polythiol compound, increases, the actually measured value of the thiol equivalent greatly exceeds 92. Therefore, the inventors of the present disclosure believe that the thiol equivalent can be used as an index of the purity of the three polythiol compounds which are the target products in the polythiol compounds produced in respective Examples and Comparative Examples. As shown in Table 1, the thiol equivalents of the polythiol compounds prepared in Examples 1 to 4 are closer to the theoretical value 92 than those of the polythiol compounds produced in Comparative Examples 1 to 5. The inventors of the present disclosure presume that the fact that above-mentioned three polythiol compounds, which are the target products, are obtained at high purity is a factor contributing to the improvement of the refractive index of the cured product. In consideration of this point, in one aspect, the measured value of the thiol equivalent of the polythiol compound obtained by the method for producing a polythiol compound according to one aspect of the present disclosure is for example, 92 or more and 100 or less. However, the above presumption of the inventors of the present disclosure places no limitation on the present disclosure. TABLE 1Cured product ACured product BHeatHeatresistance,resistance,glassglassEquivalentPolythiol compoundtransitiontransitionSodiumRefractiveThiolYieldRefractivetemperatureRefractivetemperatureEpichlorohydrinsulfideindexequivalentratioindex(° C.)index(° C.)Example 1Comparative1.301.301.642610385.3%1.663971.598136Example 2Comparative0.961.101.642710482.2%1.662961.597137Example 3Comparative1.001.341.642610384.5%1.663971.598138Example 4Comparative1.281.041.642810383.2%1.663981.597137Example 5 Finally, the above-mentioned aspects are summarized. According to one aspect, there is provided a method for producing a polythiol compound, including: Step 1 of reacting 2-mercaptoethanol with an epihalohydrin in an amount of 1.00 equivalent or more and 1.25 equivalent or less with respect to the 2-mercaptoethanol to obtain a polyol compound represented by Formula (1); Step 2 of reacting the polyol compound represented by Formula (1) with an alkali metal sulfide in an amount of 1.04 equivalent or more and 1.25 equivalent or less with respect to the 2-mercaptoethanol to obtain a polyol compound represented by Formula (2); Step 3 of reacting the polyol compound represented by Formula (2) with thiourea in the presence of an acid to obtain an isothiuronium salt; Step 4 of hydrolyzing the isothiuronium salt in the presence of a base to obtain a polythiol salt; and Step 5 of converting the polythiol salt into a polythiol with an acid to obtain one or more polythiol compounds selected from the group consisting of a polythiol compound represented by Formula (3), a polythiol compound represented by Formula (4), and a polythiol compound represented by Formula (5). By subjecting the polythiol compound obtained by the above-mentioned method for producing a polythiol compound to the curing reaction with a polyiso(thio)cyanate compound, it is possible to provide a cured product (polythiourethane resin) having a high refractive index. In one aspect, the equivalent of epihalohydrin in Step 1 may be 1.20 equivalent or less, may be 1.15 equivalent or less, may be 1.10 equivalent or less, or may be 1.05 equivalent or less with respect to the 2-mercaptoethanol. In one aspect, the equivalent of the alkali metal sulfide in Step 2 may be 1.20 equivalent or less, may be 1.15 equivalents or less, or may be 1.10 equivalent or less with respect to the 2-mercaptoethanol used in Step 1. According to further aspect, there is provided a method for producing a curable composition, including: producing a polythiol compound by the abovementioned production method; and mixing the produced polythiol compound with a polyiso(thio)cyanate compound to prepare a curable composition. According to still further aspect, there is provided a method for producing a cured product, including: producing a curable composition by the abovementioned production method; and curing the produced curable composition to obtain a cured product. In one aspect, the curing is carried out by subjecting the curable composition to cast polymerization. In one aspect, the cured product is a spectacle lens base material. Two or more of the various aspects disclosed in this description can be combined in any combination. It should be taken into account that the embodiments disclosed herein are exemplary in all respects and are not restrictive. The scope of the present disclosure is defined not by the description above but by the claims, and is intended to include all modifications within the meaning and scope equivalent to the claims. One aspect of the present disclosure is useful in the field of manufacturing various kinds of optical components such as spectacle lenses.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Referring toFIG. 1, the internal combustion engine system includes an internal combustion engine10, herein illustrated as a compression ignition engine in which the heat of compression is used to ignite a fuel charge metered to the engine10in quantities and at timings commanded by an electronic control unit (ECU)17. As herein illustrated, an ECU17is utilized to control an exhaust aftertreatment system, described later, as well as control of the engine. It should be apparent, however, to those skilled in the art that a multiplicity of ECU's may be employed to control the various functions within the internal combustion engine system. The products of combustion from internal combustion engine10are directed by an exhaust line11to a turbocharger, generally indicated by reference character13. The turbocharger13is a well known component that utilizes otherwise unused energy from the exhaust of the internal combustion engine10to pressurize air for delivery to the intake of the engine via intake line15. Exhaust products that have passed through the turbocharger13are delivered to an exhaust line19where they pass over a catalyst21and diesel particulate filter23before being discharged to the atmosphere. As stated previously, the diesel particulate filter23collects carbonaceous particles that are emitted from the internal combustion engine10. These particles accumulate on the filter media so that periodic cleaning or regeneration is required. This regeneration involves raising the temperature of the in the exhaust line19upstream of the diesel particulate filter to around 600° C., at which point the carbon particles burn off and clear the filter for continued trapping of diesel particulates. The catalyst21plays a roll in selectively elevating the exhaust temperature in that it promotes a chemical reaction when additional hydrocarbons are added to exhaust line19to elevate the temperature to about the required 600° C. In accordance with the present invention a compact system for adding hydrocarbons is provided. The turbocharger13plays an important roll in contributing to this efficient system. The turbocharger13is a particular form of turbomachine in which a centrifugal compressor is driven by a centrifugal turbine to pressurize the intake air to an internal combustion engine to a level higher than atmospheric. It should be apparent, however, to those skilled in the art that the turbomachine may utilize other forms of impellers and compressors. Furthermore, it should be noted that the turbomachine may consist of a turbine as in the case of a turbo compound engine where exhaust gases are passed over a power turbine to retrieve some of the exhaust energy for application to the engine output. The turbocharger13is characterized by a central bearing housing2that serves as the structural connector for the turbocharger. The housing2has floating sleeve bearings4and6to journal a central shaft8. The shaft8is secured to a turbine9at one end and a compressor impeller12at the opposite end. The compressor impeller12receives air through an intake14and pressurizes it for delivery to a diffuser16, volute18and then to an outlet20which connects to engine intake15. Turbine9is positioned within a turbine housing26having flange22connected to engine exhaust line11. Housing26has an annular inlet28directing products of combustion from line11radially inward past the vanes on turbine9to produce a rotary output driving compressor12. The bearings4and6for turbine shaft8are supplied with lubricant, usually the same lubricant as supplied to internal combustion engine10via inlet port30and passages32and34. The lubricant passing to the bearings4and6provides a thin film between the bearings and the housing2as well as the shaft18. The lubricant passing through passages32and34and out of bearings4and6is discharged into a chamber36within housing2and finally to outlet38for connection to the sump of the engine for reuse in lubricating the engine10as well as the turbocharger13. Not only does the lubricant provide a means for journaling shaft8but it also has a cooling function in that it carries excess heat away from the housing2to the engine sump via outlet38where it is appropriately cooled for engine utilization. The hydrocarbons that are passed to the system for purposes of interacting with catalyst21begin in a fuel supply40, usually the fuel supply for the engine10. The fuel passes through line42past valve44to line46which connects with passage48within housing2. The passage48, as shown in greater detail inFIG. 2, follows a circuitous path to an outlet50between a shaft seal52for shaft8and the hub56for turbine9. A heat shield58extends between hub56and housing2and a high temperature seal59may be provided between heat shield58and housing42adjacent outlet50. Fuel that passes from outlet50between seal52and hub56passes up the back face60of hub56by centrifugal force and it is heated and vaporized and passes into the air flow generated by turbine blades62where it is thoroughly mixed with the exhaust flow by the time it passes into line19. The delivery of fuel to passage48through valve44is controlled by signal line64extending to ECU17in response to various signal inputs from lines66sensing the exhaust from internal combustion engine10, line68sensing a temperature at the inlet of diesel particulate filter23and the pressure in line42via signal line70. In operation, the exhaust aftertreatment system is programmed to regenerate the diesel particulate filter at periodic intervals in response to selected operating parameters. When this operation is necessary, the ECU17sends a signal to valve44allowing passage of fuel from the fuel supply40through passage48to outlet50where it passes along turbine shaft8and onto the backside60of hub56. The heat of hub56causes the fuel to be vaporized while at the same time centrifugal force urges the vaporized fluid outward where it enters into the air stream passage through the turbine blades62where it is thoroughly mixed prior to entry into exhaust line19. While exhaust line19has a finite length in the schematic view ofFIG. 1, in practice it has almost an immediate availability for mixing with catalyst21to increase the exhaust. The delivery of the fuel through passage48ensures that it will not coke because the central housing2for the turbocharger13is a significant heat sink and source of coolant by virtue of the continuous flow of lubricant. As a result, coking is minimized, if not eliminated. By passing the flow into housing2from an elevated position as shown inFIG. 1, gravity will assist when the flow is terminated to ensure that all the fuel is exhausted from passage48. The benefit of such an arrangement is a compact system with substantially immediate availability for interaction between the hydrocarbons and catalyst without the problems of lubricant dilution for engine10. Having described the preferred embodiment, it will become apparent that various modifications can be made without departing from the scope of the invention as defined in the accompanying claims.
EXAMPLES In the formulations which follow, a silicone quat (SQ) synthesized according to WO 02/10259, Example 1, was used which had the following structural elements and is prepared as follows: 1a) A 1 liter three-neck flask was initially charged at room temperature with 24 g of water and 4.18 g (0.048 mol of tertiary amino groups) of N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-1,6-hexanediamine and 3.8 g (0.012 mol of primary amino groups) of an alkylene oxide derivative, obtainable under the trade name Jeffamin® ED 600, of the structure H2NCH(CH3)CH2[OCH2CH(CH3)]a(OCH2CH2)9[OCH2CH(CH3)]bNH2 where a+b=3.6. Within 5 minutes, 12.0 g (0.03 mol) of dodecanoic acid in the form of a 50% solution in 2-propanol and 1.8 g (0.03 mol) of acetic acid were added. After the mixture had been heated to 50° C., 194.1 g (0.06 mol of epoxy groups) of an epoxy siloxane of the average composition and 30 ml of 2-propanol were added dropwise within 30 minutes. The yellow, opaque mixture was heated to reflux temperature for 6 hours. After removal of all constituents volatile up to 100° C. and at a reduced pressure of 2 mmHg, 204 g of a slightly yellow, opaque material were obtained which contains the following structural elements Starting from this silicone material, three microemulsion concentrates of the following composition were prepared: Formulation 1 (F1)Formulation 2 (F2)Formulation 3 (F3)430 g SQ430 g SQ430 g SQ258 g Renex ® 36125 g Renex ® 36125 g Renex ® 3644.5 g Renex ® 3044.5 g Renex ® 3044.5 g Renex ® 3010 g acetic acid10 g acetic acid10 g acetic acid7.5 g sodium acetate7.5 g sodium acetate7.5 g sodium acetate245 g dist. water245 g dist. water245 g dist. water79.5 g 2-Propanol79.5 g 2-Propanol87.5 g Crodet S4059 g Crodet ® S40 These three microemulsion concentrates (about 40% based on SQ) are diluted uniformly with water to 11% silicone quat content in each case. Of these 11% transparent microemulsions, in each case 6 g (absolute amount of silicone quat 0.66 g) are withdrawn, mixed intensively with 6000 ml of water and optionally additives and utilized for jet finishing under the following boundary conditions: Jet type: Mathis Labor-Jumbo-Jet Jet pump: Level 6 (highest possible shear) Amount of water in the jet: 6000 ml Finishing: 15 minutes at 40° C. Drying: 80° C. Textile: 300 g bleached and with optical brightener (e.g. Blankophor® BA treated cotton pullover). The following table summarizes the results of the finishing experiments. HandFoam heightSiliconeafterHydrophi-in the jetNo.Formul.Additivedeposition*drying**licity***in cm1F1high deposits,okok12-13tacky2F10.39 g Renex ® 36high deposits,okok12-130.06 g Renex ®30tacky3F10.5 g Al2(SO4)3•16H2Ono deposits,okok5-6few defects4F10.05 g Al2(SO4)3•16H2Ono deposits,okok5-63 g MgCl2x6H2Ofew defects5F2no deposits,okok6-7no defects6F30.02 g Crodet ® S40no deposits,okok6-7no defects7F10.18 g Crodet ® S40no deposits,okok6-7no defects*Deposits on glass and steel parts of the jet**Having a silicone-like softness with volume increase***Drop absorption time ≦3 secondsRenex ® 36, trade name of ICI surfactants; tridecyl alcohol-(EO)12—OHRenex ® 30, trade name of ICI surfactants; tridecyl alcohol-(EO)6—OHCrodet ® S40, trade name of Croda GmbH; stearic acid-(EO)40—OH Experiment 1 describes the unacceptable result of a noninventive prior art experiment. Doubling of the amount of both Renex surfactants does not lead to prevention of deposits (Experiment 2, noninventive). Experiments 3 and 4 demonstrate that an inventive addition of salts of polyvalent cations can reliably prevent deposits. Aluminum salts are more effective than magnesium compounds. Experiment 5 shows that an inventive incorporation of hydrophilic interface-active compounds directly into the formulation reliably prevents deposits. It is also true of a likewise inventive partial subsequent addition (Experiment 6) or inventive full addition (Experiment 7) of this hydrophilic interface-active compound.
BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT INVENTION Referring to FIG. 1 of the drawings, green compact 11, 5.2 cm diameter and 2.5 cm thick, of mixed titanium and carbon powders is pressed in a uniaxial die to a pressure of 137 MPa. The compact composition is a 55/45 molar mixture of 325 mesh Titanium and submicron Carbon black powders. This compact is placed in a 3.8 cm high by 20 cm by 20 cm plaster block 13 whose center has been cored to a diameter of 6.1 cm. Mild steel ring 15 of 1 mm wall thickness and 3.8 cm high is placed between the compact 11 and the plaster 13, in contact with the plaster 13. Both the steel ring and the plaster block have matching vent holes 17 to the outside of the block. A 0.25 mm thick sheet of Grafoil 19 is placed between steel ring 15 and the compact, leaving approximately a 3.2 mm space 21 between the Grafoil and the compact. 1 cm thick, high hardness steel plates 23 and 25 are attached both to the top and bottom of the block of plaster 13. A 1 mm thick sheet of Zirconia 27 insulation is inserted in between the bottom steel plate 25 and the compact 11. On top of the green compact is laid 5 grams of a mixture of loose titanium (-400 mesh, 3.5 g) and boron (5 micron, 1.5 g) powders 31 with an electric match 33 at the center, the electrical leads 35 from the match being taken out through one of the holes. Another layer of Zirconia 37 insulation is placed between the top of the igniter powder 31 and the top steel plate 23. Steel plates 23 and 25 are held in place by Plexglas plates (a trademark for a lightweight transparent thermoplastic) both top and bottom and connected by thin, brass threaded rod. A Plexiglas box to contain the explosive powder 38 is attached to the top Plexiglas plate. FIG. 1 shows a diagram of this assembly. This assembly, loaded with a 5 cm layer of amatol explosive powder 38 (about 0.5 KG) is placed on the levelled top of a sand pile. Electric match 33 is ignited remotely by a 45 Volt battery. Burning electric match 33 ignites the loose Ti+B powder 31, which in turn ignites the Ti+C green compact 11. The gases that are released during the combustion of the sample escape through vent holes 17 in steel ring 15 and backing plaster container 13. The heat from the Ti+C SHS reaction is high enough to not only propagate the reaction through the whole sample, but also to heat the sample to temperatures in excess of 2000.degree. C. Although the reaction proceeds to completion in 5 to 10 seconds, the sample temperature stays above the ductile-brittle transition temperature for TiC (1400.degree. C.) for several minutes. At about the 10 second mark, or when the temperature of the reacted sample has equilibrated prior to beginning to decrease, explosive 38 is initiated so that a detonation wave sweeps over the sample. This explosion sets compression plate 23 in motion and it, in turn, applies a high pressure on the hot, reacted TiC sample 11, compacting it to high density. A TiC sample fabricated by the above described procedure was found to have the following properties: Final diameter, 5.5 cm; Final thickness, 1.2 cm; Core density, 88.7% of theoretical; Knoop Hardness; 400 gram sample; 1465+/-300 kilograms per square millimeters; X-ray diffraction results show only TiC, no free Ti or C. A second sample, of TiB.sub.2 fabricated in a similar fashion as above but with the precursor powders being 325 mesh titanium and 0.5 micron amorphous boron in a 33/67 atomic ratio, was found to have the following properties: Final diameter, 5.5 cm; Final thickness, 1.2 cm; Core density, 93.8% of theoretical; Knoop Hardness; 400 gram sample; 2079+/-250 Kilograms per square millimeters; X-ray diffraction results show only TiB.sub.2 no free Ti or B.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF SOME EXEMPLIFYING EMBODIMENTS The following detailed description is now directed to certain specific embodiments of the disclosure. In this description, reference is made to the drawings wherein like parts are designated with like numerals throughout the description and the drawings. The present invention is directed to an apparatus1that can be used to generate and/or record images, such as photos and videos. As shown inFIGS. 1A and 1B, the apparatus can allow a multimedia device34to generate and/or record images and video by rotating 360° degrees about a fixed position. The recording assembly20can be rotated manually or automatically, as will be explained in more detail below. In an aspect, the recording assembly20can be completed isolated mechanically from aspects of the apparatus1. The apparatus1disclosed herein can be portable. The apparatus1can comprise a platform assembly5and a recording assembly20dimensioned and configured to be independent of the platform assembly5. In an aspect, the recording assembly20rotates independently of the platform assembly5. The apparatus1can further comprise a power assembly40dimensioned and configured to supply power to the recording assembly20. As shown inFIG. 2, the platform assembly5can comprise a top plate6coupled to a rod7that is coupled to a base plate8. The top plate6and the base plate8can, independently of one another, be any size and/or shape. In an aspect, both of the top6and base8plates can be a circular shape. One of ordinary skill in the art would understand that the size and/or the shape can vary without affecting the use of the apparatus1so long as a user can be positioned on the top plate6. The top6and bottom8plates can be connected by a vertically oriented rod7. In an aspect, the rod7can be located at a center axis of each of the top6and bottom8plates. The rod7can be hollow or solid. The rod7can be made of any material that would support the weight of the top plate6, a top plate support9, and at least one of a user, a subject, or an object. Non-limiting examples of suitable material for the rod7include steel, wrought iron, cast iron, platinum, silver, copper, brass, gold, tin, bismuth, zinc, antimony, lead, tungsten, titanium, nickel, aluminum, metal alloys, etc. It is envisaged that the rod7should be able to withstand a load of up to about 1000 pounds, for example up to about 500 pounds, and as a further example up to about 300 pounds. At a minimum, the rod7should be able to withstand a load equivalent to the weight of the top plate6and the top plate support9, for example about 0.5 pounds or greater. In order to distribute a load, such as a user, more evenly the platform assembly5can also have a top plate support9and a base plate support10. The top plate support9can be connected to the underside of the top plate6and to the rod7using any mechanical fastener. The base plate support10can be connected to the topside of the base plate8and to the rod7. The top9and base10plate supports can be connected to the top plate and base plate, respectively, using known mechanical fasteners, such as nails, screws, bolts, pins, welds, etc. In an alternative aspect, the rod7can have one or more threaded portions at its ends for coupling to at least one of the top plate6, top plate support9, base plate8, and base plate support10. As shown inFIGS. 1A, and 1Bthe base plate8of the platform assembly5of the apparatus1of the present invention, can comprise a plurality of cutouts11along an edge of the based plate8. The number of cutouts11can vary but, in an aspect, can be equal to the number of threaded feet32present in a leveling assembly28. In an aspect, the base plate8can have from 2-8 cutouts11along its edge, for example 3 cutouts11, and as a further example 6 cutouts11along its edge. In another aspect, the base plate8does not have any cutouts11along its edge. In yet another aspect, the base plate8has cutouts11within the surface (not shown) of the base plate8. FIG. 3illustrates the recording assembly20for use in the apparatus1of the present invention. The recording assembly20can comprise a pivoting arm21, a balancing arm25, and a pipe35having a bore27. As shown inFIGS. 1B and 3, in an aspect the pivoting arm21can be connected to the pipe35, and the balancing arm25can be connected to the pipe35on a side opposite of the pivoting arm21. The pivoting arm21and the balancing arm25can be connected to the pipe35using any mechanical connection. In an aspect, a triangular arm support can be placed above and below each of the pivoting arm21and the balancing arm25. Mechanical fasteners, such as screws or bolts, could then attach the triangular arm supports to both the pipe35and the balancing arm25and the pipe35and the pivoting arm21. In an aspect, the pipe35can be dimensioned and configured to fit around at least one bearing in order to provide a smooth rotation of the recording assembly20about the rod7of the platform assembly5. In an aspect, the pipe35is vertical and the at least one bearing is attached to the vertical pipe35. The disclosed pivoting arm21can comprise a telescoping portion22that is pivotally connected to an extension portion23. As shown inFIG. 3, the extension portion23of the pivoting arm21extends from the pipe35outward. The length of the extension portion23should be longer than the radius of the top plate6, if the top plate is circular, or at least half of the length of the top plate6if it is another shape. In an aspect, the extension portion23includes a connection element at the end opposite of the connection to the pipe35. The connection element is dimensioned and configured to pivotally connect the extension portion23to the telescoping portion22of the pivoting arm21. In an aspect, the connection element can comprise a plurality of holes spaced apart and forming a half-circle that begins and ends on a horizontal plane of the extension portion23. The telescoping portion22can be pivotally connected to the extension portion23via the connection element or can be directly connected using mechanical fasteners, such as a wing screw fastener and nut combination. One of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate that any mechanical fastener can be used so long as the fastener does not loosen during operation of the apparatus. The connection element can allow the user to adjust the angle of the telescoping portion22with respect the extension portion23. The angle between the telescoping portion22and the extension portion23can range from 0° to about 180°, for example from about 20° to about 160°, and as a further example from about 40° to about 140°, including any angle in between. The telescoping portion22of the pivoting arm21can comprise one or more segments24. Similarly, the extension portion23of the pivoting arm21can comprise one or more segments24. The one or more segments of each of the telescoping portion22and/or the extension portion23can be connected together with mechanical fasteners, such as wing screw fasteners and nut combinations or for example a spring button. One of ordinary skill in the art would understand that any mechanical fastener can be used to connect the one or more segments forming the telescoping portion22and/or the extension portion23so long as the fasteners are allow for the extension and retraction of the segments along their length during set-up and disassembly of the apparatus, but remain fastened during operation of the apparatus. As shown inFIG. 3, one end of the telescoping portion22of the pivoting arm21is connected to the extension portion23. The opposite end of the telescoping portion22is dimensioned and configured to receive and support a multimedia device34. Non-limiting examples of a multimedia device for use in the disclosed invention include a camera, a smart phone, a notebook, an iPad™, a tablet, personal digital assistance, video game, a mobile telephone, a GoPro™, infrared imager, x-ray, any imaging device, or any portable multimedia device that, for example, could record and/or captures a video or still image. As shown inFIG. 3, the recording assembly20also includes a balancing arm25that can be coupled to the pipe35at one end and can be coupled to one or more counterweights26at an opposite end. The number of counterweights26used may depend upon the weight of the counterweight26, as well as the weight of the multimedia device34present on the pivoting arm21. For example, a single weight of one pound could be used. As a further example, three separate weights of 0.25 pounds could be used. One of ordinary skill in the art would readily be able to determine the number and weight of the counterweights26to be used by rotating the recording assembly20to determine that it rotates freely and independently of the platform assembly5without any disruption in the rotation. The one or more counterweights26may be held in place on the balancing arm25with mechanical fasteners, such as weight bar collars, pins, or bar bell collars, for example. In another aspect, the balancing arm25can also comprise one or more segments in a manner similar to the telescoping portion22and the extension portion21. One of ordinary skill in the art would be able to adjust the distance of the one or more counterweights26from the pipe35as well as adjusting the mass of the counterweights to maximize the rotation of the recording assembly20and minimize any effects due to oscillation. As shown inFIG. 4, the recording assembly20can further comprise a leveling assembly28. The leveling assembly28can provide additional support to the recording assembly20so that the multimedia device34does not bounce or jiggle when a user steps onto the top plate6due to mechanical isolation. The leveling assembly28can comprise a spoked wheel29having a plurality of spokes30and a central bore31, wherein the central bore31encompasses the rod7of the platform assembly5. A leveling segment33can attach to each of the plurality of spokes30of the spoked wheel29. For example, a spoked wheel29with six spokes30would have six leveling segments33attached to each spoke. The number of the spokes30on the spoked wheel29can vary. Each leveling segment33of the leveling assembly28can comprise two sets of holes52aand52b, as shown inFIG. 4. The first set of holes52acan be used with a locking mechanism50. In an aspect, the platform assembly5and the leveling assembly28can be connected with the locking mechanism50(FIGS. 1A, 1B and 4). The first set of holes52acan extend through the leveling segment33. The locking mechanism50can be inserted through the first set of holes52aof each leveling segment33and into the base plate8. In an aspect, the locking mechanism50can include a cylindrical tube or spacer and a bolt. The cylindrical tube or spacer can be used to keep the leveling segment33from moving closer to the base plate8. The bolts can be used to keep the leveling segment33from moving away from the base plate8. The locking mechanism50can be engaged during the non-use and transport of the apparatus1. The locking mechanism50can be disengaged during use and set-up of the apparatus1. In another aspect, the locking mechanism50can be engaged when the recording assembly20is rotating very fast. In this manner, the locking mechanism50can secure the leveling assembly28to the platform assembly28thereby disturbing a load throughout the attached assemblies. The second set of holes52bcan extend through the leveling segment33and a threaded foot32can be inserted into the second set of holes52bof each arm33. Each threaded foot32present on each leveling segment33can be independently manipulated to alter the height of each leveling segment33of the leveling assembly28. In this manner, the user can level the apparatus1if it is placed onto an uneven surface. Each threaded foot32can be positioned in each of the plurality of cutouts11of the base plate8. In an alternative aspect, each threaded foot32can be positioned outside the diameter of the base plate8. In a further aspect, each threaded foot32can be positioned within a cutout that is wholly within the surface of the base plate8. As shown inFIGS. 1A and 5, the apparatus1can further comprise a power assembly40. The power assembly40can comprise at least one of a pulley41, a belt44, a power source42, and a drive mechanism43. The belt44extends around a base of the pipe35of the recording assembly20and around the pulley41. The pulley41can be connected to the drive mechanism43. The drive mechanism43can be connected to the power source42. The power source42can power a main system control and drive mechanism. Non-limiting examples of the power source42include an AC power device (power can be supplied by a wall outlet or generator), a DC power device (power can be supplied by a battery), a hand powered device, and/or a mechanical spring (release of kinetic energy). The power source42can be wired to a main systems control unit (not shown) that can control all the actions of the apparatus1input by a user. For example, the main systems control can control the rotation of the recording assembly20, the direction of rotation, the speed of rotation (for example from time lapse (0.001 rpm) to high FPS (180 rpm)), rotation time, brake actuation, and any secondary controls. The main systems control can be wired to the drive mechanism43. Non-limiting examples of the drive mechanism43include a motor, a spring, and a brake. The motor may be adjustable to correct tension on the belt44. The main systems control can also be connected to a user interface (not shown), such as a smartphone application or a controller. The connection may be wired, Bluetooth, radio frequency, WiFi, LiFi, and/or infrared, etc. The user interface can allow the user to communicate with the main systems control. In an aspect, the recording assembly20can also include a secondary power source, such as a battery, and secondary controls. The secondary controls can be connected to the main systems controls by at least one of Bluetooth, radio frequency, infrared, or other wireless communication. The secondary power source can be wired to the secondary controls. The secondary controls can perform at least the following functions: power on/off; adjust the speed, acceleration, and direction; pan the multimedia device34up/down; slide the multimedia device34up/down; and adjust the intensity (lights). Although the inventions have been disclosed in the context of a certain preferred embodiments and examples, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that the present inventions extend beyond the specifically disclosed embodiments to other alternative embodiments and/or uses of the inventions and obvious modifications and equivalents thereof. In addition, while a number of variations of the inventions have been shown and described in detail, other modifications, which are within the scope of the inventions, will be readily apparent to those of skill in the art based upon this disclosure. It can be also contemplated that various combinations or subcombinations of the specific features and aspects of the embodiments may be made and still fall within the scope of the inventions. For example, in some embodiments, the features, configurations, or other details disclosed or incorporated by reference herein with respect to some of the connection embodiments are combinable with other features, configurations, or details disclosed herein with respect to other connector embodiments to form new embodiments not explicitly disclosed herein. All of such embodiments having combinations of features and configurations are contemplated as being part of this disclosure. Additionally, unless otherwise stated, no features or details of any of the connector embodiments disclosed herein are meant to be required or essential to any of the embodiments disclosed herein, unless explicitly described herein as being required or essential. Accordingly, it should be understood that various features and aspects of the disclosed embodiments can be combined with or substituted for one another in order to form varying modes of the disclosed inventions. Thus, it can be intended that the scope of the present inventions herein disclosed should not be limited by the particular disclosed embodiments described above.
It is to be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and the arrangement of components set forth in the following description or illustrated in the drawings. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced or of being carried out in various ways. Also, it is to be understood that the phraseology and terminology used herein is for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. The use of “including,” “comprising,” or “having” and variations thereof herein is meant to encompass the items listed thereafter and equivalents thereof as well as additional items. Unless limited otherwise, the terms “connected,” “coupled,” and “mounted,” and variations thereof herein are used broadly and encompass direct and indirect connections, couplings, and mountings. In addition, the terms “connected” and “coupled” and variations thereof are not restricted to physical or mechanical connections or couplings. DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIG. 1illustrates an exemplary sensor10. The sensor10includes a housing12that encases the components of the sensor. The housing12provides the sensor10with shielding from dust and debris and other environmental hazards that may interfere with the functioning of the sensor10. The sensor10also includes two mounts14,16protruding out of the housing12. The mounts14,16provide a mechanism to allow the sensor10to be mounted onto a component or structure requiring stress monitoring such as the frame of a vehicle. The mounts14,16are used as an interface to the component or structure so that any stress waves traveling through the component are transmitted to the sensor10. The mounts14,16of the sensor10could be attached to a metal frame of a vehicle or a supporting beam of a building. Alternatively, the mounts14,16could be studs capable of attaching to a component with screws or bolts. The sensor10also includes a connector18that may be used to transmit sensor measurements to other control units that may activate devices or mechanisms based upon the data collected by the sensor. Located inside the housing12is a support20. The support20contains the two mounts14,16and, in the embodiment, is constructed with each mount on one end of the support causing the support20to behave like a tuning fork. The two mounts14,16act as tines of a tuning fork that are susceptible to stress waves, or vibrations. Stress waves or vibrations traveling through the beam or structure to which the sensor10is attached are forwarded to the support20through the mounts14,16. The stress waves or vibrations cause the support to vibrate and distort. The support20is made from a flexible material or substance that is sensitive to stress waves. Aluminum, for example, may be used since it is light and flexible. The support20could also be constructed from steel or even high strength plastic. The thickness and composition of the support20determine the degree to which the support20distorts and, ultimately, the sensitivity of the sensor10. The support may also contain more or less mounts placed in various configurations, other than at the ends of the support in order to facilitate the distorting of the support20. For example, a circular support could be provided with three, four, or more mounts that may be attached to more than one beam or structure. Each mount will transmit stress waves from the beam or structure, which it is attached to, to the circular support. The support20also serves as a foundation for a semiconductor element22. The semiconductor element22is attached to the support20such that the support20transfers any distortions caused by stress waves traveling through the support20to the semiconductor element22. Just as the support20is flexible in order to distort due to the propagation of stress waves, the semiconductor element22has similar flexibility. The semiconductor element22is attached along a surface of the support20. In one embodiment, the semiconductor element22is attached flat to the surface of the support20so that the semiconductor element22will distort as the support20does. The semiconductor element22includes piezoresistors24,26,28, and30. The piezoresistors24,26,28, and30are arranged in a Wheatstone-bridge configuration. The piezoresistors24,26,28, and30are constructed with a material whose resistivity is influenced by the mechanical stress applied to the material such as piezoreistant material. Examples of piezoresistant materials include, but are not limited to, silicon, polycrystalline silicon, silica glass, zinc oxide, and germanium. In one embodiment, the piezoresistors24,26,28, and30are divided into two categories. The piezoresistors24and28are used as sensing piezoresistors and are arranged horizontally along the major or longitudinal axis of the semiconductor element22. The piezoresistors26and30are used as reference piezoresistors, are smaller, and are arranged vertically or along the width of the semiconductor element20. The reference piezoresistors26and30have less impedance than the sensing piezoresistors24and28. The physical arrangement and characteristics of the two categories of piezoresistors make the sensing piezoresistors24and28more sensitive than the reference piezoresistors26and30to distortions of the semiconductor element22since they cover an area of the semiconductor element22that is more likely to distort in response to a stress wave passing through the support20. The reference piezoresistors26and30are less sensitive to the distortions of the semiconductor element22since they cover less area of the semiconductor element22and are arranged closer to the ends of the support20where the support20distorts less. When the support20and the attached semiconductor element22are distorted by stress waves, the impedance of the sensing piezoresistors24and28will change more than the impedance of the reference piezoresistors26and30. The difference between the changes of impedance of the two categories of piezoresistors can also be used to further estimate the characteristics of the impact or stress on the component that the sensor10is attached to. The semiconductor element22also contains input and output terminals32,34,36, and38. The input and output terminals32,34,36, and38are used to apply and measure voltage and/or current passing through the piezoresistors24,26,28, and30. The applied voltage and measured current can be used to calculate resistance by Ohm's law: V=IR where V represents the voltage applied to the circuit, I represents the current measured from the circuit, and R represents the resistance of the circuit. The support20may also be constructed from a semiconductor material and may directly contain the piezoresistors24,26,28,30rather than a separate semiconductor element22attached to the support20. Any distortion of the semiconductor support created by stress waves traveling through the attached structure also causes the material of the embedded piezoresistors to distort. The semiconductor support may also contain input/output terminals used to apply and transmit voltage and/or charge flowing through the semiconductor support. Applying voltage, measuring current, and calculating resistance can all be performed by a processor such as an application specific integrated circuit (“ASIC”)40attached to the semiconductor element22. The ASIC40is shown as being attached to a printed circuit board (“PCB”)42through the input and output terminals44,46,48, and50. Other connections and even other calculating mechanisms may be used. For example, a chip or microprocessor could also replace the ASIC40. The ASIC40could also be eliminated from the sensor and the output and input terminals32,34,36, and38of the semiconductor element22could be directly coupled to the connector18. By directly coupling the semiconductor element22to the connector18the processing of the measurements taken by the sensor (i.e., the calculating of resistance) could be carried out outside of the sensor at a remote control unit. The connector18may provide amplification or filtering to improve the characteristics of any data sent from the sensor or received by the sensor, for example current or voltage values, but the connector18does not process the data in order to deduce the meaning of the data such as to what degree the support20is stressed and distorted. The ASIC40may also act as a relay or amplifier for a sensed current measurement based on a constant application of voltage. The ASIC40could also process the sensed current of the piezoresistor arrangement and calculate a change in resistance, which could be used to further calculate a degree of stress applied to the support. FIG. 2illustrates the sensor10ofFIG. 1from a front view. The connector18, shown with solid lines, is protruding toward the viewer. Two ends of the two mounts14and16are also protruding toward the viewer. The PCB42and attached ASIC40and the semiconductor element22are also displayed in phantom lines situated beneath the connector18. The input and output terminals44and46(input and output terminals48and50are hidden behind the ASIC40) of the PCB42and the input and output terminals32,34,36, and38of the semiconductor element22are also shown in phantom lines along with the support20and the two mounts14and16. FIG. 3illustrates a second exemplary sensor52from a top view. The sensor52contains all of same components as the sensor10, but the semiconductor element22is not located on the top surface of the support20. As can be seen inFIG. 3, the semiconductor element22is attached along the front edge of the support20. The surface of the semiconductor element22containing the piezoresistors is positioned at a right angle to the ASIC40and PCB42rather than positioned parallel to the ASIC40and PCB42as in the sensor10. Similarly, the semiconductor element22may be placed on the back surface or edge of the support22. The semiconductor element's22location can be varied to adjust the functionality of the sensor. The semiconductor element's22position can also be varied to change the size and dimensions of the sensor52. For example, placing the semiconductor element22on the front edge of the support20reduces the thickness of the sensor10. The semiconductor element22may also be placed in a location where it can be easily replaced or tested if needed. FIG. 4illustrates the sensor52from a front view. Since the semiconductor element22is positioned along the front edge of the support20the piezoresistors24,26,28, and30contained within the semiconductor element22are seen when the sensor52is viewed from the front. When viewed from the front the ASIC40and PCB42hinder the full view of the semiconductor element22since the semiconductor element22is positioned in a plane perpendicular to the plan containing the ASIC40and PCB42. The connector18is shown in phantom lines and is protruding toward the viewer. FIG. 5illustrates the semiconductor element22displayed inFIGS. 1–4. The semiconductor element22contains the four piezoresistors24,26,28, and30as well as the input and output terminals32,34,36, and38. As mentioned above, the sensing piezoresistors24and28are arranged length-wise in the middle of the semiconductor element22. Their position makes them more sensitive to distortions of the semiconductor element22than the reference piezoresistors26and30since they cover an area of the semiconductor element22that is more likely to distort in response to stress waves. The reference piezoresistors26and30are less sensitive to the distortions of the semiconductor element22since they cover less area of the semiconductor element22and are arranged closer to the ends of the support20where the support20distorts less. The reference piezoresistors26and30may have higher impedance than the sensing piezoresistors24and28. Other constructions are also possible. All four resistors may have identical impedance or their impedance may be further varied to better utilize and categorize a reading from the sensor. Each terminal32,34,36, and38of the semiconductor element22may have a designated data flow such as input only or output only or both may be bi-directional. The input and output terminals32,34,36, and38may be configured to be coupled to a variety of devices including a PCB, a microprocessor, or a connector. FIG. 6illustrates the sensor10shown inFIGS. 1 and 2mounted in a vehicle60. The sensor10and the components of the vehicle60are not drawn to scale. For the sake of clarity, the sensor10is illustrated without the housing12, the connected ASIC40and PCB42, and the connector18. The vehicle60contains a side sill62and a B-pillar63on each side. The side sills62are positioned parallel to the ground surface that the vehicle60travels on and supports the side doors and windows. The B-pillars63are attached to the side sills62and protrude upward toward the roof of the vehicle60. The B-pillars63may connect along the roof of the vehicle or the may simply extend and connect to the roof. The sensor10is shown mounted on a B-pillar63. A single sensor10is shown mounted to the side of the vehicle60located next to a driver seat64for illustration purposes only. In practical use, each side of the vehicle60may include a sensor10. The sensor10may also be mounted to other structures of the vehicle60capable of transmitting stress waves such as the side sills62, roof, or other supporting frames. The mounts14and16are connected to the B-pillar63with screws70,72. As indicated earlier, the screws70,72could be replaced with bolts, brackets, or any other fastener. The mounts14,16could also be soldered or welded to the B-pillar63. Other constructions are also possible depending on the composition and position of the mounts14and16and the structure to which the mounts14,16are attached. Once the sensor10has been attached to the B-pillar63, any stress waves traveling through the B-pillar63are transmitted to the sensor10. Stress waves travel from the B-pillar63and through the mounts14and16to the support20. The support20distorts according to the amplitude, frequency, or other characteristic of the stress waves, which also causes the semiconductor element22attached to the support20to distort. The distortion of the semiconductor element22in turn causes the resistance of the piezoresistors24,26,28,30to change. The change in the resistance of the piezoresistors24,26,28,30can be processed by the ASIC or other processing device to monitor stress present in the B-pillar63of the vehicle60. Changes in the resistance of the piezoresistors can indicate a collision or accident that may require the activation of safety restraint devices such as seatbelts or airbags. FIG. 7illustrates the sensor10mounted to a B-pillar63of a vehicle60from a rear view. The side sill62is shown supporting the B-pillar63that is positioned parallel and adjacent to the driver seat64. The sensor10is illustrated mounted to the B-pillar63with the screw70. Another screw may be used to mount the other end of the sensor to the B-pillar63although it is not shown. FIGS. 8–9illustrates the support20of the sensor10distorted due to stress waves. The dashed lined illustrates the support20distorted from its original position shown in solid lines. For purpose of illustration the support20is shown without the housing12, the semiconductor element22, the ASIC40and PCB42, and connector18. The stress waves cause the support20to distort into a U-shaped beam either upward toward the top of the sensor10or downward toward the bottom of the sensor10. Referring toFIG. 10, as the support20distorts so does the attached semiconductor element22. The semiconductor element22contains the piezoresistors24,26,28, and30that also distort with the semiconductor element22. As shown inFIG. 10, the sensing piezoresistors24,28are distorted more than the reference piezoresistors26,30due to there position and size. Since the support20bends length-wise into a U-shape, the sensing piezoresistors24,28are distorted while the reference piezoresistors26,30do not. As sensing piezoresistors24and28distort, their associated impedance changes due to the physical change of the material of the sensing piezoresistors24and28. The ASIC40(not shown) can monitor the change of impedance of the sensing piezoresistors24and28so that the proper safety mechanisms may be activated when appropriate. In the case of an accident at any point along a side of the vehicle, the impact of the accident causes stress waves to propagate through the vehicle structure50and to the attached sensor10. If the structure of the vehicle is integral or unitary, a single sensor can be used to sense impact anywhere along the vehicle. It may be desirable, however, to place a sensor along each side of the vehicle to reduce the travel distance and, therefore, the travel time of the stress waves. Such a configuration also increases the reaction time of the system. Using a sensor on each side of a vehicle also increases the sensitivity and accuracy of the sensor since the stress waves travel a shorter distance decreasing the amount of time and substance the stress wave travels through that may dissipate certain characteristics of the waves. The support20returns to its original shape after the stress waves have passed through it. In severe accidents or collision the support20may be distorted to a point where it retains its distorted shape. In this case, the accident would likely cause damage to the vehicle where it would require repair before it could be used again. The sensor would also need to be repaired in this situation. Various features and advantages of the invention are set forth in the following claims.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS To enable persons skilled in the art to gain insight into the technical features and practical advantages of the present invention and implement the present invention according to the specification, the present invention is hereunder illustrated with preferred embodiments depicted with the accompanying drawings and described below. Embodiments of the present invention mainly feature two implementation aspects described below. The first implementation aspect is illustrated withFIG. 1(a)which is a schematic view of the structure of a retractable suspension system according to an embodiment of the present invention. Referring toFIG. 1(a), the retractable suspension system10of the present invention comprises a body100, at least one first rotation point201, a damping component300, at least one second rotation point202, a first actuating mechanism, at least one third rotation point203, a second actuating mechanism and an integration element700. In this embodiment, the first actuating mechanism and the second actuating mechanism are implemented in the forms of rod elements. A first actuating mechanism rod element400and a second actuating mechanism rod element600are described below, illustrated with an embodiment, and depicted in the accompany drawings. The body100is a chassis of a terrestrial or amphibious vehicle, whereas the at least one first rotation point201, the at least one second rotation point202and the at least one third rotation point203are disposed on the body100sequentially. In this embodiment, the at least one first rotation point201, the at least one second rotation point202or the at least one third rotation point203is a pivot; however, the present invention is not limited thereto, as a ball-and-socket joint, pin, screw, nut, bearing and the like, each of which enables a mechanical moment of force, such as that of an A-shaped frame, to rotate freely by angles within a specific range, should fall into the scope of the present invention. The damping component300is connected to the at least one first rotation point201. In this embodiment, the damping component300is a spring-based damper, an electromagnetic damper, an electric-driven damper, a hydraulic damper, a pneumatic damper or a combination thereof selected as needed and according to the front and rear wheels of or the terrain to be adapted to by an amphibious vehicle, but the present invention is not limited thereto. The first actuating mechanism rod element400is rotatably connected to the damping component300and the at least one second rotation point202. The first actuating mechanism rod element400is selectively an A-shaped frame, an actuating device, or a combination of links thereof, and is, in this embodiment, an A-shaped frame (the first actuating mechanism rod element400) which looks slightly folded when viewed laterally. The second actuating mechanism rod element600is connected to the at least one third rotation point203. The second actuating mechanism rod element600is an A-shaped frame or an actuating device. This embodiment uses an actuating device, and the actuating device (the second actuating mechanism rod element600) is a linear motor actuator, a hydraulic actuator, a pneumatic actuator, an electric-driven actuator, or an electromagnetic actuator selected as needed and according to the front and rear wheels of or the terrain to be adapted to by an amphibious vehicle, but the present invention is not limited thereto. In this embodiment, the actuating device (the second actuating mechanism rod element600) is the main source of the driving force under which a tire800retracts. The actuating device moves in the direction indicated by the arrow shown inFIG. 1(a)to drive the tire800to rotate upward and retract until the tire800retracts above the waterline, thereby reducing the water resistance which opposes the advance of the amphibious vehicle. The wheels of an amphibious vehicle traveling on land function as the main actuating mechanism rod elements whereby the amphibious vehicle advances, and thus a transmission system is indispensable to the amphibious vehicle. In this embodiment, the integration element700is connected to the first actuating mechanism rod element400and the second actuating mechanism rod element600. In this embodiment, the integration element700is connected to the tire800, whereas a first integration point701, a second integration point702and a third integration point703are disposed on the integration element700sequentially in a top-to-bottom order. The first integration point701is connected to the first actuating mechanism rod element400. The first integration point701is disposed outside the space of an inner rim for the tire800. The second integration point702is connected to the tire800. The third integration point703is connected to the second actuating mechanism rod element600. The second integration point702is not only connected to the tire800but also connected to a drive shaft500, so as to form the structure of connecting the body100and the drive shaft500as well as connecting the drive shaft500and the second integration point702. Referring toFIG. 1(b), which is a perspective view of the retractable suspension system shown inFIG. 1(a), in this embodiment, the first actuating mechanism rod element400is the A-shaped frame402. Hence, in this embodiment, the at least one second rotation point202is provided in the number of two, whereas the second actuating mechanism rod element600is provided in the form of a single actuating device, and thus the second actuating mechanism rod element600has to move synchronously with the first actuating mechanism rod element400. Hence, to get connected to the body100, the at least one third rotation point203is provided in the form of an equal-arm support, and thus the at least one third rotation point203is also provided in the number of two. Referring toFIG. 1(b), the A-shaped frame (the first actuating mechanism rod element400) is rotatably connected to the suspension rod301, and the suspension rod301is connected to the damping component300. The suspension rod301is a metallic extendible rod or a damping component of any other type, to ensure that the retractable suspension system10operates smoothly in its entirety. Referring toFIG. 1(b), the integration element700is further described below. The first integration point701is connected to the first actuating mechanism rod element400by a ball-and-socket joint disposed on the first integration point701and capable of directional rotation. Likewise, the aforesaid mechanism feature is also found in the second integration point702and the third integration point703. In this embodiment, due to the uniqueness of the transmission system, the body100and the second integration point702are connected by two directional ball-and-socket joints at two ends of the drive shaft500to provide the source of the driving force under which transmission takes place without hindering the retraction. Referring toFIGS. 2(a) and 2(b), another embodiment of the present invention is described below.FIG. 2(a)is a schematic view of the structure of the retractable suspension system according to another embodiment of the present invention.FIG. 2(b)is a perspective view of the retractable suspension system shown inFIG. 2(a). The embodiment illustrated withFIG. 2(a)andFIG. 2(b)differs from the preceding embodiment in that the first actuating mechanism rod element400consists of a link combination of an actuating device401and an A-shaped frame402, whereas the second actuating mechanism rod element600is the A-shaped frame402. Like the preceding embodiment, the embodiment illustrated with FIG.2(a) andFIG. 2(b)is further characterized in that: the first actuating mechanism rod element400almost equals the second actuating mechanism rod element600in arm length; the second rotation point202and the third rotation point203which connect with the first actuating mechanism rod element400and the second actuating mechanism rod element600sequentially are equal in number, i.e., one, in this embodiment. In this embodiment, the arrow shown inFIG. 2(a)indicates the direction in which the retraction motion mechanism moves. To retract, the actuating device401in the first actuating mechanism rod element400drives the A-shaped frame402to move in the direction indicated by the arrow and thus lifts the A-shaped frame402, because the damping component300, the first rotation point201and the A-shaped frame402are rotatably connected to each other, and in consequence the A-shaped frame402in the second actuating mechanism rod element600and the drive shaft500are lifted together with the tire800. Referring toFIG. 2(b), an integration element700′ in the embodiment illustrated withFIG. 2(a)andFIG. 2(b)is disk-shaped. Hence, a first integration point701′, a second integration point702′ and a third integration point703′ of the integration element700′ are slightly different in shape from the integration element700, the first integration point701, the second integration point702and the third integration point703which are continuously bent, band-shaped and presented in the embodiment illustrated withFIG. 1(a)andFIG. 1(b). Referring toFIG. 3, there is shown a schematic view of the retractable suspension system mounted on a vehicle according to the present invention. As shown inFIG. 3, a way of implementing the at least one retractable suspension system10essentially requires a vehicle, wherein the at least one retractable suspension system10is connected to the body100of the vehicle. In general, amphibious vehicles with retractable wheels are equipped with four or six wheels and the tire800of a dimension which ranges from 10 to 20 inches. Hence,FIG. 3, which shows part of a vehicle, depicts that the quantity of the at least one retractable suspension system10required is subject to changes as needed, but the present invention is not limited thereto. In the embodiment illustrated withFIG. 3, the retractable suspension system10comprises the first rotation point201, the second rotation point202and the third rotation point203which serve a connection purpose and the position of the drive shaft500which transmits a driving force. The present invention is disclosed above by preferred embodiments. However, the preferred embodiments should not be interpreted as restrictive of the scope of the present invention. Hence, all simple equivalent changes and modifications made to the aforesaid embodiments according to the claims and specification of the present invention should fall within the scope of the present invention.
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION FIG. 1 illustrates an example of the construction of the base station for mobile communication according to the present invention. Reference numeral 10 denotes a macrocell base station, 11 through 1n denote n MODEMs; 2 denotes a switching circuit for interconnecting the MODEMs and antennas of microcell base stations; 31 through 3m denote m antennas; 4 denotes a connection control circuit which controls the MODEMs and the switching circuit to conduct a signal of a specified channel between a specified MODEM and a specified antenna; 5 denotes a channel assignment control circuit which allocates/deallocates the MODEMs 11 through 1n and channels in accordance with the circuit allocation/deallocation and indicates to the connection control circuit 4 the combination of the MODEMs 11 through 1n, the channels and the antennas 31 through 3m; 7 denotes a received signal level measuring circuit for measuring the level of a signal received from mobile station via an antenna; 6 denotes an antenna switching control circuit which indicates to the connection control circuit 4 a change in the combination of the MODEMs 11 through 1n, the channels and the antennas 31 through 3m in the case of switching an antenna to another on the basis of the received signal level measured by the received signal level measuring circuit 7; 8 denotes mobile station; 91 through 9m denote microcell zones which are covered by the antennas 31 through 3m; and b denotes a macrocell zone which covers the microcell zones 91 through 9m. A description will be given first of an operation for setting up a communication circuit between the mobile station 8 and the macrocell base station 10. Assume that the mobile station 8 is located in the zone 91 and is to establish a communication channel between it and the macrocell base station 10. In this case, the macrocell base station detects the zone where the mobile station 8 is present, by a method such as the afore-mentioned comparison of the levels of the electric wave received form the mobile station 8. Thus, it is detected that the mobile station 8 is present in the zone 91, and the macrocell base station 10 sets a communication circuit between it and the mobile station via the antenna 31. More specifically, the macrocell base station 10 selects the MODEM and the communication channel to be used for communication with the mobile station 8, by the channel assignment control circuit 5, and indicates to the connection control circuit 4 the combination of the selected MODEM, the selected communication channel and the microcell base station antenna 31 to be connected thereto. Assuming that the assigned MODEM is 11 and the number of the assigned communication channel 1, the connection control circuit 4 controls the switching circuit 2 so that a signal of the channel of number 1 is transmitted between the MODEM 11 and the microcell base station antenna 31. Further, a communication circuit is connected between the microcell base station antenna 31 and the mobile station 8 by radio transmission. In this way, the communication circuit, which uses the MODEM and the communication channel assigned by the macrocell base station, is set up between the macrocell base station 10 and the mobile station 8. Incidentally, the communication channel herein mentioned is distinguished in terms of a frequency slot in the case of an FDMA communication system, a time slot (and a frequency slot) in the case of a TDMA system and a code for spectrum spreading in the case of a CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) system. The operation of the connection control circuit 4 differs with the kind of communication system used. In the case of the FDMA or CDMA communication system, the connection control circuit 4 indicates to the assigned MODEM the channel number corresponding to the frequency slot or code at the time of setting a communication circuit and controls the switching circuit 2 so that the assigned MODEM and the microcell base station antenna covering the zone in which the mobile station requesting the circuit is present are fixedly connected during communication. In the case of the TDMA communication system, the connection control circuit 4 indicates to the assigned MODEM the channel number corresponding to the time slot (and the frequency slot) at the time of setting a communication circuit and controls the switching circuit 2 so that the assigned MODEM and the antenna of the microcell base station covering the zone of the mobile station requesting the communication circuit are connected only during the time slot. Next, a description will be given of an operation which is performed when the mobile station 8 moves among the microcell zones 91 through 9m. Let it be assumed that the mobile station 8 is located in the microcell zone 91 and in communication with the macrocell base station 10 via the microcell base station antenna 31 and, for the sake of brevity, that microcell zones adjoining the zone 91 are only those 92 and 93. In this instance, the destination of the mobile station 8 from the microcell zone 91 is the microcell zone 92 or 93 along. The received signal level measuring circuit 7 always or periodically measures the level of a signal received from the mobile station 8 via the microcell base station antenna 31, or in response to a request from the mobile station 8. Now, let the measured level be represented by L1. When the received signal level L1 becomes lower than a preset threshold level, the received signal level measuring circuit 7 judges that the mobile station 8 is moving from the microcell zone 91 toward the adjoining microcell zone and, measures the levels of signals received from the mobile station 8 via the microcell base station antennas 32 and 33 covering the adjoining microcell zones 92 and 93. Let the thus measured levels be represented by L2 and L3. In this case, if L2&gt;L1 and L2&gt;L3, then the received signal level measuring circuit 7 concludes that the mobile station 8 has moved to the microcell zone 92. If L3&gt;L1 and L3&gt;L2, then it is concluded that the mobile station 8 has moved to the microcell zone 93. In the former case, since it is concluded that the mobile station 8 has moved to the microcell zone 92, communication that has been held so far between the macrocell base station 10 and the mobile station 8 via the microcell base station antenna 31 is switched to be maintained via the microcell base station antenna 32. More specifically, when the mobile station 8 is initially in the microcell zone 91, it communicates with the macrocell base station 10 via the MODEM 11, and let the number of the communication channel used in this case be represented by 1. Even after having moved to the microcell zone 92, the mobile station 8 still keeps on communication via the MODEM 11 and over the communication channel No. 1; hence, the mobile station 8 needs not to take microcell zone handover into account. To perform such zone handover, the antenna switching control circuit 6 instructs the connection control circuit 4 to change the combination of the MODEM 11, the channel No. 1 and the antenna 31 to a combination of the MODEM 11, the channel No. 1 and the antenna 32. The connection control circuit 4 has controlled so far the switching circuit 2 to provide the communication channel No. 1 between the MODEM 11 and the antenna 31 but in response to the instruction from the antenna switching control circuit 6 it controls the switching circuit 2 to switch the MODEM 11 from the antenna 91 to the antenna 92. Thus, only antenna switching is needed when the mobile station 8 has moved from the microcell zone 91 to the adjoining one 92. Next, a description will be given of the case of the mobile station moving from one macrocell zone to another. As shown in FIG. 5, an ordinary mobile communication system requires a mobile network control center c which supervises a plurality of microcell zones 1b through nb and connects a communication circuit between a fixed network and a mobile communication network. The communication control unit has complete command of pieces of individual information such as the microcell zone of a macrocell zone in which the mobile station is being engaged in communication, and the frequency and the slot number of the channel being used by the mobile station. Now, consider the case of assigning channels to mobile station independently for each of macrocell base stations 1a through na. In this case, there is the possibility of different users using the same communication channel in different macrocell zones; so that when mobile station in the macrocell zone 1b, for instance, moves therefrom to the macrocell zone 2b, the received signal level of a signal transmitted from a microcell base station antenna 1a 9m drops below a prescribed threshold (When mobile station moves from one microcell zone to another microcell zone in the same macrocell zone, the received signal level will not become lower than the threshold level for macrocell zone handover because the microcell base station antenna is automatically switched.), and a handover request for the macrocell zone 1 is presented to the macrocell base station 1a through a control channel. The macrocell zone handover request is transferred to the mobile network control center c, which secures an unused communication channel in the macrocell zone 2n for the mobile station requesting the macrocell zone handover and then follows an ordinary hand-over procedure (an existing method) to perform handover from the microcell zone 1a 9m to the microcell zone 2a 9l between different macrocell zones. On the other hand, in the case where the mobile network control center c which supervises all the macrocell zones in through nb controls the channel assignment to all mobile station, an independent communication channel is assigned to individual mobile station in all of the macrocell zones 1b through nb placed under the supervision of the mobile network control center c and no channel handover is involved even when mobile station moves from one macrocell zone to another. Only when all the channels for assignment are occupied or busy, the communication channel, which is being used by mobile station in the macrocell zone fartherest from that in which the channel requesting mobile terminal equipment is located or the macrocell zone to which the requesting mobile station is least likely to move, is assigned thereto; for instance, when the channel requesting mobile station is in the macrocell zone 1b, the communication channel, which is being used by mobile station in macrocell zone remotest from that of the requesting mobile station, is assigned. This permits construction of an extremely simple-configured mobile communication system which hardly involves the handover processing. Moreover, a space diversity for selecting an antenna is also possible by providing a plurality of antennas in each microcell base station forming the mobile communication system of the present invention. FIG. 2 shows an example in which two antennas are provided in one microcell base station. Reference numerals 311 and 312 denote two antennas installed in the microcell base station in the microcell zone 91, 321 and 322 two antennas installed in the microcell base station of the microcell zone 92, . . . , 3m 1 and 3m 2 two antennas installed in the microcell base station of the microcell zone 9m. A description will hereinbelow be given of an operation for an antenna selection diversity. Let it be assumed that the mobile station 8 is in the microcell zone 9i and is engaged in communication with the macrocell base station 10. The received signal level measuring circuit 7 always or periodically measures the levels of signals received from the mobile station 8 via the antennas 311 and 312. The thus measured signal levels will hereinafter be represented by La and Lb. When La&gt;Lb, the macrocell base station 10 and the mobile terminal equipment 8 communicate via the antenna 311, whereas then Lb&gt;La, they communicate via the antenna 312. In concrete terms, the macrocell base station 10 and the mobile station 8 communicate with each other using the MODEM 11. Now, assume that the number of the communication channel being used is No. 1. In the case of using the antenna 311 for communication, the antenna switching control circuit 6 indicates to the connection control circuit 4 a combination of the MODEM 1i, the channel number 1 and the antenna 311, and the connection control circuit 4 controls the switching circuit 2 so that a signal in the communication channel No. 1 conducts between the MODEM 11 and the antenna 311. In the case of using the antenna 312 for communication, the antenna switching control circuit 6 indicates to the connection control circuit 4 a combination of the MODEM 11, the channel No. 1 and the antenna 312, and the connection control circuit 4 controls the switching circuit 2 so that a signal in the communication channel No. 1 conducts between the MODEM 11 and the antenna 312. The switching circuit 2 may be formed by a switch matrix such as shown in FIG. 3 or a combination of SPMT (Single Pole Multithrow) switches and combine/branch circuits such as shown in FIG. 4. In FIG. 3, reference numerals 221 through 22j denote j MODEM side connection lines, which correspond to connection lines 201 through 20n in FIGS. 1 and 2; 231 through 23k denote k antenna side connection lines, which correspond to connection lines 211 through 21m in FIG. 1 or connection lines 2111, 2112 through 21m1, 21m2 in FIG. 2; and 2411 through 24jk denote coupling or combination switches, which effect ON/OFF control of combinations of the MODEM side connection lines 221 through 22j and the antenna side connection lines 231 through 23k. Hence, arbitrary combinations of MODEMs and antennas can be obtained by controlling the the combination switches 2411 through 24jk. For example, the MODEM 12 and the antenna 33 in FIG. 1 can be connected by turning ON the switch 2423. In FIG. 4, reference numerals 251 through 25j denote j MODEM side connection lines, which correspond to the connection lines 201 through 20n in FIG. 1; 261 through 26k denote k antenna side connection lines, which correspond to the connection lines 211 through 21m in FIG. 1 or connection lines 2111, 2112 through 21m1, 21m2 in FIG. 2; 271 through 27j denote SPMT switches; 281 through 28k denote combine/branch circuits; and 2911 through 29jk denote connection lines between the SPMT switches and the combine/branch circuits. The SPMT switches 271 through 27j each select an antenna to which the connection line from the MODEM is to be connected. Each combine/branch circuit combines/branches signals between the connection lines from all of the SPMT switches and one antenna. Hence, arbitrary combinations of MODEMs and antennas can be implemented by controlling the connection of the SPMT switches. For example, the MODEM 12 and the antenna 33 in FIG. 1 can be connected by controlling the SPMT switch 272 to connect the MODEM side connection line 252 to the connection line 2923 leading to the combine/branch circuit 283. The transmission system between the MODEM and the antenna may be a base band, intermediate-frequency, or radio-frequency transmission system, and between the switching circuit and the antenna, an electric signal can be transmitted as an optical signal. The switching circuit may be formed using optical switches as well as base band switches and IF/RF switches. The use of optical switches permits enhancement of the isolation in the switching circuit, expecially in the case of conducting the IF/RF transmission between the MODEM and the antenna. Besides, in the case of employing an optical signal transmission between the switching circuit and the antenna, no photoelectric conversion is needed at the joint between them, and hence a conversion loss can be avoided. The above has described specific embodiments of the switching circuits and embodiments of the space diversity utilizing them. Next, embodiments of the site diversity transmission and reception system will be described. With a view to making clear techniques of the site diversity transmission and reception system, the above-described switching circuit will be omitted in the following description; in practice, however, the application of the switching circuit permits implementation of the site diversity transmission and reception system without any difficulty. Furthermore, it is easy to combine the afore-mentioned antenna selection diversity with the site diversity transmission and reception system described below. FIG. 6 illustrates an embodiment of a microcell base station antenna selection diversity transmission and reception system. In FIG. 6, a transmission signal from the mobile station 8 is received by all microcell base station antennas 31 to 38 in the macrocell zone, and the macrocell base station 10 detects, by the received signal level measuring circuit 7, the received signal levels at all of the microcell base station antennas 31 through 38 placed under the supervision of the macrocell base station 10 and selects, by a level comparator 71, the microcell base station antenna 37 which presents the maximum received signal level. In this situation, it is concluded that the mobile station 8 is present in the zone 97 covered by the selected microcell base station antenna 37, and the received signal which is transmitted from the microcell base station antenna 37 over a wire cable 37c is demodulated by a demodulator 1ia. while at the same time a signal from a fixed network is modulated by a modulator 1ib and is then transmitted as a down-channel signal to the mobile station 8 from the microcell base station antenna 37 selected at the time of reception. Thus, a stable communication with a high received signal level can be achieved at all times. Moreover, in this instance, the application of the afore-mentioned space diversity to the microcell base stations further improves the receiver performance in combination with the site diversity. FIG. 7 illustrates an embodiment of a macrocell base station antenna maximum ratio combined site diversity transmission and reception system. In FIG. 7, the transmission signal from the mobile station 8 is received by all the microcell base station antennas 31 through 36 in the macrocell. In the macrocell base station 10, the received signal levels and instantaneous phases at all the microcell base station antennas 31 through 36, placed under its supervision, are detected by means of the received signal level measuring circuit 7 and an instantaneous phase detector 72, and the microcell base station antennas 31, 32, 34 and 35 are selected whose received signal levels are higher than a certain threshold level. At the same time, the plurality of received signals from the selected microcell base station antennas are put into an inphase relation and weighted according to their levels by a phase adjust/maximum ratio combine circuit 73, and the plurality of received signals are combined and detected as a maximum ratio combined signal, which is demodulated by a demodulator 1ia. By this, it is possible to further improve the receiver performance of the macrocell base station of the microcell base station antenna selection diversity transmission and reception system, that is, the receiver performance in the up-channel. One possible method for the phase adjustment is that the instantaneous phase of that one of the received signals by the selected microcell base station antennas which has the maximum signal level is set as a reference phase, with which the other selected received signals are put in phase. The difference from the reference phase, detected at this time, is utilized as phase difference information 75 during down-channel transmission. Next, a description will be given of a method whereby the signal from the fixed network is transmitted from the macrocell base station to the mobile station via the microcell base station antenna. Assuming that of the microcell base station antennas 31, 32, 34 and 35 selected at the receiving the up-channel signal, the microcell base station antenna 35 is the highest in the level of the received signal, the instantaneous phase of the received signal is used as a reference phase. Letting differences between the instantaneous phases of the signals received by the microcell base station antennas 31, 32 and 34 and the reference phase be represented by .DELTA..theta.31, .DELTA..theta.32, and .DELTA..theta., respectively, down-channel modulation signals which are transmitted from the microcell base station antennas 31, 32 and 34 are phase shifted -.DELTA..theta.31, -.DELTA..theta.32, and -.DELTA..theta.34 by a phase shifter 74. After this, the down-channel modulation signals are simultaneously transmitted to the mobile station 8 from the selected microcell base stations 31, 32 and 34, whereby the maximum ratio combined diversity reception equivalently takes place at the mobile station 8. This further improves the receiver performance at the mobile station 8 as compared with the afore-mentioned select combined site diversity system. When the transmitted power from any of the microcell base stations is the same in the macrocell base station, the diversity gain can be made larger than in the case of using the afore-mentioned antenna select combined site diversity reception system; hence the number of microcell base stations in one macrocell zone can be reduced as shown in FIG. 7. As will be appreciated from the above, the present invention has such advantages as mentioned below. (1) High quality and high reliability of communication during moving of mobile station between microcell zones. (2) Simplification of the system configuration because of unnecessity for the hand-over procesure between microcell zones. (3) Reduction of cost of the system configuration because of unnecessity for the hand-over procedure between microcell zones. (4) High quality of communication by virtue of space diversity. (5) High quality of communication by vertue of site diversity. (6) Reduction of cost for the system construction by increasing the microcell base station spacing. (7) Reduction of cost of mobile station owing to unnecessity of the hand-over procedure.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT(S) As shown in FIG. 4, the thin-film deposition apparatus using a cathodic arc discharge according to the present invention includes an arc vaporization portion 100 from which charged particles of a deposition material is generated by the cathodic arc discharge, a plasma duct 200 having a bend and guiding the charged particles from the arc vaporization portion 100 to a substrate 1, and a magnetic field generator for generating magnetic fields to migrate the charged particles to the substrate 1. The arc vaporization portion 100 includes a target 110 coupled to a cathode body 113, a trigger electrode 117, selectively contacting the target 110, for generating an arc, an arc discharge restraining ring 400 installed at the outer circumference of the target 110, for restraining an arc discharge, and first and second arc controllers 120 and 130 for controlling the migration of the arc in an arc generating surface 111 of the target 110. The cathode body 113 is connected to a negative electrode 115a of an arc power supply 115 from which a negative voltage of 0.about.100 V with a current of approximately 0.about.300 A is supplied, and the target 110 is electrically connected to the cathode body 113. When a negative voltage is applied to the target 110, the trigger electrode 117 pivotably installed at one side of the plasma duct 200 makes contact with the target 110 and then loses contact therewith, so that an arc discharge occurs. Accordingly, arc vapor materials, e.g., charged particles, are generated from the surface of the target 110, i.e., from the arc generating surface 111. Also, a cooling unit (not shown) for cooling the target 110 in the course of generating the charged particles, is preferably provided. The arc discharge restraining ring 400 is made of a ring-shaped magnetic material. A protrusion 141 for preventing leakage of charged particles is formed at an angle of approximately 0.about.90.degree. with respect to the arc generating surface 111. The angle between the protrusion 141 and the arc generating surface 111 may vary according to the kind of target materials. The first arc controller 120, disposed to the rear of the target 110 in the cathode body 113, controls the movement of the arc generated from the arc generating surface 111 of the target 110. Preferably, the first arc controller 120 is installed to be able to change its position with respect to the arc generating surface 111 of the target 110 according to the kind of target materials. The first arc controller 120 may be either permanent magnet or electromagnet. Specifically, the permanent magnet is more preferably used as the first arc controller 120 because it does not exert a thermal effect on the target 110. The second arc controller 130 is installed at the outer circumference of the cathode body 113 in a ring shape. The second arc controller 130 is an electromagnet in which the intensity of magnetic fields can be adjusted to control the movement of the arc generated from the arc generating surface 111, and is composed of a cylindrical member 131 and a coil 132 wound around the cylindrical member 131. Alternatively, the second arc controller 130 may be a permanent magnet. The plasma duct 200 is bent at an angle (.theta.) of approximately 30.about.120.degree., preferably 60.degree. with respect to a central line A of the target 110. Here, linear sections L1 and L2 of the plasma duct 200 have an enough length to have the neutral particles and macroparticles, which are not affected by the magnetic field, adsorbed into the inner wall 200a of the plasma duct 200, while they travel from the target 110 to the substrate 1, to then be removed before they reach the substrate 1. To facilitate the adsorption of the neutral particles and macroparticles, a baffle 250 is formed on the inner wall of the plasma duct 200. The baffle 250 is composed of a plurality of plates extended from the inner wall 200a of the plasma duct 200. Alternatively, the baffle 250 may be continuously formed in the form of spirals. Also, the plasma duct 200 is connected to a positive electrode 115b of the arc power supply 115, and a voltage higher than that of the target 110 is applied thereto. A flange 235 is formed at each end of the plasma duct 200. Thus, the plasma duct 200 may be coupled to a vacuum chamber by screw-coupling the flange 235 to the vacuum chamber. The magnetic field generator includes first and second magnetic field sources 310 and 330, each installed around the target 110 and substrate 1 to surround the plasma duct 200, and an inductive magnetic field source 320 provided near the bend of the plasma duct 200. Also, the apparatus of the present invention includes a reflective magnetic field source 350 for interfering with the magnetic fields formed by the first and second magnetic field sources 310 and 330 and the inductive magnetic field source 320. The first magnetic field source 310 guides charged particles generated from the arc generating surface 111 to travel along the linear section L1 of the plasma duct 200. The inductive magnetic field source 320 diverts the charged particles so that the charged particles do not collide against the inner wall 200a of the plasma duct 200 at the bend. Also, the second magnetic field source 330 guides the charged particles having passed through the bend to travel toward the substrate 1 along the linear section L2. Each of the first and second magnetic field sources 310 and 330 and the inductive magnetic field source 320 is an electromagnet which can adjust the magnetic field using currents, and is composed of cylindrical members 311, 331 and 321 surrounding the plasma duct 200 and coils 315, 335 and 325 wound around the cylindrical members 311, 331 and 321, respectively. Alternatively, the first and second magnetic field sources 310 and 330 and the inductive magnetic field source 320 may be permanent magnets. The magnetic fields produced by the first and second magnetic field sources 310 and 330 and the inductive magnetic field source 320 are distributed as shown in FIG. 5. The reflective magnetic field source 350 is provided at an exterior area of the bend, that is, in the convex portion of the bend. If a current is applied to the reflective magnetic field source 350, the reflective magnetic field source 350 produces magnetic fields repellent against the magnetic fields produced by the first and second magnetic fields 310 and 330 and the inductive magnetic field source 320 so that the magnetic flux lines 310 are distributed along the plasma duct 200, as shown in FIG. 6. The reflective magnetic field source 350 is an electromagnet for forming the magnetic fields according to the applied currents and is composed of a yoke 351 as a magnetic body having a flange at both its ends, and a coil 355 wound around the yoke 351. Here, the reflective magnetic field source 350 is disposed at a predetermined angle with respect to the arc generating surface 111 of the target 110. The power supply 7 supplies currents independently to the first and second magnetic field sources 310 and 330, the inductive magnetic field source 320, the reflective magnetic field source 350 and the second arc controller 130. The substrate 1 is electrically connected to the negative electrode of a bias voltage supply 5, and a negative voltage of about 0.about.1000 V is applied thereto. Also, according to the thin-film deposition apparatus of the present invention, a gas such as N.sub.2, Ar or O.sub.2 is supplied to the plasma duct 200 through a gas tube 510 by a gas supply 500. The gas tube 510 extends to the front part of the target 110. The supplied gas is jetted from the front part of the target 110 toward the arc generating surface 111. The gas supplied into the plasma duct 200 is used for generating charged compound particles. For example, in the case that the target 110 is made of Ti, the charged TiN particles are formed when the N.sub.2 gas is supplied from the gas supply 500 by an arc discharge in the arc generating surface 111 of the target 110. The generated charged TiN particles are guided by the magnetic field generator and deposited on the substrate 1. Now, the operation of the aforementioned thin-film deposition apparatus using a cathodic arc discharge according to the present invention will be described in more detail. When a negative voltage is applied to the target 110 shown in FIG. 4, an arc discharge occurs while the trigger electrode 117 makes contact with the target 110 and then loses contact therewith. The generated arc is restrained on the arc generating surface 111 of the target 110 by the arc discharge restraining ring 400 and the magnetic fields generated by the first and second arc controllers 120 and 130, thereby generating charged particles. At this time, if a current of triangular or sinusoidal waves is supplied to the second arc controller 130, the arc generates uniform charged particles, i.e., ions of the target material, electrons and charged particles, while traveling throughout the arc generating surface 111. The charged particles guided by the first magnetic field source 310 travel along the linear section L1 of the plasma duct 200, and is diverted at the bend of the plasma duct 200 by the inductive magnetic field source 320 and is controlled by the second magnetic field source 330. Then, the charged particles are deposited on the substrate 1. Some of the macroparticles and neutral particles generated from the arc generating surface 111 together with the charged particles are ionized within the plasma duct 200 by collision with charged particles to then be deposited on the substrate 1 in the same process as that for the charged particles. Also, uncharged neutral particles and macroparticles unaffected by the magnetic fields move linearly and stick to the inner wall 200a or baffle 250 near the bend to then be removed. Thus, few neutral particles and macroparticles reach the substrate 1. In this case, the reflective magnetic field source 350, as shown in FIG. 6, pushes the magnetic flux lines 310 of the first magnetic field source 310 and the inductive magnetic field source 320 in the bend of the plasma duct 200 so that the magnetic flux lines 310 are distributed along the plasma duct 200, thereby enhancing the transfer rate of the charged particles. Also, when a compound is to be coated on the substrate 1, a predetermined gas is supplied from the gas supply 500 and an arc discharge is made to occur in the arc generating surface 111 of the target 110, thereby producing charged compound particles. The produced charged compound particles are guided by the magnetic field generator to be deposited on the substrate 1. As described above, according to the thin-film deposition apparatus using a cathodic arc discharge of the present invention, a reflected magnetic field source is provided in the bend of a plasma duct so that magnetic flux lines are distributed along the plasma duct. Therefore, charged particles can reach a substrate without colliding against the inner wall of the plasma duct, thereby improving thin-film deposition efficiency.