[ { "id": "atel_50", "message": "Title: Optical and near-IR observations of XTE J1859+226\nAuthors: R. I. Hynes (Southampton University), C. A. Haswell, A. J. Norton, S. Chaty, D. J. Rolfe, D. A. Lott (Open University), J.-E. Solheim, R. Ostensen (Tromso University), R. A. Garcia (CEA Saclay), R. Fried (Flagstaff), K. O'Brien, K. Horne (St Andrews University), Z. Ioannou (Keele), A. Shafter (San Diego State University), T. M.C. Abbott (Nordic Optical Telescope), K. Krisciunas (University of Washington), R. J. Ivison (University College London), Y. Sano (Nayoro, Hokkaido), W. Chen, C. Shrader (Goddard Space Flight Center), M. Livio (STScI), E. L. Robinson (University of Texas), R. M. Wagner (Ohio State University)\nDate: 28 Oct 1999; 15:39 UT\nProvenance: Sylvain Chaty (S.Chaty@open.ac.uk)\nSubjects: Radio, Millimeter, Sub-Millimeter, Far-Infra-Red, Infra-Red, Optical, Ultra-Violet, X-ray, Gamma Ray, >GeV, Request for Observations, A Comment, Binary, Black Hole, Neutron Star, Transient, Variables\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 51, 55\nFollowing optical and near-infrared monitoring of XTE J1859+226 (IAUC # 7279 , # 7284 ), HST/STIS observations were performed on Oct 18.10-18.38 spanning 112-1026nm. The UV spectrum shows broad (12000km/s FWZI) and deep Lyman alpha absorption, strong CIV 155nm emission (EW 1.1nm, 4000km/s FWZI) and weaker emission lines of CIII, NV, OIII, OIV, OV, SiIV and HeII. Sharp absorption lines of SiII, SiIII, MgII and other species also appear with possible interstellar origin. Preliminary analysis of the 220nm interstellar feature suggests E(B-V)=0.58 +/- 0.07. The dereddened optical-UV spectral energy distribution (SED) is a steep blue power-law (spectral index +1.2) in the optical, flattening in the UV. \nThis SED resembles those of other short period SXTs, suggesting that XTE J1859+226 has a binary period < 1d. A 20% decline in 110-170nm fluxes during the observation coincides with an X-ray decline seen in RXTE/ASM lightcurves. Shorter timescale variations are present but no persistent coherent modulation was detected. \nPreliminary analyses of 33 hours of optical time-series data collected between October 13.86 and October 20.24 at Nordic Optical Telescope, Braeside, Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope, Keele, Mt. Laguna, St. Andrews and Manastash Ridge Observatory, and also 2.5 hours infrared time-series data at UKIRT on Oct. 18.19-18.31 UT suggest a 1% modulation with period 22-23 minutes. \nFurther HST observations are scheduled for Nov 6.82-6.93, Nov 19.43-19.55; coordinated ground based observations are encouraged. We thank the open policy of the Astronomer Telegram for the announcement of our previous observation campaigns (ATEL #48 and ATEL #49).", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Exoplanet, Black hole, Neutron star", "Binary system, Black hole, Accreting object", "Binary system, Black hole, Neutron star", "Circumstellar disk, Black hole, Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_100", "message": "Title: Gemini IR Detection of 1E 2259+586 Post-Burst\nAuthors: V. M. Kaspi (McGill/MIT), J. Jensen(Gemini), F. Rigaut (Gemini), A. Hatakeyama (Gemini), P. M. Woods (USRA/NSSTC) \nDate: 23 Jun 2002; 00:41 UT\nProvenance: Victoria Kaspi (vkaspi@physics.mcgill.ca)\nSubjects: Infra-Red, X-ray, Neutron Star, Soft Gamma-ray Repeater, Supernova Remnant, Pulsar\nDescription: V. M. Kaspi (McGill University/Massachusetts Institute of Technology), J. Jensen (Gemini), F. Rigaut (Gemini), A. Hatakeyama (Gemini), P. M. Woods (USRA/NSSTC) report Gemini North 8-m near-IR observations of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 2259+586 field. K_s band data were obtained on June 21, 2002 at 14:44 UT using the NIRI instrument and a 30-min exposure with seeing 0.7\". The reported possible IR counterpart to the pulsar (Hulleman et al. 2000, A&A, 358, 605) was detected with preliminary magnitude 20.36 +/- 0.15, 1.34 mag brighter than the quiescent value, indicating the source was 3.4 times brighter (5.4 sigma c.l.) 3 days following the SGR-like X-ray bursts detected with RXTE/PCA (IAUC 7924 ). This confirms the IR identification. Further IR/optical monitoring is advised. A preliminary Gemini/NIRI image can be found at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~vkaspi/1E2259+586/Gemini.html Note that the relative brightnesses of the pulsar counterpart and star 3 in the Hulleman et al. K_s Keck image are reversed in the Gemini image, demonstrating that the pulsar brightened. \nPreliminary Gemini Image", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system", "Black hole", "Neutron star", "Pulsar" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_200", "message": "Title: Cyclotron Line in XTE J0658-073 \nAuthors: William Heindl (UCSD/CASS), Wayne Coburn (UCB/SSL), Ingo Kreykenbohm (IAAT/ISDC), Joern Wilms (IAAT)\nDate: 23 Oct 2003; 20:19 UT\nProvenance: William A. Heindl (wheindl@ucsd.edu)\nSubjects: X-ray, Neutron Star, Transient, Pulsar\nDescription: Joint RXTE PCA and HEXTE spectral analysis of the 2003 October 20 observation of the 160.7 second accreting pulsar XTE J0658-073 (Morgan et al. 2003, ATEL #199) reveals a strong cyclotron line at ~35keV. We fit a range of continuum models typical of accreting pulsars to the pulse phase averaged spectra. In all cases, significant residual deviations characteristic of a cyclotron feature were detected above ~20keV. To determine spectral parameters, we used a power law which breaks smoothly to a power law times an exponential, modified by an absorption line with a Gaussian optical depth profile (MPLCUT*GABS, Coburn et al. 2002, ApJ, 580, 394), plus an iron line. The resulting parameters are, (continuum): photon index = (1.09 +/- 0.01), break energy = (16.8 +/- 0.1)keV, exponential folding energy = (11.5 +/- 0.3)keV, (cyclotron line): energy = (36 +/- 1)keV, sigma = (7.5 +/- 1.0)keV, central optical depth = (0.33 +/- 0.05). These parameters are typical of cyclotron line pulsars. The line centroid implies a magnetic field of 3E12*(1 + z) G (z is the gravitational redshift at the line-forming region).", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object, Pulsar, Neutron star", "Accreting object, Pulsar, Supernova", "Accreting object, Pulsar, Repeater", "Variable star, Pulsar, Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_275", "message": "Title: New X-ray transient IGR J01363+6610 discovered by INTEGRAL\nAuthors: S. A. Grebenev (IKI, Moscow), P. Ubertini (IASF, Rome), J. Chenevez (DSRI, Copenhagen), A. Orr (ESTEC, Noordwijk), R. A. Sunyaev (IKI, Moscow & MPA, Garching)\nDate: 11 May 2004; 13:23 UT\nProvenance: S.A.Grebenev (sergei@hea.iki.rssi.ru)\nSubjects: Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Black Hole, Neutron Star, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 276, 343\nA previously unknown X-ray transient, IGR J01363+6610, was discovered by the IBIS/ISGRI telescope on April 19, 2004 during INTEGRAL observations dedicated to the Galactic Plane Scan.\nThe source position was R.A.=01h36m18s, Decl.=+66d10m36s (equinox 2000.0, position uncertainty 2'). It was within the IBIS field-of-view during 4 subsequent pointings (~2.3 h) and was detected with the total S/N ratio equal to 8.6 and an average flux 17+/-2 mCrab in the 17-45 keV band.\nThe detection was confirmed by the JEM-X telescope during one of the pointings (when the source was near the center of the JEM-X field-of-view). The JEM-X position was R.A.=01h36m04s, Decl.=+66d11m50s (position uncertainty 2'), the flux was about 9 mCrab in the 8-15 keV band.\nThe source was not detected with IBIS/ISGRI during next GPS observations of the region on May 1, 2004. The 3-sigma upper limit was 11 mCrab in the 17-45 keV band. The source was outside the JEM-X field-of-view that time.\nWe encourage observations of this source at other wavelengths.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole, Nova", "Black hole, Neutron star", "Neutron star, Neutron star", "Circumstellar disk, Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_360", "message": "Title: Orbit Solution for the Millisecond Pulsar IGR J00291+5934\nAuthors: C. B. Markwardt (U. Maryland & GSFC), D. K. Galloway (MIT), D. Chakrabarty (MIT), E. H. Morgan (MIT), T. E. Strohmayer (GSFC)\nDate: 7 Dec 2004; 03:07 UT\nProvenance: Craig B. Markwardt (craigm@lheamail.gsfc.nasa.gov)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient, Pulsar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 1660\nThe INTEGRAL Transient IGR J00291+5934 (ATEL #352), now known to be a 1.67 millisecond X-ray pulsar (ATEL #353), was observed by the RXTE PCA on Dec 5 and 6. The source has decayed to approximately 27 mCrab (2-10 keV). \nThe data were barycentered using the Fox & Kulkarni optical counterpart position (ATEL #354). Pulsations with a sinusoidal frequency modulation are clearly detected in each observation. The best fitting orbit has a period of 147.412 +/- 0.006 min and an a_x sin(i) of 65.0 +/- 0.2 lt-ms. The mass function is 2.81e-5 +/- 0.02e-5 M_sun. Assuming a neutron star of mass 1.4 M_sun, the companion mass must be larger than 0.038 M_sun. \nThe orbit and inferred companion of IGR J00291+5934 appear to be very similar to that of SAX J1808.4-3658, the first known millisecond X-ray pulsar. \nThere is presently no evidence of X-ray eclipses or X-ray bursts. \nRXTE continues to observe the source.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Quasar, Pulsar", "Neutron star, Repeater", "Supernova, Pulsar", "Neutron star, Pulsar" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_420", "message": "Title: No radio re-flare in XTE J1118+480\nAuthors: M. P. Rupen (NRAO/GSFC), V. Dhawan, A. J. Mioduszewski (NRAO)\nDate: 21 Feb 2005; 20:08 UT\nProvenance: Michael P. Rupen (mrupen@nrao.edu)\nSubjects: Radio, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: We report recent radio observations of the X-ray binary XTE J1118+480, recently reported as undergoing a second optical outburst (ATEL #412) following a more impressive optical (ATEL #383, ATEL #386, ATEL #393, ATEL #399, ATEL #402), X-ray (ATEL #384, ATEL #390), and radio (ATEL #385, ATEL #387, ATEL #400, ATEL #404) flare. Very Large Array (VLA) observations taken at the beginning of the infrared recovery, on Feb. 13th (MJD 53414.2), gave non-detections with rms noise levels of 0.072 and 0.045 mJy/beam at 4.86 and 8.46 GHz, respectively. Observations on Feb. 20th (MJD 53421.5) also showed no radio source, with rms noise levels of 0.061 (4.86 GHz) and 0.035 (8.46 GHz) mJy/beam. Our last detection of this source was on Feb. 6th (MJD 53407.5), with flux densities at 4.86 and 8.46 GHz of 0.45+/-0.07 and 0.33+/-0.07 mJy, and no detection at 22.46 GHz, with an rms noise of 0.31 mJy/beam. The overall radio light curves, shown at\nhttp://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~mrupen/XRT/X1118+480/x1118+480.shtml\nshow a roughly linear decay since Jan. 24th (MJD 53394). Further observations are planned. \nThe National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. \nXTE J1118+480: radio light curves", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Circumstellar disk", "Variable star", "Accreting object", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_480", "message": "Title: Type determination of SN 2005by\nAuthors: Avishay Gal-Yam and George Djorgovski (Caltech)\nDate: 4 May 2005; 18:29 UT\nProvenance: Avishay Gal-Yam (avishay@astro.caltech.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 509\nAvishay Gal-Yam and George Djorgovski report that a spectrum obtained by Djorgovski with the DBSP spectrograph mounted on the Hale 200\" telescope at Palomar Observatory, on May 4 2005 UT, shows this event is a young type II SN. Prominent broad Halpha with a P-cygni profile is superposed on a blue continuum. \nCCCP homepage", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova", "Galaxy", "Black hole", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_540", "message": "Title: V4641 Sgr entering new period of activity\nAuthors: I. Khamitov, M. Parmaksizoglu, Z. Tunca, Z. Aslan (TUG),R. Burenin, M. Revnivtsev, M. Pavlinksy, R. Sunyaev (IKI),I. Bikmaev, N. Sakhibullin (KGU)\nDate: 29 Jun 2005; 17:09 UT\nProvenance: M. Revnivtsev (mikej@mpa-garching.mpg.de)\nSubjects: Optical, Request for Observations, Binary, Black Hole\nDescription: We observed V4641 Sgr with 1.5-m Russian-Turkish telescope (RTT150) on June 27 from 00:08 till 00:53(UT) in response to HETE alert distributed through Bacodine. The observations were continued during the following two nights on June 27 from 21:24 till June 28 00:53 (UT) and on June 28 from 22:02 till 23:41 (UT). The source was variable during the first night in Rc filter in a time scale of approximately 30 minutes and was brighter by 0.1 mag than the corresponding phase in its light curve in quiescence, showing that source is now entering a new period of activity. The variability is growing, reaching a level about 1 mag above the light curve in the third night of observations. Similar brightening above the phased light curve was observed during the period of activity in 2004 between the optical flares (Revnivtsev et al., ATEL 297; Bikmaev et al., ATEL 309). The phased light curve with June 26, 27 and 28 data points can be found at: http://www.tug.tubitak.gov.tr/~irekk/V4641Sgr/2005/phase_2005June.jpg The light curve with the June 28 data points where we see strong variability can be found at: http://www.tug.tubitak.gov.tr/~irekk/V4641Sgr/2005/lc20050628.jpg We therefore confirm RXTE findings in X-rays (Swank et al., ATEL 536) and earlier VSNET alert. Further observations at all wavelengths are encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Globular cluster, Black hole", "Supernova, Black hole", "Active galactic nucleus, Black hole", "Binary system, Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_625", "message": "Title: Swift Imaging Observation of XTE J1726-476/IGR J17269-4737\nAuthors: Albert K. H. Kong (MIT)\nDate: 12 Oct 2005; 16:48 UT\nProvenance: Albert Kong (akong@cfa.harvard.edu)\nSubjects: X-ray, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 628, 632\nWe report a Swift observation of a new X-ray transient discovered by RXTE (ATel #623) and INTEGRAL (ATel #624). The X-ray Telescope (XRT) observation was obtained in Photon Counting (imaging) mode on 2005 October 12 00:52:58 UT and the on-source exposure time is about 1000s. The source is clearly detected with significant pile-up. The bright point source is located at R.A.=17:26:50.2, Dec.=-47:38:26 and is about 1.2 arcmin from the INTEGRAL position (ATel #624). We estimated an uncertainty of 6 arcsec. The new transient is the only X-ray source in the field of view of the XRT. \n \nOptical and infrared observations are encouraged to locate the optical/IR counterpart.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole, Near-Earth object", "Black hole, Binary system", "Black hole, Supernova", "Black hole, Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_720", "message": "Title: Swift observations of Swift J0911.2+4533\nAuthors: D. Grupe (PSU), J. Tueller (NASA/GSFC), C. Markwardt (U Md, NASA/GSFC), J. A. Kennea (PSU), A. Falcone (PSU), R. Mushotzky (NASA/GSFC), S. Barthelmy (NASA/GSFC), H. Krimm (NASA/GSFC), S. Campana (OAB), O. Godet (U Leicester), G. K. Skinner (CERS), K. Mukai (NASA/GSFC), S. T. Holland (NASA/GSFC), M. Ajello (MPE), J. Greiner (MPE), and T. Belloni (INAF)\nDate: 3 Feb 2006; 16:02 UT\nProvenance: Dirk Grupe (grupe@astro.psu.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Ultra-Violet, X-ray, AGN\nDescription: We report on the X-ray detection in the 0.3-10 keV band of Swift J0911.2+4533. The source was detected in our ongoing Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) hard X-ray survey (Tueller et al. ATEL #668 and #669, Kennea et al. ATEL #677, Ajello et al. ATEL #697). Swift J0911.2+4533 was observed on 2006-01-04 01:16 (UT start time) for a total of 5.5 ks and on 2005-01-07 17:36 (UT start time) for 8.9 ks with the X-ray Telescope (XRT) and UV/Optical Telescope (UVOT) on board Swift. We found a faint X-ray source at RA (2000) = 09 11 29.91 Dec (2000) = +45 28 02.1 with a position error of 4.0\". \nThe position of this source coincides with 2MASX J091129.9+452806. Optical spectroscopy from the SDSS displays very strong [OIII] and [NII] emission lines which classify this source as a Seyfert 2 galaxy with a redshift z=0.0268. A combined power law fit to the BAT and XRT data shows that the X-ray spectrum of this AGN is highly absorbed with a column density of 3.7+1.8/-1.3 e23 cm-2 and a Photon index Gamma = 3.0+1.2/-0.8. The absorbed 0.2-10.0 keV flux is 1.7e-12 ergs/s/cm2, and corrected for absorption 1.5e-10 ergs/s/cm2. The intrinsic 0.2-10 keV luminosity is 3e44 ergs/s. The flux in the 15-150 keV band is 1.8e-11 ergs/s/cm2. \nSwift J0911+4533 was not detected in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey in the 0.1-2.0 keV band, suggesting that it was also absorbed at the time of the RASS coverage in October 1990. This region was not observed by any other X-ray mission, either. \nThe UVOT analysis confirmed the strong reddening of this Seyfert 2 galaxy. We found the following magnitudes in the 6 UVOT filters: \nV: 15.83+/-003 \nB: 16.89+/-0.06 \nU: 17.10+/-0.06 \nUVW1: 18.27+/-0.08 \nUVM2: 19.18+/-0.11 \nUVW2: 19.17+/-0.07 \nThe UVOT image and the SDSS images suggest that the galaxy is viewed edge-on.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus", "Binary system", "Stellar evolution", "Interstellar medium" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_780", "message": "Title: XTE J1709-462: Swift/XRT refined position\nAuthors: J. A. Kennea (PSU), O. Godet (U Leicester) and D. N. Burrows (PSU) on behalf of the Swift/XRT team:\nDate: 29 Mar 2006; 20:44 UT\nProvenance: Jamie A. Kennea (kennea@astro.psu.edu)\nSubjects: X-ray, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 781\nIn response to the work of Krauss et al. (ATEL #777), we have performed a refined analysis of the Swift/XRT data on XTE J1701-462. We find a refined XRT position for XTE J1709-462 of R.A. = 17:00:58.3, dec. = -46:11:09.0, with a 6.1 arcsecond error radius (90% containment). This refined position lies 1.7 arcseconds from the Chandra position reported in ATEL #777. We therefore conclude that the Swift/XRT position of XTE J1709-462 is consistent with the Chandra reported position.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Pulsar", "Circumstellar disk", "Accreting object", "Exoplanet" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_925", "message": "Title: Radio Detection of Type Ib SNF20061011\nAuthors: Alicia Soderberg (Caltech)\nDate: 28 Oct 2006; 23:08 UT\nProvenance: Alicia M. Soderberg (ams@astro.caltech.edu)\nSubjects: Radio, Supernovae\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 933\n\"I observed the Type Ib SNF20061011 (ATEL 918) with the Very Large Array on Oct 23.1 UT as part of an ongoing program to study the radio properties of Type Ibc supernovae discovered through the SNF and SDSS search campaigns. The SN is clearly detected at 4.9 and 8.5 GHz with a radio luminosity of about 10^27 erg/cm^2/s/Hz. Further observations are planned. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.\"", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Interstellar medium", "Pulsar", "Supernova", "Globular cluster" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_975", "message": "Title: Radio Observations of SN 2007C\nAuthors: Alicia Soderberg (Caltech)\nDate: 11 Jan 2007; 21:04 UT\nProvenance: Alicia M. Soderberg (ams@astro.caltech.edu)\nSubjects: Radio, Supernovae\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 976\n\"We observed the Type Ib SN 2007C (CBET 798,800) with the Very Large Array on Jan 11.4 UT as part of an ongoing program to study the radio properties of Type Ibc supernovae. At 8.46 GHz we detect a radio source consistent with the optical SN position. Further observations are planned. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.\"", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Galaxy", "Quasar", "Circumstellar disk" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_1050", "message": "Title: Fifth set of INTEGRAL observations of GX339-4: preliminary spectral fit results\nAuthors: M. D. Caballero-Garcia (LAEFF/INTA), J. Miller (Univ. of Michigan), E. Kuulkers (ESA/ESAC), M. Diaz Trigo (ESA/ESAC), on behalf of a larger collaboration\nDate: 5 Apr 2007; 22:06 UT\nProvenance: Erik Kuulkers (ekuulker@rssd.esa.int)\nSubjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient, Variables\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 1074\nWe present the results of preliminary spectral fits to the fifth period of 150 ksec public INTEGRAL ToO observations of GX 339-4 (see ATels #980, #986, #1000, #1012, #1029, #1032, #1048), obtained between UT 2007, Mar 29, 04:40 and Mar 31, 01:42. We made joint spectral fits to spectra obtained with the JEM-X (5-20 keV) and IBIS/ISGRI (23-100 keV) instruments. The spectrum continued to soften, as observed in the previous observation (ATel #1032), with a contribution of the disk compared to the power-law emission (see below) of about 74%. A phenomenological model consisting of an absorbed multi-color disk with T_in = 0.98 ± 0.08 keV plus a power-law with a photon index of 2.6 ± 0.2 fits the spectrum fairly (chi-square per degrees of freedom, d.o.f., of 48/25). We find that, when using a cut-off power-law rather than a power-law, it does not improve the fit (chi-square per d.o.f of 51/23), and we do not find any break energy between 20 and 100 keV compatible with the data. We note that a fit with a compTT model gives slightly worse results (chi-square per d.o.f. of 54/24). The situation resembles that of our second and fourth INTEGRAL observations (ATels #1012 and #1032): approximately same photon index and no evidence for a break at high energies, with characteristics typical of a high state. The unabsorbed total luminosity in the 5-100 keV range, assuming a distance of 8.5 kpc, is about 1 E+37 erg/s. This corresponds to a decrease of about 50% in luminosity with respect to that observed in our fourth observation (ATel #1032). We also examined the JEM-X and ISGRI light curves with a time binning of 1000 sec, in the 3-6, 6-10, 10-15, 15-35, 20-40, 40-60, 60-100, 100-200 keV energy ranges. No strong variability or trends were seen. PostScript figures of the preliminary spectral fit results, as well as the JEM-X and IBIS/ISGRI light curves, can be found at http://isdc.unige.ch/~kuulkers/GX339-4/.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system, Exoplanet", "Binary system, Globular cluster", "Circumstellar disk, Black hole", "Binary system, Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_1110", "message": "Title: Optical measurements of HETE J1900.1-2455 with the Large Binocular Telescope\nAuthors: Peter Garnavich (Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame), Paul Callanan, Patrick Elebert and Mark Reynolds (Department of Physics, University College Cork)\nDate: 14 Jun 2007; 21:41 UT\nProvenance: Paul Callanan (paulc@ucc.ie)\nSubjects: Optical, Binary, Neutron Star\nDescription: We acquired a series of 200 s r-band images of the optical counterpart of HETE J1900.1-2455 beginning 2007 June 13 09:37 UT with the Large Binocular Camera (Blue), mounted on the 8.4 m Large Binocular Telescope, Mt. Graham, Arizona. PSF photometry yielded a Sloan R-band magnitude of 18.64 +/- 0.02, or 18.54 +/- 0.02 mag in Johnson-Cousins R-band. This is consistent with previous reports that the X-ray flux has increased again (Degenaar et al. 2007, ATel #1106), and that the object has returned (more or less) to its outburst state. In the R-band, it is currently ~1.7 mag brighter than the measurements from 2 weeks ago (Torres et al. 2007, ATel #1090), and only ~0.5 mag fainter than its previous outburst magnitude (Steeghs et al. 2005, ATel #543). \n \nThe LBT is an international collaboration among institutions in the United States, Italy and Germany. The LBT Corporation partners are: * The University of Arizona on behalf of the Arizona university system * Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy * LBT Beteiligungsgesellschaft, Germany, representing the Max Planck Society, the Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, and Heidelberg University * The Ohio State University * The Research Corporation, on behalf of The University of Notre Dame, University of Minnesota and University of Virginia", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system, Pulsar", "Binary system, Binary system", "Binary system, Neutron star", "Near-Earth object, Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_1260", "message": "Title: The neutron star transient SAX J1810.8-2609 going back to quiescence\nAuthors: M. Linares, N. Degenaar, R. Wijnands (Amsterdam)\nDate: 6 Nov 2007; 19:28 UT\nProvenance: Manuel Linares (mlinares@science.uva.nl)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 1662\nWe observed the neutron star transient SAX J1810.8-2609 with Swift-XRT on November 3rd and 5th, in order to follow its way to quiescence. The source was not detected during the individual ~1.6 ksec and ~1.9 ksec observations. We place 95% upper limits on its 0.5-10 keV unabsorbed flux of [3.4-4.2]E-13 erg/cm2/s (November 3rd.) and [2.9-3.6]E-13 erg/cm2/s (November 5th.), where the range given corresponds to the uncertainty in the spectral model assumed (absorbing column density of 0.3E22 cm^-2 and a power law with index 2.5-1.5) and the prescription for low number statistics given by Gehrels (1986) has been applied. At a distance of 5kpc (Natalucci et al., 2000), this corresponds to a luminosity of ~1E33 erg/s. \nThis clearly indicates that the outburst that started in August 2007 (Atels #1175, #1185 and #1227) has finished. Furthermore, by adding both observations (total exposure ~3.5 ksec) a clustering of photons becomes apparent inside a 15 arcsec circle centered in the Chandra position (Jonker et al 2004). Assuming the spectral model above mentioned, this translates to an 0.5-10 keV unabsorbed flux of [1.3-1.7]E-13 erg/cm2/s, or a luminosity of ~4.5E32 erg/s. \nComparing our result with the RXTE-PCA flux measured on October 25th. (that corresponds to a 0.5-10 keV luminosity of ~7E35 erg/s assuming the same spectral model), we conclude that the source luminosity has decayed by three orders of magnitude in about ten days. However, given the low quiescent luminosity found by Jonker et al. (2004) in SAX J1810.8-2609 (~1E32 erg/s), we note that our measurement does not necessarily imply that the source has reached quiescence. \nWe thank the Swift team for scheduling the observations.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Exoplanet", "Near-Earth object", "Neutron star", "Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_1350", "message": "Title: Discovery of Radio Emission from SN 2007uy\nAuthors: Alicia Soderberg (Princeton University)\nDate: 7 Jan 2008; 19:36 UT\nProvenance: Alicia M. Soderberg (ams@astro.caltech.edu)\nSubjects: Radio, Supernovae\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 1353, 1355, 1368\nI observed the Type Ibc SN 2007uy (IAUC 8908 ) with the Very Large Array beginning on 2008 Jan 6.18 UT. I detect a radio transient at RA=09:09:35.30 Dec=+33:07:09.1 with an uncertainty of 0.1 arcsec in each coordinate which is coincident with the optical position. At 8.46 GHz, the measured flux density of the source is 290 +- 30 microJy. Follow-up observations with the Very Large Array are ongoing. I further note that a simultaneous Swift/XRT observation of the SN reveals a marginally detected X-ray source near the radio SN position. Follow-up observations with Swift are planned and will determine if the X-ray emission can be attributed to the SN. I thank the VLA and Swift scheduling committees for making these ToO observations possible.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Repeater", "Neutron star", "Black hole", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_1440", "message": "Title: Swift/BAT detects a new outburst from 1E 1145.1-6141 \nAuthors: H. A. Krimm (CRESST/GSFC/USRA), S. D. Barthelmy (GSFC),W. Baumgartner (CRESST/GSFC/UMBC), J. Cummings (CRESST/GSFC/UMBC), E. Fenimore (LANL), N. Gehrels (GSFC), C. B. Markwardt (CRESST/GSFC/UMD), D. Palmer (LANL), A. Parsons (GSFC), T. Sakamoto (CRESTT/GSFC/UMBC), G. Sato (GSFC/ISAS), G. Skinner (CRESST/GSFC/UMBC), M. Stamatikos (GSFC/ORAU), J. Tueller (GSFC)\nDate: 22 Mar 2008; 19:25 UT\nProvenance: Hans A. Krimm (Hans.Krimm@nasa.gov)\nSubjects: X-ray, Request for Observations, Binary, Transient, Pulsar\nDescription: The Swift/BAT hard X-ray transient monitor reports an outburst from the galactic HMXB source 1E 1145.1-6141. In the daily average for March 21, 2008 (MJD 54546), 1E 1145.1-6141 reached a flux in the 15-50 keV band of 0.037 ± 0.003 counts/sec/cm2, corresponding to 160 mcrab. This is the brightest of the three outbursts seen during the Swift mission above 90 mCrab (Mar 2005, Nov 2006, and now). The last outburst reported in the literature was 130 mcrab seen by INTEGRAL in June 2004 (Bodaghee et al., ATel #290). The source is believed to be an X-ray pulsar. Its normal rate in the BAT is 10-20 mcrab. \nSwift/BAT Hard X-ray Transient Monitor for 1E 1145.1-6141.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Galaxy, Pulsar", "Galaxy, Quasar", "Galaxy, Supernova", "Minor body, Pulsar" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_1525", "message": "Title: Continued Radio Non-Detection of SN 2006gy with the VLA at 8.4 and 43 GHz\nAuthors: Michael Bietenholz (Hartebeesthoek Radio Observatory, South Africa and York University, Canada), Norbert Bartel (York University, Canada)\nDate: 15 May 2008; 16:38 UT\nProvenance: Michael Bietenholz (mbieten@yorku.ca)\nSubjects: Radio, Supernovae\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 1657\nWe continue our VLA monitoring of SN 2006gy, which is among the most luminous supernovae ever seen. On 2008 Feb. 10.0 UT, no radio emission was seen at the optical position with the following 3-sigma upper limits: \n8.4 GHz: 0.25 mJy/bm; resolution 1.4\", \n43 GHz: 0.55 mJy/bm; resolution 0.3\". \n\n(For our previous upper limits, see Atel 1254.; for other radio upper limits see Argo et al., Atel 1084 and Chandra et al., Atel 1082)", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system", "Neutron star", "Supernova", "Exoplanet" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_1625", "message": "Title: GASP detection of a bright optical flare and mm-cm activity from the blazar 3C 454.3\nAuthors: M. Villata and C. M. Raiteri (INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino, Italy), V. M. Larionov and E. N. Kopatskaya (Astronomical Institute, St.-Petersburg State University, Russia), M. A. Gurwell (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, MA, USA), K. Nilsson and M. Pasanen (Tuorla Observatory, Finland), M. Lister (Purdue University, USA) and the MOJAVE Collaboration, M. F. Aller, A. Arkharov, P. Calcidese, D. Carosati, W. P. Chen, E. Forné, E. Koptelova, P. Leto, and the GASP Collaboration\nDate: 22 Jul 2008; 11:30 UT\nProvenance: Claudia M. Raiteri (raiteri@oato.inaf.it)\nSubjects: Radio, Millimeter, Infra-Red, Optical, AGN, Quasar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 1628, 1849, 3003\nThe GLAST-AGILE Support Program (GASP) of the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) reports on the recent observation of a very bright optical flare from the blazar 3C 454.3. After a moderate flare in June 2008, the source rebrightened from R ~ 15 to ~ 13.4 between the end of June and mid July. Noticeable activity has been also observed in the near-IR (Campo Imperatore), at mm wavelengths (SMA), at 43 GHz (Noto) and 14.5 GHz (UMRAO). A VLBA intensity and polarization image of June 25 (MOJAVE) at 15 GHz is shown at http://www.cv.nrao.edu/2cmVLBA/data/2251+158/2008_06_25/2251+158.u.2008_06_25.pcn.jpg", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Galaxy", "Exoplanet", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_1750", "message": "Title: Spectroscopy of CSS080924:233423+391423: A likely dwarf nova\nAuthors: R. Quimby, A. Rau, E. Ofek, M. Kasliwal, A. Mahabal, A. J. Drake (Caltech), M. Kiewe (Weizmann Inst.)\nDate: 1 Oct 2008; 01:06 UT\nProvenance: Robert Quimby (quimby@astro.as.utexas.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 2654, 5028\nWe observed the flaring optical transient, CSS080924:233423+391423, discovered by CRTS (ATel #1741), with the Double Beam Spectrograph on the 5-m Palomar Hale Telescope on Sep. 29.16 UT. The spectra (340-1000 nm) reveal numerous emission lines at zero redshift including H-Balmer, HeI, HeII, and CaII H&K features. These features are typical of Galactic dwarf novae. The FWHM measured from the Balmer lines is about 900 km/s. The photometric variations found by CRTS could indicate superhumps from a SU Uma like superoutburst, although the 1.6 mag variations on 10 minute time scales noted at discovery are perhaps atypically large.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Variable star", "Exoplanet", "Interstellar medium" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_1830", "message": "Title: Swift Observation of the Microquasar Cygnus X-3\nAuthors: G. Stratta (ASDC), F. D'Ammando, Y. Evangelista, M. Tavani (INAF/IASF Roma), N. Gehrels (NASA/GSFC), J. A. Kennea (PSU), G. Pucella, V. Vittorini, E. Costa, M. Feroci, I. Donnarumma, L. Pacciani, E. Del Monte, F. Lazzarotto, P. Soffitta, I. Lapshov, M. Rapisarda, S. Sabatini, G. Piano, A. Argan, A. Trois, G. De Paris (INAF/IASF Roma), M. Marisaldi, A. Bulgarelli, F. Gianotti, M. Trifoglio, G. Di Cocco, C. Labanti, F. Fuschino, M. Galli (INAF/IASF Bologna), A. Chen, P. Caraveo, A. Giuliani, S. Mereghetti, A. Pellizzoni, S. Vercellone, F. Perotti, M. Fiorini, A. Zambra (INAF/IASF Milano), G. Barbiellini, F. Longo, E. Vallazza (INFN Trieste), P. Picozza, A. Morselli (INFN Roma-2), M. Prest (Universita` dell'Insubria), P. Lipari, D. Zanello (INFN Roma-1), P. Cattaneo (INFN Pavia), and S. Cutini, C. Pittori, F. Verrecchia, B. Preger, P. Santolamazza, S. Colafrancesco, P. Giommi (ASDC), L. Salotti (ASI)\nDate: 6 Nov 2008; 09:46 UT\nProvenance: Marco Feroci (marco.feroci@iasf-roma.inaf.it)\nSubjects: X-ray, Request for Observations, Binary\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 1839\nSWIFT observed the Galactic microquasar Cygnus X-3 following the AGILE detection of the gamma-ray source AGL J2030+4043, whose position is consistent with that of Cygnus X-3 within the AGILE-GRID error box, as reported by Tavani et al. (ATel #1827). Very recently radio observations with the AMI Large Array showed an interesting low flux density of the source, which could precede a major radio flare (Pooley 2008, ATel #1828). SWIFT-XRT started the observation of Cygnus X-3 on 2008-11-04 at 04:44:28 UT. Data were taken in Windowed Timing mode for a total exposure of 5.9 ksec spanning a total of three orbits. During the first orbit (about 3 ksec) the 0.3-10 keV light curve shows an average count rate of 40-60 counts/s. During the second orbit, the count rate initially started at a value near 100 counts/s showing an increase by an additional 40% within a time scale of order of 500 sec. The third orbit shows an average count rate near 90 counts/s. The XRT spectrum in the 2.5-10 keV range during the first orbit can be fitted by an absorbed power law model plus an emission line (pcfabs*(power law + gaussian). Best fit parameters are N_H = (15 +/- 1)E22 cm^-2 with covering factor of 0.93, photon index = 4.0 +/- 0.1, E_line = 6.66 +/- 0.03 keV (sigma = 0.1 keV fixed). The average 2.5-10 keV flux is 3.6E-9 erg cm^-2 s^-1. During the second orbit, data can be fitted by the same model from 2.5 keV up to 9 keV, showing an excess at energies above 9 keV. The emission line is no more visible. Best fit parameters are N_H = (11 +/- 1)E22 cm^-2 and photon index = 3.6 +/- 0.1. The average 2.5-9 keV flux is 9.8E-9 erg cm^-2 s^-1. Compared to the previous SWIFT-XRT observations of Cygnus X-3, in which the 2-10 keV flux ranged between 0.78 and 20.2 E-9 (Moore et al. 2008, ATel #1655), the flux now observed is high with a rapid increase of the activity of the source during the second orbit. Further multifrequency observations of Cygnus X-3 are encouraged", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Galaxy", "Globular cluster", "Pulsar", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_1920", "message": "Title: Swift observes an outburst from the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient IGR J16479-4514\nAuthors: P. Romano (INAF-IASF Palermo), L. Sidoli (INAF-IASF Milano), V. Mangano (INAF-IASF Palermo), J. A. Kennea (PSU), V. La Parola, G. Cusumano, S. Vercellone (INAF-IASF Palermo), K. P. Page (U. Leicester), D. N. Burrows (PSU), N. Gehrels (GSFC) \nDate: 29 Jan 2009; 17:01 UT\nProvenance: Pat Romano (romano@ifc.inaf.it)\nSubjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Request for Observations, Binary, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 1929\nThe Swift/BAT caught a new outburst from the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient IGR J16479-4514 on January 29 at 06:33:07 UT. The Swift/BAT light curve shows a broad peak with maximum around the trigger time. The time-averaged spectrum from T-419 to T+964 s is best fit by a simple power-law model with a photon index of 2.5+/-0.3 (90% c.l.). The 15-150 keV flux is 2E-9 ergs/cm2/s. \nSwift slewed to the target, so that the XRT started observing the field at 06:46:46.9 UT, 819.3s after the BAT trigger. The initial WT data (823 to 863 s since the trigger) light curve shows a count rate of 2 to 4 count/s (0.3-10 keV). The following PC data light curve (864-7529 s) shows that the source has declined from 4 to about 0.5 count/s. The PC spectrum, fitted with an absorbed powerlaw model, yields a photon index of 1.00 (-0.25,+0.27) and an absorbing column density of 4.79(-0.88,+1.03)E+22 cm-2. The observed (unabsorbed) 0.3-10 keV flux is 0.9E-10 (1.4E-10) erg/cm2/s. \nThese results are consistent with the ones derived for the previous outburst which occurred on March 19, 2008 (i.e. 315 days ago), recorded by Swift (ATel#1435; Romano et al. 2008, ApJ, 680, L137). \nFurther Swift observations are ongoing.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object, Stellar evolution", "Accreting object, Interstellar medium", "Accreting object, Binary system", "Near-Earth object, Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_2010", "message": "Title: CRTS Discovery of a very energetic Type IIn Supernova\nAuthors: A..A. Mahabal, A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, M. J. Graham, R. Williams, W. Max-Moerbeck (Caltech); M. Catelan (PUC, Chile); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson, A. Gibbs, R. Kowalski, A. Boattini, R. Hill (LPL/UA); E. Christensen (Gemini Observatory); V. Mohan, A. N. Ramaprakash, A. K. Kembhavi (IUCAA); \nDate: 10 Apr 2009; 22:45 UT\nProvenance: Ashish Mahabal (aam@astro.caltech.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 2029, 2149\nThe Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS) has spectroscopically characterized CSS080928:160837+041626 (ATel 1768) as a Type IIn SN at z~0.041 using the SMARTS 1.5m telescope using Observations taken on March 27th UT with the following results: \n\nID| RA| Dec | Type| z| Disc. ATel \n---|---|---|---|---|--- \nCSS080928:160837+041626| 16:08:37.23| 04:16:26.7| IIn | 0.041 | ATEL#1768 \nThe object was first marked as a transient by CRTS on 2008-09-28 (unfiltered mag=17.7). It was also present in the 2007-09-13 images, but blended with the brighter star nearby and hence not detected as a transient. Palomar-Quest images from 2007-02-24 do not reveal the presence of the SN. GALEX data from 2008-06-05 shows a well-detected source at this location (NUV 19.93+/-0.04, FUV 21.18+/-0.09). It was not seen in AIS images from 2004-05-17 indicating a brightening in NUV by at least 2.5 mags. Coadded images from SDSS (all filters) reveal the presence of a possible faint host at the location. Assuming that the galaxy has r=23, at z=0.041 it translates to M_r=~-13, almost a 100 times dimmer than the LMC. \nPalomar 60-inch (P60) data form 2009-03-21 reveals that it is still bright (r=17.60+/-0.04). It has stayed bright for over 500 days, and rising much of the time. In fact the SMARTS spectrum with its Balmer lines (strong H-alpha, H-beta, H-gamma), He I lines (5876, 7065 and possibly others), and an absence of Oxygen lines reveals it to be much more like SN1994Y at T=30 days (Filipenko A.V., ARAA, 1997, 35, 309-355, Fig. 14). There is also some evidence of Fe-I emission and the H-beta shows a P-Cygni like profile. The maximum P60 r-band magnitude was ~17.2 suggesting an absolute magnitude ~-18.8. The evidence is consistent with a type IIn supernova possibly with high density circumstellar material. \nAdditional observations are requested. \nAll current candidate and confirmed SNe as well as finding charts can be found here.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova, Supernova", "Near-Earth object, Circumstellar disk", "Supernova, Near-Earth object", "Supernova, Circumstellar disk" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_2070", "message": "Title: VLA Radio observations of Type IIn supernova SN 2009fs\nAuthors: Poonam Chandra (RMC, Canada), Alicia Soderberg (CfA, Harvard)\nDate: 8 Jun 2009; 20:09 UT\nProvenance: Poonam Chandra (pc8s@virginia.edu)\nSubjects: Radio, Nova, Supernovae\nDescription: We observed the Type IIn SN 2009fs (CBET 1829) in UGC 11205 with the Very Large Array on 2009 Jun 7.47 UT at 8.46 GHz band. We do not detect any radio counterpart of the SN. We place a 3-sigma radio upper limit of 0.18 mJy in 8.46 GHz band at the optical SN position. We thank the VLA staff for making these observations possible.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Near-Earth object", "Nova", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_2150", "message": "Title: Strong Millimeter-Band Flaring of 3C454.3 Underway\nAuthors: Mark A. Gurwell (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, MA, USA)\nDate: 6 Aug 2009; 14:17 UT\nProvenance: Mark A. Gurwell (mgurwell@cfa.harvard.edu)\nSubjects: Millimeter, Sub-Millimeter, Request for Observations, AGN, Quasar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 2155, 2181, 2200, 2223\nThe Submillimeter Array (SMA) performs ongoing flux density monitoring of quasars that are typically bright in the mm/submm bands, in order to optimally choose quasars for use as interferometric calibration sources. Through this monitoring effort, we report that the quasar 3C454.3 (J2253+161) is currently flaring strongly at millimeter wavelengths. \nAfter reaching 1.3 mm band flux densities of 27 +/- 1.8 Jy on October 3 2008, the quasar showed a substantial long term drop in intensity, reaching a measured nadir of 3 +/- 0.2 Jy on April 3, 2009 (though observations in 2009 are particularly sparse prior to May, and it is possible that the source dipped below 3 Jy during this time). We note that this drop in millimeter flux density is strongly correlated with a drop in the gamma ray intensity as measured by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) monitoring program (see http://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc/data/access/lat/msl_lc/ ). \nSince April, 3C454.3 has been steadily increasing in 1.3 mm band flux density, nearly doubling by July 10 (to 5.4 +/- 0.3 Jy), equivalent to a growth rate of about 4.3% per week. However, monitoring observations over the past 25 days show a dramatic increase in the rate of brightening. On August 3, the flux density was measured to be 10.3 +/- 0.6 Jy, and on August 4 the flux density had grown to 11.3 +/- 1.1 Jy, equivalent to a growth rate of 21-23% per week; this is over 5 times the rate seen in the preceding three month period. Figures showing SMA measurements of 3C454.3 in 2009, including the current flare, as well as observations over the past 5 years (including the major flares of 2005, 2007, and 2008) can be accessed at the link provided at the bottom of this ATel. \nPast flares (e.g. 2005, 2007, 2008) have typically proceeded for several weeks, followed by a variably-long period of relatively steady flux density, finally succumbing with a rapid decrease to a background state near 3 Jy. This suggests that 3C454.3 may continue to brighten in the millimeter (and submillimeter) bands in the weeks to come. Fermi LAT monitoring, as provided through the website above, may also have detected an increase in gamma ray intensity when looking at the weekly averaged light curve (see http://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/glast/data/lat/catalogs/asp/current/lightcurves/3C454.3_604800.png ) that could be related to this millimeter flare. It is our opinion that increased monitoring of the source at all wavelengths is warranted as this flare progresses. \n[The Submillimeter Array is a joint project between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and is funded by the Smithsonian Institution (USA) and the Academia Sinica (Taiwan).] \nSubmillimeter Array Observations of a 3C454.3 Millimeter-Band Flare", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus", "Repeater", "Near-Earth object", "Minor body" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_2220", "message": "Title: XMM-Newton gives spectral modeling and updated ephemeris of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar IGR J17511-3057\nAuthors: A. Papitto, A. Riggio (INAF OAC), L. Burderi (Univ. Cagliari), T. Di Salvo, A. D'Aì, R. Iaria (Univ. Palermo), M. T.Menna (INAF OAR)\nDate: 1 Oct 2009; 19:06 UT\nProvenance: Alessandro Papitto (papitto@oa-roma.inaf.it)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient, Pulsar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 2221, 2232\nWe report on an XMM-Newton Director Discretionary Time ToO observation of the newly discovered Accreting Millisecond Pulsar IGR J17511-3057 (ATEL #2196, #2197, #2198, #2199, and #2215) during its ongoing outburst. XMM-Newton spotted the source for 70 ks starting on 2009 Sep 21.01. \nThe EPIC MOS1 camera, operated in Small Window mode, allowing a precise estimate of the source position: \nRA = 17 51 08.55 \nDEC = -30 57 41.7 \naffected by an uncertainty of 1.1 arcsec. This estimate is consistent with the one obtained from a Chandra observation (ATEL #2215) \nThe absorbed flux of the persistent emission of the source is 2.8(4)E-10 erg cm^-2 s^-1 (2-10 keV). A preliminary analysis of the EPIC pn spectrum shows it is consistent with being fitted by a model composed of a multicolor disk black body ( kTin=0.13(1) keV ), a single temperature black body ( kT=0.73(6)keV ) and a power law of index 1.71(5). The slope of the power law is almost consistent with the value (1.8) estimated by the PCA on board RXTE at the beginning of the outburst (ATEL #2197). Modeling of the ISM absorption indicates an nH equal to 1.16(4)E22 cm^-2. A 6.7keV fluorescence Iron line is barely detected. Errors on flux estimates and spectral parameters are quoted at 90% confidence level. \nThe 245 Hz pulsation first reported by RXTE (ATEL #2197) is clearly detected throughout the observation. Using the best available position estimate given by Chandra (ATEL #2215), a timing analysis reveals the source is spinning at a frequency of 244.8339512(1) Hz. Analysis of the Doppler shifts caused by the orbital motion leads to the following ephemeris: \nP_orb=12487.51(2) s \na sini/c=0.275196(4) lt-s \nT*=55094.9695351(7) MJD \nwhere P_orb is the orbital period of the source, a sini/c is the projected semi-major axis of the neutron star orbit and T* is the epoch of passage of the neutron star at the ascending node of the orbit. The errors in parentheses on the spin and orbital parameters are given at the 1 sigma level. The orbital solution we found is perfectly consistent with the one obtained from RXTE measurements (ATEL #2197). \nTwo type I X-ray burst are also evident in the X-ray light curve, peaking at fluxes of 1.1(1)E-08 erg/s/cm^2 (2-10 keV). We confirm the detection of burst oscillations made by Watts et al. (ATEL #2199). The burst oscillations we observed thanks to XMM-Newton have the very same frequency of the 'persistent' oscillations, and are also phase locked to them. \nWe thank Dr.N.Schartel and the XMM-Newton Team who made this ToO observation possible.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object, Neutron star", "Accreting object, Variable star", "Repeater, Neutron star", "Quasar, Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_2280", "message": "Title: GBM detection of XTE J1752-223 to above 100 keV\nAuthors: C. A. Wilson-Hodge (NASA/MSFC), A. Camero-Arranz (FECYT/NSSTC), G. Case (LSU), V. Chaplin, V. Connaughton (UAH) for the GBM Earth occultation team\nDate: 4 Nov 2009; 16:58 UT\nProvenance: Colleen A. Wilson (Colleen.Wilson@nasa.gov)\nSubjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Black Hole\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 2630\nThe new transient black hole candidate XTE J1752-223 (ATel. #2258; see also ATels. #2259, #2261, #2263, #2268, #2269, #2278), is also detected using the Earth occultation technique with the Gamma Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) on Fermi. We detect the source to above 100 keV, with a mean 100-300 keV flux for 2009 Oct 30 - November 2 of 740+/-120 mCrab. The transient rose from undetectable on 2009 October 24 to 560+/-55 mCrab (12-25 keV), 510+/-80 mCrab (25-50 keV), 970+/-120 mCrab (50-100 keV), and 770+/-230 mCrab (100-300 keV) on 2009 November 2. The light curve is variable, especially in the 12-25 keV band, where the flux initially rose to about 240 mCrab (2009 Oct 25-28), suddenly dropped below the detection threshold on 2009 October 29-30, and then rose again 2009 October 31 to November 2. \nGBM light curve for XTE J1752-223", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Magnetar", "Stellar evolution", "Black hole", "Repeater" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_2340", "message": "Title: VLA Radio observations of Type IIn supernova SN 2009mb\nAuthors: Poonam Chandra (RMC, Canada), Alicia Soderberg (CfA, Harvard)\nDate: 8 Dec 2009; 12:30 UT\nProvenance: Poonam Chandra (pc8s@virginia.edu)\nSubjects: Supernovae\nDescription: We observed the Type IIn supernova SN 2009mb (CBET 2059) with the Very Large Array on 2009 December 07.36 UT at 8.46 GHz band. We do not detect any radio counterpart of the supernova. The peak flux at the optical SN position in 8.46 GHz band is 5+/-48 uJy. We thank the VLA staff for making these observations possible.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Variable star", "Neutron star", "Supernova", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_2425", "message": "Title: MAXI/GSC detects an increase in X-ray flux from 4U 1711-34\nAuthors: H. Negoro (Nihon U.), M. Sugizaki, T. Yamamoto, T. Mihara, M. Kohama, Y. E. Nakagawa, T. Saotome (RIKEN), M. Matsuoka, K. Kawasaki, S. Ueno, H. Tomida, M. Suzuki, M. Ishikawa (JAXA), N. Kawai, M. Morii, K. Sugimori (Tokyo Tech.), A. Yoshida, K. Yamaoka, S. Nakahira (AGU), H. Tsunemi, M. Kimura (Osaka U.), M. Nakajima, R. Ishiwata, S. Miyoshi, H. Ozawa (Nihon U.), Y. Ueda, N. Isobe, S. Eguchi, K. Hiroi (Kyoto U.), A. Daikyuji (Univ. of Miyazaki), A. Uzawa, T. Matsumura, K. Yamazaki (Chuo U.) on behalf of the MAXI team.\nDate: 6 Feb 2010; 12:20 UT\nProvenance: Mutsumi Sugizaki (sugizaki@riken.jp)\nSubjects: X-ray, Request for Observations, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 9807\nMAXI/GSC detected an outburst of a transient X-ray burster, 4U 1711-34 (=2S 1711-339), beginning from 2010-02-03 (MJD=55230). Observations of its previous outbursts in March 2004 (ATEL #255) and the potential quiescent counterpart (ATEL #233, #238, #244) were reported. The fluxes averaged per day in the 1.5-10 keV band were 7+-3 mCrab on 2010-02-03 and 18+-3.5 mCrab on 2010-02-04 (errors represent 1-sigma statistical uncertainty). It had been below the 4-sigma detection sensitivity limit of 10 mCrab per day until 2010-02-02. RXTE PCA Galactic Center observations also detected the increased flux on 2010-02-04 (ref. http://lheawww.gsfc.nasa.gov/users/craigm/galscan/html/4U_1711-34.html ). The MAXI lightcurve and image of the source are updated daily at the following URL: http://maxi.riken.jp/sourcelist.html", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Neutron star", "Quasar", "Pulsar", "Near-Earth object" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_2525", "message": "Title: Observations with the ATCA of the brightest known radio hard state in GX 339-4\nAuthors: S. Corbel (Univ. Paris Diderot & CEA Saclay), J. Broderick (Univ. Southampton), C. Brocksopp (MSSL), T. Tzioumis (ATNF), R. Fender (Univ. Southampton).\nDate: 30 Mar 2010; 12:33 UT\nProvenance: S. CORBEL (corbel@discovery.saclay.cea.fr)\nSubjects: Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, X-ray, Gamma Ray, Request for Observations, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 2547, 2745, 3191, 3383\nThe recurrent black hole candidate GX 339-4 has entered a new outburst early this year (ATel #2380). It has continuously been observed in the hard state (ATel #2384, #2455, #2459), that is typically observed in the rising part of the outburst. Since its reactivation, we have been monitoring GX 339-4 very frequently in radio with the Australia Telescope Compact Array and the new CABB back-end (mostly at 5.5 GHz and 9 GHz). The last observations conducted on 2010 March 28 show flux densities of the order of 20 mJy with an inverted radio spectrum (spectral index in the range: +0.1 to +0.2), typical of the powerful self-absorbed compact jets observed in the hard state. This is the brightest level of radio emission ever found for GX 339-4 in the hard state (e.g. Corbel et al. 2003, A&A, 400, 1007) and possibly also for any black hole in the hard state. As GX 339-4 may continue to rise in the hard state for a while (Wu et al. 2019, A&A, 512, 32, but see also ATel #2523 ), it should also continue to rise at radio frequencies. Further multi-wavelength observations, with X-ray, optical and infrared observations (including high time resolution observations), are strongly encouraged in order to probe the contributions of jets at all wavelengths in black holes.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Magnetar", "Nova", "Black hole", "Variable star" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_2600", "message": "Title: Discovery of a New Supernova by the Palomar Transient Factory \nAuthors: P. Nugent (LBNL), S. Bradley Cenko, A. M. Miller, D. Poznanski, J. S. Bloom, A. V. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), M. Sullivan (Oxford), D. A. Howell (LCOGT/UCSB), R. M. Quimby, E. O. Ofek, M. M. Kasliwal, S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech), N. M. Law (U. Toronto), R. G. Dekany, G. Rahmer, David Hale, R. Smith, J. Zolkower, V. Velur, R. Walters, J. Henning, K. Bui, D. McKenna (Caltech), and J. Jacobsen (LBNL)\nDate: 6 May 2010; 22:14 UT\nProvenance: Peter Nugent (penugent@lbl.gov)\nSubjects: Supernovae\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 2659\nOn 2010 May 6.206 UT, data acquired with the Palomar Transient Factory Project (ATEL#1964) were reduced in nearly real-time by the automated subtraction pipeline at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center. A source at position RA(J2000) = 12:49:22.81 and DEC(J2000) = -06:23:51.3 at a magnitude of 20.2 in R-band (calibrated with respect to the USNO catalog) was identified at May 6.315 by an autonomous inspection code which classified the source as a likely supernova, marking up the source as PTF10guz. Nothing was seen at this location to a 3-sigma limiting magnitude of 20.6 on May 3.202 UT. Robotized follow-up imaging with the Palomar 60-inch telescope and PAIRITEL was triggered upon the autonomous discovery. A spectrum was obtained using the Low-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS; Oke et al. 1995, PASP, 107, 375) on the Keck I 10-m telescope at May 6.335, revealing the source to be a peculiar Type Ia supernova at a redshift z of 0.18, near peak brightness. The spectrum is similar to that of SNLS-03D3bb and SN 2006gz, indicating that this SN may belong to the class of Type Ia supernovae that are suspected to arise from super-Chandrasekhar mass progenitors: it has little Ca II (and the blue Ca II feature is narrow), and evidence for C II. In addition, the host galaxy is undetected to a limiting magnitude of 23.1 in co-additions of prior imaging from PTF. At z = 0.18, the SN is approximately at absolute magnitude -19.7 (the host being fainter than -16.6), but based on the blueness of the spectrum and its features, it may not yet have reached maximum light.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Galaxy", "Globular cluster", "Repeater", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_2650", "message": "Title: Swift observations of Circinus X-1\nAuthors: A. Papitto (INAF-OAC), A. D'Ai' (Univ. Palermo), E. Bozzo (ISDC), R. Iaria, T. Di Salvo (Univ. Palermo,)\nDate: 28 May 2010; 20:54 UT\nProvenance: Luciano Burderi (burderi@mporzio.astro.it)\nSubjects: X-ray, Request for Observations, Binary, Neutron Star\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 2651, 2653, 2671, 2674, 13557\nAfter the recent detection of an X-ray brightening (ATel #2608), Swift has observed the LMXB, Cir X-1, starting on 2010 May 27.827 (UTC; MJD 55343.826), for a total exposure time of 4.5ks. Considering the ephemeris calculated by Clarkson et al. 2004, the Swift observations we report here took place in the proximity of the predicted epoch of the X-ray dip (MJD 55346.7+/-2.8). During this interval the Swift XRT count-rate was stable within 20% from the average. \nA 0.5-10 keV spectrum is extracted from Swift XRT data taken in Windowed Timing mode, considering only grade 0 events. The spectrum is dominated by a thermal component with energy kT_1=1.48+/-0.02 keV. A soft excess is indeed clearly visible below 1.5 keV. We successfully model it with a second thermal component (kT_2=0.074+/-0.001 keV), coming from a much wider region than the hotter blackbody. The best fitting absorption column density is nH=(2.14+/-0.05)E22 cm2. The 2-10 keV unabsorbed flux is 9.4+/-0.1 E-10 erg cm-2 s-1 (0.04 Crab). Considering also the values given by Linares et al. 2010 (ATel #2643), this measurement is consistent with the known variations of the X-ray flux along the 16.6 d orbital cycle, even if a source fading on a longer timescale cannot be excluded. \nNo type I X-ray burst is detected during the Swift coverage (see Linares et al. 2010, ATel #2643). In the proximity of the Swift observation we report here, RXTE caught other three bursts with respect to those reported in ATel #2643. The onset of these bursts happened at MJD 55343.354, 55343.757 and 55344.205, respectively. None was simultaneous to the Swift pointing, and no manifest periodic signal is present in the (non barycentred) light curves. \nSwift will keep monitoring the source activity in the following days, to enlighten the source spectral variations along the binary orbital cycle. We thank the Swift team for promptly scheduling this Target of Opportunity Observation.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Neutron star, Interstellar medium", "Neutron star, Binary system", "Neutron star, Pulsar", "Neutron star, Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_2775", "message": "Title: XTE J1752-223 has faded to quiescence: optical and infrared magnitudes\nAuthors: D. M. Russell (University of Amsterdam), T. Muñoz Darias (INAF - Brera Observatory), F. Lewis (Open University, University of Glamorgan), P. Soleri (Groningen)\nDate: 6 Aug 2010; 15:30 UT\nProvenance: David M. Russell (D.M.Russell@uva.nl)\nSubjects: Infra-Red, Optical, X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 2804, 2805, 2818\nWe have been regularly monitoring the outburst decay of the black hole candidate X-ray binary XTE J1752-223 (discovered by RXTE; ATel #2258) with the 2-m Faulkes Telescopes North and South (located at Haleakala on Maui and Siding Spring, Australia, respectively). Exposures in B, V, R and i'-bands (mostly 100-sec exposures each) were taken every ~ 3 days since 2010-03-22 (MJD 55277). The optical counterpart (ATels #2263, #2268, #2424) is detected up until 2010-07-15 (MJD 55392), after which detections become ambiguous due to close field stars in this crowded region of the Galactic plane. Our light curves are linked below. \n \nXTE J1752-223 initially faded slowly from B ~ 19.7, V ~ 18.2, R ~ 17.2, i' ~ 16.2 at the start of our campaign, dropping by ~ 0.8 mag in two months, with evidence for variability on day-timescales (changes up to ~ 0.4 mag in a few days). During this time the source made a transition from the soft state to the hard state (ATels #2518, #2530, #2549) and the synchrotron jet may thereafter make a contribution to the optical and infrared flux. XTE J1752-223 then maintained a ~ constant flux for 1.5 months until ~ 2010-06-27, then faded rapidly (by ~ 2 mag in 18 days), finally reaching V = 21.2 +- 0.3, R = 19.8 +- 0.2, i' ~ 18.9 +- 0.2 by 2010-07-15 (and B = 20.9 +- 0.2 on 2010-07-02, after which it was not detected in B-band). On 2010-07-15 the seeing was 0.9 arcsec, and we are able to resolve the counterpart from a nearby faint star just 0.8 arcsec to the north. Finding charts are linked below. It is uncertain whether the source had reached its quiescent flux level by 2010-07-15 or continued to fade, although the magnitudes a few days later on 2010-07-19 were slightly brighter and images on 2010-08-04 and 2010-08-05 show some faint residual flux at the position of the counterpart, but which includes flux from the close faint star. \n \nThe quiescent magnitudes of XTE J1752-223 are therefore B >= 20.9 +- 0.2; V >= 21.2 +- 0.3; R >= 19.8 +- 0.2; i' >= 18.9 +- 0.2. This is > 4.2 mag fainter than the V-band magnitude measured near the peak of the outburst, V ~ 16.7 (Curran et al. 2010). \n \nOn 2010-07-01 we observed XTE J1752-223 in the near-infrared with the Long-slit Intermediate Resolution Infrared Spectrograph (LIRIS) in imaging polarimetry mode on the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope (WHT) at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain. Conditions were excellent with a seeing of 0.6 - 0.8 arcsec. Images were reduced and combined; the total on source exposure times were 240 sec in H-band and 360 sec in Ks-band. The source was detected and the faint star 0.8 arcsec to the north was resolved from XTE J1752-223 (see finding charts linked below). Magnitudes were estimated using 2MASS stars in the field, yielding H = 15.6 +- 0.1; Ks = 15.2 +- 0.1 for XTE J1752-223. \n \nThe Faulkes Telescope observations are part of an ongoing monitoring campaign of ~ 30 low-mass X-ray binaries (Lewis et al. 2008, arXiv:0712.2751). The Faulkes Telescope Project is an educational and research arm of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network (LCOGTN). The William Herschel Telescope is operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. DMR acknowledges support from a Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Veni Fellowship. FL acknowledges support from the Dill Faulkes Educational Trust. \nLight curves and finding charts of XTE J1752-223", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system, Accreting object, Binary system", "Black hole, Accreting object, Binary system", "Black hole, Accreting object, Exoplanet", "Variable star, Accreting object, Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_2875", "message": "Title: INTEGRAL detection of the new MAXI transient MAXI J1659-152\nAuthors: I. Vovk (ISDC-University of Geneva), E. Kuulkers (ESA/ESAC, Spain), J. Alfonso-Garzón (LAEX-CAB/INTA-CSIC, Spain), V. Beckmann (APC, France) , E. Bozzo (ISDC, Switzerland), T. Bird (Southampton, UK), S. Brandt (DTU Space, Denmark) J. Chenevez (DTU Space, Denmark), T. Courvoisier (ISDC, Switzerland), M. Del Santo (INAF/IASF-Roma, Italy), A. Domingo (LAEX-CAB/INTA-CSIC, Spain), K. Ebisawa (ISAS, Japan), P. Jonker (SRON, The Netherlands), P. Kretschmar (ESA/ESAC, Spain), C. Markwardt (GSFC, USA), T. Oosterbroek (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands), A. Paizis (INAF-IASF, Italy), K. Pottschmidt (UMBC/NASA GSFC, USA), C. Sánchez-Fernández (ESA/ESAC, Spain), R. Wijnands (UvA, The Netherlands)\nDate: 27 Sep 2010; 10:59 UT\nProvenance: Nami Mowlavi (Nami.Mowlavi@obs.unige.ch)\nSubjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 2880, 2881, 2884, 2888, 2890\nDuring the observations of the Galactic bulge program (see ATel #438), performed from 2010 September 25 at 20:51:11 to 2010 September 26 at 00:32:57, INTEGRAL detected hard X-ray emission from a position consistent with that of the newly discovered transient MAXI J1659-152 (GCN #11299, GCN #11296, and ATel #2873), also detected in the radio band (ATel #2874) at 4.8 GHz. \nThe source is detected at 17 sigma in the IBIS/ISGRI mosaic image (20-40 keV energy band), and the best determined source coordinates are RA=254.746 DEC=-15.250 (J2000). The estimated error is 1.6 arcmin (90 % c.l.). The source is also detected in the 40-80 keV energy band at a significance of 11 sigma. \nThe ISGRI spectrum (total exposure time is 5.2 ks) is best fit with a simple power-law model with photon index 2.2 +/- 0.3 at 90% c.l. The estimated flux in the 20-100 keV energy band is 4.1E-9 erg/cm^2/s (~250 mCrab). \nThe source was outside the JEM-X FOV during the whole duration of the observations. \nFurther observations of the region around the transient source are currently planned for 2010 September 29 at 03:22:44 as part of the Galactic bulge monitoring program. \nGalactic Bulge monitoring program web-page", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova, Accreting object", "Active galactic nucleus, Accreting object", "Magnetar, Accreting object", "Binary system, Accreting object" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_2940", "message": "Title: INTEGRAL and RXTE spectral analysis of IGR J17480-2446, the new transient in Terzan 5.\nAuthors: C. Ferrigno (ISDC/University of Geneva), S. Brandt (DTU Space, Denmark), E. Kuulkers (ESA/ESAC), P. Bordas (ISDC/IAAT), E. Bozzo (ISDC/Univeristy of Geneva), J. Chenevez (DTU Space, Denmark), C. Kouveliotou (NASA/MSFC), A. J. van der Horst (NASA/MSFC/ORAU), on behalf of a larger collaboration\nDate: 15 Oct 2010; 09:07 UT\nProvenance: Nami Mowlavi (Nami.Mowlavi@obs.unige.ch)\nSubjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient, Pulsar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 2946, 2952, 2958, 2974, 3000, 3892\nDuring the ongoing INTEGRAL ToO observation of MAXI J1659-152, IBIS/ISGRI detected again the recently discovered X-ray transient located in the direction of Terzan 5 (ATels #2919, #2920, #2922 ,#2924, #2929, #2932, #2933, #2937, #2939). An association of the source with the transient LMXB EXO 1745-248 was initially suggested (ATels #2919, #2920), but this was considered less likely after the reanalysis of archival Chandra and RXTE observations (ATels #2933, #2937). Since the transient was first reported using INTEGRAL data (ATel #2919), we suggest to name it IGR J17480-2446.  \nThe IBIS/ISGRI spectrum of IGR J17480-2446 obtained from the latest available INTEGRAL data (from 2010 October 13 at 20:18 to 2010 October 15 at 00:05) can be reasonably well described in the 20-80 keV energy range by a power-law with photon index 5.2+/-0.3 (at 90% c.l., chi^2/d.o.f.=1.1/5). The estimated 20-40 keV flux is 6.3e-10 erg/cm^2/s (effective exposure time of 43 ks at large off-axis angles of 12-14 degrees). These results can be compared with the previous INTEGRAL observations performed on 2010 Oct 10 and 2010 Oct 11 (ATels #2919, #2924), when the 20-40 keV fluxes were respectively 3.4e-10 erg/s/cm^2 and 4.8e-10 erg/s/cm^2, and the power-law index 2.6+/-0.2 and 2.4+/-0.2. \nWe also analyzed the RXTE/PCA observations performed on 2010-10-13 at 00:13 UTC and on 2010-10-14 between 04:23 and 08:42 UT, excluding the eclipse and the Type I X-ray burst (ATels #2929, #2932, #2939). The broad band spectrum can be fitted using a multi-component model: photoelectric absorption fixed at the value 0.5e22 cm^-2 (found using Swift/XRT, ATel #2922), a black-body, a cut-off power-law and a broad Gaussian line centered at 6.6 keV due to the contamination from the Galactic ridge emission. The evolution of the spectral parameters evidences 1) a similar black-body temperature in the two observations, respectively kT=(1.3+/-0.2) keV and kT=(1.1+/-0.1) keV 2) an increased contribution of the black-body emission with an effective emitting radius passing from (3.2+/-0.8) km to (8.8+/-1.3) km for a 10 kpc distance, 3) a lowering of the cut-off energy from (12.2+/-1.4) keV to (5.0 +/-0.2) keV, 4) a hardening of the spectral index from 0.6+/-0.2 to 0.20+/-0.12, 5) an increase of the 3-20 keV flux from (2.8e-9+/-0.2e-9) erg/s/cm^2 to (8.4e-9+/-0.3e-9) erg/s/cm^2. \nThe INTEGRAL observation reported here is contemporary to the second RXTE observation and the joint spectral fitting evidences a good agreement of the two data-set, confirming that IGR J17480-2446 is probably passing from a hard to a soft state, while still in the raising part of the outburst. \nA more in-depth analysis of the type-I X-ray burst observed with the JEM-X monitor on board INTEGRAL (ATel #2924) revealed the presence at 3.2 sigma c.l. of burst oscillations during the ~20 s following the burst on-set at the barycentric corrected frequency of 11.04+/-0.01 Hz, in agreement with the result reported in ATel #2932. \nFurther INTEGRAL observation of the FOV around the source will be performed on 2010 October 16 at 19:21:40.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object, Binary system", "Accreting object, Nova", "Interstellar medium, Binary system", "Accreting object, Accreting object" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_3050", "message": "Title: Fermi LAT detection of increasing gamma-ray flux from B2 1520+31 \nAuthors: David Sanchez (LLR/Ecole Polytechnique/CNRS/IN2P3) on behalf of the Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration\nDate: 22 Nov 2010; 20:23 UT\nProvenance: Berrie Giebels (berrie@poly.in2p3.fr)\nSubjects: Gamma Ray, >GeV, AGN, Blazar\nDescription: The Large Area Telescope (LAT), one of the two instruments on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, has detected enhancement of the gamma-ray flux of a source positionally consistent with the Flat Spectrum Radio Quasar B2 1520+31 (RA: 15 22 09.99 , Dec: +31 44 14.4 , J2000, A. J. Beasley et al. 2002, ApJS, 41, 13 ) with a redshift of z=1.487 (D. Sowards-Emmerd et al. 2005, ApJ, 626, 95).\nPreliminary analysis indicates that the source flux was (1.8±0.3)x10-6 photons cm-2 s-1 (E>100 MeV, where errors are statistical only) on November 18. The source was still at a high activity state on November 19, 20 and 21, with a decreasing flux of (1.3 ± 0.3)x10-6 photons cm-2 s-1. This flux is a factor 100 greater than reported in the first year LAT Catalog (1FGL J1522.1+3143, Abdo et al. 2010, ApJS 188, 405). In consideration of the ongoing activity of this source, we strongly encourage multiwavelength observations. The Fermi-LAT already detected a flaring episode on April 2009 (ATel #2026) during which the source reached a lower daily flux of (1.0±0.3)x10-6 photons cm-2s-1 Because Fermi operates in an all-sky scanning mode, regular gamma-ray monitoring of this source will continue. The Fermi LAT contact people for this source is Dario Gasparrini (dario.gasparrini@asdc.asi.it). The Fermi LAT is a pair conversion telescope designed to cover the energy band from 20 MeV to greater than 300 GeV. It is the product of an international collaboration between NASA and DOE in the U.S. and many scientific institutions across France, Italy, Japan and Sweden.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Globular cluster", "Quasar", "Minor body", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_3150", "message": "Title: The optical and near-infrared counterpart to IGR J17091-3624\nAuthors: M. A.P. Torres (SRON/CfA), P. G. Jonker (SRON/CfA/RU), D. Steeghs (Warwick/CfA), J. S. Mulchaey (Carnegie)\nDate: 8 Feb 2011; 10:28 UT\nProvenance: Manuel Torres (mtorres@cfa.harvard.edu)\nSubjects: Infra-Red, Optical, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 3159, 3167, 3913, 4773, 8795\nWe report the detection of the optical and near-infrared counterparts to the X-ray transient IGR J17091-3624 (Kuulkers et al. 2003, ATel #149). This finding is based on optical observations of the currently ongoing outburst (Krimm et al. 2011, ATel #3144, #3148) as well as optical and near-infrared pre-outburst images. All epochs of imaging were acquired with the 6.5m Magellan Baade telescope at LCO. \nOPTICAL IMAGING: Our outburst observations consist of two 180s I-band images obtained during 2011 Feb 6 08:47-08:56 UT using the IMACS imaging spectrograph. The frames were acquired with an image quality of 0.7 arcsec and a projected pixel scale of 0.20 arcsec/pixel. The field of IGR J17091-3624 was also imaged with similar integration times, image quality and instrumental set-up on 2005 April 9 UT when following the outburst of the X-ray transient IGR J17098-3628 (see Steeghs et al. 2005, ATel #478, #494). At that time IGR J17091-3624 was in quiescence. \nAn astrometric calibration of the data sets was performed using 2MASS objects in the field of view. This delivered a positional RMS < 0.1 arcsec. No flux standards were observed during the nights. The instrumental magnitudes derived from PSF-photometry have been calibrated assuming I=17.12 for the USNO B1.0 object 0535-0482649. \nWe searched for counterpart candidates within the 3.6 arcsec Swift X-ray position for IGR J17091-3624 (Kennea et al. 2007, ATel #1140) by comparing the two epochs of imaging. Our 2011 outburst images show a I = 18.35 +/- 0.03 mag point-like source at R.A (J2000)=17:09:07.62, Dec (J2000)=-36:24:25.35. The 2005 images show this object at I = 20.32 +/- 0.02 (see finding chart). The positional coincidence within the Swift error circle and apparent variability does support this source as the optical counterpart for IGR J17091-3624. \nNEAR-INFRARED IMAGING: Our pre-outburst data consist of a series of 15s Ks-band images totalling 225s on source and acquired on 2008 Jun 23 05:16-05:27 UT with the PANIC camera. The observations were performed during good sky conditions with 0.45 arcsec imaging quality. Additional 3s exposures were acquired to derive an astrometric and absolute flux calibration of the data using 2MASS objects in the field of view. This delivered a positional RMS < 0.1 arcsec and a photometric zero point accuracy of ~ 0.1 mag. \nVisual inspection shows an infrared source consistent with the optical counterpart and with the Ks=16.65 candidate infrared counterpart 'C2' reported in Chaty et al. (2008,A&A,484,783). PSF-fitting reveals that this object is actually two unresolved point-like sources of similar brightness and separated by 0.4 arcsec. The brighter of these two is the true infrared counterpart to IGR J17091-3624 (it matches the astrometric position reported above) and has Ks=16.98 +/- 0.04. The other source NE of IGR J17091-3624 is likely a field star with Ks=17.19 +/- 0.04.\nOur outburst imaging has allowed us to securely identify the optical and near-infrared counterpart to the recurrent transient IGR J17091-3624. The detection in quiescence offers the opportunities to study this X-ray binary in more detail.\nFinding Chart", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Stellar evolution", "Active galactic nucleus", "Black hole", "Galaxy" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_3240", "message": "Title: MASTER SN candidate in \tPGC1539979 discovery\nAuthors: D. Cheryasov, E. Gorbovskoy, P, Balanutsa, V. Lipunov,,V. Kornilov, A. Belinski, N. Shatskiy, N. Tyurina, D. Kuvshinov, V. Chazov, A. Kuznetsov, D. Zimnukhov, M. Kornilov (SAI, Moscow), A. Tlatov, A. V. Parhomenko, D. Dormidontov (Kislovodsk solar station of the Pulkovo observatory RAS), V. Yurkov, I. Kudelina ,Yu. Sergienko, D. Varda (Blagoveshchensk Educational University), V. Krushinski, I. Zalozhnih, A. Popov (Ural State University), K. Ivanov, S. Yazev, N. Budnev, E. Konstantinov, O. Chuvalaev, V. Poleschuk, O. Gres,(Irkutsk State University) , V. Shumkov, S. Shurpakov (MASTER team member)\nDate: 28 Mar 2011; 09:43 UT\nProvenance: Vladimir Lipunov (lipunov2007@gmail.com)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: The MASTER auto-detection system at Kislovodsk detected a new transient source as the SN candidate at the position (R.A., Dec) = 08h 39m 18.37s, +17d 43m 15s.9, (J2000) with a typical uncertainty of 0.5\" (offset is 20.7E 11.4S from PGC1539979 galaxy) at 2011-03-26.76 (UT). The OT is seen at 3 images. There is no minor planet and any object brighter 21 mag in DSS at this place. The unfiltered magnitude is about 18.90+-0.4 ( exposition 180s, mag limit =20.0). The spectral observations are needed. The discovery image is available atSN110328/sn.jpg\"> http://observ.pereplet.ru/images/SN110328/sn.jpg \nMASTER Robotic Net", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Neutron star", "Galaxy", "Stellar evolution", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_3360", "message": "Title: Broad-band radio behaviour of flaring blazar 4C+38.41\nAuthors: E. Angelakis, L. Fuhrmann, I. Nestoras, R. Schmidt, J. A. Zensus, T. P. Krichbaum (F-GAMMA team, MPIfR, Bonn, Germany), H. Ungerechts, A. Sievers, D. Riquelme (IRAM, Granada, Spain)\nDate: 18 May 2011; 15:11 UT\nProvenance: Emmanouil Angelakis (angelaki@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de)\nSubjects: Radio, Millimeter, Infra-Red, Gamma Ray, AGN, Black Hole, Blazar, Quasar, Variables\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 3483\nBroad-band radio behaviour of flaring blazar 4C+38.41 \nFollowing the recent flaring activity of 4C38.41 (J1635+3808, RA= 16:35:15.5, DEC:+38:08:04.5, J2000) reported at NIR band with ATel #3238 and #3335 and gamma-rays with ATel #3333, we here report on the recent activity of the source at radio bands. The reported activity in the high energy bands seems to be taking place during a long-term increasing trend at cm/mm wavelengths. \nThe source has been observed with the Effelsberg 100-m and the IRAM 30-m telescope, since January and late March 2007, respectively. Since then, it has been showing a persistent, long-term increasing trend until May 2011, dominant at all wavelengths. Indicatively, at 4.85 GHz (60 mm) the flux density increased from 2.8 Jy on Jan. 29, 2007 to 3.5 Jy on May 1, 2011 and at 32 GHz (9 mm) from roughly 2 Jy on Feb. 24, 2007 to 3.6 Jy on May 5, 2011.The 4-year long light curves of the source can be found here. Interestingly, the frequencies below 23 GHz show a flattening / mild decrease over the last months. \nThe long term trend can also be seen in the temporal evolution of the spectrum, which appears rather flat as it can be seen here with some short-term fluctuations propagating from the mm bands towards longer cm wavelengths. No sign of a quiescent, optically thin spectrum is visible in F-GAMMA single dish data. \nThe F-GAMMA program will continue monitoring the source as part of its regular sample. Future events will be reported accordingly. \nF-GAMMA program:\nF-GAMMA (Fermi-GST AGN Multi-frequency Monitoring Alliance) program is the coordinated effort of several observatories and research teams to probe AGN physics through the multi-frequency monitoring approach. The core program relies on monthly observations with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope (operating at 8 frequencies between 2.6 and 43 GHz), the IRAM 30-m telescope (observing at 86 and 142 GHz) and additional measurements with the APEX 12-m telescope (operating at 345 GHz). The core sample consists of roughly 60 Fermi_GST/LAT monitored blazars. The data are taken simultaneously within 40 minutes for Effelsberg and 10 minutes for the IRAM telescope while the cross-station coherency is of order of 10 days. All related details can be found at: \nwww.mpifr.de/div/vlbi/fgamma\nF-GAMMA web site", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova", "Neutron star", "Black hole", "Minor body" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_3420", "message": "Title: Swift/XRT monitoring of SN2011dh: evidence for fading\nAuthors: R. Margutti, A. Soderberg (Harvard University)\nDate: 9 Jun 2011; 20:38 UT\nProvenance: Raffaella Margutti (rmargutti@cfa.harvard.edu)\nSubjects: X-ray, Supernovae\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 3432, 3641\nWe have analyzed 24 ks of Swift/XRT data of SN1011dh (Silverman et al. 2001, Atel #3398; Reiland et al. 2011, CBET #2736) collected in the time period June 3-7. In agreement with Campana & Burrows (2011, Atel #3414) we find that the source is detected at an average level of ~6 E-03 c/s. We furthermore find that the source has faded from ~1.3 E-02 c/s to ~3 E-03 c/s, with a power-law decay index of alpha~ -1.8 (+0.6,-0.6 90% c.l.) The probability of a chance fluctuation is below 0.01% (binomial test), thus we conclude that the observed decay is statistically significant.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Globular cluster", "Stellar evolution", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_3500", "message": "Title: Radio re-brightening of the gamma-ray flaring blazar PKS 1510-089\nAuthors: L. Fuhrmann, E. Angelakis, I. Nestoras, R. Schmidt, T. P. Krichbaum, J. A. Zensus (F-GAMMA team, MPIfR, Bonn, Germany), H. Ungerechts, A. Sievers, D. Riquelme (IRAM, Granada, Spain)\nDate: 19 Jul 2011; 10:54 UT\nProvenance: Lars Fuhrmann (lfuhrmann@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de)\nSubjects: Radio, Millimeter, AGN, Blazar, Quasar, Variables\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 3509, 3523, 3698\nResponding to the ATels #3473 and #3470 reporting the recent flaring activity of PKS 1510-089 at gamma-rays beginning of July 2011 as well as ATel #3479 reporting no optical counterpart of this activity, we here report its behavior at radio bands as observed by the F-GAMMA program. \nLong-term activity: \nObservations performed with the Effelsberg 100-m and the IRAM 30-m telescope since its pronounced flaring activity of 2009 show that the source is basically following a continuously decaying long-term trend at low to intermediate frequencies, though with smaller \"sub-flares\" superimposed. The last one of those peaked beginning of 2011 and was most pronounced at short-mm bands. Subsequently, this \"sub-flare\" decreased reaching a minimum around June 2011 at cm-bands with flux levels of e.g. 1.48+/-0.02, 1.67+/-0.04 and 1.76+/-0.12 Jy at 2.6, 15 and 23 GHz, respectively. \nRecent activity: \nOur last Effelsberg observations of July 8, 2011 indicate, however, that the flux densities at cm-bands are inverting their behavior again also showing a pronounced increase compared to June 2011 maybe related to the recent activity of the source at gamma-rays. At nearly all frequencies (from 2.6 up to 23 GHz) the flux densities increased to e.g. 1.55+/-0.03, 2.07+/-0.08 and 2.56+/-0.2 Jy at 2.6, 15 and 23 GHz, respectively. The radio light curves can be accessed separately at low, intermediate and high frequencies. Alternatively, also the evolution of its spectrum as a function of time can be accessed. \nThe source will be continuously monitored and possible future activity will be reported through the current platform. \nF-GAMMA program: \nF-GAMMA (Fermi-GST AGN Multi-frequency Monitoring Alliance) program is the coordinated effort of several observatories and research teams to probe AGN physics through the multi-frequency monitoring approach. The core program relies on monthly observations with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope (operating at 8 frequencies between 2.6 and 43 GHz), the IRAM 30-m telescope (observing at 86 and 142 GHz) and additional measurements with the APEX 12-m telescope (operating at 345 GHz). The core sample consists of roughly 60 Fermi-GST/LAT monitored blazars. The data are taken quasi-simultaneously within 40 minutes for Effelsberg and truly simultaneous at the IRAM telescope while the cross-station coherency is of order of 10 days. Data products are publicly accessible here.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole", "Exoplanet", "Galaxy", "Nova" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_3550", "message": "Title: Optical follow-up of SN2011ek\nAuthors: R. Nesci, S. Sclavi (University La Sapienza, Roma Italy)\nDate: 12 Aug 2011; 08:11 UT\nProvenance: Roberto Nesci (roberto.nesci@uniroma1.it)\nSubjects: Optical\nDescription: Prompted by ATel #3541 and CBET #2783, we observed the Supernova with the remote controlled TACOR 23.5cm telescope on top of the Department of Physics of La Sapienza University, Rome Italy, equipped with an Apogee U2 camera and R (Cousins) filter. A comparison sequence was taken from GSC2.3 catalogue. The source was at R=14.58 +/- 0.05 on August 11 00:30 UT (JD 2,455,784.521); it is therefore brighter than the discovery report (CBET #2783) as expected for a SN still in the rising phase.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus", "Binary system", "Pulsar", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_3650", "message": "Title: MAXI J0556-332 is a transient neutron-star Z source \nAuthors: Jeroen Homan (MIT), Manu Linares (MIT), Maureen van den Berg (Utrecht, Harvard/CfA), Joel Fridriksson (MIT) \nDate: 17 Sep 2011; 17:52 UT\nProvenance: Jeroen Homan (jeroen@space.mit.edu)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 4524\nWe report on ongoing RXTE observations of the X-ray transient MAXI J0556-332. This source was discovered on 2011 January 11 (ATel #3102) and has since been monitored on an almost daily basis with RXTE. \nA preliminary X-ray color analysis of ~470 ks of RXTE/PCA data reveals a somewhat chaotic pattern without a clear structure in the color-color (CD) and hardness-intensity (HID) diagrams. However, analysis of shorter time intervals (~5-10 days) reveals tracks that strongly resemble those of the Z sources, the brightest neutron-star low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). In particular, near the peak of its current outburst (around 2011 February 9) the CD/HID tracks of MAXI J0556-332 resemble those of the Cyg-like Z sources, with large count rate changes along the so-called horizontal, normal, and (dipping) flaring branches of the Z track. A rapid variability analysis of some of the Cyg-like Z tracks reveals low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) between ~1.5 Hz and ~35 Hz on the horizontal branch; QPOs from MAXI J0556-332 were already reported in ATel #3112. The frequency evolution of these QPOs is in line with what is seen in other Cyg-like Z sources, i.e., increasing from the horizontal branch upturn towards the horizontal/normal branch vertex, and their frequency range is similar to that observed in Cir X-1 (Shirey et al. 1996, ApJ, 469, L21). We note that the strong dipping and eclipse-like features reported in ATels #3106, #3110, #3349 are common in the light curves of Cyg-like Z sources. \nCurrently, at count rates of 40-100 cts/s/PCU (~15%-40% of the peak count rate), the CD/HID tracks are more similar to those of the Sco-like Z sources. We were not able to detect QPOs in the Sco-like phase of the outburst (probably as a result of lower count rates and intrinsically weaker QPOs). \nMAXI J0556-332 is the third transient Z source discovered in recent years, with XTE J1701-462 (Homan et al. 2010, ApJ, 719, 201) and IGR J17480-2446 (ATel #2952) being the other two. We note that earlier suggestions about the neutron star nature of MAXI J0556-332 were already made based on optical (ATel #3116) and radio observations (ATel #3119) of the source. \nThe count rates of MAXI J0556-332 are a factor of ~10 lower than the transient Z source XTE J1701-462 for similarly shaped CD/HID tracks. Using the 8.8 kpc distance estimate of XTE J1701-462 (Lin et al. 2009, ApJ, 699, 60), and assuming that similarly shaped tracks occur at similar luminosities, we derive a distance of ~20-35 kpc, which should be regarded as a very rough estimate only (as our assumption is uncertain). This translates into a distance from the Galactic center of 25-39 kpc, with a distance below the plane of 8-15 kpc. This would make MAXI J0556-332 a very distant halo source, which is obviously a very unusual location for a LMXB, although other distant Galactic LMXBs have been identified before (Casares et al. 2009, ApJS, 181, 238). No known globular clusters are present within a few degrees on the sky of MAXI J0556-332 (Harris 1996, AJ, 112, 1487). \nDetection of type-I X-ray bursts, which are expected to occur once the source makes a transition to atoll source behavior, could provide additional information on the source distance and the origin/nature of MAXI J0556-332. Continuing X-ray observations are therefore strongly encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Neutron star, Active galactic nucleus", "Circumstellar disk, Binary system", "Neutron star, Binary system", "Neutron star, Stellar evolution" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_3700", "message": "Title: Blazar S5 0716+714 is in a flaring state in optical and gamma\nAuthors: D. Blinov, D. Morozova, V. Larionov (St. Petersburg Univ., Russia)\nDate: 22 Oct 2011; 03:12 UT\nProvenance: V. Larionov (vlar@astro.spbu.ru)\nSubjects: Optical, Gamma Ray, AGN, Black Hole, Blazar, Quasar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 3704, 3717, 6086\nOur optical photometric monitroring, made as a part of GASP/WEBT project, reveals fast and high amplitude brightening of BL Lac object S5 0716+714. The blazar had R=12.50 on 2011-10-21UT20, one magnitude brighter than our previous estimate R=13.59 on 2011-10-18UT23. At the same time Fermi LAT daily integrated light curve shows historical maximum for this object 1.5e-6 ph cm^-2s^-1 (E>100MeV). Since the optical flux is still rising, observations in all wavelengths are strongly encouraged. Optical preliminary light curve could be found here: http://www.astro.spbu.ru/staff/vlar/plots_optical/s50716r.png . Fermi LAT open access daily light curve for this source: http://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/glast/data/lat/catalogs/asp/current/lightcurves/0716+714_86400.png", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus, Black hole, Black hole, Binary system", "Active galactic nucleus, Black hole, Black hole, Quasar", "Active galactic nucleus, Black hole, Black hole, Repeater", "Active galactic nucleus, Black hole, Active galactic nucleus, Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_3825", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic and photometric observations of the M31 nova candidate, PTF11rdv\nAuthors: A. W. Shafter, M. F. Bode, M. J. Darnley (Liverpool JMU, UK), R. Ciardullo (PSU), Y. Cao (Caltech), K. Hornoch (Astronomical Institute, Ondrejov, Czech Republic)\nDate: 24 Dec 2011; 22:32 UT\nProvenance: Allen W. Shafter (aws@nova.sdsu.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova, Transient\nDescription: We report spectroscopic and photometric observations of the recent M31 nova candidate, PTF11rdv (M31N 2011-12a?), discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory (Cao & Kasliwal, ATel #3800). At our request, a spectrum (410–900 nm) was obtained by M. Shetrone on 2011 Dec. 21.18 UT with the 9.2-m Hobby-Eberly Telescope (+ Marcario Low-Resolution Spectrograph). The spectrum reveals strong Balmer, He I (λ 587.6 nm; λ 667.8 nm; λ 706.5 nm) and O I (λ 844.6 nm) emission lines (FWHM Hα ~1500 km/s; EW Hα ~ -100.0 nm), along with weak emission features of Fe II (multiplets 37, 38, 42, 48, 49), superimposed on a flat continuum. These observations confirm that PTF11rdv is a nova in M31. We tentatively classify the nova as a member of the Fe II spectroscopic class, although the presence of strong He I emission is somewhat unusual for this class of nova at this stage of its development. Consistent with the Fe II type, the nova appears to be evolving quite slowly. Below we tabulate photometric observations of PTF11rdv obtained using the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov: \nUT Date R Mag \n\\--------------- ---------------- \nDec. 09.915 17.26 +/- 0.09 \nDec. 10.691 17.83 +/- 0.1 \nDec. 11.679 18.55 +/- 0.1 \nDec. 12.975 18.73 +/- 0.15 \nDec. 14.887 18.76 +/- 0.15 \nDec. 15.838 18.54 +/- 0.15 \nDec. 18.869 18.63 +/- 0.15 \nDec. 19.711 18.8 +/- 0.2 \n\nA.W.S. thanks the NSF for support through AST-1009566. K.H. thanks P. Zasche, P. Kusnirak, and J. Vrastil for assistance with the photometric observations.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova, Variable star", "Nova, Circumstellar disk", "Variable star, Variable star", "Accreting object, Variable star" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_3975", "message": "Title: Swift XRT and UVOT observations of renewed activity from MAXI J1836-194 \nAuthors: Y. J. Yang, R. Wijnands (University of Amsterdam) and J. A. Kennea (PSU)\nDate: 18 Mar 2012; 23:06 UT\nProvenance: Jamie A. Kennea (kennea@astro.psu.edu)\nSubjects: X-ray, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 4038, 4255\nWe report a pointed Swift observation of the black hole X-ray transient MAXI J1836-194 (ATel #3611, #3613). The source is suggested to be a black hole candidate based on its timing and spectral properties, and the radio detection during the rise of the previous outburst (ATels #3618, #3628). The source was first detected by MAXI/GSC on August 30, 2011 (ATel #3611), and it was on for about 3 months. Swift could not observe the source due to Sun constraints from mid-November, 2011 to mid-February, 2012. When the source became visible again, it has entered to its quiescence. On March 14, Krimm et al. (ATel #3966) reported an increase in the source flux as observed with the Swift/BAT. Our proposed Swift follow-up observation taken on March 18 shows that the source is actively accreting. \n \nPreliminary results show that the average count rate of the source is around 7.6 +/- 0.3 c/s. The spectrum is best fitted with an absorbed power-law model with a column density NH = 2.5(+/-0.7)e+21 cm^-2, and a power-law photon index 1.63+/-0.17. This is consistent with a black hole in the low/hard state at beginning of an outburst. We obtained an unabsorbed flux (0.3-10 keV) of 4.7(+/- 0.4)e-10 erg cm^-2 s^-1. \n \nIn addition to the X-ray, the optical/UV counterparts were also detected (at the >5-sigma level) using the Swift UV/Optical telescope. The magnitudes are v = 16.05 +/- 0.07; b = 16.83 +/- 0.06; u = 16.38 +/- 0.06; uvw1 = 17.11 +/- 0.08; uvm2 = 17.78 +/- 0.12; uvw2 = 17.66 +/- 0.08. More Swift observations has been requested. Follow-up observations in other wavelengths are strongly encouraged. \n \nWe thank the Swift team for their prompt arrangement of the observation. This work made use of data supplied by the UK Swift Science Data Centre at the University of Leicester.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole, Accreting object", "Neutron star, Accreting object", "Quasar, Accreting object", "Nova, Accreting object" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_4075", "message": "Title: MAXI/GSC detection of a rapid X-ray spectral change in the black hole candidate 4U 1630-472\nAuthors: S. Nakahira (JAXA), Y. Ueda,(Kyoto U.), K. Yamaoka (Waseda U.), H. Tomida, M. Ishikawa, S. Ueno (JAXA), T. Mihara, M. Sugizaki, M. Serino, T. Yamamoto, M. Matsuoka (RIKEN), H. Negoro, M. Nakajima, F. Suwa, M. Asada, H. Sakakibara, N. Serita (Nihon U.), N. Kawai M. Morii, R. Usui (Tokyo Tech), A. Yoshida (AGU), H. Tsunemi, M. Kimura (Osaka U.), K. Hiroi, M. Shidatsu, R. Sato (Kyoto U.), Y. Tsuboi, M. Higa (Chuo U.) M. Yamauchi, Y. Nishimura, T. Hanayama (Miyazaki U.) report on behalf of the MAXI team\nDate: 29 Apr 2012; 13:03 UT\nProvenance: Satoshi NAKAHIRA (nakahira@crab.riken.jp)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 4077, 4395, 4992\nWe report on a detection of an X-ray spectral change in the black hole candidate 4U 1630-472 with MAXI/GSC. The outburst(ATel#3830,#3945) began on 2011 December 17 (MJD 55912), and the flux peaked at 600 mCrab(2-20 keV) on 2011 December 30 (MJD 55925). \nFrom 2012 January 14 (MJD 55940) until 2012 April 13 (MJD 56030), the source stayed in the soft state holding a similar flux around ~270 mCrab (2-20 keV). In the period, the spectrum was well fitted with a model of absorbed disk blackbody and a hard tail, which yields the hydrogen column density of 8 × 1022 cm-2 and the innermost temperature of 1.4-1.6 keV. \nOn 2012 April 28 (MJD 56045), MAXI/GSC detected an X-ray brightening in the 10-20 keV band. The Swift/BAT light curve also indicates an increase of the hard X-ray flux above 15 keV. We estimate that the power-law fraction in the 2-20 keV flux increased from ~10% (MJD 56020-56030) to >30% (MJD 56045) by assuming a fixed photon index of 2.5. This may indicate that the source is undergoing a state transition, possibly into the very high state. Follow-up observations are encouraged. \nThe latest source flux can be checked at the following page: \nhttp://maxi.riken.jp/top/index.php?cid=1&jname=J1634-473", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system", "Nova", "Star and stellar system", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_4140", "message": "Title: MAXI/GSC detection of a new X-ray transient MAXI J1910-057/Swift J1910.2-0546\nAuthors: R. Usui (Tokyo Tech), S. Nakahira, H. Tomida (JAXA), H. Negoro (Nihon U.), M. Morii , N. Kawai, K. Ishikawa (Tokyo Tech), S. Ueno, M. Ishikawa (JAXA), T. Mihara, M. Sugizaki, M. Serino, T. Yamamoto, M. Matsuoka (RIKEN), A. Yoshida (AGU), H. Tsunemi, M. Kimura (Osaka U.), M. Nakajima, M. Asada, H. Sakakibara, N. Serita (Nihon U.), Y. Ueda, K. Hiroi, M. Shidatsu, R. Sato (Kyoto U.), Y. Tsuboi, M. Higa (Chuo U.) M. Yamauchi, Y. Nishimura, T. Hanayama, K. Yoshidome (Miyazaki U.), K. Yamaoka (Waseda U.)\nDate: 1 Jun 2012; 05:44 UT\nProvenance: Nobuyuki Kawai (nkawai@phys.titech.ac.jp)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 4144, 4145, 4146, 4171, 4195, 4198, 4210, 4246, 4295, 4347, 5063, 15214, 15303\nAt 2012/05/31 22:36:28 UT (MJD=56078.941991), the MAXI/GSC alert system triggered a new X-ray transient source near 4U 1916-053 (MAXI event ID= 6078777285, reported as the MAXI New-transient E-mail alert No.55, http://maxi.riken.jp/alert/novae/6078777285/6078777285.htm ).\nThe refined source position is:\n(R.A., Dec) = (287.516, -5.819) = (19 10 04, -05 49 07) (J2000)\nwith a statistical uncertainty of 0.25 deg at the 90% confidence limit and an additional systematic uncertainty of 0.1 deg (90% containment radius). The source position is consistent with the new transient source reported by Krimm et al. with Swift (ATel #4139).\nRecent MAXI data show that the source flux has gradually increased since the beginning of 31 May 2012. The average fluxes on 31 May 2012 are 45+-7 mCrab (2-4 keV), 38+-7 mCrab (4-10 keV), and 68+-28 mCrab (10-20 keV).\nThe latest light curves and images of MAXI J1910-057 by MAXI/GSC are placed at the following URL: \nhttp://maxi.riken.jp/top/index.php?cid=1&jname=J1910-057", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Black hole", "Galaxy", "Interstellar medium" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_4275", "message": "Title: Swift observations of a new outburst of the SFXT IGR J17544-2619 \nAuthors: P. Romano (INAF-IASF Palermo), H. Krimm (CRESST/GSFC/USRA), T. Sakamoto (GSFC/UMBC), D. N. Burrows (PSU),S. D. Barthelmy (GSFC), M. M. Chester (PSU), P. D'Avanzo (INAF-OAB), J. A. Kennea (PSU), P. Esposito (INAF-IASFMI), P. A. Evans (U Leicester), N. Gehrels (GSFC), V. Mangano (INAF-IASFPA), D. M. Palmer (LANL), B. Sbarufatti (INAF-OAB/PSU), S. Vercellone (INAF-IASFPA) \nDate: 25 Jul 2012; 14:47 UT\nProvenance: Pat Romano (romano@ifc.inaf.it)\nSubjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 5179, 5388, 6173, 6227, 6566\nThe Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) triggered on a new outburst from the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient (SFXT) IGR J17544-2619 on 2012 July 24 at 04:52:46 (image trigger=528432). Swift immediately slewed to the target, so that the narrow field instruments started observing about 398.9 s after the trigger. \nUsing the BAT data set from T-239 to T+963 s from the full telemetry downlink, we report that the time-averaged spectrum from T+0 to T+320 s is best fit by a simple power-law model with a photon index of 2.71 +/- 0.85. The fluence in the 15-150 keV band is (2.9+/-1.3)E-07 erg/cm2. All the quoted errors are at the 90% confidence level. The BAT light curve does not show any significant features. The BAT hard X-ray transient monitor does not show significant source activity before or after the trigger interval. \nThe Swift/XRT light curve reached a count rate in excess of about 10 counts/s. The XRT/PC spectrum (T+409 to T+1192 s, integration time of 783 s) can be fitted with an absorbed power law, with a photon index of 1.0+/-0.4, and an absorbing column density of NH=(3+/-1)E+22 cm-2. The mean flux is ~3E-10 erg/cm2/s (0.3-10 keV, unabsorbed). \nPreviously, Swift observed bright flares from this source on 2007 November 8 (Krimm et al. 2007, Atel #1265), 2008 March 31 (Sidoli et al. 2009, ApJ, 690, 120), 2008 September 4 (Sidoli et al. 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1528), 2009 March 15 (Krimm et al. 2009, Atel #1971), 2009 June 6 (Romano et al. 2011, MNRAS, 410, 1825), 2010 March 4 (Romano et al. 2011, MNRAS, 412, L30), 2011 March 24 (Farinelli et al. 2012, MNRAS, in press, arXiv:1205.7059), 2012 April 12 (Romano et. al 2012, ATel #4040). The historical light curve from the BAT hard X-ray transient monitor (Krimm et al, 2006, ATel #904; 15-50 keV) can be found at http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/swift/results/transients/weak/IGRJ17544-2619 . \nScaled Map Transient Analysis", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Globular cluster", "Quasar", "Supernova", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_4400", "message": "Title: A New NIR Flare of 4C +38.41\nAuthors: L. Carrasco, G. Escobedo, E. Recillas, D. Y. Mayya. A. Carraminana, (INAOE, Mexico)\nDate: 19 Sep 2012; 21:11 UT\nProvenance: LUIS CARRASCO (carrasco@inaoep.mx)\nSubjects: Radio, Infra-Red, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, Quasar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 4437, 4448\nWe observed a recent NIR brightening of the flat spectrum radio source (+4C38.41) FBQSJ163515.4+380804 a high redshift blazar (z=1.813). On September 16th, 2012, epoch JD2456186.664525, we determined the flux in the H band to be 13.564 +/- 0.04. This flux level is comparable to the one reported previously in Atel #3335. The NIR flux of this object is rising fast. Yet, the object has not reached the flux level observed on JD 2455635.029352 H = 13.072 +/- 0.05 (ATel#3238). These photometric data points are to be compared with a recent low activity state H = 15.328 +/-0.06 (JD2456093.909456). Observations were carried out with the 2.1m telescope of the Guillermo Haro Observatory operated by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico), equipped with the instrument CANICA a NIR camera. We encourage further multi wavelength coverage.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole, Black hole", "Repeater, Black hole", "Black hole, Pulsar", "Nova, Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_4450", "message": "Title: Swift J174510.8-262411 in the hard intermediate state \nAuthors: T. Belloni (INAF-OAB, Italy), M. Cadolle Bel (ESAC, Spain), P. Casella (INAF-OAR, Italy), A. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC, Spain), S. Corbel (CEA, France), M. Del Santo (IAPS, Italy), E. Gallo (Univ. Michigan, USA), V. Grinberg (Univ. Erlangen, Germany), J. Homan (MIT, USA), E. Kalemci (Sabanci Univ, Turkey), J. M. Miller (Univ. Michigan, USA), J. Miller-Jones (Curtin Univ, Australia), S. Motta (ESAC, Spain), T. Muñoz-Darias (Univ. Southampton, UK), M. Nowak (MIT, USA), K. Pottschmidt (NASA-GSFC, USA), J. Rodriguez (CEA, France), D. Russell (IAC, Spain), J. Tomsick (Univ. California Berkeley, USA), J. Wilms (Univ. Erlangen, Germany)\nDate: 3 Oct 2012; 10:50 UT\nProvenance: Tomaso Belloni (belloni@merate.mi.astro.it)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 4456, 4471, 4760, 4782\nWe have been monitoring densely the bright transient Swift J174510.8-262411 (previous X-ray reports include ATel #4381,#4383,#4393,#4401,#4436) with INTEGRAL and Swift. The IBIS 20-150 keV light curve showed a flux increase between 2012 Sep 16 (MJD 56186) and Sep 17 (MJD 56187) and, after a time gap in the observations, a decrease from Sep 18 (MJD 56188.7) until Sep 28 (MJD 56198), after which it has remained constant. The IBIS spectrum softened monotonically through this period. A fit with a power law with a high-energy cutoff showed the photon index increasing from 1.3 to 2.24, while the cutoff energy increased marginally from 97 (-10,+31) keV to 145 (-19,+24). The 20-200 keV flux decreased from 1.5 10e-8 to 8.6 10e-9 erg/cm^2/s. In the same period, the Swift/XRT 0.6-10 keV rate has been steadily increasing (see ATel 4436). A QPO accompanied by band-limited noise is present in the power spectra of all XRT observations, with the frequency being strongly correlated with flux. It has increased from 0.25 Hz in the first observation (2012 Sep 18 19:03-22:18 UT, MJD 56188.8) to 2.4 Hz in the latest available observation (MJD 56202.3, 2012 October 2 7:09-7:28 UT). The energy spectrum on Oct 1 (MJD 56201) showed a slightly steeper spectrum than the last one reported in ATel #4436. The energy spectra and the power density spectra (along with the radio detections reported in ATel #4394,#4410) clearly indicate that in the first part of the campaign the source was brightening both in the hard and soft band and was in the low-hard state (LHS). This was followed by a transition to the hard intermediate state (HIMS), in which the source is currently still found. A further state transition to the soft-intermediate state is expected, which has been associated to relativistic jet ejections in other black-hole X-ray binaries, although it is difficult to predict when this will happen. Observations at all wavelengths are encouraged. We would like to thank the Swift and the INTEGRAL ISOC and ISDC Teams for making these observations possible.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system", "Quasar", "Magnetar", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_4590", "message": "Title: Supersoft X-ray emission detected from Nova Mon 2012\nAuthors: Thomas Nelson (Minnesota), Koji Mukai (UMBC and NASA/GSFC), Jennifer Sokoloski (Columbia), Laura Chomiuk (Michigan State), Michael Rupen (NRAO), Amy Mioduszewski (NRAO), Kim Page (Leicester) and Julian Osborne (Leicester)\nDate: 20 Nov 2012; 17:11 UT\nProvenance: Thomas Nelson (tnelson@physics.umn.edu)\nSubjects: X-ray, Nova\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 4614, 4633, 4709, 4727, 4737\nNova Mon 2012 is one of only three novae identified as a transient gamma-ray source with the Fermi satellite (ATel #4224, #4310). The nova was discovered in the optical on 2012 August 9 (CBET #3202), although the Fermi detection indicates that the outburst likely started in June. Nova Mon is a bright radio source with spatially resolved substructure (ATel #4352, #4408), and has been detected in X-rays at energies up to 10 keV by the Swift and Chandra satellites (ATel #4321, #4569). Infrared spectra obtained on 2012 November 1 and 2 revealed that Nova Mon has transitioned to the coronal phase, thought to indicate that the ejecta have become optically thin (ATel #4542). \n \nWe have been monitoring Nova Mon with the Swift satellite since August 2012 (see ATel #4321). Our most recent observation was carried out on 2012 November 18, with a total X-ray Telescope (XRT) exposure time of 1048 s. The source count rate in the 0.3-10 keV energy range was 0.43 counts/s, an increase of 60% from the previous Swift observation on 2012 November 11. In addition to the hard X-ray emission detected in previous observations, a new soft spectral component was observed for the first time. \n \nWe fit the overall spectrum with an absorbed blackbody plus thermal plasma model (wabs*(bb+apec) in Xspec). The best fit column density of the absorber was N(H) = 8.5 (+0.2,-0.3) x 10^21 cm^-2. The blackbody component had a temperature kT = 0.021 +/- 0.006 keV (T ~ 250,000 +/- 70,000 K), and an observed 0.3-10 keV flux of 5.8 x 10^-12 erg/s/cm^2. The normalization of this component was poorly constrained, making an estimate of the intrinsic luminosity difficult. The thermal plasma component had kT = 0.95 +/- 0.23 keV (T ~ (1.1 +/- 0.8) x 10^7 K) and an observed 0.3-10 keV flux of 5.4 x 10^-12 erg/s/cm^2. \n \nFurther X-ray monitoring observations are planned, and follow-up observations at other wavelengths are encouraged. We thank Neil Gehrels and the Swift mission operations team for making these observations possible.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova, Quasar", "Globular cluster, Variable star", "Nova, Variable star", "Nova, Near-Earth object" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_4650", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic classification of a LSQ supernova by the Nearby Supernova Factory II\nAuthors: D. Baugh, J. Chen, N. Chotard, C. Wu (THCA); C. Tao (CPPM & THCA), D. Fouchez, A. Tilquin (CPPM); E. Hadjiyska, D. Rabinowitz, C. Baltay, N. Ellman, R. McKinnon, E. Walker, A. Effron (Yale); F. Cellier-Holzem, A. Canto, P. Antilogus, S. Bongard, R. Pain (LPNHE); Y. Copin, E. Gangler, R. Pereira, M. Rigault, G. Smadja (IPNL); G. Aldering, D. Birchall, H. Fakhouri, A. Kim, J. Nordin, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter, K. Runge, C. Saunders, N. Suzuki, R. C. Thomas (LBNL) E. Pecontal (CRAL); U. Feindt, M. Kowalski (U. Bonn); S. Benitez, W. Hillebrandt, M. Kromer, M. Sasdelli, A. Sternberg, S. Taubenberger (MPA) \nDate: 15 Dec 2012; 23:49 UT\nProvenance: Greg Aldering (galdering@lbl.gov)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: The Nearby Supernova Factory II (http://snfactory.lbl.gov) reports the following spectroscopic observations of supernovae based on spectra (range 320-1000 nm) obtained with the SuperNova Integral Field Spectrograph (Aldering et al 2002, SPIE, 4836, 61) on the University of Hawaii 2.2-meter telescope. Classifications were performed using Superfit (Howell et al 2002, BAAS, 34, 1256) or SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). Heliocentric redshifts listed to two decimal places are measured from supernova features; all others are published values or measured by us from host galaxy features. \n \n \n \n Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Discovery | Discovery | Disc. | Spectrum | Redshift | Type | Phase | Notes \n | | | Date | Source | Mag | Date | | | | \n LSQ12hnj | 05:12:24.82 | -25:46:57.4 | 20121212 | LSQ | 16.2 | 20121215 | 0.0146 | II | young | not present 20121210", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Stellar evolution", "Binary system", "Supernova", "Circumstellar disk" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_4725", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic confirmation of DES12C3a\nAuthors: C. Lidman, A. Hopkins (Australian Astronomical Observatory), E. Ahn, D. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab), G. Aldering, J. S. Bloom, A. Kim, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Barbary, J. P. Bernstein, R. Biswas, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory), C. Blake, K. Glazebrook, J. Mould, S. A. Uddin (Swinburne University of Technology), P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (Texas A&M University), H. Campbell, C. D'Andrea, R. Nichol, A. Papadopoulos (University of Portsmouth), R. Cane, J. A. Fischer, S. Gilhool, L. Gladney, R. Gupta, J. Mosher, M. Sako (University of Pennsylvania), M. Colless, B. P. Schmidt, R. Sharp (Australian National University), R. A. Covarrubias (University of Illinois / NCSA), T. M. Davis, C. O'Neill (University of Queensland), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich), R. Kessler (University of Chicago), M. March (University of Sussex), G. Poole (University of Melbourne), M. Smith (University of the Western Cape), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), M. Sullivan (University of Southampton)\nDate: 11 Jan 2013; 04:22 UT\nProvenance: Masao Sako (masao@sas.upenn.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We report optical spectroscopy by the OzDES collaboration of a supernova candidate discovered by the Dark Energy Supernova Survey (ATel #4668). The spectrum (350-900 nm) of DES12C3a was obtained at the Anglo-Australian Telescope with AAOmega-2dF observed by A. Hopkins. SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) shows this event to be a Type Ia SN at z=0.24 near maximum light. \n \n \n Name | RA(J2000) | Dec(J2000) | Discovery | Discovery | Spectrum | redshift | type | phase \n | | | date (UT) | i mag | date (UT) | | | \n DES12C3a | 03:36:19.9 | -29:00:49.6 | 2012 Dec 17 | 25.6 | 2013 Jan 6 | 0.24 | Ia | near max", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole, Interstellar medium", "Supernova, Interstellar medium", "Near-Earth object, Interstellar medium", "Circumstellar disk, Interstellar medium" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_4800", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic confirmation of DES12S2a\nAuthors: P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, J. Marshall, N. Suntzeff (Texas A&M University), E. Ahn, D. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab), G. Aldering, J. S. Bloom, A. Kim, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), R. Kessler (University of Chicago), R. A. Covarrubias (University of Illinois / NCSA), R. Cane, J. A. Fischer, S. Gilhool, L. Gladney, R. Gupta, J. Mosher, M. Sako (University of Pennsylvania), H. Campbell, C. D'Andrea, R. Nichol, A. Papadopoulos (University of Portsmouth), M. Sullivan (University of Southampton), M. March (University of Sussex), M. Smith (University of the Western Cape), K. Barbary, J. P. Bernstein, R. Biswas, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory) \nDate: 8 Feb 2013; 19:02 UT\nProvenance: Peter J. Brown (grbpeter@yahoo.com)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We report optical spectroscopy of a supernova (SN) candidate discovered by the Dark Energy Supernova Survey (ATel #4668). The spectrum (450-1000 nm) of DES12S2a was obtained with the 9.2-m Hobby-Eberly Telescope (+Marcario Low-Resolution Spectrograph) by J. Caldwell. The spectrum shows a blue continuum with a narrow H-alpha emission feature atop a broader component indicative of a type IIn SN. The phase at the date of the spectrum given below is based on the DES light curves. \n \n \n Name | RA(J2000) | Dec(J2000) | Discovery | Discovery | Spectrum | redshift | type | phase \n | | | date (UT) | i mag | date (UT) | | | \n DES12S2a | 02:47:33.56| -01:06:39.9 | 2013 Jan 13 | 21.3 | 2013 Feb 2 | 0.115 | IIn | 3-4 weeks after explosion", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Black hole", "Neutron star", "Interstellar medium" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_4900", "message": "Title: Possible Supernova discovered by MASTER\nAuthors: S. Shurpakov, D. Denisenko, V. Lipunov, E. Gorbovskoy, P. Balanutsa, N. Tiurina, V. Kornilov, A. Belinski, N. Shatskiy, V. Chazov, A. Kuznetsov, V. Yecheistov, D. Zimnukhov (Moscow State University, SAI), V. Krushinsky, I. Zalozhnih, A. Popov, A. Bourdanov, A. Punanova (Ural Federal University), K. Ivanov, S. Yazev, N. Budnev, E. Konstantinov, O. Chuvalaev, V. Poleshchuk, O. Gress, A. Frolova, (Irkutsk State University), A. Parkhomenko, A. Tlatov, D. Dormidontov, V. Senik (Kislovodsk solar station of the Pulkovo observatory RAS), V. Yurkov, Y. Sergienko, D. Varda, E. Sinyakov (Blagoveshchensk Educational University), P. Podvorotny, V. Shumkov (MASTER team members), H. Levato, C. Saffe (ICATE), C. Mallamaci, C. Lopez and F. Podest (OAFA)\nDate: 20 Mar 2013; 18:05 UT\nProvenance: Vladimir Lipunov (lipunov2007@gmail.com)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 4903\nMASTER OT J185011.29+302059.5 - PSN in PGC 2813322\nMASTER-Amur auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 18h 50m 11.29s +30d 20m 59.5s on 2013-03-19.77620 UT. The OT unfiltered magnitude is 16.9m (limit 18.2m). The OT is seen in 2 images. There is no minor planet at this place. We have reference image without OT on 2013-02-24.85995 UT with unfiltered magnitude limit 18.0m. \nThe object is located 11.9\" W and 15.1\" S of the nucleus of PGC 2813322 galaxy. There is nothing at this position in any catalogs. This area of sky is not covered by SDSS. Color-combined (BRIR) DSS finder chart is uploaded to http://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/J185011+302059-BRIR5x5.jpg (5'x5' FOV). \nSpectral observations are required. The discovery and reference images are available at: http://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/185011.29302059.5.png \nList of optical transients discovered by MASTER\nGlobal MASTER Robotic Net", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Near-Earth object", "Supernova", "Interstellar medium", "Repeater" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_5010", "message": "Title: ASAS-SN Discovery of a Strong AGN Outburst and Dramatic Seyfert Type Change in NGC 2617\nAuthors: B. J. Shappee (Ohio Sate), J. L. Prieto (Princeton), J. Nugent (University of Oklahoma), C. S. Kochanek, K. Z. Stanek, J. Jencson, A. Talabere, J. F. Beacom (Ohio State), D. Szczygiel, G. Pojmanski (Warsaw University Observatory), M. Dubberley, M. Elphick, S. Foale, E. Hawkins, D. Mullens, W. Rosing, R. Ross, Z. Walker (Las Cumbres Observatory)\nDate: 26 Apr 2013; 04:37 UT\nProvenance: Benjamin Shappee (shappee@astronomy.ohio-state.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, AGN\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 5039, 5059, 5103, 5347, 9015, 9030, 11703, 16324\nDuring the ongoing All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN or \"Assassin\"), using data from the double 14-cm \"Brutus\" telescope in Haleakala, Hawaii, we have discovered a candidate outburst in a known Seyfert galaxy NGC 2617. NGC 2617 is a face-on Sc galaxy at a distance of about 62 Mpc (distance modulus 34.0; NED). ASAS-SN transient source detection was triggered by an image taken at 2013 UT Apr. 10.27 by a ~10% relative flux increase from the inner region (host galaxy + AGN; Brutus CCD camera has 7.5\" pixels) of NGC 2617, equivalent to detecting a new point source source of V ~ 16.7 mag superimposed on the image of the galaxy. The ASAS-SN lightcurve of the two fields covering NGC 2617 can be found here. \nFollow-up imaging obtained by J. Nugent on Apr. 24.14 with the OSMOS + R4K CCD on the 2.4-m telescope at MDM Observatory showed that the central region of NGC 2617 continued to brighten to g = 15.15 +/- 0.05 (calibrated using archival SDSS data of the region), an increase of 1.3 +\\\\- 0.1 mag (brightening by a factor of 3.3) compared to the archival SDSS g-band image. This corresponds to an absolute g-band magnitude of M_g=-19, after correcting for a small amount of foreground reddening (NED). A comparison between our ASAS-SN image (top-left), the SDSS image (top-right), our follow-up MDM image (bottom-left) and a difference image showing the brightening of the central region between the SDSS image and MDM image (bottom-right) can be found here. The increase in flux is associated with the center of the galaxy to within ~0.03\", corresponding to a projected physical distance of less than ~9 pc at NGC 2617 (NED). \nIn order to investigate the nature of this significant brightening, we requested DD time with the Apache Point Observatory 3.5m-telescope. We obtained an optical spectrum (range 350-960 nm) using DIS on UT Apr 25.1. A comparison between the current APO spectrum and a 6dF galaxy survey spectrum taking in 2003 can be found here. NGC 2617 underwent a dramatic spectral evolution and appears to have changed from a Type 2 Seyfert to a Type 1 Seyfert in the intervening decade, possibly associated with the current strong outburst. Continued follow-up is both planned and encouraged. \nWe thank the APO director, S. Hawley, for granting us Director's Discretionary Time for this observation, and the observatory crew.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Magnetar, Active galactic nucleus", "Accreting object, Active galactic nucleus", "Galaxy, Pulsar", "Galaxy, Active galactic nucleus" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_5125", "message": "Title: e-EVN detection of AGN activity in NGC 2617\nAuthors: J. Yang (JIVE, Netherlands), Z. Paragi (JIVE, Netherlands), S. Komossa (MPIfR, Germany), I. van Bemmel (ASTRON, Netherlands), and R. Oonk (ASTRON, Netherlands)\nDate: 12 Jun 2013; 13:45 UT\nProvenance: Jun Yang (yang@jive.nl)\nSubjects: Radio, AGN\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 5347\nNGC 2617 is a Seyfert 1.8 spiral galaxy at z=0.0142 (~60 Mpc, 1 mas = 0.3 pc) that is currently in outburst. The central region of NGC 2617 has brightened by 1.3 magnitudes in April 2013, while there was a dramatic change (Seyfert type 1 now) in the optical spectrum as well, compared to archival 6dF observations taken 10 years earlier (Shappee et al. 2013, ATel #5010). There was increasing X-ray activity reported by Swift/BAT (Shappee et al. 2013, ATel #5059) and INTEGRAL (Tsygankov et al. 2013, ATel #5103). \nWe carried out European VLBI Network real-time e-VLBI observations at 1.6 GHz on 2013 June 7. Compact radio emission was detected with a flux density of 1.5±0.3 mJy, positionally coincident with the nucleus of NGC 2617. These high resolution data constrain the source size to be less than 4 milliarcseconds, corresponding to a projected linear size less than 1.2 pc. The implied lower limit on the brightness temperature is 8.3E+7 Kelvin, indicating a non-thermal origin for the radio emission. The high brightness temperature and radio luminosity (4.8E+37 erg/s) strongly indicate radio activity in the nucleus of NGC 2617. It is currently not known if the radio jet existed before the outburst, or if it was recently activated. Further observations are planned. \nWe thank the EVN PC for approving the 7-hour e-EVN ToO observations during the EVN session. The participating telescopes were Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (Netherlands), Effelsberg (Germany), Torun (Poland), Onsala (Sweden), Jodrell Bank Lovell Telescope (UK), Medicina (Italy), Noto (Italy), and Hartebeesthoek (South Africa). e-VLBI research infrastructure in Europe is supported by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement RI-261525 NEXPReS. The EVN is a joint facility of European, Chinese, South African and other radio astronomy institutes funded by their national research councils.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Near-Earth object", "Galaxy", "Stellar evolution", "Variable star" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_5175", "message": "Title: Classification of PSN J00513484+2943149 with FLOYDS at Faulkes Telescope North\nAuthors: D. Sand (Texas Tech), S. Valenti, M. L. Graham, D. A. Howell (LCOGT/UCSB), J. T. Parrent (LCOGT/Dartmouth College)\nDate: 28 Jun 2013; 18:25 UT\nProvenance: David Sand (dave.j.sand@gmail.com)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We report a spectroscopic classification of PSN J00513484+2943149 located at RA=00:51:34.84 DEC=+29:43:14.9 (J2000). A spectrum (range 500-1000 nm) obtained robotically on June 28.55 UT with the FLOYDS spectrograph at \"Faulkes Telescope North\" at Haleakala shows it to be a SN Ia roughly 40 to 50 days after maximum light, and is consistent with the host galaxy (UGC 525) redshift of z=0.0164. Classification was performed via supernova spectrum cross correlation using SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024).", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Variable star", "Magnetar", "Nova" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_5300", "message": "Title: Liverpool Telescope spectral monitoring of Nova Delphini 2013 reveals dramatic changes in the Hydrogen Balmer lines\nAuthors: M. J. Darnley (LJMU), M. F. Bode (LJMU)\nDate: 20 Aug 2013; 09:01 UT\nProvenance: Matt Darnley (M.J.Darnley@ljmu.ac.uk)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 5304, 5312\nSince confirming the classical nova nature of Nova Del 2013 (ATel #5279) the Liverpool Telescope (LT) has been monitoring the outburst with approximately hourly cadence (weather/moon permitting). The FRODOSpec instrument on the LT has been deployed in its lower resolution mode (R~2400) with wavelength coverage from 3800-10000 Angstroms. Pronounced P Cygni profiles were present in the Hydrogren Balmer lines in the spectra of Nova Del 2013 from the first LT observations (9:22pm UTC 14th August 2013) and have been reported by a number of other observers (e.g. ATel #5282, #5288, #5291, #5295, #5297). The Balmer series P Cygni profiles were still present in LT spectra taken at 2:53am (UTC) 19th August 2013. However, an LT spectrum of Nova Del 2013 taken at 22:36pm (UTC) 19th August 2013 revealed that the Hydrogren Balmer series P Cygni profiles have all but disappeared. That is, the depth of the absorption component has reduced to the approximate level of the continuum. Subsequent LT spectra have confirmed this change. P Cygni profiles are however still clearly present in Fe II, He I and O I lines. Follow-up observations at all frequencies are strongly encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Exoplanet, Nova", "Variable star, Nova", "Pulsar, Nova", "Minor body, Nova" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_5370", "message": "Title: Spectrophotometric evolution of Nova Delphini 2013\nAuthors: T. N. Tarasova, D. N. Shakhovskoi (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory)\nDate: 6 Sep 2013; 11:43 UT\nProvenance: Taya Tarasova (taya_tarasova@mail.ru)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 5378\nWe continue spectrophotometric observations with the 2.6 m telescope of CrAO (the first results were reported in our previous telegram ATel5291). We carried out observations on August 19 and on September 1 with low resolution spectrograph (R=1000) in the wavelength interval 3300-7575A and on August 20 with high resolution echelle spectrograph (R=33000) in the wavelength interval 4300-7200A. Analyzing low resolution spectra we found drastic changes in the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the nova. The first spectrum (ATel5291) was obtained in the pre-maximal stage and the SED was similar to late A or early F spectrum. On Aug 19 the SED was rather flat, with the Balmer jump virtually absent and on September 1 the SED was still flat, but with pronounced emission bluewards of the Balmer jump. We confirm that the depth of the absorption component of the P Cygni profiles of HI lines reached roughly to the continuum level in the Aug 19 spectrum, as reported in ATel 5297, 5300. In the Aug 19 spectrum lines CaII (3934, 3968) and NaI (5890, 5896) were strong, as mentioned by Munari et al.(ATel 5297). In the Sep 1 spectrum [OI] 6300, 6363 lines appeared. At the same spectrum there is a noticeable broad emission feature about 7111 A that we tentatively identify as CII (20) 7112.36, 7115.12 lines and a weaker feature about 6725A, which we identify as CII (21) 6726.84, 6733.56, 6738.36 lines. In Sep 1 spectrum the profiles of emission Balmer lines were saddle-shaped with the different intensities of the components, the blue emission component was stronger. The radial velocities of the blue and the red components were -40, 560 km/s for Halpha, -110, 460 km/s for Hbeta and -100, 410 km/s for Hgamma. In the high resolution spectrum obtained on Aug 20 the equivalent width of the NaI 5890 absorption line was 0.386 ±0.003 A, coinciding within measurement errors with the value reported by Munari et al. .(ATel 5297).", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Stellar evolution", "Galaxy", "Nova", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_5430", "message": "Title: NRAO VLA service monitoring observations of Sgr A*\nAuthors: Claire J. Chandler(NRAO) and Lorant O. Sjouwerman(NRAO)\nDate: 28 Sep 2013; 04:45 UT\nProvenance: Lorant Sjouwerman (lsjouwer@nrao.edu)\nSubjects: Radio, AGN, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: As part of an ongoing community service observing program to follow the expected encounter of the G2 cloud with the black hole Sgr A* in 2013 (https://science.nrao.edu/enews/5.10/index.shtml#g2_encounter), the NRAO Very Large Array observed the Sgr A region starting 2013 September 18 00:52 UT for two hours, cycling through the standard observing bands at their default 8-bit (i.e., up to 2 GHz bandwidth) continuum frequencies. The data from the monitoring program are publicly available through the NRAO data archive immediately after observing has completed, and the flux densities are published by NRAO staff as soon as the data are reduced. The September 18 data were reduced with a modified VLA CASA pipeline, and the flux density of Sgr A* was measured as listed below. Due to the compact configuration of the VLA (i.e., CnB-configuration), and Sgr A* being embedded in the extended emission of the circumnuclear disk and the supernova shell, the lower frequency measurements are upper limits. The cumulative results of the monitoring effort are posted on the service observing web page https://science.nrao.edu/science/service-observing and so far do not indicate a significant brightening of the emission from the direction of Sgr A* over the period 2012 October to 2013 September, within the calibration uncertainties. Measurements of 2013 September 18: 1.5 GHz (4.0 Jy upper limit) 3.0 GHz (1.99 Jy upper limit) 5.5 GHz (1.39 Jy upper limit) 10.0 GHz 1.039 +/-10% Jy 14.0 GHz 1.234 +/-10% Jy 21.2 GHz 1.303 +/-10% Jy 32.0 GHz 1.252 +/-20% Jy 41.0 GHz 1.244 +/-20% Jy", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Globular cluster", "Near-Earth object", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_5525", "message": "Title: Optical Spectroscopy of Gamma-ray Nova Sco 2012 in the nebular stage\nAuthors: A. W. Shaw (U. Southampton), P. A. Charles (U. Southampton), C. Knigge (U. Southampton), A. B. Hill (SLAC), P. Woudt (U. Cape Town) and B. Warner (U. Cape Town)\nDate: 29 Oct 2013; 13:17 UT\nProvenance: Christian Knigge (christian@astro.soton.ac.uk)\nSubjects: Optical, Binary, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 5541\nWe report on recent optical spectroscopy of Nova Sco 2012, which was discovered in June 2012 as a bright transient in the galactic bulge by the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA) Collaboration (ATel #4157) and subsequently detected in gamma-rays by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (ATel #4284). Follow-up spectra revealed a standard Fe II nova (ATel #4287).\nOur new spectroscopic observations were carried out on 2013 September 6 (20:10 - 20:40 UTC), using the Southern African Large Telescope and the Robert Stobie Spectrograph (RSS). We obtained 3x600s exposures from 4060-7120Å at 0.49Å/pixel with a central resolution of 5.7Å.\nOur combined spectrum exhibits Fe II, O I and N I emission lines typical of an Fe II nova, as well as strong forbidden lines consistent with Nova Sco 2012 being in the nebular stage. The strongest lines are the [O III] 4959/5007Å lines followed by Hα. Other strong lines include [Fe VII] at 5721 and 6086Å. Hβ is also present, though only at ~3.5% the strength of Hα. Also detected are the N III 4640Å fluorescence feature and He II 4686Å, which we believe are indicative of the hot white dwarf.\nOptical follow-up when the nova is again accessible is encouraged in order to confirm the putative binary period of ~1.6hr reported in ATel #4157.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Pulsar, Binary system", "Nova, Variable star", "Galaxy, Binary system", "Nova, Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_5625", "message": "Title: Fermi LAT detection of a short High-Energy Galactic transient\nAuthors: G. Vianello (Stanford University), N. Omodei (Stanford University), E. Bottacini (Stanford University), S. Cutini (ASI/ASDC) on behalf of the Fermi LAT Collaboration, and V. Connaughton (UAH) on behalf of the Fermi GBM Collaboration:\nDate: 4 Dec 2013; 07:58 UT\nProvenance: Giacomo Vianello (giacomov@slac.stanford.edu)\nSubjects: Gamma Ray, >GeV, Transient\nDescription: The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board Fermi detected on December 1, 2013 an outburst from a position close to the Galactic plane. The outburst started around 11:22 UTC and lasted for about 5 minutes. The location of the transient is: \n \n(R.A., Dec) = (261.32 deg, -37.44 deg) (J2000), \n \ncorresponding to Galactic coordinates: \n \n(L, B) = (350.55 deg, -1.02 deg), \n \nwith a statistical uncertainty of 0.40 deg (95 % c.l.). \n \nThere is no known LAT source compatible with that position. We designate the source as Fermi J1725-3726. \n \nThe detected signal extends up to 1 GeV, and it has a significance of more than 5 sigma in the time interval 11:22 - 11:27 UTC. The spectrum of Fermi J1725-3726 is well described by a power law. The best fit parameters are a photon index of 2.2 +/- 0.4 and a mean energy flux of 9 +/- 5 x 10^-9 erg cm^-2 s^-1 in the energy band 100 MeV - 100 GeV, which corresponds to a photon flux of 1.3 +/- 0.5 x 10^-5 ph cm^-2 s^-1 in the same energy band. \n \nThe only noteworthy source within the LAT error circle is the X-ray burster XTE J1723-376 (Galloway et al. 2008, ApJS 179, 360, and references therein), which is offset by 0.39 deg from the LAT centroid. \n \nFermi J1725-3726 is not detected in any 5-minute interval from the beginning of November up to December 2, excluding the time interval of the outburst. The upper limits we obtain in those time intervals are below the flux of the transient, indicating that the source was below the detection threshold before the outburst, and returned below it around 11:27 UTC on December 1. \n \nAn unrelated solar flare triggered the scintillators of the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) on-board Fermi at 11:19:41.6 UTC. Solar activity visible in the GBM detectors during the LAT transient outburst masks any potential signal from the LAT transient source. The solar flare is also weakly detected by the LAT at the position of the Sun, ~20 deg away from Fermi J1725-3726. \n \nFermi will operate in an all-sky scanning mode up to December 5. After that, a pre-planned switch to a modified survey mode will further increase the exposure of the regions around the Galactic center, incidentally also enhancing the sensitivity at the position of Fermi J1725-3726. In consideration of the activity of this source we strongly encourage multi-wavelength observations. \n \nThe Fermi LAT contact person for this source is Giacomo Vianello (giacomov@stanford.edu). \n \nAll results reported above are preliminary. \n \nThe Fermi LAT is a pair conversion telescope designed to cover the energy band from 20 MeV to greater than 300 GeV. It is the product of an international collaboration between NASA and DOE in the U.S. and many scientific institutions across France, Italy, Japan and Sweden.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Galaxy", "Stellar evolution", "Pulsar", "Star and stellar system" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_5730", "message": "Title: A NIR Flare of the Quasar PKS0446+112\nAuthors: L. Carrasco, A. Porras, G. Escobedo, E. Recillas, V. Chabushyan, A. Carraminana, D. Mayya (INAOE, Mexico)\nDate: 7 Jan 2014; 17:32 UT\nProvenance: LUIS CARRASCO (carrasco@inaoep.mx)\nSubjects: Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, Quasar\nDescription: We report on the NIR flare of the high redshift quasar PKS0446+112 (z=1.207), also known as CGRaBSJ0449+1121, associated with the gamma-ray source 1FGL0448.6+1118. The source has shown Gamma-ray flares in the past. Our NIR photometry for this source shows that on Jan 4th,2014 (JD2456661.773275), the object brightness corresponded to J = 15.43+/- 0.04, H = 14.210 +/- 0.04 and Ks = 13.455 +/- 0.06. These values are about 1 magnitud brighter than our previous photometry, obtained on JD2456609, for this field. Hence it has doubled its flux in the last 50 days. The object is brightest since we started monitoring it on JD 2455275. Our observations are carried out with the 2.1m telescope of the Guillermo Haro Observatory operated by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico), equipped with the instrument CANICA a NIR camera. We strongly encourage further multiwavelength coverage.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Quasar", "Nova", "Black hole", "Circumstellar disk" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_5800", "message": "Title: Radio/Millimeter Non-Detection of Type Ia SN 2014J in M82\nAuthors: Laura Chomiuk (Michigan State), B. Ashley Zauderer, Raffaella Margutti, & Alicia Soderberg (Harvard)\nDate: 23 Jan 2014; 22:22 UT\nProvenance: Laura Chomiuk (chomiuk@pa.msu.edu)\nSubjects: Radio, Millimeter, Supernovae\nDescription: Millimeter/centimeter wavelength observations were obtained last night, UT 2014 Jan 23.3, of the young Type Ia SN 2014J in M82. Both CARMA and VLA yield deep non-detections. A 3 sigma upper limit of 1.2 mJy was measured at 85 GHz with CARMA, as part of the Key Project \"A Millimeter View of the Transient Universe\". Service observations with the VLA yielded a non-detection of -11.6 +/- 8.0 microJy at 5.5 GHz. These observations imply very low density surroundings around SN 2014J at radius ~10^15 cm.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Magnetar", "Pulsar", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_5910", "message": "Title: Phase shift during an X-ray burst in GRO J1744-28\nAuthors: A. Sanna, F. Pintore, A. Riggio, L. Burderi (University of Cagliari), T. Di Salvo, A. D'Ai, R. Iaria, N. R. Robba (University of Palermo)\nDate: 20 Feb 2014; 19:11 UT\nProvenance: Alessandro Riggio (riggio@dsf.unica.it)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary, Transient, Pulsar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 5963\nWe report the detection of coherent pulsations during an X-ray burst of the accreting Neutron Star GRO J1744-28, observed during its ongoing outburst (ATel #5790, #5810, #5845, #5858, #5883). We analyzed all the available Swift observations between February the 2nd and February the 18th 2014. In accordance with previous findings (Atel #5883), we detected 8 X-ray bursts within 5 Swift/XRT observations. The X-ray bursts duration is, on average, 25 seconds, with a mean counts of ~2000 counts. Time of arrival (ToA) of the photons detected during the X-ray bursts were referred to the Solar system barycenter, using the source coordinates reported by Wijnands & Wang 2002, ApJ, 568, L93. ToAs were subsequently corrected for orbital delays using the orbital parameters of the source provided by Atel #5901. We then epoch-folded the ToAs adopting spin frequency and time derivative of the spin frequency reported in Atel #5091. We found evidence of pulsations during one of the X-ray bursts (EPOCH 56701.45129 MJD). We also epoch-folded the ToAs right before this X-ray burst (~140 seconds of data). Both pulse profiles are shown in figure 1. Interestingly, the two pulsations are shifted in phase by 0.19(5) (1 sigma error). We note that, in all the other X-ray bursts the statistic was too low to allow a secure detection of the pulsations.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object", "Repeater", "Quasar", "Stellar evolution" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_6030", "message": "Title: OJ287 blazar in a flaring state\nAuthors: S. Zola, T. Kundera, B. Debski, A. Kuzmicz (Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University, Poland), M. Winiarski, W. Ogloza, M. Drozdz, G. Stachowski (Mt. Suhora Observatory, Pedagogical University, Poland), J. Dalessio (University of Delaware, USA)\nDate: 31 Mar 2014; 16:06 UT\nProvenance: Staszek Zola (szola@oa.uj.edu.pl)\nSubjects: Optical, Blazar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 6054\nOJ287 has been monitored in the optical wavelength with small telescopes at the Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University (KRK) and the Mt. Suhora Observatory of the Pedagogical University (SUH) in Poland. Additional data were taken by the PROPMT telescope in Chile. We used the comparison (#4) and check (#10) stars of known magnitude proposed by Fiorucci & Tosti (A&AS 116, 403, 1996). We report very rapid changes of OJ287 brightness starting in mid March. The instrumental magnitudes in the wide band R filter are given ( JDhel, R Magnitude, site, comment): 2456730.27541 15.100+-0.015 SUH, 2456731.25835 15.071+-0.021 KRK, 2456737.30408 14.582+-0.003 SUH, 2456738.36951 14.457+-0.017 KRK, 2456739.27900 14.650+-0.011 KRK, 2456742.32245 13.882+-0.011 SUH, 2456743.26370 14.324+-0.007 SUH, 2456744.25108 14.263+-0.020 SUH rapid brightening, 2456744.36149 13.980+-0.018 SUH, 2456745.41507 14.600+-0.003 SUH, 2456746.29703 14.729+-0.014 KRK, 2456746.32228 14.739+-0.007 SUH, 2456747.39331 14.153 KRK rapid brightening, The current brightness changes are rapid and of high amplitude. Two series of measurements of OJ287, taken on March 27th with an interval of 2.5 hours, show a 0.28 mag increase in brightness. Observed continuously over 5.9 hours on March 30th the target brightened by about 0.35 mag. This behavior seems to be consistent with flaring activity originating in the blazar jet.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Near-Earth object", "Magnetar", "Binary system", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_6125", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of a La Silla-QUEST Supernova by the Carnegie Supernova Project\nAuthors: E. S. Walker (Yale), E. Hadjiyska (Yale), D. Rabinowitz (Yale), C. Baltay (Yale), N. Ellman (Yale), R. McKinnon (Yale), U. Feindt (U. Bonn), P. Nugent (LBNL/UCB), Mark Phillips (LCO), Nidia Morrell (LCO), Eric Hsiao (LCO), Carlos Contreras (LCO)\nDate: 6 May 2014; 22:55 UT\nProvenance: Emma Walker (emma.walker@yale.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: We report the spectroscopic classification of a La Silla-QUEST (LSQ) supernova (see Baltay et al. 2013, PASP, 125, 683) taken using WFCCD on the 2.5-m du Pont Telescope as part of the Carnegie Supernova Project. \nLSQ14bbv was discovered on 19 April 2014 with a V-band magnitude of 18.4 at RA=09:59:33.12 Dec=-56:59:27.84. A spectrum obtained on 5 May 2014 shows the object to be a Type Ia supernova. Cross-correlation with the \"Supernova Identification\" code (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) reveals the best matches to be the normal Type Ia supernova SN1989B at 8.6days past maximum. SNID also suggests a redshift of 0.057 which corresponds to a photospheric velocity of ~10200 km/s as measured from the minimum of the SiII 6355 Angstrom feature.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system", "Supernova", "Globular cluster", "Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_6225", "message": "Title: Onset and Rapid Increase of Gamma-Ray activity from the Binary System PSR B1259-63 detected by Fermi LAT\nAuthors: K. S. Wood (NRL), G. A. Caliandro (CIFS/SLAC), C. C. Cheung (NRL), J. Li (IEEC-CSIC), D. F. Torres (IEEC-CSIC), for the Fermi LAT Collaboration\nDate: 10 Jun 2014; 23:52 UT\nProvenance: Teddy Cheung (ccheung@milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov)\nSubjects: Gamma Ray, >GeV, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 6231, 6248\nThe Large Area Telescope (LAT), one of the two instruments on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, is measuring rapid brightening of the binary system PSR B1259-63/SS 2883 in the GeV energy range. The rise is consistent with repetition of the GeV light curve observed at the 2010-2011 periastron. Up to at least 2014-06-05 there were rare marginal detections and no detection at all over 2014-05-25 to 2014-06-05, corresponding to a broad minimum at the same phase of the previous cycle (see Tam et al. 2011, ApJ 736, L10; Abdo et al. 2011, ApJ 736, L11; Chernyakova et al. 2014, MNRAS 439, 432). \nA difference from analysis published in Atels #6216, #6204, and #6198 is that we model the region around PSR B1259-63 using an internal source list based on 4 years of LAT data. A likelihood binned analysis was performed for a time window of 4 days, shifted in time with steps of 3 hours. The profile of test statistic (TS) values obtained shows a sharp rise, from which we determine onset of GeV activity to be on 2014-06-06 03:00:00 UTC +/- 1.5 h, i.e., 33 days after periastron (2014-05-04). On 2014-06-09 we measure high significance detections at timescales of 1 day and 12 hours. Preliminary analysis of the Fermi LAT data in the one-day time period of 2014-06-09 00:10:04 to 2014-06-10 00:10:04 UTC gives a detection with significance above 5 sigma (or TS ~61, depending slightly on model details), corresponding to flux (E > 100 MeV) of (1.8 +/- 0.3) x 10^-6 ph cm^-2 s^-1, and a photon index of 3.1 +/- 0.2. In a shorter interval of 12 hours starting 2014-06-09 12:10:04 we measure TS = 33, flux (E > 100 MeV) of (2.1 +/- 0.6) x 10^-6 ph cm^-2 s^-1, and a photon index of 3.3 +/- 0.3. If the light curve of this cycle continues to track that of 2010-2011, then the highest intensity of the GeV flaring is expected on June 12. \nFermi will continue to operate in a pointed mode to enhance exposure. We strongly encourage observations in other wavelengths. Spectroscopic observations to track evolution of H-alpha equivalent width over coming days to weeks would be particularly valuable because there was a gap in coverage near this phase in the previous cycle. X-ray observations during the next few days (the anticipated GeV maximum) should also be high priority. Observers planning coordinated observations are encouraged to list them at the following site: http://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc/observations/multi/reporting/ because this will assist the Fermi project in planning. \nThe Fermi LAT contact persons for this source are Kent S. Wood (kent.wood@nrl.navy.mil) and G. Andrea Caliandro (caliandr@slac.stanford.edu). \nThe Fermi LAT is a pair conversion telescope designed to cover the energy band from 20 MeV to greater than 300 GeV. It is the product of an international collaboration between NASA and DOE in the U.S. and many scientific institutions across France, Italy, Japan, and Sweden.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Pulsar", "Exoplanet", "Star and stellar system", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_6330", "message": "Title: Follow-up imaging of ASASSN-14eb (unconfirmed)\nAuthors: K. Z. Stanek, C. S. Kochanek, A. B. Davis, T. W.-S. Holoien, B. J. Shappee, J. Jencson, U. Basu, J. F. Beacom (Ohio State), J. L. Prieto (Universidad Diego Portales), J. Brimacombe (Coral Towers Observatory), D. Bersier (LJMU), D. Szczygiel, G. Pojmanski (Warsaw University Observatory)\nDate: 20 Jul 2014; 16:44 UT\nProvenance: Krzysztof Stanek (stanek.32@osu.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We obtained follow-up images of ASASSN-14eb (ATel #6329) on UT 2014-07-20 with the LCOGT 1m telescope at CTIO and also the RCOS 16\" telescope near Siding Spring Observatory. The source is undetected (V >~ 20 mag) and was most likely a false positive, or a fast-fading transient.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Interstellar medium, Stellar evolution", "Supernova, Globular cluster", "Supernova, Stellar evolution", "Supernova, Magnetar" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_6390", "message": "Title: Bright PSN detected by MASTER\nAuthors: V. Shumkov, P. Balanutsa, D. Denisenko, V. Lipunov, E. Gorbovskoy, N. Tiurina, V. Kornilov, N. Shatskiy, V. Chazov, A. Kuznetsov, V. Vladimirov, V. Yecheistov (Moscow State University, SAI), K. Ivanov, S. Yazev, N. Budnev, E. Konstantinov, O. Chuvalaev, V. Poleshchuk, O. Gress (Irkutsk State University), A. Parkhomenko, A. Tlatov, D. Dormidontov, V. Senik (Kislovodsk Solar Station of Pulkovo Observatory), V. Yurkov, Y. Sergienko, D. Varda, E. Sinyakov, A. Gabovich (Blagoveshchensk Educational University), V. Krushinsky, I. Zalozhnih, A. Popov, A. Bourdanov (Ural Federal University), P. Podvorotny, S. Shurpakov (MASTER team members), H. Levato, C. Saffe (ICATE), C. Mallamaci, C. Lopez, F. Podest (OAFA)\nDate: 15 Aug 2014; 15:04 UT\nProvenance: Nataly Tyurina (tiurina@sai.msu.ru)\nSubjects: Supernovae\nDescription: MASTER OT J162412.26+091303.0 - possible Supernova in PGC058025 galaxy\nMASTER-Kislovodsk auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 16h 24m 12.26s +09d 13m 03.0s on 2014-08-13.73925 UT. The OT unfiltered magnitude is 16.6m (limit 19.5m). \nThe OT is seen in 4 images. There is no minor planet at this place. We have reference image without OT on 2012-08-14.76881 UT with unfiltered magnitude limit 19.2m. \nThere is PGC058025 galaxy. The OT offset are 2.7W and 11.5N. \nSpectral observations are required. \nThe discovery and reference images are available at: http://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/162412.26091303.0.png \nList of Optical Transients discovered by MASTER\nGlobal MASTER Net", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Exoplanet", "Magnetar", "Near-Earth object", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_6570", "message": "Title: PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients\nAuthors: F. Olivares (MAS, UNAB), P. Zelaya (MAS, PUC), H. Kuncarayakti, S. Gonzalez-Gaitan, L. Galbany (MAS, DAS), K. Maguire (ESO), M. Fraser (CAM), C. Inserra (QUB), S. J. Smartt (QUB), K. W. Smith (QUB), M. Sullivan (Southampton), S. Valenti (LCOGT), O. Yaron (Weizmann), D. Young (QUB), I. Manulis (Weizmann), L. Wyrzykowski (Warsaw Observatory)\nDate: 13 Oct 2014; 15:52 UT\nProvenance: Lluis Galbany (lluisgalbany@gmail.com)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 6573\nPESSTO, the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (see Valenti et al., ATel #4037; http://www.pessto.org ), reports the following supernova classification. Target was supplied by the OGLE-IV Real-time Transient Search (Wyrzykowski et al., 2014 arxiv:1409.1095; http://ogle.astrouw.edu.pl/ ). All observations were performed on the ESO New Technology Telescope at La Silla on 2014 October 12, using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315A, 18A resolution). Classifications were done with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). Classification spectra can be obtained from http://www.pessto.org (via WISeREP). \n \n \n Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Disc. Date | Disc. Source | Disc Mag | z | Type | Phase | Notes \n \n OGLE-2014-SN-096 | 01 35 25 | -73 38 49 | 20140801 | OGLE | 19.6 | 0.04 | II | >~+16d | Match to 99em (1) \n \n(1) Low S/N.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Magnetar", "Repeater", "Near-Earth object" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_6630", "message": "Title: MAXI/GSC observation of an unexpected X-ray outburst from the Be/X-ray binary pulsar GRO J1008-57\nAuthors: M. Nakajima (Nihon U.), T. Mihara (RIKEN), S. Ueno, H. Tomida, S. Nakahira, M. Kimura, M. Ishikawa, Y. E. Nakagawa (JAXA), M. Sugizaki, M. Morii, M. Serino, J. Sugimoto, T. Takagi, A. Yoshikawa, M. Matsuoka (RIKEN), N. Kawai, T. Yoshii, Y. Tachibana (Tokyo Tech), A. Yoshida, T. Sakamoto, Y. Kawakubo, H. Ohtsuki (AGU), H. Tsunemi, D. Uchida (Osaka U.), H. Negoro, K. Fukushima, T. Onodera, K. Suzuki, T. Namba, M. Fujita, F. Honda (Nihon U.), Y. Ueda, M. Shidatsu, T. Kawamuro, T. Hori (Kyoto U.), Y. Tsuboi, A. Kawagoe (Chuo U.), M. Yamauchi, Y. Morooka (Miyazaki U.), K. Yamaoka (Nagoya U.) report on behalf of the MAXI team:\nDate: 28 Oct 2014; 09:57 UT\nProvenance: Motoki Nakajima (nakajima.motoki@nihon-u.ac.jp)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient, Pulsar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 6656, 6664, 6819, 6823, 6917, 8547, 10529\nThe MAXI/GSC nova alert system again detected an unexpected X-ray flux increase from the Be/X-ray binary pulsar GRO J1008-57 on 2014 October 22 (MJD 56952). After the previous normal outburst reported on 2014 September 13 (MJD 56913 ; Atel#6465), the 4-10 keV source flux stayed at ~10 mCrab brightness. On October 16 (MJD 56946), the flux turned into an increase again. The daily-averaged flux in the 4-10 keV band reached 32 +- 6 mCrab on October 22 (MJD 56952), and the latest data is 75 +- 15 mCrab (MJD 56957). According to the orbital ephemeris (T_0=54416.65(MJD), Porb=249.48 d ; Kühnel et al. 2013), the trigger date is consistent with the 0.16 orbital phase. The present activity resembles the beginning of the giant outburst observed in 2012 (Atel#4561). We encouraged multi wavelength observations. The latest light curve and the image are available at the following URL:http://maxi.riken.jp/top/index.php?cid=1&jname=J1009-582", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Neutron star", "Circumstellar disk", "Star and stellar system", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_6780", "message": "Title: A New NIR Flare of the QSO TXS 2241+406\nAuthors: L. Carrasco, E. Recillas, A. Porras, D. Y. Mayya, J. Leon-Tavares, V. Chavushyan, A. Carraminana, (INAOE, Mexico)\nDate: 4 Dec 2014; 13:54 UT\nProvenance: LUIS CARRASCO (carrasco@inaoep.mx)\nSubjects: Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, Quasar, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 6829, 8030\nWe report on a new NIR flare of the QSO TXS 2241+406 also known as BZB J2244+4057 (z=1.171), associated with the Gamma ray source 2FGLJ2244.1+4059. On December 1st,2014 (JD, 2456992,640470) we obtained NIR photometry for this object and found it with enhanced fluxes corresponding to: J = 14.496 +/- 0.06, H = 13.589 +/- 0.07 and Ks = 12.662 +/- 0.07. The object is brightest since the epoch in which it was included in our regular monitoring program of NIR photometry. The object might have been at detection limit at the the time of the 2Mass survey, with a flux corresponding to H ~ 17.8. Hence, since then, it has increased its flux by about a factor of ~50. The present flare shows an increment in flux of a factor of 4.7 since we first detected this object on JD 2456650 (Atel #5690) and it is brighter than the flare previously reported in Atel # 6402. Our observations were carried out with the 2.1m telescope of the Guillermo Haro Observatory operated by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico), equipped with the instrument CANICA a NIR camera. We strongly encourage further multiwavelength coverage.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus", "Variable star", "Circumstellar disk", "Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_6850", "message": "Title: MAXI/GSC detection of the brightest X-ray outburst from 4U 1700+24\nAuthors: K. Fukushima, K. Suzuki, T. Namba, H. Negoro (Nihon U.), N. Kawai (Tokyo Tech), M. Serino, J. Sugimoto (RIKEN), S. Ueno, H. Tomida, S. Nakahira, M. Kimura, M. Ishikawa, Y. E. Nakagawa (JAXA), T. Mihara, M. Sugizaki, M. Morii, T. Takagi, A. Yoshikawa, M. Matsuoka (RIKEN), Y. Tachibana, T. Yoshii (Tokyo Tech), A. Yoshida, T. Sakamoto, Y. Kawakubo, H. Ohtsuki (AGU), H. Tsunemi, D. Uchida (Osaka U.), M. Nakajima, T. Onodera, M. Fujita, F. Honda (Nihon U.), Y. Ueda, M. Shidatsu, T. Kawamuro, T. Hori (Kyoto U.), Y. Tsuboi, A. Kawagoe (Chuo U.), M. Yamauchi, Y. Morooka, D. Itoh (Miyazaki U.), K. Yamaoka (Nagoya U.)\nDate: 26 Dec 2014; 10:25 UT\nProvenance: Hitoshi Negoro (negoro@phys.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star\nDescription: The MAXI/GSC nova alert system triggered an X-ray brightening of the symbiotic X-ray binary 4U 1700+24. The source 4-10 keV flux has gradually increased since around MJD 56950 (2014 October 20), and reached approximately 120 mCrab on MJD 57017 (2014 December 26). \n \nThe source is one of the nearest X-ray binaries (~ 420 pc, Masetti et al. 2002). It has a long history of low X-ray activities with the maximum X-ray flux about 30 mCrab for 18 years (MJD 50,087 - 52,383, e.g. Corbet et al., 2008) \n \nNote that the source also shows 404 days periodicity (Masetti et al. 2002, Galloway et al. 2002, Corbet et al. 2008) and the previous flux peak (~30 mCrab) was observed around MJD 56200 with MAXI. \n \nThe public light curves and products can be seen at \nhttp://maxi.riken.jp/top/index.php?cid=1&jname=J1706+239 .\nMAXI Home Page", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Galaxy", "Neutron star", "Repeater", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_6975", "message": "Title: Strong Optical Flare from Blazar PKS 0736+01 Detected by ASAS-SN\nAuthors: K. Z. Stanek, T. W.-S. Holoien, C. S. Kochanek, A. B. Danilet, G. Simonian, U. Basu, N. Goss, J. F. Beacom (Ohio State), B. J. Shappee (Hubble Fellow, Carnegie Observatories), J. L. Prieto (Diego Portales; MAS), D. Bersier (LJMU), Subo Dong (KIAA-PKU), P. R. Wozniak (LANL), J. Brimacombe (Coral Towers Observatory), D. Szczygiel, G. Pojmanski (Warsaw University Observatory)\nDate: 21 Jan 2015; 19:08 UT\nProvenance: Krzysztof Stanek (stanek.32@osu.edu)\nSubjects: Optical\nDescription: Flaring blazar PKS 0736+01 (e.g., ATel #6731, #6742) is in a \"Galactic plane\" (b=11.4 degrees) ASAS-SN field that our survey started observing in December 2014. Two images obtained using the 14-cm ASAS-SN quadruple \"Brutus\" telescope on UT 2015-01-20.40 reveal a strong (delta V~1.4 mag) V-band flare of that object, see this figure for recent ASAS-SN V-band photometry. In particular, the last four ASAS-SN epochs had the following V-band photometry:\n \n \n UT Date V \n 2015-01-15.52 16.25 \n 2015-01-16.52 16.30 \n 2015-01-18.40 16.45 \n 2015-01-20.40 15.19 \n \nWe thank LCOGT and its staff for their continued support of ASAS-SN. ASAS-SN is supported in part by Mt. Cuba Astronomical Foundation. For more information about the ASAS-SN project, see the ASAS-SN Homepage.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Circumstellar disk", "Variable star", "Pulsar", "Active galactic nucleus" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_7075", "message": "Title: Nordic Optical Telescope identification of PSN J13471211-2422171\nAuthors: M. Stritzinger, E. Hsiao (Aarhus University) and F. Taddia (Stockholm University, OKC), on behalf of the Carnegie Supernova Project\nDate: 15 Feb 2015; 14:43 UT\nProvenance: Francesco Taddia (ftadd@astro.su.se)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We report spectroscopic classification of PSN J13471211-2422171 based on a visual-wavelength spectrum obtained with the Nordic Optical Telescope (+Alfosc). \n \n \n Name | RA | DEC | Spec. date | Type | Phase | \n \n PSN J13471211-2422171 | 13:47:12.11 | -24:22:17.10 | 2015 02 15.2 | Ia | near or at maximum |", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Stellar evolution", "Pulsar", "Supernova", "Nova" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_7140", "message": "Title: PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients\nAuthors: A. Mitra (LPNHE), S. Baumont (LPNHE), L. Le Guillou (LPNHE), P-F. Leget (LPC-Clermont), N. Chotard (IPNL), K. Maguire (ESO), J. Polshaw (QUB), C. Inserra (QUB), S. J. Smartt (QUB), K. W. Smith (QUB), M. Sullivan (Southampton), S. Valenti (LCOGT), O. Yaron (Weizmann), I. Manulis (Weizmann), D. Young (QUB), C. Baltay, N. Ellman, E. Hadjiyska, R. McKinnon, D. Rabinowitz, S. Rostami (Yale University), U. Feindt, M. Kowalski (Universitat Bonn), P. Nugent (LBL Berkeley)\nDate: 25 Feb 2015; 16:07 UT\nProvenance: Nicolas Chotard (nchotard@ipnl.in2p3.fr)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: PESSTO, the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (see Smartt et al., arXiv:1411.0299 http://www.pessto.org ), reports the following supernova classifications. Targets were supplied by the La Silla-Quest survey (see Baltay et al., PASP, 2013, 125, 683). All observations were performed on the ESO New Technology Telescope at La Silla on 2015-02-24, using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315A, 18A resolution). Classifications were done with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) and GELATO (Harutyunyan et al., 2008, A&A, 488, 383). Classification spectra can be obtained from http://www.pessto.org (via WISeREP). \n \n \n Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Disc. Date | Disc. Source | Disc Mag | z | Type | Phase | Notes \n \n LSQ15ok | 10:49:16.68 | -19:38:26.0 | 20150202 | LSQ | 17.39 | 0.01 | II | -3 | (1) \n \n(1) Good match with SN1999em at -3 days", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Quasar", "Globular cluster", "Exoplanet", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_7230", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Observation of PNV J18365700-2855420 with the Liverpool Telescope\nAuthors: S. C. Williams (LJMU), M. J. Darnley (LJMU), M. F. Bode (LJMU)\nDate: 16 Mar 2015; 09:33 UT\nProvenance: Matt Darnley (M.J.Darnley@ljmu.ac.uk)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 7265, 7309, 7986, 10557\nAn optical spectrum of PNV J18365700-2855420 (see CBAT TOCP) was obtained using the FRODOspec spectrograph on the Liverpool Telescope at 2015 March 16.27 UT. The spectrum shows strong Balmer series emission exhibiting P Cygni profiles with velocities of ~2800 km/s. Numerous Fe II emission lines (also with P Cygni profiles) are also seen, along with O I, Si II and Mg II features. This confirms that PNV J18365700-2855420 is a bright classical nova of the Fe II spectral type and follow-up observations are encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova, Stellar evolution", "Pulsar, Variable star", "Nova, Galaxy", "Nova, Variable star" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_7325", "message": "Title: CSP spectroscopic classification of LSQ15aae\nAuthors: F. Taddia (OKC/Stockholm), M. Stritzinger, E. Y. Hsiao (Aarhus), E. Hadjiyska, E. S. Walker, D. Rabinowitz, C. Baltay, N. Ellman, R. McKinnon (Yale), U. Feindt (U. Bonn), P. Nugent (LBNL/UCB)\nDate: 31 Mar 2015; 13:15 UT\nProvenance: Francesco Taddia (ftadd@astro.su.se)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: The Carnegie Supernova Project reports the spectroscopic classification of LSQ15aae using an optical spectrum obtained with the Nordic Optical Telescope (+Alfosc). The target was supplied by the La Silla-Quest survey (Hadjiyska et al., ATel #3812). \n \n \n Name | RA | DEC | Disc. date | Spec. date | Tele+Inst | Type |z | Phase | \n LSQ15aae | 16 30 15.70 | +05 55 58.73 | 2015 03 19 | 2015 03 30 | NOT+ALFOSC | Ia-91T |0.05 | Before max | \n \nNotes: Best SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) fits to the spectra of several 1991T-like SNe Ia (e.g., SN 2001eh) before maximum light.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus", "Interstellar medium", "Exoplanet", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_7440", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of PS15aez\nAuthors: A. S. Piascik, I. A. Steele (Liverpool JMU)\nDate: 24 Apr 2015; 09:08 UT\nProvenance: Iain Steele (iainsteele@mac.com)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We conducted a spectroscopic observation of transient PS15aez (Atel #7437) at 2015-04-23T23:18:42 UT. One spectrum was obtained in the visible (400-800nm) with resolution R~350 using the SPRAT spectrograph on the Liverpool Telescope located at Roque de los Muchachos. Classification using SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) indicates it is a type Ia SN near maximum with closest matching spectrum SN2007S. The redshift is estimated as z=0.056. SiII expansion velocity is estimated at 11300 km/s.\nLiverpool Telescope", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Interstellar medium", "Nova", "Supernova", "Galaxy" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_7575", "message": "Title: DAO spectroscopic classification of CSS150527:132613+394712 in SDSS J132612.52+394710.5 as a core-collapse supernova\nAuthors: D. D. Balam (Dominion Astrophysical Observatory) and M. L. Graham (LCOGT - UCSB)\nDate: 29 May 2015; 06:21 UT\nProvenance: David D. Balam (cosmos@uvic.ca)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: A noisy spectrum was obtained on UT May 28.27 of CSS:150527:132613+394712 using the 1.82-m Plaskett telescope (National Research Council of Canada) covering the range 365-720 nm (resolution 0.35 nm). Cross-correlation with a template library using SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) shows CSS:150527:132613+394712 to be a core-collapse supernova near maximum light. We find a fit to the template of (SN IIp) 2006bp at 2 days pre-maximum. There is no published red shift for the candidate host galaxy (SDSS J132612.52+394710.5). There is an emission peak that we take to be H-alpha shifted to a redshift of 0.035.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Accreting object", "Variable star", "Nova" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_7650", "message": "Title: Optical follow-up of V404 Cyg during the current enhanced activity.\nAuthors: K. Gazeas (UOA: University of Athens), G. Vasilopoulos (MPE), M. Petropoulou (Purdue University), K. Sapountzis (UOA)\nDate: 17 Jun 2015; 15:12 UT\nProvenance: Georgios Vasilopoulos (gevas@mpe.mpg.de)\nSubjects: Optical, Request for Observations, Binary, Black Hole, Transient, Variables\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 7655, 7659, 7661, 7662, 7663, 7667, 7669, 7671, 7674, 7677, 7681, 7686, 7702, 7708, 7714, 7718, 7720, 7721, 7722, 7734, 7740, 7959\nV404 Cyg is a known black hole Low mass X-ray binary with a late G-type companion, having a ~6.5 d orbital period. On June 15 18:32 UT Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) was triggered due to the high X-ray activity of the system (Barthelmy et al. GCN #17929) The X-ray activity of the system was later confirmed by MAXI/CSC (ATel #7646). X-ray spectral analysis of Swift/XRT data taken within the last 2 days yields a strongly variable absorption (ATel #7647). \nWe report on the optical follow-up of the system at its current bright state, presenting the R-band light-curve (LC) of the system for the first two nights. On June 15 18:58 UT, the 0.40 m f/8 robotic telescope at the University of Athens (Greece) performed follow-up photometric observations in optical R-band. Data collection has started on (UT) 2015-06-15.29 and finished on (UT) 2015-06-15.35 (mid-exposure time). A sum of 30 exposures of 180 sec each was collected. On the second night, data collection has started on (UT) 2015-06-16.44 and finished on (UT) 2015-06-16.59. A sum of 72 exposures of 180 sec each was collected. \nAperture photometry was performed with a 3 pixel (approximately 4 arcsec) radius aperture. Differential photometry and magnitude calibration was performed utilizing the nearby stars, namely USNO 1200-15039207 (Rmag=12.9) and USNO 1200-15046396 (Rmag=12.7), located 140 arcsec west and 96 arcsec southeast of the source, respectively. No further absolute photometric calibration has been applied on these data. \nThe LC in the first hour of the first day revealed a fading trend of ~2.7 mag/hour, which was then followed by a more shallow decay (~0.2 mag/hour). The LC during the second day revealed a periodic behaviour. We performed timing analysis to the second day data by using the Lomb-Scargle algorithm. The mean magnitude during the second night was ~14.1 with a decline trend of ~0.1 mag/hour. A ~1.68 hour periodic modulation was detected. The amplitude of the sinusoidal fit to the LC was 0.47 mag. \nWe will continue monitoring the system during the next days. Additional observations are required to confirm this periodic behaviour. \nThe extracted photometric light curve can be found: \n1st and 2nd day LC \n2nd day LC", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole, Binary system", "Active galactic nucleus, Binary system", "Black hole, Exoplanet", "Galaxy, Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_7725", "message": "Title: Fast Optical Photometry of V404 Cyg at the MDM Observatory\nAuthors: D. Terndrup (OSU), R. M. Wagner (LBTO/OSU), S. Starrfield (ASU)\nDate: 28 Jun 2015; 06:16 UT\nProvenance: R. Mark Wagner (rmw@as.arizona.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Black Hole, Transient, Variables\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 7740, 7959\nWe obtained continuous fast differential optical photometry of V404 Cyg with the 1.3 m McGraw-Hill Telescope of the MDM Observatory on Kitt Peak on the nights of 2015 June 19.220-19.474, 20.194-20.472, 21.199-21.460, and 22.188-22.421 UT. The observations were performed in the R-band with the Andor frame-transfer CCD camera at an image scale of 0.54 arcsec/pixel and with a field-of-view of 2.3 arcmin. The photometry on June 19 was obtained with a 6 to 10 sec cadence while the photometry on the remaining nights was obtained with a 1 sec cadence. The temporal coverage was 6.096 h (June 19), 6.672 h (June 20), 6.261 h (June 21), and 5.592 h (June 22). A total of 68,374 individual measurements were obtained. \nDifferential photometry was obtained with respect to the anonymous field star 2MASS J20240718+3350516 (AUID 000-BCL-467 in the AAVSO field photometry database and 620-101865 in the UCA4 catalog). This star has R = 12.384 mag based on photometry obtained by A. Henden and reported in the AAVSO database. We estimate that our differential photometric uncertainty is better than 0.03 mag per bin. \nThe individual nightly light curves are shown here: June 19, June 20, June 21, and June 22. A comparison of all four nights plotted on the same vertical scale can be found here in a montage. Our photometry overlaps and extends some optical photometry that has been already reported (ATEL #7677, #7681, #7686, #7688, #7696, and #7710). \nIn particular, the photometry reported by Hynes, Robinson, and Morales (ATEL #7710) overlaps our coverage between June 19.35 and 19.44 UT. The agreement of the two light curves in the overlap region is remarkable right down to variations appearing on the shortest timescales visible in the plot. Although, our sampling on this night was about 6 sec compared to 1 sec in ATEL #7710, we can confirm that based on the combined data as well as our light curve from June 20, that the short episodes of rapid flaring described in ATEL #7710 are intrinsic to the source and may likely be present during some bright optical states. \nIn addition, our photometry just overlaps and significantly extends the ULTRACAM light curves reported by Gandhi et al. (ATEL #7686) obtained on June 20.174-20.225 and 21.153-21.231 UT. After the conclusion of the ULTRACAM light curve on June 20.225, our extended light curve shows slower and smoother fluctuations comparable to that obtained on June 19 and the presence of rapid flaring down to our time resolution occurring between June 20.400-20.428 UT. The rapid flaring in this time interval is shown here. On June 21, we overlap the ULTRACAM light curve through June 21.2313 UT and the variations are of much lower amplitude and quite smooth for the remainder of the light curve extending through June 21.460 UT. \nAdditional fast photometry and coordinated observations to improve the temporal coverage are encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova, Variable star", "Black hole, Variable star", "Magnetar, Variable star", "Black hole, Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_7825", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of PSN J11492548-0507138 as a Type Ia Supernova\nAuthors: R. J. Rudy (Aerospace Corp.), D. R. Ardila (Aerospace Corp.), K. B. Crawford (Aerospace Corp.), M. S. L. Moody (Aerospace Corp. and UC, Berkeley), T. K. Safrit (Aerospace Corp. and MIT), R. C. Puetter (UC, San Diego) \nDate: 22 Jul 2015; 22:25 UT\nProvenance: Richard Rudy (richard.j.rudy@aero.org)\nSubjects: Infra-Red, Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: Optical and IR spectra from 0.47-2.5 microns (resolution: 5-30 angstroms) of PSN J11492548-0507138 (ATEL #7732) were obtained on 2015 July 12.15 with the Shane 3.0 m Telescope of Lick Observatory using the Aerospace Corporation's Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (VNIRIS). The spectrum shows the large absorption feature of Si II at 6355 angstroms characteristic of a young type Ia SN. We used the redshift of the host galaxy IC 2693 (0.0056) and the generic classification tool (GELATO) spectrum matching software (Harutyunyan et al., 2008, A&A,488, 383) and found a best fit with a type Ia at or around maximum light.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Repeater", "Supernova", "Nova", "Accreting object" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_7920", "message": "Title: MASTER OT J233743.22-473039.3 is the PSN in Double Nuclear Galaxy with X-ray Activity ESO240-010\nAuthors: V. Lipunov (Lomonosov MSU), D. Buckley (SAAO), E. Gorbovskoy, V. Kornilov, A. Kuznetsov, P. Balanutsa, N. Tiurina, E. Popova, V. Chazov, I. Gorbunov (M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sterberg Astronomical Institute), S. Potter, M. Kotze (SAAO), R. Rebolo, M. Serra-Ricart, N. Lodieu, G. Israelian (The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias), N. Budnev, O. Gress, K. Ivanov (Applied Physics Institute of Irkutsk State University), A. Tlatov, V. Senik, D. Dormidontov (Kislovodsk Solar Station of of the Pulkovo observatory RAS), V. Krushinsky, I. Zalozhnykh (Ural Federal University), Yu. Sergienko, V. Yurkov, A. Gabovich (Blagoveschensk State Educational University)\nDate: 17 Aug 2015; 18:51 UT\nProvenance: Nataly Tyurina (tiurina@sai.msu.ru)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: MASTER OT J233743.22-473039.3 - PSN discovered during Short GRB Inspection\nRecently we received two images with PSN MASTER OT J233743.22-473039.3 discovered by (Popova et al., ATEL #7919 ). We see OT at the same postion on 10 images 14 hours after discovery at MASTER-SAAO robotic telescope in Sutherland Observatory. The OT becames slightly brighter. \nThe ESO240-010 Galaxy is the very interesting object with double structure (Karachentsev and Makarov, Astrophysical Bull, SAO RAS, vol.63, p.320-368, 2008 ). \nThe ESO240-010 galaxy was observed during X-Ray, UV, and another survey: XMM, GALEX ... \nMASTER Global Robotic Net", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova, Supernova", "Supernova, Variable star", "Magnetar, Variable star", "Supernova, Magnetar" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_8025", "message": "Title: MASTER-SAAO: bright optical flare of 2FGL 1725.1-7714 Blazar\nAuthors: P. Balanutsa, V. Lipunov, E. Gorbovskoy (Lomonosov MSU), D. Buckley (SAAO), N. Tyurina, V. Kornilov, A. Kuznetsov, I. Gorbunov, D. Vlasenko, V. Chazov (M. V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, SAI), S. Potter, M. Kotze (South African Astronomical Observatory), R. Rebolo, M. Serra-Ricart, N. Lodieu, G. Israelian (The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias),O. Gress, N. M. Budnev, K. Ivanov (Applied Physics Institute, Irkutsk State University), A. Tlatov, D. Dormidontov, V. Senik (Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo Observatory), V. Krushinski, I. Zalozhnykh (Ural Federal University), Yu. Sergienko, A. Gabovich, V. Yurkov (Blagoveschensk Educational State University)\nDate: 9 Sep 2015; 11:35 UT\nProvenance: Nataly Tyurina (tiurina@sai.msu.ru)\nSubjects: Optical, AGN, Blazar, Quasar, Transient\nDescription: MASTER OT J172350.86-771350.3 detection - bright optical flare of 2FGL 1725.1-7714 Blazar with gamma-ray counterpart\nMASTER-SAAO auto-detection system ( Lipunov et al., Advances in Astronomy, MASTER Global Robotic Net, 2010 ) discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 17h 23m 50.86s -77d 13m 50.3s on 2015-09-08.81221 UT. \nThe OT unfiltered magnitude is 16.5m (the limit is 19.3m). \nThere are 3 images with OT. There is no minor planet at this place. We have previous outburst was on 2015-03-13.009UT with unfiltered m_OT=17.7. \nWe have the following reference images without OT (MASTER-SAAO database) : \nDate, UT Unfiltered mag limit \n2015-08-01 19:36:10 18.7 \n2015-06-28 22:48:11 18.6 \n2015-05-03 23:53:40 19.4 \n2015-04-30 21:42:43 19.0 \n2015-02-02 00:15:28 18.5 \n2014-12-19 23:30:02 18.4 \n2014-12-18 23:37:07 20.0 \nThere is 2FGL J1725.1-7714 Blazar with gamma-ray counterpart, but without a good optical spectrum. \nSpectral observations are required. \nThe discovery and reference images are available at: http://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/172350.86-771350.3.png \nMASTER Global Robotic Net", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Neutron star", "Black hole", "Magnetar", "Near-Earth object" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_8100", "message": "Title: The eruptive variable V1118 Ori is now in outburst again\nAuthors: D. Lorenzetti (INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Monte Porzio, Italy), A. A.Arkharov (St. Petersburg Observatory, Russia), A. Di Paola, T. Giannini, S. Antoniucci (INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Monte Porzio, Italy), V. M.Larionov (Astronomical Institute of St. Petersburg University, Russia; St. Petersburg Observatory, Russia)\nDate: 27 Sep 2015; 21:56 UT\nProvenance: Dario Lorenzetti (dloren@mporzio.astro.it)\nSubjects: Infra-Red, Variables, Pre-Main-Sequence Star\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 8548\nAfter a long lasting period of quiescence of about a decade (Lorenzetti et al. 2015 ApJ 802, 24), the source V1118Ori, one of the most representative member of the EXOr variables (Audard et al. 2014 PPVI p.387) is now outbursting. On 2015 Sept. 21 (JD 2457286) we detected V1118 Ori in the near-IR (JHK bands) at a flux level increased by more than 1 mag. Observations have been carried out at the AZT24 1m IR telescope (Campo Imperatore, Italy): the obtained photometric values are J = 11.36 mag, H = 10.67 mag, and K = 9.93 mag. Likely, as already occurred during the last outburst on 2004/2005 (Audard et al. 2005 ApJ 635, 81; Lorenzetti et al. 2005 AA 453, 579) the increasing trend is the beginning of a new outbursting phase that will continue during the next months, hence spectro-photometric observations in the optical and near-IR range are strongly encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Near-Earth object", "Stellar evolution", "Variable star", "Active galactic nucleus" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_8190", "message": "Title: Optical Anti-Transient detected by MASTER-SAAO\nAuthors: E. Popova, V. Lipunov, E. Gorbovskoy (Lomonosov MSU), D. Buckley, S. Potter, M. Kotze, A. Knyazev (South African Astronomical Observatory), P. Balanutsa, Chazov, V. Shumkov (M. V. Lomonosov MSU, SAI),V. Kornilov, N. Tiurina, A. Kuznetsov, I. Gorbunov, D. Vlasenko, V. Chazov, E. Popova (M. V. Lomonosov MSU, SAI), R. Rebolo, M. Serra-Ricart, N. Lodieu, G. Israelian (The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias), O. Gress, N. Budnev, K. Ivanov (Irkutsk State University, Applied Physics Institute), A. Tlatov, V. Senik, D. Dormidontov (Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo Observatory), V. Krushinskiy (Ural Federal University), Yu. Sergienko, A. Gabovich, V. Yurkov (Blagoveschensk Educational State University)\nDate: 19 Oct 2015; 20:54 UT\nProvenance: Nataly Tyurina (tiurina@sai.msu.ru)\nSubjects: Optical, Binary, Cataclysmic Variable, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 8191\nMASTER OT J072703.91-631952.8 - eclipsing binary with 9 year period?\nMASTER-SAAO auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 07h 27m 03.91s -63d 19m 52.8s on 2015-10-19.02311 UT. The OT unfiltered magnitude is 17.4m (limit 20.5m). The OT is seen in 22 images. We have reference image without OT on 2014-12-25.01565 UT with unfiltered magnitude limit 20.4m. \nSpectral observations are required. \nThere is the USNO-B1.0 star wqith R=~14 and B=~14.7 atr thgis place. We found the same low state ~3554 days (~9.4 years) ago in Catalina data base.There is GALEX source at this position. It means that we have very interesting system. \nThe discovery and reference images are available at: http://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/072703.91-631952.8.png \nThis is the 4-th antitransient discovered by MASTER (see Atel #4784 , Atel #5953, Atel #7382). \nList of Optical Transients discovered by MASTER\nMASTER Global Robotic Net", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Galaxy", "Exoplanet", "Variable star", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_8275", "message": "Title: Initial results from the HST STIS spectrum of Nova V5668 Sgr (2015 #2)\nAuthors: Paul Kuin (MSSL/UCL), Kim Page, Julian Osborne (U. Leicester), Steve Shore (Universita di Pisa), Greg Schwarz (AAS), Fred Walter (Stonybrook)\nDate: 11 Nov 2015; 22:14 UT\nProvenance: Paul Kuin (npkuin@gmail.com)\nSubjects: Ultra-Violet, Nova\nDescription: On Friday, November 6th, 2015, from 1:34 to 2:36 UT we obtained a medium resolution spectrum with the STIS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope of V5668 Sgr, also known as Nova Sgr 2015b and PNV J18365700-2855420. \nEarlier this year the nova formed dust (ATEL #7643, #7748, #7862, #7986) with an exceptionally strong photometric signature with the brightness decreasing from 6th magnitude by 7 magnitudes within a week. By the start of September the nova brightness had recovered 4 magnitudes to 9th magnitude and since then has only shown a very minor decrease in brightness. \nThe nova has been monitored with the low resolution Swift UV grism and filter throughout this process (ATEL #7953, #8054) and therefore therefore the addition of a medium resolution HST UV spectrum that also extends into the far UV is invaluable. We observe emission lines of multiple ionisation stages of, for example, O I 1302, O II 2783, C II 2324, C III 1175, 2838, C III] 1909, C IV 1550, N II] 2143, N III] 1750, N IV] 1486, 1718, N V 1240, O V] 1371 as well as lines of He II 1640, Al III 1854, Mg II 2800. The Si III and Si IV lines appear faint, suggesting a low abundance for these ions. The emission lines show two or three peaks, and the line ratios are different in the peaks which provides evidence of differences in ionisation and/or abundances in the outflow. Contemporaneous optical spectra obtained using the Chiron spectrograph on the SMARTS/CTIO 1.5m at R=28,000 also show lines from C IV, N V, and O VI. \nThe interstellar lines are clearly defined. The H Ly-alpha line is comprised of a saturated absorption line with two emission peaks offset at about the same velocities where the peaks are in other emission lines. Using the wings of the ISM H Ly-alpha profile a neutral hydrogen column density is derived of NHI = 1.4x1021 cm-2. The X-ray spectrum allows only a rough estimate of NH ~ 1021 cm-2, consistent with the measurement from H Ly-alpha. We estimate the reddening E(B-V) to be around 0.2-0.3. \nWe acknowledge support from the AAVSO observers, specifically Costantino Sigismondi and Arne Henden by providing photometry in preparation of the HST observation. We thank all who contributed to the success of this observation, in particular the people at STScI, and the Swift team for continuous observations which allowed us to monitor the nova in the ultraviolet.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole", "Nova", "Repeater", "Star and stellar system" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_8350", "message": "Title: Asiago classification of ASASSN-15gt as a Type-Ia SN\nAuthors: S. Benetti, L. Tomasella, E. Cappellaro, N. Elias-Rosa, P. Ochner, A. Pastorello, L. Tartaglia, G. Terreran, M. Turatto (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova), Milan, M. (Padua University)\nDate: 1 Dec 2015; 20:06 UT\nProvenance: Enrico Cappellaro (enrico.cappellaro@oapd.inaf.it)\nSubjects: Supernovae\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 8354\nThe Asiago Transient Classification Program (Tomasella et al. 2014, AN, 335, 841) reports the spectroscopic classification of ASASSN-15gt in GALEXASC J002041.66+251341.1 (ATEL #8347).\nThe observation was performed with the Asiago 1.82 m Copernico Telescope (+AFOSC; range 340-820 nm; resolution 1.4 nm). \n \n \n Name | Discovery UT | Obs. Date UT | z | Type | Phase |Notes \n ASASS -15gt | 20151130.21 | 20151201.73 |0.03561 | Ia | pre-max | (1) \n \n(1) Best match with 1991T-like Type-Ia SNe, around 1 week before B-band maximum light. The expansion velocity, as deduced from the position of the minimum of the Si II 635 nm line, is about 11000 km/s. \nClassification were done with GELATO (Harutyunyan et al. 2008, A&A, 488, 383) and SNID (Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). The Asiago classification spectra are posted at the website http://sngroup.oapd.inaf.it.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Exoplanet", "Supernova", "Active galactic nucleus", "Nova" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_8450", "message": "Title: Swift follow-up of the flaring NLSy1 PKS 1502+036\nAuthors: Filippo D'Ammando (DIFA - University of Bologna, INAF-IRA) on behalf of the Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration\nDate: 22 Dec 2015; 22:55 UT\nProvenance: Filippo D'Ammando (filippo.dammando@fisica.unipg.it)\nSubjects: Optical, Ultra-Violet, X-ray, AGN, Black Hole, Blazar\nDescription: Following the gamma-ray flare of the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 PKS 1502+036 detected by Fermi LAT on 2015 December 20 (ATel #8447), a Swift target of opportunity observation was performed on December 22. \nSwift/XRT data were taken in Photon Counting mode for a net exposure of about 3.0 ksec. The X-ray spectrum (0.3-10 keV) observed on 2015 December 22 can be fit by an absorbed power-law model with a HI column density consistent with the Galactic value in the direction of the source (n_H = 3.9x10^20 cm^-2, Kalberla et al. 2005, A&A, 440, 775) and a photon index of 1.5+/-0.4. The corresponding unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux is (1.9+/-0.6)x10^-12 erg cm^-2 s^-1. This flux is a factor of five higher than that observed by Swift/XRT during 2012 April-August, (3.5-4.0)x10^-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1, with a photon index varying between 1.7+/-0.4 and 2.2+/-0.3 (D'Ammando et al. 2013, MNRAS, 433, 952). \nSimultaneous Swift/UVOT observations on 2015 December 22 found PKS 1502+036 about 0.4 mag brighter in V-band (V = 18.32+/-0.24), 0.6 mag in U-band (U = 18.10+/-0.18), and 0.7 mag in M2-band (M2 = 17.89+/-0.11) compared to the UVOT observations performed on 2012 May 25 (V = 18.72+/-0.31, U = 18.74+/-0.06, M2 = 18.60+/-0.17; D'Ammando et al. 2013, MNRAS, 433, 952). \nIn consideration of the ongoing activity of this source, confirmed also by the Swift observations, we encourage further multiwavelength observations. For this source the Fermi LAT contact person is F. D'Ammando (dammando@ira.inaf.it). \nWe would like to thank the Swift Team for making this observation possible, in particular M. H. Siegel as the Swift Observatory Duty Scientist.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova, Black hole", "Nova, Black hole", "Active galactic nucleus, Black hole", "Active galactic nucleus, Globular cluster" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_8520", "message": "Title: e-MERLIN detection of compact radio emission from V404 Cyg\nAuthors: A. Rushton, R. Fender, K. Mooley, S. Motta, (Uni. of Oxford), R. Beswick (Uni. of Manchester) \nDate: 9 Jan 2016; 11:46 UT\nProvenance: Anthony Rushton (anthony.rushton@physics.ox.ac.uk)\nSubjects: Radio, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Renewed activity in the Black hole binary V404 Cyg has been reported in December 2015 (e.g. ATels #8453, #8454, #8455, #8457, #8458, #8459, #8462), following on from a giant outburst seen early in the year. Radio monitoring of the source suggested renewed jet activity (Atel #8454) with a short radio flare appearing to reach over 70 mJy with RATAN-600 around MJD 57387.4 (2015-Dec-31; Atel #8482). Sub-mm emission also showed new activity and was detected at a level of ~41 mJy (at 350 GHz) on 2015-Jan-01 (Atel #8499). Furthermore, around these observations, it was reported that a possible hard to soft transition might be occurring (Atel #8500). To investigate the presence of resolved ejecta, we triggered high-resolution radio observations using the e-MERLIN telescope. \nRadio observations of V404 Cyg were taken with e-MERLIN on 2016-Jan-05 between 06:30-22:00 UTC at a central frequency of 5.07 GHz and bandwidth of 444 MHz. A compact point-like source was detected with a peak flux density of 0.95 +/- 0.05 mJy/bm (map can be found here); this is a factor of ~2 above the long-term quiescent radio level of V404, which is ~0.4 mJy (Gallo, Fender & Hynes 2005). The synthesised beam had a minimum FWHM of 48 by 35 mas, suggesting most (or all) of the radio flux was constrained to within ~50 mas or ~100 AU (at a distance of 2.4 kpc). \nWe thank the eMERLIN staff for their rapid response to the event and to observatory's director for approval of the project. eMERLIN is an STFC facility that has been built and operated by the University of Manchester. \nWe also thank the ERC for supporting this project through the 4 PI SKY grant.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Variable star, Binary system", "Black hole, Circumstellar disk", "Black hole, Star and stellar system", "Black hole, Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_8580", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of SN 2016W as a Type Ia Supernova\nAuthors: Jujia Zhang (YNAO), Xiaofeng Wang (Tsinghua University)\nDate: 22 Jan 2016; 17:05 UT\nProvenance: Xiaofeng Wang (wang_xf@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: We report an optical spectrum (range 345-900 nm) of SN 2016W obtained on UT 2016 Jan. 22.6 with the 2.4 m telescope ( LJT + YFOSC) at Lijiang observatory of Yunnan Observatories. The spectrum is consistent with a Type Ia supernova around the maximum light. Cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the \"Supernova Identification\" code (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ. 666, 1024) shows that it matches with SN 2002aw at t = -1 days. Adopting a redshift of 0.0192 for its host galaxy NGC 946, an expansion velocity of about 11,700 km/s can be derived from the absorption minimum of Si II 635.5 nm.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Circumstellar disk", "Quasar", "Minor body" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_8675", "message": "Title: UBV observations of the flickering of T CrB\nAuthors: R. Zamanov, E. Semkov, K. Stoyanov (Institute of Astronomy and NAO, Bulgaria) & T. Tomov (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland )\nDate: 11 Feb 2016; 07:47 UT\nProvenance: R. K. Zamanov (rkz@astro.bas.bg)\nSubjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova, Variables\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 9153, 15916, 16023\nIn 2015 the recurrent nova T Coronae Borealis has entered a super-active state (Munari, Dallaporta & Cherini, 2016, NewA, in press). \nOn February 7, 2016, we observed the flickering of T CrB in three filters (UBV) using the 50/70 cm Schmidt telescope of the National Astronomical Observatory Rozhen (Bulgaria). The total amplitude detected was about 0.16 mag in U, 0.08 in B, and 0.04 in V band. In the table are given as follows: the band, UT-start and UT-end of the run, exposure time, number of CCD images obtained, minimum, maximum and average magnitudes in each band, standard deviation of the mean, typical observational error. The data can be downloaded from http://www.astro.bas.bg/~rz/TCrB/ \nA comparison with our previous observations shows that the brightness increased with 1.5 mag in U. Surprisingly, the flickering amplitude decreased by a factor of 2 in U and B bands. In 2009 the flickering amplitude in U was not less than 0.30 mag, while now is less than 0.10 mag. \nOur observations confirm the increase of the brightness in U and B bands and that T CrB is in active state. \nWe encourage further multiwavelength observations. \n \nTable 1. Flickering of T CrB on February 7, 2016. \n\nband UTst-end exp Npts min max average stdev err. \nh:mm-h:mm [sec] [mag] [mag] [mag] [mag] [mag] \nU 0:49-3:57 120 50 10.163 10.318 10.262 0.038 0.006 \nB 0:49-3:54 30 50 10.699 10.777 10.738 0.021 0.003 \nV 0:48-3:53 10 51 9.877 9.917 9.898 0.011 0.004 \n\nFlickering of T CrB.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Nova", "Quasar", "Stellar evolution" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_8760", "message": "Title: CORRECTION: Proposed Progenitor of SN 2016adj (Cen A) is an Unrelated Star\nAuthors: Ben Sugerman (Goucher College), Stephen Lawrence (Hofstra University)\nDate: 1 Mar 2016; 13:40 UT\nProvenance: Ben Sugerman (ben.sugerman@gmail.com)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: ATel #8759 mistakenly listed the discovery date of SN 2016adj as Feb 02.36 2016 UT. The correct date is Feb 08.563 2016 UT (ATel #8651).", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova", "Supernova", "Circumstellar disk", "Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_8880", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of ASASSN-16cu as a Type Ia SN\nAuthors: Jay Strader, Laura Chomiuk, Laura Shishkovsky (Michigan State University)\nDate: 29 Mar 2016; 22:25 UT\nProvenance: Jay Strader (strader@pa.msu.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: We obtained an optical spectrum of ASASSN-16cu (ATel #8796) on UT March 29.37 with the Goodman Spectrograph on the SOAR telescope. Classification with SNID (Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) indicates ASASSN-16cu is a normal Type Ia SN observed at about 70 days after peak. The redshift is consistent with proposed host galaxy IC 4723 (z=0.011128, via NED).", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Stellar evolution", "Variable star", "Circumstellar disk", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_8970", "message": "Title: Enhanced gamma-ray emission from the microquasar Cygnus X-3 detected by AGILE\nAuthors: G. Piano (INAF/IAPS), C. Pittori, F. Verrecchia (ASDC and INAF/OAR), M. Tavani (INAF/IAPS, and Univ. Roma Tor Vergata), A. Bulgarelli, V. Fioretti, A. Zoli (INAF/IASF-Bo), P. Munar-Adrover (INAF/IAPS), F. Lucarelli (ASDC and INAF/OAR), I. Donnarumma (INAF/IAPS), S. Vercellone (INAF/IASF-Pa), E. Striani (INFN Torino), M. Cardillo (INAF/OA-Arcetri and INAF/IAPS), F. Gianotti, M. Trifoglio (INAF/IASF-Bo), A. Giuliani, S. Mereghetti, P. Caraveo, F. Perotti (INAF/IASF-Mi), A. Chen (Wits University), A. Argan, E. Costa, E. Del Monte, Y. Evangelista, M. Feroci, F. Lazzarotto, I. Lapshov, L. Pacciani, P. Soffitta, S. Sabatini, V. Vittorini (INAF/IAPS), G. Pucella, M. Rapisarda (ENEA-Frascati), G. Di Cocco, F. Fuschino, M. Galli, C. Labanti, M. Marisaldi (INAF/IASF-Bo), A. Pellizzoni, M. Pilia, A. Trois (INAF/OA-Cagliari), G. Barbiellini, E. Vallazza (INFN Trieste), F. Longo (Univ. Trieste and INFN Trieste), A. Morselli, P. Picozza (INFN and Univ. Roma Tor Vergata), M. Prest (Univ. dell'Insubria), P. Lipari, D. Zanello (INFN and Univ. Roma Sapienza), P. W. Cattaneo, A. Rappoldi (INFN Pavia), S. Colafrancesco (INAF/OAR and Wits University), N. Parmiggiani (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), A. Ferrari (Univ. Torino and CIFS), A. Antonelli (ASDC and INAF/OAR), P. Giommi (ASDC), L. Salotti, G. Valentini, and F. D'Amico (ASI)\nDate: 19 Apr 2016; 12:39 UT\nProvenance: Giovanni Piano (giovanni.piano@iaps.inaf.it)\nSubjects: Radio, X-ray, Gamma Ray, >GeV, Request for Observations, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Integrating from 2016-04-16 00:00 UT to 2016-04-19 00:00 UT, the AGILE-GRID detector is revealing gamma-ray emission above 100 MeV from a source positionally consistent with Cygnus X-3 at Galactic coordinates (l, b) = (79.4, 0.2) +/- 0.6 (stat.) +/- 0.1 (syst.) deg, with flux F(>100 MeV) = (2.0 +/- 0.8) x 10^-6 photons/cm^2/s, as determined by a multi-source likelihood analysis. \nThe hard X-ray emission from Cygnus X-3, as monitored by the Swift-BAT instrument, is currently decreasing (public data available at http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/results/transients/CygX-3/ ). Gamma-rays above 100 MeV are usually detected from Cygnus X-3 in coincidence with decreasing or transitional states of its hard X-ray emission (Tavani et al., Nature, 462, 620, (2009); Abdo et al., Science, 326, 1512 (2009); Piano et al., A&A, 545, A110 (2012)). \nWe strongly encourage multi-frequency observations of Cygnus X-3.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Near-Earth object, Minor body", "Neutron star, Minor body", "Repeater, Minor body", "Binary system, Minor body" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_9050", "message": "Title: New outburst of NGC 2617\nAuthors: V. L. Oknyansky (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow), N. A. Huseynov (Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory, Azerbaijan),. Lipunov, E. S. Gorbovskoy, A. S. Kuznetsov, P. V. Balanutza, A. M. Tatarnikov, V. G. Metlov, N. I. Shatsky, A. E. Nadzhip, M. A. Burlak, K. L. Malanchev (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow),C. M. Gaskell (UCSC)\nDate: 14 May 2016; 09:41 UT\nProvenance: Victor Oknyansky (oknyan@mail.ru)\nSubjects: Infra-Red, Optical, AGN\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 9053, 11703, 16324\nOptical and IR photometry show that the activity of NGC 2617 is continuing and that it is undergoing another outburst. \nWe obtained further JK photometry with the 2.5-m telescope of the SAI Caucasus Mountain Observatory on May 11 (see ATel #9015 for details). NGC 2617 is now brighter than it has been since the end of Jan. The light curve for a 5-arcsecond aperture can be seen here. \nCCD photometry with the 50-cm AZT-5 telescope of the SAI MSU Crimean Station on May 7 and 9 showed that NGC 2617 had a B magnitude of 14.71 in a 10-arcsecond aperture. This is about 0.3 mag. brighter than on April 22. \nUnfiltered CCD photometry with a 15-arcsecond (8-pixel) aperture by the MASTER Global Robotic Network at May 11 confirms that NGC 2617 continues to be in a bright state and continues to vary. It is brighter than on Apr. 22 by about 0.1 mag. An updated light curve can be seen http://lnfm1.sai.msu.ru/~oknyan/Combine3_NGC_2617.jpg \">here. (B is shown at the top and the unfiltered MASTER relative magnitudes at bottom - see ATel #9015 for details.) \nThis work has been supported in part by M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Development Program. We thank the SAI director, A.M. Cherepashchuk, for granting us director's discretionary time.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Stellar evolution", "Exoplanet", "Binary system", "Active galactic nucleus" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_9125", "message": "Title: SCP16L01: discovery of an unusual transient in MOO-J1142\nAuthors: Kyle Boone (UC Berkeley), Greg Aldering (LBNL), Rahman Amanullah (Stockholm), Kyle Barbary (LBNL), Hans Boehringer (MPI), Mark Brodwin (Missouri - Kansas City), Carlos Cunha (Stanford), Susana E. Deustua (STSCI), Sam Dixon (UC Berkeley), Peter Eisenhardt (JPL), Rene Fassbender (INAF, OA Roma), Andrew S. Fruchter (STSCI), Michael Gladders (Chicago), Anthony H. Gonzalez (Florida), Ariel Goobar (Stockholm), Brian Hayden (LBNL), Hendrik Hildebrandt (Bonn, Argelander), Matt Hilton (KwaZulu-Natal), Henk Hoekstra (Leiden), Isobel Hook (Lancaster), Xiaosheng Huang (UC Berkeley), Dragan Huterer (Michigan), Myungkook J. Jee (UC Davis), Alex G. Kim (LBNL), Marek Kowalski (Humboldt), Chris Lidman (AAO), Eric Linder (LBNL), Kyle Luther (UC Berkeley), Joshua Meyers (Stanford), Adam Muzzin (Cambridge), Jakob Nordin (Humboldt), Reynald Pain (LPNHE), Saul Perlmutter (UC Berkeley), Johan Richard (CRAL), Piero Rosati (Ferrara), Eduardo Rozo (Stanford), David Rubin (STSCI), Eli S. Rykoff (Stanford), Joana S. Santos (OA Arcetri), Clare M. Saunders (UC Berkeley), Caroline Sofiatti (UC Berkeley), Anthony L. Spadafora (LBNL), Spencer Adam Stanford (UC Davis), Daniel Stern (JPL), Nao Suzuki (IPMU), Tracy Webb (McGill), Risa H. Wechsler (Stanford), Steven C. Williams (Lancaster), Jon Willis (Victoria), Gillian Wilson (UC Riverside), Michael Yen (UC Berkeley)\nDate: 8 Jun 2016; 02:13 UT\nProvenance: Kyle Boone (kboone@berkeley.edu)\nSubjects: Infra-Red, Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: We report the discovery of an unusual transient found while monitoring the galaxy cluster MOO-J1142 (z = 1.19) for type Ia supernovae. This transient (named SCP16L01) was discovered with cadenced observations from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) using the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) instrument as part of the See Change program (HST GO: 13677, 14327; PI: Perlmutter). The transient was discovered on March 10th, 2016 with imaging in the F814W, F105W and F140W filters, with a brightness of 25.47 +/- 0.09 mag AB in the F105W filter.\nAdditional imaging was taken on both April 14th, 2016 and May 15th, 2016. The transient declined rapidly in the F814W (e-folding time of 21 observer days), while simultaneously brightening by a factor of 1.7 in F140W over the 67 observer days between the first and last observations. The AB magnitudes in each of the filters measured using forward modeling photometry are shown in the following table:\nMJD | F814W | F105W | F140W \n---|---|---|--- \n57457.7 | 25.18 +/- 0.19 | 25.47 +/- 0.09 | 26.01 +/- 0.13 \n57492.5 | 26.79 +/- 0.87 | 25.93 +/- 0.12 | 25.74 +/- 0.09 \n57523.5 | < 27.04 (1 sigma limit) | 26.20 +/- 0.16 | 25.43 +/- 0.08 \nA machine readable table, cutouts, and plots of the lightcurve can be found at http://supernova.lbl.gov/seechange/SCP16L01/. There is no host detected in the reference images, with 3-sigma limiting magnitudes of 26.5, 27.7 and 27.7 for the F814W, F105W and F140W filters respectively. The redshift of SCP16L01 is not known, and we do not know where it is relative to the cluster. The transient is 0.6 arcminutes from the core of the cluster. The J2000 coordinates for SCP16L01 are 11:42:44.88 +15:27:51.72.\nThe See Change collaboration has no cadenced visits remaining on this field. Additional external observations are encouraged, but they will be very challenging.\nAdditional data for SCP16L01", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Variable star", "Circumstellar disk", "Neutron star", "Accreting object" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_9210", "message": "Title: Spectral classification of AT2016cyt as a pre-maximum type Ia supernova\nAuthors: A. S. Piascik, I. A. Steele (Liverpool JMU)\nDate: 5 Jul 2016; 10:23 UT\nProvenance: Iain Steele (iainsteele@mac.com)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: We conducted a spectroscopic observation of transient AT2016cyt at 2016-07-05T04:04:02 UT. \nThis transient was detected by the Puckett Observatory Sky Survey (POSS, T. Puckett, R. Gagliano, E. Weinberg, R. Post, J. Newton) on 2016-07-02T09:21:40 UT at position RA = 21:09:35.83, DEC = 15:07:31.80 and reported via TNS, https://wis-tns.weizmann.ac.il/object/2016cyt \nA spectrum was obtained in the visible, 400-800nm, with resolution R~350, using the SPRAT spectrograph on the Liverpool Telescope located at Roque de los Muchachos. \nClassification using SNID (Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) indicates it is a type Ia supernova. We find a close match with SN2006lf at -6 days with a SNID estimated redshift of z=0.030. \nThe transient is 0.111 arcmin from galaxy NGC 7033, redshift z=0.030374 (source NED). The ejecta velocity estimated from the Si II 635.3nm absorption feature is 11,800 km/s \nLiverpool Telescope", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova", "Supernova", "Binary system", "Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_9270", "message": "Title: ASASSN-16hr: Discovery of A Probable Supernova in 2MASX J22253147+3859010\nAuthors: J. Brimacombe (Coral Towers Observatory), J. S. Brown, T. W.-S. Holoien, K. Z. Stanek, C. S. Kochanek, J. Shields, D. Godoy-Rivera, U. Basu (Ohio State), B. J. Shappee (Hubble Fellow, Carnegie Observatories), J. L. Prieto (Diego Portales; MAS), D. Bersier (LJMU), Subo Dong, S. Bose, Ping Chen (KIAA-PKU), S. Kiyota (Variable Star Observers League in Japan), B. Nicholls (Mt. Vernon Obs., New Zealand), R. S. Post (Post Astronomy), G. Stone (Sierra Remote Observatories)\nDate: 26 Jul 2016; 19:37 UT\nProvenance: Jonathan Brown (brown@astronomy.ohio-state.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 9273\nDuring the ongoing All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN or \"Assassin\"), using data from the quadruple 14-cm \"Brutus\" telescope in Haleakala, Hawaii, we discovered a new transient source, most likely a supernova, in the galaxy 2MASX J22253147+3859010. \nASASSN-16hr (AT 2016eja) was discovered in images obtained on UT 2016-07-26.42 at V~16.8 mag. We do not detect (V>17.0) the object in images taken on UT 2016-07-22.44 and before. An image obtained on 2016-07-26 by J. Brimacombe confirms the discovery of the transient. This figure shows the archival SDSS g-band image of the host (left) and the J. Brimacombe confirmation image (right). The red circle has a radius of 5\" and is centered on the position of the transient in the J. Brimacombe image. \nThe position of ASASSN-16hr is approximately 1.4\" North and 2.5\" East from the center of the galaxy 2MASX J22253147+3859010 (no redshift information available from NED). Properties of the new source and photometry are summarized in the tables below: \n \n \n Object RA (J2000) DEC (J2000) Disc. UT Date Disc. V mag Approx. Abs. Mag Offset from Host (\") \n ASASSN-16hr 22:25:31.759 +38:59:03.50 2016-07-26.42 16.8 N/A 2.87 \n \n \n \n Obs. UT Date V mag \n 2016-07-22.44 >17.0 \n 2016-07-26.42 16.8 \n \nFollow-up observations are encouraged. \nWhile we are participating in the TNS system to minimize potential confusion, ASAS-SN will continue using ASASSN-16xx transient names as our primary nomenclature (including supernovae, but also other classes of transients), and we encourage others to do the same. We prefer merging the names as ASASSN-16xx (AT2016xyz) to preserve, rather than anonymize, the origin of the transient. \nWe thank LCOGT and its staff for their continued support of ASAS-SN. ASAS-SN is supported by NSF grant AST-1515927, the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) at OSU, the Mt. Cuba Astronomical Foundation, George Skestos, and the Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund. For more information about the ASAS-SN project, see the ASAS-SN Homepage and the list of all ASAS-SN transients.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Exoplanet", "Supernova", "Variable star", "Globular cluster" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_9390", "message": "Title: Sudden optical brightening of M31N 2016-04a\nAuthors: Hiroyuki Maehara (Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, NAOJ, NINS), Seiichiro Kiyota (VSOLJ)\nDate: 21 Aug 2016; 00:43 UT\nProvenance: Hiroyuki Maehara (h.maehara@oao.nao.ac.jp)\nSubjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova, Variables\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 9394\nWe report photometric observations of the sudden brightening of the nova M31N 2016-04a = MASTER OT J004528.12+414117.6 (ATel #8950, #9116). The current brightening was discovered by Koichi Nishiyama and Fujio Kabashima on 2016-08-16.8 at mag 18.1 (TCP J00452804+4141168). According to our photometry, this object was observed at roughly constant brightness (~20.2 mag) from 2016-07-16 to 2016-08-06 and then, the object brightened to 19.8 mag on 2016-08-09, 19.2 mag on 2016-08-10, and 18.7 mag on 2016-08-11. The most recent data show that the object brightened by 2 mag. Our photometric observations performed with the 61cm telescope at Sierra Remote Observatory (iTelescope.net T-24) and the MITSuME 50cm telescope (Kotani et al. 2005, Il Nuovo Cimento C, 58, 755) at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory are summarized as below. \n \n \n Date-Obs. Magnitude Filter Telescope \n 2016-07-06.760 >19.5 g 50cm@OAO \n 2016-07-10.763 >19.5 g 50cm@OAO \n 2016-07-17.466 20.19 L* 61cm@SRO \n 2016-07-26.463 20.35 L 61cm@SRO \n 2016-07-31.762 >19.5 g 50cm@OAO \n 2016-08-06.472 20.22 L 61cm@SRO \n 2016-08-07.728 >19.5 g 50cm@OAO \n 2016-08-08.719 >19.5 g 50cm@OAO \n 2016-08-09.486 19.78 L 61cm@SRO \n 2016-08-10.380 19.16 L 61cm@SRO \n 2016-08-10.645 19.3 g 50cm@OAO \n 2016-08-11.667 18.7 g 50cm@OAO \n 2016-08-12.634 18.8 g 50cm@OAO \n 2016-08-14.458 18.49 L 61cm@SRO \n 2016-08-17.489 18.24 L 61cm@SRO \n 2016-08-18.473 18.13 L 61cm@SRO \n \n *) bandpass: 400-700 nm \n \nThe flare-like brightening (Δm ~ 2 mag) of this object is similar to that of V723 Cas (e.g., Munari et al. 1996, A&A, 315, 166) and V5558 Sgr (e.g., Tanaka et al. 2011, PASJ, 63, 911). Follow-up observations are encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object", "Binary system", "Near-Earth object", "Nova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_9475", "message": "Title: Radio Non-Detection of ASASSN-16jt/SN 2016cvk\nAuthors: S. D. Ryder (AAO), E. C. Kool (Macquarie University/AAO), C. J. Stockdale (Marquette), R. Kotak (QUB), C. Romero-Canizales (UDP, MAS), G. Anderson (Curtin, ICRAR) \nDate: 9 Sep 2016; 06:12 UT\nProvenance: Stuart Ryder (sdr@aao.gov.au)\nSubjects: Radio, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: The apparently SN 2009ip-like transient ASASSN-16jt coincident with the Type IIn-pec SN 2016cvk (ATel #9439, #9445; http://wis-tns.weizmann.ac.il/object/2016cvk ) in the galaxy ESO 344-G021 has been observed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at 5.5 and 9 GHz on 2016 Sep 4.6 UT. No radio emission was detected at the reported location, to a 3-sigma upper limit of 68 microJy/beam (5.5 GHz) and 75 microJy/beam (9.0 GHz). Adopting the host galaxy luminosity distance of 41.3 Mpc from NED, this implies an upper limit on the luminosity at 9 GHz of 1.4E26 erg/s/Hz. For comparison SN 2009ip reached a peak 9 GHz luminosity of 5E25 erg/s/Hz at a comparable age (Margutti et al. 2014, ApJ, 780:21). We would like to extend our thanks to the ATCA staff, particularly Phil Edwards for enabling these observations. The Australia Telescope Compact Array is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National Facility managed by CSIRO.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova, Variable star", "Supernova, Variable star", "Magnetar, Variable star", "Supernova, Pulsar" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_9550", "message": "Title: Photometric Follow-Up of A Likely Galactic Nova ASASSN-16kt: Almost Naked Eye\nAuthors: Ping Chen, Subo Dong, S. Bose (KIAA-PKU), K. Z. Stanek, C. S. Kochanek, J. S. Brown, T. W.-S. Holoien, J. Shields (OSU), B. J. Shappee (Hubble Fellow, Carnegie Observatories), J. L. Prieto (Diego Portales; MAS), D. Bersier (LJMU), L. Chomiuk, J. Strader (MSU), J. Brimacombe (Coral Towers Observatory)\nDate: 26 Sep 2016; 08:53 UT\nProvenance: Subo Dong (dongsubo@pku.edu.cn)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 9564, 9587, 9594, 9644, 10749\nWe obtained follow-up photometric observations of ASASSN-16kt (ATel #9538 & ATel #9539) with LCOGT 1m telescope at Sutherland, South Africa (SAAO). We performed aperture photometry on the images using the IRAF apphot package and calibrated the results using the AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS; Henden et al. 2015). \n \n \n JD Filter Mag Err \n 2457656.2413 B 6.62 0.06 \n 2457657.2292 B 6.86 0.06 \n 2457656.2434 V 6.43 0.05 \n 2457657.2295 V 6.33 0.06 \n 2457656.2457 g 6.61 0.06 \n 2457657.2299 g 6.76 0.08 \n 2457656.2320 i 6.41 0.04 \n \nWe thank LCOGT and its staff for their continued support of ASAS-SN. ASAS-SN is supported by NSF grant AST-1515927, the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) at OSU, and the Mt. Cuba Astronomical Foundation. For more information about the ASAS-SN project, see the ASAS-SN Homepage and the list of all ASAS-SN transients.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Interstellar medium", "Globular cluster", "Near-Earth object", "Nova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_9675", "message": "Title: NIR Brightening of the Blazar OJ287\nAuthors: L. Carrasco, J. Miramon, A. Porras, E. Recillas, V. Chavushyan, D. Y. Mayya (INAOE, Mexico)\nDate: 27 Oct 2016; 05:09 UT\nProvenance: LUIS CARRASCO (carrasco@inaoep.mx)\nSubjects: Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 9709\nWe have observed a recent NIR flare of the intermediate redshift Blazar OJ287 (z=0.3). On October 26th, 2016, we determined the flux in the H band to be 11.009 +/- 0.02. That is 1 magnitude brighter than the flux determined for this object by our team on JD 2457497. Recent activity of this object had been reported previously in Atel #9629 and #9650. Observations were carried out with the 2.1m telescope of the Guillermo Haro Observatory operated by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico), equipped with the instrument CANICA a NIR camera. We encourage further multi wavelength coverage.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus, Black hole", "Active galactic nucleus, Star and stellar system", "Active galactic nucleus, Accreting object", "Near-Earth object, Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_9780", "message": "Title: Detection of the 4th caustic crossing in the Gaia16aye binary microlensing system\nAuthors: I. Khamitov (TUG, Antalya; KFU, Kazan), I. Bikmaev (KFU, AST, Kazan), R. Burenin (IKI, Moscow), S. Grebenev (IKI), M. Tanriver (Erciyes Univ.), A. Avci (Erciyes Univ.), S. Kaynar (TUG), D. Gumus (Ankara Univ.), M. Kocak (TUG), T. Özisik (TUG), M. Dindar (TUG), H. Esenoglu (TUG; Istanbul Univ.), H. Kirbiyik (TUG), O. Okuyan (TUG), T. Saygac (Istanbul Univ.), A. Semena (IKI), A. Tkachenko (IKI), E. Irtuganov (KFU, AST), S. Melnikov (KFU, AST), M. Pavlinsky (IKI), N. Sakhibullin (KFU, AST), R. Sunyaev (IKI)\nDate: 22 Nov 2016; 08:52 UT\nProvenance: Sergei Grebenev (sergei@hea.iki.rssi.ru)\nSubjects: Optical, Binary, Microlensing Event\nDescription: Following the brightening recently detected in the direction of the Gaia16aye binary microlensing system (ATel #9753) and the subsequent prediction for it of the close caustic crossing (ATel #9770) we organized regular observations of the system with the RTT-150 and T-100 telescopes (Antalya, Turkey) and detected the caustic crossing on Nov. 21, 2016, at 17:54 UTC (JD 2457714.246). The preliminary light curve of this spectacular event can be found here. It shows data from three last nights of our observations, all colors reduced to the V-filter. The brightness reached V=13.37 in the peak. The peak profile was approximated by a parabola, the time of its maximum was taken as the moment of the caustic crossing. \nGaia16aye is the first binary microlensing event ever discovered towards the Galactic Plane. The observed one was the 4th and last caustic crossing in the system, the previous ones were reported in Atel #9376, #9507. The RTT-150 telescope will continue to observe this unique object. \nLigth curve of Gaia16aye in the V-filter near the moment of caustic crossing", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole", "Quasar", "Binary system", "Circumstellar disk" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_9840", "message": "Title: AGILE detection of a new episode of enhanced gamma-ray emission from the FSRQ CTA102\nAuthors: F. Verrecchia (ASDC and INAF/OAR), P. Munar-Adrover (INAF/IAPS), C. Pittori, F. Lucarelli (ASDC and INAF/OAR), G. Minervini, G. Piano (INAF/IAPS), A. Bulgarelli (INAF/IASF-Bo), M. Tavani (INAF/IAPS, and Univ. Roma Tor Vergata), I. Donnarumma (INAF/IAPS), V. Fioretti, A. Zoli (INAF/IASF-Bo), S. Vercellone (INAF/OA-Brera), E. Striani (CIFS and INAF/IAPS), M. Cardillo (INAF/OA-Arcetri and INAF/IAPS), F. Gianotti, M. Trifoglio (INAF/IASF-Bo), A. Giuliani, S. Mereghetti, P. Caraveo, F. Perotti (INAF/IASF-Mi), A. Chen (Wits University), A. Argan, E. Costa, E. Del Monte, Y. Evangelista, M. Feroci, F. Lazzarotto, I. Lapshov, L. Pacciani, P. Soffitta, S. Sabatini, V. Vittorini (INAF/IAPS), G. Pucella, M. Rapisarda (ENEA-Frascati), G. Di Cocco, F. Fuschino, M. Galli, C. Labanti, M. Marisaldi (INAF/IASF-Bo), A. Pellizzoni, M. Pilia, A. Trois (INAF/OA-Cagliari), G. Barbiellini, E. Vallazza (INFN Trieste), F. Longo (Univ. Trieste and INFN Trieste), A. Morselli, P. Picozza (INFN and Univ. Roma Tor Vergata), M. Prest (Univ. dell'Insubria), P. Lipari, D. Zanello (INFN and Univ. Roma Sapienza), P. W. Cattaneo, A. Rappoldi (INFN Pavia), S. Colafrancesco (INAF/OAR and Wits University), N. Parmiggiani (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), A. Ferrari (Univ. Torino and CIFS), F. Paoletti (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory), A. Antonelli (ASDC and INAF/OAR), P. Giommi (ASDC), L. Salotti, G. Valentini, and F. D'Amico (ASI)\nDate: 9 Dec 2016; 18:19 UT\nProvenance: Francesco Verrecchia (francesco.verrecchia@asdc.asi.it)\nSubjects: Gamma Ray, >GeV, AGN, Blazar, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 9841, 9868, 9869, 9901, 9911, 9924, 10292\nAGILE is detecting a new episode of increased gamma-ray emission above 100 MeV from a position consistent with the flat spectrum radio quasar CTA 102 (also known as 4C +11.69, PKS 2230+11, 5BZQ J2232+1143 and as gamma-ray source as 3EG J2232+1147, 3FGL J2232.5+114), recently reported in flaring activity by AGILE on November 24 and 11, 2016 (ATel #9788, #9743), and in optical/NIR extraordinary outburst (ATel #9821, #9808 and #9801). \nIntegrating from 2016-12-07 12:00 UT to 2016-12-09 12:00 UT, a preliminary maximum likelihood analysis yields a detection at 8 sigma at a flux F(E>100 MeV)=(5.6 +/- 1.2) x 10^-6 ph cm^-2 s^-1, while on the integration from 2016-12-05 08:00 UT to 2016-12-07 UT 08:00, we detected a flux F(E > 100 MeV)=(2.7+/-0.8)x 10^-6 ph cm^-2 s^-1. \nThe current flux, the maximum ever measured by AGILE, is almost at the same level of ATel #9788 but after a fast flux variation. \nThis measurement was obtained with AGILE observing a large portion of the sky in spinning mode. Multifrequency observations of CTA 102 are strongly encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object", "Quasar", "Stellar evolution", "Globular cluster" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_9925", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of SN 2016jft as a Young Type II Supernova\nAuthors: Danfeng Xiang, Liming Rui, Xiaofeng Wang (Tsinghua University), Jujia Zhang, Xiaoguang Yu (YNAO), Qian Yang, Xuebin Wu (PKU), Feng Xiao, Zhou Fan, Tianmeng Zhang (NAOC)\nDate: 2 Jan 2017; 14:28 UT\nProvenance: Xiaofeng Wang (wang_xf@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: We obtained optical spectra (range 340-900 nm) of SN 2016jft,discovered by Giancarlo Cortini, on UT Dec.31.74 2016 with the 2.16 m telescope at Xinglong Observatory of NAOC and UT Jan.01.74 2017 with the Lijiang 2.4 m telescope of YNAO, respectively. The two specta are consistent with those of a type II supernova at its very young stage, showing a very blue continuum and a broad P-Cygni line profile of Ha. After correcting for a redshift of 0.0174 for its host galaxy UGC 05198, an expansion velocity of about 9900 km/s can be derived from the absorption minimum of Ha line.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Exoplanet", "Magnetar", "Pulsar" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_10110", "message": "Title: Radio detections of the brightening black hole candidate Swift J1753.5-0127 made with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Large Array\nAuthors: J. Bright, T. Staley, R. Fender, S. Motta, (Uni. Oxford), T. Cantwell (Uni. Manchester)\nDate: 22 Feb 2017; 15:14 UT\nProvenance: Sara Elisa Motta (sara.motta@physics.ox.ac.uk)\nSubjects: Radio, X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 10114, 10118, 10288, 10325, 10562, 10664, 16262\nWe report the first new radio detections of the re-brightening black hole X-ray binary candidate Swift J1753.5-0127, obtained on 15 February and 19 February 2017 with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Large Array (AMI-LA) interferometer.\nThe unusual low mass X-ray binary source Swift J1753.5-0127 faded to optical, X-ray and radio quiescence in 2016 (ATels #9708, #9739, #9765, #9735) after an outburst phase lasted ~11 years. Recent monitoring with the Faulkes Telescope North (ATel #10075) revealed a 4 magnitude brightening in the V-band (MJD 57797.6) with the source appearing to remain at this new value in follow-up observations (ATel #10097). The new V-band magnitude is comparable to the pre-fading value. Swift XRT ToO observations of the source (ATels #10081, #10097) also show an increase in activity, with an XRT count rate of 0.83 c/s (~300 times the previous XRT upper limit, ATel #9735).\nWe observed this source with the AMI-LA interferometer on 15 February 2017 (MJD 57799.2) and 19 February 2017 (MJD 57803.3) with 4-hour exposure times. We detect a point source at the location of Swift J1753.5-0127 and report flux density measurements of 300 ± 80 μJy on 15 February 2017 and 320 ± 50 μJy on 19 February 2017, both at a central frequency of 15.5 GHz. Swift J1753.5-0127 was extensively monitored by the AMI-LA between January 2013 and July 2015 (Rushton et. al., MNRAS, 2016) who reported a time averaged hard-state flux of 300 μJy followed by a soft-state transition below the array detection limit of 150 μJy per beam. Additionally, the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array provided an upper limit of 7.5 μJy per beam at 9.0 and 10.65 GHz on 7 November 2016 (MJD 57699.9, ATel #9765). When combined with our recent detections, this indicates an increase in radio flux density of at least a factor ~40 over the last 3.5 months.\nWe plan on continued monitoring of the source with the AMI-LA and would like to thank the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory for scheduling these observations.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole, Near-Earth object", "Black hole, Stellar evolution", "Circumstellar disk, Binary system", "Black hole, Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_10170", "message": "Title: Significant increase in the optical brightness of V2492 Cyg\nAuthors: Sunay Ibryamov (Department of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Shumen, Bulgaria), Evgeni Semkov (Institute of Astronomy and NAO, Sofia, Bulgaria)\nDate: 14 Mar 2017; 17:11 UT\nProvenance: E. Semkov (esemkov@astro.bas.bg)\nSubjects: Optical, Variables, Young Stellar Object, Pre-Main-Sequence Star\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 10183, 10259\nWe observed a recent increase in the optical brightness of the young eruptive star V2492 Cyg using the 2-m and the 50/70-cm Schmidt telescopes administered by National Astronomical Observatory Rozhen in Bulgaria. The current brightness of the object significantly exceeds the registered maximal magnitudes after 2010.\nV2492 Cyg is located in the Pelican Nebula and its variability and first outburst in 2010 was reported by Itagaki and Yamaoka (CBET #2426), Munari et al. (CBET #2428), Covey et al. (2011, AJ, 141, 40). The nature of the outbursts occurred in V2492 Cyg is still controversial. The object shows consecutive increases and dips in brightness within last seven years. According to Hillenbrand et al. (2013, AJ, 145, 59) both accretion- and extinction-driven mechanisms are responsible for the source variability.\nThe measured BVRI magnitudes of V2492 Cyg during 2016 November - 2017 March, are summarized in the Table below. The table contains date and Julian date of observations, BVRI magnitudes of the object, and telescope used. Typical errors of the reported magnitudes are 0.01-0.02 mag for the I- and R-band data, and 0.01-0.03 mag for the V- and B-band data.\nDate (DD.MM.YYYY) J.D. B V R I Telescope \n05.11.2016 2457698.260 16.31 14.63 13.49 12.21 Schmidt \n21.11.2016 2457714.222 15.97 14.25 13.21 11.89 2-m \n22.11.2016 2457715.204 15.85 14.27 13.16 11.87 2-m \n23.11.2016 2457716.215 16.19 14.44 13.38 11.97 2-m \n02.01.2017 2457756.202 15.62 13.96 12.83 11.54 Schmidt \n17.02.2017 2457801.603 15.28 13.67 12.57 11.40 Schmidt \n05.03.2017 2457817.549 15.11 13.52 12.51 11.37 Schmidt", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Minor body", "Variable star", "Star and stellar system", "Exoplanet" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_10260", "message": "Title: The discovery of DLT17ar/AT 2017cyy with PROMPT\nAuthors: L. Tartaglia (TTU, UC Davis), D. Sand, S. Wyatt (TTU), S. Valenti, K. A. Bostroem (UC Davis), D. E. Reichart, J. B. Haislip, V. Kouprianov (UNC)\nDate: 12 Apr 2017; 18:22 UT\nProvenance: Leonardo Tartaglia (ltartaglia@ucdavis.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: We report the discovery of DLT17ar/AT 20cyy. The object was discovered on 2017-04-11.18 UT at R~18.68 mag, during the ongoing D<40 Mpc (DLT40) one day cadence supernova search, using data from the PROMPT 5 0.41m telescope located at CTIO. A confirmation image was obtained with the same instrument on 2017-04-12.08 UT, where the transient was detected at R~17.59 mag. DLT17ar/AT 2017cyy is located at RA: 09:36:36.29 Dec: -63:56:54.5, (+23.72''E, -14.50'' N offset from the center of the host galaxy ESO091-015). We do not detect the transient (R>19.9 mag) on 2017-04-10.04 UT or in prior imaging of the field. All images were taken in a 'Clear' filter which was calibrated to an approximate R-band magnitude using the USNO-B1 catalog. Further observations are encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system", "Supernova", "Variable star", "Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_10325", "message": "Title: The optical flux of Swift J1753.5-0127 strikes back \nAuthors: Federico Bernardini, Guobao Zhang, David M. Russell, Joseph D. Gelfand, Ahlam Al Qasim, Aisha AlMannaei (NYU Abu Dhabi), Fraser Lewis (Faulkes Telescope Project & Astrophysics Research Institute, LJMU), A. W. Shaw (U. Alberta), J. A. Tomsick (SSL/UCB), R. M. Plotkin (ICRAR-Curtin) \nDate: 28 Apr 2017; 05:38 UT\nProvenance: Federico Bernardini (bernardini@nyu.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Ultra-Violet, X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 10562, 10664, 16262\nWe report on a second re-brightening at optical wavelengths of the transient black hole candidate Swift J1753.5-0127 (hereafter J1753). J1753 was in outburst for 11 years from May 2005 until November 2016 when it was first observed to fade at optical wavelengths (ATel #9708, #9739). Soon after that, it reached the lowest recorded magnitude, V = 21.25 (ATel #9741), which is very close to the quiescent V-band upper limit (V > 21 mag; Cadolle Bel et al. 2007, ApJ, 659, 549), and it was no longer detected at radio and X-ray wavelengths (ATel #9735, #9765). Just two months later, on 30th January 2017, it was found back in outburst (V = 18.37 mag) after becoming once again visible from the ground (ATel #10075). Radio, UV and X-ray follow-up observations confirmed the renewed activity (ATel #10081, #10097, #10110, #10114). Then, a second drop at optical/UV/X-ray wavelengths was reported, with the optical flux fading at a much greater rate (a factor of 1.7 faster) compared to the previous decay in Sep. - Nov. 2016. On 19th April 2017 the V-band magnitude was V = 18.49 (ATel #10288). Since then, we have continued to monitor the source with the 2-m Faulkes Telescopes North and South, and the 1-m Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) network of telescopes. We collected multiband photometry in i', R and V bands. We observed a second, unexpected, increase of the optical flux in all covered bands. Indeed, after reaching a minimum of V = 20.49 +- 0.20; R = 19.37 +- 0.06; i' = 19.26 +- 0.09 on 23rd April 2017 (at 23:40-23:50 UT), the source brightened over the next 3.6 days by 1.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mag in V, R and i'-bands respectively, to V = 19.10 +- 0.05; R = 18.81 +- 0.03; i' = 18.45 +- 0.05 on 27th April (14:40-15:00 UT). The optical flux of the source may peak again soon, or keep rising to a new (mini-)outburst, before fading again to quiescence. There is an approved Swift/XRT ToO scheduled for 29th April. Multi-wavelength observations during this re-brightening phase are strongly encouraged. The Faulkes Telescope / LCO observations are part of an on-going monitoring campaign of ~ 40 low-mass X-ray binaries (Lewis et al. 2008). This work makes use of observations from the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO). Below is a link to the updated light curves of J1753. \nSwift J1753.5-0127 Faulkes/LCO light curve", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Galaxy, Binary system", "Black hole, Binary system", "Globular cluster, Binary system", "Variable star, Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_10400", "message": "Title: Erratum: ATel#10399\nAuthors: Paul Luckas (International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, University of Western Australia)\nDate: 19 May 2017; 02:39 UT\nProvenance: S. N. Shore (shore@df.unipi.it)\nSubjects: Nova\nDescription: By a mistake of transcription the link for the discovery announcement, \"Spectroscopic observations of ASASSN-17gk\" (ATel #10399) should refer to ATel#10387 for the discovery. This is also a chance to note that the absence of some indicator lines of the Fe-curtain stage: Si II 4128/30,6347,6371; many of the [Fe II] lines were not yet in emission; and a thorough search for He I lines turned up nothing. The Balmer lines showed symmetric maximum velocities (absorption and emission) and weak asymmetries in the profile with a slight \"fat tail\" in the red wing. It is the strong D-line absorption alone that suggests this may be a possible dust former, but there was no strong emission component on the Na I resonance doublet.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova", "Globular cluster", "Binary system", "Pulsar" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_10475", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of SN 2017emq as a Type Ia Supernova\nAuthors: Danfeng Xiang, Liming Rui, Han Lin, Xiaofeng Wang (Tsinghua University), Huiyu Yuan, Feng Xiao, Tianmeng Zhang (NAOC), and Jujia Zhang (YNAO)\nDate: 8 Jun 2017; 02:46 UT\nProvenance: Xiaofeng Wang (wang_xf@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: We obtained an optical spectrum (range 370-870 nm) of SN 2017emq(=PS17dfh),discovered by PS1, on UT June 07.54 2017 with the 2.16-m telescope (+BFOSC) at Xinglong Station of National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC). The spectrum is consistent with that of a type Ia supernova around the peak brightness. Cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the \"Supernova Identification\" code (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J., 666, 1024) shows that it matches with SN 2007af at t=0 day from the maximum light. After correcting for a redshift of 0.005 for its host galaxy UGC 5369, an expansion velocity of about 14100 km/s can be derived from the absorption minimum of Si II 635.5 nm line. Our classification spectrum is also posted on the IAU Transient Name Sever: http://wis-tns.weizmann.ac.il/object/2017emq/", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus", "Accreting object", "Supernova", "Circumstellar disk" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_10590", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of AT2017fna with Keck I\nAuthors: Y.-C. Pan, M. R. Siebert, R. J. Foley (UCSC)\nDate: 21 Jul 2017; 20:25 UT\nProvenance: Yen-Chen Pan (ypan6@ucsc.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We report the classification of AT2017fna (=ATLAS17ioz) from a spectroscopic observation made on 2017 July 20 UT with the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) on the Keck I telescope. The classification was performed with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). \n \n \n Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | z | Type | Phase | Notes \n \n ATLAS17ioz | AT2017fna | 23:46:51.85 | -10:27:32.02 | 0.074 | Ia | -3 d | (1) \n \nNotes: When the redshift is given to 2 decimal places, it is derived from the SN spectrum. Otherwise, the redshift is determined from the host galaxy. (1) SN 1991T-like object. We measure a Si II 6355 velocity of -9,700 km/s.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Galaxy", "Variable star", "Pulsar", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_10725", "message": "Title: Rapid re-brightening of galactic nova ASASSN-17hx\nAuthors: A. Kurtenkov, M. Napetova (Institute of Astronomy and NAO, Bulgaria), T. Tomov (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland)\nDate: 10 Sep 2017; 05:20 UT\nProvenance: Kiril Stoyanov (kstoyanov@astro.bas.bg)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 10736\nWe report a rapid brightness increase of the slow galactic nova ASASSN-17hx = Nova Scuti 2017 (ATel #10523, #10527, #10542, #10552, #10558, #10572, #10613, #10636, #10641) ~40 days after its maximum. Photometric observations were carried out with the 50/70 cm Schmidt telescope of the Rozhen observatory in Bulgaria. Photometric calibrations in Johnson B and V were done using four bright APASS stars. The following magnitudes were obtained: \nDate,UT Bmag Vmag \nSep 06.82 11.50 10.77 \nSep 07.80 10.94 10.20 \nSep 08.79 10.55 9.78 \nSep 09.84 10.22 9.42 \n\nOur previous photometric estimate was B=11.63, V=10.93, on Sep 1.75 UT, which shows a >1.4 mag rise in each band. Each photometric datapoint has been calculated as the median magnitude from 5 consecutive images. All errors are 0.02 mag in V-band and 0.03 mag in B-band. \nASASSN-17hx had been slowly decreasing in brightness since its maximum in the end of July. Further photometric observations will show whether we are witnessing the onset of strong GK Per-like oscillations or the rise towards a second strong maximum. This re-brightening also provides the opportunity of obtaining higher-S/N high-resolution spectra before the ground-based visibility window of the object ends towards the end of October.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Quasar", "Repeater", "Nova", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_10830", "message": "Title: SALT-HRS observation of the blazar TXS 0506+056 associated with IceCube-170922A\nAuthors: B. van Soelen (UFS), David A. H. Buckley (SALT/SAAO), Markus Boettcher (NWU)\nDate: 7 Oct 2017; 13:26 UT\nProvenance: David Buckley (dibnob@saao.ac.za)\nSubjects: Optical, Neutrinos, Blazar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 10838, 10840, 10844, 10861, 10890\nThe blazar TXS 0506+056, which has been proposed as the counterpart to the neutrino event IceCube-170922A, has recently been reported to show increased optical and gamma-ray emission (ATel #10817, #10801, #10799, #10794, #10792, #10791, #10787, #10773). We undertook a 2500 second observation of this sources (starting 2017-09-29 01:52 UT) with the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) using the High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) in low-resolution mode (R~16000), covering the wavelength range ~3899 - 800 Angstrom. The spectrum is featureless with no indication of the lines from the host galaxy. The only visible lines are the NaD lines from Galactic absorption. This is consistent with observations of a non-thermally dominated blazar and are identical to that reported in ATel #10799.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Magnetar", "Active galactic nucleus", "Pulsar", "Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_10925", "message": "Title: Fermi LAT Detection of a GeV Gamma-Ray Flare from the Be-Pulsar Binary System PSR B1259-63 with Rapid Variability\nAuthors: T. J. Johnson (GMU, resident at NRL), K. S. Wood (Praxis Inc., resident at NRL), P. S. Ray (NRL), E. C. Ferrara (UMD/NASA GSFC), M. T. Kerr (NRL), C. C. Cheung (NRL), on behalf of the Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration\nDate: 3 Nov 2017; 21:52 UT\nProvenance: Tyrel Johnson (tyrel.j.johnson@gmail.com)\nSubjects: Gamma Ray, >GeV, Binary, Pulsar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 10972, 10973, 10995, 11028\nUsing data from the Large Area Telescope (LAT), one of the two instruments on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, we have detected a >100 MeV flare from PSR B1259-63 over the time interval 2017-11-02 01:47:25 UTC to 2017-11-03 06:29:13 UTC with a significance of approximately 10 sigma, a preliminary photon flux (from 100 MeV to 300 GeV) of (3.1 +/- 0.4) x 10^-6 ph/cm^2/s, and a power-law photon index of 2.6 +/- 0.1, quoted uncertainties are statistical only. This follows a less intense flare shortly after periastron (ATel #10818) and prior to periastron (ATel #10775). During the six days prior no significant emission was detected, with flux upper limits of 0.9, 1.1, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0, and 0.7 x 10^-6 ph/cm^2/s.\nWe further split the time interval with significant emission into four 6-hour bins and one 4.7-hour bin and performed likelihood fits in each time bin. We detect a peak flux of (7.6 +/- 1.5) x 10^-6 ph/cm^2/s in the 2017-11-02 13:47:24.0 to 19:47:24.0 UTC time bin. Significant emission was not detected in the final two time bins, with upper limits of 2.7 and 1.2 x 10^-6 ph/cm^2/s, indicating rapid variability. These time-resolved results are in agreement with the aperture photometry reported in ATel #10924.\nPSR B1259-63 is in a 3.4 yr binary orbit with a Be star. The most recent periastron passage occurred on 2017-09-22, 41 days before the flare reported in this ATel. As noted in ATel #10918, after the two prior periastron passages observed by Fermi, in 2010 and 2014, intense >100 MeV flares were detected starting 30 days after periastron, peaking 36 and 38 days after periastron, respectively, and lasting until 70 days after periastron.\nBecause Fermi operates in an all-sky scanning mode, regular gamma-ray monitoring of this source will continue. In consideration of the expected ongoing activity of this source we strongly encourage multi-wavelength observations. For this source the Fermi LAT contacts are Tyrel Johnson (tyrel.johnson.ctr@nrl.navy.mil) and Kent Wood (kent.wood.ctr@nrl.navy.mil).\nThe Fermi LAT is a pair conversion telescope designed to cover the energy band from 20 MeV to greater than 300 GeV. It is the product of an international collaboration between NASA and DOE in the U.S. and many scientific institutions across France, Italy, Japan and Sweden.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Star and stellar system, Pulsar", "Binary system, Pulsar", "Binary system, Star and stellar system", "Galaxy, Pulsar" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_11010", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic classification of PTSS-17bazc (SN 2017imx) as a type Ia supernova\nAuthors: J.-J. Zhang, L. Xu (YNAO); X. F., Wang, W.-X., Li (THU); H.-J. Tan (CCU), B. Li, Z.-J. Xu, H.-B. Zhao, L.-F. Wang (PMO); D.-F. Xiang, L.-M. Rui, H. Lin (THU)?\nDate: 27 Nov 2017; 03:33 UT\nProvenance: Ju-Jia Zhang (jujia@ynao.ac.cn)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We obtained an optical spectrum (range 350-890 nm) of PTSS-17bazc (SN 2017imx),?discovered by the PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS, http://www.cneost.org/ptss/ ), on UT 2017 Nov. 26.7 with the Li-Jiang 2.4 m telescope (LJT+YFOSC) at Li-Jiang Observatory of Yunnan Observatories. The spectrum is consistent with that of a type Ia supernova at a few days after the maximum light. Cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the \"Supernova Identification\" code (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) shows that it matches with SN 1995D at t = +10 days from the maximum light. After correcting for a redshift of 0.0687 (via narrow H alpha emission in the spectrum) an expansion velocity of about 9000 km/s can be derived from the absorption minimum of Si II 635.5 nm.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Near-Earth object", "Supernova", "Exoplanet", "Interstellar medium" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_11070", "message": "Title: The optical re-brightening of M31N 2017-09a\nAuthors: Hanjie Tan (Chinese Culture University), David Boyd (BAA VSS), Xing Gao (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory), Seiichiro Kiyota (VSOLJ), Jingyuan Zhao, Mi Zhang, Guoyou Sun (Xingming Observatory Sky Survey Group), Christopher Lloyd (University of Sussex)\nDate: 16 Dec 2017; 23:06 UT\nProvenance: Christopher Lloyd (c.lloyd@sussex.ac.uk)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova, Transient\nDescription: We report the optical re-brightening of the Fe II class nova M31N 2017-09a (AT2017glc , PNV J00440872+4143367) which was first reported as a transient by Zhang et al., (2017, TNS Discovery Report) at unfiltered magnitude 18.8 on 2017-08-30.7 UT (JD=2457997.2). On the following night it was magnitude 18.6 and earlier observations put the upper limit of the precursor at magnitude 19.5. Spectroscopy by Williams & Darnley (2017, ATel #10741) taken approximately 11 days later showed broad Balmer emission lines (Hα, Hβ, Hγ) and Fe II emission lines, confirming its classification as a classical Fe II class nova. \nUnpublished photometry by the Xingming Observatory (IAU code C42), the Sierra Remote Observatory and the West Challow Observatory (IAU code J90) suggest the original outburst peaked at unfiltered magnitude 17.8 around 2017-09-03, faded to below magnitude 19.5 by 2017-09-06 and remained fainter than this until 2017-12-07 when it was seen at magnitude 19.2. \nThe final re-brightening occurred between 2017-12-13.5 UT from magnitude 19.2 and 2017-12-14.5 UT where three observations put the magnitude ~ 18.8. The most recent observations give V = 18.56(7) at 2017-12-14.7 UT and unfiltered magnitude 18.7 at 2017-12-15.1 UT suggesting that the transient is brightening. \nFurther observations are encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova, Variable star", "Minor body, Variable star", "Nova, Black hole", "Near-Earth object, Variable star" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_11175", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of SN 2018gv with Keck I/LRIS\nAuthors: M. R. Siebert, G. Dimitriadis, R. J. Foley (UCSC)\nDate: 16 Jan 2018; 12:28 UT\nProvenance: Ryan Foley (foley@ucsc.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 11211\nWe obtained spectroscopic observations of SN 2018gv with the LRIS spectrograph on the 10-m Keck I telescope on 2018 Jan 16 UT. The spectrum indicates that SN 2018gv is a very young, normal Type Ia supernova. Using SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024), we find a good match to several Type Ia SNe 10-15 days before maximum brightness. We note that the small number of SNe Ia observed at very early phases often results in a bias to later phases. The SN was discovered at 16.5 mag, which assuming a distance modulus of 31.1 mag for the host galaxy NGC 2525 (Tully et al., 2013, AJ, 146, 86T), corresponds to an absolute magnitude of -14.8 -- or at least 4 mag below peak brightness. This further indicates that the SN is particularly young. If the SN has minimal host reddening, it will peak at V ~ 12 mag. We measure an Si II 6355 velocity of -16,800 km/s. Similarly, we measure a C II 6580 velocity of -15,300 km/s. We detect narrow Ca H&K absorption at the host-galaxy redshift, but do not detect narrow Na D.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Globular cluster", "Pulsar", "Supernova", "Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_11250", "message": "Title: Optical activity of the X-ray source 1RXS J051439.2-021615\nAuthors: K. Gazeas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)\nDate: 2 Feb 2018; 17:22 UT\nProvenance: Kosmas Gazeas (kgaze@phys.uoa.gr)\nSubjects: Optical, Transient, Variables\nDescription: The X-ray source 1RXS J051439.2-021615 (RA 05h14m39.20s, Dec -02d16m15.00, J2000.0) showed an optical V-band flare, during the night of 25/26 January 2018 (JD=2458114). While the source had a relatively stable luminosity of V=12.84(1) mag during the past days, there was a sudden increase of the observed flux, which started at HJD=2458144.43313 and reached the peak of V=11.85(1) mag at HJD= 2458144.43741 within a few minutes. TYC 4755-59-1 was used as a comparison for the photometric reduction and it was found to be a good standard with V=12.11(1) mag. The observations were obtained in a 3-min cadence and the brightness was increased by 1 mag within 9 minutes with a slope of ~0.11 mag/minute. An exponential decline was observed until the end of the night, when the magnitude dropped from V=11.85(1) mag to V=12.72(1) mag in approximately 45 minutes. Multi-wavelength observations on this X-ray source are highly encouraged, while the robotic and remotely controlled telescope at the University of Athens Observatory (UOAO) will continue to follow the target in BVRI optical bands in the following days. Questions regarding the current flare and data availability should be directed to Dr. Kosmas Gazeas (kgaze@phys.uoa.gr). A light curve sample can be found under the link: http://observatory.phys.uoa.gr/menu_news_events_en.html", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Variable star, Binary system", "Variable star, Accreting object", "Interstellar medium, Accreting object", "Variable star, Interstellar medium" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_11325", "message": "Title: Independent Discovery of an Apparent Nova in M81\nAuthors: K. Hornoch, H. Kucakova (Ondrejov), S. C. Williams (Lancaster), M. Henze (SDSU), G. Sala, J. Jose (UPC-IEEC), H. Meusinger (TLS), M. J. Darnley (LJMU), A. Kaur, D. H. Hartmann (Clemson), A. W. Shafter (SDSU)\nDate: 20 Feb 2018; 21:15 UT\nProvenance: Martin Henze (henze@ice.cat)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova, Transient\nDescription: The M81 nova monitoring collaboration reports the independent discovery of an apparent nova in M81 on a co-added 2700-s unfiltered CCD frame taken on 2018 Feb. 19.039 UT with the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov (OND). Additional R-band photometry is provided from a co-added 4000-s image obtained with the 0.80-m telescope Joan Oro (TJO). \nThe object was first announced and designated AT2018xb by Z. Xu and X. Gao (see here) and is located at R.A. = 9h54m52s.40, Decl. = +69o04'08\".5 (equinox 2000.0), which is 218.5\" west and 13.4\" north of the center of M81 (see link to discovery image below). \nHere we list the observing dates and corresponding photometry: \n \n \n Date [UT] | Mag | Err | Filter | Telescope \n 2018-02-14.056 | <22.1 | | C | OND \n 2018-02-19.039 | 20.4 | 0.2 | C | OND \n 2018-02-19.936 | 19.4 | 0.1 | C | OND \n 2018-02-19.972 | 19.9 | 0.4 | R | TJO \n \n \n \nThe OND 0.65-m is a reflecting telescope at the Ondrejov observatory operated jointly by the Astronomical Institute of ASCR and the Astronomical Institute of the Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic. It uses a Moravian Instruments G2-3200 CCD camera (with a Kodak KAF-3200ME sensor and standard BVRI photometric filters) mounted at the prime focus. The Telescopi Joan Oro (TJO) is a 80-cm Ritchey-Chretien F/9.6 telescope at the Observatori Astronomic del Montsec, owned by the Catalan Government and operated by the Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, Spain. It uses a Finger Lakes PL4240-1-BI CCD Camera with a Class 1 Basic Broadband coated 2k x 2k chip with 13.5 microns square pixels. The unfiltered OND photometry was calibrated against R-band comparison stars from Perelmuter & Racine (1995). The TJO photometry is based on the SDSS DR7 photometry catalogue. \nDiscovery image", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system", "Exoplanet", "Galaxy", "Circumstellar disk" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_11425", "message": "Title: Optical Spectra of MAXI J1820+070 with Keck\nAuthors: Peter Garnavich and Colin Littlefield (Notre Dame)\nDate: 16 Mar 2018; 02:41 UT\nProvenance: Colin Littlefield (clittlef@alumni.nd.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 11426, 11427, 11432, 11437, 11440, 11451, 11478, 11480, 11481, 11510, 11723\nWe obtained spectra of the new X-ray transient MAXI J1820+070 (ATel #11399) with the Keck I telescope and LRIS spectrograph on March 15.6 (UT). The spectra have a resolution of 3 Ang and cover 3500 to 8000 Ang. The continuum dominates the light, but low-equivalent-width emission features are also seen. We confirm the presence of a broad, asymmetric H-alpha emission line (ATel #11424). We also detect broad H-beta, H-gamma, and H-delta absorption with emission lines in the center, characteristic of an accretion disk in outburst. He II 4686 (with EW = -1.7 Ang) is seen on top of the continuum. We also see deep Ca II interstellar absorption in the blue, suggesting significant extinction along the line-of-sight.\nWe thank Josh and Cynthia at the Keck Observatory for helping to obtain these observations.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Interstellar medium, Black hole", "Accreting object, Binary system", "Accreting object, Black hole", "Accreting object, Exoplanet" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_11490", "message": "Title: INTEGRAL observations of MAXI J1820+070: public data products\nAuthors: E. Kuulkers (ESA/ESTEC), E. Bozzo, C. Ferrigno (ISDC/University of Geneva), T. Belloni (INAF-OAB), C. Sanchez-Fernandez (ESA/ESAC)\nDate: 29 Mar 2018; 15:05 UT\nProvenance: Erik Kuulkers (Erik.Kuulkers@sciops.esa.int)\nSubjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient, Variables\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 11723, 12157\nINTEGRAL is performing public Target-of-Opportunity observations of the black-hole binary X-ray transient MAXI J1820+070 (ATel #11399). So far, data have been collected in the period 16-27 March 2018 (see ATels #11478, #11488). INTEGRAL will continue to publicly monitor the source until further notice, interspersed with other observations. \nAs a service to the community, especially meant to help multi-wavelength data comparisons, the INTEGRAL Project is providing ready-to-use scientific data products of all publicly available observations of the source via the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (University of Geneva, Switzerland). This will be in the form of light curves in 1 energy band for JEM-X1 (3-25 keV) and 2 energy bands for IBIS/ISGRI (25-60 and 60-200 keV). All relevant information and data files can be retrieved from the repository linked at the bottom of this Telegram. We caution that these data products are based on preliminary (near-real time) data and analysis; they will be updated whenever appropriate. \nWe kindly ask anyone making use of these INTEGRAL data products to cite this Telegram. \nWe thank the INTEGRAL Science and Mission Operations Centres for their effort in making these observations possible.\nhttp://www.isdc.unige.ch/integral/analysis#QLAsources", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object, Binary system", "Black hole, Quasar", "Black hole, Binary system", "Black hole, Near-Earth object" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_11600", "message": "Title: Discovery of DLT18v/AT2018beg with PROMPT and the DLT40 Survey\nAuthors: D. Sand (Arizona), S. Valenti (UC Davis), S. Wyatt (Arizona), S. Yang (INAF-OAPd), D. E. Reichart, J. B. Haislip, V. Kouprianov (UNC)\nDate: 3 May 2018; 14:14 UT\nProvenance: David Sand (dave.j.sand@gmail.com)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: We report the discovery of DLT18v/AT 2018beg, which was first imaged by the PROMPT5 0.41m telescope located at CTIO on 2018 May 03.35 (UT) at r~17.9 mag during the ongoing D<40 Mpc (DLT40) sub-day cadence supernova search. A confirmation image was obtained on 2018 May 03.52 with the PROMPT telescope at Meckering Observatory, Australia. DLT18v is located at RA: 13:51:20.085 DEC: -48:01:28.86, ~2.5 arcmin from the potential host galaxy ESO 221- G 013. Due to the low galactic latitude of this transient, and its remote location from its potential host, it is also plausibly a Galactic transient. We do not detect the transient on 2018 April 30.3 or in prior imaging of the field. All images were taken in a 'Clear' filter which was calibrated to an approximate r-band magnitude. Further observations are encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Stellar evolution, Galaxy", "Supernova, Galaxy", "Supernova, Accreting object", "Supernova, Star and stellar system" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_11670", "message": "Title: Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy of Nova Ophiuchi 2018 No.2\nAuthors: R. J. Rudy, J. C. Mauerhan, R. W. Russell, J. P. Subasavage, S. J. Wiktorowicz, D. L. Kim (Aerospace Corporation.), M. L. Sitko (U. of Cincinnati)\nDate: 23 May 2018; 21:24 UT\nProvenance: Richard Rudy (richard.j.rudy@aero.org)\nSubjects: Infra-Red, Optical, Nova\nDescription: Over a two week period coming approximately two months after outburst, Nova Ophiuchi 2018, No.2 (CBET 4492) was observed spectroscopically using instruments from three different facilities: 2018 May 6, using the Spex instrument at the Infrared Telescope Facility (0.7-2.5 microns); 2018 May 14, using the Broadband Array Spectrograph System on the 3.6 meter Advanced Electro-Optical Systems telescope (3-13 microns); 2018 May 19, with the VNIRIS spectrograph on the Aerospace Corporation's one meter telescope (0.47-2.5 microns). No significant changes were seen between the May 6 and May 19 observations. Excitation of the emission line gas was fairly low during this period with C I, N I, O I lines were still present in the spectrum and the He I lines just emerging. The strongest emission features were H-alpha and the O I lines at 0.8446 and 1.1287 microns. The latter transitions are excited by Lyman Beta fluorescence and their relative strengths, together with the O I transition at 1.3165 microns, indicate a reddening value of E(B-V) = 0.55 +- 0.15. This extinction is interstellar in origin as there was no indication of dust present in the nova ejecta. Line widths were approximately 1400 km/sec as measured from their full width half maxima.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object", "Active galactic nucleus", "Nova", "Star and stellar system" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_11760", "message": "Title: Further follow-up of AT2018cow/ATLAS18qqn at Observatoire de Haute Provence\nAuthors: S. Basa (LAM), S. Antier (LAL), M. Boer (Artemis), N. Christensen (Artemis), B. Cordier (CEA), D. Corre (LAM), M. Coughlin (Caltech), D. Coward (UWA), B. Gendre (UWA), X. Han (NAOC), J. Wang (NAOC), A. Klotz (IRAP), N. Leroy (LAL), J. Mao (YNAO), K. Noysena (Artemis), D. Turpin (NAOC), J. Y. Wei (NAOC), C. Wu (NAOC), W. Zheng (UC Berkeley) for GRANDMA team\nDate: 22 Jun 2018; 16:06 UT\nProvenance: Sarah Antier (antier@lal.in2p3.fr)\nSubjects: Optical, Gamma-Ray Burst, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 11796\nWe observed the field of ATLAS18qqn/AT2018cow (Smartt et al. ATel #11727) with the SDSS g, r, i and z filters with the robotic IRiS 50-cm telescope at Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France. Observations started on 2018-06-21 20h22 UT during approximately 2 hours, and the weather was partly cloudy at the end of the observations. Observations were taken as follow: 5 min x 6 for each band. We measured AB magnitudes (calibrated with the SDSS R9, but not corrected for host galaxy background contamination) as follows: r_AB = 14.54 +- 0.18 i_AB = 14.37 +- 0.20 These measurements are consistent with our previous observations (Zheng et al., ATel #11743, Wu et al., ATel #11758, Klotz et al., ATel #11757 ) and other photometric reports : Smartt et al. (Atel #11742, #11727), Fremling et al. (ATel #11738), Chen et al. (ATel #11734, #11729)", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Neutron star", "Supernova", "Variable star", "Pulsar" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_11820", "message": "Title: A rapid state transition in MAXI J1820+070\nAuthors: J. Homan (Eureka Scientific and SRON), P. Uttley (Univ. of Amsterdam), K. Gendreau, Z. Arzoumanian (GSFC), M. Saylor (KBRwyle), J. F. Steiner, D. Pasham (MIT), A. L. Stevens (Michigan State Univ.), D. Altamirano (Southampton), E. Kara (Univ. of Maryland). A. C. Fabian (Univ. of Cambridge) for the NICER team\nDate: 5 Jul 2018; 21:59 UT\nProvenance: Jeroen Homan (jeroen@space.mit.edu)\nSubjects: X-ray, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 11823, 11827, 11831, 11855, 11887, 11899, 11936, 11951, 12057, 12061, 12064, 12068, 12128, 12157, 14492\nWe report on ongoing NICER monitoring observations of the black hole transient MAXI J1820+070 (ATel #11399, #11400, #11418, #11423, #11420, #11426). \nFollowing a fast rise upon its discovery in March 2018 and an extended hard state plateau, the 0.2-12 keV count rate of the source began a steady decline in mid-May (see link below for light/hardness curves). A reversal of this behavior was observed in mid-June. The NICER X-ray Timing Instrument (XTI) showed a broad minimum (at ~5600 cts/s) yielding to an increase in count rate, along with a softening of the spectrum. This increase and softening have both been accelerating in the past week. On July 5 the average 0.2-12 keV count rate was ~34300 cts/s, up from ~9300 cts/s on June 27. \nRapid evolution has also been seen in the power density spectra. The low-frequency QPOs, which have been reported previously (ATel #11488, #11510 #11576, #11578), have increased in frequency from ~0.35 Hz on June 27 to ~3.0 Hz on July 5. To emphasize the rate of evolution, we note that the QPO frequency doubled in less than 18 hours between the July 4 and 5 observations. \nThe spectrum of the July 5 observation is reasonably well described by an absorbed continuum model consisting of a disk component, a power law, and reflection. The slope of the power law (~2.4) is considerably steeper than during the hard state observations of the source (1.6-1.7, ATel #11576). The unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux on July 5 was 9.8e-8 erg/cm^2/s. For a distance of 3.2 kpc (Gandhi et al. 2018, arXiv:1804.11349) this corresponds to a luminosity of 1.2e38 erg/s. \nThe above behavior suggests that MAXI J1820+070 is currently in a hard intermediate state and transitioning, at an unusually rapid rate, toward the soft state. Since the soft state may already be reached within a few days, NICER observations of the source are continuing at an intensive rate and we strongly encourage observations at all wavelengths in the coming days to follow this state transition in detail. \nNICER is a 0.2-12 keV X-ray telescope operating on the International Space Station. The NICER mission and portions of the NICER science team activities are funded by NASA. \nCount rate and hardness evolution of MAXI J1820+070", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object", "Repeater", "Black hole", "Magnetar" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_11940", "message": "Title: Spectroscopy and photometry of Nova Oph 2018 N.3 (=PNV J17422408-2053088), still on the rise toward maximum\nAuthors: U. Munari (INAF Padova), P. Valisa, F.-J. Hambsch, A. Frigo (ANS Collaboration\nDate: 11 Aug 2018; 20:13 UT\nProvenance: U. Munari (ulisse.munari@oapd.inaf.it)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova\nDescription: Discovered on Aug 9.112 UT by C. Jacques, J. Barros, E. Pimentel, and P. Holvorcem (Brazilian Transient Search), PNV J17422408-2053088 has been classified as a FeII-type Galactic nova by Williams et al. (ATel #11928) from 2-m Liverpool Telescope spectra obtained on Aug 9.93 UT.\nThe nova has been discovered well before maximum brightness, as shown by the comparison of our BVI photometry for Aug 10 and 11, with that by S. Kiyota as reported on the CBAT \"Transient Object Followup Reports\" web page: \nUT| B| V| I \n---|---|---|--- \nAug 9.359| 11.29| 10.69| 10.07| S. Kiyota \nAug 10.018| 10.97| 10.11| 8.90| ANS \nAug 11.014| 10.37| 9.45| 8.26| ANS \nThe red colors above suggest significant reddening, as confirmed by the saturated interstellar NaI doublet and the rich assortment of diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) we have measured on an high resolution Echelle spectrum (4400-9100 Ang, res. pow. 15,000) that we have obtained with the Varese 84cm telescope on Aug 10.839 UT, at the same time when we also recorded a low resolution spectrum (3200-7900 Ang, 2.31 Ang/pix) with the Asiago 1.22m telescope. The equivalent width (E.W.) for interstellar KI 7699 corresponds to E(B-V)=0.94 adopting the calibration of Munari and Zwitter (1997, A&A 318, 269), and the E.W. of DIB 6614 provides E(B-V)=1.01 from Munari (2014, ASPC 490, 183). The E.W. of DIBs at 5780 and 5797 correspond, respectively, to E(B-V)=0.92 and 1.04 applying Kos and Zwitter (2013, ApJ 774, 72) relations. The overall average is E(B-V)=0.98 +/- 0.02.\nSignificant evolution has occurred since the spectral observation by Williams et al. (ATel #11928), primarily a reduction in excitation and in line width and velocity, as usual during the rise to maximum. The HeI lines are gone, and now a greater number of low-excitation emission lines are present over the whole spectral range, all displaying P-Cyg profiles, with the equivalent width of the absorption component rivaling or surpassing the emission one. Lines from a large number of FeII multiplets are present, CaII H and K, near-IR CaII triplet, Balmer and Paschen series, NaI, OI 7772 and 8446 (not yet Bowen pumped). The P-Cyg profiles are now perfectly fitted by a combination of two Gaussians, with no extended wings. The velocity shift from emission of P-Cyg absorptions range now from about -580 km/s for FeII, to -650 for Hbeta, to -710 for OI. The width of emission and absorption components also vary among ions and lines, from 1100 and 760 km/s (respectively) for Hbeta to 730 and 460 km/s for OI.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Near-Earth object", "Nova", "Minor body", "Star and stellar system" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_12000", "message": "Title: INTEGRAL detects a rebrightening of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J17591-2342\nAuthors: C. Sanchez-Fernandez (ESAC, ESA), C. Ferrigno, J. Chenevez, E. Kuulkers, R. Wijnands, A. Bazzano, P. Jonker, M. Del Santo, on behalf of the INTEGRAL Galactic bulge monitoring team\nDate: 1 Sep 2018; 11:24 UT\nProvenance: Celia Sanchez-Fernandez (celia.sanchez@sciops.esa.int)\nSubjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient, Pulsar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 12004\nIGR J17591-2342 was discovered by INTEGRAL on August 11, 2018 (ATel #11941). The outburst had actually started on July 22, 2018 (ATel #11981) and reached its peak on July 25, with a flux of ~50mCrab in the Swift/BAT energy range (15-150 keV). Since then, the outburst smoothly decayed to lower flux values, being detected at a flux of 3 mCrab by NICER (2-10 keV) on August 15th (ATel #11957). During observations of the Galactic Bulge region between August 30, 21:10 and August 31, 00:52 (UT), a significant rebrightening of the source has been detected by IBIS/ISGRI. The flux estimated from the mosaic image is ~33 mCrab in the 20-40 keV energy range. The source is barely at the edge of the JEMX field of view. We derive 3-sigma upper limits of ~20 mCrab (3-10 keV) and ~40 mCrab (10-25 keV) in the JEM-X mosaics. The IBIS/ISGRI spectrum can be fit with a powerlaw model with spectral index 2, showing no significant spectral variations when compared to the IBIS/ISGRI spectrum of the system measured on August 11. INTEGRAL will be observing the region around this source until September 4th. We encourage observations at other wavelengths.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus, Neutron star", "Globular cluster, Neutron star", "Accreting object, Neutron star", "Neutron star, Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_12090", "message": "Title: MASTER-OAFA: new OT, ampl>6.5m\nAuthors: V. Shumkov, V. Lipunov (Lomonosov MSU), R. Podesta (OAFA), H. Levato (ICATE), D. Buckley (SAAO), C. Lopez, F. Podesta, C. Francile (OAFA, SanJuan National University), E. Gorbovskoy, N. Tiurina, P. Balanutsa, A. Kuznetsov, V. Kornilov, V. Chazov, D. Vlasenko, V. Vladimirov, O. Gress, A. Krylov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, SAI), R. Rebolo Lopez, M. Serra-Ricart ((IAC), T. Pogrosheva, V. Senik, A. Gabovich\nDate: 9 Oct 2018; 08:41 UT\nProvenance: Nataly Tyurina (tiurina@sai.msu.ru)\nSubjects: Optical, Ultra-Violet, Request for Observations, Cataclysmic Variable, Transient, Variables\nDescription: MASTER OT J055548.92-303053.3 discovery - ampl>6.5mag, no known optical source in VIZIER \nMASTER-OAFA auto-detection system ( Lipunov et al., \"MASTER Global Robotic Net\", Advances in Astronomy, 2010, 30L ) \ndiscovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 05h 55m 48.92s -30d 30m 53.3s on 2018-10-09.22942 UT. \nThe OT unfiltered magnitude is 15.5m (mlim=18.6m). \nThe OT is seen in 3 images (2018-10-09 05:25:11,05:30:22,08:24:20.10). There is no minor planet at this place. \nWe have reference image without OT on 2017-11-23.29399 UT with 19.2m unfiltered magnitude limit (MASTER-OAFA), the nearest in time is reference image on 2018-09-21 00:49:34 with 2018-09-21 00:46:22 (MASTER-SAAO) with unfiltered mlim=20.0 \nThere is no known optical sources in VIZIER database (22m POSS limit in history and more then 6.5m of current outburst amplitude, so as MASTER_W=0.2B+0.8R calibrated by USNO-B1 thousands field stars), but there is GALEX source \nSpectral observations are required. \nThe discovery and reference images are available at: \nhttp://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/055548.92-303053.3.png List of Optical Transients discovered by MASTER\nMASTER Global Robotic Net", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Stellar evolution", "Star and stellar system", "Variable star", "Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_12150", "message": "Title: ePESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients\nAuthors: E. Congiu (Padova), M. Berton (FINCA), S. Benetti (Padova), A. Fiore (Padova), A. Pastorello (Padova), A. Reguitti (Padova), L. Tomasella (Padova), C. Barbarino (Stockholm), M. Fraser (UCD), S. C. Williams (Lancaster), C. Inserra (Southampton), E. Kankare (QUB), K. Maguire (QUB), S. J. Smartt (QUB), D. R. Young (QUB), O. Yaron (Weizmann), I. Manulis (Weizmann)\nDate: 31 Oct 2018; 11:49 UT\nProvenance: Andrea Pastorello (andrea.pastorello@oapd.inaf.it)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: ePESSTO, the extended Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (see Smartt et al. 2015, A&A, 579, 40; http://www.pessto.org ), reports the following supernova classification. The target was supplied by the Backyard Observatory Supernova Search (BOSS; http://bosssupernova.com/ ), and selected from the IAU TNS list (see https://wis-tns.weizmann.ac.il/). \nThe observation was performed on the ESO New Technology Telescope at La Silla on 2018 October 31.31 UT, using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315A, 18A resolution). The classification was done with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) and GELATO (Harutyunyan et al., 2008, A&A, 488, 383). Classification spectra and additional details can be obtained from http://www.pessto.org (via WISeREP) and the IAU Transient Name Server. \n \n \n Survey Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Disc. Date | Source | Discovery Mag. | z | Type | Phase | Notes \n | SN 2018hmy | 08:31:36.39 | -59:47:08.80 | 2018-10-21.65 | BOSS | 16.8 (clear) | 0.021562 | Ia | 2-3 weeks | (1) \n \n (1) The spectrum matches that of a normal Type Ia SN 2-3 weeks after the B-band maximum. \n The ejecta velocity, obtained from the wavelength of the Si II 635.5 nm minimum, is about 9500 km/s. \n The redshift of the host galaxy ESO 124-G018 is from West et al. 1981, A&AS, 46, 57.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Pulsar", "Supernova", "Magnetar", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_12240", "message": "Title: Classification of SN 2018ivc (=DLT18aq) as a Young Type II Supernova\nAuthors: Xinhan Zhang (Tsinghua University), Jujia Zhang, Xiaoli Wang (YNAO), Xiaofeng Wang, Hanna Sai, Han Lin, Danfeng Xiang, Liming Rui (Tsinghua Univeristy), Yue Wang, Junbo Zhang, Tianmeng Zhang, Huijuan Wang (NAOC)\nDate: 25 Nov 2018; 01:17 UT\nProvenance: Xiaofeng Wang (wang_xf@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 12289\nWe obtained optical spectra (range 360-870 nm) of SN 2018ivc(=DLT18aq) in M77, discovered by DLT40, on UT October 24.5 and 24.7 2018 with the Xinglong 2.16-m telescope (+BFOSC) of National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) and Lijiang 2.4-m telescope at Gaomeigu Station of Yunnan Astronomical Observatories (YNAO), respectively. The spectra are consistent with that of a young type II supernova that suffered significant host-galaxy reddening, with the equivalent width of the Na I absorption being measured as about 2.5 Angstrom. A prominent absorption feature detected at around 627.0 nm can be due to the Ha line. The narrow Ha emission supposed on the continuum seems to show a double peak structure, with an FWHM velocity of 1200 km/s. Adopting a redshift of 0.0038 for the host galaxy (Huchra et al. 1999, ApJS,121, 287), an expansion velocity of 13500 km/s can be inferred for this SN. Followup observations are encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Magnetar", "Supernova", "Black hole", "Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_12350", "message": "Title: INT WFC multi-band photometric follow up of the superluminous supernova SN 2018gft\nAuthors: M. Mallorquin (ULL), E. M. Garcia-Zamora (ULL), A. Hernandez-Garcia (ULL & IAC), A. Alvarez-Hernandez (ULL), A. Alvarez-Saavedra (ULL), P. Carro-Portos (ULL), E. A. Diaz-Suarez (ULL), R. M. Doblas-Cabezas (ULL), M. Fernandez-Torreiro (ULL), J. E. Mendez-Delgado (ULL & IAC), D. Moral-Pombo (ULL), M. A. Nuñez-Cagigal (ULL & IAC), G. Panizo-Espinar (ULL), J. Sanchez-Sierras (ULL), D. SanJulian-Jacques (ULL), H. Villegas-Beberide (ULL), L. Monteagudo (ING), and I. Perez-Fournon (ULL & IAC)\nDate: 2 Jan 2019; 14:21 UT\nProvenance: Ismael Perez-Fournon (ipf@iac.es)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We report multi-band photometry of the superluminous supernova SN 2018gft (= ZTF18abshezu) (= ATLAS18uym) based on CCD images taken with the Wide Field Camera of the Isaac Newton Telescope (Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma), from 2018 Oct 13.918 UT to 13.944 UT. According to the magnitudes we report below, SN 2018gft was about 1.7 magnitudes brighter during our observations than at the epoch of the first ZTF detection. This supernova was discovered on 2018/09/02.335 by the ZTF survey and reported to TNS by C. Fremling et al. It was classified as SN Type SLSN-I at a redshift of z=0.23 by A. Dugas et al. (ATel #12051) from spectroscopic follow-up with the Spectral Energy Distribution Machine (SEDM) mounted on the Palomar 60-inch (P60) telescope (Blagorodnova et. al. 2018, PASP, 130, 5003). It was also detected by ATLAS (ATLAS18uym, TNS). \n \nWe report here the SN position, based on the INT images, calibrated using the Gaia DR2 catalog: \nRA (J2000) = 23:57:17.933, Dec (J2000) = -15:37:53.37. \n \nThe INT Wide Field Camera magnitudes of SN 2018gft, calibrated using Pan-STARRS1 are: \n \ng = 17.96 +/- 0.02 (2018 Oct 13.935), exposure time = 3 x 180 seconds \nr = 18.10 +/- 0.02 (2018 Oct 13.932), exposure time = 3 x 180 seconds \ni = 18.32 +/- 0.03 (2018 Oct 13.928), exposure time = 3 x 180 seconds \n \nThe host galaxy is not detected in the Pan-STARRS1 DR1 images (see this comparison with our INT WFC r-band image) and the brightness of the SN does not allow us to detect a faint host galaxy at the position of the SN in the INT WFC images. \n \nThe light curve of SN 2018gft, from ZTF detections, represented in Lasair #ZTF18abshezu (see also MARS) shows, as expected for a SLSN-I, a very broad peak. The INT WFC observations were carried out close to peak of the light curve in the interval without ZTF observations due to ZTF maintenance. \n \nBased on observations made with the Isaac Newton Telescope operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. \n \nWe thank David Bishop for his wonderful compilation of extragalactic novae and supernovae.\nSN 2018gft Isaac Newton Telescope Wide Field Camera r-band image", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Stellar evolution", "Supernova", "Nova", "Minor body" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_12425", "message": "Title: MAXI/GSC discovery of a new X-ray transient MAXI J1348-630\nAuthors: F. Yatabe (RIKEN), H. Negoro, M. Nakajima, A. Sakamaki, W. Maruyama, M. Aoki, K. Kobayashi (Nihon U.), T. Mihara, S. Nakahira, Y. Takao, M. Matsuoka (RIKEN), T. Sakamoto, M. Serino, S. Sugita, T. Hashimoto, A. Yoshida (AGU), N. Kawai, M. Sugizaki, Y. Tachibana, K. Morita (Tokyo Tech), S. Ueno, H. Tomida, M. Ishikawa, Y. Sugawara, N. Isobe, R. Shimomukai, T. Midooka (JAXA), Y. Ueda, A. Tanimoto, T. Morita, S. Yamada, S. Ogawa (Kyoto U.), Y. Tsuboi, W. Iwakiri, R. Sasaki, H. Kawai, T. Sato (Chuo U.), H. Tsunemi, T. Yoneyama, K. Asakura, S. Ide (Osaka U.), M. Yamauchi, K. Hidaka, S. Iwahori (Miyazaki U.), T. Kawamuro (NAOJ), K. Yamaoka (Nagoya U.), M. Shidatsu (Ehime U.), and Y. Kawakubo (LSU)\nDate: 26 Jan 2019; 05:18 UT\nProvenance: Hitoshi Negoro (negoro@phys.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp)\nSubjects: X-ray, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 12430, 12434, 12439, 12441, 12447, 12448, 12456, 12457, 12470, 12477, 12480, 12491, 12497, 12505, 12520, 12829, 12838, 13188, 13451, 13459, 13465, 13539, 13710, 13994, 14016\nThe MAXI/GSC nova alert system triggered on an uncatalogued X-ray transient source at 03:16 UT on 2019 January 26. Assuming that the source flux was constant over four transits from 21:05 on Jan. 25 to 03:16 on Jan. 26, we obtain the source position at \n \n(R.A., Dec) = (207.053 deg, -63.068 deg) = (13 48 12, -63 04 04) (J2000) \n \nwith a statistical 90% C.L. elliptical error region with long and short radii of 0.42 deg and 0.34 deg, respectively. The roll angle of the long axis from the north direction is 36.0 deg counterclockwise. There is an additional systematic uncertainty of 0.1 deg (90% containment radius). The X-ray flux averaged over the scans was 47 +- 8 mCrab (4.0-10.0keV, 1 sigma error). \n \nThe source flux has been increasing since 21:05 on January 25, and judging from color images of the MAXI nova-alert system the source spectrum is likely hard. Since there is no known bright X-ray source in the error region above and the source is located on the galactic plane at (l, b) = (309.3, -0.9), the source is very likely a new X-ray nova, and we name the source MAXI J1348-630. \n \nFollowup observations are strongly encouraged to reveal the nature of the source.\nNova alert information of MAXI J1348-630", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova", "Star and stellar system", "Stellar evolution", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_12500", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classifications of Optical Transients with SOAR\nAuthors: M. R. Siebert, D. A. Coulter, J. S. Brown, G. Dimitriadis, R. J. Foley (UCSC)\nDate: 12 Feb 2019; 23:31 UT\nProvenance: Matthew Siebert (msiebert@ucsc.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We report the following classification of an optical transient from spectroscopic observations with the Goodman spectrograph on the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) telescope. The target was supplied by Gaia. All observations were made on 2019 February 12 UT. Classifications were performed with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). \n \n \n Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | z | Type | Phase | Notes \n \n Gaia19amg | AT2019aox | 04:12:15.000| -06:42:09.29 | 0.031 | Ia | -3 d | (1) \n \nNotes: When the redshift is given to 2 decimal places, it is derived from the SN spectrum. Otherwise, the redshift is determined from the host galaxy. (1) We measure an Si II 6355 velocity of -11,300 km/s.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Magnetar, Interstellar medium", "Exoplanet, Interstellar medium", "Supernova, Accreting object", "Supernova, Interstellar medium" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_12570", "message": "Title: Photometric follow-up of blazar TXS 1515-273 with GROWTH-India\nAuthors: Viraj Karambelkar (IITB), Harsh Kumar (IITB), Gaurav Waratkar (IITB), Shubham Srivastav (IITB), Urgain Stanzin (IAO), Varun Bhalerao (IITB), G. C. Anupama (IIA)\nDate: 13 Mar 2019; 00:27 UT\nProvenance: Shubham Srivastav (shubhamsrivastav@iitb.ac.in)\nSubjects: Optical, Blazar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 12575\nWe report photometric observations of the flaring blazar TXS 1515-273 (ATels #12565, #12532, #12537, #12552) with the 0.7 meter GROWTH-India telescope. The magnitudes in the g, r and i filters, calibrated against PS1 reference stars in the field, are as follows: \nMJD Filter Magnitude \n58549.85 g 16.13 ± 0.02 \n58549.86 r 15.64 ± 0.02 \n58549.87 i 15.25 ± 0.03 \n58550.85 g 16.20 ± 0.02 \n58550.86 r 15.65 ± 0.01 \n58550.87 i 15.26 ± 0.02 \n58551.86 g 16.25 ± 0.02 \n58551.87 r 15.69 ± 0.01 \n58551.87 i 15.29 ± 0.04 \n58552.85 g 16.19 ± 0.03 \n58552.85 r 15.63 ± 0.02 \n58552.86 i 15.20 ± 0.03 \n \nGROWTH-India is a 0.7 meter telescope set up by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), with support from the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) and the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India (https://sites.google.com/view/growthindia/). It is located at the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) at Hanle, Ladakh (India).", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Pulsar", "Minor body", "Globular cluster", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_12630", "message": "Title: AMI-LA 15.5 GHz observation of the Black Hole candidate XTE J1908+094\nAuthors: David Williams, Sara Motta, Rob Fender (Oxford), David Titterington, Dave Green (Cambridge), Yvette Perrott (VUW)\nDate: 5 Apr 2019; 13:47 UT\nProvenance: Sara Elisa Motta (sara.motta@physics.ox.ac.uk)\nSubjects: Radio, X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Following the detection of activity from the Black Hole candidate XTE J1908+094 with INTEGRAL (ATel #12628), we observed the source in the radio band with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Large Array (AMI-LA; Zwart et al. 2008; Hickish et al. 2018) at 15.5 GHz on 2019-04-05.2 for 1 hour. The custom pipeline REDUCE_DC (e.g. Perrott et al. 2015) was used to calibrate and flag the data, with 3C286 as the absolute flux calibrator and J1856+0610 as the interleaved phase calibrator. \nWe performed a preliminary analysis of the data and we detect a source at the phase center with peak flux density 1.66mJy/beam, consistent with being the radio counterpart to XTE J1908+094. The rms noise in the image is 0.3mJy/beam, which is significantly higher than expected due a bright contaminating radio source on the edge of the telescope primary beam. \nWe plan to continue monitoring this source and would like to thank the MRAO staff for carrying out these observations.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Magnetar", "Black hole", "Nova", "Star and stellar system" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_12720", "message": "Title: IMSNG early detection of AT 2019ein/ATLAS19ieo\nAuthors: Myungshin Im, Gu Lim, Gregory S.-H. Paek, Changsu Choi, (Seoul National University), Hyun-Il Sung (KASI), on behalf of the IMSNG team\nDate: 3 May 2019; 05:15 UT\nProvenance: Myungshin Im (myungshin.im@gmail.com)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: As a part of the Intensive Monitoring Survey of Nearby Galaxies (IMSNG; Im et al. 2019, JKAS, 52, 11), we have been doing daily monitoring the field including the location of AT 2019ein /ATLAS 19ieo (Tonry et al. 2019, TNSTR 33987). Our inspection of the R-band images taken at the Mt. Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory (LOAO) in Tucson, AZ, and the SNU Astronomical Observatory (SAO) 1m telescope reveals that the transient was not present in the SAO R-band image taken at 2019-04-29 18:07:15 (UT), but appeared in the LOAO B and R-band images taken at 2019-05-01 10:29:38 (UT) with the magnitude consistent with the early report (Smith et al. 2019, ATel #12710). This is about two hours before the first reported detection of AT2019ein by Smith et al (2019, ATel #12710). About 16.5 hours after, AT 2019ein brightened by 0.5 +- 0.1 magnitude in the R-band image taken by the SAO 1m telescope, consistent with the report that this is a very young supernova from spectroscopy (Burke et al. 2019, ATel #12719). Further observations are ongoing.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Variable star", "Binary system", "Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_12810", "message": "Title: LJT Spectroscopic Classification of PTSS-19cmsa(AT2019fzl) as a Type Ia Supernova\nAuthors: J.-J., Zhang, K.-X., Lu, J.-M., Bai (YNAO); H.-J., Tan(NCU); W.-X., Li(THU), B., Li(PMO); Z.-J., Xu; X.-F., Wang(THU), H-B., Zhao(PMO); L.-F., Wang(PMO/TAMU)\nDate: 28 May 2019; 14:54 UT\nProvenance: Ju-Jia Zhang (jujia@ynao.ac.cn)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We obtained an optical spectrum (range 350-880 nm) of PTSS-19cmsa(AT2019fzl), discovered by the PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS), on UT May 27.73 2019 with the Lijiang 2.4-m telescope (LJT + YFOSC) at the Lijiang Observatory of Yunnan Observatories (YNAO). The spectrum is consistent with a type Ia supernovae around the maximum light. Cross-correlation with the comparison tool GELATO (Harutyunyan et al. 2008, A&A, 488, 383, https://gelato.tng.iac.es) shows that it matches with SN 1981B at t = +0.7 days from the maximum light. After correcting for a redshift of 0.08346 (via SDSS) for its host galaxy SDSS J152706.83+023430.7, an expansion velocity of about 12000 km/s can be derived from the absorption minimum of Si II 635.5 nm line. It is the 200th supernovae candidates classified by LJT+YFOSC. We acknowledge the support of the staff of the LJT. Funding for the LJT has been provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the People's Government of Yunnan Province.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Globular cluster", "Pulsar", "Galaxy", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_12925", "message": "Title: Discovery of an Apparent Nova in M31\nAuthors: K. Hornoch, H. Kucakova (Astronomical Institute, Ondrejov, Czech Republic)\nDate: 11 Jul 2019; 22:05 UT\nProvenance: Allen W. Shafter (ashafter@sdsu.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova, Transient\nDescription: We report the discovery of an apparent nova in M31 on a co-added 720-s R-band CCD frame taken on 2019 Jul. 11.079 UT with the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov. Subsequently we found the object also on two prediscovery R-band images taken on Jul. 8.007 and 8.068 with the same instrumentation under poor seeing conditions. \nThe object designated PNV J00430090+4119194 is located at R.A. = 0h43m00s.90, Decl. = +41o19'19\".4 (equinox 2000.0), which is 186.8\" east and 190.9\" north of the center of M31 (see link to discovery image below). Please note that the positions have larger uncertainty than typically due to proximity of a bright star. \nThe following R-band magnitudes were obtained using the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov: \n2019 Jul. 4.057 UT, [18.9; 6.995, [18.0; 8.007, 16.3 ± 0.5 (prediscovery); 8.068, 15.9 ± 0.5 (prediscovery); 11.079, 17.3 ± 0.5. \nWe thank M. Wolf for acquiring images on Jul. 6.995 UT.\nDiscovery image", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Exoplanet", "Nova", "Galaxy", "Magnetar" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_12975", "message": "Title: SOAR and SALT spectroscopic follow up of V1047 Cen (Nova Cen 2005)\nAuthors: E. Aydi, J. Strader, L. Chomiuk, A. Kawash, K. V. Sokolovsky, L. Shishkovsky (MSU) D. A. H. Buckley (SAAO), M. Orio (INAF Padova, UoW) P. Mroz (Warsaw U. Observatory), P. Woudt (UCT), D. P. K. Banerjee (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad), A. Evans (Keele University), T. R. Geballe (Gemini Observatory), F-J. Hambsch (VVS, BAV, AAVSO), S. Kafka (AAVSO), U. Munari (INAF Astronomical Observatory, Padova), G. Myers (AAVSO), K. L. Page (U. Leicester, UK), S. Starrfield (ASU), F. Walter (Stonybrook), R. D. Gehrz, C. E. Woodward (Minnesota), and R. M. Wagner (OSU, LBT Observatory)\nDate: 1 Aug 2019; 17:50 UT\nProvenance: Elias Aydi (eaydi@saao.ac.za)\nSubjects: Optical, Binary, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova, Star, Transient, Variables\nDescription: Nova Cen 2005 (V1047 Cen) was noticed as an optical transient AT2019hik/Gaia19cfn on 2019-06-10 while showing an unexpected long-term rise in brightness that started as early as 2019-04-06 (ATel #12876) and continues up to this moment. The initial spectroscopic observations (ATel #12885, #12893, #12923) suggested that the re-brightening is a slow dwarf nova outburst, similar to the ones displayed by GK Per. The long 8.66 h orbital period suggested from TESS observations (ATel #12889) seemed to fit this picture. \nOn 2019-07-28.97 UT, we obtained two spectra of low (R ~ 900) and medium (R ~ 5000) resolution using the Goodman spectrograph on the 4.1 m SOAR telescope. On 2019-07-29.73UT we also obtained a 2 x 1000 s spectra using the High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS; Crause et al. 2014, Proc. SPIE, 91476) mounted on the 11m Southern African Large Telescope under the SALT Large Science Program on Transients. The observations were taken in the LR mode of HRS which covers the spectral range of 3800-8900 A at a resolution of R=14000. The SALT spectra were reduced using the SALT HRS MIDAS pipeline (Kniazev et al. 2016, MNRAS 459, 3068). \nThe spectra show broad emission lines of H I, He I, C IV, and [O III] (as reported in ATel #12885, 12893, 12923). However, the Balmer lines have became significantly stronger than the [O III] lines, in comparison with the previous observations (the peak of Hbeta is comparable to [O III] 5007, while Halpha's peak is 5 times stronger; see below a comparison between the line flux ratios). We measure a FWZI > 5000 km/s for the Balmer lines, while the central emission of these lines show a significant broadening in comparison to previous observations. We also identify P Cygni profiles in some of the He I and H I lines at velocities ~ -1200 km/s (as reported in ATel #12893). The broadening of the Balmer lines along with the ongoing brightening of the system are unusual and worth further investigations. We encourage follow up observations in all bands. \n \n \n June 19, 2019: \n F(Hbeta/[OIII]5007) ~ 0.35 \n F(Halpha/[OIII]5007) ~ 3.07 \n \n July 28, 2019: \n F(Hbeta/[OIII]5007) ~ 1.58 \n F(Halpha/[OIII]5007) ~ 15.0", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object", "Quasar", "Nova", "Near-Earth object" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_13025", "message": "Title: Rebrightening of MAXI J1820+070 (ASASSN-18ey) in X-rays\nAuthors: Yanjun Xu (Caltech), Fiona Harrison (Caltech) and John Tomsick (UCB/SSL)\nDate: 14 Aug 2019; 05:53 UT\nProvenance: Yanjun Xu (yanjun@caltech.edu)\nSubjects: X-ray, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 13041, 13044, 13066, 13502, 14492\nFollowing the report of steady optical rebrightening of the black hole X-ray transient MAXI J1820+070 (ASASSN-18ey) on August 10, 2019 (ATEL #13014), Swift observed MAXI J1820+070 with XRT twice at August 11 UT 16:12 and August 13 UT 12:40. Fitting the Swift XRT data with an absorbed power-law model (with nH fixed at 1.5e21 cm^-2), we measure the 0.5-10.0 keV flux of (4.5+/-1.4)e-13 erg/cm^2/s and (2.1+/-0.3)e-12 erg/cm^2/s for the first and second observation, respectively. This indicates a rapid brightening of MAXI J1820+070 in X-rays, with a flux increase by ~5 times in less than 2 days. The delay between the optical and X-ray brightening is expected from disk instability models and can be used to infer where the outburst began in the accretion disk (Orosz et al. 1997). \n \nWe have requested further Swift XRT monitoring of MAXI J1820+070. The rise of MAXI J1820+070 (ASASSN-18ey) in the X-ray band provides encouragement for coverage at other wavelengths.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole", "Active galactic nucleus", "Repeater", "Galaxy" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_13110", "message": "Title: Outburst of Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann\nAuthors: Dennis Bodewits (Auburn U), Michael S. P. Kelley (U. Maryland), Quanzhi Ye (U. Maryland), on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility Collaboration\nDate: 14 Sep 2019; 17:45 UT\nProvenance: Dennis Bodewits (dennis@auburn.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Comet\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 13164, 14207\nWe report on a rapid increase in the brightness of comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann from images acquired with the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) operated on the 1.2-m Oschin Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory. The comet's brightness has been steadily decreasing since previously reported outburst that started around between 2019 Aug 1.50 and Aug 2.44 UT (ATel #12994) until it reached an apparent minimum around Aug 30 - Sep. 1 - 11 UT of r = 16.56 ± 0.04 within a circular aperture of 20,000 km at the position of the comet. A small outburst of 0.2 - 0.3 R-mag was first reported by Charles Bell (priv. comm.) on Sep 6.33 UT and is present in our observation acquired on Sep. 7.42 UT as a 0.12 ± 0.06 r-mag increase. The comet was back to its baseline activity on Sep. 11.42, but an i-mag of 15.82 ± 0.03 was measured on Sep. 12.40 UT, corresponding to an r-mag of 16.06 ± 0.4, indicating a rapid brightness increase of Δ r-mag = 0.49 ± 0.06. This event started between Sep. 11.42 and Sep. 12.40 UT. For the color correction, we assumed median comet color corrections from Solontoi et al. (2010) of g-r = 0.57 and r-i = 0.24. Date UT | Mag | Δ mag | Band | mag r | Δ mag r \n---|---|---|---|---|--- \n2019 Sep. 12.40 | 15.82 | 0.03 | i | 16.06 | 0.04 \n2019 Sep. 11.42 | 17.12 | 0.04 | g | 16.55 | 0.05 \n2019 Sep. 7.42 | 16.20 | 0.03 | i | 16.44 | 0.04 \n2019 Sep. 1.43 | 17.16 | 0.03 | g | 16.59 | 0.04", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Globular cluster", "Repeater", "Minor body", "Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_13200", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of AT2019rra as a Type IIP Supernova\nAuthors: Chien-Hsiu Lee (NSF's OIR Lab), Monika Soraisam (UIUC), Gautham Narayan (UIUC), Thomas Matheson (NSF's OIR Lab), Abhijit Saha (NSF's OIR Lab), Arizona-NOAO Temporal Analysis and Response to Events System (ANTARES) team, Thomas G. Brink, Kishore C. Patra, Thomas de Jaeger, WeiKang Zheng, Benjamin E. Stahl, Alexei V. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), Daniel Muthukrishna (University of Cambridge)\nDate: 18 Oct 2019; 16:48 UT\nProvenance: Chien-Hsiu Lee (lee@noao.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Transient\nDescription: We report the classification of AT2019rra from spectroscopic observations with the Kast spectrograph on the 3 m Shane telescope at Lick Observatory. The optical spectra were obtained on 2019 October 8 UT. Targets were flagged and supplied by ANTARES (antares.noao.edu) and our customized filter as promising stellar explosion events. Classification was performed with DASH (Muthukrishna et al. 2019, arXiv:1903.02557). The light curve of AT2019rra can be found at:https://antares.noao.edu/alerts/data/260084901 . \n \n \n Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | MJD | z. | Type | Phase | Notes \n ZTF19acbwmqd | AT2019rra | 16:38:39.37 | +33:40:41.44 | 58764.15 | 0.037 | IIP | near max. | (1) \n \nNote: (1) AT2019rra was also reported to TNS by ALeRCE as a candidate supernova, associated with galaxy SDSS J163839.41+334042.1 with a photo-z of 0.087. However, using the H-alpha emission line from the host galaxy in the Kast spectrum we derived a redshift of 0.037.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Quasar", "Minor body", "Supernova", "Circumstellar disk" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_13260", "message": "Title: Optical spectroscopy of MAXI J0637-430 confirms a new low-mass X-ray binary\nAuthors: J Strader, E Aydi, K Sokolovsky, L Shishkovsky (Michigan St)\nDate: 4 Nov 2019; 16:37 UT\nProvenance: Jay Strader (strader@pa.msu.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Binary, Black Hole, Neutron Star, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 13275, 13291, 13292, 13296, 13454, 13779\nOn 2019 Nov 3, the new soft X-ray transient MAXI J0637-430 was announced (ATel #13256), with a bright candidate optical counterpart was identified in Swift data (ATel #13257). We obtained spectroscopy of this source on UT 2019 Nov 4.2 with the Goodman Spectrograph on the SOAR telescope. We took both a low resolution spectrum (wavelength range 3800-7800 A, resolution 5.6 A) and a moderate resolution spectrum (5500-6750 A, resolution 1.7 A). The low resolution spectrum shows strong, broad, clearly double-peaked H-alpha and He II 4686 emission at Galactic velocities, with weaker emission from H-beta, H-gamma, and He I 5875 and 6678. The Bowen blend is not visible. In the medium resolution spectrum, the H-alpha has a FWHM of about 1740 km/s and an equivalent width of about 5 Ang. No absorption lines conceivably associated with the binary are seen. \nThe spectrum is very blue, with a spectral slope (in lambda--f_lambda) of ~ -3.22 after correcting for the modest foreground reddening of E(B-V) ~ 0.064 (Schlafly & Finkbeiner, 2011, ApJ, 737, 103). Consistent with this low reddening, no clear interstellar absorption lines are present in the spectra, other than perhaps a hint of Na D. \nThese spectroscopic properties provide strong evidence that MAXI J0637-430 is a new low-mass X-ray binary in outburst.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole, Neutron star, Binary system", "Quasar, Neutron star, Binary system", "Black hole, Active galactic nucleus, Binary system", "Interstellar medium, Neutron star, Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_13350", "message": "Title: MASTER: outburst detection with ampl>5.1m\nAuthors: O. Gress, E. Gorbovskoy, V. Lipunov (Lomonosov MSU), R. Rebolo, M. Serra(The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias), V. Kornilov, N. Tiurina, P. Balanutsa, I. Gorbunov, E. Minkina, A. Kuznetsov, V. Vladimirov, T. Pogrosheva, D. Vlasenko, D. Zimnukhov, D. Cheryasov, V. Senik, V. Shumkov(Lomonosov MSU), R. Podesta, C. Lopez, F. Podesta, C. Francile (OAFA), H. Levato(ICATE), D. Buckley(SAAO), O. A. Gres, N. M. Budnev, O. Ershova(ISU, API), A. Tlatov, D. Dormidontov(Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo Observatory),V. Yurkov, A. Gabovich, Yu. Sergienko(Blagoveschensk ESU)\nDate: 14 Dec 2019; 12:49 UT\nProvenance: Nataly Tyurina (tiurina@sai.msu.ru)\nSubjects: Optical, Request for Observations, Cataclysmic Variable, Transient, Variables\nDescription: MASTER OT J064829.56+021205.9 discovery- preliminary dwarf nova outburst with ampl>5.1 \nMASTER-IAC auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 06h 48m 29.56s +02d 12m 05.9s on 2019-12-14.17137 UT. \nThe OT unfiltered magnitude is 16.9m (limit 17.5m). \nThe OT is seen in 2 images. There is no minor planet at this place. \nWe have reference image without OT on 2018-04-03.85720 UT with unfiltered magnitude limit 19.1m. \nThere is no USNO-B1 sources, so the amplitude of outburst is more then 5.1m (but there is PanSTARRs star witt rmag=21.076 in VIZIER database \nSpectral observations are required. \nThe discovery and reference images are available at: \nhttp://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/064829.56021205.9.png \nMASTER Global Robotic Net", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus", "Accreting object", "Minor body", "Variable star" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_13410", "message": "Title: The Continued Unprecedented Fading of Betelgeuse\nAuthors: Edward F. Guinan and Richard J. Wasatonic (Villanova University)\nDate: 20 Jan 2020; 17:50 UT\nProvenance: Edward Guinan (edward.guinan@villanova.edu)\nSubjects: Infra-Red, Optical, Star, Variables\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 13439, 13512\nWe report further on the recent unusual dimming of the red supergiant Betelgeuse (alpha Ori) reported previously in ATel #13341 and ATel #13365. We continue to carry out V-band and Wing TiO and near-IR photometry of the star. Since our last report, Betelgeuse has continued to gradually decrease in brightness. Our most recent photometry secured on 17.25 UT and 18.20 UT January 2020 yields: V = +1.494 mag and 1.506 mag, respectively. This is more than ~0.2 mag fainter than previously reported in ATel #13365 on 22.25 UT Dec. 2019. However during the last week or so the decline in brightness of the star may be slowing. As reported by Brian Skiff of Lowell Observatory (priv. commun.) visual estimates of Betelgeuse are available as far back as about 180-years ago. Systematic visual measures of the star have been made by AAVSO observers since the 1920s. More precise photoelectric photometry began nearly 100 yrs ago but systematic (mostly unpublished) photometry of Betelgeuse commenced about 40-years ago at Villanova Observatory by Scott Wacker and Guinan. Betelgeuse is now nearly as faint as (the slightly variable) B2 star Bellatrix (V ~+1.62 mag). Bellatrix (gamma Ori) is about 5° west of Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion. The analysis of the calibrated Wing photometry (Wing 1992: JAAVSO 21, 42) returns measures of the temperature (via calibrated Wing TiO- and near-IR (B-C) color-indices) as well as estimates of bolometric magnitude (m-bol). The Wing intermediate band A-filter is used to measure the temperature-sensitive TiO 719-nm (gamma; 0, 0) molecular band. The B (750-nm) and C (1020.4-nm) filters are centered on relatively line-free stellar continuum regions. The C-band filter measures have been calibrated with K-M stars with bolometric magnitudes returning proxy measures of the apparent bolometric magnitude (m-bol) (see Wasatonic et al. 2015: PASP, 127, 1010). During the 25-years of V-band / Wing Near-IR photometry, Betelgeuse is currently the coolest and least luminous yet observed. Since September 2019, the star's temperature has decreased by ~100 K while its luminosity (inferred from the C-band/m-bol observations) has diminished by nearly 25%. At face value using R'/R = [(T'/T)^4 / L'/L]^0.5 (where R', T' and L' are the current values of stellar Radius, Temperature & Luminosity), this implies an increase of the star's radius of ~9%. However, as pointed out by others, the current fainting episode could also arise from expelled, cooling gas/dust partially obscuring the star. The recent changes defined by our V-band/Wing photometry seem best explained from changes in the envelop-outer convection atmosphere of this pulsating, unstable supergiant. If these recent light changes are due to an extra-large amplitude light pulse on the ~420-day period, then the next mid-light minimum is expected during late January/early February, 2020. If Betelgeuse continues to dim after that time then other possibilities will have to be considered. The unusual behavior of Betelgeuse should be closely watched.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Stellar evolution", "Near-Earth object", "Star and stellar system" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_13470", "message": "Title: A rapidly growing flare of Cygnus X-3 observed with the Nasu telescope array at 1.4GHz\nAuthors: K. Tsubono (Univ. Tokyo), K. Asuma (Asaka High School), K. Niinuma, T. Aoki (Yamaguchi Univ.), K. Takefuji (JAXA), and T. Daishido (Waseda Univ.)\nDate: 12 Feb 2020; 14:20 UT\nProvenance: Kimio Tsubono (tsubono@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)\nSubjects: Radio, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 13866\nRecent quenched/hypersoft state and gamma-ray flare of Cygnus X-3 were reported by AGILE team (ATel #13423, #13458). After that, RATAN 600 reported the beginning of a radio flare from Cygnus X-3 (ATel #13461).\nWith the Nasu telescope array, we have been monitoring Cygnus X-3 daily from last October (drift-scan mode). On February 8 this year, we could observe the appearance of a new activity of Cygnus X-3 with the flux level of 1.48 +/- 0.02 Jy (UT 02:17) at 1.4 GHz. During next four days the observed flux showed rapid increase up to 15.11 +/- 0.02 Jy on February 12 02:01 UT. Ten days light curve including preceding five days data with five-sigma noise level can be shown in the figure below. \nWe will continue our radio monitoring for a while.\nThe Nasu telescope array is a spatial FFT interferometer consisting of linearly aligned eight antennas with 20-m spherical dishes. This type of interferometer was developed to survey transient radio sources with a high angular resolution that of 160-m dish and at the same time with a wide field-of-view that of 20-m dish.\n10 days light curve of Cyg X-3 at 1.4GHz", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system, Black hole", "Binary system, Supernova", "Binary system, Nova", "Binary system, Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_13530", "message": "Title: MAXI/GSC detects renewed activity from MAXI J1820+070\nAuthors: R. Sasaki (Chuo U.), H. Negoro (Nihon U.), S, Nakahira (JAXA), M. Shidatsu (Ehime U.), M. Nakajima, W. Maruyama, M. Aoki, K. Kobayashi, R. Takagi (Nihon U.), T. Mihara, C. Guo, Y. Zhou, T. Tamagawa, M. Matsuoka (RIKEN), T. Sakamoto, M. Serino, S. Sugita, H. Nishida, A. Yoshida (AGU), Y. Tsuboi, W. Iwakiri, H. Kawai, T. Sato (Chuo U.), N. Kawai, M. Oeda, K. Shiraishi (Tokyo Tech), Y. Sugawara, S. Ueno, H. Tomida, M. Ishikawa, R. Shimomukai, M. Tominaga (JAXA), Y. Ueda, A. Tanimoto, S. Yamada, S. Ogawa, K. Setoguchi, T. Yoshitake (Kyoto U.), H. Tsunemi, T. Yoneyama, K. Asakura, S. Ide (Osaka U.), M. Yamauchi, S. Iwahori, Y. Kurihara, K. Kurogi, K. Miike (Miyazaki U.), T. Kawamuro (NAOJ), K. Yamaoka (Nagoya U.), Y. Kawakubo (LSU), M. Sugizaki (NAOC)\nDate: 28 Feb 2020; 01:04 UT\nProvenance: Satoshi NAKAHIRA (nakahira@crab.riken.jp)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 14492\nWe report on the detection of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070 = ASASSN-18ey (e.g. ATel #11399, #11400) with MAXI/GSC. \nFollowing the recent optical rebrightening reported by Adachi et al. (ATel #13502), the MAXI/GSC nova alert system (Negoro et al. 2016) detected an X-ray flux increase of the source at 12:31 UT on 2020 February 27 in the one-day time-bin. The X-ray flux in the 2-10 keV band was 16 ± 3 mCrab (1 sigma error) on February 27. \nFollow-up observations are encouraged.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole, Interstellar medium", "Black hole, Star and stellar system", "Black hole, Binary system", "Black hole, Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_13590", "message": "Title: The asteroid (7132) Casulli is a binary system \nAuthors: Lorenzo Franco (A81 - Balzaretto Observatory, Rome - Italy), Alessandro Marchini, Giacomo Bonnoli (K54 - Astronomical Observatory, Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment, University of Siena - Italy), Riccardo Papini (K49 - WBRO Carpione Observatory, San Casciano Val di Pesa, Florence - Italy), Paolo Bacci, Martina Maestripieri (104 - San Marcello Pistoiese Observatory, Pistoia - Italy), Nello Ruocco (C82 - Osservatorio Astronomico Nastro Verde, Sorrento - Italy), Nico Montigiani, Massimiliano Mannucci (A57 - Margherita Hack Observatory, Florence - Italy), Giulio Scarfi (K78 - iota Scorpii Observatory, La Spezia - Italy) \nDate: 25 Mar 2020; 16:28 UT\nProvenance: Giacomo Bonnoli (giacomo.bonnoli@unisi.it)\nSubjects: Optical, Asteroid, Binary, Planet (minor), Solar System Object, Asteroid (Binary)\nDescription: (7132) Casulli is a main belt asteroid discovered on 1993 Sept. 17 by A. Vagnozzi at Stroncone (Italy) and is named in honor of Silvano Casulli (1944 - 2018), who was the first amateur astronomer in the world to obtain precise astrometric positions of minor planets using a CCD camera (Minor Planet Circular 30800). It orbits with a semi-major axis of about 2.309 AU, eccentricity 0.209, and a period of 3.51 years; it has an absolute magnitude H = 13.6 , a diameter D = 9.015 +/- 0.064 km and a geometric albedo of 0.089 +/- 0.003 (JPL Small-Body Database Browser - ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi, 2020; Masiero et al., Main-belt Asteroids with WISE/NEOWISE: Near-infrared Albedos, Astrophys. J., 791, 2014). Collaborative photometric observations carried out from 2020 February 20 to 2020 March 20 within the Asteroid Research Section of the UAI (Italian Amateur Astronomers Union) reveal that the minor planet (7132) Casulli is a binary system with an orbital period of 36.54 +/- 0.02 h. The rotational light curve of the primary has a period of 3.5238 +/- 0.0002 h with an amplitude of 0.14 mag, suggesting a nearly spheroidal shape. Mutual eclipse/occultation events that are 0.11 to 0.16 mag deep indicate a secondary-to-primary mean-diameter ratio of 0.21 +/- 0.04. Differential photometry measurements and dual-period search were performed using MPO Canopus. The phase plots for the primary (rotational) and secondary (orbital) periods of the system are available at this page: https://www.dsfta.unisi.it/it/notizie/il-telescopio-delluniversita-di-siena-scopre-che-lasteroide-7132-casulli-e-un-sistema Instrumentation used for this campaign is listed below: \\- K54 - Astronomical Observatory, DSFTA - University of Siena: 0.30 m f/5.6 MCT, SBIG STL-6303e CCD \\- K49 - WBRO Carpione Observatory: 0.23 m SCT f/10 SBIG ST8-XME CCD \\- 104 - San Marcello Pistoiese Observatory: 0.60 m f/4 NRT, apogee U6 CCD \\- C82 - Osservatorio Astronomico Nastro Verde: 0.35 m f/10 SCT, ST10 CCD \\- A57 - Margherita Hack Observatory: SCT 0.35 m, ST10XME CCD \\- K78 - iota Scorpii Observatory : 0.40 m f/8 RCT, SBIG STXL-6303E CCD (Telescopes MCT: Maksutov-Cassegrain, NRT: Newtonian Reflector, RCT: Ritchey-Chretien, SCT: Schmidt-Cassegrain). Any enquiry on these observations may be sent to Lorenzo Franco (lor_franco -at- libero.it). \nRotational and orbital phase plots for (7132) Casulli", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Minor body, Binary system", "Star and stellar system, Binary system", "Minor body, Minor body", "Minor body, Magnetar" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_13650", "message": "Title: X-ray pulsations from the recently discovered Be/X-ray binary eRASSU J052914.9-662446 in the LMC\nAuthors: C. Maitra (MPE), F. Haberl (MPE), O. Koenig (ECAP/FAU), V. Doroshenko (IAAT, Tuebingen), S. Carpano (MPE), L. Ducci (IAAT, Tuebingen)\nDate: 21 Apr 2020; 21:34 UT\nProvenance: Frank Haberl (fwh@mpe.mpg.de)\nSubjects: X-ray, Neutron Star, Star, Pulsar\nDescription: During the beginning of the first all-sky survey (eRASS1), the eROSITA instrument on board the Russian/German Spektrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) mission discovered a new Be/X-ray binary in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) with the classification based on its hard X-ray spectral properties and its spatial coincidence with a Be star (ATel #13610). Following the detection, a NuSTAR observation was performed to further investigate the broad-band X-ray properties of the source. Here we report the discovery of pulsations with a period of ~1412 s in the X-ray flux of eRASSU J052914.9-662446. \n \nThe NuSTAR observation was performed between 2020-04-08 (MJD 58947.076) and 2020-04-09 (MJD 58948.29) with an effective exposure of 62.7 ks on FPMA and 62.3 ks on FPMB. Strong pulsations are detected independently in the 3.0 -78.0 keV light curves obtained from FPMA and FPMB thereby confirming the source as an X-ray pulsar. The detected spin period is 1412(5) s where the error corresponds to one sigma confidence. The 3.0-50.0 keV spectrum can be described by an absorbed cutoff-powerlaw model with no additional features, a photon index of 1.2(5), a folding energy of 11(7) keV and an absorption column density of 5(4)×1022 H cm-2. The uncertainties in the spectral parameters correspond to 90% confidence. The observed source flux was ~2.4×10-12 erg cm-2 s-1 in the 3.0-78.0 keV band, corresponding to an absorption-corrected luminosity of ~1036 erg s-1, assuming a distance of 50 kpc. The detailed analysis of NuSTAR and eROSITA data will be published elsewhere. \n \nWe thank the NuSTAR SOC team for the quick scheduling of the DDT observation.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Neutron star, Binary system", "Neutron star, Nova", "Nova, Pulsar", "Neutron star, Pulsar" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_13710", "message": "Title: XB-NEWS detects a new outburst from MAXI J1348-630\nAuthors: Maria Cristina Baglio, David M. Russell, D. M. Bramich, Payaswini Saikia, Saarah F. Pirbhoy (NYU Abu Dhabi), Fraser Lewis (Faulkes Telescope Project & Astrophysics Research Institute, LJMU)\nDate: 6 May 2020; 05:32 UT\nProvenance: Maria Cristina Baglio (cristina.baglio@brera.inaf.it)\nSubjects: Optical, X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 13994, 14016\nThe black hole candidate MAXI J1348-630 was discovered by MAXI/GSC on 2019 January 26 (ATel #12425). The discovery outburst lasted until the end of April 2019, when the source entered a quiescent phase (ATel #12441, #12447, #12456, #12469, #12470, #12471, #12477, #12491, #12497). Later on, two reflares were observed (in May and September 2019, respectively; ATel #12829, #12838, #13188), and at the beginning of February 2020 the source started a new re-brightening that was first detected at optical frequencies by our monitoring performed with the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) 2-m and 1-m robotic telescopes (ATel #13451), and was then confirmed by MAXI/GSC (ATel #13459). According to NICER observations, MAXI J1348 was in the hard state at the start of this last re-brightening (ATel #13465). \n \nWe have been closely monitoring the source since the start of its first outburst in January 2019 with LCO. The analysis of the LCO data are performed with a new real-time data analysis pipeline, the ''X-ray Binary New Early Warning System (XB-NEWS; see Russell et al. 2019 and Pirbhoy et al. 2020, ATel #13451 for details). \n \nAfter the detection of the last re-brightening, the source faded again at optical frequencies, going back to the quiescent level that was reached before the start of the re-brightening. In particular, the source magnitude faded from a peak of i'=16.83+/-0.01, g'=18.44+/-0.01 on MJD 58882.0 (February 03) to its faintest magnitude of i'=20.04+/-0.08 on MJD 58935.7 (March 27). \n \nVery recently, a new brightening was observed by LCO, with magnitudes going from i'=19.93+/-0.03 on MJD 58961.5 (April 22) to i'=16.98+/-0.01 on MJD 58973.3 (May 4). The most recent magnitudes (MJD 58973.7, May 4) show that the brightening is still ongoing, with i'=16.91+/-0.01, r'=17.47+/-0.01, g'=18.46+/-0.02. The brightening has probably not reached its peak yet. \n \nWe noticed that a slight X-ray brightening is observed in both the MAXI and Swift/BAT monitoring at the same time as the optical one. However, more observations are necessary in order to confirm this. The optical monitoring of the source with LCO is still ongoing. Further multiwavelength observations are therefore encouraged in order to confirm the brightening and determine the accretion state of the source. \n \nThe LCO observations are part of an on-going monitoring campaign of ~ 40 low-mass X-ray binaries (Lewis et al. 2008) with LCO and the Faulkes Telescopes. This work makes use of observations from the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO). We acknowledge the support of the NYU Abu Dhabi Research Enhancement Fund under grant RE124. \nOptical LCO light curves of MAXI J1348-630", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus", "Black hole", "Magnetar", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_13775", "message": "Title: MASTER: optical activity of flaring FSRQ PMN J1903- 6749\nAuthors: V. Lipunov, K. Zhirkov, O. Gress, K. Zhirkov, V. Kornilov, E. Gorbovskoy, A. Chasovnikov, N. Tiurina, P. Balanutsa, I. Gorbunov, A. Kuznetsov, V. Vladimirov, D. Vlasenko, F. Balakin, D. Zimnukhov, D. Cheryasov, V. Senik, E. Minkina, V. Grinshpun, V. Shumkov, T. Pogrosheva, V. Topolev, A. Pozdnyakov (Lomonosov MSU), D. A. H. Buckley (SAAO), R. Podesta, F. Podesta, C. Francile (OAFA), H. Levato (SJNU), N. M. Budnev(ISU, API), A. Gabovich, Yu. Sergienko(BSPU), R. Rebolo, M. Serra-Riscart, (IAC), A. Tlatov, D. Dormidontov(Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo Observatory)\nDate: 2 Jun 2020; 19:37 UT\nProvenance: Nataly Tyurina (tiurina@sai.msu.ru)\nSubjects: Optical, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, Quasar\nDescription: MASTER-NET reports on enhanced optical activity of the flaring FSRQ PMN J1903- 6749 as reported by the Fermi-LAT Collaboration (Angioni et al. ATEL #13767). \nMASTER-OAFA and MASTER-SAAO observed this object at the beginning and the end of the day of the gamma-ray flare. \nWe obtain three frames on which the object is clearly visible, although the second one has heavily distorted objects. \n \nDate | Time UTC | magnitude | Filter | Facility \n2020-05-27 | 00:55:44 | 16.03 | C | MASTER-OAFA \n2020-05-27 | 20:36:15 | 15.41 | C | MASTER-SAAO \n2020-05-28 | 03:31:24 | 14.38 | C | MASTER-OAFA \n \nWe used GAIA catalog for flux calibration. \nWe conclude that during the gamma-ray flare object experienced an optical flare with an amplitude of at least 1.6 magnitude. \nWe encourage further multi-wavelength support of this object. \nMASTER Global Robotic Net", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Accreting object, Magnetar, Black hole, Neutron star", "Accreting object, Active galactic nucleus, Magnetar, Neutron star", "Accreting object, Active galactic nucleus, Black hole, Active galactic nucleus", "Accreting object, Active galactic nucleus, Black hole, Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_13875", "message": "Title: New Enhanced Activity of Mrk 421 measured by HAWC\nAuthors: Jose Andres Garcia-Gonzalez (IF-UNAM, jagarcia@fisica. unam. mx, ITESM-EIC, anteus79@tec. mx), Israel Martinez (UMD, imc@umd. edu) on behalf of the HAWC Collaboration\nDate: 18 Jul 2020; 03:52 UT\nProvenance: José Andrés García-González (jagarcia@fisica.unam.mx)\nSubjects: Gamma Ray, TeV, AGN, Blazar\nDescription: In the past night the HAWC gamma-ray observatory has observed an increased TeV gamma-ray emission from Markarian 421, with a flux above 1 TeV of (8.91 +/- 1.10) X 10^-11 cm^-2s^-1 (~ 5 equivalent Crab units) between 2020-07-17 8:42:07 and 2020-07-18 00:58:05 UTC. \nThis new increase in the integrated flux has been preceded for an extended period of high activity that lasted from Jun 14th to Jun 21th (see for ref. #Atel 13808, #Atel 13831). \nHAWC continuously monitors this source and will keep reporting in case that the enhance activity follows. Follow-up observations are encouraged. \nAll flux values are obtained from a maximum likelihood fit under the assumption of a fixed spectral shape with power law index of 2.2 and exponential cut-off at 5 TeV. The HAWC contact people for this analysis are Jose Andres Garcia-Gonzalez (IF-UNAM, jagarcia@fisica.unam.mx, ITESM-EIC, anteus79@tec.mx) and Israel Martinez (UMD, imc@umd.edu). \nHAWC is a TeV gamma ray water Cherenkov array located in the state of Puebla, Mexico, that monitors two thirds of the sky every day with an instantaneous field of view of ~2 sr.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova", "Minor body", "Black hole", "Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_13950", "message": "Title: Radio observations of the magnetar AX J1846.4-0258\nAuthors: Mitchell B Mickaliger (University of Manchester), Kaustubh Rajwade (University of Manchester), Benjamin Stappers (University of Manchester), Andrew Lyne (University of Manchester), Lina Levin Preston (University of Manchester)\nDate: 17 Aug 2020; 15:10 UT\nProvenance: Mitchell Mickaliger (mitchell.mickaliger@manchester.ac.uk)\nSubjects: Radio, Magnetar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 13988\nFollowing the detection of an X-ray flare from the magnetar AX J1846.4-0258 by Swift (ATel #13913) and MAXI/GSC (ATel #13922), we performed follow-up radio observations with the 32-m Mk2 telescope at Jodrell Bank Observatory. We observed the source on 2020-08-05 (MJD 59066) at 17:37:00 UT for 4189 seconds, 2020-08-12 (MJD 59073) at 00:56:33 UT for 2919 seconds, 2020-08-13 (MJD 59074) at 19:40:16 UT for 1969 seconds, and 2020-08-14 (MJD 59075) at 00:39:43 UT for 3330 seconds. These data were recorded using a DFB backend (Manchester et al., 2013), and were coherently dedispersed and folded. All observations were centered at a frequency of 1532 MHz, with a bandwidth of 384 MHz over 32 channels. No detections were made in these four observations. The nominal DM of the source (300 pc cm^-3) agrees with the accepted distance to the source, 5.5--5.9 kpc (Verbiest et al., 2012), based on the NE2001 Galactic free-electron density model (Cordes & Lazio, 2002). Assuming roughly a factor-of-two error on the distance, and using the upper limit from Leahy & Tian (2008) of 13.2 kpc, gives a maximum DM of 1175 pc cm^-3. A further search using 'pdmp,' which is part of the PSRCHIVE software suite (van Straten et al., 2011), was performed around the nominal period (326.6 ms), but did not reveal any radio emission. We then ran a wider search over a DM range of 0--1175 pc cm^-3 and no pulsations were detected. Assuming a duty cycle of 50%, a sky temperature of 10 K, and an effective bandwidth of 250 MHz, the 1-sigma upper limits on the radio flux of this source during these four observations are 86 uJy, 103 uJy, 126 uJy, and 97 uJy, respectively. We plan to continue radio observations of this source.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Minor body", "Neutron star", "Magnetar", "Interstellar medium" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_14070", "message": "Title: Latest increased Activity of Mrk 421 measured by HAWC\nAuthors: Jose Andres Garcia-Gonzalez (IF-UNAM, jagarcia@fisica. unam. mx, ITESM-EIC, anteus79@tec. mx), Israel Martinez (UMD, imc@umd. edu) on behalf of the HAWC Collaboration\nDate: 7 Oct 2020; 15:31 UT\nProvenance: José Andrés García-González (jagarcia@fisica.unam.mx)\nSubjects: Gamma Ray, TeV, AGN, Blazar\nDescription: In the past day the HAWC gamma-ray observatory has observed an increased TeV gamma-ray emission from Markarian 421, with a highest flux above 1 TeV of (11.01 +/- 1.64) X 10^-11 cm^-2s^-1 ( 6.22 equivalent Crab units) from 2020-10-06 13:23:39 to 2020-10-06 16:31:38 UTC. \nThis new increase in the integrated flux has been preceded by an extended period of high activity with some interruptions (see for ref. #Atel 13808, #Atel 13831, #Atel 13875, #Atel 13917 and #Atel 13993). \nThe summary of this new activity period is as follows: \nDuration of a full transit is 6.2 hr, we are separating the transit in two parts of ~ 3.1 hr each: \nMJD 59128 (2020-10-06 13:23:39 - 2020-10-06 16:31:38 UTC) (rising) \nPreliminary flux level: 11.01 +/- 1.64 X 10^-11 cm^-2s^-1 [>1 TeV] (6.22 CU) \nMJD 59128 (2020-10-06 16:31:38 - 2020-10-06 19:39:37 UTC) (setting) \nPreliminary flux level: 9.49 +/- 1.59 X 10^-11 cm^-2s^-1 [>1 TeV] (5.36 CU) \nHAWC continuously monitors this source and will keep reporting in case that the enhanced activity follows. Follow-up observations are encouraged. All flux values are obtained from a maximum likelihood fit under the assumption of a fixed spectral shape with power law index of 2.2 and exponential cut-off at 5 TeV. \nThe HAWC contact people for this analysis are Jose Andres Garcia-Gonzalez (IF-UNAM, jagarcia@fisica.unam.mx, ITESM-EIC, anteus79@tec.mx) and Israel Martinez (UMD, imc@umd.edu). HAWC is a TeV gamma-ray water Cherenkov array located in the state of Puebla, Mexico, that monitors two thirds of the sky every day with an instantaneous field of view of ~2 sr.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Repeater, Black hole", "Pulsar, Black hole", "Neutron star, Black hole", "Active galactic nucleus, Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_14175", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of AT 2020zoq as a Young Type II Supernova with the Xinglong 2.16-m Telescope\nAuthors: Shengyu Yan (THU), Zhihao Chen (THU), Xiaofeng Wang (THU), and Jujia Zhang (YNAO) on behalf of a large collaboration\nDate: 15 Nov 2020; 08:39 UT\nProvenance: Xiaofeng Wang (wang_xf@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: We obtained an optical spectrum (range 385-880 nm) of the transient AT 2020zoq(=ASASSN-20oc), discovered by the ASASSN (All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae), on UT 2020 Nov.14 21:21:06.00 with the Xinglong 2.16-m telescope (+BFOSC) of NAOC. The spectrum is characterized by blue featureless continuum, with prominent absorption at around 4400 Angstrom. Based on the spectral classification tool GELATO (Harutyunyan et al. 2008, A&A, 488, 383), the spectrum of SN 2020zoq is found to match that of type IIP SN 1999gi at t=+3.8 day after explosion. From the narrow emission line of Ha in the spectrum, a redshift of z=0.01004 can be deduced for the host galaxy UGC 05760.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole", "Supernova", "Galaxy", "Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_14300", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic classification of SN 2021J with Faulkes Telescope North/FLOYDS\nAuthors: M. R. Siebert, R. J. Foley (UC Santa Cruz)\nDate: 4 Jan 2021; 17:50 UT\nProvenance: Ryan Foley (foley@ucsc.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 14325\nWe report the classification of SN 2021J with the FLOYDS spectrograph on the 2-m Faulkes Telescope North on UT 2021 Jan 4. The target was supplied by ALeRCE using the ZTF data stream. The classification was performed with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). \n \n \n Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | z | Type | Phase | Notes \n \n ZTF21aaabvit | AT2021J | 12:26:27.03 | +31:13:20.59 | 0.0024 | Ia | -14 d | (1) \n \n \nNotes: \nWhen the redshift is given to 2 decimal places, it is derived from the SN spectrum. Otherwise, the redshift is determined from the host galaxy. (1) The spectrum has some host-galaxy contamination, but still has distinct supernova features. In particular, we identify Si II 6355 with a minimum blueshifted by -16,300 km/s. The spectrum is consistent with some very young SNe Ia (e.g., SN 2002bo at -14 days), although with some color mismatch. The continuum is relatively flat (in f_lambda) from 4000-10,000 A, slightly increasing to the blue. There is no obvious Na D absorption in the spectrum, although narrow H alpha and Ca H&K absorption, presumably from the host galaxy, are present. There is therefore no obvious dust extinction from indirect indicators. Assuming a Cepheid distance to NGC 4414 (also the host to SN Ia 1974G and SN IIb 2013df), mu = 31.1 mag (Freedman et al., 2001, ApJ, 553, 47), and Milky Way reddening of A_g = 0.064 mag (Schlafly & Finkbeiner, 2011, ApJ, 737, 103), the current brightness (g = 16.1 mag) corresponds to an absolute magnitude of M_g = -15.1 mag. This luminosity is consistent with a young Type Ia supernova.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova, Interstellar medium", "Supernova, Black hole", "Pulsar, Interstellar medium", "Stellar evolution, Interstellar medium" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_14375", "message": "Title: Swift detects X-rays from XTE J1859+226; continued optical brightening.\nAuthors: Eric C. Bellm (UW)\nDate: 7 Feb 2021; 02:13 UT\nProvenance: Eric Bellm (ecbellm@uw.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, X-ray, Binary, Black Hole\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 14415, 14512\nWe analyzed 1.4 ksec of PC-mode Swift-XRT quicklook data for the black hole LMXB XTE J1859+226, which has brightened in the optical (ATel #14372). \n \nWe detect a single source at 18h58m41.25s +22d39m35.5s in the 0.3-10 keV band, which we identify as XTE J1859+226. \n \nThe spectrum is well-fit by an absorbed power law with photon index 1.7+/-0.4 and an observed 0.3-10 keV flux of 7.9 (+2.0, -1.5) x 10-12 erg cm-2 s-1. This represents a substantial brightening relative to the quiescent 0.3-8 keV flux of 1.5 x 10-15 erg cm-2 s-1 reported by Tomsick et al. (2003). \n \nZwicky Transient Facility observations on UTC 2021-02-06.6 indicate that the source continues to brighten in the the optical, with the flux increasing by ~0.4 mag in the past two days (see https://antares.noirlab.edu/loci/ANT2021dn4jk). \n \nWe conclude that XTE J1859+226 is in the early stages of an outburst; multiwavelength observations are encouraged. \n \n \n \nBased on observations obtained with the Samuel Oschin Telescope 48-inch and the 60-inch Telescope at the Palomar Observatory as part of the Zwicky Transient Facility project. ZTF is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. AST-2034437 and a collaboration including Caltech, IPAC, the Weizmann Institute for Science, the Oskar Klein Center at Stockholm University, the University of Maryland, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron and Humboldt University, the TANGO Consortium of Taiwan, the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Trinity College Dublin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, and IN2P3, France. Operations are conducted by COO, IPAC, and UW. We acknowledge further support from the NSF under grants AST-1812779 and the Heising-Simons Foundation under grant 2018-0908.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Magnetar, Binary system", "Black hole, Nova", "Near-Earth object, Binary system", "Black hole, Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_14490", "message": "Title: NICER X-ray activity shows GX 339-4 undergoing a rapid state transition\nAuthors: Jingyi Wang (MIT), James F. Steiner (SAO, CfA), Erin Kara (MIT), Andy Fabian (University of Cambridge), Keith Gendreau, Zaven Arzoumanian (NASA/GSFC), Jeroen Homan (Eureka Scientific/SRON), Javier Garcia (Caltech), Phil Uttley (University of Amsterdam), Tomaso Belloni (INAF-OAB), John Tomsick (UC Berkeley), Poshak Gandhi (Southampton) for the NICER team\nDate: 28 Mar 2021; 14:22 UT\nProvenance: Jingyi Wang (jingyiw@mit.edu)\nSubjects: X-ray, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 14493, 14494, 14507, 14953, 15615\nGX 339-4 is a black hole X-ray binary that started a new outburst in the last week of January 2021 (ATel #14351, #14367, #14352, #14354). After that, the source slowly brightened for 2 months while remaining in the hard state, as suggested by X-ray spectral and timing properties (ATel # 14384, #14400, #14440, #14455, #14484), and optical monitoring (ATel #14419). \nNICER observed GX 339-4 with a near-daily cadence from 2021-01-20 (MJD 59234) to 2021-03-20 (MJD 59293), by which time it reached a mean NICER count rate of ~1,200 counts/s/52 FPMs, and a model-determined absorbed flux in 0.5-10 keV of 4.5E-9 erg cm-2 s-1 (0.15 Crab) using the model Tbabs\\\\*(simplcut\\\\*diskbb+laor). The fitted column density, using Wilms et al. 2000 abundances, is (5.77+/-0.02)E21 cm-2. The disk temperature was ~0.3 keV with a thermal flux - to - bolometric fraction of 0.14, and a photon index of ~1.74, confirming the source was still in a bright hard state. After a 6-day visibility gap, NICER monitoring resumed. From the first of these observations on 2021-03-26 (MJD 59299) to 2021-03-28 (MJD 59301.42), the count rate exhibited a dramatic increase at ~2,500 counts/s/52 FPMs, and rose rapidly reaching ~4,600 counts/s/52 FPMs. With the same model, we found the associated increase in the modeled absorbed flux (7.9E-9 to 1.1E-8 erg cm-2 s-1, i.e., 0.26 to 0.36 Crab), the disk temperature (0.46 to 0.61 keV), the disk flux fraction (0.40 to 0.63), and also the photon index (~2.22 to ~2.79). The dramatic evolution of these spectral parameters all suggest that GX 339-4 has gone into the hard intermediate state and is evolving rapidly towards the soft-intermediate/soft state. \nFrom the power spectra, we also see an evolution in the QPO frequencies and the variability level. Before the visibility gap, the integrated 0.1-64 Hz fractional rms in 0.4- 10 keV was 27% , and a strong QPO at 0.51 Hz ( rms 9%) was present. After the coverage gap, the total fractional rms dropped from 11% to 6%; the QPO moved to higher frequencies (~2.58 Hz to ~5.29 Hz) with lower rms (4.0% to 2.1%). The QPO became more prominent and narrower until MJD 59300.8 (Q factor 8 to 9), and became weaker and blunter at MJD 59301.4 (Q factor of 3). In 4-10 keV, the integrated 0.1-64 Hz fractional rms was 31% before the gap, and dropped slightly from 21% to 18% after the gap. These changes also indicate that the source entered the hard-to-soft state transition during the gap in visibility. \nNICER will continue to observe nearly every ~90 minutes for the next couple of weeks, unless we determine it is not worth covering at this cadence. We encourage further multi-wavelength observations as the source has entered a hard-to-soft state transition and is approaching the soft intermediate state, where both QPO type transitions and transient ballistic jets are commonly observed. \nNICER is a 0.2-12 keV X-ray telescope operating on the International Space Station. The NICER mission and portions of the NICER science team activities are funded by NASA.\nThe hardness-intensity diagram, power spectra, and parameter evolution.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus", "Black hole", "Neutron star", "Minor body" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_14575", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Confirmation of ASASSN-21gq = AT 2021klf = ZTF21aanfcmk as a gravitational micro-lensing event\nAuthors: Kenta Taguchi, Keisuke Isogai, Naoto Kojiguchi, Yusuke Tampo(Kyoto University) \nDate: 26 Apr 2021; 07:47 UT\nProvenance: Keisuke Isogai (isogai@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp)\nSubjects: Optical, Microlensing Event, Transient, Variables\nDescription: We report our spectra of the transient ASASSN-21gq = AT 2021klf = ZTF21aanfcmk. We obtained the spectra from 2021-04-25.773 UT to 2021-04-25.788 UT using the fiber-fed integral field spectrograph (KOOLS-IFU; Matsubayashi et al. 2019) mounted on the 3.8-m Seimei telescope (Kurita et al. 2020) at Okayama Observatory of Kyoto University. \nAs reported to TNS, this object is discovered by ASAS-SN at g = 15.4 AB mag on 2021-04-24.260. There is a PS1 counterpart of g = 18.50, r = 17.77, i = 17.42, z = 17.24, and y = 17.07. Before the discovery by ASAS-SN, ZTF detected it at r ∼ 17.26 on 2021-02-24.54. After one month, ZTF detected it again at r = 16.80 on 2021-03-27.465 and g = 17.70 on 2021-03-27.503. Then, this object has been gradually rising for 2.5 mag, during which the g - r color remained almost constant (the last record of ZTF is r = 14.34 on 2021-04-24.416 and g = 15.18 on 2021-04-24.482). \nOur spectra show a red continuum and Balmer (Hα and Hβ), the infrared Ca II triplet, Na I D, CH, and Fe I absorption lines. Such spectral features are consistent with a normal G-type star. The g - r color is also consistent with a normal G-type star. Based on our spectra, the almost-constant g - r color, and the profile of the light curve, we conclude that this object is a high-amplitude gravitational microlensing event. \nIf you want to contact us, please send an e-mail to kentagch@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp. \nOur Spectrum", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Galaxy", "Quasar", "Supernova", "Repeater" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_14625", "message": "Title: VVV near-IR observations of V6585 Sgr progenitor\nAuthors: T. S. Ferreira, R. K. Saito (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), D. Minniti (Universidad Andres Bello, Vatican Observatory)\nDate: 14 May 2021; 13:38 UT\nProvenance: Roberto Saito (saito@astro.ufsc.br)\nSubjects: Infra-Red, Nova\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 14655\nFollowing the spectroscopic follow-up observations of V6585 Sgr (a.k.a. PNV J17581670-2914490) by Taguchi et al. (2021, ATels #14513/#14514) and Bayless et al. (2021, ATel #14553) and later Swift observations by Sokolovsky et al. (2021, ATel #14535), we explored archival near-IR (NIR) images from the VVV Survey (vvvsurvey.org; Minniti et al. 2010, New Astron., 15, 433) of the Galactic bulge within the area containing the reported object. \nA single source with flag \"-1\", indicating a stellar source in all five ZYJHKs NIR bands, was detected within 2 arcsecond radius from the target position as reported by Taguchi et al. (2021, ATel #14513), at coordinates: \n \n \n RA (J2000): +269.5702134 \n Dec (J2000): -29.2469424 \n \nand presenting the following NIR magnitudes (yyyy-mm-dd): \n \n \n Z: 16.44+/-0.07 (2010-08-30) \n Y: 15.97+/-0.08 (2010-08-30) \n J: 15.24+/-0.06 (2011-05-09) \n H: 14.40+/-0.05 (2011-05-09) \n Ks: 14.11+/-0.05 (2012-03-26) \n \nMoreover, we searched for variability in the NIR data of V6595 Sgr progenitor making use of the Lomb-Scargle (LS; Lomb 1976, Ap&SS 39; Scargle 1982, ApJ 1:263) and the Phase Dispersion Minimisation methods (PDM, Stellingwerf 1978, Astrophysical. J. v224) across 101 VVV-DR4 Ks-band epochs over three years of observations, from September 2010 to September 2013. The object shows a low significance, likely periodic signal of period P_LS = 0.2841 days and P_PDM = 0.2920 days, with an amplitude of Delta_Ks ~ 0.2 mag in both methods.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Exoplanet", "Active galactic nucleus", "Repeater", "Nova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_14675", "message": "Title: Swift J1555.2-5402: Swift XRT refined analysis of the new SGR\nAuthors: P. A. Evans (U. Leicester)\nDate: 3 Jun 2021; 19:55 UT\nProvenance: Phil Evans (pae9@star.le.ac.uk)\nSubjects: X-ray, Neutron Star, Transient, Magnetar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 14679\nWe have analysed further Swift-XRT data on the new SGR, Swift J1555.2-5402 (GCN Circs 30120, 30121; ATEL #14674). Note that the name stated in GCN 30120 and subsequent publications was incorrect: the object name is Swift J1555.2-5402.\nThe XRT has observed the SGR from T0+100 s to T0+5715 s, gathering 62 s of data in Windowed Timing mode and 1.7 ks in Photon Counting mode. As reported by Coti Zelati et al., (GCN Circ. 30121), our data show an X-ray source, for which we find an enhanced position of RA,Dec = 238.78608, -54.06142, which is equivalent to:\nRA (J2000.0) = 15h 55m 08.66s \nDec (J2000.0) = -54d 03' 41.1\"\nwith an uncertainty of 2.2\" (radius, 90% confidence).\nA spectrum formed from the PC mode data can be well fit with a highly absorbed power-law with a photon index of 2.3 (+1.0, -0.9) and an absorption column of 1.2 (+0.5, -0.4) × 1023 cm-2.\nThe light curve currently shows an approximately constant count-rate of one count per second.\nThis ATEL is an official product of the Swift team.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Nova", "Neutron star", "Repeater" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_14775", "message": "Title: The quasar TON 0599 reaches a new optical maximum\nAuthors: Adrian Scherbantin, Lukas Kunkel, Karl Mannheim (all Universitaet Wuerzburg), Niels Bader, Erik Heidemann, Karim Heidemann, Felix Hemrich, Ben Horst, Kai Koeberlein, Felix Molz, David Reinhart, Korbinian Rosenlehner, Kilian Schoch, Remco Steineke, Dirk Seifert, Lukas Waller, Nils Zottmann, Martin Feige, Christian Lorey (all Friedrich-Koenig-Gymnasium / Hans-Haffner-Sternwarte), Dominik Elsaesser (TU Dortmund)\nDate: 12 Jul 2021; 16:55 UT\nProvenance: Dominik Elsaesser (dominik.elsaesser@tu-dortmund.de)\nSubjects: Optical, AGN, Quasar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 14781, 14785, 15441, 15870\nSince January of this year, the flat-spectrum radio quasar Ton 0599 (4C 29.45, PKS 1156+295; ICRS coords. (ep=J2000): RA 11 59 31.834 Dec +29 14 43.827 z=0.7) has been showing strong activity in both the optical (ATel # 14353; # 14391; # 14547; # 14696) and gamma-ray (ATel # 14722) spectral regions. After a high magnitude of 13.91 on April 10, 2021 (JD = 2459314.4999), a very high magnitude in the R band of 13.70 was published for June 17, 2021 (ATel # 14727). Last night (JD 2459407.4356) we were now able to measure a value of 13.516 (+/-0.007) in R-band, which is quite exceptional for this object. \nAfter flares in mid-April 2012 (ATel # 4051) and early May 2015 (ATel # 7474), each with a brightness of 15.1 mag, and of 14.22 (ATel # 10948) and 14.03 (ATel # 10949) in November 2017, the highest brightness to date of 15 to 13 mag (R-band, fractional magnitude values not specified) was then reached in May 2018 (ATel # 11624). \nDue to the weather situation, we will probably not be able to continue monitoring this object during the next nights. So we propose a further observation by other observatories. \n \nHere are the values of the last nights of TON 0599: \n \nR - band magnitudes: \n \nJD 2459367.4690: 15.806 ± 0.010 \nJD 2459377.4543: 14.753 ± 0.009 \nJD 2459378.4309: 14.697 ± 0.014 \nJD 2459383.4228: 14.013 ± 0.008 \nJD 2459401.4435: 13.692 ± 0.006 \nJD 2459403.4059: 13.718 ± 0.005 \nJD 2459406.3712: 13.872 ± 0.020 \nJD 2459407.4356: 13.516 ± 0.007 \n \nV - band magnitudes: \n \nJD 2459367.4735: 16.301 ± 0.014 \nJD 2459377.4589: 15.192 ± 0.013 \nJD 2459378.4356: 15.163 ± 0.016 \nJD 2459383.4183: 14.439 ± 0.009 \nJD 2459401.4481: 14.087 ± 0.007 \nJD 2459403.4105: 14.106 ± 0.006 \nJD 2459406.3758: 14.304 ± 0.014 \nJD 2459407.4402: 13.937 ± 0.009 \n \nB - band magnitudes: \n \nJD 2459367.4781: 16.865 ± 0.019 \nJD 2459377.4636: 15.776 ± 0.023 \nJD 2459378.4403: 15.681 ± 0.020 \nJD 2459383.4137: 14.925 ± 0.014 \nJD 2459401.4527: 14.650 ± 0.012 \nJD 2459403.4150: 14.635 ± 0.010 \nJD 2459406.3804: 14.800 ± 0.057 \nJD 2459407.4450: 14.503 ± 0.015 \n \n \nThese measurements were carried out as part of the long-term AGN monitoring program of the Naturwissenschaftliches Labor fuer Schueler am Friedrich-Koenig-Gymnasium (FKG), the Universitaet Wuerzburg, and the TU Dortmund University with the 0.5m CDK astrograph at the school and university observatory Hans-Haffner-Sternwarte in D-97265 Hettstadt (Germany). \nMonitoring Programm Website", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Galaxy", "Accreting object", "Quasar", "Star and stellar system" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_14850", "message": "Title: NICER X-ray observations of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi\nAuthors: Teruaki Enoto (RIKEN), Hiroyuki Maehara (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), Marina Orio (University of Wisconsin and INAF-Padova), Andrew Fabian (IoA, Cambridge), Michael Parker (IoA, Cambridge), Keith Gendreau (NASA/GSFC), Zaven Arzoumanian (NASA/GSFC), Pragati Pradhan (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research), Elizabeth C. Ferrara (University of Maryland, CRESST, NASA/GSFC), Jon M. Miller (Univ. of Michigan)\nDate: 11 Aug 2021; 20:52 UT\nProvenance: Teruaki Enoto (teruaki.enoto@gmail.com)\nSubjects: X-ray, Nova\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 14855, 14857, 14858, 14860, 14864, 14882, 14885, 14886, 14894, 14895\nA new outburst of the recurrent nova RS Opiuchi (RS Oph) was reported on 2021 August 8 (ATels #14834, #14838, #14840, #14846), 15 years after the last outburst in 2006 (ATel #737). The Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) observed RS Oph on 2021 August 10, from 11:57:00 to 12:14:20 UTC, with an exposure of 942 sec. This observation was coordinated simultaneously with optical monitoring of the 3.8-meter SEIMEI Telescope to study the maximum of the optical light curve. \nDuring the NICER observation, the 1-10 keV count rate was stable at around 55 cts/s. The X-ray spectrum can be approximated with a model of collisionally ionized gas with a temperature of ~5 keV and the absorption column density of ~6e+22 cm-2 (implying large intrinsic absorption in addition to the interstellar value of about 2.0E+21 cm-2). A prominent iron emission line was observed at 6.7 keV, along with several other possibly unresolved Sulphur lines in the soft X-ray band around 2.5 keV. The absorbed 1-10 keV flux was 5e-10 erg/s/cm2. Two NICER observations taken 17 hours later showed a slightly lower absorption (~3e+22) and an increase in flux especially below 2 keV, reaching ~ 7e-10 erg/s/cm2 in the 1-10 keV band with ~ 68 cts/s. Preliminary spectral modeling suggests that the velocity of the shock-heated ejecta evolved from 3100 km/s to 1050 km/s between the first two observations, further slowing down to 980 km/s in the third observation. NICER is a 0.2-12 keV X-ray telescope operating on the International Space Station. The NICER mission and portions of the NICER science team activities are funded by NASA. We are planning to continue NICER observations of RS Oph. NICER observations planned for RS Oph and other targets can be found at https://heasarcdev.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/nicer/schedule/nicer_sts_current.html.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova", "Galaxy", "Magnetar", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_14940", "message": "Title: Apparent Outburst of Comet 382P/Larson\nAuthors: Michael S. P. Kelley (U. Maryland), Tim Lister (Las Cumbres Observatory), Kritti Sharma (IITB), Vishwajeet Swain (IITB), Harsh Kumar (IITB), Varun Bhalerao (IITB), G. C. Anupama (IIA), Sudhanshu Barway (IIA) on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility Collaboration, the LCO Outbursting Objects Key Project, and GROWTH India Collaboration\nDate: 28 Sep 2021; 20:51 UT\nProvenance: Tim Lister (tlister@lco.global)\nSubjects: Optical, Comet\nDescription: We report an apparent outburst of comet 382P/Larson, discovered in Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF; Bellm et al. 2019, PASP, 131, a8002) data. Photometry of the comet in the r-band was 18.76+/-0.12, 19.17+/-0.22, and 18.74+/-0.15 at 2021 Sep 16 06:04, Sep 20 05:35, and Sep 22 05:58 UTC, respectively (all photometry is measured with 5\" radius apertures and calibrated to the PS1 photometric system). On Sep 27 05:26 UTC, the comet brightened to r=17.84+/-0.03 mag. Comparison to an average of the three previous measurements suggests an outburst strength of -0.98+/-0.09 mag. The outburst was confirmed in subsequent observations with the 0.7-m GROWTH India Telescope on Sep 27 15:48 UTC (r=17.96+/0.03 mag, g=18.62+/-0.05 mag) and a Las Cumbres Observatory 1-m telescope at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory on Sep 27 23:50 (r=17.87+/-0.02 mag). At the time of the outburst discovery, the comet was 4.48 au from the Sun and 3.72 au from the Earth. The comet's next perihelion occurs in March 2022.\nBased on observations obtained with the Samuel Oschin Telescope 48-inch Telescope at the Palomar Observatory as part of the Zwicky Transient Facility project. ZTF is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. AST-2034437 and a collaboration including Caltech, IPAC, Weizmann Institute for Science, Oskar Klein Center at Stockholm University, University of Maryland, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron and Humboldt University, TANGO Consortium of Taiwan, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Trinity College Dublin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, and IN2P3, France. Operations are conducted by COO, IPAC, and UW.\nThis work makes use of observations from the Las Cumbres Observatory global telescope network.\nThe GROWTH India Telescope (GIT) is a 70-cm telescope with a 0.7 degree field of view, set up by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) with funding from DST-SERB and IUSSTF. It is located at the Indian Astronomical Observatory (Hanle), operated by IIA. We acknowledge funding by the IITB alumni batch of 1994, which partially supports operations of the telescope. Telescope technical details are available at https://sites.google.com/view/growthindia/", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Minor body", "Circumstellar disk", "Magnetar", "Variable star" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_15025", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic classification of SN 2021adgz with Gemini-North/GMOS\nAuthors: M. R. Siebert, R. J. Foley (UC Santa Cruz), Qinan Wang (JHU)\nDate: 8 Nov 2021; 21:59 UT\nProvenance: Matthew Siebert (msiebert@ucsc.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient\nDescription: We report the classification of SN 2021adgz with the GMOS spectrograph on the Gemini-North Telescope with GMOS on UT 2021 Nov 5. The target was supplied by ALeRCE using the ZTF data stream. The classification was performed with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). \n \n \n Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | z | Type | Phase | Notes \n \n ZTF21acliqdq | AT2021adgz | 11:03:13.11 | +11:04:15.93 | 0.02138 | II | peak | (1) \n \n \nNotes: \nWhen the redshift is given to 2 decimal places, it is derived from the SN spectrum. Otherwise, the redshift is determined from the host galaxy. (1) We measure an H-alpha absorption velocity of -10,800 km/s", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Supernova", "Star and stellar system", "Stellar evolution", "Quasar" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_15150", "message": "Title: Bright radio emission from Nova Cassiopeiae 2021 = V1405 Cas\nAuthors: Kirill Sokolovsky, Elias Aydi, Laura Chomiuk, Adam Kawash, Jay Strader (MSU), Aliya-Nur Babul, Jennifer Sokoloski (Columbia), Amy Mioduszewski, Justin Linford (NRAO), Koji Mukai (NASA/GSFC), Kwan-Lok Li (NCKU), Tim O'Brien (JBCA/Manchester), Michael Rupen (NRC)\nDate: 2 Jan 2022; 05:45 UT\nProvenance: Kirill Sokolovsky (kirx@scan.sai.msu.ru)\nSubjects: Radio, Millimeter, Nova\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 15518\nThe classical nova V1405 Cas was discovered on 2021-03-18.4236 UT by Y. Nakamura (CBET #4945, ATel #14471, #14472, #14476, #14478, #14482, #14530, #14577, #14614, #14620, #14622, #14665, #14704, #14794). For seven month V1405 Cas stayed near its peak optical brightness showing a series of flares with the brightest one reaching V=5.1 according to the AAVSO photometry. Around 2021-11-01 the nova started a steady decline (ATel #15093) and on 2021-12-14 was detected as a super-soft X-ray source (ATel #15111). \nWe follow V1405 Cas with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) from 2021-06-10 (ATel #14731), prompted by the GeV detection of the nova (ATel #14658). V1405 Cas displays an inverted radio spectrum with flux densities gradually increasing with time at all frequencies, reaching at our latest observing epoch 2021-12-20: \n \n \n # f(GHz) F(mJy) eF(mJy) \n 2.6 1.110 0.037 \n 3.4 1.679 0.023 \n 5.1 3.333 0.019 \n 7.0 6.356 0.019 \n 13.7 23.685 0.043 \n 16.5 32.958 0.043 \n 31.1 105.930 0.120 \n 34.9 128.630 0.130 \n \nA power law fit results in a positively defined spectral index of 1.86 +/-0.02. The source is resolved at 31.1 and 34.9 GHz according to the SNR-adjusted resolution criterion of Kovalev et al. (2005, AJ, 130, 2473) having a Gaussian FWHM size of ~0.07 arcsec. \nThe flux densities above 10 GHz were measured by fitting a circular Gaussian (at 31.1 and 34.9 GHz) or point source model to the uv-data and applying phase-only self-calibration. No self-calibration was applied at lower frequencies (due to more stable phases, fainter target and the presence of other sources within the field of view) - the flux densities were obtained from peaks of naturally-weighted CLEAN images of the nova. We used 3C147 to set the absolute flux density scale (Perley & Butler, 2017, ApJS, 230, 7) with expected uncertainties of 15% at 35 GHz and 5% at lower frequencies. The source J2339+6010 (TXS 2336+598) was used as the phase calibrator. From the 31.1 and 34.9 GHz data we measure the position of the radio emission peak (relative to the phase calibrator) at 23:24:47.7325 +61:11:14.599 J2000. The expected uncertainty is about 0.010 arcsec dominated by the phase calibration errors. \nThe measured flux densities make V1405 Cas one of the brightest radio novae. Among the classical novae well observed in radio only V5668 Sgr (2015), V1369 Cen (2013), V1974 Cyg (1992) and QU Vul (1984) (Chomiuk et al., 2021, ApJS, 257, 49) as well as V959 Mon (2012) (Chomiuk et al. 2014, Nature, 514, 339) reached 100 mJy above 20 GHz (all having inverted spectra). The red giant donor recurrent nova RS Oph reached ~90 mJy at both high and low frequencies during its 2021 eruption (ATel #14886), while another embedded nova V407 Cyg peaked at lower flux densities (Chomiuk et al. 2012, ApJ, 761, 173). \nThe VLA radio spectrum of V1405_Cas on 2021-12-20.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova", "Galaxy", "Active galactic nucleus", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_15240", "message": "Title: The brighter phase of Betelgeuse since 2017\nAuthors: Costantino Sigismondi (ICRA/Sapienza University of Rome and ITIS G. Ferraris, Rome), Wolfgang Vollmann (AAVSO/BAV), Fabio Mariuzza, Rod Stubbings (AAVSO), Otmar Nickel (University of Mainz and AAVSO/BAV), Sandip V. George (University of Groningen) and Remo Ruffini (ICRANet Pescara)\nDate: 25 Feb 2022; 00:32 UT\nProvenance: Costantino Sigismondi (sigismondi@icra.it)\nSubjects: Optical, Request for Observations, A Comment, Star, Variables\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 16001, 16374\nThe great dimming of Betelgeuse in February 2020, was accounted starting with the ATel #13341 of 8th December 2019, and a second dust-cloud minimum occurred in August 2020 ATel #13982. After that the luminosity of Betelgeuse underwent small (0.1 mag) oscillations around the visual magnitude 0.65; now the star had a rapid rising particularly evident in the last weeks, reaching Procyon in luminosity near magnitude 0.3. This is the brighter phase after 2017, five years, in fair agreement with the modulating period of Betelgeuse of 5.9 years. The Purkinje effect, which enhances red stars' luminosity to the naked eye, has been avoided in the visual observations with quick-look techniques and with the differential analysis with Aldebaran, of the same color. Airmass corrections have been always included (AAVSO database- https://www.aavso.org/lcg - SGQ, MFB and SRX codes). The V-Band observations showed an overall 0.006 mag/day rising in the last 7 weeks (AAVSO-VOL code). This could be the maximum phase before reaching a new minimum next June 2022, if the pulsations are in phase with the usual period of 1.2 years. The V-band observations in daytime (AAVSO-NOT code) monitored the star in June-August 2021 providing a seamless lightcurve, and this technique can provide data for the forthcoming minimum. Anyway the present rising is not in phase with respect to the 2020's one, accounted in ATel #13601 on March 31, within the usual (until 2020 at least) pulsational regime of 1.2 years. Some evidences of such behavior have been already presented at the XVI Marcel Grossmann Meeting HR1 session, online at https://youtu.be/VmbrE2gYmOM in July 2021, with interesting observational and theoretical discussions. \nMG XVI session on Betelgeuse Fall and Rise (2021)", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Near-Earth object", "Star and stellar system", "Nova", "Circumstellar disk" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_15300", "message": "Title: Fermi-LAT detection of enhanced gamma-ray activity from the FSRQ PMN J0634-2335\nAuthors: M. Giroletti (INAF/IRA), C. C. Cheung (NRL), on behalf of the Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration\nDate: 28 Mar 2022; 16:23 UT\nProvenance: Marcello Giroletti (giroletti@ira.inaf.it)\nSubjects: Gamma Ray, >GeV, Request for Observations, AGN, Blazar, Quasar\nDescription: The Large Area Telescope (LAT), one of the two instruments on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, has observed enhanced gamma-ray activity from a source positionally consistent with the flat-spectrum radio quasar PMN J0634-2335, also known as 4FGL J0634.9-2335 (The Fermi-LAT collaboration 2020, ApJS, 247, 33), with coordinates R.A. = 98.745837 deg, Decl. = -23.586654 deg (J2000; Petrov et al. 2006, AJ, 131, 1872), and redshift z=1.535 (Ackermann et al. 2011, ApJ, 743, 171). \nPreliminary analysis indicates that this source was in an elevated gamma-ray emission state on 2022 March 27, with a daily averaged gamma-ray flux (E>100MeV) of (0.70+/-0.15) X 10^-6 photons cm^-2 s^-1 (statistical uncertainty only). This corresponds to a flux increase of a factor of 40 relative to the average flux reported in the fourth Fermi-LAT catalog (4FGL). This is the highest daily flux ever observed for this source by the LAT. The measured photon index is 1.96+/-0.14, corresponding to a significantly harder spectrum than the 4FGL value of 2.61+/-0.07. \nBecause Fermi normally operates in an all-sky scanning mode, regular gamma-ray monitoring of this source will continue. A preliminary light curve can be accessed via the Fermi-LAT Light-Curve Repository at https://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc/data/access/lat/lcr/source.html?source_name=4FGL_J0634.9-2335. We encourage multifrequency observations of this source. For this source, the Fermi-LAT contact person is Marcello Giroletti (marcello.giroletti@inaf.it). \nThe Fermi-LAT is a pair conversion telescope designed to cover the energy band from 20 MeV to greater than 300 GeV. It is the product of an international collaboration between NASA and DOE in the U.S. and many scientific institutions across France, Italy, Japan and Sweden.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Minor body", "Quasar", "Black hole", "Star and stellar system" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_15390", "message": "Title: Optical follow-up of Mrk421\nAuthors: Roberto Nesci (INAF/IAPS)\nDate: 21 May 2022; 22:09 UT\nProvenance: Roberto Nesci (roberto.nesci@inaf.it)\nSubjects: Optical, AGN, Blazar\nDescription: After the announcement in ATel #15389 of a flaring activity in Gamma rays of Mrk 421 I observed the source on May 21 2021 with the 30cm telescope of the Foligno Observatory (K56) in the B and V (Johnson) bands. Four nearby comparison stars were taken from the UCAC4 catalog and aperture photometry was made with IRAF/apphot using a 6 arcsec radius. Mrk412 was detected at B=13.54 +-0.03 and V=13.10 +-0.04.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole, Black hole", "Active galactic nucleus, Black hole", "Active galactic nucleus, Interstellar medium", "Interstellar medium, Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_15475", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic Classification of AT 2022igz as a Type II SN with Keck I/LRIS\nAuthors: S. Tinyanont, K. W. Davis, R. J. Foley (UC Santa Cruz)\nDate: 27 Jun 2022; 21:26 UT\nProvenance: Samaporn Tinyanont (stinyanont@ucsc.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Supernovae\nDescription: We report the classification of AT 2022igz from spectroscopic observations with the LRIS spectrograph on the Keck I telescope, made on 2022 June 27 UT. The target was supplied by ZTF. Classifications were performed with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). \n \n \n Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | z | Type | Phase | Notes \n \n ZTF22aahjcmv | 2022igz | 16:08:58.106 | +27:09:59.54 | 0.0314 | II | +1 mo | (1) \n \nNotes: \nThe redshift is of the host galaxy KUG 1606+272 obtained from NED. (1) We measure two absorption components from H-alpha at velocities of -7500 and -4000 km/s, respectively.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Magnetar", "Exoplanet", "Repeater", "Supernova" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_15540", "message": "Title: Late epoch near-infrared spectroscopy of V1405 Cas: The emergence of coronal line emission\nAuthors: C. E. Woodward (U. Minnesota, USA), A. Evans (Keele U., UK), D. P.K. Banerjee (Physical Research Laboratory, India)\nDate: 4 Aug 2022; 13:39 UT\nProvenance: C.E. Woodward (chickw024@gmail.com)\nSubjects: Infra-Red, Nova\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 15934, 16089\nATel #15518 reported the resolving of the nova shell of V1405 Cas (= Nova Cas 2021) at GHz frequencies with the VLA on 2022 July 04. As part of an on-going near infrared spectroscopic study of this very slow nova (ATel #14665, #14794), we report late epoch (+514.80 days post-outburst) 0.7 to 4.2 micron spectra obtained on 2021 July 31.54 UT on the 3.2m IRTF telescope using SpeX in cross-dispersed mode with an 0.8 arcsecond slit (R=750) under photometric conditions and moderate seeing (1.1 arcsec at K-band). The NIR spectra at this epoch is dominated by an exceptionally strong He I 1.0830 emission, total integrated observed flux of 1.06E-10 erg/s/cm^2. The emission feature is comprised of three Gaussian components, a strong central core with a Gaussian FWHM of order 862 km/s, and two narrower components with average widths of 422 km/s off set by +/- 850 km/s. Similar structure is evident in the Brackett-alpha, 4.40E-12 ergs/s/cm^2, and Pfund-gamma, 7.27E-13 ergs/s/cm^2, and Paschen-alpha, Paschen-beta, 8.70E-12 ergs/s/cm^2 and the He I 2.058, 9.71e-13 ergs/s/cm^2 lines. The P-Cygni absorptions in the H lines (ATel #14665) and He I lines are no longer detected. The spectral energy distribution shows no evidence for dust formation, and the overall infrared continuum has declined a factor of approximately 10 over the last 363 days. However, now present are broad coronal line emission features from [Ca V] 4.157, [Ca IV] 3.206, [Si VI] 1.966, and [Al IX] 2.040, and [P VII] 1.375 micron. The strength of the emission features over 500 days-post outburst, similar to that seen in other old classical novae such as V1974 Cyg, V382 Vel, V1494 Aql more that 4000 days post eruption (e.g., Helton et al. 2012, ApJ 755, 37), indicate that further synoptic spectroscopic observations of the very late evolutionary stage of V1405 Cas in the infrared is possible which can provide accurate elemental abundance determinations in the ejecta. With future JWST narrow-band imagery and IFU spectroscopy, spatially resolving the shell may also be feasible. These observations were conducted under the NASA IRTF program 2022A004, and we thank the IRTF staff for their assistance.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Neutron star", "Nova", "Exoplanet", "Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_15630", "message": "Title: Swift/XRT confirms brightening of the X-ray transient 2E 1050.8-6200\nAuthors: Amar Deo Chandra (IISER Kolkata)\nDate: 25 Sep 2022; 06:05 UT\nProvenance: Amar Deo Chandra (amar.deo.chandra@gmail.com)\nSubjects: X-ray, Request for Observations, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 15645, 15646\nFollowing the report of possible serendipitous detection of the X-ray transient 2E 1050.8-6200 using INTEGRAL/JEM-X Galactic Plane observations (ATel# 15624), 1.9 ks Swift/XRT target of opportunity observation was performed in Photon Counting (PC) mode on 2022 September 24 (MJD 59846) beginning at 20:20:34. We detect an X-ray source at the following location: RA/Dec(J2000) = 163.1783, -62.2660 which is equivalent to: \n \nRA(J2000) = 10h 52m 42.80s, Dec(J2000) = -62d 15m 57.7s, \n \nwith an error radius of 3.8 arc-seconds (90% confidence). The location of this source is consistent with the reported location of 2E 1050.8-6200 (ATel# 15624). The estimated averaged count rate during this observation is about 0.2 cts/s. Swift/XRT observations confirm renewed X-ray activity from the transient 2E 1050.8-6200. \n \nFollow-up multi-wavelength observations are encouraged. \n \nWe thank the Swift Team and Observatory Duty Scientists who made these observations possible.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Interstellar medium", "Accreting object", "Nova", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_15725", "message": "Title: An exceptionally optical flare of BL Lac on 2022 Oct\nAuthors: J. A. Acosta Pulido, M. Nievas Rosillo, J. Becerra Gonzalez (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Spain); M. I. Carnerero (Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, Italy)\nDate: 27 Oct 2022; 09:04 UT\nProvenance: Jose A. Acosta-Pulido (jap@iac.es)\nSubjects: Optical, Blazar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 15730\nWe report on optical observations of BL Lac using the 0.4 m telescope network of Las Cumbres Observatory. A sudden increase of flux was observed on 2022-Oct-20 0:45UT, w.r.t. the previous data taken 4 hours before. Our measurements show an increase in brightness of about 0.45 magnitudes in V and R bands. Afterwards, the source flux increases a bit further in the next 4 hours and then decreases by 0.2 magnitudes after 1 day. Our last observation on 2022-Oct-24 23:46UT shows a similar brightness level as before the flare occurred. Note that the magnitudes reached at the observed maximum (R=11.52 and V=12.08) are above the dramatic outburst in 2020 Aug, as reported by Jorstad et al (2022, Nature, 609, 265). The details of the measurements are as follows: JD=2459870.92 - R=12.14, V=12.64 JD=2459871.53 - R=12.16, V=12.74 JD=2459872.36 - R=11.96, V=12.57 JD=2459872.53 - R=11.55, V=12.14 JD=2459872.70 - R=11.52, V=12.08 JD=2459873.73 - R=11.73, V=12.28 JD=2459876.70 - R=12.07, V=12.58 JD=2459873.73 - R=12.10, V=12.77 Another brightening in the optical range was reported in ATel #15684, happening in the days previous than reported here.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Star and stellar system", "Active galactic nucleus", "Neutron star", "Globular cluster" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_15840", "message": "Title: Spectroscopic confirmation and photometry of the nova candidate PNV J00424067+4115451\nAuthors: A. Vinokurov, A. Valeev, R. Uklein, O. Maslennikova, A. Sarkisyan (SAO RAS)\nDate: 2 Jan 2023; 21:39 UT\nProvenance: Azamat Valeev (azamat@sao.ru)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova, Transient, Variables\nDescription: ATels #15833,#15836 reported the discovery of PNV J00424067+4115451, a new nova candidate in M31. Here, we present the results of our recent optical spectroscopy and photometry of the object. \nSpectroscopic observations were carried out on 2022 Dec. 30 (MJD=59943.78) with the multi-mode focal reducer SCORPIO-2 mounted at the primary focus of a 6-m SAO RAS telescope. Three subexposures of 300s were obtained with a VPHG1200@540 grism covering the spectral range of about 3650-7300ÅÅ with resolution of 4.5Å. Spectroscopy has revealed a prominent blue continuum with high-order Balmer absorption lines together with deep Fe II, Ca II and relatively weak Na I and Si II absorptions. Emission components in a P-Cyg profile are clearly visible in the Hγ, Hβ, Hα and some Fe II lines, for example Fe II 4924,5018. The FWHMs of the emission components are in range of 1000-1200 km/s, and absorption minimum of the lines is blueshifted by 1050 ± 100 km/s from the emission peak. \nDirect imaging of the M31 nuclear region in filters B, V and Rc were carried out approximately 1.5 hours before the spectroscopy (MJD=59943.71) using the CCD photometer of the 1-m SAO RAS telescope. The seeing was 1.8-2.3 arcsec during observations. 60 sec exposure per filter were obtained. The measured magnitudes are B = 17.20 ± 0.07, V = 16.81 ± 0.12, Rc = 16.67 ± 0.17. The Rc magnitude indicates an increase in the brightness of the object compared to the values reported by K. Hornoch et al. in ATel #15836. \nBased on the obtained spectrum and photometry, we classify PNV J00424067+4115451 as Fe II class Nova which has not yet reached its maximum brightness at the time of our observations. \nThe work was performed as part of the government contract of the SAO RAS approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Observations with the SAO RAS telescopes are supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The renovation of telescope equipment is currently provided within the national project \"Science and Universities\".\nThe spectrum with the line identification", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Nova, Variable star", "Nova, Black hole", "Quasar, Variable star", "Nova, Pulsar" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_15900", "message": "Title: Fermi-LAT detection of enhanced gamma-ray activity from the FSRQ GB6 J0342+3858\nAuthors: Denis Bernard (LLR, Ecole Polytechnique & CNRS / IN2P3), Janeth Valverde (UMBC / NASA GSFC), on behalf of the Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration\nDate: 13 Feb 2023; 13:01 UT\nProvenance: Denis Bernard (Denis.bernard@in2p3.fr)\nSubjects: >GeV, Request for Observations, AGN, Blazar\nDescription: The Large Area Telescope (LAT), one of the two instruments on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, has observed enhanced gamma-ray activity from a source positionally consistent with the flat-spectrum radio quasar GB6 J0342+3858 (also known as 4FGL J0342.2+3858), with coordinates R.A. = 55.567788 deg, Decl. = 38.985075 deg (J2000; Jackson, N., et al. 2007, MNRAS, 376, 371), and redshift z=0.945 (Makarov, V. V., et al. 2019, ApJ, 873, 132). \nPreliminary analysis indicates that this source was in an elevated gamma-ray emission state on 2023 February 11 from 12:00 - 18:00 UTC, with an averaged gamma-ray flux (E>100MeV) of (0.6+/-0.2) X 10^-6 photons cm^-2 s^-1 (statistical uncertainty only). This corresponds to a flux increase of a factor of 100 relative to the average flux reported in the fourth Fermi-LAT catalog (4FGL-DR3, Abdollahi, S., et al. for the Fermi-LAT collaboration 2022, ApJS, 260, 53). This is the highest LAT daily flux ever observed for this source. The corresponding photon index is 2.01+/-0.19, and is smaller than the 4FGL-DR3 value of 2.26+/-0.11. \nBecause Fermi normally operates in an all-sky scanning mode, regular gamma-ray monitoring of this source will continue. Preliminary Fermi-LAT light curves can be accessed via the Fermi-LAT Light-Curve Repository at https://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc/data/access/lat/LightCurveRepository/source.html?source_name=4FGL_J0342.2+3858. We encourage multifrequency observations of this source. For this source, the Fermi-LAT contact person is Denis Bernard (denis.bernard@in2p3.fr). \nThe Fermi-LAT is a pair conversion telescope designed to cover the energy band from 20 MeV to greater than 300 GeV. It is the product of an international collaboration between NASA and DOE in the U.S. and many scientific institutions across France, Italy, Japan and Sweden.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus, Black hole", "Active galactic nucleus, Star and stellar system", "Active galactic nucleus, Interstellar medium", "Neutron star, Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_15960", "message": "Title: New optical outburst of the blazar S4 0954+65\nAuthors: Rumen Bachev (IA-NAO, BAS, Bulgaria)\nDate: 23 Mar 2023; 01:04 UT\nProvenance: Rumen Bachev (bachevr@astro.bas.bg)\nSubjects: Optical, AGN, Blazar\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 16030, 16041\nThe blazar S4 0954+65 has been monitored during the last several nights (2023, March 18th, 19th and 22nd) with the 0.6m telescope of Belogradchik observatory, Bulgaria. The object showed significant brightness increase, reaching an R-band magnitude of about 13.5 during the last night (22-23.03.2023). Significant polarization in the optical was also measured. Our preliminary data are listed below. \nJD | R-mag (err) | P (err) [%] | EVPA (err) [deg] \n---|---|---|--- \n2460022.28 | 14.39 (0.03) | 22 (1) | 109 (3) \n2460023.28 | 14.79 (0.03) | 19 (1) | 82 (3) \n2460026.44 | 13.51 (0.03) | 33 (1) | 104 (3) \nFurther observations are encouraged. This research was partially supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science under grants KP-06-H28/3 (2018), KP-06-H38/4 (2019), KP-06-KITAJ/2 (2020) and KP-06-PN68/1(2022).", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Active galactic nucleus, Black hole", "Active galactic nucleus, Nova", "Galaxy, Black hole", "Repeater, Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_16020", "message": "Title: A new hard X-ray activity from XTE J1855-026 caught by INTEGRAL\nAuthors: V. Sguera (INAF-OAS Bologna, Italy), L. Sidoli (INAF-IASF Milano, Italy)\nDate: 28 Apr 2023; 14:38 UT\nProvenance: Vito Sguera (vito.sguera@inaf.it)\nSubjects: X-ray, Binary\nDescription: XTE J1855-026 is classified as a classical, eclipsing, persistent supergiant high mass X-ray binary, although it is peculiarly characterized by sporadic bright and hard X-ray flares (Atel #2482, Atel #3964). Its enhanced level of hard X-ray activity makes it detectable with IBIS/ISGRI onboard INTEGRAL about 10% of the time (Sidoli & Paizis 2018). \nThe field region of XTE J1855-026 has been recently covered by INTEGRAL observations from 21 April 2023 13:39 UTC to 22 April 2023 16:22 UTC. The source was in the field of view of IBIS/ISGRI with an effective exposure time of about 3 ks. It was detected at about 8 sigma level (25-60 kev) with an average flux of 34.0+/-4.3 mCrab (3.2 x 10-10 erg cm-2 s-1). No significant emission was detected in the band 60-100 keV. \nThe source was again in the IBIS/ISGRI field of view during subsequent observations from 26 April 2023 11:13 UTC to 27 April 2023 13:03 UTC. The effective exposure was about 2 ks. This time the source was not significantly detected and the inferred 2 sigma upper limit is about 10 mCrab (25-60 keV). \nThe reported INTEGRAL observations provide evidence of a recent hard X-ray activity from the source, although it is not possible to constrain its beginning and duration since the source was not in the INTEGRAL field of view during the observations previous to the reported detection.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Binary system", "Quasar", "Near-Earth object", "Globular cluster" ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "atel_16080", "message": "Title: JVLA radio detection of SN Ia 2020eyj\nAuthors: Xiaolong Yang (SHAO, China), Zhengwei Liu (YNAO, China), Huanyuan Shan (SHAO, China), Xiangcun Meng (YNAO, China), Bo Zhang (SHAO, China), Jun Yang (OSO/Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)\nDate: 11 Jun 2023; 14:13 UT\nProvenance: Xiaolong Yang (yangxl@shao.ac.cn)\nSubjects: Radio, Supernovae\nDescription: Following the identification of the first radio-detected SN Ia 2020eyj (Kool et al. 2023), we report individual and further radio observational results with Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA). We obtained two datasets from the NRAO archive, which were observed on 2022 April 14 (Project Code: 22A-472; PI: Javier Moldon) and June 26 (Project Code: 22A-497; PI: Javier Moldon), i.e. 767 and 840 days since discovery, respectively. Both observations were conducted at C-band (the central frequency is 6 GHz) with a bandwidth of 2 GHz. These observations yield clear detection of a radio source at the position of SN 2020eyj with peak flux densities 62.9 +- 8.2 and 63.0 +- 10.1 microJy, respectively. We transfer the 6 GHz peak flux density to 5.1 GHz via the measured in-band spectral indexes and find no evidence for statistically significant radio luminosity decline by comparing JVLA with e-MERLIN observations (see the attached Figure, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gWQ1_--4EmIIAF9P00tp6RKS9y7QN4vS/view?usp=sharing). Further observations are proposed to unveil the radio evolution.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Black hole", "Neutron star", "Supernova", "Magnetar" ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "atel_16140", "message": "Title: ASAS-SN Discovery of Long-term fading in Mrk 926 and SCAT Classification as an Optical Changing-Look AGN\nAuthors: J. T. Hinkle, M. E. Huber, A. V. Payne, B. J. Shappee (IfA, Hawai'i), M. A. Tucker (Ohio State), K. Auchettl (University of Melbourne), A. Do, W. B. Hoogendam (IfA, Hawai'i), K. Z. Stanek, C. S. Kochanek, T. A. Thompson, J. M. M. Neustadt (Ohio State), T. W.-S. Holoien (Carnegie Observatories), J. L. Prieto (Diego Portales; MAS), S. Dong (KIAA-PKU)\nDate: 18 Jul 2023; 23:34 UT\nProvenance: Jason Hinkle (jhinkle6@hawaii.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, AGN, Black Hole\nDescription: During normal operations of the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN; Shappee et al. 2014, Kochanek et al. 2017) a large (~0.5 mag) decrease in brightness was observed for the AGN Mrk 926. The long-term ASAS-SN and Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS; Tonry et al. 2018) light curves show that Mrk 926 has been steadily fading in brightness for ~5.5 years. This flux decrease is accompanied by a decrease in the optical variability amplitude. Mrk 926 was first identified as a Seyfert galaxy by Ward et al. (1978), with subsequent spectroscopic follow-up suggesting a Seyfert 1/1.5 classification (Durret & Bergeron 1988, Véron-Cetty & Véron 2006, Kollatschny & Zetzl 2010). \nBecause of the large flux decrease, we obtained a spectrum with the Supernova Integral Field Spectrograph (SNIFS; Lantz et al. 2004) on the University of Hawaii 88-inch telescope on 2023-07-16 as part of the Spectroscopic Classification of Astronomical Transients (SCAT) program (ATel #11444, Tucker et al. 2022). Compared to an archival SDSS spectrum taken in December 2001, the spectrum is redder and shows significantly weaker broad H-beta and other higher order Balmer lines. The broad H-alpha line flux has also decreased and it appears that Mrk 926 has changed type and is now a Type 1.8/1.9 Seyfert. A comparison of the two spectra can be found below. \nWe have requested Swift ToO observations and are obtaining follow-up spectra. We encourage further follow-up of this source, particularly with high S/N spectroscopy. \nComparison of SNIFS and SDSS Spectra", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Stellar evolution", "Near-Earth object", "Quasar", "Active galactic nucleus" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_16200", "message": "Title: Fading of the black hole transient MAXI J1820+070 in X-rays and UV\nAuthors: Jeroen Homan (Eureka Scientific), M. Cristina Baglio, Payaswini Saikia, Kevin Alabarta, David M. Russell, D. M. Bramich (NYU Abu Dhabi), Fraser Lewis (Faulkes Telescope Project & Astrophysics Research Institute, LJMU), Maureen van den Berg (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), Richard M. Plotkin (University of Nevada, Reno), and Jeremy Hare (NASA GSFC/CUA/CRESST II)\nDate: 23 Aug 2023; 09:58 UT\nProvenance: Jeroen Homan (jeroenhoman@icloud.com)\nSubjects: Ultra-Violet, X-ray, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Following the observed fading of the black hole transient MAXI J1820+070 into a deeper optical quiescent state (ATel #16192) we observed the source with the X-ray Telescope onboard the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. Observations were performed in Photon Counting mode between August 20 07:02 UTC and August 21 21:37 UTC for a total exposure of 2.66 ks. \nIn the 0.5-10 keV image we detect 5 photons within a 20 arcsec extraction radius centered on the source; only 0.9+/-0.1 photons would have been expected based on the background in the vicinity of the source (annulus with ~19 arcmin^2 area). There is only a 0.2% probability of detecting 5 photons for the measured background level. The resulting background-subtracted count rate is (1.5+/-0.7)e-3 cts/s. This is a factor of ~10 lower than the average count rate observed in Swift/XRT observations made during the second half of 2022. \nWe used PIMMS to convert the above count rate into an unabsorbed 0.5-10 keV flux, assuming a power-law spectrum with an index of 2.1 and an nH of 1.1e21 cm^-2 (Shaw et al. 2021, ApJ, 907, 34). This yields a flux of (6+/-3)e-14 erg/s/cm^2. For a distance of 3 kpc (Atri et al. 2020, MNRAS, 493, L81) this corresponds to a luminosity of (6+/-3)e31 erg/s. Given the orbital period of MAXI J1820+070 (16.5 hr; Torres et al. 2019, ApJ, 882, L21), this value is consistent (within scatter) with the empirical relation between the quiescent X-ray luminosity and orbital period for black hole X-ray binaries (Armas Padilla et al. 2014, MNRAS, 444, 902). Observations with Chandra or XMM-Newton are required to better characterize the quiescent properties of MAXI J1820+070. \nSwift/UVOT observed the source in the U and UVW2 filters, resulting in 520 s and 1.5 ks exposures in the two filters, respectively. The source is detected in both images. We analyzed the images with the HEASOFT tool uvotsource using a 5 arcsec aperture, getting the following Vega magnitudes: U=18.98+/-0.13, UVW2=20.69+/-0.28, showing that the source is getting fainter also at UV frequencies. For comparison, a U magnitude of 18.02 +/- 0.05 was measured on 1 November 2022 and UVW2 magnitude of 18.76+/-0.09 on 1 October 2022. \nWe thank the Swift team for approving and executing our DDT observations of MAXI J1820+070.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Magnetar", "Exoplanet", "Star and stellar system", "Black hole" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_16260", "message": "Title: New outburst of the black-hole low-mass X-ray binary GX 339-4 detected with XB-NEWS and Swift/XRT\nAuthors: Kevin Alabarta (NYU Abu Dhabi), Jeroen Homan (Eureka Scientific), David M. Russell (NYU Abu Dhabi), Sara Motta and M. Cristina Baglio (INAF-OAB), Payaswini Saikia, D. M. Bramich and Sandeep Rout (NYU Abu Dhabi), and Fraser Lewis (Faulkes Telescope Project & Astrophysics Research Institute, LJMU) \nDate: 28 Sep 2023; 06:37 UT\nProvenance: Kevin Alabarta (kalabarta@nyu.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 16302, 16424, 16425\nGX 339-4 is a black-hole low-mass X-ray binary undergoing outbursts with recurrence times of approximately 1-2 years. During the last few months, GX 339-4 has shown low-level X-ray and optical activity, with fluxes slightly higher than those normally observed in quiescence (ATel #16096). Here we report on recent optical and X-ray observations that indicate that GX 339-4 has started to deviate significantly from the previously reported low-level activity and has entered an outburst phase. \nThe optical observations were performed with the 1m and 2m optical telescopes of the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) network and light curves can be seen in the figure linked below. Since August 15 (MJD 60171.58), the optical flux (with magnitudes V ~ 19.1, R ~ 18.3 and i' ~ 18.2) has been brightening at a rate of ~0.03 mag/day (i' and R bands) and 0.04 mag/day (V band). On September 16 (MJD 60203.43), XB-NEWS measured optical magnitudes of GX 339-4 in the V, R and i' bands of 18.59 +/- 0.01, 17.98 +/- 0.01 and 17.66 +/- 0.01, respectively. These magnitudes are significantly brighter than those observed in the last months. Since then, GX 339-4 has brightened further to V = 17.64 +/- 0.01, R = 17.23 +/- 0.01 and i' = 17.12 +/- 0.01 on September 24, 2023 (MJD 60211.49). \nThe increase in flux since September 16 is higher at shorter wavelengths, ΔV = 0.95 +/- 0.01, ΔR = 0.75 +/- 0.01 and Δi' = 0.54 +/- 0.01, suggesting an important contribution of the accretion disc to the brightening of the source and the beginning of a new outburst. \nGX 339-4 has also been monitored with the Swift/XRT on a regular basis. The observed X-ray count rate evolution is similar to that in the optical (see the light curve figure). After reaching a local minimum around August 10 (MJD 60166) the X-ray count rates have increased by a factor of 15, reaching 0.24 counts/s on September 23 (MJD 60210). \nMulti-wavelength observations are encouraged to study the rise of the outburst. \nThe LCO observations of GX 339-4 were performed as part of an ongoing monitoring program of ~50 low-mass X-ray binaries (Lewis et al. 2008). LCO images are processed and reduced, and magnitudes are extracted and calibrated using a real-time data analysis pipeline, the \"X-ray Binary New Early Warning System\" (XB-NEWS; see Russell et al. 2019, Goodwin et al. 2020 and ATel #13451 for details). \nThis material is based upon work supported by Tamkeen under the NYU Abu Dhabi Research Institute grant CASS (Center for Astrophysics and Space Science). \nA link to the light curve is below. \nX-ray (top) and optical (bottom) light curves of GX 339-4", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Exoplanet, Binary system", "Star and stellar system, Binary system", "Interstellar medium, Binary system", "Black hole, Binary system" ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "atel_16350", "message": "Title: A follw up for ATel number 16349 A Possible Optical Counterpart Discovery of NuStar J 053449+2126.0 with RTT150\nAuthors: E. N.Ercan (Bogazici University), E. Aktekin Caliskan ( Suleyman Demirel University), M. H.Erkut (Bogazici University), A. Farhan (self employed), E. P.J. van den Heuvel (Amsterdam University)\nDate: 27 Nov 2023; 16:36 UT\nProvenance: E.Nihal Ercan (ercan@boun.edu.tr)\nSubjects: Optical, Quasar\nDescription: A Followup for ATel 16349 The log of our photometric observations, characteristics of the filters used, and magnitude values are as follows: 2022/03/25: with Filter Bessel B, Magnitude 21.32+/-0.91, Wavelengt 433nm, FWHM 114 nm. 2022/12/20: with Filter Bessel B, Magnitude 19.84 +/-0.27, Wavelength 433 nm, FWHM 114 nm. 2022/12/20: with Filter V, Magnitude 18.90+/-0.22, Wavelength 519 nm, FWHM 100 nm. 2022/12/20: with Filter R, Magnitude 18.37+/-0.21, Wavelength 600 nm, FWHM 128 nm. 2022/12/20: with Filter I, Magnitude 18.02+/-0.18, Wavelength 782 nm, FWHM 347nm . The exposure time for each was 900 sec. On the other hand, The log of our spectroscopic observations is as follows: Observation No; Slit centre (alpha: hr, min, sec; delta: ( 0 ‘,’’), Exposure time (sec) 1) 2022/12/20 ; 05 34 49.60; +21 26 01.64 3600 sec 2) 2022/12/23: 05 34 49.60; +21 26 01.64 3600 sec 3) 2022/12/23 : 05 34 49.60; +21 26 01.64 3600 sec 4) 2022/12/23: 05 34 49.60; +21 26 01.64 3600 sec 5) 2022/12/23 : 05 34 49.60; +21 26 01.64 3600 sec Among the possible redshift values, we obtained z=2.2144+/-0.0066 for the Lyman-alpha line that we fitted at its observed wavelength of 3904+/-8 Angstrom. Throughout the observations, the emission lines we identified for z =2.2 (approx.) were Lyman-alpha, Si IV+O IV), N IV), C IV, N III), and absorption line Fe II.", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Minor body", "Quasar", "Magnetar", "Repeater" ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "atel_16410", "message": "Title: Discovery of a Probable Nova in M83\nAuthors: K. Hornoch (Astronomical Institute, Ondrejov, Czech Republic), H. Kucakova (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic), A. W. Shafter (SDSU)\nDate: 17 Jan 2024; 20:06 UT\nProvenance: Allen W. Shafter (ashafter@sdsu.edu)\nSubjects: Optical, Nova, Transient\nDescription: Referred to by ATel #: 16411\nWe report the discovery of a probable nova in M83 on a co-added 540-s R-band CCD frame taken on 2024 Jan. 13.374 UT with the Danish 1.54-m telescope at La Silla. \nThe new object designated PNV J13370709-2957165 is located at R.A. = 13h37m07s.09, Decl. = -29o57'16\".5 (equinox 2000.0), which is 80.2\" east and 319.8\" south of the center of M83 (see link to finding chart below; crop of a confirmation image taken on Jan. 16.374 UT with the same instrumentation is shown in the upper-right corner). \nThe following R-band magnitudes were obtained using the Danish 1.54-m telescope at La Silla: \n2018 Mar. 26.207 UT, [24.0; 2024 Jan. 13.374, 21.4 ± 0.25; 16.374, 21.4 ± 0.2; 17.375, 21.4 ± 0.2. \nThis work is based on data collected with the Danish 1.54-m telescope at the ESO La Silla Observatory.\nFinding chart", "choices": { "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Stellar evolution", "Variable star", "Exoplanet", "Neutron star" ] }, "answerKey": "B" } ]