Tom went to Best Buy.
He wanted to get his computer fixed.
He wanted to buy a new computer.
He later saw a the man he bought the computer from. The man wondered why he went to the store. He could have fixed the computer himself.
He asked the employee for their opinion on laptops.They suggested a macbook pro.Tom bought the new macbook pro.
King had always loved dancing since he was kid.
He loved moving gracefully throughout the air.
He would succumb to an asthma attack if he danced more than 1 hour, though.
One day, he danced for 5 hours straight. He went viral on social media and got many fans. Now King is able to dance as his profession.
One day, he danced for 59 minutes straight.He went to the doctor to try and get asthma medication.Now King is able to dance as his profession.
Charles was a fast driver, to the point of carelessness.
Once, he took his brother on a dirt road, high up in the mountains.
He crashed his car, and had to get it fix.
A man passed him, leaving dust in the wake, angering Charles. Charles drove furiously, almost running the man off the road. The man slowed down, his girlfriend screaming terrified.
A man had hit him, leaving dust in the wake, angering Charles.Charles ran furiously, almost running the man off the road.The man slowed down, his girlfriend screaming terrified.
Tom was struggling to find a job.
He wanted to find work in the energy sector.
He wanted to find work in the financial sector.
This was because he cared for the environment. After many interviews, Tom was offered a job in the oil industry. Although this went against his personal views, he needed the money.
This was because he was good at math.After many interviews, Tom was offered a job by a loan shark.Although this went against his personal views, he needed the money.
Late last night I awoke to a strange sound of a cupboard opening.
I didn't know if it was a person or something else.
Then I realized I am sleeping at my work's office couch, so it was just a dream.
I jumped out of bed and crept to my kitchen. I peeked around the corner, ready to strike if need be. There I saw a stray cat had snuck in, and I sighed with relief.
I jumped off the couch and crept to the office kitchen.I peeked around the corner, ready to move if need be.There I saw a fellow employee had come in, and I smiled in greeting.
The surgeon was working on a patient's wisdom teeth.
He had to take out 4 of them.
He decided to leave them in.
He ended up messing up. Since he made the patient sign a waiver, the patient could not sue. The patient wrote a bad review online though.
He ended up wishing he had not.Since he made the patient sign a waiver, the patient could not sue.The patient wrote a bad review online though.
Sarah needed a dress for the dance.
However she did not have enough money for a new one.
she has so much money for a new one.
Her mom did have enough money for fabric. Sarah picked out a beautiful fabric. Sarah's mom designed and sewed her the perfect dress.
Her mom gave her more money for fabric.Sarah picked out a beautiful fabric.Sarah's designer designed and sewed her the perfect dress.
Ann went to the beach with her family yesterday.
As soon as they parked the car they had to walk one mile.
As soon as they parked the car they went to eat at a local restaurant.
Unfortunately it was all on the sand and it was painful. The sand was so hot that it burned their feet. Ann was yelping in pain and ran as fast as she could to the water.
After eating, they walked to the beach, and unfortunately the walk was all on the sand and it was painful.The sand was so hot that it burned their feet.Ann was yelping in pain and ran as fast as she could to the water.
Three dogs were trotting down the street.
They spied a cat in someone's yard and began barking at it.
They spied a bear in someone's yard and began barking at it.
One brave dog approached the cat, hoping it would run. Instead, the cat hissed, puffed itself up, and clawed the dog's nose. The dog began howling and ran back to its companions.
One brave dog approached the bear, hoping it would run.Instead, the bear growled, puffed itself up, and clawed the dog's nose.The dog began howling and ran back to its companions.
I've been trying to quit biting my nails.
This morning, I put rubbing alcohol on them.
I tried putting ghost chile hot sauce on them but found I liked the taste of the hot sauce.
I started working. Unconsciously, I started to nibble on my nails. It tasted so awful I had to spit.
I started working.Unconsciously, I started to nibble on my nails.It tasted so good I kept going.
Sarah's didn't want children but her husband, Bill, did.
She secretly got a prescription of birth control pills.
She secretly got an IUD implanted in her.
One day, Bill found the pills and was furious. After they were argued, Sarah felt really ill. Two days later, Sarah discovered she was pregnant.
Once day, Bill found out about the IUD and was furious.They aregured for days and Sawah felt ill.Later she was worried because she found out she was pregnant while taking birth control.
Last Saturday, my best friend and I went hiking.
We climbed Cowles Mountain in time to see the sunrise.
We went to the lake.
Then we followed a trail down a bit and back up to Pyles Peak nearby. By the time we came back from Pyles, I was exhausted. Even though I had fun, I was very glad when it was time to rest.
We did a trekking before we made it to the lake.By the time we are about to hike back, I was exhausted.Even though I had fun, I still wish it was time to rest.
Tyrese joined a new gym.
The membership allows him to work out for a year.
Tyrese loved the gym and didn't miss a single work out.
Tyrese got very distracted during the year. He lost his job and his grandfather died. He lost motivation to go to the gym.
Tyrese got determination to lose weight.He achieved his target weight in just no time.He pursued going to the gym.
Roy was driving home from work one day.
There was a keyboard on the side of the road.
He saw a sofa on the side of the road.
Roy stopped and picked it up. He brought it home and turned it on. Every key worked except for one.
Roy stopped and picked it up.He brought it home and moved it into his house.Everything was clean except for one small spot.
We have a neighbor that is extremely annoying in many ways.
Last 4th of July, this neighbor shot off fireworks until midnight.
Last Christmas, he out so many lights in his front yard that it felt like we were living in the land of the midnight sun.
This loud display went on for three nights, terrifying our dog. We politely asked our neighbor to stop the noise 3 days after the 4th. The man cussed out my husband, challenging him to a fist fight.
This visual display went on for weeks.We politely asked our neighbor to turn the lights off more.The man cussed out my husband, challenging him to a fist fight.
Today my mom asked me why I was so down at dinner.
I finally told her it was because I found out my girlfriend cheated.
I finally told her it was because I felt sick so I left my dinner and went to bed.
I asked her why this stuff always happens to me. Without missing a beat, dad looked up from his plate. He shrugged and said it was karma and went back to eating.
I asked her why I always get sick.Without missing a beat, dad looked up from his plate.He shrugged and said it was karma and went back to eating, while chuckling.
Jacob tried to propose to Lisa at a basketball game.
When Jacob got down on one knee, most of the crowd cheered.
He proposed outside where no one would see them.
Except, Jacob didn't propose during a break in the game. Some people booed, because Jacob was distracting them from the game. Security-guards escorted Jacob and Lisa from the game.
Except, Jacob didn't propose during a break in the game.Lisa was annoyed, because Jacob was distracting her from the game.Security-guards escorted Jacob and Lisa into the game.
Alan was riding in a car with a friend.
The friend was driving erratically.
The friend was driving slowly and carefully.
Alan realized his friend was drunk. Alan got out at the next stop. He called another friend to pick him up.
Alan realized it was going to take forever to get home.Alan got out at the next stop.He called another friend that drove faster to come pick him up.
Tucker was lying on the couch watching television.
The satellite lost its signal.
The satellite kept its signal.
Tucker missed the end of the movie he was watching. He found the movie on an online service. Tucker streamed the rest of the movie online.
Tucker cried at the end of the movie he was watching.He found the movie on an online service.Tucker streamed the movie online later on.
The woman decided to try Cloudsurf transcription.
She tried really hard to to it but her score was getting very low.
She tried it out and got the perfect score.
She did a few jobs and did them perfectly. Cloudsurf raised he score. She is now happily doing transcription.
She did a few jobs and did them perfectly.Cloudsurf raised her salary.She is now happily doing transcription.
Henry offered Brett a ride home from school.
Brett felt guilty but he said yes.
Brett felt guilty and said no.
After that day, Brett constantly asked for hides. Henry warned him that he doesn't have a lot of money for gas. Brett didn't understand what he was trying to say.
Brett felt guilty but he agreed to it.After that day, Brett constantly asked for hides.Henry warned him that he doesn't have a lot of money for gas.
Will needed money and in a big hurry.
Will looked up the Craigslist gig ads for his area.
He asked his dad for a loan.
Will saw someone needed help moving. Will spent the entire portion of the next day moving the lady. Will made an extra hundred bucks that day - just what he needed.
His dad would give him money to help someone move.Will spent the entire portion of the next day moving the lady.Will made an extra hundred bucks that day - just what he needed.
Jill and her family live on the fourth floor, as we do.
We live in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Jill is blind.
One day a Bob and his family moved in. Jill told me Bob looked familiar. It turned out Bob lived in her dorm at Northwestern, 20 Years ago.
One day a Bob and his family moved in.Jill told me Bob he sounded familiar.It turned out Bob lived in her dorm at Northwestern, 20 Years ago.
Phil was a successful lawyer.
He had money and a good career.
Phil was a lawyer until he died.
But he was still not happy. He finally decided to get happy and quit his job. He became a painter and joined an art studio.
But he was not happy for the most part.He finally decided to get happy and get married.He found a wife and married.
Matt's room was really ugly.
But it was only because it was such a mess.
It wasn't because it was a mess, it was because of the color.
He took two days to clean everything up. And it looked like a brand new room. Matt was happy about how good his clean room looked.
He took two days to give it a new paint job.And it looked like a brand new room.Matt was happy about how good his newly painted room looked.
Omar took acting classes when he was a child.
He was in the drama club in middle and high school.
He was in the art club in middle and high school.
There was a modeling and acting agency in the city. Omar registered in the city. Within a few months, he got his first role on a local television ad.
There was a modeling and acting agency in the city.Omar registered in the city.Within a few months, he got his first role on a local television ad.
My four-year-old nephew loves to wake us up.
This morning his hands were cold.
This morning his hands were very warm.
He crawled into bed with us. He put his hands on my back. As I screamed, he yelled cold hands.
He crawled into bed with us.He put his hands on my back.As I giggled, he yelled warm hands.
Someone had broken into the school.
There were a lot of electronic missing or damaged.
There was the robber stuck inside a locked room.
The police came to investigate. No one ever found out who had broken in. The school decided to install cameras on campus.
The police came to investigate.They were able to find out who broke in.The school decided to install cameras on campus.
Scott was walking his dog out in nature.
He wasn't really paying attention as he climbed around on a big rock.
He then went home and they sat under the AC.
Then, he noticed some sort of engraving on the rock. Backing up and inspecting the rock revealed that it was a structure. Scott had discovered a megalith and reported it to a historian.
Sitting there he was remembering how he noticed some sort of engraving on a rock while walking.Going back he inspected the rock and it revealed that it was a structure.Scott had discovered a megalith and reported it to a historian.
Amanda loved nature and to hike in the woods.
One day she got lost as she went too far with her hike.
One day she got lost and was eaten by a bear.
Then she remembered about landmarks for when you're lost. She hiked up higher so she could find one she recognized. Thankfully she did and made her way back home safely.
If only she would have remembered about the landmarks she wouldn't have gotten lost.She could have hiked up high and found some she recognized.Unfortunately, she did not make it home.
Travis got a set of bocce balls for his birthday.
Travis had never played with bocce balls before.
Travis grew up playing bocce balls.
He did not think that he would like the game. He sold his bocce ball set. With the money, Travis purchased a croquet set.
He loved the game but needed money.He sold his bocce ball set.With the money, Travis purchased a croquet set.
Carla was working hard on a project.
She stayed after work every day for a week to finish the project.
She stayed after work every day for a week and accidentally ruined the project.
Carla finished the project ahead of the due date. Her bosses were impressed with the work that she did. Carla was recognized at the next meeting at work.
Carla had to start all over again.Her bosses were disappointed by this.Carla apologized for her mess.
George wanted to give something to his coworkers for Christmas.
He decided to bake Christmas cookies.
He send them $50 Amex gift certificates.
George spent all Sunday baking them. That Monday he brought them in, and his coworkers hated them. He found out that he had used salt instead of sugar to make them.
George spent all Sunday wrapping them.That Monday he brought them in, and his coworkers hated them.He found out that he had used the gift certificates all up instead of adding money to them.
Ed had been at his job for a year.
He was now entitled to a paid week off.
Ed got a salary increase.
He had never had a paid vacation before. He was so happy! He took his week off and stayed home, just relaxing!
He had never had a raise before.He was so happy!He took the weekend for himself and stayed home, just relaxing!
Tina's best friend had a massive dog.
It would always jump up on people.
It never jumped on people.
When she walked in, the dog frightened her. All of the sudden she noticed blood. The dog had bit her.
When she walked in, the dog frightened her.All of the sudden she noticed blood.The dog had scratched her by mistake.
Phil was a young man in his early twenties'.
Undecided what to do with his life being recently let go of his job.
He was lonely because he had no friends.
He speaks with his closest friends who recruits him to the army. Phil spends time in the army and the time has come to go to war. Phil fights in the war and receives a medal of honor for his braveness
He speaks with a recruiter who recruits him to the army.Phil spends time in the army and the time has come to go to war.Phil fights in the war and receives a medal of honor for his braveness
Billy is a big Patriots fan and was very excited for Super Bowl 49.
His team was playing the Seattle Seahawks.
Even though the Patriots were out, he was a fan of the Seahawks as well.
On the last drive, Russell Wilson drove down the field to take the lead Malcolm Butler of the Patriots intercepted the ball. The Patriots won and Billy ran out of the lounge yelling.
On the last drive, Russell Wilson drove down the field to take the leadMalcolm Butler of the Patriots intercepted the ball.The Patriots won and Billy ran out of the lounge yelling.
Roy was bringing his computer to the shop.
It hadn't worked in a week.
It had been working okay but he decided to sell it to the shop.
He dropped the computer off. The next day a technician gave Roy a call. Roy returned to pick up his computer.
He dropped the computer off.He was able to sell it to the shop.Roy returned to his house.
Millie was shopping for her wedding.
She wanted to be thrifty about bridesmaids dressed.
She only wanted the nicest bridesmaid dresses.
Unfortunately cheaper dresses tended to be ugly. Then Millie spotted a beautiful dress with a low price. She snagged it and ordered them right away.
Unfortunately nicer dresses tended to be pricy.Then Millie spotted a beautiful dress with a low price.She snagged it and ordered them right away.
Howard enjoyed reading books a lot.
One day, he decided to not read books.
One day he decided to read one book a day.
He got very bored and did nothing. After a while, he gave up and started reading. With joy, Howard picked up a book and began reading.
He got very excited and did it.After a while, he kept it up and continued reading.With joy, Howard picked up a book and kept reading.
She was pushed into the water.
They put her cell phone to the side.
They put her cell phone to the side but it wasn't the last day of the season.
They waited for the perfect chance. People wanted to surprise our lifeguard supervisor. It was the last day of the season.
They waited for the perfect chance.People wanted to surprise our lifeguard supervisor.It was in the middle of the season.
Tod was driving through town.
And he was having a good day.
He had been angry the entire day.
But someone behind him was driving too closely. Tod stopped his car to get out and yell at the person. And the rest of the day, Tod was angry.
Someone was driving closely behind him.Tod stopped his car to get out and yell at the person.For the rest of the day, Tod was angry.
Feeling a tad bit under the weather, I decided to make soup.
Groggily, I made my way to the kitchen.
I yelled to my husband and asked him to make it for me.
I pan grilled and blended some fresh broccoli, spinach, and onions. I blended all the vegetables together with some veggie stock. This soup was definitely going to make me feel better.
He pan grilled and blended some fresh broccoli, spinach, and onions.He blended all the vegetables together with some veggie stock.This soup was definitely going to make me feel better.
Last night my wife and I went to the spa.
We both got relaxing massages.
It was too much and went home.
We had facials. We soaked in warm water and stayed in the sauna. It was very nice.
My wife got angry.We had a fight that night.The next morning, I apologized and made her a special breakfast.
This morning the alarm went off at 4:40 am.
Then it went off again at 4:49 am.
It did not go off again after 4:40 am because the alarm broke.
Mimi scratched Al's back and told him it was time to get get up. Thank goodness for snooze alarms because Al went back to sleep. But he jumped out of bed after the next snooze.
The cat scratched Al's back and told him it was time to get get up.Thank goodness for cats because Al would have been late otherwise.But he jumped out of bed after the cat nuzzled him again.
My sister in law gave me a book of matches.
She asked me to sell them on ebay.
She asked me to keep them safe for her.
I started the bid at $1 and fifty cents. I received one bid. With shipping I made $2 and eighty five cents for my sister in law.
But I needed money, so I put them on eBay and I started the bid at $1 and fifty cents.I received one bid.With shipping I made $2 and eighty five cents for myself.
Brad had just recently got a new kitty.
His cat was just beginning to develop into an adult.
His cat never went outside.
When brad came home from work he screamed when he walked in his house. His cat had brought in a dead bird. Brad cleaned up the bloody mess.
When brad came home from work he screamed when he walked in his house.His cat had brought in a dead mouse from the other room.Brad cleaned up the bloody mess.
Tina was taking an English test.
It was taking her awhile.
She was done well before the time was up.
All the sudden the time was up. She had to turn it in. Tina nearly cried because she was not done.
Finally the time was up.She then turned it in.Tina was content because she was done.
Dori studied for hours every day to become an RN.
She wanted so badly to be an RN she could taste it.
She did not want to be a RN very much and spent a lot of time with others.
People were disappointed in Dori because she didn't have time for them. However, she didn't let this deter her from her goal. Finally after all Dori's sacrifice she obtained her RN license.
People were happy with Dori because she now had a lot of time for them.She quickly deterred from her goal.Finally Dori decided she no longer wanted to obtain an RN license.
Thomas loved to go to the beach.
One day, he found a very big clam.
One day, he found a tiny seashell.
In fact, he had never seen a bigger clam. Thomas decided to bring the claim to his home. When he opened it, he found a very big pearl as well.
He picked up the seashell.Thomas decided to bring the shell home.He had always hoped to find a big pearl.
Shelby volunteered at the local hospital.
She would deliver stuffed bears to children before they had surgery.
She would deliver soft, snuggly pillows to children before they had surgery.
The stuffed bears helped to comfort the sick children. Shelby loved seeing the kids smile when she gave them a bear. Shelby felt like she made a difference at the hospital.
The pillows helped to comfort the sick children.Shelby loved seeing the kids smile when she gave them a pillow.Shelby felt like she made a difference at the hospital.
Marlene was late for work that evening.
When she arrived there was already a big crowd in the bar.
When she arrived there was no one in the bar.
She met a few patrons who asked her for beers. And when she arrived at the counter, she saw another barmaid there. Marlene had made the mistake of coming on her day off.
She met a few patrons who asked her for beers later, but it was slow overall.And when she arrived at the counter, she saw another barmaid there.Marlene decided to get let off early cause it was so slow.
Kelly's friend was a famous fashion designer.
Kelly was upset that she wasn't invited to one of the shows.
She went to her friends show to cheer her on.
She decided to give her friend an ultimatum. The two ended up fighting. Eventually they stopped being friends.
She decided to give her friend an ovation.The two ended up having dinner after.They always remained friends.
Cindy lives in a house with 7 people.
It is always so loud no matter which room she hides in.
It is always so quiet no matter which room she goes to.
She begged for silence. Everyone ignored her. She finally ran away for the weekend.
She loves the silence.Everyone is polite.She finally craves some noise, so goes to a bar.
Carl is a truck driver.
Carl delivers gasoline to gas stations.
Carl delivers bottled water to gas stations.
His job is very risky and his wife worries about him very much. One day he is involved in an accident. Carl dies tragically due to a fire.
His job isn't very risky, but his wife worries about him very much.One day he is involved in an accident.Carl dies tragically due to a fire at a gas station.
It was a hot day outside.
But the breeze from the ocean was apparent.
But, about an hour before going home, Susie felt a strong breeze from the ocean.
Susie was getting cold. She had no coat. So she sat there shivering for hours.
Susie was starting to get chilly.She had no coat.So she sat there shivering for hours before going home.
I recently passed my driver's test.
My parents congratulated me.
My parents didn't congratulate me.
As a gift they gave me a car. I drove the car to my friend's house. My friend was very jealous.
As a gift my Grandparents gave me a car.I drove the car to my friend's house.My friend was very jealous.
June was volunteering in her school's cafeteria this week.
She was loving all of her tasks so far.
She was an expert in all of the tasks already.
One day she had to learn to make the pizza. Unfortunately, she burned the pizza and ruined a whole batch. Luckily, the cafeteria monitors forgave her.
One day she had to learn to make the pizza.Unfortunately, she burned the pizza and ruined a whole batch, so she realized that maybe she wasn't an expert in everything after all.Luckily, the cafeteria monitors forgave her.
Virginia had a very big bell.
This bell meant a lot to Virginia as well.
She had inherited it from her Grandfather and hated it.
One day, the bell went missing. Virginia began searching everywhere for the bell. Eventually, Virginia found the bell in her bedroom.
One day, the bell went missing.Virginia began searching everywhere for the bell.Eventually, Virginia found the bell in her bedroom, which meant a lot, even though she wasn't a huge fan.
Jim was a great basketball player.
He always scored many points.
But he never scored many points.
One day a friend challenged him to a friendly game. Jim agreed and did not play as well as he thought. Jim learned his skills were not always that great.
One day a friend challenged him to a friendly game.Jim agreed and played much better than he thought he would.Jim learned his skills were better than he thought sometimes.
Suzy had been going to tanning beds for years.
But she found a mole that she thought could be cancerous.
She was concerned about cancer, but never found a mole.
She went to the doctor to get it checked. It turned out to be melanoma. Suzy broke down in tears.
She went to the doctor to make sure she didn't have melanoma.She did not have. melanoma.Suzy was grateful.
Butch had a really old computer.
Everything he did on it was slow.
He kept it and used it until he died.
The frustration became intolerable for Butch. He saved his money and order a new PC from Dell. It arrived and Butch was much happier.
The frustration became intolerable for Butch when it died.He saved his money and order a new PC from Dell.It arrived and Butch was much happier.
Lucy and her grandma were going to cook dinner together.
Grandma wanted to make salmon croquettes.
Grandma wanted to make salmon croquettes but couldn't find the ingredients.
Lucy measured out and poured the ingredients into the bowl. She mixed it all together with her hands. Lucy felt like a big help as she watched grandma fry the croquettes.
Lucy found them, and measured out and poured the ingredients into the bowl.She mixed it all together with her hands.Lucy felt like a big help as she watched grandma fry the croquettes.
Kelly had a horrible temper.
She had dinner with Heather and they got in a fight.
She took anger management classes.
Heather was horrified with how Kelly acted. The two women stormed out of the restaurant. They had made a huge scene.
Heather was impressed with how Kelly acted.The two women skipped and held hands out of the restaurant.They had made a huge scene.
Dave liked his job a lot.
He never stopped working.
But he likes his girlfriend more.
His girlfriend begged him to spend more time with her. Dave said he had to finish his project. Dave got dumped, but he also got a promotion.
His girlfriend begged him to spend more time with her.Dave decided not to finish his project.His girlfriend was happy, but he also did not get a promotion.
Frank entered his apartment after finishing work.
He was greeted by a blast of heat to his face.
He was greeted by a wave of cold air.
It wasn't long before the air conditioning was on full blast. Frank decided he needed to keep the air conditioning on all night. His electric bill at the end of the month was expensive.
It wasn't long before the air conditioning was on even higher.Frank decided he needed to keep the air conditioning on all night.His electric bill at the end of the month was expensive.
Barry was a clown at a child's birthday party.
He brought balloons to blow up for the kids.
He brought squirt guns for all of the kids.
He must have blown hundreds of them! When the birthday boy came for his balloon, Barry had none left! Barry made it up to him by performing some personal magic tricks!
He must have squirted hundreds of them!When the birthday boy came for his gun, Barry had none left!Barry made it up to him by performing some personal magic tricks!
Neil was in his mother's attic.
He found a shoebox full of old family photos.
He found an old shoebox full of jewelry.
Neil went to a copy service. He made several copies of all the pictures. Neil shared all the pictures with his family.
Neil went to a pawn shop with it.He made several dollars off all the jewelry.Neil shared all the money with his family.
I was at work.
I was using the walking stacker.
I was certified to use it and was very good at it.
My friend stood in my way. He wanted me to get certified first. I almost ran him over.
My friend stood in the way of the stacker.He wanted me to get training first.I almost ran him over.
Tom has a lot of unusual friends in high school.
One day they all wore dress to school.
They refused to wear dresses to school.
The guidance counselor got very angry. He called all the parents. The students went home early that day.
The guidance counselor didn't care.He didn't call all the parents.The students went home early that day.
Tod's friend encouraged him to see a new movie.
But Tod watched it and wondered what was so good about it.
So Tod watched it and quickly undertood what was so good about it.
The movie had had ratings and very good reviews. So Tod tried to watch it again to understand. Tod's apathy towards the movie made him feel left out.
The movie had had ratings and very good reviews.So Tod watched it again because he understood.Tod's feelings for the movie made him feel included.
Julie was starting a new school.
She was very nervous.
She quickly made new friends and was instantly popular.
She was used to be popular. She was having a hard time making new friends. She finally started fitting in.
She was new to being popular.She was having a hard time accepting it.She finally started to accept it.
Tom wanted to walk backwards.
He wanted to do it the whole day.
He new it was stupid though so he didn't.
He walked backwards through school. He bumped into the salad bar in the lunchroom. Tom never walked backwards again.
He had seen someone else walk backwards through school.He bumped into the salad bar in the lunchroom.This person never walked backwards again.
Beth had just moved to a new town.
She did not know anybody.
She wanted to keep to herself.
She wondered if she would make any friends. Then her neighbors came over to introduce themselves. Beth realized she already had several built-in friends!
She wondered if she would like the new town..Then her neighbors came over to introduce themselves, but she made it brief.Beth realized she already had people who were going to annoy her here.
Rachel was dyeing her hair a bright red color.
She had finished washing her hair and was ready to see the results.
After washing her hair, she saw that it was blonde.
When she looked in the mirror she saw a terrible blue color. She had messed up on some step along the way. She had a week to wait before she could fix the color.
When she looked in the mirror she saw a terrible ash blond color.She had messed up on some step along the way.She had a week to wait before she could fix the color.
I went into the small general store.
I tried to buy some candy.
I needed scissors.
When I went to pay though, they told me cash only. I had no cash on me. So I ended up leaving empty handed.
When I went to pay though, they told me cash only.I had no cash on me.So I ended up leaving without the scissors.
Nicolas loved to bath every single day.
One day he realized that his shower was broken.
One day he realized that his broken shower was fixable by him.
He quickly called a repairman. The repair man was able to fix the issue in less than an hour. Then, Nicolas was able to take his daily bath.
He quickly repaired his shower.He was able to fix the issue in less than an hour.Then, Nicolas was able to take his daily bath.
It was the weekend and Andrew had no school.
He wanted to relax for the rest of the day.
He decided to do laundry for the rest of the day.
But his mom made him wash his and her clothes. He was mad that he had to wash. It ruined his day.
His mom made him wash his and her clothes.He was happy to do the laundry.He felt like it was a productive day.
After taking a bath, I went to the living room.
I took out several books and began studying.
I took out several movies and began watching.
When I read a passage, my eyes started to close. An hour later, my sister woke me up. She told me to go to sleep.
When I was watching, my eyes started to close.An hour later, my sister woke me up.She told me to go to sleep.
I worked at home for a cell phone company.
All day people called and complained about their bill.
All day people called and paid their bill.
It was hard to make people happy and my pay was based on surveys. That company quit it's work at home program and laid me off. I found a better job where my customers and I are both happy.
It was hard to make people happy and my pay was based on surveys.That company quit its work-at-home program and laid me off.I found a better job where my customers and I are both happy.
A man was having a panic attack.
His friend suggested to simply start singing.
He took a few deep breaths and calmed himself.
The man began singing and calmed down. He learned a new relaxation technique. He never had a panic attack again.
Someone taught him to do this.He had learned a new relaxation technique.He never had a panic attack again.
Johnny was excited to go the the flea market with his mom.
When they got there they went from table to table.
It rained so they never got to go.
He finally asked his mother when they were going to see the fleas. She laughed, telling him there weren't actually fleas at flea markets. He was extremely disappointed.
He finally asked his mother when they could go to see the fleas.She laughed, telling him there weren't actually fleas at flea markets.He was extremely disappointed.
Kenny took a fishing trip with his friends.
The weather was bad for the whole trip.
The fishing was great for the whole trip.
The guys weren't able to do any fishing. They stayed in their camp playing cards and playing music. Kenny and his friends managed to still have a good time.
The guys were able to do a lot of fishing.At night, they stayed in their tents playing cards and playing music.Kenny and his friends had a great time!
Devon was a pilot that seemed to have a death wish.
In the air show he did very dangerous stunts and never flinched.
In the air show, he did a very dangerous stunt and crashed and died.
He drove straight to the ground and pulled up at the last instant. The crowd roared and burst with excitement. In the cockpit, Deven did not feel anything.
He was trying to fly straight to the ground and pull up at the last instant.The crowd gasped when he crashed.The doctors said Devon never felt anything because it happened so fast.
Missy was working as a waitress at a diner.
Suddenly, she notiched people rushing out of the building.
Suddenly she noticed people eating in the building.
A fire alarm went off and she saw that there were indeed flames. She quickly rushed out of the building herself. Luckily, they were able to tame the fire quickly.
Then a fire alarm went off and she saw that there were indeed flames around them.She quickly rushed out of the building herself.Luckily, they were able to tame the fire quickly.
Gina loved Easter morning.
She loved finding the basket that the bunny had brought.
She had diabetes, so she could only look for the chocolate eggs, not eat them.
She always hoped it would be filled with candy and such. This time it was filled with all of her favorite things. She was happy that it was another great Easter.
When she found an egg, she always hoped it would be filled with something she could actually have.This time it was filled with all of her favorite things, and not candy.She was happy that it was another great Easter.
Matt wanted to go on vacation but he wasn't sure where.
He researched places and decided to spend a weekend up north.
He really wanted to go to the beach and his wife wanted to go to Italy.
Matt found a cabin to rent for a reasonable price. He called the owner and made a reservation. Matt looked forward to his upcoming trip.
They compromised, and Matt found a beach house in Italy to rent for a reasonable price.He called the owner and made a reservation.Matt and his wife looked forward to their upcoming trip.
Bobby sold his company to a competitor.
The competitor didn't pay.
The competitor paid double.
Bobby sued them. The legal fees were through the roof. Bobby had to drop the case.
Bobby gave them a great online review.He saved so much money from this deal.Bobby was able to take the money and buy a great computer for his class.
The gardeners placed a plant in their front yard.
Grasshoppers crawled into the plants the next day.
Aphids crawled into the plants causing them to dry out.
They grew in size as time went by. Eventually, the grasshoppers went into the gardener's' house. They felt threatened by them.
They never grew in size.Eventually, the aphids went it to the rest of the plants.The whole garden was threatened by them.
Tom and Diane have been married for years.
For their next anniversary they plan to go dancing.
Tom and Diane had a divorce.
They enroll in salsa classes. They practiced once a week for years. On their anniversary night, they passed away.
They enroll their kids in separate schools.They argued about it for years.On their anniversary night one year, they finally made up.
I was getting ready for a huge job interview.
I tried putting on my tie.
I put on my tie.
I could never get it right. I threw the tie out the window. I wore a clip on tie instead.
It took me a while.I thought about thorwing the tie out the window.I almost wore a clip on tie instead.
Debra's twins had talked about building a sand castle for a week.
She decided to surprise them with a trip to the beach on her day off.
She decided to surprise them with a trip to a snowy mountain on her day off.
She purchased plastic pails of different sizes to act as molds. Debra taught them to fill a pail with sand to flip them carefully. They took pictures of the castle for their scrapbook when it was done.
She purchased plastic pails of different sizes to act as snow molds.Debra taught them to fill a pail with snow to flip them carefully.They took pictures of the castle for their scrapbook when it was done.
Denny was on a business trip.
He hadn't heard from his wife in a day.
He had heard from his wife all day.
Denny decided to call his neighbors to check on his wife. His neighbors told him that his wife was okay, but was in an accident. Denny went home right away to see about his wife.
Denny decided to call his parent's neighbors house to check on his mother.His neighbors told him that his mother was okay, but was in an accident.Denny went home right away to see about his mother.
I've been eating popcorn at the theatre.
I couldn't enjoy the movie at all.
I was able to enjoy the movie without any issues.
There was a piece of popcorn stuck in my teeth. I tried getting it out. However, I couldn't get it out with my tongue.
The popcorn was really tasty and the drink was refreshing.I love watching that movie.The movie ended and there was no popcorn left.
Fred was watching his favorite TV series on DVD.
He fell asleep while it was still on.
He was wide awake and on the edge of his seat throughout the whole series.
Suddenly he was awoken in the night by a skipping scene. The TV was repeating the same two seconds over and over. Fred was thoroughly creeped out, shut off the TV and went to sleep.
Suddenly he fell asleep during a skipping scene.The TV was repeating the same two seconds over and over.Fred was thoroughly mesmerized, the TV played and he drifted to sleep.
Charles loved to eat.
He went to a local buffet and decided he would eat as much as possible.
His favorite was chinese food.
He stuffed his face for over an hour. When it was time to leave, he could hardly stand up. Charles had definitely gotten his money's worth.
He went to a Chinese buffet and stuffed his face for over an hour.When it was time to leave, he could hardly stand up.Charles had definitely gotten his money's worth.
Abby loves popcorn.
She went to the kitchen to make some.
She goes to the movies just to get popcorn all the time.
All of the popcorn was gone. She was very sad and didn't know what to eat now. Her father came home and bought more popcorn.
All of the popcorn was gone.She was very sad and didn't know what to eat now.The manager came out and brought more popcorn.
Mr Egg was presenting a volcanic eruption to the science class.
He had a diagram of a volcano that looked like it was made of tinfoil.
He started feeling unwell and had to leave early.
He then took out a huge thing of vinegar, and started to pour it in! The class had no clue what was going on and looked on in astonishment. The volcano then exploded with substance that looked like lava!
The next day he returned and took out a huge thing of vinegar, and started to pour it in a tinfoil volcano.The class had no clue what was going on and looked on in astonishment.The volcano then exploded with substance that looked like lava!
Adriana was a faithful woman.
She would do anything for her husband.
She would not tolerate an unfaithful man.
Sadly he didn't show as much love for her. Adriana walked in on her husband with another woman. After his apology she forgave him and stayed in the marriage.
Sadly, her husband turned out to be unfaithful.Adriana walked in on her husband with another woman.After his apology she divorced him.
One night I was feeling pretty down.
My boyfriend I had broken up.
I went to sleep early to feel better.
I decided to take the garbage out that night. As I approached the night sky a bright rainbow shimmered through. I instantly felt hopeful in-spite of what was happening.
I decided to take the garbage out that night before I go to sleep.As I approached the night sky a bright rainbow shimmered through.I instantly felt hopeful in-spite of what was happening.