diff --git "a/Full_dataset.csv" "b/Full_dataset.csv" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/Full_dataset.csv" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1962 +0,0 @@ -example_id,title,text,annotator1_t1_label,annotator1_t2_label,annotator2_t1_label,annotator2_t2_label,annotator3_t1_label,annotator3_t2_label,t1_label,t2_label,batch,split,metadata -1,Men on this sub are genuinely so interesting...,"Yeah... That's it tbh I just find men on this sub so interesting. You try to help them and they really don't want ur help since ur a dude and not a women...(also some/most of them just wanna get laid) - -Edit* BTW I'm a dude so stop dm-ing me thinking I'm a girl and also I'd still be willing to help you if you have any problems. (can't believe some of yall thought I was a girl😀) ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,lonely -2,Summer is the worst for us lonely men,"What do you even do in summer? nothing, just rot away inside your room, play games, jerk off go to sleep",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3.75,part3,test,lonely -3,19f loser lonely person,"Dying. I want to be touched so badly, I've never been close with a person irl, at all. I want to be loved and wanted. I just want a connection with someone, talking to people is hard. Google how to meet people without actually trying to meet people ","['Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of physical touch']",4,"['Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of physical touch']",4,"['Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of physical touch']",4,"['Lack of romantic relationships','Lack of physical touch']",4,evaluation,train,lonely -4,I wish I can die and start over,"I'm a 28 male. I regret almost every single moment of my life. I never had friends. I never had a job. I failed out of college. I have achieved nothing. The traumatizing memories of my childhood keep haunting me every day. - -I often dream of dying and getting reincarnated with things I never had. Like being born to parents who wouldn't abuse me. Being born in a 1st world country with all the quality of life that comes with it. Being born an attractive girl so people would approach me and be more friendly towards me. Being taught in a good school where bullies are punished for their bullying. - -But I suppose that even if I were to be reincarnated with better luck, what then? Why would I want to live to work, eat, sleep, and repeat? What's the point in living? I feel like someone like me can only feel solace in death.","['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Other']",5,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Other']",5,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Other']",5,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of friends','Other']",5,evaluation,train,lonely -5,I want hug someone (っ.❛ ᴗ ❛.)っ,"I'm overwhelming ! I need hug from stranger ⊂(・﹏・⊂) -I'm so lonely! ",['Lack of physical touch'],3,['Lack of physical touch'],2,['Lack of physical touch'],3,['Lack of physical touch'],2.67,exploration,test,lonely -6,i just can’t imagine myself ending up with someone,"i can’t even envision what a good match for me would be like. when i swipe on these apps, i can’t imagine any of these guys actually dating and liking me as a person. i’ve been single for almost a year and a half and i’m honestly starting to accept that i may not find someone. i feel like dating as an autistic girl just feels extremely impossible. there’s a disconnect between guys on here who say they’d date me and men i actually encounter irl. it’s like, guys like this don’t exist in real life. and maybe what im seeking also just doesn’t exist in general - -i’m not seeking advice. i’m honestly not even seeking dms. i just want to wallow. ",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Not lonely'],2.33,exploration,train,lonely -7,There is something off about me.,People say I'm cute/attractive and yet I am struggling to find someone and my loneliness tells me there is something off about me. (M40),['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,part3,train,lonely -8,Bots,Just wanted to rant that my word theres so many bots on here. Makes me not want to interact with most posts.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,lonely -9,Someone reached out to me,"After seeing my comment on this sub. -We were talking fine. -Asked for my age and blocked me. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.25,part3,test,lonely -10,No social life,"I’m 20. I’ve never been to a party. Every time I ask people to hang out I always get I’ll let you know when I’m free and then nothing, or something will be planned and then cancelled last minute. I’m really trying. I feel like the only person in the world who has never been to a party or anything like that and I feel like such a fucking loser. I don’t know what to do. I have one friend but she just moved four hours away and is pregnant. I’m seeing someone but he lives 3 hours away and is yet to get his license. I feel like I am losing myself and I don’t know what to do. ","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3.33,evaluation,train,lonely -11,Acceptance Of Loneliness,"I think getting womens attention is more than just being attractive i look at it as good allowing it. Look at elliot rodger we cant say he was unattractive but he got no attention. - -I also think i fall in the same group i think im decently attractive but no woman has ever given me any attention, i may be delusional and actually be ugly but im confident im not. - -So ive just come to the conclusion that being wanted is something beyond our control yes being fit will get you more attention, but what im trying to say is that if your ugly but god turned on this switch you will atill get attention. - -But for people like me and Elliot Rodger we will never get it no matter what i do Im trying to accept this fate its hard but i will accept this and die alone.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.25,part3,train,lonely -12,I feel like all I'm good for is money.,"Recently I've noticed a trend where any woman I talk to always ends up wanting money from me in some way or another. It all started with my ex girlfriend. I was with her for a year and a half. She would always say that she was behind on school or something and just look at me. If I told her to work more hours she would call me an asshole. Needless to say we're not together anymore. She was real, but now I feel like I can't even have a conversation without it somehow turning into well I just need some cash! I have more to offer than just money. They can work for their own shit don't ever give money and believe you are helping. You are being used.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.5,part3,train,lonely -14,Alone in every way,I’ve never felt more alone. My marriage is a mess and we basically live separate lives. Most of my family are no contact and I have no family support. My son is going through a hard time and I’m dealing with it alone. I actually want to close my eyes and never wake up. I wonder if my kids would be better off without me because right now I’m doing a shit job. No one else would even notice I was gone.,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of romantic relationships']",4.75,part3,validation,lonely -15,vent,"i also feel like it’s so hard to meet ppl, both romantically or platonically, bc most social events cater toward couples or friend groups. there aren’t any good examples of solo meetup activities. you join a club or volunteer to make friends or even ppl to date, and ppl who sign up are doing it w their friends. try to go to the bar alone and ppl are there w their friends or partners. being single these days is a lot harder bc most ppl don’t do activities alone and the ppl who do want to connect w others just stay online","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",2,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships']",2,evaluation,test,lonely -16,19f no friends,"I made a throw away for this as some people I know follow my actual account. I have a boyfriend who doesn't seem to be interested in me at all anymore and apart from him I genuinely have no one. I want to go out and see/do things and talk to people and I feel like when you're so young you're supposed to be having a great time and seeing friends and making memories. I have tried to make friends and everyone is so judgemental or just wants to go clubbing, do drugs and get with guys which I'm not interested in. Other than that me and my dad were close so I've been making an effort to see him more but he said that life was better when my boyfriend liked me so I gave up on that. Life really sucks when you're alone.",['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],3,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends']",3,['Lack of friends'],2.67,evaluation,test,lonely -17,Anyone wanna be depressed together,We can talk about anything I just need to stay out of my head. I’m 21 guy. If you don’t know what to talk about I can complain about my life in college. Leave a comment or DM if interested thanks,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],3,part3,train,lonely -18,Idk what's happening,"I'm not able to recieve any message, neither someone's actually receiving my messages here on reddit. Is this seriously an issue or a bug or something, or no one's actually responding!!!??!!??? 😭",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,lonely -20,I just turned 18,"I didn't think I'd make it this far and this thought upsets me a lot. Idk how to feel. nyway, no friends to celebrate it with. Maybe next year will be better ",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3.75,part3,train,lonely -21,25f looking for online friends my age or older,"hii my name is alissa, i’m an infp, bisexual and a libra. i’m a pc gamer with 2 cats and am recently single. i’m friendly and laugh at everything but can seem a bit closed off when i don’t mean to bc of anxiety. ideally you are an extrovert and let me listen to you yap🧍🏻‍♀️",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,lonely -22,why does no one like me actually,"i can just feel it anytime i’m talking to someone i can tell it’s just a nice friendly act especially when they want something. I’m excluded from everything and feel like i’m just forgotten about and ik i am forgotten about, i’m the place holder friend. like everyone just says i’m just there and people act like genuinely surprised if i show some emotion i get treated like a zoo animal anytime i try to be how people say i should fucking be but if i’m just myself i’m weird cus i don’t talk and have a straight fucking look how does that work like seriously some people can’t just comprehend some people are different. that’s how everyone in my life ever has been towards me like even my family i recently saw extended it felt like a pity party so i just avoided them ","['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends']",4,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends']",4,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends']",4,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of friends']",4.25,part3,train,lonely -23,why am i not allowed to just be sad 19f,"Does there have to be some big reason. My life has been kinda ass if I'm being real but this past year better than ever. Shockingly depression doesn't just go away, I'm not suicidal anymore but I'm not happy to wake up. I don't know how to tell anyone, my mom or my two online friends Lol. I have a therapist i see once every 2-3weeks, i have too much on my mind all the time, i talk about maybe 40% of my issues to her. Sorry imwtired thank you for reading ",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],3.25,part3,test,lonely -24,I had a fight with irl dad.. im just heartbroken," -He told me how he’s disappointed that I continue working in the kitchen and how I will have no job and how I should want for it.. im failure dad.. my own parents don’t love me.. I don’t love me.. death is the best choice I could done.. he’s right it’s a dead end job.. I have been taking this poor man (dad) money and give him nothing.. I could never let him be happy.. I understand what he wants, I should have done long time ago ",['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,evaluation,test,lonely -25,Merely existing,"I’m not living. Everyday is the same and I hate it when it’s otherwise. I wake up at a certain time everyday. I spend hours by my desk coding, watching and writing. Then the realization i have been sat on my desk for hours attains me. I get up. Perhaps I will draw but most times I get afraid I might burden myself with the thought of failure if I don’t draw well. It’s all circular. Maybe I’ll pick up a book. I either don’t pick one up after months or obsessively read through one. I’ll go on a walk if I really need time to think. Then I’ll get into bed at 9. I feel guilty if I get into bed too early but I get in at 9 because the one thing I look forward to is sleep all throughout the day. However I don’t go to sleep until midnight. I spend the entire 3 hours thinking, wishing I was someone else in another life. In addition to that I have my headphones in all day. I can’t sustain myself unless I’m listening to music. - -My parents want a life for me in which I myself don’t desire. They claim to love me but they don’t even know me nor understand me. If I had to courage to seek out the life I wanted they would no longer ‘love me’. I failed to live out the life of a teenager. I lost all of my school friends because I got so disintegrated. ",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],4.25,part3,train,lonely -26,Need help please,I'm struggling and I just want someone to talk to in the short term.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2.75,part3,train,lonely -27,"I went to a gym by myself, and I had a good time","I didn't go to find a woman right off the bat. I went there by myself to work out and to feel good. I walked and ran on a treadmill for over 30 minutes, I walked on a stairmill for 15 minutes, and I did arm exercises for 10 minutes. - -I feel it isn't much, but it's been a long time since I went to a gym, and I feel good going and working out myself. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.25,part3,train,lonely -28,M30 looking for some new friends to talk the day away,"This is a sentiment shared by people on this sub and others, but it’s so hard to make friend as you get older. - -I have a few from work, but they are really surface level. Like even a talk outside of work time is usually a little weird. - -I have some old friends from college and high school (really like two lol), and they are those kind where you don’t talk often, but when you see each other you remember why you were friends all that time ago. - -What I’m really looking for is a friend for the day to day who I can talk to about anything and everything. - -If that’s you, please feel free to reach out! Happy to talk :) ",['Not lonely'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,evaluation,train,lonely -29,it’s not true that women have an easier time getting sex," Yes it’s true that average women statistically get aproached more in dating apps and parties, in comparison to average men. - - However you look at the statistics most heterosexual men when they have sex get an orgasm out of it, while that is the minority of heterosexual women. Most of the time when a man and a woman have sex it will be only focused on the sexual pleasure of the man. Why would women want to have sex if they don’t get to get off? - - Statistics show that lesbians are the group that orgasms the most by far so clearly the disparity in sexual pleasure isn’t biological.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,lonely -30,I feel crashed in on and broken,"I miss my grandmother so much. She was the only woman I felt true unconditional love from. She was by no means perfect but I felt I could do no wrong. And now she's gone. And I feel alone. - -I feel like all my relationships have gone poorly. I don't know why. It must be me though, right? Not all relationships go poorly for everyone else. I feel cursed. - -I don't know what to do. I'm stressed and tired and have no outlet and no safety. I feel stuck and broken. - -Maybe this is just me forever.","['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of romantic relationships']",3.33,exploration,test,lonely -31,Why is it like this,Why I'm i always ignore. Like I have 0 friends now I'm victimizing what a loser I'm. I bet this post is going to be ignored,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],4,part3,validation,lonely -32,To anyone who needs someone to talk to,"If you ever need to vent or talk to someone else who has been through trauma, please message me anytime. Even if you just want a friend to talk to I am here for you. -My name is Chloe and I’m 33 ❤️ ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,lonely -33,It's Summer break and I don't have many people to talk to outside of school,"So l'm f 16 and if you wanna chat some of my interest are I like anime and horror movies, working out (kinda), swimming and running, pokemon (games) hanging out at the park, I love answering questions",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2.5,part3,train,lonely -34,Anyone up to chat?,"Im bored, I wanna talk to people, message me PLEASE, thank you and have a great day :)!",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,evaluation,train,lonely -35,I cry when singing anime songs.,"Every other day or so, I like to practice my singing by belting some of my favorite anime intros, themes and soundtracks. - -Some of them, in particular, like Sparkle, from Your Name and Grand Escape make me tear up and I can't keep going on anymore and my eyes get teary.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,lonely -36,26F,Hoping to meet some cool virtual friends - I’ve been pretty lonely in life lately.,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],2.33,evaluation,train,lonely -37,My weakness for women has ruined my life...,"The older I get the more I realize that I'm a misanthropist. I really don't like... people. I'm also at least slightly narcissistic. It's not a big deal though since I'm an extreme hermit. I haven't had any friends for like 15 years now. I cut all ties to my friends when I was about 13. That was when I realized that I actually hate people and want to be left alone. I have an unusually low craving for social interactions. Most of the time my longings are satiated through semi-parasocial shit like reading, watching movies or being on Youtube, etc. I'm barely ever lonely. However, my stupid nature forces me to get amorous and horny all the time (I hate that word but eh, it is what it is). It's like some kind of disorder. I can't stop thinking about women, watching porn and craving a girlfriend. At the same time I never connected with women and don't like people. I only connect with the idea of interacting with women because I find them physically attractive. It really ruined my life because I could have been a highly functional human being chasing his dreams and life goals if it wasn't for my libido. Instead only because of this one deeply ingrained craving I ended up a depressed lowlife alcoholic shit who's becoming more and more suicidal. I hate human nature and the needs that come with it. - -I would appreciate anyone who's in a similar situation to provide advice or encouragement. I really don't know how to deal with this anymore. Women and lust are driving me crazy.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],3.5,part3,test,lonely -38,Anyone above 25 and yet to experience love or a relationship?,"I am in my late twenties, never been in relationship. I don’t generally encounter people who have never been a relationship until this age - -Edit- what’s your reason?",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,evaluation,validation,lonely -39,Early 30sF looking for a friend,Lonely and looking for someone to talk to. Please be an adult,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3.5,part3,train,lonely -40,How to deal with this emotion of loneliness,I grew up with no parents my mother died when I was 7 and my father was not a good role model as I grew older after the feeling of sense of strong inequality is kicking in few months ago my grand father died he was like a father to me we became closed in 2019 and to me when he died I felt angry why is it happening so fast. My only therapy for this is running training working out but after doing those things.the feeling of loneliness comes back I wanna change stop comparing myself to other people and being jealous I wanna become strong and kind,['Lack of family contact'],4,['Lack of family contact'],4,['Lack of family contact'],4,['Lack of family contact'],3.5,part3,train,lonely -42,21F feeling really lonely and could use a friend,I feel alone and like I have no one :(,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",4.25,part3,train,lonely -43,51M [Relationship] todays my birthday!,"Another year has come and gone. -I'm just the average older guy that works too much lol. Honestly it masks the pain of loneliness. -I'm the protective type of guy. I miss having someone that is clingy. I'm looking for someone for voice calls because I like that more than texting. I have two cats that I adore. -I enjoy being outdoors especially 4 wheeling. -No age limit Honestly because I really don't want to spend my birthday alone especially since I have to work. -Don't know what more to write but feel free to ask me anything ",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],4,part3,train,lonely -44,No Friends = No cards On My Birthday,[(4) No Friends = No cards On My Birthday #mentalhealth #selfimprovement #selfimprovement #birthday - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVjmQKLDzTo),['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,part3,test,lonely -45,Pressure,"Ive recently had to remove my whole account due to the fact I didn’t feel comfortable with somone in dms to be specific they started of fine but then things took a turn when she asked weather i was a virgin and she asked me weather or not i wanted to had s”x with her… Im thanking like we JUST MET WHY DO YOU WANNA FUCK ME!????? after that I explained to her that we just met before removing my account and makeing a new one. Her name was Cupcake. And tbh this was the last fucking straw for me. I give up it just seems like im only good for that one thing and to be used. -Ive lost all hope because of what she said after a rlly good conversation we had and i thought i was getting somewhere. Welp i guessed too soon. -My old user was Babyariana_00001",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,validation,lonely -46,"22M - Just woke up, looking for a chill Voice Chat","I'm not really a big fan of texting, I'm only looking for voice chat. I don't mind age and gender, but around my age would be better. -Also I only use discord for calls.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.25,part3,train,lonely -47,Anyone want to voice call,I can't sleep and thought it might be nice to talk to someone,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,test,lonely -48,Anyone else ready for another lonely weekend?,I’m not ready lol. I wish I had someone special.,['Other'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Other'],3,exploration,validation,lonely -49,Dating in high school,"I feel like maybe i could just be blowing things out of proportion but it's whatever. I'm about to enter my senior year of high school and it's so hard being the friend getting left out because i don't have a boyfriend. it's always the classic ""you're so pretty though!"" or the ""everyone has their person you just have to wait"" but i don't want to wait - -since i was little i had always dreamed of having a promposal or at least a boyfriend and now it seems neither will happen and i just feel shattered. its hard being the only one going to events and prom without a partner and it just hurts really bad and i don't know what to do",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.25,part3,train,lonely -50,Even the so called meek are arrogant sociopaths,"Fuck this, hard reset now,, nothing to do for your loneliness except take what u can before it all burns down.",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -51,DM if you feel lonely 😊,"If you're feeling lonely and need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to send me a DM. Sometimes all it takes is a friendly conversation to brighten your day. Whether you want to vent, share a story, or just have a casual chat, I'm here to listen. Feel free to reach out anytime.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,lonely -53,Lonely,"I'm a man, I've been married for 25 years, I'm 46 and I feel alone. Does it happen to you too? If anyone needs company like me, you can contact me Thank you for your attention",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3.25,part3,test,lonely -54,I am going to die,"Will my life be full of love, warmth, openness and closeness or will I continue to be cold numb and alone",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3.75,part3,test,lonely -55,"Rant, I guess","I want to build a community of people, but I also do not want to burden anyone with my problems. I want to be able to do everything on my own and become frustrated when I cant. I am so so so tired of being alone, but I cant seem to break the barrier down enough to not being alone and reaching out. ",['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3.75,part3,test,lonely -56,Idk,"I been feeling like such a burden, like literal trash idk.. I don’t wanna share my situation but just want to feel seen and heard. For I have my family all around me watching me drown and sink further while they occasionally throw stones at me and laugh … it’s so hard to hold on most the time,, losing my will to live slowly. Life is hard and so so cold. -",['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],4.5,part3,validation,lonely -57,growing up sucks,"if you think things are bad now just wait til you get old cos once youre in your 30s its pretty much hopeless either you have a social circle of some sort or youre pretty much a hermit, and the longer you stay a hermit the harder it gets to communicate you forget how to talk how to listen how to be human until the only thing you have to look forward to is dying - -growing up sucks this whole incarnation is fucking bullshit i demand a refund",['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],4.25,part3,test,lonely -58,Anybody for call?,I have PTSD and cant sleep. Will someone ne talk on voice?,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,test,lonely -59,What's everyones favorite video game?,"My favorite video game is super mario kart, how about yours?",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,lonely -60,"Whenever i post my pic on rateme subs, I get downvoted or roasted, even though I'm seeking genuine advice","Why is Reddit like this? I wish I was more attractive. I've already lost 20kg (Gained over 60kg due to meds, which even for my height is a lot) but it feels futile and meaningless anyways.. Is it time to give up on finding love..? I hate every fiber of my being and i feel like crying every morning, I can't stand to look in the mirror esp. bc I'm hideous.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.25,part3,train,lonely -61,Everyone's too busy to talk to me,"I have a handful of friends I get along with well and I thought we had a pretty good connection. But it seems like not only do they not check on me much, it seems like when I reach out, no one's got time to chat. I guess it's something to talk to my therapist about. - -(Yes, I'm trying to remember that people have lives to manage, including me, and that it's unlikely that I'm the cause. But, I wish I had a friendship with someone who could be bothered to maintain it on their end. Maybe I need new friends.)",['Other'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],2,['Lack of community or social support'],2.67,evaluation,train,lonely -62,I'm lonely and could use some advice on meeting new people,"Hey all, I've 22/m been really romantically lonely recently and I'm not sure how to put myself out there and meet new people. While it would be easy to go out to a bar or club but that's not really my type of thing and dating apps are not worth imo. I guess my question really is, where else could do you recommend I could go to possibly meet new people? Maybe share how you met your partner? Anything helps and I'm willing to listen to any advice. Thank you all. - -P.s. sorry if there's any formatting issues, I am on mobile.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2.75,part3,train,lonely -63,26M [Friendship] [Chat] Looking to meet people and make friends!,"Good morning! How is everyone? Would love to meet some new people and possibly make some new friends! Some of my hobbies are gaming, MTG, anime/manga, working out, sports, cooking and more! I’m pretty open about anything. Normally would be off work about now but I was off tonight so. Probably gonna be around for a little. Hope to chat soon!",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,test,lonely -64,41m could ya know use an ear,So much going on and only the Silence of my thoughts. I'm dealing with the emotions of terminal illness. Across country move. Feeling emotions about not wanting to be in this position and yet having immense compassion and love for all beings and the only thing that I hear is a Silence of the Void because there's no one here. The people I could reach out to are all either asleep or doing things with their weekends. I don't regret the path I'm on I just wish it wasn't so lonely. My microphone stopped working for Discord a few days ago otherwise I probably be there looking for someone just to talk to maybe if I make their day better I won't feel so stuck. Have you ever just wanted someone to help so you could pour love into someone so that as you're pouring love into them your pain at least takes a back seat for a while or maybe I'm just going crazy maybe it's just the pressure of it all who knows,['Other'],3,['Other'],4,['Other'],3,['Other'],3.33,exploration,train,lonely -65,Anyone trying to get better,"Anyone actually trying to improve their circumstances, but are met with extreme depression/resistance. im sick of having no friends, no life. nothing.","['Lack of friends', 'Other']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Other']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Other']",3,"['Lack of friends','Other']",4.25,part3,train,lonely -66,Birthday today,"I just turned 17. I've never had a birthday party not once. Never got a gift that wasn't from my parents (didn't even start getting gifts or even cake till I was 12). - -I always wanted a birthday celebration. I wanted to go out and hang out with friends. My peers frequent chuck e cheese for their birthdays even if it is kind of dumb. I just wanted something like that or even someone to so much as wish me a happy birthday. - -I don't think I'll ever get that. People who even have friends stop really celebrating there birthday once they get older so I've just missed out on my chance. ",['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3.25,part3,test,lonely -67,20 M I need someone,I just want a girlfriend to watch movies with lol. I love sharing my favorite movies with people. I want a girlfriend who will watch movies or TV shows with me. We would talk about our favorite characters and scenes. I just want someone to care about me. I want to feel loved. It's been so long since I've cared about some like that.,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,exploration,test,lonely -68,Would you tell people that you were going to die or let them find out?,"32m, thinking about ending in 4 years, I’m going to try and improve myself but I don’t see that effecting my chances at finding someone. -I’m kinda neurotic which I think scare people away, and I’m mixed race so I think people aren’t interested, the women that I relate to just think I’m some tan dude. - -Anyways, thought I’d end it at 36, I was thinking I’d tell people so they know that I might do something. I mean they won’t know I did it, my plan is to go on an overseas trip and never return. I’m not sure if the stress of knowing now is worse than finding out.",['Not lonely'],3,"['Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of community or social support']",5,['Not lonely'],4,['Not lonely'],4,exploration,train,lonely -69,Drowning in loneliness upon waking up," -How to deal with the constant waves that keep crashing into me especially right upon waking up - -This is the worst its been for me now. I would say the last three months it started to hit very hard for some reason. ",['Other'],3,['Other'],5,['Other'],3,['Other'],3.67,exploration,test,lonely -70,Kinda saddd,Im kinda in my feels rn..illl be complete fine and productive and do so much work to improve my life to make some kind of progress. And then it always hit me out if no where a wave of sadness and ptsd. Can anyone relate,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,validation,lonely -71,why is it so hard to be enough,"I (19f) have found myself in a depressive state that’s been oncoming for about 6 months now and i feel like the biggest trigger is dating. Why is it so fucking hard to date, guys in the dating scene are so insistent of unrealistic standards. Like no i cannot have big boobs and no stomach. No i cannot look this way and still uphold this perfect look you are seeking. I am human. I feel like i can have genuine conversations but people are only after sex or non committed intimacy and it hurts. Why don’t i deserve love and loyalty when im so willing to give it. it’s just lonely and depressing. It hurts watching people around me date when i can’t get the attention of anyone. i do also understand it isn’t just men being a problem i see so many girls too doing this non committed relationship thing. I just hate that no one can withhold a genuine connection it’s so lonely and exhausting",['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.5,part3,train,lonely -72,"Today is my birthday, and nobody cares 😔","Today is my 19th birthday, and the only people who show interest is my immediate family that I live with. Which I know I should be grateful for. But I would really appreciate some validation and birthday wishes from Reddit strangers as pathetic and sad as it sounds. It really fills the hole in my heart 🥹 - -Also happy birthday to whoever has the same birthday as me, lol. - -[edit] thank you all!! ",['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3.5,part3,train,lonely -73,"22M ,looking for long-term friends","Passed my exams 14 days ago,so considering I don't need to study anymore I have a lot of free time. I'm up to make some long-term online friendship. My hobbies right now are limited,it's just listening to music and scrolling reddit. If you are similar,dm me,we will get along really well!",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -74,"The treatment that many women here get when they post their ""I'm lonely"" posts is crazy compared to us","I know you guys have seen this, ""18F lonely want to talk"" 1 hour ago, 5 comments -""25M lonely want to talk"" 3 days ago, 1 comment (the bot) -Why? Not to mention all the bots",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -75,Lonely Book,"I made this last year, it's a legitimate link. It's to a PDF in my Google Drive. Let me know what you think. I can't really say much because everything has been said but I'm going through the same things each and everyone of you are. -[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vOxn1MbCw-\_mHz9PPPWjbqUbNwX0JxNY/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vOxn1MbCw-_mHz9PPPWjbqUbNwX0JxNY/view?usp=sharing) -File name: Lonely Book -Main.pdf -I can 100% confirm it's not malware or a dodgy link or anything like that. I don't know how else to share this book I made.",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,part3,train,lonely -76,i feel so alone in this world,"it's not just the fact that i've never had any friends, or romantic relationships, never been kissed. it seems like i can't connect with anyone or anything in this world. - -i can't even enjoy movies, tv shows, or books the way other people do, because my tastes are so different, and the things i'd wanna see in a story, don't exist. - -every time i look around, everything i see, no matter where i am, reminds me of just how much i don't fit in. i feel like an alien, born in the wrong planet. there's nothing here that i like, no place where i'd feel i belong, i don't think i really like anyone, and no one likes me.","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships','Lack of community or social support']",4.75,part3,test,lonely -77,i’m so tired of daydreaming but i can’t stop,"i just want real love and real friends, i’m sick of daydreaming, i’m so tired.","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships']",3,evaluation,train,lonely -78,23/m/canada it’s my birthday🥳,"it’s about to be my birthday but i dont really have anyone to celebrate it with, so why not find an internet stranger/ potential friend to celebrate with‼️ every year it feels less and less, especially since i’ve been going thru a lil bit of a rough patch. i wish i had some drinks but that’s for tomorrow. come say hi n cheer me up",['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of community or social support'],2,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],2.33,evaluation,train,lonely -79,Im tired of being put into the fuck zone and i wish someone would put me in the friend zone,"Im tired of feeling like a disposable sex object that everyone just pumps and dumps. - -Edit: I would rather be a virgin and get married and have sex in marriage than be dehumanized - -Edit2: its not all about sex , its about vibes and an emotional connection ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],2.33,evaluation,train,lonely -80,Looking for someone to talk with,So it's Saturday afternoon here yeah it's weekend and I got nothing to do and no friends to hangout with I am in a new unknown city just feeling lonely and a bit sad for being away from my loved ones but can't do much about it as of now so here I am looking for genuine online friends to talk with just send me a DM if you are available for a chat and let's see how far it goes or whether we would be able to help eachothers feel less lonely or not.,['Lack of friends'],1,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],2,evaluation,train,lonely -81,SWF 45 Anyone up to chat. DM me,"Hello. I had a really harsh night of crying and depression. I was wondering if anyone out there suffers from depression and what treatment they use. - -Anyone willing to DM welcome no dick pics, pls. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,lonely -82,"I care for you. I am here, I am listening. Tell me, I'll listen. I love you💕","Sometimes, I just imagine being there for a love interest when they are going through something... I wanted to say this to them. But since I am single, I am saying it here",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.33,evaluation,train,lonely -83,How tf do you insert yourself into a online community or group?,"Legit question. Like I’ve tried joining discords for about a year and I can’t think of anyway that’s not a cringe AA meeting type message to throw in gen chat. People don’t like cold dms. How do you meet people online to play game with or how do you meet people through games like vr chat. It all feel awkward and forced, it feels like people need to be forced together and find common ground that way (work, school, etc) online it’s too free and independent so it’s people who only know each other talk to each other. Like “okay hey guys I’m here now let’s talk” is weird and cringe I don’t know how people do it I just know people do but it’s so foreign to my brain. -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.5,part3,train,lonely -84,"Empty, lonely saturday night","I used to like being alone but I don't like it anymore. Its so hard to connect with anyone. Unbelievable that so many people have friends and relationships naturally, somehow I ended up in the life of somebody who is an abnormal alone introvert. - -I talked to one girl on a dating app then she told me she was tired with life and was unsure about seeing me at this stage but said she thinks she is happy to keep chatting. I don't know if she is being honest or that is just a polite way of saying she found somebody else but she either wants me as a backup or didn't want to just ghost me, I think if I was really worth it nothing would be in the way, I don't even think she is really interested in chatting/being friends. I wish I could just be someone's first choice. - -I think I'll order a pizza and watch some movies. I hope you are all coping this weekend.",['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships','Lack of community or social support']",3.75,part3,train,lonely -85,Stupid loser dog girl,"My boyfriend has so many friends, the way he's able to make friends and connections so easily. He's funny and smart and attractive. He's had several relationships with other girls because people just want him. He has goals and is actually working towards them. - -Then there's me. I don't really have any friends. I just follow him everywhere like a miserable little dog. All I am is just an extension to him. I'm not a standalone person. I'm like one of those dogs people carry in purses just for the aesthetic, though I'm not very pretty so I guess that analogy doesn't really work. I just sit in my room all day and rot it away. I don't go to school, I don't have a job, and I'm too mentally ill for either. I'm stuck in this pit that every attempt to get out just ends up with me digging it deeper. - -And there's this evil demon in my brain telling me to ruin everything, telling me what I want is for him to hate me. Subconsciously I think I know he deserves better. - -Everything feels wrong but I can't quite explain why. He loves me, I love him, why do things feel wrong?",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Not lonely'],2.75,part3,test,lonely -86,Friendship,I’m finding myself with little to no friends. I really need a support group/friend right now,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3.5,part3,train,lonely -87,Create new server for lonely people for confession and find new peoples,"Hey, I created a new server for all lonely and stressed people all around the globe. -If you finding a place where you can confess something, anything and everything there it's a perfect place for you to find a a great people who listen you and help you in everything.. Also find new people and creat new bond, friendship here, drop ASL to match a perfect half of yours. Join fast! We are waiting for you! - -https://discord.com/invite/6uxw2Hdu ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,lonely -88,I'm 18f and don't have any friends,It probably is because I grew up in a super religious family that didn't allow me to go to parties and go out at nights during my early teen years. I feel so lonely,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3.75,part3,train,lonely -89,Nobody rly there for me I feel like,"got in a car wreck (I’m not at fault) and idk it wasn’t super serious as I have no life threatening injuries, just a broken bone and some gnarly gashes, but nobody has really has seemed to care. I don’t necessarily want people to know, a few people do though. Im hobbling around because my foot is sprained and my hand is broken, nobody around me is really helping me, I live with family. I sit in my room all day with my leg up and my only two friends are calling me to vent about their life. They know what happened. Nobody has even checked on me, or tried to come see me n idk, I guess I shouldn’t care but it’s also kind of hard cause had I not been wearing my seatbelt this all would’ve been different. But nobody really caring makes me feel like I just don’t really matter. If i wasn’t wearing my seatbelt it wouldn’t have mattered anyway ",['Lack of community or social support'],2,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of community or social support']",3,evaluation,train,lonely -90,Stop incelposting.,"Maybe fucking look in the mirror. Maybe the reason that women don’t like you is because you are so bitter and misogynistic towards them. Women can’t just get a boyfriend Willy nilly. They’re seen as sex objects. You think that because you’re misogynistic and taking your anger out on women. - -Just because people pretend to care about women and use them for sex doesn’t mean women are cared about or respected. “Oh, she was raped, therefore she can get any man and is happy!” - -Women don’t automatically make friends or boyfriends. Some of us are lesbian. Some of us aren’t even interested. We don’t just sit there and get gawked at by every single man, and if we did, the men wouldn’t want to date us. - -You complain about how women don’t care about your feelings - well then maybe don’t be a misogynistic dick and undermine their experiences. - -Maybe stop seeing women as just the thing you’re attracted to. I’ve seen women get shamed for being lonely, with incels saying that “oh well you can just get a boyfriend”. That’s not a good thing. Even if it was true, we don’t want to be used for sex. Because the *only* reason a woman could **EVERRRR** be lonely is because she wants attention and doesn’t have a boyfriend. - -EDIT: I find it very telling that I say that misogynists and incels are bad and you all think I’m talkin about all men. You felt attacked. Nowhere did I mention just all men in general. You felt attacked and wanted to blame it on everyone else.",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.25,part3,validation,lonely -91,Crawling out of Isolation 43/f,"For me being alone isn't always lonely. There are things that I like about being alone. I don't get yelled at or judged. I can stay up and watch a movie or read an entire book. I can go to the beach or skip a meal or two. - - -50% of the time I have my two kids, but the rest of the time is filled with silence. After three years of this silence, I feel that I am ready to go out and be social. Except that I I don't have the courage to go it alone, out there. - -Are there baby steps to getting back into the world (without the use of social media and not interested in going to bars)",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -93,Anyone here 25 years old or older?,Please only respond if you are 25 years old or older.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,lonely -94,I feel very lonely these days,Make friends in the United States that I can talk to everyday. I want to tell you how my day was.,['Other'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],2.33,exploration,test,lonely -95,I don’t even know,"Hi everyone. I’ve always felt misunderstood my whole life by everyone, even including my family. Sometimes I get rlly paranoid that smth bad will happen to me and other times I can’t even eat due to how much I’m stressed. I’ve been on Lexapro for about 5 months now and it has helped me but I feel my old destructive symptoms coming back slowly and it’s scaring me. I think I should probably up my dose before I do smth crazy. I’ve been meeting rlly good ppl lately that have helped me out of my delusional mindset and now I just see the world as it is now: complete shit. Nobody around me sees what I see. They’re either republicans, democrats, straight up just haters, fake, bullies, or ppl who just need help. I know I’m not crazy. Im well aware of it. The things ppl have done to this world is just now being thrown onto my generation and it can be a lot sometimes. I sympathize to anyone who feels the same way bc holy shit it’s hard. It’s a shitty world right now. I literally feel like a robot bc of how bad this world is. Please anyone just tell me I’m not crazy it’s getting hard again.",['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -96,I hate being alone with my thoughts and memories.,"Almost every moment of a day I'm not doing something, my mind is plagued with intrusive thoughts, uncontrollable curiosity, and bitter memories. - -It makes me feel angry, sad, scared, and hopeless. I don't even know the last time I was able to sleep without seeing it all in my sleep.",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],2.666666667,part3,train,lonely -97,I’m tired,I’m tired of being lonely. I’m tired of distracting myself in order to be happy. I’m tired of being socially awkward and I’m tired of waiting to get a friend. The one person who I thought was a friend just continued talking to me out of pity. I have no girlfriend and I only interact with family members.,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships']",4,part3,test,lonely -98,18m - post-graduation loneliness,"I graduated a couple months ago. It usually is supposed to be a moment of happiness, and it was, until my name was called. When everyone else around me had their names called, the auditorium filled with cheers. Then my name was called, and it was startling just how silent it felt. I realized then that I had no one. - -I never had very many friends as a kid. I had a few close ones, but most moved away and we lost contact with one another before I even reached high school. Unfortunately, I realized that my only remaining friend wasn't a great person, so I stopped talking with him. The entirety of my senior year was just me. No friends at all. - -It was the loneliest time for me. Never had I felt like I just didn't belong. Now that I've graduated, I realize that I have no one to talk to. No one to hang out with. No one to experience life with. - -Sometimes I blame it on my birthday, Valentine's Day. I've always felt that I never managed to have a real relationship, romantic or platonic. Other times I blame myself for not being the one to make friends. I've always struggled with conversations. - -Guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm afraid of staying alone forever. I know I'm still pretty young, but I can't shake the feeling. It hurts more than any physical pain I've ever felt.",['Lack of friends'],3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3.33,evaluation,train,lonely -99,"I’m too sensitive to be around other people, I think","Other people hurt, I hurt especially easily. I can’t handle the pain, the anxiety, the guilt and shame of a friendship or relationship. I’m so pessimistic and sensitive that in 9/10 of my social interactions, even with people I care about, I feel worse after talking. When I don’t interact with people though, the loneliness hurts. It all hurts ",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3.666666667,part3,train,lonely -100,T,"Im new this community but i do come seeking a little advice, mainly about emotional control i don't feel comfortable sharing about the specific details but I've been really out of it for a week now. im there physically but not mentally like im spectating Someone that's not me...(sorry about above not the best grammar)",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,lonely -101,I dont care for anyone but myself,"So I guess that's why I have a stronge urge to die and kill myself. I don't care about feelings, about my family and my small circle of acquaintances. When I see that any of you post ""I care about you! I wish you a happy good day!"", I mean, how can you? For real how can you fucking feel it and do it? Wow. I don't know if I'm feeling envy or I just don't believe you. I don't understand my own feelings. I wish I didn't have feelings. Maybe im losing them which is good so I don't have to keep living. I wanna die a peaceful and painless death. I don't have that luxury.",['Not lonely'],5,['Not lonely'],5,['Not lonely'],5,['Not lonely'],3,part3,validation,lonely -102,Anyone wanna chat,"We can talk about anything. Also looking for people to voice chat with on discord after we've talked for a bit. I like animals, the beach and I just got a switch if anyone wants to talk about animal crossing lowkey obsessed lol. Also I'm depressed so if you are too and wanna talk about that I'm down to listen too. ",['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,part3,train,lonely -103,Man I'm giving up.,"Every girl i have talked to told me I have great personality but rejected me when I asked them out. - -when I ask them they'll always say that they are not ready for a relationship and want to be alone but after a while you'll see them with a tall handsome guy. - -Being ugly sucks seeing all the good looking people happy all around, loved while you sit there alone with your own thoughts.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.33,exploration,train,lonely -104,"Back again, looking for someone to talk to while I watch scary movies, tonight ",34 year old guy looking for someone to talk to on discord or Snapchat while I watch horror movies and play games.,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,exploration,test,lonely -105,Fixing my socializing issue as a neet.,"I don't know how to work on my social skills when everyone I talk to just ghosts me after a few days (If I'm lucky). It just makes my social skills worse than what they were. I get I'm a dry and plain person but it's hard to improve not being dry if I just end up ghosted faster than I can learn to be better at talking to people. - -Please don't say something like ""Touch grass!"" or ""Go to the gym!"", Not looking for advice, just wanting to vent.",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,part3,test,lonely -106,"Idk what I need advice or maybe vent, an opinion or another way to see the bigger picture? ","But. What I'm kinda having a little come to realize for a while now is that people of my opposite sex don't like me. And most definitely don't find me as attractive as people of the same sex. -Like. I don't have a problem wit that at all. But when ur kinda looking for a relationship, connection, vibe, or something at emotional level - at least for me I don't think of a Male. -But seems that's all I can find. - Does that make me shallow ? - - - I've been dealing with depression and loneliness for 9 years now.. and honestly at this point im feeling like Should I not be picky and just get what I can get. Even if it's not my cup of tea. -I mean honestly it does beat the loneliness. -But not the emptiness in my hart. -If that makes sense.. ",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.333333333,part3,test,lonely -107,I don’t even know who I am anymore.,"I’ve become somebody I never thought I would ever be in my life. -I play stupid and constantly hide my feelings just to keep somebody around who claims to love me but shows absolutely no interest or affection towards me. I swallow my feelings every single day just to avoid an argument, or being lied to further. - -I pretend I don’t know that they’re still madly in love with and heavily hung up on an ex. I get next to nothing out of this and yet I still fear losing this person, even though I know they wouldn’t so much as blink an eye if I left. - -It’s the difference between me noticing a change in their behaviour and immediately asking what’s wrong, and them saying “you’re being dry I’ll ttyl.” -The difference between me overlooking and even falling in love with their flaws, and them pointing mine out in an effort to hurt me. -The difference between my tenderness in response to their rage. -My patience in response to their anger. - -Sticking around in hopes that one day they’ll wake up and realize what’s in front of them, even though I know that won’t happen. -I do it to myself. I know it’s my own fault. -I hope one day I wake up and realize I don’t care anymore. Feel something other than this sick sad feeling in my chest over someone who could give a fuck. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -108,You should devote your life to a femcel,"Imagine having a femcel girlfriend. At first, you don't get along with her and fight every single minute, but you try anyways because you're desperate for a woman's attention and you know deep down she's a good person. Eventually you get strangely comfortable with her rants and thoughts. Everytime you cuddle she whispers how you are trash and worthless, but then she tells you how much she loves you and no one would love you like she does. She gaslights and manipulates you until you forget who you are. She's doing this not because she's evil, but just because she is insecure and wants to keep you only to herself. You are reduced to a mat for her to step on and love as she pleases. You even start to enjoy the the degrading stuff she does because you truly start to fall in love with her. Although you see her as the most perfect woman, you still insist that the reason you are with her is because you just pity her, but deep down, you know the months of grooming, manipulation and propaganda has corrupted you, changed you as a person, to agree with her extreme views to just want to be her precious toy. You like the feeling of being choked to near asphyxiation, being under her feet, and being crushed under her weight. In front of her online friends she gets even worse, since she has a reputation to hold up. You know you can't beg since that will just make her stronger, but the thought of that doesn't seem too bad for you at this point. It's the perfect match made in heaven, she satisfies your self-hatred but also loves you. She's your soulmate. You want to devote your life to her.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,test,lonely -109,Making food.,"Hi..I am Lana. -Making food alone and bored. - - -The food is mid.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,lonely -110,I hope that one day I meet good and like-minded people.,Is that day coming when I meet good and like-minded people?!,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -111,Anyone would like to be friends?,"I don't really have anyone. Im 22 years old. You have to be 18 years old and older though. I miss talking to someone and having friends. If you are interested, message me!! ",['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3.33,evaluation,test,lonely -112,Struggling... looking for someone to chat with,It's been a rough day for me. Just looking for someone to chat with,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Lack of community or social support'],2.333333333,part3,test,lonely -113,"Can't forget small, insignificant interactions, because that's how rare they are lol","I (19f) applied to art class in uni and there were tests we had to do there, like drawing and stuff, and that's where I saw this random girl. She caught me looking at her once but she just smiled at me, i was like wtf, why are u smiling at me, people who catch me staring give me a death stare usually. After the tests, i went to piss and as im leaving the restroom, i meet her again in the corridor and she smiled at me again and said hello. I said hi, and left. This was about 2 weeks ago but i keep remembering that, it's most likely nothing, but i never really had a close relationship with anyone, no friends or anything so maybe im just imagining stuff, but idk it felt great that someone actually saw me and didn't act like an asshole with me. This also kinda confirmed in me that I also like girls, so maybe there is more chance that someone, at some point will actually want me. It's crazy how something so small can be so big for me, like most people probably wouldn't even think about it, at all. ",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3.666666667,part3,validation,lonely -114,I feel so lonely and alone,"I wish I didn't have anxiety or a low self-esteem but I do. But even if I was confident and didn't have anxiety, I don't think my situation would change. It feels like people just don't like me at all and if they do, then only superficially. I just want to have at least one friend I can spend time and talk with. It sucks when you just know no one really cares and you have no one to turn to.",['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4.333333333,part3,train,lonely -115,POV your only friend leaves you to have a hot girl summer 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂,"Idk what to say except fuck my life im 22 and all i do is go to work, go to the gym and stay home. I failed uni so im pretty much a dropout atp and everyone is disappointed in me but idc lol. -Everyone at my job is older than me with kids and all, the only guy around my age I find interesting is interested in my so called friend so yeah whateverrrrr -She doesn’t even talk to me now that she moved to her city because uni is over 😂😂 yayyy",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2.666666667,part3,train,lonely -116,anyone else who are indifferent now,"anyone else who doesn't care anymore. I am so needy for care and empathy and love before to the point now I have lost it already. now I am empty but I don't care anymore. I don't feel anything, and I don't look forward into depedency at any point in my life already. it sounds cold stone as hell but it is, I am finally free from this repressed feelings, and I am done",['Not lonely'],4,['Not lonely'],4,['Not lonely'],4,['Not lonely'],3.666666667,part3,train,lonely -117,I need help making friends,I never been good talking to people it’s hard to make eye contact I get to nervous talking in public and on top on that I’m shy .,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2.33,evaluation,train,lonely -118,I’m really lonely and no one cares,"It’s my first time to have a post so apologize first if I do anything wrong. -I feel lonely, low confident and anxious everyday. I had quit my job two months ago so there’s no one talk with me as usual. Most of the time I stay home only. -It always feels like I’m not belong to this world. No one wanna listen or care about me. -Even though I text to my favorite person, he still say he’s not available. -I hate myself for being so emo and like to cry everyday. I’m 33 and still don’t know what I have or what I want. -I just need someone ask me if I’m good today. - -",['Lack of community or social support'],5,['Lack of community or social support'],5,['Lack of community or social support'],5,['Lack of community or social support'],4.333333333,part3,train,lonely -119,music,can you plz recommand me a anti-despress playlist of music i really need that. thank you.,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -120,Somehow,"Idk how I did it but managed to get out of bed get dressed even tried to put some makeup on to wake myself up & I went to the gym for first time in a while - -It felt scary at first due to my social anxiety but I somehow pushed through that and then I went to do a bit of grocery shopping and now I’m home and very exhausted but I did it ",['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],2.333333333,part3,train,lonely -121,19tf lonely loser looking for friends,hi im looking for some toxic friends to chat with please pm asl me and we can chat <3,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2.666666667,part3,validation,lonely -122,Affection desperation,"Hi all- I hope you are all okay! - -Right here's my problem and I've been trying to find solutions for months now and everything I've tried has not helped. - -For about 3 months, I've become incredibly desperate for affection. I do not express it openly but I feel it to the point I vividly imagine it and it's gotten to a point where all I do all day is play things in my mind. As soon as I get in bed, I hug myself and imagine it's another girl holding me etc etc - -Over the years, I've learnt to accept the fact I will never be loved no matter what I do, I'm okay with it now. I've learnt to accept I will always be lonely no matter how hard I try to connect and help others, I'm okay with that too now. - -How can I learn to accept the fact I will never be given affection from anyone? What can I do? - -I want to desperately let it go and just focus on work. I've tired enough, I've failed enough it's time for me to move on and just do good as much as I can; and right now this desperation is not allowing it. - -Thanks for reading. Again I hope you are all okay - -Thanks in advance for help.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,"['Lack of romantic relationships','Lack of physical touch']",3,part3,train,lonely -123,Day 15,"Another boring day, I'm starting to lose intrest in Playing game and also the series too, any new series recommendation please. OMG I still have like 1-2 months left for my college to start and idk what I should do till then. Btw nothing happened today -Open for dms, lonely guy here",['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2.666666667,part3,train,lonely -124,I wish I could find someone who I could relate to in more than 1 thing,"I'd say I'm probably in a better situation than most of the people on this sub because I have friends and people to chat with. But I always feel like I'm hiding most of myself. Every friend or group is for a specific part of me. Maybe it's the one game we play, or the coworker to just talk about work stuff. - - Is it an unrealistic expectation to find someone who has more than 1 thing in common with me? - - -I've put myself out there and even got responses but quickly find out that we have very little in common, I think I attract the wrong people for me most of the time to be honest.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,train,lonely -125,How lonely are yall really?,I made 2 posts here saying i will talk to everyone who is not a pervert and one got over 1000 views the other 300 and still only 4 people texted me and 2 of them where weirdos so why are yall here really and how hard do you try to be not lonely???,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,lonely -126,Lifetimes of Chapters,"I'll set an imaginary scene. I'm sitting by a campfire, with my tent nearby, surrounded by trees and a nearby stream, looking up at a beautiful night sky. You can hear the sounds of animals and insects. If there is anything bothering you or if you just want to talk, I'll be here, enjoying the peace of nature. If you want to stick around as a friend, I'll welcome the company. If you are just passing through, I'll welcome a visit. I'd like to hear your story. My imaginary setting changes with time and mood, so it could be a campsite for several days. It may only exist for tonight. Either way, what I offer will be the same. Have a lovely night, everyone. I hope you get a good sleep.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,validation,lonely -127,my ex did it again,"**i told him i loved him a lot and he had a gf he said he chose me but he said Your not but I think we should calm down on the baby's and things like that I'm sorry I just want to be with my gf and we can be friends still I just think we should calm down on those things I'm sorry i said Of course 👍 and K and I honestly don't feel like living I can,t stand to see u with athorer girl im still crying at night and day and i though i was everything to him but i guess im not anything to him anymore what do i do now because i feel like nothing and its so strong i guess i have to keep my mouth shut from him because all he says is Sorry Ik you do and ik you can't I'm here ok maybe not in the way you want me to be but I am ok Awww thank you ik you will I hope you gave a great night and I'm here if you need to talk about anything 😊 and im trying to act like every thing is ok when its not and i still love him **",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2.333333333,part3,test,lonely -128,I’ll never feel pretty enough,I’m 18F and have been bullied my entire life for being fat and ugly and I’ve tried losing weight and I have been losing weight but no matter how hard I try I’m never good enough for myself. I want to be pretty like all the other girls and I want to feel good about myself. I try and I try but I never feel pretty. I’ve always wished I was someone else. And the body I want is un achievable because no matter how much weight I lose I’ll never have that petite body shape I want. I’ve gotten comments on how tragic it is because I would be pretty if I lost weight but I’m trying so hard. I just want to feel pretty and be pretty and I want people to be attracted to me. I can’t help but pass by a mirror and see an ugly disgusting pig and just want to cry. I’ve always wanted to take a scissors and just cut all the fat off my body. Maybe then people will take me seriously. I’m trying so hard but I’m so hard on myself. I want people to see me and think I’m beautiful. It’s becoming hard to accept that I’ll just never have the body I want and I’ll never be pretty like other girls.,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,part3,train,lonely -129,What am I supposed to do if I can’t be with the girl I like,Do I just accept and suffer how do I move on when I don’t want to,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -130,Why must we argue which gender has it worse?,"The Male and Female gender both have down sides that are different from each other, we all go through issues because we're human, and some of the issues ares specifically because were male or female. There are some up-sides to being male and some up-sides to being female, but we shouldn't be arguing about who has it worse. I see people on here arguing constantly, saying ""Men only see women as sex toys!!!"" or ""Women are only trying to manipulate us!!!"". It's ridiculous in my opinion, don't mistake my words, these are serious issues but they only come from specific people, that, frome one look, you can probably tell there bad people. We shouldn't be fighting each other, and we definitely shouldn't be saying ""We don't need Women"" or ""We don't need Men"". Because that's entirely wrong, we need each other to survive, Male's and Female's are Yen And Yang, two sides of the same coin. Most people here are just lonely, just like me and you, and most of us have good intention, we're simply people who need each other. So why on earth are people constantly framing hate posts on here saying things like ""Look in the mirror, maybe the reason you can't get a girlfriend is because your a masochist!"", it does absolutely nothing besides stir the pot, if we want to confront the problems like certain women saying ""Male's are masochists"" or certain Men saying ""Women are entitled creatures"" we must approach it all from a calm angle to understand, and solve the issue to the best degree we can, even if it can't be solved. We all must understand, that in the end, we're all human, no matter what.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,lonely -131,Contracting lesbianism,"Before 2020 I was straight( 18 years). -Wanted to get in a relationship. -Get married and have kids. -I was very sure I was STRAIGHT and wanted a relationship. - -But now something has changed -I don't feel attracted to men at all. -Post 2020. - - - redpill opened my eyes.. - -[Idk if it's because seeing males pull down women who do good in life and not wanting women to not be successful and do better. - -Like telling other males they can do whatever they want while destroying women's role models. -Because women having role models being encouraged and motivated to be successful in life is proportional to feeling bad about being a male..] - - -But I feel zero attraction to males. -Zero? I don't even know why I like the male gender? -Is that they are different? no. -I don't know? My attraction to towards males went to 0. - - - -I see myself getting very intrigued and intersted in dating women. -All I keep thinking spending my life with a girl and having a good relationship and getting married to a girl. - - -Buts its fucking weird because before this I was 100 percent sure that I was straight and a hopeless romantic and this sudden lesbianstic change in me where I like girls over men so much to the point I feel zero attraction to males is crazy. - - -How has my sexuality changed? Is it possible? - -I don't want to be in a relationship with a man ever.. - -[ I have also never been in a relationship or had any hetero sex].",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,lonely -132,worst b day ever,"i was waiting for this day - -only one came - -everyone else cant come because of their gfs - -why.....",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Other'],2.666666667,part3,train,lonely -133,breakup,"i just broke up with my boyfriend a few days ago. it’s the longest and most serious relationship i have ever been it and now it’s over. we still text sometimes ofc, we still love each either :/ idk what to do. i feel so fucking numb about everything that happened and it’s so awful. i genuinely just want to cry or at least feel more about it but im just going through the motions. i have no friends but one and i can’t talk to her about it or see her because she lives in a different state. i just feel so fucking alone and empty and i feel like it was a mistake to leave him but i know deep down it wasn’t because of the way he’s treated me. this is just so fucking hard i have no idea how to deal with it because i’ve never been through anything like this. i don’t even know why i’m posting here i feel like i have nothing of substance to say i guess i just needed to get this out ",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,part3,validation,lonely -134,Done with life!!,As the title says probably it’s gonna be my last night been suffering for couple of years and I’m all alone rn might take the step today.,['Other'],5,['Other'],5,['Other'],5,['Other'],5,exploration,test,lonely -135,Here if you need somebody!,"39M - Hey I know how hard weekend nights can be. If you need a friend or just looking to vent, you can message me. You’re not alone!",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,lonely -136,16M,Got no one to talk to or anything I play video games and like cars and much more dm if you want,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],2.666666667,part3,test,lonely -137,18 desperate call for help and people to talk to,"Please dm me! I have a ton of hobbies and I love chatting -I have barely any friends or anyone to talk to -I’m lost and stuck on my own 24/7 ","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",5,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3.33,evaluation,train,lonely -138,Feelings before another weekend," We have another weekend just starting to come up, as I feel the inner peace having finally accepted my life as a single guy. The longing for that someone special is there, and will never die. Such is my fate. Weekends have always come respectfully and they will in the future too. Hopefully, there is some hope, maybe there is some Twist in the tale. The realities are grim and optimism is a difficult position. Past experiences have left a bitter taste in the mouth but it still longs to eat this pie from the experience cake of life. Hope, it was easier. ",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.333333333,part3,train,lonely -139,Day 581,"Today was an okay day I guess, i still miss my friend I’m sorry I still talk about her I know I shouldn’t miss her, but i do. - -I’m still alone as always ",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,part3,validation,lonely -140,Cannot maintain any relationship,"Whether it's romantic or platonic, I literally cannot maintain anything. In the beginning it was fine as I've got memory issues. I used to forget about peoples whole existence if they were out of my line of sight, even if they were my own parents. - -But now that I'm on medication, my memory is a lot better but apparently nothing else is. I can make friends (acquaintances?) pretty easy, but when it comes to maintaining it? I'm absolutely awful and I can acknowledge that it is pretty much always my fault. The only relationship I can maintain are the ones with conditions (?). The ones with a certain environment needed, but then again, it's more on an acquaintances level. - -I thrive for some sort of bond with anyone but the moment it starts to get serious I air them and avoid them yet get jealous when seeing others having no issue with getting close. It's annoying me, like atp, I might as well take myself off the meds and go back to forgetting everything if this is how it's gonna be. - -Literally feeling much more miserable with the constant knowledge that I have no actual bond with anyone. No one to talk to, hang out with etc.","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships','Lack of community or social support']",3.333333333,part3,test,lonely -141,Looking for long-term chatting partner/friend,"Hey everyone. I have not had anyone to talk to in about six years now. I am looking for someone who is nice and will want to chat pretty much every day, throughout the day. Please only contact me if you are also lonely and interested in mutual venting, discussing how to get through it, etc. I am 26/M/USA. Thanks for your time.",['Lack of community or social support'],4,['Lack of friends'],5,['Lack of friends'],4,,,evaluation,,lonely -142,Looking for long-term chatting partner/friend,"Hey everyone. I have not had anyone to talk to in about six years now. I am looking for someone who is nice and will want to chat pretty much every day, throughout the day. Please only contact me if you are also lonely and interested in mutual venting, discussing how to get through it, etc. I am 26/M/USA. Thanks for your time.",['Lack of community or social support'],4,['Lack of friends'],5,['Lack of friends'],4,,,evaluation,,lonely -143,Looking for long-term chatting partner/friend,"Hey everyone. I have not had anyone to talk to in about six years now. I am looking for someone who is nice and will want to chat pretty much every day, throughout the day. Please only contact me if you are also lonely and interested in mutual venting, discussing how to get through it, etc. I am 26/M/USA. Thanks for your time.",['Lack of community or social support'],4,['Lack of friends'],5,['Lack of friends'],4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3.67,evaluation,test,lonely -143,Looking for long-term chatting partner/friend,"Hey everyone. I have not had anyone to talk to in about six years now. I am looking for someone who is nice and will want to chat pretty much every day, throughout the day. Please only contact me if you are also lonely and interested in mutual venting, discussing how to get through it, etc. I am 26/M/USA. Thanks for your time.","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3.67,exploration,test,lonely -144,Look out for Morag_Ladier,"User likes to lurk on r/lonely and comment under guys posts calling everyone incels or whatever for no reason. It’s probably just rage bait, but still a loser thing to do. They also make posts telling people to stop “incelposting” because mentioning they want a girlfriend makes you an automatic incel. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,validation,lonely -145,What is it like to be loved,I want to know bc I've never been loved in my life,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.666666667,part3,train,lonely -146,I just want someone to feel safe with,Anyone is welcomed I just want to find someone to feel safe with,['Lack of community or social support'],2,['Lack of community or social support'],2,['Lack of community or social support'],2,['Other'],3,part3,test,lonely -147,Grief,The worst part about death is that it doesn't get easier no matter how much time goes by.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -148,18 M (almost),"Hii , im 18 M , I am ugly on top of that im 5'7 🙂 (if it matters ) , im looking for a online girlfriend , i never had a girlfriend, and ig im just Sad because of it ... - -I don't want to see your face , dont want to share socials , just someone I can talk over here on reddit , about life in general and we can just talk everyday , check on each other , talk about our problems , help each other if we want emotional support , we can play online games , talk about different professions ... - - -Thank For Reading .. -HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY ... -",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2.666666667,part3,train,lonely -149,M21,"I don’t know .. i guess i am done being alone .. -Now i need a gf with whom i can talk to .. tell her how my day been .. -like i done .. just done ",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.333333333,part3,train,lonely -150,No one cares about anything except what you do for them.,"I'm so tired. All I do is work. Work at my job, come home and cook, clean, and do laundry. My husband and son make it a point to tell me that they are not doing anything because they are going to enjoy their weekend off, summer break, PTO, etc. But I still have to do all the work to keep things going. I'm tired. No one cares. My husband won't even take me out with him unless it's to get something for me to do more work. I'm so tired and lonely. I don't have anyone who doesn't just need something out of me. I planned the family summer trip. I paid for the trip. I drove for the trip. I did the cleaning and cooking and laundry at the airbnb while they did whatever they wanted. No one cares that I'm tired and lonely. It is always just needing me to do something else. I can't just go away on my own because I have no one to go with. This world is dangerous for a lone female. I sit here crying every weekend because I'm alone and just here to serve apparently. ","['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of community or social support']",3.67,exploration,validation,lonely -151,i want to start to live and not just exist,im going into my senior year with not many friends and even less friends who want to hang out with me because of falling outs and just distance. i see all my friends hanging out with each other w/o me. i see the rest of the people on my dance team and dance studio hanging out yet never wanting to talk to me. im starting to realize that im falling behind and i dont want my senior year to be like this. i wanna start to live instead of just existing and being a spectator in my own life but im so lonely and have been for so long and i fear itll be this way in college. i know theres not much i can do now with only one year left of hs but i guess i just want someone to tell me that ill be okay.,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3.33,evaluation,train,lonely -152,name,can i say he's my crush? his real name is drew starkey lol he's 31 im losing my mind.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,lonely -153,"I'm about to lose it.. no matter where I go or what I do I'll always be single.. idk if I'm unattractive or something but every meet up event I go to or open mic night, etc I can't make friends at all I'm very lonley as a 29 year old guy who has never had an irl girlfriend 😭💔💔.. I really need a f",Why is dating in 2024 so impossible.. espically in Washington state where it is anti social.. I bet if you go look on my profile you'd see I'm ugly and I'm probably never finding a girlfriend.. I have no worth and never will.. I'm so done 😭💔.. (meant friend reddit glitched and removed it 🥹.. I need a friend😭💔),"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships']",4,part3,train,lonely -154,Does anyone here actually match with anyone on the dating apps you use?,"I am curious. I never match. When I do, it was some random person who Is not attractive because I tend to swipe everyone in the hopes someone liked me ( not a good method) and it's kinda pathetic at this point this being one of the better dating apps that people use. It's very curious as to what's wrong You would think after a month, or months You would maybe match with someone who's remotely attractive at some point. But no, never works that way. It's like a cruel joke after a certain point. Anyone have the same experience??",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -155,Anyone want to chat about their hobbies? I'll go first,"I collect figurines, manga and older videogames/consoles and do martial arts. - -I've got no one else to talk to right now and I kind of just want to hear about people's interests ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2.666666667,part3,train,lonely -156,25M- lawyer looking for someone new to talk,"Heyyy 🐼 - -Ugh it’s been a really exhausting week. Thankfully it’s Friday! I think it’s better me to take a break and talk to someone new. - -Lemme tell you a bit about myself… I am a 25 years old newly graduated lawyer. I like to watch sports a lot, especially soccer/football and basketball. I try to play football with friends at least once a week. I also like to play video games, watch series and movies even though I don’t much time. I like comedy and action but I am open for your recommendations. I mainly listen to rock. My favorite bands are: Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, Shinedown, Metallica, Halestorm… - -Well I don’t know what else to tell you. Feel free to ask if you wanna know more about me. - -I hope we can be friends 🤗 -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,lonely -157,"[24/M] ~ looking for kind, silly, non judgmental and lifelong friends <3","Hello there, as the title implies i’m looking for some new friends! i’ve always struggled to make new friends, i think it’s just because i’ve always kinda been out there. Not in a bad way tho, i think it’s in a good way. I’ve never been ashamed to me who I am :) - -Some information about me is that i’m 24, gay, and from the united states. I really love video games, i play on PC and Switch! I’ve been on a huge overwatch kick lately so if you need a pocket Mercy hit me up! I absolutely love horror movies and love hearing recommendations, and talking about them in general. Also I love thrifting and fashion. I used to draw and paint a lot as well but haven’t in years. Some other things I enjoy are working out, astrology, music, and shopping! :) - -As for you, please be 18 or older and I would prefer to talk to someone from the United Sates or a similar timezone but that’s not a deal breaker for me, just a preference! I love wired, silly, and kind people the most too! Please message me a little bit about yourself, if you’d like to reach out to me at all! Thanks for listening to my rambling and I hope to hear from you soon! <3",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,test,lonely -158,I'm never going to have a stable partner,"35 yrs old. Fit, work a good job, ride motorcycles, adorable dog. I can get dates but women dont like me once they get to know me. I think its because of my aspergers. I've mostly just given up and I really dont want to be here anymore. I just want out, I hate being alone. Everyone says to keep my chin up but after years of being rejected I've realized that I'm just unlovable and I really dont want to live anymore. IDK what to do.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],5,['Lack of romantic relationships'],5,['Lack of romantic relationships'],5,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4.333333333,part3,train,lonely -159,Loneliness is screwing me over.,"Since I was 7 years old, I never had friends, now I am 17, and as you can imagine, I am desperate to communicate with someone. I have never received words of appreciation from anyone genuinely interested in friendship or conversation, I am starting to feel a huge resentment and hatred towards people because all my online venting is ignored, I know I am a weirdo, but a simple ""hello"" would help me a lot. This may seem ridiculous to you, but school doesn't help much either, people only talk to me out of obligation and not out of genuine interest, moreover, the bullying I have suffered in previous years, including last year, has left my self-esteem almost nonexistent. - -Living in the third world with autism doesn't help either",['Lack of friends'],5,['Lack of friends'],5,['Lack of friends'],5,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",4,part3,test,lonely -160,I need a better social life,I would like to have some friends if anyones interested plz dm me :P,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],2.333333333,part3,train,lonely -161,M. Lookin for a deep and meaningful conversation.,"Reachin out to just listen to someone's troubles and have a conversation about it. I don't really mind how complex it is, I'm still willing to listen. If u have anything that u want to share but u can't talk about it with anyone for whatever reason, this is ur chance. -(note: i will slap the truth in ur face if u ask for my opinion so do whatever u like with that info. ) ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,lonely -162,I stopped reaching out…,"33F here and throughout my life I have always been the one that has to reach out to friends to initiate contact. Even friends that I thought were like family. A few years ago I decided to stop because it just started making me feel bad to always be the one over and over again. Now I have no friends. Literally no one. I didn’t expect to lose everyone. I thought people would reach out eventually. I stopped using Facebook for mental health reasons, so it’s not like we interact on social media either. I am so lonely and want someone to talk to, but now it just feels weird to initiate contact with anyone after all this time. I scroll through my contact list and there’s not one person I feel like I can really talk to. I’m always thinking about people and used to always check in, even to just say hey thinking of you, etc. It makes me really sad and I feel like a horrible person that no one cares enough to even check in with me at all. I never thought I was a bad person before, I go out of my way to do nice things for people and be kind, but apparently it’s not enough. I don’t know how to make new friends at my age, plus I feel like if I met someone new, they would probably think I’m weird because I have no other friends. I spend a lot of my time watching movies and tv shows, but I think it makes me even lonelier watching perfect friendships on tv. It’s really hard to exist in a world where everyone seems to have someone and I’m just here completely alone. ",['Lack of friends'],5,['Lack of friends'],5,['Lack of friends'],5,['Lack of friends'],4.333333333,part3,train,lonely -163,Question please,"As a male I have a question, it's a nsfw question and I'm uncomfortable to talk about it in a post. Please DM me or suggest me a sub where I can find people who are comfortable answering me without judgement.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,lonely -164,"26M Feeling Down Today, Come Chat and Distract Me?","Heyah, My names Jon. I am Feeling very down today, honestly has been a thing lately and wouldn't mind a chat that can distract my brain, maybe long term? Thinking about hopping in bed and just binge watching Love Island USA. Currently on break and have lots of time. Hopefully someone I can talk to often if not everyday? Recommend me some movies or shows I can binge? Pretty much will watch anything, My favorite genres are horror, drama, and fantasy. - -Some things about me: I am an Information Technology Major with one course left, I’m mixed, 6’1, Curly brown hair, Glasses, Dimples, and am from Minnesota if you are curious. Absolutely love movies and shows, Would like to have someone to watch movies with as I watch pretty often. Big on my sports, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball. Absolutely Love Fishing and big on Boats too, Fishing is probably my favorite hobby, I also go Hunting, Trying to get back into Health & Fitness, Just started to run again. Ask Anything I'm an open book!",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,test,lonely -165,23M Gay guy looking for long-term chat,"Hello there! How you doing? I'm here looking for long term chat. I'm 23 M (GAY) IF you okay with that. Maybe we could be friends? I have insomnia and its midnight in my country right now. So maybe you could help me to feel less lonely with chatting! - -See you there, thank you! <3",['Lack of friends'],3,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2.33,exploration,train,lonely -166,Talk to me,I am up to talk with everyone about everything expect creepy pervert people lmao but yeah if you need someone to listen to your problems or are bored or what ever else text me we can talk no matter how old you are or what gender you are or what country you are from,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,lonely -167,Calling all people who wish they had a hobby!!,"A lot of us feel lonely because we don’t have hobbies or friends to take up our time or it could just be that we don’t feel like we can do anything. - -Well! I’m here to give an opportunity to those who seriously want to pick up a new hobby. Granted this hobby had been said to be mostly for girls but imo it is for everyone. - -The hobby is crochet. - -I want to help teach someone online how to crochet and make different kind of things. I know how to make quite a variety of things, so I will teach you how to read patterns, what stitches are, how to make different types of crochet work. - -Why should you do this? - -Well you’ll probably love the heck out of it or you’ll hate it, either way you are putting in energy to try something new and if you don’t like it we can stop and go our own ways, no hard feelings - -This is only for people who want to do this seriously and are willing to buy the materials within a timely fashion, I’m not expecting you to go out and spend hundreds on materials, a hook and a ball of yarn at Walmart are like 20 bucks max probably way less. - -All I ask is that you’re over 18 and tell me your age upon message and will commit to this, thank you for reading! - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,validation,lonely -168,A lonely Friday,"I'm sad because I spent what's supposed to be a man's prime decade of his life doing nothing. I mean I have a car and a job. That's it. Other than that, I'm alone. Been like this for the past several years. I lowkey envy all of the normal people in my age group who fulfilled the dream life of a 20 something: banging random women, partying, hanging out, etc. ",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,evaluation,test,lonely -169,Feel like an outcast,"I feel so alone and just no idea how to deal with it, I live in the uk, I’m 23M. The uk is basically known for its drinking culture and partying and football and pubs etc but it honestly cannot stand any of it, I don’t drink, I don’t like drinking and it’s making me feel like a stranger to my own planet. I’ll go out with mates to a pub and everything about it makes me sick, the loud noises everywhere, the crowded rooms, everyone drinking and being loud it’s just not me, but I don’t have any other friends. Even my family like it, I’ve come on holiday with them and all they want to do is go out every night from 5pm till 1am and drink going from bar to bar and it just makes me feel stupid and childish for not liking drinking. I have no friends that don’t like drinking so I feel like a total loser.",['Lack of friends'],2,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",2.67,evaluation,test,lonely -170,you deserve friends. genuine connection,"Drink water. Breathe. Treat yourself kindly: take things a day at a time and do what you can for the moment. Sometimes all you need to heal is to have a good time: we've got helpful events and silly times to supplement the support. - -Click here if you're interested: https://discord.com/invite/C8sznUTNAw - -You can make it through the day. That's what's worked for me, and I hope it works for you.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,lonely -171,Lonely Saturday Avoidance,"Another Saturday is here which is my fun only day however, I have no one to have fun with, and being by myself is not a viable option. In order to avoid the pain and suffering that comes with being alone on a Saturday, I plan to find medication that will help me sleep all day since I'm not able to do it on my own. Do you have any recommendations on what medication can keep someone asleep for an extended period of time, but will not become addictive, or cause excessive health risks.",['Other'],4,['Other'],4,['Other'],4,['Other'],4.333333333,part3,train,lonely -172,"I’m full of love, with no one to share it with",This is it. I just feel unhappy when I have no one around me to hug and tell them how much they mean to me,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,"['Lack of community or social support', 'Lack of physical touch']",3,"['Lack of community or social support', 'Lack of physical touch']",3,"['Lack of community or social support','Lack of physical touch']",3,evaluation,validation,lonely -173,this night,"my mom came back home very dr\*nk and she had some bl\*od on her lips and was mad, i asked 'you ok' and she push me out lol, now she's asleep so i'm watching outer banks, its a serie on netflix.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,lonely -174,Do you ever get tired of pretending?,"I am so fucking tired of pretending to be happy for everyone around me. It’s utterly exhausting trying to fake a smile all the time so nobody knows how depressed I really am. - -Do you get tired of pretending? Or do you find that it’s just easier to fake a smile and go on about your day?",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,test,lonely -175,i despise being gay,"I don't know where i was going with this. It's kind of late anyway. - -I hate that im gay. I hate it with a burning passion. It makes me feel like an abomination unto all that is good, but that's not really a bother if I don't think about it. What hurts is that i can never have a boyfriend that im really involved with. My family would nigh disown me if i ever stooped to the level of dating a man, and im not in a stable situation while I get my PPL; if anything goes wrong I won't have anyone to fall back onto and my dream career prospect will go down the drain. - -i cope with this through uncomfortable online relationships. well, singular. I've only ever had one, im currently in it. he's really nice to me but he's disinterested and i can tell he doesn't care as much as i do and it makes me feel worthless. he tells me he loves me and he makes me so happy and yet when he doesn't want me i feel like discarded trash. - -the only notably positive emotions i ever feel come from him, and when he's not there i have nobody and nothing to turn to for my problems or to make me happy. it's spiraled into obsession and i think im going to ruin it, to scare him off or bore him or annoy him and I might just end it if he leaves me. - -im sorry for making you read all of this, strangers. please be okay for me","['Lack of community or social support', 'Other']",3,"['Lack of community or social support', 'Other']",3,"['Lack of community or social support', 'Other']",3,['Not lonely'],3,part3,train,lonely -176,Hey!! Im a guy from the UK! Today is incredibly grey and gloomy and im finding myself being really bored!,"So, thought id reach out and try and meet some fun new people. Im pretty chilled and dont mind where the conversation goes to be honest. I like a laugh, a serious chat but im also a good listener, so if you need a smile, rant or just wanna waste a few hours, then feel free to message :)",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,exploration,train,lonely -177,24F Someone to talk?,"I’m so lonely I don’t even see what’s so fun about life anymore. I do try and I’d say I’m nice but I’m the ugly unpopular kid in every setting so it’s not as easy to make friends as adults think. It’s not. I’m just tired. - -",['Lack of friends'],5,['Lack of friends'],5,['Lack of friends'],5,['Lack of friends'],4,part3,test,lonely -178,"If you have a brief moment, there's something I want to tell you.","I just wanted to say that I think you’re amazing. You are doing your best to get through every single day, and I am so proud of you for that 😊 Keep being you. You are awesome 💖 I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day/night.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,validation,lonely -179,How are you?,"I feel depressed. - -Just wanted to ask it from strangers. - -How about you? How are you today?",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,test,lonely -180,I'd love to makes new friends but it's so hard for me,I'm 23 male from UK 🇬🇧 and I want to make new friends but I am really shy I'd love to have some great conversations with new and exciting people if you are interested give me a message 😊,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.67,evaluation,train,lonely -181,18 autistic m from the uk looking for friends only,"I have a ton of hobbies and other social media if you like those too -Please dm me -I have nothing to do everyday and I’m always alone ",['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3.333333333,part3,train,lonely -182,Ghosting,Why do people ghost here rather than actually chatting? Surely it’s possible to have good conversations and make some new friends right?,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,test,lonely -183,16f feeling lonely and down lately,"Does anyone want to talk? - -I’ve been feeling a bit down and want to talk to someone",['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,evaluation,train,lonely -184,I cant bond or connect with people,"Im in my 20s/ male and even though i can make a few friends its always very superficial and shallow. I had a girl i grew up with but after not seeing her for a year we went on a holiday today. Thought its gonna be great but its dead end. Nothing to talk about anymore no connection everything lost. Not even with her and absolute nothing with other girls at all. I cant even talk via chat with them. Anyway i thought this will be a great time but it turned into a horrorshow. Wish i could go home on the spot. - -For the first time i understand that its not that i dont want contact (i often break up shallow friendships by ghosting) but that im living inside a heavy stone wall all alone. The other person stands outside but nothing she says go through either way - mine or hers. It gets blocked. - -I was never sad about being by myself but understanding youre alone even with people you like around you is heavy af. The worst thing to understand is that you are the problem and thats why you cant leave it somewhere - -Btw the girl also wants to go home now. Anyway damn man. It kinda hurts",['Lack of community or social support'],2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",2.67,evaluation,train,lonely -185,Finally broke free!,"It was exactly yesterday that I finally embraced the fact that I’ll never have a boyfriend or husband, and it happened so naturally. - -I’ve been lying to myself for years trying to convince myself I was already stronger than this need but now I finally overcame it. As an ugly asexual girl, navigating the idea of being in a relationship or simply wanted was impossible, and it hurt a lot. I knew no man would be attracted to me and I wouldn’t let any man use me for sex, so my chances were basically 0. Yesterday I accepted all of this, but above all that my fantasy of a romantic and non-sexual boyfriend was totally crazy, that no man in this world can go without sex. Therefore, my fantasy completely disappeared, and whenever I accidentally slip out and dream again, I immediately snap back and focus on the truth. - -I’m so relieved! Finally free from years of hoping and dreaming! I can’t believe I was so weak lmao it’s so much better now -",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,train,lonely -186,19M Who Needs Some Company and Time Of Yours,Nowerdays I’ve really started to feel lonely and isolated even though I have my family around . Mostly I spend my time alone because I don’t have a bunch of friends like other people but now I feel like I need someone who’s in the same boat as I am . I really want someone to just talk to me and I hope that eventually I find someone here :),['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,part3,validation,lonely -187,Happy Friday,"To everyone of you reading this, I hope you have a great evening and weekend. - -Be kind to folk and remember to keep your heads up as you are all amazing. - -Much love. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,lonely -188,I love you 💕,I just wanted to tell this to someone . But I don't have a romantic interest so I guess I am saying it out loud here.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,lonely -189,51 M #Dallas - Need friends or 1 woman to have a real life,"1st: don't bother to read if you can't follow the DBAA rule - -I am 51 single Man in Dallas and I'm seeking real friends to hang out, walking in nature hiking ect.","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",2,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships']",2.333333333,part3,train,lonely -190,15f homeschooled and so lonely,i hate being home with just my family all day. i wanna get out and meet more people but dad’s super fuckin religious so im stuck at home,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,['Lack of community or social support'],4,['Lack of community or social support'],4,['Lack of community or social support'],4,exploration,train,lonely -191,I just need a hug,"Hi, I’m 28F and I just wish I had a hug now I’m very lonely woman lately I’m feeling so depressed and down plus suicidal. -Thank you for everyone. ",['Lack of physical touch'],5,['Lack of physical touch'],5,['Lack of physical touch'],5,['Lack of physical touch'],5,part3,train,lonely -192,I am not happy to discover that I am a lesbian,"I’ve been confused for so long but I think women are conditioned to want male attention and vice versa - -The thing is, it’s so lonely- the dating pool is so extremely small, women are way pickier than men and you go from having multiple people to speak to too not having anyone at all that is interested - -The sudden change in dynamics is very isolating and a lonely feeling to think it will be the same for the near future ",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2.666666667,part3,train,lonely -193,feeling scared bc of being lonely,"i recently moved out from my parent's house and i feel like i'm going crazy. i feel so scared for some reason. everything feels scary. i have lived under my mom for so many years and now moving to a different city feels so lonely and scary. i haven't left home since the day i stepped in this city. i thought i'll be a lone wolf but idk why im so scared. i missing my moral support. i have no good relations with anyone rn. or the people that i used to think are good, doesn't feel the same back. idk why my head is filled with -ve thoughts. i just feel so scared being lonely. has anyone ever felt the same? how did you overcome it?",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3.666666667,part3,train,lonely -194,Left behind.,"I feel like I'm getting left behind. All my high school friends have moved on, found love, or ghosted, and most of the people i meet on discord already have/have found a partner. I feel like I'm getting left behind in my generations dating pool. I haven't been in a real relationship since high school so that doesn't help things. - -My buddy recently found a gf and idk why but the loneliness just hurt really bad today and i needed somewhere to talk about it. - -23m/bi if anyone is curious.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.333333333,part3,validation,lonely -195,"Single , lonely ",Please text me and we can also do rp,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,exploration,test,lonely -196,"28M Mumbai, India! Need friends!","Hey! I am looking for online/irl friends with whom i could talk about the most random sh*t, hit some amazing cafes/arcades! I am also open to long distance online friendships (penpals ig?)! HMU",['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2.333333333,part3,test,lonely -197,looking for some to talk to (with similar interest),"in terms of music i like: Mac de marco, Cigarettes after sex, REM, Morphines, Leonard Cohen, Metallica. Basically i like indie, pop, rock and classical music - -In terms of movies: I like art house cinema, indie movies as well. Movies like Burning, Before Sunset, Past Lives, aftersun, mullholland drive, any from tarkovsky, kubrick, etc - -I like to talk about interesting things, for example about history, art, philosophy, psychology, politics, etc. - -the only sport i like is football - -I'm not much of a gamer unfortunately and i am not into anime as well, so i can´t talk much about these hobbies, but i can try, especially with gaming. - -send me a message - -",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,part3,test,lonely -198,Anyone want to talk? Any other depressed friendless girls?,"Stressed about college (I have to go back and I have no friends and I’m failing :) I’m getting out to a toxic relationship, lost myself and barely sane, I can’t even think. Anyway looking for someone to be depressed with. ",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,evaluation,test,lonely -199,How to meet people/make friends after university/college?,"Hi. Hey. Hello. Yo. What’s up? I’m kinda reaching the realisation that maybe, just maybe, I probably should’ve spent far less time alone in my room at university. I should’ve made more of the gold mine of social opportunities that university/college afforded me - but I didn’t. Pretty stupid mistake, I’ll be the first to admit it, but that’s in the past now. I can’t change it, and I no longer wish to marinate in my own misery. - -So, for those of you who might have ended up in a similar predicament, or feel as if your own experience may be relevant to the dilemma of making friends after university - how did you overcome it? Any advice? - -Also, FYI, I’m just down to chat or even talk in general - internet friends, as fickle and flakey as they can be, are still friends, right? - -Thank you all kindly in advance, and I hope everyone has a lovely and less lonely day! ",['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,evaluation,test,lonely -200,No one wants me :(,"And that makes me sad. All my friends are in relationships now, and/or getting married. Lately they have ""jokingly"" reffered to me as the friend they can't imagine being in a relationship. I laughed and acted like I was ok with that, but it hurt. I feel like a background character in someone else's movie. People in general don't seem to hate me, but no matter how sociable I try to be i feel like they think of me as ""another face"" and not as an actual ""option"". Maybe I'm not cute enough, or not funny enough, or not interesting enough. Maybe I'm just not a good option compared to the other choices. Maybe I'm off-putting for some reason. The older I get the more hopeless it seems as the pool of single not-insane people steadily shrinks. ",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,exploration,train,lonely -201,23M trying to find someone to connect with pls help," -If ur serious about wanting a friend pls don’t be shy hit me up I’m a fast reply. A little bit of true about me is I don’t have many friends irl it’s been that way for a long time now is I’m kinda used to being alone but there’s nothing I want more than a true genuine connection with someone were we look after and support each other that’s all I want in my whole life I hate sounding so desperate but I don’t know what else to do. It’s beyond frustrating please reach out if you’re going through the same thing or something similar I promise I’m not a creep or anything just I’m just super lonely and depressed thanks for reading.",['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3.666666667,part3,train,lonely -202,I miss my dog that passed and i don’t have anyone that can relate,it’s late and i can’t talk to any friends or family about it. i don’t know what to do. i’m isolated,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2.333333333,part3,train,lonely -203,"[35/m] Slow work day, so I’ll be watching Discovery channel and everything shark related 🦈 ","Pretty much just as the post says. It’s going to be a slow day, but I have to sit at my desk and pretend to work! Would love to find a ‘coworker’ or friend to help pass the day by, and maybe other days! Short term friends aren’t ideal. Only message me if you know how to banter. The one word responses are overdone. Younger, older, it doesn’t matter! Just dm me!",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,lonely -204,How many of you're sure you'll die alone?,"Drop down your experience, at least your story will be known and I'll not feel bad thinking ""I'm the only one"" - -So starting with me: -I grew up with narcissistic parents and trauma made me develop trust issues therefore I couldn't connect with most people or trust them easily I always had trouble forming bonds and friendship so long story short I'm friendless and never had a partner and I doubt I ever will. - -Thanks ","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships']",3.33,evaluation,train,lonely -205,"Support for anxiety, loneliness, or anything you’re going through!","Hello everyone, if you’re struggling with anxiety, loneliness, or just need someone to talk to, I’m here to listen and support you. Whether you’re facing challenges or simply looking for a sympathetic ear, know that you’re not alone. Feel free to reach out, and let’s navigate through this together. Your well-being is important, and I’m committed to offering ongoing support. Send me a message anytime. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,validation,lonely -206,i really need someone caring to talk to,"I am desolate -That means I don't have anybody, for the people who cant understand . - -I am seriously dying inside, it is killing from inside, to have no physical or emotional contact -I think of being gone and I have the tools that i can use. -But I still wish to umm have my final moment, being squeezed and told that i am something . something real, to someone. - -Inside, I'm screaming from this hurting torture. But outside, I'm silent. -Inside, I'm drowning from the flood of my tears. But outside, I can't even cry.","['Lack of community or social support', 'Lack of physical touch']",5,"['Lack of community or social support', 'Lack of physical touch']",5,"['Lack of community or social support', 'Lack of physical touch']",5,"['Lack of community or social support','Lack of physical touch']",5,part3,train,lonely -207,Just need to talk,"I can’t help but feel like a last resort, even to the people who are most important to me / people I go out of my way for often. - -I need a friend, or just someone to talk to for a while. Don’t dm if you’re gonna be a creep. -Willing to listen if anyone needs to vent as well. - -(Not interested in flirting or anything nsfw) - -Thank you to anyone who reaches out ",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3.333333333,part3,train,lonely -208,Would y’all cuddle with someone platonically?,"I’m 24m lonely and touched starved, I’ve always wanted to cuddle and watch anime with someone but I’m insanely lonely and have never been in a relationship before. I’d cuddle platonically with someone if they were interested. ","['Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of physical touch']",3,['Lack of physical touch'],4,['Lack of physical touch'],4,['Lack of physical touch'],3.67,evaluation,test,lonely -209,app to make friends,"hello i wanted to share this app i discovered and made a bunch of friends on, the apps called cantina and there is always ppl on u can talk to. i use it every day and u guys might like it. u can use mic, vid chat, and talk to new ppl in rooms. if u want the invite link dm me i don’t think i can post it (:",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,test,lonely -210,Let’s chat all the people who have no one im here for you! 18m Aussie,"here to talk to anyone!!! 18m aussie - - - -My Names Nathan and yeah I’m just looking to talk to some new people and chill and maybe it can even become a friendship if we hit it off!! - -A bit about me I’m from Australia, I’m in my last year of high school, some of my hobbies include playing sports, reading, watching movies enjoying some good old history and yeah just being able to enjoy life!! - -Really hope I can meet lots of great people from different countries! I’m also of south Asian heritage!! So shout out to my asians and definitely dm me!! I’m down to talk!!! - -Looking forward to meet you all ✌️😀",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,lonely -211,(21m) I’ve never felt real romantic love and I’m starting to accept I never will.,"People these days suck, I know exactly what kinda girl I want and I know how extremely rare and possibly non existent she is and it’s really starting to hurt. I know what I want shouldn’t be too much to ask for but apparently it is these days. It’s not just what I want but what I need, I can’t just settle for less, I know what i deserve. I know this sounds arrogant but I don’t care. - -And I know what you’re thinking… you probably think I’m fat, ugly and a shit person but not. I’m not the worst looking dude, somewhat fit and healthy and I’m definitely a good person. ",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Not lonely'],2.333333333,part3,train,lonely -212,"I need to cry, i need support, i feel lost.","My last post got deleted and it didn't tell me why, so I'm a bit fucked off now I'm having to rewrite this. The venting and offmychest subs also don't allow these vents funnily enough. - -I need help, I need a fucking human, I need to know I'm acknowledged. Recently I've been randomly sad alot, and I've randomly felt like a cry. - -For some reason, my family have slowly drifted away from me emotionally. It's actually really depressing, it feels so bleak and lonely, and really lost. I just don't know what to do. I don't have many friends either, so it's only them. - -Sometimes things can get too much for me, and I want to cry, I just want to sadly cry, and I try to say the words ""I want to cry, I'm sad, I feel like a cry"" whatever. But for some reason, it's always deemed as silly, or attention seeking or immature. No, it's none of those things, I'm a sad human being who needs help. - -I just need help I need the validation and acknowledgment to cry. The main problem is acknowledgment, it might sound morally wrong, but I need the acknowledgment to thrive, I'm sick of being alone, I think that's why. - -I'm not a bad person, I just need help. It feels like the more and more I try venting I dig myself into a bigger existential crisis purgatory hole, and i push everyone away, I need to cry, is anyone there. I hope someone's there. - -I always dream of having a male there to cuddle and cry to, should it be a dream, should that be a dream. - -Anyway half of this vent has been cut out to avoid unsolicited deletion. Thanks for reading if you did",['Lack of friends'],3,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of community or social support', 'Lack of physical touch']",5,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships','Lack of community or social support']",4,evaluation,train,lonely -213,I’ll feel alone no matter what I do,"What's the fucking point anymore. Drinking doesn't help, smoking don't help, even other people don't. Sure I can flash a titty online or jerk off or something but that validation doesn't last at all and I feel even more disgusted with myself. The only relationships I've ever been in are with people who just used me, and the only healthy person I've been in love with and 'loved by' I fucked it up by ghosting him and pushing him away because I can never show anyone my true feelings. What does it matter, I still would've felt as shitty as I do now because this shit never goes away. No one or nothing will ever truly fill this fucking void, no hobby or person, depressions a bitch like that. I'm gonna graduate soon and kill myself probably.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Other'],4.333333333,part3,test,lonely -214,I have friends and I cherish them but I don't feel cherished,"There's many times where I try to put some oomph in my responses to my friends. If they show me something, I'm going to react. If they text me, I'm going to follow up with ask how they've been. But I never receive this treatment. They're good friends, I just don't think they feel the need to give that little bit of support. I worry sometimes because of things like this that maybe I'm not really wanted and I'm just tolerated within the group. Of course they'd deny it and then would come the supportive comments where I to bring it up, but I just want some of what I dish out unprompted. Just because, yknow? Just getting smaller answers makes me feel...small",['Not lonely'],1,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],2.33,evaluation,validation,lonely -215,Some love and affection would go such a long way,"Been doing better recently, but having a pretty low night tonight. Just feeling incredibly lonely again. I get no physical other than a friendly family hug every so often. - -I just wish I could lay in someones arms, have them hold me, have it be okay cry with my face in their shoulder if I need to. A kiss on the head and they caress me and squeeze me tight. - -I can't even begin to explain how much that would do for me right now. I really hate being an adult, because it doesn't ever actually feel any different, but you aren't allowed to show that. - -No matter my age, I just feel like child who's all alone, and just needs some genuine love and care.",['Lack of physical touch'],3,"['Lack of physical touch', 'Other']",3,"['Lack of physical touch', 'Other']",3,"['Lack of physical touch','Other']",3,evaluation,test,lonely -216,Falling in love is the most stupidest thing I ever done.,"My bf who I loved endlessly broke up with me. I fallen in love a few times but he was really special. I never loved anyone like I did him.He was very depressed and accepted that he won’t hold a job. I urged him to tell his therapist how he actually felt. I didn’t mind that he didn’t have anything. I loved and treated him the best I could. I took care of him made sure he had everything he needed. Dropped everything to be there for him. He was my everything. Suddenly he had been avoiding me a week prior but did. He got mad that I constantly was worried about him despite him telling me he wanted to off himself. He said I deserved better and he wasn’t going to allow me to worry about him. He said he was avoiding everyone and thats how it was going to be. He ended it after almost a year and I am devastated. He definitely lied about it. Refuses to tell me the truth simply says he’s “to far gone” and all I was is a “dream” and a “fantasy” he could never obtain in his state of mental health. He doesn’t want me anymore. He wants me to find someone “deserving” and I hate that reasoning. I feel like I’m worthless. Why would he leave me if his ex’s cheated, used him, or were abusive... and he never left them. I can’t stop thinking about why I wasn’t good enough. It was stupid I gave someone the chance to hurt me. I opened up and trusted him and I wish I never did. Being alone is better this pain and doubt is unbearable. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.67,evaluation,train,lonely -217,What do I even do?,"I live where there's hardly anything to do at all. It seems everyone is only intested in being in their isolated little bubble. I'm considering college just for the chance to make friends but thats a long shot. All I do is sit inside and do nothing all day. I just want solutions I don't want a ""Yeah me too buddy ahaha"" shut the fuck up I REALLY don't wanna hear it. There are things that help knowing you aren't alone in your suffering but lonliness ironically feels like its even more of a kick to the stomache like..you reach for help but it's so ingrained into society to be isolated that there isn't an answer. I just want real third places. I can't afford therapy infact I'm hesitant to go back because how unhelpful they were and i got a random bill from them because insurance bullshit. I missed out on so much and will continue to till the day I die. What's the point?",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3.333333333,part3,train,lonely -218,I'm turning 30,"All my friends started avoiding me after I failed Med at 23, been completely lonely since then, can't cope, went into trauma relationship and work, my relationship with my mother got ruined because she kept insisting there's something wrong with me due to lack of life. -Sent me into a spiral where I was targeted by some dude with a gun and lived under intimidation for 4 years. -I finally managed to get into studies (had to dismantle the toxic gf) found an apartment, after a few months of the regular neighborhood toxicity the guy with a gun attacked my mom and we started talking alot about the incident. -My nosey neighbor listened in on the conversations and pegged me as a ""Rapist who's trying to rape and shoot her"", got arrested and now have a restraining order in the place I want to live near the college. -Needless to say it fucked up my studies and I have to repeat the year, I have rumors around me in college, zero friends and lost my job and apartment. -Why do lonely people get fucked up the ass so hard? -Haven't talked in that period for 2 years, and since I was starting to forget how to talk I even had to start practicing. -I started talking nonsense to the guy who attacked my mom from the balcony until we kinda understood eachother (I don't think his kids need this stress). - -So any advice on how to make it in college next year? -Apartment, friends to study with, good habits to keep sane when you don't talk for a week+?","['Lack of friends', 'Other']",2,"['Lack of friends', 'Other']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Other']",4,"['Lack of friends','Other']",3.33,evaluation,train,lonely -219,Just lonely,"Hi all, my first time posting. I guess I just have to let it out somewhere. I'm a 25 year old guy who moved to Dublin 6 years ago with my mother, looking for better opportunities. Wasted a lot of time not looking after myself, smoking weed and playing video games. Even though the rent is expensive, I have a good enough job and get by. It finally hit me how lonely I feel all the time and how much time I wasted on nothing. I guess I'm just looking for some wisdom on how to start. I know I should start going places and get out. Gym, clubs all that. I tried a couppple of times an had fun with some people, but never got close to calling someone a friend here. It still feels unrealistic when I'm on my own. If nothing, just looking for some like minded people to share my thoughts with. -Thank you for reading.",['Lack of community or social support'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,['Lack of friends'],2.33,evaluation,train,lonely -220,3am.,"Dealing with people who are two-faced, overly self-involved, and deceptive is incredibly frustrating. These individuals often believe they can do no wrong, quickly blaming others while ignoring their own mistakes. They have a habit of distorting stories to suit their needs, omitting their part in conflicts and fabricating details to save face. This kind of self-absorption can ruin relationships. It's vital for such individuals to introspect and address these behaviors. Often, they find themselves in a cycle of losing friends and not understanding why, not realizing that it's their actions that push people away. Acknowledging and working on these traits is essential for building lasting, trustworthy relationships.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,test,lonely -221,Im completely alone,"Im always everyone's last choice, my friends always make plans without me, my partener does not give one shit about me and can go days without talking to me, my family doesn't even want to look at me. I started going in walks but my heart breaks seeing everyone be happy and be in communities while i am simply alone. I'm feeling very depressed lately and no one answers my messages, even if i just want to talk about how their days were, im getting completely ignored and i dont know what to do, i feel like i won't be able to keep up with everything if i have no one.","['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",4,part3,test,lonely -222,Never had I felt so lonely and empty,"I got off reddit for a couple of weeks trying to talk to girls and improve myself but again I keep failing. I been working out since January and my body looks better but still I don’t know what’s missing. In June I wanted to talk to this beautiful coworker that I liked because of her attractiveness and how she had that funny and cute personality. Back then I wouldn’t had even talked to her now I decided to 3 weeks ago. Turns out she was taken but I accepted to be her friend asked for her IG so we could chat since she was transferring from workplace. When I followed her she did not, I guess because of the bf. My friend from college tried to hook me up with his gf’s coworker by me texting her, when I did she just said to my friend’s gf “that guy texted me, so weird”. My friend just encouraged me to not give up. I texted a girl in fb, she went try 2 days later and ghosted me by leaving me on seen. Again my friend asked me to follow one of her gf’s female friends which I did and followed me back, I texted her but its been 13h I can tell she is not going to reply. I do not want to be single forever.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2.666666667,part3,test,lonely -223,does anyone know?,"i want to be cooler at school for next year, like glow up and be more intelligent help",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,lonely -224,socializing sucks but I can't help it,"Yes, socializing sucks but I can't help it. I genuinely love socializing and talking to new people even if they're not new, I just genuinely like talking to anyone. I know I like being a lone but I can't help it, I feel like I'd go crazy if I didn't get my daily dose of socializing. - -But I am getting tired of it. - -I'm bad at keeping a relationship alive or being friends with people. It almost usually feels like I'm forcing them to hang out or talk to me and that I don't deserve to be their friend. That it'd be better if I was just alone so that I wouldn't need to think of what people think of me. It's selfish, I know. - -And so the cycle just keeps repeating, I meet and talk to someone, become friends with them, overthinks life and bedrots, stop being friends with them, then meet someone new and a new cycle repeats. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,test,lonely -225,I can never be happy,I’ll have days or moments where something good happens but something always has to go wrong. My life loves to give me good zones where everything is just peachy. And I always fall for the illusion. Because it ends up all crumbling down. I really ought to stop getting my hopes up.,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,part3,test,lonely -226,How can I be pretty?,"Please I really need help I just want to people to like me, I’ll do whatever it takes.",['Not lonely'],1,['Other'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.67,exploration,train,lonely -227,"47M, looking for long term friendship","Greetings, to those who are reading - -So, I  just turned another year older, another orbit around the sun.. and entering a new phase in life. - -I'm looking to meet interesting, witty people with a sense of humour (dark would be a bonus) who are seeking to forge a genuine lasting friendship. A sharp intellect and an ability to engage in a decent conversation is a must, if you're into one session chats then unfortunately we won’t be such a great fit. - -  - -I'm an easy-going chilled person into Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Anime tv shows and music. I love learning about new cultures and hearing about life experiences, it doesn't matter where in the world you're from. Nothing is off limit to talk about. I do respond to all messages and requests, if you're someone who ghosts people or a content seller then move along. - -  - -Please take the opportunity to get in touch (18 & over please). There's a lot more to me, but I'll save it for our chat.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,lonely -228,Advice?,"I got with a girl I found on Hinge. I had never been with a girl before so I was obviously nervous, but she invited me to her place, and for a couple days I hung out. She took my virginity, but just hanging out with her was the happiest I've ever been. I saw her again after I went on a trip, and she had hickeys on her. I didn't get mad or anything because she said that we weren't dating but it was in the back of my mind. I spent four days with her. We watched fireworks and to me had a very intimate time with her. One of the nights we got drunk and she started crying on me. She never told me what for but I comforted her. The next day she dropped me off, and when I got home I had a feeling that I fucked up somehow. Flash to now and she won't even text me back. I had the happiest moments of my life and now I just feel ashamed of myself. I thought it was special at the time so I let her take my virginity. Now I just feel wasteful that my first time was with someone who genuinely doesn't care about me. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,lonely -229,My birthday today,"And as usual I cried. My mother is here, and as usual she is telling me about how her favourite family members are an epitome of success and how much struggle they have had. - - The hardship she faced for 2.5 years, I faced those for 16 years, but of course she needs everyone’s sympathies but has none for her own kids. I can’t understand this woman. I mean why does she hate us so much and why is she so obsessed with her loser family specifically her brother and his son. Once her sister in law told me outright that “you have no one”. I had never felt so lonely since then. I think about it so much. How that woman completely brainwashed my mother and put us out of our house. I can’t believe I have this king of people in my family. I wish I could find some real people who could love me and I could trust them after all this shit - -",['Lack of family contact'],2,['Lack of family contact'],2,['Lack of family contact'],2,['Lack of family contact'],2.666666667,part3,validation,lonely -230,I can feel myself going towards an asexual route,"I'm a 17m femboy, and turning 18 in 3days so I'm gonna be a birthday boy, but besides that I've been experiencing so many events left and right that have just been a roller-coaster, some relationships fall apart, and it just seems like no one even tries to care for anyone anymore, I feel left out, and alone, boyfriends I've had loved once abandoned me, cheated, and even just ghosted me, and for girls I have only ever been through one so I can't say for sure, I just lean gay because it feels like i could be understood, but I don't wanna ever judge women when I haven't even dated as many.. and honestly I feel that sooner or later I'm gonna become hollow on the inside till I just can't love no more - -Sorry for all this stupid ranting, it's a lot",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2.666666667,part3,train,lonely -231,Is there such thing as I soul,"All I could ever think from sleepless terror as a child to numbly staring off in the dark is ""it just ends"". It's all generally random and it just ends. That there were and exist positive perspectives to adopt despite that realization but they never work because ultimately it's all cope....I'm missing something i can never delude myself I possess...I used to think I wish I felt anything living but I don't. - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,lonely -232,the old man,"today we don't have much money so my mom is going to ""work for a old man"" like she just told me that idk much but why do i think of a 'sugar daddy' or whatever its called? can u tell me in which other work we 'work for an old man' cuz it's surely what i think cuz she already does 'streaptease' (srry idk how to wrote it) when she was young, plz help.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,validation,lonely -233,I always feel lonely,"Not so long ago I went to another country visit my internet friends and for an event but I still somewhat felt alone most of the time and cried every night. -I even got my first hug there but I don't know what to think about it. -I'm always so lonely I cry every night and it hurt physically, it's making me go crazy. -Even around my family, the more people the lonelier I feel. -The only way for me to not feel lonely is to not talk to anyone at all but then I'll be truly alone. - -Why does it have to be this way ? It hurts so much no matter what and i can't stand it anymore ",['Lack of community or social support'],2,['Other'],5,['Other'],4,['Other'],3.67,evaluation,train,lonely -235,i hate having these desires,"i hate having these desires sm cus there's nothing I can do fullfil any of them. I'm a very romantic person and I used to just day dream or even plan out dates in my head to have if I ever had the chance back in highschool. fast-forward to now I'm 27 and I've never even had a relationship or my first date yet. when ever I'm in public and I see a cute couple I'm instantly envious of them. bc I wanna experience that once. - -the worst is when you're, excuse my language but, horny and there's nothing you can do about it. porn and masterbation make me feel gross and pathetic. I'm not asexual either I'm just tired of wondering what human contact is like and never experiencing it. I'm a man too so I cant even load up and dating app and do some no strings attached stuff unless I do smth illegal and pay a girl. but at that point I rather call it quits lol.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,exploration,test,lonely -236,19M looking for someone,I'm 19M boy I don't look very well And maybe that's why I don't have a partner and stay alone all day and that's why I am looking for someone who is a little naughty like me 🙃 and Who knows Hindi because my English is not very well? 🤌🙂,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2.333333333,part3,train,lonely -237,insecure about my body,"i’ve been extremely thin my entire life, but around 21/22, my body rly started to change and i gained weight. i’ve put on maybe 25-30 lbs. i’m closer to a size 8-10 now after being a 0-4 most of my life. i’m definitely not overweight and i do have a defined hourglass shape, but have gained some pudge in places i’m not used to (esp my belly; it’s not defined and flat anymore, it’s super soft and squishy now). sometimes i just feel so unattractive and worry that im less desirable in dating bc im not super thin anymore - -editing to add that im in recovery from my eating disorder, which is partly why i gained weight. i had anorexia majority of my life",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -238,Feeling suicidal. I need someone to talk to.,"Feeling suicidal. I need someone to talk to. - -Please DM me directly… Apologize because I have no capacity to reach out to people first. - -And I also don’t have capacity to reply to every comments, explaining everything in public.",['Other'],5,['Other'],5,['Other'],5,['Not lonely'],4,part3,train,lonely -239,What am I doing wrong?,"It feels like every time I go out with friendsx everyone is paired up and finds their match pretty quickly. I’m always the one out of the group that goes home alone or gets put aside. I’d like to say i’m conventionally attractive, but I guess it’s not enough for someone to want me seriously. And if they do interact, it’s for sex only. - -I feel so invisible. ",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2.333333333,part3,test,lonely -240,F24 looking for friends.,"Is it normal to date/live with someone and still feel lonely? -I don't feel like breaking up, or cheating, but I really miss friends, someone to talk to about day-to-day things, to have a different opinion... -I feel like it's not everything you can talk about without being judged at the right time. -After years of being like this, living like this is overwhelming...this adds to the fact that I work from home, so I don't have any outside interaction, which is even more of a hindrance. -I feel lost in my own mind.",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3.333333333,part3,train,lonely -241,I’m so lonely not even my boyfriend likes me…,I’m just so sad and don’t know what to do anymore… no one is there for me not even someone who I’m supposed to call my significant other,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3.333333333,part3,validation,lonely -242,I feel like I'm going to die alone,"I know a lot of you here feel the same thing so I guess I kinda just wanted to reach out and see if anyone has advice. (For context; I'm a young adult with both Autism and ADHD, as well as suspected BPD. So as you can imagine, sometimes I can be a little ""intense"" to deal with). - - I recently got abandoned by my last partner out of nowhere and it made me realize that looking back; all my relationships have been the same. Together for 6-7 months then abandoned because I'm ""too much"" or whatever. I'm really hurting because I feel like no one will ever truly love me for me, and I hear so many people say ""yeah but you have friends and family"" but it's just not the same. I want to have someone who's scared to lose me. Someone who will hold me close and say ""you're the only one I want"". But I feel it's never going to happen. - -Not to mention the fact I'm not exactly ""attractive"" and my mental health is not the best either. No matter what I do my mental state seems to be getting worse as well; medication, therapy, friends and even relationships don't help. I feel so stuck because the only thing I want in life is to have a lifelong partner; yk, the typical ""getting married"" and ""having kids"" thing?",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,part3,train,lonely -243,Tired of being alone -._-.,"Countless times… I’ve been left behind countless times. I try to make new friends on discord, Facebook, instagram you name it I’ve been there!!! And when I do somehow get someone to chat with me I’ll be all nice and wanted to chat and it’s good. They respond back but after a while they just stopped responding and slowly fade away. This has happened countless times!! And I’m started to reach my limit. Why is it so hard just to find someone to just chat and hang out. I miss that and I’m tired of being alone, it’s hard when you have no one to game with, no one to chat with. All alone and bored. What have I done wrong? what do I need to do? ",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3.333333333,part3,train,lonely -244,Lonely nights,"I’m lonely and anxious. I’m 18m. I feel so touch starved. I fantasize about people talking to people, I fantasize about smiling, I fantasize about having friends. I have no friends, and my family is messed up. - -A hug from a boyfriend would cure me. Not really though, it’s just nice to think about. - -I wish I had friends I could hang out with, I wish I wasn’t so socially anxious that I literally shake when I speak, I wish I was normal. ","['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of physical touch']",4,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of physical touch']",4,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of physical touch']",4,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of friends','Lack of physical touch']",4,exploration,test,lonely -245,Being the ugly girl in class,"I just hate it. I have naturally a ugly body and ugly features, but I can't wait to grow up out of the akward teenager proportions to see if maybe, just MAYBE, I stop being so goddamn ugly. I'm the ugliest girl in my class, I don't think I'm too disgusting or anything but I look like a ogre next to other girls my age. I have a big horrible nose (which I hate because why big noses look good in other people but not on me?), i'm too short, i'm brown (ironically I like dark-skinned girls better, but it looks bad on ME especifically. Ugh), I have a asymmetrical face, no curves. There's a girl in my class that literally everyone finds beautiful. - -And then there's me. So you can get an idea, I'm that one girl im class that's so fucking ugly thay boys play truth or dare and the embarrasing dare is to kiss me. It has happened (I've said no to kissing though), and getting rejected by me is like ""omg haha you got rejected even by the most horrible girl"". - -I know very well it's one of the reasons why I'm lonely. I make people look bad. I put a lot on effort in my clothes and hygiene to make up for it, but my appareance itself makes it hard to get friends or partner. I just wanna be like others girl my age and have friends and be pretty and have fun, but instead I got this stupid body. I'm embarrased to talk to anyone with my face. I'll never find love or make friends.","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships']",3.666666667,part3,test,lonely -246,29 Arab I'd like a good vent call,"I'd love to have a good vent chat. It really helps me relax and unwind. Whether it's a deep conversation or just a fun, light-hearted talk, connecting with someone always puts me in a good mood. I can speak both English and Arabic fluently.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,train,lonely -247,Idk what’s wrong with me,I’m depressed and I don’t know what to do,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -248,Looking for consistent voice chats while working lonely,"“Good morning, how are you doing?” this what I will send you every day, making sure you are doing well, then we can hang out the rest of the day together, talk about many random things, vent to each others, talk about the things we like and dislike, and what we find funny, then we would have inside jokes finally which means we became friends. - - I am an artist looking to voice chat while I am working, which is from morning to afternoon in European times. So, it will be difficult to talk if you are from the US if you aren't a night owl or a morning person.  - -I'm seeking a long-term friend who is available for more frequent voice chats, someone who is easy-going and chill, can match my vibe and energy, being talkative, open-minded, and silly.  - -So when I'm not cracking jokes to make you laugh, I enjoy discussing anime; we can exchange recommendations. Additionally, topics like video games, technology, history, food, cooking, politics, or life in general are on the table. We can also share music recommendations, and joke around. - -Let's share our life stories, exchange experiences and viewpoints. Even if we run out of things to talk about, I'm good at coming up with random questions. - -",['Lack of community or social support'],2,['Lack of community or social support'],2,['Lack of community or social support'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,part3,train,lonely -249,(F) Cuddle rp with me someone I need to sleep I have insomnia,"Ps just type we can talk like *cuddles and snuggles* and jump right into it and that cringy romantic shit OR not it's up to u. Any weirdos will be blocked I just want comfort! I am 17 and nice. - -Edit: boo someone even lonelier and UNHAPPY with their life as me got mad and had to thumb everything down. ♥ ",['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Not lonely'],2,part3,validation,lonely -250,one of those days where i just feel super ugly + super tired,i’ve no energy and just not feeling happy w the person i see in the mirror,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,test,lonely -251,"""Love yourself"" is complete bullshit","I think that the expression ""first you have to love yourself"" or ""how will you be loved if you don't love yourself"" is complete bullshit. It seems to me that it works the other way around, at first they love you, and your unconscious part sees it, and inside it notes, ""so everything is fine with me."" I was just thinking about the fact that I didn't like my body (it was thin) I started doing fitness and after a while the results appeared and I began to like it. I think people who advise you to ""love yourself"" first have the same story in their lives, the procedure is the same, they just don't realize it.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,validation,lonely -252,Anyone wanna talk?,"I usually respond to these posts rather than make them, but eh. 19M, I'd prefer you be at least kinda similar in age, past that, I don't care. Just wanna meet some cool people and possibly make a friend. If you're not interested, thanks for taking the time to read this post anyway and have a great day.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,test,lonely -253,If only..,"Do you ever feel like you’ll never be good enough? - -That maybe if I was prettier, if my breasts were bigger, my stomach flatter, my ass fatter that then maybe I would be more desirable? ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,lonely -254,I hate my life,"As the title says, I hate my life. Not in a suicidal way at all, but in the way that I feel like I’ve wasted my life so far and I can’t do anything about it. I’m currently 16 and seeing everyone else my age enjoying their lives just honestly hurts. During this summer break I have also concluded that I have no friends seeing as I haven’t talked to anyone and no one has talked to me in any way. I hate reaching out to others because in all of my experiences it just feels like I’m making someone talk to me when they don’t want to.",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3.333333333,part3,train,lonely -255,I'm tired of this life. I'm tired of complaining and being so negative. I'm tired of things not going my way.," - -Never had IRL friends (I guess I had 1, but didn't go out much at all, like enough to count on 1 hand, and idk, felt one-sided). - -Never had a job - I've applied to so many places but have only had 3 in-person interviews within the last 2 years, and haven't been accepted yet. - -I have no skills. Not any that I can turn into profit at least. - -I can never find people who I feel are right for me. And when I do, it's months of talking, then I get left. I just got left for being ""too good"" for them. -Usually when they leave me, they find better. -It hurts. - -I'm so awkward and shy. I try to be better, but idk, I don't like socializing. I'm someone that likes 1-on-1 conversations, and usually even then I'm shy. - - - -I just wanna make stuff. Idek what. Write movies or games or a world. I want to create something. -I want my ideas to go to use. I want to change the world. -I want to be surrounded by good people and vibes and environment. - - -It's always the same loop in my life. I'm so lost idek what I'm saying.","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",2.67,evaluation,train,lonely -256,Want friends but doesn’t know how to talk to people,"I wish it was easier to speak to people im always scared to go outside I haven’t had a single friend for 7 years I was bullied alot in school since the bullies are the reason why im in online classes which makes me more lonely since im only on a computer in school and not socializing,but tbh i never knew how to socialize I just want a friend I wanna cry everytime im in public cause im scared of people but i want to talk to people im tired of being alone everyday it just hurts ",['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3.67,evaluation,train,lonely -257,18F lesbian and wanting love,I’m 18F and recently decided to accept I’m lesbian but I want to share my love and flirtation with someone so if you want to talk you can dm me,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.67,evaluation,train,lonely -258,whats the hardest part of being lonely?,"^(Is it the fear of missing out, seeing other succeed more than you have, feeling empty, downtrodden, and even bitter, being bored and thinking you're worthless to everyone, or feeling rejected and isolated by society and people?) ",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Not lonely'],3,part3,train,lonely -259,Does anyone want to talk?,I’ve been feeling a bit down and want to talk to someone,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -260,Improving situation,"Just curious what you all are doing to try and better your situation? Not trying to attack anyone, just curious whats working and not working for others.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,test,lonely -261,Anyone interested in talking?,I’m up lonely and bored in bed want to chat with someone!,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,part3,test,lonely -262,Should i join the military,Pretty much the fucking title I'm tired of being completely alone I'm tired of the same shit everyday I'm tired of being a little bitch who can't talk to people and make shit awkward I'm tired of being a fucking loser tired of fucking thinking what could have been or what should have been I'm tired of being trapped in this shitty ass place fucking tired of being ugly and fucking skinny tired of having no one to talk and go on Instagram and people having good times and accomplishing shit tired of having fucking no body in my life fucking tired of everything man I don't even care. Finna join the military and get my money and work out and go to war or whatever the fuck the billionaires want just send me to school and give me a purpose and brotherhood fuck everybody I don't even have a job fucking asking for life advice on some important life decisions on reddit,['Other'],4,['Other'],4,['Other'],4,['Other'],3.333333333,part3,train,lonely -263,I’m done.,Not a single soul in my life can tell me I’m worth it. Not a single person from my family. I do everything I can to make a living and I get looked down on. I just want to be happy for once where I can just be me. I feel like I have to fake my life to feel somewhat of good response. I’m just tired of everything and want to give up,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of community or social support']",5,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of community or social support']",5,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of community or social support']",5,['Lack of community or social support'],4,part3,test,lonely -264,Struggled with loneliness but now I am feeling better and created a You Tube Channel,"So I have been struggling with loneliness for as long as I can remember. I have been going through therapy and 12 step groups, EMDR, reddit forums, Youtube reading books about this. Lately I have just started feeling a lot better so I created a youtube channel.  The first channel people left some rude comments about my image and ascent. Some people had suggestions about my looks and maybe that's why I was lonely.. I was so hurt and felt even more rejected.  - -But my therapist convinced me not to give up. I recently started another new channel as I deleted the first one. Yes I use AI because of my first bad experience but I am just trying to tell my loneliness story and share steps and techniques that I learned during these last years. So I'm excited to introduce my new YouTube channel[ ~https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpRrmiJMiJo-3TyP7tLKyvA~](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpRrmiJMiJo-3TyP7tLKyvA) where I share my journey through depression, anxiety, a lonely marriage, and moving countries and I felt alone even when surrounded by people. I will be posting weekly videos. I have been grateful for the anonymous people who I could relate with. Thanks for watching. So far I have 4 videos [Feeling alone in a crowd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVgKrtS9X0Y&t=14s), [How shyness caused my loneliness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLETsoWEr9U&t=1s), [Feeling Isolated in a relationship](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5ETsINqNqg) and [What do when you are lonel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMFH6IJ-hJA)y. I hope they help someone like me. - -",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,part3,train,lonely -265,21m anybody wanna chat?,I got nothing better to do right now so anybody wanna chat?,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,test,lonely -266,Being 33," -I'm not really sure what I'm about to write but I just know I need to write now. I don't know when it happened but I just don't know what's going on with my life anymore. Each day that passes seems like an empty blur and suddenly a year, two years, a decade passes by. I thought getting older would give me some sense of control over my life, and while I'm in a more stable housing situation and not actively abused by people, I feel empty. - -Pushing people away has always been my go-to for trying to manage stress and solve the issues I have going on inside. I always felt the need to run and hide from other people and now I look around and realize that there's no one in my life anymore. No family, no friends, just me and this empty apartment that I call my ""safe place"" I don't go out anymore, I don't leave my apartment for food and Uber Eats everything. - -It feels like I'm not even a person anymore and I don't know how to handle it. I don't want to be a shadow of who I once was or could have been. It's terrifying to think that this might just be my life forever now. ","['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends']",5,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends']",5,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends']",5,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",5,part3,test,lonely -267,Lately,"Lately I’ve been crying a lot and I usually don’t cry. Am I having a mental emotional breakdown? Sometimes the tears just come out but I don’t genuinely feel sad. It’s kinda scary tbh. I wish I had a friend to talk to. I haven’t spoken to them in almost 2 years. I think I grew apart or they outgrew me. Either way I don’t have a social life. I just go to work and come home. At work, my coworkers are just coworkers. I’ve never not had a work friend before but I’ve been working at my occupation for 2 years now and it’s so weird not having someone to joke with or look forward to work with. I’m scared of getting depressed. I don’t want to go back to that feeling. - -Anyways, I just wanted to share because it feels like I’m texting a friend. Maybe it’ll make the tears stop.","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",5,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",5,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",5,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",4,part3,validation,lonely -268,"29F4F, we are both lonely women so let's do something about it!","let's chat and maybe become friends!! Basically the only friends I've got irl are my two housemates who pretty much are outta the house and super busy all the time, so.. being that's it's summer and I'm a university student with nothing to do for the summer, it gets both lonely and boring being at home for hours on end and never really being among many people throughout the day ",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3.333333333,part3,test,lonely -269,23M trying to find some ppl to connect with," -If ur serious about wanting a friend pls don’t be shy hit me up I’m a fast reply. A little bit of true about me is I don’t have many friends irl it’s been that way for a long time now is I’m kinda used to being alone but there’s nothing I want more than a true genuine connection with someone were we look after and support each other that’s all I want in my whole life I hate sounding so desperate but I don’t know what else to do. It’s beyond frustrating please reach out if you’re going through the same thing or something similar I promise I’m not a creep or anything just I’m just super lonely and depressed thanks for reading.",['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,evaluation,test,lonely -270,I don't have any friends," I don't have any friends. Even when try talking, the conversation becomes awkward or cringe-worthy. I feel like l'm an unwanted creature of the gods. I am poor at my academics because get frustrated about feeling lonely the day before exams, so can't study. It's not an excuse; everybody else has a study group, but I don't have anyone. My hostel room is empty, with only me in it.",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3.33,evaluation,train,lonely -272,losing hope,"I’m 28M never had a relationship, no friends, no social skills. I keep torturing myself by wondering how could anyone ever like me, I feel like I’m boring. I find myself dreaming of being in a healthy relationship but I feel like I lack the energy to make it happen. I can’t remember what it feels like to be loved. If I don’t keep my mind entertained I immediately feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness and I can’t control it. Social networks and dating apps just make things worse for me, it all feels fake. ","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships']",3.33,evaluation,train,lonely -273,Consumed,"I moved my senior year + graduated recently and I was left with my one friend. I've never really been that social due to my anxiety. Is it selfish to feel sad about them moving on to college and making new friends? I'm sure it is. I can already see us growing apart. It pains me to know I'll forever be this alone. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so empty. I feel like a bottomless void. \[I'm taking gap year\] - - -",['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3.67,exploration,test,lonely -274,No soulmate I guess,"I’m almost 30, and I haven't had a partner since before the pandemic... The relationships I've had felt like child’s play. With neither of my two scarce boyfriends did I ever have intimacy beyond a kiss. We never got to that point because one relationship was long-distance and the other didn’t last long. I feel stuck in this aspect because there are many things that people experience in relationships that I haven't gone through. Recently, I tried to start something with a man, but the discomfort I felt when he tried to be affectionate with me was indescribable. I don't understand why I'm like this; I want to fall in love, I want to go through all of that, but it’s as if something within me won’t let me be free and experience those things... I don't know why, even though I desire it so much, I also feel so much anxiety. And finally, what worries me the most is that no man will have the patience to endure my slow pace, my quirks, and won’t take the time to go step by step with me because I feel like relationships these days move at lightning speed. - -Before you ask, yes I know I need to see a therapist but I don’t have the means to do so… ",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2.666666667,part3,test,lonely -275,21/M looking to make some new friends," - - -Hey guys, I’m feeling a little lonely and looking to make some new long lasting friends. - -A little bit about me; I like video games (like way too much) and enjoy watching all types of movies and tv. I’m also really into music and podcasts. - -Two things I really enjoy geeking out about are Greek mythology and the ocean even though it scares the hell out of me. - -Really looking forward to meeting you all.",['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2.666666667,part3,train,lonely -276,No Childhood friends,"Back in my hometown for a few weeks this summer. I look forward to seeing family but other than that I sadly do not have college, high school or even middle school friends I keep in close touch with. Sometimes I get a little bored and wish I had at least 2 close friends to go hangout with go see a movie, dinner, or even ice cream. - -My sister, who is probably a little more outgoing than me has so MANY gfs. She is the type of girl that actually has a girls’ group of maybe 8 or so friends PLUS friends outside of that group. A couple she has been close with for at least 15+ years. I’m a little jealous. - -I’m just as nice as she is and can hold a decent conversation. Why didn’t the people I met along the years never want to stay in touch? From my perspective I enjoyed spending time with them but it wasn’t reciprocated I guess. On occasion I’ll go on social media and see these girls I've known since I was little still friends with people they knew in grade school or high school and just roll my eyes to myself. Wish I had someone like that. - -Now I’ll try not to be bored the next few weeks perhaps go to the gym, parks, pool, see 1 friend I do know and keep in touch with and maybe just go get ice cream by myself or try a friend meeting app like Bumble bff. - -Can any of you all relate? How do you spend your time when you go back to your home city? - - ",['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2.666666667,part3,train,lonely -277,I have no fucking clue how to date or live life,So yea i uh have no fucking clue how to date and at this point i woud probably go for any suggestions fuck IT i lowered mine expectetions for women so at this point im fine with older nice ladies but nervermind that i don't have any slight idea what to do in minę life like no set goals in so yea any suggestions or even SLIGHT ideas woud been great,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Not lonely'],2.333333333,part3,test,lonely -278,30 m single dad,"Going through life like everyone else. I’m single and very alone if anyone wants to talk. I like music , concerts , baseball and Pokémon go. ","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2.33,exploration,train,lonely -279,Why do I feel so lonely even tho I have people to talk to,"I don't know. I have these spouts of loneliness. I have friends I talk to, at least two of them every day. I go to the gym with one of them every day. But even after all that, I still feel lonely. It feels like something is missing sometimes.",['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2.666666667,part3,test,lonely -280,Not me stop using media social...,"I used to like media social because I'm love doing cover songs since i was 15 (2015) but started stop because I'm so lonely and insecure. (2020) now I just use Facebook but funny thing, my recommend friends all bunch of gay couple who look so happy :) Hahah! ",['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2.666666667,part3,test,lonely -281,Anyone had romantic success a long time ago and can't replicate it?,"It seems there's people who never had it and people who have a lot of it or small amounts of time single but I want to hear more about people who had it once or twice but can't get it again for whatever reason - -It's just funny to me at this point. Idk if I should be thankful or what but it's definitely from. not lack of trying - -",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,train,lonely -282,Can't stop crying,I just want one day where I'm okay. I don't even need to be happy I just want to stop being sad. I feel like I have to kill myself. Cutting myself doesn't work anymore. Getting wasted doesn't work anymore. I can't get out of this state I'm in. I'm just falling deeper into my depression.,['Not lonely'],4,['Not lonely'],4,['Not lonely'],4,['Not lonely'],4,part3,train,lonely -283,Day 580,"I got Dr Pepper today!!!!! Made me so happy, I wanted to share a memory I shared with Blondie ( Bella ), my freshman year it was either the first or second week of school, Bella wasn’t feeling well, and I offered her gold fish because that makes me feel better when I’m not feeling well. And I wanted to make my friend feel better. - -I’m still alone as always ",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],2.333333333,part3,test,lonely -284,"Lack of support, loneliness and plain bored 😕","Hii there! I'm Ashley. I feel lonely as I've got no friends to talk to about my gender fluidity and how it makes me feel very feminine. My pronouns are she/her and I'm a 24 y/o AMAB (which ik could deter some people). I'm looking to make a girly best friend (or date) who would take out time and be genuinely interested. - -(Psst.. Brownie points if you can encourage me to explore my feminine-side 😊💖) - -Thank you for your time! ✨",['Lack of friends'],2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],2.67,exploration,train,lonely -285,I will be going to a college that has a lot more girls than guys and I wanna just drop already,"I am gonna transfer to a college that has 44,000 students. - -64% of students are female and the rest male, so theres basically like twice the amount of girls. - -I feel so angry, scared, upset, and anxious. at my last college, i always see guys with really hot girls. but I was always rejected. - -I honestly wanna drop out and just forget about it. im a huge incel and dont even wanna be around girls anymore.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -286,"What do you guys think contributes more to your loneliness? Not being given a chance by people, or screwing it up when you do have a chance to talk and be you?","For me, I feel like it's the former, but I've seen many posts on here of people struggling with the latter. I'm just curious. Also, follow up question, which hurts more? Not being given a chance, or screwing it up when you're given one?",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],2.333333333,part3,test,lonely -287,What helps you get through the day?,"So I’m going through some hard times with my partner to the point where I’ve had to accept the changes her sexting another girl and lying about the extent and a lot of other stuff it was said to just be fantasy to full on relationship with emotional attachment and attraction it’s literally a long distance relationship. I love her but fuck it hurts to know the truth and only get lies from her or sugar coated info. So I’m too stupid to leave so my only option is just to go along with it and ignore it. It’s really hard to pretend I’m okay with it even tho she knows I’m not. She has already said if you’re going to be controlling I’m just going to leave. So I can’t object or have any opinions on it, I just have to keep my mouth shut and pretend to be happy while I’m just ignored and just get attention when she’s not messaging her or on TikTok with her, which is fucken rare. Again to stupid to leave so any advice on ways to either deal with it personally or anything I can do to numb the pain. I started to take long drives like 3 to 4 hours long now just driving listening to some good hard rock music, it really helps but I find if I’m home it’s just really hard. So any advise on what I can do while home to distract or actually work on my inner issues about the whole situation. ",['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,lonely -288,Day 14,"Watched a movie today in theatre with my best friend and came straight home. Watched suits and now sleeping -Good night guys",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,lonely -289,A Survey to Help,"Hello to everyone that sees this again. Last week I posted a survey and wanted to thank everyone that filled it out. I wanted to post it again to try and get some more responses so please if you have the chance take a look at it or even an upvote really helps. Thank you all in advance and hope everyone has a great day!  - -[https://forms.gle/K3DCxZ1VzbiEGf216](https://forms.gle/K3DCxZ1VzbiEGf216)",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,lonely -290,Lonely in real life,"Lately, I've been feeling lonely. Yesterday night, I was lying on the bed while daydreaming. I feel that nobody cares about me & accompany when I sad. My parents live in the out of city, but I can't tell everything about them because they're judgmental. My friends real life are so busy with their daily. ","['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3.33,exploration,train,lonely -291,Staring off so often reminds me of something,"Consciously I'm always trying to hold on but it's more out of necessity and if it weren't for certain things I wouldnt be here at all. I'd be staring off...I recall a time I'd sleep for days and I can't say how long that was spending days doing literally nothing. But I miss those days bc they felt the most natural funny enough...empty and I should be staring off except I choose to be present...it's taking a toll on my mibd though. No matter how meaningful or reasonable it is to stay present simultaneously and without consciously trying, I'm not here at all ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.67,exploration,train,lonely -292,Feeling lonely when hanging out.,"Rn im at a ""LAN party"" at my friends house. His GF is here and that's ok for me. I really like them and they are the most precious people in my life and they dont even know it. (they are my only friends) They are a couple and they do what couples do. They share hugs, kisses exc. That is more than ok for me since i dont want to be that ""negative"" friend. Those things just make me feel lonely. I know this might be a toxic way to think. It's just in me. Idk what to do about it. Im a single young man and i have never experienced true love. Never kissed, hugged, held hands exc. - -Lately i have felt even more lonely. Seeing all my friends getting a girlfriend and getting loved is dragging me down. My appearance is not my strenght. If i was a girl, i would never date me. That's how bad it is trust me. Few years ago i used to make fun of lots of people and calling insecure guys""forever virgin"". I grew up and started to realise i am the actual loser. Im the one who is the ""weird guy"". It hurts alot. Anyways this post is starting to go off tracks. Thanks for reading, advice for me is appreciated. (sorry for weak english)",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.33,exploration,test,lonely -293,[16/M] super duper bored rn DM me I'm down to talk about literally anything with anyone idc abt age,"I live in the UK but ethnically I'm Nigerian id really like to get to know some of you guys since I've literally got nothing better to do I don't really have many girl, friends so I'd like to have some cool chats with girls please DM me everyone's welcome",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,validation,lonely -294,Can I Be Your Friend,hello and my name is Diontay and i don't judge anyboby because i looking for love too like you and trust im definite;y like here to judge,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,exploration,train,lonely -295,A handsome man asked me out on a date and I refused stating that I live like a hermit,"I'm so afraid to date that I turned down a date with a handsome man. He was very polite, kind, and non-threatening - but because I haven't had a good relationship, I told him I don't go out, only work, and live like a hermit. I regret doing it, but I can't help it. - -I have no self-esteem and am unable to choose the right man. So I say no to all men to protect myself from being beaten or demeaned. I'm afraid of making another mistake. I've never had a good relationship. Almost 10 years ago, I had my only serious live-in boyfriend of 5 years. It was the worst experience of my life. I moved from California to New York knowing no one to escape him. It was violent. It's been nearly 10 years and I am living like I'm in prison. A prison I impose on myself to keep myself protected. - -I'm so afraid of men and yet at times I want to have a relationship. I don't know how to change. - -",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Not lonely'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Not lonely'],3,evaluation,validation,lonely -296,Do checks! Check if ur awake right now and 5 more times through out the day. Hold your hands up and look at them and repeat I’m awake for like 30 seconds. Then 4 more time everyday. One day ull lucid dream.,When u first wake up recall ur dreams and try to remember them throughout the day. Keep repeating until u lucid dream. 🙂 There’s a not so lonely world in there for us. Almost anything u can imagine u can do.,['Not lonely'],1,['Other'],1,['Other'],2,['Other'],1.33,exploration,train,lonely -297,I need someone to talk to,"20M, I want to do it so bad now. I was discharged from the psych ward and i’ve been planning on attempting to take my life again.",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2.666666667,part3,train,lonely -298,40M-Hello :),"Hey there, I am male in my 40s. I have Aspergers and currently looking for work. My one of my big interests is music , I liked the decades from 60s,70s,80s,90s to present. I liked so many bands and artists such as Nirvana,ELO, Billy Joel,Elton John,Elvis,The Smiths,Guns N Roses,Queen,REM, Fleetwood Mac,Pixies,Beach boys,The Doors,Beatles,Ac/Dc, Grunge music,pop music,rock music. I go to many gigs to see local bands. I like books, mostly reading true crime stuff. - -I like reading and watching stuff about true crime, I am jogger too . I watch Netflix an odd time.And like memes, I don’t play video games.But can talk about anything. Send a pm or chat if you would like to talk!.",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,test,lonely -299,Most people not liking me,Im alone because most people don't like me I feel. It could be because of my appearance or me being overweight I don't really know tbh.,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,evaluation,train,lonely -300,Have You Ever Experienced ‘Sonder’? Share Your Story," - -""Sonder"" is the realisation that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own, with their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It's a powerful reminder of the depth and richness of human life that we often overlook. - -Have you ever had a moment of sonder? Maybe you saw someone on the street and wondered about their life, or had a conversation with a stranger that made you realise how interconnected we all are. - -Share your stories of sonder here! Let's celebrate the diverse and intricate lives we all lead.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,lonely -301,19m hey guys just looking for a quick chat to end the night ask me anything!,You can ask me about my day or about my family for all I care! It was my sisters birthday today so start with that lol anyway really would love if anyone dmed me really looking for someone to talk to,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,exploration,train,lonely -302,Lonely after breakup,"I need more people to talk to. I’m terribly lonely after I had to leave an abusive relationship. I am 26 male, and I love gaming! Please feel free to message me ☺️",['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,evaluation,test,lonely -303,hey,"hi im new, i searched lonely to find a community that could hear me. i guess internet's better than real life, right?",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],2.666666667,part3,test,lonely -304,Looking for the same thing most of you guys are,"I'm just looking for someone that won't drop me after a month or two. I'm a 34 year old guy, and it's hard for me to make friends, and seemingly harder to keep them. I like spooky stuff, my music, my movies, all that stuff. I also love animals and the occasional video game and book ",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2.67,exploration,train,lonely -305,you deserve friends. real connection.,"Drink water. Breathe. Treat yourself kindly: take things a day at a time and do what you can for the moment. Sometimes all you need to heal is to have a good time: we've got helpful events and silly times to supplement the support. -Click here if you're interested: https://discord.com/invite/C8sznUTNAw -You can make it through the day. That's what's worked for me, and I hope it works for you.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,test,lonely -306,DM if you feel lonely 😊,"If you're feeling lonely and need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to send me a DM. Sometimes all it takes is a friendly conversation to brighten your day. Whether you want to vent, share a story, or just have a casual chat, I'm here to listen. Feel free to reach out anytime.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,lonely -307,People just need a solid guy and we are rare!,It’s hard to find genuine things 38 years old and goodloooking it’s actually harder than you think,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,lonely -308,Where to begin,"I’m almost 26 and I’ve never been in a relationship, at all. Throughout school and uni I thought it was best to make getting good grades and graduation my priority. If I met someone along the way that was a bonus, despite how lonely it felt along the way. And now that I’ve graduated and got a job, I just don’t see myself meeting anyone. - -Covid obliterated the social side of university, apart from one really good friend the rest were purely academic relationships. I don’t like going to bars, and even if I did I’d probably get kicked out for being a creep trying to talk to people. I’ve tried doing the whole “just go to the gym, bro” fortune cookie crap most people tell you. I’ve tried dating apps only to have my self esteem annihilated from the lack of responses and ghosting. Try new hobbies they say, tons of hobbies yet most of them are populated by old men (not my cup of tea). - -I feel in a helpless state where genuinely it feels like I’m just destined to be on my own until I die. - -I just want to be with someone dammit.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.67,evaluation,train,lonely -309,roblox friends?,"i have no friends irl. i have no friends in general. looking to start playing roblox again with some buddies hopefully. hoping this can be a distraction from life for me. context: F19 - -my roblox username is ninshain12",['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3.333333333,part3,train,lonely -310,Just looking for fellow lonely friends :) m20," -Hey my name is max and I’m 20 :) -I love to game on my Xbox and Nintendo switch and I would love finding people to play with - -I also love movies and I love going to the cinema 🍿 just watched inside out 2 and many other movies :) - -I also love to draw and paint things even though I’m not very good lol but I try my best aha - -I’m a huge fan of sports, football and mma mainly and also I’m a massive wrestling fan aha - -I also love animals and have a dog called Bert who’s 12 and he’s perfect and I have lots of pics!!! -",['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],2,part3,test,lonely -311,5 people texted me happy birthday,"Only 5. Actually 4 and one phone call. One of my sisters (out of 2) texted me, a friend that I last talked to like 2 years ago, and a couple of guys I play music with on occasion. My mother in law called me. My dad forgot and aside from Facebook (which I don't really care about but did get 20 happy birthday posts so I guess there's that?) I got no other birthday wishes. Makes me hate my god damn birthday and my inability to make friends even more.",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],2.67,exploration,train,lonely -312,M25 send me a dm lets be friends,If you got pics on your phone send them my way with why you took that pic or what the background of the pic is tryna make some conversation and friends hmu see ya in my dms,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,lonely -313,I feel like I should just stop talking.,"I know I have to talk to people to not be lonely, but lately I’ve been wondering whats the point? Anytime I try to talk to people they looked at me like I’m stupid, make fun of me, cut me off, or just ignore me. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. It’s so constant every time I talk. I feel like it’d hurt less if I just gave up and stayed alone. ",['Other'],4,['Other'],4,['Other'],4,['Other'],3.666666667,part3,test,lonely -314,Hey everybody. I'm 18 from germany and feel very lonely most of the time. Need friends,"I'm in a waiting list for a place in therapy but I probably still have a long way ahead of me. Desperatly need someone to talk to. Especially long term - -I now this sounds weird but I would prefer girls to talk to. I don't have much experience in talking to girls and I thought maybe it would help to talk to them online. - -If you are interested I would be so happy if you would text me. See you soon",['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3.33,evaluation,train,lonely -315,I was just talking about how I was gonna start tryn to learn to lucid dream again. And alrdy had a dream last night it was lucid by any means but it was really wild. I locked my dog up stairs on accident all night and he started barking in the morning but,But the dream I had was of him in the pool it was more vivid for sure and any how he was like sinking under the water. It did feel kinda real just wasn’t aware I was dreaming. It’s funny how out side noises can do that. Like him being trapped up stairs barking translated into my dream.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,lonely -316,im a boring person,"I feel like I'm literally such a boring person to talk to. idk how to talk to people like how do yall have conversations what do you guys talk about in general, I can never find a topic to talk about. I'll always contribute and won't have responses like ""oh okay"" but starting a conversation is so hard for me. it's specially with new people im meeting I just can't talk maybe it's because of my social anxiety but my brain just goes blank I can't think of anything. please I would love one of you yappers to adopt me.",['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],2,part3,test,lonely -317,I wish I could tell you what's going on with my brain now,"I remember being decent at it...anyway I honestly can't say anymore. I never thought I'd get to the point id literally start doing things and being completely ignorant to the reasons why but I have. - -I used to be of the opinion it was for personal entertainments sake but now losing the fact I laugh when do these things just leave me at a loss - -I think everything I do now is to metaphorically poke at myself to see if there's anything there but I don't think there is",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,train,lonely -318,idk,"coming to the realisation my brain doesn't work the same way as other people. I always get stuck comparing myself to my peers, who are very functional well adjusted members of society. I know there's a lot i don't see but i can't help to look at what they're doing and what i'm struggling with. It's unfair to assume but yeah idk. anyway my brain right, in the recent years it's become more, i hate the word but fragile. I feel acutely sensitive to stress, things that i really just want to be over. Getting caught in negative doom and gloom clcyles is still something i'm trying to map out. I don't know if i don't think enough or too much. NO thoughts head busy. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,test,lonely -320,addicted to reddit even though i never get any attention,"i'm so desperate for attention, but 90% of my comments or posts don't get a single response, or even an upvote or downvote (i'd rather get downvotes than no reaction) - -the only time i ever receive dms is by horny men who see my long haired avatar and mistakenly assume i'm a girl. - -i should stop using this website since i'll never get the human interaction i so desperately crave but what choice do i have? it's not like i have any real life friends to talk to. can anyone else relate to this",['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3.666666667,part3,test,lonely -321,Extrovert looking for introverts to adopt or looking for a best friend ? :D if you are an extrovert you can reach out as well :D or play CS2 together ? ^^," -Hey you, are you an introvert who doesn’t usually talk to people despite wanting too? if you are in need of a socially social person to talk to and make friends hmu :D and if you play CS2 or any pc games we can def play together :D - -I heard introverts don’t really make friends and just get adopted by an extrovert so let me be that guy in your life who saves you from unending loneliness and (hopefully) makes you happy by talking to you. My parents passed away so i try my best to not hurt each other and be there for them - -All I ask for in return is that you put effort and actually try to talk to me, I know it can be difficult and I don’t care if you’re not good/not sure what to say, as long as you want to speak and try your hardest I’ll be proud of you(and I’ll also tell you I’m proud if you want me too :)) - -Anyways if that at all sounds interesting, please message me with a moment in your life you’re brain has just shut down and caused something good or bad to happen. Looking forward to meeting you all :) - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,lonely -322,Are there any girls that have a fetish for ugly guys?,"No I'm not talking about that one time you or your friend dated a guy which your friends thought was unattractive. - -I'm talking talking about girls that are attracted to literally butt ugly guys. - -If yes how can you find these kind of girls? -",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,train,lonely -323,Why does this happen to me almost everytime,"Why does this thing happen to me . She messaged me 2 weeks ago , started chatting, we even played games while in a voice call . Everything was going great , but ig it was too good to be true . She removed me today , without any reason. How many times . I make posts , no one dms , and if one person does dm , they either ghost , block , after many days of talking .and when I dm ppl , mostly they ignore, because they get hundreds of dms per post. How many times should I cry myself to sleep . Just why .",['Not lonely'],2,['Lack of community or social support'],4,['Not lonely'],4,['Not lonely'],3.33,exploration,train,lonely -324,It’s so easy to state past everything now,"It makes me think I’m getting closer to completely letting go and it seems whenever I feel I’ve reached it there’s always more to go. - -I want to laugh at everything and I’m getting closer to it but never satisfied enough. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,test,lonely -325,20M here who wants to join a gc here on reddit?,"The gc currently has 90 members and it is about chatting, having fun, making friends, and much much more!!!🥳 Everyone is welcome🫶🏼 no matter age/gender/nationality/religion/sexuality/etc. - -The only rule is keep it sfw, I think i speak for everyone when i say we don't wanna see ur 1 inch pp🤮send me a message if u want to be part of the gc and i'll check on my dm when i can!!!! - - -(ALSO TRY UR BEST TO STAY ACTIVE!!!!!!👁️) -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,lonely -326,Feeling Lonely and Struggling to Make Friends,"Hey everyone, - -I've been feeling really lonely lately and wanted to share my thoughts here. It seems like everyone around me has no trouble making friends, while I find it incredibly challenging. It's gotten to the point where I'm even jealous of how effortlessly others seem to form connections. - -I've tried reaching out online to make friends, but it hasn't been successful either. It's frustrating because I genuinely want to connect with people and have meaningful friendships, but it feels like I'm hitting a wall every time I try. - -Does anyone else here feel the same way or have any advice on how to overcome this? I'd really appreciate any tips or even just knowing I'm not alone in feeling this. - -Thanks for reading.",['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,exploration,test,lonely -327,My wife destroyed every part of our life together.,"This morning my commanding office pulled me from a training flight. To inform me of my wife's death. And got me on a flight back to North Carolina. Should arrive at my parents house in about 8 hours. A month ago I filed for divorce and changed duty stations and cut her completely out of my life. I didn't want to hear how this thing with her friend James was temporary and how our marriage would go back to normal after he passed. I am not suicidal or anything like that but I am profoundly saddened I keep thinking how 6 months ago we were happy and in love. And now she took her own life when I just didn't accept what she was doing for a friend who was dieing from cancer. I am riddled with self doubt and blaming myself for her actions. - -Thinking about everything and our parents had been friends for decades that is now dead in the water another victim of her delusion. I know these were all her choices but still feel guilty for her death. - -I don't know if hell is real or not but I hope James ends up there for what he has caused.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -328,Boyfriend is a minute man,I want to start off by saying that I absolutely love and adore my boyfriend. We’ve been dating for over a year now and the sex is great but the man can’t last longer than 5 minutes with me. He gets very excited and just as I’m getting started-boom-he finishes. I don’t know what to do. He doesn’t really watch porn or masturbate often (to my knowledge). I’ve expressed to him that I’m never fully satisfied because it lasts so short. He’s gained some weight since we started dating as well so he can hardly gain the energy for a second round unless it’s a good night. He’s gone bike riding more and that has helped his stamina a bit but then it goes back to him finishing in under 5 minutes. I’m not saying I want a 3 hour fuck fest but it would be nice to enjoy a good 20 minute session with the one I love. Our quickest session? 45 seconds haha,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -329,Dick cheese,"One night I was sat watching tv with my ex in bed and out of no where he dragged his finger across the underneath of my nose just above the lip. - -In an instant I smelt the most repulsive stench l've ever whiffed in my life and I started throwing up off the bed like the girl from scary movie 2 - -Turned out 'as a prank' he scraped a big lump of smegma (dick cheese) from under his bell end and rubbed it under my nose because he thought it would be funny - -I’ve never really spoken to anyone about it until now - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -330,"I got addicted to oxycodone for a year and a half, and I've weaned myself off. Nobody in my life knows.","Throwaway, obviously. - -Basically what the title says. - -I went through a horrible break up, and made the mistake of seeking comfort in opiates. I've been able to keep it entirely secret, and none of my friends or family is aware of this struggle. - -I managed to keep my addiction on a tight leash, but it was very slowly eroding my life. I've lost 20lbs. My breasts are gone. - -Two days ago I took my last ""dose"", and I feel fucking GREAT. I weaned myself off slowly enough I don't feel like shit. I genuinely don't even want it; the habit of use makes me feel like I'm missing something, but I'm not craving. It feels so good. - -I feel FREE, and I'm so proud of myself for having the strength of will to fix the serious issue my stupid self caused. - -I have no one else to tell, except you, Reddit. - -I hope you're proud of me :) - -Edit: To the people downvoting what is actually an awesome success, I hope your coffee order is always wrong. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -331,im so tired of people thinking my choice not to wear a bra is for their sexual gratification.,"i understand that wearing bras is the norm in my country and seeing the real shape of a boob might elicit memories from the other times one has seen a boob like that. - -however I literally cant wear bras. at some point in high school I started getting really bad chest pain. i tried a bunch of different things bust realized it only ever happened when I had a bra on. i dint knkw why but I do know it almost never happens now when I don't wear bras. the chest pain comes back if I put anything remotely tight around my ribecage other sizes and materials do not change this. - -my situation is either extreme pain or no bra. - -i was embarrassed and ashamed for years! i would wear three shirts just to cover up the shape, it was way too much of a big deal over the natural shape of my body. - -I'm older now and I give less fucks so I just wear what I want like anyone else just with no bra, you know? - -but every once and a while I catch someone staring or I hear some retoric about women not wearing bras to show off and it just makes me so angry! I'm not showing off, I'm not looking for attention. being comfortable should not be a crime for women! - -and now that i work I've been to scared not to wear one, like I'm genuinely scared hr will talk to me and who knows if id lose respect from my co workers... ugh it just eats me up inside",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -332,Update 2- My step dad beat me with a chair and got away with it.,"(If you’re just reading this now I recommend reading the other 2 parts so everything makes sense) - - -So I didn’t expect to be updating so soon. I’ve been trying to take a break from social media, but I checked my moms Facebook one last time anyways before I did. Jim left her on luci’s birthday. Now she keeps posting between 1-8 videos a day talking shit on him. Multiple of her sobbing, saying how dumb she is and to not be like her. In one video she even said about how she “gave up talking to her 22 year old (me) for him”. - -It’s hard hold back my “I told you so”s I also feel bad for the kids though. In some of the vids she has posted, she talks about how sad they are. - -Also for anyone wondering Jim moved back with his mommy again. And that whole side of the family is back to bashing my mom. (They kept posting supportive things when they got back together) Also I guess (according to my moms videos) he left because he didn’t want to apologize for being rude to mom and the kids. - -I still have her blocked. I feel bad for her at the same time but she needs to learn how to dig herself out of the hole she put herself in. She needs to stand on her own feet and learn to make better decisions. ",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,train,offmychest -333,My Dick suddenly stopped getting hard,"One random day my dick which is usually 15 cm when hard turned into 11 cm when hard. And the next day i couldnt get hard at all. Im only 17 and i usually get hard very easily and have a high sex drive like every other teenager. My sex drive has also reduced drastically since i stopped getting hard. There has been no major lifestyle changes or medications and im only 17 which is what is making me go crazy.now all the time im stressed and worried about this. I started college one month back and other than that minor lifestyle changes for the past week are -1) i sleep 6-7 hours than when i usually slept 7-8 before -2)i drink green tea everyday -3) i chew gum everyday for 4 hours continously - -Other than these i cant think of any other changes, as i said i dont even have a sex drive since i stopped getting hard. Does anyone know the reason and can someone advice me in what to do",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,validation,offmychest -334,I HATE when my husband works from home,"I cannot deal. Like leave me alone. He comes over and looks over my shoulder at my computer, asks me to proof read his emails, wants to give me play by play updates about what’s happening at work and I DO NOT care. Like please, please leaveeeeeee at least sometimes. This is absolutely suffocating and I can’t stand it. My job does not have an office. - -I don’t know if anyone can relate but being with your spouse or literally anyone all day and all night 7 days a week is terrible in my opinion.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -335,Houseguest etiquette,"If you're visiting someone, especially if they have roommates that you don't know, make sure you don't leave bloody toilet paper on the seat of the main bathroom. I shouldn't have to find that and clean it up at 3am. I don't know you but I know I don't like you. Show some common decency and don't be disgusting. Oh and I think you broke the bottom step out to the backyard so now I have to worry about me or my dog falling on that. Thanks, go home soon",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -336," [UPDATE] the girl I've (21m) been talking to admitted that she lied about her age. (Said19 but she's actually 15), i don't know what to do. I need help "," -Its been almost a month since the original post, and holy crap what a month its been. -I almost got fucked up but i came here to say that im fine. Like i said in the previous post. I kept ignoring her, but then i get a message from her mom saying how dare i break her daughter's heart like that. Apparently she's so heartbroken and sad - -I made it very clear that her daughter f'ed and light to me about her age. And that im 21. -You wanna know the twist? Her mom already knows, and she let her stay because that was better than how she used to just hook with random guy's - -I could stop myself from calling the police. -Obviously every single freaking text message from her and her mom saved - -If not for those text messages i would probably be in jail, because lying about there age is not a defence. It was the most uncomfortable time of my life. Because even tho we didn't have sex I was asked questions about things like was there any groping or long make out, and did i make move often or was it her, the whole thing made me wanna throw up. - -I even heard and officer say she seemed to be dominant in the relationship or something like that i didn't hear it very well, but think good im fine. The girl is getting help for some undiagnosed mental problems that they found out she has. Her mom and dad i think are also getting punishment for allowing thos to happen to her, i just cut off myself from them completely as soon as i was done - -Probably not gonna think about dating for a while.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -337,Sex sex,"Sex, sex, and more sex. There I talked about sex, now up vote me to heaven for talking about in this group that wasn't always this sexual.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -338,My wife is participating in a beauty pageant and I am feeling a bit nervous and insecure,"My wife (29 F) always wanted to be in a beauty pageant, and she finally signed up for one. I'm super proud of her for being so brave and going for it. It's all new for her, especially the swimsuit part. She's never worn a bikini in public before, and all I want is for her to feel amazing up there! - -But... gotta be honest. I can't lie, there's a part of me feeling a bit nervous and insecure about other guys seeing her in a bikini on stage I know it sounds dumb, really, because this is all about her feeling confident, beautiful and empowered. It's her big moment, and I want her to shine! - -I guess I'm feeling a little possessive, and maybe it's also a worry about what other people would perceive. Whatever it is, I know I need to silence that little voice and just be 100% there for her big moment. She's strong, confident, and beautiful, and this pageant is all about celebrating that. Seeing her own it on stage is going to be incredible. - -Any advice on how to squash these conflicting feelings and just be her biggest fan? Thanks for listening !",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -339,Venting session,"Would somebody like to go on a private chat for a venting session? - -Got a lot on my mind and no one to talk to, and I can listen to you too…",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,part3,test,offmychest -340,Great day ended badly,"Throwaway for what will be obvious reasons. So here I am, having a productive day at work and this girl I’ve had a flirty, but platonic relationship with starts texting me very forward stuff. - -As the conversation goes on, I went for a great workout. After hitting a PR, the girl asked me out on a date, which I’m obviously really excited for. To celebrate, I ordered myself some fried chicken and decided to take my dog on an extra walk. - -When we’re about 8 blocks from my apartment, I have to fart. No big deal, everything has gone my way today. I made sure no one is around and let it rip, which was, unfortunately, me shitting my pants. So the end to my Ice Cube day is me hobbling back to my apartment while crap streams down my legs. Still worth it though.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -341,Broke up with fiance,"So tonight I caught my fiance cheating and kicked her out. I let her pack bags and get a friend to come pick her up and for the first time in my life I'm living completely alone. - -I absolutely lost it earlier, crying and screaming. I eventually called the closest thing I had to a friend and poured it all over her. I must have really scared her because she called health check with the authorities, I was mad at her for a minute until I realized it was just because she was scared for me. Now my eyes are puffy and dry, no more tears left. Life has no flavor and color when I'm alone. Yes I can function, but I have to wonder at the point of trying. Still, I promised my friend I would try and put myself into something, work, the gym, maybe both, volunteer work, whatever. I'm not going to kill myself, but at the same time if I fell into a coma I'd be okay with it.",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3.333333333,part3,test,offmychest -342,People don’t know what they’re talking about sometimes," -When you grow up with individuals who are highly toxic, you take on a toxic mindset. It’s only natural that this happens. However, not only do you do that, you also may even idolize these people. When you grow up around your uncles and aunts, you sometimes want to be like them. You take their advice, their “kindness” laced with judgement, their opinion on everything, etc. and hold it as the truth. You’re excited to visit their house and spend time with these individuals. - -Then, you get older. And you realize that they have no idea what they’re talking about. Maybe some of it is true, but a whole lot of it isn’t. You realize their negativity and their absolute ignorance. It seems like a form of betrayal. Like “you’ve been like this the entire time?” And “ you’ve been spouting these nonsense to me this ENTIRE time???”. - -These people then lose value. Your precious aunt and uncle are no longer the people you knew, they’re just people now. Unfortunately, I’ve lost a lot of respect for them. - -Note to self that may apply for other people: - -These people are not there for you, they will not be there for you, they are selfish individuals who are not your family. These people value wealth over others, and you will never be like them so long as you try to be the best person for this world. - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -343,"My emetophobia is just getting worse, and I’ll be on my own soon","So I have emetophobia, a fear of throwing up. I’m currently 22 and live with my aunt and my sister. But in a few months I’ll be living alone for the first time. I’m not really nervous about most parts of that transition except for being sick. This fear is one that I’ve had since childhood but it’s only gotten worse. Im terrified of throwing up, seeing or hearing other people throw up, talking about it etc. but im also terrified of getting sick myself even as much as a simple cold so i do everything in my power to prevent it. But every now and then I do get nauseous and all of a sudden im like a 5 year old. I’m calling for my aunt, crying and im just a mess. - -I also have r cpd which i believe is what causes part of this fear and it makes being sick 10x more uncomfortable. - -I just don’t know how im supposed to be on my own if I can’t even be sick without spiraling into a panic attack. I haven’t even thrown up in years, at least 10 ish years but I have scares all the time. So I know I will have these moments soon again and I don’t know how I’m going to combat them alone. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -344,Being rich sounds like the closest thing to heaven on earth,"Yeah I can admit that my desires are purely hedonistic but that won’t change how I feel. - -The idea of being so rich that I can pick out any woman if I desire to sleep with her, the idea of traveling and seeing every corner of our big world. The comfort and the stress free life I’d live if I was rich. Anything and everything I want handed to me with or without me asking fuckkk mannnn that truly sounds like heaven to me. - -At least it’s better laying in my small as fuck bed with negative balance in my account trying to balance work and school at the same time, maybe I’m not destined to live such blissful life",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -345,I need advice about this situation with my in-laws,"I 23F live with bf24 been dating for 4years. -My bf cousin told me my sister inlaw and her bf were talking terrible things about me, - on Christmas when my bf went to sleep. -He told me that the way they talked soo bad about me that day, -I must never ever meet my bfs family I must never ever go there. -I told my bf this and he says the cousin is lying I shouldn’t believe him. -Iam soo confused and soo depressed about the way I just now feel soomuch hate towards the sister inlaw and her bf. -the situation is causing me crazy depression I spend time in bed thinking about it . - sometimes I can’t even do anything I feel horrible. -The sister always inviting me and always sending me her greetings but i just can’t accept the invites and can’t stand her. -My bfs birthday is coming up to they’ll invite me and I’ll have to decline again because I’m trying to protect myself from his Family. -Please give me an advice this is not healthy that I feel soo shitty.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,validation,offmychest -347,Tiers of life,"I feel like in life you can very easily mess it up. Or just because of your background you can mess it up. Like with societal disadvantages. People don’t realize it but there is constant danger in our everyday lives. You could so easily run into financial ruin, illness, hit by a car. -But we are safeguarded by society and it categorizes us. I think if you can handle more responsibility then you’re able to live more because you won’t end up dying. -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -348,I'm going to my brother's funeral but I'm glad he's dead,"This is a heavy one... - -I'm( 21 F) going to my brother's funeral today against my wishes ( my family guilted me into it) but I'm glad he's dead. - -I know this sounds cruel and heartless but let me explain. My brother (33 M) was a drug addict, any drug you can think of he has probably gotten his hands on. Since about 15 years old my brother has been on substances and actively rejecting help, straining our family. - -I lived with my dad and my brother was in our lives on and off when it was convenient. He threatened my father with a knife many times, had freakouts while on drugs claiming that people were going to hurt him, etc. My dad took him to rehab multiple times using his own vehicle and gas even though we were dirt broke most of the time. And still, my junkie brother would drop out of rehab just to come home, steal our possessions and score more drugs. - -When I was younger I feared being at home because I saw how violent, paranoid and angry my brother was. I would lock myself in my room for entire evenings just praying that my father wouldn't actually be stabbed and killed this time. - -These are just a few examples of many reasons why I'm glad he's dead. He caused stress to our family, stole resources and trust for his own gain, so no, I will not mourn him.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -349,will things ever be okay?,"I got fired at my job for poor performance months ago and I feel so worthless and stupid. It was my fault and I feel like I've just fucked up my entire career. - -I can't seem to get rid of my negative spiralling thoughts even though I've tried to talk to family and friends. I've looked for jobs but I keep fucking up the interviews because I lost all confidence and I'm self doubting everything about myself. - -Sorry for this rant - I just really need some hope things will get better.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,test,offmychest -350,Been amazing friends for 2 decades and Been into him for half the time,"One of my best friends/closest friends since my preteens. When I realized I had a crush I never told him and I ended up with someone for a decade kept my distance and hoped the feelings would fade and it never did. Everytime I was single he wasn't and same with him. I finally got over my nerves. Even with distance I never moved on and I told him about how I always felt. -I found out he had been crushing but same problem both never single at the same time. He went through a hard break up and has lots of healing to do and I'm not sure if there's feelings still there and I'm not sure he knows either he's pretty broken over the break up. I just don't want to waste more years waiting for nothing to come of it but even when I have broken contact in hopes of moving on it hasn't happened. Advice on how to move on? Time and distance hasn't done a thing. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -351,Feeling Isolated and Wondering What Went Wrong,"I'm a 30-year-old guy, and I'm at a point where I've lost a lot of friends over the years. Back in high school, I thought I had a solid group of friends, but life has been tough. At 25, I found out I was adopted, which led to me cutting everyone out of my life, including my family. - -Now, looking back at 30, I can't help but wonder what went wrong. I've never been invited to a wedding, and many of my close friends are no longer in my life. One of my best friends is even dating my ex. I only have about five people in my close circle now. Is there something wrong with me?","['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends']",3,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends']",3,"['Lack of family contact', 'Lack of friends']",3,"['Lack of family contact','Lack of friends']",3,part3,test,offmychest -352,for you to read.,"iam just scrolling then feel like i want to say something. idk why. maybe - -just maybe.. someone out there is meant to hear it.. - -so iam not in my ultimate state rn , neither am i hurt or upset. iam fine. - -and so are you. - -and if you're not at the moment, you will be. - -i promise. - -do you need a hug? - -here. - -now smile. you'll get through this, you always did and you still will. - -life without struggles and challenges and pains, isn't something to wish for - -infact whats the point? its almost like going to the mall every single day, no way you won't one day be sick of it.. even a life with no troubles is hard. - -god/allah never sends the heavy stuff to its weakest soldiers, only his strongest. - -hey, - -keep your head up, this was meant for you to hear. - -iam proud that you have your heart in the right place. - -and thankyou. thankyou for existing. for being the person you're.. - -falling and getting up, facing the struggles even if you're fighting tears. - -thankyou for still being here, with me. on this planet🩷 - -i really do care for you, you know? - -you're so so beautiful my angel. god bless you. - -was nice catching up with you btw :) would love to do it again some day. - -bye bro👋👋",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -353,My first ever post. About my day,"This is the first time I'm posting anything like this online. But from what I've heard it's important to share and not keep things bottled up. Lately I've been feeling very stressed, so I thought I'd share my journal entry with reddit community. See what people think or maybe in a weird way I just need the feeling that I'm not talking to myself. - -Today’s been a weird day. It feels like I’ve made progress with my family but gone backwards with Partner . Yesterday I was able to share what I learnt through experience and immediately saw it help my cousin . In return, he hasn’t stopped talking to me about what he wants to do in future and general life also. I’m liking talking to him, for the first time I feel like he’s opening up to me. And tomorrow I get to show them my favourite movie. Rocky. The first time I watched it I was too young to understand it. I wasn’t sure what it meant. I guess I hadn’t experienced enough in life yet to truly understand what it meant. Sly who wrote the story wrote it when it was his last straw, a last attempt at not failing. I can’t even begin to imagine what he must’ve gone through until that point. I can’t wait to watch it again. Hopefully I will learn something. Hopefully I will teach my brother and cousin something through it. But most importantly, I hope I become a wiser and become at least a little kind, to myself and those close to me. Even strangers perhaps. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -354,Finding out some men get off on SA stories has made me spiral,"I'm posting this from a throwaway because I don't want it associated with my main account for obvious reasons. I'm a 28 year old woman living in the US and some background on me I was SA'd by a family member from about 6-10 and once as an adult. This caused me to found a local SA survivors group where I've been working with girls trying to turn my own pain into other people healing. - -I'd also been talking openly about it online and keeping an eye on DM's that way if another girl was going through it and needed support reached out I could help them. One day I get a DM and it's like...alarm bells start going off. Asking weird targeted questions about my situation, I click through their profile and it's full of rape fetish content. Needly to say I literally vomited. Now ever since I constantly feel this internal conflict between sharing my story to help others and keeping it to myself out of disgust. It was reviolating in a way I can barely begin to explain. Even worse I know sharing this, this will probably be viewed by one of those losers.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -355,My ex loved anal and I miss it,"I’m 45M. My ex wife was crazy but she was very hot and was very sexual. I introduced her to anal sex and she loved it so much there was a point she liked it more than regular sex. -I haven’t had anal sex since the divorce 12 yrs back. My current wife doesn’t even want it mentioned in the bedroom + has low libido. -Today I was remembering a night in 2011 when it was late, I was kinda horny but also sleepy. I wanted a quickie and she wanted anal. That would mean the whole 9 yards - foreplay, lube, buttplug, then going slow etc etc. So I said, “Can we not do this tonight and just do like regular sex?” Wow, had I known that would be one of the last times I was having anal, I would never have said it. -People who are having good sex - enjoy it, don’t take it for granted",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -356,My sister resents me and I don’t know why,"I’m 24. My sister is 21. We share an apartment and split the rent. - -Our relationship has been strained for the past 3 years. It’s the first time I started to notice that she had anger towards me. - -I think she started to feel like I didn’t meet her emotional needs, etc. maybe she felt like she gave a lot more in the relationship than I did. I don’t agree, but that’s her feelings. - -Also, I think beyond resentment it’s her own bitterness. Life is HARD. And when she turned 18 and had to have basic adult responsibilities she was angry. - -I have the same adult responsibilities and my life sucks just as much as hers. But the difference is I’m not bitter. I’m not happy, but not bitter. - -I think my lack of bitterness might also contribute to her resentment towards me. Idk ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,test,offmychest -357,Fiancee is in jail while I'm 8 months pregnant,"Hi. So I really just want to get this off my chest. - -My (25F) fiancee (27M) is currently in jail for something that could have been avoided, but alas. He's looking at YEARS. - -I'm also currently 8 months (34+6) pregnant and I'm scheduled for a C-section in August. I love this man to death, but I'm extremely hurt that he went and did this after he was in jail from January until April of this year. He just went back in June. - -I am already scheduled for Therapy on July 31st, but I just have so many negative thoughts and feelings about him going to jail. - -Every time I ask him why he did it, he just says so that he doesn't know or he wasn't thinking. - -This is his first child and he's missed so much of the pregnancy already. Not to mention all the drama with his mother which is a completely different post in itself. - -I love him to death and I want to be with him, but I'm worried about our future.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,test,offmychest -358,Friendship issues?,"I dunno, it's just the small things in it that make me feel off like my best friend always seeing my messages but never responding (I get she's busy sometimes but all the time??) it's four of us in total and I always hear how three of them go and hang out spontaneously but I'm never invited, I live a literal 10 minute walk away from one. - -It kinda hurts but I dunno if I'm just being clingy and expecting them to hang out with me, we are all hanging out this Wednesday but I don't know if I feel like going anymore because I feel like I may just be singled out, it hurts more because I've known one for almost 9 years now and these others for just over a month but I feel like a bad person for just going completely silent on them but at the same time I'm sick of hearing about them all going out constantly and just being left on read when I said I wish I could've come",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -359,I’m done,"My partner is breaking up with me I really don’t want to be alive anymore, I’ve got nowhere to go, I don’t want to live without her in my life",['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,evaluation,train,offmychest -360,Is it okay,"To just say - -Keeus H Christ I'm horny. - -Feel wet and uncomfortable closing my legs please come touch me - - -NOW - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -361,I haven’t heard from my boyfriend since Thursday night….what should I do?,"Me and my BF have been together for a year we actually recently celebrated our 1 year last month. Also his birthday is next week. - -When we spoke on Thursday night I spoke about missing him and he replied that he misses me too and that he was exhausted while he was working his night shift. I contacted him Friday with a usually good morning text before my shift at work and one I got to work at 12pm I notified him. My shift ended at 6 and still nothing from him. (Usually when he sleeps the rest of the day he will still message even to get up and pee). - -I called him twice and rung to voicemail -I even drove by his residence and didn’t see his car in the driveway. So idk what to do? ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -362,I have to because it really bothers me:," -while many of us are struggling to make rent, these kids come from their trust funds and live in the expensive buildings, are super rude to the original residents of the town, and literally walk like zombies. - -They never look up from their phones, it’s ridiculous. - -I also used to work in HR and left due to the favoritism on Indians and other Asians being hired for every role. I feel also that they think that they are too good to mingle with the rest of us. You literally say hello and they look at you as if you were an alien. It’s unfortunate. - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -363,Am i an awful partner?,"So my partner (23M) and I (21F) got married about 7 months ago, and we’ve been together for YEARS at this point. i love him & everything has been fine, but recently we’ve been hanging out with a (new-ish) friend, we’ll call him Dave; the way he looks at me? I know it’s not just some friendly gaze, i’ve been dreaming about him every night & cannot get him off of my mind. Dave has a kid (we can’t have kids) and seeing him be such a good dad makes it that much harder; i don’t want a divorce, but i’m kinda stuck wondering what to do with myself? I also don’t wanna make the first move and somehow have been wrong, but at the same time i just KNOW he’s got to feel the same way, i just want him to know how special he makes me feel, and the flirting just makes me feel so, valued..😮‍💨 How wrong is this?? Do i make a move??? -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -364,Life is too much goddamn work.,"And on top of that, I’m surrounded by toxic people. I’m sick of it.",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -365,i think i have lyme disease and there’s nothing i can do about it,"Before you assume, no i’m not trying to self diagnose, no im not a hypochondriac. - - -I’m a teenager, and i’m entirely dependent on my neglectful parents for medical care. Aside from that, my countries healthcare system is in a complete shamble. - - -As for why i think i could have lyme disease, i know what im about to say was immensely stupid but i knew nothing about the transmission of lyme. I was on FT with my then gf, and i found a dying deer mouse on my doorstep when i went to let my dog out. It wasn’t wounded or anything, but it didn’t run away from me and allowed me to pick it up, i assumed it was dying from old age or a non-transmittable disease. I felt genuinely terrible for it, i’ve watched my father use kill traps on mice and i didn’t want this one to die on cold stone. I held it for about an hour and a half, during this time i noticed (what i now know to be) an adult female deer tick crawl down my arm. Thinking it was just another bug, i just swatted it off. - - - -this was a year ago now. I’m already disabled with a diagnosed chronic pain condition (chronic coccydynia), but since then i’ve noticed a gradual decline in my health. I’m constantly lethargic and in pain, my muscles are weak and my neck is always stiff. No matter how much i sleep it’s never enough, with a bunch of other stuff. I’m not asking to be diagnosed, I know i could be wrong but i also know my odds aren’t great. I’m just hoping things will work themselves out tbh. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -366,My best friend is a troll,"I found out my best friends reddit account. We have been through a lot together and have been in each others lives for 15 years. - - I am APPALLED at how she handles herself online. She’s 32 years old. Preaches on and on to me about how terrible it is that her old friend group are toxic and spread judgement about her and others. Now she’s a reddit troll on every snark page just HATING on people who don’t know she even exists (mostly celebrities or random reality show “stars”). Idk what to do. I’ve completely lost respect for her. She just seems like such a loser. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -367,I got friendzoned by the girl I've liked the most because I played it safe and took too long to go for it,"I met this girl on Tinder 2-3 months ago. We instantly clicked, and went on two dates which were fenomenal. I had the most fun I've ever had, and I could tell she enjoyed it a lot too. - -Seeing how well it was going, I didn't wanna risk it and go for the kiss by the end of it. We hugged and I kissed her cheek, but nothing past that. - -After that things started going badly, and I just entered the friendzone. We are still friends to this day, and yesterday we went out to a street market for the night and I mentioned if there was a chance for us to be something more, but she told me that although she was very fond and interested in me the first times we met, eventually now she just sees me as a friend. I asked if going for a kiss the first two times would have helped developing our relationship in another direction, and she said she can't be sure, but might. - -I absolutely adore this girl, she's sexy, fun, gorgeous and her positive energy is so damn good all I want is to be with her as much as possible and make her not lose her smile. But now it's too late, I fucked up. - -It took me like 10 years to find someone that would make me as interested in them, and I am taking it hard. I know I eventually will move on, but right now I hate my past self and wish I had been a bit braver. - -If this helps anyone to take the first step quickly, I am glad. Don't be me.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -368,What do I (19) do if my younger brother (15) touched me inappropriately while he thought I was asleep?,"Hello, last night, my brother (15) and I (19) were sleeping over with some childhood friends, a brother (21) and his sister (19). We were all sleeping on the same couch so we were all really close. Logically, I was lying between my brother and my female friend. All of a sudden, I started feeling somebody touching me inappropriately. It was my brother. At first, I thought “No this can’t be, he’s my little brother”. But it became very apparent. I guess he thought I was sleeping. I felt him touching my breast over the clothes and then he tried to lift my shirt up but my hands were over it. He noticed that and then he subtly moved my hand. After managing to do that I felt him touching...himself. He even tried to get into my panties. Tears were rolling down my face. I didn’t move. I didn’t think it was possible. But it was happening, I don’t know why I didn’t react. I even tried to turn away from him but he just started touching my ass. I don’t know what to do. I’m confused. Do I tell somebody? Our mom? Our dad? What do I do? Do I confront him? I can’t look at him the same, obviously. He’s acting like nothing happened.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -369,I'm about to go back home to my family and I'm afraid.,"At the end of the month I'm flying back home to my family for summer break and I'm on full paranoia and anxiety mode right now. - -I was free for most of the year, living on my own, drawing wherever and whenever I want, buying and reading art books, going to art galleries, and soon all of that's gonna get abruptly taken away. I'll go back to hiding all my art supplies, locking myself in the bathroom just to doodle, watching my words so my family doesn't know I've been drawing, pretending to be clueless when my pro artist mother and siblings talk about art stuff, etc. I know it's only for a couple months, but it's such a huge pain. I guess this is just a yearly thing for me now. - -I just wanna be an artist so bad. The fact that I'm not is why they want me to quit so bad. And to think all this just because I quit art as a kid and only picked it up again too late. I never knew the consequences of that one little decision would cause so many problems for me so far down the line.",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,exploration,train,offmychest -370,I think I’m going to be alone forever,"I know I have my family but I’ve never been able to keep friends for a long time, I have people that check in now and again but I don’t have people who actively seek friendship, my romantic life has been filled with abuses, and never feeling good enough. Every time I meet someone I feel them just wanting to use me for sex, it’s gotten to the point where I’m terrified of physical touch, I want people to want to be around me but at this point I just feel like I’m not meant to be with people.","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships']",3.666666667,part3,train,offmychest -371,Is there a way to describe what I’m feeling and how I should deal with it?,"I’m friends with someone that I’ve had a minor crush on for a while, nothing too intense but I know the way I feel about them isn’t completely platonic and for as long as I’ve known them, I haven’t been able to change how I feel. They’re somehow always in the back of my mind. Yet at the same time, I don’t want to date them, be in a relationship with them, or even have a physical relationship/fwb situation. I just know that I like them and I want to be around them all the time and that’s it. I know they like someone else and have liked that person since elementary school (we’re college students), so I’ll never make a move, but it doesn’t bother me much that their heart will never yearn for mine. If anything, I’m happy that they have someone that makes them so happy and I want them to be able to have their chance with the person they want - I’m hoping it will happen. I know I’m not special to them in the way they are to me, but I’m grateful that I feel so comfortable around them because of how difficult it is for me to open up. I just want to see them happy, whether that happiness involves me or not. I’m not asexual or aromantic, so I know it’s not attributed to anything like that, especially since I’ve been interested in people and wanted to pursue an actual relationship with them previously. I just know that this is different but I don’t know what it is and how I should go about dealing with it. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,test,offmychest -372,A tiktok made me look at my breakup differently and my mind is in shock and awe right now,"Context I got broken up with 2 months ago, ended on good terms but it got left a bit vague as to why I exactly she wanted to break up. Now today I’m scrolling tiktok as I’m bored and it was a girl saying “I wanted a different future that you didn’t but I love you all the same” and that hit me. That thought never even came to me that my ex maybe just wanted something too different for her future and was too anxious or afraid to talk about it. And now my brain is molten for the rest of the day",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -373,I feel like my best friend tolerates me because he has to,"My best friend(m19) and I(m19) started living together last year and things have been good, but we had a few fights(a big one too) which we got over and are ‘good’ as far as he’s concerned. Thing is, since we got back from university(we live in the same town), i feel like he talks to me because we are in the same friend group, and only because of that. When I think about it, he never gave me a feeling that he likes being my friend, and we’ve been good friends for about 4 years… A lot of times my other friends comment that I would do more for him than he would for me, and that makes me want to pull back from him, but I always find myself going back and wanting him to give me a reason or something so that I know he likes to at least be around me. It feels like I’m friends with a wall, especially over text, where he completely ignores me or answers with one word texts when i ask him something.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -374,Im thinking of ending things,"Im thinking about it, for sure. Doubt I will follow through with it. Everything is going wrong. My mom got diagnosed with breast cancer , my old roommate who began dating my best friend refused to pay me back on the last months rent/ utilities and went off on me saying horrible shit - so by default my “bestfriend” of 6 years blocked me and they both are no longer apart of my life. I hate my job so much, a job I once loved so dearly and literally saved my life. Im so anxious all the time. I only have 2 friends, and i live alone now. - -I experienced genuine happiness in 2023 after escaping an abusive relationship. My entire life has been like this and I only had a year of happiness. I only had a fucking year. - -I doubt I ever will, though. I ache for a happy ending, I want a chance to be happy but it feels like Its just downhill from here. But man, as someone who has attempted before this is the scariest feeling. Ive never felt this amount of dread and impending doom. I wish I could stop it. Also my therapist ghosted me right before all this began so lol ❤️",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],4,['Not lonely'],4,['Not lonely'],3,evaluation,train,offmychest -375,"I was going to end my life today, but I decided to finish Sonic Unleashed instead","Title is exactly what happened. I've (m23) recently broke up with my ex (f22) and I felt like my life was over. The relationship had to end because it was too much pressure for her while she deals with mental issues. But to me it didn't seem like it had to end. So I was debating on just ending it all because I'm tired of ruining every relationship I have. I set the date for today - Friday the 12th - to decide if I was going to do it or not. - -But before that I thought I'd at least finish my last playthrough of sonic unleashed. Yea the game has its ups and downs, but playing it made me remember alot of things. All the ups and downs I've had and despite dealing with depression my whole life, I'm still here to play this game that's I've had since I was a kid. I did nothing but smile while I played it. - -So I've finished playing it and I think I won't go through with it. Its a stupid reason not to end my life, but somehow I feel happy enough to not go through with it and instead write this silly post on this really stupid thing that's happened to me. I can't kill myself because Shadow generations looks so good and I'm really looking forward to it. - -Tldr - Sonic Unleashed is so good it made me reconsider suicide",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,test,offmychest -376,Is something wrong with me?,"So I've grown up a traumatic childhood (I'm 18F) and still am dealing with a TON of crap, I've never been loved or felt loved growing up, always hit and yelled at, and more things I don't want to talk about, but there is something strange going on with me, I felt deep attractions towards fictional characters, for an example (Screech from Doors) and other characters, but screech is the most ""Loved"" one for me, I don't find actual people attractive in any way the way I find fictional characters attractive, mostly monster characters attract me the most, but screech I've been ""hyperfixated"" on, I have merch (unofficial) of him and I do things to them, for an example I own a smelly crusty plush of him and I've always did things to it, kiss it, sleep with it and treat it as a lover, which I don't do for an actual person, it feels so right yet so wrong, people don't like me for this behavior, I even take the plush to school and all that, he's always by my side, I feel so comfortable and happy around him, yet being depressed and having suicidal thoughts, yes this happens to me growing up, but I've always wondered why?.",['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,part3,train,offmychest -377,i want to get a breast reduction,"basically that. i hate having a big chest😭i prefer smaller boobs in all aspects. mine sag and are ugly, i just want mine to sit prettier???",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -378,Why can't life be easier,"After 4 years I'll soon be living on my own again. I'm so afraid to fall back into old habits. Staying in bed, isolating myself and overall neglecting the house I live in. I've got pets to take care of, so that's something, but I'm sure I won't be taking proper care of myself. I already spoke to an organisation that'll provide some help and support, but my first appointment isn't until next month. I can feel myself slowly slipping away and the depression is getting worse. I wish I could just enjoy life and do things I wanna do but my autistic arse is holding me back. I just don't know what to do anymore.",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2.666666667,part3,test,offmychest -379,My uncle assaulted someone,"Some details have been changed to protect my privacy. - -My uncle was just charged with sexual assault of a minor. I don't really know the details, and quite frankly I don't want to. All I know is it was someone in his trust (think camp counselor to camper) and they had enough evidence to detain him. I'm just so shocked. He was always so fun and nice, and I never once felt unsafe around him. Clearly my intuition is off. I'm disgusted with him and honestly, with myself. I feel like I should've known something. I feel bad that I'm struggling to connect the fun, jovial guy I knew and this monster. Of course I believe the victim, it's just so hard to process. My family is on the fence about who to believe, and that makes me sick too. I know it's technically family, but how can you continue to claim this person as such? I don't know. It's all I can think about, and I want to talk about it, but nobody wants to bring it up. I'm just sad that I thought he was such a great guy, but clearly it was all a facade. It also makes me question everyone else; if he was so good at hiding this, who else could be? It's just all around so messed up. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -380,Time to let go for their happiness!,"May be it's time to let it go this time. It's hard but it is what he needs and I have to let go. They are unhappy with me then there's no point in being together. Everytime I try saving it, because I believe anger should not destroy us and they said it's like forcing them into it, haha. It's peace this time, if they don't want it then I respect them. I am not forcing anyone to marry me. -And definitely if my presence or absence makes no difference in their life. Then we never loved each other. I am happy for them. -Their ignorrance made me realise what I mean to them. May be, that's what the really wanted always? That's what they asked God for to make sure we don't be with each other. They don't fear anything. May be, there is a better girl they deserve? I want them to be happy right? Then yes, best is to let go of them. But it hurts!! I wish I have the strength to let it go this time. They don't want me, that's the truth and I gotta accept it. I have to!! They have always tried doing things so we move apart forever. It's time to hear their call? ",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,validation,offmychest -381,Bpd = it’s okay to be emotionally abusive,"My bf has Bpd. Six months ago, his episodes used to be really bad and he would just straight up push me to my mental limits when he’d split. We’ve been together for a year now getting on really well without many issues. - Last night we started bickering and out of nowhere it started happening again (over text) just tormenting me, making me feel unloved and worthless even after I told him how he makes me feel he still continued. He tries to get me to break up with him, and talks about killing himself by monday and threatens me (“or else”) if I call his best friend to go round his house and keep him company as I am too far away. -At about 4am I went to sleep because I didn’t want to give him any more entertainment of me begging him for normality and kindness. Woke up to countless missed calls and a few texts saying sorry and I love you. I don’t belive him for a second. -I just feel hurt by how he treats me when he gets like this. He said he doesn’t know why he does it or why he’s like this and I’m sick of it. I do everything for him financially and get him so much. I give him so much and give him a good life. -I don’t understand how to navigate dating someone like this if I’m honest, and if other people with bpd or people with partners with bpd could reply id love that. - - - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -382,Im fucking up my life.,"Im a teen im 16 and im hanging out with the wrong people but i cant get rid of em, im lonely without them. Theyre the only People that are with me, i started smoking with them when i was only 13 and smoked my first joint at 14. im still trying to stop im trying everything, ive been „clean“ for 2 weeks but ive been having bad withdrawals. im just searching for advice what i could do to cut them off, no contact. And or to stop my addiction. Plus the big factor is my dad died when i was 9 so my mental state is also a huge factor that makes me addicted, Plus if i dont have anger contact with them then im lonely. i have no one if i leave them, im just searching for some help. plus they have started doing harder drugs and theyre trying to get me addicted too, i dont wanna be a homeless crackhead in the future. Please if Anyone has advice could u help me.",['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -383,Think wife is cheating again,Wife cheated on me years ago with my sons basketball coach. After separating and getting counseling we got back together. There are things she’s doing again that make me feel like she’s back to her old ways. Would appreciate outside opinion. Dm open if available.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -384,This was something I wrote down about 4 years after my biological father passed away. Still don't know how to feel.,"The last thing you ever said to me was to ""walk in your shoes."" I never responded to you. I still harbor hate towards you. I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive you. We all have made decisions in life that lead to where we are. We choose who we are. You chose drugs. I understand that after you get hooked, the drugs have you. But you didn't have to start doing drugs. You could've been a better man. You chose to break DJ's hips. You chose to use his identity to cause him to be in medical debt. You chose to use his name and get warrants for his arrest. You chose to cheat on mom, physically and mentally abuse her and your kids. And when she tried to leave, you threatened to kill her and your kids. I don't need to walk in your shoes. I wouldn't want to. I was 7 and I witnessed my dad stomping on my brotbers hips. I choose to be there for my kids. I choose to love them. I choose to provide for them. I choose to be the father they deserve to have because these are the best kids. I wouldn't know what to do without them. My kids are my drug. I have grown to be a better man than you. I have grown to be a better father than you. - - -Dj is my older brother.",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,exploration,test,offmychest -385,Feeling like a bad partner for not pushing my fiance to get dental help.,"So for background he has really bad dental hygiene due to not brushing because of depression. This was way before we even got together. It hurts him to brush his teeth now so he doesn’t (trust me I’ve tried everything I can to help) and idk what to do. I’m afraid his teeth are gonna fall out and the smell has been awful lately. I try not to say anything because I’m worried he will unalive himself or something. I wish I was being dramatic but idk what to do. I’ve gotten numbing mouthwash, soft toothbrushes, and sensitive toothpaste and nothing helps him. He won’t go to a dentist. I’m just so lost. I feel like if I tell anyone they will judge him or I. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -386,Not being invited to group vacation.,"Hey everyone, - -I am part of an association, I do lot of volunteering and I'm trying to make friends. -I always struggled with making friends but I've been steadily improving my social skills and I thought I had bonded pretty well with the people there. - -This weekend there was apprently a vacation planned with the inner core of the association. Me, a current board member and my partner, next board member, where not invited. - -This stung hard. I've really grown to see these people as my friends and I hoped that they would have valued me the same. -I don't know what to do with my feelings. I can't truly be angry at them, as they are well in the right not to invite people. But I do feel angry but I'm not sure if I'm angry at them or myself. - -What should I do next? The association is a huge part of my life but it hurts thinking about it now. I just feel so alone.","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",2.666666667,part3,validation,offmychest -387,I now have anger issues,"I walk around visibly pissed off. I scream in my car. I throw shit around. I deliver food 10hrs a day. I have a grad degree in IT and can’t land a job. I’m 33M and losing my mind. - -The only peace I have is by hurting myself with exercise and the extreme tiredness at the end of the day. I want to tear the faces off people that don’t tip after wasting gas and time to deliver their shitty fast food. I used to make 35$ an hour and I make about 12$ now. - -If this continues, I’m going to have a melt down. I’m far more angry than depressed but the depression just causes me to be angry at all time. I hate being poor, I hate being alone, and I absolutely hate every waking moment of my life. - -The only possibility of me being happy again is getting another decent paying job.. How do I manage this unstoppable anger?",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],2,part3,train,offmychest -388,"My ""uncle's"" family is abusing dogs","We share a house with my dad's brother who has a wife and son. They own 6 dogs. We always thought they were too many but the wife continuously showed her dogs off and posted about how much she cares about them and wants to rescue them. Some of them were purchased so not all were rescues. - -Lately they've been leaving the dogs outdoors in the hot summer temperatures, in the haistorm, all night. Because apparently they've been making a lot of mess, peeing in the house and stuff like that. - -I feel incredibly bad for them and when I told my family this I also added: If they continue these dogs will die. One of them had already lost a lot of weight because it continues to eat the poop of all the other dogs. They all poop in the garden. I don't know the last time they've taken a dog for a walk. They only did it in the beginning when they tried to show off. - -My parents answered: they do hope the dogs die. It's not all of them, just the ones making a mess. - -I feel really bad, I would never sue them or call animal protection because they are kinda confrontational and would immediately suspect my family. -My bf insists I call animal protection but as much as my heart breaks for those dogs, I can't create problems for my family. - -The dogs also make noise at night in front of my window and wake me up and the entire situation is just unbearable. I'm incredibly mad over this but even more so because there's nothing I can do.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -389,Stop sending me your wedding photos,"My ex-husband keeps sending me the photos of his wedding to his dream girl. We have a kid together, so he’s sending me the photos including her. - -But man it’s really pushed me to the emotional edge today. Id never tell him that now, but watching him marry someone he actually loves killed me. Plus he moved her into the house I totally walked away from without a dime (before I was even out), and they worked together. So I’m sure there’s more than I’ll ever fully know. - -And even 4 years out, I wish I could end it all every time I wake up. -Only the kid keeps me going.. - -He’s not being malicious. He just really didn’t love me, so I think he just has little empathy for the lesser woman he dumped and is just trying to share. We get along well enough. - -Man. I hope I don’t wake up tomorrow.",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -390,I wished he liked me back….," -It sucks out here…. I feel like the guys I always wanted to be with never feel the same and it puts me in this depressed and unworthy mood. Makes me feel like something is wrong with me and it sucks. The girls who will have them are so lucky…. Finding a man has been a hurtful and mentally exhausting journey. I don’t think I can handle this anymore. ",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,part3,train,offmychest -391,I can’t share my success stories,"Things at work are finally coming together, and I can’t share. - -My wife is getting her ass kicked trying to find a new job. - -My mother is a self absorbed narcissist. - -I’m “the successful” guy for my close friends anyway “We don’t even know / understand half of what you do” is another answer I got. - -yeah, luxury problems… but still.. argh!!",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,test,offmychest -392,Validation .,"Being depressed and feeling like what you sacrifice for physically , mentally attempting to keep a spark is very hard with it’s only one side but then get guild trip about it is just toxic af - -I want to be loved feel like I’m attractive and that I matter more then just being stable income - -Sorry just feel like I can’t to anybody I don’t have people who to talk to about it which makes it worse ",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,part3,train,offmychest -393,They Apologized,"So, in high-school someone who was one of my best friends informed me, in front of the entire friend group, that nobody liked me and just felt sorry for me. Cue Imposter Syndrome. - -They've reached out a few times through mutual friends' posts, but yesterday they reached out to me privately, and not only acknowledged the hurt they remembered, but listened to the hurt they forgot they caused (medical issue with memory). We had a long conversation and they were so open to repairing the bridge. - -This is a huge weight off my soul, my heart, and my mind. I know there's still progress to make, but this helped so much at a time when I'm already working on improving myself. This definitely makes the future seem brighter already!",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -394,Came to vent-now I feel bad for everyone else,I came here to vent how no one in my life gives 2 shits what I am going through or how I feel but I am always there for everyone else. I then read a few posts here and now I feel bad for thinking I have problems.,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -395,My grandfather is in critical condition,"My grandfather was praying and he fell and hit his head, and he got a blood clot and concussion. - -They’re trying to reduce the swelling but the meds aren’t working as well as they thought - -They’re taking him into surgery, but they can’t be sure of whether or not his BP will be stable enough for him to live. If he does, it’s a month long recovery, and he may lose function in a limb or god forbid a sense - -He’s near 80 years old, so I knew it would come at some point, but it’s too soon.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,validation,offmychest -396,How is it possible that I am suicidal even though I don't want to be suicidal?,I don't understand how it is possible that I am suicidal even though I don't want to be suicidal. I have been this way for two and a half years. How is this possible?,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.67,evaluation,train,offmychest -397,Checking Compulsions,"I have a habit of checking things multiple times like if I locked a door or if I turned off a curling iron, today is the worst of it, I put a very important card in my wallet I know I did, I double checked twice only to find it in my wallet, now I checked it for the 10th time, and my brain is telling me to check again so I do, and then I put it back, the issue is I’m not comfortable so check again and stare at it for a second only to be uncomfortable again, I finally got it to stop but this happens with anything, I could be locking the door, and I have to check it 3 times to be comfortable, as for my curling iron I have to check it constantly to make sure I unplugged it after using it because I can’t remember if I did, this is honestly stressful, no I don’t have ocd, I I was diagnosed with adhd and anxiety",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -398,Extremely scared I’ll say the N word coming off of anesthesia.,"For context, I’m 18 and will be having to get my wisdom teeth removed. I grew up in north St. Louis and moved to a rather suburban town a few years ago. I was basically the only white kid in my neighborhood growing up, all my friends were black and I grew up saying the n word and my friends never had a problem it. It was just part of our culture and vocabulary growing up in our neighborhood. Im not racist at all, but since I’ve moved to a more suburban area I’ve tried not saying it as much but it’s still a regular part of my vocabulary unfortunately. Even where I am now basically all of my friends are black. I’m scared asf I will say N word coming off of anesthesia after getting my wisdom teeth removed and I’m really worried I’m gonna offend someone without knowing. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,validation,offmychest -399,The hymen feels like a make-believe conspiracy to me.,"I (21F) first had sex when I was 18-years-old, and I never “broke my hymen.” I know I never had one, even as a virgin, because I was easily putting objects in there years before I ever had sex. When I lost my virginity, it was pretty easy and painless. Nothing “broke.” - -And unlike most girls, I never wore tampons, so I know my hymen wasn’t “broken” that way. I’ve always kind of felt like the hymen, and “breaking” it when you first have sex, is a make-believe conspiracy. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,test,offmychest -400,I don’t trust doctors and nurses,"A nurse told me that “No one will marry you” + laughed. Ironic thing is that she was herself super fat and ugly. I also experienced medical malpractice from some other doctor. - -I did some research and find out that a lot of people had bad experiences with medical professionals. Many of them even got verbally abused. I know that some doctors are good but problem is that it’s all based on probability. So it is possible that you will always encounter shitty medical professionals. You never know if your doctor or nurse is truly friendly because some of them shit behind your back just like famous MD Tiffany Ingham. - -I wish everyone live a healthy and pain free life so no one ever have to see medical professionals. - - ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -401,Nobody can politely talk politics,I’m not American so I can’t vote. But I really enjoy following politics. I’d classify myself as an independent. I see valid points from both US parties. My issue is whether I’m talking to a democrat or republican they’re always aggressive with their opinion and solidified in thought that the other side is completely wrong. I feel like people stay uneducated about politics because rather from learning about the oppositions way of thinking they immediately aggressively argue their side. I really wish I could engage in more conversations about it with those of differing opinions so I can learn more in a polite way,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -402,Feel like outcast,"I attended a friend’s wedding today and after the afternoon of socialising, felt very anxious and restless. So I think I have social anxiety. - -I reflected on my past growing up years and there was a time in high school that I was the outcast. Literally had no one to eat with, even tried buying food and eating in the toilet so that I wouldn’t need to be the loner in the canteen. Tried to hit up my old friends in my previous class but got rejected. In group work, I was the “spare” that people will adopt into their group if they couldn’t form enough numbers to group with. Anyway, thinking about those times make me sad but now even when I’m grown as an adult, I feel like I carry the low self esteem and negative self-talk, especially regarding social settings. - -I think I am naturally introverted which also contributes to the lack of desire to socially interact, but I still want to be loved and accepted by people around me.. - -What can I do to shake out of this? I just feel so alone in my thoughts… ","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -403,Pregnancy is horrifying,"I'm a girl and I think pregnancy is horrifying. Every single aspect of it, from conception to end, is just disgusting and horrible and unfair to the woman, but that's nature. Either way I think it's horrifying - -I WILL NEVER get pregnant, I'm a lesbian, but it's still something I worry about happening to me by force against my will. I have OCD and its a huge phobia of mine. It is just something like a horror movie to me. I've lived with the most painful horrible periods, so bad I have passed out, so my reproductive parts already torture me and remind me about it. It makes me sick and i hate it. - -But pregnancy? Holy fuck. Pregnant stomachs look so swollen and painful and scary. It looks so gross and stretched out like theres a fcking alien growing in it. I can't even look without feeling sick. The phrase ""water breaking"" just grosses me out like wtf😭😭 Then all the health affects from pregnancy and birth. The fact you can get diabetes from it, rip open from vagina to asshole, can't hold in pee anymore after, etc. holy shit. It even affects your brain!! I can't even imagine the pain from birth. But most of all you can just DIE. You can just straight up die. - -Afterwards, your body will NEVER be the same, its permanently affected, all because some guy squirted goo in you. What the fuck - -It's horror. I feel so bad that that had to happen for me to exist",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -404,My brother is homeless,"Hello. I'll try my best to keep a long story short: - -My oldest brother is an ex-criminal, ex-heroin addict who was sent out of prison around five years ago. After that he lived with my mom up until a few months ago. He could never really keep a job, had no money, suffered from several mental disorders (personality disorder, depression and so on). -He kept begging my mom for money every other day, never accepted a no and would nag you for hours, would threaten to kill himself if he did not get money, -stole several thousands of euros from her and just ran away for a couple of days. - -A few months ago, he had another melt down and stole her card and just vanished. We did not see him since then. Because of my job I'm pretty driving around the city all day and I'm pretty sure I saw him couples of times sitting around subway stations, in bad condition. -My mom received a letter two days ago, I believe he wanted to see her, asked for help. He is homeless, has no passport, money or food. - -Sounds horrible, but I don't want my mom to help him. Its just and endless cycle and I doubt he will ever change. Within those five years nothing has changed, My mom keeps blaming herself, it is such a depressing situation. I just need to get this off my chest. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,validation,offmychest -405,finally left my abuser,i tried logging back into my old reddit account and so i just logged back into this old one. my old one was imaginary_sleep something. talked a lot about the experiences and trauma i endured. now that i’ve left i don’t know why im thinking about relapsing. the pills are in my bag and they’ve been there for a few days now. it’s just hitting me extra hard tonight.,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,train,offmychest -406,I feel so alone,"I’ll say it. I’m miserable. I’ve been dating the same guy since I was 14. (23 now) we’ve been married nearly 3 years. -Our life is routine, boring. -He doesn’t ask about my day, doctors appointments, classes, anything. -We barely touch and I’m just so unhappy. -I just wanna talk to someone that wants to know me and know about my day. Calls me beautiful and wants to play with my hair and cuddle me. -Am I the only one that feels this way?? -Male or female I just feel like we shouldn’t have to beg to be loved. ☹️",['Other'],2,['Other'],2,['Other'],2,"['Lack of romantic relationships','Lack of physical touch']",2.666666667,part3,validation,offmychest -407,Just a taste,I have been building up the courage to go non contact with a toxic family member. I will build the courage and confidence to free myself.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -408,When will I find love,"I feel like finding romance has been so delayed in my life. I don’t think I’m an ugly or uninteresting enough person (which I’ve had a hard time believing I wasn’t for the longest time) to not warrant a good relationship. I just want to connect with someone on a deep emotional level because no matter what friend or family member I talk to, I just can’t find obtain that. I want someone who can appreciate the actual me and someone who I can be completely open with without feeling like I need to put on a mask. I also just really want someone to love… someone to hug… someone to cuddle and sleep with. I’m getting desperate after being patient for so many years. Only problem is, I’m stuck at home and don’t go anywhere. I’ve obsessed over seeking attention online which doesn’t fulfill me whatsoever and only makes my feeling worse. It’s been so long that I haven’t had a relationship that I’m genuinely scared whether I’ll be a good enough partner. I feel like I can be so selfish or narcissistic sometimes. My intention isn’t to make someone feel shitty or bored but I don’t really have the evidence to prove that I might be a good partner and I just fear that my bad qualities might affect our relationship. I just want someone who can open up to me as much as I can open up to them. Someone to bond with emotionally and romantically. Someone to laugh with and someone I could hopefully make laugh and please… I just don’t know when I will find it",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,"['Lack of romantic relationships','Lack of physical touch']",3.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -409,Miss him,I miss my ex .. I am listening to wrong side of heaven…. He was beautiful… is…. He’s not dead just not mine… I am hurting. I just sent my friend home … I just wanted to be alone,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -410,My boyfriend has a girlfriend and it’s not me.,"I Met my boyfriend in Highschool, we’ve been together since we were 17 and everything was going so well. I never EVER had any suspicion that he was cheating on me, in fact it never crossed my mind. He recently moved a few hours away to attend college, and we haven’t had problems with long distance…or so I thought. Yesterday an Instagram account with his picture came up on my feed but it had a fake name, it was almost like a movie characters name or something. I messaged him and asked if he had made another Instagram account and he said that he did, I followed it of course but he hadn’t posted anything. I was wondering what the hell this name was that he chose, so I copied and pasted it into google and the first thing that came up was a Facebook account. Mind you my boyfriend had never had a Facebook account. I clicked on it and there it was again, an account with his picture. I scrolled through the account confused on why he would lie when I saw his most recent post…with another girl in it. He had his arm around her and she was kissing his cheek. She was tagged in it so I went to her profile and found out that they had been dating for a few months now. -I am completely heartbroken and honestly in shock. I thought this man was the love of my life…but I obviously wasn’t his. I Don’t know how to confront him either but god I just want to cry. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,validation,offmychest -411,The Witcher x HTTYD,"I’m a huge fantasy fan and of course that means I love dragons. When httyd came out it was flawless, but I didn’t enjoy the other movies as much as obviously they’re targeted towards kids and the writing reflects that as they’re sometimes kinda dumb imo. The other day I tried getting into The Witcher as I’ve heard amazing things about it and as a fantasy fanatic it sounded exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would as it seemed to focus only on hunting evil monsters and I feel there is so much more to the genre that can be explored and enjoyed. - -I was listening to the HTTYD soundtrack today and I was thinking how cool would it be if there was a live action HTTYD shown that was directed toward a more mature audience and was kinda similar to the Witcher where they hunted monsters, found and fought and trained dragons, and explored more of the world. - -Just my opinion ✌️",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -412,I no longer find my husband attractive.,"We are both in our early 40s and I have come to the realization that I just don’t find him attractive at all anymore. He has seriously let himself go. He rarely showers and doesn’t brush his teeth or anything. So much so he’s lost many of them. - -I have asked him if he is ok and tried to talk to him about his mental health and he says he is fine and no depressed. His excuse for why he doesn’t shower is that it’s cold in the house. The only time he does shower is if he wants to be intimate because I’ve told him that I’m not sleeping with him if he isn’t clean. - -He used to care about how he looked and smelled when we were dating. He used to have his hair well kept and wore nice clothes. Now he just wears whatever if it’s clean and doesn’t care how is looks. - -I try to bring it up to him but he says I’m attacking him. I’m at my wits end. - ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -413,Bf doesn’t like hot girls?,"My bf and I are both 21y. Recently he told me that he doesn't like hot girls because they're snobby and doesn't find me hot. But he says I'm still beautiful. -I've been overthinking this recently... is it a backhanded compliment? I want him to be sexually attracted to me and sometimes worry he isn't",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,test,offmychest -414,Magsorry ka man lang Oli,"Its been a week since the last time we talked. I miss our conversations. Naiisip ko parin lahat lahat kung paano tau nagsimulang magkakilala, magkausap. Kung lahat ba ng sinabi mo ay totoo. Marami palang excuses mo lang.and still hard for me to forget. And I dont know if you still feel the same way. Feeling ko lahat ng sinabi mo hindi totoo, even ur feelings towards me. Siguro nga hindi un totoo kasi nagsinungaling ka e just to make urself happy. Ang selfish mo pa rin in the end. Kahit man lang magtxt ka for the last time ng Sorry sakin. Kasi ayon lang siguro ang gusto ko. Malaman ko man lang na kahit nagsinungaling ka sakin, ayaw mo pa rin ako talaga saktan. Pero aasa pa ba? As if naaalala mo pa ako now. Mag sorry ka man lang dahil napaka unfair mo😞 ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -415,I don't understand the fuss about people dying.,"Something that always bothered me was how everyone is just so attached to their loved ones after death,or on their way to dying. I understand and recognize what ""loss"" is,but it just doesn't click with me. I hear people talking about loved ones for YEARS,and my girlfriend drones on about how it's a normal thing when friends talk about it.And recently she's been thinking about her elderly grandma,and how that will eventually be her dad,and I'm just sitting there,faking worry and understanding,when in reality,the only thing in my mind is ""we are born,we live,we die.""..No afterlife,no ""soul"",just a lifeless corpse.And to me,that's fine. -I'm okay with death,but I'd like to understand what everyone feels,you know? And I can understand people don't want to hear ""why are you sad?"" When they talk about about loved ones,so,I never get around to simply ask how it makes them feel. And yes,I've had experience with death in my family,and my response to the most important person in my life to die was ""Ok."" I just want to understand what it's like? Not making it sound like it's not heavy,I get it is,I just wish I could understand her pain,and not have it be such an alien concept.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -416,Lost a friend today,"y she reached out and said her fiance (who I didn't even know about) wasn't comfortable with her and I hanging out, I was a bit taken aback as she always called me her best friend but she said we could text, I said okay and we kind of didn't text at all as I was really busy the last week. I text her the other night and asked her about a hair style I wanted and she said she agreed that it looked better on me currently. I wake up today to a phonecall from a number I don't recognize, I answer and it's her fiance, he starts saying if I don't stop talking to her he's going to call the cops and file harrassment charges on me, I say whatever and hang up. I text her and explain hey this is shitty and you should just talk to me yourself and explain things and that I don't appreciate getting a call like that, she says ""don't ever text me or contact me again, goodbye"" and so I just reply with a ""this is pathetic"" and delete all her info as I felt like that was best anyways. I fell like fucking garbage about this and I feel hurt that a friendship that I was always supportive of ended over something so stupid. I don't know how to feel about all this.. any chance I could get some feedback?",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -417,I just want to rot in bed. I’m a fuck up.,"I feel so directionless in life. -I graduated with a useless social studies major. I have no friends , no prospects, no job. -I’m recovering from a herniated disc injury that has left me constantly in pain. - -I’m 24 and I know that’s young relatively speaking but I feel as though I have missed too many developmental/social/self actualización milestones growing up that I am just a loser. - -When I was young I felt so mature but now I feel as though everybody else is ahead of me. - -As it is the world feels so unstable and uncertain in merely uncomfortable with the thought of being alive. Even my own heart beat freaks me out if I start to notice it ",['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],4,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3.33,exploration,train,offmychest -418,just me or has life been a blur right now and doesnt feel them same since covid,christmas hasnt felt the same since 2020 3 and abit years went by felt like nothing 2023 christmas i was excited sure but not was it felt like it kinda hurts me to think about how everything felt happy all memories like smells on christmas and how life was slow but now its not nothing feels same right now,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -419,There’s something that’s wrong with me,"There’s something that’s wrong with me, because even animals hate me and they run away from me, I wish I was liked by one thing in my life ( family doesn’t count ) I don’t have any friends, and when I did have friends nobody invited me out anywhere. So what’s the point I don’t have anyone, like everyone hates me. The people I used to be friends with their parents didn’t like me, their whole family hated me. It was always their mom that told them to stop being my friend, I don’t think that was the case with Blondie because her mom doesn’t seem like the person to do that to someone ( I never met her mom I am just making an educated guess ), but this one person their dad wanted me to get taken away from my mom back in 2019 because of what happened with his daughter, his daughter told me that I had rabies and I GOT IN TROUBLE FOR THAT, anytime I lost a friend bella was there for me, I didn’t have anyone there for me when she stopped being my friend. I miss the person who loved me most I ruined the friendship I ruined it because I’m a screw up, maybe if I was normal she still would be my friend. I regret everything I just need her back, I’m sorry Blondie just please come back and be my friend again just please come back. - -I AM OKAY I WILL NOT HURT MYSELF. ",['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,part3,validation,offmychest -420,I dodged the police and never got caught,"Years ago I was behind a car going 45 in a 55 so I sped up past him as an officer was coming up over a hill and saw me doing so. -He passed me with 6 other cars behind him and 4 behind me. I saw him pull over and after the 6 cars passed him he turned around as I was going over the top of the hill. As I was going down I turned off on a side road and waited for 10 mins before going but kept taking back roads cause I saw other officers pulled over on the main road and I knew they had my car description and I didn’t wanna get pulled over. -I kept taking backroads til I got out of the town and back home thankful I wasn’t pulled over and ticketed. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -421,"I have HPV, in debt, and still a student.","I'm in my early 20s and I've made decisions in my life that I'm regretting now. Surely it's my fault that I got hpv because of my carelessness in the past. H-word phase does really have its consequence when done in a wrong way. - -I've been diagnosed few months ago and got my results that it is indeed hpv. I shouldered every expenses on those days and it just adds up to what my current debt is. My debt started when I was with my ex almost 2 years ago since most of the time I spent money for us and the debt isn't that big yet. - -Now that we're not together, everything just piled up. From one loan app to another. Since I'm still a student, all the money I have is from my parents and some xx app that I'm not even updating anymore which is giving me enough just to pay the interest. In my course, it's not possible for my schedule to apply for part-time jobs. I'm also trying to eat healthy for my immune system to fight the virus as I haven't undergone surgery yet and I also need to save up for my vaccine. It's really hard to think that I cannot just tell my parents about these things. - -We're a religious household and they would kick me out if they discover what I have right now. I just wanna get this off my chest since it's bothering me for a long time now. It's hard to focus on everything I wanna do with a heavy feeling that I don't know how long will I still live. - -Now is a great realization that we should be careful of what we are engaging. Can't really go back in time to reverse everything. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,offmychest -423,I miss the Social aspect of gaming 5-10 years ago.,"It's just gonna be a ramble I think. I miss having a social circle that constantly wants to play video games together. I don't care what games, a few many many years ago I had a friend circle that consisted of roughly 8 people. We'd constantly play games together but after they made accusations about my relationship with my gf and one of the guys in the circle was a constant verbal abuser and narcissist I made the decision to cut them off and leave them behind so I as a person could grow and not have them drag me down. - -However my current friend group doesn't play video games enough to want to play games together. I finished elden ring, lies of P, and sekiro which all have BEAUTIFUL stories but then I didn't feel like I had anyone else other than my gf to show my accomplishments to. - -I just want what I had a few years ago. A bunch of guys I had a good repor and history with and play games with frequently. Where when we plan a game night everyone can come. Or hell there were days in my old circle where someone would join a discord call just the hell of having a conversation while someone screen shares some games. - -I guess if you read into it too much it kind of boils down to me wanting more friends who have similar interests.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -424,Husband didn’t want to go out with the kids and I and now wants us to go out with his family this weekend?,"Last weekend I told my husband if we could go out with the kids. I'm home all day with the kids doing therapies since they are both with disabilities and he works night shifts and sleeps all day and is only ""with us"" for three hours. Weekends he has school from morning until 2 pm. We went out Saturday for two hours to go watch a movie (a date after months of not doing that since we were struggling financially) and Sunday came up so I thought it was okay to ask him if we can take the kids out to enjoy the day and he flat out said no cause it was laundry day. This week his mom called invited us to go out to her bf house and he instantly said yes. I find it unfair because I feel like he does more for others than he does for the kids and I. I know it's not his moms fault but I don't want to go because of the way he acts with us. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -425,I've turned into a cynical narc and I hate it,"I hate that my dad poisoned me with his ideas about the world and about people. I've become such a negative, cynical and narcissistic person who thinks that they know better than everyone and I deeply despise myself for that. I remember arguing with my dad when I was younger that people aren't nearly as bad, cruel or egocentrical like he portrays them, but somewhere inside I already started rotting just like him. I always think that everyone and their dog is out to get me or scam me despite never having had any major negative interactions with strangers. I'm almost always pleasantly surprised when getting to know people better because usually my ideas of them were completely wrong and they're actually nice people. I wish I was as innocent as I was at 13. - -Everything feels like it's rigged, politics, academia, the economy and I can't shake the feeling that I got this attitude from him.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -426,I am struggling a lot with making and leeping friends recently,"I try to be super nice but i just feel like a burden right now. I feel like everything im doing is wrong and everyone is lying to me. - -My bf has been teasing me recently about how i am only friends with coworkers and his friends. I do have a few friends of my own, and I've tried playing games with them again like we used to. One friend is always on but almost never joins me and the other is always busy. And i get that. But i just feel like a burden at this point. - -I want to be able to have a decent time without overthinking every pause on conversation or wondering how many lies are beibg told to me. I'm working on this in therapy but i feel like my bf feels obligated to me because my lack of a social standing/friend group. - -Just wanted to rant ig.",['Lack of friends'],2,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],2.67,exploration,test,offmychest -427,I look like a man.," -This is basically what I’ve been told since my early primary school days to the end of secondary school last year: - -“You look like a man” - -“You look transgender” - -“You look like a boy” - -“Is that a he or a she?” - -“I would never date you because I’m not gay” - said by a guy - -This is the primary reason why I never ask guys out. Fuck my life. I really feel like ending it all if I’m being honest. ",['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,part3,train,offmychest -428,My boyfriend(that I was getting along great with) left me to do an overseas job,"He specifically said he doesn't want long distance, as it would be too frustrating. - -I am stunned. We were getting along great; he always how happy I make him, how he's never felt anything but peace in my present, how hard it is to find someone like me, how time spent with me feels like a holiday. We never had a single fight. - -Then he got an offer for a promotion overseas. Now, if I knew it was truly going to make him happy, I would be sort of accepting. But I genuinely don't think it will; he doesn't know a word of the language(his job will be in English, but still), doesn't know a single soul there. Also, he is a person who deeply values comfort and work-life balance. He was making payments on an apartment in our home country. Just not ""I'll uproot my life and be happy about it"" material. - -Most of all...I'll miss him. Our walks in the park, our late night talks, how he was teaching me to ride a bike and he was such a good, gentle, loving teacher. How we would hug and kiss when waking up. What a peaceful, gentle, understanding person he was. He really felt like family. It hurts suddenly losing all of this without having done anything wrong, and I just can't understand how can you just decide ""Yes, I have this with a person, and I'm just ok never seeing them again. This job sounds too cool"". I feel sad, and betrayed. - -It's frustrating to see couples around me who get along much worse and still stick together. I also feel guilty for not being ""seductive/addictive"" enough to make him stay. This all feels so unfair. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2.666666667,part3,train,offmychest -429,I ate too much today,"I had way too much food for dinner, so many more calories than I needed or should have consumed. I hate myself and I want to die. I have been trying so hard to lose weight for years. Every time I lose weight, I gain it back. The last couple years, I have been steadily gaining, no longer losing as well like I used to. I just want to end it all. I hate myself. I hate that I did this tonight. I ordered fast food and consumed two sandwiches and fries. I start to think I'm on a roll with eating less/healthier, and then I fuck it all up like I did today. I am an ugly disgusting mess. I don't know what to do to correct this behavior. I've tried so many things and they just don't work. I'm so sad. ",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,part3,train,offmychest -430,"I'm still missing my ex, after 2 years","Hello everyone, at first, sorry for my bad english, its not my first lanjuage... -This happen maybe 2 years ago, i usted to have a girlfriend, and man, i f*ucking really love her, she was perfect for my, we had the same gaste of music, food, movies, even our parents was friends, i was seriously thinking about do the big question to she. -All was perfect, until one night in my own f*cking house she cheated me with a close friend. The worst of all was that I Heard that by our Best friend, after 2 weeks, I obviusly i broke, and after a depresion of 3 Months I start dating with anoter girls, but man, Ramdonly i remember she, i think a lot of she, and in her pretty face, red curly hair, her soft voice. -PD: terapy is an option, but my insurance doesn't have psicologist in his services, and I can't afford one. ",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,evaluation,train,offmychest -431,I think our shared humanity shows in whispers,"I keep a few bottles of frozen green juice in our work freezer that I religiously drink for lunch every day. today, I forgot to take one out to thaw and accepted my defeat after a long week. when I opened the communal fridge for water, I found that a coworker had already taken it out for me. and what an impactful thing to do. -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,validation,offmychest -432,Da rocks in da river,"Rivers have rocks in that run through them -Those rocks are carried far from their starting point -This process destroys the rock or completes changes it -And this destruction results in the river flowing differently - -I think about all the waste being dumped in our fresh water reserves and I wonder just what exactly is the endgame here. Water already has a price on it, and in some states it is already unclean. Whoever came up with the idea to sell water and dump the waste that comes with creating a plastic bottle to hold water into the water so they can keep selling water is clever. Sometimes it feels like elites think they can’t die, pushing for grandiose technological advancement in medicine and what not to live forever. Pushing the planet to its limits and sucking up the remains. For temporary reasons. There’s a limit we’ve already passed and now there’s nowhere to go but down. Or up, or sideways! Once that limit is reached I wonder what society will look like. Cyber punky maybe. Comfort will be the death of us all. Not one day. Soon. - - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -433,Navigating Changes in a Mother-Daughter Relationship Over Time,"I am 22 my relationship with my mother has drastically changed from the wonderful bond we shared in my childhood. She was not just a mother but also my closest friend, someone I could confide in about everything. However, everything changed when she was diagnosed with schizophrenia a few years ago. Since then, our relationship has been strained. She has become overprotective, often accusing me of engaging in illegal activities whenever I go out. Our frequent fights have become exhausting, especially when she makes false allegations against me. I understand that her illness is to blame for this change, but sometimes, it's just too much to bear",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -434,i feel like a coward,"i recently went to a summer camp after spending an incredible amount of time alone so when i was able to conect with friends i had felt good and had recently caught this attractive girl looking at me and was planning on asking her for her number she beat me to it either way weave been chatting for an entire week and i was also planning on asking her to on a date but she beat me to that to... - -so what im wondering is is she going to fast or am i going to slow or am just a coward the date is tommorow ill let you know how it goes... ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -435,I think I want to divorce my wife,"For some backstory I was a young dumb teenage guy and my wife was a couple years older than me. She kind of pressured me into marrying her by saying that she’s depressed all the time because her friends were getting married and she wasn’t ( she went to a small Christian school so it was common for everyone to get married super young). I didn’t really want to at the time because I knew it was too early but I sold my car and bought the ring anyway (a 1990 240sx with a sr20det for those who care). A bit into us getting married I was working as an automotive tech and a coworker became my best friend and we hung out all the time and I noticed they kinda started being a little too friendly. A year or so of this goes on of just inappropriate talk right in front of me, purposefully leaving me out. She would say nothing is going on every time I brought it up but it was obviously lies. Her claim is that they had one conversation or Snapchat and one conversation where they were just talking about me. Obviously bullshit but this happened about 3 years ago or so I guess and I just know that there’s so much more I’m not being told but there’s no proof of anything. And I just kinda fake being happy but truly it’s really all I think about every time I look at her and i just feel like I’m not really happy. Idk I just don’t have any friends and I work for myself now (no longer an automotive tech) so I have no coworkers. I just wanted to tell someone I’m just not really that happy lol. ","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",2.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -436,I’m going to most likely be a high school drop out,I had a lot of trouble in public school for my freshman year and went into home school. Now after 2 years of homeschooling I wanted to be a senior in public school and walk across a stage for my family. Recently I found out that I will have to take a test and score high to see if I have all those subjects mastered but I’m a fucking dumbass and will obviously fail. I already got a 18 on the ACT and I’m very limited on everything and I know I will fail and be a failure I just broke down in front of my mom over it because I know I’m a failure and that I should just give up. I don’t know what to do anymore and I apologize if you read this. I’m sorry for letting people down and I hate the guilt from it,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -438,How do you deal with a bitter and resentful sister?,"I’m 24 and live with my sister that is 21. - -Our relationship has felt strained for the past 3 years. - -I love her and care about her. But I’m not exactly interested in repairing our relationship. I just want to prevent further damage. But idk how since we live together. - -She’s easily triggered by me. And she’s regularly cranky. Sometimes I’m really shocked at how she speaks to me. I’ve gotten to the point where I just stay quiet. But this is getting to me. - -I’m not exactly sure why she resents me. We’ve both made mistakes. Not trying to figure out why either. - -But how to do I prevent it from getting to me? It upsets me when she yells at me! ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -439,Sometimes I wake up in the morning irrationality horny,"I don't know why this happens but sometimes it does and i feel like a beast wanting to mate. Its so frustrating because I can't do it with a real person bc i live with my parents, have no partner and work all day so im tired 24/7, also i DONT feel any desire for people except for my bestfriend (and the same happens to her) but she lives far, really far away and it's impossible to meet. I already tried with other people but I just can't, it wasn't good. Anyways I'm not seeking for advice i just wantto rant about this bc i can't tell this to nobody - -Edit: i wake up in the middle of the NIGHT* usually 3am. i messed up the title lol",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,test,offmychest -440,People with Borderline Personality Disorder are proud of it and don’t hesitate to let everyone know they have it.,"It’s a stupid diagnosis and everyone can be diagnosed with it. I am sure if you read the DSM-5, you might find that you may be subject to a personality disorder. People who have been diagnosed with BPD feel special and make sure everyone knows because they like the attention. Prove me wrong.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -441,Sometimes I have deep feelings of killing myself and is really interesting (at least for me)," - -I guess I must introduce myself, my studies, social life yada yada... well I am a 22 year old lad, with actually a decent life?, my grades are almost perfect, I have discipline to a certain degree, surprisingly a promising future career. - -Aint anti social, I dont have problems introducing myself and knowing other people, I have good friends and a supporting family. Aint ugly (I find myself kinda good looking ngl). - -In a weird way I feel deeply disconected from my relatives and ""loved ones"", tbh I cant take people seriously. I dont take life seriously. Sometimes I wish I could be doing something that makes my blood pump... that challenges my mind or heart. - -I find life incredibly boring, I cant take women seriously, 90% of the time is just pain in the ass. No am not those guys that scream for affection nor aprovement of women or guys. - -My thoughts are just so bizarre. The only thing I love of my life are my studies and my little brother, I cant fail him. - -I should have written this before but picture this. Imagine the day is going perfect, you ate good, talk shit and share funny jokes with some mates, being one of the few that passed the exam and knowing the next week you will be free after a lot of study, later some good looking girl flirting with you via text, but out of the fucking blue, you just want to grab the knife and cut your throat while alone sitting on your bed. That was literally my last day. - -PD: english is not my native language. If you reached this part, have a nice day. Thx I guess.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,validation,offmychest -442,I’m addicted to Costco Hotdogs,"Single guy here, although I don’t want to be (view profile). - -I live alone. I have no real big expenses besides rent ($1,300). - -My whole point in stating that is I have no business having a costco membership, yet I do. For one reason and one reason only: The hotdog combo. - -I used to have a sams club membership (a much better deal for anyone who actually wants to save money), but their hotdogs are nast. - -I made the switch to Costco, and although they are more expensive, its a whole new world of pleasure for me. - -Sams club has these really cool relish packets. I wish costco had those. You have to use the public relish pump at costco and I stg the most helpless people are always in line in front of you. - -Alas, I digress. - -I also hecking love those double chunk cookies from costco. They’re a bit pricey tho, but idfc. Once I walk through those doors, I get into a trance. - -I was at costco today, in line ready to place my order and it was a mad house. Clueless eldery clogging the pores of the screen to pick up funnel. I couldn’t wait around bc I had to be at work. - -So now I’m just sad. Lamenting on the savory feeling of that dog on my tongue. Wishing the morrow so I can go again, my tum tum never finding respite until the hotdog, drink, and double chonk cookie its it. - -Amen.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,test,offmychest -444,Is it so hard to understand,"I don't want you to put me above anyone, I'm don't want you to neglect your responsibilities. - -Yes of course I wish I was your girl but accept any role or position vacant in your life lol - -I get butt hurt, complain, act out and feel truly angry or and kinda of negative way is because I don't feel treated fair. - -I've never been any priority in your life, yet I see you do it with everyone else. - -I've seen you go hang out at others homes sometimes for days, yet I have to beg or drag you to mine . - -I watch you work with others, travel with them often, hear about how you call them out of the blue to go have breakfast. - -I watch you have long conversations and I know that you share my texts with them. - -You talk more about me to them but the common theme is always the same - -You won't come chill, you don't do anything in which you would be seen with me, you don't call me I call you. - -You don't ask me about my day or my health you don't know anything about my life because you don't ask. - -Then you wonder why I feel the way I do. You wonder why I act out in ways you don't like. - -It's because I feel like I'm not good enough and I don't know why.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,evaluation,test,offmychest -445,I slept with a coworker am I cooked?,"I’m a pharmacy tech (26f) working in a hospital and I met this guy(25m) who is new working here 2 weeks and we hit it off immediately. We exchanged phone numbers the first day we met, he drove me home after work and started sexting, the next day of meeting each other I sucked him off in a changing closet. The next day after that we fucked in a bathroom I let him cum in me too. So yeah I told him at first before fking that it’s risky and we shouldn’t do stuff like that because it could make work complicated but we both didn’t give a fuck the sexual tension was insane. Right now it’s been 2 weeks since that happened and we haven’t fucked (bc we are both busy w work)but still sexting and secretly kissing in the staircase. I crave him a lot because it’s so exciting sneaking around BUT I feel so bad because I can’t really fuck him outside of work and risking my job/getting caught is scaring tf out of me. Someone tell me if I should cut it off with him and if I do that how would I go about it? ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,validation,offmychest -446,Steam is a scam,I was gifted a 50 dollar card on steam and it wouldn't let me redeem it even when I did exactly what it said and now I can't get in my steam account,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -447,My friend called me ugly,I have been called Ugly today. This is not the first time some girl said Im ugly but she is my friend. I'm really ugly. I hate myself. I never expected her to say so. It is hurting. I'm hurt so bad. I cannot live with being ugly. What should I do now? Please tell. How to accept that im ugly and live with it. Please tell.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -448,I can't tolerate being a virgin,"I am fed up of being single , rejected and being in the friendzone. All my friends are getting laid , getting GFS / getting married, fed up of being the loser , neither my routine is giving me time to do things not anything. My friends they just get on apps and start getting nudes from girls like that / they set up a date and start hooking up with them. I have friends whose body count in 60+ , my other friend travels the world and just gets laid this easily. When he comes to my country he has fucked every girl from each city. My college best friend just wakes up talks to women and just gets nudes from them. My roommate has 3 GFS and my other roommate has a gf and they are having sex every week. - -My friends talk about sex and they are getting laid every month. - -I am struggling here just to meet my ends expenses. Fed up of being the good guy. - -Someone please teach me how to get out of this hell. - -Even my juniors have had threesomes and stuff like that. - -Everyone looks at me like a loser. - -Fed up of being the entertainer in the group. - -I have been going to the gym 8 months yet skinny fat. - -Working on multiple businesses all failed. - -Please help me out.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2.333333333,part3,train,offmychest -449,Should I be worried about my fetishes?,"Sometimes I think I should be. I have a body swap fetish and a clothes swap fetish. I am a male, but I get off to the idea of switching places or clothes with my female friends. Sometimes I go so deep that I convince myself that I am supposed to become them. - -I worry that this will one day affect any chance I have of a relationship. I'm in my 20s and have never been on a date, and sometimes I think my obsession with wanting to be another person helps cause that. - -I have copied their outfits before, and wish I could spend a day acting exactly like them, but I worry tying to get them to play along with it would be deceitful. T - -Any thoughts? Thankfully this is normally only when I'm in a horny mood and not necessarily a 24/7 deal. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -450,"I am tired of being a people pleaser, tired of being lonely and having no real friends","All my life I have been mostly trying to please other people. Make them feel comfortable and happy. All the people I have met in my life have not been complete a-holes, but most of them have been pretty egoistic. I guess that lies in our nature. I have had many ""friends"", or so I thought. Most of them threw me away as soon as they started a family of their own. - -Tried gaming with friends and they just wanna play their game or by their rules. I mostly played their game and by their rules for so many years until I just said. ""screw this!"". They really do not genuinely care about me. Even if some have say they liked me, it sure does not feel like it. No one really does care, beside my own family. I never had a girlfriend either and I am soon to be 45 yo. It does feel lonely and it frustrates me so bad I am constantly losing my temper over small stuff and I yell cruel stuff to my family. I also suffer from adhd and I have some autism also. Sometimes I just feel like bashing in peoples head. I am so tired of living this life and I have no clue on what to do with myself. Creating this thread took me a lot of energy and it made me more frustrated....thought it would help, but nope","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,['Lack of friends'],3.666666667,part3,test,offmychest -451,Friendless Birthday,I make an effort to remember people’s birthdays yet nobody remembers mine. Sucks,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Lack of friends'],3.333333333,part3,test,offmychest -452,Feelings unwanted Volunteered for 6months hoping for a job when there was a vacancy. Now the boss is ghosting me," I volunteered for 4 days a week for 6months. Quit for a bit due to health reasons. I saw the vacancy recently. I got ghosted by the boss after asking about the vacancy. She always answers back fast- she’s chatty and friendly. Unless she had a heart attack or other crisis, I am taking this as rejection. -It reminded me that no one wants me around. Im not sad about that. I guess I should be upset that I can’t have my dream job. It would make me so happy to have my dream job. But I dont feel sad. Just a confused as to why they put up this facade to make me feel wanted. I like the truth. I don’t like pretences. -None of friends ask me to hangout anymore . Or even text me. I guess they aren’t friends any more. -I feel useless and worthless and like Im hindrance. But its not a bad thing. I used to perceive it as a bad thing. But now its sort of a fact, like you read in a textbook. -I feel like im seeing reality and becoming self aware. I am ok and accepting of this. But i felt like telling someone.",['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],2.666666667,part3,train,offmychest -453,You took another piece of my heart.,I guess it’s time to go back. Back to the old ways. I’ll just play and I won’t have to ever get hurt again. Damn you. You’re the one that killed me after so long. Damn you for getting in and damn myself for letting you. Fuck you.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -454,Seem like villains win in real life," My ex left me when I was 5 months pregnant and for the last2 years I slowly lost everything. I left my job after maturity leave he embarrassed me by sleeping with my coworker and my car being vandalized multiple times by one of his many side pieces. Our son is likely autistic and will be diagnosed soon. He doesn’t love our son he just tolerate him. Our baby is 2 and most of his “accidents” happen while with his dad. Like recently our son stim had started holding his head down combine with kind of eye rolling and the doctors are trying to make sure it’s not seizures. He had his head down in the water and his idiot dad thought he was blowing bubbles he was drowning. I called checking on him and that’s what his dad told me happened. I immediately picked him up and stop working for the night. After that I stop asking his dad to keep him. Which limit when I can work. I have to Amazon flex, DoorDash and Shipt bc it allow me to have my kids with me while I work and the schedule flexibility due to have two kids one I have to pick up and drop off from school and my youngest is in therapy. My old boss husband left her and it’s like she aged 10 years. My aunt husband cheated and left her and now she’s a functioning alcoholic. One of my coworkers husband cheated with his boss and left her and he’s happily married now with two kids. It just seem like the villains always win in real life what’s your thoughts?",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -455,"Dog was run over today. She’s okay tho, but I’m not","This morning, she was run over just outside our house while mom was walking her. They were in the sidewalk but when she saw *this* van, she chased the van while she was on her leash. Apparently, the leash was too long causing her to reach the van on the road even though they were on the sidewalk. - -I immediately took her to the vet, and was assured she’s going to be okay. Thank God!!! She’s a tiny dog and only around 4-5kgs. She’s really brave 😭 - -But I’m not okay. I can’t let my emotions out because 1) it was my mom who failed to pull her, and 2) it was pure accident because the van was running from the humps, so it was less than 10 km/h. - -But I heard her scream from where I was inside the house. Remembering her scream in pain really breaks my heart. What if… she died right there and then? She’s my world and thinking of that possibility crushes my heart. - -I really pray for her healing ❤️‍🩹 and for mine too. I forgive my mom, though. It’s not her fault. It’s not the driver’s fault. I just wanna let this off my chest. - - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,offmychest -456,I believe that I could avoid being raped in jail,"As I victim of SA, I understand this might be controversial, problematic and potentially triggering. -But I genuinely believe that I could serve time without being raped. Just by consensually offering my body to them, which would be easy to do, seeing how I’m already bisexual. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -457,I feel like I’m a burden,"This is my first post, so I’m really sorry if this doesn’t make sense I just need to rant and I don’t really have anyone that I can talk to, so here I am. I’m 20 living with my brother and his roommates, I babysit and do household chores in exchange for rent and his roommates are great but I feel like it’s caused some tension between me and my brother because I feel like he doesn’t want me there anymore, but I don’t really have anywhere else to go except for my stepmom‘s house and I really don’t wanna have to move back in there considering what’s going on with her and my dad and them splitting up while I’m looking for jobs. I haven’t really gotten any word back from anyone and I had a little bit of an attitude with him lately and I don’t even know why I’ve always struggled with my emotions and keeping them in control, but I feel like it’s all just worse lately and he texted me that he wants to talk to me when I get back home to his house, cause I’m housesitting right now and he hasn’t answered any of my texts asking about what he wants to talk about and I just feel like he wants me to leave and with all that’s going on. I just don’t want him angry at me or hate me because he’s really the only person I have right now and I don’t wanna lose him, but I feel like the damage that’s been done is too much to repair maybe but I don’t blame him for hating me if he does I hate myself too. Anyway thank you for reading my ted talk lol",['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3.666666667,part3,train,offmychest -458,My father just went to the place just wrongly fired me and left them a bad review and pissed all over their bathroom,"long story short. I found I was being let go from this job from the owners response to a bad review. I wasn’t there long but I have autisim spectrum disorder and struggle with discrimination in the work place a lot. - -BTW I DONT CONDONE THIS BEHAVIOUR - -I JUST WANT A NORMAL FAMILY - - -i literally just needed to get this off my chest because i am FLABBERGASTED ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,test,offmychest -459,Should I confess to my best friend?,"Sorry for the bad storytelling skills, but I needed to get this off my chest. I have a best friend who is constantly there in my life. We talk about the most mundane stuff, and overall, he was a good companion to be with. The problem is, I thought I was gay; now I’m confused. Moving on, most of the time I thought our situation was platonic, and I did view it that way for a long time (severly in denial) because I just got broken up with them while I was friends with them. I don’t know when my feelings sprung, but I think it was when they suddenly became touchy. I did communicate about that being uncomfortable for me, and they eventually stopped and apologized. The problem is, I think I gained feelings after that! and I’m generally confused because I don’t want to be in a relationship with them. The reason is that they also just broke up at the same time me and my ex broke up, and I just don’t want to be in a relationship. It’s always in my head, though, and I can’t take it off about how I just want to get it out of my system, but I also read here on Reddit that it’s selfish to “dump” your feelings on another person. I don’t expect anything from this, and I talked to our mutual friend about this, and he just  -ignored me (rude 🙄 butunderstandable). He doesn’t really know who i was referringg to when talking, but i think he got the gist. Please help me! - -P.S: He’s very friendly and sweet naturally but I know he doesn’t feel the same way. It’s okay, though, because I just want to move on with this chapter of my life. - - -  - - - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,evaluation,train,offmychest -460,"i kinda hate that im so in love with my long distance bf, i wish i could be prettier for him","i literally love him more than anything and i cant find any other man attractive anymore. like not even male models r attractive to me tbh compared to how beautiful he is to me. he’s the only guy i think about and i wish i wasnt so in love because i doubt he loves me the same way i love him. ik he says he loves me more but im so scared he wont be attracted to me once he sees me in person. - -im not conventionally attractive at all. i have a flat saggy chest, a slight muffin top, and a weird looking chubby face which fucks up my mental health so badly. everytime i gain weight it doesnt even go to my chest or butt which fucking sucks. i wish i could be pretty for him cause every other girl i see is literally a model and then ofc i had to be unlucky as fuck and be born looking like this. i cry so hard knowing that not even losing weight or putting on makeup is enough cause i just look the same since middle school and im 20 rn. i seriously wish i could be born beautiful cause i just feel like breaking up with him so he can be with someone better :/",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,test,offmychest -461,Dating apps really make you feel worthless,"I mean, it appears that literally no woman on any app likes me, it makes me feel so undesirable, unlovable, I feel like I should just stop bothering, I feel like I don't have anything to offer to anyone ",['Not lonely'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Not lonely'],3,exploration,train,lonely -462,I wish I was someone's first choice,"I don't have someone to call my own, and I feel more like a background character with my friends. Like I'm there but it wouldn't be too different if I wasn't. I just wish I could be the first person someone thought of when something happens, when they want to hangout, or even when they wake up. ","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of romantic relationships', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of romantic relationships','Lack of community or social support']",3,exploration,train,lonely -463,Anyone over 30 on here?,I’m 36 and constantly battling loneliness. I just want to know if there is anyone in my age bracket who is dealing with this as well and how they deal with it.,['Other'],3,['Other'],2,['Other'],3,['Other'],2.67,exploration,train,lonely -464,I‘m sick of getting used," -All men ever want is sex from me. I‘m so sick and tired of it. I‘ve been getting groomed on here since i‘m 15 and irl all they do is bully me. -I never had friends, I‘m lonely and I CANT STAND disgusting men trying to abuse a child. -I‘ve had too much of too many who threw their issues at me. I‘m tired of having to deal with trash when all I want is to be accepted and supported. -",['Lack of friends'],3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3.67,exploration,train,lonely -465,Internet hug? 😔,Gather around 🫂,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,exploration,train,lonely -466,How do I make friends,"I use to have friends but it was so long ago -That now I don’t even know how to start a conversation and when I try to become friends with someone they just ghost me and I don’t even know why",['Lack of friends'],4,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],2.67,exploration,test,lonely -467,"I want a cute guy to hold, kiss and cuddle with all day and night so bad 🤧🤧🤧","I just want one so bad, a cute skinny guy, very soft and gentle, it'd solve all my problems 🥲",['Not lonely'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,['Lack of romantic relationships'],2,exploration,test,lonely -468,What mean loneliness for you?,we are all different and everyone experiences things differently. What does loneliness mean to you?,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.33,exploration,test,lonely -469,how does one even attempt dating at 27 with no experience,"i don't know what to do. i know the answer people are gonna say is to ""make friends first"" yeah i get that. i'm aware that's not how relationships work. but i don't even know how to make friends with girls. - -at work i try to talk to co-workers my age but no one cares or replies to my text outside of work so i gave up. dating apps are just depressing. i'm not picky on looks i swear i like alot of the girls it gives me but i never get a match. and the few times i do get one they don't even reply back. - -i'm not a bar person. i like going to places like arcades and the bookstore all that. i don't drink or parrty. i'm 27 now. i'm insanely lonely and the fact im this age and never had a gf or kissed anyone or even held hands make me wanna cry. i don't even feel like a man",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,exploration,test,lonely -470,Dating Trash,What’s the point of dating as a Man When you get nothing in Return constantly being rejected by damn near Every Women shit is sad and depressing.,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,exploration,validation,lonely -471,What’s the worst part of loneliness for you? Yearning for conversation… worse part of loneliness (for me 🙄),"At this point, I’m addicted to Reddit. The engagement and quasi social interactions I use to seek on other platforms has been replaced by scrolling the infinite comments section that is Reddit. - -But still… I find myself desperate for thought provoking conversations. Learned opinions and the exchange of ideas. I ask (imo) thought provoking questions to stir debate and discussion only to be met with “everyone is different, no one likes the same things”. - -What?! Really?! Ground breaking! Thank you for letting us know individuals are individual 🙄. - -I just feel like people can’t critically think or contribute to a thought discussion and instead of realizing their limitations they share that groundbreaking news. - -All in all. Being lonely I miss most conversation that challenge me or at least actually introduce new ideas 😩 - -##Whats the worst part for you?## - -Close second is having no/few shared memories with others.","['Lack of community or social support', 'Other']",3,"['Lack of community or social support', 'Other']",2,"['Lack of community or social support', 'Other']",3,"['Lack of community or social support','Other']",2.67,exploration,train,lonely -472,Friends?❤️," - -Hi everyone! My name’s Linda and I’m 21 F looking for friends to talk daily (M/F) (I’m Asian and 5 6 if that matters )Please lmk where youre from when u dm me ❤️ My MBTI’s INFP-J and I’m shy at first then i open up and talk more with time . Hope to talk to you soon ❤️",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.67,exploration,train,lonely -473,Why am I so uncomfortable with people being kind to me?,"I romanticize it all the time but Irl, I get uncomfortable 😣 ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,test,lonely -474,Girlfriend is working who needs a friend,I'm so bored,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,test,lonely -475,I just want to love someone and be loved.,"Just finished balling my eyes out in bed. I hate being so quiet all the time, I want to laugh and talk with someone I love. I have so much love to give at this point I feel drained and run down. - -I know having a boyfriend won’t solve all my problems but having that love and closeness to someone would make it a lot more better. - -IM TIRED OF FEELING LIKE I WANNA DiEEEEEEEUGGHHH",['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.33,exploration,train,lonely -476,Today is my birthday but Im not happy,Today is my 18 birthday but none of my friends remember it! Its pretty much been like every day. Is it normal to have noone to talk to even on your birthday?,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of community or social support'],3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",3,"['Lack of friends','Lack of community or social support']",3,exploration,train,lonely -477,F13 I feel lonely,None of my friends are ever there when I need them. When I feel bad and try talking to them they don’t seem interested so I just stop talking and listen to them. It makes me feel like nobody really cares or is there for me but I try being there for them.,['Lack of friends'],3,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],4,['Lack of friends'],3.67,exploration,train,lonely -478,trying is one of the most attractive things,"Sometimes i think about this. people inherently wants someone who tries. someone who tries automatically has a chance for success. it's just an attractive trait. - -if u scroll through this sub, 70% of posters are trying. like 'im trying to make friends, im trying to date, etc.'. Wow. That's actually beautiful. - -I used to try in middle school, maybe early hs. but i dont care about myself. i literally do not give a flying fck. the only compass in my life is pleasure and pain. it's painful talking to people = isolate. It's pleasurable numbing my mind = scrolling, gaming, music. that sums up me as a person. i dont care about sabotaging a future self cause there is no future. just today. sure, i'd begrudgingly get a job if i was homeless next week. But unless it's necessary to survive tmrrw, it has no value. and no, im not gonna get better cause i'm not trying. Makes sense. why get mad or sad at a hopeless situation. It'd be painful to unalive, so I wont. - -People that try are so brave. If i actually tried- and failed- i'd do the next best thing to unaliving myself. that's actually a crazy concept. I would never try. This cycle has become too comfortable. ",['Not lonely'],3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of community or social support']",5,['Other'],3,['Not lonely'],3.67,exploration,train,lonely -479,Drinking alone,"So, I'm hanging alone, drinking with my cat. I've run out of people to message so I'm posting here (there weren't that many, hence coming to the lonely people of Reddit) - -I recently went through old journals from when I was a teenager (20 mumble years ago) and compiled a list of 250 songs I used to love... it's been a ride. I found a random number generator and that's how I've been experiencing it. It's a weird range. - -Does any else listen to music from a period in their life when things were intense, listening with new ears? It's good, I'm not sad but lonely...I used to have so many people in my life then. - -I should have read more about this group, hope this is okay to blurt out",['Lack of friends'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,exploration,train,lonely -480,wrote a poem about how I feel throughout my loneliness.,"I see, as couples stride in their ardor, - -I see, as others dissolve into laughter, - -I see, as the world lives, - -I see, as the clouds drift. - -‎ - -Why? I see, for I have no legs to run, - -no mouth to scream, - -no hands to reach, - -no soul to experience. - -‎ - -I am but a spectator. I see. - -‎ - -I see, as friendships blossom and fade, - -I see, as dreams ignite and shatter, - -I see, as joy and sorrow dance together, - -Yet I remain untouched, unseen. - -‎ - -Invisible walls encase my being, - -A silent scream echoes in my mind, - -A hollow heart, void of connection, - -In this endless void, I am confined. - -‎ - -I see, but never partake, - -I yearn, but never grasp, - -in a world so vibrant, I am but a shadow, - -nothing more than a whisper in the vast expanse. - -‎ - -I see, as the sun rises and sets, - -I see, as time weaves its tapestry, - -I see, but do not live, - -Forever watching, never belonging.","['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",3,"['Lack of friends', 'Lack of romantic relationships']",4,['Lack of community or social support'],4,"['Lack of friends','Lack of romantic relationships']",3.67,exploration,train,lonely -481,I sometimes wonder if my parents really cared about me,"The problem right now is i didn't catch the hint of how toxic my office is until right now. - -And now, my parents who face financial issue are trying to convince me to stay as long as possible to buy times until they are recovered from money problem. - -The issue is my office is getting toxic in each passing days and it drained me to the point that i didn't have any strength left after work. And it's been 6 months since my last exercise. - -I have senior colleague who try to belittle me and take every chance to humiliate me in the shit show in front of my superior (they are buddy too) - -So, right now, I feel like psycho who scream inside her mind and my soul feel like a void without any emotion or maybe on the boardline to kill myself. ",['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,['Not lonely'],3,exploration,test,lonely -482,I need a hug,please :(,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,exploration,train,lonely -483,Tired of fake women,"I make good money and work 58 hours a week, which leads to me not really having any real downtime, other than weekends anyway. and unfortunately the girls around where I live talk, and they all seem to know this. - -They always wanna be my girlfriend for the money, and then act like I don't exist when I finally get home. Or worse, when I get home I'll find another dude who was told that my apartment was hers. And I can't really blame the guys, but it's such a downer to be used for what I work so hard for over and over. And today was round 7 of this endless shit charade. - -I just want someone who likes me for me, and not for what I have. But oh well, who really gives a fuck anyway.",['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Not lonely'],1,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Not lonely'],2.33,exploration,test,lonely -484,Is it possible to find a girlfriend if you are ugly?,"In the last few years I lost a lot of hair at a relatively young age (M24) and now this sadly has made me look much worse. I don't really have the face for balding as I have a somewhat ""feminine"" face for a man. -I used to be able to (with a lot of effort) sometimes match with women and meet them. But slowly but surely it has become worse and worse and now I get almost no likes or matches, and the ones I do get either don't message me (Bumble)/don't respond or ghost me relatively quickly. - -I sadly am also too introverted to ask girls out at university or such, and am not part of any friend groups there. - -Recently I got really excited because a girl wanted to meet me and seemed quite interested, but she flaked on the day twice and said she would write me when she has time, but hasn't done so for a month now, so I don't think it will work out. - -Do you think there is hope if you look unattractive for finding a partner that likes and loves you? I feel like I am not valued at all and currently find it hard to imagine a woman would still want to be with me looking how I am. I feel very lonely and don't know what to do anymore. ",['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],4,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3,['Lack of romantic relationships'],3.67,exploration,train,lonely -485,I’m an ER nurse. I was called racist by a patient’s mother for simply doing my job.,"Her 15 year old daughter had a textbook broken radius. With an injury of that magnitude, sedation is 100% certain. Which in turn, means no food or drink for 12 hours before. We can’t control what you do before you get to the hospital, but what we can control is what you do while you’re there as a patient. The patient was flagged in the system as “NPO”. Which means nothing by mouth. No food or drink. - -I (31f) am a racist because I wouldn’t get her daughter a ginger ale. She told my charge nurse and everything, who in turn dismissed me from the girls care. When my charge nurse asked the mother why she feels that way, she screamed “Because my baby wants a FUCKIN ginger ale” - -I’ve been doing this job for 9 years. I’m good at it. I know what I’m doing. I got the patient pain meds, 2 pillows, and an ice pack. I even helped her pee in the bathroom while her mother went outside to smoke a cigarette. - -But I’m a racist because she wasn’t allowed food or drink. - -This job is taxing. I wouldn’t wish some of these patient interactions on my worst enemy. It doesn’t matter the age, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Some of the people are downright cruel. - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -486,I went on the most amazing date of my life and…,"He said he wasn’t able to get past my obesity. I’ve lost 90lbs over the last 2 years, I’ve come to realize the extreme abuse, poverty, and neglect growing up led me to mentally check out and self medicate with food and lack of movement. I’ve overcome a physical disability (unrelated to my weight) to achieve more health and movement than anyone in my family ever has. I’ve gone from a US 28 to a US 16. I take dance classes and do archery 3x a week, I track every fucking crumb that goes in my mouth, I haven’t had heavily processed carbs in weeks, I haven’t had an actual fucking soda in 2 years. I was so proud of myself, and to know that my disgusting body drove away a guy that was almost perfect just makes me want to scream. - -Anyway, I’m gonna go pout and feel sorry for myself. Just needed to scream into the void. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,test,offmychest -487,tired of all the pretty privileged girls,"TW lots of swearing ig - -they're all naturally pretty. They look great with and without makeup. They look good with every hairstyle they do, no matter what they wear, it always looks beautiful on them, they have perfect skin, perfectly healthy hair and they're all skinny asf. I hate it. I'm tired of being the only one in the friend group who's an ugly duckling and always will be for that matter. I feel like they pity me everytime they look at me. Hell, I KNOW they do. My teeth are fucked up even with braces, my face is fucking weird, I have acne even tho it got much better over the last year, but still. I'm not fat but I'm not skinny, I'm feminine but not THAT feminine, my hair is boring, my nose is fucking ugly and I have circles under my eyes that are of a disgusting purple color. How tf do other girls keep being pretty all the time and continue to get more and more prettier while I lie here feeling like a fucking loser? My life will always stay that way. I'm sure of it. I just want to end it all",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -488,I truly love being black,"I love everything about being african american. I love the countless stories of my people overcoming adversity. i love the way that we talk and how we create our own phrases and languages. I love our music and how because of us you can hear it all around the world. i love the 10’s of genres our people have created from rap to country. i love the strides we made in america and around the world. i love how we fight for what we believe in no matter what. i love that we can be loud and passionate as well as quiet and thoughtful. i love how when tragedy happens we come together and how our community is so tight that wherever you go you feel like someone has your back. i love our food, personally my family is from louisiana and it’s some of the best food i’ve ever had. i love our facial features and our hair textures. i love how we can accept eachother and our differences while recognizing what we all have in common. i love how we’re open to trying new things and meeting new people of all cultures. i love how we treat friends as family, calling them our aunts uncles and cousins. i love our fashion, our jewelry, our shoes. i love the way our skin radiates in the sun. i love being black so much it makes me cry. i’ve seen so many posts of black girls saying how much they hate it and how they wish they could be white. i love how people envy us so much that they want to be us and can never replicate it correctly. i love everything about being a black woman in america and i truly wouldn’t want to be anyone else. - - - -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -489,Guy sent me home after sex and i feel like failure as a woman,"Hello everybody - -I'm 35, female, duagnosed last year with adhd -and autism - -For context, I started getting into dating this year, in the past i only had a boyfriend for 6 months when I was 16 (I met him online and he was 23, different sensibilities at the time). - -Men have never liked me: i'm what you would call a butterface. I either made them livid when I espressed interest in them, or i stopped existing once a prettier friend came into the picture. - - - -I gave up on apps (men would match asking me if I was a guy, trans or saying ""at least you have a nice body to make up for it i guess"" i never put revealing photos up by the way) and recently met a guy at a boardgame meetup. We spoke the whole time and he seemed genuine interested. When the meetup ended 10 hours later, I brought him home and he offered to show me his cat. - -We had a very nice conversation and then he came onto me. He was very polite but I kinda felt paralyzed: what do i do? It was so long that I had sex or just actusl affection that I agreed, but made clear i was not the type for one night stands and he told me he also wasn't (i'm very naive and honestly kinda dumb, i'm basically a teenager in an adult woman body, as I have no experience). - -But he was so nice (the previous guy I went i a date with revealed himself to be a andrew tate supporter and basically told me to was his dishes like a maid, also implying he was doing me a favor by staying with me lol), I really liked him. - -So we ended up having sex (i'm not very good at it probably) and he basically told me to stay there to sleep. Welp, at 4 am he told ""maybe it's better if you go, I cannot sleep like this"". - -I felt very hurt: in my mind everything is my fault. I must have done sonething to make him uncomfortable. I asked him jokingly if this was post nut carità and he told me no, it wasn't. I shouldn't have, but I asked him if he wanted to hang out in the future without any pressure and he told me ""cannot give you an answer right now"" which, you know, fair. - -I feel very stupid. Maybe he just sent me home because he was sleepy and I made the situation weird? I should not have slept with him, i'm so dumb. - -I realize the pattern happens often: men compliment my body (and body only) and want to just have sex, but i'm not girlfriend material. Usually I manage to just say no, this time i was week. - -Sorry for the rant i just feel useless as a woman. I wish I had a pretty face, maybe i would be more valuable.",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.67,exploration,train,offmychest -490,WHY IS IT SO FUCKING HOT,FUUUCKING ASS SHIT ASS SHIT FUCK,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,test,offmychest -491,I sent a dead rat to the man who was grooming me as a teen and got away with it,"I doubt I can get in any legal trouble for this, it’s been almost 18 years since but I’m using a throwaway account all the same. It’s also not something I want to be traced back to me or my family. -When I was 15 I was in a relationship with my neighbor who was in his late 30s. I believe he started grooming me when I was 13. Anyway, his wife was getting suspicious so he broke up with me. I was heartbroken and furious because I thought he loved me (yes I was very very stupid). I tried several times to get him to be with me and when he wouldn’t I went to his work and left him a gift box. Inside was the dead rat with a note card that said “A rat for a rat.” I also threatened to tell his wife and kids and I'm not proud of that but at the time I was very desperate. He worked for his parents at a garage and I imagine other people saw it. He was beyond pissed and went to my parent’s house banged on their door and told them I was sending him dead rats. They asked him why he thought it was me and why I would do that. He said someone saw me do it but he couldn’t prove it and had no reason for why I would be sending him dead rats. I played dumb so my parents didn’t believe him. They did ask me if my friends might have been pranking him. I regret lying to my parents. Part of me wants to tell them but I know they’d be heartbroken to know this happened to me so I think they should never know. Besides my therapist, and my husband no one knows. Now that I’m almost as old as the man who groomed me it’s settling in how much he manipulated me and everything that he stole from me. I used to feel guilty for hurting him but not anymore.",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -492,I helped an old man pay for his food and it made me sad,"I'm sitting in the parking lot and im actually crying because of this. - -I was just now at the grocery store, i went in to get my 2 things and then go out. As i was on the till the cashier called a guy forwards who had scanned his things but didnt have enough money. He said he had $6 on his card and asked him to remove the ham he was buying. The total was still over i assume so he asked to remove the bread too. He was still struggling to pay and i could see how embarrassed he was. They figured out the issue was that he had exactly $6 and his total was $6.03. (My country says rounds up or down when they say it as we dont deal with cents, the lowest is equal to 10 cents. 6.03 is rounded to 6 so thats what the cashier said, but as he was paying with card it still rang as 6.03). The cashier removed the 0.03 from the same so he could pay. - -I quickly said ill pay for the ham and bread for him and the man was so thankful, as the cashier was scanning it it rang up as $3, i was also given 50% off on those 2 items so it ended up being $1.5(excluding my things of course). - -I'm now really sad for him and everyone in a similar situation. I'm lucky enough to never have had to worry about having enough money on my card. I've heard about situations like this but this is the first time I've been a part of it. I wish I could do more to help people like him. I'm gonna look into charity and see if i can help anyone. I dont know where to start but I'll figure it out i hope. - -TLDR: I payed for a persons food that they couldn't afford and now i want to help more people in their situation ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,test,offmychest -493,I hate being a black girl,"Just like the title said i hate being black i hate it i hate it i hate it - -I am always being compared to other girls especially white girls (i’m not tryna hate on you guys u r so pretttyyy💗💗💗) -I am always reminded of how nobody wants me -I always feel like i’m less valuable than a white person - -Whenever i see someone addressing this they always say it gets better but idk i can’t bare it anymore i hate my skin color i fkn hate it so much - -I don’t think i’m ugly infact i know i am pretty but being black in a predominantly white area is one pfp the worst things ever i just feel like everyone finds me ugly i always compare my selves and it makes me so insecure i wish i could go to a school with people who look more like me - -I hate it here i absolutely hate it infact i lowkey just wanna go to like heaven or something because i’m tired of living with this self hatred -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -494,Trump has ruined my family,"I hate politics. I especially hate Trump. My family has been brainwashed into worshipping this man like he’s god. Flags everywhere, t-shirts, hats, stickers, pins, the list goes on. My autistic brother calls eagles “trump eagles”. - -My family are hardcore Christians and won’t tolerate any oppositions in beliefs from anyone. If you don’t live, eat, breathe, sleep, and shit the same way they do they think you’re an evil person and are trying to destroy America. - -I could go on and on but I won’t make this longer than it needs to be. - -Fuck trump. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -495,"Update: I’m leaving him, but I have to pretend everything is normal"," -I’m not exactly sure how updating posts on Reddit usually works, so forgive me if this is weird/ not the norm. - -In the past 3 days, I have been able to inform everyone who needs to know of my plans. -This includes my job and my leasing office. Because I’m moving back to my hometown I’m having to find work there, but thankfully my managers are very understanding and supportive of what’s going on. They first and foremost want me to be safe. My leasing office is helping me find a way to discretely remove myself from the lease so I can get out. -I have begun recording everything, either on my phone or in writing. My mom is helping me with plans to get an attorney for custody. My dad and stepsister are helping me slowly move things out of my current apartment, as my stepsister live in the same town I do and can take things from me and bring them to my dad to store until I leave. I’ve started applying for jobs in my hometown as well as housing. I saw the comments warning me not to wait until he has a job and you’re right, but I do plan on waiting until I have a job to secure a future for my baby and myself. Thank you to everyone for the well wishes, miraculously since I’ve decided to leave he’s decided to act like the model father/boyfriend, but it’s only been 4 days and I can tell that’s waning. I will keep you all updated as things progress. Wish me luck",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -496,I had sex with my best friend and regret it,"TDLR: I had sex with my (former) best friend and regret it - -So I (F31) have been taking care of my grandparents for a long time, but live in a different city due to unfortunate circumstances (work). One day I got a call from their doctor saying my grandparents were not doing so well and I was going to visit them over break. Because of their housing situation, I always stay in a hotel. As I assumed it would be a regular visit, in which I would have a lot of time to spare, I invited one of my best friends (F30) to come along. She’s a lesbian and we have always had a bit of a flirty vibe, though nothing has ever happened. I consider myself straight. - -Getting to my grandparents, I quickly realised that they were in much worse shape than I had realised. They needed me much more than anticipated and I was very stressed when returning to the hotel room and bickered a lot with my friend. When I am pushed, I struggle with people in my space and I re-started this despite her knowing this from before. She insisted to stay “for comfort”. - -The situation got progressively worse for my grandparents and I was increasingly concerned and stressed out. For some reason, despite the constant arguments, I ended up sleeping with my friend and I am unsure about who started it. I have never had sex with a girl before, but have used sex as self-harm after surviving a DA relationship where SA was the norm. She knows all about this, but I confirmed consent in the moment and take full responsibility for my actions. - -I have never ever regretted anything more. First, something about her smell was revolting to me and having her fingers inside me made me feel absolutely disgusting. I faked an orgasm and she was pleased, and came on strongly to continue the sex, however I said we were done. That same afternoon I asked her to leave and later the same week, after many terrible things, my grandma died. - -It has been weeks and I am still so incredibly remorseful about it and struggle to move forward. I keep having flashbacks and just want to scrub myself raw to get rid of the memories. I fully understand and appreciate that it is my responsibility to be clear about consent and I don’t claim to have been assaulted in any way. - -Somehow this has been a lot more difficult to deal with than any of my previous experiences. It is the worst experience I have ever had, because of the way it has made me feel, the timing, the sensations and the loss of a previously trusted best friend. I am unable to continue our friendship, but have not explained why (and she’s not asked). - -I also feel ashamed about the regret and have not talked about it because of that. I just needed to tell someone, thank you so much for listening! ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,exploration,test,offmychest -497,My ex murdered someone,"The title pretty much says it all. I found out yesterday, almost two months after it happened. So many of our mutuals could have told me, but didn't. I feel fucking sick. -He and I dated for over a year. We spent every night together, traveled together, made plans together. Eventually we broke it off but remained friends until I entered another relationship. -The murder was incredibly brutal, and I don't even want to go into detail because it was all over the news. What he did was cruel, callous, and left a 1 year old child without their parent. -The worst part is someone sent me an article that had a video of the incident. Watching him, someone I once loved, take an innocent person's life absolutely gutted me. -My heart is broken for the victim and their loved ones, but I can't help but feel heartbroken for him too. A part of me always had a soft spot for him, and always wished we would get back together someday. This makes me feel immense shame, because logically I know he deserves the hell he's currently living in. -I'm fighting the urge to write to him. He's a fucking monster who destroyed a family for no good reason. Why the fuck do I want to talk to him? I've never experienced grief like this. ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -498,What happened to being a decent human...?!,"So today I was doing my weekly shop with my toddler, I've had my hands full of shopping. I was walking out the shop when I noticed someone's baby dropped their toy and people just walk around as if nothing happened or kicking the toy to the side as the baby was crying and the mother was trying to pack her bags. I picked up the toy and gave it to the mother. -It p*ssed me off because so many people walked past without a care. What happened to being a decent human, just picking up the toy and handing it over. I don't want to hear excuses like "" Well I don't do it because I will never have a child so I don't expect the same"" because guess what, if the child pick ups that that's acceptable, when we're older and need help no one will help us. Show a good example! -Ugh what happened to people these days.... Sorry had to vent...",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,test,offmychest -499,Im done with dating entirely,"It amazes me how many people use others in new ways every day to use and abuse them. Between insecurities, narcissistic behaviors, fuck boy mentalities, and just plain leading someone on to end up with nothing, yes. Fuck dating. I'm a grown ass woman and I don't have time for bs games. It's best to be alone than deal with the bs. Just venting. Just exhausted from society alone is enough, then adding something like the bs of dating, yeah. I'm good. ",['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.33,exploration,test,offmychest -500,My boyfriend's entire family hates me because Im poor,"me(f24) and my bf (m26) have been together for 6 years. His family are well off and have respectable career while mine is poor. - -I dont really live with my family anymore as I was able to make a decent living for myself. I am in school right now and I support myself financially 100%. My goal really is to become a psychologist but I am too far from that goal yet as I need to take things slow in order for me to manage both school and work. - -My bf on the other had is still starting out with his life (a different story for a different time) and is really making an effort to find a job. Currently he is being supported by his family. - -His family never failed to point out multiple times of how I cant afford a decent living for the both of us, and how poor I am and of how I dont have a bright future ahead of me unlike them being medical doctors. They also think Im a gold digger. - - -Me and my boyfriend dont have plans of living together yet or starting a family. We have discussed that we need to be stable first before moving in together and we are working our way on that. - -My bf defends me and is on my side, But I guess what they said is really affected me and brought myself to a downlow and I just dont know how to lift myself up from here. -",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,exploration,train,offmychest -501,My moms foster family are so annoying,They keep accusing my family of taking their things when it’s actually the other way around. And they keep taking. Without telling us 🤦🏾‍♀️,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,train,lonely -502,Does anger and emptiness replace tears and emotion after years of abuse and torture?,.,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,test,lonely -503,19f,I just want to talk to someone feel free to dm me as i am lonely af rn.,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3,['Other'],3.333333333,part3,train,lonely -504,first day of job update: first day/orientation is going super well so far! the team i’m training with are all nice,"also one of my previous coworkers works here, so that was cute :) ",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,part3,train,lonely -505,Deal With,It seems like everywhere I go people treating me like a laughing stock How do I deal with people making fun of me.,['Not lonely'],5,['Not lonely'],5,['Not lonely'],5,['Not lonely'],2.333333333,part3,train,lonely -506,Hi there,Anyone up for a chat? Kinda bored,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,part3,test,lonely -507,Anyone here from India. Just wanna talk,I am not sure whether it is appropriate or not but I just wanna chat with someone,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],2,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,train,lonely -508,Friend or Gaming Partner,dm me if you want to make friends or play games with (dbd 👉👈) im 18 btw so 18+ pls,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.666666667,part3,train,lonely -509,Asian introvert interested in meeting chill people ^_^,"Hello, my name is Kirby, 24m from the Philippines. I am quite new to reddit and would like to get to know people from around the world. My interests are music, travel, cats, and video games (on the switch). Feel free to chat with me anytime. Thanks \^\_\^",['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1,['Not lonely'],1.333333333,part3,test,lonely