import functools import json import logging import os import pprint from typing import Tuple from datasets import get_dataset_config_names, load_dataset, get_dataset_split_names import jax import numpy as np from flax import jax_utils from flax.jax_utils import pad_shard_unpad from transformers import AutoTokenizer, FlaxAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM import pandas as pd logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DATASET_NAME = "imdb" OUTPUT_DIR = "./imdb_dutch" MODEL_370 = "yhavinga/ul2-large-en-nl" # BATCH_SIZE = 64 BATCH_SIZE = 32 # BATCH_SIZE = 2 MODEL_MAX_LENGTH = 370 MAX_WORDS = int(MODEL_MAX_LENGTH / 3) END_MARKS = (".", "?", "!", '"', "'", "\n") class FlaxModel: def __init__(self, model_name: str, tokenizer_name: str, tokenizer_args={}): """ Initializes the FlaxModel with the specified model and tokenizer names, as well as tokenizer arguments. """ self.model = FlaxAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained( model_name, use_auth_token=True ) self.model.params = self.model.to_fp32(self.model.params, mask=None) self.tokenizer_args = { # "model_max_length": self.model.config.max_length, **tokenizer_args, } self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( tokenizer_name, use_auth_token=True, **self.tokenizer_args ) # if not ( # self.model.config.max_length # == self.tokenizer.model_max_length # == self.tokenizer_args.get("model_max_length") # ): # print( # f"Warning: model max length {self.model.config.max_length} != tokenizer max length {self.tokenizer.model_max_length} != tokenizer_args max length {tokenizer_args.get('model_max_length')}" # ) # raise ValueError("Model and tokenizer max_length should be equal") self.params = jax_utils.replicate(self.model.params) kwargs = { "max_length": self.tokenizer.model_max_length, "length_penalty": 1.0, "num_beams": 4, "early_stopping": True, } def shard(xs): local_device_count = jax.local_device_count() return jax.tree_map( lambda x: x.reshape((local_device_count, -1) + x.shape[1:]), xs ) def generate_step(params, batch): self.model.params = params output_ids = self.model.generate( batch["input_ids"], attention_mask=batch["attention_mask"], **kwargs ) return output_ids.sequences self.p_generate_step = jax.pmap(generate_step, "batch") @functools.lru_cache() def translate_batch(self, texts: Tuple[str]): overflowed = False texts = list(texts) if self.model.config.prefix: texts = [self.model.config.prefix + x for x in texts] texts = [x.replace("\n", "").replace("
", "") for x in texts] inputs = self.tokenizer( texts, max_length=self.tokenizer_args.get("model_max_length"), truncation=True, padding="max_length", return_tensors="np", ) if not np.array_equal(["input_ids"][:, self.tokenizer.model_max_length - 1], np.zeros(BATCH_SIZE), ): overflowed = True return BATCH_SIZE * [""], overflowed batch = print(f"Batch inputs shape is {batch['input_ids'].shape}") translated = pad_shard_unpad(self.p_generate_step)(self.params, batch) predictions = jax.device_get( translated.reshape(-1, self.tokenizer.model_max_length) ) if not np.array_equal( predictions[:, self.tokenizer.model_max_length - 1], np.zeros(BATCH_SIZE), ): overflowed = True output = [ self.tokenizer.decode(t, skip_special_tokens=False) for t in predictions ] # If there is ", "").replace("", "").split("", "
").strip() for x in output] return output, overflowed def split_text(text): text_parts = [] current_part = "" def split_on_end_marks(text): sentences = [] current_sentence = "" for char in text: if char in END_MARKS: sentences.append(current_sentence + char) current_sentence = "" else: current_sentence += char # Add the final sentence if it wasn't ended by an end of line mark if current_sentence: sentences.append(current_sentence) return sentences text_lines = split_on_end_marks(text) for line in text_lines: # If adding the line to the current part would not exceed MAX_WORDS words, add it to the current part if len((current_part + line).split()) <= MAX_WORDS: current_part += line # If adding the line to the current part would exceed 200 characters, add the current part to the list and reset the current part else: if len(current_part) > 0: text_parts.append(current_part) while len(line.split()) > MAX_WORDS: # print(f"Line {line} is longer than MAX_WORDS words") current_part = " ".join(line.split()[:MAX_WORDS]) text_parts.append(current_part + " ") line = " ".join(line.split()[MAX_WORDS:]) current_part = line # Add the final part to the list text_parts.append(current_part) text_parts[-1] = text_parts[-1].rstrip() return text_parts def test_split_text(): # Test with single line that is less than MAX_WORDS words text = " ".join([f"n{i}" for i in range(MAX_WORDS - 20)]) a = list(text) a[150] = END_MARKS[0] text = "".join(a) text_parts = split_text(text) assert text_parts == [text] # Test with single line that is exactly MAX_WORDS words text = " ".join([f"n{i}" for i in range(MAX_WORDS)]) a = list(text) a[10] = END_MARKS[0] text = "".join(a) text_parts = split_text(text) assert text_parts == [text] # Test with single line that is more than MAX_WORDS words text = " ".join([f"n{i}" for i in range(MAX_WORDS + 1)]) a = list(text) a[150] = END_MARKS[0] text = "".join(a) text_parts = split_text(text) assert text_parts == [text[:151], text[151:]] # Test with multiple lines, none of which are more than 200 characters text = "\n".join([f"n{i}" for i in range(10)]) text_parts = split_text(text) assert text_parts == [text] # Test with 500 words text = " ".join([f"n{i}" for i in range(500)]) a = list(text) a[150] = END_MARKS[0] a[300] = END_MARKS[0] a[550] = END_MARKS[0] a[600] = END_MARKS[0] a[750] = END_MARKS[0] a[900] = END_MARKS[0] a[950] = END_MARKS[0] a[1000] = END_MARKS[0] text = "".join(a) text_parts = split_text(text) assert all( [len(x.split()) <= MAX_WORDS for x in text_parts] ), "Not all text parts are less than MAX_WORDS words" assert "".join(text_parts) == text, "Text parts concatenated != original text" test_split_text() def get_file_lines(filename): """ Get the number of lines in a file, 0 if the file does not exist. """ lines = 0 if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename) as f: with open(filename, "r") as f: lines = len(f.readlines()) print(f"{filename} already has {lines} lines") return lines SEP = "\n" # SEP="" def main(): os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR, exist_ok=True) model_370 = FlaxModel( MODEL_370, MODEL_370, tokenizer_args={"model_max_length": MODEL_MAX_LENGTH} ) for config in get_dataset_config_names(DATASET_NAME): print(f"Processing config {config}") ds = load_dataset(DATASET_NAME, config) # for split in ["validation"]: for split in get_dataset_split_names(DATASET_NAME, config): output_file = f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/{DATASET_NAME}_dutch_{config}-{split}.json" num_examples = len(ds[split]) # fn = partial(encode_in_single_text, validation=(split == "validation")) # single_text_ds = ds[split].map(fn, num_proc=6).sort("length", reverse=True) # # fn = partial(batch_single_text_decode, validation=(split == "validation")) # # decoded_ds =, num_proc=6) # lines = get_file_lines(output_file) start_batch_index = lines // BATCH_SIZE with open(output_file, mode="ab" if lines else "wb") as writer: for batch_index in range(start_batch_index, num_examples // BATCH_SIZE): ds_split = ds[split] batch = ds_split[ batch_index * BATCH_SIZE : (batch_index + 1) * BATCH_SIZE ] print( f"Translating batch {batch_index} of {num_examples // BATCH_SIZE}" ) translated, overflow = model_370.translate_batch( tuple(batch["text"]) ) translated_batch = [{"text": x} for x in translated] if overflow: batch_text_splitted = [ split_text(text) for text in batch["text"] ] max_parts = max( [len(text) for text in batch_text_splitted] ) text_translated = [""] * BATCH_SIZE for part_index in range(max_parts): text_parts_i = [ text[part_index] if part_index < len(text) else "" for text in batch_text_splitted ] ( text_part_translated, overflow, ) = model_370.translate_batch(tuple(text_parts_i)) if overflow: print( f"This shouldn't happen, overflow on a splitted text: {text_parts_i}" ) for bi in range(BATCH_SIZE): text_translated[bi] += " " + text_part_translated[bi] if text_parts_i[bi] != "" else "" for bi in range(BATCH_SIZE): translated_batch[bi]["text"] = text_translated[bi].strip() # write each object in the batch as a separate line for bi in range(BATCH_SIZE): example = { "text": translated_batch[bi]["text"], "text_en": batch["text"][bi], "label": batch["label"][bi], } pprint.pprint(example) writer.write(json.dumps(example).encode("utf-8")) writer.write("\n".encode("utf-8")) if __name__ == "__main__": main()