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AC-EVAL: Evaluating Ancient Chinese Language Understanding in Large Language Models


AC-EVAL presents a thorough evaluation suite for Large Language Models (LLMs) focusing on ancient Chinese, covering eras from the Pre-Qin period to the Qing dynasty. This suite includes 3245 multi-choice questions across 3 levels of difficulty and 13 diverse tasks, as shown below. Please check our paper for more details.


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Each subject consists of two splits: dev and test. The dev set per subject consists of five exemplars with explanations for few-shot evaluation. The test set is for model evaluation. Labels on the test split are not released, users are required to submit their results to automatically obtain test accuracy. How to submit?

Below is a dev example from art and cultural heritage:

Question A B C D Answer Explanation
五代南唐时期著名画家顾闳中的绘画名作是?(The famous painting masterpiece of Gu Hongzhong, a famous painter in the Southern Tang Dynasty during the Five Dynasties, is?) 《女史箴图》(Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court Ladies) 《五牛图》(Five Buffaloes) 《簪花仕女图》(Ladies with Flowers) 《韩熙载夜宴图》(Han Xizai Giving a Night Banquet) D 让我们逐步分析。顾闳中的绘画名作是《韩熙载夜宴图》。《五牛图》是韩滉的作品,《簪花仕女图》是周昉的作品,《女史箴图》是顾恺之的作品。 (Let‘s analyze step by step. The famous painting by Gu Hongzhong is 'Han Xizai Giving a Night Banquet.' 'Five Buffaloes' is a work by Han Huang, 'Ladies with Flowers' is by Zhou Fang, and 'Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court Ladies' is by Gu Kaizhi.)

Load data

from datasets import load_dataset
aceval=load_dataset(r"yuting-wei/aceval", 'art_and_cultural_heritage')

Load all data at once

task_list = ['historical_facts', 'geography', 'social_customs', 'art_and_cultural_heritage', 'philosophy_and_religion', 'lexical_pragmatics_analysis', 'allusions_and_idioms', 'word_sense_disambiguation', 'translation', 'event_extraction', 'sentence_pauses', 'summarization_and_analysis', 'poetry_appreciation']
from datasets import load_dataset
aceval = {k: load_dataset(r"yuting-wei/aceval", k) for k in task_list}


Please cite our paper if you use our dataset.

      title={AC-EVAL: Evaluating Ancient Chinese Language Understanding in Large Language Models}, 
      author={Yuting Wei and Yuanxing Xu and Xinru Wei and Simin Yang and Yangfu Zhu and Yuqing Li and Di Liu and Bin Wu},


The AC-EVAL dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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