TEXT: THE HAPPINESS PATROL PART ONE Run time: 24:51 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. Streets of Terra Alpha. Night. [SCENE_BREAK] As the episode credit is shown, we see dark streets painted in 'happy' colours. A woman, DAPHNE S, comes down the street, in a dark trenchcoat. She is a melancholy looking woman with yellow hair and premature wrinkles and bulbous eyes, rather like a woman bloodhound. She sits down on a bench. A man in a dark coat like hers appears arpound a corner, slightly plump and weaselly. This is SILAS P. He hisses to get her attention. SILAS P: Psst!! Do you want to talk about it? DAPHNE S: I don't talk to strangers. SILAS P: Perhaps I can help. DAPHNE S: I didn't ask for any. SILAS P: You know you shouldn't sit here. It's dangerous. DAPHNE S: I don't care anymore. Let them get me. SILAS P: You don't have to face your suffering alone, you know. DAPHNE S: What do you mean? (Silas P sits down behind her, then looks left and right to make sure of no eavesdropping) SILAS P: There's a place. A secret place. Where some of us gather to indulge their depressions, to share their miseries, with other killjoys like you and me. DAPHNE S: I'm not a killjoy! SILAS P: That's what they would call you. You interested? DAPHNE S: Perhaps. SILAS P: Oooh, it changed my life. Here, my card. Here, take it! (Daphne reads it) DAPHNE S: "Silas P" SILAS P: (Grinning) Other side! DAPHNE S: (As she reads it, Silas's demeanour changes to triumphant and he leaps off the bench) But it says... SILAS P: "Happiness Patrol, Undercover SUMMARY:
The Happiness Patrol walk the streets of Terra Alpha, destroying all the killjoys, on the orders of the despotic Helen A. And in the Kandy Kitchen, something terrible lurks...
TEXT: "How the Other Half Lives" 36th Episode of Roswell Production Code: 2ADA14 [SCENE_BREAK] [Episode opens with someone breaking into Michael's apartment and searching frantically for something, leaving a mess in his wake. His search comes to an end when he comes across a picture of Laurie Dupree.] [Scene switches to Michael and Maria spying on the Dupree estate] Michael: [looking through binoculars, to Maria, who is punching in numbers on a cell phone] Hey, we're here to keep an eye on Laurie. Would you stop making phone calls? Maria: [to Michael] It's official business. [into the phone] Liz! Hey, it's me again. Listen, um, how do you get tree sap out of fabric? I think I've ruined my top... Michael: You're wasting the battery. Maria: No, no. The black turtleneck...The cashmere one...I borrowed it from my mum, you know?...I know...I know, right? It's tragic...[the lights go out in the house] It is...I'm still in the middle of nowhere with he who shall remain nameless [Michael yanks the phone away] Hey! Ow!! MICHAEL: [Switches off the phone] Let's go! [They sneak into the estate and hide by the pool as a security guard passes by.] Maria: You got any cool powers to take care of him? [Michael throws a rock into the bushes. As the guard goes to check out the noise, Michael and Maria slip into the house.] [Meanwhile, back in Roswell the Sheriff and Agent Duff pull over Grant Sorenson's car..] Duff: Step out of the car please. Grant: What the hell is this about? Jim: Brought you something you've wanted for a long time. Search warrant. [Jim starts to search the trunk while Duff talks to Grant] Duff: Can I ask you a few questions, Mr. Sorenson? Grant: Sure. Duff: [Shows him some papers] These are car rental receipt SUMMARY:
Max tries to stop Alex and Kyle from being buried alive in a cave filled with glowing blue crystals; Isabel is kidnapped by Grant Sorenson possessed by the alien parasite queen; Michael is shot while trying to protect Laurie..
TEXT: THE EVIL OF THE DALEKS Original Broadcast Date: May 20, 1967 Repeated: June 8, 1968 Total Running Time: 25:20 [SCENE_BREAK] INTRODUCTORY SCENE - TARDIS CONTROL ROOM DOCTOR: Now, as I remember Zoe, it all started when Jamie and I discovered somebody making off with the TARDIS. ZOE: Well, what about those Daleks you showed me? DOCTOR: We're coming to that, Zoe. Just let me show you the story from the beginning. [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE 1 - HANGAR, GATWICK AIRPORT (Unable to catch the lorry driving off with the TARDIS on its bed, the DOCTOR and JAMIE go into the hangar, where a man in overalls is sitting, listening to a radio.) DOCTOR: Jamie! JAMIE: The TARDIS! Doctor! (The DOCTOR attempts to speak above the radio, which is almost deafeningly loud.) DOCTOR: Excuse me! HALL: Eh? DOCTOR: I wonder if you could help us? HALL: My mate likes the wireless turned on at full blast. (He gestures to an old battered radio sitting on a nearby bench.) HALL: I have to keep this turned down. (He indicates his hearing aid.) DOCTOR: Oh, I see. (HALL turns the wireless down as JAMIE speaks.) JAMIE: Who's taken the TARDIS? DOCTOR: He means the police telephone box. HALL: He said 'TARDIS' or something. DOCTOR: Yes. Well, TARDIS... That's, uh... That's another name for it. HALL: Oh, foreign is he? JAMIE: Me, foreign? You're the one that's foreign! I'm Scottish! DOCTOR: Uh, that's right. TARDIS is a... is a Gaelic word. (He whispers to JAMIE.) Jamie, hush! JAMIE: (Whispering back.) It's getting further away SUMMARY:
Trying to find the stolen TARDIS, the Doctor and Jamie are lured into a trap by the Doctor's old enemies the Daleks.
TEXT: THE CLAWS OF AXOS BY: BOB BAKER & DAVE MARTIN 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. NUTON COMPLEX. LIGHT ACCELERATION LABORATORY (The MASTER stands before a unit that has one large lever. He has his hand on it. He is watched by HARDIMAN, FILER and the UNIT men.) MASTER: Now, when I pull this handle, the enormous amount of power stored in the TARDIS will be channeled straight into Axos. FILER: What about Jo and the Doc? MASTER: They won't stand a chance - they will die with Axos. (His hand tightens on the lever. The BRIGADIER jumps forward.) BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: No! MASTER: (Harshly.) Either we destroy Axos or Axos destroys the world - which is it to be, Brigadier?! (The BRIGADIER agonises, then steps back. The MASTER pulls the lever.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. AXOS. PASSAGEWAY (The energy surges back into Axos. Still struggling to the exit, the DOCTOR and JO are flung from side to side.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3: INT. NUTON COMPLEX. LIGHT ACCELERATION LABORATORY (HARDIMAN is looking at the readings on the console.) HARDIMAN: Well over maximum now. (The MASTER, looking stern, walks past the observers and into the TARDIS.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4: INT. TARDIS. CONSOLE ROOM (Within, he manipulates controls.) MASTER:... old antique - keep working! [SCENE_BREAK] 5: INT. AXOS. PASSAGEWAY (The DOCTOR and JO continue to stumble through Axos. Wall tendrils flail at them and hallucinogenic images of SUMMARY:
The Doctor and Jo escape from Axos but then the Doctor offers the Master a deal:if he helps him repair the TARDIS, they can flee Earth together.
TEXT: BROOKE'S FORMER HOUSE Brooke,little girl, sat on the flight of steps while her parents quarrel inside the house. She sees a married couple passing by car. VICTORIA: Until you get it through your thick skull that I'm not happy! FATHER: Happy? You think I'm happy? You think I like working all day and come home to the same broken record? VICTORIA: Oh, I'm a broken record? FATHER: Yes, you are! VICTORIA: Well, I wish I'd never married you! It was a mistake I did. FATHER: Can I go now? I've had enough of you for one night. VICTORIA: I've had enough of you for one life! NALEY'S HOUSE Julian wake up with Chester on the chest. JAMIE: Sorry, Julian. I told Chester that you and Brooke were getting married today. He's not taking it very well. JULIAN: Okay. Why would your rabbit have an emotional response to our wedding? JAMIE: Well, he's always had a thing for Brooke. JULIAN: How could you possibly know that? JAMIE: It's in the eyes. What's this? JULIAN: That, my very best man, is one half of a bumper-car token. JAMIE: Where's the other half? JULIAN: With a girl. JAMIE: Brooke? JULIAN: Nope. When I was around your age, I went to a county fair, and I met a girl, and we went on a bunch of rides together. JAMIE: Oh, cool. Which rides? JULIAN: Doesn't matter. Old county-fair rides. Totally irrelevant to the story. Okay. One of them was the Octopus. JAMIE: I love the Octopus. JULIAN: Anyway, the point is, it was the first crush I ever had. And not a "Chester likes Brooke" kind of crush, a real crush. You ever have that feeling? JAMIE: I think Madison's pretty cool. JULIAN: Mm-h SUMMARY:
Brooke and Julian's wedding day has finally arrived. Alex and Quinn start to spend a lot more time together, as they continue to share their past experiences with almost dying. Haley tells Jamie that he's going to have a little sister. Millie grows closer to Mouth, due to the wedding. This episode is named after a song by Within Temptation . Opening theme song performed by Augustana .
TEXT: (Rebekah lies on an old mattress in a poor state suffering from the werewolf bites she received in the previous episode; there is a dripping sound by her bedside as she is coming into a conscious state. She shoots awake gasping only to look around and see a very familiar hospital in full swing; the sound of screaming patients in agony and bustling nurses and doctors attending to them; all dying from Spanish Influenza. She is hallucinating, as we see she is really in an abandoned hospital in New Orleans; antique hospital beds, wheelchairs and equipment left behind and forgotten. She breathes heavily and gasps with fear as she looks around lost in her hallucination. Blood dripping on the floor; a man drops a bloody rag; another man sits up in bed and coughs out blood. She gasps as two doctors drop another patient onto a cot and wheel him toward the morgue. She slowly rolls out of the bed, weakened by the werewolf venom in her system. A woman's laughter is heard echoing through the corridors.) Rebekah: Who's there? (No answer, she struggles to get out of that room as quickly as possible and escape. As she reaches the door she plunges through it escaping outside) Rebekah: How the hell did I get here? (She stumbles toward the steps but before she can go any further she is stabbed in the heart with a wooden stake. She gasps and falls to the ground only to look into the eyes of the familiar face that stabbed her) Rebekah: Genevieve! Genevieve: Rebekah, tell me you're not leaving already. I thought we might reminisce. (Rebekah falls unconscious) (Meanwhile inside, Celeste looks over the body of Klaus who is shirtless and lying on a bed tied down by restraints. He too is weakened by Papa Tunde's blade which has disappeared inside of him. He groans and starts to stir.) (The witches have gathered to say goodbye to Sophie who was killed in the previous episode. Monique stands emotionless with a candle as a man lays bricks SUMMARY:
Back in 1919, Marcel and Rebekah begin a plan in order to keep their unconditional love forever. Rebekah works as a nurse and befriends the witch Genevieve as well as Clara Summerlin (who happened to be Celeste), and later uses Genevieve to bring back Rebekah's father - Mikael who can kill Klaus. However when Rebekah attacks Genevieve, Clara oversees and Rebekah both infected them with the contagious bloody cloth, leaving them to die desperately. In the present, Genevieve reveals to Klaus about the betrayal of Marcel and Rebekah. Hayley on the other hand is on a mission of her own as she attacks Celeste and is looking for answers. Finally, when Klaus is freed and is on his way to punish Rebekah for her betrayal, Elijah comes in time to save both her and Marcel.
TEXT: Kevin: So, uh... you found a band for your wedding yet? Pam: No. Kevin: 'Cause I'm in a band. We really rock. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: Yeah, I mean it's inevitable. I definitely overhear some wedding preparation, but I'm fine with it. She hears me arranging my social life. And we both have to hear Dwight order deer urine over the Internet, so it evens out. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Oh I got the 'Save The Date'. Pam: Yeah? Phyllis: Yeah, pretty stationery. Pam: Oh, thanks! Angela: I didn't get mine yet. Pam: Uh... [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: There are a few people I decided not to invite, and that might make things kind of awkward but... it's my wedding. And I don't want anyone there who has called me a hussy. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Yes, thanks, Fantastic Sam's. Adult Cut Plus. Comes with a shampoo and blow dry. We're doing I.D. photos today. Gotta represent. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Uh, on or off? I.D. Photographer: Off. Phyllis: Okay... [removes glasses] Dwight: Oh! What is on your face? Is that a disguise? Phyllis: [leaving the room] Excuse me. Dwight: Clown paint. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: I.D. badges are long overdue. Security in this office park is a joke. Last year, I came to work with my spud gun in a duffel bag. I sat at my desk all day, with a rifle that shoots potatoes at 60 pounds per square inch. Can you imagine if I was deranged? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: That's a nice tie. Ryan: Thank you. Michael: That is... who makes that? Ryan: Um, I don't... Michael: Do you mind if I wear that for the photo SUMMARY:
Michael learns that Toby keeps files detailing all of the complaints employees have had against each other. Angry that the disputes have not been resolved, Michael reads them out loud, which brings up old conflicts and leaves the employees bitter and angry. Dwight's conflict resolution meeting with Jim causes the latter to have an epiphany about his work situation. Angered that someone complained about her wedding planning, Pam tries to figure out who it was.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] You shot the one man makes a difference to me and somehow convinced Kendal to throw away his life to save yours. Darryl: Man, you crazy. Boyd Crowder is dead? Wynn: Very dead, indeed. The other one? Wynn: Darryl Crowe? S<unk>. You want him? I'll find him. By sundown tomorrow. Wynn: I told them I executed you. I suggested they get a hotel while I track down Darryl Crowe. Boyd: A friend of mine discovered what he believes to be 5 or 6 kilos of heroin. I think they call them "bricks." Darryl Crowe Jr. is looking to build a house with those bricks. Raylan: We don't want him on felony possession. We want him on attempted murder. Ava: I thought about your proposal about Boyd. I'm gonna talk to him. I'm gonna get him to cooperate. Raylan: You're too late. Boyd already cooperated. Boyd: Now, I want to know where we stand on our deal. Raylan: You said you'd help us get him. You didn't get him. So we'll be proceeding to bring charges against you A.S.A.P. Boyd: Jimmy? You got those last six keys? I do. Boyd: Put them in the ceiling above my desk, then hit the road. Yeah, Boyd. [cellphone thuds] Kendal will be tried for attempted murder of a federal officer as an adult. Wendy: Who did this?! Raylan: I did. Tim: Everything we've been through to get them here, now you want to cut them loose. Raylan: They can't hang themselves if we don't give them any rope. Rachel: What about Wendy? Raylan: I want to keep her here a bit. Rachel: But if we're not charging her... Raylan: We can hold her for a couple of hours. Rachel: I know we can hold her. Just trying to figure out what it is you're up to. Darryl: Hey! You ain't just walking away from this bullshit, man. Tim: SUMMARY:
Raylan has one last shot at taking down Art's would-be assassin, while cartel killers have Boyd's back against the wall.
TEXT: [A Cell] (Damon is alone and after some struggle, he finally gets out of the cell) [Salvatore's House] (Katherine wakes up next to Stefan) Katherine: Oh, my God! Stefan: Hmm. Hey Katherine: Um, don't turn around Stefan: What are you doing? Katherine: Um, just don't turn around Stefan: Where are you going? Katherine: Uh, everything's fine. Go back to bed (Katherine is about to leave when Damon enters) Katherine: What the hell happened to you? Damon: Ditto. Elena's not here by any chance, is she? Katherine: I haven't seen her, not that I've been looking Damon: Stef, you awake? Katherine: You know, he hasn't seen her either. I know because we were together all night Damon: Look. I've had a really crappy couple days, ok? If you're implying what I think you're implying... Katherine: Why? What were you thinking? That our hot, naked bodies collided in one unforgettable night of passion? Damon: I'm gonna barf Katherine: Great. Then my work here is done. Too-do-loo (She leaves) [A Lab] (Dr. Maxfield is with Elena. She's tied to an exam table) Dr. Maxfield: Subject 83182 appears conscious Elena: Where am I? Dr. Maxfield: Why? Look familiar? Elena: What is that thing? What are you doing to me? Dr. Maxfield: 83182 resume prep for blood dialysis. Count from 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5... [Salvatore's House] (Damon enters Stefan's room) Stefan: Where the hell you been? Damon: Aw, you know, being held against my will, shot in the head, now I can't find Elena. How was your evening? Anything out of the ordinary happen? Stefan: Wait a minute. What do you mean you can't find Elena? Damon: I mean, she's not picking up her phone, she's not in her dorm, she's SUMMARY:
Damon manages to escape his cage while Katherine wakes up with Stefan to find her gray hair falling out. While Elena is trapped by Wes, who is continuing his research, Damon decides to ask Stefan for help in getting Elena back. Damon comes up with a plan where they will offer to exchange Aaron to save Elena; if Wes doesn't give them Elena back they will kill Aaron. Meanwhile, Katherine is having serious problems when aging becomes faster so she enlists Matt's help. Wes reveals to Elena that her father was a doctor practicing on vampires and using their blood to help other people. Katherine continues to struggle with aging and enlists Matt to help her, who then calls Nadia. Damon is shocked when he meets his old friend Enzo who is not too pleased to see him. Though Damon saves Enzo from Wes, the latter remains indignant with him, saying Damon will always be a monster. When Wes is on his way to turn Elena into a vampire ripper like Jesse, Stefan is able to save her. Later on Damon ends his relationship with Elena when she tries to overlook his gritty past with the Whitmores. Damon feels Elena should not have to make excuses for him, and sees her attempted resolve as only an indication of her changing. Nadia returns to Mystic Falls and tries to convince Katherine in becoming a traveler so she could live longer, which Katherine declines when she thinks Stefan has feelings for her. Aaron tells Wes to leave him alone as he steals a vial from the lab. Katherine realizes that she was wrong about Stefan and decides to accept the deal, but just when she does she collapses.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] JULIAN: Where did you even get this? PAUL: It was e-mailed to me this morning. Julian, we're being blackmailed. ALEX: You filmed us having s*x? JOSH: You found my computer? ALEX: No. But someone did. And now Julian and his father are being blackmailed for 1 million dollars thanks to you! JOSH: We just said we were getting the tape out there. The plan was never to blackmail these people for money. ALEXENDER: Look, we got to tell Brooke, all right? She's got no idea... VICTORIA: Look, I told Brooke I was taking a lover. You just need to relax. SKILLS: I came home for you because I love you. LAUREN: It's just, things are different. SKILLS: Is there someone else? LAUREN: Maybe. SKILLS: Is you, isn't it? MOUTH: Yes, but... SKILLS: Thanks for sleeping with my girlfriend, buddy. MIRANDA: I'm being deported. GRUBBS: Marry me. MIRANDA: What did you just say? GRUBBS: Marrying me fixes everything. QUINN: Somebody bought your portrait. She's right there. CLAY: Remember the tennis player that wouldn't take no for an answer? She is the girl who bought my portrait tonight. QUINN: That Katie girl? Why do you have a photo with her? CLAY: Because it's not her. It's Sara. NATHAN: Even though she doesn't show it all the time, deep down inside, your mom is still very sad that your grandma died. JAMIE: Mom's gonna be okay, right? NATHAN: Yeah, she's gonna be fine. NALEY'S HOUSE Nathan sleeps but Haley is not any more with the bed. BIG LAKE Haley came to pose a flower in water like own way of thought for his mother. CLINN'S HOUSE Clay and Quinn are sleeping but one sees a shade through the window which looks SUMMARY:
Nathan and Haley struggle with the aftermath of her mother's death, while Brooke deals with the fallout of Alexander's tryst with Victoria. Alex discovers a secret about her leading man, Josh, that could derail Julian's film, and Clay is confronted by an unhinged Katie. This episode is named after a song by Boys Like Girls .
TEXT: [the year 2030] Narrator: everybody make mistakes. Take this girl Meg for instance [the year 2007 - the bar - Barney/Meg] Narrator: She made a mistake, a mistake named Barney. Meg: Yeah i thought i was gonna get married to my last boyfriend but, boy, did that guy have commitment issues! That whole relationships, that 3 weeks of my life i'll never get back. Barney: Well, I love commitment. I wish i could marry commitment. [The appartement - Ted/Barney] Barney: I met a girl last night. Ted: Really? Barney: So perky and full of life and not at all fake. Ted: You're talking about her boobs, right? Barney: C! And that wasn't spanish, that was cup size! What up! Ted: So these boobs... Barney: Mmmm... Ted: Paint me a word picture. Barney: All right, Ted. Imagine the heads of two Irish babies. Let's call them...(bbllluuuuu) and (bllluuu) Lily: Please stop! Lily and Marshall eat near the sofa. Narrator: When you get married you start out growing certain parts of your life; and for Lily and Marshall, those certain parts were, for the most part, me. (Lily walks toward the bathroom, open the door and yells, Ted gets out the bathroom, only dressed by a bath towel, an electric razor in a hand) Ted: Why could you come in? you hear me shaving! Lily: I thought you were shaving your face! Ted: Well, clearly i wasn't! [The apartment -Barney/robin- They smoke a cigar and watch a catch game on tv]Together: Oh! No no! Barney (to Robin): Pay up! pussy! (Marshall gets out of his bedroom) Marshall: Guys, it's 3:00 in the morning and it reeks in here. Robin: Ted said it was okay. Ted (gets out of the kitchen): Ah, hey, Marshall. You're still up SUMMARY:
Lily and Marshall make a rash of irresponsible decisions when buying an apartment in the "Dowisetrepla" neighbourhood, while Barney uses this opportunity to hook up with women without giving away his address. Marshall learns about Lily's secret.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] This town was my home once. I want it back. We should have known our mother would not be bound by anything as obvious as death. Esther. I have come to heal our family. For you, I will undo everything that has been done, thereby giving you a new life. You mean, you don't recognize me? It's been a long time, Finn. Well, there's no way Kol would listen to anything other than his ego. And even the wildest us of Mikaelsons has seen the error of his ways. I'm Kaleb. Davina. Aah! You filthy dogs. It can't be. Hello, son. Father! How do you expect to show them the error of their ways? Perhaps it's time to turn our attention to the outskirts of our beautiful home. [ MARCEL'S LOFT ] ( The vampires are congregated at Marcel's apartment, drinking and talking. Gia stands against the wall with her eyes closed, and catches a dart thrown by a fellow vampire before it can hit her in the face ) Gia: [laughs and holds out her hand to the vampire] Pay up! ( The vampire hands her a $100 bill. Across the room, Josh is checking a message on a dating app on his phone. His username is NoLaYolo019. Marcel walks over and hands him a drink ) Marcel: Any prospects? Josh: Well, since you asked... Yeah, there's this one guy. We've been messaging so far, but... I think I like him. Like, really like him. Marcel: So, what's the problem? Josh: Oh, I don't know... I might have left a few things out of the old profile. For example, what has two thumbs and drinks blood to survive? Oh, right! This guy. [he gives Marcel a double -thumbs -up] ( Marcel laughs and takes a sip of his drink. After a moment, someone is thrown through the windows. It's a vampire, who appears to have had his throat ripped out. Suddenly, werewolves with moonlight rings s SUMMARY:
Knowing that it's only a matter of time before Klaus comes after them, Davina hides with Mikael in her family cabin in the woods. When Hayley gets a tip that Vincent/Finn is recruiting young, unsuspecting teenagers in order to build a werewolf army, she enlists the help of Elijah, Marcel and Gia to rescue the group. After Cami inadvertently lets Klaus in on Davina's whereabouts, she tags along in an attempt to truly understand the deeply rooted hatred he has for his parents. At his mother's urging, Kaleb/Kol seeks out Davina in order to locate the missing White Oak Stake and is caught off guard when he has a dangerous encounter at the cabin. Josh, who continues to struggle with his vampire identity, opens up to an unexpected ally. Lastly, Elijah is caught and kidnapped by Esther.
TEXT: (London subway) <unk> Ooh <unk> <unk> I feel love, I feel love <unk> <unk> I feel love, I feel love <unk> <unk> I feel love <unk> <unk> I feel love, I feel love, I feel love <unk> Danny (on phone): Hey, guys. Erm, I was just... wanted to see if you were still up. But... Alex: Are you OK? Danny: Me? I'm fine. You don't know me, but if you did, you'd know I'm always fine. What about your drink? Alex: You can keep it. (Theme music and title scene) Female automated voice: Destination reached. Scanning successful. I'll shave his hand? I'll shake his hand. Shake his hand! Shake his hand. Danny: Hello! Hi. I'll sha-... I'll sha-... Sara: No... No... No... No... No... Oh, no. Danny: I'm gonna stay in tonight. Sara: You don't feel so good? Danny: I'm fine. (Alarm beeping) Danny: I wanted to say thank you. Which I didn't get to say... last time. I've just had a... a hunch. Sometimes you have to take a chance, right? Otherwise, how do you know? Heh-heh. Obviously I got this wrong. Oh sorry. Heh-heh. My name's Danny. Alex: My name is Joe. Danny: So Joe, are you... Are... Heh-heh. I've run out of questions. Erm... Alex: Ask me. Please. Danny: Are you out? Alex: No. If you want to go, I can understand that reaction. Danny: I don't want to go. Alex: I work for an investment bank. It's their appartment. Security is a concern. There's a terrace... If you want to smoke, I mean. I'm going to take a shower. Danny: I'll let you get dressed. Alex: I can pay. Danny: No, it's fine, I'm... I must be easy to read. Alex: You are. Danny: SUMMARY:
Warehouse worker Danny is recovering from a drug-induced haze when he encounters Alex jogging. They connect with one another, and become lovers. Danny introduces Alex to his older friend Scottie, and confesses to Alex about his past. Soon afterwards Alex disappears, and then Danny's flat is ransacked. Danny is mysteriously given the key to Alex's apartment, where he discovers Alex's dead body in a room dedicated to sado-masochism . He telephones the police, but remembering Alex's last words to him, he swallows a code-locked cylinder he finds in the battery compartment of Alex's laptop. The police tell Danny that Alex had lied to him: his name was actually Alistair and he wasn't an orphan. Scottie collects Danny from the police after supplying him with a solicitor, and tells him that Alex/Alistair was working for MI6. Before he leaves, Scottie tells him that the police were wondering if he had taken anything from Alex/Alistair's apartment. Danny lies and later passes the object he had swallowed.
TEXT: THE GREATEST SHOW IN THE GALAXY PART THREE Run time: 24:30 [SCENE_BREAK] Stone chamber [SCENE_BREAK] Mags: It's weird. I don't understand. The Doctor: Oh, nasty little booby trap, that. That is, if it is a booby trap. Still, there's certainly no way forward. Mags: Is it a well? The Doctor: One way to find out. The Doctor: That eye, I've seen it before. Of course, it was on the kites at the entrance hall. Fascinating. Somehow, somewhere down there is the answer to all that's going on at the Psychic Circus. Captain: Ahem. Awfully sorry to butt in like this, old boy, but I'm afraid you're wanted. You're the next one due on in the ring. Mags: Why did you bring them here? Captain: Survival of the fittest, old girl. Don't tell me you never came across that on the planet Vulpana? The Doctor: But we were on the edge of discovering the secret of the Psychic Circus. Doesn't that interest you at all? Captain: Frankly, no, old chap. Anyway, what's going on seems pretty clear to me. Anybody dumb enough to get into the ring gets killed. [SCENE_BREAK] Workshop [SCENE_BREAK] Ace: Just because I said I don't like them, doesn't mean I'm scared of clowns, okay? Got that, tinhead? I said, got that, tinhead? Bellboy: Oh, I'm sorry. That shouldn't have happened. I must have fallen asleep. Ace: We've met before. Don't you remember me? [SCENE_BREAK] Outside the stone chamber [SCENE_BREAK] Captain: Mags, now please. Not now. Not yet! [SCENE_BREAK] Big Top [SCENE_BREAK] Mom: I don't think much of this, Father. Dad: Nothing's happening, is it. Mom: Not that I can see. Girl: Mum, Mum! Mom: What is it SUMMARY:
Ace and Bellboy team up to stop the Chief Clown while the Doctor realises that he is next into the ring. The Captain has another trick up his sleeve and shows Mags's true colours.
TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - KACL [Fade in. Frasier is on the air.] Frasier: Which not only helps in the healing process, but also provides one with the confidence to go forward, in spite of the fear this kind of trauma can cause. Honestly, I can't say enough about these medicated bandage strips. But thank you for asking, Jordan. [He happily wiggles his finger, Roz looks bored to tears.] Frasier: Up next is the stock market report with Julia Wilcox. [He switches off and there is a knock at the door. Frasier waves the man in.] Frasier: Hello, Avery. Impeccable timing. Avery: Good to see you Frasier. [He reaches out and shakes Frasier's hand.] Frasier: Yes, hello. Oh, careful, careful. Paper cut. Avery: Yes, I caught the last half hour of your show. [Roz comes in.] Frasier: Ah. Oh, Roz, come meet an old friend of mine. Avery McManus, this is Roz Doyle, my producer. Avery: Lovely to meet you. Roz: Same here. Frasier: Avery and I used to live across the hall from each other back at Oxford, now he lives in Seattle. A very accomplished accountant who's going to take me on as a client. Roz: Well, my taxes could use some serious doing. Frasier: Roz, he's married. [ushering her back to her side] I tell you what: I'll be back in about an hour to go over this month's "Best of". Avery: Oh, I don't think an hour is going to be long enough, Frasier. Your finances are a mess. Your spending's out of control. Frasier: Well that's impossible. I'm very prudent. Avery: Then what about this nine thousand dollar caviar bill from last month? And what's with you and wine? I had to take on an associate just to go through your sherry receipts. And then... Frasier: Gosh, you know, I've completely forgotten myself. SUMMARY:
Frasier has hired an old friend from his Oxford days, Avery McManus ( John Hannah ), as his accountant , and his spending habits are already causing some concern. Following a difficult meeting, Frasier seeks sanctuary in Café Nervosa with Niles, only to discover that they now have a loud folk singer named Ben (played by Elvis Costello ) playing afternoons there. Frasier voices his objections, but ends up crossing the establishment owner, Maureen Nervosa ( Amy Hill ), and in the end feels compelled to leave. He and Niles spend some time trying, unsuccessfully, to find an alternative regular café . During his search, he is shocked to discover Julia Wilcox, a condescending co-worker from KACL, in the arms of his accountant. Knowing that Avery is married, Frasier is faced with an ethical dilemma as to whether he should tell Julia this fact. Niles, meanwhile, is unable to keep away from Nervosa.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Raylan: You're going around offering large amounts of cash for properties sight unseen. Some folks are under the impression you boys are here just to sell pizzas. You know, I haven't been in this building since I was a kid. Tim: Mmm. Raylan: Used to be a bank. Rachel: I just figured you might want to go at Boyd directly. Raylan: No. I want to keep building a RICO case like we've been doing. Besides, we don't have to go at him directly... we got Ava. Vasquez: 'Cause she was so helpful getting us ahead of the bank robbery. Ava: I found these. Thought they might be from that bank robbery. Raylan: These docs, were they difficult to find? Ava: You think he set me up? Raylan: You think he's got any reason to suspect you? Ava: I wouldn't have thought so 30 seconds ago. Raylan: Just put them back. Katherine: You were supposed to find out where Calhoun's keeping his cash and steal it, not raid his filing cabinet. Wynn: You check his office for a secret safe? Boyd: 'Course. Wynn: And his home? Boyd: And his mama's home. Katherine: The money is there. You just have to try a little harder, Boyd. Ava: I know you robbed that bank, and I know you didn't get what you wanted... just a bunch of land deeds. Ava: One of those deeds was to pizza portal. Boyd: My baby girl. Oh, you're a genius! Ava: [slurring] "Oh, sh1t. You're Boyd's girl." Boyd: [chuckles] Like I come in wearing your varsity letter jacket or something. Boyd: Well, maybe you should have. Ava: [chuckles] I don't remember you ever having a letterman jacket. Boyd: Oh, yeah. That's right. Yeah, I always meant to get me one of those. Ava SUMMARY:
After a night of heavy drinking and celebrating with Boyd, Ava is called in by Raylan to a surprise meeting with Rachel Brooks and David Vasquez, who outline the terms of her confidential informant agreement - though to Ava it sounds like they want her to take greater risks, to come back with solid evidence or die trying. Ava agrees to case the Pizza Portal for Boyd, slipping down to the basement and taking pictures of the old vault. Raylan and Rachel look for explosives that might be used to breach the vault, finding that the log books for one mine don't balance. Carl's brother Earl has been extorting the son of the explosives boss and needing more makes him attempt an armed robbery; the Marshals catch them but the father takes the fall for his son. Boyd's crew are discussing the Pizza Portal when Ty Walker arrives and informs them that they are not robbing Calhoun, but his boss, warning of consequences should they continue their course. That night, Sean and Choo-Choo kidnap Boyd from the bar, bind him in a stress position until morning, then set him free saying he will receive no further warnings. Night has fallen again by the time Boyd walks home to find Avery Markham and Ty Walker in Ava's home; he apologizes to Avery, who threatens to kill them if he sees them in the Pizza Portal again. Boyd calls a meeting with Katherine and Wynn, demanding to know why they didn't tell him their real target was Avery Markham.
TEXT: At Cohen's Sandy: Hey, Ryan? Ryan? I shmeared it for you. Ryan: Thanks. Sandy: Is everything okay? Ryan: Yeah. I'm just gonna go see if Seth's up. Seth: I am up, and I'm out of here. Ryan: What? Where you going? Sandy: I didn't know you were planning a trip. Seth: Neither did Summer, but RISD sent my dorm info, so I figured I'd check out my new home and give her some moral support for finals. Are you gonna eat that? Kirsten: Are you sure that's such a good idea? Ryan: Why, did Ryan do something to it? Kirsten: No, not the bagel,the trip. Sandy: I thought you were gonna give Summer some more space. Seth: Well, a little space turned into a lot of missing me. That's my cab. E-mail me a Christmukkah list. I'm gonna be shopping at the Providence Place Mall. They have carpeting, which is weird. They have a Dave & Buster's, but parking sucks. Ryan: Listen, dude, I really need to talk to you-- it's very important. Seth: Okay, and I want to hear all about it when I land in Providence. Just call me. Call me. Brown's college - Dean's office Dean: So we've had a chance to review your situation, and the board has come to a unanimous decision. Effective immediately, you are suspended from this university until next fall. Summer: Suspended? Dean: Breaking into that lab was very serious. If it wasn't for your excellent record,the board might have involved the police. I'm sorry, um, I'm just not sure what I'm supposed to do now. Dean: It's done. You can go to the dorm and start packing. Summer: But I have finals, and friends. Dean: I'm afraid you're no longer a student here. Summer: But my dad is living in Seattle with the step-monster. And Taylor Townsend is sleeping in my old bed. And Se SUMMARY:
Seth leaves Newport to visit Summer at Brown but runs into Che. Sandy and Kirsten try to find an opportunity to bond with Ryan. Kaitlin attempts to gain Harbor recognition by throwing a party. Meanwhile, Julie learns NewMatch is no longer just a dating service.
TEXT: RECAP OF "THE HUNGRY EARTH" [SCENE_BREAK] Matt Smith Karen Gillan "Cold Blood" by Chris Chibnall Producer Peter Bennett Director Ashley Way [SCENE_BREAK] SPACE The Earth spins on its axis. ELDANE: (V.O.) This is the story of our planet, Earth, of the day 1,000 years past when we came to share it with a race know as Humanity. It is the story of the Doctor who helped our races find common ground and the terrible losses he suffered. It is the story of our past and must never be forgotten. SILURIAN CITY, CAVERN The DOCTOR and NASREEN are walking along pathways in a cavern above molten magma and past buildings. DOCTOR: This place is enormous and deserted. The majority of the race are probably still asleep. (takes out sonic screwdriver) We need to find Amy, looking for heat signature anomalies. NASREEN: But, Doctor, how can all this be here? I mean, these plants. SILURIAN CITY, TUNNEL DOCTOR: Must be getting closer to the centre of the city. NASREEN: You're sure this is the best way to enter? DOCTOR: Front door approach! Definitely. Always the best way... An alarm sounds and a female voice is heard over a speaker system. TANNOY: Hostile life force detected, area 17. The DOCTOR and NASREEN stop. DOCTOR: Apart from the back door approach, that's also good, (turns around) sometimes better. TANNOY: Hostile life force detected, area 17. A door slides open in front of NASREEN. NASREEN: Doctor! Armed Silurian soldiers come through the door as the warning repeats. More arrive through the tunnel behind them. The DOCTOR raises his hands. DOCTOR: We're not hostile, we're not armed! (pulls up NASREEN's arm) We're here in peace! The Silurians shoot gas from their weapons. The DOCTOR and NASREEN fall to the floor, unconscious. SILURIAN CITY, SUMMARY:
Amy and Mo escape and discover that Elliot is being held in an observation chamber. Elliot's mother Ambrose ( Nia Roberts ) kills Alaya in revenge for stealing Elliot. The Doctor, Amy, Mo and Nasreen are captured and ordered to be executed by Alaya's sister, Restac ( Neve McIntosh ), but the execution is stopped by the Silurian leader Eldane. The Doctor tells Rory, Tony, and Ambrose that they are sending a transport up for them and Alaya, which will free them all to return to the surface. Rory, Tony, and Ambrose return Alaya's body to her people. It is agreed that the Silurians will hibernate for a thousand years, since humanity is not ready to share the Earth with them. Tony decides to stay behind with the Silurians to have his venom infection treated, and Nasreen stays with him. As the Doctor leaves with Elliot and the other humans, they find a crack in the cavern. The Doctor reaches into it to investigate, and pulls out what is later revealed as a piece of the TARDIS. Before they leave, Restac shoots Rory dead; he is consumed by the crack, erasing him from existence (and Amy's memory).
TEXT: Scene: The apartment. Leonard: The interface is pretty simple. You put your horizontal X coordinate here, vertical Y coordinate here. When you're happy with those, you press this button. Penny: Got it. Sheldon: Leonard, you'll never guess who I just found online. Hey! Leonard: Nice shot. Penny: Eh, his giant head did most of the work. Sheldon: Very mature. You're lucky I'm out of silly string. As I was saying, Leonard, you'll never guess who I just found online. Professor Proton. Leonard: You're kidding. He's still alive? Sheldon: Yes. Penny: Who's Professor Proton? Leonard: He was the host of this great... Hey! Penny: Yes! Sorry, tell me about Professor Proton. Sheldon: Professor Proton hosted my favourite science show when I was a child. I never missed an episode. He demonstrated scientific principles using everyday objects. Leonard: It was pretty cool. Penny: Aw, so cute when you use the word cool wrong. Like when kids say pasghetti. Sheldon: Oh, dear lord, Leonard, look. He's still available for parties and events. We should hire him. Leonard: Hire him to do what? Sheldon: Well, whatever we want. Hang out, do experiments, make him take 12 pictures with us so we can make a calendar. Leonard: It would be pretty awesome to hang out with him. I just used awesome wrong, didn't I? Sheldon: Well, I'm e-mailing him right now. Leonard: Do you remember his old theme song? Sheldon: Of course I do. Together: Grab your goggles, put your lab coat on, here he comes, Professor Proton. Credits sequence. Scene: The cafeteria. Raj: Hey, I just found out I have to be at the telescope lab all weekend. Any chance you and Bernadette could take care of my dog? Howard: Why don't you put her in a kennel? Raj: Why don't you put your mother in a home? Howard: To be honest, she'd do better in the kennel. I SUMMARY:
Sheldon and Leonard find out Dr. Arthur Jefferies aka Professor Proton, who hosted a children's science show they loved as kids, does children's parties. He accepts an invitation to perform in their apartment. He finds it odd to do a children's show for physicists but enjoys performing for Penny, liking her, though he wants to leave when her ignorance of science makes him wonder whatever she and Leonard talk about. He admits disillusion about his TV persona, as other scientists never took him seriously despite his Cornell PhD. He is however encouraged to hear Sheldon and Leonard became physicists because of him. He is taken to hospital with a sudden pacemaker problem, and asks Sheldon to represent him at a Korean child's birthday party the next day as he feels too unwell. Sheldon, flattered, now regards Professor Proton as his "father". Meanwhile, Raj has Howard and Bernadette care for his Yorkshire Terrier Cinnamon while he is at the telescope lab for the weekend, but they lose Cinnamon in the park. Someone else finds her and contacts Raj. He lambastes them for losing her, but on hearing Cinnamon was found hours earlier, Bernadette makes Raj feel guilty for letting them worry so long.
TEXT: CRU - Dale & Rusty's room Rusty : Can you pick up my mail while you're... You're packing? Dale : It's spring break. Why would I not be? Rusty : I assumed that you were gonna be sticking around campus. Dale : I need a break. I'm not a machine, contrary to what my academics imply. So while you're submerged in surf, sand and sin with your fraternity brothers in South Carolina, I am gonna be engaged in something far less reckless in Virginia. Rusty : You're... I have no idea. Dale : Wild turkey hunting with my family. Rusty : Killing turkeys is safer than going to the beach? Dale : Are you familiar with the dangers of spring break? Drunken injury? Pregnancy? Parasailing gone awry? Rusty : What about the people injured or killed while hunting? Dale : They're just morons. Rusty : This is spring break. This is the most sacred of college traditions. Why waste that on your parents? Do something with your friends, like take a road trip to warmer weather. Dale : As if it ever gets that cold here. Rusty : Have fun killing turkeys. Dale : Have fun perpetuating stereotypes of wasted, reckless, youth. ZBZ HOUSE - Hallway Casey : Two minutes, girls. And windows... Check. The house is officially ready for lockdown, which means in two minutes I am officially on spring break! I can feel the weight of my presidential duties lifting from my shoulders. Ashleigh : Could you put it on my suitcase? Casey : We're going to Myrtle Beach for a week, not a year-long expedition to Mars. Ashleigh : I have to bring everything Teresa bought me. Casey : Teresa? Ashleigh : Teresa Visa. She's very generous. Casey : But your card is a Credit Plus. Ashleigh : I know, but nothing cute rhymes with Credit Plus. There! Think this will fit in your car? Casey SUMMARY:
The gang hits the beach for spring break! Casey leaves all her emotional baggage back at school for some fun in the sun. While Rusty realizes that the beach bum lifestyle isn't for him and reunites with old friends on his way back to CRU. Tune in to witness fun in the sun.
TEXT: [The woods] (Jules and Brady are burning the bodies and then rejoin Stevie. Brady looks at him) Brady: Go ahead. Tell her Stevie: Let me just preface this with a big disclaimer. that screams, "I should have known better" Jules: What is it, Stevie? Stevie: When Brady told me what that Tyler kid said about Mason being here for the moonstone, something clicked. There was this moment back in Florida when I suspected Mason was up to something because he was banging that hot vampire chick Kathy and he didn't want anyone to know Jules: All right. Just get to the point, Stevie Stevie: That is the point, Jules. It's the sun and moon curse. Mason was asking me all kinds of questions about it: if it could be broken, and when that evil man-witch showed up last night, double-click. Witches, vampires, moonstone. They're putting everything in place to break the curse Brady: We can't let them do that, even if we have to kill every last vampire in this town [Caroline's house] (Elena, Bonnie and Caroline are sleeping when Elena's phone rings. Caroline pushes her out of the bed. Elena's goes out of the room to answer her phone. It's Stefan) Stefan: How was the slumber party? Elena: Good and Much needed. When can you and I have one? Stefan: That can be arranged Elena: Okay. Now. Today. Take me far, far away Stefan: Even with everything that's going on? Elena: Because of everything that's going on Stefan: And you're sure this has nothing to do with dodging your father who just got into town? Elena: Uh, this has everything to do with that Stefan: Well, in that case, where would you like to go? [Salvatore's House] (Damon and Andie are going down the stairs) Andie: I'm late, This is such a crazy day. I'm, uh, covering the historical society's high tea Damon: Ooh! Thrilling Andie: Yeah. It's for some visiting SUMMARY:
Stefan and Elena spend a weekend at the Gilbert lakehouse, unaware that they've been followed by Tyler and Brady. Jenna worries that Alaric isn't being honest about his past. Jules and Brady explain the sun and moon curse to Tyler and lure him into helping them. Bonnie performs a hypnosis spell on Luka in order to get information. Luka reveals that Elijah plans to kill Klaus by making him vulnerable after he sacrifices Elena. He also reveals that Klaus has his sister, so he and his father are working for Elijah to help him kill Klaus. Jules and her friends torture Damon for information about the moonstone, but Elijah intervenes, kills most of the wolves, and saves Damon. Brady finds Stefan and shoots him with a wooden bullet, leaving Tyler to guard him. When Tyler learns that Elena has to die for the curse to be broken, he lets Stefan go. Stefan kills Brady to save Elena. Meanwhile, Jeremy and Bonnie confess their feelings for each other and kiss. Realising that Elena knew about Elijah's real plan for her, Stefan tells her that she is behaving like a martyr. Tyler tells Matt that he has feelings for Caroline but knows that Caroline loves Matt. The episode ends with Jules and Tyler leaving town.
TEXT: Part II Teleplay by: Shana Goldberg-Meehan & Scott Silveri Part II Story by: Jill Condon & Amy Toomin [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey and Chandler are getting ready for the flight to London and Monica comes running in.] Monica: Guys, hurry up! The flight leaves in four hours! It could take time to get a taxi! There could be traffic! The plane could leave early! When we get to London, there could be a line at customs! Come on!! (She runs back to her apartment.) Chandler: Six-hour trip to London. That's a lot of Monica. [Cut to the girls' apartment, Monica is putting things into her purse as Phoebe and Rachel watch.] Monica: Passport, check! (As she puts away each item, she says check.) Camera, check! Traveller's cheques, check! Rachel: Who are you saying "check" too? Monica: Myself. Y'know for remembering to pack a thing. Yeah, you do a good thing, you get a check! (pause) My mom does it, I never realized it was weird. Phoebe: Yeah, my mom used to put her head in the oven. Well, actually, she only did it the one time. But it was pretty weird. Ross: (entering) Hey! Monica: Hey! Ross: Hey! Are you ready yet? Monica: Yep! You got the tickets? Ross: Oh! Got 'em right here, (Pats his coat pocket) check! [Cut to the guys' apartment.] Joey: It's all London, baby! Here we go. (He takes a picture of a less than enthused Chandler and starts towards the girls' apartment.) Chandler: You got your passport? Joey: Yeah, in my third drawer on my dresser. You don't want to lose that. (Chandler glares at him. At first Joey doesn't know why, it takes him a little bit to figure it out.) Joey: Ohh!! (Runs to his room.) Chandler: There it is. OPENING CREDITS [Scen SUMMARY:
Everyone except Rachel and Phoebe fly to London for Ross and Emily's wedding. Joey embarrasses Chandler while sightseeing in London. Ross and Emily are shocked that their wedding venue is undergoing an early demolition. Monica suggests postponing the wedding, infuriating Ross. Back in New York, Rachel, realizing she loves Ross, heads to London to stop the wedding. Later, Ross and Monica surprise Emily by transforming the partially-demolished church into a suitable venue. Joey becomes homesick but a bridesmaid cheers him up. Phoebe repeatedly calls London to stop Rachel. After seeing Ross and Emily together, Rachel is unable to tell Ross the truth. Monica and Chandler sleep together, hiding it from the other friends. At the altar, Ross says Rachel's name instead of Emily's.
TEXT: Ted, Marshall, Lily and Robin are in McClaren's. Ted (2030): During the fall of 2008, I had a little problem. Barney comes dressed in a odd. Barney: Well, I must go to Stella. Tonight is the big night. I tried before, I always failed. This time I will succeed. Tonight... I am a lesbian. Robin, your lipstick. Ted: Oh, no! Take pictures, okay? Barney: Hi, Ted. Ted (2030): I lived in New York, but Stella was living across the river in New Jersey... Ted comes home and finds Stella on the couch, asleep, in undress. Ted: Oh, no! Ted (2030):... So I took the train all the time. Man: What's up, Ted? Ted: Hi, Matisse. Ted arrives at the bar. Marshall: Theodore! Barney: T-Diddy! You've missed that! Lily: Robin has had the job of presenter. Robin: And we have a free bottle of champagne. Marshall: But it's empty now. Ted: Oh, no! Ted (2030): So, it was always as if I missed any. Ted comes back with Stella where she is at table with her daughter. Stella: Sorry, we could not wait. It cooled. Ted: Oh, no! Lucy: Hey, big. Ted: What's up, G? Stella: Are you okay? Ted: Yeah, okay. It's just that... You know, I want to spend time with you, with my friends. I seem to spend my life on the train. Stella: Exactly, why not you invited your friends to come here? Ted: It's a great idea. Marshall, Lily, Barney and Ted are in the bar. Marshall: You want us to go in New Jersey? Oh, that's great. Ted: Why? Barney: First, I no longer have my gold medallions. I sold them when they are out of date, 400 years ago. Ted: Lily? Lily: I'm sorry, Ted. I am a New Yorker pure juice. I am programmed to despise and hate New Jersey and all it represents. Why I say that? SUMMARY:
After inviting the gang to Stella's apartment in New Jersey, Ted tries to sell them on the perks of living in the suburbs until he learns that she expects him to move there after they're married.
TEXT: THE GREEN DEATH BY: ROBERT SLOMAN 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. LLANFAIRFACH COLLIERY. CAVERN GALLERY (The DOCTOR gets nearer.) DOCTOR: (Shouts.) Jo?! Jo - are you there?! JO: (OOV: Ahead in the cavern.) Doctor - here quickly! (The DOCTOR moves on at speed and soon he and JO bump into each other in the green gloom.) JO: Doctor! Doctor - it's horrible! (She points back where she has come from.) DOCTOR: What is it? (He moves on to look. He reaches the cavern and sees the lake of giant maggots.) DOCTOR: Good grief! (He goes back to her.) DOCTOR: Come on! (They start to set off back the way they have come but all of a sudden there is a rumbling sound. The long-disused tunnel, disturbed by their movements, starts to collapse. Dust and rocks fall down, totally blocking their route back. To make matters worse, several maggots suddenly emerge from gaps in the debris. JO looks on in horror as the creatures start to shuffle towards them. One of them hisses at the pair with its small mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. The DOCTOR pulls JO back in the direction of the lake in the cavern.) JO: There's no way out. DOCTOR: Nil desperandum, Jo. JO: But, Doctor, those things crawling around in that green stuff - you saw what happened to the others. DOCTOR: Then we mustn't let them touch us, must we? Now, how do we get out of here? (JO points to some wheeled coal carts nearby.) JO: What about those - they any good? (One cart is slightly de-railed.) DOCTOR: Lift it up. (They strain to lift the cart...) DOCTOR:, push it over. (...and then to lift it back onto the rail SUMMARY:
The Doctor and Jo manage to escape from the mine with a maggot egg but Stevens is determined to stop them analysing it.
TEXT: "The Killer in the Concrete" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER (Open: Brennan and Booth arrive at concrete expanse in Baltimore, MD) BOOTH: So, you ever been here before? BRENNAN: No. BOOTH: I don't mean here, here. I mean Baltimore. BRENNAN: Yeah, I've given several lectures to the Baltimore Homicide Division. BOOTH: Oh, god. BRENNAN: What's wrong with your mouth? (she pokes at him) BOOTH: I got a tooth situation. BRENNAN: Well, go to to a dentist. BOOTH: I - I will if it doesn't get any better. Ow! Man. BRENNAN: Are you afraid of the dentist? BOOTH: I'm not afraid of the- COP: Welcome to Baltimore. This is, uh, actually a federal flood abatement project, which is why we called you. K-9 unit was using it for an exercise, and one of the cadaver dogs went beserk. We dug up the cement- BRENNAN: No. That's concrete. Cement is an ingredient in concrete. BOOTH: Yeah, that's a real important distinction to make at this juncture. So, what do we got, Bones, huh? Do your thing. BRENNAN: Nothing. BOOTH: Nothin'. Nothin? BRENNAN: I can't see enough of the skull, the tibia, the pubis- Nothing. (she walks away) BOOTH: Nothing? Wait a second. Nothing - (to cop) Sorry. (he starts after Brennan) Now we drove all the way here so you could just tell me "Nothing"? Alright, so what do ya, what do ya want me to do? Uh, get the whole slab of cement- BRENNAN: Concrete. BOOTH: Concrete, whatever - shipped back to the Jeffersonian? BRENNAN: Yes. Yes. (Cut to: Medico Legal Lab - Forensics Platform. The remains in the concrete SUMMARY:
The remains of a body are discovered encased in concrete, and Booth has a hunch the victim is connected to an organized-crime boss. When Booth suspects a dead, former hit man (Hugh Kennedy) is apparently alive, he contacts the bounty hunter who found what was left of his remains (a severed leg). When Booth travels to Baltimore to find the hit man, he gets knocked unconscious and tied up by Kennedy himself, but Kennedy soon flees, leaving Booth relatively unhurt whilst still restrained. Meanwhile, Brennan's estranged father pays her a visit. Brennan later appeals to her father to find Booth, having not heard from him. When they get to Baltimore, they find Kennedy's hotel room and the bounty hunter inside. Brennan gets violent with her when she finds Booth's tooth in the hallway, suspecting the bounty hunter's involvement in her partner's abduction. Meanwhile, Booth is being tortured by Kennedy's former rival crime boss, Gallagher and his partner. When Booth is finally located in an aircraft hangar, Brennan and Max come to his rescue. When Gallagher tries to escape, he's arrested by the FBI waiting outside while his partner injures himself when Booth tips over his chair. Booth tries to arrest Max even in his state, given Max's status as a fugitive. Brennan helps her father slip away.
TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT] [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. HOTEL/CASINO - ROULETTE TABLE - NIGHT] (Open on a roulette ball being put into play, then a top view of a roulette wheel in play. MRS. RIFKIN and her husband are playing.) Mrs. Rifkin: Okay. Come on. MR. RIFKIN: Come on. MRS. RIFKIN: Let's go. Come on. MR. RIFKIN: Don't fail me. MRS. RIFKIN: Come on, baby. I'm feeling this one. Mr. Rifkin: Don't fail me. MRS. RIFKIN: Don't you let me down. MR. RIFKIN: Come on now. MRS. RIFKIN: All right. Black 22. (MRS. RIFKIN reaches out a puts a stack of red chips on the number. They watch the ball on the wheel.) Mr. Rifkin: If this happens, I'm buying you a shot. House: No more bets. (The ball stops on Black 22.) Mr. Rifkin: Yes! (The couple cheers, hug and kiss each other in celebration.) Mrs. Rifkin: Yeah. (The house pushes their win toward the couple. MRS. RIFKIN reaches for ward to grab the chips. Her husband glances over at the bar and sees a WOMAN IN RED leaning against the counter and standing next to a man.) Mrs. Rifkin: Give me my money. (She grabs the chips and pulls it toward her.) Mrs. Rifkin: Oh, my. (She turns to her husband and drapes her arms around his neck to hold him close.) Mrs. Rifkin: Let's cash out. Mr. Rifkin: Why? I, uh, I thought we were going to take some risks tonight. Mrs. Rifkin: (suggestively) Come on... I want to go dancing. Mr. Rifkin SUMMARY:
Two couples meet in a bar and one of the couples is murdered. When a second couple is murdered in a similar fashion the team suspects a pair of serial killers are on the loose. The case is complicated by leaks to the press and a judge reluctant to issue a warrant. Catherine gets some troubling news about her father's murder trial.
TEXT: [title card: Los Angeles, California - 1979] [A party by a pool. Disco music plays. Several people are milling around, some are dancing. Waitresses in skimpy outfits serve drinks to people. A couple of people are snorting cocaine. A guy sits on the couch, smoking pot.] Cheering Guy #1: Check it out. Cheering Guy #1/#2: Oh yeah! Oh baby! Yeah! Cheering Guy #1: Please! Please! [A couple of topless women in the pool swim to each other. Several men sitting around by the pool gather around, shouting for them to kiss and make out.] Cheering Guy #1: The more the merrier! Cheering Guy #2: Yeah, all the way, yeah! [A third woman approaches the female couple in the pool. The men get excited and start shouting louder for the women to do something.] [main titles] EXT. - THE PLANET - EARLY MORNING [It's still dark outside. Bette and Tina are walking to The Planet.] Bette: I was thinking about asking Yolanda's ex-girlfriend to bid on the "Provocations" job. Tina: Is she a contractor? Bette: Carpenter. She's got an all-woman crew. Tina: That's cool. You should definitely hire her. INT. - THE PLANET - EARLY MORNING [Bette and Tina enter The Planet. The gang's all there. Marina's behind the counter, making coffee. Shane's at the counter, pouring coffee. Alice and her mom, Lenore, are sitting at a table nearby.] Tina: Hi! Shane: Hey! Alice: Oh, hey guys! Bette: Hi! [Tina stands next to Shane at the counter.] Tina: (to Marina) Hello. Marina: Hello! Alice: (to Bette) Good morning! [Dana and Kit are sitting on a couch. Dana's cat, Mr. Piddles, is in a travel crate on the coffee table.] Mr. Piddles: Meow! Dan SUMMARY:
Bette prepares for the gallery's "Provocations" show and hires Candace, an attractive female contractor, to handle the set-up. Meanwhile, Tina, Jenny, Shane, Alice and Dana share an eventful road trip to Palm Springs to the Dinah Shore Golf Classic for women. They each tell their coming out stories. At the hotel, Dana hits it off with a pushy event-planner named Tonya ( Meredith McGeachie ) and Jenny unloads about her tragic life to some of the attendees, including a new, much older potential lover named Robin ( Anne Ramsay ).
TEXT: Opening scene - Cohen kitchen in the morning - the first thing we see is the a close up of the counter. its a mess, there are empty Chinese containers, a half eaten apple, crumbs, a plate with what looks like banana skins on it, and newspaper. the camera zooms back to show there is also a half eaten bagel and what looks like a cloth that's wiped up a spill and been left there. Sandy is at the fridge in his robe. Seth comes into the kitchen. we can now also see a pizza box right at the end of the counter. Sandy takes the milk out of the fridge, there is about 1/2 left in the bottle Seth: morning dad Sandy: hey you're just in time for breakfast, who wants cereal (holds up box) (Ryan was at the kitchen sink and has now come into the shot) Seth: (suprised) we have cereal Sandy: yeah I found some tucked away in a cabinet (Ryan picks up the milk and unscrews the lid, he smells it and screws up his face) Sandy: cereal doesn't go bad does it Ryan: ugh, no but milk does (pours the off milk down the sink) Sandy: how bout some humus Seth: (frowns) breakfast Sandy: (at the fridge) ssssure, with a side of (looks) of sesame beef (takes both out) breakfast'a champions Seth: as much as I love botchelism ill pass Ryan: yeah I'm gonna stick with coffee (holds up cup) Sandy: c'mon you guys we gotta eat together, it's a special day, you're both seniors Ryan: its jus registration (looks at Sandy) Sandy: it's a coming of age moment...we Cohen's love coming of age moments Seth: (looks at Ryan) you should'a seen this guy at my Bah Mitzvah, he was frothin at the mouth Sandy: I was excited then, I'm excited now...I'm proud'a you both (Ryan nods, looking down) an so is your mom even though she SUMMARY:
Sandy tries to encourage Kirsten to come home, but her friendship with Charlotte keeps her at rehab. The new Dean of Discipline determines Ryan and Marissa's fates at Harbor. Meanwhile, Summer is not pleased with Taylor Townsend arranging the school's Kick-Off carnival. Jimmy has an unexpected proposal for Julie.
TEXT: ACT THREE Scene One - Lounge at Wayside Inn [SCENE_BREAK] The lounge off the dining room of the Wayside Inn. Frasier enters with a Miss Carney, the hostess. Carney: This is the lounge. And through there is the dining area where the rehearsal dinner will be. Frasier: Oh, this is lovely. Say, have you seen the bride-to-be yet? I'd like to have a word with her. Carney: No, I haven't. Donny and Daphne enter from the dining area. Donny: So, I thought we'd have the toast right before desert. Daphne: Dr. Crane! Frasier: Gosh Daphne, I was wondering where you'd gotten to yesterday. Daphne: Well, after the caterer's, I went straight to Donny's so we could leave bright and early together. It's lovely up here, isn't it? Frasier: Oh, yes. Donny: Anybody else want something from the bar? [To bartender] Uh, Scotch, rocks. Daphne: Donny, it's barely noon! Donny: Isn't that when your mom said she'd be here? Daphne: [to bartender] Give him a double. Frasier: Daphne, I was actually hoping that I could- Roz enters. Roz: Oh, I'll have whatever he's having. Daphne: Roz! Roz: I don't even know why I agreed to come to this wedding. Hi, Daphne. I was all set to drive up here myself, when I think, "Wait a minute! I can't walk into that lobby alone, what if my ex-boyfriend's here?" So I agree to drive up with Simon. There I am, standing on the curb with my garment bag and what does he pull up in? Your father's Winnebago! She gets her drink from the bartender. Roz: Thank you. Don't go anywhere. [to the others] Next thing I know, we're headed down the highway, in the SUMMARY:
Niles and Daphne reckon with their true feelings for one another at her wedding to Donny.
TEXT: ACT ONE Scene One - Café Nervosa. The café is packed. Frasier and Roz are sitting at a table when Niles comes in. Niles: Frasier, Roz! Uh, I'd join you, but there's not a chair- Roz: Oh, actually I was just leaving. You can have mine. As Roz gets up, Niles reaches into his jacket. Roz: Niles! [grabs his arm] Every time I give you my chair, you wipe it off first. It's just insulting! Niles: For your information, I was reaching for my cell phone. Roz lets go. His hand comes out with his phone, and he starts dialing. Roz: Oh. I'm sorry, Niles. I stepped out of line. See you later, Frasier. Frasier: Bye-bye, Roz. Roz leaves. The phone behind the counter rings. Waiter: Café Nervosa. Niles: [into phone] Yes, this is Dr. Crane at Table Seven. Could you send someone over to dust off my chair? Frasier: Oh, for God's sake! I'll do it! He snatches Niles's handkerchief and wipes the chair down. Niles protests, checking out the window for Roz. Frasier: That's the most ridiculous thing I've seen in my entire life! Stop it, just sit down! They sit. A waiter brings Frasier's coffee. Niles: May I have one of those, please? [to Frasier] So, I understand you had a full dance card this weekend? Frasier: Yes, indeed. I met a lovely young artist at the gallery opening on Saturday. We went out for coffee afterwards, and our date lasted until, well... the cows didn't actually come home, but I did hear mooing on the front porch! [laughs] Niles: Wait, I'm drawing a blank. The only woman I remember you chatting with at the gallery was the one in the Birkenstocks who went on and on about her driftwood collages. [sniggers] Frasier: SUMMARY:
Frasier begins a steamy love affair with Caitlin (played by guest star Lisa Edelstein ), a free-spirited artist. Whenever they are together they have wonderful sex, but hardly any conversation. Niles tries to get Frasier to admit that the relationship is based solely on sex, but Frasier insists that he has a real future with Caitlin. Frasier begins to obsess about this, and wonders if he should carry on with the relationship. Martin, Roz and Daphne all share with Frasier their memories of relationships that were steamy but superficial. Frasier is convinced that he must break up with Caitlin and goes to her loft to tell her. However, after howling at the moon, carnal desires overwhelm Frasier again.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Darla and Angelus kill Holtz family. Darla: "His family, his children..." Sahjhan: "It will be over two hundred years before you get another chance to confront either Angelus or Darla." Holtz: "I'm *tired* of waiting!" He tries to choke Sahjhan, but his hands go right through the demon. Sahjhan: "And I want your word that you will show them no mercy." Linwood: "Who's this pirate with a sword?" Lilah: "Whoever he is he is not in the system." Angel: "This is impossible." Darla: "Tell me about it - Daddy!" The gang looks at the ultrasound of the baby. Fred: "Wonder if that might not be that bad thing we were expecting." Linwood: "We need to get it, dissect it and find out what it means." Wes: "It's human." Angel: "I'm gonna have a son." Translator: "The prophet is telling us: There will be *no* birth." Darla screams and throws Gunn, Wes, Fred and Cordy away from the car. Lorne: "She wants to have it here?! Can't have a baby here!" The barrel rolls down the stairs and explodes in a ball of fire. Angel helps Darla out the back of Lorne's bedroom, hunkers down beside her in the rain. Darla: "This Child, it's the one good thing we ever did together. You make sure to tell him that." Darla stakes herself and explodes into a cloud of dust, leaving a crying baby boy behind. Holtz steps through the hole in the wall and aims his crossbow at Angel, who is holding his son. Sahjhan: "Now is your chance. Do it! Finish it, while you still can. You can't just let him walk away!" Holtz: "I swore that I would show no mercy. - And I won't." The gang walks into the lobby of the Hyperion as a thunderstorm rages outside. Cordy: SUMMARY:
With the birth of Angel's son, the gang returns to the Hyperion to regroup. There are countless demons, humans and lawyers after the baby now, and Angel is scared to let the kid out of his sight. Team Angel will have to help him keep Connor safe and defeat the baby's enemies. Meanwhile, Holtz finds an ally, a vengeful woman named Justine.
TEXT: THE CELESTIAL TOYMAKER by BRIAN HAYLES and GERRY DAVIS first broadcast - 23rd April 1966 running time - 23mins 57secs [SCENE_BREAK] 1. A PASSAGEWAY (STEVEN and DODO are with CYRIL is who now dressed as a schoolboy. He is about to lead them to the next game.) DODO: Steven - look. The Doctor's reached move 902. (DODO and STEVEN observe the tally.) STEVEN: Well, we'll have to hurry. C'mon, where's the next game we have to play? CYRIL: (Laughing.) Yaroooh! It's right over here. You won't find it so easy this time, you know... 'cause you see, you'll be playing against me! (CYRIL's round face with big, blue eyes displays a devilish expression that makes STEVEN and DODO draw back from him. They get over this, however, and follow CYRIL down the passageway. It gets brighter and brighter as they walk. Finally the come to a room saturated with light - the ceiling, walls, and floor are all lit up.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. THE GAME ROOM CYRIL: Well, here we are. Here's the next game - TARDIS Hopscotch. (All over the floor in a twisted, snake-like fashion is a series of triangles lit up in different colors. They are numbered one to 14. Triangle 14 is the biggest, and it has the word "HOME" flashing on the top. At the other side of the room there is a triangle marked "START".) STEVEN: What are we supposed to do with it? (Cyril opens his hand to reveal dice. He offers one each to STEVEN and DODO.) CYRIL: Well, it's very simple, really. Y'see, each player takes one of these dice, and throws them onto the triangle, and the number that you've thrown will appear up at the end there, on the dice indicator. ( SUMMARY:
The travellers arrive in a strange domain presided over by the Celestial Toymaker - an enigmatic, immortal entity who forces them to play a series of games, failure at which will render them his playthings for all eternity.
TEXT: PROLOGUE [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. CAR LOT - DAY] (Leo is roaring the engine of a vintage green 1941 Ford truck, driver door opened. Piper stands next to him.) LEO: (enthusiastic) Ha ha! Listen to that baby, huh? PIPER: (not thrilled) Do what? LEO: Isn't she something? PIPER: She's somethin' all right! LEO: (gets out of the car) Oh, man. Straight six, four-speed tranny. Just like the one my grandpa gave me sixty years ago. PIPER: Uh, okay, sweetie, you're barely thirty. LEO: You know what I mean, the first time I was alive. PIPER: All right, keep it down, now, will ya? LEO: Oh. Right. Sorry. PIPER: Ooh. SALESMAN: (walks to them) So, what do you think? LEO: I think she's beautiful. (To Piper) What do you think? PIPER: I think nine thousand dollars is a lot of money! SALESMAN: Ninety-five hundred, actually, but that includes the original tailgate, which I've got out back. PIPER: (sarcastic) Well that makes it completely different! SALESMAN: Seriously, it's not easy finding a forty-one in working condition, and with matching serial numbers to boot. PIPER: (not convinced) Hmm. SALESMAN: I know it doesn't look like much now... PIPER: No, it doesn't. LEO: But it will when I'm done with it. You know, I just sand off some of the rust, adjust the carburetor, rebuild the engine... Come on, let's have the fun! You know, when I'm done with this puppy, it's gonna be worth, what? Twenty-five, thirty grand? SALESMAN: At least! (The salesman leaves Piper and Leo to let them discuss it privately.) LEO: Think, maybe someday I can pass it on SUMMARY:
After receiving a warning from the Angel of Death that Leo is on his list of souls to collect, Piper casts a spell to make everybody look like Leo so Death can't complete his job. She then turns to the Elders and Avatars for help in keeping Leo safe, only to discover that it's Leo's destiny to die. As a result, Piper turns to the Angel of Destiny in an attempt to cut a deal to keep him alive. As Billie tracks down a lead in her attempt to locate her sister, Paige has her first date with Henry.
TEXT: [Elena's house.] Elena wakes up. She hears a noise. ELENA: Hello? Jeremy? Hello? MAN ON TV: This is Logan Fell coming to you live from the streets of Mystic Falls with breaking news of another deadly animal attack. The wild animal terrorizing the citizens of Mystic Falls has claimed another victim, local high school student Elena Gilbert. Police are certain that forensic eviden will confirm that this is the same animal responsible for recent attacks. DAMON: You know it's coming next. She runs. Damon beats her. [Stefan's bedroom.] Stefan wakes up. STEFAN: Ah! DAMON: Bad dream? STEFAN: Ah. DAMON: Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? You really need some human blood. It might even the playing field. Football reference. Too soon. Stefan launches a knife on Damon. DAMON: All right, I deserved that. But I just wanted to let you know, they caught the culprit. The animal responsible for killing coach tanner and all those people. STEFAN: What are you talking about? DAMON: It was a mountain lion. Really big one. It attacked a hunter this morning. It's all over the news. "Deadly beast captured. All's well in Mystic Falls." STEFAN: Why would you cover your tracks? DAMON: I've decided to stay a while. I'm just having way too much fun here with you and Elena. STEFAN: Can't touch her now. DAMON: Well, the vervain keeps me out of her head. Maybe that's not my target. Believe it or not, Stefan, some girls don't need my persuasion. Some girls just can't resist my good looks, my style and my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift. Damon plant the knife in Stefan's belly. DAMON: This is John Varvatos, dude. Dick move. [Stefan's house.] Stefan is writing is diary. SHERIF ON TV: I can confirm that a 12-F SUMMARY:
Elena and Stefan go to the town's annual Founders' Party, hosted by Tyler's parents. Vicki gets Tyler to ask her when she refuses to associate herself with Jeremy. Damon tells Elena about the history of the Salvatores after Stefan tries to cut Damon out of his life. Damon also retrieves an amber crystal from one of the historical artifacts in the Lockwood Estate. Meanwhile, Stefan uses Caroline as a vessel to poison Damon. When Damon sucks Caroline's blood, he falls ill. Once Caroline wakes up, she sees the amber crystal and puts it in her purse unaware of its power. Stefan locks up a weakened Damon at the Salvatore property with their descendant Zach to stand guard. The Founders Council, including Mayor Lockwood (Tyler's father), Carol Lockwood (Tyler's mother), Sheriff Forbes (Caroline's mother), and reporter Logan Fell, have come to the conclusion that vampires have returned to Mystic Falls due to the drained bodies, and they must retrieve a pocket watch that belongs to the Gilbert family. In the end, Vicki goes to Jeremy and they go to the bedroom.
TEXT: [THE SCHOOL. The hallways are crowded and students are mulling about at their lockers, as if classes haven't started yet] PEYTON: How's your punching hand? LUCAS: A lot better now that I nailed a guy's face. How 'bout you? How are you feeling? PEYTON: Like an idiot. Look, Luke, you're cool with us being just friends, right? I mean, we are- we're friends, right? LUCAS: We are. PEYTON: Okay. LUCAS: And I'm cool with it. And besides, I was- I wasn't ready for all that Peyton Sawyer/Girlfriend drama anyway, you know. [Pause] Hey, say hi to Brooke for me? [PEYTON nods] LUCAS: Alright. Talk to you later. [LUCAS leaves PeyTON standing by his locker, looking upset] [THE HALLWAY. NATHAN walks quickly, trying to catch up with HALEY] NATHAN: Haley. [He grabs her arm and leaders her into an empty classroom, gently pushing her against a wall, and he kisses her] HALEY: [Breaking the kiss] Mmm, uh, we can't do this here right now. [Both laugh] NATHAN: We just did... alright, I'll kiss you later. [NATHAN leaves and HALEY leans against the wall, smiling. She leaves soon after] [THE GYM. LUCAS and the rest of the Varsity Basketball team are sitting on the bleachers as WHITEY speaks] WHITEY: When you leave this gym today, I want each one of you to look at the sun, because if you lose to Cove City on Friday, I can pretty much guarantee you that sun will not rise the next day. [Team laughs, but NATHAN looks uncomfortable] WHITEY: That's not a joke. I've coached some great players and great teams in this gym, but not one of those great players or great teams has finished a season undefeated. You may be SUMMARY:
After fighting with his father and Haley, Nathan succumbs to the pressure he is feeling and takes amphetamines to help his game. However, he isn't prepared for the destruction the drugs do to both his body and his family. Meanwhile, Peyton goes to Lucas to rekindle their relationship, but when she arrives at his house, Brooke is there with him. This episode is named after a song by Rilo Kiley .
TEXT: SCENE 1: Before High School- Parking - Will, Rachel, Finn, Mercedes, Tina, Artie, Kurt and Puck. Will, smiling in his car rotten. Then, he will sponsor the car park of school. Just down, Rachel falls upon him. Rachel : Mr Schuester! Will : Yea! Rachel : I went to the library and I got some sheet music, and I wanted to run some songs by you that feature me heavily on lead vocal. Will : Thanks, Rachel. But I already got one picked out. Finn arriving and taking the bag to Rachel. Finn : Let me help you with that. Rachel : Thanks, Finn. You're so chivalrous! Finn : Thanks! That's a good thing, right? Finn and Rachel spinning in high school. Will : Morning, guys. Artie, Mercedes and Tina arrived at the height of Will. Mercedes : Hey, Mr. Shue. We're just learning some runs. Will : Oh! Yeah. Mercedes : So it goes, Ah! Tina and Artie : Ah! Will : With the finger, huh? Mercedes : Pretty fly for a white guy. Will, he went. Will : Oh, thank you, thank you.Hey, don't be late for rehearsal this afternoon. Mercedes : Okay! Will: All right. Morning, Kurt. Kurt, before the garbage, accompanied by the football team. Puck : Buenos nachos, Mr. Shue. Will : Hey! Let's go, Titans! Puck : Yeah. Come on. Puck and another footballer striking Kurt to throw in the trash, when suddenly exclaimed Kurt. Kurt : Wait! One day you will all work for me. Sneering, the footballer was thrown into the trash. SCENE 2: In the corridors - Outside - Will, Emma, Santana and Quinn Will passing in the corridor. Will : It was very, very nice. Diana! All right? Emma, hidden, waiting for Will. Suddenly, she falls down before him. Emma : Oh, Will, oh. Oh! Will : Oh! Emma : Gosh. SUMMARY:
The glee club must perform in front of the school for the first time in an attempt to recruit new members. Will takes a second job as a janitor and grows closer to Emma, who decides to respect that he is married and instead accepts a date with football coach Ken Tanaka . Terri discovers she is having a hysterical pregnancy , but hides the truth from Will, telling him they are having a son. Cheerleaders Santana ( Naya Rivera ), Brittany ( Heather Morris ), and Finn's girlfriend Quinn ( Dianna Agron ) join New Directions, recruited by coach Sue Sylvester ( Jane Lynch ) to help bring down the club. Rachel and Finn kiss while rehearsing, but Finn chooses to return to Quinn.
TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] (We start with the Las Vegas city lights, then rise up to look over the horizon.) FLASH TO: [EXT. COUNTRY HOUSE -- NIGHT] (A two-story farmhouse with a windmill outside. The lights are on inside. Through the windows, we see movement.) [INT. FINCH RESIDENCE - KITCHEN -- NIGHT (Addie Finch is watching a television cooking show while doing the dishes. The reception isn't good and she whacks the set with frustration.) Addie Finch: (mutters) Piece of crap. (She goes back to doing the dishes. She hears the door open.) Addie Finch: Jay? Is that you? (There's no answer. She continues wiping the dishes.) (Someone comes up from behind Addie and stabs her in the back with a knife.) (She gasps.) (The man stabs her in the chest and she falls to the kitchen floor. She gasps for breath as the bloodied knife drips on her.) Catherine: (V.O.) CSI processed the knife and found blood from four different sources, -- FLASH TO: [INT. COURTROOM - DAY] (Catherine is on the stand. A photo of the knife and ruler is on the monitor.) Catherine: -- three of which were intermingled together on the blade. One matched Addie Finch, the victim. (Catherine changes the image on the monitor to a close-up of the knife blade.) Catherine: The other two were also female. And based on the number of DNA markers they have in common, they're either sisters or mother and daughter. They are not related to Addie Finch. And both remain unidentified. ADA Jasmine Davis: And the fourth DNA source? Catherine: When I disassembled the knife, I found blood on the tang, which is the steel area under the handle. ADA Jasmine Davis: Were you able to identify this DNA? Catherine: It was SUMMARY:
Catherine testifies in a murder trial in which a man is accused of murdering his own mother three years ago, but the suspect is found not guilty. Catherine, however, believes he did commit the crime and that he may also have killed two other people, so she and Nick set out to find the other victims. Catherine's probe leads to a small Nevada town where an elderly woman and her daughter were fatally stabbed and shot three years earlier. Back at the lab, Grissom prepares to leave on a four-week sabbatical.
TEXT: "The Girl in the Fridge" [SCENE_BREAK] (Brennan and Angela are standing around a skeleton on the table in the Bone Room. Brennan is examining a skull.) ANGELA: So I spent the night at Todd's. You remember Todd, right? The bass player with the big hands. Big nimble hands. BRENNAN: Angela, I'm trying to piece together a skull. ANGELA: You're doing a great job. So I wake up this morning and he's sitting there, right? No clothes on, just his bass. Singing to me in this low, low voice. He's creepy. BRENNAN: Angela, is this conversation really appropriate here? ANGELA: Sorry, but I'm into alive people. Anyway, Todd has a friend. BRENNAN: I thought you said he was creepy. ANGELA: Todd, not the friend. (Zack rushes in.) ZACK: Good news. BRENNAN: I hope this is work-related. ZACK: The Anthropology Journal is publishing our piece on the evolution of the coronal suture. BRENNAN: Worthy interruption. (Brennan sets down the skull as Zack holds out his fist. Brennan looks confused.) ZACK: You're supposed to bump my fist with yours. BRENNAN: Why? ZACK: I'm told it's a widely acknowledged gesture of mutual success. (Defeated, Zack puts down his fist. Angela is amused.) ANGELA: I love it when you two impersonate earthlings. (Hodgins walks in carrying a box.) HODGINS: Okay, now this is weird. There's some guy in the lounge who asked me to give you this. (Hodgins hands the box across the table to Brennan.) ANGELA: Is he alive? Because this is an excellent start to a relationship. HODGINS: I didn't put a mirror underneath his nose or anything. He said you'd know who he was when you opened it. SUMMARY:
Brennan's former forensic anthropology professor - and ex-lover - Dr. Michael Stires, surprises her with a visit to her lab at the Jeffersonian while in town to interview for a job. While they make plans to have dinner together that evening, Booth wheels in a soiled refrigerator, revealing the decomposed remains of a young woman inside. As Brennan and her team go to work to uncover clues as to what may have happened Booth discovers an old ransom note sent to the girl's parents shortly after she disappeared. Booth and Brennan determine the supposed kidnapping was a hoax and Booth makes an arrest in the case. When Bones is called in as an expert witness, she is shocked to discover the defense has brought in an expert of their own.
TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - Cafe Nervosa Fade in. Niles is sitting and drinking coffee. Roz comes over to him, wearing a somewhat revealing dress. Roz: Hi, Niles. [She sits.] Niles: Hey, Roz. Roz: Hey, how's Daphne? Niles: Actually, I just got back from visiting her at the spa. It wasn't easy, but she's already lost nine pounds and twelve ounces. [N.B. This is an inside joke. Jane Leeves had her baby, Isabella Catherine Coben, weighing in at nine pounds and twelve ounces.] Roz: Wow, good for her! It's all about willpower. A waiter hands Roz a plate heaped with brownies. [N.B. First appearance of James, the "unflappable" barista/waiter.] Roz: Oh, thanks. Niles: Um, I'm going back to the spa this coming weekend, if you need a ride... Roz: Oh, these aren't for me. Alice's school is having a picnic and I'm bringing the goodies. Niles: [looking at her cleavage] Yes, I see. Just don't get them sunburned. [off her look] I'm sorry, it's just... aren't you a little overdressed for a picnic? Roz gets a Tupperware container out of her bag and puts the brownies in it. Roz: Well, there is this cute single dad named Greg. He's going through a divorce, his wife cheated on him. He's so nice, too. He deserves a woman he can trust. Do these look like I baked them? Niles: Yes. Just as long as they don't taste like you baked them. Frasier comes in. Roz: I gotta go. Niles: All right. Frasier: Hi, Roz. Roz: Hey, Frasier. She grabs her things, gets up and leaves. Frasier: [to server] Can I get a latte to go, please? He comes over to Ni SUMMARY:
Bryce Academy is in danger of closure, and Frasier and Niles are desperate to find benefactors to help save their old school. Having no success with alumni, they decide to organize a party for some wealthy friends of theirs. Among the guests is Penelope Janvier, a rich widow with her own foundation. Martin meets her first, and she asks him out, much to his sons' surprise, although they realize this could prove useful to them. They are even more surprised some time later, when Martin returns from dinner with Penelope, and has another woman with him called Estelle. He announces that he plans to juggle the women, as he has seen Frasier do.
TEXT: [Random hotel ballroom. Toapplause, a disembodied voice introduces Adam Lyons, whowill present this year's Atlas Awards. Adam Lyons -- anice young man with floppy hair -- strides to thepodium.] Adam: At Kennedy and Collins, where I work in New York,we have a saying: 'The only thing better than great sexis a great ad campaign.' [The camera cuts to Brian, sitting at a table next to hisassistant, Cynthia.] Adam: So, when I asked to come to Pittsburgh to helpchoose the ad person of the Year when I looking for issomeone who could 'give great ad.' Someone whose workwould make me stand up and take notice. Well, afterreviewing this year enteries I believe we found him. Thisyear 'Atlas Award' for Pittsburgh Ads Person Of The Yeargoes to... Brian Kinney! [Cynthia smiles, kisses him slowly on the cheek] Cynthia: Go get him, tiger...the award, I mean. [Brian walks up to the podium, accepts the award, shakesAdam's hand] Brian: Care to test that saying? [Later on, as the shmoozing rages down below, Brian andAdam have s*x up on a balcony. Cynthia stands guard atthe entrance.] [Debbie's. Vic sits on the couchwith his hands tightly clenched.] Vic: I was standing with my dick out when this guy at thejourney next to me starting cruising me. Mel: Did you cruise him back? Vic: No. Mel: You did nothing to make him think you're looking forsex? Vic: I just want to take a piss. Michael: Same thing happened to this guy at my gym. Hewas walking his dog. He started talking to this otherguy, who invited him back to his place. Next thing thathe know is that he's busted. Justin: They can really do that? Mel: They can do what the hell they want. Justin: f*ck that. You'd better fight it. Debbie: Hey SUMMARY:
Brian is chosen 'Ad person of the Year' and encouraged to take his talent to the Big Apple; Vic appears in court to plead his case; Blake gets a job; David's ex-wife's divorce takes him to Portland.
TEXT: Dwight: I have the best survival stock shelter in north eastern Pennsylvania. But everything has a shelf-life. So I must eat and replace everything that's about to expire. It's nice not to have to plan my meals. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: You're eating eight year old tomatoes? Dwight: They're still good for another week. Meredith: You know, I think I have some type of cheese in the back of my fridge you might like. [Jim smiles] Kevin: I've got some cheese you might like too. In between my toes. [all laugh] Dwight: Hardy har har. Okay picture this[/b]: Snowy ash drizzles from the sky. A ravenous pack of dogs surrounds you as the flame at the end of your stick dies out. There's only one hope left for you. The door to my shelter. You pound, you beg, Dwight! Please let me in! But I ignore your cries and do not let you in. You wanna know why? Jim: Because of the sign, that says no pounding no begging. Dwight: No. Because you laughed at me. Kevin will be eaten! Pam will be taken slave! Jim will be made a warlord's gesture. Meredith will do ok. Be assured this day will come. It's just a matter of time. Could be one month, could be two months. Jim: Three months. Dwight: Could be. Jim: Four months. Dwight: I can see that happening, yes. Jim: Eight months? Dwight: That's a realistic time line. Jim: [Pam kisses Jim on the cheek] Eleven months. Dwight: Perhaps. Jim: Okay now really think hard about this one[/b]: One year. Dwight: I can see that as a very real possibility. Jim: [time has obviously passed, as everyone is gone except Jim and Dwight] Four hundred and ninety-four months? Dwight: I can see that happening. Jim: Four hundred and ninety-FIVE months. That's just... [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: I really though SUMMARY:
Traveling salesman Todd Packer ( David Koechner ) comes to Dunder Mifflin looking for a desk job in the office. However, the office is unsure if they want him to work there due to his previous behaviour. When Erin gets a new computer, Andy who is also dealing with computer problems, confronts office administrator Pam to get him a new one too. Jim and Dwight team up to get rid of Packer. Michael who has previously idealized Packer, changes his mind about him when he insults Holly.
TEXT: SCENE: Past, the year 2001. Land Without Magic. Portland. A deserted amusement park. A young Emma Swan is waiting for someone. After a while Neal Cassidy approaches her carrying one coffee to go in each hand. [SCENE_BREAK] Emma: You said you owed me a drink. I thought we'll met in a place like a bar. A restaurant. Or some place - you know - with chairs. Neal: Patience. I've got something better in mind. Here. Hold this. (He hands Emma his coffee. Neal kneels down. Using a wire he opens the locked door. Emma watches him.) Emma: What the hell are you doing? Neal: Tumblers. It's all about the tumblers. (Neal succeeds. He opens the door.) Come on. It's worth it. I promise. (They enter. Neal switches on the carousel's lights.) What did I tell you? Emma: Yeah, alright. It's pretty cool. Neal: Come on. Hop on. (Emma sits down. Neal takes a seat in front of her.) Emma: So, what's your story, Neal? Neal: That's an interesting choice of words. My „story" is that I left a screwed up situation and that kind of screwed me up. Emma: Crappy home life? I get that. Neal: Nah, it wasn't always. It- That's the problem. It was really great once. Emma: So, why don't you go back to try and fix it? Neal: I can't really go back. It's my father. Emma: Bad guy? Neal: Not at first. But he changed. That's when things got really crazy. But before that? It was home. It was nice. That's how you know you've really got a home: When you leave it, there's that feeling that you can't shake. You just miss it. [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past. Dark Palace. The dungeon. A guard pushes Emma roughly into SUMMARY:
Emma's and Hook's plan takes a turn for the worse when Regina captures Emma for "aiding" Snow White, and when it turns out that Snow White had been unable to steal Prince Charming's true marriage ring, which was the catalyst for the two of them falling in love. After a daring rescue involving the enlistment of one of Snow's friends, Snow White finds herself in a pinch, in which death seems inevitable. However, she barely manages to escape, and Emma and Hook eventually manage to get her parents back together, repairing the timeline. After some issues with the time portal, Emma is able to regain her magic and reopen it, although she also brings Maid Marian to Storybrooke , unknown to the residents of Storybrooke, Emma and Hook have unknowingly brought back Elsa who could forever alter the course of Storybrooke's future, and portending the rise of a new threat, the magic of whom even Rumplestiltskin fears. Note: This episode was aired together with "Snow Drifts" as a 2-hour special .
TEXT: Frontios by Christopher H. Bidmead Part One 6:40pm - 7:05pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1, INT: MINES (A group of men, led by Captain Revere, are digging in the mines. Captain Revere removes a rock and hands it to Chief Orderly Brazen, who examines it and goes over to the entrance to call out to the outside. Captain Revere watches as parts of the ground are sinking further down by themselves - almost like something is sucking it down. Meanwhile Brazen talks to the two Orderlies at the entrance.) BRAZEN: The answer's buried here somewhere. The Captain will find it. (More earth gets sucked down further into the ground and a beam holding up the mine shifts out of place, threatening the collapse of the entire mine. Brazen hurries to hold up the beam.) BRAZEN: Get out everybody! Come on, move! Captain Revere! (He watches as earth and rocks fall from the ceiling and the orderlies see Captain Revere unconscious and trapped under rubble. Brazen attempts to lift a big slab of rock off him, but it proves too heavy.) BRAZEN: Block and tackle! Quickly! (He runs to the Orderlies who bring down the chain amidst another falling of rocks. The next time Brazen moves over, there is no sign of Captain Revere. There is just the pile of rubble.) BRAZEN: I want no mention of this to anyone. Did you hear me?! Not to anyone! [SCENE_BREAK] 2, INT: TARDIS CONSOLE (Turlough is standing at the interior door - he seems to be trying to listen through it. There is a loud banging noise coming through the door. Tegan walks up.) TEGAN: The Doctor's alright. He gets like this sometimes. Nothing to worry about. (More loud noises.) TURLOUGH: Well I suppose it's none of my business if... I think he must be coming. (They move out of the way of the door and the Doctor appears, a manic look in his eyes.) DOCTOR: SUMMARY:
In the far distant future, the few remaining survivors of the human race struggle to survive on the planet Frontios. The Doctor states that the Laws of time do not allow him to have contact because the survivors must go their own way without outside intervention at this key point in time.A meteor storm hits the planet and starts to drag the TARDIS down with it, the Doctor is unable to stop the TARDIS from making a emergency landing.
TEXT: Bette: Previously, on "The L Word." [A heartbeat is heard as we see scenes from Season 1:] [Bette stares across the parking garage at the CAC; Candace gets out of her car.] [Tina sits on her bed, angry at Bette.] [Jenny and Robin kiss, in bed.] [Tim accidentally sees Jenny and Robin through the window, making love.] [Robin smiles at Jenny.] [Cherie screams at Shane; Shane tries to hold her still.] [The sound of the heartbeat speeds up. Shane puts her hand against her forehead as Cherie runs out.] [Tonya puts her hand against her head at Mr. Piddles' funeral.] [Dana cries over Mr. Piddles, her hand against her forehead.] [Ivan walks up behind Kit.] [Gene and Jenny are about to kiss, in front of the aquarium.] [Tina, Bette, Shane, Alice, Marina, Kit and Ivan raise their glasses, at Mr. Piddles' funeral.] [Bette and Alice are at The Planet.] Bette: Why is it so important for you to believe that everyone is sleeping with everyone else? Alice: Because they are. [Tina rolls her eyes.] [Jenny sits on Tim's lap.] [Shane and a woman in a pool kiss passionately.] Jenny: Do you know the neighbors next door? [Shane and the woman start to have s*x in the pool.] Jenny: Are they, um, a gay couple? Tim: Yeah, they are. [Through the fence, Jenny watches Shane and the woman having s*x.] Jenny: Because I saw them having s*x in their pool. [Jenny and Tina talk in Tina's backyard.] Tina: We're having a party tomorrow night. You and Tim should come. [Jenny and Tim walk into Bette and Tina's house for the party. Marina, Alice and Jenny sit on a couch.] Alice: Jenny, this is Marina. [Marina, Alice and Jenny sit on a SUMMARY:
Five months later. Bette desperately begs for forgiveness from Tina over her affair with Candace. But Tina is revealed to be hiding a shocking secret from her friends that she happens to be pregnant again. Alice and Dana continue to hide their romantic tryst from the others, including Tonya. Jenny finds herself with writer's block and saying an emotional goodbye to Tim as he prepares to leave town for a job in Ohio. Shane lands a new lover, a part-time DJ named Carmen de la Pica Morales ( Sarah Shahi ), whom she meets at a movie studio while doing hairstyling. With Marina gone after learning of her nervous breakdown and her attempted suicide, Kit decides to buy The Planet and continues to have mixed feelings over hanging out with Ivan ( Kelly Lynch ).
TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - Cafe Nervosa. Fade in. Frasier is sitting at a table, talking on his cell phone. Frasier: A gold leaf candle snuffer? Huh. My, what a spendthrift this Charles the Tenth was. Well of course I want you to bid on it for me, Greg, so start waving your paddle! Roz comes in and sits next to Frasier. Roz: Hey. Frasier: Oh, Roz, you got my message! Roz: Yeah, you said you had good news. What's up? Frasier: More important: What's down? Roz: Oh, fun. Wordplay. Frasier: No, no, the ratings are out for KACL's first six months of all-salsa radio. Roz: And they were lousy? Frasier: They aspire to lousy! Roz: So I guess they'll be looking for a new format. Frasier: Better yet: an old format! Roz: What, you think they're gonna bring us back? Frasier: That's the scuttlebutt on the street. Roz: Oh, this is great! Aren't you thrilled? Frasier: I'd be shouting it from the rooftops if I weren't saving my instrument. The waitress, Colette, brings Frasier his coffee. Colette is a perky blonde whose youthful prettiness hides a semi-omnipotent prescience, after the style of Wodehouse's Jeeves. Frasier: Thank you. Colette: May I help you? Roz: Non-fat capp... Haven't seen you before. I'm Roz, this is Frasier. Colette: Colette. Frasier: Ah, your mother was a fan of the great French novelist and raconteur Sidonie-Gabriel Colette. Colette: [going along] OK. Bulldog comes in, carrying a magazine. Bulldog: Hey, guys, you won't... [sees Colette] Whoa! Any more like you at home? Colette: No SUMMARY:
Roz is in a difficult financial situation, struggling to pay for her rent and baby clothes. KACL's ratings are suffering as a result of the new format, but the management still will not change it. Frasier does not expect this to last, and offers to lend Roz $1500 to help her along in the meantime. He is surprised afterwards to see that she seems to be spending rather extravagantly: spa treatment, expensive lunches, perfume. He wonders if he should talk to her about this, but Martin and Niles firmly advise him not to get involved, especially since he specifically said to Roz that the money was hers to use as she pleased. Eventually, KACL reconsiders and gives Frasier and his colleagues their jobs back.
TEXT: Oscar: [to camera crew] Can you guys come with me for a minute? [SCENE_BREAK] Oscar: I know you saw me with the Senator. I think I'm in love, possibly for the first time. So yes, Senator Lipton and I are having an affair. I hope that I can count on your sensitivity, maturity and discretion. [turns to see Kevin has overheard him]...Why? [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: Alright, good. Yeah. Just sell it and get the best price you can, okay? White: Or we can hope for a holiday rally? Andy: White, I'm not a day trader, I'm just a first responder in a disaster. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Andy's family had a total meltdown. His dad blew through all their money and took off to Argentina with a younger woman. Jim: And his brother, Walt Jr., locked himself in the wine cellar. Pam: The weirdest part is Andy. The aftermath got dumped on him and the way he's been handling it is Jim: Competent. Pam: Right? [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: Are the 'Nard's hurting? Yeah, you bet. Got kicked pretty hard. Family shattered, super sad. But, I'm kinda crushing it in the damage control department. So, that's cool. I wish my dad could see me now. Of course he caused this whole mess, so, [bleep] him. [SCENE_BREAK] Oscar: Kevin, listen to me. I'm in love with the Senator. And I need time to sort this out in a responsible matter so I need your help in keeping it a secret because this means the world to me. Ok? Kevin: That's beautiful. No, I totally get that. Oscar: Can you do this, Kevin? Kevin: I really want to. Whatever happens, always remember that. Oscar: I don't know what that means. Hey, hey- [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: [On phone] Oh, great! Yeah, um, I'll get right back to you. [hangs up] Hey guys! Anyone SUMMARY:
Andy must help his family when his dad loses all of their money. Meanwhile, Dwight is a guest on a radio show, and his co-workers call in to bother him. Kevin learns a secret about Oscar. This episode features the return of Andy's brother Walter Jr. ( Josh Groban ), who is now a drunk.
TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT] [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. ANDRE'S RESTAURANT - SIXTH STREET - NIGHT] (The restaurant door opens and a guest walks in. He politely greets KEVIN and AMY SHEPHERD who are just walking out the restaurant.) Dining Guest: Good evening. Kevin Shepherd: Hi. (Arms around each other, they walk down the sidewalk.) Amy Shepherd: That was nice. I had such a beautiful time tonight. Eight years. Kevin Shepherd: People said we wouldn't last. (she laughs) Happy anniversary, baby. Amy Shepherd: Happy anniversary. (They kiss and continue walking.) (As they walk by, the camera focuses on the sidewalk where a lit cigarette rolls discarded.) (The Shepherds reach their parked car. KEVIN walks AMY to the passenger door, then walks around the car to the driver's side. He pauses and they look at each other. She smiles.) (Someone masked and dressed in black grabs her from behind. With a knife in his hand, he slices her neck.) (KEVIN SHEPHERD stands frozen in shock. AMY is on the ground, dead in a pool of blood.) SHORT TIME CUT TO: [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. ANDRE'S RESTAURANT - SIXTH STREET - NIGHT] (A camera flashes. SARA kneels near AMY SHEPHERD and takes pictures of the victim.) Warrick: Two victims. She's on the sidewalk, a foot from the curb and he's in the middle of the street. (WARRICK turns to look at SARA who stands up. She looks at WARRICK and indicates the body on the sidewalk.) Sara: What's missing here? Warrick: No car. Nick: No mercy. (NICK is kneeling down next to the second body out on the road: KEVIN SHEPHERD.) Nick: This guy's stabbed at least five times. Got some red SUMMARY:
A couple leaving a restaurant on their anniversary are killed in the street and their car is stolen. The crime scene is compromised when it rains shortly after the CSIs arrive. It gets more mysterious when the car is found and it becomes a new crime scene. Catherine looks into the collapse of a city owned residence that kills three elderly women. She runs into problems with the city engineer responsible for the building.
TEXT: Credit & Thanks to <unk> Vibrant Fields <unk> [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Hahn: You're not attracted to me. You think you are, but you're not. Christina to Izzie: You are nowhere near hard-core enough to commit to cardio. George: Why isn't this easier? Izzie: I don't know. George: Well, I want my best friend back. Webber to Bailey: You deserve the job, I should've given it to you in the first place. Bailey: Things are gonna be different from here on in. Your love lives, your hopes and dreams, the little joys and tragedies that make you who you are have no place in my hospital. Bailey to Tucker Sr: This is our son. Tucker Sr: He's beautiful. [SCENE_BREAK] Christina's Bedroom. She is dancing up a storm. MVO: We go into medicine because we want to save lives. We go into medicine because we want to do good. We go into medicine for the rush, for the high, for the ride. Meredith stands in the doorway. Christina: You're not dancing. Meredith: I'm too tense to dance. Christina: Which is why we're dancing. Meredith: My problem is, I'm sleeping with a man who's dating. And I don't care if he dates Sydney. It's the woman he dates after Sydney, that's my problem. And if I had any sense at all, I would break up with the breakup s*x. There would be no more breakup sexing. If I had any sense. Christina: Shut up! Dance it out. MVO: But what we remember at the end of most days are the losses. What we lay awake at night replaying is, the pain we caused or failed to cure, the lives we ruined or failed to save. Meredith: You know, I'm gonna tell him. I don't want him seeing other people. Christina: Good. Fine. Whatever. Meredith: I'm gonna tell him, and I feel good about it. Christina: Dancing makes you brave. MVO: So the experience of practicing medicine SUMMARY:
An ambulance crash makes for a hectic day at Seattle Grace, when Meredith and Webber have to comfort the paramedics trapped inside one of the ambulances. A wounded paramedic creates an uproar in the ER over his tattoo, offending Bailey. As she operates on him she has the other doctors swear not to use her alias anymore. Derek and George treat the driver who caused the accident, and find a brain tumor. Derek and Rose get to know each other better. Bailey faces relationship troubles over how much time she spends at the hospital. Callie, Mark and Erica have to operate on a heart patient who was injured in the crash. Lexie becomes attached to a patient ( Seth Green ), who has a major artery exposed following the removal of a tumor. Rebecca returns and Lexie finds out Alex has been seeing them both.
TEXT: Faith beating up a vampire. Faith: I'm Faith. Giles (VO): Previously on Buffy The Vampire Slayer... Mayor's Office. Mayor: Open your present. Faith: (Opens it, takes out knife) This is a thing of beauty, boss. Mayor: That look on your face is my reward. Giles: (VO)We have a rogue Slayer on our hands. I can't think of anything more dangerous. Buffy fighting Faith on a rooftop. Buffy punches her then plunges a knife into her gut. Shot of truck below. Faith falls onto it. Cut to: Hospital. Faith in a bed looking ill. Mayor next to her bed. Doctor: It's a wonder she's alive at all with the blood loss. There's virtually no chance that she'll ever regain consciousness. Buffy fighting in a room. Riley: You're really strong. I like it. Walsh standing next to Adam on a bed. Walsh: I've worked too long... too long to let some little bitch threaten this project. Giles' apartment. Giles talking to Buffy. Giles: Maggie Walsh...set you up? Cut to Buffy in a dark room. Buffy (VO): Maggie wanted me dead didn't she? Buffy tries blaster. Doesn't work. Door slams behind her. Cut to Adam's room. Walsh being skewered from behind by Adam. Walsh: Adam... Walsh slumps to ground. Adam: Mommy. Initiative. Riley to Forrest. Riley: Why does it bug you so much that I'm hanging with her? Forrest: It bugs me that she's using you to infiltrate our operation. Riley: You saying she's a spy? Cut to Riley, shaking and looking ill. Riley: I don't know what's going on...who the bad guys are... Cut to Riley and Buffy fighting Adam. Riley is injured by it. Forrest picks him up. Forrest: Escort them out. Carries Riley off. Riley: Buffy... Buffy watches him being taken away. Screen fades to white. Faith and Buffy making a bed. Folding clean sheet. Buffy SUMMARY:
Faith ( Eliza Dushku ) wakes up from her eight-month coma and seeks revenge against Buffy. After failing to attack her, she switches bodies with Buffy using a gift left to her by Richard Wilkins III ( Harry Groener ), the now-dead mayor.
TEXT: SAN MARCOS ORPHANAGE Scene begins with a flashback of the orphanage San Marcos (Buenos Aires, 1992). It is the middle of the night and a man is creeping thru the dark room. He approaches a young girl, clasps his hand over the mouth of the girl and shushes her. All of a sudden a flashlight shines and a little girl yells: YOUNG GIRL: (Most dialogs in this episode are in Spanish) Let her go! MAN: Get back in your bed! YOUNG GIRL: Let her go! The young girl with the flashlight runs to hit the man, he grabs her. Throws her onto her bed and slaps her around, she runs out of the room. He yells at the girl: MAN: You ever come back, I'll kill you. A woman enters the room. Sonya Braga as Head of the Orphanage. WOMAN: What's going on? She turns on the lights to see a man holding his eye. WOMAN: To my office now! NOW! Where is Nadia? What happened to Nadia? The girls all look at each other and then one walks up and says: CHILD: She left. Nadia saved me and she left. LOS ANGELES Scene starts with Nadia running down a road with a white fence. She brings in the mail to her and Syd's apartment NADIA: Hi SYD: Hey, (pause for a few seconds approaches her opening her mail) what's going on? NADIA: Nothing. SYD: When something is bothering me I go running. You've gone twice in less than 12 hours. NADIA: (phone rings) Hello, Hey Vaughn, yeah sure, she's right here. (Hands the phone to Syd.) SYD: Thanks (takes the phone, Nadia walks away) Hey, sure when do you wanna meet? VAUGHN: (flipping thru a notebook) it's definitely my father's handwriting. SYD: But these entries VAUGHN: I know SYD: I don't understand? VAU SUMMARY:
Nadia's orphan past, her recruitment and her recruiter's treacherous background are revealed. In a search for his father, Vaughn meets up with none other than the headmistress of Nadia's orphanage in Argentina. Vaughn asks her if she remembers anything out of the ordinary when his father stayed at the orphanage, which she replied she said she heard him say something about "Nightingale". She asks about Nadia, also.
TEXT: Scene: Bernadette's apartment. Bernadette: And the next wedding gift is a gravy boat. Penny: Ooh, one gravy boat. Amy: That's from Sheldon. He told me he had it engraved. Bernadette: In the event of a divorce, please return to Sheldon Cooper. Penny: One inappropriate, yet I wish I thought of that gravy boat. Amy: When I get married I'm going to register at the UCLA Cadaver Lab. Penny: Ew, why? Amy: 'Cause I've always wanted a whole human skeleton and they are really spendy. Bernadette: So, you actually see you and Sheldon getting married someday? Amy: Not just someday. In exactly four years. But don't tell Sheldon. He's still a flight risk. Bernadette: What about you, Penny? Penny: What about me what? Bernadette: Do you think you and Leonard might ever get married? Penny: Oh, well, you know, Leonard is great. Bernadette: But do you think you'll ever get married? Penny: He's a sweetie. Amy: You're not answering the question. Do you love him? Penny: Yeah, sure, of course I love him. Bernadette: It doesn't sound like it. Penny: Well, I do. Bernadette: Do you tell him that? Penny: No, he'd just take it the wrong way. Amy: What does that mean? Penny: It means he is special and smart and nice and... Bernadette: Are you gonna break up with him? Penny: No. Maybe. I don't know. Bernadette: I had no idea you were unhappy. Penny: That's the thing, I'm not. I'm not unhappy at all. It's just, I don't know, I, I've been in love before, but it felt different. But maybe this is a new, better, boring kind of love. Do you ever feel that way about Howard? Bernadette: Oh, that's not really SUMMARY:
Whilst sorting out Bernadette's wedding gifts, Penny confesses being unsure of her feelings towards Leonard, and is worried she might break up with him again. She asks Bernadette and Amy not to mention this to Leonard; however, Amy tells Sheldon, who cannot keep the secret but holds back from telling Leonard. That night he wakes Penny in her apartment and tells her never to hurt his friend Leonard. The next day, when about to talk to Leonard about her doubts, she looks into his sad face and sleeps with him instead. Later, she insists she's fine with where they are going, as they aren't getting married. Meanwhile, Stuart joins the gang on Sheldon's condition that he act like Howard whom he is replacing as Raj's friend, so he must eat Raisinets at the movies and play the same cards as Howard during Mystic Warlords of Ka'a. Stuart and Raj later visit a bar to meet women, reminiscent of Howard and Raj's friendship. Elsewhere, on the ISS, Howard is bullied by co-astronauts Mike Massimino and Dimitri Rezinov. Bernadette has him stand up to them, but they drug him and draw a mouse face and his nickname Froot Loops on his face.
TEXT: Rusty: Rusty Cartwright. I'm a freshman. [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: I'm Casey Cartwright. Tomorrow night, we are gonna host over a thousand girls for rush. [SCENE_BREAK] Frannie: Daughter of our fair state Senator. She's coming here this fall, and she's rushing. Land Rebecca Logan and you can be the heir to my throne. [SCENE_BREAK] Dale: I'm Dale. Rusty: Hey Dale, nice to meet you. Dale: You gotta be pretty smart to get to the engineering program. Rusty: How'd you know? Dale: This is the honors engineering floor. [SCENE_BREAK] Rusty: I want to rush a fraternity. Casey: You're not fraternity material. [SCENE_BREAK] Calvin: No one knows you here. You can be anyone you want. [SCENE_BREAK] Rusty: I want to be a Kappa Tau. Cappie: Let's go, pledge. [SCENE_BREAK] Evan: You're Casey's little brother. Rusty: How'd you know? Evan: I'm her boyfriend. I'm Evan. [SCENE_BREAK] Heath: You know this doesn't mean I'm gay or anything. Calvin: I'm not gay. I was just drunk. [SCENE_BREAK] Cappie: The reason I broke up with you... Casey: I dumped you. Evan: Hey, Crappie. Cappie: The name's Cappie. Evan kisses Casey. [SCENE_BREAK] Rusty walks through an aisle but stop when he see Evan and Rebecca hooking up. Evan look at him. [SCENE_BREAK] Rusty: I saw Evan... Casey: I don't know... Rusty:...with another girl. They were gonna have s*x. [SCENE_BREAK] Evan: Casey, I'll make it up to you. Casey: Sweetie, we' SUMMARY:
It's pledge week at CRU! Rusty receives a lesson in balancing frat life with his honors engineering coursework , learning about brotherhood along the way. Casey and Ashleigh get ZBZ in hot water over the undue hazing of Rebecca Logan. And, Kappa Tau and Omega Chi battle it out over beer pong , much to Calvin's misfortune.
TEXT: OPEN AT LORELAI'S HOUSE [Lorelai is sitting at the kitchen table clipping coupons. Rory walks out of her bedroom carrying a bag of laundry, and Lorelai hides the coupons.] LORELAI: Morning. RORY: Morning. LORELAI: Hey, would you be horrified if I started clipping coupons again? RORY: Yes. LORELAI: Oh, well, then, I won't. RORY: Wait, did you say again? LORELAI: I meant ever. RORY: When did you clip coupons before? LORELAI: I didn't. I misspoke. Whoops. RORY: Uh huh. LORELAI: Hey, how is it that your dirty laundry has increased exponentially since you started Yale? RORY: 'Cause I'm a dirty, filthy Yale girl now. [she grabs the page of coupons from the table] LORELAI: I told you I'm not gonna clip them! RORY: Then I don't see the problem. LORELAI: Just for the Fig Newtons, please! [Rory opens the back door and listens to the music coming from the garage] RORY: Whoa! That is - LORELAI: Sucks. RORY: That is totally sucks. And they're like on their two hundredth guitarist audition. LORELAI: Well, they must be down to the deaf, dumb, and blind ones. Ah, he found it. RORY: Found what? LORELAI: The lost chord. RORY: So, the washer's broken. LORELAI: Yup. RORY: You didn't mention that when you saw me walk out with my exponential amounts of laundry. LORELAI: Sorry. RORY: Or when I called from Yale to say that I had exponential amounts of laundry to do. LORELAI: You've totally co-opted my word. RORY: Okay, plethora - that's my word. I have a plethora of dirty laundry and nowhere to do it. LORELAI: But you don't come SUMMARY:
Sookie and Jackson decide to have a home birth and enlist the services of a formidable midwife. When Stars Hollow mounts a festival of living pictures, Kirk goes way overboard in getting into character for his role as Jesus in "The Last Supper", while Lorelai has a bad case of stage fright. Meanwhile, Lane, Zach, and Brian finally find an awesome guitarist to replace Dave, but wonder if he isn't too old to join the band. Nicole asks Luke if they can postpone the divorce and start dating again. Note: This episode won the show's only Emmy Award , for Outstanding Makeup for a Series (non-prosthetic). [3]
TEXT: [Scene: Doctor's Office. Dawson is in finishing an exam.] Dawson: Just a complete loss of control. So there's nothing wrong with me? Dr. Reiss: Everything is fine, kiddo. Blood, EKG, all normal. Anything else I should know about? Dawson: I, um... I've been having these episodes. Uh, well, attacks, really... where I get all sweaty and I feel like I'm gonna pass out. Dr. Reiss: Have you ever passed out? Dawson: No, but... I've come close. Dr. Reiss: How long has this been going on? Dawson: Um, a couple of weeks. Dr. Reiss: [Sighs] Dawson... how long has it been since your father died? Dawson: About a month. Am I going crazy? Dr. Reiss: You're not crazy, Dawson. Stress manifests itself in all kinds of ways, and anything as significant as the loss of a parent could easily trigger what you're experiencing. Dawson: I don't think it's that, though. I mean, you know, it was... tough, but I've been dealing as well as anyone could. Dr. Reiss: Well, these episodes could be how you're dealing. Look, this-- this isn't my area, but I know a doctor in Boston who I think can help you. She specializes in things like this... grief, loss of a loved one. Dawson: You mean a shrink? Dr. Reiss: Yeah. [He talks into his intercom] Tracy... Dawson needs to see dr. Weir. Weir is the best in Boston. Dawson: Is there someone closer? 'Cause I really have to kind of stay near my mom. Dr. Reiss: The only other place would be in providence. me. Weir is worth the trip. [Tracy comes in carrying a note] Tracy: You're all set. 5:00 tomorrow. Dr. Reiss: Dr. Reiss: Great. Let me know how it goes. Dawson: All right. Thanks. Joey: Hey. Audrey: Hey. Joey: Do you need SUMMARY:
Jen helps Dawson go to the grief counsellor (played by Pauley Perrette) he ran away from the week before. Dawson finds the idea of sharing his thoughts with a complete stranger uncomfortable, but he is surprised with how much he learns from it. Back in Capeside, Dawson and Gail run into problems handling Mitch's will, the main problem being that Lily is not included in it. Meanwhile, Joey is working on a project about old letters authored many years ago by a recently deceased writer, and with the help of Audrey's audition tape for "The Real World: Ibiza", she manages to catch something no one of the fellow students did. Pacey confronts Karen about the risks she is taking by having an affair with Danny. Later, Karen is hurt when Danny's wife shows up at a party they are both attending.
TEXT: [Scene: Central Perk, the whole gang is there, Ross is telling a story about what happened at work and the rest of the gang are thinking to themselves, denoted by italics.] Ross: So I told Carl, 'Nobody, no matter how famous their parents are, nobody is allowed to climb on the dinosaur.' But of course this went in one ear and out..... Rachel: I love how he cares so much about stuff. If I squint I can pretend he's Alan Alda. Monica: Oh good, another dinosaur story. When are those gonna become extinct? Chandler: If I was a superhero who could fly and be invisible, that would be the best. Gunther: What does Rachel see in this guy? I love Rachel. I wish she was my wife. (Joey is singing in his head.) Phoebe: Who's singing? Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the whole gang is there including Janice, they're watching Happy Days.] Ross: Hey. When you guys were kids and you played Happy Days, who were you? I was always Richie. Monica: I was always Joanne. Joey: Question. Was ah, 'Egg the Gellers!' the war cry of your neighbourhood? (A commercial for the Mattress King, Janice's ex-husband, comes on TV.) Phoebe: Ewww! Oh! It's the Mattress King! Joey: Booo!! Chandler: (to Janice) Don't look honey. Change the channel! Change the channel! Janice: Wait! Wait! I wanna see this. After I divorce him, half of that kingdom is gonna be mine. Matress King: (on TV) 'Despair fills the mattress showroom. My kingdom is suddenly without a queen. I'm so depressed I'm going to slash... my prices!! Check it out! Four ninety-nine for a pillow top queen set! I'm going medieval on prices! Chandler: What a wank! Janice: Oh, I cannot believe he's using our divorce to sell mattresses. Monica SUMMARY:
Monica tries returning a bed after receiving the wrong one from Janice's ex-husband's store. While there, Joey sees Janice kissing her ex. Things end badly after Rachel tries to get her father and Ross to bond during dinner out together. To make amends, Rachel sets up a brunch only for it to backfire on her when Ross and Dr. Green bond over criticizing her. Joey teaches a soap opera acting class. When Joey and the student are up for the same part in a soap opera, Joey tries sabotaging the student's chances by suggesting he play the character, a boxer, as being gay. The other friends lambaste Joey for betraying a student's trust, thought the student ultimately wins the part.
TEXT: EARTHSHOCK BY ERIC SAWARD Part One Running time: 24:22 [SCENE_BREAK] Long shot of the quarry. Some people in coveralls rappel up the side of a hill. Lieutenant Scott reaches out to help Professor Kyle over the top. She gasps. They run away from the camera towards another hill where some other troopers are standing guard. They run past an oval-shaped, blue tent to where some other troopers are standing, and stop. Scott looks around a bit, the moves forward again. He heads towards a "tunnel" entrance where some more troopers are standing. Kyle and Snyder are looking into the entrance as Scott walks up. SNYDER: Nothing. Kyle turns around and walks away from the tunnel entrance very slowly. PROF KYLE: How does this thing work? WALTERS: It focuses upon the electrical activity of the body-heartbeat, things like that. LT SCOTT: But only of mammalian life form. Everything else is excluded. Scott walks off and Kyle follows... slowly again Scott stands near Walters, who begins to operate a futuristic, high-tech scanner. Walters switches on the scanner and it begins to hum. He types on the futuristic keyboard, and looks intently at the screen There's nothing on it. WALTERS: Nothing. LT SCOTT: Could they have been shielded from the scanner in any way? WALTERS: A lead screen. Some of the newer alloys. PROF KYLE: There isn't anything like that in the cavern. Kyle walks away distraught, wringing her hands, PROF KYLE: They're dead, aren't they? LT SCOTT: It does seem likely. PROF KYLE: Such a pointless waste. LT SCOTT: We'll find out. PROF KYLE: They can't be far. I radioed immediately I left the cavern. LT SCOTT: You've done all you can. Don't upset yourself. Walters, scan again. Maximum amplification. WALTERS: Right, sir. PROF KYLE: How many of you were down there? PROF KYLE: Eight of us. PROF KYLE SUMMARY:
The Doctor lands the Tardis in an underground cavern on 26th century Earth. Then the Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa and Adric become embroiled in the search for a team of missing scientists being preformed by the military.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Mary: We all welcome Captain Alden home from his long, long service. Giles: You come back for one thing and one thing only. She's Mary Sibley now. Mary: I waited for you. Years and years without a word. John: I was captured. Gloriana: If we could forget Salem and its witches. If we could have a different life. Mrs. Hale: She can't breathe! Mr. Hale: Make it stop. Please. My daughter. Cotton: We call it a spectral attack... the work of witches. Pray for her. Mercy: [Screaming] Reverend Lewis: Imperat tibi deus pater... Imperat tibi Deus filius... Imperat tibi Deus Spiritus Sanctus... Imperat tibi majestas Christi... Mercy: [Groans] You must stop this. Reverend Lewis:...Eternum dei verbum caro factum... Imperat sacramentum crucis... Mercy: They will hang you if they learn of this. Reverend Lewis: The witches have already taken your life. I no longer fear the puritans claiming mine. The wretched spirit that inhabits you must be excised. Or else what becomes of you? Hmm? Madness? Death? Do you trust me, Mercy? Mercy: Yes, father. Reverend Lewis: That I would do nothing to hurt you? Mercy: Well, of course. Reverend Lewis: [Smooches] Mercy: [Breathing shakily] Father. Father. Reverend Lewis: I cast you out, every unclean spirit... Every satanic power... Mercy: Please! I beseech you! Reverend Lewis:...Every onslaught of the infernal adversary... In the name and in the power of our Lord Jesus. Mercy: It's you that's been driven to madness! [Screams] [Wailing] Reverend Lewis: Malleus maleficarum. Mercy: [Crying] [Screams] ["Cupid SUMMARY:
A face from John's past comes to Salem, and Mary's plans nearly come apart when she loses control of Mercy Lewis. Elsewhere, Mary's most trusted ally, Tituba, is forced to deceive John in order to eliminate a threat that endangers her mistress.
TEXT: Degrassi Hazel: It's all about the tight satin shorts, if you ask me. Jimmy: Ooh, tight satin shorts. We're there. (He high fives Spinner) Paige: Then pencil it in, boys. Retro roller skating party. Ashley: Retro roller skating party? That sounds cool. Paige: Funny how something is cool one year, and so totally uncool the next. Kinda like people. Ashley: I get it Paige. You don't have to invite me to your dumb party. Paige: Oh, but I was hoping you could take drugs, act like a total freak, and destroy everything. Oh wait. You did that last year. (Paige and Hazel go inside and Spinner and Jimmy follow) Ashley: I don't get it. It was just one mistake. All right, one big mistake. Terri: It'll all blow over. Ashley: Or it won't. I want my friends back, Ter. And just standing by is not gonna make that happen. Homeroom Paige: Which do you like better, left profile or right? Hazel: It's not a fashion shoot. Paige: But it's our photo day, and I want it to be just perfect. (She goes to sit down and she sees Ellie in the seat next to her) Elie, right? Ellie: Uh huh. Paige: Here's the deal. Hazel and I, best friends. But, Hazel's stuck on the other side of the room. You, however, are right here. Ellie: And you want me to switch? Paige: I knew you'd understand. (They wait for Ellie to move) Um, hon? Maybe you didn't hear me. Ellie: I did, loud and clear, thanks. (Paige and Hazel look at each other. Then Hazel goes to sit down. Paige sighs. Ashley comes over to talk to Paige) Ashley: Hey Paige. Paige: Okay, this is so not the time to talk to me. Ashley: Just for a sec, please? Paige: What? Ashley: You and I have been friends since grade two. That's like seven years, half our lives. Paige SUMMARY:
Ashley attempts to make amends for her actions at her house party and ends up with fewer friends than she had before when she makes plans to go on a date with Sean. Meanwhile, Toby becomes smitten with the new girl, without realizing she's Spinner's sister.
TEXT: "The Bone That Blew" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER EXT. VIRGINIA - WOODED AREA - NIGHT [POACHER #1: following POACHER #2: through the forest. Both are holding flashlights.] POACHER #1: : I'm tellin' ya, this... this is a bad idea. POACHER #2: Huh..I heard there's an eighty foot tall black walnut tree back here. POACHER #1: Uh huh? POACHER #2: We can get fifteen grand for just one tree! POACHER #1: This is government property! The road said "closed" in big red letters! POACHER #2: So we get in, we get the wood, we get out. [POACHER #1: shines his flashlight up at a large tree.] POACHER #1: Is this it? POACHER #2: What are you, a moron? This tree is coniferous. POACHER #1: Carnivorous, what? It eats meat? POACHER #2: No, numb nuts. Needles and cones. POACHER #1: Oh. [Dude #1 shines his flashlight up into another tree and sees a large chunk of bone nestled in the branches] POACHER #1: Those don't look like cones to me. [POACHER #2: shines his own flashlight up into the tree and sees that there are several additional bones scattered throughout the branches. Eventually his light hits upon a partial human skull.] POACHER #2: Holy mother of God. [POACHER #1: screams loudly.] [CUT TO: INT. MEDICO-LEGAL LAB - MAIN AREA - DAY] [DR. CAMILLE SAROYAN and DR. TEMPERANCE BRENNAN are walking together through the lab, arguing.] BRENNAN: How could you have hired him? CAM: Your father was the best candidate. BRENNAN: Well, are you sure? Dad is an excellent liar. CAM: He's also an excellent science teacher. I called the school where SUMMARY:
When a skull and various skeletal remains are found in a tree in a nationally protected wooded preserve, Brennan and Booth are on the case to investigate. Back at the Jeffersonian, Brennan learns of her father's new position as a teacher, a prospect she is less than happy to learn about, allegedly because of his recent acquittal for murder. In a lucky break, the victim's bones are identified in a government database as those of an ex-Marine who has been off-the grid for nearly three years. With no records of his whereabouts from the past three years, the team turns to the internet for answers. The investigation eventually leads Brennan and Booth to an ultra-elite private school and a group of rich and powerful families, one of whom the ex-Marine had worked for as a "nanny". As the investigation continues, the team finds Brennan's father to be an unlikely asset to the case, but Brennan is opposed to her father's involvement.
TEXT: DUE TO BRIEF NUDITY AND ADULT THEMES, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT] [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - MGM -- NIGHT] [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. PARK - NIGHT] (A Young Man and a Young Woman are playing in the park. He's chasing her and she's running through the various park equipment. She laughing.) Butchy: You're going down! (She playfully weaves her way through the swings, laughing as she goes.) Butchy: I got you, I got you! I got you! I got you. (BUTCHY finally catches up to the girl. He pulls her down to the ground in the sandbox. They start kissing. He glances up and sees something. He stops kissing the girl, his eyes glued to whatever it is that he sees.) Girl: Butchy. keep going. (The girl turns her head to look. Partially exposed in the sand is the face of a dead person. She starts to scream.) FLASH TO WHITE: [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. PARK -- NIGHT] (GRISSOM walks around the body. It still hasn't been touched.) Brass: You've been walking in circles for ten minutes. Grissom: There's no sign of struggle. Whatever happened, happened somewhere else. This is a secondary scene. Brass: Body dump? Grissom: Textbook. David, when we dig her up, I want you to tag her special processing. David Phillips: Yes, sir. Grissom: The only person who knows where the crime scene is has her mouthful of sand. Brass: A thousand square miles of desert in Vegas and this perp dumps the body in a sandbox. Grissom: He didn't put it here to hide it. He put it here to be found. HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS SUMMARY:
Grissom and Catherine investigate the apparent violent death of a woman found in a sandbox. Their investigation leads them to the underground world of s and m clubs. Meanwhile, Warrick and Sara are called to a crime scene to investigate a shooting, which initially appears to have taken place during a robbery.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Robin: Marian! So, how do we break the spell? Regina: True love's kiss. There's a reason that kiss didn't work. I'm in love with someone else. She's still your wife. Soon I will have what I want. A family that loves me. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Enchanted Forest - Past ] [SCENE_BREAK] (Colette takes off of the library books.) Soldier: The wall... It's fallen. We must leave now. The town will soon be overrun. Colette: These books are too valuable to leave to those monsters. Soldier: My lady, please. Colette: Take these trunks to the carriage. I'll be just behind you. Soldier: And your daughter? Colette: I will find her. Now go. Darling, we must leave, quickly! Where are you? Belle: I'm right here, mother! I'm sorry, but I couldn't leave without this. It's the first story you ever (read to me, remember? It's what made me fall in love with books.) Colette: Of course I remember, my Belle. Quickly, we must flee befo... (They hear a noise.) Belle: They're here. Colette: We will hide till they pass. (Colette and Belle are hiden under a table. An ogre enters.) Belle: Ogres! (The ogre walks in the library seaching for something.) Colette: Shh! It's going to be all right. (The ogre discovers Colette and Belle under the table. Colette screams.) [SCENE_BREAK] (Belle wakes up in her bed.) Belle: Mother?! [SCENE_BREAK] (Belle is walking in a hallway. Her father sees her and goes to see her.) Maurice: Belle, why aren't you in bed? Belle: What happened? W-where's mother? Maurice: You mean... You don't remember? Belle: Remember what, father? I... (Belle sees a coffin.) Belle: No. [SCENE_BREAK] [ SUMMARY:
As everyone attempts to track down Ingrid, Emma discovers that there is more to her connection than she expected, while Belle begins to remember her past encounter with Anna and forces Gold into leading her to The Snow Queen's lair. After Belle sees the mirror, Gold warns Ingrid that he will stop her from harming anyone close to him, and shows her the Sorcerer's Hat as proof. Ingrid is planning to destroy everyone around Storybrooke by using a mirror in order to bring the only family into her world: her, Elsa, and Emma, who just discovered a prophecy scroll that she is the savior that will become Ingrid's sister. In Belle's past in the Enchanted Forest, she seeks out help to finding out a way to remember her mother's death with the help of Anna, who is trying to keep Elsa from finding out the truth about her trip, until she becomes suspicious of Ingrid's (The Snow Queen's) presence, and once Anna discovers that Ingrid is hiding the truth about having another sister, Ingrid imprisons her and steals the box that contains the Sorcerer's hat.
TEXT: Michael: Tonight is the Dundies, the annual employee awards night here at Dunder Mifflin. [holds up a trophy of a business man] And this is everybody's favorite day. Everybody looks forward to it, because, you know, a lot of the people here don't get trophies, very often. Like Meredith or Kevin, I mean, who's gonna give Kevin an award? Dunkin' Donuts? Plus, bonus, it's really, really funny. So I, you know, an employee will go home, and he'll tell his neighbor, "Hey, did you get an award?" And the neighbor will say, "No man. I mean, I slave all day and nobody notices me." Next thing you know, employee smells something terrible coming from neighbor's house. Neighbor's hanged himself due to lack of recognition. So... [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: So, you ready for the... the Dundies? Pam: Ugh... [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: You know what they say about a car wreck, where it's so awful you can't look away? The Dundies are like a car wreck that you want to look away, but you have to stare at it because your boss is making you. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: [in a Fat Albert voice] Hey hey hey! It's Fat Halpert. Jim: What? Michael: [in Fat Albert voice] Fat Halpert. [in normal voice] Jim Halpert. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: So why don't I take you on a tour of past Dundie winners. We got Fat Jim Halpert here. Jim, why don't you show of your Dundies to the camera? Jim: Oh, I can't because I keep them hidden. I don't want to look at them and get cocky. Michael: Oh, that's a good idea. Dwight: Mine are at home in a display case above my bed. Michael: Gyaaah. T.M.I. T.M.I my friends. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: T.M.I.? Too much information. Ah SUMMARY:
Michael Scott , regional manager of Dunder Mifflin , announces that it is time for the annual Dundie Awards that the employees loathe due to the insulting awards Michael bestows on them. At the awards, receptionist Pam Beesly tells off her fiancé Roy Anderson , one of the warehouse workers, when he insists they leave, and she later gets drunk. Michael becomes the bumbling emcee and bestows the regularly embarrassing awards on them.
TEXT: Scene: The apartment. Howard: Completely empty box. If you'd like to examine it? Leonard: Mm-hmm. Yep. I see nothing in this box but a wasted childhood. Howard: Little snarky there, cello lessons. And we have this completely ordinary cylinder. If you'd like to examine it? Raj: Ordinary, yet I sense it is dripping with magical potential. Sheldon: Oh, dear Lord. A man pops out for a moment to evacuate his bowels and catch up on the adventures of the Caped Crusader, only to emerge and discover his apartment has been transformed into a cabaret. Leonard: Sheldon, he's just practising for his cousin's birthday party. Howard: As I was saying, empty box, empty cylinder, and, ooh, voila. (Pulls out a goldfish in a jar) Raj: I'm telling you, dude, there's a seat on the Hogwarts Express with your name on it. Sheldon: This is how you're going to entertain your little cousin and his friends? By lying to them? Howard: How is this lying? Sheldon: A magic show is an inherently deceitful proposition. This is an ordinary top hat. You've chosen that card freely. I do not have a set of lock picks lodged in my keister. Raj: Can't you just enjoy the wonder, Sheldon? Why must you peek behind the curtain? Or up the butt? Sheldon: If we poison the critical thinking faculties of children by telling them that rabbits come out of hats, then we create adults who believe in astrology and homeopathy and that Ryan Reynolds was a better choice for Green Lantern than lovable rogue Nathan Fillion. Leonard: Sheldon, he's just gonna do a few magic tricks for some kids. I really don't think they're gonna end up liking the Green Lantern movie. Howard: Don't be so hard on him. It's natural to be a little cranky when you have a quarter in your ear! Sheldon: Coins SUMMARY:
Amy and Sheldon's relationship hits a snag when Sheldon refuses to appreciate the news that Amy's paper is being published in the reputed scientific journal Neuron, causing her to leave their date midway in a huff. When Penny confronts Sheldon over his behavior to his girlfriend, he replies that he is not interested in biology. Later when he discusses the issue with Leonard, Leonard tells him to buy something for Amy to make up for his behavior. He then goes with Penny to the jewelry store. Amy feels insulted initially when Penny tells her that Sheldon bought her jewelry, thinking that he is trying to buy her forgiveness, but changes her mind when she sees it is a tiara. She becomes ecstatic and kisses and hugs him, leaving him confused. Meanwhile, Howard and Bernadette's relationship also hits a snag when Bernadette reveals to Howard that she hates children and does not want to have them after they get married. This upsets Howard, who wants children of his own, and whose mother continuously nags him to give her grandchildren. He begins to reconsider his relationship with Bernadette and mulls calling off the wedding. Later Bernadette comes over to his house and tells him that they can have children of their own after they get married in respect for his feelings. However she adds that he should stay at home and take care of them while she works, to which he reluctantly agrees. Howard then suggests they use a condom before they have sex.
TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 <unk> KACL Frasier is doing the show and signs off for a commercial break. Roz comes into the booth. Frasier: This is Dr. Frasier Crane. We'll be right back after this. Roz: OK, after this spot we're gonna come back in 15 seconds, you do a station ID and then toss it to the news. I'll count you down. Frasier: That won't be necessary. I have a built in mental stopwatch. As a child playing "Hide and Go Seek" I was the only one who didn't need to say, "One Hippopotamus Two Hippopotamus." Roz: Frasier, I've heard you. You're always either talking into the news or running short. Frasier: I am not! Roz: [taking money out her pocket] I'll bet you 20 bucks you blow this one. Frasier: All right, you're on. Roz: [looking at the clock] No, you are. Roz runs back through to the booth. Frasier starts the show again. Frasier: Hello, we're back. This is Dr. Frasier Crane tuning in for our second hour on the "Dr. Frasier Crane Show." In our first hour we covered everything from anorexia to xenophobia. What will be next? As always of course that's entirely up to you. So stick around <unk> the Doctor is in and he's listening. [Frasier finishes, proud with himself until he realises he's forgotten a part and tries to rush it in] Ooh, this is KACL 780 AM... The news cuts in over him and he throws down his headphones in disgust. By this time Kate Costas has walked into the studio. Kate: That was very smooth. Frasier: Thank you. Roz: [collecting her money off Frasier] Oh, let's see. <unk>One Andrew Jackson, Two Andrew Jackson...<unk> Kate: Look Frasier, I've been getting a lot of complaints from sponsors saying that their ads are getting buried in huge commercial blocks. Frasier SUMMARY:
Roz gets Frasier to reveal the identity of "dirty girl", with whom he had an affair that was accidentally broadcast live on KACL . Frasier finds himself thinking about Kate constantly, and wondering if they made the right decision not to pursue any relationship. Daphne encourages him not to let fear of rejection get in his way, but just as Frasier is on the point of broaching the subject with Kate at work, she announces that she is moving to Chicago that night to start a new job. They say goodbye and that seems to be the end, but Niles decides to call around later that day with a video of Casablanca , and the ensuing conversation starts Frasier thinking again.
TEXT: A sweeping shot, the camera flies across an old manor house style building. We see a sign which indicates this building is the Rattigan Academy. The camera continues to sweep, showing us the building lit in eerie pink lighting; looking atmospheric in the night time. Coming out of the main doors we see a big group of students, led by Luke Rattigan. The students are forcefully carrying Jo Nakashima. STUDENT: Come on, stop struggling! JO: You're gonna regret this! Completely ridiculous! Get your hands off me! They continue to carry her until they reach the main steps, once they reach the steps Jo is thrown down them along with her files which are scattered across the floor. LUKE: I think that makes my answer clear. He makes his way through the crowd of his red tracksuit-clad students. We see him, only 18 years old yet very much in charge, towering over Jo. LUKE: Don't you? Oh, and, er... if you're gonna go to print, spell my name right. Rattigan, with two Ts! JO: Oh this goes way beyond the newspapers! This thing's worldwide! I'm telling you, ATMOS is dangerous! LUKE: But if you had proof then you wouldn't be here! JO: Fine! If you won't listen, I'll find someone else who will. Having collected her belongings from the floor, Jo storms off towards her car. Once in the car, we see a sticker displaying ATMOS and see her ATMOS sat-nav. SAT NAV: Welcome. What is your destination? JO: Shut up, you're the last thing I need. She tries to switch off the ATMOS, but it will not turn off. SAT NAV: ATMOS cannot be disabled. JO: Right then. Take me to UNIT Headquarters. Tower Bridge, London. SAT NAV: UNIT Headquarters. The car sets off. In his room, Rattigan is talking to someone off screen, somewhere far away over intercom. LUKE: Her name's Jo Nakashima. Freelance journalist, clever by the sound of it. But not as clever as me SUMMARY:
Martha Jones calls the Doctor for assistance during an investigation by UNIT . Minutes after the TARDIS materialises, Martha authorises the raid of an ATMOS factory. ATMOS is marketing a satellite navigation system developed by young prodigy Luke Rattigan . The system also reduces carbon dioxide emissions to zero; UNIT requested the Doctor's help because the technology may be alien, and they are also concerned about 52 early simultaneous deaths that occurred spontaneously. The Doctor investigates the system at Rattigan's private school and discovers a plot by an alien warrior race known as the Sontarans . Instead of an outright invasion, they are taking control with a combination of human clones, mind control, and ATMOS; Martha is captured and cloned to provide a mole within UNIT. Donna returns home to her mother Sylvia and grandfather Wilfred . The Doctor investigates the ATMOS devices and discovers it can emit a poisonous gas. Wilfred attempts to take the car off the road, but is trapped when all 400 million ATMOS devices installed in cars worldwide are activated. The Doctor stares helplessly at a street full of cars emitting the gas, while the Sontarans prepare themselves for battle.
TEXT: MUSIC IN: INT. SURVEILLANCE ROOM MAN: Never get tired of this sight. MAN 2: Ah, you and me both. MAN: Where's number three? McMannis? We have a loose one. CUT TO: INT. DORMITORY NAT VANCE: I can't take much more of this! HANNAH: It's driving us crazy! NAT VANCE: Where's Taylor? HANNAH: Maybe she got lucky escaped. NAT VANCE: They're coming. MCMANNIS: Oh, my God! Tell me you did not just wave at me, Vance?! You call yourself a supermodel? Right now the only thing you are super at is looking like an idiot on TV! I count two of you. Where is little princess number three? HANNAH: Oh, my God. (MUSIC OVER ACTION/MCGEE TURNS OVER THE BODY) (MUSIC OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/ SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) FADE IN: INT. AUTOPSY - "MODEL BEHAVIOUR" SUMNER: The next award to be presented is the Meritorious Civilian Service Medal. SHEPARD: Would Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs please step forward. ZIVA: She went with the elf cut? TONY: It's called the "pixie." DUCKY: I think she looks terrific. ZIVA: Where's Gibbs? DUCKY: All the years I've known him, he's never once turned up for an awards ceremony. ZIVA: Even if he's the one receiving, Ducky? DUCKY: Especially if he's the one receiving it. SUMNER: Special Agent Gibbs? ABBY: Told you he wouldn't show. Pay up. MCGEE: You got change for a 20? ABBY: No. TONY: Nice haircut. SHEPARD: Whe the hell is he, DiNozzo? TONY: He's working on a case. SHEP SUMMARY:
A supermodel is found dead after having overdosed on phencyclidine at a Marine base, where the reality TV show in which she was participating was being filmed. Her ex-boyfriend is also found dead in a motel nearby having overdosed on heroin , leading the team to believe that their deaths may have been related to their relationship. However, when it is discovered that the Marine drill instructor in charge of the TV show was romantically linked to the dead supermodel, the team look closer at the others involved in the show. When the Marine boyfriend begins to overdose on the same thing that killed his girlfriend, it appears that someone may have disapproved of the relationship, even going to extreme lengths to end it.
TEXT: [Scene: The Dorm Hallway. Joey and Pacey are walking back to Joey's dorm room after eating out at a fancy restaurant.] Joey: That place was so nice, Pace. They had individual towels in the bathroom. Pacey: Really? Laid out in baskets and everything? Joey: Mm-hmm. Pacey: Well, if that's not the hallmark of a classy joint, I don't know what is. Joey: Well, you do definitely know how to treat a lady. Pacey: Well, I gotta spend my money on somethin'. [Awkward Pause] Oh, that came out totally wrong. Because you are not-- n-not something that I just spend money on. It's not like a possession<unk>[] but I would. I would, and I do. Joey: Well, why do you think I'm with you? Pacey: Ok. [Chuckles] Joey: How's work goin', Pace? Pacey: Uh, it's going really well, thank you. I got a promotion, actually. Joey: Really? To what? Pacey: I...don't know. There's no title, but I get an office, and, uh, I get a secretary. That's kind of cool. Joey: Ooh! Pacey: Yeah. Joey: Fancy. You certainly won't want to talk to me after tonight, so... Pacey: You see, I knew you would understand. Joey: Don't kick a girl when she's down. You know, I'm strapped for cash, and they cut my hours because everyone's on spring break, drinking elsewhere. Pacey: I guess that means you're free for dinner next Saturday. Joey: Well, anything for a free meal. Pacey: Classy lady like you, I might even throw in a free dessert. Joey: You must be serious about me. Pacey: Ok, well... [The both go to kiss, but both stop short, and then look awkwardly at one another.] [Both SUMMARY:
Joey agrees to be Pacey's temporary assistant but their mutual jealousy leads to disaster in the office. Dawson sells his idea for a coming-of-age movie, but when the studio wants to change it to a teen sex film, he must decide whether to stick with his original concept.
TEXT: Dwight: [cell phone rings] Hello, this is Dwight Schrute. [phone keeps ringing] Hello? Jim: [presses button on headset] Hello, this is Dwight. Dwight: Hello? Hello? Jim: Yes, we do have that. Hold on one second... Dwight: Jim, what are you doing? Jim: And how many would you like? Dwight: Uh, uh, hang that up right now. Ha- Jim: Absolutely. We can get that out to you immediately. Dwight: [into Jim's headset] This man is an imposter! Do not do business with him! This is not Dwight Schrute! [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: Dwight left his cell phone on his desk. So, naturally, I paired it to my headset. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: [cell phone rings] K, fine. I'll just let it go to voicemail. Jim: [presses button on headset] Hello, this is Dwight. Pam: Hey, is this Dwight? Jim: Yes it is. Pam: Oh my goodness, you sound sexy. Jim: Oh, thank you. I've been working out. Dwight: Woah, woah, woah, Pam! Pam: Have you? Dwight: Pam! You are not talking to Dwight right now. You are talking to Jim. Pam: Dwight? Dwight: No! [waves arms] Pam, I'm over here! Pam: I'm confused... Dwight: Disconnect that right now. You give me your earpiece. Jim: Can't do that. Unsanitary. Dwight: Ugh! Okay, you know what? Fine. I will reprogram my phone to go to my office phone. [presses buttons on his cell phone] Done. Jim: [office phone rings at Jim's desk] This is Dwight. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: Oh, and I forwarded his desk phone to mine. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: Oh, hello Mater. Good news[/b]: I've married. Tell Fater. [ SUMMARY:
After Angela refuses to give in to Michael's unreasonable demands, Phyllis takes over the party planning committee and throws a huge bash for Toby's goodbye party. Dwight, with Meredith, hazes the new HR woman, Holly Flax ( Amy Ryan ), making her think Kevin is mentally disabled. Holly and Michael seem to make a romantic connection, which is cut short when Jan returns from Arizona, pregnant from a sperm donor; Michael ambivalently agrees to help her through the birth process. Pam accepts a three month training program in New York, and just as Jim is about to propose to her, Andy publicly proposes to Angela who reluctantly agrees. Angela is later caught having sex with Dwight in the office. Ryan's downfall is complete as he is dragged from the New York office after committing fraud related to the website.
TEXT: BOUTIQUE CHANGING ROOM [Lorelai and Rory shopping for an interview suit for Rory] LORELAI: Oh, Moonpies. RORY: What? LORELAI: It's a wonderful part of a road trip, the stopping for Moonpies. RORY: Mom, I want to go. I can't. LORELAI: I know. I know. End of semester -- lots of work. RORY: Not lots -- tons. I'm sorry. LORELAI: Yeah, yeah. It's just... RORY: What "it's just"? LORELAI: Well, it's just, you know, a shame to miss the wedding of a woman who meant so much to you. RORY: Mom, I talked to Mia. I apologized profusely. I told her it was simply impossible for me to drop everything right now and go to North Carolina. [about the outfit] No, right? LORELAI: No. RORY: Yeah. She totally understood. LORELAI: Well, of course, she understood. She understood when I was 17 and I arrived at the inn, holding a little, tiny baby in my arms, and rain was pouring down. RORY: As long as you're not milking this. LORELAI: And she understood when you broke that teacup of hers, what was that the Wnglish rose pattern when you were 4. RORY: Okay, mom. LORELAI: Yeah, I think that was an antique, wasn't it? But, oh, she understood. RORY: Hello. Statute of limitations. LORELAI: You know why? Because she is an understanding, kind, and loving woman who loves you. That's cute. RORY: Yeah? LORELAI: Yeah. RORY: I don't know if "cute" is what I'm going for on an interview for a newspaper, but. LORELAI: Worked for Brenda Starr. Worked for Lois Lane. RORY: Ah so if I get a job as a journalist in a comic strip, this is the one. LORELAI: Oh, do you remember when SUMMARY:
All three Gilmore girls hit the road for North Carolina and Mia's wedding. With Lane due any minute, Zack turns to Luke for advice on being a dad. And - surprise! - Logan may be growing up at last.
TEXT: Black and white movie: -Merry Christmas -Merry Christmas, Georges -Merry Christmas, movie house! -Merry Christmas, Emporium! Lucas's voiceover: "Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world? Or if the choices we make matter? Sometimes in order to move forward, you have to go back. In this case, just a few minutes." We can see Nathan crying in the hospital. Nathan opens the cafe's door to Haley. Haley: Thanks A black car all headlights off starts. Nathan: So the doctor said you're fine? You and the baby? Haley: Yeah. We're fine. We are all gonna be fine. Nathan: Listen, there's a reason that I played so bad tonight at first. The car turns on its headlights, speeds up and rushes at the couple. Haley: What do you mean? (Screaming) Nathan look out! Haley pushes Nathan from the road and she's knocked down by Daunte's car. She falls few meters far. Nathan (realizing, screams): Haley! Nathan runs toward his wife, while the car continues its race scratching an other car and finally crashes on a garbage truck. Nathan: Haley! Haley! Haley oh god! Lucas goes out of the cafe and runs toward them. Lucas: What happened? Nathan: They just hit her, man. Lucas: I'll call 911. Nathan looks the car in the distance. Nathan: Lucas stay with her. He runs to the car and takes out Daunte. Nathan: Son of a bitch! What did you do? He hits him until Dan comes. Dan (keeping Nathan's wrist): Nathan! Dan takes Daunte's pulse. Dan: He's dead. You killed him, son. Nathan doesn't realize what happened, we can hear police arriving. Dan: Go on. Nathan: Dad? Dan: Haley needs you, Nathan. Your child needs you. Go! Nathan gets up and runs toward his wife. Dan shatters his hand on the asphalt in order to pass for the attacker. Policemen arrive and Dan SUMMARY:
Lucas receives an unlikely visitor -- his supposedly dead Uncle Keith. Haley's life and the life of her unborn child are threatened when she experiences serious complications with her pregnancy and Nathan wrestles with the guilt and consequences of his dealings with Daunte. Dan tries to make amends for Keith's murder. Peyton and Brooke try to patch up their differences.
TEXT: [Scene: Monica and Chandler's apartment. It's a scene from 1016 TOW Rachel's Going Away Party.] Jennifer Aniston (V.O.): Previously on Friends. Monica: Erica, are you okay? Erica: Yeah, you know, maybe I ate too much. I keep getting these stomach-aches. They come and go like every few minutes. Monica: Oh my God! Chandler: Relax! We'll just get her some antacids. Monica: She doesn't have a stomach-ache. She's in labor! Chandler: Oh my God! [Cut to Ross's apartment. Ross and Rachel are there. It's another scene from 1016 TOW Rachel's Going Away Party.] Rachel: So if you think I didn't say goodbye to you because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else, you're wrong. It's because you mean more to me. Ross: Rach! Rachel: What?! (He walks over and kisses her. They pull back, Rachel looks at him, and they kiss again.) [Scene: Ross's bedroom. Rachel is putting on her shoes as Ross shows up from underneath the covers.] Ross: Hey. Rachel: Shh.. Go back to sleep. I have to go home. Ross: Oh. This was amazing. Rachel: It really was. You've learned some new moves! Ross: Yeah, well, this guy at work gave me "s*x for Dummies" as a joke. Rachel: Ah. Ross: Who's laughing now? Rachel: I know! (They kiss.) OPENING CREDITS [Scene: The delivery room at the hospital. Monica, Chandler and Erica are there. Erica is in labor, and she is breathing heavily.] Monica: Breathe, breathe, breathe... Good. Chandler: Next time, can I say breathe? Monica: No, last time you said it like Dracula, and it scared her! Can I get you anything? You want some more ice chips? Erica: No, I'm okay. Monica: Alright, I'll be right back. Chandler: Where are you going? Monica: To use the bathroom. Chandler SUMMARY:
After having sex with Ross, Rachel says it was 'the perfect way to say goodbye', and he realizes he is still in love with her. Phoebe and Joey pack Monica and Chandler's belongings as the couple accompany Erica to the hospital. Ross and Phoebe race to the airport to tell Rachel of his feelings - but she gets on the plane anyway. Meanwhile, Erica gives birth to twins which Chandler and Monica name Jack and Erica. Still on the plane, contemplating Ross' plea, Rachel has a change of heart. She leaves the plane and goes to Ross' apartment to tell him that she loves him. After years of separation, the two finally get back together for good, saying "this is it", hinting they will marry after the series (which is revealed to be true in the spin-off, Joey ). Back in Monica's apartment, the friends turn in their keys and go out for their last cup of coffee together as a group. The series ends with the friends leaving and a camera panning the apartment and the city.
TEXT: THE ROBOTS OF DEATH by: CHRIS BOUCHER PART ONE Running time: 24:06 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. EXT. desert (Night) (Cruel winds blow sand over the rocky craggs of a desert. Traversing the harsh terrain amongst the mesas is a huge vehicle - the sandminer Storm Mine 4 - its shiny metal body glinting in the strange night light. Storm Mine 4 is propelled by means of screwpumps and blasts waste from three forward vent pipes. The enormous body of the mine tapers upwards into a tiny bridge with a full front windscreen. Through the windscreen, five ROBOTS are visible at work.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. INT. STORM Mine 4 bridge (The ROBOTS on the bridge busily move from one instrument to another, checking readings. One of them is black - A DUMB - and the other four are green - VOCS. The moulded faces of the robots are attractively humanoid, and they wear tunics. Each has an identity plaque on its chest with the letter 'D' or 'V' to designate type, and a unique identification number. They speak in soothing, pleasant, human-like voices. Their voices betray no emotion, but they do not sound like machines. A VOC of unseen number reads data off an instrument panel.) Voc: Turbulent centre, vector 7. (V32 approaches the forward instrument panel.) V32: Scan commencing now. [SCENE_BREAK] 3. INT. STORM MINE 4 recreation room (Seven members of the human crew of Storm Mine 4 are engaged in subdued recreation activities: CHUB, BORG, DASK, TOOS, ZILDA, UVANOV and CASS. They are waited on by robots. All are dressed in futuristic, theatrical yet elegant clothes and makeup. The beautiful makeup lines around their eyes resemble the eye markings of the robots. The room itself also speaks of a life of luxury and decadence, decorated with strange futuristic sculptures in the art deco style. The room SUMMARY:
The TARDIS materialize aboard a sandminer, a mining ship on a desert planet run by a robot labor force headed by a fairly small but sniping human crew. As one crewman is discovered strangled to death, the Doctor and Leela arrive just in time to become the prime suspects.
TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Bathroom. Piper and Leo are in the shower. They are giggling.] Piper: See, we finally found a place where we can be alone. Leo: Yeah, his is perfect. Now all we have to do is move all our stuff in here and nobody will bother us. Piper: Yeah. (They kiss. There's a knock at the door and Phoebe walks in covering her eyes.) Phoebe: I'm not looking at anything and I do not see anything. No one's looking, no one's looking at anything. (She peeks through the gap between her fingers.) I just need to get my gloss. Piper: Phoebe! Phoebe: I'm sorry, were you guys in the middle of the... ew! Piper: No, not yet. Phoebe, would you just get out of here! (Phoebe gets her gloss out of a drawer.) Phoebe: Found it. Okay, I'm going now. Outta here. Found the gloss. (She heads towards the door.) Piper: Watch out for the... (Phoebe runs into the wall.) Phoebe: Ooh! Ow, I'm okay. (She leaves.) [Time lapse. Piper's room. Piper and Leo are in their robes. Prue walks in.] Prue: Hey, you guys. Piper: Heya, Prue, are you lost? Prue: Uh, no, but my keys are. Have you seen them? Piper: No, have you seen the way out? Prue: Uh, I-I-I knocked didn't I? Piper: But you didn't wait for an answer. Prue: Oh, right, god, I'm really sorry. Look at me. Look at me, I'm leaving, I'm leaving. Piper: Yes. (Prue leaves.) Leo: Well, we knew what we were getting into. Piper: So maybe it's time we get out of it. Leo: What do you mean? Piper: Okay, once upon SUMMARY:
Looking for a little privacy now that they're married, Piper and Leo decide to move out on their own. As a result, the sisters have to come to terms with how things now are, and then they reminisce about how things were after Grams died and when Phoebe moved to New York. As they're dealing with the possibility of Piper's possible move, the sisters have to battle a warlock who was a former cat multiple times before being able to vanquish him before he turns immortal.
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars Keith is in the office of Rebecca James, school counselor in 103 "Meet John Smith." REBECCA: She has attitude with certain teachers. She falls asleep in class. Keith and Rebecca break up in a coffee shop in 105 "You Think You Know Somebody." KEITH: I can't see you any more. Meg sits on the bus, satisfied that Veronica is still outside in 201 "Normal Is the Watchword." MS DUMASS: [offscreen] All here? MALE STUDENT: [offscreen] Yeah. MEG: All here. The bus leaves Veronica behind. She catches a lift with Weevil on his bike. They come to the scene of the accident. Veronica runs to the edge of the cliff. GIA: They're all dead. It just went straight off the cliff. Veronica freaks out in Duncan's suite in 203 "Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang." VERONICA: The bus crash, it was meant for me. At home, Veronica plays Keith the message Rhonda left for Michelle that she discovered in 205 "Blast from the Past." VERONICA: It's a voice mail from one of the students who died in the crash. She called just as the bus went over. RHONDA: Hey, about next weekend... VERONICA: The bus was sabotaged. KEITH: If that sound is an explosion, not only were those kids murdered, but the guilty party is still at large. End previouslies. DREAM: INT - BUS. The finishing touches are added to a drawing of a dark figure with a scythe looming over nine tombstones. Veronica is the artist. She looks up, distraught. Beyond her, in a row, wet and dead, are Meg, Peter and Betina in an "I *heart* Dick" t-shirt. END DREAM. INT - NEPTUNE HIGH SCHOOL (NHS), CLASSROOM - DAY. Veronica's eyes widen. WOMAN: [offscreen] Good morning SUMMARY:
The victims of the bus crash and a mysterious phrase haunt Veronica's dreams as she continues to search for the person responsible for the crash. Veronica finds out that Meg's parents had been trying to set her up with a Neptune High janitor named Tommy "Lucky" Dohanic. Keith discovers that the family of a bus crash victim won two million dollars from a secret settlement with Woody. Richard took out an insurance policy on his sons a few days after his marriage to Kendall, which makes them worth more dead than they are alive.
TEXT: (Burke and Cristina's apartment) (George is standing in front of a mirror in the bathroom. There's a pair of scissors on the table in front of him) MVO: As doctors patients are always telling us how they would do our jobs. (George picks up the scissors and starts snipping off random bits of his hair) MVO: Just stitch me up, slap a band-aid on it and send me home. (Forest Park) (Doc is barking along a walking trail) MVO: It's easy to suggest a quick solution when you don't know much about the problem. When you don't understand the underlying cause... (Derek picks up a stick of the ground and throws it far and Doc chases after it. Meredith is walking with Derek) MVO:... or just how deep the wound really is. Derek: So your friends... they still mad about this very bad horrible thing you did? Meredith (smiles): The very horrible bad thing that I won't tell you about? Yes they're still upset. Derek: Well whatever it is I don't want to know. Even if I beg. Don't tell me. Meredith: Ok, I won't. Derek: Good. Ok. Although we are friends. Meredith: True, we are friends. Derek: Technically you tell friends stuff. You come to me with a problem, I give you the answer. After maybe we celebrate the moments of our lives. (Derek takes a swig of his water bottle. Meredith takes the bottle and takes a sip herself) Meredith: I will keep that in my mind next time I do a horrible thing. What about you, don't you have any problems you want to tell me about? Derek: Truthfully, at this moment in time I don't have any problems. Not a single one. (Burke and Cristina's apartment) MVO: The first step towards a real cure is to know exactly what the disease is to begin with. (Cristina walks out of the bedroom in her pj's and grabs a mug to pour some instant coffee) MVO: But that' SUMMARY:
After Dr. Bailey is called into surgery, Cristina is forced to watch baby Tucker for the remainder of the day. Meanwhile, George and Meredith are still on the outs as she confides in Derek with her problem. Meredith treats a woman with a fork stuck in her neck. Izzie continues to warm up to Denny who is having problems breathing. George and Callie further their flirtations over a teenaged patient who decides to chop off his own finger after Callie refuses to do it for him. Addison treats a pregnant woman, whose husband keeps hitting on her. Burke shows a preference for living with George over Cristina, and Addison gets a long-awaited admission from Derek that shows some hope for their marriage after all.
TEXT: Receptionist: Pam, line three. Pam: Okay, thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: New York, as it turns out, is very expensive, and I ran out of money. I thought about selling a kidney, but Michael offered to get me a part-time job at corporate. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Hey. Michael [on phone]: Paaam-o-laaaaaa... [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Of course, now Michael knows where to reach me 16 to 18 hours a week. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Hey Michael. Michael [on phone]: Paaam-o-laaaaaa... Miss ya kiddo. Miss you... so much. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Hey. Holly: Hello. Michael: That was really fun last night. Holly: Yeah, it was nice. Michael: I'm actually thinking about getting my own set of putt-putt golf clubs. Holly: Oh, that would be great. You need that. Michael: Yeah? Holly: Yeah. Michael: Oh really? Holly: Yeah. Michael: Well... Holly: It would help. Michael: I, uh... [to camera] I let her win. Holly: [to camera] No, he didn't. Michael: So, when, um, can I see you again? Holly: Um, tonight, I'm free tonight. Is that too eager? [laughs] Michael: No. Holly: I don't care, free tonight. Michael: Okay. Oh, wait, oh, tonight's no good. [Holly's smile quickly fades] Because I am busy taking you out. Holly: [gasps] Oh, I just remembered, I can't tonight. Michael: [concerned] Why? Holly: I'm going out with you. Michael: Wow... Oh, wait a second, I can't tonight... Holly: [shakes head] No more. Michael: Tonight's so... Holly: No more. Michael: Too many times. It's all good, um, alright, so, good, so, have a nice day. Holly: Thank you, you too. Michael: You're welcome SUMMARY:
Michael and Holly have sex in the office on a date, they forget to lock the main door which inadvertently leads to the office being robbed. Michael holds an auction to raise money for all the items lost. On Phyllis 's advice, Dwight gives Angela an ultimatum to break up with Andy, which she refuses to do. Pam gets a part-time job at corporate to pay for art school, and Jim is further unsettled after Roy insinuates that he is losing her.
TEXT: SCENE: Neverland. Present. Mr. Gold conjures a fireball to start a campfire. He freezes his shadow on a large rock and uses his dagger to cut his shadow from his feet. [SCENE_BREAK] Mr. Gold: You know what to do. Hide it where no one can find it, not even me. [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Neverland. Present. David, Emma, Hook, Mary Margaret and Regina trek through the jungle. [SCENE_BREAK] Hook: The ridge is just a few hundred paces up ahead. Emma: You really think we're gonna be able to see Pan's hideout? Hook: From there, we should be able to see everything, including where he's keeping your son. Regina: You know, I could have just poofed us up here in an instant. Hook: Where? Have you any idea what's up here or anywhere? There are dangers all about. Only I can guide us past them. Emma: He's right. Hook's lived here before. If he says hiking up is the best way, then we listen. Mary Margaret: Here. You need to stay hydrated. Emma: Thanks, Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret: You know, "Mary Margaret" is a bit formal. You could call me "mom" if you want. You've done it before. Emma: That was back when... Mary Margaret:...we were about to die. Oh no, I get it. (The two woman catch up with the rest of the group.) (In the lead, David is cutting down branches blocking their pathway. He sees a patch of thorns and moves to slash them. Hook stops him.) Hook: No. No! David: I can handle a couple of thorns. Hook: That's dreamshade. It's not the thorns you have to worry about. It's the poison they inject you with. This plant is the source of the toxins I used on The Dark One. Emma: The poison that almost killed Gold? Hook: Indeed. I used a concentrated dose. In its natural form, death would be much slower and far more painful. I suggest we go SUMMARY:
While Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Regina and Hook continue their search for Henry in Neverland, Peter Pan appears before a startled Emma and offers her a map that will reveal her son's whereabouts. But the only way to make the map appear is for Emma to stop denying who she really is and come to grips with her true feelings about her identity - and Mr. Gold receives some unexpected advice from a friend that could lead him to understand his life's journey while in Neverland. Meanwhile, in the Fairy Tale Land that was, when the Evil Queen presents Snow White with an offer to live her life with Charming in peace - with the caveat that she give up her claim to the throne - Charming makes it his mission to ensure that Snow doesn't take the offer.
TEXT: Scene: The paintball range. Howard: That was close. Raj: God, I love the smell of paintballs in the morning. Howard: Yeah, still funny, Raj. Leonard: There's no way we can get to the ridge. The Chemistry Department has us completely cut off. Howard: But what about the creek bed? Sheldon: The Pharmacology Department controls that, and they're all hopped up on experimental steroids. Raj: Well, that's it then, we're doomed. Sheldon: I think the time has come to acknowledge that we are paying the price for some of us failing to attend my Physics Department paintball strategy meeting. Howard: I told you my mom has spider veins, I had to take her to the laser clinic. Sheldon: And I told you I wanted to see a doctor's note. Raj: We need a plan. How about Operation Hammer of the Gods? Leonard: I forget. Which one is Hammer of the Gods? Raj: We hide behind the Dumpsters in the parking lot and ambush people when they come to pee. Howard: No go. The Dumpsters are deep in Astronomy Department territory. Leonard: No, that shouldn't be a problem, Venus is up during the day. They're probably just all staring at the sky. Sheldon: All right, what we need now is a tactical retreat. Did you see the episode of Stargate where they found themselves on a planet with a culture based loosely on Earth's Athens and Sparta? Not important. Leonard, Raj and I are going to burst out the door and run away, Howard will cover us. Howard: Why don't I run away and you cover me? Sheldon: Because you chose your mother's veins over victory. On three. One, two, three, go! Howard: I had to take her! It's almost bathing suit weather!(Another player bursts through the door) I surrender! Don't shoot! They went that way! Leslie: Howard, I'm on your team. Howard: Oh, Leslie, thank God. Leslie: Where's the rest of your squad? Howard: Ah, they left me here to die. What about SUMMARY:
After a paintball match, Penny accidentally shoots several green paintballs at Sheldon's couch cushion, and she and Leonard try hard to fix it. Sheldon, still upset and dissatisfied with his eventually dry-cleaned cushion, team-kills Penny in the next paintball game, causing the others to surrender. Meanwhile, Leslie and Howard begin a relationship after having sex (twice) during the match. Leslie secures funds for his work and even invites him to a trip to the CERN Large Hadron Collider project in Geneva, but threatens to withdraw the invitation unless he accompanies her to a wedding. So sex is just Leslie's way of controlling Howard. Although initially reluctant, Howard later happily accepts his role as a "sex toy/arm candy" after Leslie comforts him.
TEXT: INT. ABANDONED RESTAURANT MARY: When you said we had reservations, David, I was picturing something a little more... upscale? DAVID: You don't recognize it. MARY: Should I? DAVID: Think back! MARY: Um... DAVID: I cannot believe you forgot! MARY: Oh, my god. This is where your grandmother choked to death on veal! DAVID: No! Okay, picture this. A small water fountain right there. We sat right here. (BEAT) You do remember! MARY: That we met here? Oh, I remember. I also remember it was over ten years ago, David. DAVID: Yeah, I guess that's kind of a long time to date. MARY: (CHUCKLES) Four's long. Twelve? DAVID: Pathetic, I know. I should have done this a long time ago. So... Mary Elizabeth Donahue, will you (STAMMERS) w-w-w... MARY: You can do it, baby! It's only four simple words. (SFX: DAVID STAMMERS) (SFX: MARY SCREAMS) (MUSIC OVER ACTION/MARY RUNS FROM THE RESTAURANT) (FADE TO BLACK) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. GARAGE - DAY ZIVA: (V.O.) Every knife has its own individual balance. The trick is to find it. (ON CAMERA) When you do... you get this. Any questions? (SFX: ZIVA THROWS A KNIFE) MCGEE: Gibbs really approved this? ZIVA: Yes, McGee. Why do you keep on asking that? MCGEE: Well, because they give us Sigs for a reason. ZIVA: In Mossad we have a saying: knives don't run out of bullets. Now any questions pertaining this particular class? TONY: Yeah, I've got one for you. Did you ever kill anyone with a spoon? ZIVA: No. I am seriously considering it. All right, grab SUMMARY:
A man proposing to his girlfriend finds the body of a sailor. NCIS works with local officers believing that the man died of an unintentional drug overdose. However, Abby discovers a message written in blood on a laminated card found at the crime scene and the team suspect that the sailor might not have been a victim after all. Meanwhile, Jimmy continues his relationship with Agent Michelle Lee and Tony helps Jeanne deal with an obsessive ex-boyfriend as well as a Metro cop dealing with his own ex.
TEXT: 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1. INT. SPAR SHIP (Power builds up in the SPAR as the craft slowly takes off. The group stands around the central console watching as BRET manipulates the controls.) (But none of them notice the desperate figure of KIRKSEN watching from the airlock.) BRET VYON: Next stop Earth. DOCTOR: Oh, oh, I'm glad to hear that, Bret. Now, you've got some serious thinking to do. (To KATARINA.) Katarina, check up on that door and see that it's secure. (KATARINA goes up to the door.) DOCTOR: Remember, Chen will have allies on Earth, and... (KATARINA screams as KIRKSEN bursts through the internal door. He seizes her with one hand, and pulls her round in front of him like a shield. In his other hand he has BORS' knife. KATARINA screams in terror and STEVEN leaps to his feet. He stops short as KIRKSEN wrenches KATARINA'S head so that her neck is arched back, the knife-edge pressed against her skin. The girl starts frantically crying out.) KIRKSEN: (Shouts.) Keep back! DOCTOR: (Shouts.) Who are you? What do you want? Release that girl! KIRKSEN: (Shouts.) Never mind that! Who's in charge of this thing? (They hesitate to reply.) KIRKSEN: (Shouts.) Answer me! BRET VYON: I am. KIRKSEN: Where are you heading? BRET VYON: Earth. KIRKSEN: Change course. (BRET VYON hesitates.) KIRKSEN: (Shouts.) Change it! BRET VYON: Where to? KIRKSEN: Not Earth. Go to the planet Kembel. DOCTOR: (Outraged.) Kembel! KIRKSEN: Shut up and do as I say! (He pulls KATARINA' SUMMARY:
Missing episode In the year 4000, the Daleks conspire to conquer the Solar System. Their scheme involves treachery at the highest levels and a weapon capable of destroying the very fabric of time. Only the Doctor and his friends can prevent catastrophe - and there is no guarantee they will escape with their lives...
TEXT: Teleplay by: Brian Buckner & Sebastian Jones Story by: Sherry Bilsing & Ellen Plummer [Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Rachel is trying to move Joey's chair and not having much luck at it as Joey enters.] Joey: Hey. Rachel: Hey. Joey: What are you doing? Rachel: Well, y'know I was thinking of moving the couch over here. Joey: (laughs) Why would you want to do that? Rachel: So that there will be a decent place for me to sit. Joey: Rach, there is a decent place to... Rachel: And your lap does not count! Okay? Come on help me move this. Joey: No. No. No. Rachel: No? Joey: No. Rosita does not move. Rachel: I'm sorry, Rosita? As in... Joey: As in Rosita does not move. Rachel: Joey, it's just a chair! What's the big deal? Joey: The big deal is that it is the exact equal distance from the bathroom to the kitchen and it's at the perfect angle so you don't get any glare coming of off Stevie. Rachel: Stevie the TV? Joey: (glaring at her) Is there a problem? Rachel: No! (Joey sets his beer and bag of chips down and heads into his room.) Oh what does he know! Come on Rosita, us chichas got to stick together! (She tries pulling on the back of the chair, until the hinge breaks and the back falls off.) You bitch! Opening Credits [Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Ross are on the couch talking. Phoebe is getting coffee.] Ross: Hey, y'know what's weird? After you guys get married, when you introduce me to people you're gonna have to say, "This is my brother-in-law Ross." Not, "My friend Ross," "brother-in-law Ross." That's weird isn't it? Chandler: Couldn't I just say, "This is Ross?" Ross: (disappointed) Sure, do whatever you SUMMARY:
Rachel and Chandler both think they broke Rosita, Joey's recliner. Rachel goes with Joey to buy a new one, while Chandler secretly swaps his recliner with Joey's. Joey believes Rosita has been "healed", so Rachel keeps the luxurious new La-Z-Boy for herself, only for Joey to take it once he accidently breaks Chandler's chair and after they tell him the truth. Meanwhile, Monica and Ross visit their childhood home to collect old belongings before the house is sold. However, Monica learns that all her childhood boxes were used to protect her father's Porsche during a flood in the garage. Hers were ruined, while Ross' boxes were protected. To mollify Monica, Jack, gives her the Porsche, infuriating Ross. Phoebe takes a telemarketing job selling printer toner and tries to save a customer named Earl ( Jason Alexander ) from committing suicide.
TEXT: [Salvatore's House] (Elena enters Alaric's cell with a bag) Elena: Alaric? Alaric: Yeah? Still me. You know you shouldn't be in here. Defeats the point of the whole being locked in a cellar thing Elena: Well, you still need the basics. Toothbrush, clothes, some boring books to help you sleep (He takes a book from the bag) Alaric: "Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"? (She takes the book from his hands) Elena: What? No, I got... Damon. Thinks he's hilarious Alaric: At least one of us still has a sense of humor Elena: Are you sure that you... I mean, you don't have to be kept in here Alaric: Oh, no, this is... Ah, this is the right place for me to be. At least until you guys can convince my highly uncooperative alter ego to confess where I... or...he hid the white oak stake Elena: We looked everywhere. You...The other you hid it well Alaric: What's Klaus going to do if you can't find it? Elena: It's the only thing that will kill him, so... Wage war. Murder people. You know, Klaus stuff. Listen... (She takes a chair and sits down in front of him) Elena: Stefan is going to watch over you for a little while. Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, it's not safe. So... Damon and I are going to go to Denver to pick him up Alaric: Why do you say that like you're waiting for me to disapprove? Elena: I don't know. Me and Damon, traveling across the country Alaric: Well, I guess I'm more curious to hear what Stefan has to say about it Elena: Actually, it was his idea. He thinks that I have some unresolved feelings for Damon Alaric: Do you? Elena: I guess that's why I'm going on this trip. So I can figure it out (Stefan is in front of the fireplace. Damon enters and puts his bag with the others) Damon: SUMMARY:
Stefan tells Elena he believes she has feelings for Damon. He sends them on a trip together: first, to make sure Jeremy is safe in Denver and to see if his special abilities can reveal from which Original they are descended and second, to find out if Elena has feelings for Damon. While they are gone, Stefan will try to get the location of the final white oak stake out of Alaric's alter-ego. Damon and Elena find Jeremy and ask him to talk to Rose on the other side, but they are interrupted by Kol, whom Damon neutralizes with a stake. Damon and Elena take Jeremy to a motel where he speaks to Rose who sired Katharine who in turn sired the Salvatore brothers. She tells them she was sired by Mary Porter and that she'll find out where Mary is. Meanwhile, Stefan fails at trying to get the location of the stake out of Alaric until Klaus comes by and snaps Alaric's neck. Back in the motel, Damon and Elena give in to their passion and kiss. Meanwhile, Stefan is forced to beat up Alaric to trigger his evil alter-ego, who, after some persuasion, tells Stefan that the last white oak stake is in the cave, where no vampire can get it. Meanwhile, Damon, Elena and Jeremy go to the house where Mary lives. Damon and Elena go inside and find Mary staked on the wall. Kol has murdered Mary before Damon and Elena talk to her. Kol then beats Damon up with a metal baseball bat to get even with him. Damon later asks Elena about the kiss, and she admits that Stefan thinks she loves him and was testing her feelings. Damon becomes upset and tells her he is not going to make this decision easy for her, that she must decide completely on her own. Caroline is thrilled when Tyler returns to town, but Tyler soon suspects that something has been going on between Caroline and Klaus, when he finds the picture Klaus drew for Caroline. Elsewhere, Matt has his hands full trying to keep Rebekah busy organizing the school's upcoming 1920s Decade Dance so Caroline can spend some romantic time with Tyler. Esther shows up at Klaus' house where she confronts Rebekah and dies after undergoing a strange fit. At the end of the episode it is revealed that Esther tricked Rebekah into giving her body to her and she wants alter-ego Alaric to work with her.
TEXT: LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill. [INT. DAVIS SCOTT APARTMENT - KITCHEN - DAY] (Haley turns around, smiling. Brooke is sitting at the counter, reading a letter she has just received.) BROOKE: (shocked) Congratulations, your designs have been selected to appear at this years Rogue Vogue showcase(!) (She looks at Haley in wonder. Haley walks to the counter.) BROOKE: It's, like, a competition for emerging fashion designers; in New York(!) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. TREE HILL HIGH - CEMENT QUAD - DAY] (Brooke confronts Rachel who is trying to take over her squad. Rachel and the team have been practicing routines without Brooke.) BROOKE: It is my job to come up with a routine for the tournament! RACHEL: The tournament's the same weekend as Rouge Vogue. (smirks) You'll be in New York City. [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. KAREN'S CAFÉ - DINING AREA - EVENING] (Karen and Keith are sitting on the couch while the storm rages outside.) KAREN: You made me realise I was ready for you. (They kiss.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. TREE HILL - STREETS - EVENING] (Lucas and Brooke resolve their problems in the storm.) LUCAS: Coz I love you, Brooke. I wanna be with you, not Peyton. (Brooke kisses him.) [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. SAWYER RESIDENCE - PEYTON'S BEDROOM - EVENING] PEYTON: (crying) I need you to talk to me about your cancer(!) ELLIE: (smiles) It's OK. PEYTON: (sadly) No, it's not OK(!) [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. ELLIE'S HOUSE - L SUMMARY:
Brooke is forced to grow up in a hurry when her trip to a New York City fashion show prevents her from attending an annual cheerleading tournament. Nathan and Lucas are influenced by the father of a friend. Skills tells Bevin he can't swim to trick her into giving him a swimming lesson. Struggling with her birth mother's cancer, Peyton joins Rachel for a night of blowing off steam. Haley and Nathan use their hotel room as the honeymoon suite they never had. This episode is named after a song by The Velvet Underground and Nico .
TEXT: Forest Merlin, Arthur, and the Knights ride through the woods. They slow. Merlin catches sight of the king's stone head in the grass. Merlin: Arthur, you are not serious. Arthur: What else do you have in mind? Merlin: Anything. Nothing good ever happens in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. No-one in their right mind would go in there. Percival: Exactly. Arthur: The routes are secret, Merlin. That's why we chose it. [BATTLE CRIES] A band of armed men rushes down the hillside yelling. Merlin: Not so secret after all. Arthur: No need to get cocky! More men rush down from the other hillside. The knights draw their swords. Cavalry charges them from behind. [SCREAMS] Percival: Ya! Percival charges and cuts a man down from his horse. Arthur fights with a man on foot and is pulled off his horse. Arthur cuts him down and fends off another attacker, but Merlin dismounts as he sees a horseman charging Arthur from behind. Merlin: Arthur! Merlin cast a spell and the horseman falls off and is dragged behind his horse. Arthur finishes off his attacker. Merlin turns just in time to see a horseman swing a mace into his chest. [SLOW HEART BEAT SOUND] Merlin slowly falls on the ground. Arthur slices another attacker and stops in horror when he sees Merlin sprawled limply face first on the ground. [BATTLE CRIES FADE OUT] - Opening Credits - Valley of the Fallen Kings Arthur supports Merlin's weight as they hurry through the forest, pursued by the mercenaries. They hide behind some tree roots and the pursuers pass by. Merlin: They need to work through their anger. Arthur: They just did. On you. Merlin chuckles through his pain. Arthur looks disconcerted by Merlin's condition. [SCENE_BREAK] Arthur supports Merlin's weight as they make their way through the forest. Arthur: A night's rest and you'll be polishing my armour. They could definitely do with a scrub. Arthur eases Merlin down against a fallen SUMMARY:
When Arthur's party is ambushed by Morgana's men, a wounded Merlin allows himself to fall into Morgana's hands to save Arthur. Using ancient magic, she summons a creature called a Fomorroh, and uses it to enslave Merlin's will to make him kill Arthur. Back on Camelot, Merlin tries unsuccessfully to poison and kill an unsuspecting Arthur twice, but his actions make Gwen and Gaius suspicious. Gaius discovers the Fomorroh in Merlin's neck and takes it out, but it grows again. After Gaius makes it sleep, Merlin disguises himself as Dragoon and goes to confront Morgana. After a magical battle, he defeats her and destroys the Fomorroh.
TEXT: Scene 1 - In the hallway - Will, Sue. Will hang a poster on the wall that says, "Come support our New Directions, At regionals this Saturday." Sue: Hi buddy, see you Saturday. Will: What? Sue: In Regionales, you're not aware, I am part of the jury. Scene 2 - In the office Figgins - Will, Sue, Figgins. Will: You can not allow such a thing! Figgins: I'm up and poilier, I have no authority over how the board is responsible for managing the contest. Sue: I'll make it short Will, it was decided this year that the jury would be required by regional celebrities and I'm a celebrity William. It is obvious that my new statue office only highlight your mediocrity. That's how I Am Legend, I can not help it. Will: Do you have any idea of the work that my students have provided? Sue: I'll be frank with you William, I feel a great difficulty paying attention to anything you could tell me: thy hair is like a field of heather, I expect to see emerge from the characters to Cartoon putting to extol the joys of driving a small truck. Will: Mr. Figgins, I beg you do not let it destroy these poor students. Sue: Oh William, I am deeply offended that you doubt my impartiality. Will: You've disclosed our program to Communal! Sue: I do not remember any of that. Will: No! I'll let you do that. We worked like crazy to get where we are! Figgins: I'm sorry our William arrrangement still stands, you must earn a spot in the Regional or I dissolved the Club! In your place I'll spend less time with me and advantage to convince the judge that Sylvester New Directions have talent. Sue: Good luck William. In his tappotant shoulder and leaving the office. Will: One of those four I feel like I'm gonna break. Scene 3 (in the past) - In the room of Quinn - Quinn, Puck. Quinn and Puck are spirited to kiss in the bed of Quinn. Quinn: No. I can not SUMMARY:
New Directions competes against Vocal Adrenaline and Aural Intensity, seen here for the first time, at Regionals, in front of celebrity judges Olivia Newton-John, Josh Groban, Sue, and Rod Remington. Vocal Adrenaline wins and New Directions comes last, despite unexpected support from Sue, who is able to identify with the club's underdog status after being derided by the other judges. She convinces Principal Figgins to grant the club a reprieve, and not disband them for another year. Will and Finn profess their love for Emma and Rachel respectively. Quinn goes into labor and gives birth to a baby girl who is adopted by Shelby, and named Beth at Puck's request. Quinn later questions Puck if he ever loved her and replies that he did, and does now even more.
TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige carry an unconscious Piper in, who has scratches over her face. They put her on the floor and sit beside her.] Phoebe: Piper, come on, it's time. Can you wake up? Can you do this? You can do it, come on. Paige: Maybe we should call Leo. Phoebe: No, we can still make this plan work. (The Source flames in. He walks slowly over to the girls.) The Source: Seems almost anti-climatic after all this time, doesn't it? Say hello to Prue for me. (A ball of fire appears in his right hand. He throws it at Paige and she orbs out before it can hit her. Piper gains consciousness.) Phoebe: Piper, now. Now! (Piper blows up the Source, but straight away gets put back together.) Paige: Crystals, circle! (The crystals on the table orb out and orb back in on the floor in a circle surrounding the Source. Four electric bolts surround him. He throws a fire ball and it rebounds off the electric bolts, vanquishing him. [Cut to the underground. The Source's cave. The Source and the Seer are there. The Seer's eyes are white from looking into the future. They return to normal.] The Source: Well? What did you see? Seer: I saw your demise. The Source: My demise? That cannot be. Seer: You know how powerful my visions are. More so even more than the Oracle's were and more accurate. The Source: You mean to tell me that with all the powers at my disposal, all I've learned about them, in the end I still lose? How is that possible? Seer: The Charmed Ones' power will simply be greater than yours. I mean no disrespect. I only speak of what I see. The Source: If I don't prevail what difference does it make? Seer: There must be another way. The Source: No! With the Hollow I will render witches powerless. Then I will destroy them. Even if it means destroying us SUMMARY:
When the Seer discovers that the Source will be destroyed by the Charmed Ones, he breaks a centuries old agreement between good and evil when he steals the Hollow, an ancient vapor, which he uses to steal Piper and Paige's powers. As this transpires, Phoebe has to work with Cole, despite having a premonition where she sees him sacrificing himself to save her from a demon. Meanwhile, there's more to Phoebe's premonition than meets the eye.
TEXT: THE ANDROID INVASION by Terry Nation Part One 5:45pm - 6:10pm [SCENE_BREAK] (Ext forest, day. We follow a UNIT soldier as he staggers clumsily through the brush. His right arm twitches and he stares blankly ahead into space, crashing through the forest at random.) [SCENE_BREAK] (The TARDIS materializes in a clearing in the same forest. The Doctor steps out with a bottle of ginger beer. As he examines his surroundings, he takes a sip. Sarah Jane Smith calls from inside the TARDIS...) SARAH: (os) Well, come on, make your mind up. Has the TARDIS brought us home or not? DOCTOR: Possibly. (Sarah emerges from the TARDIS. She is dressed in a pink pantsuit with a white scarf and a sailor collar. She looks peeved at the Doctor, but not overly so.) SARAH: What do you mean, possibly? DOCTOR: Well, the coordinates were set for your time, but the linear calculator, well...pfff! Ginger pop? (He offers her a sip.) SARAH: Can't stand the stuff, thanks all the same. So we could be anytime, anywhere? (The Doctor starts to walk round the TARDIS, examining its exterior.) DOCTOR: I really must get the TARDIS seen to. She's way overdue for her 500-year service. (He wanders off a bit.) SARAH: Well, at least we're on Earth. I mean, just taste that air! (inhales) I love that smell, just after a rain shower. DOCTOR: (calling) Yes, it does have the peculiar earthy smell. Which is odd when you look at the ground. SARAH: Hmm? DOCTOR: Bone dry. Can't have been any rain here for more than a week. (He takes an instrument out of his pocket, which begins to beep.) DOCTOR: Now I wonder what could be causing that. S SUMMARY:
The Doctor and Sarah return to Earth in the present day to find a strangely deserted village and woods stalked by white-clad figures.
TEXT: [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY] [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EARLY EVENING] [EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK - PARKING LOT / ENTRACE - DAY] [EXT. VARIOUS RIDES - DAY] [EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK -- PHARAOH'S FEVER RIDE (MOVING) - DAY] (The chains pull the roller coaster up the large ramp. The MOTHER and DAUGHTER sit in their seat just behind JOEY.) Daughter: (groans) I don't wanna go! Ooh! Oh, mommy. (JOEY unbuckles his seat belt and turns around to look back at them.) Joey: We're all going to die. Daughter: Cut it out! Mother: Joey, put your seat belt on. Now! (The cars reach the top and they can feel it as it starts its journey down the rails.) Voice: Here we go! VOICE: Oh, my goodness! VOICE: Whoa! (A close up of the coaster wheels shows it wobbling.) (Various cuts of the roller coaster ride with some emphasis on the wheels.) (The roller coaster comes to a stop at the platform.) Mother: Okay, guys, come on. (The family gets off of the ride.) Daughter: That was so fun. (The next set of passengers board the coaster ride.) Zack Lawrence: All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Pharaoh's Fever. Buckle up. Get ready to scream. (The passengers are locked in and the ride starts.) (The young family steps out onto the walkway and heads over to the nearby food vendor. The kids are still excited about the ride.) Joey: That was so awesome. Daughter: When can we ride again? Mother: Um, we'll ride it in a minute. (The MOTHER turns to place in the order.) Mother: Um, Four King Tut burgers, uh, two Nile SUMMARY:
A roller coaster runs off its track, leaving six people dead. The CSI team investigates whether this was an accident or foul play. One of the deaths, however, is not what it seems, and this takes the case in an unexpected direction. Meanwhile, Catherine and Warrick investigate the death of a 13-year old girl whose body was dumped unceremoniously outside town.
TEXT: In the journalism office (Ellie's writing her article on Craig when Jesse walks in.) Jesse: A day in the life of Craig Manning. Ouch. That's your title? Ellie: Encouraging as always, boss-man. (He kisses her forehead.) Jesse: Would have thought writing about Craig would have came easy to you. Ellie: Not this morning. Not after I found a baggie of coke on his bedroom floor. Jesse: Colour me not surprised. I had a feeling he was doing some rounds. Ellie: What? Hold on. Those drugs weren't Craig's. They belong to his girlfriend, Tweedle Dum. Jesse: Oh well me thinks Tweedle Dum has been sharing her stash with Tweedle Dee, I.E. Craig. Ellie: I.E. shut up. Craig does not do coke. Jesse: You know this for a fact? Ellie: No I don't, but what I do know is that I have to keep him away from Manny. Long enough to make him realize that she's a toxic influence. Jesse: I have a new job for you and for this one, you owe me. Taking Back Sunday are in town and guess who's interviewing them today? Ellie: Jesse you're the best! (She kisses him when Craig walks in.) Ellie: Hey Mr. Manning uh you're right on time. Ready for your big interview? Craig: Actually I don't know if I can right now. I got to go clean out Joey's garage. Ellie: Oh I'll come with. I can help. Jesse: Uh frosh you do have the Taking Back Sunday interview today and it's way more important than this whole Craig thing. Ellie: Both are important. Both will get done. Will not disappoint, promise. (She kisses Jesse and her and Craig leave.) In Joey's garage, Ellie is interviewing Craig <unk>!--[if!supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <unk>!--[endif]--> Ellie: So I've been listening to your demo SUMMARY:
Ellie blames Manny for Craig's drug addiction, even though everyone else can see that he is lying. The Degrassi/Lakehurst school rivalry is heating up, and the Lakehurst gang are out to get J.T. for dating Mia, who used to date one of their gang members.
TEXT: Prologue: A Sunnydale park at night. Buffy slowly strolls along the perimeter and into an area surrounded by bushes. She hears a rustling sound coming from the bush directly in front of her, and stops instantly, her gaze fixed on the shaking branches. She pulls out her stake and gets ready to fight, when suddenly she hears a voice to her left. Joyce: Is it a vampire? Buffy snaps her head to the left and sees her mother walk toward her carrying a bag in one hand and a large thermos in the other. Buffy: Mom, what are you doing here? Joyce: (holds up the bag and thermos) I brought you a snack. I thought it was about time for me to come out and watch. Y-you know, the slaying. Buffy: You know, the slaying is kind of an alone thing. Joyce: But it's such a big part of your life, and I'd like to understand it. It's, um, you know, something we could share. Buffy: A-actually, it's pretty dull, you know, it's (distracted) bam boom stick... poof. Her attention is back on the rustling bush, and she nudges her mother to the side a bit. Suddenly a vampire jumps out at her and runs straight for her. She ducks as the vampire lunges at her with his arms outstretched. She gets back up and delivers a right hook to his face followed by a backhand punch on the backswing and a left to the face, making him take a step back. Her mother cheers her on. Joyce: Good, honey! Kill him! Buffy does an out-to-in crescent kick, which he easily ducks. She tries to punch him in the face again, but he grabs onto her shoulders and rolls onto his back, sending her rolling over him and onto her back. She lets out a pained grunt and looks around to get her bearings. Joyce: (points) Buffy, he-he's over here! The vampire faces her and roars. Joyce: Oh, my God! It's Mr SUMMARY:
After two children are mysteriously killed, apparently as part of a cult sacrifice, Joyce ( Kristine Sutherland ) leads the town in a witch hunt - but all is not quite as it seems. Buffy, Willow, and Amy Madison ( Elizabeth Anne Allen ) are tied to stakes and Giles and Cordelia must rescue them, while Amy turns herself into a rat to escape the angry mob.
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars Veronica studies her father's Lilly Kane murder file (from 106 "Return of the Kane"). TV: (Offscreen] The Lilly Kane murder case took an unexpected turn Veronica and her father watching the news report from the same episode. TV: (Offscreen] as Abel Koontz fired his public appointed legal counsel. KEITH: Guess he's ready to die. Weevil talks to Veronica outside his house (from 102 "Credit Where Credit's Due"). WEEVIL: I guess what everybody says about you is true too. That you spy on Duncan Kane. Veronica pauses in completing her ballot paper to gaze at Duncan (from 106 "Return of the Kane"). VERONICA VOICEOVER: Duncan Kane. He used to be my boyfriend. Veronica and Duncan walk down the hallway (from 107 "The Girl Next Door"). VERONICA: Did you know that your dad and my mom were king and queen of the prom? I guess they were like a couple or something. Veronica and Keith consider the evidence from the crime scene photos and the arrest video (from 106 "Return of the Kane"). VERONICA: This is an enlargement of a crime scene photo taken the night of Lilly's murder. VERONICA: And I need to show you something. KEITH: What are those shoes doing in Abel Koontz's possession? VERONICA: Good question. End previously. Veronica is sitting at her desk, considering the shoe photos. VERONICA VOICEOVER: Two photos that don't add up; there's only one person who can make sense of them and only one person who can get me in to see that person. Cliff has entered Mars Investigations. VERONICA: Cliff McCormack. Just the person I wanted to see. Can I get you some coffee, a doughnut, baked good of some sort? CLIFF: Aren't we pleasant? You're not gonna try to sell me a raffle ticket, are ya? Cliff looks round the corner into Keith's office, looking for him. VER SUMMARY:
A purity test circulating around Neptune High has a negative impact on both Meg Manning, Veronica's last 09er friend, and Veronica herself. Veronica recruits Mac, a computer genius, to figure out who is publishing the fake purity tests. Abel Koontz tells Veronica that Jake Kane is probably her biological father. Keith helps out Mrs. Fennell, who is having doubts about Wallace hanging out with Veronica.
TEXT: Michael: Oh, yeah. [clapping and chanting] I got a big box, yes I do. I got a big box how 'bout you? [points to Erin] Erin: [clapping] I got a big box, yes I do. I got a big box how 'bout you? [points to Oscar] Oscar: I think you don't know what you're saying. Michael: It's from "Sob-ray", our new owner, and it is to Sabre, us. I wonder what's inside. Scissor me. [Erin tosses Michael open scissors, Pam is appalled] [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Dunder Mifflin was recently bought by an electronics company named Sabre. [mispronounced "sob-ray"] They stepped in at the 11th hour, and they saved our asses. Although David Wallace said that we were the one branch that was actually working right, so we probably could have saved our own asses. We didn't need them touching our asses. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Oh! [rips open cardboard box] Wow. Awesome. [distributing items] For accounting, a brand new printer. And for the sales staff, a new fax machine. This cord has Creed written all over it. And whoever would like a brand new scanner can come visit it in my office. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: Here we go. [scans stuffed animal] Oh! Wow. Michael: Cool. What next? [Dwight puts his face on scanner] Erin: Guys, um, who's Gabe? This note says to put the box aside for Gabe Lewis, who's coming tomorrow? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Okay, everybody, listen up. I have some bad news. Due to circumstances beyond my control - Dwight: Impulsivity and inattention to detail. Michael: Hey, hey. I have opened a box, which should not have been opened... Dwight: Terrible mistake. Michael: And distributed things which should not have been distributed. Dwight: Undistributable. Pam: Well, maybe we can put the SUMMARY:
Michael has difficulties accepting the new policies of Sabre and its CEO Jo Bennett ( Kathy Bates ). Michael goes to David Wallace for advice, but he finds David in a sad unemployed depression. Jim and Pam go for an interview for a local daycare center. Both Erin and Andy wait for the other to make the next move.
TEXT: [Bachelorette party. Mel and Lindz drink beers and whoop it up. Someone's playing with fire. Girls dance with their titties out. Leda raises a shot to them. Girls dance wearing strap-ons. Half-naked girls make out. Someone pours a shot over a dildo. She sucks off the girl's strap-on. Mel and Lindz just point and stare. Leda is also fully clothed. She walks over to Mel and Lindz.] Leda: Having fun? Mel: Oh, it's amazing. Lindsay: I didn't realized that this party are this wild. Leda: It's a warm-up for your honeymoon. C'mon, follow the Leda. [Leda pulls Mel and Lindz up to a bar.] Mysterious Marilyn: Is this the happy couple? Leda: Sick, isn't it? Their want their fortune cards. Mysterious Marilyn: Please, am I not a gipsy queen. I am a trained tarotion. So, should we see what the cards have stored? [The girls both touch the cards, and Marilyn goes to work flipping cards on the table and murmuring, "Uh huh."] Mysterious Marilyn: When is the special day? Mel: This saturday. Mysterious Marilyn: Oh, oh. Mel: What? Mysterious Marilyn: I'm sorry girls, but can't possible get married this saturday. Didn't you know? Mercury is in retrograde. A time of an extreme imbalance in the universe. Like the evil, miss communication, missunderstandings, resulting, inserious discord for everyone. Mel: Yeah, does it rain? Mysterious Marilyn: No, it will be a total disaster. But on a positive note, you'll redecorate your dining room around June in aqua and maroon and it will be stunning. [Cut to a pinball machine, where Michael's playing a mean pinball.] Michael: So, we have two dykes who have everything! Brian: Dykes don't SUMMARY:
It's time for Lindsay and Melanie's wedding! It promises to be a day of beauty and love, provided they can overcome the many obstacles fate throws in their path. Brian, Emmett, Ted, George, Vic, Debbie, Michael, and Justin all pitch in to make sure they succeed.
TEXT: [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] [INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT] (Sara walks through the hallway. Her arm is in a sling. She walks past the Print Lab. Mandy looks up from her worktable and watches her go.) (Sara continues through the hallway.) (She walks past the Trace Lab. Hodges looks up from his work and watches her go.) [INT. CSI - ECKLIE'S OFFICE - CONTINUING] (Ecklie closes the file folder. He's on the phone waiting for someone to pick up.) (Sara appears in the doorway and knocks lightly on the door to get Ecklie's attention. He looks up and motions her inside as he stands up at his desk.) Conrad Ecklie: (to Sara) Have a seat. (The line clicks and the recorded message switches on.) Grissom: (answering machine) This is Grissom. Conrad Ecklie: (to Sara) How's the arm? Grissom: (answering machine) Please leave a detailed message after the tone. Sara: Fractured in two places. (Sara sits down.) (The machine beeps.) Conrad Ecklie: (to phone) Gil, Conrad again. Um... message number three. Call me back please. (He smiles at her and hangs up.) Conrad Ecklie: It's feeling better? Sara: Yeah. Conrad Ecklie: Good. (beat) Conrad Ecklie: So, you must know where he is. Sara: Actually, I don't. Conrad Ecklie: Really? (He picks up his folder.) Conrad Ecklie: Okay... um... Look, I don't want to play any games here. This is as difficult for me as it is for you. (He closes the office door.) Conrad Ecklie: So let's just... uh... get this over with, shall we? (He sits down on the other side of his desk and opens his notebook.) Conrad SUMMARY:
Grissom, Nick, and Greg investigate the death of a go-kart racer whose headless body is found yards from the highway he was racing on; Catherine and Warrick work to unravel the mysterious murder of a popular men's magazine publisher at a restaurant where patrons dine in the dark.
TEXT: Scene: Lobby of the apartment building, Howard, Raj, Sheldon and Leonard enter in combat gear, covered in blue paint. Raj: Okay, if no-one else will say it, I will. We really suck at paintball. Howard: That was absolutely humiliating. Leonard: Oh, come on, some battles you win, some battles you lose. Howard: Yes, but you don't have to lose to Kyle Bernstein's Bar-Mitzvah party. Leonard: I think we have to acknowledge, those were some fairly savage pre-adolescent Jews. Sheldon: You know, we were annihilated by our own incompetence and the inability of some people to follow the chain of command. Leonard: Sheldon, let it go. Sheldon: No, I want to talk about the fact that Wolowitz shot me in the back. Howard: I shot you for good reason, you were leading us into disaster. Sheldon: I was giving clear, concise orders. Leonard: You hid behind a tree yelling "get the kid in the yarmulkah, get the kid in the yarmulkah." Penny (arriving): Oh, hey guys. Leonard: Hello Penny. Howard: Morning ma'am. Penny: So, how was paintball, did you have fun? Sheldon: Sure, if you consider being fragged by your own troops fun. (To Howard) You clear space on your calendar, there will be an enquiry. Penny: Okay, um, oh hey, I'm having a party on Saturday so if you guys are around you should come by. Leonard: A party? Penny: Yeah. Howard: A boy-girl party? Penny: Well, there will be boys, and there will be girls, and it is a party. So, it'll just be a bunch of my friends, we'll have some beer, do a little dancing... Sheldon: Dancing? Leonard: Yeah, I don't know, Penny... Sheldon: The thing is, we're not.... Leonard: We're really more.... Sheldon: No. Leonard: But thanks, thanks for thinking SUMMARY:
Penny invites the guys to her Halloween party. They at first decline as they do not dance, but accept when costumes are mentioned. At the party they have problems socializing: Sheldon is unable to explain his Doppler effect costume since none of Penny's friends are physicists or smart enough to understand it; Raj (dressed as Thor) cannot speak to women; Howard as Robin Hood is mistaken for Peter Pan; and Leonard (dressed as Frodo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings) is insecure. Penny's ex-boyfriend Kurt (underdressed as a very tall, muscular caveman) later shows up and aggressively confronts Leonard, causing him (and later Penny) to leave. Penny goes to check on Leonard and apologizes for Kurt's behavior. She is very upset, but Leonard tells her she is perfect, and they kiss, though Penny confesses she is drunk. They kiss again, in sight of Kurt, Leonard saying "That's how we roll at the Shire!" before locking his apartment door in panic. Meanwhile, Howard cannot find Raj, who is at home sleeping with a girl who finds him to be a "very good listener".
TEXT: COHEN HOUSE SETH: You taking all that? You only own, like, a wife beater and two hoodies. RYAN: I'm sorry, okay, I don't know what people wear to prospective students weekend, so I just brought everything. SETH: I'm packing light. Want to be free and easy for pre-frosh weekend. RYAN: Even though you're not a pre-freshman? SETH: It's called "pre-frosh," Ryan, and if I'm going to go there, I need you to get the lingo. SETH: Don't give me that sideways look. You were way into this plan when we came up with it. RYAN: That's 'cause we only had the beginning. So, um... you're going to fly to Brown... SETH: And then I will somehow get them to admit me. Yeah, I don't have the, uh, the details yet, but... Brown's a spiritual place. I'll go, I'll get a vibe. Maybe I'll bump into the ghost of old man Brown or whoever they named the school after. RYAN: Seth, you know Summer's going to be there. SETH: I don't know that for sure. RYAN: Every student at Harbor is going to their college this weekend. I'm sure she's going to be there. SETH: So, it's not like we'll run into each other. We're going to a land of pasty Jewish kids. For once, I'll blend right in. RYAN: Yeah? And your flight? SETH: Booked a ticket connecting through Chattanooga. Totally inconvenient, no way she'll be on it. RYAN: Look, I just don't want to see you get deeper into this mess, okay? SETH: Dude, you're going to Berkeley with your ex-girlfriend. KIRSTEN: You ready to go? College calls. RYAN: Uh, yeah. Think we're all set. KIRSTEN: Just think... the next time we send you two off like this, it SUMMARY:
Ryan and Marissa leave Newport to attend an orientation at UC Berkeley, while Seth visits Brown and sees a familiar face, to Summer's displeasure. Kirsten is surprised to see someone from the family's past at the airport, and turns to Sandy for support.
TEXT: Chateaudun, France Sark is escorted onto a plane. [SCENE_BREAK] Dixon's Home - Los Angeles - CA Sydney's on the phone to Dixon, who's at home. SYDNEY: (cell) Sark's on flight 0028. It left Chateaudun Air Force Base 12 hours ago. They're due to arrive here in two hours. We're coordinating with security to set up a perimeter around the landing area. DIXON: (cell) Good. The intelligence committee is sending Senator Reed to oversee the interrogation. SYDNEY: (cell) Why the sudden interest from Washington? DIXON: (cell) Sark is a key player now. They expect us to bleed him dry. A car honks. DIXON: (cell) Hold on a second. Dixon turns back toward his house. DIXON: Robin, Steven, Connor's dad's here. ROBIN: Bye, dad. STEVEN: Later. DIXON: Whoa whoa whoa. Heads. He kisses their foreheads. STEVEN: Dad! Connor's watching. DIXON: Go. DIXON: (cell) Sorry about that. All information concerning the case is being strictly compartmentalized. If we have any informational leak in the next few days, we'll know it came from inside the Rotunda. SYDNEY: (cell) Copy that. [SCENE_BREAK] Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA Lauren's hacking into a FAA system using Barnett's account. Don't ask me why Barnett has access to FAA flight tracking systems. Vaughn arrives, and Lauren quickly switches windows to a list of questions she's supposed to be planning to ask Sark. VAUGHN: Hey. LAUREN: Hey. VAUGHN: How's it going? LAUREN: I'm compiling a list of questions I plan on asking Sark during his interrogation. VAUGHN: That's it? Wasn't your father supposed to arrive like an hour ago? LAUREN: He went straight into a SUMMARY:
Sydney attempts to rescue Dixon's kids after they are kidnapped by Sark, Lauren's status as a double agent is put to the test when she learns that she has to work with her father, and Sloane is framed as a CIA mole.
TEXT: "ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES" Cast Dawson: James Van Der Beek Grams: Mary Beth Peil Joey: Kaite Holmes Bessie: Nina Repeta Pacey: Joshua Jackson Mitch: John Wesely Shipp Jen: Michelle Williams Gail: Mary-Margaret Humes Andie: Meredith Monroe Jack: Kerr Smith Abbey: Monica Keena *Cut to Dawson and his dad outside and his dad takes down the ladder.* Mitch: Now don't give me that look. I know there's been a lot of late night creeping around and I'm just taking some standard precautions. *Dawson and his dad start walking back towards the front door* Dawson: You are so in denial. Mitch: Excuse me? Dawson: Denial. You can't except the fact that the little boy that you brought into the world is grown up. I mean, he's a sexual being. Mitch: Are you having s*x with Joey? *Dawson reaches for the door* Dawson: No, I did not say that, but I am a sexual being responsible, mind you, but biologically a sexual being. *They go inside* Mitch: A sexual being? Dawson: Yep, and you are having trouble facing that reality. Dad, it's a typical parental problem. Do you know what? Mitch: No, what? Dawson: The sooner you accept that, the sooner you and I will have an honest relationship. Mitch: Mm-hm. Dawson. Are you...and Joey...having s*x? Dawson: No! Mitch: No? Dawson: No! Mitch: Thank you. *Dawson starts heading towards the stairs and up them* Dawson: But one day, down the road, I'm going to have s*x. And you're acting all paranoid...chucking ladders and locking windows is not going to stop me. Please, will you stop acting like a typical *makes the little quote unquote hand gesture* parent and just let things take their natural course. Let Joey and me hang out in my room, alone at night, unsupervised. *There's a SUMMARY:
An economics class project pairs Dawson and Jen as husband and wife, Pacey and Andie as a married couple and Joey as a single mother with two children. Jen tries to use the project to get closer to Dawson. Pacey gets to know more about Andie's troubled family life and Joey begins to see that she has a chance of success in the real world while doing her project solo.
TEXT: OLIVIA POPE'S APARTMENT Olivia: Answers, people. We need answers, and time is of the essence. Quinn: Her phone's gone and her purse. She ran away. You told her she was gonna have to go on TV, she freaked out, and she ran away. Abby: I gotta say, as crime scenes go, it's pretty clean. No broken locks, no signs of struggle, and I'm not finding any prints aside from yours and Amanda's. Quinn: Because it's not a crime scene. Because she ran away. Huck: There's someone watching you. Olivia: What? Huck: Your trash is gone, and it's not trash day, and there's a sedan parked across the street U.S. government plates, tinted windows. Olivia: What about Amanda, Huck? Huck: Whoever it was came up through the service elevator, picked the lock on the back door, sedated her, taped her up, got her in a duffel bag. In and out, probably seven minutes, six if they were quick. Olivia: How do you know? Huck: That's how I would do it. [SCENE_BREAK] DAVID ROSEN'S OFFICE David: My secretary has a standing order to stop you from walking in here. Alissa, you're fired. Olivia: One of my clients is missing. David: Have you looked in jail? You often seem to find them there. Olivia: Her name is Amanda Tanner. She's 27 and she was staying in my apartment. David: How long has she been gone? Olivia: Five, six hours. David: You consider that missing? That's barely enough time to rack up a good bar tab. Olivia: Oh, God. David: What's wrong? Olivia: I know I ask a lot of you, but this Amanda thing is big. She's a good kid and she was under my protection. Can you help me find her? David: I'll see what I can do. Olivia: Thank you, David. Don't fire Alissa. I snuck in while she was in the bathroom. [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE OF PLA SUMMARY:
With Amanda Tanner missing, everyone at Pope & Associates is looking for clues to find her, that is until they get a call that a plane crashed in the woods of Virginia. Olivia works to find the truth about what truly happened, as the pilot had been accused of drinking the night before the plane crashed. Huck gets in touch with someone that he knew before he began working for Olivia, because he found footage linking him to the kidnapping of Amanda. Olivia then asks Huck to go back and do what he knew how to do best; Harrison and Abby find that one of the reports from the plane was copied, meaning that there was something wrong with the plane. Stephen finds it hard to find information out the same way he used to now that he is engaged; President Fitz begins to try to pass an act called the 'Dream Act', and the vote comes down to Vice President Sally Langston, who eventually agrees to pass it. Huck finds out where Amanda's body is, and they go in search to find it; Fitz gets angry when he finds he can't leave the White House. Stephen finds that Amanda's baby wasn't the president's and Fitz shows up at Olivia's apartment.
TEXT: With Help from: Darcy Partridge [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is sitting in the canoe as Joey runs through the door carrying an outdoor patio table.] Joey: Hey!! We are so in luck! Treeger said that we could have all this cool stuff from the basement. Wait right there. (Goes back into the hall) Chandler: Oh no-no-no, I'm, I'm paddling away! Joey: (Returning carrying a couple of rusted lawn chairs) Huh?! Chandler: Wow! Really?! We get all this rusty crap for free?! Joey: Uh-huh. This and a bunch of bubble wrap. And, some of it is not even popped! (They both sit down at the table and the chick and the duck enter from Joey's bedroom.) Chandler: Could we be more white trash? OPENING CREDITS [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica, Ross, Phoebe, and Rachel are eating breakfast.] Monica: (Entering from her bedroom) How desperate am I? Rachel: Oh! Good thing Chandler's not here, he always wins at this game. Monica: I just told my Mom I'd cater a party for her. Phoebe: How come? Monica: Because I need the money, and I thought that it'd be a great way to get rid of that last little schmidgen of self-respect. Ross: Come on, I think this is a good thing. I don't think Mom would've hired you if she didn't think you were good at what you do. Monica: You don't have to stick up for her. She can't here you. [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey is reading the paper and Chandler is getting ready for work.] Rachel: (entering) Hey! Umm, do you guys have any juice? Joey: Just pickle. Chandler: Hey uh, Rach, funny story. I ah, bumped into Joanna on the street yesterday. Rachel: My boss, Joanna? Wow, that must've been awkward. Chandler: Well, no, actually SUMMARY:
Joey is enticed when a door-to-door encyclopedia salesman shows up at the apartment. Joey can only afford to buy the sample volume and becomes knowledgeable on subjects starting with the letter "V." Monica caters a party for her mother, but the mini-quiches are ruined when her false fingernails gets lost in one. Judy says she expected Monica to mess up so she bought frozen lasagnas as a back-up. Monica, angry, whips up a delicious dish at the last minute, impressing her mother. Chandler begins seeing Rachel's boss, Joanna again, but lands in a sticky situation and faces Rachel's wrath after Joanna handcuffs him inside her office, then leaves for a meeting, getting delayed and stranding him.