TEXT: Opening scene - Cohen kitchen, Kirsten is in there and Seth and Ryan come in. the first shot we see is of a fancy looking invite sitting on the bench Kirsten: two weeks Seth: sorry Kirsten: (emphasised) two weeks unbelievable...who would believe it, I don't believe it Seth: ah it's the tourettes flarin up again it happens every now an again but its fine Ryan: (picks up the invite) Julie an Caleb's wedding invitation, getting married in uh- Kirsten: two weeks (Ryan mouths something which I can't work out, sorry) Seth: wow there really doin it, an unfortunate image just leapt in my mind Kirsten: (worked up) I mean I just I-I don't understand what is the rush (Sandy comes in) Sandy: honey it's the gruesome twosome what'do you expect, it's the shock an awe approach to courtship Kirsten: Julie Cooper is getting married to my father an your being flip Sandy: me bein flip about Caleb, no i'm kinda softening on the guy he may not be friendly or ethical or y'know a million laughs Kirsten: but he is? Sandy: generous, boy either that or he is in love an delusional because he threw out a ball park figure for what he's offering Jimmy an me for the aint chump change Kirsten: hm so he's bought your acceptance Sandy: but at a very high price (to Ryan) hey how's Marissa dealin with her new step dad Kirsten: yeah is she-is she alright with all that Ryan: well she'll be in the wedding she agreed ta that so Sandy: an you two are ya ya-ya what are ya back to- Ryan: yeah-yeah we're good actually uh really good Sandy: wow, really good for you is like singin from the tree tops Seth: now that you an Marissa are really good does that mean you an Theresa are really over Ryan: SUMMARY:
Kirsten and Marissa throw a bridal shower for Julie, but Marissa invites Julie's unwanted estranged sister. Theresa calls Sandy for legal advice, but tries to avoid Ryan. Hailey and Jimmy continue their romance. Meanwhile, Summer is disappointed when Seth meets her father.
TEXT: ACT ONE WHIMSY Scene One - Frasier's Apartment It's Halloween! The doorbell rings. Martin opens the door to Niles, wearing a bowler and clenching a cigarette holder in his teeth. Niles: Trick or treat! Or should I say, "Pip Pip!" Martin: What's with the outfit? Niles: This is part of your costume for tonight. I just picked it up for you. Martin: What? I thought you said you were getting me a Sherlock Holmes outfit. He didn't wear a bowler. Niles: Well, they were all out of Sherlock Holmes, so I put together something else for you. Don't worry, it's another detective. Tonight, you'll be Lord Peter Wimsey! Martin: Who the hell's that? Niles: He's a celebrated bon vivant sleuth from a series of novels by Dorothy L. Sayers. Martin: Well, I'm not going anywhere where I have to tell people my name's "Wimsey!" Ah no, forget it, I'm just gonna wear my old police uniform. Niles: You can't. It's a Halloween ball for the Library Association, you have to come dressed as a character from literature. Martin: Oh, why didn't I just tell Sherry I'd go with her to visit her mother in prison? Niles: Come on, Dad, it'll be fun! I'm going to go as Cyrano de Bergerac-musician, philosopher, fighter, poet! [he grabs Martin's cane and brandishes it like a rapier] The greatest friend and the bravest swordsman alive! [notices] Eew, what's all over your cane? Martin: I don't know. I dropped it in the movie theater last night. Niles hands the cane back and wipes his palm with his handkerchief. Frasier and Daphne come out, laughing and admiring a set of photos. Frasier: I love this picture! You look adorable in that! Daphne: Oh, I do not! You just like it because you look SUMMARY:
Niles is throwing a literary-themed Halloween party, and Roz fears she might be pregnant. Frasier convinces Roz to go to Niles's party, hoping that will take her mind off her possible pregnancy. That night at the party, Frasier accidentally lets out that Roz might be pregnant and soon the wrong gossip spreads among the party guests. The entire ordeal ends with a drunken Niles proposing to Daphne, who he thinks is pregnant with Frasier's baby. Just as Frasier is attempting to reassure the party guests about what is really going on, Roz interrupts him. She lets everyone know that she has just heard from her doctor confirming the pregnancy. Camille Donatacci, who married Grammer two months before this episode aired, appears as "Eve."
TEXT: (Continuing from last week...) HASSAN: Aim the gun at this woman if you are who you say you are, and kill her. (He raises the gun, blinking rapidly. Sydney watches and waits. Hassan watches. The guards all point their guns at him. Jack keeps his gun on Sydney, blinking.) JACK: Shooting this agent proves nothing. HASSAN: To me, it proves everything. You come to me and you make me an offer. You tell me you are willing to work against SD-6 and that you are working alone. And then she shows up. JACK: Obviously, SD-6 sent her here without my knowledge. HASSAN: Well then, you should have no problem whatsoever proving your loyalty to me. Kill this agent and I'll believe you. And accept your offer. And if you choose not to, then I'll just have to say good-bye to both of you. (Jack shoots one of the guards. The guard shoots at Jack. Sydney takes out the guard next to her. Hassan reaches for a gun, but Jack is quicker. He's up on his feet and pointing a gun at him.) JACK: Don't do it! Hands in the air! Now! SYDNEY: It took me a second to realize what you were doing. JACK: I was blinking as fast as I could. SYDNEY: I know. I was like, "Hard on your light"? JACK: Guard on your right. SYDNEY: Well, I figured it out. I was just never very good at morse code. (She sees he has a wound on his upper arm.) SYDNEY: Dad, you were shot. JACK: It's nothing. (to Hassan) Call you guards. Have them meet you out back. We're going out the front. We're fluent in Arabic, so just do as I say. HASSAN: (speaks Arabic) JACK: (speaks Arabic right back) (Hassan takes a walkie talkie and talks to the guards in Arabic. They all run towards the back exit. Jack s SUMMARY:
Sydney is grateful and proud of her father after he saves her life while on a case in Havana but her admiration is short lived when Vaughn discovers further evidence that Jack may have been responsible for the deaths of over a dozen CIA officers 25 years earlier, one of them his own father. After thinking it over carefully, Sydney decides to speak against her father in front of senior CIA agents. But she is surprised to see him at the meeting, where he himself tells her that yes, he was involved but he was not the assassin. She's shocked to learn that Laura Bristow , her mother, was in fact one Irina Derevko , undercover agent for the KGB, who infiltrated the US to obtain intelligence and murder key agents.
TEXT: LUCAS : Previously on "One Tree Hill"... JASON : You're dismissing me from my own band? HALEY : Yes. Only it's not your band anymore. I just kicked you out. JASON : Mia, let's go. MIA : I think I'm gonna stay JASON : You're an idiot MOUTH : I'm gonna head home. I'm not feeling very well. ALICE : Well, maybe you're not on-air material after all. HALEY : Don't get mad at Lindsey. PEYTON : I'm not mad at her. HALEY : You sound mad at her. PEYTON : Maybe I just don't like her. HALEY : You don't have to... (Lindsay, on the other side of the pane, hearing what they are saying) LINDSAY : I'm gonna go, Haley. PEYTON : I want to pay rent. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I'll figure it out. PEYTON : I just -- whatever this is, I don't feel right about it. HALEY : Carrie... could you not wear a bikini in the pool? INTERIOR, CLUB TRIC All the friends are together at the bar BROOKE : All right, guys, bring it in. It has been way too long since we all hung out together, and this is the first time we're all drinking together... legally, that is. So, here's to hanging with our crew... the old and the new... and to everyone getting what they want. HALEY : I guess one shot won't kill us, huh? (all drinking their glass) HALEY : Maybe it will. Brooke, what was that? BROOKE : I wanted something that would remind everyone of me, so they mixed their most popular liquor with their sweetest. The bartender did name it a "Brooke Davis." BROOKE : Isn't that right? OWEN : Actually, I think you SUMMARY:
It's a Tree Hill reunion as the entire gang gathers at Tric to see The Honorary Title perform. While Peyton and Haley see this as an opportunity to introduce their musical act, Carrie sees it as a chance to get closer to Nathan. Brooke forces an unsuspecting Mouth to go on a blind date with Millicent. Lindsey confronts Lucas about sneaking off to see Peyton.
TEXT: SCENE 1: The kitchen of the Stackhouse home. Blood streaks the white walls as Gran's body lies in a pool of blood on the floor. Tina, Sookie's pet cat, licks up some of the drops of blood on the floor. Barefooted, Sookie stands in blood, staring at her grandmother's body. Sookie gasps, pounds the air with her fists, and falls to her knees at Gran's feet. A door creaks as Sookie, still staring at Gran's body, is frightened when someone grabs her from behind. Bill: Sookie! It's me. Sookie. Sookie, it's me! (Bill turns Sookie around to face him. Sookie, in shock, stares blankly at him.) Sookie: Bill. Bill: You all right? (Sookie's eyes widen. She gasps deeply.) Bill: C'mere. (Bill hugs her, and she holds him tightly.) (POV of someone approaching the open front door of the Stackhouse home. Footsteps fall on the leaves in the yard, and the steps leading to the wooden front porch. A board creaks. In the kitchen, Bill is still comforting Sookie, and hears the creak. He looks up and toward where the sound came from. He frowns. A hand is on the front door, and Bill exposes his fangs. With lightning speed, Bill grabs the intruder by the throat with his right hand and pushes him against a wall in the doorway between the parlor and the dining room. Bill looks at the intruder with a hard, mean look. It is Sam.) Sam (shouting): Get your <unk>snip> hands off of me! (Bill does not loosen his grip on Sam's neck. He glowers at Sam.) Bill (shouting): What are you doin' here? Sam: I was makin' sure that Sookie got home safe. The door was open. What are you doin' here? (Sookie appears.) Sookie: Bill, it's OK! Let him go! (Bill slowly retracts his fang SUMMARY:
Sam and Bill, both very protective and territorial, promise to watch over Sookie, who refuses to leave the house her grandmother and she shared. As soon as Mike Spencer has Adele's body removed, Sookie is in the kitchen scrubbing up her Gran's blood. Andy and Bud discuss the case and although Andy regrets releasing Jason Stackhouse, Bud doubts he could murder his own grandmother. The next day, Sookie holds a wake for Adele in the house, which is full of nosy townspeople. Sookie loses it when Maxine Fortenberry attempts to make room in the fridge by moving the last pie Adele made before she was killed. Tara and Lafayette take Sookie upstairs and tell her not to worry about entertaining the people downstairs and to just feel whatever she's feeling. Sookie confesses that she doesn't think she is feeling anything at all. Jason, oblivious to his Gran's death, shows up at work stoned on V and learns the news from Hoyt and Rene. He races over to the wake, storms into Sookie's room and smacks her square on the face, screaming that it was her fault. Tara pushes Jason out, telling him she doesn't even know who he is anymore. Tara tries to comfort her, but the damage is already done. Outside, Andy confronts Jason and practically accuses him of murdering Adele and Jason shoves Andy down as though he weighed nothing. Gran's funeral the following day is more or less a disaster. Jason invites his and Sookie's estranged uncle Bartlett, which aggravates Sookie. Tara's mother Lettie Mae shows up and makes a speech about a woman she barely knew, Jason continues to struggle with his V-juice addiction and Sookie makes a fool of herself when she cannot block out the townspeople's thoughts and tells them all to "shut the fuck up!" When the funeral is over, Lettie Mae approaches Tara and tells her that she has a demon inside of her that makes her drink and she needs money for an exorcism. Tara thinks this is ridiculous and storms off. Sam takes Sookie home and she tells him that she wants to be alone, but Sam doesn't and neither does Tara. Finally alone, Sookie takes the pie out of the fridge and finally lets out her grief as she eats it, sobbing over every bite. Tara takes Sam back to her hotel room and they have sex. Afterwards, Tara starts to feel conflicted about her mother's problem and leaves Sam alone in the room. Sookie races to Bill's house, Bill hears her footsteps and sweeps her up. In Bill's house, they strip naked and Bill's fangs extend. Sookie tells him she wants him to do it, and Bill buries his teeth into her neck and starts to drink.
TEXT: TIME-FLIGHT BY: PETER GRIMWADE Part One Running time: 24:56 [SCENE_BREAK] (We see footage of a Concorde aircraft in the sky, then we get to the inside of the cabin.) CAPTAIN URQUHART: This is Captain Urquhart again, we're still traveling supersonic, ladies and gentleman, 57,000 feet. Just to let you know that we will be reaching our deceleration point in a few minutes and beginning our descent into London Heathrow. CAPTAIN URQUHART: Good afternoon London, Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2. (He is talking to the control tower at Heathrow airport where trusty air traffic controller Clive Horton is on duty.) CLIVE HORTON: Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2 you are cleared to descend to flight level 3-7-0. CAPTAIN URQUHART: Roger cleared 3-7-0. CO-PILOT: Mark 1 point 6, 60 miles to subsonic, spot on. CAPTAIN URQUHART: Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2 level at 3-7-0. CLIVE HORTON: Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2 you are cleared to continue descent to 2-8-0. (There is no immediate answer.) CLIVE HORTON: Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2 will you acknowledge please. CAPTAIN URQUHART: (Over radio, gradually fading out) Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2. Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2. Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2... CLIVE HORTON: Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2 will you acknowledge. (Scene shifts to the flight attendant passing out brochures for the communist party, then back to the Air traffic Control Center.) CLIVE HORTON: Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2 will you acknowledge please. (He takes off his headset and picks up a telephone.) CLIVE HORTON: I have total RT breakdown on Speedbird Concorde 1-9-2. (The plane is still flying through the sky.) (There is now someone else looking over Horton's shoulder.) CLIVE HORTON: I don't believe it, she's approaching London, but the trace is becoming intermittent. ( SUMMARY:
The Doctor still dealing with Adric's death, lands the Tardis at London's Heathrow airport and soon becomes involved with a missing Concord SST.
TEXT: Lily and Marshall are running in the streets Ted from 2030: Kids, about eight months into Aunt Lily and Uncle Marshall's engagement, there occurred a game-changing emergency. [12 minutes earlier, at the appartment] Marshall: Van Smoot is available. Lily: Oh, my God! Ted from 2030: Van Smoot House was a gorgeous mansion right on the Hudson River. It had everything Marshall and Lily wanted for their wedding, but it was never available. And then, suddenly, it was. Marshall: There was a cancellation two months from now. Lily: You want to have our wedding in two months? No. It's impossible. Marshall: It's Van Smoot, Lily. It's the dream! Lily: No, there's just not enough time. There's no way... Oh! Mini-vomit. Marshall: Okay, look, look, look. I know that it's sudden, but check it. If we don't take this, guess who's on their way with a deposit check. Lily: Todd and Valerie? (An other couple is running) Ted from 2030: When you're planning a wedding, there's always one couple with similar taste that seems to be one step ahead of you. Todd and Valerie were that couple. Marshall: We got to make a decision. Todd and Valerie are in motion. Van Smoot! Lily: Oh! Kids, color!(Lily runs out of class, Marshall runs out pf the appartment, they join in the street) Come on, baby. Marshall: Come on, come on, come on. Todd: Hello, Marshall. Lily. Marshall: Todd. Valerie. Stairs. The Bar Lily: I can't believe it. We got Van Smoot House. Marshall: It is on. It is on! Like the former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan. Robin: What? Marshall: You're a wonder. Ted: Wow! You guys are getting married in two months. Robin: How are you going to get everything done? Lily: Division of labor. Everyone's got a job to do, so listen up. Okay, Robin, you and Ted go SUMMARY:
When Lily and Marshall's dream wedding venue has a sudden opening two months earlier than their planned wedding date, the couple scramble to decide on wedding arrangements. In order to preview a band that they are considering hiring, the group sneak into a high school prom where the band is performing. As they dance to the band, Ted and Robin decide to try to repair their friendship.
TEXT: THE TIME MONSTER BY: ROBERT SLOMAN 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. NEWTON INSTITUTE. LABORATORY. FIRST ROOM (The MASTER throws BENTON back against a locker and the wall. He hits his head and falls.) MASTER: (Shouts.) You're wrong, Sergeant Benton. That is the oldest trick in the book! (He dashes over to the main console and starts flicking switches. The power starts to rise.) DR. PERCIVAL: What are you going to do? MASTER: I am going to bring somebody here who can help me find the power that I need. Without it, I am helpless! DR. PERCIVAL: I don't understand! MASTER: Of course you don't understand! How could you possibly understand? Only one thing stands between me and complete power over the Earth, over the universe itself. Now the one I bring here will show me how to harness that power. Now... (He slams home the two power levers and points PERCIVAL towards the second room.) MASTER: You watch that crystal! [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. NEWTON INSTITUTE. LABORATORY. SECOND ROOM (PERCIVAL looks through the glass partitions at the crystal as it glows again.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3: INT. NEWTON INSTITUTE. LABORATORY. FIRST ROOM (BENTON starts to stir on the floor. He sits up and starts to edge towards the door. He sees the MASTER and PERCIVAL intently looking through the glass into the second room where a dazzling display of white light starts to flare out. A figure starts to materialise within the light. PERCIVAL turns in shock to the MASTER as, with a crash of thunder, KRASIS appears in the twentieth century.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4: INT. NEWTON INSTITUTE. LABORATORY. SECOND ROOM (The MASTER opens the door of the second room as the flare of light fades. KRA SUMMARY:
The Master enlists the help of Krasis to control Kronos while Yates tries to bring the TARDIS to the institute only to come under attack from dangers from the past.
TEXT: THE TOUGH MAN IN THE TENDER CHICKEN ACT ONE (At the Jeffersonian lab. Hodgins and Brennan are seen walking in from the lab entrance) HODGINS: Had a feeling that my Melolonta melolonta might hatch this morning, so I came in the crack of dawn, and there they were. Lined up at the door. BRENNAN: What? Your Melolonta melolonta? HODGINS: No. The woodchucks. (A group of girls in scout uniforms are seen standing in front of the lab platform) BRENNAN: They appear to be little girls. HODGINS: Yeah. Woodchucks are like girl scouts, only scientific and administered by the Jeffersonian. They brought in a dead body. BRENNAN: A bunch of little girls brought a dead body here? HODGINS: Woodchucks are very industrious mire mucks. (to the woodchucks) Okay! Now this is Dr Temperance Brennan. (the woodchucks starts clapping) BRENNAN: (confused) Why are they applauding? CAM: Apparently you're their role model. HODGINS: I wanna know is why aren't they all freaked out or getting trauma counseling. CAM: Because, of the type of children who idolizes Dr Brennan. HODGINS: So they were eco-camping by the banks of the savage river. CAM: These remains are completely saturated. HODGINS: The girls fished the body out of the river and brought it to us. BRENNAN: How? WOODCHUCK GIRL #1: In our woodchuck bus. CAM: Very impressive! BRENNAN: I disagree. Those woodchucks disturbed a federal crime scene. The area should be secured, samples taken- HODGINS: Yeah. They did all that. Water samples from where the body was found. WOODCHUCK GIRL #2: Digital photographs of the entire area. HODGINS: Plants, insects, soil samples; tagged with GPS coordinates. Now SUMMARY:
When the remains of a local chicken farmer are found mutilated by a nearby river, Booth and Brennan investigate the various suspects, including several animal rights activists who are protesting outside the chicken factory. Angela, feeling bothered by the practices of the chicken farm, asks for donations to save a piglet in which Brennan declines as her belief of saving one will not change anything, causing her to question why they are friends. After Wendell makes a donation to Angela, they kiss and a relationship starts to develop as Angela has now been celibate for five and half months.
TEXT: COLD OPEN. [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT] [EXT. LAS VEGAS STRIP - NIGHT] (Police cars and a helicopter chase after a speeding vehicle. Sirens wail.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. INTERSTATE 15 -- LVPD SQUAD CAR (MOVING) - NIGHT] (OFFICER METCALF is in one of the cars chasing the speeding vehicle and he's on the radio.) Officer Metcalf: Unit 584-Adam. Please be advised we're in pursuit of a BMW going southbound on Interstate 15 at a high rate of speed. Dispatch: (over radio) Roger, 158. You are cleared for maneuver. (He swings out and tips the speeding vehicle in the rear bumper. The speeding vehicle continues on. He swings out again and tips the speeding vehicle in the rear bumper. This time, the speeding vehicle runs off of the road.) (It comes to a stop on the side of the road. The Police Officer stops a safe distance behind it.) (OFFICER METCALF jumps out of the police car with his gun drawn.) Officer Metcalf: Driver roll down your window. Let me see your hands. (He slowly makes his way toward the car.) (He reaches out a hand to open the car door.) (Suddenly, the car door opens. He jerks back as two women dressed only in their underwear exit the car with their arms raised.) Anna Leah (blonde): Don't shoot. Don't shoot! LORI (BRUNETTE): Don't shoot. Don't shoot. (OFFICER METCALF raises his hand to stop the other officers from moving in. He reaches for his radio.) Officer Metcalf: (to radio) Dispatch, unit 584 is a code four. We got a couple of girls joyriding. (to the other officer) Rookie, clear the vehicle! (The two women stand their with their arms raised.) (Cut to: The ROOKIE checks SUMMARY:
On the day Grissom has to evaluate his team, Grissom and Catherine deal with a severed head that was found in the trunk of a stolen car. Sara and Nick investigate a headless body in the desert that appears to have fallen from the sky. Warrick investigates a murder in a juvenile detention center in which his young friend James is the only witness.
TEXT: Classroom Chris: So, uh, English. You read the chapter? Emma: Chapter two right? Chris: Yeah Mr. Armstrong: Okay everybody take your seats please, let's get started. Amy: Sounds like a good idea. Mr. Armstrong: Okay, I need a volunteer to come up and expand these brackets and collect like terms. Anyone? Emma? (Emma walks to the front board.) Emma: Okay, the answer to this problem is 8 x squared plus... (Sean slides Amy's chair over towards him, and they start to kiss.) Mr. Armstrong: Sean, Amy, do you two need some privacy? Are we in your way here? Thank you Emma. (Emma walks back to her seat while glaring at Sean.) Mr. Armstrong: Alright class, let's concentrate on our work. Theme song Emma's kitchen Spike: Em, look at Snake's birthday gift. Emma: You got him a new laptop? Spike: A new used one, to replace the alien ware he lost. Emma: Do you want me to restore his backups? Spike: Do you have time? I want to give it to him before his birthday party. (Emma starts working on the laptop.) Spike: Are you gonna invite Chris to come? Emma: Mom, he just broke u with Melanda, and I don't wanna be his rebound (A picture of Sean and Emma come up on the computer screen.) Spike: Are you sure there's nothing else is holding you back? Emma: Sean. Ancient history. Jurassic. And like the dinosaurs, he's now extinct. School hallyway JT: Did you see Amy and Sean in math? It was Classic. And awful and mean and horrible. I hate Sean Emma: Thanks JT, but you don't need to hate Sean. I am over him totally. Toby: Even though he carries on with Amy like you never existed? Emma: Yes. JT: Even despite all the rumors? Emma: What rumors? Toby: That Sean's gang is stealing stuff from school left and right? Emma: (something) for him. What's that have to do with me? JT: Well SUMMARY:
With Christmas rapidly approaching, Craig finds himself slowly losing interest in Ashley while continuing to cheat on her with Manny, who soon has become a comfort for him. Craig doesn't know whom he wants to be with more and continues to see them both behind each other's back, while also accepting the risk of losing both of them. Meanwhile, Joey and Sydney find themselves getting increasingly serious, but Sydney's jealousy comes out when Joey begins spending a lot of time with Caitlin, who begins to develop feelings for him.
TEXT: •I do not own the characters or situations of BTVS, and I claim no credit for the content of this episode. I have merely transcribed what appeared on my screen, with help from the closed captions. •I prefer that you link to this transcript on the Psyche site rather than post it on your site, but you can post it on your site if you want, as long as you keep my name and email address on it. Please also keep my disclaimers intact. •You can use my transcripts in your fanfiction stories; you don't have to ask my permission. (However, if you use large portions of episode dialogue in your fanfic, I recommend you give credit to the person who wrote the episode.) •I apologize in advance for my lame transcription of the fight scenes. I don't know the names of different punches and kicks. Use your imagination. [SCENE_BREAK] GILES VOICEOVER: Previously... Buffy and Spike up against the wall in "Smashed." SPIKE: You never had it so good as me. Buffy and Spike in the wrecked building BUFFY: If you tell anyone about last night, I will kill you. Buffy and Willow in the arcade in "Gone" BUFFY: So you three have, what, banded together to be pains in my ass? WARREN: We're your arch-nemesises... ses. You may have beaten us this time, Slayer, but next time... JONATHAN: Maybe not! Jonathan throwing down the smoke-bomb. The Geek Trio escaping. Willow de-ratting Amy. BUFFY: Amy? How've you been? AMY: Rat. You? BUFFY: Dead. AMY: Oh. WILLOW: It's nice, having another magically-inclined friend around. Willow and Amy on the Bronze balcony in "Smashed" AMY: It's way too early to go home yet. Willow and Amy walking down the street. AMY: So what do you wanna do? I have a better idea. WILLOW: Is it dangerous? Willow and Dawn in Rack's place. WILLOW: Let's get out SUMMARY:
Buffy gets a job at the Doublemeat Palace, but soon becomes paranoid about the mysterious secret ingredient in the food. Anya is visited by her old friend, Halfrek , who questions her relationship with Xander.
TEXT: SILVER NEMESIS PART TWO Run time: 24:12 [SCENE_BREAK] Crash site [SCENE_BREAK] De Flores: Wait. The Doctor: Don't move! Ace: They saved my life. The Doctor: Don't thank them yet. We might live to regret it. Ace: What are they? The Doctor: Cybermen. Leader: So, Doctor, a new appearance, otherwise our anticipation of your presence has proved entirely accurate. Leader: Eradicate them. The Doctor: Take cover. Ace: Doctor! Ace: Doctor, we can't stay here. The Doctor: We certainly can. This exactly the same thing that happened the last time. Only then it was the Roundheads and Lady Peinforte. Peinforte: A hit. A very palpable hit. Peinforte: See how my poison is as deadly as ever, Richard. Richard: And I shall look after the sick. Which reminds me, I shall return to Briggs his money. Peinforte: Get up, fool. I tell thee, Richard, were there men of silver like these here in our day, my life would have been quite different. Now I'll let them destroy each other, and then we'll take the Nemesis. The Doctor: Where did that come from? Ace: Didn't see. The Doctor: A Cyberman killed with an arrow? But that's ludicrous, unless. Of course, the head's made of gold. Ace: That's real gold? The Doctor: Yes. The only substance to which they're vulnerable. Ace: Classy. The Doctor: Ah! Gold dipped in poison. Lady Peinforte's calling card. Ace: I really think we should be getting out of here, Doctor. The Doctor: I really think you're right. Richard: My lady, who is that little man? Peinforte: Oh, glorious evil. It is he. Peinforte: No! De Flores: We must retreat. It's our only chance. Karl: And leave the statue? De Flores: The statue alone is useless to them. The bow is ours. Get it. Leader: Bring the SUMMARY:
The Cybermen have the Nemesis Statue but Lady Peinforte and Richard fight back using gold-tipped arrows. Meanwhile, De Flores still has a plan to set in motion.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Regina: You turned Hook into a Dark One? Emma: It was the only way to save him. Hook: After spending centuries quelling my bloodlust, you threw me right back into that darkness! Job well done, Emma! Nimue: Now it's time to get to work. Hook: Nimue. Welcome to Storybrooke, love. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Past. Enchanted Forest. Somewhere at sea ] [SCENE_BREAK] (A young Killian is awake at night, as the ship is thrown around by the violent storm outside. They are in the middle of the ocean. Killian is watching a lantern that has been lit and is clearly scared. Moments later, a gust of wind blows the lantern out) Young Killian: Father, Father! (He bolts up in bed, scared) Brennan: (He enters the cabin calmly) It's all right, son. I'm here. (He uses a match to relight the lantern) See? There's nothing to be afraid of. (He takes a seat next to Killian's bed) Now... remember, whenever you feel scared, all you have to do is look inside. We're all braver than we think if we just look deep enough. Before you know it, you're gonna be a man, so I'm just trying to prepare you 'cause then you're gonna have to answer life's big question. What kind of man are you going to be? Young Killian: (After a few moments, he chuckles) I want to be just like you. Brennan: (Chuckles also) Well, that's a nice answer, son. Now, close your eyes and find that brave part deep inside yourself, hmm? And you don't have to worry about a thing. Your father will watch the light for you. Just go to sleep, Killian. Go to sleep. (Young Killian finally falls asleep, and hours later, he wakes to see that Brennan is gone and he panics. His older brother, Liam, is asleep on the cot beside him) Young Killian: Liam? Li SUMMARY:
Back in the Enchanted Forest, Hook's feelings about his father abandoning him as a young boy lead to Hook killing him when Regina recruits him to kill Cora. In Storybrooke, as Hook and Nimue prepare to send Emma's family and friends to the Underworld to allow the resurrected Dark Ones to stay, his memories remind him of the man he wants to be. When he realizes what will happen if he goes through with it, Hook turns Excalibur on the previous Dark Ones and asks Emma to sacrifice him with Excalibur, saving everyone and returning Emma to normal. Emma discovers Gold used the situation to tether the darkness back into himself, leading Emma to blackmail Gold into helping her bring Hook back from the Underworld. Meanwhile, Regina sends Zelena back to Oz, after Zelena attempted to get sole custody of her daughter.
TEXT: Recap of "The Pandorica Opens" 1,894 years later.... EXT NIGHT. A child's windmill is turning. Pan across an overgrown garden with a slightly dilapidated shed, abandoned tools, a park bench and a swing set. We see a modest house through an arbour and follow through. We hear a young girl's voice. GIRL: Dear Santa, thank you for the dolls and pencils and the fish. It's Easter now, so I hope I didn't wake you. INT. BEDROOM, NIGHT AMELIA Pond is kneeling beside her bed, eyes closed, saying her prayers. AMELIA: But honest, it is an emergency. There's a crack in my wall. (turns to wall where there is a crack spreading across it. Returns to prayer) Aunt Sharon says it's just an ordinary crack, but... I know it's not, because, at night, there's voices. So please, please, could you send someone to fix it? Or a policeman. Or... We hear the sound of rushing wind. AMELIA: Back in a moment. She gets up from the floor, picks up a torch from the nightstand, runs to the window and pulls back the curtain to look outside. There is nothing out there. She looks up at the sky and sees the moon, but there are no stars. INT. PARLOR, NIGHT AMELIA is sting facing her Aunt SHARON and a psychiatrist, CHRISTINE. CHRISTINE is looking at a painting of the night sky, complete with stars. CHRISTINE: It's a lovely painting, Amelia. And what are all these? AMELIA: Stars. SHARON: Oh, Amelia! CHRISTINE: Tell you what, shall we go outside? EXT. NIGHT CHRISTINE: What do you see, Amelia? AMELIA: The moon. CHRISTINE: And what else? AMELIA: Just the dark. CHRISTINE: But no stars. If there were stars up there, we'd be able to see them, wouldn't we? Amelia, look at me. SUMMARY:
The Doctor from the future gives Rory his sonic screwdriver , which Rory uses to free the Doctor from the Pandorica in 102 AD. The Doctor and Rory place the dead Amy in the Pandorica, which will force her to remain alive until her DNA is given to the Pandorica in the form of seven-year-old Amelia in 1996. Amelia places her hand on the Pandorica, following instructions left by the Doctor, fully restoring Amy to life. As the universe collapses, the Doctor rescues River from the time loop in the exploding TARDIS and realises that if he flies the Pandorica (which contains a restoration field) and collides with the exploding TARDIS, it would restore the universe. The cracks are unable to close entirely until the Doctor is erased. Amy brings the Doctor back at her wedding to Rory with her memories (due to the Doctor's last words to her as he was being erased), and the newlyweds continue to travel with him.
TEXT: ACT ONE ANDY WARHOL SAID IT BEST Scene One - Frasier's apartment. Frasier, Niles and Daphne are sitting on the couch. Martin is standing behind them. Their attentions are tuned towards the television. Martin: All right, now. Quiet, it's getting ready to start. Announcer: The following is a paid political announcement for Holden Thorpe. Niles: You dragged us over here to see a commercial for Holden Thorpe? Martin: Shh! Frasier: The man is a fascist. He's like Himmler without the whimsy. Niles laughs at this, but Martin taps Frasier on the head with his cane to shut him up. Cut to the TV commercial, which shows an American flag and the title HOLDEN THORPE FOR CONGRESS. Announcer: And now another American for Holden Thorpe. Martin: [on television] Hi, I'm Marty Crane. Frasier: Oh, dear God. Martin: [on television] For thirty years I was a cop walking The beat in Seattle. Then my hip was shattered by an assassin's bullet - an assassin who wouldn't have been on the streets if it weren't for those bleeding hearts we sent to Congress. Martin is mouthing the words along with his TV self. Martin: I used to carry a gun. Now I carry a cane. I'm voting to elect Holden Thorpe. He's running because I can't. Frasier and Niles look horrified. Martin: Well? Daphne: Oh, Mr. Crane, I don't know what to say. I'm in a state of shock. Niles: Aren't we all? Daphne: I mean, you were wonderful! [she hugs him] This calls for a celebration. What'll you have? Martin: Oh, give me a beer. Daphne goes to the kitchen. Frasier: Dad... how did this happen? Martin: Well, I took a walk to the park last week and they were having a rally for Thorpe. So I started to SUMMARY:
When the congressional candidate whom Martin supports demeans Frasier on air, he decides to publicly support the man's opponent. The opponent confides in Frasier that he believes he was once abducted by aliens, causing Frasier to question his competency to run for public office. Frasier accidentally reveals the story on-air, and the candidate is heavily defeated at the polls.
TEXT: Scene: The apartment. Leonard: All I'm saying is, if they took all the money they spent trying to make a decent Hulk movie, they could probably just make an actual Hulk. Sheldon: That is apt and amusing. I think I shall share that with Amy Farrah Fowler. She'll appreciate the witticism. Leonard: Thank you. Sheldon: It'll also help improve her initial impression of you. Leonard: So what's going on with you two? Sheldon: Well, the status is as it always was. She's a girl. She's a friend. She is not my, please forgive me for doing this, girlfriend. Leonard: Right, right. So you're still just texting and emailing? You don't feel any need to hang out with her, you know, be in the same room? Sheldon: Leonard, you are my best friend. I've known you for seven years, and I can barely tolerate sitting on the couch with you. Imagine my attitude regarding prolonged physical proximity to Amy Farrah Fowler. Leonard: Got it. Sheldon: I sense judgment on your part. Leonard: No, no. Maybe a little. Sheldon: May I suggest that your criticism is based on jealousy. Leonard: Jealousy? What do I have to be jealous of? Sheldon: I have a functioning and satisfying relationship with a female. You have none. Leonard: Oh, right. That. Sheldon: Jealousy is an ugly green-eyed monster, not unlike the Hulk, who, by the way, also has a girlfriend. In this iteration, Jennifer Connelly, whom you may recall as the girlfriend of Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind, a feel-good romp if there ever was one. Leonard: I'm not jealous. Sheldon: Hu-u-urgh! Leonard not jealous. Credits sequence. Scene: The apartment. Sheldon: You know, it just occurred to me, if there are an infinite number of parallel universes, in one of them, there's probably a Sheldon who doesn't believe parallel universes exist. Leonard: Probably. What SUMMARY:
When Amy decides to introduce Sheldon to her mother, he becomes worried as being introduced to Amy's mother would indicate that Amy wants to be his girlfriend, which he is not ready for. So he begins to avoid Amy, removing all possible contact with her and even disguising himself so that she would not recognize him. However Amy catches Sheldon outside the apartment building and then calms him down, assuring him that she only wants to introduce him to her mother so that she would be convinced that Amy is in a relationship and leave her alone. Later when talking to Amy's mother, a now relieved Sheldon and Amy lie to Amy's mother that they are in a "sexual relationship", which does not go too well with her. Meanwhile, as Howard now has a girlfriend, Leonard decides to invoke the "Girlfriend Pact" (from the Season 3 episode The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary) with Howard. Howard and Bernadette set up a double date with Leonard and one of Bernadette's friends, Joy. Joy behaves in an obnoxious and inappropriate manner during the date, which disgusts Leonard. However he later accepts another date with Joy due to understanding that sex is a strong possibility.
TEXT: [Scene: Dawson's House. Jack and Dawson are in his Dark room, talking while Dawson is developing some pictures he has taken.] Jack: Oh, how does it feel to have a dream come true? Dawson: Why? Do I look like I'm trapped in an elevator with Kate Hudson? Jack: Dawson, come on. Last night at the holiday party, you kissed Gretchen Witter. I mean, you remember her, right? It's the girl you once described to me as your first crush. Dawson: She photographs very nicely, doesn't she? Jack: Ok. As much as I appreciate your attempt to feign coolness, ha ha ha ha. You can't tell me this means nothing to you. Dawson: Oh, no, not nothing, but, uh, you know, virtually nothing. I mean, was she once the unapproachable, bikini-clad object of my preadolescent affection? Jack: Yeah. Dawson: Is she now? No. She's a friend. I would like to keep her one. Jack: Uh-huh. Famous last words. Dawson: Not every kiss has to be a life-altering event. Jack: I know. Believe me, I know. All right. I got to go. Dawson: Hey, can you take this with you to Jen's house, give it to Grams? Jack: How do you know I'm going over there? Dawson: Please? Jack: Yeah, ok. We're driving up to Provincetown. We're going to something called a gay-straight team coalition. Dawson: It sounds vaguely political. Jack: Yeah. Well, that's what I'm afraid of. Other than that, it should be interesting. I know. [They exit the dark room and Dawson goes to answer the front door.] Gretchen: Hey! Dawson: [Chuckles] hey. Gretchen: I, uh, I came by to, you know, help clean up, since it was sort of my party and all. But you have obviously done that already. Dawson: Yeah. Sorry. Jack: Yeah, ok, I'm going to go. Dawson: All right. Later. Gretchen: Later. [J SUMMARY:
Joey can't find a moment alone to study or deal with her feelings. Dawson's collaboration with Brooks begins, rejuvenating his filmmaking spirit. Jen takes Jack to a "Gay-Straight Teen Coalition" meeting but she seems to fit in with the crowd more than Jack does. They meet one of the lead members, Toby, and he clashes with Jack, leading to him being exceptionally keen to putting Jack down.
TEXT: INT. AUTOPSY ROOM - NIGHT (ELEVATOR DINGS) (LIGHT CLICKS ON) DUCKY: He's not an American Naval Officer? GERALD: They said he was a Royal Navy Commander. DUCKY: Well, which Royal Navy, Gerald? There are several of them. GERALD: I assume British, Doc. DUCKY: The Swedes, the Norwegians, Aussies, Kiwis, Saudis... they all have Royal Navies. GERALD: Well, the EMT only said that the Embassy told them to bring him to NCIS for autopsy. DUCKY: Which Embassy? GERALD: Israeli. DUCKY: Israeli? GERALD: That's what they said. DUCKY: Hmm. Why on earth would the Israeli Embassy send us a foreign naval officer? GERALD: Well that's what I asked the EMT that delivered the body, but they didn't know either. DUCKY: He calls me down here in the middle of the night, doesn't know which Navy. Gerald, what does this look like? GERALD: Uh... one of my gloves. DUCKY: What's it doing in my drawer? GERALD: I'm sorry, Doc, I must have put your gloves in my drawer. I'll get it. DUCKY: No, I'll do it. Ah, Gerald, unzip that body bag and find out with which Navy our guest sailed. (GERALD UNZIPS THE BAG) DUCKY: Don't recognize the uniform. I'm not surprised. The Royal Navies of the world wear almost identical uniforms. In fact, during World War Two, British Naval Officers whose ships went down in the channel, passed themselves off in Antwerp as German submariners who... good god. (CUT TO BLACK) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. AUTOPSY ROOM - NIGHT "BETE NOIR" ARI: Shut off the lights.... and return. Is the video SUMMARY:
Ducky responds to an emergency call when the Israeli Embassy sends a Royal Navy officer to NCIS for autopsy, only to find a gunman (revealed in later episodes to be recurring antagonist Ari Haswari ) inside the body bag. As Ducky, Gerald and eventually Kate are held hostage in the autopsy lab, the director and Gibbs coordinate with an FBI strike team to negotiate their release. Meanwhile, Kate questions herself after she hesitates when presented with an opportunity to kill her captor, while Gibbs and Tony assist with the hostage rescue team. Haswari asks for Gibbs in the autopsy lab and challenges him to try and shoot him.
TEXT: OPEN IN STARS HOLLOW - SIDEWALK [Lorelai is carrying a large garbage bag full of shoes and not looking where she is going. Miss Patty exits a shop.] PATTY: Whoa, honey. LORELAI: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. PATTY: Goodness, what's left to wear on your feet? LORELAI: I know it's a sickness. Everyone thinks it started with Bradshaw but actually it came over on the Mayflower. PATTY: What a wonderful history lesson. LORELAI: Anytime. [Man shouting in a foreign language inside a shop. Lorelai drops her bag as something flies out the door at her.] PATTY: Pasqualie's feeling unappreciated again. LORELAI: We had 'Stars Hollow Loves Pasqualie Day' last week. PATTY: Didn't stick. Oh, listen. I want to invite you to my anniversary party. LORELAI: Absolutely. Which husband? PATTY: Oh, no husband, honey. I'm talking about a lover that's been much more loyal and seductive than a husband. I'm talking about that business we call show. LORELAI: Ah. PATTY: Forty years. LORELAI: No. PATTY: Forty years ago today I did my first play off Broadway. LORELAI: [awed] Off Broadway. PATTY: Cleveland. LORELAI: That is off Broadway. PATTY: Anyhow, I thought I'd throw a big party. Food, booze, a little song, a little dance. A little salsa down your pants. LORELAI: Well, count me and my pants in. PATTY: Oh, wonderful! LORELAI: [picking up her bag] I will even drag Luke there. So if there's any audience participation, please pick on him. PATTY: Oh, Luke won't come. LORELAI: Sure, he will. I have very effective methods of persuasion. They include extremely high heels SUMMARY:
Miss Patty celebrates forty years in show business on the same day that Luke mourns his father's death; Terrence's urging Paris to get on with her life prompts her to try speed dating, where she hooks up with Doyle; Marty finally clues Rory in that both he and Logan are interested in her; Lorelai's attempt to do something nice for Luke backfires; Rory enlists Richard in turning the practical joke table back on Logan; at Headmaster Charleston's request, Rory happily gives Anna, a Chilton student and prospective Eli, the Yale grand tour, but the immature Anna manages to get both herself and her host in trouble with her party-crazed ways.
TEXT: "In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name: Merlin." Forest Merlin picks mushrooms in the woods. He hears screeching and gets chased by a griffin. Merlin falls and waits for a deadly blow. Lancelot yells and attacks the griffin with a sword. The sword breaks. Lancelot: Run! Run! Lancelot grabs Merlin and they run and hide behind a fallen tree. Lancelot holds his wounded side. Merlin: It's gone. You saved my life. I'm Merlin. Lancelot: Lancelot. They shake hands. Lancelot passes out. Gaius's chambers Gaius: The wound itself is superficial. The fever will pass. He should be fine in the morning. Uther and Arthur survey a burning village. Uther: What creature could've done this? Arthur: We found no tracks in or out. What the villagers say must be true: it has wings and... Uther: What? Arthur: And it took no livestock, only people. Whatever it is, it has a taste for human flesh. Uther: Post centuries in all the outlying villages. Put the lookouts on full alert. If this thing should make for Camelot, we must be ready. Merlin's chamber Lancelot: Ever since I was a child I've dreamed of coming here. It's my life's ambition to join the knights of Camelot. I know what you're thinking, I...I expect too much. After all, who am I? They have their pick of the best and bravest in the land. Merlin: Lancelot. Lancelot: Yes? Merlin: They are going to love you. Lancelot: They are? Merlin: I've seen you in action. You could shame the great Arthur himself. Lancelot: I hardly think so. Merlin: In fact, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to talk to him right now. Lancelot: You know Arthur? Merlin: Oh yes. Training grounds A nobleman swings a couple of swords around. Arthur: Right, you jumped up dung beet SUMMARY:
Merlin would have been killed by a griffin (half eagle, half lion) if it hadn't been for Lancelot, who attacks it and gets them away safely. Learning Lancelot's dream is to become a knight, Merlin brings him to court and magically forges proof of nobility so that he can apply. Lancelot passes hazing and close combat tests against Arthur, but is found out as commoner and jailed. When the griffin attacks Camelot, and also the royal castle, the knights' arms prove unable to harm the monster. Arthur frees Lancelot, who confronts the griffin. Merlin uses magic to help Lancelot triumph where all the other knights had failed. Uther and Arthur disagree over whether Lancelot can serve as a knight, and Lancelot leaves Camelot.
TEXT: THE MIND ROBBER BY PETER LING 5:20pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] LIBRARY (Jamie and Zoe are trapped inside an outsized book. The chapter title 'Un Renard' can clearly be seen with a subheading 'Pris au piege'. A White Robot enters a large library. The walls are lined with books. We can see several tables covered in books and papers. Several shelves of books exist forming a near maze.) JAMIE: It's a book Zoe, ZOE: Oh Jamie, JAMIE: It's closing on us. ZOE: No! (The book begins to close, trapping the two companions.) JAMIE: Push! ZOE: Push! JAMIE: Push! Oh keep it open! (The book closes and a White Robot moves in front of it blocking the view.) [SCENE_BREAK] MASTER CONTROL ROOM (On a viewing monitor, we see the final seconds of Jamie and Zoe being trapped in the book. The Doctor turns to face the Master who is seated behind his console.) DOCTOR: (Angrily.) What have you done to them? (He rushes over to stand before the Master.) THE MASTER: (Smiling.) They are no longer human beings, just fictional characters. Now if you consent to take my place here, they can be released. DOCTOR: You really would do that? THE MASTER: No, my dear sir, you would. Once you have taken up your post here, it could be your first official task as the new controller. DOCTOR: I see, how very ingenious. THE MASTER: I take it then, that you agree. DOCTOR: (Defiantly.) No! My answer is still no!. THE MASTER: How very unfortunate. (He pushes a button on the console. We see a door made of two glass panels with a hexagonal design slide apart to reveal two White Robots. As the Doctor turns to escape them, a third robot approaches blocking off his retreat.) THE MASTER: I'm sorry to have to use violent methods SUMMARY:
With Jamie and Zoe having been turned into fiction, the Doctor must find a way to save them without suffering the same fate or becoming part of the Master Brain.
TEXT: Written by Ira Ungerlieder. Transcribed by Josh Hodge. Minor additions and adjustments by Dan Silverstein. [The gang is walking to a newsstand late at night. Joey is anxiously in the lead.] RACH: Joey, would you slow down? They're not gonna be sold out of papers at one o'clock in the morning. JOEY: I'm excited! I've never gotten reviewed before. MNCA: You were so amazing as the king. I was really impressed, I was. PHOE: Although, you know what? You might want to consider wearing underwear next time. Yeah, cause when you sat down on your throne you could kind of see your... royal subject. JOEY: Here it is, here it is. [reading from newspaper] The only thing worse than the mindless, adolescent direction was Joseph Tribbiani's disturbingly unskilled portrayal of the king. CHAN: OK, look, that is one guy's opinion, alright. Phoebs, read yours. PHOE: OK. [reading] The only thing worse than the mindless, adolescent direction... CHAN: Does anyone have one from a different paper? Ross, read yours. ROSS: I don't want to. RACH: Joey, honey, they don't know what they're talking about. ROSS: Yeah. JOEY: Maybe they do. I've been doin' this ten years and I haven't gotten anywhere. There's gotta be a reason. ROSS: Oh c'mon. Maybe you're just, uhhh... paying your dues. JOEY: No, no, no, it.. it's too hard. It's not worth it. I quit. MNCA: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait one minute. Wait a minute. I believe this will change your mind. [Reads from paper] In a mediocre play, Joseph Tribbiana was able to achieve brilliant new levels of... continued on page 153...[turns it] sucking. Credits [S SUMMARY:
Monica gets back together with Fun Bobby, who the other friends realize has a drinking problem. Monica persuades him to quit drinking, only to discover he is no longer fun. Joey lands the role of Dr. Drake Ramoray, a neurosurgeon on Days of Our Lives after refusing to sleep with the casting lady, who admired his integrity. Rachel dates Russ, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Ross (both roles played by David Schwimmer ). After finally realizing Russ is Ross's double, Rachel dumps him. At the end, Russ and Julie ( Lauren Tom ) meet and fall in love at first sight.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Peyton : I'm having your baby. Lucas Scott. Lucas : I love you. Doctor : I just want to run some tests. Haley : I thought I was in charge of the school paper and had final say on what went in it. Mrs Buttkiss: You do. And I have final say on whether or not you work here. Nathan : That was the Charleston chiefs. You're looking at their newest point guard. Millicent : I had s*x last night. It was a mistake. It was supposed to be you. Mouth : I know. Millicent : Brooke says she needs a buyer in New York for costumes. Maybe I should go. Mouth : I think that might be best. Jamie : What's that. Grandpa? Dan : That's the thing that makes noise when it's time for me to get better. Julian : I want you to have this. It means we're going steady. Brooke : This is so wrong... but it's... so right. AT BROOKE'S HOUSE Brooke : You need to go. Julian : Why? What did I do? Brooke : You know what you did. Julian : Most girls like that. Brooke : Well not me. I'm gonna take a shower. And when I get out. I want you gone. Julian : I don't understand why it's such a big deal. Brooke: Because I don't do that! I'm a mother for God's sakes. Julian : Look Brooke. I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Okay? Really. I promise. Brooke : You promise? Julian : I promise Brooke : Okay you caught me a little off guard there. Julian : Understandable. I'm sorry. Brooke : I'm sorry I freaked out. Just as long as it doesn't happen again. Julian : You have my word. Never again will I say the words "I love you." Even though I do in fact love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Brooke : Quit SUMMARY:
Peyton and Lucas receive some startling news about their baby's condition. Brooke and Julian come to a crossroads within their relationship. It's Nathan and Haley's wedding anniversary, and as they celebrate, Dan and Deb are left to babysit Jamie. Elsewhere Mouth and Millie try to pick up the pieces of their relationship. This episode is named after a song by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy .
TEXT: Safety Officer: Sorry, you're not on the list. Blair: Of course you do! This is my dream! Security guard: Not anymore. Gossip Girl: Hi, the Upper East Siders. There's nothing Gossip Girl likes more than surprises. And we see the 2 in 1 formula enjoyed Blair Waldorf: his mother Eleanor who has just returned from Paris and Serena Van Der Woodsen lunching with girlfriends. Serena: Hey! You're standing. Blair: We had something planned? Eleanor: Honey, it's rude to interrupt. I just said to Serena, that Bendel is interrested by the shelving of my line. Blair: Really? It's great! Why did not you say anything? Eleanor: I returned to Paris early enough to meet my book and if they like what they see, it could be the beginning of a complete collection "lifestyle". Blair: Because more people should be like you mom. Eleanor: Before biting in there, you ought to interresser yogurt 0%. Blair: I lost a pound during your absence... Eleanor: And you are wonderful. Serena: They are beautiful, Ms. Waldorf. Eleanor: Well, they will be if they are not offended by the trip. Honey, please. Serena comes back later when everything is unpacked. I'd love to have your opinion. You have a beautiful style, good for you. Serena: Thank you, but it will not be possible. Blair and I have plans today. Bair: A good? Gossip Girl: Serena and Blair may have projects today, but Nate and Chuck are overbookés for all weekend... if they survive. Chuck: From Piaget. Nate: You can not call it a watch? Chuck: If it costs more than 10 bricks, it deserves its own name. Nate: And that? Chuck: Especially that. The ball Babe Ruth, the best that have ever typed for a home run. Better safe than sorry. Here we go! You survived the week and Ivy have fortunately gained entry to a tiquet the school of your choice. Now, ruining the chance SUMMARY:
Blair is thrilled when her mother, Eleanor, chooses her to be the new face of her clothing line. However, Blair's happiness soon turns to feelings of betrayal and jealousy when Serena moves into the spotlight and Blair finds herself back in Serena's shadow. Meanwhile, Serena and Dan are reminded once again that they come from two very different worlds, and Nate and Chuck indulge in a boys' weekend to blow off steam after Ivy Week.
TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Foyer. Prue and Phoebe are carrying lots of shopping bags.] Prue: I don't know Phoebe, the Betsey Johnson dress may be a bit too much for work. Phoebe: That's what a new wardrobe's all about. Pushing the limit. Prue: Yeah, and stretching the budget. Maybe I should just check with Piper. (They hear Piper laughing and then Piper and Leo run in the foyer. Piper sees them.) Piper: Oh my God, Prue. (She freezes Leo, trips over his leg and slides across the floor and stops at Prue and Phoebe's feet. They help her up.) Piper: I'm so embarrassed. Phoebe: Of course, she may have other things on her mind like having her way with the handyman. Piper: I thought you guys were supposed to be shopping. Prue: Obviously. (Phoebe notices Piper's shirt unbuttoned.) Phoebe: Oh, look, front clasp bra. She means business. Prue: Serious business. Piper: Do you mind? Phoebe: No, are you kidding? I think it's great. As long as he's not still on the clock. Piper: That's what I mean. You guys have to get out of here before he unfreezes. I never know how long this things lasts. (Piper sees all the shopping bags.) How much did you guys spend? Phoebe: Lots. Prue's new look is perfect for an SHW. Prue: SHW? Phoebe: Single Hot Witch. Prue: Hmm. Piper: Prue, are you sure this isn't depression buying, you know, post-breakup? (Phoebe gets some red, sexy lingerie out of a bag.) Phoebe: Does this look like something a depressed woman would wear? Prue: (to Piper) Hmm, maybe you should borrow it. Piper: Okay, time's up. You two gotta go. ( SUMMARY:
Rex uses astral projection to control Prue's mind, tricking her into stealing a tiara from a vault in the auction house. Prue ends up in jail. Rex blackmails the sisters into giving up their powers to him, but Leo, revealing himself as some kind of supernatural protector of the sisters, returns their powers to them. Now fully empowered, Prue, Piper and Phoebe defeat Rex and Hannah who are vanquished by evil forces for their failure.
TEXT: THE STONES OF BLOOD BY: DAVID FISHER Part Two Running time: 23:53 [SCENE_BREAK] ROMANA: Help! Help! [SCENE_BREAK] DE VRIES: Bind him to the stone. MARTHA: Leonard, I don't like this. DE VRIES: It is the will of the Cailleach. MARTHA: It's murder! DE VRIES: We cannot question the will of the Goddess. MARTHA: Leonard, think. Think what you're doing. DE VRIES: The Cailleach demands blood. MARTHA: She's never demanded a human sacrifice before. DE VRIES: I dare not oppose her will. I dare not. MARTHA: If it's her will, where is she? Why isn't she here? DE VRIES: She will come. MARTHA: Leonard, this man may be missed. He must have friends. Surely, if they inform the police DE VRIES: The Cailleach will have foreseen everything. We must have faith. She will come. [SCENE_BREAK] ROMANA: Help! Help me, somebody! Help me! [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: Hello. I hope that knife's been properly sterilised. DE VRIES: Blasphemer. DOCTOR: No, no, no, no. You can catch all sorts of things off a dirty knife, you know. Lockjaw, tetanus, not to mentions staphylococcal infections MARTHA: I'm not going to be a party to this. DOCTOR: Good for you. DE VRIES: Then don't be. DOCTOR: Hold it. Does your Cailleach ride a bicycle? DE VRIES: Bicycle? DOCTOR: Yes. DE VRIES: You'll die with blasphemy on your lips. DOCTOR: It's just that I can see a bicycle approaching, unless I'm very much mistaken. Over here! [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR (OOV.): Help! Over here! EMILIA: Hang on! I SUMMARY:
Romana ends up hanging on the side of a cliff while the Doctor is captured by Druid pagan worshipers. The Doctor and the Professor then go on a search for Romana after finding her shoes.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] ATTORNEY: Thank you, Ms. Davis. As of this moment, your ownership is terminated, and you are no longer affiliated with the Clothes Over Bros brand. MOUTH: You have a rock star and a famous actress fighting over you, and you're not sure you want to be with either one? CHASE: They both kind of screwed me up. MOUTH: So maybe you should move on. SYLVIA: Trick or treat! BROOKE: Aren't you a little old to be trick-or-treating? SYLVIA: Is my son here? JULIAN: Mom? BROOKE: Oh, please, God, no. MOUTH: Millie, you ready to go? MILLICENT: I found a ride. MOUTH: You're going home with Spartacus? MILLICENT: Just playing by your rules. CLAY: You're gonna be great at this. Troy must agree with me because he wants you to be his Agent. Congratulations, you signed your first client. CLAY: I think you should take that photo assignment, the one in South Africa. QUINN: Why? CLAY: Because this will save you. This won't. QUINN: I'll go. NALEY'S HOUSE Haley prepares the table for Thanksgiving. HALEY(Voice-over): Dear Lucas, I can't believe it's already Thanksgiving. Remember the time we shared the wishbone? You got the bigger side, but you let me make the wish. That day, I wished that we'd always find the good in our lives. I'm pretty sure that can come true whenever we want it to. So, I'm gonna make today about the good, because there's so much of it. BRULIAN'S HOUSE Brooke cooks. JULIAN: Ooh, Brooke Davis in the kitchen. Is it wrong that I'm getting turned on? BROOKE: A little bit. I'm trying to be domestic. JULIAN: Domestic Brooke is cute. BROOKE: Hang on. J SUMMARY:
It's Thanksgiving in Tree Hill. Brooke decides it's time to try her hand at a home-cooked Thanksgiving dinner but things don't really go as planned. All of the gang end up at Haley's for dinner where Mia and Alex have a cat fight over Chase. This episode is named after a song by Big & Rich . Opening theme song performed by Wakey!Wakey!
TEXT: Teaser BUFFY: I've been going out a lot. GILES: Patrolling? BUFFY: Hunting. Various shots of Buffy fighting and killing vampires. GILES VOICEOVER: Previously on BTVS... BUFFY VOICEOVER: That's... what Dracula called it. And he was right. Shot of Buffy talking to Giles. BUFFY: He understood my power better than I do. He saw darkness in it. Shot of Giles looking concerned. BUFFY: I need to know more. About where I come from, about the other slayers. I need you to be my Watcher again. Shot of Xander in Dracula's castle. XANDER: Dammit! You know what? I'm sick of this crap. I'm sick of being the guy who eats insects and gets the funny syphilis. As of this moment, it's over. I'm finished being everybody's butt-monkey! Shot of Buffy walking into a room in Joyce's house, seeing Dawn. BUFFY VOICEOVER: What are you *doing* here? Shot of Dawn looking annoyed. Shot of Joyce in her room, calling out. JOYCE: Buffy? If you're going out, why don't you take your sister? Shot of Buffy and Dawn looking annoyed in Joyce's direction. Buffy and Dawn (in unison): Mom! GILES VOICEOVER: There is nothing but you. Head-shot of Buffy with her eyes closed. Quiet, meditative music begins. GILES VOICEOVER: You are the center. And within you, there is the core of your being... of what you are. Shot of Giles walking in a circle around Buffy. GILES: Find it... breathe into it. We see Buffy wearing a tank-top and pants, leaning over a short pedestal with both her hands on it. Giles walks in front of her. GILES VOICEOVER: Focus inward. Let the world fall away... fall away... fall away... The camera zooms in SUMMARY:
Buffy is having trouble getting along with her sister Dawn , who is kidnapped by Harmony's gang. Harmony makes two inept attempts on Buffy's life, but fails each time and Dawn is saved.
TEXT: [Darren's (a/k/a Shanda Leer's) apartment. His arm and foot are in casts. His face is battered, bruised and swollen. His eye looks really gross. Justin has brought him some food from the diner.] Darren: Better not be a parakeet in there, Jane! Justin: Huh? Darren: Obviously you're not up on your gay film history. Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? Starting the two greatest bitch goddesses in the history of the human race, Miss Joan Crawford and Miss Bette Davis. 'Miss Crawford and I neeever got along.' Justin: I neeever saw it! Darren: I suppose there's no point in even mentioning Esther Blodgett. Justin: I know that one. It's A Star is Born, right? Darren: Oh, thank God! He really is gay! Justin: Eat. Darren: No, thanks. Justin: It's tuna salad, not parakeet. Darren: I'm not hungry. Justin: You're gonna need your strength. Darren: For what? The doctor says I might have a permanent limp. That should brighten up my act! Justin: What are you listening to the doctors for? After they stuffed my brain back in my head, they told me I'd never draw again. Darren: Well, do you? Justin: Yes. For about 15 minutes, then my hand starts to shake. So I use a computer. But the point is - Darren: You went on! Justin: Right. So will you. Darren: You're so reasonable. I keep hoping when they catch my bashers, they'll sentence them to life in prison and they'll get f*cked nightly by prisoners with AIDS. Justin: That's gruesome! Darren: It doesn't cost anything to dream! When it happened to you, weren't you angry? Justin: I tried not to think about it. Darren: I can't stop thinking about it. I see their faces, their boots smashing into me. I even hugged this one guy's foot to my stomach, hoping it would stop SUMMARY:
Brian decides to start his own ad agency. Ted struggles to re-enter life after rehab. Emmett and Michael discover their inner Faerie. Justin encourages a friend to fight back against his bashers.
TEXT: Danny: God damn it. Dewey: What? Danny: Dewey, you ever think about wearing deodorant? Dewey: You saying I stink? Danny: All I'm saying is, you can't smell that, you best go get your nose checked. You girls ready? Danny: I'm about ready to kick your ass. Let's go. All right. We're done here. It's like we discussed... wait 30 minutes, then head out. Stay off the highways. No speeding... Danny: Drinking, s*x after midnight. You get lit up, you're just an employee of the hr towing company. You don't know sh1t about that cargo. Danny: Yeah, I got it, sweet tits. Yeah, well, you better. Now, where in the hell do you think you're going? Nah, I ain't smelling your ass all the way back to Kentucky. He's your kin. You ride with him. Don't screw this up. [ Engine turns over ] Danny: Told you. Carl's on his way. The boys ain't far behind. Darryl: Yes, sir. I told you they'd handle this sh1t. It's gonna be a good-ass morning. Boyd: [ Sighs ] I believe I can take it from here. Darryl: Old Jimmy's a bit of a cold fish, ain't he? Boyd: A tired fish, more like it, and I can't say I blame him. Darryl: Well, if you ain't too tired, I'd love to discuss something with you. Boyd: Well, make it quick, 'cause that couch you're sitting on is calling my name. Darryl: I like the way you handle yourself, Boyd. I know when a man is worth a sh1t, and you are. So I want to tell you this, 'cause I don't want no secrets between us. You know, full disclosure and sh1t. Boyd: Well, let me guess... Hot Rod's boys didn't pull no weapons on you? Awfully SUMMARY:
Raylan partners with a maverick DEA agent whose bad behavior feels uncomfortably familiar, while Boyd makes a hard choice to protect Ava.
TEXT: Scene: The apartment. Amy: Item 28, your pet name for me. Time's running out on this. You need to make a decision. Sheldon: I submitted you a notarised list. Amy: I'm sorry, but Gollum and Flakey are not acceptable. Sheldon: Well, you don't like Princess Corncob, you don't like Fester, you're just impossible to please. Amy: We'll come back to that one. This brings us to the final item in our annual State of the Relationship Summit. Item 29, Valentine's Day. Sheldon: Ah, the worst for last. Hmm. Classic Flakey. Amy: Before you get upset, I believe I've come up with a way for us to celebrate the occasion that we both can enjoy. Sheldon: People usually start a meeting with a joke, but you go ahead, end with one. Amy: I propose we spend a weekend at a bed-and-breakfast in Napa Valley. Sheldon: I hate every word in that sentence. Including in, at, we and a. Amy: Come on, Sheldon. Why not? Sheldon: For starters, a bed-and-breakfast forces you to eat with strangers at your table. Amy: One step ahead of you, Bernadette and Wolowitz are going with us. Sheldon: Oh, very well. What are the sleeping arrangements? We've only been dating for three years. If we were to share a room, people might talk. Amy: I got you your own room. Sheldon: What if my room has a claw-foot bathtub? Amy: It doesn't. I know it makes you feel like you're bathing inside a monster. Sheldon: Look, I appreciate the effort, but I'm still unclear how this trip is supposed to be enjoyable for me. Amy: We're going to have Valentine's Day dinner on a fully functioning vintage train. Sheldon: Vintage? Be specific. Amy: An Alcoa FA-4 diesel locomotive leading a train of meticulously restored 1915 Pullman first-class coaches. Sheldon: Wow. I'm feeling the urge to hug you. And SUMMARY:
Amy plans a romantic Valentine's Day for her and Sheldon by having dinner with Howard and Bernadette on the Napa Valley Wine Train. Sheldon finds a friend in Eric who is equally crazy about trains, ruining Amy's plan. After she confronts him, Sheldon points out that Amy proposed the trip in the first place, prompting her to confess her trick and say she "deserves romance". Sheldon gets angry and offers her various sarcastic romantic gestures, including drinking wine, staring into each other's eyes, and kissing; however, the supposedly fake kiss becomes a real one, marking the first time Sheldon initiated physical contact between the two. Sheldon even seems to like the intimacy, as he invites Amy to visit the train's engine with him. While Leonard and Penny are supposed to be sitting Raj's dog Cinnamon, she eats the chocolates Penny gave Leonard. They rush her to the vet and are joined by an outraged Raj, who connects with the vet, Yvette, since both own dogs and disapprove of what Leonard and Penny did. At home, a surprised Raj discovers she gave him her phone number.
TEXT: ACT ONE Scene One - Cafe Nervosa Niles and Frasier are sat at a table together. Niles is ordering his coffee from Eric the waiter but Frasier just can't seem to get his. Niles: Double Cappuccino, half-caf, not-fat milk, with just enough foam to be aesthetically pleasing but not so much that it leaves a moustache. Eric: Cinnamon or chocolate on that? Niles: Oh, they make this so complicated. Um, cinnamon. Eric: [to Frasier:] And you? Frasier: Well let me see, I think I'll have the... Daphne enters the cafe and goes to the counter. Niles: Oh look, it's Daphne. Daphne! Frasier: Daphne. Daphne: Oh, hello, thought I might run into you here. Oh please, sit, sit. I just stopped in for a bag of beans, we're running low at home. Frasier: Oh, well good. [to Eric:] You know, I'd like... Eric: [intervening:] I'd be happy to help. Daphne: Two pounds of... Eric: [with Daphne:] The Kenya Blend. Daphne: Ho-ho, you remembered. Eric: Hard to forget. [Niles looks jealous.] Frasier: Excuse me, you haven't taken my order yet. Eric: [ignoring Frasier:] Most people find that blend too intense. Daphne: Not me, I like something that holds its body on my tongue. Niles, seduced by the language, spills cream all over the table. Frasier: Excuse me, we seem to have spilled something here. If you could... [Eric just throws down a dishcloth.] Eric: I don't suppose you would be into something robust, if it didn't come on too strong. Daphne: If it was a little bit sweet I might take a liking to it. Eric: Would you like to step over to the counter and try my special blend? Daphne: I'd love to. They go to the counter. Frasier SUMMARY:
After Niles has a fight with Maris, he and Daphne have a moment of mutual attraction during an attempt to make a reconciliation dinner. Stranded at Niles' mansion during a storm, Frasier must reach them before they do something Niles will regret.
TEXT: U.S. ARMY STORAGE FACILITY FRANKFURT, GERMANY (EXT. STORAGE FACILITY - NIGHT) It is raining and thundering. A jeep pulls into a complex past the guard station in front. A soldier in a rain pancho sends off a large army truck. As the truck pulls away, someone dressed in black with their face concealed under a balaclava uses a taser on the soldier, who falls down, unconscious. The intruder leaves him there and goes up some stairs and into a storage space. The intruder uses a blowtorch to cut open a locked gate. Meanwhile, another soldier has found the soldier unconscious on the ground. The intruder searches the storage facility with a flashlight and stops when they see a container with a red and white cross on it. SOLDIER: Kindt, we got a man down. It's Rodriguez. Do you copy? Do you copy? Do you copy? Come in! CUT TO a walkie talkie on the ground. Kindt is not responding because he is also knocked out. Alarms sound. The intruder takes a silver case and starts to leave, but runs into a soldier, who begins firing. The intruder ducks out of the way, behind a concrete column. The soldier's bullets hit some flammable barrels, which explode and start a fire. The intruder notices a window on the other side of the fire and leaps through the fire, breaking out of the window just as the rest of the barrels explode. They fall into an army truck bed below the window. The tarp breaks their fall. The intruder emerges from the truck and pulls off the balaclava. It is Renée Rienne. (INT. SYDNEY'S HOUSE - DAY) Sydney practices yoga with music on. Rachel walks in, wearing pajamas. RACHEL: Hey. SYDNEY: Hi. I wish I could still fit into those. Rachel looks down at what she is wearing. SYDNEY: Did you sleep okay? RACHEL: Yeah SUMMARY:
Having been exonerated once again for previous crimes against the United States, Sloane asks Jack to aid him in returning to APO. Jack had already put forth a request for his return, but for limited access. APO would use Sloane's extensive knowledge and contacts in return for any aid they can give in finding a cure for Sloane's daughter, Nadia. Sloane, however, is held up from returning by a Senator, which he later threatens at the behest of his new handler: Gordon Dean. After recognizing Renée Rienne on a surveillance camera during the theft of the "man in the box", Sydney and Thomas are sent to investigate. Rienne resuscitates the man in the box, who appears to be her father. After Sydney and Tom meet her and the man, their location comes under fire from a group of mercenaries. Meanwhile electroencephalogram records studied by APO prove that the man is not actually Renée's father, despite a perfect resemblance to him. After Sydney, Thomas, and Renée realize that the man is not Renée's father, the mercenaries succeed in extracting him. He is then brought to meet with Gordon Dean in North Korea, where he is identified as Dr. Desantis.
TEXT: [Scene: Photographic Studio. A photographer is looking through Prue's portfolio.] Mr. Corso: Everything is shot in digital now, you know. Prue: Yeah, I'm equipped. Mr. Corso: Nice stuff. Oh, I like this one. What lens did you use? Prue: 24f8 Mr. Corso: What shutter speed? Prue: 125. (A photographer shows Mr. Corso a photo.) Mr. Corso: Okay, lose the kicker, let the shuttle play there. (to Prue) Hmm, impressive. Prue: So does that mean I got the job? Mr. Corso: Based on your portfolio, yes. Based on your resume, no. Took a detour shutter bugging did you? Prue: Mr. Corso, I've changed careers, I'm not hiding that. But with all due respect, if you like my work that should be enough. I mean, you're hiring me, not my resume. Mr. Corso: You wanna shot? Get me a better one of Maggie Murphy. She's gonna be featured in our St. Paddy's day issue. (He hands her a picture of Maggie.) Something about being the unluckiest woman in San Francisco. And she's Irish. Down the hall where they do the writing, they call that irony. Address is on the back. Up until three months ago, she was like a saint. Helping the homeless, volunteering, charity. Then like overnight everything started going bad for her. Real bad. I want what you have in here, Prue. Artistic, soulful, point. I wanna see the inner Maggie in your photograph and I wanna see it by five o'clock today or don't bother coming back. Prue: Thank you. (She walks away.) [Scene: Rooftop of a building. Maggie is there. She walks over to the edge. The Darklighter appears.] Maggie: What am I doing? This isn't me. Darklighter: Yes it is. It's all my fault. The car accident, the fire, my brother's death. I hurt the ones I love. Maggie SUMMARY:
When Prue gets her first photography assignment, photographing the "unluckiest woman in San Francisco," she unintentionally gets on the bad side of a darklighter when she casts a spell on Maggie Murphy - a future whitelighter. Looking to take his revenge out on Prue by sending her terrifying messages telepathically, Piper and Phoebe are racing against time to save Prue before she takes her own life. Leo then makes a huge sacrifice to stop the darklighter's plan and ultimately gets his wings back.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Klaus: I assume I have the misfortune of speaking to my mother. Esther: I have come to heal our family. Klaus: She'd prefer to place us all in new bodies. Esther: Take the body of a mortal and all be happy again. It is time you bring Camille in. There's no need for this. Esther: My sons have taken quite the liking to you. [Chanting] Marcel: Proud werewolves on a witch's leash. I hope those rings you're wearing are worth it. Kol: You're gonna like me, Davina Claire, and I'm gonna let you pretend a while that you don't already. Esther: When he wakes, he'll make his own decision. Klaus: You declared war when you came after my family. You don't understand. Marcel: Slap them on a witch, can't do magic as long as they're on. Kol: Kidnapping. Rather unpleasant way to begin a family reunion. Klaus: Well, wait until you see how we end it. [SCENE_BREAK] [ PARK / MIKAELSON COMPOUND ] (At a park in an unknown location, children are playing football and playing on the playground as mothers push their children in strollers. Nearby, Rebekah smiles as she gently pushes Hope on an infant swing) Klaus: (V.O.) We arrive into this world as innocents. Wide-eyed. Vulnerable. It is the job of our parents to nurture and protect us. Unfortunately, our own parents failed miserably at even the most basic of parental tasks. But, we are not beholden to the past they created for us. (The camera cuts to the MIKAELSON MANSION, where Klaus and Elijah are having breakfast in the dining room with Kaleb/Kol and Vincent/Finn, who are still bound with their enchanted manacles that prevent them from doing magic. Compelled servants in suits place platters of breakfast pastries on the table) Klaus: Today, a new future awaits. Forget your animosity toward Elijah SUMMARY:
Rebekah, who was spent months away living a normal life with baby Hope, finds herself on the run when she realizes that Esther found them. Convinced that Vincent/Finn and Kaleb/Kol would be powerful allies in his fight to take down Esther, Klaus sets a plan in motion to turn his brothers against their mother. Meanwhile, Hayley is conflicted when she and Jackson stumble upon an ancient ritual that would get their werewolf packs out from under Esther's control, but would require her to make a tremendous sacrifice. The ritual is about Hayley and Jackson getting married so that their packs can have Hayley's hybrid powers. Elsewhere, Rebekah is meeting with Elijah and is concerned when she notices something is off with him. Finally, Davina takes matters into her own hands by turning to dark magic so she can poison Klaus, and Cami finds out that Esther prepared her body for Rebekah to jump into it. Lastly, we see Klaus talking with Rebekah about Elijah and then he and Hayley are going to see their daughter.
TEXT: 203 - The Nightmare Begins "In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name: Merlin." Morgana's Chambers - Day A thunderstorm rages. Morgana stirs restlessly in her sleep and magically lights candle by her bed. GWEN: I brought you some extra blankets, I thought you might be cold... Gwen blows out the candle and puts it by the window. Morgana magically lights candle in her sleep again. She wakes, stares at the candle and makes the flame burn higher, burning her curtains. She screams and blows out her windows. Morgana's Chambers - Day Merlin cleans up the burnt fragments and glass. GWEN: I came back in with some extra blankets. There was a candle, but I put it out. UTHER: Are you sure? GWEN: I blew it out, I swear. ARTHUR: Gwen's been Morgana's servant for years. If she said she blew it out, I believe her. UTHER: She could've been burnt alive. ARTHUR: Lightning struck the castle roof last night, that could've started the fire. UTHER: Perhaps. ARTHUR: What other explanation is there? UTHER: Someone started the fire deliberately. Castle - Courtyard Corridor - Day Uther and Arthur walk down the corridor. UTHER: How did they reach Morgana's chambers unchallenged? ARTHUR: I don't know. There are too many guards. It shouldn't be possible. UTHER: And yet they managed to do so. ARTHUR: I can't explain it. UTHER: Well I can. They used magic. Arrest all those we have under suspicion. ARTHUR: That's gonna take time. UTHER: My ward has been attacked. Time is something we do not have. Gaius's Chambers - Day Merlin approaches the room and overhears Gaius and Morgana. GAIUS: What I don't understand, Morgana is how the fire started in the first place SUMMARY:
When Morgana's nightmares spill into waking hours, she becomes terrified that she has magical powers. Gaius is determined to keep her in the dark for her own good but Merlin won't stand by and watch his friend suffer. He knows exactly what she's going through and he knows she needs the truth. Is Merlin about to reveal his secret at last? Wilfully disobeying Gaius, Merlin risks everything to help Morgana, not knowing what the far-reaching consequences might be. Lives are put in danger, loyalties are tested, and Morgana is reunited with the strange young druid boy Mordred, who the dragon predicted would one day kill Arthur.
TEXT: Originally written by Marta Kauffman and David Crane Transcribed by Mindy Mattingly Phillips [[email protected]] CHANDLER: This is unbelievable. It's been like a half an hour. If this was a cartoon, you'd be looking like a ham right about now. JOEY: There's the waitress. Excuse me, Miss. Hello, Miss? CHANDLER: It's Phoebe! Hi! URSULA: Hi. Ok, will that be all? CHANDLER: Wait, wait! Wh-What are you doing here? URSULA: Yeah, um, I was over there, and then you said "excuse me, hello miss," so now I'm here. JOEY: No, no how come are you working here? URSULA: Right, yeah, 'cause it's close to where I live, and the aprons are really cute. CHANDLER: Can we start over? URSULA: Yeah. Ok, great. I'm gonna be over here. CHANDLER and JOEY: No no no! ROSS: I don't know whether he's testing me, or just acting out, but my monkey is out of control. But, he keeps erasing the messages on my machine, supposedly by accident. RACHEL: Oh, yeah, I've done that. ROSS: And then, like three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did and pee-ed all over the crossword. RACHEL: I've never done that. CHANDLER: All right, now look at her and tell me she doesn't look exactly like her sister. JOEY: I'm sayin' I see a difference. CHANDLER: They're twins! JOEY: I don't care. Phoebe's Phoebe. Ursula's--hot! CHANDLER: You know that thing, when you and I talk to each other about things. Let's not do that anymore. JOEY: Hey Pheebs, guess who SUMMARY:
Joey falls for Phoebe's identical twin sister, Ursula, making Phoebe feel neglected. Meanwhile, Chandler finds himself between a rock and a hard place when he has to fire an employee he is attracted to. Ross has doubts about parenthood when he attends Lamaze classes with Carol and Susan. Meanwhile, Monica is unable to fix her TV after Marcel puts it on the "SAP" function to Spanish. After weeks of procrastinating, Rachel finally takes down the Christmas lights on their balcony, only to fall off and sprain her ankle. In addition to Lisa Kudrow appearing as Ursula, Leila Kenzle and Helen Hunt guest star as Fran Devanow and Jamie Buchman from Mad About You.
TEXT: Scene 1: At Bill's house - Sookie, Sam Sookie and Sam are screaming. He's at Dean's place, on the bed. Sookie (shouting): What the hell are you doing here? Sam: Nothing. Sleeping. Sookie: Did you touch me? Sam: Hell no, I swear. Sookie, listen. Bill asked me to look after you while he was away. Sookie: Did he ask you to do it buck-naked? Sam: No, no. Sookie: I want you out of here. Now. Sam: Listen, listen, Sookie. I need to tell you something about me, something I've never told another person. Sookie: Oh, my God, it's you. You're the murderer. Sam: No, no, Sookie... Sookie: Oh, my God, you killed my grandmother. He tries to touch her and clam her but she hit him and run away, to the bathroom. She closes the door behind her and hinds in the shower. The door is open. Sookie sees Dean behind it. Dean becomes Sam. Sookie is stunned. Sam: I'm not the killer, I swear. I'm a shape-shifter. Sookie: Shut the f*** up. Credit Scene 2: In the woods - Miss Jeanette, Tara Tara and Miss Jeanette are on the ground in the woods, and Miss Jeanette prepares her stuff for the exorcism. Tara: What's that for? Miss Jeanette: Give me your hand. Tara: Why? Miss Jeanette: "Why, why, why? Why's it have to be in the woods? Why's it have to be before dawn? Why 799.95? Why, why, why?" You think knowing the answers will save you? Shut up and give me your hand. Miss Jeanette spit in Tara's hand. Tara: You nasty b****. Miss Jeanette: That's cleaner than anything you've ever touched. Hold it on the fire. Keep it there. Angelica root and spit. A lot stronger than holy water. You got poison oozing out your pores. You live near a highway? Tar SUMMARY:
Sookie jumps out of bed and races into the bathroom, screaming that Sam is the murderer. He follows her and confesses to being a shapeshifter, even shifting into the dog and back right in front of her. Later, he and Sookie discuss their situation and, after Sookie asks him how many more supernatural creatures there are in the world, he says that there are more than she could imagine. Sookie storms off, angry about having been lied to. Tara goes back to Miss Jeanette to get her exorcism, during which she is fed a strange solution which makes her hallucinate a young version of herself, which represents all the negative feelings Tara is trying to exorcise. Tara kills the hallucination and Miss Jeanette comforts her, telling Tara that it is over. Amy discovers Jason's deception, but decides to forgive him, even going so far as to say they should start treating Eddie more like a member of their family. Tara returns home to share the good news with her mother, but Tara's celebration is short-lived when she discovers that Miss Jeanette is a fraud who fed Tara and her mother ipecac and peyote . Tara decides to hide the truth from her mother. Lafayette is paid a visit by the state senator seen in Mine . He is looking for V, but Lafayette has something more physical for him. Sam reminisces about the first time he ever shapeshifted as a teenager. When he returned home from school the next day, his adoptive parents had packed up their things and left. That night, there is an engagement party at Merlotte's for Arlene and Rene and almost the whole town turns out, but Sookie is lonely there without Bill, who has been taken before a vampire tribunal, where a ruthless Magister deals out justice. Tara has too much to drink, fights with Sam and storms off. On the road, she swerves to avoid a naked woman walking a large pig and ends up being arrested. Andy gets closer to the truth about Sam, Sookie has a vision of a young woman being murdered and the killer suddenly strikes at her, but she manages to escape his clutches. Lafayette learns that Jason did something to Eddie and lashes out at him for being reckless. He and Amy return home arguing about Eddie. Jason wants to free him, but Amy is scared of him and of losing Jason, so she stakes Eddie right in front of Jason. The Magister hands down a creative punishment for Bill: he must turn a young teenager named Jessica into a vampire. And although Bill pleads with the Magister, the sentence is handed down and the episode ends with Bill feeding on her.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] BROOKE : Rachel. OWEN : Rachel? Rachel, can you hear me? RACHEL : I can't be alone again. BROOKE : you're not gonna be. You're coming home with me. Come here. LUCAS : Lindsey Evelyn Strauss... will you marry me? NATHAN : go! Carrie, get out of this bedroom right now. HALEY : I have been through a lot with you, Nathan. I have been through better and worse, in sickness and health, but I will not do infidelity. NATHAN : It wasn't like that, okay? I wasn't into her. HALEY : You call kissing Carrie and watching her swim naked not being into her? NATHAN : I didn't kiss her how many times do I have to tell you that? I can't take it anymore. HALEY : Don't you dare turn this around on me. HALEY : Jamie! NATHAN : Jamie HALEY : Jamie. Oh, god, please! HALEY : no, you stay away from us! This marriage is over NATHAN : Haley. HALEY : Please, god. I want... I want a divorce. LUCAS' HOUSE Nathan's sleeping on the couch. Lindsey put a blanket on him and walk to Lucas' room, who's a his desk. LUCAS (voiceover) : Albert Camus once wrote, "blessed are the hearts that can bend, they shall never be broken." LUCAS : Good morning. LINDSEY : Poor Nathan LUCAS : Yeah, I know. If I'd have known he'd been here a week, then I'd clear out my mom's room. LINDSEY : Have they even seen each other this week? LUCAS : Oh, no, i don't even think they've spoken. LINDSEY : Right. The last thing I want Haley worrying about is throwing a bachelorette party when her marriage is struggling. LUCAS : SUMMARY:
On the eve of Lucas and Lindsey's marriage, they conspire to save Nathan and Haley's. Brooke sets Peyton up with an old boyfriend, while still dealing with Victoria. Rachel returns to Tree Hill, and Dan comes back hoping for a fresh start.[23] This episode is named after a song by Morrissey .
TEXT: MUSIC IN: INT. PRISON VAN - MOVING DISPATCHER: (V.O./FILTERED) Transport three three four, we're hearing a tractor trailer flipped over on two ninety five. It's a parking lot. DRIVER: (INTO PHONE) Three thirty four, roger that. Tell the judge we're going to be a little while. We'll peel off at New Kent. I'll take King Williams to River Road. MARSHAL: No, just stay on Seventeen the whole way. DRIVER: (INTO RADIO) Yeah, wait one. My wife is giving me directions. MARSHAL: I don't want to take the damn scenic route. You've got all those stop lights in New Kent. (SFX: DRIVER SUFFERS HEART ATTACK/ GASPS/ GROANS) DRIVER: I can't breathe...! MARSHAL: Just pull it over to the side. Richie...? Stop the bus!(SFX: BUS SCREECHES TO A STOP) MARSHAL: Richie, are you okay? (SFX: GATE OPENS) (SFX: TONY AS A PRISONER STRANGLES THE MARSHAL) TONY: Come on, let's get out of here! [SCENE_BREAK] EXT. CLEARING - NIGHT (MUSIC OVER ACTION/TONY AS PRISONER AND JEFFREY RUN INTO THE CLEARING) (MUSIC OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/ SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) MUSIC IN: EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY (SFX: CAR BRAKES TO A STOP) GIBBS: How did it go? MARSHAL: Perfect. Didn't feel a thing. GIBBS: Did White seem to buy it? DRIVER: He bought it all right. He was scared. You could smell it. GIBBS: (INTO PH SUMMARY:
Tony goes undercover as an escaped prisoner. He is tasked with sticking to a convict who has information about stolen Iraqi antiques. During the investigation, Tony disappears, and the GPS locator that Abby placed on him is no longer working. After some startling discoveries in the case including information that the convict Tony is accompanying may in fact be a murderer with blood on his hands, the team realize that Tony's life may be in danger and race against time to find him before it's too late. Back at the office, McGee has to deal with the intrusions of the Deputy Secretary of State.
TEXT: EXT. Daytime Lisbon and Jane enter the garden, Cho is already on site Cho: Victim's Noah Valiquette. 32. Lives a few blocks away. The local P.D. says a clown shot him, cut off his finger. (A stretcher passes next to the small group, Jane takes the opportunity to look at the mutilated hand protruding from the sheet covering the body) Lisbon: A clown? Which finger? Cho: Right index. Lisbon: Any witnesses? Cho: Yeah, the, uh, convenience store owner heard the shot, caught a glimpse of the suspect taking off. Now I'm thinking that shooter forced him into the alley, killed him in there. Jane: Did the killer take the finger with him? Cho: Looks that way. Jane (examining his own hand): Uses for a detached index finger... Lisbon: Sending a message? Jane: Hmm. Un policier en uniforme: You from CBI? Lisbon: Agent Teresa Lisbon. This is Patrick Jane. Uniformed Policeman (Ellis Hindon): Ellis Hindon. Glad your office is close. This is a little out of our league. We tried not to screw it up. Preserved the crime scene, canvassed the area for witnesses and put out a description of the attacker. Lisbon: It sounds like you guys know what you're doing. Why call us? Ellis Hindon: This is who we picked up off the description. (Dozens of clowns dressed from head to foot in the street, waiting to be questioned by police) Jane (smiling): They're all crying on the inside. [ CREDITS ] (Clowns everywhere) Clown with green wig: There was this casting notice online. Said they were holding auditions today for a circus movie shooting in Solano County. They were looking for clown talent, specified we should come in costume. Van Pelt: Was there a name on the ad? Contact information? Un clown a perruque verte fluo: No, just the address and time. What's your name again? Van Pelt: Van Pelt. Clown with green wig: Well, Miss Van P. (pulls out a SUMMARY:
Jane and the CBI team investigate the death of Noah Valicat, murdered by a gun-wielding clown who cuts off the victim's right index finger. The CBI has to process scores of clowns, there for a movie audition. Lisbon and Jane interview the victim's brother Rafe and his widow Daphne. Noah was a mathematical genius, but a poor one, who had recently started using his skills to work as a day trader . He always hoped that one of his home-inventions would prove successful; meanwhile they barely survived on Daphne's waitress salary. Jane sees an unfinished chess game in progress - Noah was playing with chess with Tolman Bunting who runs a store selling puzzles. Jane and Bunting begin a verbal chess game with no board or pieces. Van Pelt finds that Noah's day-trader job was fictitious, instead finding files of seemingly random numbers and letters routinely e-mailed to "BeastSlayer". Lisbon is phoned by a panicked Daphne saying someone is in her house. The CBI team arrives. No one is inside but the house has been ransacked and the carpet in the bedroom has been ripped back to reveal a high-tech floor safe, which Daphne says she did not know about. Lisbon finds the safe's key under the bed: Noah's missing finger. Looking through the safe's contents, Jane finds a locker key marked 42. Jane makes himself tea in the neatly organized kitchen. "BeastSlayer" is Alec Mosca who says Noah offered to give analysis on his bets for a 10 percent cut which proved profitable for them both, but that lately his analyses were all wrong, angering Mosca who is now seriously in debt. Lisbon and Jane discover that Bunting is secretly employing computer geeks in a computer security business. Bunting says Noah was working on a "universal hack", a priceless device capable of decoding any encryption. He offered three people $2 million for whoever could do it first. Three weeks ago Noah called and said he'd done it but worried about it falling into the wrong hands. Bunting did not believe him. Jane tells him about the locker key. One of the other people building a device is in Amsterdam, the other is Oliver McDaniel who is a patient in a secure mental hospital. As Lisbon and Jane interview him, McDaniel eats spaghetti and meatballs from a tin can, and seems uninterested in the universal hack device and the locker key that Jane shows him. Jane learns that McDaniel's music player plays soothing ocean sounds. As soon as Lisbon and Jane leave, Noah escapes using a duplicate pass-key made long before which he has been using to come and go as he pleases. Jane spots McDaniel's escape to Brazil as a ruse and instead goes to a seaside resort - McDaniel's choice of "music" inferred it and he ordered tins of spaghetti and meatballs. As the CBI team follows McDaniel a hooded man knocks him out. The team chases him into (and out of) a locker room, McDaniel's destination. They arrest the hooded man - Bunting. Jane recovers the universal hack device from the locker that is 4 rows across and 2 down. McDaniel says that during Noah's murder he was at a strip club's buffet. Bunting uses his contacts and the Attorney General orders Lisbon to drop the charges. Jane meets Daphne, Rafe and Bunting at the Valicat house with the universal hack machine - Bunting wants it but Jane says Daphne, as the widow, is the owner. The machine does not work until Daphne flicks a switch. Text appears on the screen, scrolling: "My wife killed me." Daphne admits murdering Noah because her life was lonely and a drudge. She wanted the wealth the universal hack would provide but Noah hid it. She knew about the safe and how to open it (Noah's finger) but the device was not in there. Jane tells Lisbon he figured out it was her as the kitchen was unsearched during the (fake) break-in because it was her domain - she knew it was not in the kitchen. At CBI headquarters Bunting takes possession of the device. Jane apologises that he had "a little fiddle with it" - now it is nothing more than a collection of useless loose parts. Threatening legal action Bunting is about to stalk out when Jane finishes their chess game, by winning.
TEXT: Scene: The Cheesecake Factory Penny: Hey. So you guys ready to order? Sheldon: Since we come in every Tuesday night at six o'clock and order the same exact thing, and it's now six oh eight, I believe your question not only answers itself but also stands alongside such other nonsensical queries as who let the dogs out? and, uh, How are they hanging? Penny: Okay. So, the usual, with extra spit on Sheldon's hamburger. Amy: Penny, a moment? Do you have plans this weekend? Penny: Oh, gee, Amy, I'm sorry, I'm actually pretty busy this weekend. Sheldon: Probably serving food that was ordered today. Amy: That's too bad. I was hoping you could be my plus-one at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies' symposium on the impact of current scientific research on societal interactions. Penny: The what? Leonard: It's an annual science conference. We've all been invited to speak. Penny: Oh. Oh, okay, well, you know, like I said, I have plans, so. Amy: Shame. Since you're my best friend, I thought it would be a good bonding opportunity. Penny: I'm your best friend? Amy: Don't you read my blog? Penny: Oh, don't feel bad. I never read Leonard's, and I used to sleep with him. Amy: Do you know anybody else who would appreciate an all-expense-paid spa weekend at a four-star resort in Big Sur? Penny: No, I really, I'm sorry, free what? Sorry, what, what? Leonard: I think her weekend just opened up. Penny: Wait, wait, just to be clear, when you guys say spa, does that mean the same thing as when regular people say it? Leonard: Pretty much. Except we keep our shirts on in the sauna. Penny: You know, it is going to be difficult, but I'm going to cancel my plans so I can do this for my bestie. Amy: Please don't touch my breasts. Penny: I, I wasn't going to. Amy: All right. I just want to SUMMARY:
Amy asks Penny to join the group at a science conference in Big Sur. Things go fairly well until Howard meets Glenn, a large handsome man that Bernadette used to date. Howard's insecurities anger Bernadette, setting off a chain reaction of bed swapping that causes the next day's science panel to become a series of personal recriminations, much to Sheldon's surprise. He tries to get the panel back on track by asking for questions from the audience, but the only question is from Penny for a ride back to Los Angeles. When Glenn offers to give her a lift, Leonard instantly objects. When the group drives back home (without Penny), everyone except Sheldon is in a foul mood.
TEXT: ACT ONE Scene One - KACL The Frasier Crane Show. Frasier: [on air] Well, I think we have time for one last call, who's up next, Roz? Roz: We have Elliot, on line three. Frasier: Hello, Elliot. I'm listening. Elliot: [v.o. He sounds like a thirteen year old] Well, you see Dr. Crane, I have a problem. I'm a salesman... Frasier: Ah, a salesman? How old are you? Elliot: Forty-three. Frasier: Forty-three? Elliot: Yes. Frasier: Now tell. Let's be truthful. Elliot: I'm forty-three. Frasier: Elliot, we were not born yesterday. Clearly you are just an adolescent, trying to prove to your little friends how clever you are by getting on the radio. But you know what you are really doing, you're taking time away from people with real problems. Elliot: Hey, I'm forty-three, I was born in New Providence, and I have a very young-sounding voice that people make fun of all the time! Frasier: [contrite] Oh, I'm so sorry, Elliot, that was very insensitive of me. Elliot: Hah! Gotcha, Dr. Doofus! On the other end we hear Elliot and a group of boys laughing. Frasier: Yes, indeed you did "get us," Elliot, but we are not so stuffy here on this program that we can't laugh at ourselves from time to time. [off-air] Roz, can't you keep these pimply- faced little maggots off the air?! [on air] Well, that's our show for today. This is Dr. Crane signing off and wishing you good mental health. He goes off the air and exits through Roz's booth. Frasier: Have a good weekend, Roz. Roz: Wait, Frasier. I want to ask you SUMMARY:
After Martin bemoans his sons' rarefied tastes and avoidance of all that is ordinary, they try to prove him wrong by fixing the toilet; they make the problem worse, call in a plumber, and find that they have hired Danny Kriezel (John McGinley), a bully who tormented Niles long ago, and his brother, who bullied Frasier.
TEXT: RECAP OF "THE TIME OF ANGELS" [SCENE_BREAK] Matt Smith Karen Gillan "Flesh and Stone" by Steven Moffatt Producer Tracie Simpson Director Adam Smith [SCENE_BREAK] INT. MAZE OF THE DEAD, AT THE BYSANTIUM Everyone recovers from the jump. AMY is sitting on the ground. DOCTOR: (stands) Up! Look up! RIVER: (to AMY) You OK? AMY: What happened? RIVER: We jumped. AMY: Jumped where? DOCTOR: Up, up, look up! AMY: Where are we? RIVER: Exactly where we were. AMY: No we're not. DOCTOR: Move your feet! (sonics an indentation on the floor) AMY: (looking around) Doctor, what am I looking at? Explain. DOCTOR: Oh, come on, Amy, think! The ship crashed with the power still on, yeah? So what else is still on? We see that they are standing on the bottom of the Bysantium. DOCTOR: The artificial gravity. One good jump, (jumps) and up we fell. Shot out the grav-globe to give us an updraft, and here we are! (returns to sonic the indentation) OCTAVIAN: Doctor. The statues, they look more like Angels now. DOCTOR: They're feeding on the radiation from the wreckage, draining all the power from the ship, restoring themselves. Within an hour, they'll be an army! The indentation opens up into the ship just as the lights start going out. DOCTOR: They're taking out the lights. Look at them, look at the Angels. Into the ship, now, quickly all of you! (slips into the hole) AMY: But how? Doctor! (peers into the hole to see the DOCTOR standing upright) INT. BYZANTIUM CORRIDOR: DOCTOR: It's just a corridor. The gravity orientates to the floor. Now, in here, all of you., don't take your eyes off the SUMMARY:
Following "The Time of Angels", the group are standing upside-down on the ceiling of the labyrinth thirty feet above the opening of the Byzantium (which they enter to escape the Weeping Angels). A crack similar to the one in Amy's bedroom in "The Eleventh Hour" appears inside the ship. The Doctor discovers that the crack, which erases people and things from existence, was caused by an explosion on 26 June 2010. A projection of a Weeping Angel entered Amy's eye after she looked into a Weeping Angel's eye in the previous episode, and the Doctor tells her to keep her eyes closed. As the gravity fails, the Weeping Angels fall into the crack (erasing them from history, and from Amy's eye). Amy asks the Doctor to take her home; resisting her attempt to seduce him, he learns that Amy and Rory's wedding day is 26 June 2010.
TEXT: SCENE: Storybrooke. Present time. Emma's house. [SCENE_BREAK] ( Insects chirping ) [SCENE_BREAK] Rumplestiltskin: ( Giggles ) Beautiful, aren't they? Both halves finally reunited. You know what they represent, now, don't you? Emma: Power. Rumplestiltskin: It's much more than power, dearie. It's history. Excalibur's promise was born eons ago. And now it's time for that promise... To be fulfilled. [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Desert. 1000 years ago. [SCENE_BREAK] ( Both grunting ) Man: They following?! Merlin: No. They wouldn't trail escaped generals into this, much less foot soldiers. ( Groans ) ( Breathing heavily ) ( The sun glitters off something in the distance. ) Merlin: Look, look! There it is again. Man: It's a mirage, Merlin. There's no water there. Merlin: I would rather find out for sure than lie here and die. Come on. ( They approach a gilded goblet of water on a rock. ) Man: That's a gift from the Gods. Merlin: We are hardly worth notice of the Gods. Man: The Gods could do worse. But if you don't want any... ( The man places his hands around the goblet and starts screaming. He turns to dust. ) Merlin: ( Sighs ) Well, then... To drink or die? With your permission... ( Merlin drinks from the goblet. ) ( Breathing deeply ) Merlin: Thank you. Thank you. ( Merlin drinks from the chalice. Under his hand, the desert turns to greenery. ) Merlin: I have magic. [SCENE_BREAK] ( Birds chirping ) [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Camelot. Six weeks ago. Granny's. [SCENE_BREAK] David: So you can really do it... Take the dark one dagger and put it together with Arthur's sword to re SUMMARY:
In flashbacks, it is revealed that Merlin drank from the Holy Grail about 1,033 years ago, begetting his transformation into a wizard, able to heal the forlorn of his thriving village, he becomes a Christ-like figure. He meets a distraught woman by the name of Nimue, whose village and family were slaughtered by a mongol named Vortigan . Over time the two fall in love, but Merlin's immortality is an obstacle. They set out on a journey to forge the grail into a sword, that will cut away his immortality. Using the Promethean Flame, Merlin conjures Excalibur, but Vortigan attacks them, apparently killing Nimue. However, Nimue had also drunk from the grail. Citing her newfound ability to take vengeance, she kills Vortigan, becoming the first Dark One, and breaks the sword into two pieces. Meanwhile, in Camelot, Merlin and Emma set out on a journey to speak with the first Dark One and claim the Promethean Spark; while Zelena double-crosses the heroes and joins forces with Arthur. Zelena imbues Merlin's name to the broken Excalibur, and Arthur uses it to command the suddenly enslaved Merlin to do his bidding.
TEXT: Front of school Spinner: (To extras) Yeah, alright. Take it easy. Marco: (Walks up to Spinner sitting on steps) So... Spinner: So, what? Marco: Look Spin. Um... you didn't tell anyone, did you? Spinner: Tell anyone what? Marco: About what I said yesterday... (Spinner acts confused) At the café... (Spinner shrugs his shoulders, acting to be clueless) Man, after the date with Hazel. You know what I'm talking about! Spinner: (Laughs) Dude, I can't read your mind, so just say it. Marco: (Sits down next to Spinner) That I'm gay. Spinner: Oh that! Well, you know, maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. (Gets up and walks away) [Opening Credits] In hallway Ellie: (Walking down hallway with Marco) I'm sure he didn't tell anyone. Why would he? Marco: To make my life a living hell... (Cut to Craig and Jimmy) Craig: (To Jimmy) Alright, Spin asked us to keep it a secret until he's thought about it more, so you can't tell anybody, alright? Jimmy: Promise. (Ellie and Marco overhear) Ellie: (To Jimmy and Craig) Keep what a secret? Marco: (Says nervously) Yeah...what's the big news? Jimmy: Uh....okay, Paige is turning 16 in a few weeks, and Spin is planning a surprise party. Craig: Yeah, meaning you two can tell no one. Marco: (Feeling relieved, hugs Craig and Jimmy) Guys, I'll carry the secret to my grave, okay? (Walks away) See you in homeroom, huh? (Bumps into extra and apologizes) (Ellie walks away while giving a confused look to Craig and Jimmy) Media Immersion Lab Emma: (Knocks on window to Snake inside, waves, and walks inside) Hey! Just wanted to check in, see how you're holding up. Snake: Good! Well my last meal was 14 hours ago, so I'm a little hungry, but u SUMMARY:
Spinner tries to cut Marco out of his life after he learns that he is gay, and Marco wonders if he should keep it a secret from everyone else until an encounter with a group of homophobic guys shows him who his real friends are. Meanwhile, Snake gets sicker and finds out he has leukemia.
TEXT: •I do not own the characters or situations of BTVS, and I claim no credit for the content of this episode. I have merely transcribed what appeared on my screen, with help from the closed captions. •I prefer that you link to this transcript on the Psyche site rather than post it on your site, but you can post it on your site if you want, as long as you keep my name and email address on it. Please also keep my disclaimers intact. •You can use my transcripts in your fanfiction stories; you don't have to ask my permission. (However, if you use large portions of episode dialogue in your fanfic, I recommend you give credit to the person who wrote the episode.) •I apologize in advance for my lame transcription of the fight scenes. I don't know the names of different punches and kicks. Use your imagination. [SCENE_BREAK] Teaser GILES VOICEOVER: Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer... Buffy entering the living room. BUFFY: Mom? Joyce lying on the sofa. Paramedics working on Joyce. PARAMEDIC: I'm sorry, your mother's dead. Buffy reacting. XANDER: Anya, you wanna marry me? Anya staring at Xander as he holds out the ring. Buffy running across the platform on the tower, jumping into the wormhole. The gang gathering around Buffy's dead body. Xander reading from Giles's note. XANDER: 'I've gone. Not one for long goodbyes, I thought it best to slip out quietly. Love to you all, Giles.' Giles at the airport, turning away. WILLOW: There he goes. Giles's plane taking off. WILLOW: Guys, I need you on board here. XANDER: This is deep stuff, Willow. We're talking about raising the dead. WILLOW: It's time we stop talking. TARA: What if something does go wrong? WILLOW: I can do this. I promise. But not without you. The ritual at Buffy's grave. WILLOW: Osiris, here lies the warrior of the people. SUMMARY:
Buffy faces financial problems while Warren, Andrew, and Jonathan team up in order to take over Sunnydale. They send a M'Fashnik demon to kill Buffy, whom they believe to be their biggest threat.
TEXT: [EXT. (VARIOUS) LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT] [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. ROADWAY -- NIGHT] (A long taxi travels on the road.) (Quick flash of the MULLERS TAXICAB DRIVER'S PERMIT for Rajeeb Khandelwahl.) (There is a beautiful woman sitting in the back of the cab. The driver looks in the rear view mirror at the woman. He turns the radio off.) Woman: The last time I was out here, this was all desert. (She looks out the window and sees at the approaching gas station, a group of men with their bikes.) Rajeeb Khandelwahl (driver): One day, I'm looking at cactus; the next day a mini mall. What brings you all the way out here? Woman: Work. (She sees a young boy stagger out onto the street.) Woman: Stop! (The taxi cab driver tries to stop, but runs into the boy. The tires squeal. The men at the gas station look up.) Rajeeb Khandelwahl (driver): Miss, you okay? Stay here. (RAJEEB KHANDELWAHL gets out of his cab to see what happened. The young boy is under his tires, his insides spilled out into the road. The men at the gas station watch as RAJEEB KHANDELWAHL gets back into his cab.) Graham Cooper: Hey! (The group of bike riders rush over to the cab, open the driver's door and pull the driver out. The woman in the back seat is stunned by what she's seeing.) (The men continue to shout as they beat the driver up.) Bike Rider: Where do you think you're going? Bike Rider: Get out of there! (They push him to the ground and continue to beat him up until he falls back onto the road, unconscious.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. ROADWAY -- NIGHT] (GRISSOM walks up toward the scene. BRASS meets him halfway.) Brass: Where's your SUMMARY:
A taxi driver is beaten to death by a mob after running over a boy with his taxi . When Grissom arrives at the scene, he finds out that the boy was already dying from a stab wound. When Grissom and Sara find the actual crime scene at a basketball court , they discover the body of a man that was shot to death. Are the two murders related?
TEXT: TEASER [EXT: CITY. Music plays over images of Christmas scenes - a sleigh-and-reindeer display, a man taking donations for the Salvation Army, a snowman decoration, a lifesize toy soldier, a department store with a massive wreath on the front, a large Christmas tree on display.] [MUSIC: "Here Comes Santa Claus".] [INT: BANK. People are in line for tellers. At the head of the line is a man dressed as Santa Claus (played by Matt McTighe).] TELLER [cheerfully]: Hey Santa. How're you doing? Deposit or withdrawal? [SANTA hands a note to the TELLER (played by J. J. Boone). It says something like GIVE ME ALL THE MONEY.] TELLER: Is this some sort of joke? [SANTA pulls his shirt open, revealing a bomb strapped to him.] SANTA: Give me all of your money. Now. [TELLER quickly hands money to SANTA, who puts it into his red sack. SANTA looks around.] SANTA [indicating other tellers]: The other ones too. Hurry up. [As the TELLERS do as he says, people behind SANTA in the line get suspicious and impatient.] MAN: Something's going on over there. OTHER MAN: What do you mean? MAN: Security! SANTA [turning to face other customers]: I HAVE A BOMB! [People begin to shriek.] SANTA: Everyone get down! [to TELLER] Put the money in the bag. Quick. [CUT.] [INT: BRENNAN'S APARTMENT. MAX is dragging over a Christmas tree and Brennan is watching him.] MAX: It's a beauty, isn't it? I got the, uh... I got the employee's discount; good tips too. Shall I get some tinsel? BRENNAN [disinterested]: Well, you can do whatever you want. It's your Christmas SUMMARY:
A man dressed as Santa Claus wearing an explosive vest is blown up via a radio frequency after robbing a bank, leaving Booth and Brennan to investigate the identity of the bomber and who set off the explosives. Brennan plans on spending Christmas in El Salvador, but her father ( Ryan O'Neal ) convinces her to stay and spend it with him and her second cousin on her mother's side, Margaret ( Zooey Deschanel ). After solving the case, the Jeffersonian team attend the funeral of the man that was killed after they discover he was forced into the robbery, comforting the mother who was his only family. The team later celebrate a Christmas dinner at Brennan's.
TEXT: THE PIRATE PLANET BY: DOUGLAS ADAMS Part Two Running time: 25:30 [SCENE_BREAK] CAPTAIN: Gentlemen, the rogue telepath has not been destroyed. I ordered that he should be so. He's been allowed to fall into the hands of the Mentiads. I ordered that he should not be so allowed. Failure is something I find very hard to come to terms with. Right, Mister Fibuli? FIBULI: Oh yes, sir. Very true, sir. CAPTAIN: By all the flaming moons of Heretes, not two hours since you very nearly blew up every engine in this mountain! FIBULI: Yes, sir, but the cause was external. You said that yourself. Something extraordinary happened to the whole fabric of the space time continuum at that moment. CAPTAIN: Have you discovered the cause of that yet? FIBULI: Not yet, sir. Busy working on it, sir. CAPTAIN: Then you have failed to find it, Mister Fibuli. CAPTAIN: Failed, failed, failed! When someone fails me, someone dies! CAPTAIN: I hope you find the cause very soon, Mister Fibuli. I hope you will not fail me again. [SCENE_BREAK] KIMUS: Doctor. DOCTOR: Shush. K9: Master. DOCTOR: What hit me? KIMUS: The Mentiads did something. I don't know what I can tell you. DOCTOR: I wasn't asking you. What hit me, K9? K9: A gestalt generated psychokinetic blast, master, on a wavelength of three three eight point seven nine micropars with oka-interference patterns reaching a peak power level of five three four seven point two on the Vantalla psychoscale. DOCTOR: Five four three point seven two? K9: Affirmative, master. DOCTOR: (to camera) That's what I thought. BALATON: Pralix has gone. The Mentiads have taken him. DOCTOR: Don't worry, don't worry, I'll find SUMMARY:
After the Mentiads knock the Doctor out, he discovers that Romana has been taken to the planets bridge. He then travels to the bridge to help her and ends up being forced to help repair the engines.
TEXT: [Scene: Outside the Spencer's house. Allison is there. Elliot walks up to her holding a rose.] Elliot: Mrs. Allison Spencer I presume. (She takes the rose off of him and smells it.) Allison: You mean Mrs. Allison Michaels Spencer don't you? Elliot: You wanna be alone? Allison: No. Elliot: You're not getting cold feet are you? Allison: No, Elliot, I am definitely not getting cold feet. I love you, you know that. Elliot: But... Allison: I don't know, it's just so overwhelming. I mean, after all these years of dreaming about us getting married, I just, I don't want anything bad to happen, that's all. Elliot: I've got an idea. Let's elope. Allison: Yeah, right, like your mum would really allow that. (They kiss.) Grace: Elliot? Allison: Speak of the devil. (Grace walks up to them.) Elliot: Hi mum. Grace: I have been looking all over for you. Did you get the marriage certificate yet? Elliot: Not yet. Grace: Well, you have to. The wedding won't be legal without it. Allison: We're going to City Hall tomorrow before the rehearsal dinner. Grace: But why not go today? Elliot: Mum, relax will you. Why are you so bent about this? (Allison sees Jade standing near by.) Allison: Who's that? Grace: Oh, no. Elliot: Who is it? Grace: Someone I haven't seen for a long time. (Mrs. Spencer walks over to Jade.) What are you doing here? Jade: What's the matter? Forget about our little pact? Grace: No, Jade, but I was hoping that you did. My God, you haven't aged in twenty years. Jade: You could've asked for eternal youth, Grace, instead of wealth, power, all this. You've had a good life haven't you? (Kirsten walks up to them SUMMARY:
A demonic bride-to-be, Jade D'Mon, suddenly replaces a human bride, Alison Michaels, a week before her wedding, by having a magical contractual 'hold' over the grooms' mother, Grace Spencer, as well as by casting a spell over the groom, Elliot Spencer. The Halliwell sisters gradually discover the strange events about the wedding, as Piper is catering the event. Alison and the sisters formulate a plan to stop the demonic wedding. Grace helps Alison and the Halliwell sisters, resulting in the defeat of Jade and the reconciliation of Alison and Elliot.
TEXT: COLONY IN SPACE BY: MALCOLM HULKE 6:10pm - 6:35pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: EXT. PRIMITIVE CITY ENTRANCE (JO is led down a small gully by four Primitives. One of them goes up to a rock wall and gestures to the others. A door in the rock creaks open revealing an entrance. JO is led into it.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. PRIMITIVE CITY. ENTRANCE PASSAGE (Inside the darkened interior, JO looks round in fear as the door closes behind the group.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3: INT. PRIMITIVE RUIN DOCTOR: My dear Ashe, if the Primitives have taken Jo to their city, I must go after her. (The DOCTOR heads for the door.) ASHE: And get yourself killed - or captured too? (The DOCTOR turns in the doorway.) DOCTOR: (Angrily.) What else can I do? ASHE: Well, you may be able to buy her back. DOCTOR: What? ASHE: Well, from time to time they capture someone and trade them for food. With luck, they should be along soon to offer her back. DOCTOR: Well, I can't just sit here and wait! In any case, I haven't got any food to offer them. ASHE: Well, you don't have to worry about that. We've got plenty of food. DOCTOR: But you're running short! ASHE: All right, if you're determined to go on alone, tell them I'll pay the ransom. I think they trust me. DOCTOR: Thank you. (The DOCTOR is about to leave when the two men suddenly hear the whine of a rocket. They run to the hole in the wall and look out.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4: EXT. PRIMITIVE RUIN ASHE: It must be the Adjudicator! [SCENE_BREAK] 5: EXT. UXARIEUS (Abo SUMMARY:
The Doctor descends into the Primitive city to try and find Jo while the colonists receive a visit from the Adjudicator.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Nathan is trying to replay basketball with Quentin's help. Quentin: You need to work hard, too! You know, comeback. Nathan: I'm gonna do this. Brooke and Victoria in Clothes Over Bros. Victoria: I am your mother. Brooke: I know. You're fired. Dan is in a room inTree Hill's hospital. Dan: I need a heart transplant. I have six months to live. My name is Dan Scott... and my number is one. Shot on Lindsey, Peyton, Brooke. Haley's voiceover: If Lindsey's the girl that you're in love with, great. If it's Peyton, great. If it's Brooke, just please stop hiding your heart. Shot on Lindsey who's phoning to Lucas in the airport. Lindsey: You asked me if I miss you. Of course I miss you. Shot on Brooke who's sitting on her couch. Brooke: I love you, Lucas Scott. You know that? Shot on Peyton in her Label studio. Peyton: While I'm asleep, I have this dream. And you proposed to me. And every single time, I say yes. Beginning of the episode New York, a man in the street is sitting behind a table with three Queen's card. Lucas is standing in front of of him. Man: Three simple cards. Three beautiful ladies. It's real simple, son. All you got to do is pick one. Lucas: All right. Man: Just follow the heart. The man mixes the card on the table. Brooke appears with a bouquet of red roses. Brooke: Hey, handsome. These are for you, for our one-year anniversary. Lucas: Uh, Brooke, I'm your husband. I'm supposed to give you flowers. Brooke: I know. But I wanted to make sure I'd like them. They go away. Lucas: Well? Happy anniversary, wife. Brooke: Thank you, husband. I love them. They walk in the streets arm in arm. Lucas: You ever miss Tree Hill? Brooke: Of course. I miss my friends. Lucas: Jamie's SUMMARY:
The girl of Lucas' dreams shows up at the airport. Nathan's comeback is halted by news that could change his career, while Dan's life hangs in the balance. Mouth and Millicent wrestle with leaving Tree Hill, as Brooke and Victoria's battle over Clothes Over Bros comes to a surprising head.
TEXT: THE MIND ROBBER By DERRICK SHERWIN 5:20pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] JUST OUTSIDE THE TARDIS (The sound of an explosion.) (The Doctor is standing just outside the TARDIS doors with his back to them, looking off to the left, mopping his face with a handkerchief. He is in his usual outfit of checked trousers, white shirt and dark jacket. One of the doors is open, and Jamie is standing in the doorway with a hand on the Doctor's shoulder and his mouth hanging open as he looks off to the right. He is wearing his kilt as usual and a light-colored button-front shirt and a vest, with a kerchief knotted around his neck.) (Jamie glances at the Doctor, seeing that he is looking elsewhere. He grips the Doctor's shoulder and shakes it in rising panic.) JAMIE: Come on Doctor, will you look! (He points off to the right.) (The Doctor stuffs his handkerchief into the breast pocket of his jacket and looks in the direction Jamie has pointed. Lava is rolling steadily downhill toward them. The Doctor's eyes grow big in alarm.) DOCTOR: Oh my word! Come on Jamie, into the TARDIS! Quickly! (He pushes Jamie through the doorway and follows him in.) [SCENE_BREAK] TARDIS CONTROL ROOM (The lava is continuing its steady and speedy approach.) (The Doctor hesitates inside the TARDIS, looking over his shoulder to glance at the lava through the doors, fascinated, then rushes to the console where Jamie has activated the control to close the doors.) (Zoe watches the lava on the scanner, fascinated. She is in a sleeveless dress, and both she and the dress are smudged liberally with dirt.) ZOE: Isn't it beautiful? (Jamie walks over to Zoe.) JAMIE: Hey? (She turns to look at him.) ZOE: The volcanic eruption. It's beautiful! (She looks back to the scanner.) JAMIE: Beautiful?! SUMMARY:
The Doctor activates an emergency unit on board theTARDIS to escape destruction by a volcanic eruption. Unfortunately, it moves them out of normal space and time to a deadly world where fantasy rules. The travellers find themselves lured out of the ship into a ghostly white void.
TEXT: Originally written by Betsy Borns Transcribed by Mindy Mattingly Phillips [[email protected]] Minor additions and adjustments by Dan Silverstein. [Scene: At Monica and Rachel's.] MONICA: Who da wenny-Benny boy? You the Wenny-wenny-Benny-Benny boy, yes. Don't cry. Don't cry. Why is he still crying? ROSS: Let me hold him for a sec. There. (Ben stops crying) Huh? There we are. MONICA: Maye it's me. ROSS: Don't be silly. Ben loves you. He's just being Mr. Crankypants. CHANDLER: You know, I once dated a Miss Crankypants. Lovely girl, kinda moody. ROSS: There we go. All better. (gives Ben back to Monica) MONICA: There's my little boy. (Ben starts crying again) CHANDLER: Can I uh see something? (Takes Ben. When he puts him close to Monica, Ben cries. When he moves Ben away, he stops crying.) JOEY: Cool. MONICA: He hates me. My nephew hates me. ROSS: Come on, don't do this. MONICA: What if my own baby hates me? Huh? What am I gonna do then? CHANDLER: Monica, will you stop? This is nuts. Do you know how long it's gonna be before you actually have to deal with this problem? I mean, you don't even have a boyfriend yet. Joey, she does not look fat. (Chandler has a basketball which he is moving closer to, then away from, Monica) JOEY: Goo, goo, goo, waaah! MONICA: That is so funny. Let me see that. (throws the ball out the window) JOEY: Are you ok, Ross? ROSS: I don't know. What's in this pie? MONICA: Uh, I don' SUMMARY:
When Monica rushes Ross to the emergency room after he suffers an allergic reaction, Chandler and Joey babysit Ross' baby son, Ben. They use him as bait to attract girls, but women think they are a gay couple. After accidentally leaving Ben on a bus, they are unable to identify which of two babies is Ben at the city's lost & found. Phoebe loses her Central Perk gig to a professional performer ( Chrissie Hynde ), so she defiantly sings outside the café. Also, a stranger Giovanni Ribisi , who accidentally dropped a condom in Phoebe's guitar case, rushes back to reclaim it for an "emergency." Catherine Bell appears as Robin, one of the girls in the bus.
TEXT: [Interior Lorelai's house: front door] (Knock, knock) (Lorelai answers.) LORELAI: Hey. LUKE: Hey, you back. (They kiss.) Ready? LORELAI: Almost. LUKE: Almost? LORELAI: I just have to find my keys, and finish the laundry... LUKE: That doesn't sound like almost, that sounds like we're gonna have to speed to the movies, park illegally, you hit the bathroom while I grab the popcorn, we'll meet back at the seats all sweaty and aggravated - LORELAI: Well of course I'll be aggravated, you forgot the Red Vines. No, no keys here. (Searching) LUKE: You know the lights are on in your Jeep? LORELAI: Oh yeah, the porch light's out and it was dark so I left the Jeep on for the light. Could you lift, please? Luke (lifting couch while Lorelai looks under it): But the battery's going to die. LORELAI: Oh, no, I timed it. It takes 12 hours for the battery to wear out. I go to work at eight o'clock, giving me two hours to spare and a whole day to recharge. Not here either. Down, please. (Luke sets the couch down.) LUKE: Why don't you just change the porch light? LORELAI: Have you seen how dirty it is up there? With those creepy moths that fly in your face, and you could swallow one, and end up with some weird hand-to-mouth-to-moth disease - LUKE: There's no such thing. LORELAI: Oh, no? Did you see Mothman Prophecies? LUKE: Yes. LORELAI: Oh, well, okay then. Did you see the sequel? LUKE: There's a sequel? LORELAI: Yes. It is a heartbreaking saga in which Richard Gere gets a life threatening disease from changing a dirty porch light. LUKE: There was no sequel. LORELAI SUMMARY:
Doyle is jealous when Glenn's article gets picked up by the New York Times; Rory discovers that Logan, the son of a newspaper magnate, is also on the staff of the paper; Paris wages a fierce campaign to get the religion beat, and takes an ecumenical approach to alienating the local clergy; desperate for a story idea for her features assignment after several concepts fail to pan out, Rory uncovers a secret Yale society which counts Logan as a member, and enlists his cooperation in getting a story on the group; Sookie becomes upset when the Inn's accountant suggests dropping lunch temporarily to save money and Norman Mailer stakes out a table in the dining room to work and give interviews, and refuses to order anything from the menu except iced tea; Lorelai and Rory show up for Friday night dinner, and when they discover that neither Emily nor Richard are home, decide to order pizza and eat on the living room floor; Christopher calls Lorelai in a panic when Sherry suddenly decides to move to Paris, leaving him unprepared to care for a colicky Gigi; and after freaking out completely over Norman Mailers constant presence Sookie realizes that her extreme emotions and sensitivity in the past days are the result of her being pregnant again. Rory asks Christopher to stay away from Lorelai.
TEXT: [Scene: Capeside High Library. Andie is dragging Jen along with her through the rows of shelves until they come to the college book section.] Andie: But the way I got through it is to take it step by step. So, let's just take a step over to the college-bound reference section and start pulling down a few books. Jen: Yeah. Andie: Hey, you know what might be fun? Jen: Uh, what? Andie: Start focusing on schools that are in New York since it's your old hood. Jen: Oh, I don't know. I just spent 3 years trying to flush the big apple out of my system. Andie: Yeah, but haven't you recently decided you might wanna go back? Jen: Huh! Well, as you're so fond of pointing out, I--I haven't recently decided anything. Andie: Well, what about your rush to rejoin the gang at the, uh, haunt? Jen: Has drew been whispering in your ear? Andie: Well, actually, we did have a little confab at the yacht club last week. He was telling me all about you and your social set and how you guys used to spend all of your time at the haunt dancing and drinking until the wee hours of the morning. According to him, it was a non-stop ball of fun. Jen: Mm. Well, "according to him" would be the key phrase. He's the dark prince of revisionist history. [Jack comes running up to them finally finding them. He is carrying an envelope and is a little out of breath. He is a little excited although he tries to hide it.] Jack: I found you. Ok, I'm glad you're still here. Andie: Why? What's going on? Jack: Oh, nothing much, actually. It's just, uh-- well, there's this one thing-- uh, there's something waiting at the house for you all day, and, uh, actually, you know, it's not really that important. It's just a little letter from a know-n SUMMARY:
Andie gets accepted into Harvard in advance, but accomplishing what should be the biggest thing in her life doesn't exactly makes her happy. She decides to explore different paths in her life by going to a rave. At the party, ecstasy tablets that Drue has given to Jen find their way to Andie, who takes them in a bid to feel happy for one night. The tablets react with her anti-depressants, a disastrous combination which almost leads her to death. Mitch and Gail decide to keep their baby, news that makes Dawson very happy.
TEXT: "It's Too Late and It's Too Bad" 40th Episode of Roswell Production Code: 2ADA18 [SCENE_BREAK] Maria: Ok, what you need to know about Alex is that he loved life. He loved it. He played the bass. He traveled. He had just gotten back from his trip to Sweden only a couple of months ago, and he had his whole life ahead of him, and then this one, stupid accident just came and took it all away... forever. Liz--she's on this crusade to prove that Alex's death wasn't accidental. She's convinced that what happened to Alex was alien-related. Flashback Liz: You don't want to think that Alex was killed by an alien because that would mean you are responsible. Max: Let's go. Maria: The pod squad was not too happy about that one. Flashback Kyle: I guess it's us versus them. Liz: I know what I know, and I am gonna find out the truth. Maria: And believe me, she will. Scene opens to Maria in Alex's room with his dad, pictures are spread out on his bed. Maria: It's a 2-page yearbook spread, a collage that captures, you know, everything Alex was. Chuck: You guys are just great friends to Alex, you know, still. Oh, and liz, tell your folks thanks for the food they sent over. Liz: Yeah. Sure. What are these? Chuck: Condolence cards from floral arrangements. You can take a look at them if you'd like. Liz: She reads one of the cards "The Olsons"? Chuck: Yeah. Alex's host family in Sweden. It's awful to admit, but Gloria and I didn't even think about contacting them. Liz: Well, then, who did? Chuck: I'm assuming someone from the school. Alex's entire trip was set up through the guidance office. Well, looks like you guys are gonna be here for a while. I'll order a pizza. Maria: Oh, no. You really don't have to order-- Chuck: It's nothing. He leaves the room. Maria: Liz, you're being rude. Liz: Alex put every SUMMARY:
A startling breakthrough leads to a renewed connection for two of the gang. Differing reactions to a life shattering event creates tension among the gang, resulting in heartfelt revelations, hidden insecurities and thoughts of leaving Roswell. Meanwhile, Liz enlists Sean in her continuing quest for answers into the death of Alex.
TEXT: JAIPUR (India). Syd, in disguise (blond wig, pink pants and glasses) is in a large market. She arrives near a house in a vehicle (sort of a motorcycle). She is on the phone with someone. SYDNEY: Honey, that's not good enough. What am I, a dog whistle? I said no. "N.O." that's right. That's better. Thank you. (A man waits in front of a house). Mr. Halbe? HALBE: It's a pleasure to meet you. SYDNEY: Hi! HALBE: I hope your trip wasn't too arduous? (He helps her to go out of the vehicle) SYDNEY: My trip was fine. It's these marketing people. B.A.S, M.B.A. Sand not a lick of common sense among 'em! They almost didn't launch my new perfume L'Eau De Passion. They said the name was tacky. Can you believe that?! HALBE: It's a lovely name. (Halbe opens the entrance door). SYDNEY: I know. That's why I always trust my instincts, and now it is flying off the shelves, flying! HALBE: I assure you, we can take care of all your customer service needs. (They walk through a corridor) SYDNEY: I don't want my people suffering through no ten minutes of pan flute to place an order. HALBE: Of course not. Let me show you our main call centre. (They arrive in the large room of the call centre). SYDNEY: Ouch! I think I came to the right place. FLASHBACK APO : Marshall's office. MARSHALL: We just got a lead on Anna. She's routing her calls through a call centre in Jaipur; using what? Encrypted router. She must have put something on a line outside. So they have no idea she's piggy backing on their system. She's totally anonymous. SYDNEY: So we locate the router and remove the encryption key. Next time Anna makes a call SUMMARY:
His obligations to Prophet 5 complete, the organization gives Sloane a hypodermic needle containing a Rambaldi-designed drug that will cure Nadia's comatose condition. But there is a price; in order for the drug to work, Nadia must be rendered clinically dead for 30 seconds. Elsewhere, the hunt for Anna Espinosa continues, with APO unaware that she is now a duplicate of Sydney. Sydney and Renée attempt to track Anna's movements during a ruse at a call centre in Jaipur; after Renée uses a clever deception to allow Sydney to complete the mission, Sydney offers her a job at APO. Renée refuses. Later, Sloane smothers Nadia to death in her hospital bed; Jack arrives and, thinking Sloane is committing euthanasia, nearly prevents him from administering Rambaldi's drug in time, but Nadia is successfully revived with no apparent ill effects from her year-long coma. When Sloane says he got the cure through contacts in Barcelona - location of the headquarters of Prophet Five - Jack gets suspicious. Later, Nadia is reunited with Sydney, but still harboring continued anger towards her father for his past actions, particularly at the end of Season 4, chooses to live with Sydney and the baby instead of Sloane. In France, Renée seduces and later interrogates an old contact who has been given Rambaldi's Page 47 to decipher, but learns the artifact is a fake. Back in Los Angeles, Jack is about to follow Sloane to a possible Prophet Five rendezvous when Nadia appears and asks to go along. The rendezvous instead appears to involve Sloane recovering a suitcase full of Nadia's old clothes from a storage locker. Jack admits he may have misjudged Sloane. In Ghana, where Renée's contact is to meet with Anna, the APO team waits in ambush, but the vehicle apparently containing Anna speeds off at the last second. When Sydney kills the driver it's discovered that Anna has again escaped. Nearby, Renée has been waiting with a sniper rifle to shoot a tranquilizer dart into Anna; called off the mission, she is about to leave her hiding place when she encounters Anna, who looking like Sydney, pulls a knife and slashes Renée's throat. Back in L.A., Sloane opens the suitcase he retrieved and under a pile of clothing is the original Page 47. As he examines it, Nadia arrives, intending to make amends with her father. But when she discovers that he has Page 47, years of resentment over his obsession with Rambaldi's prophecies boil over and she attempts to destroy the document in the fireplace. The paper, however, does not burn; instead the Rambaldi symbol <o> begins to glow on the page. In a desperate move to rescue the page from the flames, Sloane pushes Nadia away. She falls through a glass table with a shard slitting her throat and killing her. Sloane, realizing this must be part of his destiny, joins Prophet Five to await Rambaldi's endgame as Jack discovers Nadia's dead body.
TEXT: Act One. THE JOB Scene One - KACL The Frasier Crane Show. Dr. Frasier Crane, the host, is at his console, admonishing a caller; Roz Doyle, his call-screener, is in her booth. Frasier: [firmly] Listen to yourself, Bob! You follow her to work, you eavesdrop on her calls, you open her mail. The minute you started doing these things, the relationship was over! [polite] Thank you for your call. [presses a button; to Roz] Roz, I think we have time for one more? Roz speaks in a soothing radio voice. Roz: Yes, Dr Crane. On line four, we have Russell from Kirkland. Frasier: [presses a button] Hello, Russell. This is Dr Frasier Crane; I'm listening. Russell: [v.o.] Well, I've been feeling sort of, uh, you know, depressed lately. [Roz looks at the clock] My life's not going anywhere and-and, er, it's not that bad. It's just the same old apartment, same old job... Roz taps on the glass of her booth and motions Frasier to wrap it up. Frasier: Er, Russell, we're just about at the end of our hour. Let me see if I can cut to the chase by using myself as an example. Six months ago, I was living in Boston. My wife had left me, which was very painful. Then she came back to me, which was excruciating. On top of that, my practice had grown stagnant, and my social life consisted of... hanging around a bar night after night. You see, I was clinging to a life that wasn't working anymore, and I knew I had to do something, anything. So, I ended the marriage once and for all, packed up my things, and moved back here to my hometown of Seattle. Go Seahawks! [laughs] I took action, Russell. And you can, too. Move, change, do something; if it's a mistake, do something else. Will you do SUMMARY:
Dr. Frasier Crane, formerly of Boston, has recently arrived back in his birthplace of Seattle to restart his life following his painful divorce. His independence is soon compromised by the fact that his father, Martin, is incapable of living by himself and must move into Frasier's apartment.
TEXT: Scene: The Cheesecake Factory Raj: So, couldn't help but notice none of you RSVP'd to my murder mystery dinner party. Leonard: Oh, yeah. We were meaning to do that. Raj: No, you weren't because it was a week ago and nobody came. So, if you want to solve the mystery of who stabbed Koothrappali in the back with the weapon of indifference, it was all of you. Sheldon: I don't think thatqualifies as a mystery, we all knew what we were doing. Amy: We're sorry, Rajesh. Bernadette: Maybe we can do it next week. Howard: Whoa, whoa, we're not that sorry. Raj: Don't worry, I can take a hint. No more murder mystery parties. Leonard: Great. Sheldon: Thank you. Howard: Hallelujah. Raj: Because I've got something even better planned. Leonard: Aw. Howard: Why? Sheldon: Come on. Raj: Just hear me out. I'm going to make you guys a scavenger hunt like they have at M.I.T. Howard: Oh, I loved those. I did them every year there. Leonard: We did them at Princeton, too. Howard: Oh, that's cute. Like it's a real college. Sheldon: That's amusing, I was going to say that about M.I.T., but it works for Princeton, too. Amy: Scavenger hunts at Harvard were really tough. I always got stuck on the first challenge, trying to find someone to be on a team with me. I guess that story's more sad than funny. Penny: I love scavenger hunts. My friends and I had them all the time. Leonard: Oh, these are a little different. There's a tradition at elite universities... Howard: And Princeton. Leonard: A tradition of hunts full of puzzles that rely on logic and obscure knowledge, science. Penny: Oh, in ours we would just run around town looking for a store that would sell us beer. Raj: So, uh, who's in? Leonard: I think it sounds SUMMARY:
After the gang blows off Raj's murder-mystery party, he creates a scavenger hunt with ten clues to guide the winner to the location of a gold coin. They first propose making each couple a team, but Leonard suggests picking names out of a hat instead. Penny gets angry, assuming Leonard proposed this to avoid being stuck with her. The teams are Sheldon and Penny, Howard and Amy, and Leonard and Bernadette. Penny and Sheldon both do well figuring out clues as they race around Pasadena. Bernadette is very competitive, while Leonard is more worried that Penny is mad at him. Amy and Howard, who have not been alone before, bond over a mutual love of Neil Diamond music. During the final stretch, Leonard, Bernadette and Penny realize that the coin is in Sheldon's spot and races upstairs while hindering the others. Finally, Raj reveals he slipped a gold coin into everyone's pocket so that all would win: his goal was to teach the value of friendship. To his dismay, Leonard, Penny and Bernadette are angry there is no clear winner despite all their efforts, and chase him out of the apartment. Howard and Amy abandon the hunt and sing Neil Diamond songs in The Cheesecake Factory.
TEXT: ACT ONE Scenes from [10.24] "A New Position for Roz" PREVIOUSLY Julia confronting Roz in her booth. Julia: Are you trying to save Frasier from me, or are you trying to save him for yourself? Roz: Are you out of you out of your mind? Julia: Are you in love with him? [SCENE_BREAK] Roz confronting Frasier at his apartment. Roz: It's her or me! Tell me now, or I swear to God, I will walk out of here and I will not come back! Roz settling into her office at KPXY. Wiswell: There's no chance you'll change your mind again, is there? Roz: No. KACL is ancient history. [SCENE_BREAK] SUBSEQUENTLY Scene One - Café Nervosa FADE IN Niles is sitting at a table, Roz comes up. Roz: Niles, I need to talk to you. You're not with Frasier, are you? Niles: Why does everybody treat us like we're joined at the hip? I do have coffee with other people other than my brother, you know. Roz: Good. 'Cause I'm avoiding him. Niles: Oh, then talk fast. He's meeting me in five minutes. Roz sits next to him. Roz: It's about my new job. It's a nightmare! Niles: Didn't you just start today? Roz: Yes. My boss already hit on me, I'm supposed to work nights and weekends, and my assistant is an idiot and I can't fire her 'cause she's like three minorities rolled into one. I can't believe I left KACL over some stupid snit. Niles: Oh yes, yes, your ultimatum. Frasier told me about that. Listen, this isn't an easy subject to broach, but is it possible you're in love with Frasier? Roz: Absolutely not. Niles: You sound sure. Roz: I am sure. I mean, if I were going to fall for him it would have been two years ago when we SUMMARY:
Roz hates her new job at KPXY so much that she abandons it after one day. She walks back into KACL and disposes of Frasier's new, wheelchair -using producer. After recovering from the initial shock of seeing Roz back, Frasier demands to know her reasons for returning, but without success. He consults Niles, firmly convinced that Roz has feelings for him, and is also concerned because he (Frasier) and Julia ( Felicity Huffman ) are on the verge of taking their relationship to the next level . Niles, however, is having problems of his own. He and Daphne have decided to try for a baby, when it is revealed that Niles once made a contribution to a sperm bank during college. With Daphne worried that Niles may already have a child, Niles goes to the sperm bank to make enquiries only to be told that his sample was discarded due to low motility. Niles then starts taking all measures in order to improve motility. He eventually decides to tell Daphne and the two anticipate a difficult time conceiving, but in the end the worrying was for nothing as it turns out that Daphne is already pregnant.
TEXT: [The opening shot is an aerial view of the Liberty Ride. Michael and Ben take time out to call the other "happily married" couple back in Pittsburgh and tell them the good news.] Mel: Married? Lindsay: Married? Omigod! Michael: We did it in Toronto, where it's actually legal. Ben: We wish you'd been there with us. Lindsay: Us too. When you get back I'm gonna cry anyway. Ben: When you get back, we're gonna all go out and celebrate. Michael: The two married couples. Call us if the baby crosses the finish line before we do. Mel: Oy vey. Stop with the worrying! Lindsay: See you in a few days. And congratulations! Michael: Bye. Ben: Bye. [They hang up.] Lindsay: Married. Legally! Mel: At least in Canada. Lindsay: Someday here. Mel: That's when gay people find out, be careful what you wish for. It might come true. Lindsay: That's for sure! What makes them think they'll be any better at it than those long-suffering straight people. Mel: The only people who'll profit from it are divorce lawyers. I'll have a whole new clientele to bill. Lindsay: I guess that's one good thing about not being allowed to marry. Mel: Not having to get a divorce? [At the border, the newlyweds encounter a Gratuitously Homophobic Customs Agent wittily named Butz. He eyes Ben and Michael's papers suspiciously.] Butz: Next! How long were you in Canada? Ben: Two days. Butz: Purpose of visit? Michael: We're doing a bicycle ride for charity. Butz: (looking at form) Both your names are on this. Ben: It says spouses can use the same form. Michael: While we were in Canada, we took advantage of the fact that same-sex marriages are legal. Ben: So we tied the knot. Hunter: They're husband and husband. Butz: Who's he? Ben & Michael (in unison): Our son. Butz: This may be legal in Canada, but the United States of America SUMMARY:
Michael and Ben have trouble crossing into the United States as a married couple. Ted and Emmett get lost in the woods on the way to a 12-step meeting, while Brian takes a nasty fall and breaks his collarbone. Melanie goes into labor. 'Rage' is given the green light.
TEXT: •I do not own the characters or situations of BTVS, and I claim no credit for the content of this episode. I have merely transcribed what appeared on my screen, with help from the closed captions. •I prefer that you link to this transcript on the Psyche site rather than post it on your site, but you can post it on your site if you want, as long as you keep my name and email address on it. Please also keep my disclaimers intact. •You can use my transcripts in your fanfiction stories; you don't have to ask my permission. (However, if you use large portions of episode dialogue in your fanfic, I recommend you give credit to the person who wrote the episode.) •I apologize in advance for my lame transcription of the fight scenes. I don't know the names of different punches and kicks. Use your imagination. [SCENE_BREAK] Teaser GILES VOICEOVER: Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer... Spike in "Into the Woods" SPIKE: Look at you. All afraid I'm hot for your honey. RILEY: Because you are. Dawn listening to Spike read. SPIKE: They had to be certain the Slayer would protect it with her life. So they sent the key to her... in the form of a sister. Dawn in the hospital talking to Ben. DAWN: I'm not real. BEN: You're the key. Go. Before she finds you, don't- she's here! Ben morphing into Glory. DAWN: Ben. He was here, he was trying to help me. He might have left before Glory came. I can't remember. Cut to inside the Bronze, which has been extensively remodeled following its demolition by Olaf in "Triangle." The basic layout is the same but the fixtures and furniture have a new style, less gothic/industrial and more modern. It is filled with people dancing, talking, etc. We can see Willow/Tara and Xander/Anya dancing. The group Summercamp is onstage performing their song "Play It By Ear." I'm amused by the overwhelming choices I guess the hardest part is knowing when to SUMMARY:
Spike's profession of love for Buffy is spurned when Drusilla returns. He offers to kill Drusilla for her, but Buffy is unimpressed. After Harmony returns to the scene and attacks Spike for revenge, Drusilla tries to kill Buffy. He saves Buffy from Dru, but has his invitation to the Summers' home revoked.
TEXT: [Scene: Alley. The criminal Darryl put in his car is still there. He is so angry from waiting so long that he is trying to kick down the bars between the front and back seats. A portal opens up near by and Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Darryl walk out of it.] Phoebe: Be careful, Darryl's body. Darryl: Thank you. Is he... I mean, am I still alive? Phoebe: Barely. Darryl: Barely? Leo: We've gotta go back and get Piper. Phoebe: How? By force? She won't come, she's withdrawn. Paige: Plus we can't go back now. Leo: But we can't just leave her there. Phoebe: Leo, they're not gonna hurt her. They need her to get to us. Darryl: Listen, about my body... Paige: Oh, I'm sorry, you can just step right back in. Darryl: That's it? Even though I'm still solid. Paige: You're still a spirit, trust me. Phoebe: Okay, we gotta go figure out what to do. Thanks again. (Phoebe, Paige and Leo orb out.) Darryl: Don't mention it. (Darryl walks over to his body and crouches down above it. His spirit is sucked back into his body. He jumps up. A portal opens up in front of him and three warriors walk out.) Great. That's just great. (The warriors throw Darryl across the alley and he lands hard on his car.) Opening Credits [Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe, Paige and Leo orb in. Chris walks into the room.] Chris: Geez, it's about time, I was starting to get wor... Where's Piper? Leo: You son of a bitch! (Leo punches Chris in the face and pushes him against the wall.) Why'd you do it? Chris: Do what? (Leo throws him across the room SUMMARY:
After Piper's memories return, she refuses to leave the Island of Valhalla and stays with the Valkyries while the others return home. Phoebe and Paige have to deal with the warriors who followed them back without the help of the Power of Three. After the warriors start attacking innocents across San Francisco, Piper and the other Valkyries arrive to try to stop the attacks. Upon learning of Phoebe's new power, Leo urges her to use it to try and turn Piper back. With the help of the other Elders, Leo tries to discover who sent him to Valhalla.
TEXT: Teleplay: Robert Carlock Story: Scott Silveri [Scene: Central Perk] Monica: It's so weird, how did Joey end up kissing Charlie last night? I thought you'd end up kissing Charlie. Ross: Hey, I thought I'd end up kissing Charlie too ok? But SURPRISE! Chandler: I missed most of the party (pause) Charlie's a girl, right? Ross: Yes, she is this new professor of my department that I did not kiss. Rachel: I don't know why Joey had to kiss her! I mean, of all the girls at the party, GOD! Ross: Why do you care so much? Monica: Yes Rachel, why do you care so much? Rachel: (worried) Be-cause Ross is the father of my child! You know... and I... want him to hook up with lots of women! (pause) I just... All I'm saying is... I don't think that Joey and Charlie have anything in common. Ross: Oh, I don't know, they seem to have a shared interest in each other's tonsils... Phoebe: Wow, Joey and a professor! Can you imagine if they had kids and if the kids got her intelligence and Joey's raw sexual magnetism... Oh, those nerds will get laaaaaid! Rachel: All right, so... Ross, you're ok with all this? I mean... Ross: Yeah, it's no big deal. I mean, I just met her and I'm fine with it... (Joey and Charlie enter. Ross looks at her) Ross: Oh, God. I forgot how hot she was! Joey: Hey! All: Hi! Ross: I'm gonna get some more coffee. Charlie: Oh, you know what? I'll come with you! Ross: Ok. (they both go) Chandler: (to Joey) So, a professor, uh? Joey: Yeah! She is cool, and she's so smart! Her mind is totally acrimonious (which, being Joey, he mispronounces "amonious"). (pause) That's not how she used it SUMMARY:
Chandler and Monica undergo fertility testing and are surprised to encounter Janice. Rachel makes an appointment at a massage place, Phoebe tells her the place is horrible and rips up Rachel's certificate. Rachel tapes the certificate back together and goes to the massage place against Phoebe's wishes, but she doesn't know that Phoebe actually works there. Joey needs help advancing in his relationship with Charlie, and turns to Ross for advice. Guest star: Maggie Wheeler
TEXT: The Time Warrior By Robert Holmes Broadcast December 22nd 1973 Duration: 24'15 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. EXT. CASTLE COURTYARD (SARAH is being dragged along by one of IRONGRON's MEN.) SARAH: Look, if this is a Rag Day joke, it's not funny! (She is dragged away, protesting all the while. The DOCTOR cautiously enters the courtyard. He ducks behind a cart as LINX enters and then pauses for a moment. The DOCTOR looks up and gives a nod of recognition at the sight of the Sontaran. LINX removes his helmet and turns round to camera, revealing his troll-like features! The DOCTOR turns at the sound of HAL being dragged into the courtyard by some more of IRONGRON's MEN. LINX hastily replaces his helmet and moves off. The DOCTOR ducks into a nearby doorway as they approach where he was hiding.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. INT. IRONGRON'S CASTLE. HALL (One of IRONGRON's MEN is sharpening an axe on a rotating stone wheel. As he speaks, the sound of SARAH protesting at her captors grows louder.) IRONGRON: Make it keen. I want Sir Edward not to know the moment when his head is parted from his shoul... What's this?! (The protesting SARAH is dragged in by BLOODAXE, who has tight hold of her wrist.) BLOODAXE: Get inside, wench! SARAH: Let go of me! (SARAH slaps BLOODAXE's arm, trying to make him let go.) BLOODAXE: She was found within bowshot, Captain! SARAH: Idiots! (BLOODAXE releases his grip and lets her go.) SARAH: Why don't you stop this ridiculous pantomime. IRONGRON: Ah, she spits fire! Eh SUMMARY:
The Doctor tracks the missing scientists to Irongron's castle, where Linx is using them to repair his spaceship and construct advanced weapons for Irongron.
TEXT: Ted joins Barney, Marshall and Lily at McLaren's. Barney: Guess what I have behind my back. Lily: Wait, wait. I will find. Left. Barney: Not a good game but okay. Five tickets well placed to Robots vs. Wrestlers. Marshall: Robots vs. Wrestlers? Ted: Great! Barney: You know Robots vs. Wrestlers? Marshall: No. Ted: But we think some kind of sport in which robots wrestlers. Barney: That's exactly it, according to the website! Lily: Wait, wait. Who is the fifth ticket? Barney: Uh... Robin. I know... She lives with her boyfriend and she said not wanting to hang out with us, but it's Robots vs. Wrestlers. Robots vs.... Wrestlers! Marshall: Barney is right. It is impossible to deny that. Robin, on the phone: I refuse. I'd like to come but, I go out with Don Saturday. There is a Chinese. Lily: I assume you're talking about cooking, otherwise I would have other issues. Robin: I'm sorry, Lily, but I have a chance to Don. And I will not drink out with you every night... especially when "you" included two of my ex. Lily: I understand. You're right. We miss you much. Robin: You too. I gotta go. It is called? (She hangs up) Sorry, New York, I had to answer. Where were we? Bus accident. Marshall, Lily, Ted and Barney are at the bar. Barney: She said no? How could she? Robots vs. Wrestlers of our tradition is the largest group. Lily: Tradition? It was never done. Barney: It's Robots vs. Wrestlers, Lily. This is obviously a tradition. It starts like this. First, Robin moves in with Don and Marshall and Lily have a baby, then Ted... Ted: Goes? Barney: I was going to say "was found eaten by her cats," but it's not good either. Everybody leaves me, and SUMMARY:
Crashing a snobby high-society party allows Ted to show off how pretentiously intellectual he can be. Barney, Marshall, and Lily visit a Robots Vs Wrestlers event. Marshall and Lily make a secret pact to start trying to have a baby if they ever finally see Barney's doppelgänger.
TEXT: [TRAFFIC LIGHT. It's green, but PEYTON waits] [KAREN'S CAFÉ. LUCAS is reading PEYTON'S comic strip] [PEYTON at the light. A car drives up behind her and beeps] DRIVER: Hey, lets move it lady. Come on! [The comic strip has a stop light, and the red one says 'People always leave.' HALEY walks in but when she sees LUCAS, she starts to leave. LUCAS chases her out] LUCAS: Haley. How long are we going to do this? HALEY: Do what? LUCAS: Avoid each other. HALEY: You tell me. You're the one upset. LUCAS: And you're the one who lied to me. HALEY: I don't know what to say to you, Luke. LUCAS: Just explain to me why you were with Nathan. Huh? I mean, considering the past few weeks and what he's done... HALEY: I can't. LUCAS: You know how I feel about him, Haley. [LUCAS starts to leave] HALEY: Lucas, fine! Yes. I know how you feel about him. But there is something you don't know. [Pause] I promised him I'd tutor him if he left you alone. LUCAS: What? HALEY: I'm doing it for you, Luke. [HALEY leaves and PEYTON drives by in her car. LUCAS starts to run after her as she speeds through a red light. LUCAS watches, shocked] [THEME SONG] [NATHAN and TIM are practicing basketball in his yard] TIM: So you and Peyton are history? NATHAN: Nah. I wouldn't count on that. TIM: No? NATHAN: Yeah. This is what she does. She freaks out, we break up; a few days later, we make up. TIM: So why put up with that? [NATHAN smirks] NATHAN: Because a few days later, we make up. [DAN runs over] DAN: Hey, SUMMARY:
Lucas asks Keith to play with him in the annual "Father and Son" basketball game, and realizes he got the better father figure after Dan publicly humiliates Nathan on the court. Meanwhile, Peyton turns down Nathan's attempts to make up; she is having a hard time dealing with the anniversary of her mother's death and finds a comforting ally in Whitey. Haley continues tutoring Nathan and their developing friendship bothers Lucas. The original title of this episode comes from an album by U2 . The alternative title comes from a song by Radiohead .
TEXT: Johnny: Hey, Moira, could you turn that down please? Important call coming through. Stevie says it's the guy from the winery. Hmm. (Sighs) (Phone rings) Hello, Johnny Rose. (Phone continues ringing) Hello? Hello? Ah. (Door opens) Stevie? Stevie: I put it through! Johnny: Okay. Moira: Who is it? Johnny: Herb Ertlinger. Excuse me? Herb Ertlinger from the winery. He's the only guy that's gotten back to me on my proposal (phone starts ringing) And-and now the ph- (picks up) Hi! Hello! (Phone continues ringing) (Yelling) There's something wrong with the phones! Moira: John, have her patch it through to the kids' room. (Yelling) Yeah, patch it through to the kids' room! Stevie: Okay! Very good suggestion! (Knocks on door) Kids! (Phone rings in kids' room) David, answer the phone! He has his headphones in; He can't hear it. Then you answer it! Alexis: Okay! (Phone continues ringing) Hello? Alexis, could you open the door, please? (Rattling door handle) I'll take it. Alexis: No, sorry, you have the wrong room. He's actually in room 6. Johnny: Alexis, unlock the door please! Okay! No problem. Bye. He's gonna call you back in your room! No! (Phone starts ringing) Hello? (Phone keeps ringing) (Birds chirp) David: Can you get a heart murmur from a lack of sleep? Because I have not slept since we've got here and I think my body is shutting down. Well, I hate to admit it, but I actually know very little about heart murmurs. Well, I have one. Uh, the pulse is very irregular. Honestly, David, I have tried to find my pulse like a thousand times and nothing. So don't worry about it. David: No, this is very SUMMARY:
A winery hires Moira as its commercial spokesperson; David suffers a panic attack ; David and Alexis attend a partner yoga class with Jocelyn, Mutt, and Twyla.
TEXT: [Scene: Chandler and Joey's Bathroom, Chandler and Monica are sharing a candlelight bubble bath while drinking champagne and they clink their glasses.] Monica: You look cute in bubbles. Chandler: Ehh, you're just liquored up. (They move into kiss but are interrupted by Joey knocking on the door.) Joey: Hey, it's me! I'm comin' in! (Monica quickly dives under the water as Joey enters. He looks a little shocked at what Chandler's doing.) Chandler: I've had a very long, hard day. Joey: Ahh, I'm gonna go get some chicken. Want some? Chandler: Ahh, no thanks. No chicken, bye-bye then. Joey: Okay. (Joey turns to leave but stops at the door.) Joey: You sure? Some extra crispy? Dirty rice? Beans? Chandler: For the last time no! Get out! Get out, Joey! Joey: All right! (Joey leaves and Monica comes up for air.) Chandler: Are you okay? I'm so sorry, he wouldn't leave. He kept asking me about chicken. Monica: Chicken? I could eat some chicken. Chandler: Hey Joe! (Monica goes back underwater as Joey re-enters.) Chandler: Yeah, can I get a 3-piece, some cole slaw, some beans, and a Coke-(Yelps in pain as Monica grabs him underwater)-Diet Coke. (Joey gives him a thumbs up and heads for the chicken.) Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Chandler, Joey, and Monica are eating breakfast.] Phoebe: (entering) Hey! Chandler: Hey, Pheebs! Joey: Mornin' Pheebs! Phoebe: I have to tell you this story. Okay, I was coming over here and this driver... Joey: (interrupting) Was his name Angus? (Monica and Chandler laugh.) Phoebe: What? Joey: Oh, he SUMMARY:
Phoebe feels left out when the other friends talk non-stop about their London trip. Rachel returns from Greece, telling Ross she had a great time but is actually livid that he abandoned her on the plane. Ross attempts to reconcile with Emily who refuses to speak to him. Rachel wants Monica to make all her romance decisions, but ultimately ignores her. Once back home, Monica and Chandler are caught kissing, so Chandler kisses all the girls to cover up their budding relationship.
TEXT: Broadcast 30 November 1963 Duration: 24 minutes 35 seconds [SCENE_BREAK] 1: EXT. DESERT (Outside, a new element has entered the rocky wastes - the odd image of the police box, it's lantern still flashing, standing ungainly on the uneven ground. Part of the wasteland is suddenly obscured by a shadow - what looks like the shadow of a humanoid. It is in fact the shadow of a bearded caveman dressed in the furs. He stares at the TARDIS uncomprehendingly.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. CAVE (The interior of a large cavern, A whole group of cavemen and women are gathered around what looks like an unlit campfire. A caveman, ZA, is hunched over the wooden pile is flinging some dust on the sticks, and waving a bone over them. He rubs the bone between his hands furiously. A young caveboy walks out of the cavern; an old woman sat some distance away regards them all coldly.) OLD MOTHER: Where is the fire Za makes? HUR: (By Za.) In his hands! (To Za quietly.) It will not go into the wood. ZA: (Determined.) My father made fire... OLD MOTHER: They killed him for it. It is better that we live as we have always done. ZA: (Still rubbing) He showed me how to sharpen the stones...and trap the bear and the tiger. He should have shown me this too! OLD MOTHER: So that everyone would bow to you, as they did to him? (Infuriated, ZA picks up the pace of bone rubbing, snarling with growing frustration. Finally, he gives up and leaps to his feet, shouting into the OLD MOTHERS face.) ZA: Tell me what my father did to make fire! OLD MOTHER: I never saw him make it. That is all I know. (ZA brings his arm back to strike her - and stops with a growl.) ZA: Out of my sight, SUMMARY:
Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton, two humble teachers during 1963, are surprised by a bright student named Susan Foreman. Feeling inquisitive of her upbringing, they seek out her residence to learn who nurtured such a genius. There, they discover a junkyard inhabited by her grandfather, simply known as "the Doctor", and he doesn't want them lurking about. When the teachers refuse to leave, they discover that an ordinary police box is actually bigger on the inside. The Doctor decides they know too much about his and Susan's otherworldly origins and takes them on a journey across space and time in his TARDIS, the place he and Susan now call home.
TEXT: Lindsey: "I'm with Wolfram and Hart. Should you continue to harass our client, then we will be forced to bring you into the light of day." Faith: "So who am I supposed to kill?" Lindsey: "His name is Angel." Angel: "So how does it work for a guy like you?" Lindsey: "We only handle a certain class of clientele." Angel: "I'm sure I've killed enough people to qualify." Lindsey: "You know just when I think I've got you figured out - you show up in a suit." Angel: "I'll be around." Gunn: "I don't need no help." Angel: "I might." Ty: "You." Gunn: "You expecting somebody else?" Two toy soldiers are crawling on the sidewalk. Man: "Only two left. I'll cut you a deal. They're real collector's items. - You won't be sorry. (Blind woman tapping the way ahead of her with a cane is coming down the sidewalk towards them) You just turn them on and you let them go." Two young boys pool their money and give it to the man. Boy: "Here you go." Man: "Nice doing business with you. (Sees the blind woman) Wait, Miss. (Woman stops and he moves some toy trucks out of her way) Okay." The woman continues past him, tapping as she goes. A vampire comes flying over some bales in a warehouse. Angel raises a stake but before he can dust the first vamp he is jumped by another from behind, and the stake drops from his hand. He fights the two of them (nice stunt work and fight choreography here), dusts one, gets kicked in the face by the other. Wraps a chain around the neck of the remaining vampire, hoists him up and slides him, along an overhead track, into a piece of wood protruding from some stacked pallets, dusting him. As Angel is about to leave he hears a man groaning. It's a black middle aged man, holding his stomach, who stumbles into the factory and slides down the SUMMARY:
When Wolfram and Hart plots to kill three mystical children, Lindsey begins to question his loyalties. He's willing to be evil, but he's not willing to murder kids. He goes to Angel for help. Along with Gunn, they devise a plan to break into Wolfram and Hart and steal the discs they'll need to save the children. While Angel is in Wolfram and Hart's vault, though, he finds a mysterious scroll that holds some interesting information about his destiny. Meanwhile, Lindsey had to choose a side once and for all.
TEXT: 2.02 - Hammers and Veils OPEN AT LORELAI'S HOUSE [Rory is on the couch in the living room as Lorelai calls her from upstairs.] LORELAI: Rory! RORY: Living room! [Lorelai comes down the steps wearing a newspaper veil on her head.] LORELAI: I need your advice on something. What do you think? RORY: Huh. LORELAI: Not good? RORY: I'm not sure. Have you tried the Arts and Leisure section? LORELAI: I need you to be serious. RORY: You are wearing a newspaper on your head. LORELAI: I know. RORY: And you need me to be serious? LORELAI: I am trying to figure out veil lengths here. RORY: Oh, well sure. LORELAI: See, I kind of like this shoulder length kind of semi-poofy thing like this. RORY: Mm hmm. LORELAI: But there's also a longer one that might be interesting. RORY: Longer, sure. LORELAI: And then there's the full on Diana. RORY: Right, right. LORELAI: Which is nice but it just might be a little.... You're reading me. RORY: Wait, don't move. LORELAI: Rory, stop it. RORY: This Putin arms race thing is really getting crazy. LORELAI: I am trying to have a serious conversation about the most important fashion decision of my life. RORY: Why don't you go to a wedding dress place and try a real veil on? LORELAI: No way. RORY: Why? LORELAI: Too much taffeta, it gives me cotillion flashbacks. RORY: Okay fine. Could you bend over so I can see what the weather's gonna be like tomorrow? LORELAI: Actually, I went in one of those places yesterday. RORY: You did? Which one? LORELAI: Marry Mimi's. RORY: Ooh, I see we're SUMMARY:
Lorelai avoids telling her parents about her engagement to Max, while Rory urges her to spill. But due to a call from Sookie asking them to come to a surprise wedding shower for the happy couple, they already know, and are appalled that Lorelai didn't tell them and so they give her the cold shoulder. Meanwhile, Rory and Dean are having trouble in paradise due to the fact that Rory suddenly becomes obsessed with finding enough extracurricular activities that will set her apart from the hundreds of other Harvard applicants.
TEXT: (Pacey and Dawson are outside of Capeside High School.) Pacey: I'm gonna explode, man. I mean, my insides are gurgling. Who gurgles at 16 unless they're going to explode, huh Dawson: You're not going to explode Pacey: Really? How do you know that, huh? I mean, some guy in Norway blew up in the middle of a supermarket last year Dawson: Nervous anticipation doesn't cause spontaneous combustion Pacey: Who said I was nervous Dawson: It's natural that you're nervous, man, you see Andie in what? Less than six hours Pacey: Five hours, twenty minutes if the traffic's right. (Holds his stomach) I guess I'm a little nervous but what do you expect Dawson: Is your dad still letting you pick her up Pacey: Absolutely. This train cuts at lunch Dawson: Need some company Pacey: Actually, Joey's going to come with me. She wanted to see Andie and per our conversation last week- Dawson: Absolutely. Nobody welcomes a Potter-Witter détente more than me. I'm glad she has somebody. It'll only help as Joey and I weave our separate ways through these pathless woods we call life Pacey: Speaking of wood, Dawson, whatever happened with a certain busgirl Dawson: Don't ask. She vanished. Disappeared. Jonathan Krakauer-ed into thin air Pacey: You let her get away? Dawson: I had a slightly irate father to answer to, Pacey. It's my life, you know Pacey: So what's happened since Dawson: With Eve? I haven't been able to find her Pacey: Did you check down at the strip joint Dawson: Embarrassingly, yes. Turns out she doesn't even work there anymore. She was a temp Pacey: Strip joints have temps (By now, Dawson and Pacey have entered the school and are walking down a hallway.) Dawson: The only information I have about her is her first name and who knows if that's for real Pacey SUMMARY:
As Pacey and Joey leave Capeside to collect Andie from hospital, Dawson is manipulated by his father and the school principal to produce a film about football for the upcoming pep rally. However, the ultimate stars of the film, which is seen by many students and teachers, are Dawson and Eve, who inadvertently appear semi-clothed. The same night, Jen is revealed to be the new head cheerleader and Jack, the new star of the football team, two facts which stun Pacey, Joey and Andie, who are watching from the audience. Pacey is overjoyed to be spending time with Andie, but she doesn't appear as excited to see him, and when confronted by her boyfriend, Andie makes a shocking confession to sleeping with someone else. Jack has an unexpected encounter with his father, who has returned to Capeside.
TEXT: Opening scene - The pool house - It's almost pitch black inside, and its early morning. we hear the door open and Seth walks in and then closes the door behind him. Ryan is sound asleep Seth: (whispers) Ryan (moves closer to the bed) Ryan (sits down beside the bed) (louder) hey Ryan (Ryan gasps and abruptly sits up in bed, startled. Seth grins <unk>lol<unk>) Ryan: (breathes heavily, frowns) what time is it Seth: (turns on the lamp) iiiiiiits five thirty...ish Ryan: showin up earlier an earlier Seth: yeah well, we have alotta ground to cover (Ryan lies back down) so I figured, since we're both up we may's well...get a jump on it Ryan: yeah, no, we've ben over this, Summer doesn't want you, she doesn't want Zach, all there is to it (turns the lamp off) goodnight (rolls onto his side, facing away from Seth) Seth: (turns the lamp back on) something occurred to me, a new wrinkle Ryan: about? the prom Seth: yeah, an I have'ta convince Summer to go with me, we (raises eyebrows) as a couple Ryan, must partake in the magical rite of passage known as the prom Ryan: yeah-yeah-yeah you mean people getting drunk, makin out, throwing up on the gym floor (screws up his face) Seth: no I mean romance Ryan (Ryan looks at him) I mean tuxedos, corsages, the limousines (claps) Ryan: I don't know man, I don't see Summer really buyin inta the prom thing Seth: well you're wrong about that, Summers ben fantasizing about prom since fifth grade Ryan: (looks at Seth) how do ya know that Seth: (matter of factly) sat behind her an Marissa in computer class...I really...honed my e SUMMARY:
Sandy and Caleb confront Kirsten about her behavior. Ryan, looking for the truth about Trey and Marissa, heads home to Chino. Meanwhile, Summer won't let her three-way relationship with Zach and Seth get in the way of her attending the prom. And, Julie and Caleb toast to their final evening together as husband and wife.
TEXT: A recap of 1x04 "Aliens of London" and 1x05 "World War Three". Six month later. INT. LORD MAYOR'S OFFICE Mr Cleaver paces the office. MR CLEAVER (anxiously): I've checked the figures. I've checked them again and again. ALWAYS the same result. The design is not safe. It could result in the death of millions. I beg of you... stop the project right now, before it's too late. MARGARET: Well. Goodness me. Obviously, Mr Cleaver, you're the expert... MR CLEAVER: Then... you'll stop it? MARGARET: Seems I have no choice. (Stomach rumbles noisily, an apologetic smile). Oh... do excuse me. Civic duties leave little time for a sandwich. MR CLEAVER (urgently): But you promise you'll stop it, today? MARGARET: Well of course. Nothing is more important than human life... Her face hardens, and Cleaver looks slightly worried. She makes an effort to lighten her tone. MARGARET (CONT'D): What do you take me for? Some sort of maniac? MR CLEAVER: Why, no... MARGARET: Am I right in thinking you've shown your results only to me? MR CLEAVER: Just to you. No one else. MARGARET (smiles): Wise move. Mr Cleaver, clearly very relieved, takes off his glasses and wipes his eyes, fatigued. MR CLEAVER: I can't tell you Mrs Blaine, this is such a weight off my mind. I've barely slept. I couldn't believe my own readings. He whips a hanky out of his pocket, his backed turned to Margaret, who looks darkly at him and slowly raises a hand to her forehead... MR CLEAVER (CONT'D) The scale of it - destruction like the British Isles has never seen before. He cleans his glasses on the hanky SUMMARY:
The Doctor, Rose, and Jack visit Cardiff to refuel the TARDIS at the rift, and Mickey meets them there. They discover that the Slitheen impersonating Margaret Blaine is now the mayor of Cardiff, and they capture her, suspicious of what she has done. The Doctor sees that she has created a nuclear power plant designed to open the rift and destroy Earth, and a device she would use to flee. Margaret objects to being taken back to her home planet, as she is considered a criminal there. After several failed attempts in killing the Doctor, Margaret requests to be taken to another planet. Jack sees the opportunity to use Margaret's extrapolator to speed up recharging the TARDIS, but this proves to be a trap as it was meant to send the nearest alien power source to the rift. As an earthquake strikes Cardiff, Margaret looks into the heart of the TARDIS, which gives her a second chance at life, restoring her back into an egg.
TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - Cafe Nervosa Fade in. Roz and Frasier are having coffee, a customer walks up. Customer: Dr. Crane. I just wanted to tell you how much I miss your show. Frasier: Oh, well thank you so much. I miss it too. Yes, the brisk interchange of ideas, the crackling interplay between me and my callers. Customer: [obviously haven gotten more than he wanted] Uh-huh. Frasier: Well, you're very kind. The customer nods and leaves. Frasier: See that, Roz? The public still craves the kind of excitement that only Frasier Crane can provide. [Roz is asleep.] Roz! Roz: I am so sorry. The baby kept me up all night long last night. I'm trying to get her used to her crib, but she just hates to sleep alone. Frasier: Well, the acorn certainly doesn't fall far from the... Roz: I have GOT to wake up. I'm on my way to an interview. I mean, I'd kill for a cup of regular coffee, but I'm still nursing so I can't. You know, it was all I could do just to get myself dressed and then feed the baby this morning. Frasier: Yes, you know, next time maybe you should try feeding first and dressing second. [He points to a large stain on her blouse.] Roz: Oh, my God! How did I miss this? Frasier: Well... on the plus side, it does divert the eye from the blueberries in your teeth. Roz: What?! I can't go to this interview like this. Frasier: Of course you can. Roz: Oh, I'm just gonna call and cancel. Frasier: No, no, no, Roz, please! Just check your teeth, put your jacket on and I swear you'll look every inch the smart career gal on the go. There. Roz gets up and organizes herself. Martin walks in. Roz: Thanks, Frasier. Martin: Hey, Roz. Is that the newest thing, wearin' two different shoes SUMMARY:
Martin has arranged for Frasier to meet up again with Duke's daughter, Marie ( Teri Hatcher ), whom he first met when they were both children. Frasier is pleasantly surprised at how beautiful she has become, and enjoys having dinner with her, but notices that she has some neurotic tendencies. He eventually realises that Marie is attracted to him because of his psychiatric expertise, causing him to break up with her.
TEXT: (Three men in an elevator. One of them is Luri Karpachev, the other two are his bodyguards. They hit the button for the forty-seventh floor and the elevator starts to climb, the three of them speaking Russian with Karpachev on his cell. They hear a beeping sound. Above the elevator, in the shaft, is a bomb attached. One bodyguard hoists the other up to investigate the sound when the explosion goes off, sending the elevator down. They all scream and it stops suddenly at the thirty-eighth floor.) KARPACHEV: (in Russian) Emergency brakes. Emergency brakes. (They all laugh nervously but the explosion goes off again and once again they're sent plummeting down the elevator shaft, screaming. The elevator crashes to the ground. The lights flicker as the bodies of the three men remain in the elevator. There's a pounding at the door and the doors open. A crowbar is dropped. A man steps in, wearing a trenchcoat and carrying a flashlight, and calmly takes Karpachev's wallet from his coat. It's Sark.) (CIA ops center. Kendall shows Jack a photograph of Karpachev, they stand in the hallway.) KENDALL: Luri Karpachev, he was a high-level arms dealer in Russia with links to the mafia. Your ex-wife mentions-- JACK: I'd appreciate it if you'd refer to Irina Derevko by name. KENDALL: Derevko listed him among former contacts when she was debriefed by the NSA. JACK: Yes, I've heard the name myself. Sloane had dealings with him at SD-6. I'll talk to Irina, see what she knows. KENDALL: Sorry about the... JACK: Don't be silly. (At Irina's cell, Jack looks pretty relaxed with his hands on either side of the glass, leaning forward a bit.) JACK: After you surrendered yourself in to the CIA, you listed Luri Karpachev as one of your contacts. ( SUMMARY:
Sydney begins to question where Vaughn's allegiances lie when she learns through CIA Agent Yaeger that he is under investigation. Meanwhile Irina and another crucial Rambaldi manuscript-this one about the secret of eternal life-are used as bait to try to catch Sloane. It turns out Vaughn had only been investigating Irina through his own means because the Agency was slow and he wanted to see if he could catch her in a lie or discover additional information. Sydney also welcomes Dixon to the CIA.
TEXT: David Brent: Oh, sorry, mate. Michael: [English accent] Oh, sorry, mate. Excuse me. Mate. David: [laughing] What you doing? Michael: English? David: You picked on the wrong person, I can tell you that. Michael: Oh no no, I'm not picking on you at all. You're English, correct? David: Yeah big time, yeah. Michael: I'm working on an English character. Would you mind gi... It's called Reginald Pooftah. David: Ooh! David Brent, my liege. How are you? Michael: Michael Scott. David: Oh, there you go. I do characters as well. I got a Chinese fella. He's called Ho Li [bleep]. That's what it sounds like. Michael: [laughing] David: Herrow! Herrow! Michael: I do Ping. Herrow. I Ping! David: You can't do that these days. You can't. Michael: No, no, no. And people don't understand that is has nothing to do with making fun of a different nationality. David: No, no. No, comedy is a place where the mind goes to tickle itself. That's what she said. [laughs]. [hugs Michaels] Ohh. Michael: That's good. Pleasure to meet you. David: Where are you working? Michael: Dunder Mifflin. David: Any jobs now? Michael: No, not right now. David: Just let me know. Michael: All right. See you around. David: All right. Michael: Bye-bye. What a nice guy. [SCENE_BREAK] Erin: Your first student is here, Mister Bernard. Andy: That's actually "Master of Ceremonies" Bernard. [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: Last year, I went to a seminar called "The Ten Secrets of Real Estate". Turns out it was just a ploy to sell me time-shares in Idaho. Cut to, you know, spending a weekend in Boise, terrible time, super lonely. But I get to thinking maybe I should put on my own seminar to lure clients SUMMARY:
Andy holds a small business seminar in the office with some special guests to earn some extra cash, after he finds out that his sales are the lowest. Michael and Holly use the seminar as an improv challenge, posing as a Greek couple. Erin and Gabe have a game of Scrabble to decide who will choose their movie of the day. Oscar and Pam help Erin out when she turns out to be a very bad Scrabble player.
TEXT: -[Fairy Tale World]- (Abigail's carriage arrives at an area in the forest, where King George and several of his men are waiting.) King George: Princess Abigail. Your beauty grows with each passing day. It is an honour to have you join my family. Abigail: Thank you, Your Majesty. (Frantic noise is heard in the background.) Abigail: Is everything okay? King George: Just the excitement at the royal wedding. We want to ensure the safety of our guests. So, if you'll excuse me. (He walks away from Abigail and approaches one of the knights.) King George: Find him. (Prince Charming is shown being chased by several knights on horseback. They attempt to shoot him with arrows, but continuously miss. They come to a fallen tree, which Prince Charming's horse manages to jump over. King George's men end up losing sight of Prince Charming.) Knight: Split up! (Prince Charming watches the knights scatter from afar. When he turns around, two hooded figures kidnap him.) -[Real World]- (David and Kathryn are eating dinner at home.) David: Chicken's delicious. Kathryn: David, there's something we need to discuss. David: Okay. Kathryn: I applied to law school. David: That's amazing! Why didn't you ever tell me? Kathryn: I don't know. Maybe cause I didn't think I could actually do it, but I did. I got this today - I got in. (She hands him a piece of paper.) David: It... It's in Boston. Kathryn: I know things have been hard between us, but maybe a fresh start is what we need. Maybe we've been fighting too hard to recapture old memories, when we should've been making new ones instead. -[Fairy Tale World]- (The hooded figures have Prince Charming hostage in the forest. His wrists are tied in front of him. One of the hooded figures walks towards him with a knife.) Prince Charming: Who are you SUMMARY:
With their love for each other growing stronger, David finally agrees to tell Kathryn about his relationship with Mary Margaret and put an end to his loveless marriage. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, while runaway groom Prince Charming searches for Snow White, he agrees to aid Abigail on a dangerous mission to recover something precious that was lost to her.
TEXT: "The Man in the Bear" [SCENE_BREAK] (In a forest at night, Dr. Denise Randall is performing an examination on a dead bear, while Ranger Sherman Rivers looks on.) SHERMAN: We already know what killed the bear. DENISE: Who's the vet here Sherman. SHERMAN: You are Denise. Who's the park ranger? DENISE: That'd be you Sherman. SHERMAN: That's why I know what killed him; scared camper drilled him with the Winchester Magnum.338 DENISE: I get it, you're afraid I'm not showing respect to the bear spirit. SHERMAN: Because I have better things to do than wait around for you to tell me what I already know. DENISE: The law says I have to send in as much information as I can: age, weight, what he last ate... eww.. yummy, hot dogs, fried beans... (digs around inside bear, and pulls out a plastic bag)... beef jerky. SHERMAN: Beef jerky? DENISE: He was in hyperphasia, eating everything he could find before going into hibernation... oooo... (stops digging) SHERMAN: What? DENISE: (digging some more) Sherman, this is... (pulls out the bones of a human hand) Oh God. (exchanges looks with Sherman) [SCENE_BREAK] (Cut to exterior of Jeffersonian. Inside the Lab Brennan is walking into her office looking at the photo of the hand, Booth follows her into the office.) BRENNAN: Looks human to me... (walking into her office, Booth bumps into her while going through the door.) BOOTH: Sorry... BRENNAN: What's the deal? BOOTH: It was found in Eastern Washington State. BRENNAN: Where? (drops files on desk) BOOTH: Inside a bear. BRENNAN: No, I mean.. Inside a bear? BOOTH: An autopsy revealed more bone fragments in the SUMMARY:
Dr. Brennan reluctantly joins Agent Booth to travel to Aurora, Washington State, where a human hand was found inside the stomach of a bear. As Brennan identifies the man, she discovers he might have been a victim of cannibalism. The investigation hits a roadblock when Booth loses a suspect in the woods, leading him and Dr. Brennan to spend some time in the local bar where Brennan is hit on by every available man in the small town. Booth shares a dance with Brennan to give her a break from all the unwanted attention. Meanwhile, at the lab, Zack and Hodgins compete for the attention of a beautiful package delivery employee.
TEXT: Prologue: In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer. Angel's apartment. Buffy and Kendra are faced off, ready to continue their fight. Buffy: (out of breath) Okay, one more time. You're the who?! Kendra: I'm de Slayer. Buffy: Nice cover story. But here's a tip: you might wanna try it on someone who's not the real Slayer. Kendra: Ya can't stop me! Even if ya kill me, anodder Slayer will be sent to take me place. Buffy: Could you stop with the Slayer thing? I'm the damn Slayer! Kendra: Nonsense! Dere is but one, and I am she. Buffy: Okay, (sniffs) a scenario. (holds up her hand) You back off, I'll back off, but you promise not to go all wiggy until we can go to my Watcher and figure this out. Kendra: Wiggy? Buffy: You know. No kick-o, no fight-o? Kendra considers the offer a moment, then relaxes her stance and crosses her arms. Kendra: I accept your scenario. Buffy: So. You were sent here? Kendra: Yes, by my Watcher. Buffy: To do what, exactly? Kendra: To do my duty. I am here to kill vampires. Cut to the back room at Willy's bar. The camera pans from the window over to the cage. The sunlight has advanced past the cage door and is only about three feet from the far wall. Angel is crouched in the far corner, cowering and afraid. He looks up at the light coming through the window. Opening credits roll. Buffy's theme plays. <unk> Part 1 <unk> The library. Kendra stands at attention as Giles paces. Buffy just leans on a chair with her left hand and has her right hand on her hip. Giles: And your Watcher is, i-is Sam Zabuto, you say? Kendra: Yes, sir. Giles: We' SUMMARY:
While Career Week drags on at Sunnydale High, Buffy and Kendra form an uneasy alliance to stop Spike from sacrificing Angel, whose blood, ritually spilled when the moon is full, is Drusilla's only cure. The Slayers bring Spike's plan, to host a massive killing spree for Dru's "coming out party," down around his ears.
TEXT: Genesis of the Daleks by: Terry Nation Part Two Running time: 24:51 [SCENE_BREAK] DAVROS: Follow. Gharman, there is much to be done. SARAH: Help! [SCENE_BREAK] TANE: Party approaching. Check one. TANE: You will announce your name, rank and serial number. Speak now. NYDER (OOV.): Tane, this is Security Commander Nyder with prisoners and escort. NYDER: I want these two screened and passed to Ronson for full interrogation. TANE: Yes, sir. NYDER: Prisoner's belongings. DOCTOR: Good. Well, now he's gone, any chance of a cup of tea? TANE: What! DOCTOR: Or coffee. My friend and I have had a very trying experience. Haven't we had a trying experience, Harry? HARRY: Very trying, Doctor. TANE: Step into the security scan. DOCTOR: What, no tea? TANE: Let me point out to you that you have no rights whatsoever. I have full authority to torture and kill any prisoner who does not comply absolutely with my orders. That is your first and last warning. DOCTOR: No tea, Harry. TANE: You're cleared. Move forward. You, next. TANE: Scan detects power source located below prisoner's left elbow. Remove object from prisoner's left wrist. DOCTOR: You can't have that. That bracelet could have no possible use as a weapon. TANE: It remains with the other confiscated items. HARRY: Let's not make a fuss, Doctor. DOCTOR: The Time Ring is our only hope of getting back to the TARDIS. TANE: Two prisoners at checkpoint. Awaiting orders. DOCTOR: Recovering it has got to be our number one priority. Do you understand, Harry? It's vital. HARRY: Yes, I know it's vital, but we don't want them to know that, do we? TANE: The prisoners are to be given into the custody of Senior Researcher Ronson. Here, take this SUMMARY:
The Doctor and Harry are taken to the Kaled bunker where Davros is preparing to demonstrate the Daleks, while Sarah is captured by the Thals and taken to their city as a slave worker.
TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Attic. It's empty. Leo orbs in.] Leo: Paige? Come on, Paige, I know you're here, you summoned me. (He hears a noise.) Paige? Paige? (An invisible Paige creeps up behind him and jumps into his body. He squirms around in pain and explodes into millions of white lights. Paige becomes visible.) Paige: Ha! That is a vanquish! (Leo orbs in, not impressed.) Leo: Damn it, Paige. I would appreciate it if you didn't practice on me. I may be dead but it still hurts! Paige: I am sorry, Leo, but I think I came up with a perfect way to vanquish Cole. I kept thinking... what is it that makes him so indestructible? And then I thought, it's his protection shield. So I came up with a potion that makes me invisible long enough so I can get past it, say a spell and blow him up from the inside. Leo: Firstly, congratulations, cool potion. Paige: Thank you. Leo: Secondly, it will never work. Okay, even if it does, it's not something you should be going at alone. Whatever the ultimate solution is it lies within the Power of Three. Paige: Yeah, well, we have tried that. Besides, I'm a witch too and I don't see why I can't try to operate on my own every once in a while. Leo: You can and you have but Cole is different and you know it. Paige: No, I don't know that, Leo. Now, I have worked really hard on this by myself for days, I know I can do this. And I wanna do it. For Phoebe. (She storms out of the attic.) [Scene: Cole's apartment. The elevator doors open and Cole walks out. He puts his wallet and keys on a side table. He picks up a photo of him and Phoebe and sighs. He looks into the mirror.] Cole SUMMARY:
In his twisted attempt to win Phoebe back, Cole casts a spell that alters reality, which eliminates Paige as a Halliwell and destroys the Power of Three. Meanwhile, Paige suddenly finds that her sisters have no knowledge of her existence and that past villains are still alive, meaning all the innocents they saved are dead. Paige recreates the Power of Three and regains her powers. Using them, she retrieves the vanquishing potion she made to kill the vulnerable Cole and prepares to finally kill him, but is stopped by Phoebe. Cole does not try to escape, thinking Phoebe loves him too much to kill him, but Phoebe throws the potion herself, finally killing Cole. Cole's death reverts the world to normal and only Paige remembers what happened.
TEXT: Clarke (V.O.): I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face or breathed real air or floated in the water. None of us have. For three generations, the Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind. Each of us is here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive, but we will be tested. By the Earth, by the secrets it holds, and most of all by each other. [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Raven: Ark Station, please come in. We need you. Jaha: Are you saying there are survivors on the ground? Clarke: Yes. The Earth is survivable. Finn: The Grounder saved Octavia's life, and Bellamy brought him back here and tortured him. Lincoln: My name is Lincoln. Bellamy: Let's go. With the Grounder escaping, we should expect retaliation. Jaha: We are going to the ground, but not all of us are. There are two thousand, two hundred and thirty seven people on this Ark, and there are only enough dropships to carry seven hundred. [SCENE_BREAK] Jaha: My friends, this is a historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, on the ground. Miller: Right. After we did all the work. Delinquent: Someone shut him up. Raven: You shut up, Miller. No one's forcing you to watch. Jaha: For ninety-seven years, we have eked out an existence, hoping that someday our descendants would return to Earth. Clarke: Don't tell me you don't like Unity Day. Finn: Unity Day is a lie. The Ark only came together after the thirteenth station was blown out of the sky. Just not the version of history we like to tell each other at parties. Clarke: The Unity Day story gives people hope, though, and peace came out of that violence. Finn: Yeah, but did there need to be violence SUMMARY:
"Unity Day" arrives, when the joining of the orbiting space stations is celebrated. As the 100 celebrate, they find their video link interrupted when a bomb explodes during the ceremony on The Ark. Diana engineers a mutiny in order to hijack the first dropship. As the ship launches, it is not fully disconnected from The Ark's main systems, causing an Ark-wide power outage and disabling every dropship. On the ground, in an effort to initiate peace, Finn arranges a meeting with the local grounder leader through Lincoln. Clarke represents the group and goes to the meeting, where she meets Anya, a grounder leader. Anya reveals that the 100's "flares" burned down a grounder village, causing the grounders to desire their destruction despite it having been an accident. Jasper, who along with Bellamy is monitoring the meeting from cover, believes he sees the grounder spotters in the trees about to shoot, he opens fire, and the meeting dissolves into battle. That night, Clarke and Bellamy see the dropship descending. It comes in too fast with no parachute and violently crashes in the distance.
TEXT: THE ROMANS DENNIS SPOONER 5:40pm - 6:05pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: EXT. HILLSIDE (The TARDIS materialises on a wooded cliffside. Against the sound of birdsong, it immediately begins to rock precariously on its base.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. TARDIS. CONSOLE ROOM (The DOCTOR switches off controls whilst IAN is the first to notice that not all is quite right with the TARDIS's new landing site.) DOCTOR: There we are! Safely down. IAN: What's that movement, Doctor? DOCTOR: Mmm? IAN: Well, surely you can feel it? DOCTOR: What movement? (BARBARA and VICKI rush to the console, as the rocking movement grows greater.) BARBARA: Doctor! What's happening? DOCTOR: Oh! IAN: Take off again Doctor! DOCTOR: Hold on! VICKI: We're falling! (The room suddenly lurches to one side.) DOCTOR: Hold on, Hold on, Hold on! (The companions are all thrown to one side and onto the floor.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3: EXT. HILLSIDE (The TARDIS falls off the cliffside and down into the valley.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4: EXT. VALLEY (The TARDIS lies at an angle at the bottom of the hill. Plants have grown over if it has been there for some time.) [SCENE_BREAK] 5: INT. VILLA (IAN lies with his eyes closed...but suddenly puts a bunch of grapes to his mouth. He is lying on a Roman couch dressed in a toga. Nearby the DOCTOR, also dressed in a toga, stops watering a pot plant to glance at the teacher.) DOCTOR: (Laughs.) So, you're awake at last, young man? (IAN looks across at him but remains lying down.) IAN: No need to say it like SUMMARY:
Landing in Rome, A.D. 64 the travellers take a rare holiday. While Ian and Barbara are happy to relax, the Doctor and Vicki set off to pursue adventure. However, adventure soon finds Ian and Barbara too as they are kidnapped by slave traders, and the Doctor's imitation of Maximus Pettulian sees him taken to the court of Emperor Nero where he inadvertently plays a part in deciding the course of history...
TEXT: Teleplay by: Andrew Reich & Ted Cohen Story by: Shana Goldberg-Meehan [Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Phoebe, Rachel and Monica are there. Ross walks in with a magazine in his hand.] Ross: Hey, you're not going to believe this. I made up a joke and sent it in to Playboy. They printed it! Phoebe: I didn't know Playboy prints jokes. Ross: Yeah, they print jokes, interviews, hard-hitting journalism. It's not just about the pictures. Monica: That didn't work on mom, it's not going to work on us. Ross: (showing them the page) Here, check it out. It's the first one, too. (They all laugh indifferently, except Chandler, who's a little angry.) Chandler: That is funny. It was also funny when I made it up. Ross: What? Chandler: I made that joke up. Ross: Uh, oh-oh, no you didn't. I did. Chandler: Yes, I did. I told it to Dan at work, and he said it was the funniest joke he'd ever heard. Ross: Hey, tell Dan, 'Thanks.' (Rachel is looking at the magazine and laughing.) Ross: What? Rachel: I'm sorry, I was just reading the joke below it. Man, that one is funny. (Ross grabs the magazine away from her.) Chandler: Monica, you remember me telling you that joke, right? Monica: No. Chandler: Seriously? Monica: Well, you tell a lot of jokes! Ross: Look, Chandler, it's my joke. But, hey, if it makes you feel any better they don't print the name, so it doesn't really matter who gets credit, right? Chandler: Yeah, I guess. Joey: (entering) Hey guys. Chandler: (jumping up from his chair) Hey, Joey, Playboy printed my joke. Ross: No, it's my joke, it's mine. You can call them, they'll tell you. Chandler: It's my joke. Ross: It' SUMMARY:
Chandler is upset when Playboy prints Ross' joke; both claim they originated the joke. Meanwhile, Joey reluctantly takes a waiter job at Central Perk. When Gunther fires him when he closes the shop to go to an audition, Rachel defends him. Phoebe says she would choose Rachel over Monica as a girlfriend because Monica is high-maintenance, but also says that Rachel is a pushover, causing tension between the girls.
TEXT: [INT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL - CONVERTED SUPPLY CLOSET - DAY] (Camera pans to Nathan sitting in a room, alone, with a black backdrop. He is looking straight into the camera.) NATHAN: (Sighs) So you want me to tell you something about myself? (Shakes his head slightly and shrugs.) I don't have anything to say. Even if I did,... you'd be wrong to believe me. (Pause) Trust is a lie. Nobody ever knows anyone. [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL - GROUNDS - DAY<unk> (Camera pans down from the sky. Students are roaming the grounds of the school.) PAST TEACHER: (v.o) What does a young fella like you do for- [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL - CLASSROOM - DAY] (A TV is on in the classroom and a black and white video is being played. The date behind the boy in a Tree Hill jersey is 1955.) PAST TEACHER: -recreational activity? PAST STUDENT: Well... (Smiles) I like athletics,... horsing around with my pals. (The camera pans across the class as they watch the tape. Nathan has his arms crossed, annoyed. Lucas is almost lying on his arm and other kids show varying signs of boredom.) PAST STUDENT: I suppose most of the fellas like to chase girls. (Grins) (The class laughs.) PAST TEACHER: And does that go for you too? (Camera focuses on Brooke as she smiles fondly.) PAST STUDENT: Ah, no sir- (Cut to Jake as he sits watching. He seems to be the only one truly interested, with the exception of Brooke.) PAST STUDENT: -I have a steady girl. (Cut to Peyton.) PAST STUDENT: Some kids find it difficult; having a steady. SUMMARY:
When Tree Hill High does a time capsule project, the gang confesses their most intimate secrets to an anonymous video camera. Nathan's anger over Haley's absence continues to grow, eventually landing both Lucas and Nathan in jail. Peyton and Jake's feelings for each other heat up, while Felix throws Brooke a party to celebrate her new gig as student body president. When brought to court, Lucas opts to live with Dan and Deb rather than Karen. This episode is named after a song by The Ataris .
TEXT: [Alaric's appartment] (Klaus/Alaric opens the closet and takes 2 shirts. Katherine is tied to a chair) Klaus/Alaric: Oh! Who is this guy, Safari Sam? (He shows the shirts to Katherine) Klaus/Alaric: Ok, bad, or badder? Katherine: The dark colors suit you better Klaus/Alaric: Oh, thank you, honey. Ok, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatore's possession, correct? Katherine: The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house Klaus/Alaric: Ok, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Ohh, that guy is a buzzkill Katherine: Don't forget you're on the outs with your girlfriend Jenna Klaus/Alaric: Right. Elena's aunt. For all the lies about Isobel. What else? Katherine: That's it (He gets closer to her and touches her face. She seems afraid) Klaus/Alaric: Oh, so jumpy Katherine: Please, just... kill me. I've told you everything that I know Klaus/Alaric: You see, I believe that you believe that but what would you not know? What could they be keeping from you? Hmm? Anything? Tell me (She looks at him and he compels her) Katherine: They were trying to see if Bonnie could find a way to kill an Original without a dagger Klaus/Alaric: Bonnie the best friend? And then you said she didn't have her powers anymore Katherine: She doesn't or didn't. I don't know. You kidnapped me, remember? I'm kinda out of the loop Klaus/Alaric: Well, we'll have to get to the bottom of that Katherine: Please, just kill me, Klaus, and be done with it Klaus/Alaric: And show you kindness? I've searched for you for over 500 years. Your death is going to last at least half that long (He takes a knife from his pocket) Klaus/A SUMMARY:
Klaus (in Alaric's body) compels Katherine to tell him how the others plan to kill him. He then finds out that Bonnie has obtained power that could threaten his life. At the school dance, Jeremy confronts Bonnie about why she wants to kill herself for Elena, and Damon overhears. Jeremy goes to Stefan for help, and Stefan tells Elena about Bonnie's plans. Elena finally guesses who "Alaric" really is. Bonnie fights Klaus with her powers and appears to die. As Elena grieves, Damon tells her that Klaus must believe Bonnie is dead, but her death was faked. Realizing that Bonnie intends to endanger herself to defeat Klaus, Elena pulls the dagger out of Elijah's heart.
TEXT: KILGARRAH: In a land of myth, and a time of magic. The destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name: Merlin. [SCENE_BREAK] [Arthur, Gwen and Merlin are going for a picnic.] ARTHUR: This is nice isn't it? Just the two of us. GWEN: Well, three of us. ARTHUR: Merlin? Merlin doesn't count. MERLIN: I don't count? Not here. Not actually speaking right now. ARTHUR: Aren't you impressed that I remembered our anniversary? GWEN: But you didn't remember. I reminded you over a month ago. ARTHUR: Yes...but I remembered that it was GWEN: Ah! MERLIN: Actually, I did. ARTHUR: Shut up, Merlin! [Gwen and Merlin laugh.] MERLIN: [Laughing] I did! [A bomb scares Arthur's horse which rears up and then runs the other way. The girth snaps making him fall off. Bandits come out of the trees and attack Arthur.] MERLIN: Arthur! [Arthur starts to fight the bandits. Merlin dismounts his horse. One of the bandits is about to hurt Arthur, but Merlin makes his sword magically fly out of his hands. Arthur kills the last bandit.] [SCENE_BREAK] OPENING CREDITS [SCENE_BREAK] [KING'S PALACE- PHYSICIAN'S CHAMBERS] [Gaius, Arthur, Gwen and Merlin are in Gaius' chambers tending to Arthur's wound.] GAIUS: You're very fortunate, sire. A fall like that you could have broken your neck. ARTHUR: But the men that attacked us, have they been questioned? GAIUS: I'm sorry, sire, the wounds were fatal. We were unable to learn anything from them. MERLIN: We know one thing- it can't have been a coincidence that they were there. [Leon walks in.] LE SUMMARY:
Strange events are occurring in Camelot, and all of them seem to bring harm to the King. Tyr, a stable-hand, gets caught in the cross-fire and Morgana fears that he will reveal the secret of Guinevere being a traitor. Merlin becomes suspicious of Gwen, quickly realising that Morgana must have done something to her. Tyr is found dead before he can report any news, and the attempts to kill Arthur continue. Finally, Gwen manages to poison Arthur, forcing Merlin to use his magic to save the King.
TEXT: 1.12 - Double Date CUT TO GILMORE HOUSE [alarm rings] RORY: Mom! [Lorelai comes into the kitchen, takes the coffee pot off the maker while Rory puts her coffee cup in it's place to catch the coffee that's still in the process of being made. Rory puts two pop tarts in the toaster, takes her coffee cup from the coffee maker while Lorelai replaces it with the pot. Lorelai puts the pop tarts on a paper towel while Rory picks up her school bag. Lorelai hands Rory a pop tart and with coffee and pop tart in hand, tries to tie her shirt. Rory hands her her coffee, puts the tart in her mouth and ties it for Lorelai. Lorelai takes the clip out of Rory's hair, gives her a 'what were you thinking' look and tosses it aside. Rory takes her coffee back and they both leave.] CUT TO GILMORE LIVING ROOM [Rory and Lane are sitting on the couch] RORY: Wow, you went new-cd crazy! [dumping a bag full of cd's on the coffee table] LANE: They just had an amazing selection today. RORY: The best of Blondie...Kraftwerk...Young Marble Giants...Yoko Ono - really? LANE: A very misunderstood artist and the Beattles would've broken up anyways. RORY: Have you shared this theory with anyone? LANE: I know it, Yoko knows it, Sean knows it. Julian's still in denial but what can you do? RORY: Ok, I must listen to anyone named Claudine Longet [puts cd in player] LANE: Rory... RORY: Yes Lane? LANE: I have a favor to ask you. RORY: Uh huh? LANE: Well you know Dean? RORY: My boyfriend? LANE: Yes. RORY: Yes I do. LANE: Ok...well remember I was telling you about his friend Todd? RORY: Todd. Yes. LANE: Have you met him? RORY: SUMMARY:
After Lorelai encourages Sookie to ask out Jackson, she finds herself on the double date from hell with Jackson's cousin, Rune, which makes Luke jealous enough to finally work up the courage to ask Lorelai out. Meanwhile, Rory and Lane get into trouble when they double date with Dean and his friend Todd without telling their moms.
TEXT: (Sydney stares at Fisher's dead body. She looks around frantically, and runs out of the office. She runs down a hall, tries a door.) ORDERLY: HEY! (She turns to see an orderly headed her way. She runs down a hall, he's following right behind. Sydney goes into a room, closes the door behind her and runs for the back door. It's locked. She tries a window nearby, slams on it. The orderly enters. Advancing on him, Sydney gets into a fighting stance. He comes closer, tries hitting her. She hits him. He slams her knees with the shocking wand. Sydney falls to the ground, and on her back, kicks him in the chin/neck. The orderly stumbles back and she takes his keys, grabbing the wire/string on it, and tries strangling him with it. Another orderly comes in with a tranquilizer. Sydney holds the first orderly that she was strangling in front of her, the second orderly shoots the first orderly with a dart instead of her. She drops him. Suddenly, Sydney arches up, in shock. She turns to see Dr. Kreshnik standing with a tranquilizer gun behind her. She's shot in the back with a dart. Woozy, Sydney teeters from side to side and then falls in a heap on the floor.) (SD-6, Sloane and Jack are in a meeting room together.) SLOANE: Jack, I thought you should know Sydney and Fisher missed their scheduled contact. What are you thinking? MR. BRISTOW: Worst case is they're not alone in there. Maybe someone posing as a patient, or a doctor. SLOANE: Come on, Jack. Sydney's a smart kid, we've seen her through worse than this. MR. BRISTOW: Maybe not. SLOANE: Maybe not. But, I believe in her. I believe in her as if she were my own daughter. (Mr. Bristow freezes. Sloane SUMMARY:
After helping Shepard escape from the asylum in Bucharest Sydney discovers the shocking connection he has with her past. He was brainwashed by SD-6 and programmed to kill her fiancé, among others. Sloane is confronted by Alliance representative Alain Christophe after the computer worm affair blows up, whom suggests that one or more moles may have infiltrated SD-6. Will Tippin continues to investigate the Eloise Kurtz (alias Kate Jones), who now claims to have been Danny's mistress. He makes an appointment with her, but when he goes to her place it has been emptied and repainted and she is gone. Later, she's found dead in Echo Park. Sydney, in the meantime, understands that Shepard is not really responsible for Danny's murder but he's been used by the SD-6 very much like herself. She lets him go and tells SD-6 that he went totally insane and committed suicide jumping from a bridge near the frontier with Bucharest. Upon her return to Los Angeles, she learns the truth about her father's involvement in her mother's death 20 years earlier. It was his fault because he was fleeing from another car when they had the accident. But Syd also learns for sure that he was not involved with the KGB. He tells her that during the Cold War everybody was suspicious of illegal activities, so he was investigated as a routine process.
TEXT: ACT ONE THE ICE WOMAN COMETH Scene One - KACL Frasier is on the air. He has just begun to listen to Betsy. Frasier: Good afternoon, Betsy. I'm listening. Betsy: [v.o.] Hi, Dr. Crane. My problem is that my husband wants to take me on a cruise for our anniversary. Frasier: Well, that sounds enchanting. Roz holds up a card that says "bathroom." Frasier dismisses it. Betsy: Yes, except I keep having this dream where I'm in a cabin asleep, and I see a drop of water beginning to leak up and at first it's just a trickle, but then it's a stream, and then it's gushing, pouring water everywhere and there's nothing in the world that I can do to stop this. These words eventually get to Roz and all she can do is leave without permission. Frasier: That's a very powerful image, wouldn't you say so, Roz? [sees she has gone] Roz agrees. Meanwhile, Roz bumps into Boston's ice woman in the corridor. Roz, however, must cross her legs together. Lilith: Excuse me, I'm looking for Frasier Crane, they said he was up here. Roz: Lilith it's me, Roz... Doyle. Lilith: [recognizing] Oh yes, Frasier's fun-loving producer.. [sees Roz's pregnant lump]...who's apparently having a bit too much fun loving. Roz: You know, I'd love to send one back at you, but I gotta pee! Roz runs off to the little girls' room as Lilith enters listening to Frasier's final thoughts. Frasier: [on air] Well that's all the time we have today. This is Dr. Frasier Crane, wishing you a good day and good mental... [sees Lilith] AHHH! [explains] I'm sorry, someone just walked into the room and frightened me. It's, u SUMMARY:
Lilith has come to Seattle to tell Frasier that her new husband has left her for the interior decorator. Frasier is worried, as they have been in this situation before, and he finds Lilith irresistible when she is vulnerable. He exhorts Niles to help him resist temptation, particularly when she goes to dinner with them wearing a very revealing new dress. But after getting drunk, it is Niles and Lilith who sleep together in her hotel room.
TEXT: INT. TARDIS The Doctor treads over the grilling in the TARDIS. He slings his jacket over one of the supports and walks slowly up to the console where he begins to operate the controls. The engines start to hum. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Rose, Jackie and Mickey are outside the TARDIS... Rose packed and ready to go. JACKIE: Have you got everything? ROSE: I've got everything, don't worry. JACKIE: Be careful. They hug. ROSE: You got to call Mo about that... JACKIE: Oh, never mind Mo... INT. TARDIS The Doctor pulls a lever and the rotor begins to rise and fall. He gazes up at it and a proud smile spreads across his face. EXT. POWELL ESTATE ROSE: Okay, I'm going now. I love you! She kisses her mum on the cheek. JACKIE: I love you. ROSE: Love you, love you... INT. TARDIS The Doctor smacks down on the controls. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Rose kisses Mickey goodbye. MICKEY: Love you. ROSE: Bye. She goes to the TARDIS with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face. INT. TARDIS Rose closes the door behind her, shrugging the rucksack from her shoulders. The Doctor notices her and they beam at each other. The Doctor pulls a lever with extra vigour. EXT. POWELL ESTATE The TARDIS begins to dematerialize. Jackie is already walking away, but Mickey watches it go before following her. INT. TARDIS The Doctor and Rose are both operating the controls. ROSE: So, where are we going? THE DOCTOR (grinning): Further than we've ever gone before. Rose grins back. OPENING CREDITS EXT. NEW EARTH Rose and the Doctor step out of the TARDIS onto a windy stretch of grass. Rose's mouth drops open. THE DOCTOR: It's the year five billion and twenty three... we're in the galaxy M SUMMARY:
The Doctor and Rose go to New Earth, the planet which humanity inhabited after the Earth's destruction by the Sun . They go into a hospital in New New York, where Rose meets the villain Cassandra again. Cassandra possesses Rose's body as she is in need of one, but the Doctor is suspicious of "Rose"'s actions. They discover that the hospital holds hundreds of artificially-grown humans that have been infected with diseases so the Sisters of Plenitude can find their cures. "Rose" releases several of the humans as a distraction, but they release others and a zombie-like attack begins. The Doctor sprays the infected humans with an intravenous solution using a disinfectant shower, curing them. The Doctor orders Cassandra out of Rose and she transfers her consciousness to her servant Chip , but his cloned body fails and Cassandra accepts her death.
TEXT: Scene: The stairwell. Leonard is carrying a large box. Leonard: Why do I always have to carry the heavy stuff? Sheldon: Well, it's very simple. In our ragtag band of scientists with nothing to lose, I'm the smart one, Wolowitz is the funny one, and Koothrappali is the lovable foreigner who struggles to understand our ways and fails. That leaves you, by default, as the muscle. Leonard: One more floor, and I'd be the pulled muscle. Penny (who is inside the apartment): Oh, it's about time, I'm starving. Leonard: Uh, well, we didn't actually get Chinese food. Penny: Why not? Leonard: Don't panic, this is better. Penny: Oh, no, you didn't trade the food for magic beans, did you? Sheldon: Of course not. And, technically, magic beans would be food, although eating them would be quite a waste, since you could plant them and overnight have a giant beanstalk, which would provide enough roughage for a small city. Penny: Yeah, sometimes I don't listen, sometimes I just watch your jaw go up and down. Leonard: We were on our way to the Chinese restaurant when we thought we saw Adam West, so we followed him. Penny: Who's Adam West? Sheldon: Who's Adam West? Leonard, what do the two of you talk about after the coitus? Howard: My guess is, "Hey, four minutes! New record!" That's why I'm the funny one. Leonard: Anyway, we followed the guy to this garage sale, and they had the coolest stuff. Howard: They were closing up. We got this whole box for sixty bucks. Leonard: We didn't even get to go through it all. There could be anything in here. Penny: There a new girlfriend in there? 'Cause you might need one. Leonard: No. But there is an original final draft Ghostbusters script with actual slime stains! (Raj whispers to Leonard) Oh, you're right, it's Ghostbusters 2. Never mind. Howard: Oh, my God. An Alf doll. When I was 11 my SUMMARY:
Sheldon, Raj, Leonard and Howard acquire a collectible casting of the One Ring, which turns out to be a prop from The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. After Penny punches Sheldon on the nose, fights and deceptions ensue as the four try various means to prevent the others from possessing it, as Penny observes in disbelief.
TEXT: -[Fairy Tale World]- (Red is quickly running through the woods. She arrives at a tent where Prince Charming, Snow White, and several others are gathered around a map. They are discussing strategy when she enters.) Prince Charming: King George's men are here on this ridge... Red: We have to move camp. They're coming for us. Prince Charming: No! We will not run. We said we were going to take the kingdom back and we can't do that with our tails between our legs....No offense. Red: But matters have worsened. The King has a new general. Snow White: Who is he? Red: They call him the Leviathan. They say he attacks like a monster striking from the depths of the sea. You never see him coming, you never survive. Prince Charming: We'll see about that. Snow White: How close is his army? (An arrow tears through the tent and strikes the table.) Prince Charming: I'd say pretty close. (Everyone exits the tent. Several of King George's men have gathered outside.) Snow White: We should split up - divide them. Prince Charming: Exactly. Go. Go! Go. (Everyone scatters, except Prince Charming, who lingers back.) Snow White: Aren't you coming? Prince Charming: He's going after me. You'll have a better chance of escaping on your own. Don't worry. Meet me in two days time at the cabin. Snow White: The cabin? Where she is? Are you sure? Prince Charming: We're engaged. I think it's about time you met my mother. (They notice a masked knight on a horse watching them from a distance.) Prince Charming: Go. Go. (Snow White takes off into the woods, but is followed by the masked knight. The knight manages to get ahead of her and easily knocks her down.) Snow White: What kind of general hides behind a mask? Who are you really, Leviathan? Lancelot: Leviathan? That's what they're calling me? (He removes his SUMMARY:
Emma and Mary Margaret, with the aid of Mulan, Aurora and brave knight Lancelot, attempt to find a portal that will bring them back to Storybrooke. But a dark force threatens their safe return. And Henry tries to talk Jefferson into reuniting with his daughter. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale land that was, on the eve of meeting Prince Charming's mother, King George poisons Snow White, and the only antidote lies within the waters of the Lady of the Lake.
TEXT: At the car lot, Paige is pouring water on a car Paige: I christen thee... what's your new baby's name Spin? Craig: Sparky? Looks like a Sparky. Herbie? Thomas? Spinner: The Love Mobile. That's what this is, it's our love mobile. (He and Paige kiss.) Craig: And you're calling me a dork? Joey: Hey you don't own that quite yet. Spinner: $2700 for 386 miserable hours of waiting tables. Joey: Congratulations. (Joey hands Spinner the keys and he and Paige are shown driving around town.) Spinner: Wicked, wicked, wicked day. Okay tonight I am taking you to the drive-in. Load up the car with some blankets, some slow jams of love. (They kiss as a cop pulls up behind them.) Paige: Mm breath spray for you. Spinner: Holy crap on a stick. Paige: Oh my god I told you, you were speeding. Spinner: What do I do? (The cop knocks on his window and Spinner rolls it down.) Spinner: Uh nice day, huh officer? Police officer: Lovely. I'm looking for Paige Michalchuk at this address. Paige: Michalchuk. Um I'm Paige. (He hands her a letter.) Paige: Notice to appear? Police officer: You pressed charges in a sexual assault case in 2002. Paige: Wow. Um really, now? At the drive-in (Paige screams while watching the horror movie.) Paige: Ew! Cuddles please! (Paige and Marco cuddle together and scream at another scary part.) Marco: I hate zombie movies! Didn't I tell you?! Paige: Oh they're totally devouring that chick. Gross. Spinner: I can't even see. Paige: Okay well it's more than we shorties could see if we were stuck behind you, bebe. Spinner: Yeah, but it's my car. Paige: Ew. Okay enough with the creepy un-dea SUMMARY:
With the new school year on the horizon, Paige receives a summons to testify against Dean when the rape case finally comes to trial after two years. She soon learns that the legal system is not perfect when Dean is unfortunately acquitted of all charges. Angered by the outcome, she seeks a destructive revenge against him which could also affect Spinner. Meanwhile, Craig celebrates his 16th birthday, receives $10,000 from his father's will, and spends it on an extravagant guitar, much to Joey's disapproval.
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars... Veronica approaches Weevil in the Neptune car park as he gets out of his new car in 213 "Ain't No Magic Mountain High Enough." VERONICA: Where did you hide the cashbox? WEEVIL: The two places you looked for it. In a flashback, Weevil stuffs the cashbox in Ophelia's backpack, and then writes "Nancy" on a bill. WEEVIL: I had to go back later and, uh, add the incriminating fifty dollar bill. Cut to the preppy girl in criminology class when Veronica brought Weevil in as her class project in 305 "President Evil." JENNY: Do you think you can ever really leave gang life behind? WEEVIL: Yeah, I miss it. I miss having cash in my pocket. Cut to Dick confronting his father in 318 "I Know What You'll Do Next Summer." DICK: The world doesn't stop because you decided to show up. I can barely live with myself sometimes, and it's so much easier when you're not around! Veronica and Piz kiss as the lift doors open to reveal Logan. The moment is awkward in 317 "Debasement Tapes." INT - HEARST COLLEGE, FOOD COURT - DAY. Music: "Lazy Girls" by Jill Cunniff. LYRICS: Here's a song for lazy girls and laid-back boys Who never quite outgrew their toys Maybe they told you You got to go get 'em But you'd rather lay low and watch the river run Hey, lazy girls and laid-back boys You got it right, life's to enjoy (Eating orange popsicles) Float down the road, blowing kisses Keep laughing through the hits and misses, yeah... A blond girl is arguing with the cashier at the top of a long queue in the Food Hall. In the queue, someway back, Veronica and Mac wait. They've already started nibbling at the frozen yoghurt for which they are waiting to pay. MAC: Take a look around SUMMARY:
Weevil is arrested for selling fake debit cards, but claims he is being framed and asks Veronica for help. On Piz's radio show, Keith debates Vinnie Van Lowe about the upcoming election, while Dick drunkenly apologizes to Mac for the way he has treated her. Veronica and Piz make up after their argument, and a sex tape of them is posted on the internet. Dick shows the sex tape to Logan who thinks Piz filmed the act without Veronica's knowledge and beats him up at his radio show.