METHODS Patients were randomly assigned to receive 20 mg of lidocaine either as lidocaine 2 % gel ( 1 ml ) or as lidocaine 4 % unpreserved eyedrops ( 0.5 ml ) before clear corneal phacoemulsification .
METHODS Aqueous samples were taken to measure lidocaine intraocular levels .
METHODS Intraoperative pain was quantified a few minutes after surgery using a 0 to 10 visual analog scale .
METHODS Patients were asked to grade the degree to which they were bothered by tissue manipulation .
METHODS The surgeon graded patients ' cooperation .
METHODS The anesthesiologist recorded any increase in pulse or blood pressure and the need for supplemental topical anesthesia or intravenous sedation .
METHODS Duration of surgery and intraoperative complications were also recorded .
RESULTS In the gel group intracameral lidocaine levels were significantly higher ( P < 0.001 ) and patient-reported intraoperative pain scores were significantly lower ( P = 0.026 ) .
RESULTS Patients in the gel group were bothered by tissue manipulation to a lesser extent ( P = 0.028 ) , and their cooperation was better ( P = 0.002 ) .
RESULTS Increases in blood pressure were more frequent in the eyedrops group .
RESULTS Supplemental anesthesia was required in two cases ( 3.70 % ) in the gel group versus eight cases in the eyedrops group ( 15.09 % ) .
RESULTS No correlation between intracameral lidocaine levels and intraoperative pain scores was found ( r = -0.026 , P = 0.789 ) .
CONCLUSIONS If administered by means of gel , the same amount of lidocaine gives significantly higher intracameral levels of lidocaine , better analgesia , better patient cooperation , and less need for intraoperative supplemental anesthesia .
CONCLUSIONS Lower pain scores do not correlate with intracameral lidocaine levels .
BACKGROUND Psychosocial stress profoundly impacts long-term cardiovascular health through adverse effects on sympathetic nervous system activity , endothelial dysfunction , and atherosclerotic development .
BACKGROUND Recreational Music Making ( RMM ) is a unique stress amelioration strategy encompassing group music-based activities that has great therapeutic potential for treating patients with stress-related cardiovascular disease .
METHODS Participants ( n = 34 ) with a history of ischemic heart disease were subjected to an acute time-limited stressor , then randomized to RMM or quiet reading for one hour .
METHODS Peripheral blood gene expression using GeneChip Human Genome U133A 2.0 arrays was assessed at baseline , following stress , and after the relaxation session .
RESULTS Full gene set enrichment analysis identified 16 molecular pathways differentially regulated ( P < 0.005 ) during stress that function in immune response , cell mobility , and transcription .
RESULTS During relaxation , two pathways showed a significant change in expression in the control group , while 12 pathways governing immune function and gene expression were modulated among RMM participants .
RESULTS Only 13 % ( 2/16 ) of pathways showed differential expression during stress and relaxation .
CONCLUSIONS Human stress and relaxation responses may be controlled by different molecular pathways .
CONCLUSIONS Relaxation through active engagement in Recreational Music Making may be more effective than quiet reading at altering gene expression and thus more clinically useful for stress amelioration .
OBJECTIVE The goal of this study was to determine whether azimilide , as compared with placebo , will reduce the number of emergency department ( ED ) visits and hospitalizations caused by arrhythmias or cardiac events in patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator ( ICD ) .
BACKGROUND Patients with an ICD may require ED visits and hospitalizations because of arrhythmias , which trigger ICD therapies .
BACKGROUND The effect of adjunctive antiarrhythmic therapy on these outcomes is not known .
METHODS A total of 633 patients with an ICD were randomized in the SHIELD ( SHock Inhibition Evaluation with AzimiLiDe ) trial , a blinded , placebo-controlled randomized trial of the investigational class III antiarrhythmic azimilide ( 75 and 125 mg/day ) , and , prospectively , cardiac and arrhythmic ED visits and hospitalization data were collected over 1 year .
RESULTS All patients had symptomatic sustained ventricular tachycardia ( 72 % ) or ventricular fibrillation ( 28 % ) before study entry .
RESULTS Overall , 44 % ( n = 276 ) experienced at least 1 cardiac ED visit or hospitalization .
RESULTS Among 214 patients assigned to placebo , 38.3 % had at least 1 arrhythmic-related ED visit or hospitalization compared with 21.8 % of 220 patients assigned to 75-mg azimilide ( p < 0.001 ) and 27.6 % of 199 patients assigned to 125 mg azimilide ( p < 0.05 ) .
RESULTS Symptomatic ventricular tachycardia treated by antitachycardia pacing , shocks , and shocks plus symptomatic arrhythmias were significant predictors of cardiac-related ED visits or hospitalizations ( relative risk : 2.0 , 3.0 , and 3.1 , respectively ) .
RESULTS In a stepwise logistic regression model , the presence of congestive heart failure ( New York Heart Association functional class II/III ) was the only additional independent predictor of cardiac ED visits or hospitalizations .
CONCLUSIONS Azimilide significantly reduces the number of ED visits and hospitalizations in patients with an ICD at high risk of arrhythmias .
OBJECTIVE Our aim was to test the hypothesis that acetylsalicylate ( aspirin ) treatment reduces the incidence or severity of pregnancy-associated hypertension .
METHODS Patients were nulliparous , healthy , and with a singleton gestation at between 20 and 22 weeks ' gestation .
METHODS A sample size of 600 patients was calculated on the basis of p < or = 0.05 and 90 % power of observation .
METHODS A 2-week placebo-controlled `` run-in '' was used to select compliant patients .
METHODS Randomization occurred at 24 weeks , with 60 mg of aspirin or placebo treatment from randomization to delivery .
RESULTS Follow-up was maintained on 99 % of the patients .
RESULTS The randomized patients had a 94 % pill compliance index .
RESULTS At randomization , serum thromboxane medians were similar in both groups .
RESULTS Thromboxane B2 levels in the aspirin group decreased significantly from baseline at 29 to 31 weeks , 34 to 36 weeks , and at delivery as compared with an overall increase in the placebo group .
RESULTS Preeclampsia developed in five of 302 women ( 1.7 % ) who received aspirin versus 17 of 302 ( 5.6 % ) who received the placebo ( p = 0.009 ) .
RESULTS Preeclampsia was severe in one aspirin and in six placebo recipients ( p = 0.06 ) .
CONCLUSIONS Daily ingestion of 60 mg of aspirin beginning at 24 weeks ' gestation significantly reduced the occurrence of preeclampsia .
OBJECTIVE To assess the efficacy and safety of interferon-alpha ( IFN-alpha ) in children with Hepatitis B e antigen-positive chronic hepatitis B virus infection .
METHODS PubMed and Chinese Biomedical Database were searched from the beginning of operation of the databases to April 2006 , and the references of eligible studies were manually screened .
METHODS Randomized controlled trials ( RCTs ) published in the English and Chinese literature comparing interferon-alpha with non-antiviral interventions ( placebo or no treatment ) in children with hepatitis B e antigen-positive chronic hepatitis B virus infection were eligible for inclusion .
METHODS Studies were included if patients were treated for at least 3 months and followed-up for at least 6 months after cessation of therapy .
METHODS Two investigators independently assessed the quality and extracted the data .
METHODS The methodological quality of trails was assessed by the Jadad-scale plus allocation concealment .
METHODS Heterogeneity was examined by Chi-square test .
METHODS Fixed effects model or random effects model were used to pool the data .
METHODS Sensitivity analyses were used for the treatment course .
RESULTS Ten randomized controlled studies with a total of 542 children chronic HBV carriers who were positive for hepatitis B surface antigen ( HBsAg ) and hepatitis B e antigen ( HBeAg ) were identified .
RESULTS It was found by the meta-analysis that , compared with the control , at the end of the follow-up period , IFN-alpha could still significantly clear HBeAg [ 31.1 % vs. 12.4 % , odds ratio ( OR ) : 3.17 , 95 % CI ( 2.00 , 5.02 ) , P < 0.000 01 ] , clear HBV-DNA [ 33.9 % vs. 16.2 % , OR : 2.59 , 95 % CI ( 1.70 , 3.96 ) , P < 0.0001 ] , clear HBsAg [ 5.5 % vs. 1.2 % , OR : 3.44 , 95 % CI ( 1.20 , 9.89 ) , P = 0.02 ] , normalize ALT [ 43.0 % vs. 27.7 % , OR : 1.99 , 95 % CI ( 1.16 , 3.42 ) , P = 0.01 ] , and achieve HBeAg seroconversion [ 30.4 % vs. 12.8 % , OR : 2.90 , 95 % CI ( 1.56 , 5.39 ) , P = 0.0008 ] , but was not effective in HBsAg seroconversion [ 1.9 % vs. 0 , 95 % CI ( 0.42 , 18.13 ) , P = 0.29 ] .
CONCLUSIONS Interferon-alpha might be efficacious in clearance of HBeAg , HBV-DNA and HBsAg , normalization of ALT , and achievement of HBeAg seroconversion in children with chronic hepatitis B. Little evidence is available on HBsAg seroconversion .
CONCLUSIONS Further RCTs of high-quality and sufficient number of cases are needed for confirmation of the clinical efficacy of IFN-alpha in chronic hepatitis B in children .
BACKGROUND Submassive pulmonary embolism ( PE ) has a low mortality rate but can degrade functional capacity .
OBJECTIVE The present study aims to provide rationale , methodology , and initial findings of a multicentre , randomised trial of fibrinolysis for PE that used a composite end-point , including quality of life measures .
METHODS This investigator-initiated study was funded by a contract between a corporate partner and the investigator 's hospital ( the prime site ) .
METHODS The investigator was the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) sponsor .
METHODS The prime site subcontracted , indemnified , and trained consortia members .
METHODS Consenting , normotensive patients with PE and right ventricular strain ( by echocardiography or biomarkers ) received low-molecular-weight heparin and random assignment to a single bolus of tenecteplase or placebo in double-blinded fashion .
METHODS The outcomes were : ( i ) in-hospital rate of intubation , vasopressor support , and major haemorrhage , or ( ii ) at 90 days , death , recurrent PE , or composite that defined poor quality of life ( echocardiography , 6 min walk test and surveys ) .
METHODS The planned sample size was n = 200 .
RESULTS Eight sites enrolled 87 patients over 5 years .
RESULTS The ratio of patients screened for each enrolled was 7.4 to 1 , equating to 11 h screening time per patient enrolled .
RESULTS Primary barrier to enrolment was the cost of screening .
RESULTS Two patients died ( 2.5 % , 95 % CI [ 0-8 % ] ) , one developed shock , but 18 ( 22 % , 95 % CI : [ 13-30 % ] ) had a poor quality of life .
CONCLUSIONS An investigator-initiated , FDA-regulated , multicentre trial of fibrinolysis for submassive PE was conducted , but was limited by screening costs and a low mortality rate .
CONCLUSIONS Quality of life measurements might represent a more important patient-centred end-point .
OBJECTIVE To compare in vivo bitewing film quality using the holder versus the paper loop technique .
METHODS Four bitewing films were taken from the right and left premolar and molar regions of 45 dental students using both the bitewing holder and paper loop techniques .
METHODS A total of 360 films were taken and assessed by an experienced practitioner not apprised of the bitewing technique used .
METHODS Of interest were : ( 1 ) the number of overlaps and the percentage of teeth showing the alveolar crest ; ( 2 ) proper film positioning ; and ( 3 ) the percentage of cone cutting .
METHODS A Poisson regression using generalized estimating equations ( GEEs ) was used to estimate the difference in overlap between the two techniques .
METHODS For proper positioning and cone cutting , logistic regressions using GEEs were used .
RESULTS The average number of horizontal overlaps for the loop and holder techniques at the right premolar , right molar , left premolar , and left molar were 1.64 , 2.11 , 2.16 , 2.78 , and 1.64 , 2.00 , 2.00 , 2.18 , respectively .
RESULTS The loop technique was 1.11 times more likely to cause overlapping than the holder technique .
RESULTS The highest percentage of teeth showing the alveolar crest by the loop technique was 97.8 % in the mandibular second premolar and first molar .
RESULTS With respect to film positioning , the loop technique was 1.12 times more likely to cause improper positioning than the holder technique .
RESULTS Both techniques demonstrated minimal cone cutting ( 1 in the loop versus 0 in the holder ) .
CONCLUSIONS The quality of bitewing films taken by the loop and holder techniques was not significantly different .
OBJECTIVE To evaluate clinical efficacy and toxicity of low-dose oral natural human interferon-alpha ( nHuIFN alpha ) on CD4 + lymphocyte counts and clinical symptoms in patients with HIV-1 infection .
METHODS Double-blind , randomized , placebo-controlled trial with crossover .