[2023-12-19 17:47:31,804] [INFO] [real_accelerator.py:158:get_accelerator] Setting ds_accelerator to cuda (auto detect) |
/root/miniconda3/envs/textgen/lib/python3.10/site-packages/trl/trainer/ppo_config.py:141: UserWarning: The `optimize_cuda_cache` arguement will be deprecated soon, please use `optimize_device_cache` instead. |
warnings.warn( |
12/19/2023 17:47:36 - WARNING - llmtuner.model.parser - `ddp_find_unused_parameters` needs to be set as False for LoRA in DDP training. |
/root/miniconda3/envs/textgen/lib/python3.10/site-packages/transformers/training_args.py:1751: FutureWarning: `--push_to_hub_token` is deprecated and will be removed in version 5 of π€ Transformers. Use `--hub_token` instead. |
warnings.warn( |
12/19/2023 17:47:36 - INFO - llmtuner.model.parser - Process rank: 0, device: cuda:0, n_gpu: 2 |
distributed training: True, compute dtype: torch.bfloat16 |
12/19/2023 17:47:36 - INFO - llmtuner.model.parser - Training/evaluation parameters Seq2SeqTrainingArguments( |
_n_gpu=2, |
adafactor=False, |
adam_beta1=0.9, |
adam_beta2=0.999, |
adam_epsilon=1e-08, |
auto_find_batch_size=False, |
bf16=True, |
bf16_full_eval=False, |
data_seed=None, |
dataloader_drop_last=False, |
dataloader_num_workers=0, |
dataloader_persistent_workers=False, |
dataloader_pin_memory=True, |
ddp_backend=None, |
ddp_broadcast_buffers=None, |
ddp_bucket_cap_mb=None, |
ddp_find_unused_parameters=False, |
ddp_timeout=1800, |
debug=[], |
deepspeed=None, |
disable_tqdm=False, |
dispatch_batches=None, |
do_eval=False, |
do_predict=True, |
do_train=False, |
eval_accumulation_steps=None, |
eval_delay=0, |
eval_steps=None, |
evaluation_strategy=no, |
fp16=False, |
fp16_backend=auto, |
fp16_full_eval=False, |
fp16_opt_level=O1, |
fsdp=[], |
fsdp_config={'min_num_params': 0, 'xla': False, 'xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt': False}, |
fsdp_min_num_params=0, |
fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap=None, |
full_determinism=False, |
generation_config=None, |
generation_max_length=None, |
generation_num_beams=None, |
gradient_accumulation_steps=1, |
gradient_checkpointing=False, |
gradient_checkpointing_kwargs=None, |
greater_is_better=None, |
group_by_length=False, |
half_precision_backend=auto, |
hub_always_push=False, |
hub_model_id=None, |
hub_private_repo=False, |
hub_strategy=every_save, |
hub_token=<HUB_TOKEN>, |
ignore_data_skip=False, |
include_inputs_for_metrics=False, |
include_num_input_tokens_seen=False, |
include_tokens_per_second=False, |
jit_mode_eval=False, |
label_names=None, |
label_smoothing_factor=0.0, |
learning_rate=5e-05, |
length_column_name=length, |
load_best_model_at_end=False, |
local_rank=0, |
log_level=passive, |
log_level_replica=warning, |
log_on_each_node=True, |
logging_dir=./models/sft/phi-2-sft-alpaca_gpt4_en-1/Predict_20/runs/Dec19_17-47-36_autodl-container-f11a41911a-e496153c, |
logging_first_step=False, |
logging_nan_inf_filter=True, |
logging_steps=500, |
logging_strategy=steps, |
lr_scheduler_kwargs={}, |
lr_scheduler_type=linear, |
max_grad_norm=1.0, |
max_steps=-1, |
metric_for_best_model=None, |
mp_parameters=, |
neftune_noise_alpha=None, |
no_cuda=False, |
num_train_epochs=3.0, |
optim=adamw_torch, |
optim_args=None, |
output_dir=./models/sft/phi-2-sft-alpaca_gpt4_en-1/Predict_20, |
overwrite_output_dir=False, |
past_index=-1, |
per_device_eval_batch_size=1, |
per_device_train_batch_size=8, |
predict_with_generate=True, |
prediction_loss_only=False, |
push_to_hub=False, |
push_to_hub_model_id=None, |
push_to_hub_organization=None, |
push_to_hub_token=<PUSH_TO_HUB_TOKEN>, |
ray_scope=last, |
remove_unused_columns=True, |
report_to=['tensorboard', 'wandb'], |
resume_from_checkpoint=None, |
run_name=./models/sft/phi-2-sft-alpaca_gpt4_en-1/Predict_20, |
save_on_each_node=False, |
save_only_model=False, |
save_safetensors=True, |
save_steps=500, |
save_strategy=steps, |
save_total_limit=None, |
seed=42, |
skip_memory_metrics=True, |
sortish_sampler=False, |
split_batches=False, |
tf32=None, |
torch_compile=False, |
torch_compile_backend=None, |
torch_compile_mode=None, |
torchdynamo=None, |
tpu_metrics_debug=False, |
tpu_num_cores=None, |
use_cpu=False, |
use_ipex=False, |
use_legacy_prediction_loop=False, |
use_mps_device=False, |
warmup_ratio=0.0, |
warmup_steps=0, |
weight_decay=0.0, |
) |
12/19/2023 17:47:36 - INFO - llmtuner.data.loader - Loading dataset alpaca_gpt4_data_en.json... |
[WARNING|logging.py:314] 2023-12-19 17:47:37,929 >> Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained. |
Loading checkpoint shards: 0%| | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Loading checkpoint shards: 50%|βββββ | 1/2 [00:00<00:00, 1.75it/s]
Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|ββββββββββ| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 2.79it/s]
Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|ββββββββββ| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 2.56it/s] |
12/19/2023 17:47:38 - INFO - llmtuner.model.adapter - Fine-tuning method: LoRA |
12/19/2023 17:47:39 - INFO - llmtuner.model.adapter - Merged 1 adapter(s). |
12/19/2023 17:47:39 - INFO - llmtuner.model.adapter - Loaded adapter(s): ./models/sft/phi-2-sft-alpaca_gpt4_en-1 |
12/19/2023 17:47:39 - INFO - llmtuner.model.loader - trainable params: 0 || all params: 2779683840 || trainable%: 0.0000 |
12/19/2023 17:47:39 - INFO - llmtuner.model.loader - This IS expected that the trainable params is 0 if you are using model for inference only. |
12/19/2023 17:47:39 - INFO - llmtuner.data.template - Add pad token: <|endoftext|> |
[WARNING|logging.py:314] 2023-12-19 17:47:40,715 >> You're using a CodeGenTokenizerFast tokenizer. Please note that with a fast tokenizer, using the `__call__` method is faster than using a method to encode the text followed by a call to the `pad` method to get a padded encoding. |
/root/miniconda3/envs/textgen/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/_functions.py:68: UserWarning: Was asked to gather along dimension 0, but all input tensors were scalars; will instead unsqueeze and return a vector. |
warnings.warn('Was asked to gather along dimension 0, but all ' |
input_ids: |
[50256, 32, 8537, 1022, 257, 11040, 2836, 290, 281, 11666, 4430, 8796, 13, 383, 8796, 3607, 7613, 11, 6496, 11, 290, 23507, 7429, 284, 262, 2836, 338, 2683, 13, 198, 20490, 25, 13786, 1115, 9040, 329, 10589, 5448, 13, 198, 48902, 25] |
inputs: |
<|endoftext|>A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions. |
Human: Give three tips for staying healthy. |
Assistant: |
0%| | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
20%|ββ | 2/10 [00:10<00:43, 5.46s/it]
30%|βββ | 3/10 [00:12<00:26, 3.85s/it]
40%|ββββ | 4/10 [00:20<00:31, 5.22s/it]
50%|βββββ | 5/10 [00:23<00:22, 4.47s/it]
60%|ββββββ | 6/10 [00:26<00:16, 4.15s/it]
70%|βββββββ | 7/10 [00:39<00:21, 7.02s/it]
80%|ββββββββ | 8/10 [00:46<00:13, 6.96s/it]
90%|βββββββββ | 9/10 [00:51<00:06, 6.40s/it]
100%|ββββββββββ| 10/10 [01:01<00:00, 7.51s/it]Building prefix dict from the default dictionary ... |
Loading model from cache /tmp/jieba.cache |
Loading model cost 0.578 seconds. |
Prefix dict has been built successfully. |
100%|ββββββββββ| 10/10 [01:02<00:00, 6.28s/it] |
***** predict metrics ***** |
predict_bleu-4 = 49.0534 |
predict_rouge-1 = 54.9625 |
predict_rouge-2 = 31.0959 |
predict_rouge-l = 39.8761 |
predict_runtime = 0:01:10.55 |
predict_samples_per_second = 0.283 |
predict_steps_per_second = 0.142 |
12/19/2023 17:48:51 - INFO - llmtuner.train.sft.trainer - Saving prediction results to ./models/sft/phi-2-sft-alpaca_gpt4_en-1/Predict_20/generated_predictions.jsonl |