from pathlib import Path import shutil import csv import io import os import typing import wave import sys from mimic3_tts.__main__ import (CommandLineInterfaceState, get_args, initialize_args, initialize_tts, # print_voices, # process_lines, shutdown_tts, OutputNaming, process_line) def process_lines(state: CommandLineInterfaceState, wav_path=None): '''MIMIC3 INTERNAL CALL that yields the sigh sound''' args = state.args result_idx = 0 print(f'why waitings in the for loop LIN {state.texts=}\n') for line in state.texts: print(f'LIN {line=}\n') # prints \n so is empty not getting the predifne text of state.texts line_voice: typing.Optional[str] = None line_id = "" line = line.strip() # if not line: # continue if args.output_naming == OutputNaming.ID: # Line has the format id|text instead of just text with io.StringIO(line) as line_io: reader = csv.reader(line_io, delimiter=args.csv_delimiter) row = next(reader) line_id, line = row[0], row[-1] if args.csv_voice: line_voice = row[1] process_line(line, state, line_id=line_id, line_voice=line_voice) result_idx += 1 print('\nARRive at All Audio writing\n\n\n\n') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Write combined audio to stdout if state.all_audio: # _LOGGER.debug("Writing WAV audio to stdout") if sys.stdout.isatty() and (not state.args.stdout): with io.BytesIO() as wav_io: wav_file_play: wave.Wave_write =, "wb") with wav_file_play: wav_file_play.setframerate(state.sample_rate_hz) wav_file_play.setsampwidth(state.sample_width_bytes) wav_file_play.setnchannels(state.num_channels) wav_file_play.writeframes(state.all_audio) # play_wav_bytes(state.args, wav_io.getvalue()) # wav_path = '_direct_call_2.wav' with open(wav_path, 'wb') as wav_file: wav_file.write(wav_io.getvalue()) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cat _tmp_ssml.txt | mimic3 --cuda --ssml --noise-w 0.90001 --length-scale 0.91 --noise-scale 0.04 > noise_w=0.90_en_happy_2.wav # ====================================================================== out_dir = 'assets/' reference_wav_directory = 'assets/wavs/style_vector_v2/' Path(reference_wav_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) wav_dir = 'assets/wavs/' Path(wav_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) N_PIX = 11 # ======================================================================= # S T A R T G E N E R A T E png/wav # ======================================================================= NOISE_SCALE = .667 NOISE_W = .9001 #.8 #.90001 # default .8 in @ L697 IGNORED DUE TO ARTEfACTS - FOR NOW USE default a = [ 'p239', 'p236', 'p264', 'p250', 'p259', 'p247', 'p261', 'p263', 'p283', 'p274', 'p286', 'p276', 'p270', 'p281', 'p277', 'p231', 'p238', 'p271', 'p257', 'p273', 'p284', 'p329', 'p361', 'p287', 'p360', 'p374', 'p376', 'p310', 'p304', 'p340', 'p347', 'p330', 'p308', 'p314', 'p317', 'p339', 'p311', 'p294', 'p305', 'p266', 'p335', 'p334', 'p318', 'p323', 'p351', 'p333', 'p313', 'p316', 'p244', 'p307', 'p363', 'p336', 'p312', 'p267', 'p297', 'p275', 'p295', 'p288', 'p258', 'p301', 'p232', 'p292', 'p272', 'p278', 'p280', 'p341', 'p268', 'p298', 'p299', 'p279', 'p285', 'p326', 'p300', 's5', 'p230', 'p254', 'p269', 'p293', 'p252', 'p345', 'p262', 'p243', 'p227', 'p343', 'p255', 'p229', 'p240', 'p248', 'p253', 'p233', 'p228', 'p251', 'p282', 'p246', 'p234', 'p226', 'p260', 'p245', 'p241', 'p303', 'p265', 'p306', 'p237', 'p249', 'p256', 'p302', 'p364', 'p225', 'p362'] print(len(a)) b = [] for row in a: b.append(f'en_US/vctk_low#{row}') # print(b) # 00000000 arctic a = [ 'awb' # comma 'rms', 'slt', 'ksp', 'clb', 'aew', 'bdl', 'lnh', 'jmk', 'rxr', 'fem', 'ljm', 'slp', 'ahw', 'axb', 'aup', 'eey', 'gka', ] for row in a: b.append(f'en_US/cmu-arctic_low#{row}') # HIFItts a = ['9017', '6097', '92'] for row in a: b.append(f'en_US/hifi-tts_low#{row}') a = [ 'elliot_miller', 'judy_bieber', 'mary_ann'] for row in a: b.append(f'en_US/m-ailabs_low#{row}') # LJspeech - single speaker b.append(f'en_US/ljspeech_low') # en_UK apope - only speaker b.append(f'en_UK/apope_low') all_names = b VOICES = {} for _id, _voice in enumerate(all_names): # If GitHub Quota exceded copy mimic-voices from local copies # # # home_voice_dir = f'/home/audeering.local/dkounadis/.local/share/mycroft/mimic3/voices/{_voice.split("#")[0]}/' Path(home_voice_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) speaker_free_voice_name = _voice.split("#")[0] if '#' in _voice else _voice if not os.path.isfile(home_voice_dir + 'generator.onnx'): shutil.copyfile( f'/data/dkounadis/cache/mimic3-voices/voices/{speaker_free_voice_name}/generator.onnx', home_voice_dir + 'generator.onnx') # 'en_US incl. voice prepare_file = _voice.replace('/', '_').replace('#', '_').replace('_low', '') if 'cmu-arctic' in prepare_file: prepare_file = prepare_file.replace('cmu-arctic', 'cmu_arctic') + '.wav' else: prepare_file = prepare_file + '.wav' # [...cmu-arctic...](....cmu_arctic....wav) file_true = prepare_file.split('.wav')[0] + '_true_.wav' file_false = prepare_file.split('.wav')[0] + '_false_.wav' print(prepare_file, file_false, file_true) reference_wav = reference_wav_directory + prepare_file rate = 4 # high speed sounds nice if used as speaker-reference audio for StyleTTS2 _ssml = ( '' '' f'' f'' '' 'Sweet dreams are made of this, .. !!! # I travel the world and the seven seas.' '' '' '' '' '' ) with open('_tmp_ssml.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(_ssml) # ps = subprocess.Popen(f'cat _tmp_ssml.txt | mimic3 --ssml > {reference_wav}', shell=True) # ps.wait() # using ps to call mimic3 because samples dont have time to be written in stdout buffer args = get_args() args.ssml = True args.text = [_ssml] #['aa', 'bb'] #txt args.interactive = False # args.output_naming = OutputNaming.TIME state = CommandLineInterfaceState(args=args) initialize_args(state) initialize_tts(state) # args.texts = [txt] #['aa', 'bb'] #txt # state.stdout = '.' #None #'makeme.wav' # state.output_dir = '.noopy' # state.interactive = False # state.output_naming = OutputNaming.TIME # # state.ssml = 1234546575 # state.stdout = True # state.tts = True process_lines(state, wav_path=reference_wav) shutdown_tts(state)