Dominik Weckmüller


AI & ML interests

Making AI more accessible. Working on semantic search, embeddings and Geospatial AI applications.


Posts 5

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SemanticFinder now supports WebGPU thanks to @Xenova 's efforts with transformers.js v3!
Expect massive performance gains. Inferenced a whole book with 46k chunks in <5min. If your device doesn't support #WebGPU use the classic Wasm-based version:
- WebGPU:
- Wasm:

WebGPU harnesses the full power of your hardware, no longer being restricted to just the CPU. The speedup is significant (4-60x) for all kinds of devices: consumer-grade laptops, heavy Nvidia GPU setups or Apple Silicon. Measure the difference for your device here: Xenova/webgpu-embedding-benchmark
Chrome currently works out of the box, Firefox requires some tweaking.

WebGPU + transformers.js allows to build amazing applications and make them accessible to everyone. E.g. SemanticFinder could become a simple GUI for populating your (vector) DB of choice. See the pre-indexed community texts here: do-me/SemanticFinder
Happy to hear your ideas!
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Hey HuggingFace, love your open source attitude and particularly transformers.js for embedding models! Your current integration "use this model" gives you the transformers.js code, but there is no quick way to really test a model in one click.
SemanticFinder ( do-me/SemanticFinder) offers such an integration for all compatible feature-extraction models! All you need to do is add a URL parameter with the model ID to it, like so: You can also decide between quantized and normal mode with Maybe that would do for a HF integration?
I know it's a small open source project, but I really believe that it provides value for devs before deciding for one model or the other. Also, it's much easier than having to spin up a notebook, install dependencies etc.. It's private, so you could even do some real-world evaluation on personal data without having to worry about third-party services data policies.
Happy to hear the community's thoughts!