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"_name_or_path": "distilroberta-base", |
"architectures": [ |
"RobertaForMultiLabelSequenceClassification" |
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"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"bos_token_id": 0, |
"eos_token_id": 2, |
"gradient_checkpointing": false, |
"hidden_act": "gelu", |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"hidden_size": 768, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "Affidavit", |
"1": "Answer", |
"2": "Application", |
"3": "Arrest", |
"4": "Attorney Appearance", |
"5": "Case Management Order", |
"6": "Certificate", |
"7": "Clerk Entry", |
"8": "Complaint", |
"9": "Consent Judgment", |
"10": "Cover Sheet", |
"11": "Declaration", |
"12": "Dismiss with Prejudice", |
"13": "Dismiss without Prejudice", |
"14": "Entry of Dismissal", |
"15": "Filed in Error", |
"16": "Indicator of Case Closed / Terminated", |
"17": "Indictment", |
"18": "Judgment", |
"19": "Mandate", |
"20": "Mediation", |
"21": "Memorandum / Brief", |
"22": "Minute Entry", |
"23": "Mod Amended", |
"24": "Mod Consent", |
"25": "Mod Joint", |
"26": "Mod Sealed", |
"27": "Mod Voluntary", |
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"29": "Motion for Default Judgment", |
"30": "Motion for Leave", |
"31": "Motion for Summary Judgment", |
"32": "Motion for Time Extension", |
"33": "Motion in Limine", |
"34": "Motion to Compel", |
"35": "Motion to Continue", |
"36": "Motion to Detain", |
"37": "Motion to Dismiss", |
"38": "Motion to Stay", |
"39": "Motion to Withdraw", |
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"42": "Notice of Dismissal", |
"43": "Notice of Hearing", |
"44": "Notice of Motion", |
"45": "Notice of Settlement", |
"46": "Opinion", |
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"48": "Order Deny", |
"49": "Order Grant", |
"50": "Order Partial", |
"51": "Petition", |
"52": "Protective Order", |
"53": "Report", |
"54": "Report and Recommendation", |
"55": "Response / Reply", |
"56": "Return of Service", |
"57": "Scheduling Order", |
"58": "Stipulation", |
"59": "Stipulation of Dismissal", |
"60": "Stipulation of Settlement", |
"61": "Submission", |
"62": "Summons", |
"63": "Transcript", |
"64": "Trial", |
"65": "Voluntary Dismissal", |
"66": "Waiver" |
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"Answer": 1, |
"Application": 2, |
"Arrest": 3, |
"Attorney Appearance": 4, |
"Case Management Order": 5, |
"Certificate": 6, |
"Clerk Entry": 7, |
"Complaint": 8, |
"Consent Judgment": 9, |
"Cover Sheet": 10, |
"Declaration": 11, |
"Dismiss with Prejudice": 12, |
"Dismiss without Prejudice": 13, |
"Entry of Dismissal": 14, |
"Filed in Error": 15, |
"Indicator of Case Closed / Terminated": 16, |
"Indictment": 17, |
"Judgment": 18, |
"Mandate": 19, |
"Mediation": 20, |
"Memorandum / Brief": 21, |
"Minute Entry": 22, |
"Mod Amended": 23, |
"Mod Consent": 24, |
"Mod Joint": 25, |
"Mod Sealed": 26, |
"Mod Voluntary": 27, |
"Motion": 28, |
"Motion for Default Judgment": 29, |
"Motion for Leave": 30, |
"Motion for Summary Judgment": 31, |
"Motion for Time Extension": 32, |
"Motion in Limine": 33, |
"Motion to Compel": 34, |
"Motion to Continue": 35, |
"Motion to Detain": 36, |
"Motion to Dismiss": 37, |
"Motion to Stay": 38, |
"Motion to Withdraw": 39, |
"Notice": 40, |
"Notice of Appearance": 41, |
"Notice of Dismissal": 42, |
"Notice of Hearing": 43, |
"Notice of Motion": 44, |
"Notice of Settlement": 45, |
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"Order": 47, |
"Order Deny": 48, |
"Order Grant": 49, |
"Order Partial": 50, |
"Petition": 51, |
"Protective Order": 52, |
"Report": 53, |
"Report and Recommendation": 54, |
"Response / Reply": 55, |
"Return of Service": 56, |
"Scheduling Order": 57, |
"Stipulation": 58, |
"Stipulation of Dismissal": 59, |
"Stipulation of Settlement": 60, |
"Submission": 61, |
"Summons": 62, |
"Transcript": 63, |
"Trial": 64, |
"Voluntary Dismissal": 65, |
"Waiver": 66 |
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"vocab_size": 50265 |
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