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@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Prithvi is a first-of-its-kind temporal Vision transformer pre-trained by the IB
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The model expects remote sensing data in a video format (B, C, T, H, W). Note that the temporal dimension is very important here and not present in most
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other works around remote sensing modeling. Being able to handle a time series of remote sensing images can
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### Pre-training
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The model was pre-trained with NASA's HLS2 L30 product (30m granularity) from the Continental United States. The bands that were used are the following:
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The model expects remote sensing data in a video format (B, C, T, H, W). Note that the temporal dimension is very important here and not present in most
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other works around remote sensing modeling. Being able to handle a time series of remote sensing images can benefit a variety of downstream tasks. The model can also handle static images, which can be simply fed into the model with T=1.
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### Pre-training
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The model was pre-trained with NASA's HLS2 L30 product (30m granularity) from the Continental United States. The bands that were used are the following: