import numpy as np |
import torch as t |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from einops import rearrange |
class OsSoluConfig: |
"""A class to hold hyperparameters for the model itself and for the training process.""" |
batch_size: int |
checkpoint_every_n_tokens: int |
d_model: int |
dropout: float |
learning_rate: float |
ln_eps: float |
max_positional_embeddings: int |
nonlinearity: str |
num_blocks: int |
num_embeddings: int |
num_epochs: int |
num_heads: int |
self_attention_type: str |
optimiser_type: str |
vocab_size: int |
def __init__(self, args: dict) -> None: |
"""Initialise this config class with values provided by a command-line argument parser. |
Values are never None here, as we provide suitable defaults in the parser call.""" |
self.batch_size = args["batch_size"] |
self.checkpoint_every_n_tokens = args["checkpoint_every_n_tokens"] |
self.d_model = args["d_model"] |
self.dropout = args["dropout"] |
self.learning_rate = args["learning_rate"] |
self.ln_eps = args["ln_eps"] |
self.max_positional_embeddings = args["max_positional_embeddings"] |
self.nonlinearity = args["nonlinearity"] |
self.num_blocks = args["num_blocks"] |
self.num_embeddings = args["num_embeddings"] |
self.num_epochs = args["num_epochs"] |
self.num_heads = args["num_heads"] |
self.optimiser_type = args["optimiser_type"] |
self.self_attention_type = args["self_attention_type"] |
self.vocab_size = args["vocab_size"] |
def tokenise(batch, tokeniser, num_gpus: int, context_length: int): |
"""Tokenise a batch of text data. This implementation is idiosyncratic to the Pile dataset, but can be easily modified to work with e.g. C4. Code from Neel. |
Args: |
batch (dict): The batch of text, as a dict with a 'text' field. |
tokeniser (-): A huggingface-API tokeniser, of type returned by AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained (depends on model chosen). |
num_gpus (int, optional): The number of GPUs available for data parallel training. Defaults to 1. |
context_length (int, optional): The context length of the model that will be trained on this data. Defaults to 1024. |
Returns: |
dict: A single field dictionary, 'text', whose value is a tensor of shape (batch_size, sequence_length) containing tokenised sequences. |
""" |
batch = batch["text"] |
full_text = tokeniser.eos_token.join(batch) |
seq_len = len(full_text)//num_gpus |
sequence_list = [full_text[i*seq_len:(i+1)*seq_len] for i in range(num_gpus)] |
all_tokens = tokeniser(sequence_list, return_tensors="pt", padding=True)["input_ids"].flatten() |
all_tokens = all_tokens[all_tokens != tokeniser.pad_token_id] |
num_tokens = len(all_tokens) |
current_batch_size = num_tokens // (context_length-1) |
all_tokens = all_tokens[:(context_length-1)*current_batch_size] |
all_tokens = rearrange(all_tokens, "(batch_size seq_len) -> batch_size seq_len", batch_size=current_batch_size, seq_len=context_length-1) |
prefix = np.full((current_batch_size, 1), tokeniser.bos_token_id, dtype=np.int64) |
tokenised_text = np.concatenate([prefix, all_tokens], axis=1) |
assert tokenised_text.shape == (current_batch_size, context_length) |
return {"text": tokenised_text} |
def loss_fn(logits, batch): |
"""Loss function to train an autoregressive model. It compares the token logits predicted by the model with the actual next token. Code from Neel. |
Args: |
logits (t.Tensor): A tensor containing logits, has shape (batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size) |
batch (t.Tensor): A tensor containing token IDs, has shape (batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size) |
Returns: |
loss (t.Tensor): A tensor containing the loss value. |
""" |
log_probs = F.log_softmax(logits[:, :-1], dim=-1) |
pred_log_probs = t.gather(log_probs, -1, batch[:, 1:, None])[..., 0] |
return -pred_log_probs.mean() |
def count_parameters(model): |
return sum(parameter.numel() for parameter in model.parameters() if parameter.requires_grad) |