Jared Sulzdorf PRO


AI & ML interests

NLP + (Law|Medicine) & Ethics


Posts 2

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The Hugging Face Hub hosts over 1.5M Model, Dataset, and Space repositories. To scale to 10M+, the XetHub team (https://huggingface.co/xet-team) is replacing Git LFS with a new technology that improves storage and transfer capabilities with some future developer experience benefits to boot.

Thanks to @yuchenglow and @port8080 (for their analysis covering LFS usage from March 2022–Sept 2024), we now have insights into what we’re storing. Check out the Gradio app to explore:
- Storage growth over time
- File types over all repositories
- Some simple optimizations we're investigating

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In August, the XetHub team joined Hugging Face
- https://huggingface.co/blog/xethub-joins-hf - and we’ve been rolling up our sleeves to bring the best of both worlds together. We started with a deep dive into the current state of files stored with Git LFS on the Hub.

Getting this information was no small feat. We had to:
* Analyze a complete database dump of all repositories and files stored in Git LFS across Hugging Face.
* Parse through metadata on file sizes and types to accurately map the storage breakdown across Spaces, Models, and Datasets.

You can read more about the findings (with some jaw-dropping stats + charts) here https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7244486280351285248


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