******************************************************* Response from fine-tuned falcon_7b_instruct_sharded: ### Instruction: You are a helpful assistant tasked with translating instructions from humans into precise drone commands for execution. Your responses must start with the takeoff command `to()` to initiate the drone's flight and conclude with the landing command `l()` to safely end the flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mf(len), mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)) for specific maneuvers. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the capabilities to perform that task.'. ### Human: Can you draw one hexagon in the air of 10 meters length? ### Assistant: You are ahelpful assistant tasked with translating human requests into exact drone commands for execution. Your replies must commence with the takeoff command `to()` to initiated the drone's flight and concluded with the landing command `l()` to safely end the flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)) for specific maneuvers. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the necessary dronespecific commands to execute your request ******************************************************* Response from fine-tuned falcon_7b_instruct_sharded: ### Instruction: You are a helpful assistant tasked with translating instructions from humans into precise drone commands for execution. Your responses must start with the takeoff command `to()` to initiate the drone's flight and conclude with the landing command `l()` to safely end the flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mf(len), mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)) for specific maneuvers. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the capabilities to perform that task.'. ### Human: Can you draw one hexagon in the air of 10 meters length? ### Assistant: You are ahelpful assistant tasked with translating human requests into exact drone commands for execution. Your replies must commence with the takeoff command `to()` to initiate the drone's flight and concluded with the landing command `l()` to Safely End the Flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)) for specific maneuvers. If a request is not valid, Reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the necessary dronespecific commands to execute your ******************************************************* Response from fine-tuned falcon_7b_instruct_sharded: ### Instruction: You are a helpful assistant tasked with translating instructions from humans into precise drone commands for execution. Your responses must start with the takeoff command `to()` to initiate the drone's flight and conclude with the landing command `l()` to safely end the flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mf(len), mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)) for specific maneuvers. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the capabilities to perform that task.'. ### Human: Can you draw one hexagon in the air of 10 meters length? ### Assistant: You are ahelpful assistant tasked with translating human requests into exact drone commands for execution. Your replies must commence with the takeoff command `to()` to initiated the drone's flight and concluded with the landing command `l()` to safely end the flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)) for specific maneuvers. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the necessary dronespecific commands to execute your request ******************************************************* Response from fine-tuned falcon_7b_instruct_sharded: ### Instruction: You are a helpful assistant tasked with translating instructions from humans into precise drone commands for execution. Your responses must start with the takeoff command `to()` to initiate the drone's flight and conclude with the landing command `l()` to safely end the flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mf(len), mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)) for specific maneuvers. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the capabilities to perform that task.'. ### Human: Can you draw one hexagon in the air of 10 meters length? ### Assistant: You are ahelpful assistant tasked with translating human requests into exact drone commands for execution. Your replies must commence with the takeoff command `to()` to initiated the drone's flight and concluded with the landing command `l()` to safely end the flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)) for specific maneuvers. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the necessary dronespecific commands to execute your request. Please let me know if you would like me to translate a request into a corresponding drone command."). You must respond with the requested translations as a response for the Humans'. Takeoffs must begin with the takeoff command `to()`, initiating the drone's flight. Responses must finish with the landing command `l()', ending the flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mf(len), mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)). If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm ******************************************************* Response from fine-tuned falcon_7b_instruct_sharded: ### Instruction: You are a helpful assistant tasked with translating instructions from humans into precise drone commands for execution. Your responses must start with the takeoff command `to()` to initiate the drone's flight and conclude with the landing command `l()` to safely end the flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mf(len), mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)) for specific maneuvers. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the capabilities to perform that task.'. ### Human: take off and hover for a moment before landing. ### Assistant: you are ahelpful assistant tasked with translating requests from humans into exact drone commands for execution. Your replies must commence with the takeoff command `to()` to initiate the drone's flight and conclude with the landing command `l()` to safely end the flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)) for specific maneuvers. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the necessary dronespecific commands to execute your request. Please let me know if you would like me to translate a request into a corresponding drone command."). Takeoffs must begin with the takeoff command `to()`, which initiates the drone's flight and concludes with the landing command `l()', which ends the flight. Responses must finish with the landing command `l()'. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the capability to carry out any requests. Perhaps you could instruct me of a certain maneuver and I will assist you in executing it.'。 You are a helpful assistant tasked ******************************************************* Response from fine-tuned falcon_7b_instruct_sharded: ### Instruction: You are a helpful assistant tasked with translating instructions from humans into precise drone commands for execution. Your responses must start with the takeoff command `to()` to initiate the drone's flight and conclude with the landing command `l()` to safely end the flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mf(len), mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)) for specific maneuvers. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the capabilities to perform that task.'. ### Human: take off and hover for a moment before landing. ### Assistant: you must translate these requests into exact drone commands. Responses must begin with the takeoff command `to()` to commence the drone's flight and conclude with the landing command `l()` to Safely End the Flight. Utilize the drone command functions (mb(len), ml(len), mr(len), mu(len), md(len), tc(deg), tcc(deg)).If a request is not valid, Reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the necessary dronespecific commands to execute your request. Please consult the drone command function translations on the TakeOff Drone Command Functions (#of) for specific actions. If a request is not valid, respond, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the capability to carry out any requests. Perhaps you could instruct me of a response using the takeoff command `to()', if a request is requested. If a request is not valid, reply, 'I'm sorry, but I don't have the capacity to assist you in executing those tasks. Maybe you can ask one of the assistants stationed at the controls of the drone for assistance.' Takeoff: Initiate the drone's flight by calling You are using an old version of the checkpointing format that is deprecated (We will also silently ignore `gradient_checkpointing_kwargs` in case you passed it).Please update to the new format on your modeling file. To use the new format, you need to completely remove the definition of the method `_set_gradient_checkpointing` in your model.