import { Rect, Settings } from '../store/Atoms' import { dataURItoBlob, srcToFile } from '../utils' export const API_ENDPOINT = `${process.env.REACT_APP_INPAINTING_URL}` export default async function inpaint( imageFile: File, settings: Settings, croperRect: Rect, prompt?: string, negativePrompt?: string, sizeLimit?: string, seed?: number, maskBase64?: string, customMask?: File, paintByExampleImage?: File ) { // 1080, 2000, Original const fd = new FormData() fd.append('image', imageFile) if (maskBase64 !== undefined) { fd.append('mask', dataURItoBlob(maskBase64)) } else if (customMask !== undefined) { fd.append('mask', customMask) } const hdSettings = settings.hdSettings[settings.model] fd.append('ldmSteps', settings.ldmSteps.toString()) fd.append('ldmSampler', settings.ldmSampler.toString()) fd.append('zitsWireframe', settings.zitsWireframe.toString()) fd.append('hdStrategy', hdSettings.hdStrategy) fd.append('hdStrategyCropMargin', hdSettings.hdStrategyCropMargin.toString()) fd.append( 'hdStrategyCropTrigerSize', hdSettings.hdStrategyCropTrigerSize.toString() ) fd.append( 'hdStrategyResizeLimit', hdSettings.hdStrategyResizeLimit.toString() ) fd.append('prompt', prompt === undefined ? '' : prompt) fd.append( 'negativePrompt', negativePrompt === undefined ? '' : negativePrompt ) fd.append('croperX', croperRect.x.toString()) fd.append('croperY', croperRect.y.toString()) fd.append('croperHeight', croperRect.height.toString()) fd.append('croperWidth', croperRect.width.toString()) fd.append('useCroper', settings.showCroper ? 'true' : 'false') fd.append('sdMaskBlur', settings.sdMaskBlur.toString()) fd.append('sdStrength', settings.sdStrength.toString()) fd.append('sdSteps', settings.sdSteps.toString()) fd.append('sdGuidanceScale', settings.sdGuidanceScale.toString()) fd.append('sdSampler', settings.sdSampler.toString()) fd.append('sdSeed', seed ? seed.toString() : '-1') fd.append('sdMatchHistograms', settings.sdMatchHistograms ? 'true' : 'false') fd.append('sdScale', (settings.sdScale / 100).toString()) fd.append('cv2Radius', settings.cv2Radius.toString()) fd.append('cv2Flag', settings.cv2Flag.toString()) fd.append('paintByExampleSteps', settings.paintByExampleSteps.toString()) fd.append( 'paintByExampleGuidanceScale', settings.paintByExampleGuidanceScale.toString() ) fd.append('paintByExampleSeed', seed ? seed.toString() : '-1') fd.append( 'paintByExampleMaskBlur', settings.paintByExampleMaskBlur.toString() ) fd.append( 'paintByExampleMatchHistograms', settings.paintByExampleMatchHistograms ? 'true' : 'false' ) // TODO: resize image's shortest_edge to 224 before pass to backend, save network time? // if (paintByExampleImage) { fd.append('paintByExampleImage', paintByExampleImage) } if (sizeLimit === undefined) { fd.append('sizeLimit', '1080') } else { fd.append('sizeLimit', sizeLimit) } try { const res = await fetch(`${API_ENDPOINT}/inpaint`, { method: 'POST', body: fd, }) if (res.ok) { const blob = await res.blob() const newSeed = res.headers.get('x-seed') return { blob: URL.createObjectURL(blob), seed: newSeed } } const errMsg = await res.text() throw new Error(errMsg) } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Something went wrong: ${error}`) } } export function getIsDisableModelSwitch() { return fetch(`${API_ENDPOINT}/is_disable_model_switch`, { method: 'GET', }) } export function getEnableFileManager() { return fetch(`${API_ENDPOINT}/is_enable_file_manager`, { method: 'GET', }) } export function switchModel(name: string) { const fd = new FormData() fd.append('name', name) return fetch(`${API_ENDPOINT}/model`, { method: 'POST', body: fd, }) } export function currentModel() { return fetch(`${API_ENDPOINT}/model`, { method: 'GET', }) } export function isDesktop() { return fetch(`${API_ENDPOINT}/is_desktop`, { method: 'GET', }) } export function modelDownloaded(name: string) { return fetch(`${API_ENDPOINT}/model_downloaded/${name}`, { method: 'GET', }) } export async function postInteractiveSeg( imageFile: File, maskFile: File | null, clicks: number[][] ) { const fd = new FormData() fd.append('image', imageFile) fd.append('clicks', JSON.stringify(clicks)) if (maskFile !== null) { fd.append('mask', maskFile) } try { const res = await fetch(`${API_ENDPOINT}/interactive_seg`, { method: 'POST', body: fd, }) if (res.ok) { const blob = await res.blob() return { blob: URL.createObjectURL(blob) } } const errMsg = await res.text() throw new Error(errMsg) } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Something went wrong: ${error}`) } } export async function getMediaFile(tab: string, filename: string) { const res = await fetch( `${API_ENDPOINT}/media/${tab}/${encodeURIComponent(filename)}`, { method: 'GET', } ) if (res.ok) { const blob = await res.blob() const file = new File([blob], filename) return file } const errMsg = await res.text() throw new Error(errMsg) } export async function getMedias(tab: string) { const res = await fetch(`${API_ENDPOINT}/medias/${tab}`, { method: 'GET', }) if (res.ok) { const filenames = await res.json() return filenames } const errMsg = await res.text() throw new Error(errMsg) } export async function downloadToOutput( image: HTMLImageElement, filename: string, mimeType: string ) { const file = await srcToFile(image.src, filename, mimeType) const fd = new FormData() fd.append('image', file) fd.append('filename', filename) try { const res = await fetch(`${API_ENDPOINT}/save_image`, { method: 'POST', body: fd, }) if (!res.ok) { const errMsg = await res.text() throw new Error(errMsg) } } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Something went wrong: ${error}`) } }