### Alibi Positional Bias Alibi positional bias allows the model to learn relative positions between tokens, enabling it to better capture the relationships and dependencies between tokens in a sequence. Usage example: ```python attn_layers = Decoder( ... alibi_pos_bias=True, alibi_num_heads=4, ... ) ``` ### Rotary Position Encodings (xpos) Rotary position encodings introduce a more efficient way to encode positions in the input sequence. They avoid the need for absolute positional embeddings, reducing the model's memory footprint and improving training speed. Usage example: ```python attn_layers = Decoder( ... rotary_xpos=True, ... ) ``` ### Flash Attention Flash attention speeds up the self-attention mechanism by reducing the number of attention computations. It accelerates training and inference while maintaining a high level of performance. Usage example: ```python attn_layers = Decoder( ... attn_flash=True, ... ) ``` Usage example: ```python attn_layers = Decoder( ... deepnorm=True, ... ) ``` ### Deep Normalization (deepnorm) Deep normalization is a technique that normalizes the activations within a layer, helping with training stability and convergence. It allows the model to better learn complex patterns and generalize to unseen data.