import sys; import score.core; from smatch.smatch import get_amr_match; def tuples(graph, prefix, values, faith = True): # # mimicry of get_triples() in # id = 0; mapping = dict(); instances = []; relations = []; attributes = []; n = 0; for node in graph.nodes: mapping[] = name = prefix + str(id); id += 1; if "anchors" in values and node.anchors is not None: anchor = score.core.anchor(node); if graph.input: anchor = score.core.explode(graph.input, anchor); attributes.append(("anchor", name, str(anchor))); if "labels" in values and node.label is not None: instance = node.label; else: instance = "__()_{}__".format(prefix, n); n += 1; instances.append(("instance", name, instance)); if "tops" in values and node.is_top: # # the native SMATCH code (wrongly, i believe) ties the top property to # the node label (see we get # to choose whether to faithfully replicate those scores or not. # attributes.append(("TOP", name, node.label if node.label and faith else "")); if "properties" in values and and node.values: for property, value in zip(, node.values): attributes.append((property, name, value)); for edge in graph.edges: if "edges" in values: relations.append((edge.lab, mapping[edge.src], mapping[edge.tgt])); if "attributes" in values: if edge.attributes and edge.values: for attribute, value in zip(edge.attributes, edge.values): relations.append((str((attribute, value)), mapping[edge.src], mapping[edge.tgt])); return instances, attributes, relations, n; def smatch(gold, system, limit = 20, values = {}, trace = 0, faith = True): gprefix = "g"; sprefix = "s"; ginstances, gattributes, grelations, gn \ = tuples(gold, gprefix, values, faith); sinstances, sattributes, srelations, sn \ = tuples(system, sprefix, values, faith); if trace > 1: print("gold instances [{}]: {}\ngold attributes [{}]: {}\n" "gold relations [{}]: {}" "".format(len(ginstances), ginstances, len(gattributes), gattributes, len(grelations), grelations), file = sys.stderr); print("system instances [{}]: {}\nsystem attributes [{}]: {}\n" "system relations [{}]: {}" "".format(len(sinstances), sinstances, len(sattributes), sattributes, len(srelations), srelations), file = sys.stderr); correct, gold, system, mapping \ = get_amr_match(None, None,, limit = limit, instance1 = ginstances, attributes1 = gattributes, relation1 = grelations, prefix1 = gprefix, instance2 = sinstances, attributes2 = sattributes, relation2 = srelations, prefix2 = sprefix); return correct, gold - gn, system - sn, mapping; def evaluate(golds, systems, format = "json", limit = 20, values = {}, trace = 0): if limit is None or not limit > 0: limit = 20; if trace > 1: print("RRHC limit: {}".format(limit), file = sys.stderr); tg = ts = tc = n = 0; scores = dict() if trace else None; for gold, system in score.core.intersect(golds, systems): id =; correct, gold, system, mapping \ = smatch(gold, system, limit, values, trace); tg += gold; ts += system; tc += correct; n += 1; if trace: if id in scores: print("smatch.evaluate(): duplicate graph identifier: {}" "".format(id), file = sys.stderr); scores[id] = {"g": gold, "s": system, "c": correct}; if trace > 1: p, r, f = score.core.fscore(gold, system, correct); print("G: {}; S: {}; C: {}; P: {}; R: {}; F: {}" "".format(gold, system, correct, p, r, f), file = sys.stderr); p, r, f = score.core.fscore(tg, ts, tc); result = {"n": n, "g": tg, "s": ts, "c": tc, "p": p, "r": r, "f": f}; if trace: result["scores"] = scores; return result;