"""Describes the foundational level elements (layer 1) of the UCCA annotation. Layer 1 is the foundational layer of UCCA, whose Nodes and Edges represent scene objects and relations. The basic building blocks of this layer are the FNode, which is a participant in a scene relation (including the relation itself), and the various Edges between these Nodes, which represent the type of relation between the Nodes. """ import itertools import operator from ucca import core, layer0 LAYER_ID = '1' class NodeTags: """Layer 1 Node tags.""" Foundational = 'FN' Linkage = 'LKG' Punctuation = 'PNCT' __init__ = None class EdgeTags: """Layer 1 Edge tags.""" Unanalyzable = 'UNA' Uncertain = 'UNC' ParallelScene = 'H' Participant = 'A' Process = 'P' State = 'S' Adverbial = 'D' Ground = 'G' Center = 'C' Elaborator = 'E' Function = 'F' Connector = 'N' Relator = 'R' Time = 'T' Quantifier = 'Q' Linker = 'L' Punctuation = 'U' LinkRelation = 'LR' LinkArgument = 'LA' Terminal = 'Terminal' __init__ = None # Attribute entries ATTRIB_KEYS = ('remote', 'implicit', 'uncertain', 'suggest') class MissingRelationError(core.UCCAError): """Exception raised when a required edge is not present.""" pass def _single_child_by_tag(node, tag, must=True): """Returns the Node which is connected with an Edge with the given tag. Assumes that there is only one Node connected with an Edge with this tag. Args: node: the Node which is the parent of the Edge (and returned Node). tag: the tag of the Edge to look for. must: if set to True (default), if no Node is found, raise an exception. Otherwise, returns None if not found. Returns: The connected Node, or None if not found Raises: MissingRelationError if Node not found and must is set to True """ for edge in node: if tag in edge.tags: return edge.child if must: raise MissingRelationError(node.ID, tag) return None def _multiple_children_by_tag(node, tag): """Returns the Nodes which are connected with an Edge with the given tag. Args: node: the Node which is the parent of the Edge (and returned Nodes). tag: the tag of the Edges to look for. Returns: A list of connected Nodes, can be empty """ return [edge.child for edge in node if tag in edge.tags] class Linkage(core.Node): """A Linkage between parallel scenes. A Linkage object represents a connection between two parallel scenes. The semantic type of the link is not determined in this object, but the :class:`FoundationalNode` of linkage is referred as the link relation, and the linked scenes are referred to as the arguments. Most cases will have two arguments, but some constructions have 1 or 3+ arguments, depending on the semantic connection. Attributes: relation: FoundationalNode of the relation words. arguments: list of FoundationalNodes of the relation participants. """ @property def relation(self): return _single_child_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.LinkRelation) @property def arguments(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.LinkArgument) def __str__(self): return "{}-->{}".format(str(self.relation.ID), ','.join(x.ID for x in self.arguments)) class FoundationalNode(core.Node): """The basic building block of UCCA annotation, represents semantic units. Each FoundationalNode (FNode for short) represents a semantic unit in the text, with relations to other semantic units. In essence, the FNodes form a tree of annotation, when remote units are ignored. This means that each FNode has exactly one FNode parent, and for completeness, there is also a "Passage Head" FNode which is the FNode parent of all parallel scenes and linkers in the top-level of the annotation. Remote units are FNodes which are shared between two or more different FNodes, and hence have two FNode parents (participate in two relations). In such cases there is only one FNode parent, as the other Edges to parents are marked with the 'remote' attribute (set to True). Implicit Nodes are ones which aren't mentioned in the text, and hence doesn't have any Terminal units in their span. In such cases, they will have an 'implicit' attribute set to True, and will take the position -1 (both start and end positions). Attributes: participants: adverbials: connector: grounds: elaborators: centers: linkers: parallel_scenes: functions: punctuation: terminals: a list of all FNodes under self whose edge tag is one of these types. process: state: time: relator: Returns the FNode under self whose edge tag is one of these types, or None in case it isn't found. start_position: end_position: start/end position of the first/last terminal in the span of the FNode, without counting in remote FNodes. If the FNode is implicit or have no Terminals for some reason, returns -1 (both). fparent: the FNode parent (FNode with incoming Edge, not remote) of this FNode. There is exactly one for each FNode except the Passage head, which returns None. ftag: the tag of the Edge connecting the fparent (as described above) with this FNode discontiguous: whether this FNode has continuous Terminals or not """ @property def participants(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Participant) @property def adverbials(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Adverbial) @property def times(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Time) @property def quantifiers(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Quantifier) @property def grounds(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Ground) @property def centers(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Center) @property def elaborators(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Elaborator) @property def linkers(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Linker) @property def parallel_scenes(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.ParallelScene) @property def functions(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Function) @property def punctuation(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Punctuation) @property def terminals(self): return _multiple_children_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Terminal) @property def process(self): return _single_child_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Process, False) @property def state(self): return _single_child_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.State, False) @property def connector(self): return _single_child_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Connector, False) @property def relator(self): return _single_child_by_tag(self, EdgeTags.Relator, False) def _fedge(self): """Returns the Edge of the fparent, or None.""" for edge in self.incoming: if (edge.parent.layer.ID == LAYER_ID and edge.parent.tag == NodeTags.Foundational and not edge.attrib.get('remote')): return edge return None @property def fparent(self): edge = self._fedge() return edge.parent if edge else None @property def ftag(self): edge = self._fedge() return edge.tag if edge else None @property def ftags(self): edge = self._fedge() return edge.tags if edge else None def get_terminals(self, punct=True, remotes=False, visited=None): """Returns a list of all terminals under the span of this FoundationalNode. :param punct: whether to include punctuation Terminals, defaults to True :param remotes: whether to include Terminals from remote FoundationalNodes, defaults to false :param visited: used to detect cycles :return: a list of :class:`layer0`.Terminal objects """ if visited is None: return sorted(self.get_terminals(punct=punct, remotes=remotes, visited=set()), key=operator.attrgetter("position")) outgoing = {e for e in set(self) - visited if remotes or not e.attrib.get("remote")} return [t for e in outgoing for t in e.child.get_terminals( punct=punct, remotes=remotes, visited=visited | outgoing)] @property def start_position(self): try: return self.get_terminals()[0].position except IndexError: # implicit unit or having no Terminals return -1 @property def end_position(self): try: return self.get_terminals()[-1].position except IndexError: # implicit unit or having no Terminals return -1 @property def discontiguous(self): terms = self.get_terminals() return any(terms[i].position + 1 != terms[i + 1].position for i in range(len(terms) - 1)) def get_sequences(self): if self.attrib.get('implicit'): return [] pos = sorted([x.position for x in self.get_terminals()]) # all terminals which end a sequence, including the last one seq_closers = [pos[i] for i in range(len(pos) - 1) if pos[i] + 1 < pos[i + 1]] + [pos[-1]] # all terminals which start a sequence, including the first one seq_openers = [pos[0]] + [pos[i] for i in range(1, len(pos)) if pos[i - 1] < pos[i] - 1] return [(op, cl) for op, cl in zip(seq_openers, seq_closers)] def to_text(self): """Returns the text in the span of self, separated by spaces.""" return ' '.join(t.text for t in self.get_terminals()) def is_scene(self): return self.state is not None or self.process is not None def __str__(self): def start(e): return e.child.position if e.child.layer.ID == layer0.LAYER_ID else e.child.start_position sorted_edges = sorted(self, key=start) output = [] for edge, next_edge in zip(sorted_edges, sorted_edges[1:] + [None]): node = edge.child remote = edge.attrib.get('remote') end = node.position if node.layer.ID == layer0.LAYER_ID else node.end_position if edge.tag == EdgeTags.Terminal: output.append(str(node)) if end != self.end_position: output.append(" ") else: edge_tags = "|".join(edge.tags) if remote: edge_tags += '*' if edge.attrib.get('uncertain'): edge_tags += '?' if start(edge) == -1: output.append("[{} IMPLICIT] ".format(edge_tags)) else: output.append("[{} {}] ".format(edge_tags, str(node))) if start(edge) != -1 and not remote and next_edge is not None and end + 1 < start(next_edge): output.append("... ") # adding '...' if discontiguous return "".join(output) def get_top_scene(self): """Returns the top-level scene this FNode is within, or None""" if self in self.layer.top_scenes: return self elif self.fparent is None: return None else: return self.fparent.get_top_scene() class PunctNode(FoundationalNode): """Encapsulates punctuation :class:`layer0`.Terminal objects. Attributes: terminals: return the :class:`layer0`.Terminal objects encapsulated by this Node in a list (at least one, usually not more than 1). start_position: end_position: start/end position of the first/last terminal in the span of the PunctNode. """ def add(self, edge_tag, node, *, edge_attrib=None): if node.layer.ID != layer0.LAYER_ID: raise ValueError("Non-terminal child (%s) for %s node (%s)" % (node.ID, NodeTags.Punctuation, self.ID)) if not layer0.is_punct(node): node.tag = layer0.NodeTags.Punct # raise ValueError("%s child (%s) for %s node (%s)" % (node.tag, node.ID, NodeTags.Punctuation, self.ID)) super().add(edge_tag, node, edge_attrib=None) @property def terminals(self): return self.children def get_terminals(self, punct=True, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a list of all terminals under the span of this PunctNode. :param punct: whether to include punctuation Terminals, defaults to True :return: a list of :class:`layer0`.Terminal objects """ return self.children if punct else () def __str__(self): return self.to_text() class Layer1(core.Layer): """ """ def __init__(self, root, attrib=None, *, orderkey=core.id_orderkey): super().__init__(ID=LAYER_ID, root=root, attrib=attrib, orderkey=orderkey) self._scenes = [] self._linkages = [] self._head_fnode = FoundationalNode(root=root, tag=NodeTags.Foundational, ID=self.next_id()) self._all = [self._head_fnode] self._heads = [self._head_fnode] @property def top_scenes(self): return self._scenes[:] @property def top_linkages(self): return self._linkages[:] def next_id(self): """Returns the next available ID string for this layer.""" for n in itertools.count(start=len(self._all) + 1): id_str = "{}{}{}".format(LAYER_ID, core.Node.ID_SEPARATOR, n) try: self._root.by_id(id_str) except KeyError: return id_str def add_fnode_multiple(self, parent, edge_categories, *, implicit=False, edge_attrib=None): """Adds a new :class:`FNode` whose parent and Edge tag are given. :param parent: the FNode which will be the parent of the new FNode. If the parent is None, adds under the layer head FNode. :param edge_categories: list of categories on the Edge between the parent and the new FNode. :param implicit: whether to set the new FNode as implicit (default False) :param edge_attrib: Keyword only, dictionary of attributes to be passed to the Edge initializer. :return: the newly created FNode :raise core.FrozenPassageError if the Passage is frozen """ if parent is None: parent = self._head_fnode node_attrib = {'implicit': True} if implicit else {} fnode = FoundationalNode(root=self.root, tag=NodeTags.Foundational, ID=self.next_id(), attrib=node_attrib) if edge_categories: parent.add_multiple(edge_categories, fnode, edge_attrib=edge_attrib) return fnode def add_fnode(self, parent, tag, *, implicit=False): return self.add_fnode_multiple(parent, [(tag,)], implicit=implicit) def add_remote_multiple(self, parent, edge_categories, child, edge_attrib=None): """Adds a new :class:`core`.Edge with remote attribute between the nodes. :param parent: the parent of the remote Edge :param edge_categories: list of categories of the Edge :param child: the child of the remote Edge :param edge_attrib: Keyword only, dictionary of attributes to be passed to the Edge initializer. :raise core.FrozenPassageError if the Passage is frozen """ if edge_attrib is None: edge_attrib = {} edge_attrib["remote"] = True return parent.add_multiple(edge_categories, child, edge_attrib=edge_attrib) def add_remote(self, parent, tag, child): return self.add_remote_multiple(parent, [(tag,)], child) def add_punct(self, parent, terminal, layer=None, slot=None, edge_attrib=None): """Adds a PunctNode as the child of parent and the Terminal under it. :param parent: the parent of the newly created PunctNode. If None, adds under rhe layer head FNode. :param terminal: the punctuation Terminal we want to put under parent. :param edge_attrib: Keyword only, dictionary of attributes to be passed to the Edge initializer. :return: the newly create PunctNode. :raise core.FrozenPassageError if the Passage is frozen. """ if parent is None: parent = self._head_fnode punct_node = PunctNode(root=self.root, tag=NodeTags.Punctuation, ID=self.next_id()) parent.add_multiple([(EdgeTags.Punctuation, slot, layer)], punct_node, edge_attrib=edge_attrib) punct_node.add_multiple([(EdgeTags.Terminal, slot, layer)], terminal) return punct_node def add_linkage(self, relation, *args): """Adds a Linkage between the link relation and the linked arguments. Linkage objects are all heads and have no parents. :param relation: the link relation FNode. :param args: any number (at least 1) of linkage arguments FNodes. :return: the newly created Linkage :raise core.FrozenPassageError if the Passage is frozen. """ linkage = Linkage(root=self.root, tag=NodeTags.Linkage, ID=self.next_id()) linkage.add(EdgeTags.LinkRelation, relation) for arg in args: linkage.add(EdgeTags.LinkArgument, arg) return linkage def _check_top_scene(self, node): """Checks whether a node is a scene, and a top-level one. A top level scene is one which is not embedded in any other scene. :param node: the FNode to check. :return: True iff node is a top-level scenes. """ if not node.is_scene(): return False while node.fparent not in (None, self._head_fnode): node = node.fparent if node.is_scene(): return False return True def _update_top_scene(self, node): """Adds/removes the node if it's a top-level scene.""" if node.tag != NodeTags.Foundational: return if node in self._scenes and not self._check_top_scene(node): self._scenes.remove(node) elif node not in self._scenes and self._check_top_scene(node): self._scenes.append(node) # Other scenes may now become not top-level, check it for ts in self._scenes[:-1]: if not self._check_top_scene(ts): self._scenes.remove(ts) self._scenes.sort(key=self.orderkey) def _update_top_linkage(self, linkage): """Adds/removes the linkage if it's a top level linkage.""" if all(fnode in self._scenes for fnode in linkage.arguments): if linkage not in self._linkages: self._linkages.append(linkage) self._linkages.sort(key=self.orderkey) elif linkage in self._linkages: self._linkages.remove(linkage) def _update_edge(self, edge): """Adds the Edge to the Layer, and updates top scenes and linkers.""" self._update_top_scene(edge.parent) self._update_top_scene(edge.child) for lkg in [x for x in edge.parent.parents if x.tag == NodeTags.Linkage]: self._update_top_linkage(lkg) for lkg in [x for x in edge.child.parents if x.tag == NodeTags.Linkage]: self._update_top_linkage(lkg) def _add_edge(self, edge): super()._add_edge(edge) self._update_edge(edge) def _remove_edge(self, edge): super()._remove_edge(edge) self._update_edge(edge) def _change_edge_tag(self, edge, old_tag): super()._change_edge_tag(edge, old_tag) self._update_edge(edge)