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启用tecent翻译 可以在YAML 中填入下面的参数
ng_voice_translate_on : True
tencentcloud_common_region : "ap-shanghai"
tencentcloud_common_secretid : "xxxxx"
tencentcloud_common_secretkey : "xxxxx"
ng_voice_tar : 'ja'
from .Extension import Extension
import urllib, requests, uuid, os, base64
from aiohttp import request
from binascii import b2a_base64
from hashlib import sha1
from hmac import new
from random import randint
from sys import maxsize, version_info
from time import time
from nonebot import get_driver
from aiohttp import request
from loguru import logger
from nonebot.exception import ActionFailed
import asyncio
import requests
import base64
import uuid
import re
from ujson import loads as loadJsonS
from json import loads as loadJsonS
# 拓展的配置信息,用于ai理解拓展的功能 *必填*
ext_config:dict = {
"name": "voice", # 拓展名称,用于标识拓展
"arguments": {
'sentence': 'str', # 需要转换的文本
# 拓展的描述信息,用于提示ai理解拓展的功能 *必填* 尽量简短 使用英文更节省token
"description": "Send a voice sentence. (usage in response: /#voice&你好#/)",
# 参考词,用于上下文参考使用,为空则每次都会被参考(消耗token)
"refer_word": [],
# 作者信息
"author": "KroMiose",
# 版本
"version": "0.0.2",
# 拓展简介
"intro": "发送语音消息(支持翻译)",
# 自定义扩展
class CustomExtension(Extension):
async def call(self, arg_dict: dict, ctx_data: dict) -> dict:
""" 当拓展被调用时执行的函数 *由拓展自行实现*
arg_dict: dict, 由ai解析的参数字典 {参数名: 参数值}
custom_config:dict = self.get_custom_config() # 获取yaml中的配置信息
ng_voice_translate_on = custom_config.get('ng_voice_translate_on', False) # 是否启用翻译
tencentcloud_common_region = custom_config.get('tencentcloud_common_region', "ap-shanghai") # 腾讯翻译-地区
tencentcloud_common_secretid = custom_config.get('tencentcloud_common_secretid',"xxxxx") # 腾讯翻译-密钥id
tencentcloud_common_secretkey = custom_config.get('tencentcloud_common_secretkey', "xxxxx") # 腾讯翻译-密钥
ng_voice_tar = custom_config.get('g_voice_tar', 'ja') # 翻译目标语言
is_base64 = custom_config.get('is_base64', False) # 是否使用base64编码
voice_path = 'voice_cache/'
# 创建缓存文件夹
if not os.path.exists(voice_path):
# 获取参数
raw_text = arg_dict.get('sentence', None)
# 从这里开始翻译
# 腾讯翻译-签名
config = get_driver().config
async def getReqSign(params: dict) -> str:
common = {
"Action": "TextTranslate",
"Region": f"{tencentcloud_common_region}",
"Timestamp": int(time()),
"Nonce": randint(1, maxsize),
"SecretId": f"{tencentcloud_common_secretid}",
"Version": "2018-03-21",
sign_str = "POSTtmt.tencentcloudapi.com/?"
sign_str += "&".join("%s=%s" % (k, params[k]) for k in sorted(params))
secret_key = tencentcloud_common_secretkey
if version_info[0] > 2:
sign_str = bytes(sign_str, "utf-8")
secret_key = bytes(secret_key, "utf-8")
hashed = new(secret_key, sign_str, sha1)
signature = b2a_base64(hashed.digest())[:-1]
if version_info[0] > 2:
signature = signature.decode()
return signature
async def q_translate(message) -> str:
_source_text = message
_source = "auto"
_target = ng_voice_tar
endpoint = "https://tmt.tencentcloudapi.com"
params = {
"Source": _source,
"SourceText": _source_text,
"Target": _target,
"ProjectId": 0,
params["Signature"] = await getReqSign(params)
# 加上超时参数
async with request("POST", endpoint, data=params) as resp:
data = loadJsonS(await asyncio.wait_for(resp.read(), timeout=30))["Response"]
message = data["TargetText"]
except ActionFailed as e:
f"ActionFailed {e.info['retcode']} {e.info['msg'].lower()} {e.info['wording']}"
except TimeoutError as e:
f"TimeoutError {e}"
return message
# 到这里翻译函数结束
if ng_voice_translate_on == True :
t_result = await q_translate(raw_text)
t_result = raw_text
text = t_result + '~' # 加上一个字符,避免合成语音丢失结尾
text = urllib.parse.quote(text) # url编码
# ! moegoe.azurewebsites.net 是一个公开的语音合成api,非本人搭建,请勿滥用 (tip by KroMiose)
# 该api只支持日语,如果传入其它语言,会导致合成结果不可预知
# 如果你开启了翻译就没事了
url = f"https://lintonxue00-vits-umamusume-voice-synthesizer.hf.space/api/tts?text={text}&speaker_id=0"
# todo: 如果需要使用本地的语音合成api,请取消注释下面的代码,并自行改为您的api地址,将填入合成文本的地方改为{text}
# url = f"{text}"
# 去除base64字符串中的非法字符
def call(self, args, context):
url = args['url']
text = args.get('text')
is_base64 = args.get('is_base64', False)
raw_text = text
# 下载语音文件
r = requests.get(url)
# 对base64字符串进行处理
if is_base64:
pattern = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9+/=]')
r.content = pattern.sub('', r.content.decode())
audio_data = base64.b64decode(r.content + b'=' * (-len(r.content) % 4), validate=True)
audio_data = r.content
# 写入音频文件
file_name = f"{voice_path}{uuid.uuid1()}.ogg"
with open(file_name, "wb") as f:
local_url = f"file:///{os.path.abspath(file_name)}"
if text is not None:
return {
'voice': local_url, # 语音url
'text': f"[语音消息] {raw_text}", # 文本
return {}
def __init__(self, custom_config: dict):
super().__init__(ext_config.copy(), custom_config)