from .Extension import Extension import requests, random # 拓展的配置信息,用于ai理解拓展的功能 *必填* ext_config = { "name": "one_photo", "arguments": { "keyword": "str", # 关键字 }, "description": "Send an ACG image related to the keyword(in Chinese). Usage in response: /#one_photo&2022-12-21#/", # 参考词,用于上下文参考使用,为空则每次都会被参考(消耗token) "refer_word": [], # 每次消息回复中最大调用次数,不填则默认为99 "max_call_times_per_msg": 3, # 作者信息 "author": "KroMiose", # 版本 "version": "0.0.1", # 拓展简介 "intro": "发送摄影图片", } class CustomExtension(Extension): async def call(self, arg_dict: dict, ctx_data: dict) -> dict: """ 当拓展被调用时执行的函数 *由拓展自行实现* 参数: arg_dict: dict, 由ai解析的参数字典 {参数名: 参数值} """ custom_config: dict = self.get_custom_config() # 获取yaml中的配置信息 token = custom_config.get('token', None) if token is None: return { 'text': error_msg if self.get_custom_config().get('debug', False) else None } keyword = arg_dict.get('keyword', '') req_args = { 'token': custom_config['token'], 'date': '2021-04-21', } url = "" headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} try: res = requests.get(url, params=req_args, headers=headers, timeout=10).json() except Exception as e: return { 'text': f"[ext_acg_image] 访问api时发生错误: {e}" } if 'data' in res: data = res['data'] return { 'title': data.get('title', ''), 'subtitle': data.get('subtitle', ''), 'content': data.get('content', ''), 'cover': data.get('cover', ''), 'make_time': data.get('make_time', '') } else: error_msg = f"[ext_acg_image] 返回的数据格式不正确: {res}" return { 'text': error_msg if self.get_custom_config().get('debug', False) else None } def __init__(self, custom_config: dict): super().__init__(ext_config.copy(), custom_config)