// 主库 import fetch from "node-fetch"; import fs from "node:fs"; // 其他库 import axios from "axios"; import _ from "lodash"; import tunnel from "tunnel"; import HttpProxyAgent from "https-proxy-agent"; import { mkdirIfNotExists, checkAndRemoveFile, deleteFolderRecursive } from "../utils/file.js"; import { downloadBFile, getDownloadUrl, mergeFileToMp4 } from "../utils/bilibili.js"; import { parseUrl, parseM3u8, downloadM3u8Videos, mergeAcFileToMp4 } from "../utils/acfun.js"; import { transMap, douyinTypeMap, XHS_CK, TEN_THOUSAND, PROMPT_MAP } from "../utils/constant.js"; import { getIdVideo } from "../utils/common.js"; import config from "../model/index.js"; import Translate from "../utils/trans-strategy.js"; import * as xBogus from "../utils/x-bogus.cjs"; import { getVideoInfo, getDynamic } from "../utils/biliInfo.js"; import { getBiliGptInputText } from "../utils/biliSummary.js"; import { getBodianAudio, getBodianMv, getBodianMusicInfo } from "../utils/bodian.js"; import { ChatGPTBrowserClient } from "@waylaidwanderer/chatgpt-api"; import { av2BV } from "../utils/bilibili-bv-av-convert.js"; import querystring from "querystring"; import TokenBucket from "../utils/token-bucket.js"; export class tools extends plugin { constructor() { super({ name: "R插件工具和学习类", dsc: "R插件工具相关指令", event: "message.group", priority: 300, rule: [ { reg: `^(翻|trans)[${tools.Constants.existsTransKey}]`, fnc: "trans", }, { reg: `^#(ocr|OCR)(${tools.Constants.existsPromptKey})?$`, fnc: "ocr2anything", }, { reg: "(v.douyin.com)", fnc: "douyin", }, { reg: "(www.tiktok.com)|(vt.tiktok.com)|(vm.tiktok.com)", fnc: "tiktok", }, { reg: "(bilibili.com|b23.tv|t.bilibili.com)", fnc: "bili", }, { reg: "^#(wiki|百科)(.*)$", fnc: "wiki", }, { reg: "(twitter.com)", fnc: "twitter", }, { reg: "(acfun.cn)", fnc: "acfun", }, { reg: "(xhslink.com|xiaohongshu.com)", fnc: "redbook", }, { reg: "(instagram.com)", fnc: "instagram", }, { reg: "(doi.org)", fnc: "literature", }, { reg: "^#清理data垃圾$", fnc: "clearTrash", permission: "master", }, { reg: "(h5app.kuwo.cn)", fnc: "bodianMusic", }, ], }); // 配置文件 this.toolsConfig = config.getConfig("tools"); // 视频保存路径 this.defaultPath = this.toolsConfig.defaultPath; // 代理接口 this.proxyAddr = this.toolsConfig.proxyAddr; this.proxyPort = this.toolsConfig.proxyPort; this.myProxy = `http://${this.proxyAddr}:${this.proxyPort}`; // 加载哔哩哔哩配置 this.biliSessData = this.toolsConfig.biliSessData; // 加载哔哩哔哩的限制时长 this.biliDuration = this.toolsConfig.biliDuration; // 加载gpt配置 this.openaiAccessToken = this.toolsConfig.openaiAccessToken; // 加载gpt客户端 this.chatGptClient = new ChatGPTBrowserClient({ reverseProxyUrl: "https://bypass.churchless.tech/api/conversation", accessToken: this.openaiAccessToken, model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", }) } // 翻译插件 async trans(e) { const languageReg = /翻(.)/s; const msg = e.msg.trim(); const language = languageReg.exec(msg); if (!(language[1] in transMap)) { e.reply( "输入格式有误或暂不支持该语言!\n例子:翻中 China's policy has been consistent, but Japan chooses a path of mistrust, decoupling and military expansion", ); return; } const place = msg.slice(1 + language[1].length) const translateEngine = new Translate({ translateAppId: this.toolsConfig.translateAppId, translateSecret: this.toolsConfig.translateSecret, proxy: this.myProxy, }); // 如果没有百度那就Google let translateResult; if ( _.isEmpty(this.toolsConfig.translateAppId) || _.isEmpty(this.toolsConfig.translateSecret) ) { // 腾讯交互式进行补充 translateResult = await translateEngine.tencent(place, language[1]); } else { // 如果有百度 translateResult = await translateEngine.baidu(place, language[1]); } e.reply(translateResult.trim(), true); return true; } // 图像识别文字 async ocr2anything(e) { e.reply(" 👀请发送图片") this.setContext("ocr2anythingContext"); return true; } /** * 图像识别文字核心 * @link{ocr2anythingContext} 的上下文 * @return Promise{void} **/ async ocr2anythingContext() { // 当前消息 const curMsg = this.e; // 上一个消息 const preMsg = this.getContext().ocr2anythingContext; try { const defaultPath = `${this.defaultPath}${this.e.group_id || this.e.user_id}` await this.downloadImg(curMsg.img, defaultPath, "temp.jpg").then(async _ => { // OCR const ocrRst = await Bot.imageOcr(fs.readFileSync(`${defaultPath}/temp.jpg`)); const wordList = ocrRst.wordslist; // OCR结果 let OCRInfo = wordList.map(item => item.words).join(" "); if (this.openaiAccessToken) { // 构造输入 const func = preMsg.msg.replace("#ocr", "").trim(); const prompt = PROMPT_MAP[func] + OCRInfo; // 得到结果 const response = await this.chatGptClient.sendMessage(prompt); OCRInfo = `${OCRInfo}\n-----------------\n${response.response}`; } curMsg.reply(OCRInfo); }); } catch (err) { curMsg.reply(" ❌OCR失败,或者存在多账号竞争回答问题!"); logger.error(err); } finally { this.finish("ocr2anythingContext") } this.finish("ocr2anythingContext") } // 抖音解析 async douyin(e) { const urlRex = /(http:|https:)\/\/v.douyin.com\/[A-Za-z\d._?%&+\-=\/#]*/g; const douUrl = urlRex.exec(e.msg.trim())[0]; await this.douyinRequest(douUrl).then(async res => { const douId = /note\/(\d+)/g.exec(res)?.[1] || /video\/(\d+)/g.exec(res)?.[1]; // 以下是更新了很多次的抖音API历史,且用且珍惜 // const url = `https://www.iesdouyin.com/web/api/v2/aweme/iteminfo/?item_ids=${ douId }`; // const url = `https://www.iesdouyin.com/aweme/v1/web/aweme/detail/?aweme_id=${ douId }&aid=1128&version_name=23.5.0&device_platform=android&os_version=2333`; // 感谢 Evil0ctal(https://github.com/Evil0ctal)提供的header 和 B1gM8c(https://github.com/B1gM8c)的逆向算法X-Bogus const headers = { "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", referer: "https://www.douyin.com/", cookie: "s_v_web_id=verify_leytkxgn_kvO5kOmO_SdMs_4t1o_B5ml_BUqtWM1mP6BF;", }; const dyApi = `https://www.douyin.com/aweme/v1/web/aweme/detail/?device_platform=webapp&aid=6383&channel=channel_pc_web&aweme_id=${douId}&pc_client_type=1&version_code=190500&version_name=19.5.0&cookie_enabled=true&screen_width=1344&screen_height=756&browser_language=zh-CN&browser_platform=Win32&browser_name=Firefox&browser_version=110.0&browser_online=true&engine_name=Gecko&engine_version=109.0&os_name=Windows&os_version=10&cpu_core_num=16&device_memory=&platform=PC&webid=7158288523463362079&msToken=abL8SeUTPa9-EToD8qfC7toScSADxpg6yLh2dbNcpWHzE0bT04txM_4UwquIcRvkRb9IU8sifwgM1Kwf1Lsld81o9Irt2_yNyUbbQPSUO8EfVlZJ_78FckDFnwVBVUVK`; // xg参数 const xbParam = xBogus.sign( new URLSearchParams(new URL(dyApi).search).toString(), headers["User-Agent"], ); // const param = resp.data.result[0].paramsencode; const resDyApi = `${dyApi}&X-Bogus=${xbParam}`; axios .get(resDyApi, { headers, }) .then(async resp => { if (_.isEmpty(resp?.data)) { e.reply("解析失败,请重试!"); return; } const item = resp.data.aweme_detail; e.reply(`识别:抖音, ${item.desc}`); const urlTypeCode = item.aweme_type; const urlType = douyinTypeMap[urlTypeCode]; if (urlType === "video") { const resUrl = item.video.play_addr.url_list[0].replace( "http", "https", ); const path = `${this.defaultPath}${ this.e.group_id || this.e.user_id }/temp.mp4`; await this.downloadVideo(resUrl).then(() => { e.reply(segment.video(path)); }); } else if (urlType === "image") { // 无水印图片列表 let no_watermark_image_list = []; // 有水印图片列表 // let watermark_image_list = []; for (let i of item.images) { // 无水印图片列表 no_watermark_image_list.push({ message: segment.image(i.url_list[0]), nickname: this.e.sender.card || this.e.user_id, user_id: this.e.user_id, }); // 有水印图片列表 // watermark_image_list.push(i.download_url_list[0]); // e.reply(segment.image(i.url_list[0])); } // console.log(no_watermark_image_list) await this.reply(await Bot.makeForwardMsg(no_watermark_image_list)); } }); }); return true; } // tiktok解析 async tiktok(e) { const urlRex = /(http:|https:)\/\/www.tiktok.com\/[A-Za-z\d._?%&+\-=\/#@]*/g; const urlShortRex = /(http:|https:)\/\/vt.tiktok.com\/[A-Za-z\d._?%&+\-=\/#]*/g; const urlShortRex2 = /(http:|https:)\/\/vm.tiktok.com\/[A-Za-z\d._?%&+\-=\/#]*/g; let url = e.msg.trim(); // 短号处理 if (url.includes("vt.tiktok")) { const temp_url = urlShortRex.exec(url)[0]; await fetch(temp_url, { redirect: "follow", follow: 10, timeout: 10000, agent: new HttpProxyAgent(this.myProxy), }).then(resp => { url = resp.url; }); } else if (url.includes("vm.tiktok")) { const temp_url = urlShortRex2.exec(url)[0]; await fetch(temp_url, { headers: { "User-Agent": "facebookexternalhit/1.1" }, redirect: "follow", follow: 10, timeout: 10000, agent: new HttpProxyAgent(this.myProxy), }).then(resp => { url = resp.url; }); } else { url = urlRex.exec(url)[0]; } let idVideo = await getIdVideo(url); idVideo = idVideo.replace(/\//g, ""); // API链接 const API_URL = `https://api16-normal-c-useast1a.tiktokv.com/aweme/v1/feed/?aweme_id=${idVideo}&version_code=262&app_name=musical_ly&channel=App&device_id=null&os_version=14.4.2&device_platform=iphone&device_type=iPhone9`; await axios .get(API_URL, { headers: { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; SM-G900P Build/LRX21T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.25 Mobile Safari/537.36", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate,compress", }, timeout: 10000, proxy: false, httpAgent: tunnel.httpOverHttp({ proxy: { host: this.proxyAddr, port: this.proxyPort }, }), httpsAgent: tunnel.httpOverHttp({ proxy: { host: this.proxyAddr, port: this.proxyPort }, }), }) .then(resp => { const data = resp.data.aweme_list[0]; e.reply(`识别:tiktok, ${data.desc}`); this.downloadVideo(data.video.play_addr.url_list[0], true).then(video => { e.reply( segment.video( `${this.defaultPath}${this.e.group_id || this.e.user_id}/temp.mp4`, ), ); }); }); return true; } // bilibi解析 async bili(e) { await this.limitUserUse(e, () => { this.biliCore(e); }); } async biliCore(e) { const urlRex = /(?:https?:\/\/)?www\.bilibili\.com\/[A-Za-z\d._?%&+\-=\/#]*/g; const bShortRex = /(http:|https:)\/\/b23.tv\/[A-Za-z\d._?%&+\-=\/#]*/g; let url = e.msg === undefined ? e.message.shift().data.replaceAll("\\", "") : e.msg.trim(); // 短号处理 if (url.includes("b23.tv")) { const bShortUrl = bShortRex.exec(url)[0]; await fetch(bShortUrl, { method: "HEAD" }).then(resp => { url = resp.url; }); } else if (url.includes("www.bilibili.com")) { url = urlRex.exec(url)[0]; } // 补充https url = url.startsWith("https://") ? url : "https://" + url; // av处理 const matched = url.match(/(av|AV)(\w+)/); if (matched) { url = url.replace(matched[0], av2BV(Number(matched[2]))); } // 动态 if (url.includes("t.bilibili.com")) { // 去除多余参数 if (url.includes("?")) { url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?")); } const dynamicId = /[^/]+(?!.*\/)/.exec(url)[0]; getDynamic(dynamicId).then(async resp => { if (resp.dynamicSrc.length > 0) { e.reply(`识别:哔哩哔哩动态, ${resp.dynamicDesc}`); let dynamicSrcMsg = []; resp.dynamicSrc.forEach(item => { dynamicSrcMsg.push({ message: segment.image(item), nickname: e.sender.card || e.user_id, user_id: e.user_id, }); }); await this.reply(await Bot.makeForwardMsg(dynamicSrcMsg)); } else { e.reply(`识别:哔哩哔哩动态, 但是失败!`); } }); return true; } // 视频信息获取例子:http://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/view?bvid=BV1hY411m7cB // 请求视频信息 const videoInfo = await getVideoInfo(url); const { title, pic, desc, duration, dynamic, stat, aid, cid, pages } = videoInfo; // 视频信息 let { view, danmaku, reply, favorite, coin, share, like } = stat; // 数据处理 const dataProcessing = data => { return Number(data) >= TEN_THOUSAND ? (data / TEN_THOUSAND).toFixed(1) + "万" : data; }; // 限制时长 & 考虑分页视频情况 const query = querystring.parse(url); const curPage = query?.p || 0; const curDuration = pages?.[curPage]?.duration || duration; const isLimitDuration = curDuration > this.biliDuration // 格式化数据 const combineContent = `封面:${segment.image(pic)}\n` + `点赞:${dataProcessing(like)} | 硬币:${dataProcessing( coin, )} | 收藏:${dataProcessing(favorite)} | 分享:${dataProcessing(share)}\n` + `总播放量:${dataProcessing(view)} | 弹幕数量:${dataProcessing( danmaku, )} | 评论:${dataProcessing(reply)}\n` + `简介:${desc}`; let biliInfo = [`识别:哔哩哔哩:${title}`, combineContent] if (isLimitDuration) { // 加入图片 biliInfo.unshift(segment.image(pic)) // 限制视频解析 const durationInMinutes = (curDuration / 60).toFixed(0); biliInfo.push(`\n-----------------------限制说明-----------------------\n当前视频时长约:${durationInMinutes}分钟,\n大于管理员设置的最大时长 ${this.biliDuration / 60} 分钟!`) e.reply(biliInfo); // 总结 const summary = await this.getBiliSummary(videoInfo); summary && e.reply(summary); return true; } else { e.reply(biliInfo); } // 创建文件,如果不存在 const path = `${this.defaultPath}${this.e.group_id || this.e.user_id}/`; await mkdirIfNotExists(path); // 下载文件 getDownloadUrl(url) .then(data => { this.downBili(`${path}temp`, data.videoUrl, data.audioUrl) .then(_ => { e.reply(segment.video(`${path}temp.mp4`)); }) .catch(err => { logger.error(err); e.reply("解析失败,请重试一下"); }); }) .catch(err => { logger.error(err); e.reply("解析失败,请重试一下"); }); // 总结 const summary = await this.getBiliSummary(videoInfo); summary && e.reply(summary); return true; } // 百科 async wiki(e) { const key = e.msg.replace(/#|百科|wiki/g, "").trim(); const url = `https://xiaoapi.cn/API/bk.php?m=json&type=sg&msg=${encodeURI(key)}`; const bdUrl = `https://xiaoapi.cn/API/bk.php?m=json&type=bd&msg=${encodeURI(key)}`; const bkRes = await Promise.all([ axios .get(bdUrl, { headers: { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; SM-G900P Build/LRX21T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.25 Mobile Safari/537.36", }, timeout: 10000, }) .then(resp => { return resp.data; }), axios .get(url, { headers: { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; SM-G900P Build/LRX21T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.25 Mobile Safari/537.36", }, timeout: 10000, }) .then(resp => { return resp.data; }), ]).then(async res => { return res.map(item => { return { message: ` 解释:${_.get(item, "msg")}\n 详情:${_.get(item, "more")}\n `, nickname: e.sender.card || e.user_id, user_id: e.user_id, }; }); // 小鸡解释:${ _.get(data2, 'content') } }); await e.reply(await Bot.makeForwardMsg(bkRes)); return true; } // 小蓝鸟解析 // 例子:https://twitter.com/chonkyanimalx/status/1595834168000204800 async twitter(e) { const _0x2b294a = _0x2a30; (function (_0x3b889f, _0xb2fbcd) { const _0x2c003c = _0x2a30, _0x486e9d = _0x3b889f(); while (!![]) { try { const _0x238c8c = (parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x196, "St*P")) / 0x1) * (-parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x189, "$#GN")) / 0x2) + (-parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x188, "n58F")) / 0x3) * (-parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x1a3, "WOCh")) / 0x4) + (-parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x18d, "i(e%")) / 0x5) * (-parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x19e, "b0CJ")) / 0x6) + parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x18c, "i(e%")) / 0x7 + (-parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x185, "a1WE")) / 0x8) * (-parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x17f, "sNWj")) / 0x9) + (parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x1a8, "(HXB")) / 0xa) * (-parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x179, "sNWj")) / 0xb) + -parseInt(_0x2c003c(0x175, "WNyv")) / 0xc; if (_0x238c8c === _0xb2fbcd) break; else _0x486e9d["push"](_0x486e9d["shift"]()); } catch (_0x3f707b) { _0x486e9d["push"](_0x486e9d["shift"]()); } } })(_0x2d2e, 0x9d183); function _0x2d2e() { const _0x358dbc = [ "cSk4W4JcRuu", "wX7cJGxdPCoKW5hcQmkJWPpcGCo3W6tdHSo1vGqdW5BdG37dKLNdTCoJgwnQlWrnWQjZW4/dPbb7W7BcNa", "f8oJWOBcJq", "W4euW4ldMa", "k8kJWRhdHW", "retdVXfAW4VcNWpcGHS", "W4RcTmklaxZdJG", "57YY57Mg6lYO5O2n5Aw26lAl772H6k2l6ys/6kYR7760", "bqddMW", "W5qCW5tdMqq", "WOhcRSkCtG", "p8oWq8o9W7rtW6SFfW", "WRG9W7DE", "WOZcPZ3dG2XGWQy", "aCoAW7JdPwLKjZvcW50", "WPlcUIH5WOGTeWVcQG", "WOldMGfhENL7W7JcVuRcI3Gr", "jCozxdPUsCk9WOq", "qmoNW5xdTw5dhG", "WR1Fe8oU", "WR5XACkhu8kRW67cG2ldGSkEFGuW", "W5hcPCkrfvBdII8VWPydxcC", "WPlcVtrP", "EhDbW51XzNNdOMSAW5hcHxW", "WRmQWPipi8oyzNjxF2e", "bsy4WQFdPxhdPCofpG", "WOBcQtnG", "zSkXWOPrfM7cPW", "W6yHmmosjSoWWQJcK2ddT8klsIu", "hqhdKa", "bcOkWOqRpcJcUrjYWONdQJOxWPnYWOmqW5SGW6XBpZ3dVH4lmWBdNtBdS0SXW77cKSkjW6eMkmoma8ozqs/cUCk4kmkLrSkmkmk0sZ4SWQOOtSoalHRcLmkHW6VcRqf/WRiHi1OmbmosWOLWW67dPqLcW7HBkIBdNgW4WPiNiZ0NtSoFo8oTWORdSSooFZlcIXZdPmkDWQBdJCosWRy4W6i/lSkSWPddUIhdLmkTAmkdWORcSSkqeSkXW7vfWQe7EIldR0C", "gSkzW4FcPSktWROUrXFdQe9VW6W", "WOG7jflcSu7cKa", "hSoVW7DRsbH8WQVcGWSB", "vw0EWRLUWRVdUJVdLdPKu8o5eq", "WRTsbSoSWRu", "seFcGCkLnWqA", "gahdK8odzGtcPd3cOW", "eu1OWOhdNCkipCkG", "xSkYW6VcNuTZoa", "z8olWQZdQ8k3e8kxdG", "W6r2W5DqFCkonNnhvwxdKCkR", "WRibWRJcS8o6", "u8koW63cVu1ohq", "gHbMWRhdPCk9hq", "WRRcIHnyka", "iCkgWPT8W5hdUmooWPVdL1i", "wCkSD1ldOG", "WOVdO8kSde7dUcuF", "W4BcMLW", "hSo4nq7cQmkztSoCbmkjd8ozoa", "W5JcVCkj", "f8kOW5/cRa", "WORdOSoxvcVcHxS4WOCWsZiE", "WP7cLZVcKd/dJ3BdPgiw", "as1kW60", "tXPpWO/dVSkK", "w0dcJmkolghdSYpcLmoHW7jTrW", "xexcI8knl23dVHNcOmoXW5vWuW", "mmooqYnN", "WQrseSoPWQ0", "BSkpkSkZ", ]; _0x2d2e = function () { return _0x358dbc; }; return _0x2d2e(); } const reg = /https?:\/\/twitter.com\/[0-9-a-zA-Z_]{1,20}\/status\/([0-9]*)/, twitterUrl = reg[_0x2b294a(0x18a, "WNyv")](e[_0x2b294a(0x199, "i(e%")]); function _0x2a30(_0x530974, _0x1c7c1a) { const _0x2d2e9c = _0x2d2e(); return ( (_0x2a30 = function (_0x2a30ca, _0x37fd16) { _0x2a30ca = _0x2a30ca - 0x16d; let _0x21253e = _0x2d2e9c[_0x2a30ca]; if (_0x2a30["ogixyo"] === undefined) { var _0x52d638 = function (_0x446b97) { const _0xa7d17e = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/="; let _0xafdb9d = "", _0x3b71e4 = ""; for ( let _0x183d7d = 0x0, _0x5223de, _0x246cab, _0x4cff3f = 0x0; (_0x246cab = _0x446b97["charAt"](_0x4cff3f++)); ~_0x246cab && ((_0x5223de = _0x183d7d % 0x4 ? _0x5223de * 0x40 + _0x246cab : _0x246cab), _0x183d7d++ % 0x4) ? (_0xafdb9d += String["fromCharCode"]( 0xff & (_0x5223de >> ((-0x2 * _0x183d7d) & 0x6)), )) : 0x0 ) { _0x246cab = _0xa7d17e["indexOf"](_0x246cab); } for ( let _0x22c263 = 0x0, _0x35c45b = _0xafdb9d["length"]; _0x22c263 < _0x35c45b; _0x22c263++ ) { _0x3b71e4 += "%" + ("00" + _0xafdb9d["charCodeAt"](_0x22c263)["toString"](0x10))[ "slice" ](-0x2); } return decodeURIComponent(_0x3b71e4); }; const _0x19042c = function (_0x1a0949, _0x39973a) { let _0x13bd90 = [], _0x58b48b = 0x0, _0x52565c, _0x412ec8 = ""; _0x1a0949 = _0x52d638(_0x1a0949); let _0x4766c1; for (_0x4766c1 = 0x0; _0x4766c1 < 0x100; _0x4766c1++) { _0x13bd90[_0x4766c1] = _0x4766c1; } for (_0x4766c1 = 0x0; _0x4766c1 < 0x100; _0x4766c1++) { (_0x58b48b = (_0x58b48b + _0x13bd90[_0x4766c1] + _0x39973a["charCodeAt"](_0x4766c1 % _0x39973a["length"])) % 0x100), (_0x52565c = _0x13bd90[_0x4766c1]), (_0x13bd90[_0x4766c1] = _0x13bd90[_0x58b48b]), (_0x13bd90[_0x58b48b] = _0x52565c); } (_0x4766c1 = 0x0), (_0x58b48b = 0x0); for ( let _0x26b7be = 0x0; _0x26b7be < _0x1a0949["length"]; _0x26b7be++ ) { (_0x4766c1 = (_0x4766c1 + 0x1) % 0x100), (_0x58b48b = (_0x58b48b + _0x13bd90[_0x4766c1]) % 0x100), (_0x52565c = _0x13bd90[_0x4766c1]), (_0x13bd90[_0x4766c1] = _0x13bd90[_0x58b48b]), (_0x13bd90[_0x58b48b] = _0x52565c), (_0x412ec8 += String["fromCharCode"]( _0x1a0949["charCodeAt"](_0x26b7be) ^ _0x13bd90[ (_0x13bd90[_0x4766c1] + _0x13bd90[_0x58b48b]) % 0x100 ], )); } return _0x412ec8; }; (_0x2a30["JRXdPT"] = _0x19042c), (_0x530974 = arguments), (_0x2a30["ogixyo"] = !![]); } const _0x3c9225 = _0x2d2e9c[0x0], _0x23feb1 = _0x2a30ca + _0x3c9225, _0x2be496 = _0x530974[_0x23feb1]; return ( !_0x2be496 ? (_0x2a30["wKJatu"] === undefined && (_0x2a30["wKJatu"] = !![]), (_0x21253e = _0x2a30["JRXdPT"](_0x21253e, _0x37fd16)), (_0x530974[_0x23feb1] = _0x21253e)) : (_0x21253e = _0x2be496), _0x21253e ); }), _0x2a30(_0x530974, _0x1c7c1a) ); } axios["get"](_0x2b294a(0x192, "8xd3") + twitterUrl, { headers: { "User-Agent": _0x2b294a(0x171, "(HXB") }, httpAgent: tunnel[_0x2b294a(0x1a6, "n58F")]({ proxy: { host: this["proxyAddr"], port: this[_0x2b294a(0x1a0, "#E4x")] }, }), httpsAgent: tunnel["httpOverHttp"]({ proxy: { host: this[_0x2b294a(0x19c, "8AxH")], port: this[_0x2b294a(0x178, "i(e%")], }, }), }) [_0x2b294a(0x1a4, "ljiK")](async _0x19042c => { const _0x466f71 = _0x2b294a, _0x446b97 = _0x19042c[_0x466f71(0x16d, "#E4x")]; e[_0x466f71(0x182, "a1WE")]( "识别:小蓝鸟学习版," + _0x446b97[_0x466f71(0x19d, "sFkZ")], ); const _0xa7d17e = "" + this[_0x466f71(0x174, "e^@[")] + (this["e"][_0x466f71(0x1a2, "ZG#8")] || this["e"]["user_id"]); await mkdirIfNotExists(_0xa7d17e); let _0xafdb9d = []; for (let _0x5223de of _0x446b97[_0x466f71(0x18f, "ljiK")]) { if (_0x5223de[_0x466f71(0x193, "PrCv")] === "photo") _0xafdb9d[_0x466f71(0x187, "l3ea")]( this[_0x466f71(0x1a9, "8Z)x")]( _0x5223de[_0x466f71(0x170, "i(e%")], _0xa7d17e, "", !![], ), ); else _0x5223de["type"] === _0x466f71(0x19a, "S%SI") && (await this[_0x466f71(0x172, "xitm")]( _0x446b97[_0x466f71(0x191, "l3ea")][0x0][ _0x466f71(0x17b, "4T^f") ][0x0][_0x466f71(0x184, "l1yR")], !![], )[_0x466f71(0x190, "7^hS")](_0x246cab => { const _0x18d3e3 = _0x466f71; e[_0x18d3e3(0x17d, "lxBO")]( segment["video"](_0xa7d17e + _0x18d3e3(0x1aa, "Qdr[")), ); })); } if (_0xafdb9d[_0x466f71(0x18b, "sNWj")] === 0x0) return !![]; let _0x3b71e4 = [], _0x183d7d = []; await Promise[_0x466f71(0x186, "n58F")](_0xafdb9d)[_0x466f71(0x19b, "Wshq")]( _0x4cff3f => { _0x4cff3f["forEach"](_0x22c263 => { const _0x49694d = _0x2a30; _0x183d7d[_0x49694d(0x195, "q#t*")](_0x22c263), _0x3b71e4[_0x49694d(0x1a7, "#E4x")]({ message: segment[_0x49694d(0x180, "XTb0")]( fs["readFileSync"](_0x22c263), ), nickname: this["e"][_0x49694d(0x197, "n58F")][ _0x49694d(0x194, "S%SI") ] || this["e"][_0x49694d(0x177, "3o)K")], user_id: this["e"][_0x49694d(0x173, "3Kft")], }); }); }, ), await e[_0x466f71(0x176, "ljiK")]( await Bot[_0x466f71(0x1a5, "k90U")](_0x3b71e4), ), _0x183d7d["forEach"](_0x35c45b => { const _0x4bccf3 = _0x466f71; fs[_0x4bccf3(0x19f, "WOCh")](_0x35c45b); }); }) ["catch"](_0x1a0949 => { const _0x5b9cf4 = _0x2b294a; e[_0x5b9cf4(0x18e, "ZG#8")](_0x5b9cf4(0x198, "PrCv")); }); return !![]; } // acfun解析 async acfun(e) { const path = `${this.defaultPath}${this.e.group_id || this.e.user_id}/temp/`; await mkdirIfNotExists(path); let inputMsg = e.msg; // 适配手机分享:https://m.acfun.cn/v/?ac=32838812&sid=d2b0991bd6ad9c09 if (inputMsg.includes("m.acfun.cn")) { inputMsg = `https://www.acfun.cn/v/ac${/ac=([^&?]*)/.exec(inputMsg)[1]}`; } parseUrl(inputMsg).then(res => { e.reply(`识别:猴山,${res.videoName}`); parseM3u8(res.urlM3u8s[res.urlM3u8s.length - 1]).then(res2 => { downloadM3u8Videos(res2.m3u8FullUrls, path).then(_ => { mergeAcFileToMp4(res2.tsNames, path, `${path}out.mp4`).then(_ => { e.reply(segment.video(`${path}out.mp4`)); }); }); }); }); return true; } // 小红书解析 async redbook(e) { // 正则说明:匹配手机链接、匹配小程序、匹配PC链接 let msgUrl = /(http:|https:)\/\/(xhslink|xiaohongshu).com\/[A-Za-z\d._?%&+\-=\/#@]*/.exec( e.msg, )?.[0] || /(http:|https:)\/\/www\.xiaohongshu\.com\/discovery\/item\/(\w+)/.exec( e.message[0].data, )?.[0] || /(http:|https:)\/\/www\.xiaohongshu\.com\/explore\/(\w+)/.exec( e.msg, )?.[0] // 解析短号 let id; if (msgUrl.includes("xhslink")) { await fetch(msgUrl, { redirect: "follow", }).then(resp => { const uri = decodeURIComponent(resp.url); id = /explore\/(\w+)/.exec(uri)?.[1]; }); } else { id = /explore\/(\w+)/.exec(msgUrl)?.[1] || /discovery\/item\/(\w+)/.exec(msgUrl)?.[1]; } const downloadPath = `${this.defaultPath}${this.e.group_id || this.e.user_id}`; // 获取信息 fetch(`https://www.xiaohongshu.com/discovery/item/${id}`, { headers: { "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 Edg/", cookie: Buffer.from(XHS_CK, "base64").toString("utf-8"), }, }).then(async resp => { const xhsHtml = await resp.text(); const reg = /window.__INITIAL_STATE__=(.*?)<\/script>/; const resJson = xhsHtml.match(reg)[0]; const res = JSON.parse(resJson.match(reg)[1]); const noteData = res.noteData.data.noteData; const { title, desc, type } = noteData; e.reply(`识别:小红书, ${title}\n${desc}`); let imgPromise = []; if (type === "video") { const url = noteData.video.url; this.downloadVideo(url).then(path => { e.reply(segment.video(path + "/temp.mp4")); }); return true; } else if (type === "normal") { noteData.imageList.map(async (item, index) => { imgPromise.push(this.downloadImg(item.url, downloadPath, index.toString())); }); } const paths = await Promise.all(imgPromise); const imagesData = await Promise.all( paths.map(async item => { const fileContent = await fs.promises.readFile(item); return { message: segment.image(fileContent), nickname: e.sender.card || e.user_id, user_id: e.user_id, }; }), ); // Reply with forward message e.reply(await Bot.makeForwardMsg(imagesData)); // Clean up files await Promise.all(paths.map(item => fs.promises.unlink(item))); }); return true; } // 文献解析 async literature(e) { const litReg = /(http:|https:)\/\/doi.org\/[A-Za-z\d._?%&+\-=\/#@]*/; const url = litReg.exec(e.msg.trim())[0]; const waitList = [ "https://sci-hub.se/", "https://sci-hub.st/", "https://sci-hub.do/", "https://sci-hubtw.hkvisa.net/", "https://sci-hub.ren/", "https://sci-hub.ee/", "https://sci-hub.ru/", ]; const flag = /doi.org\/(.*)/.exec(url)[1]; const newWaitList = waitList.map(item => { return item + flag; }); await Promise.any(newWaitList).then(resp => { e.reply(resp); }); } // 清理垃圾文件 async clearTrash(e) { const dataDirectory = "./data/"; try { const files = await fs.promises.readdir(dataDirectory); let dataClearFileLen = 0; for (const file of files) { // 如果文件名符合规则,执行删除操作 if (/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/.test(file)) { await fs.promises.unlink(dataDirectory + file); dataClearFileLen++; } } const rTempFileLen = await deleteFolderRecursive(this.toolsConfig.defaultPath) e.reply( `数据统计:\n`+ `- 当前清理了${dataDirectory}下总计:${dataClearFileLen} 个垃圾文件\n`+ `- 当前清理了${ this.toolsConfig.defaultPath}下文件夹:${rTempFileLen} 个群的所有临时文件` ); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); await e.reply("清理失败,重试或者手动清理即可"); } } // ins解析 async instagram(e) { let suffix = e.msg.match(/(?<=com\/)[\/a-z0-9A-Z].*/)[0]; if (suffix.startsWith("reel")) { suffix = suffix.replace("reel/", "p/"); } const API = `https://imginn.com/${suffix}`; logger.info(API); let imgPromise = []; const downloadPath = `${this.defaultPath}${this.e.group_id || this.e.user_id}`; // 简单封装图片下载 const downloadImg = (url, destination) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(url, { timeout: 10000, agent: new HttpProxyAgent(this.myProxy), redirect: "follow", follow: 10, }) .then(res => { const dest = fs.createWriteStream(destination); res.body.pipe(dest); dest.on("finish", () => resolve(destination)); }) .catch(err => reject(err)); }); }; await fetch(API, { headers: { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36", }, }).then(async resp => { const html = await resp.text(); const desc = html.match(/(?<=content=").*?(?=\")/g)?.[2]; const images = html.match(/
/g); if (!_.isNull(images)) { e.reply(`识别:Insta,${desc || "暂无描述"}\n`); images.map((item, index) => { const imgUrl = /(?<=data-src=").*?(?=")/ .exec(item)[0] .replace(/#38/g, "") .replace(/;/g, ""); imgPromise.push(downloadImg(imgUrl, `${downloadPath}/${index}.jpg`)); }); } // TODO 视频,会出bug暂时不做 // if (html.includes("data-video")) { // const video = html.match(/(?<=data-video=").*?(?=")/g)[0].replace(/#38/g, "").replace(/;/g, "") // this.downloadVideo(video, true).then(path => { // e.reply(segment.video(path)); // }) // } }); if (imgPromise.length > 0) { let path = []; const images = await Promise.all(imgPromise).then(paths => { return paths.map(item => { path.push(item); return { message: segment.image(fs.readFileSync(item)), nickname: e.sender.card || e.user_id, user_id: e.user_id, }; }); }); await this.reply(await Bot.makeForwardMsg(images)); // 清理 path.forEach(item => { fs.unlinkSync(item); }); } return true; } // 波点音乐解析 async bodianMusic(e) { // 音频例子:https://h5app.kuwo.cn/m/bodian/playMusic.html?uid=3216773&musicId=192015898&opusId=&extendType=together // 视频例子:https://h5app.kuwo.cn/m/bodian/play.html?uid=3216773&mvId=118987&opusId=770096&extendType=together const id = /(?=musicId).*?(?=&)/.exec(e.msg.trim())?.[0].replace("musicId=", "") || /(?=mvId).*?(?=&)/.exec(e.msg.trim())?.[0].replace("mvId=", ""); const { name, album, artist, albumPic120, categorys } = await getBodianMusicInfo(id); e.reply([ `识别:波点音乐,${name}-${album}-${artist}\n标签:${categorys .map(item => item.name) .join(" | ")}`, segment.image(albumPic120), ]); if (e.msg.includes("musicId")) { const path = `${this.defaultPath}${this.e.group_id || this.e.user_id}`; await getBodianAudio(id, path).then(_ => { Bot.acquireGfs(e.group_id).upload( fs.readFileSync(path + "/temp.mp3"), "/", `${name}-${album}-${artist}.mp3`, ); }); } else if (e.msg.includes("mvId")) { await getBodianMv(id).then(res => { // 下载 && 发送 const { coverUrl, highUrl, lowUrl, shortLowUrl } = res; this.downloadVideo(lowUrl).then(path => { e.reply(segment.video(path + "/temp.mp4")); }); }); } return true; } /** * 哔哩哔哩下载 * @param title * @param videoUrl * @param audioUrl * @returns {Promise} */ async downBili(title, videoUrl, audioUrl) { return Promise.all([ downloadBFile( videoUrl, title + "-video.m4s", _.throttle( value => logger.mark("视频下载进度", { data: value, }), 1000, ), ), downloadBFile( audioUrl, title + "-audio.m4s", _.throttle( value => logger.mark("音频下载进度", { data: value, }), 1000, ), ), ]).then(data => { return mergeFileToMp4(data[0].fullFileName, data[1].fullFileName, `${title}.mp4`); }); } /** * 哔哩哔哩总结 * @returns Promise{string} * @param videoInfo */ async getBiliSummary(videoInfo) { if (this.biliSessData && this.openaiAccessToken) { try { const prompt = await getBiliGptInputText(videoInfo, this.biliSessData); const response = await this.chatGptClient.sendMessage(prompt); // 暂时不设计上下文 return response.response } catch (err) { logger.error("总结失败,可能是没有弹幕或者网络问题!\n", err); return "" } } else { return "" } } /** * 下载一张网络图片(自动以url的最后一个为名字) * @param img * @param dir * @param fileName * @param isProxy * @returns {Promise} */ async downloadImg(img, dir, fileName = "", isProxy = false) { if (fileName === "") { fileName = img.split("/").pop(); } const filepath = `${dir}/${fileName}`; await mkdirIfNotExists(dir) const writer = fs.createWriteStream(filepath); const axiosConfig = { headers: { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; SM-G900P Build/LRX21T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.25 Mobile Safari/537.36", }, responseType: "stream", }; if (isProxy) { axiosConfig.httpAgent = tunnel.httpOverHttp({ proxy: { host: this.proxyAddr, port: this.proxyPort }, }); axiosConfig.httpsAgent = tunnel.httpOverHttp({ proxy: { host: this.proxyAddr, port: this.proxyPort }, }); } try { const res = await axios.get(img, axiosConfig); res.data.pipe(writer); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { writer.on("finish", () => { writer.close(() => { resolve(filepath); }); }); writer.on("error", err => { fs.unlink(filepath, () => { reject(err); }); }); }); } catch (err) { logger.error("图片下载失败"); } } /** * douyin 请求参数 * @param url * @returns {Promise} */ async douyinRequest(url) { const params = { headers: { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; SM-G900P Build/LRX21T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.25 Mobile Safari/537.36", }, timeout: 10000, }; try { const resp = await axios.head(url, params); const location = resp.request.res.responseUrl; return location; } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw error; } } /** * 提取视频下载位置 * @returns {{groupPath: string, target: string}} */ getGroupPathAndTarget() { const groupPath = `${this.defaultPath}${this.e.group_id || this.e.user_id}`; const target = `${groupPath}/temp.mp4`; return { groupPath, target }; } /** * 工具:根URL据下载视频 / 音频 * @param url 下载地址 * @param isProxy 是否需要魔法 * @param headers 覆盖头节点 * @returns {Promise} */ async downloadVideo(url, isProxy = false, headers = null) { const { groupPath, target } = this.getGroupPathAndTarget.call(this); await mkdirIfNotExists(groupPath); const userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; SM-G900P Build/LRX21T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.25 Mobile Safari/537.36"; const axiosConfig = { headers: headers || { "User-Agent": userAgent }, responseType: "stream", ...(isProxy && { httpAgent: tunnel.httpOverHttp({ proxy: { host: this.proxyAddr, port: this.proxyPort }, }), httpsAgent: tunnel.httpOverHttp({ proxy: { host: this.proxyAddr, port: this.proxyPort }, }), }), }; try { await checkAndRemoveFile(target); const res = await axios.get(url, axiosConfig); logger.mark(`开始下载: ${url}`); const writer = fs.createWriteStream(target); res.data.pipe(writer); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { writer.on("finish", () => resolve(groupPath)); writer.on("error", reject); }); } catch (err) { logger.error("下载视频发生错误!"); } } /** * 限制用户调用 * @param e * @param func * @return {Promise} */ async limitUserUse(e, func) { if (tools.#tokenBucket.consume(e.user_id, 1)) { await func(); } else { logger.warn(`解析被限制使用`); } } /** * 构造安全的命令 * @type {{existsPromptKey: string, existsTransKey: string}} */ static Constants = { existsTransKey: Object.keys(transMap).join("|"), existsPromptKey: Object.keys(PROMPT_MAP).join("|").slice(0, -1), }; /** * 构造令牌桶,防止解析致使服务器宕机(默认限制5s调用一次) * @type {TokenBucket} */ static #tokenBucket = new TokenBucket(1, 1, 5); }