''' 启用tecent翻译 可以在YAML 中填入下面的参数 ng_voice_translate_on : True tencentcloud_common_region : "ap-shanghai" tencentcloud_common_secretid : "xxxxx" tencentcloud_common_secretkey : "xxxxx" ng_voice_tar : 'ja' ''' from .Extension import Extension import urllib import requests import uuid import os import base64 from aiohttp import request from binascii import b2a_base64 from hashlib import sha1 from urllib.parse import urlencode from hmac import new import random from sys import maxsize, version_info from time import time from nonebot import get_driver from aiohttp import request from loguru import logger from nonebot.exception import ActionFailed import asyncio try: from ujson import loads as loadJsonS except: from json import loads as loadJsonS # 扩展的配置信息,用于ai理解扩展的功能 *必填* ext_config: dict = { "name": "voice", # 扩展名称,用于标识扩展 "arguments": { 'sentence': 'str', # 需要转换的文本 'emotion': 'str', # 情感 }, # 扩展的描述信息,用于提示ai理解扩展的功能 *必填* 尽量简短 使用英文更节省token "description": "Send a voice sentence. The emotional parameter must be one of \"normal,sweet,tsundere,sexy,whisper,murmur\" (usage in response: /#voice&hello&sweet#/) ", # 参考词,用于上下文参考使用,为空则每次都会被参考(消耗token) "refer_word": [], # 作者信息 "author": "恋如雨止", # 版本 "version": "0.0.2", # 扩展简介 "intro": "发送语音消息(支持翻译)", } # 情感参数表 emotion_rate_dict = { 'normal': { 'custom_attributes': { "speed_scale": 1, "volume_scale": 1, "intonation_scale": 1, "pre_phoneme_length": 0.1, "post_phoneme_length": 0.1, }, 'name': 'ノーマル', }, 'sweet': { 'custom_attributes': { "speed_scale": 1.1, "volume_scale": 0.9, "intonation_scale": 1.3, "pre_phoneme_length": 0.2, "post_phoneme_length": 0.2, }, 'name': 'あまあま', }, 'tsundere': { 'custom_attributes': { "speed_scale": 1.0, "volume_scale": 1.1, "intonation_scale": 1.2, "pre_phoneme_length": 0.3, "post_phoneme_length": 0.3, }, 'name': 'ツンツン', }, 'sexy': { 'custom_attributes': { "speed_scale": 0.9, "volume_scale": 1.2, "intonation_scale": 1.1, "pre_phoneme_length": 0.4, "post_phoneme_length": 0.4, }, 'name': 'セクシー', }, 'whisper': { 'custom_attributes': { "speed_scale": 0.8, "volume_scale": 1.3, "intonation_scale": 1.0, "pre_phoneme_length": 0.5, "post_phoneme_length": 0.5, }, 'name': 'ささやき', }, 'murmur': { 'custom_attributes': { "speed_scale": 0.7, "volume_scale": 1.4, "intonation_scale": 0.9, "pre_phoneme_length": 0.6, "post_phoneme_length": 0.6, }, 'name': 'ヒソヒソ', }, } # 情感翻译映射表 emotion_translate_jp2en = { 'ノーマル': 'normal', 'あまあま': 'sweet', 'ツンツン': 'tsundere', 'セクシー': 'sexy', 'ささやき': 'whisper', 'ヒソヒソ': 'murmur', } emotion_translate_en2jp = {f: t for t, f in emotion_translate_jp2en.items()} class CustomExtension(Extension): async def call(self, arg_dict: dict, ctx_data: dict) -> dict: """ 当扩展被调用时执行的函数 *由扩展自行实现* 参数: arg_dict: dict, 由ai解析的参数字典 {参数名: 参数值} """ custom_config: dict = self.get_custom_config() # 获取yaml中的配置信息 ng_voice_translate_on = custom_config.get( 'ng_voice_translate_on', False) # 是否启用翻译 tencentcloud_common_region = custom_config.get( 'tencentcloud_common_region', "ap-shanghai") # 腾讯翻译-地区 tencentcloud_common_secretid = custom_config.get( 'tencentcloud_common_secretid', "xxxxx") # 腾讯翻译-密钥id tencentcloud_common_secretkey = custom_config.get( 'tencentcloud_common_secretkey', "xxxxx") # 腾讯翻译-密钥 ng_voice_tar = custom_config.get('g_voice_tar', 'ja') # 翻译目标语言 is_base64 = custom_config.get('is_base64', False) # 是否使用base64编码 character = custom_config.get('character', 'もち子さん') # 人物 url = custom_config.get('api_url', '') if not url: # 如果没有配置语音服务器url则返回错误信息 return {'text': f"[ext_VOICEVOX] 未配置语音服务器url"} if not url.startswith('http'): # 如果不是http开头则添加 url = f'http://{url}' if not url.endswith('/'): # 如果不是/结尾则添加 url = f'{url}/' # 音频缓存文件夹 voice_path = 'voice_cache/' if not os.path.exists(voice_path): os.mkdir(voice_path) # 获取参数 raw_text = arg_dict.get('sentence', None) emotion_key = arg_dict.get('emotion', 'normal') # 判断情感索引是否存在 如果不存在则使用默认情感 if emotion_key not in self.character_emotion_dict[character]: emotion_key = 'normal' """ 腾讯翻译 """ # 腾讯翻译-签名 config = get_driver().config async def getReqSign(params: dict) -> str: common = { "Action": "TextTranslate", "Region": f"{tencentcloud_common_region}", "Timestamp": int(time()), "Nonce": random.randint(1, maxsize), "SecretId": f"{tencentcloud_common_secretid}", "Version": "2018-03-21", } params.update(common) sign_str = "POSTtmt.tencentcloudapi.com/?" sign_str += "&".join("%s=%s" % (k, params[k]) for k in sorted(params)) secret_key = tencentcloud_common_secretkey if version_info[0] > 2: sign_str = bytes(sign_str, "utf-8") secret_key = bytes(secret_key, "utf-8") hashed = new(secret_key, sign_str, sha1) signature = b2a_base64(hashed.digest())[:-1] if version_info[0] > 2: signature = signature.decode() return signature async def q_translate(message) -> str: _source_text = message _source = "auto" _target = ng_voice_tar try: endpoint = "https://tmt.tencentcloudapi.com" params = { "Source": _source, "SourceText": _source_text, "Target": _target, "ProjectId": 0, } params["Signature"] = await getReqSign(params) # 加上超时参数 async with request("POST", endpoint, data=params) as resp: data = loadJsonS(await asyncio.wait_for(resp.read(), timeout=30))["Response"] message = data["TargetText"] except ActionFailed as e: logger.warning( f"ActionFailed {e.info['retcode']} {e.info['msg'].lower()} {e.info['wording']}" ) except TimeoutError as e: logger.warning( f"TimeoutError {e}" ) return message """ 腾讯翻译结束 """ if ng_voice_translate_on == True: t_result = await q_translate(raw_text) else: t_result = raw_text text = t_result + '~' # 加上一个字符,避免合成语音丢失结尾 # 从self.character_emotion_dict中获取角色,如果emotion_key不存在则使用第一个 speaker = self.character_emotion_dict[character][emotion_translate_en2jp[emotion_key]]['speaker'] if emotion_translate_en2jp[ emotion_key] in self.character_emotion_dict[character] else self.character_emotion_dict[character][0]['speaker'] # 根据emotion_key获取从emotion_rate_dict获取自定义属性 custom_attributes = emotion_rate_dict[emotion_key]['custom_attributes'] # 发送查询请求并保存结果 params = { "text": text, "speaker": speaker, } params_encoded = urlencode(params) res = requests.post(url + "audio_query?" + params_encoded) query_json = res.json() # 更新voicevox_query属性 query_json['speedScale'] = custom_attributes["speed_scale"] query_json['volumeScale'] = custom_attributes["volume_scale"] query_json['intonationScale'] = custom_attributes["intonation_scale"] query_json['prePhonemeLength'] = custom_attributes["pre_phoneme_length"] query_json['postPhonemeLength'] = custom_attributes["post_phoneme_length"] # 发送语音合成请求并保存结果 synthesis_params = { "speaker": speaker } params_encoded = urlencode(synthesis_params) res = requests.post(f"{url}synthesis?{params_encoded}", json=query_json, timeout=120) audio_data = res.content file_name = f"{voice_path}{uuid.uuid1()}.wav" if is_base64: audio_data = base64.b64decode(audio_data) with open(file_name, "wb") as f: f.write(audio_data) local_url = f"file:///{os.path.abspath(file_name)}" if text is not None: return { 'voice': local_url, # 语音url 'text': f"[语音] {raw_text}", # 文本 } return {} def __init__(self, custom_config: dict): super().__init__(ext_config.copy(), custom_config) url = custom_config.get('api_url', '') if not url: # 如果没有配置语音服务器url则返回错误信息 raise Exception("未配置语音服务器url") if not url.startswith('http'): # 如果不是http开头则添加 url = f'http://{url}' if not url.endswith('/'): # 如果不是/结尾则添加 url = f'{url}/' # 从api获取可用角色json for _ in range(3): try: res = requests.get(url + "speakers", timeout=10) break except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: continue else: raise Exception("获取语音服务器角色列表失败") speaker_json = res.json() self.character_emotion_dict = {} # 遍历角色json,获取角色列表,保存到 character_emotion_dict 中 for character in speaker_json: character_name = character["name"] styles = character["styles"] em_dict = {} for style in styles: em_dict[style["name"]] = { "speaker": style["id"], "name": style["name"], } self.character_emotion_dict[character_name] = em_dict print(f"[ext_VOICEVOX] 共加载了 {len(self.character_emotion_dict)} 个角色")