{ "_name_or_path": "llmware/bling-phi-3", "architectures": [ "Phi3ForCausalLM" ], "attention_dropout": 0.0, "auto_map": { "AutoConfig": "llmware/bling-phi-3--configuration_phi3.Phi3Config", "AutoModelForCausalLM": "llmware/bling-phi-3--modeling_phi3.Phi3ForCausalLM" }, "bos_token_id": 1, "embd_pdrop": 0.0, "eos_token_id": 32000, "hidden_act": "silu", "hidden_size": 3072, "initializer_range": 0.02, "intermediate_size": 8192, "max_position_embeddings": 4096, "model_type": "phi3", "num_attention_heads": 32, "num_hidden_layers": 32, "num_key_value_heads": 32, "original_max_position_embeddings": 4096, "pad_token_id": 32000, "resid_pdrop": 0.0, "rms_norm_eps": 1e-05, "rope_scaling": null, "rope_theta": 10000.0, "sliding_window": 2048, "tie_word_embeddings": false, "transformers_version": "4.41.2", "use_cache": true, "vocab_size": 32064, "prompt_wrapper": "human_bot", "prompt_format": " {context_passage} \n {question} \n:", "prompt_format_dict": {"main_start": ": ", "main_stop": "\n", "start_llm_response": ":"}, "tokenizer_local": "tokenizer_phi3.json", "tokenizer_config": {"bos_id": [1], "bos_token": [""], "eos_id": [32000,32001,32007], "eos_token": ["<|endoftext|>","<|assistant|>","<|end|>"]}, "model_parent": "llmware/bling-phi-3", "description": "Fact-based question-answering model from llmware - finetuned on phi-3 - 3.8b parameter base", "quantization": "int4", "model_family": "ONNXGenerativeModel", "parameters": 3.8, "test_set": [ { "query": "What is the total amount of the invoice?", "answer": "$22,500.00", "context": "Services Vendor Inc. \n100 Elm Street Pleasantville, NY \nTO Alpha Inc. 5900 1st Street Los Angeles, CA \nDescription Front End Engineering Service $5000.00 \n Back End Engineering Service $7500.00 \n Quality Assurance Manager $10,000.00 \n Total Amount $22,500.00 \nMake all checks payable to Services Vendor Inc. Payment is due within 30 days.If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Bia Hermes. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! INVOICE INVOICE # 0001 DATE 01/01/2022 FOR Alpha Project P.O. # 1000", "sample_number": 0, "tokens": 138, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What is the invoice number?", "answer": "#0001", "context": "Services Vendor Inc. \n100 Elm Street Pleasantville, NY \nTO Alpha Inc. 5900 1st Street Los Angeles, CA \nDescription Front End Engineering Service $5000.00 \n Back End Engineering Service $7500.00 \n Quality Assurance Manager $10,000.00 \n Total Amount $22,500.00 \nMake all checks payable to Services Vendor Inc. Payment is due within 30 days.If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Bia Hermes. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! INVOICE INVOICE # 0001 DATE 01/01/2022 FOR Alpha Project P.O. # 1000", "sample_number": 1, "tokens": 138, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What is a list of the items being purchased?", "answer": "•Front End Engineering Service;\n•Back End Engineering Service;\n•Quality Assurance Manager", "context": "Services Vendor Inc. \n100 Elm Street Pleasantville, NY \nTO Alpha Inc. 5900 1st Street Los Angeles, CA \nDescription Front End Engineering Service $5000.00 \n Back End Engineering Service $7500.00 \n Quality Assurance Manager $10,000.00 \n Total Amount $22,500.00 \nMake all checks payable to Services Vendor Inc. Payment is due within 30 days.If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Bia Hermes. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! INVOICE INVOICE # 0001 DATE 01/01/2022 FOR Alpha Project P.O. # 1000", "sample_number": 2, "tokens": 138, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What is the name of the contact for question?", "answer": "Bia Hermes", "context": "Services Vendor Inc. \n100 Elm Street Pleasantville, NY \nTO Alpha Inc. 5900 1st Street Los Angeles, CA \nDescription Front End Engineering Service $5000.00 \n Back End Engineering Service $7500.00 \n Quality Assurance Manager $10,000.00 \n Total Amount $22,500.00 \nMake all checks payable to Services Vendor Inc. Payment is due within 30 days.If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Bia Hermes. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! INVOICE INVOICE # 0001 DATE 01/01/2022 FOR Alpha Project P.O. # 1000", "sample_number": 3, "tokens": 138, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What is the PO number?", "answer": "#1000", "context": "Services Vendor Inc. \n100 Elm Street Pleasantville, NY \nTO Alpha Inc. 5900 1st Street Los Angeles, CA \nDescription Front End Engineering Service $5000.00 \n Back End Engineering Service $7500.00 \n Quality Assurance Manager $10,000.00 \n Total Amount $22,500.00 \nMake all checks payable to Services Vendor Inc. Payment is due within 30 days.If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Bia Hermes. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! INVOICE INVOICE # 0001 DATE 01/01/2022 FOR Alpha Project P.O. # 1000", "sample_number": 4, "tokens": 138, "category": "core" }, { "query": "When is payment due?", "answer": "within 30 days of 01/01/2022", "context": "Services Vendor Inc. \n100 Elm Street Pleasantville, NY \nTO Alpha Inc. 5900 1st Street Los Angeles, CA \nDescription Front End Engineering Service $5000.00 \n Back End Engineering Service $7500.00 \n Quality Assurance Manager $10,000.00 \n Total Amount $22,500.00 \nMake all checks payable to Services Vendor Inc. Payment is due within 30 days.If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Bia Hermes. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! INVOICE INVOICE # 0001 DATE 01/01/2022 FOR Alpha Project P.O. # 1000", "sample_number": 5, "tokens": 138, "category": "core" }, { "query": "When is payment due?", "answer": "May 3, 2022", "context": "Invoice DATE March 3, 2022\tINVOICE NO 234\tABC Company 8675 River Run Road Marlington, CT 09392 INVOICE TO Delta Inc. 8723 Wilton Boulevard Los Angeles, CA HEBE HERACLES\tLASER PRINTER\tPAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE Due on Receipt May 3, 2022 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 30 \tBoxes of Printer Paper\t$30\t$900 10\tPrinter Cartridges\t$75 $750 5\tLaser printers\t$500.00 $2500.00 Subtotal 4150.00 Sales Tax 10% Total 4565.00", "sample_number": 6, "tokens": 139, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What is the subtotal amount?", "answer": "4150.00", "context": "Invoice DATE March 3, 2022\tINVOICE NO 234\tABC Company 8675 River Run Road Marlington, CT 09392 INVOICE TO Delta Inc. 8723 Wilton Boulevard Los Angeles, CA HEBE HERACLES\tLASER PRINTER\tPAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE Due on Receipt May 3, 2022 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 30 \tBoxes of Printer Paper\t$30\t$900 10\tPrinter Cartridges\t$75 $750 5\tLaser printers\t$500.00 $2500.00 Subtotal 4150.00 Sales Tax 10% Total 4565.00", "sample_number": 7, "tokens": 139, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What is the total amount?", "answer": "4565.00", "context": "Invoice DATE March 3, 2022\tINVOICE NO 234\tABC Company 8675 River Run Road Marlington, CT 09392 INVOICE TO Delta Inc. 8723 Wilton Boulevard Los Angeles, CA HEBE HERACLES\tLASER PRINTER\tPAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE Due on Receipt May 3, 2022 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 30 \tBoxes of Printer Paper\t$30\t$900 10\tPrinter Cartridges\t$75 $750 5\tLaser printers\t$500.00 $2500.00 Subtotal 4150.00 Sales Tax 10% Total 4565.00", "sample_number": 8, "tokens": 139, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What is a list of the purchased items?", "answer": "•30 Boxes of Printer Paper;\n•10 Printer Cartridges;\n•5 Laser Printers.", "context": "Invoice DATE March 3, 2022\tINVOICE NO 234\tABC Company 8675 River Run Road Marlington, CT 09392 INVOICE TO Delta Inc. 8723 Wilton Boulevard Los Angeles, CA HEBE HERACLES\tLASER PRINTER\tPAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE Due on Receipt May 3, 2022 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 30 \tBoxes of Printer Paper\t$30\t$900 10\tPrinter Cartridges\t$75 $750 5\tLaser printers\t$500.00 $2500.00 Subtotal 4150.00 Sales Tax 10% Total 4565.00", "sample_number": 9, "tokens": 139, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What is the invoice number?", "answer": "234", "context": "Invoice DATE March 3, 2022\tINVOICE NO 234\tABC Company 8675 River Run Road Marlington, CT 09392 INVOICE TO Delta Inc. 8723 Wilton Boulevard Los Angeles, CA HEBE HERACLES\tLASER PRINTER\tPAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE Due on Receipt May 3, 2022 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 30 \tBoxes of Printer Paper\t$30\t$900 10\tPrinter Cartridges\t$75 $750 5\tLaser printers\t$500.00 $2500.00 Subtotal 4150.00 Sales Tax 10% Total 4565.00", "sample_number": 10, "tokens": 139, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What is the name of the two companies?", "answer": "ABC Company and Delta Inc.", "context": "Invoice DATE March 3, 2022\tINVOICE NO 234\tABC Company 8675 River Run Road Marlington, CT 09392 INVOICE TO Delta Inc. 8723 Wilton Boulevard Los Angeles, CA HEBE HERACLES\tLASER PRINTER\tPAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE Due on Receipt May 3, 2022 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 30 \tBoxes of Printer Paper\t$30\t$900 10\tPrinter Cartridges\t$75 $750 5\tLaser printers\t$500.00 $2500.00 Subtotal 4150.00 Sales Tax 10% Total 4565.00", "sample_number": 11, "tokens": 139, "category": "core" }, { "query": "How many boxes of paper are being purchased?", "answer": "30", "context": "Invoice DATE March 3, 2022\tINVOICE NO 234\tABC Company 8675 River Run Road Marlington, CT 09392 INVOICE TO Delta Inc. 8723 Wilton Boulevard Los Angeles, CA HEBE HERACLES\tLASER PRINTER\tPAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE Due on Receipt May 3, 2022 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 30 \tBoxes of Printer Paper\t$30\t$900 10\tPrinter Cartridges\t$75 $750 5\tLaser printers\t$500.00 $2500.00 Subtotal 4150.00 Sales Tax 10% Total 4565.00", "sample_number": 12, "tokens": 139, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What are the payment terms?", "answer": "Due on Receipt", "context": "Invoice DATE March 3, 2022\tINVOICE NO 234\tABC Company 8675 River Run Road Marlington, CT 09392 INVOICE TO Delta Inc. 8723 Wilton Boulevard Los Angeles, CA HEBE HERACLES\tLASER PRINTER\tPAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE Due on Receipt May 3, 2022 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 30 \tBoxes of Printer Paper\t$30\t$900 10\tPrinter Cartridges\t$75 $750 5\tLaser printers\t$500.00 $2500.00 Subtotal 4150.00 Sales Tax 10% Total 4565.00", "sample_number": 13, "tokens": 139, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What is the address of ABC Company?", "answer": "8675 River Run Road, Marlington, CT 09392", "context": "Invoice DATE March 3, 2022\tINVOICE NO 234\tABC Company 8675 River Run Road Marlington, CT 09392 INVOICE TO Delta Inc. 8723 Wilton Boulevard Los Angeles, CA HEBE HERACLES\tLASER PRINTER\tPAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE Due on Receipt May 3, 2022 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 30 \tBoxes of Printer Paper\t$30\t$900 10\tPrinter Cartridges\t$75 $750 5\tLaser printers\t$500.00 $2500.00 Subtotal 4150.00 Sales Tax 10% Total 4565.00", "sample_number": 14, "tokens": 139, "category": "core" }, { "query": "What is the date of the invoice?", "answer": "March 3, 2022", "context": "Invoice DATE March 3, 2022\tINVOICE NO 234\tABC Company 8675 River Run Road Marlington, CT 09392 INVOICE TO Delta Inc. 8723 Wilton Boulevard Los Angeles, CA HEBE HERACLES\tLASER PRINTER\tPAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE Due on Receipt May 3, 2022 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 30 \tBoxes of Printer Paper\t$30\t$900 10\tPrinter Cartridges\t$75 $750 5\tLaser printers\t$500.00 $2500.00 Subtotal 4150.00 Sales Tax 10% Total 4565.00", "sample_number": 15, "tokens": 139, "category": "core" }] }