The Leader of the Islamic Revolution issued a message to all Iranian people on this occasion of the auspicious conditions of the country and the emergence of bullying in North Africa, especially in Somalia. Speaking at the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Iranian nation should benefit from the auspicious conditions of its Islamic brothers in the region. The following is the full text of the announcement: In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful In the subcontinent, in the southern part of Africa, which is suffering from the bitterest and detrimental storms in the region during the recent days, millions of Muslims, nurses and children, have been seriously threatened by this storm. Therefore, thanks to the appreciation of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in particular to the issue of helping the oppressed people of Somalia, the Islamic Ummah has been invited to help the Muslim community of Somalia during this auspicious month of mercy and blessings. Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, touched on the occasion of Eid al-Adha and added: "If Eid al-Adha is an appropriate situation, material and religious responsibility of the people and government officials will be greatly undermined." The following is the full text of this message from the Leader: In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful In nature, human beings are kind, in need of prayers and in response to all the needs of the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) household. Daily prayers are the result of these needs. By singing daily prayers, divine servants deployed the chastisement of human beings and safeguarded them from the great danger of humiliation and defeat them from this natural disgrace. Daily and day prayers will help human beings victory in the battlefields of lack of vigilance. They will not be able to express their concerns with divine awareness. When prayer, prayers, prayers, and social behaviors are combined with the rules of social life, Islamic Mujizism can be manifested under the rules of worshiping. Mosque is the manifestation of this unity. Giving birth in mosques and among believers is like being at the palace of divine blessings, which awakened the shoulder of divine blessings and it became humble and humble. Thanks to daily prayers, the conditions of the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) household have been brighter and brighter on a daily basis. From this perspective, we should have a mosque. The Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) spirit increases the vitality of Islam and Islam. Whenever a system of life is established, mosque is the main system. It is necessary to preserve and strengthen our capacities. Mosques should be a source of wealth in pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical and academic environments, and in the meetings that are arranged by the people across the country - from workplaces to parks, to logistics, to hospitalization and to hospitalization. Matters should always be careful, prudent and prudent. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the responsibility of teachers should be increased more than those of them. If the Islamic Ummah speaks as appropriate, the material and religious responsibility of the people and government officials will be undermined. We hope that this day will belong to the Imam of the Age (God's greetings be upon him and may our souls be sacrificed for his sake). Sayyid Ali Khamenei 11 October, 2011 Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Thursday morning with the Lebanese President, Sa'ad Hariri, and his accompanying delegation. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the negotiations between the two countries and added: "There is a lot of resources that can be used to strengthen the relations between the two countries in different areas. Therefore, this relationship should be strengthened, especially the relations between the two countries in terms of construction and trade." Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the continued invasion of Lebanon and the Zionist regime and added: "If the Zionist regime can, it can transfer Beirut to Tarabulous to occupy Syria. But fighting the Zionist regime is the only cause. His Eminence referred to Lebanon as the only country that can overcome the Zionist regime and added: "Government is the only thing that the enemies of Lebanon have managed to." It is necessary to identify the greatness of this principle. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "As long as the Zionist regime is fighting, Lebanon needs resistance." Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that he is happy with the close ties between Sa'ad Hariri, Sayyed Hasan Nasrullah and other officials in charge of the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps. Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Islamic Republic of Iran is responsible for establishing unity and independence on Lebanon. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to a meeting with Rafik Hariri, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, and said that Rafik Hariri is the prime minister of Lebanon. Elsewhere in his statements, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution expressed his gratitude for the talks with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, saying: "We believe that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the brother and the brother of the Lebanon who has accompanied Lebanon during his lifetime of trouble and assistance." The Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated that the Lebanese government is hopeful that the relations between the two countries will increase in all economic, political and cultural areas. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added that the Lebanese government is a national unity government and added that any discord between the Lebanese people will benefit from the haram regime of Israel. Leader's Hajj Message - The following is the full text of the speech delivered by Ayatollah Taskhiri, the chairman of the Majlis for Islamic Unity. Following the long interference and expelance of Iranian pilgrims to Saudi Arabia as a result of the negotiations that were concluded between the two government officials - Iran and Saudi Arabia. Ayatollah Taskhiri was one of the leaders of Iran in Saudi negotiations. Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution delivered a message to the pilgrims of the world on the hajj occasionally. What is the philosophy behind this message? First of all, it is necessary to clarify a few points for this question. First, the hajj - which is one of the things that is related to Islamic worshiping - has many important and fundamental goals. The hajj is the greatest purpose of hajj, and as we have mentioned in the Holy Quran, it is to help the Islamic Ummah cooperate with the activities of divine prophets. [The Holy Quran, Sura al-Baqara, Ayah 25] As the Holy Quran says, the purpose of hajj is to raise the characteristics of human beings and to raise the characteristics of Adam (a.s.). The Holy Quran describes each and every one of these moments: “And when “And when”, “And when”, “And when” they are following the path of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) until it is said to Ibrahim: “And when the Lord of Ibrahim tested him with a few words, he turned down. He says, "Yet I am the Master of the people for you." He says, “Allahu Akbar”, and “Allahu Akbar”, and “Allahu Akbar”, and “Allahu Akbar”, and “Allahu Akbar”. The second goal is, naturally, the establishment of human beings, the transformation of human beings into the main system and the main path towards divine blessings. This is how human beings are established during the hajj. Therefore, the lofty goals of the hajj are revealed, and one of them is the issue of liberation from monotheism. These are all signs of solidarity with the people and unity towards the Islamic Ummah. The message that was delivered by the Imam (r.a.) and the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution (r.a.) was full of hajj goals. The philosophy behind this message - which I would like to discuss you - and the reason why the Islamic Republic and its leadership are so important to this issue is that it should be vigilant in the way of the people. The message of hajj means safeguarding the movement of the nation. In his narrations, Hajj is the flag of Islam. What does the flag of Islam mean? During the war, this means that every moment of the war, the Army is present and the war is continued. Therefore, the hajj and the arrival of the hajj to the hajj spirit are among the lofty goals of the Islamic Republic and the goal is to establish the Islamic Awakening. Therefore, the message that was delivered by our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) and the message that was delivered by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that this is a very important point. Of course we do not pay attention to the issue of the hajj with all signs, but we do not pay attention to the issue of the hajj with all its signs. No, we are unfortunately unknowingly aware of the greatness of the hajj. Media networks of alphabet and other such organizations are active in this arena, but they did not carry out their responsibilities in the arena with the importance of this message. The media, the cultural officials in charge of the Iranian nation, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, the media, and the media. It is necessary to make intensified efforts in this regard. No, such a situation does not exist. Saudi rulers only issue a message. How long have this message been delivered to the people even on the Iranian day? But after the conflict - which was why the Iranian pilgrims did not go to the hajj for many years - they gave rise to a negotiating agreement which was one of the key to the negotiations. Both sides agreed that there will be no ceremonies in Mecca since that time. But the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) day Arafat and the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) residence will offer a great ceremony in order to be recited by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). This is another agreement - after all negotiations and disputes. We claim that the message of hajj is delivered to the Islamic Ummah. Did this public call influence the people of Iran yet? First of all, there are many hajj pilgrims from different countries. Second, this message can be translated into different poems during the hajj, in Mina and elsewhere. And this message can be translated into the hands of all hajj pilgrims as the message of the Revolution. On the other hand, the system of the arrogant powers, the system of Arab and Islamic governments are trying to prevent the influence of this message. The message was broadcast in a British newspaper and all Zionists throughout the world stood beside the newspapers. They created problems. What year did this happen? The Zionists are trying to prevent the spread of this message. The Saudi government has not just helped the people broadcast this message, it has also prevented it from broadcasting this message in certain cases. Of course this kind of publicity has been reduced in the recent years, but they are constantly trying to derail the end of this message. Sometimes we try to broadcast newspapers in a free way, but we fail to broadcast newspapers in a free way. Many of our newspapers do not believe in and do not allow us to speak. Europe and even Muslims. Of course, they did not do so, but as I said, we were deceived. What was the meaning of this message? Hajj is the representative of the entire Islamic Ummah. The gathering of the clergy is, in fact, the gathering of the representative of the Islamic Ummah - namely, the gathering of all Muslim nations with the intention of spirituality. Hajj should keep his eyes in mind. He took care of his father. The tree that is forbidden from ihram is a educational tree. I have learnt lessons from the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in this regard. If you take a careful look at the message of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, you will see that the first point that is mentioned in this message is the role of the hajj pilgrims in building an Islamic community. This is the message that the Leader wants to finish during the hajj. For example, the hajj will be combined with the weakness of the Islamic Ummah. The following is the full text of the hajj. The hajj is the flag of Islam. In one of his messages, Ayatollah Khamenei said that hajj is the manifestation of the political role of Islam. If we pay attention to the pillars of the hajj, one of them is the tawaf of the House of God. That is to say, the entire Ummah is following sharia and divine guidance. The first point that is mentioned in this message is, in fact, the hajj in the history of the Islamic Ummah. The second point is the framework of the hajj to promote public and individual morality. This is true of all messages. Of course, from the beginning to the end of the message, we will refer to the issue of pure heart and benefiting from the opportunities available in the holy places related to the hajj. The third point of this message is, “the greatness of Islam and the message that belongs to it”. The Islamic path helps solve the problems of humanity. The next point is discussing the issue of Islamic unity. In particular, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the Islamic Awakening is the most important indicative of the way to this unity. This message provides efforts to promote and promote Islamic Awakening. This unity is referred to as: example, the one-way, the one-way, the one-way, the one-way, the one-way, the one-way, the one-way, the one-way, and the one-way. Ayatollah Khamenei said that Ka'bah is the symbol of monotheism and is the symbol of commitment to unity. The Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) message describes the great power of the Islamic Ummah, which includes material, spiritual, cultural and international power. They teach the people how great they are. In this message, one of the key points is the reflection of the plots and tricks of the arrogant powers. In all these messages, he referred to the satanic and arrogant powers who are trying to overthrow the Islamic Ummah and the reasons for their crimes. These are the events that are taking place in the world of Islam, the issues that have been raised and the efforts which are being made to foment ethnic fitna, promote corruption and killing, and the propaganda that they are making against the Islamic Ummah. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution highlighted all the threats that emerged after the 11th of September. Because thanks to the Revolution and Islamic awareness, the plots of the arrogant powers of the world were plundered and the plots of the world of Islam - which were occupied by Muslim nations - were plundered and the enemy has started a plots of corruption. Therefore, in his statements, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the arrogant powers of the world as the enemies of the disabled people, human rights prospects and terrorists who promote hegemony and hegemony in Islamic countries. One of the important points is the reflection of the regional mercenaries who are trying to safeguard the goal of hegemony and remove the hajj pilgrimage from the main goal. The last point is that the Islamic Republic should be regarded as the successive role model in the fight against global arrogance and global unity. The last point is that it should be regarded as the role model for Islamic unity, the role model for unity among the leaders and the people, the flag of religious democracy and the flag of love and assistance. What was the effect of these things in other countries? Is there a difference between scientific and political figures of Islamic and Arab countries? Every year we go to approximately fifty countries and reach an agreement with the people and groups of Islamic governments, especially the leaders of different political and revolutionary groups. All of us refer to this issue and make good messages. That is to say, the shortcomings that we have in this regard, are greatly effective in delivering messages. Today diplomacy is a very prominent issue in the world. That is to say, the leaders of countries are talking to other nations in this regard. Should this hajj be accepted as one of the pillars of this progressive diplomacy in the Islamic Republic and as a result of the Revolution? Without a doubt, the message issued by Imam Khomeini (r.a.) to the pilgrims is one of the best ways to express the reaction of the Revolution. The message that has a significant influence on the Islamic Ummah is one of the methods of strengthening the hajj and referring to the efforts which are being made to overcome the identity of the hajj and the role that has been promoted in the life of Muslims. Although as I said, we are not able to announce it. Fortunately many hajj pilgrims are coming from nurses and they are faced with many difficulties, but they fail to understand the message that is inside the hajj. We have a narration according to which: "The hajj will always be accompanied by hajj pilgrims if they do not give righteous actions." That is to say, the hajj will always be accompanied by the hajj pilgrims. That is to say, the hajj pilgrims will always be accompanied by the hajj pilgrims. We hope that hajj pilgrims will try to acquire the brilliance of the hajj and we hope that hajj pilgrims can play a role in educating the Islamic Ummah. Leader’s Speech to Shia Nurses and Kermanshah - The following is the full text of the speech delivered on October 12, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution to a group of Shia and Sunnis in Kermanshah province. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Two Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem Muhammad, and upon his immaculate and pure household, especially the one remaining with Allah on earth. Allah the Exalted says, "In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Those who believe and fear Allah the Exalted are not afraid of anybody and Allah the Exalted has made him compassionate" [The Holy Quran, 33: 39]. One of the happy meetings is the meetings of honorable teachers who are working for different sectors of the country and young students who are busy with religious education and who are after religious knowledge. Fortunately, today the dear brothers and sisters, students and ulama of the Sunni and Shia province are present in this meeting. There are certain points that I would like to discuss, but before I speak about these points, I deem it necessary to appreciate the great Islamic scholar who, under the command of Ayatollah Borujerdi, spent his life in this province and was rewarded by his efforts to martyred. I have met him in Kermanshah and I have met him in Kermanshah many times. I had seen it in certain meetings - that is to say, the Friday prayer that was held in the province of Islamabad, and the late Shahid Sadiq was from Yazd. The meeting was held under the flag of bombs (the Iraqi Armed Forces during the war), and we were present in this meeting. Her talents, her role model, her lack of weakness and her appearances are all among the characteristics that she deserves. She is an outstanding man. And Allah the Exalted has rewarded him. At the end of a lifetime, Allah the Exalted has ordered him to be martyred. I have repeatedly said that martyrdom is a commercial morale. Certainly, there will be a day when life ends: "Every grace will be enlightened" [the Holy Quran, Sura Al-Imran, Ayahs 3:185]. If we are interested in this achievement, one gives rise to God and gives rise to a great reward. [The Holy Quran, 9: 11] Allah the Exalted is rewarded, and He is rewarded. In this province, our late brother, Hajj Agha-Baha'en Mohammadi-Araki, is one of the people who was martyred. Marja Agha Hajj Baha is one of the greatest students of Imam Khomeini (r.a.). Allah the Exalted is kind to these two martyrs. Moreover, it is necessary to remember the dear and sympathetic Hajj pilgrim, who was also a member of the Qom Islamic seminary. He was a faithful, sincere and sincere person. Allah the Exalted is Merciful. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, before being appointed as the President of the country, I visited Kermanshah in one of my meetings. Later on Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) death, he received one of his accomplishments. I would like to write this narration to me, "Whoever sets out his leadership on the nation, he starts his recitation before he recites his recitation." He wrote this to me in a good writing and I put him on the list of things that I would like to discuss in the future. This is the standard for our work. My dear youth, my dear students, if we want to be like an inexhaustible spring that lacks the brakes, if we want to be like an inexhaustible spring that lacks the brakes, if we want to be like an inexhaustible spring, if we want to be like an inexhaustible spring, if we want to be like an inexhaustible spring, if we want to be like an inexhaustible spring, if we want to be inexhaustible spring, if we want to be inexhaustible spring, if we want to be inexhaustible spring, if we want to be inexhaustible spring, if we want to be inexhaustible spring, if we want to be inexhaustible spring, if we want to be inexhaustible spring, if we want to be inexhausti The Holy Quran says, "There is not any room for fear of God except with His servants" [The Holy Quran, 35: 28]. Fear of God is one of the characteristics of teachers. Teachers have certain characteristics, but fearing God is elected. The advantage of knowledge is that one enjoys this great blessing - that is to say, fearing God in one's heart. You dear youth should have this characteristic. When you are younger than I can, you will benefit from this characteristic. When you are younger than I can, you will benefit from this characteristic if you are younger than I can. Sometimes they will live a long life. Some people will get to the battlefield and some others will not do so. The gap between 20 and 30 years and up to 7 years is a gap between our time and the era in which we are living. The gap between our time and the era in which we are living will go just like the fire of power. When you are 20 years old, you think there is 7 years of advance. Yes, they will go as soon as they can. If in the short period of time one can do something or make a mistake, it is necessary to be prepared for it at the age of 89. Therefore, I advise our dear students to fulfill the memory of God and fear of God and to make efforts in order to get close to God which is more important than requiring knowledge, and their main task is to look for knowledge. If knowledge is available, but not with fear of God, this knowledge can be utilized in a harmful way. I have a teacher who is familiar with religious and non-religious knowledge and who is not just interested in knowledge, but is also interested in it. This spirituality, which is closest to one and the god, is necessary for knowledge and teachers. Kermanshah is a very important city. As the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) said, Kermanshah had great religious scholars, such as the family of Agha, the family of Jalili and other important scholars. Another point that is more unprecedented about Kermanshah is that as the people of Kermanshah are kind, respectable and kind to those who have come, they have this characteristic even more. The late Mohammad Ali - the late Wahid Bahbahani's son who was one of his prominent students - died in Kermanshah. Although this does not mean that he should be, but that the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) household is one of the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) household. Many of his children were among teachers. This is an example. Another example is the late Agha Seyyed Hosseyn Haeri-Yazdi, who moved to Mashahad at the end of his life. I still remember a few things about it. Mr. Agha Sayyed Mohammad Isfahan, Mr. Agha Seyyed Mohammad Isfahan, Mr. Agha Seyyed Mohammad Isfahan, and Mr. Akhund and Mulla Bozorgi, who have stayed in Kermanshah for many years. He was a memorizer in Isfahan. He was the father of God's knowledge and calculations. He was educated by the late Akhund Mulla Fat'ali-Sultanabadi, who was at that time in Samarra. Another scholar is the great Sardaviat, a well-known Islamic jurisprudent for different sectors. This book that has been written about it is a very good and brilliant book. I used to see this book many years ago. I have spent about ten years in Kermanshah and many teachers have benefitted from it. I read in this book that the late Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj Hajj I think I have been martyred at the age of two because I have been reading books for many years - namely, the hajj Agha-Hussein Kummi, who was a marjajeer and a great Islamic jurisprudent who was ahead of the Sardaviat and was teaching him this issue of knowledge. This is a lesson. This is not at the service of a great teacher, rather it is a source of pride. You dear youth should move forward in this direction. He - who was the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) household and was renowned for his sake in Kermanshah. Marja Sardar Kabuli spent ten years in Kermanshah. The honorable Shahid Ashrafi Isfahan was one of the nurses who were exiled to this city. This spirit has the advantage that it shows that the hearts of the people are loved by religious scholars. When a person finds out about his characteristics, he finds out about his characteristics in an unprecedented way. The daughter of Ashraf is Isfahan, but she feels like Kermanshah. She is Kermanshah. That is to say, I was in the arena of action. I would like to mention a few points. Dear teachers, dear youth and dear students! For two reasons: first, the possibility of broadcasting the message of Islam in the world - in Islamic and non-Muslim countries - which I would briefly explain to you. Therefore, our responsibility will be increased. You are in such a situation today. You should not be afraid of it. You should not be afraid of it. Do not be afraid of the dangers. You do not say there are no difficulties in this regard, but you should not be afraid of these difficulties. They should do what they are unable to do. Did this not happen in Iran? In Iran, there is an issue which if all reciters of the world sit by and spend day and night on a daily basis, they will not any results. Every recitation says that this task is not possible, but it is possible. I would tell you that even some of our resistance leaders say they will not succeed. Ayatollah Talikani said that the Imam (r.a.) had said, "The Shah should be defeated." He did not believe that the Shah would be defeated. He used to say the same to me later on. He said that the Shah would be defeated and that no one would believe in him. Not only was the Shah defeated, nor was America defeated, nor was western powers defeated, nor was the arrogant powers defeated. Nobody believes in this, but this has already happened. Nobody should expect that the greatest revolution of this era in Islamic countries will be in Egypt, which is located under the shrine of Camp Dabid and Hosni-Mubarak. It is possible to think that this event will happen elsewhere, but nobody should think of Egypt. But the Revolution happened in Egypt. These are some of the things that we should place in our hearts. We should take care not to do what we are expected to do so in order to strengthen our power. They should not fear anybody in the face of God. Among these things is that: “And Allah the Exalted will be Exalted”. Do not forget about Allah, but Allah is Exalted. And Allah the Exalted is the Creator. This is our path. When we are teachers, it is said "Whoever raises the light of divine blessings" but "God's blessings are the light of divine prophets" [The Holy Quran, Sura al-Hajj (22), Ayah 25]. Allah the Exalted says, "As is how We invite every prophet to a enemy. The Holy Quran says, "And when their Lord wishes, they will not do so. You should give up what they call" [The Holy Quran, 6: 120]. Therefore, if it is decided that you and I will deliver a divine message to us, we will be prepared for the evil deception of the people. They fight against us and we are prepared to fight against them. From a spiritual point of view, we should create a firm and solid wall for ourselves so that we can be defeated and defeated. And their clear defeat originates from the good defeat of mankind. One's bad defeat causes foreign defeat. If you do not fail, nobody will victory over you. [The Holy Quran, Sura al-Imran, Ayah 122] "And whoever is reliable on Allah, is Allah the Exalted" [The Holy Quran, Sura al-Talaq, Ayah 65: 3]. "And whoever is reliable on Him, is not Allah the Exalted?" [The Holy Quran, 39: 36] These are all lessons for us. We should read the Holy Quran with every reflection. We should consider it as a lesson and a system of our life. The satanic phenomenon which is coming to you today through Internet methods, human phenomena and other traditional communication methods contains many modern points. There are some reasons why we should buy oil now. In some Islamic countries, a large number of money is spending in order to determine a Sunni meeting against Shia Muslims. Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not an Islamic country. He said that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not an Islamic country. These are the methods that they adopt. It is because creating discord is a great blessing for them. I would tell you that Shia and Sunni Muslims are living together in your province. Shia and Sunni teachers should hold a meeting with each other. We have shared efforts with them. You can believe in it, but you should continue doing your collective work. If they want to conduct research, they do it and if they do not. I believe in language disputes. If they want to create a language disputes between teachers and outstanding personalities, they want to do this without any problem in this regard. But not in the eyes of the people, rather they want to become a scholar. But in spite of all these things, there are certain things that have been agreed upon in one way or another. Shia teachers disagreed with the people, the Sunni teachers also disagreed with the people and they should make use of this power and this power as a remedy for their common problems. Today there are some people whose weapons are at the hands of the unbelievers. They do not even call themselves unbelievers. It is necessary to ignore this link in the Islamic Ummah. Therefore, the detailed work that we have discussed is incomplete to all these things. Another responsibility is the duty of education. I have heard that there are Kermanshah students who are learning in Qom - and their brothers have undoubtedly heard them - to encourage them. Therefore, the issue of knowledge is very important. Of course in the arena of asking for knowledge, there is a point that is very important. There was a student who came to me in a lesson and I did not see him. I asked, "Who are these people?" I asked, "Who are these people?" I asked, "Who are these people?" I asked, "Who are these people?" This is the understanding that is mentioned in this meeting. Today, you should look at the quality of our youth. You dear youth are very popular in Kermanshah. This was not the case at a time. Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, those who graduated from Kermanshah were not allowed to go unrewarded. But those who have spoken about this issue are far more powerful than those who have spoken about it. These youth - who are opposed to different propaganda efforts and different statements - raise questions for themselves. It is necessary to identify the questions that exist in this regard and to prepare the questions for them. You should choose those who you speak with, identify the thoughts of those who refused to utilize the Holy Quran and Sunnah as well as the requirements of the Holy Quran and Sunnah. The Imam of the Age (God’s greetings be upon him and his household) said that there are many such books and Ayatollah Motahhari’s (God’s greetings be upon him and his household) books. You were in Qom. You should do these things. You should think about education just as you think. You should purge the hearts of those with whom you speak and teach them. As I said, "whoever is appointed as the leader of a society, he should learn his lessons before he is appointed as the leader of a society." It is necessary to do this difficult task. Teachers have a social responsibility in this regard as well. Teachers should join social issues, but the important point is that they should join the arena of teaching, entering the arena of teaching, not just engaging in affairs. The characteristic of teachers is that they can teach teachers who speak with them through their morality, morality, wisdom, and behavior. They should show that they should enter the arena of work. Safety is everything. If his relationship is broken, if he can maintain his relationship with daily prayers, his relationship with God will be broken. A salary is very important. It is necessary to encourage those who speak with divine prayers to participate in the congregational prayers. I do not know whether the event will be held in Kermanshah or not. I do not know whether the event will be held in Kermanshah each year. Shia and Sunni Arabs must not harm their brothers. Go with your and make your feel kind. There are certain things that can be done together. If this happens, hopefully the teaching community will make progress. I would tell you that when the Revolution achieved the victory of Islam, the world had a new spirit and power. Was it a powerful enemy who managed to trigger such a great tragedy that western powers had underestimated? The victory of the Islamic Revolution and our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) conquered western powers and undermined the system of hegemony. They returned to the Holy Quran and found certain details about Islam. Therefore, they were committed to Islam. At that time, the enemies tried to undermine Islam. The second occasion was when the Marxist system was defeated. In Islamic countries, there have been very many young and sincere people who have placed their wishes on the Marxist system. They thought that if a socialist regime was established, it would be possible to eliminate injustice, instability and isolation from their countries. Some of them are truly sincere people. I saw that some of them - whether Muslims or non-Muslims - are sincere people, but they do not believe in Islam. They are leftist because they think that there is hope in the leftist way for the people. But when a socialist is defeated, it feels bad enough to see that it is not the case. Therefore, they are following the path of Islam. All the youth and adolescents that you see in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and other places are from the slogans of Islam. All of them are from the slogans of Islam from the 1960s to the 1970s - that is, around 30 years ago. The same is true of our country as well. I do not want to mention them. Some people speak about Islam, but under the pretext of these things, it is in fact socialist. After the Revolution's Guards Corps was defeated, all those who were interested in the Revolution turned into Islam. They used to view Islam, Quran, Islamic texts and Islamic texts. They used to view the Islamic Republic. A system that has been established in the framework of Islamic teachings has filled its existing and future claims. All bloodthirsty oppressors of the Iranian nation are opposed to it, but the Islamic system is opposed to it. Those who are after Marxism and socialism and are not after it have been defeated. Now they can see what they are doing in Islam. Do you see what is happening? They want to humiliate them, but they cannot be humiliated. In the financial centers of America, in the headquartered economy of America, New York and on the Wall Street, which is the foundation of global capital, thousands of people gathered and announced that they did not want to buy capital. They did not want to buy capital, and they were not all hopeful. This is what I believe. We used to say from the beginning that we did not approve of the capitalist system, and we did not approve of the capitalist system. You should be prepared. Islamic teachers should be prepared. They are humble people. They are humble people. They are humble people. They are humble people. They are humble people. They are humble people. If you do this, you will see that the love for Islam will be increased. There are many things that I would like discuss with you dear youth. Also, this meeting is pleasant, but it is necessary to pay attention to the moment. Dear God, make religious scholars satisfied with what You believe. Dear God, make not the dear youth and the young, religious scholars of Kermanshah become active teachers. Dear God, bestow Your mercy and guidance on all of us. Dear God, make the holy heart of the Imam of the Age satisfied with us. Imam Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, appointed President of the Islamic Revolution - Elsewhere in his statements, Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution appointed Dr. Abdulazali Asgari as the new chairman of the IRIB. The full text of the hukm is as follows: In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Dear Dr. Abdul-al-Ali Asghari I would like to thank Mr. Mohammad Sarafraz who expressed my gratitude for the efforts made by the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps and for the efforts made by the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps. I express my gratitude for the efforts made by the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps and I appoint you as the chairman of the IRIB. What I should tell you is that I had a warning to Sarafraz at the time of my appointment. Therefore, I stress the importance of planning, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding, safeguarding and safeguarding newspapers and reliance on Allah the Exalted. I hope Allah the Exalted will help you successfully. Sayyid Ali Khamenei Urdebehesht 22, 1395 (11 May, 2016) Leader’s Speech on the 24th Anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s Demise - The following is the full text of the speech delivered on June 4, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of Imam Khomeini's death. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem Mustafa Muhammad, and upon his immaculate, pious and guidant Family, especially the Messenger of Allah on earth. I am thankful to Allah the Exalted who bestowed more than a thousand years on us to appreciate our magnanimous Imam in such a day and show our love for him. Although the memory of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) was always present in the hearts of our people, the 14th of Khordad was a symbol of the love of the Iranian nation for our magnanimous Imam (r.a.). Today is the birthday anniversary of Imam Musa ibn Ja'far (peace and greetings be upon him). This year is the birthday anniversary of the 15th of Khordad of the year 1342. The 15th of Khordad is an important and determining day. I will briefly speak about this issue to the main issue and the issue which should be discussed earlier. The 15th of Khordad is not the result of the great movement of teachers and the people. Before Khordad 15, there were important events that happened in the year 1341 and the beginning of the year 1342. For example, what happened on the 2nd of Farbarden of the year 1342 in the Islamic Revolution led to the massacre of religious scholars and the massacre of their magnanimous Ayatollah Golpagani. Later on, at the end of the year 1341, the massacre of the people of Tehran was achieved and the honorable marjaje Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khunsari was honored. These are all meanings that show that the religious movement of the year 1341 and the beginning of the year 1342 achieved such a great achievement that the police and security officials of the oppressive government used to raise religious scholars and graduates even more than those of them. Of course, the 15th of Khordad is a very important day. The reason is that what happened on the 15th of Khordad 1342 shows the relationship between the people and teachers at that very dangerous time. On the 13th of Khordad of that year's Ashura, Imam Khomeini delivered a very important message to the Islamic Ummah. Later on, the 15th of Khordad, the people arrested Imam Khomeini (r.a.), in Tehran, and in Qom and some other cities. The satanic Pahlavi regime shouted slogans on the people on the 15th of Khordad, and a popular movement was launched on the 15th of Khordad. The important point is that such a relationship is the guardian of the progress of the movement and the movement towards victory. Wherever a movement is followed and wherever a movement is followed, that movement will go on. But if the people do not participate in an oppressive movement, they will not victory. As was seen in the Revolution's Guards Corps and during the Revolution's Guards Corps, the leftist and nationalist elements moved forward, but their movement was defeated. The people were not with them. When the people enter the arena and support a movement and make up all their intellectual and intellectual capacities, this movement will be dynamic and will be successful. The same is true of the 15th of Khordad. As a result of the massacre of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) in Tehran and other parts of the country, he was forced to insult the people with all his power. The streets of Tehran filled the blood of the faithful and young people of God. On the 15th of Khordad, the hegemony of the hegemony and the hegemony of the hegemony was revealed. The next point that is embodied by the 15th of Khordad - which is good for our youth and honorable people to pay attention to it - is that during the massacre that was committed to the people of Tehran and other cities, no international centers called human rights organizations were against them. The most important role of teachers is to play a role in terms of teachings. The same people who claim to support the resistance of the government - the same people who claim to support the resistance of the government - should consider this movement as an inexhaustible movement. They say that this movement is an inexhaustible movement. When the selfless and enlightened people fail to find themselves in the battlefield, they will accuse the pious people of the battlefields of resistance, resistance, and transgression. They said that the movement was progressive and progressive. Imam Khomeini (r.a.) continued this movement thanks to the support of the people. He showed the world and history of his leadership as a religious and determined goal. The Imam (r.a.) had three elements that he believed in: determination, courage and resistance. These elements were two elements: faith in God, faith in the power of the people, faith in God. These three elements manifested themselves in the soul and respect of the Imam (r.a.). The Imam (r.a.) said that his heart was removed from his heart and that the people accepted this call and accepted everything else. They entered the arena and stood firm. They led this movement, which did not have any success in the world. Imam Khomeini explaining the three faiths of the Imam (r.a.). These are the important points that if we identify them, they will clarify our path. When Imam Khomeini (r.a.) is referred to religious faith in God, he is the manifestation of this manifestation: "Certain people used to say, 'They have gathered for your sake, so fear. This remark made them faithful and say, "Allah is the Exalted, the Medal of the Hereafter" [The Holy Quran, 3: 173]. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) acted and said, "And you will help God." [The Holy Quran, 47: 7] This is a divine promise, which will definitely be fulfilled. From the perspective of faith and the people, our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) knew the Iranian nation with all this meaning. He believed that this nation is faithful, intelligent and courageous. If a nation enjoys the right leadership, it will be able to make progress in all arenas just like the day. He believed that the Iranian people would have been humiliated in the absence of the Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) household. If the Iranian people were humiliated in the absence of Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) household, our people would have opened up their sights on the Iranian nation through their courage and determination. He knew the Iranian nation and he trusted them. He revealed his religious faith in the way of the Iranian nation a model of power and insight. The Imam (r.a.) was the greatest and the greatest enemies of the Iranian nation. This is the reason why Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was not present in the battlefield with bullying powers because they were opposed to the welfare of the people. Imam Khomeini (r.a.) considered the enmity of the people as the future. On the issue of trust and self-confidence, the Imam (r.a.) teached the Iranian nation that we can. He revealed to the world his capabilities. In Ashura 1342, in spite of all the pressures, the Imam (r.a.) referred to the students of Qom and the Faithful Universities and said that he would like to address the message of Muhammad Ridha Shah - who used to rely on America and its foreign superpowers - and threatened to tell you that if you continue doing what you do, I will send you to the people of Iran. One of the teachings is the dear people of Qom, who does not have any wealth, money or national support. Faith in God and self-confidence will establish one's in this regard. When our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) returned from the exile, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) made a threat to the Bakhtiyar government in Beheshti Zahra. The Imam (r.a.) believed in himself and his power. That was how Imam Khomeini (r.a.) trusted the people. And some people believe that this is the case. One of the effective means that the enemies are prepared to impose their opposition on other nations is to make them feel that they cannot. This has been the case with the Iranian nation during the past few decades in political, scientific, economic and other areas. He said to the Iranian nation, 'You can.' He used to have courage and resistance in the right way. He used to have trust in himself. We have moved forward. Therefore, the Iranian nation has managed to many achievements in all areas over the past 30 years. The faith that was accompanied by Imam Khomeini (r.a.) - faith in God, faith in the people and self-confidence - were the pillars of all his decisions, actions and policies. During the early years after the beginning of this revolution, our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) did not believe in his power. The same is true of exile traveling to Paris, and the same is true of return to Iran. These are the three factors which gave the Imam (r.a.) the capability to return to Tehran in such a situation. In the month of Bahman 1357, during the presence of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.), during the presence of the Islamic Republic, during the presence of the oppressive people of the world, during the presence of the slogan "Ba Gabashi, No West", in all the events that happened during the past 10 years of Imam Khomeini's life, three faiths showed themselves in our magnanimous Imam. These things are the basis of the Imam's (r.a.) position and everything he does. Until the end of his life, nobody would have seen a sign of weakness, shamelessness and enmity in the words and actions of the Imam (r.a.). In many arenas of the revolutionary powers, they have always been in doubts about their behavior. Sometimes they give up even the words that they repeated later on. The Imam (r.a.) responded at the end of his life more than he responded in the year 1342. The soul of the youth is alive and the soul of the youth is alive. This is the Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quranic Quran, 72: 16. [The Holy Quran, 41: 30] Those who say: Our Lord is Allah, and they are indeed on the right path, and the angels descend upon them, and the angels descend upon them, and they say: Fear not, nor be grieved, nor be after the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) household. The Iranian nation has changed its power. [The Holy Quran, 13: 11] Allah the Exalted has changed its power. The Iranian nation has built its path, the path of valor, and Allah the Exalted has helped them and He has supported them. What was the result? There are a lot of things that our youth should know about the dependence of the Pahlavi satanic Pahlavi regime - which was previously dominated by the Qajar regime - on England and America. That self-confidence is a source of disgrace. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, a prominent diplomat in the U.S. stated: "We should tell him what he needs and what not. They used to say that you should have a relationship with each other. You should produce oil in a particular way. You should produce oil in a particular way. You should produce oil in a particular way. That is to say, a country that relies on other people has been transformed into a free and dignified country. Certain corrupt leaders, mercenaries, monarchists and prominent materialists ruled the country, but they were transformed into representatives of the people. They should be changed by government officials and the people. He has been a nation's representative during the past 30 years. When they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état when they take a coup d'état The corrupt politicians who insulted the enemies and placed their hopes on the people, turned themselves into representatives of the people. Our country, which has made progress in terms of knowledge, has turned into a source of progress in terms of knowledge. Before the victory of the Revolution, we did not have any achievements or progress in the scientific arena of the country. Is this insignificant? The financial organizations say that the Iranian nation will rank the fourth most scientific in the world in the future. Is this insignificant? If we want to construct a wall, a wall, a basiji or a company, we need to send our hands to certain people in order to be able to construct a wall and build a company from outside our country. But today the youth of this nation - who are not dependent on foreigners - are building thousands of factories, dams, dams and dams in the country. Should we close our eyes to all these things? During the hajj and during the hajj, our patients should go to the hospitality of Europe and if they do not have the same money to do so, they should go to the hospitality. Today the most complex and important sanitary work is being carried out in our country. Not only are these things carried out in Tehran, but many other cities are the same. The Iranian nation does not need any foreigners in this regard. We believe in this sensitive and important part of the world. Many of the sides of the country were forgotten at that time. Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution to visit many cities and cities of the country, there were no deviations among the cities. But today different kinds of services are being rendered throughout the country, in different cities and in different cities. Today nobody can say that outside the country they have no power or energy. At that time, before the victory of the Revolution, our people were more than three million and our students were more than fifty million. Today our population is more than two, but our university students are more than twenty. The existence of university students means the majority of teachers and universities. In one class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class, in the second class At that time, there was not even a country that had an ordinary number of psychological agents. Today there are universities in every province. This was the great movement of the Iranian nation thanks to the Revolution and the determination of our youth and officials. This has been the case in the past thirty years. These are important points. Thanks to the Revolution, important and essential achievements were made in the country. Thousands of factories were established in the country. Products that we have already imported from foreign products are far more consumed in our country. These things should be considered. These were achieved thanks to the faith that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) placed in the hearts of the people of the country - faith in God, faith in the people and self-confidence. We do not say these things in order to make bodies false and we do not feel happy. No, there is still a great task ahead of us. I would tell you that when we are compared to the time of taghut, such achievements will be noticed clearly. But when we are compared to what Islam wants, such a country is like an Islamic Ummah: a nation that enjoys material dignity, a nation that enjoys material respect, a nation that believes in morality and a nation that feels God. I am saying this to the honorable people and they have the courage to know that this path will be continued only through their faith. They should know that there is a long way to go. You can follow this long path to the peaks. I would tell you that these terms are because you know that the enemy's efforts to create despair in our hearts are based on enmity. The clear path lies ahead of us. We have a long path. What should our path be closed to? The Imam's (r.a.) prayers were openly announced. Fortunately the Imam's (r.a.) re-appearance and his writings were present in the 20th Book of Judgment. I may see that our commitment to Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) name is helpful, but we forget his teachings. This is a mistake. He moved towards Imam Khomeini (r.a.). From the perspective of foreign policy, the teachings of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) include: resistance in the way of interference and interference of colonial powers, interference in the way of brotherhood and Islamic nations, interference in the way of all the world countries except in the countries that have imposed their sanctions on the Iranian nation and have shown enmity on them, fighting Zionism, resistance in the way of liberating Palestine, assistance in the way of the oppressed world and resistance in the way of oppressors. The Imam's guests were with us. In the cultural arena, the teachings of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) were such: suppressing the corruption and sadism of western culture, curbing intellectual distinction and recitation of religion, supporting morality and Islamic norms, and fighting corruption and prosperity in society. In the economic arena as well, the teachings of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) were: relying on national economy, relying on domestic products, economic justice in production and distributing products, supporting domestic products, fighting economic valor, and respecting hegemony. Imam Khomeini (r.a.) denied the honor of oppression and economic valor, but he respected the right to colonialism, relying on capital and labor. The Imam's (r.a.) teachings showed that we should safeguard our independence in the world and that we should safeguard our independence in the world. The Iranian nation will be able to withstand this gap with its firm faith and memory of its Imam (r.a.). The Iranian nation can make progress. Considering the capabilities, capabilities, and outstanding personalities, the Iranian nation can continue its path in the past thirty years following the Revolution and by Allah's favor, it will be the genuine role model for other Muslim nations. But what is related to the issue of elections - that is, the issue of elections that are being adopted today. Dear brothers and sisters, dear Iranian people! Elections are the manifestation of all the three faiths that are accompanied by our magnanimous Imam (r.a.). What is our responsibility is that we should interfere in the future of our country. Individual Iranian people have this responsibility. Elections are the symbol of the willpower of the people. Elections are the symbol of the willpower of the people. Even today is the symbol of trust. This is because whoever is voting for the election he feels that he has played a role in determining the future of the country. And this is a very important thing. Elections are the manifestation of trust in God, the manifestation of trust in the people and the manifestation of trust in God. Every vote that you make for one of the panegyrists - that is to say, the panegyrists who are on the scene - is to the Islamic Republic. Each vote for each and every one of the candidates is a vote for the Islamic Republic. It is a vote for the Islamic Republic. If you enter the arena of elections, whether those who have been elected as the President or those who have been elected as the President, you should trust the Islamic Republic and the way the elections are being held. And the second step is to address the issue of taxation, which is more useful for the country than any other taxation. Our enemies think that this election is a threat for the Islamic Republic. These elections are an extraordinary opportunity for the Islamic Republic. Their goal was either to conduct unilateral elections in order to determine whether the people were defeated by the Islamic Republic or to create discord during the elections, just as the year 1388. This is what the enemies of our nation want. The enemies of the Iranian nation forgotten the 9th of Dey. Those who think that the majority of the people of Iran are opposed to the Islamic Republic have forgotten that 34 years every year on the 22nd of Bahman, millions of people are visiting different cities to show their support for the Islamic Republic knowingly and they say, "Allah the Exalted, America." In order to promote this election, some outstanding personalities have decided to speak with these softwares. Sometimes they say that elections are alive and regulated. They say that there is no freedom in elections and they say that elections are not fair in the eyes of the people. No, they do not know our people, they do not know our elections, and they do not know the Islamic Republic. Is this possible in capitalist countries? In the capitalist and capitalist countries, only if you do not have the support of any of these two denominations and if you do not have the support of any of these denominations, you will be after elections. Some people who do not have the support of the Zionists and who do not have the support of the bloodthirsty capitalists of other nations in the world will not be allowed to enter the arena of elections whatever they do. They do not have media support for them and they do not have television support for them. That is to say, they spend one minute of planning. In our country, the mercenaries who have killed or laid down their lives will not be allowed to send their messages to the people in a lot of occasions. How do these things happen throughout the world? In the elections only is the law vigilant. According to the law, certain people can enter the arena of elections, and certain people cannot enter the arena. According to the law, which identifies the characteristics of the person who has been violated, the characteristics of the person who has been violated have been violated. All of this is done according to the law. They used to close their eyes to all these things. They used to say something else. As I said, there are some people who are not afraid of God who can repeat their words. By Allah's favor, the Iranian nation will bring the Iranian nation to its knees through its willpower and determination, and the response to it will be thwarted. I would like to make a few statements to the mercenaries and those who are in charge of the elections are their rights. When the honorable mercenaries responded to a number of government plans, they had such a right. They are not able to do the same thing, but our sport means to have firm determination, to have firm determination and to have a good future. They should pay attention to this point. I do not have any limits. From now on, foreign media officials will say, "I have preferred any limits." I advise the dear people of our country to make progress in a fair way. They did this, but they did not mean it was a minister. They do not want to deny fictitious actions, both in this government and in the previous governments. This does not mean that we should deny good deeds. Today everybody who builds a hegemony in our country does not need to start doing a job since the beginning because great achievements have been made. Many construction projects have been carried out in different governments during the past few decades. These things should not be forgotten. And all those things that must not be done in order to solve the problems of the economy and the costly costly costly costly costly costly costly costly costly costly. But if we get out of these problems, we must not deny everything that has been done today. And promises that cannot be fulfilled should not be fulfilled. I advise all those who are interested in this point and I advise all those who are interested in this point and I advise all those who are interested in this point and I advise all those who are interested in this point and I advise all those who are interested in this point and I advise all those who are interested in this point and I advise all those who are interested in this point and I advise all those who are interested in this point and I advise all those who are interested in this point. You should promise that if they be announced to you, you will not make selfless efforts in this regard. Try to promise what you can. In our country, the president has a great power in terms of our constitutions. The power that is embodied by the President of the country in the terms of our system of hegemony is a great and great power. He is the president of a country, he is the official of the country, he is the official of the country, he is the official of the country, he is the official of the country, he is the official of the country, and he is the official of the country. The behavior of the President of the country is in different ways. The problem with the Islamic Republic is that it is in line with the law. It is only possible to impose restrictions on the Iranian nation, which is not restrictive to restrictions. This is a guidance, but not a limitation. Those who speak with the people today should tell them how they can and how people are looking for them. If the people have a plan and a plan, they should make efforts in order to carry out these plans and they should make use of all their power and capabilities in order to carry out their responsibilities. Some people make a mistake in thinking that we should invite the enemies to reduce their anger to us. The interests of the people are far greater than the interests of the country. This is a mistake. The power of the enemies was due to your presence, the power of the Islamic Republic, the power of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) in the hearts and minds of the people of Iran and what is being done. The power of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) was due to the power of our people from across the country. This is the reason why they are fueling. If our nation is resisting, if it is powerful, if it responds to its needs and if it can improve its economy, the enemy will not be able to stand up against the Iranian nation. Today the issue of economy is the future. In any case, what is important is resistance, determination, faith in God, reliance on the people and their talents, whether in a society or at an individual level. Dear brothers and sisters, the passage of the past few years to a great test platform was an excuse for me and I hope by Allah's favor, the people will enter the arena with their capacities during this great test. No power will come from Allah, the Great, and the Exalted. Imam Khamenei’s Message to European and North American youth - In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Address to all European and North American youth - The recent events that happened in France and other such events in certain western countries made me feel appropriate to speak to you. I advise you dear youth not to raise the position of your father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father. And I am not talking to your politicians and government officials because I believe that they have clearly turned their policies on the path of truth. Your message is against Islam, especially against what is presented to you as a Muslim. During the past 20 years - that is to say, since the fall of the Soviet Union - a great effort was made to present this great religion as a great fear. Unfortunately, such terrorism is a frightening event in the history of western politicians. I do not want to say anything about the various kinds of terrorism that have been imposed on the hearts of western nations so far. If you take a look at the historical background, you will see that the newly-drafted history has opened up a fair-minded confrontation with western governments against nations and the world. In the history of Europe and America, they have been deceived by the unbelievers, domineering and oppressive people and those who are not Armenians. Your historical scholars and instructors are vigilant in the bloodthirsty of religion among the followers of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) household and the domestic household in the second world. The purpose of deleting part of this long analysis of events is not to have a short history. Rather, I would like to ask your intellectuals why they were constantly vigilant after the passage of decades or even decades of western civilization's awakening and revitalization. Why should the people depend on what has happened in the past few decades and what is happening today? Why should people avoid understanding important issues such as Islamic interaction and Islamic thought? As you know, the wave of oppression, provoking enmity and provoking fear for other people is like a common arena in the way of the people's oppression and harm. Now I would like to ask you why have now been repeated the long process of creating fear for Islam and the Islamic Ummah? Why has the hegemony of the world established an Islamic thought today? What do they do when they think that Islamic teachings are a source of disgrace for the plans and policies of the global powers and what do they do when they think that Islam is a source of disgrace? Therefore, the first requirement is to discuss and explore the reasons behind this great movement against Islam. The second point is that you should try to identify Islam with your genuine teachings when you respond to this evil and outstanding propaganda against Islam. It is necessary to identify the truths of the world of today because you are afraid of them. I do not say that you believe in understanding or knowing Islam, but I say that you should not let this reality deviate from the world of today because of having a bad goal. You should not allow them to present Islam as the representative of you and your ikonic terrorists. You should learn lessons about Islam from its main foundations. You should identify Islam with the Holy Quran and the life of the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.). I would ask you, have you constantly read the Holy Quran from now? Were you interested in the teachings of the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.) and his brothers? Do you know that the message of Islam has been broadcast in a different way until today? Were you interested in the idea who the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) was appointed as the greatest cultural, scientific and intellectual figure in the world and who attracted the best intellectuals and intellectuals in the world? I advise you not to use evil policies and slogans as a means to stand up against the truth and reduce the possibility of justice. Currently, when negotiations have undermined the threat of foreigners, you should not be deceived by the threats of foreigners. Even if nobody speaks about the gaps that have been created, each and every one of you can create a fair way to think about the gaps that have been created. This is while the confrontation between you and the youth is a very strange confrontation, but it can create new questions in your hearts that want to identify the truths. Trying to respond to these questions will give you the opportunity to find a lot of truths. Therefore, you should not let this opportunity for you to identify the truthful principles of Islam find an opportunity for future nations to record the history of western behavior towards Islam without any problems. Sayyid Ali Khamenei Leader Appoints Dr. Ahmadinejad to Members of Assembly of Experts - In a statement, Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution appointed Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the Leader of the Islamic Republic. The following is the full text of the command of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution: In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Dear God, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad For many years as President of the Islamic Republic, you have made valuable efforts in this regard as well as your experience in this regard. Sayyid Ali Khamenei The following is the full text of the speech delivered on March 20, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with thousands of people in Mashhad. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem Mustafa Muhammad, and upon his immaculate household, especially the one remaining with Allah on earth. I am thankful to Allah the Exalted for the immaculate heart and blessings of God who gave me another opportunity to meet you dear people, dear youth, the dear people of Mashhad and the dear people of Mashhad, the dear brothers and sisters of Ab-al-Hasan Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (a.s.) and I am thankful to you for being at the shrine of this Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) shrine. I hope that this year will be an auspicious year for all Iranian people and I hope that this year will be an auspicious year for all Iranian people. I hope that this year will be the beginning of the new year and I hope that this year will be the beginning of the new year and the beginning of the new year. There are certain points that I would like to discuss in this meeting with you dear brothers and sisters. The first step is to look at what happened to us, our people, our country and what helped us in the arenas of the world and the region. The reason why we were referred to the shortcomings of the year 1390 was that the Iranian nation was especially successful in this year because of the machinations of the enemies and the spiteful enemies against the Iranian nation. The leaders of arrogance, bullies, bullies, bullies and mercenaries of our region - they have used all their power - including financial, propaganda and political power - to deceive the Iranian nation and make them feel kind. Anybody who takes a look at the propaganda broadcast against the Iranian nation can clearly see that such efforts, economic efforts, political efforts, military threats, and other such efforts have caused the Iranian nation to be satisfied with the pioneering role of the Iranian nation and the pioneering role of the Iranian nation. They are really interested in finding out what our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) was teaching us and the Islamic Revolution did not allow us to think that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) was teaching us. They made every effort to this goal. Last year was the year that they made the best efforts to this goal. I want everybody to realize that in spite of their expectations, the Iranian nation has swiftly prepared the Iranian nation to make progress on its path and has gained progress and has made it clear to the entire world, including the enemy, that it can. The reason why we need to look at the dimensions of the power and the achievements that have been made is to prove that the Iranian nation has been making use of its power and that they have proven that the Iranian nation cannot. We do not have a weakness. We do not have a weakness. But in the future, our capabilities and achievements are far beyond our weakness. Therefore, the year 1390 was named after "The Year of Economic Jihad" and this year "The Year of Economy" was named after "The Year of Economic Jihad". The measures adopted by our government officials in the arena of economic matters, the measures adopted by our people and the measures adopted by our people during the past year are very valuable. One of the things that can be mentioned in this regard is the policy of manpower and management. In our previous governments or in our previous governments, all economic outstanding personalities agreed on the fact that these policies are fully implemented in the country. Everybody should believe in this. This event has remained unprecedented because of the difficulties that lie in it. But last year the administration and the Majlis had focused their attention on fulfilling the difficulties that lie in it because of the imposed sanctions, and still a sensitive and important part of the preparedness was carried out. This is not an obstacle. But what government officials - both in the administration and in the Majlis - have made so far and the people have made so many efforts to support them, this is a very valuable achievement. All of us have heard these things, but it is necessary to think carefully. This is a great achievement. One of the goals of this preparedness is to separate the jurisprudence of the government from the people in a fair way. Later on, I explained that in the past, such disagreements were distributed among different social groups in a just way. The disagreements were naturally distributed. I have received good news from different social backgrounds in the country and this shows that it can improve the life of the disabled people in society. This is one of the goals of preparedness and it is the most important goal of implementing this law. The second goal is to develop the production system and the economy of the country. With the help of economic scientists - who have all agreed on this issue - this plan can be implemented and implemented as well as the standard for production. The goal is to use the energy that is available in an appropriate way. Of course we are a country that is by Allah's favorable oil and we have played a major role in consuming oil and gas. The fact that we benefit from these blessings in many countries of the world is more effective than in all countries of the world. The exported and credited balance shows that if the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the balance of the economy. When the Iranian nation fails to produce domestic products, what should we do? That is to say, the Iranian nation should be a mercenary in the hands of the enemies and the spiteful. However, as a result of this achievement, there were many manpower and weapons. Currently, the domestic production capacities are far more efficient than the current production capacities. Therefore, we do not need to invest in this. This was the thing that was done in the year 1390 when our enemies imposed sanctions on us in order to bring our nation to its knees. The youth of our country made efforts and they managed to resolve the plots of the enemies through their efforts. Thanks to the efforts of the people, another important thing that was done in the past was that was done in scientific and technological arenas. Knowledge and technology are among the pillars of economic stability. When a nation enjoys knowledge and advances, it becomes powerful and becomes powerful as well as political values. I pay attention to this issue due to the importance of scientific progress and technological advances. There are various reports on the issue of the issue of the issue of the issue of the issue of the issue of the issue of the issue of the issue of the issue of the issue of the issue of the matter. According to the reports issued by the prestigious scientific centers of the world - which were not mentioned by our scientific centers - today the most accelerated scientific progress is what is happening in the world. According to a report published in the year 1390 by the world's scientific centers, the scientific growth of the country was more than the growth of the year 1390 and the growth of the country was more than the growth of the year 1388. What do these things mean? This happened at the same time when the enemies of the Iranian nation announced that we have imposed destructive sanctions on the Iranian nation, but the Iranian nation managed to carry out such things. In their reporting - the reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting In the year 1390 we managed to make progress in artistic areas. In the year 1390 we managed to make progress in artistic areas. In the year 1390 we managed to make progress in artistic areas. In the year 1390 we managed to make progress in artistic areas. In the year 1390 we managed to make progress in artistic areas. This 20-percent balance of wealth was what America and other nations did not allow us in the year 1389. It became necessary to manufacture a weaponry for our research center in Tehran because our weaponry is weak. They made certain claims in order to avoid uranium and they said that we should receive uranium from foreigners, but we opposed this. The politicians from Brazil and Turkey set their hands on a negotiating scene with the President. The Americans gave rise to the conflict after they placed their hands on the walls, but they did not want to put their hands on the walls, and they want to add a few points to them. With the failure of the promises made by the Americans, the British and Turkish governments are surprised. This is the case with the 20-percent uranium ceremony. Last year, they produced a 20-percent fuel for the use of the Tehran nuclear system and they announced this to the world. Our enemies stepped into the danger and lost their news. Although we know that Tehran is the center of solution - that is to say, the need for health and research that is being carried out by thousands of people who are in need of this center - it is in need of assistance, it is in need of assistance and it is in need of assistance for you. It was prepared by our youth. It is difficult to this goal, but it has already been carried out, and different kinds of solutions are being carried out today in Tehran's province and the domestic plant. This was the year 1390 (precedented). Of course, when there is a mention of domestic uranium exporters, they say that you do not have the cost of exporting uranium to us, and that you do not have the cost of exporting uranium to us, and that you do not have the cost of exporting uranium to us, and that you do not have the cost of exporting uranium to us. This was the year 1390. The infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, the infrastructure, and the infrastructure. These are the dimensions of the achievements of the year 1388 [The Year of Economic Jihad]. These are scientific progress, scientific progress and scientific power, but all of them have a permanent influence on the economy of the country. At the end of the year 1390 - that was at the end of the year 1390 - I found my infrastructure for industrial research. There have been numerous scientific achievements in different areas. There are other scientific advances in different areas. Therefore, one can say that these advances have been made not just in this area. There are certain things that our nation has not seen in the past or in the past, but that these advances have been made not just in this area. Primarily it is the spirit and thought of jihad that is in the hearts of those who are doing this. That is to say, they engage in a jihad with the spirit of jihad. Just like those who engage in jihad, they are engage in a jihad for the sake of God. There is a difference between those who work for the sake of money, position, martyrdom or knowledge and those who engage in jihad for the sake of God. This is a very valuable and important thing. The second advantage is that our scholars have turned this sanction into an opportunity for our nation. Some people showed that we are thankful to Allah the Exalted for imposing sanctions on us. The spirit of sense that the sanctions which were imposed on our enemies is very valuable and important. The third advantage that I have been enjoying these places is the amount of trust that is available there. They have a lot of intellectual aspects in certain three or four countries. They do not allow anybody to gain such a magnificence. For many years, our country has been in need of teachers in this arena and they have spending many money in this challenging and complicated work. But when they take a lot of efforts, they say they can. The increased trust among nations and intellectuals and youth is very valuable. A characteristic is the trust of the youth. This is in the hands of the youth. Our youth are the brilliant source of innovation. The characteristic and characteristic of this characteristic is the relationship between teachers and universities, which I would like to appreciate very much. I have always asked the officials in charge of different sectors of government to establish relations between them and government officials in a different way. Fortunately, such relations have been established there and there. Of course this will involve all of us and our intellectuals and academies and it will push us towards scientific progress as well as our intellectuals. This is the economic aspect that was present in the year 1390: the enemies had lost their hopes since the beginning to the end of the year. They used to make threats, political pressures, and sanctions. Currently, the puppets of the US regime are trying throughout the world to impose sanctions on the Iranian nation and create a rift between the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic. There were other great achievements made in the year 1390 as well as the diplomacy that was carried out in the region in the year 1390 as well. The arrival of the mercenaries of Islamic Awakening, Palestine, weapons and weapons, international mercenaries without terrorism, youth and Islamic Awakening - these are all among the things that have been done in Tehran. The Islamic Republic of Iran has been the center of the eyes of the world of Islam, which has been awakened today. In the arena of economic services, thousands of homes were built and consumed. This is a great and sensitive characteristic. The homes were built in mountains and streets and great paths were built in mountains. These are the things that have been prepared for the decades of justice progressive. In spite of the machinations of the enemies and their evil plots, our nation has stood firm and has made such progress. Of course you should know that the elections have not been fulfilled yet. I hope that the people will get close to each other during the second round of elections. This election is very important. I would tell you that the enemies have spent about a few months trying to overthrow the heads of the people in order to prevent them from going to the ballot boxes. They used to say that there would be money. They used to say that there would be reduced the opposition of the enemies against the Iranian nation in the face of the people. They used to say that there were various propaganda efforts in order to prevent the people from participating in the elections. Sometimes the purpose of killing our outstanding personalities - who have deployed their forces in the country for several months - is to destroy and kill our people. Thro the past few decades, the presence of the people during the presidential elections was not more than 40, and the presence of the people in the presidential elections was less than 60. You should compare these with the Iranian nation. You should watch these differences of opinion with the presence of the people. At that time the issue will become very important. By relying on these pressures, this day was chosen to be the day of Sepah between the people and the Islamic Republic, and this day was chosen to be the day of honor for the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation. And this day was chosen to be the day of honor for the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation. This election was the result of a sincere and powerful pressures. They have scornfully scornfully scornfully scornfully scornfully scornfully scornfully scornfully scornfully, but they cannot deny this election. This happened in the eyes of the people. This election was similar to a powerful media which managed to reveal the truths of the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic to other nations in the world. These were the things that the year 1390 did: the year in which the enemies had made their utmost efforts to defeat the Iranian nation. These are some of the achievements that the Iranian nation made in the year 1390. Since the issue of nuclear energy was announced, the enemy has realized this. Of course, they know and they say that Iran does not want to have a nuclear attack. This is the truth. We do not want to use atomic weapons for any reason. We do not want to use atomic weapons to any reason. We do not want to use atomic weapons to any reason. What is the essence? The main point is the resistance of the Islamic Republic against the resistance of the Islamic Republic. The future of resistance, economic resistance, political resistance, scientific and military power - just like the future of resistance - is dependent on oil and oil. In the future, the reciters of the world will be in need of an airplane. Everybody has accepted this. The arrogant powers of the world know that their fuel is dependent on oil and gas. That is to say, they are suffering from an inexhaustible failure. That is to say, they are suffering from an inexhaustible failure. They are suffering from an inexhaustible failure. They are suffering from an inexhaustible failure. They are suffering from an inexhaustible failure. They are suffering from an inexhaustible failure. In certain European and western countries, the oil production will be thwarted in a few decades and it will be thwarted in a few decades. Therefore, it is necessary to benefit from the benefits of some countries. The US coalition has already invested in about 30 billion dollars in calculations based on the calculations made by our outstanding personalities and this is based on the calculations made by the Americans. By the year 2021, that is to say, the future will be. At that time, they would depend on the oil that originates from the Persian Gulf, and it originates from this region more than 50 percent of the world. At that time, they would depend on the oil and petroleum brakes of our region and the sea, which is one of the brakes of Iran. I would explain what they are doing. Between all the countries - not just the countries of the Persian Gulf - the country that consumes more oil and gas than any other country is the Islamic Republic of Iran. We have gained a lot of oil and we have gained a lot of oil. From the perspective of the power plants, we are the second biggest country in the world - the first country in the world - in the area of oil and we are the fourth country. There are three countries that are ahead of us, but if the power plants are combined with the power plants, the Islamic Republic and our great country will benefit from this. This is an excuse for the countries that benefit from petroleum and the arrogant powers whose rows are all dependent on weapons, oil and gas. It is up to ten years now that the Islamic Republic of Iran is alive. It is up to ten years now that it is alive. Why do the arrogant powers want a country that consists of oil and gas? They want this country to be under the control of a government and a system that will be like a bullying in the hands of some regional countries. These countries have oil and many other countries, but they are like a bullying in the hands of the Americans: They say that you have a majority of the people and they say that there are no problems with them. If a petroleum-rich and gas-rich government establishes a system in the country that is responsible for safeguarding the oil and gas resources of the country and rejectes the policies of the enemy, it will enmity the government. Those who think that if we take back the nuclear issue, America will finish its enmity towards us - they have ignored this fact. The issue is not a nuclear issue. Nuclear powers exist in our region, but they do not depend on them. Therefore, this is not the issue of nuclear weapons or their nuclear weapons, and it is not the issue of human rights. The problem with this is that the Islamic Republic has stood like a war. And if the Islamic Republic had been prepared to deceive its people like some other regional countries, it would have to deceive it. This is the reason why they are opposed to the Iranian nation. Of course the Americans are making a mistake. It is a great mistake to think that through enmity and threats they can force the Islamic Republic to retreat or that they can defeat the Islamic Republic from the arena of action. Westerners do not allow their nations to realize how hard they are fighting in the bitter and blessed arena. Their nations do not want to understand what their oil and oil products are doing. They do not want to tell their nations what these things are. They thought that the Iranian nation would be able to move forward through continued enmity. They did not do so. Dear brothers and sisters, dear people of Iran, I would like to tell you that America, with all its capabilities, with all the uproar that created during the conflicts, is currently in a weak and weak situation. I am not just interested in creating clarification or special news. I am not like a clarification that is based on two quarters. You should consider that the new US President's capture of power was the result of his slogans. What does change mean? That is to say, we are faced with a bad situation and we want to change it. The slogan entered the arena and the people voted for the slogan. Otherwise the spiteful people of America did not want to give up anybody's slogan, but they did not want to vote for the slogan. The effect of this change in society depends on how bad they are. That is to say, the situation of the U.S. When this change is proved by the people of America, the situation of the U.S. is more serious and it promises to transform them. Therefore, it was admit that the situation was superior. I do not want to say anything about this. The Americans themselves showed that their situation is better than what they are doing. Is this possible? Is this possible? Is this possible? Can this tragic event be changed? And this growth is equivalent to domestic production. This is a great problem for a country. This is the framework of these policies: they have been forced to enter Iraq without any results. In Afghanistan, the framework will be increased on a daily basis. In Muslim countries, Egypt, North Africa and Tunisia, the American reputation was lost in their eyes. In addition to all these things, the Wall Street movement has emerged in America. Is this an advantage? Therefore, America is faced with serious problems. Of course America threatened some countries. I would like to announce that we will never have atomic weapons, but in order to protect ourselves against any kind of enemy in our country - including America or the Zionist regime - we will resort to them to attacking the enemy and attacking them on a daily basis. The Holy Quran promises: "As for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, as for the unbelievers to you, The path of God will not be changed unto God's path. [The Holy Quran, 48: 22-23] The path of God will not be changed unto God. As the Holy Quran says, if you fight a war and fight a war, you will victory. The more you will victory, the more you will be defeated - just as it did in the early years of Islam and the more Muslims attacked, the more they defeated in some places. He has promised that when the enemies attack you, they will definitely be defeated. No, this is a divine call to Allah's favor and blessings be upon you and Allah's favor and blessings be upon you. The Iranian nation is determined to fight against each other, but it is related to its honor, dignity, Islam, Islamic Republic and all its power. That is to say, you who are working for domestic products are helping Iran production. You who are working for domestic products are helping the Iranian nation progress and capital. The wrong tradition of domestic products - which can be applied to other parts of our society - is a harm to our world and to our progress and future. Everybody is responsible in this regard and we should support our national production. Today our government officials can take advantage of this in the area of national production. The same is true of the people - those who are capitalist and those who have the power to work - who should cooperate with each other in order to work hard. It is necessary to identify domestic products as well. It is not a source of pride and it is wrong to identify foreign products inside and inside our markets and in our marketplaces and in our modern and innovative products. Often our domestic products are good. I have heard that some of the products that are produced in some provinces of the country have come to the embodiment of domestic factories. It would be possible to find an Iranian pilgrim if he did not like this pilgrim. But because the pilgrim was embodied by the French company, it would be wrong to insult the pilgrim wherever and wherever he was. And domestic production is very important. In the area of production, the major portion of work is being done by the people. This is part of the recession of the bills of the country over the past two decades, and it is part of the jihad of the Iranian nation's economy and the economy that I discussed last year. Dear brothers and sisters, today we need cooperation across the country. There are a lot of differences of opinion. There are certain occasions when there is a difference between the viewpoint and the viewpoint of the two individuals. However, this should not create a difference. Sometimes a person enjoys this privilege and a person enjoys another privilege and it should not be a source of discord. The Holy Quran teaches us: “Against you do not resist until you are defeated”.” [The Holy Quran, 8: 46] If we resist in different events - including political, economic and minor issues - when we are defeated by one another, our enemies will be defeated by the other. The capabilities of the enemies in recent years are the result of discord among us. The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) teaches us and says, "Whoever is after the right thing, he does not like the one who is after the right thing." If the opposing camp is after the truth, it is after the Islamic Republic, it is after the Revolution and it is after religion, but it is wrong. It should not be continued. He is different from those who are opposed to the Islamic Republic and who are opposed to the Islamic Republic. Your hearts and behaviors towards one another are kind and sympathetic. Unfortunately, the newspapers of the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps and Internet Communications did not allow the people to make malevolent statements about one another. The main point is that we feel that we should follow an Islamic model. We should respect the law. But this narration should not be considered a prominent narration, and some people should insult and insult our revolutionary youth as their plots. No, I believe that all the active, pious and active youth of the country are the children and I support them. I support the pious youth of the Islamic Revolution. But I ask everybody to adopt examples of Islamic behavior: respect the law. Everybody should respect the law. The Revolution is within the framework of the Islamic Republic. The same is true of the Iranian officials. The Majlis that commemorates the honorable members of the council is the Majlis that commemorates the honorable members of the government and the chairman of the country. This does not mean that all of them are one's intellectuals. By Allah's favor, the year 1391 that has started today will be one of the happy years for the Iranian nation. Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household, help our dear youth and our dear people tread the right path. Dear God, punish and suppress the enemies of this nation. Dear God, make the holy heart of the Imam of the Age satisfied with us, and make us benefit from his prayers. The following is the full text of the speech delivered on March 21, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with thousands of people in Mashhad. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Two Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem Muhammad, and upon his immaculate and pure household, especially the one remaining with Allah on earth. Greetings be upon the Imam of the Age (a.s.). Greetings be upon the Imam of the Age (a.s.). I would like to extend my congratulations to all the dear brothers and sisters who have attended this great meeting. I hope that Allah the Exalted will guide our hearts and souls towards His blessings. This is an achievement. For me, in a Norouz day, in a happy and eulogical society, we can be present among you dear youth and observe the issues of the country and the current situation of the country and look at what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future. Dear brothers and sisters, you should know that we Iranian people are not allowed to keep our affairs in mind. There are other people who keep our affairs in mind. Certain nations benefit from our experiences. They take care of the Iranian nation's situation and they take care of our successes. If we a victory, they feel that they are defeated, and if there is a blasphemous situation in us, they are defeated. Similarly, there are some people in the world who are following our job by different people. They are supposed to be pious for the Iranian nation. In the majority of cases, they have been the people who have responded to the issues of the country for many years. The Islamic Revolution took their hands away. Therefore, they are opposed to the Revolution. They are opposed to the established government and the Islamic Republic. Therefore, we are suffering from attracting a large number of human beings. Therefore, when we look at our work and our plans for future, we need to have a genuine and accurate view of labor. Some of us do not pay attention to the weakness of our country when they take a look at the situation. They do not see anything but corruption, weakness of domestic products in certain areas and the pressure of the enemy. I have a different view of labor. When I take a look at the situation of our country and the people, I see that there is an obstacle in the arena of confrontation, but the Iranian nation has been successful in this arena despite the enmity of its enemies. Certainly, there are weaknesses and obstacles in the situation of the country. There are some superpowers who are working for the Iranian nation a daily basis, and they speak about this. A disappointed and disappointed woman who had entered the arena of secret attacks against America said, "We want to impose a sanction on the Islamic Republic." They openly announce this. So, I will explain what they did later on and what they were doing. Therefore, on the one hand, there are great achievements that show the power and capabilities of the great Iranian nation. When one looks at this level of performance, it is like a talented sport, but a single champion triumphantly, and others make efforts and appreciate his performance. The champion in this great arena is the Iranian nation. Those who look at the scene and analyze it appropriately will appreciate the Iranian nation. Just as we hear today, we hear about this great appreciation from the people of the world, especially from those of the countries that are opposed to the Iranian nation. There are politicians, outstanding personalities and those who know where the world is moving forward - and they all appreciate the Iranian nation. All the efforts that have been made throughout the country should be considered as well as the results. Who are these people? I will briefly speak about this issue later on. The enemies who are unpardonable to see the progress of the Iranian nation in all areas have two main plans. First, they will try as much as they can to help the Iranian nation this progress. With sanctions, threats, interference in the arena of government and certain other activities, they will prevent us from making valuable achievements. The second point is that they are opposed to the progress of the Iranian nation. Today there are thousands of different media in the world who have focused their efforts on showing the world that the Iranian nation has made no progress. In his statements, the US President described the economic problems of the country as much as he can, just as he described his achievements. He said that the country has a lot of economic problems. And I do not mention the good achievements that have been made in the country, and the great achievements that have been made by the Iranian nation. For 30 years, we have been faced with such problems - and I will briefly analyze the achievements that have been made during the past 30 years - and they do not prevent the Iranian nation from living under the flag of Islam. Last year - that is to say, the year 1391 was one of the moments when our enemies used to focus their enmity and deception. They said that we want to bring the Iranian nation to its knees through sanctions. This is because if the Islamic Republic stays on its path and makes progress, its honor will be minimized. Therefore, if they can, they should not do so. If they cannot, they should try to improve this through their propaganda and media networks. Today these two moves are being carried out in the hands of the enemies: trying to prevent these moves through pressures, threats, sanctions and other such things, but also through their propaganda tools to humiliate achievements and to solve problems. As I said, there is an enemy. Who are these enemies? What is the essence of the plots that are being planned for the Iranian nation? But accepting these questions is not difficult. Today the hearts and minds of the Iranian nation are focused on returning to the US government for more than three decades. It would be appropriate for American officials to realize that a few decades ago the Iranian nation had seen certain things which would make them turn their heads back to America when the enemy had been captured. Every honorable government in the world should pay attention to this issue and learn its lessons. They are the center of such machinations. Of course, there are other enemies as well, but they do not recognize them as the pioneering enemies. The Zionist regime is also an enemy, but the Zionist regime does not allow us to use it as an enemy of the Iranian nation. Sometimes the Zionist regime threatens and threatens to bring us a military attack. But in the real sense of the word, they know that if they do not know, they should know that if the Zionists attack them, the Islamic Republic will destroy the "Tel Aviv" and the "Haifa" which will ruin them. The corrupt British government is even harming the Iranian nation. England is one of the most vulnerable enemies of the Iranian nation, but the British government is the mercenary of America. The British government fails to its independence. It is one of the enemies of it. It is the enemies of America. There are certain governments that show enmity. I would like to raise a fact that the recent years the officials of the French government have revealed their enmity towards the Iranian nation. The same is true of the officials of the French government. A reasonable person, especially a policy-maker who knows what to do, should not turn his unknown person into the enemy. We do not have any problems with the government and France. Neither we have any problems with them at all, nor at the present time, nor at the present time, but the wrong and envious policy of the Iranian nation has been adopted since the time of the Sarkozy, and the current government is the same thing. This is a mistake in our minds: lack of thought and lack of reasoning. When they speak about the world, the Americans name certain countries as "the countries of the world", including America, their Zionist mercenaries, the British government and certain other governments. Today we want to look to the backwardness of the year 1391 and we should know that since the beginning of the year 1391 the Americans started making their new plot. Since the beginning of the year 1391, sanctions that had been imposed on the Iranian nation - petroleum sanctions, bank sanctions and exchanging money between the Islamic Republic and other countries - have made many achievements in this regard. They are opposed to enmity, but they hope that the Iranian nation will not realize that it is the enemy. In my public addresses over the past few decades, Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (a.s.) said that you should be careful not to ignore the significance of your kindness and sympathy. He said that you should be careful not to show friendship. The U.S. government ordered certain people to speak with the people of the world, to travel to these countries and to negotiate with the head of companies in order to prevent them from establishing a relationship with the Islamic Republic through economic matters. And they will punish them if they establish money and oil relations with the Islamic Republic. They started this since the beginning of the year 1391, especially in the month of Mordad. I have said in the past as I have said, the Americans are happy to see that they have proven the effect of sanctions. No, it does not say that sanctions are not effective. Our economy is faced with the issue of relying on oil. We should separate our economy from oil and petroleum. Our governments should place this in their plans. It is 14 years now that we have imposed a sanction on the government and it is in need of a system that can cancels our government from it whenever we want. Did some people ask themselves, "Who did they do this?" Yes, it is possible to move forward in this direction. It is necessary to create a plan. When the economy of a country is dependent on certain things, it is the enemies who will make efforts in this regard. Sanctions are effective, but they are not as effective as the enemy wants. In the arena of economic matters, as well, during the year 1391 the enemies made their utmost efforts to see that they have turned Islamic Iran into a silvery. Everybody should look at the Islamic Republic and do not allow the Islamic Republic to influence and spread its policies in the region and in other parts of the world. But they have failed in this regard. This was the opposite of what they expected. Our mercenaries have grown more than two percent in the world. The heads of the countries and the esteemed officials of the Organization have gathered in Tehran. Both of them appreciate the Iranian nation. Their people heard these things, and they heard these things in the media, and their people heard these things after they returned to the country. That is to say, the opposite of what the enemies of the Iranian nation are expected. They are not able to influence the people. In the arena of domestic policies, the purpose behind imposing sanctions is to create a rift in the hearts of the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic. They create a rift in the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic. The Iranian nation broke their hopes on the Islamic and Revolutionary systems on the 22nd of Bahman. In the arena of security, they have made their utmost efforts to thwart the news of the country, which has been clearly analyzed by the officials in charge of the news. In the political arena of the region as well, they have been trying to thwart the influence of the Islamic Republic. In the political arena of the region, they have proven that no regional problems will be solved except with the presence of Iran and its resistance. On the issue of the Zionist regime that came to Gaza, its pioneering presence in the arena led to the Zionists' defeat in the hands of the Palestinian resistance. They used to explain this. They said - not I said - that if the Islamic Republic had not been established and built by its power, the Palestinian resistance forces would not be able to stand up against Israel at all. Because the Palestinians managed to bring the Zionist regime to its knees during the past few days. As I said, the effort that they made was not effective. Of course, they made results, but on the contrary, they made us a great achievement. That is to say, the sanctions that were imposed on the Iranian nation gave rise to the Iranian nation and its capacities and capabilities, and they made great achievements in the absence of sanctions. In the construction process, which I will explain briefly later on, the year 1391 achieved a lot of progress compared to the previous year, and it can be said that the year 1391 was an extraordinary year. Many advanced projects have been made in the country - in the area of construction, in the area of energy, in the area of renewing oil products, in the area of renewing uranium products, in the area of modernization of power plants, in the area of modernization of power plants, in the area of modernization of power plants, in the area of modernization of power plants, in the area of modernization of power plants, in the area of modernization of power plants and in the area of modernization of power plants. We have made considerable achievements in the area of scientific progress in the year 1391. In scientific and technological arenas, a large number of efforts were made last year to encourage those who believed in the future of the Iranian nation to be a bright nation. That is to say, in the year that they were looking for the Iranian nation, our dear youth and outstanding personalities brought the spoils of Nahid humanity to the battlefields. They brought the spoils of Peshgam to the battlefields. When this noble person is hospitalized and when he is healthy, intellectuals throughout the world have first changed his opinion because it is a very valuable person. But later on, when the truth was revealed to everybody, they did not see them, rather they accepted this. In the area of health and medical affairs, great duties have been made which are related to the hearts of the people. We were one in the region in the arena of high-ranking education. Great achievements have been made and a few solutions have been prepared. These are the things that have been done in the year that has been declared for the Iranian nation so that they can enjoy a good life and a good human life. This year, we were at the top of different important scientific areas. In the arena of academic scientific and technological achievements, the country was thirty times more advanced than last year. Students were ranked 20 percent more than the beginning of the Revolution in the year 1391. That is to say, the number of our academic students last year was more than 20,000. This is the great achievement that the Iranian nation has made. In the area of the sea and the conditions, the country managed to great achievements in terms of chemical, nuclear and nuclear products. This is the year when the enemies of the Iranian nation made their utmost efforts to bring the Iranian nation to its knees. There are great lessons in the year 1391 and there is no lesson in this regard. Ayatollah Khamenei said that what is important for a nation is relying on its power, reliance on Allah the Exalted, reliance on Iran and lack of reliance on the enemy. That is how we can see progress. The year 1391 was the beginning of tests. Of course, we recognize the weakness of our body. This is the characteristic of the body. During the military exercises, the Army should identify its capabilities and weaknesses in order to deal with it. We know what our weakness is. This weakness originates from our self-confidence - which I described earlier as one of our weaknesses - that is to say, the lack of vigilance in politics, economic planning and today's behavior. The officials in charge - the officials who are currently in charge of presidential elections and in particular the officials who will come after the presidential elections - should pay attention to this point. We have learned a lesson that the base of the country is a strong base. When a resistance is strong, the plots of the enemies will not have a great influence. If the officials of the country are aware of their responsibilities and if they carry out their responsibilities in the best possible way, they will manage to turn all kinds of threats into opportunities. Like the year 1391, we have turned the enemy's threats into opportunities for us. By Allah's favor, the effect of the government officials and the people of the country will be prominent in the year 1391. Of course, the economy of resistance is an important issue which I have discussed many times in the past, but the economy of resistance is not just an important issue. Security of the country is important, the attention of the people is important, and scientific progress is important. It is also a source of work. Because as long as knowledge is advanced in the country, other things will be done in the future. Safety and national dignity are important. The lack of vigilance and insult to a nation is important. The effect of regional affairs on a nation and a country is important and it ensures the freedom and security of that nation. We have made progress in all these areas. On the issue of security, on the issue of health, on the issue of international effect and on the issue of resolving different problems in the country. With this progress, our nation proved that not being under the control of the impressive power of the US does not mean going back. This was an important point. When there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination and when there is domination. The Iranian nation has proven that this is a lie. Our nation has proven that lack of trust in America and global powers will not only make progress, but it is also making progress. There are some countries that depend on themselves. You should consider how the Islamic Republic has acted in the past thirty years, and how the Islamic Republic has acted in the past thirty years. Anybody who takes a look at these things will realize that lack of self-confidence among the powers is an opportunity for a nation and it is not a threat. Thankfully, the Iranian nation has managed to benefit from this opportunity thanks to its power, courage and consciousness. We used to do this in the past, and we saw its success. One example of this is the issue of the 20-percent nuclear power plant in the area of the Tehran's research system and the issue of the important nuclear power plant in the country. It is necessary for our economy to this goal, but we need to this goal from outside the country. They should take care of the national needs of the country and force the Islamic Republic to accept and accept their statements. But before the issue becomes problematic, our youth and outstanding personalities prepared the 20-percent fuel for the organization's needs. Whenever we are unacceptable, we cannot do so. But at that time our government officials identified the needs, rejected the needs and strengthened the security of the Iranian nation. The Islamic Republic announces that we have prepared the Islamic Republic for this power, but it does not need you. And if our outstanding youth and outstanding personalities failed to do these things, today we will inform those who are opposed to us - including those who are in need of advice and advice - about their needs. Our politicians noticed this, and they realized that they had to do what they were doing. It is necessary for the Iranian government, intellectuals, intellectuals, intellectuals, intellectuals and intellectuals to carry out this great responsibility: be prepared and move forward against the enemy in his efforts. The issues that will be written in this regard are concerned. If scientific research is done, it is in this regard. If they engage in scholarly and scientific work, all of them should be in this regard. The duty of all of us is to do selfless efforts in order to build the country and to influence the enemy. This is one of the most advanced economies of resistance. In the economy of resistance, one of the essential points is that the economy of resistance can stand up against all threats. The economy should be faced with threats. It should be able to face whatever is possible from the machinations of the enemy. This is the first point that I should tell you. The second point is that the Americans used to express their concerns in different ways. They used to say that we should negotiate on the issue of nuclear energy. They used to say that they used to express their concerns in different ways. Several times, many diplomatic and diplomatic officials of America said that after the 5+1 negotiations, America and the Islamic Republic should join the negotiating table on nuclear preparedness of Iran. "I do not have any hope for negotiations." Why? Because our experience shows that negotiating with America does not mean that we can find an appropriate solution and an appropriate solution, this is not the meaning of negotiating. The thing that they mean in negotiating is that we should sit in and speak with you so that we believe what you say. Therefore, we have always announced that this is not a negotiate. I do not believe in what they say, but I do not believe in it. There are a few points which should be taken care of: The first point is that the Americans used to repeat their mistakes. They used to repeat their mistakes. They used to repeat their mistakes. They used to repeat their mistakes. They used to repeat their mistakes. Our issue is that we do not want to believe that the Islamic Republic is formed by an Islamic system, and we do not want to believe that the Islamic Republic is formed by an Islamic system. When you had the intention to affiliate you to the Islamic Republic and when you spoke openly about this, you could not do anything in the future either. The second point is that the Americans have announced that we are honest with the issue of negotiations. That is to say, we really want to negotiate with you and speak in a conscious way. That is to say, we do not want to negotiate with you. I told them, "We have repeatedly said to you that we do not want to use destructive weapons, but you said that we do not believe it." Why should we accept what you say? When you are not prepared to accept a righteous and righteous statement, why should we accept your statements which have you proven repeatedly? What we know about the negotiating ceremonies with the Americans is a deceitful and enlightened ceremony by the people of the world and our people. You should make sure that this is not the case. Can you prove this? I would like to announce that one of the points I would like to discuss is that some people from Ayatollah Khamenei used to speak with the Americans. This is an element of propaganda, and it is a great lie. The Leader has not discussed any issues with them until today. The third point is that we know that by relying on our experience and presenting ourselves on the scene, America has not decided to end nuclear negotiations. The Americans do not want to end nuclear negotiations and resolve them. Otherwise, if they want to create an end to resolve them, they want to resolve them. What Iran wants about the issue of nuclear power is that it has only accepted the world its right to enter the arena of nuclear power, which is a right. Instead of accepting the fact that the Iranian nation has the right to receive uranium from its territories in order to be healthy in its territories. Is this great hope? Is this what we have always said? They said that we are hopeful that you will move forward in the direction of a nuclear attack. They are the countries that I know their names in the past. They name themselves as "the countries of the world". They used to say that 'the countries of the world' are in danger. No, the countries of the world are not underestimated. The major portion of the world support the Islamic Republic and our needs. They have acted like this because of the sincerity of the Iranian nation. They will accept the right of Iran to enter the arena of rendering services, and they will be able to fulfill the laws and regulations related to the world's nuclear power. When we look at the solution, the Americans create a solution that will prevent us from reaching the solution. As we know, their goal is to pursue this issue in order to get the right time to be pressured. As they used to say, these pressures are great for the Iranian nation and they cannot safeguard the Iranian nation. The fourth and last point in this regard is that if the Americans are really determined to put an end to the issue, I will give them a solution. The following is the full text of the message: The Americans should put an end to the enmity of the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation. If they want to remove the problems that exist among us - as they say, we want to remove the problems that exist between Iran and America - they want to remove their enmity. For more than three decades, different American governments have planned the plots and the plots to harass the Iranian nation through their failure in knowing the Iranian nation. Since the beginning of the year after the victory of the Revolution and the establishment of the Islamic government, they have shown enmity. In the arena of security, they prepared the plans for our security. They carried out enmity, they destroyed the corruption of our country. They supported the enemy for many years. They planned the plans for our economy. They made use of all their power to harm the Iranian nation. Therefore, I advise American officials. If they are looking for an appropriate path, the right path is to reform their policies, reform their duties and put an end to their enmity towards the Iranian nation. This is the end of this issue. One issue of elections is that which should always be mentioned in this meeting. Elections in our country are the manifestation of political valor. Elections are the manifestation of political dynamism. They are the manifestation of the power of the Islamic Republic. They are the manifestation of the power of the Islamic Republic. The Islamic Republic can see the presence of the people in the elections and the influence of individuals on the elections. Elections are the symbol of national willpower and Islamic democracy. Therefore, considering the importance of elections, the enemies of the Iranian nation have constantly been trying to create chaos in the Iranian elections. They have designed plans to prevent the people from participating in the elections, to kill them and to make them feel excited. As long as we are elections - whether elections are parliamentary or presidential - our enemies have constantly been trying to make the elections unacceptable. This is because of the importance of elections in the country. There were two months in the parliamentary elections and there were several months in the parliamentary elections. But now, I will mention a few points. The first point that I would like to discuss in the first round of the elections is that the presence of the people in the elections is very important. The presence of the people in the elections can reduce the influence of the enemies’ threats. They can make the enemies feel angry and safeguard the security of the country. The people throughout the country should know that their prominent presence in the elections will affect the fate and future of the country - including security, freedom, security, security of the country, the economy and all important issues of the country. This is the first point. That is to say, by Allah's grace, assistance and determination of the people of Iran, the election will be an extraordinary election for the people of Iran. The second point is that all the parties and organizations that believe in the Islamic Republic should participate in this election. This is the responsibility of everybody. Elections are not a single organization or a single organizational organization. Those who believe in the Islamic Republic and the freedom of this country and care about the future of this country and the movement of the people should join the parliamentary election. The backwardness of the elections belongs to those who are opposed to the government. The third point is that the voting role of the people is determining the result. If you do not want to analyze the righteous and righteous personalities of the country, try to identify the righteous and righteous personalities in order to be able to analyze the righteous personalities of the country. I do not have a list of passions. As anybody else, I do not have a single list of voting for the first time and no one knows who to see the list of voting before the election. The people who are voting should take care of the people who are voting. They should take care of the people who are voting should take care of the people who are voting. If somebody says this, he is not the truth. Of course, in these holidays and in those spiteful and spiteful media - such as daily prayers and other such things - I would like to extend my message to different people. One can send thousands of messages to one another. It was announced that there were millions of such messages to be issued on the day of elections. Therefore, you should be careful not to affect this issue. Of course, someone or a political group can attract the thoughts of other people, but nobody will hear about these things from me. In any case, they can cooperate with each other in order to find the best possible one. Of course, the insight is the responsibility of the people. The fourth point is that everybody should follow the law in the case of elections and non-election. What happened in the year 1388 - which caused harm and harm to the country - was all because of the lack of respect for the laws that were passed by certain people and they did not want to appreciate the people. The people can play a role in what I want, but I believe it is necessary to appreciate it. It is necessary to appreciate what a majority of people deserve. It is necessary to appreciate this legislative framework. As happened in the year 1388, let those people go to the battlefields only because they had set their hopes on what we wanted. This is one of the mistakes that could not be cured. This will become a lesson for the Iranian nation and the Iranian nation will stand up against this. The last point is that everybody should know that what we need from the chairman of the country is the advantage and the weakness of the country. Everybody should know that the President should always have the right time to do what the President wants, but he should not have the right time to do what he wants. Everybody has a physical aspect and a weakness. The leaders of a country - both the ones who are present and the ones who will be present - are powerful and weak. The upcoming chairperson should have the capacities that are promoted today as the executive branch and the current chairperson of the country. That is to say, in our governments, those who are moving forward should be moving towards one another's progress and improvement. Those who are prepared to enter this arena of action should make use of all their power, reliance on God and the talents of our nation. Dear God, bestow Your benefit and blessings on this nation. Dear God, make the holy day of the Imam of the Age happy for all of us. Dear God, bestow Your blessings on Imam Khomeini, on our martyrs and on our martyrs. Make what We say for your sake and your path satisfied with your humility. The following is the full text of the speech delivered on August 17, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with a group of economic officials and officials in charge of economic matters. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful First of all, I would like to welcome the dear brothers and the esteemed people who are working for different sectors of the country's economy. On a certain level, today's meeting is indicative of the importance of this system's economy in such a sensitive and sensitive situation in the world, the region and the country. One day in the month of Ramadan, the officials in charge of the economy of the country - the mercenaries and investors from different sectors - go and listen to them. On the other hand, we need to show that this government is at the issue of the economy and the economy of progress and that the government - in the same situation as the government - should cooperate and make efforts on this issue in order to give in to the reasons why it is necessary to raise up its economy. This is the first point, and it has been proven. This is a message to everybody - both the officials in charge of economic matters and the executive officials in charge of economic matters in all sectors of the country and those who should pay attention to the issue of economic matters today. The second element which was prepared for this meeting was, thankfully, the same. It is not enough for those who are not officials in the government to report on the current situation of the country, the progress of the country and the accelerated movement of the country to the people. I am not saying that everybody should be vigilant in this regard. I am not saying that everybody should be vigilant in this regard. I am not saying that everybody should be vigilant in this regard. I would tell you that I am in contact with the people and they are not satisfied with the advances made by the people. That is to say, I have written down all the things in different areas, and I would like to raise those things in different areas. Greetings be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings Great achievements that are being made in the country are a source of pride for the Iranian nation. This is the progress of the Iranian nation. We have made good progress in the area of production, service, agricultural, scientific and other areas. We have made good progress in the area of production. It is appropriate for the people to hear this from non-governmental officials from different social backgrounds. This will increase the motivation and enthusiasm of the people. All of us should know that killing the people is one of the paths of killing the enemies of the Iranian nation. I should pay attention to this issue. What we say should not let our motivation, hope and determination be defeated. We should consider that we have made a lot of progress, such as weakness of weakness in weakness, weakness of weakness in weakness, and weakness of weakness in weakness. The first point is that we have named the year 1390 as "The Year of Economic Jihad". The policy of the arrogant powers is to harm the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic in the economic arena. This is a mistake. The issue of nuclear energy is not the reason why there are nuclear sanctions. It would be possible to remember that when they imposed a great sanction - which was the first time they imposed on our country - they would not have any nuclear issue in our country. Of course it was not a very important sanction, but I still have the name of it - that is to say, a so-called sanction - which was sanctioned by a low-ranking member of the U.S. Congress - that was a very short time of a nuclear sanction. The purpose of sanctions is to raise an economy. But I am proud that the Iranian nation has passed more than two decades of its sanctions. Of course sanctions have been imposed in the recent years, but these sanctions have not been imposed at all due to the progress of different construction projects in the country. 30 years after the imposed sanctions have been imposed, sanctions have been imposed more seriously than the current sanctions which are being imposed on us and which are promising to increase them. It is necessary to identify the enemies who are against us, to identify the weapons and tools that they use, and to prepare the weapons against them. This requires undoubtedly economic jihad. It is not every movement that is called jihad. A characteristic of a movement is called jihad. The movement against this envious and motivated effort is one of the essential requirements of jihad. This movement was called jihad. Therefore, economic jihad means a well-established movement which has been occupied or occupied by the Iranian nation with the purpose of defeating the enemy. Another point is that we have prepared the country for progress - which is a very important step towards progress and transcendence - and we have prepared the country for progress on a very important level. We have to this level of progress. Of course other nations do not allow us to be the first to vote. They are also moving forward. Of course we do not have the right to use the methods that are used, and we will not have the right to use them. We are treading the right path, but we believe that this path will be achieved if the speed of our work is increased. This is the need for jihad. This effort should be firm and we should think about it so that we can reach the first position. No, because the future of nations is dependent on this issue today. If a country fails to prove what it needs and what is moving forward in terms of economic matters and scientific matters, it will remain oppressive in the absence of sympathy. We do not want to be oppressed. For two years, our country is suffering from injustice. The failure of the disappointing powers and the machinations of the enemies are the reasons for this oppression. Since the year 1800 up until the beginning of the Revolution, when the British pilgrims interfered in the political centers of the country, the British pilgrims, the European pilgrims, and other European pilgrims continued this throughout the time. It was the year 1800 that the first British ambassador entered the country - who originated from India. That is to say, the Indian government was in the hands of the British mercenaries and the system of corruption was in power. In this vast country, the plots of the enemies started from there and the plots of the enemies gave rise to the epicenter of that epicenter and the epicenter of that epicenter and the epicenter of that epicenter. In this country, the enemies gave rise to the epicenter of this epicenter. But we do not want to let this change. The Islamic Revolution prepared the ground for power. We want to increase the limitation of power. We should not let them interfere in our economy, our culture, our policies, and our future by the blessedness of our country. Economy is one of the pillars of this domestic power. That is why we believe that we should be the first priorities. That is to say, there is not any idea that Iran should be the first in the region. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts in a sincere and selfless way, and it is necessary to make use of all the power and capacities available in our country. We have heard these things, and we see these things in the progress of the country during the Revolution. Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, no one would have thought that this would happen in the sea. The examples were introduced in different areas, but this is the case in different areas. The events that are being carried out in the country are different and the advances that are being carried out in the country are different. Sometimes they would not be expected to happen, but today we see these things happening in front of our eyes. As a result of my familiarity with different sectors of the country, I am saying that no part of the country and our youth will be present on the scene unless they will be present on the scene. This is a very important thing. The economic power that we have is very important. Once I said that if we compare our national blessings with the proportion of our nation and the population of the world, we will see that they are defeated. The existence of nations in the country is more than one percent of the population of the world. As we say, our country is more than one percent of the population of the world. Therefore, what is necessary is to one percent of the population of the world. These are important areas and very valuable areas. Of course the current situation of the Navy in the country is similar to the current situation of the Navy in the country, but the issue of Navy in the country can be solved by presenting the appropriate scientific frameworks, which have been mentioned in some of our brothers, and I have said in the past. Therefore, the country in fact enjoys a large number of blessings. The same is true of our country and our region. We are an important point. The future of this divine sea and the relationship between East and West - namely, between Asia and Europe - is an important part of the region. We have created opportunities for western and western fronts. These are good things for us. As I mentioned earlier, we have failed in one of the four decades of the preparedness of our country for progress and transcendence. That is to say, a four-year planning has been closed to it. This year is the year of planning. Of course, many achievements have been made within the shrine of five years. Important things have been done in this regard, but there are not certain things that should be done in this regard. The policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the policies, the If we can carry out these plans in an appropriate way, we can benefit from the opportunities that have been mentioned in these plans. These policies can create unity and promote economic valor. Of course in the absence of a number of the goals that have been set up in the framework of five years, there have been various reasons why they refused to do so. The issue of reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent, reducing the unemployment rate of 8 percent. That is to say, we need to make more efforts in order to be able to deal with the problems that exist in the past thirty years. According to what is said in this law, we should pay attention to the issue of governmental colonialism and economic matters. With a goal? Creating a competitive economy with the help of investors and investors in the arena of economy. They calculated and they said that the amount of funds that we need to invest in the past two decades is more than 160 billion each year. It is necessary to create such a situation. There were good achievements in the arena of implementing the policy of the 44th Act, but these achievements were not good. It is necessary to increase our value. It is not just the issue of the economy, but the issue of the economy is the issue of our economy. There are always good manpower and there are good manpower. I have spoken about the issue of economic disruption for many years. When I speak about this issue, some people come and say that the many things that you say about the issue of economic disruption will frighten other people in the arena of economic disruption. As I said, the opposite of those who are involved in the event will encourage them to participate. Any business that is after legal immunity and is after legal activities - if it realizes that the government will not provoke sectarian prejudices to those who violate the law - that will make the people shed tears. We are opposed to the government's capitalist, the creator of methods and the profitable and outstanding manpower. It is necessary to strengthen our economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy's economy. Fortunately, all and most economic ministers and government officials are present in this meeting. They heard the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements of the statements. We should not let the narrations defend. Of course, Mr. Tawakuli said, "Why do they not say what they are doing?" He said, "Why do they say what they are doing means that they are not doing, and this shows certain shortcomings. If we pay attention to these promises, we think that these promises are good. There are many things that I have said in this regard and I will refer to two issues. One of these issues is the issue of governmental organizations and the other issue is the issue of progress. First, the issue of implementing assistance policies is the area of production. Production is the basis of the economy. It is the base of the economy of the country. As is mentioned in the law, the support that the administration provides for modern products and the measures that have been started in this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the measures that will be adopted on the basis of production. Of course some of the officials in charge of the government who we discussed previously believed that the 30-percent failure was not necessary. This may be the case in certain areas, but the construction sector needs the support of the government organizations in any case. There are certain aspects to the sanctions and we should benefit from them. Of course, the sector of the economy is responsible in this regard: increasing production, improving production, improving production and improving production. Some of the officials in charge of the government told me that some of the factories do not do anything to compensate for their passions and that they are using low-ranking fuel. They do not want to use it if they are not compensated for the price. It is necessary to pay attention to this point. Of course the vigilance of the government in this regard is very important. That is to say, it is necessary to pay attention to the assistance that the government needs. There are not certain shortcomings to be paid for, but there are also certain people who I mentioned in this meeting - that is, the disappointmentful people who did not benefit from this opportunity - and they did not benefit from it in another meeting. It is necessary to pay attention to this issue in order to be able to carry out their responsibilities in a sincere and sincere way. The next point is the issue of importing products. I have also mentioned this in this meeting and I have repeatedly discussed the issue of importing products with our officials. Nobody is opposed to importation of products. But the conditions should be fixed and prepared. During the hajj, we would not allow him to go after the hajj, but we would not allow him to go after the hajj. If we go after the hajj, we will not allow him to go after the hajj. It is necessary to pay attention to domestic production. Of course, it was said that domestic production will be helpful if domestic production does not bring about importance for domestic products and if domestic production does not bring about importance for domestic products, the importance of domestic products will force them to do so. I believe this is not a firm reason. In particular regarding the issue of import and exportation of agricultural products, the issue of export and exportation of agricultural products is of prime importance. I believe that exporting agricultural products requires more strength than what we are expected today. We have good products in terms of production. One of the teachers presented a report on the inflation of children. In this regard, our country is one of the most advanced countries in the world. We should increase our production. We should export superficial products to the world so that we can see the existing products in Iran. We should not import such products from countries such as Latin America and other countries. The next point is the issue of exporting products. Of course the government is responsible in helping the exporters. As a friend of our colleagues said, fortunately we have made progress in the future, and we will make progress in the future, and we hope that we will make progress in the future in order to improve our production and our production. Our country has reached a position that is enough to calculate its importance with oil. One of the main reasons for the future of our economy is to raise the importance of oil. Of course the officials in charge of the government did not pay attention to this point in the past few years. I said that we should do such things if one day we are prepared to buy oil and petroleum from our country for the sake of political and economic matters. Try to see what will happen in the world. Today we cannot do such things because we need this investment. Each day when the economy of the country is dependent on oil and petroleum, the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic will have a powerful role in the world. We should do this. Therefore, we need backward support. We should support the issue of domestic export. In this regard, the exporter of weapons and their officials are responsible. The countries that have been mentioned in the report have come to the conclusion that most of our products are exported to these countries, and we see the outstanding achievements of some of our exporters. For more than fifty years, there have been factories in the world who have manufacture and manufacture products for the consumer and the consumer. For example, in one company in Germany or in Switzerland, it has been about 50-60 years that it has manufactured and manufactured products, and it has always been manufactured in our country and countries. Why? These things should be taken care of by the exportator. And these are the things that require a nature: nature and quality of domestic production. The issue of confronting economic disruption is very important. As long as this corrupt person does not manage to get a corrupt person in the government who can help him, he will not be able to punish the economy. Therefore, government officials have a duty to prevent the growth of economic corruption in governmental organizations." For example, when you realize that a problem is in the face of a taghuti, you do not have any kindness or compassion. You know that if you speak about a taghuti, the damage that will happen will not be limited to a few thousand taghuti. The same is true of economic corruption. If you see the signs of economic corruption on a part of the government, you should not make efforts. Emphasizing economic disruption is one of the dangerous and prevalent disruptions. Therefore, it is necessary to pay careful attention to this point. One of the things that should be done is to adapt the framework for the unity of the Islamic Revolution. We need a comprehensive policy on global unity. As one of the brothers mentioned in this meeting, it is possible to use the wealth of the banks and other such things as wealth, but it is possible to do so in the shade of unity. That is to say, the best way to do so is unity, which is in line with the law. One essential point is that we should pay attention to the issue of the introduction of capital in the country to the private sectors. That is to say, the foreigners should understand that there is a lot of investors in the country. Everybody should be aware and not just those who can benefit from this. Those who are interested in this meeting will benefit from the benefits of this meeting. Determination should be for everybody. Of course in the previous governments there have been many such things, and many such things have not been done in the same way. It is necessary to make increased efforts in this regard. There are some things that I have written down in this book, but there is a lot of things that I would like to discuss before the Eid al-Adha. By Allah's favor, this time will be an event that will make the people who are interested in the country, the Islamic Republic and the future of this nation make more efforts and increase their work with wisdom and acumen as well. The slogan "The Year of Intensified Effort and Labor" which I presented last year should be accompanied by the issue of economic stability. We hope that everybody will make more efforts. The future of this country is a very bright future. The country enjoys many blessings. Thankfully, there are good hearts, faith and firmness in this country. In fact, this country is ranked second most powerful country in the world. Thro our history, our cultural record, our human capacities, and our national blessings are all indicative of this fact. The following is the full text of the speech delivered on March 21, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with thousands of people in Mashhad. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem Al-Mustafa Muhammad, and upon his immaculate and chosen household, especially the one remaining with Allah on earth. I am thankful to Allah the Exalted who bestowed this opportunity on me. I am present in the first day of the year at the shrine of Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (may our souls be sacrificed for his sake and may God bestow peace on him). I would like to congratulate all the dear brothers and sisters who have gathered here and in this holy meeting - both the dear brothers and sisters who are present in this meeting and those who are present in different places - on the occasion of Norouz and the beginning of New Year. Today our dear people from different close places have gathered together to benefit from the auspicious occasion of Ab-al-Hasan al-Ridha (peace and greetings be upon him). There are some brothers and sisters from the city of Mashhad. I would like to extend my congratulations to everybody and congratulate them on the Iranian nation. Norouz and Iranian prayers to all of us, the people of Iran and Muslims of other countries who appreciate this Eid are an opportunity for us to appreciate it and benefit from it in terms of religion and Islamic movement. From an Islamic point of view, we can take advantage of this opportunity in order to material and spiritual progress and we can take care of the Iranian nation and the Iranian nation. We can take care of the Iranian nation and the Iranian nation. We can take care of the Iranian nation and the Iranian nation. Let us have great Islamic goals. During these days, it is necessary to make use of self-sacrifice, closeness, listening to the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) household and participating in religious events. The truth is that during the past few years, especially when the Islamic Republic was established, our people used to use Norouzic Eid as a means to get close to Allah the Exalted. This shows that when new year begins, you will see that the vast majority of the people who are present in the parades of worshiping, worshiping, parades and mosques are filled with divine prayers and prayers. This means that the Iranian nation is making efforts to benefit from this symbol and the art of benefiting from religion. We should learn this example in all areas. And we should use Norouzic id to increase our knowledge, spirituality, religion, establishment of Islamic principles and Islamic morality. I hope Allah the Exalted will help all of us and the Iranian nation success in this regard. Today in the opportunity that Allah the Exalted has created, I will discuss a few points. The first point is related to what was done in the year 1389 and the first point is related to what was done by the people and government officials in the year 1389 and the second point is related to what is done in the year 1389 and the second point is related to what is done in the year 1389 and the second point is related to what is done in the year 1389 and the second point is related to what is done in the year 1389 and the second point is related to what is done in the year 1389 and the second point is related to what is done in the year 1389 and the second point is related to what is done in the year 1389 and the second point is related to what is done in the year 1389 and the second point is related to what is done in the year 1389 and the second point is related to what is done in the year 1389 and the second point is related to what is done in the The third point is related to the events happening in the region, the events happening in the Middle East, North Africa and the events happening in the region and the efforts made by the enemies of the Islamic Ummah to derail the events. From the first point of view, I can say that the year 1389 - the year of Intensified Effort and Labor - has been observed throughout the year, and our nation has revealed its realities on different fronts. Of course this great determination is the result of this great determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination, this determination This can be seen in many arenas. Let us take a look at the issue of knowledge and technology. In the beginning of the year 1389 - the day of Eid - I managed to graduate from one of the most important intellectuals of the country, and at the end of Esfand I managed to graduate from the country for the sake of one year of work. The accelerated scientific and technological progress that has been made today in the country is not more than what was announced by the people. I can tell you immediately. The great scientific movement has started in different areas since the past few decades, and it is fortunately increasing on a daily basis. One day I read a letter from a Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) saying, "Science is the power of a nation: knowledge and understanding will be a source of power for a nation and a nation." Knowledge and technology have such a characteristic. Today the movement of the country in the area of knowledge and technology is clear in many areas, especially in new areas. In different areas - in the area of scientific conditions, in the area of human resources, in the area of Nano technology, in the area of monotheism, in the area of monotheism, in the area of oil production, in the area of oil production, in the area of oil production, in the area of importance for the country and in the area of energy production - all these areas are well-established and well-established. It is possible to witness the efforts of our intellectuals and youth in all areas. As I said in my message to Ayatollah Nurouz, different research organizations throughout the world showed that in this regard the country is ahead of the majority of the countries of the world. There are two to three important points that I deem appropriate to clarify for the issue of scientific progress and technological progress. The first point is that the majority of the scholarly and outstanding personalities who are working on this issue are youth. The life of these intellectuals is 30 years - the most of them are youth - and it is necessary to rely on these youth. Of course, there are faithful intellectuals who are working on this issue, and it is necessary to make efforts to this goal. The next point is that those who are doing these great duties are the people who have a powerful spirit and self-confidence. That is to say, they are the people who are doing these great duties. The main discipline is the power of the people and our nation enjoys this power. Our youth are firm in the making of these efforts, and they are convinced that all those efforts that are the pivot of the progress of our country are possible. The most important point in the issue of scientific progress is that the process of building knowledge, technology, generation and generation of knowledge - which is very important. That is to say, knowledge is produced and it is transformed into technology. That is to say, the path of production of knowledge is towards our national interests and towards the needs of the people. The dear people should know that all economic outstanding personalities - both those whose economy is identical to the government's economy and those whose economy is identical to the government's economy - believe that the plots and dimensions of the government are necessary and that these things are useful. In this regard entering the arena of action is very difficult, and the areas for entering the arena are unprecedented. Thankfully, this task has already begun. And the unity that is created between the government and the people in this regard is indeed good. The movement of the people in this regard is very good. They will definitely affected them. Although their effect is very good still. The important goal of this goal is, in the beginning, to divert the attention of the government among the people in a fair way. This is a great step towards social justice. The different goal is to realize the benefits of land, including water and weapons. Two years ago, I named the year of "The Year of the Guardians of the Worlds with the blessings of the people" [the Holy Quran, Sura al-Hajj (22), Ayah 25]. This is one of the ways in which we can improve our utilization of mineral resources in the real sense of the word. The long process was carried out by the administration's plans and plans. The use of weapons was gradually achieved in the country. This is something that will benefit the country. The speed of polytheism, murdering, destroying and destroying alight - which is a great divine blessing and which is often the same - has been reduced and the speed of use has been increased. This is one of the advantages that have been made and by Allah's favor, we will benefit from these advantages in the future. The same is true of the economic situation as well. One of the things that is indicative of firm determination in the arena of economic valor is to increase the production of non-petrodollars. Unfortunately, over the past few decades, our country has been relying on oil. That is how all economic outstanding personalities are vigilant. That path has been treated in our country. It has been treated in terms of oil and petroleum, and it has been treated in terms of production and management. That path is wrong. For many years, I have said that one of the things that I have been hopeful about is that one day we can manage our country with oil and petroleum. Of course, this is not a difficult job. Production of petroleum-free products that will close us to our goals Great achievements were made in the year 1389 in this regard. In addition, one of the things that shows firm determination and dynamism in the arena of economic valor is the fact that the wisdom of the western government - under the leadership of America and under the assistance of some European governments - has imposed sanctions on Iran. Since the beginning of the year 1389, they thought that they had increased the sanctions against Iran. Everybody says in their calculations that the sanctions that they have imposed will bring about happiness for the Islamic Republic and the people of Iran in the next few months. They are saying in their calculations that the sanctions will bring about happiness for the people of Iran in the next few months. They thought that sanctions would create a serious challenge for the Iranian nation and that they would enter the arena with the Iranian nation so much that they can demonstrate their objection to the Islamic Republic. This is their goal. A scholarly and wise task was carried out in order to oppose the sanctions which had been imposed on the enemies. The enemies did not manage to their goal through these sanctions. Today western people are saying that imposing sanctions on Iran is totally useless. This is one of the problems that we are faced with. The country is oil-rich, but we enter the country from the outside. Therefore, they say that this is the weakness of the Islamic Republic and that we will not allow it to be involved in it. Because of the sanctions that were imposed, our officials made efforts and we did not need to import oil. This was what I heard from the young and outstanding personalities of Esfand at the end of the month of Esfand. They said that we wanted to fulfill these responsibilities. Let us go home and make efforts so that we can carry out our responsibilities without the dependence of foreigners. The government reports say that in the year 1389 there were more than one million units of labor. If the report was present, there were more than one million units of labor compared to the previous production. In the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, in the arena of production, This is in the sense of the economy. There have been a lot of things to do in other areas as well, but we will manage to do so only when we have enough things to do. Of course, the year 1389 said that this year is, thankfully, the year of effort and hardworking. Of course the year 1389 does not have a particular characteristic. The year 1388 is the year of enthusiasm and labor. By Allah's favor, the Iranian nation and all government officials should make as many efforts as they can to the position that the Iranian nation deserves. But today the issue of the economy is very important and sensitive. If our dear country manages to move forward in the economic arena, this great movement will go ahead of us and it will undoubtedly affect the progress of our country and the greatness of our nation. What is important in this regard is to have made progress of the country on the basis of the indicative that has been specified in the country for the past two decades. This is a great opportunity for us to use our national capabilities in an appropriate way. Two years ago, in this new year's address, I referred to the issue of the difficulties that lie in the use of divine blessings. The people should understand these things. I advise the officials in charge of the country to inform the people about the necessity of strengthening economic progress. I advise them to show the importance of increasing economic progress in the country and reducing the gap between the people. This gap was not at all accepted by us. Islam does not accept it. They should make as many efforts as they can in order to the goal of achieving the 5-year plan for progress of the country. Unemployment rate and increased unemployment rate in the country are among the important and essential things. The increased manpower of foreign investors and the assistance of foreign investors to make progress in the arena of economic valor are among the most important and essential things which is one of the important things that can be done in this regard is to create funds for global unity, which can create and establish large funds for global production. It is necessary to create a base for laws. This means that we should support progress. It is necessary to improve the quality of the ground and to improve the quality of the water. Today the wheels that we have in our country are used to improve the quality of the ground. Try to see what will happen if, by Allah's favor, the government manages to rectify the fall of this fall. In addition to the sector of mining, all other sectors - including domestic products, industrial products and other areas that are in need of water - are we only interested in reducing the amount of water that we are spending on. In fact, the benefit from water will not be doubled in the absence of hegemony. This is a great and sensitive thing. The presence of the people in economic matters is a necessity. If we were determined to carry out this great economic movement in the country in the year 1390, there are some things that we should do. I would like to discuss a description of these requirements. First of all, the spirit of jihad is necessary. Since the victory of the Revolution, our nation has made progress everywhere and everywhere it has entered the arena with the spirit of jihad. We have seen this during the Sacred Defense Era, we have seen it in the arena of jihad and we have seen it in the arena of knowledge. If we have the spirit of jihad in different areas - that is to say, action for the sake of God and action as not just as a responsibility - then our movement will undoubtedly continue. The second point is the strengthening of spirituality, faith and spirituality in society. Everybody should know this. Attracting religion in the country and the youth will help the people in the affairs of the world. It is wrong to think that the effect of religious faith in the hearts of our youth will only be manifested during the eulogies or during the Friday evening. If the youth of a nation are religious, they will be unaware of fasik. They will be unaware of the behavior of the youth. The same is true of the economic arena. The power of religious orientations is a great achievement. You should consider that the main issue in the country is often the main issue and that everybody should pay attention to these issues. It would be like a nation's train to travel to a particular part of the country. It would be like a nation's train to travel to a particular part of the country. It would be like a nation's train to travel to a particular part of the country. Therefore, subsequent events should not be entered the arena. Another criterion is to preserve unity and mutual understanding. There is today's unity among the people and government officials: those who love, trust and cooperate with government officials and those who feel each other's unity and feel- with each other's unity and feel- with each other's unity and feel- with each other's unity and feel- with each other's unity and feel- with each other's unity and feel- with each other's unity and feel- with each other's unity and feel- with every day. In one of the greatest plots of the enemies of the Iranian nation, they create internal disputes: ethnic, ethnic, political and partial issues. Fortunately, our nation is being awakened. Those who are interested in their country and are interested in religious democracy which is a source of pride for the Iranian nation - they should show their cooperation. The same is true of government officials. They should do something to make so that even if there is a controversial issue in the country - which may also be a genuine issue in the country - they should not reveal their controversial issue to the people because this will harm national unity. I would like to extend my attention to the officials in charge of the affairs. The most important issue of the world is through negotiations. These issues are not very important. Of course, I would like to remind you of this issue. Sometimes our name is not the same for us, but you saw that Tehran was closed to some other places and there were many writings and notes about it. This does not benefit from anything. Sometimes even harming a lot of money is what it is necessary to do? From the perspective of the people and government officials, I hope they will insist on this slogan and they will try to it to be guaranteed. There is not any need to be done in any case. Of course, what I said about the issue of economy is not at all important and I do not mean it should be ignored in other areas. In other areas, especially in scientific and technological areas, it is necessary to assist the well-known youth in order to be able to make great achievements. The recent events - such as Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Bahrain - are very important. Another great transformation is happening in this region of Islam and Arabs. This is the symbol of Islamic Awakening. These two characteristics exist in the Islamic Republic: the first is the issue of presence of the people and the second is religious faith and reference to it. These are two essential things. The presence of the people on the scene: this was the case during the Revolution. Collections, parities, parities, parities, parities and other such organizations did not manage to do anything. Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) managed to introduce the people to the battlefields. The same is true of labor countries today. In Egypt and Tunisia, it was the people who entered the arena with themselves. Otherwise, intellectuals and outstanding personalities used to repeatedly speak in the arena. They used to call the people repeatedly, and nobody would speak in the arena with their words. It is the people who have entered the arena and their religious beliefs and goals. That is to say, the most important elements of the world are Friday prayers, congregational prayers, name of God, religious scholars, religious intellectuals and intellectuals. All those who entered the arena and all those who entered the arena. This is the characteristic of this issue. Why did they fitna? In Egypt, Tunisia and other countries, these roots and oppressive leaders shed the people and their honor. For example, the Egyptian people see that their heads are doing the worst things in order to address the needs of the Zionist regime. If Hosni Mubarak failed to associate the Zionist regime with the siege of Gaza, the Zionists would not be able to harm the people of Gaza. Hosni Mubarak entered the arena and helped him. When the narration says that the people of Gaza are coming to the battlefields and that they want to enter the country, they want to prevent them from doing this. They want to construct a 30-percent power plant in the country and enter the country in order to go and enter the country. This was what Hosni Mubarak did. You can witness such events in some other countries as well. For example, in Libya, although Gaddafi demonstrated the stronghold of western powers during the early years of his reign, he rendered great services to the west in recent years. [The Holy Quran, 14: 39] The Libyan people saw with their eyes that when they had responded to a threat, they had taken away all their nuclear equipment and they had deployed them into the waters and they had asked the west to follow it. They try to see how our nation is, and they try to see how they are. Our government officials are not only prepared to give up our government officials, but they are also prepared to increase the number of preparednesses which the enemy wants. You can see that in all those countries, the insult and the popular movement that were carried out were visible. This is the point which is very important for us. After these things happen, they do not understand, they do not know the people, but they should move forward in a contradictorious way. Of course what America has seen against these countries and other countries is the support of cracking heads. They used to safeguard Hosni Mubarak as much as they can, but when they saw that they could not do so from now, they forgotten him. But this is a lesson for the heads that are based on trust in America to realize that when their interests are defended and they do not have any advantage, they will try to defeat them like an inexhaustible tool. What happened to the west and America is totally unacceptable. Egypt is one of the most pioneering and pioneering policies of the US. They are based on this policy. But they did not manage to retain this base in order to benefit from it. If the people are vigilant, they can defeat this mistake and destroy it. The Americans tried to defeat Mubarak in Egypt and Ben Ali in Tunisia and they tried to safeguard their government. By Allah's favor, the United States will continue being defeated in the region. After they lost their popularity in these countries, they made two obstacles in the face of them: the first is waiting for us and the second is the attempt to create a future for us in certain areas. They were defeated in this regard. The second point is the equivalent. The purpose of the equivalent is to introduce similar events in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya in some other countries. The main duty is the claim of safeguarding the rights of the people. Our honorable people would not have realized that the US President has told the Iranian people that they are your supporters. They are claiming that they are opposed to dictators and that they are committed to national rights. They not only did they not give friendship to other nations, but their nations also did not give friendship to them. The same is true of the American President who has now managed to use billions of people in order to raise economic disruption which America is suffering from. He is trying to raise economic disruption in order to raise economic disruption. Therefore, they do not want to send their people to the battlefields. Today the people of America are faced with economic disruption and they do not have any results. In addition to prison centers and to punish people such as Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Iraq and other places that punish people in different places. People do not understand these things. Did the American President know what he was saying? Were he really aware of the people who are following the path and who do not understand his policies? It is said that those who shoulder Azadi in Tehran are those who shoulder Egyptian independence. He was right because on the 22nd of Bahman of each year, those who participate in the ceremonies of independence shouldered with the slogan "God has graced America". As for the regional issues, the Islamic Republic of Iran has a clear position. Our goal is to support nations and their rights. This is the standard of the Islamic Republic. This is the standard of the Islamic Republic. Our policies are these. Our hearts are these. There are two points to pay attention in this regard: the first is Libya and the second is Bahrain. As for Libya, we are satisfied with the behavior of the Libyan government towards the people, with the kindness of killing the people and with bombarding the people, but we are satisfied with the enthusiasm of the Americans, the US, and other western countries. They claim that we would enter Libya to defend the people and that we would join the Armed Forces. This is totally unacceptable. If they were really supporters of the Libyan people and if they were listening to them because of the Libyan people, they would have bombarded the Libyan people. If you want to help them, they do not want to use weapons, weapons and other such weapons. Therefore, you do not want to go there for the sake of safeguarding the people. You are after oil from Libya, but you are after safeguarding the status quo you have in Libya. If you want to use it in order to block the revolutionary governments that will be formed in the future in Egypt and Tunisia, try to do this in the same way. It is a bad intention. The Assembly of Experts announced that it would have to be at the service of the nations, but that it would have to be at the service of the people. This is a remark for the parliamentary commissions. Therefore, the presence of foreign soldiers and westerners is unacceptable. If you want to help the people of Libya, you can help the people of Libya. Their main requirement is elections. Everybody should have a single vote. Is this a great vote? Elections are being held in Bahrain, but the people will not have the right to vote in the future. They will be oppressed. The west should make this opportunity so that it can interfere in the affairs of the region through the introduction of a new issue - the issue of Shia and Sunni. Because the Bahraini people are Shia and there is no right to support them. Analyzing the events in the region has revealed its effect on the issue of Bahrain, but it has not revealed anything about the bloodthirsty events of the people of Bahrain. Some people from the Persian Gulf - whether politicians or newspapers - come and speak about the issue of Bahrain as Shia and Sunni! The oppression of an Islamic Ummah is the genuine oppression. Just like what happened in Tunisia, just like what happened in Egypt, just like what happened in Libya, just like what happened in Yemen. The Americans have been happy that they have managed to announce this issue as a discord between Shia and Sunni through their propaganda tools. They said the Iranian people were supporting the people of Bahrain for a reason. We have supported all of them. For 32 years, we have supported the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people are Shia? Our youth took up an airplane to go to Gaza. They are prepared to go to Gaza and fight the Israeli war. We say they should not move forward. Our people showed their support for the people of Gaza, Palestine, Egypt and Tunisia. They are not Shia. Therefore, this is not the issue of Shia or Sunni. Some mercenaries try to present the issue of Bahrain as a Shia and Sunni issue. Unfortunately, some people who do not have any evil intentions are trying to deceive their slogan. If there is good expectation in this regard, I will tell them that the issue is not Shia and Sunni. This is a great service for America. This is a great service for the enemies of the Iranian nation who describe the great movement of a nation as a Shia-Sunni conflict. There is no relationship between Shia and Sunni. We do not have a difference between Gaza, Palestine, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and Yemen. We will support any movement in a society that is like Islam and it is after freedom. The tragic phenomenon is that America does not view Bahrain and Saudi Arabia's military attacks as an interference inside the country, but when our maraaje, teachers and humble people ask you not to kill them, they say you are interfering. Is this interference in the country? The operation of a government, an oppressive system that we have designed you to avoid killing your people, is an interference, but the attack of foreign tanks on the streets of Bahrain does not stop domestic attacks. The uprisings of the Americans and their regional mercenaries are the same. The Americans are far away from this region to a thousand kilometers. Anybody who does this makes a mistake. What I would like to say clearly is that by Allah's favor, a new movement has started in the region. As Allah has promised, this movement will definitely victory. The Iranian nation is proud of being the founder of this movement. They are proud that it is the founder of this movement. The youth who were present in this meeting did not see the Revolution, but if they were not compared to the youth of that time, they would not be defeated. Dear God, bestow Your mercy and grace on this dear nation. Continue your services to this nation, this movement and Islam and Muslims on a daily basis. Dear God, make the holy heart of the Imam of the Age satisfied with us. Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household, make the souls of our martyrs and our magnanimous Imam trust in us. The following is the full text of the speech delivered on August 7, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with officials in charge of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem Muhammad, and upon his immaculate and pure household, especially the one remaining with Allah on earth. I would like to welcome the dear brothers and sisters and the esteemed government officials of the country. I hope that Allah the Exalted will bestow His blessings on all of you. I am thankful to Allah the Exalted who bestowed the opportunity to hold a meeting with us so that we can discuss the important issues of the country and other such issues. The following is the full text of the speech delivered on October 24, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with a group of students. The final aspect is that we should take a look at the issues of our neighboring countries and the issues of the region if there is enough time. In his book, Hajj Mirza Javad Agha Maliki Tabrizi (God's greetings be upon him and his household) says: "Resistance is a divine blessing which Allah the Exalted has bestowed on His servants and believers. He said, "Resistance is not a limit, but a appreciation, and we need to be thankful for it." He said, "Resistance is a manifestation of appreciation which is a divine appreciation for its servants. One of these points and the most important point is that, as I said, what is superior to all the other characteristics is that this eight-year worship creates a bright atmosphere of enthusiasm in the heart of a person, and this prepares the ground for reflecting: "One hour thought is more than one year of worshiping." This thought is a reflection on the body and soul of a patient and patient person which reveals truth and acquired understanding. We should make use of this thought. We should think of our time. Mouth is the main capital of every individual. All praise can be achieved through this life - that is to say, daydreaming. Let us take a look at these years of life. We should keep the pace of our life, our daily lives and our lessons in mind. We have been vigilant in this regard. Everybody must be vigilant in this regard. Everybody must be vigilant in this regard and we should be vigilant in this regard. How do we use it and how do we use it? When one's soul is released from one's body and when he is treated by the angels of mourning, each one of us will receive a re-appearance: "Every re-appearance is re-appearance of mourning." What would be the situation of our country at that time? What would be the situation of our heart at that time? This prayer is the other reason for me. The prayers that were delivered by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and the prayers that were delivered by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and the prayers that were delivered by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) said that the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) did not fail to enter the prayers that were delivered by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). Therefore, these prayers are very important. It is a message to those who have heard it and it is a message to those who have not heard it. It is the eightth prayer from the book of the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) household. The beginning of this prayer is: "Allah, bestow peace on Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household, and bestow peace on me on the servants of (God's greetings be upon him) and on the servants of who are afraid of Allah." What do you mean when you pray to Allah the Exalted and the Lord of the Worlds? Dear God, establish the idea that there are some people who are afraid of God in this way: "In order to establish justice, which is the beginning of this idea."We have managed to establish justice in society, justice in sharia, justice in the sense of the divine blessing of the country, justice in the sense of the divine advantage, and the sense of the divine advantage in society. Fear of God is one of the essences of fearing God. Sometimes one may be appointed as an official, and their efforts will affect the people. This is while one's efforts, efforts, and efforts will affect the people. This is while one's efforts, efforts, and efforts will affect the people. This is while one's efforts will affect the people. This is while one's efforts will affect the people and their efforts, and your efforts will affect the people. When you insult a person or group and make certain things, the effect of this kind of anger on a person is not the same as the effect of this kind of anger. We are hypocritical. We do not believe in hypocritical. Dear God, make our souls influenced our society." To kill the fire of enmity. Everybody must make efforts in order to overthrow this fire. This is the reason why we constantly insist on our friends, government officials, those who speak in the country and those who speak in the country and some parts of the country. Sometimes a remark will not let our people kill us, rather it will become a source of weakness. Those who are treading the right path should try to bring them to the right place. We should not let our actions, our practices, and our statements eliminate those who are treading the right path and do not believe in this path. We should not separate those who are close to the Islamic system. If there is discord between men and women, we try to discord against them. When a professional does a good job, it is necessary to clarify the issue appropriately. We have said many things about this issue. This is an analogy of this divine prayers. It was twenty two times more that the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) used to address it. We should pray to Allah the Exalted to bestow faith on us. These are some aspects of fear of God. This is the first point which I would like to discuss. The second aspect is a general look at the situation of the country. The report, which was presented by the President, contains many aspects. There are certain important points that are clear in his report, and I assure everybody who knows how hard they are making and how hard they are rendering services. I would like to explain a part of the situation of the country which is very important for us. Why is this important? First of all, knowing the current situation of our country and the position we have reached, which path we should tread is very important and always is very important. But today this situation is very important. First of all, the situation of the region is unprecedented. The uprisings of Islamic Awakening and the great events that are taking place in this region are unprecedented. Great events have been made and great events have been made since the beginning of the Revolution. When a nation like the Egyptian nation makes such a great movement, provokes such a government and stands away from a flag of Islam, which threatens the Zionist regime with the status of the region, all these things are unacceptable to all the details. Then we came to a position that prepared the ground for the Islamic Republic. The urgent and continued issue of the economy of the arrogant western powers is one of the greatest issues, and this issue will not soon end. The accurate analysis of the west about the economic issues, the U.S. and certain western countries are part of this issue. They are not all talking about it. The intellectual and political organizations that analyze the issues of the global powers - which are often owned by media networks - do not want the people of the world to understand the realities on the issue because the aspect of this issue is different from what they say. By Allah's favor, if there is enough time to discuss this issue at the end of my statements. Another issue is the prevalence of overwhelming and terrorist movements in the west, especially in Europe, including the nazis of western countries and the uprisings of the mercenaries of the U.S. And they clearly announce their overwhelming plots. Later on, he attacked two Muslim countries. There are some people who are interested in this story, but Allah the Exalted does not allow them to be defeated at all. These are important points. What happened in Norway should not just be considered a difficult event. But in such conditions, we should look at our own positions. If we fail to utilize this opportunity and if we fail to do the right thing, then we will be defeated if we fail to utilize this opportunity in the right time. Sometimes disappointment becomes a threat, rather it becomes a backwardness. Therefore, there is no problem in paying attention to the developments of the country from this prospective. We should look to the truth. We should look to the truth. We should look to the truth. We should look to the truth. We should look to the truth. We should look to the truth. The same is true of media and other such things. When someone says why they do this, they say they do not allow us to speak the truth. No, this is an attempt to thwart it. I tested around 20 times a day. Each day in some newspapers, every one of them sends a message to a weak person. We do not insult anybody, but this is a fact, a mistake. The same is true of killing. The weakness of the weakness of the weakness of the weakness of the weakness of the weakness of the weakness of the weakness of the wealth. It is necessary to cooperate with the capacities of the government and the hardworking elements. Therefore, if we want to identify the realities of the country, we need to identify the weakness of the country as well. Today I will present a brief clarification on this issue, but there are certain necessities in this regard. These good things show us the opportunity and the atmosphere that we have in our country. The weakness of these dimensions shows us what we should pay attention to and what should be done. When we place these things together, it becomes brilliant. We understand what we should do. I have written a few notes on this issue, which have been continued during the past 32 years by the Islamic Republic's system, each time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every The first step towards the strength of the system is to overcome different kinds of threats. This is very important. For the past 32 years, we have faced different kinds of threats - political threats, security threats, and economic threats - and the purpose of these threats is to thwart the government. Of course they wanted to manufacture this government, but they did not want to manufacture it easily, rather they wanted to reconstruct the government and turn it into the backwardness. And this system managed to overcome all these threats. Some of these things have been decided by foreigners, just like the issue of sanctions. For many years, sanctions were imposed on the country, but in the recent years, they have increased their value and security. Some people used to say that sanctions are destructive. Certain times sanctions were imposed through the help of the Assembly of Experts, which could have been imposed on its own hand. Certain times sanctions were imposed on a daily basis. These are the things that are related to foreigners, and they have solid hands. In spite of the domestic events, there were also certain threats which the enemies used to use these threats as an example of national tribes. The Islamic Republic managed to overcome these threats. Today different tribes live with one another. You see how they feel that they are accompanied by the Islamic Republic. This is, in fact, one of the dimensions of our power. We should pay attention to this point when we calculate the strengths of the Islamic system. The Islamic Republic of Iran was independent of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was independent of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was independent of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was independent of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was independent of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is in fact the first element of the system. The second point is the relationship between the people and the government.