import logging import os from typing import Tuple, Union import torch from import DataLoader from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizerBase from .collator import Seq2SeqFinetuningCollator, validate_target_settings from .tasks import DOWNLOADED_FT_DATASETS_DIRPATH, SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS, dataset_constructor from .packing import BinPackCollator, auto_packing_ratio from .text_data import build_streams, get_tokens_per_batch_func from .exceptions import MissingHuggingFaceURLSplitError, NotEnoughDatasetSamplesError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _HF_IGNORE_INDEX = -100 _DEFAULT_TARGET_RESPONSES = 'last' _DEFAULT_TARGET_PROMPTS = 'none' def build_finetuning_dataloader(cfg: DictConfig, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, device_batch_size: int) -> DataSpec: """Builds a finetuning dataloader for training or evaluating. The underlying dataset can be built through one of two code paths: 1. As a HuggingFace dataset, via `datasets.load_dataset(...)` 2. As a streaming dataset You will need to set slightly different dataset config fields depending on which you intend to use, as explained below. Args: cfg (DictConfig): An omegaconf dictionary used to configure the loader: (str): The type of dataloader to build. Must = "finetuning". --- *** HuggingFace dataset config fields *** cfg.dataset.hf_name (str, optional): The name of the HuggingFace dataset to use. Can also be a remote http(s) directory or object store bucket containing the file {split}.jsonl in the format (prompt, response), in which case the builder will create a HuggingFace dataset. cfg.dataset.hf_kwargs (DictConfig, optional): Additional kwargs to pass to `datasets.load_dataset`, which can be used to load a dataset from local files. cfg.dataset.preprocessing_fn (str, optional): The name/import path of the preprocessing function to use for formatting the data examples. If ``None`` (default), the builder will use the preprocessing function registered under `hf_name` (see ``), if one exists, otherwise it will skip preprocessing. If `preprocessing_fn` corresponds to a registered preprocessing function in ``, the builder will use that. Otherwise, it will interpret `preprocessing_fn` as a "import.path:function_name" import path; e.g., it will call `from import.path import function_name` and use the imported function as the preprocessing function. *** Streaming dataset config fields *** cfg.dataset.remote (str, optional): Location of a MDS-formatted streaming dataset to use. Setting this will tell the builder to create a streaming dataset rather than a HuggingFace dataset. cfg.dataset.local (str, optional): Local path where remote data will be streamed to. Only valid if `cfg.dataset.remote` has also been set. *** Shared dataset configs fields *** cfg.dataset.max_seq_len (int): The maximum length of sequences in the batch. See :class:`Seq2SeqFinetuningCollator` docstring for details. cfg.dataset.decoder_only_format (bool): Whether to format the examples for a decoder-only model. See :class:`Seq2SeqFinetuningCollator` docstring for details. cfg.dataset.target_responses (str): Which responses are used as training targets. Defaults to "last", meaning only the final response in multi-turn examples will serve as training targets. See :class:`Seq2SeqFinetuningCollator` docstring for details. cfg.dataset.target_prompts (str): Which prompts are used as training targets. Defaults to "none", meaning prompts are never used as training targets. See :class:`Seq2SeqFinetuningCollator` docstring for details. cfg.dataset.allow_pad_trimming (bool, optional): Whether to allow the collator to trim padding. See :class:`Seq2SeqFinetuningCollator` docstring for details. Default: ``False``. cfg.dataset.packing_ratio (Optional[float, Literal['auto']]): If provided, this invokes a collator wrapper that packs device_batch_size*packing_ratio raw examples into device_batch_size packed examples. This helps minimize padding while preserving sequence integrity. This adds `sequence_id` to the batch, which indicates which unique sequence each token belongs to. If set to 'auto', packing_ratio is profiled and the highest observed packing ratio with zero waste is selected. In practice, this may result in > 0 waste because profiling is done on only a portion of the dataset. Note: Using this feature will not change device_batch_size but it will determine the number of raw examples consumed by the dataloader per batch. Some examples may be discarded if they do not fit when packing. Select packing_ratio **carefully** based on the dataset statistics, max_seq_len, and tolerance for discarding samples! The script `scripts/misc/` can help you choose the best packing_ratio. cfg.dataset.shuffle (bool): Whether to shuffle the dataset. ___ See :class:`StreamingFinetuningDataset` for info on other standard config options within `cfg.dataset` that will be passed as kwargs if using the streaming codepath. --- See :class:`DataLoader` for standard argument options to the pytorch dataloader, such as `cfg.drop_last`, `cfg.num_workers`, etc. tokenizer (transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer): The tokenizer used to prepare the data from raw text. Any missing sentinel tokens will be added by the collator. device_batch_size (int): The size of the batches (number of examples) that the dataloader will produce. Returns: A pytorch dataloader Note: You can run the script inside `scripts/misc/` to quickly test the padding/waste rates for different `cfg.dataset.packing_ratio` choices, given a starting workload YAML. """ _validate_config(cfg.dataset) if tokenizer.pad_token is None: tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token collate_fn, dataloader_batch_size = _build_collate_fn(cfg, tokenizer, device_batch_size) dataset = None sampler = None if cfg.dataset.get('remote') is not None or cfg.dataset.get('streams') is not None: streams = build_streams(cfg.dataset) dataset = dataset_constructor.build_from_streaming(tokenizer=tokenizer, streams=streams, local=cfg.dataset.get('local', None), remote=cfg.dataset.get('remote', None), split=cfg.dataset.get('split', None), download_retry=cfg.dataset.get('download_retry', 2), download_timeout=cfg.dataset.get('download_timeout', 60), validate_hash=cfg.dataset.get('validate_hash', None), keep_zip=cfg.dataset.get('keep_zip', False), epoch_size=cfg.dataset.get('epoch_size', None), predownload=cfg.dataset.get('predownload', None), cache_limit=cfg.dataset.get('cache_limit', None), partition_algo=cfg.dataset.get('partition_algo', 'relaxed'), num_canonical_nodes=cfg.dataset.get('num_canonical_nodes', None), batch_size=device_batch_size, shuffle=cfg.dataset.get('shuffle', False), shuffle_algo=cfg.dataset.get('shuffle_algo', 'py1e'), shuffle_seed=cfg.dataset.get('shuffle_seed', 9176), shuffle_block_size=cfg.dataset.get('shuffle_block_size', None), sampling_method=cfg.dataset.get('sampling_method', 'balanced'), sampling_granularity=cfg.dataset.get('sampling_granularity', 1), batching_method=cfg.dataset.get('batching_method', 'random'), max_seq_len=cfg.dataset.max_seq_len) else: dataset_name_or_path = cfg.dataset.hf_name split = cfg.dataset.get('split') if split is None: raise MissingHuggingFaceURLSplitError() backend, _, _ = parse_uri(dataset_name_or_path) if backend not in ['', None]: dataset_name_or_path = _download_remote_hf_dataset(remote_path=dataset_name_or_path, split=split) split = split.replace('-', '_') proto_preprocessing_fn = cfg.dataset.get('preprocessing_fn') if isinstance(proto_preprocessing_fn, (dict, DictConfig)): preprocessing_fn = dataset_constructor.get_preprocessing_fn_from_dict(dict(proto_preprocessing_fn)) else: preprocessing_fn = dataset_constructor.get_preprocessing_fn_from_str(proto_preprocessing_fn, dataset_name_or_path) dataset = dataset_constructor.build_from_hf(dataset_name=dataset_name_or_path, split=split, safe_load=cfg.dataset.get('safe_load', False), max_seq_len=cfg.dataset.max_seq_len, preprocessing_fn=preprocessing_fn, tokenizer=tokenizer, target_prompts=cfg.dataset.get('target_prompts', _DEFAULT_TARGET_PROMPTS), target_responses=cfg.dataset.get('target_responses', _DEFAULT_TARGET_RESPONSES), decoder_only_format=cfg.dataset.decoder_only_format, hf_kwargs=cfg.dataset.get('hf_kwargs', {})) if cfg.drop_last: world_size = dist.get_world_size() minimum_dataset_size = world_size * dataloader_batch_size if hasattr(dataset, '__len__'): full_dataset_size = len(dataset) if full_dataset_size < minimum_dataset_size: raise NotEnoughDatasetSamplesError(dataset_name=cfg.dataset.hf_name, split=split, dataloader_batch_size=dataloader_batch_size, world_size=world_size, full_dataset_size=full_dataset_size, minimum_dataset_size=minimum_dataset_size) sampler = dist.get_sampler(dataset, drop_last=cfg.drop_last, shuffle=cfg.dataset.shuffle) assert dataset is not None dl = DataLoader(dataset, collate_fn=collate_fn, batch_size=dataloader_batch_size, drop_last=cfg.drop_last, sampler=sampler, num_workers=cfg.num_workers, pin_memory=cfg.get('pin_memory', True), prefetch_factor=cfg.get('prefetch_factor', 2), persistent_workers=cfg.get('persistent_workers', True), timeout=cfg.get('timeout', 0)) token_counting_func = get_tokens_per_batch_func() return DataSpec(dataloader=dl, get_num_tokens_in_batch=token_counting_func) def _validate_config(dataset_cfg: DictConfig) -> None: """Validates the dataset configuration. Makes sure that the dataset is properly configured for either a HuggingFace dataset or a streaming dataset. Must be valid for one or the other. Args: dataset_cfg (DictConfig): The dataset configuration to be validated. Raises: ValueError: If the dataset configuration does not meet the requirements. """ if dataset_cfg.get('hf_name') is not None: illegal_keys = ['local', 'remote'] discovered_illegal_keys = [] for key in illegal_keys: if dataset_cfg.get(key) is not None: discovered_illegal_keys.append('`' + key + '`') if discovered_illegal_keys: raise ValueError('The dataset config sets a value for `hf_name` as well as the ' + f"following keys: {', '.join(discovered_illegal_keys)}.\n" + 'Those keys are used when building from a streaming dataset, but ' + 'setting `hf_name` instructs the dataset to build from a HuggingFace dataset.') elif dataset_cfg.get('remote') is not None: illegal_keys = ['hf_name', 'hf_kwargs', 'preprocessing_fn', 'safe_load'] discovered_illegal_keys = [] for key in illegal_keys: if dataset_cfg.get(key) is not None: discovered_illegal_keys.append('`' + key + '`') if discovered_illegal_keys: raise ValueError('The dataset config sets a value for `remote` as well as the ' + f"following keys: {', '.join(discovered_illegal_keys)}.\n" + 'Those keys are used when building from a HuggingFace dataset, but ' + 'setting `remote` instructs the dataset to build from a streaming dataset.') if dataset_cfg.get('local') is None: raise ValueError('Using a streaming dataset requires setting both `remote` and `local`, ' + 'but dataset.local is None.') elif dataset_cfg.get('streams') is not None: illegal_keys = ['hf_name', 'hf_kwargs', 'preprocessing_fn', 'safe_load'] discovered_illegal_keys = [] for key in illegal_keys: if dataset_cfg.get(key) is not None: discovered_illegal_keys.append('`' + key + '`') if discovered_illegal_keys: raise ValueError('The dataset config sets a value for `streams` as well as the ' + f"following keys: {', '.join(discovered_illegal_keys)}.\n" + 'Those keys are used when building from a HuggingFace dataset, but ' + 'setting `streams` instructs the dataset to build from a streaming dataset.') illegal_keys = ['remote', 'local'] discovered_illegal_keys = [] for key in illegal_keys: if dataset_cfg.get(key) is not None: discovered_illegal_keys.append('`' + key + '`') if discovered_illegal_keys: raise ValueError('The dataset config sets a value for `streams` as well as the ' + f"following keys: {', '.join(discovered_illegal_keys)}.\n" + 'Please either use single stream (set remote/local only) ' + 'or put remote/local under streams') else: raise ValueError('In the dataset config, you must set `hf_name` to use a HuggingFace ' + 'dataset, or set `remote` to use a streaming dataset, or set ' + '`streams` to use multiple streaming datasets, but all were None.') if dataset_cfg.get('max_seq_len') is None: raise ValueError('In the dataset config, you must set the `max_seq_len`') target_responses = str(dataset_cfg.get('target_responses', _DEFAULT_TARGET_RESPONSES)).lower() target_prompts = str(dataset_cfg.get('target_prompts', _DEFAULT_TARGET_PROMPTS)).lower() decoder_only_format = dataset_cfg.decoder_only_format validate_target_settings(target_prompts, target_responses, decoder_only_format) def _download_remote_hf_dataset(remote_path: str, split: str) -> str: """Downloads a dataset from a remote object store. This function supports 'jsonl', 'csv', and 'parquet' file formats for the dataset. It will attempt to download the dataset, then once it is downloaded, convert it into HuggingFace ``datasets`` format, and then return this dataset. The function also ensures synchronicity across multiple processes during the file download. It creates a signal file that is used to synchronize the start of the download across different processes. Once the download is completed, the function removes the signal file. Args: hf_name (str): The path of the HuggingFace dataset to download. split (str): The dataset split to download (e.g., 'train', 'validation', 'test'). Returns: A local directory path where the dataset files are stored. Raises: FileNotFoundError: Raised if the dataset file cannot be found with any of the supported extensions. """ hf_formatted_split = split.replace('-', '_') finetune_dir = os.path.join(DOWNLOADED_FT_DATASETS_DIRPATH, hf_formatted_split if hf_formatted_split != 'data' else 'data_not') os.makedirs(finetune_dir, exist_ok=True) for extension in SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS: name = f"{remote_path.strip('/')}/{split}{extension}" destination = str(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(finetune_dir, 'data', f'{hf_formatted_split}-00000-of-00001{extension}'))) signal_file_path = os.path.join(finetune_dir, f'.node_{dist.get_node_rank()}_local_rank0_completed') if dist.get_local_rank() == 0: try: get_file(path=name, destination=destination, overwrite=True) except FileNotFoundError as e: if extension == SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS[-1]: files_searched = [f'{cfg.dataset.hf_name}/{cfg.dataset.split}{ext}' for ext in SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS] raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not find a file with any of ' + f'the supported extensions: {SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS}\n' + f'at {files_searched}') from e else: log.debug(f'Could not find {name}, looking for another extension') continue os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(signal_file_path), exist_ok=True) with open(signal_file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(b'local_rank0_completed_download') with dist.local_rank_zero_download_and_wait(signal_file_path): dist.barrier() if dist.get_local_rank() == 0: os.remove(signal_file_path) dist.barrier() break return finetune_dir def _build_collate_fn(dataloader_cfg: DictConfig, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, device_batch_size: int) -> Tuple[Union[Seq2SeqFinetuningCollator, BinPackCollator], int]: dataset_cfg = dataloader_cfg.dataset max_seq_len = dataset_cfg.max_seq_len collate_fn = Seq2SeqFinetuningCollator(tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, decoder_only_format=dataset_cfg.decoder_only_format, target_responses=dataset_cfg.get('target_responses', _DEFAULT_TARGET_RESPONSES), target_prompts=dataset_cfg.get('target_prompts', _DEFAULT_TARGET_PROMPTS), allow_pad_trimming=dataset_cfg.get('allow_pad_trimming', False)) packing_ratio = dataset_cfg.get('packing_ratio') max_leftover_bins_to_keep = dataset_cfg.get('max_leftover_bins_to_keep') if packing_ratio is None: if max_leftover_bins_to_keep is not None: raise ValueError('dataset.max_leftover_bins_to_keep has been defined, ' + 'but dataset.packing_ratio has not been set. Please set ' + 'the latter to turn on packing or remove the former from the config.') return (collate_fn, device_batch_size) if packing_ratio == 'auto': packing_ratio = auto_packing_ratio(dataloader_cfg, tokenizer, device_batch_size) if isinstance(packing_ratio, str): raise ValueError('dataset.packing_ratio must be a float or "auto", but it was set to ' + f'{packing_ratio}.')'Using packing ratio {packing_ratio}') if packing_ratio == 1.0: return (collate_fn, device_batch_size) elif packing_ratio < 1.0: raise ValueError('packing_ratio must be >= 1, if supplied') if not dataset_cfg.decoder_only_format: raise NotImplementedError('On-the-fly packing is currently only supported for decoder-only formats.') collate_fn = BinPackCollator(collator=collate_fn, target_batch_size=device_batch_size, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, pad_token_id=tokenizer.pad_token_id, padding_side=tokenizer.padding_side, max_leftover_bins_to_keep=max_leftover_bins_to_keep) n_examples_to_pack = int(device_batch_size * packing_ratio) return (collate_fn, n_examples_to_pack) if __name__ == '__main__': import torch from .utils import build_tokenizer cfg = om.create({'dataset': {'hf_name': 'tatsu-lab/alpaca', 'preprocessing_fn': '', 'split': 'train', 'packing_ratio': 18.0, 'max_seq_len': 2048, 'decoder_only_format': True, 'allow_pad_trimming': False, 'num_canonical_nodes': 472, 'shuffle': True, 'target_responses': 'last', 'target_prompts': 'none'}, 'drop_last': False, 'num_workers': 0, 'pin_memory': False, 'prefetch_factor': None, 'persistent_workers': False, 'timeout': 0}) tokenizer_name = 'EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b' tokenizer_kwargs = {'model_max_length': cfg.dataset.max_seq_len} tokenizer = build_tokenizer(tokenizer_name, tokenizer_kwargs) device_batch_size = 1 dataloader = build_finetuning_dataloader(cfg, tokenizer, device_batch_size).dataloader packing = cfg.dataset.get('packing_ratio') is not None for i, batch in enumerate(dataloader): if i >= 5: break print(f'-----Batch {i}-----') for k, v in batch.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): print(k, v.shape) else: print(k, v) for j in range(device_batch_size): print(f'--- Sample {j} ---') if cfg.dataset.decoder_only_format: if packing: for subseq in range(int(batch['sequence_id'][j].max()) + 1): is_subseq = batch['sequence_id'][j] == subseq print('\x1b[93m{}\x1b[00m\n'.format('INPUT IDS:'), tokenizer.decode(batch['input_ids'][j, torch.logical_and(is_subseq, batch['attention_mask'][j] == 1)], skip_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)) print('\x1b[91m{}\x1b[00m\n'.format('TARGET: '), tokenizer.decode(batch['input_ids'][j, torch.logical_and(is_subseq, batch['labels'][j] != _HF_IGNORE_INDEX)], skip_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)) else: print('\x1b[93m{}\x1b[00m\n'.format('INPUT IDS:'), tokenizer.decode(batch['input_ids'][j, batch['attention_mask'][j] == 1], skip_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)) print('\x1b[91m{}\x1b[00m\n'.format('TARGET: '), tokenizer.decode(batch['input_ids'][j, batch['labels'][j] != _HF_IGNORE_INDEX], skip_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)) else: print('\x1b[92m{}\x1b[00m\n'.format('CONTEXT: '), tokenizer.decode(batch['input_ids'][j, batch['attention_mask'][j] == 1], skip_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)) print('\x1b[91m{}\x1b[00m\n'.format('TARGET: '), tokenizer.decode(batch['labels'][j, batch['decoder_attention_mask'][j] == 1], skip_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)) print(' ')