import os import sys import cv2 import math import copy import modules.scripts as scripts import gradio as gr import numpy as np from PIL import Image from modules import processing, shared, sd_samplers, images, devices, scripts, script_callbacks, modelloader from modules.processing import Processed, process_images, fix_seed, StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img, StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts, state from modules.sd_models import model_hash from modules.paths import models_path from basicsr.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url dd_models_path = os.path.join(models_path, "mmdet") def list_models(model_path): model_list = modelloader.load_models(model_path=model_path, ext_filter=[".pth"]) def modeltitle(path, shorthash): abspath = os.path.abspath(path) if abspath.startswith(model_path): name = abspath.replace(model_path, '') else: name = os.path.basename(path) if name.startswith("\\") or name.startswith("/"): name = name[1:] shortname = os.path.splitext(name.replace("/", "_").replace("\\", "_"))[0] return f'{name} [{shorthash}]', shortname models = [] for filename in model_list: h = model_hash(filename) title, short_model_name = modeltitle(filename, h) models.append(title) return models def startup(): from launch import is_installed, run if not is_installed("mmdet"): python = sys.executable run(f'"{python}" -m pip install -U openmim==0.3.7', desc="Installing openmim", errdesc="Couldn't install openmim") run(f'"{python}" -m mim install mmcv-full==1.7.1', desc=f"Installing mmcv-full", errdesc=f"Couldn't install mmcv-full") run(f'"{python}" -m pip install mmdet==2.28.2', desc=f"Installing mmdet", errdesc=f"Couldn't install mmdet") if (len(list_models(dd_models_path)) == 0): print("No detection models found, downloading...") bbox_path = os.path.join(dd_models_path, "bbox") segm_path = os.path.join(dd_models_path, "segm") load_file_from_url("", bbox_path) load_file_from_url("", bbox_path) load_file_from_url("", segm_path) load_file_from_url("", segm_path) startup() def gr_show(visible=True): return {"visible": visible, "__type__": "update"} class Script(scripts.Script): def title(self): return "ddetailer + sdupscale" def show(self, is_img2img): return not is_img2img def ui(self, is_img2img): import modules.ui sample_list = [ for x in shared.list_samplers()] sample_list.remove('PLMS') sample_list.remove('UniPC') sample_list.remove('DDIM') sample_list.insert(0,"Original") model_list = list_models(dd_models_path) model_list.insert(0, "None") enable_script_names = gr.Textbox(label="Enable Script(Extension)", elem_id="t2i_dd_prompt", value='dynamic_thresholding;dynamic_prompting',show_label=True, lines=1, placeholder="Extension python file name(ex - dynamic_thresholding;dynamic_prompting)") scalevalue = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=16, step=0.5, label='Resize', value=2) overlap = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=256, step=32, label='Tile overlap', value=32) rewidth = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1024, step=64, label='Width', value=512) reheight = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1024, step=64, label='Height', value=512) upscaler_index = gr.Radio(label='Upscaler', choices=[ for x in shared.sd_upscalers], value='R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B', type="index") denoising_strength = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, label='Denoising strength', value=0) upscaler_sample = gr.Dropdown(label='Upscaler Sampling', choices=sample_list, value=sample_list[0], visible=True, type="value") detailer_sample = gr.Dropdown(label='Detailer Sampling', choices=sample_list, value=sample_list[0], visible=True, type="value") ret = [enable_script_names, scalevalue, upscaler_sample, detailer_sample, overlap, upscaler_index, rewidth, reheight, denoising_strength] with gr.Group(): if not is_img2img: with gr.Row(): dd_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="dd_prompt", elem_id="t2i_dd_prompt", show_label=False, lines=3, placeholder="Ddetailer Prompt") with gr.Row(): dd_neg_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="dd_neg_prompt", elem_id="t2i_dd_neg_prompt", show_label=False, lines=2, placeholder="Ddetailer Negative prompt") with gr.Row(): dd_model_a = gr.Dropdown(label="Primary detection model (A)", choices=model_list,value = model_list[2], visible=True, type="value") with gr.Row(): dd_conf_a = gr.Slider(label='Detection confidence threshold % (A)', minimum=0, maximum=100, step=1, value=30, visible=True) dd_dilation_factor_a = gr.Slider(label='Dilation factor (A)', minimum=0, maximum=255, step=1, value=20, visible=True) with gr.Row(): dd_offset_x_a = gr.Slider(label='X offset (A)', minimum=-200, maximum=200, step=1, value=0, visible=True) dd_offset_y_a = gr.Slider(label='Y offset (A)', minimum=-200, maximum=200, step=1, value=0, visible=True) with gr.Row(): dd_bitwise_op = gr.Radio(label='Bitwise operation', choices=['None', 'A&B', 'A-B'], value="A&B", visible=True) br = gr.HTML("
") with gr.Group(): with gr.Row(): dd_model_b = gr.Dropdown(label="Secondary detection model (B) (optional)", choices=model_list,value = model_list[1], visible =True, type="value") with gr.Row(): dd_conf_b = gr.Slider(label='Detection confidence threshold % (B)', minimum=0, maximum=100, step=1, value=30, visible=True) dd_dilation_factor_b = gr.Slider(label='Dilation factor (B)', minimum=0, maximum=255, step=1, value=10, visible=True) with gr.Row(): dd_offset_x_b = gr.Slider(label='X offset (B)', minimum=-200, maximum=200, step=1, value=0, visible=True) dd_offset_y_b = gr.Slider(label='Y offset (B)', minimum=-200, maximum=200, step=1, value=0, visible=True) with gr.Group(): with gr.Row(): dd_mask_blur = gr.Slider(label='Mask blur ', minimum=0, maximum=64, step=1, value=4, visible=(not is_img2img)) dd_denoising_strength = gr.Slider(label='Denoising strength (Inpaint)', minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, value=0.4, visible=(not is_img2img)) with gr.Row(): dd_inpaint_full_res = gr.Checkbox(label='Inpaint at full resolution ', value=True, visible = (not is_img2img)) dd_inpaint_full_res_padding = gr.Slider(label='Inpaint at full resolution padding, pixels ', minimum=0, maximum=256, step=4, value=32, visible=(not is_img2img)) dd_model_a.change( lambda modelname: { dd_model_b:gr_show( modelname != "None" ), dd_conf_a:gr_show( modelname != "None" ), dd_dilation_factor_a:gr_show( modelname != "None"), dd_offset_x_a:gr_show( modelname != "None" ), dd_offset_y_a:gr_show( modelname != "None" ) }, inputs= [dd_model_a], outputs =[dd_model_b, dd_conf_a, dd_dilation_factor_a, dd_offset_x_a, dd_offset_y_a] ) dd_model_b.change( lambda modelname: { dd_bitwise_op:gr_show( modelname != "None" ), dd_conf_b:gr_show( modelname != "None" ), dd_dilation_factor_b:gr_show( modelname != "None"), dd_offset_x_b:gr_show( modelname != "None" ), dd_offset_y_b:gr_show( modelname != "None" ) }, inputs= [dd_model_b], outputs =[dd_bitwise_op, dd_conf_b, dd_dilation_factor_b, dd_offset_x_b, dd_offset_y_b] ) ret += [dd_model_a, dd_conf_a, dd_dilation_factor_a, dd_offset_x_a, dd_offset_y_a, dd_bitwise_op, br, dd_model_b, dd_conf_b, dd_dilation_factor_b, dd_offset_x_b, dd_offset_y_b, dd_mask_blur, dd_denoising_strength, dd_inpaint_full_res, dd_inpaint_full_res_padding ] if not is_img2img: ret += [dd_prompt, dd_neg_prompt] return ret def run(self, p, enable_script_names, scalevalue, upscaler_sample, detailer_sample, overlap, upscaler_index, rewidth, reheight, denoising_strength, dd_model_a, dd_conf_a, dd_dilation_factor_a, dd_offset_x_a, dd_offset_y_a, dd_bitwise_op, br, dd_model_b, dd_conf_b, dd_dilation_factor_b, dd_offset_x_b, dd_offset_y_b, dd_mask_blur, dd_denoising_strength, dd_inpaint_full_res, dd_inpaint_full_res_padding, dd_prompt=None, dd_neg_prompt=None): processing.fix_seed(p) initial_info = [] initial_prompt = [] initial_negative = [] p.batch_size = 1 ddetail_count = p.n_iter p.n_iter = 1 p.do_not_save_grid = True p.do_not_save_samples = True p_txt = p i2i_sample = '' if detailer_sample == 'Original': i2i_sample = 'Euler' if p_txt.sampler_name in ['PLMS', 'UniPC', 'DDIM'] else p_txt.sampler_name else: i2i_sample = detailer_sample p = StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img( init_images = None, resize_mode = 0, denoising_strength = dd_denoising_strength, mask = None, mask_blur= dd_mask_blur, inpainting_fill = 1, inpaint_full_res = dd_inpaint_full_res, inpaint_full_res_padding= dd_inpaint_full_res_padding, inpainting_mask_invert= 0, sd_model=p_txt.sd_model, outpath_samples=p_txt.outpath_samples, outpath_grids=p_txt.outpath_grids, prompt='', negative_prompt='', styles=p_txt.styles, seed=p_txt.seed, subseed=p_txt.subseed, subseed_strength=p_txt.subseed_strength, seed_resize_from_h=p_txt.seed_resize_from_h, seed_resize_from_w=p_txt.seed_resize_from_w, sampler_name=i2i_sample, n_iter=p_txt.n_iter, steps=p_txt.steps, cfg_scale=p_txt.cfg_scale, width=p_txt.width, height=p_txt.height, tiling=p_txt.tiling, ) p.do_not_save_grid = True p.do_not_save_samples = True p.override_settings = {} if upscaler_sample == 'Original': i2i_sample = 'Euler' if p_txt.sampler_name in ['PLMS', 'UniPC', 'DDIM'] else p_txt.sampler_name else: i2i_sample = upscaler_sample p2 = StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img( sd_model=p_txt.sd_model, outpath_samples=p_txt.outpath_samples, outpath_grids=p_txt.outpath_grids, prompt='', negative_prompt='', styles=p_txt.styles, seed=p_txt.seed, subseed=p_txt.subseed, subseed_strength=p_txt.subseed_strength, seed_resize_from_h=p_txt.seed_resize_from_h, seed_resize_from_w=p_txt.seed_resize_from_w, seed_enable_extras=True, sampler_name=i2i_sample, batch_size=1, n_iter=1, steps=p_txt.steps, cfg_scale=p_txt.cfg_scale, width=rewidth, height=reheight, restore_faces=p_txt.restore_faces, tiling=p_txt.tiling, init_images=[], mask=None, mask_blur=dd_mask_blur, inpainting_fill=1, resize_mode=0, denoising_strength=denoising_strength, inpaint_full_res=dd_inpaint_full_res, inpaint_full_res_padding=dd_inpaint_full_res_padding, inpainting_mask_invert=0, ) p2.do_not_save_grid = True p2.do_not_save_samples = True p2.override_settings = {} upscaler = shared.sd_upscalers[upscaler_index] script_names_list = [x.strip()+'.py' for x in enable_script_names.split(';') if len(x) > 1] processing.fix_seed(p2) seed = p_txt.seed p_txt.scripts.scripts = [x for x in p_txt.scripts.scripts if os.path.basename(x.filename) not in [__file__]] t2i_scripts = p_txt.scripts.scripts.copy() i2i_scripts = [x for x in t2i_scripts if os.path.basename(x.filename) in script_names_list] t2i_scripts_always = p_txt.scripts.alwayson_scripts.copy() i2i_scripts_always = [x for x in t2i_scripts_always if os.path.basename(x.filename) in script_names_list] p.scripts = p_txt.scripts p.script_args = p_txt.script_args p2.scripts = p_txt.scripts p2.script_args = p_txt.script_args p_txt.extra_generation_params["Tile upscale value"] = scalevalue p_txt.extra_generation_params["Tile upscale width"] = rewidth p_txt.extra_generation_params["Tile upscale height"] = reheight p_txt.extra_generation_params["Tile upscale overlap"] = overlap p_txt.extra_generation_params["Tile upscale upscaler"] = print(f"DDetailer {p.width}x{p.height}.") output_images = [] result_images = [] state.job_count += ddetail_count for n in range(ddetail_count): devices.torch_gc() start_seed = seed + n print(f"Processing initial image for output generation {n + 1} (T2I).") p_txt.seed = start_seed p_txt.scripts.scripts = t2i_scripts p_txt.scripts.alwayson_scripts = t2i_scripts_always processed = processing.process_images(p_txt) initial_info.append( posi, nega = processed.all_prompts[0], processed.all_negative_prompts[0] initial_prompt.append(posi) initial_negative.append(nega) p.prompt = posi if not dd_prompt else dd_prompt p.negative_prompt = nega if not dd_neg_prompt else dd_neg_prompt init_image = processed.images[0] output_images.append(init_image) masks_a = [] # Primary run if (dd_model_a != "None"): label_a = "A" if (dd_model_b != "None" and dd_bitwise_op != "None"): label_a = dd_bitwise_op results_a = inference(init_image, dd_model_a, dd_conf_a/100.0, label_a) masks_a = create_segmasks(results_a) masks_a = dilate_masks(masks_a, dd_dilation_factor_a, 1) masks_a = offset_masks(masks_a,dd_offset_x_a, dd_offset_y_a) if (dd_model_b != "None" and dd_bitwise_op != "None"): label_b = "B" results_b = inference(init_image, dd_model_b, dd_conf_b/100.0, label_b) masks_b = create_segmasks(results_b) masks_b = dilate_masks(masks_b, dd_dilation_factor_b, 1) masks_b = offset_masks(masks_b,dd_offset_x_b, dd_offset_y_b) if (len(masks_b) > 0): combined_mask_b = combine_masks(masks_b) for i in reversed(range(len(masks_a))): if (dd_bitwise_op == "A&B"): masks_a[i] = bitwise_and_masks(masks_a[i], combined_mask_b) elif (dd_bitwise_op == "A-B"): masks_a[i] = subtract_masks(masks_a[i], combined_mask_b) if (is_allblack(masks_a[i])): del masks_a[i] for result in results_a: del result[i] else: print("No model B detections to overlap with model A masks") results_a = [] masks_a = [] if (len(masks_a) > 0): results_a = update_result_masks(results_a, masks_a) gen_count = len(masks_a) state.job_count += gen_count print(f"Processing {gen_count} model {label_a} detections for output generation {n + 1} (I2I).") p.seed = start_seed p.init_images = [init_image] for i in range(gen_count): p.image_mask = masks_a[i] p.scripts.scripts = i2i_scripts p.scripts.alwayson_scripts = i2i_scripts_always processed = processing.process_images(p) p.seed = processed.seed + 1 p.init_images = processed.images if (gen_count > 0): output_images[n] = processed.images[0] else: print(f"No model {label_a} detections for output generation {n} with current settings.") state.job = f"Generation {n + 1} out of {state.job_count} DDetailer" p2.init_images = [output_images[n]] p2.prompt = initial_prompt[n] p2.negative_prompt = initial_negative[n] init_img = output_images[n] if( != "None"): img = upscaler.scaler.upscale(init_img, scalevalue, upscaler.data_path) else: img = init_img devices.torch_gc() grid = images.split_grid(img, tile_w=rewidth, tile_h=reheight, overlap=overlap) batch_size = p2.batch_size work = [] for y, h, row in grid.tiles: for tiledata in row: work.append(tiledata[2]) batch_count = math.ceil(len(work) / batch_size) state.job_count += batch_count print(f"Tile upscaling will process a total of {len(work)} images tiled as {len(grid.tiles[0][2])}x{len(grid.tiles)} per upscale in a total of {state.job_count} batches (I2I).") p2.seed = start_seed work_results = [] for i in range(batch_count): p2.batch_size = batch_size p2.init_images = work[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] state.job = f"Batch {i + 1 + n * batch_count} out of {state.job_count}" p2.scripts.scripts = i2i_scripts p2.scripts.alwayson_scripts = i2i_scripts_always processed = processing.process_images(p2) p2.seed = processed.seed + 1 work_results += processed.images image_index = 0 for y, h, row in grid.tiles: for tiledata in row: tiledata[2] = work_results[image_index] if image_index < len(work_results) else"RGB", (rewidth, reheight)) image_index += 1 combined_image = images.combine_grid(grid) result_images.append(combined_image) images.save_image(combined_image, p.outpath_samples, "", start_seed, initial_prompt[n], opts.samples_format, info=initial_info[n], p=p_txt) return Processed(p_txt, result_images, start_seed, initial_info[0], all_prompts=initial_prompt, all_negative_prompts=initial_negative, infotexts=initial_info) def modeldataset(model_shortname): path = modelpath(model_shortname) if ("mmdet" in path and "segm" in path): dataset = 'coco' else: dataset = 'bbox' return dataset def modelpath(model_shortname): model_list = modelloader.load_models(model_path=dd_models_path, ext_filter=[".pth"]) model_h = model_shortname.split("[")[-1].split("]")[0] for path in model_list: if ( model_hash(path) == model_h): return path def update_result_masks(results, masks): for i in range(len(masks)): boolmask = np.array(masks[i], dtype=bool) results[2][i] = boolmask return results def is_allblack(mask): cv2_mask = np.array(mask) return cv2.countNonZero(cv2_mask) == 0 def bitwise_and_masks(mask1, mask2): cv2_mask1 = np.array(mask1) cv2_mask2 = np.array(mask2) cv2_mask = cv2.bitwise_and(cv2_mask1, cv2_mask2) mask = Image.fromarray(cv2_mask) return mask def subtract_masks(mask1, mask2): cv2_mask1 = np.array(mask1) cv2_mask2 = np.array(mask2) cv2_mask = cv2.subtract(cv2_mask1, cv2_mask2) mask = Image.fromarray(cv2_mask) return mask def dilate_masks(masks, dilation_factor, iter=1): if dilation_factor == 0: return masks dilated_masks = [] kernel = np.ones((dilation_factor,dilation_factor), np.uint8) for i in range(len(masks)): cv2_mask = np.array(masks[i]) dilated_mask = cv2.dilate(cv2_mask, kernel, iter) dilated_masks.append(Image.fromarray(dilated_mask)) return dilated_masks def offset_masks(masks, offset_x, offset_y): if (offset_x == 0 and offset_y == 0): return masks offset_masks = [] for i in range(len(masks)): cv2_mask = np.array(masks[i]) offset_mask = cv2_mask.copy() offset_mask = np.roll(offset_mask, -offset_y, axis=0) offset_mask = np.roll(offset_mask, offset_x, axis=1) offset_masks.append(Image.fromarray(offset_mask)) return offset_masks def combine_masks(masks): initial_cv2_mask = np.array(masks[0]) combined_cv2_mask = initial_cv2_mask for i in range(1, len(masks)): cv2_mask = np.array(masks[i]) combined_cv2_mask = cv2.bitwise_or(combined_cv2_mask, cv2_mask) combined_mask = Image.fromarray(combined_cv2_mask) return combined_mask def create_segmasks(results): segms = results[2] segmasks = [] for i in range(len(segms)): cv2_mask = segms[i].astype(np.uint8) * 255 mask = Image.fromarray(cv2_mask) segmasks.append(mask) return segmasks import mmcv from mmdet.core import get_classes from mmdet.apis import (inference_detector, init_detector) def get_device(): device_id = shared.cmd_opts.device_id if device_id is not None: cuda_device = f"cuda:{device_id}" else: cuda_device = "cpu" return cuda_device def inference(image, modelname, conf_thres, label): path = modelpath(modelname) if ( "mmdet" in path and "bbox" in path ): results = inference_mmdet_bbox(image, modelname, conf_thres, label) elif ( "mmdet" in path and "segm" in path): results = inference_mmdet_segm(image, modelname, conf_thres, label) return results def inference_mmdet_segm(image, modelname, conf_thres, label): model_checkpoint = modelpath(modelname) model_config = os.path.splitext(model_checkpoint)[0] + ".py" model_device = get_device() model = init_detector(model_config, model_checkpoint, device=model_device) mmdet_results = inference_detector(model, np.array(image)) bbox_results, segm_results = mmdet_results dataset = modeldataset(modelname) classes = get_classes(dataset) labels = [ np.full(bbox.shape[0], i, dtype=np.int32) for i, bbox in enumerate(bbox_results) ] n,m = bbox_results[0].shape if (n == 0): return [[],[],[]] labels = np.concatenate(labels) bboxes = np.vstack(bbox_results) segms = mmcv.concat_list(segm_results) filter_inds = np.where(bboxes[:,-1] > conf_thres)[0] results = [[],[],[]] for i in filter_inds: results[0].append(label + "-" + classes[labels[i]]) results[1].append(bboxes[i]) results[2].append(segms[i]) return results def inference_mmdet_bbox(image, modelname, conf_thres, label): model_checkpoint = modelpath(modelname) model_config = os.path.splitext(model_checkpoint)[0] + ".py" model_device = get_device() model = init_detector(model_config, model_checkpoint, device=model_device) results = inference_detector(model, np.array(image)) cv2_image = np.array(image) cv2_image = cv2_image[:, :, ::-1].copy() cv2_gray = cv2.cvtColor(cv2_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) segms = [] for (x0, y0, x1, y1, conf) in results[0]: cv2_mask = np.zeros((cv2_gray.shape), np.uint8) cv2.rectangle(cv2_mask, (int(x0), int(y0)), (int(x1), int(y1)), 255, -1) cv2_mask_bool = cv2_mask.astype(bool) segms.append(cv2_mask_bool) n,m = results[0].shape if (n == 0): return [[],[],[]] bboxes = np.vstack(results[0]) filter_inds = np.where(bboxes[:,-1] > conf_thres)[0] results = [[],[],[]] for i in filter_inds: results[0].append(label) results[1].append(bboxes[i]) results[2].append(segms[i]) return results