Noa Roggendorff


AI & ML interests

Large language models, Illusion Diffusion, Stable Diffusion, Stable Video Diffusion



nroggendorff's activity

posted an update 2 days ago
replied to their post 6 days ago
replied to their post 6 days ago
posted an update 6 days ago
replied to their post 9 days ago
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I mean like replacing the binary data with decimals, so I could store a message

for example,
The letter "J" would be 74

replied to their post 10 days ago
replied to their post 10 days ago
replied to their post 10 days ago
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we seek that fucking delete form of any subscribing to your platorm ; it is not ficking possible make it so ; because CEO I'll fuck you up personaly big time if you can't fucking get real

What is wrong with you

replied to their post 10 days ago
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where is the delete account button ? we d\wish not to read hiilbillies


replied to their post 10 days ago
replied to their post 10 days ago
posted an update 10 days ago
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I'm about to start storing files in my TFLOPS count..
posted an update 16 days ago
replied to their post 22 days ago
posted an update 22 days ago
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I wish I had a cheaper and more appreciated by the masses hobby.
replied to their post 29 days ago
posted an update 29 days ago
posted an update about 1 month ago
posted an update about 1 month ago
posted an update about 1 month ago