--- library_name: sklearn tags: - sklearn - skops - tabular-classification model_format: skops model_file: classifier.skops widget: - structuredData: distanceTssMean: - 0.005956897512078285 - 0.0535997599363327 - 0.0007216916419565678 distanceTssMinimum: - 0.00023104190768208355 - 0.008684908039867878 - 0.0 eqtlColocClppMaximum: - 0.0 - 0.0 - 2.9394341254374012e-05 eqtlColocClppMaximumNeighborhood: - -1.0844675302505493 - 0.0 - -2.4551262855529785 eqtlColocLlrMaximum: - 0.0 - 0.0 - -5.864833831787109 eqtlColocLlrMaximumNeighborhood: - 0.6375470161437988 - 0.0 - -0.6227747797966003 pqtlColocClppMaximum: - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 pqtlColocClppMaximumNeighborhood: - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 pqtlColocLlrMaximum: - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 pqtlColocLlrMaximumNeighborhood: - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 sqtlColocClppMaximum: - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 sqtlColocClppMaximumNeighborhood: - -1.75723135471344 - 0.0 - -3.7946090698242188 sqtlColocLlrMaximum: - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 sqtlColocLlrMaximumNeighborhood: - 0.5101715922355652 - 0.0 - 0.5695658922195435 studyLocusId: - -3543201973216145411 - -4859077617144690060 - -870008257560905822 tuqtlColocClppMaximum: - 0.014770692214369774 - 0.0 - 0.0 tuqtlColocClppMaximumNeighborhood: - -2.5447564125061035 - 0.0 - -2.497274160385132 tuqtlColocLlrMaximum: - 2.057318925857544 - 0.0 - 0.0 tuqtlColocLlrMaximumNeighborhood: - 0.35586467385292053 - 0.0 - -0.7435243129730225 vepMaximum: - 0.003306703409180045 - 0.0 - 5.660330498358235e-05 vepMaximumNeighborhood: - 0.005385574419051409 - 0.0 - 0.026831166818737984 vepMean: - 0.001106836018152535 - 0.0 - 1.4581254617951345e-05 vepMeanNeighborhood: - 0.0007926996913738549 - 0.0 - 0.00018241332145407796 --- # Model description The locus-to-gene (L2G) model derives features to prioritise likely causal genes at each GWAS locus based on genetic and functional genomics features. The main categories of predictive features are: - Distance: (from credible set variants to gene) - Molecular QTL Colocalization - Chromatin Interaction: (e.g., promoter-capture Hi-C) - Variant Pathogenicity: (from VEP) More information at: https://opentargets.github.io/gentropy/python_api/methods/l2g/_l2g/ ## Intended uses & limitations [More Information Needed] ## Training Procedure Gradient Boosting Classifier ### Hyperparameters
Click to expand | Hyperparameter | Value | |--------------------------|--------------| | ccp_alpha | 0.0 | | criterion | friedman_mse | | init | | | learning_rate | 0.1 | | loss | log_loss | | max_depth | 5 | | max_features | | | max_leaf_nodes | | | min_impurity_decrease | 0.0 | | min_samples_leaf | 1 | | min_samples_split | 2 | | min_weight_fraction_leaf | 0.0 | | n_estimators | 100 | | n_iter_no_change | | | random_state | 42 | | subsample | 1.0 | | tol | 0.0001 | | validation_fraction | 0.1 | | verbose | 0 | | warm_start | False |
# How to Get Started with the Model To use the model, you can load it using the `LocusToGeneModel.load_from_hub` method. This will return a `LocusToGeneModel` object that can be used to make predictions on a feature matrix. The model can then be used to make predictions using the `predict` method. More information can be found at: https://opentargets.github.io/gentropy/python_api/methods/l2g/model/ # Citation https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-021-00945-5 # License MIT