--- language: - en tags: - BERTicelli - exbert - text classification - abusive language - hate speech - offensive language license: apache-2.0 datasets: - bookcorpus - wikipedia - OLID v1.0 --- [Mona Allaert](https://github.com/MonaDT) • [Leonardo Grotti](https://github.com/corvusMidnight) • [Patrick Quick](https://github.com/patrickquick) ## Model description BERTicelli is an English pre-trained BERT model obtained by further training the [English BERT base cased model](https://github.com/google-research/bert) with the training data from [Offensive Language Identification Dataset (OLID)](https://scholar.harvard.edu/malmasi/olid). This model was developed for the NLP Shared Task in the Digital Text Analysis program at the University of Antwerp (2021–2022).