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posted an update May 21
Microsoft Just Launched 3 Powerful Models

1. Phi 3 Medium (4k and 128k): A 14b Instruct tuned models that outperformed big models like Command R+ (104b), GPT 3.5 Pro, Gemini Pro, and is highly competitive with top models such as Mixtral 8x22b, Llama3 70B, and GPT 4.
DEMO: Walmart-the-bag/Phi-3-Medium

2. Phi 3 Mini Vision 128k: A 4.5 billion-parameter, instruction-tuned vision model that has outperformed models such as Llava3 and Claude 3, and is providing stiff competition to Gemini 1Pro Vision.

3. Phi3 Small (8k and 128k): Better than Llama3 8b, Mixtral 8x7b and GPT 3.5 turbo.

The vision model is pretty good. 🀣


Lots of restrictions by Microsoft.
But some people gonna remove restrictions 🀣.

The metrics are quite impressive

Phi 3 Vision bugs when more than 1 image is uploaded...

i want to learn to build ai like you. please let me know where to start! my email id: [email protected]


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