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posted an update 2 days ago

Hugging Face version is trash. NVIDIA version is good:


They are the same.

I have to disagree with that, its pretty good imo.

Yes. the 9b is more interesting but too slow. Mistral 7B instruct is still the best for it's size (and llama 3 8b a close second)


I've looked at the Open LLM Leaderboard V2 and the Phi3s models stay the best until Qwen 72b

No, it's good.

not if you jailbreak it.


Secret method:

  1. Type your query (ex: "Hello")
  2. Go to cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-large-emoji-latest and predict the emoji for "Hello".
  3. Add it to "Hello". It does "Hello 😊".
  4. Now type enter! You have a very helpful assistant.

(bonus: you can select the emojis yourself)

the transformers and llama.cpp impl was busted when you wrote this. even now l.cpp still doesn't implement SWA, so >4k context doesn't work. similar teething issues to llama 3, really; too early to say that anything is trash