from typing import Optional import torch import time from pathlib import Path import json from sentencepiece import SentencePieceProcessor from tqdm import tqdm from model import ModelArgs, Transformer class LLaMA: def __init__(self, model: Transformer, tokenizer: SentencePieceProcessor, model_args: ModelArgs): self.model = model self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.args = model_args @staticmethod def build(checkpoints_dir: str, tokenizer_path: str, load_model: bool, max_seq_len: int, max_batch_size: int, device: str): prev_time = time.time() if load_model: checkpoints = sorted(Path(checkpoints_dir).glob("*.pth")) assert len(checkpoints) > 0, f"no checkpoint files found in {checkpoints_dir}" ckpt_path = checkpoints[0] print(f'Loading checkpoint "{ckpt_path}"') checkpoint = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location="cpu") print(f"Loaded checkpoint in {time.time() - prev_time:.2f}s") prev_time = time.time() with open(Path(checkpoints_dir) / "params.json", "r") as f: params = json.loads( model_args: ModelArgs = ModelArgs( max_seq_len=max_seq_len, max_batch_size=max_batch_size, device=device, **params ) tokenizer = SentencePieceProcessor() tokenizer.load(tokenizer_path) model_args.vocab_size = tokenizer.vocab_size() if device == "cuda": torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.cuda.HalfTensor) else: torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.BFloat16Tensor) model = Transformer(model_args).to(device) if load_model: # The only unmatched key in the checkpoint is rope.freqs. Remove it del checkpoint['rope.freqs'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint, strict=True) print(f"Loaded state dict in {time.time() - prev_time:.2f}s") return LLaMA(model, tokenizer, model_args) def text_completion(self, prompts: list[str], temperature: float = 0.6, top_p: float = 0.9, max_gen_len: Optional[int] = None): if max_gen_len is None: max_gen_len = self.args.max_seq_len - 1 # Convert each prompt into tokens prompt_tokens = [self.tokenizer.encode(prompt, out_type=int, add_bos=True, add_eos=False) for prompt in prompts] # Make sure the batch size is not too large batch_size = len(prompt_tokens) assert batch_size <= self.args.max_batch_size, f"batch size must be less than or equal to {self.args.max_batch_size}" max_prompt_len = max(len(prompt) for prompt in prompt_tokens) # Make sure the prompt length is not larger than the maximum sequence length assert max_prompt_len <= self.args.max_seq_len, f"prompt length must be less than or equal to {self.args.max_seq_len}" total_len = min(self.args.max_seq_len, max_gen_len + max_prompt_len) # Create the list that will contain the generated tokens, along with the initial prompt tokens pad_id = self.tokenizer.pad_id() tokens = torch.full((batch_size, total_len), pad_id, dtype=torch.long, device=device) for k, t in enumerate(prompt_tokens): # Populate the initial tokens with the prompt tokens tokens[k, : len(t)] = torch.tensor(t, dtype=torch.long, device=device) eos_reached = torch.tensor([False] * batch_size, device=device) prompt_tokens_mask = tokens != pad_id # True if the token is a prompt token, False otherwise cur_iterator = tqdm(range(1, total_len), desc="Generating tokens") for cur_pos in cur_iterator: with torch.no_grad(): logits = self.model.forward(tokens[:, cur_pos-1:cur_pos], cur_pos) if temperature > 0: # The temperature is applied before the softmax probs = torch.softmax(logits[:, -1] / temperature, dim=-1) next_token = self._sample_top_p(probs, top_p) else: # Greedily select the token with the max probability next_token = torch.argmax(logits[:, -1], dim=-1) next_token = next_token.reshape(-1) # Only replace token if it is a padding token next_token = torch.where(prompt_tokens_mask[:, cur_pos], tokens[:, cur_pos], next_token) tokens[:, cur_pos] = next_token # EOS is reached only if we found an EOS token for a padding position eos_reached |= (~prompt_tokens_mask[:, cur_pos]) & (next_token == self.tokenizer.eos_id) if all(eos_reached): break out_tokens = [] out_text = [] for prompt_index, current_prompt_tokens in enumerate(tokens.tolist()): # Cut to the EOS token, if present if self.tokenizer.eos_id in current_prompt_tokens: eos_idx = current_prompt_tokens.index(self.tokenizer.eos_id) current_prompt_tokens = current_prompt_tokens[:eos_idx] out_tokens.append(current_prompt_tokens) out_text.append(self.tokenizer.decode(current_prompt_tokens)) return (out_tokens, out_text) def _sample_top_p(self, probs, p): # (B, vocab_size) probs_sort, probs_idx = torch.sort(probs, dim=-1, descending=True) # (B, vocab_size) probs_sum = torch.cumsum(probs_sort, dim=-1) # (B, vocab_size) # (Substracting "probs_sort" shifts the cumulative sum by 1 position to the right before masking) mask = probs_sum - probs_sort > p # Zero out all the probabilities of tokens that are not selected by the Top P probs_sort[mask] = 0.0 # Redistribute the probabilities so that they sum up to 1. probs_sort.div_(probs_sort.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)) # Sample a token (its index) from the top p distribution next_token = torch.multinomial(probs_sort, num_samples=1) # Get the token position in the vocabulary corresponding to the sampled index next_token = torch.gather(probs_idx, -1, next_token) return next_token if __name__ == '__main__': torch.manual_seed(0) allow_cuda = False device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() and allow_cuda else 'cpu' prompts = [ "Simply put, the theory of relativity states that ", "If Google was an Italian company founded in Milan, it would", # Few shot promt """Translate English to French: sea otter => loutre de mer peppermint => menthe poivrée plush girafe => girafe peluche cheese =>""", # Zero shot prompt """Tell me if the following person is actually Doraemon disguised as human: Name: Umar Jamil Decision: """ ] model = checkpoints_dir='llama-2-7b/', tokenizer_path='tokenizer.model', load_model=True, max_seq_len=1024, max_batch_size=len(prompts), device=device ) out_tokens, out_texts = (model.text_completion(prompts, max_gen_len=64)) assert len(out_texts) == len(prompts) for i in range(len(out_texts)): print(f'{out_texts[i]}') print('-' * 50)