from typing import Optional, List import math import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import Conv1d, ConvTranspose1d from torch.nn import functional as F from torch.nn.utils import remove_weight_norm, weight_norm from .generators import SineGenerator from .residuals import ResBlock1, ResBlock2, LRELU_SLOPE from .utils import call_weight_data_normal_if_Conv class SourceModuleHnNSF(torch.nn.Module): """SourceModule for hn-nsf SourceModule(sampling_rate, harmonic_num=0, sine_amp=0.1, add_noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshod=0) sampling_rate: sampling_rate in Hz harmonic_num: number of harmonic above F0 (default: 0) sine_amp: amplitude of sine source signal (default: 0.1) add_noise_std: std of additive Gaussian noise (default: 0.003) note that amplitude of noise in unvoiced is decided by sine_amp voiced_threshold: threhold to set U/V given F0 (default: 0) Sine_source, noise_source = SourceModuleHnNSF(F0_sampled) F0_sampled (batchsize, length, 1) Sine_source (batchsize, length, 1) noise_source (batchsize, length 1) uv (batchsize, length, 1) """ def __init__( self, sampling_rate: int, harmonic_num: int = 0, sine_amp: float = 0.1, add_noise_std: float = 0.003, voiced_threshod: int = 0, ): super(SourceModuleHnNSF, self).__init__() self.sine_amp = sine_amp self.noise_std = add_noise_std # to produce sine waveforms self.l_sin_gen = SineGenerator( sampling_rate, harmonic_num, sine_amp, add_noise_std, voiced_threshod ) # to merge source harmonics into a single excitation self.l_linear = torch.nn.Linear(harmonic_num + 1, 1) self.l_tanh = torch.nn.Tanh() def __call__(self, x: torch.Tensor, upp: int = 1) -> torch.Tensor: return super().__call__(x, upp=upp) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, upp: int = 1) -> torch.Tensor: sine_wavs, _, _ = self.l_sin_gen(x, upp) sine_wavs = sine_merge: torch.Tensor = self.l_tanh(self.l_linear(sine_wavs)) return sine_merge # , None, None # noise, uv class NSFGenerator(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, initial_channel: int, resblock: str, resblock_kernel_sizes: List[int], resblock_dilation_sizes: List[List[int]], upsample_rates: List[int], upsample_initial_channel: int, upsample_kernel_sizes: List[int], gin_channels: int, sr: int, ): super(NSFGenerator, self).__init__() self.num_kernels = len(resblock_kernel_sizes) self.num_upsamples = len(upsample_rates) self.f0_upsamp = torch.nn.Upsample( self.m_source = SourceModuleHnNSF(sampling_rate=sr, harmonic_num=0) self.noise_convs = nn.ModuleList() self.conv_pre = Conv1d( initial_channel, upsample_initial_channel, 7, 1, padding=3 ) resblock = ResBlock1 if resblock == "1" else ResBlock2 = nn.ModuleList() for i, (u, k) in enumerate(zip(upsample_rates, upsample_kernel_sizes)): c_cur = upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1)) weight_norm( ConvTranspose1d( upsample_initial_channel // (2**i), upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1)), k, u, padding=(k - u) // 2, ) ) ) if i + 1 < len(upsample_rates): stride_f0 =[i + 1 :]) self.noise_convs.append( Conv1d( 1, c_cur, kernel_size=stride_f0 * 2, stride=stride_f0, padding=stride_f0 // 2, ) ) else: self.noise_convs.append(Conv1d(1, c_cur, kernel_size=1)) self.resblocks = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(len( ch: int = upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1)) for j, (k, d) in enumerate( zip(resblock_kernel_sizes, resblock_dilation_sizes) ): self.resblocks.append(resblock(ch, k, d)) self.conv_post = Conv1d(ch, 1, 7, 1, padding=3, bias=False) if gin_channels != 0: self.cond = nn.Conv1d(gin_channels, upsample_initial_channel, 1) self.upp = self.lrelu_slope = LRELU_SLOPE def __call__( self, x: torch.Tensor, f0: torch.Tensor, g: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, n_res: Optional[int] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: return super().__call__(x, f0, g=g, n_res=n_res) def forward( self, x: torch.Tensor, f0: torch.Tensor, g: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, n_res: Optional[int] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: har_source = self.m_source(f0, self.upp) har_source = har_source.transpose(1, 2) if n_res is not None: n_res = int(n_res) if n_res * self.upp != har_source.shape[-1]: har_source = F.interpolate( har_source, size=n_res * self.upp, mode="linear" ) if n_res != x.shape[-1]: x = F.interpolate(x, size=n_res, mode="linear") x = self.conv_pre(x) if g is not None: x = x + self.cond(g) # torch.jit.script() does not support direct indexing of torch modules # That's why I wrote this for i, (ups, noise_convs) in enumerate(zip(, self.noise_convs)): if i < self.num_upsamples: x = F.leaky_relu(x, self.lrelu_slope) x = ups(x) x_source = noise_convs(har_source) x = x + x_source xs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None l = [i * self.num_kernels + j for j in range(self.num_kernels)] for j, resblock in enumerate(self.resblocks): if j in l: if xs is None: xs = resblock(x) else: xs += resblock(x) # This assertion cannot be ignored! \ # If ignored, it will cause torch.jit.script() compilation errors assert isinstance(xs, torch.Tensor) x = xs / self.num_kernels x = F.leaky_relu(x) x = self.conv_post(x) x = torch.tanh(x) return x def remove_weight_norm(self): for l in remove_weight_norm(l) for l in self.resblocks: l.remove_weight_norm() def __prepare_scriptable__(self): for l in for hook in l._forward_pre_hooks.values(): # The hook we want to remove is an instance of WeightNorm class, so # normally we would do `if isinstance(...)` but this class is not accessible # because of shadowing, so we check the module name directly. # if ( hook.__module__ == "torch.nn.utils.weight_norm" and hook.__class__.__name__ == "WeightNorm" ): torch.nn.utils.remove_weight_norm(l) for l in self.resblocks: for hook in self.resblocks._forward_pre_hooks.values(): if ( hook.__module__ == "torch.nn.utils.weight_norm" and hook.__class__.__name__ == "WeightNorm" ): torch.nn.utils.remove_weight_norm(l) return self