# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2024 OSU Natural Language Processing Group # # Licensed under the OpenRAIL-S License; # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.licenses.ai/ai-pubs-open-rails-vz1 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re import asyncio from difflib import SequenceMatcher from playwright.sync_api import Playwright, expect, sync_playwright # from playwright.async_api import async_playwright from pathlib import Path import toml import os import traceback async def normal_launch_async(playwright: Playwright,headless=False,args=None): browser = await playwright.chromium.launch( traces_dir=None, headless=False, args=args, # ignore_default_args=ignore_args, # chromium_sandbox=False, ) return browser async def normal_new_context_async( browser, storage_state=None, har_path=None, video_path=None, tracing=False, trace_screenshots=False, trace_snapshots=False, trace_sources=False, locale=None, geolocation=None, user_agent: str = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", viewport: dict = {"width": 1280, "height": 720}, ): context = await browser.new_context( storage_state=storage_state, user_agent=user_agent, viewport=viewport, locale=locale, record_har_path=har_path, record_video_dir=video_path, geolocation=geolocation, ) if tracing: await context.tracing.start(screenshots=trace_screenshots, snapshots=trace_snapshots, sources=trace_sources) return context # # def persistent_launch(playwright: Playwright, user_data_dir: str = ""): # context = playwright.chromium.launch_persistent_context( # user_data_dir=user_data_dir, # headless=False, # args=["--no-default-browser-check", # "--no_sandbox", # "--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled", # ], # ignore_default_args=ignore_args, # user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", # viewport={"width": 1280, "height": 720}, # bypass_csp=True, # slow_mo=1000, # chromium_sandbox=True, # channel="chrome-dev" # ) # return context # # async def persistent_launch_async(playwright: Playwright, user_data_dir: str = "", record_video_dir="video"): # context = await playwright.chromium.launch_persistent_context( # user_data_dir=user_data_dir, # headless=False, # args=[ # "--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled", # ], # ignore_default_args=ignore_args, # user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", # # viewport={"width": 1280, "height": 720}, # record_video_dir=record_video_dir, # channel="chrome-dev" # # slow_mo=1000, # ) # return context def remove_extra_eol(text): # Replace EOL symbols text = text.replace('\n', ' ') return re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', text) def get_first_line(s): first_line = s.split('\n')[0] tokens = first_line.split() if len(tokens) > 8: return ' '.join(tokens[:8]) + '...' else: return first_line async def get_element_description(element, tag_name, role_value, type_value): ''' Asynchronously generates a descriptive text for a web element based on its tag type. Handles various HTML elements like 'select', 'input', and 'textarea', extracting attributes and content relevant to accessibility and interaction. ''' # text_content = await element.inner_text(timeout=0) # text = (text_content or '').strip() # # print(text) salient_attributes = [ "alt", "aria-describedby", "aria-label", "aria-role", "input-checked", # "input-value", "label", "name", "option_selected", "placeholder", "readonly", "text-value", "title", "value", ] parent_value = "parent_node: " parent_locator = element.locator('xpath=..') num_parents = await parent_locator.count() if num_parents > 0: # only will be zero or one parent node parent_text = (await parent_locator.inner_text(timeout=0) or "").strip() if parent_text: parent_value += parent_text parent_value = remove_extra_eol(get_first_line(parent_value)).strip() if parent_value == "parent_node:": parent_value = "" else: parent_value += " " if tag_name == "select": text1 = "Selected Options: " text3 = " - Options: " text2 = await element.evaluate( "select => select.options[select.selectedIndex].textContent", timeout=0 ) if text2: options = await element.evaluate("select => Array.from(select.options).map(option => option.text)", timeout=0) text4 = " | ".join(options) if not text4: text4 = await element.text_content(timeout=0) if not text4: text4 = await element.inner_text(timeout=0) return parent_value+text1 + remove_extra_eol(text2.strip()) + text3 + text4 input_value = "" none_input_type = ["submit", "reset", "checkbox", "radio", "button", "file"] if tag_name == "input" or tag_name == "textarea": if role_value not in none_input_type and type_value not in none_input_type: text1 = "input value=" text2 = await element.input_value(timeout=0) if text2: input_value = text1 + "\"" + text2 + "\"" + " " text_content = await element.text_content(timeout=0) text = (text_content or '').strip() # print(text) if text: text = remove_extra_eol(text) if len(text) > 80: text_content_in = await element.inner_text(timeout=0) text_in = (text_content_in or '').strip() if text_in: return input_value + remove_extra_eol(text_in) else: return input_value + text # get salient_attributes text1 = "" for attr in salient_attributes: attribute_value = await element.get_attribute(attr, timeout=0) if attribute_value: text1 += f"{attr}=" + "\"" + attribute_value.strip() + "\"" + " " text = (parent_value + text1).strip() if text: return input_value + remove_extra_eol(text.strip()) # try to get from the first child node first_child_locator = element.locator('xpath=./child::*[1]') num_childs = await first_child_locator.count() if num_childs>0: for attr in salient_attributes: attribute_value = await first_child_locator.get_attribute(attr, timeout=0) if attribute_value: text1 += f"{attr}=" + "\"" + attribute_value.strip() + "\"" + " " text = (parent_value + text1).strip() if text: return input_value + remove_extra_eol(text.strip()) return None async def get_element_data(element, tag_name,viewport_size,seen_elements=[],coordinates=None): try: tag_name_list = ['a', 'button', 'input', 'select', 'textarea', 'adc-tab'] rect = await element.bounding_box() or {'x': -1, 'y': -1, 'width': 0, 'height': 0} if rect['x']<0 or rect['y']<0 or rect['width']<=4 or rect['height']<=4 or rect['y']+rect['height']>viewport_size["height"] or rect['x']+ rect['width']>viewport_size["width"]: return None if coordinates is not None: if coordinates[0]>=rect['x'] and coordinates[0]<=rect['x']+rect['width'] and coordinates[1]>=rect['y'] and coordinates[1]<=rect['y']+rect['height']: print(coordinates) print(rect) else: return None box_model = [rect['x'], rect['y'], rect['x'] + rect['width'], rect['y'] + rect['height']] center_point = (round((box_model[0] + box_model[2]) / 2 , 3), round((box_model[1] + box_model[3]) / 2 , 3)) if await element.is_hidden(timeout=0) or await element.is_disabled(timeout=0): return None if center_point in seen_elements: return None # await aprint(element,tag_name) if tag_name in tag_name_list: tag_head = tag_name real_tag_name = tag_name else: real_tag_name = await element.evaluate("element => element.tagName.toLowerCase()", timeout=0) if real_tag_name in tag_name_list: # already detected return None else: tag_head = real_tag_name text_element = ['p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'td', "div","em","center","strong","b","i","small","mark","abbr","cite","q","blockquote","span","nobr"] if real_tag_name in text_element: return None role_value = await element.get_attribute('role', timeout=0) type_value = await element.get_attribute('type', timeout=0) # await aprint("start to get element description",element,tag_name ) description = await get_element_description(element, real_tag_name, role_value, type_value) # print(description) if not description: return None if role_value: tag_head += " role=" + "\"" + role_value + "\"" if type_value: tag_head += " type=" + "\"" + type_value + "\"" ''' 0: center_point =(x,y) 1: description 2: tag_with_role: tag_head with role and type # TODO: Consider adding more 3. box 4. selector 5. tag ''' selector = element if coordinates is not None: if coordinates[0]>=rect['x'] and coordinates[0]<=rect['x']+rect['width'] and coordinates[1]>=rect['y'] and coordinates[1]<=rect['y']+rect['height']: print(tag_head) print(description) print(box_model) else: return None return {"center_point":center_point,"description":description,"tag_with_role":tag_head,"box":box_model,"selector":selector,"tag":real_tag_name} # return [center_point, description, tag_head, box_model, selector, real_tag_name] except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) print(e) return None async def get_interactive_elements_with_playwright(page,viewport_size,coordinates=None): print("Get Interactive elements around: ", coordinates) interactive_elements_selectors = [ 'a', 'button', 'input', 'select', 'textarea', ] seen_elements = set() tasks = [] for selector in interactive_elements_selectors: locator = page.locator(selector) element_count = await locator.count() for index in range(element_count): element = locator.nth(index) tag_name = selector task = get_element_data(element, tag_name,viewport_size,seen_elements=[],coordinates=coordinates) tasks.append(task) results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) interactive_elements = [] for i in results: if i: if i["center_point"] in seen_elements: continue else: seen_elements.add(i["center_point"]) interactive_elements.append(i) # interactive_elements_selectors = [ # '*' # ] # tasks = [] # # for selector in interactive_elements_selectors: # locator = page.locator(selector) # element_count = await locator.count() # for index in range(element_count): # element = locator.nth(index) # tag_name = selector # task = get_element_data(element, tag_name, viewport_size,seen_elements,coordinates) # # tasks.append(task) # # results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # # # for i in results: # if i: # if i["center_point"] in seen_elements: # continue # else: # seen_elements.add(i["center_point"]) # interactive_elements.append(i) return interactive_elements async def get_select_elements_with_playwright(page,viewport_size): interactive_elements_selectors = [ 'select' ] seen_elements = set() tasks = [] for selector in interactive_elements_selectors: locator = page.locator(selector) element_count = await locator.count() for index in range(element_count): element = locator.nth(index) tag_name = selector task = get_element_data(element, tag_name,viewport_size,seen_elements=[],coordinates=None) tasks.append(task) results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) interactive_elements = [] for i in results: if i: if i["center_point"] in seen_elements: continue else: seen_elements.add(i["center_point"]) interactive_elements.append(i) return interactive_elements async def select_option(selector, value): best_option = [-1, "", -1] for i in range(await selector.locator("option").count()): option = await selector.locator("option").nth(i).inner_text() similarity = SequenceMatcher(None, option, value).ratio() if similarity > best_option[2]: best_option = [i, option, similarity] await selector.select_option(index=best_option[0], timeout=10000) return remove_extra_eol(best_option[1]).strip() def saveconfig(config, save_file): """ config is a dictionary. save_path: saving path include file name. """ if isinstance(save_file, str): save_file = Path(save_file) if isinstance(config, dict): with open(save_file, 'w') as f: config_without_key = config config_without_key["openai"]["api_key"] = "Your API key here" toml.dump(config_without_key, f) else: os.system(" ".join(["cp", str(config), str(save_file)]))