import json import time import os from datetime import datetime import gradio as gr import requests url = os.environ.get('URL') def process_and_render(prompt, name, type, gender, nationality, min_age, max_age, major, interest): payload = { "prompt": prompt, "name": name, "type": type, "gender": gender, "nationality": nationality, "min_age": min_age, "max_age": max_age, "major": major, "interest": interest } response =, json=payload) if response.status_code == 200: print("Success!") # print(response.json()) return response.json()['data'] else: print(f"Failed with status code: {response.status_code}") print(response.text) return response.text with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("# SNU Buddy Spring 2024 Search Engine") prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Enter your prompt", placeholder="Who is the most out going?") with gr.Row(): name = gr.Textbox(label="Name") type = gr.CheckboxGroup(label="Student Type", choices=["SNU", "Exchange"]) gender = gr.CheckboxGroup(label="Gender", choices=["Male", "Female"]) with gr.Row(): min_age = gr.Number(label="Minimum Age", value=0) max_age = gr.Number(label="Maximum Age", value=100) with gr.Row(): nationality = gr.CheckboxGroup(label="Nationality", choices=["South Korea", "United States of America", "Australia", "Canada", "China", "France", "Germany", "Ireland", "Japan", "New Zealand", "Norway", "Singapore", "Sweden", "Switzerland", "United Kingdom"]) major = gr.CheckboxGroup(label="Major", choices=["Asia", "Art", "Business", "Bio", "Computer Science", "Economics", "Engineering", "Film", "History", "International", "Korea", "Law", "Linguistics", "Math", "Media", "Medicine", "Philosophy", "Politic"]) interest = gr.Textbox(label="Interests & Hobbies (Separate each keyword with a comma)", placeholder="sports, music, movie") submit = gr.Button("Search") html_output = gr.HTML() # Output as HTML, inputs=[prompt, name, type, gender, nationality, min_age, max_age, major, interest], outputs=[html_output]) # This line is key for generating a public URL demo.launch()