## OmniLMM-12B > OmniLMM-12B is released at early time of this project. We recommond you to use our [recently released models](./README_en.md), for better performance and efficiency. > Archieve at: 2024-05-19 **OmniLMM-12B** is the most capable version. The model is built based on EVA02-5B and Zephyr-7B-β, connected with a perceiver resampler layer, and trained on multimodal data in a curriculum fashion. The model has three notable features: - 🔥 **Strong Performance.** OmniLMM-12B achieves **leading performance** among models with comparable sizes, surpassing established LMMs on multiple benchmarks (including MME, MMBench, SEED-Bench, etc). The model also endows rich multi-modal world knowledge. - 🏆 **Trustworthy Behavior.** LMMs are known for suffering from hallucination, often generating text that is not factually grounded in images (e.g., faithfully describing non-existing objects in images). OmniLMM-12B is **the first state-of-the-art open-source LMM aligned via multimodal RLHF for trustworthy behavior** (using the recent [RLHF-V](https://rlhf-v.github.io/) technique). It **ranks #1** among open-source models on [MMHal-Bench](https://huggingface.co/datasets/Shengcao1006/MMHal-Bench), and **outperforms GPT-4V** on [Object HalBench](https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.00849). - 🕹 **Real-time Multimodal Interaction.** We combine the OmniLMM-12B and GPT-3.5 (text-only) into a **real-time multimodal interactive assistant**. The assistant accepts video streams from the camera and speech streams from the microphone and emits speech output. While still primary, we find the model can **replicate some of the fun cases shown in the Gemini Demo video, without any video edition**. ### Evaluation
Click to view results on MME, MMBench, MMMU, MMBench, MMHal-Bench, Object HalBench, SeedBench, LLaVA Bench, MathVista.
Model Size MME MMB dev (en) MMMU val MMHal-Bench Object HalBench SeedBench-I MathVista LLaVA Bench
GPT-4V† - 1771.5 75.1 56.8 3.53 / 70.8 86.4 / 92.7 71.6 47.8 93.1
Qwen-VL-Plus† - 2183.4 66.2 45.2 - - 65.7 36.0 73.7
Yi-VL 6B 6.7B 1915.1 68.6 40.3 - - 67.5 28.8 51.9
Qwen-VL-Chat 9.6B 1860.0 60.6 35.9 2.93 / 59.4 56.2 / 80.0 64.8 33.8 67.7
CogVLM-Chat 17.4B 1736.6 63.7 32.1 2.68 / 52.1 73.6 / 87.4 68.8 34.7 73.9
LLaVA 1.5 13.6B 1808.4 68.2 36.4 2.71 / 51.0 53.7 / 77.4 68.1 26.4 64.6
OmniLMM-12B 11.6B 1935.8 71.6 40.7 3.45 / 68.8 90.3 / 95.5 71.1 34.9 72.0
†: Proprietary models
### Examples

We combine the OmniLMM-12B and GPT-3.5 (text-only) into a **real-time multimodal interactive assistant**. Video frames are described in text using OmniLMM-12B, and ChatGPT 3.5 (text-only) is employed to generate response according to the descriptions and user prompts. The demo video is a raw recording without edition.
### Model Zoo | Model | Description | Download Link | |:----------------------|:-------------------|:---------------:| | OmniLMM-12B | The most capable version with leading performance. | [🤗](https://huggingface.co/openbmb/OmniLMM-12B)    [](https://modelscope.cn/models/OpenBMB/OmniLMM-12B/files) |