import os, sys import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(page_title="Pricing for scalar and binary embeddings", page_icon=":floppy-disk:", layout="wide", menu_items={'Report a bug': ""}) kb2gb = 1024**3 #Conversion memory # MAIN st.title("***Pricing model with scalar and binary embeddings***") st.write("***Akim Mousterou*** (April 2024) *[LinkedIn](, [HuggingFace](, and [GitHub](*") st.write("*The real democratization of AI can only be achieved by a powerful open-source ecosystem and low prices for memory/GPU usage. Thanks to quantization, we can say bye to float32, and hello binary! Compression-friendly embedding models implemented in int8 and binary can save up to x4 and x32 of memory, storage, and, costs. To achieve X32 compute efficiency and retain ∼96% of retrieval performance, the binary quantization is powered by the normalization of embedding values (either 0 or 1), the calculation of Hamming Distance with only 2 CPU runtimes, and the application of ReRank step of [Yamada et al (2021)]( Scalar and binary embeddings revealed great retrieval efficiency with just a minimal degradation of performance, perfect for NLP downstream tasks, semantic search, recommendation systems, and retrieval-augmented generation solutions.*") st.divider() ### col1, col2 = st.columns([1,1]) with col1: cloud_price = st.slider("Price of the instance: *From 0 to 20 (default $3.8 per GB/mo estimated on x2gd instances on AWS)* ", 0.0,20.00,3.8) with col2: docs = st.slider("Number of vector embeddings: *From 100M to 1 Billion (default 250M)*", 100000000,1000000000,250000000, step=10000000) #Defaul 250M st.divider() ### col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10 = st.columns([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]) with col3: st.write("***Embedding dimension***") with col4: st.write("***Memory usage in Gb***") with col5: st.write("***Price on a monthly basis***") with col6: st.write("***Price on a yearly basis***") with col7: st.write("***Int8 memory*** (div. by 4)") with col8: st.write("***Int8 price*** (div. by 4)") with col9: st.write("***Binary memory*** (div. by 32)") with col10: st.write("***Binary price*** (div. by 32)") col11, col12, col13, col14, col15, col16, col17, col18 = st.columns([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]) with col11: st.write("***384***") st.write("***512***") st.write("***768***") st.write("***1024***") st.write("***1536***") st.write("***2048***") st.write("***3072***") st.write("***4096***") with col12: dim_1 = ((384 * 4) * docs) / kb2gb st.write(str(round(dim_1, 2)) + " GB") dim_2 = ((512 * 4) * docs) / kb2gb r = st.write(str(round(dim_2, 2)) + " GB") dim_3 = ((768 * 4) * docs) / kb2gb r = st.write(str(round(dim_3, 2)) + " GB") dim_4 = ((1024 * 4) * docs) / kb2gb r = st.write(str(round(dim_4, 2)) + " GB") dim_5 = ((1536 * 4) * docs) / kb2gb r = st.write(str(round(dim_5, 2)) + " GB") dim_6 = ((2048 * 4) * docs) / kb2gb r = st.write(str(round(dim_6, 2)) + " GB") dim_7 = ((3072 * 4) * docs) / kb2gb r = st.write(str(round(dim_7, 2)) + " GB") dim_8 = ((4096 * 4) * docs) / kb2gb r = st.write(str(round(dim_8, 2)) + " GB") with col13: price_month_1 = dim_1 * cloud_price st.write(str(round(price_month_1, 2)) + " $") price_month_2 = dim_2 * cloud_price st.write(str(round(price_month_2, 2)) + " $") price_month_3 = dim_3 * cloud_price st.write(str(round(price_month_3, 2)) + " $") price_month_4 = dim_4 * cloud_price st.write(str(round(price_month_4, 2)) + " $") price_month_5 = dim_5 * cloud_price st.write(str(round(price_month_5, 2)) + " $") price_month_6 = dim_6 * cloud_price st.write(str(round(price_month_6, 2)) + " $") price_month_7 = dim_7 * cloud_price st.write(str(round(price_month_7, 2)) + " $") price_month_8 = dim_8 * cloud_price st.write(str(round(price_month_8, 2)) + " $") with col14: price_year_1 = price_month_1 * 12 st.write(str(round(price_year_1, 2)) + " $") price_year_2 = price_month_2 * 12 st.write(str(round(price_year_2, 2)) + " $") price_year_3 = price_month_3 * 12 st.write(str(round(price_year_3, 2)) + " $") price_year_4 = price_month_4 * 12 st.write(str(round(price_year_4, 2)) + " $") price_year_5 = price_month_5 * 12 st.write(str(round(price_year_5, 2)) + " $") price_year_6 = price_month_6 * 12 st.write(str(round(price_year_6, 2)) + " $") price_year_7 = price_month_7 * 12 st.write(str(round(price_year_7, 2)) + " $") price_year_8 = price_month_8 * 12 st.write(str(round(price_year_8, 2)) + " $") with col15: int8_mem_1 = dim_1 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_mem_1, 2)) + " GB") int8_mem_2 = dim_2 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_mem_2, 2)) + " GB") int8_mem_3 = dim_3 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_mem_3, 2)) + " GB") int8_mem_4 = dim_4 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_mem_4, 2)) + " GB") int8_mem_5 = dim_5 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_mem_5, 2)) + " GB") int8_mem_6 = dim_6 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_mem_6, 2)) + " GB") int8_mem_7 = dim_7 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_mem_7, 2)) + " GB") int8_mem_8 = dim_8 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_mem_8, 2)) + " GB") with col16: int8_price_1 = price_month_1 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_price_1, 2)) + " $") int8_price_2 = price_month_2 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_price_2, 2)) + " $") int8_price_3 = price_month_3 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_price_3, 2)) + " $") int8_price_4 = price_month_4 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_price_4, 2)) + " $") int8_price_5 = price_month_5 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_price_5, 2)) + " $") int8_price_6 = price_month_6 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_price_6, 2)) + " $") int8_price_7 = price_month_7 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_price_7, 2)) + " $") int8_price_8 = price_month_8 / 4 st.write(str(round(int8_price_8, 2)) + " $") with col17: binary_mem_1 = dim_1 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_mem_1, 2)) + " GB") binary_mem_2 = dim_2 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_mem_2, 2)) + " GB") binary_mem_3 = dim_3 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_mem_3, 2)) + " GB") binary_mem_4 = dim_4 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_mem_4, 2)) + " GB") binary_mem_5 = dim_5 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_mem_5, 2)) + " GB") binary_mem_6 = dim_6 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_mem_6, 2)) + " GB") binary_mem_7 = dim_7 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_mem_7, 2)) + " GB") binary_mem_8 = dim_8 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_mem_8, 2)) + " GB") with col18: binary_price_1 = price_month_1 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_price_1, 2)) + " $") binary_price_2 = price_month_2 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_price_2, 2)) + " $") binary_price_3 = price_month_3 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_price_3, 2)) + " $") binary_price_4 = price_month_4 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_price_4, 2)) + " $") binary_price_5 = price_month_5 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_price_5, 2)) + " $") binary_price_6 = price_month_6 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_price_6, 2)) + " $") binary_price_7 = price_month_7 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_price_7, 2)) + " $") binary_price_8 = price_month_8 / 32 st.write(str(round(binary_price_8, 2)) + " $") st.write('***Disclaimer:*** *The financial projections below are based on ["Cohere int8 & binary Embeddings - Scale Your Vector Database to Large Datasets"]( by Nils Reimers of [Cohere]( The cost of the index and the metadata might not have been factored in the calculus.*') st.divider() ### st.write("***- Open-source vector databases for Scalar and binary quantization:***") col19, col20 = st.columns([1,1]) with col19: st.write("- [FAISS]( from :flag-us:") st.write("- [VESPA AI]( from :flag-no:") st.write("- [Pgvector]( from :flag-us:") st.write("- [Milvus]( from :flag-cn:") st.write("- [Usearch]( from :flag-us:") with col20: st.write("- [Qdrant]( from :flag-de:") st.write("- []( from :flag-cn:") st.write("- [TencentVectorDB]( from :flag-cn:") st.write("- [BinaryVectorDB]( from :flag-ca:") st.write("- [Weaviate]( from :flag-de:") st.divider() ### st.write("***- For further readings:***") st.write("- [Billion-scale similarity search with GPUs](") st.write("- [Efficient Passage Retrieval with Hashing for Open-domain Question Answering](") st.write("- [Matryoshka Representation Learning](") st.write("- [Incorporating Relevance Feedback for Information-Seeking Retrieval using Few-Shot Document Re-Ranking](") st.write("- [Binary Embedding-based Retrieval at Tencent](") st.divider() ### st.write("***Akim Mousterou*** (April 2024) *[LinkedIn](, [HuggingFace](, and [GitHub](*")